I give ihtfe Books. for the founding of.i^ ColUge iAthl^s\ffoIpn.y} Bought with the income of the Alfred E. Perkins Fund, 191V BIRMINGHAM 120 YEARS AGO. This Edition is limited to 2£o Copies. One hundred and ten Copies have been privately sub scribed, 25 Copies are reserved by the Editor, and the remainder, 11^ Copies are published by Messrs. Cornish Bros., of New Street, Birmingham. BIRMINGHAM 1 20 YEARS AGO. Being a Reprint of an old Directorjr, published in 1777 ; to which has been added a Streets Directory, a Trades Directory, and a few • Notes of Comparison between Bir mingham of 1776 and the City of To-day^ Dedicated to the First Lord Mayor of Birmingham. COMPILED AND EDITED BY CHARLES E. SCARSE, Librarian of the Birmingham Library. BIRMINGHAM : PRINTED FOR CORNISH BROTHERS, NEW STREET, AT THE "JOURNAL" OFFICE, 31, CANNON STREET. 1896. E de,.a u" »«"^ •..»-' 1 i fe^ ¦JKn/^ TLo tbe IRigbt Ibonourable trbe Xor& /iba^or of S3irmingbam (Mr. Coundllor JAMES SMITH). My Lord Mayor, In respectfully dedicating this little volume to your Lordship, I venture to express the hope it will be found of sufficient general interest to warrant its publication, and that it may be permitted to mark an important landmark in the history of Birmingham and, may I add, in your own life. The honour conferred on the City . by the creation of a Lord Mayor, and on your Lordship in being the first to fill that important office, is an epoch worthy of commemoration. That the Citizens of Birmingham appreciate the conduct of their First Lord Mayor is fully testified by the fact that they have asked you to fill the Civic Chair for a second time. I am, My Lord Mayor, Your obedient and obliged Servant, CHARLES EDWARD SCARSE. Birmingham Library, Union Street, Qctolier fst, iSg6. VI. COPY OF THE LETTERS PflTEflT DOGUjaEIlT CRERTIflQ R IiOHD pflYOR Op BIRlttl^GHAlW. Victoria b^ tbe (Brace ot (3ob of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen Defender of the Faith tlO all tO WbOlU these presents shall cotne greeting TKHbereaS by our charter dated the thirty first day of October in the second year of our reign we were graciously pleased to incorporate the inhabitants of the borough of Birmingham in our county of Warwick and their successors by the title of the Mayor Aldermen and Burgesses of the borough of Birmingham in the County of Warwick Hub TMbSreaS we by our royal charter dated the fourteenth day of fanuary in the fifty second year of our reign and did constitute the said borough of Birmingham a City and did declare that the Mayor Aldermen and Burgesses of the said borough should thenceforth be one body politic and corporate by the name and style of the Mayor Aldermen and Citizens of the City of Birming ham in the County of Warwick IROW TknOW J^C that our will and pleasure is and we do hereby declare and ordain that from and after the date of these presents the Chief Magistrate now and for the time being of the said City of Birminghavi shall be styled entitled and called Lord Mayor of Birming ham SU& we do hereby authorize and empower the Chief Magistrate of the said City of Birmingham now and for the time being henceforth at all tiines to assume and use and to be called and named by the style title and appellation of Lord Mayor of Birmingham and to enjoy and use all and singular the rights privileges preejninences and advantages to the degree of a Lord Mayor in all things duly and of right belonging. Jtl XKHttlieSS whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent IMitlXeSS ourself at Westrninster the third day of fune in the fifty ninth year of our reign. 56g Marrant unbcu the (Queen's Sign irVamtal. ^u(r ^achenste. BIRMINGHAM TRANQUILLITY, 1776. In England's fair capital, every year, A tumult is raifed about choofing Lord Mayor ; Each party engages with fury and fpleen, And nothing but ftrife and contention is feen. Ye wrangling old cits, let me beg you'd look down, And copy from Birmingham's peaceable town, Where fouls fixty thoufand or more you may view, No juflice dwells here, and but conjiables two. In no place befides that's fo populous grown, Was ever lefs noife or difturbances known : All hands find employment, and when their work's done. Are happy as any fouls under the fun. With hammer and file time is carefully beat, For fuch is the mufic of every ftreet : The anvil's Iharp found is the artift's delight, And ftamps, lathes, and preffes in concert unite. Let cities and boroughs for contefts prepare. In choofing of fherifFs, recorder, or mayor. With moil kinds of titles they've nothing to do. Nor difcord in choofing of officers fliew. The envy and hatred eledlions bring on. Their hearty intention is always to Ihun ; No polling, no fcratching, no fcrutinies rife, — Who friendfhip eiteem muft fuch meafures defpife. To far diftant climes doth her commerce extend ; Her channels of traffic admit of no end ; And Birmingham, whilfl there is trade in the land. In brightefl invention unrivalled shall ftand. J. Freeth. VUl. BIRMINGHAM JUBILATION, 1896. Not only London now, but Birmingham each year, Is busily engaged in choosing a Lord Mayor. Here is no strife or discord, all peacefully agree. In private meetings settle, who our Lord Mayor shall be. Our gracious Queen, the Town into a City raised. And by all the citizens her Majesty was praised ; But louder were the praises which on every side were heard. When our whilome simple Mayor, she turned into a Lord. How many years have passed, and what changes taken place. Since first I sang her glories, and bestowed the Muses' grace ! From an almost country village, into a mighty town, This seat of all the industries has wonderfully grown. The spirit of true progress, her Council now displays. Striving ever how it best the City's fame can raise ; Her noble banner " Forward " have so wide unfurled. She is known now as the City best governed in the world. As I ramble now about, O the wonders that I see ! Free Parks for recreation, and Libraries also Free, Where all may be partakers of the treasures of the mind ; And Free Art Galleries, where we stores of beauty find. And the City's healthy too, the streets arc paved and clean. And splendid are the goods in shop-windows to be seen. And such the streams of light, the gas-lamps now display, That the City in the night, is a ri\'al to the day. And largely has her trade increased, and will wth time increase. For though she weapons makes of war, she a lover is of peace ; And as each year passes by, may each new Lord Mayor find A Birmingham more healthy, both in body and in mind ! The Ghost of Freeth. THE Birmingham Direftoryj O R, MERCHANT and TRADESMAN'S USEFUL COMPANION: CONTAINING An hlflorical account of Birmingham, from the earlieft date, and mofl: authentic records ; an eflimate of the number of inhabitants from a late correft furvey ; the fituation, number, and time of erefting, the public edifices, viz. Churches, Chapels, Schools, &c. faith fully defcribed ; with obfervations on the improve ments and increafe of the lafl century. An alphabetical lift of the principal inhabitants, their refpeftive trades, and places of abode. A lift of the feveral ftage waggons, carriers, &c. that go from Birmingham, to various parts of this kingdom ; the days on which they fet out, the places to which they go, and the days on which they return. BIRMINGHAM: PRINTED AND SOLD BY PEARSON AND ROLLASON : SOLD ALSO BY R. BALDWIN, PATER-NOSTER-ROW, LONDON. M,DCC,LXXVII. PREFACE. THE Editors of the following fheets flatter themfelves that any apology for offering them to the public, would be unnecelTary :— the utility of fuch publications, when compiled with care and accuracy, has ever been acknowledged. How far they have been fuccefsful in thefe points, on which alone the merit depends, muft be left to the decifion of the public. Thus far however they can take upon them felves to affert, that no expence has been thought too much to procure an authentic Lift of the Inhabitants, &c. They are cer tain, nothwithftanding, that no work of this kind can be abfolutely perfed ; for were it poflible to procure a corredt lift in the courfe of a week, fo fluftuating are all hu man affairs, that before the end of another week, there would be feveral errors (occa- ftoned by deaths, removals, partnerfhips commenced, others diffolved, and various other caufes) which no penetration can fofefee, no human prudence prevent ; as fuch they flatter themselves that a candid and generous public, will not, in any de gree, impute it to negligence or inattention in thofe, whofe higheft ambition it is to me rit ( iv ) rit and acknowledge, the infinite number of favours ftiowered down upon them, and who are with the moft profound refpeft and gra titude, That publick's Moft obedient And moft devoted Humble Servants, Pearson and Rollason. An ACCOUNT of The ancient and prefent State of BIRMINGHAM, BIRMINGHAM perhaps is as ancient a town as any in the kingdom ; it was however accounted a place of very confiderable traf- fick, fo far back as the time of Edward the ConfefTor, and was particularly famous for it's manufaftories of iron wares of all forts ; and tho' it is mofl probable that it, as well as moft other places, has undergone many changes of profperity and adverfity in fuch a number of years ; yet, from it's defencelefs ftate, for it doth not appear that ever it had any fortifications, it might fuffer lefs from the dreadful calamities of war than thofe places that were more capable of being defended — and as we may readily imagine that the thoughts of the inhabitants were principally, if not entirely engaged in their va rious employments, they maintained a ftrift neutrality in all civil commotions, that for centuries embroiled this unhappy land ; viftor or vanquifhed they would naturally look upon as friends, fo long as they purcha- fed their commodities and paid for them ; when it happened otherwise, their prudence would incline them to filence, and induce them to bear their lolTes with fome degree of patience, when they looked round and compared the fituation of thoufands with their own. a After VI. An ACCOUNT After William the Conqueror had got pofTefTion of the crown, we find Birmingham in the pofTeffion of William Fitz-Aufculf (whofe feat was the Caftle of Dudley) as well as feveral other towns, or rather vil lages, of lefs note, in the neighbourhood : It is moft probable that it was taken from the rightful owner and given to the abovementioned perfon, who was one of the King's followers from Normandy, as a re ward for his fervices, as almoft every page in the hif- torics of thofe times are difgraced with fuch wanton and inhuman afts of cruelty, committed by thefe new lords againft the poor conquered Englifh, as makes humanity fhudder at the bare recital. How much ¦happier might we be in thefe golden days, when our gracious King who now fills the throne, is truly the father of his people ! Safe in our perfons — fafe in our property — unreftrained in matters of faith and reli gion, and in every other article, fave where the in- tereft of our neighbour makes its proper ! we may juft- ly be faid to enjoy the ineftimable bleffings of freedom in the fulleft extent of the word. By the Conqueror's furvey it was rated at four hides of land, having woods of half a mile long and as much broad ; all being then held of the faid William Fitz-Aufculf, by one Richard, and valued at 20I. per ann. — But that it's appellation was originally from fome ancient owner, in the time of the Saxons, need not be doubted ; the laft part of it (\-iz. ham) denoting an home, or dwelling, and the former manifefting it- felf to be a proper name. Whether the abovemen tioned Richard was paternal anccftor to thofe who afterwards afTumed this place for their furname, can not pofitively be affirmed ; but certain it is, that the Paganells, who immediately fucceeded William Fitz- Aufculf in the enjoyment of Dudley-caflle, and the fubftance of all other his lands, paft it away with other pofTeffions, to be held by military fervice ; for in the twelfth of Henry II. amongft the knights fees then certified by Gervafe Paganell, it appears that Peter de Birmingham held nine of him, de veteri feoffamento ; fo that it is hereby clear, that the fa ther of the faid Peter, whofe name was William, if of BIRMINGHAM. vii. if not his grandfather, became firft enfeoffed thereof in Henry the firft's time. This Peter being fewer to the faid Gervafe Paganell, had a caftle here, (of which at prefent not the leaft trace is left) which ftood not a bow-fhot from St. Martin's church, on the Southweft-fide, moft pro bably within the moat, ¦ which might be intended as a defence, fuch being very frequent in thofe times, and by a grant of King Henry II. as alfo of the fame Gervafe Paganell, in his (King Henry's) prefence, a weekly market was held upon Thurfday ; which mark et and certain other priviledges, King Richard I. afterwards confirmed to William de Birmingham, fon and fuccefTor to the faid Peter, who bore for his arms azure, a bend lozenge, or, as appears by his feal and feveral other authorities. Out of this family doubtlefs came the Birmingham of Ireland, who fettled there very anciently, perhaps in the reign of Henry the fecond. Upon the firft con- queft of that kingdom by Richard Strongbow, for in the fecond of Henry HI. there was a controverfy, touching the title of certain lands there, betwixt Eva de Birmingham, then wife to G. de Marifco, Juftice of Ireland, and Reginald Talbot ; for juftification whereof, the faid Reiginald pretended a charter made to him by King John, at fuch time as he was Earl of Moreton ; and it is alfo certain that there was one Peter de Birmingham, an eminent man there about that time, for King Henry III, in the eighteenth year of his reign, made him a grant of twenty marks per ann. to be received out of the Exchequer at Dublin, for his fupport in his fervice. William de Birmingham, fon and fuccefTor to the laft mentioned William, in the twenty-fifth of Henry III. had a fuit for certain lands lying in this place, with John the fon of Robert de Hathewy's, for the determination of which, certain juftices of affize were then conftituted. In the thirty fourth of Henry the third, he was by a fpecial patent exempted from ferving on juries ; and the next year following had a charter for a fair to be annually held here for the fpace a 2 of viii. An ACCOUNT of four days, beginning on the Eve ofthe Afcenfion, commonly called Holy Thurfday. Not long after this there grew fome difpute be tween Roger de Someri, Baron of Dudley, of whofe fee Birmingham was held, and this William de Bir mingham, touching the fervices due by him to the faid Roger, for his manor, with the members thereunto belonging ; for which he required that the faid Wil liam Ihould perform the fervice of eight knights fees, a half and fourth part, and alfo do fuit to the court at Dudley for the knights fees belonging thereto, once every three weeks ; whereupon they came to an agree ment in the forty-fixth of Henry the third : That the faid William fhould do fervice for fo many knights fees, as aforefaid, and appear at the court of Dudley only twice every year, viz. at that held next after Michaelmas, and that likewafe next after Eafter ; and that whenfoever the King's writ of right fhould be executed there, that is, when it fhould be necellary to fummon all the knights and peers of the fame court, holding by military fer\ice, to give judgment in cafes of difficulty ; as alfo for the trial ofa thief, upon reafonable fummons he fhould not fail to make his appearance : upon which agreement the faid Roger de Someri releafed to him his fuit of court from three weeks to three weeks. The next thing memorable of this William de Bir mingham, was his fiding with his father-in-law, Tho mas de Aftley and the other barons, in that grand rebellion againft King Henry the third, and that being flain in the battle of Evefham in the forty-ninth of Henry the third, and his lands forfeited, this his manor of Birmingham was rated at forty pounds, and the inheritance of it given by the king, TOth divers lordfhips more, forfeited by others, unto Roger de Clifford, for his faithful fervices. However by virtue of the diftum de Kenilworth, that is, a proclamation iffued by the King whilft he befieged Kenilworth Caftle ; according to which the greateft part of men's lands, fo confifcate, might be redeemed by compo- fition ; this, with the reft, upon fatisfaftion made ac cording to the tenure of that decree, was rcpofFeffed by of BIRMINGHAM. ix. by William de Birmingham, fon and heir to the rebel abovementioned ; who in the eleventh of Edward I. obtained a charter of free warren throughout all his demefne lands here ; as alfo within the manor of Stockton in Worcefterfhire, &c. &c. In tlie thirteenth of Edward I. the faid William de Birmingham, upon a quo warranto brought againft him and all others who exercifed or claimed any li berties or priviledges within their lordfhips, exhibited King Henry the fecond's charter for the Thurfday- market — and for the fair and free warren King Henry the third's charter, pleading prefcription for Weyf's gallows, with courtleet, and affize of bread and beer, all which were allowed. — The next year following he had letters of proteftion, upon the king's purpofed transfu- tation, whom he was to attend therein. Whether at that time he went beyond fea, confidering it doth not appear from our hiftorians, that the king himfelf was out of Englandjis uncertain,but in the twenty-fifth ofthe fame king's reign, 'tis certain that he was in Gafcoigny in his fervice under the conduft of the Earl of Lincoln, and John de St. John (a great baron of thofe days) where intending to relieve Bellegard, then befieged by the Earl of Arras ; the faid earl and baron divided their forces, the lord St. John leading the van through a wood, who being prefently encountered by the enemy, and the earl not feconding him, was over powered by numbers, and fo routed — and himfelf, the faid Sir William de Birmingham and eight more knights, befides a great number of 'fquires, were taken prifoners in triumph to Paris. The above Sir William died about the thirty-fecond of Edward the firft ; for in that year John de Aylfton, clerk, was prefented to the church of Birmingham, by Ifabel de Birmingham, his widow. From Sir William de Birmingham defcended another William, and alfo Henry, a younger fon, who was afterwards made a knight : As to the laft William who fucceeded his father, in the fecond of Edward the fecond, his bailiffs diftrained divers inhabitants of Bromfgrove and Norton, commonly called King's Norton, for toll in the market here, fo that there grew a fuit be twixt X. An ACCOUNT twixt them ; whereupon he produced the charters ot divers kings, as alfo that of Gervafe Paganel, former ly mentioned, for juftification of his market ; he fur ther alledged, that his anceftors, for fo the pleading calls them, had a market here before the Norman conqueft, (by which it is pretty plain that his family as well as many others, had been obliged to purchafe from the rapacious conqueror and his followers, thofe very lands and lordfhips which had been pofTeffed by their anceftors time immemorial ; it likewife convin ces us ofthe early importance of this fcene of induftry, and that whilft the feveral kings were granting char ters, &c. they were convinced they were doing no more than juftice to the injured family) but the men of Bromfgrove and Norton, to this anfwered, that thofe lordfhips where they fo inhabited, were of the ancient demefne of the crown of England, and that they, as all other refident upon the like lands, ought to be free from payment of toll throughout the realm for all petty commodities, as viftuals, &c. ex cept it could appear that they bought and fold as com mon merchants ; upon which they were acquitted by the judgment of the court, having cofts awarded them againft the faid bailiffs. In the eleventh of Edward the fecond this William was a knight, after which time no more mention is made of him ; but his fon, whofe name was likewife William, was honoured with many eminent employ ments, viz. in the eighteenth of Edward the fecond, for chufing 400 foot foldiers within this county, except the towns of Warwick and Coventry, and arming them in defence of the realm ; and likewife the fame year for eledling Knights Efquires, and other men at arms, to attend the King into Gafcoigny ; the next en- fuing year, he was a commifTioner appointed to in quire and certify the names of all thofe in this county, that having 40I. lands per annum, had not received military arms, as alio for the arraying of men accord ing to the flatute of Winchefler. In the 20th of Ed ward the fecond, he had the cuflody of Dudley Caftle, with the appurtenances, but this was fo granted to him by thofe that then exercifed royal power in the king's name. of BIRMINGHAM. xi. name, for the king was then a prifoner, and fhortly af ter depofed and cruelly murdered. The record fays. That it was upon the forfeiture of Hugh le Defpencer, the younger, that the faid William was put in pofTefTion of the abovementioned caftle, perhaps, that upon the death of John de Someri, which happened about four years before, leaving none but female heirs, the fame Hugh had the truft thereof, as the king's efpecial favourite, committed to his charge. In the firft of Edward the third, this William was in commiffion with John Murdak, for confervation of the peace in this county, as alfo to put the ftatute of Winchefter in execution . So likewife in the fifth of Edward the third, being at that time a knight, it is uncertain how long he had the cuftody of Dudley Caftle, but in the feventh of Edward the third 'tis evident that it was in his hands, for by his patent, being to anfwer for the profits thence arifing unto the king's exchequer, and then complaining that the trea- furer and the barons did refufe to admit ofhis accounts, wherein he had charged fuch wages as had been paid to the porter and watchman ofthe faid caftle, and to the forefter and keepers of the chace of Penfened, as alfo of the parks- of Dudley and Sedgley, and the old park pertaining to the faid caftle, but the king direfted a fpe cial mandamus to the faid treafurer and barons com manding them to let it pafs. In the ninth of Ed ward the third, he was in commiffion for arraying of men, as well knights as others, according to their feve ral ftates and degrees, in order to the ftatute of Win chefter ; to the end that they might be in readinefs for the defence of the realm, whenfoever they might be called upon, in which commiffion he is called Wil liam de Birminghan^ fenior ; fo alfo in two others in the fame year, the one for confervation of the peace and the flatute of Northampton, and the other of array. To the laft Sir William fucceeded Sir Fouk de Bir mingham, Knight, of whom mention is made in the 1 6th of Edward the Third, he having then lent 48 marks to Sir Baldwin Frevill, of Tamworth Caftle, for which he had five mills at Tamworth, viz. three in Warwick- fhire, and two in StafFordfhire, in leafe for one year. In xii. An ACCOUNT In the 20th of Edward the Third, he was retained by Thomas Bifhop of Durham, to attend the King in his French expedition. In the 25 th of Edward the Third, he was one ofthe knights of this fhire in parliament, then held at Weft- minfter ; fo alfo in the parliament of the 3 5th of Edw. the Third ; the fame year he was a commiffioner for ' confervation of the peace in this county. The next year he ferved again in parliament held at Weftminfter, as one of the knights of this fhire ; fo alfo in the 39th and 40th of Edward the Third, in the latter of which he was one ofthe commiffioners of array in this Coun ty ; and likewife in the 41ft of Edward the Third. — And laftly, in the 47th of Edward the Third, one of knights of the fhire in the parliament then held at Weftminfter. To him fucceeded, John, his fon and heir, who in the 5 th of Edward the Third, was a knight, and in the 2d of Richard the Second, fheriff of this county and Leiceftershire ; and in the 4th of Richard the Second ferved in parliament at Northampton, as one of the knights ofthe fhire, being the fame year fheriff for the counties of Buckingham and Bedford. In the 5th ot Richard lid. he was again one of the knights for this county in parliament then held at Weftminfter, and a commiffioner for raifing power againft tlie rebels, that is John Wickliffe and his followers ; fo likewife the year next enfuing. In the Sth of Richard lid. he ferved again in parliament at Weflminfter ; -svas also a commif fioner for affeffing a 1 5th and loth then granted to the King ; and the fame year conflituted fheriff" for this county and Leiceftershire, but the certain time of his death I have not been able to difcover. After which Elizabeth, his widow, one ofthe daugh ters and heireffes of William de la Plaunch, by whom he had no iffue, married to the Lord Clinton, and held this lordfliip of Birmingham in dower, till her death, which happened in the 2d of Henry the Sixth. The inheritance of this lordfhip was by fome entail fettled upon the heir male of this family, viz. another William de Birmingham, fon of William, fon to John, uncle to the before-mentioned Sir Fouk; for it appears in of BIRMINGHAM. xiii. in the 20th of Richard the Second, he confirmed unto certain feoffees to the ufe of the lady Elizabeth, then the wife of Sir John de Clinton, but formerly of Sir John de Birmingham, an eftate for life, in this manner, faving the reverfion to himfelf and his heirs, and yet filled himfelf Dominus de Birmingham, before her death, as is evident by his prefentation ofa prieft in the 4th of Henry the Fourth, to Clodfhall's Chantry, in the Church of St. Martin here at Birmingham. And fo was reputed, notwithftanding the intereft that Edmund Lord Ferrers of Chartley, had therein, in right of Elene his wife, as by the inquifition taken after his death may feem. This William de Birmingham was not much infe rior to any of his anceftors, for public employments in this county ; — in the ift of Henry the Fifth he ferved as one of the knights for this fhire in parliament then held at Weftminfter ; yet afterwards, till the 17th of Henry the Sixth, lived retired, when he was firft put in commiffion for confervation of the peace ; and the fame year had a fpecial exemption that no purveyor or vidlualler fhould take any provifions within this his lordfhip, for the expences of the king's houfhold ; in which patent the king calls him Dileftus Armiger noftes. — In the 2 1 ft of Henry the Sixth, he underwent the office of fheriff for this county and Leicefterfhire ; in the 27th, he was a knight ; in the 28th he was a com miffioner for affeffing a fubfidy then granted to the king in parliament, as alfo for treating with the people about lending money to the king; but after Henry the Sixth's time I do not find him in any public fervice, whereby I conclude, that he adhered to the houfe of Lancafter, for he did not die till the I Sth of Edward the Fourth, leaving Wm. his fon and heir, 30 years of age ; which faid Sir William married Ifabel, the daughter and heirefs of William Hitton, and by her had iffue Willi am, who died the 15 th of Henry the Seventh, leaving Edward his grandchild and heir, not much above three years old, whofe wardfhip being in the 17th of Henry the Seventh, granted by the king to Edward Lord Dudley, together with the cuftody of lands of his in heritance — this Birmingham was purchafed, it feems, b by xiv. An ACCOUNT by Elizabeth Birmingham, his mother, for flie after wards fold it to William Conningfley, ferjeant at law. This Edward was the laft of the family that had any poffcffions here ; for being cotemporary with that am bitious man John Dudley, afterwards Vifcount L'Ifle, more commonly known by thofe greater titles which he fometimes had, viz. Earl of Warwick and Duke of Northumberland — he was in a ftrange manner deprived of this lordfhip, his lawful inheritance. The faid John having poffeffed himfelf of Dudley Caftle, caft his eye upon Birmingham as a moft defirable objeft, and a proper ornament for fo noble a feat, and he was there fore determined to poflefs it, let the confequence be what it would ; but he was obliged to be extremely wary in his proceedings, for there were obflacles to furmount, that, to a perfon either lefs ambitious, or more honefl, would have been utterly infurmountable — but he knew no law but his intereft ; no religion, but what adminiftred to his pride ; no confcience, but what was fubfervient to his avarice. Had he made propofals for purchafing, he knew his offers would have been rejefted with fcorn, as it was in poffeffion, and the principal refidence of fuch a refpedlable family, who had enjoyed itfeveral hundred years ; befides, fuch pro pofals might in fome meafure have been the means of difcovering the villany which was manifefted upon this occafion afterwards. He therefore makes himfelf maf- ter of it at an eafier rate, if purchafing it at the expence of a good confcience, and a good name, may be called fo. When he had formed his plan, wtiich he thought could not fail of fuccefs, he obliged fome of his agents to take lodgings in Birmingham, and to learn when the faid Edward Birmingham ^vas to ride from home ; which being accordingly done, they fo contrived their bufinefs, that one of their plot fhould ride leifurely be fore, fo that they might foon, by keeping but an ordi nary pace, be overtaken by him ; whereupon they watched an opportunity to ilrike into the faid Birming ham's company, as travellers, with whom they rode fo- berly for fome dme ; but being come up to their con federate, forthwith fet upon him for his purfe ; fo that the villain thus feemingly robbed, makes purfuit after them. of BIRMINGHAM. xv. them, and likewife after Birmingham, as one of the gang, who being thereupon apprehended and profe- cuted, apparently faw his danger. The bufinefs now, therefore, working according to Dudley's firft dcfign, there were others employed to Mr. Birmingham, with overture, how he might fave his life, by making the Vifcount L'Ifle his friend, in giving up his lordfhip of Birmingham to him ; which, that it might bear the better colour, and be the more' valid, was performed by yielding it to the king, and ra tified by a fpecial act of parliament, the tenor whereof was as follows : " Whereas Edward Byrmingham, late of Byrming- ham, in the county of Warwick, Efqr otherwife callid Edward Bermingham, Efquire, ys and ftandyth lawful ly indettid to our fovereing Lord the Kynge, in diverse grete fummes of money ; and alfo ftandyth at the mercy of his highnefs, for that the fame Edward ys at this prefent convifted of felony ; our feide fovereign Lord the Kyng ys contentid and pleafed, that for and in re- compence and fatisfaftion to his grace of the feyde fummes of money, to accepte of the feyde Edward, the manour & Lordfhip of Byrmingham, otherwife Byr- mincham, with the appurtenances, lying and being in the county of Warwick ; and all and fingular other lands and tenements, reverfions, rents, fervices, and hereditaments of the faid Edward Byrmingham, fet, lying and being in the county of Warwick afforefayde. Bey't therefor ordeyned and enafted, by the authority of this prefent parliament, that our feyde fovereign Lord the Kynge fhall have and hold to him and his heirs and afTignes for ever, the feyde manour and lord fhip of Byrmingham, &c. &c." In which aft there is a refervation of 40I. per ann. to the faid Edward and Elizabeth his wife, during their lives. Thus by an artful ftroke of villany an ancient and honourable family was deprived of their paternal eftate, and not only fo, but the proprietor ftigmatized as a felon. The method the abovementioned ignoble- man, the vifcount L'Ifle, took to poffefs himfelf of his neighbour's property, might make the fons of rapine, fraud and corruption blufli that they have not made greater xvi. An ACCOUNT greater improvement in their refpeftive profeffions — at the fame time it holds out a ftriking leffon to thofe who fet all laws, divine and human, at defiance, in order to fatisfjr their rapacious and avaricious dif- pofitions. The vifcount L'Ifle was in the higheft favour with his fovereign, who indeed may be faid to have abetted him in his cruel and unjust proceedings, for notwith ftanding their fham pretences of Mr. Birmingham being indebted to the king, which was merely an ar tifice to blind the prying eyes of the public, the faid eftate was granted by the king to the said vifcount L'Ifle a few years afterwards, who was either beloved or feared by all ranks and conditions of men — he was made Earl of Warwick and Duke of Northumberland, in fhort he enjoyed every honour that his fovereign could beftow — but notwithflanding all his greatnefs, juflice at length overtook him for his crimes, for in the firft of Mary he was attainted and loft his head, when all his eftates became forfeited to the crown. — Learn from this, all you, who though bleffed with abundance, behold with envy the poffeffions of your neighbour — you whom neither honour nor confcience can reflrain from committing depredations on their property or reputation, fbll keep this important truth in your mind, that the eternal juflice is not to be deluded, or evaded ; and though mercy may hold her hand for a time, in order to give the offender an opportunity of renouncing his errors, yet that is not always the cafe, for we very frequently fee them taken in the execution of their fchemes and made public examples, but even if they fhould be fortunate enough to efcape that fhame and punifhment, let them not deem themfelves fecure, for vengeance will moft affuredly overtake them, and exaft full retribution for all their enormous offences. Perhaps fome may think fo particular an account of the family of the Birminghams fuperfluous and unneceffary, it may be fo — yet it icrves to throw fome light upon the fubjeft, and gives an idea of what the town muft be, when it was confidered as an ap pendage to Dudley, in comparifon of which it is at this day, and is therefore not altogether uninterefHng, In of BIRMINGHAM. xvii. In the thirty-fifth of Henry the Third, a grant was made for the holding another fair yearly for three days, viz. on the eve of St. John Baptift, and the two days- next following, the Sheriff of Worcefter having then command to proclaim it accordingly throughout his liberties. In the twelfth of Edward Ild. the inhabitants at the inftance of Audamare de Valence, Earl of Pem broke, obtained a licence to take toll of all vendible commodities brought hither to be fold for the fpace of three years, viz. for every quarter of corn one farthing, and fo in proportion for other goods, towards paving the town ; but this work was not compleated within that time, nor of fifteen years afterwards ; for in the 7th of Henry the Third, they had another patent in like manner to take toll for three years more. — 'Tis no wonder that a work, attended with such an expence as new paving a town neceffarily muft be, was not com pleated by fuch flender refources as thefe grants inveft- ed them with, even if we fuppofe the town only to have contained one-fourth of the fpace it now occupies, and money to have been at ten times its prefent value. Some account of the Hofpital of St. Thomas tie Apoftle. This was fituate at the end of Town, and on the right hand the road leading to Wolverhampton, and nearly oppofite the fign of the Bull, which 'tis probable was near the top of Snow-hill, and that the ftreet which now goes by the name of BuU-ftreet, took it from that inn. But as to the original foundation of the faid hof pital, there are no accounts to be found which throw any light upon the fubjeft ; the only teftimony con cerning it is the certificate made by the commiffioners upon their furvey in the 37th of Henry the Eighth, by which it appears to have been erefted by fome of the anceftors of the Birmingham family, for one Prieft to fing mafs daily therein for the fouls of the founders for ever ; as alfo that the late Lord of Birmingham (viz. Edward Birmingham, Efq ; did grant the patronage of it to John Pretty, for 99 years ; which faid John paffed away his title therein to Mr. Clement Throcmorton, Gent. xviii. An ACCOUNT Gent. — The firft mention of it is in the 1 3th of Edw. the Firft, wherein it appeareth, that Thomas de Mai- denhacke gave unto it ten acres of Heath in Afton ; Will de Birmingham, 10 acres likewdfe ; and Ranulph de Rokeby, 3 acres of land, in Saluteley. About that time were divers cottages and lands lying alfo in Bir mingham and the adjacent villages, given to it by fun- dry others, viz. 22 acres of land, and half an acre of meadow, by the faid Will, de Birmingham, and the reft by a number of ordinary perfons ; for all which the prior and brethren thereof obtained the king's efpecial pardon in the fourth of Edward lid. in regard they had been given thereto after publication of the Statute of mortmain made in the 7th of Edward the Firft. In the 24th of Edward the Third, Fouk de Birming ham and Richard Spencer, gave thereunto two meffu- ages and an hundred acres of land lying in Afton and Birmingham, to find a prieft to celebrate divine fervice daily at the altar of our bleffed Lady in the Church of the faid hofpital for the fouls of Will, le Mecas and Margery his wife, and of certain others. The clear yearly value of all which lands and tenements belong ing thereto, over and above reprifes, were in the 26th of Henry the Eighth, certified to be 81. 5s. 3d. at which time Sir Edward Tofte was Chantry prieft there ; but in the 37th of Henry the Eighth, the value, above re prifes, was rated at 81. 8s. gd. The GILD of the HOLY CROSS. THIS hall was fituate in New-flxeet, on the place where the Free-fchool now ftands. It was founded in the time of Richard lid. Thomas de Sheldon, John Colefliil, John Goldfmyth, and William alte Slow, obtained a licence from that prince, in the 6th year of his reign, to grant lands of 20 marks per ann. value, lying in Birmingham and Edgbafton, for the maintenance of two priefts to celebrate divine fervice, to the honour of God, our bleffed Lady, his mother, the holy Crofs, St. Thomas the Martyr, and St. Ca tharine, in the Church of St. Martin, here at Bir mingham. Within of BIRMINGHAM. xix. Within ten years afterwards the inhabitants of this town, by the name ofthe bailiffs and commonalty, pro cured a patent from the fame king, to found a gild or perpetual fraternity amongft themfelves, to the honour of the holy crofs, confifling not only of men and wo men of Birmingham, but other adjacent places, and to conflitute a matter and certain wardens thereof ; as al fo to ereft a chantry of priefts to celebrate divine fer- ^ace in the faid church for the fouls of the founders and all the fraternity ; for whofe fupport, and of all other charges incumbent, there were 1 8 meffuages, 3 tofts, 6 acres of land 40I. rent, lying in the above fpecified town of Birmingham, and Edgbafton then given there to ; the lands belonging to which Gild were, in the 37th of Henry the Eighth, valued at 31I. 2s. lod. out of which three priefts that fung mafs in the church here had 5I. 6s. 8d. each; an organift at 33s. 4d. the com mon midwife 43. per ann. and the bellman 6s. 8d. per annum ; with feveral others of lefs confequence. Which lands, at the humble requeft of the inhabi tants, in the 5 th of Edward the Sixth, were affigned by the king unto William Symmons, gent Richard Small- brook, then bailiff of the town, John Shilton, Richard Swift, William Colmore, the elder, Thomas Marfhal, Henry Foxal, John Veyfey, William Boyce, John King, Thomas Cowper, John Willes, William Payn- ton, John Ellyatt, William Afcherig, Thomas Smith, Robert Raftel, William Colmore, the younger, Tho mas Snowdon, and William Mitchell, inhabitants of this place, and to their fucceffors to be chofen in upon the death or departure out of the town, of any of the before receited perfons for the fupport and mainte nance of a Free Grammar School, within Birming ham, to be called the Free Grammar School of king Edward the 6th, for the education and inftruftion ot children in grammar for ever, with one fchoolmafter and an ufher under, extending to the value of 20I. per annum ; whereby the faid letters patent to continue unto the perfons above fpecified, and their fucceffors to be held of the king and his fucceffors, as of his ca ftle of Kenilworth, in free and common focage, paying 20S. yearly into the court of augmentation, at the feaft ¦of St. Michael, for all demands and fervices whatever. CLODSHALL's XX. An ACCOUNT CLODSHALL's CHANTRY. IN the 4th of Edward the 3d, Walter Clodfliall, of Saldey, having obtained licence of William de Bir mingham, chief lord of the fee, as alfo of the king, for the founding a Chantry at the altar of our lady, in the church of St. Martin, gave four meffuages, 20 acres of land, and l8d. rent, all lying in the town of Birming ham, for the maintenance of one prieft to celebrate di vine fervice there for the fouls of him the faid Walter Clodfliall, Agnes his wife, their anceftors and all tbe faithfull deccafed. In the twenty-firft of Edward III, Richard de Clodf- hall, fon and heir of the faid Walter, gave five mef fuages, ten acres of land and los. yearly rent, lying in Birmingham, for the fupport of another prieft to celebrate' divine fervice at the faid altar, for the good eftate of him the faid Richard and Alice his wife, during their lives in this world, and for their fouls af ter their departure thence, as alfo for the fouls of his father and mother, and of Fouk de Birmingham and Joan his wife, and all the faithful deceafed. When this cuftom of leaving thefe kind of legacies ceafed, and how thofe already bequeathed were after wards difpofed of, few people are ignorant — thofe, however, who want information on that head, may refer to the hiftory of the reigns of Henry the Eighth, and his immediate fucceffors, where they will find a full and fatisfaftory account. After having faid fo much refpefting the town of Birmingham in it's ancient ftate, which we hope will not be difagreeable to our readers, we fhall proceed to take a flight view of it in it's prefent ftate. It appears from ancient hiftories and records, that Birmingham was celebrated for it's manufaftories of iron-wares fo far back as the time of Edward the Con- feflor, and 'tis moft probable little elfe was attempted for feveral centuries. — The various toys, japanned goods, buttons and buckle-trades, &c. &c. owe their origin to much more modem dates — how ever for variety, beauty, and cheapnefs, perhaps they exceed the whole univcrfe. The fituation of the town is agreeable and neariyin the of BIRMINGHAM. xxi. the centre of the kingdom — it is about two miles long, including the hamlet of Deritend, and not much lefs in breadth, and is nearly in the form of a half moon. The number of inhabitants, from a late accurate furvey, is calculated at Forty Thoufand, and the houfes at about Seven Thoufand ; but as the comparative po- puloufnefs of Birmingham, with many other principal trading towns, has been the fubjeft of much difpute, we fhall here, for their information and fatisfaftion, prefent our readers with a fcale of the number of in habitants which the moft flourifhing towns in this and other kingdoms contained, on an eftimate taken in the year, 1773 (excepting Birmingham, which was num bered in 1770) and publiflied in Enfield's hiftory of Leverpool : London 651,580 Paris 480,000 Amfterdam 200,000 Leverpool 34,407 Birmingham 30,804 Manchefter 24,533'* Norwich 24,500 Leeds 16,380 When it is confidered, that feven years have elapfed fince this calculation was made, and that there has been a great increafe of houfes and people during that pe riod, one may fafely prefume that Birmingham, at this time, exceeds Leverpool, in the number of its inhabi tants. The concourfe of nobility, gentry, merchants and traders, (as well foreigners as natives) who are con tinually flocking hither is amazing, the former out of curiofity, the others in the way of bufinefs, who feldom return without expreffing their aftonifhment and fatisfaftion at the number and ingenuity of the ar tificers, who may be faid to be really in poffeffion of the philofopher's ftone, and literally to have the power ot converting iron, &c. into gold without any confide rable diminution of it's weight. The trade of this place has greatly the advantage over any other in thefe kingdoms — perhaps there is more money returned in Manchefter than Birmingham, but then the materials of which their goods are fabri- * This number, fays Mr. Enfield, is produced by allowing the fame proportion of inhabitants to each houfe, as in Birmingham, namely, 5 and i-9th, the number of inhabited houfes being 4800. c cated xxii. An ACCOUNT cated, arc much more valuable than thofe with which the general run of fuch as are got up here are made — as a pair of buckles, a watch chain, a fword hilt, &c. which are worth from one to five pounds when finifh- ed, and some a great deal more, can be made from ma terials which were not originally worth one penny, which muft convince any impartial man the great ad vantages arifing to the public from this branch of trade more than any other, and the materials chiefly ufed are fuch as are the produce of our own kingdom. The public buildings are, St. Martin's Church, feve ral times mentioned in the preceding part, which is an ancient ftrufture, has a lofty fpire, 1 2 good bells, and an excellent fet of mufical chimes, which are kept in good order, play every three hours, and a different tune every day. St. Philip's church is a grand modern ftrufture, hav ing a fine tower, with ten bells and a handfome cupola above it. It has likewife a fet of mufical chimes which play every three hours, but not at the fame time with thofe of St. Martin, and the tunes are varied ever}- day. The fituation is high, and the church-yard, which for beauty and extent, is, perhaps, not furpaffed by any in this kingdom, is handfomely laid out with gravel walks, and being wholly furrounded with trees, forms, in the fultry feafon, a cool and welcome fhade to the inhabitants, and in the wintry months, affords a re treat, dry, pleafant, and airy. St. Bartholmew's chapel is a plain but neat build ing, has a clock, and a good chapel yard. St. Mary's chapel is built in an oftagonal form, will contain a great number of perfons, and has a com modious chapel-yard. A new chapel, intended to be dedicated to St. Paul, is now building on a fine rifing ground a fmall diftance from New-hall-ftreet. — The ereftion of this edifice, we are told, is undertaken by a Gentleman, whofe tafte and ability afford every reafon to expeft that the building will be a ftriking ornament, and that it will be executed in fuch a manner, as to reflect equal ho nour on the Town and the Architeft. There are befides for public worfliip, two meeting- houfes of BIRMINGHAM. xxiii. houfes for Prefbyterians, one for Quakers, and three for Diffenters of different denominations. The Free Schools are three in number ; one of which (before-mentioned) fituated in New-ftreet, is a very handfome ftrufture, founded by King Edw. 6th. whofe effigy is placed in a niche, over the en trance, in which about 1 2 o or 1 3 o fcholars are educated in Latin, Englifh, Writing, and Arithmetic, under the tuition of two mafters and an affiftant, for the firft clafs ; an Englifh, and a Writing matter, and to thefe, a French-mafter has been lately added. There is a good clock, and a bell to give notice when the fcholars are to repair to, and return from fchool. The fecond fchool, fituate in St. Philip's church yard, was founded in 1724 : it is fupported by the mu nificence and voluntary contributions of well-difpofed inhabitants of the town, together with divers legacies that are bequeathed to it. In this fchool, 60 boys and 30 girls are wholly maintained and educated, they are admitted from feven to ten years old, and when 14 are put apprentices to trades or fervices : the boys are inflrufted in Englifh, Writing, and Accounts ; as are likewife the girls with the addition of needlework. The third, fituate in Old Meeting-ftreet, is a late inftitution, fupported chiefly by a voluntary fubfcrip- tion amongft the Proteftant Diffenters, in which 27 children are maintained, cloathed and educated; and apprenticed out at proper ages. The Workhoufe is fituated in Lichfield-ftreet, where the poor are comfortably provided for, there being near Six Thoufand Pounds annually raifed by levies for their fupport. There are two croffes, one called the Welch, and the other the Old crofs, over the latter is held the Court of Requefts, and moft of the town meetings. Perhaps it will be unneceffary to inform the public, that we have amongft our public buildings, two The atres, both of which are at this time fhut up, owing to a difagreement now unhappily fubfifting between the friends of the refpeftive houfes. At a convenient diftance from Birmingham, are Dud- defton-gardens, commonly called Vauxhall, where, during the fummer feason, Mufical Entertainments are c 2 exhibited xxiv. An ACCOUNT exhibited after the manner of that near London. The gardens are well laid out, and the houfe affords good Entertainment. There is for amufement a fine bowl ing-green, billiard-table, &c. In the 'Winter there are concerts, balls, &c. in a new erefted building, called the Hotel. This is really a fine building, and feems well-adapted to the proper ac commodation of polite company, or were there ftabling &c. belonging to it, it would make a noble inn; but whether the fum neceffary in furnifhing fuch fpacious and elegant apartments, for the reception of ftrangers, be an obftacle to any perfon's taking it, or whether any other caufe exift, unfavourable to its being occu pied, we cannot determine ; thus much is clear, that it hath never yet been applied to the purpofes for which it is prefumed it was originally intended. An Hofpital, towards which a confiderable fum was fubfcribed, was begun in the year, 1767, and fo far carried forward that it was covered in ; in this fitua tion it has remained feveral years without being finilh- cd : a fcheme is now on foot for that defirable end. It is indeed fomewhat ftrange that it fhould remain fo long unendowed ; the more fo, as the general opi nion is decifively in favour of its utility. Such an afy- lum for the fick and lame feems peculiarly neceffary in this place ; where the manufafturers are, by the na ture of their employment, expofed to manifold injuries in their limbs and health. That Humanity and Ten- dernefs, for which this country hath ever been admir ed and diftinguifhed, call loudly upon thofe who are bleffed with affluence to contribute liberally to the perfefting of fo charitable an inftitution, and to tafte the pleafure of adminiftering to the relief of a fuffering fellow creature. In the neighbourhood is a great number of noble and gentlemens' feats ; and many of the merchants and manufafturers have their country houfes in the en virons of the town. Within a, few years feveral afts of parliament have been obtained (fome of which have been attended with good effefts) viz. the aft for lighting, widening, and cleanfing the ftreets ; the navigation aft ; and the affay aft. The ot iS 1 K M 1 IN J^ tl A M. xxv. The navigation aft, that is, for making a navigable canal from the collieries at Wednefbury, from whence the town is fupplied, which was begun in 1768, and finifhed in about a year and a half, has been attended with uncommon advantages, in the article of coals only ; in furnifliing them for half the price at which they were formerly ; and the quantities confumed here are aftonifhing ; befides thofe burnt in common houfhold ufe, fires being neceffary in almoft every branch of manufaftory. This cut fince that time has been extended in fuch a manner, as to open a commu nication with many of the principal trading towns in the kingdom, viz. Shrewfbury, Gloucefter, Briftol, Liverpool, Manchefter, Hull, Gainfborough, York, and all others fituate on the Severn, the Merfey, the Humber, &c. The reader will readily conceive that it muft like- wife make a very material difference in the carriage of many other articles ufed here, which are moftly heavy, fuch as Copper, Brafs, Iron, Sec. and thereby be a ve ry great faving to the public. At the head of the Navigation, is a neat fmall ofta- gon building, in which are the clerks offices, a com mittee room, and a clock. It is unneceffary to point out the utility of public clocks, in all large places, and particularly where confiderable manufaftories are car ried on. The affay aft furnifhed powers for eftabliihing an office of Aflay to try and ftamp wrought plate ; which before that time was obliged to be fent up to London to be tried : this was a great inconvenience, and con- fequently a great difcouragement to the manufafturer. Since obtaining the above aft many people have done fomething in that article. In confequence of the other, feveral houfes, &c. have been taken down, in order to open paffages for the convenience and fafety of the inhabitants and tra vellers, befides which many other improvements have been made. About three years ago the firft Hackney Coach was fet up, fince which time they have increafed to about twelve, and both the proprietors and the public find their account in them. This xxvi. An ACCOUNT This town being no corporation, is governed by two bailiffs, two conftables, and a headborough, and is free for any perfon to come and fettle in it, which contri butes not a little to the increafe of its trade, buildings, and inhabitants, the rapidity of which is truly amazing. The principal Market ftill continues on Thurfday, although there are markets for many articles, on Mon days, Tuefdays, and Saturdays. There are two Fairs, one of which is held in Whit- fun-week, and the other at Michaelmas, and is parti cularly remarkable for the prodigious quantity of oni ons brought for fale. Having given a flight fketch of the Town in general, which is all our limits will admit of, we fhall only obferve, that in the fcale of government it is undoubt edly one of the firft places in the empire, confider it whatever light you pleafe. — The number, opulence, ingenuity and induftry of it's inhabitants, are univer- fally allowed ; the riches they draw from other coun tries towards the fupport of their own, is equally ob vious as their connexions are unbounded. To enumerate the particular manufaftories would be impoffible, or to afcertain the time of their intro- duftion — the reception they have met with in every country in Europe, as well as in moft other parts of the globe, convinces us of their utility, and the fuperiority they have over all others, in point of cheap nefs at leaft, and bringing our natural and inveterate enemies, as well as our fincere friends, to be purcha- fers, is very flattering, as well as profitable to the whole kingdom ; whilft the increafing demand may ferve to affure us that Birmingham is not yet arrived at it's meridian. The number of reputable manufafturers is very great, who vie with each other in improving the re fpeftive branches in which they are concerned, that to fignalize any one from the reft, would be an unpar donable aft"ront to all, and were we fo inclined, al though we are acquainted with the produftions of a great many, we fliould not know to whom the pre ference is due. — Scarce a week pafles but fomething new makes it's appearance, and thus the proprietor or inventor enjoys a temporary fuperiority, to which in of BIRMINGHAM. xxvii. in a few days fome other generally fucceeds. — That the fame laudable fpirit of emulation, and thirtt for ho- neft fame may flill continue ; that the Arts and Artifts of Birmingham may ftill obtain a welcome reception, and deferve and meet with a diftinguifhing preference in every part of the known world ; and that the town may, by the number, refpeftability, and public fpirit of its inhabitants, always remain, what it now confef- fedly is, the pride, as well as a material fource of its country's greatnefs and glory, muft be the unfeigned wifh of every true Briton ; of every friend to trade and commerce ; but of none more fo than of the pub lic's grateful and obliged fervants, the Editors of this Direftory. THE BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. AARON, Mofes, Pencil-maker, No. 45, Colmore-ftr Abney, Richard, Paflry-cook, 25, Paradife ftreet Afton, Thomas, Viilualler, 94, Steel-houfe-lane Adams, John Gun-maker, Great-Charles-ftreet Adams, Richard, Gun-fmith, 43, Little-Charles-ftreet Adams, James, Viftualler, 7, Sand ftreet Adams, Thomas, Shoemaker, 9, ditto Adams, Thomas, 4, Smallbrook-ftreet Adams, Geo. Tier and Iron Axle-tree-maker 18, Digbethi Adams, Thomas, Baker and Malfter, 26, ditto Adams, Samuel, Smoothing-iron-maker, 77, ditto Adams, Thomas, Spade-maker, 83, ditto Adams, John, Hinge maker, Deritend Adams, Wm. Gun-maker, Colefhill ftreet Adcock, Edward, Shoe-maker, back houfe, Worcefter-ftr Addifs, John, Broker, 30, and 31, Bell-ftreet Adderley, John, Viftualler, 12, Doe-ftreet Adderley, James, Watch chain-maker, 13, Lichfield-ftr Adkins, Samuel, Stay-maker, 29, Bull-ftreet Aitkin and Taylor, Merchants, 11, Newton-ftreet Alcock, Richard, Butcher, I, St. George's-market Alcock, Robert, ditto, 3, ditto Alday, John, ditto. Back houfe, Deritend Aldridge, William, Baylis-ftreet Aldridge, Henry, School-mafter, i, Colemore-row Allen, John, Button-maker, 30, and 31, New-hall-ftr Allen, William, Japanner, 72, Snow-hill Allen, Thomas, Taylor, 22, St. John's-flreet Allen, Edward, Shoe-maker, 58, Dale-end Allen, John, Baker, 88, Bull-ftreet Allen, John, Shoe-maker, 4, Philip-ftreet Allen, John, Baker, 95, Pinfold-ftreet Allen, John, Ironmonger, I, Exeter-row Allen, Samuel, Curry-comb-maker, 82, Deritend Allifon, Jofliua, Jobbing-fmith, 21, Digbeth A Allman-. 2 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. Allman, James, Taylor, 7, Bell-ftreet Allport, John, Painter in general, 54, Bull-ftreet Allfop, Thomas, Viftualler, 26, Paradife-ftreet AUfop, Edward, Parifh Clerk, 23, Spicer-ftreet Amos, Ann, 44, Bull-ftreet Anderton, Ifaac, fen. Toy-maker, 31, Weaman-ftreet Anderton, Ifaac, jun. Baker, 30, ditto Anderton, William, ditto, Catharine-flreet Anderton, Richard, Cutler, I, Smallbroke-ftreet Anftey, Samuel, Jeweller, Lower-Charles-ftreet Arbuckle, James, Shopkeeper, 26, Spicer-ftreet Archer, John, Baker, 4, Paradife-ftreet Archer, Thomas, Gun-fmith, 14, Lichfield-ftreet Archer, John, Druggift, 21, Bull-ftreet Arden, 'William, Dye-finker, 40, St. John's-ftreet Armfield, Thomas, Carpenter, 4, New-hall-ftreet Armfield, Edward, Pocket-book-lock-maker, Paradife-ft Armfield, Thomas, Snuffer-maker, 2, Duke-flreet Arnold, John, Bridle-cutter, 119, Digbeth Arnott, Samuel, Silk-mercer and Undertaker, 8, New-ft Afbury, William, Plater, 63, Edmund-flreet Afli, John, M. D. 10, Temple-row Afti, Thomas, Barber, 90, Moor-ftreet Afliford, Richard, Viftualler, 3, Eafy-row Afhford, Jofeph, ditto, 30, Lichfield-ftreet Afhford, Richard, Ring-maker, back houfe, Edgbafton-ft Aflimore, Jofeph, Schoolmafter, 39, New Hinckleys Afhwell, James, Thimble-maker, 11, Temple-flieet Afhwell, Jofeph, ditto, 12, ditto Afhwin, "Thomas, Japanner, 5, Paradife-ftreet Afton, Jofeph, Carter in general, back houfe, Deritend Afton, Widow, Coffee houfe. Cherry orchard Afton, Samuel, Button-maker, Church-flreet Afton, Thomas, Bellows-maker, 3, Deakin's-row Attwood, Jane, Viftualler, I, Edmund-fbreet Attwood, John, Butcher, 8, Dudley-flreet Atkinfon, William, Shopkeeper, i, St. Thomas's-ftreet Audley, Richard, Viftualler, 37, New-ftreet Audley, John, 53, ditto Ault, William, Viftualler, 8, Wood-ftreet Ault, John, Compafs-maker, 42 and 43, Park-ftreet Auftin, John, Grocer, 2, High-town Auftin, Nathaniel, Stay-maker, 26, St. Thomas's-ftreet BACHE, BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. B. BACHE, John, Maltmill-maker, 71, New-ftreet Bache, Richard, Brafs founder, 3, Profpe6l-row Bache, William, Engraver and Chymifl^ 20, Moor-ftreet Bachelor, Francis, Butcher, 29, Colmorc-ttreet Backhurft, John, Rope-maker, 93, Park-ftreet Baddeley, Thos. Dye-finker, back houfe, Catharine-ftr Baddeley, John, 1 3, Exeter-row Baddeley, William, Clock-maker, 17, Lower-priory Badger and Sheffield, Thread-makers, 99, Digbeth Badger, Benjamin, Saw-maker, Edgbafton-ftrcet Bagnall, Robert, 3, Steel-houfe-lane Bagnall, William, Compafs-maker, 63, Moor-ftreet Bailey, Robert, Gardener, 44, Edgbafton-ftreet Bakewell, Mary, Toy-maker, 80, High-town Baker, Mary, China-fhop, 106, ditto Baker, Samuel, Turner, 107, ditto Baker, William, Box-maker, back of 62, New-ftreet Baker, Jofeph, 6, Paradife-ftreet Baker, James, Jeweller, 15, Snow-hill Baker, John, Taylor, 51, Worcefter-ftreet Baker, John, Fender-maker, 74, Smallbroke-ftreet Baker, John, Bridle-bit-maker, Vale-ftreet Baldwin, Thomas, Maltfter and Baker, 100, Digbeth Ballard, William, Shoe-maker, 25, High-town Bambridge, Thomas, Shop-keeper, 31, Stafford-ftreet Bannifter, James, Joiner, 14, Chapel-ftreet Banner, William, Shoe-maker, Navigation-ftreet Banner, William John, Merchant, 13, Steel-houfe-lane Banner, Arthur, Baker, 53, Church-ftreet Barker, Samuel, Brafs-founder, 117, Snow-hill Barker, Matthew, Gun-fmith, 16, Catharine-ftreet Barker, George, Attorney at Law, 7, Square Barker, Thomas, Hop-merchant, 63, Dale-end Barker, Jofeph, Surgeon, 2, Temple-row Barker, John, brafs-founder, 21, Cherry-ftreet Barker, Edward, Baker, 31, ditto Barber, Jofeph, Stay-maker, 16, Colefliill-ftreet Barber, William, Viftualler, 10, ditto Barber, Thomas, Shop-keeper, 75, Hill flreet Barnett, William, Shoe-maker, 13, Queen-ftreet A 2 Barnett, 4 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. Barnett, Aflier, Optician, 25, Froggery Barnett, Peter, Saw and Edge-tool-maker, 3, Park-ftreet Barney, Francis, Toy-maker, I, Bath-row Barnes, Henry, Cafter, 65, Park ftreet Barns, Robert, Watch-maker, 77, Bull-ftreet Barnhurft, Thomas, Attorney at Law, 23, Park-ftreet Barnfley, Wm. Watch-chain-maker, 21, Profpeft-row Barratt, William, Jeweller, 72, Bull-ftreet Barrow, Richard, Surgeon, 49, Moor-ftreet Barrs, Thomas, Button-maker, Grcat-Charles-ftreet Barrs, William, Button-maker, &c. 50, Church-ftreet Barrs, , Mercer and Draper, Temple-row Barrs and Jackfon, Button-makers, Colmore-row Barrs, James, Thumb-latch-maker, Back houfe, Digbeth Barton, Carter, Currier, 10, Moat-rovy Barton, George, Currier and Toy-maker, 1 1, Moat-row Barton, William, Shoe-maker, 42, Hill-flreet Barton, William Bridgens, Stilliard-maker, 1 1, Digbeth Bafkerville, Mrs. Letter founder, Eafy-hill Bafkerville, Thomas, Shoe-maker, 3, High-town Bates, John, Chape-maker, 9, Little-Charles-ftreet Bates, Thomas, 2, Bath-ftreet Bates, Samuel, Taylor, back of 43, Navigation ftreet Bateman, John, Viftualler, 42, Worcefter-ftreet Bateman, Jofeph, Carpenter, Back of New-hall row Battafon, Jofeph, Confeftioner, 70, High ftreet Baxter, William, Shoe-maker, 38, Lichfield-flreet Baxter, John, Viftualler, Back of 23, Upper-priory Baxter, William, Barber, 16, Dale-end Baxter, William, Shoe-maker, 3, Freeman-ftreet Baxter, John, Butcher, 108, High-to\vn Bayley, Thomas, 10, Lower-priory Bayley, John, Buckle-maker, 8, London-'prenticc-flreet Bayley, Thomas, Shoe-maker, Clutton's yard, Dale-end Bayley, James, Viftualler, 35, Park-ftreet Bayley, John, Swordhilt-maker, Afton-flreet Baylifs, Paul, Button-maker, 24, Steelhoufe lane Baylifs, Thomas, Toy-maker, 42, Dale end Baylifs, James, Stay-maker, 37, Bull-ftreet Baylifs, Michael, Breaker of Colts, 23, Brick kiln lane Baylifs, Samuel, Joiner, 57, Hill ftreet Baylifs, Thomas, Stay-maker, 9, Digbeth Baylifs, William, Grocer, 87, High town Beatley, Richard, Cafter, S, Smallbrook ftreet Beach, BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. 5 Beach, Thomas, Stilliard maker. Bull-ring Beach, Wm. Clout and Trufs maker. Old meeting yard Beardfmore, John, Viftualler, 34, Little-Charles ftreet Beckett, John, Writing-mafter, 14, New ftreet Beckett, Walter, Sword-hilt maker, 4, Froggery Bedford, John, Weaver, back of St. Thomas's ftreet Bedford, Stephen, Merchant, 48, Moor ftreet Bedford, Thomas, Hinge maker, 57, ditto Bedford, James, Cutler, 121, Digbeth Beddows, Thomas, Cookfhop, 64, Bull ftreet Bedworth, James, Lapidary, Bradford ftreet Belcher, James, Brufh-maker, 51, Edgbafton-ftreet Belcher, James, Viftualler, 54, Moor ftreet Bell, Luke, Linen and Woollen draper, 14, High town Bell, Jofeph, Button-maker, 7, Cherry-ftreet Bellamy, Samuel, Chape maker, 12, Great Charles ftreet Bellamy, Obadiah, 3, Paradife ftreet Bellamy, Thomas, Viftualler, 10, Edgbafton ftreet Bellamy, Obadiah, Inttrument cafe maker, 17, Exeter-ftr. Bellamy, Daniel, Dye-finker and Engraver, 53, Moor-ftr. Bellamy, Sarah, Shop keeper, 17, Weaman ftreet Benjamin, , Engraver, 24, Cherry-ftreet Bennett, John, Great Charles ftreet Bennett, William, Coach painter, 47, Bartholomew row Bennett, Edward and Thos. Toy-makers, 35, New ftreet Bennion, George, Shop keeper, 2, Bull-lane Bentley, John, Shoe maker, 24, Spicer-ftreet Bentley, Thomas, Taylor, Bordefley Bentley, , Toy-maker, Great Charles ftreet Benton, James, Button maker, 8, Great Charles ftreet Benton, John, Cornfaftor, 22, Bull ftreet Bernard, Thomas, Saw plater, 13, profpeft row Berwick, Wilfred, Butcher, 57, Bull ftreet Berry, John, Jeweller, 44, Newhall ftreet Berry, David, Brafs founder, &c. 18, New-meeting ftr. Befl, Thoitias, Iron foundry, Eafy hill Beft, Read, Viftualler, 12, Weaman-ftreet Betts, Thomas, Whitefmith, 36, Little Charles ftreet .Bevins, — , Cabinet maker, 122, Digbeth Bewhoufe, Thomas, Plater, 11, Profpeft row Beyer, John, Taylor, 32, Smallbrook-ftreet Bibbins, Thos. Breeches-maker, 8, Lower-temple-ftreet Bickerftall, Jofeph, Button-maker, 41, Lichfield-ftreet Biggs, Jofeph, Cabinet-maker, 16, Caftle-ftreet Bingham, 6 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. Bingham, Jacob, Turner, 33, Digbeth Bingham, Thomas, Buckle-maker, 14, New-hall-ftreet Bingham, Wm. fen. Buckle-maker, 22, Steelhoufe-lane , Bingham, John, Merchant, 3, in the Square Bingham, Charles, I, Temple-ftreet Bindley, John, Viftualler, back of 9, Dale-end Binner, George, Barber, I, Hill-ftreet Birch and Villers, Brafsfounders, Moor-ftreet Birch, Rd. Watch-maker, 4, Bread-ftreet, New-market Birch and Hunt, Button and Toy-makers, 6, in the Square Birch, Widow, Bafkct-maker, loi, Park-ftreet Birch, Thomas, Glazier, 82, Digbeth Bird, John, Grocer, 31, Colmore-row Bird, James, Brafs-cock-maker, 21, Old-meeting-flxeet Bird, Henry, Shoe-maker, 16, St. George's-maket Bifhop, Thomas, Stcel-button-maker, 2, Newton-ftreet Bifhop, Benjamin, Taylor, 25, Philip-ftreet Bifhop, Thomas, Viftualler, Star-yard, Digbeth Bifliop, Thomas, Hatter, 115, ditto Biffell, , Gun-maker, King-ftreet Biffell, George, Butcher, 129, Digbeth Biffet, John, Merchant, 53, Edgbafton-ftreet Black, T. Toy-maker and Viftualler, 35, Walmore-lane Black, Jofeph, Taylor, 61, Park-ftreet Blakemore, Jof. Engraver and Viftualler, 7, Lichfield-ftr. Blakemore, Thomas, Viftualler, 81, Dale end Blakemore, William, Barber, 23, Edgbafton-ftreet Blakemore, Richard, Baker, 21, Smallbrook-ftreet Blakemore, Richard, Viftualler, Back of Jennings's-row, Bartholomew's Chapel Blaney, Richard, Laft-maker, 15, London-'prentice-ftr. Blockley, Thomas, Lockfmith, 61, Bull-ftreet Bloomer, Robert, Attorney at Law, 5, Temple-row Blower, Simon, Gardener, 16, Little-Charles-ftreet Blower, Samuel, Jeweller, 31, Church-ftreet Blunt, Jofeph, Brazier, 31, High-flreet Blundall, John, Belt-lock-maker, Bradford-flieet Blyth, Thomas, Jobbingfmith, 10, Caftle-fbeet Blyth, Samuel and Benjamin, Linen-drapers, 89, High-ft. Blyth, Thomas, Compafs-maker, 34, Deritend Boddington, William, Baker, i, Snowhill Bodcn, Edward, Jeweller, Back of Livery-ftreet Boden, Benjamin, Toy-maker, 7, Temple-ftreet Boden, James, Shopkeeper, 2, Bull-ftreet Bodel, BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. 7 Bodel, John, Hatter, 17, Digbeth Bogle, Mary, Shopkeeper, 6, High-ftreet Bond, Daniel, Japanner, 15, Colmore-row Bonifant, J. Copper-plate Printer, bull-ftreet Bourjeois and Co. Merchants, near the Hotel Bool, , Viftualler, 8, Upper, Priory Boon, George, Merchant, 25, Moor-ftreet Bofwell, Wm. Button-maker, 30, Little Charles-ftreet Bofwell, William, Engraver, 27, Smallbrook-ftreet Bofwell, John, Brufh-maker, 16, Park-ftreet Bofworth, Jofeph, Cabinet-maker, Edgbafton-ftreet Bolus, Thomas, Salefman, 44, Worcefter-ftreet Bott, William, Box-maker, 11, Snowhill Boot, Benjamin, Viftualler, 12, ditto Booth, Thomas, Taylor, 19, Philip-ftreet Bottely, J. Watch-chain and Toy-maker, 17, Colefhill ft. Bottely, George, ditto, 18, ditto Boulton and Fothergill's Warehoufe, New-Hall Bougier, Jof. Watch-chain-maker, 41, Jennings's-row Bowlker, Rd. Gun-maker and Viftualler, 23, Peck-lane Boucher, John, Grocer, 79, Moor-ftreet Bowman, W. Bag- Weaver and Viftualler, 3, Park-ftreet Bradifli, Richard, Button-maker, 4, New-market-row Bratt, William, Button-maker, 5, Catherine-ftreet Bradbury, Jofeph, ditto, 28, St. Thomas's-ftreet Bradbury, William, the younger, Butcher, 59, Dale-end Bradbury, Thomas, Gilder, Great Charles flreet Bradburn, Samuel, Ironmonger, 16, in the Square Bradley, George, 'V'iftualler, back of 74, Dale End Bradley, Jofeph, Taylor, 9, Moat-row Bradley, John, ditto, 12, Mill-lane Bradley, Samuel, Glafs-pincher, 29, Navigation ftreet Bradley, Francis, Mahogany-cafe maker, 144, Moor ftr. Bradnock, John, Shoe Maker, 7, Nova fcotia ftreet Brett, Richard, Glover, 104, High town Breefe, John, Druggift, 5, Digbeth Bridgens, Thomas, Lock maker, 7, Doe-ftreet Bridgens, Thomas, Button Maker, 5, Newton ftreet Bridgens, Benjamin, Viftualler, 52, Dudley flxeet Bridgens, John, 70, Pinfold ftreet Brierhood, John, Viftualler, 45, Pinfold-ftreet Brifljand, Roger, Carpenter, Buck flreet Brifcoe, John, Shoe maker, 6, Carr's-Iane Britain, 8 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. Britain, Ja. Viftualler, 6, Johnfon's row, Brick-kiln lane Britain, Mary, Pipe maker, 91, Hill ftreet Britain, Wm. Button maker & Viftualler, 20, Bread-ftr. Broad, Thomas, Carpenter, Jefferys's Yard, Digbeth Bromley, William, Stone cutter, New ftreet Bromley, Thomas, Jeweller, 27, Navigation ftreet Bromley, William, Jeweller, 53, Snowhill Bromley, William, Dancing-mafter, 12, Paradife-ftreet Bromfield, Richard, Viftualler, 75, Colefliill flreet Bromfield, George, Gun-ftocker, 23, Needlefs alley Brooks, Charles, Toy-maker, 24, Weaman-ftreet Brooks, Jofiah, Accomptant, 23, Colmore-ftreet Brooks, Thomas, Barber, 10, Dale end Brooks, William, Mould turner, 93, Bull-ftreet Brooks, Edward, Edgbafton-ftreet Brooks, Henry, Cutler, I, St. Martin's lane Brooks, Samuel, ditto, 2, Moat-row Brooks, Jofeph, Viftualler, 2, Suffolk ftreet Brooks, Thomas, Bitt and Gimblet maker, 72, Digbeth Brooks, Samuel, Tea Dealer, 77, High-flreet Brooks, John, Viftualler, Bordefley Broughton, William, School-mafter, 7, Great-Charles-ft. Brown, Michael James, Japanner, Great-Charles-ftreet Brown, John, Warehoufe, 47, Snowhill Brown, John, Carpenter, 45, Dale-end Brown, James, Heel maker, 26, Colmore ftreet Brown, John, Innkeeper, 3, and 4, Spicer flreet Brown, Thomas, Watch maker, 14, Moat row Brown, Jofeph, File maker, 29, Carr's-lane Brown, John, Builder, 55, Park flreet Brown, Jofeph, Candleflick maker, 11, Mafs-houfe-lane Brown, Thomas, Horn button maker, 58, Colefhill-ftreet Brown, William, Viftualler, 19, Tauter ftreet Brown, Thomas, Watch maker, 36, Bull ring Brueton, Thomas, Gun-maker, 5, Profpeft row Brueton, Jofeph and Co. Horn button makers, S, Prof peft row Bruff, John, Viftualler, 21, Worcefter-ftreet Brunt, Thomas, Viftualler, 40, London Apprentice-ftreet Brunton and Forbes, Seedfmen, 83, High flreet Buckley, John, Patten wood maker, 17, Dale end Buckley, James, Viftualler, 43, Colefliill-ftreet Buckingham, Jonah, Toy maker, Buck ftreet Buckingham, Jonah, Steel-button-maker, 80, Lichfield-ftr Buff, iJlRJVllNGHAM DIRECTORY. 9 Bulkley, John, Patten-wood-maker, 1 7, Dale end Budd, James Dicker, Haberdafher, 6, New-ftreet Buff, James, Stone mafon, 19, Navigation ftreet Buffery, Humphry, Ironmonger, Great-Charles-ftreet Bull, Richard, Viftualler, 14, Digbeth Bullock, John, Jobbing-fmith, 37, St. John-ftreet Bullock, William, Maltfter, 29, Catharine-ftreet Bullock, William, Plater, 65, Dale end Bullock, John, Watch key maker. Lower Charles ftreet Bunney, Jofeph, Gunfmith, 25, Snowhill Bunney, Wm. Bafket-maker, 13, High ftreet Burbery, John, Apothecary, 6, New meeting ftreet Burt, — , Builder, Top of Pinfold-ftreet Burt, Richard, Viftualler, 18 Steelhoufe lane Burgefs, William, Plumber and Glazier, 1 8, Livery-ftreet Burgefs, John, Excife office, 95 Dale end Burgefs, William, Viftualler, 33 Dudley ftreet Burnell, George, Viftualler, 27, Worcester-ftreet Burner, John, Patten ring maker, 84 Dale end Burn, Robert, Wool comber and Hofier, 29 Bull ring Burditt, Thomas, Shoe maker, 61, Dale end Burditt, Edward, Viftualler 67 Pinfold-ftreet Burditt, John, Shoe maker, 19 Digbeth Butler, William, 22 Moat row Butler, Charles, Farrier, 20, Colefhill ftreet Butler, John, 31, St. John-flreet Butcher, Samuel, Plater, Great-Charles ftreet C. CAMDEN, Widow, Baker, 12, Profpeft row Calley, Jofeph, Piercer, Eafy-hill Cantrell, Jofiah, Barber, 6, Bull-ring Cantrell, William, Butcher, 9, New-ftreet Capper, Peter, Merchant, 16 & 17, Great-Charles-ftreet Capper, Samuel, and Co. Linen-drapers, 34, Bull-ftreet Capenhurft, Samuel, Gilt Toy-maker, 56, Hill-ftreet Carelefs, Thomas, Mercer and Draper, 5, High-ftreet Carelefs, Thomas, Chymift and Druggift, 10 1, ditto Carelefs, Ann, Butcher, 22, Edgbafton-ftreet Carlefs, Richard, Iron-founder, Deritend Carr, Thomas, Upholfterer, 20, High-ftreet Cart, John, Viftualler, 25, Church-flxeet B Carr, 10 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. Carr, Edward, Toy-maker, 98, Bull-ftreet Carr, Matthew, Barber, 48, Stafford-ftreet Carey, Jofeph, Malt-mill-maker, Carey's-court, Moor-ft Carmount, Alexander, Viftualler, 82, ditto Carrington, Jofeph, Cabinet-maker, 28, Snow-hill Carter, Thomas, Grocer, 2, Spicer-ftreet Carter, John, Viftualler, 61, High-ftreet Carter, Jofeph, Viftualler, 38, Moor-ftreet Cartwright, John, Smith and Farrier, 70, Colefliill-ftreet Cartwright, Thomas, Baker and Malfter, 72, ditto Cartwright, Charles, School-mafter, 11, Lichfield-ftreet Cafli, Widow, Gunfmith, 15, Sand-ftreet Cafti, Caleb, Button-maker, 70, Lichfield-ftreet Cattell, Obadiah, Viftualler, 7, Tanter-ftreet Caufer, Thomas, Schoolmafter, 25, Weaman-ftreet Caulton, George, Wire-drawer, 151, Moor-ftreet Cave, John, Cafter in general, 27, New Hinckleys Cecil, John, Attorney at Law, 3, Snow-hill Chadd, John, Butcher, 3, Lancafter ftr. or Walmore-lane Challender, , Gardener, 93, Hill-ftreet Challener, Thomas, Silverfmith, 4, Lichfield-ftreet Challener, George, Shoe maker, 5, Hill ftreet Challener, James, Chimney-fweeper, 20, Dudley-ftreet Challener, John, Horn-button-maker, 91, Lichfield-ftr. Challingfworth, Henry, 16, Mafshoufe lane Chamberlain, Widow, Viftualler, St. Martin's lane Chamberlain, John, Cooper, 7, Newhall-flieet Chamberlain, Thomas, Bordflcy Chamberlin, Francis. Viftualler, Back of 72, Dale-end Chambers, Jofeph, Gardener, 79, Deritend Chambers, Edward, Gunfmith, 37, Mount-pleafant Chance, William, Merchant, 8, Newhall-ftreet Chandler, Sarah, Button maker, 4, Dale-end Chantry, Sam. Snufter-maker, 31, Queen-flreet Chantry, Jofeph, French-plater, Bartholomew row Chapman, Tho. Printer, 16, Ann-fir. or Mount-pleafant Chapman, Thomas, Taylor, 26, Temple-ftreet Chapman, John, , No. 5, Newhall-ftreet Chtatiq, Jofeph, Viftualler, 19, New-ftreet Cheefe, Richard, Viftualler, 40, Park-ftreet Chefter, James, Buckle-maker, 52, Lichfield-ftreet Chefton, John, Viftualler, 29, Smallbrook ftreet Chinn, John, Dye-finker, 43, London-'prentice-ftreet Chub, BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY, n Chub, John, Viftualler, 17, New-Hinckleys Clare, Thomas, Dye-finker, Bartholomew-row Clare, Jofeph, Steel toy maker, Buck-ftreet Clare, Thomas, Grocer, 48, Deritend Clare, , Brafs-founder, Lichfield ftreet Clarke, Jeremiah, Organift, 6, Great-charles-ftreet Clarke, John and Co. 9 and lo, ditto Clarke, Sarah, Shop-keeper, Little-Charles-ftreet Clarke, Charles, Carpenter, 27, Weaman ftreet Clarke, William, Gilt cafe-maker, 77, Lichfield-ftreet Clarke, John, Viftualler, 13, St. John's-ftreet Clarke, John, Barber, 82, Bull-ftreet Clarke, Tho. Breeches maker, 13, Philip ftreet Clarke, David, Shoe maker, 79, Pinfold-ftreet Clarke, Jane, Widow, Viftualler, 10, Smallbrook-ftreet Clarke, Thomas, Viftualler, 4, Deritend Clarke, William, Mill wright, Deritend Claffon, John, Plater, 31, Navigation-ftreet Claffon, William, ditto, 32, ditto Claffon, Henry, Bricklayer, 16, Bow-ftreet, Brie kiln-lane Clay, Henry, Japanner to the Queen, 19, New-hall-ftr Clay, Jofeph, Taylor, 2, Ann ftreet, or Mount pleafant Claybrooke, Jofeph, Engraver, 60, Weaman-ftreet Clempfon, Samuel, Hinge maker, 16, Wood-ftreet Clews, Thomas, Turner, 86, Moor-ftreet Cliffton, Thomas, Grocer, 109, High-ftreet Clough, John, Stay-maker, 49, Lichfield-ftreet Clutton, Margaret, Druggift, 3, Dale-end Coleclough, William, Butcher, 17, Carr's-lane Cole, Rob. Malfter and Sword cutler, Bartholomew-row Cole, Samuel, Silk-mercer and Undertaker, 30, Bull-ring Coley, Ch. Stirrup-maker, 33, Profpeft row, Gofly green Colemore, Thomas, Merchant, 19, Edgbafton-ftreet Colemore, Samuel, Plater, 23, Digbeth Colemore, Henry, Painter and Pawnbroker, 28, ditto Colemore, Stephen, Grocer, 131, Ditto Colemore, John, Hatter and Hofier, i, High-ftreet Colemore, Jofeph, Gardener & Viftualler, 62, Deritend Collet, Richard, Plater, 10, Brickiln-lane Colley, Richard, Gardener, 63, Pinfold-ftreet Colley, Elizabeth, Taylor, 67, Park ftreet Collins, Elizabeth, Shopkeeper, I, Friday ftreet Collins, Wm. Carpenter, 15, Ann ft. or Mount-pleafant Collins, Samuel, Box-maker, 34, Dale end B 2 Collins 12 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. Collins, Jofeph, Stirrup maker, 8, Brickiln lane Collins, William, Toy and Button-maker, New-ftreet Collins, Thomas, Shoe-maker, 132, Digbeth Collinfon, Jonathan, Baker, 96, Snow hill Collitt, 'Wm Lichfield, &c. Newfman, 40, Worcefter ftr Collit, Thomas, Button maker, 64, Edmund ftreet Combe, William, Shopkeeper, 14 Upper-priory Connard, Edward, Grocer, 53, Bull-ftreet Conqueft, Richard, Merchant, 47, New-hall ftreet Conftable, T. Jeweller, 10, Bread ftreet. New-market Conway, Thomas, Brufh maker, 2, Moor-ftreet Cooke, John, Baker, 27, New hall-ftreet Cooke, Thomas, Shoe-maker, 30, Livery-ftreet Cooke, Jofeph, Malfter, 14, London-'prentice-flxeet Cooke, Jofeph, Malfter, 73, Dale-end Cooke, Thomas, Taylor, 84, Bull-ftreet Cooke, John, Jobbing-fmith, 2, Stafford-flieet Cooke, James, Silverfmith, 29, High-ftreet Cooper, Jofeph, Cabinet-maker, 26, High-flreet Cooper, Thomas, Malfter, i, Paradife row Cooper, Thomas, Button-maker, 10, ditto Cooper, John, Toy-maker, back of 25, Snow-hill Cooper, John, Button-maker, 36, Weaman-ftreet Cooper, Jofeph, Baker, 86, Lichfield-ftreet Cooper, Thomas, Hat-maker, 39, Edgbafton-ftreet Cooper, John, Viftualler, 16, Smallbrook-ftreet, Cooper, Edward, Viftualler, 16, Brickiln-lane Cooper, Benjamin, Attorney at Law, 140, Moor-flieet Cooper, J. Button-maker, 45, Lancafler-ft. or Walmore-1. Cooper, William, Wire-drawer, 21, High-flieet Coote, J. Button-maker, 83, Lichfield-ftreet Cope, John, Carpenter and Builder, 16, New-hall-ftreet Cope, Samuel, Builder, 6, ditto Cope, Samuel, File-cutter, 34, Church-ftreet Cope, Thomas, Carpenter and Joiner, 31, Bread-ftreet Cope, John, Baker, 51, Bull-ftreet Cope, Ralph, Shoe-maker, 21, Old Hinckleys Cope, Thomas, Ring-maker, 3, Tanter-ftreet Cope, and Son, Chymifts and Druggifts, 40, High-fbeet Corn, Jofeph, Taylor, 36, St. Thomas's-ftreet Corbett, Ifaac, Dye-finker, 80, Hill-ftreet Corden, Francis, Taylor, i6, Navigation-flxeet Corden, John, Taylor, i6, Bull-ftreet Cotterell, Clement, Merchant, Bull-ftreet Cotterell, BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. 13 Cotterell, Thomas, Carpenter and Joiner, Hill-ftreet Cotterell, Jonathan, Gimblet-maker, Mill-lane Cotterell, Samuel, File-maker, 41, Deritend Cotterell, Ifaac, Shopkeeper, Bordefley Cotterell, Thomas, Malfter, 3, Lancafter-ft. or Walmer 1. Cotterell, John Viftualler and Malfter, 21, Dudley-ftr. Cotterell, Jofeph, 6, New-market-row Cotton, Thomas, Stamper, 51, Snow-hill Cotton, Francis, Builder, 79, Hill-ftreet Coton, William, Collar-maker, 12, Bull-ring Court, William, Viftualler, bottom of Livery-ftreet Coufin, Charles, Buckle-maker, 85, Steelhoufe-lane Court and Dudley, Ironmongers & Faftors, 6, Park-ftreet Court, Henry, Broker, 43, Edgbafton-ftreet Cox, Thomas, Rule-maker, 28, Bull-ftreet Cox, Bayley, Viftualler, 9, New-ftreet Cox, John, Plane and Saw Handle-maker, 22, Deritend Cox, The Rev. Mr. 73, Deritend Cox, John, Bricklayer, 90, Deritend Cracknall, Thomas, Toy-maker, Back of 2, Spicer-ftr. Cracknall, George, Viftualler, 39, Brickiln-lane Crane, — , Viftualler, 94 and 95, Digbeth Croughton, Robert, Cork-cutter, 4, Bull-ring Creffall, John, Button-maker, 13, Weaman-ftreet Creffall, James, Button-maker, 49, Afton-ftreet Crifp, Charles, Taylor, 42, Lichfield-ftreet Crifp, Thomas, Shoe-maker, 54, Deritend Croft, Jofeph, Glafs-pincher, 36, Jennings's-row Crompton, T. Button-maker, 8, Ann-ft. or Mount-pl. Crompton, William, Button-maker, 11, ditto Crompton, Elizab. Circulat. library, 4, Colemore-row Crolby, Thomas, Painter, Bread-ftreet, Hill-ftreet Crofby, Thomas, Cafter, 13, Doe-ftreet Crofby, W. Wharf and Porter Warehoufe, Great Ch-ft, Crowne, Jof. Dye-finker & Shoe-maker, 44, High-ftreet Crowne, Thomas, Cheefe-faftor and Viftualler, 47, ditto ¦ Cumberledge, Jonathan, Shoe-maker, 49, Stafford-ftreet Cupper, Widow, Cooper, 2, Swan-Alley Curtis, Samuel, Attorney at Law, 103, Digbeth Cuffons, Mary, Gingerbread-baker, 24, Bull-ftreet Cutler, Morris, Viftualler, I, Great-Charles-ftreet Cutler, Benjamin, Shoe-maker, 79, Snow-hill Cutler, John, Glazier, 14, Lichfield-ftreet DADLEY, 14 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. D. DADLEY, Tho. Toy-maker and Viftualler, Lion-ftr Dadley, Benjamin, Baker, 17, High-ftreet Daffin, John, Buckle ring forger, 18, Froggery Dafforn, John, Shoe-maker and Viftualler, 13, Stafford-ftr Dal laway, James, 15, Paradife-ftreet Dallaway, Jofeph, ditto Dallaway, James, Baker, i, Digbeth Dallaway, Robert, Saw-maker, 16, Deritend Dann, John, Salefman, 12, High-ftreet Darby, John, Merchant, 36, Temple-ftreet Darby, George, Plane-maker, 50, Worcefter-ftreet Darby, Jofeph, Jobbing-fmith, 13, Smallbrook-fireet Darby, John, File-maker, 5, Caftle-ftreet Davenport, Walter, Thimble maker, 36, Cannon-ftreet Davis, Jonathan, Viftualler, 52, Little-Charles-lbeet Davis, Michael, Livery-flables Davis, Edward, Taylor, 14, Weaman-ftreet Davis, John, Cutler, 68, Steelhoufe-lane Davis, , Viftualler, 60, Lichfield-flreet Davis, Mary, Shoe-maker, High-ftreet Davis, Jam. Button-mould-maker, 10 & 11, Up.-priory Davis, Daniel, fen. Buckle-maker, 12, ditto Davis, Thomas, Shoe-maker, 3, Bull-ftreet Davis, Benjamin, Hatter, 9, Queen flreet Davis, John, Ivory-comb-maker, 23, Moat-row Davis, George, Cutler, 121, Moor-flreet Davis, John, Viftualler, 4, Chapel flreet Davis, John, Apothecary, 16, High-flreet Davis, Edward, Saw-maker, 38, New-ftreet Davis, John, Plane maker, 47, Deritend Dawes, Mofes, Glafs-pincher, 55, Steelhoufe-lane Dawes, Jofeph, Taylor, Townfend's Yard, Dale-end Dawes, Samuel, Sword-cutler, 26, Cannon-ftreet Dawes, Francis, Shoe-maker, 15, Brick-kiln lane Day, James, Builder, 84, Hill ftreet Day, Jofeph, Toy-maker, 14, Profpeft row, Goily-green Deacon, Francis Razor-maker, 4, Upper-priory Dee, Ambrofc, Viftualler, 26, Navigation-ftreet Deakin, Richard, Joiner, I, Moat-row Deakin, John, Viftualler, I, Brick kiln lane Deakin, William, Taylor, 2, ditto Deakin, BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. 15 Deakin, Thomas, Viftualler, 47, Moor-ftreet Deakin, Fr. Cutler and Inftrument-maker,4, Upper-priory Deane, Samuel, Viftualler, 49, Slaney-ftreet Dean, Jofeph, ditto, 36, Edgbafton ftreet Dean, John, Brafsfounder, 3, Moat-row Dean, William, Joiner, Lancafter-ftreet, or Walmer-lane Dean, Matthew, Whip maker, 9, Bull-ring Dearman, Richard, Brafs-Founder, 13, Paradife-row Derrington, John, Surgeon and Apothecary, 57, New-ftr Derry, Robert, Ironmonger, 43, Digbeth Deyus, James, Spur maker, 17, Dudley-ftreet Dickenfon, Henry, Leather-clog-maker, 88, Moor-ftreet Dickenfon, William, Viftualler, 4, Bath ftreet Dingley, Richard, Edgtool and Spade-maker, 1 5, Digbeth Dixon, H, Anvil and Iron Axle-tree-maker, 108, Digbeth Docker, John, Gun-lock-maker, I, Milk-ftreet Docker, Henry, Linen and Woollen-draper, i, Bull-ring Dodd, Thomas, Ironmonger, 88, Digbeth Dolphin, James, Attorney at Law, 32, New-ftreet Dolphin, Plater, Profpeft-Row, Gofty green Dones, Bennett, Viftualler, Back of 41, St. John's ftreet Donifthorpe, George, Watchmaker, 85, High-ftreet Douglafs, Jofeph, Butcher, 150, Moor ftreet Doolittle, John, Baker, 60, Dale-end Dowler, T. and W. Candleftick-makers, 93-94, Moor-ft. Draketord, Jonathan, Bellows-pipe-maker, 123, Digbeth Drakitt, William, Officer of Excife, 7, Vauxhall-row Dudley, Samuel, Baker, 35, Moor-ftreet Dudley, George, Plater and Merchant, 12, Park-ftreet Dudley, Benjamin, Baker, 17, High-ftreet Dudley, Nathaniel, Cabinet-maker, 69, ditto Dugmore, John, Painter, 41, Weaman-ftreet Duncombe, and Co. Merchants, 34, Colmore-row Duncuff, Thomas, Jeweller, 94, Lichfield-ttreet Dunn, Francis, Mould Turner, 4, Bull-ttreet Dunn, Edward, Taylor and Stay-maker, 39, Dudley-ftr. Dunn, Edward, Brafs founder, 14, Bow-ttreet Brickiln 1. Dunn, Sarah, Inn-keeper, 141-142, Digbeth Durnall, Edward, Brazier, 49, High-ftreet Dutton, Jofeph, Shopkeeper, 50, Little-Charles-ftreet Dutton, Thomas, Viftualler, 53, Weaman-ftreet Dutton, i6 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. Dutton, Abraham, Viftualler, 102, Dale-end Dyall, Etherington, Whitefmith, 6, Moor-ftreet Dyke, Richard, 45, London-'prentice-ftreet EACHELL, John, Viftualler, 4, Moor-ftreet Fades, Francis, ditto, 88, Snow-hill Fades, William, ditto, 23, Hill-ftreet Eagles, Robert, Shoe-maker, Snow-hill Eagles, Thomas, Spade-maker, 99, Moor-ftreet Earl, Jofeph, Flax-dreffer, 24, Lichfield-flreet Earl, Chriftopher, Printer and Viftualler, 50, Dale-end Eboral, Thomas, Mafon, 87, Park-ftreet Edge, Richard, Shoe-maker, 6, Weaman-ftreet Edkin's London Waggon Warehoufe, 3 5, Colmore-row Edmunds, Samuel, Jeweller, Spicer-ftreet Edmunds, Jofeph, Town Crier, 30, Old Hinckleys Edwards, Jofeph, Peruke maker, 67, Edmund-ftreet Edwards, George, Engraver, 71, Weaman-flreet Edwards, William, Viftualler, 76, Lichfield-flreet Edwards, Thomas, Taylor, 28, Needlefs-alley Edwards, Avery, Joiner, 33, Worcefter-flreet Edwards, Jofeph, Rule-maker, 46, ditto Edwards, Thomas, Shoe-maker, 15, Spicer flreet Edwards, Francis, Gun-lock-maker, 7, Wood-ftreet Edwards, John, Shoe-maker, 2, New-flreet Eggington, William, 63, Snow hill Elliot, James, Ironmonger, 4, Edgbafton-flreet Elliott, Jof maft. of Diffent. charity fchool. Old-meet. ft. Ellis, Widow, Viftualler, 6, Bell-ftreet Ellis, Thomas, Barber, 54, High-ftreet Ellis, Thomas, Cabinet-maker, 32, Worcefter flreet Elkin, Jofhua, Joiner, 12, Edmund-ftreet Elfmore, Thomas, File-maker, 7, Exeter flreet Elftone, Charles, ditto, New-flreet Elvins, Thomas, Joiner and Whitefmith, 2, ditto Emmifon, John Dye-finker, 5, New-market-row Emmifon, James, Mould-turner, ditto Ennis, Thomas, Viftualler, 50, Deritend Enfor, Mary, Viftualler, 10, Deritend Enfor, George, Lockfmith, 11, ditto Enfor, Samuel, Jeweller, 12, ditto Euftace, BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. 17 Euftace, Nicholas, Chafer, 6, Livery-ftreet Euftace, Wm. Carpenter, 29, Park-flxeet Evans, John, 3, Colemore-row Evans, Edward, Plater, 3, Worcefter-ftreet Evans, Thomas, Taylor, 137, Moor-ftreet Evans, Benjamin, Gardener, 48, Pinfold-ftreet Evans, Thomas, Patten-maker, 97, Digbeth Everton, Ruffy, and Co. Merchants, 34, Cherry-ftreet Everton, Thomas, Saddletree-maker, 81-82, Park-ftreet FARMER, Jofeph, 25, Dale-end Farmer, George, Tinner, 32, Park-ftreet Farmer and Gallon, Merchants, 14, Steel-houfe-lane Farmer, Thomas, Bellows-maker, 12, Digbeth Farnham, WiUiam, Buckle-maker, 20, Snowhill Farr, Jofeph, Steel-button-maker, 30, Slaney-ftreet Farror, Jofeph, Tea-dealer, 7, Bull-ring Faulconbridge, Thomas, Merchant, 2, New-hall-ftreet Fellows, James, Toy-maker, 27, Church ftreet Fellows, Peter, Rope maker, 2, St. Thomas's-ftreet Fellows, Richard, Candleftick maker, 5, Bull-ftreet Fellows, Jofeph, Awl-blade maker, Spicer-ftr. Fellows, John, Rope-maker, 26, Walmore-lane Felton, Snuffer-maker, 71, Edmund-ftreet Fereday, Jofeph, Butcher, 46, Dudley-ftreet Fiddian, Elizabeth, Viftualler, 2, Old Hinckleys Field, John, Cork-cutter, 5, Lower-priory Field, Frs. Steel button-maker. Leopard yard, Dale-end Field, James, Pawnbroker, 3, Old meeting ftreet Field, John, Cabinet-maker, i, New-meeting ftreet Field, Paul, Innkeeper, 32, Digbeth Field, Edward, Glazier, 39, Deritend Field, Thomas, Stilliard-maker, 58, ditto Field, Thomas, Gunfmith, 36, Ann-ftreet, or Mount-pl. Fielding, William, Engraver, Great-Charles-ftreet Fielding, Thomas, Joiner, 17, Friday-ftreet Fielding, Thomas, 33, Pinfold ftreet Fieldhoufe, George, Button-maker, 49, Steelhoufe-lane Finch and Co. 24, Upper-priory Finch, Thomas, Haberdaflier and Laceman, 25, High-ft. Fincher, Jofeph and Co. Shoe makers, 1 1, Spicer-ftreet C Fiflier, i8 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. Fifher, John, Bookfeller, 24, Edgbafton-ftreet Fifher, William, Viftualler, 4, Nova-fcotia-ftreet Fitter, George, Shoe maker, 6, Leys-lane Fitter, Thomas, Butcher, 75, Deritend Fletcher, John, Japanner, 98, Snow-hill Fletcher, Thomas, ditto, 108 and 109, ditto Fletcher, William, Button-maker, 61, Steel-houfe lane Fletcher, John, Toy-maker, 28, Lichfield-ftreet Fletcher, William, Button-maker, 38, Brick kiln-lane Fletcher, Nicholas, Stirrup-maker, 24, Profpeft-row Fletcher, Jofeph, Cafter, 13, Novafcotia-ftreet Flewitt, Randal, Gimblet & Bit-maker, 8, Old-hinckleys Flewfter, John, Joiner, 9, Smallbrook ftreet Floyd, Richard, Finer of metal, 16, Crofs-ftreet Florry, Sarah, 6, Eafy-row Fones, , Baker, Swallow-ftxeet Ford, Samuel, Merchant, 48, Newhall-ftreet Ford & Co. "Weighing machine-makers, 27, Lit. Cha. fix. Ford, Samuel, Maltfter, i, Steelhoufe-lane Ford, Nathaniel, Taylor, 28, St. John ftreet Ford, Richard, Jobbing-fmith, 58, Smallbrook-ftreet Ford, Francis, Coach mafter, 73, Colefhill-ftreet Forrifter, Richard, Barber, 77, ditto Foot, John, Gimblet and Bit-maker, 35, ditto Fowler, William, Glover, 88, High-flxeet Fowler, Thomas, Brafs-candleflick-maker, Great-Ch. fir Fox, Wilham, Barber, 55, Bull-ftreet Fox, Samuel, Taylor, 42, Moor-ftreet Fox, Thomas, Butcher, 116, ditto Fox, Elizabeth, Barber, 131, ditto Fox, J'ohn, Ironmonger, 8, Freeman flxeet Fox, Widow, Innkeeper, 59, High-flxeet Fox, John, Gentleman, 27, Deritend Foxall, Abraham, Moor-flxeet Foxall, Amos, Shoe-maker, 8, Crofs-ftreet Francis, William, Founder, Moat lane Francis, Samuel, Viftualler, 60, Butts Francis, Thomas, Knife blade maker, 30, Worcefter-ftr Freeman, William, Innkeeper, 14, Spicer-ftreet Freeman, James, Barber, Moat-lane Freeman, Samuel, Pawnbroker, 55, Moor ftreet Freeman, George, Brazier, 98, Park-ftreet French, Robert, StiUiard-maker, 28, Digbeth Freer, John, fen. Surgeon, 15, Dale end Freer. BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. 19, Freer, John, jun. ditto, 114, Snowhill Freer, Nicholas, Merchant, 3, St. Mary's-row Freeth, Jofeph, Glafs-pincher, 8, Bell ftreet Freeth, Charles, Silver Cafter, Great-Charles ftreet Freeth, Edw. Button-maker, Leopard's-yard, Dale-end Freeth, John, Victualler, 22, Bell ftreet Freeth, William, Broker, 22, Leys Lane Freeth, Edward, farrier, Moor-ftreet Freeth, Benjamin, Gimblet and Bit-maker, Bordefley Friend, John, Button-maker, 18, Lichfield ftreet Frideberg, Earned, Hawker, 45, Dudley ftreet Frizer, Timothy, 5, Bread-ftreet Frogget, Benjamin, Plane-maker, 81, Bull ftreet Froft, , Rule-maker, Great Charles-ftreet Froft, George, Shoemaker, 24, Temple ftreet Fuller, Chriftopher, Pawnbroker, 52, Digbeth Fullilove, Mary, Furrier, 3, ditto Furber, Jofeph, Gun-ftock-maker, 4, Steel-houfe lane GAMSON, John, Breeches maker, 34, St. John's-ftr.. Garbett, Sam. Chymift & Refiner, Steel-houfe-la. Garbett, Thomas, Toy-maker, New-ftreet Gardner, William, Taylor, 16, Temple-ftreet Gardner, Richard, Drawing-mafter, ditto Gardner, James, Gun barrel rifler, Walmore-Lane Garner, John, Viftualler, 5, Wood-ftreet Garner, Samuel, Engraver, Lenches-row, Lancafter-ftr. Garrifon, Richard, Bag-maker, 30, Smallbrook-ftreet Garrifon, Jofeph, Brazier, 144, Digbeth Gay, John, 10, Leys lane Gee, Sarah, and Co. Shroud-makers, Great Charles ftr Gee, Jofeph, Taylor, Green-tree yard, Moor-ftreet Geaft, Henry, Attorney and Coroner, Digbeth Gem, Samuel, Difliller, 9, Edgbafton-ftreet Gem, Thomas, Attorney at Law, 27, New ftreet Gevage, Clement, File-maker, 47, Colefhill-ftreet Getliffe, John, Baker, 35, Little Charles ftreet Gibbs, Jofeph, Warehoufe and Shops, 31, Catherine ftr Gibbs, Richard, Baker, 17, Deritend Gibbons, John, Button-maker, 5, Lichfield ftreet Gibbons, Edward, ditto, 27, St. John's-ftreet C 2 Gibfon,, 20 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. Gibfon, Samuel, Gardener, 30, New-hinckleys Giles, Jofeph, Gingerbread Baker, 26, Philip-ftreet Giles, Michael, Surgeon, 58, Edgbafton-flxeet Giles, John, Viftualler, 14, Little-Charles-ftreet Giles, Benjamin, Engraver and Chafer, 24, Cherry-ftreet Giles, Jofeph, ditto and ditto 1 1, Snow-hill Giles, John, Painter in general, 59, Moor-ftreet Gill, Thomas, File and Saw-maker, 92, Dale-end Gill, John, Attorney at Law, 143, Moor-ftreet Gill, Robert, Steel-toy-maker, Great-Charles-ftreet Gilbert, Thomas, Rope-maker, 5 Steel houfe-lane Gilboth, Thomas, Broker, 78, Colefhill ftreet Gimblett, John, Button-maker, 113, Snow-hill Gimblett, John, Watch & Toy-maker, 12, Temple-row Glaze, Edward, Viftualler, 6, Friday-ftreet Glover, Son, and Frey, Merchants, 37, Cannon ftreet Goddard, George, Jeweller, 87, Lichfield-ftreet Godfrey, William, Enameller, 9, Colefhill-ftreet Gold, John, Leather cutter, 4, King-flreet Golden, Richard, Banker, 8, Temple row Goldingay, James, Button-maker, 6, Upper-priory Goode, William, Ivory turner, 11, New-flxeet Goodall and Dickenfon, 26, Bull-flxeet Goodall, and Kettles, Merchants, I, Great Charles ftr. Goodall, John, Shoe-maker, 37, St. Thomas's-ftreet Goodfali, John, Cabinet-maker, 15, Steelhoufe-lane Goofbury, John, Sadler's-buckle-maker, 4, Buck-ftreet Gofs, John, Viftualler, 91, Park-flieet Gough, Jofeph, Button maker, 3, Great-Charles flreet Gough, Peter, Butcher, 24, Worcefter-flreet Gower, Jofhua, and Co. Merchants, i, Cannon-ftreet Granger, James, Barber, 9, London 'prentice flreet Grant, William, Baker and Corn-faftor, 32, High-ftreet Grant, Jofeph, Butcher, 8, Spicer-ftreet Gray, 'Wilham, Taylor, 14, Cannon flxeet Gray, John, Ironmonger, 12, New-ftreet Greatrex, Chriftopher, Chymift and Druggifl, 32, Bull-ft. Greatrex, Jonathan, Buckle maker, 33, Lichfield-flreet Greaves, James, Buckle-maker, 20, New-hall-flxeet Greaves, Richard, Joiner, Great Charles-ftreet Greaves, Mary, Mantua-maker, 30, Church-ftreet Greaves, Thomas, Watch-maker, 81, High-flxeet Greaves, Jofeph, Stamper, Bordfley Greaves, Thomas, Optician, 40, Old-Hinckleys Green BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. 21 Green, Brown, and Skinner, Japanners and Faftors, 9, Edmund-ftreet Green, Jofeph, Snuffer-maker, 13, Ann ft. or Mount-pl. Green, Thomas, Viftualler, 97, Snow-hill Green, Thomas, and Co., Ironmongers, loi, ditto Green, William, Cock-founder, 34, Weaman-ftreet Green, John, Plumber and Glazier, 33, St. John's-ftreet Green, Humphrey, Awl-blade-maker, 75, Dale-end Green, Ann, Glazier, 15, Bull-ftreet Green, William, Smith and Farrier, Suffolk ftreet Green, James, Bridle bit and Stirrup-maker, 11, Park-ft. Green, Jofeph, Shoe-maker, 60, Digbeth Green, Francis, Breeches-maker, 13, Bull-ring Green, Thomas, Button-maker, 25, New-ftreet Green, Jofeph, Merchant, ditto Green, John, Druggift and Grocer, 73, ditto Green, James, Nail-maker, 7, Deritend Greenhill, Jofeph, Butcher, 37, Digbeth Greenway, James, 37, Slaney ftreet Grew, John, Brafs founder, Swallow-ftreet Grew, John, 7, Eafy-row Grice, William, Gunfmith, 42, Bull-ftreet Grice and Dickenfon, Paper Ornam. makers, 2, Cather. ft Grice, William, Gun-maker, 5, Sand-ftreet Grier, John, Shopkeeper, 38 Little Charles-ftreet Griffin, Silvanus, Shoe-maker, 8, Bull-ftreet Griffin, Charles, Baker, 11, Bull ftreet Griffin, Jofeph, Barber, 8, Digbeth Griffin, Thomas, Horfe-collar-maker, 87, ditto Griffiths, John Durnock, Brafs founder, 16, Paradife-ftr. Griffiths, Thomas, Viftualler, 29, Edmund-ftreet Griffiths, Robert, ditto, 9, Ruffel-flxeet Griffiths, William, ditto, 99, Dale end Griffiths, John, Shoe-maker, 12, Moat lane Griffiths, Thos. Miller, at the Windmill, Windmill-hill Griffiths, John, Baker and Miller, 114, Kill-ftreet Griffiths, Edward, Shoe-maker, 9, Doe-ftreet Griffiths, William, Lockfmith, 16, Digbeth Groutage, Abraham, Innkeeper, 31, Deritend Groutage, John, Brafsfounder, 42, Colemore-flxeet Grove, William, Barber, 26, Snowhill Grove, John, Thimble-maker, 12, Weaman-ftreet Grove, Abel, Toy-maker, 40, Colefliill ftreet Groves, William, Toy-maker, 31, Dale-end Groves, 22 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. Groves, Wm. Grocer and Druggift, 53, Smallbrook-ftreet Groves, Thomas, Weaver, 6, Excter-ftreet Groves, Jofeph, Baker, 12, Bread-ftreet, Hill-ftreet Grubb, S. & E., Stone-mafons and Carvers, 4, Edmund-ft. Gueft, John, Button-maker, 8, Edmund-ftreet Gueft, John, Cutler, St. Martin's-lane Gueft, Mary, Pearl toy-maker, 30, Cherry-ftreet Gueft, P,obert, Butcher, 20, Philip-ftreet Gueft, William, Shoe maker, 88, Pinfold ftreet Gueft, John, Stay-maker and Taylor, 42, Brickiln-lane Gueft, Jofeph, Thread-maker, 40, Digbeth Gueft, Barnet, Druggifl^ 37, Bull-ring Gueft, Jofeph, Cutler, 65, New-ftreet Gueft, John, Viftualler, 70, Deritend Gueft, Mary, Grocer, 18, Dudley-ftreet Gunn, Ann, ditto, 75, Digbeth Gutteridge, John, Engraver, 18, Catharine-ftreet H. HADEN, Henry, Butcher, 5, Spiceal-ftreet Hadley, Thomas, Jeweller, 21, Newhall-flreet Hadley, Thomas, Gunfmith, 47, Bull-ftreet Hadley, Thomas, Glafs-pincher, 90, Lichfield-flreet Hadley, Thomas, Button-maker and ditto, 31, Bull-flxeet Hale, Edward, Shop-keeper, i, Snowhill Hale, John, Taylor, 3, Little-Charles flxeet Hall, ¦William, Maltfter and Mftualler, 7, Philip-ftreet Hallen, Arden, Button-maker, 20, Park flreet Hammerfley, William, Chape-maker, 11, Afton-flxeet Hammond, Thomas, Innkeeper, 106, Digbeth Hammond, William, Button-maker, 89, Snow-hill Hancock, Richard, Farrier, 10, Martin's lane Hancox, John, Taylor, 11, Mafshoufe-Iane Hancox, Edward, Viftualler, 89, Moor-ftreet Hands, Thomas, Dye-finker, 61, Edmund-ftxeet Hands, Jofeph, Carpenter, 30, Steelhoufe-lane Hands, Ricliard, Viftualler, 59, ditto Hands, John, Butcher, 69, Lichfield-ftreet Hands, James, Shoe-maker, 6, Old-meeting-ftreet Harcourt, John, Brafsfounder, 11, Colefhill ftreet Harding, William, Viftualler, 40, Edmund-ftreet Harding, William, Buckle-maker, 92, Steelhoufe-lane Harding, BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. 23 Harding, James, Lapidary, Bradford-ftreet Hardman, James, Viftualler, 24, Hill-ftreet Hardy, Thomas, Whitefmith, 16, St. John-ftreet Harper, Robert, Carpenter, 30, Park-ftreet Harper, John, Shop-keeper, 56, Edmund-ftreet Harrott, James, Joiner, 48, Edgbafton-ftreet Harris, John, Baker, 76, Edmund-ftreet Harris, John, ditto, 51, Dale-End Harris, Jofeph, Organift, 32, Cherry-ftreet Harris, John and Co. Toy-makers, &c. 11, Cannon ftr Harris, John, Gardiner, 34, Worcefter-ftreet Harris, Edward, Ironmonger, 13, Edgbafton-ftreet Harris, Jane and Rebecca, Grocers, 36 New-ftreet Harris, Sarah, Viftualler, Lamb-yard, High-ftreet Harris, John, Newfman, 6, Dale-end Harris, J. Newfman and Walfall Carrier, 25, Colmore-flx Harrifon, Edward, Button-ftamper, 15, Cannon-ftreet Harrifon, John, File-maker, 100, Moor-ftreet Harrifon, James, Brafs-Candleftick-maker, 68, Park-ftr Harriibn, William, Officer of Excife, 14, Wood-ftreet Harrifon, Sampfon, Turner, 19, Mafshoufe-lane Harrifon, Jefs, Stamper and Piercer, 23, Colefhill-ftreet Harrifon, William, Viftualler, 18, Tauter ftreet Harrifon, Wm. Speftacle-maker, Forfter's yard, Digbeth Harrold, Wm. Linen and Woollen-draper, 23, High-ftr Hart, Job, Gimblet and Bit-maker, 10, Caftle ftreet Hart, William, Watch chain maker, 32, Stafford-ftreet Hart, Edward, Innkeeper, 98, High-ftreet Hart, Richard, Viftualler, 43, Bull-ftreet Harvey, Merinden, & Freeth, Merchants, 69, New-ftreet Harvey, John, Merchant, 52, Snowhill Harvey, Samuel, jun. Merchant, 4, Cannon-ftreet Harvey, William, Diftiller, 18, Edgbafton ftreet Harvey, George, Sword Cutler, 21, Park-ftreet Harvey, Samuel, fen. ditto, 74, High-flreet Harwood, John, Grocer, 72, High ftreet Harwood, Thomas, Mafon, 27, London-'prentice ftreet Hafkew, Thomas, Watch-chain-maker, 5, Hicks's fquare Hafluck, John, Refiner of metal, 34, Lancafter-ftreet Hafluck, Thomas, Refiner and Viftualler, 9, Afton-ftr Hafsledine, John, Drawing mafter, 14, Ann-ftreet Hafsledine, Jofeph, Stock Buckle-maker, 22, Thomas's-ft Haflewood, Thomas, Sadler and Ironmonger, 18, New-ft Haffall, Thomas, Viftualler, 23, Old meeting-ftreet Haffall, 24 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. Haffall, Charles, Barber, 138, Moor-ftreet Haflall, James, Thread-maker, 142, Moor flreet Hatfield, John, Corkfcrew-maker, I, London-'prentice-ft Hault, Samuel, Compafs-maker, 42, Deritend Haw, Thomas, Button-chafer, 10, Edmund-flreet Haw, William, Broker, 16, Lichfield-ftreet Hawkes, William, Saddletree-maker, i, Deritend Hawkes, Jofeph, Viftualler, 20, Catherine-ftreet Hawker, Ifaac, Glafs-cuttcr, 14, Edgbafton-flreet Hawkesford, William, Viftualler, 93, Pinfold-ftreet Hawkesford, Thomas, Skinner, Moat-lane Hawkins, William, Button-maker, 35, Newhall-ftreet Hawkins, John, ditto, 6, Little Charles-ftreet Hawkins, Richard, ditto, 65 and 66, ditto Hawkins, John, Printer, 23, Bell-ftreet Hawthorne, John, Gimblet and Bit-maker, 61, Digbeth Hawthorne, John, ditto, 9, Milk ftreet Haden, Thomas, Wire drawer, 6, Bull-flreet Haynes, Richard, Jeweller, Paradife-flreet Hays, Jofeph, Awlblade-maker, Digbeth Haywood, Jofliua, Toy-maker, 7, Snow-hill Haywood, James, Brafsfounder, 12, Catherine-ftreet Hazard, Thomas, Brufh maker, 31, Spicer-ftreet Heath, Jofeph, Buckle-maker, 2.}., Catherine flreet Heath, William, Plater, 38, St. John-flreet Heath, Jofeph, Shoe maker, 56, Bull flreet Heath, Jofeph, Bridle-bit maker, 16, \^'orcefter-flreet Heath, Richard, Chair and Gun-rod maker, 13, Snowhill Heaton, Bernard Shep. Mercer, 15, High-ftreet Heftor, Edmund, Surgeon, I, Square Heely, Henry, Glafs-pincher, 47, Church-fb-eet Heely, J. & Co. Gun-barrel-makers, z6, Holloway-head Heely, William, Taylor, 14, Philip-ftreet Heely, Daniel, Viftualler, 22 Spicer-ftreet Heely, Edward, Curtain-ring maker, 18, Afton-ftreet Heely, Robert, Viftualler, Bradford-flxeet Henn, Henry, Merchant, 70, Bull-ftreet Henfliall, John, Sadler 19, High-flreet Herbert, and Co. Taylors, Temple-row Hefketh, Samuel, Plater, Colmore-row Hewfon, Benjamin, Grocer and Druggift, 64, High-flxeet Hewitt, James, Baker, 43, Worceflcr-flreet Heycock, John, Felmonger, between 44 and 45, Edgb. ft Hickins, Jofeph, Gunfmith, 10, Catherine-flreet Hickman, BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. 25 Hickman, Robert, Plated Button-maker, 9, Ann-ftreet Hickman, James, Trinket-maker, Navigation-ftreet Hickman, John, Confeftioner, 4, New-ftreet Hicks, Robert, Currier, 76, Smallbrook ftreet Hicks, William, Thread-maker, 48, Digbeth Hicks, William, Baker, 62, Park-ftreet Hidfon, Durant, Brafs-founder, 26, Church-ftreet Hidfon, Thomas, Gardener, 77, Steelhoufe-lane Hidfon, John, Snuffer-maker, 57, ditto Higgins, Robert, Baker, i, Ruffel-ftreet Higgins, William, Shopkeeper, 98, Dale-end Higginfon, John, Plaifterer, 22, Paradife-ftreet Highway, Francis, Tanner, 34, Digbeth Highway, Thomas, Attorney at Law, 14, Temple-row Hillman, Benjamin, Viftualler, 54, Snowhill Hill, Robert, Fifliing-rod maker, 30, Edmund-ftreet Hill, Arthur, Shoe maker, 39, Steelhoufe-lane Hill, Robert, ditto, 38, Dale-end Hill, John, button-maker, 9, Temple-ftreet Hill, Daniel, Baker, 52, Moor-ftreet Hill, Adam, Brafsfounder, 75, Park-ftreet Hill, Thomas, Lockfmith, no, Digbeth Hill, Benjamin, Whitefmith, Bordefley Hill, Richard, Anvil and Vice-maker, &c. 89, Digbeth Hinchley, Wm. Surgeon and Apothec. 20, Colmore-row Hinton, Edward, Butcher and Viftualler, Navigation-fir Hipkifs, John, Japanner, 6, Newhall-ftreet Hitchen, Samuel, Viftualler, 63, Smallbrook-ftreet Hitchenbotham, Naboth, Button-maker, 56, SteeIhoufe-1. Hitchnor, Thomas, Victualler, 124, Digbeth Hobday, Samuel, Engraver, 17, Catherine-ftreet Hobday, Ja. Viftualler, 4, Johnfon's Row, Brickkiln-la. Hobfon, George, Gardener, 57, Colefhill-ftreet Hobfon, Thomas, Viftualler, 47, Worcefter-ftreet Hodgetts, William, Brufh-maker, 20 and 21, Dale-end Hodgetts, John, Trap and Hinge-maker, 102, Digbeth Hodgetts, Samuel, Viftualler, 84, Deritend Hodgetts, John, Ironfounder, 85, ditto Hodgkins, Charles, Cabinet-maker, 26, Colmore-row Hodgkins, , V'ictualler, 9, Weaman-ftreet Hodgkins, Daniel, ditto, 35, Lichfield-ftreet Hodgkins, Wm. Cabinet maker, 9, in the Square Hodgkins, Wm. Lapidary, 2, Oueen-ftreet Hodgfon, Thomas, Japanner, 78, Steelhoufe-lane D Hodgfon, 26 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. Hodgfon, Ann and Jane, Milliners, lo, High-ftreet Holden, Wm. Sadlers Ironmonger, &c. 28, New-ftr. Holden, the Rev. Mr. 17, Colemore-row Holmes, J. Ironmonger and Blackfmith, 4, St. Martin's lane Holmes, John, Curtain-ring-maker, 87, Moor-ftreet Holmes, Mary, Hofier, 68, High-flreet Holt, Richard, Brufli-maker, 40, Bull-flxeet Hollands, Mifs, Milliners, 30, New-ftreet HoUoway, George, Gent. l, Newhall-flreet Homer, William, Toymaker, 81, Hill-ftreet Homer, Edward, Merchant, 9, New-hall-ftreet Hopkins, John, Appraifer and Auftioneer, Hill-ftreet Hopkins, William, Founder, 7, Cannon-ftreet Hopkins, James, Shoe-maker, 14, Hill-ftreet Horn, Charles, Button and Toymaker, 25, Cannon-flreet Horn, William, Inftrumcnt-maker, 148, Moor-flreet Hornblower, Jofeph, Button-maker, 15, Cherry-ftreet Hornblower, Jofeph, Thread-maker, 50, Digbeth Hornfole, Jofeph, Waiter-maker, Great Charles-ftreet Horton, James, Builder, 39, New-Hall-ftreet Horton, Thomas, Plater, 21, Mount-pleafant Horton, William, Buckle-maker, 29, Church-ftreet Horton, Edward, Button-maker, 49, Dale End Horton, Thomas, Jobbing-fmith, 62, ditto Horton, Samuel, Gimblet and Bit-maker, 17, Edgbaft.-ft Horton, Lawrence, Spoon-maker, 37, Colefliill-ftreet Horton, James, Toy-maker, 45, ditto Horton, Thomas, Taylor, 9, Walmore-lane Horton, Thomas, Maltfter and Hop-Dealer, 67, Deritend Horton, John, Carpenter, Bradford-ftreet Hofier, John, Brandy-dealer, 78, High-ftreet Houghton, Mofes, Plater, 2, New market-row Houghton, Jofeph, Gun barrel maker, 12, Smallbroke-ft Howard, Thomas, Bricklayer, Colefliill-ftreet Howell, John, Carpenter and Joiner, 33, ditto Howes, John, Shopkeeper, 120, Digbeth Hubbard, Thomas, Viftualler, 105, High-ftreet Hudlon, Edward, Button-maker, 99, Snow-hill Hudfon, Robert, Pot-maker, 13, Loveday-ftreet Hudfon, Richard, Currier, I, Mafs-houfe-lane Hughes, Edward, Coal-mafter, 27, Paradife-ftreet Hughes, John, Viftualler, 21, London-'prentice-ftreet Hughes, John, Chape-forger, 18, Chapel-ftreet Hughes, Daniel, Gi:n-lock-makcr, 61, SmallbrokL--ftreet Hughes, BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. 27 Hughes, George, Barber, 28, Moor-ftreet Hughes, John, Bridle bit-maker, 39, Jennings's-row Hull, Thomas, Gardener, 40, Smallbroke-ftreet Humphreys, William, Butcher, 30, Mount pleafant Humphreys, Charles Edward, Viftualler 27, Lichfield-ft Humphreys, Thomas, ditto, 10, Newton-ftreet Humphreys, George, Merchant, 10, Park-ftreet Humphreys, William, ditto, 73, Digbeth Humphreys and Lea, Linen and Woollen-drapers, Cor- bett's Alley Hunt, David, Buckle-maker, 47, Little Charles ftreet Hunt, Bafil, Roller of Silver, 48, Edmund-ftreet Hunt, William, Button-maker, i, Lichfield-ftreet Hunt, Thomas, Button-maker, 16, Cannon-ftreet Hunt, Thomas, ditto, 44, Queen-ftreet Hunt, Thomas, jun. Breeches-maker, 11, Worcefter-ftr Hunt, Thomas, fen. Heel-maker, 12, ditto Hunt, Daniel, Laft and Heel-maker, 14, ditto Hunt, Thomas, Maltfter, 14, Moor-ftreet Hunt, Samuel, Jobbing-fmith, 20, Mafs-houfe-lane Hunt, John, Hatter and Hofier, 37, High-ftreet Hunt, Edward, Thread-maker, 18, Park-ftreet Hunter, John, Jack maker, 13, Moat-row Hurdd, Francis, Woollen Draper, 13, New-ftreet Hurd and Sons, Merchants, 73, High ftreet Hurd, Thomas, Mercer and Draper, ditto Hurft, Mary, Millener, 51, High-ftreet Hutchins, Thomas, Buckle-chape maker, 49, Dudley-ft Hutton, William, Taylor, 6, London 'Prentice-ftreet Hutton, William, Stationer, 25, High-ftreet Hyde, Walter, Poulterer, 13, Bull-ftreet Hyde, John, Shoe-maker, 4, Carr's-lane I. J. JACKSON, James, Jeweller & Goldfmith, 30, High-ft Jackfon, William, Shoemaker, 87, Snow hill Jackfon, James, Viftualler, I, Weaman-ftreet Jackfon, Thomas, Lockfmith, 21, Upper priory Jackfon, Jofeph, Stationer, 99, Bull-ftreet Jackfon, Jofeph, Shoemaker, 15, Windmill-ftreet Jackfon, Daniel, Officer of Excife, 37, New Hinckleys James, Thomas, Merchant, 22, Colemore-row D 2 James, 28 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY James, Mary, Widow, Button-maker, 55, Snow hill James, William, Porter, 76, Bull-ftreet Jarvis, John, Brafs-nail maker, 29, St. Thomas's-ftreet Jarvis, Charles, Compafs maker. Windmill ftreet Jarvis, John, Brafs-candleftick maker, 2, Buck-ftreet Jarvis, William, Caftor, Jennings's-ftreet Jafon, John, Brafs and Iron founder, I, Profpeft row Iddens, John, Timber-merchant, 32, Cherry-ftreet Jefcoat, Richard, Enamelled Button-maker, Great-Ch-ft Jefferys, Thomas, Jeweller, 3, Mount pleafant Jefferys, Wm. Shagreen-cafe maker, Anderton's Court, Catherine ftreet Jefferys, John, Barber, 6, Lower priory Jefferys, John, Shoemaker, 22, Dale-end Jefferys, Richard, Barber, 16, Spicer ftreet Jennings, William, Viftualler, Great Charles ftreet Jennings and Co. Wood fcrew makers, 4, Snow hill Jennings, Charles, Jobbing fmith, 58 New ftreet Jennings, Widow, Watch-chain preffer, 13, Vauxhall-row Iliffe, Thomas, Horn-button-maker, 25, New-hinckleys Inman, Francis, Gun-fmith, 7, Upper-priory Infole, Edward, Shoemaker, 3, Coach-yard, Bull-ftreet Johnfon, John, Shopkeeper, 56, Lichfield ftreet Johnfon, William, Innkeeper, 2, St. Martin's lane Johnfon, Richard, Stocking-maker, 92, Hill-ftreet Johnfon, Richard, Viftualler, 10, New-ftxeet Johnfon, Abraham, Jobbing-cart-man, Profpeft-row Johnfon, Jofeph, Horn-button maker, 40, Deritend Jones, Thomas, ^^iftualler, 24, Paradife flreet Jones, Jofeph, Watch chain maker, 25, Catherine-ftreet Jones, Hugh, Taylor, 9, Lichfield-ftreet Jones, William, Peruke-maker, 44, Dale end Jones, Thomas, ditto, Bull-ftreet Jones, Richard, Viftualler, 67, Bull-ftreet Jones, George, Taylor, 25, Bell-ftreet Jones, Edward, Coalman, 34, Dudley-ftreet Jones, Edward, Mafon, 44, Park ftreet Jones, Thomas, Gardener, 17, Wood-flxeet Jones, Rowland, Broker, 27, Digbeth Jones, William, Taylor, Poller's Yard, ditto Jones, Charles, Chymift aud Druggifl, 32, Bull-ring Jones, Wm. Eating houfe, under 19, High-ftreet Jones, John, Japanner, Snowhill Jones, Mark, Shoe-maker, High-ftreet Jones, BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. 29 Jones and Pulton. Cyder merch. Warehoufe near Hotel Jones, John, Jobbing-fmith, Bradford ftreet Jordan, Thomas, Baker, 50, Pinfold ftreet Jordan, John, Gardener, 23, Wood-ftreet Jofeph, John, Dealer in Waiters, 80, Dale-end Jover, John, Linen draper, 16, Dudley ftreet Ireland, Abraham, Toy and Button-maker, 82, Lichf-ftr Ireland, John, Diftiller, 5, Temple row Ifherwood, Samuel, Peruke maker, 4, Temple ftreet Jukes, Jofeph, Plater, 20, Paradife ftreet Jukes, Wm. Stilliard-maker, back of Jefferys's-yd. Digb. Jukes, Joel, Inn-keeper, 34, Bull-ring Izon, John, Shopkeeper, 25, Park ftreet Izon, John, Brafs-founder, Colefliill-ftreet K. KEEN, Jofeph, Tallow-chandler, &c. 30, Bull ftreet Kelley, George, Toy-maker, 32, Weaman-ftreet Kelfey, Benjamin, Viftualler, 33, Stafford ftreet Kelfey, John, Button maker, 26, Edmund ftreet Kempfon, Samuel, ditto, Lower-Charles-ftreet Kempfon, William, ditto, 59, Park flreet Kempfon, James, ditto. Great Cfiarlcs-fii-eet Kempfon, Henry, Land furvcyor, i, Sand-ftreet Kendall, Jofeph, Knife-blade forger, &c. Bordefley Kendall, ¦ , Baflcet maker, under 32, Bull-ring Kendrick, Andrew, Butcher, 18, St. George's-market Kendrick, Jofeph, Toy and Trinket maker, 19, Snowhill Kendrick, John, Bellows maker, 13, Digbeth Kendrick, Jonathan, Taylor, 39, ditto Kennedy, Mr. Surgeon, 89, Steelhoufe lane Kerriff, Thomas, Shoe-maker, 15, Spicer-ftreet Ketland, Thomas, Gun-maker, Catherine-ftreet Kettle, Samuel, Engraver, 51, Slaney-ftreet Kettle, Edmund, Peruke-maker, Corbctt's-alley ' Kettley, Edward, Cooper, zl, Spicer-ftreet Kettley, Richard, Viftualler, 60, Snowhill Kettleilone, Mofes, Buckle-maker, 43, Weaman-ftreet Key, William, Carpenter, 57, Lichfield-ftreet Key, Thomas, Shoe-maker, i. Lower-priory Key, Samuel, Thread-maker, 36, Moor-ftreet Key, William, File cutter, 20, Car's lane Key, 30 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. Key, Charles, Brafsfounder, 21, Jennens's-row Kimberley, John, Gimblet and Bit-maker, 18, Caftle- ftr Kimberley, Jofeph, 6, Edgbafton-ftreet King, Thomas, Windmill hill Kinnerfley, Richard, Viftualler, 23, Snowhill Kifs, William, Button maker, 58, Steelhoufe-lane Kitchen, Matthew, Officer of Excife, Bartholomew-row Knight, William, Baker, 3, Upper-priory Knight, Guy, Schoolmafter, Dog-yard, Spicer-ftreet Knight, James, Porter, Moat-lane Knott, Lawrence, Japanner, 69, Dale-end Knowles, Jofeph, Button-maker, i, Bath-ftreet L. LACON, Daniel, Book-keeper to the Liverpool and Chefter Waggons, 21, Lichfield-ftreet Ladbury, John, Attorney at Law, 4, Sand flreet Lakin, Michael, Plumber and Glazier, 122, Moor ftreet Landall and Chambers, Faftors 24, New-ftreet Lane, Thomas, Gun and Piftol maker, 29, Newhall-flx Lane, Benjamin, Baker, 5, Snowhill Lane, Thomas, Edgetool-maker, 50, Weaman-flreet Lane, John, Grocer, 59, Bull-ftreet Lane, Edward, Stamper, 28, Cannon-ftreet Lane and Parker, Attornies at Law, 124, Moor flxeet Lane, John, Keeper of the Livery-flables, 24, Colefhil-ft Langfter, John, Spur-maker, 46, Steelhoufe-lane Larmount, Thomas, Excife Officer, 117, Digbeth Latham, John, Viftualler, 7, Bull-ftreet Latham, William, Barber, 10, Dudley-ftreet Lattimore, Abraham, Baker, 9, Deritend Laugher, John, Faftor, 23, Edmund-flieet Law, Lawrence, Joiner and Cabinet-maker, 85, Hill ftr Lawley, Wm. Bookeeper to fundry Waggons, 9, Spicer-ft Lawlidge, Matthias, Maltfter, Bradford-ftreet Lawrence, Michael, Barber, 17, Bull-lane Lawrence, Tho. and Son, Hatters, Hofiers, and Liquor- merchants, 85, Bull-ftreet Lawrence, George, Sadler, 96, ditto Lawrence, Wm. Trace-maker and Viftualler, Bordefley Lawfon, John, Merchant, 37, Dale-end Lawfon, BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. 31 Lawfon, Richard, Barber, 104, ditto Layton, Francis, Shoe maker, 47, ditto Lea, John, Merchant and Button-maker, 1 1 5, Snowhill Lea, William, Grocer, 62, High ftreet Lea, John, Steel toy-maker, 21, Philip-ftreet Lea, Benjamin, Baker, Navigation-ftreet Lea, Wm. Brafs Candleftick maker, 11, Caftle-ftreet Lea, Charles, Cooper, 59, Stafford-ftreet Leach, Henry, Shoe maker, 21, Edgbafton-ftreet Leak, John, Glazier, 16, Chapel-ftreet Lee, John, Faftor, Snowhill Lee, Thomas, Attorney at Law, 34, New-hall-ftreet Lee, Widow, Maltfter, 89, Bull-ftreet Lee, Charles, Buckle-maker, 94, Hill-ftreet Leeham, Mifs, Mantua-maker, I, Caftle ftreet Lees, Edward, Mafon, 27, Ann-ftreet or Mount-pleal. Lees, James, Viftualler, 5 1, Digbeth Lees, William, Barber, 21, Hill-ftreet Ledfam, Thomas, Schoolmafter, 24, Ann-ftreet Ledfam, Jofeph, Baker, 19, Chapel-ftreet Lench, 'William, Trap and Hinge maker, 9, Park-ftreet Lennocks, William Sword hilt-maker, Afton-ftreet Lefter, Thomas, Watch-chain-maker, 23, Cherry-ftreet Le Refche, Charles, French mafter, 15, Newhall-ftreet Levy, William, and Son, Smiths, New-ftreet Lewin, William, Plater, Bartholomew-row Lewin, Thomas, Baker, 93, Steelhoufe-lane Lewin, Francis, Butcher, 68, Dale-end Lewis, Ann, Pearl Button-maker, 103, Park-ftreet Lewis, John, Builder, 3, King-ftreet Lewefley, John, Cooper, 73, Steelhoufe-lane Lewly, Thomas, Bridle-maker, St. Martin's-lane Ley, Sarah, China Shop, 52, High ftreet Ley, George, Upholder, 52, ditto Lightwood, John, Buckle-maker, 40, Church-ftreet Lindon, John, Carpenter, 25, Cherry ftreet Lines, Benjamin, Butcher, 87, Lichfield-ftreet Litchfield, Charles, Taylor and Salefman, 35, Deritend Little, Francis, Shoe-maker, 52, Dale-end Littlewood, Thomas, Taylor, Paradife-row Lloyd, Wm. Shoe-maker, 25, Temple-ftreet Lloyd, Sampfon, Banker, 13, Square Lloyd, Charies, Merchant, 45, Edgbafton-ftreet Lloyd 32 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. Lloyd, Wm. Shoe-maker, 23, Bull-ftreet Lloyd, Sampfon, Merchant, 46, Edgbafton-ftreet Lloyd, Benjamin, Baker, 85, Moor-ftreet Lloyd, Samuel, Innkeeper, 34, High-ftreet Lloyd, John, Viftualler, 5, Deritend Locker, Jofeph, Viftualler, 23, Digbeth Lockitt, Jonathan, Horn button maker, 33, Walmore-1. Logan, James, Surgeon's Inftrument maker, Bull ring Lomax, Henry, Chymift and Druggift, 79, Colefhill-flr. Long, James, Felmonger, Edgbafton-ftreet Lord, Edmund, Toy maker, Livery-ftreet Lord, Wm. ditto, 22, Snow-hill Lovett, Thomas, Stay-maker, 145, Moor-ftreet Lowe, William, Brafs-founder, 70-71, Steelhoufe-lane Lowe, James, Shoe-maker, 80, Dale-end Lowe, Edward, Carpenter and Joiner, 15, Bread ftreet Lowe, John, School-mafter, Bull-ring Lucas, Wm. Jobbing-fmith, 89, Dale-end Lucas, Wm. Cabinet-maker, 83, Bull-ftreet Luckock, Wm. Viftualler, 3, Church-ftreet Luckock, Widow, Grocer, 5, Edgbafton-ftreet Luckett, W. Steel toy maker, 6, Bread-ftr New-market Lunn, John, Viftualler, 75, New-ftreet Lutwych, John, Shoe-maker, 3, Bread-ftreet, Hill-ftreet Lutwych, T. Grocer and Tobacconift, 138, Digbeth Lutwych, James, Barber, 3, New-ftreet Lyon, Benjamin, Baker, 87, Lichfield-ftreet M MACKENZIE JOHN, Linen-draper, 38, Bull-ring Mackie, Roger, Shoe maker, 5, Lay's-lane Mackftanley, Samuel, Taylor, 6, Floodgate-ftreet Mainwaring, Anthony, Attorney at Law, ,5, Cherry-fir. Male, James, Ironmonger, 25, Nevrhall flreet Maling, G. Plumber and Glazier, 10, Worcefter-ftr. Malin, John, Coal mafter, 11, Paradife-ftreet Malin, Daniel, Baker, 3, Deritend Mallett, Mifs, Millener, 45, Newhall-flxeet Mallorey, Samuel, Hatter, 12, Bull ftreet Malpafs, Richard, Button maker, 22, Catherine-ftreet Malpafs, Elizabeth, Button-maker, 26, Dale-end Manfell, BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. 33 Manfell, Wm. Button-maker, 19, Weaman-ftreet Manfell, James, Shoe-maker, 35, Dudley-ftreet Manfell, Benjamin, Tea dealer, 28, High-ftreet Mantle, William, Shoe maker, 50, Smallbrook-ftreet Manton, Robert, Barber, 3, Peck-lane Marklew, Morgan, Hinge maker, 16, Old-meeting ftr. Marfliall, John, Viftualler, 62, Steelhoufe lane Marfliall, Tho. Stock Clafp-maker, 1 1, Old-Hinckleys Marflin, Charles, Engraver, 18, Snowhill Marfton, John, Brafsfounder, 2, Paradife ftreet Martin, R. Bookfeller and Printer, Ann-ft. or Mount-pl. Martin, Jofiah, Barber, 80, Park-ftreet Mafli, Wm. Button-maker, Great-Charles ftreet Mafon, John, Saddle-tool-maker, 17, Church-ftreet Mafon, John, Maltfter, 24, ditto Mafon, John, Box-maker, 45, ditto Mafon, J. Tortoife-fliell Box-maker, 32, Bread-ftreet Mafon, Richard, Sword cutler, 2, Caftle ftreet Mafon, Henry, Shoe-maker, Si, Moor-ftreet Mafon, William, Surgeon, 23, Bull-ring Maffey, John, Taylor, 8, Moat-lane Matthews, Wm. "Watch chain-maker, 6, Loveday ftreet Matthews, Samuel, Viftualler, 48, Dale-end Matthews, Thomas, Collar-maker, 22, Bull-ring Matthews, Wm. Dealer and Chapman, 45, Park-ftreet Mavity, W. Saddletree-maker and Plater, 12, Brickiln 1. Maxmiliam, Alexander, 29, Philip ftreet May, Samuel, Sadler and Whip-maker, 3, Bull-ring May, Benjamin, Plater, New ftreet Mayo, Edward, Steel-toy-maker, i, Hill-ftreet Mayor, Samuel, Dyer, 84, Park-ftreet Meacham, David, Viftualler, 147, Moor-ftreet Medlicott, Wm. Confeftioner, 27, Bell-ftreet Medley, , Faftor, Bull ftreet Meer, J. Maltfter, and Viftualler, 38, Small-brook-ftreet Meredith, John, Attorney at Law, 17, Temple-ftreet Merinden, John Philip, Merchant, 69, New-ftreet Merry, John, Jeweller, and Toy-maker, 33, Cherry-fir. Mewis and Redfern, Faftors, 21, Temple-row Micklewright, John, Breeches maker, Suffolk-ftreet Midiam, John, Butcher, 34, New-flxeet Midiam, Jofeph, Bricklayer, 10, Philip-ftreet Miles, John, Thread maker, 61, Edgbafton-ftreet Millar, J. Portrait Painter, Colmore-Row E Millard, 34 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. Millard, Wm. Viftualler, i6, Livery-ftreet Miller, Wm. Hatter, 42, London 'prentice-ftreet Mills, Jofeph, Viftualler, i, Livery-ftreet Mills, Thomas, Gardener, 43, Weaman-ftreet Mills, Widow, Spur-maker, 14, Lower-priory Mills, Jofeph, Grocer and Engine-cutter, 21, New-ftreet Minors, Thomas, Merchant, 13, Temple ftreet Minton, John, Viftualler, 31, Profpeft-row, Gofly-green Mitchell, John, Taylor, 70, Weaman-ftreet Mitchell, Wm. Brafsfounder, 78, Park-ftreet Mobbs, Wm. Hatter and Hofier, 102, High-ftreet Mogridge, Matthias, Thimble-maker, 39, Dale-end Mole, Samuel, Button-maker, 44, Weaman-ftreet Mole, William, Gun-fmith, Catharine-ftreet Mole and Dadley, Mercers and Drapers, 28, Bull-ring Mole, Francis, Viftualler, 13, Spicer ftreet Moles, Thomas, Ivory-comb maker, 109, Digbeth Moles, Francis, Salt warehoufe, 8, Bull-ring Monger, John, Merchant, 3, New-hall ftreet Moody, Edward, Brafs founder, 42, Weaman-flxeet Moor, Kimberley, Surgeon, Bull-ftreet Moore, Francis, Viftualler, 37, Newhall ftreet Moore, John, Gunfmith, 31, Ann ftreet, or Mount pleaf Moore, Robert, Viftualler, 5, Colmore-row Moore, William, Tinman, 12, Dale-end Moore, Richard, Sheriff's Officer, 19, Edgbafton-flreet Moore, Ifaac, Lockfmith, 116, Digbeth Moore, Robert, Paviour, 56, New-ftreet Moore, Edward, Viftualler, 74, Deritend Morgan, William, Viftualler, 17, Edmund-flreet Morgan, Henry, ditto, 29, Slaney-ftreet Morgan, Ann, Ditto, 24, Queen-ftreet Morgan, Wm. and Co. Plater and Toy-makers, 32, ditto Morgan, Robert, Tallow-chandler, 66, Smallbrook-ftreet Morgan, Thomas, Glafs and China Warehoufe, Corn and Cheefe-faftor, 94 and 95, High-flreet Morgan, WiUiam, Shoe-maker, 67, Lichfield ftreet Morpafs, Henry, Shoe maker, 23, Smallbrook-ftreet Morris, William, Brai'sfounder, 12, Colmore-row Morris, John, Button-maker, 7, St. John-ftreet Morris, George, Viftualler, 54, Dale-end Morris, Jofeph, Pattin maker, 89, Hill ftreet Morris, Henry, Jeweller and Plater, 19, Freeman-ftreet Morris, Thomas, Button-maker, 7, Newton-ftreet Mofely, BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. 35 Mofely, Francis, Barber, 4, Ruffel-ftreet Mofeley, Robert, Sword-hilt-maker, Suffolk-ftreet Mofeley, John, Taylor, 7, Park ftreet Mofs, William, Plane maker, 28, Dudley-ftreet Moftyn, John, Staymaker, Digbeth Moflyn, William, Taylor and Viftualler, Moor ftreet Mould, Henry, Ring-maker, Vauxhall-row Mountford, 'William, Brafs-candleftick maker, 23, Ca therine ftreet Mountford, Jofeph, Gardener, 44, Colemore-ftreet Murcott, Abraham, Hinge-maker, 27, Colefliill ftreet Murray and Co. Button makers, 22, Moor ftreet Mynors, Robert, Surgeon and Man-midwife, 14, Square N. "VTEAL, John, Mafon, 25, Dudley-ftreet -LN Neal, Thomas, Painter, 53, Park-ftreet Neeld, Widow, Carpenter's Tool-maker, Bordefley Nell, Jonathan, Cutler, 8, Exeter-row Nelling, Charles, Butcher, 12, Edgbafton ftreet Nelfon and Handafyd, Cockfounders and Faftors, 20, Paradife-ftreet Nevell, Thomas, Dye-finker, Great Charles-ftreet Nevell, Slater, Pattern-maker, 37, Steel-houfe-lane Nevell, William, Edge-tool maker, 49, Smallbroke ftr. Nevill, John, Cooper, 96, Digbeth Newball, Thomas, Butcher and Viftualler, 28, Edgbaf. ft Newborne, William, Butcher, 86, Digbeth Newby, John, Bridle cutter, 8, King-ftreet Newey, John, Fork-maker, 23, Deritend Newman, John, Button-maker, 18, Freeman-ftreet Newport, John, Cooper, 64, Weaman-ftreet Newton, Ifaac, Officer of Excife, 29, Snow hill NichoUs, John, Viftualler, 1 5, St. Thomas's-ftreet Nicklin, John, ditto, 8, Vauxhall-row Nicklinfon, Nicholas, Taylor, 51, New Hinckleys Nixon, William, Joiner and Carpenter, 95, Lichfield-ftr Noble, William and Co. Merchants, 22, Newhall ftreet Noble, Edward Heatley, Short-cutler, 17, Paradife-ftreet Normuft, Robert, Plater, 21, Paradife-ftreet Northall, Thomas, Grocer and Druggift, 63, Bull-ftreet Norton, Charles, Carpenter, 70, Hill-ftreet E 2 OAKLEY, 36 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. O. OAKLEY, W. Surgeon and Man midwife, 127, Digb, Oakley, Jofeph, Optician, 79, Bull-ftreet Oatley, William, Viftualler, 48, Lichfield-ftreet Odam, John, Button-maker, 8, Lancafter-ftreet Olds, Thomas, Augur maker, 51, Dudley-ftreet Oliver, Wilham, Stocking-maker, 82, Dale end Oliver, Edward, Toy-maker, 37, Weaman-ftreet Olleranfliaw, John, Shoe Warehoufe, 23, Dale-end Onions, John, Gunfmith, 29, Dale-end Oram, John, Paper-maker, 62, Bull-ftreet Orchard, James, Peruke-maker, 10, Moor-ftreet Orzell, Francis, Merchant, Snowhill Ofborne, William, Viftualler, 10, Snowhill Ofbourne, Jofeph, Brickmaker, 50, Afton-ftreet Oftjorn and Willfon, Clock-dial-makers, Colmore-row Oftiorn, Henry, China-dealer, 19, Deritend Ofliorn, Robert, Mufician, 57, Dudley-ftreet Ofborn, Samuel, Faftor, 30, Catherine-flxeet Offender, Thomas, Ironmonger, 3, ]\Iafshoufe-lane Overton, John, Builder, 86 Hill-ftreet Oughton, Chriftopher, Peruke-maker, 22, Church-ftreet Owen, Hannah, Scale and Beam-maker, 37, Digbeth Oxford, Catherine, School miflxefs, 19, Bull-ring P. PACE, Humphrey, Plumber and Glazier, 1 1, Bell-llr Page, Richard, Chape maker, 28, Weaman-flreet Page, John, Gardener, 49, ditto Page, James, Shoe-maker, 4, Hicks's-fquare Paine, Thomas, Cabinet-maker and Upholder, New-ftr Pallet, James, Taylor, 7, St. Martin's-lane Pallet, Thomas, Shoe-maker, 32, Edgbafton-ftreet Palmer, Mary, Viftualler, 33, Snowhill Palmer, William, Hinge-maker, 16, Steelhoufe-lane Palmer, WiUiam, Baker, 66, Lichfield-ftreet Palmer, William, Hinge-maker, 13, Newton-ftreet Palmer, Thomas, Sleeve-button-maker, 62, Moor-ftreet Palmer, H. Buckle-maker, 4, Profpeft-row, Gofly-green Palmer, Andrew, Currycomb-maker, 6, Deritend Palmer, iilRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. 37 Palmer, Sarah, Thumb-latch-maker, Bordfley Palmer, Francis, Viftualler, 44, Deritend Palmer, Jofeph, Shopkeeper, 46, Deritend Palmer, John, Steel-button-maker, Bradford-ftreet Palmer and Perkins, Merchants, 31, Edmund-ftreet Parker, William, Shopkeeper, 11, "Weaman-ftreet Parker, John, Silk dyer, 71, Digbeth Parker, J. Malfter and Seedfman, 2, Bull-ring Parkes, Wm. Waiter-maker, 15, Freeman ftreet Parkes, T. Button-maker & Merchant Lower-charles-ftr, Parkes, Wm. Buckle-maker, 36, Snowhill Parkes, John, Gunfmith, 76, Steelhoufe-lane Parkes, Samuel, Compafs-maker, 8, Sand-ftreet Parkes, Thomas, Button-maker, 68, Lichfield-ftreet Parkes, Thomas, Baker, 6, Dale-end Parkes, Thomas, Button-maker, 21, Cannon-ftreet Parkes, John, Viftualler, 2, Old-meeting-ftreet Parkes, John, Shoe-maker, 28, ditto Parkes, R Button maker & Glafs pincher, 48, Dudley-ft. Parkes, Edward, Gun-finifher, 11, Holloway-head Parkes, Daniel, Edge-tool and Auger-maker, Vale-ftreet Parkes, Thomas, Plater, 13, Freeman-ftreet Parkes, Wm Toy-maker, 10, Wood-ftreet Parrott, Francis, Surgeon and Man-midwife, 52, Bull-ft. Parfons, John, Butcher, 42, Digbeth Parton, Jofeph, Viftualler, 69, Dale end Partridge, T. Button-maker, 30, London-'prentice-ftr. Partridge, Thomas, School-mafter, 62, Butts Pathews, Jofeph, Jeweller, Afton-ftreet Patrick, James, Dye-finker, 20, Upper-priory Patrick, Samuel, Taylor, 16, Weaman-ftreet Patterfon, Edmund, Upholder, 11, Bull ring Pawton, Robert, Shoemaker, 5, Peck lane Payne, Charles, Engraver, 81, Lichfield-ftreet Payne, Wm. Taylor, 12, St. John's-ftreet Payne, John, Viftualler, 11, Dudley-ftteet Payton, Wm. Baker, 52, Lichfield ftreet Payton, Wm. Brufh-maker, 20, Digbeth Payton, Jofeph, Brufh-maker, 26, St. John's-ftreet Peacock, Wm. Officer of Excife, 10, Woodcock-lane Peale, Henry, Glafs-feller, 69, Bull-ftreet Pearce, Thomas, Barber, 3, Lichfield-ftreet Pearfon and Rollafon, Printers, Bookfellers and Station ers, 99-100, High ftreet Pearfon, 38 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. Pearfon, Richard, Plater, lo, Lichfield-ftreet Pearfon, Benjamin, Cabinet-maker, 93, Dale-end Pearfon, Jofeph, Lapidary, Caftle yard Peck, W. Beadle of St. Mardn's Ch. St. Mardn's lane Peck, Samuel, fen. Jobbing-fmith, 5, Philip-ftreet Pemberton, Samuel, jun. Jeweller, no. Snow-hill Pemberton, Abraham, Baker, 45, Deritend Pembroke, Thomas, Stamper, 17, Little-charles-ftreet Penn, Benjamin, Newfman, 11, St. George's market Penn, Edward, Viftualler, 25, Smallbrooke-ftreet Pcnrofe, John, Thong maker. Moat-lane Penfon, William, Peruke maker, 24, High-ftreet Penton, Thomas, Viftualler, Bradford-ftreet Peploe, Jonas, Glafs-pincher, 37, Moore ftreet Perkins, John, Button maker, 20, Peck lane Perkins, John, Shoe maker, 8, ^^ale-ftreet Perkins, Abraham, Japanner, 34, Snow hill Perkins, Key, Viftualler, 29, Lancafter-ftreet, or Wal.-la. Perks, John, Cabinet-maker, Paradife-ftreet Perman, Samuel, Butcher, 17, Moor-flreet Perry, Wm. Gunfmith, 94-, Snowhill Perry, Charles, Viftualler, 55, Lichfield-ftreet Perry, James, ditto, 48, Smallbrook-ftreet Perry, Levy, Brafs-founder, 20, Jennings's-row Perry, Charles, Shoe-maker, 19, Stafford ftreet Pewitt, David, Viftualler, 7, Edgbafton-flxeet Phillips, John, Buckle-maker, 11, Great-Charles-ftieet Phillips, Jofeph, Watchchain-maker, 19, St. Thomas's ft Phillips, Charles, fenior. Green-grocer, 30, Phillip-flxeet Phillips, Wm. Viftualler, 15, Edgbafton-flreet Phillips, John, Turner, 10, Carr's-lane Phillips, Jofeph, Plater, 17, Park-ftreet Phillips, Benjamin, Awl-blade-maker, 28, ditto Phillips, Thomas, Mould-turner, 66, Park-ftreet Phillips, John, Carpenter and Pump-maker, 52, ditto Phillips, George, Pump maker, 17, Freeman ftreet Phillips, John, Jeweller, 7, Freeman-ftreet Phillips, Samuel, Glafs-grindcr, 1 1, ditto Phillips, W. Gilt chain & Buckle-maker, 39, Colefliill-ft. Phillips, Benjamin, Salt-Avarehoufe 5S, High flreet Phillips, Ch. junr. Fiflimonger, no, High-flreet Phillips, Wm, Carpenter, 61, Deritend Phillips, J. Fender, Shovel and Tongs-maker, Bordefley Phillips, Thomas, Waiter-maker, Bradford-ftreet Phillips, BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. 39 Phillips, James, Jeweller, Deritend Phillips, James, BuUder, i8, Smallbrook-ftreet Phipfon, Jofeph, Surgeon and Apothecary, 29, New-ftr. Phipfon, T. Roller and Refiner of Silver, 6i, New-ftreet Pickard, James, Button-maker, 26, Newhall-ftreet Pickerill, John, Chape maker, 34, Edmund-ftreet Pickering, John, Shopkeeper, 42, St. John's-ftreet Piddock, Wm. Wire drawer, 21, High-ftreet Piggott, Thomas, Seal-maker, 35, Bull-ftreet Piggott, J. Taylor and Stay maker, 15, Park-ftreet Pimlott, William, Taylor, 8, New meeting-ftreet Pinks, Thomas, Merchant, 4, St. Mary's-row Piper, Jofeph, Innkeeper, 39, High-ftreet Pitchford, William, Tool-maker, 32, Slaney-ftreet Pitt, George, Viftualler, New Hinckleys Pitt, James, ditto, 45, Weaman-ftreet Piatt, William, Plater, 31, Temple ftreet Poland, Samuel, Viftualler, 21, Floodgate-ftreet Porter, Jofeph, Toy-maker, 34, Smallbrook-ftreet Porter, Richard, Plater, 37, ditto Powell, George, Ramrod-maker, 13, Snowhill Powell, James, Barber, 24, Dale-end Powell, Thomas, Viftualler, 36, ditto Powell, John, Button-maker, in Powell's-yard, Spicer ftr Powell, Benjamin, Taylor, 8, Stafford-ftreet Powell, John, Brick-maker, 32, Profpeft-row, Gofly-gr. Powers, Samuel, Whitefmith, 29, Queen-ftreet Power, Samuel, fen. Speftacle-maker, 3 and 4, Colmore-ft Power, Samuel, jun. Toy-maker, 9, ditto Powers, Robert, Gardener, 28, Holloway-head Powers, Thomas, Lapidary, Lancafter-ftreet Pratt, Jofiah, Steel Toy-maker and Plater, 27, Cannon-ft Pratt, Thomas, Baker, 8, Hill ftreet Pratt, Jofeph, Viftualler, Bartholomew-row Pretty, Widow, Toy and Corkfcrew-maker, I, Buck-fir Price, Jofeph, MaUler, Hinckleys Price, Edward, Viftualler, 25, Bull-ftreet Price, Thomas, Button-maker, 10, Temple-ftreet Price, William, Buckle-maker, 27, Hill-ftreet Price, Thomas, Speftacle-maker, 2 Grofvenor-ftreet Priefl, Thomas, Taylor, 35, Digbeth Primer, Charles, Brafsfounder, 44, Edmund-ftreet Pritchit, Rebecca, Timber-dealer, 53, Dale-end Pritchett, Peter, Silk-weaver, i, Slones-row Probert, 40 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. Probert, Tho. Viftualler, 6, Hicks's-fq. near Nova-fc. ft Probin, Thomas, Gun-finiflicr, Higgins's-yard, Ruffell-ft Probin, Owen, Gun barrcl-ftainer, Newton-ftreet Probin, John, Gunfmith, 17, St. John Street Probin, Charles, Gun and Piftol maker, 4, Sand-ftreet Probin, Samuel, Gun-finiflier, Upper priory Proftor, Samuel, Writing-maker, 69, Butts Proffer, Richard, Taylor, 11, Newhall ftreet Pulton, John, Engraver and Letter-cutter, 13, Bread-ftr Burden, Robert, Shoe-maker, 52, Edgbafton ftreet Purdon, R. Book keeper to the London Waggons, Black- Boy Yard, Edgbafton-ftreet Pye, Charles, Watch-maker, 33, High-ftreet Pynock, Mark, Plater, 39, St. John-ftreet R. R ABONE, Richard, Buckle-maker, 24, Newhall-flx Rabone, Jofeph, 4, Eafy-row Rabone, Jofeph, Toy-maker, 7, Bath-ftreet Raby, George, Viftualler, Bowling-green, 77, Snowhill Radenhurft, Richard, Merchant, 58, Park-ftreet Radford, Jofeph, Cabinet-maker, 14, St. Thomas's-ftreet Radford, Francis, Lapidary, 7, Colefhill-ftreet Radford, Abraham, Shoe-maker, 2, Milk-ftreet Radclyffe, John, Brafs-founder, 8, Edmund-flreet Ralph, Barnaby, Bookbinder, &c. 10, Bell-flreet Ralph, Wm. Turner, High-ftreet Randall, Thomas, Viftualler, 41, High-ftreet Rann, Jofeph, Butcher, 10, Spicer-flxeet Rann, B. Gimblet and Bit-maker, 50, Park-ftreet Raven, George, French-plater, &c. 10, Frceman-flxect Raven, Samuel, Brafsfounder, Bartholomew-row Rea, John, Breeches maker. Dale-end Read, Jofiah, Buckle-cutter, 10, Doe ftreet Read, Jofeph, Viftualler, 60, New-flreet Read, Henry Innkeeper, 66, ditto Rcadines, John, Toy maker, 71, Snowhill Redding, W. Gilder and Button m.iker, i6, Freeman-ft. Redfern, John, Butcher, 17, Grub-ftreet Reeves, Thomas, Viftualler, 6, Ann flxeet, or Mount-pl. Reeves BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. 41 Reeves, Thomas, Baker, 18, Colmore-row Reeves, Widow, Barber, 47, Moor-ftreet 1 Reeves, James, Steel-ibrk maker, 41, Slaney-ftreet Reynolds, Thomas, File-maker, 54, Steelhoufe-lane Reynolds, James, Draper, 31, Moor-ftreet Reynolds, T. Scale-beam-maker, 45, Digbeth Reynolds, Elifha, Viftualler, 79, ditto Reynolds, John, Brazier and Tin-plate worker, 93, ditto Reynolds, James, Linen-draper, 79, High-ftreet Reynolds, John, Plater, 15-16, Edmund ftreet Reynolds, Wm. Shoe-maker, 22, Friday ftreet Reynolds, John, Edgetool-maker, 86, Deritend Reynolds, John, Schoolmafter, ditto Rhoades, John, Carpenter, 25, St. John's-ftreet Rhoades, George, Thread-maker, 7, Smallbrook-ftreet Rhoades, Henry, Whiteiinith, Bordfley Richards, John, Merchant, 33, Newhall-ftreet Richards, John, ditto, 14, Paradife-ftreet Richards, T. Shoe-maker, 29, Ann-ftreet, or Mount-pl. Richards, John, Maltfter, 46, Livery-ftreet Richards, Abraham, Viftualler, 39, Snow-hill Richards, Richard, Brufh-maker, 20, Bull-ftreet Richards's Toyftiop, (late Moody) 82, High-ftreet Richards, Jofeph, Awl-blade-maker, 18, Colemore-ftreet Richards, John, Grinder, 7, Smallbrook ftreet Richards, John, Wheelwright, 25, Moat-row Richards, Wm. 28, Smallbrook ftreet Richards, John, Mould-turner, 26 Moor-ftreet Richard, John, Engraver, 14, Snowhill Richards, John, Button-maker, 22, Park-ftreet Richards, John, Lapidary, 21, Colefhill-ftreet Richards, Thomas, Gunfmith, 53, High-ftreet Richardfon, Mary, Tin-plate worker, &c. 21, Bull-ring Rickards, John, Attorney at Law, 18, High flreet Riddle, John, Shopkeeper, Paradife-ftreet Ridden, John, Plater, 18, Moat-row Ridding, Benjamin, Button- maker, 27, Dudley ftreet Righton, R. Tin-plate worker, &c., 20, Cherry-ftreet Roberts, Jofiah, Cabinet maker, Snowhill Roberts, James, Shoe-maker, 11, Edgbafton-ftreet Roberts, Richard, ditto, Bradford-ftreet Robins, John, Buckle-maker and Stamper, I, Afton-ft. Robins, Jofiah, Harrateen-maker, 113, Digbeth F Robinfon, 42 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. Robinfon, Anthony, Vij^ualler, 26, Little Charles ftreet Robinfon, James, Plumber and Glazier, 14, Steelhoufe 1. Robinfon, Thomas, Brufh maker, 19, Bull-ftreet Robinfon, Richard, Viftualler, 92, ditto Robinfon, George, Horn-button-maker, Jennings's-ftr. Robinfon, Edward, Spade-maker, Deritend Robinfon, Jofeph, Cooper, 35, High-ftreet Rock, Thos. Ironmonger, 26, Grcat-Charles-ftreet Rock, Mary, Mantua-maker, 50, Edmund-ftreet Rock, T. Sword hilt maker, 37, Lancafter-ft. or Wal. 1. Rock, John, Whitefmith, Bordfley Roe, Samuel, Carpenter, 89, Deritend Rogers, John, Shopkeeper, 75, Lichfield ftreet Rogers, John, Patten ring maker, 64, Moor-ftreet Rogers, Jofiah, Button-maker, 65, ditto Rogers, Jofeph, Pattcn-ring maker, 84, ditto Rogers, Luke, Bag weaver, I, Park-ftreet Rogers, Sarah, Taylor, 7, New-ftreet Rogers, Giles, Comb-maker, 54, Duke-ftreet Rolf, "William, Turner, High-flreet Rooke, George, Fiflimonger, 60, High-ftreet Rooker, Dorothy, Shopkeeper, 36, London-'prentice-flx. Rollinfon, D. Brafs-candleftick-maker, 71, Smallbrook-ft Rollins, John, Butcher, 15, Bread ftreet. New-market Roper, James, Carpenter, 4, Little-Charles-ftreet Roper, Jofeph, Plater, 26, Cannon-ftreet Roper, Jofeph, Ring maker, Profpeft-row, Gofly-green Rofe, Jonathan, Butcher, 38, High-ftreet Rofe, Francis Button-maker, 10, Afton-flreet Roflin, John, Taylor, 79, Lichfield-ftreet Rotton, Ambrofe, Cutler, 23, Worcefter ftreet Rotton and Bache, Brafs founders, 9, Profpeft-row Rowley, George, Viftualler, I, Holloway-head Rowley, John, Plumber and Glazier, 1 3, Colefhill-ftreet Rowley, Richard, Lockfmith, 18, Crofs-flreet Rowfon, John, Officer of Excife, 41, Dale-end Rubotham, Robert, Mafon, 53, Lichfield-ftreet Rudge, Jonathan, Button-maker, 37, Jennens's-row Rue, Pritchett, and Dickenfon, Brafs founders, Duke-ft Ruff, Wm. Hatter, 133, Digbeth Ruffell and Co. Merchants, 33, New-flreet Ruffell, and Co. Warehoufe, Paradife-flreet Rufton and Hurd, Eafy-hill Rufton, BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. 43 Rufton, Edward, Japan Manufaftory, New-ftreet Rufton, Daniel, Button maker, Deritend-bridge Ryder, Wilham, Bricklayer, 55, High-ftreet Ryland, John, Wire-drawer, 27, ditto Ryland, William, Plater, 42, New ftreet Ryland and Darby, Merchants, 49, New-ftreet Ryley, James, Schoolmafter, Dale-end Ryley, John, Bit maker, 22, Dudley-ftreet Ryley, Jofeph, Horn-button-maker, Moat lane S. SADLER, THOMAS, Mould-turner, 43, Dudley-ft. Salmon, T. Ironmonger and Lockfmith, 133, Moor-ft Salmon, William, ditto, 11, ditto Salt, Thomas, Merchant, 22, Edmund-ftreet Salt, Sam. Cooper, 11, Carr's-lane Salt, S. Glover and Breeches-maker, I, Bull-ftreet Salt, T. Milkman, 5, Worcefter-ftreet Sanders, Wm. Joiner, 22, Livery-ftreet Sanders, John, Button-maker, 5, Cherry-ftreet Sanders, John, Shoe-maker, 29, Digbeth Sanders, Charles, Sword cutler, Bradford ftreet Sangfter, Alexander, Barber, 67, High ftreet Sarbett, Sarah, Viftualler, 57, Edmund-ftreet Sarbett, , Jeweller, Colemore-row Sarjant, Wm. Chape-maker, 28, Paradife row Sarjant, Ifaac, Saddle tool-maker, 126, Digbeth Sarjant, Thomas, Plater and Cutter, 54, Bartholomew-row Saunders, Mark, Moufetrap-maker, 85, Digbeth Savage, John, Snuff-box-maker, 9, Cannon-ftreet Saviger, Samuel, Viftualler, 48, Snowhill Sawyer, Edward, Silver-buckle-maker, 19, Great-Ch. ft. Sawyer, Wm. Dancing-mafter, 11, Square Scean, John, Mould-turner, 16, Cherry ftreet Scragg, John, Baker, 2, Lichfield-ftreet Scofield, Henry, Butcher, 55, Dale-end Scofield, John, Watch chain-maker, 14, St. John's-ftreet Scott, John, Merchant, 28, Edmund-flreet Seager, Stephen, Grocer, 18, Bull-ftreet Seam, Jofeph, Brazier, 134, Digbeth Shaddock, Robert, Shoe-maker, 14, Dale-end Sharp, Richard, Brafs-candleftick-maker, Great-Cha. ftr. F 2 Sharp, 44 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. Sharp, John, Plater, 58, Edmund-ftreet Sharp, Jofeph, Merchant, 24, Colmore-row Shaw, Thomas, ditto, New-market Shaw, John, Hammer maker, 2, Cherry-ftreet Shelden, Jofeph, Glazier, 2, Weaman ftreet Sheldon, J. Plumber and Glazier, 18, Temple-ftreet Sheldon, John, Metal roller, 10, Lower-temple-ftreet Sheldon, Thomas, Jeweller, 28, Navigation ftreet Sheldon, John, Plater, ditto Sheldon, Richard, Bellows-maker, 97, Park ftreet Sherwood, John, Viftualler, 88, Steelhoufe-lane Sherrard, Thomas, Shoe-maker, 10, Vauxhall row Shipley, Thomas, Wheelwright, 14, Colefhill ftreet Shipton, Henry, Tin-plate-worker, 146, Moor-ftreet Short, Wm. Viftualler, 24, Worcefter-ftreet Short, Jonathan, Wheelwright, 20, St. Anthony-flreet Shorthoufe, Thomas, Chymift, 7, Newmarket-row Shuter, Wm. Plater, 28, New hinckleys Shuttleworth, Wm. Buckle-maker, Buckle-m. 5, Colm.ft Sidmore, Francis, China man, 91, Bull ftreet Silk, S. Sadler's-tool-maker, 63, Digbeth Silk, Thomas, Blackfmith, 35, Brickiln-lane Silvefter, Elizabeth, Shopkeeper, 66, Bull-ftreet Simcox, John, Buckle-maker, 14, Great-Charles-ftreet Sims, Wm. Gardener, 15, Lower-priory Sims, Richard, Barber, 54, Edgbafton flreet Sillies, John, Gunfmith, 76, Dale end Simms, Wm. Jeweller, 44, Colefhill-ftreet Simifter, Richard, Clock-maker, 45, BuU-flrect Simmons, John, Buckle-maker, I, Cherry-ftreet Simmons, J. Officer of Excife, 3, Caftle-ftreet Simmons, Wm. Plumber and Glazier, 7, Afton-ftreet Simmonds, Thomas, Pipe-maker, Floodgate-ftreet Simpfon, Thomas, Farrier, 15, Philip-ftreet Simpfon, Robert, Surgeon, 34, Spicer-ftreet Simpfon, Wm. Maltmill-maker, 17, Caftle-ftreet Simpfon, Thomas, Shopkeeper, Great-Charles-ftreet Sketchley, Henry, Barber, 2, Loveday-ftreet Skidmore, Jofeph, Glaffpincher, 15, Smallbrook-ftreet Skinner, George, Baker, 24, Edmund-ftreet Skinner, John, Viftualler, 25, Edmund-ftreet Skellett, Wm. Taylor, I, Doe-ftreet Skip, G. Buckle-maker, 18, Ann-ftreet, or Mount-pl. Skip, BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. 45 Skip, Thomas, Plater, 30, Navigation-ftreet Sloane, J. Letter cafe maker, 19, Moat row Sly, Wm. Plater, 13, Bread-ftreet, Hill-ftreet Small, Wm. Corkfcrew maker, 6, Bow-ftreet, Brickiln-1. Smallwood, John, Spur-maker, 6, Newton ftreet Smallwood, J. Wine merchant, 88, Dale-end Smallwood, Wm. Taylor, 33, Park-ftreet Smallwood, Edward, Viftualler, 59, New-ftreet Smallwood, George, Gardener, Bordfley Smallwood, John, Jeweller, 14, Peck-lane Smart, John, Currier, 60, Moor-ftreet Smart, Wm. Stamper, Jennings's flreet Smith, John, Jeweller, 12, Newhall-ftreet Smith, Thomas, M. D. 23, Newhall-ftreet Smith, Edward, Plater, 28, ditto Smith, John, Button-maker, 32, Church ftreet Smith, Edward, Fork maker, 37, Snowhill Smith, Wm. Toy maker, 93, ditto Smith, John, Buckle maker, 15, Lichfield-ftreet Smith, Wm. Viftualler, 3, St. Thomas's-ftreet Smith, Wm. Moufetrap maker, 25, London 'prentice-flr Smith, John, Cock-maker, 8, Dale-end Smith, Thomas, Cooper, 70, ditto Smith, Richard, Clock dial-maker, 75, Bull-ftreet Smith, Sam. Letter-cafe-maker, I, Temple-row Smith, Wm. Toy-maker, 8, Temple, ftreet Smith, Thomas, Buckle maker, 66, Pinfold-ftreet Smith, Samuel, Viftualler, 89, ditto Smith, Sarah, Grocer, 2, Edgbafton ftreet Smith, Thomas, Brafsfounder, 2, Exeter—row Smith, Richard, Buckle-maker, 28, Hill-ftreet Smith, G. Button maker, 29, Bread ftreet, Hill-ftreet Smith, Tho. Viftualler, 3, New-meeting-ftreet Smith, Jofeph, Merchant, 115, Moor-flreet Smith, Timothy, Brafsfounder, 4, Park-ftreet Smith and Son, Merchant, 14, ditto Smith, J. Dye finker and Stamper, 38, Colefhill-ftreet Smith, John, Mafon, Aflon-flreet Smith, John, Sword hilt-maker, ditto Smith, Wm. Buckle-maker, 6, Cannon-Street Smith, John, Officer of Excife, 12, Milk-ftreet Smith, John, Grocer, 56, High-flreet Smith, Richard, Shoe-warehoufe, 96, High-ftreet Smith, 46 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. Smith, Thomas, Gimblct-maker, 74, Deritend Snape, Mofes, Baker, 33, Bull-flreet Snape, Adam, Painter, 6, Lichfield-ftreet Solomon, Mordecai, Pencil maker, 14, Dudley-ftreet Sorrell, James, Button maker, i, Catharine ftreet Southall, Thomas, Lockfmith, 23, Lichfield-ftreet Southall, Wm. Viftualler, 23, Temple row Southall, James, ditto, 33, Cannon ftreet Southall, Wm. Sheers-maker, 77, Smallbrook-ftreet Spear, Robert, Baker, 5, Moor-flreet Spicer, John, Bricklayer, 28, Little-Charles-ftreet Spilfbury, George, Japanner, 3, Cannon ftreet Spire, James, Haberdaflier, 49, New-ftreet Spittle, Jofeph, Watch chain maker, 27, Catharine ftreet Spooner, Abraham, Merchant, i, Edgbafton-ftreet Sprigg, William, Plater, 11, Edmund-ftreet Sprofton, Nath. Hatter and Hofier, 8 and 9, High-flxeet Spurr, Jofeph, Taylor, 2, Dudley ftreet Spurman, Samuel, Butcher, 17, Moor-ftreet Squire, Robert, Viftualler, 12, ditto Standley, Thomas, Cafter, Bartholomew-row Standley, Thomas, Farrier, 2, Afton-ftreet Standley, Thomas, Shoe maker, 139, Digbeth Staples, Jofeph, Gun-poliflier, 5, Slaney flreet Startin, John, Merchant, 30, Colemore-row Statham, Francis, Baker, 56, Weaman ftreet Statham, , Widow, Butcher, 34, Edgbafton-ftreet Steen, William, Innkeeper, 137, Digbeth Steadman, Edward, Viftualler, "V"ale-ftreet Stephenfon, John, Viftualler, 57, Edgbafton-flxeet Stephens, Jeremiah, ditto, 21, Carr's-lane Stephenfon, Benjamin, Grocer, 26, Smallbrook-ftreet Stevens, George, Broker, 105, Dale-end Stevens, Widow, Viftualler, 6, Moore's row Stevenfon, Samuel, Shoe-maker, 32, London-'prentice-ft Steward, Thomas, Attorney at Law, 31, New-ftreet Stidman, Thomas, Saw-maker, 4, St. Anthony ftreet Sdlliard, Martin, Stocklock-maker, 86, High-flreet Stockwell, Charles, Stcel-button-maker, 21, Bell ftreet Stone, Thomas, Shop-keeper, 28, Colefliill-ftreet Straine, John, Sheriff's Ofiicer, 22, Jennens's row Stratford, Richard, Porter, n. Old meeting-ftreet Street, John, Shoe-maker, 21, Snowhill Street, BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. 47 Street, George, Officer of Excife, 25, Spicer-ftreet Stretch, Samuel, Watch-maker, 97, High-ftreet Strickland, John, Carpenter, 20, Cannon ftreet Stringer and Hazledine, 9, New-meeting-ftreet Stuart, Charles, Attorney at Law, 11, Temple-row Stych, Thomas, Baker, 6, Smallbrook ftreet Suchwell, Tho. Box-iron maker, 43, Colemore ftreet Summers, John, Butcher, 7, St. George's-market Summerfield, John, Viftualler, 29 and 30, Temple-ftreet Sutton, Benjamin, & Co. Button-makers, 72, Lichfield-ft Sutton, William, Shoe-maker, 94, Dale end Swetenham, William, Taylor, Bull-ring Swift, William, Plater, 2, Cannon-ftreet Swinney, Miles, Printer, 76, High-ftreet Symonds, John, Button-maker, 14, Colmore-row TABERER, William, Baker, 58, Hill ftreet Tabbott, John, File-maker, 81, Digbeth Tallis, William, Wood-turner, 9, Old-meeting-ftreet Taylor, Rickards, and Johnfon, Merchants, 65, High-ftr Taylor, John, Toy-maker, 19, Colmore-row Taylor, Richard, Plater, 6, Snowhill Taylor, John, Whitefmith, 3, Bull-lane Taylor, John, Gun-barrel maker, 69, Steelhoufe-lane Taylor, Richard, Pearl button-maker, 29, Lichfield-ftr Taylor, George, Maltfter, 16, Upper-priory Taylor, Ann, Stamper, 71, Dale-end Taylor, William, Cheefefaftor, 1 01, ditto Taylor, Jonathan, Merchant, 6, Cherry-ftreet Taylor, T. fen. Pump maker and Viftualler, 17, Queen-ft Taylor and Pemberton, Button-makers, 23, ditto Taylor, Edward, Grocer, 29, Dudley-ftreet Taylor, Samuel, Butcher, 59, Edgbafton ftreet Taylor, Richard, Pavior, 42, Navigadon-ftreet Taylor, John, ditto, Swallow-ftreet Taylor, Jonathan, Carpenter, 13, Moor-ftreet Taylor, Thomas, Baker, 29, ditto Taylor, James, Shoe-tack-maker, Wood-ftreet Taylor, John, Butcher, Rann's-yard, High-ftreet Taylor and Co. Saw-makers, 11, Newton-ftreet Tennifwood, 48 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. Tennifwood, Thomas, Shopkeeper, 8, Lichfield-ftreet ' Tefter, Thomas, Barber, 6, Peck-lane Teverill, James, Baker, 33, Bull-ring Thackcr, Robert, Carpenter, 18, Peck-lane Thomas, Peter, Taylor, 58, Lichfield-ftreet Thomas, George, ditto, Jennings's-row Thomas, G. Maltfter and Viftualler, 8, Afton-ftreet Thomas, Wm. Carpenter, 8, Lawrence-ftreet Thomas, John, Malfter, 44, Moor-ftreet Thomas and Barker, Drapers and Mercers, 5, New-flxeet Thomafon, Edward, Buckle-maker, 21, Colmore-row Thomafon, Thomas, Button-maker, 86, Steelhoufe-lane Thompfon, John, Shopkeeper, 47, Edmund-ftreet Thompfon, Edward, Maltfter, 22, Queen-ftreet Thompfon, Jofeph, ditto, 29, New Hinckleys Thompfon, John, Plater, 42, Jennens's-row Thompfon, Edw. Watch-chain-maker, I, Nova-fcoda-ft Thompfon, Tho. Linen and W. Draper, 3, Edgbafton-ft Thorn, William, Turner, 4, Moat-row Thornton, James, Grocer, 114, Digbeth Thornton, George, Barber, 15, St. George's-market Thrufton, Thomas, Carpenter, 106, Park-ftreet Th waits, James, Barber, 12, Ann-ftreet, or Mount pi. Tibbatts, Elizabeth, Baker, 25, Worcefter-flreet Tibbatts, Ambrofe, Jobbing-fmith, 35, Edgbafton-ftr Tibbatts, Jofeph, Maltfter, 65, Smallbrook flxeet Tibbatts, John, Mat-maker, Digbeth Tibbatts, John, Cabinet-maker, 11, High flxeet Tibbetts, Richard, Butcher, 5, St. George's-market Tibbins, , Hair feller, Bear-yard, Bull-ftreet Till, William, Button-maker, 49, Park-ftreet Tildefley, John, Supervifor, 89, Dale end Tildefley, Thomas, Jeweller, ditto ditto Tildefley, Elizabeth, Millener, ditto ditto Tilley, William, Shopkeeper, 26, Deritend Timmins, Thomas, Butcher, 11, St. John flreet Timmins, Thomas, Optician, I, Old Hinckleys Tindall, Jofeph, Merchant, 22, New-ftreet Tipping, Ifaac, Upholder, 2, Bull-ring Tipfon, John, File-maker, 58, Moor-flreet Tiplon, Thomas, Porter, Cary's-court, Moor-ftreet Tipfon, Jofeph, File-maker, 25, Jennens's-row Tomlinfon, Thomas, Surgeon, 13, Cannon-ftreet Tomkis, BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. 49 Tompkis, Edmund, Mercer, 10, Bull-ring Tongue, William, Money-fcale-maker, 43, Snowhill Tongue, William, Swivel-maker, 70, ditto Tonks, William, Buckle-maker, Crofs-ftreet Tonks, William, Woodfcrew-maker, 3, Hill ftreet Tonks, William, Steel-toy maker, 43, Deritend Tonkinfon, John, Newfman, 9, Loveday-ftreet Tonkinfon, Thomas, Barber, 39, Bull-ftreet Tooth, James, Button-maker, 3, Cherry-ftreet Tooth, Richard, Viftualler, 46, Colmore-ftreet Torkey, John, Baker, Smallbrook-ftreet Tovey, William, Brafsfounder, 90, Dale-end Townfend, Jofeph, ditto, 41, Newhall-ftreet Townfend, George, Gimblet and Bit-maker, 10, Milk-ft Townfend, Richard, Butcher, 2, St. George's-market Toy, Samuel, Shoe-maker, 92-3, Lichfield-ftreet Toy, Thomas, Gardener, Lloyd's- Yard, Bull-ftreet Toy, S. Steel-chain-maker, &c. 11, Bread-ftreet, Hill-ft. Toy, Abraham, Wheelwright, Suffolk-ftreet Tranter, Wm. Button-maker, 7, Paradife-ftreet Trehern, John, Watch-chain maker, &cc. 25, Colefhill-ft. Troughton, Sam. Plater & Japanner, 13-14, Edmund-ft. Truman, John, Patten-tie maker, 41, Colefhill-ftreet Turner, John, Buckle-maker, 25, Great-Charles-ftreet Turner, William, Gardener, 33, Ann-ftreet, or Mount-p. Turner, Edward, Merchant, 8, Square Turner, Jofeph, Coachman, Cherry-ftreet Turner, Wm. Viftualler, Suffolk-ftreet Turner, W. Proprietor ofthe Brafs Works, 1 3, Newhall-ft. Turton, Sam. Saw-maker, 6, Temple-ftreet Tutin, Samuel, Hatter and Hofier, 16, Bull-ftreet Tutin, Wm. Plater, &c. 12, Colefhill-ftreet Twigg, John, Faftor, 5, King-ftreet Twift, Francis, Viftualler, 18, Paradife-ftreet Tye, Thomas, Barber, 104, Digbeth U and V. VALE, JOHN, Mafon, Dudley-ftreet Vale and Gimblett, Snowhill Vale, John, Viftualler, St. Anthony's-ftreet Valiant, Elias, Sword-blade-maker, 55, Smallbrook-ftr. Valiant, Thomas, Toy and Buckle-maker, 16, Snowhill G Varley, 50 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. Varley, John, Engine Cutter, 73, Lichfield ftreet Vaughan, Walter, Breeches-maker, 31, Colemore ftreet Vaughton, Philip, Japanner, 32, St. John's ftreet Vaux, Benjamin, Shagreen-cafe-maker, 8, Little Ch.-ft. Vaux, Jeremiah, Surgeon, 25, Colmore-row Venour, Henry, Mercer and Draper, 51, Edmund-ftreet Vickery, Henry, Viftualler, i, Crofs-ftreet Vincent, Ed. Taylor and Salefman, 26, Worcefter ftreet Vifey, Daniel, Lamp-collector, 28-9, Spicer-ftreet Underhill, Thomas, Brafs-founder, 17, Lichfield-ftreet Underhill, John, Brafs-furniture-maker, 58, Park-ftreet Underhill, Jofeph, Thread-maker, 8, Milk-ftreet Underhill, Wm. ditto, 3, Moore's-row Underwood, Tho. Watch-key-maker, 59, Lichfield-ftr. W. WADHAM, JOSEPH, Viftualler, 42, Steelhoufe-1. Wadhams, , Merchant, 13, Upper-priory Wadfworth, W. Awl-blade-maker, 36, Colemore-ftreet Wager, John, Glover and Breeches-maker, 96, Dale-end Wakeman, James, Viftualler, 77, Moor-flreet Wakefield, Thomas, Button-maker, 56, ditto Wakelin, John, Japanner, 7, Ann-ft. or Mount-pleafant Walbank, John, Butclier, 19, Dale-end Walford, Widow, Stay-maker, 33, Spicer-ftreet Walford, Thomas, Efq ; Tanner, Deritend Walker, John, Ironmonger, 19, Colmore-row Walker, John, Barber, 72, Steelhoufe-lane Walker, Alexander, Merchant, 6, Catharine-ftreet Walker, William, (ditto, 11, ditto Walker, Richard, Mercer and Draper, 5, Dale-end Walker and Allport, Merchants, 28, Cherrv-ftreet Walker, Thomas, Shoe-maker, 62, Smallbrook-ftreet Walker, John, Bed-fcrew-maker, 15, Bow-fl. Brickiln-1. Walker, Jofliua, Cork-cutter, 28, Carr's-lane Walker, Richard, Viftualler, Bartholomew-row Walker, John, , 6S, New-ftreet Wall, "Wm. Barber, 78, Deritend Wallin and Piddock, Toy-makers, 17, Newhall-ftreet Walfingham, W. fen. Dealer in Hops, St. Bart.'s-row Walfingham, Wni. junr. Gun-maker, 51, Park-ftreet Walters, BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. 51 Walters, Richard, Attorney at Law, 51, New-ftreet Walters, John, Gun-maker, S, Snowhill Walton, Widow, Shopkeeper, 59, Edmund-ftreet Walton, Samuel, Rope-maker, 50, Moor-ftreet Walton, Grocer and Chandler, 105, ditto Walton, J. Chafing-difli-maker &c. I, Grofvenor-ftreet Warboy, Thomas, Jeweller, 24, Digbeth Ward, Robert, Surgeon, 36, Newhall-ftreet Ward, John, Merchant, 28, Dale end Ward, Mifs, Mantua-maker, 27, Bull-ftreet Ward, John, Steel-toy-maker, 4, Old-meeting-ftreet Ward, Wm. Steel-toy-maker, 69, Park-ftreet Ward, Wm. Linen-draper and Mercer, 35, Bull-ring Ward, Jofeph, Moufe-trap-maker, 10, Floodgate-ftreet Ward, William, Wire-drawer, Bordefley Warden, Jofeph, Viftualler, 24, Colemore-ftreet Warden, Richard, Taylor, I, Philip-ftreet Ware, Wm. Shopkeeper, 10, Digbeth Waren, Jofeph, Taylor, 48, Colemore-ftreet Warner, Wm. Jeweller, 8, Colemore-row Warner, Wm. Gardener, 21, Bow ftreet, Brickiln-lane Warren, Richard, Gunfmith, 35, Church-ftreet Warren, Tho. Appraifer and Auftioneer, 64, Dale-end Warren, John, Patten-wood and Tye-cutter, 30, Digbeth Warren, Thomas, Button-maker, 5, Brickiln-lane Warwick, Richard, Shopkeeper, 27, Stafford ftreet Watkins, Thomas, Plater, 21, Catherine-ftreet Watmore, Francis, Jack-maker, 7, Spicer-ftreet Watfon, Chance, File-cutter, 4, Livery-ftreet Watton, Samuel, Whitefmith, 33, Church-ftreet Watton, Mifs, MUlener, 18, Dale end Watton, John, Flax-dreffer, 7, Digbeth Watton, John, Blackfmith and Fryingpan-mak. Bordefley Watton, Thomas, Plough-fhare-maker, ditto Watts and Son, Wine-merchants, Bull-ftreet Watts, James, Engineer, i, Newhall-walk Watts, John, Cutler, z6, Old-meeting-ftreet Watts, Abel, Cork-cutter, 96, Hill-ftreet Watts, Jofeph, Breeches maker, 4, High-ftreet Webb, John, School-mafter, Great-Charles-ftreet Webb, Philip, Cafter, Edmund-ftreet Webb, John, Toy-maker, 3 1, Snowhill Webb, Richard, Taylor, 26, Lichfield-ftreet G 2 Webb, 52 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. Webb, George, ditto, 120, Moor-ftreet Webfter, George, and Co. Filecutters, 21, St. John-ftr Webfter, Richard, Brafsfounder, 134, Moor-ftreet Webfter, Jofeph, Wiredrawer, 4, Digbeth Welch, "Wilkinfon and Startin, Merchants, 32, Snowhill Welch, Wm. Ironmonger, 1 1 8, SnowhiU Welch, Wm. Merchant, 119, ditto Welch, John, Gun and Gunlock-maker, Great-Char, ft Wells, Charies, ViftuaUer, 95, Bull-ftreet Wells, Edward, Brazier and Tinman, 48, High-ftreet Weft, William, Shoe-maker, 46, Park-ftreet Weftley, Charies, Jeweller, 75, High-ftreet Weftley, Thomas, Plumber and Glazier, izi, Snowhill Wefton, Mary, Wiredrawer, 50, Bull ftreet Weflwood, John, Button-maker, 21, Great Charles-ftreet Weflwood, Obadiah, Dye-finker and Engraver, ditto Weftwood, John, Broker, 2, New-meeting-ftreet Whale, Philip, Saltman, 97, Bull ftreet Wharton, Wm. Brafs-lock-maker, 54, Smallbrook-ftreet Whateley, Thomas, Currier, 20, Bell-flxeet Whateley, John, Gunbarrel-maker, 33, Smallbrook-ftr Whateley, Thomas, Gunfmith, 5 1, ditto "Whateley, George, Plater, 88, Park-ftreet Wheatman, Wm. Felmonger, 24, Moat-row Wheeler, Robert, Gunfmith, 24, Snowhill Wheeler, Francis, Coach-maker, 98, Lichfield-ftreet Wheeler Thomas, Steel-toy-maker, 6, Caftle-ftreet Wheelwright, Wm. Brafs-founder, 14, Freeman-ftreet Whitaker, John, Officer of Excife, 7, Catherine-ftreet White, Jofeph, M.D. and Occulift, 28, Great-Charies-ft White, Thomas, Shopkeeper, 27, Jennens's-row White, Thomas, Hinge maker, 11, Vauxhall-row Whitehead, John, Shoe-maker, 5, Coach-yard, BuU-ftr. Whitehead, Sarah, Grocer, 27, Edgbafton-ftreet Whitehead, WiUiam, Button-maker, 55, HiU ftreet Whitehead, John, Jeweller, Bradford-ftreet Whitehoufe, George, Barber, 6, Steelhoufe-lane Whitehoufe, Corn. Jobbing-fmith, 78, Lichfield ftreet Whitehoufe, Thomas, Enameller, 20, Temple-row Whitehoufe, Riley, Buckle-maker, 12, Freeman-ftreet Whitmore, William, Toy maker, 112, Snowhill 'Whitworth and Yates, Dye-finkers, &c. Bradford-ftreet Whorwood, Widow, Shoe-maker, 36, Bull-ftreet Wickins, BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. 53 Wickins, , , Innkeeper, 24, Digbeth Wiggin, Thomas, Brafsfounder, 71, Lichfield ftreet Wiggin, Henry, Ironmonger, 4, Catherine-ftreet Wiggin, Henry, fen. Viftualler, 68, Bull-ftreet Wiggin, Henry, jun. Merchant, 2, Snowhill Wight, Thos. Diftiller and Hop merchant, 103, High-ftr. Wight, Thomas, Grocer, i. Dale end Wigley, John, Jobbing-fmith, 29, Queen ftreet Wigley, John, Painter, 44, Smallbrook-ftreet Wigley, Jonathan, Plater, New-ftreet Wigley, James, Steel-button-maker, Lower Charles-ftr Wilcox, Mary, Grocer, 49, Edgbafton ftreet Wilcox, Thomas, Sword cutler, 78, Hill-ftreet Wilcox, William, Schoolmafter, 3, Chapel ftreet Wilkes, Edward, Button-maker, 91, Steelhoufe-lane Wilkes, John, Weaver, i, Newton-ftreet Wilkes, Francis, Viftualler, 34, Bradford ftreet Wilkes, Edward, Cheefefaftor, 66, High-ftreet Wilkinfon, Jofeph, Merchant, 13, Temple row Wilkinfon, Widow, Shopkeeper, 13, Lancafter-ftreet WiUiams, Edward, ditto, 87, Bull ftreet Williams, Rebecca, Linen-draper, 71, Bull-ftreet Williams, Benjamin, Gunfmith, Queen-ftreet Williams, Francis, Joiner, 2,, Hill ftreet Williams, David, School-mafter, 76, Park-ftreet Williams, John, ditto, Hill-ftreet Willinger, John, Dye finker, 44, Dudley ftreet Willington, Thomas, Barber, 36, High ftreet Willis, Robert, Viftualler, 32, Litde Charles ftreet Willis, John, Chape maker, 31, Edgbafton-ftreet Willmore, Thomas, Buckle-maker, 49, NewhaU flreet Wilmore, Richard, ditto, 22, Ann ftreet, or Mount-pl. Willmore, Edward, Taylor, 18, Church ftreet Willmore, Richard, Buckle maker, 26, Bread-ftreet Wilmore, Edward, Taylor, 40, Pinfold-ftreet Willmot, Matthew, Brafs founder, 5, New-meeting-ftr. Wilfon, Richard, Milkman, 30, Great Charles-ftreet Wilfon, John, Barber, 45, Little Charies-ftreet Wilfon, Samuel, Gunfmith, 26, Catherine-ftreet Wilfon, Thomas, Butcher, 38, Bull-ftreet Wilfon, William, Button-maker, 32, Temple-ftreet Wilfon, Mary, Shopkeeper, 6, St. Mardn's-lane Wilfon, Richard, Porter, 23, Moat-lane Wilfon, 54 BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. Wilfon, Richard, Plater, Navigation-ftreet Wilfon, John, Taylor, ii, Afton-ftreet Winfield, Edward, Engraver, 120, Snowhill Winftanley, Peter, Stone-cutter, 42, Newhall-ftreet Winwood, Daniel, Founder, 32, Newhall-ftreet Winwood and Co. Eagle Foundry, Eafy-hill Wife, Jofliua, Baker, 21, Brickiln-lane Withering, WiUiam, M.D. 9, Temple-row Withers, Robert, Taylor, 52, Edgbafton-ftreet Withers, Samuel, ditto, Smallbrook-ftreet Withnol, Wm. Rule-maker, 20, Ann-ftreet, or Mount-pl Wood, Henry, Rul6.-maker, 29, Great Charles-ftreet Wood, John, ditto, 16, London-'prentice-ftreet Wood, Thomas, Viftualler, 14, Smallbrook-ftreet Woodcock, John, Brufh-maker, 12, Spicer-flreet Woodhall, James, Surveyor, 32, Brickiln-lane WoodhOl, John, Shoe-maker, 12, Navigation-ftreet Woodward, Benjamin, Button-maker, i, Loveday-ftreet Wooldridge, Thos. Keeper of the Prifon, 13, Peck-lane Woolley, John, Viftualler, 9, Moor-ftreet WooUey, Richard, Barber, 6, Mafshoufe-lane Wootton, Robert, Bricklayer, New-fbeet Worfey, John, Shoe-maker, 34, Colefhill-ftreet Wright, James, Plater, i, Freeman-fbeet Wright, Benjamin, Merchant, 24, Great Charles-fbeet Wright, William, Chape-maker, 39, Church-ftreet Wright, Edward, Watch-key maker, 90, Snowhill Wright, Wm. Belt lock maker, 33, Dale-end Wright, John, Barber, 12, Cannon-flxeet Wright, Thomas, Horn-comb-maker, 31, ditto Wright, John, Butcher, 7, Queen-flxeet Wright, AVm. Glazier, Vale-ftreet Wright, Thomas, Button-maker, 57, Park-flxeet Wright, William, Vice-maker, 18, Mafshoufe-lane Wright, James, Ivory-comb-maker, 44, Digbeth Wright, Jofepli, Patten-ring-maker, 20, Bull-ring Wright, Gilbert, Linen and WooUen draper, 57, High-ft Wright, George, ViftuaUer, S, Deritend Wright, Jofeph, Paftry Cook, 24, Bull-ftreet Wynn, Robert, Viftualler, 39, Colemore-ftreet Wynn, John, Toy-maker, Walmore-lane Wynn, Widow, Viftualler, 29, Deritend YATES, BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY. 55 Y. YATES, Thomas, Viftualler, 19, Colmore ftreet Yates, WiUiam, Founder, 24, Moor-ftreeet Yates, WiUiam, Meal-faftor, 6, Park-ftreet Yates, John, Turner, 34, ditto Yates, James, Brafs-founder, Bradford-ftreet Yenn, Richard, Pawn-broker, 2, Dale-end ADDENDA. Barnhurft, , Plater, Paradife-Row Beddoes, Thomas, Cock Founder, 64, Bull-ftreet Bridgens, John, Baker, Edgbafton-ftreet Bridgens, Mrs. Maltfter, Moor-ftreet Collins, Thomas, Shear-maker, 132, Digbeth Cooper, Elizabeth, Japanner, 22, High-ftreet Dawes, , Watch Key-maker, Bull-Ring Ford, Whitmore, and Brunton, Makers of Wegihing Machines, Patent Scales, Clock, Watch and Jewellers Tools, Files, &c. 27, Little Charles-ftreet Grundy, Ruffell, and Grundy, Merchants, Peck-lane Hammerfley, , Cock Founder, Park-ftreet Juxon, Nicholas, Button-maker, S3, Lichfi eld-Street Livifon, , Merchant, Dale-End Lobo, Daniel, Notary Public, and Tranflator of the Modern Languages, Hill-ftreet Mafon, Willis "William, Merchant, Temple-ftreet Parker, Samuel, Brafs Founder, no, Snow-bill Payton, Jofeph, Appraifer and Auftioneer, 26, John ft. Price, John, Glafs Pincher, 94, Lichfield-Street Sterling and Aftbury, Merchants, John-ftreet Taylor, Lloyd, and Co. Bankers, 7, Dale-End Trout and Bourgeois, Merchants, near the Hotel Weftley, Charles, Hardware and Toyman, 75, High-ft. Wharton, , Smith, New-ftreet Whitehoufe, Corn. Plater, 12, Freeman-Street A Correa LIST of the Waggons and Carriers, That come Into, and go Out of B I R M I NGH A M. Abbreviations. M. T. W. Th. F. S. denote the refpeftive Days they fet out. AILSBURY, W. Judd, Black Boy, Edgbafton- ftreet, comes in T. and Th. goes out W. and F. Alcefter, Elizabeth Major, Blue Bell, Philip-ftreet, comes in and goes out M. Th. S. — William Moggs, Hop-pole, Spicer-ftreet, comes in and goes out T. S. — Thomas Hughes, George, Digbeth, comes in and goes out T. Th. S. Appleby, James Onion, Horfe-flioe, St. Martin's-lane, M. Th. Afliby-de-la-zouch, ditto, ditto. Atherftone, ditto, ditto, comes in W. goes out Th. — Thomas Pickering, Black Boy, Edgbafton-ftreet, comes in and goes out Th. Alderidge, J. Twifs, George, Digbeth, comes in W. goes out Th. to Stafford, Stone, Newcaftle-under Line, Macclesfield, Manchefter, Warrington, Liver pool, Halifax, &c. Banbury, Wm. Judd, Black Boy, Edgbafton-ftreet, comes in T. and Th. goes out W. and F. Barton upon Humber, James Swain and John Ander ton, Half Moon and Swan, High-ftreet, comes in M. and goes out T. H Bath, 58 A L I S T O F Bath, J. Afhmore, Spread-eagle, Spicer ftreet, comes in and goes out M. T. W. Th. F. S. Bedford, — Biffel, George, Digbeth, days uncertain. Beaconsfield, Wm. Judd, Black Boy, Edgbafton-ftr. comes in T. and Th. goes out W. and F. Beverley, James Swain and John Anderton, Half Moon and Swan, High-Street, comes in M. goes out T. Bewdley, Sam. Farmer, Rofe, Edgbafton-ftreet, comes in and goes every Week, days uncertain. Wm. Darby, Rofe and Crown, Moor-ftreet, comes in and goes out every week, days uncertain. E. Spencer, Black Boy, Edgbafton-ftreet, comes in and goes out three times a week, days uncertain. Bicefter, W. Judd, Black Boy, Edgbafton-ftreet, comes in T. and goes out W. Bilfton, Abraham Crofs, Bear, Bull ftreet, comes in and goes out every Day. Aaron, Turner, Bell, Bull- ftreet, comes in and goes out every T. W. S. Bolton, (Lancafhire) J. Twifs, George, Digbeth, comes in W. goes out Th. Bourn, (Lincolnfliire) James Burrows, from the George, Digbeth, T. Th. S. Bofworth (Market) ditto, ditto, ditto. Bofton, T. Swain, Half Moon and Swan, comes in M. out T. Brackley, W. Judd, Black Boy, Edgbafton-flxeet, comes in T. goes out W. Brecon, (Wales) John Aflimore, Spread-eagle, Spicer- ftreet, every day in the week. Bridgnorth, J. Bate, George, Digbeth, comes in M. W. F. goes out T. Th. S. Brigg, Swain, Half Moon and Swan, High ftreet, comes in M. goes out T. E. Spencer, Black Boy, Edgbafton-ftreet, comes in three times a week, days uncertain. Briftol, John Aflimore, Spread Eagle, Spicer-flxeet, comes in and goes out M. T. Th. F. Brodenham, R. Franklin, Black Boy, Edg.-ftr. Th. Bromfgrove, J. Aflimore, Black Boy, Edgbafton-ftr. Th. Bromyard, ditto and ditto. Buckingham, WAGGONS, &c. 59 Buckingham, William Judd, Black Boy, Edgbafton- ftreet, in T. out W. Burford, R. Franklin, in W. out Th. Burton upon Trent, Robert Jenkins, Red Lion, Dig beth, comes in T. Th. and goes out W. F. — John Parker, Spread Eagle, Spicer-ftreet, comes in W. goes out Th. Cambridge, John Alexander, White Hart, Digbeth, comes in and goes out every T. Caverfham, R. Franklin, Black Boy, Edgbafton-ftreet, in W. out Th. Chateris, (Ifle of Ely) W. Darby, Rofe and Crown, Moor-ftreet, comes in W. goes out Th. Chefter, Jofiah Blakemore, Lichfield ftreet, comes in T. F. goes out W. S. Chefterfield, Swain, Half Moon and Swan, High- ftreet, comes in M. goes out T. Coventry, James Burrows, George, Digbeth, comes in every other day — Roger Hewit, T. Jenkins, Mrs. Timmins, Henry Baker, at the warehoufe near the New Church, eome in and go out every dzj. Daventry, Roger Hewit, T. Jenkins, Mrs. Timmins, Henry Baker, at the warehoufe above, fome of whom come in and go out every day. — T. Southani, White Hart, Digbeth, comes in and goes out every S. Deepings, ( Market, Lincolnfliire ) James Burrows, George, Digbeth, comes in M. W. F. goes out T. Th. S. Derby, Swain, Half Moon and Swan, High-ftr. comes in M. goes out T. Dudley, Sarah Rolinfon, Blue Bell, Philip ftreet, comes in and goes out every day. — William Price, Red- Lion, Digbeth, ditto, ditto. Edinburgh, Swain, Half Moon and Swan, High- ftreet, comes in M. goes out T. Enftone, W. Franklin, Black Boy, Edgbafton-ftreet, comes in W. goes out Th. Evefham, Thomas Hughes, George, Digbeth, comes in and goes out Th. Farringdon, (Berks) R. Franklin, in W. out Th. Gloucefter 6o A L I S T O F Gloucefter, John Aflimore, Spread Eagle, Spicer-ftr. comes in and goes M. T. Th. F. Harborough, James Burrows, George, Digbeth, Th. Henley, Elizabeth Major, Blue Bell, Philip-ftreet. comes in and goes out M. Th. S. Hereford, John Afhmore, Spread Eagle, Spicer-ftreet, comes in and goes out M. T. Th. F. Hinckley, James Burrows, George, Digbeth, comes in W. F. goes out Th. S. — Ditto, Red Lion, Digbeth, conies in M. goes out T. Holbeach, Burrows, George, Digbeth, comes in W. goes out Th. Horncaftle, Swain, Half Moon and Swan, High- ftreet, comes in M. F. goes out T. S. Huntingdon, Fletcher and Hunt, Red Lion, Digbeth, to Stamford, Peterborough, Spalding, and Cam bridge, &c. goes out every W. fortnight. Hyam-Ferrers, ditto. Kettering, James Burrows, George, Digbeth, comes in M. W. F. goes out T. Th. S. Kington, W. Collins, George, Digbeth, comes in M. Th. goes out T. F. Knowle, Ditto and ditto. London, R. Hewit, T. Jenkins, Mrs. Timmins, H. Baker, go from the Warehoufe near the New Church yard every T. W. Th. S. arrive at the Bell in Weft- Smithfield, every S. M. W. F. come out every M. T. Th. S. and arrive at the above Warehoufe every F. S. T. and Th. Ofborne, Wm. Gunn, Jonathan Billing, Johnfon, and Robert Jenkins, White Hart, Digbeth, fome of whom come and go every day. G. Hands, Robert Bilfton, Thomas Boonham, J. Hammonds, Thomas Danks, Black Boy, Edgbafton-ftreet, come in and go out every day. — W. Judd, every T. — Thomas Wire, Rofe and Crown, Moor-ftreet, comes in every other T. goes- out W. — Edw. Spencer, Old King's Arms, Edg bafton-ftreet, comes ill and goes out W. Lutterworth, James Burrows, George, Digbeth, comes in M. W. F. goes out T. Th. S. Leeds, Swain, Half Moon and Swan, High-ftr. comes in M. F. goes out T. S. Leicef- WAGGONS, &c. 6i Leicefter, James Burrows, Red Lion, Digbeth conies in M. goes out T. He carries to all Parts of Leicefter fhire. Ledbury, John Afhmore, Spread Eagle, Spicer-ftreet, every Day. Leominfter, Ditto T. F. Lichfield, John Parker, Spread Eagle, Spicer-ftreet, comes in W. goes out Th. Lincoln, Thomas Swain and John Anderton, come in M. go out T. Louth, Ditto and ditto. Mansfield, Swain and Anderton, Half Moon and Swan, High-ftreet, comes in M. goes out T. Markem-Raifon, Ditto and ditto Mefum, James Onions, comes in and goes out Th. Newbury, R Franklin, comes in W. goes out Th. Newark upon Trent, John Parker, Spread Eagle, Spicer- ftreet, comes in W. goes out Th. Nottingham, Swain and Anderton, Half Moon and Swan, High-ftreet, comes in M. goes out T. Newent, (Gloucefterfhire), J. Afhmore, Spread Eagle, Spicer-ftreet, comes in and goes out M. T. Th. F. Newport, Thomas Windfor, Bell, Bull-ftreet, comes in W. goes out Th. — Robert Bilfon, every Th. Northampton, Robert Bilfton, Black Boy, Edgbailon- flreet, every othe^ Th. — Aaron Earn, Newirnan, George, Digbeth, comes in M. goes out T. Oundle, Burrows, George, Digbeth. Oxford, John Baker, George, Digbeth, comes in Th. goes out F. — W. Judd, ditto, comes T. goes out W. — R. Franklin, BI. B. Edgbafton-fb. in W. out Th. Perfhore, John Aflimore, Spread-eagle, Spicer-ftreet, comes in and goes out M. T. Th. F. Peterborough, Burrows, George Digbeth. Prefton, T. Twifs, George, Digbeth, in W. out Th. Redford, Swain and Anderton, Half Moon and Swan, High-ftreet, comes in M. goes out T. Reading, John Baker, George, Digbeth, comes in Th. goes out F. — Richard Franklin, Black Boy, Edgba fton-ftreet, comes in W. goes out Th. ; alfo to Thame. Rofs, 62 A LIST OF Rofs, (Herefordfliire) John Afhmore, Spread-eagle, Spiceal-ftreet comes in and goes out M. T. Th. F. Rugby, James Burrows, George, Digbeth, comes in M. W. F. goes out T. Th. S. Salifbury, John Baker, ditto, comes T. goes out F. Sheffield, Swain and Anderton, Half Moon and Swan, High-ftreet, comes in M. goes out T. N. B. Con vey Goods from this Place to all Parts of the North. Shiffnal, Thomas Windfor, Bell, Bull ftreet, comes in W. goes out Th. John Wright, Chain, Bull-ftreet, comes in S. goes out M. Shipftone, R. Franklin, Black-boy, Edgb. ftr. Th. Shrewfbury, John Wright, George, Digbeth, comes in S. goes out W. Sleaford, Swain and Anderton, Half Moon and Swan, High-ftreet, comes in M. goes out T. Solihull, William Collins, George, Digbeth, comes in M. Th. goes out T. F. Southam, Ditto, ditto. Southampton, R. Franklin, George, Digbeth, comes in Th. goes out F. Spalding, J. Burrows, George, Digbeth. Stamford, James Burrows, George, Digbeth, comes in W. goes Out Th. Stanford, Ditto and ditto. Stourbridge, Bate and Co. George, Digbeth, comes M. W. F. goes out T. Th. S. Hurft, Hop-pole, Spicer-ftreet, comes in and goes out T. Th. S. Stow, Hughes, George, Digbeth, comes in and goes out T. Th. S. Stratford, Stony and Fenny, John Baker, George, Dig beth, comes in Th. goes out F. — All the London Carriers. Stratford upon Avon, Wm. Judd, George, Digbeth, comes in T. goes out W. Stroud, (Glouceiterflthire) John Aflimore, Spread Eag. Spicer-ftreet, comes in and goes out M. T. Th. F. S. St. Alban's, All the London Carriers. St. Edmund's Bury, James Burrows, George, Digbeth, comes in W. goes out Th. St. Ives, Ditto and ditto. St. WAGGONS, &c. 63 St. Neots's, (Huntingdonfhire) Ditto and ditto. Tamworth, James Onions, Horfe-fhoe, St. Mardn's- lane, comes in and goes out Th. Tewkeftiury, James Aflimore, Spread Eagle, Spicer- ftreet, comes in and goes out M. T. Th. F. S. Thrapfton, James Burrows, George, Digbeth, comes in W. goes out Th. Towcefler, J. Burrows, George, Digbeth, comes in Th. goes out F. All the London Carriers. Uxbridge, John Baker, Ditto and ditto. — Wm. Judd, Black Boy, Edgbafton ftreet, every T. Upton upon Severn, John Afhmore, Spread Eagle, Spicer ftreet, comes in and goes out M. T. Th. F. S. Uppingham, J. Burrows, George, Digbeth, comes in "W. goes out Th. Wantage, John Baker, George, Digbeth, comes in Th. goes out F. — R. Franklin, Black Boy Edgbafton-ftr. comes in and goes out Th. Wycomb, Ditto and ditto. Winchefter, Ditto and ditto. Walfall, William Tittenfor, comes in and goes out out T. Th. S. — ^J. Harris, No. 16, Colmore ftreet, every Day. — Wm. Benhall, Bell, BuU-ftreet, comes in and goes out M. T. Th. S. Warwick, Wm. Collins, George, Digbeth, comes in M. Th. goes out T. F. Whitchurch, W. Judd, Black Boy, Edgbafton-ftr. T. Winflow, Ditto and ditto. Woodftock, Franklin, ditto, Th. Wolverhampton, T. Aves, Bell, Bull-ftreet, comes in and goes out M. — J. Savage, at ditto, comes in T. goes out W. — H. Wright, Chain, Bull-ftreet, comes T. F. goes W. S. Wakefield, Swain and Anderton, Half Moon and Swan, High-ftreet, comes in M. goes out T. Worcefter, John Afhmore, Spread Eagle, Spicer ftreet, comes in and goes out twice a Week. Willenhall, Sam. Butler, Saracen's-Head, Bull-ftreet, comes in and goes out T. S. Wednefbury, Abraham Crofs, Bear, Bull-ftreet, comes in and goes out every day. Wifljich, 64 A L I S T, &c. Wifbich, JaiuLS Burrows George, Digbeth, comes in M. W. F. goes out T. Th. S. Wittlefey, Ditto and ditto. Welchpool, Tho. Windfor, Bell, Bull-ftreet, comes in W. goes out Th. Weldon in the Wood, James Burrows, George, Dig beth, comes in M. W. F. goes out T. Th. S. Wellingborough, Ditto, ditto. York, Swain and Anderton, Halt Moon and Swan, High-ftreet, comes in M. goes out T. THE END. BIRMINGHAM STREET DIRECTORY, 1777. Compiled from the preceding Directory, by C. E. SCARSE. Ann -street, or Mount Pleasant. 2 Clay, Joseph 6 Reeves, Thomas 7 Wakelin, John 8 Crompton, T. 9 Hickman, Robert II Crompton, WiUiam 12 Th waits, James 13 Green, Joseph 14 Hasledine, John 15 Collins, Wm. 16 Chapman, Tho. 18 Skip, G. 20 Withnol, Wm. 22 Wilmore, Richard 24 Ledsam, Thomas 27 Lees, Edward 29 Richards, T. 31 Moore, John 33 Turner, WUUam 36 Field, Thomas Martin, R. Aston -street Smith, John Smith, John Pathews, Joseph Lennocks, William ASTON-STREET — Contd. Bayley, John I Robins, John 2 Standley, Thomas 7 Simmons, Wm. 8 Thomas, G. 9 Hasluck, Thomas 10 Rose, Francis II Wilson, John II Hammersley, William 18 Heely, Edward 49 Cressall, James 50 Osbourne, Joseph Bartholomew - row Chantry, Joseph Cole, Robert Clare, Thomas Kitchen, Matthew Lewin, William 47 Bennett, William Pratt, Joseph Raven, Samuel Standley, Thomas Walker, Richard 54 Sarjant, Thomas Bath - row I Barney, Francis 66 Bath - street I Knowles, Joseph 2 Bates, Thomas 4 Dickenson, WiUiam 7 Rabone, Joseph BaylSs- street Aldridge, William Bell -street 6 Ellis, Widow 7 Allman, James 8 Freeth, Joseph 10 Ralph, Barnaby II Pace, Humphrey 2 0 Whateley, Thomas 21 Stockwell, Charles 2 2 Freeth, John 23 Hawkins, John 25 Jones, George 27 Medlicott, Wm. 30 & 31 Addiss, J. Bordesiey Bentley, Thomas Brooks, John Cotterell, Isaac Freeth, Benjamin KendaU, Joseph Lawrence, Wm. Neeld, Widow PhUlips, J. Ward, William Watton, Thomas Watton, John Chamberlain, Thomas Greaves, Joseph Hill, Benjamin Palmer, Sarah Rhoades, Henry Rock, John Smallwood, George Bow - street (Brickiln lane). 6 Small, Wm. 14 Dunn, Edward 15 Walker, John 16 Classon, Henry 21 Warner, Wm. Bracl*ford - street Bedworth, James Blundall, John Harding, James Heely, Robert Horton, John Jones, John Lawlidge, Matthias Palmer, John Penton, Thomas Phillips, Thomas Roberts, Richard Sanders, Charles Whitworth & Yates Whitehead, John Yates, James 34 ^^'ilkes, Francis Bread - street 5 Frizer, Timothy 13 P'ulton, John 15 Lowe, Edward 20 Britain, "Wm. 26 Willmore, Richard 31 Cope, Thomas 32 Mason, J. Bread - street (Hill Street). Crosby, Thomas 3 Lutwych, John 1 1 Toy, S. 12 Groves, Joseph 13 Sly, "\Vm. 29 Smith, G. 07 Bread -street (New Market). 4 Birch, Rd. 6 Luckett, W. lo Constable, T. 15 Rollins, John Brickiln-lane I Deakin, John 2 Deakin, WiUiam 5 Warren, Thomas 8 Collins, Joseph 10 Collet, Richard 12 Mavity, W. 15 Dawes, Francis 16 Cooper, Edward 21 Wise, Joshua 23 Bayliss, Michael 32 Woodhall, James 35 Silk, Thomas 38 Fletcher, William 39 Cracknall, George 42 Guest, John {See Johnson's Row.) Buck -street I Pretty, Widow 2 Jarvis, John 4 Goosbury, John Brisband, Roger Buckingham, Jonah Clare, Joseph Bull -lane 2 Bennion, George 3 Taylor, John 17 Lawrence, Michael Bull -ring Beach, Tho*mas Logan, James Lowe, John Swetenham, "WUliam Dawes, 1 Docker, Henry 2 Parker, J. 2 Tipping, Isaac 3 May, Samuel 4 Croughton, Robert 6 CantreU, Josiah 7 Farror, Joseph 8 Moles, Francis 9 Dean, Matthew 10 Tompkis, Edmund II Patterson, Edmund 12 Coton, William 13 Green, Francis 19 Oxford, Catherine 20 Wright, Joseph 21 Richardson, Mary 22 Matthews, Thomas 23 Mason, William 28 Mole & Dadley 29 Burn, Robert 30 Cole, Samuel 32 Jones, Charles Under 32, Kendall, — 33 TeveriU, James 34 Jukes, Joel 35 Ward, Wm. 36 Brown, Thomas 37 Guest, Barnet 38 Mackenzie, John Bull -street Bonifant, J. Cotterell, Clement Jones, Thomas Medley, — Moor, Kimberley 68 Bull-street — contd. Watts & Son I Salt, S. 2 Boden, Janies 3 Davis, Thomas 4 Dunn, Francis 5 Fellows, Richard 6 Haden, Thomas 7 Latham, John 8 Griffin, Silvanus II Griffin, Charles 12 MaUorey, Samuel 13 Hyde, 'Walter 15 Green, Ann 16 Corden, John 16 Tutin, Samuel 18 Seager, Stephen 19 Robinson, Thomas 20 Richards, Richard 21 Archer, John 22 Benton, John 23 Lloyd, AVm. 24 Cussons, Mary 24 AVright, Joseph 25 Price, Edward 26 Goodall & Dickenson 27 Ward, Miss 28 Cox, Thomas 29 Adkins, Samuel 30 Keen, Joseph 31 Hadley, Thomas 32 Greatrex, Christopher 33 Snape, Moses 34 Capper, Samuel & Co. 35 Piggott, Thomas 36 Whorwood, Widow 37 BayUss, James 38 Wilson, Thomas 39 Tonkinson, Thomas 40 Holt, Richard 42 Grice, William 43 Hart, Richard Bull-street — contd. 44 Amos, Ann 45 Simister, Richard 47 Hadley, Thomas 50 Weston. Mary 51 Cope, John 52 Parrott, Francis 53 Connard, Edward 54 Allport, John 55 Fox, William 56 Heath, Joseph 57 Berwick, WUfred 59 Lane, John 62 Oiam, John 61 Blockley, Thomas 63 Northall, Thomas 64 Beddoes, Thomas 64 Beddows, Thomas 66 Silvester, Elizabeth 67 Jones, Richard 68 Wiggin, Henry, sen. 69 Peale, Henry 70 Henn, Henry 71 Williams, Rebecca 72 Barratt, W^illiam 75 Smith, Richard 76 James, William 77 Barns, Robert 79 Oakley, Joseph 81 Frogget, Benjamin 82 Clarke, John 83 Lucas, Wm. 84 Cooke, Thomas 85 Lawrence, Tho. & Son 87 Williams, Edward 88 Allen, John 89 Lee, Widow 91 Sidmore, Francis 92 Robinson, Richard 93 Brooks, WUliam 95 Wells, Charles 96 Lawrence, George 69 Bull-street — contd. 97 Whale, Philip 98 Carr, Edward 99 Jackson, Joseph Bear Yard, Tibbins, — Lloyds Yard, Toy, Thomas {See Coach Yard.) Butts 60 Francis, Samuel 62 Partridge, Thomas 69 Proctor, Samuel Cannon -street I Gower, Joshua & Co. 2 Swift, William 3 Spilsbury, George 4 Harvey, Saml., jun. 6 Smith, Wm. 7 Hopkins, William 9 Savage, John II Harris, John & Co. 12 Wright, John 13 Tomlinson, Thomas 14 Gray, William 15 Harrison, Edward 16 Hunt, Thomas 20 Strickland, John 21 Parkes, Thomas 25 Horn, Charles 26 Dawes, Samuel 26 Roper, Joseph 27 Pratt, Josiah 28 Lane, Edward 31 Wright, Thomas 33 Southall, James 36 Davenport, Walter 37 Glover, Son & Frey Carey's - court (Moor Street.) Carey, Joseph Carr's - lane 4 Hyde, John 6 Briscoe, John 10 Phillips, John 1 1 Salt, Sam. 17 Coleclough, William 20 Key, William 21 Stephens, Jeremiah 28 Walker, Joshua 29 Brown, Joseph Castle - street I Leeham, Miss 2 Mason, Richard 3 Simmons, J. 5 Darby, John 6 Wheeler, Thomas 10 Hart, Job 10 Blyth, Thomas II Lea, Wm. 16 Biggs, Joseph 17 Simpson, Wm. 18 Kimberley, John Castle - yard Pearson, Joseph Catherine -street Ketland, Thomas Mole, William Anderton, William I Sorrell, James 2 Grice & Dickenson 4 Wiggin, Henry S Bratt, "William 6 Walker, Alexander 7 Whitaker, John 10 Hickins, Joseph II \Valker, 'WiUiam 12 Haywood, James 16 Barker, Matthew 7° Catherine-street — contd. Cherry-street — contd. 17 Hobday, Samuel 18 Gutteridge, John 20 Hawkes, Joseph 21 Watkins, Thomas 22 Malpass, Richard 23 Mountford, WiUiam 24 Heath, Joseph 25 Jones, Joseph 26 Wilson, Samuel 27 Spittle, Joseph 29 Bullock, William 30 Osborn, Samuel 31 Gibbs, Joseph Anderton's Court — Jefferys, Wm. Back, Baddeley, Thos. Chapel - street 3 Wilcox, William 4 Davis, John 14 Bannister, James 16 Leak, John 18 Hughes, John 19 Ledsam, Joseph Cherry - stree*^ Turner, Joseph I Simmons, John 2 Shaw, John 3 Tooth, James 5 Sanders, John 6 Taylor, Jonathan 7 Bell, Joseph 15 Hornblower, Joseph 16 Scean, John 20 Righton, R. 2 1 Barker, John 23 Lester, Thomas 24 Giles, Benjamin 25 Lindon, John 28 Walker and Allport 30 Guest, Mary 31 Barker, Edward 32 Iddens, John 32 Harris, Joseph 33 Merry, John 34 Everton, Ruffy & Co. 35 Mainwaring, Anthony Cherry Orchard — Aston, "Widow Church -street Aston, Samuel 3 Luckock, Wm. 17 Mason, John 18 Willmore, Edward 22 Oughton, Christopher 24 Mason, John 25 Cart, John 26 Hidson, Durant 27 Fellows, James 29 Horton, William 30 Greaves, Mary 31 Blower, Samuel 32 Smith, John 33 Watton, Samuel 34 Cope, Samuel 35 Warren, Richard 39 Wright, William 40 Lightwood, John 45 Mason, John 47 Heely, Henry 50 Barrs, William 53 Banner, Arthur Coach - yard (Bull Street). 3 Insole, Edward 5 Whitehead, John T- Colesh ill-street Adams, Wm. Howard, Thomas Izon, John 7 Radford, Francis 9 Godfrey, WiUiam lo Barber, WilUam 1 1 Harcourt, John 12 Tutin, Wm. 13 Rowley, John 14 Shipley, Thomas 16 Barber, Joseph 17 Botteley, J. 18 Botteley, George 20 Butler, Charles 21 Richards, John 23 Harrison, Jess 24 Lane, John 25 Trehern, John 27 Murcott, Abraham 28 Stone, Thomas 33 Howell, John 34 Worsey, John 35 Foot, John 37 Horton, Lawrence 38 Smith, J. 39 PhiUips, W. 40 Grove, Abel 41 Truman, John 43 Buckley, James 44 Simms, Wm. 45 Horton, James 47 Gevage, Clement 57 Hobson, George 58 Brown, Thomas 70 Cartwright, John 72 Cartwright, Thomas 73 Ford, Francis 75 Bromfield Richard 77 Forrister, Richard 78 Gilboth, Thomas 79 Lomax, Henry Colmore-row Barrs & Jackson Hesketh, Samuel Millar, J. Osborn and WiUson Sarbett, — I Aldridge, Henry 3 Evans, John 4 Crompton, Elizab. 5 Moore, Robert 8 Warner, Wm. 12 Morris, WiUiam 14 Symonds, John 15 Bond, Daniel 17 Holden, the Rev. Mr 18 Reeves, Thomas 19 Taylor, John 19 Walker, John 20 Hinchley, Wm. 21 Thomason, Edward 22 James, Thomas 24 Sharp, Joseph 25 "Vaux, Jeremiah 26 Hodgkins, Charles 30 Startin, John 31 Bird, John 34 Duncombe, & Co. 35 Edkin's 39 Wynn, Robert Colmore - street 3 & 4 Power, Samuel, sen. 5 Shuttleworth, Wm. 9 Power, Samuel, jun. 18 Richards, Joseph 19 Yates, Thomas 23 Brooks, Josiah 24 Warden, Joseph 25 Harris, J. 26 Brown, James 29 Bachelor, Francis 31 Vaughan, Walter 72 Colmore-street — contd. 36 Wadsworth, W. 42 Groutage, John 43 Suchwell, Tho. 44 Mountford, Joseph 45 Aaron, Moses 46 Tooth, Richard 48 Waren, Joseph Co rbett's - alley Humphreys and Lea Kettle, Edmund Cross - street Tonks, William I "Vickery, Henry 8 Foxall, Amos 16 Floyd, Richard 18 Rowley, Richard Dale -end Rea, John Livison, — Ryley, James I Wight, Thomas 2 Yenn, Richard 3 Clutton, Margaret 4 Chandler, Sarah 5 Walker, Richard 6 Harris, John 6 Parkes, Thomas 7 Taylor, Lloyd and Co, 8 Smith, John 10 Brooks, Thomas 12 Moore, WiUiam 14 Shaddock, Robert 15 Freer, John, sen. 16 Baxter, WiUiam 17 Buckley, John 18 Watton, Miss 19 Walbank, John Dale-end — contd. 20 & 2 1 Hodgetts, William 22 Jefferys, John 23 OUenranshaw, John 24 Powell, James 25 Farmer, Joseph 26 Malpass, Elizabeth 28 Ward, John 29 Onions, John 31 Groves, William 33 ^^'^ight, Wm. 34 CoUins, Samuel 36 Powell, Thomas 37 Lawson, John 38 Hill, Robert 39 Mogridge, Matthias 41 Rowson, John 42 Bayhss, Thomas 44 Jones, WUliam 45 Brown, John 47 Layton, Francis 48 Matthews, Samuel 49 Horton, Edward 50 Earl, Christopher 51 Harris, John 52 Little, Francis 53 Pritchit, Rebecca 54 Morris, George 55 Scofield, Henry 58 Allen, E. 59 Bradbury, William 60 Doolittle, John 61 Burditt, Thomas 62 Horton, Thomas 63 Barker, Thomas 64 Warren, Tho. 65 Bullock, William 68 Lewin, Francis 69 Knott, Lawrence 69 Parton, Joseph 70 Smith, Thomas 71 Taylor, Ann 73 Dale-end — contd. 73 Cooke, Joseph 75 Green, Humphrey 76 Simes, John 80 Joseph, John 80 Lowe, James 81 Blakemore, Thomas 82 Oliver, William 84 Burner, John 88 Smallwood, J. 89 Lucas, Wm. 89 Tildesley, Elizabeth 89 Tildesley, Thomas 89 Tildesley, John 90 Tovey, "William 92 Gill, Thomas 93 Pearson, Benjamin 94 Sutton, WiUiam 95 Burgess, John 96 Wager, John 98 Higgins, William 99 Griffiths, AVilliam IOI Taylor, William 102 Dutton, Abraham 104 Lawson, Richard 105 Stevens, George Back 9, Bindley, John 72, Chamberlin, Francis 74, Bradley, George Clutton's Yard — Bayley, Thomas Leopard's Yard — Field, Frs. Freeth, Edw. Townsend's Yard — Dawes, Joseph Deakin's Row 3 Aston, Thomas Deritend Adams, John Clarke, "William Carless, Richard PhiUips, James Robinson, Edward Walford, Thos., Esq. I Hawkes, William 3 MaUn, Daniel 4 Clarke, Thomas 5 Lloyd, John 6 Palmer, Andrew 7 Green, James 8 Wright, George 9 Lattimore, Abraham 10 Ensor, Mary II Ensor, George 12 Ensor, Samuel 16 Dallaway, Robert 17 Gibbs, Richard 19 Osborn, Henry 22 Cox, John 23 Newey, John 26 Tilley, "William 27 Fox, John 29 Wynn, Widow 31 Groutage, Abraham 34 Blyth, Thomas 35 Litchfield, Charles 39 Field, Edward 40 Johnson, Joseph 41 Cotterell, Samuel 42 Hault, Samuel 43 Tonks, William 44 Palmer, Francis 45 Pemberton, Abraham 46 Palmer, Joseph 47 Davis, John 48 Clare, Thomas 50 Ennis, Thomas 54 Crisp, Thomas 58 Field, Thomas 74 Deritend — contd. 6 1 Phillips, Wm. 62 Colemore, Joseph 67 Horton, Thomas 70 Guest, John 73 Cox, The Rev. Mr. 74 Moore, Edward 74 Smith, Thomas 75 Fitter, Thomas 78 Wall, Wm. 79 Chambers, Joseph 82 Allen, Samuel 84 Hodgetts, Samuel 85 Hodgetts, John 86 Reynolds, John 86 Reynolds, John 89 Roe, Samuel 90 Cox, John Back, Alday, John Back, Aston, Joseph Deritend Bridge — Ruston, Daniel Dig¬beth Geast, Henry Hays, Joseph Mostyn, John Tibbatts, John I DaUaway, James 3 Fullilove, Mary 4 Webster, Joseph S Breese, John 7 Watton, John 8 Griffin, Joseph 9 Bayliss, Thomas 10 Ware, Wm. II Barton, WiUiam 12 Farmer, Thomas 13 Kendrick, John 14 BuU, Richard 15 Dingley, Richard 16 Griffiths, William Digbeth — contd. 17 Bodel, John 18 Adams, G. 19 Burditt, John 20 Payton, "Wm. 21 Allison, Joshua 23 Colemore, Samuel 23 Locker, Joseph 24 Warboy, Thomas 24 Wickins, Widow 26 Adams, Thomas 27 Jones, Rowland 28 Colemore, Henry 28 French, Robert 29 Sanders, John 30 Warren, John 32 Field, Paul 33 Bingham, Jacob 34 Highway, Francis 35 Priest, Thomas 37 Greenhill, Joseph 37 Owen, Hannah 39 Kendrick, Jonathan 40 Guest, Joseph 42 Parsons, John 43 Derry, Robert 44 "Wright, James 45 Reynolds, T. 48 Hicks, William 50 Hornblower, Joseph 5 1 Lees, James 52 Fuller, Christopher 60 Green, Joseph 61 Hawthorne, John 63 Silk, S. 71 Parker, John 72 Brooks, Thomas 73 Humphreys, William 75 Gunn, Ann 77 Adams, Samuel 79 Reynolds, Elisha 81 Tabbott, John 75 Digbeth — contd. 82 Birch, Thomas 83 Adams, Thomas 85 Saunders, Mark 86 Newborne, William 87 Griffin, Thomas 89 HUl, Richard 88 Dodd, Thomas 93 Reynolds, John 94 & 95 Crane, — 96 Nevill, John 97 Evans, Thomas 99 Badger and Sheffield 100 Baldwin, Thomas 102 Hodgetts, John 103 Curtis, Samuel 104 Tye, Thomas 106 Hammond, Thomas 108 Dixon, H. 109 Moles, Thomas no Hill, Thomas 113 Robins, Josiah 114 Thornton, James 115 Bishop, Thomas 116 Moore, Isaac 117 Larmount, Thomas 119 Arnold, J. 120 Howes, John 121 Bedford, James 122 Bevins, — 123 Drakeford, Jonathan 124 Hitchnor, Thomas 126 Sarjant, Isaac 127 Oakley, W. 129 Bissell, George 131 Colemore, Stephen 132 CoUins, Thomas 133 Ruff, Wm. 134 Searn, Joseph 137 Steen, WiUiam 138 Lutwych, T. 139 Standley, Thomas Digbeth — contd. 141 & 142 Dunn, Sarah 144 Garrison, Joseph Back, Barrs, James Fosters's Yard — Harrison, Wm. Jones, William Jefferys's Yard — Broad, Thomas Back of Jefferys's Yard — Jukes, William Star Yard- Bishop, Thomas Doe - street I Skellett, Wm. 7 Bridgens, Thomas 9 Griffiths, Edward 10 Read, Josiah 12 Adderley, John 13 Crosby, Thomas Dud ley- street "Vale, John 2 Spurr, Joseph 8 Attwood, John 10 Latham, "William II Payne, John 14 Solomon, Mordecai 16 Jover, John 17 Deyus, James 18 Guest, Mary 20 Challener, James 21 Cotterell, John 22 Ryley, John 25 Neal, John 27 Ridding, Benjamin 28 Moss, William 29 Taylor, Edward 33 Burgess, WiUiam 34 Jones, Edward 35 Mansell, James 76 Dudley-street — contd. 39 Dunn, Edward 43 Sadler, Thomas 44 Wniinger, John 45 Frideberg, Earned 46 Fereday, Joseph 48 Parkes, R. 49 Hutchins, Thomas 51 Olds, Thomas 52 Bridgen, Benjamin 57 Osborn, Robert Duke-s*iree'£ Rue, Pritchett and Dickenson 2 Armfield, T. 54 Rogers, Giles Easy- Hill BaskerviUe, Mrs. Best, Thomas Calley, Joseph Ruston and Hurd Winwood and Co. Easy- Row 3 Ashford, Richard 4 Rabone, Joseph 6 Florry, Sarah 7 Grew, John Edgbaston-street Badger, Benjamin Bosworth, Joseph Bridgens, John Brooks, Edward Long, James I Spooner, Abraham 2 Smith, Sarah 3 Thompson, Tho. Edgbaston-street — contd, 4 Elliot, James 5 Luckock, Widow 6 Kimberley, Joseph 7 Pewitt, David 9 Gem, Samuel 10 Bellamy, Thomas II Roberts, James 12 NeHing, Charles 13 Harris, Edward 14 Hawker, Isaac 15 PhiUips, Wm. 17 Horton, Samuel 18 Harvey, William 19 Colemore, Thomas 19 Moore, Richard 21 Leach, Henry 22 Careless, Ann 23 Blakemore, William 24 Fisher, John 27 Whitehead, Sarah 28 Newball, Thomas 31 Willis, John 32 Pallet, Thomas 34 Statham, — Widow 35 Tibbatts, Ambrose 36 Dean, Joseph 39 Cooper, Thomas 43 Court, Henry 44 BaUey, Robert 44 & 45 Heycock, John 45 Lloyd, Charles 46 Lloyd, Sampson 48 Harrott, James 49 Wilcox, Mary 51 Belcher, James 52 Purden, Robert 52 Withers, Robert 53 Bisset, John 54 Sims, Richard 57 Stephenson, John 58 Giles, Michael 77 Edgbaston-street — contd. Edmund-street — contd. 59 Taylor, Samuel 6 1 Miles, John Back, Ashford, Richard Black Boy Yard— Purdon, R. Ed m u n d - street Webb, Phillip I Attwood, Jane 4 Grubb, S. & E. 8 Guest, John 8 Radclyffe, John 9 Green, Brown, and Skinner IO Haw, Thomas 1 1 Sprigg, Wm. 12 Elkin, Joshua 13 & 14 I'roughton, Sam. 15 & 16 Reynold.s, John 17 Morgan, William 22 Salt, Thomas 23 Laugher, John 24 Skinner, George 25 Skinner, John 26 Kelsey, John 28 Scott, John 29 Griffiths, Thomas 30 Hill, Robert 31 Palmer and Perkins 34 Pickerill, John 40 Harding, William 44 Primer, Charles 47 Thompson, John 48 Hunt, Basil 50 Rock, Mary 51 Venour, Henry 56 Harper, John 57 Sarbett, Sarah 58 Sharp, John 59 Walton, Widow 61 Hands, Thomas 63 Asbury, William 64 Collit, Thomas 67 Edwards, Joseph 71 Felton, — 76 Harris, John Exeter - ryaU, Etherington 9 AVooUey, John 10 Orchard, James 1 1 Salmon, AViliiam 12 Squire, Robert MoOR-STREET — contd. 13 Taylor, Jonathan 14 Hunt, Thomas 17 Perman, Samuel 17 Spurman, Samuel 20 Bache, W. 22 Murray, & Co. 24 Yates, AViliiam 25 Boon, George 26 Richards, John 28 Hughes, George 29 Taylor, Thomas 31 Reynolds, James 35 Dudley, Samuel 36 Key, Samuel 37 Peploe, Joseph 38 Carter, Joseph 42 Fox, Samuel 44 Thomas, John 47 Deakin, Thomas 47 Reeves, AVidow 48 Bedford, Stephen 49 Barrow, Richard 50 Walton, Samuel 52 HUl, Daniel 53 Bellamy, Daniel 54 Belcher, James 55 Freeman, Samuel 56 AVakefield, Thomas 57 Bedford, Thomas 58 Tipson, John 59 Giles, John 60 Smart, John 62 Palmer, Thomas 63 Bagnall, AA^illiam 64 Rogers, John 65 Rogers, Josiah 77 Wakeman, James 79 Boucher, John 81 Mason, Henry 82 Carmount, Alexander 84 Rogers, Joseph 85 MoOR-STREET — contd. 85 Lloyd, Benjamin 86 Clews, Thomas 87 Holmes, John 88 Dickenson, Henry 89 Hancox, Edward 90 Ash, Thomas 93 & 94 Dowler, T. & W. 99 Eagles, Thomas 100 Harrison, John 105 Walton, — 115 Smith, Joseph 116 Fox, Thomas 120 AVebb, George 121 Davis, George 122 Lakin, Michael 124 Lane & Parker 131 Fox, Elizabeth 133 Salmon, T. 134 AVebster, Richard 137 Evans, Thomas 138 HassaU, Charles 140 Cooper, Benjamin 142 HassaU, James 143 Gill, John 144 Bradley, Francis 145 Lovett, Thomas 146 Shipton, Henry 147 Meacham, David 148 Horn, William 150 Douglas, Joseph 151 Caulton, George Green Tree Yard — Gee, Joseph Cary's Court — Tipson, Thomas Moore's-row 3 UnderhUl, Wm. 6 Stevens, Widow Mount Pleasant 3 Jefferys, Thomas 21 Horton, Thomas 30 Humphreys, AViUiam 37 Chambers, Edward Navigation - street Banner, William Hickman, James Hinton, Edward Lea, Benjamin Wilson, Richard 12 AVoodhill, John 16 Corden, Francis 19 Buff, James 26 Dee, Ambrose 27 Bromley, Thomas 28 Sheldon, John 28 Sheldon, Thomas 29 Bradley, Samuel 30 Skip, Thomas 31 Classon, John 32 Classon, William 42 Taylor, Richard Back 43, Bates, Samuel Needless Alley 23 Bromfield George 28 Edwards, Thomas New -street Bromley, WUliam Collins, William Elstone, Charles Garbett, Thomas Levy, AViliiam & Son May, Benjamin Paine, Thomas Ruston, Edward Wharton, — Wigley, Jonathan Wootton, Robert 86 New-street — contd. 2 Edwards, John 2 Elvins, Thomas 3 Lutwych, James 4 Hickman, John 5 Thomas and Barker 6 Budd, James D. 7 Rogers, Sarah 8 Arnott, Samuel 9 Cantrell, AViUiam 9 Cox, Bayley lo Johnson, Richard II Goode, AViUiam 12 Gray, John 13 Hurdd, Francis 14 Beckett, John 18 Haslewood, Thomas 19 Chtatin, Joseph 21 MUls, Joseph 22 Tindall, Joseph 24 LandaU and Chambers 25 Green, Joseph 25 Green, Thomas 27 Gem, Thomas 28 Holden, AVm. 29 Phipson, Joseph 30 Hollands, Miss 31 Steward, Thomas 32 Dolphin, James 33 Russell and Co. 34 Midiam, John 35 Bennett, Edward and Thomas 36 Harris, Jane & Rebecca 37 Audley, Richard 38 Davis, Edward 42 Ryland, AViUiam 49 Ryland and Darby 49 Spire, James 51 Walters, Richard 53 .A.udley, John 56 Moore, Robert Ne'w-street — contd. 57 Derrington, John 58 Jennings, Charles 59 Smallwood, Edward 60 Read, Joseph 61 Phipson, T. 62 Baker, AA'illiam(back of) 65 Guest, Joseph 66 Read, Henry 68 AValker, John 69 Har^'ey, Merinden, and Freeth 69 Merinden, John PhiUip 71 Bache, John 73 Green, John 75 Lunn, John New- Hail Boulton and Fothergill Newf- hall -row Back, Bateman, Joseph Newhall - street I HoUoway, George 2 Faulconbridge, Thomas 3 Monger, John 4 Armfield, Thomas 5 Chapman, John 6 Cope, Samuel 6 Hipkiss, John 7 Chamberlain, John 8 Chance, AViUiam 9 Homer, Edward II Prosser, Richard 12 Smith, John 13 Turner, AV. 14 Bingham, Thomas 15 Le Resche, Charles 16 Cope, John 17 Wallin and Piddock 19 Clay, Henry 87 Newhall-street — contd. 20 Greaves, James 21 Hadley, Thomas 22 Noble, AVUliam & Co. 23 Smith, Thomas 24 Rabone, Richard 25 Male, James 26 Pickard, James 27 Cooke, John 28 Smith. Edward 29 Lane, Thomas 30 8z: 31 Allen, John 32 AVinwood, Daniel 33 Richards, John 34 Lee, Thomas 35 Hawkins, WiUiam 36 AVard, Robert 37 Moore, Francis 39 Horton, James 4t Townsend, Joseph 42 AVinstanley, Peter 44 Berry, John 45 Mallett, Miss 47 Conquest, Richard 48 Ford, Samuel 49 WiUmore, Thomas Newhall-walk I Watts, James New Hinckleys Pitt, George 17 Chub, John 25 Iliffe, 'fhomas 27 Cave, John 28 Shuter, Wm. 29 Thompson, Joseph 30 Gibson, Samuel 37 Jackson, Daniel 39 Ashmore, J. 51 Nicklinson, Nicholas New Market Shaw, Thomas New Market -row^ 2 Houghton, Moses 4 Bradish, Richard 5 Emmison, James 5 Emmison, John 6 Cotterell, Joseph 7 Shorthouse, Thomas New Meeting -street I Field, John 2 Westwood, John 3 Smith, Tho. 5 Willmot, Matthew 6 Burbery, John 8 Pimlott, AViliiam 9 Stringer & Hazledine 18 Berry, David Newton - street Probin, Owen I AVilkes, John 2 Bishop, Thomas 5 Bridgins, Thomas 6 Smallwood, John 7 Morris, Thomas 10 Humphreys, Thomas II Aitkin & Taylor 1 1 Taylor and Co. 13 Palmer, AViUiam Nova Scotia - street I Thompson, Edw. 4 Fisher, William 7 Bradnock, John 13 Fletcher, Joseph 88 Old Hinckleys I Timmins, Thomas 2 Fiddian, Elizabeth 8 Flewitt, Randal II MarshaU, Tho. 21 Cope, Ralph 30 Edmunds, Joseph 40 Greaves, Thomas Old Meeting -street EUiott, Jos. 2 Parkes, John 3 Field, James 4 AA'ard, John 6 Hands, James 9 Tallis, AViUiam II Stratford, Richard 16 Marklew, Morgan 21 Bird, James 23 HassaU, Thomas 26 Watts, John 28 Park?es, John Old Meeting Yard Beach, William Paradise - row Barnhurst, — I Cooper, Thomas Littlewood, Thomas 10 Cooper, Thomas 13 Dearman, Richard 28 Sarjant, Wm. Paradise - street Armfield, Edward Haynes, Richard Perks, John Riddle, John Russell & Co. 2 Marston, John 3 BeUamy, Obadiah 4 Archer, John Paradise-street — contd. 5 Ashwin, Thomas 6 Baker, Joseph 7 Tranter, AA'm. 1 1 Malin, John 12 Bromley, AA^illiam 14 Richards, John 15 Dallaway, James 15 Dallaway, Joseph 16 Griffiths, John Durnock 17 Noble, Edward Heatley 18 Twist, Francis 20 Jukes, Joseph 20 Nelson & Handasyd 21 Normust, Robert 22 Higginson, John 24 Jones, Thomas 25 Abney, R. 26 AUsop, T. 27 Hughes, Edward Park -street Hammersley, — I Rogers, Luke 3 Barnett, Peter 3 Bowman, AA'"iUiam 4 Smith, Timothy 6 Court & Dudley 6 Yates, AViUiam 7 Moseley, John 9 Lench, William 10 Humphreys, George II Green, James 12 Dudley, George 14 Smith and Son 15 Piggott, J. 16 Boswell, John 17 PhiUips, Joseph 18 Hunt, Edward 20 Hallen, Arden 21 Harvey, George 69 Park-street — contd. 2 2 Richards, John 23 Barnhurst, Thomas 25 Izon, John 28 Phillips, Benjamin 29 Eustace, WiUiam 30 Harper, Robert 32 Farmer, George 33 Smallwood, AVm. 34 Yates, John 35 Bayley, James 40 Cheese, Richard 42 & 43 Ault, John 44 Jones, Edward 45 Matthews, AVm. 46 West, William 49 Till, William 50 Rann, B. 51 Walsingham,Wm., Jun. 52 Phillips, John 53 Neal, Thomas 55 Brown, John 57 Wright, Thomas 58 Radenhurst, Richard 58 UnderhiU, John 59 Kempson, AVUliam 61 Black, Joseph 62 Hicks, AViUiam 65 Barnes, Henry 66 PhiUips, Thomas 67 CoUey, EUzabeth 68 Harrison, James 69 Ward, Wm. 75 HiU, Adam 76 Williams, David 78 Mitchell, Wm. 80 Martin, Josiah 81 & 82 Everton, Thomas 84 Mayor, Samuel 87 Eboral, Thomas 88 Whateley, George 91 Goss, John Park-street — contd. 93 Backhurst, J. 97 Sheldon, Richard 98 Freeman, George IOI Birch, Widow 103 Lewis, Ann 106 Thruston, Thomas Peck- lane Grundy, Russell and Grundy 3 Manton, Robert 5 Pawton, Robert 6 Tester, Thomas 13 Wooldridge, Thomas 14 Smallwood, John 18 Thacker, Robert 20 Perkins, John 23 Bowlker, Richard Phillip -street I Warden, Richard 4 AUen, J. 5 Peck, Samuel, sen. 7 Hall, WUliam 9 Booth, 'Ihomas 10 Midiam, Joseph 13 Clarke, Thomas 14 Heely, WiUiam 15 Simpson, Thomas 20 Guest, Robert 21 Lea, John 25 Bishop, Benjamin 26 GUes, Joseph 29 Maxmilian, Alexander 30 PhiUips, Charies, senior Pin*fold- street Burt, — 33 Fielding, Thomas 40 Wilmore, Edward 45 Brierhood, John 9° Pinfold-street — contd. Queen-street — contd. 48 Evans, Benjamin 50 Jordan, Thomas 63 Colley, Richard 66 Smith, Thomas 67 Burditt, Edward 70 Bridgens, John 79 Clarke, David 88 Guest, AViUiam 89 Smith, Samuel 93 Hawkesford, WilUam 95 Allen, John Prospect - row Johnson, Abraham I Jason, John 3 Bache, Richard 5 Brueton, Thomas 8 Brueton, Joseph & Co. 9 Rotton & Bache II Bewhouse, Thomas 12 Camden, AVidow 13 Bernard, Thomas 21 Barnsley, AA'^m. 24 Fletcher, Nicholas Gosty Green (Prospect Row) Dolphin, — Roper, Joseph 4 Palmer, H. 14 Day, Joseph 31 Minton, John 32 Powell, John 33 Coley, Ch. Queen - street AVilliams, Benjamin 2 Hodgkins, Wm. 7 AVright, John 9 Davis, Benjamin 13 Barnett, A\'illiam 17 Taylor, J., Sen. 22 Thompson, Edward 23 Taylor and Pemberton 24 Morgan, Ann 29 Powers, Samuel 29 AVigley, John 31 Chantry, Sam. 32 Morgan, AA'^m. & Co. 44 Hunt, Thomas Russell -street I Higgins, Robert 4 Mosely, Francis 9 Griffiths, Robert Higgin's Yard — Probin, Thomas St. Anthony -street Vale, John 4 Stidman, Thomas 20 Short, Jonathan St.Bartholomew's-row Walsingham, AV., Sen. St. George's Market I Alcock, R. 2 Townsend, Richard 3 Alcock, Rob. 5 Tibbetts, Richard 7 Summers, John II Penn, Benjamin 15 Thornton, George 16 Bird, Henry 18 Kendrick, Andrew St. John -street 7 Morris, John II Timmins, Thomas 12 Payne, AVm. 13 Clarke, John 14 Scofield, John 16 Hardy, Thomas 17 Probin, John 21 AVebster, George & Co. 22 Allen, Thomas 25 Rhoades, John 26 Payton, Joseph 27 Gibbons, Edward 28 Ford, Nathaniel 31 Butler, John 32 Vaughton, Philip 33 Green, John 34 Gamson, John 37 BuUock, John 38 Heath, AViliiam 39 Pynock, Mark 40 Arden, William 41 Dones,Bennett(backof) 42 Pickering, John St. Martin's-lane Chamberlain, AVidow Guest, John Lewly, Thomas Peck, AV. I Brooks, Henry 2 Johnson, AViUiam 4 Holmes, J. 6 Wilson, Mary 7 Pallet, James 10 Hancock, Richard St. Mary's - row 4 Pinks, Thomas 3 Freer, Nicholas St. Thontas's- street I Atkinson, William 2 Fellows, Peter 3 Smith, AVm. 14 Radford, Joseph 15 NichoUs, John 19 PhiUips, Joseph 21 Austin, Nathaniel 28 Bradbury, Joseph 29 Jarvis, John 36 Corn, Joseph 37 GoodaU, John Back, Bedford, John Sand - street r Kempson, Henry 4 Ladbury, John 4 Probin, Charles 5 Grice, William 7 Adams, James 8 Parkes, Samuel 9 Adams, T. 15 Cash, AVidow Slaney - street 5 Staples, Joseph 29 Morgan, Henry 30 Farr, Joseph 32 Pitchford, William 37 Greenway, James 41 Reeves, James 49 Deane, Samuel 51 Kettle, Samuel Slones - row I Pritchett, Peter Small brook -street Torkey, John Withers, Samuel I Anderton, Richard 4 Adams, Thomas 6 Stych, Thomas 7 Rhoades, George 7 Richards, John Smallbrook-st. — contd. 8 Beatley, Richard 9 Flewster, John 10 Clarke, Jane, Widow 12 Houghton, Joseph 13 Darby, Joseph 14 Wood, Thomas 15 Skidmore, Joseph 16 Cooper, John 18 PhUIips, James 21 Blakemore, Richard 23 Morpass, Henry 25 Penn, Edward 26 Stephenson, Benjamin 27 BosweU, AViUiam 28 Richards, AVm. 29 Cheston, John 30 Garrison, Richard 32 Beyer, John 33 Whateley, John 34 Porter, Joseph 37 Porter, Richard 38 Meer, J. 40 Hull, Thomas 44 Wigley, John 48 Perry, James 49 Nevell, William 50 Mantle, WiUiam 51 Whateley, Thomas 53 Groves, AVm. 54 Wharton, Wm. 55 Valiant, Elias 58 Ford, Richard 61 Hughes, Daniel 62 AValker, Thomas 63 Hitchen, Samuel 65 Tibbatts, Joseph 66 Morgan, Robert 71 RoUinson, D. 74 Baker, John 76 Hicks, Robert 77 Southall, AVm. Snow Hill Eagles, Robert Jones, John Lee, John Orzell, Francis Roberts, Josiah Vale & Gimblett I Boddington, AA^illiam I Hale, Edward 2 Wiggin, Henry, jun. 3 Cecil, John 4 Jennings & Co. 5 Lane, Benjamin 6 Taylor, Richard 7 Haywood, Joshua 8 AValters, John 10 Osborne, AA'illiam II Bott, WiUiam II Giles, Joseph 12 Boot, Benjamin 13 Heath, Richard 13 Powell, George 14 Richard, John 15 Baker, Jas. 16 Valiant, Thomas 18 Marstin, Charles 19 Kendrick, Joseph 20 Farnham, AViUiam 21 Street, John 22 Lord, Wm. 23 Kinnersley, Richard 24 AA'heeler, Robert 25 Bunney, Joseph Back of 25 Cooper, John 26 Grove, WiUiam 28 Carrington, Joseph 29 Newton, Isaac 31 AA^ebb, John 32 AA'elch, AA'ilkinson and. Startin 33 Palmer, Mary 34 Perkins, Abraham Snow Hill — contd. 36 Parkes, Wm. 37 Smith, Edward 39 Richards, Abraham 43 Tongue, WUliam 47 Brown, John 48 Saviger, Samuel 51 Cotton, Thomas 52 Harvey, John 53 Bromley, William 54 Hillman, Benjamin 55 James, Mary, Widow 60 Kettley, Richard 63 Eggington, William 70 Tongue, AViliiam 71 Readines, John 72 Allen, AViUiam Bowling Green — 77 Raby, George 79 Cutler, Benjamin 87 Jackson, WiUiam 88 Eades, Francis 89 Hammond, AA'illiam 90 Wright, Edward 93 Smith, Wm. 94 Perry, AVm. 96 CoUinson, Jonathan 97 Green, Thomas 98 Fletcher, John 99 Hudson, Edward IOI Green, Thomas & Co. 108 & 109 Fletcher, Thos. no Parker, Samuel no Pemberton, Samuel, Jun. 112 Whitmore, Wm. 113 Gimblett, John 114 Freer, John, Jun. 115 Lea, John 117 Barker, Samuel 118 Welch, Wm. 119 Welch, Wm. 120 Winfield, Edward 121 Westley, Thomas Spiceal - street 5 Haden, Henry Spicer -street Edmunds, Samuel Fellows, Joseph 2 Carter, Thomas 2 Back of, Cracknall, Thomas 3 & 4 Brown, John 7 Watmore, Francis 8 Grant, Joseph 9 Lawley, Wm. 10 Rann, Joseph II Fincher, Joseph, & Co. 12 Woodcock, John 13 Mole, Francis 14 Freeman, WUUam 15 Edwards, Thomas 15 Kerriff, Thomas 16 Jefferys, Richard 21 Kettley, Edward 22 Heely, Daniel 23 AUsop, Edward 24 Bentley, John 25 Street, George 26 Arbuckle, James 28 & 29 Visey, Daniel 31 Hazard, Thomas 33 Walford, "AA^idow 34 Simpson, Robert Dog Yard — Knight, Guy Powell's Yard — Powell, John Square I Hector, Edmund 3 Bingham, John 6 Birch and Hunt 7 Barker, George 8 Turner, Edward 9 Hodgkins, Wm. 94 Square — contd. 1 1 Sawyer, Wm. 13 Lloyd, Sampson 14 Mynors, Robert 16 Bradburn, Samuel Sta*ST'ord - street 2 Cooke, John 8 Powell, Benjamin 13 Dafforn, John 19 Peny, Charles 27 Warwick, Kichard 31 Bambridge, T. 32 Hart, AA^'illiam 33 Kelsey, Benjamin 48 Carr, Matthew 49 Cumberledge, Jonathan 5Q Lea, Charles Steelhouse- lane Garbett, Sam. I Ford, Samuel 3 Bagnall, R. 4 Furber, Joseph 5 Gilbert, Thomas 6 Whitehouse, George 13 Banner, WUliam John 14 Farmer & Galton 14 Robinson, James 15 Goodsall, John 16 Palmer, '\Villiam 18 Burt, Richard 22 Bingham, William 24 Bayliss, Paul 30 Hands, Joseph 37 Nevell, Slater 39 Hill, Arthur 42 AVadham, Joseph 46 Langster, John 49 Fieldhouse, George 54 Reynolds, Thomas 55 Dawes, Moses Steelhouse-lane — contd. 56 Hitchenbotham, Naboth 57 Hidson, John 58 Kiss, AViliiam 59 Hands, Richard 61 Fletcher, WUliam 62 Marshall, John 68 Davis, John 69 Taylor, John 70 & 71 Lowe, AViUiam 72 Walker, John 73 Lewesley, John 76 Parkes, John 77 Hidson, Thomas 78 Hodgson, Thomas 85 Cousin, Charles 86 Thomason, Thomas 88 Sherwood, John 89 Kennedy, lAIr. 91 AVilkes, Edward 92 Harding, William 93 Lewin, Thomas 94 Acton, T. Suffolk -street Green, AA'illiam Micklewright, John Moseley, Robert Toy, Abraham Turner, A\'m. 2 Brooks, Joseph Swallow -street Fones, — Grew, John Taylor, John Swan -alley 2 Cupper, AVidow Tanter - street 3 Cope, Thomas 7 Cattell, Obadiah 1 8 Harrison, AVUliam 19 Brown, "William Temple- row Barrs, — Herbert & Co. I Smith, Sam. 2 Barker, Joseph 5 Bloomer, Robert 5 Ireland, John 8 Golden, Richard 9 Withering, William 10 Ash, John II Stuart, Charles 12 Gimblett, John 13 Wilkinson, Joseph 14 Highway, Thomas 20 Whitehouse, Thomas 21 Mewis and Redfern 23 Southall, Wm. Temple - street Mason, "WUlis WiUiam I Bingham, Charles 4 Isherwood, Samuel 6 Turton, Sam 7 Boden, Benjamin 8 Smith, Wm. 9 Hill, John 10 Price, Thomas II Ashwell, James 12 Ashwell, Joseph 13 Minors, Thomas 16 Gardner, Richard 16 Gardner, William 17 Meredith, John 18 Sheldon, J. Temple-street — contd. 24 Frost, George 25 Lloyd, Wm. 26 Chapman, Thomas 29 & 30 Summerfield, John 31 Piatt, AViUiam 32 AVilson, William 36 Darby, John Thomas - street 22 Hasledine, Joseph Upper Priory Probin, Samuel 3 Knight, AA''illiam 4 Deacon, Francis 4 Deakin, Fr. 6 Goldingay, James 7 Inman, Francis 8 Bool, -— 10 & II Davis, Jam. 12 Davis, Daniel, Sen. 13 AA''adhams, — 14 Combe, WilUam 16 Taylor, George 20 Patrick, James 21 Jackson, Thomas 24 Finch & Co. Back 23, Baxter, John Vale - street Baker, John Parkes, Daniel Steadman, Edward Wright, AViliiam 8 Perkins, John 90 Vauxhall-row Mould, Henry 7 Drakitt, WiUiam 8 Nicklin, John lo Sherrard, Thomas II White, Thomas 13 Jennings, Widow Walmore - lane Gardner, James Wynn, John 9 Horton, Thomas 23 Lockitt, Jonathan 26 Fellows, John 35 Black, T. Weaman - street I Jackson, James 2 Sheldon, Joseph 6 Edge, Richard 9 Hodgkins, — II Parker, AViUiam 12 Bist, Read 12 Grove, John 13 Cressall, John 14 Davis, Edward 16 Patrick, Samuel 17 BeUamy, Sarah 19 Mansell, Wm. 24 Brooks, Charles 25 Causer, Thomas 27 Clarke, Charies 28 Page, Richard 30 Anderton, Isaac, jun. 31 Anderton, Isaac, sen. 32 Kelley, George 34 Green, William 37 Oliver, Edward 36 Cooper, John 4 1 Dugmore, John Weaman-street — contd. 42 Moody, Edward 43 Kettlestone, Moses 43 Mills, Thomas 44 Mole, Samuel 45 Pitt, James 49 Page, John 50 Lane, Thomas 53 Dutton, Thomas 56 Statham, Francis 60 Claybrooke, Joseph 64 Newport, John 70 Mitchell, John 71 Edwards, George Windmill-hill At the AVindmill — Griffiths, Thomas King, Thomas Windmill -street Jarvis, Charles 15 Jackson, Joseph Wood - street Taylor, James 5 Garner, John 7 Edwards, Francis 8 Ault, W. 10 Parkes, AVm. 14 Harrison, AA'iUiam 16 Clempson, Samuel 17 Jones, Thomas 23 Jordan, John Woodcock- lane 10 Peacock, Wm. 97 Worcester - street Back, Adcock, E. 3 Evans, Edward 5 Salt, T. IO Maling, G. II Hunt. Thomas, Jun. 12 Hunt, Thomas, Sen. 14 Hunt, Daniel 16 Heath, Joseph 21 Bruff, John 23 Rotton, Ambrose 24 Gough, Peter 24 Short, AVm. 25 Tibbatts, Elizabeth 26 Vincent, Ed. WORCESTER-ST. — contd. 27 BurneU, George 30 Francis, Thomas 32 Ellis, Thomas 33 Edwards, Avery 34 Harris, John 40 Collitt, Wm. Lichfield 42 Bateman, John 43 Hewitt, James 44 Bolus, Thomas 46 Edwards, Joseph 47 Hobson, Thomas 50 Darby, George 51 Baker, John BIRMINGHAM TRADES AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY, 1777. Compiled by C. E. SCARSE. Accoun'ltant Brooks, Josiah Anvil-makers Dixon, H. Hill, Richard Apothecaries Burbery, John Davis, John {See Chemists & Druggists) Appraisers and Auctioneers Hopkins, John Payton, Joseph Warren, Tho. Attorneys Barker, G. Barnhurst, Thomas Bloomer, Robert Cecil, John Cooper, Benjamin Curtis, Samuel Dolphin, James Geast, Henry Gem, Thomas Gill, John Attorneys — contd. Highway. Thomas Ladbury, John Lee, Thomas Mainwaring, Anthony ^leredith, John Rickards, John Steward, Thomas Stuart, Charles Walters, Richard Lane and Parker Augur- maker Olds, John Parkes, Daniel Awl- blade- makers Fellows, Joseph Green, Humphrey Phillips, Benjamin Richards, Joseph ^\'adsworth, AV. Axle-tree -maker Adams, G. Bag- maker Garrison, Richard 99 Bag-w^eavers Bowman, AV. Rogers, Luke Bakers Adams, T. Allen, J. Allen, J. Anderton, J. Anderton, W. Archer, J. Baldwin, T. Banner, A. Barker, E. Blakemore, Richard Boddington, AViUiam Bridgens, John Camden, AVidow Cartwright, Thomas CoUinson, Jonathan Cooke, John Cooper, Joseph Cope, John Dadley, Benjamin Dallaway, James Dolittle, John Dudley, Benjamin Dudley, Samuel Fones, — GetUffe, John Gibbs, Richard Grant, William Griffin, Charles Griffiths, John Groves, Joseph Harris, John Harris, John Hewitt, James Hicks, AViUiam Higgins, Robert HUl, Daniel Jordan, Thomas Bakers — contd. Knight, WiUiam Lane, Benjamin Lattimore, Abraham Lea, Benjamin Ledsam, Joseph Lewin, Thomas Lloyd, Benjamin Lyon, Benjamin Malin, Daniel Palmer, William Parkes, Thomas Payton, William Pemberton, Abraham Pratt, Thomas Reeves, Thomas Scragg, John Skinner, George Snape, Moses Spear, Robert Statham, Francis Stych, Thomas Tabener, WiUiam Taylor, Thomas Teverill, James Tibbatts, Elizabeth Torkey, John Wise, Joshua Bankers Golden, Richard Lloyd, Sampson Taylor, Lloyd and Co. Barbers Ash, T. Baxter, WiUiam Binner, George Blakemore, AVUliam Brooks, Thomas Barkers— contd. Basket- makers Cantrell, Josiah Birch, Widow Carr, Matthew Bunney, WUUam Clarke, John Kendall, — Ellis, Thomas Forrester, Richard Beadle Fox, Elizabeth Peck, W. Fox, WiUiam Freeman, James Bed-screw-maker Granger, James Griffin, Joseph Walker, John Grove, AViUiam HassaU, Charies Bellows-makers Hughes, George Aston, T. Jefferys, John Farmer, Thomas Jefferys, Richard Kendrick, John Latham, William Sheldon, Richard Lawrence, Michael Lawson, Richard Lees, William Lutwych, James Manton, Robert Martin, Josiah Moseley, Francis Pearce, Thomas Powell, James Reeves, Widow Sangster, Alexander Sims, AVm. Sketchley, Henry Tester, Thomas Thornton, George Thwaits, James Tonkinson, Thomas Tye, Thomas AA''alker, John Wall, Wm. Whitehouse, George AVillington, Thomas AVUson, John Woolley, Richard AVright, John Bellows-pipe-maker Drakeford, Jonathan Beit-lock-makers Blundall, John AVright, AVm. Bitt-makers (See Gimblet-makers.) Blacksmiths Silk, Thomas AA^atton, John Bookbinder, &c. Ralph, Barnaby Book-keepers To the Liuerpool and Chester Wagons Lacon, Daniel IOI Book-keepers — contd. To the London Wagons Purdon, R. To Sundry Wagons Lawley, William Booksellers Fisher, John Martin, R, Pearson and Rollason Box-iron-maker Suchwell, Tho. Box-makers Baker, AA'. Bott, AVUliam Collins, Samuel Mason, John Brandy-dealer Hosier, John Brass*Founders Bache, R. Barker, J. Barker, S. Berry, David Bird, James Birch and Villers Clare, — Dean, John Dearman, Richard Dunn, Edward Grew, John Griffiths, John Durnock Groutage, John Harcourt, John Haywood, James Hidson, Thomas Brassfounders — contd. Hill, Adam Izon, John Jason, John Key, Charles Lowe, William Marston, John Mitchell, Wm. Moody, Edward Morris, AViUiam Parker, Samuel Perry, Levy Primer, Charles Radclyffe, John Raven, Samuel Rotton and Bache Rue, Pritchett, and Dickenson Smith, Thomas Smith, Timothy Tovey, AViliiam Townsend, Joseph Turner, AV. UnderhiU, John Underhill, Thomas Webster, Richard Wheelwright, Wm. Wiggin, Thomas AVilmot, Matthew Yates, James Underhill, John AVharton, AA^m. (See Cock-founders.) Braziers Blunt, Joseph Freeman, George Garrison, Joseph Reynolds, John Searn, Joseph AVells, Edward 102 Breeches-makers Bibbins, Thomas Clarke, Thomas Gamson, John Green, Francis Hunt, Thomas, jun. Micklewright, John Rea, John Salt, S. Vaughan, Walter Wagner, John Watts, Joseph {See Tailors.) Brickmakers Osbourne, Joseph Powell, John Bricklayers Classon, Henry Cox, John Howard, Thomas Midiam, Joseph Ryder, AViUiam Spicer, John Wootton, Robert Bridle-bit-nnakers Baker, J. Heath, Joseph Hughes, John Green, James Bridle-cutters Arnold, J. Newby, John Lewly, Thomas Brokers Addis, J. Court, Henry Freeth, AViliiam Gilboth, Thomas Haw, AVUliam Jones, Rowland Stevens, George AVestwood, John Brush makers Belcher, James Boswell, John Conway, Thomas Hazard, Thomas Hodgetts, AA'illiam Holt, Richard Payton, Joseph Payton, AA'm. Richards, Richard AA'oodcock, John Robinson, Thomas Read, Josiah Buckle-makers Bayley, John Bingham, Thomas Bingham, WiUiam Chester, James Cousin, Charles Davis, Daniel, sen. Farnham, A\"iUiam Greatrex, Jonathan Greaves, James Harding, William Haseldine, Joseph Heath, Joseph Hunt, David Kettlestone, Moses Lee, Charles Lightwood, John Horton, AViUiam 103 Buckle-makers — contd. Palmer, H. Parkes, AVm. PhiUips, John PhiUips, W. Price, AViUiam Rabone, Richard Robins, John Simmons, John Simcox, John Skip, G. Smith, John Smith, Richard Smith, Thomas Smith, AA'm. Thomason, Edward Tonks, AVUliam Turner, John Valiant, Thomas Whitehouse, Ryley Willmore, Richard AA'iUmore, Thomas AVilmore, Richard Buckle-ring-'forger Daffin, John Builders Brown, John Burt, — Cope, John Cope, Samuel Cotton, Francis Day, James Horton, James Lewis, John Overton, John PhUlips, James Butchers Alcock, R. Alcock, Robert Alday, J. Attwood, J. Baxter, John Berwick, AVilfred Bissell, George Bradbury, WUliam Cantrell, AVUliam Careless, Ann Chadd, John Coleclough, WiUiam Douglas, Joseph Fereday, Joseph Fitter, Thomas Fox, Thomas Gough, Peter Grant, Joseph GreenhUl, Joseph Guest, Robert Haden, Henry Hands, John Hinton, Edward Humphreys, William Kendrick, Andrew Lewin, Francis Lines, Benjamin Midiam, John Nelling, Charles Newball, Thomas Newborne, AViUiam Parsons, John Perman, Samuel Rann, Joseph Redfern, John Rollins, John Rose, Jonathan Scofield, Henry Statham, Widow Spurman, Samuel Summers, John 104 Butchers — contd. Taylor, John Taylor, Samuel Tibbetts, Richard Timmins, Thomas Townsend, Richard Walbank, John Wilson, Thomas AVright, John Button-chaser Haw, Thomas Button-makers AUen, J. Aston, S. Barrs, Thomas Barrs, AVUliam Barrs and Jackson Bayliss, Paul Bell, Joseph Benton, James Bickerstall, Joseph Birch and Hunt Bishop, Thomas Boswell, Wm. Bradish, Richard Bratt, William Bradbury, Joseph Bridgens, Thomas Britain, AVm. Brown, Thomas Brueton, Joseph & Co. Buckingham, Jonah Cash, Caleb Challener, John Chandler, Sarah Collitt, Thomas Cooper, John Button-makers — contd. Cooper, J. Cooper, Thomas Coote, J. CressaU, James Cressall, John Crompton, S. Crompton, AA'iUiam Farr, Joseph Field, Frs. Fieldhouse, George Fletcher, WiUiam Fletcher, AVUliam Freeth, Edward Friend, John Gibbons, Edward Gibbons, John Gimblett, John Goldingay, James Goosbury, John Gough, Joseph Green, Thomas Guest, John Hadley, Thomas Hammond, AA'iUiam Hallen, Arden Hawkins, John Hawkins, Richard Hawkins, AA'illiam Hickman, Robert Hill, John Hitchenbotham, Naboth Horn, Charles Hornblower, Joseph Horton, Edward Hudson, Edward Hunt, Thomas Hunt, Thomas Hunt, AA'illiam lUffe, Thomas James, Mary, AVidow Jefcoat, Richard i°5 Button-makers — contd. Johnson, Joseph Juxon, Nicholas Kelsey, John Kempson, James Kempson, Samuel .Kempson, WiUiam Kiss, WiUiam Knowles, Joseph Lewis, Ann Lockitt, Jonathan Malpass, Elizabeth Malpass, Richard ManseU, Wm. Mash, William Mole, Samuel Morris, John Morris, Thomas Murray and Co. Newman, John Odam, John Palmer, Thomas Palmer, John Parkes, R. Parkes, Thomas Parkes, Thomas Parkes, T. Partridge, T. Perkins, John Pickard, James Powell, John Price, Thomas Redding, AV. Richards, John Ridding, Benjamin Robinson, George Rogers, Josiah Rose, Francis Rudge, Jonathan Ruston, Daniel Ryley, Joseph Sanders, John Button-makers — contd. Sawyer, Edward Smith, G. Smith, John Sorrell, James Stockwell, Charles Sutton, Benjamin & Co. Symonds, John Taylor, Richard Taylor and Pemberton Thomason, Thomas Till, William Tooth, James Tranter, AViliiam Wakefield, Thomas Warren, Thomas Westwood, John Whitehead, Wm. Wigley, James Wilkes, Edward Wilson, William Woodward, Benjamin Wright, Thomas Button-mould-maker Davis, Jam. Button-stam per Harrison, Edward Cabinet-makers Bevins, — Biggs, Joseph Bosworth, Joseph Bradley, Francis Brisband, Roger Carrington, Joseph Cooper, Joseph Dudley, Nathaniel Ellis, Thomas Field, John CABlNET-MAK-ERS^COnid. CARPEiflTERS—COntd. Goodfali, John Hodgkins, Charles Hodgkins, AVUliam Lucas, AVm. Paine, Thomas Pearson, Benjamin Radford, Joseph Roberts, Josiah Tibbatts, John {See Carpenters.) Candiestock-makers Brown, Joseph Dowler, T. and W. Fellows, Richard Fowler, Thomas Harrison, James Jarvis, John Lea, WiUiam Mountford, AVUUam RoUinson, D. Sharp, Richard Carpenters Armfield, T. Bannister, J. Bateman, Joseph Baylis, Samuel Bolt, William Bradley, Francis Brisband, Roger Broad, Thomas Brown, John Clarke, Charles CoUins, AViUiam Cope, John Cope, Samuel Cope, Thomas Cotterill, Thomas Deakin, Richard Dean, "VA^'ilUam Edwards, Avery Elkin, Joshua Elvins, Thomas Eustace, AViliiam Fielding, Thomas Flewster, John Greaves, Richard Hands, Joseph Harper, Robert Harrott, James Horton, John Howell, John Key, William Law, Lawrence Lindon, John Lowe, Edward Neeld, A\'idow Nixon, William Norton, Charles PhiUips, John Phillips, AVm. Rhoades, John Roe, Samuel Roper, James Sanders, Wm. Strickland, John Taylor, Jonathan Thacker, Robert Thomas, A\'m. Thruston, Thomas AA'"iUiams, Francis {See Cabinet-makers) Carriers Edkins, — Harris, J. 107 Casters Aston, J. Barnes, Henry Beatley, Richard Cave, John Crosb}', Thomas Fletcher, Joseph Jarvis, William Standlev, Thomas Webb, iPhUlip Cha'fing-dish-maker, &c. AValton, J. Chair- stiaker Heath, Richard Chape-makers Bates, John BeUamy, Samuel Hammersley, William Hughes, John Hutchins, Thomas Page, Richard Pickerill, John Sarjant, AVUliam Willis, John Wright, Wm. Chaser Eustace, Nicholas Chemists & Druggists Archer, J. Bache, VV. Breese, John Careless, Thomas Clutton, Margaret Cope and Son Garbett, Samuel Greatrex, Christopher Green, John Groves, William Guest, Barnet Hewson, Benjamin Jones, Charles Lomax, Henry Northall, Thomas Shorthouse, Thomas Chimney-sweeper Challener, James China-dealers Baker, M. Ley, Sarah Morgan, Thomas Osborn, Henry Sidmore, Francis Clock-dial-makers Osborn and WUson Smith, Richard Clock-makers Badderley, W. Simister, Richard Cheese-'factors Crowne, Thomas Morgan, Thomas Taylor, William Wilkes, Edward Clog-maker Dickenson, Mary Clout-maker Beach, Wm. Coach-maker Wheeler, Francis Coachman Turner, Joseph Coach-master Ford, Francis Coach-painter Bennett, AA'illiam Coalmasters Hughes, Edward Jones, Edward Malin, John Cock-*founders Beddoes, Thomas Green, William Hammersley, — Nelson and Handasyd Smith, John {See Brassfounders.) Coffee-house Aston, Mrs. Collar-makers Cotton, AViliiam Matthews, Thomas Comb-makers Davis, John Moles, Thomas Rogers, Giles Wright, James Compass-makers Ault, J. Blyth, Thomas Hault, Samuel Jarvis, Charles Parkes, Samuel Con'fectioners Abney, R. Battason, Joseph ( ? Pattison.) Hickman, John Medlicott, Wm. Wright, Joseph Coopers Cuppev, AA'idow Kettley, Edward Lea, Charles Lewesley, John Nevill, John Newport, John Robinson, Joseph Salt, Sam. Smith, Thomas Cork-cutters Croughton, Robert Field, John AValker, Joshua AVatts, Abel Corkscrew-maker's Hatfield, John Small, A\'m. Corn-dealers Benton, John Morgan, Thomas Yates, AViliiam 109 Coroner Geast, Henry Curriers Barton, Carter Barton, George Hicks, Robert Hudson, Richard Smart, John Whateley, Thomas Curry-comb-makers AUen, S. Palmer, Andrew Cu rtai n-ri ng-makers Heely, Daniel Holmes, John Cutlers Anderton, R. Bedford, James Brooks, Henry Brooks, Samuel Davis, George Davis, John Deacon, Francis Deakin, F. Guest, John Guest, Joseph Nell, John Noble, Edward Heatley Rotton, Ambrose Watts, John Cyder-merchants Jones and Pulton Dancing-n*! asters Bromley, WiUiam Sawyer, W. M. Dealer in Waiters Joseph, John Die-sinkers Arden, W. Badderley, T. BeUamy, Daniel Chinn, John Clare, Thomas Corbett, Isaac Crowne, Jos. Emmison, John Hands, Thomas Nevell, Thomas Patrick, James Smith, J. Whitworth and Yates WiUinger, John AVestwood, Obadiah Distillers Gem, Samuel Harvey, William Ireland, John Wight, Thomas Doctors Ash, J. Hector, Edmund Smith, Thomas White, Jose-ph Withering, AA'iUiam {See Surgeons.) Drapers Barrs, — Bell, Luke Blyth, Saml. and Benj. Budd, James D. Capper, Samuel & Co. no Drapers — cofitd. Careless, Thomas Docker, Henry Han-old, \A'm. Heaton, Bernard Humphreys and Lea Hurd, Thomas Hurdd, Francis Jover, John Mackenzie, John Mole and Dadley Reynolds, James Thomas and Barker Thompson, Tho. Tompkis, Edmund Venour, Henry Walker, Richard Ward, Wm. AA^'illiams, Rebecca Wright, Gilbert Drawing-masters Gardner, Richard Haseldine, John Druggists ( See Chemists.) Dyers Mayor, Samuel Parker, John Eating-houses Beddows, Thomas Jones, Wm. Enamellers Godfrey, AVUliam Whitehouse, Thomas Engit'ieers MUls, Joseph Varley, John AA'atts, James Engravers Bache,- AV. Benjamin, — Blakemore, Jos. Boswell, 'AA'"illiam Claybrooke, Joseph Edwards, George Fielding, AVUliam Garner, Samuel GUes, Benjamin Giles, Joseph Gutteridge, John Hobda}', Samuel Kettle, Samuel Marstin, Charles Payne, Charles Pulton, John Richards, John Westwood, Obadiah AA'infield, Edward Excise-o*eficers Burgess, John Drakett, AViliiam Harrison, AViUiam Jackson, Daniel Kitchen, I\Iatthew Larmount, Thomas Newton, John Peacock, AVm. Rowson, John Simmons, J. Smith, John Street, George AA'hitaker, John Ill Factors Landall and Chambers Laugher, John Lee, John Medley, — Mewis and Redfern Osborn, Samuel Twigg, John Farriers Butler, Charles Cartwright, John Freeth, Edward Green, AA''illiam Hancock, Richard Simpson, Thomas Standley, Thomas File-makers — contd. Tabbott, John Tipson, John Tipson, Joseph Watson, Chance AVebster, George & Co. Fireiron-maker PhiUips, J. Fishirag-rod-inaker HUl, Robert Fishmongers Phillips, Ch., jun. Rooke, George Felmongers Heycock, John Long, James Wheatman, Wm. Fender-makers Baker, J. PhUlips, J. File-makers Cope, Samuel Key, William Cotterell, Samuel Darby, John Elsmore, Thomas Elstone, Charles Ford, Whitmore and Brunton Gevage, Clement GiU, Thomas Harrison, John Reynolds, Thomas Flax-dressers Earl, Joseph Watton, John Fork-makers Newey, John Smith, Edward Founders Best, Thomas Careless, Richard Francis, William Hodgetts, John Hopkins, William Jason, John Winwood, Daniel AVinwood and Co. Yates, AViliiam French-master Le Resche, Charles French-platers Chantry, Joseph Raven, George Fryingpan-maker Watton, John Furrier Fullilove, Mary Gardeners Bailey, R. Blower, Simon Challender, — Chambers, Joseph Colemore, Joseph CoUey, Richard Evans, Benjamin Gibson, Samuel Harris, John Hidson, Durrant Hobson, George Hull, Thomas Jones, Thomas Jordan, John MUls, Thomas Mountford, Joseph Page, John Powers, Thomas Sims, Richard Smallwood, George Toy, Thomas Turner, AA'illiam Warner, AVm. Gilders Bradbury, Thomas Clarke, William Redding, A\'. Gimblet-makers Brooks, Thomas Cotterill, Jonathan Flewitt, Randal Foot, John Freeth, Benjamin Hart, Job Hawthorne, John Hawthorne, John Horton, Samuel Kimberley, John Rann, B. Ryley, John Smith, Thomas Townsend, George Gingerbread-baker Cussons, JNIary Giles, Joseph Glass-pinchers Bradley, Samuel Croft, Joseph Dawes, Moses Freeth, Joseph Hadley, Thomas Heely, Edmund Parkes, R. Peploe, Joseph Price, John Skidmore, Joseph Glaziers {See Plumbers) Glovers Brett, Richard Fowler, AA'illiam Salt, S. Wager, John "3 Greengrocer Phillips, Charles, sen. Grinder Richards, John Grocers Austin, J. Bayliss, William Bird, John Boucher, John Carter, Thomas Clare, Thomas Clifton, Thomas Colemore, Stephen Connard, Edward Green, John Guest, Mary Groves, William Harris, Jane & Rebecca Harwood, John Hewson, Benjamin Lane, John Lea, AViUiam Luckock, Widow Lutwych, T. MiUs, Joseph Northall, Thomas Seager, Stephen Smith, John Smith, Sarah Stephenson, Benjamin Taylor, Edward Thornton, James Walton, Samuel Whitehead, Sarah Wight, Thomas Wilcox, Mary Gunmakers Adams, J. Adams, R. Adams, W. Archer, T. Barker, M. Bissell, — Bowlker, Rd. Brueton, Thomas Bunney, Joseph Cash, AVidow Chambers, Edward Probin, Charles Field, Thomas Grice, William Grice, AViliiam Hadley, Thomas Hickins, Joseph Inman, Francis Ketland, Thomas Lane, Thomas Mole, AViUiam Moore, John Onions, John Parkes, John Perry, Wm. Probin, John Richards, Thomas Simes, John Walsingham, W., jun. Walters, John Warren, Richard AVelch, John Whateley, Thomas Wheeler, Robert Williams, Benjamin Wilson, Samuel Gun-lock-makers Docker, John Edwards, Francis Hughes, Daniel 114 Gun-'finishers Parkes, Edward Probin, Samuel Probin, Thomas Staples, Joseph Gun-barrel-makers Gardner, James Heely, Henry Houghton, Joseph Probin, Owen Taylor, John Whateley, John Gun-rod-makers Heath, Richard Powell, George Gun-stock-makers Bromfield, George Furber, Joseph Haberdashers Budd, James D. Finch, Thomas Spire, James Hairdresser {See Barbers.) Hair-seller Tibbins, — Harrateen-maker Robins, Josiah Hatters Bishop, Thomas Bodel, John Cooper, Thomas Davis, Benjamin Hatters — contd. Hunt, John Lawrence, Thomas and Son Mallory, Samuel Miller, Wm. Mobbs, AVm. Ruff, William Sproston, Nath. Tutin, Samuel Ha\ivker Frideberg, Barned Heel-makers Brown, James Hunt, Daniel Hunt, Thomas, sen. Hinge-makers Adams, J. Bedford, Thomas Clempson, Samuel Marklew, Morgan Murcott, Abraham Palmer, AMUiam Palmer, AVUUam AVhite, Thomas Hop-merchants Barker, T. Horton, Thomas AValsingham, AVm., sen. ^A'right, Thomas Horse-breaker Bayliss, Michael Horse-collar-maker Griffin, Thomas "5 Hosiers Burn, Robert Colemore, John Holmes, Mary Hunt, John Mobbs, AVm. Sproston, Nath. Tutin, Samuel Instrument-maker Horn, WiUiam instrument Case- maker Bellamy, Obadiah lron*rounders {See Founders). Ironmongers AUen, J. Bradburn, Samuel Buffery, Humphry Court & Dudley Derry, Robert Dodd, Thomas Elliot, James Fox, John Gray, John Green, Thomas & Co. Harris, Edward Holden, WiUiam Holmes, J. Male, James Off'ender, Thomas Rock, Thomas Salmon, T. Salmon, WiUiam Walker, John Welch, AVm. Wiggin, Flenry Ivory-turney Goode, WiUiam Jack-makers Hunter, John Watmore, — Japan Manu-factory Ruston, Edward Japanners Allen, W. Ashwin, T. Bond, Daniel Brown, Michael Clay, Henry Cooper, Elizabeth Fletcher, John Fletcher, Thomas Green, Brown & Skinner Hipkiss, John Hodgson, Thomas Jones, John Knott, Lawrence Perkins, Abraham Spilsbury, George Troughton, Sam. Vaughton, Phillip Wakelin, John Jewellers Anstey, S. Baker, J. Barratt, AVUliam Berry, John Blower, Samuel Boden, Edward Bromley, Thomas Bromley, William Constable, T. Duncuff", Thomas Edmunds, Samuel ii6 Jewellers — contd. Ensor, Samuel Goddard, George Hadley, Thomas Haynes, Richard Hickman, James Jackson, James Jefferys, Thomas Merry, John Morris, Henry Pathews, Joseph Pemberton,Samuel,jun. Phillips, James Phillips, John PhiUips, W. Sarbett, — Sheldon, Thomas Simms, Wm. Smallwood, John Smith, John Tildesley, Thomas Warboy, Thomas Warner, AVm. AVestley, Charles AVhitehead, John Joiners {See Carpenters). Knife-blade-makers Francis, Thomas Kendall, Joseph Lamp-collector Visey, Daniel Lapidaries Bedworth, James Harding, James Hodgkins, AVUliam Pearson, Joseph Powers, Robert Radford, Francis Richards, John Last-makers Blaney, Richard Hunt, Daniel Leather-cutter Gold, John Letter-case-makers Sloane, J. Smith, Sam. Library Crompton, EUzab. Livery-stables Davies, Michael Lane, John Lock-makers Armfield, E. Barrs, James Blundall, John Bridgens, Thomas Blockley, Thomas Ensor, George Griffiths, AA'illiam Hill, Thomas Jackson, Thomas Moore, Isaac Rowley, Richard Salmon, T. Salmon, AA'. Southall, Thomas AA'harton, Wm. Malt-mill-makers Bache, J. Carey, Joseph Simpson, Wm. 117 BVIaltsters Adams, T. Baldwin, T. Bridgens, Mrs. BuUock, AViUiam Cole, Robert Cooke, Joseph Cooke, Joseph Cooper, Thomas Cotterell, Thomas Ford, Samuel HaU, AVUliam Horton, Thomas Hunt, Thomas Lawlidge, Matthias Lee, Widow Mason, John Meer, J. Parker, J. Price, Joseph Richards, John Taylor, George Thomas, G. Thomas, John Thompson, Edward Thompson, Joseph Tibbatts, Joseph EVlantua-makers Greaves, Mary Leeham, Miss Rock, Mary AVard, Miss Masons Bromley, WUliam Buff", James Eboral, Thomas Grubb, S. and E. Harwood, Thomas Jones, Edward Lees, Edward Masons — contd. Neal, John Rubotham, Robert Smith, John Vale, John AVinstanley, Peter Mat-maker Tibbatts, John Merchants Aitkin and Taylor Banner, AV. J. Bedford, Stephen Bingham, John Bisset, John Bourjeois and Co. Boon, George Capper, Peter Chance, AViliiam Colemore, Thomas Conquest, Richard CottereU, Clement Darby, John Dudley, George Duncombe and Co. Everton, Ruffy and Co. Farmer and Galton Faulconbridge, Thomas Ford, Samuel Freer, Nicholas Glover, Son, and Frey GoodaU and Kettles Gower, Joshua and Co. Green, Joseph Grundy, Russell and Grundy Harvey, John Harvey, Saml., jun. Harvey, Merinden and Freeth ii8 Merchants — contd. Henn, Henry Flomer, Edward Humphreys, George Humphreys, AA'illiam Hurd and Sons Jackson, Thomas Lawson, John Lea, John Livison, — Lloyd, Charles Lloyd, Sampson Mason, AViUiam AViUis Meriden, John PhiUip Minors, Thomas Monger, John Noble, AViUiam and Co. Orzell, Francis Palmer and Perkins Pinks, Thomas Rabone, Joseph Radenhurst, Richard Richards, John Richards, John Russell and Co. Ryland and Darby Salt, Thomas Scott, John Sharp, Joseph Shaw, 'fhomas Smith, Joseph Smith and Son Spooner, Abraham Startin, John SterUng and Astbury Taylor, Jonathan Taylor, Rickards, and Johnson Tindall, Joseph Trout and Bourgeois Turner, Edward Wadhams, — Merchants — contd. AA'alker, Alexander AValker, WiUiam Walker and Allport AA'ard, John AVelch, Wm. AVelch, AVilkinson, and Startin Wiggin, Henry, jun. AVilkinson, Joseph AVright, Benjamin Metai-re-finers Floyd, Richard Hasluck, John Hasluck, Thomas Phipson, T. Metal-roilers Hunt, Basil Phipson, T. Sheldon, John Milkmen Salt, T. WUson, Richard Millwrights Bache, J. Clarke, AViUiam Miller Griffiths, Thomas Milliners Hodgson, Ann & Jane Hollands, Miss Hurst, Mary Mallett, Miss Tildesley, Elizabeth AVatton, Miss iiy Mould-Turners Brooks, William Dunn, Francis Emmison, James Phillips, Thomas Richards, John Sadler, Thomas Scean, John Mousetrap-makers Saunders, Mark Smith, Wm. Ward, Joseph Musician Osborn, Robert Nail-makers Green, James Jarvis, John Taylor, James Newsmen CoUitt, William Lichfield Harris, J. Harris, John Penn, Benjamin Tonkinson, John Notary-public Lobo, Daniel Oculist White, Joseph Opticians Barnett, Asher Greaves, Thomas Oakley, Joseph Timmins, Thomas Organists Clarke, Jeremiah Harris, Joseph Painters AUport, J. Bennett, AVUliam Colemore, Henry Crosby, Thomas Dugmore, John GUes, John Neal, Thomas Snape, Adam Wigley, Jonathan Paper-ornam.-maker Grice and Dickenson Paper-maker Oram, John Parish-clerk AUsop, E. Patten-makers Bulkley, John Evans, Thomas Morris, Joseph Nevell,, Slater Truman, John Warren, John Patten-ring-makers Burner, John Rogers, John Rogers, Joseph AVright, Joseph Paviors Moore, Robert Taylor, John Taylor, Richard Pawnbrokers Colemore, Henry Field, James Freeman, Samuel Fuller, Christopher Yenn, Richard Pencil-makers Aaron, M. Solomon, Mordecai Peruke-makers Edwards, Joseph Isherwood, Samuel Jones, AViliiam Jones, Thomas Kettle, Edmund Orchard, James Oughton, Christopher Penson, AVUliam Piercer CaUey, Joseph Pipe-makers Britain, Mary Simmonds, "Thomas Plane-makers Cox, John Darby, George Davis, John Froggett, Benjamin Moss, AViliiam Plasterer Higginson, John Platers Asbury, W. Barnhurst, Richard Bewhouse, Thomas Bullock, AVUliam Butcher, Samuel Classon, John Classon, AA'illiam Colemore, Samuel Collet, Richard Dolphin, — Dudley, George Evans, Edward Heath, William Hesketh, Samuel Horton, Thomas Houghton, Moses Jukes, Joseph Lewin, William Mavity, AA'. May, Benjamin Morgan, AA'm. and Co. Normust, Robert Parkes, "Thomas Pearson, Richard Phillips, Joseph Piatt, AA'illiam Porter, Richard Pratt, Josiah Pynock, Mark Reynolds, John Ridden, John Roper, Joseph Ryland, AViliiam Sarjant, Thomas Sharp, John Sheldon, John Shuter, AVm. Skip, Thomas Platers — co7itd. Sly, Wm. Smith, Edward Sprigg, William Swift, William Taylor, Richard Thompson, John Troughton, Sam. Tutin, AVm. Watkins, — Whateley, George Whitehouse, Corn. Wigley, John AVilson, Richard Wright, James Plough-share-maker Watton, Thomas Plumbers & Glaziers Birch, Thomas Burgess, WiUiam Cutler, John Field, Edward Green, Ann Green, John Hawker, Isaac Lakin, Michael Leak, John Maling, G Morgan, Thomas Pace, Humphrey Peale, Henry Phillips, Samuel Robinson, James Rowley, John Shelden, Joseph Sheldon, J. Simmons, Wm. Westley, Thomas Wright, William Porters James, William Knight, James Stratford, Richard Tipson, "Thomas Wilson, Richard Porter-warehouse Crosby, W. Portrait-pai nter Millar, J. Pot-maker Hudson, Robert Poulterer Hyde, Walter Printers BaskerviUe, Mrs. Bonifant, J. Chapman, Thomas Earl, Christopher Hawkins, John Martin, R. Pearson and Rollason Swinney, Miles Prison-keeper Wooldridge, Thomas Pump-makers PhUlips, George Phillips, John Taylor, J., sen. Ring-makers Ashford, R. Cope, Thomas Mould, Henry Roper, Joseph Rope-makers Backhurst, J. Fellows, John Fellows, Peter GUbert, Thomas Walton, Samuel Rule-makers Cox, Thomas Edwards, Joseph Frost, — Withnol, AVm. Wood, Henry AVood, John Saddlers Haslewood, Thomas Henshall, John Lawrence, George Lawrence, AA'm. May, Samuel Saddlers'-ironmonger Holden, AViliiam Saddletree-i-nakers Everton, Thomas Hawkes, William Mavity, W. Saddle-tool-makers Mason, John Sarjant, Isaac Silk, S. Salesmen Bolus, Thomas Dann, John Salt-dealers Moles, Francis Phillips, Benjamin AA^hale, Phillip Satv-makers Badger, B, Barnett, Peter Bernard, Thomas Dallaway, Robert Davis, Edward Gill, Thomas Stidman, Thomas Taylor and Co. Turton, Sam. Sca.[e-makers Ford and Co. Owen, Hannah Reynolds, T. Tongue, AA'illiam Schoolmasters Aldridge, H. Ashmore, J. Broughton, AA'iUiam Cartwright, Charles Causer, Thomas EUiott, Jos. Knight, Guy Ledsam, Thomas Lowe, John Partridge, Thomas Reynolds, John Ryley, James AVebb, John 123 Schoolmasters — contd. AVilcox, AVm. Williams, David AVilliams, John Oxford, Catherine Piggott, Thomas Screw-makers Jennings and Co. Tonks, AViliiam Seedsmen Brunton and P'orbes Parker, J. •Shagreen-case- rnakers Jefferys, AVm. Vaux, Benjamin Shear-makers CoUins, Thomas Southall, Wm. Sh e r ifPs-o*flFice rs Moore, Richard Straine, John Shoe-makers Adams, T. Adcock, E. Allen, E. AUen, J. i3allard, AA'. Banner, AV. Barnett, AV. Barton, AViUiam BaskerviUe, Thomas Baxter, AA''illiam Baxter, AViliiam Shoe-makers — contd. Bayley, Thomas Bentley, John Bird, Henry Bradnock, John Briscoe, John Burditt, John Burditt, Thomas Challener, George Clarke, David Collins, Thomas Cooke, Thomas Cope, Ralph Crisp, Thomas Crowne, Jos. Cumberledge, Jonathan Cutler, Benjamin Dafforn, John Davis, Mary Davis, Thomas Dawes, Francis Eagles, Robert Edge, Richard Edwards, John Edwards, Thomas Fincher, Joseph & Co. Fitter, George Foxall, Amos Frost, George Goodall, John Green, Joseph Griffiths, Edward Griifiths, John Griifin, Silvanus Guest, WiUiam Hands, James Heath, Joseph Hill, Arthur HiU, Robert Hopkins, James Hyde, John Insole, Edward 124 Shoe-makers — contd. Jackson, Joseph Jackson, AViUiam Jefferys, John Jones, Mark Kerriff, Thomas Key, Thomas Layton, Francis Leach, Henry Little, Francis Lloyd, AA'illiam Lloyd, William Lowe, James Lutwych, John Mackie, Roger Mansell, James Mantle, AViUiam Mason, Henry Morgan, AA'illiam Morpass, Henry OUenranshaw, John Page, James Pallet, Thomas Parkes, John Pawton, Robert Perkins, John Perry, Charles Purden, Robert Radford, Abraham Reynolds, AViUiam Richards, T. Roberts, James Roberts, Richard Sanders, John Shaddock, Robert Sherrard, Thomas Smith, Richard Standley, Thomas Stevenson, Samuel Street, John Sutton, WiUiam Toy, Samuel Shoemakers — contd. AValker, Thomas AVest, William AA'hitehead, John Whorwood, Widow AVoodhill, John AA'orsey, John Shoe-tack-snaker Taylor, James Shopkeepers Arbuckle, J. Atkinson, AA'. Bambridge, T. Barber, T. Bellamy, Sarah Bennion, George Boden, James Bogle, Mary Clarke, Sarah Collins, Elizabeth Combe, AA'illiam Cotterill, Isaac Dutton, Joseph Grier, John Hale, Edward Harper, John Higgins, AA'iUiam Howes, John Izon, John Johnson, John Palmer, Sarah Parker, AA'illiam Pickering, John Riddle, John Rogers, John Rooker, Dorothy Silvester, Elizabeth, Simpson, Thomas 125 Shopkeepers — contd. Stone, Thomas Tenniswood, Thomas Thompson, John Tilley, AViUiam Walton, AVidow AA'are, AVm. AVarwick, — AVhite, Thomas Wilkinson, AVidow WiUiams, Edward WUson, Mary Shroud-makers Gee, Sarah and Co. Silk-mercers and Undertakers Arnott, S. Cole, Samuel Silk-weaver Pritchett, Peter Silver-roilers Hunt, BasU Phipson, T. Silversmiths Challener, Thomas Cooke, James Freeth, Charles Sa-wyer, Edward Skinner Hawkesford, "I'homas Smiths (Jobbing) Allison, J. Blyth, Thomas Bullock, John Cartwright, John Cooke, John Darby, Joseph Ford, Richard Green, AViliiam Horton, Edward Hunt, Samuel Jennings, Charles Jones, John Levy, William and Son Lucas, Wm. Peck, Samuel, sen. Tibbatts, Ambrose Wharton, — AVhitehouse, Corn. Wigley, John Smoothing-iron- maker Adams, S. Sn ufFbox-maker Savage, John Snu-fFer-makers Armfield, T. Chantry, Sam. Felton, — Green, Joseph Hidson, John Spade-makers Adams, T. Dingley, Richard Eagles, Thomas Robinson, Edward 126 Spectacle-makers Harrison, AA'm. Power, Samuel, sen. Price, Thomas Spoon-maker Horton, Lawrence Spur-n^akers Deyus, James Langster, John Mills, Widow Smallwood, John Stampers Cotton, Thomas Greaves, Joseph Harrison, Jess Lane, Edward Pembroke, 'Thomas Robins, John Smart, AVm. Smith, J. Taylor, Ann Stationers Hutton, WiUiam Jackson, Joseph Pearson and Rollason Stay-makers Adkins, S. Austin, N. Barber, J. Bayliss, James BayUss, Thomas Clough, John Dunn, Edward Guest, John Lovett, Thomas Mostyn, John Piggott, I. Walford, Widow Steel-chai n-maker Toy, S. Steel-fork-maker Reeves, James Steel-toy-makers Clare, Joseph Gill, Robert Lea, John Luckett, AV. Mayo, Edward Pratt, Josiah Tonks, AVUliam Ward, John Ward, AVm. AA'heeler, Thomas {See Toy-makers) Stilliard-makers Barton, AVUliam B. Beach, Thomas Field, Thomas French, Robert Jukes, William Sti rru p-makers Coley, Ch. Collins, Joseph Fletcher, Nicholas Green, James Stock-buckle-maker Haseldine, Joseph Stock-clasp-maker Marshall, Tho. Stock-lock-maker Stilliard, Martin 127 stocking-makers Johnson, Richard Oliver, AVUliam Stone-masons {See Masons) Supervisor Tildesley, John Surgeons Barker, J. Barrow, Richard Derringer, John Freer, John, sen. Freer, John, jun. GUes, Michael Hinchley, AViUiam Kennedy, Mr. Mason, AViliiam Moor, Kimberley Mynors, Robert Oakley, W. Parrott, Francis Phipson, Joseph Simpson, Robert Tomlinson, Thomas Vaux, Jeremiah AVard, Robert SurgicaD-instrument- makers Beach, AVm. Logan, James Surveyors Kempson, Henry Woodhall, James Swivel-maker Tongue, AViUiam Sword-cutlers Cole, Robert Dawes, Samuel Harvey, George Harvey, Samuel, sen. Mason, Richard Sanders, Charles Valiant, Elias Wilcox, Thomas Sword-hilt-makers Bayley, John Beckett, Walter Lennocks, AViUiam Moseley, Robert Rock, T. Smith, John Tailors AUman, J. Allen, T. Baker, J. Bates, Samuel Bentley, Thomas Beyer, John Bishop, Benjamin Black, Joseph Booth, Thomas Bradley, John Bradley, Joseph Chapman, Thomas Clay, Joseph Colley, Elizabeth Cooke, Thomas Corden, Francis Corn, Joseph Crisp, Charles Davis, Edward Da-K'es, Joseph Deakin, AViUiam 128 Tailors — contd. Dunn, Edward Edwards, Thomas Evans, Thomas Ford, Nathaniel Fox, Samuel Gardner, William Gee, Joseph Gray, AViliiam Guest, John Hale, John Hancox, John Heely, AA'illiam Herbert and Co. Horton, Thomas Hutton, WUliam Jones, George Jones, Hugh Jones, AVUliam Kendrick, Jonathan Litchfield, Charles Littlewood, Thomas Mackstanley, Samuel Massey, John Mitchell, John Moseley, John Mostyn, WiUiam Nicklinson, Nicholas Pallet, James Patrick, Samuel Payne, WiUiam Piggott, J. Pimlott, AVUliam Powell, Benjamin Priest, Thomas Prosser, Richard Rogers, Sarah Roslin, John Skellett, AVm. Smallwood, AVm. Spurr, Joseph Swetenham, WiUiam Tailors — tontd. Thomas, George Thomas, Peter Vincent, Ed. Warden, Richard Waren, Joseph AVebb, George Webb, Richard WiUmore, Edward Wilmore, Edward Withers, Robert Withers, Samuel WUson, John Tallow-chandlers Keen, Joseph Morgan, Robert Tanners Highway, Francis Walford, Thomas, Esq. Tea-dealers Brooks, Samuel Farror, Joseph ManseU, Benjamin Thimble-makers Ashwell, J. Davenport, AA'alter Grove, John Mogridge, Matthias Thong-maker Penrose, John 129 Thread-makers Badger and Sheffield Guest, Joseph HassaU, James Hicks, William Hornblower, Joseph Hunt, Edward Key, Samuel MUes, John Rhoades, George Underhill, Joseph UnderhiU, Wm. Tool-makers Brooks, Thomas Brown, Joseph Dingley, Richard Ford and Co. Gill, Thomas Lane, Thomas Nevell, AViUiam Parkes, Daniel Pitchford, AVm. Reynolds, John Thumb-Eatch-maker Palmer, Sarah Tortoisesheil-box- maker Mason, J. Timber-dealers Iddens, John Pritchit, Rebecca Town-crier Edmunds, Joseph Tinners Farmer, George Moore, William Tin plate-workers Reynolds, John Richardson, Mary Righton, R. Shipton, Henry Wells, Edward Tobacconist Lutwych, T. Toy-makers Anderton, Isaac, sen. BakeweU, M. Barney, Francis Barton, George Bayliss, Thomas Bennett, Edward and Thos. Bentley, — Birch and Hunt Black, T. Boden, Benjamin Bottely, George Bottely, J. Brooks, Charles Buckingham, Jonah Capenhurst, Samuel 130 Toy-makers — contd. Carr, Edward CoUins, AViliiam Cooper, John CracknaU, Thomas Dadley, Thomas Day, Joseph Fellows, James Fletcher, John Garbett, Thomas Gimblett, John Grove, Abel Groves, William Guest, Mary Harris, John and Co. Haywood, Joshua Homer, WUliam Horn, Charles Horton, James Ireland, Abraham Kelley, George Kendrick, Joseph Lord, Edmund Lord, VVilliam Morgan, W. and Co. Oliver, Edward Parkes, AA'm. Porter, Joseph Power, Samuel, jun. Pretty, Widow Rabone, Joseph Readines, John Shaw, John Smith, AA'm. Smith, Wm. Taylor, John Valiant, Thomas WaUin and Piddock Webb, John Westley, Charles Whitmore, AA'm. Wynn, John Toy-shop Richards, late Moody Trap and Hinge makers Hodgetts, John Lench, WiUiam Truss-maker Beach, AVm. Turners Baker, S. Bingham, Jacob Brooks, William Clews, Thomas Harrison, Sampson Phillips, John Ralph, W^m. Rolfe, WiUiam Tallis, AA'illiam Thorn, William Yates, John Type-founder BaskerviUe, !Mrs. Upholsterer Carr, Thomas Upholders Ley, George Patterson, Edward Tipping, Isaac Vice-maker Wright, WUliam 131 Victuallers Acton, T. Adams, J. Adderley, J. AUsop, T. Ashford, J. Ashford, R. Attwood, J. Audley, J. Audley, R. Ault, W. Barber, AV. Bateman, John Baxter, John Bayley, James Beardsmore, John Belcher, James BeUamy, Thomas Best, Read Bindley, John Bishop, Thomas Black, T. Blakemore, Jos. Blakemore, Thomas Blakemore, Richard Bool, — Boot, Benjamin Bowlker, Rd. Bowman, W. Bradley, George Bridgens, Benjamin Brierhood, John Britain, Ja. Britain, Wm. Brooks, John Brooks, Joseph Brown, John Brown, AVUliam Bruff, John Brunt, Thomas Buckley, James Bull, Richard Victuallers — contd. Burditt, Edward Burt, Richard Burgess, AVUliam Burnell, George Carmount, Alexander Cart, John Carter, John Carter, Joseph Cattell, Obadiah Chamberlain, Widow Chamberlin, Francis Cheese, Richard Cheston, John Chtatin, Joseph Chubb, John Clarke, Jane, AA^'idow Clarke, John Clarke, 'Thomas Colmore, Joseph Cooper, Edward Cooper, John Cotterill, John Court, "William Cox, Bayley Cracknall, George Crane, — Crowne, Thomas Cutler, Morris Dafforn, John Davis, John Davis, Jonathan Davis, — Deakin, John Deakin, Thomas Dean, Joseph Deane, Samuel Dee, Ambrose Dickenson, William Dones, Bennett Dunn, Sarah Dutton, Abraham 132 Victuallers — contd. Dutton, Thomas Eachell, John Eades, P"rancis Eades, William Earl, Christopher Edwards, WUliam EUis, Widow Ennis, Thomas Ensor, Mary Fiddian, Elizabeth Field, Paul Fisher, WiUiam Fox, AA'idow Francis, Samuel Freeman, AA'Uliam Freeth, John Garner, John Giles, John Glaze, Edward Goss, John Green, Thomas Griffiths, Robert Griffiths, Thomas Griffiths, William Groutage, Abraham Guest, John Hall, WUliam Hammond, Thomas Hancox, Richard Hands, Richard Harding, AViUiam Hardman, James Harris, Sarah Harrison, AVUliam Hart, Richard Hasluck, Thomas HassaU, Thomas Hawkes, Joseph Hawkesford, WiUiam Heely, Edward Heely, William Victuallers — contd. HiUman, Benjamin Hinton, Edward Hitchen, Samuel Hitchnor, Thomas Hobday, James Hobson, Thomas Hodgetts, Samuel Hodgkins, Daniel Hodgkins, — Hubbard, Thomas Hughes, John Humphreys, Charles Edward Humphreys, Thomas Jackson, James Jennings, AA''illiam Johnson, Richard Johnson, AA'iUiam Jones, Richard Jones, Thomas Jukes, Joel Kelsey, Benjamin Kettley, Richard Kinnersley, Richard Latham, John Lawrence, Thos. & Son Lawrence, AVm. Lees, James Lloyd, John Lloyd, Samuel Locker, Joseph Luckock, Wm. Lunn, John Marshall, John Matthews, Samuel Meacham, David Meer, J. Millard, AVm. Mills, Joseph Minton, John Mole, Francis IS."? Victuallers — contd. Moore, Edward Moore, Francis Moore, Robert Morgan, Ann Morgan, Henry Morgan, William Morris, George Mostyn, AViliiam Newball, Thomas NichoUs, John Nicklin, John Oatley, William Osborne, WiUiam Palmer, Mary Palmer, Francis Parkes, John Parton, Joseph Payne, John Penn, Edward Penton, Thomas Perkins, Key Perry, Charles Perry, James Pewit, David Phillips, AVUliam Piper, Joseph Pitt, George Pitt, James Poland, Samuel Powell, Thomas Pratt, Joseph Price, Edward Probert, Tho. Raby, George Randall, 'Thomas Read, Henry Read, Joseph Reeves, Thomas Reynolds, Elisha Richards, Abraham Robinson, Anthony Robinson, Richard Victuallers — contd. Rowley, George Sarbett, Sarah Saviger, Samuel Sherwood, John Short, AVm. Skinner, John SmaUwood, Edward Smith, Samuel Smith, Tho. Smith, AA^m. Southall, James Southall, AA''m. Steadman, Edward Steen, William Stephens, Jeremiah Stephenson, John Stevens, AA^idow Summerfield, John Squire, Robert Taylor, J., sen. Thomas, G. Twist, Francis Tooth, Richard Turner, AA'm. Vale, John Vickery, Henry AVadham, Joseph Wakeman, James Walker, John Walker, Richard Warden, Joseph WeUs, Charles AVickens, Widow Wiggin, Henry, sen. Wilkes, Francis WiUis, Robert Wood, Thomas Woolley, John Wright, George Wynn, Widow Wynn, Robert Yates, Thomas 134 Waiter-makers Parkes, AA''m. PhiUips, 'Thomas Warehousemen Boulton and Fothergill Brown, John Gibbs, Joseph Russell and Co. Watchmakers Barns, Robert Birch, Rd. Brown, Thomas Donisthorpe, George Gimblett, John Greaves, Thomas Pye, Charles Stretch, Samuel Watch-chain-makers Adderley, J. Barnsley, WiUiam Bottely, George Bottely, J. Bougier, Jos. Hart, AA'"illiam Haskew, Thomas Jennings, AA'^idow Jones, Joseph Lester, Thomas Matthews, AVm. PhUlips, Joseph Scofield, John Spittle, Joseph 'Thompson, Edw. Trehern, John Watch-key-makers BuUock, John Dawes, — Underwood, Tho. Wright, Edward Weavers Bedford, .John Groves, Thomas AVilkes, John Weighing-machine- makers Ford and Co. Wheelw/rigi-jts Richards, John Shipley, Thomas Short, Jonathan Toy, Abraham Wh i p- m ake rs Dean, Matthew May, Samuel Whitesmiths Betts, Thomas Dyall, Etherington Hardy, Thomas Hill, Benjamin Powers, Samuel Rhoades, Henry Rock, John Taylor, John AVatton, Samuel Wine-merchants Smallwood, T. Watts and Son t35 Wire-drawfes^s Caulton, George Cooper, AA'illiam Haden, Thomas Piddock, AA'm. Ryland, John AA'ard, AViliiam AVebster, Joseph AA''eston, Mary Wool-comber Burn, Robert Writing-masters Beckett, John Proctor, Samuel ADDENDA. ApotS-iecaries Derringer, John Phipson, Joseph Blacksmith Holmes, J. The first Directory of Birmingham, published in 1770 by Sketchley and Adams, contains at the end a List of Public Offices &c. These are — The Bank, 7, Dale End; Excise Office, 89, Dale End ; Navigation Office, 30, Newhall Street ; Lamp Office, 28, Spiceal Street ; Court of Request Offices, 39 New Street; and "The Court of Conscience held at the Old Cross every Friday.'' A Street List is also appended giving the number of houses and inhabitants (male and female) in each street. The summary is : — 6,025 houses ; IS>3^3 male inhabitants, 15,441 female — total, 30,804. In 1750 the number of houses was 4,170, and of inhabitants 23,688, showing that the increase in the population from 1750 to 1770 was 7,116. Basing our calculations on these figures, we may estimate that the number of inhabitants at the date of the publication of the foregoing Directory, to be about 33,300. 136 i^f o T- :©' s , It is estimated that the populatinn of Birmingham in 1770 was 33,300. Tlie population of Greater Birmingham of to-day is about 501, 25°' It is difficult to estimate the mileage of the streets, and also the rating and rental value of the dwelling houses and other properties 120 years ago, but "in 1782 the Overseers of the Poor of Birmingham Parish pubhshed a complete rate book, giving the names of all the inhabitants, alike those who were, and who were not, rated. This volume is now very rare, and is especially worth referring to as indicating the vast number of exemptions then allowed, and the enormous difference between that period and the present in the value of property in the principal streets of the town. The return was issued in parts or divisions, classed as follows: — (i) Edgbaston Street quarter; (2) Bull Street quarter ; (3) Middle Tovim quarter ; (4) Dale End quarter. These parts contain only the entries of persons actually rated ; but there was also issued in one volume of 77 pages "A Copy of the Grand Levy Book; or an account of all the Inhabitants who pay, and those who do not pay, the Poor's Rates in Birmingham. Printed by Pearson and Rollason, 1787." The list thus published contains the entries of 12,000 houses, &c., of which only 3,000 were rated to the poor. The 9,000 which were not rated were classed as follows : — 500 above f<) and under £10. 500 )» /8 It £9. 2,000 ,, £t »» £&. 3,000 »» £(> M £7. 2,000 », £5 ,, £6. 1,000 under ;^5, Tlie rating seems, indeed, to have been strangely unequal, -While there were 6,000 houses of above £6 yearly value altogether unassessed to the rate, there were many rated of the values of ;^5, £4, and even so low as £2 yearly. All the values assessed were, however, veiy low. In Spiceal Street, for example, the 137 highest assessment — or rental as the Overseers put it — was £l8 • in Edgbaston Street the house and warehouse of Mr. Abraham Spooner, a leading merchant, ^'34; in Smallbrook Street, ;^I2, excepting the Riding House — then occupied by the Rev. Mr. Curtis, which was rated at ^^35, the land attached to it being rated at the same amount. In the BuU Ring the highest rental was £20; in Suffolk Street, ^^13; in the Old Hinkleys several houses were rated at £1. In New Street the ratals were strangely low; the highest — the Play House (Theatre Royal)— stood at ^50 ; Kettle's house and steelhouse works, ;^26 ; and other houses and warehouses at from ^^8 to ;^I5. In Peck Lane we have an "Elabatory" (Laboratory), rated at £3. In Temple Row, then one of the best residential streets, the highest ratal is £40 paid by Dadley and Paimer ; Dr. Ash, the physician for his house and stables, is rated at £16. In Colmore Row many persons escape altogether : the highest amount is £20. In Newhall Street, Dr. Male, whose house formerly stood on the site of the Union Club, is rated at £16. Clay, the papier-mache maker, at £14; Samuel Garbett, a leading brassfounder, at £16; AViliiam Chance, the merchant, at £10; — these are the highest amounts. In Paradise Row (now Paradise Street) there is nothing higher than £14, excepting the Navigation Office (Old AVharf), which stands at £42. Park Street and the neighbouring smaller streets are almost blank, everybody escapes rating. In Digbeth the ratals run generally from about £3 to about £24 — the bulk being under £10, with one conspicuous exception, "Sampson Lloyd and Co., mill and meadow, £44." In Worcester Street the rents range from £3 to £13. Queen Street though full of houses, is nearly a blank as to rating, almost all the residents escaping from local burdens. In regard to this street there is a curious entry — six houses, rated at 4s., having appended to them note "paid by Mr. Ruston,'' possibly an example of the compounding system. In the middle and busiest streets of the town the rates are pro portionately as low as in other quarters. In High Street for example, there are many houses that are not rated at all and others are plainly rated below their value. Thus AViliiam Hutton, the historian, stands at £20, although his business as a stationer was then probably the most important of its kind in the town. 138 The highest ratal in this street is " W. I'aylor's house and shopping," £68. Bull Street another principal thoroughfare ranges from £lo to £l8 in ratal. In Snow Hill the highest amount is £23 ; Livery Street has few houses rated at more than £2 or £3. In Steelhouse Lane, the highest amount, entered to ".Samuel Galton" — the premises used lately as the Children's Hospital — is £50 ; the rest are rarely higher than £5, In the Square, then a good residential place — Mr. Hector, the surgeon, is rated at £13, " Sampson Lloyd " at £20, and other properties at £8, £10, and £12. These examples are enough to show the comparatively small estimated value of property at that date and the imperfection of the rating arrangements. To this it should be added that most of the back streets appear to have been entirely left out of assessment, and that in many of the principal streets there are long lists of houses to which no ratals are affixed." * The rateable value of the property in Birmingham of to-day (1896) is £2,217,392. There are 261 miles of streets and 266 miles of sewers. ( The City Surveyor has been good enough to supply these figures.) * " History of tbe Coi-poration of Eirmingham," by John Thackray Bunce, Vol., I., 1878. '139 The Transformation of Birmingham. HALF A CENTURY'S WORK BY MR. TILL. " It would have been a misfortune if Mr. TUl had been allowed to retire from the Borough Surveyor's Department without giving the public, whom he has served so well, some idea of the wonderful change that has been effected in Birmingham during the half century that he has been associated with official life. We made a suggestion to Mr. Till some time ago that he should help us to prepare a concise record of his work, but we found him so modest and diffident in regard to his own achievements that there did not seem to be much chance of obtaining the desired information. However, our worthy ex-Surveyor, who unfortunately is not in very good health just now, consented to submit himself to an informal interview on the subject of Old Birming ham and the Nev^r, and it will be seen from the details which we have been able to gather what an energetic, sagacious, and faithful servant Birmingham has lost. In losing Mr. Till, we must recognise the fact that we are parting with the man who has played the largest part in the making of modern Birmingham. "In 1851 Birmingham consisted of 8,420 acres, and was controlled by various governing bodies, each of whom had their own notion of how the place ought to be conducted. The improvements, however, were not 140 keeping pace with the development of the borough, and it became obvious to many of the city fathers that various powers would have to be centralised before any real good could be accomplished. Accordingly, in 1851 an Act was obtained for the betterment of the district, and the hamlets of Deritend, Bordesiey, Duddeston, and Nechells were placed under the Birmingham municipal wing, instead of being left to the tender mercies of the Bumbles of Aston Parish. The Birmingham and Edgbaston Parishes were also pooled, and the borough perceptibly awakened, and proceeded to cast off yoke after yoke. One of the first accomplishments was the abolition of the Turnpike ToUgate authorities. Bearing in mind the present size of the city, it seems strange to reflect that the place was saddled with toUgates as recently as 45 years ago. There were numerous trustees and turnpike bodies who exercised absolute jurisdiction over the principal roads. Not only did they assume command over the main arteries leading into the town, but they extended their influence within the borough boundary and were veritable monarchs of the road. The bodies in \Yhom this power was vested naturaUy enough did not relish the idea of forfeiting their privileged collections, and in the end the Corporation had to compensate them. However, they were forced to relax their grasp within the borough boundary and take their toll houses elsewhere. New toll gates were put up outside the town, but by degrees they disappeared. The Dudley Road toll house used to stand at the corner of Spring Hill and Icknield Street. There was a garden attached, and after some of the space had been utihsed for street improvements the remainder was turned into a Corporation store. More recently a further change was effected, and the branch library now marks the spot. In Hagley Road some of the ground upon which the toll house was buUt was required for widening the thorough fare near Sandon Road, but the rest was surrendered to 141 Lord Calthorpe, who erected a private house on it. The Bristol Road gate was situated near the junction of that thoroughfare and Priory Road, while to ensure as large a toU as possible, there was a bar put across Toy Lane, which ran at the back of the Gun Barrels, and joined Bristol Road. This lane has since been closed, and the traffic diverted along Edgbaston Park Road. The Pershore Road toll-house stood at the corner of Edgbas ton Lane, while Kyrwick's Lane indicates the spot where the Moseley Road custodian located himself. The Stratford Road gate was fixed close to Ladypool Lane, whUe tbe Coventry Road tc^U was levied at the corner of Green Lanes. About this time the character of the ¦dingy little houses with their low roofs and irregular lines began to undergo a change for the better. The streets also stood in need of attention, and it may be considered fortunate that the condition of the buUdings almost compeUed the owners to reconstruct them. It was this circumstance which gave Mr. Till his opportunity of effecting street improvements which are now invalu able. The heart of the town was little better than a network of wretched narrow streets, and gullets. Beyond New Street, High Street, and BuU Street, there was not a pavement in the place but what was set with "petrified kidneys,'' which imposed upon the poor pedestrian a severe test of temper. In Hagley Road and similar thoroughfares the paths were strewn with gravel, but the stones were of such a size that comfortable walking was out of the question entirely. With regard to some roads, however, the question was not one of convenience alone. They were in such a state as to be positively dangerous. They were studded with ruts and great holes, and in order that the reader may form an adequate idea of the state of affairs it may be mentioned that in Farm Street some of the holes had to be fenced round and lighted after dusk to prevent accidents. As already pointed out the town was riddled with wretched little 142 streets running irregularly in almost every direction. Our forefathers appear to have had a weakness for elevating mankind with the aid of raised footpaths. In such roads as Hagley Road, Pershore Road, Great Brook Street, and Aston Road, the footway stood two or three feet above the level of the horse-road, whUe the sewage from the houses found its way down guHets into the gutters. In Deritend and Bordesiey the Commissioners exerted themselves to give tbe road a presentable appearance, and the centre of the carriage way was dressed with Rowley setts to the extent of three feet wide. Due economy had to be observed, and so the intervening space was filled with good-sized pebbles. A similar state of things existed in Duddeston and Nechells. It was not the paving of the streets, however, which occasioned the anxiety in the Surveyor's Depart ment. The great problem to be solved was how to get the place practically remodelled on such lines as would meet the requirements of future generations. It was evident that the narrow ways would constitute a serious drawback, unless altered, and so their widening became imperative. If Mr. Till could only be induced to tell the complete story of how he opportunely wheedled a bit of land from this owner, gained concessions from companies, and diplomatically won favours from this and that trustee, it would occupy a prominent place in the history of the transformation of Birmingham. One of the most important concessions was obtained from the London and North -Western Railway Company. Prior to 1846, the trains for London as well as for the North started from Cnrzon Street Station, the old site now being used as a goods depot. An Act was passed about that time authorising them to extend their line to the present position at the bottom of Stephenson Place. They also obtained permission to open up the Stour "Valley line from Navigation Street in the direction of Smelhwick. All this was 143 not possible without very extensive interference with the existing thoroughfares. The Stour VaUey work threatened to upset the sewage system in the vicinity of Navigation Street, but the diffixulty was got over by raising the level of the street, and at the same time the gradients of Hill Street, Pinfold Street, and Temple Street were improved. The carrying of the Une from Curzon Street swaUowed up a portion of Bartholomew Street, and absorbed Peck Lane, Little King Street, Little Queen Street, Vale Street, Little Colmore Street, and other minor streets. They were all, however, of a dingy description, and their removal was a boon to the town, more especiaUy seeing the advantages the borough gained by the change. Stephenson Place was made by the company. Queen Street was constructed, while Sheepcote Street, Sheepcote Lane, and Monument Road were raised and improved. The canal bridges were reconstructed, and sewage work was done to the extent of _;^8,ooo. All this expense was borne by the company, in consideration of the interference with the existing arrangements of the town. The Town Com missioners required the company to construct a public way through the station, but the company much preferred to maintain a private way, and their wish was granted conditionally on their carrying out further street improvements, and contributing a sum of f^S°°- Ahnost simultaneously with these negotiations the Great Western RaUway Company proceeded to open up their line, and in consideration of the closing of Brettle Street for the purposes of the line, they con ceded sufficient land to widen Livery Street and Colmore Row. Steadily the work of improving the town proceeded. The kidney stones gradually gave way to Rowley setts. The Local Government Board seemed particularly pleased with the Rowley paving, and a demonstration of their durability, given by Mr. Till, caused the Board to extend the repayment of a " paving 144 loan'' to 50 years. There was a member of the Council, however, who held an opposite view, and during the process of paving a portion of the Gooch Estate he went to the length of removing the Rowley setts and substituting blue bricks. This is said to have been the first bit of blue-brick paving in Birmingham, and the author of it was afterwards known as " Blue-Brick Walker." It was the custom in those days for the Corporation to pay half the cost of paving, providing the property owner desired his footpaths paved. This system did not work out as well as the Corporation had expected, and in 1861 an Act was obtained enabling the Corporation to borrow ;^5o,ooo for paving purposes, and at a later date ^140,000 was loaned. Even with these large sums at their command the authorities seriously debated whether it would not be advisable to first of all pave one side of the street and leave the other to be completed on a future occasion. In the end both sides of the streets were treated, and the oldest and worst paved street in Birmingham — Cherry Street — ceased to be notorious. As the place grew the Public Building in Moor Street became too small, and a suitable site for a more commodious buUding was sought for. Many trustees up to this time had assisted in the improvement of the town by concessions of land. Smallbrook Street, Dudley Street, and Hinckley Street were altered by the gift of land by General Vyse ; and Colmore Row, Church Street, Broad Street, and New market Street were improved by land allotted by the trustees of the Colmore Estate. It was from the latter source that tbe ground was obtained for the building of the Council House. Eden Place was partly a gift, while from other owners grants were made which enabled the surveyor to widen several other thoroughfares. While this has been going on the Corporation have turned churchyards into handsome recreation grounds, and have secured the many fine parks which now grace the city. 145 If it were needed to illustrate the remarkable change that bas taken place in the character of Birmingham during the last half-century it would not be necessary to say more than that the street mUeage has increased from one hundred to considerably over two hundred miles. All this work, together with the lighting, sewering, and draining, has extended under the personal supervision of Mr. TUl, whose capacity for work has really been remarkable. In connection with the paving of the carriage-way, it is curious that Birmingham has shown a marked objection to the granite block pavement, and a distinct partiality for the macadam road. It is safe to say that there is no large town in the kingdom with anything like the traffic of Birmingham where there are so few paved streets as in the Midland Metropolis. The effect is that the pulverised macadam is washed into the sewers in large quantities, and cannot be removed except at great cost. Having accomplished so much laborious work, extending over half a century, Mr. Till can, at any rate, claim a rest, and in his comparative retirement he- takes with him the best wishes and esteem of the whole community." Reprinted from the Birmi7igha7n Daily Mail, October 2nd, iSg6. 146 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of Birmingham, The Dingle, Moseley Adie, James, 337, Llagley Road, Edgbaston Allen, Josiah, Suffolk Street... Armfield, Mrs., Augustus Road, Edgbaston Ash, Alfred, J. P., Washwood Heath Balden, E. H., 417, Harborne HiU Balden, Sam., 2, Newhall Street Balden, S. D., Ravenhurst Road, Harborne Barclay, Thomas, J. P., 17, Bull Street Barv/eU, W., 4, Victoria Road, Harborne ... BayUs, Thomas, 5, Stafford Street ... Berkley, R. H., 81, Great Brook Street ... Birmingham Library, Union Street ... Birmingham Free Libraries, Reference Department Boddington, "W. M., 34, Cannon Street Bolding, G. F., J.P., 224, Hagley Road ... Bolton, W. A., Carpenter Road Brown, Joseph, 4, Waterloo Street ... Caddick, Edward, WeUington Road Carter, P. H., 33, Waterloo Street ... Chance, G. F., Clent Grove, near Stourbridge Chance, R. L., Chad HiU, Edgbaston Charles, E. H., 17, Carpenter Road CoUins, Howard, General Hospital ... Collins, J. T., J. P., Churcbfield, Edgbaston Cooke, T. J., The Woodlands, Bristol Road Cope, C. H., J.P., Tamworth Cornforth, Mrs., Lime Grove, George Road Crosskey, Cecil, 29, Waterloo Street Cumberland, T, Ferndale, Perry Barr Davis, W. J., Trafalgar Road, Moseley 147 Dugdale, John S., Q.C., J.P., i. Paper Buildings, Temple, London ... ... ... ... i Duignan, W. H., WalsaU i Edwards, George, 227, Hagley Road ... ... i Elkington, Frederick, J. P., Sion HiU, Wolverley, Kidderminster ... ... ... ... ... i EUis, Cbas. Osborne, Greenfield House, Hamstead i Farncombe, W. T., Mount Rundell, Harborne ... i Fenby, J. B., Copeley HUl, Erdington .'. . ... i Folkard, Henry T., Free Public Library, Wigan ... i Fowler, Mrs., Weeford Lodge, Erdington ... ... i Garland, James M., 20, Temple Street ... ... i Gem, E. Cope, Copt Heath, SolihuU ... ... i Gibbons, Thomas, 13, Carpenter Road, Edgbaston i Goodman, F. B., J. P., Stanton, Farquhar Road ... i Hale, William, 83, Colmore Row ... ... ... i Hammond, Mrs., Earlswood, Hockley Heath ... i Harris, WiUiam, J.P., 5, Vicarage Road, Edgbaston i Harrison, W. J., F.G.S., 52, Claremont Road ... i Heath, Frank, Moseley i Heaton, H., J.P., Harborne House, Harborne ... i Hemington, J., 6, Moor Street i Holmes, Edward B., Mayfield Road, Moseley ... i Hughes, W. R., F.L.S., Wood House, Handsworth i Jenkins, Oswald, 8, Church Street... 1 Jones, WUliam, 162, Ashted Row ... ... ... i Keep, H. F., The Grange, Highfield Road ... i Lamb, A. C, Dundee i Langford, J. A., LL.D., Fernley Road, Sparkbrook i Lloyd, F. W., 85, Trafalgar Road, Moseley ... i Mackenzie, Roderick J. R., Eversley, Somerset Road i Macmillan, John, 53, Gough Road i Manton, Henry J., J.P., Westfield Road, Edgbaston i Middlemore, Miss, 38, Elvetham Road, Edgbaston Milward, R. H., J.P., 220, Hagley Road, Edgbaston i Morris, James, 42, Calthorpe Road i Myers, G., 225, Hagley Road i I 148 Nettlefold, Mrs., ^Vestbourne, Edgbaston ... ... i New, Herbert, 44, Waterloo Street... ... ... i Newey, Thomas, The Dales, Erdington ... ... i Nichols, Jos., Halevrood, SolihuU ... ... ... i Onions, John C, J. P., The Grange, Tyseley ... i Parsons, Charles T, J. P., 130, Colmore Row ... i Pearson, Howard S., Amberley, Bristol Road ... i Phipson, A. B., Metchley Lane, Harborne... ... i Pickmere, Edward T., Clarence House, Moseley ... i Pool, J. C, 12, Quadrant Chambers, New Street... i Rabone Bros. & Co., Broad Street... ... ... 5 Ryland, Miss, The Redlands, Erdington ... ... i Ryland, W. P., Anstey House, Erdington... ... i Scarse, Charles E., Afon- Arden, Kings Heath ... 25 Shakespear, William, Beech Mount, Wake Green... i Shaw, Frank H., Willowbrook, Selly Park i Smallwood, Joseph, Leamington ... ... ... i Stock, Thomas S., J. P., The Priory, Northfield ... i Stone, J. H., J. P., Grosvenor Road, Handsworth... i Shorthouse, Henry, Lansdowne, Edgbaston ... i Shorthouse, J. Henry, 60, Wellington Road ... i Stroud, G. H., Kings Heath ... ... ... i Tarleton, Frank, Upland Road, SeUy Park ... i Thompson, Miss ... ... ... ... ... i Timmins, Sam, J. P., F.S.A., FUlongley, Coventry... 2 Townley, E., Corporation Street ... ... ... i Vaudrey, J. C, 71, Westfield Road, Edgbaston ... i Welshman, W. H., Handsworth ... ... ... i Whitfield, S. B. and Co., Watery Lane i Wilkinson, Edward WiUiam, \\^ake Green, Moseley... i WiUiams, S. de la Grange, Sutton Coldfield ... i WUson, James, Hutton House, Bull Street ... 4 Woodhouse, John, Cordley House, West Bromwich i Wynn, W. H., Westholme, SeUy Oak i Yarwood, Henry W., Forest Road, Moseley ... i Zair, George, Arden Grange, Solihull ... ... i 149 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS, Per Messrs. Cornish Brothers, Booksellers, Birminghatn. Aston, J. C, Bookseller, SmaUbrook Street Bell, F. H., 24, Cannon Street Bunce, J. Thackray, J. P., Longworth, Edgbaston.. Cattell, Charles, 23, Temple Row ... Cox, Colonel, 8, Wheeleys Road, Edgbaston Harmer, J. R., 197, Monument Road, Edgbaston Harrold, Miss E., 10, Church Road, Edgbaston Jonas, M., 9, Drapers Gardens, London, E.C. MuUins, Geo. W., Northampton Street Nelson, A., 2, Norfolk Road, Edgbaston Pearce, William, Pershore Rothery, Rev. J. Allan, Cheltenham Walker, Benjamin, Longstone, Erdington Westwood, S. G., 63, Caroline Street, Sparkbrook.. WUson, J. Wright, M.D., Birmingham YALE UNIVERSITY a39002 002'4211