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PUBLISHING COMMITTEE, Elected by the Trustees, July 19, 1833. ALBERT G. GREENE, ROMEO ELTON, THOMAS F. CARPENTER CIRCULAR. The Society would call the attention of members and correspondents, to the following subjects : 1. Topographical Sketches of towns and villages, including an account of their soil, agriculture, manufactures, commerce, natural curiosities and stat istics. 2. Sketches of the history of the settlement and rise of such towns and villages; and of the introduction and progress of commerce, manufactures, and the arts, in them. 3. Biographical Notices of original settlers, revolutionary patriots, and other distinguished men who have resided in this State. 4. Original letters and documents, and papers illustrating any of these subjects; particularly those which shew the private habits, manners or pur suits of our ancestors, or are connected with the general history of this State. 5. Sermons, orations, occasional discourses and addresses, books, pam phlets, almanacs and newspapers, printed in this State; and manuscripts, especially those Vvritten by persons born or residing in this State. 6. Accounts of the Indian tribes which formerly inhabited any part of this State, their numbers and condition when first visited by the whites^ their general character and peculiar customs and manners, theii- wars and trea ties, and their original grants to our ancestors. 7. The Indian names of the towns, rivers, islands, bays, and other re markable places within this State, and the traditional import of those names. 8. Besides these, the Society will receive donations of any other books, pamphlets, manuscripts and printed docuinoiits. PREFACE. The present volume and the one TPhich immediately preceded it in the collections of the Society, contain most of the important facts relative to the settlements which were first made in two of the counties of this state. The Society indulge a hope that they may also, at no very distant time, be en abled to issue other volumes on the early history of the remaining counties ; and that the portion of the labor which has been already done, maj' prove an inducement to other individuals, to cultivate their aid in fully accomplish ing it. Besides the materials for the compilation of original historical works, there are a number of ancient volumes illustrative of our colonial history, a re publication of which is rendered necessary, not only on account of their value, but of the extreme scarcity of the copies which are now extant. All of these, whenever republished, should be accompanied by notes and appen dixes, the preparation of which must be a work of no inconsiderable time and labor. There is, certainly, in our community, a sufficient degree of ability and information to accomplish this desirable object, if sufficient in ducement can be offered for a devotion to the task. As the preparation either of tyiginal volumes of history, or of additions tor the illustration of republished works, must be in almost every instance, the labor of an individual, the Society, in embodying any volume in its collections, cannot of coarse, be considered as standing pledged to the en tire correctness of either all which it may contain as facts, or of the conclu sions or inferences which may be drawn from them by its author or editor. That integrity of purpose which ought to characterize every such institution, would indeed prevent it from willingly becoming an agent in the ". dissemi nation of error," but for the particular views which may be expressed, the iiame of the author must alone be considered as pledged. The volume which is now offered to the public, has evidently been prc- jiuicd with great care, and is the result of a persevering examination of a mass ofHicts, fpvv of which had been before arranged in any connected or- VI der. It contains much valuable information relating to a highly interesting portion of our early annals, which cannot fail to prove acceptable, not only to the antiquarian, but to every one who feels an interest in the general his tory of New-England. ALBERT G. GREENE, C Committee ROMEO ELTON, < of THOMAS F. CARPENTER, i Publication. Pbovidence, October, 1835. THE EARLY HISTORY NARRAGANSETT; WITH AN APPENDIX OF ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS, MANY OF WHICH ARE NOW FOR THE FIRST TIME PUBLISHED. BY ELISHA R. POTTER, Jr. Member of R. I. Historical Society. PROVIDENCE: MARSHALL, BROWN AND COMPANY MDCCCXXXV, Entered according io Act of Congress, in the year 1835, BY E. H. POTTEH, JB. In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Rljodo-Island. Printed by . MARSHALL, Providence. \u- INTRODUCTION. There are three sources to which we are to look for our information re specting the early history of Narragansett. These are the printed or manu script works of writers living at the same time with, or soon after the events they describe; therecortJs of the state and towns ; and tradition. We have much about the early history of Narragansett, scattered here and there, through a large number of volumes, but even with all the hints we can collect from them, it still remains very incomplete. No one, it is to be ob served, has written professedly on this subject, but it is only mtrodnced when connected with the history of Plymouth, Connecticut or Massachusetts. — True indeed, from their very first settlement, the English were almost con stantly negotiating or at war with the Narragansett Indians: still we have to lament the want of material for a perfect and connected history. One very important thing to be kept in remembrance while we are reading the history of Narragansett in these old authors is, that we are reading only one side of the question. We not only have no history written by any of the native Indians or first colonists of Rhode-Island, but we have none even by their friends. The histories we have are chiefly from inhabitants of the neighboring colonies, and some of them, persons whose bigotry and super stition disgraced an otherwise glorious era in American history.* It will be well to look at some of the causes which have originated and kept alive a * To what extent the pilgrims and their immediate descendants were carried by superstition and bigotry, may be seen in the following from Hubb. N. E. 26, being the opinion of a Mr. Mede, on tlie manner in which America was peopled : " Mr. Mode's opinion about tbe passage of the natives into this remote region ';;irrie3 the gi-eatest probability of truth. His conceit is, that when the Devil was |)ut out of his throne in the other parts of the world, and that the raoutli of all his oracles were stopped in Europe, Asia and Africa, he seduced a company of silly witches to follow 1)13 conduct into this unknown part of the world, where lie might be hid, and not be disturbed in the idolatry and abominable service he ex- |jected from his followers. For here are no footsteps of any religion before the Kngliah raine, Ir.it merely diabolicil." — [Hubbard's N. E. 26.] X continued state of ill feeling between the old Puritan settlers of Masssachu- setts, Plymouth and Connecticut on the one part, and the Indians and the first settlers of Rhode-Island pn the other. Coming, as the' Puritans did, into an Indian country, introducing an entire new mode of life, and soon increasing in numbers and power, so as to drive before them the original lords of the soil, it could not but happen that the most bitter feelings of jealousy and hatred should soon arise between the colonists and the natives. The Indians, who had just suffered under a tre mendous pestilence, and now saw this new race prevailing around them, cutting down their hunting forests, defeating them battle after battle, could not look on their destroyers with favor. The English, on the other hand, could never expect to enjoy their possessions in peace while the red men re mained powerful. And it seems to have been a constant policy with them to weaken the Indians by confederating them against each other. When one man undertakes to convert another to his own opinions and fails of success, it is generally with no very friendly feelings towards his in tended convert that he gives up his purpose. His inconvertible friend seems to be a sort of standing reproach upon his own powers of argument and per suasion. It jfvas so in the case we are considering. The good old Puritans tried hard to convert the Indians to their own faith, no doubt piously believ ing that no one could be saved out of the pale of their own communion.' — But the Indians were not so easily wrought upon. To them, whose prin ciples, though never displayed in books or pompously proclaimed before others, were yet written deeply in their hearts' and influenced their whole character and practice,* it appeared an insuperable objection that the faith the white man preached was seldom shown forth except in words. " It will be time enough for you to christianize us when you have first christianized yourselves." The Indians, therefore, were not converted ; the zealots were of course very much offended, and having done all in their power to save the souls of the poor natives, could now with a clear conscience quitclaim them to the Devil and his burning lake of brimstone, as incorrigible heretics. This was one and a powerful cause which excited the minds of the Puri tans, and more especially of the clergy, to which order many of the histo rians belonged, against the Indians. The disposition of the English of Massachusetts towards the first settlers of Rhode-Island and the Indians, was not rendered at all more favorable by the events which took place on the settlement of the latter colony. *For their general gon;l conduct we liavc the testimony of Roger Williams. XI The Puritans had fled from England to escape persecution for opinion's sake; but as soon as they arrived in this country, they set up for themselves and began to persecute all who differed from them. Among the latter, Roger Williams was obliged to flee from Massachusetts on account of his religious creed, and came, in 1636, into the territory of the Narragansetts, who received him with open arms. Williams cultivated the friendship of the Indians, and always denied the right of any foreign power to give away their' lands without their consent. It was a matter of prudence as well as of principle with the first settlers of Rhode-Island, to cultivate the good v\ill of the Indians, as they had no military power wherewith to oppose them in case of war, and could procure ammunition only from Boston, and that, the jealousy of the sister colony seldom allowed them to do. But that it was prudence alone which induced thorn, is refuted , by the whole conduct of Williams and the first settlers. The colonists atid the Narragansetts, being thus on the most friendly terms with each other, the enmity felt by the Pu ritans towards Roger Williams was easily transferred to the Indians who had protected and supported him under his afflictions and persecutions, and both were viewed with equal dislike; they were, one perhaps as much as the other, considered heathen and looked upon as the enemies of the Lord and his church. Another ch-cumstance on which it appears to me sufficient stress has not been laid in accounting for the enmity between our ancestors and the na tives, was the difference of their notions as to property.* The latter had not yet reached that state of society in which property is apportioned out to individuals and made descendible to their heirs. On the contrary, they were but little advanced beyond a primitive state. They ordinarily held their property in common, subsisting chiefly by the chase and fishing and partially by agriculture. They could form no idea of any piece of land be coming so entirely the property of any individual as to make it a crime for another to trespass upon it. Thus two different people in two different and almost hostile states of social progress were brought in contact and of coturse friendship could not be expected as the result. It is doubtful whether in many of the early grants the Indians made, they * Roger Williams says tlie Indians were very particular in the boundaries be tween different tribes: " The natives are very exact and punctual in the bounds of their lands, belonging to this or that Prince or People, (even to a River, Brooke,) &c. And 1 have known them malie bargain and sale amongst them selves for a small piece or quantity of ground." (Key, 89.) But the division of land among .individuals was not common. Xll intended to transfer more than a present usufructuary right, aud that by no means an exclusive one. They probably had no idea of yielding up to the whites for themselves and their heirs forever, the sole and exclusive owner ship of the land. We have Roger Williams' testimony that the common Indians held their lands according to the will of the Sachems, and removed themselves when ever required. We shall have occasion several times in the course of this work, to men tion instances of disagreements arising from bargains being differently under stood by the English and the Indians, and that too, although they had been made with great care and solemnity. Indeed, it would have been very im probable that it should turn out otherwise. Few of the English understood well the Indian language, so that all treaties and other arrangements were to be made through an interpreter, whose honesty the contracting parties could not be sure of, and whose dishonesty they had seldom the means of detectmg. This was not the only cause of offence between the two nations. The English settlers, as before observed, belonged to an advanced state of society, and inculcated, if they did not always practice, the rules of a severe and rigid morality. The taking of another's property was with them a high crime. The Indians also seemed to have abstained from theft among their own tribe, as would appear from Roger Williams,* but they do, not seem to have been able to keep their people from committing depredations on the property of the whites. The whites traded the Indians out of their property, and the Indians sometimes stole from the whites; and one with about as much fairness as the other. These considerations necessarily lead us to be cautious as to the degree of credit we attach to the accounts of the native English historians. We have seen that cu-curastanced as they were, and almost always at variance with the Indians and the first settlers of Rhode-Island, it was hardly possi ble they should be sufficiently disinterested or unprejudiced to give an im partial account of then-opponents. Whenever they relate a simple fact and upon apparently sufficient evidence, we cannot refuse our assent. But in their relation of the manner in which an event took place, and the share *" Commonly they never shut their doors daynornight: and 'tis rare that any hurt is done." (Key, 50.) " If any robljery fall out in favel between per.sons of divers states, the offended state sends for justice. If no justice be granted and recompense made, they grant out a kind of letter of matt to take satisfaction themselves, yet they are careful not to exceed in taking Goin others, beyond the. proportion of their own loss." [Key, 76.] Xlll which the English and the Indians had in bringing it about, and in their uc. counts of the Indian character, &c. we should always look upon them with suspicion. For instance, when they tell us that the great Narraganset war happened in 1675-6, we must believe them, but when they relate the events and the manner in which it arose, and endeavor to throw all the blame upon the Indians, they are by no means entitled to the same decree of credit. But wherever they confess or admit any thing which makes against the reputation and honor of their own side, we yield them implicit confidence. Nothuig but the impossibility of denial would make some of those bigotted old writers admit any thing of this sort. Notwithstanding the prejudice and partiality of these historians, we find often here and there a line which the writer seems to have forgotten to erase, which serves to let in a little light on the dark labyrinth of Narragansett history. Whoever has read much in these old historians, need not bo informed that the art of puffing is no invention of modern times. Is a man on "our side" in religion and pohtics, — if a warrior, he is a brave and valiant captain — if a divine, he is learned and pious and every thing that is good. But he he not our side, no language seems to have been too violent to express their contempt and abhorrence of him. Prince's N. E. Chronology seems not to have been very popular in his own time, because he did not join in the vulgar prejudices of his day. Win- throp seems to be very fair, and to have written with more honest mten- tions than many of them. But we would suggest a distmction as to the ac counts we have from Winthi-op which seems to us of some consequence. Whenever he relates any thing' as happenmg in liis own presence, this is one thing. Whenever he relates any thing which he must have heard from other sources, it is a different case. Winthrop was for a long time Gover nor of Massachusetts, many of his accounts were derived from the informa tion he officially received from his subordinate officers. Such accounts from inferiors to their government, generally represent only one side of the matter. Tradition and the state and town records are also considerable sources of information- We cannot expect from records the same sort of knowledge we look for from cotemporary historians, but the mere statement of a fact often gives us a clue to find out the state of the country at the time, and by comparmg our inferences with our knowledge from other sources, may serve to throw light on many things which would otherwise be obscure. A thorough examination of the Records of Connecticut is indispensable to a complete history of Narragansett, XIV When the ancient acts of the Rhode-Island Legislature are referred to, it should be recollected that those acts were in all probability often drawn out by the clerks after the rising of the Assembly, when they had agreed upon the substance. This practice was continued down to a late day. The records of those settlers in the Narragansett country who were asso ciated with Major Humphrey Atherton, generally called Fones' Records, from the name of the clerk or recorder who kept them, are preserved in the Secretary's office, but are not open to inspection. Owmg to the unsettled state of land titles in the beginning of the 18th century, the General Assem bly ordered these records to be closed, and they were generally kept by the Governor for the time being until about the time of the Revolution. This book has always been a great bug-bear, and terrible consequences have been predicted from its being laid open. Many of the most important pa pers in it, however, are now printed in the Massachusetts Historical Collec tions. As the persons concerned mostly belonged to the neighboring colo nies, the greater part of the deeds were also recorded in Boston or Connec ticut, as well as in these records. Certified copies of many of them are now on file in the Clerk's offices of the several courts, taken before the book was closed. It is believed there is not a single deed or paper of any conse quence in these records, which is not accessible in one of the ways before- mentioned. There are no files of papers in the Secretary's office earlier than 1728, and for several years after that time, they appear to be incomplete. Among the difficulties to be encountered in searching our old records, &c. is the variety of dates, old and new style, &c. Perhaps some errors may be found in this work from this source. Another difficulty is the variety of names by which we find the same per son designated at different times. Hubbard (I. W. 128) says the Indian sachems used to frequently change their names at their great dances or festi vals. King Philip's Indian name was Metacom or Pumetacomb. (L. E. 1 , 272.) Alexander the brother of Philip's names were Wamsitta, Sepaw- quit and Mooanam. (M. M. 1639. L. E. 295.) Massassoit father of Philip was also called Oosamequin. Uneas was also known by the name of Poqiiin. (Appendix, 177.) Other instances will be mentioned in the Appendix. The word now commonly written Narragansett, was often by Roger Williams and others in older time written Nantygansett, Nanhiggon- set and Nahiggonsik. We sometimes find the Indian chiefs called sachems, sometimes saga mores. These words were of like meaning, but tho latter was more used by tho Indians to the northward of the Narragansetts. [Hubb. N. E. 60.] XV Some may object that the greater part of the present work is merely a book of annals, and that there is but little continued narrative. To have made it otherwise would have interfered with the object in view which was to collect together all that could be collected relative to the subject, much of which, relating to a great variety of topics, could not be better digested. Considerable genealogical information kindly communicated by individuals, or extracted from former publications, may be found in the latter part of the volume. In the Appendix are prmted some extracts from Peter's History of Con necticut. These Were inserted not with a view of casting any reproach upon a neighboring state, but as suggesting subjects for future historical in vestigation. The letters of Roger Williams in the Appendix were copied for the sake of convenience from Knowles' Life of Roger Williams. The same letters are found m the printed Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. It will be observed that there is no continuous description of the antiqui ties of the Narragansett country in any part of the work. Many of them are alluded to however in the proper places in the history. Besides those there mentioned, there is a very ancient Indian burying ground in Charles- town about one mile north of Gen. Joseph Stanton's. It is on a pleasant elevation commanding an extensive view of the ocean and surrounding country. The collection of graves is very large and covers considerable space. There is one row raised above the next, where by tradition their sachems, great men and their families wore buried. Many of the graves are of great length. The hill is now covered with wood. The burying ground on Fort Neck is of more modern date. There is also a very ancient burying ground near White Pond in the Hills in South-Kingstown. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Extent, &c. of the Narragansett Country, - 1 Pestilence, small jjox, &c., - - 2, 14 Roger Williams' Deposition, 3 Coddington's Deposition, - 5 Number and character of the tribe, - - - - 6,16 Governmeut and Religion, - - - - - 9 Trade with Indians, - ^ - -12,13,16,49 Charters &c. of New-England, - - - 14,38,62,175 Death of Oldham, - - - - - 18 Block Island, - - 1,20,29,30,55,72,76,107 Indian Money, - - - - - 20, 46, 63 Indian Treaties, - - 21, 46, 79, 80, 167, 170, 177 Origin of name of Rhode-Island, - 22 PequotWar, - 22 Boundaries of the Pequot Country, - - 23,27,56,178 Nyantic tribe, - - - 27, 99 Settlement and family of Richard Smith, 31, 33, 58, 68, 166, 256, 270, 311 Warwick Purchase, - - - 33 Meantonomy put to death, - - 39 Death of the great Sachem Canonicus, - - 47 Ninigret's war with the Long-Island Indians, - - 50 Southertowne Incorporated, ------ 53 JMajor Atherton's Purchases, - 58, 60, 77, 100, 101, 104 Squamicut or Westerly settlement, - 53,61,71,76,241 Hermon Garret or Cashawasset, ... 62,64,182 Stanton's Purchase, - 66 Taxes, - - - 68,72,102,112 Commissioners appointed by the King, 69, 104 Hall's Purchase, 70, 225 Judicial proceedings, 71, 78, 109 3 xvni Sessions of the Council in Narragansett, Devil's Foot or Fones' Purchase, Kingstown Incorporated, King Philip's War, (iueen's Fort, . . - Swamp Fight, Part taken by Rhode-Island in the War, Capture of Canonchet, Remains of the Narragansett tribe, East-Greenwich IncoriDorated, French settlements, Settlement of Town Lines, West Boundary of the Colony, Division into Counties, Highways, - - - - . Sale of the Vacant Lands, Population of the Colony, Religious Affairs, - - - Lawsuit about the Minesterial land, Extract from Dr. McSparran's Work, Duke of Hamilton's Claim, APPENDIX. Letters of Roger Williams, Williams' account of Richard Smith, Indian Treaty of 1675, Account of the Indian Sachems, Extracts from Peters' History of Connecticut, Indian Treaty of 1638, Settlement about tho Pequot Country, Orders of the King's Commissioners, Letters from Rhode-Island to Connecticut, 54, 183, 188, 190, 193, 195 Proceedings of the General Assembly, 185, 188, 197-8 Prohibition against intrusion, . . jgs Agreement iri 1663 about West Boundary, 200 Attempt to settle the Line in 1669, - - goi Deposition relating to Gov. Andres, - 203 Agreement in 1703 about West Boundary, - - 204 73 , 102 - 76 78 , 113 - 78 - . 84 - 85 - - 93 - 97 . - 99 - 101 105, 220, 314 107-8, , 110 - 108, 113 - 106, , 110 - 32, 110, , 223 110-11-12, 213-14 - 114, 174 115, 278 - 123 ,- . 131 69, 135, 175, 237 137 - 166 . 167 - 171 - - 175 - - 177 - 178 - 179, 262 XIX Report to the King on the boundary, and his decision, - 206 Final settlement of the line, 211 Report of the Committee on the Vacant Lands, - 110, 213 List of sales of the Vacant Lands, - 214 Letter from Massachusetts to Rhode-Island, - 219 Gov. Andros' order to survey Narragansett, - 220 " " order about French settlers, 220 Letter respecting court-houses, - 107, 221 Letter from Smith and Fones, - - - 222 Laying out of a highway, - - . - 223 Survey of Hall's purchase, - - - - 225 Memorial of the Bay purchasers, - 226 Report of Commissioners to the King, - - 229 Order respecting Fones' Records, - 238 Proceedings of Dudley's Court, - - 239 Documents relating to Westerly, - - 241 Boston Neck and Quidneset purchases, - 269 Pettiquamscut purchase papers, - - 275 Families of the purchasers, viz. Hull, Sewall, Porter, Wil- bor, Mumford, Wilson, Hannah, Niles, John Potter, Arnold, Brenton and Sanford, - - 292 First Patent of Rhode-Island, - - 399 List of names of places, - - 802 Genealogical information, viz : - - - Bull, - - - - 307 Gardner, 308 Robinson, - - - 808 Bradford, - - - - 809 Case, - - - . - 809 Stuart, - - - - 309 Ward, - - 810 Whaley, - 811 Updike, - - 270,311 Hazard, . - - 312 Clark, - - 813 Willet, - 270, 813 Mawney, - 814 Bernon, - - 814 Watson, 315 ABBREVIATIONS St. Rec. — State Records and proceedings of the Assembly. W. J. — Savage's edition of Winthrop's Journal. P. C. — Prince's New-England Chronology, last edition. H. N. E.— Hubbard's New-England. Hubb. I. W.— Hubbard's Indian Wars. Call. — Callendar's Century Sermon delivered 1738-9. M. M Davis' edition of Morton's Memorial. This is sometimes re ferred to by the years. Ch.— Church's History of Philip's War. Al. H. C. — Massachusetts Historical Collections. Key. — Roger Williams' Key to the Narragansett language, in vol 1, of the R. I. Historical Society's Collections. L. E. — Three volumes of ancient Lemd Evidences in the Secretary's ufiSce. Trumb. — ^Trumbull's Connecticut. D. — A small tract, " The present state of New-Ehgland with respect to the Indian war," reprinted by Josiah Drake, Boston. Knowles. — His Life of Roger Williams. Ext. — Three MSS volumes of Extracts from the records of Massachusetts, made for the R. I. Historical Society, and now in their Cabinet. Back. — Backus' History of the Baptists. Hlich. — Huchinson's History of Massachusetts. Haz. — Hazard's collection of American State Papers, the second volume of which contams the entire records of the Commissioners of the United Colonies of New-England. THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE NARRAGANSETT COUNTRY. STATE OF THE COUNTRY AT THE TIME OF THE ARRIVAL OF THE ENGLISH. The Narragansett Tribe, occupied the whole of the pres ent county of Washington, excepting the country between Pawcatuck river and Wekapaug, the possession of which appears to have been a frequent subject of contention be tween them and their western neighbors the Pequots.* — The Narragansetts, however, appear to have taken final and quiet possession of this disputed tract, after the de struction of the Pequots, in 1637. Their possessions al so extended some way into Kent county. North of the Narragansetts, were the Cowesits, occupjiing the Easter ly part of Kent county; the Shawomet or Warwick tribe, and the Nipmucs in the North West part of the State. — Those tribes were tributary to the Narragansetts, but took advantage of the arrival of the English, to shake off their dependance. [Letter of Roger Williams, St. R. 1638-70. Appen. 11, dated Oct. 27, 1660. J Block Island, (said to have derived its name from a *Mason in his Pequot war, says, the Naragansetts told him the Pequots dsed to fish in Pawcatuck river. See History post Anno, 1637. A Dutch navigator, Adrian Block; Holmes, 1, 235.) as well as all the Islands in the Bay, were tributary to them. The name Narragansett, is used by the old writers very indefinitely, sometimes to signify only the Narragansett tribe properly so called, sometimes including all their trib utary and dependent tribes. The present county of Bristol, was occupied by the tribe of Wampanoags under a sachem* Ousamequin or Massasoit. A few years previous to the arrival of the English, which was in 1620, there had been a terrible pestilence among the Eastern Indians which had extended as far West as Narragansett Bay, and included the Wampanoags in its ravages, (M. M. 69.) This pestilence was accompanied or preceded by a comet which the Indians superstitiously con sidered as the cause of the pestilence. The Narragansetts being entirely free from its ravages, (M. M. 52. 62.) their comparative strength was thus increased, and they were able to subjugate many of their neighboring tribes, who were so much reduced in numbers, as to be unable to resist. Massasoit and his Wampanoags, had also at this time been reduced, but on the arrival of the English, he availed himself of their assistance to regain his independence. He acknowledged to Roger Williams, that he had been sub jected by the Narragansetts, but said that it had been on account of the plague and that he had never been reduced in war. [Paper of R. W. St. R. 1638-70. App. p. 12.] The Wampanoags had formerly possessed Aquedneck, af terwards Rhode-Island. This Island probably passed un der the Narragansetts, at the time of the subjection of Massasoit. There is also great reason to believe that the Narragan setts had extended their power over a considerable part of the Massachusetts Indians. * Another Ousamequin mentioned, W. J. 1, 264. 3 *' John Sagamore and Chickatabot, were gone with all their men; the former with 30, the latter with (blank) to Canonicus who had sent for them." [W. J. 1.72.] Chickatabot lived near Nesponset River, and John Saga more is supposed to have lived near Watertown. Jonas, heir of Chickatabot, and Cuchamakin afterwards submitted themselves to Massachusetts, for the express pur pose of protection against the power of the Narragansetts. [W. J. 2. 152.] We know that Pomham, Sachem'of Shawomet, was a sub ject of the Narragansetts. Cuchamakin, a Massachusetts Sachem, in his testimony before the general court of Mas sachusetts, where he was summoned to prove Pomham's in dependence, said, that Pomham, was as independent as he was himself. This is easily reconciled with other circum stances, if we suppose them both to have been tributary to the Narragansetts. [For this remark, indebted to W. R. Staples.] In W. J. Nov. 5, J 634, we find that two of the Nar ragansett Sachems and their men, were out on a hunting expedition about Nesponsit. The Indians are known -to have been very particular as to the boundaries between different nations. [Key 89.] As Massasoit had been a pretty powerful prince, many of the Massachusetts tribes had probably been subject to him and had been reduced together with him by the Narragan setts. [P. C. 197.] We insert here a deposition of Roger Williarns, (L. E. 2. 335.) and one of Mr. Coddington. I testify, as in the presence of the All-making and all- seeing God, that about fifty years since, I, coming into the Narragansett country, I found a great contest between three Sachems, two (to wit, Cononicus and Meantinomy,) were against Ousamaquin, on Plymouth side; I was forced to travel between them three, to pacify, [to satisfie all their, and their independent's spirits, of my honest intentions to live .peaceably by them, I testifying it was the general and constant declaration, that 'Cononicus, his father, had three sons, Cononicus was the Hiere, and his youngest brother's son Meantinomy (because of his youth) was his Marshal and Executioner, and did nothing \yithout his uncle Cononi cus consent. And therefore I declare to posterity, that were it not for the favor that God gave me with Cononi cus, none of these parts, no, not Rhode-Island had been purchased or obtained, for I never got any thing out of Co- ponicus but by gift. I also profess^ that being inquisitive of what root the title or denomination Nahiganset should come, I heard that Nahiganset was so named from a little Island, between Puttisquomsett and Musquomacuk, on the sea and fresh water side. I went on purpose to see it, and about the place called Sugarloaf Hill, I saw it, and was within a pole of it, but could not learn why it was called Nahiganset. I had learnt that the Massachusetts was called so from the blue hills, a little Island thereabout; and Cononicus, father and anchestors living in those southern parts, transferred and brought their authority and name into those northern parts, all along by the sea side, as appears by the great destruc tion of wood all along near the sea side: and I desire pos terity to see the gracious hiind of the most High, (in whose hands is all hearts) that when the hearts of my countl-ymen and friends and brethren failed me, his infinite wisdom and ijierrits stirred up the barbarous heart of Cononicus to love me as his son to his last gasp, by which means I had not on ly Meantinomy and all the Coweset Sachems my friends, but Ousamaquin also, who because of my great friendship with him at Plymouth, and the authority of Cononicus, con sented freely (being also well gratified by me) to the Gov ernor W^inthrope's and my enjoyment of Prudence, yea of Providence itself, and all the other lands I procured of Co nonicus, which were upon the point, and in efl^ect whatsoev er I desired of him. And I never denyed him nor Meanti- uomy whatever they desired of ine as to goods and gilts, or use of my boats, or pinioe aud the travels ofiny own person day and night, which though men know not nor care to know, yet the All-Seeing Eye hath seen it and his All-pow erful hand hath helped me. Blessed be his holy name to eternity. R. WILLIAMS. September 28, 1704, I then being present at the house of Mr. Nathaniel Coddington's house, there being present ed with this paper which I attest upon oath to be my Fa ther's own hand writing. JOSEPH WILLIAMS, Assistant. February 11, 1705. True copy of the original placed to record and examined by me. WESTON CLARKE, Recorder. WILLIAM coddington's DEPOSITION. " William Coddington, Esq. aged about seventy-six years old, testifyeth upon his engagement, that when he was one of the magistrates of Massachusetts colony, he was one of the persons that made a peace with Canonicus and Meantinomy, in the colony's behalf, with all the Nara- gansett Indians, and by order from the authority of the Massachusetts, a little before they made war with the Pe quot Indians. Not long after, this deponent went from Bos ton, to find a plantation to settle upon, came to Aquidneck, now called Rhode-Island, where was a Sachem called Wonnumetonomey, and this deponent went to buy the Isl and of him; but his answer was that Canonicus and Mean tinomy were the chief Sachems, and he could not sell the land, whereupon this deponent with some others went from Aquidneck Island into the Narragansett, to the said Sa chems, Cononicus and Meantinomy, and bought the Island of them, they having, as I understood, the chief command both of the Narragansett and Aquidneck Island, and far ther saith not. Taken upon engagement, in Newport, on 6 Rhode-Island, the 27th day of September, 1677, before P. Sanford, Assistant. The above is a true copy of the original, placed to record, examined by me February 11, 1705. WESTON CLARKE, Recorder. JYarragansett, 18 June, 1685 Ut. Vul. As to the number of the Narragansett tl-ibe, we have va rious statements. Brinley (M. H. C) says, they number 30,000 men. Callender, on- the authority of Williams, says, they could raise 5000 fighting men. Huchinson, (28.) says, they are most numerous of all the tribes between Boston and Hudson River. Gookin, (M. H. C.) agrees with their estimates, and al so Prince C. 200. and also Winslow, M. M. 75. Hubbard, who wrote after the great Indian war of 1676, describes the Narragansetts as consisting of many tribes, united under one Sachem. "It is said, before they quarrel ed with theEnglish,,they hadjabout 2000 fighting men; of all which, there are now but a hundred or two left, belonging to Ninicret, who, though he secretly bore the English ho more good will than the rest, yet being an old man, cun ning, and remembering the destruction of the Pequots, maintained friendship &c." [H. N. E. quoted nearly.] The ravages of disease, and the defection of their trib utaries, must have greatly diminished their strength, even before the war of 1676, and this accounts for the difference in the statements. Roger Williams (Key 28,) observes: " In the Narragan sett country, (which are the chief people in the land,) a man shall come to many towns, some bigger, some lesser; it may be a dozen in twenty miles travel." The ancient Indians, were like the present Indians of the West; a nation of hunters — depending principally upon iheir forests, and partially upon agriculture for subsistence. They were not so far advanced in civilization, as the more Southerly Indians of Mexico, &c. The Narragansetts, living on the sea shore, had also an other resource in the large quantities of fish, with which their waters were supplied. They lived in huts, or rudely constructed dwellings, and their clothing was of the sim plest kind. As opportunities for illustrating their manners and habits, will occur frequently in these sketches, we will not dwell on it at present. In forming our opinion of the ancient Indians, we should not judge of them by the condition and habits of the present Indians. Eventhose, who are most distant and secluded, in the forests and, mountains of the West, it should be remem bered, are tinctured with vice and corruption, by their in tercourse with the whites. Still less should we suffer our selves to be prejudiced against the Narragansetts, by the ¦ degraded state, to which the remains of that once power ful nation are now reduced. The Indians of the present day are corrupted and debas ed by all the vices of their civilized white neighbors, with out being improved by any of their good qualities. This is also true of the times to which these sketches refer. Many of the vices with which our forefathers charged the Indians, were vice« they would have never known, but for their in tercourse with the whites. Real refinement in a nation must be gradual: it must be the work of ages: whereas all the vices which are conse quent on civilization, or which are allowed in civilized society, are easily adopted by any man or nation; and the very circumstance of their having adopted these vices, ren ders it more difficult to advance much in civilization, since their character and morals are debased by them. Respecting the general character of the Narragansetts, their manners, habits and their disposition towards the whites, we have abundant evidence. They were not only 8 a strong and brave, but a generous people. We have the general testimony of history to their generosity; the depo sition of Williams, which we have quoted, and other inci dental authorities. Hubbard says, "the Narragansetts were always more civil and courteous to the English than any of the other Indians;" and when the sanctimonious Hubbard allows the Indians any good qualities, we have surely no reason to doubt it. Callender (102) says, that the Narragansetts were not re markable among the Indians for many vices peculiar to them, but that they had more of the common Indian vices, inasmuch as they were more populous. At a later period, 1674, Gookin in his Historical Collec tions of the Indians in N. E. (ch. 10, M. H. C. 1.) after speaking of their not being easily converted; " But yet let . me add this by way of commendation, of the Narragansett and Warwick Indians, who inhabit in the jurisdiction, that they are an active, laborious and ingenious people, which is demonstrated in their labors they do for the English; of whom more are employed, especially in making stone fen ces and many other hard labors, than of any other Indian people Or neighbors." Huchinson (p. 458) says, " at the beginning of Philip's war, it was generally agreed that the Narragansett tribe con sisted of 2000 fighting men. They were the most curious coiners of the Wampumpeag, and supplied the other nations with many pendants and bracelets, also with tobacco pipes of stone, some blue and some white, they furnished the earthen vessels and pots for cookery, and other domestic uses. They were considered as a commercial people, and not only began a trade with the English for goods for their own consumption, but soon learned to supply other distant nations at an advanced price, and to receive beaver and other furs in exchange, upon which they made a profit also. — The Pequods jeered them for their indisposition to war, and called them a nation of women.'' 9 Mr. Williams, in his Key, has given abundant testimony to the generosity, hospitality and general integrity of the Nar ragansetts. Callender (86) says, Mr. Williams afterwards on greater experience of their character, changed his opin ion of them; but he gives no sufficient reason for this asser tion. Williams's Key was written after 5 &e 6 years' resi dence among them, and close and intimate acquaintance with them; and we have here his opinion of them as ex pressed in his Key. (121.) "I could never discern that excess of scandalous sins amongst them, which Europe aboundeth with. Drunkenness and gluttony generally they know not what sins they be; and although they have not so much to restrain them, (both in respect of knowledge of God and laws of men) as the English have, yet a man shall never hear of such crimes amongst them of robberies, mur- thers, adulteries, &c." There is no doubt, however, that as their intercourse with the Indians increased, the English vices spread among them, more especially intemperance. If any more testimo ny was desired in favor of the character of the original Nar ragansetts, besides the Key of Williams, we should find it in their kind and affectionate reception of him, and in the steady protection these noble-minded savages extended to the great apostle of toleration, when driven into the wilder ness by the persecutions of his religious opponents. This friendship and protection was continued through the sever est trials, and in the war of 1676, when the Narragansetts were exasperated against the English, and driven almost to madness by the repeated insults and injuries they had suf fered from them; the friend of the Indians found their friendship for him still as strong as ever. In the midst of war and desolation, he remained uninjured, unmolested. . The Government of the Narragansetts appears to have been nearly a patriarchal despotism. On the arrival of the English, there were two chief Sachems, and under them A* 10 several subordinate ones. The different small tribes com posing the great Narragansett nation, had their separate Sachems; as for instance, the Nyantics, who inhabited the Southern part of the country, had a Sachem sometimes call ed Ayanemo or Janemoe, and sometimes Ninigret; but all these were in subjection to the great Sachems. The suc cession to the chief authority seems not to have been regu lated very precisely, but was however generally preserved in the same family. The principal residence of the chief Sachems'is believed to have been near Wickford. Roget Williams d«scribes their government thus: "Their government, is monarchical; yet at present, the ehiefest government in the country is divided between a younger Sachem, Miantunnomoh, and an elder Sachem, Canonicus, of about fourscore years old, this young man's uncle; and their agreement in the government is remarkable. The old Sachem will not be offended at what the young Sachem doeth; and the young Sachem will not do what he conceives will displease his uncle." (Key 120.) He observes, (122.) that when the Sachems had condemned any one to be pun ished, they very often executed the sentence themselves: sometimes, however, one of the chief warriors was made the executioner. With respect to their religious belief, we find much in formation in R. Williams' Key. Speaking of the South West wind, he says: " This is the pleasantest, warmest wind in the climate; most desired of the Indians: making fair weather ordinarily, and therefore they have a tradition that to the South West, which they call Sowwainiu, the gods chiefly dwell; and hither the souls of all good men and women go." [83.] ' Their principal god, seems to have been Kautantowit, or the South West god. But they had many other objects of worship. They called the soul, Cowwewonck, derived from a word 11 meaning sleep; because, they said it worked and operated while the body slept. They also had another name for it; signifying "a clear sight or discernment." " They believe that the souls of men and women goto the South West; their great and good men and women to Kautantowits house, where they have hopes, as the Turks have, of carnal joys. Mui-derers, thieves and liars, — their souls, say they, wander restless abroad." [Key 113.] " They have it from their fathers, that Kautantowit made one man and one woman of a stone, which disliking, he broke them in picies, and made another man and woman of a tree, which were the fountains of all mankind." [Key .1.16.] FIRST HISTORICAL NOTICE OP THE INDIANS. In the summer of 1621, Plymouth sent Edward Winslow -and Stephen Hopkins, to take a view of the condition of Mas sasoit and his country, " who found his people few in comparison of what they had been, by reason of the mortal ity among the Indians forementioned. These brought word on their return of the Narragansetts, a people that lived on the other side of the great Bay, which are a people strong and many in number; living compact together, and had not at all been touched by the wasting plague be fore specified." [M. M.] This was probably the first intimation that the English had of the existence of the Narragansetts: the first inter course lietween them was of a hostile character, and omi nous of evil. The Narragansetts sent rnessengers to Plym outh, with a bundle of arrows tied together with a snakeskin. The Indian who served the Colonists as interpreter, told them it was a challenge.. The Governor returned them a " very rough ajjswer," that they might begin war when they pleased. (M. M. 74. P. C. 200.) Such was the fear of Indian hostilities, that in the summer of 1622, ike 12 Plymouth settlers built a fort for protection against them. There is a strong probability that the interpreter deceived the English, when he told them this was sent as a chal lenge. It seems that the English afterwards discovered that he was not perfectly honest, and that he was acting for his own interest alone, and not from any regard for them. — [P. C. 201.J If it was really meant as a challenge, it was probably be cause the Narragansetts considered the English had im properly interfered between them and their tributary Mas sasoit. The English had several times assisted the latter, . and once — when the Narragansetts had taken Massasoit and carried him off" into their own country — had been the cause of his deliverance from captivity. (P. C. 194.) This, the Narragansetts would very i>aturally resent. Until about 1628, the only arms the Indians used were bows and arrows. The French traders first began to sup ply them with guns, and afterwards, the fishermen and tra ders in the English colonies, began the same practice, and a proclamation issued by the King, prohibiting this trade, seems to have had little effect. In ' New-England's Me morial," mention is made of a Morton, who traded exten sively with the Indians, and supplied them with guns and ammunition, and taught them' their use. (M. M. 1628. P. C. 249.) The Dutch also supplied them with some. [See letter of Wms. Hazard's collections 1. 613.] The next notice we have of them is as follows: — "Ju ly, 1631, Canonicus' son, the great Sachem of Narragansett, came to the Governor's house with John Sagamore. After they had dined, he gave the Governor a skin, and the Gov ernor requited him with a fair pewter pot, which betook very thankfully and staid all night." [W. J.] The Narragansetts and Massasoit, were at variance on the arrival of the English: Massasoit, probably endeavor ing to make use of the aid of the English, to render himself 13 independent of the Narragansetts. There were frequent broils between them. In 1G32, a difference arose between them, and the Narragansetts attacked tho English house at Pokanoket, as was said, to take Massasoit; but retired suddenly to fight the Pequots, with whom they were then out. [M. M. 168. P. C. 392.] August, 1632. Meantinomy went to Boston with his squaw and twelve Sannups, and while he was attending a sermon with the Governor, three of his Sannups broke into a dwelling-house. Upon the complaint of the Governor to Meantinomy, and at his request, Meantinomy caused them to be flogged, and sent them home. But the Governor car ried Meantinomy and the rest of them to his house, where they remained until evening. (P. C. 399.) Huch. (28) says, "*the Sagamore, who was a very high spirited fellow, could hardly be persuaded to order them any corporal pun ishment; but he was so ashamed of his attendants, that he ordered them out of town, and followed them himself soon -after." In 1633, "John Oldham and three with him, went over land to Connecticut to trade. The Sachems used him kindly and gave him some beaver. They brought of the hemp which gfows there in great abuundance, and is much better than the English. He accounted it to be about 160 miles. He brought some black lead, whereof the Indians told him there was a whole rock. He lodged at Indian towns all the way." [W. J. I. 111.] Jan. 20, 1633-4. "Hall, and the two others who went * The following anecdote is interesting, as relating to Indian manners. — [W. J. 1632.] "One pleasant thing happened this year; acted by the Indians. Mr. Winslow commg in his bark from Connecticut to Narragan sett, went to Ousamequin, the jSagamore, his old ally, who offered to con duct him to Plymouth, Ousamequin sent a man to Plymouth to say that W. was dead. Being after asked the reason, he said it was their custom to make their friends more joyful on seeing them." 14 to Connecticut, Nov. 3, came now home, having lost them selves and endured much misery. They informed us that the small pox was gone as far as any Indian plantation was known, to the West; and many people died of it, by reason whereof they could have no trade. At Narragansett, by the Indian's report, there died 700; but beyond Piscata'- quack, none to the Eastward." -[W. ,#.] CHARTERS &C. OF NEW-ENGLAND. The English nation having by right of prior discovery, (and in some instances by force,) acquired possession of a large extent of coast in North America, the Govern ment proceeded to parcel it out to its citizens, and those who were adventurous enough to undertake the settlement of an almost entirely unexplored wilderness In April, 1606, King James I, divided the country in America, claimed by England, into two portions. The South half he allotted to a London company; the North half to a company established at Plymouth, in the West of England. (Holmes 1. 124.) In 1620, (Baylies says, Nov. 3, and gives the patent at length, Trumbull, March 3,) he by patent incorporated Lords Leno.Y, Arundel, Hamil ton, Warwick, and other lords and gentlemeh to the number of 40, by the name of the "Council established at Plymouth, in the county of Devon, for the planting, ruling and govern ing of New-England in America;" granting them all be tween 40 and 43 degrees of latitude from sea to sea. March 19, 1631, date of the old Patent of Connecticut. Robert, Earl of Warwick, granted to lords Say and Seal, Brooks, Rich and others, " all that part of N. E. in Amer ica, which lies and extends itself from a river there called Narragansett river, the space of 40 leagues upon a straight line near the seashore, towards the South West, West, and by South or West, as the coast lieth, &c." This tract hai 15 been granted to the Earl the year before, by the Plymouth Council, and confirmed to him by patent from Charles I. — [Trumbull 1. 13.] April, 1635. Grant from the Plymouth council, to the Duke of Hamilton, of all the land between Connecticut and Narragansett rivers. Hubbard, (N. E. 309.) says, the con ditions of this grant were never fulfilled. [See Dr. Mc Sparran's work quoted post.] According to the international law of Europe, priority of discovery gave the nation making the discovery, a right to the country, against all the other nations of Europe which acknowledged the obligations of the same law. Of course, it could give them no right over the independent natives, or over the soil, until they had fairly acquired it from its pos sessors. It could amount to nothing more than an under standing or agreement, that if one nation discovered a new country, no other nation should attempt to trade or make settlements in it, without the consent of the original discov erers, and thus could confer on them no other right than that of preemption. The territory thus divided by the English, was almost en tirely unexplored. They had no knowledge of the country beyond the coast, and a very imperfect knowledge of that. How incorrect their ideas of it were, may be seen from the old maps, which were drawn long after the country had been discovered, and many settlements had been made in it. Be ing thus ignorant of the geography of the country, of course they could not describe it accurately in the Charters. This has been a copious source of troubles and disputes in New-England, even to this day. Of these troubles, the Nan'agansett country has had its full share. For a long se ries ofyears]its jurisdiction was disputedbetween Connecticut and Rhode Island, and its affairs distracted by the alternate prevalence of these two governments. And it was only in 1728, that this question was finally settled, and Narragan sett allowed to remain in peacable union with Rhode-Island. 16 SETTLEMENT OP ROGER WILLIAMS — TRADE, &C. About 1635-6, Roger Williams purchased Providence of the Narragansett Sachems, and thus commenced the settle ment of the present State of Rhode Island. He had been educated in England, and on coming to this country, settled in Massachusetts, and was for a time a min ister of a church in Salem. Having taken the liberty to think for himself; to differ in opinion from the majority of his "brethren" in Massachusetts, he was obliged, to leave that province, retire into the wilderness, and throw himself upon the humanity of savages, for that hospitality and kind treatment for which he might seek in vain among those who pretended to civilization. He found an asylum and pro tection with the Narragansett Sachems and their tribe, then the most. powerful of all the, Indian tribes in their neigh borhood. Ingratiating himself with these sons of the wil derness, he was able by the influence he acquired.over them, to heap coals of fire on the heads of his former persecutors, by rendering them good for evil. He was often the me diator of peace between the hostile neighbors; and several times gave notice to the whites of threatened attacks, and thus put them on their guard against surprise from the Indians. Even at this early period, the English had considerable trade with the Narragansetts, as appears from several no tices in the early authors. "Nov: 5, 1634. The Rebec ca came from Narragansett with 500 bushels of corn, given to John Oldham. Tbe Indians had promised him 1000 bushels, but their store fell out less than they expected. — They gave him also, an Island in the Narragansett Bay, called Chippacursett; containing about 1000 acres. It is six miles long, and two broad. This was a very fair bay, being about twelve leagues square, with divers great islands in it. A deep channel close to the shore, being rocky. — 17 Mr. Pierce took the height there, and found it 41 ° 41 » being not above half a league to the southward of us. The coun try on the west of the bay of Narragansett is all cham- pain for many miles, but very stony and full of Indians. — He saw there above 1000 men, women and children; yet the men were many abroad on hunting." [W. J.] "The Pinnace being sent about the cape to trade with the Narragansetts, gets some good corn and beaver, yet makes but a poor voyage; the Dutch having used to furnish them with cloth and better commodities, whereas she had only beads and knives, lohich are not there much esteemed.^' [P. C. 222,] The Narragansetts were almost continually at variance with the Pequots, who lived to the westward of them. — Winthrop mentions that there was a quarrel between them this year, (1634,) and that the Pequots endeavored to ob tain the assistance of the English, "because they were at war with the Narragansetts, whom, till now, they had kept under; and also with the Dutch, who had killed their old Sachem." An alarm was raised in Boston, Nov. 6, that tho Narragansetts were marching there in great numbers to kill the Pequots, who were there, treating about peace and alliance. On mustering their soldiers and meeting the supposed enemy, they were found to be only two Nar ragansett Sachems, and about 20 men, who had been a hunt ing, and "came to lodge with the Indians of Coliann, (Ne- ponsit) as their manner is. So we treated with them about the Pequots, and atour request, they promised they should go and come from us in peace, and they were also content to enter into further treaty of peace with them, and in all things showed themselves very ready to gratify us. So the Pequots returned home, and the Narragansetts depart ed well satisfied, only they were told in private, that if they did make peace with the Pequots, we would give them part of that Warapumpeague,which they should give us." [W. J.] 18 1636. John Oldham, of Massachusetts, the person men tioned above, was killed at Manisses, or Block Island, while on a trading expedition. Roger Williams wrote the news of it from Providence, to Governor Vane by letter, in July, 1636. (W. J.) That Oldham was a person of very tur bulent disposition, we have the testimony of M. M. (1624.) A trading vessel returning from Connecticut, discovered Mr. Oldham's vessel with a number of Indians on board, and being hailed, they made off. Several of them jumped overboard on being fired upon, and were drowned; one was thrown overboard by the English, after his capture. Mr. Oldham was found covered with a sail, with his skull split open. The English suspected that all the Narragansett Sachems, (except Canonicus and Meantonomy,) werep rivy to his death, and that the cause was their jealousy,as he was a-going to trade with the Pequots. Lt. Gibbon and Mr. Higginson,were sent to Canonicus to treat about the murder, accompanied by Cuchamakin, the Sachem of Massachu setts. "They were entertained royally in respect of the In dian manner. Boiled chestnuts is their white bread, and because they would be extraordinary in their feasting, they strove for variety after the English manner, boiling pudding made of beaten corn, putting therein great store of black berries, something like currants. They having thus nobly feasted them, gave them audience in a State House, round, about 50 feet wide, made of long poles stuck in the ground, like their summer houses in England, and covered round about and on top with mats." [Wonder Working Provi dence, 109.] "They observed in the Sachem, much state, great com mand over his men, and marvellous wisdom in his answers; and in the carriage of the whole treaty, clearing himself and his neighbors of the murder, and ofl-ering assistance in re venge of it, yet on very safe and wary terms." (W. J. 104-M. M. 185.) It is not said to which of the two chief 19 t Sachems this message was delivered. Probably both were present. Johnson, in his Wonder Working Providence, B. ii. ch. 6, (quoted by Holmes, i. 236,) describes the young Prince Meantinomy, as being of great stature, stern and cruel, "causing all his nobility and attendants to trem ble at his speech." " When the messengers began to de liver their message, the Sachem lay extended on a mat, and his nobility set round on the ground with their legs doubled up, their knees touching their chin. At the close o'" their message, Meantinomy replied, he was willing to have peace with the English, but not with the Pequots." "The two Indians who were with Oldham, and one other, came from Canonicus, the chief Sachem of the Narragan setts, with a letter from Mr. Williams to the Governor, to certify him what had befallen Oldham, and how grievously they were afflicted; and that Meantinomy was gone with 17 canoes and 200 men, to take revenge. But upon examination of the Indian who was brought prisoner to us, we found that all the Sachems of the Narragansetts, except Canonicus and Meantinomy, were the contrivers of Mr. Oldham's death; and the occasion was, because he went to trade and make peace with the Pequots, last year. The prisoner said also, that Mr. Oldham's two Indians were ac quainted with it, but because they were sent as messengers from Canonicus, we would not imprison them. But the Governor wrote back to Mr. Williams, to let the Narragan setts know that we expected they should send us the two boys, and take revenge upon the Islanders; and withal, gave Mr. Willians a caution to look to himself, if we should have occasion to make war upon the Narragansetts, for Block Island was under them." [W. J.] " Mr. Oldham's two boys were sent home by one of Me- antinomy's men, with a letter from Mr. Williams, signifying that Meantinomy had caused the Sachem of Nyantic to send to Block Island for them, and that he had nearly 100 fathoms 20 of wampum,* and other things of Oldham's which should be reserved for us; — that three of those who were drown ed, were Sachems. — So we wrote back, that we held Ca nonicus and Meantinomy innocent, but the six under Sa chems, guilty." [W. J.] 1636. "Meantinomy, Sachem of Narragansett, sent a messenger to us with a letter from Mr. Williams, to signify to us that they had taken one of the Indians who had escap ed, and had him safe for us: the other he had sent away, not knowing he had been our prisoner. But we conceived it was rather in love to him, for he had been his servant formerly." August, 1636. The English of Massachusetts fitted out an expedition against Block Island and the Pequots. "J Endicott and four Captains under him, with twenty men apiece, set sail and arrived at Block Island the last of the month. There were about forty Indians on the shore ready to meet them. As soon as one jumped on shore, they all fled. The Island is about ten miles long, and four broad; full of small hills, and all overgrown with small brushwood of oak, no good timber in it; so that we could not march but in one file in the narrow path .There were two plantations, three miles asunder, and about sixty wigwams; some very large and fair; about 200 acres of corn, some gathered and * Wampum was the Indian medium of exchange. It was of two sorts; black, made of the Poquauhock on quahaug; the white,made of periwinkles. It was made by the Indians on the sea shore, and the inland Indiana afterwards learned to manufacture it. The English learned the trade in it from the Dutch. [See R. Williams's Key, 126. P. C. 249. M. M. 133. Hubbard's N. E. 100.] It seems the Indians got many of the shells for making it on Long Island. [Hazard, 2. S88.] In 1649, black peage was ordered to pass at four for a penny. [Records.] In 1658, peage to be received, eight for a penny, for all costs of court. [See also History, post, 1645.] 21 laid in heaps, and the rest standing. Not finding the Ind ians, they burned the huts, the mats and corn, and depart ed.". [W. J.] From Block Island, the expedition sailed to the Pequot country. Plymouth and Connecticut complained greatly about it, that it had produced no good effect whatever, but had only served to irritate the Indians. [M. M. 186.] Canonicus sent us word of some English, whom the Pe quots had killed at Say brook; Mr. Williams wrote that the Pequots and the Narragansetts were at truce, and that Meantinomy had told him that the Pequots had labor ed hard to persuade them that the English were minded to destroy all the Indians; whereupon we sent for Meantino my." [W. J.] Oct. 21, 1636. "Meantinomy, the Sachem of Narragan sett, (being sent for by the Governor,) came to Boston with Canonicus' son and another Sachem. The Governor sent twenty musketeers to meet him at Roxbury. After dinner, Meantinomy proposed his terms of peace. In the morning, a peace was signed by the Governor, and by the Indians by marks. But because we could not make them well understand the articles perfectly, we sent a copy to Mr. Williams to interpret to them. The Indians were dismiss ed with a volley of shot. The Articles. 1st. A firm peace between us and our friends of other plantations, (if they con sent,) and the Indians and their confederates, (if any will observe the articles,) and our posterities. 2d. Neither party to make peace without the other's consent. 3d. Not to harbor the Pequots, &c. 4th. To put to death, or deliv er over, all murderers. 6th. To return our fugitive ser vants, &c. 6th. We to give notice when we go against the Pequots; and they to give us some guides. 7th, Free trade between us, 8th. None of them to come near our plantations during the Pequot war, without some English man or known Indians. 9th, to continue to the posterity of both parties." [W, J,] 22 In this treaty between the English of Narragansett, and the Indians, we have probably a pretty good instance of the manner in which their treaties were generally made. It seems the English knew that the other parties did not un derstand the treaty, since they thought necessary to send it to Mr. Williams, to be interpreted. Of course, they could never be morally bound by any such engagement; yet they were often led to sign treaties and promises, in this way, without knowing what they were doing; then if they after- terwards did not fulfill these promises, which they never knew they had made, it was a ground of exaction, or perhaps of war against them. Feb. 21, 1636. "Meantinomy sent twenty-six men, with forty fathoms of wampum, and a Pequot 's hand. We gave four of the chiefs, each a coat of 14 s. price." March 24, 1637-8. Canonicus and Meantinomy gave Coddington and others a deed of Aquidnecke, or Rhode- Island. The settlers soon established a sort of Civil socie ty, and were ruled at first by judge and elder. Coddington, first judge. The Island of Rhode-Island is said to have received its name from the Dutch. They called it Rood Eylandt from its red appearance in autumn. [Moulton's New-York. D.] PEQUOT WAR. We come now to relate the events of the war which end ed in the destruction of the celebrated Pequot tribe. The Pequots were a warlike tribe, occupying the neigh borhood of New-London, Groton and Stonington, with the Mohegans on their north, a tribe which in all probability had been formerly subject to them. There was a tradition, that they had come to this place at some not very remote period, from the interior; had dispossessed the ancient inhab- tants by force. They were a powerful people and the name Sassacus, their Sachem, was a terror to all the surrounding 23 tribes. His principal seat, was a strong fort between New- London and Mystic River. The causes which led to this war, were various. There were no doubt provocations on both sides. The Pequots had killed Capt. Stone, Mr. Oldham and others who had gone to trade among them. But then on the other hand, we do not know but that they fully deserved their fate. Mr. Oldham's character has been before referred to. For Capt. Stone's dishonesty, we have the evidence of M. M (old. ed. 101. 106.) The Pequots had, according to some accounts, pushed their conquests into the Narragansett country, as far East as Wecapaug Brook; and these' two tribes were always at variance. The great body of the Narrrgansetts were very desirous of revenge against the Pequots; many of them accordingly joined the English army. But the old Sa chems were desirous of remaining neutral in the war. All the old authors give Canonicus the character of being a wise and prudent Prince, and although the Pequots were his rivals and constant enemies, he was probably fearful that by their destruction, the arm of their common oposers would be strengthened, to strike a more deadly blow at some time not very remote, at the existence of his own people. — (Callender 70, &.c.) In their negotiations with the Narra gansetts at this time, the Massachusetts government em ployed Roger Williams as their agent. 1637. "Having received intelligence from Meantinomy, that the Pequots had sent their women and children to an Island for safety, we sent forty men by land to Narragan sett. Meantinomy was to join them with sixteen men, to set upon them in the night — we also provided to send 160 men after them to prosecute the war." [W. J.] For this war, Massachusetts sent Capt. Stoughton, and 160 men. Plymouth sent 50 men, and Connecticut sent Maj. Mason, with 90 English and 70 Indians, principally 24 Mohegans, with their Sachem Uncas, [Trumbull 1, 71. Mason's Pequot War.] The Connecticut forces sailed from Connecticut River and arrived in Narragansett Bay. " On the Monday, the wind blew so hard at N. W. that we could not go on shore, as also on Tuesday, until sunset, at which time Capt. Mason landed and marched up to the place of the chief Sachem's residence, who told the Sachem that we had not an opportunity to acquaint him with our coming armed in his country sooner; yet not doubting but that it would be well accepted by him, there being love betwixt himself and us; well knowing also that the Pequots and themselves were enemies; that he could not be unacquainted with those intolerable wrongs and injuries, these Pequots had lately done unto the English; that we were now come, God as sisting, to avenge ourselves upon^them, and that we did on ly desire free passage through his country: — who returned us this answer: 'that he did accept of our coming, and did also approve of our design; only he thought our numbers were much too weak to deal with the enemy, who were (as he said) very great Captains, and men skilful in war.' — Thus he spake somewhat slightingly of us. On Wednes day morning, we marched from there to a place called Ny antic, it being about 18 or 20 miles distant, where another of those Narragansett Sachems lived in a fort,* it being a frontier to the Pequots. They carried very proudly tow ards us, not permitting any of us to come into the fort." — (Mason's P. War. M. H. C. 18.) Mason fearing treach ery, set a guard all around the fort during the night they re mained there; allowing no one to go out or in. * Mason says it was 12 miles from the fort to Pawcatuck -River. It was probably at Fort Neck. There are now the remains of an old fort there; with traces of ditches and a wall of stone and earth. It is on a point of land projecting into a pond, with steep banks. Near it is an ancient bu rying place of tho Nyantic Sachems. 25 The Connecticut forces now proceeded against tlie Pe quots. They were joined on their way by many of the Nar ragansetts, who served also as guides and brought them to the Pequot fort,two hours before light. May 26, 1637. They immediately fired the fort, which was easily done, it being built with wooden palisadoes. The destruction was terrible, but few escaping. " Those that escaped the fire were slain by sword, some hewed to pieces, some run through with rapiers, &c. The number thus destroyed was about 400. At this time it was a fearful sight to see thetn thus frying in the fire and the streams of blood quenching the same, and horrible was the stink and the scent thereof; but the victory seemed a sweet sacrifice, and they gave the praise thereof to God, who had wrought so wonderfully for them; thus to enclose their enemies in their hands." [M. M. 189.] The English Historians have charged the Narragansetts with acting cowardly and deserting them in the fight. In a tract in Cambridge Library, " A tru« relation of the bat tle fought in New England between the English and the Pe quot savages; by P. Vincent, London, 1638; lettered on the back, "Battle in New England, 1638," it is said that the Narragansetts fled as soon as their powder and shot began to fail. This puts the case in a rather more favorable light. The place where the battle took place was on the West side of the Mystic, on land now or lately (1830,) owned by Roswel Fish, Esq. of Groton; Within his recollection, spearheads, Sic. have been dug up there. No traces of the fort are left and the spot is known only by tradition. [See M. H. C.vol. 3. Letter of William T. Williams of Lebanon.] Sassacus, the great Sachem of the Pequots, fled to the Mohawks, who put him to death, as was alleged, by the in stigation of the Narragansetts. [M. M. 195. and N.] It seems he was not in the fort at the time of the battle, and the Pequots attributing all their misfortunes to him, could with dificulty be kept from slaying him. The Pequots 26 collected together after the fight, and molested the English very much in their retreat. It was estimated that six or seven hundred were destroyed in this fire and fight. Seven were taken captives, and only seven escaped. About a fortnight after the Connecticut forces had reach ed home, th-e Massachusetts forces arrived in Pequot river. In an expedition made shortly after, about 180 were taken captives whom the English divided among themselves for servants. Many of the Pequots had probably fled for refuge to oth er tribes, and there were now about 180 left in the country. These surrendered to the English, and were spared on con dition of their leaving their old country forever. They were divided, eighty to Meantinomy, eighty to Uncas and twenty to Ninigret. In one of their expeditions to drive the Pequots from the country to which some of them had returned, they had taken several captives whom they intended to put to death. Otash, brother of Meantinomy, besought them to spare their lives, for they were his brother's men and his brother was a friend to the English; at his entreaties their lives were spared. [Mason.] Thus were tho Pequots entirely ruined as a nation, and thus was brought about a destruction of what in more mod ern times we should call the balance of power. The Eng lish had entirely broken the force of one Indian nation, and struck a great terror into the rest. It was unfortunate for the Indians that they were never at peace with each other, thus giving the whites an opportunity which they did not neglect of attacking them singly, and thus effecting what they nev er could have efl'ected, if the Indian tribes had been united in resistance. The Pequot country, from being thus left open to occu pation, the Narragansetts seem to have extended themselves westward, and taken possession of that part of it between 2? Wecapaug brook tind Pawcatuck river. Some of the Ny-- antics, a tribe of the Narragansetts who inhabited the most southerly part of Washington county, seem to have gone even to the westward of Pawcatuck river. Dr. Styles in 1761, says, that besides Ninigret's own Nyantic tribe', which then amounted to 248, he had the Mohegans and Nyantics of Lyme under his government. (2. M. H. C. 10.) Hence the name Nyantic has been by some writers inconsiderately appropriated to the town of Lyme, though properly belong ing to the South West part of Rhode-Island. The Narragansetts are said to have been dissatisfied that no more of the captives were given to them. [M. M. 195.] Connecticut and Massachusetts having thus conquered the Pequot country, disputed for a long time about its juris diction. They afterwards referred the difference to the Com missioners of the United Colonies, who in 1658, established Mystic River as the dividing line, and allotted the portion East of it to Massachusetts. After quiet was restored, many of the Pequots returned and settled down peaceably under the English. (M. M. Haz. 2. 334 359. 382-7. 419. 655.) After Connecticut obtained het last charter, (1663,) they again had a difficulty with Mas.-iachusetts about the Pequot country, [Haz. 2, 509.] In setting down Wecapaug as the boundary between the Pequots and the Narragansetts, we have followed the gene ral current of the Massachusetts and Connecticut historical authorities. But a passage in Roger Williams's letter to Maj. Mason, seems rather to contradict the commonly re ceived opinion on this subject. " The bounds of this our 1st Charter, I, (having ocular knowledge of persons, places and transactions), did honestly and conscientiously, as in the holy presence of God, draw up from Pawcatuck river, which I then believed and still do, is free from all claims and conquests; for although there were some Pe quots on this side the river, who by icason of some Sachem's 28 marriages, with some on this side, lived in a kind of neu trality with both sides, yet upon the breaking out of the war, they relinquished their. land to the possession of their enemies, the Narragansetts and Nyantics, and their land never came into the condition of the lands on the other side, which the English by conquest, challenged; so that I must still affirm, as in God's holy presence, I tenderly waved to touch a foot of land in which I knew the Pequot wars were maintained, and were properly Pequot, being a gallant coun try ; and from Pawcatuck river hitherward, being but a patch of ground, full of troublesome inhabitants; I did, as I judg ed, inoffensively, draw our poor and inconsiderable dine." 1637. "News came from Mr. Williams, that the Pequots ¦had dispersed, and'came in great numbers and submitted themselves to the Narragansetts, who refused to receive them until they knew the pleasure of the Governor." [W.J.] " Ayanemo, Sachem of Nyantic, came to Boston with 17 men. He made divers propositions. Understanding that he had received many of the Pequots since their defeat, we demanded the delivery of them, which he at first stuck at, but the next morning offered all we desired. He was lov ingly dismissed with some small things given them." [W.J,] Captain Stoughton wrote to the Governor, August 14, 1637, " The Narragansetts do gather beans in abundance, and we are silent at it; yet if they should turn enemy, it would be to our damage." (W. J. 1, 400.) The Captain was looking a great ways a-head. " We sent 15 of the boys and 2 women to Bermuda by Mr. Pierce; but he missing it, carried them to Providence Isle. [W. J.] "Meantinomy sent here some Pequot squaws, which had run from us. The Narragansetts sent us the hands of three Pequots; one, the chief of those who had murdered Capt. Stone." [W. J.] Sept. I, 1637, "Meantinomy, the Narragansett Sachem, 29 came to Boston, The Governor, Deputy and Treasurer; treated with him, and they parted on fair terms. He ac knowledged the Pequot country and Block Island were ours, and promised he would not meddle with them, but by our leave. We gave him leave to right himself for the wrongs Janemo and Wequashcook had done him; aud for the wrong they had done us, we would right ourselves in our own time." [W. J.] Jan. 27, 1638. " The Indians of Block Island sent three men with ten fathom of wampum, for part of their tribute." (W. J.) We are not informed at what precise time. Block Island became tributary to the English. Probably not long before. June 3, 1638. A great tempest and flood in New-Eng land. "About Narragansett it raised the tide 14 feet above the ordinary spring tid«s." [W. J. 1, 267.] Meantinomy and Canonicus sell Chibbachuweset (Pru dence) Island, to Roger Williams and Gov. John Winthrop of Massachusetts, for 20 fathom wampum, and two coats. The deed is dated "the lOthof the 9th month of the 1st year the Pequots were subdued." (L. E. 1, 243.) The Indians had given this island to Mr. Oldham in 1634, but on condition that he should come and live among them, which he never did. [R. Williams's Letter, .3. M. H. C. 1, 165.] June, 1638. Janemo, Sachem of Nyantic, went to Long Island, and plundered some of the Indians who were tribu tary to the English. Their Sachems complained to Con necticut, who sent Capt. Mason with seven men to demand satisfaction. Massachusetts also wrote to Williams to treat with Meantinomy about satisfaction, or otherwise to threat en them with war. Upon this, Janemo made reparation for the injuries. [W. J.] July 1st, (Holmes says June 1st,) 1638, Great Karth- quake throughout New-England. [M. M. 208.] 30 There having been many disputes between Meantinomy and Uncas, the Mohegan Sachem, they agreed at Hartford in 1638, that they would not go to war with each other without first appealing to the English. They had made an agreement of the same sort with Massachusetts, the year previous. . [M. M. 232.] 1639. " The Indians of Block Island sent for their trib ute this year, ten fathom of wampum. The two chief Sa chems of Narragansett sent the Governor a present of thir ty fathom of wampum." [W. J. 295.] 1640. July 7. Coddington held a treaty with Meanti nomy. [Callender, 71. J July, 1640. There having been frequent rumors of In dian conspiracies and intended risings, Massachusetts sent Capt. Jenison with three men and an Indian interpreter, to discover the intentions of the Narragansett Sachems. The Sachems received them kindly, but refused to speak with them through their interpreter, because he was "a Pequot, and a servant of their enemy." They then procured anoth er interpreter. The Narragansetts denied all participation in any conspiracy with the Mohawks, and said they would go to Boston if Mr. Williams could be allowed to go with them, but this was refused. They declared they intended to continue friends to the English, unless the latter began the war. " Only Janemo, the Nyantic Sachem, carried himself proudly, and refused to come to us or yield to any thing ; only he said he would not harm us, except we invad ed him." (W. J. 2, 8.) Morton makes no mention of this message, and Trumbull but little. Oct. 1640. The General Court of Massachusetts receiv ed a letter from the magistrates of -Connecticut, New-Ha ven and Aquidneck, "wherein they declared their dislike of ^uch as would have the Indians rooted out, as being the cursed race of Ham; and their desire of our mutual accord^ m socking to gam Ihcm by justice and kindness. — Wo re- 31 fused to include those of Aquidneck incur answer, or to liave any treaty with them, [W J.J Nov. 1640. Meantinomy, making a visit to Boston, was met at Dorchester by some musketeers, and entertained at Roxbury. The interpreter being a Pequot, ho refused, as he had done before, to have any communication with them through him; but the Governor, "being as obstinate as he," refused to yield, " thinking it a dishonor to give so much way to them. Whereupon he came from Roxbury to Bos ton, departing in a rude manner, without showing any re spect or sign of thankfulness to the Governor for his enter tainment; whereof the Governor informed the General Court, and would show him no countenance, nor admit him to dine at our table, as he had formerly done, until he had acknowledged his failing, which he readily did, so soon as he could be made to understand it. — But it was conceived by some of the Court, that he kept back such things as he accounted secrets of state, and that he would carry home in his breast, as an injury, the strict terms he was put to, both in this and in the satisfaction he was urged to, for not ob serving our custom in matter of manners; for he told us that when our men came to him, they were permitted to use their own fashions, and so he expected the same liberty with us." A Pequot maid served as interpreter. The articles of the former treaty were read over to him, and approved by him. [W. J.] 1641. A misunderstanding arose between the people of Aquidneck and the Indians, by some of the latter (if not Meantinomy himself) kindling a fire on Easton's land, on Aquidneck, whereby his house was burnt, whether design edly or not, unknown. [Callender, 71.] 1641. " Richard Smith purchased a tract of the Narra gansett Sachems, among the thickest of the Indians, (com puted at 30,000,) erected a house for trade, and gave free entertainment to travellers; it being the great road of the country." [M. H. C, 1, 216,] 32 Mr, Smith, it seems from the account of Roger Williams, i^See Appendix,) was from Gloucestershire in England, of' a respectable family; and on coming to this country, settled down at Taunton. He remained there but a few years; as Taunton was first planted in 1637. [Backus, 1, 241.] The house of Smith, stood on the site of the present Up dike House, in North-Kingstown; and it is said the pres ent house contains (1835) some of the materials of the an cient one, bricks, &c. The very first house built by Smith, was probably a block house. The great road for all the travel from Boston, and the North and East to Connecticut and New-York, passed by his house, following the course of the shore, probably ver}' near the route of the present post road through Towerhill, Wakefield, Charlestown and Westerly. It was a very an cient path, and is often referred to in the oldest deeds, &c. as "the Country road," — "the road to Pequot, — "the Pe quot path." ,; Within a tew years after this, trading houses were built in Narragansett, by Roger Williams and a Wilcox. Roger Williams built within seven or eight years after Smith, and not far from him; but after keeping it a few years, he, in 1651, sold out to Smith his trading house, his two big guns, and a small island for goats, which had been lent him by the Sachems. [Callender. See Hist, of Narragansett, 3. M. H. C. vols 1 and 2.] For several years, Williams dates his letters from Cocum- squssick. [See Knowles.] The Smiths, afterwards made additional purchases of the Indians. March 8, 1656, Coginiquant leased them for sixty years, the land South of their dwelling house, bound ed on the North-west by the common path. South and South west by Annaquatucket river, South-east by the bay, and North-east and North by Cocumscussut harbor. .June 8, IC59, The same Sachem leased to them for one 33 thousand years, a tract, bounded as follows: — beginning at a maple tree by a spring, on the North-west side of the trading house; thence straight to a high hill, South-west from thence; then West to Annaquatucket river; bounded South-west by said river, to the Pequot path; then bounded by a great neck on the South-east, and by a path going to a small river, Showatucquese; then by the creek to Cocum scussut harbor; and bounded North-east by the harbor, and so on, to first bounds. Also, at the same time? he leased them the meadows at Sawgoge, and Paquinapaquoge, and a neck of land, lying East from the house on the other side of the cove. Oct. 12, 1660, Scultob and Quequaganuet confirmed these instrurnents, and absolutely quit-claimed to Smith, the neck last mentioned ; bounded South-west by Annaquatucket river; East by tbe bay, and North-west by Shewatuck creek. [Records of King's Province, 56-69.] Smith's was the first purchase, but there was not much done towards the settlement of the country by the whites; until the Pettiquamscut purchase, some time after. [Cal lender,] WARWICK PHRCHASi!, Jan. 12,1642. The sale of Warwick, was made by Mean tinomy, chief Sachem of Narragansett, to Randal Holden, John Green, John Wickes, Francis Weston, Samuel Gorton, Richard IVaterman, John Warner, Richard Carder, Sam son Shotton,, Robert Potter, and William Wuddal. It is said in the deed to be made with the consent of the present inhabitants, and the marks of Meantinomy, and of Pomham, Sachem of Showomet, are affixed to it. [L. E. 1. 168.] Nawashawsuc, an under Sachem of.Massasoit, also claim ed a right to this tract. Saccononoco, a Sachem of the coun try, had in 1641, made a- deed to William Arnold, Robert Cole, aud William Carpenter, and in 1644, he deeded a considerable tract, to Benedict Arnold, These four, in r* 34 Sept. 8, 1642, submitted themselves and their lands to Massachusetts. [Backus, 1. 119. Drake's Indian Biog raphy, 214. 321.] These'sales were a copious source of disputes between Massachusetts and Rhode-Island, the Indians, and the set tlers. Gorton and his associates, had previously incurred the displeasure of Massachusetts, and they were therefore, very ready to interfere. Pomham and Saccononoco, were induced te make a formal submission of themselves and their lands to Massachusetts, July 22, 1643, which may be seen"! in, W. J. 2, 123. 3. vols. Extracts R. I. Hist. Soc. Hubbard, (N. E. 404.) and Winthrop, (2. 120.) say that Pomham, was forced by Meantinomy, to sell, and that he (Pomham) refused to receive any share of the present. The Whole dispute turned upon the question, whether or not, the Shawomet, or Warwick* tribe, was independent. If they were independent, the sale from Meantinomy, was void. Meantinomy was sent for by Massachusetts, to come to Boston, and " being asked whether he had any interest in those two Sachems, as his subjects, he could prove none." [W. J. 2. 120.] We think it is apparent from all the ancient records and histories, that the Warwick tribe, was subject to Meanti nomy, and a component part of the great Narragansett na tion. To this we have the direct testimony of Roger Wil liams, before alluded to. (State Records, 1638-70. App. p. II.) In this case, the sale of Meantonomy, was good, and the pretended submission of Pomham to Massachusetts, of no effect whatever. [Huchinson, 1. 119.] Mr, Williams in some of his letters to Massachusetts, re ferring to this business, says, " And that your wisdom may see just grounds for your willingness, be pleased to be in- * So named by Gorton, in honor of his protector, the earl of Warwick. .35 formed of a reality of a solemn covenant between this town of Warwick and Pomham, unto which, notwithstanding he pleads his being drawn to it by awe of his superior Sachems, yet, I humbly offer that what was done, was according to the law and tenor of the natives, (I take in all New-England and America,) viz. that the inferior Sachems and subjects shall plant and remove at tbe pleasure of the highest and su preme Sachems, &c." Further extract from the same letter. "Besides satisfaction to Pomham, and the former inhabitants of this neck, there is a competitor who must also be satisfied; another Sachem, one Nawwashawsuc, who living with Ou samequin, lays claim to this place, and are at daily fewd with Pomham, to my knowledge, about the title and lord ship of it." [Haz, I. 610] Massachusetts, in the early times of Rhode-Island, shew ed an evident disposition to injure and retard her prosperity, and this pretended submission gave them a good excuse for interfering with their neighbor's affairs. In all these dis putes, the people, of Rhode-Island naturally took the part of their own citizens, to whom the sale had been made, and of Meantonomy, wha had always been their friend and pro tector. This sale is deserving of more attention, as the hatred borne by Massachusetts, towards Meantinomy, for the part he took in the affair, was undoubtedly the real cause why Meantinomy was afterwards so cooly and cruelly put to death, when he fell into their hands, in his war with the Mohegans, though other and more sanctimonious reasons were outwardly assigned for the deed. Gorton, also suf fered considerably. He was arrested, carried to Boston, tried and confined in irons, for a considerable time. Sept. 19, 1642. Newport commissions Roger Williams, to agree with Meantinomy, for the destruction of the welves on the island, and also concerning the deer hunt before granted to them, "provided the Indians shall no more re- 36 quire the like curtesy of hunting upon the Island, when as this enterprize is effected." [State Records, 1638-1670,] Sept, 1642. Connecticut having sent to Massachusetts several charges about intended risings, &c. against Mean tinomy; messengers, John Leverett, and Edward Huch inson, (Huch. 113.) were sent to Meantinomy to inform him of it. "He carried them apart in the woods, taking only one of his chief men with him, and gave them very ra tional answers to all their propositions, and promised also, to come over to us, which he did within the time prefixed." Meantimony visited Boston according to his promise. "Be ing called in and mutual salutations passed, he was set down at the lower end of the table, over against the Govern or, and had only two or three of his counsellors, and two or three of our neighboring Indians, such as he desired, but would not speak of any business at any time, before some of his counsellors were present, that they, might bear witness with him at his return home, of all his sayings. In his answers, he was very deliberate, showed good under standing in the principles of justice and equity, and ingenu ity withaL'' He demanded to have his accusers produced. The English answered, the accusers were not in their pow er and that they did not intend to give any credit to their charges, until they had informed him of them and given him an opportunity to deny them. He then asked them why they had disarmed their Indians, if they had not credited these charges? They answered, they had dqne it for their own security; some of the Indians at Saco, having robbed some of the whites, and with this answer he appeared to be satisfied. He gave many reasons why they should hold him free of any such conspiracy, alleging it to be a fabrication of his enemy, Uneas. He said that being innocent, he trusted to the justice of the English, and that he would come to them at any time they requested, if they would only send some Indians that he liked. The quarter part of two days 37 were spent in making arrangements, and all things were accommodated. Only some difficulty we had to bring him to desert the Nyantics if wc had just cause of war.with them. They were, he said, as his own flesh, being allied by con tinual intermarriages." But at last he agreed that if he couldnot bring them to give satisfaction, he would leave them to the English. " WhenWe should go to dinner, there was a table provided for the Indians to dine by themselves, and Meantinomy was left to sit with them. This he was discontented at, and would eat nothing, till the Governor sent him meat from his own table. So at night, and all the time he staid, he sat at the lower end of the magistrates ta ble. When he departed, we gave him and his counsellors, coats and tobacco, and when he came to take his leave of the Governor and such'of the magistrates as were present, he returned, and gave his hand to the Governor, saying, that was for the rest of the magistrates who were absent." — [W. J.] May 19, 1643. A confederation of Massachusetts, Ply mouth, Connecticut and New-Haven, for mutual defence. The cause assigned was, their fears of an Indian conspira cy, and a general rising against them. They refused to ad mit Rhode-Island into the confederacy; most probably at the instigation of Massachusetts, between whom and Rhode- Island, there was continual jealousy. The affairs of this confederacy, were transacted by a body generally named " The Commissioners of the United Colonies." 1643. Massachusetts procures an order from Crom well, and Earl of Warwick, for government of Narragan sett. (Brinley, M. H. G. 1.) I have not seen this men tioned elsewhere. Probably it arose from the differences about Pomham and the Shawomet purchasers. Morton (203) mentions, that Gorton, some time after the purchase, went to England, and procured from the Earl of Warwick an order for the quiet enjoyment of Shawomet; which he named Warwick in honor of the Earl, 38 March 17, 1643-4. Roger Williams procures a patent for Rhode Island, Providence Plantations and Narragan sett, from the Earl of Warwick, Governor and- Admiral of the Plantations, and the other Lords Commissioners of the Plantations, signed by all. They had been appointed by an ordinance of the Lords and Commons, dated Nov. 2, 1643. (Records, 1638-70, p. 119. Patent at length in Appendix.) It includes to the West, the Narragansett country, "the ¦whole tract, extending about 25 English miles unto the Pe quot river and country," — Extract from the patent — "And whereas, divers well-affected English inhabitants of the towns of Providence, Portsmouth and Newport, in the tract aforesaid, have adventured to make a nearer neighborhood and society to and with the great body of the Narragan setts, which may in time, (by the blessing of God upon their endeavors) be a surer foundation of happiness to all Amer ica, and have also purchased and are purchasing of and amongst the said natives, some other places which may be convenient, both for plantation' and also for the building of ships, supply of pipe-staves and other merchandise." [L. E. 2.] 1643. The animosity which ^had long existed between tbe Narragansetts and Mohegans, this year broke out into open war. There had been an attempt made to assassinate Uncas, by a Pequot, and it was alleged that Meantinomy en couraged it. Meantinomy had promised the Bay folks to send this Pequot to Uncas, for punishment; but on his way home from a visit to Boston, the Pequot was put to death; and it was said that Meantinomy was the author of this also. [Hubbard's N. E. 456.] A quarrel having arisen between Uncas and Sequasson^ a Sachem on Connecticut river, and a relative of Meantin omy, Uncas made war upon him, and did him considerable injury, Meantinomy took the part of his relative, with 1000 men; having previously, according to his agreement, 39 given notice to Connecticut and Massachusetts, of his in tention to make war on Uncas, The Governor of Massa chusetts, answered, " that if Uncas had done him or his friends wrong, and would not give satisfaction, we should leave him to take his own course." [W. J.] They met. Uncas had 400 men. It is highly probable, judging from the event, that these numbers are not quite correct. A battle ensued, and Meantinomy was taken, it is said, by the treachery of two of his Indians. A heavy suit of armor which Gorton h^d lent him, is said to have em barrassed his motions, and rendered his capture less diffi cult. (Hubb. N. E. 460.) " They killed about 30, and caused the rest to fly. Amongst the wounded, were two of Canonicus' sons, and abrother o? Meantinomy." (Hub. N. E. 450.) Hubbard says, that Uncas had previously to the battle, offered to decide the dispute by single combat. (457, N. E.) Winthrop says, that Gorton wrote a letter to Uncas, threatening him, in case he did not give up his prisoner. Uncas, after the battle, carried Meantinomy prisoner to Hartford; and at his own request, left him in custody of the English authorities there. MeantinoiTiy's conduct while at Hartford, seems to show that he indulged an expectation, (doomed to end in disappointment,) that he should receive more honorable treatment from the English, than he could expect from his captor. He gave information to Major Haines, the magistrate of Connecticut, of a design of the Narragansetts to seize some of the Commissioners, and hold them as hostages for his safety. [W. J.] Sept. 1643. The Commissioners of the Colonies met at Boston, and decided that Meantinomy should be put to death. Previous to this, however, they proceeded, as was a custom with our Puritan forefathers on all great occa sions, to take the counsel of the elders of the church. Ma ny deeds of very doubtful character, in the history of the 40 Colonies, were thus perpetrated under their sanction, and the cloak of religion. The reasons assigned for his death were these: 1. It was clearly discovered there was a general conspiracy among the Indians, and Meantinomy was at its head. 2. "He was of a turbulent and proud spirit, and would never be at rest." 3. Though he had promised to send to Uncas, the Pequot who had attempted to assassinate him, he had put him to death- on his way home. 4. He beat one of Pom- ham's men, took auay his' wjanpum, and bid him go and complain to Massachusetts. The Commissioners there upon ordered that Uncas should put him to death, and that two Englishmen should go with him to see execution done. [W. J. 2, 134.] " It is difficult to imagine how men, much less men pre tending to Christianity, could have satisfied themselves with such reasons, Thefirst charge that Meantinomy was at the head of an Indian conspiracy against the English, can be refuted from their own accounts and admissions. To the second, it might have have been good policy to have got rid of so turbulent, proud-spirited and restless a ritiaZ; but we see no justice in it. The third lacks proof, and even if proved, admits of explanation. The fourth is'absoliitely too trifling to be noticed at all. The Commissioners agreed to stand by Uncas in case the Narragansetts should attack him on account of Mean tinomy 's death; and the Connecticut authorities sent some musketeers home with him for his defence, and in order to show that the English approved of it. [W. J 2, 134.] The Narragansetts had sent various presents to the Com missioners, in order, as they said, to ransom Meantinomy; and this was afterwards a new source of embittered feelings against the English. [Haz. 2, 16 — 2?,] According to the decision, Uncas carried Meantinomy to the spot where he had been taken, supposed to be Sa- 41 chem's plain, and the instant they arrived there, one of Un cas' men split his head open from behind, killing him at once. The Mohegans buried him at the place of his exe cution, and erected a great heap or pillar on his grave, Trumbull relates that "Uncas cut a large piece out of his shoulder, and ate it in savage triumph." (1, 135.) Sa chem's Plain is in the East part of Norwich. There was a few years ago, a heap of stones there, on a spot pointed out by tradition as Meantinomy's grave. [M-. H. C. 3d ser. vol. 3.] About the place of this execution, there is some variance. Trumbull, (1, 135) giving for his authority "AM-SSofMr. Hyde," says it was on Sachem's Plain — that place having taken its name from this event. WinthrOp, (2, 134) says that Meantinomy was killed somewhere between Winsor and Hartford; and Savage considers this the most probable. We quote a part of Savage's note: — "With profound re gret I am compelled to express a suspicion, that means of sufficient influence would easily have been found for the se curity of themselves, the pacifying of Uncas, and the pre servation of Meantinomy, had he not encouraged the sale of Shawomet and Patuxet to Gorton and his heterodox asso ciates. This idea had been unwillingly entertained, years before I knew the comment of Governor Stephen Hopkins, (2. M. H. C. 9, 202) with which 1 close this unhappy sub ject; ' The savage soul- of Uncas doubted whether he ought to-takfe away the life of a great king, who had fallen into his hands by misfortune; and to resolve this doubt, he appealed to the Christian Commissioners of the four United Colonies, who met at Hartford in Sept. 1644, (mistake.) They were less scrupulous, and ordered Uncas to carry Me antinomy out of their jurisdiction, and slay him; but kindly added, that he should not be tortured. They sent some per sons to see execution done, who had the satisfa-ction to see the captive king murdered in cold blood. This was the end 42 of Meantinomy, the most potent Indian prince the people of New England ever had any concern with; and this was the reward he received for assisting them seven years before, in their wars .with the Pequots. Surely a Rhode-Island man may be permitted to mourn his unhappy fate, and drop a tear on the ashes of Meantinomy, who, with his uncle Canonicus, were the best friends and greatest benefactors, the colohy ever had : they kindly received, fed and protect ed the first settlers of it, when they were in distress, and were strangers and exiles, and all mankind elsewhere their ene mies ; and by this kindness to them, drew upon themselves the resentment of the neighboring colonies, and hastened the untimely end of the young King.' " The course of the narrative has so fully shown the char acter of Meantinomy, that we need not here make many farther remarks upon it. That he was a bold and brave, a prudent and skilful prince, even his enemies, from whom we have his story, admit. That his ideas of justice and honor should be the same as those entertained in the pres ent age, could not be expected: that they were at least as elevated as tjiose of his contemporary English opponents, no one who rsads their histories can doubt. To the testimony of Winthrop, before given, may be ad ded that of Hubbard, (N. E. 446.) "The Narragansetts were animated by the haughty spirit and aspiring mind of Meantinomy, the heir-apparent of all the Narragansett peo ple, after the decease of the old Sachem Canonicus, bis un cle. This Meantinomy was a very good personage, of tall stature, subtil and cunning in his contrivements, as well as haughty in his designs." He was suspected of joining a conspiracy against the English, but "by his readiness to appear, satisfied the English that he was innocent." And p. 448. "Meantinomy, when he was at Boston, was very deliberate in his answers, showing a good understand ing in the principles of justice and equity, as well as a seeming ingenuity withal. But though his words were 43 smoother than oil, yet as many conceived, in his heart were drawn swords. It was observed also that he would never speak but when some of his counsellors were present, that they might as he said, bear witness of all his speeches at their return home." Oct. 1643. The new Sachem, Pessicus, (aged about 20) Meantinomy's brother, sent presents to Massachusetts, de siring to be left to make war on Uncas, and the 16th of the next March after, another similar message, to both of which, negative answers were returned and his presents were re fused. He was told that they would stand by Uncas if he attacked him. [W. J.] April 19. (Callendar says Aug.) 1644. Pessicus and Canonicus made a formal submission to King Charles, which may be seen at length in Gortons Simplicity's De fence. Pessicus signs first as "chief Sachem and success or of that late deceased Meantinomy. " Then follows " the mark of that ancient Canaunicus, Protector of that late deceased Meantinomy during the time of his nonage " then " the marke of Mixau, son and heir of that abovesaid Canaunicus." May 24, 1644. They send a letter to Massachusetts (probably written by some of the English in their neighbor hood.) viz. Nanh^ganset, May 24th, 1644. We understand your desire is that we should comedowne into the Massachussetts at the time of your Court now ap proaching; or occasions at this time are very great, and the more because of the losse (in that manner.) of our late de ceased brother, upon which occasion, if we should not stirr ourselves to give testimony unto the cause of that or so un just deprivations of such an, instrument as he was amongst us for our coman good, wee should fear his blood would lye upon ourselves, so that we desire of you, being we take you for a wise people, to let us know your reasons why you seeme to advise us as you doe, not to goe out against or so 44 mhuman and cruell adversary, who took so great a ransome to release him, and his life also, when that wass done; or brother was willing to stirr much abroad, to converse with men, and wee see a sad event at the last thereupon. Take it not ill therefore, though wee resolve to keepe at whom unlesse some great necessity call us out, and so at this time, do not repair unto you according to your request, and the rather, because we have subjected Ourselves, or lands and possessions, with all the rights and inheritances of us and our people, either by conquest, voluntary subjection or oth erwise, unto that famous and honorable government of that royal King Charles, and that State of Ould England, to be ordered and governed according to laws and customs there of; net doubting of the continuance of that former love that hath bene betweene you and us, but rather to have it in creased hereby, being subjected now (and that with joynt and voluntary consent) unto the same king and state your selves are; so that if any small thing of difference should fall out betwixt us, onely the sending 01*3 messenger, may bring it to rights again; but ifany great matter should fall (which we hope and desire will not nor may not) then neither your selves nor wee are to be judges; but both of us are to have recourse, and repair unto that honorable and just govern ment; and for the passage of us or our men to and againe amongst you, about our or their owne occasions to have com- erse with you, wee desire and hope they shall have no worse dealing or entertainment than formerly wee have had amongst you, and do resolve, to give no worse respect un to you or yours, (accordingly) thas formerly have found amongst us, according to the conditions and manners of our country. PESSICUS, "V-J*"^ His marke. COLLOUNICUS, ^^^^^ His mnrkc, 45 Upon receiving this letter, the Massachusetts sent mes sengers to Narragansett. " Canonicus would hardly admit of any speech with them, except a few froward expressions, but referred them to Pessicus, who carrying them into an ordinary wigwam, discoursed a long time: — his answers were whty and full to the questions. He told them he would presently go to war upon Uncas, but not after the manner Meantinomy did with a great army, but by sending out small parties to CEitch his men, and prevent their getting a livelihood. [W. J. Hubb. N. E. 463.] In the unsettled state of the country, and from the dis turbances which ensued after Meantinomy's death, the peo ple of Rhode-Island suffered much, although they general ly had been on the most friendly terms with the Indians. They were obliged to request to be taken into the confede racy of the colonies, but this was haughtily refused. — [Trumbull, 1, 176.] June 23, 1644. Pomham sent word to Boston that the Narragansetts had killed some of Uncas's men, and had tried to engage him in the war. 10 men were sent from Boston to help Pomham build a, fort. [W. J.] Sept. 1644. The Commissioners sent Thomas Stanton and Nathaniel Willet to the Narragansetts, who in return sent messengers .to Hartford, where the difference between the Narragansetts and Uncas was partly settled. They agreed not to make war until after the next planting time, and to give the English 30 days notice. [Haz. 2, 26. — W. J.— M. M.] 1646. The Commissioners sent Benedict Arnold and oth ers, messengers to the Narragansetts, who returned with an answer. The Indians afterwards declared that -\rnold had misrepresented them, and it seems he was afraid to venture among them for some time after. . Mr. Williams was sent for by the Narragansetts, to come and assist them in their troubles, and the Commissioners negotiated with them 46 through him. The Commissioners ordered an army raised, . and put it under Sergeant Major Edward Gibb'ons. Rhode- Island and Aquidneck agreed to preserve a neutrality with the Indians. [Hubb. N. E. 461 . Haz. 2, 30, 31; &c. 50.] Aug. 27, 1645. A treaty Was concluded at Boston be tween the English and Pessicus, Maxanno, (eldest son of Canonicus) Awashequin, deputy of the Nyantics, and oth ers on the part of the Narragansett Indians. (Treaty at length, Haz. 2, 40.) The Indians agreed to pay 2000 fath om white wampum, or one third as much black wampum ; 500 fathom in 20 days, 500 more in four months, 500' more at next planting time, and the rest in two years. Uncas and the Narragansetts were to make reparation to each other for injuries. The Narragansetts agreed to surrender up all In dian fugitives and captive's; to pay a yearly sum for the Pe quots, who lived among them, and to give up all right to the Pequot country. They also gave hostages, and agreed to sell no land without consent of the Commissioners. In this treaty, the advantage was all on the side of the English. (See also Huch. 140. Trumb. 1, 156. Key, 129. M. M.) The value of wampum had probajjly fallen, from the in creased quantity of it manufactured. 1646. This year the Narragansetts declared themselves un able pay the wampum, and the Commissioners refused to receive any thing less than the whole sum. The whole was not collected until 1660, when the Massachusetts sent Capt. Atherton with 20 soldiers, to demand payment, -and for want of payment to seize Pessicus himself Pessicus at tempted toiexpostulate with them, but Capt. Atherton seized him by the hair, among his Indians who suspected nothing, and were probably unprepared for defence, and threatened his life. They were so affi-ighted, that they collected the tribute and paid it. Pessicus declared he had been forced into the treaty. [Hubbard's N. E. 465. Huch, 1. 142. Haz. 2, 76 and 151,1 47 Capt. Davis being sent with a troop to- put down some disturbances among the Nyantics, forced Ninigret to sub mit. [Hubb. N, E, 465.] May 19, 1647. Meeting of R. I. General Court. The care and government of the trading-houses in Narragansett was assigned to Newport. [State Records,] August 3, 1647. Ninigret and other Indians went ta Boston. On' being reminded of the treaties, he declared himself entirely ignorant of them. [Trumb. 1. 167. — Haz.] A portrait of the Ninigret of 1647, is preserved at New- York, by the descendants of Governor John Winthrop Jr. with the interesting tradition, that the life of their ancestor was once saved by him. [W. J. n. 2. 308.] June 4. 2647. Canonicus, the great Sachem of Narra gansett died, "bein^ a very old man , leaving the hereditary quarrel still entailed upon his successor." Hubbard places Canonicus'S death a year later, and has misled Dr. Holnoes. [Hubb. N. E. 464. W. J. n. 308.] Canonicus was an old man at the time of the first settle ments in Rhode-Island. He received and protected the first, settlers, and always continued their friend. He seems in his latter years to have had many gloomy fears and fore bodings as to the futiire fate of his nation, _ wishingj. but yet doubting that the English, whom he had cherished until they now^had grown strong, might return to his posterity the kindnesses he so generally bestowed upon them in their feeble state. (R. Williams Key. 64.) " Canonicus, the old high Sachim of the Nariganset Bay, (a wise and peac able Prince,) once in a solemn oration to myself in a solemn assembly, using this word, (wunnaumwayean, if he speak true,) said, I have never suffered any wrong to be offered to the English since they landed; nor never will: he often repeated this word, ifthe Englishman speakt.'ue, if he meane truly, then shall I goe to my grave in peace, and liope that the English and my posterity shall live in love and peace 48 together. 1 replied that he had no cause, as I hoijcd, to ques tion Englishmen's faithfulnesse, he having had long experi ence of their friendlinesse and trustinesse. He tooke a stick and broke it into 10 pieces, and related 10 instances, (lay ing down a stick to every instance) which gave him cause thus to fear and say; I satisfied him in some presently, and presented the rest to the Governors of the English, who I hope will be far from giving just cause to have Barbarians to question their faithfulnesse." "Their late, famous long-lived Caunonicus, so lived and died, and in the same most honorable inanner and solemni ty (in their way) as you laid to sleep your prudent peace maker, Mr. Winthrop, did they honor this their prudent and peaceable prince. His son, Mexam, inherits his spirit. Yea, through all their towns and countries, how frequently do many, and oft times our Englishmen, travel alone with safety and loving kindness." [R. Williams's Letter in 3d vol. of Extracts, R. I. Hist. Soc. 1, 65. Haz. 2, 12.] John Winthrop, of Pequot, at a meeting of the Commis sioners in July, 1647, laid claim to the western Nyantic or Quinnabaug country, (including part of Lyme,) by verbal gift from a Nyantic Sachem, Sashions, or Sashyus, but af terwards gave up the greater part of his claim. [Haz, 2, 93. Trumb." 1, 170.] 1648. Henry Bull, of Newport, complains to the Com missioners of the Colonies, that the Narragansetts had beaten him. He is referred back to the Rhode-Isla,nd au thorities. [Haz. 2, 100.] The Narragansetts are again pressed hard for their trib ute. In September, the Commissioners of the Colonies sent messengers to them; and the Indians, hearing that many horsemen were come into their country, were alarm ed. Pessicus fled, to Rhode-Island. By Mr. Williams's means, they were induced to come to a conference. They denied the charge made against them of hiring foreign In- 49 dians to fight against Uncas. There had been a little while before this a large gathering of Indians in Connecticut, and the Narragansetts had sent a present. This had caused the suspicions against them. [Back. 1, 196. W. J.] 1649. The Colonies alarmed by a report that Sassacus' son was to be married to Ninigret's daughter, fearing a gen eral Indian alliance. (Trumb. 1, 186. Haz. 2, 131, 162.) Ninigret went to a meeting of the Commissioners of the colonies this year at Boston, and had a long talk which re sulted in nothing. [Haz. 2, 131.] May 22, 1649, Rhode-Island general Court at Warwick. Leave granted to Roger Williams to let his Indian servant kill fowl for him about his house at Narragansett. Leave granted to Williams to " sell a little wine or strong water to some natives in their sicknesse." [St. Rec] May, 1650. Rhode-Island General Court at Newport. " Ordered that Pessicus shall have liberty to get so many chestnut rynes upon the common of the Island, as may cover him a wigwam, provided that no wrong may be done to any particular person upon the island." [St. Rec] 1651. We have this year a case which 'goes a great way to show that the Indians seldom understood the treaties which the historians represent them as having made, or at least seldom understood them in the same sense with the whites. The annual tribute was required of Uncas, and of some of the Nyantics. They paid it, but demanded why it was required of them? how long it was to continue, and whether it was to be paid by the children yet unborn? Per formance of such treaties, so misunderstood could never have been expected of them. [Trumb. 1. 205. Haz. 2. 188, 423.] Nov. 1661. Rhode-Island General Court at Providence. Order passed that all purchases made of the Indians with out consent of the colony, should be void. [St. Rec] May, 1662. Rhode-Island General Court at Warwick. The Dutch forbid to have any trade with our Indians, — 50 There was at this time a war between the English and the Dutch. The prohibition was repealed May, 1657. [St. Rec] It was reported that Ninigret, (who had spent the winter among the Dutch at Manhattoes, and had been sent back in the spring in a Dutch sloop with arms and ammunition^ had employed a man to poison Uncas, but the attempt failed, and the man was put to death. [Hubb. N. E. 546. Holmes 1. 298. Haz. 2. 211, 241.] In the spring of 1653, messengers were sent to the Nar ragansett Sachems, by the Commissioners of the Colonies, to charge them with conspiring with the Dutch against the English. Ninigret, Pessicus and Mexham, wholly denied the charge and sent back explanations of what they had done. [Haz. 2. 206.] Early in Sept. 1653, messengers were sent to negociate with them about their attack on the Long Island Indians. — The messengers did not bring back ^uch an answer as was expected, and so Sept. 20th, the commissioners ordered 260 men, (Mass, 166.. Plym. 30. Conn, 33. New-Haven 21.) to be raised against Ninigret, but Massachusetts refusing to co-operate, thinking it unjust, the war was never under taken. [Haz. 2. 292. 295. Holmes. 1. 298.] 1654. The war had broken out again between Ninigret and the Long Island Indians. Some of the people of Rhode- Island sent word to Massachusetts, that Ninigret had fallen. upon the Long Island Indians, without any cause whatever; but Roger Williams in one of his letters, dated ^th of 8fh mo. 1664, (3 vols. Extracts.) says, " The cause and root of all the present mischief is the pride of two barbarians, Ascas- sassotic, the Long Island Sachem, and Ninigret of the Nar ragansett — the former is proud and foolish; the latter is proud and fierce. I have not seen him these many years, yet from their sober men I hear he pleads 1st, that Ascas- sassotic, a very inferior Sachem, bearing himself upon the 51 English, hath slain 3 or 4 of his people, and since that-, sent him challenges and darings to fight and mend himself 2d. He (Ninigret,) consulted by solemn messengers with the chief of the English governors. Major Endicott, then gov ernor of the Massachusetts, who sent him an implicit con sent to right himself , upon which they all plead, that the En glish have just occasion of displeasure. 3d. After he had taken revenge upon the Long Islanders and brought away about 14 captives, divers of their chief women, yet he re stored them all again upon the mediation and desire of the English. 4th. After this peace made, the Long Islanders, pretending to visit Ninigret at Block Island, slaughtered of his Narragansetts near 30 persons at midnight, two o them of great note, especially Wepiteamoc's son, to whom Ninigret was uncle. 6th. In the prosecution of this war, although he had drawn down the Islanders to his assistance, yet upon protestation of the English against his proceedings, he retreated and dissolved his army." In this same letter, Williams bears this testimony; "I cannot yet learn that even it pleased the Lord to permit the Narragansetts to stain their hands with any English blood, neither in open hostilities nor secret murders, as both Pe quods and Long Islanders did, and Mohegans also in the Pequod war. It is true they are barbarians, but their great est offences against the English have been matters of mon ey ,or petty revenging of themselves on some Indians, upon extreme provocations but God kept them clear of our blood." In one of the expeditions made by Ninigrets men to Long Island, they took captive the daughter of Wyandance, their chief Sachem, who was soon after ransomed by the aid of some of the English inhabitants. [Wood's Long Island. 66. J It appears that Ninigret had charged the Long Island In dians before the Commissioners, with murdering some of his people, but no notice was taken of the charge, [Hazard 2, 359.] Connecticut, having taken the Long Island Indians under her protection, in September, messengers were sent to Nin igret to demand peace. He answered, that the Long Isl and Indians had begun the war, and killed one of his Sa chem's sons and 60 men. He desired the English to let him alone. If your governor's son were slain, and several other men, would you ask counsel of another nation, how and when to right yourselves? He should neither go nor send to Hartford. [Haz. 2. 318.] . The Commissioners then in October, raised 270 foot and 40 horse, and sent Major Willard against Ninigret; but the latter having secured himself and his men in, a swamp, Willard was obliged to return without doing any thing ef fectual. The Commissioners were very angry with him that he had not completely subdued Ninigret.- [M. M. Trumb. 1. 230-1-2. Haz. 2. 319, 337, &c.] The Council of Massachusetts, in October, previous to the expedition, had published a manifesto against Ninigret, ap proving of the attack upon him, and appointing a fast day. [3 vols. Extracts.] June, 1655. Rhode-Island General Court. A commit tee appointed to treat with the Narragansett Sachems, about the grass on Conanicut, and let them know we had a right to this grass by deed from the deceased Sachems. — They had bought the right to this grass or marsh, at the same time they bought Aquidneck Island. [St. Rec] March 17, 1655-6; Pomham summoned before the (jen- eral Court of Rhode-Island, for injuries he had done the Warwick people. [St. Rec] Sept. 1656. Meaksaw complained to the Commissioners of Uncas' abusing him, and jeering about his dead ances tors, which he wished to revenge. The Commissioners said they would inquire into it. (Haz. 2. 349.) How great an insuU this was considered among the Indians, may be seen from Key, 161. 53 1657. This year was the beginning of the Pettiquamscut pu.'-chase. [See Apprndix.] It would appear from many circumstances that after the death of the two great Sachems Canonicus and Meantinomy, the Narragansetts were much split up by intestine divisions, and that none of the Sachems of the family of Canonicus and Meantinomy, had been able to maintain the same au thority Over all the tribes. Hence the Pettiquamscut pur chasers were obliged to purchase the same land over again from several Sachems, who were claimants and asserted a title to it. Sept. 1657. A new message sent by the Commissioners to Ninigret, to require him to abstain from hostility ivith the other Indians. Massachusetts dissents from the vote, giv ing for a reason that Uncas' conduct had been very insolent and provoking. [Haz. 2, 380, 423.] Oct. 1657. Some people who had settled near Pawca tuck river, (probably on the west side) petition Massachu setts for a confirmation of the grants which they had receiv ed from Connecticut. Massachusetts sends a letter to Connecticut on the subject. On the petition of George Denison and others, Massachusetts sets up officers in that country, and the management of their affairs there, was con fided to Capt. George Denison, Mr. Parks, William Cheese- borough and John Minot, Sen, ; and Walter Palmer appoint ed Constable. Connecticut and Massachusetts had dispu ted a long time about the jurisdiction of the conquered Pe quot country; but in Sept. 1668, the Commissioners of the colonies settled Mystic as the dividing line. In Oct. 1658, the General Court of Massachusetts erected the lands about Pawcatuck into a town, by the name of Southertown; and added it to Suffolk County. [3 vols. Extracts R. 1. Hist. Soc. 1. 89, Sf.c. See Hist. Ante. 1637.] March 28, 1657. Koskotap, Sachem ofBassokutoquagc in Narragansett, sells to Thomas Gould of Newport, Aquo- pimokuk or Gould's Island. [L. E, I. 33.] 54 April 17, 1657. Coqinaquand for =£100, sells Conani cut to William Coddington and Benedict Arnold, Sen. Quis- sucquansh, and other Sachems afterwards confirmed it. IL.E. 1, 86.] The hostility between the Narragansetts and Mohegans, still remained in all its violence. The Narragansetts had planned an attack on a fort of Uncas, but some of the En glish gave timely notice of it to Uncas, who thus was ena bled to prevent it. One of the chief Counsellors of the Nar ragansetts complained of this to the General Court of Rhode- Island, at Warwick, who wrote a letter on the subject to Capt. Denison, Thomas Stanton, and the English inhabitants at Pequot. [St. Rec. 1638-70. p. 160.] To OHR HONORED AND BELOVED FRIENDS, CaPT. DeNISON AND Mb. Thomas Stanton, to be communicated to SUCH of the English as it may concern at Pequot, OR OTHER parts OP THE COUNTRY. Beloved Countrymen : In the consideration of the great charge that lieth on every one, to endeavor the preservation of the peace of this country, and every member thereof; we do therefore make use of this present occasion to the end premised, and you may please to understand, that we have at this very instant, a very solemn and serious information from the Narragansett Sachems, by a chief counsellor of theirs, that they take it ill of some English who live near Uncas his fort, for that (as they say) the English, by their scouts, discover to the Moheagans the approach of the Nar- ragansets, and thereby do defeat their designs in war against Uncas. And further, these Indians do say; that they think those English that so do, do not do it by order of any colo ny or court, but for'money given underhand by Uncas. And further they tell us, that the islanders called Mocquayes, are in great number coming down against Uncas, and these In dians fear that those islanders, finding anv such carriaTe 55 from those English, by making signs or shouting to give Uncas notice as aforesaid, of his enemies approach; "that then those islanders maybe enraged, and either take or kill such scout or scouts; and now on this information, these Narraganset Sachems desire us so to inform you, for that they desire a fair correspondency with the English. Thus much only we shall add; that is, that you, our loving -countrymen, do well consider of the matter, and weigh the grounds of those actions, so as if possible, the peace of the country and therein your safety with ours ipaybe preserved; for that is the utmost extent of our desires, and we only desire to inform you, but no way to engage in either part of the Indian quarrels one with another. And so we rest your affection ate countrymen and friends. From the General Court of Comissioners held for the Col ony of Providence Plantations, at Warwick. Per me, JOHN SANFORD, General Recorder, Dated July 4th, 1657. March, 1667-8. Rhode-Island General Court at Ports mouth. Roger Williams presents a petition, and also a deed of gift of Hope Island, from Meantinomy, late Sachem. A committee appointed to desire his successors to give Williams peaceable possession, or they will be proceeded against legally. [St. Rec] May 1758. General Court at Warwick. The people of Warwick complaining of Pomham, were authorized to ar rest him and proceed against him legally. At the next October session, a warrant was granted for his arrest. — [St. Kee.] May 22, 1758. Cachanaquant sells Aquidnesuc, Small or Dutch Island, Nomsussmuc or Goat Island, and Woon- achaset or coasters Harbor Island, to Benedict Arnold and others. [L. E. 1. 86, 110.] Oct. 19, 1668. The General Court of Massachusetts grant all their right to Block Island, to Governor John En- 56 dicott, Richard BelHngliam, Gen. Daniel Denison, and Maj. Wilham Hathome, [3 vols. Extracts. 1, 104.] Nov. 1768. General Court of Rohde-Island. A law passed that no one should submit his lands to any other jurisdiction, on penalty of forfeiture. (A dispute with Plym outh, about Hog Island, was probably the cause ofthis law.) A law also made against purchasing from the Indians with out consent of the colony, on penalty of forfeiture. " Quis- sucquansh the chief Sachem of Narragansett," appeared before the Court and engaged to pay £ 7, 10s, to Robert Grif fin, before the next Court of tiyals, and an order jSassed, that if he did not, " there shall be means used to fetch him in and cause the said Sachem to make satisfaction." [St. Rec] . The following document belongs properly in or about this place. " The 23 of Februarie, 1669. We, whose names are underwritten being appointed by the inhabitants of South ern Towne, to set the line at Weakapauge. For to help us to understand where Weakapauge is, we desired some Po- quatuck Indians to go with us, whose information as follow- eth, that Hermon Garrett did charge them that they should not goe any farther than the east side ofalittle swampe, near the east end of the first greate pond where they did pitch down a stake, and told us that Hermon Ga'rrett said that, that verie place was Weakapauge did, that he said it and not them and if they should say that Weakapauge did goe any further Hermpn Garret would be angry, for he was the governor. Further they told us that Hermon Garrett said, that the land next ajoining, namely, called Muqutak liing betwixt the two ponds was Hermon Garrett's owne land, but upon further debate about Weakapaug. How far Eastward it did extend, Cassasinamon with the other Indians affirme that the lands betwi.ict the two ponds to their owne knowledge was ever accounted Pequit lands, called Weakapauge. Cas sasinamon further says for confirmation of the same, that 57 herae to fore there was a whale cast ashore upon this neck of land and the Pequit Sachem came with a company of men and fetched it away. Further; Themas*Stanton afirmes that he heard Hermon Garrett say, that the neck of land called Quinicuntauge, was his land. The names of the Indians that was with us and gave us this information, was as fol lows: — Cassasinamon, Wissqunch, Johnequamapatah. GEORGE DENISON, THOMAS MINER, SAM. CHEESEBROUGH, THOMAS PARKE, THOMAS STANTON, NEHEMIAH PALMER. The whole from Weakapauge to Misticke River is 10 miles and 28 poles. From Weakapauge to Mr Stanton's, is 3 miles and 300 rods. From Mr. Stanton's to Goodman Cheesebrough's, is 2 miles and 123 rods. From Goodman Cheesebrough's to Misticke River by Capt. Denison's house, is 4 miles." May 27, 1659. Cachanaquant, alias Jassarono, sells to Randal Holden and Samuel Gorton, on account of losses they ha(J met with in the purchases they had made of his de ceased brother, a neck of land called Nannaquokset and a small island called Azoiquoneset, over against said neck. — (The island is now called Fox Island, and the land was be tween Wickford and Annaquatucket river.) " And I am greatly provoked to this my free act and deed with respect unto that great Sachem of old England, in regard of the great fame I have heard of him, which makes my heart to bow with great affection towards him when I heare of him, to whom, I perceive, these my friends are faithful servants, which doth not a little draw my heart unto them." [L. E . 1. 164-6.] Pessicus, alias Maussup, alias Sucquansh, confirms the deed. Appended to it, is the following of a later date. 5H " Coganaquant, came before mc and owned his hand and scale to the deed of gift herein specified, and declares that he was not in drink,*but ^ober at the afecting of it, and de nies that it was a sale; and further saith that when he sold the land to Maj. Atherton and the rest of the Bay-men, in presence of Richard Smith, he, the said Coganaquant ex cepted the neck of land herein specified, being given to Capt- Randal Holden, and Mr. Samuel Gorton, Sen., and fur ther saith that he never made any lease thereof to Richard Smith, for more time than three years. Taken before me, JOHN GREENE, Assistant. Warwick, May 18,1668." Gorton, (L. E. 1, 190.) gave his share ofthis purchase Nov. 27, 1677, to his daughters, on the express condition that they should defend the title against Smith. However, they afterwards sold out to the Smiths, Lodowick Updike &.c. June 11, 1659. Maj. Humphrey Atherton and his partners, purchased Aquitawoset or Quidnesett, of Coqina quand, bounded on the North-east by Mascacowage brook, by Cocumscussuc biook on the South-west, the sea on the South, and the common path on the North-west; excepting what had been sold before to Smith. July 4th. The same company bought Namocock or Namcook, (Boston Neck,) the North bounds to run West from Cocumsqussut brook, to Annaquatucket, and thence Westerly to the North-west part of Pausacaco pond. The lands formerly sold to the Smith, and the neck sold to Holden were excepted out of this purchase. June 14, 1660. These purchases were confirmed by Quissucquansh, Scultop, and Quequaquomet. [Hist, of Narr. 3. M, H. C. vols. 1 and 2. Records of King's Province.] Major Atherton had been much employed in the negoci- ations between the Indians and the English, and made use of the influence he thus acquired to make purchases for himself and associates. From 1658 to 1661, he was employed assuperintendant of the praying Indians as they were call- 59 ed. (Gookin.) *It should be recollected when readinglhe account of the fubsequent conduct of the Rhode-Island gov ernment towards these men, that their purchases were made in contravention of an express law of tho colony; and the government therefore did not consider them valid, but treat ed him and his company as intruders. Roger Williams in a letter to Maj. Mason, (M. H. C. vol. 1.) says that when Atherton first came into Narragansett, he informed him that his purchasing would be contrary to law, and refused all his offers of land which Atherton made, to engage him to as sist and interpret for him. May, 1659. General Court at Providence. A commit tee of four appointed to run the colony West line, according to the charter, and to prevent intrusions, and notice of it ordered to be given to John Winthrop. Considering that there was a good place for a settlement at Nianticut, they appointed Benedict Arnold, Arthur Fenner, William Baul- ston, and Capt. R. Holden, to purchase the land of Niniciaft and sell to those who want it. [St. Rec] Aug. 1669. General Court at Portsmouth. A commit tee appointed to draw up letters to Massachusetts, the Com missioners of the colonies, and Atherton, &c, about his ille gal purchases. The General Court having been informed that Richard Smith had made many threats against those who should molest his possession of Hog Island, voted that they would stand by them and save them harmless. The pur chasing committee appointed at May session, were author ised to make another purchase at Potowomut. Payment not having been made by Quissucquansh, according to his agreement, he was ordered to be notified. Ordered that the articles of agreement made. May 28. 1650, between the col ony and Quissucquansh, the chief Sachem of the Narrugan- rictl, be recorded. [St. Rec] ' In llaz. 2. 3i)3, we find C 10 allowed Maj. ilumphroy Atherton, fui I'.v,-; (ling Ouui to amongst thf Indi'iiiio m divers plai.tki and instructing them ir, ihiiir civil '. i uvcrsajion 60 Aug, 26, 1639, Tacommanan, (the father,) Wasewkit, his son, and Namowish, his grandchild, make a formal sub mission of the Coheassuck lands to the R, I. government. Aug. 28, 1660, they deeded to the colony a tract there bounded North by Potowomut river. South by Cocum- squisset or stony brook, and East by the bay. [Foster pa pers.] May, 1660, General Court at Portsmouth. A Committee was appointed to "ripen the matter concerning the purchases made by the gentlemen of the Bay in Narragansett," and to report thereon. Payment ordered to be mad& t6 Griffin, out of the lands purchased of Quissucquansh. [St. Rec] Oct, 1660. General Court at Warwick. Committee ap pointed to treat with Atherton, &c. about their purchases, and to make a settlement with him. If he refuses to treat, to prohibit his proceeding. In May, 1661, they were con tinued with power to agree to a reference. [St. Rec] It would seem that there had been considerable disturb ance in the country about 1660. Some of the Narragansetts, probably while on an expedition against Uncas, attacked a house in the Mohegan plantation, and fired several shots into it, and did some injury to a Bruster's house and family. Tfie Narragansett Sachems excused themselves, declaring that they had no hand in the affair, and requested time for con sideration; but the Commissioners of the colonies sent mes sengers to Ninigret, Pesicus, Woquacanoose and the other Narragansett Sachems, to demanded four of the chief ag gressors, or else 500 fathoms wampum. If they were de livered up, they were to be sent to Barbadoes and sold for slaves. They were directed also to reprove Ninigret, for his insolence in surprising and killing six Long-Island In dians on Gull Island. A force sent by Connecticut, com pelled the Sachems, Sept. 29, 1660, to mortgage the whole Narragansett country to the Commissioners ofthe colonies, for a fine of 595 fathoms wampum. The mortgage was 61 made by Quisucquous, (Pesicus.) Ninigret and Scuttap, was to be satisfied in four months and was recorded in Con necticut and Rhode-Island. Oct. 30, Quissucquansh, Ninigret, Scuttup and Wequaqueniut, mortgage all the unsold lands in Narragansett to Atherthon & Co. on con dition that they should pay the fine due from them to the Commissioners of the colonies; the Indians also binding themselves not to sell any lands in Narragansett, without the consent of Atherton & Co. Atherton paid the fine and the Governor of Connecticut gave him a written discharge. The Indians not having paid the sum in six months, the time which had been agreed upon, Scuttup and Ninigret in the spring of 1662, delivered formal possession to the mort gagees, and a certificate ofthe delivery was made by Smith, Hutchinson and other witnesses, before Governor John Endicott. [Haz. 2,414, 432. L. E. 2, 189, 190-1-2.] The validity ofthis mortgage and delivery, it will be ob served, turns wholly on the question of jurisdiction. Ifthe jurisdiction of Narragansett belonged to Rhode-Island, then these proceedings were illegal and void; and they were always regarded as suchjby the Rhode-Island gov ernment. If it had belonged to Connecticut or Plymouth, the case would have been different. 1661. Arrangements where made this year by the Rhode-Islanders, for commencing settleme;jt of Squamicut or Westerly. [See Appendix.] Sept. 1661. Capt. Gookin and others, complaining to the Commissioners ofthe Colonies of the attempt ofthe Rhode-Islanders to settle, at Squamicut, they write to Rhode-Island concerning it; and again in Sept. 1662, in which latter letter they mention the prohibition which had been sent to Westerly by Rhode-Island. [Haz. 2. 448, 467, 486.] Sept. 1661. William Cheesebro and his sons complain to Massachusetts that Benedict Arnold Sen. Edward Dyer, 62 Capt. Cunigravc and people of iUiodc-Island to the number of thirty-six, had laid claim to the lands of Southertown, East of Pawcatuck river, and laid out lots there. The Governor thereupon, Oct. 26th, issued a warrant to the constable of Southertown, upon which Tobias Sanders, Robert Burdet, and Joseph Clarke were arrested, Nov. 1.1661. Clarke was again set at liberty; the other two were examined at Boston, 1661 Nov. 9, and committed for trial. They were afterwards tried and fined £40, and imprisoned until they should pay the fine and find sureties of the peace. They complained to England of their treatment. [Ext. 1. 149, 182, 226.] 1662. The Sachems Quissucquansh and Ninneganit, made a formal submission to Charles 2nd, and comfirm ed it in 1663. [St. Rec. 1638-70 app. p. 25,] Thomas Stanton, Sen. who had bought a tract in Niantic, of Hermon Garret, gives up his title before the Commis sioners ofthe Colonies and throws himself on their generos ity for a portion ofit. [L. E. 2. 193.] April 23, 1662. Connecticut obtains a new charter, confirming to them the whole country granted in the Earl of Warwick's patent, of 1631, viz: 40 leagues on the shore West and South West from Narragansett River. The old Rhode-Island patent of 1643, it will be recollect ed, also included the Narragansett country, and the dis putes about the jurisdiction ofthis tract had been the cause of great disputes with Connecticut, and of occasional alterca tions with Plymouth. The Indian power being now consider ably weakened, and the white settlements increasing, this question was fast growing into importance. The Rhode-Islanders petitioned for a new charter, to in clude Narragansett, and on a dispute between the Colony agents in England, Clarke and Winthrop, a rcfcience was oiadu to William Brcoreton, Robert Thomson, Capt. Richard Dean Capt. John Bro.okhavcn and Ur Benjamin Worsoly 03 They fixed on terms which were fligned by them and tho agents. April 7, 1663, as follows: 1st. That Pawcatuck River should bo the boundary. — 2nd. Quinebaug purchase to be long wholly to Connecticut. 3rd. That the inhabitants around Smith's trading house should have free liberty to choose which Government they would belong to. (Accord ingly, July 3rd, 1663, they made choice of Connecticut.) 4th. Rights of property to be preserved. The charter of Rhode-Island, granted July 8, 1663, men tions and confirms the first article ofthis agreement, and is wholly silent as to the others. This charter was received and read publicly before the people, and by them accepted in Nov. 1663.. [St. Rec M. H. C. 1. 216. Trumbull. See Report to the King on the Rhode-Island Boundary.] The charter of Connecticut, in consequence of this dis pute and reference, had been called in by the King, and was not fe-delivered until the difficulty was settled. [Letter of R. Williams.] April, 1662. Thomas Minor &c. of Southertown, com plain to Massachusetts that Minor, his wife and son, had been assaulted and beaten April 21st, by an Indian, Samat- tock, at his fort, while passing through Narragansett. Sam- attock was required to make reparation. The Commission ers ofthe Colonies afterwards took this affair up, and or dered that if Samattock did not make reparation, any of his men that could be found might be seized and sold. [Ext. 1. 169, 176, Haz. 2. 462.] May, 1662. A complaint made to Massachusetts, that one John Ashcroft had broken open and robbed an Indian grave in Southertown, among other things of two chest locks, a bullet &c [Ext. 1. 174.] May, 1662. A prohibition sent from Rhode-Island to tho intruders at Squamicut. [Ext, 1. 179.] May, 1662. Rhode-Island General Court at Warwick, Peage having fallen very low, ordered that accounts shall hereafter be paid "in corant pay." [St. Rec] 64 May 7, 1662, The General Court of Massachusetts granted 8000 acres of land to Cashawasset, alias Hermon Garret and his Pequots, to be located by them in the Pequot country. Hermon Garret was also called Wequash, Wequash Cook, Wequash Cake, Cushawashe, &c. (Haz. 2. 465.) Nock- ewash Cook. (Haz. 2. 64, 66, 88, 302, 106, 152.) In all disputes, he generally sided with the English of Massachu- sett and Connecticut. It was testified before the Commis sioners ofthe Colonies in 1662, that Garret's father was 'a great Sachem and owner of land; and that Ninigret was the younger brother of said Sachem, and had married Hermon Garret's sister and succeeded to the SachemdQW, to the pre judice of Hermon Garret, who was not of the whole blood. [Haz. 2. 464.] In September, 1655, the Commissioners of the colonies appointed Cashawasset Governor over the Pequots at Pa- quatuck and Weakapauge, and Robin Cassassinamon over the Pequots at Namyak and Nowpaug. . Captain George Denison and Thomas Stanton were to assist them in the government. This was continued for several years. (Haz. 2. 334, 345, 359, 382-7, 447-9, 465.) In Sept. 1668, they requested that a quantity of land might be laid out by Connecticut to Hermon Garret, in Squamcot neck, on the east side of Pawcatuck river, and a tract for Robin near Mystic. [Haz. 2. 388, 435, 485.] It is believed that Connecticut did accordingly grant the land, but the King's Commissioners, in 1664-5, declared all their grants void. In 1699, there was a lawsuit before the Rhode-Island courts, between Joseph Garret, alias Wequash Cook, of Stonington, (plaintiflf,) and Anquawa,s alias Ninicraft, (de fendant,) respecting a tract ofland bounded West on Weak apauge brook. East on the brook on which Joseph Dwell's mill stood, and South on sea. In this case a Pequot Indian 65 called Ephraim, aged 66, testifies that when 5 years old, he had been taken a prisoner in war and carried to the wigwam of Momojoshuck, a great Indian Sachem, who had a great deal of land and lived about where Ninigret's fort was in 1699: that Momojoshuck had two sons, Wequash Cook and Hermon Garret: that Wequash Cook^^died soon, and Hermon Garret succeeded as Sachem, and took his elder brother's name, and when he died he left the country to Catapazet, his eldest son; and that Joseph Garret, alias Wequash Cook, was eldest son of Catapazet, ar\d then Sachem of the country. Robin Cassassinamon testified that the bounds of Hermon Garret alias Cashawasset's land began at Wecapaug, and thence Eastward to a brook on the East side of Ninigret's fort, called Yagunsk, and extended seven or eight miles into the country. Two an cient Indians testified that the bounds of Catapazet's land had been as follows: From the sea side northerly by the East end of along pond near the beach, called Minabauge pond, thence to the West end of a small round swamp, called Tishcatuck,* which is north of the path tiiat leads to the Bay; thence North to a great pond called Puscomattas, near the West end of a cedar swamp, thence across said pond to an island called Minacomrauc, in said cedar swamp; thence to Acuntaug Brook, and by said brook through Achagom- iconset until the brook falls into the great river; and by the river downwards to Quequatage, near where Crandal's mill stood, (1681,) and so downwards until it comes to Neshun- ganeset brook, and so to;Ashawake river, which is the bound unto a place -called Wawuttaquatuck, which is the North- West corner ofthe tract. How the lawsuit resulted is not known. In the report ofthe King's, Commissioners, in 1683, (M. H. C. vol. 1.) it is stated that James Noyes and others claim- *A form in Westerly is still known by this name, E* 66 ed lands in Nyantic, ])y grant from Hermon Garret and son. The Commissioners called them " pretended Sachems," and rejected the claims — the lands having been possessed by Ninigret, beyond the memory of man. Aug. 22 1662. Date of Wanumachon's deed to Robert Stanton and George Gardner of a tractfive miles long by one mile and a half wide, between the rivers Westototucket and Ashuniunck, or adjoining the Pettaquamscut purchase. This purchase was located between Beaver and Usquepaug riv ers, and was commonly called Stanton's purchase. [L. E. 1. 367.]* Sept. 1662. John Treake and others complain to the Com missioners of the Colonies that they had had a vessel cast away on Point Judith shore, which the Narragansetts had plundered and claimed as belonging to their Sachem. Nin igret it seems had returned a part ofthe property. A mes sage was sent to the Sachems about it to request return or reparation. [Haz. 2. 466.] Sept. 1663. The Commissioners of the Colonies, received the folloioing letter from England. "Charles Rex — Trusty and well beloved, we greet you well; whereas we have been given to understand by our good subjects; Thomas Chissick, John Scott, John Winthrop, Daniel Den ison, Symon Bradstreet, Thomas Willet, Richard Smith, Edward Huchenson, John Alcock, Wilham Hudson and their associates, having in the right of Major Ather ton a just propriety in the Narragansett country in New England, by grants from the native inhabitants of that country; and being disirous to improve it into an English Colony and plantation to the enlarging of our empire and the common good of our subjects that are yet daily disturb-' ed and unjustly molested in their possession, and laudable endeavors by certain unreasonable and turbulent spirits of Providence Colony in New England aforesaid, to the great 67 scandal of justice and government, and the eminent dis couragement of that hopeful plantation; we have therefore thought fit hereby effectually to recommend the said pro prietors to your neighborly kindness and protection; willing you to be on all occasions assisting to them against such un- just^oppressions and molestations, that so they may be se cured in the full and peaceable enjoyment of their said country according to the right and title they have to it ; where in we will not doubt of your readiness and care, and shall on all good occasions express how graciously we accept of your compliance, with this, our recommendation; and so we bid you farewell. Given at our court at Whitehall, June the 20th, 1663, in the 15th year of our reign. By his Majesty's Command. HENRY BENNET. " [Hazard, .2 498.] July 10, 1663. Since the decision of the Commissioners in 1658, Connecticut had quietly yielded to Massachusetts the control of the Pequot country East of Pawcatuc river, but she now having obtained a'new charter, again set up her claim to this tract and the whole Narragansett country, and appointed officers at Wickford. [Trumb. 1. 268. — Haz. 2. 397,-509.] An Act passed by Rhode-Island Assembly this year, to prevent illegal and clandestine purchases from the Indians, on penally of forfeiture. [Printed Laws.] March, 1663-4. Rhode-Island Assembly. Edward Huch inson, William Hudson, and others, intruders in Narragan sett, ordered to be cited before the Assembly. The people of Warwick complaining against Pomham; the Governor is requested to try to settle the difference. The Governor is requested to write to Block Island to notify them that they are in our jurisdiction ; and James Sands appointed consta ble and conservator of the peace there. The Governor is also requested to write to Connecticut about "the riotous 68 actings done by the men of Southertowne" against one Babcock. The disputes between Connecticut and Rhode- Island about jurisdiction, had given rise to many riotous doings and quarrels between the supporters of the different sides. [St. Rec] March 3, 1663-4. Massachusetts commissions Daniel Denison and Thomas Danforth to confer with the govern ment of Rhode-Island about Block Island and the Pequot country. [Ext. 1. 236.] May, 1664. Assembly at Newport. R. Smith, Jr. Thom as Gould, John Hix, and John Wood, who had been under bonds before, give new bonds for their appearance at the next session. These bonds were shortly after released, and the Governor requested to w.rite to Smith to come to court. John Greene, Sen. of Aquidneesut, pardoned for his adher ence to Connecticut. A number of freemen admitted from Block Island. [St. Rec] Oct. 1664. Assembly at Newport. People authorized to vote by proxy. Voting in person at Newport was not final ly abolished until Aug. 1760. John Clarke, Capt. John Greene, and Lieut. Joseph Torrey, a committee to confer with Connecticut and run the West line. A committee was appointed on the subject of the intruders into the Narragan sett country, and their erecting a government there, and upon the report ofthis committee, R. Smith, Sen. and Capt. William Hudson, ordered to be arrested and brought to Newport, or to give bonds to appear there. [St. Rec] . Connecticut appointed a committee this year to settle the boundary, instructing them however not to give up any of their charter limits. This was nearly the same as instruct ing them to make no agreement at all. [Trumb. 1. 284.] The small pox this year swept away great numbers ofthe Massachusetts Indians. The disease was almost unknown among them before. [Hubb. N. E. 194.] Oct. 1664. A tax of £600 assessed, viz: Newport, 285; 69 Providence, 100; Portsmouth, 100; Warwick, 80; Petta quamscut, 20; Block Island, 15. Dec. 28, 1664. Scuttop makes a formal submission to the English government. (L. E. 2. 194.) This was procured by some of Atherton's company. This year the King appointed Col. Robert Nichols, Sir Robert Carr, George Cartwright, and Samuel Maverick, (Nichols. to be always one during his life,) Commissioners to reduce the Dutch and settle all differences among the colonies. They were courteously received in their pro gress through the colonies, and were attended by John Pynchon and Thomas Clark, on the part of Massachusetts, and Thomas Willet from Plymouth. The officers of Con necticut and Gov. Winthrop also attended them. In Nich ols' absence, the other three took the government of Nar ragansett from both the colonies claiming it, and made it a separate Province, by the name of King's Province. Four teen Justices appointed by them, continued in office there from March 20, 1664, to May 3, 1666. After that, they appointed the Governor and Assistants of Rhode-Island to be ex-officio Magistrates of the King's Province. They declared all the Massachusetts and Connecticut grant at Westerly void, and passed an order about Atherton's pur chases — all which see in Appendix. Nichols did, indeed, declare all these proceedings void, but no attention seems to have ever been paid to him. The Duke of Hamilton petitioned the King to obtain the country of which a patent had been granted to his father, in 1635, and the King referred his claim to these commission ers. The Hamilton family were not likely to obtain many favors at Court, having been almost always in opposition.* *The Commissioners had considerable difEeulty in their proceedings in Massachusetts, and were very mnch disliked there. As to what became of them afterwards, see Huch. 251, — M. M. 1664, After New-York was reduced, Col. Nichols lived there as Governor. 70 [Trumb.— St. 1638-70, p. 267.— M. H. C. 1. 216, and also vol. 17.— M. M. 314. N,] Jan. 19, 1664. Coginaquant's deed to Richard Knight and Henry Halls, of about two square miles, which" they named Westerly Manor. (L. E. 1,2, 405.) It joined the Petti quamscut purchase, and was bounded on the East side from a place called Quamatucumpic — Southward to a place called Chippachuack — thence Westerly to a place called Quowa- chauk — thence North to a place called Winatompic — and from thence a strait line to the first bounds. This purchase was afterwards confirmed by the Asssembly, in 1708. Its bounds, as finally settled, appear to have been Usquepaug river on the West — Pettiquamscut purchase on the East, and on the North, a tract of land which Lang, Boss, Wick- ham and others, purchased of the State's Committee, May 17, 1710. 1665. Connecticut and New Haven finally united, 1666. A law of Rhode-Island to prevent the citizens of that colony from subjecting their lands to any other govern ment. [Printed Laws.] This year, the Assembly send an Address to the King, together with an Address and a Statement of Reasons to. Lord Chancellor Clarendon, in order to obtain the re-union of Narragansett to Rhode-Island. See Appendix. [St. Roc. 1638-70. p. 302-6-11.] 1667. The Governor and Council of Rhode-Island being informed of the suspicious conduct of Philip and his In dians, order the Indians in Rhode-Island to be disarmed. — They appointed a deputation from each of the four towns to treat with Mossup, Cachanaquant, and Ninicraft, concern ing the rumors they had heard— the meeting to be at War wick, on Tuesday, May 28th. [Recs. of Gov. and Council.] 1668. Connecticut appoints a committee to treat with Rhode-Island about the bounds, with power to reduce Nar- agansett if they could nol settle the matter peaceably. The 71 committees met at New-London, but could not agree. The Connecticut committee then went into Narragansett, read the Connecticut charter at Wickford, and appointed officers there. [Trumb. 1, 334.] Sept. 1668. Massachusetts sends Richard Wayt, Capt. William Wright, and Samuel Mosely, to the Narragansett Sachems, to request them to appear at their General Court in October, and answer the complaints which John Viall and Capt. William Hudson had made against them, in behalf of the Narragansett purchasers. [Ext. 2, 42.] May, 1669. Assembly. Misquamicuck named Westerly, and incorporated. Another committee appointed to treat with Connecticut. [St. Rec. — PrintedLaws.] May 21, 1669. The Governor and Council of Rhode- Island appoint Samuel Wilson and Jireh Bull, Conservators of the Peace, at Pettaquamscut — Richard Smith and Sam uel Dyre around Smith's and Aquidnesuc, and John Cran- dal and Tobias Saunders at Misquamicut. Any three of them are empowered to try causes, where the value is not over 40 shillings, by ajury of six men — two to be chosen by the freemen of each place — an appeal to be allowed to the General Court of Tryals. Each of the three places were to choose one or more constables. Five of the Justices were to appoint the places for the courts, and a clerk or recorder. The one first named for each place ,wastobe coroner there, and to try his causes by a jury of twelve. They had power to bind over offenders, or commit them to the colony jail for trial. [Rec. of Gov. and Council.] July 12, 1669. Ninicraft complained of, for detaining some Indian servants of Thomas Torrey, of Block Island; and the Governor requested to write to him on the subject. July 20th. The Governor and Council issued a warrant to apprehend Ninicraft, on suspicion of an Indian plot — seven of Philip's ancient men having been with him nine or ten days, without any reason. Thomas Waterman appointed to 72 entertain Ninigret and his followers. Ninigret made his appearance, July 28. He stated that the Indians had had a great dance lately, which was a sort of invocation for a plentiful harvest. He said this report had been raised against him by a Long-Island Indian: that he had formerly taken captive their Sachem's daughter, and obliged them to pay him tribute. The Sachem and his daughter were now dead, and there had been some difficulty about paying the tribute, but they had lately paid it. Ninigret was dismissed with abundance of good advice. In August, Maussup and Nin igret again appeared before the Council, by request, in consequence of a broil which had taken place between some Indians and English. [Rec. of Gov. and Council.] March 25, 1670. Commission from Rhode-Island to John Crandal, R. Smith, Samuel Dyre, Samuel Wilson and Jireh Bull, to be Conservators of the Peace in the King's Prov ince. [St. Rec] May, 1670; The Assembly appoints a committee to col lect contributions for making a harbor at Block-Island. [St. Rec] This year the Assembly made provisions for collecting a tax, from the record of which it appears that Pork was 3d. (2J cts.) per lb. ; Peas, 3s. 6d, (29^ cts.) per bush. ; Wheat, 5s. (411 cts.) per bush.; Wool, 12d(8cts.) per lb.; Butter, 6d. (4J cts.) per lb.; Corn, 3s. (25 cts.) per bush.; Oats, 2s. 3d. (281 cts.) per bush., and that 40s. of the New-En gland currency was equivalent to 30s English Sterling. In June of this year, a tax of £300, was laid, viz: Newport 123; Providence, 61; Portsmouth, 51 ; Warwick, 32; Pet taquamscut, 16, and Block-Island, 15. June, 1670. Another Committee, John Greene, Joseph Torrey and Robert Bayley, appointed by Rhode-Island to treat with Connecticut. John Clark and John Greene, ap pointed to go to England and vindicate the colonies rights before the King. [St. Rec] 73 The appointed meeting of Committees did not take place. There were considerable troubles in Narragansett, about this time. The Connecticut people made an irruption over the line, and carried off" John Crandal and other inhabitants, prisoners. The Governor and Council, in consequence, issued a warrant to James Barker, Lieut. Joseph Torrey and others, June 20, 1670,, to repair to Narragansett, and if they found any exercising authority there under Con necticut, to prohibit their proceedings, and to require Thomas Gould, Thomas Mumford, or any other constable in Narragansett, to arrest and bring them before the Coun cil. [Rec. of Gov. and Council.] 1670. This year, Walter House was killed by Thomas Flounders, in an affray at Flounders' shop. An inquest was ordered. Flounders arrested, examined, committed, tried, convicted and executed. Lodowick Vandycke was one of the witnesses. Samuel Eldredge, who had attempt ed to arrest House,, under Connecticut authority,, was com mitted to jail. John Cole, of Narragansett, also committed for saying that he intended to be engaged to an office offered him by Connecticut. [Rec^ of Gov. and Council.] 1671. The Assembly in May, directed the Governor to hold a Court at Westerly and other places in Narragansett. In consequence of this order. May 16, 1671, a Court of Justices was held at Westerly. Present, John Clarke, Deputy Governor; Capt. John Cranston, John Coggeshall, James Barker, William Carpenter, Roger Williams, Lieut. John Albro,. Capt. John Greene, Assistants ; Richard Bailey, Secretary;' Lieut. Joseph Torrey, General Attorney; James Rogers, General Sergeant. A warrant was issued to the constables of Westerly, to require the inhabitants to appear to-morrow at Court, at Tobias Saunders' house. Adjourned. May 17. John Randal having informed that James Bab cock, (Constable,) had refused to execute the warrant, F 74 Henry Palmer, (General Constable,) ordered to arrest Babcock. " The inhabitants of the town of Westerly being assem bled, there was publicly read in Court, the address of the said town to the General Assembly, and their order there upon for holding this court, after which his Majesty's Royal Charter, the agreement ofthe Agents, the Honorable Com missioners' orders, and his Majesty's gracious letters were read." It seems that the Connecticut folks interrupted the con stables some, in the execution of their orders. "Upon the consideration of a petition presented by the town of Westerly, it is ordered by the Court that the several inhabitants be called in to see how they stand as to their fidelity to his Majesty and this colony, viz: John Crandal, Tobias Sanders, Joseph Clarke, Robert Burdick, John Max- on, John Randal, Job Babcock, James Babcock, Jr., Thom as Painter, Shubael Painter, Jeoffry Champliri, Sen., John Lewis, Richard S. Waite, John Mackoone, Richard Segar, George Lanpheare, Stephen Wilcox, Jonathan Armstrong, Nicholas Cotterill, Jr., Daniel Crumb, John Fairfield, Ed ward Larking, all which persons did promise to stand to their engagement to his Majesty and this colony. But James Babcock, Sen., John Babcock, Jeoffry Champlin, Jr. and Augustine Williams, being called, did not appear." May 18, John Crandal and Tobias Sanders continued conserva tors. James Babcock, Sen. and John Babcock appeared and took engagement to the colony. " The court adjourned to Pettaquamscut." May 18. The Court met by adjournment at Pettaquam scut. Warrant issued to William HeflTerman to warn the inhabitants of the plantation to attend Court to-morrow at Jireh Bull's house. May 19. " The inhabitants being present, the Court was called, after which the Commission from the General 75 Assembly for holding this Court, his Majesty's most gra cious Charter and letters, as also the Commissioners' orders, were publicly read; after which the inhabitants, viz: Mr. Jireh Bull, Mr. Samuel Wilson, Mr. John Porter, Thomas Mumford, John Tift, William Hefferman, Rouse Helmes, James Eldridge, Samuel Albro, Benjamin Gardiner, George Palmer, Stephen Northup, William Ayres, George Crofts, Enoch Plaice and Christopher Helmes, did give their en gagement for their allegiance to his Majesty and fidelity to this colony. The inhabitants being engaged, were ordered to choose a constable for their plantation, and accordingly chose Robert Croffts, who engaged. Mr. William Hefferman was chosen and engaged to the office and place of a conservator ofthe peace in joint commission with Mr. Samuel Wilson and Mr. Jireh Bull. The inhabitants, also by leave from the Court, chose Mr. Jireh Bull, Lieutenant, and Mr. Hefferman, Clerk. The Court adjourned to Mr. Thomas Gould's, at Acquednesitt. May 19. Court held at Acquedneset. Adjourned to to morrow. May 20. "The persons inhabiting here, heing called to give their engagement, aud desiring to know whether or no this Court, onbehalf of the colony, do lay any claim to their possessions which they now inhabit, which persons were Mr. Samuel Dyre, Robert Spinke, Lieut. Robert Westcott. John Greene, George Wightman, Mr. Thomas Gould, Hen ry Tibbits, Daniel Gould, James Reinolds, Samuel Waite, John Briggs, John Andrew, Thomas Waterman, to which demand this present Court do return unanimously this an swer: That on behalf of the colony, this Court do not lay any claim to their possessions which they now inhabit. These are the persons engaged at Acquedneset by the Court: Mr. Thomas Gould, Mr. Samuel Dyre, Mr. James Reinolds, John Sweet, Sen., John Andrew, Henry Tibbits, 76 Samuel Waite, William Downing, Henry Greene, John Pratt, John Briggs, John Greene, George Browne, William Helmes, Daniel Greene, George Wightman, Robert West cott, Robert Spinke, Samuel Pratt, Lodowick Updike, Richard Updike." The freemen chose James Reinolds, constable, and Thomas Gould, conservator, in joint com mission with Richard Smith and Samuel Dyre, engaged. — The inhabitants chose Thomas Gould, Lieutenant, and John Briggs, Clerk. [Rec. of Gov. and. Council.] Sept. 1671. The Assembly made an order that persons owning large tracts ofland in Narragansett, shall sell it out to persons in want ofit. [St. Rec] Jan. 1, 1672. Devil's foot on Fones' Purchase. Awash- owat's deed to John Greene, Thomas Waterman, John An drew, Henry Tibbits, John Briggs and John Fones, &c. of a tract North of the Devil's Foot, (L. E. 2. 189— N. K. Rec. 2. 54,) bounded from John Andrew's house by the road to the Devil's Foot — thence strait over river Passatuthonsee, to a rock — thence strait North to a river running into Mask- achaug cove, an4 along said river to Ward's cove — thence along road. South-east to Potowome river, as high as salt water, and thence strait to Andrew's house. In 1677, Fone^' purchase was confirmed by the Assem bly, to the then 24 partners, with a proviso not to interfere with East Greenwich, or any prior grants, and with a res ervation of one-third ofthe purchase for the use ofthe col ony. [St. Rec. J October, 1672. Block Island made a town by the name of New-Shoreham, and a charter granted them. April, 1672. Assembly. Reference is made in a law (See law in appendix) passed this session to the late irruption ofthe Stonington men into Westerly, and imprisoning and sentencing to other punishments, some of the inhabitants there. The law declares the lands of all those who shall submit to any foreign jurisdiction, forfeited. A Committee 77 was appointed to select proper places for settlements in Nar ragansett, and purchase them ofthe Indians. R. Smith, F. Brinley, John Easton, John Sanford, R. Williams, Randal Holden and Jireh Bull, appointed a Com mittee to treat with Connecticut. [St. Rec. See App.] June 25, 1672. There being a War with the Dutch, the Governor and Council empower R. Smith to put Kings Province in a state of defence. [Rec. of Gov. and Council.] Oct. 30, 1672. An Act passed by the Assembly, confirm ing Atherton's company in their titles, and exempting them from the Act of 1667, and the other acts which had declared their estates forfeited, as being purchased without the colo ny's consent. There was a proviso in the act that it should not interfere with the lawful claims of other persons. [St. Rec] Besides the direct purchases Atherton & Co. had made, they had obtained large tracts, by paying a mortgage which the Indians had made to the Commissioners ofthe Colonies, and taking a mortgage in their own name. This Act of 1672 was interpreted in 1708, not to extend to the mortgage land, probably because the first mortgage was made to a foreign jurisdiction, and was therefore void. In the early times of the colony, the troubles about the Narragansett country, probably formed one of the princi ple subjects of party warfare. This year, R. Smith and Francis Brinley were elected among the assistants, and were probably the promoters ofthe above law. 1672. A conveyance from George Denison to Simon Lynde, of300 acres in Wecapaug neck or Muxqutah; boun ded West by a pond and land of Harvard College, reference to the Massachusetts Records for the original grant. [L. E. 2. 204.] May, 1673. Assembly appointed a Committee to treat with Maussup, Ninigret and other Indian Sachems, to pre vent drunkenness among the Indians; the meeting to be at Newport, June 24th. 78 Oct. 1673. An Indian being to be tried for murdering an Indian, ordered that the Jury be half Indians .and half Whites, and Indians allowed to testify. [St. Rec] 1674, Kingstown Incorporated. The Act of Incorpora tion may be found among the old printed laws. The follow ing act ofthe Assembly was passed at a session held the latter part of October this year at Newport. " By the King's authority, in this Assembly, it is approv ed, the General Councils acts, in obstructing Coneticott colony from using jurisdiction in the Narragansett Country, and the councills establishing a Townshipp there, and call ing it King's Towne, with liberty as hath been granted to New-Shoreham. — And that the charges of our councill re pairing thitheTj not exceeding fifty shillings for every time, shall be paid out of the General Treasury. And that fu- turely it shall be lawful to summons as many of our inhabi tants as they see cause, to attend at Narragansett, to oppose Conetticott from using jurisdiction there; but not in any hostile manner, or to kill, or hurt any person. And further be it enacted, that the Governor or deputy-governor, and the major part ofthe major part ofthe Magistrates on Rhode- Island, as they see cause, may send letters or messengers, to New-York Governor, concerniqge such business, and the charges not exceeding tenn pounds, to be paid out of the General Treasury." May 1, 1675. Canonicus (formerly called Maussup) sells Conockonoquit or Rose-Island, to Peleg Sanford of Newport. [L. E. 1. 103. J KING Philip's war. 1675. Massassoit, the chief of the Wampanoags,' whose residence was at Pokanoket, had been succeeded by his eld est son Alexander, and he a ffew years after by his brother Metacom or Philip. Philip was an able and enterprising chief He doubtless saw with jealousy the rapid progress of the English in his country, and his great and constant 79 object seems to have been, the formation of a league of all the Indian tribes against these foreign inhabitants. These tribes had been so long at enmity with each other, that to produce a union among them, required great skill and saga city; and the event shows Philip to have been possessed of these qualities. He succeeded in obtaining a close alliance of all the neighboring Indians, and the spring of 1676 was fixed upon as the commencement ofthe undertaking. The Narragansetts had promised, it is said, to join him with their chief strength, amounting to 4000 warriors. One of Philip's subjects, Sausamon, having treacherously given information to the English of his movements, was seized and W tF ¦^ ^ tP " Fourth. When, the next year after my banishment, the Lord drew the bow ofthe Pequod war against the country, in which. Sir, the Lord made yourself, with others, a blessed instrument of peace to all New-England, I had my share of service to the whole land in that Pequod business, inferi or to very few that act^, for. 160 ¦¦ 1. Upon letters received from the Governor and Coun cil at Boston, requesting me to use my utmost and speediest endeavors to break and hinder the league labored for by the Pequods against the Mohegans, and Pequods against the English, (excusing the not sending of company and sup plies, by the haste of the business,) the Lord helped m» immediately to put my life into my hand, and, scarce ac quainting my wife, to ship myself, all alone, in a poor canoe, and to cut through a stormy wind, with great seas, every minute in hazard of life, to the sachem's house. "2. Three days and nights my business forced me to lodge and mix with the bloody Pequod ambassadors whose hands and arms, methought, wreaked with the blood of my countrymen, murdered and massacred by them on Connec ticut river, and from whom I could not but nightly look for their bloody knives at my .own throat also. "3. When God wondrously preserved me, and helped me to break to pieces the Pequods' negociation, and design and to make, and promote and finish, by many travels and charges, the English league with the Narragansets and Mohegans against the Pequods, and that the English forces marched up to the Narraganset country against the Pe quods, I gladly entertained, at my house in Providence, the General Stoughton and his officers, and used my ut most care that all his officers and soldiers should be well accommodated with us. "4. I marched up with them to the Narraganset sachems, and brought my countrymen and the barbarians, sachems and captains, to a mutual confidence andcomplacence, each in other. "6. Though I was ready to have marched further, yet, upon agreement that I should keep at Providence, as an agent between the Bay and the army, I returned, and was interpreter and intelligencer, constantly receiving and send ing letters to the Governor and Council at Boston, &c. * * * * # ¦ # ¦ * " 5. Considering (upon frequent exceptions against Prov idence men) that we had no authority for civil government, I went purposely to England, and upon my report and peti tion, the Parliament granted us a charter of government for these parts, so judged vacant on all hands. And upon this, the country about us was more friendly, and wrote to us, and treated us as an authorized colony; only the difference of our consciences much obstrucred. The bounds of this. 161 our first charter, I, (having occular knowledge of persons, places and transactions,) did honestly, and conscientiously, as in the holy presence of God, draw up from Pawcatuck river, which I then believed, and still do, is free from all English claims and conquests; for although there were some Pequods on this side the river, who, by reason of some sa chems' marriages with soine on this side, lived in a kind of neutrality with both sides, yet, upon the breaking out ofthe war, they relinquished their land to the possession of their enemies, the Narragansets and Nianticks, and their land never came into the condition ofthe lands on tbe other side, which the English, by conquest, challenged; so that I must still affirm, as in God's holy presence, I tenderly waved to touch a foot ofland in which I knew the Pequod wars were maintained and were properly Pequod, being a gallant country; and from Pawcatuck river hitherward, being but a patch of ground, full of troublesome inhabitants, I did, as I judged, inoffensively, draw our poor and inconsiderable line. "It is true, when at Portsmouth, on Rhode-Island, some of ours, in a General Assembly, motioned their planting on this side Pawcatuck. I, hearing that some of the Massa chusetts reckoned this land theirs, by conquest, dissuaded from the motion, until the matter should be amicably debat ed and composed; for though I questioned not our right, &c., yet I feared it would be inexpedient and offensive, and procreative of these heats and fires, to the dishonoring of the King's Majesty, and the dishonoring and blaspheming of God and of religion in the eyes of the English and bar barians about us. "6. Some time after the Pequod war and our charter from the Parliament, the government of Massachusetts wrote to myself (then chief officer in this colony) of their receiving of a patent from the Parliament for these vacant lands, as an addition to the Massachusetts, &c., and there upon requesting me to exercise no more authority, &c., for, they wrote, their charter was granted some few weeks be fore ours. I returned, what I believed righteous and weighty, to the hands of my true friend, Mr. Winthrop, the first mover of my coming into these parts, and to that an swer of mine I never received the least reply; only it is certain, that, at Mr. Gorton's complaint against the Mas sachusetts, the Lord High Admiral, President, said, open ly, in a full meeting of the commissioners, that he knew no 162 other charter for these parts than what Mr. Williams h&i obtained, and he was sure that charter, which the Mas sachusetts Englishmen pretended, had never passed the table, "7, Upon our humble address, by our agent, Mr, Clark, to his Majesty, and his gracious promise of renewing our former charter, Mr. Winthrop, upon some mistake, had en trenched upon our line, and not only so, but, as it is said, upon the lines of other charters also. Upon Mr. Clarke's complaint, your grant was called in again, and it had never been returned, but upon a report that the agents, Mr. Win throp and Mr. Clarke, were agreed, by meditation of friends, (and it is true, they came to a solemn agreement, under hands and seals,) which agreement was never violated on our part. "8. But the King's Majesty sending his commissioners (among other of his royal purposes) to reconcile the differ ences of, and to settle the bounds between the colonies, yourselves know how the King himself therefore, hath giv en a decision to this controversy. Accordingly, the King's Majesty's aforesaid commissioners at Rhode-Island, (where, as a commissioner for this colony, I transacted with them, as did also commissioners from Plymouth,) they composed a controversy between Plymouth and us, and settled the bounds between us, in which we rest. " 9. However you satisfy yourselves with the Poquod conquest; with the sealing of your charter some few weeks before ours; with the complaints of particular men to your colony; yet upon a diie and serious examination of the matter, in the sight of God, you will find the business at bottom to be, " First, adepraved appetite afterthe great vanities, dreams and shadows ofthis vanishing life, great portions ofland in this wilderness, as if men were in as great necessity and danger for want of great portions ofland, as poor, hungry, thirsty seamen have, after a sick and stormy, a long and starving passage. This is one of the gods of New-Eng land, which the living and most high Eternal will destroy and famish . "2. An unneighborly and unchristian intrusion upon us, as being the weaker, contrary to your laws, as well as ours, concerning purchasing of lands without the consent ofthe General Court. This I told Major Atherton, at his first going up to the Narragansett about this business, I refus- 163 ed all their proffers ofland, and refused to interpret for them to the sachems. * * « * * * , # "Yourselves pretend liberty of conscience, but alas! it is but self, the great god self, only to yourselves. The King's Majesty winks at Barbadoes, where Jews and all sorts of Christian and Antichristian persuasions are free, but our grant, some few weeks after yours sealed, though granted as soon, if not before yours, is crowned with the King's extraordinary favor to this colony, as being a ban ished one, in which his Majesty declared himself that he would experiment, whether civil government could consist with such liberty of conscience. This his Majesty's grant was startled at by his Majesty's high officers of state, who were to view it in course before the sealing, but fearing the lions's roaring, they couched, against their wills, in obe dience to his Majesty's pleasure. "Some of yours, as I heard lately, told tales to the Arch bishop of Canterbury, viz. that we are a profane people, and do not keep the sabbath, but some do plough, &c. But, first, you told him not how we suffer freely all other per suasions, yea the common prayer, which yourselves will not suffer. If you say you will, you confess you must suffer more, as we do. " Sir, I am your old and true friend and servant. R, W. " To my honored and ancient friend, Mr Thomas Prince, Governor of Plymouth Colony, these present. And by his honored-hand this copy, sent to Connecticut, whom it most concerneth, I humbly present to the General Court of Ply mouth, when next assembled. " Loving friends and neighbors, " Divers of yourselves have so cried out, ofthe conten tions of your late meetings, that (studying my quietness) I thought fit to present you with these few lines. Two words I pray you to. consider. ^ ^ ^F ^ ^ -JF ^ " Let us consider, if Niswosakit and Wayunckeke, and land thereabout, may not afford a new and comfortable plan tation, which we may go through with an effectual endeavor for true public good. To this end, I pray you consider, 164 that the inhabitants of these parts, with most ofthe Cowe-. set and Niomucks, have long since forsaken the Naragan- set sachem's and subjected themselves to the Massachusets. And yet they are free to sell their lands to any whom the Massachusetts shall not protest against. To this end, ob- servino- their often flights, and to stop their running to the Massachusetts) I have parlied with them, and find that about thirty pounds will cause them to leave those parts, and yield peaceable possession. ****#*,* " Yours to serve you, ROGER WILLIAMS, 27, 8, 60 {so called.)" "Providence, 18, 8, 1677, {ut vulgo.) " Honored Gentlemen, # * * # * * * " When his Majesty's Commissioners, Col. Nichols, &C5 were here, I was chosen by this colony, one of the com missioners to treat with them and with the commissioners from Plymouth, who then were their honored Gover nor deceased, and honored present Governor, about our bounds. It then pleased the Father of mercies, .in whose most high and holy hands the hearts of all men are, to give me such favor in their eyes, that afterward, at a great as sembly at Warwick, where (that firebrand) Philip, his whole country, was challenged by the Narraganset sachems, I was sent for, and declared such transactions between old Canonicus and Ousamaquin, that the commissioners were satisfied, and confirmed unto the ungrateful monster his country. The Narraganset sachems (prompted by some English) told the commissioners, that Mr. W^illiams was but one witness, but the commissioners answered that they had such experience of my knowledge in these parts, and fideli ty, that they valued my testimony as much as twenty wit nesses. ^ gp ^ ^ ^ qf ^ " Honored Sirs, let me now add to my testimony, a list of several persons, which the right and disposing of all or considerable part of these Narragansets, and Coweset, and Nipmuck lands, &,c. " First. The colony of Connecticut, by the King's grant and charter, by the late wars, wherein they were honorably assistant. 165 " Second. The colony of Plymouth, by virtue of Tacom- maicon's surrender of his person and lands to their protec tion, and I have seen a letter from the present Governor Winslow, to Mr. Richard Smith, about the matter. "Third. The colony ofRhode-Island and Providence Plan tations, by grant from his Majesty, and confirmation from his Majesty's commissioners, who called these lands the King's Province, and committed the ordering of it to this colony, until .his Majesty further order. " Fourth, Many eminent gentlemen ofthe Massachusetts and other colonies, claim by a mortgage and forfeiture of all lands belonging to Narraganset. Fifth. Our honored Governor, Mr. Arnold, and divers with him, are out of a round sum of money and cost, about a purchase from Tacummanan. " Sixth. The like claim was and is made by Mr, John Brown, and Mr. Thomas Willett, honored gentlemen and their successors, * * * from purchase with Tacumma nan, and I have seen their deeds, and Col. Nichols his con firmation of them, under hand and seal, in the name of the King's Majesty. "Seventh. Wm. Harris pleads up streams without limits, and confirmation from the other sachems ofthe up streams, fyc. "Eighth. Mishuntatuk men claim by purchase from In dians by possession, buildings, &c. * * * * [worn out and oblit.] * * * " Ninth. Capt. Hubbard and some others, of Hingham * * * by purchase from the Indians. " Tenth. John Tours, of Hingham, by three purchases from Indians. " Eleventh. William Vaughan, of Newport, and others, by Indian purchase. [The next following No. is 13: there is no 12.] "Thirteenth. Randall, of Scituate, and White, of Taun ton, and others, by purchase from Indians. "Fourteenth. Edward Inman, of Providence, by pur chase from the natives. " Fifteenth. The town of Warwick, who challenge twen ty miles, about part of which. Will. Harris contending with them, it is said, was the first occasion of W. Har. falling in love with this his monstrous Diana up streams ivithout limits, that so he might antedate and prevent (as he speaks) the blades of Warwick. 166 " Sl-xteenth. The town of Providence, by virtue of Ca nonicus' and Miantinomo's grant renewed to me again and again, viz. of as large a plantation and accommodation as any town in the country of New-England. It is known what favor God pleased to give me with old Canonicus, (though at a dear-bought rate) so that I had what I would (so that I observed my times of moderation; but two or three envious and ungrateful souls among us cried out, ^Vhat is R. Williams? We will have the sachem come and set our bounds for us; which he did, and (because of his Indians round about us) so sudden and so short, that we were forced to petition to our General Court for enlarge ment. T^. ^ ^ ^ ^ tP tt ROGER WILLIAMS TESTIMONY IN FAVOR OF RICHARD SMITH S TITLE TO THE WICKFORD LAND. JYahiggonsik, 24 July, 1679 {ut vulgo.) I Roger WjHjams of Providence in ye Nahiggonsik bay in N. Engl, being (by God's mersie) ye first beginner of ye mother Towne of Providence and ofthe Colony of Rode Is land and Providence Plantations being now neerc to Foure Score years of age. Yet (by God's mercy) of sound under standing and memorie! doe humbly and faithfully declare yt Mr. Richard Smith, Sen., who for his conscience to God left faire Possessions in Gloster Shire and adventured with his Relations and Estate to N. Engl, and was a most acceptable Inhabitant and prime leading man in Taunton in Plymouth Colony: For his conscience sake (many differ ences arising) he left Taunton and came to ye Nahiggonsik Countrey where by God's mercy and the fave of ye Nahi gonsik Sachems he broke the Ice (at his great Charge and Hazards) and Put up in the thickest of ye Barbarians ye first English House amongst them. 2. I humbly testifie yt about forty years (from this date) he kept Possession comming and going himselfe Children and Servants and he had quiet Possession of his Howsing Lands and medow, and there is in his own bowse with much Serenity of Soule and comfort he yielded up his Spirit to God ye Father of Spirits in Peace. 3. I do humbly and faithfully testify (as aforesaid) yt since his departure his hon'rd Son Capt. Richard Smith hath kept Possession (with much acceptation with English and Pa- 167 gans) of his Father's howsing lands and meadows with great- improvement, also (by his great Cost and Industrie) And in. the Late bloudie Pagan War I knowingly testifie and de clare yt it pleased the most High to make use of himself in person, his howsing his goods corn Provisions and Cattell fo'r a Garison and Supply to the whole Army of N. England under the Command ofthe Ever to be hon'rd Gen Winslow forthe Service of his Ma'ties honor and countrey of N, Eng-- land, 4. I doe also humbly, declare yt ye Said Capt. Rich. Smith Jun. ought by all the rules of Equity, Justice and Gratitude to his hon'rd Father and himself to be fairly treated with, considered, recruited, honoured and by his Ma'ties authoritie Confirmed and Established in a Peaceful possession of his Fathers and his own possessions in this Pagan Wilderness and Nahigonsik Country. The Premises I humbly Testifie, as now leaving this Country and this World. ROGER WJLLJAMS. t September the 24th, 1704. then being at the hows of Mr. Nathaniel Coddingtons hows then being presents with this Ritten paper which I atest upon Oath fo be my Fathers one hand writing. JOSEPH WILLIAMS, Asislanl. The above and foregoing are literal copies from the Ori ginal Testimony, in the hand writing of Roger Williams, and ofthe attestation of his Son Joseph Williams, as copied by me this fiftenth day of July 1833, from the Original Sheet now in my possession. John Howland, of Providence. TREATY with NARRAGANSETTS 1676. Articles, covenant and agreement hadmade and concluded by and between Maj. Thos. Savage, Capt. Edw. Huchinson and Mr. Jos. Dudley in behalf of the government oj' the Massachu setts Colony, and Maj. Wait Winthrop, and Mr. Richard Smith on behalf of Connecticut, on the one part, and Agamaug, Wampsh alias Corman, Taitson, Tawayeson, counsellors and attornies to Canonicus, JYinigret, Matataog, old queen Quai- pen, Quananspit and Pomham, the sij: present Sachems of the whole J^arragansett country, on the other party, referring to sev ered difficulties and troubles lately risen between them; and for a final conclusion of settled peace and amity between the said Sachems, their heirs and successors forever, and the govern- 16S menis of the said Massachusetts nnd Connecticut and their suc cessors in the said governments forever. 1. That all and every ofthe said Sachems shall from time to time carefully seize and living or dead deliver unto one or other, of the aforesaid governments, all and every of Sachem Philip's subjects whatsoever, that shall come, or be found within the precincts of these lands, aftd that with greatest diligence and faithfulness.. 2. That they shall with their utmost ability use all acts of hostility against the said Philip and his subjects, entering his lands or any other lands of the English, to kill and de stroy the said enemy until a cessation from war with the said enemy be concluded by both the abovesaid colonies. 3. That the said Sachems by themselves and their agents shall carefully search out and deliver all stolen goods what soever, taken by any of their subjects from any ofthe Eng lish, whether formerly or latterly: and shall make full satis faction for all wrongs or injuries done to the estate of any of the subjects ofthe several colonies, according to the judge ment of indifferent men, in case of dissatisfaction between the offenders and the offended parties, or deliver up the of fenders. 4. That all preparations for war or acts of hostility against any ofthe English subjects shall forever for the fu ture cease; together with all manner of thefts, pilfering, killing of cattle, or any manner of breach of peace whatso ever, shall with utmost care be prevented, and instead thereof, their strength to be used as a guard round about the Narragansett country, for the English Inhabitants' safe ty and security. 6. In token ofthe abovesaid sachems' reality in this trea ty and conclusion, and for the security of the several Eng lish Governments and subjects, they do freely deliver unto the abovesaid gentlemen in behalf of the abovesaid colo nies, John Wobequod, Weowthim, Pewkes, and Weenew, four of their near kinsmen and choice friends, to be and remain as hostages in several places ofthe English juris dictions, at the appointment ofthe Hon. Governors of the abovesaid, colonies, there to be civilly treated, not as pris oners, but otherwise at their Honors' discretion, until the abovesaid articles are fully accomplished to the satisfaction ofthe several governments: the departure of any of them in the mean time to be accounted breach of the peace, and of these present articles. 169 6. The said gentlemen in behalf of the governments to which they do belong, do engage to every the said sachemff and their subjects, that if they or any of them shall sieze and bring into either the abovesaid English Governments, or to Mr. Smith, inhabitant of Narraganset, Philip Sachem alive, he or they so delivering, shall receive for their pains, 40 trucking cloth coats; in case they bring his head, they shall have 20 like good coats paid them; for every living subject of said Philip's so delivered, the deliverer shall re ceive two coats, and for every head one coat, as a gratuity for their service herein, making it appear to satisfaction that the heads or persons are belonging to the enemy, and that they are of their seizure. 7. The said sachems do renew and confirm unto the Eng lish inhabitants or others, all former grants, sales, bargains or conveyances of lands, meadows, timber, grass, stones, or whatever else the English have heretofore bought, or quietly possessed and enjoyed, to he unto them and their heirs and assigns forever; as also all fdrmer articles made with the confedera'ted colonies. Lastly. The said counsellors and attornies do premedi- tatedly, seriously, and upon good advice, covenant, con clude, and agree all abovesaid solemnly, and Call God to witness they are and shall remain true friends to the Eng lish Governments, and perform the abovesaid articles punc tually, using their utmost endeavour, care, and faithfulness therein: In witness whereof they have set their hands and seals. Pettequamscot, July 16, 1675. (Signed by) TAWAGESON, TAITSON, AGAMAUG, WAMPSH ALIAS CORMAN. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of ^ us underwritten, being carefully inter- > preted to the said Indians before sealing. ) Daniel Henchman, Thomas Prentice, Nicholas Paige, Joseph Stanton, Interpreter. Henry Hanl.aws, Pecoe Bukow, Job Reff. [Hubii. Ind. Wars.] 170 confirmation of the preceding treaty. Boston, in JV. E Oct. 1-8, 1675. Whereas for the continuation of a firm peace and settled freindship between the united colonies in New England, and the Narraganset Indians, on the 15th of July last, there were covenants and articles of agreement made and conclu ded betweed the messengers sent and improved by the Massachusets and Connecticut Colonies on the one party and the Sachems of the said Narraganset Indians on the other party as will more fully appear and are contained in an instrument by them jointly signed and sealed, reference thereunto being had. Now this witnesseth that we whose names are here underwritten, being fully empowered by the sachems over the abovesaid Indians, to treat with the commissioners of the abovesaid United Colonies at .Boston, and to act and conclude all matters and things appertaining to the confirmation of a firm and settled peace between the abovesaid parties, we do by the,se presents fully, clearly and absolutely ratify and confirm all the abovesaid articles of agreement, hereby declaring our hearty desire and firm resolution to continue in a sure and constant peace with the English: and we do fully and absolutely engage ourselves in behalf of the sachems of the above- mentioned Indians, to perform and fulfil the said articles, and every thing therein mentioned and contained, accord ing to the true intent and meaning thereof. And whereas, a considerable number of people, both men, women and children, appertaining to these Indians, who have been in actual hostility against the English, are now fled to the Narragansetts' country, and are under the custo dy ofthe said sachems there, after a full and long confer ence had concerning that matter, we do in the name and by the power to us given and betrusted, in the behalf of the sachems ofthe abovesaid country, fully and absolutely cov enant and promise, to and with the abovenamed commis sioners, at or before the 28th day of this instant month of October, to deliver or cause to be delivered, all and every one ofthe said Indians, whether belonging unto Philip, the Pocasset Squaw,or the Saconet Indians, Quahaug, Hadley or any other sachems or people that have been or are in hostility with the Enghsh, or any of their allies or abettors; and these we promise and covenant to deliver at Boston to L. S, L.S.I 171 the Governor and Council, there, by them, to be disposed of in the behalf of and for the best security and peace of the united colonies. QUANANCHET'S -f mark. Sachem in behalf of himself and Cau- pf — s-r nonicus, and the old Queen, and Pom- ' ' ham, and Quanapeen. MANATANNOO, Counsellor, his -f- mark, and Canonicus in his behalf. AHANMANPOWET, Counsellor, -f mark, and his seal. CORNMAN, Chief Counsellor to Nin- rj-g- igret in his behalf. ^' ' Sealed and delivered in presence of us : Richard Smith, James Bb-owne, Samuel Gorton, Jr., Interpreter, John Nowhenett's -)- Indian Interpretor. [Haz. ii. 536.] family account op some of the INDIAN SACHEMS. These notes were collected partly from curiosity, and partly because many of the old disputes about Indian titles turned upon the right of the Sachem making the convey ance, and it was thought some light might he thrown upon them from this quarter. Huchinson (458) has the following account of an old In dian tradition: — " The ancient Indians among the Narra gansetts reported when the English first arrived, that they had in former times a Sachem called Tashtassuck, incom parably greater than any in the whole land, in power and state, that he had only two children, a son and a daughter, and not being able to match them according to their dignity, he joined them together in matrimony, and that they had four sons, of which Canonicus, who was Sachem when the English came, was the eldest. (MS.) This is the only piece of Indian history or tradition of any sort from the an cestors of our first Indians, I have ever met with." Canonicus, the great Sachem. This seems to be the English form of the name. Qunnoune probably represents the sound of the Indian word more truly. [Plea of Wm. Harris, among Foster papers. — Knowles' R. W'ms, 307,] 172 Meantonomy, or Miantonimo, (accented on the penulti mate) orMecumeh, wasthesonofMascus, youngest brother of Canonicus. [Prince. — Callender. — R. W'ms. deposition. Haz. 2. 12.— Plea of Wm. Harris.] What was the precise relation as to authority, in which Meantonomy and Canonicus stood to each other is doubtful. See the Indian submission to England, April, 1644. Wa- waloam is mentioned in 1661 as the widow of Meontonomy in the deeds ofthe Sosoa purchase in Westerly. Meika, Mriksah, Meaksaw, or Maxanno was son of Ca nonicus. (^See the history, 1646 and 1647.) He was prob ably the same with Mishammo, who witnessed the Indian deed of Aquethnick. His wife was Magnus, Matantuck or Quaiapen, afterwards called the Sunke Squaw or Old Queen ofthe Narragansetts. She was Ninigret's sister, and (D. 44.) it is said that she was afterwards married, about 1676, to Ninigret's eldest son. She was taken prisoner by a par ty of Connecticut troops, July 2, 1676, and was put to death. Meika had two sons, Scuttop and Quequaquenuit, alias Gideon, Sachems, and a daughter, Quinimiquet. The two latter died young. Scuttop is probably the same with Kas- Icotap who in L. E. 1. 86, is called Sachem of Bassokuto- quage in Narragansett. Meika is supposed to have died about 1667. [Hubb.— 3 M. H. C. 2. 210.— Plea of Wm. Harris. — Indian deed of Providence in Knowles, 307.] Canonchet, or Nanno, or Nannuntennew. In L. E. 1. 101. he is called " Nawnawnoantonnew alias Quananchit, eldest son now living of Miantomomio and chief surviving Sachem of Narragansett." [Deed to Stephen Arnold, July 30, 1674.] CoJONoauANT, or Cachanaquant, or Tassarono, or Tas- conohut, or Tesiquant was a son of Canonicus. From L. E. 1. 164, in his deed to Kandal Holden and others, it would seem as if he was a brother of Meantonomy. In the plea of William Harris, Ninekela, Cusanyquant, Cussuquans,, Scuttop and Quequaquenuet arementioned as grandsons of Canonicus. In a short history of Narragansett (3. M. H. C. vol. 2.) Meantonomy, Cususquench and Cojonoquond, are mention ed as sons ofthe brother of Canonicus. In L. E. 1. 164, Aloqudoomut is mentioned as son of Co jonoquond. In one of the Pettaquamscut deeds, L. E. 2. 148, Nanauhcowemot, Tountoshomon, Caugontowauset and Nonxpwomet are also mentioned as his sons. And in an- 173 other of these deeds (L. E. 2. 151-4,) Mossecup and Sac- cohan are mentioned as nephews of Cojonoquand. [Rec. of King's Province, 1. 56.] Quanopen or Sowagonish was a son of Cojonoquond and a chief in the war of 1676.' He was shot to death at New port in August, 1676. His two brothers, Sunkeejunasuc and Ashamattan were tried at the same time. [3. M. H. C. 2. 210.— Rec of Gov. and Council of R. I.— D.] Otash or Yotnesh was a brother of Meantonomy. [Ma son's Pequot War.] Pessacus, Maussup, Canonicus, Sucquans or Quissuc quansh was abrother of Meantonomy, born about 1623, and about 20 years old when Meantonomy was put to death. — Pessacus was killed by the Mohawks in 1676, about 20 miles abc^ve Piscataqua, and was buried by order of Major Waldron. [L. E. 1. 103, 165,— W. J. 1643.-3 M. H. C. 2. 210 —Hubb.] Morton somewhere calls Pessacus one ofthe eldest sons of Canonicus. This mistake might be easily made and as easily corrected by reading the Indian treaty of 1645, [Haz. 2. 40.] In the deeds ofthe Sosoa purchase in Westerly, Cojono quond and Quissucquansh are called brothers. In the same deeds, Pishicus, alias Maussup, alias Sucquansh calls Ca nonicus his uncle and Meantonomy his brother. In Haz. 2. 42, Tassaquanawit is mentioned as a brother of Pessacus. Wanomachin, Sachem ofthe country about Point Judith. (L. E. 1. 367, and.2. 150, 153, 165.) It does not appear that he was related to the family of Canonicus, Niniclade, Ninigret or Ninicroft, The last syllable was probably guttural. This will account for the different ways of spelling it. He was related to the family of Canonicus. In 3 M. H. C. 2. 210 he is said to be the son ofthe sister of Canonicus. Prince (392. 259.) makes him. the uncle of Meantonomy. In the plea of William Harris he is called grandson of Canonicus. His other names were Janemoe, (Haz. 2. 40;) and in L. E. 2. 106-7, 123 he is called Ninigret alias Wanaconchat, Sachem of Neanticoet. In the history, 1692, he is called Anquawas. He is somewhere called brother-in-law of Meantonomy. Hermon Garret disputed Ninigret's title to the Nyantic lands before the Commissioners in 1662. (Haz. 2, 46-4.) it 174 was proved before them that -Ninigret was the younger brother of Garret's father, that Ninigret having married the sister of Garret had succeeded in preference to him on ac count of Garret's mother having been a stranger. Nini gret's title was not disturbed. See page 99. POPULATION of the STATE AT SEVERAL DIFFERENT TIMES. Whenj Incor.| 1730. j 1755. J 1770. 1790. 1 1810. 1820. Newport, 4,640 6,753 9,209 6,716 7,097 7,319 1663 Portsmouth, 813 1,363 1,512 1,560 1,795 1,645 1743 Middletown, 778 881 840 976 949 1746 Tiverton, 1,325 1,957 , 2,453 2,837 ^2,875 1743 L, Compton, 1,170 1,232 1,542 1,553 1,580 1672 N. Shoreham, 290 378 575 682 722 955 1678 Jamestown, 321 517 563 507 564 448 Providence, 3,916 3,159 4,321 6,380 10,071 11,767 1730 Smjthfield, 1,921 2,888 3,171 3,828 4,678 1731 Scituate, 1,813 3,601 2,315 2,568 2,834 1730 Glocester, 1,511 2,945 4,025 2,310 2,504 1746 Cumberland, 1,083 1,756 1,964 2,110 2,653 1754 Cranston, 1,460 1,834 1,877 2,161 2,274 1759 Johnson. 1,031 1,320 1,516 1,542 1767 N. Providence, 830 1,071 1,738 2,420 1781 Foster, 2,268 2,613 2,900 1806 Burrillville, 1,834 2,164 1723 South Kingston, 1,523 1,913 2,885 4,131 3,560 3,723 1674 North Kingston, 2,105 2,109 2,472 2,907 2,957 3,007 1669 Westerly, 1,926 2,291 1,812 2,298 1,911 1,972 1788 Charlestown, 1,130 1,821 2,022 1,174 1,160 1743 Exeter, 1,404 1,864 2,495 2,254 2,581 1747 Richmond, 829 1,257 1,760 1,330 1,423 1757 Hopkinton, 1,806 2,462 1,774 1,821 1746 Bristol, 1,080 1,209 1,406 2,693 3,197 1746 Warren, 925 979 1,122 1,775 1,806 1771 Barrington, 601 683 604 634 1677 East Greenwich, 1,223 1,167 1,663 1,824 1,539 1,519 1741 West Greenwich, 1,246 1,764 2,054 1,619 2,493 3,757 1,927 Warwick, 1,178 1,911 2,438 3,643 1742 Coventry, 1,178 2,(23 2,477 2,928 3,139 17,985|40,414|59,678|68,825|75,1 88183,059 Population of the whole Colony or. State — in 1748 1774 - - - - 1782 1800 - - - 34,128 59,638 52,442 69,122 175 EXTRACTS PROM " A GENERAL HISTORY OP CONNECTICUT, &C,, BY A GENTLEMAN OFTHE PROVINCE." London, 1781. [Rev. Samuel Peters was the author.] It is commonly said that the Council of Plymouth, about 1630, granted to the Earl of Warwick, and he to Lords Say and Brook, the lands on Connecticut River, including Say- brook. Peters denies this, and says Neal, Douglas, and Huchinson have produced no proof of it. Page 15. " It stand's authenticated in the office ofthe Lord's Commissioners ofthe colonies, that in April, 1636, was conveyed to James Marquis of Hamilton, by a deed from the Cpuncil of Plymouth, the territory lyjng between Narragansett bay and Connecticut river. (N. E. Records, A. p, 201.) He never could obtain his rights, was a royal ist in Cromwell's time, Charles II. neglected it, his heirs afterwards applied to William III. and challenged Connec ticut to prove their title from Warwick and Say and Brook, but they could not," Hamilton's heirs had been opposed to the revolution of 1688. [See Huch. 60-62.] P. 23. Speakingof Indian grants in Connecticut: " It is a fact that not one of those Indians who have signed those fa mous deeds was ever a Sachem or proprietor of a single foot of land claimed by the colony. It is true that Uncas (whom Mr, Neal calls a Sachem because the colonists declared him King of Mohegin to reward him for deserting Sassacus, Sachem ofthe Pequods,) gave deeds of lands that he had no right or title to; and so did Sunksquaw, who after mur dering his Sachem, Quinipiog, was also declared Sachem by the English Dominion of New-Haven, Gratitude or pride induced all these English made Sachems to assign deeds to their creators. After the death of Uncas, his eld est son, Oneko, became king of Mohegan, who refused to grant any deeds ofland to the colony; whereupon, vexed at his wisdom and honor, they declared him an incestuous son, deposed him and proclaimed his natural brother, Abimilech, to be Sachem ofthe Mohegan's." P. 60. " Exact in tything mint and anise, the furies of New-Haven for once affected the weightier matters of jus tice. They had no title to the land: they applied to Quin- nipiog, the Sachem for a grant of it. The Sachem refused t o give the lands of his ancestors to strangers. The settlers had teeming inventions, and immediately voted themselves to be the children of God, and that the wilderness in the ut- 176 most parts of the earth was given to them. This vote be came a law forever after. It ite true Davenport endeavored to christianize Quinnipiog, but in vain. However, he cojir- verted Sunksquaw, one of his subjects, by presents and great proinises, and then Sunksqaw betrayed his master and the settlers killed him." P. 1 12- " The English Colonists have been as industrious in spreading the gospel in the howling wilderness of North America. Upwards of 180,000 Indians, at least, have been slaughtered in Massachusetts Bay and Connecticut to make way for the protestant religion, and upon a moderate com putation for the rest of the -colonies on the continent and West India Islands, I think that one may venture to assert that near two million of savages have been dismissed from an unpleasant world to the world of spirits for the honor of the protestant religion and English liberty. P. 133. "Sassacus was brave by nature. The sound of his coming would subdue nations, at the same time that justice would unbend his bow and honor calm the thunder of his tongue. Dr. Mather, Mr. Neal and others have en deavored to blast his fame by proving him to be the aggres sor in the bloody wars which ended in his ruin, Th«y have instanced the murder of Capt. Stone and others to justify this war, but carefully concealed the assassination of Quin ipiog, the treachery of Mr. Eliot, (the Massachusetts Bay -4postle of the Indians) and the infamous villany of Hooker, who spread death upon the leaves of his Bible, and struck Connecticote mad with disease. They also conceal another important fact that the English had taken possession of lands belonging to Sassacus without purchase or his consent. Be sides, Sassacus had too much sagacity to let christian spies, under the appellation of g-ospel missionaries, pass through his country. He had seen the consequences of admitting such ministers of Christianity from Boston, Hartford, &c. among his neighboring nations, and generously warmed them to keep their gospel peace from his dominions. The invaders of this howling wilderness, finding their savage love detected, and that the Pequods were not likely to fall a sact-ifice to their hypocrisy, proclaimed open war with sword and gun. The unfortunate Sassacus met his fate," P. 285. Speaking of there being no civil test oaths in Ne\V England, he says there was no need of it, for as the officers were elected by the people, nobody but a church member and one ofthe predominant sect could ever get info office. 177 Articles between ye Ing- A Covenant and Agreement LISH In Connecticut AND made between the English In- THE Indian Sachems. habiting the Jurisdiction of the River of Connecticut of the one part, and Miantinomy the chief Sachem ofthe Narragansetts in the behalf of himself and the other Sachems there; and Poquim or Uncas the chief Sachim ofthe Indians called the Mohegans in the be half of himself and the Sachims under him, as Followeth, at Hartford the 21th of September, 1638. Imp'r. There is a peace and a Familiarity made between the sd Miantinomo and Narraganset Indians and the sd Po quim and Mohegan Indians, and all former Injuryes and wrongs offered each to other Remitted andBurryed and nev er to be renued any more from henceforth. 2. It is agreed if there fall out Injuryes and wrongs for fuetur to be done or committed Each to other or their men, they shall not presently Revenge it But they are to appeal to the English and they are to decide the same, and the de termination ofthe English to stand And they are each to do as is by the English sett down and ifthe one or the other shall Refuse to do, it shall be lawfull for the English to Compel him and to side and take part if they see cause against the obstinate or Refusing party. 3. It is agreed and a conclusion of peace and friendship made between the sd Miantinomo and the sd Narragan setts and the so Poquim and the sd Mohegans as long as they carry themselves ¦ orderly and give no just cause of offence and that they nor either of them do shelter any that may be Enemy es to ye English that shall or formerly have had hand in murdering or killing any English man or wo man or consented thereunto. They or either of them shall as soon as they can either bring the chief Sachem of our late enemies the Peaquots that had the chief hand in killing the English, to the sd English, or take of their heads. As also for those murderers that are now agreed upon amongst us that are living they shall as soon as they can possibly take off their heads, if they may be in their custody or Else when soever they or any of them shall come Amongst them or to their wigwams or any where if they can by any means come by them. 4. And whereas there be or is reported for to be by yesd Narragansetts and Mohegans 200 Peaquots living that are men besides squawes and paposes. The English do give 178 unto Miantinomo and the Narragansetts to make up the number of Eighty with tbe Eleven they have already, and to Poquime his number, and that after they the Peaquots shall be divided as abovesd, shall no more be called Pea quots but Narragansetts and Mohegans and as their men and either of them are to pay for every Sanop one fathom of wam- pome peage and for every youth half so much — and for every Sanop papoose one hand tobe paid at Killing time of Corn at Connecticut yearly and shall not suffer them for to live in the country that was formerly theirs but is now the Eng lishes by conquest neither shall the Narragansets nor Mo hegans possess any part of ye Peaquot country without leave from the English And it is always expected that the English Captives are forthwith to be delivered to the Eng lish, such as belong to Connecticut to the Sachems there. And such as belong to the Massachusetts ; the sd agreements are to be kept invoylably by the parties abovesd and ifany make breach of them the other two may joyn and make warr upon such as shall break the same, unless satisfaction be made being Reasonably Required. The Marke of •) MIANTINOMMY, The Marke of + POQUIAM alias UNKAS. JOHN HAINES, ROG'R LUDLOW, EDW'RD HOPKINS. The above written is a coppy of some Articles made with- the Indians and English as attest, compared by Samuell Mason, Assistant. John Tracy, Justice of peace. The above written is a true copy of that on file. Com pared and Examined p. Ja. Meinzies, Cler. Cur. Commis, SETTLEMENT ABOUT THE PEQUOT COUNTRY. The issue of differences between the two colonies of Massachusetts and Connecticut about the Pequit country, being jointly referred to y Commissioners of the two other colonies, as followeth viz: Whereas there is a controversy received betwixt y two colonies of Massachusetts and Con necticut concerning their interest in the Pequit country, and many pleas have been made on both sides for theis 179 greater interest, we having seriously weighed what hath been by each of them alleged, conceive y determination doth arise only from their several rights by conquest, y which for ought we can understand is not greatly different, yet being tender of any inconveniences or disturbances yt may accrue to those that are already possessed either by commission from y Massachusetts or Connecticut in any place thereof, should they now be put of their improvement, and also by enquiry finding that y Pequit country which extendeth from Mistick to a place called Wecapogue about ten miles Eastward from Mistick river, may conveniently accommo date to plantations or townships, we therefore respecting things as now they stand, do conclude yt Mistick river, be y bounds between them as to property and^ to jurisdiction so far as conquest may give title thereunto, always provided yt such as are already accommodated by commission from either of y said governments, or have grants of any tracts ofland on any side of y said Mystic river, be not molested in their possession of rights, by any after grant, and yt all due care be had yt Christian Society and ordinances may be provided fbr and upheld according to God in each plan tation, Boston, Sept. 16, 1658. THOMAS PRINCE, JOSIAH WINSLOW, FRANCIS NEWMAN, WILLIAM LEAKE, By bounding it by Mystic river we intend yt y river should be y bounds so far as y Pond by Katherine's Hill and thence from y middle of y Pond to run away upon a'north line. [Haz, 2. 396.] ORDER OF THE C0MM»S-SI0NER-S ABOUT NARRAGANSETT. Having received from some of the principal Sachems of the Narragansett Indians a submission or surrender of them selves their subjects and their lands to the protection gov ernment and dispose of our dread Soveraigne y King of Great Brittain France and Ireland, as we]l by their person al acknowledgement and laying downe their armes as at his Majesties feet and sending his Majesty some presents, as also by giving us a deed dated April 19, 1644, wherein they 180 and all ye other chief Sachims of that country did then sub mit subject and give over themselves to his late Majestic of blessed memory, and by presenting us several petitions and declarations containing many injuries which they say they have received from several of his Majesties English sub jects, against whom they desire justice from us: Wee his Majesties Commissioners have received them into his Majes ties protection, and do in his Majesties name order appoint and command yt ye said Country be henceforward be called ye Kings Province, and yt no person of what colony soever presume to exercise any jurisdiction within this ye Kings Province, but such as receive authority from us under our hands and scales, until his Majesties pleasure be further knowne; And we also declare yt ye Kings Province doth extend to Pawcatuck River westward. Whereas Major Atherton and others of his Majesties Colony of y Massachusetts pretend a Mortgage of a great part of ye said country. We order and appoint yt whenever either of y Sachims "known by the name Pessicus or Nen- ecroft or any authorized by them do pay unto any one ofthe persons laying claime to y same mortgage ye summe of 735 fathoms of peage, ye said mortgage shall be void and what ever is thereupon to by them. And whereas there is also two purchases pretended to of two great tracts of land by y same Major Atherton, Capt. Hudson and others of his Majesties colony of y Massachu setts, bought of Cathanaquant in y Narragansett country in y yeare 1659, in which deed there is no mention of any consideration, and yt it appears yt y said pretending pur chasers knew yt y said country was submitted to his Majes tic, as well by witnesses, as by ye said submission being eighteen years agoe printed; Wee his Majesties Commissioners, having heard ye whole business, do declare ye said purchase to be void, and order and command yt y said purchasers'shall quit and goe of ye said pretended purchased lands, and shall not keep any cat tle of any sort upon y said land by pretence of ye said pur chase after ye feast of St. Michael next, if within that time either of y Sachims above named or any authorized by them do pay unto any one of ye said purchasers ye sum of 300 fathoms of peag, which is ye only summ acknowledged to be received by ye said Cathanaquant. 181 Given under our hands and scales at Petaquam-inetuck ye 20th of March, 1664. C ROBERT CARR, For the Purchasers, ' GEORGE CARTWRIGHT ( SAM. MAVERICK (20 March, 1664-5.) Whereas by a former order, bearing date March 20th, 1664, at Petequomscut, it was then ordered, that all the in habitants within the King's Province of Nanhyganset should quit their habitations and plantations in the month of Sep tember following, we have, upon serious consideration, thought fit to order and appoint, and by these presents do order and appoint, that the said former orders shall not re main in force; that the inhabitants of the King's Province of Nanhyganset shall remain in quiet and full and peaceable possession of all their lands and houses and appurtenances, until his Majesty's pleasure be further known, any order before made or granted to the contrary notwithstanding. Given under ourhands and seals the 16th of September, 1666. RICHARD NICOLLS, ROBERT CARR, SAMUEL MAVERICK, [3. M. H. C. 1. 221.] THE king's commissioners' ORDER TO THE MAJISTRATES OF RHODE-ISLAND. Whereas by the authority given us by his sacred Majis- tye our dread soveraigne, to provide for the peace and safety of all his colonyes here in Americah, and in a more espe- ciall manner for that part ofit called the Narragansett Coun try, and by his Majistye-'s command, now to be called the King's Province: We did by commisssion under our hands and scales dated at Pataqumskocte, March the twentieth 1664; appoint, authorize, and in his Majistye's name re- quier — Benedict Arnold, Wm. Brenton, esqrs., John Cog geshall, James Barker, Joseph Clarke, William Field, Thomas Olnye, Roger Williams, Wm. Baulston, John San ford, Randal Holden, Walter Todd, John Porter, and John 182 Green, gentlemen, to exercise the power and authority of Juctices ofthe Peace, or majistrates throughout the whole compasse ofthis his Majistye's Province, and to do what ever they thinke best for the peace and safety of the sayd Province, and as neare as they can to the English lawes, till his Majistye's pleasure be father known therein. And in matters of greater consequence any seven of them, where of the governor or deputy-governor shall be one, shall be a court to determine any buisnesse: Our intent and meaninge was, and is, that the said commission should be no longer in force than untill the third of May next: And that then, and thence forward, the governor and deputy-governor, and all the assistants for the time being of his Majistye's colony of Rhode-Island, &c., shall be Justices of the Peace; and therefore by the power given us from his Majistye, we order and appoynt the governor and deputy-governor, and all the assistants of the sayd colony, to be and to exercise the au- thoritye of Justices ofthe Peace, in this the King's Prov ince and to do whatever they think best for the peace and safety ofthe said Province, and as neare as they can to the English lawes, till his Majistye's pleasure be father known therein; And in matters of greater consequence any seven of them, whereof the governor or deputy-governor shall be one, shall be a court to determine any business. Given under our hands and scales at Warwick, April 8th, 1666. ROBERT CARR, Scale. GEORGE CARTWRIGHT, Scale. SAMUEL MANERICK, Scale. [State Records.] ORDER OP THE COMMISSIONERS m PAYOR OF HERMON GARRET. Whereas Hermon Garret, an Indian so called, alias We quash Cook, by virtue of an order bearing date the 16th of May 1665 at Boston, signed by his Majesty's Commission ers, Sir Robert Carr, Knight, Geo. Cartwright, and Samuel Maverick Esqs, have liberty and consent to remove with his own family near Wequapauock or Tismatuck in the King's Province of y Narraganset country, whereof y said Hermon Garret is one ofthe Sachems, and being it is his Majesty's known pleasure yty heathen should have common justice and protection, as also yt y temporary orders of his 183 Majesty's Commissioners shall remain in force until his Ma jesty's final determination is given; Nevertheless, being credibly informed that Stephen Willcock and others (under y government of his Majesty's Colony of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations) have threatened and actually dis turbed y sayd Hermon Garret, to y annoyance of his plan tation and forcibly cutting grass without satisfaction, near unto his wigwam or place of aboade, which unjust proceed ings tend to y disturbance of y peace and safety of his Ma jesty's subjects and to y manifest breach of his Majesty's commands, whereupon we find ourselves necessiated to pro test and in his Majesty's name by these presents do protest against all and every p^son or persons who shall presume to violate y order of his Majesty's Commissioners dated in Boston 17th May 1665; and we do farther in his Majesty's name warn them and every of them not to proceed to disturb y sayd Hermon Garratt and his family (to say) his wives, children, and servants in the peaceable enjoyment of y lands assigned to them, as they tender his Majesty's dis pleasure and will answer the contrary at their peril. Given under y hands of us his Majesty's Commissioners at Fort James in New- York the 20th of November 1666. |L. S.I RICHARD NICHOLLS, [LTsTI ROBERT CARR. To all his Majesty's subjects whom these do or may coucern. The above is a true copy ofthe original, being compared therewith, August 6, 1689. per John Allyn, Secretary. LETTER TO' CONNECTICUT. 1670. Mr. John Crandall and Joseph Torrey, Junr. are chosen to go to Conetticott to delever a letter from the court, and receive their answer, which letter is as followeth: Newport, R. Island, Oct. 15, 1670. Honored and well beloved gentlemen. We have thought it might not be of evell consequence, yet once again, to propose unto your thoughts the consid eration of what good consequence it will be unto both these , 184 his Majistyes colonyes, that they compose their differences among themselves and forbear troubleing his Majistye with complaints, considering the great travill and charge of goe- ing so far a voyage as that will require, besides the just cause it may give of procuring such remedy as the country may have no cause to rejoice therein; and may lykely and in reason much distast our Soveraigne Lord the King to have yet new complaints come so soone after that great and royall care and charge taken by his Majisty and effectually used by his honorable commistioners to settle our bounda- ryes, &c., which act, and acts, of those gentlemen, are, as we are lately informed, ratified by act of Parliament, we have seen a letter from your honored governor, Mr. John Winthrop, that he writt in answer to a letter that wee de sired our governor to write to him, intending it should be communicated to yourselves, as noe doubte it is, or had been, but that the governor to whom it was directed was not at home, in which was signified our determination to appeale for justice into his Majistye, as by our charter we are in- joyned in such case, except some more easie and less trav- illsom way be found to put an issue to the greavances now sustained by us. And now finding your governor's in clination for such a peaceable composure, and that he judg- eth it may be done by persons mutually, fully impowered by each colony for the purpose, which however we have once alreadye done, and given all the power we could give unto three persons in June last, to treat and fully conclude all matters, with as many of yours so impowered as by the com- mistion to ours, it doth appeare, and yet the treaty proved of no such consequence as we hoped, &c. But seeing we are not fully informed, that you, the General Assemblye of his Majisties colony of Coneticoit, have had the certain knowlidge of those matters, and of the transactions since that time passing in this jurisdiction, exercised therein by some of yours — have thought it convenient by these few lines, and by the more pertickelar information of Mr John Crandall, Senr., the bearer hereof, unto whose relation we pray you give credit, to acquaint you that our ernest desires are, that a loving composure may be had between the two colonyes; and the means to effect it, to be by persons yet once more fully impowered to that purpose, and that in mean time you will forbeare such force as by your orders hath been lately exercised within the King's Province at Wes- 185 terly, and in the tract and tracts, of that Province called the Narragansett country, as also if a friendly composure may fayle, and such a treaty cannot be had, or peace produced by such a treaty — that then you will agree to refer the de cision ofthe matter to his Majistie, and give us notice, so you will doe; we will, if you agree, mutually become bound, there to meet your agent, by an agent, or agents sent from ourselves, provided in meantime you forbeare exercising ju risdiction within the tract, and tracts abovesaid. But ifthese are not attended unto, then we shall be forced to make our humble addresses unto our Lord the King,' by way of com- playnt, though much rather, we would that complaints be prevented. Honorable gentlemen, we earnestly desire, arid expect, yoiir absolute pdsative a,nswer Unto these oUr pro- posalles, with all speed possible, by this same bearer, and therefore shall add no more at present, but that in case your retorne may assure us that you will forbeare force, and ap ply yourselves to a peaceable way of composure, as above said, you may expect from us a speedye and loving comply.* ance therein, and that in meantime we shall remaine. Honored and beloved Friends, your truly affectionate neighbours. The General Assembly of his Majistyes colo ny of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations. Signed by order ofthe said Assembly, by JOSEPH TORREY, clerke. These, To our honored and beloved] Friends, the General Assembly of his Majistyes colony of Coneticott, presented per John Crandall. Ordered, that warrants shall be issued forth, to prese horses, boats, or any other thinge conducing to the com fortable accommodation and speedy dispatch of Mr. John Crandall, and Joseph Torrey, Junr., in the voyage to Co netticott. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. At the General Assembly held at JYewport, the second of April, 1671. Voted: Whereas sundry persons ofthe town of Stoning ton in the jurisdiction of Connecticut Colony have of late in a most riotous, tumultuous and rebellious manner, made in- ciirsions upon the town of Westerly in this his Majesty's L* 186 Colony of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations &.C., and have knock'd down, carried away and under a pretence of authority derived from his Majesty, have imprisoned and sentenced several persons ofthe said town, to the great af frighting and disquieting of the rest: And whereas upon notice given to the Governor and Government of the said Connecticut Colony, instead of bringing the said offenders, or at least the ringleaders of such riotous and rebellious practices, to receive suitable recompence for such heinous offences by them committed against our Soveraign Lord the King and his Loyal Subjectsof that place, or to deliver them up to this jurisdiction where the offence was committed, in order to receive by their hand condign punishment for the same, have countenanced and encouraged the aforesaid offenders, alledging that they had Patent Right to exercise jurisdiction over those parts, and over all the JVanaganset Countrey beside j- which yet are so plainly expressed in his Majesty's gracious grant given unto us: And whereas the preceding General Assembly ofthis Colony, (in order to prevent the efiusion of blood upon that account, together with the reproach and dishonor that may thereby arise and come unto his Majes ty's authority, which he hath been pleased graciously to invest these his Colonys with) as peaceable minded neigh bours to Connecticut Colony, and as loyal subjects unto his Majesty, have often moved them for a friendly treaty touch ing the premises, in order to attain such aright understand ing of his Majesty's mind therein express'd in his gracious grants bestowed upon us as may be fur our mutual satisfac tion and content, so as to prevent the giving of his Majesty, ourselves and our friends any further trouble touching the same, and when that essay failed, and' would not by them be attended unto, did further make unto them such fair ten ders for peace with respect to propriety and also jurisdiction as appealing to his Majesty for his decision therein, which we are persuaded no good christian peaceable minded man or loyal subject, that is not extremely biassed with self-con cerns upon a private account, can turn aside from: And not withstanding all these attempts cannot prevail with them for a friendly complyance with us therein, but on the contrary have received from them as their last result, a fixed resolution to force their way, which also forceth us to prosecute our appeal to the utmost before his Majesty for his royal result and determination therein, in which we shall cheerfully ac- 187 4uiesce as loyal subjects ought to do, and yet since we can- »ot but take ourselves obliged both by nature and grace in the meantime vigorously to assert his Majesty's sovereiim- ity over the whole countrey, and to exert and put forth the authority and trust by him committed to us over these parts; Wherefore be it enacted by this present Assembly and the au thority thereof. That in case any ofthe men of Stoningfown aforesaid, or any other belonging to that jurisdiction, after the peaceable tenders that have been made as is abovesaid, shall be found plotting, contriving or acting in such riotous, rebellious proceeds and practices for the time to come, whereby his Majesty's authority conferred on this Colony is invaded, and the lives and estates of his liege people hazarded, that then all the right and title pretended to either in land, houses, goods or chatties within this Colony by such plotters, contrivers or riotous actors, their aiders and abettors as to them, their heirs and assigns, shall be deem ed void and null as forfeited to his Majesty, and shall be forthwith seized upon according to his Royal grant to us, for the use ofthe colony, and also the persons of such plot ters, contrivers and riotous actors, their aiders and abettors, when they can be apprehended and seized, being found within this colony, shall receive such condign punishment otherways for their said offences as his Majesty's laws have provided in such like cases. And be it further enacted by this present Assembly, that in case any of the inhabitants of the town of Westerly, who are expressly within the bounds of this colony, and have solemnly engaged submission unto the authority which his Majesty hath been pleased to invest us with over those parts, shall at any time hereafter, put his lands, or any part thereof that are on the east side of Pawcatuck alias Narra ganset river, and tbe line drawn from thence as is express ed in our Charter, under the Government of Connecticut or any other jurisdiction, or shall endeavor actually to bring in the aforesaid government or any other foreign power, to ex ercise authority over those parts or any other part of the colony, or yield obedience thereunto, he and they and eve ry of them, shall incur the penalty for, either the aforesaid offences, that the law made in '68 hath provided; which is to forfeit all his or their land and estate to the colony. And it is further enacted. That what damage any persons in the town of Westerly, or any others in this colony, shall 188 sustain (by reason of their adhering to the government es tablished in this colony,) in their persons or estates, their damage shall be made good and repaired out ofthe estates of those that are the occasioners thereof, or actors therein. The above and aforegoing is a true copy as appears of Record. Teste, JA. MARTIN, Sec'ry. At the General Court of Election, held at JYewport, May the 3d, 1671. Whereas Mr. John Crandall of the town of Westerly, hath been, as is asserted, apprehended, and now is in du rance, by the colony of Connecticut, and for no other cause than for endeavoring to maintain the authority of his Maj esty granted to this colony; and haying by Mr. Tobias Saunders desired the advice ofthe Governour and others in this colony, whether to give in bond to the authority of Connecticut or to abide imprisonment? This Assembly do advise the said Mr. John Crandall, that in any matter relat ing to his actings for the maintaining his Majesty's author ity in this colony, he give no bond: And also the Assembly do promise, that if he be forced to imprisonment for the premises, this colony will bear his charges thereby, and en deavor to justify his actings therein. True copy as appears of record. Teste, JA, MARTIN, Sec'ry, Jfewport in Rhode-Island, May 6, 1671. Honored Gentlemen, We cannot but once again signefy unto you the exceed ing troubles, the inhabitants ofthis colony, liveinge at the town of Westerly, on the east side of Paucatuck, alias Nar ragansett river — daily sustain, by the violent and furious iruptions and assaults of their neighbors, of Stonington, who say they are impowered by yourselves. We cannot but resent their sad condition, iind also seek to remedy the same, according to the utmost of our power; they being within the tract of land, by his Majestye granted unto us, in his Royal Charter, and which your agent in England did agree to be within our jurisdiction, as we doubt not but will appear to yourselves,, if yoy please to take the paines to. 189 reade the instrument under his hand; and altho, in our gov ernor's letter to you, you conceive there were some disunit- inge expressions arising from heat; we have read and se riously perused that letter, and find nothing contained there in but just proposals, and true informations — tending only to promote peace and unity between these two colonies, can not but approve of the same. Neither could we but judge that the honored Governor Winthrop whas wholly ignorant of these proceeds of your commissioners at Narragansett, which did so directly contradict, what in England, in the presence of several worthy persons, he did really owne. Neither can it in reason be inferred or Collected, that be cause some pertickeler persons about Mr. Smith's tradinge House, had liberty to chuse, to which colony they would belong, that therefore the bounds absolutely determined in that agreement should be disannulled, which we did, in an espesial manner insist upon — so it was proposed, not in that letter only, but in many others, whereof you were never pleased to signify that you took the least notice, and to which agreement we shall adhere — and which our commis sioners at New-London did verbally signify they would sub scribe, as the conclusion of the differances between these two colonies. But we perceive, you do not only desert that agreement, but have also settled your resolutions, unless we will relinquish what his Majisty hath graciously granted unto us, which we have no power to do, you will treat no further. — Gentlemen, we cannot but observe that in your last, while you carefully sum up those pertickelars, which you conceive includes the whole purport of our letter of Oc tober 16th last, you pass by, as unregarded, a fourth, which if you had accepted, we doubt not, but by this time our dif ferances might have been determined — and that is, our ap peale to his sacred Majistye, who, as he hath reserved the determination thereof unto himself, so his subjects cannot errect a greater manifestation of their subjection and loyal ty, than by submittinge themselves unto his Royal judgment, in which we are resolved to rest satisfy ed, having good grounds to hope suddainly to receive some significations of his royal will and pleasure therein: In the meane time, we are determined, in a faithful discharge of that trust reposed in us by our Sovereigne Lord the King, and in obedience to his commands, to use our uttermost indeavors, for tho defence of all his Majistyes subjects committed to our care. 190 We shall add no more at present, but remain your real friends and neighbours. The General Assembly of his Majestyes Colony of Rhode-Island and Providence Planta tions, &c. Signed by their order, JOHN SANFORD, Recorder. To the Honored, the General Assembly of his Majisties Colony of Conecticott, sitting at Hartford, these present. LETTER TO CONNECTICUT. Gentlemen, You had no grounds to expect, when we so often pro- possed to you, that we might mutually refer the decision of the controvercy between us, unto the Kings most Excellent Majesty, as we are in duty bound: We say, you could not imagine, that we would, in meane time betray our trust, and give 'up our rights, by desertinge the people under our charge, in neglectinge to govern within the limites of the Charter that his Majestic see graciously bestowed upon this Colony — for if so we had done, you needed, not then, to have attended us in England, when we had so given up our trust and betrayed our people. — Gentlemen, this your ex pectation, we cannot but conceive to proceed from your aprihentions, at least, of Qur weakness, or disingenuety: But you may be assured, wee shall not so foolishly, and disloyaly decline our duty; And yet, while we are in the exercise of that authority which is, by Gods Providence, and the Royal favour of our Soverraigne, put into our hands to govern in all those parts contained in our Charter, the western boundary whereof is Pacatuck alias Narragansett River, as you know well enough, and your Governor, no doubt cannot forget it. We say, while we are see found actinge in obedience to his Majesties commission, we shall pot be in any way discouraged to expect his graceous pro tection, against your and all others unjust molestations; it beinge clere that the ambition of some, and covitiousnes of others, puts you upon, and by their importunities provokes you unto these violent invasions on our rights and privil- edges. Notwithstanding your submission unto the deter mination of his Majesties Commissioners, made and declared at Pettacomscutt in March 1664; which is evident by your 191 desisting from molesting us in those parts for several years, whereby you confessed our undoubted right — and we, by a constant course of justice there maintained, did cleerly evince that we durst not for any point of time, neglect our duty, it beinge dangerous and disloyall soej to doe. And where you plead the propriety of your grant, it is more than wonderfull you forgitt that your grant, was by his Majesties command arrested, and before your agent could cleere it, there was an agreement made, and the eastern boundary of your pattent defined, which before was not soe cleerly and definitively expressed, but only said to be Narrogansitt River; which river is knowne, now, by his Majesties Royal determination in our pattent, to be Pawcatuck River; and that Upon the concurrance and agreement of your, and our, agents in England, as under their hands and scales you know is extant. And whereas you say, your claims by Charter, are, or have ben, unquestionable! you must be very forgetfull, if you remember not how much your west ern and southern claims have ben questioned, and found bound just right, which showes his Majesty had not from you such cleer information as became dutefule and loyal sub jects to have given unto their Prince. But as for all these, your differences with us, and intrusions upon us, we have often tendered you, mutually to refer all to the determination of our Sovereign Lord the King, to all which we never receiv ed so much as a hint that you took notice thereof, until now in yours of May 11th 1671 you mentioned it by wayof evas- sion, because we continue in the exercise of Government in the parts you would wrest from us, (as by your violent intrusions it too plainly appears) but to that invasion, we have given you our answers above: and yet, since we have from you at last, a word that you take notice of our offers, of our appeale to his majesty, for a full determination (if further than it is, it can be,) we still offer you that expedi ent, as the most rational way to end that controvercy, praying your positive answer therein. Yet we assure you, that in the meane time, we shall not emit our per severance in the exercising of Government there. — But shall, as in duty we are obliged, go on in the de fence of his Majesties interest, and the peoples peace, and security on the east side Pawcatuck River, and within the bounds mentioned in our charter, and reconfirmed, and cleerly declared by his Majestyes Honorable Commisioner,* 192 ks afore is mentioned. Yet seeing your late application to' us, (as your committee in theirs of May 19th 1671 are pleas ed to mention to yourselves) we are willing to answer your motions, for a friendly Treaty: — And such a Treaty had ben before now, had you not refused to treat at one of those places, mentioned by Mr Crandal, by order from us in Oc tober last. But adhereing to your own appointment at New- London, or Hartford, for the place of Treaty, both in your own Colony; to which we had no encouragement to agree; in as much as our Comraisioners as attended yours in the late Treaty at New London, found such an unsutiable (not to say uncivill) behaviour from yours, besides their deny ing, when ours desired, an open conference before all men present, or at least, that the whole discourcethat passed be tween them in writing, might be red before the people, which had been very reasonable: that soe such as are led in the darke, might have heard, and seen the truth of the case — for truth seeks noe corners. For the rteasons afore said, ours are not free to meete upon such advantages, and therefore as places of more indifferency to meete, and treat, we propose SeCuncke, alias Rehobeth; and incase that be not accordinge toyour conveniency, we propose New York, as a place far more remote from us, than from yourselves, we are willing to deny ourselves in that respect, and give you the advantage, of havinge the least journie to goe. Which place, in other respects, is most commodiously in different to both. And if you please to accept of either those places, for the said Treaty, we desire to know your minds; and we leave it to you, to appoint the time, arid to give us such timely notice thereof, as may serve for per- forminge the voiadge; which notice we expect to receive, at least twenty days before the day you adpoint for a treaty. And thereupon you may assuredly expect (if the Lord please,) that three persons from us, invested with as full power as this colony is invested with by his Majesty, (in this respect) to meete, treate with, and conclude, with so many persons by yourselves soe impowered, a full, and fy- nall agreement, and accord, in all matters controverted be tween you and us. And as the most hopeful means to pro cure a right understandinge ofthe truth ofthe case between yourselves and us — We also propose, that besides such per sons so fully and mutually impowered, that your honored Governor, and our honored Deputy-Governor, who were 193 agents for procuring Charters in England, maybe present at the Treaty; being most able to clear up all difficultyes, and that will be most tendinge to a good accord, between the two colonies. Which motion, if you accept, let us know the same, and our deputy-governor, ifthe Lord per- mitt, will freely, for preventing future troubles, take the paines to come to the Treaty; provided that the Treaty may be before the 10th of September now next ensuing the date hereof And do expect you will forbeare, in meane time, using force in any parts, on the East side of Pauca tuck river, called also Narrogansitt river as afore mentioned. And thus, honored gentlemen and friends, we shall no farther enlarge at present, but remaine, Your very affectionate Friends and loving Neighbors, The General Assemblye of his Majistye's ! Colony of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations. Signed by their order, JOHN SANFORD, Clerk of the Assembly. Dated in JYeioport, June 14th, 1671, To our honored Friends, the Governor and General Assembly of liis Majisty 's Colo ny of Coneticott, Present with care. Or in case the Assemblye be not now sittiUge. To the Governor and Council at Hartford, These be. delivered. JVewport, JSovember 4, 1671. Honored and respected Gentlemen: Yours, bearing date October 12th 1671, came to our hands inclosed in a letter from Mr. Jereth Bull, conserva tor of the peace at Pettacomscutt, in the Kings Province &c., dated October 26th, and sent by an Indian. But for that bearer, by whom you desired an answer, here came no such person, nor, know, we, who it was — being you name him not; and therefore could not send an answer by such. And how, or why, the letter was so longe a cominge to Pettacomscutt, even 1-4 dales, we cannot but wonder, save as we must suppose it was mis-dated. But to overlook that, and not to insist upon the greatinge expressions therein, being so frequently sent us, instead of solid reason : and un der pretence of reproving the like, pretended to be used by M 194 us, of which we are not concious — But on the contrary, have endeavored to offer reasonable proposals, as our letters will be construed by indifferent readers. We shall, by way of answer to your letter abovesaid, (for we received none from your committee since ours of June the 14th.) We say, in answer to your motions, or returns for a Treaty at Boston, or Rehobeth, (you waving New York,) we are willing to join with you, to wit, to meet, and treat at Rehoboth, not doubting of convenient entertainment there to be procured. And as for the times you prefix, necessity compels us to consent to the latter — viz. April next. Altho we had much rather attended it, the second week of this month, had we received such timely notice, by a certain bearer, by whom it had ben possible to have returned answer, timely enough to have accomodated that matter, which otherwise couldnot be. And as for the third pertickular, to wit, a Plenepoten- tiary Commission to the persons Commisionated to treat with yours, you had a full account of that point in our last-^ of June 14 above said, wherein we engaged to invest them, with as full power in that respect, as his Majestic hath in vested us withal. And. further, you may not expect, apd therefore to be plain and cleere in few words, we must tell you, that we have no power to alter, change, or give away, any part ofthe bounds prescribed and setfled by his majes tic in his gracious letters Pattent's, for us to exercise juris diction in, so that to treat on that account will prove labor in vain, as you by former, experience by letters, treaty's and letters again, have ben abundantly given to understand. But if your aims were, or are, that differences about lands, lyinge in the Kings Province, might be issued by friendly eomposures among the pretenders there — about differinge (ifany such appeere) as it is very likely that claims of in terest; is the cause of strivinge to wrest the jurisdiction out of our hands — we shall, as far as it concerneth this Colony in general, be very free to impower our Committee, fully to decide the differences about interest in Land by a mutual composinge the , same with yours; as also to persuade per tickular persons soe to doe; or to put such difierencesJo indifierent persons ofthe Colonies you name, and of New- York, &c., to determine therein. And if this motion be accepted, and that we may have your present, and positive answer, that soe you doe accept it, it may happily prevent our complaint to his Majestic, &,c. Upon your forbearinge 195 to force your way, by exercising jurisdiction on the east .side of Pawcatuck, alias Narragansett River. And there fore request, and expect, your answer by Lt. Torrey, whome we send on purpose to bring it; Wherein, you ap- pointingc also a certain day in April next, for the said pro posed Treaty at Rehobeth; ours shall be ready, with the help of the Lord, then and there to attend yours; being hopeful it may be the means to issue the differences in love and peace; which that it may be, it is. Honored Friends the unfaigned desire of. Your friends and neighbors of The General Assembly of his Majesties Colony of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, now sittinge. Signed by their order. Per JOHN SANFORD, Clerk of the Assembly. To the much honored John Winthrop, Esq. Governor of his Majisties Colony of Con etticott, and to the honored council; Or— To the honoured Mr. John Allyn, Assistant and Secretary, to be communicated to the rest ofthe honored committee, appointed to that end, by the General Assembly to receive, and to answer letters of public concernment. Per Lieut. Joseph Torrey, Q. D. G. LETTER TO CONNECTICUT. Mw^ort, October 25, 1676. Honored Gentlemen, — We cannot omit, to manifest to you our absolute dislike of your late proceeds, (if our information be true,) which, from credible persons of our colony, had been asserted; and confirmed by several of yours, and some in authority; that you had, by order of your court, detirmined to deprive us of our just ritts, and privilidges, in the Narraganset Country, (alias Kings province,) graciously granted to us, in our charter, by his majesty, and confirmed by his honor ed commissioners: By vertue of which power, we have peaceably enjoyed the government, disposition, and other privilidge therein, for several years past. Therefore 196 much strange, that you should, under pretence of sub duing the Indians, monopolise our privilidges, by warning our inhabitants from setling upon their own plantations in said Narragansett that were forced by reason of the late warr with the Indians, to desert their habitations, for the security of their lives; with what else of their stock and movables they could preserve; till way, by the providence of God, shall be made for their return to their own as afore said. Its well known, that the United Colonies did desert several of their out plantations, and some were, by the en emy, drove and necesitated soe to do, for the safety of their lives. If for that cause only, the Colonys should have their charter ritts, and particular persons their lands and privi leges, it would to them, (and to all rational men) appear ridiculous, and without doubt disapproved by his Majesty if it should come to a hearing. We are very apt to believe, that if matters should come to a just inquiry conserning the cause ofthe war, that the Narraganset sachems which were subjects to his majesty, and by his foresayd commissioners taken into protection, and put under our government, and to us at all times manifested their submission, by appearing when sent for. Neither was their any manifestation of warr against us from them, but allways the contrary, till by the United Colonys, they were forced to warr, or such sub mission as it seems they could not subject to; thereby in volving us in such hazads, charges and losses which hath fallen upon us in our out plantationSj that noe colony has re- seived the like, considering our number of peopell. But admit the cause never so just, aproved and alowed by his majesty, on your parts, as to the said warr, as its well known and owned, that his subjects have liberty to persue his known enemies, in order to subdue them, in any part of his dominions, where they come, and cannot but be owned a great favor, and that for such kindness or privilidge, the inhabitants should lose their possessions; cannot but be looked at a great oppression and ingratitude, which, to deal plainly is our case, [if information be true as aforesaid,] Is it not sufficient, that, as God hath made you [with the as sistance of the Pequods and other Indains,] instruments to subdue those you made war with, and have had many privileges in our said colony, without interuption from us, ;and for our said kindness, you endever to reward us, with sdepriving us of our just ritts and our inhabitants of their 197 settlement, upon their own again, will appear very un just; and further, to suggest that the land was left voide, and therefore free for others to settle; we say, that inas much as our authority saw cause to draw our people into a nearer compass, thereby to preserve their lives and estates [which true wisdom would lead all men to,] did thereby maintain our colony in being. But had our colony been wholly deserted, and the people, and Authority vanquished, there might have been soms color. Soe hoping you will take the premises into your serious consideration, and avoid any further provication, by threats, or actions in our fore sayd boundaries; otherwise you must expect our opposition to the utmost of our abilities. And further, know, that our intentions are, (if violated of our just ritts,) by your author ity, doe purpose with all expedition, to make aplication to his majesty, the consequence of which may prove incon venient to some; but blame not us, who are forced thereto, but its rather our hearts desire, peaceibly to enjoy our own, and with you, and all men, to be neighborly, and friendly, which is the true desire of your very loving friends and neighbors. Signed by an order ofthe General Assembly sitting Oct, 25, 1676, JOHN COGGESHALL, Clarke of the Assembly, To the Hon, the General Assembly of Con necticut colony, if sitting, or to the hon ored, the Governor and Councill of said colony, these present with care. At the General Assembly and Election, held in his Majesty's name. May the second, 1677, at JYewport. Voted upon the petition presented unto this Assembly by Thomas Gould, James Raynolds and Henry Tibbitt, for in struction, assistance and advice as to the oppressions they suffer under from the Colony of Connecticut, this Court having seriously considered thereof, do unanimously de clare, that they will vindicate their jurisdiction unto the Naraganset Countrey, and from the intrusions of Connecti cut Colony; and that ifthe said petitioners shall suffer either in their persons or estate, for their fidelity and submission unto this Colony, we will, as we are in duty bound, stand by them, assist them and relieve them by all lawful ways 198 and means. whatever, which is the full result ofthis Court, as answer unto the said petition dissenting, hereby also strictly prohibiting the said Thomas Gould, James Raynolds and Henry Tibbitt, and all other persons inhabiting in the Naraganset Countrey, from yielding any subjection or obe dience to any authority derived from any other Colony. True copy as appears of record. Teste, JA. MARTIN, Sec'ry. The Assembly adjourned until Thursday next, which liiill be the 24th day ofthis instant, May, and thenio assemble again at the house of Henry Palmer in JYewport. May 24th, the Assembly met and sat. Voted: This following ordered to be placed to Record, with the Acts ofthis Assembly. Gentlemen — We received your letter three days after it was dated. We have been as quick and industrious as pos sible we could, that you might receive all suitable encour agement, that as you continue true to your engagement to this Colony, and upon that account are kept prisoners, we shall equally bear your charges of imprisonment, and with all expedition address ourselves to his Majesty for reliefe, the General Assembly being very near, which may make further conclusions for this purpose. Not else at present, but remain. Your Friends. Signed by order ofthe Council. JOHN COGGSHALL, Sec'ry. To Mr. Thomas Gould, Mr. James Raynolds, and the rest that were carried away prisoners to Hartford in Connecticut Colony, these present with care. Newport, April 21, 1677. True copy as appears of Kecord. Teste, JA. MARTIN, Sec'ry. THE PROHIBITION. Whereas we have received a gracious letter from his maj esty, to this his colony dated at his Court at White Hall the 12th of February 1678-9, wherein his majesty is pleased to confirm the jurisdiction and government of the Narragan sett and Niantick country unto this his colony (according to 199 the true settlement thereof by his honored commissioners, expressed in their acts of March 1664-6 and April 1665,) and therein commanding all others to be obedient thereto. Therefore in obedience, and in pursuance of his majesty's gracious favor to us, and for the information of the Inhab itants in said Narragansett and Niantick — and for the pre venting their running their themselves into hazards and difficulties, that hereafter may prove greatly to their dam age: We, the Assmbly of his majesty's colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, in true and loyal obedi ence to his majesties long and yet continued favors and late commands: Hereby give notice, forewarn, and prohibit, all persons of what degree soever, being and belonging unto the town of Westerly, adjoining to Pawcatuck alias Narra gansett river, and any other place in the Niantick and Nar ragansett country, in the King's province, from yielding, rendering, or owning any obedience unto the Colony of Con- necticutt, or any government, except the government of his royal majesty established in this his colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations and king's province. And this is farther in his majesty's name to require and command all the inhabitants of Westerly (Alias Miscomo- quott) aforesaid, to be observant and truly obedient as they ought to be, unto his majesty's authority, according to his royal pleasure, to and in this colony derived, nnd placed; else they must expect to answer the contrary in such pen alties, as law in such cases hath provided. By order ofthe general Assembly of his majesty's colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations and King's province. JOHN SANFORD, Recorder. P. S. And further this is to signify and declare, that by the authority aforesaid, all persons of what degree soever, inhabiting or belonging to the jurisdiction ofthe colony of Connecticut, are hereby in his majesties name, forwarned, forbidden, and commanded, not to assert or exercise any authority, or government in any part of this colony on the cast side of the aforesaid Pawcatuck River, or they must expect to be prosecuted against, according to law and jus tice. Signed by an order ofthe General Assembly of his majes ties colony of Rhode Island, and Providence Plantations, 200 and King's Province; setting at Newport the 9th of July, 1679, and by their order the seal affixed. Per JOHN SANFORD, Recorder. PATCATUCK RIVER, THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN CONNECTICUT AND RHODE-ISLAND. Whereas some difference hath of late fallen out between Mr. John Winthrop, agent for the taking of a patent for the colony of Connecticut, and Mr. John Clarke, agent for the taking out of a patent for the colony of Providence, Rhode- Island, concerning the right meaning of certain bounds set down in a patent lately granted to the colony of Connecti cut: And whereas by reason of doubtfulness of some names and expressions mentioned in the said patent, and for the better preventing of all disputes that might arise be tween the said colonies hereafter, by reason of such uncer tainties or dubiousness, they the said John Winthrop and John Clarke have jointly and mutually nominated, chosen, and appointed William Brenton, Esq. Major Robert Thom son, Capt. Richard Doane, Capt. John Brookehaven, and Doct. Benjamin Worsely, or any three or most of them, to hear and to consider the state ofthe said difference, and to determine what they judge might be most commodious, in order to the settling the said bounds, clear of all uncer tainties, and giving a mutual satisfaction to both the said colonies, whose names are here underwritten, having, in pursuance of their request, met together, and have at large heard what hath been alleged on each side on the behalf of themselves and the respective colonies to whom they do respectively belong, upon serious debate and Consideration had ofthe whole matter, we have jointly and unanimously agreed to offer their advice as followeth: First; a river, there commonly called and known by the name of Pauka- tuck river, shall be the certain bounds between those two colonies; which said river shall, for the future, be also call ed Narraganset or Narroganset river. Secondly; ifany part of that purchase at Quenebaug doth lie along upon the east side of the river that goeth down by New-London, within six miles ofthe said river, that then it shall wholly belong to Connecticut colony, as well as the rest which hath on the west side ofthe aforesaid river. Thirdly; that 201 the proprietors and inhabitants of that land about Mr, Smith's trading-house, claimed or purchased by Major Ath erton, Captain Hutchinson, Lieutenant Hudson, and others, or given unto them by Indians, shall have free liberty to choose to which of those colonies they will belong. Fourth ly; that propriety shall not be altered' nor destroyed, but carefully maintained through the said colonies. BENJAMIN WORSELY. RICHARD DOANE, WILLIAM BRENTON, ROBERT THOMPSON, JOHN BROOKEHAVEN. To the four profiosals abovementioned, we the said John Winthtop and John Clarke do consent and submit, as a full and final issue of all the controversies between us. In wit ness whereof, we have interchangeably set our hands and seals the 17th of April, 1663, and in the 16th year of the reign of our sovereign lord Charles the Second, by the grace of God, king of England, Scotland, France and Ire land, defender ofthe faith, £ic. JOHN WINTHROP. Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of J. Beane. Wm. Potter, Robert Thomson. ATTEMPT AT A TREATY BY COMMISSIONERS FROM RHODE-IS LAND AND CONNECTICUT AT JOHN ELDRIDGe's, NOV. 9, 1699. Gentlemen, Mr. Thomas Olney, Major Tew, Capt. Arnold, Mr. Bar ton, Mr. Martindale and Capt. William Champlin. You proposed to us for agreement to run the line between the colonies of Connecticut and Rhode-Island; That Paw catuck River should be the dividing line as far as Pawca tuck River runs North, and then to run a North line to the Massachusetts- South line, only you will allow six miles East of Quinnapague River, ifthe North line comprehend any part of Quinnepague Purchise, which you allow us ac cording to the agreement between the Gov. John Winthrop and Mr. John Clarke, yet you deny to give them under your hands, wherefore we write that we may be under no mistake in a report to our masters. M* 202 To which we reply that the ground or foundation of your charter is an agreement with said Gov. John Winthrop and Mr. John Clarke which is, 1st. That Pawcatuck River shall be the certain bound on Miantonomi's North line, therefore Pawcatuck 1-tiver the greater stream is to be the hound so far as that river runs. 2. Provision is to be made if any part of Quinnepague Purchase fall in your charter. 3. That the proprietors and inhabitants|about Mr. Smith's trading house, claimed and purchased by Maj. Atherton, Capt. Hutchinson, Lieut. Hudson, &c. have full liberty un to which of these colonies they will belong. 4, That property shall not be altered or destroyed, as it is more fully declared in the said agreement, which articles of agreement if you will give under your hands to fulfil, we are readily disposed to an amicable agreement, SAMUEL MASON, DANIEL MITCHELL, JAMES NOYEE. Mr. John Eldridge's, JYov. 9th, 1699. ANSWER. Gentlemen, Capt. Mason, and Capt. Witheral, Esq. and Mr. James JYoyee, Commissioners for the colony of Connecticut. 'Whereas we the commissioners ofthe colony of Rhode- Island and Providence Plantations and you, were from each of eur colonies commissioned to agitate, agree and deter mine upon the bounds between our said colonies should run and be; and in order thereunto, we the cominissioners of the colony of Rhode Island, &c. have made you propositions, but the return which we have from you is, that there is an agreement with Gov. John Winthrop and Mr. John Clarke, as concerning proprieties and property to be maintained and not to be altered, &c. which articles of agreement if we will give under our hands to fulfil, you are readily disposed to an amicable agreement. We answer, what we are commissioned to do, we are bil ling to apply ourselves unfo, and that is to treat and en deavor an agreement of a line between our colonies, and neither yourselves nor we have any commission otherwise to do, and therefore for us to concern ourselves in matters 203 which we have no commission for, will be no ways effect ual, nor is that our business. And you have made no pro position as yet to us where the said line shall be, but only say when we have given under our hands to fulfil the said articles you are readily disposed to an amicable agreement, which saying of yours doth import that unless we so do you do not incline to an agreement; and seeing that so youf minds are, you might have saved the trouble ofthis meeting, THOS. OLNEY, RICHARD ARNOLD, HENRY TEW, BENJAMIN BARTON, WILLIAM CHAMPLIN, ISAAC MARTINDALE. At Mr. John Eldridge's, JYov. 9th, 1699. [Foster's Papers.] DEPOSITION RELATING TO THE SUPPOSED FRIENDSHIP OP AN-r DROS POR THE INDIANS. Rochester, in the Kings Province, Sept. 16, 1688. Sam uel Eldred, Jr. of Rochester, came before Arthur Fenner and John Fones, Esq's, two of his Majesty's Justices ofthe Peace, and did declare upon oath that on the evening be fore an Indian whom he had seized, by name Joseph, did in an insulting and vaunting manner say there was 500 at Martin's Vineyard, 700 at Nantucket and 400 at Chappa- quisset, all very well armed and in abetter manner than him the said Samuel Eldred, and that our Governor did not dare to disarm them, for that the Governor had more love for them the said Indians, than for his Majestys subjects the English. The said Indian being brought before us and examined did confess the greater part of what was sworn against him and owned that he was one of them that were in hostility against the English in the late wars upon which the said Indian was committed to goal. Per ARTHUR FENNER, JOHN FONES. [Foster's Papers.] The above is referred to in page 26 of " The Revolution in N. E. Justified, 1691." 204 ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT MADE AND CONCLUDED BETWEEN COMMITTEES PROM THE COLONIES OF CONNECTICUT AND RHODE-ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS CONCERNING THEIR DIVIDING LINE, Articles of agreement made, concluded and agreed upon by and between the parties subscribing to these presents, commissioners chosen, nominated, appointed and commis- sionated as well for andinbehalf of her Majesty's Colony of Connecticut as her Majesty's Colony of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations in New-England, for the ending, settling and finally determining of the boundaries or line between the said colonies, are as followeth, viz: That the middle channel of Paucatuc river alias Narraganset, as it extendeth from the salt water upwards till it come to the mouth of Ashua river where it falls into the said Pawcatuck river, and from thence to run a straight line till it meet with the South West bounds or corner of Warwick grand pur chase, which extends 20 miles due West from a certain rock lying at the outmost point of said Warwick neck, which is the Southwesterly bounds of said purchase, to run upon a due North line till it meet with the South line ofthe Prov ince of Massachusetts Bay in New-England, — This to be and forever remain to be the fixed and stated line between the said colonies of Connecticut and Rhode-Island, always provided and it is hereby intended, that nothing in the afore mentioned agreement or any clause thereof, shall be taken or deemed to the breach or making yoid ofthe 4th article in the agreement made between the agents for the said col onies of Connecticut and Rhode-Island, (viz: John Win throp, Esqr,, and Mr. John Clark,) for maintaining of prop erty, dated April the 7th 1663, but that the same shall be kept and justly performed according to the true intent and meaning thereof, and that all former grants and purchases granted by or made within either of said colonies, and all other ancient grants confirmed by the authority of Connec ticut colony within the township of Westerly in the colony of Rhode-Island, shall be duly preserved and maintained as fully and amply to all intents and purposes, as if they were lying or continued within the bounds of the colony by the authority of which it was granted or purchased, — In confir mation of all and singular the aforementioned premises, we have hereunto set our hands and seals. Dated in Stoning ton, in her Majesty's Colony of Connecticut in New-Eng- 205 land, in the second year of her Majesty's reign. Queen Anne by the grace of God Queen of England, Scotland, France and Ireland &c. Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and three, on the twelfth day of May the year abovesaid. NATHAN GOLD, HENRY CREW, WESTON CLARK, PETER BURR, EBENEZER JOHNSON, JOSEPH SHEFFIELD, THO'S HART, RANDAL HOLDEN, A true copy of record examined per Geo, Wyllis, Secretary. This agreement and an act of Rhode-Island confirming it are recorded in the old parchment Laws, Secretary's office, pp. 105-6. |L, 1:1 IL. S.| IL. S.| |L. s.i |L. S.| |L. S.| L. S.| |L. -S.| 206 «e39393« At the Court at St. James''s, the 8th day of Feb - (t) Loco (n 1 „an rK ^-- -.,- rf\ ruary, 1726. seSSeseJS Present: THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. Earl of Findlater, Earl of Southerland, Earl of Marchmount, Earl opjj Halifax, Lord Viscount Lonsdale, Lord Viscount Cobham, Lord Carteret, Mr. Treasurer, Mr. Comptroller, Lieut. General of the Ordnance, Lord Archbishop of Can terbury, Lord Archbishop of York, Lord President, Lord Privy Seal, Lord Steward, Lord Chamberlain, Duke of Argyle, Duke oe New Casttle, Earl of Lincoln, Earl of Westmoreland,' Earl op Godolphin, Sir Robert Sutton Upon reading this day at the Board, a Report from the Right Honorable the Lords ofthe Committee of Coun cil, dated the 20th of last month, in the words follovving, viz: Your Majesty having been pleased to refer unto the con sideration ofthis Committee, the humble petition of Joseph Jencks and Richard Partridge, agents for the Colony of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations in New-England, relating to the boundaries between them and the colony of Connecticut, and praying that the same might be settled and confirmed to them, according to their charter; the Lords of the Committee, in pursuance of your Majesty's order, have taken the said petition into consideration, to gether with' an answer thereto from Mr. Dummer, agent for the Colony of Connecticut, and having received the opinion of the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Planta tions upon this affair, their Lordships did several times summons the agents concerned to appear before them, in order to be heard thereupon; but the agent for Connecti cut not appearing till the 2d day of Ajigust last, and he then not offering any thing to induce their Lordships to differ in opinion with said Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plan tations, the Lords ofthe Committee did then order a report of the whole matter to be drawn up and laid before your 207 Majesty. Yet the said Mr. Dummer desiring a furthfer op portunity to be heard, their Lordships have hitherto deferr ed making their said report to your Majesty, and the said agent not having appeared since that time, though twice summoned to attend, nor desired to be heard thereupon by his counsel; their Lordships do now agree humbly to re port to your Majesty, the state ofthe case as it appears to them from the said reports of the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, viz: That on the 17th of March, 1643, a grant was made by tha Earl of Warwick and others at that time appointed Commissioners by the Parliament, for the government and regulations of the plantations to the" people of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, of a tract ofland bounded as followeth, viz. north and northeast on the pattent of Massachusetts east and south-east on Ply mouth pattent, south on the ocean, and on the west and north-west inhabited by Indians called Narrawganneuchs, alias Narragansets, the whole tract extending about twenty five English miles unto the Pequot river and countryj which instrument, though it cannot be reputed valid in law, yet in some measure is an evidence of what was then reput ed to be the boundary of that Province. That after the restoration, applycation was made to his Majesty, King Charles IL, by j^the agents of Connecticut and Rhode-Island, for charters fo fix the respective govern ments and boundaries of the said Provinces, and charters were accordingly granted for that purpose. But the charter for Connecticut being obtained previous to that of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, the boundaries of Connecticut were endeavored to be fixed to their advantage. H That the said charter for Connecticut bears date the 23d of April, 1662; and their bounds are described in the fol lowing manner, viz: "All that part of our dominions in New-England in America, bounded on the east by the Nar raganset river, commonly called Narraganset bay, jvhere the said river falleth into the sea, and on the north by the' line of the Massachusetts Plantation, and on the south by the sea; and in longitude as the line of the Massachusetts Colony, running from east to west — that is to say, from the said Narraganset bay on the east to the south sea on the west part, with the islands thereunto adjoining, together with all firm lands, soiles, grounds, &.c," 208 That the people of Rhode-Island and Providence Planta tions, apprehending that the said Connnecticut charter, so bounded, might unjustly swallow up great part of their ter ritories, and cut off all their pretentions to any thing upon the Continent, this grievience they complained of soon after the second charter was obtained. Audit doth appear. That John Winthrop and John Clark, their agents for the respective colonies of Connecticut and Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, (notwithstanding the said charter to Connecticut) did in April 1663, submit to arbitration what should be the boundaries between the said Colonies. And it appears. That the charter which was afterwards granted to Rhode Island in the 15th year of King Charles II. takes notice of the aforesaid arbitration, and hath fixed their boundaries in the following manner, viz: "All that part of our domin ions in New-England in America, containing Nayhantick, Nanghigganset, alias Narriganset Bay, and countrey, and parts adjacent, bounded west or westerly by the middle or channel of a river, then commonly known by the name of Paucatuck alias Pawcaytuck River, and sd along the said river as the greater or middle stream thereof reaches or lies, up in the country northward unto the head thereof, and from thence by a straight line drawn due north until it meeteth the south line ofthe Massachusetts Colony, and on the north or northerly by the aforesaid, south or southerly ofthe Massachusetts Colony or Plantation, and extending towards the east or easterly, three English miles to the east or north-east of the most eastern or north-eastern parts of the aforesaid Narragansett Bay as the said bay lieth,#r extendeth itself from the ocean; on the south or southerly unto the mouth of the river which runneth towards the town of Providence, and from thence along the easterly side or bank of said river higher called by the name of Sea- conck river, unto the falls called Pautucket falls, being the most northerly line of Plymouth Colony; and so from the said falls into a straight line due north until it meet with the aforesaid line of the Massachusetts Colony; and bounded on the south by the ocean, and in particuler the lands be longing unto the towns of Providence, Pautuxet, Warwick, Missquamacock alias Paucatuck, and therest upon the main land in the tract aforesaid, together with Rhode-Island, Block-Island, and all the rest of the islands and banks in 209 • the Narragansett bay and bordering upon the coast of the tract aforesaid, (Fisher's Island only excepted;) together with all firm lands, soils, &c. And further the said charter directs that the river Paucatuck shall at all times hereafter be called and deemedto be the Narraganset river, men tioned for a boundary in the charter to Connecticut." From which pretended grant ofthe Earl of Warwick and others to Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, as also from the submission ofthe boundaries to arbitration, by the agents of both colonies, so soon after the charter for Con necticut had been obtained, and by the charter to Rhode- Island and Providence Plantations — it appears. That King Charles II. was surprised in his grant to Con necticut as to the boundaries: and that such arbitration and subsequent charter was intended to redress the grievance complained of by Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations. It also appears. That so lately as in 1703, by agreement between Com missioners appointed in October, 1702, in behalf of the said colonies respectively, for settling their boundaries, it was agreed that the western boundary between Rhode-Island and Providence Plantation and Connecticut, should for the future be formed by a line to be drawn from the mouth of Ashawoque river where it falls into the Paucatuck river, and thence extending north to the south line ofthe Massa chusetts Bay. And it also appears. That the Commissioners of Connecticut did actually meet and concur with those of Rhode-Island in drawing the said line as a boundary between the two colonies, and which line is particularly described in green on the said map hereunto annexed. And by the said appointment of the General Assembly of Connecticut in October, 1702, it plainly appears the Gen eral Assembly of Connecticut approved ofthe said arbitra tion of their agent, Winthrop, in 1668, they expressly pro viding in the said instrument, " That nothing to be done by these Commissioners shall alter or change the property of any person's lands, but that property shall be saved according to the agreement of their late agent, John Winthrop, made in the year 1663, with Mr. Clark, agent for Rhode-Island: which is a strong proof that the government of Connecticut apprehended the pre^ tentions of Rhode-Island were just and equitable." 210 It is also very full in proof that the people of Rhode-Island,' have been in possession of several tracts ofland extending west from the Narraganset Bay to the red and green lines marked in the said map hereto annexed, as the boundaries between the two colonies, and that the taxes had been con stantly paid for the same to Rhode-Island government only. It also further appears that the Government of Connecti cut have sent two letters on this occasion — one to the Lord's Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, ofthe 28th day of October, 1723, and the other to Mr. Dummer their agent here — in which letter to their agent they express themselves thus, viz: " The government of Rhode-Island is in the ac tual possession, as they themselves own of the land which they claim and we think belongs to us. We don't think fit to disturb them in that possession. It is not we but they that have made this complaint. If they would have set still with all they desired, their Lordships had not been troubled as they now are with this story." And in both their said letters, the government of Connecticut leave the bounds to be settled by his Majesty. Their letter to the Lord's Com missioners of Trade running in these words, viz: "And we assure your Lordships that, notwithstanding the priority of our charter to that of Rhode-Island, his Majesty's deter mination will, on our part, put a perpetual end to the con troversy, and confirm that peace between us and them which your Lordships have been pleased to express such a regard for." And their letter to their agent runs in these words, viz: " They doubt not but the matter (of the boundaries) will have a good issue one time or other; and even now, if their Lordships would let them (the Rhode-Island people) understand that they must be contented with these bounds set them in their own charter; and tell them how these bounds must be nnderstood and taken; that would end the controversy. They would have no reason to complain, nor should we give them the least trouble in the law, though our charter be prior to theirs." All which being considered by their Lordships, Though the red line in the annexed map is what the Rhode-Island people insist on as the true boundaries between them and Connecticut, accordidg to their charter; yet as the green line in the annexed map, was determined in 1703, to be the division line between the two colonies, by the Commission ers of each government, respectively appointed for that 211 purpose, their Lordships are humbly of opinion to advise your Majesty that you would be graciously pleased to sig nify lyour pleasure that the boundary line between the two colonies. As described by the aforesaid green line, drawn from the mouth of Ashawoque river where it falls into the Paucatuck river, and thence extendidg north to the south line ofthe Massachusetts Bay, may forever hereafter be the setttled boundary between the said two colonies of Connec ticut and Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations. His Majesty in Council, taking the said report into consideration, is pleased to approve and confirm the same, and to order, as it is hereby ordered, that the aforemention ed green line, as described in the map hereunto annexed, drawn from the' mouth of Ashawoque river where it falls into the Paucatuck river, and thence extending north to the south line ofthe Massachusetts Bay, be forever hereafter the settled boundary between the said two colonies of Connec ticut and Rhode-Island and Providence Plantation, whereof the Governors and companies ofthe said colonies, and all others whom it may concern, are to take notice and yield due obedience to his Majesty's pleasure hereby signified. TEMPLE STANYAN. A true copy of his Majesty's determination, saving the plat or map annexed, ^ J. JENCKS. A true copy of the copy recorded, from the Hon. Joseph Jencks, Esqr. Attest, J. TALCOT, Gov'r. A true copy of Record, examined per R. WARD, Secretary. settlement of the west boundary line. JYew-England, ss. Westerly, in the colony of Rhode-Island ) and Providence Plantations. ) Know all men that we, Roger Walcot, James Wadsworth and Daniel Palmer, Commissioners authorised and fully 212 empowered by the General Assembly of his Majesty's col ony of Connecticut to run the line between, the, s,^idr colony and the colony of Rhode-Island and Providence Planta tions, and William Wanton, Benjamin Ellery and William Jenckes, being the major part of the Commissioners, au thorized and fully empowered by the General Assembly of the said colony pf Rhode-Island, &c. to run the said line; we say .pursuant to the determination of his late Majesty King George the First, relating to the said line, and by the authority to us given 'above mentioned, we have on 18th, 19th, 20th, 2,1st, 23d, 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th days of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight, run and ascertained said line: And first we began and extended from the rock on the ex treme point of Warwick neck, 20 miles west, which meas ure ended by a swamp grows commonly called the Cedar Swamp, where we made a considerable heap of stones, which heap of stones we agree shall be the south-west cor ner ,of Warwick purchase, and from thence we extended a line divided between said colonies north by the needle ofthe compass seven degrees. east unto the south line dividing be tween the Massachusetts Province and said colony of Rhode Island, where we made a large heap of stones stand ing between two marked pine -trees, being in a valley, in which line, which in length 23 miles and 10 rods, we mark ed many trees and made many monuments of stones, (viz.) at the southern end for the first seven miles and a half we made monuments at the end of every half mile, and from thence northward , to the Massachusetts line aforesaid, we made monuments at the end of. each mile. And from the said heap of stones, being the corner of Warwick as afore said, we extended a line divided between said colonies, unto the mouth of Ashawage, where it falleth into Pawtucket river, and in said line we made many monuments of stone, (viz.) one at the end of every mile, and marked many trees in the said line, and found the distance between Warwick south-west corner and the mouth of said river to be 15 miles one quarter and 10 rods, which line run and marked out as aforesaid, we agree shall be the line divident between the two said colonies forever. In witness whereof, we have hereunto interchangeably ,set our hands and affixed our seals, the 27th day of Sopt, in 213 ^nd year of Jiis Majesty's reign, George the 2nd, King of Great Britain, &c. A. D. 1728. WM. WANTON, ILTsTI BENJ.'N. ELLERY, ilTSJ WILLIAM JENCKES, [L. S.| ROGER WOLCOT, |L. S.| JAMES WADSWORTH, |L. S.| DANIEL PALMER, |L. S.| Sealed and delivered in presence of [nobody] Memorandum entered before signing and sealing that the course from said Warwick corner to the mouth of Ashawage river, is S. 11° 20' W. [State Public Notary Records, 4, 192,] REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE VACANT LANDS. Whereas we, underwritten being by the Gen. Assembly ofthis her Majesty's colony of Rhode-Island and Provi dence Plantations, setting in Newport the first Wednesday in May, 1708, appointed a committee to hear the claims to the lands, and what propositions could or should be made to the vacant lands in the Narragansett country, according to the draft thereof presented to said Assembly by Captain James Carder and Mr. John Mumford, and in pursuance thereof we met at Captain John Eldred's according to said act, and there heard the claims and pretended titles of those gentlemen called the mortgage-men or Atherton's asso ciates; and also the claim of Ninicraft by his trustees to his title, and pretended claim to said lands mentioned as afore said, with several others as will be herein mentioned; and do make return to this Assembly as followeth, upon our sec ond meeting at Providence, &c. Imp'r. We having perused the several deeds and other writings presented in the right and claim of Major Hum- 214 phrey Atherton and associates, as to their deeds, claim or claims, that their deed pf Boston Neck and the northward deeds of Aquidneset, &c. was and is the full purport and in tent of that act of the General Assembly at Newport the 30th of October, 1672, and had peculiar reference to said land as to us appears, leaving the matter to this honored Assembly. And we haying heard the claim of sachem Ninicraft by his trustees or attorneys, and the propositions under their hands and seals bearing date the 26th of October, 1708, leave the whole matter of said propositions to this honor ed Assembly for their determination and opinion therein, for the good of the colony. The deed of Coginaquant to Knight and Hall with a deed of said Coginaquant to Captain Cranston and company, and a deed to John Green, John Fones and partners, which here we present, we leave to the opinion ofthe General Assem bly with the several papers presented unto us. We give our opinions as members ofthis colony that we think it convenient that this Assembly do consider to lay out the vacant lands in the above said draft mentioned in a town or townships as you may judge most profitable for the colony and his Majesty 's interest. Given under our hands the 27th of October, 1708. HENRY TEW, WESTON CLARKE, RICHARD ARNOLD, RANDALL HOLDEN. Passed to the House of Deputies. Per order, Weston Clarke, Recorder. LIST OP SALES OP VACANT LANDS. The following list of sales made by a committee appoint ed by the Assembly to sell the vacant lands in Narragansett, is believed to be nearly complete. Mortgages were in many cases given for the payment. — References. W. Wes terly Records. K. Kingstown Records at Wickford. E. G. East Greenwich Records. May 27, 1709. To Beriah Brown, John Fones, Samuel Wait, Francis West, Jr., Thos. Baker and Aaron Jaco- waise, a tract of about 792 acres, where they now dwell, as 215 platted by Mumford, bounded N- by Fones' purchase, S. by road leading into the country from the sea, W. by vacant lands and E. by the road leading to E. Greenwich. [K. 3, 50.] May 26, 1709. To Capt. John Eldred, William Cole, Samuel Phillips and John Carr, 286 acres as platted by Mum ford; bounded E. by country or Pequit road, N. by road leading from Pequit road into the country, W. by Rocky Swamp, S. by Anoquatuket river. See plat in N. K. Rec ords, books. [K. 3. 61.] May 27, 1709. To Samuel Eldred, Capt. John Eldred, John Grownut and James Congdon, 430 acres, as platted Stc; bounded N. by Annoquatucket, E. by Pequit road, W. by a double marked white oak, not far from the river, thence S. to another tree between John Grownut and Sam uel Kingley's houses, thence S. E. to a great rock near the Cedar Swamp, thence to road leading to the great plain, thence to the aforesaid country road. (K. 3. 90.) See plat in case Brown vs. Herrington, Supreme Court, 1. 757. May 28, 1709. To Thomas Place, Othniel Tripp, Pasco Whitford and Henry Northup, 275 acres, as platted &c. ; bounded E. by Pequit road, S. by Pettiquamscut line, and N. by the way leading to the great plain. [K. 3. 118, and 343.] May 27, 1709. To Alexander Huling, Thomas Havens, Charles Berry, Jeremiah Wilkey, Joseph Havens, John Hall, Joseph Austin, William Havens, William Spencer, Benjamin Baker, Benjamin Nichols, William Hall and John North, a tract near Devil's Foot, of 1824 acres, as platted, &-c., bounded E. by Pequit road, south by the new road into the country from said Pequit road, N. by Fones' purchase, W. by the road leading to Hast Greenwich. A tract of 99 acres within these bounds sold to Daniel Eldred, is excluded from this grant: a way to be laid out to the meet ing house. See plat in Boone vs. Thomas, Supreme Court, 1766-7. [K. 3. 198, and L. E. 3. 44.] June 30, 1709. To Benjamin Barton, Thomas Fry, James Carder, John Spencer, Benjamin Green, Pardon Tilling hast, John Waterman, Thomas Nichols, John Wickes, John Nichols, Malachi Rhodes, James Green and Simon Smith, of East Greenwich, for JEIIOO, about 35,000 acres; bounded N. by Warwick south line, W. by colony line, E. by East Greenwich and Fones' purchase, and south, to begin at the 216 S. W. corner of Fones' purchase, and thence west a line parallel with the Warwick south line to the colony line. [E. G. 2. 76.] June 3, 1709. Commonly called Swamptown or Bly's Purchase. To Daniel Bly, Joseph Northup, John Austin, James Highams, John Highams, John Wells, John Morey, Stephen Arnold, William Burge, William Wast, Martha Card and John Nichols, 1618 acres; bounded N. by the river running from the widow Fones's house, S. by Petti quamscut line, W. by the country road, E. by Samuel El dred and partners, [See plat in N. K. Rec. 5. 451.] June 3, 1709. To Joseph Reynolds, Joseph Reynolds', Jr. Robert Bently and Robert Reynolds, 727 acres, as platted &c. ; bounded N. by new road, S. by Pettiquamscut line, E. by road leading to East Greenwich, and W. by vacant lands. [K. 3. 4.] June 3, 1709. To Mrs. Abigail Phenixand John Hyams; 163 acres, as platted &c.; bounded N. by new road leading into country, S. by Anoquatucket river, E. by Rocky Swamp, and W. by Bly's purchase. Hyams' 30 acres to be next to the swamp. [K. 3. 80.] June 4, 1709. To Samuel Kingsley, 117 acres, as platted &c.; bounded N. by John Grownut, E. by road leading to great plain, W. by Pettiquamscut line, and S. by Johrr Morey. [K. 3. 175.] Sept. 23, 1709. To Peter Werden, 158 acres, as platted &c. ; bounded E. by road, S. by Samuel Perry, John Hills, David Lewis and Capt. William Champlin, W. by Pasque- set brook, N. by Job Card. [W. 2. 32.] Sept. 28, 1709. To Israel Lewis, 65 acres; E. by Sam uel Lewis, N. by road, W. by John Lewis, S. by pond, as platted &c. [W. 2. 33.^ Sept. 28, 1709. To Samuel Lewis, 143 acres, as platted' &c.; bounded E. by John Rathbun and Ed. Larkin, N. by road, E. by Israel Lewis, S. by salt pond. [W. 2. 63.] Sept. 28, 1709. To John Holway, 187 acres, as platted &c.; bounded N. by Joseph Hull and Solomon Hakes, E. by Pettiquamscut line, S. by Joseph Hull, W. by Henry and John Hull. [W. 3. 103.] June 28, 1709. Shannock Purchase. To James Adams, Samuel Tefft, John Tefl't, (Daniel Wilcox, Thomas Utter, Peter Parker, Eber Crandal, Daniel Tennant, William Ut ter, Samuel Lewis, Johir Eanos, Nicholas Utter, Jr., Dan- 217 iel Brown, William Gibson, Weston Clark, William Clark, George Babcock, Samuel Clark, Peter Tefft, William Knowles, George Foster, Samuel Perry, Joseph Brown, John Witter, Nicholas Utter, Francis Colegrove, and Jer emiah Crandal. [W.] Sept. 28, 1709. To Samuel Perry, 236 acres as platted &-C. ; E. by Pettiquamscut line and B. Holway, N. by B. Holway, a stream and Peter Werden, W. by P. Werden and John Hicks, S. by William Champlin, John Lewis, D. Lewis, Israel Lewis, John Hills and John Rathbon. [L. E. 3. 39.] Sept. 28, 1709. To Edward Larkin, 37 acres, as plat ted &.C. ; bounded W. by John Lewis, N. by John Lewis and pond, E by Pettiquamscut line, S. by Samuel Lewis. [W. 2.201.] Sept. 28, 1709. To John Rathbone, 100 acres, as platted Stc. ; E. by David Lewis, N. by road, W. by Samuel Lewis, S. by Edward Larkin and pond. [W. 2. 29.] Sept. 28, 1709. To John Clark, 214 acres as platted &c. ; N. by Pawcatuck river, W. by brook, S. by William Wil kinson, E. by John'Halls. [W. 2. 34.] Sept. 27, 1709. To Rowland Robinson, 3000 acres, as platted &c.; W. on colony line or Sqamicut, E. by Shan nock purchase, N. and S. on undivided lands. See plats in Crandal vs. Wells, Supreme Court, 1796. [W. 2. 36.] Sept. 28, 1709. To John Halls, 127 acres, as platted Stc; W. by John Clark, N. by Pawcatuc river, E. by road, S. by John Halls, William Wilkinson and John Clark. [W. 2. 37.] Sept. 28, 1709. To Israel Lewis, 115 acres as platted &c. ; bounded S. by road and reserved land, W. by Nini gret's land, N. by land reserved, E. by road. [W. 2. 44.] Sept. 28, 1709. To Benjamin Holway, 132 acres as plat ted &c. ; E. by Pettiquamscut line, S. by Samuel Perry, E. by S. Perry and Job Card, N. by Joseph Halls. [W. 2. 45.] Sept. 30, 1709. To Wilham Wilkinson, 160 acres as platted &tc.; S. by Job Card, W. by Pasqueset brook, N. by John Clark, E. by Clark, Halls and Wilkinson. [W. 2. 77.] May 17, 1710. To John Mumford, 8000 acres; W. by colony line, N. on new country road, E. on undivided land, S. on Shannock purchase and R. Robinson's land. (L. E. 3. 46 — Exeter Records, 4. 414.) See plats in case Pease 218 ys. Mutnford, Supreme Court, 1749, and Crandal vs. Wells, 1796. May 17, 1710. To William Wanton, Nicholas Lang, John Mumford and Benjamin Ellery of Newport, George Wightman, Thomas Eldred, John Eldred, John Sweet, John Congall, Benjamin Congdon, John Moss, Edward Boss, Jeremy Sweet, John Daley, Thomas Wilcox, Jeremy Hazard, Robert Reynolds and Samuel Wickham of Kings town, 7000 acres as platted &c. ; W, on Squamicut juris diction and part on vacant land, N. on new country road, E. by Pettiquamscut purchase, S. on Stanton's purchase and Halls' purchase. TK.] May 22, 1710. To Edward Larkin, John Collins, David Lewis, Robert Buffum, John Foster and John Richmond, 3000 acres, as platted &c.; N. by Rowland Robinson, S. on Maxon and partners, E. on Wood river and undivided lands, W. on undivid land. (W. 2. 47.) See plats in Larkin vs. Larkin, Supreme Court, 1757 and 1768. May 2, 1710. To Daniel Brown, William Clark, Israel Lewis, Henry Halls and John Eanos, 3200 acres as platted. E. by Shannock purchase, S. by Pawcatuck river, W. on Maxon's purchase and Wood river, N. on Rowland Robin son. [W. 2. 46.] May 19, 1710. Maxon's Purchase. To Col. Wm. Wanton of Newport, John Babcock, Wm, Champlin, Jr. John Maxon, Jr., David Lewis, Theodaty Roads, "Samuel Perry, Robert Babcock, William Crumb, Roger Larkin, John Macoon and John Hill, 2684 acres as platted, &c. W. by vacant land, N. by undivided land and Brushey brook, E. by undivided lard S. by undivided land and Pawcatuc river. (W. 2, 40.) See plats in Perceval vs. Porter, Su preme Court, 1764. May 17, 1710. To Weston Clark, Nicholas Lang, James Rogers and Samuel Clark, 1600 acres W. by Beaver river S. by Stanton's purchase, E.' on undivided lands or Squam icut, N. on undivided land and John Hoxey. [L E 3 40 1 Feb. 26, 1710-11. To John Clark, 6| acresof the great neck as platted, &c. N. on John Hall, E, on John Holway, S, W. on Joseph Hull and Henry Hall. [\V. 2, 76.] Oct. 2, 1711, The General Recorder's deed quit-claim ing and confirming to Daniel Lewis, Joseph Maxon John Richmond, Benj. Burdick, John Maxon, Jr. Hubbard Bur dick, Samuel Burdick, Jonathan Maxon, Thomas Burdick 219 John Macoon, Wm. Crumb, John Clark, James Cove, John Crandal, Nathaniel Wells, Philip Palmeter, John Palme- ter, John Prosser, Clemond Neff, Thos. Reynolds, James Halls, Thos. Wells, Robert Burdick, Geo. Stillmon, Ste phen Randall, Edward Halls, Tobias Brand, Samuel Lang- worthy, Nicholas Cottri), Peter Crandal, Wm. Stuard of Westerly, and Wm. Bennet, Joseph Lewis and Josias Hill of Stonington, 5300 acres as platted, &c. S. by Pawcatuck river, E, hy Maxon's purchase, N. by vacant lands, W. by colony line. [W. 2. 113.] May 8, 1712. Committee to James Reynolds, 75 acres as platted. N. by Greenwich purchase, W. on Thos. Wil cox and partners, E. on Fones' purchase, S. by new coun try road. [K, 3, 49.] May 9, 1712, To John Mumford 2000 acres. W. by colony line, N. by Rowland Robinson, E. on John Collins & Co., S. by Daniel Lewis & Co, and George Brown. [Wj 2,-186.] • . May 10, 1712, To John Mumford 222 acres as platted, &c,c. N. by Wm. Champlin, E. by road, S. on Israel Lew is, W. on Ninigret, another part of it is bounded W. on road, E. by Pettiquamscut line, N. by Samuel Perry, S. by John Rathbone. [W. 2, 184.] From these deeds together with the Indian deeds of Pet taquamscut purchase. Hall's purchase, Squamicut, Boston Neck, Quidnecut and Stanton's purchases, Ninigret's deed of quitclaim and^reservation, and a few others, are derived the present titles to land in Washington county, &c. letter prom the council of MASSACHUSETTS TO THE GOV ERNOR OF RHODE-ISLAND. JAN. 18, 1676. Honored Gentlemen: We are informed that within your jurisdiction are sundry ofthe enemy, who being pursued by our soldiers, are fled to for sheUer and supplies, and, as we have ground to fear, will hereby be prepared and strengthened to join with oth ers of them, that there lie skulking in the woods, and as soon as the season permits, will proceed in executing their bloody thirsty contrivances against the English, in which case we see not how you can promise to yourselves security above your countrymen in the United Colonies. The premises considered, we could not do less than acr 220 quaint you herewith, and have sent the bearer hereof, Mr, John Saffin, as our messenger, in our name and stead, to demand the delivery of them, that so they may be proceed ed against according to the covenant, and no cry of innocent blood may lay upon the file against yourselves or us for sparing those that are by the laws of God and nations men of death. We are encouraged thus to send unto you from the ten- dor made by your Deputy Governor, signifying on our mo tion made, you would readily deliver any ofthe enemy that should flee to you for shelter. Charges necessarily attending the effecting hereof we shall readily satisfy. We have no more to add, but we are your neighbors and countrymen, ready to serve you wherein we may further your and our peace. Your affectionate friends and servants. Per order, E. R. S. 15th Jan. 1676. A WARRANT TO SURVEY THE LAND OF NARRAGANSETT. By His Excellency. To Mr. John Smith, Deputy Surveyor, You are with the first conveniency to make agenerall sur vey and draft ofthe Narraganset country, or King's Prov ince, and therein to observe and mark the severall settle ments, claymes, and pretensions made by any person or per sons to the same or any part orparcells thereof, of which to make returne to me with all possible speed, and for soe doeing this shall be your warrant. Dated at Boston the 22nd day of June, 1687, By His Excell. command. JNO. WEST, D. Secret'y, ORDER OF GOV. ANDROS RESPECTINS THE FRENCH SETTLERS. To Major Richard Smith and Capt. John Fones, Justices ofthe Peace, who are to see this order forthwith exe cuted. By his Excellency. Upon hearing and examining of the matter in difference [between the towns of Greenwich als Debtford and Kingston 221 als Rochester and the French families lately settled in the Narragansett country, about a parcell of meadow lying neere their settlements and appointed for their accommoda tion, but cutt and mowed by severall persons of both the said townes, which appeares to be done in a violent, force- able manner, and the hay cutt thereupon being likewise by my order secured and staked; I doe therefore forthe accom modation of the said parties for the present, till the right thereto can be determined and settled, order and appoint that all the hay cutt and made upon the said meadowes as aforesaid by the direction of any two Justices ofthe Peace forthwith divided into two equal shares or moyetyes, and that one moyety thereof be given forthe use of John Nich- oUs, Gyles Peirce and George Vaughan of Greenwich .aforesaid, and James Reynolds, James Reynolds, Jun., Henry Reynolds, Joseph Reynolds, Francis Reynolds, John Sweet, William Bentley, John Andrew and George Havens of Kingston, share and share, who I am informed live remote and are most wanting thereof, and the other moyety to be left for the use and benefit of the said French families there, who being strangers and lately settled .and wholly destitute and have noe other way to supply themselves. And all persons there concerned are to take notice hereof and conforme themselves thereunto accord ing until further orders shall be given in said matter. Dated at Boston the 6th day of August, 1687. LETTER RESPECTING COURT HOUSES. To his Excellency Sir Edmund Andros, Capt. General and Governor in chiefe of his Majesties Territory of New- England. These Present. May it please your Excellencie — Sir — In persuance of the Directions to us Given us by the Judges in the Late assises at Newport on Rhode-Island concerning our not haveing a convenient court house, and our computation of the charges thereof and our presentation thereof to your Excellency, and haveing in the Quarter Sessions computed the costs of two small houses for that use, suppose the charges thereof will be about one hundred and fourty pounds, and alsoe Judge it convenient, that one of them be erected in the Towne of Newport, and the other in the 222 Towne of Rochester, and humbly Present the same toyour Excellencie for approbation and direction therein; and also nominate John Wooodman pf Newport to be a fitt person for a Treasurer for this Province, if your Excellencie ap prove thereof, and remaine your Excellencies most humble servants. FRANCIS BRINLEY, PELEG SANFORD. JYewport on Rhode-Island, Dec. 15, 1687, LETTER PROM RICHARD SMITH AND JOHN FONES, Rochester, April \st, 1690. Neighbours and friends: Being sensible of the great distractions and confusions New-England at this junction of time groans under, and the blood of our neighbors westward and Eastward slaine for the common cause calling for vengeance, ought to awaken and rouse us up from the dead sleep of Lethargic in these eminent times of danger, forthwith to Arm our Selves against the Common Enemy and not delay the time till the enemy be at our dores, but rather be ready prepared like souldiers to meet them in the field: To the End that this may be accomplished wee having had dis course with Maj'r Palmer of New London as he passed homewards from Boston (did agree) that wee should pro pose to the Townes Betweene Paucatuck and Pautucket Rivers, and he to the lower townes Betweene Paucatuck and Conecticut River that the Inhabitants would agree to gether to have a speedy General meeting ofthe whole in some Convenient place, by as many as Each Towne Sees cause to send, or come of their owne accord, to Advize to gether for our safety and defence, by sending out a conve nient Company of men at our owne cost and charge to Range the woods about the Townes, not only to discover the En- emie but also to offend them if opportunity serve, upon your concurrence wee have promised to send Maj'r Palmer ad vice and he has promised the like to us. Wee have sent the Bearrer on purpose and desire as Sudaine a returne as may be for the aproching danger requires a Speedy remedy, wee Assume no power to our Selves but only as Neighbours, desire your Concurrence for so public a benifitt and shall 223 with you acquiesce in this or any other way you may pro pound more feasible for our defence we Remaine Y'r Neighbours and friends, RICH'D SMITH, JOHN FONES. To Capt. Arthur Fenner, Mr. Thomas Olney, Capt. William Hopkins, and Left. John Dex ter, to be Communicated unto the rest of our Neighbors in Providence &c. These. [From Foster papers,] LAYING OUT OP A HIGHWAY. The following laying out is believed to have been about 1703. It is recorded in the L. E. in the Secretary's office. An account of the country road through the town of Kingstown laid out by us the suliscribers being chosen thereto by said Town. From the town of Westerly bounds it being at a walnut bush marked the road run E. northerly by the hills and marked trees to a great rock by a little pond and from thence by marked trees to a small pine tree round the hills until it comes to a walnut bush to the northward of Ded- man's spring from thence by a great rock just by the old road from thence by several marked trees to a black oak bush north from Samuel Perry's house from thence ENE, by, several trees or bushes to a great hollow the road runs southward from said hollow from thence to a pine tree about twenty rod from Thomas Hazard's NW. corner of his farm and to a stake upon the top of a hill with a heap of stones about it and so to follow the old road until it comes to Capt. Greenman's south west corner and from thence over a brook while it comes to walnut bush marked by the brow of a hill and from thence to a black oak bush near William Greenman's and George Whitman, north east cor ner and from thence to walnut tree just by the hedge about N. E. in George Whitman's land and so along by trees or bushes until it runs over a brook about ten or twelve rods to the northward of William Congdon's house and from thence along at the head of the lotfs or farms to a walnut tree which stands a little in the land now in possession of Christopher Allen, and so along by marked trees and bush- 224 es in the undivided lands until it comes to ia highway laid out by the purchasers to the lands of Rowse Helme and William Gardner Sen'r. and so to a chesnut tree marked and from thence between the chesnut and a white oak tree marked just by a Swamp where people usually go over and so through a corner of Samuel Tifft's land until it comes to an old pair of barrs and the road to run to th? eastward of Samuel Tifft's fence, until it comes to William Knowles NE corner and so by marked trees or bushes until it comes to the stony fort and then by marked trees through Ebene- zer Shearman's farm, till it comes to a great rock not farr from a brook and so to untill it meets with marked trees in a corner of Jeremiah Harzard's farm to a highway and so along by marked trees until it comes to a bush marked in the east corner of James Sweet's land, and to run across it by marked trees to Ridge Hill and so to run to the east ward's of Benoni Sweet's house, through his field by mark-- ed trees to Cosenes' Brook and from thence to the old road to Capt, John Eldredge until it comes to the brook and over the brook the road runs just by John* Thomas's door to a stake in his field and so along by marked trees to the west ward ofthe house now in possession of James Brayman and so along by marked trees while it comes to Mr. Updike's stone wall and so along by the westward of the wall in the road while it comes to Capt. Fones's house and so along the old road until it comes to a marked tree where paths divide and from thence N. by W. by marked trees until it comes to John North's fourd commonly so called the road to run to the westward of said marked trees which is deem ed the bounds between our town and East Greenwich. The rode that goes to Sautkatucket River runs to the westward ofthe land now in the possession of Christopher Allen in the undivided- lands round an alder bogg or swamp to a black oak bush marked and so along to the northward in the undivided lands by the marked bushes or trees until it comes to the land of William Wilbore and so to the north ward of marked trees thro' a corner of said Wilbore's lands to Saukatucket river between two great rocks there over the river in Mr. Brenton's farm to two black oak trees and so by marked trees and bushes to a stake near Mr. Nathaniel Niles his fence the road to run about south-east of said ¦marked trees and then the road to be equally divided be tween Mr. Brentons and said Niles so far as Mr. Niles his 225 land goes and then the road to run to the southward of the fence all in Mr. Brenton's land until it comes to Thomas Harzard's corner and then the road to run all in said Har zard's ground to the westward of the fence until it meets with a ten rod highway, formerly laid out by the purchasers at the head ofthe lotts upon Pitticomcott Hill and so along to the old road to the highway that runs by James Wilson's house down to the old road below Petticomcott Hill and so along to the second ware. JOHN SMITH, CHRISTOPHER ALLEN, ANDREW WILLET, JAMES O. NEWTON, THOMAS ELDRED, T his mark. JEREMIAH BROWN, BENJ. GREEN, HENRY TIBBITTS, H his mark. LODWICK UPDIKE, HENRY GARDNER, H his mark. JOSEPH CASE, 1 his mark. DEPOSITION RELATING TO HALl's PURCHASE. The deposition of Joseph Davel of Stoningtown in the coun ty of New London in the Colony of Connecticut, of lawful ao-e, who formerly lived in the town of Westerly in the Col ony of Rhoad-Island, testifieth and saith, that in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred ninety and three, I then being surveyor of lands and under oath to said office, was employed by Mr. Henry Hall of the town of Westerly in the Colony of Rhoad Island, and Mr. John Knight, the son of Richard Knight, who then lived near Norrage in a place now known by the name of Canterbury in the county of New London in the Colony of Connecticut aforesaid, and Mr. David Knight ofthe town of Woodstock in Boston govern ment, to lay out and survey and make divisions for them unto several persons who then lived on said land with their families, viz: The land commonly called or known by Hall's and Knight's purchase or Chepechewwag or Wawwoskepog in the Narragansett country, I the said Joseph Davel, then surveyor, laid out and bounded and drafted by a map or plat, and made divisions for them unto those persons which 226 bought or purchased of them, viz: unto Job Babcock 200 acres; Peter Wells 100 acres; William Taner 100 acres; John Sheldon 200 acres; John Crandal 180 acres; Jere miah Crandal 180 acres; Gershom Cottrel 180 acres: James Ray 100 acres, and to Jonathan Knight 200 acres: with several highways, viz: two highways through said land for the use and benefit of the purchasers: and when I laid out said land, the abovesaid Hall and David Knight were per sonally present with me, and likewise the abovesaid John Knight approved and liked my work, and they paid me my wages for my work, and some time since said John Knight took his part ofthe money which was the price ofthe land, he received said money of Henry Hall. This abovewritten is the truth, as witness my hand, July 31st, 1711. JOSEPH DAVELL. The above written Capt. Jsseph Davell personally appear ed and made oath to the above written evidence before me in Westerly, this 1st day of August, 1711. JOHN BABCOCK, Justice. Note Some notice of Hall's purchase may be found page 218. The house of John Sheldon appears to have been one ofthe first if not the very first built in this purchase, being referred to as a well known landmark in the oldest deeds. This house stood where Tanner's house now stands — not far from Judge John G. Clarke's. A TRUE AND BRIEF ACCOUNT OP THE JUST AND LEGAL RIGHT WHICH WE HIS majesty's SUBJECTS PETITIONING HAVE OF LANDS IN THE NARRAG.4.NSET COUNTRY AND PARTS ADJA CENT, IN HIS majesty's DOMINIONS IN NEW-ENGLAND. IN ALL HUMILITY PRESENTED. 1st. We his majesty 's most loyal subjects have derived our interest long since purchased our lands from the chief sachems of that country, from whom we have received legal and authentic deeds for all our lands, under their hands and seals respectively, with legal possession of the same unto us by the said sachems; the last whereof was about nine teen years since, in the presence of several hundred of Eng lish and Indians, and the weight of the money from us by the said sachems and their interpreters at sundry times un der their hands and seals, manifesting their free consent to all our grants, &c. 227 2dly. The sachems had subjected themselves and people to our sovereign lord the king his government in and by the united colonies in New-England; and all the said colonies having assented and approved of our purchase rights in said countries, and have by their several acts and instruments manifested the same, and in particular by their late letter and humble address to his sacred majesty; for our deed and evidences being registered, and remain in divers courts of record unto this day. 3dly. His majesty was graciously pleased to allow and confirm our rights to the lands aforesaid by his royal letters to the several colonies, dated 21st June, 1663. 4thly. The chief sachems of the said country did in the time ofthe late bloody rebellion of Philip (before also they revolted) by their delegates ratify and confirm all and sin gular the grants ofthe lands aforesaid unto us the proprie tors, as by the seventh article of their treaty, now printed, may appear, &c. And whereas it hath been falsely affirmed by one John Green and Randall Houlden, of Warwick, that the lands of the Narraganset were never purchased legally by any, but that the Indians gave all their lands to king Charles the First, of blessed memory, which they would seem to prove by a declaration taken out of Mr. Gorton's book: To this we answer, 1st. That part of the lands aforesaid were purchased by Mr. Roger Williams, yet living, and by Mr. Richard Smith, deceased, above forty years ago, and possessed to this day by his son, Mr. Richard Smith. 2dly. That the subjection of the Indians, their land and their people, to his majesty, by that instrument, was, as we humbly conceive, no other than a putting themselves under the protection and owning the sovereignty of the king of England, as his loyal subjects, which was the same that the Indians have ordinarily done in Plymouth colony of old, and desiring to live in amity and peace with the English un der his majesty's respective governments. 2dly. Whereas it is objected, three of his majesty's com missioners, viz. Sir Robert Carr, George Cartwright, Sam uel Maverick, Esqrs. did, in the year 1664, under their hand and seals, make null all the deeds and evidences we the said proprietors had for the said land, and still have, ordering all the tenants and inhabitants to go off and quit their interest and possessions of those lands by such atime. 228 but with this proviso or limitation, that the Indians should forthwith pay unto the English proprietors 1053 fathom of wampompeage. To which we reply, 1st, That the said commissioners (under favour) had no power, by his majesty's said commission, so to determine, much less, without legal process, to null or make void any title of lands, or dispossess any of his majesty's good sub jects of their just rights in these parts. 2dly. If it be admitted, that the said commissioners had power to put out men of their possessions, which they had then quietly enjoyed, some above thirty years, yet there be ing no act they could do by virtue of their commission valid or binding, except Col. Richard Nichols was with them as chief, and to have the decisive vote, as by said commission may appear. 3dly, But said Colonel Nichols was then many hundred miles off, therefore, &c. If it be granted (which we cannot but deny) that what the first named three commissioners then did, was by their commission, and according to law, yet the proviso or condition thereof, viz. that the Indians should forthwith pay to the proprietors so many fathom of wom- pompeage, being not performed, their said act is void. 4thly, That notwithstanding whatsoever those three com missioners aforesaid had done, or pretended to do, about dispossessing our tenants the inhabitants, or destroying the titles of our proprieties, yet upon better consideration, the said Colonel Nichols, and the rest of the said commission ers,, did, by several instruments under their hands and seals, make null and void the same. By all this may appear the absurdity and invalidity of the allegations and pleas of the said Houlden and Green against the rights and just interest of us the proprietors in the lands aforesaid. All which we the said proprietors are ready to prove and make good, by legal deeds and the testimonies of persons yet alive upon the place, at any time when and before whom his majesty shall be graciously pleased to commis- sionate to hear and determine the justice and legality thereof Your majesty's most humble and most loyal subjects, for and in the name and behalf of the said proprietors the petitioners, RICHARD WHARTON, ELISHA HUTCHINSON, .Anno 1680, -lOHN SAFFIN. 229 REPORT OP THE COMMISSIONERS TO THE KING. To~ihe King's most excellent Majesty. May it please your Majesty, Whereas your majesty hath been graciously pleased, by your commission under your royal signet, bearing date at Whitehall the 17th day of April, in the five and thirtieth year of your reign, to constitute Edward Cranfield, Esq, lieutenant-governor and commander in chief of New-Hamp shire, Willliam Stoughton, Joseph Dudley, Edward Ran dolph, Samuel Shrimton, John Fitz Winthrop, Edward Palmer, John Pynchon, and Nathaniel Saltonstall, Esqrs. or any three of them, (whereof Edward Cranfield or Edward Randolph should be of the quorum) commissioners for in quiring into the respective claims and titles, as well of your majesty as well as persons and corporations whatsoever, to the immediate jurisdiction and propriety of soil to the King's Province or Narraganset Country, and to make report of the same, with their opinions upon the matters that should be examined by them, that your majesty might cause impar tial justice to be done. In humble obedience to your majesty's commands, we your majesty's said commissioners, whose names are sub scribed, do humbly offer, that upon receipt of your said commission, we, both by our letters to the several gover nors and councils of your colonies, and by printed sum monses sent to them to publish, if they saw cause, in their respective jurisdictions, for information of their people, sig nified the purport of your said commission, and that we had appointed on Wednesday, the two and twentieth of August, to convene at the house of Mr. Richard Smith, in the Nar raganset Country, to receive all such information, evidence, and claim, as well in your majesty's behalf as of all persons and corporations whatsoever, as should be offered, with oth er necessary intimations; and that upon the 22d of August we convened at the place aforesaid, where Captain John Allen and Mr. John 'Wadsworth, two ofthe magistrates of Connecticut colony, as their agents; Thomas Hinckley, Esq. Governor of New-Plymouth, in person, and Mr. Waite Winthrop, Mr. Simon Lynde, Mr. John Saffin, Mr. Elisha Hutchinson, Mr. Richard Wharton, and Mr. Josh ua Lamb, in their own behalfs, and as representatives for .the rest that claim propriety in right of John Winthrop, Esq. 230 and Major Humphrey Atherton and partners, all appeared; and after very dutiful and thankful acknowledgments of your majesty's great and gracious care to inform yourself, and by your final determination to cause impartial justice to be done, the agents of Connecticut and Governor of New- Plymouth, in their colonies' behalf, respectively claimed ju risdiction, by patent, over the King's Province or Narra ganset Country; and the said Mr. Winthrop, Lynde, Saflin, Hutchinson, Wharton, and Lamb, entered their claims and produced their evidences forthe soil of the said province and country; sundry other claims were also exhibited to se-v- ral parts of the said province, all persons any ways concerned expres.sing great satisfaction in and submitting to your maj esty's commands and our proceedings, except only the gov ernment of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations,* from whom, according to the informations given toyour majesty's commissioners, anno 1664, and what was some years since suggested to your majesty and council by Randall Houlden and John Green, we expected farther information and evi dence as to your majesty's interest and propriety, but in stead of their colony's assistance in your majesty's con cerns, and prosecution of their own pretensions, their Gen eral Assembly was purposely called, and, as we are inform ed, adjourned in an unlawful manner to a house in the Nar raganset Country, distant about a mile from the place of our session, who sent us a letter, interdicting our proceed ings; which not availing, they sent their serjeant-general, in a riotous manner, with a great number of horsemen, who, by loud proclamation, prohibited us from keeping court in any part of their jurisdiction, commanding all per sons, within the verge of their colony or King's Province, to depart, and not to be abettors to our pretended court, as by their letter and proclamation may more fully ap pear. Notwithstanding, we continued to make strict in quiry and examination, both of the ancientest inhabit ants of the English and Indians, for two days, and re ceived all such claims as were pretended: And in regard none appeared with any claim or plea in your maj esty's behalf, we adjourned to Boston, there to meet on the third of September following, and substituted a com mittee to carry a letter to Rhode-Island court, intimating our adjournment, and demand in your majesty's name and for the behoof that the said committee might search, peruse. 231 and examine their records, and also sent particular sum mons, in your majesty's name, to said Houlden and Green, to appear before us on the third of September, to give in evidence pursuant to the information or suggestions given to your majesty in council at Whitehall; which said letter was delivered to Mr. William Coddington, their governor, and the summons to the said John Green in open court; the answer and reception whereof, and the methods ot our pro ceedings, and the great contempt offered to your majesty's commission by the General Assembly of Rhode-Island, we humbly refer to a narrative drawn by William Wharton our register, and approved by ourselves, which, with this, will, by our order, be humbly laid at your majesty's feet. Upon Monday, the third of September, we again con vened at Boston, and gave further opportunity for new claims; but none from Rhode-Island appeared, so thatthey then failing in their duty, Mr. Richard Wharton and part ners exhibited a printed book, containing a deed bearing date the 19th of April, 1644, being the subjection of two chief sachems, named Passicus and Canonicus, of them selves, their people, and lands, to the care, protection, and government of your royal father, of blessed memory; and with the said book was presented a breviate or memorial of the occasion and improvement of said subjection, the said Wharton and partners declaring that none of them knew of any other evidence as to your majesty's propriety or interest in the soil, neither hath any been offered by any other hand; so that we have sincerely and seriously considered the sev eral claims before us to the jurisdiction, which we find, as well by the said printed deed of subjection as by former ca pitulations and conditions, after the conquest of the Pe quods, between your majesty's subjects ofthe united colo nies and the sachems and counsellors of the Narraganset Country, and the purchases, possessions and improvements made by your majesty's subjects, to have been absolutely vested in your majesty; and that your majesty, by your letters patent, dated at Westminster the three and twentieth of -April, in the fourteenth year of your majesty's reign, your majest}' granted to the governor and company of Con necticut and their successors, all that part of your domin ions in New-England bounded on the east by Narraganset river, commonly called Narraganset Bay, where the said river falleth to the sea; and on the north, by the line ofthe 232 Massachusetts plantations; and on the south, by the sea; and in longitude as the line of the Narraganset, running from east to west, that is to say, from the said Narraganset Bay on the east, to the South Sea on the west part, there unto adjoining, together with all firm lands, soils, grounds, havens, ports, rivers, waters, fishings, mines, minerals, precious stones, and all and singular other commodities and jurisdictions whatsoever, reserving to your majesty, your heirs, and successors, only the fifth part of the ore of gold and silver, as by the said charter may at large appear. We have also had information that some time after your majesty's grant, and said patent was sent to your colony of Connecticut, the said country ofthe Narraganset was like wise by patent granted by your majesty to the governor and company of Rhode-Island plantation, and is by charter bounded by a river called Paugautuck, which by said char ter is forever to be accounted and called the Narraganset river; and this latter grant of your majesty to Rhode-Island seems to be founded upon advice submitted to by John Winthrop, Esq. said to be agent for Connecticut colony^ and Mr. John Clark, agent for Rhode-Island; to which the agents of Connecticut plead, that Mr. Winthrop's agen cy for them ceased when he had obtained and sent the pa tent to them, and that no submission or act of his could vali date or deprive them of any of the benefits graciously grant ed by your majesty's charter; and that notwithstanding the seeming boundaries set by the said articles, signed by Mr. Winthrop and Mr. Clark, it is in the same articles provided, that the proprietors and inhabitants of the Narraganset Country shall choose to which of the two governments to belong, and that they unanimously chose and subjected to the government of Connecticut, under which that planta tion began to prosper till the year 1664—5, when some of your majesty's commissioners (which is alleged, without Colonel Nichols, then absent, could make no valid act) in favour to the Rhode-Islanders, published some inadvertent orders, since by Colonel Nichols and themselves reverted; however, by the said orders and pretensions that the Rhode- Islanders hy virtue of their patent make, we find they have much molested the inhabitants, and discouraged the settle ment of said country, and occasioned controversies between the said colonies. Pursuant, therefore, to the gracious ends to acquit those 233 disputes, we have carefully endeavored to obtain certain knowledge ofthe bounds of your majesty's province of the Narraganset Country; and upon the best evidence offered, and examination of sundry ancient inhabitants, both .the English and Indians, it appears, that a brook called Weca paug, is near the sea, the westerly bounds ofthe Narragan set Country; all the land, which is in breadth about four or five miles, lying between the said brook and Paugautuck, being the Pequod country, and by conquest taken from them, and disposed of to several persons; within which limits lie sundry farms, belonging, by ancient grant, to Harvard Col lege, to Mr. Simon Lynde, and other persons, whose titles being asserted, have been acknowledged by all others pre tending propriety; and that the Narraganset bay or river, where it falls into the sea, bounds the Narraganset Country easterly; and by a testimony given by governor Winslow in his life time, upon another occasion, and also by information of sundry old and principal Indians, it appears that Patucket river, lying between Rehoboth and Providence, was the intended country and river between Plymouth colony and Providence Plantations, which in Plymouth patent is call ed Narraganset river; this Patucket river falling into the greater Narraganset river or bay that bounds Narraganset eastward; so that between the said river of Patucket, Que nebaug and Nipmug countries to the northward, and We capaug brook westerly, lies the whole dominion and territo ries, containing the Cowessett and Niantick countries, form erly and lately belonging to the Narraganset sachems, and generally called the Narraganset Country. As to the claim made by the colony of Plymouth to jurisdiction and soil in the Narraganset Country, we find it hath only foundation from the name given to Paugautuck of the Narraganset river; and if anciently and truly so called, then Plymouth char ter, if confirmed by your majesty, being granted by the council of Plymouth, and bears date the 13th of January, in the fifth year of the reign of your royal father, will deter mine the controversy between Rhode-Island and Connecti cut, and comprehend the whole Narraganset and part ofthe Pequod country, the lands granted to Plymouth being bound ed southerly by the Narraganset river; but with humble submission we cannot see any cause to judge that the said Paugautuck river anciently was, or ought to be, called or accounted the Narraganset river. 234 1st. Because it lies some miles within the Pequod coun try, a nation still extirpated by the English, often or always at war with the Narragansets, and to which territories the Narragansets never pretended. 2dly. Because Paugautuck river falls into the sea many miles westward of any part of the Narraganset bay ; is the river anciently called Narraganset river, both because it on the eastward washes and bounds the whole length of the Narraganset Country, and for that Plymouth colony, which hath now been planted near threescore years, have ever since bounded themselves, according to the scheme or lim itation of their patent, by the same bay, called Narraganset river, towards the south, into which the freshets of said riv er called Patucket, empties itself in a precipice. Thus, in all humility, having represented our opinions, as to the bounds and jurisdictions, we humbly report our opinions respecting propriety of soil as follows. 1st. We find that by one deed, dated the 11th of June, 1659, Coginaquand, chief sachem and proprietor of the Narraganset Country, did give, grant, and convey unto John Winthrop, Esq. and Major Humphrey Atherton, and partners, their heirs and assigns, one large tract of land,, now called the northward tract; and the said Coginaquand, by another deed, dated the 4th of July, 1659, did, in like manner, convey to the said John Winthrop, Esq. Major Atherton and partners, another large parcel of land, called the southern tract, or Namcock: And we find, by sundry other deeds from the other sachems, the said conveyances ratified, and sundry receipts and acknowledgments of fuU satisfaction to all persons any ways concerned. We also find, that by a deed bearing date the 13th of October, 1660, Suguenth, Ninegret, Scuttup, and Quequa- kanewet and Narraganset, sachems, for valuable conside ration, mortgaged to Major Atherton and partners the re maining part of the whole Narraganset Country, containing the Cowhessett and Niantick countries; and find that, as part of the consideration, seven hundred and thirty-five fathom of peague was paid November the 16th, 1660, and sundry other payments made, and gratuities given, to full. satisfaction, as by sundry receipts and acknowledgments doth appear; the commissioners of all your majesty's colo nies approvin.g these transactions: And also we find, by the testimony of John Poutton, William Cotton, Johi* 235 Rhoads, and Ambrose Leach, sworn before John Endicot, Esq. Governor of the Massachusetts, the 22d of Septem ber, 1662, and recorded in Hartford, that Scuttup and Nin egret, with sundry other sachems, counsellors and Indians, to the number of two or three hundred, being assembled at a place called Pettequamscot, the said Scuttup, in presence of said Indians and many English, also assembled, did, in behalf of himself, brother, and friends, deliver possession ofthe country, by turf and twig, to Captain Edward Hutch inson, Captain William Hudson, and Mr. Richard Smith, jun. in behalf of themselves and partners, declaring the lands then to be already sold by deed, by themselves and the rest ofthe sagamores, to Major Atherton and partners. We also find, that the said Major Atherton, Captain Hutchinson, Hudson, and partners, with great expense and industry, applied themselves to the settlement and improve ment of said country, many considerable farms being laid out, houses and edifices erected, and two townships also laid out, and methods for improvements; and terms agreed upon with the inhabitants, the town named Wickford and the other Newbury. Also it appears, that the said purchasers did request and intrust John Winthrop, Esq. to supplicate your majesty to add the said Narraganset Country to the territories and ju risdiction of Connecticut, which your majesty graciously granted; and was farther graciously pleased, by your royal letters, dated the 2lst of June, 1663, directed to the gov ernors and assistants of the Massachusetts, Plymouth, Con necticut colonies, to approve and encourage the purchas ers' designs; and as your majesty pleased then to call them laudable endeavours to settle and plant a colony to the en largement of your empire, and to recommend said purchas ers and proprietors to the neighbourly kindness and protec tion of said colonies, willing them upon all occasions to be assisting to them against the unjust oppressions of those of Rhode-Island, with other expressions of your royal grace and favour to the said purchasers; upon which titles and .encouragements the claimers offer probable computation and arguments, that their predecessors themselves, and per sons concerned with them, have expended for purchasing and settling the said country at least twenty thousand pounds ; and that had not the ill effects ofthe orders made by some of your majesty's commissioners that came over in 1664, 236 and the great molestations and pretersions of the Rhode- Islanders obstructed the settlement, the country had, by the planting ofthe said two towns, and other improvements, been so peopled that great part, if not all the miseries of the late Indian war had been prevented. Some other claims have been made by Mr. James Noyes and others, of some other (tract of land lying in the Niantick country, as de rived from Harraan Garrat and his son, named , pre tended Indian sachems, who personally appeared before us; but upon examination we cannot find the said Harman Gar- rat or his son had any right or power to dispose of the lands, the same having been, beyond the memory of man, possessed by Ninigret; the other Indians acknowledging and testify ing the same. Other claims also were exhibited to sundry other tracts within the Narraganset Country, but the titles being either derived from or depending upon Mr. Winthrop's and Major Atherton's purchases, we humbly conceive more proper for a court of judicature. Thus, after most strict and impartial inquiry and exami nation, having stated, we most humbly lay before your maj esty the several original claims and pretensions offered to us, with respect to the propriety both of jurisdiction and soil in your majesty's province or Narraganset Country; and in farther obedience to your said commission have se riously weighed and considered all evidences, pleas, proofs, and allegations, and added our own observations of the course ofthe Narraganset river or bay, and situation ofthe country, so far as we have travelled therein; and with most humbl e submission and reservation of your majesty's right, eo far as it may appear to your majesty, offer our opinions, that by virtue of your said letters patent granted to Con necticut, jurisdiction in and through the said province or Narraganset Country of right belongs to the said colony of Connecticut, and that propriety of soil, as derived from Mr. Winthrop and Major Atherton, is vested upon the heirs and assigns of said Mr. Winthrop, the heirs of Thomas Chif- finch, Esq. Major Atherton, Mr. Richard Smith, Mr. Si mon Lynde, Mr. Elisha Hutchinson, Mr. John Saffin, Mr. Richard Wharton, and partners, and such as derive ftom them; no considerable opposition being by any corporation or person given before us to their claim and title, the same ^^emg granted by the said agents of Connectiut; .notwith- 237 standing, we do not conceive that their said purchases do any ways intitle them to any part of the Pequod country, lying between Wecapaug and Paugautuck river, nor that the former lawful purchases and possessions of the inhabi tants of Providence and Warwick ought to be prejudiced thereby. And finally, we hold it our duty humbly to inform your majesty, that so long as the pretensions ofthe Rliode-Island- ers to the government ofthe said province continue, it will much discourage the settlement and improvement thereof, it being very improbable that either the aforenamed claim ers, or others of like reputation and condition, will either remove their families or expend their estates under so loose and weak a government. And to the end that your majesty may at all times have more particular satisfaction, and the persons concerned opportunity upon occasion farther to prove their interest without hazarding their original evi dences upon the sea, we have caused an oath to be adminis tered to our said register, under his hand to attest all such deeds and papers as have been received by us, and so copy and truly examine the same; and in like manner to attest to such copies, and afterwards to return the originals and copies upon demand to the parties that produce the same. In obedience to your majesty's gracious commission and commands, we, with all humility, offer this our report, which we cause to be duplicate, craving your majesty's gra cious acceptance of our dutiful endeavors to approve our selves. Your majesty's most loyal and obedient subjects, EDWARD CRANFIELD, WILLIAM STOUGHTON, SAMUEL SHRIMTON, JOHN PYNCHON, Jun, NATHANIEL SALTONSTALL, Jun. Boston, October 20, 1683. As farther addition to our report, we humbly offer, that since the close of your majesty's commission, Mr. Edward Randolph arriving and signifying his power in behalf of his grace the Duke of Hamilton to rhake claim to the King's Province or Narraganset Country, we have again convened, and summoned so many of the proprietors as could in so short time assemble, and in their presence and hearing have 238 read the copy ofthe said Duke's deed, and heard Mr. Ran dolph's pleas and improvernents therein, and find it takes in part ofthe said Province or Narraganset Country; and have also received the answers and defence of the said proprietors, which we humbly transmit and submit to your majesty's consideration; we have also ordered copies of the Duke's deeds and proprietors' pleas to be sent to the colony of Con necticut, to the end they may have opportunity, by the first conveyance, to make their answers and defence before your majesty. „ EDWARD CRANFIELD, WILLIAM STOUGHTON, JOSEPH DUDLEY. Entered upon records, in the first book of public records belonging to the King's Province, from page 36 to 42. JOHN FONES, Recorder. A true copy, compared out of the records belonging to the King's Province, by SAMUEL FONES,^Clerk. Kingstown, Sept. 25^ 1704. ORDER OP THE PRESIDENT AND COUNCIL RESPECTING THE RECORDS OF THE NARRAGANSET COUNTRY. By order of the President and Council. Boston, the 11th day ofJuni, 1686. We, John Pynchon, Bartholomew Gidney, and Jonathan Tyng, members of his majesty's council, have examined the several acts, accords, deeds and entries, in the twenty - seven foregoing pages, and find them to agree with the originals in the hands of Captain Elisha Hutchinson, and recommend it to the President and council, that the trans actions in this book be allowed and declared good and au thentic records; and that the same book be carried on and employed for entry of the subsequent acts, orders, agree ments, and transactions of the proprietors, deriving by, with, and from John Winthrop, Esq. and Major Humphrey Atherton, deceased, and their associates, and all other mat- 239 ters fit for public records, in the Narraganset Country, or King's Province. JOHN PYNCHON, BARTHOLOMEW GIDNEY, JONATHAN TYNG. Allowed by the President and Council. Edward Randolph, Secretary. of her majesty's proceedings of a court HELD BY HIS MAJESTY S COMMIS SIONERS AND JUSTICES IN THE NARRAGANSET COUNTRY. King's Province, June 23, 1686. At a court held by his majesty's commissioners and jus tices at major Richard Smith, in Rochester, in the King's Province PRESENT. Joseph Dudley, Esq., President. John Winthrop, Esq. Edward Rardolph, Esq. ' council. Richard Wharton, Esq. John Blackwell, Elisha Hatchinson, Richard Smith, Fran cis Brinley, John Saflin, Esqrs.; John Fones, Thomas Ward, James Pendlinton, gentlemen. Imprimis, The power and commision ofthe president, and the rest ofthe honorable gentlemen commissionated and for that purpose, was read, and the president and all the jus tices, there assembled, took the oath prescribed in said commission, and the justices' oaths; also captain John Blackwell, captain Elisha Hutchinson, Prancis Brinley,, John Saffin, Esqrs, and Mr Thomas Ward, took the oath of allegiance, John Fones sworn unto the office of clerk to said court, and all courts which shall hereafter be held in the King's Province for the time being: The king's commission to the president and council of his territories and dominions in New-England openly read. Commissions unto all the commissioned officers of the respective companies ofthe militia in King's Province de livered by the president, they having formerly taken the oath of allegiance. Ordered, That the three towns now in the King's Prov ince shall be called Rochester, the first and chief, formerly called Kingstown, 240 Haversham, the second, formerly called Westerly. Dedford, the third, formerly called Greenwich. Elisha Hutchinson, Esq. having exhibited a book and reference, and report thereon, under the hands of John Pynchon, Bartholomew Gidney, and Jonathan Tyng, Esqrs. and the orders for allowance by the president and council at Boston, dated the 17th day ofthis instant month June, it is ordered, that the said book and report, and allowance there on, be committed to captain John Fones, clerk and recorder ofthis province, and that the matters entered in the said book stand and remain as authentic records ofthe province, and in the same book the clerk is ordered to enter such fur ther records, grants, and bargains of lands, &c. as shall be acknowledged and allowed before the president, or some members of his majesty's council, from time to time, under their hands, with several other deeds as have been allowed by former authority. For as much as sundry persons have been deluded, whilst no government was settled upon the place, have been en couraged, without license from the proprietors, to build and make improvement upon the lands called the mortgage lands; to the end, therefore, that all such persons may have seasonable time to make their compositions, that so they may, either upon purchase, rents, or other good agreements, enjoy their respective improvernents, where they seem not prejudicial to townships nor highways, it is ordered, that no possessor, as incumbent of or upon any such lands, shall be molested, nor any action upon the title of land brought against them, before the twentieth day of August next. In case upon treaty with the proprietors, or their committee, they receive not satisfaction in the terms, the said possess ors or incumbents shall, upon their complaints, be heard by the president and council at Boston, and relieved so far as may be consistent with common justice and his majesty's service, who will further direct to the trial and issue of the difference. FRANCIS BRINLEY. 241 documents rel.4,ting to westerly. Many particulars relating to Westerly, will be found in the first part ofthe volume. See also Roger Williams' let ter to Major Mason. petition to assembly. To the Honorable Gentlemen of the Court of Commissioners, assembled together in his Majesty's name for the colony of Providence Plantations at Portsmouth the 27th of August, 1661. Please ye honored Gentlemen, there being an opportuni ty or presentment of a certain piece or tract of land, lately discovered or made known; which tract ofland lyeth in a situation in the furdest or remotest corner of this Colonies jurisdiction, called by the name of Ascomicutt: which tract ofland is fairly promised or ingaged to a sartaine number of adventurers upon the design of purchase of it: which adven turers are members ofthis Colony and well wishers t'hereto: who desire to do nothing that shall prove prejudicial to the interest and honour ofthe Coloneys privileges or advance ment: but are now confronting the adversaries ofthe Colo ny: which by a species of intrusions are seeking to make inroads upon our privileges of Colonies jurisdiction; the premises considered, your petitioners are bold under cor- rectin to pray in case we can make the adversarie: which is both to the colony and us to retreatt, which we question not: in point of right and title from the natives: therefore we being willing to proceed in all poynts of loyallity that may suit with the advance and honor ofthe colony, we humbly crave your favorable approbation coun tenance aud assistance to us in the settleing of a plantation on Towneshepe: in or upon the above said tract of land called by the name Ascomicutt, which number of persons may probably extend to the number of 30, 40 or 50 or there about which are thence to inhabit, thearof many of are persons constrained to make inquisition and seek out for land for a comfortable livelyhood. So honored gen tlemen if it be your pleasures to grant your petitioners re quest or petition as wc are, so we subscribe and remain 242 your humble petitioners and servents to our power for oui selves and in the behalf of the rest of our company. WILLIAM VAHAN, -\- his mark. JOHN COGGESHALL, JOHN CR.1NDAL, HUGH MOSIEUR, JAMES BARKER, CALEB CARR, JAMES ROGERS, 1 R his mark. JOSEPH TORRY, JOHN CRANSTON, THE FOLLO-WING IS A COPY OF THE BOOK OP RECORDS OF THE' ORIGINAL PROPRIETORS OP WESTERLY. A copy ofthe Purchase of Socho, the true owner of Misquam- acock. This deed or writing bearing date this present twenty- ninth day of June, one thousand six hundred and sixty, wit nesseth, that T. Socho an Indian Captain of Narraganset, being the true and lawful owner of a tract of land called Misquamicoke, for a valuable consideration in hand paid to my content, have bargained and sold unto William Vaughan,- Robert Stanton, John Fairfield, HughMoshur, James Long- bottom, all of Nuport in Rhode-Island and others their as sociates, which said tract ofland being bounded as followeth, Easterly by a place called Weecapaug or Passpatanage joining to the Nianticut land, on the South by the main sea, on the West by Pawcatuck river, and so up the chief river or stream northerly and northeasterly to a place called Que- quatuck or Qupquachanocke, and from thence on a straight line to the first named bounds called Wecapoag or Pachat- anage joining upon the Nianticut land as abovesaid; which said tract ofland so butted and bounded as aforesaid, I the said Socho do for myself, my heirs, executors, administra tors, and assigns, surrender up all right, title, claim or in terest whatsoever to the said land or any privilege appertain ing to the said land, fully instating the said William Vau ghan, Robert Stanton, John Fairfield, Hugh Mosier, James Longbottom and their associates, their heirs, executors, ad ministrators or assigns, to the said land and proprieties there- 243 of, to the worlds end. In witness whereof I the said Sosoa have set to my hand and seal the year and date abovesaid. The mark of cp SOSOA. |l7s:| Sealed signed in presence of Jeremy Clarke, Latham Clarke, Henry Clark, AwASHvvASH '- — his mark. The mark W° of Nucum, Interpreter. George Webb, George Gardiner. Here followes some Testimonies to the Premises. This doe testify, April the 13th 1661, wee whose names are written testify, that whereas there is a tract ofland bounded by Pawcatuck River as appeareth by the deed un der Socho's hand doe testify that before sealing ofthe deed dated 29th of June 1660, proper right of So cho as largely as fully as the deed doth declare we do not only speak our owne but the Sachems of Narraganset doe the same whose persons we present Suckquansa," Scut tup, Ne The mark q of AWASHOUS, The mark --f - of POATOCK, The mark y^ of UNKAQUANT, The mark o of NOEWAM. English witness that this is John Akers, j\ his mark, Latham Clarke. This present writing is to testify unto all men that it com- eth to or whom it may concern, that we the chief Sachems ofthe Narroganset Indians and ofthe country thereabouts, doe testify upon certain knowledge that whereas a certain Indian Captain named Socho living at this time in the Nar raganset country or thereabouts or near unto the same at Masquachoawaug, hath sold unto Robert Stanton, John Fairfield and other Newport men of Rhode-Island, a cer tain tract of land containing about ten or twelve English miles in length from the sea and southermost part of it up into the lands northward, as also being in breadth from east to west at some places three English miles, and at some 244 places more, and towards the southermost end being a neck, it is there about two miles from sea to sea, which said tract of land is bounded on the west side by the cove or harbor that goeth into Pacatucket and from tbe head of the said cove the fresh river is still the bounds ofthe said tract, and the said tract is also bounded on the north and on the east side by a line [known and described] by certain marked trees which the said Indian Captain Socho marked before witnesses to that very end, wee the Sachems abovesaid, do on our own knowledge testify, that the afore mentioned and premised tract of land hath been and was at the time of foresd sale thereof, his the said Socho's owne, absolute and undoubted right, land and possession, and was his owne and at his own choice and freewill and pleasure to sell or to whomsoever he pleased, without any of our or any other Indian having to do to hinder the same, on any pretence of right or claim whatsoever, and to the true testification and manifestation ofthis our affirmation, we do hereunto put our tends after the manner of Englishmen, this 19th day of April 1661, also it is clear from any English or any conquest of theirs. The mark cp of CACHAQUANT. This Sachem put to his hand in presence of us. Will. Helmes, Jeremiah Clark. The mark ~| of SAMMECAT, a Sachem. 0= AwASHous witness to it. IV " NucoM interpreter, a witness, y\ John Acres, Latham Clark. The mark ^ of John Econsomith, an Indian, wit nesseth that he heard the Sachems of Narroganset owne this that is above written. This witnesseth that I Awashous, do affirm by these pres ents, concerning a of land called Squamocuck, which was formerly the land of Socho an Indian captain and by him sold to certain Englishmen of Newport on Rhode-Island, as appeareth by a deed of sale ofthe same bearing date the 29th day of June 1660, I the said Awashous do affirm that the foresaid parcell of land mentioned in the said deed of sale, according to the bounds therein specified, was the proper right ofthe said Socho, being given to him by the 245 chief sachems ofthe Narragansets for removing off from the said land a parcell of Pequit Indians that annoyed the said Narrogansett Indians, and this was done and accomplished, and the said land conquered by the said Socho, and it being and confirmed to him by the chief sachems Meantinomy and Quononicus about two years before the wars between the English and the Pequits, for the aforesaid service in re moving the said Indians as is before mentioned, and other points of service that the said Sosoa did in and for the Nar roganset country, and this abovewritten I the said Awa shous do know to be true upon my owne knowledge, a.^; be ing privy to the former proceeding thereof, and for the con firmation ofthis aforesaid, I the said Awashouse have hith erto sett my hand this present 15th day of June 1661. The marke of 0=' AWASHOUSE. Witness, Thomas Gould, Jeremiah Willis. The mark W" of Nucom, Interpreter. I the said Nucom do not only this to be the act and deed of Awashouse, but do also affirm upon my owne knowledge, that the chief sachems of the Narroganset country, with other the inferior Indians, have formerly owned and it was generally reported, that the foresaid parcell of land have been so conveyed as is above-written, and that the said Awashouse have voluntarily and of his owne accord given this foresaid declaration, without any instigating thereunto. June 16th, 1661. The marke of W ° NUCOM. Witness, Thomas Gould, Jeremiah Clarke. A Copie of Pessicus his Confirmation. Newport, the 24th June, 1661. Know all men whom it may concern, that Pischicus, chief sachem ofthe Narragansett country, do really and ful ly own and confirm the act of my brother Meantinomy, as also the act of my uncle Conanicus, both of them, in giving and passing over of a tract of land called Misquamicuk to an Indian captain called Sosoa, which tract ofland was giv en Captain Sosoa for valorous services done for us against the Poquets before the English had any warr with the Pe- 246 quels; this tract of land is bounded as followeth, on the east by a place called Wecapagoe joyning to the Nianticut land, this cornerbounds is the southeast corner ofthe laud, by the salt sea which corner bounds is about ten miles from Pau catuck river, as also on the south side bounded by the main ocean from the first named bounds westerly to the mouth of Paucatuck river, and on the west side bounded with Paucatuck river, and so up the chief river or stream northerly or north easterly about twenty miles up the chief river and stream to place called Quecatuck or Quequathanick, and from this northeast corner bounds it is bounded upon a line south-east to the first named corner bounds by the sea or main ocean, which corner bounds joyns to the Niantick lands by the salt sea, this land thus bounded I Pischicus do affirm to be Sosoa's or his assigns, and further, whereas my uncle Nin igret sayeth that it is his land, I do utterly deny it before all men, for it was conquered by my brother Meantinomy with the help of this valorous Captain Sosoa, one year or two before ever the English went to war against the Pequets, and ray uncle Ninigret had no hand in the war, therefore I really affirm it and confirm it to be Sosoa's land, his heirs, executors, admuiistrators or assigns forever from all others whatsoever. Witness my hand and seal the year and day above written. His mark. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of as witnesses, Stukely Westcott. The mark SS of Samuel Stafford. The mark of Newcom, "W " Awash C_| shass. PESSICUS, ^H^ ^Ts A copie of Cachanaquant' s Testimony. Nuport on Rhode-Island, March 14th, Hl^. Cachanaquant, brother to Quissuckquansh, and being both chief sachems ofthe Narraganset Indians and country, the said Cachanaquant the day and year abovesaid doth de clare and testify in solemn manner the particulars follow- ,ing: first that whereas there was war between the Pequots 247 and Narraganset about thirty years ago, being some years before the English had war with the said Pequots, it so fell out that some Pequots came in those days over Paucatuck river, and seated on the neck called Misquamicock, which was the Narraganset lands and territories, whereupon the Narragansett Sachems, Canonicus and Miantonomy, em ployed a capfaine of those parts their subject to destroy or beat off those intruding Pequots, and in case he so did, they gave to him and his forever the said land called Misquami cuck, which said tract ofland is bounded by the sea on the South, and by the river called Pawcatuck on a part ofthe west side, and by a pond called Weakapaug on the east side next the sea, and so running north-westerly into the coun try twenty miles from the sea, andthe said tract being broader within land than it is on the sea coast before mentioned. — And further, the aforenamed Sachem affirmeth that the cap tain before intended that was employed to remove those Pequots aforesaid was named Sosoa, and is still living, and known by that name who did accordingly beat off the said Pequots from the aforesaid land, and took and kept the same ever since, it being given him by the abovesaid Sachems for the service aforesaid, which said service he did and took possession therefore of the abovementioned tract of land two years before the war began that fell out between the En glish and the Pequots. And further the Sachem abovesaid affirmeth that ofthe obovementioned tract of land the said Sosoa was absolutely the true and rightly instated owner, and was capable to make firm sale thereof, none other Sa chem or Indian having any way power of right to contradict or disannul the same. And lastly he doth affirm that Nen- ecraft nor no other ofthe Nayantick Sachems, either have or ever had any right of claim to any part or parts of the aforementioned tract of land. And to the truth hereof the said Cachanaquant doth put to his hand in confirmation of the same. CACHANAQUANT, ^^ his mark. The abovesaid testimony ofthe abovenamed Sacliim Ca chanaquant was given the year and day first abovewritten, March 14th, J||^. Being examined and taken before me. BEN. ARNOLD, Gen'l Assistant. 248 A copy of Wawaloam the wife of Miantonomy her affirmation and confirmation of Socho alias Sossoa his deed and grant. -^.spanansuck or Hakewaraepinke, the 26th of June, 1661. Know all men by these presents or whom it may concern, that I Wawaloam which was the wife of the deceased Sa chem Miantonomy, do thus testify and affirm of my perfect knowledge, I did hear my husband Miantonomy as also my uncle Canounicus both of them joyntly dispose give and pass over a tract ofland named Misquamicuk, to a valorous Captain named Socho, this tract ofland it is bounded as fol loweth, on the East corner by a place called Weecapaug or Pespataug joyning to the Nayhanticut land, by the salt sea, which is about 10 miles from Pawcatuck river, this bounds is the South East corner, and on the South side bounded with the main ocean from the first bounds westerly to the mouth of Pawcatuck river and from the mouth of Pawcatuck River bounded by Pawcatuc river which is the west bounds ofthis tract ofland, and so up the chief river or stream of • Pawcatuc river northerly and northeasterly about 15 miles from the mouth of Pawcatuc river up to a place called Que- quatuck, and from this northeast corner bounds it is bound ed upon a line South-east to the South-east corner which is by the main ocean joining to the Nianticut land, as it is above named, Weecapaug or Passpatanage, this land thus bounded be it 20,000 acres more or less, I Wawaloam do affirm it to be Socho's or his assigns, and further whereas my uncle Ninegrad sayeth that it is his land, I Wawaloam do utterly deny it before all men, for it was conquered by my husband Miantonomy and my uncle Canonicus long be fore the English had any wars with the Pequots, and my uncle Ninegrad had no hand in the war, this land was given and past over to the valiant Captain Socho for service done for us before the English had any wars with the Pequots, therefore I Wawaloam do really affirm it and confirm it to be Socho's land, his heirs, executors, administrators or as- signes, forever, from all others whatsoever. Witness my hand and seal the year and day above written. The mark of ^^ WAWALOAM. ^xTK] 249 Signed sealed and delivered in presence of us witnesses: Stukely Westcott, The mark of Samuel Staffon, The mark of | D Maussecup, The mark of P-i Awashshous, The mark of W° Newcum. A copy of Awashous and JYucOm their deed. This present or writing made on the fifth day of October, in the year one thousand six hundred sixty and one, wit nesseth, that we Awashouse apd Nucom both of Narrogan set being the owners of a certain tract of land called Nis- quitianxsett, lying near adjoining upon a certain tract of land called Misquamicuk, lately by Soso or Sokso an Indian sold unto Wm. Vaughan of Nuport in Rhode-Island and his associates, do acknowledge and by these presents do bargain,, sell, alienate, ratify and confirm the said tract of land called Nisquitianxsett, bounded southerly on the ocean, on tbe westerly side by Weecapaug, easterly by the land Mr. Smith bought of Hermon Garrett's father called Seepoocke and northerly by Machaquamagauset and Ba- petaushat unto William Vaughan, and the company pur chasers of Misquamicuk for a valuable consideration in hand paid, and therefore do for us, our heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, or from any other that may make claim thereof or to a~ny part thereof, as from us, by any bar gain, sale, promise or contract whatsoever, fully and really relinquish all right, title, claim or interest whatsoever to the said tract of land aforesaid, as it is so butted and bound ed, and forever do confirm^ ratify and establish the said tract of land together with all immunities, privileges and appurtenances thereon or thereto belonging whatsoever un to the said William Vaughan and the rest of that company purchasers- of Misquamicuck, to have and to hold, firmly to possess and enjoy to the world's end. In witnss whereof we have sett to our hands and seals the year and day above written. The mark of AWASHOUSE, — — o [L. S.| The mark of NUCOM, 'W" |L. S | 250 Sealed, signed and delivered in the presence of us Jeremiah Clarke. g_ The marke of Ellen NicKsoN, IS The mark of Socho, ZHZD The mark of Capt. Coxcomb, i These articles of agreement made in the year ofte thou sand six hundred and sixty or sixty-one, March the two and twentieth, between us whose names are underwritten, about a tract of land bought of an Indian captain called So- sooa' of Narroganset, the land being called Misquamakuck, as appeareth by deed by us John Fairfield, Hugh Mosher, Robert Stanton and James Longbottom: First, that we whose names are abovewritten, do give, grant, ratify and confirm the same privileges with ourselves, unto all those names are underwritten, according to their proportion of land in the aforesaidpurchase. 21y. That all we whose names are underwritfen, or tbe major part oPus may transact any thing that we see cause in or about theaforesaid land. 31y. That if any of us transact any thing about the afore said land, without the consent of the whole, or the major part, shall be disowned and of none effect. 41y. That all charges that hath been already out about the aforesaid land, shall be repayed to the disbursers sud denly without delay, so soon as the disbursers bring us their account to the rest ofthe company. 61y. That each of us whose names are here underwritten, or shall be hereafter added, shall bear equal charges to what have been out already, or shall be out hereafter, in any case about the land aforesaid, according to the proportion ofland they have, 61y. That what charges shall be out from time to time, shall be brought in twenty days after they shall have warn ing from us or the major part of us. 7ly. In case that any bring not their money as is above- said, nor give satisfaction to the company, shall forfeit their land, and what they have been out already. 8ly. That the deed and all other writings about the afore said lands, shall be kept in V^'iliiain Vsnghan's house, and that each of the purchasers shall kave (If thty desire it) a 251 copy ofthe deed or any other writings that thereto belong, paying for the draught thereof. 9ly. The parties that have interest in the- aforesaid land are, William Vaughn having a whole share, Robert Stanton having a whole share, Hugh Mosher having a whole share^ John Fairfield haying a whole share, James Longbottom having a whole share, Shubal Painter having a whole share. lOly. Whosoever that we shall agree with, that shall have a proportion ofthe land aforesaid, shall have the same.privi- leges as ourselves, provided that according to his propor tion he set to his hand to these or the like articles. Illy. That we shall meet to consult about the aforesaid land so often as occasion shall present, at William Vaug- ban's house. 12ly. That to all the aforesaid articles we engage each to other to be faithful and true to perform the foresaid articles that here is above written, whereto we set to our hands. Hugh Mosher, William Vaughan, John Fairfield, James Longbottom, John Green, Jeremy Willis, John Coggeshall, Edward Smith, John Crandal, James Rogers, James Barker, William Slade, Henry Timberlake, Kd. Greenman, Ed. Richmond, Edward Larkin, Shubal Painter, John Cranstone, Caleb Carr, Joseph Torry, Robert Carr, Tobias Saunders, Henry Basset, William Gingill, Obadiah Holmes, Jireh Bull, William Helmes, William Weeden, John Maxson, Joseph Clark, Pardon Tillinghast, John Nixson, Antony Ravenscroft, James Babcock, Sen'r. John Room, William Codman, William Dyre, Sen'r. George Bliss, John Richmond, Jun'r. James Sands, John Tiler, John Lewis, Hugh Parsons, Francis Braiton, William Foster, John Havens, Jefferey Champlin, Richard Morris, John Tripp, Lawrence Turner, Robert Burdick, Emanuel Wooley, 252 John Macoone, Andrew Langworthy, Richard Dunn, John Fones, Thomas Waterman, Matthew Boomer, John Spencer, Nicholas Cotterall, Samuel Dyre, Thomas Brownell, Robert Hazard, Gideon Freeborn, Henry Percy, Philip Shearman, Thomas , William Havens, Thomas Manchester, John Anthony, Samuel Samford, Christopher Almy, Mahershallalhazbuz Dyre, John Cowdal, John Albro, Ichabod Potter. July 29th, or September 9th, 1661. It is ordered, that those which do now go to Misquama- ¦coek, or the major part of them, shall have full power and authority to make choice of a place for a township or town ships, and also survey and lay out the town lots according to proportion and their discretion by lot, and it is further ordered that such as do now go, shall have for the time they are absent, three shillings a day allowed them out of the general stock, and it is further ordered that those which do now go and stay to build and keep possessit)n of the land, shall have choice of their town lots. AtMisquamocuck, the 15 of Sept. It was agreed that the town should begin on the north side ofthe brook by the great neck, and so to extend up along the river on the east side of the highway, the neck ,and being left for common, also the first seven lots were reserved and appointed for some that did engage to stay, but all failed except Toby Saunders, Robert Burdett, and Joseph Clarke, Junr., all lots were determined 12 rods broad and 80 long, except the foresaid seven House lots drawn and cast are as follows: Walter Cunnigraye 63 Caleb Carr 27 Thomas Dunghan 59 Thomas Gould 64 Lawrence Turner 73 Jeffrey Champlin 48 Nathaniel Dickens 37 James Barker 19 Philip Smith ' 57 Sam. Helmes 29 John Peckam 46 John Green 42 253 John Crandal 61 Peleg Tripp 34 [Wm.] Helmes 14 John Ti-ipp, Senr. 18 George Bliss 28 John Room 69 Matthew Boomer 10 Thos. Manchester 32 Sam. Dyre 20 Jeremiah Westcoat 44 Jireth Bull 36 Sam. Stafford 66 John Fones 71 John Wood 67 John Spencer 22 Henry Basset 54 Mr. Ben. Arnold 19 John [Peperdy] ri] Mr. Wm. Dyre 13 Antony Ravenscroft 45 Tho's Clarke 23 John Coggeshall [15] Emanuel Wooley 60 Joseph Torrey :72: John Richmon, Senr. 16 Hugh Moshur 26" John Fairfield 70 Wm.. [Gingill 33' James Longbottom 65 Francis Brayton [38" Wm. Vaughn 30 [Andrew Langworth 41" Henry Tibbits 11 [James Rogers 43'^ Rob Austin 12 John Macom 40 Wm. Lytherland 74 Wm. Slade 49 Latham Clark 68 John Clark 9 Jeremy Willis 47 James Babcock 52 Capt. Cranston 88 Sam. Samford and ) Christ Almy ] 56 Ed. Greenman 39 Nich. -Cotterell 65 Bartholomew West 50 John Samford 75 Tho's Waterman 16 John Briggs 17 John Havens 35 John Antony 63 Ajcts and Orders made by the Purchasers of Misquamicock. July 9, 1661. That every man that have a whole share is to make up his purchase money the full sum ofseven pounds, according to the articles of agreement, and they that have but half a share are to do the like according to their proportion of land, and this money is to be paid to Wm. Vaughan, at his house, within 20 days after the date hereof, or else to forfeit their interest according to the articles of agreement. It is likewise ordered, that each purchaser shall go pre sently to Misquamicuck, but in case any of us cannot go, then he is to [allow] the company that go three shillings a day money pay, until they have an opportuni'y to return ,again. 254 Ordered that it is left unto Wm. Vaughan his discretion to make choice of and agree with two men to go to Mis- quamocuck to take possession for us as long as he or they shall see cause. Ordered, that if any man that is to have any right or pro priety with us, do not appear within two days after he be fairly warned, and sign to this agreement, he shall wholly and totally lose his share and the money he hath been out. July 10th, 1661. Ordered, that every man that have a share or half a share at Misquamocuck, shall take his turn personally or by his deputy a whole fortnight at a time, when Wm. Vaughan shall see cause to warn them for that purpose, or else to yield himself wholly disfranchised, but it is intended that he that have but half a share shall be allowed for half his time, but every man is to bear his own [charges] (we mean") in providing provision for himself, and further, no man is to do neither more nor less than we have or shall authorise them to do. And we do agree that if any man that shall go to Mis quamocuck to take qr keep possession upon our account, and they or either of them shall be any ways troubled or molest ed upon that account, that we [the] aforesaid purchasers do engage to bear equal share of all charges or expenses so expended upon the account aforesaid, provided they [act] according to their order as aforesaid. July 29th, 1661. The distribution of the lands at Misquamscuck into the several shares unto the purchasers, being unanimously agreed, Sept. 9th, 1661, to be laid in eighteen shares. Robert West a quarter [ni the] upper part. [Jeames] Case a quarter [Share ni the] upper part. William Vaughan a sharo and half. Hugh Mosher a whole share. John FairSeld a whole share. James Longbottom a whole share. John Green, Sen'r a whole share. Thos. Gould a whole share. Wm. Vaughan, for his private friend a whole share. Shubael Painter half a share. James Rogers half a share. Jeremy Willis half a share. To Wm. Vahan to make his [6] Henry Timberlake half a share. I part that he hath [at] the lower Edward Smith half a share. | part for [more] in the upper part, 255 as will make it good a whole share to clear the latter purchase he hath paid fifty shillings. Philip Sherman a quarter-of a [share] of Wm. Vaughn. .Wm. Carr a quarter part in the up per and to be — ^ — if it may be afterward. George - - a quarter part upon John Crandal half a share. Edward Richman half a share. John Richman, Sen. half a share. John Coggeshall half a share. Wm. Slade a quarter of a share. , Ed. Greenman a quarter of a share. Ed. Larkin a quarter of a share. Capt. Cranston [a quarter of a share] Caleb Carr half [a share.] Robt. Westcott a [quarter of a share] Joseph Torrey a quarter of a share. Robert Carr a quarter of a share. Joby Saunders a quarter of a share- Joseph Clark Jr. a quarter of a share- Henry Basset half a quar. of a share. James Barber half a share. Obadiah Holmes a quarter of a share. Wm. Weeden a quarter of a share. Wm. Dyre a quarter of a share. John Samford a quarter of a share. John Clark a quarter of a share. Wm. Gingill J^ a quarter of a share. John Briggs J a quarter of a share. John Aiitony a sixteenth. Thos. Manchester a sixteenth. Thos. Waterman J a quarter. Wm. Vaughan a quarter more. Capt- Cranston a quarter more. Caleb Carr a quarter more. j Rich. Browne an eighth to go dwell there. 1 Agreed upon by usallthat we will not exceed sixteen shares- except every purchaser agree to the contrary. But Sept. 9th it was found necessary to advance the shares to eigh teen, which was unanimous assented unto: the division is as abovesaid. [The last sentence apparently inserted at a later time.] Ordered that Capt, Cranston and Caleb Carr is granted each half a share apiece, and if in case that every pur chaser agree to exceed sixteen shares, that then Capt, Cranston and Caleb Carr is to have half a share apiece more. . August 19th, 1661. Agreed by the company, that whereas Robert Westcoat, hath resigned Up his. share to the company, it is transferred to James Barker, Obadiah Holmes and Wm. Weeden. Agreed that Wm. Vaughan and Caleb Carr is chosen to condition to build a mill sufficiently for the plantation and to keep it in sufficient repair, and grind for two quarts in the bushel, and this mill tobe built by Dec 21, 1663. [ This right hand column is in a different hand, and apparently written later than the rest.^ 256 treat and agree with Mr. Richard Smith and his two sons, about a writing which Mr. Richard Smith sent to William Vaughan and "the company, wherein they make proffers of joining a tract of land with the tract ofland of the compa ny's, and John Crandal is joyned with them. A copy ofthe Writing. This may testify that whereas Wm. Vaughan with others associated with him, have made a purchase ofland near on Pawcatuck River, of Sosoes, which land is called by the Indians Squamocock, it is by these presents agreed, that if Mr. Vaughan and his associates do enjoy that land and make good proof of their title, that then Richard Smith, Sen'r. of Narraganset will throw in and join all his title and right of lands he hath formerly bought of Quequash Coke's father Quequash Coke, Harman -Garrett, to the foresaid lands called by the name of Squomocuck; belonging to Mr. Vaughan and his associates: always provided that Richard Smith, Sen., his son Richard Smith and James Smith shall have an equal share each of them with fie that hath most in each tract: to the truth hereof Richard Smith, Sen'r. and Richard Smith, Jun'r. have sett to their hands this 2nd of August, 1661. RICHARD SMITH, RICHARD SMITH, Jun'r. Ordered, that next Second day after the court, the com pany shall meet together in the towne (early in the morn ing) to go to Misquamocuck, but if in case that William Vaughan, Capt. Cranston and Joseph Torrey see cause, that there should be a meeting ofthe company before they go, they are to give notice to the company and appoint a time when and where to meet. Ordered that they that have but half a quarter of a share, shall have equal [acres] for house lotts with him that hath a whole share, likewise [the half share and quarter] share and all shares betwixt a whole share and half quarter of a share is to have the same proportion of acres, provided they allow three acres for one, for so many acres as they have more than their proportion. Ordered, that all the affairs of Misquamocuck be left to a committee of Trustees, videlicit: ^m. Vaughan, [John] Coggeshall, Hugh Moshur, Caleb Carr, Crandall, ¦ and James Barker are added and or the [major part] of them did agree, so to stand [force] . 257 The last of August, leei. Ordered by the Trustees, that all purchasers shall meet at Caleb Carr's the next second day come seven night about 9 o'clock, to go to Squamicuck, likewise those men that have theif shares granted upon the account to go to dwell there, according to their engagement are to have warning given them to provide to go with the compahy and to stay there; the names ofthe men which had their shares granted upon the account aforesaid are Shubael Painter, Joseph Clark, Junr., Toby Saunders, Ed. Larkin and Wm. Gingill. Ordered, that all those that do not go to Misquamocuck with the rest ofthe company, shall pay 6d a day a piece for the company's use, for so many days as they shall be upon the voyage^ that is tb say, from the day appointed to go un til their return home again. September 18lh, 1661. Agreed by the Trustees, tliat John Coggeshajl and Hugh Moshier is chosen to take the accounts of Wm. Vaughan of what he hath received and laid out about Misquamocuck. Agreed that Wm. Vaughan and John, Nickson is chosen treasurer to receive what monies is brought in, and to pay out what is ordered about Misquamocucke; but if it so fall out that there should be a sudden occasion to lay out monies, so .that the Trustees cannot be all called together, that then the said Wm. Vaughan and John Nickson shall have power to call three or four ofthe Trustees or any other ofthe pur chasers to join with them about the laying out of money as aforesaid. It was agreed by all except Shuball Painter and [a blank] to raise and make the shares of land to be eighteen, and dispose to [Wm.] Dyre a quarter share, to John Samford a quarter share to Mr. John Clark. Agreed that all those that had land granted to them last upon the increase to eighteen shares, shall bring in their money to the treasurer within 20 days according to the first order. Agreed that forasmuch as there is want of money in the treasury, that every one that hath a whole share shall bring in [5 pound] to the [treasurer] within 20 days, that every one that hath half a share [50s] , for the pay it is thus agreed, wheat at 6 shillings pr bushel, Indian corne at 4 shillings , peage at 10 pr penny white and 5 pr penny 258 black, and ifany other pay they are to be equivalent to the abovesaid, but all those that have not or will not set to their hands to the raising of 18 shares, shall pay according to 16 shares' proportionally, but if in case that any do not bring in; their money to the treasury within 20 days as abovesaid, or agree with the treasurers, for default shall forfeit their lands according to the former order, and likewise what they have been out. JYevember 12th. Ordered by the company met concerning Misquamocuck, that all matters concerning the affairs of the said lands, be left wholly to the Committee or Trustees to act for and in the behalf of the [whole] company of purchasers and pos sessors of that tract ofland, the former trustees being fully authorized and eight more added to them to make it fifteen, viz: Wm. Lytherland, James Rogers, John IVixon, Joseph Torrey, John Roome, [James Babcock,] Philip Sherman and Robert Westcoat, this committee or the — ~ to act all affairs for the. whole according to the best of [their understanding.] ;'¦• It is ordered that for the supply of Toby Saunders and Robert Burdett, who are prisoners in the Massachu setts, that there be [20s] on each share [raised] and paid ii> wheat, [peage,] pork or beef or sheep as according to [sil ver] pay [and this to be paid into the treasury within 20 days or ¦ the prisoners charges at present January the 29th, '61-62. It is agreed that some shall be appointed to survey the [tract] ofland at Misquamucock, and take a platt of the cir cumference thereof, and that also a sufficient party shall go along with the surveyor or surveyors thereof to abide upon the said lands to hold possession thereof, in the beginning of March next ensuing. It is agreed that Mr. Vaughan, Mr. Nixon and Mr. Ca leb Carr shall take care to provide a boat, and use their best endeavor to make provision for the company that shall go in March next to Misquamacuck, also to Capt. Underbill for his testimony, also that Awashouse and Soso be appointed to be at the General meeting on the 17th of February next. It is agreed that (quantity and quality considered,) for the 259 division ofthe land, it be stated as originally imo eighteen shares, that so when it comes to be divided according to proportion, every of these eighteen draw his lot for an eighteenth, then upon sabdivision half shares draws for theirs, and that each choose and agree hisparlner, and that ifany do not agree their partner, the trustees upon the shall appoint partners, and also upon the subdivisions ofthe smaller proportions the same order shall be obseived, pro vided also that if it be found fit to make commons and com monage, it shall be stinted according to due proportion. It is ordered that all papers concerning Misquamocuck, shall be transcribed into a book and so records made of them, and the original deeds, testimonies, ratifications and confirmations shall be sealed up and the book and deeds de livered to Mr. Vaughan to keep safely, and we desire Mr. Wm. Dye to transcribe them in their order. It is agreed that forasmuch as there is great occasion of the [advice] and assistance^ of Robert Westcoat concerning our affair about Misquamoeuck, as upon his desire also, we do [receive]'him and allow him a quarter share of land, also a place ofthe number of trustees being vacant, for weighty reasons we do admit him (hereto, to make the committee complete. At the General Meeting upon Feb. 11th, 1661-62. Agreed that the whole tract of land at Misquamocuck be in reference to the eighteen shares, reduced to three upon the first dividend, and so to take its progress to eighteen. Agreed that Wm. Dyre is chosen for surveyor of Mis quamocuck. Agreed that it be referred to the trustees to make full agreement with allsuch persons as shall go to take and hold possession of Misquamocuck for their abode and residence there as shall be thought meet by the trustees for the set tlement thereof, who are to meet on Saturday next for that end, being 22d of this present. February 22d, 1661-62. It is ordered that 5 [pounds] be allowed to every man to the number of 18, that shall go and abide at Misquamocuck, and that they might engage under their hands on — forfeit ure apiece, to be there till November next, and be observ ant to this orders to be given by the trustees and their dep- 260 uties, Nicholas Browne to have an eighth of a share and his son to have 5 [pounds] they being two ofthe eighteen: to which forfeiture they subscribe their names. James Babcock, John Ba-bcock, John [Cowdal,] NicH. Browne, Wm. B- [ToBiAs Saunders,] Robert Burdett, [Joseph] Clarke, [Edward Richman,] John Macoone. [Ni] ckson's house lott being [one of the 8.] -and Wm. Dyre: they shall agree with any to go along with the . March 1 , 1662. It is ordered that a rate of eight pounds upon a share is found necessary to be raised, for the satisfaction of those men who are engaged to go to dwell at Misquamocuck, and also for the provision ofthe boats to go to Long Island, and the surveyor and his assistants, and^ to defray other debts and necessaries at present, and it is further agreed that this levy be raised and paid within 20 days of the date hereof, or that they have warning — ^ — is to say one half thereof, to witt, 4 pounds upon a share, and to be paid to other of the treasurers in bacon at 6d per lb.,^wheat at 4s 6d per Indian corn at 3s per bushel, pork at 3d per lb., beeif at 2d per lb. or peage twelve the penny white, six black, and the other moiety or half of — to be paid at or on the 29th of September next ensuing in the same [spe cies] and rates, provided also that upon paying in of the first part of that rate, man shall give his bill of debt un to the treasurer Mr. Vaughan or any other that shall be as signed, to pay the second part at the day appointed, or else the articles in that case made to stand in full force and vir tue. It is ordered that the vessel and all provisions be fitted to go away the of March next, and that all men that are to go be ready against that [day]. It is ordered that the treasurers shall appoint, if they please, a messenger to give warning to all men who are principals or their hands to articles, for to bring in their payments, which messenger is to be with and satisfied out ofthe treasury. 261 It is ordered that James BabcocTi, John Cowdal, Tobias Saunders, [Nich.] Browne, be appointed and hereby are commissionated to act for us as — the managing our affairs at Misquamacock, who are to discourse and answers to any that shall come to debate matters with them, [they] (or any two of them) to forwarn any whatsoever either to build or sow, mow or fall timber upon that tract of land, and to in as moderate manner as may be, they are to see that no or hard words proceed from any of the company that shall — settled by us, towards any oppo nents that shall present, also that — foddering time is past this present March or April, that they give warning to drive away their cattle, horses and swine, and if they then power is hereby given to our men to drive off any their '¦ from the said ground or land within our purchase or precincts of as they shall be ordered by the committee aforesaid, provided that if — difficult case shall arise, that then the committee shall send home to ¦ — Island to the trustees for advice, provided also that none that is there to stay, shall at any time depart from there without from the committee there being, and then upon any necessary ¦ above two be sent and make their spee dy return again, and ifany shall go or depart contrary to order as abovesaid, he shall forfeit his engagement, provid ed also, that if any ofthe trustees at any time shall happen to be at Misquamocuck, that they also have power with the named committee to advise and act. It is ordered from heceforth that [each], trustee that ap peareth — the place and time of meetings of the trustees b^ing lawfully , he shall forfeit 3 — money pay to the company of trustees. It is ordered that Mr. Coggeshall, Mr. Torrey and Mr. Carr shall take — accounts ofthe treasurers Mr. Vaughan and Mr. Nixon and settle them. June 23d, '62. It is ordered that the trustees take care to satisfy John Coggeshall for he hath disbursed to Joseph Wise for the relief of the prisoners. It is ordered that W. Vaughan, J. Crandall, W. Dyre, J. Torrey, and J. Coggeshall shall draw up a remonstrance {of all passages concerning Misquamocuck, and send it to 262 Mr. John Clark, and ^gn it with as many ofthe trustees' hands as possible may be procured. For the purchasers of Misquamucuch. Wee by the power given us by his Majesty's commission, having heard the complaints of some of his Majesty's sub jects, purchasers of certain lands called Misances Wickham and had two sons, John now in the British Navy, and Edward who died young. 19. Sarah born August 1751, died June 1787; married Col. Wanton. Her son Joseph Wanton was a minister. She married 2nd, William Atherton. 20. Edward died young. 21, John died young. 22. Mehitable born February 15, 1756, died unmarried 1828. Peleg Sanford. In Governor Brenton's will, Peleg Sanford is called his son-in-law. He had three daughters, 1, Ann, who married a Mason and had a son, Peleg San ford Mason; 2, Bridget who married Job Almy of Tiver ton. They had three children, Sanford, Peleg, and Cook Almy. 3, Elizabeth, who married Thomas Noyes of Ston- ino-ton. The Sanford part ofthe Brenton land was divided 1745, in the Common Pleas. Gov. William Brenton and his wife were members of the first church in Boston. He was a selectman 1634—7, a deputy in the General Court 1635. He removed to Rhode- Island in 1633, and soon after removed and lived a while at Taunton. In Gov. Brenton's will, proved at Newport, 1674, he gives to his son Jahleel his two Hammersmith farms, and after disposing of his 10,000 acres at Naticot on Merrimac river, his lands at Metapoiset, Conanicut, Gay Head and Elizabeth Island, &c., he gives the residue to his children- equally. In his inventory his Pettaquamscut lands were valued at £300. Jahleel Brenton's will was proved at Newport, 1732. He gave Hammersmith and Rockey farms to his nephew Jahleel, with his right to 500 acres in South-Kingstown, then occupied by Wm. Robinson. His right in IVlumford's island he gave to his cousin Martha Wanton; his 26 acres or J part of Little Point Judah Neck and his Chepuxet riv- 299 er land, to his nephew Benjamin Brenton; his Yawcook land to his nephews Ebenezer and Benjamin, and his cous ins Benjamin and Martha Church; his right to 260 acres then occupied by Henry Knowles to Martha Church; Ram Island to Benjamin Church; his land joining the west side of Narrow river to his nephew Ebenezer; his Point Judith land then occupied by William Robinson to Mnrtha Church; his land east of Worden's pond, half to his nephew Ebene zer and cousin Benjamin Church, and the other half to be sold for the benefit of his cousin Martha wife of John Smith of Boston. His nephew Jahleel was residuary legatee. The Brenton lands were divided by the heirs 1742-5, for which see South-Kingstown Records. THE FIRST patent OF RHODE-ISLAND. Whereas, by an ordinance of the Lords and Commons, now assmbled in Parliament, bearing date the second day of November, Anno Domini 1643, Robert, Earl of Warwick, is constituted, and ordained governor in chief, and lord high admiral of all those islands and other plantations inhabited or planted by, or belonging to any his Mnjesty the King of England's subjects, (or which hereafter may be inhabited and planted by, or belong to them) within the bounds, and upon the coasts of America: And whereas the said Lords have thought fit and thereby ordained that Philip Earl of Pembroke, Edward Earl of Manchester, William Viscount, Say and Seal, Philip Lord Wharton, John Lord Rolle, members ofthe House of Peers; Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Baronet, Sir Arthur Haslerig, Baro net. Sir Henry Vane, jr. Knight, Sir Benjamin Rudyard, Knight, John Pym, Oliver Cromwell, Dennis Bond, Miles Corbet, Cornelius Holland, Samuel Vassal, John Rolle, and William Spurstow, Esqrs. members of the House of Commons, should be commissioners to join in aid and as sistance with the said Earl. And whereas, for the better government and defence, it is thereby ordained, that the aforesaid governor and commissioners, or the greater num ber of them, shall have power, and authority, from time to time, to nominate, appoint, and constitute all such subordi- 300 nate governor, counsellors, commanders, officers, and agents, as they shall judge to be best affected, and most fit, and serviceable for the said islands and plantations; and to provide for, order and dispose all things, which they shall, from time to time, find most advantageous for the said plan tations; and for the better security ofthe owners and inhab itants thereof, to assign, ratify, and confirm, so much of their afore-mentioned authority and power, and in such man ner, and to such persons, as they shall judge to be fit for the better governing and preserving of the said plantations and islands, from open violences and private disturbances and distractions. And whereas there is a tract of land in the continent of America aforesaid, called by the name of Narraganset Bay, bordering northward and north-east on the patent of Massachusetts, east and south-east on Ply mouth patent, south on the ocean, and on the west and north-west by the Indians called Nahigganneucks, alias Narragansets, the whole tract extending about twenty-five English miles, unto the Pequod river and country. And whereas, well affected and industrious English in habitants, of the towns of Providence, Portsmouth and Newport, in the tract aforesaid, have adventured to make a nearer neighborhood and society with the great body of the Narragansets, which may in time, by the blessing of God upon their endeavors, lay a sure foundation of happiness to all America; and have also purchased, and are purchasing of and amongst the natives, some other places, which may be convenient, both for plantations, and also for building of ships, supply of pipe staves, and other merchandise. And whereas the said English have represented their de sire to the said Earl, and commissioners, to have their hope ful beginnings approved and confirmed, by granting unto them a free charter of civil incorporation and government; that they may order and govern their plantation in such a manner, as to maintain justice and peace, both among them selves, and towards all men with whom they shall have to do. In due consideration of the said premises, the said Robert, Earl of Warwick, governor in chief, and lord high admiral of the said plantations, and the greater number of the said commissioners, whose names and seals are here under written and subjoined, out of a desire to encourage the good beginnings ofthe said planters, do, b y the author ity ofthe aforesaid ordinance of the Lords and Common.s, 301 give, grant, and confirm, to the aforesaid inhabitants of the towns of Providence, Portsmouth and Newport, a free and absolute charter of incorporation, to be known by the name of The Incorporation of Providence Plantations, in ihe JYar- raganset Bay, in JYew-England. Together with full power and authority, to rule themselves, and such others as shall hereafter inhabit within any part ofthe said tract ofland, by such a form of civil government, as by voluntary consent of all, or the greater part of them, they shall find most suitable to their estate and condition; and, for that end, to make and ordain such civil laws and constitutions, and to inflict such punishments upon transgressors, and for execution thereof, so to place, and displace officers of justice, as they, or the greatest part of them, shall by free consent agree unto. — Provided, nevertheless, that the said laws, constitutions, and punishments, for the civil government of the said planta tions, be conformable to the laws of England, so far as the nature and constitution of the place will admit. And al ways reserving to the said Earl, and commissioners, and their successors, power and authority for to dispose the gen eral government of that, as it stands in relation to the rest ofthe plantations in America, as they shall conceive, from time to time, most conducing to the general good ofthe said plantations, the honor of his Majesty, and the service of the State. And the said Earl and commissioners do further authorize, that the aforesaid inhabitants, for the better ¦transacting of their public affairs, to make and use a public seal, as the known seal of the Providence Plantations, in ihe Narraganset Bay, in New-England. In testimony whereof, the said Robert, Earl of Warwick, and commis sioners, have hereunto set their hands and seals, the four teenth day of March, in the nineteenth year of our sover- ,eign lord King Charles, and in the year of our Lord God, 1643. ROBERT WARWICK, PHILIP PEMBROKE, S.AY AND SEAL, P. WHARTON, ARTHUR HASLERIG, COR. HOLLAND, H. VANE, SAM. VASS-IL, JOHN ROLLE, MILES CORBET, W. SPURSTOW. 302 LliT OF INDIAN AND OTHER NAMES OP PLACES. Acuntaus: brook, ? o tj- * ok a , ¦'• , ' > See History, page 65. Mcriagomiconse-t, ) j ' r o Aquehinockett — A small island also called Round Island. (L. E. 1, 316.) Agawam — Ipswich (Huch. 27) or Springfield (Huch. 1, 98) or Wareham. Apaum — Plymouth. Appoiiaug in Warwick — (Opponenauhock, Shell-fish ? (Key 103.) Aquidneset or Aquitawoset — The name of Atherton's northern purchase, north and north-east of Wickford. (State Re cords, 1686-1716, p. 349.) Aquidneesuc — Small or Dutch Island. (L. E. 1, 86.) Aquidneck or Aquethnic — Rhode-Island; the middle syllable was probably guttural. Ashuniunck — Either Beaver or Usquepaug river. (See His tory page 66. Aquopimoquk — Gould Island. (L. E. 1, 33.) Azorquonesut Island. (See L. E. I, 164.) Bass Pond — At the head of Narrow river. (Old Plats). Bassokutoquage — (L. E. 1 , 33 ) Baebe Pond is marked on the old maps, the first pond east of Pawcatuck river. Cajaset — A place on Conanicut. (See Governor Benedict Arnold's will,) Chanangonsum — A place in the Nipmuc country (Trum bull, 1, 346,) Chemunganoc — in the presen' town of Charlestown. Chibbachuweset — Prudence Island. (L. E. 1, 243.) clZ::lZfe: \ Chepuxet River. (L. E. 1, 2. Extracts 2.) Chippacursei — Prudence Island. Chiseweanock, ) Hog-Island. (See R. Smith, Jr's. will, Chesawanue, ) and petition to Andros.) Cocumscussuc, ) The country around and west and north- Caucumsquissic, ^ west of Wickford. Caucumsquissic brook — Stony brook, the south-west boun dary ofthe Quidneset purchase. Cocumscussuc harbor — Wickford harbor. Cohann — Neponset. .303 Conockonoquit — Rose Island. (L. E. 1, 103, 316.) Cojoot — Name of a black lead mine in Pettaquamscut, pro bably at the foot of Tower Hill, (L. E. 2, 147.) Cupheag — Stratford, Connecticut. Coweset — East-Greenwich. (Cowesuc — Pine.' Key, 90.) Dedjord — East-Greenwich. (History, 1686.) Feversham — Westerly. (L. E. 1, 384 — History, 1686.) French Orchard — An orchard planted by the French set tlers near a spring on the farm late owned by Pardon Mawney, Esq, deceased, in East-Greenv.-ich. The coun try around there was called Frenchtown. Haversham — Same as Feversham. Homoganset — Same as Naniquokset. Hornheap — The north-west corner of the Pettaquamscut purchase, so called from a pair of buck's horns placed on the pile when first erected. Indian Run — so called from the circumstance of an Indian being chased along its banks, and finally overtaken and killed by one ofthe whites. Kesikomvck — Same as Naniquokset. Kickemuit, the upper part of Warren. Kitackamucqut — See the Indian deed of Aquidnec. Matlabesic — Middletown, Conn. Michemoodus — East-Haddam. Maskechusic Point — At the mouth of Hunt's river on Lock-' wood's map. Mascachowage River-The north-east boundary of Quidneset. Mascachowage — in the north part of Quidneset purchase. Mamaniskak, ) See Sosoa's deed ofthe Westerly pur- Metecompemiscock, ^ chase. Manisses or Monasses — Block Island. Matloomuc neck and river, about the north-west part of Point Judith Pond, (L. E. 1 , 438 ) Matapoiset — Sometimes Swansey, sometimes Rochester. Menunkatuck — Guildford, Conn. Mlsliawum — Charlestown, Mass. Misquamicut — The neck ofland on the east side of Pawca tuck river, in the town of Westerly. (Mishquammauquok —Salmon.' Key, 103.) Mlnabaug Vond — (See history, page 65.) Minnacommuc — An island in a cedar swamp in Westerly.— History, 1662. Moonasachuet river — See Pettaquamscut deeds, L.E. 2, 140, Mooshausic — Providence, 304 Moskotage river — Narrow river, between Pettaquamscut rock and the sea, (L. E. 2, 153.) JYantuzenunk or JYomsussmuc — Goat Island. (Foster papers, 1, 274— L. E. 1, 110, 315.) JYamcook, also spelled JYamcocke, JYamoeocke, JVaomuck, and JYameok — Boston Neck. Naniquokset — The neck ofland between Wickford and An naquatucket river. (L. E. 1, 164^Smith's deeds.) JVcwnt/oAe— See Haz. 2, 87, 131. JYewbarry — A tract of land 6 miles square in the country west of Wickford, designed by Atherton and his associ ates for the French emigrants, but was never settled by' them. (N. K. Rec. 2, 56.) JYeekequawsee, JYeekequawese or JYarriganset Pond — Most probably Quonocontaug pond in Charlestown. (Old In dian Plat.) JYeshunganeseS' hrook — (See history, page 66.) JYipmuc — The country about the north-west part ofthe State, JYyantic or JYeanticoet included Westerly and Charlestown. (See history, page 27.) Ohomauke — A swamp * few miles west of Mystic river. (3- M. H. C. 1, 161.)' Partridge Beach — The strip ofland which joins Beaver neck to the main part of Conanicut. (See Gov. Benedict Ar nold's will.) Potowomut or Potowoomuck — A neck of land near East- Greenwich. Patuxet — Sometimes Plymouth in Massachusetts. Paussachuco Pond — At the head of Narrow river. Passpatanage — This name is given to AVecapaug in' some ofthe Westerly purchase papers. Paltiquasset River — Connecticut River. (Haz. 2, 93.) Pettiquamscut or Mattatuxot River — Narrow River. (L. E. 2, 156.) Pettiquamscut Harbor — At the mouth of the river. (L. E. 1, 37.) Pettiquamscut Rock — On the west side of Narrow river, northeast from the Tower Hill Church. (L. E. 2, 146- 7-8. (See deed from Sewal to William Gardner, 1706.) Pequot River — Thames River. Pequot Path or road — The old path for travel leading along the west shore of the Bay through Charlestown and Wes terly, to the Pequot country. 305 Pocasset — Tiverton. Pyquag — Weathersfield. Puscommattas — A pond on the west side of a cedar swamp irS Westerly. (History, page 65.) Pughquorinuc — -Stratford, Conn. Quabaog — Brookfield. Quacataug — A piece of upland running into the Indian great cedar swamp in Charlestown. Quacut or JYanniquacut neck Near Howland's Ferry (Church, 39.) Quassakoonkanuc Pond — Lyeth north-west from the mill at the head of Narrow river. (L. E. 1, 260.) Quequatuck or Quequathanic or Quequatage — About twenty miles up Pawcatuc river, near where Crandal's miU stood on said river in 1681. See History page 65, and Wes terly purchase papers. Queen's Highway — Laid out in 1703. Believed to be the present road from Kingston southerly by the backside of the Ponds, and the same with the road the laying out of which is described in the Appendix. Quinamoge^-N ame of a tract of fresh meadow in the Wes terly purchase. Quinepiac — New-Haven. Qumatumpick — See deed of Hall's purchase. (L. E. 1, 2.) Quoioatchauc — See deed of Hall's pUrchase, probably same as Watchaug. Quonset Point — Same as Seconiqonset. Rochester^Kiagstowri. History^ 1686. Sasco swamp, in Fairfield. Sa'gatucket river— Stilt so called. (L. E. 1, 438, and 2; 153.) Sawgoge — See Cojinaquand's lease to Smith. Seconiquonset point — North-east from Wickford. Sepooke — Name of a tract of land R. Smith bought of the Indian, Hermon Garret. See Westerly purchase papers. Shannock — Still so called. (Mishanneke, a squirrel? Key, 95.) ¦ Shaganis:athoke — See Westerly papers. Shewatuck, Shewatucket, Shewalucquise, or Showatucquese, a small stream southerly from Wickford. See the Indian deeds and leases to Richard Smith. Sometimes used to mean the same as Naniquokset. Six mile Pond — The west branch of Point Judith ponds. 306 Shawomet — Old Warwick. In the Indian language Shaw- mut meant " Springs." (2 M. H. C. 10, 173.) Southertown — A name applied to the country on both sides ¦ adjacent to Pawcatuck river. (State Records, 1638-70, page 260. History, 1663.) Sowams — Barrington. Sogkonate, or Seaconet — In Little Compton. Sowanoxet — Fox Island — South-east of Wickford. (L. E. 1, 164— Smith deeds.) Squamicut — Same as Misquamacut. Swamptown — A name generally given to Bly's purchase, in North Kingstown. Teapanock — Probably Babcock's Pond in Westerly. (Old Indian Plat.) Tismatuc — Same as Wecapaug.. See order of Commis sioners. Tishcottic — See history, page 65. A farm in Westerly is still known by this name, formerly Samuel Ward's. Tommany hill — Near Newport. So called from Wannu- metonomy, the Sachem ofthe island when the English ar rived. (State Records, 1667.) Training lot — A lot on the west side of Narrow river, south east from Tower hill, originally laid out, as appears by the plat, to Thomns Mumford, now in possession of the town. It has occasionally been used as a place of exe cution for criminals. Tunxis — Farmington. Umpaum — Same as Apaum. (Church 33.) Usquepaug, or Wauwoskepog — A name anciently given to' Hall's purchase. See Davel's deposition, and history, page 70. Unquowa — Fairfield . , Wetuset or Wachuset hills — In Princetown, Mass. Wannuchecomecut — A part of Boston Neck. Waxcodawa — Same as Weakapaug. (Old Indian plati) Wawuttaquatuc — See history, page 65. Wabequasset — A place in Nipmuc country. Waranoke — Westfield, Conn. Wecapage or Wekapaug — Most probable the stream running into Quonocontaug pond. See Westerly papers, and his tory, page 56. Wepowack — A mistake of some careless transcriber for JVeio- poT't, in copying Pessicus's confirmation ofthe Westerly purchase. 307 'fV'equatucket — See Roger Williams' letters in Appendix. Westototucket — Either Beaver or Usquepaug river. See his tory, page 66.' Wimatompic — See deed of Hall's purchase. (L. E. I, 2.) Woonachasut — Coast-er's Harbor Island. (L. E. 1, lio', 315.) The name of Coaster's Harbot was given to it by the first Nicholas Easton. JFopatooge— Milford. Weinshauks — A residence of the Sachem Sassacus, west o f the Mystic river. (3 M. H. C. 1, 161.) Yaguns^ — A brook on the east side of Ninigret's fort. His tory, page -65. GENEALOGICAL INFORMATION. Bull. Henry Bull came from South Wales through Massachusetts into Rhode-Island. His wife Elizabeth died 1665. His second wife was Anne (Clayton);widow of Gov. Easton. She died 1707. He was Governor in 1685, and died 1693. His children were 1, Jireh, who was born at Portsmouth, 1638, whose sons were Jireh, Henry, Ephraim and Ezekiel. 2, Henry. 3, Hester, who died 1676. 4, Mary. The Children of Jireh son of Jireh, were Jireh, 1682; Benjamin and Benedict. Ephraim Bull married 1st, Mary Coggeshall, 1692, and 2nd, Hannah Holway, 1700. His children were 1 , Mary, who married Peleg Mumford. 2, Rebecca, who married Samuel Haydon. 3, .Content. 4, Ephraim, born 1702, whose children were Ephraim, born 1729, Jireh, Joseph, Katharine, Henry, Thomas, John and Patience. 6, Hannah. 6, Amy, who married Joseph Coggeshall. Henry son of Henry lived in Narragansett; married Anne Cole of Kingstown, and died young. Besides a son E- phraim, who died young, and a daughter Ann; he had a son Henry born 1687, who married Martha daughter of John Odlin. The latterj Henry, owned a large tract in Narragansett, probably inherited from his grandfather, of which John J. Watson, Esq. now owns a part, said formerly to have been the greatest dairy farm in Narragansett. He had by his first wife four sons and two daughters, and by his second wife Phebe, daughter of Daniel Coggeshall of Ports- 308 mouth, seven sons and three daughters. His son John married Ruth, daughter of George Cornell of Middletown, and had three children, Lydia, Phebe and Henry. The latter is now living in Newport. It is said the first Henry Bull had a brother who settled jn Connecticut, whose name is believed to have been Thomas. Gardner. William Gardner (commonly called Wicked William) died about 1732. His children were John, Han nah, who married Rev. James McSparran, Sylvester, &c. The latter was a physician, and received a first rate educa tion abroad. John son of Dr. Sylvester, was father of the Rev. John Sylvester Gardner, who lately died in Bos ton. John son of William had several children, John born 1745, Amos 1729, Benjamin, &c. Amos died about 1793. His sons were Capt. James, Amos and John. Five brothers of this name bought out a part of John Por ter's share in the Pettiquamscut purchase. They were 1, Benoni, whose sons were Nathaniel, Stephen, William, &c. 2, Henry, whose sons were Henry, William, Ephraim, &c- 3, George. 4, William who had a son William. 5, Nich^ olas. — William son of Henry died about 1732; his sons were Jo hn, enry, &c. Ephraim son ofthe first Henry had several sons, I. Christopher, father of Capt. Nicholas E. Gardner. 2, Samuel father of Samuel E. and Thomas R. Gardner. 3, Sylvester. 4, James, &c. Robinson. Rowland Robinson was born in England about the year 1654, came over in 1676; married Mary daughter of- John Allen. He died about 1716. He had sons 1, William, who died about 1751, 2, John, who mar ried Mary Hazard, and died before his father. The daugh ters of John were Mary, born 1705, Sarah, 1706-7, Ruth, 1708-9, &c. Rowland Robinson in his will mentions his daughters Elizabeth (wife of William) Browne, Mary Mum ford, Sarah Barton and Marcy. William Robinson was twice married. His children were 1, Rowland, born 1719, who married Anstis Gardner and had three children, Hannah, Mary, and William born 1758. 2, John, 1721. 3, Margaret, 1722. 4, Elizabeth, 17^4; married a Hazard. 6, Martha, 1726; married a Clark 6, Christopher, 1727. 7, William, 1729. 8, Mary, 1736. 9, James, 1738. lO, John, 1742. 11, Sylvester. 12, Thomas. 13, Abigail. 309 The children of William son of William, were Hannah, Abigail, Philip born 1756. The children of Christopher were Abigail, Christopher born 1766, George, 1768, and Elizabeth. The children of John, son of William, were Benjamin, 1763, Sarah, 1764, William, 1766, John, 1767, Sylvester, 1769, and Thomas, 1771. The children of Sylvester were James, 1756, William, 1760. Bradford. — It is probable that nearly all of this name in~New-England are descended from Gov. William Brad ford, who came over to Plymouth in 1620. He had three sons, John, William and Joseph.. William was born in 1624, was sometime depjity-governor; thrice married, and had a numerous family who were scattered over New-Eng land. One of his descendants was the late Dr. William Bradford of Bristol. Several of them settled in Kingstown. Case, Joseph Case had children 1, Joseph, born 1678, whose son Joseph was grandfather of Dr. Benjamin W. Case. 2, William, born 1681, whose son Willinm was grandfather of Judge William C, Clark of Kingston. 3, Mary. 4, Hannah. 5, Margaret. 6, John, born 1692, who had a son Daniel, born 1721. 7. Emanuel, born 1699, whose son Emanuel was father of John P. Case, Esq. The homestead house ofthe first ofthe name here men tioned, is said to have been on the Case land, east of King ton village, now owned by Elisha R. Potter, south-east from the present house, near which is their burying ground. Stuart. Gilbert Stuart the celebrated portrait painter, was a native of Narragansett. His father came from Scot land, and here married an Anthony. Gilbert was born near Narrow river, where his father lived. In 1776 he went to England, and became a pupil of Benjamin West. From London he went to Ireland by invitation from the Viceroy the Duke of Rutland, but did not arrive there until after the -Duke's decease. He spent several years in Ireland, and then returned to his native country for the express purpose of painting General Washington. While abroad he married a lady of English family. His last years were spent in Boston. For a longer account see Knapp's Lectures on Americah Literature, p. 193, Dunlop's History ofthe Arts of Design. The account given in the latter work is said by his 310 friends nofitobe entirely correct, and was written by a per son supposed to be both personally and politically hostile to him during his latter years. Ward. The first ofthe family Who came to America was Thomas Ward, who came from Glocester in England to Newport, married there, and died Sept. 26, 1698, aged" 48. His wife's name was Amey. John Ward, father of Thomas, afterwards came over, and died April, 1698, aged 79. Thomas Ward was a Baptist, and had been in Cromwell's army. His son Richard was born April 16, 1689. He mar ried Mary daughter of John Tillinghast, Nov. 2, 1709. He was Governor in 1741-2, and died Aug. 21, 1763, aged 74. Mary his wife died 1767, aged 78. Their children were 1. Amey, born Sept, 4, and died Oct. 22, 1710. 2. Thomas, born Oct. 24, 1711, married Content Cog geshall. His children were] Mary, born 1736; Richafd, 1737; Elizabeth, 1742. Thomas died Dec. 21, 1760. 3. Mary, born Dec. 10, 1713, married Ebenezer Flagg, died May 21, 1781. 4. Elizabeth, born Feb. 19, 1716, died -lug. 27, 1717. 5. Amey, born July 21, 1717, married Samuel Vernon, and died Jan 17, 1792. 6. Isabel, born Sept. 19, 1719, married Huxford Mar- chant, and died Feb. 5, 1808. She was grandmother of Judge Wm. Marchant. 7, Hannah, born Sept. 4, 1721, and died Dec. 27, 1783. 8. Johfl, born Aug. 4, 1723, died Aug. 15, 1724. 9. Samuel, born May 27, 1725; married Anne Ray, was Governor in 1762 and 1765, member of Congress in 1774-6, and died at Philadelphia, March 26, 1776. 10. Mercy, born June 3, 1727, died Oct. 25, 1730. 11. Margaret, born April 14, 1729, married Col. Samuel Freebody Jan. 1, 1765, and died June 27, 1765. 12. Richard, born Jan. 22, 1730, died Aug. 7, 1732. 13 Henry, born Dec. 27, 1732- He was a long time Secretary; married Esther daughter of Thomas Freebody. His daughter Elizabeth was 1759. She married Dr. Par don Bowen. Henry Ward died Nov. 26, 1797. 14. Elizabeth, born June 6, 1735. Samuel, the 2nd of five sons of Gov. Samuel Ward, was born at East Greenwich, Nov. 17, 1766, graduated at Prov idence college, married a daughter of Gov. Wm. Greene, was a Colonel in the Continental army, and died on Long 311 Island, August 16, 1832. [Backus 1,516: 3, 234. Foster papers.] Whale or Whalet. The following ac count is abridged from Styles' History of the Judges of King Charles I. Theophilus Whale lived on the Willet farm. He came there from Virginia about 1679-80, buift an underground hut at the north end of the pond, and lived by fishing and writing for the settlers. From his name he was supposed to be the Judge, and when questioned, answered obscurely. Col. Francis Willet said that the gentlemen who visited there from Boston in his father's time, treated Whale with great respect and furnished him with money. In Queene Anne's war a ship of war whose captain's name was Whale anchored near there and they visited and recognised each other as cousins. Whale always used to say that he was of collegiate education, had been brought up delicately, and had been a captain in the Indian wars in Virginia. He knew Hebrew, Greek, &c. He subsisted part of the time by weaving. Whale died about 1719-20, aged about 104 years. His children were 1, Joan;' 2, Ann; 3, Theodosia, married Rob ert Spencer; 4, Elizabeth, married Charles Hazleton and had a daughter Penelope; 5, Martha, married first a Hop kins and then Robert Spencer. She was the mother of Judge Samuel Hopkins, and of a daughter who married Othniel Gorton. 6, Lydia, married John Sweet; 7, Sam uel, married first a Hopkins, then a Harrngton. He died about 1782. His children were 1, Thomas; 2, Samuel; 3, Theophilus; 4, James or Jeremy; 6, John, and two daugh ters. Col. Willet afterwards on seeing Goffe's Mss. and Huch inson's account, was convinced that Whale was not Judge Whalley, but still believed him to be one of the King's Judges. Updike. Dr. Gilbert Updike was of a Dutch family set tled on Lloyd's Neck on Long-Island. When Col. Nich ols reduced New-York, he came to Rhode-Island, and mar ried a daughter of Richard Smith, who lived near where Wickford now is. His sons were Lodowick, Daniel, James, &c. Three of his sons were killed in the great swamp fight, and buried in the large grave. Lodowick alone sur vived his father. He died about 1737, and left several chil- 312 dren, Daniel, Richard, Esther, Catharine, Sarah, Abigail, and Martha. The children of Daniel Updike were Lodowick, born Ju ly 12, 1725; Mary, born April 11, 1727; Gilbert and Wil- kins. Richard Updike died before his father. His ^ons were Richard and John, who were both sea captains. Hazard. Thomas Hazard came to this country from Wales about 1639, bringing with him his son Robert at that time about four years old. He has by some been supposed to be Goffe, one ofthe King's Judges, but this is improba ble, as it is proved from deeds, Stc. that he was here in 1640. Robert Hazard had children, Thomas, George, Stephen, Robert and Jeremiah. Thomas Hazard, 2nd died 1746-6, aged 92. His sons were 1, Robert who died 1762, and whose sons' were Thomas, (fa ther of Rowland who died near Poughkeepsie, 1836J) Jona than and Richard. 2. Thomas 3. Stephen father of Fones Hazard. 4, Jeremiah. 6. George, whose sons were Ben-' jamin, Simeon, George, Enoch and Thomas, the latter the father of Benjamin Hazard, Esq. of Newportj &c, 6, Bed- jamin, the father of Thomas B. Hazard. 7, Jonathan the father of (Virginia) Thomas, George &c. George son of Robert, died 1743. His Children were Ij Robert who probably died before his father. 2. Caleb who was the father of William, Dr Robert and Caleb. 3. George, Deputy Governor, whose sons were Carder (father of Peter B. Robert H. and Dr George) and George, Mayor of New-" port and Deputy Governor. 4. Col. Thomas, whose daughters married Samuel Fayenweather^ Judge Wm. Pot ter, Carder Hazard and George HasSard. 6. Oliver, whose sons were Oliver &c., and one of whose daughters married Freeman Perry, grandfather of Com. Oliver H. Perry. Stephen, son ofthe first Robert, had sons, 1. Judge Ste phen. 2. Robert, Deputy Governor- 3. Samuel. 4. Thomas. Robert, son ofthe first Robert, had sons — Jeffrey, com- hnnly called Stout Jeffry, Robert, John, Jeremy, &c. The last named was grandfather of Jeffry Hazard, Esqr., late Lieutenant Governor. It is traditionary in the family that a brother ofthe first Thomas Hazard came over with him, who was ancestor of the New- York and South Carolina Hazards. 313 Clarke. John Clarke died April 20, 1676, in his 66th year, and was buried on the west side of Tanner street in Newport. He was, by tradition, of Bedfordshire, Eng land; born Oct. 8, 1609, and married Elizabeth daughter of John Harges, Esq. of Bedfordshire. He styles himself John Clark, Physician, of London, in a power of attorney he signed in 1656, to receive a legacy given by his wife's fath er out ofthe manor of Wreslingworth in Bedfordshire. His wife 'died at Newport without issue. He married Mrs. Jane Fletcher, Feb. 1, 1671. She died April 19, 1672. A daughter was born Feb. 14, 1672, and died Mfiy 18, 1673. He married next widow Sarah Davis who survived him. Mr. Clarke was two or three years deputy-governor, a long time colony agent in London, and left considerable property to charitable purposes. He had three brothers, Thomas, Joseph and Carew. Of these Joseph had two sons, Joseph who removed to Westerly, and John the grand father of Judge Williana C. Clark of Kingston. Willet. Capt. Thomas Willet was one ofthe last ofthe Leyden Company, and came over about 1630. He wag the first English Mayor of New-York, aftei- it was reduced by Col. Nicolls. He held that office again afterwards. He died Aug. 4, 1674, in his 64th year, and was buried at the head of Bullock's cove. He married Mary daughter of John Brown, Esqr. His children were — 1. Thomas. 2. Hester, born 1647. 3. Rebecca, died young. 4. James, born 1649. 5. Andrew, who was at first a trader in Bos ton, afterwards lived on Boston Neck, died there 1712, aged 56, and is buried there. His sons were Col. Francis Wil let, who died Feb. 6, 1776, aged 83, without issue, and Thomas, who died single. 6. Samuel. Col. Marinus Wil let, who was mayor of New-York and was distinguished in the revolutionary war, was grandson of Samuel. 7. Hez- ekiah died young. 8. Hezekiah born 1652, and was killed by the Indians JUne 26, 1676. One of Capt. Thomas Willet's daughters married a Wil son, Mary married Samuel Hooker of Farmington, Conn., and Martha married Judge John Saffin. [Daggett's Attle- borough. Styles' History of the Judges. Baylies' Ply mouth, part 4, p. 7-8.] The burying ground ofthe Willets is on the farm in Bos ton Neck, owned by Willet Carpenter, Esq. T* 314 It would seem from Styles' History, that the Willet f^rni was formerly reputed to have been the residence ofthe In dian sachem Meantinomy. Mawney. — The French name was LeMoine, afterwards Englished into Mawney. Moses Le Moine, with a number of others, came from France during the persecution which followed the revocation ofthe edict of Nantes in 1686. They pitched their tents in what was then a wilderness, built huts, and planted an orchard, from them called the French or chard, near a spring on that part qf the Pardon Mawney farm how owned by Nicholas G. Mawney, in East Green wich. The country is still called Frenchtown. Moses had two children, Peter, and Mary who married an Appleby of New-York. Peter, by his first wife, Mary Tillinghast, had five children, by his second, three. They were — 1. Elizabeth, married Joseph Tillinghast. 2. Mer cy, married a Fry. 3. Lydia, married Dr. Ephraim Bowen. 4. Mary, married James Angell. 5. John. 6. Pardon, supposed to be lost at sea. 7. Sarah, married Joseph Whip ple. 8. Amey, married a Dr. Carrol. John, son of Peter, died June 13, 1764, aged 35 years and 10 months. He married Amey daughter of Robert Gibbs, Esqr. His children were — 1. Pardon, born at Prov idence, Dec. 27, 1748, died at East Greenwich, Aug. 6,,- 1831. He married Experience daughter of Caleb Gardner of South Kingstown. 2. John, who was a physician, for some time Sheriff of Providence county, and was one of those who burnt the Gaspee. He died 1830, in Cranston. 3. Hannah, ma.rried Stephen Harris and died at the age of 34, leaving one son, Stephen, vho died unmarried. 4. Mary died Dec. 26, .1757, aged 1 1 years. 6. Nancy died at the age of 1 7 . Berneau or Bernon. — Gabriel Berneau or Bernon was born at Rochelle in France, April 6, 1644. He was a man of large property and hereditary register of Rochelle. On account of his religious opinions he was imprisoned two years in that place, and on his release went and lived about a year in Holland, from whence he came to America. He lived ten years in Newport and Narragansett, and died at Providence, Feb. 1, 1736, in his92d year. He was buried under the old Episcopal Church in Providence. Bernon had 10 children by his 1st wife, 8 of whom came 315 with him. By his 2nd wife, Mary Harris, he had four children. While in Holland his daughter Ester married Adam ap Howel a Welchman. She died a widow, Oct. 20, 1746, aged 69 years and 9 days, and was buried at Tower Hill. Ester daughter of Adam ap Howel or Powell, mar ried Judge James Helme, Esq. and died March 22, 1764, in her 46th year. The Coddington's, Whipple's, Crawford's, Jenckes', Al len and Tourtellot families, are also connected with JMr, Bernon. Watson. — John Watson died about 1728. His squs were Samuel, John, William, &c. John had children Han nah, Ann, John born 1709, Jeffrey born 1712, Elisha born 1716, and Amy. The children of Jeffrey were Hannah, Jeffrey born 1734, Elisha born 1736, Marcy, Dorcas, Sa rah, William born 1745 and Bathsheba. The children of John last named were 1. John born 1737, father of Judge John. 2. Hannah. 3. Bridget. 4. Job, 1744. 6. Ma ry. 6. Elisha, 1748, father of Elisha Watson, Esq., Jo seph, William, Freeman, &c. 7. Isabel. 8. Walter 1753. The children of Job Watson were Isabel, Jobj 1767, Robert Hazard, 1769, Walter, 1770, Borden, 1772, and John Jay, 1774. ERRATA. The following are believed to be the only mistakes in printing of any feonsequence, and may be easily corrected with a pen. Page 20, 10 lines from bottom — p. 76, 13 lines from top, for on, read or. Passim, for Coquinaquand read Coginaquand. Page 56, 2 lines from top, for Hathome, read Hathorne " 57,20 " " " ybr Jassarono, reafi Tassarono. " 62, 27 " " " for disputes read difficulty. 64, 2 " " bottom, /o?- Dwell, rca(i Divell's. 70, 1 " " top. for St. read St. Records. 70, 2 " " " for N. read n. 25, 4 " " hoViom, for a read n. 76, 20 " " top, for to Ward's cove", read towards the cove. 78,21 " " " strikeout "the major part of." Ill, 3 and 4 lines from bottom, for Pesquamscut, read Pesquawscut. 113, 19 lines from bottom, /or given, read green. •114,10 " " top , /or Warwick, rea(i Norwich. 167, 5 " " bottom, /or Quanspit, reaei Q,uananchet. 167, 7 " " " for Tawayeson, read Tawageson. 172, l.S " " " read "a son of abrother of Canonicus." 200 and 201, /or Brenton, read Breereton. 215, 19 lines from top, /or 1,767, read 1757. 225, 13 " " " for James O. Newton, read Jamea Newton. 226,20 " " " /or 218, read 70. 242, IS " " " for T, read I. 303, 32 " " " for Matloomuc, read Mattoonuc. YALE UNIVERSITY a39002 002888itllb VALE -%^ .•^ii vj-vn i«»*( M\.