YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY A DESCRIPTION OF New England OR, THE OBSERVATIONS AND DISCOVERIES OF - Captain John Smith, (admiral of that country), IN THE NORTH OF AMERICA, IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1614, WITH THE SUCCESS OF SIX SHIPS THAT WENT THE NEXT YEAR, 1615, AND THE ACCIDENTS THAT BEFELL HIM AMONG THE FRENCH MEN-OF-WAR; WITH THE PROOF OF THE PRESENT BENEFIT THIS COUNTRY AFFORDS, WHITHER THIS PRESENT YEAR, 1616, EIGHT VOLUNTARY SHIPS ARE GONE TO MAKE FURTHER TRIAL. At LONDON : Printed by HUMFREY LOWNES for ROBERT CLERKE, and are to be sold at his house, called the Lodge, in Chancery lane, over against Lincolnes Inn. 1616. NO 13 MAY 1898 COLONIAL TRACTS Published by GEORGE P HUMPHREY ROCHESTER N Y The Genesee Press : The Post Express Printing Com pan v Rochester, N. Y. TO THE HIGH, HOPEFUL CHARLES, PRINCE OF GREAT BRITAIN. Sir: SO favorable was your most renowned and memorable brother, Prince Henry, to all generous designs, that in my dis covery of Virginia I presumed to call two nameless headlands, after my sovereign's heirs, Cape Henry and Cape Charles. Since then, it being my chance to range some other parts of America, whereof I here present your highness the description in a map, my humble sure is you would please to change their barbarous names for such English, as posterity may say Prince Charles was their godfather. What here in this relation I promise my country, let me live or die the slave of scorn and infamy if, having means, I make it not apparent ; please God to bless me but from such accidents as are beyond my power and reason to prevent. For my labors I desire but such con ditions as were promised me out of the gains, and that your highness would deign to grace this work by your princely and favorable respect unto it, and know me to be Your highness' true and faithful servant, John Smith. IV. TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE AND WORTHY LORDS, KNIGHTS, AND GENTLEMEN OF HIS MAJESTY'S COUNCIL FOR ALL PLANTATIONS AND DISCOVERIES, ESPECIALLY OF NEW ENGLAND. C EEING the deeds of the most just and the writings of the '*-' most wise, not only of men but of God himself, have been diversely traduced by variable judgments of the times' opinionists, what shall such an ignorant as I expect ? Yet, reposing myself on your favors, I present this rude discourse to the world's construction, though 1 am persuaded that few do think there may be had from New England staple commodities well worth three or four hundred thousand pounds a year, with so small charge and such facility as this discourse will acquaint you. But, lest your honors, that know me not, should think I go by hearsay or affections, 1 entreat your pardons to say thus much of myself: Near twice nine years I have been taught by lamentable experience, as well in Europe and Asia as Africa and America, such honest adventures as the chance of war doth cast upon poor soldiers. So that, if I be not able to judge of what 1 have seen, contrived, and done, it is not the fault either of my eyes or forequarters. And these nine years I have bent my endeavors to find a sure foundation to begin these ensuing projects, which, though I never so plainly and seriously propound, yet it resteth in God and you still to dispose of. Not doubting but your goodness will pardon my rudeness and ponder errors in the balance of good will ; no more : but sacrificing all my best abilities to the good of my prince and country, and submitting myself to the exquisite judgment of your renowned virtue, I ever rest, Your honors' in all honest service, J. S. V. TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL ADVENTURERS FOR THE COUNTRY OF NEW ENGLAND IN THE CITIES OF LONDON, BRISTOW, EXETER, PLYMOUTH, DARTMOUTH, BASTABLE, TOTNEYS, ETC., AND IN ALL OTHER CITIES AND PORTS IN THE KINGDOM OF ENGLAND. IF the little ant and the silly bee seek by their diligence the good of their commonwealth, much more ought man. If they punish the drones and sting them steal their labor, then blame not man. Little honey hath that hive where there are more drones than bees, and miserable is that land where more are idle than well employed. If the endeavors of those vermin be acceptable, I hope mine may be excusable, though 1 confess it were more proper for me to be doing what 1 say than writing what 1 know. Had 1 returned rich I could not have erred ; now, having only such fish as came to my net, I must be taxed. But I would my taxers were as ready to adventure their purses, as I purse, life, and all I have, or as diligent to furnish the charge as I know they are vigilent to crop the fruits of my labors. Then would 1 not doubt, did God please I might safely arrive in New England and safely return, but to perform somewhat more than I have promised, and approve my words by deeds according to proportion. I am not the first hath been betrayed by pirates, and four men-of-war, provided as they were, had been sufficient to have taken Sampson, Hercules, and Alexander the Great, no other way furnished than I was. I know not what assurance any have do pass the seas not to be subject to casualty as well as myself, but lest this disaster may hinder my proceedings, or ill-will by rumor the behoveful work I pretend, I have writ this little, which 1 did think to have concealed from any public use till 1 had made my returns speak as much as my pen now doth. But because I speak so much of fishing, if any take me for such a devout fisher, as 1 dream of naught else, they mistake me. I know a ring of gold from a grain of barley as well as a goldsmith, and nothing is there to be had which fishing doth hinder but further us to obtain. Now, for that I have made known unto you a fit place for plantation, limited within the bounds of your patent and commission, having also received means, power, and authority by your directions to plant there a colony and make further search and discovery in those parts, there yet unknown, considering, withal, first those of his majesty's council, then those cities above named and divers others that have been moved to lend their assistance to so great a work, do expect (especially the adventurers) the true relation or event of my proceedings which I hear are so abused. I am enforced for all these respects rather to expose my imbe cility to contempt by the testimony of these rude lines, than all should condemn me for so bad a factor as could neither give reason nor account of my actions and designs. Yours to command, John Smith. IN THE DESERVED HONOR OF THE AUTHOR, CAPTAIN SMITH, AND HIS WORK. Damn'd Envy is a sprite that ever haunts Beasts, misnamed men, cowards, or ignorants. But, only such she follows whose dear worth Mauger her malice, sets their glory forth. If this fair overture, then, take not, it Is Envy's spite, dear friend, in men of wit, Or fear lest morsels, which our mouths possess, Might fall from thence ; or else, 'tis Scottishness. If either (I hope neither) thee they raise, Thy* letters are as letters in thy praise, Who, by their vice, improve (when they reprove) Thy virtue, so, in hate, procure thee love. Then, on firm worth, this monument I frame, Scorning for any Smith to forge such fame. *Hinderers. JO. DAVIES, Heref. TO HIS WORTHY CAPTAIN, THE AUTHOR. That which we call the subject of all story Is Truth, which in this work of thine gives glory To all that thou hast done. Then, scorn the spite Of Envy, which doth no man's merits right. iVly sword may help the rest, my pen no more Can do but this ; I 've said enough before. Your sometime soldier, J. CODRINTON, Now Templar. Till. TO MY WORTHY FRIEND AND COUSIN, CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH. It overjoys my heart, when as thy words Of these designs, with deeds I do compare. Here is a book, such worthy truth affords, None should the due desert thereof impair ; Sith thou, the man, deserving of these ages, Much pain hast ta'en for this our kingdom's good, In climes unknown, 'mongst Turks and savages, To enlarge our bounds, though with thy loss of blood. Hence, damn'd Detraction, stand not 'n our way, Envy itself will not the truth gainsay. N. SMITH. TO THAT WORTHY AND GENEROUS GENTLEMAN, MY VERY GOOD FRIEND, CAPTAIN SMITH. May Fate thy prospect prosper, that thy name May be eternized with living fame ; Though foul detraction honor would pervert, And Envy ever waits upon desert ; In spite of Pelias, when his hate lies cold, Return as Jason with a fleece of gold. Then after ages shall record thy praise, That a New England to this isle didst raise ; And when thou diest (as all that live must die), Thy fame live here ; thou, with eternity. R. GUNNELL. TO HIS FRIEND, CAPT. SMITH, UPON HIS DESCRIPTION OF NEW ENGLAND. Sir, your relations I have read, which show There 's reason I should honor them and you ; And if their meaning I have understood, I dare to censure thus : your project's good, And may, if followed, doubtless quit the pain With honor, pleasure, and a triple gain, Beside the benefit that shall arise To make more happy our posterities. For would we deign to spare, though 't were no more Than what o'erfills and surfeits us in store, To order Nature's fruitfulness a while In that rude garden, you New England style ; With present good there 's hope in after days, Thence to repair what time and pride decays In this rich kingdom. And the spacious West Being still more with English blood possessed, The proud Iberians shall not rule those seas, To check our ships from sailing where they please ; Nor future times make any foreign power Become so great to force a bound to our. Much good my mind foretells would follow hence With little labor and with less expense. Thrive, therefore, thy design, whoe'er envy, England may joy in England's colony, Virginia seek her virgin sister's good, Be blessed in such happy neighborhood ; Or, whatsoe'r Fate pleaseth to permit, Be thou still honored for first moving it. George Wither, e societate Lincols. IN THE DESERVED HONOR OF MY HONEST AND WORTHY CAPTAIN, JOHN SMITH, AND HIS WORK. Captain and friend, when I peruse thy book, With judgment's eyes, into thy heart I look, And there I find, what sometimes Albion knew, A soldier, to his country's honor true. Some fight for wealth, and some for empty praise, But thou alone thy country's fame to raise. With due discretion and undaunted heart, I oft so well have seen thee act thy part, In deepest plunge of hard extremity, As forced the troops of proudest foes to fly. Though men of greater rank and less desert Would pish away thy praise, it cannot start From the true owner, for all good men's tongues Shall keep the same ; to them that part belongs. If, then, wit, courage, and success should get Thee fame, the muse for that is in thy debt, A part whereof, least able though I be, Thus here I do disburse to honor thee. RAWLY CROSHAW. XI. • MICHAEL PHETTIPLACE, WILLIAM PHETTIPLACE, AND RICHARD WIFFING, GENTLEMEN, AND SOLDIERS UNDER CAPTAIN SMITH'S COMMAND, IN HIS DESERVED HONOR FOR HIS WORK AND WORTH. Why may not we in this work have our mite, That had our share in each black day and night, When thou Virginia's soil yet kept'st unstained, And held'st the king of Paspeheh enchained ; Thou all alone in savage stern didst take. Pamunkes' king we saw thee captive make Among seven hundred of his stoutest men, To murder thee and us resolved ; when Fast by the hand thou ledst this savage grim, Thy pistol at his breast to govern him ; Which did infuse such awe in all the rest, Sith their dread sovereign thou hadst so distressed, That thou and we, poor sixteen, safe retired Unto our helpless ships. Thou, thus admired, Didst make proud Powhatan his subjects send To James, his town, thy censure to attend ; And all Virginia's lords and petty kings, Awed by thy virtue, crouch, and presents bring To gain thy grace, so dreaded thou hast been ; And yet a heart more mild is seldom seen, So, making valor virtue, really, Who hast naught in thee counterfeit or sly, If, in the sleight, be not the truest art That makes men famoused for fair desert. Who saith of thee this savors of vainglory, Mistake both thee and us and this true story. If it be ill in thee so well to do, Then is it ill in us to praise thee too ? But if the first be well done, it is well To say it doth, if so it doth, excel. Praise is the guerdon of each dear desert, Making the praised act the praised part With more alacrity. Honor's square is praise, Without which it, regardless, soon decays ; And for this pains of thine we praise thee rather That future times may know who was the father Of this rare work, New England, which may bring Praise to thy God and profit to thy king. DECAUSE the book was printed ere the prince, his highness, "-* had altered the names, 1 entreat the reader peruse this schedule, which will plainly show him the correspondence of the old names to the new. THE OLD NAMES. Cape Cod, Chawum,Accomac,Sagoquas, Massachusetts Mount, Massachusetts River, Totant,A country not discovered, Naemkeck, Cape Trabigzanda, Aggawom, Smith's Isles, Passataquack, Accominticus, Sassanowes Mount, Sowocatuck, Bahana, Aucociscos Mount, Aucocisco, Aumoughcawgen, Kinebeck, Sagadahock, Pemmaquid. Monahigan, Segocket, Matinnack,Metinnicus, Mecadacut, Penobscot, Nusket, Cape James. Milford Haven. Barwick.Plimouth. Oxford. Cheuit Hill. Charles River. Fawmouth.Bristow.Bastable. Cape Anne. Southampton.Smith's Isles. Hull.Boston.Snodon Hill. Ipswitch. Dartmouth. Sandwich. Shooters Hill. The Base. Cambridge. Edenborough. Leeth. S. Johnstowne. Barties Isles. Norwich. Willowby's Isles. Hoghton's Isles. Dunbarton. Abordeen. Lowmonds. voL.. COLONIAL TRACTS No i A DESCRIPTION OF NEW ENGLAND, BY CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH. IN the month of April, 1614, with two ships from London of a few merchants, 1 chanced to arrive in New England, a part of America, at the Isle of Monahiggan, in 43^ ^ ^ of northerly latitude; our plot was there to take voyaJfto whales and make trials of a mine of gold and copper. If those failed, fish and furs were then our refuge, to make our selves savers howsoever. We found this whale - fishing a costly conclusion ; we saw many, and spent much time in chasing them, but could not kill any, they being a kind of jubartes, and not the whale that yields fins and oil, as we expected. For our gold, it was rather the master's device to get a voyage that projected it, than any knowledge he had at all of any such matter. Fish and furs were now our guard, and by our late arrival and long lingering about the whale, the prime of both those seasons was passed ere we perceived it, we thinking that their seasons served at all times ; but we found it otherwise, for by the midst of June the fishing failed. Yet in July and August some were taken, but not sufficient to defray so great a charge as our stay required. Of dry fish we made about forty thousand, of cor-fish about seven thousand. Whilst the sailors fished, myself, with eight or nine others of them might best be spared, ranging the coast in a small boat, we got, for trifles, near eleven hundred bear skins, one hundred martins', and near as many otters', and the most of them within the distance of twenty leagues. We ranged the coast both east and west much farther, but eastward our com modities were not esteemed, they were so near the French, who afford them better ; and right against us in the main was a ship of Sir Frances Popphames, that had there such acquaint ance, having many years used only that port, that the most part there was had by him ; and forty leagues westward were two French ships, that had made there a great voyage by trade during the time we tried those conclusions, not knowing the coast nor savages' habitations. With these furs, the train and cor- fish, I returned for England in the bark, where, within six months after our departure from the Downes, we safe arrived back. The best of this fish was sold for five pound the hundred, the rest by ill-usage betwixt three pound and fifty shillings. The other ship stayed to fit herself for Spain with the dry fish, which was sold, by the sailors' report who returned, at forty ryalls the quintal, each hundred weighing two quintals and a half. New England is that part of America in the ocean sea opposite to Nova Albion in the South sea, discovered by the most memorable Sir Francis Drake in his voyage situation of about the world, in regard whereto this is styled New England. fcT „ , , ... , ... j m New England, being in the same latitude. New France, off it, is northward ; southward is Virginia and all the adjoining continent, with New Granada, New Spain, New Andolosia, and the West Indies. Now, because I have been so oft asked such strange questions of the goodness and greatness of those spacious tracts of land, how they can be thus long unknown, or not possessed by the Spaniard, and many such like demands, I entreat your pardons if I chance to be too plain or tedious in relating my knowledge for plain men's satisfaction. Florida is the next adjoining to the Indies, which unprosper- ously was attempted to be planted by the French — a country far bigger than England, Scotland, France, and Florida0' Ireland, yet little known to any Christian, but by the wonderful endeavors of Ferdinando de Soto, a valiant Spaniard, whose writings in this age are the. best guide known to search those parts. Virginia is no isle, as many do imagine, but part of the continent adjoining to Florida, whose bounds may be stretched to the magnitude thereof without offense to any vi°rteiSniaf Christian inhabitant. For, from the degrees of 30 to 45, his majesty hath granted his letters patent, the coast extending southwest and northeast about fifteen hundred miles, but to follow it aboard the shore may well be two thousand at the least, of which twenty miles is the most gives entrance into the Bay of Chesapeake, where is the London plantation, within which is a country (as you may perceive by the description in a book and map printed in my name of that little I there discovered), may well suffice three hundred thousand people to inhabit. And southward adjoineth that part discovered at the charge of Sir Walter Rawleigh, by Sir Ralph Lane and that learned mathematician, Mr. Thomas Heryot. Northward six or seven degrees is the river Sagada- hock, where was planted the western colony by that honorable patron of virtue, Sir John Poppham, lord chief justice of England. There is also a relation printed by Captain Barthol omew Gosnould of Elizabeth's Isles, and another by Captain Waymoth of Pemmaquid. From all these diligent observers posterity may be bettered by the fruits of their labors. But for divers others that long before and since have ranged those parts, within a kenning sometimes of the shore, some touching in one place, some in another, I must entreat them pardon me for omitting them, or if I offend in saying that their true descriptions are concealed, or never well observed, or died with the authors, so that the coast is yet still but even as a coast unknown and undiscovered. I have had six or seven several plots of those northern parts, so unlike each to other, and most so differing from any true proportion or resemblance of the country, as they did me no more good than so much waste paper, though they cost me more. It may be it was not my chance to see the best, but, lest others may be deceived as I was, or through dangerous ignorance hazard themselves as I did, I have drawn a map from point to point, isle to isle, and harbor to harbor, with the soundings, sands, rocks, and land marks as I passed close aboard the shore in a little boat; although there be many things to be observed which the haste of other affairs did cause me omit, for, being sent more to get present commodities than knowledge by discoveries for any future good, I had not power to search as I would ; yet it will serve to direct any shall go that way to safe harbors and the savages' habitations, what merchandise and commodities for their labor they may find, this following discourse shall plainly demonstrate. Thus, you may see, of this two thousand miles more than half is yet unknown to any purpose, no, not so much as the borders of the sea are yet certainly discovered. As for the goodness and true substances of the land, we are for most part yet altogether ignorant of them, unless it be those parts about the Bay of Chesapeake and Sagadahock, but only here and there we touched or have seen a little the edges of those large dominions which do stretch themselves into the main, God doth know how many thousand miles, whereof we can yet no more judge than a stranger that saileth betwixt England and France can describe the harbors and dangers by landing here or there in some river or bay, tell thereby the goodness and substances of Spain, Italy, Germany, Bohemia, Hungaria, and the rest. By this you may perceive how much they err that think every one which hath been at Virginia understandeth or knows what Virginia is, or that the Spaniards know one-half quarter of those territories they possess. No, not so much as the true circumference of Terra Incognita, whose large dominions may equalize the greatness and goodness of America for anything yet known. It is strange with what small power he hath reigned in the East Indies, and few will understand the truth of his strength in America, where, he having so much to keep with such a pampered force, they need not greatly fear his fury in the Bermudas, Virginia, New France, or New England, beyond whose bounds America doth stretch many thousand miles, into the frozen parts whereof one Master Hudson, an English mariner, did make the greatest discovery of any Christian I know of, where he unfortunately died. For Africa, had not the industrious Portuguese ranged her unknown parts, who would have sought for wealth among those fryed regions of black brutish negroes, where, notwithstanding all the wealth and admirable adventures and endeavors more than 140 years, they know not one-third of those black habitations. But it is not a work for every one to manage such an affair as makes a discovery and plants a colony; it requires all the best parts of art, judgment, courage, honesty, constantsy, diligence, and industry to do but near well. Some are more proper for one thing than another, and therein are to be employed ; and nothing breeds more confusion than misplacing and mis employing men in their undertakings. Columbus, Cortez, Pitzara, Soto, Magellanes, and the rest served more than a prenticeship to learn how to begin their most memorable attempts in the West Indies, which, to the wonder of all ages, successfully they effected, when many hundreds of others far above them in the world's opinion, being instructed but by relation, came to shame and confusion in actions of small moment, who doubtless in other matters were wise, discreet, generous, and courageous. I say not this to detract anything from their incomparable merits, but to answer those question less questions that keep us back from imitating the worthiness of their brave spirits that advanced themselves from poor soldiers to great captains, their posterity to great lords, their king to be one of the greatest potentates on earth, and the fruits of their labors, his greatest glory, power, and renown. That part we call New England is betwixt the degrees of 41 and 45, but that part this discourse speaketh of stretcheth from Penobscot to Cape Cod, some seventy-five leagues by a right line distant each from other, description of . ,.,,,,, ^ . l r , New England. within which bounds I have seen at least forty several habitations upon the sea coast, and sounded about twenty-five excellent good harbors, in many whereof there is anchorage for five hundred sail, of ships of any burthen, in some of them for five thousand ; and more than two hundred isles overgrown with good timber of divers sorts of wood, which do make so many harbors as requireth a longer time than I had to be well discovered. The principal habitation northward we were at was Penobscot, southward along the coast and up the rivers we found Mecadacut, Segocket, Pemmaquid, Nuscon- cus, Kenebeck, Sagadahock, and Aumoughcawgen ; countries" ar and to those countries belong the people of Segotago, govt""' "" Paghhuntanuck, Pocopassum, Taughtanakagnet, Warbigganus, Nassaque, Masherosqueck,Wawrigweck, Moshoquen,Wakcogo, Pasharanack, etc. To these are allied the countries of Auco- cisco, Accominticus, Passataquack, Aggawom, and Naemkeck. All these I could perceive differ little in language, fashion, or government, though most be lords of themselves, yet they hold the Bashabes of Penobscot the chief and greatest amongst them. The next I can remember by name are Mattahunts, two pleasant isles of groves, gardens, and corn fields, a league in the sea from the main ; then Totant, Massachuset, Poca- pawmet, Quonahassit, Sagoquas, Nahapassumkeck, Topeent, Seccasaw, Totheet, Nasnocomacak, Accomack, Chawum ; then Cape Cod, by which is Pawmet and the Isle Nawset of the language, and alliance of them of Chawum ; the others are called Massachusetts, of another language, humor, and con dition. For their trade and merchandise, to each of their habitations they have divers towns and people belonging, and, by their relations and descriptions, more than twenty several habitations and rivers that stretch themselves far up into the country, even to the borders of divers great lakes, where they kill and take most of their bears and otters. From Penobscot to Sagadahock this coast is all mountainous and isles of huge rocks, but overgrown with all sorts of excellent good woods for building houses, boats, barks, or ships, with an incredible abundance of most sorts of fish, much fowl, and sundry sorts of good fruits for man's use. Betwixt Sagadahock and Sowocatuck there are but two or three sandy bays, but betwixt that and Cape Cod very many ; especially the coast of the Massachusets is so indif- mixtureofan ferently mixed with high clayey or sandy cliffs in one place, and then tracts of large, long ledges of divers sorts, and quarries of stone in other places so strangely divided with tinctured veins of divers colors, as freestone for building, slate for tiling, smooth stone to make furnaces and forges for glass or iron, and iron ore sufficient conveniently to melt in them; but the most part so resembleth the coast of Devenshire, I think most of the cliffs would make such lime stone. If they be not of these qualities, they are so like they may deceive a better judgment than mine, all which are so near adjoining to those other advantages I observed in these parts, that if the ore prove as good iron and steel in those parts as I know it is within the bounds of the country, I dare engage my head (having but men skillful to work the simples there growing) to have all things belonging to the building the rigging of ships of any proportion, and good merchandise for the fraught, within a square of ten or fourteen leagues, and were it for a good reward, I would not fear to procure it in a less limitation. And surely by reason of those sandy cliffs and cliffs of rocks, hoth which we saw so planted with gardens and cornfields, and so well inhabited with a goodly, strong, and well ° J A proof of an proportioned people, besides the greatness of the excellent timber growing on them, the greatness of the fish and moderate temper of the air (for of twenty-five not any were sick, but two that were mr^iy years diseased before they went, notwithstanding our bad lodging and accidental diet), who can but approve this a most excellent health0' °f place, both for health and fertility ? And of all the four parts of the world that I have yet seen not inhabited, could I have but means to transport a colony, I would rather live here than anywhere, and if it did not maintain itself, were we but once indifferently well fitted, let us starve. The main staple, from hence to be extracted for the present to produce the rest, is fish, which, however it may seem a mean and a base commodity, yet who will but truly take the pains and consider the sequel I think will commodities allow it well worth the labor. It is strange to see pre" ''"" what great adventures the hopes of setting forth men-of-war to rob the industrious innocent would procure, or such massy promises in gross; though more are choked than well fed with such hasty hopes. But who doth not know that the poor Hollanders, chiefly by fishing at a great charge and Hollanders' labor in all weathers in the open sea, are made a people so hardy and industrious ? And by the vending this poor commodity to the Easterlings for as mean, which is wood, flax, pitch, tar, rosin, cordage, and such like, which they exchange again to the French, Spaniards, Portuguese, and English, etc., for what they want, are made so mighty, strong, and rich as no state but Venice, of twice their magnitude, is so well furnished with so many fair cities, goodly towns, strong fortresses, and that abundance of shipping and all sorts of merchandise, as well as gold, silver, pearls, diamonds, precious stones, silks, velvets, and cloth of gold, as fish, pitch, wood, or such gross commodities. What voyages and discoveries, east and west, north and south, yea, about the world, make they ? What an army by sea and land have they long main tained in spite of one of the greatest princes of the world ? And never could the Spaniard, with all his mines of gold and silver, pay his debts, his friends, and army half as truly as the 8 Hollanders still have done by this contemptible trade of fish. Divers, I know, may allege many other assistances, but this is their mine, and the sea the source of those silvered streams of all their virtue, which hath made them now the very miracle of industry, the pattern of perfection for these affairs, and the benefit of fishing is that primum mobile that turns alt their spheres to this height of plenty, strength, honor, and admiration. Herring, cod, and ling is that triplicity that makes their wealth and shippings multiplicities, such as it is, and from which (few would think it) they yearly draw at least one million and a half of pounds sterling ; yet it is most fifteen certain, if records be true, and in this faculty they hundred ... ? • , thousand are so naturalized, and of their vents so certainly acquainted, as there is no liklihood they will ever be paralleled, having two or three thousand buffs, flat bottoms, sword pinks, todes, and such like, that breeds them sailors, mariners, soldiers, and merchants, never to be wrought out of that trade and fit for any other. I will not deny but others may gain as well as they, that will use it, though not so certainly, nor so much in quantity, for want of experience. And this herring they take upon the coast of Scotland and England, their cod and ling upon the coast of Iceland and in the North seas. Hamborough and the east countries, for sturgeon and caviare, gets many thousands of pounds from England and the straits; Portuguese, the Biskaines, and the Spaniards make forty or fifty sail yearly to Cape Blank to hook for porgos, mullet, and make puttardo, and Newfoundland doth yearly fraught near eight hundred sail of ships with a silly, lean, skinny poor- john and cor-fish, which at least yearly amounts to three or four hundred thousand pounds. If from all those parts such pains are taken for this poor gains of fish, and by them hath neither meat, drink, nor clothes; wood, iron, nor steel; pitch, tar, nets, leads, salt, hooks, nor lines for shipping, fishing, nor provision, but at the second, third, fourth, or fifth hand drawn from so many several parts of the world ere they come together to be used in this voyage. If these, I say, can gain, and the sailors live going for shares less than the third part of their labors, and yet spend as much time in going and coming as in staying there, so short is the season of fishing, why should we more doubt than Hollander, Portuguese, Spaniard, French, or other, but to do much better than they, where there is victual to feed us, wood of all sorts to build boats, ships, or barks, the fish at our doors, pitch, tar, masts, yards, and most of other necessaries only for making ? And here are no hard landlords to rack us with high rents, or extorted fines to consume us, no tedious pleas at law to consume us with their many years' disputations for justice, no multitudes to occasion such expedi- ments to good order as in popular states. So freely hath God and his majesty bestowed those blessings on them that will attempt to obtain them, as here every man may be master and own labor and land, or the greatest part in a small time. If he have nothing but his hands he may set up this trade, and by industry quickly grow rich, spending but half that time well which in England we abuse in idleness, worse or as ill. Here is ground also as good as any lieth in the height of forty-one, forty-two, forty-three, etc., which is as temperate and as fruitful as any other parallel in the world. I , ....... . . Examples of As for example, on this side the line west of it in the altitude _ -xt . ,, ¦ ,- -, . . i comparatively. the South sea is Nova Albion, discovered, as is said, by Sir Francis Drake. East from it is the most temperate part of Portugal, the ancient kingdoms of Galazia, Biskey, Navarre, Arragon, Catalonia, Castilia the old and the most moderatest of Castilia the new, and Valentia, which is the greatest part of Spain, which, if the Spanish histories be true, in the Romans' time abounded no less with gold and silver mines than now the West Indies ; the Romans then using the Spaniards to work in those mines, as now the Spaniard doth the Indians. In France the provinces of Gasconie, Langadock, Avignon, Province, Dolphine, Pyamont, and Turyne are in the same parallel, which are the best and richest parts of France. In Italy the provinces of Genoa, Lombardy, and Verona, with a great part of the most famous state of Venice, the dukedoms of Bononia, Mantua, Ferrara, Ravenna, Bolognia, Florence, Pisa, Sienna, Urbine, Ancona, and the ancient city and country of Rome, with a great part of the great kingdom of Naples. In Slavonia, Istrya, and Dalmatia, with the kingdoms of Albania. In Grecia, that famous kingdom of Macedonia, Bulgaria, Thes- salia, Thracia or Roumania, where is seated the most pleasant 10 and plentiful city in Europe, Constantinople. In Asia also, in the same latitude, are the temperatest parts of Natolia, Armenia, Persia, and China, besides divers other large countries and kingdoms in these most mild and temperate regions of Asia. Southward in the same height is the richest of gold mines, Chily and Baldivia, and the mouth of the great river of Platte, etc., for all the rest of the world in that height is yet unknown. Besides these regions mine own eyes, that have seen a great part of those cities and their kingdoms as well as it, can find no advantage they have in nature but this, they are beautified by the long labor and diligence of industrious people and art. This is only as God made it when he created the world. Therefore I conclude, if the heart and entrails of those regions were sought, if their land were cultivated, planted, and manured by men of industry, judgment, and experience, what hope is there, or what need they doubt, having those advantages of the sea, but it might equalize any of those famous kingdoms, in all commodities, pleasures, and conditions ; seeing even the very edges do naturally afford us such plenty, as no ship need return away empty, and only use but the season of the sea, fish will return an honest gain, besides all other advantages, her treasures having yet never been opened, nor her originals wasted, consumed, nor abused. And, whereas, it is said the Hollanders serve the Easter- lings themselves, and other parts that want, with herring, ling, and wet cod; the Easterlings, a great part of Europe, with sturgeon and caviare; Cape Blank, Spain, Portugal, The particular ancj the Levant with mullet and puttargo; New- staple commo- r ° ' behL*hatmay f°uncIland, all Europe, with a thin poor-john — yet all is so overlade with fishers, as the fishing decayeth, and many are constrained to return with a small fraught — Norway and Polonia, pitch, tar, masts, and yards; Sweatland and Russia, iron and ropes; France and Spain, canvas, wine, steel, iron, and oil ; Italy and Greece, silks and fruits. I dare boldly say, because I have seen naturally growing or breeding in those parts the same materials that all those are made of, they may as well be had here, or the most part of them, within the distance of seventy leagues for some few ages, as from all. 11 those parts, using but the same means to have them that they do, and with all those advantages. First, the ground is so fertile that questionless it is capable of producing any grain, fruits, or seeds you will sow or plant, growing in the regions aforenamed ; but it may be ¦l. 1 ¦ a u. .u * x- x j t- Thenature not every kind to that perfection of delicacy, or of ground some tender plants may miscarry, because the summer is not so hot and the winter is more cold in those parts we have yet tried near the seaside than we find in the same height in Europe or Asia, yet 1 made a garden upoa the top of a rocky isle in 43^, four leagues from the main, in May that grew so well as it served us for salads in June and July. All sorts of cattle may here be bred and fed in the isles or penin sulas securely for nothing. In the interim till they increase, if need be (observing the seasons), I durst undertake to have corn enough from the savages for three hundred men for a few trifles, and if they should be untoward, as it is most certain they are, thirty or forty good men will be sufficient to bring them all in subjection and make this provision, if they under stand what they do ; two hundred whereof may, nine months in the year, be employed in making merchantable fish till the rest provide other necessaries, fit to furnish us with other commodities. In March, April, May, and half June here is cod in abundance; in May, June, July, and August, mullet and sturgeon, whose roes do make caviare and puttargo. Herring, if any desire them, 1 have taken many out for fishing of the bellies of cods, some in nets, but the savages compare their store in the sea to the hairs of their heads, and surely there are an incredible abundance on this coast. In the end of August, September, October, and November you have cod again to make cor-fish or poor-john, and each hundred is as good as two or three hundred in the Newfoundland, so that half the labor in hooking, splitting, and turning is saved, and you may have your fish at what market you will before they can have any in Newfoundland, where their fishing is chiefly but in June and July, whereas it is here in March, April, May, September, October, and November, as is said; so that by reason of this plantation the merchants may have fraught both out and home, which yields an abundance worth consideration. 12 Your cor-fish you may in like manner transport as you see cause to serve the ports in Portugal, as Lisbon, Auera, Porta- port, and divers others, or what market you please, before your islanders return ; they being tied to the season in the open sea, you having a double season, and fishing before your doors may every night sleep quietly ashore with good cheer and what fires you will, or when you please with your wives and family, they only their ships in the main ocean. The mullets here are in that abundance you may take them with nets sometimes by hundreds, where at Cape Blank they hook them ; yet those but one foot and a half in length, these two, three, or four, as oft I have measured. Much salmon some have found up the rivers as they have passed, and here the air is so temperate as all these at any time may well be preserved. Now, young boy and girl savages, or any others, be they never such idlers, may turn, carry, and return fish without either shame or any great pain ; he is very idle that top'oonle'Spie 's Past twelve years of age and cannot do ro much, chndrenher'ess anc* sne 's very °'d ^at cannot spin a tl 'ad to make engines to catch them. For their transportation the ships that go there to fish sy transport the first, who, for their passage, will spare the charge of double manning their ships, which they must do in the Newfoundland to get their fraught; but one-third part Se6 itntatfon* °^ *na* comPany are on'y but proper to serve a stage, carry a barrow, and turn poor-john, notwithstanding they must have meat, drink, clothes, and passage, as well as rest. Now all I desire is but this, that those that voluntarily will send shipping should make here the best choice they can, or accept such as are presented them, to serve them at that rate, and their ships returning leave such with me, with the value of that they should receive coming home, in such provis ions and necessary tools, arms, bedding, and apparel, salt, hooks, nets, lines, and such like as they spare of the remain- ings; who, till the next return, may keep their boats and do them many other profitable offices, provided I have men of ability to teach them their functions, and a company fit for soldiers to be ready upon an occasion ; because of the abuses which have been offered the poor savages, and the liberty both 13 French or any that will hath to deal with them as they please, whose disorders will be hard to reform, and the longer the worse. Now such order with facility might be taken with every port town or city to observe but this order, with free power to convert the benefits of their fraughts to what advan tage they please, and increase their numbers as they see occasion ; whoever as they are able to subsist of themselves may begin the new towns in New England in memory of their old, which freedom being confined but to the necessity of the general good, the event (with God's help) might produce an honest, a noble, and a profitable emulation. Salt upon salt may assuredly be made, if not at the first in ponds, yet till they be provided this may be used ; then the ships may transport kine, horses, goats, coarse cloth, and such commodities as we want, by whose ^1;"^,. arrival may be made that provision of fish to fraught the ships that they stay not, and then if the sailors go for wages, it matters not. It is hard if this return defray not the charge, but care must be had they arrive in the spring or else provision be made for them against the winter. Of certain red berries called alkermes, which is worth ten shillings a pound, but of these had been sold for thirty or forty shillings the pound, may yearly be gathered a good quantity. Of the muskrat may be well raised gains well worth their labor, that will endeavor to make trial of their goodness. Of beavers, otters, martins, black foxes, and furs of price may yearly be had six or seven thousand, and if the trade of the French were prevented, many more ; twenty-five thousand this year were brought from those northern parts into France, of which trade we may have as good part as the French if we take good courses. Of mines of gold and silver, copper, and probabilities of lead, crystal, and alum, I could say much if relations were good assurances. It is true, indeed, I made many trials according to those instructions I had, which do persuade me I need not despair but there are metals in the country ; but I am no alchemist, nor will promise more than I know, which is, who will undertake the rectifying of an iron forge, if those that buy meat, drink, coal, ore, and all necessaries at a dear rate 14 gain, where all these things are to be had for the taking up, in my opinion cannot lose. Of woods, seeing there is such plenty of all sorts, if those that build ships and boats buy wood at so great a price as it is in England, Spain, France, Italy, and Holland, and all other provisions for the nourishing of man's life, live well by their trade, when labor is all required to take those necessaries without any other tax, what hazard will be here but do much better ? And what commodity in Europe doth more decay than wood ? For the goodness of the ground let us take it fertile or barren, or as it is, seeing it is certain it bears fruits to nourish and feed man and beast as well as England, and the sea those several sorts of fish I have related. Thus, seeing all good provisions for man's sustenance may with this facility be had by a little extraordinary labor, till that transported be increased, and all necessaries for shipping, only for labor ; to- which may be added the assistance of the savages, which may easily be had if they be discreetly handled in their kinds toward fishing, planting, and destroying woods. What gains might be raised if this were followed (when there is but once men to fill your storehouses, dwelling there you may serve all Europe better and far cheaper than can the Iceland fishers, or the Hollanders, Cape Blank or Newfoundland, who must be at as much more charge than you) may easily be conjectured by his example. Two thousand pounds will fit out a ship of two hundred and one of a hundred tons. If the dry fish they both make fraught that of two hundred and go for Spain, sell it the gains upon but at ten shillings a quintal, but commonly it giveth sTx^m oaths' fifteen or twenty, especially when it cometh first, which amounts to three or four thousand pounds; but say but ten, which is the lowest, allowing the rest for waste, it amounts at that rate to two thousand pounds, which is the whole charge of your two ships and their equipage. Then the return of the money and the fraught of the ship for the vintage or any other voyage is clear gain, with your ship of a hundred tons of train and oil, besides the beavers and other commodities, and that you may have at home within six months if God please but to send an ordinary passage. Then saving halfthis charge by the not staying of your ships, your 15 victual, overplus of men, and wages, with her fraught thither of things necessary for the planters; the salt being there made, as also may the nets and lines within a short time. If nothing were to be expected but this, it might in time equalize your Hollanders' gains, if not exceed them; they returning but wood, pitch, tar, and such gross commodities; you, wines, oils, fruits, silks, and such Strait's commodities as you please to provide by your factors against such times as your ships arrive with them. This would so increase our shipping and sailors, and so employ and encourage a great part of our idlers and others that want employments fitting their qualities at home, where they shame to do that they would do abroad, that, could they but once taste the sweet fruits of their own labors, doubtless many thousands would be advised by good discipline to take more pleasure in honest industry than in their humors of dissolute idleness. But to return a little more to the particulars of this country, which I intermingle thus with my projects and reasons, not being so sufficiently yet acquainted in those parts to write fully the estate of the sea, the air, the land, Afdtn|cription the fruits, the rocks, the people, the government, c°^"rin religion, territories, and limitations, friends and foes, fint2attlf„nr but as I gathered from the niggardly relations in a broken language to my understanding, during the time I ranged those countries, etc. The most northern part 1 was at was the Bay of Penobscot, which is, east and west, north and south, more than ten leagues, but such were my occasions I was constrained to be satisfed of them I found in the bay, that the river ran far up into the land and was well inhabited with many people, but they were from their habitations, either fishing among the isles or hunting the lakes and woods for deer and beavers. The bay is full of great islands of one, two, six, eight or ten miles in length, which divide it into many fair and excellent good harbors. On the east of it are the Tarrantines, their mortal enemies, where inhabit the French, as they report that live with those people, as one nation or family. And northwest of Penobscot is Mecaddacut at the foot of a high mountain, a kind of fortress against the Tarrantines adjoining to the high mountains of Penobscot, against whose feet doth beat the sea ; but over all the land, isles, or other 16 impediments you may well see them sixteen or eighteen leagues from their situation. Segocket is the next, then Nus- concus, Pemmaquid, and Sagadahock. Up this river, where was the western plantation, are Aumuckcawgen, Kinnebeck, and divers others, where there are planted some cornfields. Along this river forty or fifty miles I saw nothing but great high cliffs of barren rocks, overgrown with wood, but where the savages dwelt there the ground is exceeding fat and fertile. Westward of this river is the country of Aucocisco, in the bottom of a large deep bay full of many great isles, which divide it into many good harbors. Sowocotuck is the next, in the edge of a large sandy bay, which hath many rocks and isles, but few good harbors but for barks, I yet know. But all this coast to Penobscot, and as far as I could see eastward of it, is nothing but such high, craggy, cliffy rocks and stony isles that I wondered such great trees could grow upon so hard foundations. It is a country rather to affright than delight one, and how to describe a more plain spectacle of desolation or more barren I know not. Yet the sea there is the strangest fishpond I ever saw, and those barren isles so furnished with good woods, springs, fruits, fish, and fowl that it makes me think, though the coast be rocky and thus affright- able, the valleys, plains, and interior parts may well, notwith standing, be very fertile. But there is no kingdom so fertile hath not some part barren, and New England is great enough to make many kingdoms and countries were it all inhabited. As you pass the coast still westward, Accominticus and Passataquack are two convenient harbors for small barks, and a good country within their craggy cliffs. Angoam is the next: This place might content a right curious judgment, but there are many sands at the entrance of the harbor, and the worst is it is embayed too far from the deep sea. Here are many rising hills, and on their tops and descents many cornfields and delightful groves. On the east is an isle of two or three leagues in length, the one-half plain moorish grass fit for pasture, with many fair, high groves of mulberry tree gardens, and there is also oaks, pines, and other woods to make this place an excellent habitation, being a good and safe harbor. Naimkeck, though it be more rocky ground (for Angoam is sandy), not much inferior, neither for the harbor nor anything 17 I could perceive but the multitude of people. From hence doth stretch into the sea the fair headland Tragabigzanda, fronted with three isles called the Three Turks' Heads. To the north of this doth enter a great bay, where we found some habita tions and cornfields. They report a great river and at least thirty habitations do possess this country, but, because the French had got their trade, I had no leisure to discover it. The isles of Mattahunts are on the west side of this bay, where are many isles and questionless good harbors, and then the country of the Massachusetts, which is the paradise of all those parts, for here are many isles all planted with corn, groves, mulberries, savage gardens, and good harbors; the coast is for the most part high, clayey, sandy cliffs. The sea- coast as you pass shows you all along large cornfields and great troops of well proportioned people; but the French, having remained here near six weeks, left nothing for us to take occasion to examine the inhabitants' relations, viz.: If there be near three thousand people upon these isles, and that the river doth pierce many days' journeys the entrails of that country. We found the people in those parts very kind, but in their fury no less valient; for, upon a quarrel we had with one of them, he only with three others crossed the harbor of Quonahassit to certain rocks whereby we must pass, and there let fly their arrows for our shot till we were out of danger. Then come you to Accomack, an excellent good harbor, good land, and no want of anything but industrious people. After much kindness, upon a small occasion we fought also with forty or fifty of those, though some were hurt and some slain, yet within an hour after they became friends. Cape Cod is the next presents itself, which is only a head land of high hills of sand, overgrown with shrubby pines, hurts, and such trash, but an excellent harbor for all weathers. This cape is made by the main sea on the one side and a great bay on the other in form of a sickle ; on it doth inhabit the people of Pawmet, and in the bottom of the bay the people of Chawum. Toward the south and southwest of this cape is found a long and dangerous shoal of sands and rocks, but as far as I encircled it I found thirty fathoms water aboard the shore and a strong current, which makes me think there is a channel about this shoal, where is the best and greatest fish to 18 be had, winter and summer, in all that country. But the savages say there is no channel, but that the shoals begin from the main at Pawmet to the Isle of Nausit, and so extends beyond their knowledge into the sea. The next to this is Capawack and those abounding countries of copper, corn, people, and minerals which I went to discover this last year, but, because I miscarried by the way, I will leave them till God please I have better acquaintance with them. The Massachusetts, they report, sometimes have wars with the Bashabes of Penobscot, and are not always friends with them of Chawum and their allies ; but now they are a good a[] friends, and have each trade with other, so far as country. ' ' they have society on each others' frontiers, for they make no such voyages as from Penobscot to Cape Cod, seldom to iWassachusetts. In the north, as I have said, they have begun to plant corn, whereof the south part hath such plenty as they have what they will from them of the north, and in the winter much more plenty of fish and fowl; but both winter and summer hath it in the one part or other all the year, being the mean and most indifferent temper, betwixt heat and cold, of all the regions betwixt the line and the pole ; but the furs northward are much better and in much more plenty than southward. The most remarkablest isles and mountains for landmarks are these : the highest isle or Sorico in the Bay of Penobscot, but the three isles and a rock of Matinnack are Tne, , much further in the sea; Metinicus is also three landmarks. ' plain isles, and a rock betwixt it and Monahigan ; Monahigan is a round, high isle, and close by it Monanis, betwixt which is a small harbor where we ride ; in Damerils isles is such another ; Sagadahock is known by Satquin, and four or five isles in the mouth; Smith's isles are a heap together, none near them, against Accominticus; the Three Turks' Heads are three isles seen far to seaward in regard of the headland. The chief headlands are only Cape Tragabigzanda and Cape Cod. The chief mountains, them of Penobscot and twinkling mountain of Aucocisco, the great mountain of Sasanou, and the 19 high mountain of Massachusetts, each of which you shall find in the map, their places, forms, and altitude. The waters are most pure, proceeding from the entrails of rocky mountains. The herbs and fruits are of many sorts and kinds, as alkerms, currants (or a fruit like currants), mul berries, vines, respices, gooseberries, plums, walnuts, chest nuts, small nuts, etc., pumpkins, gourds, strawberries, beans, peas, and maize, a kind or two of flax, wherewith they make nets, lines, and ropes, both small and great, very strong for their quantities. Oak is the chief wood, of which there is great difference in regard of the soil where it groweth; fir, pine, walnut, chestnut, birch, ash, elm, cypress, cedar, mulberry, plumtree, hazel, saxifrage, and many other sorts. Eagles, gripes, divers sorts of hawks, cranes, geese, brants, cormorants, ducks, sheldrakes, teale, mews, gulls, turkeys, dive-doppers, and many other sorts whose names I know not. Whales, grampus, porpoises, turbot, sturgeon, cod, hake, haddock, cole, cusk (or small ling), shark, mackerel, herring, mullet, base, pinacks, cunners, perch, eels, crabs, lobsters, mussels, wilkes, oysters, and divers others, etc. Moose, a beast bigger than a stag; deer, red and fallow; beavers.wolves, foxes, both black and other; aroughconds, wild cats, bears, otters, martens, fitches, musquassus, and divers sorts of vermin whose names I know not. All these and divers other good things do here, for want of use, still increase and decrease with little diminution, where by they grow to that abundance. You shall scarce find any bay, shallow shore, or cove of sand where you may not take many clams or lobsters, or both, at your pleasure, and at many places load your boat if you please ; nor isles where you find not fruits, birds, crabs, and mussels, or all of them, for taking at a low wat2r. And in the harbors we frequented, a little boy might take of cunners and pinacks, and such delicate fish, at the ship's stern more than six or ten can eat in a day, but, with a casting-net, thousands when we pleased ; and scarce any place but cod, cuske, halibut, mackerel, skate, or such like, a man may take with a hook or line what he will. And in divers sandy bays a man may draw with a net great store 20 of mullets, bass, and divers other sorts of such excellent fish, as many as his net can draw on shore ; no river where there is not plenty of sturgeon, or salmon, or both, all which are to be had in abundance, observing but their seasons. But if a man will go at Christmas to gather cherries in Kent he may be deceived, though there be plenty in summer ; so, here these plenties have each their seasons, as I have expressed. We for the most part had little but bread and vinegar, and though the most part of July, when the fishing decayed, they wrought all day, lay abroad in the isles all night, and lived on what they found, yet were not sick. But I would wish none put himself long to such plunges except necessity constrain it ; yet worthy is that person to starve that here cannot live if he have sense, strength, and health, for there is no such penury of these blessings in any place but that a hundred men may in one hour or two make their provisions for a day, and he that hath experience to manage well these affairs, with forty or thirty honest, indus trious men, might well undertake (if they dwell in these parts) to subject the savages, and feed daily two or three hundred men with as good corn, fish, and flesh as the earth hath of those kinds, and yet make that labor but their pleasure, pro vided that they have engines that be proper for their purposes. Who can desire more content, that hath small means or but only his merit to advance his fortune, than to tread and plant that ground he hath purchased by the hazard of his tha\0hav°erme life ? If he have but the taste of virtue and mag- fnd\mai" s nanimity, what to such a mind can be more pleasant than planting and building a foundation for his posterity, got from the rude earth by God's blessing and his own industry, without prejudice to any ? If he have any grain of faith or zeal in religion, what can he do less hurtful to any, or more agreeable to God, than to seek to convert those poor savages to know Christ and humanity, whose labors with discretion will triple requite thy charge and pains ? What so truly suits with honor and honesty as the dis covering things unknown, erecting towns, peopling countries, informing the ignorant, reforming things unjust, teaching virtue, and gain to our native mother country a kingdom to attend her ; find employment for those that are idle, because they know not what to do ; so far from wronging any as to 21 cause posterity to remember thee, and remembering thee, ever honor that remembrance with praise ? Consider what were the beginnings and endings of the monarchies of the Chaldeans, the Syrians, the Grecians, and Romans, but this one rule. What was it they would not do for the good of the commonwealth or their mother city ? For example : Rome, what made her such a monarchy but only the adventures of her youth ; not in riots at home, but in dangers abroad, and the justice and judgment out of their experience when they grew aged. What was their ruin and hurt but this, the excess of idleness, the fondness of parents, the want of experience in magistrates, the admiration of their undeserved honors, the contempt of true merit, their unjust jealousies, their political incredulties, their hypocritical seeming goodness, and their deeds of secret lewdness ? Finally, in fine, growing only formal temporists, all that their predecessors got in many years they lost in few days. Those by their pains and virtues became lords of the world ; they by their ease and vices became slaves to their servants. This is the difference betwixt the use of arms in the field and on the monuments of stones, the golden age and the leaden age, prosperity and misery, justice and corruption, substance and shadows, words and deeds, ex perience and imagination, making commonwealths and marring commonwealths, the fruits of virtue and the conclusions of vice. Then who would live at home idly, or think in himself any worth to live, only to eat, drink, and sleep, and so die ? Or, by consuming that carelessly, his friends got worthily ? Or, by using that miserably, that maintained virtue honestly ? Or, for being descended nobly, pine with the vain vaunt of great kindred in penury ? Or, to maintain a silly show of bravery, toil out thy heart, soul, and time, basely by shifts, tricks, cards, and dice ? Or, by relating news of other actions, shark here or there for a dinner or supper, deceive thy friends by fair promises and dissimulation, in borrowing where thou never intendest to pay, offend the laws, surfeit with excess, burden thy country, abuse thyself, despair in want, and then cozen thy kindred, yea even thine own brother, and wish thy parents death (I will not say damnation) to have their estates? Though thou seest what honors and rewards the world yet hath for them will seek them and worthily deserve them. 22 I would be sorry to offend or that any should mistake my honest meaning, for I wish good to all, hurt to none. But rich men for the most part are grown to that dotage through their pride in their wealth, as though there were no accident could end it or their life. And what hellish care do such take to make it their own misery, and their country's spoil, especially when there is most need of their employment? Drawing by all manner of inventions, from the prince and his honest subjects, even the vital spirits of their powers and estates, as if their bags, or brags, were so powerful a defense the malicious could not insult them, when they are the only bait to cause us not to be only assaulted, but betrayed and murdered in our' own security ere we well perceive it. May not the miserable ruin of Constantinople, their im pregnable walls, riches, and pleasures last taken by the Turk (which are but a bit in comparison of their now An example .... , ... . of secure mightiness) remember us of the effects of private covetousness. . covetousness, at which time the good emperor held himself rich enough to have such rich subjects, so formal in all excess of vanity, all kind of delicacy and prodigality. His poverty when the Turk besieged, the citizens whose merchan dising thoughts were only to get wealth, little conceiving the desperate resolution of a valient expert enemy, left the emperor so long to his conclusions, having spent all he had to pay his young, raw, discontented soldiers, that suddenly he, they, and their city were all a prey to the devouring Turk. And what they would not spare for the maintenance of them who adven tured their lives to defend them, did serve only their enemies to torment them, their friends, and country, and all Christendom to this present day. Let this lamentable example remember you that are rich (seeing there are such great thieves in this world to rob you), not grudge to lend some proportion to breed them that have little, yet willing to learn how to defend you, for it is too late when the deed is adoing. The Romans' estate hath been worse than this, for the mere covetousness and extortion of a few of them so moved the rest that, not having any employment but contemplation, their great judgments grew to so great malice as themselves were sufficient to destroy themselves by faction. Let this move you to embrace employment for those whose educations, spirits, 23 and judgments want but your purses, not only to prevent such accustomed dangers, but also to gain more thereby than you have. And you fathers that are either so foolishly fond, or so miserably covetous, or so willfully ignorant, or so negligently careless as that you will rather maintain your children in idle wantonness till they grow your masters, or become so basely unkind as they wish nothing but your deaths, so that both sorts grow dissolute ; and although you would wish them anywhere to escape the gallows, and ease your cares, though they spend you here one, two, or three hundred pounds a year, you would grudge to give half so much in adventure with them to obtain an estate, which in a small time, but with a little assistance of your providence, might be better than your own. But if an angel should tell you that any place yet unknown can afford such fortunes, you would not believe him no more than Columbus was believed there was any such land as is now the well known abounding America ; much less such large regions as are yet unknown, as well in America, as in Africa and Asia, and Terra Incognita, where were courses for gentlemen (and them that would be so reputed) more suiting their qualities than begging from their princes' generous disposition the labors of his subjects and the very marrow of his maintenance. I have not been so ill bred but I have tasted of plenty and pleasure as well as want and misery, nor doth necessity yet, or occasion of discontent, force me to these endeavors ; nor am I ignorant what small thanks I shall have for my pains, or that many would have the world imagine J0hnedfy„n°r s them to be of great judgment that can but blemish these my designs by their witty objections and detractions ; yet I hope my reasons with my deeds will so prevail with some that I shall not want employment in these affairs to make the most blind see his own senselessness and incredulity, hoping that gain will make them effect that which religion, charity, and the common good cannot. It were but a poor device in me to deceive myself, much more the king and state, my friends and country, with these inducements; which, seeing his majesty hath given permission, I wish all sorts of worthy, honest, in dustrious spirits would understand, and if they desire any further satisfaction I will do my best to give it; not to persuade them to go only, but go with them ; not leave them there, but 24 live with them there. I will not say but by ill providing and undue managing, such courses may be taken may make us miserable enough, but if I may have the execution of what I have projected, if they want to eat let them eat or never digest me. If I perform what I say I desire but that reward out of the gains may suit my pains, quality, and condition ; and if I any dislike with my tongue, take my head for satisfaction. If abuse you at the year's end defraying their charge, by my consent they should freely return. I fear not want of company sufficient were it but known what I know of those countries, and by the proof of that wealth I hope yearly to return, if God please to bless me from such accidents as are beyond my power in reason to prevent ; for I am not so simple to think that ever any other motive than wealth will ever erect there a commonweal, or draw company from their ease and humors at home, to stay in New England to effect my purposes. And lest any should think pleasures and the toil might be insupportable, though these things may be had by labor and diligence, I assure myself there are who delight extremely in vain pleasure that take much more pains in England to enjoy it than I should do here to gain wealth sufficient ; and yet I think they should not have half such sweet content, for our pleasure here is still gains, in England, charges and loss. Here nature and liberty afford us that freely, which in England we want or it costeth us dearly. What pleasure can be more than, being tired with any occasion ashore, in planting vines, fruits, or herbs ; in contriv ing their own grounds to the pleasure of their own minds, their fields, gardens, orchards, buildings, ships, and other works, etc. ; to recreate themselves before their own doors, in their own boats upon the sea, where man, woman, and child, with a small hook and line, by angling may take divers sorts of excellent fish at their pleasures ? And is it not pretty sport to pull up twopence, sixpence, and twelvepence as fast as you can haul and veer a line ? He is a very bad fisher cannot kill in one day, with his hook and line, one, two, or three hundred cods ; which, dressed and dried, if they be sold there for ten shillings the hundred, though in England they will give more than twenty, may not both the servant, the master, and merchant be well content with this gain ? If a man work but 25 three days in seven he may get more than he can spend, unless he will be excessive. Now that carpenter, mason, gardener, tailor, smith, sailor, forger, or what other, may they not make this a pretty recre ation, though they fish but an hour in a day, to take more than they eat in a week ; or, if they will not eat it, because there is so much better choice, yet sell it, or change it with the fisher men or merchants for anything they want. And what sport doth yield a more pleasing content and less hurt or charge than angling with a hook and crossing the sweet air from isle to isle over the silent streams of a calm sea, wherein the most curious may find pleasure, profit, and content ? Thus, though all men be not fishers, yet all men whatsoever may in other matters do as well. For necessity doth in these cases so rule a common wealth, and each in their several functions, as their labors in their qualities may be as profitable, because there is a necessary mutual use of all. For gentlemen, what exercise should more delight them than ranging daily those unknown parts, using fowling and fishing for hunting and hawking ? And yet you shall see the wild hawks give you some pleasure in Employments o J r for gentlemen. seeing them stoop, six or seven after one another, an hour or two together at the schools of fish in the fair harbors, as those ashore at a fowl, and never trouble nor torment your selves with watching, mewing, feeding, and attending them, nor kill horse and man with running and crying, "see you not a hawk ? " For hunting also, the woods, lakes, and rivers afford not only chase sufficient for any that delights in that kind of toil or pleasure, but such beasts to hunt that, besides the deli cacy of their bodies for food, their skins are so rich as may well recompense thy daily labor with a captain's pay. For laborers, if those that sow hemp, rape, turnips, parsnips, carrots, cabbage, and such like give twenty, thirty, forty, or fifty shillings yearly for an acre of ground, and meat, drink, and wages to use it, and yet grow rich, when j™^"™*8 better, or at least as good, ground may be had and cost nothing but labor, it seems strange to me any such should there grow poor. My purpose is not to persuade children from their parents, men from their wives, nor servants from their masters — only 26 such as with free consent may be spared — but that each parish or village in city or country that will but apparel their father less children of thirteen or fourteen years of age, or young married people that have small wealth to live on, here by their labor may live exceeding well, provided always that first there be a sufficient power to command them, houses to receive them, means to defend them, and meat provisions for them, for any place may be overlain ; and it is most necessary to have a fortress ere this grow to practice, and sufficient masters (as carpenters, masons, fishers, fowlers, gardeners, husbandmen, sawyers, smiths, spinsters, tailors, weavers, and such like) to take ten, twelve, or twenty, or as there is occasion, for apprentices ; the masters by this may quickly grow rich, these may learn their trades themselves to do the like, to a general and an incredible benefit for king and country, master and servant. It would be a history of a large volume to recite the adventures of the Spaniards and Portuguese, their affronts and defeats, their dangers and miseries, which with such theasPaniart incomparable honor and constant resolution, so far beyond belief, they have attempted and endured in their discoveries and plantations as may well condemn us of too much imbecility, sloth, and negligence, yet the authors of those new inventions were held as ridiculous for a long time, as now are others, that do but seek to imitate their unparal leled virtues. And though we see daily their mountains of wealth, sprung from the plants of their generous endeavors, yet is our sensuality and untowardness such and so great that we either ignorantly believe nothing, or so curiously contest to prevent we know not what future events, that we either so neglect or oppress and discourage the present, as we spoil all in the making, crop all in the blooming, and, building upon fair sand rather than rough rocks, judge that we know not, govern that we have not, fear that which is not, and, for fear some should do too well, force such against their wills to be idle or as ill. And who is he hath judgment, courage, and any industry or quality with understanding, will leave his country, his hopes at home, his certain estate, his friends, pleasures, liberty, and the preferment sweet England doth afford to all degrees, were 27 it not to advance his fortunes by enjoying his deserts ? whose prosperity once appearing will encourage others ; but it must be cherished as a child till it be able to go and understand itself, and not corrected nor oppressed above its strength ere it know wherefore. A child can neither perform the office nor deeds of a man of strength, nor endure that affliction he is able, nor can an apprentice at the first perform the part of a master ; and if twenty years be required to make a child a man, seven years limited an apprentice for his trade. If scarce an age be suffic ient to make a wise man a statesman (and commonly a man dies ere he hath learned to be discreet), if perfection be so hard to be obtained (as of necessity there must be practice as well as theory), let no man much condemn this paradox opinion to say that half seven years is scarce sufficient for a good capacity to learn in these affairs how to carry himself ; and whoever shall try in these remote places the erecting of a colony shall find at the end of seven years occasion enough to use all his discretion, and in the interim all the content, rewards, gains, and hopes will be necessarily required to be given to the beginning, till it be able to creep, stand, and go, yet time enough to keep it from running, for there is no fear it will grow too fast or ever to anything, except liberty, profit, honor, and prosperity there found, more bind the planters of those affairs in devotion to effect it than bondage, violence, tyranny, ingratitude, and such double dealing as binds free men to become slaves, and honest men turn knaves, which hath ever been the ruin of the most popular commonweals, and is very unlikely ever well to begin in a new. Who seeth not what is the greatest good of the Spaniard but these new conclusions in searching those unknown parts of this unknown world ? By which means he dives even into the very secrets of all his neighbors and shlin'issof the most part of the world; and when the Portu guese and Spaniard had found the East and West Indies, how many did condemn themselves that did not accept of that honest offer of noble Columbus ? who, upon our neglect, brought them to it, persuading ourselves the world had no such places as they had found ; and yet ever since, we find, they still, from time to time, have found new lands, new nations, 28 and trades, and still daily do find both in Asia, Africa, Terra Incognita, and America, so that there is neither soldier nor mechanic, from the lord to the beggar, but those parts afford them all employment, and discharge their native soil of so many thousands of all sorts, that else, by their sloth, pride, and imperfections, would long ere this have troubled their neighbors, or have eaten the pride of Spain itself. Now, he knows little that knows not England may well spare man)' more people than Spain, and is as well able to furnish them with all manner of necessaries. And seeing, for all they have they cease not still to search for that they have not and know not, it is strange we should be so dull as not maintain that which we have, and pursue that we know. Surely, I am sure many would taste it ill to be abridged of the titles and honors of their predecessors, when, if but truly they would judge themselves, look how inferior they are to their noble virtues, so much they are unworthy of their honors and livings, which never were ordained for shows and shadows to maintain idleness and vice, but to make them more able to abound in honor by heroical deeds of action, judgment, piety, and virtue. What was it they would not do both in purse and person for the good of the commonwealth, which might move them presently to set out their spare kindred in these generous designs ? Religion above all things should move us, especially the clergy, if we were religious, to show our faith by our works in converting those poor savages to the knowledge of God, seeing what pains the Spaniards take to bring them to their adulterated faith. Honor might move the gentry, the valient, and industrious, and the hope and assurance of wealth all, if we were that we would seem and be accounted. Or be we so far inferior to other nations, or our spirits so far dejected from our ancient predecessors', or our minds so upon spoil, piracy, and such villainy as to serve the Portuguese, Spaniard, Dutch, French, or Turk (as to the cost of Europe too many do), rather than our God, our king, our country, and ourselves ? excusing our idleness and our base complaints by want of employments, when here is such choice of all sorts and for all degrees in the planting and discovering these north parts of America. Now, to make my words more apparent by my deeds, I 29 was the last year, 1615, to have staid in the country to make a more ample trial of those conclusions, with sixteen men whose names were : Thomas Dirmir, Edward voyfge°to Stalings, Daniel Cage, Francis Abbot, John Gosling, Thomas Digbie, Daniel Baker, Adam Smith, gentlemen ; William Ingram, Robert Miter, David Cooper, John Patridge, and two boys, soldiers; Thomas Watson, Walter Chissick, John Hall, sailors. I confess I could have wished them as many thousands had all other provisions been in like proportion, nor would I have had so few could I have had means for more, yet (would God have pleased we had safely arrived) I never had the like authority, freedom, and provision to do so well. The main assistance next God I had to this small number was my acquaintance among the savages, especially with Dohannida, one of their greatest lords, who had lived long in England. By the means of this proud savage I did not doubt but quickly to have got that credit with the rest of his friends and allies, to have had as many of them as I desired in any design I intended, and that trade also they had, by such a kind of exchange of their country commodities, which both with ease and security in their seasons may be used. With him and divers others I had concluded to inhabit and defend them against the Terentynes with a better power than the French did them, whose tyranny did enforce them to embrace my offer with no small devotion. And though many may think me more bold than wise in regard of their power, dexterity, treachery, and inconsistancy, having so desperately assaulted and betrayed many others, I say but this (because with so many I have many times done much more in Virginia than I intended here, when I wanted that experience Virginia taught me) that to me it seems no danger more than ordinary. And though I know myself the meanest of many thousands whose apprehensive inspection can pierce beyond the bounds of my habilities into the hidden things of nature, art, and reason, yet I entreat such give me leave to excuse myself of so much imbecility as to say that in these eight years which I have been conversant with these affairs I have not learned there is a great difference betwixt the directions and judgment of experimental knowledge and the superficial conjecture of variable relation ; wherein 30 rumor, humor, or misprison have such power that ofttimes one is enough to beguile twenty, but twenty not sufficient to keep one from being deceived. Therefore I know no reason but to believe my own eyes before any man's imagination, that is but wrested from the conceits of my own projects and endeavors. But I honor with all affection the counsel and instructions of judicial directions, or any other honest advertisement, so far to observe as they tie me not to the cruelty of unknown events. These are the inducements that thus drew me to neglect all other employments and spend my time and best abilities in these adventures, wherein, though I have had many discourage ments by the ingratitude of some, the malicious slanders of others, the falseness of friends, the treachery of cowards, and slowness of adventurers, but chiefly by one Hunt, who was master of the ship, with whom oft arguing these projects for a plantation, however he seemed well in words to like it, yet he practiced to have robbed me of my plots and observations, and so to leave me alone in a desolate isle to the fury of famine and all other extremities (lest I should have acquainted Sir Thomas Smith, my honorable good friend, and the council of Virginia), to the end he and his associates might secretly engross it ere it were known to the state, yet that God that alway hath kept me from the worst of such practices, delivered me from the worst of his dissimulations. Notwithstanding after my departure he abused the savages where he came, and betrayed twenty-seven of these poor innocent souls, which he sold in Spain for slaves, to move their hate against our nation, as well as to cause my proceedings to be so much the more difficult. Now, returning in the bark in the fifth of August, I arrived at Plymouth, where, imparting those my purposes to my honor able friend, Sir Ferdinando Gorge, and some others, I was so encouraged and assured to have the managing their authority in those parts during my life, that I engaged myself to under take it for them. Arriving at London I found also many promise me such assistance that I entertained Michael Cooper, the master, who returned with me, and others of the company. How he dealt with others, or others with him, I know not, but my public proceeding gave such encouragement that it became so well apprehended by some few of the Southern company as these projects were liked, and he furnished from London with 31 four ships at sea before they at Plymouth had made any pro vision at all but only a ship chiefly sent out by Sir Ferdinando Gorge, which, upon Hunt's late treachery among the savages, returned as she went, and did little or nothing but lost her time. I must confess I was beholden to the setters forth of the four ships that went with Cooper, in that they offered me that employment if I would accept it, and I find my refusal hath incurred some of their displeasures whose favor and love I exceedingly desire, if I may honestly enjoy it. And though they do censure me as opposite to their proceedings, they shall yet still in all my words and deeds find it is their error, not my fault, that occasions their dislike, for, having engaged myself in this business to the west country, I had been very dishonest to have broken my promise; nor will I spend more time in discovery or fishing till I may go with a company for plantation, for I know my grounds. Yet everyone that reads this book cannot put it in practice, though it may help any that have seen those parts. And though they endeavor to work me even out of my own designs, I will not much envy their fortunes ; but I would be sorry their intruding ignorance should, by their defailments, bring those certainties to doubtfulness. So that the business prosper I have my desire, be it by Londoner, Scot, Welsh, or English that are true subjects to our king and country. The good of my country is that I seek, and there is more than enough for all if they could be content but to proceed. At last it pleased Sir Ferdinando Gorge and Master Doctor Sutliffe, Dean of Exeter, to conceive so well of these projects and my former employments, as induced them to make a new adventure with me in those parts, The occasion r ' of my return. whither they have so often sent to their continual loss. By whose example many inhabitants of the west country made promises of much more than was looked for, but their private emulations quickly qualified that heat in the greater number, so that the burden lay principally on them and some few gentlemen, my friends, in London. In the end I was furnished with a ship of two hundred and another of fifty; but ere I had sailed 120 leagues she broke all her masts, pumping each watch five or six thousand strokes, only her sprit sail remained to spoon before the wind, till we 32 had reaccommodated a jury mast and the rest, to My re- embarkment, return for Plymouth. My vice-admiral, being lost, encounters J , , , ivi with pirates, not knowing of this, proceeded her voyage. [Now, and imprison- . r J mem by the with the remainder of those provisions I got out again in a bark of sixty tons with thirty men (for this of two hundred and provision for seventy), which were the sixteen before named and fourteen other sailors for the ship. With those I set sail again the twenty-fourth of June, where what befell me (because my actions and writings are so public to the world, envy still seeking to scandalize my endeavors, and seeing no power but death can stop the chat of ill tongues, nor imagination of men's minds), lest my own relations of these hard events might by some constructors be made doubtful, I have thought it best to insert the exami nations of those proceedings taken by Sir Lewis Stukley, a worthy knight and vice-admiral of Devonshire, which were as followeth : The examination of Daniel Baker, late steward to Captain John Smith in the return of Plymouth, taken before Sir Lewis Stukley, knight, the eighth of December, 1615: \ A/ HO saith, being chased two days by one Fry, an English pirate, that could not board us by reason of foul weather, Edmund Chambers, the master ; Jonn Minter, his mate ; Thomas Digby, the pilot, and others, importuned Captain Fry ; his ship his said captain to yield, holding it impossible he 36 cast pieces, should defend himself, and that the said captain and murderers ... . 80 men, of should send them his boat, in that they had none ; which 40 or 50 . were master which at last he concluded upon these conditions, that Fry, the pirate, should vow not to take any thing from Captain Smith that might overthrow his voyage, nor send more pirates into his ship than he liked of, otherwise he would make sure of them he had and defend himself against the rest as he could. More, he confesseth that the quartermasters and chambers received gold of those pirates, but how much he knoweth not ; nor would his captain come out of his cabin to entertain them, although a great many of them had been his sailors, and for his love would have wafted us to the Isles of Flowers. 33 At Fyall we were chased by two French pirates, who commanded us amain. Chambers, Minter, Digby, and others, importuned again the captain to yield, alleging they were Turks, and would make them all slaves; or Iheo"eof20°' " ' ' the other 20. Frenchmen, and would throw them all overboard if they shot but a piece ; and that they were entertained to fish and not to fight; until the captain vowed to fire the powder and split the ship if they would not stand to their defence, whereby at last we went clear of them for all their shot. At Flowers we were chased by four French men-of-war, all with their close fights afore and after. And this examinate's captain having provided for our defence, Chambers, Minter, Digby, and some others again importuned him The Admiral, to yield to the favor of those, against whom there was I2 p'ec«. J ° 12 murderers, nothing but ruin by fighting; but if he would go ^nmenis^'f aboard them, in that he could speak French, by P°ucskkee,tplst0's' courtesy he might go clear, seeing they offered him s™J^da.n*h such fair quarter, and vowed they were Protestants vice-Admirai, t ' J 100 tons ; the and all of Rochelle, and had the king's commission Rear-Admirai. ' ° 60, the other only to take Spaniard, Portuguese, and pirates; 8o:aiihad J r r J 250 men, most which at last he did, but they kept this examinate's a™edasis captain and some other of his company with him. The next day the French men-of-war went aboard us and took what they listed, and divided the company into their several ships, and manned this examinate's ship with the Frenchmen, and chased with her all the ships they saw, until about five or six days after, upon better consideration, they surrendered the ship and victuals, with the most part of our provision, but not our weapons. More, he confesseth that his captain exhorted them to per form their voyage, or go for Newfoundland to return fraughted with fish, where he would find means to proceed in his planta tion ; but Chambers and Minter grew upon terms they would not, until those that were soldiers concluded with their captain's resolution they would, seeing they and'toidie^T" W6F6 ever had clothes, victuals, salt, nets, and lines sufficient, wining to and expected their arms ; and such other things as z they wanted the Frenchmen promised to restore, which the captain the next day went to seek, and sent them about load ing of commodities, as powder, match, hooks, instruments, 34 his sword and dagger, bedding, aqua vitce, his commission, apparel, and many other things, the particulars he remembereth not; but as for the cloth, canvas, and the captain's clothes, Chambers and his associates divided it amongst themselves, and to whom they best liked, his captain not having anything, to his own knowledge, but his waistcoat and breeches, and in this manner going from ship to ship to regain our arms and the rest; they, seeing a sail, gave chase until night. The next day being very foul weather, this examinatecame so near with the ship unto the French men-of-war that they split the main sail on the other's sprit sail-yard. Chambers willed the captain come aboard or he would leave him, whereupon the captain com manded Chambers to send his boat for him. Chambers replied she was split (which was false), telling him he might come, if he would, in the admiral's boat. The captain's answer was, he could not command her nor come when he would, so this examinate fell on stern, and that night left his said captain alone amongst the Frenchmen in this manner, by the command of Chambers, Minter, and others. Daniel Cage, Edward Stalings, gentlemen; Walter Chissell, David Cooper, Robert Miller, and John Partridge, being ex amined, do acknowledge and confess that Daniel Baker, his examination above written is true. TVJOW the cause why the French detained me again was *¦ * the suspicion this Chambers and Minter gave them that I would revenge myself upon the Bank, or in Newfoundland, of all the French I could there encounter, and how treda0chbele ' won^ have fired the ship had they not over- persuaded me, and many other such like tricks to catch but opportunity in this manner to leave me. And thus they returned to Plymouth, and perforce with the French I thus proceeded. Being a fleet of eight or nine sail, we watched for the West Indies fleet till ill weather separated us from the other eight. Still we spent our time about the isles near Fyall, Frenchmen-"6 where, to keep my perplexed thoughts from too fights with the much meditation of my miserable estate, I writ this 1,11 discourse, thinking to have sent it you of his majesty's council by some ship or other, for I saw their 35 purpose was to take all they could. At last we were chased by one Captain Barra, an English pirate, in a small ship with some twelve pieces of ordinance, about thirty men, and near all starved. They sought by courtesy relief of us, who gave them such fair promises as at last we betrayed Captain Wolliston (his lieutenant) and four or_five of their men aboard us, and then provided to take the rest perforce. Now my part was to be prisoner in the gun room, and not to speak to any of them upon my life, yet had Barra knowledge what I was. Then Barra, perceiving well these French intents, made ready to fight, and Wolliston as resolutely regarded not their threats, which caused us demur upon the matter longer some sixteen hours, and then returned their prisoners, and some victuals also, upon a small composition. The next we took was a small Englishman of Poole from Newfoundland. The great cabin at this present was my prison, from whence I could see them pillage those poor men of all that they had and half their fish ; when he was gone they sold his poor clothes at the mainmast by an outcry, which scarce gave each man seven pence apiece. Not long after we took a Scot fraught from Saint Michaels to Bristow. He had better fortune than the other ; for, having but taken a boat's loading of sugar, marmalade, suckets, and such like, we descried four sail, after whom we stood ; who, furling their main sails, attended us to fight. But our French spirits were content only to perceive they were English red crosses. Within a very small time after we chased four Spanish ships come from the Indies. We fought with them four or five hours, tore their sails and sides, yet, not daring to board them, lost them. A poor caravel of Brazil was the next we chased, and after a small fight, thirteen or fourteen of her men being wounded, which was the better half, we took her with 370 chests of sugar. The next was a West Indiesman of 160 tons, a prize worth «= ' 10,000 crowns. with twelve hundred hides, fifty chests of cochineal, fourteen coffers of wedges of silver, eight thousand ryalls of eight, and six coffers of the king of Spain's treasure, besides the pillage and rich coffers of many rich passengers. Two months they kept me in this manner, to worth 200,000 crowns manage their fights against the Spaniards and be a prisoner when they took any English. Now, though the captain 36 had oft broke his promise, which was to put me ashore on the isles, or the next ship he took, yet at last he was entreated I should go for France in the caravel of sugar, himself resolved still to keep the seas. Within two days after we were hailed by two West Indiesmen ; but when they saw us wave them for the king of France, they gave us their broadsides, shot through our main mast, and so left us. Having lived thus near three months among those French men-of-war, with much ado we arrived at the Gulion, not far from Rochelle, where, instead of the great promises they always fed me with, of double satisfaction and full content, they kept me five or six days prisoner in the caravel, accusing me to be him that burnt their colony in New France, to force me to give them a discharge before the judge of the admiralty, and so stand to their courtesy for satisfaction, or lie in prison or a worse mischief. To prevent this choice, in the end My escape from the of such a storm that beat them all under hatches, I Frenchmen. , . , . ..... watched my opportunity to get ashore in their boat, whereinto, in the dark night, I secretly got, and, with a half- pike that lay by me, put adrift for Rat Isle ; but the current was so strong and the sea so great I went adrift to sea, till it pleased God the wind so turned with the tide that, although I was all this fearful night of gusts and rain in the sea the space of twelve hours, when many ships were driven ashore and divers split (and being with sculling and bailing the water tired, I expected each minute would sink me), at last I arrived in an ooze isle by Charowne, where certain fowlers found me near drowned, and half dead with water, cold, and hunger. By those 1 found means to get to Rochelle, where I understood the man-of-war which we left at sea and the rich prize was split, the captain drowned, and half his company, the same night, within seven leagues of that place from whence I escaped alone in a little boat, by the mercy of God, far beyond all men's reason or my expectation. Arriving at Rochelle, upon my complaint to the judge of the admiralty, I found many good words and fair promises, and ere long many of them that escaped drowning told me the news they heard of my own death ; these I arresting, their several examinations did so confirm my complaint, it was held proof sufficient. All which being performed according to the order of justice from under the judge's hand, I presented it to the English ambassador then at Bordeaux, where fir Thomas D ' Edmunds. it was my chance to see the arrival of the king's great marriage, brought from Spain. Of the wreck of the rich prize some thirty-six thousand crowns' worth of goods came ashore and was saved with the caravel, which I did my best to arrest. The judge did promise me I should have justice ; what will be the conclusion, as yet I know not. But under the color to take pirates and West Indiesmen They betrayed r me, having the (because the Spaniards will not suffer the French broad seal of v r England, and trade in the West Indies), any goods from thence, ^"JfnTish though they take them upon the coast of Spain, are ™°«- besnldes lawful prize, or from any of his territories out of the cealed in like r ' J manner, were HmitS Of Europe. betrayed r that year. Leaving thus my business in France, I returned to Plymouth to find them that had thus buried me amongst the French, and not only buried me, but with so much infamy as such treacherous cowards could suggest to excuse their villainies. But my clothes, books, instruments, *Jy ^"j^0' arms, and what I had they shared amongst them, and what they liked, feigning the French had all was wanting, and had thrown them into the sea, taken their ship and all, had they not run away and left me as they did. The chieftains of this mutiny that I could find I laid by the heels ; the rest, like themselves, confessed the truth as you have heard. Now, how I have or could prevent these accidents, I rest at your censures. But to the matter. Newfoundland at first, I have heard, was held as desperate a fishing as this I project in New England. Placentia and the Bank were also as doubtful to the French. But, for all the disasters happened me, the business is the same it was, and the fine ships (whereof one was reported more than three hundred tons) went forward, and found fish so much that neither Icelandmen nor Newfoundlandmen, I could hear of hath been there, will go any more to either place if they may go thither. So that upon the return of my vice-admiral, that proceeded on her voyage when I spent my otmyvice- i t ni j.u -LU- x admiral and masts, from Plymouth this year are gone four or the four ships five sail, and from London as many, only to make from voyages of profit. Where the Englishmen have yet 38 been, all their returns together (except Sir Fr. Popphames) would scarce make one a saver of near a dozen I could nomi nate, though there be fish sufficient, as I persuade myself, to fraught yearly four or five hundred sail, or as many as will go. For this fishing stretcheth along the coast from Cape Cod to Newfoundland, which is seven or eight hundred miles at the least, and hath his course in the deeps, and by the shore, all the year long ; keeping their haunts and feedings as the beasts of the field and the birds of the air. But all men are not such as they should be, have undertaken those voyages, and a man that hath but heard of an instrument can hardly use it so well as he that by use hath contrived to make it. All the Romans were not Scipios, nor all the Genoese Columbuses, nor all Spaniards Cortezes. Had they dived no deeper in the secrets of their discoveries than we, or stopped at such doubts and poor accidental chances, they had never been remembered as they are; yet had they no such certainties to begin as we. But to conclude, Adam and Eve did first begin this innocent work, to plant the earth to remain to posterity, but not with out labor, trouble, and industry. Noah and his family began again the second plantation, and their seed as it still increased hath still planted new countries, and one country another, and so the world to that estate it is, but not without much hazard, travel, discontents, and many disasters. Had those worthy fathers and their memorable offspring not been more diligent for us now in these ages, than we are to plant that yet un- planted for the after-livers ; had the seed of Abraham, our Saviour Christ, and his apostles exposed themselves to no more dangers to teach the gospel and the will of God than we, even we ourselves had at this present been as savage and as miserable as the most barbarous savage yet uncivilized. The Hebrews and Lacedaemonians, the Goths, the Grecians, the Romans, and the rest, what was it they would not under take to enlarge their territories, enrich their subjects, resist their enemies ? Those that were the founders of those great monarchies and their virtues were no silvered, idle, golden Pharisees, but industrious, iron -steeled publicans. They regarded more provisions and necessaries for their people than jewels, riches, ease, or delight for themselves. Riches were 39 their servants, not their masters. They ruled (as fathers, not as tyrants) their people as children, not as slaves. There was no disaster could discourage them ; and let none think they encountered not with all manner of incumbrances. And what have ever been the works of the greatest princes of the earth but planting of countries and civilizing barbarous and inhuman nations to civility and humanity, whose eternal actions fill our histories? Lastly, the Portuguese and Spaniards, whose everliving actions before our eyes will testify with them our idleness and ingratitude to all posterities, and the neglect of our duties in our piety and religion we owe our God, our king, and country, and of want charity to those poor savages, whose country we challenge, use and possess, except we be but made to use and mar what our forefathers macle, or but only tell what they did, or esteem ourselves too good to take the like pains. Was it virtue in them to provide that doth maintain us ? and baseless for us to do the like for others ? Surely no. Then, seeing we are not born for ourselves, but each to help other, and our abilities are much alike at the hour of our birth and the minute of our death ; seeing our good deeds or our bad, by faith in Christ's merits, is all we have to carry our souls to heaven or hell ; seeing honor is our life's ambition, and our ambition after death to have an honorable memory of our life ; and seeing by no means we would be abated of the dignities and glories of our predecessors, let us imitate their virtues to be worthily their successors. FINIS. At London : Printed the eighteenth, of June, \ in the year of our Lord 1616. j 40 TO HIS WORTHY CAPTAIN, THE AUTHOR. Oft thou hast led, when I brought up the rear, In bloody wars where thousands have been slain ; Then give me leave, in this some part to bear, And, as thy servant, here to read my name. 'Tis true, long time thou hast my captain been, In the fierce wars of Transylvania ; Long ere that thou America hadst seen, Or led, was captived in Virginia. Thou, that to pass the world's four parts dost deem No more than 'twere to go to bed or drink, And all thou yet hast done thou dost esteem As nothing. This doth cause me think That thou I've seen so oft approv'd in dangers (And thrice captiv'd, thy valor still hath freed) Art yet preserved to convert these strangers ; By God, thy guide, I trust it is decreed. For me, I not commend, but much admire Thy England, yet unknown to passers-by-her ; For it will praise itself in spite of me, Thou it, it thou, to all posterity. Your true friend and soldier, ED. ROBISON. TO MY HONEST CAPTAIN, THE AUTHOR. Malignant times ! What can be said or done But shall be censur'd and traduc'd by some ! This worthy work, which thou hast bought so dear, Ne thou, or it, detractors need to fear. Thy words by deeds so long thou hast approv'd Of thousands know thee not, thou art beloved, And this great plot will make thee ten times more Known and beloved than e'er thou wert before. I never knew a warrior yet but thee, From wine, tobacco, debts, dice, oaths, so free. I call thee warrior, and I make the bolder, For many a captain now was never soldier. Some such may swell at this, but (to their praise) When they have done like thee, my muse shall raise, Their due deserts to worthies yet to come, To live like thine (admir'd) till day of doom. Your true friend, sometimes your soldier, THO. CARLTON. CONTENTS OF VOLUME ONE A Discourse Concerning the Designed Establishment of a No. i, New Colony to the South of Carolina, in the Most Delight- Mav- ful Country of the Universe, by Sir Robert Mountgomry, Baronet. London : Printed in the year 1717. A Brief Account of the Establishment of the Colony of No- 2- Georgia, under General James Oglethorpe, February June- 1, 1733- A State of the Province of Georgia, Attested upon Oath, in No- 3. the Court of Savannah, November 10, 1740. London : July' Printed for W. Meadows, at the Angel in Cornhill, MDCCXLII. A True and Historical Narrative of the Colony of Georgia, No- 4, in America, from the first settlement thereof until this August period ; containing the most authentic facts, matters, and transactions therein ; together with his Majesty's charter, rep resentations of the people, letters, etc.; and a Dedication to his Excellency General Oglethorpe. — By Pat. Tailfer, M. D., Hugh Anderson, M. D., Da. Douglas, and others, Landholders in Georgia, at present in Charles-town, in South Carolina. Charles-town, South Carolina: Printed by P. Timothy, for the Authors, 1741. AN Account Showing the Progress of the Colony of Georgia, No. 5, in America, from its First Establishment. Published per September. Order of the Honorable the Trustees. London : Printed in the year MDCCXLI. Maryland : Reprinted and sold by Jonas Green, at his Printing Office, in Annapolis, 1742. NOVA Britannia : Offering most excellent fruits by plant- No. 6, ing in Virginia ; exciting all such as be well affected October. to further the same. London : Printed for Samuel Macham, and are to be sold at his shop in Paul's Church-yard, at the sign of the Bul-head, 1609. CONTENTS No. 7, November. No. 8, December. No. g, January. No. 10, February. No. ii, March. No. 12, April. THE New Life of Virginia : Declaring the former success and present estate of that plantation, being the second part of Nova Britannia. Published by authority of his Majesty's Council of Virginia. London : Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, for William Welby, dwelling at the sign of the Swan, in Paul's Church-yard, 1612. THE Beginning, Progress, and Conclusion of Bacon's Rebel lion in Virginia, in the years 1675 and 1676. AN Account of our Late Troubles in Virginia, written in 1676, by Mrs. An. Cotton of Q. Creek. Published from the original manuscript, in the Richmond (Va.) Enquirer, of 12 September, 1804. A List of Those that have been Executed for the Late Rebel lion in Virginia, by Sir William Berkeley, Governor of the Colony. Copied from the original manuscript (Harleian collection, codex 6845, page 54), in the library of the British Museum, London, by Robert Greenhow, Esq., of Virginia. A Narrative of the Indian and Civil Wars in Virginia, in the years 1675 and 1676. Published from the original manu script, in the first volume (second series) of the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Boston : Printed by John Eliot, No. 5 Court street, 1814. NEW England's Plantation : or, a short and true description of the commodities and discommodities of that country. Written by a reverend Divine now there resident. London : Printed by T. C. and R. C. for Michael Sparke, dwelling at the sign of the Blue Bible in Greene Arbor in the little Old Bailey, 1630. A Petition of W. C. Exhibited to the High Court of Parlia ment, now assembled, for the Propagating of the Gospel in America and the West Indies, and for the settling of our Plantations there ; which Petition is approved by seventy able English Divines, also by Master Alexander Henderson and some other worthy Ministers of Scotland. Printed in the year 1641. AMERICAN Colonial Tracts MONTHLY Number Two June 1898 NEW ENGLAND'S TRIALS. DECLARING THE SUCCESS OF 80 SHIPS EMPLOYED THITHER WITHIN THESE EIGHT YEARS ; AND THE BENEFIT OF THAT COUNTRY BY SEA AND LAND. WITH THE PRESENT ESTATE OF THAT HAPPY PLANTATION, BEGUN BUT BY SIXTY WEAK MEN, IN THE YEAR 1 620. AND HOW TO BUILD A FLEET OF GOOD SHIPS TO MAKE A LITTLE NAVY ROYAL. WRITTEN BY CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH, SOMETIMES GOVERNOR OF VIRGINIA, AND ADMIRAL OF NEW ENGLAND. THE SECOND EDITION. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM JONES, 1622. Price 2$ Cents $3.00 a Year Published by GEORGE P HUMPHREY ROCHESTER Foreign Agents GAY & BIRD London England COLONIAL TRACTS, issued monthly, is designed to offer in convenient form and at a reasonable price some of the more valuable pamphlets relating to the early history of America which have hitherto been inaccessible to the general public, although of so much importance to the historical student. Single numbers at 25 cents each, or $3.00 by the year, in advance, may be ordered through any book seller, from the publisher, George P. Humphrey, 25 Exchange Street, Rochester, N. Y., or Gay & Bird, 22 Bedford Street, Strand, London, W. C, England, agents for England and the Colonies. The number for July will contain " The Planter's Plea. Or, the grounds of plantations examined, and usual objections answered. Together with a manifestation of the causes moving such as have lately undertaken a plantation in New England. For the satisfaction of those that question the lawfulness of the action. London : printed by William Jones, 1630." Volume one is completed with the number for April, i8g8, which contains a very complete index, thus making the twelve numbers readily available for reference purposes. The twelve numbers complete and uncut, in a binding of dark blue buckram, price four dollars. Covers for binding can be furnished separately, if desired. AMONG the many interesting numbers for 1898-9, we are able to announce the following : Morton's New English Canaan, 1632. Description of the Province of South Carolina, 1732. Description of Georgia ; London, 1741. A Description of the Province of New Albion, 1648. A Perfect Description of Virginia, 1649. Virginia and Maryland, or the Lord Baltimore's printed case uncased and answered, 1655. Entered at the Rochester Post-Office as Second Class Matter. NEW ENGLAND'S TRIALS: DECLARING THE SUCCESS OF EIGHTY SHIPS EMPLOYED THITHER WITHIN THESE EIGHT YEARS, AND THE BENEFIT OF THAT COUNTRY BY SEA AND LAND ; WITH THE PRESENT ESTATE OF THAT HAPPY PLANTATION, BEGUN BUT BY SIXTY WEAK MEN IN THE YEAR 1620; AND HOW TO BUILD A FLEET OF GOOD SHIPS TO MAKE A LITTLE NAVY ROYAL. WRITTEN BY CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH, SOMETIMES GOVERNOR OF VIRGINIA AND ADMIRAL OF NEW ENGLAND. THE SECOND EDITION. LONDON : Printed by W" LIAM JONES, 1622. NO 14 JUNE 1898 COLONIAL TRACTS Published by GEORGE P HUMPHREY ROCHESTER N Y The Genesee Presa : The Post Exprens Printing Company, Rochester, N. Y, TO THE MOST HIGH AND EXCELLENT PRINCE CHARLES, PRINCE OF WALES ; DUKE OF CORNWALL, YORK, AND ALBANY ; MARQUIS OF ORMOND, AND ROTHSEY ; AND EARL PALATINE OF CHESTER ; HEIR OF GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, AND IRELAND, ETC. Sir: WHEN scarce any would believe me there was any such matter, your Highness did not disdain to accept my description, and called that New England, whose barbarous names you changed for such English that none can deny but Prince Charles is the godfather. Whereby, I am bound in all reason and duty to give you the best account I can how your child doth prosper ; and, although as yet it is not much unlike the father in fortune, only used as an instrument for other men's ends, yet the grace you bestowed on it by your princely favor hath drawn so many judgments now to behold it, that I hope shall find it will give content to your highness, satisfaction to them, and so increase the number of well-willers, New England will be able to reject her maligners and attend Prince Charles with her dutiful obedience with a trophy of honor and a kingdom for a prince. Therefore, the great work contained in this little book humbly desires your princely patronage. No more, but sacrificing all my best abilities to the exquisite judg ment of your renowned virtues, I humbly kiss your gracious hands. Your highness' true and faithful servant, Jno. Smith. TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE AND RIGHT WORTHY ADVENTURERS TO ALL PLANTATIONS AND DISCOVERERS, THEIR FRIENDS AND WELL-WISHERS, ESPECIALLY OF VIRGINIA AND NEW ENGLAND. Right Honorable : f CONFESS it were more proper for me doing what I say, than writing what I know ; but that it is not my fault there is many a hundred can testify if they please to remember what pains I have taken, both particularly and generally, to make this work known, and procure means to put it in practice. What calumniations, doubts, or other misrepresentations hath opposed my endeavors, I had rather forget than remember, but still to express my forwardness to the consideration of your favorable constructions, 1 present this short discourse of the proceeding and present estate of New England. If you please to peruse it and make use of it, I am richly rewarded, though they be but the collections and observations of a plain soldier ; yet, if you please to grace them with you countenance and good acceptance, 1 shall therein think myself happy, and hope that those labors may in time return you such fruits as hereafter may persuade you to pardon this boldness, and accept them to be your honest servants. Yours to command, Jno. Smith. vol. . COLONIAL TRACTS™- NEW ENGLAND'S TRIALS AND PRESENT ESTATE. CONCERNING the description of this country six years ago, I wrote so largely, as in brief, I hope this may suffice you to remember that New England is a part of America betwixt the degrees of 41 and 45, the very mean betwixt the north pole and the line. From 43 to 45, the coast is mountainous, rocky, barren, and broken isles, that make many good harbors. The water is deep close to the shore ; there are many rivers and fresh springs, few savages, but an incredible abundance of fish, fowl, wild fruits, and good timber. From 43 to 41 j£ an excel lent mixed coast of stone, sand, and clay, much corn, many people, some isles, many good harbors, a temperate air, and therein all things necessary for the building of ships of any proportion, and good merchandise for their fraught within a square of twelve leagues. Twenty-five harbors I sounded, thirty several lordships I saw, and so near as I could imagine, three thousand men. I was up one river forty miles, crossed the mouths of many, whose heads are reported to be great lakes (where they kill their beavers), inhabited with many people, who trade with those of New England and them of Canada. THE BENEFIT OF FISHING, AS MR. DEE REPORTETH IN HIS BRITISH MONARCHY. He saith that it is more than forty-four years ago, and it is more than forty years since he wrote it, that the herring busses out of the low countries, under the king of Spain, were five hundred, besides one hundred Frenchmen and three or four hundred sail of Flemmings. The coasts of Wales and Lancashire were used by three hundred sail of strangers. Ireland at Baltimore freighted yearly three hundred sail of Spaniards, where King Edward the VI intended to have made a strong castle, because of the strait, to have tribute for fishing. Black Rock was yearly fished by three or four hundred sail of Spaniards, Portuguese, and Biskiners. Mr. Gentleman and many fishermen and fishmongers with whom I have conferred, report : The Hollanders raise yearly by herring, cod, and ling, 3,000,000 pounds. English and French by salt fish, poorjohn, salmon, and pilchards, 300,000 pounds. Hambrough and the sound, for sturgeon, lobsters, and eels, 100,000 pounds. Cape Blank for tunny and mullet, by the Biskiners and Spaniards, 30,000 pounds. But divers other learned, experienced observers say, though it may seem incredible, that the Duke of Medina receiveth yearly tribute of the fishers for tunny, mullet, and purgos, more than 10,000 pounds. Lubeck hath seven hundred ships ; Hambrough six hundred. Embden, lately a fisher town of 1400, whose customs by the profit of fishing hath made them so powerful as they be. Holland and Zeland, not much greater than Yorkshire, have thirty walled towns, four hundred villages, and twenty thousand sail of ships and hoyes ; three thousand six hundred are fisher men, whereof one hundred are doggers, seven hundred pinks and well-boats, seven hundred frand boats, britters, and tode boats, with one thousand three hundred busses, besides three hundred that yearly fish about Yarmouth, where they sell their fish for gold, and fifteen years ago they had more than 1 16,000 seafaring men. These fishing ships do take yearly 200,000 last of fish, twelve barrels to a last, which amounted to 3,000,000 pounds by the fishermen's price, that fourteen years ago did pay for their tenths 300,000 pound, which venting in Pumerland, Prussia, Denmark, Lesland, Russia, Swethland, Germany, Netherlands, England, or elsewhere, etc., make their returns in a year about 7,000,000 pounds, and yet in Holland they have neither matter to build ships, nor merchandize to set them forth ; yet by their industry they as much increase as other nations decay. But leaving these uncertainties as they are, of this I am certain : That the coast of England, Scotland, and Ireland, the North sea, with Ireland and the sound, Newfoundland and Cape Blank, do serve all Europe, as well the land towns as ports, and all the Christian shipping, with these sorts of staple fish, which is transported from whence it is taken, many a thousand mile, viz. : herring, salt fish, poorjohn, sturgeon, mullet, tunny, porgos, caviare, buttargo. Now, seeing all these sorts of fish, or the most part of them, may be had in a land more fertile, temperate, and plentiful of all necessaries for the building of ships, boats, and houses, and the nourishment of man, the seasons are so proper and the fishings so near the habitations we may there make, that New England hath much advantage of the most of those parts to serve all Europe far cheaper than they can, who at home have neither wood, salt, nor food, but at great rates ; at sea nothing but what they carry in their ships an hundred or two hundred leagues from their habitation. But New England's fishings are near land, where is help of wood, water, fruits, fowls, corn, or other refreshings needful ; and the Terceras, Maderias, Canaries, Spain, Portugal, Pro vence, Savoy, Sicilia, and all Italy as convenient markets for our dry fish, green fish, sturgeon, mullet, cavaire, and buttargo, as Norway, Swethland, Littuania, or Germany for their herring, which is here also in abundance, for taking, they returning but wood, pitch, tar, soap-ashes, cordage, flax, wax, and such like commodities ; we, wines, oils, sugars, silks, and such merchandize as the straits afford, whereby our profit may equalize theirs, besides the increase of shipping and mariners. And for proof hereof : With two ships sent out at the charge of Captain Marma- duke Roydon, Captain George Langam, M. John Buley, and W. Skelton, I went from the Downes— r.!^J' the third of March and arrived in New England the last of Aprils where I was to have stayed but with ten men to keep possession of those large territories. Had the whales proved as curious information had assured me and my adventures, but those things failed. So having but forty-five men and boys, we built seven boats, thirty-seven did fish, myself with eight others ranging the coast ; I took a plot of what I could see, got acquaintance of the inhabitants ; eleven hundred beaver skins, one hundred martins, and as many otters. Forty thousand of dried fish we sent to Spain ; with the salt fish, train oil, and furs, I returned to England the eighteenth of July, and arrived safe with my company the lat ter end of August. Thus, in six months, I made my voyage out and home, and by the labor of forty-five, got near the value of ^1500 in those gross commodities. This year, also, one went from Plymouth, set out by divers of the Isle of Wight and the west country, by the directions and instructions of Sir Ferdinando Gorge, spent their victuals, and returned with nothing. The Virginia company, upon this, sent four good ships, and because I would not undertake it for them, having Proof 2, 1615. engaged myself to them of the west, the Londoners entertained the men that came home with me. They set sail in January, and arrived there in March. They found fish enough until half June, fraughted a ship of three hundred tons, went for Spain, which was taken by the Turks ; one went to Virginia to relieve that colony, and two came for England with the green fish, train oil, and furs within six months. In January, with £200 in cash for adventure, and six gentle men well furnished, I went from London to the four ships promised prepared for me in the west country, but I found no such matter, notwithstanding at the last, with a labyrinth of trouble, I went from Plymouth with a ship of two hundred tons, and one of fifty. When the fishing was done only with fifteen, I was to stay in the country ; but ill weather breaking all my masts, I was forced to return to Plymouth, where, rather than lose all, reembarking myself in a bark of sixty tons (how I escaped the English pirates and the French, and was betrayed by four French men-of-war, I refer you to the Description of New England), but my vice-admiral, not withstanding the lateness of the year, setting forth with me in March, the Londoners in January, she arrived in May, they in March, yet came home well fraught in August, and all her men well, within five months, odd days. The Londoners, ere I returned from France, for all their loss by the Turks, which was valued about .£4000, sent two more in July, but such courses they took by the Canaries to the West Indies, it was ten months ere they arrived in New England, wasting in that time their seasons, victuals, and health, yet there they found means to refresh themselves, and the one returned near fraught with fish and train, within two months after. From Plymouth went four ships, only to fish and trade, some in February, some in March, one of two hundred tons got thither in a month, and went full fraught ¦for Spain, the rest returned to Plyfflouth well fraught, and their men well, within five months, odd days. From London went two more ; one of two hundred tons got thither in six weeks, and within six weeks after, with forty-four men and boys, was full fraught, and returned again to England within five months and a few days ; the other went to the Canaries with dried fish, which they sold at a great rate for rials of eight, and, as I heard, turned pirates. I being at Plymouth provided with three good ships, yet but fifteen men to stay with me in the country, was windbound three months, as was many a hundred sail more, so that, the season being past, ships went for New foundland, whereby my design was frustrated, which was to me and my friends no small loss, in regard whereof here the western commissioners, in the behalf of themselves and the rest of the company, contracted with me by articles indented under our hands, to be admiral of that country during my life, and in the renewing of their letters patent so to be nominated, half the fruits of our endeavors theirs, the rest our own. Being thus engaged, now the business doth prosper. Some of them would willingly forget me, but I am not the first they have deceived. There were four good ships prepared at Plymouth, but by reason of their disagreement, the season so wasted as only two went forward, the one being of two hundred tons returned well fraught for Plymouth, and her men in health, within five months ; the other, of eighty tons, went for Bilbow with dried fish, and made a good return. In this voyage Edward Rowcroft, alias Stallings, a valiant soldier, that had been with me in Virginia, and seven years after went with me from Plymouth towards New England, with Thomas Dirmer, an understanding and an industrious gentleman, to inhabit it ; all whose names, with our proceedings, you may read at large 10 in my description of New England, upon trial before the judge of the admirality, how, when we had passed the worst, for pure cowardice, the master and sailors ran away with the ship and all I had, and left me alone among eight or nine French men-of-war, in the year 1615. This Stallings went now again in those ships, and having some wrong offered him in New England by a Frenchman, he took him, and as he wrote to me, he went with her to Virginia with fish, to trade withjhem for such commodities as they might spare. He knew both these countries well, yet he promised me the next spring to meet me in New England, but the ship and he perished in Virginia. This year, again divers ships intending to go from Plymouth, so disagreed as there went but one of two hundred Proof 9, 1619. tons, who stayed in the country about six weeks, with thirty-eight men and boys, had her fraught, which she sold at the first penie, for £2100, besides the furs ; so that every poor sailor that had but a single share, had his charges and ^16 10s. for his seven months' work. Mr. Thomas Dirmer, having lived about a year in Newfoundland, returning to Plymouth, went for New England in this ship, and not only confirms what I have written, but so much more approved of it, that he stayed there with five or six men in a little boat. Finding two or three Frenchmen among the savages who had lost their ship, augmented his company, with whom he ranged the coast to Virginia, where he was kindly welcomed and well refreshed ; thence returned to New England again, where having been a year, in his back-return to Virginia he was so wounded by the savages he died upon it ; those who escaped were relieved at Virginia. Let not men attribute their great adventures and untimely deaths to unfortunateness, but rather wonder how God did so long preserve them, with so small means to do so much, leaving the fruits of their labors to bean encouragement to those our poor undertakings ; and this for our advantage, as they write unto me, that God hath laid this country open for us, and slain the most part of the inhabitants by cruel wars and a mortal disease, for where I had seen one hundred or two hundred people there is scarce ten to be found. From Pembrocks bay to Harrintons bay there is not twenty ; from thence to Cape Ann some thirty ; from Taulbuts bay to the river Charles, about forty ; and not any of them touched 11 with any sickness, but one poor Frenchman, that died. For to make trial this year, there is gone six or seven sail from the west country, only to fish, three of whom , , , . . . . ,. , Proof 10, 1620. are returned, and as I was certainly informed, • made so good a voyage, that every sailor for a single share had £20 for his seven months work, which is more than in twenty months he should have gotten had he gone for wages anywhere. Now, though all the former ships have not made such good voyages as they expected, by sending opinionated, unskillful men that had not experienced diligence to save that they took, nor take that there was, which now patience and practice hath brought to a reasonable kind of perfection. In despite of all detractors and calumniations, the country yet hath satisfied all ; the defect hath been in their using or abusing it, not in itself, nor me. A PLANTATION IN NEW ENGLAND. [ TPON these inducements, some few well-disposed gentlemen *-^ and merchants of London and other places provided two ships, the one of one hundred and sixty tons, the Proof 11, 1620. other of seventy. They left the coast of England the twenty-third of August, with about one hundred and twenty persons, but the next day the lesser ship sprung a leak that forced their return to Plymouth, where discharging her and twenty passengers, with the great ship and a hundred persons besides sailors, they set sail again the sixth of September, and the ninth of November fell Cape James, but being pestered nine weeks in this leaking, unwholesome ship, lying wet in their cabins, most of them grew very weak, and weary of the sea ; then for want of experience ranging to and again, six weeks before they found a place they liked to dwell on, forced to lie on the bare ground without covering in the extremity of winter, forty of them died and sixty were left in very weak estate at the ship's coming away, about the first of April following, and arrived in England the sixth of May. Immediately after her arrival, from London they sent another of fiftv-five tons, to supply them, with thirty-seven . Proof 12. 1620. persons. They set sail in the beginning of July, but being crossed by westerly winds, it was the end of August ere they could pass Plymouth, and arrived at New Plymouth 12 in New England, the eleventh of November, where they found all the people they left in April, as is said, lusty and in good health, except six that died. Within a month they returned here for England, laded with clapboard, wainscot, and walnut, with about three hogsheads of beaver skins, and some sasafras, the thirteenth of December, and drawing near our coast, was taken by a Frenchman, sent out by the marquis of Cera, gover nor of Isle Deu, on the coast of Poytou, where they kept the ship, imprisoned the master and company, took from them to the value of about .£500, and after fourteen days sent them home with a poor supply of victuals, their own being devoured by the marquis and his hungry servants. They arrived in London the fourteenth of February, leaving all those they found and carried to New England, well and in health, with victuals and corn sufficient till the next harvest. THE COPY OF LETTER SENT BY THIS SHIP. T OVING COUSIN : At our arrival at New Plymouth in New England, we found all our friends and planters in Aietterfrom §00c* nea'th, though they were left sick and weak, New Plymouth, v^ith very small means, the Indians round about us peaceable and friendly, the country very pleasant and temper ate, yielding naturally of itself great store of fruits, as vines of divers sorts in great abundance ; there is likewise walnuts, chestnuts, small nuts, and plums, with much variety of flowers, roots, and herbs, no less pleasant than wholesome and profit able. No place hath more gooseberries and strawberries, nor better. Timber of all sorts you have in England doth cover the land, that affords beasts of divers sorts, and great flocks of turkeys, quail, pigeons, and partridges ; many great lakes abounding with fish, fowl, beavers, and otters. The sea affords us as great plenty of all excellent sorts of sea fish, as the rivers and isles doth variety of wild fowl of most useful sorts. Mines we find to our thinking, but neither the goodness nor quality we know. Better grain cannot be than the Indian corn, if we will plant it upon as good ground as a man need desire. We are all freeholders, the rent day doth not trouble us, and all those good blessings we have, of which and what we list, in their seasons for taking. Our company are for most 13 mart very religious, honest people ; the word of God sincerely -taught us every Sabbath, so that I know not anything a con tented mind can here want. I desire your friendly care to send my wife and children to me, where I wish all the friends I have in England, and so I rest, Your loving kinsman, William Hilton. From the west country went ten or twelve ships to fish, which were all well fraughted. Those that came first at Bilbow made £17 a single share, besides beaver, otter, and martin skins ; but some of the rest that came to the same ports that were already furnisned, so glutted the market their price was abated, yet all returned so well contented they are preparing to go again. There is gone from the west of England only to fish thirty- five ships, and about the last of April two more Forthis from London, the one of one hundred tons, the l622- other of thirty, with some sixty passengers to supply the plantation with all necessary provisions. Now, though the Turk and French hath been somewhat too busy, would all the Christian princes but be truly at unity as his royal majesty, our sovereign lord and king desireth, seventy sail of good ships were sufficient to fire the most of his coasts in the Levant and make such a guard in the straits of Hellespont as would make the great Turk himself more afraid in Constantinople than the smallest red cross crosses the seas would be, either of any French, Piccaroun, or the pirates of Argere. AN ABSTRACT OF LETTERS SENT FROM THE COLONY IN NEW ENGLAND, JULY 16, 1622. CINCE the news of the massacre in Virginia, though the ^ Indians continue their wonted friendship, yet are we more wary of them than before, for their hands have been imbrued in much English blood only by too much confidence, but not by force. Here I must entreat a little your favors to digress. They did not kill the English because they were Christians, but for their weapons and commodities, that were rare novelties ; but 14 now they fear we may beat them out of their dens, whicfv lions and tigers would not admit but by force. But must this be an argument for an Englishman or discourage any, either in Virginia or New England ? No ; for I have tried them both. For Virginia, I kept that country with thirty-eight, and had not to eat but what we had from the savages. When I had ten men able to go abroad, our commonwealth was very strong. With such a number I ranged that unknown country fourteen weeks ; I had but eighteen to subdue them all, with which great army I stayed six weeks before thsir greatest king's habitations till they had gathered together all the power they could, and yet the Dutchmen sent at a needless excessive charge did help Powhattan how to betray me. Of their numbers we were uncertain, but those two honor able gentlemen ( Captain George Percie and Captain Francis West, two of the Phittiplaces, and some other noble gentlemen and resolute spirits, bore their shares with me, and now living in England) did see me take this murdering Opechaukanough, now their king, by the long locks on his head, with my pistol at his breast. I led him among his greatest forces, and before we parted made him fill our bark of twenty tons, with corn. When their own wants were such I have given them part again in pity, and others have bought it again to plant their fields. For wronging a soldier but the value of a penny, I have caused Powhattan to send his own men to Jamestown to receive their punishment at my discretion. It is true, in our greatest extremity, they shot me, slew three of my men, and by the folly of them that fled took me prisoner ; yet God made Pocahontas, the king's daughter, the means to deliver me, and thereby taught me to know their treacheries, to preserve the rest. It was also my chance in single combat to take the king of Paspahegh prisoner, and by keeping him, forced his subjects to work in chains till 1 made all the country pay contribution, having little else whereon to live. Twice in this time I was their president, and none can say in all that time I had any man slain ; but for keeping them in that fear I was much blamed both there and here, yet I left five hundred behind me that through their confidence in six months came most to confusion, as you may read at large in the descrip tion of Virginia. When I went first to those desperate designs 15 jt cost me many a forgotten pound to hire men to go, and pro crastination caused more to run away than went. But after the ice was broken, came many brave volunteers, notwith standing since I came from thence, the honorable company have been humble suitors to his majesty to get vagabonds and condemned men to go thither ; nay, so much scorned was the name of Virginia that some did choose to be hanged ere they would go thither, and were ; yet for all the worst of spite, detraction, and discouragement, and this lamentable massacre, there is more honestvmen now suitors to go than ever hath been constrained knaves, and it is not unknown to most men of understanding how happy many of those calumniators do think themselves that they might be admitted, and yet pay for their passage to go now to Virginia, and had I but means to transport as many as would go, I might have choice of ten thousand that would gladly be in any of those new places which were so basely condemned by ungrateful, base minds. To range this country of New England in like manner, I had but eight, as is said, and amongst their brute conditions I met many of their silly encounters, and without any hurt, God be thanked. When your west countrymen were many of them wounded and much tormented with the savages that assaulted their ship, as they did say themselves, in the first year I was there, 1614, and though Mr. Hunt, then master, with me, did most basely in stealing some savages from that coast to sell, when he was directed to have gone for Spain, yet that place was so remote from Capawuck, where Epenew should have fraughted them with gold ore. His fault could be no cause of their bad success, however it is alleged for an excuse. I speak not this out of vainglory, as it may be some gleaners or some who were never there may censure me, but to let all men be assured by these examples, what those savages are that thus strangely do murder and betray our countrymen. But to the purpose. What is already written of the healthfulness of the air, the richness of the soil, the goodness of the woods, the abundance of fruit, fish, and fowl, in their season, they still affirm that have been there now nearly two years, and at one draught they have taken one thousand bass, and in one night twelve hogs heads of herring. They are building a strong fort, they hope 16 shortly to finish ; in the interim they are well provided. Their number is about a hundred persons, all in health, and well near sixty acres of ground well planted with corn, besides their gardens well replenished with useful fruits, and if their adven tures would but furnish them with necessaries for fishing, their wants would quickly be supplied. To supply them, this six teenth of October is going the Paragon with sixty-seven persons, and all this is done by private men's purses. And to conclude in their own words, should they Write of all plenties they have found, they think they should not be believed. For the twenty-six sail of ships, the most I can yet under stand is M. Ambrose Jennens of London, and M. Abraham Jennens of Plymouth, sent their Abraham, a ship of two hundred and twenty tons, and the Nightingale of Portsmouth, of one hundred, whose fish at the first penie came to £3150 ; in all there was thirty-five sail, and were in Newfoundland, where they shared six or seven pounds for a common man ; in New England they shared £14, besides six Dutch and French ships made wonderful returns in furs. Thus you may see plainly the yearly success from New England by Virginia, which hath been so costly to this kingdom and so dear to me, which either to see perish or but bleed ( pardon me, though it passionate me beyond the bonds of modesty), to have been sufficiently able to foresee it, and had neither power nor means how to prevent it. By that acquaintance I have with them, 1 may call them my children, for they have been my wife, my hawks, my hounds, my cards, my dice, and in total my best content, as indifferent to my heart as my left hand to my right, and notwithstanding all those miracles of disasters have crossed both them and me, yet were there not one Englishman remaining (as God be thanked there are some thousands), I would yet begin again with as small means as I did at the first, not for that I have any secret encouragement from any I protest more than lament able experiences, for all their discoveries I can yet hear of, are but pigs of my own sow, nor more strange to me than to hear one tell me he hath gone from Billingsgate and discovered Greenwich, Gravesend, Tilbery, Quinborow, Lee, and Margit, which to those did never hear of them, though they dwell in England, might be made seem some rare secrets and great 17 countries unknown, except the relations of Mr. Dirmer. In England some are held great travelers that have seen Venice and Rome, Maarill and Algere, Prague or Ragousa, Constantinople, or Jerusalem, and the pyramids of Egypt ; that think it nothing to go to the summer isles or Virginia, which is as far as any of them, and I hope in time will prove a more profitable and a more laudable journey. As for the danger, you see our ladies and gentlewomen account it nothing now to go thither, and therefore I hope all good men will better apprehend it, and not suffer them to languish in despair whom God so wonderfully and so oft hath preserved. What here I have written by relation, if it be not right, I humbly entreat your pardons, but I have not spared any dili gence to learn the truth of them that have been actors or sharers in those voyages. In some particulars they might deceive me, but in the substances they could not, for few could tell me any thing, except where they fished ; but seeing all those have lived there do confirm more than I have written, I doubt not but all those testimonies, with these new begun examples of plantation, will move both city and country freely to adventure with me and my partners more than promises, seeing I have from his majesty letters patent, such honest, free, and large conditions assured me from his commissioners, as I hope will satisfy any honest understanding. But because some fortune tellers saith I am unfortunate, had they spent their time as I have done, they would rather believe in God than their calculations, and peradventure have given as bad account of their actions, and therefore I entreat leave to answer those objectors that think it strange if this be true, 1 have made no more use of it, rests so long without employment and hath no more reward nor preferment, to which I say : I think it more strange they should tax me before they have tried as much as I have, both by land and sea, as well in Asia and Africa as Europe and America, where my commanders were actors or spectators, they always so freely rewarded me, I never needed to importune, or could I ever learn to beg. What there I got I have thus spent. These sixteen years 1 have spared neither pains nor money, according to my abilities, first to procure his majesty's letters patent, and a company 18 here to be the means to raise a company to go with me to Virginia, as is said, which beginning here and there cost me nearly five years' work, and more than £500 of my own estate, besides all the dangers, miseries, and incumbrances I endured gratis, where I stayed till I left five hundred better provided for than ever I was, from which blessed virgiri, ere I returned, sprung the fortunate habitation of Somer Isles. This virgin's sister, now called New England, an. 1616, at my humble suit by our most gracious Prince Charles, hath been nearly as chargeable to me and my friends, for all which, although I never got a shilling but it cost me many a pound, yet 1 think myself happy to see their prosperity. If it yet trouble a multitude to proceed upon these certain ties, what think you I undertook when nothing was known, but that there was a vast land. I never had power and means to do anything, though more hath been spent in formal delays than would have done the business, but in such a penurious and miserable manner as if I had gone a begging to build an univer sity. Where had men been as forward to adventure their purses and perform the conditions they promised me, as to crop the fruits of my labors, thousands ere this had been bettered by these designs. Thus, betwixt the spur of desire and the bridle of reason, I am near ridden to death in a ring of despair ; the reins are in your hands, therefore I entreat you to ease me, and those that think I am either idle or unfortunate, may see the cause, and know ; unless I did see better dealing, 1 have had warning enough not to be so forward again at every motion upon their promises, unless I intended nothing but to carryjnews. For now they dare adventure a ship, that when I went first would not adventure a grote, so they may be at home again by Michaelmas, which makes me remember M. Hackluts ; oh, incredulity ! the wit of fools, that slovenly do spit at all things fair ; a sluggard's cradle, a coward's castle, how easy it is to be an infidel ; but to the purpose. By this all men may perceive the ordinary performance of this voyage in five or six months ; the plenty of fish is most certainly approved, and it is certain from Canada and New England within these six years hath come near twenty thousand beaver skins. Now had each of those ships transported but some small quantity of the most increasing beasts, fowls, fruit, plants, and seeds, as I projected, by this time their increase might have been sufficient for a thousand men. But the desire 0f present gain in many is so violent, and the endeavors of many undertakers so negligent, everyone so regarding their private gain, that it is hard to effect any public good, and impossible to bring them into a body, rule, or order, unless both authority and money assist experience. It is not a work for every one to plant a colony ; but when a house is built, it is no hard matter to dwell in it. This requireth all the best parts of art, judgment, courage, honesty, constancy, diligence, and experience to do but near well ; your home-bred ingrossing projectors shall find there a great difference betwixt saying and doing. But to conclude, the fishing will go forward if you plant it or no, whereby a colony may be transported with no great charge, that in a short time might provide such fraughtsto buy of us their dwelling, as I would hope no ship should go or come empty from New England. The charge of this is only salt, nets, hooks, lines, knives, Irish rugs, coarse cloth, beads, glass, and such trash, only for fishing and trade with the savages, beside our own necessary provisions, whose endeavors will quickly defray all this charge, and the savages have entreated me to inhabit where I will. Now all these ships, till this last year, have been fished within a square of two or three leagues, and not one of them all would adventure any further, where questionless five hundred sail may have their fraught better than in Iceland, Newfoundland, or elsewhere, and be in their markets before the other can have their fish in their ships, because New England's fishing begins with February, the other not till mid May ; the progression hereof tends much to the advancement of Virginia and the Bermudas, whose empty ships may take in their fraught there, and would be a good friend in time of need to the inhabitants of Newfoundland. The returns made by the western ships are commonly divided into three parts, one for the owner of the ship, another for the master and his company, the third for the victualers, which course being still permitted, will be no hindrance to the plantation, go there never so many, but a means of transporting that yearly for little or nothing, which otherwise will cost many a hundred of pounds. 20 If a ship can gain twenty, thirty, fifty in the one hundred,. . nay, three hundred for one hundred in seven months, as you see they have done, spending twice so much time in going and coming as in staying there ; were I there planted, seeing the variety of the fishings in their seasons serveth the most part of the year, and with a little labor we might make all the salt we need use. I can conceive of no reason to distrust, but the doubling and trebling their gains that are at all the former charge, and can fish but two months in a year, and if those do give twenty, thirty, or forty shillings for an acre of land, or ship carpenters, forgers of iron, etc., that buy all things at a dear rate, grow rich, when they may have as good of all needful necessaries for taking, in my opinion, should not grow poor, and no commodity in Europe doth more decay than wood. Mr. Dee recordeth, in his British Monarchy, that King Edgar had a navy of four thousand sail, with which he yearly made his progress about this famous monarchy of Great Britain, largely declaring the benefit thereof ; whereupon it seems he projected to our most memorable Queen Elizabeth, the erecting of a fleet of sixty sail, he called a little navy royal, imitating the admired Pericles, Prince of Athens, that could never secure that tormented estate until he was lord and captain of the sea. At this none need wonder, for who knows not, her royal majesty during her life, by the incredible adventures of her royal navy, and what valiant soldiers and seamen, notwith standing all treacheries at home, the protecting and defending of France and Holland, and reconquering Ireland, yet all the world by sea or land both feared, loved, and admired good Queen Elizabeth. Both to maintain and increase that incomparable honor, God be thanked, to her incomparable successor, our most royal lord and sovereign, King James, etc., this great philosopher hath left this to his majesty and his kingdom's consideration : that if the tenths of the earth be proper to God, it is also due by sea ; the king's highways are common to pass, but not to dig for mines, or anything; so England's coasts are free to pass, but not to fish but by his majesty's prerogative. His majesty of Spain permits none to pass the pope's order for the East and West Indies, but by his permission on or at their peril. If all that world be so justly theirs, it is no injustice 21 for England to make as much use of her own shores as strangers do, that pay to their own lords the tenth and not to the owner of those liberties anything to speak of, whose subjects may neither take nor sell any in their territories, which small tribute would maintain this little navy royal and not cost his majesty a penny, and yet maintain peace with all foreigners, and allow them more courtesy than any nation in the world affords to England. It were a shame to allege that Holland is more worthy to enjoy our fishings as lords thereof, because they have more skill to handle it than we, as they can our wool and undressed cloth, notwithstanding all their wars and troublesome disorders. To get money to build this navy, he saith, who would not spare the one hundred penny of his rents and the five hundred penny of his goods ; each servant that taketh forty shillings wages, four-pence, and every foreigner of seven years of age, four-pence for seven years. Not any of these but they will spend three times so much in pride, wantoness, or some superfluity. And do any men love the security of their estates, that of themselves would not be humble suitors to his majesty to do this of free will as a voluntary benevolence, or but the one-half of this, or some such other course as I have propounded to divers of the companies, free from any constraint, tax, lottery, or imposition, so it may be as honestly and truly employed as it is projected, the poorest mechanic in this kingdom would gain by it. You might build ships of any proportion and numbers you please, five times cheaper than you can do here, and have good merchandise for their fraught in this unknown land, to the advancement of God's glory, His church and gospel, and the strengthening and relief of a great part of Christendom, without hurt to any, to the terror of pirates, the amazement of enemies, the assistance of friends, the securing of merchants, and so much increase of navigation to make England's trade and shipping as much as any nation in the world, besides a hundred other benefits to the general good of all good subjects, and would cause thousands yet unborn to bless the time and all those that first put it in practice. Now, lest it should be obscured as it hath been to private ends, or so weakly undertaken by our overweening incredulity that strangers may possess it, whilst we contend for New 22 England's good, but not England's good, I present this to your highness and to all the lords in England, hoping by your gracious good liking and approbation to move all the worthy companies of this noble city, and all the cities and countries in the whole land, to consider it, since I can find them wood and half victuals, with the aforesaid advantages, with what facility they may build and maintain this little navy royal both with honor, profit, and content, and inhabit as good a country as any in the world, within that parallel, which with my life and what I have I will endeavor to effect, if God please, and you permit. But no man will go from hence to have less freedom there than here, nor adventure all they have to prepare the way for those that know it not, and it is too well known there hath been so many undertakers of patents and such sharing of them as hath bred Thisyearthree no 'ess discouragement than wonder, to hear such London?setroi?t great promises and so little performances. In the FarrrastaendJ0his interim you see the Dutch and French already paThTlona frequent it ; and God forbid them in Virginia or any NTheHopweii.' °f ms majesty's subjects should not have as free 7°TneSbaning, liberty as they. To conclude, were it not for Mr. 40 tons. Pierce and a few private adventurers with him, what have we there for all these inducements ? As for those whom pride or covetousness lulleth asleep in a cradle of slothful carelessness, would they but consider how all the great monarchies of the earth have been brought to confusion, or but remember the late lamentable experience of Constanti nople, and how many cities, towns, and provinces in the fair, rich kingdoms of Hungaria, Transylvania, Wallachia, and Moldavia ; and how many thousands of princes, earls, barons, knights, merchants, and others have in one day lost goods, lives, and honors, or sold for slaves like beasts in a market place ; their wives, children, and servants slain or wandering they knew not whither, dying or living in all extremities of extreme misery and calamities. Surely they would not only do this, but give all they have to enjoy peace and liberty at home, or but adventure their persons abroad, to prevent the conclusions of a conquering foe, who commonly assaulteth and best prevaileth where he findeth wealth and plenty, most armed with ignorance and security. Though the true condition of war is only to suppress the 23 proud and defend the innocent and humble, as did that most generous Prince Sigismundus Bathor, prince of those countries, against those who, under the color of justice and pity, to maintain their superfluity of ambitious pride, thought all the world too little to maintain their vice, and undo them, or keep them from ability to do anything that would not admire and adore their honors, fortunes, covetousness, falsehood, bribery, cruelty, extortion, and ingratitude, which is worse than coward ice or ignorance, and all manner of vileness, clean contrary to all honor, virtue, and nobleness. Much more could I say, but lest I should be too tedious to your more serious affairs, I humbly crave your honorable and favorable constructions and pardons, if anything be amiss. If any desire, to be further satisfied, they may read my Description of Virginia and New England, and peruse them with their several maps. What defect you find in them, they shall find supplied in me or my authors, that thus freely hath thrown myself with my mite into the treasury of my country's good, not doubting but God will stir up some noble spirits to consider and examine if worthy Columbus could give the Spaniards any such certainties for his design when Queen Isabel of Spain set him forth with fifteen sail. And though I can promise no mines of gold, yet the warlike Hollanders let us imitate, but not hate, whose wealth and strength are good testimonies of their treasure gotten by fishing. Therefore, honorable and worthy countrymen, let not the meanness of the word fish distaste you, for it will afford as good gold as the mines of Guiana or Tumbatu, with less hazard and charge, and more certainty and facility, and so I humbly rest. FINIS. CONTENTS OF VOLUME ONE A Discourse Concerning the Designed Establishment of a New Colony to the South of Carolina, in the Most Delight ful Country of the Universe, by Sir Robert Mountgomry, Baronet. London : Printed in the year 1717. A Brief Account of the Establishment of the Colony of Georgia, under General James Oglethorpe, February 1, 1733- A State of the Province of Georgia, Attested upon Oath, in the Court of Savannah, November 10, 1740. London: Printed for W. Meadows, at the Angel in Cornhill, MDCCXLII. A True and Historical Narrative of the Colony of Georgia, in America, from the first settlement thereof until this period ; containing the most authentic facts, matters, and transactions therein ; together with his Majesty's charter, rep resentations of the people, letters, etc.; and a Dedication to his Excellency General Oglethorpe. — By Pat. Tailfer, M. D., Hugh Anderson, M. D., Da. Douglas, and others, Landholders in Georgia, at present in Charles-town, in South Carolina. Charles-town, South Carolina: Printed by P. Timothy, for the Authors, 1741. AN Account Showing the Progress of the Colony of Georgia, in America, from its First Establishment. Published per Order of the Honorable the Trustees. London : Printed in the year MDCCXLI. Maryland : Reprinted and sold by Jonas Green, at his Printing Office, in Annapolis, 1742. NOVA Britannia : Offering most excellent fruits by plant ing in Virginia ; exciting all such as be well affected to further the same. London : Printed for Samuel Macham, and are to be sold at his shop in Paul's Church-yard, at the sign of the Bul-head, 1609. No. i, May. No. 2, June. No. 3, July- No. 4, August. No. 5, September. No. 6, Oftober. CONTENTS No. 7, November. No. 8, December. No. 9, January. No. io, February. No. ii, March. No. 12, April. THE New Life of Virginia: Declaring the former success and present estate of that plantation, being the second part of Nova Britannia. Published by authority of his Majesty's Council of Virginia. London : Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, for William Welby, dwelling at the sign of the Swan, in Paul's Church-yard, 1612. T HE Beginning, Progress, and Conclusion of Bacon's Rebel lion in Virginia, in the years 1675 an^ 1676. AN Account of our Late Troubles in Virginia, written in 1676, by Mrs. An. Cotton of Q. Creek. Published from the original manuscript, in the Richmond (Va.) Enquirer, of 12 September, 1804. A List of Those that have been Executed for the Late Rebel lion in Virginia, by Sir William Berkeley, Governor of the Colony. Copied from the original manuscript (Harleian collection, codex 6845, page 54), in the library of the British Museum, London, by Robert Greenhow, Esq., of Virginia. A Narrative of the Indian and Civil Wars in Virginia, in the years 1675 anc^ 1676. Published from the original manu script, in the first volume (second series) of the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Boston : Printed by John Eliot, No. 5 Court street, 18 14. NEW England's Plantation : or, a short and true description of the commodities and discommodities of that country. Written by a reverend Divine now there resident. London : Printed by T. C. and R. C. for Michael Sparke, dwelling at the sign of the Blue Bible in Greene Arbor in the little Old Bailey, 1630. A Petition of W. C. Exhibited to the High Court of Parlia ment, now assembled, for the Propagating of the Gospel in America and the West Indies, and for the settling of our Plantations there ; which Petition is approved by seventy able English Divines, also by Master Alexander Henderson and some other worthy Ministers of Scotland. Printed in the year 1641. AMERICAN Colonial Tracts MONTHLY Number Three July 1898 THE PLANTER'S PLEA, OR THE GROUNDS OF PLANTATIONS EXAMINED AND USUAL OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. TOGETHER WITH A MANIFESTATION OF THE CAUSES MOVING SUCH AS HAVE UNDERTAKEN A PLANTATION IN NEW ENGLAND. FOR THE SATISFACTION OF THOSE THAT QUESTION THE LAWFUL NESS OF THE ACTION. LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM JONES, 1630. Price 25 Cents $3.00 a Year Published by GEORGE P HUMPHREY ROCHESTER Foreign Agents GAY & BIRD London England COLONIAL TRACTS, issued monthly, is designed to offer in convenient form and at a reasonable price some of the more valuable pamphlets relating to the early history of America which have hitherto been inaccessible to the general public, although of so much importance to the historical student. Single numbers at 25 cents each, or $3.00 by the year, in advance, may be ordered through any book seller, from the publisher, George P. Humphrey, 25 Exchange Street, Rochester, N. Y., or Gay & Bird, 22 Bedford Street, Strand, London, W. C, England, agents for England and the Colonies. The number for August will contain " Gen. Thomas Dudley's Letter to the Countess of Lincoln, March, r63i. With explanatory Notes by Dr. John Farmer, Cor responding Secretary of the New Hampshire Historical Society. ' ' Volume one was completed with the number for April, i8g8, which contains a very complete index, thus making the twelve numbers readily available for reference purposes. The twelve numbers complete and uncut, in a binding of dark blue buckram, price four dollars. Covers for binding can be furnished separately, if desired. IN PREPARATION. The History and Genealogy of the Cowdery, Cowdrey, and Cowdray Families. Compiled by Mary Bryant Alverson. Published by George P. Humphrey, Rochester, N. Y., 1898. 8vo, cloth, uncut, price $3.00. Entered at the Rochester Post-Office as Second Class Matter. THE PLANTERS' PLEA OR THE GROUNDS OF PLANTA TIONS EXAMINED, AND USUAL OBJECTIONS ANSWERED, TOGETHER WITH A MANIFESTATION OF THE CAUSES MOVING SUCH AS HAVE LATELY UNDERTAKEN A PLANTATION IN NEW ENGLAND, FOR THE SATISFACTION OF THOSE THAT QUESTION THE LAWFULNESS OF THE ACTION. 2 THES. V. 21. Prove all things, and hold fast that which is good. LONDON: Printed by WILLIAM JONES. 1630. NO 15 JULY 1898 COLONIAL TRACTS Published by GEORGE P HUMPHREY ROCHESTER N Y Tho Genesee Press: Tho Posl Expresi Printing Company, Rochester, N. Y. TO THE READER. Courteous Reader: IT will appear to any man of common sense, at first sight, that this rude draught, that sets forth certain considerable grounds in planting colonies, being wrested out of the author's hand, hardly overlooked, much less filed and smoothed for the press, was never intended to be presented to public view, especially in this attire ; wherefore, the reader is entreated to observe that the particulars of this small pamphlet being all ranged under these two heads, matters of fact or of opinion. In the former, the author sets down his knowledge, and conse quently what he resolves to justify ; in the latter, what he conceives to be most probable, not what he dares warrant as certain and infallible. Wherefore, if in the declaring of his own opinion, either concerning colonies in general, or this in particular, he proposes anything that to men of better and more solid judgment, upon mature advice, shall seem either not sound, or not evident, or not well fortified by strength of reason, he desires rather advertisement thereof by some private intima tion than by public opposition, as not conceiving an argument of this nature wherein neither God's glory nor man's salvation have any necessary interest (though the work be directed to, and doth in a good measure, further both), worth the contend ing for in a time when so many weighty controversies in the fundamentals of religion are in agitation, and withal professing himself willing to receive back any light gold that hath passed from him unweighed, and to exchange it for that which will be weight, as being conscious to himself that he desires not will ingly to beguile any man. Besides, the reader may be pleased further to observe that, seeing the arguments produced in this treatise are rather proposed than handled, they cannot carry with them that apparent and clear evidence of truth at the first view as they might and would do if they were more largely deduced and more fully fortified. Wherefore, he is entreated not to reject them too easily as carrying more weight than they seem to do at the first appearance. Howsoever the author's IV. intention and opinion be construed and approved, if it may be believed that the gentlemen that are lately issued out from us to lay the foundation of a colony in New England have not been thrust forward by unadvised precipitation, but led on by such probable grounds of reason and religion as might be likely to prevail with men that desire to keep a good conscience in all things, I trust these will hold themselves reasonably satisfied ; howsoever, both they and such as wish the furtherance of your design have, I assure myself, a testimony from God and your own consciences that they have endeavored to take their foot ing upon warrantable grounds, and to direct themselves to a right scope, as will be further manifested in this ensuing treatise. vol- COLONIAL TRACTS *>•> A BRIEF SURVIEW OF COLONIES, AND FIRST OF THEIR GROUND AND WARRANT. CHAPTER I. By a colony we mean a society of men drawn out of one state or people and transplanted into another country. (~^ OLONIES ,as other conditions and states in human ^-> society, have their warrant from God's direc- njeJn'™ethe(ir tion and command, who, as soon as men were, set Qodrant from them their task to replenish the earth and to subdue i. Argument it (Genesis i. 28). Those words, I grant, express a commandm'nt. promise, as the title of a benediction prefixed unto them here, and in the repetition of them to Noah implies (Genesis ix. 1). But that withal they include a direction or command was never, as I conceive, doubted by any. Junius upon them : Prout vim intus indiderat, sic palam mandatum dedit curandce propagationis and dominations exercendaz. And Parceus, Jubet igitur replere terram, non solum generatione and habitatione, sed cum primis potestate cultu and usu : Etsi vero nonnullce orbis partes manent inhabitabiles ; habemus nihilominus totius dominium jure TDivino, licet non habemus totius orbis usum culpa and defectu nostro. And before them, Calvin : Jubet eos crescere and simul benedictionem suam destinat, etc., and divers others. It will be granted then that the words include and have the force of a precept, which perhaps some may conceive was to continue during the world's infancy, and no longer ; but such a limitation wants ground. It is true that some commandments founded upon and having respect unto some present state and condition of men, received end or alteration when the condition was ended or changed. But precepts given to the body of mankind, as these to Adam and Noah, receive neither alteration in the substantials, nor determination while men and any void places of the earth continue, so that allowing this commandment to bind Adam, it must bind his posterity, and consequently ourselves in this age, and our issue after us, as long as the earth yields empty places to be replenished. Besides, the gift of the earth to the sons of men irom^odT* (Ps*1'"1 cxv- 16) necessarily enforceth their duty farth°to men. to PeoP'e it. It were a great wrong to God to con ceive that He doth ought in vain, or tenders a gift that He never meant should be enjoyed. Now how men should make benefit of the earth, but by habitation and culture, cannot be imagined. Neither is this sufficient to conceive that God's intention is satisfied if some part of the earth be replenished and used, though the rest be waste, because the same difficulty urgeth us still, that the rest of which we receive no fruit was never intended to us, because it was never God's mind we should possess it. Uf it were then the mind of God that man should possess all parts of the earth, it must be enforced that we neglect our duty and cross His will if we do it not when we have occasion and opportunity, and withal do little less than despise His blessing. Withal, that order that God annexed to marriage fromArthemiaw 'n ^'s ^irst institution, viz., that married persons ot marriage, should leave father and mother and cleave each to the other, is a good warrant of this practice. For sometime there will be a necessity that young married persons should remove out of their father's house and live apart by themselves, and so erect new families. Now, what are new families but petty colonies ; and so at last, removing further and further, they overflow the whole earth. Therefore, so long as there shall be use of marriage, the warrant of deducing colonies will continue. It is true that all God's directions have a double fromlhlten"- SC0Pei man's good, and God's honor. Now that this fit that comes commandment of God is directed unto man's good, to men s out- c ' ward estates, temporal and spiritual, is as clear as the light. It cannot be denied but the life of man is every way made more comfortable and afforded a more plentiful supply in a larger scope of ground, which moves men to be so insatiable in their desires to join house to house, and land to land, till there be no more place ; exceeding, I grant, there in the measure, and bounds, and justice, and yet building upon a principle that nature suggests, that a large place best assures sufficiency ; as we see by nature trees flourish fair, and prosper well, and wax fruitful in a large orchard, which would otherwise wither and decay if they were penned up in a little nursery. Either all, or at best a few, that are stronger plants and better rooted, would increase and overtop, and at last starve the weaker, which falls out in our civil state, where a few men flourish that are best grounded in their estates, or best furnished with abil ities, or best fitted with opportunities, and the rest wax weak and languish, as wanting room and means to nourish them. Now, that the spirits and hearts of men are kept in better temper by spreading wide, and by pouring, 5. Argument as it were, from vessel to vessel (the want whereof furthering6 of is alleged by the prophet Jeremy as the cause that honesty. Moab settled upon his lees, and got so harsh a relish, Jeremiah xlviii. ii), will evident to any man that shall consider, that the husbanding of unmanured grounds, and shifting into empty lands, enforces men to frugality and quickeneth inven tion ; and the settling of new states requireth justice and affection to the common good, and the taking in of large countries pre sents a natural remedy against covetousness, fraud, and violence, when every man may enjoy enough without wrong or injury to his neighbor. Whence it was that the first ages, by these helps, were renowned for golden times, wherein men, being newly entered into their possessions, and entertained into a naked soil, and enforced thereby to labor, frugality, simplicity, and justice, had neither leisure nor occasion to decline to idle ness, riot, wantonness, fraud, and violence, the fruits of well peopled countries, and of the abundance and superfluities of long settled states. But that which should most sway our hearts, is the respect unto God's honor, which is much advanced , „' ^thflS- by this work of replenishing the earth. First, when G0nd"m„