¦'fcj'tlT '""'V-'-it*.-. •. • -.- ;;jT .-:¦.; 'ill'* :iiMi;-i if!*;'', '*•'.',. r uM'i.'it;-- ' '• -.K • : :a-.;ii-'.".is.£gr,-"'-'i ^^ YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ISAIAH: NEW TRANSLATION ; WITH A PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION, AND NOTES, CRITICAL, PHILOLOGICAL, AND EXPLANATORY, By ROBERT LOWTH, D,D, F,R,SS. Lond, & Goet, LOED BISHOP OP LONDON. THE TENTH EDITION, CAREFULLY C OEifiCXfiP A N D REVISED. PRINTED FOR T. T. & J. TEGG, 73. CHEAPSIDE; R, GRIFFIN & CO, GLASGOW ; AND W, F, WAKEMAN, DUBLIN, MDCCCXXXIIL YALt Mil)-, 44 Printed by Walker & Greig, Edinburgli. TO THE KING, Sir, An attempt to set in a just light the writings of the most sublime and elegant of the Prophets of the Old Testament might merit the honour of your Majesty's gra cious acceptance, were the execution in any degree answer able to the design. If it has at all succeeded, it is in a great measure to be ascribed to a particular attention to that most important, but too long neglected, part of sacred criticism, which, to the honour of this nation, and to the universal benefit of the Christian Church, hath been set forward, and is now greatly advanced, under your Majesty's distinguished patronage. Your Majesty's taste and judgment have in duced you to encourage every part of science tending to the benefit of your people and the glory of your age ; and your Majesty's piety hath prompted you to promote, in the first place, every thing that may contribute to the advancement of true religion, and to favour every well meant design which has that great object in view. DEDICATION, This consideration encourages me to beg leave humbly to approach your Majesty with this small offering, accom panied with the truest sentiments of duty, affection, and gratitude ; and with the most fervent prayers to Almighty God for Your Majesty's happiness, private and public, temporal and eternal. Your Majesty's Most dutiful Subject And most devoted Servant, R, LONDON, THE PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. The design of the following translation of Isaiah, is not only to give an exact and faithful representation of the words and of the sense of the Prophet, by adhering closely to the letter of the text, and treading as nearly as may be in his footsteps ; but, moreover, to imitate the air and manner of the author, to express the form and fashion of the composi tion, and to give the English reader some notion of the pe culiar turn and cast of the original. The latter part of this design coincides perfectly well with the former : it is indeed impossible to give a just idea of the Prophet's manner of writing, otherwise than by a close literal version. And yet, though so many literal versions of this Prophet have been given, as well of old as in later times, a just representation of his manner, and of the form of his composition, has never been attempted, or even thought of, by any translator, in any language, whether ancient or modern. Whatever of that kind has appeared in former translations, (and much indeed must appear in every literal translation), has been rather the effect of chance than of design, of necessity than of study : for what room could there be for study or design in this case, or at least for success in it, when the translators themselves had but a very imperfect notion, an inadequate or even false idea, of the real character of the author as a writer ; of the general nature, and of the pecuhar form, of the composition? It has, I think, been universally understood, that the Prophecies of Isaiah are written in prose. The style, the thoughts, the images, the expressions, have been allowed to be poetical, and that in the highest degree ; but that they ii PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION, are written in verse, in measure, or rhythm, or whatever it is that distinguishes, as poetry, the coraposition of those books of the Old Testament which are allowed to be poeti cal, such as Job, the Psalms, and the Proverbs, from the historical books, as mere prose ; this has never been sup posed, at least has not been at any time the prevailing opinion. The opinions of the learned concerning Hebrew verse have been various; their ideas of the nature of it vague, obscure, and imperfect : yet stiU there has been a general persuasion, that some books of the Old Testament are written in verse ; but that the writings of the prophets are not of that number. The learned Vitringa says,* that Isaiah's composition has a sort of numbers, or measure ; " esse orationem suis ad- strictam numeris ;" he means, that it has a kind of oratorial number, or measure, as he afterwards explains it ; and he quotes Scaliger as being of the same opinion, and as adding, that " however upon this account it could not rightly- be called poetry,"f About the beginning of this century, Herman Von der Hardt,:|; the Hardouin of Germany, attempted to reduce Joel's Elegies, as he called them, to iambic verse; and, consistently with his hypothesis, he affirmed, that the prophets wrote in verse. This is the only exception I meet with to the universality of the contrary opinion. It was looked upon as one of his paradoxes, and little attention was paid to it. But what was his success in making out Joel's iarabics, and in helping his readers to- form in consequence a more just idea of the character of the prophetic style, I cannot say, having never seen his treatise on that subject. The Jews of early times were of the same opinion, that the books of the prophets qre written in prose, as far as we have any evidence of their judgment on this subject, Je rome § certainly speaks the sense of his Jewish preceptors as to this matter. Having written his translation of Isaiah from the Hebrew Verity in stichi, or lines divided accord ing to the cola and commata, after the manner of verse, which was || often done in the prophetic writings for the * Prolegom. in lesaiam, p. 8. f Scaliger, Aniinadvers. in Chron. Eusebii, p. 6. \ See Wolfii Biblioth. Hebr. tom. ii. p. 169. § Pr»f. in Transl. Esaiao ex Heb. Veritafe. II See Grabe, Proleg. in LXX, Intt. tom. i. cap. i. § 6. PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. iii sake of perspicuity, he cautions his reader " not to mistake it for metre, as if it were any thing like the Psalms, or the writings of Solomon ; for it was nothing more than what was usual in the copies of the prose works of Demosthenes and Cicero," The later Jews have been uniformly of the same opinion ; and the rest of the learned world seem to have taken it up on their authority, and have generally maintained it. But if there should appear a manifest conformity between the prophetical style and that of the books supposed to be metrical — a conformity in every known part of the poetical character, which equally discriminates the prophetical and the metrical books from those acknowledged to be prose — it will be of use to trace out and to mark this conformity vidth all possible accuracy; -to observe how far the peculiar cha racteristics of each style coincide ; and to see whether the agreement between them be such as to induce us to con clude, that the poetical and the prophetical character of style and composition, though generally supposed to be dif ferent, yet are really one and the same. This I purpose to do in the following dissertation; and I the more readily embrace the present opportunity of re suming this subject, as what I have formerly written* upon it seeras to have met with the approbation of the learned. And here I shall endeavour to treat it more at large ; to pursue it further, and to a greater degree of minuteness ; and to present it to the English reader in the easiest and most intelligible form that I am able to give it. The ex amples with which I shall illustrate it, shall be more nume rous, and all (a very few excepted) different from those al ready given ; that they may serve by way of supplement to that part of the fotmer work, as well as of themselves to place the subject in the fullest and clearest light. Now, in order to make this comparison between the pro phetical and the poetical books, it will be necessa^ry, in the first place, to state the true character of the poetical or metrical style, to trace out carefully whatever plain signs or indications yet remain of metre, or rhythm, or whatever else it was that constituted Hebrew verse ; to separate the true, or at least the probable, from the manifestly false ; and to * De Sacra Poesi Hebrseorum Prselect. xviii. xix. iv PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. give as clear and satisfactory an explanation of the matter as can now reasonably be expected, in the present imperfect state of the Hebrew language, and on a subject which for near two thousand years has been involved in great obscurity, and only rendered .s^till more obscure by the discordant opinions of the learned, and the vairious hypotheses which they have formed concerning it. The first and most manifest indication of verse in the Hebrew poetical books, presents itself in the acrostic or alphabetical poems; of which there happily remain many examples, and those of various kinds ; so that we could not have hoped, or even wished, for more light of this sort to lead us on in the very entrance of our inquiry- The na ture, or rather the form, of these poems is this : The poem consists of twenty-two lines, or of twenty-two systems of lines, or periods, or stanzas, according to the number of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet; and every line, or every stanza, begins with each letter in its order, as it stands in the alphabet; that is, the first line, or first stanza, begins with N, the second with a, and so on. This was certainly intended for the assistance of the memory, and was chiefly employed in subjects of common use, as maxims of morality, and forms of devotion; which being expressed in detached sentences, or aphorisms, (the form in which the sages of the most ancient times delivered their instructions), the inconvenience arising from the sub ject, the want of connexion in the parts, and of a regular train of thought carried through the whole, was remedied by this artificial contrivance in the form. There are still extant, in the books of the Old Testament, twelve* of these poeras ; (for I reckon the four first chapters of the Lamentations of Jeremiah as so raany distinct poems) ; three of them perfectly f alphabetical, in which every line is marked by its initial letter ; the other nine less perfectly alphabetical, in which every stanza only is so distinguished. Of the three former it is to be remarked, that not only every single line is distinguished by its initial letter, but that the whole poem is laid out into stanzas ; two :j; of these * Psal. XXV. xxxiv. xxxvii. cxi. cxii. cxix. cxlv. Prov. xxxi. 10 31, Lam. i. ii. iii. iv. f Psal. cxi. cxii. Lara. iii. \ Psal. cxi. cxii. PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. v poems each into ten stanzas, all of two lines, except the two last stanzas in each, which are of three lines : in these, the sense and the construction manifestly point out the division into stanzas, and mark the limit of every stanza. The third* of these perfectly alphabetical poeras consists of twenty-two stanzas of three lines ; but in this the initial let ter of every stanza is also the initial letter of every line of that stanza ; so that both the lines and the stanzas are in fallibly limited : And, in all the three poems, the pauses of the sentences coincide with the pauses of the lines and stanzas. It is also further to be observed of these three poeras, that the lines so determined by the initial letters in the same poem, are remarkably equal to one another in length, in the nuraber of words nearly, and probably in the number of syllables ; and that the lines of the same stanza have a re markable congruity one with another, in the matter and the form, in the sense and the construction. Of the other nine poems less perfectly alphabetical, in which the stanzas only are marked with initial letters, sixf consist of stanzas of two lines, twof of stanzas of three lines, and one§ of stanzas of four lines; not taking into the account at present some irregularities, which in all proba bility are to be iraputed to the raistakes of transcribers. And these stanzas likewise naturally divide theraselves into their distinct lines, the sense and the construction plainly pointing out their limits ; and the lines have the same con gruity one with another in matter and form, as was above observed in regard to the poems more perfectly alpha betical. Another thing to be observed of the three poems perfectly alphabetical is, that in two|| of them the lines are shorter than those of the third** by about one-third part, or almost half; and of the other nine poems, the stanzas only of which are alphabetical, that threeff consist of the longer lines, and the six others of the shorter. Now, from these examples, which are not only curious, but of real use, and of great importance in the present * Lam. iii. f Psal. XXV. xxxiv. cxix. cxlv. Prov. xxxi. Lam. iv. { Lam. i. ii. § Psal. xxxvii. II Psal. cxi. cxii. ** Lam. iii. ¦(¦f Lam. i. ii. iv. vi PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. inquiry, we may draw sorae conclusions, which plainly follow from the premises, and must be admitted m regard to the alphabetical poems themselves; which also may by analogy be applied with great probability to other poems, where the lines and stanzas are not so determined by initial letters, yet which appear in other respects to be of the same kind. In the first place, we may safely conclude, that the poems perfectly alphabetical consist of verses properly so called; of verses regulated by some observation of harmony or ca dence ; of measure, numbers, or rhythm. For it is not at all probable in the nature of the thing, or from examples of the like kind in other languages, that a portion of mere prose, in which numbers and harraony are totally disregard ed, should be laid out according to a scale of division, which carries with it such evident marks of study and labour, of art in the contrivance, and exactness in the execution. And I presume it will be easily granted in regard to the other poems which are divided into stanzas by the initial letterSj which stanzas are subdivided by the pauses of the sentence into lines easily distinguished one from another, commonly the same number of lines to a stanza in the same poem, that these are of the same kind of composition with the former, and that they equally consist of verses : And, in general, in regard to the rest of the poems of the Hebrews, bearing evidently the same marks and characteristics of composition with the alphabetical poems in other respects, and falling into regular lines, often into regular stanzas, according to the pauses- of the sentences ; which stanzas and lines have a certain parity or proportion to one another; that these likewise consist of verse — of verse distinguished from prose, not only by the style, the figures, the diction, by a loftiness of thought and richness of imagery, but by being divided into lines, and sometimes into systems of lines ; which lines, having an apparent equality, similitude, or proportion one to another, were in some sort measured by the ear, and regulated according to some general laws of metre, rhythm, harmony, or cadence. Further, we may conclude, frora the example of the per fectly alphabetical poems, that whatever it might be that constituted Hebrew verse, it certainly did not consist in rhyme, or similar and correspondent sounds at the ends of the verses ; for, as the ends of^the verses in those poems are infallibly marked, and it plainly, appears that the final sylla- PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION, vu bles of the correspondent verses, whether in distichs or triplets, are not similar in sound to one another, it is mani fest that rhymes, or similar endings, are not an essential part of Hebrew verses. The grammatical forras of the Hebrew language in the verbs, and pronouns, and the plurals of nouns, are so simple and uniform, ai\d bear so great a share in the termination of words, that sirailar end ings must sometimes happen, and cannot well be avoided ; but, so far from constituting an essential or principal part of the art of Hebrew versification, they seem to have been no object of attention and study, nor to have been industri ously sought after as a favourite accessary ornament. That the verses had something regular in their form and composition, seems probable from their apparent parity and uniformity, and the relation which they manifestly bear to the distribution of the sentence into its members. But as to the harmony and cadence, the metre or rhythm, of what kind they were, and by what laws regulated, these examples give us no light, nor afford us sufficient principles on which to build any theory, or to form any hypothesis. For har mony arises from the proportion, relation, and correspond ence of different combined sounds; and verse, from the arrangement of words, and the disposition of syllables, ac cording to number, quantity, and accent; — therefore the harraony and true modulation of verse depends upon a per fect pronunciation of the language, and a knowledge of the principles and rules of versification ; and metre supposes an exact knowledge of the number and quantity of syllables, and, in some languages, of the accent. But the true pro nunciation of Hebrew is lost — lost to a degree far beyond what can ever be the case of any European language pre served only in writing ; for the Hebrew language, like most of the other Oriental languages,, expressing only the con sonants, and being destitute of its vowels, has lain now for two thousand years in a manner mute and incapable of utterance : the number of syllables is in a great many words uncertain, the quantity and accent wholly unknown. We are ignorant of all these particulars, and incapable of ac quiring any certain knowledge concerning them ; how then is it possible for us to attain tt> the knowledge of Hebrew verse ? That we know nothing of the quantity of the syllables in Hebrew, and of the number of them in many words, and of the accent, will hardly now be denied by any man ; but viii PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. if any should stiU maintain the authority of the Masoretical punctuation, (though discordant in many instances from the imperfect remains of a pronunciation of much earlier date, and of better authority, that of the Seventy, of Origen, and other writers), yet it must be aUowed, that no one, accord ing to that system, hath been able to reduce the Hebrew poeras to any sort of harmony,* And indeed it is not to be wondered, that rules of pronunciation, formed, as it is now generally admitted, above a thousand years after the language ceased to be spoken, should fail of giving us the true sound of Hebrew verse. But if it was impossible for the Masoretes, assisted in some measure by a traditionary pronunciation delivered down from their ancestors, to attain to a true expression of the sounds of the language, how is it possible for us at this time, so much further removed from the only source of knowledge in this case, the audible voice, to improve or to amend their system, or to supply a more genuine system in its place, which -may answer our purpose better, and lay open to us the laws of Hebrew versification ? The pursuit is vain; the object of it lies beyond our reach; it is not within the compass of human rea.son or invention. The question concerning Hebrew metre is now pretty much upon the same footing with that concerning the Greek ac cents. That there were certain laws of ancient Hebrew metre is very probable ; and that the living Greek language was modulated by certain rules of accent is beyond dispute : but a man born deaf may as reasonably pretend to acquire an idea of sound, as the critic of these days to attain to the true modulation of Greek by accent, and of Hebrew by metre,f Thus much then, I think, we may be allowed to infer from the alphabetical poems; namely, that the Hebrew poems are written in verse, properly so called; that the^- harmony of the verses does not arise from rhyme, that is, ' from sirailar corresponding sounds terminating the verses, but from some sort of rhythm, probably from some sort of metre, the laws of which are now altogether unknown, and wholly undiscoverable;— yet that there are evident marks of a cer tain correspondence of the verses with one another, and of a certain relation between the composition of the verses and ¦• See Hare, Prolegomena in Psalmos, p. xl. &c. t See A Larger Confutation of Bishop Hare's Hebrew Metre • T nnHnn 1766; where I have fully treated of this subject. ' ^°"<'°"' PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. ix the composition of the sentences, — the formation of the for mer depending in some degree upon the distribution of the latter, — so that generally periods coincide with stanzas, mem bers with verses, and pauses of the one with pauses of the other ; which peculiar form of composition is so observable, as plainly to discriminate in general the parts of the Hebrew Scriptures which are written in verse, from those which are written in prose. This will require a larger and more minute explication, not only as a matter necessary to our present purpose, that is, to ascertain the character of the prophetical style in general, and of that of the Prophet Isaiah in particular, but as a principle of considerable use, and of no small importance, in the interpretation of the poetical parts of the Old Testament. The correspondence of one verse or line with another, I call parallelism. When a proposition is delivered, and a second is subjoined to it, or drawn under it, equivalent, or contrasted with it in sense, or similar to it in the form of grammatical construction, these I call parallel lines; and the words or phrases, answering one to another in the cor responding lines, parallel terras. Parallel lines may be reduced to three sorts, — parallels synonymous, parallels antithetic, and parallels synthetic. Of each of these I shall give a variety of examples, in order to shew the various forms under which they appear ; first, from the books universally acknowledged to be poetical; then, correspondent examples from the Prophet Isaiah, and soraetimes also from the other prophets, to shew that the form and character of the coraposition is in all the same. As some of the examples which follow are of many lines, the reader may perhaps note a single line or two intermixed, which do not properly belong to that class under which they are ranged. These are retained, to preserve the connexion and harmony of the whole passage ; and it is to be observed, that the several sorts of parallels are perpetually mixed with one another, and this mixture gives a variety and beauty to the composition. First, of parallel lines synonyraous ; that is, which corre spond one to another, by expressing the same sense in dif ferent but equivalent terms ; when a proposition is delivered, and is immediately repeated, in the whole or in part, the x PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. expression being varied, but the sense entirely or nearly the same. As in the following examples : — " O-Jehovah, in-thy-strength the-king shall-rejoice ; And-in-thy-salvation how greatly shall-he-exult ! The-desire of-his-heart thou-hast-granted unto-him ; And-the-request of-his-h"ps thou-hast-not denied." Psal. xxi. 1, 2. " Because I-called, and-ye-refused ; I-stretched-out my-hand, and-no-one regarded : But-ye-have-defeated all my-counsel; And-woiild-not incline to-my-reproof : I also will-laugh at-your- calamity ; I-will-mock, when-what-you-feared cometh ; When-what-you-feared cometh like-a-devastation ; And-your-calamity advanceth like-a-tempest ; When-distress and-anguish come upon-you : Then shall-they-call-upon-me, but-I-will-not answer ; They-shall-seek-me-early, but-they-shall-not find-me ; Because they-hated knowledge ; And-did-not choose the-fear of-Jehovah ; Did-not incline to-my-counsel ; Contemptuously-rejected all my-reproof : Therefore-shall-they-eat of-the-fruit of-their-ways ; And-shall-be-satiated with-their-own-devices. For the-defection of-the-simple shall-slay-them ; And-the-security of-fools shall-destroy them." Prov. i. 24—32. " Seek-ye Jehovah, while-he-may-be-found ; Call-ye-upon-him, while-he-is near ; Let-the-wicked forsake his-way ; And-the-unrighteous man his-thoughts : And-let-him-return to Jehovah, and-he-will-compassionate him ; And-unto our-God, for he-aboundeth in forgiveness." Isa. Iv. 6, 7. " Fear not, for thou-shalt-not be-ashamed ; And-blush not, for thou-shalt-not be-brought-to-reproach : For thou-shalt-forget the-shame of-thy-youth ; And-the-reproach of-thy-widowhood thou-shalt-remember no more." Isa, liv. 4. " Hearken unto-me, ye-that-know righteousness ; The-people in-whose-heart is-my-Iaw : Fear not the-reproach of-wretched-man ; Neither be-ye-borne-down by-their-revilings ; PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION, xi For the-moth shall-consume-them like-a-garment ; And-the-worm shall-eat-them like wool : But-my-righteousness shall-endure for-ever; And-my-salvation to-the-age of-ages," Isa, Ii, 7, 8, " Like-mighty-men shall-they-rush-on ; Like-warriors shall-they-mount the-wall : And-every-one in-his-way shall-they-march ; And-they-shall-not turn-aside from-their paths." Joel, ii. 7. " Blessed-is the-man, that-feareth Jehovah ; That-greatly delighteth in-his-commandments." Psal. cxii. 1, " Hearken unto-me, O-house of-Jacob ; And-all the-remnant of-the-house of-Israel," Isa, xlvi, 3, " Honour Jehovah with-thy-riches ; And-with-the-first-fruits of-all thine-increase," Prov, iii, 9, " Incline your-ear, and-come unto-me ; Hearken, and-your-soul shall-live," Isa, Iv, 3, In the foregoing* examples may be observed the diffe rent degrees of synonymous parallelism. The parallel lines sometimes consist of three or more synonymous terms; sometimes of two, which is generally the case when the verb, or the nominative case of the first sentence is to be carried on to the second, or understood there ; sometimes of one only, as in the four last examples. There are also among the foregoing a few instances, in which the lines con sist each of double members, or two propositions, I shall add one or two more of these, very perfect in their kind : — " Bow thy heavens, O Jehovah, and descend ; Touch the mountains, and they shall smoke : Dart forth lightning, and scatter them ; Shoot out thine arrows, and destroy them." Psal, cxliv, 5, 6, " And they shall build houses, and shall inhabit them ; And they shall plant vineyards, and shall eat the fruit thereof: They shall not build, and another inhabit ; They shall not plant, and another eat : For as the days of a tree, shall be the days of my people ; And they shall wear out the works of their own hands." Isa, Ixv, 21, 22, * The terms in English, consisting of several words, are hitherto distinguish ed with marks of connexion,— to shew, that they answer to single words in Hebrew. xii PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. Parallels are also sometimes formed by a repetition of part of the first sentence : — " My voice is unto God, and I cry aloud ; My voice is unto God, and he will hearken unto me, ' " I will remember the works of Jehovah ; ^^ Yea, I will remember thy wonders of old, " The waters saw thee, O God ! The waters saw thee ; they were seized with anguish, Psal, Ixxvu, 1, 11, 16, " For he hath humbled those that dwell on high ; The lofty city, he hath brought her down : He hath brought her down to the ground. He hath levelled her with the dust. The foot shall trample upon her ; The feet of the poor, the steps of the needy," Isa, xxvi, 5, 6, " What shall I do unto thee, O Ephraim I What shall I do unto thee, O Judah I For your goodness is as the morning cloud. And as the early dew it passeth away," Hosea, vi, 4, Sometimes in the latter line a part is to be supplied from the former to complete the sentence : — " And those that persecute me thou wilt make to turn their backs to me; Those that hate me,* and I will cut them off," 2 Sam, xxii, 41, " The mighty dead tremble from beneath ; The waters, and they that dwell therein," Job, xxvi, 5, " And I looked, and there was no raan ; Even among the idols,+ and there was no one that gave ad- . »> vice; " And I inquired of them, and [there was no one] that returned an answer," Isa, xli, 28, Further, there are parallel triplets — when three lines cor respond together, and form a kind of stanza, of which, how ever, only two commonly are synonymous : — * In the parallel place, Psal. xviii. the poetical form of the sentence is much hurt, by the removing of the conjunction from the second to the first word in this line ; but a MS. in that place reads as here. f See the note on the place. PRELIMINARY DISSERTATIOSJ. xiii " The wicked shall see it, and it shall grieve him ; He shall gnash his teeth, and pine away ; The desire of the wicked shall perish," Psal. cxii. 10. " That day, let it become darkness ; Let not God from above inquire after it ; Nor let the flowing light radiate upon it. That night, let utter darkness seize it ; Let it not be united with the days of the year ; Let it not come into the number of the months. Let the stars of its twilight be darkened : Let it look for light, and may there be none ; And let it not behold the eyelids of the morning," Job, iii, 4, 6, 9, " And he shall snatch on the right, and yet be hungry ; And he shall devour on the left, and not be satisfied ; Every man shall devour the flesh of his neighbour,"* Isa, ix, 20, " Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe ; Come away, get you down, for the wine-press is full ; The vats overflow ; for great is their wickedness," Joel, iii, 13. There are likewise parallels consisting of four lines ; two distichs being so connected together, by the sense and the construction, as to make one stanza. Such is the form of tlie xxxviith Psalm, which is evidently laid out by the ini tial letters in stanzas of four lines ; though in regard to that disposition some irregularities are found in the present copies. From this Psalm, which gives a sufficient warrant for considering the union of two distichs as making a S'tanza of four lines, I shall take the first example :— " Be not moved with indignation against the evil-doers ; Nor with zeal against the workers of iniquity : For like the grass they shall soon be cut off; And like the green herb they shall wither," Psal, xxxvii, 1, 2, " The ox knoweth his possessor ; And the ass the crib of his lord ; But Israel doth not know Me;* Neither doth my people consider," Isa, i, 3. " And I said, I have laboured in vain ; For nought and for vanity I have spent my strength : * See the note on the place. xiv PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. Nevertheless my cause is with Jehovah ; And the reward of my work with my God," Isa, xlix, 4. " Jehovah shall roar from Sion ; And shall utter his voice from Jerusalem : And the habitations of the shepherds shall mourn ; And the head of Carmel shall wither," Amos, i. 2. In like manner, some periods may be considered as mak ing stanzas of five lines, in which the odd line or member either comes in between two distichs, or after two distichs makes a full close : — " If thou wouldst seek early unto God ; And make thy supplication to the Almighty ; If thou wert pure and upright : Verily now would he rise up in thy defence ; And make peaceable the dwelling of thy righteousness. Job, viii. 5, 6. " They bear him on the shoulder ; they carry him about ; They set him down in his place, and he standeth ; From his place he shall not remove ; To him, that crieth unto him, he will not answer ; Neither will he deliver him from his distress." Isa. xlvi, 7, " Who is wise, and will understand these things ? Prudent, and will know them ? For right are the ways of Jehovah ; And the just shall walk in them ; But the disobedient shall fall therein," Hosea, xiv, 9, " And Jehovah shall roar out of Sion ; And from Jerusalem shall utter his voice ; And the heavens and the earth shall tremble : But Jehovah will be the refuge of his people ; And a strong defence to the sons of Israel," Joel, iii, 16, " Who establisheth the word of his servant ; And accomplisheth the counsel of his messengers : Who sayeth to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be inhabited ; And to the cities of Judah, Ye shall be built ; And her desolate places I will restore," Isa, xliv, 26, In stanzas of four lines, sometimes the parallel lines an swer to one another alternately ; the first to the third, and the second to the fourth : — ¦ PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. xv " As the heavens are high above the earth ; So high* is his goodness over them that fear him : As remote as the east is from the west ; So far hath he removed from us our transgressions." PsaLciii.'ll, 12, " And ye said. Nay, but on horses will we flee ; Therefore shall ye be put to flight : And on swift coursers will we ride ; Therefore shall they be swift, that pursue you," Isa, xxx, 16. And a stanza of five lines adraits of the same elegance :¦ — " Who is there among you that feareth Jehovah ? Let him hearken unto the voice of his servant : That walketh in darkness, and hath no light ? Let him trust in the name of Jehovah ; And rest himself on the support of his God." Isa, 1, 10. '/ The second sort of parallels are the antithetic — when two lines correspond with one another by an opposition of terms and sentiments ; when the second is contrasted with the first, sometimes in expressions, sometimes in sense only. Accordingly the degrees of antithesis are various ; from an exact contraposition of word to word through the whole sentence, down to a general disparity, with soraething of a contrariety, in the two propositions. Thus, in the following examples : — * " A wise son rejoiceth his father ; But a foolish son is the grief of his mother." Prov. x. 1. Where every word hath its opposite ; for the terms father and mother are, as the logicians say, relatively opposite. " The memory of the just is a blessing ; But the name of the wicked shall rot,'' Prov, x, 7, Here there are only two antithetic terms ; for memory and name are synonyraous, " There is that scattereth, and still increaseth ; And that is unreasonably sparing, yet groweth poor," Prov, xi, 24, * rra J ; compare the next verse ; and see Isaiah, Iv. 9. and the note there. xvi PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. Here there is a kind of double antithesis ; one between the two fines themselves; and likewise a subordinate opposition between the two parts of each, " Many seek the face of the prince ; But the determination concerning a man is from Jehovah, Prov, xxix, 26, Where the opposition is chiefly between the single terras, the Prince and Jehovah : but there is an opposition like wise in the general sentiment; which expresses, or inti mates, the vanity of depending on the former, without seeking the favour of the latter. In the following, there is much the same opposition of sentiment, vdthout any con traposition of terms at all : — " The lot is cast into the lap j B-ut the whole determination of it is from Jehovah," Prov, xvi, 33, That is, the event seems to be the work of chance, but is really the direction of Providence, The foregoing examples are all taken from the Proverbs of Solomon, where they abound : for this form is peculiarly adapted to that kind of writing — to adages, aphorisms, and detached sentences. Indeed, the elegance, acuteness, and force of a great number of Solomon's wise sayings, arise in a great measure frora the antithetic form, the opposition of diction and sentiment. We are not therefore to expect frequent instances of it in the other poems of the Old Tes tament; especially those that are elevated in the style, and more connected in the parts. However, I shall add a few examples of the like kind frora the higher poetry, " These in chariots, and those in horses ; But we in the name of Jehovah our God will be strong,* They are bowed down, and fallen ; But we are risen, and maintain ourselves firm," Psal, xx, 7, 8, " For his wrath is but for a moment, his favour for life ; Sorrow may lodge for the evening, but in the morning glad ness," Psal, XXX, 5, " Yet a little while, and the wicked shall be no more ; Thou shalt look at his place, and he shall not be found : * ^liai, so LXX, Syr. ^thiop. \ PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. xvii > But the meek shall inherit the land ; And delight themselves in abundant prosperity," Psal, xxxvii, 10, 11. In the last example, the opposition lies between the two parts of a stanza of four lines, the latter distich being- opposed to the former. So likewise the following : — " For the mountains shall be removed ; And the hills shall be overthrown : But my kindness from thee shall not be removed ; And the covenant of my peace shall not be overthrown," Isa, liv, 10, " The bricks are fallen, but we will build with hewn stone ; The sycamores are cut down, but we will replace them with cedars," Isa, ix, 10, Here the lines themselves are synthetically parallel; and the, opposition lies between the two members of each. The third sort of parallels I call synthetic or construc tive — where the parallelism consists only in the similar form of construction ; in which word does not answer to word, and sentence to sentence, as equivalent or opposite; but there is a correspondence and equality between different propositions, in respect of the shape and turn of the whole, sentence, and of the constructive parts — such as noun an swering to noun, verb to verb, member to member, negative to negative, interrogative to interrogative, " Praise ye Jehovah, ye of the earth ; Ye sea-monsters, and all deeps : Fire and hail, snow and vapour ; Stormy wind, executing his command : Mountains, and all hills ; Fruit-trees, and all cedars : Wild beasts, and all cattle ; Reptiles, and birds of wing : Kings of the earth, and all peoples ; Princes, and all judges of the earth : Youths, and also virgins ; Old men, together with the children : Let them praise the name of Jehovah ; For his name alone is exalted ; His majesty, above earth and heaven," Psal. cxlviii. 7 — 13. B xviu PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. " With him is wisdom and might ; To him belong counsel and understanding. Lo ! he pulleth down, and it shall not be built ; He encloseth a man, and he shall not be set loose. Lo I he withholdeth the waters, and they are dried up ; And he sendeth them forth, and they overturn the earth. With him is strength, and perfect existence ; The deceived, and the deceiver, are his. Job, xu. 13—16, " Is such then the fast which I choose ; That a man should afflict his soul for a day ? Is it, that he should bow down his head like a bulrush ; And spread sackcloth and ashes for his couch ? Shall this be called a fast ; And a day acceptable to Jehovah ? — Is not this the fast that I choose ? To dissolve the bands of wickedness ; To loosen the oppressive burthens ; To deliver those that are crushed by violence ; And that ye should break asunder every yoke ? Is it not to distribute thy bread to the hungry ; And to bring the wandering poor into thy house ? When thou seest the naked, that thou clothe him ; And that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh ? Then shall thy light break forth like the morning ; And thy wounds shall speedily be healed over : And thy righteousness shall go before thee ; And the glory of Jehovah shall bring up thy rear." Isa. Iviii. 5 — 8, Of the constructive kind is most commonly the parallelism of stanzas of three lines ; though they are soraetimes syno nyraous throughout, and often have two lines synonymous; examples of both which are above given. The following are constructively parallel : — " Whatsoever Jehovah pleaseth, That doeth be in the heavens; and in the earth ; In the sea, and in all the deeps : Causing the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth ; Making the lightnings with the rain ; Bringing forth the wind out of his treasures." Psal., cxxxv. 6, 7. " The Lord Jehovah hath opened mine ear. And I was not rebellious ; Neither did I withdraw myself backward — I gave my back to the smiters, PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. xix And my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair ; My face I hid not from shame and spitting." Isa. 1. 5, 6. " Thou shalt sow, but shall not reap ; Thou shalt tread the olive, but shalt not anoint thee with oil ; And the grape, but shalt not drink wine." Micah, vi. 16. Of the sarae sort of parallelism are those passages fre quent in the poetic books, where a definite number is twice put for an indefinite ; this being followed by an enumera tion of particulars, naturally throws the sentences into a parallehsm, which cannot be of any other than the synthetic kind. This seems to have been a favourite ornament. There are many elegant examples of it in the xxxth chapter of Proverbs, to which I refer the reader ; and shall here give one or two frora other places. " These six things Jehovah hateth ; And seven are the abomination of his soul : — Lofty eyes, and a lying tongue ; And hands shedding innocent blood : A heart fabricating wicked thoughts ; Feet hastily running to mischief: A false witness breathing out lies ; And the sower of strife between brethren." Prov. vi. 16 — 19. " Give a portion to seven, and also to eight ; For thou knowest not what evil shall be upon the earth." Eccl. xi. 2, " These two things have befallen thee ; who shall bemoan thee ? Desolation and destruction, the famine and the sword ; who shall comfort thee ?" Isa, Ii, 19, that is, taken alternately, desolation by famine, and de struction by the sword. Of which alternate construction I shall add a reraarkable example or two, where the parallel ism arises from the alternation of the members of the sen tences : — " I am black, but yet beautiful, O daughters of Jerusalem : Like the tents of Kedar ; like the pavilions of Solomon," Cant, i, 5. that is, black as the tents of Kedar, (made of dark-colour ed goats hair) ; beautiful as the pavilions of Solomon, " On her house-tops, and to her open streets. Every one howleth, descendeth with weeping," Isa, xv, 3, Jit PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. that is, every one howleth on her house-tops, and descend eth with weeping to her open streets. The reader will observe in the foregoing examples, that though there are perhaps no two lines corresponding one with another as equivalent, or opposite in terms; yet there is a parallelism equally apparent, and almost as striking, which arises from the similar form and equality of the lines, from the correspondence of the members and the construc tion ; the consequence of which is a harmony and rhythm httle inferior in effect to that of the two kinds preceding. The degrees of the correspondence of the lines in this last sort of parallels must, from the nature of it, be various, Soraetimes the parallelism is more, sometimes less exact; sometimes hardly at all apparent. It requires indeed parti cular attention, much study of the genius of the language, much habitude in the analysis of the construction, to be able in all cases to see and to distinguish the nice rests and pauses which ought to be made, in order to give the period or the sentence its intended turn and cadence, and to each part its due time and proportion. The Jewish critics, called -the Masoretes, were exceedingly attentive to their language in this part, even to a scrupulous exactness and subtile refinement, as it appears from that extremely compli cated system of grammatical punctuation, more embarrass ing than useful, which they have invented. It is therefore not improbable, that they might have had some insight into this matter ; and, in distinguishing the parts of the sentence by accents, might have had regard to the harmony of the period and the proportion of the members, as well as to the strict gramraatical disposition of the 'constructive parts. Of this, I think, I perceive evident tokens ; for they sometimes seem to have more regard in distributing the sentence to the poetical or rhetorical harmony of the period, and the proportion of the merabers, than to the grammatical con struction. To explain what I mean, I shall here give some examples, in which the Masoretes, in distinguishing the sen tence into its parts,- have given marks of pauses perfectly agreeable to the poetical rhythra, but such as the gramma tical construction does not require, and scarcely admits. Though It IS a difficult matter to know the precise quantity of time which they allot to every distinctive point ; for it depends on the relation and proportion which it bears to the whole arrangement of points throughout the sentence ¦ PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. xxi and though it is impossible to express the great variety of them by our scanty system of punctuation — yet I shall en deavour to mark them out to the English reader, in a rude manner, so as to give him some notion of what I imagine it to haye been their design to express. Thus then they dis tinguish the following sentences : — " And they that recompense evil for good ;* Are mine adversaries, because I follow what is good." Psal. xxxviii. 20. " Upon Jehovah, in my distress ;* I called, and he heard me." " Long hath my soul had her dwelling ;* With him that hateth peace," Psal, cxx, 1, 6. " I love Jehovah, for he hath heard ;* The voice of my supplication, I will walk, before Jehovah ;* In the land of the living. What shall I return unto Jehovah ;* For all the benefits which he hath bestowed on me ? My vows I will pay to Jehovah ;* ¦ Now in the presence of all his people. Precious in the eyes of Jehovah ;* Is the death of his saints," Psal, cxvi, 1, 9, 12, 14, 13, " Yea the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof, f Shall not send forth their light," Isa, xiii, 10, " In that day, shall his strongly fenced cities become,! Like the desertion of the Hivites and the Amorites,' Isa, xvii, 9, " For the glorious name of Jehovah shall be unto us,f A place of confluent streams, of broad rivers." Isa, xxxiii, 21, *' That she hath received at the hand of Jehovah,-]- Double of the punishment of all her sins," Isa, xl, 2, Of the three different sorts of parallels, as above explain ed, every one hath its peculiar character and proper effect ; • Athnac. t- Zakeph-katon. J: Rebiah. Athnac in the three metrical books, as the Jews account them, is but the third in order of power among the distinctive points ; but, however, always takes place when the period is of two members only ; in all the other books he is second : in the latter, therefore, Bebiah and Zakeph-katon, which come next to Athnac, have nearly the same distinctive power as Athnac has in the former. They will scarce be thought over-rated at a comma. xxii PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. and therefore they are differently employed on different occasions; and that sort of parallelism is chiefly maoe use of which is best adapted to the nature of the subject ana oi the poem. Synonymous parallels have the appearance ot art and concinnity, and a studied elegance: they prevail chiefly in shorter poems; in many of the Psalms; in lia- laara's prophecies; frequently in those of Isaiah, which are most of them distinct poems of no great length, Ihe an tithetic parallelism gives an acuteness and force to adages and moral sentences; and therefore, as I observed before, abounds in Solomon's Proverbs, and elsewhere is not often to be met with. The poem of Job, being on a large plan, and in a high tragic style, though very exact in the division of the lines, and in the parallelism, and affording many fine examples of the synonymous kind, yet consists chiefly of the constructive, A happy mixture of the several sorts gives an agreeable variety; and they serve mutually to recommend and set off one another, I mentioned above, that there appeared to be two sorts of Hebrew verses, differing from one another in regard to their length : the examples hitherto given, are all, except one, of the shorter kind of verse. The longer, though they admit of every sort of parallelism, yet belonging for the most part .to the last plass, that of constructive parallels, I shall treat of them in this place, and endeavour to explain the nature, and to point out the marks of them, as fully and exactly as I can. This distinction of Hebrew verses into longer and shorter, "is founded on the authority of the alphabetical poems ; one third of the whole number of which are manifestly of the longer sort of verse, the rest of the shorter. I do not pre sume exactly to define by the number of syllables, supposing we could with some probability determine it, the limit that separates one sort of verse from the other, so that every verse exceeding or falling short of that number should be always accounted a long or a short verse ; all that I affirm is this, — that one of the three poems perfectly alphabetical, and therefore infallibly divided into its verses ; and three of the nine other alphabetical poems, divided into their verses, after the manner of the perfectly alphabetical, with the greatest degree of probability ; that these four poems, being the four first Lamentations of Jeremiah, fall into verses PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. xxiii about one-third longer, taking them one with another, than those of the other eight alphabetical poems. I sh'aU first give an example of these long verses from a poem perfectly alphabetical, in which therefore the limits of the verses are unerringly defined : — " I am the man that hath seen affliction, by the rod of his anger : He hath led me, and made me walk, in darkness, not in light: Even again turneth he his hand against me, all the day long. He hath made old my flesh and my skin, he hath broken my bones : He hath built against me, and hath compassed me, with gall and travail : He hath made me dwell in dark places, as the dead of old," Lam, iii, 1 — 6, The following is from the first Lamentation, in which the stanzas are defined by initial letters, and are, like the for mer, of three lines : — " How doth the city solitary sit, she that was full of people I How is she become a widow, that was great among the na tions ! Princess among the provinces, how is she become tributary 1 She weepeth sore in- the night, and her tear is upon her cheek : She hath none to comfort her, among all her lovers : All her friends have betrayed her, they became her ene mies." Lam, i, 1, 2. I shall now give exaraples of the same sort of verse, where the liraits of the verses are to be collected only from the poetical construction of the sentences ; — and first from the books acknowledged on all hands to be poetical; and of these we must have recourse to the Psalms only, for I be lieve there is not a single instance of this sort of verse to be found in the poem of Job, and scarce any in the Proverbs of Solomon. " The law of Jehovah is perfect, restoring the soul ; The testimony of Jehovah is sure, making wise the simple : The precepts of Jehovah are right, rejoicing the heart ; The commandment of Jehovah- is clear, enlightening the eyes: The fear of Jehovah is pure, enduring for ever ; xxiv PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. The judgments of Jehovah are truth ; they are altogether righteous: More desirable than gold, and than much fine gold ; ^^ And sweeter than honey, and the dropping of honey-combs. •' Psahxix. 7 — 10. "That our sons may be like plants, growing up in their youth ; ¦ Our daughters like the corner-pillars, carved for the struc ture of a palace : Our store-houses full, producing all kinds of provision : Our flocks bringing forth thousands, ten thousands in our fields : Our oxen strong to labour ; no irruption, no captivity ; And no outcry in our streets." Psal. cxliv. 12 — 14. " Oh ! how great is thy goodness which thou hast treasured up, for them that fear thee ; Which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee, before the sons of men I Thou wilt hide them in the secret place of thy presence, from the vexations of man ; Thou wilt keep them safe in the tabernacle, from the strife of tongues." Psal. xxxi. 19, 20. " A sound ofa multitude in the mountains, as of many people; A sound of the tumult of kingdoms, of natrons gathered to gether : Jehovah God of Hosts mustereth the host for the battle. They come from a distant land, from the end of heaven ; Jehovah ' and the instruments of his wrath, to destroy the whole land." Isa. xiii. 4, 5. " They are turned backward, they are utterly confounded, who trust in the graven image ; Who say unto the molten image, ye are our gods I" Isa. xhi. 17. " They are ashamed, they are even confounded, his * adver saries, all of them ; Together they retire in confusion, the fabricators of images : But Israel shall be saved in Jehovah, with eternal salvation ; Ye shall not be ashamed, neither shall ye be confounded, to the ages of eternity." Isa. xlv. 16, 17. These examples, all , except the two first, are of long verses thrown in irregularly, but with design, between * See the note on the place. PRELIMINARV DISSERTATION. xxv verses of another sort; among which they stand out, as it were, somewhat distinguished in regard to their matter as well as their form. I think I perceive some peculiarities in the cast and structure of these verses, which mark them, and distinguish them from those of the other sort. The closing pause of each line is generally very full and strong ; and in each line coramonly, towards the end, at least beyond the middle of it, there is a .small rest or interval, depending on the sense and grammatical construction, which I would call a half- pause. The conjunction i, the common particle of connexion, which abounds in the Hebrew language, and is very often used without any necessity at all, seems to be frequently and studiously omitted at the half-pause ; the remaining clause being added, to use a gramraatical term, by apposition to some word preceding ; or coming in as an adjunct, or cir cumstance depending on the forraer part, and corapleting the sentence. This gives a certain air to these verses, which may be esteemed in some sort as characteristic of the kind. The first four Lamentations are four distinct poems, con sisting uniformly and entirely of* the long verse, which may therefore be properly called the Elegiac verse — ifrora those elegies, which give the plainest and the most undoubted ex amples of it. There may perhaps be found raany other very probable examples in the sarae kind ; but this is what I cannot pretend to determine with any certainty. Such, I think, are the 42d and 43d Psalms ; which I imagine make ' In the second Lamentation, the second line of the fourth period is deficient in length ; and so likewise is the 31st verse of the third Lamentation. In the former, two words are lost out of the text ; in the latter, one. This will plainly appear by supplying those words from the Chaldee paraphrase, which has hap pily preserved them. They prove their own genuineness by making the lines of a just length, and by completely restoring the sense ; which in the former is otherwise not unexceptionable, in the latter manifestly imperfect. I will add the lines, with the words supplied included in crotchets. " And he slew [every youth] all that were desirable to the eye. '' " For the Lord will not cast oflr[his servants] for ever.'' xxri PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. one entire poem,* aiid ought not to have been divided into two Psalms: the lines are all of the longer kind, except the third line of the intercalary stanza three times inserted; which third line, hke that at the close of an exanaple given above from the 144th Psalm, is of the shorter kind of verse, somewhat like the Paroemiac verse of the Greeks, which commonly makes the close of a set of Anapaestic verses. Such likewise may perhaps be the lOIst Psalm, which seems to consist of fourteen long verses, or seven distichs, thus di vided : — " Mercy and judgment will I celebrate ; to thee, O Jehovah, will I sing. I will act circumspectly in the perfect way ; when wilt thou come unto me ? I will walk with a perfect heart, in the midst of my house ; I will, not set before mine eyes, a wicked thing : Him that dealeth unfaithfully, I hate ; he shall not cleave unto me ; A perverse heart shall remove from me ; the wicked I will not know. Whoso slandereth in secret his friend, him will I destroy. The lofty of eyes, and the proud of heart, him I will not en dure. Mine eyes shall be On the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me : Whoso walketh in the perfect way, he shall minister unto me. He shall not dwell within my house, who practiseth deceit. He that speaketh falsehood, shall not be established in my sight. Every morning will I destroy all the wicked of the land ; To cut off, from the city of Jehovah, all the workers of ini quity," The sublime ode of Isaiah in the I4th chapter is all of this kind of verse, except, perhaps, a verse or two towards the end ; and the prophecy against Senacherib in the 37th chapter, as far as it addressed Senacherib himself, I venture to submit to the judgment of the candid reader the preceding observations, upon a subject which hardly admits of proof and certainty ; which is rather a matter of opinion and of taste, than of science ; especially in the latter * '^''i^ conjecture, offered some years ago, has-since been confirmed by twen ty-two M.SS, which join them together. PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. xxvii part, which endeavours to establish, and to point out the dif ference of two sorts of verse, the longer and the shorter. For though the third Lamentation of Jeremiah gives a clear and indubitable example of the elegiac or long verse, and the two Psalms perfectly alphabetical of the shorter ; yet the whole art of Hebrew versification, except only what appears in the construction of the sentences, being totally lost, it is not easy to try by them other passages of verse, so as to draw any certain conclusion in all cases, whether they are of the sarae kind or not : And that, for this among other reasons ; be cause what I call the half-pause, which I think prevails for the most part in the longer verses, is sometimes so strong and so full in the middle of the line, that it seems naturally to resolve it into a distich of two short verses, I readily therefore acknowledge, that in setthng the distribution of the lines, or verses, in the following translation, I have had frequent doubts, and particularly in determining the long and short verses, I am still uncertain in regard to many places, whether two lines ought not to be joined to make one, or one line divided into two. But whatever doubts may re- . main concerning particulars, yet^ upon the whole, I should hope that the method of distribution here proposed, of sen tences into stanzas and verses in the poetical books of Scrip ture, will appear to have sorae foundation, and even to carry with it a considerable degree of probability. Though no coraplete system of rules concerning this matter can perhaps be formed, which will hold good in every particular; yet this way of considering the subject raay have its use, in fur nishing a principle of interpretation of some consequence, in giving a general idea of the style and character of the' Hebrew poetry, and in shewing the close conformity of style and character between great part of the prophetical writings, and the other books of the Old Testament universally ac knowledged to be poetical. And that the reader may not think his pains wholly lost, in labouring through this long disquisition concerning sen tences and members of sentences, in weighing words and balancing periods, I shall endeavour to shew him something of the use and application of the preceding observations ; and to convince him, that this branch of criticism, minute as it may appear, yet merits the attention of the translator and of the interpreter of the Holy Scriptures ; so large a part xxviii PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. of which is entirely poetical, ahd where occasional pieces of poetry are interspersed through the whole. It is incumbent on every translator to study the manner of his author; to mark the peculiarities of his style, to imi tate his features, his air, his gesture, and, as far as the M-4 ference of language will permit, even his voice ; in a word, to give a just and expressive resemblance of the original. If he does not carefuUy attend to this, he will sometimes fail of entering into his meaning ; he will always exhibit him un like himself— in a dress, that will appear strange and unbe coming to all that are in any degree acquainted with him. Sebastian Castellio stands in the first rank for critical abili ties and theological learning among the modern translators of Scripture ; but by endeavouring to give the whole compo sition of his translation a new castj to throw it out of the Hebrew idiom, and to make it adopt the Latin phrase and structure in its stead, he has given us something that is neither Hebrew nor Latin: the Hebrew manner is destroyed, and the Latin manner is not perfectly acquired ; we regret the loss of the Hebrew simplicity, and we are disgusted with the perpetual affectation of Latin elegance. This is in ge neral the case, but chiefly in the poetical parts. Take the following for a specimen. " Quum Israelitae ex jEgypto, quum Jacobaea domus emigraret ex populo barbaro, Judsei Israelitae Deo fuere sanctitati atque potestati. Quo viso, mare fugit, et Jordanis retrocessit. Montes arietum, colles ove natorum ritu exiliverunt." Surely to this even the barbarism of the Vulgate is pre ferable ; for though it has no elegance of its own, yet it still retains the form, and gives us some idea of the force and spirit of the Hebrew. I will subjoin it here, for it needs not fear the comparison. " In exitu Israel de .Slgypto, domus Jacob de populo barbaro, Facta est Judaea sanctificatio ejus, Israel potestas ejus. Mare vidit, et fugit : Jordanis conversus est retrorsum. Montes exultaverunt ut arietes : et colles sicut agni ovium," Flatness and insipidity will generally be the consequence of a deviation from the native manner of an original, which has a real merit and a peculiar force of its own : for it will be very difficult to compensate the loss of this by any adven- PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. xiix titious ornaments. To express fully and exactly the sense of the author is indeed the principal, but not the whole duty of the translator. In a work of elegance and genius, he is not only to inform, he must endeavour to please ; and to please by the sarae means, if possible, by which his author pleases. If this pleasure arises in a great measure from the shape of the coraposition and the form of the construction, as it does in the Hebrew poetry perhaps beyond any other example whatsoever, the translator's eye ought to be always intent upon this : to neglect this, is to give up all chance of success, and all pretension to it. The importance of the sub ject, and the consequent necessity of keeping closely to the letter of the original, has confined the translators of Scrip ture within such narrow limits, that they have been forced, whether they designed it or not, and even sometimes con trary to their design, as in the case of Castellio, to retain much of the Hebrew manner. This is remarkably the case in our vulgar translation, the constant use of which has ren dered this manner familiar and agreeable to us. We have adopted the Hebrew taste ; and what is with judgment, and upon proper occasion, well expressed in that taste, hardly ever fails to suggest the ideas of beauty, solemnity, and elevation. To shew the difference in this respect, I shall here give an example or two of a free and loose translation, yet suffi ciently well expressing the sense, contrasted with another translation of the same, as strictly literal as possible, 1, " The merciful and gracious Lord hath so done his mar vellous works, that they ought to be had in remembrance," Psal, cxi, 4, Old Version, 2, " Lo ! children and the fruit of the womb are an heritage and gift, that cometh from the Lord," Psal, cxxvii,4, O, V, 3, " O put not your trust in princes, nor in any child of man ; for there is no help in them, " For when the breath of man goeth forth, he shall turn again to his earth ; and then all his thoughts perish, 4, " The Lord thy God, O Sion, shall be king for evermore, and throughout all generations," Psal, cxlvi, 2, 3, 10, O, V. 1, " He hath made a memorial of Iiis wonders : gracious and of tender mercy is Jehovah," 2. " Behold, an heritage from Jehovah are children ; a re ward, the fruit of the womb." XXX PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. 3, " Trust ye not in princes ; in the son of man, in whom is no salvation, . , " His breath goeth forth ; he returneth to his earth ; in that day his thoughts perish. /-, o- r 4, " Jehovah shall reign for ever ; thy God, O bion, trom age to age." The former examples are mere prose ; the latter retain the outlines and the features of the original Hebrew, and frora that cause alone are still poetry. But this strict attention to the form and fashion of the composition of the sacred writings of the Old Testament is not only useful, and even necessary, in the translator who is ambitious of preserving in his copy the force, and spirit, and elegance of the original; it will be of great use to hira likewise merely as an interpreter, and will often lead him into the meaning of obscure words and phrases: soraetimes it wiU suggest the true reading, where the text in our present copies is faulty; and will verify and confirm a correction offered on the authority of MSS, or of the ancient versions. I shall add a few ex amples, as evidences of what is here advanced. One short passage of Isaiah will furnish a number sufficient for our purpose ; and the observant reader will find several more in the version and notes subjoined. "Wherefore hear ye the word of Jehovah, ye scoffers; Ye who to this people in Jerusalem utter sententious speeches. Who say, We have entered into a covenant with death ; And with the grave we have made a treaty, But your covenant with death shall be broken ; And your treaty with the grave shall not stand," Isa, xxviii. 14, 15. 18. 'bwn, ye that rule this people, says our version; and so the generality of interpreters ancient and modern. But this prophecy is not addressed to the rulers of the people, nor is it at all concerned with them in particular, but is directed to the Ephraimites in general ; and this part to the scoffers among them, who ridiculed the denunciations of the pro phets, by giving out parabohcal sentences, and solemn speeches, soniewhat in the prophetic style, in opposition to their prophecies ; of which speeches he gives specimens in the next verse, as he had done before in the 9th and 10th verses. 'bwn therefore is parallel and synonymous to pjtb ^iViK, PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. xxxi scoffers ; and is not to be translated rulers, but to be taken in the other sense of the word, and rendered, " those that speak parables." And larchi in this place very properly explains it, " qui dicunt verba irrisionis parabohce." The next verse gives us an instance still more remarkable of the influence which the parallelism has in determining the sense of words : " We have entered into a covenant with death ; And with the grave we have made " what ? Every one must answer imrae"diately, an agreement, a bargain, a treaty, or something to the same sense : and so in effect say all the versions, ancient and modern. But the word ntn raeans no such thing in any part of the Bible; (except in the 1 8th verse of this chapter, here quoted, where it is repeated in the sarae sense, and nearly in the same form) ; nor can the lexicographers give any satisfactory account of the word in this sense ; wliich however they are forced to admit from the necessity of the case ; " Recte verto vocem ntrr, perinde ac nirn, v. 18. transactionem, licet neutra hac significatione alibi occurrat : circurastantia enira orationis earn necessario exigit;" says the learned Vitringa upon the place. It could not otherwise have been known that the word had this meaning ; it is the parallelism alone that determines it to this meaning ; and that so clearly, that no doubt at all remains concerning the sense of the passage. Again : — " And your covenant with death shall le broken :" But isa raeans to cover, to cover sin, and so to expiate, &c. and is never used in the sense of breaking or dissolving a covenant, though that notion so often occurs in the Scrip tures ; nor can it be forced into this sense, but by a great deal of far-fetched reasoning. Besides, it ought to be niS3, or iBsn, in the feminine form, to agree with nni. So that the word, as it stands, makes neither graramar nor sense. There is great reason therefore to suspect some mis take in our present copy. The true reading is probably isn, differing by one letter. So conjectured Houbigant; and so Archbishop Seeker : and I find their conjecture con firmed by the Chaldee paraphrast, who renders it by b isa, the word which he generally uses in rendering this common x^isii .. PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. phrase, nna n>i)n. And this reading is stUl further con-^ firmed by the parallelism; for isn, shall be broken, in the first line, is parallel and synonymous to t=jipn vh, shall not stand, in the second. The very same phrases are parallel and synonyraous, Isa, viii, 10. " Take counsel together, and it shall come to nought, ism ; Speak the word, and it shall not stand, Oip' Nbl." I shall add one example more ; and that of a reading suggested by the parallelism, and destitute of all authority of MSS, or ancient versions. " But mine enemies living are numerous ; And they that hate me wrongfully are multiplied." Psal. xxxviii, 19. The word t3'''irr, living, seems not to belong to this place ; besides, that the construction of it in the Hebrew is very unusual and inelegant. The true reading in all probability -is ^iin, .without cause; parallel and synonymous to ipli7, •wrongfully, in the next line, (as in Psal, xxxv, 19,) ; which completes the parallelism through both lines. Let the reader compare Psal, Ixix. 5. where the very same three' terms in each line are set parallel to one another, just in the same manner as I suppose they must have been originally here. Which place likewise furnishes another example in the sarae kind : for a fourth terra being there introduced in each line, the fourth term in the last line has been corrupted by the small mistake of inserting a ' in the middle of it. It has been well restored by a conjecture of the learned' and ingenious Bishop Hare, " They that hate rae without cause are multiplied beyond the hairs of my head ; They that are mine enemies wrongfully are more numerous than the hairs of my locks," For 'ninsn, isjlio destroy me, read inTisn, more than my locks, parallel to iitni niiriyn, more than the hairs of my head, in the first line. The Bishop's conjecture is sincp confirmed by seven MSS, Thus two inveterate mistakes, which have disgraced the text above two thousand years, (for they are prior to die PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. , xxxiii version of the Seventy), are happily corrected, and that, I think, beyond a doubt, by the parallelisra supported by the example of similar passages. Rabbi Azaeias,* a learned Jew of the sixteenth century, has treated of the ancient Hebrew versification upon prin ciples similar to those above proposed, and partly coincident with them : he makes the form of the verse to depend on the structure of the sentence, and the measures in every verse to be determined by the several parts of the proposi tion. As he is the only one of the Jewish writers, who ap pears to have had any just idea at all of this matter ; as his system seems to be well founded ; and as his observations may be of use on the present occasion, both by giving some degree of authority to the hypothesis above explained, and by setting the subject in a light sdmewhat different, — I shall here give the reader at large his opinion upon it. This author, in a large work entitled Meor Enajim, (that is, The light of the Eyes), containing a great variety of mat ter, historical, critical, and philosophical, takes occasion to treat of the Hebrew poetry in a separate chapter ; of which the younger Buxtorf has given a Latin translation, j- " Azarias finding little satisfaction in what former writers had said upon the subject; whether those who make the Hebrew verse consist of a certain number of syllables and certain feet, like that of the Greeks and Latins ; or those who exclude all metre, and make the harmony of their verse to arise from accents, tones, and musical modulations ; which latter opinion he thinks agreeable to truth ; — and having con sulted the most learned of his nation without being able to obtain any solution of his difficulties ; for they allowed that there was a sensible difference between the songs and the other parts of the Hebrew Scriptures when they were read ; * R. Azarias Min Haadumim, i. n. de Rubeis, or Rossi, of Ferrara, finish ed his treatise entitled Meor Enajim, A. D. 1573, and published itat Mantua, the place of his birth, 1574. Wolfii Biblioth. Hebrsa, vol. i. p. 944. f Mantissa Dissertationum, p. 415. at the end of his edition of Cosri. Suspecting, from some obscurities, that Buxtorf 's translation was not very accurate, I procured the original edition ; and, having carefully examined it, I corrected from it this account of the author's sentiments. xxxiv PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. a kind of metrical sweetness in the former, which the latter had not; but whence that difference arose no one could ex plain ; — in this state of uncertainty, he long considered the matter, endeavouring to obtain some satisfaction in his in quiries. He at last came to the following determination upon it : — That the sacred songs have undoubtedly certain measures and proportions ; which, however, do not consist in the number of syllables, perfect or imperfect, according to the form of the modern verse which the Jews make use of, and which is borrowed from the Arabians; (though the Arabic prosody, he observes, is too complicated to be ap plied to the Hebrew language) ; but in the number of things, and of the parts of things, — that is, the subject, and the pre^ dicate, and their adjuncts, in every sentence and proposition. Thus a phrase, containing two parts of a proposition, con sists of two measures ; add another containing two more, and they become four measures : another again, containing three parts of a proposition, consists of three measures ; add to it another of the like, and you have six measures. " For example; in the Song of Moses, " Thy-right-hand, O-Jehovah," is a phrase consisting of two terms, or parts of a proposition ; to which is connected, " is=-glorious in^power," consisting likewise of two terms : these joined together make four measures, or a tetrameter: « Thy-right-hand, O- Jehovah," repeated, makes two more; " hath-crushed the- enemy," two more ; which, together, make four measures, or a second tetrameter. So likewise, '* The-enemy said, I-will-pursue, I-will-overtake ; I-will-divide the-spoil ; my-lust shall-be-satisfied-upon-them j Lwill-draw my-sword ; my-harid shall-destroy-them ; Thou-didst-blow with-thy-wind ; the-sea covered-them," " The Song of Deuteronomy consists of propositions of three parts, or three measures; which, doubled in the same manner, raake six, or hexameters : thug, *' Hearken, O-heavens, and-I-wilNspeak ; and-Iet-the-earth hear the-words-of-my-mouth :* ^the-°dew"^ shall-drop, as-the-r^in ; my-word shall-distil, as • Two words joined together by maccaph are considered as a sin^rle word PCCOrdmg to the laws of punctuation ; so ^B-n»N is one word PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. xxxt " Sometimes in the same period, much raore in the same song, these two kinds meet together, according to the divine irapulse moving the prophet, and as the variety suited his design, and the nature of the subject. For example, — " And-by-the-blast of-thy-nostrils, the-waters were-compress- ed ;" These are each two measures, which together make a tetra meter : it foUows, — " The-floods stood-upright, as-in-a-heap : The-deeps were-congealed in-the-heart-of-the-sea :" * These are two truneters, which make an hexameter. So the Song of the Well begins with trimeters; to which are after wards subjoined f dimeters. So in the prayer of Habakkuk the verses are trimeters ; — " God came from-Teman ; And-the-Holy-One from the-mount-of-Paran J Selah. His-glory covered the-heavens ; And-his-splendour filled the-earth," " The author proceeds to observe, that in some verses certain words occur which make no part of the measures, or are not taken into the account of the verse ; as in the Song of Deuteronomy : — " And-he-said, I-will-hide my-face from-them :" The word, " And-h&-said,")| stands by itself, — and the re maining words make a trimeter : — * D^'ibi, one word. f The Song of the Well, Numb. ixxi. 17, 18. according to our way of fixing the conclusion of it, and if we measure It by Azarias's rules, consists of three trimeters and one dimeter only. But the Targum of Onkelos continues the song to the end of the 20th verse, taking in the catalogue of stations, (as we understand it), which immediately follows, as part of the song ; and interpret ing it as such. Azarias follows his authority : so Aben Tybbon, (see Cozri, p, 431.), and larchi upon the place. At Uiis rate we shall have half a dozen dimeters more. I ^"lNS"'ini3, (fi-om-the-mount-of-Paran), being joined by moccajjA, and so making but one word, the author is obliged to take in Selah as part of the verse, to make out his third term or measure. The authority of the Masoretic maccaph has led him into an error. The verse without Selah is a trimeter; as it ought to be in conformity with the rest. 11 So far the observation seems to be just ; and perhaps there may be two more examples of it in the same poem, ver. 26. and 37. ; where, according to xxxvi PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. " I-will-see, what-is their-latter-end," is the trimeter answering to it. So in the prayer of Habak kuk:— " O-Jehovah, I-have-heard thy-speech ; I-was afraid ; O-Jehovah, . , „ , "* Revive thy-work irt-the-midst-of-the-years : * The word, « O-Jehovah," is twice to be read separate; and the words added to it make a trimeter. But this verse, " Though the-fig-tree shall-not blossom," is of a different sort, consisting of the subject and predicate : « Though the fig-tree," being the subject; " shall not blos som," the predicate. So in a verse containing twelve terms, those terras may be reduced to six measures. For you are not to reckon, either the syllables, or the words, but only the things. And for this reason a particle is often joined to the word next to it. The verses of the Psalms observe the same order : — " Have-mercy-upon-me, 0-God, according-to-thy-goodness ; According-to-the-multitude-of-thy-mercies, f blot-out my- transgressions," Azarias's doctrine, the words, I said. And he shall say, may conveniently enough be considered as making no part of the verse. So in Isaiah, the com mon forms. Thus saith Jehovah, And it shalt come to pass in that day, and the like, probably are not always to be reckoned as making part of the measure. The period 0 in the 4th Lamentation cannot well be divided into two lines, as it ought to be; but if the words "inb 1N"1p, they cried unto them, and D^lii linX, they said among the heathen, are excluded from the measure, the remainder will make two lines of just length ; — " Depart, ye are polluted, depart ; depart ye, forbear to touch : Yea, they are fled, they are removed; they shall dwell here no more." Or perhaps they may be two marginal interpretations, which by mistake have got into the text ; which, I think, is better without them. So likewise. Lam. ii. 15. the word I'lttN^iy, of-iohidi-tliey-said, either does not reckon in the verse, which with it is too long ; or, as I rather think, should be omitted, as an interpolation. * In order to make out the trimeter, it is necessary to suppose that Aza rias reads tJ^^WSlpi as one word. •f Azarias takes the liberty of joining the two words "l^mnl ilTa together by a maccaph, which is not to be found in our editions, in order to bring the verse within his rules. The reader will observe, that this distich, which in the Hebrew contains but seven words, cannot be rendered in English in less than PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. xxxvii These are trimeters. So likewise, " In-God I-will-praise his-word ; In-Jehovah I-will-praise his-word." So likewise the Proverbs of Solomon, " Wisdom crieth without ; In-the-streets she-uttereth her-voice," " I am aware, adds he, that some verses are to be found, which I cannot accommodate to these rules and forms ; and perhaps a great number. But by observing these things, the intelligent may perhaps receive new light, and discover what has escaped me. However, they may be assured, that all the verses that are found in the Sacred Writings ; such as the Song at the Red Sea, of the Well, of Moses, of Deborah, of David, of the Book of Job, the Psalms, and the Proverbs ; all of them have an established order and measure, different in different places, or even sometimes different in one and the same poem ; — as we may perceive in reading them an admirable propriety and fitness, though we cannot arrive at the true method of measuring or scan ning thera, " It is not to be wondered, that the same song should consist of different measures ; for the case is the sarae in the poetry of the Greeks and Romans : they suited their mea sures to the nature of the subject and the arguraent ; and the variations which they admitted, were accommodated to the motions of the body, and the affections of the soul. Every kind of raeasure is not proper for every subject ; and an ode, a panegyric, or a prayer, should not be composed in the same measure vnth an elegy. Do not you observe, says he, in the Book of Lamentations of Jereraiah, that the periods of the first and second chapters each of them consist of three propositions ; and every one of these of a subject, and a predicate, and of the adjuncts belonging to thera ? The third chapter follows the sarae method ; and for this reason is placed next to them in order : but of this chapter every period is distributed into three initial letters. But the fourth chapter does not perfect the senses in every one-and-twenty^words. By this he will judge, under what great disadvantage all the foregoing examples, whether of the parallelism, or of the metre of things, must appear in an English version, in which many words are almost always necessary to render wljat is expressed by one word in Hebrew. xxxviii PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. verse;* but consists of two and two, whichmake four. But the fifth chapter, which contains a prayer, you will find to be built on another plan; that is, one and one, which make two,+ or a diraeter; like the verses of the Books of Job, Psalms, and Proverbs. So the Song of Moses, and the Song of Deborah, have a different form ; consisting of three and three, which make six; that is, hexameters; hke the heroic measure, which is the noblest of all measures. " Upon the whole, the author concludes, that the poetical parts of the Hebrew Scriptures are not composed according to the rules and measures of certain feet, dissyllables, tri syllables, or the like, as the poems of the modern Jews are ; but nevertheless have undoubtedly other measures which de pend on things,:]: as above explained. For which reason, they are more excellent than those which consist of certain feet, according to' the number and quantity of syllables. Of this, says he, you may judge yourself in the Songs of the Prophets. For do you not see, if you translate some of them into another language, that they still keep and retain their measure, if not wholly, at least in part? which cannot be the case in those verses, the measures of which arise from a cer tain quantity and number of syllables." • * He said above, that in the 1st and 2d chapters each separate verse, or line, was a single proposition : he now says, that this is not the case in the 4th chapter ; for it does not perfect the sense in every verse ; that is, each verse does not consist of one single proposition. As, for example, the first Une or verse— " How is obscured the gold! changed. the fine gold!" " How is obscured | the gold !" makes one proposition, and two measures; "changed | the fine gold I" another proposition, and two other measures; which, according to him, make a tetrameter. This, he says, makes the diffe rence between the three first and the 4th chapter. But there seems to be no such difference ; many single lines in the three first containing two proposi tions, and many in the 4th containing only one. f According to the author's own definition of his terms, one and one which make two, should mean, one term and one term making two measures, or a dimeter : but the 5th chapter does not at all seem to answer that description. Besides, he says, the verses of it are like those of Job, Psalms, and Proverbs, of two of which books he said before, that the verses were trimeters. I know not what he means, unless it be that one and one sentences make two, that is a distich ; and that this chapter consists of distichs, of two short lines, as the Books of Job, Psalms, and Proverbs, for the most part do ; which is true. \ Perhaps the harraony might depend in some degree on both ; for it may be often observed, that where the words of an hemistich happen to be longer, and consequently to consist of more syllables than the words of the adjoining hemistich, there the things expressed are fewer. See, for example, Psal. cviii. 4, 5. Which seems to prove, that the measures of the verses did not depend on the things expressed only, but on the syllables also. PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. xxxix Such is R. Azarias's hypothesis of the rhythmus of things; that is, of terms and of senses ; of the gramraatical parts of speech, and of the logical parts of propositions. The prin ciple seems to be right ; but, I think, he has not raade the best use, of which it was capable, in the application. He acknowledges, that it will not hold in all cases. I believe, there is no such thing to be found in the Hebrew Bible, as a whole poem consisting of trimeters, tetrameters, or hexa meters only, measured and scanned according to his rules. The Song of Moses, Deut, xxxii, is a very apt example for his purpose ; but will not in all parts faU in with his measures. Besides, there is no sort of reason for his making it to con sist of hexameters, rather than trimeter distichs ; such, as he says, the Psalms and Proverbs consist of. Examine the cxith and cxiith Psalms by his rules ; and though they will fall into his trimeters for the most part pretty well, yet we are sure, that these were not to be coupled together to make hexameters ; for they are necessarily divided into twenty-two distinct short lines by the initial letters. The Hebrew poetry, consisting for the most part of short sentences, must in general naturally fall into such measures as Azarias esta blishes ; or with some manageraent raay be easily reduced to his rules. Every proposition must consist 'of a subject and a predicate, joined together by a copula; and the pre dicate including the copula will generally consist of two terms, expressing the action, and the thing acted upon. In Hebrew, sometimes the subject is combined with the copula in one word, and sometimes the predicate ; sometiraes all three make but one term. In these cases, the addition of a simple adjunct (for the shortness of the style wiU not admit of ranch more) to the subject, or the predicate, or both, furnishes a second, a third, and sometiraes a fourth term ; that is, raakes the verse a dimeter, trimeter, or tetrameter. For instance, in dimeters, — " They-made-him-jealous, with-strange-Gods ; They-provoked-him, with-abominations," Deut, xxxii, 16, In trimeters, — " I-will-bfess Jehovah, at-all-time ; His-praise [shall be] in-my-moulh, continually, My-soul shall-make-her-boast, in-Jehovah ; The-meek ghall-hear-it, and-rejoice. il PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION, O-magnify-ye Jehovah, with-me ; -to And-llt-us-praise his-name, together," Psal, xxxiv, 1-3. In these examples, the first part of every line ma-kes an en tire proposition, and the last is an adjunct making the se cond, or the third, terra. In the following, the subject, and the predicate, with their adjuncts, consist of two terms, each of them: that is, of two measures ; and, being joined toge ther, make a tetrameter : — " The-counsel of-Jehovah shall-stand for-ever," The next fine is in the same form, except that the verb is understood, and the latter adjunct divided into two terms; and makes a second tetrameter to pair with the first : — " The-thoughts of-his-heart, from-age to-age," Something of this kind must necessarily be the result of this sententious way of writing : it is what comes of course, with out much study. But whatever attention the Hebrew poets might give to the scanning of their verses by the number of terras, it does not appear to have been their design to con fine all the verses of the same poem to any set nuraber of terms ; whereas they do plainly appear to have studied to throw the corresponding lines of the same distich into the same number of terms, into the same form of construction, and still more into an identity, or opposition, or a general conformity of sense, I agree therefore with Azarias in his general principle of a rhythmus of things : but instead of considering terms, or phrases, or senses, in single lines, as measures ; determining the nature and denomination of the verse, as dimeter, trimeter, or tetrameter; I consider only that relation and proportion of one verse to another, which arises from the correspondence of terms, and from the form of construction; from whence results a rhythraus of propositions, and a harraony of sentences. This peculiar conformation, of sentences ; short, concise, with frequent pauses, and regular intervals, divided into pairs, for the most part, of corresponding lines ; is the most evident characteristic now remaining of poetry among the Hebrews, as distinguished from prose : and this, I suppose, is what is iraphed in the name, Mizmor ;* which I under- ItMlTa, inr signifies to cnt, to prune, to sing, ia play on a musical in strument. Casura is the common idea, which prevails in all. PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. xli Stand to be the proper name for verse ; that is, for numerous, rhythmical, or metrical language. This form made their verse peculiarly fit for music and dance ; which with them were the usual concoraitants of poetrj', on occasions of public joy, and in the most solemn offices of religion,* Both their dance and song were on such occasions performed by two choirs f taking their parts alternately in each : the regular forra of the stanzas, chiefly distichal, and the parallelism of the lines, were excellently well suited to this purpose, and fell in naturally with the movements of the body, of the voice, and of the instruments, and with the division of the parts between the two sets of performers. But, beside the poetical structure of the sentences, there are other indications of verse in the poetical and prophetical parts of the Hebrew Scriptures': such are, peculiarities of language ; unusual and foreign words ; phrases, and forms of words, uncommon in prose; bold elliptical expression; frequent and abrupt change of persons, and an use of the tenses out of the comraon order; and lastly, the poetical dialect, consisting chiefly in certain anoraalies peculiar to poetry ; in letters and syllables added to the ends of words ; a kind of license commonly permitted to poetry in every language. But as these cannot be explained by a few ex araples, nor perfecdy understood without sorae knowledge of Hebrew ; I must beg leave to refer the learned reader, who would inquire further into this subject, to what I have said upon it in another place ;f or rather, to recommend it to his own observation, in reading the sacred poets in their own language. Thus far of the genuine form and character of the Pro phet's composition ; which it has been the translator's endea- vour closely to follow, and as exactly to express, as the dif ference of the languages woxdd permit : in which indeed he has had great advantage in the habit, which our language has acqiiired, of expressing with ease, and not without ele- . gance, Hebrew ideas and Hebrew forms of speaking, from * See Exod. xy. 20, 21. 2 Sam. vi. 14. 16. f See 1 Sam. xviii. 6, 7. Ezra iii. II. Nehem. xii. 24. and Philo's Obser vations ( risgi reafyias) on the Song at the Red Sea. I De Sacra Poesi Hebrajorum, Prselect. iii. xiv. xv. xiii PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. our constant use of a close verbal translation of both the Old and New Testament; which has by degrees moulded our language into such a conformity with that of the origmal Scriptures, that it can upon occasion assume the Hebrew character without appearing altogether forced and unnatural. It remains to say something of the Translation m regard to its fidehty; and of the principles of interpretation by which the translator has been guided in the prosecution of it. The first and principal business of a translator, is to give the plain literal and grammatical sense of his author ; the obvious meaning of his words, phrases, and sentences; and to express them in the language into which he translates, as far as may be, in equivalent words, phrases, and sentences?) Whatever indulgence may be allowed him in other respects ; however excusable he may be, if he fail of attaining the ele gance, the spirit, the sublimity of his author — which will generally be in some degree the case, if his author excels at all in those qualities ; want of fidelity admits of no excuse, and is entitled to no indulgence. This is peculiarly so in subjects of high importance, such as the Holy Scriptures, in which so much depends on the phrase and expression ; and particularly in the prophetical books of Scripture; where from the letter are often deduced deep and recondite senses, which must owe all their weight and solidity to the just and accurate interpretation of the words of the prophecy. For whatever senses are supposed to be included in the Prophet's words, spiritual, mystical, allegorical, analogical, or the like, they must all entirely depend on the literal sense. This is the only foundation upon which siich interpretations can be securely raised ; and if this is not firmly and well esta blished, all that is built upon it will fall to the ground. For example; ifiiaan Nina, Isa, Ii, xx, does not signify a; nvrXicv iftti^hy, like parboiled bete, as the LXX render it ; but like an oryx (a large, fierce, wild beast) in the toils ; what becomes of Theodoret's explication of this image? KccStvaovls^ aig a-tvrXioy V/finCpSov'^ 'Eott^iv ocvrav eto6 fA,iv th VTTva to pcc6vfiav, dix h TS xujt^aiiii TO cevxv^fev. According to this interpretation, the Prophet would express the drowsiness and flaccidity, the slothfulness and want of spirit, of his countrymen : where as his idea was impotent rage, and obstinate violence, sub dued by a superior power ; the Jews taken in the snares of their own wickedness, struggling in vain, till, overspent and PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. iliii exhausted, they sink under the weight of God's judgments. And Procopius's explication of the same passage, according to the rendering of the words by Aquila, Symraachus, and Theodotion, which is probably the true one, is almost as foreign to the purpose : " He compares, saith he, the people of Jerusalem to the oryx, that is, to a bird ,- because they are taken in the snares of the devil, and therefore are de livered over to wrath," Such strange and absurd deduc tions of notions and ideas, foreign to the author's drift and design, will often arise from the invention of commentators who have nothmg but an inaccurate translation to work upon. This was the case of the generality of the Fathers of the Christian Church, who wrote comments on the Old Testament: and it is no wonder, that we find thera of little service in leading us into the true meaning and the deep sense of the prophetical writings. It being then a translator's indispensable duty faithfully and religiously to express the sense of his author, he ought to take great care that he proceed upon just principles of criticism, in a rational method of interpretation ; and that the copy from which he translates be accurate and perfect in itself, or corrected as carefully as possible by the best autho rities, and on the clearest result of critical inquiry. The method of studying the Scriptures of the Old Testa ment has been very defective hitherto in both these respects. Beside the difficulties attending it, arising from the nature of the thing itself, from the language in which it is written, and the condition in which it is corae down to us through so many ages ; what we have of it being the scanty relics of a language formerly copious, and consequently the true meaning of many words and phrases being obscure and du bious, and perhaps incapable of being clearly ascertained ; beside these impediments, necessarily inherent in the subject, others have been thrown in the way of our progress in the study of these writings, from prejudice, and an ill-founded opinion of the authority of the Jews, both as interpreters and conservators of them. The Masoretic punctuation, by which the pronunciation of the language is given, the forras of the several parts of speech, the construction of the words, the distribution and limits of the sentences, and the connexion of die several members are fixed, is in effect an interpretation of the Hebrew text xliv PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. made by the Jews of late ages, probably not earlier than the eighth century; and may be considered as their trans lation of the Old Testament, Where the words unpointed are capable of various meanings, according as they may be variously pronounced and constructed, the Jews by their pointing have determined them to one meaning and con struction ; and the sense which they thus give, is their sense of the passage : just as the rendering, of a translator into another .language is his sense; that is, the sense in which in his opinion the original words are to be taken ; and it has no other authority, than what arises from its being agreeable to the rules of just interpretation. But because in the languages of Europe the vowels are essential parts of written words, a notion was too hastily taken up by the learned, at the revival of letters, when the original Scriptures began to be more carefully examined, that the vowel points were necessary appendages of the Hebrew letters, and there fore coeval with them ; at least, that they became absolutely necessary when the Hebrew was become a dead language, and must have been added by Ezra, who collected and formed the canon of the Old Testament, in regard to all the books of it in his time extant. On this supposition, the points have been considered as part of the Hebrew text, and as giving the meaning of it on no less than divine authority. Accordingly our public translations in the mo dern tongues for the use of the church araong Protestants, and so likewise the modern Latin translations, are for the most part close copies of the Hebrew pointed text, and are in reality only versions at second hand, translations of the Jews' interpretation of the Old Testament, We do not deny the usefulness of this interpretation, nor would we be thought to detract from its merit by setting it in this light : it is perhaps, upon the whole, preferable to any one of the ancient versions; it has probably the great advantage of having been formed upon a traditionary explanation of the text, and of being generally agreeable to that sense of Scrip ture which passed current, and was commonly received by the Jewish nation in ancient times; and it has. certainly been of great service to the moderns, in leading thera into the knowledge of the Hebrew tongue. But they would have raade a much better use of it, and a greater progress in the explication of the Scriptures of the Old Testament, had they consulted it, without absolutely submitting to its authority; PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. xlv had they considered it as an assistant, not as an infallible guide. To what a length an opinion lightly taken up, and era- braced with a full assent, without due exaraination, may be carried, we may see in another example of much the same kind. The learned of the Church of Rorae, who have taken the liberty of giving translations of Scripture in the modern languages, have for the most part subjected and devoted theraselves to a prejudice equally groundless and ab surd. The Council of Trent declared the Latin translation of the Scriptures called the Vulgate, which had been for many ages in use in their church, to be authentic — a very ambiguous term, which ought to have been more precisely defined than the Fathers of this Council chose to define it. Upon this ground many contended, that the Vulgate ver sion was dictated by the Holy Spirit; at least was provi dentially guarded against all error ; was consequently of divine authority, and more to be regarded than even the original Hebrew and Greek texts. And in effect the decree of the Council, however limited and moderated by the ex planation of some of their judicious divines, has given to' the Vulgate such a high degree of authority, that, in this in stance at least, the translation has taken place of the original : for these translators, instead of the Hebrew and Greek texts, profess to translate the Vulgate, Indeed, when they find the Vulgate very notoriously deficient in expressing the sense, they do the original Scriptures the honour of. consulting thera, and take the liberty, by following them, of departing from their authentic guide; but in general the Vulgate is their original text, and they give us a translation of a trans lation ; by which second transfusion of the Holy Scriptures into another tongue, still more of the original sense raust be lost, and more of the genuine spirit must evaporate. The other prejudice, which has stood in the way, and obstructed our progress in the true understanding of the Old Testament — a prejudice even more unreasonable than the former, is the notion that has prevailed of the great care and skill of the Jews in preserving the text, and transmitting it down to the present tiraes pure, and entirely free from all mistakes, as it came from the hands of the authors. In opposition to which opinion it has been often observed, that such a perfect degree of integrity no human skill or care xlvi PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION, could warrant: it raust imply no less than a constant mira culous superintendence of divine Providence, to guide the hand of the copyist, and to guard him from error, in re spect to every transcript that has been made through so long a succession of ages. And it is universaUy acknow ledged, that Ahnighty God has not thought such a mu:acu- lous interposition necessary in regard to the Scriptures of the New Testament, at least of equal authority and impor tance with those of the Old : We plainly see, that he has not exempted them from the common lot of other books; the copies of these, as well as of other ancient writings, differ ing in some degree from one another, so that no one of them has any just pretension to be a perfect and entire copy, truly and precisely representing in ef ery word and letter the originals, as they came from the hands of the several authors. All writings transmitted to us, like these, from early tiraes, the original copies of which have long ago perished, have suffered in their passage to us by the mistakes of raany transcribers through whose hands we have received them ; errors continually accumulating in proportion to the number of transcripts, and the stream generally becoming more impure, the more distant it is from the source. Now, the Hebrew writings of the Old Testament being for much the greater part the raost ancient of any ; instead of finding thera absolutely perfect, we may reasonably expect to find, that they have suffered in this respect more than others of less antiquity generally have done. But beside this common source of errors, there is a cir cumstance very unfavourable in this respect to these writings in particular, which makes them pecuUarly liable to mis takes in transcribing; that is, the great similitude which some letters bear to others in the Hebrew alphabet : such ¦* as a to 3, 1 to 1, n to n, J to 3 ; i, r, and ], to one another; more perhaps than are to be found in any other alphabet whatsoever ; and in so great a degree of likeness, that they are hardly distinguishable even in some printed copies ; and not only these letters, but others likewise beside these, are not easily distinguished from one another in many manu scripts. This must have been a perpetual cause of frequent mistakes ; of which, in regard to the two first pairs of letters above noted, there are many undeniable exaraples; inso- rauch that a change of one of the similar letters for the other, when it remarkably clears up the sense, may be fairly PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. xlvii allowed to criticism, even without any other authority than that of the context to support it. But to these natural sources of error, as we may call them, the Jewish copyists have added others, by .sorae absurd prac tices which they have adopted in transcribing ; — such as their consulting more the fair appearance of their copy than the correctness of it ; by wilfully leaving mistakes uncor rected, lest by erasing they should diminish the beauty and the value of the transcript ; (for instance, when they had written a word, or part of a word, wrongly, and immediate ly saw their mistake, they left the mistake uncorrected, and wrote the word anew after it) : their scrupulous regard to the evenness and fulness of their lines ; which induced thera to cut off from the ends of lines a letter or letters, for which there was not sufficient room, (for they never divided a word so that the parts of it should belong to two lines) ; and to add to the ends of lines letters wholly insignificant, by way of expletives, to fill up a vacant space : their custom of writing part of a word at the end of a line, where there was not room for the whole, and then giving the whole word at the beginning of the next line. These and some other like practices manifestly tended to multiply mistakes : they were so many traps and snares laid in the way of future transcribers, and must have given occasion to frequent eiTors, These circumstances considered, it would be the most astonishing of all miracles, if, notwithstanding the acknow ledged fallibility of transcribers, and their proneness to error, from the nature of the subject itself on which they were employed, the Hebrew writings of the Old Testaraent had come down to us through their hands absolutely pure, and free from all mistakes whatsoever. If it be asked, what then is the real condition of the present Hebrew text ; and of what sortj and in what num ber, are the mistakes which we must acknowledge to be found in it ? it is answered, That the condition of the He brew text is such as, from the nature of the thing, the an tiquity of the vwitings themselves, the want of due care, or critical skill, (in which latter at least the Jews have been exceedingly deficient), might in all reason have been ex pected; that the mistakes are frequent, and of various kinds ; of letters, words, and sentences ; by variation, omis- xlviii PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. sion, transposition; such as often injure the beauty and elegance, embarrass the construction, alter or obscure the sense, and sometimes render it quite unintelligible. It it be objected, that a concession so large as this is, tends to invalidate the authority of Scripture; that it gives up in effect the certainty and authenticity of the doctrines con tained in it, and exposes our religion naked and defenceless to the assaults of its enemies; this, I think, is a yam and groundless apprehension. Casual errors may blemish parts, but do not destroy, or much alter, the whole. If the Iliad or the ^neid had come down to us with more errors in all the copies than are to be found in the worst manuscript now extant of either, without doubt many particidar pas sages would have lost much of their beauty ; in many the sense would have been greatly injured; in some rendered wholly unintelligible ; but the plan of the poem in the whole' and in its parts, the fable, the mythology, the machinery, the characters, the great constituent parts, would still have been visible and apparent, without having suffered any essential diminution of their greatness. Of all the precious remains of antiquity, perhaps Aristotle's treatise on Poetry is come down to us as much injured by time as any : as it has been greatly mutilated in the whole, some considerable merabers of it being lost; so the parts remaining have suffered in proportion, and many passages are rendered very obscure, probably by the imperfection and frequent mistakes of the copies now extant. Yet, notwithstanding these dis advantages, this treatise, so much injured by tirae and so mutilated, still continues to be the great code of criticism; the fundaraental principles of which are plainly deducible from it : we still have recourse to it for the rules and laws of epic and dramatic poetry, and the imperfection of the copy does not at all irapeach the authority of the legislator. Important and fundamental doctrines do not wholly depend on single passages ; an universal harraony runs through the Holy Scriptures; the parts mutually support each other, and supply one another's deficiencies and obscurities. Super ficial damages and partial defects may greatly diminish the beauty of the edifice, without injuring its strength, and bring ing on utter ruin and destruction,* * " Librariorum discordiam ostendunt varia exemplaria, in quibus idem locus aliter atque aliter legitur. Sed ea discordia ofTendere nos non debet ; primum, quia autorum non est, sed librariorum, quorum culpam prajstare PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. xlix The copies of the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament being then subject, like all other ancient writings, to mis takes arising from the unskilfiilness or inattention of tran scribers — a plain matter of fact, which cannot be denied, and needs not be palliated; it is to be considered, what remedy can be applied in this case ; how such mistakes can be corrected upon certain or highly probable grounds? Now the case being the same, the method which has been used with good effect in correcting the ancient Greek and Latin authors, ought in all reason to be applied to the Hebrew writings. At the revival of literature, critics and editors, finding the Greek and Latin authors full of mis takes, set about correcting them, by procuring different copies, and the best that they could meet with : these they corapared together, and the mistakes not being the same in all, one copy corrected another ; and thus they easily got rid of such errors as had not obtained possession in all the copies : and generaUy the more copies they had to compare, the more errors were corrected, and the more perfect the text was rendered. This, which common sense dictated in the first place as necessary to be done, in order to the re moving of difficulties in reading ancient Greek and Latin autores nee possunt nee debent. Delude, quia plerumque ejusmodi discordia unius aut alterius verbi est, in quo nihil Iseditur sententia ; aut si quid forte la^ditur, aliunde corrigi potest; quandoquidem autorum sententise non semper ex singulis verbis superstitiosius observandis, sed plerumque ex orationis tenore, aut similium locorum obscrvatione, aut mentis ratiocinatione sunt investigandae. Ac tales librariorum discordise etiam in profanis autoribus inveniuntur ; ut in Platone, in Aristotele, in Homero, in Cicerone, in Virgilio, et casteris. Quamvis enim summo in pretio semper fuerint apud gentiles hi autores, summaque cum diligentia describi soliti, tamen caveri non potuit, quin multa Scripturee menda et discrepantias annorum longitudine obrepserint ; nee tamen ea res studiosos deterret ; nee facit, ut qui libri Ciceronis habentur, ii aut non honi, aut non Ciceronis esse ducantur : sicut enim detorti aut etiam decussi ramuli agricolam non offendunt, nee arborem vitiant, quippe quse ramorum infinita multitudine sic abundet, ut tantulam jacturam alibi sine uUo detrimento resarciat ; ita si in autore pauculis in locis simile quidpiam usu venit, id nee bonum lectorem ofTendit, nee autorem vitiat. Manet enim ipsa stirps, et, ut ita loquar, corpus autoris, ex cujus perpetuo tenore dictorumque ubertate percipi possunt sine ullo detrimento fructus pleni. Ad scrupulum eorum, qui metuunt, ne, si hoc concessum fuerit, labascat sacrarum literarum autoritas, hoc respondeo; non esse scriptorum autoritatem in paucis quibusdam verbis, quee vitiari detrahive potuerunt, sed in perpetuo orationis tenore, qui mansit incorruptus, positam. Itaque quemadmodum Cicero apud sui studiosos nihilo minoris est autoritatis propter paucula qussdam mutilata aut depravata, quam esset, si id non accidisset ; ita debet et sacrarum literarum autoritati nihil detrahi, si quid in eis tale, quale ostendimus, contigit." Scbast. Castellio, quoted by Wetstein, Nov. Test. tom. ii. p. 836. D 1 PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. authors, we have had recourse to in the last place in regard to the ancient Hebrew writers, Hebrew manuscripts have at length been consulted and coUated, notwithstanding the unaccountable opinion which prevailed, that they all exacdy agreed with one another, and formed precisely one uniform text. An infinite nuraber of variations have been collected, frora above six hundred raanuscripts, and some ancient printed editions, collated or consulted, in most parts of Europe ; and have been in part published, and the pubU cation of the whole wUl I hope soon be corapleted, by the . learned Dr Kennicott, in his edition of the Hebrew Bible with various readings ; a work the greatest and most impor tant that has been undertaken and accomplished since die revival of letters. But the Hebrew text of the Old Testament, compared with the text of ancient Greek and Latin authors, has in one respect gready the disadvantage. There are manu scripts of the lattery which are much nearer in time to the age of the authors ; and have suffered much less in propor tion to the shorter space of time intervening. For example, the Medicean manuscript of Virgil was written probably within four or five hundred years after the time of the poet ; whereas the oldest of the Hebrew manuscripts now known to be extant, do not come within many centuries of the times of the several authors; not nearer th^n about fourteen centuries to the age of Ezra, one of the latest of them, who is supposed to have revised the books of the Old Testaraent then extant, and to have reduced them to a perfect and correct standard : so that we can hardly expect much more from this vast collection of variations, taken in themselves as correctors of the text, exclusively of other consequences, than to be able by their means to discharge and eliminate the errors that have been gathering and accumulating in the copies for about a thousand years past ; and to give us now as good and correct a text as was com monly current among the Jews, or might easily have been obtained, so long ago. Indeed, some of the oldest raanu scripts, from which these variations have been collected, may possibly be faithful transcripts of select manuscripts at that time very ancient, and so may really carry us nearer to the age of Ezra; but this is an advantage which we cannot be assured of, and upon which we must not presume. But PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. Ii to get so far nearer to the source, as we plamly do by the assistance of manuscripts, though of comparatively late date, is an advantage by no means inconsiderable, or lightly to be regarded. On the other hand, we have a great advantage in regard to the Hebrew text, which the Greek and Latin authors generally want, and which in some degree makes up for the defect of age in the pufsent Hebrew raanuscripts ; that is, from the several ancient versions of the Old Testament in different languages, made in much earlier times, and from raanuscripts in all probability much more correct and per fect than any now extant. These versions, for the most part, being evidently intended for exact literal renderings of the Hebrew text, may be considered in some respect as representatives of the manuscripts from which they were taken : and when the version gives a sense better in itself, and more agreeable to the context, than the Hebrew text offers, and at the same time answerable to a word or words simUar to those of the Hebrew text, and only differing from it by the change of one or more similar letters, or by the different position of the same letters, or by some other in considerable variation; we have good reason to believe, that the sirailar Hebrew words answering to the version, were indeed the very reading that stood in the manuscript from which the translation was made. To add strength to this way of reasoning, it is to be observed, that the manu scripts now extant frequently confirm such supposed read ing of those manuscripts from which the ancient versions were taken, in opposition to the authority of the present printed Hebrew text ; and raake the collection of variations, now preparing for the public, of the highest iraportance ; as they give a new evidence of the fidelity of the ancient versions, and set them upon a footing of authority which they never could obtain before. They were looked upon as the work of wUd and licentious interpreters, who often departed from the text, which they undertook to render, without any good reason, and only followed their own fancy and caprice. The present Hebrew manuscripts so often justify the versions in such passages, that we cannot but conclude, that in many others likewise the difference of the version from the present original is not to be imputed to the licentiousness of the translator, but to the carelessness Jii PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. of the Hebrew copyist ; and this affords a just and reasonable ground for correcting the Hebrew text on the authority of the ancient versions. But the assistance of raanuscripts and ancient versions united wUl be found very insufficient perfectl/ to correct the Hebrew text. Passages m\\ sometimes occur, in which neither the one nor the other give any satisfactory sense ; which has been occasioned probably by very ancient mis takes of the copy, antecedent to the date of the oldest of them. On these occasions, translators are put to great dif ficulties, through which they force their way as well as they can : they invent new meanings for words and jAirases, and put us off either with what makes no sense at all, or with a sense that apparently does not arise out of the words of the text. The renderings of such desperate places, when they carry any sense with them, are manifestly conjectural ; and full as much so, as the conjectures of the critic who hazards an alteration of the text itself. The fairest way of proceed ing in these cases seeras to be, to confess the difficulty, and to lay it before the reader ; and to leave it to his judgment to decide, whether the conjectural rendering, or the conjiec- tural eraendation, be more agreeable to the context, to the exigence of the place, to parallel and similar passages, to the rules and genius of the language, and to the laws of sound and temperate criticism. The condition of the present text of Isaiah in particular is answerable to the representation above given of the He brew text in general. It is, I presume, considerably injured, and stands in need of frequent emendation. Nothing is more apt to affect, and sometimes utterly to destroy, the meaning of a sentence, than the omission of a word ; than which no sort of mistake is more frequent, I reckon, that in the book of Isaiah, the words oraitted in different places amount to the number of fifty, I mean whole words, not including particles, prepositions, and pronouns affixed ; and I speak of such as I am well persuaded are real omissions ; much the greater part of which, I flatter myself, the reader wiU find supplied in the translation and notes, with a good degree of probabiUty, from manuscripts and ancient ver sions. Beside these, there are some other places, in which I suspect some oraission, though there may be no evidence to PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. liii prove it. If there be any truth in this account of words omitted, the reader wUl easUy suppose, that mistakes of other kinds must be frequent in proportion, and amount all together to a considerable number. . The manuscripts and ancient versions afford the proper means of remedying these and other defects of the present copy. It is manifest, that the ancient interpreters had be fore thera copies of the Hebrew text different in many places from that which passes current at present ; and the manu scripts even now extant frequently vary from that, and frora one another. Neither is there any one raanuscript or edi tion whatever, that has the least pretension to a superior authority, so as to claira to be a standard to which the rest ought to be reduced, A true text, as far as it is possible to recover it, is to be gathered from the manuscripts now ex tant, and from the evidence furnished by the ancient ver sions of the readings of manuscripts of much earlier times. This being the case, the first care of the translator should be, especially in places obscure and difficult, to consider whether the words which he is to render be indeed the genuine words of the Prophet, and to ascertain, as far as may be, the true reading of the text. The ancient versions above-mentioned as the principal sources of eraendation, and highly useful in rectifying, as weU as in explaining, the Hebrew text, are contained in the London Polyglott, The Greek version, coramonly caUed the Septuagint, or of the seventy interpreters, probably made by different hands, (the number of them uncertain), and at different times, as the exigence of the , Jewish church at Alexandria and in other parts of Egypt required, is of the first authority, and of the greatest use in correcting the Hebrew text ; as being the most ancient of all ; and as the copy, from which it was translated, appears to have been free from raany errors, which afterwards by degrees got into the text. But the version of Isaiah is not so old as that of the Pentateuch by a hundred years and raore ; having been made in all pro bability after the time of Antiochus Epiphanes, when the reading of the Prophets in the Jewish synagogues began to be practised ; and even after the building of Onias's teraple, to favour which there seems to have been some artifice em- . liv PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. ployed in a certain passage of Isaiah * in this version. And it unfortunately happens^ that Isaiah has had the hdrd fate to meet with a translator very unworthy of him, there being hardly any book of the Old Testament so iU rendered in that version as this of Isaiah, Add to this, that the version of Isaiah, as weU as other parts of the Greek version, is come down to us in a bad condition, incorrect, and with frequent omissions and interpolations. Yet, with all these disadvantages, with aU its faults and imperfections, this ver sion is of more use in correcting the Hebrew text than any other whatsoever. The Arabic version is sometimes referred to as verifying the reading of the LXX, being, for the most part at least, taken from that version. The learned Mr Woide, to whom we are indebted for the publication of a Coptic lexicon and grammar, very use ful and necessary for the promotion of that part of Utera ture, has very kindly comraunicated to me his extracts from the fragments of a manuscript of a Coptic version of Isaiah, made from the LXX, with which he has collated them, They are preserved in the Library of St Germain de Prez at Paris, He judges this Coptic version to be of the second century. The manuscript was written in the beginning of the fourteenth century. The same gentleman has had the goodness, at my request, to collate with Bos's edition of the LXXj through the book of Isaiah, two manuscripts of the King's Library, now in the British Museum, the one raark- ed I. B. II. the other i, D. ii. The former manuscript, con taining the Prophets of the Version of the LXX, was writ* ten in the eleventh or twelfth century, according to Grabe ; (in the tenth or eleventh century, in Mr Woide's opinion) ^ and by a note on the back of the first leaf appears to have belonged to Pachomius, patriarch of Constantinople in the beginning of the sixteenth century. Grabe highly valued this manuscript ; and intended to write a dissertation on the superiority of this and of the Alexandrian manuscript to that of the Vatican ; but did not live to execute his design. See Prolegom. ad torn. Stium, LXX Interp, edit, Grab^ sect, iii, and v,, and Grabe de Vitiis LXX Interp, p, 118, I quote this raanuscript by the tide of MS Pachom. for the reason above given. * Chap. xix. 18. See the note there. PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. Iv The latter manuscript i, D, ii, above-mentioned, contains many of the historical books, beginning with Ruth; and ending with Ezra, according to the order of the books in our English Bible ; and also the prophet Isaiah, of the ver sion of the LXX, This manuscript in the book of Isaiah consists of two different parts : the first from the beginning to the word Taip^wv, chap, xxxv, 5, written in a more ancient and better character, and upon better vellum; which Mr Woide judges to be of the eleventh pr twelfth century : the remaining part he refers to the beginning of the fourteendi century ; which Grabe supposes to be the age of the whole : See Grabe de Vitiis LXX Interp. p, 104, This manu script seems to have been taken from a good copy, as it fre quently agrees with the best and most ancient manuscripts, and in particular with the manuscript of Pachomius, The Coptic fragments above-mentioned,, and these manu scripts, are useful for the same purpose pf authenticating the reading of the LXX ; and, in consequence, of ascertaining or correcting the Hebrew text in some places. My exaraination of Mr Woide's collation of the two Greek manuscripts of Isaiah, has been confined to this single view in respect of the Hebrew text. Were these manuscripts to be applied more extensively, and to their proper use, that of correcting the text of the LXX, through all the parts of it which they contain, I am persuaded they would be found to be of very great iraportance, and would contribute largely to the revision and eraendation of that ancient and very valuable version : a work, which may be now considered as one of the principal desiderata of sacred criticisra; and which ought to follow that arduous undertaking, which has so happily succeeded, the collation of Hebrew manuscripts ; to which it stands next in order of importance and usefidness towards our attaining a more perfect knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, The Chaldee paraphrase of Jonathan Ben Uziel,, made about or before the time of our Saviour, though it often wanders from the text in a wordy allegorical explanation, yet very frequently adheres to it closely, and gives a verbal rendering of it; and accordingly is soraetimes of great use in ascertaining the true reading of the Hebrew text. The Syi-iac version stands next in order of tirae, but is superior to the Chaldee in usefulness and authority, as well in ascertaining as in explaining the Hebrew text. It is a Ivi PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. close translation of the Hebrew into a language of near affinity to it. It is supposed to have been made as early as the first century, ' r a -i The fragraents of the three Greek versions ot Aqmla, Symraachus, and Theodotion, aU made in the second cen tury, which are collected in the Hexapla of Montfaucon, are of considerable use for the same purpose. The Vulgate, being for the most part the translation of Jerome, raade in the fourth century, is of service in the same way, in proportion to its antiquity, I am greatly obliged to several learned friends for their observations on particular passages: To one great person more especially, whom I had the honour to call my friend, the late exceUent Archbishop Seeker ; whose marginal notes on the Bible, deposited by his order in the library at Lam beth, I had permis.sion to consult by the favour of his most worthy successor. There are two Bibles with his notes : one a folio English Bible interleaved, containing chiefly cor rections of the EngUsh translation; the other a Hebrew Bible of the edition of Michaelis, HaUe, 1720, in 4to,; the large margins of which are filled vsdth critical remarks on the Hebrew text, collations of the ancient versions, and other short annotations ; which stand an illustrious raonu- nient of the learning, judgraent, and indefatigable industry of that excellent person : I add also, of his candour and raodesty ; for there is hardly a proposed emendation, however ingenious and probable, to which he has not added the objec tions which occurred to him against it. These valuable remains of that great and good man will be of infinite service, whenever that necessary work, a new translation, or a revi sion of the present translation, of the Holy Scriptures, for the use of our church, shall be undertaken. To his obser^ vations I have set his name. And to the remarks of others of my learned friends, I have likewise subjoined in the notes their names respectively. Among these I must here parti cularly mention the late learned Dr Durell, Principal of Hertford College in Oxford ; who some years ago commu nicated to me his manuscript remarks on the Prophets. With his leave I took short memorandums of sorae of his corrections of the text ; and had his permission to make what use I pleased of them. PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. Ivii I ara in a more particular manner obliged to my learned friend Dr Kennicott, for his singular favour in frequently communicating to rae his collations while they were collect ing, and the printed copy of the book of Isaiah itself, as soon as it was finished at the press, for my private use, while the remainder of the volume is in hand and preparing for the public. These I have examined with sorae attention ; and I hope the reader, whose expectations do not exceed the bounds of reason and moderation, will be satisfied with the assistance and benefit which he will find they have afforded me. But I must beg to have it well understood, that I do by no raeans pretend to have exhausted these valuable stores : many things may have escaped me, which raay strike the eye of another observer; many a variation, which appears at first sight very minute and trifling, and manifestly false and absurd, may by sorae side-light tend to useful discoveries. To apply these materials to all the uses which can possibly be made of them, wOl require much labour and considera tion, much judgment and sagacity, and repeated trials by a variety of examiners, to whose different views they may shew themselves in every possible light, Sorae critics may be very forward and hasty in pronouncing their judgments ; but it must be left to tirae and experience to estabUsh their real and fidl value. In regard to the character and authority of the several manuscripts which have been collated, and which in the notes are referred to, we must wait for the information which Dr Kennicott wiU give us in his general Dissertation, The knowledge of Hebrew manuscripts is almost a new sub ject in literature : little progress has been made in it hither to; and no wonder, when they were esteemed uniformly consonant one with another, and with the printed text ; con sequently useless, and not worth the trouble of examining. Dr Kennicott, and his worthy and very able assistant Mr Bruns, who have been more conversant with Hebrew manu scripts, and have had more experience, and more insight, into the subject, than any, or than all, of the learned of the present age, will give us the best information concerning it that can yet be obtained. It must be left to the attentive observation, and mature experience, of the learned of suc ceeding times, to perfect a part of knowledge which, Uke others, must, in its nature, wait the result of diUgent inquiry, and be carried on by gradual improvements. Iviii PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION, In referring to Dr Kennicott's Variations, I have given the whole number of manuscripts or editions which concur in any particular reading: what proportion that nuraber bears to the whole nuraber of coUated copies which contain the book of Isaiah, may, I hope, soon be seen by comparing it -with, the catalogue of copies coUated, which wiU be given at the end of that book. But that the reader in the mean time, tiU he can have raore full information concerning the value and authority of the several manuscripts, may at least have some mark to direct his judgment in estimating the credit due to the manuscripts quoted, I have, from the kind comraunication of Dr Kennicott concerning the dates of the manuscripts, whether certain or probable, given some gene ral intimation of their value in this respect : for though an tiquity is no certain mark of the goodness of a manuscript, yet it is one circumstance that gives it no smaU weight and authority, especiaUy in this case ; the Hebrew manuscripts being in general more pure and valuable in proportion to their antiquity ; those of later date having been more stu diously rendered conformable to ,the Masoretic standard,* Among the manuscripts which have been collated, I con sider those of the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth centuries, as ancient, comparatively and in respect of the rest. There fore in quoting a number of raanuscripts, where the varia tion is of some importance, I have added, that so many of that nuraber are ancient, that is, are of the centuries above mentioned, I have ventured to caU this a New Translation, though much of our vulgar translation is retained in it. As the style of that translation is not only exceUent in itself, but has taken possession of our ear, and of our taste, to have endeavoured to vary from it, with no other design than that of giving something new instead of it, would have been to disgust the reader, and to represent the sense of the Pro phet in a raore unfavourable manner; besides that it is im possible for a verbal translator to follow an approved verbal translation, which has gone before hira, without frequently treading in the very footsteps of it. The most obvious, the properest, and perhaps the only terms which the language affords, are already occupied ; and without going out of his ' See Kennicott, State of the Printed Heb. Text, Dissert, ii. p. 470. PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. lix way to find worse, he cannot avoid thera. Every translator has taken this liberty with his predecessors : it is no more than the laws of translation admit, nor indeed than the ne cessity of the case requires. And as to the turn and modi fication of the sentences, the translator, in this particular province of translation, is, I think, as inuch confined to the author's manner, as to his words : so that too great liberties taken in varying either the expression or the composition, in order to give a new air to the whole, will be apt to have a very bad effect. For these reasons, whenever it shall be thought proper to set forth the Holy Scriptures for the public use of our church to better advantage, than as they appear in the present Enghsh translation, the expediency of which grows every day more and more evident, a revision or correction of that translation may perhaps be more ad visable, than to attempt an entirely new one : For as to the style and language, it admits but of litde improveraent ; but, in respect of the sense and the accuracy of interpreta tion, the improvements of which it is capable are great and numberless. The translation here offered will perhaps be found to be in general as close to the text, and as literal, as our English version. When it departs at all from the Hebrew text on account of some correction, which I suppose to be requisite, I give notice to the reader of such correction, and offer ray reasons for it: if those reasons should sometiraes appear insufficient, and the translation to be merely conjectural, I desire the reader to consider the exigence of the case, and to judge, whether it is not better, in a very obscure and doubtral passage, to give soraething probable by way of suppleraent to the author's sense, apparently defective, than either to leave a blank in the translation, or to give a merely verbal rendering, which would be altogether unintelligible, I believe that every translator whatever of any part of the Old Testament, has taken soraetimes the liberty, or rather has found hiraself under the necessity, of offering such ren derings as, if exarained, will be found to be raerely conjec tural. But I desire to be understood as offering this apo logy in behalf only of translations designed for the private use of the reader ; not as extended, without proper limita tions, to those that are raade for the public service of the church. Ix PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION. The design of the Notes is to give the reasons and autho rities on which the translation is founded ; to rectify or to explain the words of the text ; to illustrate the ideas, the unages, and the aUusions of the Prophet, by referring to objects, notions, and custoras, which peculiarly belong to his age and his country ; and to point out the beauties of par ticular passages, I sometimes indeed endeavour to open the design of the prophecy, to shew the connexion between its parts, and to point out the event which it foretells. But in general I raust entreat the reader to be satisfied with my endeavours faithfully to express the literal sense, which is all that I undertake. If he would go deeper into the mys tical sense, into theological, historical, and chronological disquisitions, there are many learned expositors to whom he may have recourse, who have written full commentaries on this Prophet ; to which title the present work has no pre tensions. The sublime and spiritual uses to be made of this peculiarly evangelical Prophet, must, as I have observed, be all founded on a faithful representation of the literal sense which his words contain. This is what I have endeavoured closely and exactly to express. And within the limits of this hurable, but necessary province, my endeavours must be confined. To proceed further, or even to execute this in the manner I could wish, were it within my abiUties, yet would hardly be consistent with my present engagements; which oblige me to offer rather prematurely to the pubhc, what further time, with more leisure, might perhaps enable me to render more worthy of their attention, ISAIAH, CHAP. 1 The vision of isaiah the son of amots, which HE SAW concerning JUDAH AND JERUSALEM; IN THE DAYS OF UZZIAH, JOTHAM, AHAZ, HEZEKIAH, KINGS OF JUDAH, 2 Hear, O ye heavens ; and give ear, O earth ! For it is Jehovah that speaketh, I have nourished children, and brought them up ; And even they have revolted from me, 3 The ox knoweth his possessor ; And the ass the crib of his lord : But Israel knoweth not Me ; Neither doth ray people consider, 4 Ah, sinful nation ! a people laden with iniquity ! A race of evil doers ! children degenerate ! They have forsaken Jehovah ; They have rejected with disdain the Holy One of Israel ; They are estranged froni him ; they have turned their back upon him, 5 On what part wiU ye smite again, will ye add correc tion? The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint : 6 From the sole of the foot even to the head, there is no soundness therein ; It is wound, and bruise, and putrefying sore : 2 ISAIAH. Chap. L It hath not been pressed, neither hath it been bound; Neither hath it been softened with ointment, 7 Your country is desolate, your cities are burnt with fire; Your land, before your eyes strangers devour it ; And it is become desolate, as if destroyed by an inun dation, 8 And the daughter of Sion is left, as a shed in a vineyard ; As a lodge in a garden of cucumbers, as a city taken by siege, 9 Had not Jehovah God of Hosts left us a remnant, We had soon become as Sodom ; we had been like unto Gomorrah, 10 Hear ye the word of Jehovah, O ye princes of Sodoiii ! Give ear to the law of our God, ye people of Gomor rah ! 1 1 What have I to do with the multitude of your sacrifices ? saith Jehovah : I am cloyed with the burnt-offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts ; And in the blood of buUocks, and of lambs, and of goats, I have no delight, ,12 When ye come to appear before me, Who hath required this at your hands ? 13 Tread my courts no more ; bring no more a vain obla tion : Incense ! it is an abomination unto rae. The new moon, and the sabbath, and the assembly pro claimed, I cannot endure ; the fast, and the day of restraint, 14 Your months, and your solemnities, my soul hateth : They are a burthen upon me ; I am weary of bearmg them, 15 When ye spread forth your hands, I wiU hide mine eyes from you ; Even when ye multiply prayer, I will not hear; For your hands are full of blood. 16 Wash ye, make ye clean; remove ye far away The evil of your doings from before mine eyes : 17 Cease to do evU ; learn to do well ; Seek judgment; amend that which is corrupted; Do justice to the fatherless ; defend the cause of the widow. Chap. L ISAIAH. 3 18 Come on now, and let us plead together, saith Je hovah : Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow ; Though they be red as crimson, they shall be like wool, 19 If ye shaU be willing and obedient. Ye shall feed on the good of the land ; 20 But if ye refuse, and be rebellious, Ye shall be food for the sword of the enemy : For the mouth of Jehovah hath pronounced it, 21 How is the faithful city become a harlot ! She that was full of judgment, righteousness dweUed in her; But now murdierers ! 22 Thy silver is become dross; thy wine is mixed with water, 23 Thy princes are rebellious, associates of robbers ; Every one of them loveth a gift, and seeketh rewards : To the fatherless they administer not justice ; And the cause of the widow cometh not before thera, 24 Wherefore saith the Lord Jehovah God of Hosts, the Mighty One of Israel ; Aha ! I will be eased of mine adversaries ; I wUl be avenged of raine enemies, 25 And I will bring again mine hand over thee ; And I will purge in the furnace thy dross ; And I will remove all thine alloy, 26 And I will restore thy judges, as at the first ; And thy counseUors, as at the beginning : And after this thy name shall be called. The city of righteousness, the faithful metropolis, 27 Sion shall be redeemed in judgraent, And her captives in righteousness : 28 But destruction shall fall at once on the revolters and the sinners ; And they that forsake Jehovah shall be consumed, 29 For ye shaU be ashamed of the ilexes, which ye have desired ; And ye shall blush for the gardens, which ye have chosen : isaiah. Chap. L 30 When ye shall be as an ilex, whose leaves are blasted ; And as a garden, wherein is no water, 31 And the strong shall become tow, and his work a spark of fire ; And they shall both burn together, and none shall quench them. CHAP. 1 The word, which was revealed to isaiah, the ^^' SON OF amots, concerning JUDAH AND JERUSALEM. 2 It shall come to pass in the latter days ; The mountain of the house of Jehovah shall be esta blished on the top of the mountains ; And it shall be exalted above the hUls : And aU nations shall flow unto it, 3 And raany peoples shaU go, and shaU say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of Jeho vah; To the house of the God of Jacob ; And he will teach us of his ways ; And we will walk in his paths : For from Sion shall go forth the law ; 4 And the word of Jehovah from Jerusalem, And he shall judge among the nations ; And shaU work conviction in many peoples : And they shall beat their swords into ploughshares,- * And their spears into pruning-hooks : Nation shaU not lift up sword against nation ; Neither shall they learn war any more. 5 O house of Jacob, come ye, And let us walk in the light of Jehovah ! 6 Verily thou hast abandoned thy people, the house of Jacob : Because they are filled with diviners from the east ; And with soothsayers like the Philistines ; And they multiply a spurious brood of strange chUdren. 7 And his land is filled with silver and gold ; And there is no end to his treasures : And his land is fiUed with horses ; Neither is there any end to his chariots. Chap. IL ISAIAH. * 5 8 And his land is filled with idols; He boweth himself down to the work of his hands ; To that which his fingers have made : 9 Therefore shall the mean man be bowed down, and the mighty man shall be humbled ; And thou wilt not forgive them, 10 Go into the rock, and hide thyself in the dust ; From the fear of Jehovah, and from the glory of his majesty, When he ariseth to strike the earth with terror, 1 1 The lofty eyes of raen shall be hurabled ; The highth of mortals shaU bow down : And Jehovah alone shall be exalted in that day, 12 For the day of Jehovah God of Hosts is against every thing great and lofty ; And against every thing that is exalted, and it shall be humbled, 13 Even against all the cedars of Lebanon, the high and the exalted ; And against all the oaks of Basan : . 14 And against all the mountains, the high ones ; And against all the lulls, the exalted ones ; 15 And against every tower, high-raised; And against every mound, strongly fortified, 16 And against all the ships of Tarshish ; And against every lovely work of art, 17 And the pride of man shall bow down; And the highth of mortals shall be hurabled ; And Jehovah alone shall be exalted in that day : 18 And the idols shall totally disappear, 19 And they shall go into caverns of rocks, and into holes of the dust ; Frora the fear of Jehovah, and from the glory of his majesty, ¦ When he ariseth to strike the earth vnth terror, 20 In that day shall a man cast away his idols of sUver, And his idols of gold, which they have made to worship ; To the moles, and to the bats : 21 To go into caves of the rocks, and into clefts of the craggy rocks ; 6 ISAIAH. Chap. IL From the fear of Jehovah, and from the glory of his majesty, When he ariseth to strike the earth with terror, 22 Trust ye no more in man, whose breath is in his nos trils ; For of what account is he to be made ? CHAP. 1 For behold the Lord Jehovah God of Hosts ^^^- Removeth from Jerusalem, and from Judah, Every stay and support; The whole stay of bread, and the whole stay of water ; 2 The raighty raan, and the warrior; The judge, and the prophet, and the diviner, and the 3 The ruler of fifty, and the honourable person ; And the counsellor, and the skUful artist, and the power ful in persuasion. 4 And I will raake boys their princes ; And infants shall rule over them, 5 And the people shall be oppressed, one man by another : And every man shall behave insolently towards his neighbour ; The boy towards the old man, and the base towards the honourable, 6 Therefore shaU a man take his brother, of his father's house, by the garraent; Saying, Come, and be thou ruler over us ; And let thine hand support our ruinous state, 7 Then shall he openly declare, saying, I will not be the healer of your breaches ; For in my house is neither bread, nor raiment : Appoint not me ruler of the people. 8 For Jerusalem tottereth, and Judah falleth ; Because their tongues, and their hands, are against Je hovah ; To provoke by their disobedience the cloud of his glory, 9 The stedfastness of their countenance witnesseth against thera; For their sin, like Sodora, they pubUsh, they hide it not: Wo to their souls! for upon themselves have they brought down evil. Chap, IIL • ISAIAH. 7 10 Pronounce ye a blessing on the just : verily good fshall be to him] ; For the fruit of his deeds shall he eat, 1 1 Wo to the wicked : evil [shall be his portion] ; For the work of his hands shaU be repaid unto him, 12 As for my people, chUdren are their oppressors ; And women bear rule over them, O my people, thy leaders cause thee to err ; And pervert the way of thy paths, 13 Jehovah ariseth to plead his cause ; He standeth up to contend with his people, 14 Jehovah will meet in judgment. The elders of his people, and their princes : As for you, ye have consumed ray vineyard ; The plunder of the poor is in your houses, 15 What mean ye, that ye crush my people ; And grind the faces of the poor ? Saith Jehovah, the Lord of Hosts, 16 Moreover Jehovah hath said : Because the daughters of Sion are haughty ; And walk displaying the neck, And falsely setting off their eyes with paint ; Mincing their steps as they go, And with their feet lightly tripping along : 17 Therefore will the Lord humble the head of the daugh ters of Sion ; And Jehovah wUl expose their nakedness, 18 In that day will the Lord take from them the ornaments Of the feet-rings, and the net-works, and the crescents ; 19 The pendents, and the bracelets, and the thin veUs; 20 The tires, and the fetters, and the zones. And the perfume-boxes, and the amulets ; 21 The rings, and the jewels of the nostril; 22 The embroidered robes, and the tunics ; And the cloaks, and the little purses ; 23 The transparent garments, and the fine linen vests; And the turbans, and the mantles : 24 And there shall be, instead of perfume, a putrid ulcer ; And, instead of well-girt raiment, rags ; And, instead of high-dressed hair, baldness ; |^ ISAIAH. Chap. IIL IV. And, instead of a zone, a girdle of sackclodi : A sun-burnt skin, instead of beauty, 25 Thy people shaU fall by the sword ; And thy raighty men in the battle, 26 And her doors shall lament and mourn ; And desolate shall she sit on the ground, CHAP. 1 And seven women shall lay hold on one man in that day, saying : Our own bread will we eat, And with our own garments will we be clothed ; Only let us be called by thy name ; Take away our reproach, 2 In that day shall the branch of Jehovah Become glorious and honourable ; And the produce of the land excellent and beautiful, For the escaped of the house of Israel, 3 And it shall come to pass, whosoever is left in Sion, And reraaineth in Jerusalem, Holy shall he be called ; Every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem. 4 When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Sion ; And the blood of Jerusalem shall have removed froin the midst of her. By a spirit of judgment, and by a spirit of burning : 5 Then shall Jehovah create upon the station of Mount Sion, And upon all her holy assemblies, A cloud by day, and smoke ; And the brightness of a flaming fire by night : Yea, over all shall the Glory be a covering, 6 And a tabernacle it shaU be, for shade by day from the heat; And for a covert, and a refuge, from storm and rain. CHAP. I Let me sing now a song to my Beloved ; V. A song of loves concerning his vineyard. My Beloved had a vineyard, ¦. On a^ high and fruitful hUl : 2 And Jie fenced it round, and he cleared it from the stones, Chap. V. ISAIAH. 9 And he planted it with the vine of Sorek ; And he buUt a tower in the midst of it. And he hewed out also a lake therein : And he expected, that it should bring forth grapes, But it brought forth poisonous berries, 3 And now, O inhabitants of Jerusalem, and ye men of Judah, Judge, I pray you, between me and ray vineyard : 4 What could have been done raore to my vineyard, Than I have done unto it ? Why, when I expected that it should bring forth grapes, Brought it forth poisonous berries ? 5 But come now, and I will raake known unto you, What I purpose to do to my vineyard : To remove its hedge, and it shaU be devoured ; To destroy its fence, and it shall be trodden down, 6 And I wiU make it a desolation : It shall not be pruned, neither shall it be digged ; But the brier and the thorn shall spring up in it ; And I will command the clouds, That -they shed no rain upon it, 7 Verily, the vineyard of Jehovah God of Hosts is the house of Israel ; And the men of Judah the plant of his delight : And he looked for judgment, but behold tyranny; And for righteousness, but behold the cry of the op pressed, 8 Wo unto you, who join house to house ; Who lay field unto field together ; Until there be no place, and ye have your dwelling Alone to yourselves, in the midst of the land, 9 To mine ear hath Jehovah God of Hosts revealed it : Surely many houses shall become a desolation ; The great and the fair ones, without an inhabitant, 10 Yea, ten acres of vineyard shall yield a single bath of wine, And a chomer of seed shall produce an ephah, 1 1 Wo unto thera, who rise early in the morning, to fol low strong drink ; Who sit late in the evening, that wine may inflame them : 10 ISAIAH, Chap. V. 12 And the lyre, and the harp, the tabor, and the pipe, And wine, are their entertainments : But the work of Jehovah they regard not; And the operation of his hands they do not perceive, 13 Therefore my people goeth into captivity for want of knowledge ; And their nobles have died with hunger ; And their plebeians are parched up with thirst, 14 Therefore Hades hath enlarged his appetite ; And hath stretched open his mouth without measure : And down go her nobUity, and her populace ; And her busy throng, and all that exult in her. 15 And the mean man shall be bowed down, and the great man shall be brought low ; And the eyes of tlie haughty shall be humbled : 16 And Jehovah God of Hosts shall be exalted in judg ment; And God the Holy One shall be sanctified by display ing his righteousness. 17 Then shall the sheep feed without restraint ; And the kids shaU depasture the desolate fields of the luxurious. 18 Wo unto them, who draw out iniquity, as a long cable; And sin, as the thick traces of a wain : 19 Who say, let him make speed then, let him hasten His work, that we may see it ; And let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel Draw near, and come to pass, that we may know it 20 Wo unto them who call evil good, and good evil ; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness ; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter. 21 Wo unto them, who are wise in their own eyes. And prudent in their own conceit. 22 Wo unto them, who are powerful to drink wine ; And men of might to mingle strong drink : 23 Who justify the guUty for reward. And take away the righteousness of the righteous from him. 24 Therefore, as the tongue of fire licketh up the stubble, And as the flame dissolveth the chaff; So shall their root become Uke touchwood, And their blossom shall go up Uke the dust : Chap. V. ISAIAH. 11 Because they have despised the law of Jehovah God of Hosts ; And scornfully rejected the word of the Holy One of Israel. 25 Wherefore the anger of Jehovah is kindled against his people; And he hath stretched out his hand against them : And he smote thera ; and the mountains trembled ; And their carcasses became as the dung in the midst of the streets. For all this his anger is not turned away ; But StiU is his hand stretched out, 26 And he will erect a standard for the nations afar off; And he wiU hist every one of them from the ends of the earth ; And behold, with speed swiftly shall they come. 27 None among them is faint, and none stumbleth; None shall slumber, nor sleep : Nor shall the girdle of their loins be loosed ; Nor shaU the latchet of their shoes be unbound. 28 Whose arrows are sharpened; And all their bows are bent : The hoofs of their horses shall be counted as adamant ; And their wheels as a whirlvvind. 29 Their growling is like the growling of the Uoness ; Like the young lions shall they growl : They shall roar, and shaU seize the prey ; And they shall bear it away, and none shall rescue it. 30 In that day, shall they roar against them, Uke the roar ing of the sea ; And these shaU look to the heaven upward, and down to the earth; And lo ! darkness, distress ! And the light is obscured by the gloomy vapour. CHAP. 1 In the year in which Uzziah the king died, I saw VI- Jehovah sitting on a throne high and lofty ; and the 2 train of his robe filled the temple. Above him stood seraphim : each one of them had six wings : with two of them he covereth his face, with two of them he cover- 3 eth his feet, and two of them he useth in flying. And they cried alternately, and said : 12 ISAIAH. Chap. VL Holy, holy, holy, Jehovah God of Hosts ! The whole earth is fiUed with his glory. 4 And the pUlars of the vestibule were shaken with the voice of their cry ; and the temple was filled with smoke. ,5 And I said, Alas for rae ! I am struck dumb : for I am a man of polluted lips ; and in the midst of a people of polluted lips do I dwell : for mine eyes have seen the 6 King, Jehovah God of Hosts. And one of the seraphim came flying unto me; and in his hand was a burning coal, which he had taken with the tongs from off the 7 altar. And he touched my mouth, and said : — Lo ! this hath touched thy lips : Thine iniquity is removed, and thy sin is expiated, 8 And I heard the voice of Jehovah, saying : Whom shall I send ; and who wUl go for us ? And I said : Behold, 9 here am I ; send me. And he said : — Go, and say thou to this people : Hear ye indeed, but understand not ; See ye indeed, but perceive not : 10 Make gross the heart of this people; Make their ears dull, and close up their eyes ; Lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, And understand with their hearts, and be converted ; and I should heal thera, 11 And I said : How long, O Jehovah ? And he said:— Until cities be laid waste, so that there be no inhabi tant; And houses, so that there be no man : And the land be left utterly desolate, 12 Until Jehovah remove man far away ; And there be many a deserted woman in the midst of the land, 13 And though there be a tenth part remaining in it, Even this shall undergo a repeated destruction ; Yet, as the ilex, and the oak, though cut down, hath its stock remaining, A holy seed shall be the stock of the nation. vn T ^'^® ^^^^ °^ ¦^^^^' ^^^^ ^^'^ °f Jotham, the son of Uzziah king of Judah, Retsin king of Syria, and Pekah, the son of Remaliah, king of Israel, carae up against Jerusalem, to besiege it; but they could not overcome Chap. VIL ISAIAH. 13 2 it. And when it was told to the house of David, that Syria was supported by Ephraim; the heart of the king, and the heart of his people, was moved ; as the trees of the forest are moved before the wind, 3 And Jehovah said to Isaiah : Go out now to meet Ahaz ; thou and Shearjashub thy son ; at thejend of the aqueduct of the upper pool, at the causeway of the ful- 4 ler's field. And thou shalt say unto him : — Take heed, and be stUl ; fear not, neither let thy heart be faint, Because of the two tails of these smoking firebrands ; For the fierce wrath of Retsin, and of the son of Re maliah, 5 Because Syria hath devised evil against thee ; Ephraim, and the son of Remaliah, saying : 6 Let us go up against Judah, and harass it ; And let us rend off a part of it for ourselves ; And let us set a king to reign in the midst of it ; Even the son of Tabeal, 7 Thus saith the Lord Jehovah : It shall not stand, neither shall it be, 8 Though the head of Syria be Damascus, And the head of Damascus, Retsin ; Yet within threescore and five years Ephraim shall be broken, that he be no more a people : 9 Though the head of Ephraim be Samaria ; And the head of Saraaria, Remaliah's son. If ye beUeve not in rae, ye shall not be established, 10 And Jehovah spake yet again to Ahaz, saying : 1 1 Ask thee a sign from Jehovah thy God : Go deep to the grave, or high to the heaven above. 12 And Ahaz said : I will not ask ; neither will I tempt 13 Jehovah. And he said : Hear ye now, O house of David : Is it a sraall thing for you to weary raen. That you should weary ray God also ? 14 Therefore Jehovah himself shall give you a sign : Behold, the Virgin conceiveth, and beareth a son ; And she shall call his name, Immanuel. 15 Butter and honey shall he eat, When he shall know to refuse what is evil, and to choose whfit is good : 14, ISAIAH. Chap. VIL 16 For before this child shaU know To refuse the evil, and to choose the good ; The land shall become desolate. By whose two kings thou art distressed, 17 But Jehovah shaU bring upon thee. And upon thy people, and upon thy father's house, Days, such as have not come, From the day that Ephraim departed from Judah, 18 And it shall come to pass in that day ; Jehovah shall hist the fly, That is in the utmost part of the rivers of Egypt ; And the bee, that is in the land of Assyria : 19 And they shaU come, and they shall light aU of them On the desolate vallies, and on the craggy rocks. And on all the thickets, and on all the caverns, 20 In that day, Jehovah shaU shave by the hired razor, By the people beyond the river, by the king of Assyria, The head and the hair of the feet ; And even the beard itself shall be destroyed, 21 And it shall come to pass in that day, That if a man shall feed a young cow, and two sheep; 22 From the plenty of milk, which they shall produce, he shall eat butter : Even butter and honey shall he eat. Whosoever is left in the midst of the land. 23 And every vineyard, that hath a thousand vines. Valued at a thousand pieces of silver, Shall become in that day briers and thorns. 24 With arrows and with the bow shall they come thither ; For the whole land shaU become briers and thorns. 25 And all the hills, which were dressed with the mattock, Where the fear of briers and thorns never came, Shall be for the range of the ox, and for the treading of sheep. CHAP. 1 And Jehovah said unto me : Take unto thee a large VIIL mirror, and write on it with a workman's graving tool, 2 To hasten the spoU, to take quickly the prey. And I called unto me for a testiraony faithful witnesses; Uriah the priest, and Zachariah the son of Jeberechiah, Chap. VIIL ISAIAH. 3 And I approached unto the prophetess; and she coit^ ceived, and bare a son. And .Tehovah said unto me : Call his name Maher-shalal hash-baz ; 4 For before the child shall know To pronounce, My father and My raother. The riches of Daraascus shall be borne away, And the spoU of Samaria, before the king of Assyria. 5 Yet again Jehovah spake unto rae, saying : 6 Because this people' hath rejected The waters of Siloah, which flow gently ; And rejoiceth in Retsin, and the son of Reraaliah : 7 Therefore behold the Lord bringeth up upon them The waters of the river, the strong and the mighty ; Even the king of Assyria, and all his force. And he shall rise above aU their channels. And shall go over all their banks, 8 And he shall pass through Judah, overflowing and spreading, Even to tlie neck shall he reach : And the extension of his wings shall be Over the full breadth of thy land, O Immanuel ! 9 Know ye this, O ye peoples, and be struck with consternation ; And give ear to it, all ye of distant lands : Gird yourselves, and be disraayed; gird yourselves, and be disraayed. 10 Take counsel together, and it shall corae to nought; Speak the word, and it shall not stand : For God is with us. 1 1 For thus said Jehovah unto me ; As taking me by the hand he instructed rae, That I should not walk in the way of this people, saying : 12 Say ye not. It is holy. Of every thing of which this people shall say, It is holy : And fear ye not the object of their fear, neither be ye terrified. 13 Jehovah God of Hosts, sanctify ye him; And let hira be your fear, and let him be your dread : 14 And he shall be unto you a sanctuary; But a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, To the two houses of Israel ; 16 ISAIAH. Chap. VIII. A trap, and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. 15 And many among them shaU stumble, And shaU fall, and be broken ; and shaU be ensnared, and caught, 16 Bind up the testimony, seal the command, among my disciples, 17 I will therefore wait for Jehovah, who hideth his face From 'the house of Jacob ; yet wiU I look for him, 18 Behold, I, and the children, Whom Jehovah hath given unto me ; For signs and for wonders in Israel, From Jehovah God of Hosts, Who dwelleth in the mountain of Sion, 19 And when they shaU say unto you : Seek unto the necromancers and the wizards ; To them that speak inwardly, and that mutter : Should not a people seek unto their God ? Should they seek, instead of the living, unto the dead ? 20 Unto the command, and unto the testimony, let them seek: If they will not speak according to' this word, In which there is no obscurity; 21 Every one of them shall pass through the land distressed and famished : And when he shall be famished, and angry with himself, He shall curse his king and his God, 22 And he shall cast his eyes upwards, and look down to the earth : And lo ! distress and darknessJ Gloom, tribulation, and accumulated darkness ! 23 But there shall not hereafter be darkness in the land which was distressed : In the former time he debased The land of Zebulon, and the land of Naphthali ; But in the latter time he hath made it glorious : Even the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the nations, CHAP. 1 The people, that walked in darkness, I^' Have seen a great light ; They that dweUed in the land of the shadow of death, Unto them hath the light shined. Chap. IX. ISAIAH. 17 2 Thou hast multiplied the nation, thou hast increased their joy : They rejoice before thee, as with the joy of harvest ; As they rejoice, who divide the spoil, 3 For the yoke of his burthen, the staff laid on his shoul der. The rod of his oppressor, hast thou Broken, as in the day of Midian, 4 For the greaves of the armed warrior in the conflict, And the garment rolled in mjich blood, ShaU be for a burning, even fuel for the fire, 5 For unto us a Child is born ; unto us a Son is given ; And the government shall be upon his shoulder : And his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, the Father of the everlasting age, the Prince of peace, 6 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end ; ' Upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom ; To fix it, and to establish it With judgraent and with justice, henceforth and for ever: The zeal of Jehovah God of Hosts will do this. 7 Jehovah hath sent a word against Jacob ; And it hath lighted upon Israel, 8 Because the people all of them carry themselves haughtily ; Ephraim, and the inhabitant of Samaria ; In pride and arrogance of heart, saying : 9 The bricks are fallen, but we will build vvith hewn stone ; The sycamores are cut down, but we wUl replace thera with cedars : 10 Therefore will Jehovah excite the princes of Retsin against him ; And raise up his enemies together : 1 ] The Syrians from the east, and the Philistines from the west; And .they shall devour Israel on every side. For aU this his anger is not turned away ; But his hand is still stretched out. 18 ISAIAH. Chap. IX. 12 Yet this people have not turned unto him that smote them; And Jehovah God of Hosts they have not sought. 13 Therefore shall Jehovah cut off from Israel the head and the tail ; The branch and the rush, in one day : 14 The aged, and the honourable person, he is the head ; And the prophet that teacheth falsehood, he is the tail. 15 For the leaders of this people lead them astray; And they that are led by them shall be devoured. 16 Wherefore Jehovah shall not rejoice over their young men; And on their orphans, and their widows, he shall have no compassion. For every one of them is a hypocrite and an evil-doer ; And every raouth speaketh folly. For all this his anger is not turned away ; But his hand is still stretched out. 17 For wickedness burneth like a fire ; The brier and the bramble it shall consume : And it shall kindle the thicket of the wood ; And they shall mount up in volumes of rising smoke. 18 Through the wrath of Jehovah God of Hosts is the land darkened ; And the people shaU be as fiiel for the fire : A man shall not spare his brother. 19 But he shall snatch on the right, and yet be hungry; And he shall devour on the left, and not be satisfied: Every man .shall devour the flesh of his neighbour, 20 Manasseh shall devour Ephraim, and Ephraim Manas- seh; And both of them shall be united against Judah, For all this his anger is not turned away ; But his hand is still stretched out, CHAP. 1 Wo unto them, that decree unrighteous decrees ; X. Unto the scribes, that prescribe oppression : 2 To turn aside the needy from judgment; To rob of their right the poor of my people : That the widows may become their prey ; And that they may plunder the orphans. Chap, X. ISAIAH. 19 3 And what wUl ye do in the day of visitation ? And in the desolation, which shall come from afar ? To whom wiU ye flee for succour ? And where will ye deposit your wealth ? 4 Without me, they shall bow down under the bounden, And under the slain shall they fall. For all this his anger is not turned away ; But his hand is still stretched out. 5 Ho ! to the Assyrian, the rod of mine anger, The staff in whose hand is the instrument of mine indig nation ! 6 Against a dissembling nation will I send him ; And against a people the object of my wrath wUl I give him a charge : To gather the spoil, and to bear away the prey ; And to trample them under foot like the mire of the streets. 7 But he doth not so purpose ; And his heart doth not so intend : But to destroy is in his heart ; And to cut off nations not a few. 8 For he saith. Are not my princes altogether kings ? 9 Is not Calno as Carchemish ? Is not Hamath as Arphad ? Is not Samaria as Damascus ? 10 As ray hand hath seized the kingdoms of the idols. Whose graven images were superior to those of Saraaria and Jerusalem; 1 1 As I have done unto Samaria and her idols, ShaU I not likewise do unto Jerusalem, and her images ? 12 But it shaU be, when Jehovah hath accomplished his whole work Upon Mount Sion, and upon Jerusalem ; I wUl punish the effect of the proud heart of the king of Assyria ; And the triumphant look of his haughty eyes, 13 For he hath said, By the strength of my hand have I done it; And by my wisdom ; for I am endowed with prudence, I have removed the bounds of the peoples ; 20 ISAIAH. Chap. X, And I have plundered their hoarded treasures ; And I have brought down those, that were strongly seated, 14 And my hand hath found, as a nest, the riches of the peoples ; And as one gathereth eggs deserted, So have I made a general gathering of the earth: And there was no one, that moved the wing ; That opened the beak, or that chirped, 15 Shall the axe boast itself against him, that heweth therewith ? Shall the saw raagnify itself against him, that moveth it ? As if the rod should wield him, that lifteth it ; As if the staff should lift up its master, 16 Wherefore Jehovah the Lord of Hosts shall send Upon his fat ones leanness ; And under his glory .shaU he kindle A burning as of a conflagration, 17 And the light of Israel shall become a fire, And his Holy One a flame ; And he shall burn, and consume his thorn And his brier in one day, 18 Even the glory of his forest, and of his fruitful field, From the soul even to the flesh, shall he consume ; And it shall be, as when one fleeth out of the fire, 19 And the remainder of the trees of his. forest shall be a small number. So that a child may write thera down, 20 And it shall come to pass in that day, No more shall the remnant of Israel, And the escaped of the house of Jacob; Lean upon him, that smote them : But shall lean upon Jehovah, The Holy One of Israel, in truth, 21 A remnant shall return, a remnant of Jacob, Unto God the Mighty, 22 For though thy people, O Israel, shall be as the sand of the sea, A remnant of them only shall return. The consummation decided, overfloweth with strict jus tice: Chap. X. ISAIAH. 21 23 For a full and decisive decree Shall Jehovah the Lord of Hosts accomplish in the midst of the land, 24 Wherefore thus saith Jehovah the Lord of Hosts : Fear not, O my people, that dwellest in Sion, because of the Assyrian : With his staff indeed shall he smite thee, And his rod shall he lift up against thee, in the way of Egypt, 25 But yet a very little tirae, and raine uidignation shall cease; And mine anger in their destruction : 26 And Jehovah God of Hosts shaU raise up against him a scourge, Like the stroke upon Midian at the rock of Oreb, And like the rod which he lifted -up over the sea ; Yea he will lift it up, after the manner of Egypt, 27 And it shall come to pass in that day, His burthen shaU be removed fi-om off thy shoulder, And his yoke from off thy neck : Yea the yoke shall perish from off your shoulders. 28 He is come to Aiath ; he hath passed to Migron ; At Michmas he will deposit his baggage, 29 They have passed the strait ; Geba is their lodging for the night : Ramah is frightened ; Gibeah of Saul fleeth, 30 Cry aloud with thy voice, O daughter of Gallira ; Hearken unto her, O Laish ; answer her, Q Anathoth, 31 Madmena is gone away; the inhabitants of Gebira flee araain, 32 Yet this day shall he abide in Nob : He shall shake his hand against the raount of the daugh ter of Sion ; Against the hiU of Jerusalem, , 33 Behold Jehovah, the Lord of Hosts, rm.! 1^ ^' '' Shall lop the flourishing branch with a dreadfid crash ; And the high of stature shall be cut down, And the lofty shaU be brought low : 34 And he shall hew the thickets of the forest with iron, And Lebanon shall fall by a mighty haiid/ F 22 ISAIAH, Chap. XI. CHAP. But there shaU spring forth a rod from the trunk of XL Jesse; And a scion from his roots shall become frmttuL 2 And the spirit of Jehovah shaU rest upon him ; The spirit of wisdom, and understanding ; The spirit of counsel, and strength; The spirit of the knowledge, and the fear of Jehovah, 3 And he shaU be of quick discernraent.in the fear of Je hovah : So that not according to the sight of his eyes shaU he judge ; Nor according to the hearing of his ears shall he re prove, 4 But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, And with equity shall he work conviction in the raeek of the earth. And he shaU smite the earth vdth the blast of his mouth, And with the breath of his Ups he shaU slay the wicked one, 5 And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins ; And faithfulness the cincture of his reins, 6 Then shall the wolf take up his abode with the lamb ; And the leopard shaU lie down with the kid : And the calf, and the young lion, and the falling shall come together; And a litde child shall lead them, 7 And the heifer and the she-bear shall feed together ; Together shall their young ones lie down ; And the lion shaU eat straw like the ox, 8 And the suckling shall play upon the hole of the aspic ; And upon the den of the basUisk shall the new-weaned chUd lay his hand, 9 They shall not hurt, nor destroy, in all my holy moun tain; For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of Jehovah, ' As the waters that cover the depths of the sea, 10 And it shall come to pass in that day, The root of Jesse, which standeth for an ensign to the peoples, Unto him shall the nations repair, And his resting-place shall be glorious. Chap, XL ISAIAH. 23 1 1 And it shall come to pass in that day, Jehovah shaU again the second time put forth his hand, To recover the remnant of his people That reraaineth, from Assyria, and from Egypt; And from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam ; And from Shinear, and from Hamath, and from the western regions, 12 And he shall lift up a signal to the nations; And he shall gather the outcasts of Israel, And the dispersed of Judah shall he coUect, From the four extremities of the earth, 13 And the jealousy of Ephraim shall cease ; And the enmity of Judah shall be no more : Ephraim shall not be jealous of Judah; And Judah shall not be at enmity vnth Ephraim, 14 But they shall invade the borders of the Philistines westward ; Together shall they spoil the children of the east : On Edora and Moab they shaU lay their hand ; And the sons of Amraon shall obey them, 15 And Jehovah shall smite with a drought the tongue of the Egyptian sea ; And he shall shake his hand over the river with his vehement wind ; And he shall strike it into seven streams, And make thera pass over it dry-shod, 16 And there shall be a high- way for the remnant of his people, Which shall remain from Assyria : As it was unto Israel, In the day when he came up from the land of Egypt. CHAP. 1 And in that day thou shalt say : ^11- I will give thanks unto thee, O Jehovah ; for though thou hast been angry with me, Thine anger is turned away, and thou hast comforted rae, 2 Behold, God is my salvation; I wdl trust, and will not be afraid : For my strength, and my song, is Jehovah ; And he is become unto me salvation, 3 And when ye shaU draw waters with joy from the foun- 4 tains of salvation ; in that day ye shall say : Give ye thanks to Jehovah ; call upon his name ; 24 ISAIAH. Chap. XIL Make known among the peoples his mighty deeds : Record ye, how highly his name is exalted, 5 Sing ye Jehovah ; for he hath vn-ought a stupendous work: This is made manifest in all the earth, 6 Cry aloud, and shout for joy, O inhabitress of Sion ; For great in the midst of thee is the Holy One of Israel. CHAP. 1 The oracle concerning babylon, which was ^lll- revealed to isaiah, the son of amots. 2 Upon a lofty mountain erect the standard: Exalt the voice ; beckon with the hand ; That they may enter the gates of princes. 3 I have given a charge to mine enrolled warriors ; I have even called my strong ones to execute my wrath ; Those that exult in my greatness. 4 A sound of a multitude in the mountains, as of a great people ; A sound of the tumult of kingdoras, of nations gathered together ! Jehovah, God of Hosts, mustereth the host for the battle. 5 They come from a distant land, from the end of the heavens ; Jehovah, and the instruments of his wrath, to destroy the whole land. 6 Howl ye, for the day of Jehovah is at hand : As a destruction from the Almighty shall it come. 7 Therefore shall all hands be slackened ; And every heart of mortal shaU melt; and they shall be terrified : 8 Torments and pangs shall seize them ; As a woman in travail, they shall be pained : They shall look one upon another with astonishment ; Their countenances shall be like flames of fire. 9 Behold, the day of Jehovah cometh, inexorable; Even indignation, and burning wrath : To make the land a desolation ; And her sinners he shall destroy from out of her. Chap. XIIL ISAIAH. 25 10 Yea the stars of heaven, and the constellations thereof, Shall not send forth dieir light : The sun is darkened at his going forth. And the moon shaU not cause her Ught to shine. 11 And I wiU visit the world for its evil, | — - ' ¦ And the wicked for their iniquity : And I wiU put an 'end'to the arrogance of the proud ; And I wUl bring dovra the haughtiness of the terrible, 12 I will make a mortal more precious than fine gold; Yea a man, than the rich ore of Ophir, 13 Wherefore I wiU make the heavens tremble; And the earth shall be shaken out of her place : •In the indignation of Jehovah God of Hosts ; And in the day of his burning anger, 14 And the remnant shall be, as a roe chased ; And as sheep, when there is none to gather them to gether ; They shall look, every one towards his own people ; And they shall flee every one to his own land, 15 Every one, that is overtaken, shall be thrust through; And all that are collected in a body shaU fall by the sword, 16 And their infants shall be dashed before their eyes; Their houses shall be plundered, and their wives ravished, 17 Behold, I raise up against them the Modes; • Who shaU hold silver of no account ; And as for gold, they shall not delight in it, 18 Their bows shaU dash the young men; And on the fruit of the womb they shaU have no mercy : Their eye shaU have no pity even on the children, 19 And Babylon shaU become, she that was the beauty of kingdoms, The glory of the pride of the Chaldeans, As the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah by the hand of God. 20 It shaU not be inhabited for ever ; Nor shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation : Neither shaU the Arabian pitch his tent there ; Neither shall the shepherds make their folds there, 21 But there shall the wild beasts of the deserts lodge; And howling monsters shall fill their houses : And there shall the daughters of the ostrich dwell ; And there shall the satyrs hold their revels. 26 ISAIAH. Chap. XIIL 22 And wolves shaU howl to one another in their palaces; And dragons in their voluptuous pavilions. And her time is near come ; And her days shaU not be prolonged, CHAP. ] For Jehovah will have compassion on Jacob, ^^^' And will yet choose Israel, And he shaU give them- rest upon their own land : And the stranger shall be joined unto them, And shaU cleave unto the house of Jacob, 2 And the nations shaU take them, and bring them into their own place ; And the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of Jehovah, As servants, and as handmaids : And they shaU take them captive, whose captives they were; And they shall rule over their oppressors, 3 And it shaU come to pass in that day, that Jehovah ¦shall give thee rest from thine afiUction, and from thy disquiet, and from the hard servitude which was laid 4 upon thee ; and thou shalt pronounce this parable upon the king of Babylon ; and shalt say : How hath the oppressor ceased ! the exactress of gold ceased ! 5 Jehovah hath broken the staff of the wicked, the sceptre of the rulers, 6 He that smote the peoples in wrath, with a stroke unre mitted ; He that ruled the nations in anger, is persecuted, and none hindereth, 7 The whole earth is at rest, is quiet ; they burst forth in to a joyful shout : 8 Even the fir-trees rejoice over thee, the cedars of Li banus : Since thou art fallen, no feUer hath come up against us, 9 Hades from beneath is moved because of thee, to meet thee at thy coming : He rouseth for thee the mighty dead, all the great chiefs of the earth ; He maketh to rise up from their thrones, all the kings of the nations. Chap, XIV. ISAIAH. 27 10 All of them shall accost thee, and shall say unto thee : Art thou, even thou too, become weak as we ? art thou made hke unto us ? 1 1 Is then thy pride brought down to the grave ; the sound of thy sprightly instruments ? Is the vermin become thy couch, and the earth-worm thy covering ? 12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning ! Art cut dovra to the earth, thou that didst subdue the nations ! 13 Yet thou didst say in thy heart : I will ascend the hea vens; Above the stars of God I wUl exalt my throne ; And I wiU sit upon the mount of the divine presence, on the sides of the north : 14 1 will ascend above the highths of the clouds ; I will be Uke the Most High, 15 But thou shalt be brought down to the grave, to the sides of the pit, 16 Those that see thee shall look attentively at thee ; they shall well consider thee : Is this the raan, that made the earth to tremble ; that shook the kingdoras ? 17 That raade the world like a desert; that destroyed the cities ? • That never disraissed his captives to their own horae ? 18 All the kings of the nations, all of them, Lie down in glory, each in his own sepulchre : 19 But thou art cast out of the grave, as the tree abomi nated ; Clothed with the slain, with the' pierced by the sword, With them that go down to the stones of the pit; as a trodden carcass, 20 Thou shalt not be joined unto them in burial ; Because thou hast destroyed thy country, thou hast slain thy people : The seed of evil doers shall never be renowned, 21 Prepare ye slaughter for his chUdren, for the iniquity of their fathers ; Lest they rise, and possess the earth ; and fill the face of the world with cities. 28 ISAIAH. Chap. XIV. 22 For I wiU arise against thera, saith Jehovah God of Hosts : And I wUl cut off from Babylon the name, and the rem nant; And the son, and the son's son, saith Jehovah, 23 And I wiU make it an inheritance for the porcupine, and pools of water ; And I wiU plunge it in the miry gulph of destruction, saith Jehovah God of Hosts, 24 Jehovah God of Hosts hath sworn, saying : Surely as I have devised, so shall it be ; And as I have purposed, that thing shaU stand : 25 To crush the Assyrian in my land, and to trample him on my mountains. Then shall his yoke depart frora off them ; And his burthen shaU be reraoved from off their shoulder, 26 This is the decree, which is determined on the whole earth ; And this the hand, which is stretched out over all the nations : 27 For Jehovah God of Hosts hath- decreed; and who shall disannul it ? And it is his hand that is stretched out ; and who shall turn it back ? 28 In the year in which ahaz the king died, this oracle was delivered, 29 Rejoice not, 0«Philistia, with one consent, Because the rod, that smote thee, is broken : For from the root of the serpent shall come forth a basilisk ; And his fruit shall be a flying fiery serpent, 30 For the poor shall feed on my choice first-fruits; And the needy shall lie down in security : But he wUl kUl thy root with drought ; And thy remnant he will slay, 31 Howl, O gate; cry out, O city ! O Philistia, thou art altogether sunk in consternation ! For frora the north cometh a smoke ; And there shall not be a straggler among his levies. Chap. XIV. ISAIAH. 29 32 And what answer .shall be given to the ambassadors of the nations ? That Jehovah hath laid the foundation of Sion ; And the poor of his people shall take refuge in her. CHAP. 1 The oracle concerning moab, XV. Because in the night Ar is destroyed, Moab is un done ! Because in the night Kir is destroyed, Moab is undone ! 2 He goeth up to Beth-Dibon, to the high places to weep : Over Nebo, and over Medeba, shall Moab howl : On every head there is baldness ; every beard is shorn, 3 In her streets they gird theraselves with sackcloth : On her house-tops, and to her open places. Every one howleth, descendeth with weeping, 4 And tieshbon and Eleale cry out aloud ; Unto Jahats is their voice heard : Yea the very loins of Moab cry out ; Her Ufe is grievous unto her, 5 The heart of Moab crieth within her ; To Tsoar [she crieth out] like the lowing of a young heifer : Yea the ascent of Luhith with wteping shall they ascend ; Yea in the way of Horonaim they raise a cry of destruc tion, 6 For the waters of Nimrim shaU become desolate : For the pasture is withered, the tender plant faileth, the green herb is no more, 7 Wherefore the riches, which they have gained, shall perish ; And what they have deposited, to the valley of wUlows shall be carried away, 8 For the cry encompasseth the border of Moab : To Eglaim reacheth her moan ; and to Beer-Elim her howUng, 9 Yea the waters of Dimon are full of blood : Yet will I bring more evUs upon Dunon ; Upon the escaped of Moab and Ariel, and the remnant of Admah, 30 ISAIAH. Chap. XVL CHAP. I I wiU send forth the son of the ruler of the land-, " XVI. From Selah of the desert to the mount of the daughter of Sion, 2 And as wandering birds, driven from the nest, So shaU be the daughters of Moab at the fords of Ar- non, 3 Impart counsel ; interpose with equity ; Make thy shadow as the night in the midst of noon-day. Hide the outcasts ; discover not the fugitive, 4 Let the outcasts of Moab sojourn with thee, [O Sion] ; Be thou to them a covert from the destroyer. For the oppressor is no more, the destroyer ceaseth ; He that trampled you under foot is perished from- the land, 5 And the throne shall be established in mercy. And in truth shall One sit thereon ; In the tabernacle of David a judge ; CarefiiUy searching out the right, and dispatching justice, 6 We have heard the pride of Moab ; he is very proud ; His haughtiness, and his pride, and his anger : vain are his lies, 7 Therefore shall Moab lament aloud ; For the whole people of Moab shall he lament ; For the men of Kirhares shall ye make a moan, 8 For the fields of Heshbon are put to shame ; The vine of Sibmah languisheth, Whose generous shoots overpowei'ed the mighty lords of the nations ; They reached unto Jazer; they strayed to the desert; Her branches extended themselves, they passed over the sea, 9 Wherefore I wUl weep, as with the weeping of Jazer, for the vine of Sibmah ; I will water thee with 'my tears, O Heshbon and Elea- leh! For upon thy summer fruits, and upon thy vintage, the destroyer hath faUen, 10 And joy and gladness is taken away from the fruitful field; And in the vineyards they shall not sing, they shaU not shout : In the vats the treader shall not tread out the wine ; An end is put tp the shouting. Chap, XVL ISAIAH. 31 1 1 Wherefore my bowels for Moab like a harp shall sound ; And mine entrails for Kirhares, 12 And it shaU be, when Moab shaU see, That he hath wearied himself out on the high place, That he shall enter his sanctuary, To intercede : but he shall not prevail, 13 This is the word, which Jehovah spake concerning 14 Moab long ago; but now Jehovah hath spoken, say ing: After three years, as the years of an hireling, The glory of Moab shall be debased, in all his great multitude ; And the remnant shall be few, small, and without strength. CHAP. 1 The oracle concerning Damascus, XVIL Behold Damascus is removed, so as to be no more a city : It shall even become a ruinous heap, 2 The cities are deserted for ever ; They shaU be given up to the flocks, And they shall lie down, and none shall scare them away, 3 And the fortress shall cease from Ephraim, And the kingdom frora Daraascus : And the pride of Syria shall be as the glory of the sons of Israel ; Saith Jehovah the God of Hosts, 4 And it shall come to pass in that day, The glory of Jacob shall be diminished, And the fatness of his flesh shaU become lean, 5 And it shall be, as when one gathereth the standing harvest, ' And his arm reapeth the ears of corn : Or as when one gleaneth ears in the vaUey of Rephaira, 6 A gleaning shall be left in it, as in the shaking of the olive tree; Two or three berries on the top of the uppermost bough ; Four or five on the straggling fruitful branches : Saith Jehovah the God of Israel, 32 ISAIAH. Chap. XVII. 7 In that day shall a man regard his Maker, And toward' the Holy One of Israel shaU his eyes look : 8 And he shaU not regard the altars dedicated to the work of his hands ; And what his fingers have made, he shaU not respect; Nor the groves, nor the solar statues, 9 In that day shall his strongly fenced cities become Like the desertion of the Hivites and the Amorites, When they deserted the land before the face of the sons of Israel ; And the land shall become a desolation, 10 Because thou hast forgotten the God of thy salvation, And hast not remembered the rock of thy strength ; Therefore, when thou shalt have planted pleasant plants, And shalt have set shoots from a foreign soil ; 11 In the day when thou shalt have made thy plants to grow, And in the morning, when thou shalt have made thy shoots to spring forth ; Even in the day of possession shall the harvest be taken away, And there shall be sorrow without hope. 12 Wo to the multitude of the numerous peoples. Who make a sound like the sound of the seas : And to the roaring of the nations, Who make a roaring like the roaring of mighty waters, 13 Like the roaring of mighty waters do the nations roar; But he shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far away ; And they shall be driven Uke the chaff of the hUls be fore the wind, And like the gossamer before the whirlwind, 14 At the season of evening, behold terror ! Before the morning, and he is no more ! This is the portion of those that spoil us ; And the lot of those that plunder us, CHAP. 1 Ho ! to the land of the winged cymbal, XVIII. Which borders on the rivers of Cush ; 2 Which sendeth ambassadors on the sea, And in vessels of papyrus on the face of the waters. Chap. XVIIL ISAIAH. 33 Go, ye swift messengers, To a nation stretched out in length, and smoothed ; To a people terrible from the first, and hitherto ; A nation meted out by line, and trodden down ; Whose land the rivers have nourished, 3 Yea, all ye that inhabit the world, and that dwell on the earth, When the standard is lifted up on the mountains, be hold ! And when the trumpet is sounded, hear ! 4 For thus hath Jehovah said unto me : I will sit StiU, and regard my fixed habitation; Like the clear heat after rain, Like the dewy cloud in the day of harvest, 5 Surely before the vintage, when the bud is perfect, And the blossom is become a swelling grape ; He shall cut off the shoots with pruning-hooks, And the branches he shall take away, he shall cut down, 6 They shaU be left together to the rapacious bird of the mountains ; And to the wild beaste of the earth : And the rapacious bird shall summer upon it ; And every wild beast of the earth shall winter upon it, 7 At that time shall a gift be brought to Jehovah the ' God of Hosts, From a people stretched out in length, and smoothed ; And from a people terrible from the first, and hitherto ; A nation meted out by line, and trodden down, Whose land the rivers have nourished ; To the place of the name of Jehovah God of Hosts, to Mount Sion, CHAP. 1 The oracle concerning egypt. XIX. Behold, Jehovah rideth On a swift cloud, and cometh to Egypt ! And the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his presence ; And the heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst of her. 2 And I wdl excite Egyptians against Egyptians, And they shall fight, every man against his brother, and every man against his neighbour : 34. ISAIAH. Chap. XIX. City against city, kingdom against kingdom, 3 And the spirit of Egypt shaU fad in the midst of her ; And I will swallow up her counsel : And they shall seek to the idols, and to the sorcerers, And to the necromancers, and to the wizards, 4 And I wiU give up Egypt bound into the hands of cruel lords, And a fierce king shall rule over them ; Saith the Lord Jehovah God of Hosts, 6 Then shaU the waters faU from the sea. And the river shall be wasted and dried up, 6 And the streams shall become putrid ; The canals of Egypt shaU be emptied and dried up. The reed and the lotus shall wither : 7 The meadow by the canal, even at the mouth of the canal, And all that is sown by the canal. Shall wither, be blasted, and be no more, 8 And the fishers shaU mourn, and lament ; All those that cast the hook in the river. And those that spread nets on the face of the waters, shall languish, 9 And they that work the fine flax shall be confounded, And they that weave net-work, 10 And her stores shaU be 'broken up; Even of all that make a gain of pools for fish, 1 1 Surely, the princes of Zoan are fools ; The wise counseUors of Pharaoh have counseUed a bru tish counsel. How will ye boast unto Pharaoh : I am the son of the wise, the son of ancient kings ? 12 Where are they; where, thy wise men? let them come; And let them tell thee now, and let them declare, What Jehovah God of Hosts hath determined against Egypt. 13 The princes of Zoan are hecome fools, the princes of Noph are deceived ; They have caused Egypt to err, even the chief pillars of her tribes. 14 Jehovah hath mingled in the midst of thera a spirit of giddiness ; And they have caused Egypt to err in all her works, As a drunkard staggereth in his vomit : Chap. XIX. ISAIAH. 35 15 Nor shall there be any work in Egypt, Which the head or tad, the branch or rush, may per form. 16 In that day the Egyptians shall be as women : And they shall tremble and fear, At the shaking of the hand of Jehovah God of Hosts, Which he shall shake over them. 17 And the land of Judah shall becpme a terror to the Egyptians : If any one raention it unto thera, they shall fear ; Because of the counsel of Jehovah God of Hosts, WTiich he hath counselled against them. 18 In that day, there shall be five cities in the land of Egyptj Speaking the language of Canaan, And swearing unto Jehovah God of Hosts : One of them shall be called the City of the Sun, 19 In that day, there shaU be an altar to Jehovah In the midst of the land of Egypt ; And a pillar by the border thereof to Jehovah : 20 And it shall be for a sign, and for 'a vntness, To Jehovah God of Hosts in the land of Egypt : That, when they cried unto Jehovah because of oppres sors, He sent unto them a saviour, and a vindicator, and he delivered thera, 21 And Jehovah shall be known to Egypt, And the Egyptians^ shall know Jehovah in that day ; And they shall serve him with sacrifice and oblation. And they shall vow a vow unto Jehovah, and shall per form it. 22 And Jehovah shall smite Egypt, smiting and healing her; And they shall turn unto Jehovah, and he will be en treated by them, and will heal thera. 23 In that day, there shall be a high-way from Egypt to Assyria ; And the Assyrian shaU come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria : And the Egyptian shall worship with the Assyrian. 24 In that day, Israel shall be reckoned a third, Together with Egypt and Assyria ; A blessina: in the midst of the earth : 36 ISAIAH. Chap. XIX. 25 Whom Jehovah God of Hosts hath blessed, saying: Blessed be my people, Egypt; And Assyria, the work of my hands ; And Israel, mine inheritance. CHAP, 1 In the year that Tharthan marched to Ashdod; ^X- whither he was sent by Sargon king of Assyria ; (and he fought against Ashdod, and took it) ; at that time Je- 2 HOVAH spake by Isaiah, the son of Amots, saying: Go, loose the sackcloth from off thy loins; And put off thy shoes from thy feet, 3 And he did so, walking naked and barefoot. And Je hovah said: As my servant Isaiah hath walked naked and bare foot; A sign and a prodigy of three years, Upon Egypt and upon Cush : 4 So shall the king of Assyria lead The captives of Egypt, and the exUes of Cush, The young and the old, naked and barefoot ; With their hind-parts discovered, to the shame of the Egyptians, 5 And they [of Ashdod] shall be terrified, and ashamed of Cush in whom they trusted. And of Egypt, in whom they gloried, 6 And the inhabitant of this country shall say, in that day: Behold, such is the object of our trust, To whom we fled for succour, That we might be deUvered from the king of Assyria ! How then shall we escape ? CHAP. .1 The oracle concerning, the desert of the sea, XXL Like the southern tempests violently rushing along, From the desert he cometh, from the terrible country, 2 A dreadful vision !• it is revealed unto me : The plunderer is plundered, and the destroyer is de stroyed ! Chap. XXL ISAIAH. 37 Go up, O Elam ; form the siege, O Media ! I have put an end to aU her vexations, 3 . Therefore are my loins fiUed with pain : Anguish hath seized me, as the anguish of a woman in travail, I am convulsed, so that I cannot hear; I am astonished, so that I cannot see, 4 My heart is bewildered ; terrors have scared rae : The evening, for which I longed, hath he turned into horror, 5 The table is prepared, the watch is set ; they eat, they drink : Rise, O ye princes; anoint the shield, 6 For thus hath the Lord said unto rae : Go, set a watchraan on his station ; . Whatever he shall see, let him report unto thee, 7 And he saw a chariot with two riders ; A rider on an ass, a rider on a carael. And he observed diligendy with extreme diligence, 8 And he that looked out on the watch cried aloud : O my Lord, I keep my station all the day long ; And on ray ward have I continued every night, 9 And behold, here coraeth a man, one of the two riders : And he answereth, and sayeth, Babylon is fallen, is fallen ; And all the graven idols of her gods are broken to the ground, 10 O my threshing, and the corn of my floor ! What I have heard from Jehovah God of Hosts, the God of Israel, That I have declared unto you. 11 The oracle concerning dumah, A voice crieth unto me from Seir : Watchman, what from the night ? Watchman, what from the night ? 12 The watchman replieth : The morning cometh, and also the night. If ye will inquire, inquire ye: come again, G ISAIAH. Chap. XXI. 13 The oracle concerning Arabia. In the forest, at even, shall ye lodge, O ye caravans of Dedan ! 14 To meet the thirsty bring ye forth water, O inhabitants of the southern country ; With bread prevent the fugitive. 15 For from the face of the sword they shaU flee : From the face of the drawn sword ; And from the face -of the bended bow ; And from the face of the grievous war, IS For thus hath the Lord said unto me : Within yet a year, as the years of an hireling. Shall all the glory of Kedar be consumed ; 17 And the remainder of the number of the mighty bow men, Of the sons of Kedar, shall be diminished : For Jehovah the God of Israel hath spoken it. CHAP. 1 The oracle concerning the valley of vision. XXIL What aileth thee now, that all thine inhabitants are gone up to the house-tops ? 2 O thou, that wast full of noise, A tumultuous city, a joyous city f Thy slain were not slain by the sword, Neither did they die in battle. 3 All thy leaders are gone off together ; they are fled from the bow; All that were found in thee are fled together, they are gone far away, 4 Wherefore I said : Turn away from me ; I vnll weep bitteriy : Strive not to comfort me for the desolation of the daugh ter of my people. 5 For it is a day of trouble, and of treading down, and of perplexity; The day of the Lord Jehovah God of Hosts in the valley of vision : Chap. XXII. ISAIAH. 39 Breaking down the wall, and crying to the mountain, 6 And Elam beareth the quiver ; With chariots cometh the Syrian, and with horsemen ; And Kir uncovereth the shield, 7 And thy choicest valleys shaU be filled with chariots ; And the horsemen shall set themselves in array against the gate ; 8 And th^ barrier of Judah shaU be laid open : Then thou shalt look towards the arsenal of the house of the forest, 9 And the breaches of the city of David, ye shall see that they are many ; And ye shall coUect the waters of the lower pool ; 10 And the houses of Jerusalem ye shaU number; And ye shaU break down the houses to fortify the, ram part: 11 And ye shaU raake a lake between the two walls. To receive the waters of the old pool. But ye look not to him, that hath disposed this : And him, that formed it of old, ye regard not, 12 And the Lord Jehovah God of Hosts caUed in that day, To weeping, and to lamentation ; And to baldness, and to girding with sackcloth : " 13 But, behold, joy and gladness, Slaying of oxen, and kUling of sheep ; Eating of flesh, and drinking of wine : Let us eat, and drink ; for to-raorrow we die, 14 And the voice of Jehovah God of Hosts was revealed to raine ears : Surely this your iniquity shall not be expiated, till ye die, Saith the Lord Jehovah God of Hosts, 15 Thus saith the Lord Jehovah God of Hosts : Go, get thee to this treasurer, unto Shebna, who is over the household ; and say unto him : 16 What hast thou here ? and whom hast thou here ? That thou hast hewn out here a sepulchre for thy self? O thou that hewest out thy sepulchre on high, That gravest in the rock an habitation for thyself ! 40 ISAIAH. Chap. XXIL 17 Behold Jehovah wiU cast thee out. Casting thee violently out, and wiU surely cover thee : 18 He wUl whirl thee round and round, and cast theeaway. Like a baU [from a sling] into a wide country : There shalt thou die; and there shaU thy glorious chariots Become the shame of the house of thy lord, 19 And I will drive thee from thy station, • And from thy state wUl I overthrow thee, 20 And in that day I wiU call my servant, Even Eliakim the son of Hilkiah ; 21 And I wiU clothe him with thy robe. And with thy baldric will I strengthen him : And thy government wiU I commit to his hand ; And he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusa lem, And to the house of Judah : 22 And I wUl lay the key of the house of David upon his shoulder ; And he shaU open, and none shall shut ; And he shall shut, and none shaU open, 23 And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place ; And he shall become a glorious seat for his father's house. , 24 And they shall hang upon him all the glory of his . father's house. The offspring of high and of low degree; Every small vessel ; from every sort of goblets, To every sort of meaner vessels, 25 In that day, saith Jehovah God of Hosts, The nad once fastened in a sure place shall be moved ; And it shall be hewn down, and it shall fall ; And the burthen which was upon it, shall be cut off: For Jehovah hath spoken it. CHAP. 1 The oracle concerning tyre. Howl, O ye ships of Tarshish ! For she is utterly destroyed both within and without : From the land of Chittira the tidings are brought unto them. Chap. XXIIL ISAIAH. 41 2 Be sUent, O ye inhabitants of the sea-coast : The merchants of Sidon, they that pass over the sea, crowded thee, 3 And the seed of the Nile, growing frora abundant wa ters; The harvest of the river, was her revenue : And she becarae the mart of the nations, 4 Be thou ashamed, O Sidon ; for the sea hath spoken. Even the mighty fortress of the sea, saying : I am, as if I had not travaUed, nor brought forth chil dren; As if I had not nourished youths, nor educated virgins, 5 When the tidings shall reach Egypt, They shall be seized with anguish at the tidings of Tyre, 6 Pass ye over to Tarshish ; howl, O ye inhabitants of the sea-coast ! 7 Is this your triumphant city ; whose antiquity is of the earliest date ? Her own feet bear her far away to sojourn, 8 Who hath purposed this against Tyre, who dispensed crowns ; Whose merchants were princes; whose traders were nobles of the land ? 9 Jehovah God of Hosts hath counseUed it ; To stain the pride of aU beauty ; To make contemptible aU the nobles of the earth, 10 Overflow thy land, like a river, O daughter of Tarshish ; the mound [that kept in thy waters] is no more, 1 1 He hath stretched his hand over the sea ; he hath shaken the kingdoms : Jehovah hath issued a command concerning Canaan, . that they should destroy her strong places, 12 And he hath said: Thou shalt triumph no more, O thou defloured virgin, the daughter of Sidon ! To Chittira arise, pass over ; even there thou shalt have no rest, 13 Behold the land of the Chaldeans; This people was of no apcount : (The Assyrian founded it for the inhabitants of the desert ; 42 ISAIAH. Chap. XXIIL They raised the watch-towers, they set up the palaces thereof) : This people hath reduced her to a ruin, 14 Howl, O ye ships of Tarshish; for your stronghold is destroyed, 15 And it shall corae to pass in that day ; That Tyre shaU be forgotten seventy years, According to the days of one king : At the end of seventy years, Tyre shall sing, as the harlot singeth. 16 Take thy lyre, go about the city, O harlot long forgotten ; Strike the lyre artfully; raultiply the song; that thou mayest again be remembered, 17 And at the end of seventy years, Jehovah wiU take account of Tyre : And she shall return to her gainful practice ; And she shall play the harlot vdth aU the kingdoms of the world, That are upon the face of the earth, 18 But her traific, and her gain, shaU be holy to Jehovah : It shall not be treasured, nor shall it be kept in store; For her traffic shall be for them, that dwell before Je hovah, For food sufficient, and for durable clothing. CHAP. 1 Behold, Jehovah emptieth the land and maketh it XXIV. waste ; He even turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants, 2 And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; As with the servant, so with his master ; As with the handraaid, so with her mistress ; As with the buyer, so with the seller ; As with the borrower, so with the lender ; As with the usurer, so with the giver of usury, 3 The land shall be utterly eraptied, and utterly spoiled; For Jehovah hath spoken this word, 4 The land mourneth, it with'ereth ; The world languisheth, it withereth ; The lofty people of the land do languish. Chap. XXIV. ISAIAH. 13 5 The land is even polluted under her inhabitants ; For they have transgressed the law, they have changed llie decree ; They have broken the everlasting covenant. 6 Therefore hath a curse devoured the land ; Because they are guilty, that dwell in her. Therefore are the inhabitants of the land destroyed ; And few are the mortals that are left in her, 7 The new vtdne mourneth ; the vine languisheth ; AU, that were glad of heart, sigh, 8 The joyful sound of" the tabour ceaseth ; »¦ The noise of exultation is no more ; ' The joyful sound of the harp ceaseth : 9 With songs they shall no more drink wine ; The palm-wine shaU be bitter to them that drink it, 10 The city is broken down; it is desolate: Every house is obstructed, so that no one can enter. 1 1 There is a cry in the streets for wine ; All gladness is passed away ; The joy of the whole land is banished. 12 Desolation is left in the city ; And Vidth a great tumult the gate is battered down, 13 Yea thus shaU it be in the very centre of the land, in the midst of the people ; As the shaking of the olive ; as the gleaning, when the vintage is finished, 14 But these shall lift up their voice, they shall sing; The waters shall resound with the exaltation of Jeho vah, 15 Wherefore in the distant coasts, glorify ye Jehovah ; In the distant coasts of the sea, the name of Jehovah, the God of Israel, 16 From the uttermost part of the land, we have heard songs, Glory to the righteous I But I said, Alas, my wretchedness, my wretchedness ! Wo is me ! the plunderers plunder ; Yea the plunderers stUl continue their cruel depreda tions, 17 The terror, the pit, and the snare. Are upon thee, O inhabitant of the land : 18 And it shall be, that whoso fleeth from the terror. He shall fall into the pit; And whoso escapeth from the pit, 44 ISAIAH. Chap. XXIV. He shall be taken in the snare : For the flood-gates from on high are opened ; And the foundations of the earth tremble, 19 The land is grievously shaken; The land is utterly shattered to pieces ; The land is violently moved out of her place ; 20 The land reeleth to and fro like a drunkard; And moveth this way and that, like a lodge for a night: For her iniquity lieth heavy upon her ; And she shaU faU, and rise no more, 21 And it shall come to pass in that day, Jehovah shaU suramon on high the host that is on high ; And on earth the kings of the earth : 22 And they shaU be gathered together, as in a bundle for the pit ; And shaU be closely iraprisoned in the prison : And after many days, account shall be taken of them, 23 And the moon shall be confounded, and the sun shall be ashamed; For Jehovah God of Hosts shaU reign On Mount Sion, and in Jerusalem ; And before his ancients shall he be glorified, CHAP. 1 O Jehovah, thou art my God : XXV. I will exalt thee ; I will praise thy name : For thou hast effected wonderful things ; Counsels of old time, promises immutably true. 2 For thou hast made the city an heap ; The strongly fortified citadel a ruin : The palace of the proud ones, that it should be no more a city; That it never should be built up again, 3 Therefore shall the fierce people glorify thee ; The city of the formidable nations shall fear thee : 4 For thou hast been a defence to the poor ; A defence to the needy in his distress : A refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat ; When the blast of the formidable rages like a winter storm, 5 As the heat in a parched land, the tumult of the proud shalt thou bring low ; Chap. XXV. ISAIAH. 4,5 As tho J^<=»* V " tlj^i-t cloud, the triumph of the for midable shall be humbled, ^ 6 And Jehovah God of Hosts shall make, For all the peoples, in this mountain, A feast of delicacies, a feast of old wines : Of deUcacies exquisitely rich, pf old wines perfectly re- fuied, * 7 And on this raountain shall he destroy The covering, that covered the face of all the peoples ; And the vail, that was spread over all the nations, 8 He shall utterly destroy death for ever ; And the Lord Jehovah shall wipe away the tear frora off all faces ; And the reproach of his people shall he remove from off the whole earth : For Jehovah hath spoken it, 9 In that day shaU they say ; Behold, this is our God ; We have trusted in him, and he hath saved us : This is Jehovah ; we have trusted in him ; We will rejoice, and triumph, in his salvation, 10 For the hand of Jehovah shall give rest upon this mountain ; And Moab shall be threshed in his place, As the straw is threshed under the wheels of the car, 1 1 And he shall stretch out his hands in the midst thereof, As he, that sinketh, stretcheth out his hands to swim : But God shall bring down his pride with the sudden gripe of his hands, 12 And the bulwark of thy high walls shall he lay low : He shall bring them down to the ground ; he shall lay thera in the dust. CHAP. 1 In that day shall this song be sung : XXVL In the land of Judah we have a strong city ; Salvation shall he establish for walls and bulwarks, 2 Open ye the gates, and let the righteous nation enter; 3 Constant in the truth, stayed in mind : Thou shalt preserve thera in perpetual peace, Because they have trusted in thee. ^ ISAIAH. chap. XXVL 4 Trust ve in Jehovah for eyeiu :,^Z^„ ^^^Zi^Jj~—-^'^'^'^^^^~^^^^S protection, 5 Forhe hath humbled those, that dwell on high; The lofty city, he hath brought her down ; He hath brought her down to the ground : He hath leveUed herjvith the dust, 6 The foot shall tranl^ upon her ; The feet of the poor, the steps of the needy. 7 The way of the righteous is perfectly straight ; Thou most exactly leveUest the path of the righteous. 8 Even in the way of thy laws, O Jehovah, We have placed our confidence in thy name ; And in the remembrance, of thee is the desire of our soul. 9 With my soul have I desired thee in the night ; Yea with my inraost spirit in the morn have I sought thee. For when thy judgraents are in the earth, The inhabitants of the world learn righteousness. 10 Though mercy be shewn to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness : In the very land of rectitude he will deal perversely,; And wUl not regard the majesty of Jehovah. 1 1 Jehovah, thy hand is lifted up, yet wiU they not see : But they shaU see, with confusion, thy zeal for thy people ; Yea the fire shall burn up thine adversaries. 12 Jehovah, thou wilt ordain for us peace : For even all our mighty deeds thou hast performed for us. 13 O Jehovah, our God ! Other lords, exclusive of thee, have had ^iominion over us: Thee only, and thy name, henceforth will we celebrate. 14 They are dead, they shall not live; They are deceased tyrants, they shall not rise. Therefore hast thou visited and destroyed them ; And all memorial of them thou hast abolished. 15 Thou hast added to the nation, O Jehovah; Thou hast added to tlie nation ; thou art glorified : Thou hast extended far all the borders of the land. 16 O Jehovah, in aflfliction have we sought thee; Chap. XXVL ISAIAH. ^^ * Wo LC.-.0 p„,,„.^ ^„^ humble suppUcation, when thv chastisement was upon us. "^^ ' ""'^" "'y 17 As a woman, that hath conceived, when her delivery approacheth, Is in anguish, crieth out aloud, in her travail ; Thus have we been before thee, O Jehovah. 18 We have conceived; we have been in anguish; we have, as it were, brought forth wind : Salvation is not wrought in the land ; Neither are the inhabitants of the world fallen. 19 Thy dead shall live; my deceased, they shaU rise: Awake, and sing, ye that dweU in the dust ! For thy dew is as the dew of the dawn ; But the earth shall cast forth, as an abortion, the de ceased tyrants. 20 Come, O my people ; retire into thy secret apart ments ; And shut thy door after thee : Hide thyself for a little while, for a moment ; Until the indignation shall have passed away. 21 For behold, Jehovah issueth forth from his place ; To punish for his iniquity the inhabitant of the earth ; And the earth shall disclose the blood that is upon her ; And shaU no longer cover her slain. CHAP. 1 In that day shall Jehovah punish vrith his sword ; XXVII. JJis well-tempered, and great, and strong sword ; Leviathan the rigid serpent, And Leviathan the winding serpent : And shall slay the monster, that is in the sea. 2 In that day, To the beloved Vineyard, sing ye a responsive song. 3 J, It is I, Jehovah, that preserve her : I will water her every moment ; I will take care of her by night; And by day I will keep guard over her, 4 V, I have no wall for my defence : O that I had a fence of the thorn and brier ! J, Against them should I march in battle, I shoidd burn them up together. 48 ISAIAH. CHAP. XXVIL Ah ' let her rath£rJake>old-j^£--^^r'°'*^ :k711, ^ BKe^ith me ! Peace let him make with me ! 6 J, They that come from the root of Jacob shall flourish, Israel shall bud forth ; And they shall fiU the face of the world with fruit 7 Hath he smitten hira, as he sraiteth those that smote him? And like the slaughter of those, that slew him, is he slain ? 8 In just measure, when thou inflictest the stroke, wilt thou debate with her ; With due deUberation, even in the rough tempest, in the day of the east wind, 9 Wherefore on this condition shall the iniquity of Jacob be expiated ; And so shall he reap the whole benefit of the removal of his sin ; If he shall render all the stones of the altar, Like the limestones scattered abroad; And if the groves and the images rise no more, 10 But the strongly fortified city shall be desolate; An habitation forsaken, and deserted as a wilderness. There shall the bullock feed, and there shall he lie down ; And he shall browse on the tender shoots thereof, 1 1 When her boughs are withered, they shall be broken : Women shaU come, and set them on a blaze. Surely it is a people void of understanding ; Wherefore he, that made him, shall not have pity on him; And he, that formed him, shall shew him no favour, 12 And it shall come to pass in that day, Jehovah shall make a gathering of his fruit, from the flood of the river, To the stream of Egypt ; And ye shall be gleaned up. One by one, O ye sons of Israel. 1,3 And it shall come to pass in that day, The great trumpet shall be sounded ; And those shall come, who were perishing in the land of Assyria ; And who were dispersed in the land of Egypt ; Chap. XXVII. ISAIAH. 49 And they shall bow themselves down before Jehovah, In the holy mountain, in Jerusalem, CHAP. 1 Wo to the proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim, XXVIII. And to the fading fiower of their glorious beauty ! To those, that are at the head of the rich valley, that are stupified with wine ! 2 Behold the mighty one, the exceedingly strong one ! Like a storm of hail, like a destructive tempest ; Like a rapid flood of mighty waters pouring down ; He shall dash them to the ground with his hand, 3 They shall be trodden under foot, The proud crowns of the drunkards of Ephraim : 4 And the fading flower of their glorious beauty. Which is at the head of the rich valley, ShaU be as the early fruit before the summer ; Which whoso seeth, he plucketh it immediately ; And it is no sooner in his hand, than he swalloweth it. 5 In that day shall Jehovah God of Hogts become a beauteous croWn, And a glorious diadem, to the remnant of his people : 6 And a spirit of judgment, to them that sit in judgment; And strength to thera, that repell the war to the gate [of the enemy], 7 Biit even these have erred through wine, and through strong drink they have reeled; The priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink ; They are overwhelmed with wine; they have reeled through strong drink : They have erred in vision, they have stumbled in judg ment, 8 For all their tables are full of vomit ; Of filthiness, so that no place is free. 9 " Whpm [say they] would he teach knowledge ; and to " whom would he impart instruction? " To such as are weaned from the milk, as are kept back " frora the breast? 10 " For it is command upon command; command upon " command; 50 ISAIAH. Chap. XXVIII. " Line upon Une; line up5n fine : " A little here, and a little there," 11 Yea verily, with a stamraering lip, and a strange tongue, He shall speak unto this people, 12 For when he said unto them : This is the true rest; give ye rest unto the weary ; And this is the refreshment ; they would not hear. 13 Therefore shaU the word of Jehovah be indeed unto them. Command upon command, command upon command; Line upon Une, line upon line ; A little here, and a little there : That they may go on, and fall backward; And be broken, and snared, and caught. 14 Wherefore hear ye the word of* Jehovah, ye scoffers; Ye of this people in Jerusalem, who utter sententious speeches : 15 Who say, we have entered into a covenant with death ; And with the grave we have made a treaty : The overflowing plague, when it passeth through, shall not reach us : For we have made falsehood our refuge ; And under deceit we have hidden ourselves, 16 Wherefore tlius saith the Lord Jehovah : Behold, I lay in Sion for a foundation a stone, an ap proved stone ; A corner-stone, precious, immoveably fixed : He, that trusteth in him, shall not be confounded, 17 And I will mete out judgment by the rule; And strict justice, by the plummet : And the had shaU sweep away the refuge of falsehood ; And the hiding-place the waters shall overwhelm, 18 And your covenant with death shall be broken ; And your treaty with the grave shall not stand : When the overflowing plague passeth through, By it shall ye be beaten down, 19 As soon as it passeth through, shall it seize you ; Yea morning after morning shall it pass through, by day and by night ; And even the report alone shall cause terror, 20 For the bod is too short, for one to stretch himself out at length ; Chap. XXVIII. ISAIAH. 51 And the covering is too narrow, for one to gather him self up under it, 21 For as in Mount Peratsim, Jehovah will arise; As in the valley of Gibeon, shall he be moved with an ger; That he may execute his work, his strange work ; And effect his operation, his unusual operation. 22 And now, give yourselves up to scoffing no more, Lest your chastisements become more severe : For a full and decisive decree have I heard, Frora the Lord Jehovah God of Hosts, on the whole land, 23 Listen ye, and hear ray voice ; Attend, and hearken unto my words, 24 Doth the husbandman plough every day that he may sow. Opening, and breaking the clods of his field ? 25 When he hath made even the face thereof, Doth not he then scatter the dill, and cast abroad the cummin ; And sow the wheat in due measure ; And the barley, and the rye, hath its appointed Umit ? 26 For his God rightly instructeth him ; he furnisheth him with knowledge, 27 The dill ismiot beaten out with the corn-drag ; Nor is the wheel of the wain made to turn upon the cummin : But the dill is beaten out with the staff; 28 And the curarain with the flail : but the bread-corn with the threshing-wain. But not for ever vrill he continue thus to thresh it ; Nor to vex it with the wheel of his wain ; Nor to bruise it with the hoofs of his cattle, 29 This also proceedeth from Jehovah God of Hosts : He sheweth hiraself wonderful in counsel, great in ope ration. 52 ISAIAH. Chap. XXIX. CHAP. 1 Wo to Ariel, to Ariel, the city which David be- XXIX. sieged ! Add year to year ; let the feasts go round in their course, 2 Yet will I bring distress upon Ariel ; And there shaU be continual mourning and sorrow : And it shaU be unto me as the hearth of the great altar, 3 And I will encamp against thee, like David ; And I will lay siege against thee vrith a mound ; And I wUl erect towers against thee, 4 And thou shalt be brought low; thou shalt speak as frora beneath the earth : And from out of the dust thou shalt utter a feeble speech ; And thy voice shall come out of the ground, like that of a necromancer : And thy words from out of the dust shall give a small shrill Sound, 5 But the multitude of the proud shall be like the small dust; And Uke the flitting chaff the multitude of the terrible : Yea, the effect shall be momentary, in an instant, 6 Frora Jehovah God of Hosts there shall be a sudden visitation, With thunder, and earthquake, and a raighty voice ; With storm, and tempest, and flame of devouring fire, 7 And like as a dream, a vision of the night. So shall it be with the multitude of all the nations, that fight against Ariel ; And all their armies, and their towers, and those that distress her, 8 As when a hungry man drearaeth ; and lo ! he seemeth to eat; But he awaketh, and his appetite is still unsatisfied : And as a thirsty man drearaeth ; and lo ! he seemeth to drink ; But he awaketh, and he is still faint, and his appetite still craving: So shall it be with the multitude of all the nations, Which have set themselves in array against Mount Sion. Chap. XXIX. ISAIAH. 53 9 They are struck with amazement, they stand asto nished ; They stare with a look of stupid surprise : They are drunken, but not with wine ; They stagger, but not with strong drink, 10 For Jehovah hath poured upon you a spirit of pro found sleep ; And he hath closed up your eyes : The prophets, and the rulers ; the seers hath he blind- ' folded, 1 1 So that all the vision is to you, as the words of a book sealed up ; Which if one delivers to a man, that knoweth letters, Saying, Read this, I pray thee ; He answereth, I cannot read it ; for it is sealed up : 12 Or should the book be given to one, that knoweth not letters, Saying, Read this, I pray thee ; He answereth, I know not letters, 13 VHierefore Jehovah hath said: Forasmuch as this people draweth near with their mouth, And honoureth rae with their lips, WhUe their heart is far from me ; And vain is their fear of me, Teaching the commandments of raen ; 14 Therefore behold, I will again deal with this people, In a raanner so wonderful and astonishing ; That the vrisdom of the wise shall perish, And the prudence of the prudent shall disappear, 15 Wo unto them, that are too deep for Jehovah in forming secret designs ; Whose deeds are in the dark ; and who say, Who is there, that seeth us ; and who shall know us ? 16 Perverse as ye are ! shall the potter be esteemed as the clay? Shall the work say of the workman, He hath not made me? And shall the thing forraed say of the former of it, He hath no understanding ? 1 7 Shall it not be but a very short space, Ere Lebanon become like Carmel, And Carmel appear like a desert? H 54 ISAIAH. Chap. XXIX. 18 Then shaU the deaf hear the words of the book; And the eyes of the blind, covered before with clouds and darkness, shaU see, 19 The meek shall increase their joy in Jehovah; And the needy shall exult in the Holy One of Israel. 20 For the terrible one faileth, the scoffer is no more; And all that were vigilant in iniquity are utterly cut off: 21 Who bewildered the poor man in speaking ; And laid snares for him, that pleaded in the gate; And vrith falsehood subverted the righteous, 22 Therefore thus saith Jehovah the God of the house of Jacob, He who redeemed Abraham : Jacob shall no more be ashamed ; His face shall no more be covered with confusion : 23 For when his children shall see the work of my hands, Among themselves shall they sanctify my name : They shall sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, And tremble before the God of Israel. 24 Those, that were led away with the spirit of error, shall gain knowledge ; And the malignant shall attend to instruction. CHAP. 1 Wo unto the rebellious children, saith Jehovah; XXX. Who form counsels, but not from me ; Who ratify covenants, but not by my spirit : That they may add sin to sin. 2 Who set forward to go down to Egypt ; But have not inquired at my mouth : To strengthen themselves with the strength of Pharaoh ; And to trust in the shadow of Egypt. 3 But the strength of Pharaoh shall be your shame ; And your trust in the shadow of Egypt your confusion. 4 Their princes were at Tsoan ; And their ambassadors arrived at Hanes : 5 They were all ashamed of a people, that profited them not; Who were of no help, and of no profit; But proved even a shame, and a reproach unto them. 6 The burthen of the beasts travelling southward, Through a land of distress and difficulty: Wlience come forth the Uoness, and the fierce lion ; The viper, and the flying fiery serpent : Chap. XXX. ISAIAH. 55 They carry on the shoulder of the young cattle their wealth ; And on the bunch of the camel their treasures : To a people, that wUl not profit them, 7 For Egypt is a mere vapour ; in vain shall they help : Wherefore have I called her, Rahab the inactive, 8 Go now, write it before them on a tablet ; And record it in letters upon a book : That it may be for future times ; For a testimony for ever, 9 For this is a rebellious people, lying children ; Children who choose not to hear the law of Jehovah : 10 Who say to the seers, See not; And to the prophets, Prophesy not right things : Speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits, 1 1 Turn aside from the way ; decline from the straight path ; Remove from our sight the Holy One of Israel, 12 Wherefore thus saith the Holy One of Israel : Because ye have rejected this word ; And have trusted in obliquity, and perversion ; And have leaned entirely upon it : 13 Therefore shall this offence be unto you, Like a breach threatening ruin ; a swelling in a high wall; Whose destruction cometh suddenly, in an instant, 14 It shall be broken, as when one breaketh a potter's vessel : He dasheth it to pieces, and spareth it not ; So that there shall not be found a sherd among its frag ments. To take up fire from the hearth. Or to dip up water from the cistern, 15 Verily thus saith the Lord Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel : By turning from your ways, and by abiding quiet, ye shall be saved ; In silence, and in pious confidence, shall be your strength: But ye would not hearken, 16 And ye said : Nay, but on horses will we flee ; Therefore shall ye be put to flight : And oil swift coursers wUl we ride ; Therefore shall they be swift, that pursue you. 56 ISAIAH. Chap. XXX. 17 One thousand, at the rebuke of one ; At the rebuke of five, ten thousand of you shall flee : ' TiU ye be left as a standard on the summit of a moun tain ; And as a beacon on a high hUl, 18 Yet for this shall Jehovah wait to shew favourunto you ; Even for this shaU he expect in silence, that he may have mercy upon you : , (For Jehovah is a God of judgment; Blessed are all they that trust in him) : 19 When a holy people shall dwell in Sion ; When in Jerusalem thou shalt implore him with weep ing: At the voice of thy cry he shall be abundantly gracious unto thee ; No sooner shall he hear, than he shall answer thee, 20 Though Jehovah hath given you bread of distress, and water of affliction ; Yet the timely rain shall no more be restrained ; But thine eyes shall behold the timely rain, 21 And thine ears shall hear the word ptompting thee be hind : Saying, This is the way ; walk ye in it ; Turn not aside, to the right, or to the left. 22 And ye shall treat as defiled the covering of your idols of silver ; And the clothing of your molten images of gold r Thou shalt cast them away like a polluted garment ; Thou shalt say unto them, Be gone from rae, 23 And he shall give rain for thy seed. With which thou shalt sow the ground ; And bread of the produce of the ground : And it shall be abundant and plenteous. Then shall thy cattle feed in large pasture; 24 And the oxen, and the young asses, that till the ground, Shall eat well-fermented maslin, Winnowed with the van and the sieve. 25 And on every lofty raountain. And on every high hill, Shall be disparting rills, and streams of water. In the day of the great slaughter, when the mighty fall. Chap. XXX; ISAIAH. 57 26 And the light of the raoon shall be as the light of the meridian sun ; And the light of the meridian sun shaU be seven-fold : In the day when Jehovah shall bind up the breach of his people ; And shall heal the wound, which his stroke hath in flicted. 27 Lo ! the name of Jehovah cometh from afar ; His wrath burneth, and the flame rageth violently : His lips are filled with indignation ; And his tongue is as a consuming fire. 28 His spirit is like a torrent overflowing ; It shall reach to the midcUe of the neck : He cometh to toss the nations with the van of perdition ; And there shall be a J^ridle, to lead them astray, in the jaws of the people. 29 Ye shall utter a song, as in tne night when the feast is solemnly proclaimed ; With joy of heart, as when one marcheth to the sound of the pipe ; To go to the mountain of Jehovah, to the rock of Israel. 30 And Jehovah shall cause his glorious voice to be heard. And the lighting down of his arm to be seen ; With wrath indignant, and a flame of consuraing fire ; With a violent storm, and rushing showers, and hail stones. 31 By the voice of Jehovah the Assyrian shall be beaten down ; He, that was ready to smite with his staff, 32 And it shall be, that wherever shall pass the rod of cor rection, Which Jehovah shall lay heavily upon him ; It shall be accompanied with tabrets and harps ; And vrith fierce battles shall he fight against them, 33 For Tophet is ordained of old ; Even the same for the king is prepared : He hath raade it deep ; he hath made it large ; A fiery pyre, and abundance of fuel ; And the breath of Jehovah, like a stream of sulphur, .shall kindle it. 58 ISAIAH. Chap. XXXL CHAP. 1 Wo unto them, that go down to Egypt for help ; XXXI. Who trust in horses for their support : Who confide in chariots, because they are many ; And in horsemen, because they are very strong : But look not unto the Holy One of Israel ; And of Jehovah they ask not counsel, 2 But he in his wisdom will bring evU upon them ; And he will not set aside his word : But will rise against the house of the wicked ; And against the helpers of those that work iniquity, 3 For the Egyptians are man, and not God ; And their horses are flesh, and not spirit : And Jehovah shaU stretch forth his hand ; And the helper shall fall, and the holpen shaU be over thrown ; s And together shall all of them be destroyed, 4 For thus hath Jehovah said unto me : Like as the lion growleth. Even the young lion, over his prey ; Though the whole company of shepherds be caUed to gether against him : At their voice he wdl not be terrified, Nor at their tumult will he be humbled : So shall Jehovah God of Hosts descend to fight For Mount Sion, and for his own hill. 5 As the raother birds, hovering over their young. So shall Jehovah God of Hosts protect Jerusalem ; Protecting, and delivering ; leaping forward, and rescu ing her. 6 Return unto him, from whom ye have so deeply en gaged in revolt, O ye sons of Israel ! 7 Verily in that day shall they cast away with contempt, Every man his idols of silver, and his idols of gold ; The sin, which their own hands have made. 8 And the Assyrian shall fall by a sword not of man ; Yea a sword not of mortal shall devour him. And he shall betake himself to flight from the face of the sword; And the courage of his chosen men shall fail. Chap. XXXL ISAIAH. 59^ 9 And through terror he shall pass beyond his strong hold; And his princes shall be struck with consternation at his flight. Thus saith Jehovah, who hath his fire in Sion, And his furnace in Jerusalem. CHAP. 1 Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness; XXXIL And princes shall rule vrith equity : 2 And the man shall be as a covert from the storm, as a refuge from the flood; As canals of waters in a dry place ; As the shadow of a great rock in a land fainting with heat: 3 And him the eyes of those, that see, shall regard ; And the ears of those, that hear, shall hearken. 4 Even the heart of the rash shall consider, and acquire knowledge; And the stammering tongue shall .speak readUy and plainly. 5 The fool shall no longer be called honourable ; And the niggard shall no more be called Uberal : 6 Foi? the fool vrill stiU utter folly ; And his heart will devise iniquity : Practising hypocrisy, and speaking wrongfuUy against Jehovah ; To exhaust the soul of the hungry. And to deprive the thirsty of drink. 7 As for the niggard, his instruments are evU : He plotteth mischievous derices; To entangle the humble vrith lying words ; And to defeat the assertions of the poor in judgment. 8 But the generous wiU derise generous things ; And he by his generous purposes shaU be estabUshed- 9 O ye women, that sit at ease, arise, hear my voice ! O ye daughters, that dwell in security, give ear unto my speech 1 10 Years upon j'ears shall ye be disquieted, O ye careless women : For the vintage hath failed, the gathering of the fruits shall not come. 60 ISAIAH. Chap. XXXII. 11 Tremble, O ye that are at ea.se; be ye disquieted, O ye careless ones ! Strip ye, make ye bare ; and gnd ye sackcloth 12 Upon your loins, upon your'breasts;, Mourn ye for the pleasant field, for the fruitful vine. 13 Over the land of my people the thorn and the brier shaU come up; Yea, over all the joyous houses, over the exulting city. 14 For the palace is deserted, the poptilous city is left deso late ; Ophel and the watch-tower shall for a long time be a den, A joy of wUd asses, a pasture for the flocks : 15 Till the spirit from on high be poured out upon us; And the wUderness become a fruitful field ; And the fruitful field be esteemed a forest : 16 And judgment shall dwell in the vrilderness; And in the fruitful field shall reside righteousness. 17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; And the effect of righteousness perpetual quiet and se curity. 18 And my people shall dwell in a peaceful mansion, And in habitations secure, And in resting places undisturbed. 19 But the hail shall fall, and the forest be brought down; And the city shall be laid level with the plain. 20 Blessed are ye, who sow your seed in every well-watered place ; Who send forth the foot of the ox and the ass. CHAP. 1 Wo unto tljpe, thou spoiler, who hast hot been spoiled XXXIII. thyself; And thou plunderer, who hast not been plundered : When thou hast ceased to spoil, thou shalt be spoiled; When thou art weary of plundering, they shall plunder thee. 2 O Jehovah, have mercy on us ; we have trusted in thee; Be thou our strength every morning ; Even our salvation in the time of distress. Chap. XXXIIL ISAIAH. 61 3 From thy terrible voice the peoples fled; When thou didst raise thyself up, the nations were dis persed, 4 But your spoil shall be gathered, as the locust gathereth ; As the caterpillar runneth to and fro, so shall they run, and seize it, 5 Jehovah is exalted ; yea, hd dwelleth on high : He hath filled Sion with judgment and justice. 6 And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, The possession df" continued salvation ; The fear of Jehovah, this shall be thy treasure. 7 Behold the mighty men raise a grievous cry ; The messengers of peace weep bitterly. 8 The highways are desolate ; the traveller ceaseth : He hath broken the covenant; he hath rejected the of fered cities ; Of raen he raaketh no account. 9 The land raourneth, it languisheth ; Libanus is put to sharae, it withereth : Sharon is becorae like a desert ; And Bashan and Carmel are stripped of their beauty. 10 Now will I arise, saith Jehovah; Now will I lift myself up on high ; now will I be exalted. 1 1 Ye shall conceive chaff; ye shaU bring forth stubble ; And my spirit like fire shall consume you. 12 And the peoples shall be burned, as the lime is burned ; As the thorns are cut up, and consumed in the fire. 13 Hear, O ye that are afar off, my doings; And acknowledge, O ye that are near, my power, 14 The sinners in Sion are struck with dread; Terrorjiath seized the hypocrites : Who among us can abide this consuming fire ? Who among us can abide these continued burnings ? 15 He who walketh in perfect righteousness, and speaketh right things ; Who detesteth the lucre of oppression ; Who shaketh his hands fi-om bribery ; Who stoppeth his ears to the proposal of bloodshed ; 62 ISAIAH, Chap, XXXIIL Who shutteth his eyes against the appearance of evil : 16 His dwelling shall be in the high places ; The strongholds of the rocks shall be his lofty fortress : His bread shall be duly furnished ; his waters shall not fail, 17 Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty; They shall see thine own land far extended. 18 Thine heart shall reflect on the past terror : Where is now the _accoraptant ? where the weigher of tribute ? Where is he, that nurabered the towers ? 19 Thou shalt see no more that barbarous people; The people of a deep speech, which thon couldst not hear; And of a stamraering tongue, which thou couldst not understand. 20 Thou shalt see Sion, the city of our solemn feasts ; Thine eyes shaU behold Jeru.salera, The quiet habitation, the tabernacle unshaken : Whose stakes shaU not be plucked up for ever, And of whose cords none shall be broken. 21 But the glorious name of Jehovah shall be unto us, A place of confluent streams, of broad rivers ; Which no oared ship shall pass. Neither sliaU any mighty vessel go through. 22 For Jehovah is our judge ; Jehovah is our lawgiver ; Jehovah is our king : he shall save us. 23 Thy sails are loose; they cannot make them fast: Thy mast is not firm; they cannot spread the ensign. Then shall a copious spoil be divided; Even the lame shall seize the prey. 24 Neither shaU the inhabitant say, I am disabled with sickness : The people, that dwelleth therein, is freed from the punishment of their iniquity. CHAP. 1 Draw near, O ye nations, and hearken ; XXXIV. A.nd attend unto me, O ye peoples ! Let the earth hear, and the fulness thereof; The world, and all that spring frora it. Chap. XXXIV. ISAIAH. 63 2 For the wrath of Jehovah is kindled against all the nations ; And his anger against all the orders thereof: He hath devoted thera ; he hath given thera up to slaughter. 3 And their slain shall be cast out; And frora their carcasses their stink shall ascend ; And the raountains shall melt down -with their blood. 4 And all the host of heaven shall waste away ; And the heavens shall be roUed up like a scroll : And all their host shall wither ; As the withered leaf falleth from the vine, " And as the blighted fruit from the fig-tree. 5 For my sword is made bare in the heavens : Behold, on Edom it shall descend; And on the people jufl;ly by me devoted to destruction. 6 The sword of Jehovah is glutted with blood ; It is pampered vrith fat : ' With the blood of lambs, and of goats; With the fat of the reins of raras : For Jehovah celebrateth a sacrifice in Botsrah, And a great slaughter in the land of Edora. 7 And the wild goats shall fall down with thera ; And the buUocks, together with the bulls : And their own land shall be drunken with their blood, And their dust shaU be enriched with fat. 8 For it is the day of vengeance to Jehovah ; The year of recompense to the defender of the cause of Sion. 9 And her torrents shall be turned into pitch. And her dust into sulphur ; And her whole land shall become burning pitch : 10, By night or by day it shall not be extinguished; For ever shall her sraoke ascend : From generation to generation she shall lie desert; To everlasting ages no one shall pass through her ; 1 1 But the pelican and the porcupine shall inherit her ; And the owl and the raven shaU inhabit there : And he shall stretch over her the line of devastation, And the plumraet of eraptiness over her scorched plains. 12 No raore shall they boast the renown of the kingdom; And all her princes shall utterly fail. 04 iSAIAH. Chap. XXXIV. 13 And in her palaces shall spring up thorns ; The nettle and the bramble, in her fortresses : And she shall become an habitation for dragons, A court for the daughters of the ostrich. 14 And the jackals and the mountain-cats shall meet one another ; And the satyr shall call to his fellow : There also the- screech-owl shaU pitch; And shall find for herself a place of rest, 15 There shall the night-raven make her nest, and lay her eggs; And she shall hatch them, and gather her young under her shadow : There also shall the vultures be gathered together ; Every one of them shaU join her mate. 16 Consult ye the book of JehcJVah, and read : Not one of these shall be missed ; Not a female shall lack her mate : For the mouth of Jehovah hath given the command ; And his spirit itself hath gathered them, 17 And he hath cast the lot for thera ; >. And his hand hath raeted out their portion by the line : They shall possess the land for a perpetual inheritance ; From generation to generation shall they dwell therein. CHAP. 1 The desert, and the waste, shall be glad; XXXV. And the wilderness shall rejoice, and flourish : 2 Like the rose shall it beautifully flourish ; And the well-watered plain of Jordan shall also rejoice : The glory of Lebanon shaU be given unto it. The beauty of Carmel and of Sharon : These shall behold the glory of Jehovah, The majesty of our God. 3 Strengthen ye the feeble hands, And confirm ye the tottering knees. 4 Say ye to the faint-hearted : Be ye strong ; Fear ye not ; behold your God ! Vengeance will come ; the retribution of God : He himself will corae, and wdl deliver you. 3 Then shaU be unclosed the eyes of the blind ; And the ears of the deaf shall be opened : 6 Then shall the lame bound like the hart, And the tongue of the dumb shall sing ; Chap. XXXV, ISAIAH. 65 For in the wilderness shall burst forth waters, And torrents in the desert : 7 And the glowing sand shall become a pool, And the thirsty soil bubbling springs ; And in the haunt of dragons shall spring forth The grass, with the reed, and the bulrush, 8 And a highway shall be there ; And it shaU be caUed the way of holiness : No unclean person shall pass through it : But He himself shall be with them, walking in the way, And the foolish shaU not err therein, 9 No lion shall be there ; Nor shall the tyrant of the beasts come up thither : Neither shall he be found there ; But the redeemed shall walk in it, 10 Yea the ransomed of Jehovah shall return : They shall come to Sion vj^ith triumph ; And perpetual gladness shall crown their heads, Joy and gladness shaU they obtain ; And sorrow and sighing shall flee away. CHAP. 1 In the fourteenth year of king Hezekiah, Senacherib XXXVI. king of Assyria came up against all the fenced cities of 2 Judah, and took them. And the king of Assyria sent ^ Rabshakeh, frora Lachish to Jerusalem, to the king Hezekiah, with a great body of forces : and he presented himself at the conduit of the upper pool, in the highway 3 that leads to the fuller's field. Then came out unto him - Eliakim, the son of Hilkiah, who was over the house hold, and Shebna the scribe, and Joah, the son of Asaph, 4 the recorder. And Rabshakeh said unto them ; Say ye to Hezekiah ; Thus saith the great king, the king of Assyria : What is this ground of confidence, in which 5 thou confidest? Thou hast said, (but they are vain words), I have counsel and strength sufficient for the war. Now in whom dost thou confide, that thou re- 6 bellest against me? Thou certainly confidest in the support of this broken reed, in Egypt; on which if a man lean, it will pierce his hand, and go through it : such is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all that confide in 7 him. But if ye say to me. We confide in Jehovah our God ; is it not He, whose high places and whose altars 66 ISAIAH. Chap. XXXVL Hezekiah hath removed; and hath commanded Judah 8 and Jerusalem to worship only before this altar ? Enter now, I pray thee, into an engagement with my lord the king of Assyria; and I wUl give thee two thousand horses, on condition that thou canst on thy part provide 9 riders for them. How then wUt thou turn back any one commander, among the least of my lord's servants, ad vancing against thee ? And trustest thou, that Egypt 10 will supply thee with chariots and with horsemen? And ara I now come up without Jehovah against this land to destroy it ? Jehovah hath said unto me, Go thou up against this land, and destroy it. 11 Then said Eliakim, and Shebna, and Joah, unto Rabshakeh : Speak, we beseech thee, to thy servants in the Syrian language, for we understand it ; and speak not to us in the Jewish language,, in the hearing of the 12 people, who are upon the wall. And Rabshakeh said. Hath my lord sent me to thy lord and to thee, to speali these words ? and not to the men, that sit on the wall, destined to eat their own dung, and drink their own 13 urine, together with you ? Then Rabshakeh stood, and cried with a loud voice in the Jewish language, and said : Hear ye the words of the great king, the king of 14 Assyria. Thus saith the king : Let not Hezekiah de- 15 ceive you ; for he vrill not be able to deliver you. And let not Hezekiah persuade you to trust in Jehovah ; saying, Jehovah will certainly deliver us; this city shall not be given up into the hand of the king of 16 Assyria. Hearken not unto Hezekiah; for thus saith the king of Assyria : Make peace with me, and come out unto me. And eat ye every one of his own vine, and every one of his own fig-tree ; and drink ye every 17 one the waters of his own cistern: untU I come and take you to a land like your own land ; a land of corn 1 8 and of wine, a land of bread and of vineyards. Nor let . Hezekiah seduce you, saying, Jehovah will deliver us. Have the gods of the nations delivered each his own 1 9 land from the hand of the king of Assyria ? Where are the gods of Hamath, and of Arphad? where are the gods of Sepharvaim ? have they delivered Samaria out 20 of my hand? Who are there among all the, gods of these lands, that have delivered their own lands out of Chap. X28XVL ISAIAH. 67 my hand ; that Jehovah should deliver out of my hand 21 Jerusalem ? But the people bfeld their peace, and an swered him not a word : for the king's command was. Answer him not, 22 Then came Eliakim, the son of Hilkiah, who was over the household, and Shebna the scribe, and Joah, the son of Asaph, the recorder, to Hezekiah, with their clothes rent ; and reported unto him the words of Rab shakeh. CHAP. 1 And when king Hezekiah heard it, he rent his clothes, XXXVII. and covered himself with sackcloth, and went into the 2 house of Jehovah. And he sent Eliakim, who was over the household, and Shebna the scribe, and the elders of the priests, covered with sackcloth, to Isaiah, 3 the son of Amots, the prophet. And they said unto him: Thus saith Hezekiah; This day is a day of dis tress, and of rebuke, and of contumely : for the children are come to the birth, and there is not strength to bring 4 forth. O that Jehovah thy God would hear the words of Rabshakeh, whom his lord the king of Assyria hath sent to reproach the living God ! and that he would refute the words, which Jehovah thy God hath heard ! And do thou offer up thy prayer for the poor remains 5 of the people. And the servants of king Hezekiah came 6 to Isaiah. And Isaiah said unto them ; Thus shall ye say to your lord : Thus saith Jehovah, Be not afraid, because of the words which thou hast heard, with which the servants of the king of Assyria have blasphemed me. 7 Behold, I will infuse a spirit into him ; and he shall hear a rumour, and return to his own land ; and I will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land. B But Rabshakeh returned ; and found the king of Assyria besieging Libnah : for he had heard, that he 9 had decamped from Lachish, And when Senacherib had received advice concerning Tirhakah king of Cush, that he was advancing to give him battle ; he sent mes- 10 sengers again to Hezekiah, saying ; Thus shall ye say to Hezekiah king of Judah : Let not thy God, in whom thou confidest, deceive thee ; by assuring thee, that Je rusalem shall not be given up into the hand of the king 1 1 of Assyria, Thou hast certainly heard, what the kings 68 ISAIAH. CHAP. XXXVIL of Assyria have done to all lands, which they have ut- 12 terly destroyed : and>»shalt thou be delivered ? Have the gods of the nations delivered those, which my fathers have destroyed ? Gozan, and Haran, and Retseph ; and 13 the sons of Eden, which were in Thelassar ? Where is the king of Hamath, and the king of Arphad, and the king of the city of Sepharvaim, of Henah, and of Ivah? 14 And Hezekiah received the letters from the hand of the messengers, and read them ; and he went up to the house of Jehovah : and Hezekiah spread them before 15 the presence of Jehovah, And Hezekiah prayed be- 16 fore Jehovah, saying: O Jehovah, God of Hosts, thou God of Israel, who art seated on the cherubim ! Thou art the God, thou alone, to all the kingdoms of the earth ! Thou hast made the heavens, and the earth ! 17 Incline, O Jehovah, thine ear, and hear ; open, O Je hovah, thine eyes, and see : yea, hear all the words of Senacherib, which he hath sent to reproach the liring 18 God, In truth, O Jehovah, the kings of Assyria have destroyed all the nations, and their lands ; and have 19 cast their gods into the fire : for they were not gods, but the work of the hands of man, wood and stone; 20 therefore they have destroyed them. And now, O Je hovah, our God, save us, we beseech thee, from his hand ; that all the kingdoms of the earth may know, that thou Jehovah art the only God, 21 Then Isaiah the son of Amots sent unto Hezekiah, saying : Thus saith Jehovah the God of Israel : Thy prayer unto me, concerning Senacherib king of Assyria, 22 I have heard. This is the word, which Jehovah hath spoken concerning him : The virgin daughter of Sion hath despised thee, she hath laughed thee to scorn ; The daughter of Jerusalem hath shaken her head be hind thee, 23 Whom hast thou reproached, and reviled ; and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice ? And hast lifted up thine eyes on high? Even against the Holy One of Israel, Chap. XXXVII. ISAIAH. 69 24 By thy messengers hast thou reproached Jehovah, and said : By the multitude of my chariots haye I ascended The highth of the mountains, the sides of Lebanon ; And I will cut down his tallest cedars, his choicest fir- trees ; And I will penetrate into his extreme retreats, his richest forests, 25 I have digged, and I have drunk strange waters; And I have dried up with the sole of my feet all the canals of fenced places, 26 - Hast thou not heard, of old, that I have disposed it ? And, of ancient times, that I have formed it ? Now have I brought it to pass, that thou shouldst be to lay waste Warlike nations, strong-fenced cities. 27 Therefore were their inhabitants of smaU strength; they were dismayed and confounded : They were as the grass of the field, and as the green herb; The grass of the house-top ; and as the corn blasted before it groweth up, 28 But thy sitting down, and thy going out, and thy coming in, And thy rage against me, I have known, 29 Because thy rage against me, and thy insolence, is come up into mine ears; Therefore wUl I put my hook in thy nose, and my bridle in thy jaws ; And I will turn thee back by the way in which thou caraest, 30 And this shall be a sign unto thee : Eat this year that which groweth of itself; And the second year, that which springeth up of the same; , And in the third year sow ye, and reap ; v-^ And plant vineyards, and eat the fruit thereof, 31 And again shall the escaped, the remnant of the house of Judah, Strike root downward, and bear fruit upward. For from Jerusalem shaU go forth the remnant ; And the part escaped from Mount Sion : The zeal of Jehovah God of Hosts shall effect this. 70 ISAIAH. Chap. XXXVII. 32 Therefore thus saith Jehovah concerning die kipg of Assyria : He shall not enter into this city ; Nor shall he shoot an arrow there ; Nor shall he present a shield before it ; Nor shall he cast up a mound against it. 33 By the way, in which he came, by the same shall he return ; And into this city shaU he not come ; saith Jehovah. 34 And I will protect this city to deUver it ; For mine own sake, and for the sake of David my servant, 35 And the angel of Jehovah went forth, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians an hundred and fourscore and five thousand men : and when the people arose early in 36 the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses. Then Senacherib king of Assyria decamped, and departed, and 37 returned ; and dwelt at Nineveh. . And as he was wor shipping in the temple of Nisroc his god, Adramelec and Sharetser, his sons, smote him with the sword : and they escaped into the land of Armenia ; and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead. CHAP. 1 At that time Hezekiah was seized with a mortal sick- XXXVIII. ness : and Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amots, came unto him; and said unto him: Thus saith Jehovah: Give orders concerning the affairs of thy faraUy; for 2 thou must die ; thou shalt no longer live. Then Heze kiah turned his face to the wall ; and made his suppli- 3 cation to Jehovah. And he said : I beseech thee, 0 Jehovah, remember now, how I have endeavoured to walk before thee in truth, and with a perfect heart; and have done that which is good in thine eyes. And He- 4 zekiah wept, and lamented grievously. Now [before Isaiah was gone out into the middle court], the word of Jehovah came unto him, saying : Go [back], and say 5 unto Hezekiah : Thus saith Jehovah, the God of David thy father : I have heard thy supplication ; I have seen thy tears. Behold [I wiU heal thee; and on the third day thou shalt go up into the house of Jehovah. And] 6 I will add unto thy days fifteen years. And I will de- Chap. XXXVIll. ISAIAH. 71 liver thee, and this city, from the hand of the king of 22 Assyria; and I wUl protect this city. And [Hezekiah said : By what sign shall I know, that I shall go up into 7 the house of Jehovah ? And Isaiah said :] This shall be the sign* unto thee- from Jehovah, that Jehovah will 8 bring to effect this word which he hath spoken. Behold, I will bring back the shadow of the degrees, by which the sun is gone down on the degrees of Ahaz, ten de grees backward. And the sun returned backward ten degrees, on the degrees by which it had gone down, 21 And Isaiah said : Let thera take a lump of figs : and they bruised them, and applied them to the boil ; and he re covered, 9 The writing of hezekiah king of judah, when he had been sick, and was recovered from his sickness, 10 I said, when my days were just going to be cut off, I shall pass through the gates of the grave ; I am deprived of the residue of my years ! 11 I said, I shall no more see Jehovah in the land of the hving ! I shaU no longer behold man, with the inhabitants of the world ! 12 My habitation is taken away, and is removed from me, like a shepherd's tent : My life is cut off, as by the weaver ; he will sever me from the loom ; In the course of the day thou wUt finish my web, 13 I roared until the morning, like the lion ; So did he break to pieces all my bones, 14 Like the Swallow, like the crane, did I twitter ; I made a raoaning like the dove. Mine eyes fail with looking upward : O Lord, contend thou for me ; be thou my surety, 15 What shall I say? he hath given rae a promise, and he hath performed it. Through the rest of my years will I reflect on this bitterness of my soul, 16 For this cause shall it be declared, O Jehovah, con cerning thee, That thou hast revived my spirit ; 72 ISAIAH. CHAP. XXXVIIL That thou hast restored my healtli, and prolonged my life, 17 Behold, my anguish is changed into ease ! Thou hast rescued my soul from perdition ; Yea thou hast cast behind thy back aU my sins, 18 Verily the grave shaU not give thanks unto thee; death shaU not praise thee ; They that go down into the pit shaU not await thy truth : 19 The hving, , the living, he shall praise thee, as I do this day ; The father to the children shaU make known thy faith fulness. 20 Jehovah was present to save me : therefore wiU we sing our songs to the harp, All the days of our life, in the house of Jehovah. CHAP. 1 At that time Merodach Baladan, the son of Baladan XXXIX. ]^jjjg (jf Babylon, sent letters, and ambassadors, and a present to Hezekiah ; for he had heard that he had been 2 sick, and was recovered. And Hezekiah was rejoiced at their arrival: and he shewed them his magazines, the silver, and the gold, and the spices, and the precious ointment, and his whole arsenal, and all that was con tained in his treasures : there was not. any thing in his house, and in all his dominion, that Hezekiah did not shew them. 3 And Isaiah the prophet came unto king Hezekiah, and said unto him : What say these men ? and from whence came they unto thee ? And Hezekiah said : They are come to me from a distant country ; from Babylon. 4 And he said : What have they seen in thy house ? And Hezekiah said: They have seen every thing in my house : there is nothing in my treasures, which I have 5 not shewn them. And Isaiah .said unto Hezekiah: Heai- thou the word of Jehovah God of Hosts. 6 Behold, the day shall come, when all that is in thy house, and that thy fatliers have treasured up unto this day, shall be carried away to Babylon : there shall not 7 any thing be left, saith Jehovah. And of thy sons, which shall issue from thee, which thou shalt beget, shall they take : and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of CHAP. XXXIX. ISAIAH. 73 3 the king of Babylon. And Hezekiah said unto Isaiah : Gracious is the word of Jehovah, which thou hast de livered ! For, added he, there shall be peace, according to his faithful proraise, in my days. CHAP. 1 Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God : ^I'- 2 Speak ye animating words to Jerusalem, and declare unto her. That her warfare is fulfilled ; that the expiation of her iniquity is accepted; That she shall receive at the liand of Jehovah [Blessings] double to the punishment of aU her sins. 3 A voice crieth : In the wilderness prepare ye the way of Jehovah ! Make straight in the desert a highway for our God ! 4 Every vaUey shaU be exalted, and every mountain and hill be brought low ; And the crooked shall become straight, and the rough places a smooth plain : 3 And the glory of Jehovah shall be revealed ; And all fljesh shall see together the salvation of our God : For the mouth of Jehovah hath spoken it. 6 A voice sayeth : Proclaim ! And I said. What shall I proclaim ? All flesh is grass, and all its glory like the flower of the field: 7 The grass withereth, the flower fadeth ; When the wind of Je^hovah bloweth upon it. VerUy this people is 'grass. 8 The grass withereth, the flower fadeth ; But uie word of our God shall stand for ever.' 9 Get thee up upon a high raountain, O daughter that bringest glad tidings to Sion : Exalt thy voice with strength, O daughter that bringest glad tidings to Jerusalem. Exalt it ; be not afraid : Say to the cities of Judah, Behold your God ! 10 Behold, the Lord Jehovah shall corae against the strong one, And his arm shall prevail over him. 74 ISAIAH. Chap. XL. Behold, his reward is with him, and the recompeisse of his work before him. 1 1 Like a shepherd shall he feed his flock ; In his arm shaU he gather wp the lambs. And shall bear them in his bosom ; the nursing ewes shall he gently lead. 12 Who hath measured the waters in the holksw of his hand; And hath meted out the heavens by his span ; And hath comprehended the dust ©Ithe earth in a tierce; And hath vreighed in scales the monntaiios, and the hiUs in a baliance ? 13 Who hath directed the spirit of Jehovah ; And, as one of his couneU, hath informed him ? 14 Whom hath he consulted, that he should instruct him, And teach him the path of judgmeiat ; That he should impart to him science. And inform him in the way of understanding ? 15 Behold, the nations are as a drop from the bucket; As the smaU dust of the balance shall they be accounted : Behold^ the idands he taketh up as an atom. 16 And Lebanon is not sufficient for the fiire; Nor his beasts sufficient for the burnt-offering; 17 All the nations are as nothing before him ; They are esteemed by him as less than nought, and vanity, 18 To whom therefore wUl ye liken God? And what is the model of resemblance, that ye will pre pare for him ? 19 The workman casteth an image ; And the smith overlayeth it with plates of gold); And forgeth for it chains of silver, 20 He that cannot afford a costly oblation, ehiSMiiseth a piece of wood that will not rot; He procureth a skilful artist. To erect an iraage, which shall not be movedL 21 Will ye not know ? will ye not hear ? Haith i(t not been declared to you from the beginning ? Have ye not understood it from the foundations of the earth ? 22 It is He, that sitteth on the circle of the earth ; CHAf. XL. ISAIAH. 75 And the inhabitants are to him as grasshoppers : That extendeth the heavens, as a thin veil ; And spreadeth them out, as a tent to dwell in : 23 That redneeth princes to nothing ; That maketh the judges of the earth a mere inanity, 24 Yea they shall not leave a plant behind them, they shall not be sown, Their trunk shaU not spread its root in the grotind : If he but blow upon them, they instantly wither ; And the whirlwind shall bear them aWay Uke the stubble, 25 To whom then wUl ye liken me ? And to whom shall I be equaUed ? saith the Holy One, 26 Lift up yotflr eyes on high ; And see,- who hath created these. He draweth forth their armies by number ; He caUeth them aU by name : Through the greatness of his strength, and the mighti ness of his power, Not one of them faileth to appear. 27 Wherefore sayest thou then, O Jacob, And why speakest thou thus, O Israel, My way is hidden- from Jehovah, And my cause passeth unregarded by my God. 28 Hast thou not known, hast thou not heard. That Jehovah is the everlasting God, The Creator of the bounds of the eairth ? That he neither fainteth, nor is wearied ; And that his understanding is unsearchable ! 29 He giveth strength to' the faint, And to the infirm he multiplieth force. 30 The young men shall faint and be wearied ; And the chosen youths shall stumble and fall : 31 But they that trust in Jehovah shall gather new strength ; They shall put forth fresh feathers like the moulting eagle : They shall run, and not be wearied ; They shall march onward, and shall not faint, CHAP, 1 Let the distant nations repair to me with new force XLL of mind ; And let the peoples recover their strength. 76 ISAIAH, Chap. XLI. Let them draw near ; then let them speak ; Let us enter into solemn debate together, 2 Who hath raised up the righteous man from the east; Hath called him to attend his steps ? Hath subdued nations at his presence ; And given him dominion over kings ? Hath made them like the dust before his sword ; And like the driven stubble before his bow ? 3 He pursueth them; he passeth in safety; By a way never trodden before vrith his feet. 4 Who hath performed, and made these things, Calling' the several generations from the begiiming? I Jehovah, the first ; And with the last, I am the same. 5 The distant nations saw, and they were afraid ; The remotest parts of the earth, and they were terrified. They drew near, they came together ; 6 Every one assisted his neighbour, And said to his brother, Be of good courage. 7 The carver encourageth the smith ; He that smootheth vrith the hammer, him that smiteth on the anvil; Saying of the solder, It is good ; And he fixeth the idol with nails, that it shall not move. 8 But thou, Israel, my servant; Thou, Jacob, whom I have chosen ; The seed of Abraham my friend : 9 Thou, whom I have led by the hand from the ends iii the earth; And called from the extremities thereof; And I said unto thee. Thou art my servant; I have chosen thee, and will not reject thee ; 10 Fear not, for I am with thee; Be not dismayed, for I am thy God. I have strengthened thee, I have assisted thee ; I have even supported thee with my faithful right hand, 1 1 Behold, they, that were enraged against thee, shall be . ashamed and confounded ; Chap. XLI. ISAIAH. 77 They, that contended with thee, shall become as nothing, and shall utterly perish, 12 Thou shalt seek them, and shalt not find them, even the men that strove with thee : They shall become as nothing, and as mere nought, even the men that opposed thee in battle, 13 For I am Jehovah thy God, that hold thee fast by thy right hand ; That say unto thee. Fear not ; I am thy helper, 14 Fear not, thou worm Jacob ; ye mortals of Israel : I am thy helper, saith Jehovah ; And thine avenger is the Holy One of Israel, 15 Behold, I have made thee a thrashing wain; A new corn-drag armed with pointed teeth : Thou shalt thrash the mountains, and beat them small ; And reduce the hUls to chaff: 16 Thou shalt winnow them, and the wind shall bear thera away ; And the tempest shall scatter them abroad : But thou shalt rejoice in Jehovah ; In the Holy One of Israel shalt thou triumph, 17 The poor and the needy seek for water, and there is 'none ; Their tongue is parched with thirst: I Jehovah wiU answer them ; The God of Israel, I will not forsake thera, 18 I will open in the high places rivers; And in the midst of the vallies, fountains : I will make the desert a standing pool ; And the dry ground streams of waters, 19 In the wilderness I will give the cedar; The acacia, the myrtle, and the tree producing oil : I will plant the fir-tree in the desert ; The pine, and the box together : 20 That they may see, and that they may know ; And may consider, and understand at once, That the hand of Jehovah hath done this, And that the Holy One of Israel hath created it, « 21 Draw near, produce your cause, saith Jehovah : Produce these your mighty powers, saith the king of Jacob. 78 ISAIAH. Chap. XLL 22 Let them approach, and teU us the things that shall happen : The things that shall first happen, what they are, let thera tell us ; And we will consider them ; and we shaU know the event. Or declare to us things to come hereafter : 23 Tell us the things, that will come to pass in later times; Then shall we know that ye are Gods, Yea, do good, or do evil ; Then shall we be struck at once with admiration and terror, 24 But, behold, ye are less than nothing; And your operation is less than nought : Abhorred be the man that chooseth you ! 25 I have raised up one from the north, and he shaU come ; From the rising of the sun he shall invoke my name : And he shall trample on princes, like the mortar ; Even as the potter treadeth down the clay. 26 Who hath declared this from the beginning, that we should know it ? And beforehand, that we might say. The prediction is true? There was not one, that foretold it; not one, that de clared it ; There was not one, that heard your words : 27 I first to Sion [give the word]. Behold they are here ; And. to Jerusalem I give the messenger of glad tidings. 28 But I looked, and there was no man ; And among the idols, and there was no one that gave warning ; 29 And, I inquired of thera, and [there was no om] that could return an answer. Behold, they are all of them vanity^; their vrorks are nought : Mere wind and emptiness are their molten images>. CHAP, 1 Behold my servant, whom I will uphold ; XLII. My chosen, in whom my soul deUghteth : I will make my spirit rest upon him ; And he shall publish judgment to the nations. Chap, XLIL ISAIAH. 79 2 He shaU not cry aloud, nor raise a clamour. Nor cause bis voice to be heard in the public places : 3 The bruised reed he shall not break ; And the dimly burning flax he shall not quench : He shall pubUsh judgment, so as to establish it per fectly. 4 His force shaU not be abated,, nor broken ; Until he hath firmly seated judgraent in the earth : And the distant natjons shall earnestly wait for his law, 5 Thus saith the God, even Jehovah, Who created the heavens, and stretched them out ; Who ^read abroad the earth, and the produce thereof; Who giveth breath to the people upon it. And spirit to them that treaid thereon : 6 I Jehovah have caUed thee for a righteous purpose ; And I wdl take hold of thy hand, and wUl preserve thee; And I wiU give thee for a covenant to the people, for a light to the nations : 7 To open the eyes of the blind ; To bring the captive out of confinement ; And from the dungeon, those that dweU in darkness, 8 I am Jehovah, that is my name ; And my glory will I not give to another, Nor my praise to the graven iraages. 9 The former predictions, lo ! they are come to pass; And new events I now declare r Before they spring forth, I make them known unto you, 10 Sing unto Jehovah a new song; His praise, from the eads of the earth: Ye that go down upon the sea, and aU that. fiU it ; Ye distant seat-coasts, and: ye that dwell therein : 11 Let the desert cry aloud, and the cities thereof; The vUlages, and they that dwell in Kedar :; Let the inhabitants of the rocky country utter a joyfiil sound.; Let them shouib aloud from the top of the mountains : 12 Let them ascribe glory to Jehovah ; And araong the distant nations raake known his praise, 13 Jehovah shall march forth like a hero; Like a mighty warrior shall he rouse his vengeance : 80 ISAIAH, Chap. XLIL He shaU cry aloud ; he shaU shout amain ; He shaU exert his strength against his enemies. 14 I have long holden my peace; shaU I keep silence for ever? Shall I StUl contain myself? I wiU cry out like a woman in travail; Breathing short, and drawing in my breath with vio lence, 15 I wiU make barren the mountains and hiUs; And burn up aU the grass, that is upon them : I will mdke the rivers dry deserts ; And scorch up the pools of water, 16 I wiU lead the blind in a way, which they have not known ; And through paths, which they have not known, wUl I make them go : I will turn darkness into light before them ; And the rugged ways into a smooth plain. These things wUl I do for them, and wUl not forsake thera, 17 They are turned backward, they are utterly confound ed, who trust in the graven image ; Who say unto the molten image. Ye are our gods ! 18 Hear, O ye deaf; And, ye blind, look attentively, that ye may see ! 19 Who is blind, but my servant ; And deaf, as he to whom I have sent my messengers ? Who is blind, as he who is perfectly instructed ; And deaf, as the servant of Jehovah ? 20 Thou hast seen indeed, yet thou dost not regard j Thine ears are open, yet thou wUt not hear, 21 Yet Jehovah was gracious unto him, for his truth's sake: He hath exalted his own praise, and made it glorious, 22 But this is a people spoUed and plundered : All their chosen youths are taken in the toils, And are plunged in the dark dungeons : They are become a spoU, and there was none to rescue thera; A plunder, and no one said. Restore, Chap. XLIL ISAIAH. 81 23 Who is there among you, that will listen to this ; That will hearken, and attend to it, for the future ? 24 Who hath given Jacob for a spoil ; And Israel to the plunderers ? Was it not Jehovah; He, against whom they have sinned ; In whose ways they would not walk ; And whose law they would not obey ? 25 Therefore poured he out upon them the heat of his wrath, and the violence of war : And it kindled a flame round about him, yet he did not regard it ; And it .set him on fire, yet he did not consider it. CHAP. 1 Yet now, thus saith Jehovah ; XLIII. Who created thee, O Jacob ; and who formed thee, O Israel : Fear thou not, for I have redeemed thee ; • I have called thee by thy name ; thou art mine. 2 When thou passest through waters, I ara with thee ; And through rivers, they shall not overwhelm thee : When thou walkest in the fire, thou shalt not be scorched ; And the flame shall not take hold of thee. 3 For I am Jehovah, thy God ; The Holy One of Israel, thy redeemer : 1 have given Egypt for thy ransom ; Cush, and Saba, in thy stead. 4 Because thou hast been precious in my sight, Thou hast been honoured, and I have loved thee : Therefore will I give men instead of thee ; And peoples instead of thy soul. 5 Fear thou not, for I am with thee : From the east I will bring thy children. And from the west I will gather thee together : 6 I will say to the north. Give up ; And to the south. Withhold not ; Bring my sons frora afar ; And my daughters from the ends of the earth ; 7 Every one that is called by my name. Whom for my glory I have created ; Whom I have formed, yea whom I have made. 82 ISAIAH. Chap. XLIIL 8 Bring forth the people, blind, although they have eyes; And deaf, although they have ears. 9 Let all the nations be gathiered together, And let the peoples be coUected. Who among them will declare this; And wdl tell us, what first shall come to pass ? Let them produce their witnesses, that they may be jus tified : Or let them hear in their turn, and say, This is true. 10 Ye are my witnesses, saith Jehovah; Even my servant, whom I have chosen : That ye may know, and believe me ; And understand, that I am He. Before me no god was formed ; And after me none shall exist. Ill, even I, am Jehovah ; And beside me there is no saviour. 12 I declared my purpose, and I have saved : I made it known ; nor was it any strange god among you: And ye are my witnesses, saith Jehovah, that I am God. 13 Even before time was, -I am He; And there is none that can rescue out of my hand : I work ; and who shall undo what I have done ? 1 4 Thus saith Jehovah, Your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: For your sake have I sent unto Babylon ; And I wUl bring down aU her strong bars ; And the Chaldeans, exulting in their ships : 15 I am Jehovah, your Holy One ; The creator of Israel, your king. 16 Thus saith Jehovah ; Who made a way in the sea. And a path in the mighty waters ; 17 Who brought forth the rider and the horse, the army and the warrior; Together they lay down, they rose no mpre ; They were extinguished, they were quenched like tow : Chap. XLIII. ISAIAH. 83 18 Remember not the former things; And the things of ancient times regard not ; 19 Behold, I make a new thing; Even now shaU it spring forth : wiU ye not regard it ? Yea I will make in the wUderness a way ; In the desert, streams of water. ' 20 The vrild beast of the field shall glorify me ; The dragons, and the daughters of the ostrich : Because I have given waters in the wilderness; And fiowing streams in the desert ; To give drink to my people, my chosen : 21 This people, whom I have formed for myself; Who shall recount my praise. 22 But thou hast not invoked me, O Jacob; Neither on my account hast thou laboured, O Israel. 23 Thou hast not brought to me the lamb of thy burnt- offering ; Neither hast thou honoured me with thy sacrifices : I have not burthened thee with exacting oblations ; Nor wearied thee with demands of frankincense : 24 Thou hast not purchased for me with sUver the aroma tic reed ; Neither hast thou satiated rae with the fat of thy sacri fices. On the contrary, thou hast burthened rae with thy sins ; Thou hast wearied me with thine iniquities, 25 I, even I, am He; I blot out thy transgressions for mine own sake ; And thy sins I will not remember, 26 Remind nie of thy»=plea: let us be judged on equal terins: Set forth thine own cause, that thou mayest clear thy self, 27 Thy chief leader hath sinned ; And thy public teachers have revolted from me ; 28 And thy princes have profaned my sanctuary: Therefore wUl T give up Jacob for a devoted thing. And Israel to reproach, CHAP. 1 But hear now, O Jacob, my servant ; XLIV. And Israel, whom I have chosen : 2 Thus saith Jehovah, thy maker ; 84 ISAIAH. Chap. XLIV. And he that formed thee from the womb, and wdl help thee: Fear thou not, O my servant Jacob ; And, O Jeshurun, whom I have chosen : 3 For I will pour out waters on the thirsty ; And flowing streams on the dry ground : I wUl pour out my spirit on thy seed ; And my blessing on thine offspring, 4 And they shaU spring up as the grass among the waters ; As the willows beside the aqueducts. 5 One shaU say; I belong to Jehovah; And another shall be called by the name of Jacob : And this shall inscribe his hand to Jehovah ; And shall be surnamed by the name of Israel. 6 Thus saith Jehovah, the king of Israel ; And his redeemer, Jehovah God of Hosts : I am the first, and, I am the last ; And beside me there is no God. 7 And who is like me, that he shoidd call forth this eveilt, And make it known beforehand, and dispose it for me, From the time that I appointed the people of the des tined age ? The things that are now coraing, and are to come here after, let them declare unto us. 8 Fear ye not, neither be ye afraid : Have I not declared it unto you from the first ? Yea, I have foreshewn it ; and ye are my witnesses. Is there a God beside me ? Yea, there is no other sure protector ; I know not any, 9 They that form the graven iraage are all of them vanity; And their most curious works shall not profit. Yea, their works themselves bear witness to them, That they see not, and that they understand not : 10 That every one may be ashamed, that he hath formed a god, And cast a graven image, that profiteth not, 1 1 Behold, all his associates shall be ashamed ; Even the workmen theraselves shall blush : They shall asserable all of thera; they shall present themselves ; ' They shaU fear, and be ashamed together. Chap. XLIV. ISAIAH. 85 12 The smith cutteth off a portion of iron : He worketh it in the coals, and with haramers he form- eth it ; And he exerteth upon it the force of his arm. Yea, he is hungry, and his strength faileth him ; He drinketh no water, and he is faint, 13 The carpenter stretcheth his line; He raarketh out the form of it vrith red ochre : He worketh it with the sharp tool ; He figureth it with the compass : He maketh it according to the fashion of a man ; According to the beauty of the human form, that it may abide in the house, 14 He heweth down cedars for his use : And he taketh the pine, and the oak ; , And layeth in good store of the trees of the forest. He planteth the ash, and the rain nourisheth it ; 15 That it may be for the use of man, for fuel : And he taketh thereof, and warmeth hiraself; Yea he heateth the oven with it, and baketh bread : He also forraeth a god, and worshippeth it : He maketh of it a graven image, and boweth down unto it, 16 Part of it he burneth in the fire; And with part of it he dresseth flesh, and eatetli : He roasteth meat, and his hunger is satisfied ; He also warmeth himself, and sayeth. Aha ! I am warmed, I have enjoyed the fire : 17 And the remamder thereof he maketh a god, even his graven image ; He boweth down to it, and worshippeth it : And he prayeth unto it, and sayeth ; Deliver me, for thou art my God ! 18 They know not, neither do they understand: Verily their eyes are closed up, that they cannot see ; And their heart, that they cannot rightly discern : 19 Neither doth he consider in his heart; Neither hath he knowledge, nor understanding, to say : Part of it I have burned in the fire ; I have also baked bread on the coals thereof; I have roasted flesh, and I have eaten : And .shall I raake the reranant an abomination ? K gg ISAIAH. Chap. XLIV. ShaU I bow myself down to the stock of a tree ? 20 He feedeth on ashes ; a deluded heart leadeth him aside ; So that he cannot deliver his own soul, nor say, Is there not a lie in my right hand ? 21 Remember these things, O Jacob ; And, Israel ; for thou aft ray servant : I have forraed thee ; thou art a servant unto me ; O Israel, by me thou shalt not be forgotten, 22 I have raade thy transgressions vanish away like a cloud; And thy sins like a vapour : Return unto me ; for I have redeemed thee, 23 Sing, O ye heavens, for Jehovah hath effected it; Utter a joyful sound, O ye depths of the earth : Burst forth into song, O ye mountains ; Thou, forest, and every tree therein ! For Jehovah hath redeemed Jacob ; And will be glorified in Israel, 24 Thus saith Jehovah, thy redeemer ; Even he, that formed thee from the womb : I am Jehovah, who make all things ; Who stretch out the heavens alone ; Who spread the firm earth by myself: 25 I am he, who frustrateth the prognostics of the impos tors; And maketh the diviners mad : Who reverseth the devices of the sages. And infatuateth their knowledge : 26 Who establisheth the word of his servant; And accomplisheth the counsel of his messengers : Wlio sayeth to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be inhabited ; And to the cities of Judah, Ye shalt be built ; And her desolated places I vrill restore : 27 Who sayeth to the deep, Be thou wasted ; And I will make dry thy rivers : 28 Who sayeth to Cyrus, Thou art my shepherd ! And he shall fulfil all my pleasure : Who sayeth to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be built ; And to the temple, Thy foundations shall be laid ; Chap. XLV. ISAIAH. 87 CHAP. 1 Thus saith Jehovah to his anointed ; XLV. ijiq Cyrus, whom I hold fast by the right hand : That I may subdue nations before him ; And ungird the loins of kings : That I may open before him the valves ; And the gates shall not be shut, 2 I wUl go before thee ; And make the raountains level : The valves of brass vrill I break in sunder ; And the bars of iron wUl I hew down, 3 And I will give unto thee the treasures of darkness. And the stores deep hidden in secret places : That thou mayest know, that I ara Jehovah ; He that calleth thee by thy name, the God of Israel, 4 For the sake of my servant Jacob ; And of Israel, my chosen ; I have even called thee by thy name ; I have surnaraed thee, though thou knowest me not, 5 I am Jehovah, and none else ; Beside me there is no God : I vrill gird thee, though thou hast not known me, 6 That they may know, from the rising of the sun, And from the west, that there is none beside me : I ara Jehovah, and none else ; 7 Forming light, and creating darkness ; Making peace, and creating evil : I Jehovah am the author of all these things, 8 Drop down, O ye heavens, the dew from above ; And let the clouds shower down righteousness : Let the earth open her bosom, and let salvation pro duce her fruit ; And let justice push forth her bud together : I Jehovah have created it, 9 Wo unto him, that contendeth with the power that formed hira ; The potsherd with the raoulder of the clay ! Shall the clay say to the potter. What makest thou ? And to the workman. Thou hast no hands ? 10 Wo unto him that sayeth to his father, What begettest thou? And to his mother. What dost thou bring forth ? 88 ISAIAH. Chap. XLV. 11 Thus saith Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel; And he that formeth the things, which are to come : Do ye question me concerning my children ? And do ye give me directions concerning the works of my hands ? 12 I have made the earth; And man upon it I have created : My hands have stretched out the heavens ; And to aU the host of them I have given command r l3 I have raised him up in righteousness ; And I wUl make level all his ways. He shall buUd my city, and release my captives; Not for price, nor for reward : Saith Jehovah God of Hosts, 14 Thus saith Jehovah : The wealth of Egypt, and the merchandise of Cush, And the Sabeans tall of stature. Shall come over to thee, and shaU be thine : They shall follow thee ; in chains shall they pass along ; They shall bow down to thee, and in suppliant guise address thee : In thee alone is God ; And there is no God besides whatever, 15 VerUy, thou art a God that hidest thy counsels, O God of Israel, the saviour ! 16 They are ashamed, they are even confounded, his adversaries, all of thera ; Together they retire in confusion, the fabricators of iraages, 17 But Israel shall be saved -in Jehovah with eternal sal vation : Ye shaU not be asharaed, neither shaU ye be confounded, to the ages of eternity. 18 For thus saith Jehovah, Who created the heavens ; he is God : Wlio formed the earth and made it; he hath established it: He created it not in vain ; for he formed it to be inha bited : Chap. XLV. ISAIAH. 89 I am Jehovah, and none besides : 19 1 have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth ; I have not said to the seed of Jacob, Seek ye me in vain : I am Jehovah, who speak truth; who give direct answers. 20 Assemble yourselves together, and come ; Gather yourselves together, ye that are escaped from among the nations. They know nothing, that carry about the wood, which they have carved; . That address themselves in prayer to a god, which can not save. 21 Publish it abroad, and bring them near; and let them consult together : Wlio hath made this known long before, hath declared it frora the first ? Is it not I Jehovah, than whom there is no other God ? A God, that uttereth truth, and granteth salvation ; there is none beside me ? 22 Look unto me, and be saved, O aU ye remote people of the earth; For I am God, and there is none else. 23 By myself have I sworn ; truth is gone forth frora my mouth ; The word, and it shall not be revoked : Surely to me shall every knee bow, shall every tongue swear : 24 Saying, Only to Jehovah belongeth salvation and power : To hira they shall come ; they shall be ashamed, all that are incensed against hira : 25 In Jehovah shall be justified, and make their boast, all the seed of Israel. CHAP. 1 Bel boweth down, Nebo croucheth ; XLVI. Their idols are laid on the beasts and the cattle; Their burthens are heavy, a grievous weight to the weary beast, 2 They crouched, they bowed down together : They could not deliver their own charge ; Even they themselves are gone into captivity, 3 Hearken unto me, O house of Jacob ; And all ye the remnant of the house of Israel ; 90 ISAIAH, Chap. XLVI. Ye that have been borne by me from the birth ; That have been carried from the womb. 4 And even to your old age, I am the same ; And even to your grey hairs, I wUl carry you, I have made, and I wUl bear; I wiU carry, and will deliver you, 5 To whom wiU ye liken me, and equal me ? And to whom wiU ye compare me, that we may be like ? 6 Ye that lavish gold out of the bag; And that -weigh silver in the balance ? They hire a goldsmith, and he maketh it a god : They worship him ; yea they prostrate themselves before him, 7 They bear him on the shoulder; they carry him about; They set him down in his place, and he standeth : From his place he shaU not remove ; To him that crieth unto him, he vrill not answer; Neither will he deliver him from his distress, 8 Remember this, and shew yourselves men : Reflect on it deeply, O ye apostates, 9 Remember the former things, of old time : Verily I am God, and none else ; I am God, nor is there any thing like me. 10 From the beginning making known the end; And from early times, the things that are not yet done : Saying, My counsel shall stand ; And whatever I have wiUed, I wUl effect. 1 1 Calling from the east the eagle ; And from a land far distant, the man of my counsel : As I have spoken, so will I bring it to pass ; I have formed the design, and I wUl execute it. 12 Hearken unto me, O ye stubborn of heart; Ye that are far distant from deliverance : 13 1 bring my promised deliverance near, it shaU not be far distant ; And my salvation shall not be delayed. And I vrill give in Sion salvation ; To Israel I will give my glory. Chap. XLVII. ISAIAH, 91 CHAP. 1 Descend, and sit on the dust, O virgin daughter of XLVIL Babylon; Sit on the bare ground without a throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans: For thou shalt no longer be, caUed the tender, and the delicate. 2 Take the mill, and grind the corn : Uncover thy locks, disclose thy flowing hair ; Make bare thy leg ; wade through the rivers. 3 Thy nakedness shall be uncovered ; even thy shame shall be seen : I wiU take full vengeance ; neither wdl I suffer man to intercede with me. 4 Our avenger, Jehovah God of Hosts, The Holy One of Israel, is his narae ! 5 Sit thou in silence, go into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans ; For thou shalt no longer be caUed the lady of the king doms. 6 I was angry with my people ; I profaned my heritage ; And I gave thera up into thy hand : Thou didst not shew mercy unto them ; Even upon the aged didst thou greatly aggravate the weight of thy yoke. 7 And thou saidst, I shall be a lady for ever : Because thou didst not attentively consider these things ; Thou didst not think on what was in the end to befall thee. 6 But hear' now this, O thou voluptuous, that sittest in security ; Thou that sayest in thy heart, I am, and there is none else; I shall not sit a widow ; I shall not know the loss of children. 9 Yet shall these two things corae upon thee in a raoment; In one day, loss of children and vridowhood : On a sudden shall they come upon thee ; Notwithstanding the multitude of thy sorceries, and the great strength of thine enchantments. 92 ISAIAH. Chap. XLVII. 10 But thou didst trust in thy wickedness, and saidst, None seeth me ; Thy wisdom and thy knowledge have perverted thy mind; So that thou hast said in thy heart, I am, and there is none besides. 1 1 Therefore evil shall come upon thee, which thou shalt not know how to deprecate ; And mischief shaU fall upon fhee, wliich thou shalt not be able to expiate ; And destruction shaU come upon thee suddenly, of which ¦ thou shalt have no apprehension. 12 Persist now in thine enchantments ; And in the multitude of thy sorceries, in which thou hast laboured from thy youth : If peradventure thou mayest be profited, if thou mayest be strengthened by them. 1 3 Thou art wearied in the multiplicity of thy counsels : Let them stand up now, and save thee ; The observers of the heavens, the gazers on the stars ; They that prognosticate at every new moon. What are the events, that shall happen unto thee. 14 Behold they shall be Uke stubble; the fire shall burn them up : They shall not deliver their own souls from the power of the flame ; Not a coal to warm one, not a fire to sit by, shall be left of them, 15 Such shall these be unto thee, with whom thou hast laboured ; Thy negociators, with whom thou hast dealt from thy youth : Every one shall turn aside to his own business ; none shall deliver thee, CliAP. 1 Hear this, O house of Jacob ; XLVIII. Ye that are caUed by the name of Israel : Ye that flow from the fountain of Judah ; Ye that swear by the name of Jehovah, And pubUcly acknowledge the God of Israel : But not in sincerity, nor in truth : 2 Who take their name from the Holy City, Chap. XLVIIL ISAIAH. 93 And raake the God of Israel their support ; Jehovah God of Hosts is his narae : 3 The forraer things I shewed unto you frora the first ; And from my mouth they proceeded, and I declared them : On a sudden I effected them, and they came to pass, 4 Because I knew, that thou wast obstinate. And that thy neck was a sinew of iron. And that thy front was brass : 5 Therefore I shewed them unto thee from the first ; Before they should corae to pass, I made thee hear them : Lest thou shouldst say, Mine idol hath caused them ; And my graven and my molten iraage hath directed thera, 6 Thou didst hear it beforehand ; behold, the whole is accoraplished : And will ye not openly acknowledge this ? Frora this time I make thee hear new things, Kept secret hitherto, and of which thou hast no know ledge : 7 They are produced now, and not of old ; And before this day thou hast not heard them : Lest thou shouldst say, Lo ! I knew thera, . 8 Yea, thou hast not heard, thou hast not knovm, Yea, from the first thine ear was not opened to receive them: For I knew, that thou wouldst certainly deal falsely, And that Apostate was thy name frora thy birth, 9 For the sake of ray name I wUl defer mine anger ; And for the sake of my praise I will restrain it from thee. That I may not utterly cut thee off, 10 Behold, I have purified thee in the fire, but not as silver ; I have tried thee in the furnace of affliction, 1 1 For raine own sake wUl I do it ; for how would ray narae be blasphemed? And my glory I will not give to another, 12 Hearken unto me, O Jacob my servant; And Israel, whom I have called, I ara He ; I am the first, and I am the last : 13 Yea my hand hath founded the earth; And ray right hand hath spanned the heavens : I summon thera ; they present theraselves together. 94 ISAIAH. Chap. XLVIIL 14 Gather yourselves together all of you, and hear : Who among you hath predicted these things ? He, whom Jehovah hath loved, will execute His will on Babylon, and his power on the Chaldeans, 15 I, even I, have spoken;- yea I have called him: I have brought hira, and his way shall prosper. 16 Draw near unto me, and hear ye this : Frora the beginning I have not spoken in secret ; Before the time when it began to exist, I had decreed it. And now the Lord Jehovah hath sent me, and. his Spirit. 17 Thus saith Jehovah, Thy redeemer, the Holy One of Israel : I am Jehovah, thy God; Who teacheth thee what will tend to thy profit ; Wlio directeth thee in the way wherein thou shouldst go. 18 O that thou hadst attended to my commands ! Then had thy prosperity been like the river ; And thy blessedness, as the floods of the sea : 19 And thy seed had been as the sand; And the issue of thy bowels, like that of the bowels thereof : Thy name should not be cut off, nor destroyed from before me. 20 Come ye forth from Babylon ; flee ye from the land of the Chaldeans with the voice of joy : Publish ye this, and make it heard ; utter it forth even to the end of the earth : Say ye, Jehovah hath redeemed his servant Jacob ; 21 They thirsted not in the deserts, through which he made them go ; Waters from the rock, he caused to flow for them ; Yea he clave the rock, and forth gushed the waters. 22 There is no peace, saith Jehovah, to the wicked. CHAP. 1 Hearken unto me, O ye distant lands ; XLIX. And ye peoples, attend from afar. Jehovah from the womb hath called me; Chap. XLIX. ISAIAH. 95 From the bowels of my raother hath he mentioned my narae. 2 And he hath made my mouth a sharp sword ; In the shadow of his hand he hath concealed rae : Yea he hath made me a polished shaft; He hath laid me up in store in his quiver : 3 And he hath said unto me. Thou art my servant ; Israel, in whom I will be glorified. 4 And I said : I have laboured in vain ; For nought, and for vanity, I have spent my strength : Nevertheless my cause is with Jehovah ; And the reward of my work with my God. 5 And now thus saith Jehovah, (Who forraed rae frora the womb to be his servant, To bring back again Jacob unto him, And that Israel unto him may be gathered : Therefore am I glorious in the eyes of Jehovah, And ray God is my strength) : 6 It is a smaU thing for thee, that thou shouldst be ray servant. To raise up the scions of Jacob, And to restore the branches of Israel : I wiU even give thee for a light to the nations, To be my salvation to the end of the earth. 7 Thus saith Jehovah, The redeemer of Israel, his Holy One ; To hira, whose person is despised, whora the nation holds in abhorrence ; To the subject of rulers : Kings shaU see hira, and rise up ; Princes, and they shall worship him : For the sake of Jehovah, who is faithful ; Of the Holy One of Israel, for he hath chosen thee. 8 Thus saith Jehovah : In the season of acceptance have I heard thee, And in the day of salvation have I helped thee ; And I wiU preserve thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people ; To restore the land, to give possession of the desolate heritages. 9 Saying to the bounden. Go forth ; And to those that ai-e in darkness, Appear : 96 ISAIAH. Chap. XLIX. They shaU feed beside the ways, And on all the eminences shaU be their pasture. 10 They shaU not hunger, neither shall they thirst ; Neither shaU the glowing heat, or the sun, smite them : For he, that hath compassion on thera, shall lead them; And shaU guide them to the bursting sprmgs of water. 1 1 And I wiU make aU my mountains an even way ; And ray causeways shall be raised on high. 12 Lo ! these shall corae from afar ; And lo ! these from the north and the west ; And these from the land of Sinira, 13 Sing aloud, O ye heavens ; and rejoice, O earth ; Ye mountains, burst forth into song : For Jehovah hath comforted his people. And vrill have compassion on his afflicted, 14 But Sion sayeth : Jehovah hath forsaken me ; And my Lord hath forgotten rae, 15 Can a woraan forget her sucking infant ; That she should have no tenderness for the son of her womb? Even these may forget ; But I will not forget thee, 16 Behold, on the palms of my hands have I dehneated thee : Thy walls are for ever in my sight, 17 They, that destroyed thee, shall soon becorae thy buil ders; And they, that laid thee waste, shall become thine off spring, 18 Lift up thine eyes around, and see ; AU these are gathered together, they come to thee. As I live, saith Jehovah, Surely thou shalt clothe thyself with them all, as with a rich dress ; And bind them about thee, as a bride her jewels, 19 For thy waste, and thy desolate plSces, And thy land laid in ruins ; Even now it shall be straitened with inhabitants ; And they, that devoured thee, shall be removed far away, 20 The sons, of whora thou wast bereaved, shall yet say in thine ears; Chap. xlix. ISAIAH? 97 This place is too strait for me ; make room for me, that I raay dwell, 21 And thou shalt say in thine heart : Who hath begotten me these? I was bereaved of ray children, and solitary ; An exile, and an outctist ; who then hath nursed these up? Lo .' I was abandoned, and alone ; these then, where were they ? ' 22 Thus saith the Lord Jehovah : Behold, I will lift up my hand to the nations ; And to the peoples will I exalt my signal ; And they shall bring thy sons in their bosora, And thy daughters shall be borne on their shoulder : 23 And kings shall be thy foster-fathers, And their queens thy nursing raothers : With their faces to the earth they shall, bow down unto thee. And shall lick the dust of thy feet. And thou shalt know, that I am Jehovah ; And that they, who trust in him, shall not be ashamed, 24 ShaU the spoil be taken away frora the raighty ? Or shall the prey seized by the terrible be rescued ? 25 Yea, thus saith Jehovah : Even the prey of the mighty shall be retaken ; And the spoil .seized by the terrible shall be rescued : For vrith those, that contend with thee, I wiU contend ; And thy children I will deliver, .26 And I will gorge thine oppressors with their own flesh ; And with their own blood, as vrith new wine, will I drench thera : And all flesh shall know. That I Jehovah am thy saviour ; And that thy redeemer is the Mighty One of Jacob, CHAP, 1 Thus saith Jehovah : ^- Where is this bill of your mother's divorceraent, By which I dismissed her ? Or who is he among ray creditors, To whom I have sold you ? Behold, for your iniquities are ye sold ; And for your transgressions is your mother dismissed. 98 ISAIAH. Chap. L. 2 Wherefore came I, and there was no man ? CaUed I, and none answered ? Is then my hand so greatly shortened, that I cannot redeem ? And have I no power to deliver ? Behold, at my rebuke I make dry the sea ; I make the rivers a desert : Their fish is dried up, because there is no water ; And dieth away for thirst, 3 I clothe the heavens with blackness ; And sackcloth I make their covering. 4 The Lord Jehovah hath given me the tongue of the learned ; That I might know how to speak a seasonable word to the weary. He wakeneth, morning by morning, He wakeneth mine ear, to hearken vrith the attention of a learner. 5 The Lord Jehovah hath opened mine ear ; And I was not rebeUious ; Neither did I withdraw myself backward. 6 I gave my back to the sraiters, And my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair : My face I hid not from shame and spitting. 7 For the Lord Jehovah is my helper; Therefore I ara not ashamed. Therefore have I set my face as a flint; And I know, that I shaU not be confounded. 8 He that justifieth me is near at hand : Who is he that wUl contend with me ? let us stand forth together : Who is mine adversary ? let him come on to the contest, 9 Behold, the Lord Jehovah is my advocate : Who is he that shall condemn me ? Lo ! all of thera shall wax old as a garment ; The moth shaU Consurae them, 10 Who is there among you, that feareth Jehovah ? Let him hearken unto the voice of his servant: That walketh in darkness, and hath no light ? Let him trust in the narae of Jehovah ; Chap. L. ISAIAH. 99 And rest himself on the support of his God. 1 1 Behold, aU ye who kindle a fire ; Who heap the fuel round about : Walk ye in the light of your fire. And of the fuel, which ye have kindled. This ye shall have at my hand ; Ye shall lie down in sorrow, CHAP. 1 Hearken unto me, ye that pursue righteousness, i^l- Ye that seek Jehovah, Look unto the rock, from whence ye were hewn ; And to the hollow of the cave, whence ye were digged, 2 Look unto Abraham your father ; And unto Sarah, who bore you : For I caUed him, being a single person, And I blessed him, and I multiplied him, 3 Thus therefore shall Jehovah console Sion ; He shall console all her desolations : And he shall make her wilderness like Eden ; And her desert like the garden of Jehovah : Joy and gladness shall be found in her ; Thanksgiving, and the voice of melody, 4 Attend unto me, O ye peoples; And give ear unto me, O ye nations : For the law from me shall proceed ; And my judgment will I cause to break forth for a light to the peoples, 5 My righteousness is at hand ; my salvation goeth forth ; And mine arm shall dispense judgment to the peoples : Me the distant lands shall expect ; And to mine arm shall they look with confidence, 6 Lift up unto the heavens your eyes ; And look down unto the earth beneath : Verily the heavens shaU dissolve, like smoke ; And the earth shall wax old, like a garment ; And its inhabitants shall perish, like the vilest insect : But my salvation shall endure for ever ; And my righteousness shall not decay, 7 Hearken unto me, ye that know righteousness • The people, in whose heart is my law : Fear not the reproach of wretched man ; 100 ISAIAH. CHAP. LL Neither be ye borne down by their revdings, 8 For the moth shaU consume them, like a garment; And the worm shall eat them, like wool : But my righteousness shall endure for ever ; And my salvation to the age of ages, 9 Awake, awake, clothe thyself vrith strength, O arm of Jehovah ! Awake, as in the days of old, the ancient generations. Art thou not the same that smote Rahab, that wounded the dragon ? 10 Art thou not the same, that dried up the sea, the waters of the great deep ? That made the depths of the sea a path for the redeem ed to pass through ? 1 1 Thus shaU the ransoraed of Jehovah return. And come to Sion with loud acclamation : And everlasting gladness shall crown their heads ; Joy and gladness shall they obtain. And sorrow and sighing shall flee away, 12 1, even I, am he that comforteth you : Who art thou, that thou shouldst fear wretched man, that dieth ; And the son of man, that shall become as the grass ? 13 And shouldst forget Jehovah thy maker. Who stretched out the heavens, and founded the earth ; And shouldst every day be in continued fear. Because of the fury of the oppressor. As if he were just ready to destroy ? And where noW is the fury of the oppressor ? 14 He marcheth on with speed, who cometh to set free the captive ; That he may not die in the dungeon, And that his bread may not fail, 15 For I am Jehovah thy God; He, who stilleth at once the sea, though the waves there of roar ; Jehovah God of Hosts is his name, 16 I have put my words in thy mouth; And with the shadow of my hand have I covered thee : To stretch out the heavens, and to lay the foundations of the earth ; And to say unto Sion, Thou art my people. Chap. LL ISAIAH. 101 17 Rouse thyself, rouse thyself up; arise, O Jerusalem ! Who hast drunken from the hand of Jehovah the cup of his piry : The dregs of the cup of trembling thou hast drunken, thou hast wrung them out, 18 There is not one to lead her, of all the sons which she hath brought forth ; Neither is there one to support her by the hand, of all the sons which she hath educated, 19 These two things have befallen thee ; who shall bemoan thee? Desolation, and destruction ; the famine, and the sword ; who shall comfort thee ? 20 Thy sons lie astounded ; they are cast down ; At the head of all the streets, like the oryx taken in the toUs ; * Drenched to the fidl with the fiiry of Jehovah, with the rebuke of thy God, 21 'Wherefore hear now this, O thou afflicted daughter; And thou drunken, but not with vrine, 22 Thus saith thy Lord Jehovah ; And thy God, who avengeth his people : Behold, I take from thy hand the cup of trembling ; The dregs of the cup of my fury ; Thou shalt drink of it again no more, 23 But I wUl put it into the hand of them "'ho oppress thee; Who say to thee, Bow down thy body, that we raay go over: And thou layedst down thy back, as the ground ; And as the street, to them that pass along. CHAP. 1 Awake, awake ; be clothed with thy strength, O Sion : I'll- ' , Clothe thyself with thy glorious garments, O Jerusalem, thou holy city ! For no more shall enter into thee the uncircumcised and the polluted. 2 Shake thyself from the dust, ascend thy lofty seat, O Jerusalem : Loose thyself frora the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Sion ! L 102 ISAIAH. Chap. LII. 3 For thus saith Jehovah : For nought were ye sold ; And not with money shall ye be ransomed. 4 For thus saith the Lord Jehovah : My people went down to Egypt, At the first, to sojourn there ; And the Assyrian, at the last, hath oppressed them. 5 And now, what have I more to do, saith Jehovah : Seeing that my people is taken away for nought; And they, that are lords over them, make their boast of it, saith Jehovah ; And continually every day is my name exposed to con tempt ? 6 Therefore shall my people know my name in that day : For I am he, Jehovah, that promised ; and lo ! here I am ! 7 How beautiful appear on the mountains The feet of the joyful messenger; of him, that announc- eth peace ! , Of the joyful messenger of good tidings; of him, that announceth salvation ! Of him, that sayeth unto Sion, Thy God reigneth ! 8 All thy watchmen lift up their voice ; they shout toge ther : For face to face shall they see, when Jehovah returneth to Sipn^. 9 Burst foriii into joy, shout together, ye ruins of Jerusa lem ! For Jehovah hath comforted his people ; he hath re deemed Israel. 10 Jehovah hath made bare his holy arm, in the sight of all the nations ; And all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. » 11 Depart, depart ye, go ye^ut from thence; touch no polluted thing: Go ye out from the midst of her ; be ye clean, ye that bear the vessels of Jehovah ! 12 Verily not in haste shall ye go forth; And not by flight shaU ye march along : For Jehovah shall march in your front; And the God of Israel shaU bring up your rear. Chap. LIL ISAIAH. 103 13 Behold, my servant shall prosper ; He shall be raised aloft, and magnified, and very highly exalted. 14 As riiany were astonished at him ; (To such a degree was his countenance disfigured, more than that of man ; And his form, more than the sons of men) ; 15 So shall he sprinkle many nations : Before him shall kings shut their mouths ; For what was not before declared to them, they shaU see. And what they had not heard, they shall attentively con sider, 1 Who hath beUeved our report; And to whom hath the arm of Jehovah been manifested? 2 For he groweth up in their sight like a tender sucker ; And like a root from a thirsty soU : He hath no form, nor any beauty, that we should regard him; Nor is his countenance such, that we should desire him, 3 Despised, nor accounted in the number of raen ; A man of sorrows, and acquainted vrith grief; As one that hideth his face from us ; He was despised, and we esteeraed him not, 4 Surely our infirmities he hath borne ; And our sorrows, he hath carried them : Yet we thought him judicially stricken ; Smitten of God, and afflicted,- - — 5 But he was wounded for our transgressions ; Was smitten for our iniquities : The chastisement, by which our peace is effected, was laid upon him ; And by his bruises we are healed, 6 We all of us like sheep have strayed ; We have turned aside, every one to his own way ; And Jehovah hath made to light upon him the iniquity of us all, 7 It was exacted, and he was made answerable ; and he opened not his mouth : As a lamb that is led to the slaughter, • 104 ISAIAH. Chap. LIU. And as a sheep before her shearers Is dumb ; so he opened not his mouth, 8 By an pppressive judgment he was taken off; And his manner of life who would declare ? For he was cut off from the land of the living ; For the transgression of my people he was smitten to death, 9 And his grave was appointed with the wicked ; But with the rich man was his tomb. Although he had done no wrong, Neither was there any guile in his moujth ; 10 Yet it pleased Jehovah to crush him with affliction. If his soul shall make a propitiatory sacrifice. He shall see a seed, which shaU prolong their days. And the gracious purpose of Jehovah shall prosper in his hands, 1 1 Of the travail of his soul he shall see [the fruit], and be satisfied r By the knowledge of him shall my servant justify many; For the punishihent of their iniquities he shall bear, 12 Therefore will I distribute to hira the many for his portion ; ' . And the mighty people shall he share for his spoil : Because he poured out his soul unto death ; And was numbered with the transgressors : And he bare the sin of many ; And made intercession for the transgressors. CHAP. 1 Shout for joy, O thou barren, that didst not bear; LIV. Break forth into joyful shouting, and exult, thou that didst not travail : For more are the chUdren of the desolate. Than of the married woraan, saith Jehovah, 2 Enlarge the place of thy tent ; And let the canopy of thy habitation be extended : Spare not; lengthen thy cords. And firmly fix thy stakes : 3 For on the right hand, and on the left, thou shalt burst forth with increase ; And thy seed shall inherit the nations ; , And they shall inhabit the desolate cities, 4 Fear not, for thou shalt not be confounded ; And blush not, for thou shalt not be brought to reproach : Chap. LIV,. ISAIAIL 105 For thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth ; And the reproach of thy widowhood thou shalt remem ber no more, 5 For thy husband is thy maker ; Jehovah God of Hosts is his name : And thy redeeraer is the Holy One of Israel ; The God of the whole earth shall he be caUed, 6 For as a woman forsaken, and deeply afflicted, hath Je hovah recaUed thee ; And as a wife, wedded in youth, but afterwards rejected, saith thy God. 7 In a Uttle anger have I forsaken thee ; But with great mercies will I receive thee again : 8 In a short wrath I hid ray face for a raoraent from thee ; But with everlasting kindness wUl I have mercy on thee ; Saith thy redeeraer Jehovah, 9 The same will I do now, as in the days of Noah, when I sware, \ That the waters of Noah should no more pass over the earth: So have I sworn, that I will not be wroth with thee, nor rebuke thee. 10 For the mountains shall be removed; And the hUls shall be overthrown : But my kindness from thee shaU not be removed ; And the covenant of my peace shall not be overthrown ; Saith Jehovah, who beareth towards thee the most tender affection, II O thou affUcted, beaten with the storm, destitute of consolation ! Behold I lay thy stones in cement of vermUion, And thy foundations with sapphires : 12 An J I will raake of rubies thy battlements ; And thy gates of carbuncles ; And the whole •circuit of thy walls shall be of precious stones, 13 And all thy chUdren shall be taught by Jehovah ; And great shall be the prosperity of thy children, 14 In righteousness shalt thou be established : Be thou far from oppres.sion ; yea thou shalt not fear it ; And from terror ; for it shall not approach thee, 15 Behold, they shall be leagued together, but not by ray command ; 106 ISAIAH. Chap. LIV. Whosoever is leagued against thee, shall come over to thy side, 16 Behold, I have created the smith, Who bloweth up the coals into a fire, And produceth instruments according to his work ; And I have created the destroyer to lay waste. 17 Whatever weapon is formed against thee, it shall not prosper ; And against every tongue, that contendeth vrith thee, thou shalt obtain thy cause. This is the heritage of Jehovah's servants, And their justification from me, saith Jehovah. CHAP. 1 Ho ! every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters ! ^"^- And that hath no silver, come ye, buy, and eat ! Yea, come, buy ye without sUver ; And without price, wine and mUk. 2 Wherefore do ye weigh out your silver for that which is no bread ? And your riches, for that which will not satisfy? Attend, and hearken unto me; and eat that which is truly good ; And your soul shall feast itself with the richest delicacies, 3 IncUne your ear, and come unto me ; Attend, and your soul shall live : And I vrill make with you an everlasting covenant ; I wUl give you the gracious promises made to Darid, which never shall fad. 4 Behold, for a witness to the peoples I have given him ; A leader, and a lawgiver to the nations. 5 Behold, the nation, whom thou knewest not, thou shalt call; And the nation, who knew not thee, shall run unto thee. For the sake of Jehovah thy God ; And for the Holy One of Israel, for he hath glorified thee, 6 Seek ye Jehovah, whUe he may be found; Call ye upon him, while he is near at hand ; 7 Let the wicked forsake his way, And the unrighteous man his thoughts; Chap. LV. ISAIAH. 107 And let him return unto Jehovah, for he will receive him with compassion; And unto our God, for he aboundeth in forgiveness. 8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts ; Neither are your ways my ways, saith Jehovah. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth ; So are my ways higher than your ways, And my thoughts than your thoughts. 10 VerUy, like as the rain descendeth. And the snow, from the heavens ; And thither it doth not return ; But moisteneth the earth, And maketh it generate, and put forth its increase ; That it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater : 1 1 So. shall be the word, which goeth forth from my mouth ; It shaU not return unto rae fruitless ; But it shall effect what I have wiUed ; And make the purpose succeed, for which I have sent it. 12 Surely with joy shaU ye go forth, And vrith peace shall ye be led onward : The mountains and the hills shall burst forth before you into song ; And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. 13 Instead of the thorny bushes shall grow up the fir-tree; And instead of the bramble shall grow up the rayrde : And it shall be unto Jehovah for a memorial ; For a perpetual sign, which shall not be abolished. CHAP. 1 Thus saith Jehovah : LVL Keep ye judgment, and practise righteousness ; For my salvation is near, just ready to come ; And ray righteousness, to be revealed. 2 Blessed is the mortal that doeth this ; And the son of man that holdeth it fast ; That keepeth the sabbath, and profaneth it not ; And restraineth his hand from doing evil. 3 And let not the son of the stranger speak, That cleaveth unto Jehovah, saying : Jehovah hath utterly separated me from his people. 108 ISAIAH. Chap. LVL Neither let the eunuch say : Behold, I am a dry tree, 4 For thus saith Jehovah to the eunuchs : Whoever of them shall have kept my sabbaths, And shall have chosen that in which I delight. And shall have stedfastly maintained my covenant ; 5 To them I wiU give in my house. And within my walls, a memorial and a name. Better than that of sons and daughters : An everlasting name will I give them, Which shaU never be cut off, 6 And the sons of the stranger, who cleave unto Jehovah ; To minister unto him, and to love the name of Jehovah, And to become his servants : Every one that keepeth the sabbath, and profaneth it not; And that stedfastly maintaineth my covenant ; 7 Them wUl I bring unto ray holy mountain ; And I wUl make them rejoice in my house of prayer ; Their burnt-offerings and their sacrifices shall be accept ed on mine altar; For my house shall be called. The house of prayer for all the peoples. 8 Thus saith the Lord Jehovah, Who gathereth together the outcasts of Israel : Yet wUl I gather others unto him, beside those that are already gathered. 9 O ALL ye beasts of the field, corae away ; Come to devour, O all ye beasts of the forest ! 10 His watchmen are blind, all of them; they are igno rant ; They are all of thera durab dogs, they cannot bark : Dreamers, sluggards, loving to slumber, 1 1 Yea these dogs are of untamed appetite ; They know not to be satisfied. And the shepherds themselves cannot understand ; They all of them turn aside to their own way ; Each to his own lucre, from the highest to the lowest, 1 2 Come on, let us provide wine ; And let us swill strong drink : And as to-day, so shall be the cheer of to-morrow ; Great, even far more abundant. Chap. LVIL ISAIAH. 109 CHAP. 1 The righteous raan perisheth, and no one considereth ; LVIL And pious men are taken away, and no one understand- eth. That the righteous raan is taken away, because of the evil, 2 He shall go in peace : he shall rest in his bed ; Even the perfect raan ; he that walketh in the strait path, 3 But ye, draW ye near hither, O ye sons of the sor ceress ; Ye seed of the adulterer, and of the harlot ! 4 Of whora do ye make your sport? At whom do ye widen the mouth, and loll the tongue ? Are ye not apostate children, a false seed ? 5 Burning with the lust of idols under every green tree ; Slaying the children in the vallies, under the clefts of the rocks ? 6 Araong the sraooth stones of the valley is thy portion ; These, these are thy lot : Even to these hast thou poured out thy libation. Hast thou presented thine offering. Can I see these things with acquiescence ? 7 Upon a high and lofty mountain hast thou set thy bed : Even thither hast thou gone up to offer sacrifice, 8 Behind the door and the door-posts hast thou set thy memorial : Thou hast departed from rae, and art gone up ; thou hast enlarged thy bed; And thou hast made a covenant with them : Thou hast loved their bed ; thou hast provided a place for it, 9 And thou hast visited the king with a present of oil ; And hast multiplied thy precious ointments : And thou hast sent thine ambassadors afar ; And hast debased thyself even to Hades, 10 In the length of thy journeys thou hast wearied thyself; Thou hast said. There is no hope : Thou hast found the support of thy life by thy labour : Therefore thou hast not utterly fainted, 11 And of whom hast thou been so anxiously afraid, that thou shouldst thus deal falsely ? And hast not remembered rae, nor revolved it in thy mind? no ISAIAH. Chap. LVIL Is it not because I was silent, and winked; and thou fearest me not ? 12 But I will declare ray righteousness; And thy deeds shall not avail thee, 13 When thou criest, let thine associates deliver thee : But the wind shall bear them away ; a breath shall take them off. But he that trusteth in me shall inherit the land, And shall possess my holy mountain, 14 Then wUl I say : Cast up, cast up the causeway; make clear the way ; Remove every obstruction from the road of my people, 15 For thus saith Jehovah, the high, and the lofty; Inhabiting eternity ; and whose narae is the Holy One : The high and the holy place will I inhabit ; And with the contrite, and hurable of spirit : To revive the spirit of the hurable ; And to give life to the heart of the contrite, 16 For I wiU not alway contend ; Neither for ever wUl I be wroth : For the spirit from before me would be overwhelmed ; And the living souls, which I have made, 17 Because of his iniquity for a short time I was wroth: ' And I smote him ; hiding my face in mine anger. And he departed, turning back in the way of his own heart, 18 I have .seen his ways; and I vrill heal him, and wiU be his guide ; And I will restore comforts, to him, and to his mourners, 19 1 create the fruit of the lips : Peace, peace, to him that is near, And to him that is afar off, saith Jehovah ; and I will heal him. 20 But the wicked are like the troubled sea; For it never can be at rest ; But its waters work up filth and mire. 21 There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked. CHAP. I Cry aloud ; spare not : LVIII. Like a trumpet lift up thy voice : And declare unto ray people their transgression ; And to the house of Jacob their sin. Chap. LVIIL ISAIAH. Ill 2 Yet rae day after day they seek ; And to know ray ways they take delight : As a nation that doeth righteousness. And hath not forsaken the ordinance of their God. They continually inquire of me concerning the ordi nances of righteousness ; They take delight to draw nigh unto God. 3 Wherefore have we fasted, and thou seest not ? Have we afflicted our souls, and thou dost not regard ? Behold, in the day of your fasting, ye enjoy your plea sure; And all your demands of labour ye rigorously exact. 4 Behold, ye fast for strife and contention ; And to smite with the fist the poor. Wherefore fast ye unto me in this manner ; To make your voice to be heard on high ? 5 Is such then the fast which I choose ; That a man should afflict his soul for a day ? Is it, that he should bow down his head like a bulrush ; And spread sackcloth .and ashes for his couch ? ShaU this be called a fast. And a day acceptable to Jehovah ? 6 Is not this the fast which I choose ? To dissolve the bands of wickedness ; To loosen the oppressive burthens ; To deUver those that are crushed by violence ; And that ye should break asunder every yoke ? 7 Is it not to distribute thy bread to the hungry; And to bring the wandering poor into thy house ? When thou seest the naked, that thou clothe him ; And that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh ? 8 Then shall thy light break forth like the morning ; And thy wounds shall speedily be healed over : And thy righteousness shall go before thee ; And the glory of Jehovah shall bring up thy rear. 9 Then shalt thou call, and Jehovah shaU answer ; Thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Lo I ara here ! If thou reraove from the midst of thee the yoke ; The pointing of the finger, and the injurious speech : 10 If thou bring forth thy bread to the hungry, And satisfy the afflicted soul ; Then shall thy light rise in obscurity, And thy darkness shall be as the noon-day. 112 ISAIAH. Chap. LVIIL 11 And Jehovah shall lead thee continually. And satisfy thy soul in the severest drought ; And he shall renew thy strength : And thou shalt be like a well- watered garden, and like a flowing spring. Whose waters shall never fad. 12 And they that spring from thee shall build the ancient ruins ; The foundations of old times shall they raise up : And thou shalt be called the repairer of the broken mound ; The restorer of paths to be frequented by inhabitants, 13 If thou restrain thy foot from the sabbath ; From doing thy pleasure on ray holy day : And shalt call the sabbath, a delight ; And the holy feast of Jehovah, honourable : And shalt honour it, by refraining from thy purpose ; From pursuing thy pleasure, and from speaking vain words : 14 Then shalt thou delight thyself in Jehovah ; And I will make thee ride on the high places of the earth ; . And I wiU feed thee on the inheritance of Jacob thy father : For the mouth of Jehovah hath spoken it. CHAP. 1 Behold, the hand of Jehovah is not contracted, so LIX. that he cannot save ; Neither is his ear grown dull, so that he cannot hear, 2 But your iniquities have made a separation Between you and your God ; And your sins have hidden His face from you, that he doth not hear, 3 For your hands are polluted with blood, And your fingers with iniquity ; Your lips speak falsehood. And your tongue muttereth wickedness, 4 No one preferreth his suit in justice, And no one pleadeth in truth : Trusting in vanity, and speaking lies ; Conceiving mischief, and bringing forth iniquity. Chap. LIX. ISAIAH. 113 5 They hatch the eggs of the basilisk, And Weave the w^b of the spider : He that eateth of their eggs dieth ; And when it is crushed, a viper breaketh forth, 6 Of their webs no garment shall be made ; Neither shall they cover theraselves with their works : Their works are works of iniquity, And the deed of violence is in their hands, 7 Their feet run swiftly to evil, And they hasten to shed innocent blood : Their devices are devices of iniquity ; Destruction and calaraity is in their paths, 8 The way of peace they know not ; Neither is there any judgraent in their tracks : They have raade to theraselves crooked paths ; Whoever goeth in them, knoweth not peace. 9 Therefore is judgment far distant from us ; Neither doth justice overtake us : We look for light, but behold darkness ; For brightness, but we walk in obscurity. 10 We grope for the wall, like the blind ; And we wander, as those that are deprived of sight : We stumble at raid-day, as in the twilight ; In the midst of delicacies, as among the dead. 1 1 We groan all of us, like the bears ; And like the doves, we raake a continued moan. We look for j udgment, and there is none ; For -salvation, and it is far distant frora us. 12 For our transgressions are .raultiplied before thee ; And our sins bring an accusation against us ; For our transgressions cleave fast unto us ; And our iniquities' we acknowledge. 13 By rebelling, and lying, against Jehovah ; And by turning backward from foUowing our God : By speaking injury, and conceiving revolt; And by meditating from the heart lying words. 14 And judgraent is turned away backwards ; And justice standeth aloof: For truth hath sturabled in the open street ; And rectitude hath not been able to enter, 15- And truth is utterly lost; And he that shunneth evil, exposeth himself to be plundered : 114, ISAIAH. Chap. LIX. And Jehovah saw it, And it displeased him, that there was no judgment, 16 And he saw, that there was no man ; ' And he wondered, that there was no one to interpose : Then his own arm wrought salvation for him ;• And his righteousness, it supported him, 17 And he put on righteousness, as a breast-plate; And the helmet of salvation was on his head : And he put on the garments of vengeance for his cloth ing; And he clad himself vrith zeal, as vrith a mande, 18 He is mighty to recompense; He that is mighty to recompense will requite : Wrath to his adversaries, recompense to his enemies ; To the distant coasts a recompense wUl he requite, 19 And they from the west shall revere the name of Je hovah ; And they from the rising of the sun, his glory ; When he shall come, like a river straitened in his course. Which a strong wind driveth along. 20 And the Redeemer shall come to Sion ; And shall turn away iniquity from Jacob; saith Je hovah. 21 And this is the covenant, which I make with them, saith Jehovah : My spirit, which is upon thee, And my words, which»I have put in thy mouth ; They shall not depart from thy mouth. Nor from the mouth of thy seed. Nor from the mouth bf thy seed's seed, saith Jehovah ; From this time forth for ever. CHAP. 1 Arise, be thou enlightened; for thy light is come ; ^^- And the glory of Jehovah is risen upon thee, 2 For behold, darkness shall cover the earth ; And a thick vapour the nations : But upon thee shall Jehovah arise ; And his glory upon thee shall be conspicuous, 3 And the nations shall walk in thy light ; And kings- in the brightness of thy sun-rising, 4 Lift up thine eyes round about, and see ; All of them are gathered together, they come unto thee : Chap. LX. ISAIAH. 115 Thy sons shall come frora afar ; And thy daughters shall be carried at the side, 5 Then shalt thou fear, and overflow with joy ; And thy heart shall be ruffled, and dilated ; When the riches of the sea shall be poured in upon thee ; When the wealth of the nations shall corae unto thee, 6 An inundation of caraels shall cover thee ; The droraedaries of Midian and Epha ; All of thera frora Saba shall come : Gold and frankincense shall they bear ; And the praise of Jehovah shall they joyfully proclaim, 7 All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered unto thee ; Unto thee shall the raras of Nebaioth rainister : They shall ascend with acceptance on mine altar ; And ray beauteous house I will yet beautify, 8 Who are these, that fly like a cloud ? And like doves upon the wing ? 9 Verily the distant coasts shall await rae ; And the ships of Tarshish among the first : To bring thy sons from afar ; Their silver and their gold with them : Because of the name of Jehovah thy God; And of the Holy One of Israel ; for he hath glorified thee, 10 And the sons of the stranger shall build up thy walls; And their kings shall minister unto thee : For in my wrath I smote thee ; But in my favour I wiU embrace thee with the most- tender affection, 1 1 And thy gates shaU be open continuaUy ; By day, or by night, they shall not be shut : To bring unto thee the wealth of the nations ; And that their kings may come pompously attended, 12 For that nation, and that kingdom. Which will not serve' thee, shall perish ; Yea, those nations shall be utterly desolated, 13 The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee ; The fir-tree, the pine, and the box together : To adorn the place of my sanctuary ; And that I may glorify the place, whereon I rest my feet, 14 And the sons of thine oppressors shall come bending before thee ; 116 ISAIAIL Chap. LX. And all, that scornfully rejected thee, shall do obeisance to the soles of thy feet : And they shaU caU thee. The City of Jehovah ; The Sion of the Holy One of Israel, 15 Instead of thy being forsaken, And hated, so that no one passed through thee ; I wUl make thee an .everlasting boast ; A subject of joy for perpetual generations. 16 And thou shalt suck the milk of nations ; Even at the breast of kings shalt thou be fostered : And thou shalt know, that I Jehovah am thy sariour ; And that thy redeemer is the Mighty One of Jacob, 17 Instead of brass, I wiU bring gold ; And instead of iron, I will bring sUver : And instead of wood, brass ; And instead of stones, iron. And I will make thine inspectors peace ; And thine exactors, righteousness, 18 Violence shall no more be heard in thy land; Destruction and calaraity, in thy borders : But thou shalt call thy walls. Salvation ; And thy gates, Praise, 19 No longer shalt thou have the sun for a light by day; Nor by night shaU the brightness of the moon enlighten thee: For Jehovah shall be to thee an everlasting light, And thy God shall be thy glory, 20 Thy sun shall no more go down ; Neither shall thy moon wane : For Jehovah shall be thine everlasting light; And the days of thy mourning shall be ended, 21 And thy people shall be all righteous; For ever shall they possess the land : The cion of my planting, the work of my hands, that I may be glorified, 22 The little one shall become a thousand ; And the small one a strong nation : I Jehovah in due time will hasten it. Chap. LXL ISAIAH. 117 CHAP. 1 The spirit of Jehovah is upon rae, L^I- Because Jehovah hath anointed me. To pubUsh glad tidings to the meek hath he sent me ; To bind up the broken-hearted : To proclaim to the captives freedom ; And to the bounden, perfect liberty : 2 To proclaim the year of acceptance with Jehovah ; And the day of vengeance of our God, To comfort all those that mourn ; 3 To impart [gladness] to the mourners of Sion : To give them a beautifiil crown, instead of ashes ; The oU of gladness instead of sorrow ; The clothing of praise, instead of the spirit of heaviness. That they may be caUed trees approved ; The plantation of Jehovah for his glory, 4 And they that spring from thee shaU buUd up the ruins of old times ; They shaU restore the ancient desolations : They shall repair the cities laid waste ; The desolations of continued ages, 5 And strangers shall stand up and feed your flocks ; And the sons of the aUen shall be your husbandmen and ' vine-dressers, 6 But ye shall be called the priests of Jehovah ; The ministers of our God, shall be your title. The riches of the nations shall ye eat; And in their glory shaU ye raake your boast, 7 Instead of your sharae, ye shall receive a double inheri tance ; And of your ignorainy, ye shaU rejoice in their portion : For in their land a double share shall ye inherit ; J And everlasting gladness shall ye possess, " 8 For I am Jehovah, who love judgment; Who hate rapine and iniquity : And I will give them the reward of their work with faithfiilness ; And an everlasting covenant I will make vrith thera : 9 And their seed shall be iUustrious araong the nations ; And their offspring, in the midst of the peoples. All they that see them shall acknowledge them, That they are a seed which Jehovah hath blessed, M 118 ISAIAH. Chap. LXL 10 I will greatly rejoice in Jehovah ; My soul shaU exult in my God. For he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation ; He hath covered me with the mantle of righteousness : As the bridegroom decketh himself with a priestly crovm ; And as the bride adorneth herself with her costly jewels. II Surely, as the earth pusheth forth her tender shoots; And as a garden maketh her seed to germinate : So shall the Lord Jehovah cause righteousness to spring forth ; And^-aise, in the presence of all the nations. CHAP. 1 For Sion's sake I wUl not keep sUence ; LXII. And for the sake of Jerusalem I will not rest : UntU her righteousness break forth as a strong light ; And her salvation, like a blazing torch, 2 And the nations shaU see thy righteousness ; And aU the kings, thy glory : And thou shalt be caUed by a new name. Which the mouth of Jehovah shall fix upon thee, 3 And thou shalt be a beautiful crown in the hand of Je hovah ; And a royal diadem in the grasp of thy God, 4 No more shall it be said unto thee. Thou forsaken ! Neither to thy land shall it be said any more. Thou de solate ! But thou shalt be called. The object of my delight ; And thy land. The wedded matron : For Jehovah shall delight in thee ; And thy land shaU be joined in marriage, 5 For as a young man weddeth a virgin. So shaU thy restorer wed thee : And as the bridegroom rejoiceth in his bride, So shall thy God rejoice in thee, 6 Upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, Have I set watchmen all the day ; And aU the night long they shaU not keep silence, O ye, that proclaim the name of Jehovah ! 7 Keep not silence yourselves, nor let hira rest in sUence; Chap. LXI L ISAIAH. 119 UntU he establish, and until he render, Jerusalem a praise in the earth, 8 Jehovah hath sworn by his right hand, and by his powerful arm : I will no raore give thy corn for food to thine eneraies ; Nor shall the sons of the stranger drink thy must, for which thou hast laboured : 9 But they, that reap the harvest, shall eat it, and praise Jehovah ; And they, that gather the rintage, shall drink it in my sacred courts, i 10 Pass ye, pass through the gates; prepare the way for the people ! Cast ye up, cast up the causeway; clear it frora the stones ! Lift up on high a standard to the nations ! 1 1 Behold, Jehovah hath thus proclaimed to the end of the earth : Say ye to the daughter of Sion, Lo thy saviour coraeth ! Lo ! his reward is with him, and the recompense of his work before him. And they shall be called, The holy people, the redeemed of Jehovah ; 12 And thou shalt be called. The much desired. The city unforsaken. CHAP. 1 cHO, Who is this, that cometh from Edom? ^¦'^^^'^- With garments deeply dyed from Botsra? This, that is magnificent in his apparel ; Marching on in the greatness of his strength ? MES, I, who publish righteousness, and am raighty to save, 2 CHO, Wherefore is thine apparel red ? And thy garraents, as of one that treadeth the wine-vat ? 3 MES, I have trodden the vat alone ; And of the peoples there was not a man with me. And I trod them in mine anger; And I trampled them in mine indignation : And their life-blood was sprinkled upon ray gar ments ; ISAIAH. Chap. LXIIL And I have stained all mine apparel. For the day of vengeance was in my heart ; And the year of my redeemed was come. And I looked, and there was no one to help; And I was astonished, that there was no one to uphold : Therefore raine own arm wrought salvation for me. And mine indignation itself sustained me. And I trod down the peoples in mine anger; And I crushed them in mine indignation; And I spilled their life-blood on the ground. 7 The mercies of Jehovah wiU I record, the praise of Jehovah ; According to aU that Jehovah hath bestowed upon us : And the greatness of his goodness to the house of Jsrael; Which he hath bestowed upon them, through his ten derness and great kindness. 8 For he said : Surely they are my people, children that will not prove false ; And he became their saviour in all their distress. 9 It was not an envoy, nor an angel of his presence, that saved them : Through his love, and his indulgence, he himself re deemed them ; And he took them up, and he bare them, aU the days of old. 10 But they rebeUed, and grieved his holy spirit; So that he becarae their enemy ; and he fought against them. 1 1 And he remembered the days of old, Moses his servant ; How he brought them up from the sea, with the shep herd of his flock ; How he placed in his breast his holy spirit : 12 Making his glorious arm to attend Moses on his-right hand in his march ; Cleaving the waters before thera, to raake himself a name everlasting ; 13 Leading thera through the abyss, hke a courser in the plain, without obstacle. 14 As the herd descendeth to the valley, the spirit of Je hovah conducted them : Chat. XXIIL ISAIAH. 121 So didst thou lead thy people, to make thyself a name iUustrious. 15 Look dovrai from heaven, and see, from thy holy and glorious dwelUng : Where is thy zeal, and thy mighty power ; The yearning of thy bowels, and thy tender affections? are they restrained from us? 16 Verily, Thou art our father; for Abraham knoweth us not. And Israel doth not acknowledge us. Thou, O Jehovah, art our fathers O deliver us for the sake of thy narae 1 17 V^erefore, O Jehovah, dost thou suffer us to err from thy ways? To harden our hearts from the fear of thee ? Return, for the sake of thy servants ; For the sake of the tribes of thine inheritance. 18 It is little, that they have taken possession of thy holy mountain ; That our enemies have trodden down thy sanctuary : 19 We have long been as those, whom thou hast not ruled; Who have not been called by thy name, CHAP. 1 O ! that thou wouldst rend the heavens, that thou LXIV. wouldst descend; That the mountains might flow down at thy presence ,' 2 As the fire kindleth the dry fuel ; As the fire causeth the waters to boil : To make known thy name to thine enemies ; That the nations might tremble at thy presence, 3 When thou didst wonderful things, wliich we expected not; Thou didst descend; at thy presence the mountains flowed down, 4 For never have men heard, nor perceived by the ear, Nor hath eye seen, a God beside thee. Who doeth such things for those that trust in hira, 5 Thou me^test with joy those who work righteousness ; Who in thy ways remember thee, Lo ! Thou art angry ; for we have sinned : Because of our deeds ; for we have been rebeUious, 6 And we are all of us as a polluted thing ; And like a rejected garment are all our righteous deeds : 122 ISAIAH. Chap. LXIV, And we are withered away, like a leaf, all of us ; And our sins, like the wind, have borne us away, 7 There is no one that invoketh thy narae ; That rouseth himself up to lay hold on thee : Therefore thou hast hidden thy face from us ; And hast delivered us up into the hand of our iniquities. 8 But thou, O Jehovah, thou art our father ; We are the clay, and thou hast formed us : We are aU of us the work of thy hands, 9 Be not wroth, O Jehovah, to the uttermost ; Nor for ever remember iniquity. Behold, look upon us, we beseech thee; we are all thy people, 10 Thy holy cities are become a wUderness; Sion is become a wilderness ; Jerusalem is desolate. 1 1 Our holy and glorious temple, Wherein our fathers praised thee, Is utterly burnt up with fire ; And all the objects of our desire are become a devasta tion, 12 WUt thou contain thyself at these things, O Jehovah ? WUt thou keep sUence, and still grievously afflict us ? CHAP. 1 I AM raade known to those, that asked not for me; LXV. I am found of those, that sought me not : I have said : Behold me, here I am, To the nation, which never invoked my name : 2 I have stretched out my hands all the day to a rebellious people. Who walk in an evil way, after their own derices, 3 A people, who provoke me to my face continually; Sacrificing in the gardens, and burning incense on the tiles : 4 Who dwell in the sepulchres, and lodge in the caverns ; Who eat the flesh of the swine ; And the broth of abominable meats is in their vessels : 5 Who say: Keep to thyself; come not near me; for I am holier than thou. These kindle a smoke in my nostrils, a fire burning all the day long, 6 Behold, this is recorded in writing before rae : I will not keep sUence, but wUl certainly requite ; Chap. LXV. ISAIAH. 123 7 I will requite into their bosora their iniquities ; And the iniquities of their fathers together, saith Jeho vah : Who burnt incense on the mountains, and dishonoured me upon the hills : Yea I wUl pour into their bogom the full measure of their former deeds, 8 Thus saith Jehovah : As when one findeth a good grape in the cluster ; And sayeth, Destroy it not ; for a blessing is in it : So wUl I do for the sake of my servants ; I wUl not de stroy the whole, 9 So will I bring forth from Jacob a seed ; And from Judah an inheritor of my mountain : And my chosen shall inherit the land ; And my servants shall dwell there, 10 And Sharon shall be a fold for the flock. And the vaUey of Achor a resting for the herd; For my people, who have sought after me, 1 1 But ye, who have deserted Jehovah ; And have forgotten my holy mountain : Who set in order a table for Gad ; And fill out a libatioq to Meni : 12 You will I number out to the sword ; And all of you shall bow down to the slaughter. Because I caUed, and ye answered not ; I spake, and ye would not hear : But ye did that, which is evil in my sight ; And that, in which I delighted not, ye chose. 13 Wherefore thus saith the Lord Jehovah : Behold, my servants shaU eat, but ye shaU be famished ; Behold, my servants shall drink, but ye shaU be thirsty ; Behold, my servants shaU rejoice, but ye shaU be con founded : 14 Behold, my servants shall sing aloud, for gladness of heart ; But ye shall cry aloud, for grief of heart ; And in the anguish of a broken spirit shall ye howl, 1 5 And ye shall leave your name for a curse to my chosen : And the Lord Jehovah shaU slay you ; And his servants shall he call by another name. 124 ISAIAH. Chap. LXV. 16 Whoso blesseth himself upon the earth, ShaU bless himself in the God of truth ; And whoso sweareth upon the earth, Shall swear by the God of truth. Because the former provocations are forgotten ; And because they are hidden from mine eyes, 17 For behold, I create new heavens, and a new earth; And the former ones shall not be remembered, Neither shall they be brought to mind any more, 18 But ye shall rejoice and exult in the age to come, which I create: For lo ! I create Jerusalem a subject of joy, and her people of gladness ; 19 And I will exult in Jerusalem, and rejoice in my people. And there shaU not be heard any more therein. The voice of weeping, and the voice of a distressfid cry ; 20 No more shall be there an infant short-lived ; Nor an old man who hath not fulfilled his days : For he, that dieth at an hundred years, shall die a boy ; And the sinner that dieth at an hundred years, shall be deemed accursed, 21 And they shall build houses, and shall inhabit them; And they shall plant vineyards, and shall eat the fruit thereof, 22 They shall not build, and another inhabit ; They shall not, plant, and another eat: For as the days of a tree shall be the days of my people ; And they shall wear out the works of their own hands. 23 My chosen shall not labour in vain ; Neither shall they generate a short-Uved race ; For they shall be a seed blessed of Jehovah ; They, and their offspring with them. 24 And it shaU be, that before they call, I wUl answer ; They shall be yet speaking, and I shall have heard. 25 The wolf and the lamb shall feed together ; And the lion shall eat straw Uke the ox : But as for the serpent, dust shall be his food. They shall not hurt, neither shall they destroy. In all my holy mountain, saith Jehovah. Chap, LXVI. ISAIAH. 125 CHAP. 1 Thus saith Jehovah : LXVL -pj^g heavens are my throne ; and the earth is my foot stool : Where is this house, which ye buUd for me ? And where is this place of my rest ? 2 For all these things my hand hath made ; And all these things are mine, saith Jehovah, But such a one will I regard, even him that is humble, ' And of a contrite spirit, and that revereth my word, 3 He that slayeth an ox, killeth a man ; That sacrificeth a lamb, beheadeth a dog ; That maketh an oblation, [offereth] swine's blood ; That burneth incense, blesseth an idol : Yea, they themselves have chosen their own ways ; And in their abominations their soul delighteth, 4 I will also choose their calamities; And what they dread, I -wiU bring upon them ; Because I called, and no one answered ; I spake, and they would not hear : And they have done what is evil in my sight ; And that, in which I delighted not, they have chosen, 5 Hear ye the word of Jehovah, ye that revere his word: Say ye to your brethren, that hate you ; And that thrust you out, for ray name's sake : Jehovah wiU be glorified, and he will appear ; To your joy [wiU he appear], and they shall be con founded, 6 A voice of tumult frora the city ! a voice from the temple ! The voice of Jehovah ! rendering recompense to his enemies. 7 Before she was in travail, she brought forth ; Before her pangs came, she was delivered of a male, 8 Who hath heard such a thing ? and who hath seen the like of these things ? Is a country brought forth in one day ? Is a nation born in an instant ? 126 ISAIAH. Chap. LXVL For no sooner was Sion in travail, than she brought forth her chUdren, 9 Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth ? saith Jehovah : Shall I, who beget, restrain the birth ? saith thy God, 10 Rejoice with Jerusalem, and exult on her account, aU ye that love her ; Be exceedingly joyful with her, aU ye that mourn over her: 1 1 That ye may suck, and be satisfied, from the breast of her consolations ; That ye may draw forth the delicious nourishment from her abundant stores, 12 For thus saith Jehovah : Behold, I spread over her prosperity, like the great river ; And like the overflowing stream the wealth of the na tions : And ye shaU suck at the breast; Ye shall be carried by the side ; And on the knees shall ye be dandled, 13 As one, whom his mother comforteth. So will I comfort you : And in Jerusalem shaU ye receive consolation. 14 And ye shall see it, and your heart shall rejoice; And your bones shaU flourish, like the green herb : And the hand of Jehovah shall be manifested to his servants ; And he wdl be moved with indignation against his ene mies, 15 For, behold ! Jehovah shaU come, as a fire; And his chariot, as a whirlwind : To breathe forth his anger in a burning heat, And his rebuke in flames of fire, 16 For by fire shall Jehovah execute judgment ; And by his sword, upon aU flesh : And many shall be the slain of Jehovah, 17 They who sanctify themselves, and purify themselves, In the gardens, after the rites of Achad; In the midst of those who eat swine's flesh, And the abomination, and the field-mouse ; Chap. LXVL ISAIAH. 127 Together shall they perish, saith Jehovah, 18 For I know their deeds, and their derices: And I corae to gather all the nations and tongues to gether ; And they shall come, and shall see my glory, 19 And I wUl impart to thera a sign ; And of those that escape I will send to the nations : To Tarshish, Phul, and Lud, who draw the bow; Tubal, and Javan, the far distant coasts : To those, who never heard my name ; And who never saw my glory : And they shall declare my glory among the nations, 20 And they shall bring aU your brethren. From all the nations, for an oblation to Jehovah ; On horses, and in litters, and in counes ; On mules, and on dromedaries; To my holy mountain Jerusalem, saith Jehovah : Like as the sons of Israel brought the oblation, In pure vessels, to the house of Jehovah, 21 And of thera wUl I also take, For priests, and for Levites, saith Jehovah, 22 For like as the new heavens. And the new earth, which I raake. Stand continuaUy before me, saith Jehovah ; So shaU continue your seed, and your narae, 23 And it shall be, frora new moon to new moon, And from sabbath to sabbath ; AU flesh shaU corae to worship before rae, saith Jeho vah, 24 And they shall go forth, and shall see. The carcasses of the men who rebeUed against me. For their worm shaU not die. And their fire shall not be quenched ; And they shall be an abhorrence to all flesh. NOTES ISAIAH. Isaiah exercised the prophetical office during a long period of time, if he lived to the reign of Manasseh ; for the lowest computation, beginning from the year in which Uzziah died, when some suppose him to have received his first appoint ment to that office, brings it to 61 years. But the tradition of the Jews, that he was put to death by Manasseh, is very uncertain; and one of their principal rabbins (Aben Ezra, Cpm. in Isa. i. 1.) seems rather to think, that he died before Hezekiah; which is indeed more probable. It is however certain, that he lived at least to the 15th or 16th year of Hezekiah : this makes the least possible terra of the duration of his prophetical office about 48 years. The time of the delivery of some of his prophecies is either expressly marked, or sufficiently clear from the history to which they relate : that of a few others may with sorae probability be deduced from internal marks; from expressions, descriptions, and circumstances interwoven. It may therefore be of some use in this respect, and for the better understanding of his pro phecies in general, to give here a sumraary view of the his tory of his time. The kingdom of Judah seems to have been in a more flourishing condition during the reigns of Uzziah and Jo tham, than at any other time after- the revolt of the ten tribes. The former recovered the port of Elath on the Red Sea, which the Edomites had taken in the reign of Jorara : he was successful in his wars with the Philistines, and took from them several cities, Gath, Jabneh, Ashdod ; as likewise against some people of Arabia Deserta ; and against the Ammonites, whom he compelled to pay him tribute. He repaired and improved the fortifications of Jerusalem ; and 130 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. L had a great army well appointed and disciplined. He was no less attentive to the arts of peace; and very much- en couraged agriculture, and the breeding of cattle, Jotham maintained the estabhshments and improvements made by his father ; added to what Uzziah had done in strengthen ing the frontier places ; conquered the Amraonites, who had revolted, and exacted from thera a more stated and pro bably a larger tribute. However, at the latter end of his time, the league between Pekah king of Israel and Retsin king of Syria was formed against Judah ; and they began to carry their designs into execution. But in the reign of Ahaz his son, not only all these ad vantages were lost, but the kingdom of Judah was brought to the brink of destruction, Pekah king of Israel overthrew the army of Ahaz, who lost in battle 120,000 men; and the IsfaeUtes carried away captives 200,000 women and chUdren; which however were released, and sent home again, upon the remonstrance of the prophet Oded, After this, as it should seem, (see Vitringa on chap, vii, 2,), the two kings of Israel and Syria, joining their forces, laid siege to Jerusalem ; but in this attempt they failed of success. In this distress Ahaz called in the assistance of Tiglath-Pileser king of Assyria ; who invaded the kingdoms of Israel and Syria, and slew Retsin : but he was more in danger than ever from his too powerful ally ; to purchase whose forbearance, as he had before bought his assistance, he was forced to strip himself and his people of all the wealth he could possibly raise, from his own treasury, from the temple, and from the country. About the time' of the siege of Jerusalem, the Syrians took Elath, which was never after recovered. The Edoraites likewise, taking advantage of the distress of Ahaz, ravaged Judea, and carried away many captives. The Phi listines recovered what they had before lost ; and took' many places in Judea, and maintained themselves there. Idolatry was established by the command of the king in Jerusalem, and throughout Judea ; and the service of the temple was either intermitted, or converted into an idolatrous worship, Hezekiah, his son, at his accession to the throne, imme diately set about the restoration of the legal worship of God, both in Jerusalem and through Judea, He cleansed and repaired the temple, and held a solemn passover. He im proved the city, repaired the fortifications, erected magazines of all sorts, and built a new aqueduct. In the fourth year of Chap. I. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 131 his reign, Shalmaneser king of Assyria invaded the kingdom of Israel, took Samaria, and carried away the Israelites into captivity; and replaced them by different people sent from his own country : and this was the final destruction of that kingdom, in the sixth year of the reign of Hezekiah, Hezekiah was not deterred by this alarming example from refusing to pay the tribute to the king of Assyria, which had been imposed on Ahaz, This brought on the in vasion of Senacherib in the fourteenth year of his reign ; an account of which is inserted among the prophecies of Isaiah, After a great and miraculous deliverance from so powerful an enemy, Hezekiah continued his reign in peace : he pros pered in all his works, and left his kingdom in a flourishing state to his son Manasseh ; a son in every respect unworthy of such a father. CHAPTER I, 1, The vision of Isaiah — ] It seems doubtful, whether this title belong to the whole book, or only to the prophecy contained in this chapter. The former part of the title seems properly to belong to this particular prophecy : the latter part, which enumerates the kings of Judah, under whom Isaiah exercised his prophetical office, seems to ex tend it to the whole coUection of prophecies delivered in the course of his ministry, Vitringa (to whora the world is greatly indebted for his learned labours on this Prophet ; and to whom we should have owed much more, if he had not so totally devoted hiraself to Masoretic authority) has, I think, very judiciously resolved this doubt. He supposes, that the former part of the title was originally prefixed to this single prophecy ; and that, when the collection of all Isaiah's prophecies was made, the enumeration of the kings of Judah was added, to make it at the same time a proper title to the whole book. As such it is plainly taken in 2 Chron, xxxii, 32, where the book of Isaiah is cited by this title: " The vision of Isaiah the Prophet, the son of Amots," The prophecy contained in this first chapter stands single and unconnected, making an entire piece of itself. It con tains a severe remonstrance against the corruptions pre vailing among the Jews of that time ; powerful exhortations 132 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. L to repentance; grievous threatenings to the impenitent; and gracious promises of better times, when the nation shall have been reformed by the just judgments of God. The expression upon the whole is clear; the connexion of the several parts easy ; and, in regard to the images, sentiments, and style, it gives a beautiful example of the Prophet's elegant raanner of wi-iting ; though perhaps it may not be equal in tliese respects to many of the following prophecies. 2. Hear, O ye heavens — ] God is introduced as enter ing upon a solemn and pubhc action, or pleading, before the whole world, against his disobedient people. The Pro phet, as herald, or officer to proclaim the summons to the court, caUs upon all created beings, celestial and terrestrial, to attend, and bear vritness to the truth of his plea, and the justice of his cause. The same scene is more fully displayed in the noble exordium of Psalm 1. where God summons aU mankind, from east to west, to be present to hear his appeal; and the solemnity is held on Sion, where he is at tended with the sarae terrible pomp that accompanied him oii Mount Sinai : — " A consuming fire goes before him. And round him rages a violent tempest : He calleth the heavens from above, And the earth, that he may contend in judgment with his people." Psal. 1. 3, 4. By the same bold figure, Micah calls upon the mountains, that is, the whole country of Judea, to attend to him : Chap. vi. 1, 2. " Arise, plead thou before the mountains, And let the hills hear thy voice. Hear, O ye mountains, the controversy of Jehovah ; And ye, O ye strong foundations of the earth : For Jehovah hath a controversy with his people. And he will plead his cause against Israel." With the like invocation Moses introduces his sublime song ; the design of which was the sarae as that of this pro phecy, " to testify, as a witness, against the Israelites," for their disobedience, Deut. xxxi. 21. " Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak ; And let the earth hear the words of my mouth." Deut. xxxii. 1. This in the siraple yet strong oratorical style of Moses is, " I call heaven and earth to witness against thee this day : Chap. I. NOTES ON ISAIAH, 133 Ufe and death have I set before thee ; the blessing and the curse : choose now life, that thou mayest live, thou and thy seed." Deut. xxx. 19. The poetical style, by an apos trophe, sets the personification in a much stronger light. Ibid. — that speaketh} I render it in the present time, pointing it "lai. There seeras to be an impropriety in de manding attention to a speech already delivered. Ibid. / have nourished — ] The LXX have i(imt5 : which reading determines the word to be from the root iir, to alienate, not from Tra, to separate .- so Kimchi understands it. See also Annotat. in Noldium, 68. Ibid, they have turned their backs upon him] So Kimchi explains it: " they have turned unto him the back, and not the face :" see Jer. ii. 27. vii. 24. I have been forced to render this line paraphrasticaUy ; as the verbal transla tion " they are estranged backward," would have been un intelligible. 5. On what part — ] The Vulgate renders nn bjc, super quo, (see Job xxxviu. 6. 2 Chron. xxxii. 10.), upon what part: and so Abendana, on Sal. b. Melech: " There are some who explain it thus : Upon what limb shall you be smitten, if you add defection? for already for your sins have you been smitten upon aU of them ; so that there is not to be found in you a whole limb, on which you can be smitten." Which agrees with what foUows: " From the sole of the foot even to the head, there is no soundness therein :" and the sentiment and image is exactly the same with that of Ovid, Pont. u. 7. 42. " Vix habet in nobis jam nova plaga locum." Or that still more expressive Une of Euripides ; the great force and effect of which Longinus ascribes to its close and corapressed structure, analogous to the sense which it ex presses : — I'm full of miseries : there's no room for more. Here. Fur. 1245, Long, sect, 40. " On what part will ye strike again ; wiU ye add correc tion ? " This is addressed to the instruments of God's ven geance ; those that inflicted the punishment, who or what soever they were. " Ad verbum certae personse intelligendae sunt, quibus ista actio [quse per verbum exprimitur] cora- petit:" as Glassius says in a similar case, Phil, Saer, i, 3, 22, See chap, viii, 4, As from rns nyn, knowledge; from yps ns:f, counsel; from \W, nau;, sleep, &c, ; so from idi is regularly derived friD, correction. 136 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap; L 6, It hath not been pressed — ] The art of medicine in the East consists chiefly in external applications: accord ingly the Prophet's images in this place are all taken from surgery. Sir John Chardin, in his note on Prov, in, 8, " It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones," observes, that " the comparison is taken from the plasters, ointments, oUs,- frictions, which are made use of in the East upon the belly and stomach in most maladies. Being ignorant in the villages of the art of making decoctions and potions, and of the proper doses of such things, they gene rally make use of external medicines," Harmer's Observa tions on Scripture, vol. u. p. 488. And in surgery their materia medica is extremely simple ; oU making the prin cipal part of it. " In India," says Tavernier, " they have a certain preparation of oil and melted grease, which they commonly use for the healing of wounds." Voyage Ind. So' the good Samaritan poured oil and wine on the wounds of the distressed Jew : wine, cleansing and somewhat astrin gent, proper for a fresh wound ; oil, mollifying and healing. Luke X. 34. Of the three verbs in this sentence, one is in the singular number in the text, another is singular in two MSS (one of them ancient) n'ii;in ; and Syr. and Vulg. render aU of them in the singular number. 7 — 9. Your country is desolate — ] The description of the ruined and desolate state of the country in these verses, does not suit with any part of the prosperous times of Uzziah and Jotham. It very well agrees with the time of Ahaz, when Judea, was ravaged by the joint invasion of the Israel ites and Syrians, and by the incursions of the PhUistines and Edomites. The date of this prophecy is therefore generally fixed to the time of Ahaz. But on the other hand it may be considered^ whether those instances of idolatry, which are urged in the 29th verse, (the worshipping in groves and gardens), having been at all times too commonly practised, can be supposed to be the, only ones which die Prophet would insist upon in the time of Ahaz ; who spread the grossest idolatry through the whole country, and introduced it even into the temple ; and, to complete his abominations, made his son pass through the fire to Moloch. It is said, 2 Kings XV. 37. that in Jotham's time " the Lord began to send against Judah Retsin and Pekah :" If we may suppose any invasion from that quarter to have been actually made Chap. L NOTES ON ISAIAH. 137 at the latter end of Jothara's reign, I should choose to refer this prophecy to that time. 7. Dili, (at the end of the verse). This reading, though confirmed by all the ancient versions, gives us no good sense ; for, your land is devoured by " strangers ; and is desolate, as if overthrown by strangers," is a mere tautology, or, what is as bad, an identical comparison. Aben Ezra thought, that the word, in its present form, might be taken for the same with DU, an inundation : Schultens is of the same opinion, (see Taylor's Concord.) ; and Schindler in his Lexicon ex plains it in the same manner ; and so, says Kimchi, some explain, it. Abendana endeavours to reconcile it to gram matical analogy in the following manner: — " D^iT is the same with Dit ; that is, as overthrown by an inundation of waters .- and these two words have the same analogy as Dip and on p. Or it may be a concrete, of the same form with 1*311?; and the meaning will be; as overthrown by rain pouring down violently, and causing a flood." On Sal. b. Melech, in loc. But I rather suppose the true reading to be Dit, and have translated it accordingly: the word Dnr, in the line above, seems to have caught the transcriber's eye, and to have led him into this mistake. 8. as a shed in a vineyard — ] A little temporary hut covered with boughs, straw, turf, or the like materials, for a shelter from the heat by day, and the cold and dews by night, for the watchman that kept the garden, or vineyard, during the short season while the fruit was ripening; (see Job xxvii. 18.) ; and presently reraoved, when it had served that pur pose. See Harmer, Observ. i. 454. They were probably obliged to have such a constant watch, to defend the fruit from the jackals. " The jackal," (chical of the Turks), says Hasselquist, (Travels, p. 277.), " is a species of mustela which is very common in Palestine, especially during the vintage, and often destroys whole vineyards, and gardens of cucumbers." " There is also plenty of the canis vulpes, the fox, near the convent of St John in the desert, about vin tage time; for they destroy all the vines, unless they are strictly watched." Ibid. p. 184. See Cant. ii. 15. Fruits of the gourd kind, melons, water-melons, cucum bers, '&c. are much used, and in great request, in the Le vant, on account of their cooling quality. The Israelites in the wilderness regretted the loss of the cucurabers and the melons, among the other good things of Egypt; Numb. xi. 5. 138 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. L In Egypt, the season of water-melons, which are most in re quest, and which the common people then chiefly live upon, lasts but three weeks. See Hasselquist, p. 256. Tavernier makes it of longer continuance : — " L'on y void de grands carreaux de melons et de concombres; mais beaucoup plus des derniers, dont les Levantins font leur delices. Le plus souvent ils les mangent sans les peler, apres quoy ils vont boire une verre d'eau, Dans toute I'Asie c'est la nourriture ordinaire du petit peuple pendant trois ou quatre mois ; toute la famille en vit, et quand un enfant demande a manger, au lieu qu'en France ou aiUeurs nous luy donnerions du pain, dans le Levant on luy presente un concombre, qu'il mange cru comme on le vient de cueillir. — Les concombres dansle. Levant ont une bonte particuli^re, et quoyqu' on les mange crus, ils ne font jaraais de mal." Tavernier, Relat, du Ser- rail, c. xix. Ibid, a city taken by siege.] So LXX and Vulg. 9. Jehovah God of Hosts] As this title, of God nixis nins " Jehovah of Hosts," occurs here for the first time, I think it proper to note, that I translate it always, as in this place, " Jehovah God of Hosts;" taking it as an elliptical expression for nixas '¦nbx nin\ This tide imports, that Jehovah is the God, or Lord, of hosts or armies ; as he is the Creator, and supreme Governor of all beings in heaven and earth ; and disposeth and ruleth them aU in their seve ral orders and stations ; the Almighty, Universal Lord. 10. Ye prifices of Sodom — ] The incidental mention of Sodom and Gomorrah in the preceding verse, suggested to the Prophet this spirited address to the rulers and inhabi tants of Jerusalem, under the character of princes of Sodom and people of Gomorrah. Two examples of a sort of ele gant turn of the like kind may be observed in St Paul's Epistle to the Romans, xv. 4, 5. and 12, 13. See Locke on the place ; and see 29, 30. of this chapter ; which gives another exaraple of the same, 11. -^the/at of fed beasts ,- And in the blood—] The fat and the blood are particularly .mentioned, because these were in aU sacrifices set apart 'to God. The fat was always burnt upon the altar; and the blood was partly sprinkled, differently on different occasions, and partly poured out at the bottom of the altar. See Lev. iv. 11—16. What have I to do— ] The prophet Amos has expressed the^ame sentiments with great elegance : Chap. I. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 139 " I hate, I despise your feasts ; And I will not delight in the odour of your solemnities ; Though ye oifer unto me burnt-oiferings: And your meat-offerings I wdl not accept ; Neither will I regard the peace-offering of your fatlings. Take away from me the noise of your songs ; And the melody of your viols I will not hear. But let judgment roll down like waters ; And righteousness liBe a mighty stream." Amos, v, 21 — 24, 12, Tread my cowts no more — ] So the LXX divide the sentence; joining the end of this verse to the beginning of the next, \Q. The fast, and the day of restraint] nisyi ^ix. These words are rendered in many different manners by different interpreters ; to a good and probable sense by all ; but, I think, by none in .such a sense as can arise frora the phrase itself, agreeably to the idiom of the Hebrew language. In stead of ]ix, the LXX manifestly read Dis, n^nxv, " the fast," This Houbigant has adopted. The Prophet could not well have omitted the fast in the enumeration of their solemnities ; nor the abuse of it, among the instances of their hypocrisy, which he has treated at large with such force and elegance in his 58th chapter. Observe also, that the pro phet Joel twice joins together the fast, and the day of re straint : may ixip dis iwip " Sanctify a fast ; proclaim a day of restraint," Joel i, 14, ii, 15, Which shews how properly they are here joined together. nisy, the restraint, is rendered, both here and in other places in our English translation, the solemn assembly. Cer tain holy days, ordained by the law, were distinguished by a particular charge, that " no servile work .should be done therein," Lev. xxiii. 36, Numb, xxix. 35, Deut, xvi, 8, This circumstance clearly explains the reason of the name, the restraint, or the day of restraint, given to those days. If I could approve of any translation of these two words, which I have raet with, it should be that of the Spanish ver sion of the Old Testament, made for the use of the Spanish Jews : " tortura y detenimiento," " it is a pain and a con straint unto me," But I still think, that the reading of the LXX is more probably the truth. 15. When ye spread — ] The Syr. LXX, and MS, read D3iDiBi, without the conjunction i. 140 NOTES ON ISAIAH, Chap, L Ibid, For your hands — ^] Ai y«g •jca^a- LXX, Manus enim vestrge, Vulg. They seem to have read D3il> <5. 16. Wash ye — ] Referring to the preceding verse, " your hands are full of blood ;" and alluding to the legal washings commanded on several occasions. See Lev. xiv. 8, 9, 47. 17. amend that which is corrupted] yinn iiwx. In rendering this obscure phrase I follow Bochart, (Hieroz. Part. I. lib. U, cap. 7.), though I am not perfectly satisfied with his explication of it. 18. Though your sins were as scarlet — ] 'JW, " scarlet, or crimson," dibaphum, twice dipped, or double-dyed ; from n:w, iterare, to double, or to do a thing twice. This deriva tion seems much more probable than that which Salmasius prefers, from pw, acuere, from the sharpness and strength of the colour; o^utptrnxm. ybn, the same; properly the worm, vermiculus, (from whence vermeil) ; for this colour was produced from a worm, or insect, which grew in a coc cus, or excrescence, pf a shrub of the ilex kind, (see Plin. Nat. Hist. xvi. 8.) ; like the cochineal worm in the opuntia of America, (see Ulloa's Voyage, b. v. ch. 2. note to p. 342.) There is a shrub of this kind, that grows in Provence and Languedoc, and produces the like insect, called the kermes oak, (see MUler, Diet, Querpus) ; from kermez, the Arabic word for this colour; whence our word crimson is derived, " Neque amissos colores Lana refert medicata fuco," says the poet ; applying the same image to a different pur pose. To discharge these strong colours is impossible to hu man art or power ; but to the grace and power of God, aU things, even much more difficult, are possible and easy, 19, Ye shall feed on the good of the land] Referring, to ver, 7, ; it shall not be " devoured by strangers," 20, Ye shall be food for the sword] The LXX and Vulg, read DDbpxn, " the sword shall devour you " which is of much raore easy construction than the present reading of the text. " The Chaldee seeras to read ibaxn a^ix aina ; " ye shall be consuraed by the sword of the enemy." Syr, also reads aim, and renders the verb passively. And the rhythmus seems to require this addition, Dr Jubb, 21, — become a harlot] See Lowth, Comment, on the place ; and De S, Poes, Hebr, Prsel, xxxi, Chap. L NOTES ON ISAIAH. 141 22, wine mixed with water] An image used for the adulteration of wine, with more propriety than raay at first appear, if what Thevenot says of the people of the Levant of late times was true of them formerly : He says, " they never mingle water with their wine to drink ; but drink by itself what water they think proper for abating the strength of the wine," " Lorsque les Persans boivent du vin, ils le prennent tout pur, a la fa^on des Levantins, qui ne le me- lent jamais avec de I'eau ; mais en beuvant du vin, de temps en temps ils prennent un pot d'eau, et en boivent de grand traits," Voyage, Part, II, liv, ii, chap, 10, " lis (les Turcs) n'y melent jamais d'eau, et se moquent des Chrestiens, qui en.mettent, ce qui leur serable tout-a-fait ridicule," Ibid, Part, I, chap, 24. It is reraarkable, that whereas the Greeks and Latins by mixed wine always understood wine diluted and lowered with water, the Hebrews on the contrary generally mean by it wine raade stronger and raore inebriating, by the addition of higher and raore powerful ingredients; such as honey, spices, defrutum, (or vrine inspissated by boiling it down to two-thirds, or one-half, of the quantity), myrrh, raandra- gora, opiates, and other strong drugs. Such were the ex hilarating, or rather stupifying, ingredients, which Helen mixed in the bowl together with the wine for her guests op pressed with grief, to raise their spirits ; the composition of which she had learned in Egypt : Avtik' ttf Uf oiwi ^«,>.i (^n^^axov, ivkv sviveti, NuTTitii! T x^ohoi TI, xtcxai)! i-niXniav XTrccvlav. Hom, Odys. iv. 220, " Mean while, with genial joy to warm the soul. Bright Helen mix'd a mirth-inspiring bowl ; Temper'd with drugs of sovereign use, t' assuage The boiling bosom of tumultuous rage : Charm'd with that virtuous draught, th' exalted mind All sense of woe delivers to the wind," Pope, Such was " the spiced wine and the juice of pome granates," mentioned Cant, viu, 2, And how ranch the eastern people to this day deal in artificial liquors of pro digious strength, the use of wine being forbidden, raay be seen in a curious chapter of Keippfer upon that subject, Aracen, Exot, Fase, iii, Obs. 15, Thus the drunkard is properly described, (Prov, xxiu, 30,), as one " that seeketh mixt wine;" and is " mighty to mingle strong drink :" Isaiah, v, 22, And hence the Psal- 142 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. L mist took that highly poetical and sublime image of the' cup of God's wrath, called by Isaiah, (U, 17,) " the cup of trembling," (causing intoxication and stupefaction; see Chappelow's note on Hariri, p, 33,) ; containing, as St John expresses in Greek this Hebrew idea, with the utmost pre cision, though with a seeming contradiction in terms, xixifcta-. ftivoy ctxealiv, merum mixtum, pure wine made yet stronger by a mixture of powerful ingredients : Rev, xiv, 10, " In the hand of Jehovah," saith the Psalmist, (Psal,lxxv,9,), "there is a cup, and the wine is turbid : it is full of a mixed liquor, and he poureth out of it : (or rather, " he poureth it out of one vessel into another," to mix it perfectly ; according to the reading expressed by the ancient versions, nr bx nin ii''i) : verily the dregs thereof, (the thickest sediment of the strong ingredients mingled with it), all the ungodly of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them," 23, associates—] The LXX, Vulg, and four MSS, read 'lan, without the conjunction 1. 24, Aha ! I will be eased — ] Anger, arising from a sense of injury and affront, especially from those who, from every consideration of duty and gratitude, ought to have behaved far otherwise, is an uneasy and painful sensation ; and re venge, executed to the full on the offenders, removes that uneasiness, and consequently is pleasing and quieting, at least for the present, Ezekiel introduces God expressing himself in the same manner : " And mine anger shall be fully accomplished ; And I will make my fury rest upon them ; And I will give myself ease," Chap, v, 13, This is a strong instance of the metaphor called Anthropo- pathia; by which, throughout the Scriptures, as weU the historical as the poetical parts, the sentiments, sensations, and affections, the bodily faculties, qualities, and members of men, and even of brute animals, are attributed to God; and that with the utraost liberty and latitude of application. The foundation of this is obvious ; it arises from necessity : we have no idea of the natural attributes of God, of his pure essence, of his manner of existence, of his manner of acting : when therefore we would treat on these subjects, we find ourselves forced to express them by sensible images. But necessity leads to beauty : this is true of raetaphor in gene ral, and in particular of this kind of metaphor; which is Chap. L NOTES ON ISAIAH. • 143 used with great elegance and sublimity in the sacred poetry : and what is very remarkable, in the grossest instances of the application of it, it is generally the most striking and the most sublime. The reason seems to be this : When the images are taken from the superior faculties of the human nature, from the purer and more generous affections, and applied to God, we are apt to acquiesce in the notion ; we overlook the metaphor, and take it as a proper attribute : but when the idea is gross and offensive, as in this passage of Isaiah, where the impatience of anger, and the pleasure of revenge, is attributed to God ; we are immediately shock ed at the application ; the impropriety strikes us at once ; and the mind, casting about for something in the divine nature analogous to the image, lays hold on some great, obscure, vague idea, which she endeavours in vain to com prehend, and is lost in immensity and astonishment. See De S, Poesi Hebr, Prael, xvi, sub fin, where this matter is treated and illustrated by examples, 25, in the furnace] The text has laa ; which sorae ren der, " as with soap " as if it were the sarae with nmaa ; so Kimchi : but soap can have nothing to do with the purifying of metals: others, " according to purity, ov purely," as our version, Le Clerc conjectured, that the true reading is liaa, " as in the furnace .-" see Ezek, xxii, 18, 20, Dr Du rell proposes only a transposition of letters laa ; to the same sense : and so likewise Archbishop Seeker, That this is the true reading is highly probable, 26, And after this—] The LXX, Syr, Chald, and eighteen MSS, add the conjunction i, 27, — in judgment ;] by the exercise of God's strict jus tice in destroying the obdurate, (see ver, 28,), and delivering the penitent : — in righteousness ; by the truth and faithfiil ness of God in performing his promises, 29,30, For ye shall be ashamed of the ilexes — ] Sacred groves were a very ancient and favourite appendage of ido latry. They were furnished with the temple of the god to whom they were dedicated ; with altars, images, and every thing necessary for performing the various rites of worship offered there ; and were the scenes of many impure cere monies, and of much aborainable superstition. They made a principal part of the religion of the old inhabitants of Ca naan ; and the Israelites were comraanded to destroy their groves, araong other monuments of their false worship. 141 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. L The IsraeUtes themselves became afterward very much ad dicted to this species of idolatry, " 'When I had brought them into the land, ¦Which I sware that I would give unto them ; Then they saw every high hill, and every thick tree : And there they slew their victims ; And there they presented the provocation of their offerings ; And there they placed their sweet savour ; And there they poured out their libations," Ezek, xx, 28, " On the tops of the mountains they sacrifice ; And on the hills they burn incense : Under the oak, and the poplar ; • And the ilex, because her shade is pleasant," Hosea, iv, 13, Of what particular kinds the trees here mentioned are, it cannot be determined with certainty. In regard to nbx, in this place of Isaiah, as well as in Hosea, Celsius (Hierobot) understands it of the terebinth ; because the most ancient interpreters render it so ; in the first place the LXX. He quotes eight places ; but in three of these eight places the copies vary, some having Sgus instead of Tsgso.vflos. And he should have told us, that these same LXX render it in six teen other places by S^«? : so that their authority is really against hira ; and the LXX slant pro quercu, contrary to what he says at first setting out. Add to this, that Sym raachus, Theodotion, and Aquila, generally render it by Sgus; the latter only once rendering it by reg8?i»^of. His other arguments seem to me not very conclusive : he says, that all the qualities of nbx agree to the terebinth ; that it grows in mountainous countries; that it is a strong tree; long-lived ; large and high ; and deciduous. All these qualities agree just as well to the oak, against which he contends; and he actually attributes them to the oak in the very next section. But, I think, neither the oak nor the terebinth will do in this place of Isaiah, from the last circumstance which he mentions, their being deci duous ; where the Prophet's design seems to me to require an ever-green : otherwise the casting of its leaves would be nothing out of the comraon established course of nature, and no proper iraage of extreme distress, and total desola tion; parallel to that of a garden without water, that is, wholly burnt up and destroyed. An ancient, who was an inhabitant and a native of this country, understands it, in like manner, of a tree blasted with uncommon and immode- Chap. I. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 145 rate heat: — " velut arbores, cum frondes sestu torrente de- cusserunt," Ephraera Syr, in loc, edit, Asseraani, Com pare Psal, i, 4, Jer, xvii, 8, Upon the whole, I have chosen to make it the ilex; which word Vossius (Etymolog,) de rives from the Hebrew nbx; that, whether the word itself be rightly rendered or not, I raight at least preserve the propriety of the poetical iraage, 29, For ye shall be ashamed] 1W1 an, in the second per son, Vulg, Chald, two MSS, and one edition ; and in agree ment with the rest of the sentence. 30. — whose leaves] Twenty-six MSS and three editions read n'bff, in its fuU and regular form. This is worth re marking, as it accounts for a great nuraber of anoraalies of the like kind, which want only the same authority to rectify them. 30. — a garden wherein is no water.] In the hotter parts of the eastern countries, a constant supply of water is so absolutely necessary for the cultivation, and even for the preservation and existence of a garden, that should it want water but for a few days, every thing in it would be burnt up with the heat, and totally destroyed. There is therefore no garden whatever in those countries, but what has such a certain supply ; either from sorae neighbouring river, or from a reservoir of water collected frora springs, or filled with rain-water in the proper season, in sufficient quantity to afford ample provision for the rest of the year. Moses, having described the habitation of man newly created, as a garden, planted with every tree pleasant to the sight and good for food, adds, as a circumstance necessary to complete the idea of a garden, that it was well supplied with water: (Gen. ii. 10. and see xiii. 10.) " And a river went out of Eden to water the garden." That the reader raay have a clear notion of this matter, it will be necessary to give some account pf the manageraent of their gardens in this respect. " Damascus, (says Maundrell, p. 122.), is encompassed with gardens, extending no less, according to common estimation, than thirty miles round; which makes it look like a city in a vast wood. The gardens -are thick set with fruit-trees of all kinds, kept fresh and verdant by the waters of Barrady, (the Chrysorrhoas of the ancients), which supply both the gardens and city in great abundance. This river, as soon as it issues out from between the. cleft of the 146 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. L mountain before mentioned into the plain, is immediately divided into three streams ; of which the middlemost and biggest runs directly to Damascus, and is distributed to all the cisterns and fountains of the city. The other two (which I take to be the work of art) are drawn round, one to the right hand, and the other to the left, on the borders of the gardens, into which they are let as they pass, by little currents, and so dispersed all over the vast wood: inso much, that there is not a garden but has a fine quick stream running through it. Barrady is almost wholly drunk up by the city and gardens. What small part of it escapes is 'united, as I was informed, in one channel again, on the south-east side of the city; and, after about three or four hours' course, finally loses itself in a bog there, without ever arriving at the sea." This was Ukewise the case in former times, as Strabo, lib. xvi. Pliny, v. 18. testify; who say, ^' that this river was expended in canals, and drunk up by watering the place," " The best sight (says the same MaundreU, p, 39,) that the palace [of the Emir of Beroot, anciently Berytus] affords, and the worthiest to be remembered, is the orange garden. It contains a large quadrangular plat of ground, divided into sixteen lesser squares, four in a row, with walks between them. The walks are shaded with orange- trees, of a large spreading size. Every one of these sixteen lesser squares in the garden was bordered with stone ; and in the stone-work were troughs, very artificially contrived, for con veying the water all over the garden: there being little outlets cut at every tree, for the stream, as it passed by, to flow out, and water it," The royal gardens at Ispahan are watered just in the same manner, according to Kempfer's description, Aracen, Exot, jp, 193, This gives us a clear idea of the D^n ijbs, raentioned in the first Psalm, and other places of Scripture, " the divi sions of waters," the waters distributed in artificial canals-; for so the phrase properly signifies. The prophet Jeremiah has imitated, and elegantly amplified, the passage of the Psalmist above referred to : — " He shall be like a tree planted by the water-side, And which sendeth forth her roots to the aqueduct : She shaU not fear, when the heat cometh ; But her leaf shall be green ; And in the year of drought she shall not be anxious, Neither shall she cease from bearing fruit," Jer, xvii, 8. Chap. I. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 147 From this iraage the son of Sirach has raost beautifuUy iUustrated the influence and the increase of religious wisdom in a well-prepared heart : — " I also come forth as a canal from a river, And as a conduit flowing into a paradise. I said : I will water my garden, And I will abundantly moisten my border : And lo ! my canal became' a river, And my river became a sea," Eccl'us, xxiv. 30, 31, This gives us the true meaning of the foUowing elegant proverb : — " The heart of the king is like the canals of waters in the hand of Jehovah ; Whithersoever it pleaseth him, he inclineth it," Prov, xxi, 1, The direction of it is in the hand of Jehovah, as the distri bution of the water of the reservoir, through the garden, by different canals, is at the vrill of the gardener : — " Et, quum exustus ager morientibus aastuat herbis, Ecce supercilio clivosi tramitis undam Elicit : ilia cadens raucum per levia murmur Saxa ciet, scatebrisque arentia temperat arva," Virg, Georg, i, 107, Solomon mentions his own works of this kind : — " I made me gardens, and paradises; And I planted in them all kinds of fruit-trees, I made me pools of water, To water with them the grove flourishing with trees," Eccles, ii, 5. 6. Maundrell (p, 88. ) has given a description of the remains, as they are said to be, of these very pools made by Solomon, for the reception and preservation of the waters of a spring, rising at a Uttle distance frora them; which will give us a perfect notion of the contrivance and design of such reser voirs. " As for the pools, they are three in number, lying in a row above each other ; being so disposed, that the waters of the uppermost may descend into the second, and those of the second into the third. Their figure is quadrangular ; the breadth is the sarae in all, araounting to about ninety paces : in their length there is some difference between them ; the first being one hundred and sixty paces long ; the se cond two hundred; the third two hundred and twenty. They are all lined with wall, and plastered ; and contain a great depth of water." 148 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. L The immense works which were made by the ancient kings of Egypt, for receiving the waters of the Nile when it overflowed, for such uses, are well known. But there never was a more stupendous work of this kind, than the reservoir of Saba, or Merab, in Arabia Felix, According to the tradition of the country, it was the work of Balkis, that queen of Sheba who visited Solompn, It was a vast lake formed by the collection of the waters of a torrent in a valley, where, at a narrow pass between two mountains, a very high mole, or dam, was buUt, The water of the lake so forraed had near twenty fathom depth ; and there were three sluices at different heights, by which, at whatever height the lake stood, the plain below might be watered. By conduits and canals from these sluices the water was constantly distributed in due proportion to the several lands; so that the whole country for many mUes became a perfect paradise. The city of Saba, or Merab, was situated imme-r diately below the great dam : a great flood came, and raised the lake above its usual height : the dam gave way in the middle of the night; the waters burst forth at once, and overwhelmed the whole city, with the neighbouring towns, and people. The remains of eight tribes were forced to ' abandon their dwelling, and the beautiful vaUey became a morass and a desert. This fatal catastrophe happened long before the time of Mohammed, who mentions it in the Koran, chap, xxxiv. See also Sale, Prelim, sect, i, ; and Michaelis, Questions aux Voyageurs Danois, No, 94, ; Nie^- buhr, Descript, de I'Arabie, p, 240. CHAPTER IL The prophecy contained in the second, third, and fourth chapters, makes one continued discourse. The first five verses of chapter second foretell the kingdora of Messiah, the conversion of the GentUes, and their admission into it. Frora the sixth verse to the end of the second chapter is fore told the punishment of the unbelieving Jews, for their idola trous practices, their confidence in their own strength, and distrust of God's protection ; and moreover the destruction of idolatry, in consequence of the establishment of Messiah's kingdom. The whole third chapter, with the first verse of the fourth, is a prophecy of the calamities of the Babylonian Chap. IL NOTES ON ISAIAH. 149 invasion and captivity; with a particular amplification of the distress of the proud and luxurious daughters of Sion. Chap. iv. 2 — 6. proraises to the reranant, which shall have escaped this severe purgation, a future restoration to the favour and protection of God. This prophecy was probably delivered in the tirae of Jotham, or perhaps in that of Uzziah ; as Isaiah is said to have prophesied in his reign ; to which time not any of his prophecies is so applicable as that of these chapters. The seventh verse of the second, and the latter part of the third chapter, plainly point out times in which riches abounded, and luxury and delicacy prevailed. Plenty of silver and gold coidd only arise from their commerce; particularly from that part of it which was carried on by the Red Sea, This circumstance seems to confine the prophecy within the limits above raentioned, while the port of Elath was in their hands : it was lost under Ahaz, and never recovered, 2, — in the latter days — ] ".Wherever the latter times are raentioned in Scripture, the days of the Messiah are always meant;" says Kimchi on this place: and, in regard to this place, nothing can be more clear and certain. The Prophet Micah (chap, iv, 1 — 4,) has repeated this prophecy of the establishment of the kingdom of Christ, and of its progress to universality and perfection, in the sarae words, with little and hardly any material variation : for as he did not begin to prophesy till Jotham' s time, and this seems to be one of the first of Isaiah's prophecies, I suppose Micah to have taken it frora hence. The variations, as I said, are of no great importance. Verse 2, xm after xu;:i, a word of some emphasis, raay be supplied frora Micah, if dropt in Isaiah : an ancient MS has it here in the margin : It has in like manner been lost in chap, liii, 4, (see note on the place) ; and in Psal, xxii, 29, where it is supplied by Syr, and LXX, Instead of siun ba, all the nations, Micah has only Dinjr, peoples ,- where Syr, has D''J3y ba, all jJeoples, as probably it ought to be. Verse 3, for the 2d bx read bxi, seventeen MSS, two editions, LXX, Vulg, Syr, Chald, and so Micah iv, 2, Verse 4, Micah adds, pm ir, afar off, which the Syriac also reads in this parallel place of Isaiah, It is also to be observed, that Micah has improved the passage by adding a verse, or sentence, for imagery and expression worthy even of the elegance of Isaiah : — o 150 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. IL " And they shall sit, every man under his vine. And under his fig-tree, and none shall affright them : .For the mouth of Jehovah God of Hosts hath spoken it," The description of weU-established peace, by the image of " beating their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks," is very poetical. The Roman poets have employed the same image : Martial, xiv, 34, " Falx ex ense," " Pax me certa ducis placidos curvavit in usus j • Agricolae nunc sum ; militis ante fui," The Prophet Joel hath reversed it, and appUed it to war prevaUing over peace : — " Beat your ploughshares into swords ; And your pruning-hooks into spearg," Joel, iii, 10, And so likewise the Roman poets : — " Non uUus aratro Dignus honos : squalent abductis arva colonis, Et curvae rigidum falces conflantur in ensem," Virg, Georg, i, 506. " Bella diu tenuere viros : erat aptior ensis Vomere : cedebat taurus arator equo, Sarcula cessabant ; versique in pila ligones ; Factaque de rastri pondere cassis erat," Ovid. Fast. i. 697. The Prophet Ezekiel has presignified the same great event with equal clearness, though in a more abstruse form, in an allegory ; from an iraage, suggested by the former part of the prophecy, happily introduced, and well pursued : — " Thus saith the Lord Jehovah : I myself will take from the shoot of the lofty cedar; Even a tender cion from the top^of his cions will 1 pluck off: And I myself will plant it on a mountain high and eminent. On the lofty mountain of Israel will I plant it ; And it shall exalt its branch and bring forth fruit ; And it shall become a majestic cedar: And under it shall dwell all fowl of every wing ; In the shadow of its branches shall they dwell : And all the trees of the field shall know, That I Jehovah have brought low the high tree ; Have exalted the low tree ; Have dried up the green tree ; And have made the dry tree to flourish : I Jehovah have spoken it, and will do it." Ezek. xvii. 22-24. The word 'Driai in this passage, verse 22. as the sentence now stands, seems incapable of being reduced to any proper Chap. II. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 151 construction or sense ; none of the ancient versions acknow ledge it, except Theodotion and Vulg.; and all but the latter vary very rauch from the present reading of this clause, fioubigant's correction of the passage, by reading, instead of ''nnii, tip2Vl, (and a tender cion), which is not very unlike it, (perhaps better pavi, vrith which the adjec tive "]1 will agree without alteration), is ingenious and pro bable ; and I have adopted it in the above translation. 6. they are filled with diviners — ] Heb. They are filled from the east ; or, more than the east. The sentence is ma nifestly imperfect. The LXX, Vulg. and Chaldee, seem to have read Dipna ; and the latter, with another word be fore it signifying idols .- They are filled with idols as from of old. Houbigant for Dlpa reads DDpn, as Brentius had proposed long ago. I rather think, that both words to gether give us the true reading: Dipn DDpn, with divina tion from the east ; and that the first word has been by mis take omitted, from its similitude to the second. Ibid. And they multiply — ] Seven MSS and one edition read ip^SD*, " Read iniSD*; and have joined themselves to the children of strangers ; that is, in marriage, or worship," Dr Jubb, So Vulg, adhceserunt. Compare chap, xiv, 1, But the very learned professor Chevalier Michaelis has explained the word inSD*, Job, xxx, 7, (German transla tion, note on the place) in another manner; which perfectly well agrees with that place, and perhaps will be found to give as good a sense here, n'SD, the noun, means corn springing up, not from the seed regularly sown on cultivated land, but in the untilled field, from the scattered grains of the former harvest. This, by an easy metaphor, is applied to a spurious brood of chUdren irregularly and casually be gotten. The LXX seem to have understood the verb here in this sense, reading it as Vulg, seeras to have done : this justifies their version, which it is hard to account for in any other manner : "«( nxia, waxxx atxxopvxn lymh Kvroig. Cora- pare Hos. V. 7, and LXX there, 7, And his land is filled with horses] This was in direct contradiction to God's command in the law : " But he [the king] shall not multiply horses to hiraself; nor cause the people to return to Egypt, to the end that he should mul tiply horses : — neither shall he greatly multiply to liimself silver ~ and gold:" Deut, xvii, 16, 17, Uzziah seems to have foUowed the example of Solomon, (see 1 Kings x. 26, 152 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chai«. IL --29,), who first transgressed in these particulars: he re covered the port of Elath on the Red Sea, and with it that commerce, which, in Solomon's days, had " made silver and gold as plenteous at Jerusalem as stones :" 2 Chron, i. 15. He had an army of 307,500 men; in which, as we may infer from this testimony of Isaiah, the chariots and horse made a considerable part, " The law above-mentioned was to be a standing trial of prince and people, whether they had trust and confidence in God their deliverer," See Bp, Sherlock's Discourses on Prophecy, Dissert, iv, where he has excellently explained the reason and effect of the law, and the influence which the observance or neglect of it had on the affairs of the Israelites, 8, And his land is filed with idols] Uzziah and Jotham are both said (2 Kings xv. 3, 4. and 34, 35.) " to have done that which was right in the sight of the Lord ;" (that is, to have adhered to, and maintained, the legal worship of God, in opposition to idolatry, and all irregular worship; for to this sense the meaning of that phrase is commonly to be restrained) ; " save that the high places were not removed, where the people still sacrificed and burned incense." There was. hardly any time when they were quite free from this irregular and unlawful practice ; which they seem to have looked upon as very consistent with the true worship of God ; and which seems in some measure to have been tole rated, while the tabernacle was removed from place to place, and before the temple was built. Even after the conversion of Manasseh, when he had removed the strange gods, and commanded Judah to serve Jehovah the God of Israel; it is added, " Nevertheless the people did sacrifice still on the high places, yet unto Jehovah their God only:" 2 Chron. xxxiii. 17. The worshipping on the high places therefore does not necessarily imply idolatry: and from what is said of these two kings, Uzziah and Jotham, we may presume, that the public exercise of idolatrous worship was not permitted in their time. The idols therefore here spoken of, must have been such as were designed for a private and secret use. Such probably were the Teraphim so often mentioned in Scripture; a kind of household gods, of human form, as it should seem, (see 1 Sam, xix, 13, and compare Gen, xxxi, 34,), of different magnitude, used for idolatrous and superstitious purposes ; particularly for divination, and as oracles, which they consulted for direction in their affairs. Chap. IL NOTES ON ISAIAH. 9, — shall be bowed down] This has reference tox^ preceding verse : they bowed theraselves down to their idols ; therefore shaU they be bowed down ahd brought low under the avenging hand of God, 10, Whe?i he ariseth to strike the earth with terror.] On the authority of LXX, confirraed by the Arabic and an ancient MS," I have here added to the text a line, which in the 19th and 21st verses is repeated together with the preceding line, and has, I think, evidently been oraitted by mistake in this place. The MS here varies only in one letter from the reading of the other two verseS: it has \>ixa instead of yixn, 11, — be humbled] " For nwi bsw, read ntsi ibsiz;," Dr Durell, Which rectifies the grararaatical construction, 13 — 16, Even against all the cedars — ] These verses afford us a striking exaraple of that peculiar way of writing, which raakes a principal characteristic of the parabolical or poetical style of the Hebrews, and in which then- prophets deal so largely; naraely, their manner of exhibiting things divine, spiritual, moral, and political, by a set of images taken from things natural, artificial, religious, historical ; in the way of metaphor or allegory. Of these, nature furnishes much the largest and the most pleasing share ; and aU poetry has chiefly recourse to natural images, as the richest and raost powerful source of illustration. But it may be observed of the Hebrew poetry in particular, that in the use of such iraages, and in the application of thera in the way of iUus- tration and ornament, it is raore regular and constant than any other poetry whatever ; that it has, for the most part, a set of images appropriated in a manner to the explication of certain subjects. Thus you will find, in many other places beside this before us, that cedars of Libanus and oaks of Basan are used, in the way of metaphor and allegory, for kings, princes, potentates, of the highest rank ; high moun tains and lofty hUls, for kingdoms, republics, states, cities ; towers and fortresses, for defenders and protectors, whether by counsel or strength, in peace or war; ships of Tar shish, and works of art and invention employed in adorning them, for merchants, men enriched by commerce, and abounding in all the luxuries and elegancies of life ; such as those of Tyre and Sidon : for it appears from the course of the whole passage, and from the train of ideas, that the fortresses and the ships are to be taken metaphorically, as well as the high trees and the lofty mountains. 154 NOTES OJST ISAIAH. Chap. II. Ships of Tarshish are in Scripture frequently used by a metonymy for ships in general, especially such as are em ployed in carrying on traffic between distant countries ; as Tarshish was the most celebrated mart of those times, frcr- quented of old by the Phenicians, and the principal source of Wealth to Judea and the neighbouring countries. The learned seem now to be perfectly well agreed, that Tarshish is Tartessus, a city of Spain, at the mouth of the river Bsetis ; whence the Phenicians, who first opened this trade, brought silver and gold, (Jer. x, 9, Ezek, xxrii, 12,), in which that country then abounded; and pursuing their voyage still further to the Cassiterides, (Bochart, Canaan, I, cap, 39, Huet, Hist, de Commerce, p, 194,), the islands of Scilly and CornwaU, they brought from thence lead and tin, Tarshish is celebrated in Scripture (2 Chron, viii, 17, 18, ix, 21.) for the trade which Solomon carried on thither, in conjunction with the Tyrians. Jehosaphat (1 Kings xxii. 48. 2 Chron. xx. 36.) attempted afterward to renew that trade ; and from the account given of his atterapt it appears, that his fleet was to saU frpm Eziongeber on the Red Sea : they must therefore have designed to sail round Africa, as Solomon's fleet probably had done before, (see Huet, Histoire de Coraraerce, p. 32.) ; for it was a three years' voyage, (2 Chron, ix, 21,) ; and they brought gold from Ophir, probably on the coast of Arabia, silver from Tartessus, and ivory, apes, and peacocks, from Africa, " i''Slx, Afri, Africa, the Roman termination, Africa terra, lyiwin, some city, or country, in Africa, So Chald, on 1 Kings xxii, 49, where he renders w>win by np»isx; and compare 2 Chron, xx, 36, from whence it appears, that to go to Ophir and to Tarshish is one and the same thing," Dr Jubb, It is certain, that under Pharaoh Necho, about two hmidred years afterward, this voyage was made by the Egyptians, (Herodot. iv. 42.) They sailed frora the Red Sea, and returned by the Mediterranean, and they perform ed it in three years; .just the same time that the voyage under Solomon had taken up. It appears likewise from Pliny, (Nat. Hist. ii. 67.), that the passa;ge round the Cape pf Good Hope was known and frequently practised before his time ; by Hanno the Carthaginian, when Carthage was in its glory ; by one Eudoxus, in the time of Ptolemy La thyrus king of Egypt; and CaeUus Antipater, an historian, of good credit, somewhat earUer than Pliny, testifies, that Chap. IL NOTES ON ISAIAH. 155 he had seen a merchant, who had made the voyage, from Gades to .Ethiopia. The Portuguese under Vasco de Gama, near three hundred years ago, recovered this navi gation, after it had been intermitted and lost for many centuries. 18. — shall disappear] The ancient versions, and an an cient MS, read isbns plural. 19 — 21. into caverns of rocks — ] The country pf Judea, being mountainous and rocky, is full of caverns ; as it ap pears from the history of Darid's persecution under Saul. At Engedi, in particular, there was a cave so large, that David with six hundred men hid themselves in the sides of it ; and Saul entered the mouth of the cave without per ceiving that any one was there : 1 Sara. xxiv. Josephus (Antiq. lib. xiv. cap. 15. ; and Bell. Jnd. Ub. L cap. 16.) tells us of a numerous gang of banditti, who, having in fested the country, and being pursued by Herod with his array, retired into certain caverns, almost inaccessible, near Arbela in Galilee, where they were with great difficulty sub dued, Sorae of these were natural, others artificial, " Be yond Damascus," says Strabo, lib, xvi, " are two mountains called Trachones ; [from which the country has the name of Trachonitis] : and from hsnc^, towards Arabia and Itu- rea, are certain rugged mountains, in which there are deep caverns; one of which will hold four thousand men," Taver nier (Voyage de Perse, Part II, chap, 4,) speaks of a grot, between Aleppo and Bir, that would hold near three thou sand horse, " Three hours distant from Sidon, about a mUe from the sea, there runs along a high rocky mountain ; in the sides of which are hewn a multitude of grots, all very little differing from each other. They have entrances about two feet square : on the inside, you find in most or all of them a room of about four yards square. There are of these subterraneous caverns two hundred in nuraber. It may, with probabUity at least, be concluded that these places were contrived for the use of the living, and not of the dead. Strabo describes the habitations of the Troglodytae to have been somewhat of this kind:" Maundrell, p. 118. The Horites, who dwelt in Mount Seir, were Troglodytes, as their name D*in imports. But those mentioned by Strabo were on each side of the Arabian Gulf. Mohammed (Ko ran, chap, XV, and xxvi,) speaks of a tribe of Arabians, the tribe of Thamud, " who hewed houses out of the mountains, 156 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. IL to secure themselves," Thus, " because of the Midianites, the chUdren of Israel made them the dens which are in the mountains, and caves, and strongholds :" Judges, vi, 2, To these they betook theraselves for refuge in times of distress and hostile invasion : " When the men of Israel saw that they were in a strait, (for the people were distressed), then the people did hide themselves in caves, and in thickets, and in rocks, and in high places, and in pits :" * 1 Sam, xiii, 6, and see Jer, xli, 9. Therefore, " to enter into the rock ; to go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth," was to thera a very proper and familiar image to express terror and consternation. The Prophet Hosea hath carried the same image further, and added great strength and spirit to it : Chap. x. 8. " They shall say to the mountains, Cover us ; And to the hills, Fall on us." Wliich image, together with these of Isaiah, is adopted by the sublime author of the Revelation, (chap, vi, 15, 16,), who frequently borrows his imagery from our Prophet, 20, — which they have made to worship — ] The word ^h, for himself, is omitted by an ancient MS, and is un necessary. It does not appear that any copy of LXX has it, except MS Pachom, and MS i. D, ii, and they have lauroii, Dnb, plural. Ibid, — to the moles — ] They shall carry their idols with them into the dark caverns, old ruins, or desolate places, to which they shall flee for refuge ; and so shall give them up, and relinquish them to the filthy animals that frequent such places, and have taken possession of them as their proper habitation. Bellonius, Greaves, P. Lucas, and many other travellers, .speak of bats of an enormous size as inhabiting the great Pyramid, See Harmer, Obser, vol, ii, 455. Three MSS express misisn, the moles, as one word. CHAPTER IIL 1. Every stay and support — ] Heb, " the support mas culine, and the support feminine ;" that is, every kind of support, whether great or sraall, strong or weak : " Al kariitz, wal-kanitzah ,- the wUd beast, male and female : Pro verbially applied both to fishing and hunting ; i. e. I seized the prey, great or little, good or bad, Frora bence, as Chap. III. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 157 Schultens observes, is explained Isa, iii, 1, literally the male and female stay .- i. e. the strong and' weak, the great and sraall," Chappelow, note on Hariri, Assembly I, Compare Eccles, ii, 8, The two following verses, 2, 3, are very clearly explained by the sacred historian's account pf the event, the captivity of Jehoiachin by Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon : " And he carried away aU Jerusalem, and all the princes, and all the mighty men of valour, even ten thousand captives, and aU the craftsmen and smiths : none remained, save the poor est sort of the people of the land :" 2 Kings xxiv, 14, 4, I will make boys their princes — ] This also was fully accomplished in the succession of weak and wicked princes, from the death of Josiah to the destruction of the city and temple, and the taking of Zedekiah, the last of them, by Nebuchadnezzar, 6, — of his father' s house.] For riu, the ancient inter preters seem to have read n^an : tb ojxsia t» smteiii avrn -, LXX : doraesticum patris sui ; Vulg, which gives no good sense, (ButLXX, MS i, D, ii, for oixsis, hasoixa.) AnA,his brother, of his father's house, is little better than a tautology, "The case seeras to require, that the man should apply to a person of some sort of rank and eminence ; one that was the head of his father's house, (see Josh, xxii, 14,); Whether of the house of him who applies to hira, or of any other ; iiax n^a ii?xi, I cannot help suspecting, therefore, that the word iwxi has been lost out of the text. Ibid, — saying — ] Before nbaii;, garment, two MSS (one ancient), and the Babylonish Talraud, have the word inxb : and so LXX, Vulg, Syr, Chald, I place it, with Houbi gant, after nbaii;. Ibid, — take by the garment.] That is, shall entreat hira in an hurable and supplicating manner, " Ten men shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew ; saying, Let us go with you ; for we have heard that God is with you :" Zech, viii, 23, And so in Isaiah, chap, iv, 1, the same gesture is used, to express earnest and hurable entreaty. The behaviour of Saul towards Samuel was of the same kind, when he laid hold on the skirt of his raiment : 1 Sara, XV, 27, The preceding and following verses shew, that his whole deportment, in regard to the prophet, was full of subraission and humility. Ibid, And let thy hand support — ] Before tti nnn a 158 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap, IIL MS adds n^nn ; another MS adds in the same place ni*a npn, which latter seems to be a various reading of the two preceding words, making a very good sense; " take into thy hand our ruinous state," Twenty-one MSS, and three editions, and the Babylonish Talmud, have ^n^ plural, 7, Then shall he openly declare — ] The LXX, Syr, and Jerom, read xw^i, adding the conjunction ; which seems necessary in this place. Ibid, For in my home is neither bread nor raiment.] " It is customary through aU the East," says Sir J, Chardin, " to gather together an imraense quantity of furniture and clothes ; for their fashions never alter," Princes and great men are obliged to have a great stock of such things in readiness for presents upon all occasions, " The kings of Persia," says the sarae author, " have great wardrobes, where there are always many hundreds of habits ready, de signed for presents, and sorted," Harmer, Observ, ii, 11, and 88, A great quantity of provision for the table was equally necessary. The daily provision for Solomon's house hold, whose attendants were exceedingly numerous, was proportionably great: 1 Kings, iv, 22, 23. Even Nehe miah, in his strait circumstances, had a large supply daily for his table ; at which were received an hundred and fifty of the Jews and rulers, beside those that came frora among the neighbouring heathens : Neh. v. 17, 18, This explains the meaning of the excuse made by him that is desired to undertake the government : he alleges, that he has not wherewithal to support the dignity of the station, by such acts of liberality and hospitality as the law of custom required of persons of superior rank. See Har mer's Observations, i, 340, ii, 88, 8, — the cloud] This word appears to be of very doubt ful form, from the printed editions, the MSS, and the an cient versions. The first jod in *a^r, which is necessary according to the common interpretation, is in many of them omitted : the two last letters are upon a rasure in two MSS, I think it should be pi?, as the Syriac reads ; and that the aUusion is to the cloud, in which the glory of the Lord appeared above the tabernacle. See Exod, xvi, 9, 10, xl, 34—38, Numb, xvi, 41, 42, 10, Pronounce ye — ] The reading of this verse is very dubious. The LXX for 11?3X read 1DX3 ; or both, 1DN3 1112X : and ub aita xb '•a, hvixa, read, by the transposition ofa letter, ixira, with the LXX, and Chald, 16, And falsely setting off their eyes with paint] Heb, falsifying their eyes, I take this to be the true meaning and literal rendering of the word; from '^'^xil• The Maso retes have pointed it, as if it were from ipb, a different word. This arose, as I imagine, frora their supposing that the word was the same with ipD, Chald, intueri, innuere oculis ; or that it had an affinity with the noun xipio, which the Chaldeans, or the Rabbins at least, use for sti bium, the mineral which was commonly used in colouring the eyes. See Jarchi's comment on the place. Though the colouring of the eyes with stibium be not particularly here expressed, yet I suppose it to be impUed : and so the Chaldee paraphrase explains it ; " stibio linitis oculis." This fashion seeras to have prevailed very generally araong the eastern people in ancient times; and they retain the very same to this day. 160 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. IIL Pietro della Valle, giving a description of his wife, an Assyrian lady, born in Mesopotamia, and educated at Baghdad, whom he married in that country, (Viaggi, tom. i. lettera 17.), says, " Her eye-lashes, which are long, and, according to the custom of the East, dressed with stibium, (as we often read in the Holy Scriptures of the Hebrew women of old, Jer. iv. 30. Ezek. xxiii. 40. ; and in Xeno- phon of Astyages the grandfather of Cyrus, and of the Medes of that time, Cyropsed. lib. i.), give a dark, and at the same tirae a majestic shade to the eyes." " Great eyes (says Sandys, Travels, p. 67., speaking of the Turkish women) they have in principal repute ; and of those, the blacker they be, the more amiable : insomuch that they put between the eye-lids and the eye a certain black powder, with a fine long pencil, made of a mineral brought from the kingdom of Fez, and called alcohole -, which by the not dis agreeable staining of the lids, doth better set forth the white ness of the eye ; and though it be troublesonie for a time, yet it comforteth the sight, and repelleth ill humours." " Vis ejus [stibii] astringere ac refrigerare, principalis autem circa oculos ; namque ideo etiam plerique Platyophthalmon id appellavere, quoniam in calliblepharis mulierum dilatat oculos ; et fluxiones inhibet oculorum exulcerationesque." Plin. Nat. Hist, xxxiu. 6. " llle supercilium madida fuligine tinctum Obliqua producit acu, pingitque trementes AttoUens oculos." Juv. Sat. ii. 92. " But none of those [Moorish] ladies," says Dr Shaw, (Travels, p. 294. fol.), " take themselves to be completely dressed, till they have tinged the hair and edges of their eye-lids with al-kahol, the powder of lead ore. This opera tion is performed by dipping first into the powder a small wooden bodkin of the thickness of a quill, and then draw ing it afterwards through the eye-lids, over the ball of the eye." Ezekiel (xxiii. 40.) uses the same word in the form of a verb, Ti^T nbna, " thou didst dress thine eyes with al-cahol ;" which the LXX render eriSi^s ts; o(p6xXftys e-n, " thou didst dress thine eyes with stibium " just as they do when the word "[is is employed: (compare 2 Kings ix. 30, Jer, iv, 30,) : they supposed therefore, that ^1S and bna, or, in the Arabic form, al-cahol, meant the same thing; and probably the mineral used of old, for this purpose, was the same that is used now; which Dr Shaw (Ibid, note) says, Chap. IIL NOTES ON ISAIAH. 161 is " a rich lead ore, pounded into an impalpable powder." Alcoholados ; the word niipwn, in this place, is thus ren dered in an old Spanish translation. Sanctius, See also RusseU's Nat, Hist, of Aleppo, p, 1 02, The following inventory, as one raay call it, of the ward robe of a Hebrew lady, raust, from its antiquity, and from the nature of the subject, have been very obscure, even to the most ancient interpreters which we have of it ; and, from its obscurity, must have been also peculiarly liable to the mistakes of transcribers : however, it is rather matter of curiosity than of importance; and indeed it is, upon the whole, more intelUgi'ble, and less corrupted, than one might have reasonably expected, Clemens Alexandrinus ( Psedag, iib, ii, cap, 12,) and JuUus Pollux (lib, vii, cap, 22,) have each of them preserved, from a comedy of Aristophanes, now lost, a simUar catalogue of the several parts of the dress and ornaments of a Grecian lady ; which though much more capable of illustration from other writers, though of later date, and quoted and transmitted down to us by two dif ferent authors ; yet seems to be much less intelUgible, and considerably more corrupted, than this passage of Isaiah, Salmasius has endeavoured, by comparing the two quota tions, and by much critical conjecture and learned disquisi tion, to restore the true reading, and to explain the particu lars ; with what success, I leave to the determination of the learned reader, whose curiosity shall lead him to compare the passage of the comedian with this of the Prophet, and to examine the critic's learned labours upon it, Exercit, Plinian, p, 1148,; or see Clem, Alex, as cited above, edit. Potter, where the passage as corrected by Salraasius is given, Nich, Guil, Schroederus, professor of Oriental languages in the university of Marpurg, has published a very learned and judicious treatise upon this passage of Isaiah, The title of it is, " Commentarius Philologico-Criticus De Ves- titu Mulierum Hebraearum ad lesai, iii, ver, 16 — 24, Lugd, Bat, 1745," 4to, As I think no one has handled this sub ject, with so rauch judgraent and ability as this author, I have for the raost part followed hira, in giving the explana tion of the several terras denoting the different parts of dress, of which this passage consists ; signifying the reasons of ray dissent, where he does not give me fuU satisfaction, 17, — will the Lord humble — ] TxTtumirii, LXX; and so Syr, and Chald, For nsw they read bsw. 162 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. IIL Ibid. — expose their nakedness] It was the barbarous custom of the conquerors of those times to strip their cap tives naked, and to make them travel in that condition, exposed to the inclemency of the weather ; and, the worst of all, to the intolerable heat of the sun. But this to the women was the height of cruelty and indignity ; and espe cially to such as those here described, who had indulged themselves in all manner of deUcacies of living, and all the superfluities of ornamental dress ; and even whose faces had hardly ever been exposed to the sight of man. This is al ways mentioned as the hardest part of the lot of captives, Nahum, denouncing the fate of Nineveh, paints it in very strong colours : " Behold, I am against thee, saith Jehovah God of Hosts : And I will discover thy skirts upon thy face ; And I will expose thy nakedness to the nations ; And to the kingdoms thy shame. And I will throw ordures upon thee ; And I will make thee vile, and set thee as a gazing-stock." Nahum, iii. 5, 6. 18. — the ornaments of the feet-rings — ] The late learn ed Dr Hunt, professor of Hebrew and Arabic in the uni versity of Oxford, has very well explained the word Da:f» both verb and noun, in his very ingenious Dissertation on Prov. vii. 22, 23. The verb means to skip, to bound, to dance along; and the noun, those ornaments of the feet which the eastern ladies wore; chains, or rings, which made a tinkling sound as they moved nimbly in walking. Eugene Roger, Description de la Terre Sainte, liv. ii. chap, 2, speaking of the Arabian women of the first rank in Palestine, says, " Au lieu de brasselets eUes ont de me- nottes d'argent, qu'elles portent aux poignets et aux pieds ; ou sont attachez quantite de petits annelets d'argent, qui font un cliquetis comme d'une cymbale, lorsqu'elles che- minent ou se mouvent quelque peu," See Dr Hunt's Dis sertation ; where he produces other testimonies to the same purpose from authors of travels. Ibid, — the net-works] I am obliged to differ from the learned Schroederus, almost at first setting out: he renders the word D'^niaw by soliculi, litde ornaments, bullae, or studs, in shape representing the sun, and so answering to the foUowing word D''3inw, lumdee, crescents. He supposes the word to be the same with D^w^nw, the ^ in the second Chap. III. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 163 syllable making the word diminutive, and the letter n being dianged for a, a letter of the same organ. How just and well-founded his authorities for the transmutation of these letters in the Arabic language are, I cannot pretend to judge ; but, as I know of no such instance in Hebrew, it seems to me a very forced etymology. Being dissatisfied with this account of the matter, I applied to my good friend above-mentioned, the late Dr Hunt, who very kindly returned the following answer to my inquiries : — " I have consulted the Arabic lexicons, as well MS as printed, but cannot find DiD^au; in any of them, nor any thing belonging to it. So that no help is to be had from that language towards clearing up the meaning of this dif ficult word. But what the Arabic denies, the Syriac per haps raay afford; in which I find the verb lyaur to entangle, or interweave, an etymology which is equally favourable to our marginal translation, net-works, with yaur, to make chequer-work, or embroider, (the word by which Kimchi and others have explained D'laii;), and has moreover this advantage over it, that the letters u> and D are very fre quently put for each other, but s and D scarce ever, Aben Ezra joins DiD^aiy and D^Dai? (which immediately precedes it) together; and says, that caii; was the ornament of the legs, as Day was of the feet. His words are, Dibii bw oar ma DipiTi? bir taiwan dutu," 21, The jewels of the nostril — ] t^xn ^nii, Schroederus explains this, as many others do, of jewels, or strings of pearl, hanging from the forehead, and reaching to the upper part of the nose. But it appears frora many passages of Holy Scripture, that the phrase is to be literally and properly understood of nose-jewels, rings set with jewels hanging from the nostrils, as ear-rings from the ears, by holes bored to receive them, Ezekiel, enumerating the common ornaments of women of the first rank, has not omitted this particular, and is to be understood in the same manner; chap, xvi, 11, 12, (See also Gen, xxiv, 47,) " And I decked thee with ornaments ; And I put bracelets upon thine hands, And a chain on thy neck : And I put a jewel on thy nose. And ear-rings on thine ears. And a splendid crown upon thine head," 164 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. IIL And in an elegant proverb of Solomon there is a mani fest allusion to this kind of ornament, which shews it to have been used in his time : " As a jewel set in gold in the snout of a swine ; So is a woman beautiful, but wanting discretion," Prov, xi, 22, This fashion, however strange it may appear to us, was formerly, and is still, common in many parts of the East, among women of all ranks, Paul Lucas, speaking of a vUlage, or clan, of wandering people, a little on this side of the Euphrates; " The women," says he, (2d Voyage du Levant, tom, i, art, 24,), " almost all of them, travel on foot : I saw none handsome among them. They have almost all of them the nose bored, and wear in it a great ring, which makes them still more deformed," But in regard to this. custora, better authority cannot be produced than that of Pietro della Valle, in the account which he gives of the lady before-mentioned, Signora Maani Gioerida, his own wife. The description of her dress, as to the ornamental parts of it, with which he introduces the mention of this particular, wUl give us some notion of the taste of the eastern ladies for finery, " The ornaments of gold, and of jewels, for the head, for the neck, for the arms, for the legs, and for the feet, (for they wear rings even on their toes), are in deed, unlike those of the Turks, carried to great excess, but not of great value ; for in Baghdad jewels of high price either are not to be had, or are not used ; and they wear such only as are of little value ; as turquoises, small rubies, emeralds, carbuncles, garnets, pearls, and the Uke, My spouse dresses herself with all of them according to their fashion ; with exception, however, of certain ugly rings of very large size, set with jewels, which in truth, very absurd ly, it is the custom to wear fastened to one of their nostrUs, like buffalos : an ancient custom however in the East, which, as we find in the Holy Scriptures, prevailed among the Hebrew ladies even in the time of Solomon : Prov, xi, 22, These nose-rings in complaisance to me she has left off; but I have not yet been able to prevail with her cousin and her sisters to do the same : so fond are they of an old cus tora, be it ever so absurd, who have been long habituated to it," Viaggi, tom, i, lett, 17, 23, The transparent garments — ] Diavbin, to, S(«ip«»)) A«K«iv(K«, LXX, A kind of silken dress, transparent, like Chap. IIL NOTES ON ISAIAH. 165 gauze ; worn only by the most delicate women, and such as dressed themselves " elegantius, quara necesse esset probis," This sort of garraents was afterwards in use among the Greeks, Prodicus, in his celebrated fable (Xenoph, Memo- rab, Socr, lib, ii,) exhibits the personage of Sloth in this dress : m-tiiTit Se, £| ii m ft»)^i?-» a>fa JiaAaftsroi. " Her robe betray'd Through the clear texture every tender limb, ( Height'ning the charms it only seemed to shade ;' And as it flow'd adown so loose and thin, Her stature shew'd more tall, more snowy white her skin," They were called Multitia and Coa (sc, vestimenta) by the Romans, from their being invented, or rather introduced into Greece, by one Paraphila of the island of Cos, This, like other Grecian fashions, was received at Rome when luxury began to prevail under the Emperors ; it was some times worn even by the men, but looked upon as a mark of extreme effeminacy : (see Juvenal, Sat. ii. 65, &c.) Publius Syrus, who lived when the fashion was first introduced, has given a humorous satirical description of it in two lines, which by chance have been preserved : " .ffiquum est, induere nuptam ventum textilem ? Palam prostare nudam in nebula linea?" 24, Instead of perfume — ] A principal part of the deli cacy of the Asiatic ladies consists in the use of baths, and of the richest oils and perfiimes : an attention to which is, in some degree, necessary in those hot countries. Frequent mention is made of the rich ointments of the spouse in the Song of Solomon : — " How beautiful are thy breasts, my sister, my sppuse I How much more excellent than wine ; And the odour of thine ointments than all perfumes 1 Thy lips drop as the honey-comb, my spouse ! Honey and milk are under thy tongue : And the odour of thy garments is as the odour of Lebanon." Cant, iv, 10, 11, The preparation for Esther's being introduced to King Ahasuerus was a course of bathing and perfuming for a whole year; " Six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with sweet odours :" Esth, ii, 12, A diseased and ' loathsome habit of body, instead of a beautiful skin, softened and made agreeable with all that art could devise, and all that nature, so prodigal in those countries of the richest per- 166 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. IIL fumes, could supply, must have been a punishment the most severe, and the most mortifying to the delicacy of these haughty daughters of Sion, Ibid, A sun-burnt skin — ] Gaspar Sanctius thinks the words nnn 13 an interpolation, because the Vulgate has omitted them. The clause ^si nnn o seems to me rather to be imperfect at the end. Not to mention that 'a, taken as a noun, for adustio, burning, is without example, and very iraprobable : the passage ends abruptly, and, seems to want a fuller conclusion. In agreement with which opinion of the defect of the He brew text in this place, the LXX, according to MSS Pa chom. and I. D. ii. and Marchal. which are of the best au thority, express it with the same evident marks of imperfec tion at the end of the sentence; thus, ta,wx, (rot xm xxhho)viiTfiy — The two latter add fb. This chasm in the text, from the loss probably of three or four words, seems therefore to be of long standing. Taking ia in its usual sense, as a particle, and supplying lb from roi of the LXX, it might possibly have been origi- naUy somewhat in this form : — ;nxi73 n:n ^b ninn 131 nnn ia " Yea, instead of beauty, thou shalt have an ill-favoured coun tenance." 131 nnn ia [q. nni] " for beauty shall be destroyed." Syr. from nnn, or nni. Dr Dukell. " May it not be ina, " wrinkles instead of beauty?" as , from nsi is formed 151 ; from nin, nn, &c. so from nna, to be wrinkled, ina." Dr Jubb. 25, thy mighty inen — ] For Tniian, an ancient MS has liia:i. The true reading from LXX, Vulg. Syr. Chald, seems to be Tiiiaj, 26, — sit on the ground.] Sitting on the ground was a posture that denoted mourning and deep distress. The Prophet Jeremiah has given it the first place, among many indications of sorrow, in the following elegant description of the same state of distress of his country : — ." The elders of the daughter of Sion sit on the ground, they are silent : They have cast up dust on their heads ; they have girded themselves with sackcloth : The virgins of Jerusalem have bowed down their heads to the ground." ^ Lam. ii. 10. Chap. IIL NOTES ON ISAIAH. 167 *' We find Judea," says Mr Addison, (on Medals, Dial, ii.) " on several coins of "Vespasian and Titus, in a posture that denotes sorrow and captivity, — I need not mention her sit ting on the ground, because we have already spoken of the aptness of such a posture to represent an extreme affliction, I fancy the Romans might have an eye on the customs of the Jewish nation, as well as those of their country, in the several marks of sorrow they have set on this figure. The Psalmist describes the Jews lamenting their captivity in the same pensive posture, " By the waters of Babylon we sat down and wept, when we remembered thee, O Sion," But what is more remarkable, we find Judea represented as a woman in sorrow sitting on the ground, in a passage of the Prophet that foretells the very captivity recorded on this medal," Mr Addison, I presume, refers to this place of Isaiah ; and therefore raust have understood it as foretelling the destruction of Jerusalera and the Jewish nation by the Romans : whereas it seems plainly to relate, in its first and. more immediate view at least, to the destruction of the city by Nebuchadnezzar, and the dissolution of the Jewish state under the captivity at Babylon, CHAPTER IV, 1, And seven ivomen — ] The division of the chapters has interrupted the Prophet's discourse, and broken it off almost in the midst of the sentence. " The numbers slain in battle shall be so great, that seven women shall be left to one man," The Prophet has described the greatness of this distress by images and adjuncts the most expressive and for cible. The young women, contrary to their natural modesty, shall become . suitors to the men : they will take hold of them, and use the most pressing importunity to be married : in spite of the natural suggestions of jealousy, they wUl be content with a share only of the rights of marriage in com mon with several others; and that on hard conditions, re nouncing the legal demands of the wife on the husband, (see Exod, xxi, 10,), and begging only the name and credit of wedlock, and to be freed from the reproach of celibacy, (see chap, liv, 4, 5,) Like Marcia, on a different occasion, and in other circumstances, — " Da tantum nomen inane Connubii : liceat tumulo scripsisse, Catonis Marcia." Lucan. ii. 342. 168 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. IV. Ibid, — in that day — ] These words are omitted in LXX and MS. Ibid, The Branch ofjEHOVAH—] The Messiah of Je hovah, says the Chaldee, The Branch is an appropriated tide of the Messiah ; and the fruit of the land means the great Person to spring from the house of Judah, and is only a parallel expression signifying the same ; or perhaps the blessings consequent upon, the redemption procured by him. Compare chap, xlv, 8, where the same great event is set forth in similar images ; and see the note there. Ibid. — the house of Israel.] A MS has bxiwi nia. 3. — written among the living.] That is, whose name stands in the enrolment or register of the people ; or every man living, who is a citizen of Jerusalem. See Ezek. xiii. 9. where " they shall not be written in the writing of the house of Israel," is the same with what immediately goes before, " they shall not be in the assembly of my people." Compare Psal. Ixxxvii. 6. Ixix. 28. ; Exod. xxxii. 32. To number and register the people was agreeable to the law of Moses, and probably was always practised ; being, in sound policy, useful and even necessary. David's design of num bering the people was of another kind ; it was to enrol them for his army. Michaelis, Mosaisches Recht, Part III. p. 227. See also his Dissert, de Censibus Hebraeorum. 4. " The spirit of burning,"] means the fire of God's wrath, by which he will prove and purify his people; ga thering them into his furnace, in order to separate the dross from the silver, the bad from the good. The severity of God's judgments, the fiery trial of his servants, Ezekiel (chap. xxii. 18 — 22.) has set forth at large, after his manner, with great boldness of imagery and force of expression. God threatens to gather thera into the midst of Jerusalem, as into the furnace; to blow the fire upon them, and to melt thera. Malachi (chap, iii, 2, 3,) treats the same subject, and represents the same event under the like images : — " But who may abide the day of his coming? And who shall stand when he appeareth ? For he is like the fire of the refiner, And hke the soap of the fullers. And he shall sit refining and purifying the silver ; And he shall purify the sons of Levi, And cleanse them like gold, and like silver ; That they may.be Jehovah's ministers, Presenting unto him an offering in righteousness," Chap. IV. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 169 5, — the station — ] The Hebrew text has, every station ; but four MSS (one ancient) omit ba ; very rightly, as it should seem ; for the station was Mount Sion itself, and no other. See Exod, xv, 17, And the LXX and MS add die same -word ba before nixipn, probably right: the word has only changed its place by mistake, nixipn, " the place where they were gathered together in their holy assemblies," says Sal, b. Melee, Ibid, A cloud by day — ] This is a manifest aMusion to the pUlar of a cloud and of fire, which attended the Israelites in their passage out of Egypt, and to the glory that rested on the tabernacle, Exod, xiii. 21, xl, 38, The prophet Ze- chariah appUes the same image to the same purpose : — " And I will be unto her a wall of fire round about ; And a glory will I be in the midst of her," Zech, ii,5. That is, the visible presence of God shall protect her. Which explains the conclusion of this verse of Isaiah; where the makkaph between ba and naa, connecting the two words in construction, which ought not to be connected, has thrown an obscurity upon the sentence, and misled most of th^ translators, .6, And a tabernacle — ] In countries subject to violent tempests, as well as to intolerable heat, a portable tent is a necessary part of a traveller's baggage, for defence and shelter, CHAPTER V, This chapter likewise stands single and alone, uncon nected with the preceding or following, "The subject of it is nearly the same with that of the first chapter. It is a general reproof of the Jews for their wickedness : but it ex ceeds that chapter in force, in severity, in variety, and ele gance; and it adds a more express declaration of vengeance, by the Babylonian invasion, 1, Let me sing now a song] A MS, respectable for its antiquity, adds the word iiiw (a song) after X3 ; which gives so elegant a turn to the sentence by the repetition of it in the next member, and by distinguishing the merabers so exactly in the style and raanner of the Hebrew poetical coraposition, that I am much inclined to think it genuine. Ibid, A song of loves] iin, for Dim ; status constructiis pro absoluto, as the grammarians say, as Micah, vi, 16, ; Lament, iii, 14, and GQ. ; so Archbishop Secker, Or rather. 170 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. V. in aU these and the Uke cases, a mistake of the transcribers, by not observing a smaU stroke, which in many MSS is made to supply the D of the plural, thus 'iin. Dim niiu> is the same with mili liw, Psal, xlv, 1, In this way of un derstanding it, we avoid the gi-eat impropriety of making the author of the song, and the person to whom it is addressed, to be the same. Ibid, On a high and fruitful hill] Heb, " on a horn the son of oU," The expression is highly descriptive and poe tical, ' " He caUs the land of Israel a horn, because it is higher than all. lands ; as the horn is higher than the whole body: and the son of oil, because it is said to be a land flowing with milk a,nd honey," Kimchi on the place. The parts of animals are, by an easy metaphor, applied to parts of the earth, both in common arid poetical language, A promontory is called a cape, *Pr head; the Turks call it a nose, " Dorsum immane mari summo;'' Virg, a back, or ridge of rocks, " Hanc latus angustum jam se cogentis in arctum Hesperiae tenuem producit in aequora linguam, Adriacas flexis claudit quae cornibiis undas." Lucan, n, 612, of Brundusium, i. e. 'Betmo-ioTi, which, in the ancient language of that country, signifies stag's-head, says Strabo, A horn is a proper and obvious image for a mounT tain, or mountainpus country, Solinus, cap, viii, says, " Italiam, ubi longius processerit, in cornua duo scindi :" that is, the high ridge of the Alps, which runs through the whole length of it, divides at last into two ridges, one going through Calabria, the other through the country of the Brutii, " Cornwall is called bj- the inhabitants in the British tongue Kernaw, as lessening by degrees like a horn, running out into promontories like so many horns. For the Britains call a horn corn, in the plural kern .-" Gam^ den. " And Sammes is of opinion, that the country had this name originally from the Phenicians, who traded hither for tin ; keren, in their language, being a horn .-" Gibson, Here the precise idea seems to be that ofa high mountain standing by itself: " vertex mentis, aut pars mentis ab aUis divisa;" which signification, says I, H, MichaeUs, (Bibl, Hallens, Not, in loc) the word has in Arabic, Judea was in general a mountainous country; whence Moses sometimes calls it the Mountain :—"• Thou shalt plant them in the Mountain of thine inheritance ;" Exod, XV. 17. "I pray thee let me go over, and see the good land Chap. V. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 171 that is beyond Jordan ; that goodly Mountain, and Leba non ;" Deut, in, 25, And in a pohtical and religious view it was detached and separated from all the nations round it. Whoever has considered the descriptions given of Mount Ta.bor, (see Reland, Palaestin, ; Eugene Roger, Terre Sainte, p, 64,), and the views of it which are to be seen in boolcs of travels, (Maundrell, p, 114, Egmont and Heyman, vol. u. p, 25, Thevenot, vol, i, p, 429,) ; its regular conic form, rising singly in a plain to a great height from a base sraall in proportion ; its beauty and fertUity to the very top ; will have a good idea of " a horn the son of oil ;" and will perhaps be induced to think, that the Prophet took his image from that mountain, 2, and he cleared it from the stones.] This was agreeable to the ancient husbandry: " Saxa, summa parte terras, et vites et arbores Itedunt; ima parte, refrigerant;" Colu- mell, Dfe Arb, 3, " Saxosum facile est expedire lectione lapidum ;" Id. ii. 2. " Lapides, qui supersunt, [al. insuper sunt] hieme rigent, sestate fervescunt; idcirco satis, arbustis, et vitibus nocent ;" Pallad. i. 6. A piece of ground thas cleared of the stones, Persius, in his hard way of metaphor, calls " Exossatus ager ;" Sat. vi. 52. Ibid. Sorek.] Many of the ancient interpreters, LXX, Aq. Theod. have retained this word as a proper name ; I think, very rightly. Sorek was a valley lying between As- cafon and Gaza, and running far up eastward in the tribe pf Judah. Both Ascalon and Gaza were anciently famous for wine : the former is mentioned as such by Alexander Trallianus ; the latter by several authors : (quoted by Re- land, Falsest, p; 589. and 986.) And it seems, that the upper part of the valley of Sorek, and that of Eshcol, where the spies gathered the single cluster of grapes which they were obliged to bear between two upon a staff, being both near to Hebron, were in the same neighbourhood ; and that all this part of the country abounded with rich vineyards. Compare Numb. xiU. 22, 23. Judg. xvi. 3, 4. P. Nau sup poses Eshcol and Sorek to be only different names for the sarae valley : Voyage Nouveau de la Terre Sainte, liv. iv. chap. 18. So likewise De Lisle's posthumous map of the Holy Land ; Paris, 1763. See Bochart, Hieroz. ii. col. 725, Thevenot, i. p. 406. Michaelis (note on Judg. xvi. 4. Ger man translation) thinks it probable, from some circumstan ces of the history there given, that Sorek was in the tribe of Judah, not in the country of the Philistines, 172 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. V. The vine of Sorek was known to the Israelites, being mentioned by Moses (Gen, xlix, 11,) before their coming out of Egypt, Egypt was not a wine country. " Through out this country there are no wines;" Sandys, p. 101. At least in very ancient times they had none. Herodotus, ii. 77. says, it had no vines ; and therefore used an artificial wine made of barley. That is not strictly true ; for the vines of Egypt are spoken of in Scripture, (Psal. Ixxvin. 47. cv, 33,, and see Gen, xl, 11, by which it should seem, that they drank only the fresh juice pressed from the grape, which was called t"o; «fts-sAM05, Herodot, ii, 37.) ; but they had no large vineyards ; nor was the country proper for them, be ing little more than one large plain, annually overflowed by the Nile. The Mareotic in later times is, I think, the only celebrated Egyptian wine which we meet with in history. TTie vine was formerly, as Hasselquist tells us it is now, " cultivated in Egypt for the sake of eating the grapes, not for wine; which is brought from Candia," &c. " They were supplied with wine from Greece, and likewise from Phenicia ;" Herod, in. 6. The vine and the wine of Sorek, therefore, which lay near at hand for importation into Egypt, must, in all probability, have Ijeen well known to the Israel ites when they sojourned there. There is something re markable in the manner in which Moses makes mention of it, which, for want of considering this matter, has not been attended to : It is in Jacob's prophecy of the future prospe rity of the tribe of Jndah : — " Binding his foal to the vine, And his ass's colt to his own Sorek ; He washeth his raiment in wine. And his cloak in the blood of grapes." Gen. xlix. 11. I take the liberty of rendering npny, for ipiiv, his Sorek, as the Masoretes do of pointing riiiy, for liir, his foal, ii? might naturally enough appear in the feminine form, but it is not at all probable that piw ever should. By naming particularly the rine of Sorek, and as the vine belonging to Judah, the prophecy intimates the very part of the country which was to fall to the lot of that tribe. Sir John Chardin says, " "That at Casbin, a city in Persia, they turn their cattle into the vineyards, after the vintage, to browse on the vines." He speaks also of vines in that country, so large that he could hardly compass the trunks of them with his ,'irms. Voyages, torn. iii. p. 12. 12mo, This shews, that Chap. V. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 173 the ass might be securely bound to the vine ; and without danger of damaging the tree by browsing on it. Ibid, And he built a tower in the midst of it.] Oui- Sa riour, who has taken the general idea of one of his parables (Matt, xxi, 33, Mark xii, L) from this of Isaiah, has like wise inserted this circumstance of building a tower ; which is generally explained by commentators, as designed for the keeper of the vineyard to watch and defend the fruits. But for this purpose it was usual to make a Uttle temporary hut, (Isa, i. 8,), which might serve for the short season while the fruit was ripening, and which was removed afterwards. The tower, therefore, should rather mean a building of a more permanent nature and use ; the farm, as we may call it, of the vineyard, containing all the offices and implements, and the whole apparatus necessary for the culture of the vine yard, and the making of the wine. To which image in the allegory, the situation, the manner of building, the use, and the whole serrice of the temple, exactly answered. And so the Chaldee paraphrast very rightly expounds it: — " Et statui eos (Israelitas) ut plantam vineae selectae,^ et aedifi- cavi sanctuarium meum in medio illorum," So also Hieron, in loc, " iEdificavit quoque turrim in medio ejus : tem- plura videlicet in media ciritate," That they have still such towers or buildings, for use or pleasure, in their gardens in the East, see Harmer's Observations, ii, p, 241 , Ibid, And hewed out a lake therein.] This image also our Saviour has preserved in his parable, aps LXX ren der it here ue^ox^nov ; and in four other places v-n-oXrinoti ; Isa, xvi, 10, Joel, in, 13, Hagg, ii, 17, Zech, xiv, 10.; I think, more properly : and this latter word St Mark uses. It means, not the wine-press itself, or calcatorium, which is called na, or nils, but what the Romans called lacus, the lake ; the large open place, or vessel, which, by a conduit or spout, received the must from the wine-press. In very hot countries it was perhaps necessary, or at least very con venient, to have the lake under- ground, or in a cave hewed out of the side of the rock, for coolness ; that the heat might not cause too great' a fernientation, and sour the must, " Vini confectio instituitur in cella, vel intimas domus ca mera quadam, a ventprum ingressu remota :" Kerapfer, of Schiras wine ; Amoen, Exot, p, 376 : For the hot wind, to which that country is subject, would injure the wine, '« 'The wine-presses in Persia," says Sir John Chardin, " are forraed 174 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. V. by making hollow places in the ground, lined with mason's work." Harmer's Observations, i, p. 392, See a print of one in Kerapfer, p, 377, Nonnus describes, at large, Bac chus hollowing the inside of the rock, and hewing out a place for the wine-press, or rather the lake : — Kxi trxoTTiXHf eXx)^ym' -zss^oo-xxipioi; 3e u-iovi^ov ©DyosAsi) yXax,"! fiv^ov xoiXuvxro ttIT^-iis' AiiTivx! ^t'fi(la-!tx /IxSvuofiivay xiviavaii Alppov [f. xx^ov. ] iv^atfvMio rvTToy aro»)r«STO X-0ov. He pierc'd the rock ; and with the sharpen'd tool Of steel well temper'd, scoop'd its inmost depth : Then smooth'd the front, and form'd the dark recess In just dimension for the foaming lake." Dionysiac, lib, xii. Ibid, And he expected — ] Jeremiah uses the same image, and applies it to the same purpose, in an elegant paraphrase of this part of Isaiah's parable, in his flowing and plaintive manner : " But I planted thee a Sorek, a cion perfectly genuine : How then art thou changed, and become to me the degene rate shoots of the strange vine I" Chap, ii, 21, Ibid, poisonous berries] Diu>ixa, not merely useless un profitable grapes, such as wild grapes ; but grapes offensive to the smell, noxious, poisonous. By the force and intent of the allegory, to good grapes ought to be opposed fruit of a dangerous and pernicious quality; as, in the expli cation of it, to judgment is opposed tyranny, and to right eousness oppression, \t>i, the vine, is a common name, or genus, including several species under it; and Moses, to distinguish the true vine, or that from which wine is made, from the rest, calls it. Numb, vi, 4, pin \t>i, the wine-vine. Some of the other sorts were of a poisonous quality ; as ap pears frora the story related among the miraculous acts of Elisha, 2 Kings iv, 39 — 41, " And one went out into the field to gather pot-herbs ; and he found a field-vine : and he gathered frora it wild fruit, his lapful ; and he went, and shred thera into the pot of pottage : for they knew them not. And they poured it out for the men to eat : and it came to pass, as they were eating of the pottage, that they cried out, and said. There is death in the pot, O man of God ! and they could not eat of it. And he said. Bring meal; (leg, inp, nine MSS, one edition) ; and he threw it into the pot. And he said. Pour out for the people, that they may eat. And there was nothing hurtful in the pot." Chap. V. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 175 From sorae such sorts of poisonous fruits, of the grape kind, Moses has taken those strong and highly poetical iraages, with which he has set forth the future corruption and extreme degeneracy of the Israelites, in an allegory which has a near relation, both in its subject and imagery, to this of Isaiah : — " Their vine is from the vine of Sodom, And from the fields of Gomorrah : Their grapes are grapes of gall ; Their clusters are bitter : Their wine is the poison of dragons, And the cruel venom of aspics." Deut. xxxii. 32, 33. " I am inclined to believe, (says Hasselquist), that the Prophet here (Isa. v. 2, and 4,) means the hoary night shade, solanum incanum ,- because it is common in Egypt, Palestine, and the East ; and the Arabian name agrees well with it. The Arabs call it aneb el dib, i. e, violf-grapes. The Prophet could not have found a plant more opposite to the vine than this ; for it grows much in the vineyards, and is very pernicious to them ; wherefore they root it out : it likewise resembles a vine by its shrubby stallc :" Travels, p, 289, See also Michaelis, Questions aux Voyageurs Da nois, \No, 64, 3, — inhabitants] laiyi, in the plural number; three MSS, (two ancient) ; and so likewise LXX and Vulg, 6, - — the thorn shall spring up in it,] A MS has iinwa ; the true reading seems to be iinur ia : which is confirmed by LXX, Syr, Vulg, 7, And he looked for judgment — ] The paronomasia, or play on the words, in this place, is very remarkable : mispat, mispach ; zedakah, zeakah. There are many examples of it in the other Prophets ; but Isaiah seems peculiarly fond of it : see chap, xiii, 6. xxiv. 17. xxvii. 7, xxxiii, 1, Ivii, 6, lxi, 3. Ixv. 11, 12. The Rabbins esteem it a great beauty: their term for it is liwbn mnit, " elegance of language." Ibid. — tyranny] nsii^n, from nsii;, servum fecit, Arab. Houbigant: nnsii;, is serva, a handmaid,- or female slave, nsnn, eighteen MSS, 8, You who lay field — ] Read laiipn, in the second person ; to answer to the verb following ; so Vulg, 9. To mine ear — ] The sentence in the Hebrew text seems to be imperfect in this place; as likewise in chap, xxii, 14, where the very same sense seems to be required 176 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. V. as here. See the note there : and compare 1 Sam, ix, 15, In this place LXX supply the word tixuo-in, and Syr, ynnii^x, auditus est Jehovah in auribus meis : i. e. nbiS, as in chap, xxii, 14, 9, 10, — many hous'es — ] This has reference to what was said in the preceding verse : " In vain are ye so intent upon joining house to house, and field to field : your houses shall be left uninhabited, and your fields shall become de solate and barren ; so that a rineyard of ten acres shall pro duce but one bath (not eight gallons) of wine, and the husbandman shall reap but a tenth part of the seed which he has sown," 11, — to follow strong drink] Theodoret and Chrysos tom on this place, both Syrians, and unexceptionable wit nesses in what belongs to their own country, inform us, that laiy, (r«sg« in the Greek of both 'Testaments, rendered by us by the general term strong drink), meant properly palm-wine, or date-wine, which was and is .still much in use in the eastern countries, Judea was famous for the abundance and excellence of its palm-trees; and conse quently had plenty of this wine. " Fiunt ( vina) et e pomis : — primumque e palmis, quo Parthi et Indi utuntur, et Oriens totus : maturarura modio in aquae congiis tribus macerate expressoque :" Plin. xiv. 19. " Ab bis cariotee [palmee] maxime celebrantur ; et cibo quidem, sed et succo, uberrimse. Ex quibus praecipua vina Orienti ; iniqua capiti, unde pomo nomen :" Id. xiii. 9, Kaegaj signifies stupefaction .- and in Hebrew likewise, the wine has its narae from its remarkable inebriating quality, 11, 12, Wo unto them who rise early — ] There is a like ness between this and the following passage of the Prophet Amos, who probably wrote before Isaiah : if the latter is the copyer, he seems hardly to have equalled the elegance of the original : — " Ye that put far away the evil day. And affect the seat of violence ; Who lie upon beds of ivory, And stretch yourselves upon your couches ; And eat the Iambs from the flock, And calves from the midst of the stall ; Who chant to the sound of the viol, And like David invent for yourselves instruments of music ; Who quaff wine in large bowls, And are anointed with the choicest ointments : But are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph," Amos vi, 3-6. Chap. V. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 177 13, 14, And their nobles — ] These verses have likewise a reference to the two preceding. They, that indulged in feasting and drinking, shall perish with hunger and thirst; and Hades shall indulge his appetite as much as they had done, and devour them all. The image is strong, and ex pressive in the highest degree, Habakkuk uses the sarae image with great force : the ambitious and avaricious con queror " Enlargeth his appetite like Hades ; And he is like death, and will never be satisfied," Hab. ii, 5, But, in Isaiah, Hades is introduced, to much greater advan tage, in person ; and placed before our eyes in the form of a ravenous monster, opening wide his unmeasurable jaws, and swallowing them all together, 17, — without restraint — ] Diaia, secundum ductum eorum : i. e. suo ipsorum ductu ; as their own wdl shall lead them, IhiA. And the kids — ] 'Reh. b'<^i, strangers. The LXX read, more agreeably to the design of the Prophet, Diia, «gvs;, the lambs : Diu, the kids, Dr Durell; nearer to the present reading : and so Archbishop Secker, The mean ing is, their luxurious habitations shall be so entirely de stroyed, as to become a pasture for flocks, 18, — as a long cable] The LXX, AquUa, Sym, and Theod, for ibana read ibana, ag c-^oma, or o-xomoi; : and the LXX, instead of xiw, read some other word signifying long; ai Fjjoivio) foxx^ai: and so likewise the Syriac, xaiix, Houbi gant conjectures, that the word which the LXX had in their copies was :/ini;, which is used. Lev, xxi, 18. xxii, 23, for something in an animal body superfluous, lengthened beyond its natural measure. And he explains it of sin added to sin, and one sin drawing on another, till the whole comes to an enormous length and magnitude ; corapared to the work of a rope-maker, still increasing and lengthening his rope, with the continued addition of new materials, " Eos propheta sirailes facit horaini restiario, qui funera torquet, cannabe addita et contorta, eadem iterans, donee funem in longum duxerit, neque eum liceat protrahi longius," " An evU in clination (says Kimchi on the place, from the ancient Rab bins) is at the- beginning like a fine hair-string, but at the finishing like a thick cart-rope," By a long progression in iniquity, and a continued accumulation of sin, men arrive at length to the highest degree of wickedness ; bidding open 178 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. V. defiance to God, and scoffing at his threatened judgments, as it is finely expressed in the next verse. The Chaldee para phrast explains it in die same manner, of wickedness increas ing from small beginnings, tUl it arrives to a great magnitude, 23, — the righteous] piis, singular, LXX, Vulg, and two editions, 24, — the tongue of fire] " The flame, because it is in the shape of a tongue ; and so it is called metaphorically ;", Sal, b. Melee, The raetaphor is so exceedingly obvious, as well as beautiful, that one may wonder that it ias not been more frequently used, Virgil very elegantly intimates, ra ther than expresses, the image : I&n. ii, 682, " Ecce levis, summo de vertice visus luli Fundere lumen apex ; trafctuque innoxia molli Lamhere flamma comas, et circum tempora joasc?," And more boldly of .35tna darting out flames from its top : Mn. in, 574, " Attollitque globos flammarum, et sidera lambit." The disparted tongues, as it were, of fire, (Acts ii, 3,), which appeared at the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, give the same idea ; that is, of flames shooting diversely into pyramidal forras, or points, like tongues. It may be further observed, that the Prophet in this place has given the meta phor its full force, in applying it to the action of fire in eat ing up and devouring whatever comes in its ¦ way, like a ravenous animal, whose tongue is principally employed in taking in his food or prey ; which image Moses has strongly exhibited in a most expressive comparison : — " And Moab said to the elders of Midian, Now shall this coUection of " people lick up all that are round about us, as the ox licketh up the grass of the field ;" Numb, xxii, 4. See also 1 Kings xviu, 38, 25, — and the mountains trembled — ] Probably referring to the great earthquakes in the days of Uzziah king of Ju dah, in, or not long before, the time of the Prophet himself ; recorded as a remarkable era in the title of the Prophecies of Amos, chap, i, 1, and by Zechariah, chap, xiv, 5, 26, — he will hist — ] " The raetaphor is taken frora the practice of those that keep bees ; who di-aw them out of their hives into the fields, and lead them back again, trv^to-fixm, by a hiss, or a whisde :" Cyril, on the place ; and to the same purpose, Theodoret, ibid. In chap, vii, 18, the metaphor is Chap. V. NOTES ON ISAIAH. I'/O more apparent, by being carried further ; where the hostile armies are expressed by the fly and the bee : — "Jehovah shall hist the fly, That is in the utmost parts of Egypt ; And the bee, that is in the land of Assyria." On which place see Deut.i, 44, Psal, cxvin, 12,; and God calls the locusts his great army, Joel ii, 25, Exod, xxiii, 28, See Huet, Quaest, Alnet, ii, 12, Ibid, — with speed — ] This refers to the 19th verse. As the scoffers had challenged God to make speed and to hasten his work of vengeance ; so now God assures thera, that with speed and swiftly it shall come, 27, Nor shall the girdle — ] The eastern people, wear ing long and loose garments, were unfit for action or busi ness of any kind, without girding their clothes about them : when their business was finished, they took off their girdles, A girdle therefore denotes strength ahd activity; and to un loose the girdle, is to deprive of strength, to render unfit for action, God promises to unloose the loins of kings before Cyrus, chap, xlv, 1. The girdle is so essential a part of a soldier's accoutrement, being the last that he puts on to make himself ready for action, that to be girded, {mvus-Sxi, with the Greeks, means to be completely armed, and ready for battle : — * ATgeiSu! §' 6looii''£", '^i ^anua-Sxt avuyiv A^yiia;. II, xi, 15, To Ss iv^vfxi rx o-jrXx ixxXnt o'i ¦!TX>.xioi ^attvoSxi. PaUSan. BoeOt, It is used in the same manner by the Hebrews : — " Let not him, that girdeth himself, boast, as he that unlooseth his girdle," I Kings xx, 11,; that is, " triumph not, before the war is finished," 28, The hoofs of their horses shall be counted as adamant.] The shoeing of horses with iron plates nailed to the hoof is quite a modern practice, and unknown to the ancients ; as appears from the silence of the Greek and Roman writers, especially those that treat of horse-raedicine ; who could not h&ve passed over a matter so obvious, and of such impor tance, that now the whole science takes its name from it, being called by us Farriery, The horse-shoes of leather and of iron, which are mentioned ; the silver and the gold shoes with which Nero and Poppea shod their mules, used occa sionally to preserve the hoofs of delicate cattle, or for vanity, 180 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap; V. were of a very different kind ; they inclosed the whole hoof as in a case, or as a shoe does a man's foot, and were bound or tied on. For this reason, the strength, firmness, and so lidity of a horse's hoof was of much greater importance with them than with us ; and was esteemed one of the first praises of a fine horse, Xenophon says, that a good horse's hoof is hard, hollow, and sounds Upon the ground like a cymbal. Hence the x^^koto^sj 'Vtnx of Homer ; and Virgil's " solido graviter sonat ungula cornu," And Xenophon gives direc tions for hardening the horse's hoofs, by making the pave ment, on which he stands in the stable, with round-headed stones. For want of this artificial defence to the foot, which our horses have, Amos (vi, 12.) speaks of it as a thing as much impracticable to make horses run upon a hard rock, as to plough up the same rock with oxen : — "Shall horses run upon a rock ? Shall one plough it up with oxen ?" These circumstances must be taken into consid,eration, in or der to give us a full notion of the propriety and force of tlie image, by which the Prophet sets forth the strength and ex cellence of the Babylonish cavalry ; which made a great part of the strength of the Assyrian army. Xenoph. Cyrop. lib. ii. 27, 28. None among them — ] Kirpchi has well Ulustrated this continued exaggeration, or hyperbole, as he rightly calls it, to the following effect : — " Through the greatness of their courage, they shall not be fatigued with their march; nor shall they stumble, though they march with the utmost speed : they shaU not slumber by day, nor sleep by night ; neither shall they ungird their armour, or put off their san dals, to take their rest : their arms shaU be always in readi ness, their arrows sharpened, and their bows bent : the hoofs of their horses are hard as a rock ; they shall not fail, or need to be. shod with iron : the wheels of their carriages shall move as rapidly as a whirlwind." 30. And these shall look to the heaven upward, and down to the earth.] yixb laaii. K»i ifo^M^'ovlxt n; rv> ym. So the LXX, according to Vat. and Alex, copies ; but the Compl. and Aid, editions have it more fully thus, iCoh ift^xi^ovlM u; Tov n^xvoii xva, xxt xxla ; and the Arabic, from the LXX, as if it had stood thus, K«( ifiZM-^ovlxi m tou h^xuv, xxi m nt yti» xxla : both of which are plainly defective ; the words m rm yv being wanted in the former, and the word xm in the Chap. V. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 181 latter. But an ancient Coptic version from the LXX, sup posed to be of the 2d century, some fragments of which are preserved in the library of St Germain des Prez at Paris, completes the sentence; for, according to this version, it stood thus in LXX, K«i ifi^Xiipoflai Uf rov 8g«v8» XVU, xxi e({ t»i» ym xd\a ; and so it stands in LXX, MSS Pachom, and r, D. II, according to which they must have read in their He brew text in this manner: nonb yixbi nbynb Dinwb Da3i, This is probably the true reading ; with which I have made the translation agree. Compare chap. viii. 22. where the same sense is expressed in regard to both particulars, which are here equaUy and highly proper, the looking upwards, as well as down to the earth; but the form of expression is varied. I believe the Hebrew text in that place to be right, though not so full as I suppose it was origin aUy here ; and that of the LXX there to be redundant, being as full as the Coptic version, and MSS Pachom. and i. D, ii, represent it in this place, from which I suppose it has been interpolated. Ibid, the gloomy vapour] Syr, and Vulg, seem to have read nbsijfa. But Jarchi explains the present reading as signifying darkness; and so possibly Syr, and Vulg, may have understood it in the same manner. CHAPTER VI, As this vision seems to contain a solemn designation of Isaiah to the prophetical office, it is by most interpreters thought to be the first in order of his prophecies. But this perhaps may not be so : for Isaiah is said, in the general title of his Prophecies, to have prophesied in the time of Uzziah ; whose acts first and last he wrote, 2 Chron, xxri, 22, which was usually done by a contemporary Prophet: and the phrase, " in the year when Uzziah died," probably raeans after the death of Uzziah ; as the sarae phrase, chap, xiv, 28, raeans after the death of Ahaz, Not that Isaiah's prophecies are placed in exact order of tirae : chapters ii, iii, iv. v. seera by internal raarks to be antecedent to chap. i. ; they suit the time of Uzziah, or the former part of Jotham's reign ; whereas chap. i. can hardly be earlier than the last years of Jotham. See note on chap. i. 7. and ii. 1. This might be a new de signation, to introduce more solemnly a general declaration of the whole course of God's dispensations in regard to his 182 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. VI. people, and the fates of the nation; which are even now stUl depending, and vriU not be fully accomplished till the final restoration of Israel. In this vision the ideas are taken in general frora royal majesty, as displayed by the Monarchs of the East: for the Prophet could not represent the ineffable presence of God by any other than sensible and earthly images. The parti cular scenery of it is taken from the temple. God is repre sented as seated on his throne above the ark in the most holy place, where the glory appeared above the cherubim, surrounded by his attendant ministers. This is caUed by God himself, " The place of his throne, and the place of the soles of his feet ;" Ezek. xliii. 7. " A glorious throne, ex alted of old, is the place of our sanctuary," saith the Prophet Jeremiah, chap. xvii. 12. The very posture of sitting is a mark of state and solemnity : " Sed et ipsum verbum sedere regni significat potestatem," saith Jerom; Comment, in Ephes. i. 20. See note on chap. Iii. 2. St John, who has taken many sublime iraages from the Prophets of the Old Testament, and in particular from Isaiah, hath exhibited the same scenery, drawn out into a greater number of particulars. Rev. chap. iv. The veil, separating the most holy place from the holy, or outermost part of the temple, is here supposed to be taken away ; for the Prophet, to whom the whole is eihibited, is manifestly placed by the altar of burnt-offering, at the en trance of the temple, (compare Ezek. xlui. 5, 6.), which was filled with the train of the robe, the spreading and overflow ing of the divine glory. The Lord upon the throne, accord ing to St John, xii. 41. was Christ; and the vision related to his future kingdom ; when the veU of separation was to be reraoved, and the whole earth was to be fiUed with the glory of God, revealed to all mankind : which is likewise im pUed in the hymn of the seraphim ; the design of which is, saith Jerom on the place, ' ut mysterium Trinitatis in una Divinitate deraonstrent ; et nequaquam templum Judaicum, sicut prius, sed omnera terram UUus gloria plenam esse tes- tentur." It relates indeed primarily to the Prophet's own time, and the obduration of the Jews of that age, and their punishment by the Babylonish captivity ; but extends in its fuU latitude to the age of Messiah, and the blindness of the Jews to the gospel ; (see Matt. xiU. 14. John xii. 40. Acts xxriii. 26. Rom. xi. 8.) ; the desolation of their country by the Roraans, and their being rejected by God : tha;t never- Chap. VI. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 18.3 theless a holy seed, a remnant, should be preserved, and that the nation should sprout out and flourish again from the old stock. In the first verse, fifty-one MSS, and one edition ; in the 8th verse, forty- four MSS, and one edition ; and in the 1 1th verse, thirty-lliree MSS, and one edition, for i2ix, " the Lord," read nini, " Jehovah;" which is probably the true reading, (compare verse 6th) ; as in many other places, in which the superstition pf the Jews has substituted i3ix for nini. 2. he covereth his feet.] By the feet the Hebrews mean all the lower parts of the body. But the people of the East generaUy wearing long robes reaching to the ground, and covering the lower parts of the body down to the feet, it may hence have been thought want of respect and decency to -appear in public, and on solemn occasions, with even the feet themselves uncovered. Kerapfer, speaking of the king of Persia giving audience, says ; " Rex in raedio supremi atrii cruribus more patrio inflexis sedebat: corpus tunica investiebat flava, ad suras cum staret protensa ; discumben- tis vero pedes discalceatos pro urbanitate patria operiens .-" Amoen. Exot. p. 227. Sir John Chardin's MS note on this place of Isaiah is as follows : " Grande marque de respect en Orient de se cacherles pieds, quand on est assis, et de baisser le visage. Quand le soverain se monstre en Chine et a Japon, chacun se jette le visage contre terre, et il n'est pas permis de regarder le roi." 3. Holy, holy, holy — ] This hyran, performed by the seraphira, divided into two choirs, the one singing respon- sively to the other, which Gregory Nazian. Carm. 18. very elegandy calls J^vfi^moy, xyn(pusoy, xfyiXm ^xa-iy, is formed upon the practice of alternate singing, which prevailed in the Jewish church from the tirae of Moses, whose ode at the Red Sea was thus performed, (see Exod. xv. 20, 21.), to that of Ezra, under whom the priests and Levites sung al ternately, " O praise Jehovah, for he is gracious ; For his mercy endureth for ever." Ezra iii. 11, See De S, Poes, Hebr, Prael, xix, at the be ginning, 5, I am struck dumb.] inma, twenty-eight MSS (five ancient) and three editions, I understand it as from Dil, or Dm, silere; and so it is rendered by Syr, Vulg, Sym, and 184 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Ch.4P. VI. by some of the Jewish interpreters, apud, Sal, b. Melee, The rendering of the Syriac is, iJX iiin, stupens, attonitus sum. He immediately gives the reason why he was struck dumb ; because he was a man of polluted lips, and dwelt among a people of poUuted lips ; and was unworthy either to join the seraphim in singing praises to God, or to be the messenger of God to his people. Compare Exod, iv. 10, vi, 12. Jer. i. 6, 6, from off the altar.] That is, from the altar of burnt- offerings, before the door of the temple ; on which the fire that came down at first from heaven. Lev, ix, 24, 2 Chron, vii, 1, was perpetuaUy kept burning: it was never to be ex tinguished, Lev.vi. 12, 13, 9, Thirteen MSS have nxi, in the regular form. 10. Make gross — ] The Prophet speaks of the event, the fact as it would actually happen ; not of God's purpose and act by his ministry. 'The Prophets are in other places said to perform the thing which they only foretell : — " Lo ! I have given thee a charge this day. Over the nations, and over the kingdoras ; To pluck up, and to pull down ; To destroy, and to demolish ; To build, and to plant," Jer, i, 10, And Ezekiel says, ."when I came to destroy die city;" that is, as it is rendered in the margin of our version, " when I came to prophesy, that the city should he destroy ed;" chap, xliii, 3, To hear, and not understand; to see,, and not perceive ; is a common saying in many languages, Demosthenes uses it, and expressly calls it a proverb : »« to TYii "BTX^ot^iXi o^uyrxi fATfi o^xvj, XXI xxovoyrx? ftvt xxovay ; Contra Aristogit, i. sub fin. The Prophet, by the bold figure in the sentiment above-mentioned, and the elegant form and con struction of the sentence, has raised it from a common pro-' verb into a beautiful mashal, and given it the sublime air of poetry. Ibid. — close up] yiwn : this word Sal. b. Melee, ex plains to this sense, in which it is hardly used elsewhere, on the authority of Onkelos. He says, it means closing up the eyes, so that one cannot see; that the root is 3?1W, by which word the Targum has rendered the word na, Lev. xiv. 42. nia nx ntai,^" and shaU plaster the house." And the word ntj is used in the same sense, Isa. xliv. 18. So that it signifies to close up the eyes by sorae matter spread upon the lids; Mr Harmer very ingeniously applies to this pas- Chap. VI. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 1S5 sage a practice of sealing up the eyes ns a cereraony, or as a kind of punishraent, used in the East, frora which the iraage raay possibly be taken. Observations, ii. 278. Ibid. — with their hearts.] laabai, fifteen MSS, and two editions. Ibid. — and I should heal.] xsixi, LXX, Vulg. So Ukewise Matt, xiii, 14, John xii, 40, Acts xxviii, 27, 1 1, — be left.] For nxiyn, LXX and Vulg, read ixu^n, 13, ^-a tenth part] This passage, though somewhat obscure, and variously explained by various interpreters, yet, I think, has been made so clear by the accomplishment of the prophecy, that there remains little room to doubt of the sense of it. When Nebuchadnezzar had carried away the greater and better part of the people into captivity, there was yet a tenth remaining in the land, the poorer sort, left to be vine-dressers and husbandmen, under Geda- Uah, 2 Kings xxv, 12, 22, ; and the dispersed Jews gathered themselves together, and returned to him, Jer, xl, 12, : yet even thesej fleeing into Egypt after the death of Gedaliah, contrary to the warning of God given by the Prophet Jere miah, miserably perished there. Again, in the subsequent and more remarkable completion of the prophecy, in the destruction of Jerusalem and the dissolution of the com monwealth by the Romans, when the Jews, after the loss of above a mUlion of men, had increased from the scanty resi due that was left of thera, and had become very numerous again in their country ; Hadrian, provoked by their rebel lious behaviour, slew above half a million more of thera, and a second tirae almost extirpated the nation. Yet after these signal and almost universal destructions of that nation, and after so many other repeated exterminations and massacres of them, in different times and on various occasions since, we yet see, with astonishment, that the stock still reraains, frora which God, according to his promise frequently given by his Prophets, wUl cause his people to shoot forth again, and to flourish. For Da,- above seventy MSS (eleven ancient) read na ; and so LXX, CHAPTER VIL The confederacy of Retsin king of Syria, and Pekah king of Israel, aganst the kingdom of Judah, was forraed in the time of Jotham ; and perhaps the effects of it were felt 186 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. VII. in the latter part of his reign: see 2 Kings xv. 37. and note on chapi i. 7 — 9. However, in the very beginning of the reign of Ahaz, they jointly invaded Judah vrith a powerffll army, and threatened to destroy, or to dethrone, the house of David. The king and royal family being in the utmost consternation on receiving advices of their designs, Isaiah is sent to thera to support and comfort them in their present distress, by 'assuring them, that God would make good his promises to David and his house. This makes the subject of this, and the following, and the beginning of the ninth chapters ; in which there are many and great diffi culties. Chapter vii. begins with an historical account of the occa sion of this prophecy; and then foUows, ver. 4 — 16. a pre diction of the ill success of the designs of the IsraeUtes and Syrians against Judah ; and, from thence to the end of the chapter, a denunciation of the calamities to be brought upon the king and people of Judah by the Assyrians, whom tiiey had now hired to assist them. Chapter riii. has a pretty close connexion with the foregoing : it contains a confirma^ tion of the prophecy before given of the approaching de struction of the kingdoms of Israel and Syria by the Assy rians ; of the denunciation of the invasion of Judah fey the same Assyrians: ver. 9, 10. give a repeated general assur ance, that all the designs of the enemies of God's people shaU be in the end disappointed, and brought to nought; ver. 11, &c. admonitions and threatenings, (I do not attempt a more particular explanation of this very difficult part), concluding with an illustrious prophecy (chap. ix. 1 — 6.) of the mani festation of Messiah ; the transcendent dignity of his cha racter; and the universality and eternal duration of his kingdom. 4. The Syfiac omits Dixi ; Vulg. reads Dix ^bn : one or the other seems to be the true reading. I prefer the for mer; or, instead of ^ai Dixi, read ]a npsi, MS. 8, 9. Though the head of Syria be Damascus, And the head of Damascus, Retsin ; Yet within threescore and five years Ephraim shall be broken, that he be no raore a people : And the head of Ephraim be Samaria ; And the head of Samaria, Remaliah's son.] " Here are six lines, or three distichs, the order of which seems to have been disturbed by a transposition, occasioned by three of the lines beginning with the same word WX11 ; Chap. VII. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 187 which three lines ought not to have been separated by any other line intervening; but a copyist, having written the first of them, and casting his eye on the third, might easily proceed to write, after the first Une beginning with wxil, that which ought to have foUowed the third line beginning with wxil. Then, finding his mistake, to preserve the beauty of his copy, added at die end the distich which should have been in the middle; making that the second distich which ought to have been the third. For the order as it now stands is preposterous : the destruction of Ephraim is denounced, and then their grandeur is set forth ; whereas naturally the representation of the grandeur of Ephraim should precede that of their destruction. And the destruc tion of Ephraim has no coherence with the grandeur of Syria, simply as such, which it now foUows ; but it naturaUy and properly foUows die grandeur of Ephraim, joined to that of Syria their aUy. " The arrangement then of the whole sentence seems originally to have been thus : " Though the head of Syria be Damascus ; And the head of Daraascus, Retsin : And the head of Ephraim be Samaria ; And the head of Samaria, Remaliah's son : Yet within threescore and five years Ephraim shall be broken, that he be no more a people." Dr Jubb. 8. — threescore and five years] It was sixty-five years from the beginning of the reign of Ahaz, when this pro phecy was delivered, to the total depopidation of the king dom of Israel by Esarhaddon, who carried away the re mains of the ten tribes which had been left by Tiglath PUeser and Shalraaneser, and who planted the country with new inhabitants. That the country was not wholly stripped of its inhabitants by Shalraaneser, appears frora many pas sages of the history of Josiah ; where Israelites are men tioned as still remaining there, 2 Chron. xxxiv. 6, 7. 33. and xxxv. 18. 2 Kings xxiii. 19, 20. This seems to be die best explanation of the chronological difficulty in this place, which has much embarrassed the comraentators : see Usserii Annal. V. T. ad an. 3327 ; and Sir I. Newton, Chronol. p. 283. " That the last deportation of Israel by Esarhaddon was in the sixty-fifth year after the second of Ahaz, is probable, for the following reasons : The Jews, in Seder Olara Rabba, 188 NOTES' ON ISAIAH. Chap. VII. and the Talraudists, in D. Kimchi on Ezek. iv. say, that Manasseh king of Judah was carried to Babylon by the king of Assyria's captains, 2 Chron. xxxiu. 11. in the twenty- second year of his reign ; that is, before Christ 676, accord ing to Dr Blair's tables. And they are probably right in this. It could not be much earlier ; as the king of Assyria was not king of Babylon tiU 680; ibid. As Esarhaddon . was then in the neighbourhood of Samaria, it is highly pro bable that he did then carry away the last reraains of Israel; and brought those strangers thither, who mention him as their founder, Ezra iv. 2. But this year is just the sixty- fifth year from the second of Ahaz, which was 740 before Christ. Now the carrying away of the last remains of Israel, (who, tiU then, though their kingdom was destroyed forty-five years before, and though small in number, yet might keep up some form of being a people, by living ac cording to their own laws), entirely put an end to the peo ple of Israel, as a people separate from all others: for from this time they never returned to their own country in a body, but were confounded with the people of Judah in the captivity ; and the whole people, the ten tribes included, were called Jews." .Dr Jubb. 9. If ye believe not — ] " This clause is very much Ulus trated, by considering the captivity of Manasseh as happen ing at the same time with this predicted final ruin of Ephraim as a people. The near connexion of the two facts raakes the prediction of the one naturally to cohere with the prediction of the other. And the words are well suited to this event in the history of the people of Judah. " If ye believe not, ye shall not be established;" that is, unless ye believe this prophecy of the destruction of Israel, ye Jews also, as well as the people of Israel, shall not re main established as a kingdora and people ; ye also shall be visited with punishment at the same tirae : As our Saviour told the Jews in his time, " unless ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish ;" intimating their destruction by the Ro mans ; to whicli akso, as well as to the captirity of Manas seh, and to the Babylonish captivity, the riews of the Pro phet might here extend. The close connexion of this threat to the Jews, with the prophecy of the destruction of Israel, is another strong proof, that the order of the preceding lines above proposed is right," Dr Jubb. Ibid. If ye believe not in me — ] The exhortation of Je- Chap. VII. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 189 hoshaphat to his people, when God had promised to them, by the Prophet Jahaziel, victory over the Moabites and Amraonites, is very like this both in sense and expression, and seems to be delivered in verse : " Hear me, O Judah; and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem ! Believe in Jehovah your God, and ye shall be established : Believe his prophets, and ye shall prosper." 2 Chron. xx. 20. Where both the sense and construction render very pro bable a conjecture of Archbishop Secker on this place ; that instead of ia we should read ia. " If ye will not believe in me, ye shall not be establi,shed." So likewise Dr Durell. The Chaldee has, " If ye will not believe in the words of the Prophet;" which seeras to be a paraphrase of the read ing here proposed. In favour of which it raay be further observed, that in one MS ia is upon a rasure ; and another for the last xb reads xbi ; which would properly follow ia, but could not follow ia. 11. Go deep to the grave — ] So Aquila, Sym. Theodot, Vulg, 14, jEHOrAH] For liix, twenty-five MSS (nine an cient) read mni. And so ver, 20, eighteen MSS, 14 — 16, When he shall know — ] " Though so much has been written on this important passage, there is an ob scurity and inconsequence which still attends it, in the ge neral run of all the interpretations given tp it by the raost learned. And this obscure incoherence is given to it by the false rendering ^a Hebrew particle, viz, b in inj?ib. This has been generally rendered, either " that he may know," or " tUl he know," It is capable of either version, without doubt. But either of these versions raakes ver, 15, incoherent and inconsistent with ver, 16, For ver, 16, plainly means to give a reason for the assertion in ver, 15, ; because it is sub joined to it by the particle ia, for. But it is no reason why a chUd should eat butter .and honey till he was at an age to distinguish, that before that time the land of his nativity should be free from its eneraies. This latter supposition indeed iraplies what is inconsistent with the preceding asser tion : For it implies, that in part of that tirae of the infancy spoken of, the land should not be free frora eneraies, and consequently these species of delicate food could not be at tainable, as they are in tiraes of peace. The other version, " that he may know," has no meanipg at all : For what sense is there in asserting, that a child shall eat butter and honey, 190 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. VII. that he may know to refuse evil and choose good ? Is there any such effect in this food ? Surely no. Besides, the chUd is thus represented to eat those things, which only a state of peace produces, during its whole infancy, inconsistently with ver. 16. which promises a relief from enemies only before the end of this infancy ; implying plainly, that part of it would be passed in distressful times of war and siege ; which was the state of things when the prophecy was delivered. " But all these objections are cut off, and a clear cohe rent sense is given to this passage, by giving another sense to the particle b ; which never occurred to me till I saw it in Harmer's Observat. vol. i. p. 299. See how coherent the words of the Prophet run, with how natural a connexion one clause follows another, by properly rendering this one particle : — " Behold this virgin shaU conceive, and bear a son, and thou shalt call his name Immanuel : Butter and honey shaU he eat, when he shall know to refuse eril, and choose good. For, before this child shaU know to refuse evil, and choose good, the land shaU be desolate, by whose two kings thou art distressed." Thus ver. 16." subjoins a plain reason why the child should eat butter and honey, the food of plentiful times, when he came to a distinguishing age ; viz. because before that time the country of the two kings, who now distressed Judea, should be desolated; and so Judea should recover that plenty which attends peace. That this rendering, which gives perspicuity and rational connexion to the passage, is according to; the use of the Hebrew particle is certain. Thus, ipa niisb, " at the appearing of morning, or, when morning appeared;" Exod. xiv. 27. baxn nrb, " at meal-tirae, or, when it was time to eat;" Ruth n. 14. In the same manner, inirib, " at his knowing, that is, when he knows." " Harmer (ibid.) has clearly shewn, that these articles of food are deUcacies in the East ; and as such denote a state of plenty. See also Josh. v. 6. They therefore naturaUy express the plenty of the country, as a mark of peace re stored to it. Indeed, ver. 22. it expresses a plenty arising from the thinness of the people ; but that it signifies, ver. 15. a plenty arising from deliverance from war then present, is evident ; because otherwise there is no expression of this deliverance. And that a deliverancie was intended to be here expressed is plain, from calUng the chUd, which should be born, Immanuel, God with us. It is plain, also, because Chap. VII. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 191 it is before given to the Prophet in charge to make a decla ration of the deliverance, ver. 3 — 7.; and it is there made; and this prophecy must undoubtedly be conformable to that in this matter." Dr Jubb. The circumstance of the child's eating butter and honey is explained by Jarchi as denoting a state of plenty : " Buty- rum et mel comedet infans iste, quoniam terra nostra plena erit omnis boni:" Comment, in locum. The infant Jupi ter, says Callimachus, was tenderly nursed with goat's milk and honey: Hymn, in Jov. 48. Homer, of the orphan daughters of Pandareus, " Kofiio-o-i Se Ol' A<5gnp, eadem sen tentia, qua I2inbx, Hos, xiv, 3, Sed nihil necesse est. Vide enim Jer, xi, 9, Ezek, xxii, 25, Optime tamen sic responderent huic versiculo versiculi 13, 14." The passages of Jereraiah and Ezekiel, above referred to, seem to me not at all to clear up the sense of the word itrp in this place. But the context greatly favours the conjecture here given, and makes it highly probable : " Walk not in the way of this people ; call not their idols holy ; nor fear ye the object of their fear: (that is, the n^xa-fix-rx, or gods of the idolaters; for so fear here signifies, to wit, the thing feared ; so God is called " the fear of Isaac," Gen. xxxi. 42. 53.) : but look up to Jehovah as your Holy One ; and let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread ; and He shall be a holy refuge unto you." Here there is a harmony and consistency running through the whole sentence ; and the latter part naturally arises out of the former, and answers to it. Ob serve, that the difference between iwp and 'u;ip is chiefly in the transposition of the two last letters ; for the letters i and 1 are hardly distinguishable in sorae copies, printed as well as MS; so that the raistake, in respect of the letters them selves, is a very easy and a very comraon one. 14. And He shall be unto you a sanctuary.] The word Dab, unto you, absolutely necessary, as I conceive, to the sense, is lost in this place : it is preserved ,by the Vulgate ; Chap. VIII. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 199 " et erit vobis in sanctificationem :" the LXX have it in the singular nuraber ; ef«( o-oi a; ayixTfioy. Or else, instead of Wlpn, a sanctuary, we must read lUpin, a snare, which would then be repeated, without any propriety or elegance, at the end of the verse. The Chaldee reads instead of it asiUT2, judgment; for he renders it by lyiiSj which word frequently answers to aswn in his paraphrase. A MS has (instead pf ^axbi Ti^ipn) laxb Dnb ; which clears the sense and construction. But the reading of the Vulgate is, I think, the best remedy to this difficulty ; and is in some degree au thorized by Dnb, the reading of the MS above mentioned. 16. among my disciples] iiaba. " The LXX render it, TS fin ftxSiiy. Bishop Chandler, Defence of Christianity, p. 308. " thinks they read inb», that it be not understood; and approves this reading :" Archbishop Seckee. 18. God of Hosts] A MS reads nixaa inbx. 19. Should they seek — ] After wils the LXX, repeat ing the word, read wilin : Oux ihos zrpo; B-ioy «ut» ixi^vrito-no-i i T( ix^ntna-isd-i arsjH Tm ^mrm tss yixfn;; and this repetition of the verb seeras necessary to the sense ; and, as Procopius on the place observes, it strongly expresses the Prophet's indigna tion at their folly. 20. Unto the command, and unto the testimony — ] " Is not mipn here the attested prophecy, ver. 1 — 4.? and per haps nun the command, ver. 11 — 15.? for it means some tiraes a particular, and even a human command ; see Prov. vi. 20. and vii. 2, 3. where it is ordered to be hid, that is, secretly kept :" Archbishop Secker. So Deschamps in his translation, or rather paraphrase, understands it : " Te nons-nous a I'instruraent authentique, mis en depot par ordre du Seigneur." If this be right, the 16th verse must be understood in the same manner. Ibid. In which there is no obscurity] inw, as an adjec tive, frequently signifies dark, obscure; and the noun iniy signifies darkness, gloominess, Joel ii. 2, if we may judge by the context : " A day of darkness and obscurity ; Of cloud, and of thick vapour ; As the gloom spread upon the mountains : A people mighty and numerous ;" Where the gloom, inw, seems to be the same with the cloud and thick vapour, mentioned in the line preceding : see Lam, iv, 8, Job xxx, 30, See this meaning of the word 300 NOTBS ON ISAIAH. Chap. VIII. mil? well supported in Christ. Muller Satura Observa- tionura PhUolog, p, 53, Lugd, Bat, 1752, The morning seems to be an idea wholly incongruous in the passage of Joel : And in this of Isaiah, the words, " in which there is no morning," (for so it ought to be rendered, if iniy in this place signifies, according to its usual sense, morning), seem to give no meaning at all, " It is because there is no light in them," says our translation : If there be any sense in these words, it is not the sense of the original; which cannot justly be so translated. Qui n'a rien d'obscur ; Deschamps, The reading of LXX and Syr, mil?, gift, affords not any assistance towards the clearing up of this difficult place, 21, — distressed — ] Instead of ni2?p3, distressed, the Vulg, Chald, and Sym, manifestly read biyai, stumbling, tottering through weakness, ready to fall ; a sense which suits very well with the place, 22, And he shall cast his eyes upward — ] The learned professor Michaelis, treating of this place, (Not, in De S, Poes, Hebr, Prael, ix,), refers to a passage in the Koran, which is similar to it. As it is a very celebrated passage, and on inany accounts remarkable, I shall give it here at large, with the same author's further rem'arks upon it in another place of his writings. It must be noted here, that the learned professor renders aaa in this and the parallel place, chap, v, 30, which I translate he looketh, by it thun- dereth, frora Schultens, Orig- Ling, Hebr, lib, i, chap, 2. ; of the justness of which rendering I much doubt. This brings the image of Isaiah more near, in one circumstance, to that of Mohammed, than it appears to be in my translation, " Labid, contemporary vrith Mohammed, the last of the seven Arabian poets who had the honour of having their poeras, one of each, hung up in the entrance of the Temple of Mecca, struck with the sublimity of a passage in the Koran, became a convert to Mohammedism ; for he con cluded, that no man could write in such a manner, unless he were divinely inspired, " One must have a curiosity to examine a passage which had so great an effect upon Labid, It is, I must own, the finest that I know in the whole Koran ; but I scarce think it will have a second time the like effect, so as to tempt any one of my readers to submit to circumcision. It is in the second chapter ; where he is speaking of certain apostates from the faith, ' They are like,' saith he, ' to a raan who Chap. VIII. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 201 kindleth a light. As soon as it begins to shine, God takes from them the light, and leaves them in darkness, that they see nothing. They are deaf, dumb, and blind ; and return not into the right way. Or they fare, as when a cloud, full of darkness, thunder, and lightning, covers the heaven: when it bursteth, they stop their earsiwith their fingers, with deadly fear ; and God hath the unbelievers in his power. The lightning almost robbeth them of their eyes : as often as it flasheth, they go on by its light ; and when it vanisheth in darkness, they stand still. If God pleased, they would re tain neither hearing nor sight.' That the thought is beauti ful, no one wUl deny ; and Labid, who had probably a mind to flatter Mohammed, was lucky in finding a passage in the Koran, so little abounding in poetical beauties, to which his conversion raight with any propriety be ascribed. It was weU that he went no further ; otherwise his taste for poetry might have made hira again an infidel." Michaelis, Erpenii Arabische Grararaatik abgekurzt, Vorrede, s. 32. 23. — accumulated darkness] Either nniin, fera. to agree with nbsx ; or nunn bsx, alluding perhaps tp the pal pable Egyptian darkness, Exod, x, 21, Ibid, The land of Zebulon — ] Zebulon, Naphthali, Ma nasseh, that is, the country of Galilee, all round the Sea of Genesareth, were the parts that principally suffered in the first Assyrian invasion under Tiglath PUeser : see 2 Kings XV, 29, 1 Chron, v, 26, : and they were the first that en joyed the blessing of Christ's preaching the gospel, and ex hibiting his rairaculous works araong them. See Mede's Works, p. 101, and 457. CHAPTER IX, 2, Thou hast increased their joy] Eleven- MSS (two ancient) read lb, according to the Masoretical correction. Ibid, — as with the joy of harvest] iispa nnnii?a. For iispa a MS has lisp, and another iispn : one of which seems to be the true reading, as the noun preceding is in regimine. 4, The greaves of the armed warrior] ]ko pxD. This word, occurring only in this place, is of very doubtful sig nification. Schindler fairly tells us, that we must guess at it by the context. The Jews have explained it, by guess I 202 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. IX. believe, as signifying battle, conflict : the Vulgate renders it violenta preedatio. But it seems as if something was rather meant, which was capable of beconung fuel for the fire, together vrith the garments mentioned in the same sentence. In Syriac, the word, as a noun, signifies a sJioe or a sandal, as a learned friend sijiggested to me some years ago: see Luke XV, 22, Acts xii, 8. I take it therefore to mean that part of the arraour which covered the legs and feet, and I would render the two words in Latin by caliga caligati. The burning of heaps of armour, gathered from the field of battle, as an offering made to the god supposed to be the giver of victory, was a custom that prevailed among some heathen nations ; and the Romans used it as an emblem of peace: which perfectly well suits with the design of the Prophet in this place. A medal, struck by Vespasian on finidiing his wars both at home and abroad, represents the goddess Peace, holding an oUve branch in one hand, and with a lighted torch in the other setting fire to a heap of armour, Virgil mentions the custom : " Cum priraam aciem Praeneste sub ipsa Stravi, scutorumque incendi victor acervos," .^n, viii, 561. See Addison on Medals, Series ii, 18, And there are notices of some such practice araong the Israelites, and other nations of the most early times, God promises to Joshua victory over the kings of Canaan : " To-morrow I will deliver them up all slain before Israel: thou shalt hough their horses, and burn their chariots with fire;" Josh, xi, 6, See also Nahum ii, 13. And the Psalmist em ploys this linage to express complete victory, and a perfect establishment of peace : " He maketh wars to cease, even to the end of the land : He breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder ; And burneth the chariots in the fire," Psal. xlvi, 9, nibajr, properly plaustra, the baggage-waggons ; which how ever the LXX and Vulg. render scuta, shields, and Chald, round shields, to shew the propriety of that sense of the word from the etymology ; which, if admitted, makes the iraage the sarae with that used by the Romans. Ezekiel, in his bold manner, has carried this image to a degree of araplification, which, I think, hardly any other of the Hebrew poets would have attempted. He describes the burning of the arms of the enemy, in consequence of Chap. IX. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 203 the complete victpry to be obtained by the Israelites over Gog and Magog : ^' Behold, it is come to pass, and it is done ; Saith the Lord Jehovah, This is the day, of which I spake : And the inhabitants of the cities of Israel shall go forth ; And shall set on fire the armour, and the shield, And the buckler, and the bow, and the arrows. And the clubs, and the lances ; And they shall set them on fire for seven years : And they shall not bear wood from the field ; "^Jeither shall they hew from the forest : For of the armour shall they make their fires ; And they shall spoil their spoilers, And they shall plunder their plunderers," Ezek, xxxix, 8-10, 5, The government shall be upon his shoulder.] That is, the ensign of government; the sceptre, the sword, the key, or the like, which was borne upon or hung from the shoul der. See note on chap. xxii. 22. Chap. ix. 7. — Chap. x. 4.] This whole passage, reduced to its proper and entire forra, and healed of the dislocation which it suffers by the absurd division of the chapters, makes a distinct prophecy, and a just poem, remarkable for the regularity of its disposition, and the elegance of its plan. It has no relation to the preceding or the following prophecy ; though the parts, violently torn asunder, have been, on the one side and the other, patched on to them. Those relate principally to the kingdom of Judah; this is addressed ex clusively to the kingdom of Israel. The subject of it is a denunciation of vengeance awaiting their crimes. It is di rided into four parts, each threatening the particular pu nishment of some grievous offence — of their pride ; of their perseverance in their vices ; of their impiety ; and of their injustice. To which is added a general denunciation of a further reserve of divine wrath, contained in a distich, be fore used by the Prophet on a like occasion, chap. v. 25. and here repeated after each part : this makes the intercalary verse of the poem, or, as we call it, the burthen of the song. " Post hoc comma (chap. x. 4.) interponitur spatium unius lineae, in cod. 2. et 3. : idemque observatur in 245. in quo nullum est spatium ad finem capitis ix." Kennicott, Var. Leet. 7. Jehovah.] For i2ix, thirty MSS and three editions read nini. 204, NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. IX. 8. — carry themselves haughtily] iriii, and they shall know : so ours, and the versions in general. But what is it that they shaU know ? The verb stands destitute of its ob ject ; and the sense is imperfect. The Chaldee is the only one, as far as I can find, that expresses it otherwise. He renders the verb in this place by laiainxi, they exalt them selves, or carry themselves haughtily; the same word by which he renders inaa, chap, in, 16, He seems therefore in this place to have read ma^iil ; which agrees perfectly well with what foUows, and clears up the difficulty. Arch bishop Secker conjectured iiaiii, referring it to inxV in the next verse ; which shews, that he was not satisfied with the present reading, Houbigant reads iriil, et pravi facti sunt; which is found in a MS; but I prefer the reading of the Chaldee, which suits much better with the context. 9, The bricks—^] " The eastern bricks, (says Sir John Chardin, see Harmer, Obser, i, p, 176,), are only clay weU moistened with water, and mixed with straw, and dried in the sun," So that their walls are commonly no better than our mud- walls : see MaundreU, p, 124, That straw was a necessary part in the composition of this sort of bricks, to make the parts of the clay adhere together, appears from Exodus, chap, V, These bricks are properly opposed to hewn stone, so greatly superior in beauty and durableness. The sycamores, which, as Jerom on the place says, are tim-» ber of Uttle worth, with equal propriety are opposed to the ce dars, " As the grain and texture of the sycamore is remark ably coarse and spongy, it could therefore stand in no com petition at all (as it is observed, Isa, ix, 10,) with the cedar for beauty and ornament :" Shaw, Supplement to Travels, p, 96, We meet with the same opposition of cedars to sy camores, 1 Kings X, 27, where Solomon is said to have made silver as the stones, and cedars as the, sycamores in the vale, for abundance. By this mashal, or figurative and senten tious speech, they boast, that they shaU easily be able to re pair their present losses, suffered perhaps by the first As syrian invasion under Tiglath PUeser ; and to bring their affairs to a more flourishing condition than ever, 10, — the princes qf Retsin against him] For iis, ene-r mies, Houbigant by conjecture reads iiii?, princes ; which is confirmed by twenty-one MSS (two ancient), and nine more have 25 upon a rasure, and therefore had probably at first liw. The princes of Retsin, the late ally of Israel, that is, Chap. IX. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 205 the Syrians, expressly named in the next verse, shall now be excited against Israel, The LXX in this place give us another variation : for psi, they read pis in, ogos 'Zim, Mount Sion ; of which this may be the sense : But Jehovah shall set up the adversaries of Mount Sion against him, (i. e. against Israel), and will strengthen his enemies together : the Syrians — the Philis tines — who are called the adversaries of Mount Sion, See Simonis Lex, in voce ^ao, 11, — on every side] ns baa, in every corner ; in every part of their country, pursuing them to the remotest extre- raities, and the raost retired parts. So the Chald, inx baa, in every place, 13, — in one day] Eight MSS read Dva ; and another has a rasure in the place of the letter a. 16, Jehovah] For iJix, eighteen MSS read nini. 17, For wickedness — ] Wickedness rageth like a fire, destroying and laying waste the nation : but it shall be its own destruction, by bringing down the fire of God's wrath, which shall burn up the briers and the thorns ; that is, the wicked themselves. Briers and thorns are an image fre- quendy applied in Scripture, when set on fire, to the rage of the vncked, violent yet impotent, and of no long con tinuance — " they are extinct as the fire of thorns ;" Psal, cxviii, 12, ; — to the wicked theraselves, as useless and unpro fitable, proper objects of God's wrath, to be burned up, or driven away by the wind — " as thorns cut up, they shall be consumed in the fire;" Isa, xxxiu, 12, Both these ideas seera to be joined in Psal, Iviii, 9, " Before your pots shall feel the thorn. As well the green as the dry, the tempest shall bear them away," The green and the dry is a proverbial expression, raeaning all sorts of them, good and bad, great and small, &c, ; so Ezekiel: — " Behold, I will kindle a fire, and it shall de vour every green tree, and every dry tree ;" chap, xx, 47, D'Herbelot quotes a Persian poet describing a pestilence under the iraage of a conflagration : — " This was a light ning that, falling upon a forest, consumed there the green wood vrith the dry," See Harmer, Obser, ii, p, 187, 19, — the flesh of his neighbour] " To-j fie^xxioyoinv ci^xtpov xmo-j, LXX, Alexand, Duplex Versio, quarum altera legit ij?l, quae vox extat Jer, vi. 21. Nam j?i, aSsMpo;, Gen. xliii. 206 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap, IX. 33, Recte, ni fallor :" Secker, I add to this exceUent remark, that the Chaldee manifestly reads iyi, not iVir ; for he renders it by niaiip, his neighbour. And Jeremiah has the very same expression: ibaxi inn iii?a i2?ixi, " And every one shall eat the flesh of his neighbour;" chap, xix. 9. This observation, I think, gives the true reading and sense of this place ; and the context strongly confirms it, by explaining the general idea by particular instances, in the foUowing verse : " Every man shaU devour the flesh of his neighbour ; (that is, they shall harass and destroy one ano ther) ; Manasseh shaU devour Ephraim, and Ephraim Manasseh ; (which two tribes were most closely connected both in blood and situation, as brothers and neighbours) ; and both of them in the midst of their own dissensions shaU agree in preying upon Judah." The common reading, " shaU devour the flesh of his own arm," in connexion with what foUows, seems to make either an inconsistency, or an anticUmax; whereas by this correction the following verse becoraes an elegant illustration of the foregoing. CHAPTER X, 4. Without me- — ] That is, without ray aid, they shall be taken captive even by the captives, and shall be subdued by the vanquished. " The i in inba is a pronoun, as in Hos. xui. 4. :" Kimchi on the place. 5. Ho to the Assyrian — ] Here begins a new and dis tinct prophecy ; continued to the end of the xiith chapter : and it appears frora ver. 9—11. of this chapter, that this prophecy was delivered after the taking of Samaria by Shal maneser ; which was in the sixth year of the reign of Heze kiah : and as the former part of it foretells the invasion cf Senacherib, and the destruction of his army, which makes the whole subject of this chapter, it must have been delivered before the fourteenth of the same reign. ' Ibid. The staff in whose hand] The word xin in this place seems to embarrass the sentence. I omit it on the au thority of the Alexandrine copy of LXX ; and five MSS, (two ancient), for xm naisi, read inao. Archbishop Secker was not satisfied with the present reading : he pro poses another method of clearing up the sense, by reading Dva instead of Diia : " And he is a staff m the day of mine indignation." Chap. X. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 207 12. Jehovah] For i:ix, fourteen MSS, and three edi tions, read mn*. Ibid. — the effect — ] " ns, f. las, vid. xin. 19. sed con fer Prov. i. 31. xxxi. 16. 31:" Secker. The Chaldee renders the word iis by iiaip, opera ; which seems to be the true sense ; and I have followed it. 13. — strongly — ] Twelve MSS agree with the Keri in reading liaa without the x. And S. b. Melee and Kim chi thus explain it : " Thera, who dwelled in a great and strong place, I have brought down to the ground." 15. — its master] I have here given the raeaning, with out attempting to keep to the expression of the original : ys xb, " the no-wood;" that which is not wood like itself, but of a quite different and superior nature. The Hebrews have a peculiar way of joining the negative particle xb to a noun, to signify in a strong manner a total negation of the thing expressed by the noun. " How hast thou given help, na xbb, to the no-strength ? And saved the arm, rj? xb, of the no-power ? How hast thou given counsel, njaan xbb, to the no-wisdom ?" that is, to the man totally deprived of strength, power, and wisdom : Job xxvi. 2, 3. " Ye that rejoice, iai xbb, in no-thing:" that is, in your fancied strength, which is none at all, a mere nonentity : Amos vi. 13. " For I am God, Ti?ix xbi, and no-man; The Holy One in the midst of thee, yet do not frequent ci ties." Hosea xi. 9. " And the Assyrian shall fall by a sword, U?ix xb, of no-man ; And a sword of, DIX xb, no-mortal shall devour him." Isa. xxxi. 8. "Wherefore do ye weigh out your silver, Dnb Xlba, for the no-bread." Isa. Iv. 2. So here yj? xb raeans him who is far from being an inert piece of wood, but is an aniraated and active being ; not an instruraent, but an agent. 16. Jehovah] For ijix, fifty-two MSS, and six edi tions, read nini. Ibid. And under his glory] That is, aU that he could boast of as great and strong in his array; (Sal. b. Melee in loc.) ; expressed afterwards, ver. 18. by the glory of his forest, and of his fruitful field. 208 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. X. 17, 18. And he shall burn and consume his thorn—] The briers and thorns are the comraon people ; the glory of his forest are the nobles, and those of highest rank and irapor tance. See note on chap. ix. 17. and cprapare Ezek. xx. 47. The fire of God's wrath shall destroy them both great and sraall, it shall consume thera fi-om the soul to the flesh .- a proverbial expression ; soul and body, as we say ; it shall consume them entirely and altogether. And the few that escape shall be looked upon as having escaped from the most imrainent danger ; -" as a firebrand plucked out of the fire;" Amos iv. 11. 'Q;hx a-ygos, 1 Cor. iii. 15. aS a man, when a house is burning, is forced to make his escape by running through the midst of the fire. I follow here the reading of the LXX; DD3 ii?xna, a; i cpivyay x-tvo ipAoyo; xxioftiyyii. Symmachus also renders the latter word by (pivym.. 22, 23, For though thy people, O Israel — ] I have en deavoured to keep to the letter pf the text, as nearly as I can, in this obscure passage. But it is remarkable, that neither the LXX, nor St Paul, Rom, ix, 28, who, except in a few words of no great importance, follows them nearly in this place, nor any one of the ancient versions, take any notice of the word t^isw, over/lowing ; which seeras to give an idea not easUy reconcileable with those with which it is here joined, I, S, Moerlius (Schol, PhUolog, ad Selecta S. Cod, loca) conjectures, that the two last letters of this word are by mistake transposed, and that the true reading is asu?, judging with strict justice. The LXX raight think this sufficiently expressed by sv ^ixxio(rvy-/i. A MS, with St Paul and LXX Alex, oraits ia in the 22d verse; sixty-nine MSS, and six editions, omit ba in the 23d verse : and so St Paul, Rom, ix, 28, The learned Dr Bagot, dean of Christchurch, Oxford, in some observations on this place, which he has been so kind as to communicate to me, and which will appear in their proper Ught when he hiraself shall give them to the public, renders the word piba by accomplishment, and makes it refer to the predictions of Moses ; the blessing and the curse which he laid before the people; both conditional, and depending on their future conduct. They had by their disobedience incurred those judgments which were now to be fully executed upon them. His translation is : " The accomplishment deterrained overflows with justice; for it is Chap. X. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 209 accomplished, and that which is deterrained the Lord God of Hosts doeth in the midst of the land." 24. and 26, — in the way of Egypt] I think there is a designed arabiguity in these words, Senacherib, soon after his return frora his Egyptian expedition, which, I iraagine, took hira up three years, invested Jerusalera, He is repre sented by the Prophet as lifting up his rod in his march from Egypt, and threatening the people of God, as Pharaoh and the Egyptians had done when they pursued them to the Red Sea, But God in his turn will lift up his rod over the sea, as he did at that time, in the way, or after the man- raer, of Egypt : and as Senacherib has imitated the Egyp tians in his threats, and came full of rage against them from the same quarter ; so God will act over again the same part that he had taken formerly in Egypt, and overthrow their eneraies m as signal a raanner. It was all to be, both the attack and the deliverance, Tua, or Tua, as a MS has it in each place, in the way, or after the manner, of Egypt, 25, mine indignation] Indignatio mea, Vulg, ; -i o^yn, LXX ; jKs « 0^"/)) I) xxTx tra, MS, Pachom, ; fts ii o^yn xxix ns, MS I, D, II, : so that iny», or Dytn, as a MS has it, seeras to be the true reading, 26, And like his rod which he lifted up over the sea] The Jewish interpreters suppose here an ellipsis ofa, the particle of similitude, before ^nan, to be supplied frora the line above : so that here are two sirailitudes ; one coraparing the destruction of the Assyrians to the slaughter of the Midian ites at the rock of Oreb ; the other to that of the Egyptians at the Red Sea, Aben Ezra, Kimchi, Salomo b. Melee. 27, —from off your shoulders] I follow here the LXX who, for yoM} ijsn, read Dainawn, x-rro ray Ufim vfim ; not being able to make any good sense out of the present read ing, I will add here the marginal conjectures of Arch bishop Secker, who appears, like all others, to have been at a loss for a probable interpretation of the text as it now stands, " «. leg, Dan? ; forte legend, irni? liaa, vid, cap_v, 1, Zech, iv, 14, Et possunt intelligi Judaei uncti Dei; Psal, cv, 15, vel Assyrii Di5K)ii?n, hie ver, 16, ut dicat Propheta depulsum iri jugum ab his impositura : sed hoc durius. Vel potest legi ikti? lisn :" Secker. 28 — 32, He is come to Aiath—] A description of the march of Senacherib's army approaching Jerusalem in order to invest it, and of the terror and confusion spreadino- and 210 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. X. increasing through the several places as he advanced ; ex pressed with great brevity, but finely diversified. The places here raentioned are all in the neighbourhood of Jerusalem ; from Ai northward, to Nob westward of it ; from which last place he might probably have a prospect of Mount Sion, Anathoth was within three Roman miles of Jerusalem ; ac cording to Eusebius, Jerom, and Josephus : Onomast, Loc, Hebr, et Antiq, Jud, x, 7, 3, Nob probably still nearer. And it should seera frora this passage of Isaiah, that Sena cherib's army was destroyed near the latter of these places. In coming out of Egypt, he might perhaps join the rest of his army at Ashdod, after the taking of that place, which happened about that time, (see chap, xx,) ; and march from thence near the coast by Lachish and Libnah, which lay in his way, from south to north, and both which he invested, till he came to the north-west of Jerusalem ; crossing over to the north of it, perhaps by Joppa and Lydda, or still more north through the plain of Esdraelon, 29, They have passed the strait — ] The strait here raentioned is that of Michmas, a T^ery narrow passage be tween two sharp hills or rocks, (see 1 Sam, xiv, 4, 5,), where a great army raight have been opposed with advantage by a very inferior force. The author of the book of Judith might perhaps mean this pass, at least among others : " Charging them to keep the passages of the hill country ; for by them there was an entrance into Judea, and it was easy to stop them that would come up ; because the passage was strait, for two men at the most:" Judith iv, 7, The enemies having passed the strait without opposition, shews that all thoughts of making a stand in the open country were given up, and that their only resource was in the strength of the city, _ Ibid, — their lodging — ] The sense seems necessarily to require, that we read inb instead of lib. These two words are in other places mistaken one for the other. Thus Isa, xliv, 7, for iKib read ub, with the Chaldee: and in the sarae manner Psal, lxiv, 6, with Syr, and Psal, lxxx, 7, on the authority of LXX and Syr, beside the necessity of the sense, 30, Hearken unto her, O Laish ; answer her, O Ana thoth .'] I follow in this the Syriac version. The Prophet plainly alludes to the name of the place ; and with a pecu liar propriety, if it had its narae from its remarkable echo. Chap. X. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 211 " ninjy, responsiones : eadem ratio nominls, qua in nar nia, locus echiis ; nam hodienum ejus rudera ostenduntur in valle, scil, in medio montium, ut referunt Robertus in Itiner, p, 70, et Monconnysius, p, 301," Siraonis Onomas- ticon Vet, Test, CHAPTER XI, The Prophet had described the destruction of the Assy rian army under the image of a mighty forest, consisting of flourishing trees, growing thick together, and of a great height — of Lebanon itself crowned with lofty cedars ; but cut down and laid level with the ground by the axe, wielded by the hand of some powerful and illustrious agent. In op position to this iraage he represents the great person, who makes the subject of this chapter, as a slender twig, shooting out from the trunk of an old tree, cut down, lopped to the very root, and decayed ; which tender plant, so weak in ap pearance, should nevertheless become fruitful and prosper. This contrast shows plainly the connexion between this and the preceding chapter ; which is moreover expressed by the connecting particle : And we have here a remarkable instance of that method so common with the Prophets, and particu larly with Isaiah, of taking occasion, from the mention of some great temporal deliverance, to launch out into the display of the spiritual deliverance of God's people by the Messiah: for tliat this prophecy relates to the Messiah, we have the express authority of St Paul, Rom, xv, 12, " Conjungit Parasciara hanc, quae respicit dies futures Messise, cura fiducia, quae fuit in diebus Ezekiae :" Kirachi in ver, 1, Thus, in the latter part of Isaiah's prophecies, the subject of the great redemption, and of the glories of Mes siah's kingdom, arises out of the restoration of Judah by the deliverance from the captivity of Babylon, and is all along connected and intermixed with it, 4, By the blast of his mouth] For aaii?a, by the rod, Houbigant reads nawa, by the blast of his raouth, from ai2?3, to blow. The conjecture is ingenious and probable; and seems to be confirmed by the LXX and Chaldee, who render it, by the word of his mouth ; which answers rauch better to the correction than to the present reading. Add to this, that the blast of his mouth, is perfectly parallel to the breath of his lips in the next line. ' 212 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XI. 5. — the cincture — ] All the ancient versions, except that of Symraachus, have two different words for girdle in the two heraistichs. It is not probable that Isaiah would -have repeated iiTX, when a synonyraous word so obvious as lUn occurred. The tautology seeras to have arisen from the mistake of some transcriber. The meaning of this verse is, that a zeal for justice and truth shall make him active and strong in executing the great work which he shall un dertake. See note on chap, v, 27. 6 — 8. Then shall the wolf- — ] The idea of the renewal of the golden age, as it is called, is much the same in the oriental writers with that of the Greeks and Romans : the wild beasts grow tame ; serpents and poisonous herbs become harmless ; all is peace and harmony, plenty and happiness : " Occidet et serpens, et fallax herba veneni Occidet." " Nee magnos metuent armenta leones," " Nee lupus insidias pecori ," Virg, " Nee vespertinus circumgemit ursus-ovile, Nee intumescit alta viperis humus," Hor, " E5-«( ^1) tst' Xfix^, o-ir-tfiixx vsSjov £1/ ivyx Kx^X'^i'^"^ i»o(> are written, 11, — thy covering] Twenty-eight MSS (ten ancient) and seven editions, with the LXX and Vulg, read loaiai, in the singular number, 12, O Lucifer, son of the morning] See note on xiii, 10, 13, the mount of the divine presence — ] It appears plainly from Exod, xxv, 22, and xxix, 42, 43, where God appoints the place of meeting with Moses, and promises to meet with him before the ark, to commune with him, and to speak unto him ; and to meet the chUdren of Israel at the door of the tabernacle ; that the tabernacle, and afterward the temple, and Mount Sion, (or Moriah, which is reckoned a part of Sion), whereon it stood, was called the tabernacle, and the mount, of convention, or of appointment ; not from the people's assembling there to perform the services of their religion, (which is what our translation expresses by caUing it the tabernacle of the congregation), but because God ap pointed that for the place where he himself would meet with Chap. XIV. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 225 Moses, and coramune with him, and would meet with the people. Therefore, lyin in, or lyin bnx, raeans the place appointed by God, where he would present himself; agreeably to which I have rendered it, in this place, the mount of the divine presence.' 19, -—like the tree abominated] That is, as an object of abomination and detestation ; such as the tree is on which a raalefactor has been hanged. " It is written," saith St Paul, Gal, iii, 13, " Cursed is every raan that hangeth on a tree;" from Deut, xxi, 23, The Jews therefore held also as ac cursed and poUuted the tree itself on which a malefactor had been executed, or on which he had been hanged after having been put to death by stoning, " Non suspendunt super arbore, quae radicibus solo adhaereat; sed super ligno era- dicato, ut ne sit excisio molesta: nara lignum, super quo fuit aliquis suspensus, cum suspendioso sepelitur ; ne maneat illi malum nomen, et dicant homines, Istud est lignum, in quo suspensus est ille, » Ss*™, Sic lapis, quo aliquis fuit la- pidatus ; et gladius, quo fuit occisus is qui est occisus ; et sudariura sive raantile, quo fuit aliquis strangulatus ; orania haec cum iis, qui perierunt, sepeliuntur :" Maimonides, apud Casaub, in Baron, Exercitat, xvi. An, 34, Num. 134, " Cum itaque homo suspensus maxiraae esset abominationi — Judaei quoque prae caeteris abominabantur lignum quo fuerat suspensus, ita ut illud quoque terra tegerent, "tanquam rera aborainabilem, Unde Interpres Chaldaeus heec verba trans- tulit 1112a ana, sicut virgultura absconditura, sive sepul- tum :" KaUnski, Vaticinia Observationibus illustrata, p, 342, Agreeably to which, Theodoret, Hist, Ecclesiast, i, 17, 18. in his account of the finding of the cross by Helena, says, that the three crosses were buried in the earth near the place of our Lord's sepulchre. Ibid. — clothed with the slain.] Thirty-five MSS (ten ancient), and three editions, have the word fully written, ii?iab. It is not a noun, but the participle passive : thrown out among the coramon slain, and covered with the dead bodies. So ver. 11, the earth-worm is said to be his bed- covering, 20, Because thou hast destroyed thy country ; thou hast slain thy people.] Xenophon gives an instance of this king's wanton cruelty in killing the son of Gobrias, on no other provocation than that, in hunting, he struck a boar .and a lion, which the king had missed : Cyrop, iv, p, 309. 226 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XIV, 23. / will plunge it — ] I have here very nearly followed the version of the LXX : the reasons for which see in the last note on De Poesi Hebr. Praelect. xxviii. 25. To crush the Assyrian — on my mountains] The As syrians and Babylonians are the same people : Herod, i. 199, 200. Babylon is reckoned the principal city in Assyria: ibid. 178. Strabo says the same thing; lib. xvi. sub init. The circumstance of this judgment's being to be executed on God's mountains is of importance: it may mean the destruction of Senacherib's army near Jerusalem ; and have still a further view : Compare Ezek, xxxix, 4, ; and see Lowth on this place of Isaiah, 28, Uzziah had subdued the PhUistines, 2 Chron, xxvi, 6, 7, ; but taking advantage of the weak reign of Ahaz, they invaded Judea, and took and held in possession sorae cities in the southern part of the kingdom. On the death of Ahaz, Isaiah delivers this prophecy, threatening them with the destruction that Hezekiah, his son, and great-grandson of Uzziah, should bring upon thera : which he effected ; for " he sraote the PhUistines, even unto Gaza, and the borders thereof;" 2 Kings xviii, 8, Uzziah therefore raust he meant by the rod that sraote them, and by the serpent, from whom should spring the flying fiery serpent ; that is, Heze kiah, a much more terrible enemy than even Uzziah had been, 30, — he will slay] The LXX read ninn, in the third person, avsAsj; and so Chald, The Vulgate remedies the confusion of persons in the present text, by reading both the verbs in the first person, 31, From the north cometh a smoke] That is, a cloud of dust, raised by the march of Hezekiah's army against Phi listia; which lay to the south-west from Jerusalem, A great dust raised has, at a distance, the appearance of smoke : " fumantes pulvere campi :" Virg, .^n, xi, 908, 32, — to the ambassadors of the nations] The LXX read Dii:i, iiiay, plural; and so the Chaldee, and one MS, The ambassadors of die neighbouring nations, that send to con gratulate Hezekiah on his success ; which in his answer he wUl ascribe to the protection of God, See 2 Chron, xxxii, 23, Or, if 11:1, singular, the reading of the text, be prefer red, the ambassadors sent by the PhUistines to demand peace. Chap. XV. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 227 CHAPTER XV, This and the following chapter, taken together, make one entire prophecy, very improperly divided into two parts. The time of the delivery, and consequently of the comple tion of it, which was to be in three years from that time, is uncertain ; the forraer not being marked in the prophecy itself, nor the latter recorded in history. But the most pro bable account is, that it was delivered soon after the fore going, in the first year of Hezekiah ; and that it was accom plished in his fourth year, when Shalmaneser invaded the kingdom of Israel, He might probably march through Moab ; and, to secure every thing behind him, possess him self of the whole country, by taking their principal strong places, Ar and Kirhares, Jereraiah has happily introduced rauch of this prophecy of Isaiah into his own larger prophecy against the sarae peo ple in his xlviiith chapter ; denouncing God's judgments on Moab, subsequent to the calamity here foretold, and to be executed by Nebuchadnezzar : by which means several mis takes in the present text of both Prophets may be rectified, 1, Because in the night-^] biba. That both these cities should be taken in the night, is a circumstance soraewhat unusual ; and not so material as to deserve to be so strongly insisted upon, Vitringa, by his remark on this word, shews, that he was dissatisfied with it in its plain and obvious mean ing ; and is forced to have recourse to a very hard metapho rical interpretation of it : " Noctu, vel iiocturno impetu ; vel metaphorice, repente, subito, inexpectata destructione : placet posterius," Calraet conjectures, and I think it pro bable, that the true reading is biba. There are many rais takes in the Hebrew text arising from the very great simili tude of the letters a and a, which in many MSS, and even in sorae printed editions, are hardly distinguishable. Ad mitting this reading, the translation will be : — " Because Ar is utterly destroyed, Moab is undone ! Because Kir is utterly destroyed, Moab is undone !" 2. Beth-Dibon .- — ] This is the name of one place ; and the two words are to be joined together, without the i in tervening : so Chald. and Syr. Ibid. — on every head] For vivxi, read ii?xi. So the parallel place, Jer. xlviii. 37. and so three MSS (one an cient). All ancient MS reads wxi ba bj?. 2-28 NOTES ON ISAIAH. CHap. XV. Ibid. On every head there is baldness, and every beard is shorn.] Herodotus, ii. 36. speaks of it as a general practice among all men, except the Egjrpuans, to cut off their hair as a token of mourning, " Cut off thy hair and cast it away," says Jereiniah, vii, 29, " and take up a lamentation," Tbts »u kxi ysg«5 oioy o'l^v^oiiri /i^oTOKri Kii^x CHAPTER XXII. This prophecy, ending vrith the 14th verse of this chap ter, is entitled, " The Oracle concerning the Valley of Vision," by which is meant Jerusalem, because, says Sal. b. Melech, it was the place of prophecy. Jerusalem, accord ing to Josephus, was built upon two opposite hUls, Sion and Acra, separated by a vaUey in the midst : he speaks of ano ther broad valley between Acra and Moriah, BeU. Jud. v. 13. vi. 6. It was the seat of divine revelation, the place where chiefly prophetic vision was given, and where 'God manifested himself visibly in the holy place. The prophecy foreteUs the invasion of Jerusalem by the Assyrians under Senacherib; or by the Chaldeans under Nebuchadnezzar. Vitringa is of opinion, that the Prophet has both in riew; that of the Chaldeans in the first part, ver. 1 — 5. (which he thinks relates to the flight of Zedekiah, 2 Kings 3txv. 4, 5.) ; and that of the Assyrians in the latter part; which agrees with the circumstances of that time, and particularly describes the preparations made by Hezekiah for the defence of the city, ver. 8^11. Corapare 2 Chron. xxxii. 2 — 5. 1. — are gone up to the house-tops.] The houses in the East were in ancient times, as they are stUl generaUy, built in one and the sarae uniform manner. The roof or top of the house is always flat, covered with broad stones, or a strong plaster of terrace, and guarded on every side with a low parapet waU : see Deut. xxii. 8. The terrace is fre quented as much as any part of the house. On this, as the season favours, they walk, they eat, they sleep, they transact business, (1 Sam. ix. 25. see also the LXX in that place), they perform their devotions, (Acts x. 9.) The house is built with a court within, into which chiefly the windows open ; those that open to the street are so obstructed with lattice-work, that no one either without or within can see through them. Whenever therefore any thing is to be seen Chap. XXII. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 251 or heard in the streets, any public spectacle, any alarm of a pubhc nature, every one immediately goes up to the house top to satisfy his curiosity. In the sarae manner, when any one had occasion to make any thing pubhc, the readiest and most effectual way of doing it was to proclaim it frora the house-tops to the people in the streets : " What ye hear in the ear, that publish ye on the house-top," saith our Saviour, Matt. X. 27. The people's running all to the tops of then- houses gives a lively iraage of a sudden general alarm. Sir John Chardin's MS note on this place is as foUows: — " Dans les festes pour voir passer quelque chose, et dans les maladies pour les annoncer aux voisins en allumant des luraieres, le peuple monte sur les terrasses." 3. — are gone off together.] There seems to be some what of an inconsistency in the sense, according to the pre sent reading. If the leaders were bound, iiDX, how could they flee away ? for their being bound, according to the ob vious construction and course of the sentence, is a circura- stance prior to their flight. I therefore follow Houbigant, who reads liDn, reraoti sunt, they are gone off. ibj, trans- migraverunt, Chald. which seems to confirm this emendation. 6. — the Syrian — ] It is not easy to say what Dix aai, a chariot of men, can mean. It seems, by the form of the sentence, which consists of three members, the first and the third mentioning a particular people, that the second should do so likewise; thus Diii?isi Dix aaia, " with chariots the Syrian, and with horsemen :" the siraUitude of the letters 1 and 1 is so great, and the mistakes arising from it so fre quent, that I readily adopt the correction of Houbigant, DIX instead of Dix, which seems to me extreraely probable. The conjunction i prefixed to Diwis seems necessary, in whatever way the sentence is taken ; and it is confirraed by five MSS (one ancient) and three editions. Kir was a city belonging to the Medes. The Medes were subject to the Assyrians in Hezekiah's tirae : see 2 Kings xvi. 9. and xrii. 6. ; and so perhaps raight Elara (the Persians) likewise be, or auxiliaries to them. 8. — the arsenal — ] BuUt by Solomon within the city, and called the House of the forest of Lebanon ; probably frora the great quantity of cedar from Lebanon which was eraployed in the building : see 1 Kings vn. 2, 3. 9. And ye shall collect the toaters — ] There were two pools in or near Jerusalem, supplied by springs : the upper 252 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XXII. pool, or the old pool, supplied by the spring called Gihon, 2 Chron. xxxii. 30. towards the higher part of the city, near Sion or the city of David; and the lower pool, probably supplied by Siloam, towards the lower part. When Heze kiah was threatened with a siege by Senacherib, he stopped up all the waters of the fountains without the city, and brought them into the city by a conduit, or subterraneous passage cut through the rock ; those of the old pool, to the place where he made a double wall, so that the pool was be tween the two waUs. This he did iri order to distress the enemy, and to supply the city during the siege. This was so great a work, that not only the historians have made par ticular raention of it, 2 Kings xx. 20. 2 Chron. xxxii. 2, 3. 5. 30. ; but the son of Sirach also has celebrated it in his encoraiura on Hezekiah : " Hezekiah fortified his city, and brought in water into the midst thereof: he digged the hard rock with iron, and made wells for water :" Eccl'us xlriii. 17. 11. — to him that hath disposed this] That is, to God, the author and disposer of this visitation, the invasion with which he now threatens you. The very same expressions are applied to God, and upon the same occasion, chap, xxxvU, 26, " Hast thou not heard, of old, that 1 have disposed it ; And, of ancient times, that I have formed it ?" 14, the voice of Jehovah — ] The Vulg, has vox Do mini; as if in his copy he had read nini bip : and, in truth, without the word bip, it is not easy to raake out the sense of the passage ; as it appears from the strange versions which the rest of the ancients, (except Chald,), and many of the moderns, have given of it ; as if the matter were revealed in, or to, the ears of Jehovah ;« roi; ao-i Ka^ia, LXX, Vitrin ga translates it, " revelatus est in auribus meis Jehovah;" and refers to 1 Sara, ii, 27, iii, 21. : but the construction in those places is different, and there, is no speech of God ^dded; which here seeras to want something more than the verb nba 3 to introduce it. Compare chap. v. 9, where the text is still more imperfect, 15, Go unto Shebna — ] The foUowing prophecy con cerning Shebna seems to have very little relation to the foregoing; except that it raight have been delivered about the same time, and Shebna might be a principal person araong those whose luxury and profaneness is severely re prehended by the Prophet in the conclusion of that pro phecy, ver, 11 — 14. Chap. XXII. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 833 Shebna the scribe, mentioned in the history of Hezekiah, chap, xxxvi, seems to have been a different person frora this Shebna, the treasurer or steward of the household, to whora the prophecy relates. The Eliakira here mentioned was probably the person, who, at the time of Senacherib's inva sion, was actually treasurer, the son of HUkiah, If so, this prophecy was delivered, as the preceding, which makes the former part of the chapter, plainly was, some time before the invasion of Senacherib, As to the rest, history affords us no information. Ibid, — and say unto him] Here are two words lost out of the text; which are supplied by two MSS, (one ancient), which read vbx niraxi ; by LXX, xxi ttmy xvra; and in the same manner by all the ancient versions. It is to be ob served, that this passage is raerely historical, and does not adrait of that sort of ellipsis by which, in the poetical parts, a person is frequently introduced speaking, without the usual notice that what follows was delivered by hira, 16, thy sepulchre on high — in the rock] It has been ob served before on chap, xiv, that persons of high rank in Judea, and in raost parts of the East, were generally buried in large sepulchral vaults hewn out in the rock for the use of theraselves and their farailies. The vanity of Shebna is set forth by his being so studious and careful to have his sepulchre on high ; in a lofty vault, and that probably in a high situation, that it raight be more conspicuous, Heze kiah was buried nbrrab, sv «»«€««¦£<, LXX; in the chiefest, says our translation ; rather, in the highest part of the se pulchres of the sons of David, to do him the more honour ; 2 Chron, xxxii, 33, There are some monuments still re maining in Persia of great antiquity, called Naksi Rustam, which give one a clear idea of Shebna's pompous design for his sepulchre. They consist of several sepulchres, each of them hewn in a high rock near the top ; the front of the rock to the valley below is adorned with carved work in re lievo, being the outside of the sepulchre. Some of these sepulchres are about thirty feet in the perpendicular frora the valley ; which is itself raised perhaps above half as rauch by the accumulation of the earth since they were raade. See the description of them in Chardin, Pietro deUa Valle, Thevenot, and Kempfer. Diodorus Siculus, Ub, xvu, men tions these ancient monuments, and caUs them the sepulchres of the kings of Persia, 254 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XXII. 17, — cover thee] That is, thy face. This was the con dition of mourners in general, and particularly of condemned persons : see Esther vi, 12, vii, 8, 19, I will drive thee — ] iDinx, in the first person, Syr, Vulg. 21, — to the inhabitants — ] , iail?lib, in the plural nura ber, four MSS, (two ancient), LXX, Syr, Vulg. 22, — the key upon his shoulder.] As the robe and the baldric, mentioned in the preceding verse, were the ensigns of power and authority, so likewise was the key the mark of office, either sacred or civil. The priestess of Juno is said to be the key-bearer of the goddess, Kh.iiSyx,o? Hsx? : .Slschyl. Suppl. 299. A feraale high in office under a great queen has the sarae title : — KxhXihn xXu^y^oq O?i.vfi7rixeo; BxtriMim. Auctor Phoronidis ap. Clem. Alex. p. 418. Edit. Potter. This mark of office was likewise among the Greeks, as here in Isaiah, borne on the shoulder: the priestess of Ceres xxrufix^ixy i^i xXxilx : Callim. Ceres, ver. 45. To corapre- hend how the key could be borne on the shoulder, it wiU be necessary to say somewhat of the form of it : but without entering into a long disquisition, and a great deal of obscure learning, concerning the locks and keys of the ancients, it vriU be sufficient to observe, that one sort of keys, and that probably the raost ancient, was of considerable magnitude, and as to the shape very much bent and crooked. Aratus, to give his reader an idea of the form of the consteUation Cassiopeia, compares it to a key. It must be owned, that the passage is very obscure ; but the learned Huetius has bestowed a great deal of pains in explaining it, Animadvers. in Manilii, lib. i. 355. and I think has succeeded very well in it, Horaer, Odyss, xxi, 6, describes the key of Ulysses's storehouse as imxii-rr-zif, of a large curvature; which Eusta thius explains by saying it was '^^mayosi^yn, in shape like a reap-hook, Huetius says, the consteUation Cassiopeia an swers to this description ; the stars to the north raaking the curve part, that is, the principal part of the key; the southern stars, the handle. The curve part was introduced into the key-hole; and, being properly directed by the handle, took hold of the bolts within, and moved them from their places. We may easily collect from this account, that such a key would lie very well upon the shoulder; that it must be of some considerable size and weight, and could Chap. XXII. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 235 hardly be coraraodiously carried othervidse, Ulysses's key was of brass, and the handle of ivory : but this was a royal key; the raore coramon ones were probably of wood. In Egypt they have no other than wooden locks and keys to this day ; even the gates of Cairo have no better : Baum- garten, Peregr, i, 18, Thevenot, Part II, ch, 10, In allusion to the iraage of the key as the ensign of power, the unlimited extent of that power is expressed, with great clearness as well as force, by the sole and exclu sive authority to open and shut. Our Sariour therefore has upon a similar occasion made use of a like manner of expression, Matt, xvi, 19, ; and in Rev, in, 7, has applied to himself the very words of the Prophet, 23, — a nail — ] In ancient times, and in the eastern countries, as the way of life, so the houses were much more simple than ours at present. They had not that quantity and variety of furniture, nor those accommodations of all sorts, with which we abound,' It was convenient and even necessary for them, and it made an essential part in the building of a house, to fiirnish the inside of the several apartments with sets of spikes, nails, or large pegs, upon which to dispose of, and hang up, the several moveables and utensils in comraon use and proper to the apartraent. These spikes they worked into the walls at the first erection of thera — the walls being of such materials, that they could not bear their being driven iri after#ards ; and they were con trived so as to strengthen the waUs, by binding the parts together, as well as to serve for convenience. Sir John Chardin's account of this matter is this : " They do not drive with a hararaer the nails that are put into the eastern waUs : the waUs are too hard, being of brick ; or if they are of clay, too raouldering : but they fix them in the brick work as they are building. They are large naUs, with square heads like dice, well made ; the ends being bent so as to raake them cramp-irons. They comraonly place them at the windows and doors, in order to hang upon them, when they like, veUs and curtains:" Harmer, Observat, i, p, 191, And we may add, that they were put in other places too, in order to hang up other things of various kinds; as it appears from this place of Isaiah, and from Ezekiel xv, 3, who speaks of a pin, or nail, " to hang any vessel thereon," The word used here for a naU of this sort, is the same by which thqy express that instrument, the stake. 256 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XXII. or large pin of iron, with which they fastened down to the ground the cords of their tents. We see, therefore, that these nails were of necessary and common use, and of no small importance, in all their apartments ; conspicuous, and much exposed to observation : and if they seem to us mean and insignificant, it is because we are not acquainted with the thing itself, and have no narae to express it by, but what conveys to us a low and contemptible idea, " Grace hath been shewed from the Lord our God, (saith Ezraix, 8,), to leave us a reranant to escape, and to give us a nail in his holy place :" that is, as the raargin of our Bible explains it, " a constant and sure abode," " He that doth lodge near her [Wisdom's] house. Shall also fasten g, pin in her walls," Eccl'us xiv, 24. The dignity and propriety of the raetaphor appears from the Prophet Zechariah's use of it : " From him shall be the corner-stone ; from him the nail, Frpm him the battle-bow, From him every ruler together." Zech, x, 4, And Mohararaed, using the same word, calls Pharaoh the lord or raaster of the Nails ; that is, well attended by nobles and officers capable of adrainistering his affairs ; Koran, Sur, xxxviii, 1 1, and Ixxxix, 9, So some understand this passage of the Koran : Mr Sale seeras to prefer another in terpretation, Taylor,- in his Concordance, thinks ini means the piUar or post that stands in the middle, and supports the tent, in which such pegs are fixed to hang their arras, &c, upon ; referring to Shaw's Travels, p, 287, But ini is never used, as far as it appears to me, in that sense. It was indeed necessary that tne pillar of the tent should have such pegs on it for that purpose ; but the hanging of such things in this manner upon this pillar, does not prove that ini was the piUar itself, 23, — a glorious seat — ] That is, his father's house, and all his own family, shall be gloriously seated, shaU flourish in honour, and prosperity ; and shall depend upon him, and be supported by hira. 24. — all the glory — ] One considerable part of the mag nificence of the eastern princes, consisted in the great quanti ty of gold and silver vessels which they had for various uses. " Solomon's drinking vessels were of gold, and all the vessels Chap. XXII. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 257 of the House of the forest of Lebanon were of pure gold : none were of silver ; it was nothing accounted of in Solo- raon's days;" 1 Kings x, 21, " 'The vessels in the House of the forest of Lebanon (the arraoury of Jerusalera so called) were two hundred targets, and three hundred shields, of beaten gold;" Ibid. ver. 16, 17. These were ranged in order upon the walls of the armoury, (see Cant. iv. 4.), upon pins worked into the walls on purpose, as above men tioned. Eliakim is considered as a principal stake of this sort, immoveably fastened in the wall, for the support of all vessels destined for coraraon or sacred uses : that is, as the principal support of the whole civU and ecclesiastical polity. And the consequence of his continued power will be the promotion and flourishing- condition of his family and de pendents, from the highest to the lowest. Ibid. — meaner vessels] Dibaa seeras to mean earthen vessels of common use, britde, and of little value, (see Lam. iv. 2. Jer. xlvui. 12.), in opposition to niaax, goblets of gold and silver used in the sacrifices; Exod. xxiv. 6, 25, The nail fastened — ] This must be understood of Shebna, as a repetition and confirmation of the sentence above denounced against him. CHAPTER XXIII, 1, Howl, 0 ye ships of Tarshish — ] This prophecy de- nounceth the destruction of Tyre by Nebuchadnezzar, It opens with an address to the Tyrian negociators and sailors at Tarshish, (Tartessus in Spain), a place which, in the course of their trade, they gready frequented. The news of the destruction of Tyre by Nebuchadnezzar is said to be brought to them from Chittira, the islands and coasts of the Mediterranean: " For the Tyrians, (says Jerora on ver, 6,), when they saw they had no other means of escaping, fled in their ships, and took refuge in Carthage, and the islands of the Ionian and Egean Sea :" from whence the news would spread and reach Tarshish, So also Jarchi on the place, "This seeras to be the raost probable interpretation of this verse, 2, Be silent] SUence is a raark of grief and consterna tion : see chap, xlvii, 5, Jereraiah has finely expressed this 258 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XXIII. " The elders of the daughter of Sion sit on the ground, they are silent : They have cast up dust on their heads, they have girded thera selves with sackcloth. The virgins of Jerusalem hang down their heads to the ground," Lam, ii, 10, 3, And the seed of the Nile — ] The Nile is caUed here Shichor, as it is Jer, ii, 18. and 1 Chron, xiii, 5, It had this narae frora the blackness of its waters charged with the raud which it brings down frora Ethiopia, when it overflows, " Et viridem .^gyptura nigra foecundat arena :" as it was caUed by the Greeks Melas, and by the Latins Melo, for the same reason. See Servius on the above Une of VirgU, Georg, iv, 291, It was called Siris by the Ethiopians; by some sup posed to be the same with Shichor, Egypt, by its extraor dinary fertility, caused by the overflowing of the Nile, sup plied the neighbouring nations with corn ; by which branch of trade the Tyrians gained great wealth, 4, Be ashamed, O Sidon — ] Tyre is called, ver, 12, the daughter of Sidon, " The Sidonians, (says Justin, xviii, 3,), when their city was taken by the king of Ascalon, betook theraselves to their ships, and landed, and built Tyre," Sidon, as the mother city, is supposed to be deeply affected with the calaraity of her daughter. Ibid, — nor educated — ] inraraiii, so an ancient MS, pre fixing the 1, which refers to the negative preceding, and is equivalent to xbi. See Deut, xxxiii, 6, Prov, xxx, 3, 7, — whose antiquity is of the earliest date.] Justin, in the passage above quoted, had dated the building of Tyre at a certain number of years before the taking of Troy ; but the number is lost in the present copies. Tyre, though not so old as Sidon, yet was of very high antiquity : it was a strong city even in the time of Joshua: it is called is isara iir, " the city of the fortress of Sor," Josh, xix, 29, Interpre ters raise difficulties in regard to this passage, and wUl not allow it to have been so ancient : vrith what good reason, I do not see ; for it is called by the same narae, " the fortress of Sor," in the history of David, 2 Sam, xxiv, 7, ; and the circumstances of the history determine the place to be the very same, 10, O daughter of Tarshish — ] Tyre is called the daugh ter of Tarshish ; perhaps because, Tyre being ruined, Tar shish was becorae the superior city, and raight be considered as the metropolis of the "Tyrian people ; or rather, because of Chap. XXIII. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 259 the close connexion and perpetual intercourse between thera ; according to that latitude of signification in wWch the He brews use the words son and daughter, to express any sort of conjunction and dependence whatever, nrra, a girdle, which collects, binds, and keeps together the loose rairaent, when applied to a river, raay mean a mound, raole, or arti ficial dam, which contains the waters, and prevents them frora spreading abroad, A city, taken by siege, and destroyed, whose walls are deraolished, whose policy is dissolved, whose wealth is dissipated, whose people is scattered over the wide country, is corapared to a river whose banks are broken down, and its waters, let loose and overflowing all the neighbouring plains, are wasted and lost. This raay possibly be the raean ing of this very obscure verse ; of which I can find no other interpretation that is at all satisfactory, 13, Behold the land of the Chaldeans — ] This verse is extreraely obscure: the obscurity arises frora the ambiguity of the agents which belong to the verbs, and of the objects expressed by the pronouns ; from the change of number in the verbs, and of gender in the pronouns. The MSS give us no assistance ; and the ancient versions very little. The Chaldee and Vulg, read niraii? in the plural number, I have followed the interpretation, which araong raany different ones seemed to me most probable, that of Perizo- nius and Vitringa, The Chaldeans, Chasdim, are supposed to have had their origin, and to have taken their name, from Chesed the son of Nachor, the brother of Abrahara, They were known by that narae in the tirae of Moses ; who calls Ur in Mesopo tamia, from whence Abraham came, to distinguish it from other places of the same name, Ur of the Chaldeans, And Je remiah calls them an ancient nation. This is not inconsis tent with what Isaiah here says of them : " This people was not;" that is, they were of no account, (see Deut, xxxii, 21,) ; they were not reckoned among the great and potent nations of the world, till of later times : they were a rude, uncivilized, barbarous people, without laws, without settled habitations ; wandering in a vride desert country, Diis, and addicted to rapine, Uke the wild Arabians, Such they are represented to have been in the time of Job, (i, 17,), and such they con tinued to be till Assur, some powerful king of Assyria, ga thered thera together, and settled thera in Babylon, and the neighbouring country. This probably was Ninus, whom I 260 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XXIIIj suppose to have Uved in the tirae of the Judges, In this, with many eminent chronologers, I follow the authority of Herodotus; who says, that the Assyrian monarchy lasted but five hundred and twenty years, Ninus got possession of Babylon frora the Cuthean Arabians, the successors of Nira- rod in that erapire, collected the Chaldeans, and settled a colony of them there, to secure the possession of the city, which he and his successors gready enlarged and ornamented. They had perhaps been usefid to hira in his wars, and might be likely to be further useful in keeping under the old inha bitants of that city, and of the country belonging to it ; ac cording to the policy of the Assyrian kings, who generally brought new people into the conquered countries. See Isa, xxxvi, 17, 2 Kings xvii, 6, 24, The testiraony of Dicae- archus, a Greek historian con teraporary with Alexander, (apud Steph, de Urbibus, in v, x«;.Sas<05), in regard to the fact is reraarkable, though he is mistaken in the name of the king he speaks of: He says, " That a certain king of Assy ria, the fourteenth in succession from Ninus," (as he might be, if Ninus is placed, as in the coraraon chronology, eight hundred years higher than we have above set hira), " naraed as it is said Chaldaeus, having gathered together and united all the people called Chaldeans, built the faraous city Ba bylon, upon the Euphrates." 14. Howl, O ye ships — ] The Prophet Ezekiel hath enlarged upon this part of the same subject with great force and elegance : — " Thus saith the Lord Jehovah concerning Tyre : At the sound of thy fall, at the cry of the wounded, At the great slaughter in the midst of thee, shall not the islands tremble ? And shall not all the princes of the sea descend from their thrones. And lay aside their robes, and strip off their embroidered gar ments ? They shall clothe themselves with trembling, they shall sit on the ground ; They shall tremble every moment, they shall be astonished at thee. And they shall utter a lamentation over thee, and shall say unto thee : How art thou lost, thou that wast inhabited from the seas ! The renowned city, that was strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants ! Chap. XXIII. NOTES ON ISAIAH. That struck with terror all her neighbours I Now shall the coasts tremble in the day of thy fall, And the isles that are in the sea shall be troubled at thy de parture." Ezek. xxvi. 15 — 18. 15. According to the days of one king^-] That is, of one kingdora. See Dan. vii. 17. viii, 20. Nebuchadnez zar began his conquests in the first year of his reign ; frora thence to the taking of Babylon by Cyrus are seventy years ; at which time the nations conquered by Nebuchadnezzar were to be restored to liberty. These seventy years limit the duration of the Babylonish monarchy. Tyre was taken by him towards the middle of that period ; so did not .serve the king of Babylon during the whole period, but only for the remaining part of it. This seeras to be the meaning of Isaiah : The days allotted to the one king, or kingdora, are seventy years ; Tyre, with the rest of the conquered nations, shall continue in a state of subjection and desolation to the end of that period — not from the beginning and through the whole of the period ; for, by being one of the latest con quests, the duration of that state of subjection in regard to her was not much more than half of it, " All these nations," saith Jeremiah, (xxv, 11,), " shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years," Some of them were conquered sooner, some later ; but the end of this period was the coramon term for the deUverance of them all. There is another way of computing the seventy years, from the year in which Tyre was actually taken to the nine teenth of Darius Hystaspis; whom 'the Phenicians, or Ty rians, assisted against the lonians, and probably on that account might then be restored to their former liberties and privileges. But I think the former the more probable in terpretation. Ibid, — sing as the harlot singeth—^] " Fidicinara esse meretricura est," says Donatus in Terent, Eunuch, iii, 2, 4, " Nee raeretrix tibicina, cujus Ad strepitum salias," Hor. I. Epist. xiv, 25, Sir John Chardin, in his MS note on this place, says : " C'est que les vieilles prostituees — ne font que chanter quand les jeunes dancent, et les animer par I'instruraent et par la voix," 17, 18, And at the end of seventy years — ] Tyre, after its destruction by Nebuchadnezzar, recovered, as it is here foretold, its ancient trade, wealth, and grandeur ; as it did X 26-2 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XXIII. likewise after a second destruction by Alexander, It be carae Christian early with the rest bf the neighbouring coun tries, St Paul himself found many Christians there. Acts xxi, 4, It suffered much in the Diocletian persecution. It was an archbishoprick under the patriarchate of Jerusa lem, with fourteen bishopricks under its jurisdiction. It continued Christian till it was taken by the Saracens in 639: was recovered by the Christians in 1124, But in 1280 was conquered by the Mamelukes; and afterwards taken frora thera by the Turks in 1516, Since that time it has sunk into utter decay ; is now a mere ruin ; a bare rock ; " a place to spread nets upon," as the Prophet Ezekiel fore told it should be, chap, xxvi, 14, See iSandys's Travels; Vitringa on the place ; Bishop Newton on the Prophecies, Dissert, xi, CHAPTER XXIV, From the xiiith chapter to the xxiiid inclusive, the fate of several cities and nations is denounced ; — of Babylon, of the PhUistines, Moab, Damascus, Egypt, Tyre, After having foretold the destruction of the foreign nations, ene mies of Judah, the Prophet declares the judgments impend ing on the people of God themselves, for their wickedness and apostasy ; and the desolation that shall be brought on their whole country. The xxivth, and the three following chapters, seem to have been delivered about the same tirae — before the de struction of Moab by Shalraaneser, (see xxv, 10,) ; conse quently before the destruction of Saraaria ; probably in the beginning of Hezekiah's reign. But concerning the parti cular subject of the xxivth chapter, interpreters are not at all agreed; sorae refer it to the desolation caused hy the invasion of Shalmaneser ; others to the invasion of Nebuch adnezzar; and others to the destruction of the city and nation by the Romans, Vitringa is singular in his opinion, who applies it to the persecution of Antiochus Epiphanes, Perhaps it may have a view to all of the three great desola tions of the country, by Shalmaneser, by Nebuchadnezzar, and by the Romans ; especially the last^ to which some parts of it may seem more peculiarly applicable. However, the Prophet chiefly employs general images ; such as set forth the greatness and universality of the ruin and desolation Chap. XXIV. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 263 that is to be brought upon the country by these great revo lutions, involving aU orders and degrees of men, changing entirely the face of things, and destroying the whole polity both religious and civil; without entering into minute cir cumstances, or necessarily restraining it by particular marks to one great event, exclusive of others of the same kind. 4. The world languisheth] The world is the same with the land ; that is, the kingdoras of Judah and Israel ; orbis Israeliticus. See note on chap. xui. 11. 5. — the law] niin, singular: so read LXX, Syr. Chald. 6. — are destroyed] , For iin, read lam : see LXX, Syr. Chald. Syra. 9. — palm wine — ] This is the proper raeaning of the word law, irixi^xi see note on chap. v. 11. All enjoyment shall cease ; the sweetest wine shall become bitter to their taste. 11. — is passed away]- For nair? read mar; trans posing a letter : Houbigant, Secker. Five MSS (two ancient) add ba after Ti?ni?7a : LXX add the same word be-. fore it. 14. But these — ] That is, they that escaped out of these calamities. The great distresses brought upon Israel and Judah drove the people away, and dispersed them aU over the neighbouring countries: they fled to Egypt, to Asia Minor, to the islands and the coasts of Greece. They were to be found in great numbers in raost of the principal cities of these countries. Alexandria was in a great raeasure peopled by thera. They had synagogues for their worship in raany places ; and were greatly instruraental in propagat ing the knowledge of the true God araong these heathen nations, and preparing thera for the reception of Christi anity. This is what the Prophet seeras to raean by the cele bration of the narae of Jehovah in the waters, in the dis tant coasts, and in the utterraost parts of the land. Di)3, the waters ; v^a^, LXX; v^xrx, Theod. ; not u'^ia, ffom the sea, 15. In the distant coasts of the sea] For Diixa, I sup pose we ought to read Duxa ; which is in a great degree justified by the repetition of the word in the next member of the sentence, with the addition of Din to vary the phrase, exactly in the manner of the Prophet. Dux is a- word chiefly applied to any distant countries, especially those 264 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XXIV. fying on the Mediterranean Sea, Others conjecture Dnxia, Dnna, Diraxa, Dirara, Diiina; Dnixa, a ixa, illustrati; Le Clerc, Twenty-three MSS read Diiixa, The LXX do not acknowledge the reading of the text, expressing here only the word DuX, ly rxi; tno-oi?, and that not repeated. But MSS Pachom, and i, D, ii. supply in this place the defect in the other copies of LXX, thus : A<» ryro i .S to answer, signi- . fies occasionally to sing responsively ; and that this mode of singing was frequently practised among the ancient Jews, see De S. Poes. Hebr. Prael. xix. at the beginning. 3. I will take care of her] For IpSi ^S, Syr. reads ipsxi : and fifteen MSS (six ancient), and six editions, read ipsx, in the first person. 4. / have no wall] For nran, LXX and Syr. read nrain. An ancient MS has nram. For na, two MSS. read Da, plural. The vineyard wishes for a wall, and a fence of thorns; human strength and protection; (as the Jews were too apt to apply to their powerful neighbours for assistance, and to trust to the shadow of Egypt) : Jehovah replies, that this would not avail her, nor defend her against his wrath : he counsels her therefore to betake herself to his protection. On which she entreats him to raake peace with her, " About Tripoly there are abundance of vineyards and gardens, eiiclo.sed for the most part with hedges; which chiefly consist of the rhamnus, paliurus, oxyacantha," &c, : Rawolf, p, 21, 22, A fence of thorns is esteemed equal to a wall for strength, being commonly represented as impene trable. See Micah vu, 4, Hos, ii, 6, Chap. XXVII. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 273 Ibid, — of the thorn and brier] Seven MSS (two an cient), and one edition, and Syr, Vulg, Aquila, read nill?i, with the conjunction i prefixed, 5. Ah .'] For ix, I read iix, as it was at first in a MS, The 1 was easily lost, being followed by another i, 6, —from the root] For ii?ni?i, I read with the Syr. ii?iii?ra. And for nisiy*^*' ""iS iJJisi, joining the 1 to the first word, and taking that into construction with the first part of the sentence. I suppose the dialogue to be con tinued in this verse, which pursues the same iraage of the allegory, but in the way of metaphor. 9. And if—] xbi, four MSS (two ancient), and LXX. II. — her boughs] nni^p, MS and Vulg. ; that is, the boughs of the vineyard, referring still to the subject of the dialogue above. The scarcity of fuel, especiaUy wood, in most parts of the East is so great, that they supply it with every thing capable of burning; cow dung dried, roots, parings of fruit, withered stalks of herbs and flowers : see Matt. vi. 28 — 30. Vine- twigs are particularly mentioned, as used for fuel in dressing their food, by D'Arvieux; La Roque, Palestine, p. 198. Ezekiel says, in his parable of the vine, used figuratively for the people of God, as the vineyard is here, " Shall wood be taken thereof to do any work ? or wiU men take a pin of it to hang any vessel thereon ? Behold, it is cast into the fire for fuel ;" chap. xv. 3, 4. " If a man abide not in me," saith our Lord, " he is cast forth as a branch [of the vine], and is withered ; and raen gather thera, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned ;" John xv. 6. They employed women and children to gather these things ; and they laid them up in store for use. The dressing and pruning of their vines afforded a good supply of the last sort of fuel : but the Pro phet says, that the vines themselves of the beloved vineyard shall be blasted, withered, and broken ; and the women shall corae, and gather them up, and carry away the whole of thera, to make their fires for domestic uses. See Harmer, Observ. i. p. 254. &c. CHAPTER XXVIII. 1, The proud crown — ] " Sebaste, the ancient Samaria, is situated on a long mount of an oval figure; having first 274 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XXVIII. a fruitful valley, and then a ring of hills running round about it :" Maundrell, p, 58, " E regione horura ruderura mons est peraraoenus, planitie admodum frugifera circura- septus, super quem olira Samaria urbs condita fuit :" Fureri Itinerarium, p, 93, The city, beautifuUy situated on the top of a round hill, and surrounded immediately with a rich vaUey, and a circle of other hills beyond it, suggested the idea of a chaplet, or wreath of flowers, worn upon their heads on occasions of festivity; expressed by the proud crown, and the fading flower of the drunkards. That this custora of wearing chaplets in their banquets prevailed among the Jews, as well as among the Greeks and Romans, appears frora the following passage of the book of Wisdora : " Let us fill ourselves with costly wine and ointments, And let no flower of the spring pass by us : Let us crown ourselves with rose-buds, before they are withered," Wisd, ii, 7, 8, 2, — the exceedingly strong one] >aixb yirax, fortis Do mino, i. e. fortissimus, a Hebraism, For laixb, thirty-eight MSS, and two editions, read ninib, 3, — crowns] I read niiar, plural, to agree with the verb na Drain, ' 4, The early fruit before summer] " No sooner doth the boccore [the early fig] draw near to perfection, in the middle or latter end of June, than the kermez, or sumraer fig, begins to be forraed, though it rarely ripens before Au gust ; about which tirae the sarae tree frequently throws out a third crop, or the winter fig, as we may call it. This is usually of a much longer shape and darker complexion than the kermez, hanging and ripening upon the tree even after the leaves are shed ; and, provided the winter "proves mild and temperate, is gathered as a delicious morsel in the spring :" Shaw, Travels, p. 370. fol. The image was very obvious to the inhabitants of Judea and the neighbouring countries, and is frequently applied by the Prophets to ex press a desirable object ; by none raore elegantly than by Hosea, chap. ix. 10. " Like grapes in the wilderness, I found Israel ; Like the first ripe fig in her prime, I saw your fathers." Ibid. — he plucketh it] For nxii, which with nxm makes a raiserable tautology, read by a transposition of a letter nixi ; a happy conjecture of Houbigant. The iraage Chap. XXVIII. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 275 expresses in the strongest manner the great ease with which the Assyrians shall take the city and the whole kingdom, and the avidity with which they shall seize the rich prey without resistance. 5. In that day — ] Thus far the prophecy relates to the Israelites, and manifestly denounces their approaching de struction by Shalmaneser. Here it turns to the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin, the remnant of God's people, who were to continue a kingdom after the final captivity of the Israelites. It begins with a favourable prognostication of their affairs under Hezekiah ; but soon changes to reproofs and threatenings, for their intemperance, disobedience, and profaneness. 6. — to the gate of the enemy] That is, who pursue the fleeing enemy even to the very gates of their own city: " But we were upon them even, unto the entering of the gate ;" 2 Sara. xi. 23. ; that is, we drove the eneray back to their own gates : see also 1 Sam. xvii. 52. 9. Whom [say they] would he teach — ] The scoffers mentioned below, ver. 14. are here introduced as uttering their sententious speeches : they treat God's method of deal ing with them, and warning them by his Prophets, with contempt and derision. What, say they, doth he treat us as mere infants just weaned? doth he teach us like little children, perpetually inculcating the same elementary les sons, the mere rudiments of knowledge ; precept after pre cept, line after line, here and there, by litde and little ? imitating at the same time, and ridicuUng, ver. 10. the con cise prophetical manner. God by his Prophet retorts upon them, with great severity, their own contemptuous mockery ; turning it to a sense quite different from what they intended. Yes, saith he, it shaU be in fact as you say: ye shall be^ taught by a strange tongue, and a stamraering lip; in a strange country: ye shall be carried into captivity by a people whose language shaU be unintelligible to you, and which ye shall be forced to learn like chUdren: and my deaUng with you shaU be according to your own words ; it shaU be command upon coramand for your punishraent; it shall be line upon line, stretched over you to raark out your destruction ; (compare 2 Kings xxi. 1,3.) : it shaU come upon you at different times, and by different degrees; till the iudements with which from time to time I have threatened you, shall have their fuU accomplishment. 276 NOTES ON ISAIAH. CHAP. XXVIII. Jerom seems to have rightly understood the general de sign of this passage, as expressing the manner in which the scoffers, by their sententious speeches, turned into ridicule the warnings of God by his Prophets ; though he has not so well explained the meaning of the repetition of their speech in the I3th verse. His words are, on ver, 9. " Sole- bant hoc ex persona Prophetarum ludentes dicere :" and on ver. 14. " Quod supra diximus, cum irrisione solitos prin- cipes Judaeorum Prophetis dicere, manda, remanda, et caetera his simUia, per quae ostenditur, nequaquam eos Pro phetarum credidisse sermonibus, sed Prophetiara habuisse despectui, praesens ostendit capitulum, per quod appellantur viri iUusores :" Hieron. in loc. And so Jarchi interprets the word Dibirra in the next verse : " Qui dicunt verba irrisionis parabolice." And the Chaldee paraphrases the llth verse to the same purpose, understanding it as spoken not of God, but of the people deriding his Prophets : " Quoniam in mutatione loquelae et in lingua subsannationis irridebant contra Prophetas qui prophetabant populo huic." 12. This is the true rest — ] The sense of this verse is: God had warned them by his Prophets, that their safety and security, their deliverance frora their present calaraities, and frora the apprehensions of still greater approaching, depended wholly on their trust in God, their faith and obe- diance ; but they rejected this gracious warning with con tempt and mockery. 15, — a covenant with death] To be in covenant with, is a kind of proverbial expression to denote perfect security from evil and mischief of any sort : — " For thou shalt be in league with the "stones of the field ; And the beasts of the field shall be at peace with thee." Job V. 23, " And I will make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field, And with the fowls of heaven, and with the creeping things of the ground," Hos, ii, 18, That is, none of these shall hurt them. But Lucan, speak ing of the Psylli, whose peculiar property it was to be un hurt by the bite of serpents, with which their country abounded, coraes still nearer to the expression of Isaiah in this place : — CH.4P. XXVIII. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 277 " Gens unica terras Incolit a saevo serpentum innoxia morsu Marmaridae Psylli Pax illis cum morte data est." Pharsal. ix. 894. "Of all who scorching Afric's sun endure. None like the swarthy Psyllians are secure ; With healing gifl:s and privileges graced, Well in the land of serpents were they placed : Truce with the dreadful tyrant death they have, And border safely on his realm the grave." Rowe.' 18. — shall be broken] For isa, which seems not to belong to this place, Chald. reads isn ; which is approved by Houbigant and Secker: see Jer. xxxiii. 21. where the very same phrase is used. See Prelim. Dissert, p. xxxi. 20. — For the bed is too short — ] A mashal, or prover bial sayings the meaning of which is, that they will find all means of defence and protection insufficient to secure thera, and cover thera from the evils coming upon them. TDia, chap. xxii. 8. the covering, is used for the outworks of de fence, the barrier of the country ; and here in the allegori cal sense it means much the same thing. Their beds were only mattresses laid on the floor ; and the coverlet, a sheet, or in the winter a carpet, laid over it, in which the person wrapt himself. For Daanna, it ought probably to be oaannra : Houbigant, Secker. 23. Listen ye, and hear my voice — ] The foregoing dis course, consisting of severe reproofs, and threatenings of dreadful judgraents irapending on the Jews for their vices, and their profane conterapt of God's warnings by his mes sengers, the Prophet concludes with an explanation and de fence of God's method of dealing with his people in an elcr gant parable or allegory; in which he employs a variety of images, all taken from the science of agriculture. As the husbandman uses various methods in preparing his land, and adapting it to the several kinds of seed to be sown, with a due observation of times and seasons ; and, when he hath gathered in his harvest, employs methods as various in se parating the corn from the straw and the chaff by different instruments, according to the nature of the different sorts of grain: so God, with unerrmg wisdom, and with strict jus tice, instructs, admonishes, and corrects his people ; chastises and punishes them in various ways, as the exigence of the case requires; now more moderately, now more severely; always tempering justice with mercy; in order to reclaim y 278 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XXVIII. the wicked, to improve the good ; and finally, to separate the one from the other. 26. For his God instructeth him] All nations have agreed in attributing agriculture, the most useful and the most ne cessary of all sciences, to the invention and to the sugges tions of their deities. " The Most High hath ordained husbandry," saith the son of Sirach; Eccl'us vii. 15. " Namque Ceres fertur fruges, Liherque liquoris Vitigeni laticem mortalibus instituisse." Lucretius, v. 14. 'O 0 ¦tlTflOS XydpUTtOKTI Ae|i«i (rnfixiyu, ?\xov; §' i3-( i^yoy iyii^il Mif.ivn'-xay jitoroto' Myn J' ots /BaiAo; «§irii Boutr; n XXl f««xsAt)5-(- Asysi S' on ^i%i»i a^xi Kxi ^x, Ovfx r <»ir«j>iTo; fiiftoyi ^x6fioto diiT0xi' A>i\' oy u^ r, i^-rrx^i fiirxXfiiyo;, us xxi at/To; e£ph)t' ev TT^aToio-i Sans x^o x^i'f xxoin. Iliad, xn. 299. As the bold lion, mountain-bred, now long Famish'd, with courage and with hunger stung, Attempts the thronged fold : him nought appals. Though dogs and armed shepherds stand in guard Collected ; he nathless undaunted springs O'er the high fence, and rends the trembling prey ; Or rushing onward in his breast receives The well-aimed spear. Of metaphors, allegories, and comparisons of the Hebrew poets in which the divine nature and attributes are repre sented under images taken from brutes and other low ob- 288 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XXXI. jects; of their effect, their sublimity, and the cause of it; see De S. Poes. Hebr. Pralect. xvi. sub fin. 5. leaping forward — ] The generality of interpreters observe, in this place, an allusion to the deUverance which God vouchsafed to his people, when he destroyed the first born of the Egj'ptians, and exempted those of the Israelites sojourning among them by a peculiar interposition. The same word is made use of here which is used upon that oc casion, and which gave the name to the feast which was instituted in comraeraoration of that deliverance; nos. But the difficulty is, to reconcile the commonly received meaning of that word with the circumstances of the siraili tude here used to illustrate the deUverance represented as parallel to the deliverance in Egypt. " As the mother-birds hovering over their young ; So shall Jehovah God of Hosts protect Jerusalem, Protecting and delivering, passing over, and rescuing her." This difficulty is, I think, well solved by Vitringa; whose reraark is the raore worthy of observation, as it leads to the true meaning of an important word, which hitherto seeras greatly to have been misunderstood ; though Vitringa himself^ as it appears to me, has not exactly enough defined the precise meaning of it. He says, " nos signifies to cover, to protect by covering ; trx.i-nxiru uft«;, LXX ; Jeho vah obieget ostium :" whereas it means that particular action or motion, by which God at that time placed himself in such a situation as to protect the house of the Israelite against the destroying angel — to spring forward, to throw one's self in the way, in order to cover and protect. Coc ceius comes nearer to the true meaning than Vitringa, by rendering it gradumfacere, to march, to step forward : Lexi con in V. The common raeaning of the word nos upon other occasions is to halt, to be lame, to leap as in a rude manner of dancing, (as the prophets of Baal did, 1 Kings xviii. 26.) ; all which agrees very well together ; for the motion of a larae person is a perpetual springing forward, by throw ing hiraself frora the weaker upon the stronger leg. The coraraon notion of God's passing over the houses of the Is raelites is, that in going through the land of Egypt to sraite the first-born, seeing the blood on the door of the houses of the Israelites, he passed over, or skipped, those houses, and forbore to sraite thera. But that this is not the true notion of the thing, will be plain from considering the words of the Chap. XXXI. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 289 sacred historian ; where he describes very explicitly the ac tion : " For Jehovah will pass through, to sraite the Egyp tians ; and when he seeth the blood on the lintels and on the two side-posts, Jehovah will spring forward over (or before) the door, nnsn br mni nosi, and wUl not suffer the destroyer to corae into your houses to smite you ,-" Exod. xii. 23. Here are manifestly two distinct agents, with which the notion of passing over is not consistent; for that supposes but one agent : The two agents are the de stroying angel passing through to smite every house ; and Jehovah the protector, keeping pace with hira ; and who, seeing the door of the Israelite raarked with the blood, the token prescribed, leaps forward, throws himself with a sud den motion in the way, opposes the destroying angel ; and covers and protects that house against the destroying angel, nor suffers hira to sraite it. In this way of considering the action, the beautiful similitude of the bird protecting her young, answers exactly to the application by the allusion to the deliverance in Egypt : As the mother-bird spreads her wings to cover her young, throws herself before them, and opposes the rapacious bird that assaults them ; so shall Je hovah protect, as with a shield, Jerusalem from the enemy, protecting and delivering, springing forward and rescuing her ; v-ni^Zxiyay, as the three other Greek interpreters, Aquila, Symraachus, and Theodotion, render it : LXX, Tn^iTroiYio-irxi ; instead of which, MS Pachora. has m^i^nnrxi, circumeundo proteget, which I think is the true reading. Horaer (Ii, viii, 331,) expresses the very sarae iraage by this word; — AXXx B-ioiy ?r£g(£-<, xxi ol irxxo; Xfo!pixxXv-ipi : " But Ajax his broad shield display'd, And screen'd his brother with a mighty shade," Pope, 'O; Xguriiv xfotpi^iitixx;. II, I. 37, Which the Scholiast explains by m^i<^i^yixxs, l-rr^f^xx.u';. 6, ye have so deeply — ] All tlie ancient versions read Ipirarn, in the second person, 7, The sin, which their own hands have made] The con struction of the word xan, sin, in this place is not easy. The LXX have omitted it ; MSS Pachom. and i, D, ii, and Cod, Marchal, in margine, supply the omission by the word xfix^rixv, or xfixe^TYifix, said to be from Aquila's version; which I have foUowed. The learned professor Schroeder, Instilut. Ling. Hebr. p. 298. makes it to be in regimine widi 290 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XXXI, Dani, as an epithet; your sinful hands. The LXX render the pronoun in the third person, «< x"i^ xvrm -, and an an cient MS has, agreeably to that rendering, Dnb, for Dab; which word they have likewise oraitted, as not necessary lo complete the sense. CHAPTER XXXII, 1, And princes — ] Din2?i, without b; so the ancient versions. An ancient MS has iiiii?l, and his princes, 2, As the shadam of a great rock] The shadow of a great projecting rock is the most refreshing that is possible in a hot country ; not only as most perfectly excluding the rays of the sun, but also having in itself a natural coolness, which it reflects and communicates to every thing about it, " Speluncaeque tegant, et saxea procubet umbra," Virg, Georg, iii, 145, " Let the cool cave and shady rock protect them," Eh-S( xi^xXtiy XXl youvzTse Xn^io; x^ii, At«»PiS05 5e TS x^o); xvo xxvfixro;' aXXx tot' hSd EiJi 5r£T^«isx. 7. — the mighty men raise a grievous cry] Three MSS read Dibxix ; that is, lions of God, or strong lions : so they called valiant men, heroes ; which appellation the Arabians and Persians still use. See Bochart. Hieroz, Part I. lib. iii. cap. 1. " Mahomet ayant reconnu Hamzeh son oncle pour homme de courage et de valeur, lui donne le litre ou surnom d' Assad Allan, qui signifie, le Lion de Dieu :" D'Herbelot, p. 427. And for nan, Syr. and Chald. read nifp; whom I follow. Chald. Syr. Aquila, Sym. and Theod. read Dnb nxix, or nxii ; with what meaning, is not clear. 9. — are stripped — ] LXX, (pxytix iTxr they read mrai- 11. And my spirit — ] " For oanii, read iraa inii :" Chap. XXXIII. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 295 Secker. Which reading is confirmed by Chald. where iiraira, my word, answers to inii, my spirit. 15. — the proposal of bloodshed] A MS reads Diraia. 18; Where is he that numbered the towers ?] That is, the commander of the ,enemy's forces, who surveyed the fortifications of the city, and took an account of the height, strength, and situation of the walls and towers, that he^ might .know where to raake the assault with the greatest ad vantage; as Capaneus before Thebes is represented in a passage of the Phoenissffi of Euripides, which Grotius has applied as an illustration of this place : lE,xityo; z^rx TT^oirQxffet; nxfcxipirxi Tlv^yay, xyan xxi xxra rii^fl fur^oiy. Ver. 187. 20. Thou shalt see — ] For nrn, read nrnn with the Chaldee : Houbigant. 21. But the glorious name of Jehovah — ] I take du? for a noun, with LXX and Syr. : see Psal. xx. 1. Prov. xviu. 10. 23. Thy mast — ] For Dam, their mast, Syr. reads Tiain, LXX and Vul. T3in, « (s-«5 o-m i-^cxiyty, thy mast is fallen aside: LXX, they seera to have read naa, or (nas) Tain; or rather p xb, is not firm, the, negative having been oraitted in the present text by mistake. However, I have followed their sense, which seems very probable ; as the present reading is to me extremely obscure. 24. Neither shall the inhabitant say — ] This verse is somewhat obscure : the meaning of it seems to be, that the army of Senacherib shall by the stroke of God be reduced to so shattered and so weak a condition, that the Jews shall fall upon the remains of them, and plunder them without resistance : that the most infirm and disabled of the people of Jerusalem shall come in for their share of the spoil ; the lame shall seize the prey ; even the sick and the diseased shall throw aside their infirmities, and recover strength enough to hasten to the general plunder. The last line of the verse is parallel to the first, and ex presses the same sense in other words. Sickness being con sidered as a visitation frora God, and a punishment of sin ; the forgiveness of sin is equivalent to the removal of a dis ease. Thus the Psalmist; " Who forgiveth all thy sin ; And healeth all thine infirmities." Psal. ciii. 3. 296 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XXXIII. Where the latter line only varies the expression of the for raer. And our blessed SaViotir reasons with the Jews on the sarae principle : " Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins are forgiven thee ; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk?" Mark ii. 9. See also Matt, viii, 17, Isa, liii, 4, " Qui locus Isaise, 1 Pet, ii, 24, refertur ad reraissionera peccatorum : hic vero ad sanationem raorborura, quia ejusdem potentiffi et bonitatis est utrumque praestare ; et, quia peccatis remissis, et morbi, qui fructus sunt peccatorum, pelluntur :" Wetstein on Matt, vin, 17, That this prophecj- was exactly fulfilled, I think we may gather from the history of this great event given by the Prophet hiraself. It is plain, that Hezekiah, by his treaty with Senacherib, by which he agreed to pay him three hun dred talents of silver and thirty talents of gold, had stripped himself of his whole treasure : he not only gave him all the silver and gold that was in his own treasury, and in that of the temple, but was even forced to cut off the gold from the doors of the temple and from the pillars, with which he had hiraself overlaid thera,' to satisfy the demands of the king of Assyria : but after the destruction of the Assyrian army we find, that he " had exceeding rauch riches, and that he made himself treasuries for silver, and for gold, and for precious stones," &c, ; 2 Chron, xxxii, 27, He was so rich, that out of pride and vanity he displayed his wealth to the ambassadors from Babylon, This cannot be otherwise accounted for, than by the prodigious spoil that was taken on the destruction of the Assyrian array. CHAPTERS XXXIV, &XXXV, These two chapters raake one distinct prophecy; an entire, regular, and beautiful poera, consisting of two parts : the first containing a denunciation of Divine Vengeance against the enemies of the people or church of God ; the second describing the flourishing state of the church of God, consequent upon the execution of those judgments. The event foretold is represented as of the highest importance, and of universal concern : all nations are called upon to attend to the declaration of it ; and the wrath of God is denounced against all the nations; that is, all those dial Chap. XXXIV. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 297 had provoked to anger the defender of the cause of Sion. Araong those, Edora is particularly specified. The prin cipal provocation of Edora was their insulting the Jews in their distress, and joining against thera with their enemies the Chaldeans: see Araos i, 11, Ezek, xxv, 12, xxxv, 15, Psal, cxxxvii, 7, AccQrdingly the Edoraites were, toge ther with the rest of the neighbouring nations, ravaged and laid waste by Nebuchadnezzar : see Jer. xxv, 15 — 26. Mal. i, 3, 4, ; and see Marshara, Can, Chron, Saec, xvUi, who calls this the age of the destruction of cities. The general de vastation .spread through all these countries by Nebuchad nezzar, raay be the event which the Prophet has primarily in view in the xxxivth chapter ; but this event, as far as we have any account of it in history, seems by no means_ to corae up to the terms of the prophecy, or to justify so high- wrought and so terrible a description- And it is not easy to discover what connexion the extreraely flourishing state of the church or people of God, described in the next chap ter, could have with those events, and how the former could be the consequence of the latter, as it is there represented to be. By a figure very coramon in the prophetical writ ings, any city, or people, remarkably distinguished as ene mies of the people and kingdom of God, is put for those enemies in general. This seeras here to be the case with Edora and Botsra, It seems therefore reasonable to sup pose, with many learned expositors, that this prophecy has a further view to events still future ; to sorae great revo lutions to be effected in later tiraes, antecedent to that more perfect state of the kingdom of God upon earth, and serv ing to introduce it, which the Holy Scriptures warrant us to expect. That the xxxvth chapter has a view beyond any thing that could be the immediate consequence of those events, is plain frora every part, especiaUy frora the raiddle of it, ver, 5, 6, ; where the rairaculous works wrought by our blessed Saviour are so clearly specified, that we cannot avoid mak ing the appUcation, And our Saviour hunself has moreover plainly referred to this very passage as speaking of hira and his works : Matt, xi, 4, 5, He bids the disciples of John to go and report to their master the things which they heard and saw ; that the bUnd received their sight, the lame walked, and the deaf heard ; and leaves it to him to draw the conclusion in answer to his inquiry, whether he who 298 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XXXIV. performed the very works which the Prophets foretold should be performed by the Messiah, was not indeed the Messiah hiraself? And where are these works so distinctiy marked by any of the Prophets as in this place ? and how could they be marked more distincdy ? To these the strictly literal inteipretation of the Prophet's words directs us. According to the allegorical interpretation they may have a further view ; This part of the prophecy may run parallel with the former, and relate to the future advent of Christ ; to the conversion of the Jews, and their restitution to their land; to the extension and purification of the Christian faith ; — events predicted in the Holy Scriptures, as prepara tory to it, I, And attend unto me — ] A MS adds in this line the wOTd ibx, unto me, after Diiaxb ; which seeras to be genuine, 4, And all the host of heaven — ] See note on chap, xxiv, 21, and De S, Poesi Hebraeorum Prael, ix, 5, For my sword is made bare in the heaven] There seems to be sorae irapropriety in this, according to the pre sent reading, " my sword is made drunken, or is bathed, in the heavens;" which forestalls, and expresses not initspro- per place, what belongs to the next verse : for the sword of Jehovah was not to be bathed or glutted with blood in the heavens, but in Botsra and the land of Edom, In the heavens it was only prepared for slaughter. To reraedy this. Archbishop Secker proposes lo read, for Dirawa, Dnia ;, referring to Jer, xlvi, 10, But even this is premature, and not in its proper place. The Chaldee^ for nnn, has ibann, shall be revealed, or disclosed: perhaps he read nxm, or nnxia. Whatever reading, different I presume from the present, he might find in his copy, I follow the sense which he has given of it, 6, For Jehovah celebrateth a sacrifice'] Ezekiel has maiiifesdy imitated this place of Isaiah : he hath set forth the great leaders and princes of the adverse powers under the same erableras of goats, bulls, raras, fallings, &C, and has added to the boldness of the imagery, by introdncing God as summoning all the fowls of the air, and all the beasts of the field, and bidding them to the feast which^ he has prepared for thera by the slaughter of the enemies of his people : — <' And thou, son of man, Thus saith- the Lord Jehovah ; Chap, XXXIV. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 299 Say to the bird of every wing. And to every beast of the field, Assemble yourselves, and come ; Gather together from every side. To the sacrifice which I make for you, A great slaughter on the mountains of Israel, And ye shall eat flesh and drink blood : The flesh of the mighty shall ye eat. And the blood of the lofty of the earth shal) ye drink ; Of rams, of lambs, and of goats, Of bullocks, all of them the fat ones of Basan : And ye shaU eat fat, till ye are cloyed, And drink blood, till ye are drunken ; Of my slaughter, which I have slain for you," Ezek, xxxix, 16, 17, The sublime author of the Revelation (chap, xix, 17, 18,) has- taken this iraage from Ezekiel, rather than from Isaiah, 7, — with their blood] oraira : so an ancient MS, Syr, and Chald, 8, — the defender of the cause of Sion] As from pi, pi, a judge; so from ail, ail, an advocate, or defender: Judici Sionis, Syr, II, —over her scorched plains] The word niin, joined to the 12th verse, embarrasses it, and makes it inexplicable. At least I do nol know that any one has yet made out the construction, or given any tolerable explication of it, I join it to the llth verse, and supply a letter or two, which seem to have been lost. Fifteen MSS (five ancient), and two editions, read nmn. The first printed edition of 1486, I think nearer to the truth, niin iin, I read niiina, or niiin br : see Jer, xvu, 6, A MS has niin, and the Syriac reads nnn, gaudium, joining it to the two preceding words; which he likewise reads differently, but without improving the sense. However, his authority is clear for dividing the verses, as they are here divided, I read DW as a noun. They shall boast, ixipi ; see Prov. xx. 6. 13. And in her palaces shall spring up — ] ibri mniaraixa ; so read all the ancient versions. 15. 'Every one her mate] A MS adds bx after m2?x, which seeras necessary lo the construction ; and so Syr, and Vulg, Another MS adds in the sarae place nx, which is equivalent, 16, For the mouth of Jehovah] For xin, five MSS (three ancientj read nini, and another is so corrected : so 300 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XXXIV. likewise LXX, Two editions have Dia, and so LXX and Vulg,; and a MS has Dsap, with the masculine pronoun instead of the feminine: and so in the next verses it is Dnb, instead of ^nb, in fourteen MSS, six of them ancient. CHAPTER XXXV, 1, — shall be glad.] Diu?wi : In a MS the D seems to have been added; and Dill? is upon a rasure in another. None of the ancient versions acknowledge it : it seeras to have been a mistake arising from the next word's beginning with the sarae letter. Sixteen MSS have DHi?ni?i, and five MSS D1!?U?i, 2, The Well-watered plain of Jordan,] For pil, the LXX read pii ; rx t^itfix rov u^xyou. Four MSS read nba ; see Joshua xv, 19, irrigua Jordani; Houbigant: mia, ripa Jordani; Kennicott, See De S, Poesi Hebr, Praelect, xx. note. Ibid, For nb, to it, nine MSS read ^b, to thee. See ibid, 7, — the glowing sand] am? : This word is Arabic as well as Hebrew, expressing in both languages the sarae thing ; the glowing sandy plain, which in the hot countries at a distance has the appearance of water. It occurs in the Koran, chap, xxiv, " But as to the unbelievers, their works are like a vapour in a plain; which the thirsty traveller thinketh lo be water, until, when he cometh tiiereto, he findeth it to be nothing." Mr Sale's note on this place is : — " The Arabic word serab signifies that false appearance which in the eastern countries is often seen in sandy plains about noon, resembling a large lake of water in motion, and is occasioned by the reverberation of tlie sunbeams : [' by the quivering undulating motion of that quick succession of vapours and exhalations, which are extracted by the power ful influence of the sun ;' Shaw, Trav, p, 378,] It some times tempts thirsty travellers out of their way, but deceives them? when they come near, either going forward, (for it always appears at the same distance), or quite vanishes," Q, Curtius has mentioned it : — " Arenas vapor aestivi solis accendit ;. — camporumque non alia, quam vasti et profundi aequoris species est ;" lib, vii, cap, 5, Dr Hyde gives us the precise meaning and derivation of the word : — " Dictum noraen [Barca] npian, splendorem, seu splendentem regio- Chap. XXXV. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 301 jiem notat ; cum ea regio radiis solaribus tam copiose coUus- Iretur, ut reflexura ab arenis luraen adeo intense fulgens, a longinquo spectantibus, ad inslar corporis Solaris, aquarum speciem referal; et hinc arenarum splendor et radiatio (ex lingua Persica petito noraine) dicitur serab, i, e, aquae super ficies, seu superficialis aquarum species :" Annot, in Peritsol, cap, 2, Ibid, — shall spring forth — ] The n, in naai, seeras to have been at first D in MS Bodl, ; whence Dr Kennicott concludes it should be Dijjai, But instead of this word, Syr, Vulg, and Chald, read sorae word signifying to grow, spring up, or abound; perhaps nsis, or 131S ; or yis iixnn, as Houbigant reads, 8, And a highway] The word Tin is bj' raistake added to the first meraber of the sentence frora .the beginning of the following member : sixteen MSS (seven ancient) have it but oncej so likewise Syr, Ibid, — err therein] A MS adds ia, which seems neces sary to the sense : and so Vulg, per earn. Ibid, But He shall be with them walking — ] That is, God ; see ver, 4, " Who shall dwell among them, and set them an example, that they should follow his steps," Our old English versions translated the place to this purpose : our last translators were misled by the authority of the Jews, who have absurdly raade a division of the verses in the midst of the sentence, thereby destroying the construction and the sense, 9, Neither shall he be found there] Three MSS read xbi, adding the conjunction; and so likewise LXX and Vulg. And four MSS (one ancient) read xsrai, the verb, as it certainly ought to be, in the masculine form. For further remarks on the two foregoing chapters, see De S, Poesi Hebr, Praelect, xx. CHAPTER XXXVI. The history of the invasion of Senacherib, and of the miraculous destruction of his army, which makes the subject of so many of Isaiah's prophecies, is very properly inserted here, as affording the best light to many parts of those pro phecies; and as almost necessary to introduce the prophecy in the xxxviith chapter, being the answer of God to Hezekiah's 302 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XXXVI. prayer, which could nol be properly understood without it. We find the same narrative in the second book of Kings, chapters xviii, xix, xx,; and these chapters of Isaiah, xxxvi, isxxvii, xxxviii, xxxix, for much the most part, (the account of the sickness of Hezekiah only excepted), are but a differ ent copy of that narration. The difference of the two copies is little more than what has manifestly arisen from the mis- lakes of transcribers : they mutuaUy correct each other, and most of the mistakes may be perfectly rectified by a collation of the two copies, with the assistance of the ancient versions. Some few sentences, or merabers of sentences, are omitted in this copy of Isaiah, which are found in the other copy in the book of Kings. Whether these omissions were made by design or by mistake, may be doubted : these therefore I have not inserted in the translation ; I shall only report them in the notes. 3. Then came out unto him] Before these words, the other copy, 2 Kings xviu. 18. adds ^bran bx jxipii, " and they deraanded audience of the king." 5. Thou hast said] Fourteen MSS (three ancient) have it in the second person, nirax ; and so the other copy, 2 Kings xviii. 20. 6. — in Egypt] MS Bodl. adds -[bra, the king of Egypt : and so perhaps Chald. raight read. 7. But if ye say] Two ancient MSS have iiraxn in the plural number: so likewise LXX, Chald. and the other copy, 2 Kings xviii. 22, Ibid, only before this altar — ] See 2 Chron, xxxii, 12, 12, destined to eat their own dung] baxb, " that they may eat," as our translation literally renders it. But Syr, reads baxra, " that they may not eat," perhaps rightly; and afterward ninwrai, or ninii?i, to the same purpose, 17, — and of vineyards] The other copy, 2 Kings xviii', 32, adds here, " a land of oil-olive,- and of honey ; that ye may live, and not die: and hearken not unto Hezekiah, when he seduceth you." 19. — of Sepharvaim — ] The other copy, 2 Kings xviu, 34, adds, of " Henah and Ivah," Ibid, have they delivered] iai, the copulative is not ex pressed here by LXX, Syr, Vulg, and three MSS; nor is it in the other copy; Ibid. Houbigant reads lan, with the interrogative particle : a probable conjecture, which the an cient versions, above quoted, seem to fiivour. Chap. XXXVI. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 303 21. But the people held their peace] The word Dm, the people, is supplied from the other copy ; and is author ized by a MS, which inserts il after inx. CHAPTER XXXVII. 7. I will infuse a spirit into him] " nil ia ^ina never signifies any tiling but putting a spirit into a person ; this was miuftX' ^eiXixe :" SecKER. 9, he sent messengers again] The word rraTl?ii, [and he heard), which occurs the second time in this verse, is re peated by mistake frora the beginning- of the verse. It is oraitted in an ancient MS, It is a raere tautology, and erabarrasses the sense. The true reading, instead of it, is aii?ii, which the LXX read in this place atrss-ge^-E, and which is preserved in the other copy, 2 Kings xix. 9. " He re turned and sent" — that is, according to the Hebrew idiora, " he sent again." 14. — and read thera] DXipil, so MS Bodl. in this place ; and so the other copy; instead of inxipil, and read it. Ibid, — and spread them] inil?isii ; in is upon a rasure in a MS ; which probably was at first D, The same mistake as in the foregoing note, 15, — before Jehovah] That is, in the sanctuary. For bx, Syr, Chald, and the other copy, 2 Kings xix, 15, read, lasb. 18, — the nations — ] nisixn, the lands: instead of this word, which destroys the sense, ten MSS (one ancient) have here Diia, nations; which is undoubtedly the true read ing, being preserved also in the other copy, 2 Kings xix, 17, Another MS suggests another raethod of rectifying the sense in this place, by reading Dabra, their king, instead of DSix, their land; but il ought to be Dniabra, " all the countries and their kings," 20, Save us, we beseech thee — ] The supplicating particle xa is supplied here from eighteen MSS (three ancient), and frora the other copy. Ibid, — that thou Jehovah art the only God] The word Dinbx, God, is lost here in the Hebrew text, but pre- •served in the other copy, 2 Kings xix, 19, Syr, and LXX seem here to have had in their copies Dinbx, instead of nini. 21. Then Isaiah sent unto Hezekiah] Syr,, and LXX understand and render the verb passively, was sent. 304, NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XXXVII. Ibid, — / have heard] inrrari?: this word, necessary lo the sense, is lost in this place out of the Hebrew text, A MS has it written above the line in a later hand, LXX and Syr, found il in their copies ; and it is preserved in the other copy, 2 Kings xix, 20, 23, — against the Holy One of Israel] For bx, the other copy has br, rather more properly, 24, By thy messengers — ] The text has liiar, thy ser vants : but the true reading seeras lo be -[laxbra, thy messen gers, as in the other copy, 2 Kings xix, 23, ; and as LXX and Syr, found it in their copies in this place. Ibid, — his extreme retreats] The text has Diira, the highth ; which seeras lo have been taken by mistake from the line but one above, A MS has here pbn, the lodge, or retreat; which is the word in the other copy, 2 Kings xix, 23, ; and I think is the true reading, 25, — strange waters] The word Diir, strange, lost out of the Hebrew text in this place, is supplied frora the other copy, A MS suppUes the word Dial, many, instead of il. Ibid, all the' canals of fenced places] The principal cities of Egypt, the scene of his late exploits, were chiefly defended by deep moats, canals, or large lakes, raade by labour and art, with which they were surrounded. See Harmer's Observ, ii, p, 304, Claudian introduces Alaric ^boasting of his con quests in the same extravagant manner : " Subsidere nostris Sub pedibus montes ; arescere vidimus amnes, — Fregi Alpes, galeisque Padum victricibus hausi," De BeUo Getic, 526, 26. warlike nations] Disa Diba. It is not easy to give a satisfactory account of these two words ; which have greatly embarrassed all the interpreters, ancient and modern. For Diba, I read Diia, as the LXX do in this place, s^n. The word DiJta, Vulg. renders in this place compugnantium ; in the paraUel place, 2 Kings xix. 25. pugnantium, and LXX, fixxifim, fighting, warlike. This rendering is as well autho rized as any other that I know of, and, with the reading of LXX, perfectly clears up the construction. 27. corii blasted] nra ill?. It does not appear that there is any good authority for this word. The true reading seems to be nsiii?, as it is in four MSS (two ancient), here, and in the other copy. 29. I will put my hook in thy nose] " Etfrcenum meum .- Chap. XXXVII. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 305 Jonathan vocem anri interpretatus est Drar, i. e. aniiulura, sive uncura, eumque ferreum, quera infigunt naribus. ca- raelae : eoque trahitur, quoniam ilia feris raotibus agilur : et hoc est, quod disciraus in Talraude ; et caraela cura annulo narium : scilicet, egreditur die Sabbalhi :" Jarchi in 2 Reg. xix. 28. " Ponara circulum in naribus tuis :" Hieron. Just as at this day they put a ring into the nose of the bear, the buffalo, and other wild beasts, to lead thera, and to govern them when they are unruly. 35. And the angel — ] Before " the angel," the other copy, 2 Kings xix. 35. adds, " it came to pass the same night, that" The Prophet Hosea has given a plain prediction of this miraculous deliverance of the kingdom of Judah : " And to the house of Judah I will be tenderly merciful : And I will save them by Jehovah their God. And I will not save them by the bow ; Nor by sword, nor by battle ; By horses, nor by horsemen." Hosea i. 7. CHAPTER XXXVIIL 2. Then Hezekiah turned his face to the wall] The fur niture of an eastern divan, or charaber either for the recep tion of corapany or for private use, consists chiefly of carpets spread on the floor in the middle, and of sophas or couches ranged on one or more sides of the roora, on a part raised soraewhat above the floor. On these they repose theraselves in the day, and sleep at night. It is to be observed, that the corner of the room is the place of honour. Dr Pococke, when he was introduced to the Sheik of Furshout, found hira sitting in the corner of his roora. He describes ano ther Arab Sheik, " as sitting in a corner of a large green tent, pitched in the middle of an encampment of Arabs; and the Bey of Girge as placed on a sopha in a corner to the right as One entered the roora :" Harraer's Obs. ii. p. 60. Lady Mary W, Montague, giving an account of a visit which she raade to the Kahya's lady at Adrianople, says, " She ordered cushions to be given me, and took care to place me in the corner, which is the place of honour :" Letter xxxin. The reason of this seems to be, that the per son, so placed, is distingui.shed, and in a manner separated 306 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XXXVIII. from the rest of the company, and as it were guarded by the wall on each side. We are to suppose Hezekiah's couch placed in the same situation ; in which, turning on either side, he must turn his face to the wall ; by which he would vrithdraw himself from those who were attending upon him in his apartment, in order to address his private prayer to God, 4, 5, The words in the translation included within crotchets are supplied from the parallel place, 2 Kings xx, 4, 5, to make the narration more perfect, I have also taken the liberty, with Houbigant, of bringing forward the two last verses of this chapter, and inserting them in their proper places of the narration with the sarae raark, Kimchi's note on these two verses is as follows : " This and the following verse belong not to the writing of Hezekiah : and I see no reason why they are written here after the writing ; for their right place is above, after And I will protect this city, ver, 6, And so they stand in the book of Kings ;" 2 Kings xx, 7, 8, The narration of this chapter seems to be in some parts an abridgment of that of 2 Kings xx. The abridger, having finished his extract here with the llth verse, seems to have observed, that the 7th and 8th verses of 2 Kings xx, were wanted to complete the narration : he therefore added them at the end of the chapter, 'after he had inserted the song of Hezekiah, probably with marks for their insertion in their proper places ; which marks were afterwards neglected by transcribers : or a transcriber might omit them by mistake, and add them at the end of the chapter with such marks. Many transpositions are, with great probabUity, to be ac counted for in the same way, 6, I will protect this city — ] The other copy, 2 Kings XX, 6, adds, " for mine own sake, and for the sake of Darid my servant ;" and the sentence seems somewhat abrupt with out it, 6, l>y which the sun is gone down — ] For ii?raii?a, LXX, Syr, Chald, read ii?raTi?n : Houbigant, In the history of this miracle in the book of Kings, 2 Kings xx, 9 — 11, there is no mention at all raade of the sun, but only of the going backward of the shadow ; which raight be effected by a su pernatural refraction, "The first » ityio; in this verse is omit ted in LXX, MS Pachom, 9, The writing of Hezekiah.] Here the book of Kings deserts us, the song of Hezekiah not being inserted in it. Another copy of this very obscure passage (obscure not only Chap. XXXVIII. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 307 frora the concise poetical style, but because it is probably very incorrect) would have been of great service. The MSS and ancient versions, especially the latter, will help us to get through some of the many difficulties whicih we meet with in it, II, Jehovah — ] ni ni seeras to be mni in MS Bodl, and it was so at first written in another : so Syr, See Hou bigant, 12, — a shepherd's tent — ] iri is put for nri, say the Rabbins ; Sal, b. Melee on the place : but much more pro bably is written imperfectly for Diri, See note on chap, v, 1, Ibid, My life is cut off'—] imsp : this verb is rendered passively, and in the third person, by Syr, Chald, Vulg, 13, The last line of the foregoing verse, nbib ir DVra laraibirn, " In the course of the day thou wilt finish my web," is not repeated at the end of diis verse in the Syriac version ; and a MS oraits it. It seems to have been in serted a second time in the Hebrew text by mistake. Ibid, I roared^ For in iin?, the Chaldee has nirana : he read inaxii?, the proper terra for the roaring ofa Uon; often applied to the deep groaning of men in sickness : see Psal, xxii. 2, xxxii, 3, xxxviii, 9, Job iii, 24, The Masoretes divide the sentence, as I have done, taking nxa, like a lion, into the first member ; and so likewise LXX, 14, Like the swallow — ] Dioa ; so read two MSS, Theod, ' and Hieron. Ibid, — mine ^yes fail — ] For ibi, the LXX read iba, i\iUiroy. Compare Psal, Ixix, 4, cxix, 82, 123, Lam, ii, 11, iv, 17, in the Hebrew and in LXX, Ibid, — O Lord — ] For mni, thirty MSS and eight editions read laix. Ibid, — contend thou — ] npii?r, with u?, Jarchi. This sense of the word is estabUshed by Gen, xxvi, 20, " he called the name of the well pu?r, Esek, because they strove with him:" ipn?rnn, equivalent to lani at the beginning of the verse, 15, — will I reflect — ] mix, recogitabo, Vulg, rep-utalbo, Hieron, in loc, 16, For this cause shall it be declared — ] Vii^i xvr-m yag xviiyyi-Kti foi, xxi i^vyii^x; ftou t«v ttvobv, LXX, They read in their copies, inii unni ^b iini nibr; not very different from the present text, frora which all the ancient versions vary. They entirely omit two words, ^na babi ; as to which 308 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XXXVIII. there is some variation in the MSS, A MS has baai, two others bai, and ten MSS have Dna, Ibid. — hast prolonged my life.] A MS and the Baby lonish Talmud read lannni; and so the ancient versions. It must necessarily be in the second person, 17, My anguish is changed into ease — ] ira ib ira, " mutata raihi est . araaritudo," Paronoraasia ; a figure, which the Prophet frequently adraits : I do not always note it, because it cannot ever be preserved in the translation, and the sense seldora depends upon it. But here it per fectly clears up the great obscurity of the passage. See Lowth on the place. Ibid, Thou hast rescued — ] n a 11? n, with a instead of p ; so LXX and Vulg, : Houbigant, See Chappelow on Job xxxiii, 18, Ibid, —from perdition — ] iba nni2?ra, hx fi-/i xvoM-rxi, LXX; ut non periret, Vulg.; perhaps inverting the order of the words. See Houbigant, 19, , — thy truth] "jnrax bx, A MS omits bx ; and in stead of bx, an ancient MS and one edition read nx. The same mistake as in Psal, ii, 7, 21, Let them take a lump of figs .- and they bruised them — ] God, in effecting this rairaculous cure, was pleased to order the use of means not improper for that end, " Folia, et, quae non maturuere, fici, strumis illinuntur, omnibusque quse emolUenda sunt discutiendave :" Plin, Nat, Hist, xxiii. 7. " Ad discutienda ea, quae in corporis parte aliqua coierunt, maxirae possunt — ficus arida," &c. : Celsus, v. 11. CHAPTER XXXIX, Hitherto the copy of this history in the second book of Kings has been rauch the most correct : in this chapter, that in Isaiah has the advantage. In the two first verses two mistakes in the other copy are to be corrected from this : for imprn, Hezekiah, read prnii, and was recovered ; and for rr3ii?ii, he heard, read nraiyil, he rejoiced. 1, — and ambassadors.] The LXX add here xxi Tt^uZu;-, that is, Diaxbrai, and ambassadors; which word seems necessary to the sense, though omitted in the Hebrew text both here and in the other copy, 2 Kings xx, 12, For the subsequent narration refers to them all along; " these men, Chap. XXXIX. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 309 whence carae they?" &c, plainly supposing thera to have been personally mentioned before. See Houbigant. 6. — to Babylon — ] nbaa ; so two MSS (one ancient) ; righdy without doubt, as the other copy, 2 Kings xx. 17. has it. 8. And Hezekiah said — ] The nature of Hezekiah's crime, and his humiliation on the message of God to him by the Prophet, is more expressly declared by the author of the book of Chronicles : " But Hezekiah rendered not again, according to the benefit done unto him ; for his heart was lifted up : therefore there was wrath upon hira, and upon Judah and Jerusalera. Notwithstanding, Hezekiah hurabled hiraself for the pride of his heart, (both he and the inhabi tants of Jerusalem), so that the wrath of the Lord came not upon thera in the days of Hezekiah. And Hezekiah prospered in aU his works. Howbeit, in the business of the arabassadors of the princes of Babylon, who sent unto hira to inquire of the wonder that was done in the land, God left hira, to try him, that he might know all that was in his heart;" 2 Chron. xxxii, 25, 26, 30, 31, CHAPTER XL, The course of prophecies, which follow from hence to the end of the book, and which taken together constitute the raost elegant part of the sacred writings of the Old Testa ment ; interspersed also with many passages of the highest subUmity ; was probably delivered in the latter part of the reign of Hezekiah, The Prophet in the foregoing chapter had delivered a very explicit declaration of the irapending dissolution of the kingdora, and of the captivity of the royal house of David, and of the people, under the kings of Baby lon, As the subject of his subsequent prophecies was to be chiefly of the consolatory kind, he opens them with giving a promise of the restoration of the kingdora, and the return of the people from that captivity, by the merciful interposi tion of God in their favour. But the views of the Prophet are not confined to this event. As the restoration of the royal famUy, and of the tribe of Judah, which would other wise have soon becorae undistinguished, and have been irre coverably lost, was necessary, in the design and order of Providence, for the fulfilling of God's proraises of establish- 310 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XL. ing a more glorious and an everlasting kingdom, under the Messiah to be born of the tribe of Judah, and of the famUy of David ; the Prophet connects these two events together, and hardly ever treats of the former without throwing in some intimations of the latter; and sometimes is so fullv possessed with the glories of the future more remote king dom, that he seems to leave the more iraraediate subject of his comraission alraost out of the question. Indeed this evangelical sense of the prophecy is so ap parent, and stands forth in so strong a light, that some in terpreters cannot see that it has any other; and wiU not allow the prophecy to have any relation at all to the return from the captivity of Babylon, It may be useful, therefore, to exaraine raore attentively the train of the Prophet's ideas, and to consider carefully the images under which he displays his subject. He hears a crier giving orders by solemn pro- claraation to prepare the way of the Lord in the wilderness ; to remove all obstructions before Jehovah marching through the desert ; through the wild, uninhabited, unpassable coun try. The deliverance of God's people from the Babylonish captivity is considered by him as parallel to the former de liverance of them from the Egyptian bondage, God was then represented as their king, leading them in person through the vast deserts, which lay in their way to the pro mised land of Canaan, It is not merely for Jehovah him self, that in both cases the way was to be prepared, and aU obstructions to be removed ; but for Jehovah marching in person at the head of his people. Let us first see, how this idea is pursued by the sacred poets who treat of the Exodus, which is a favourite subject with them, and affords great choice of examples : — " When Israel came out nf Egypt ; The house of Jacob, from the barbarous people ; Judah was his sanctuary, Israel his dominion," Psal, cxiv, 1, 2. " Jehovah his God is with him ; And the shout of a king is among them : God brought them out of Egypt," Numb, xxiii. 21,22. " Make a highway for him that rideth through the deserts : O God, when thou wentest forth before thy people ; When thou marchedst through the wilderness, The heavens dropped," Psal, Ixviii, 4, 7, Let us now see how Isaiah treats the subject of the return Chap. XL. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 311 of the people from Babylon : they were to march through the wilderness with Jehovah at their head, who was to lead them, to smooth the way before them, and to supply thera with water in the thirsty desert ; with perpetual aUusion to the Exodus : " Come ye forth from Babylon, flee ye from the land of the Chaldeans with the voice of joy : Publish ye this, and make it heard ; utter it forth even to the end of the earth : Say ye, Jehovah hath redeemed his servant Jacob : They thirsted not in the deserts, through which he made them go ; Waters from the rock he caused to flow for them ; Yea he clave the rock, and forth gushed the waters," Chap, xlviii. 20, 21. " Remember not the former things ; And the things of ancient times regard not :" (That is, the deliverance frora Egypt) : " Behold, I make a new thing ; Even now shall it spring forth : will ye not regard it ? Yea I will make in the wilderness a way ; In the desert, streams of water," Chap, xliii. 18, 19. " But he that trusteth in me shall inherit the land. And shall possess my holy mountain. Then will I say, Cast up, cast up the causeway; make clear the way ; Remove every obstruction from the road of my people,'' Chap, Ivii, 13, 14. " How beautiful appear on the mountains The feet of the joyful messenger, of him that announceth peace ; Of the joyful messenger of good tidings, of him that an nounceth salvation ; Of him that sayeth to Sion, Thy God reigneth ! All thy watchmen lift up their voice, they shout together ; For face to face shall they see, when Jehovah returneth to Sion. Verily not in haste shall ye go forth ; And not by flight shall ye march along : For Jehovah shall march in your front ; And the God of Israel shall bring up your rear.'' Chap, Iii, 7, 8, 12, Babjflon was separated from Judea by an immense tract of country, which was one continued desert ; that large part of Arabia called very properly Deserta, It is mentioned 312 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XL. in history as a remarkable occurrence, that Nebuchadnezzar, having received the news of the death of his father, in order to make the utmost expedition in his journey to Babylon from Egypt and Phoenicia, set out with a few attendants, and passed through this desert, Berosus, apud Joseph, Antiq, x, 1 1, This was the nearest way homewards for the Jews ; and whether they actually returned by this way or not, the first thing that would occur on the proposa;l or thought of their return, would be the difficulty of this al most impracticable passage. Accordingly the proclamation for the preparation of the way is the most natural idea, and the most obvious circumstance, by which the Prophet could have opened his subject. These things considered, I have not the least doubt, that the return of the Jews frora the captivity of Babylon is the first, though not the principal, thing in the Prophet's view. The redemption from Babylon is clearly foretold ; and at the sarae tirae is eraployed as an iraage to shadow out a re>- demption of an infinitely higher and more important nature. I should not have thought it necessary to employ so many words in endeavouring to establish what is called the hteral sense of this prophecy, which I think cannot be rightly un derstood without it, had I not observed, that many inter preters of the first authority, in particular the very learned Vitringa, have excluded it entirely. Yet obvious and plain as I think this literal sense is, we have nevertheless the irrefragable authority of John the Bap tist, and of our blessed Sariour himself, as recorded by all the Evangelists, for explaining this exordium of the pro phecy of the opening of the gospel by the preaching of John, and of the introducing of the kingdora of Messiah ; who was to effect a rauch greater deliverance of the people of God, Gentiles as well as Jews, frora the captivity of sin and the dorainion of death. And this we shall find to be the case in many subsequent parts also of this prophecy, where passages manifestly relating to the deliverance of the Jewish nation, effected by Cyrus, are with good reason, and upon undoubted authority, to be understood of the rederaption wrought for mankind by Christ. If the literal sense of this prophecy, as above explained, cannot be questioned, much less surely can the spiritual; which, I think, is allowed on all hands, even by Grotius himself. If both are to be adraitted, here is a plain example Chap. XL, NOTES ON ISAIAH. 313 of the mystical allegory, or double sense, as it is commonly called, of prophecy ; which the sacred writers of the New Testaraent clearly suppose, and according to which they frequendy frarae their interpretation of passages of the Old Testament. Of the foundation and properties of this sort of aUegory, see De S. Poes. Hebr. Praelect. xi. 2. Blessings double to the punishment] It does not seera reconcileable to our notions of the divine justice, which always punishes less than our iniquities deserve, to suppose, that God had punished the sins of the Jews in double pro portion : and it is more agreeable to the tenor of this con- ^solatory message, to understand it as a promise of ample recompense for the effects of past displeasure, on the recon- ciUation of God to his returning people. To express this sense of the passage, which the words of the original will very weU bear, it was necessary to add a word or two in the version to supply the eUiptical expression of the He brew. X^ompare chap. bd. 7. Job xiii. 10. Zech. ix. 12. naan signifies punishraent for sin, Lara. iii. 39. Zech. xiv. 19. 3. A voice crieth : In the wilderness — ] The idea is taken frora the practice of eastern raonarchs, who, whenever they entered upon an expedition, or took a journey, espe cially through desert and unpractised countries, sent har bingers before them to prepare all things for their passage, and pioneers to open the passes, to level the ways, and to remove all impediraents. The officers appointed to super intend such preparations the Latins call Stratores. " Ipse (Johannes Baptista) se stratorem vocat Messiffi, cujus esset alta et elata voce horaiiies in desertis locis habitantes ad itinera et rias Regi mox venture sternendas et reficiendas hortari :" Mosheira, Instituta Majora, p. 96. Diodorus's account of Serairarais's marches into Media and Persia, will give us a clear notion of the preparation of the way for a royal expedition : "In her raarch to Ecbatane she came to the Zarcean mountain ; which extending many furlongs, and being full of craggy precipices and deep hol lows, could not be passed without taking a great compass about. Being therefore desirous of leaving an everlasting memorial of herself, as weU as of shortening the way, she ordered the precipices to be digged down, and the hoUows to be filled up ; and at a great expense she made a shorter and more expeditious road, which to this day is called from 314 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XL. her the Road of Serairamis. Afterward she went into Per sia, and all the other countries of Asia subject to her domi nion ; and wherever she went, she ordered the mountains and precipices to be levelled, raised causeways in the plain country, and at a great expense made the ways passable :" Diod. Sic. lib. ii. The writer of the apocryphal book caUed Baruch, ex presses the same subject by the same iraages ; either taking them from this place of Isaiah, or from the comraon notions of his countrymen : " For God hath appointed, that every high hill, and banks of long continuance, shoidd be cast down, and vallies filled up, to make even the ground, that Israel may go safely in the glory of God ;" chap. v. 7. The Jewish church, to which John was sent to announce the coming of Messiah, was at that time in a barren and desert condition, unfit without reformation for the reception of her king. It was in this desert country, destitute at diat time of all religious cultivation, in true piety and good works unfruitful, that John was sent to prepare the way of the Lord by preaching repentance. I have distinguished the parts of the sentence according to the punctuation of the Masoretes, which agrees best both vrith the Uteral and the spiritual sense; which the construction and parallelism of the distich in the Hebrew plainly favours.; and of which the Greek of the LXX and of the EvangeUsts is equally sus ceptible. John was born in the desert of Judea, and passed his whole life in it, till the time of his being manifested to Israel. He preached in the same desert ; it was a mountainous country ; however, not entirely and properly a desert, for, though less cultivated than other parts of Judea, yet it was not uninhabited: Joshua (chap. xv. 61, 62.) reckons six cities in it. We are so prepossessed with the idea of John's living and preaching in the desert, that we are apt to con sider this particular scene of his preaching as a very impor tant and essential part of his history : whereas I apprehend this circumstance to be no otherwise important, than as giving us a strong idea of the rough character of the man, which was answerable to the place of his education ; and as affording a proper erablera of the rude state of the Jewish church at that time ; which was the true wilderness meant by the Prophet, in which John was to prepare the way for the coraing of the Messiah. Chap. XL. NOTES ON ISAIAH- >-3I3 4, The word apr is very generally rendered crooked; but this sense of the word seems not to be supported by any good authority. Ludolphus, Comment, ad Hist. iEthiop, p, 206, says, that in the .^thiopic language it signifies dims, locus editus ; and so the Syriac version renders it in this place xrair, Heb, nrair, tumulus, acervus. Thus die parallelism would be more perfect: " the hilly country shaU be made level, and the precipices a smooth plain," 5, — the salvation of our God] These words are added here by LXX: to trum^ioy tou ©sou, lainbx nrn2?i nx, as it is in the paraUel place, chap, Ui, 10, The sentence is abrupt without it, the verb wanting its object ; and I think it is genuine. Our English translation has supplied the word it, which is equivalent to this addition from LXX, This omission in the Hebrew text is ancient, being prior to the Chaldee, Syriac, and Vulgate versions : but the words stand in all the copies of the LXX ; and they are acknow ledged by Luke, iii, 6, 6, its glory — ] For ilDn read "t-iTi ; LXX, and Vulg, and I Pet, i, 24, 7, this people — ] So Syr, who perhaps read nrn Drn, 6 — 8. A voice sayeth, Proclaim — ] To understand rightly this passage is a matter of importance ; for it seems designed to give us the true key to the remaining part of Isaiah's prophecies; the general subject of which is the restoration of the people and church of God. The Prophet opens the subject with great clearness and elegance : he declares at once God's comraand to his raesssengers, (his Prophets, as the Chaldee rightly explains it), to corafort his people in captivity, to irapart to them the joyful tiding,s, that their punishment has now satisfied the divine justice, and the tirae of reconcUiation and favour is at hand. He then in troduces a harbinger giving orders to prepare the way for God leading his people from Babylon, as he did formerly from Egypt, through the wUderness ; to remove all obsta^ cles, and to clear the way for their passage. Thus far no thing more appears to be intended than a return from the Babylonish captivity;' but the next words seem to intimate something much greater : " And the glory of Jehovah shall be revealed; And all flesh shall see together the salvation of our God." He then introduces a voice commanding hira to make a solemn proclamation. And what is the import of it? That 316 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XL. the people, the flesh, is of a vain temporary nature ; that all its glory fadeth, and is soon gone; but that the word of God endureth for ever. What is this, but a plain opposi tion of the flesh to the spirit ; of the carnal Israel to the spiritual ; of the teraporary Mosaic economy to the eternal Christian dispensation ? You may be ready to conclude, (the Prophet may be supposed to say), by this introduction to ray discourse, that ray commission is only to comfort you with a promise of the restoration of your religion and polity, of Jerusalem, of the temple, and its services and worship in all its ancient splendour: These are earthly, temporary, shadowy, fading things, which shall soon pass away, and be destroyed for ever; these are not worthy to engage your attention, in comparison of the greater blessings, the spiri-- tual rederaption, the eternal inheritance, covered under the veil of the former, which I have it in charge to unfold unto you. The law has only a shadow of good things ; the sub stance is the gospel, I promise you a restoration of the former ; which, however, is only for a tiine, and shall be done away, according to God's original appointment : but under that image I give you a view of the latter ; which shall never be done away, but shaU endure for ever. This I take to be agreeable to St Peter's interpretation of this passage of the Prophet, quoted by him 1 Pet, i, 24, 25, " All flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away; but the word of the Eord enditreth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you." This is the same word of the Lord of which Isaiah speaks, which hath now been preached unto you by the gospel. The law and the gospel are frequendy opposed to one another by St Paul under the images of flesh and spirit : " Having begun in the spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?" Gal. iii. 3. 7. When the wind of Jehovah—] nini nil, a wind of Jehovah, is a Hebraism, meaning no more than a strong wind. It is well known, that a hot wind in the East destroys at once every green thing. Corapare Psal. ciii. 16. Two MSS orait the word nini, Jehovah. 9. O daughter that bringest glad tidings] That the true construction of the sentence is this, which raakes Sion the receiver, not the publisher, of the glad tidings, (which latter has been the raost prevailing interpretation), will, I think, Chap. XL. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 317 very clearly appear, if we rightly consider the image itself, and the custom and common practice frora which it is taken. I have added the word daughter, to express the feminine gender of the Hebrew participle, which I know not how to do otherwise in our language. And this is absolutely necesisary in order to ascertain the image ; for the office of announcing and celebrating such glad tidings as are here spoken of,- belonged peculiarly to the women. On occasion of any great public success, a signal victory, or any other ' joyful event, it was usual for the women to gather together, and with rausic, dances, and songs, to publish and celebrate the happy news. Thus, after the passage of the Red Sea, Miriara, and all the woraen, with tirabrels in their hands, formed a chorus, and joined the raen in their triuraphant song, dancing, and throwing in alternately the refrain or burthen of the song : — " Sing ye to Jehovah, for he is greatly exalted ; The horse and his rider hath he cast into the sea." Exod. XV. 20, 21. So Jephthah's daughter coUected a chorus of virgins, and with dances and songs carae out to raeet her father, and to celebrate his victory ; Judg. xi. 34. After David's conquest of Goliah, " all the woraen came out of the cities of Israel, singing and dancing, to meet Saul, with tabrets, with joy, and with instruments of music;" and forming themselves . into two chorusses, they sung alternately, — " Saul has slain his thousands ; And David his ten thousands." 1 Sam. xviii. 6, 7. And this gives us the true sense of a passage in the Ixviiith Psalm, which has frequently been misunderstood : — " Jehovah gave the word ; (that is, the joyful news) ; The women, who published the glad tidings, were a great company : The kings of mighty armies did flee, did flee ; And even the matron, who staid at home, shared the spoil." The word signifying the publishers of glad tidings is the same, and expressed in the same form by the feminine par ticiple, as in this place ; and the last distich is the song which they sung. So in this place, Jehovah having given the word by his Prophet, the joyful tidings of the restoration of Sion, and of God's returning to Jerusalem, (see chap. Iii. 8.), the women are exhorted by the Prophet to publish the joyful news with a loud voice from eminences, whence they 318 NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XL. might best be heard all over the country; and the matter and burthen of their song was to be, " Behold your God !" 10. — his reward, and the recompense of his work] That is, the reward and the recompense, which he bestows, and which he will pay to his faithful servants : this he has ready at hand with him, and holds it out before him, to encourage those who trust in him, and wait for him. II. The nursing ewes shall he gently lead] . A beautifiil ¦ image, expressing, with the utmost propriety as well as ele gance, the tender attention of the shepherd to his flock. That the greatest care in driving the catde in regard to the dams and their young was necessary, appears clearly from Jacob's apology to his brother Esau, Gen. xxxiii. 13. " The flocks and the herds giving suck to their young are with me; and if they should be over-driven, all the flock will die." Which is set in a still stronger light by the following remark of Sir John Chardin : " Their flocks, (says he, speak ing of those who now live in the East after the patriarchal manner), feed down the places of their encampraents so quick, by the great nurabers that they have, that they are obliged to remove them too often ; which is very destructive to their flocks on account of the young ones, who have not strength enough to follow :" Harmer's Observ. i. p. 1 26. 16. And Lebanon is not sufficient — ] The image is beau tiful and uncommon ; it has been imitated by an apocryphal writer, who however comes far short of the original : — " For all sacrifice is too little for a sweet savour unto thee ; And all the fat is not sufficient for thy burnt-offering." Judith xvi. 16. 19. — and forgeth — ] For Ills, the participle, twenty- , seven MSS (five ancient), and three editions, read tils, praet. 3d person. 21. — understood it from the foundation — ] The true reading seems to be niiDirara, to answer to Ii?xir2 in the foregoing line. It follows a word ending with ra ; and out of three mems concurring, it was an easy mistake to drop the middle one. 22. — as a thin veil] " It is usual in the sumraer season, and upon all occasions, when a large corapany is to be re ceived, to have the court sheltered frora heat, or incleraency of the weather, by a velum, urabrella, or veU, as I shall call it ; which, being expanded on ropes from one side of the parapet-wall to the other, may be folded or unfolded at Chap. XL. NOTES ON ISAIAH. 319 pleasure. The Psalmist seems to allude to some covering of this kind in that beautiful expression of spreading out the heavens like a curtain :" Shaw, Trav. p. 274. 24. If he but blow upon them] The LXX, Syr. Vulg. and MS Bodl. and another, have Da without the conjunc tion 1. 28. And that his understanding — ] Twenty-four MSS, two editions, LXX, and Vulg. read pxi, with the conjunc tion 1. 31. They shall put forth fresh feathers.] It has been a common and popular opinion, that the eagle lives and re tains his vigour to a great age ; and that, beyond the com mon lot of other birds, he moults in his old age, and renews his feathers, and with them his youth. " Thou shalt renew thy youth like the eagle," says the Psalmist, ciii. 5. ; on which place St Ambrose notes, " Aquila longara astatera ducit, dura, vetustis plumis fatiscentibus, nova pennarura succes- sione juvenescit." Phile, de Animalibus, treating of the eagle, and addressing hiraself to the Emperor Michael Palfeologus junior, raises his compliment upon the same notion : — TotiToy ru, ISx rxi; yfq^'riy : Aetius apud Turnebum Advers. xxiv. 12, " Victuris in cute punctis mUites scripti et matriculis inserti jurare solent :" Vegetius, ii, 5, And the Christians seem to have imitated this practice, by what Procopius says on this place of Isaiah : To 61 THf XEIPI, S(« TO s-(^si» nra; 7roX>\.ov; i7ti xx^Tem, ti /8ga;g(o»»j, » Tov ^xv^ov TO truifiiiot, f) rmy X^itov 7r^oo-»yo^ixy ; " BecaUSC many marked their wrists, or their arms, with the sign of the cross, or with the name of Christ," See Rev, xx, 4, Spencer, De Leg, Hebr, lib, ii. cap. 20. 7, — let them declare unto us] For irab, unto them, the Chaldee reads lab, unto xis. The LXX read raab, unto you; Chap, XLIV, NOTES ON ISAIAH, 331 which is preferable to the reading of the text. But irab and 13b are frequently mistaken one for the other : see chap, x. 29. Psal. lxxx. 7. lxiv, 6. 8, Fear ye not — ] " mm nusquam occurrit : forte ixiin, timete :" Secker, Two MSS read inim, 9, 10. That every, one may be ashamed, that he hath formed a god] The Bodleian MS, one of the first ex tant for its antiquity and authority, instead of iQ at th£ beginning of the lOth verse has ia, which greatly clears up the construction of a very obscure passage, "The LXX Ukewise closely connect in construction the end of ver, 9, with the beginning of ver, 10, and wholly omit the interro gative ira, which embarrasses the sentence : xio-^cwho-oyrxi ot CT/oso-rovTS; &ioy, xxi yXv(poyns -m-xvri; xya(f>sM. agreeably tO the reading of the MS above-mentioned, 11. Even the workmen themselves shall blush] Ldo not know, that any one has ever yet interpreted these words to any tolerably good sense : Dixra nran Diii?mi. The Vul-» gate, and our translators, have rendered them very fairly, as they are written and pointed in the text : " Fabri enim sunt ex honunibus :" " And the worlanen, they are of men." Out of which the commentators have not been able to ex tract any thing worthy of the Prophet. I have given an other explanation of the place; agreeable enough to the context, if it can be deduced from the words themselves. I presume, that Dix, rubuit, may signify erubuit, to be red through shame, as well as from any other cause ; though I cannot produce any exaraple of it in that particular sense : and the word in the text I would point D-lxra ; or if any one should object to the irregularity of the number, I would read Diratxra. But I rather think, that the irregularity of the construction has been the cause of the obscurity, and has given occasion to the mistaken punctuation. The sin gular is sometimes put for the plural ; see Psal. Ixviu. 31. ; and the participle for the future tense; see Isa. Ix. 11. 12. —cutteth off—] i??rn, participium pihel of isr, to cut ; StUl used in that sense in the Arabic. See Simonis Lex. Heb. The LXX and Syr. take the word in this form; but they render it, sharpeneth the iron. See Castell. Lex. in voce. The sacred writers are generally large and eloquent upon the subject of idolatry : they treat it vrith great severity, and set forth the absurdity of it in the strongest light. But this 332 ¦ NOTES ON ISAIAH. Chap. XLIV. passage of Isaiah, ver. 12 — 20. far exceeds any thing that ever was written upon the subject, in force of argument, energy of expression, and elegance of composition. One or two of the apocryphal writers have attempted to imitate the Prophet, but with very ill success; Wisd. xiii. II — 19. XV. 7, &c. Baruch, chap, vi, ; especially the latter, who, injudiciously dUating his matter, and introducing a number of minute circumstances, has very much weakened the force and effect of his invective. On the contrary, a heathen au thor, in the ludicrous way, has, in a line or two, given ido latry one of the severest strokes it ever received : — " Olim truncus eram ficulnus, inutile lignum ; Cum faber, incertus scamnum faceretne Priapum, Maluit esse Deum," Horat. 14. He heweth down — ] For mab, the LXX and Vulg. read nia, or mav . 16. And with part — ] Twenty-three MSS, LXX, and Vulg, add the conjunction i, bri- 18. — their eyes are closed up] The LXX, Chald. and Vulg. for na read ma. See note on chap. vi. 10. 20, He feedeth on ashes] He feedeth on that which af- fordeth no nourishraent : a proverbial expression for using ineffectual means, and bestowing labour to no purpose. In the same sense Hosea says, " Ephraim feedeth on wind," chap, xii, 1, 22, / have made thy transgressions vanish away like a cloud, and thy sins like a vapour.] Longinus admired the sublimity of the sentiment, as well as the harmony of the numbers, in the following sentence of Demosthenes : Tokto ro -^vi^ia-fAX rov tote rt} ^s-oXii ssri^t^xvlx xtyevyov z^x^iXQiiy sTroivia-iy uffTrio yi