. Slegroes and Their Treatment in Virginia 1865-1867 JOHN PRESTON MCCONNELL D ' YiSkLIE«¥]MII¥IEI^Sflir¥" " ILUIBI^^IElf ° 1915 NEGROES AND THEIR TREATMENT IN VIRGINIA FROM 1865 TO J867 By JOHN PRESTON McCONNELL, M. A., Ph. D. Professor of History and Political Science in Emory and Henry College Pfinted fay B. D. SMITH & BROTHERS, Pulaski, Va. COPTKIGHT 1910 BT J. F. McCONNBLL Ml PREFACE. FEOM 1865 to 1867 an unprecedented revolution was witnessed in the Southern States. In the following pages an attempt is made to note the essential fea tures of that upheaval through which the negroes passed in two years from chattel slavery to full citizenship. In these two momentous years the white people were called upon to adjust themselves not only to the fall recog nition of the freedom of the negroes but to accept them as fellow-citizens with equal civil and political rights. Many old prejudices had to be reckoned with iu this adjustment. This revolution was attended by less demoral ization of society in Virginia than in most of the other Southern States, nevertheless the transition from the old order to the new was painful and confusing. It is hoped that this discussion of that troubled period will, in some measure, prove useful in correcting any wrong impressions that may yet exist as to what were the sentiments of the people in regard to the changed condition of the negroes and what was the civil, political and social status of the freedmen during that unhappy period which culminated in the enfranchisement of the blacks by con gressional act. This little book is a part of a proposed larger work treating the history of Virginia since the War between the States. The cares and responsibilities incident to my work as a teacher have thus far prevented my finishing the pro posed work. In the preparation of this work I am indebted to Dr. E. H. Dabney and many other persons for assistance in many ways. I am especially indebted to my wife, who contributed many helpful suggestions and prepared the manuscript for the printer. JOHN PEESTON McCONNELL. Emory and Henry College, December, 1909. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Number and Distribution op Negroes in Virginia. CHAPTER n. Public Opinion in Virginia in Regard to Emancipation. CHAPTER m. The Effect of Emancipation on the Negroes. CHAPTER IV. Disturbing Forces. CHAPTER V. The Evolution of a System op Hired Labor. CHAPTER VI. Vagrancy and Vagrancy Laws. CHAPTER vn. Contract Laws. CHAPTER VHI. The Slave Code Repealed. CHAPTER IX. Outrages on Pbbedmen and the Civil Courts from 1865 to 1867. CHAPTER X. Fbeedmbn and Civil Rights in 1865 and 1866. CHAPTER XI. Enfranchisement of the Frbedmen. CHAPTER xn. Education of Frbedmen. CHAPTER Xm. Apprentice Laws. CHAPTER XIV. Negro Mabbiagbs. CHAPTER XV. Insuerection. CHAPTER XVI. Sepabatb Churches fob Negbobs. CHAPTER XVn. Effects op the Rbconstbuction Acts. CHAPTER XVm. Summary and Conclusion. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Negroes and Their Treatment in Vir ginia from 1865 to 1867. CHAPTEE I. Number and Distribution of Negroes in Virginia. THE surrender of General Lee at Appomattox virtual ly closed the "War between the States. This contest had freed the negroes throughout the seceding States; but the future status of the freedmen had not yet been determined. In the spring of 1865 there were probably about half a million negroes in the State of Virginia — a number suffi ciently large to prove a very disturbing factor amongst a white population of less than 700,000. It added much to the gravity of the situation that in a large part of the State the negroes were a very small part of the population, while in other grand divisions of the State the excited and idle freedmen were in a decided majority. There are no figures giving the population of Virginia in the year 1865, yet the census reports of 1860 or 1870 will enable one to determine with considerable accuracy the distribution of the white and colored population throughout the State at the close of the war. The census of 1870 shows, in the eighteen southwest counties of the State, a white population of 152,297 and a colored population of only 21,595. In the twelve Valley counties having a white population of 117,321 there were only 25,681 negroes. In these two great divisions of the State, embracing thirty counties with a white population of 2 Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-6? 269,618, there were only 47,276 negroes who constituted less than fifteen per cent, of the entire population.' In these two sections the greater part of the labor had always been performed by white men as free laborers work ing either for themselves or for other white men for wages. Slave labor had never been such an important factor in the industry of these communities as it had been in the counties east of the Blue Eidge; for this reason, there was less dis turbance of the industrial system of these sections, the whites more readily adapted themselves to a system of free labor, and the supply of labor was much less demoralized than in the parts of the State where society and industry were, in a larger degree, based on slave labor. ^ Probably the negroes did not desert the farms and their accustomed trades to such an extent in these sections as they did in the eastern and southeastern parts of the State. If as large a percentage of them did leave their old homes and trades they were very readily absorbed as barbers, porters, livery men and in other menial services about the towns. In the section of the State east of the Blue Eidge there were, according to the census of 1870, 442,471 whites and 465,565 blacks, giving the negroes a majority over the whites of 23,044.' In 1860 the Southside, the counties south of the James Eiver, had a negro population of 207, - 668. This population had increased considerably by 1865.* It is safe to say that these counties contained at least 215,- 000 negroes in the spring of 1865. Here a large part of the labor had always been performed by negro slaves. In the counties of Amelia, Brunswick, Charlotte, Cumberland, iPor distribution of negroes throughout the State, see pp. 5, 69-70, Vol. of Statistics and Population, Census Report 1870. ^For demoralized state of labor and industry in the eastern part of the State, see the Virginia newspapers of that period. 8Pp. 69-70, Vol. of Statistics and Population, Census Report 1870. *rhis section was comparatively little disturbed by army operation^ until near the close of tbe war. Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-6? 3 Nottoway, Powhatan, Prince Edward, Prince George, Sur ry and Sussex, the negroes constituted about two- thirds of the inhabitants. In Buckingham, Lunenburg, Southamp ton, Dinwiddle and Halifax, the negroes were in majorities ranging from 2,000 to 7,000 in each county. In Campbell and Pittsylvania they had a majority in a combined popu lation.* In many other counties in eastern and southeast ern Virginia the negroes were in the majority and were more ignorant than in the sections of the State where they were less numerous. As might be expected it was in these sections that the emancipation of the slaves brought most hardships and disorder. In addition to these agglomerations of negroes in cer tain sections of the State, thousands of them had thronged to the cities and towns and there taken up their abode. The census of 1870 shows that the thirty-five cities and towns of the State, for which the population was given in 1860 and 1870, had an increase of only 705 white inhabi tants, while the increase of the colored inhabitants in the same towns was 25,834. This increase of colored popula tion took place almost entirely in the section of the State where the negroes were most numerous. In many of the towns of the Valley and the Southwest there was an actual decrease in the number of negroes. In the decade from 1860 to 1870 the white population of these thirty-five towns grew from 88,381 to 89,086. The colored population in the same cities leaped from 41,675 to 67,509. The number of negroes in the District of Columbia had grown from 14,316 in 1860 to 43,404 in 1870, of whom 16,785 had been born in Virginia. Alexandria's colored population had in the meantime grown from 2,801 to 5,301; Hampton's from 855 to 1,841; Eichmond's from 14,275 to 23,110; Nor folk's from 4,330 to 8,766; Portsmouth's from 1,477 to 'For number and character of negroes in the Southside, see passim Bruce, Plantation Negro as a Freeman. 4 Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-67 3,617. There had been very little increase in the white population in any of these cities, and in Alexandria, Lynchburg, Manchester, Petersburg, Williamsburg, Ports mouth, Fredericksburg and Winchester there had been an actual loss in the number of the whites for this same decade.^ The number of negroes in the towns and cities of Virginia in 1865 was trom twenty-five to fifty' per cent. greater than it was in 1870, before which time many of them had returned to the farms. The census of 1870 shows that more than 50,000 of the negroes in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Dis trict of Columbia, Massachusetts and New York had been born in Virginia." Many of them had gone to these states before the war, but it is not possible to de termine at present how many. It is a significant fact that the colored population of Virginia and West Virginia was 18,086 less in 1870 than in 1860". A constant stream of negroes poured across the Potomac and Ohio rivers from 1862 to 1867. Kentucky and Missouri had also lost about the same percentage of their blacks. The number of negroes in each of the seceding States, except Virginia, was larger in 1870 than in 1860. In some of the states, in which the military operations had not been so constant, the ePp. 278-383, Vol. of Statistics and Population, Census Report 1870. 'This statement is based on estimates made by conservative citizens who were living at that time. The press and army oflScers spoke repeat edly of the influx of negroes to the cities. There are no figures giving the number of negroes in the towns in 1865. Gen. HaUeck reported, June 86, 1865, that there were from 30,000 to 40,000 free negroes in Richmond at that time. Serial 97, OflBcial Records of War of RebeUion. For account of the desertion of their homes by negroes see Richmond DaUy Enquirer, May 32, 1866; The Richmond Republic, May 16, 1865, and Aug. 10, 1865. Women, with their chUdren, walked three or four days to get away from their old homes to the towns. 8Table VI, Vol. Statistics and Population, Census Report 1870. Table n. Ibid. See this table also for gain or loss in negro population in other states. Negroes and Tlieir Treatment in Virginia, 1865-67 5 increase of the negro population had been very marked, being 79,000 in Georgia and more than 30,000 in several other states. The remoteness of most of the slave states from the free states rendered "refugeeing" very difficult for all negroes and impossible for most of them. The pres ence of the Federal armies and the proximity of free terri tory rendered it comparatively easy for many negroes in Virginia to find their way across the Ohio or the Potomac to the free states. It is, therefore, easy to see, that in the spring of 1865 the whole slave system was utterly destroyed in Virginia; the former slave population was agitated and unsettled; the old forms of industry and social life based on slavery were irrevocably gone. CHAPTEE II. Public Opinion in Virginia in Eegaed TO Emancipation. Although Congress, in the Crittenden Eesolution of July, 1861, had declared that the war was not waged to interfere with any of the domestic institutions of the states, but solely for the preservation of the union of the states, and that the war should cease when that union was assured, it was felt everywhere that the fate of slavery was an issue. The South had entered into the contest feeling that failure would involve the downfall of slavery. Before the war was finished it became quite as much the aim of a large part of the people of the Northern States utterly to extirpate slavery as to preserve the union. It was felt that it was 6 Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-6? necessary to destroy slavery to save the union. With these clearly defined issues the war was fought out. At the close of this four years' contest, in which the people of the South with an unanimity unparalleled resisted the invading armies as long as honor demanded or human ity permitted, it was naturally asked by the world: "Do the people of Virginia accept the abolition of slavery in good faith, or is their acquiescence in its destmction only a ruse of exhausted disloyalty, by which they hope to gain strength and opportunity to renew the contest to restore slavery, or to accomplish by cunningly devised legislation the re-enslavement of the negroes? Has the war merely destroyed the name of slavery without destroying its realityt"" To appreciate just how the people of Virginia regard ed the abolition of slavery it is necessary to understand what they thought of this institution prior to the war. Many slaveholders in Virginia had long considered slavery a burden on the masters and a detriment to the best inter ests of the community.^ It had long been a question with many of the most thoughtful whether slavery in Virginia was profitable in the mere production of wealth. Through out the South slave labor was being driven to a few regions devoted to the cultivation of tobacco, cotton and sugar cane. Slaves were not as valuable in Virginia as in the undeveloped states of the Southwest. The average hfre of an able-bodied man slave for the four states, Arkansas, Texas, Mississippi and Louisiana was in 1860 a little more than 60 per cent higher than in Virginia.^ As a natural ''Conp;ressional Globe 1865-1867 (passim) .debates on Freedmen's Bureau Bill, CivU Rights BiU, Constitutional amendments and Reconstruction acts. See also Summer's speech. Congressional Globe 1864-1865, p. 989. See Carl Schurz's report, Congressional Globe 1865-1866, p. 1305. ^Minor's Institutes, Vol. I, p. 168. Ballagh, A History of Slavery in Virginia. 2 Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture 1867, p. 416. Vir ginia never engaged in breeding and raising negroes for the slave market. For conclusive evidence of this, see The Domestic Slave Trade bv W H CoUins. > J • • Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865^6? 7 consequence slavery had lost much of its popular support in Virginia as compared with the "Cotton States;" for any Cjommunity is apt to see the weakness of slavery when it has once ceased to be profitable, even if it cannot see the means of abolishing it. The same spirit that had caused Jefferson and Henry to deplore the evils of slavery persisted in Vfrginia. Like Jefferson, Henry and Tucker at the beginning of the cen tury, many owners of negroes in the middle of the century would gladly have been free from their slaves; but, embarrassed by the difficulties and dangers of emancipa tion and restrained by the meshes of this all-permeating institution, they did not feel justified in taking the initiative in this general manumission. The atrocities of the lately emancipated West India negroes deterred many from fol lowing thefr desire to liberate their own servants. In addi tion to all these difficulties every plantation was a little community in which there were many helpless old negroes, cripples, and children who were unable to provide for themselves. To liberate these and turn them adrift would, under the mantle of philanthropy, have been extreme heartlessness and cruelty. The white master could not feel that it was his duty to continue to care for the dependents and at the same time emancipate the able-bodied sons or fathers to lead idle and vagrant lives. The master, there fore, however humane or philanthropic he might be, was under the moral obligation to hold these plantation groups together.^ A plan of gradual emancipation was seriously discussed in the General Assembly of Virginia in 1831-32.^ Public sentiment was rapidly moving toward a general emancipa tion about the time the anti-slavery crusade began in the ^Bruce's Plantation Negro as a Freeman discusses, in an admirable manner, the economy of a Virginia slave plantation and the difficulty of breaking it up. ^Minor's Institutes, Vol. I, p. 168. 8 Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-67 North. The abolitionists became quite offensive in their criticism of slavery in the South. The Virginians, always jealous of outside intermeddling with their affairs, resented the efforts of Northern agitators. Naturally tbe movement w^as thus checked in the State. Nevertheless the Legisla ture continued to provide for emancipation and granted an annual appropriation of $30,000 and a poll tax of one dollar per head on every male free negro of the age of twenty- one years and under fifty-five to be used in coloniz ing free negroes in Liberia.* This appropriation, continued until 1860, is a proof of the sincerity of the Virginians in their professions of interest in the gradual abolition of slavery, and shows how keenly they realized the difficulties of emancipating the negroes and allowing them to remain in the State, and further explains why so many men, who detested the whole system, hesitated to free their slaves. There were statutes against the immigration of free negroes into the State.* The presence of negroes in any capacity was felt to be a perplexing problem of which the most practical solution was either gradual emancipation and colonization or, if this was impracticable, the continued servitude of the negroes. There had been a great amelior ation in the treatment of slaves in the twenty-five years preceding the war. Many benevolent individuals exerted themselves to bring about this state of things by creating in the public mind a spirit of reprobation of cruelty to slaves.^ Gov. F. H. Pierpont, of Virginia, in his message to the Legislature in 1865, speaking of the negroes, said that thefr condition was a hard one as they had the ' 'theory of the politicians and the dogma of the divines against them.^" His statment is true if he meant that the politicians of the State considered the negro a race so radically different from 6Code of 1860, p. 520. sCode of 1860, p. 810. 'Hildreth, Despotism in America (passim) . SAmerican Annual Cyclopsedia 1866, p. 768. Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-6? 9 the whites that it was impossible for them to be assimilated by the whites; that they were a race incapable of sharing in the government of the State; and that the wisest solution of this question for both races at that time, at least, was the political and social subordination of the weaker race to the stronger. The statement is not true if he means that the great mass of the people either in 1860 or in 1865 bore any malice or hatred to the negroes, or that they wished to make hard the condition of their lives.^ In regard to the statement that the dogmas of the divines were against the negroes, the great body of the ecclesiastical leaders of the State were not in love with the institution of slavery. They did not wish its presence but simply accepted it as the wisest and most humane solution of the presence of the negroes amongst the whites. They felt that the mere hold ing of a negro as a servant was not obviously opposed to the spirit and doctrine of the Christian religion. They were deeply interested in their spiritual welfare and car ried on a successful propaganda among them with the re sult that a very large percentage of them were severely orthodox Christians when they became freemen in 1865." "See State newspapers of that period in regard to the feeling toward negroes. A letter from B. Johnson Barbour, Esq., published in The Republic, Richmond, Va., Aug. 13, 1865. * * * * "In their general conduct they (the whites) should recognize the two great facts which rhe war has established— Life to the Nation and Death to Slavery. It is our duty to deal kindly and gently with a race suddenly emancipated, even though in the first flush of freedom they should violate our traditional ideas of subordination and discipline. By calmness and patience we shaU do much toward repressing that spirit of agitation which, through folly or crime, would make freedom a curse instead of a blessing to the negro. His future condition is the only diflScult problem left unsettled by the war." OThis is the universal testimony. These facts are forcetuUy brought out in a personal letter from Rev. J. WiUiam Jones to the writer. The following preamble and resolution adopted by the East Hanover Presbytery is representative of the spirit of the other denominations: "In consideration of the fact that the largest proportion of the colored population are within the bounds of East Hanover, this Presbytery would 10 Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-6? There were slaveholders who, in their heartlessness and greed for gain, made the life of tbe slave a burden and thus made slavery odious in the eyes of the world. It is doubt less true that some ministers were over anxious to palliate the evils and to magnify the necessity and the Christianity of slavery. StiU it is true that the great body of the most thoughtful men of all classes regarded human slavery as an unfortunate inheritance, a burden from which they wished to be relieved by some safe and practicable means. Entertaining these opinions the people of Virginia did not hesitate to accept the abolition of slavery as one of the most patent results of the contest out of which they emerged in 1865. The events and agitation of the four years' war had so shattered and demoralized slavery that all sensible men felt that its fate was sealed in Virginia, whatever might be the wishes of the whites. Large numbers of the slaves had enjoyed a taste of personal liberty within the Union lines. It was not to be expected that they, having once felt that they were free, would readily take again their former places as slaves. In the Valley, in the North ern, North Central and Tidewater counties of the State the old plantation life was broken up. It was estimated in the spring of 1865 that 50,000 negroes in Virginia had deserted express its undiminished interest in the spiritual welfare of this class of our people and its solemn conviction of the peculiar responsibiUties now resting upon us in consequence of the new relations they now susteiin to us. "Remembering that our colored friends have an equal interest with us in the redemption provided by Christ Jesus, and mindful of the claims of those who were born and reared among us, and many ot whom are still members of our famiUes and in our employment, and regarding it both as our duty and privUege to do aU in our power to promote their spiritual well-being, liesolved. That by means of famUy and Sabbath school and catechetical instruction, by the preaching of the Gospel for their special beneflt, we wiU endeavor, with unabated zeal, to advance their religious culture, with the hope and prayer that we may be made equaUy instrumental with other denominations— our co-laborers with us — in the great work of bringing them into the fold of Christ." — Richmond BepubUc, Sept. 81, 1865. Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-6? 11 their homes and masters.^ These were generally the most intelligent and aspiring of their race — many of them being soldiers in the Federal army. The Virginians, seeing that slavery was already "worn out by the friction of the war," had laid down their arms in 1865, understanding full well that they had seen the last of slavery; and, in their hearts, many were thankful that they were rid of it.^ While few recognized that it had been constitutionally abolished, most were glad to accept it as an accomplished fact and felt that the dire consequences that seemed about to foUow the wholesale and immediate eman cipation were not chargeable to them. After the close of hostilities and the return of the soldiers to their homes, iRichmond Times, July 14, 1865. 2May 17, 1865, Richmond Times said : "The fate of slavery in Virginia was, by the natural effects, * * settled in Virginia before the Confed eracy coUapsed. * * Under such circumstances, if the continuance of slavery was decreed tomorrow, the shattered wreck of the dilapidated carcass of the institution would prove, we fear, little better than an eye sore and a stumbUng block iu our path, a mildew upon our prosperity." Richmond Enquirer, Nov. 23, 1865, says : "The abrogation of property in slaves" is one of the indisputable results of the war. The Richmond Republic, May 19, 1865, says: "The war has administered a death blow to slavery. Nothing, therefore, is more idle or vain than the hope or ex pectation of prolonging the existence of the institution (of slavery) by expedients which should aim to preserve the reaUty while relinquishing the name." However, the Daily Dispatch, Jan. 4, 1865, claims that the condition of the negro, if freed by the Federal Government, would be more pitiable than that of the slave and that a new slavery would arise. Robert Ridgeway, in The Whig, Aug. 11, 1865, says: "The abolition of slavery is one of the accomplished results of the war and it becomes the duty of the people of Virginia to accept that result in entire good faith, dismissing from their mirds the chimerical idea, if any such idea is en tertained by them, that it can, in any event, ever be re-established." The Richmond papers from AprU, 1865, to the close of the year, give accounts of county mass-meetings in various parts of the State, accepting unre servedly the abolition of slavery as an accompUshed and irrevocable fact. The General Assembly, in its Joint Resolution of Feb. 6, 1866, uncondition- aUy accepted emancipation. Acts 1865-6, p. 449. Hon. A. H. H. Stuart's "Narrative of the Popular Movement in Virginia in 1865, and the Com mittee of Nine," discusses very fuUy the feeling in regard to the uncondi tional emancipation of the slaves. 12 Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-67 large and representative meetings of the white citizens were held throughout the State, in which resolutions were adopted declaring that the people accepted in good faith and without mental reservation the results of the war, amongst which they regarded the abolition of slavery the chief. Many of the most prominent men in the State, by speeches and open letters in the newspapers, expressed their acquiescence in emancipation and urged all the people everywhere to accommodate themselves to the changed relations they bore to their former slaves, to deal fairly with them, to employ them for wages, or to share with them the crops. The negroes were at once recognized as free. Thefr right to assert their freedom was not questioned. Col. O. Brown, the assistant Commissioner of the Freed men's Bureau for the State of Vfrginia, in his report to Gen. O. O. Howard, at the close of the year 1865, says: "It is believed that there is not within the State a person who does not understand and successfully assert his right to freedom.'" If there had been any denial of free dom to any freedman in the State it is not probable that it would have escaped the attention of Col. Brown, as the agents of the Bureau were scattered over the State and were generally careful to investigate any real or imagined wrong done a negro, and the negroes were not negligent in reporting their troubles to the Freedmen's Bureau. In addition to the evidence furnished by the numerous county meetings, in regard to the full and frank acceptance of the freedom of the negro, the editorials and the corre spondence of the representative newspapers of the State re peatedly expressed full recognition of the unconditional de struction of slavery.* In the summer of 1865 it was reported 3Col. O. Brown's report of the operation of the Feedmen's Bureau in Virginia 1865, published in Lynchburg Virginian, Jan. 2, 1866. ¦•See newspapers of that period. April 25, 1865, Gen. Halleck, in letter to Secretary Stanton, quotes Alexander Rives as saying that nearly all Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-67 13 that a man in Petersburg was paying $10.00 per capita for the claim of ownership of able-bodied negroes, in the belief that they would be remanded to their old condition. So absurd did his course seem that he was made a subject of ridicule and held up by the press as a sort of harmless and good-natured lunatic. It was declared by the press that the restoration of slavery was not desired, even if the courts should hold the various proclamations and acts emancipat ing the slaves unconstitutional.^ The following quotation from Ex- Gov. Henry A. Wise expresses about what many representative Vfrginians thought in the summer of 1865: "So far from my being opposed to the name 'freedom' as indicating the condition of slaves freed by the war, the chief consolation I have in the result of the war is that slavery is forever abolished; that not only slaves are, in fact, at last freed from bondage but that I am freed from them. Long before the war ended, I had definitely made up my mind actively to advocate emancipation throughout the South. I had determined, if I could help it, my decendants should never be subject to the humiliation I have been subject to by the weakness, if not the wicked ness, of slavery; and while I cannot recognize as lawful and humane the violent and shocking mode in which it has been abolished, yet I accept the fact most heartily as an accomplished one, and am determined not only to abide by it and acquiesce in it, but to strive by all means in my power to make it beneficent to both races and a blessing especially to our country. I unfeignedly rejoice at the fact, and am reconciled to many of the worse calamities of the war because I am now convinced that the war was a special providence of God, unavoidable by the nations at their ex- parties were ready to abandon slavery and that a'popular vote would be strongly against it. P. 939, serial 97, OflBcial Records of War of RebeUion. For account of delegation sent from the Legislature of Virginia to Presi dent Johnson, see p. Ill, App. Congressional Globe 1865-1866.' ^Lynchburg Virginian, June 12, 1866, and for several days following. 14 Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-6? treme, to tear loose from us a black idol from which we could never have been separated by any other means than those of fire and blood, sword and sacrifice."^ Col. O. Brown, the agent of the Freedmen's Bureau in Virginia, divided the people of Virginia into three classes according to thefr views of the negro and the Freedmen's Bureau. Of the first class he said: "Many of the citizens, under the control of tradition, habit and education, only sullenly acquiesced in the freedom of their former slaves.'" He further complained that this class regarded the colored population as necessarily and appropriately servile and unfit for freedom ; that they felt that negroes were in some way responsible for the failure of the Confederacy. For this reason he thought this first class "wholly unqualified" for co-operation in the work of the Bureau. It is true that many people accepted the abolition of slavery as an accomplished fact without recognizing the legality or justice of the manner in which it was accom plished, but even this class entertained no hope, and but little desfre, of seeing its restoration attempted. It is also true that most people in Virginia did then regard and always have regarded the negro as an inferior race and unqualified to take a leading part in the govern ment of the State; but this opinion of his place in society did not indispose the whites to deal justly with him and to grant him all civil rights and several political rights as will be shown later. The feeling that a race or an individual is an inferior in point of ability and power begets a sense of kindly interest and sympathy for the weaker party by the stronger rather than a desire to do wrong or 'This letter is quoted exactly as published in the Lynchburg Virgin ian, Sept. 9, 1865. 'Lynchburg Virginian, Jan. 2, 1866. Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-6? 16 violence to the weakling.* Such was the case in 1865 in Virginia in regard to the negroes, from whom so ciety hoped to receive less and to whom it felt inclined to give more than it was prepared to receive from and give to the whites. The enfranchisement of the negroes in 1867, and the efforts to place the whites under the domination of the blacks, did much to destroy the interest and sympathy which the whites had always felt for them. Of the second class into which he divided the people, Col. Brown said: "Another class, numerically small but of the best talent, culture and influence, not only accepted the situation, but with a wise foresight and noble patriotism were ready to co-operate with the (TJ. S. ) Government for the speediest restoration of tranquility and law, and to assist the Bureau in its endeavor to bring the highest good to all classes out of the present evils."' From these quotations it is seen that co-operation or failure to co-operate with the Freedmen's Bureau in 1865 is one of the chief marks by which Col. Brown distinguishes and classifies the people. Per haps it was impossible for the agents of the Freedmen's Bureau at that time to understand how any white man could sincerely accept the abolition of slavery and at the same time stand aloof from the Bureau. Still, many who unre servedly recognized and accepted the complete destruction of slavery were firmly convinced that the Bureau's purpose and method, with the possible exception of its educational work and the support of the absolutely helpless negroes, were unwise and tended to widen the chasm between the whites and the blacks. sjuly 7, 1865, Richmond Times says: "The collapse of the Confed eracy having, as we anticipated, resulted in the overthrow of slavery, we have no wrongs to avenge at the expense of the negro. It is to our inter est to make him a useful laborer, and cruelty to the emancipated slave would be just as absurd a piece of inhumanity as cruelty to a horse or an ox." 'Lynchburg Virginian, Jan. 3, 1866. 16 Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-6? In addition to the two classes just mentioned Col. Brown declared that "a third and more numerous class, because forced to acknowledge the freedom of thefr for mer slaves, wished either to effect their entire removal from the State or bind them by such contracts as would allow them but little more freedom than they formerly possessed.*" The perplexed and unsettled state of the public mind is indicated very clearly in this quotation. By some people it was felt that the whites and blacks could not live together on terms of equality. To some the only solution of this problem seemed to be a general emigration of one of the races. There was much talk of such a move ment of the negroes either to some territory of the United States or to Africa. Numbers of the most intelligent col ored people in the State were setting out for Liberia; others were preparing to follow." On the other hand many whites, despairing of peace and prosperity of the community, at tempting to ignore racial differences and antipathies, were planning to find for themselves new homes in Mexico or in some of the South American States. Wiser heads, under standing the improbability, if not the impossibility of a general emigration either of the whites or blacks, were try ing to devise some plan to reorganize the social and indus trial framework so suddenly revolutionized by the immedi ate manumission of the colored race. The press almost universally discouraged emigration schemes and urged the people to adjust themselves to the new conditions.^ ^Lynchburg Virginian, Jan. 3, 1866. "A considerable number of negroes left Lynchburg in October, 1865, for Liberia. Others were to follow. The emigrants were very unfortun ate in Liberia. It was reported that some of them were eaten by canni bals. All that were able to do so returned to Virginia. Lynchburg Vir ginian, Oct. 19, 1865. iFor discussion of emigration schemes pro and con see the Virginia newspapers during the summer of 1865 and early part of 1866. Enquirer editorial March 17, 1866, favors "diffusion of the colored population" Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-67 17 While the people of Virginia thus fully accepted the logical results of the war and granted to the negro his per sonal freedom, they were not in 1865 or 1866 prepared to extend to him the franchise, to admit him into the jury box, to permit him to testify in cases in which white par ties alone were interested, to come into the State from any other state or to intermarry with the whites. His rights in property were secured to him by the laws existing prior to 1860, which permitted free negroes to own personal and real property.^ CHAPTEE III. The Effect of Emancipation on the Negroes. Early in the war negroes began to desert their masters and to seek refuge within the Federal lines. With the progress of the struggle this movement grew stronger until the proper disposal of the fleeing negroes became quite a serious problem. From the first they realized that this contest was in a large measure concerning themselves. In many a cabin the glad word was whispered that the day for the oppressed to '-come up out of Egypt" was at hand. Later they heard that the invading hosts of the North were coming to greet them as "men and brothers.'" throughout the whole country as a solution of the question, as that wUl give Northern people a correct idea of negroes and prevent the blunder of equality in the South by Congressional interference. 2For the status of free negroes before the war, see Code of 1860; Bal lagh, A History of Slavery in Virginia (passim). SFor a fuU account of negro refugees and the disposal of them by the Federal authorities, see (passim) McCarthy, "Lincoln's Plan of Recon struction." 18 Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-6? Most of the slaves remained at home until the close of the war and performed their usual tasks. The old routine of the plantation life was on the surface little disturbed. They continued to plant and to harvest the crops, to care for and protect the wives and children of their masters, most of whom were in the Confederate army. From the first to the last Virginia was the battleground of the war. From first Manassas to Appomattox it felt the mightiest shocks of the conflict. The Valley, Northern Virginia and the Tidewater were overrun by the contending armies. By the attrition of the contest slavery was worn out in these parts of the State. Even in these sections most of the slaves remained with their masters, but slavery as a vital institution was gone. In a large part of the State the negroes remained on the farms only because they did not know what else to do, not because they did not realize that slavery was dead.* So effective had been the war, the movement of the armies, and the dissemination of hope and of opinions favorable to freedom, that in the summer of 1864 the number of negroes practically free was estimated by the North American Eeview at 1,300,000 in the seced ing States.^ Of this number Virginia had her proportional share. Jefferson Davis at the same time placed the num ber of negroes practically free at 3,000,000.^ This agita tion by the year 1865 had shattered the old plantation life; its vitality was gone. From 1862 to 1865 the stream of negroes deserting their families and homes had constantly grown stronger. At Washington, Alexandria, Fredericksburg, Portsmouth, Newport News and Norfolk, they were assembled and fed by the Federal Government. This movement was most marked in the sections of the State in which the negroes had been most frequently brought in contact with the ^For the condition of the old plantation life in the spring and summer of 1865, see newspapers of that period. 'P. 387, American Annual Cyclopaedia, 1864, Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-67 19 Union armies. In the counties of the Southside, however, and in the Southwest, almost every negro remained on his master's farm until the close of the war. On the approach of the Federal army many whites fled, taking with them their slaves; in this way the plantation life was broken up and negroes were congregated in certain places. At the close of hostilities in Virginia the stream of freedmen pouring towards the towns and the military posts was swollen to a river. Eichmond, Petersburg, Lynchburg and all the larger towns of the State were crowded with homeless and penniless negroes. The number of negroes in Eichmond in the summer of 1865 was estimated at 30,000, which indicated that at least 15, 000 strange negroes were in the city. Squalid villages of freedmen grew up at the various towns along the Chesapeake Bay, at Alexandria, at Arlington, and at numerous other points throughout the State. Still the movement of the negroes was from the country to the city. So serious had the matter become that the Federal authorities issued order after order urging the freedmen to remain on the farms. At last military orders positively forbade negroes to leave the communities where they were unless it was absolutely impossible for them to find work there. These orders doubtless deterred many from moving to the towns.* The increase of the negro population was especially marked in the cities held directly by the military authori ties, because the negroes there expected to be fed by Fed- 6For facts in regard to the movement of the freedmen, see Official Records of War of RebeUion, serial 97, pp. 647, 932, 933, 1005, 1086, 1159, 1185, 1186, 1388, 1296; Richmond Times, July 14, 1865; CharlottesviUe Chronicle, Peb. 28, 1867 ; Waddell, History of Augusta County, pp. 335- 341; Bruce, Plantation Negro as a Freeman, pp. 176, 177; Richmond Times, July 14, 1865; Lynchburg Virginian, Sept. 7, 1865; Messages and Documents of the U. S. Government, 1866-1867, p. 668; Col. O. Brown's report, Lynchburg Virginian, Jan. 2, 1866; Order of Col. J. Bhaw, Jr., Richmond Times, Aug. 8, 1865; Gen. Gregg's General Order No. 15, Lynchburg Virginian, June 1, 1865; Daily Enquirer, March 33, 1866, April 18, 1867; RepubUc, Aug. 10, 1865. 20 Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-67 eral quartermasters or agents of the Freedmen's Bureau. Many of them doubtless felt that their newly found freedom was too good to be true, and were fearful that they should again be remanded to slavery, unless protected by the agents of the United States Government, which they felt had secured for them the liberty which they enjoyed- Many of all classes were drawn away from their old homes and trades to the idleness and vice of the cities, yet most of the deserters were able-bodied young negroes who left thefr old, young and helpless behind as a burden on thefr former owners. In their new places of abode they were very ready to forget their wives whom chey had left behind and contract new matrimonial obligations without much appre ciation of the sanctity of this relation. The negro women especially, freed from the discipline of the old life, often became very dissolute.' In some cases the former owners were expected to care for the helpless freedmen. The Federal authorities, how ever, usually recognized that the burden of supporting dependent negroes was no longer properly chargeable to their former owners, but had been shifted to the relatives of the paupers, to the community, or to the Federal Gov ernment. It must be said, however, that many of these deserted untortn nates were cheerfully supported by their old masters on account of affection and humanity.* A great restlessness to get off the farms where they had been held as slaves seized almost aU negroes every where, but some faithful slaves refused to leave their old homes and continued to live with their former masters and serve them tUl death. 'For effect of emancipation on the marriage relations and morals of the negroes, see Ruffln, The Negro as a Political and Social Factor, (pas sim) ; Bruce, The Plantation Negro as a Freeman, chap. II ; Gen. Hal^ leek's report. Official Records of the War of the RebelUon, serial 97, p. 1396. ^Richmond Times, July 7, 1865 ; General Order No. 13, Lynchburg Vir^ ginian, June 2,1865; Official Records of War of RebeUion, serial 97, pp. 932, 933. Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-67 21 It was estimated, in July, 1865, that at least 50,000 able-bodied negroes had deserted their helpless ones and gone to the cities of Vfrginia or the North. Not only had able-bodied negroes flocked to the towns and military posts, but many helpless old men, women and children were hud dled together in wretched hovels. In some instances thirty negroes were, in the summer of 1865, occupying the rooms formerly considered barely comfortable for two. In filthy improvised huts around the various military posts and in the freedmen's towns the mortality of the negroes was appalling.' It was felt by some of the Federal army officers that there was danger of "the land going to waste" on account of the desertion of the laboring population. They pro posed to treat as "vagabonds" the freedmen who were away from their old homes and without employment." Prior to the war it had been claimed that the effects of freedom on the free negroes in Virginia had been disas trous, "the successive censuses, particularly from 1840 to 1860, showing a great physical and moral deterioration on the part of the free blacks whether compared with the 'Lynchburg Virginian, Jan. 2, 1865; Richmond Times, June 37, July 3, 7, 1865 ; Messages and Documents of U. S. Government, 1866-7, p. 668, 1868-9, p. 508; Official Records of War of RebeUion, p. 1315, serial 97; American Annual Cyclopaedia, 1865, p. 376. The Whig, Oct. .2, 1866, refers to a "hallucination" amongst the negroes that the great mortality amongst them was not due to disease but poison. In the Tidewater region they were Uving largely on melons, stale fish and cabbage but beUeved in many places that the white people had "tricked" them. They were treated by quack negro doctors with decoctions of herbs, etc. They would not trust white doctors. Nov. 5, 1866, the same newspaper declares that the number of negroes was great ly diminished. In the Enquirer, Nov. 15, 1865, it is claimed that fifty per cent, of the negroes had perished from disease. The mortality of the negroes was not as great as it was believed to be at the time. "See orders regarding negroes. Official Records of the War of Rebel Uon, serial 97, pp. 1005, 1086, 1173, 1391 ; Order of Gen. Gregg, pubUshed in Lynchburg Virginian, June 1, 1865. 22 Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-6? slaves or with the whites. "^ In 1865 the negroes seemed to be rapidly becoming a race of vagrants and idlers. Ne groes possess a remarkably strong and persistent local at tachment; yet they were so anxious to assert their liberty and to convince themselves that they were really free, that they felt in most cases that it was necessary to desert the farms where they had been held as slaves and to seek homes with some neighboring farmer, even if they did not have the courage or think it necessary to leave the entfre com munity. Many of the largest farms were almost depopu lated of thefr former negroes, and their places were filled either by those who had come in from a distance or from the neighboring plantations.^ Fidelity and timidity in- fiuenced some to remain with their former masters but their number was not large. A vast majority of the negroes changed their habitations immediately after the war or within the next three years. In their new homes they frequently were not able to find, even when they wished it, the forms of labor to which they had been trained. As has been mentioned before, the plantations were little industrial communities in which the division of labor system was necessarily adopted to a con siderable extent. Some of the slaves were house servants and personal attendants of their masters; others were taught to spin and weave; others were blacksmiths, har ness makers and carpenters; the great body of the slaves were mere field hands. When the old plantation life was broken up these freedmen were very poorly prepared for the new society in which they must compete with the white mechanics and laborers who had been trained in more lines of work as well as to a higher degree of skill in the mechan ical trades. By these white competitors their employment was rendered more difficult and uncertain. This had a ^Minor's Institutes, Vol. I, p. 168. ^Bruce, Plantation Negro as a Freeman, chap. XII. Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-67 23 tendency still further to demoralize the negroes and force them to drift from place to place. It is needless to say that most plantation negroes found themselves out of place in the cities, where there was not a great demand for such a large body of absolutely unskilled laborers as flocked to them in 1865 and 1866.^ CHAPTEE IV. Disturbing Forces. During the two years from the spring of 1865 to the passage of the E«construction Acts in March, 1867, the negroes fell largely under the influence of their preachers and a class of native whites who acted as leaders and ad visers to the freedmen. The so-called "scalawags," in many instances, had been known for their cruelty and in justice to the negroes. Many of them had been slave over seers, some of them slave owners before the war; yet this reputation did not appear to be any obstacle to their win ning the confidence of the freedmen.* By artful insinua tion they won the favor of the colored people, and in a large degree succeeded in alienating them from their old friends and masters. The motives of this class were entire ly selfish and their influence wholly disorganizing and de moralizing at a time when society, revolutionized by the ^See the newspapers of that period for the demoralized state of labor. ^It was aUeged that Rev. Mr. Hunnicut, the most influential "scala wag" in the early Reconstruction days, had been cruel to slaves before the war. 24 Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-6? events of the war and by emancipation, called for co-oper ation and confidence in all classes. Another class, numerically very small, was made up of whites who had come to the State as agents of the Freedmen's Bureau, teachers or adventurers.* The mo tives of almost aU the teachers and of many of the Bureau agents were unselfish; yet their presence and the ideas most of them entertained in regard to the place of the negro dis posed most of the blacks to become dissatisfied with their position as mere "free negroes." Many of the teachers had come from the original abo lition homes of the North and were thoroughly indoctri nated with the idea of the equality of aU men. They called on the negroes and extended to them other social courtesies that shocked the whites and encouraged the freedmen to demand equal privileges from all the whites; but it is untrue that they favored "miscegenation" except in rare instances. Most of them were pure and self-deny ing women who looked upon their work as a call from God and regarded all human beings as entitled to equal rights before the law and in society. Yet, despite the best of in tentions, the teachers by their radical ideas did much to create and foster in the freedmen an aversion to taking up their old familiar labor with the shovel and the hoe. They preferred to speculate about thefr abstract rights rather than to avail themselves of the privileges actually before them.^ The Freedmen's Court, consisting of three judges, one representing the whites; the second, the blacks; the thfrd, the United States Government, did much to keep the ne groes agitated and expectant. Many of these courts gave a 5For baneful influence of clerical adventurers and radicals, see Whig, Sept. 6, Sept. 12, 1866, Feb. 4, May 11, 1867; Dispatch, May 13, 1867; Docu mentary History of Reconstruction (passim) , edited by W. L. Fleming. ^About this time the negroes began to talk a great deal of their desire to be "treated as a man and a brother." Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-6? 25 ready ear to all the complaints of the negroes, however worthless. On the information of mere negro children, aged and respectable citizens were notified to appear before these courts to answer for the most trivial offenses. The records of these courts show many surprising verdicts. The court at Lynchburg ordered the defendant to pay a colored freedwoman one dollar and fifty cents for "cross and unjust conduct."' It was reported by Gen. Fullerton, who had been sent by President Johnson on a tour of in spection throughout the South, that in Virginia "these agents take the widest latitude in the exercise of their judi cial functions, trying questions involving title to real es tate, contracts, crimes and even actions affecting the mar ital relations. We witnessed the trial of a divorce case be fore the sub-agent at Charlottesville. The trial occupied about ten minutes and resulted iu a decree of divorce. In many places where the agents are not men of capacity and integrity a very unsatisfactory condition of affairs pre vails. This originates in the arbitrary, unnecessary and offensive interference of the agents of the Bureau with the relation between planters and their hired freedmen, causing vexatious delays in the prosecution of labor, and imposing expenses and costs in suits before themselves about trivial matters. The effects produced by the actions of this class of agents is bitterness and antagonism between the whites and the freedmen and expectations on the part of the freed men that can never be realized."* The friends of the Bureau strenuously insisted that the Bureau courts were absolutely necessary to secure anything like justice for the negroes; that the antagonism between the whites and the blacks was not the result of the presence of the Bureau agents; and that the disturbed state of socie ty existed, not because of the Bureau, but in spite of it. 'Lynchburg Virginian, Jan. 3, 1866. sPp. 64-66, House Document No. 130, Ist Ses. 39th Congress. 26 Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-67 The object of the Bureau was to protect the interests of the colored people in the courts, in contracts and in every relation of life.'' Doubtless it did accomplish its purpose, in part, at least; yet the Bureau had a tendency to prolong the period of transition from slavery to freedom by keeping the negroes in a state of excitement, since they looked upon the Bureau as a visible demonstration of the power and purpose of the United States Government from which they had already received their freedom, and from which they were led by many agents of the Bureau to be lieve that they had not yet received half of the good things 'Compare the mUd Freedmen's Bureau Bill of March 3, 1865, (p. 141, App. Congressional Globe, 1864-1865) , with the drastic Bureau BiU of July 16, 1866, (pp. 366-367, App. Congressional Globe, 1865, 1866). Negro refugees flocked to the Union army during the w£ir. Some of them were put to work on forts and fortifications, others were concen trated in camps and colonies under army officers, usuaUy chaplains. The Freedmen's Bureau, with Gen. O. O. Howard at its head, was put in con trol of all negroes. The Bureau was practicaUy independent of the mUi tary and civil governments in the South. "Its principal legal activities were relief work, education, regulation of labor, and the administration of justice." * * * * "it regulated contracts, wages, hours, rations, clothing and quarters." * * * * Tti aU that related to labor the Bureau was supreme. "The Bureau courts had jurisdiction over all cases that arose between blacks or between blacks and whites." It "supervised the civil courts, from which cases relating to negroes were often removed and the decisions of which were set aside." * * * * "The income of the Bureau was derived from the sale of confiscated Confederate and private property, from fees, rents, taxes, county funds, gifts from individuals and associations, and from appropriations by Con gress. * * * * In the great majority of the black communities there was, at the end of the war, no destitution and had the negroes stayed at home and worked there would have been little want, but the distribu tion of rations caused them to crowd into the towns, and much suffering and disease resulted. In the later years of the Bureau rations were used simply as a means of organizing a black political party. The labor regu lations were as a rule good in theory but absurd in practice. * * « » The education given the negro was not suited to his needs and the doc trines of social and political equality taught in some of the schools aroused the opposition of the whites. The negroes as often as the whites were cheated and blackmailed by the agents of the Bureau." Fleming Documents Relating to Reconstruction. Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-6? 27 in store for them. This feeling rendered many negroes un willing to labor. They preferred to do as little work as possible and to wait for the abasement of the whites and their own exaltation. The number of white adventurers in Virginia from 1865 to 1867 was not large. In fact, this class was never numerous in Vfrginia. From the close of the war to the passage of the Eeconstruction Acts in March, 1867, a con siderable number of white people, it is impossible to de termine how many, had come to Virginia in an unofficial capacity. Some of these had come to cast in their fortunes with the State and to assist in its development. Others had come as mere adventurers hoping to profit by the pros tration and the disorganization of society without render ing any equivalent. This last class found the negroes the readiest road to influence and to wealth. They dissemi nated amongst the credulous blacks alluring reports of what was being done for them in the North." The Union League, a secret society in the interest of the Eepublican party, was organized throughout the State in 1866.^ Its purpose was to attach the negroes firmly to "The "scalawags" and "carpetbaggers" were not so influential in 1865 and 1866 as they were after the passage of the Reconstruction Acts in March, 1867. The character and Influence of the "scalawags" and "car petbaggers" are faithfully portrayed in Thomas Nelson Page's novel, "Red Rock." lit is perhaps impossible to determine when Leagues were first organ ized in Virginia. It was probably as early as 1865. The League was gen eraUy organized throughout the State in the fall and winter of 1866 and the spring of 1867. It was organized in Ohio in 1863. After the war the League favored negro suffrage and radical measures in the South. The PhUadelphia League sent out more than 4,000,000 pamphlets in three years after the war. The publications of the League largely consisted in stories of outrages upon freedmen in the South. It sent teachers to the South and strove to promote the interests of the freedmen. The League was originaUy composed of whites. About the time the negroes were en franchised by Congressional acts negroes were admitted in large num bers. Thereupon most of the whites withdrew leaving the control of the organization to the "scalawags," "carpetbaggers" and the negro leaders. 28 Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-6? the Eepublican party and to the organizers of the League. It was made up of negroes, "scalawags" and "carpetbag gers." It had a large number of offices to which the col ored members eagerly aspired. It held nocturnal meetings in which the colored people were urged to "stand by the Union," which they understood as meaning to stand by the Eepublican party and to oppose the great mass of whites in the community. The leaders of these meetings were the negro preachers, the "scalawags" and an occasional "carpetbagger." The appointment of the Committee on Eeconstruction, the Congressional discussion of the Freed men's Bureau Bill, the Civil Eights BiU and other matters touching the negroes gave an ever-quickening interest in the political discussions of the League.^ At this time the colored clergy became in a large de gree the political leaders of their people. ^ They were sent as delegates to the numerous conventions called by the negroes or "scalawags."* They were the chief speakers on all occasions. They wrote letters to the newspapers in the State and in the North, urging their claims and declaring their grievances. They wished negroes to be admitted to Every negro was considered a member by virtue of his color. At the weekly meetings generally held in negro churches and school houses inflam matory speeches promising confiscation of property and social equality were made by white and black leaders. The Whig caUs the Leagues "only mischief hatching concerns and nuisances." This was the general opin ion of the majority of the whites. 2The facts above in regard to the object of the League, its officers and its methods were obtained from colored men who were members of the League. For Constitution and Ritual of the League, see Union League Documents, edited by W. L. Fleming, University of West Virginia. 2The great body of the negroes were unable to read the newspapers. They derived about all their information from the public speakers ; most of these orators were negro preachers. See Ruffln, The Negro as a Social and Political Factor. *In a convention of Freedmen at Alexandria, Aug. 2, 1865, the preach ers were present in great numbers. One of them said: "I look on this convention as the brains of Virginia."— The Republic, Aug. 4, 1865. Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-67 29 the State University on the same terms as whites; they in sisted on being called "Mister;" they soon declared that nothing short of absolute equality with the whites in aU things would satisfy them.^ The League, the negro preachers, and the "scalawags" had prepared the minds of the blacks for the Eeconstruction Acts of 1867. After the passage of these bills these adventurers seized control of the State for several years. The aforesaid disturbing forces and the undetermined status of the freedmen kept the negroes agitated, the labor supply uncertain, and labor contracts insecure. Conse quently the freedmen were dissatisfied and restless; indus try was languishing; vagrancy was prevalent; colored chil dren were unprovided for, many of the youth of the land were growing up in idleness and crime. CHAPTEE V. The Evolution of a System of Hired Labor. The emancipation of the slaves broke up the old indus tries in a large part of Virginia. For more than two hun dred years the people in the oldest and most populous parts of the State had been accustomed to slave labor with all its attendant cfrcumstances and consequences. Many of the people had little or no knowledge of free labor and how to deal with it. They had little hope that their former 'A convention composed of 160 negroes and 50 whites met in Rich mond April 17, 1867. One of the resolutions of this convention made great promises to poor laboring white men, in order to win their support against the "rapacious and arrogant" as they styled the whites of the State. P. 758, American Annual Cyclopaedia, 1867. 30 Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-6? slaves would serve them faithfully or efficiently for wages. It has already been shown how the negroes, excited and agitated by their sudden liberty, were leaving the old plan tation. The Freedmen's Bureau, in the spring and summer of 1865, was being organized throughout the State to look af ter the interests of the colored people. Federal soldiers were posted at all the prominent points in the State.® It was an additional source of weakness and embarrassment that the State government at Eichmond had fallen with the Confederacy in the spring of 1865. The "restored govern ment" of Virginia at Alexandria and later at Eichmond was without much respect or popular support. The county governments were therefore unable to take vigorous measures either in punishing vagrancy and crime or in re organizing the community. All initiative in restoring society to its normal estate was discouraged if net positive ly prohibited. The white people were kept in suspense in regard to the future policy of the Federal Government. The Civil Eights Bill and Negro Suffrage were beginning to be discussed by some of the leaders of Northern public opinion. The outlook was gloomy. Something had to be done at once, or famine would soon stalk through the land. The planting season was far advanced in Virginia when hostilities closed in the spring of 1865. Light crops were planted, but it seemed that it was going to be impossible to have them cultivated or harvested for lack of laborers in many parts of the State where the negroes were the chief farm hands. Many of the planters at once agreed to give the negroes board and a share in the crops that they had already helped to plant, on the condition that they continue on the farms and assist in cultivating and harvesting them. Not a few ^Soldiers were posted at ten points in May, 1866. House Document No. 130, 1st Ses. 39th Congress. Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-67 31 freedmen accepted these terms. This plan seems to have met the approbation of the most prudent of the military commanders, and orders were issued from time to time urging the planters to adopt such a policy and the negroes to accept such terms. The negroes accepting these terms left thefr old masters and homes about the middle of the winter of 1865-66, when they had received their share of the crop, which they generally felt was too small. The farmers of Virginia feared that the negroes as freedmen could never be induced to become faithful and regular laborers. In 1865 it seemed that a large number, if not nearly all of them, would soon become worthless and possibly as turbulent as the free negroes of the West Indies. In reality, emancipation was attended by less permanent idleness and disorganization of labor than was expected, because the discipline and habits of labor which slavery had taught the negro came to his relief when he later found that he had to work or starve. The climatic condi tions of Virginia rendered it impossible for them to become permanent idlers and live as they could, and probably would have lived had they been favored by a tropical climate and easy conditions of life such as Hayti affords. However that may be, when the alternative of work or starvation was squarely presented, most of them chose work.' Perhaps it is easy to exaggerate the actual disorganiza tion of labor that really did take place in 1865. The strangeness of the situation demoralized the whites quite as much as the blacks. As has already been said, the planters in a large part of the State were unfamiliar with free common labor, its dignity and its employment.^ At the same time the late slaves had much to learn of their 'Bruce's Plantation Negro as a Freeman, discusses (passim) the ef fect of emancipation on the industry of the negroes. 81t was the opinion of Col. O. Brown and other Bureau agents that this unfamiUarity with free labor greatly increased the difflcuities of 32 Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-6? true position, their rights and duties as free laborers. These conditions rendered the solution of the problems of 1865-66 still more difficult. So despondent were many in regard to the negro as a free laborer that they thought it would be necessary to call in white laborers to take his place. White immigrants were earnestly sought; immigration societies were formed throughout the State; numerous enterprises encouraging white immigration were chartered by the Legislature during the session of 1865-66;' a State Commissioner of Immigra tion was appointed. It was openly avowed that it was their purpose to induce white men to come to Virginia from England, Scotland, Germany, Poland or any other European country to take the place of th© colored laborers. This was not through any hostility to the negro as a man or as a laborer, for the Virginians have always preferred the colored laborer to any other; but it arose from a belief that the freedman could not be induced to work. In the State Farmers' Convention held in Eichmond in November, 1866, to discuss the labor situation, it was declared that it was "impracticable to depend on the present labor sup ply;" that white labor was cheaper at high wages than colored labor at lower wages. Still it was felt by the Con vention that the number of whites that could be induced to come to Virginia would be very inadequate to the demand." emancipation. See Col. Brown's report in Lynchburg Virginian, Jan. 2 1866. For opinion of the freedmen as free laborers, see Whig, Jan. 3, 1866 ; Jan. 10, 1866; Feb. 19, 1866; AprU 16, 1866; Sept. 11, 1866; Enquirer, Nov. 1, 1865; Nov. 3, 1865; Nov. 5, 1865; Nov. 17, 1865; June 33, 1866; Dispatch, July 8, 1867. General Howard expresses confidence that the negro free laborer will be successful and insists that the right of negroes to rent or buy land shaU be guaranteed to them. He also thinks that joint stock compauies to help poor blacks should be formed. Enquirer, Dec. 32, 1865. SActs 1865-66, pp. 334-236, 387, 288, 289, 290, 293, 396-298. Richmond Times, Aug. 3, 1865; Whig, Nov. 8, 1866 ; Enquirer, July 11, 1866. "Lynchburg Virginian, Nov. 34, 1866. Negroes andjiheir Treatment in Virginia, 1865-67 33 The number of white immigrants to Virginia during the period from 1865 to 1867 was inconsiderable. Most of those who did come to the State did not come as laborers but rather as capitalists or "carpetbaggers." It was clear to most people from the first that the negroes would in a large part of the iState continue to be the chief laborers for many years and that some plan of utilizing their labor had to be devised. Various plans were, during the summer of 1865, pro posed by the whites for the employment of the negroes. The Freedmen's Bureau had declined to fix a wage, but thought it best to leave the rate of wages to the law of sup ply and demand. 1 The aim of the Bureau was simply to secure freedom of contract for the freedmen and to enforce the contracts when made. One attempted solution of this question was for the farmers to hold county or district meetings to determine the rate of wages they would pay the negroes. These meetings were held in many of the counties where the negroes were numerous. The wage agreed upon was usu ally $5.00 per month and board for able-bodied men, and $3.00 per month and board for women and boys.^ The farmers, in some instances, agreed in these county meetings not to employ negroes at any price unless they were able to furnish testimonials or recommendations from their last employer, which practically meant that a negro could not find employment unless he had the endorsement of his former owner. ^ iGen. Howard's report, p. 644, Messages and Documents of U. S. Gov ernment, 1866-67. ^Richmond Times, June 15, 1865, June 80,1865; Col. O. Brown's re port, Lynchburg Virginian, Jan. 3, 1866. Pp. 517, 908, Globe, 1865-66, gives an account of a meeting of Hanover county farmers. General Young's report, p. 1158, serial No. 97, Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, also Carl Schurz's opinion, p. 1305; Globe, 1865-66; The Repub lic, May 19, 1866, June 3, 1865; Whig, Sept. 18, 1866. 3See Richmond Times, June 20, 1865, for account of such a ineeting and resolutions in Dinwiddie county. Col. Brown's report, Lynchburg Virginian, Jan. 2, 1866. 34 Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-6? Small as these wages seem, it does not appear that they were unsatisfactory to the negroes in some of the counties where they had been agreed upon. Indeed in some parts of the State the freedmen were glad enough to work for their board, at this time.* In other counties the demand for colored laborers was rather active at $12.00 per month. ^ July 24, 1865, the Franklin county farmers in a meet ing declared: "Whilst we recognize the propriety and necessity of giving employment to the negroes and of en couraging them to industry and good conduct by fair and reasonable rewards for their labor, still, in consequence of the many difficulties surrounding the subject, we deem it wholly impracticable at this time to fix any regular stand ard of wages for labor — each case must necessarily be gov erned by the circumstances attending it, and in the present unsettled and prostrated condition of the finances and busi ness of the country, laborers must be content with moderate wages or go without employment."* The small wage fund and the uncertainty of the times in many parts of Virginia in 1864 and 1866 undoubtedly rendered liberal wages impossible. Col. Brown, Assistant Commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau in Virginia, said on this subject: "Stripped to a great extent of ready resources by the operations of the war they were unable to allow those people (the negroes) their just due, much less charitable assistance.'" Elsewhere he explained the low ^Richmond Times, June 27, 1865, said such was the case in Orange, Culpeper and Fauquier counties. See Peyton's History of Augusta County, p. 240. ^In the VaUey counties the demand for laborers at $12 per month as farm hands exceeded the supply. House Document No. 120, 1st Ses. 39th Congress. ^Lynchburg Virginian, July 24, 1865. See Whig, Aug. 18, 1865, for account of such meetings. 'Lynchburg Virginian, Jan. 2, 1866; Agricultural Report, 1865-^66, pp. 135-136. Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-67 35 wages prevailing in Virginia as the result of an excessive supply of laborers with a small demand. He suggested as the only solution, the emigration of at least 50,000 negroes from the State. ^ It is asserted that the wages paid un skilled white and black laborers were practically the same at that time and the low wage paid the negroes was in no sense an effort to wrong them or to discriminate against them. Nevertheless it was generally felt by the negroes and by the Federal officers that the purpose of these county meetings was inimical to the interests of the colored laborers. The military officers generally disapproved the proceedings of these farmer meetings on the ground that "the citizens will not be permitted to band themselves together for the purpose of agreeing on any certain remun eration for the labor of the freedmen, that being in the hands of the Freedmen's Bureau — the officers of which alone wUl decide in these matters."^ It has already been mentioned that the Bureau always declined to fix a wage, but strove to secure for the contracting negro such wages as "supply and demand would insure." In one county at least a meeting of farmers, besides fixing the wage at $5.00 per month, resolved that no land should be rented to negroes." These meetings and resolu tions of the planters were regarded by many friends of the negroes as efforts to keep the colored people a landless and moneyless class whose condition was, in reality, worse than the old form of chattel slavery from which they had just emerged, while it secured to the whites the benefits of slavery without its inconveniences. It is doubtless true that a considerable number of people had consciously or 8Col. O. Brown's report for 1865, printed in Lynchburg Virginian, Jan. 2, 1866 'District Commander's General Order printed in Lynchburg Virgin ian, July 37, 1865. "Such was the case in Amherst County. Richmond Times, June IS, 1865; Col. Brown's report, Lynchburg Virginian, Jan. 2, 1866. 36 Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-6? unconsciously such an object in view. Many of the people felt that the negro was hopelessly servile by nature; that all efforts to elevate him must prove futUe. Entertaining such opinions, they were ready to assent to a system of wages that would keep him in the place in society to which he was, in their opinion, suited. Tet almost all people frankly and fully accepted the unconditional abolition of slavery and wished to devise some system of labor and contract that would secure the rights of both whites and blacks. Some of the newspapers condemned the efforts of the planters to fix wages at $5. 00 per month, declaring that such wages were not sufficient to support the laborers.^ Notwithstanding the idleness and vagrancy of the negroes during the years 1865 and 1866 it was hoped by many that they would settle down to something like their old industry when the novelty of their condition wore off and they found themselves face to face with the stern reaU- ties a free man must meet and conquer, or perish. How to put the negroes to work in this transitional period and thus prevent a great scarcity of food, if not a famine, was the question that had to be solved. Many things disinclined the negroes earnestly to go to work on the farms at their old occupations. In the minds of most of them freedom and idleness were synonymous. Labor was a badge of servitude. If they must work, they did not wish to resume their old forms of agricultural labor; they preferred light and transient jobs about the towns, and in this way eked out a wretched support.^ The army officers stationed in Virginia during thia period uniformly strove to impress the colored people with the true nature of freedom, and informed them that it iLynchburg Virginian, Dec. 30, 1865, June 13, 1865; Richmond Times, Aug. 3, May 19, 1865. 2For idleness of negroes ^nd their averyon tq farm labor, see news papers of 1865-66. Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia, 1865-67 37 would be necessary for them to work as hard, if not harder, than when they were slaves. Eepeatedly these officers issued orders urging them to find work where they were needed and not to hope vain things from freedom. They were urged to go to work on the ' 'abandoned' ' lands then in the hands of the officers of the Federal Government.^ On the peninsula between Fortress Monroe and Williams burg, it is said, sixteen thousand negroes were occupying lands that the United States Government had seized.* At various points throughout the State county farms were established for them where they were furnished food until they could raise a crop. Some of the army officers sug. gested that the army mules should be loaned or given to the negroes to enable them to go to work and support themselves. These attempts in 1865 and 1866 to find homes and employment on the "confiscated" land were frustrated by the gradual restoration of these lands to their former own ers. While they were in possession of these lands the freedmen were not very successful. The uncertainty of their tenure conduced to the failure of these settlements. The officers of the government divided some of these con fiscated lands, of which the titles had been perfected by judical process, into small lots of ten acres or less and sold them to freedmen on easy terms. But all these efforts to sSee the foUowing references in regard to the plans of the army offi cers to put the negroes to work and to settle them on the abandoned lands: Gen. Howard's report, p. 644, Messages and Documents of the U. S. Government, 1866-67; Gen. HaUeck thought the 100,000 negroes under the direction of the Federal Government in Virginia should be given the use of condemned animals to raise crops, p. 1133, serial 97, Ofiicial Records of War of RebeUion ; Gen. McKibbin's report, p. 1159, serial 97, Official Records of War of RebeUion; Gen. Hartsuff's Order, pp. 933-933, 1185, Official Records of War of Rebellion, serial 97; Messages and Documents of U. S. Government, 1868-69, pp. 508-509 ; Messages and Documents of U. S. Government, 1866-67, p. 668; Gen. HaUeck, 1396, 1005, serial 97, Official Records of War of RebeUion ; Charlottesville Chronicle, Feb. 38, 1867. »<». Bassett, J. S., Slavery in the State of North Carolina, Johns Hop kins Press. YALE UNIVERSITY a3 9D02 0 0 289 13i*b ..,/ ,r—' r-r' ¦¦ -" -¦¦ rt ^j r ^^5'''^. <\, ' ^ £p^|^ 1 -. •^"'. ' »fa A, ".S 4.. .•'- >« !¦-'¦ *.^- CW- #! >^*.'-