•YAIUE-^MVEKSITinr- • ILKBIRAISy • Gift of JOHN HOWARD WEBSTER, Y '68 1930 COMMEMORATIVE BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD OF THE COUNTIES OF Huron and Lorain, Ohio, CONTAINING Biographical BkEtchEg ol PFonjinEiit aijd I^EpFESEijtatiYE Citizerjg, aijd ol EBany ol tl?e Sarly Bsttled Fan^iliE^. lUUVSTt^RTBt). CHICAGO: J. H. BEERS & CO, 1894, BARLOW-SINCLAIR PRINTING GO, CHICAGO. SEEPAGE. THE importance of placing in book form biographical history of representative citizens — both for its immediate worth and for its value to coming generations — - is admitted by all thinking people; and within the past decade there has been a growing interest in this commendable means of perpetuating biography and family genealogy. That the public is entitled to the privileges afforded by a work of this nature needs no assertion at our hands; for one of our greatest Americans has said that the history of any country resolves itself into the biographies of its stout, earnest and representative citizens. This medium, then, serves more than a single purpose: while it perpetuates biography and family genealogy, it records history, much of which would be preserved in no other way. In presenting the Commemorative Biographical Record to its patrons, the pub lishers have to acknowledge, with gratitude, the encouragement and support their enterprise lias received, and the willing assistance rendered in enabling them to sur mount the many unforeseen obstacles to be met with in the production of a work of this character. In nearly every instance the material composing the sketches was gathered from those immediately interested, and then submitted in type- written form for correction and revision. The volume, which is one of generous amplitude, is placed in the hands of the public with the belief tbat it will be found a valuable addi tion to the library, as well as an invaluable contribution to the historical literature of northern Ohio. THE PUBLISHERS, TT^rn V^ JU HURON COUHTY, OHIO. JOHN. GARDINER, NORWALK, OHIO. [OHN GARDINER was boru September 15, 1816, at Gardiner's Point (formerly known as " Millstone Point "), New London Co., Conn., where he spent his boy hood days. He is a de scendant of Sir Thomas Gardiner, Knight, of the county of Kent, England, whose, youngest son, Jos eph Gardiner, came to this country with the early set tlers, and took up his resi dence in the colony of Rhode Island. Sir Joseph was born in the county of Kent, England, A. D. 1601, and died in Kings county, Rhode Island, in 1679, aged seventy-eight years, leaving six sons and four daughters. Beroni Gardiner, the oldest son of Jo seph, was born in Rhode Island, and died in 1731, aged one hundred and four years, leaving five sons, of whom William, the eldest, was born in 1671 and died at the homestead at Boston Neck, Rhode Island, December 14, 1732, aged sixty-one years. William Gardiner had seven children, of whom John was the eldest. John was boru in 1696, and for his first wife married a Miss Hill, and, for his second, a Miss Taylor. By his first wife, Mary Hill, he had two sons and one daughter. He died July 6, 1770, aged seventy-four years. His eldest son, Col. Thomas Gardiner, was born in 1724, and married Martha Gard ner (different family), who was a daughter of Henry Gardner, Esq., of Block Island. He died on Plum Island May 21, 1786, and was buried there. His wife was born July 20, 1731, and died at Millstone Point February 21, 1793, at the home of. her son, Benajah Gardiner. Col. Thomas Gardiner had six sons and one daughter, of whom Benajah, the second son, was born in Rhode Island March 8, 1754. Benajah married, April 10, 1783, Miss Charlotte Raymond, of Montville, Conn., born October 14, 1762, a daughter of Joshua Raymond, and who was a great- granddaughter of Elias Hyde. Benajah Gardiner, with his father, Col. Thomas Gardiner, and his wife, moved from Rhode Island to Plum Island, in the eastern part of Long Island Sound, where he remained a few years, and, after the death of his father, removed in the year 1787, with his family, to Millstone Point. Millstone Point, which is situated five HURON COUNTY, OHIO. miles west of New London, Conn., is washed by tbe waters of Long Island Sound on two sides and front, and steamers and sailing vessels continually pass each way to and from New York. The farm pur chased by Benajah Gardiner consisted of about three hundred acres of good tillable land, under a bigh state of cultivation, and the point extending into the sound contained very choice granite stone, and at the time of the purchase was considered almost worthless except as a sheep pasture, but about tbe time of his death the quarry was opened, and has now been worked for over sixty years, and but little impression has been made in the quantity of stone, which may be said to be almost inexhaus tible; the quarry affords a large annual income to Henry Gardiner, the present owner, who is a second cousin to the sub ject of this sketch, a gentleman of leisure, an artist by profession, and the only male descendant from the other branch of five sons and four daughters of Benajah Gardi ner, the original purchaser of the Gardiner homestead in Connecticut. [The name of " Millstone Point " was derived from the fact that millstones were quarried there at an early day from granite blocks, and transported to other points for grinding wheat, corn, etc., before the French Burr stones came into use, the granite being of superior quality for that purpose.] Ben ajah Gardiner, Esq., died at Millstone Point June 16, 1828, aged seventy-four years, and bis wife died at the same place April 26, 1854, aged ninety-one years. They bad five sons and four daughters, of whom Capt. Lebbeus W. Gardiner was tbe oldest. Capt. Lebbeus was born on Plum Island April 30, 1785, and married, March 31, 1813, Eunice Latimer, a daughter of Pickett Latimer, of New London, and who died September 21, 1819, aged twenty- seven years, leaving three children, viz.: Charlotte E., born February 20, 1814; John, the subject of this sketch; and Julia A., born July 28, 1819. Charlotte E. Gardiner married October 13, 1837, at Millstone Point, Jairus Kennan, Esq., an attorney at law of Norwalk, Ohio, making their residence in that city. Mr. Kennan died June 16, 1872, aged fifty-nine years; Charlotte E., his wife, died May 13, 1888, aged seventy-four years, and was buried in Woodlawn cemetery beside her husband. They had seven sons and two daughters. Julia A. in 1849 married Henry L. Kellogg, of Hartford, Conn., and died at Newington Junction, near Hartford, Feb ruary 10, 1864, leaving one son, Henry L. Kellogg, who is still living at said place. On the death of their mother, in 1819, tbe children of Capt. Lebbeus W. Gardi ner separated, John and Julia living with their grandparents at Millstone Point, and Charlotte E. with her grandparents, the Latimers, north of New London, tbe father, Capt. L. W. Gardiner, following the sea as captain of clipper schooners, which he owned at different times, sailing from New London to Baltimore, Wil mington, New Orleans and South Amer ica in the coastwise trade. _ He died at Norwalk, March 9, 1862, aged seventy-six years and ten months, and was buried in Woodlawn cemetery. As soon as Mr. Gardiner was old enough, he attended a district school at Durfee Hill, which was about a mile from his home, across lots, and which was kept about six months in tbe year, the teacher boarding around with the families who furnished the scholars. When not attend ing school he worked on the farm sum mers, going fishing occasionally with the fishermen who lived in the vicinity and made fishing their business for the sup port of their families. In 1831 Mr. Gardiner went to school at Bacon Acad emy, in Colchester, Conn., where be re mained a year, making navigation his principal study, with the intention of fol lowing the sea, as New London was at that time prosperously engaged in the whale fishery and West India trade, send ing a fleet of ships annually to the Pacific Ocean for whale oil, and to the North Sea HURON COUNTY, OHIO. for whale and seal. At Bacon Academy Mr. Gardiner formed the acquaintance of M. R. Waite, afterward chief justice of the United States; the Hon. John T. Waite, afterward member of Congress from New London; Hon. Lyman Trumbull, who was afterward a United States senator from Illinois, and Mr. Rogers, afterward com modore in the United States navy, and who were then preparing for college. In the fall of 1832 Mr. Gardiner was Eersuaded by his uncle, John M. Latimer, !sq., to visit Ohio, which in the end changed his whole course of life. About three thousand acres of land near Bellevue, in Huron county, had been given by the State of Connecticut to Pickett Latimer, the grandfather, for losses sustained by fire, when New London was burned by the British during the Revolution, which grant had already brought Pickett Latimer, an uncle, to Huron county, where he was engaged in mercantile pursuits at Nor walk. Leaving New London by steamer early in December, 1832, before the days of railroads, Mr. Gardiner journeyed west to Albany, where he took stage as far as Hamilton, N. Y., where he remained dur ing tbe winter, and attended school at Hamilton Academy. In the early spring of 1833 he left Utica by canal boat for the West. Arriving at Buffalo the last days of April, lie embarked on tbe steamer " Uncle Sam," the first boat to leave Buf falo that spring for Detroit and interme^ diate ports. At that time nearly the whole south shore of Lake Erie was skirted with primeval forests, and only occasional glimpses of light were discernible in the evening from the Jog cabins of tbe settlers along the Hue of shore, while the city of Cleveland contained only some two thou sand inhabitants, living mostly below the public square, and was without street im provements and sidewalks. Scrub oaks were then growing on the present public square, and Superior street was a sand bed. On tbe first of May the steamer arrived at the port of Huron, which was then quite a shipping point, and a hack driven by a man by tbe name of Sweat carried Mr. Gardiner to the place of his future home. Norwalk at that, time con tained about four hundred inhabitants, but not a person or animal was visible in the streets on his arrival, and the village was entirely surrounded by forests, except where the roads were cut through. Wild deer frequently crossed the road at each end of the village, and the county was dotted over witb tbe log cabins of the early settlers, while tbe roads were almost impassable during the winter and early spring. Mr. Gardiner immediately commenced clerking in the store of P. & J. M. Lati mer (who were doing a large business in general merchandise and produce, wbicb latter found a ready sale in Detroit to supply tbe early settlers of Michigan), at a salary of seventy-five dollars a year and board, which a young man of seventeen, at the present day, would think a very small compensation for his valuable services. In the spring of 1834 Mr. Gardiner was solicited to take a clerkship in tbe Bank of Norwalk, an institution which bad com menced business in 1833 with a special charter from the State of Ohio, with the Hon. Ebenezer Lane, president, who was one of the supreme judges of tbe State, and Martin Bentley, cashier. During tbe summer of 1834 the cashier died very sud denly, leaving Mr. Gardiner, then hardly eighteen years of age, in charge of the bank for nearly two months, when George Mygatt, Esq., was appointed to the va cancy. At this early day this was tbe only bank in northwestern Ohio, and its busi ness extended south to Mount Vernon. Mansfield, Marion and Bncyrus, west to Fremont, Toledo, and Perrysburgh, and north to Milan, Huron, and Sandusky, bringing Mr. Gardiner in contact and acquaintance with all the leading business men of that region of the State, who then came to Norwalk for their bank accommo dations. The bank went through success- 10 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. fully the panic of 1837, and was one of the first institutions of the kind in Ohio to re sume coin payments, after the failure of the Government deposit banks, and tbe Bank of the United States, and finally closed up, paying back nearly all its capi tal stock to its original shareholders, and selling its franchise to Burr Higgins and bis associates. In 1835 and 1836 emigration was push ing itself west by every leading road, and long lines of emigrant wagons were daily passing westward, the occupants in pur suit of new homes, and tbe western land fever had seized upon nearly all classes of citizens. Mr. Gardiner, not yet of age, proceeded to tbe western counties of Ohio, and the eastern counties of Indiana, on horseback, over muddy roads and trails through tbe forest, aud purchased some tracts of Government land. But as tbe panic came upon the country in 1837, sweeping all speculation before it, pros trating banks and business men, it took over fifteen years for Mr. Gardiner to close out bis investment in land, and then without much profit, after paying taxes and interest. The whole western country after tbe collapse of 1837 was land-poor. Mr. Gardiner, baviug finally been ap pointed cashier of the bank, with John R. Finn, president, and tbe bank, owing to adverse legislation, about closing its busi ness, resigned the office of cashier in Sep tember, 1840, and commenced the business of merchandising at No. 1, Brick Block, keeping a general stock of merchandise, and dealing very largely in produce; so much so that bis combined business in 1844 had reached over one hundred thou sand dollars per annum. In the spring of 1845 Mr. Gardiner took into business with him Richard D. Joslin, his brother-in-law, and leaving him in charge of the business went to New York, with the intention of engaging in the wholesale dry-goods trade the following January. But alter spend ing the summer in the city with a dry- goods firm, and not being satisfied with the prospects of the trade, he returned to Norwalk in November, and continued the mercantile business with his partner until the spring of 1847, when he disposed of his interest to Mr. Joslin, and witb some friends established the Norwalk Branch of tbe State Bank of Ohio, with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars, afterward increased to one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. This bauk commenced business in May, 1847, with Mr. Gardiner as cashier and manager, and for eighteen years did a prosperous and successful business, and notwithstanding large losses consequent upon the panic of 1856, and failure of the Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company, the bank's New York agent and depository, and tbe general sus pension of tbe banks in the United States, tbe bank closed up its business in 1865, returning its capital to its shareholders, after having paid in dividends over two hundred and twenty-eight thousand dollars. In March, 1865, Mr. Gardiner with some other friends organized the Norwalk National Bank, with a capital of one hun dred thousand dollars, wbicb succeeded to the business of tbe Norwalk Branch of the State Bauk, and has np to this period (1893) done a successful business with Mr. Gardiner, president, and Charles W. Millen, cashier, having paid in dividends two hundred and fifty-one thousand dollars, and having over forty thousand dollars of undivided profits on band. Mr. Gardiner, in 1847, was elected a member of the board of control of the State Bank of Ohio, that distinguished body consisting of some of the most prominent lawyers, bankers and business men in the State, and contin ued a member thereof until 1865, when the State Bank finally closed its business and was superseded by the national banks. While banking has been Mr. Gardiner's principal occupation, and in which be has been actively engaged for over half a cen tury, probably longer than any other man now actively engaged in the business in the State, he has not omitted other enter- HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 11 prises connected witb the improvement and development of tbe country. He was. one of the first to move in obtaining the charter of the Toledo, Norwalk & Cleveland Railroad Company, granted by the Legislature in 1850, and was one of the original incorporators of the com pany. After the road was constructed and in operation, it was, in 1853, con solidated with the Junction Railroad Company, forming the Cleveland & Toledo Railroad Company, of which company Mr. Gardiner was elected a director in 1856, and president in No vember, 1860. At this latter date the company was carrying a large floating debt, and its securities were very inucli depressed ; so much so that its stock was selling at twenty cents on the dollar. But under Mr. Gardiner's supervision, and con sequent upon the war and the large issue of paper money by the Government, and large increase of business, the floating debt was paid off, dividends resumed, tbe earnings of the company more than doubled, and tbe stock advanced in the market to one hundred and fifty cents on the dollar. In 1865, the capital stock hav ing changed hands, Mr. Gardiner was su perseded in tbe presidency, though he remained a director until the road was con solidated in 1869 with the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway Company. The Sandusky, Mansfield & Newark Rail road was one of the first roads of which construction was commenced in the State, and was intended for the transfer of pas sengers and freight to and from the inte rior towus, in connection with the lake, and struggled through financial difficulties un til 1863, when Charles L. Boalt, Esq., was elected president, and Mr. Gardiner one of its directors. They proceeded to form a line for traffic from Sandusky to Balti more and Washington" by tbe Central Ohio and the Baltimore & Ohio Railroads, which arrangement met with such success that they were enabled, in 1869, to lease the Sandusky, Mansfield & Newark Rail road to the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, since which time it has done a successful business as a part of the Balti more & Ohio line to the lake at Sandusky, and to Chicago, in connection with its Chicago division. On the death of C. L. Boalt, Esq., in 1870, Mr. Gardiner was elected president of the Sandusky, Mans field & Newark Railroad Company, and is still its president, having served in tbat capacity for twenty-three years. Mr. Gardiner, in 1863, was elected a di rector of the Columbus & Indianapolis Railroad Company, which road was in tended, when completed, to form a line between Columbus, Ohio, and Indianapo lis, Ind., and after being completed and consolidating with various lines, finally embraced about 600 miles of road under the name of tbe Columbus, Chicago & In diana Central Railway Company. In the winter of 1868 Mr. Gardiner and ex- Governor William Dennison, witb the president, B. E. Smith, were appointed a committee to negotiate a lease of the road to tbe Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis Railroad Company and the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, which lease, after much negotiating, was made on the 22d day of January, 1869, and duly ratified by the companies; though it was amended one year after, it was continued until finally a consolidation of the lines west of Pitts burgh was effected, and it is now operated as one line. In Mr. Gardiner's railroad connections he became acquainted with most of the leading railroad magnates of the day — including Commodore Vander bilt, of the New York Central; J. Edgar Thompson and Thomas A. Scott, of the Pennsylvania Central, and John W. Gar rett, of tbe Baltimore & Ohio Railroad — for many of whom be still entertains a high appreciation for their energy and great ability in managing the large enter prises committed to their charge. In 1879 Mr. Gardiner purchased at Sheriff's sale the XX Furnace property in Perry county, Ohio, comprising about 12 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 800 acres of coal land and a blast furnace, and organized tbe Shawnee & Sandusky Coal and Iron Company, associating with himself Mr. Francis Palms, of Detroit, and A. H. and J. O. Moss, of Sandusky. Mr. Gardiner was president of the com pany. The Furnace commenced making pig iron in the spring of 1880, but as iron ruled low in price, and the business did not prove as profitable as was anticipated, in July, 1881, Mr. Gardiner sold tbe prop erty to a Boston syndicate at a good profit, and closed up the concern. In 1886 Mr. Gardiner erected in Norwalk the "Gardi ner Block," a building one hundred feet square, with a front of cut stone and pressed brick, three stories high, with four stores on the ground floor, offices in the second story and a large Music Hall in the third. The Music Hall is equipped witb a stage and fine scenery, is seated with opera chairs, and is handsomely fres coed and fitted up as a place of amuse ment and recreation, more, as Mr. Gardi ner intended, for tbe gratification of the people of Norwalk than for profit to him self. Mr. Gardiner's business enterprises have generally been successful, particularly wben under bis own personal management and direction. By industry, integrity and perseverance he has accumulated a hand some fortune, and is one of the largest land owners in Huron county, having four farms under good cultivation and embrac ing about fourteen hundred acres of land. Mr. Gardiner was married at Norwalk, Ohio, on the 31st day of July, 1843, to Miss Frances Mary Joslin, who was born at Troy, N. Y., on the 13th day of Au gust, 1817. She was the daughter of Dr. Benjamin A. and Frances C. (Davis) Jos lin, the latter of whom was a daughter of Richard Davis, Jr. Mary Geer, the great-grandmother of Francis C. Davis, was one of the settlers at Wyoming, Penn., and escaped from the massacre, July 3, 1776, by secreting herself and children in tbe woods, while her house was burned and her husband killed by savages; and after tbe massacre she made her way through the woods to Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Four children were tbe offspring of Mr. Gardiner's marriage, viz.: Edmund G. Gardiner, born August 23, 1844; John Gardiner, Jr., born February 28, 1847; Lucy Jane Gardiner, born June 4, 1848, and died April 12, 1854, and William L. Gardiner, born June 24, 1857. Of these Edmund G. Gardiner married Miss Susie J. Barnes, at Norwalk, June 13, 1872, and has four children: Charles Barnes Gard iner, born December 26, 1874; Frances Mary Gardiner, born October 27, 1879; Annie Helene Gardiner, born May 11, 1885, and Lucy Agnes Gardiner, born September 17, 1886. John Gardiner, Jr., married Miss Louise Woodward, of Belle vue, Huron Co., Ohio, October 3, 1877, and has three children: Amos W. Gard iner, born at Bellevue September 12, 1879, John Joslin Gardiner, born at Norwalk, Ohio, September 12, 1881, and Douglas Latimer Gardiner, born at Norwalk, De cember 28, 1887. William L. Gardiner married Miss Sarah Alice Altbouse in New York, February 4, 1880, and has no children living. The Gardiner mansion on West Main street, in Norwalk, was purchased by Mr. Gardiner in 1848, and was occupied by his family March 20 of that year. He has added to the buildings from time to time, and increased tbe quan tity of land, until he now owns a farm of 160 acres, almost wholly within the cor porate limits of the city. During nearly half a century that Mr. Gardiner has occupied his home, a gener ous hospitality has always been extended to his friends, and all made welcome by his genial wife, and during this period many distinguished statesmen bave en joyed tbeir hospitality, amongst whom he mentions, with great pleasure, the Hon. John Sherman," senator of the United States from Ohio, and Secretary of the Treasury during Mr. Hayes' administra tion; Hon. Salmon P. Chase, Governor of Ohio, Secretary of the Treasury duriug HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 13 Mr. Lincoln's administration, and Chief Justice of the United States; Hon. James G. Blaine, M. C, United States senator, and Secretary of State under President Harrison; Hon. Rutherford B. Hayes, Governor of Ohio, and President of the United States; Hon. James A. Garfield, M. C, and President of the United States; Hon. M. R. Waite, Chief Justice of the United States; Hon. Charles Foster, Gov ernor of Ohio, Member of Congress, and Secretary of the Treasury urider President Harrison; besides many other public men of the Republican party, in whose successful career and devotion to the interests of the country Mr. Gardiner has always felt a just pride. Politically, he was an original Henry Clay Whig, but when the Whig party merged into the Republican Mr. Gardiner went witb his party, has always remained a Republican, and contributed with his influence and means to its suc cess, but without ever seeking an office, or soliciting the votes of his friends or party for political preferment or position. He was elected a trustee of the City Water Works in 1870, and remained a trustee for three years, during the construction of the works, and contributed to their success by advancing the city means until it could dispose of its bonds on favorable terms. Mr. Gardiner also served on the board of education of the city some fourteen years, during which time the schools reached a high state of proficiency. For many years Mr. Gardiner has been a vestryman in St. Paul's Episcopal Church, of which his wife has been a lifelong member, though he has only belonged to the paying side, and this church seems better adapted to his liberal views of church matters than any other denomination. Self-reliance is one of the strong char acteristics of Mr. Gardiner, and in his business enterprises he has always relied upon his own judgment for results rather than upon the opinion and advice of others; and when his opinion has been once formed, be is never afraid to express it, without waiting for the views of others. Mr. Gardiner has lived in Norwalk sixty years, during which time he has ap plied himself to business pursuits, without wavering or faltering in bis onward course, or ever failing to discharge his pe cuniary obligations, and without a blemish on his business character or integrity, and during which time great changes have taken place. The early pioneers of the county, men of sterling integrity, with nearly all of whom be was acquainted, have gone to tbeir long homes, having stamped their principles of industry, in tegrity and perseverance upon their chil dren and successors. The business and leading men of that day are nearly all dead, but bave left behind pleasant recol lections of their honesty and fair dealing in tbeir business transactions. The log cabins of the early settlers, in whose homes all received a hearty welcome, have disap peared from the country, and good farm bouses have taken their places, occupied by as thrifty and intelligent a class of peo ple as are to be found in any other section of the United States. Mr. Gardiner grate fully remembers many acts of kindness of these early settlers and friends, who oc cupied positions which enabled them to assist him in his early business career, and who were ever ready to lend him aid in. carrying forward his business enterprises, and to whose geuerous support, friendship and assistance he attributes much of bis ultimate success. TIMOTHY R. STRONG, a leading. criminal lawyer of Norwalk, pos sesses a strong individuality which has proved most effective in hispro fession. He was born April 7, 1817, in Cayuga county, N. Y., a son of William and Lura Strong, and received his education at a seminary in Onondaga county and at Fredonia Academy, Chau tauqua county, same State. After reading law for some time he was admitted to the bar in 1843, and began a 14 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. general practice at Norwalk, Ohio. He has conducted many extensive and difficult cases of a civil nature, but is especially emi nent in criminal law. Possessing an in exhaustible fund of dry bumor and keen sarcasm, combined with a wonderful power of moving his audience at will, to laughter or tears, he is in great request as a pleader. He is undeniably the shrewdest and most vivacious lawyer of the Norwalk bar, hav ing won success by native acumen, inde fatigable application and characteristic genius. Mr. Strong was married April 3, 1845, to Ann Eliza Smith, a native of Tompkins county, N. Y., whose parents were born and married in Albany, N. Y., and to this union four children bave been born as fol lows: William H., a railroad man; Clara, wife of Dr. D. I. McGuire, Alice, and Charlotte. Mr. Strong in his political predilections is a stanch Republican. TlUDGE FREDERICK WICKHAM, k. I Norwalk, one of the editors and pro- \J) prietors of the Norwalk Reflector, may be classed as one of tbe oldest newspaper men in the State in active life, and is to be found at bis desk and at tbe case daily. He was born in New York City, March 11, 1812, a son of William and Catharine (Christian) Wickham, of English descent. In tbe veins of the Wickbam family is mingled the blood of the Wintbrops, Wantons and Saltonstalls, some of the illustrious of the New Englanders of Co lonial times. William Wickham, above named, was tbe son of Thomas Wickham, whose wife was Elizabeth Wanton. Will iam was born in Newport, R. I., in 1778, and being of a race of adventurous sea men he was before the mast in 1796, at the age of eighteen. In the year 1800 be sailed from Philadelphia as master of a ship; at one time he was on board a gov ernment vessel, and late in life he received a land warrant for bis services, which he located on land in Kansas. At one time be was a prosperous West India merchant, of the firm of William & Thomas Wick ham, of New York, engaged in the India trade, and gathered great wealth for those days. Wben the embargo was laid, tbey had ships loaded witb molasses, either in Havana or on tbe way home, which were seized, and ships and cargoes confiscated. His fortune wrecked, he was persuaded to go West, in tbe hope of retrieving a por tion of it. Gathering up the remnants, witb his family he went to western New York, and stopped at Great Sodus, on Lake Ontario, now in Wayne county, and which was then tbe most promising point on the southern shores of the lake. Soon after he had settled there, in 1812, the war of that year having broken out, the Euglish landed a force and burned his store and residence, with all outbuildings. Again everything he had in the world was de stroyed, and becoming advanced in life be was left to his fate. To the shame of our Government, that boasts the largest pen sion roll the world ever saw, it has persist ently refused to recompense this old-time patriot. William Wickham married Catharine, daughter of Frederick and Elizabeth (Hodgkinson) Christian. Her ancestors were from Scotland, the name being orig inally Erskine, changed to Hodgkinson, and of this family was the Earl of Mar. William and Catharine Wickbam bad seven children: Elizabeth (Mrs. Alden S. Baker), John, William, Thomas, Samuel Cbristian, Frederick (subject) and Samuel. The Wanton family are pretty well written of in Dean's "History of Scituate," published in 1831. Further particulars are gained from a manuscript book in the possession of Judge Wickham, which was examined by tbe writer. Edward Wanton, gentleman, as the records show, was in Boston in 1658, having come from London, where, so tradition informs us, bis father died of injuries received at the great London fire. Edward Wanton be- St ' /tilsl^C—* HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 17 came an officer in Massachusetts, and had to witness the execution of tbe Quakers in 1661, and the horrors of the persecutions made a Quaker of him. Of the sons of Edward Wanton were William and John. William Wanton married Ruth Bryant; became a distinguished soldier, and was elected governor of Rhode Island in 1732, re-elected in 1733, and died at tbe end of his term of office. His successor in the gubernatorial chair was his brother, John, elected in 1734, and re-elected six times. In 1769, Joseph Wanton, son of William, was elected governor; he was re-elected seven times. Governor Joseph Wanton married Mary, daughter of Gov. John Winthrop. His daughter, Anne, married Winthrop Saltonstall; his daughter Eliza beth married Thomas Wickham. Another daughter married William Browne, gov ernor of the Bermudas. This is a record for a family furnishing governors, and their frequent elections, that is unparalleled in our history. Frederick Wickbam, when a boy, pur sued a variety of occupations, clerking in stores and working on a farm in Wayne county, N. Y., wbither bis parents moved from New York City. At the age of twenty-one be associated himself with a brother who had a stock of goods in a store in New York, and came to Ohio, locating in Norwalk, Huron county. Here they opened out a commercial business, and about a year afterward Frederick went on the lakes in the capacity of second mate from which he was soon promoted to mas ter, tbe brother taking charge of the busi ness dnriog bis absence. Meanwhile our subject was married, January 15, 1835, to Miss Lucy Bancroft Preston, a native of Nashua, N. H., born March 27, 1814. Sbe is a daughter of Samuel Preston, one of the originators and proprietors of the Huron Reflector, published at Norwalk; and he concluded, being so prevailed on by his young wife, to abandon his roving sort of life on the lakes, and settle down to one of comparative domesticity. About the winter of 1840-41 Mr. Wickbam en tered the office of the Reflector, then owned by Samuel and Charles A. Preston, his father-in-law and brother-in-law, re spectively, and here be has ever since re mained, rising step by step from "devil" to editor and proprietor, having on the death of his father-in-law in 1852 bought the establishment. The style of the paper has been changed to Norwalk Reflector, and in recent years a regular daily issue has been published from the office, entitled Norwalk Daily Reflector. The judge now (as be has for years) sits at bis case, and, without any previous writing or preparation, sets up from a column to a column and a half of editorial matter for his paper, a feat which but few men are capable of performing, and a most remarkable one for a person who has reached and passed the advanced age of four score years. His brain is as active as it ever has been, and his physical con dition as strong and vigorous as with most men at sixty. During all these years of his useful life in Norwalk, Judge Wick bam bas been universally honored and re spected. All his life he has been an indefatigable worker, both in his business and in the political arena, and in all bis dealings with bis fellow-men he has main tained the strictest integrity, and has been the soul of honor. As a Whig and Republican the Judge has been a leader and a worker in his own party, no one having done more hard and constant labor for the success of bis party principles than he. During bis residence in Norwalk he has held with characteristic care and ability several public positions of trust and honor. He was first elected town constable of Norwalk and village re corder; served as deputy sheriff of the county two terms; was appointed associate judge of the common pleas court, and served to the entire satisfaction of the peo ple. In the latter years of the Civil war he represented bis District in the Ohio Senate A few years ago, after he was 18 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. seventy years of age, he was elected mayor of Norwalk, and made so good an officer that be had to peremptorily decline a re- nomination. Judge and Mrs. Wickham have had thirteen children, forty grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren, all living but six who died in their infancy. Their twelve living children are as follows: Charles Preston Wickham, ex -judge of the common pleas court and ex-Congress man; Katherine (widow of Thomas Chris tian); W. S. Wickham; Frederick C. and John T., twins (the latter deceased); Mary E. (wife of Lieut.-Col. E. R. Kellogg, of U. S. A.); Sarah L.; Lucy P. (Mrs. A. J. Minard); Albert W.; Carrie (Mrs. James G. Gibbs); Emma W. Peters; Jessie (Mrs. C. L. Merry), and Frank D. Wickham. The family is tbe largest and one of the oldest in the city. Mrs. Frederick Wick ham, beloved, honored and respected, has lived in Norwalk seventy-two years; and, from a wilderness inhabited and trodden by savages and but a few white men, has seen the place grow into a handsome and thriving city of nearly ten thousand souls. It LONZO L. SIMMONS, one of the l\ wealthiest as well as one of the T__\ most highly respected citizens of Fairfield township, is a great-grand son of Edward Simmons, who was a miller in Reboboth, Bristol Co., Mass. He was a soldier iu the Revolutionary war, serving as captain in the Continental line of Massachusetts until the final vic tory at Yorktown insured both peace and liberty to the Colonists. Returning with the honors of a veteran, he found that the enemy had destroyed his mill and home; but unmindful of the financial loss, he again went bravely to work, and reared his family in comfort. Of his children, Ed ward settled in New Hampshire and be came a Judge; Noble was a blacksmith and settled in New York State, where he died; Eliphalet B. is referred to below; William died in Massachusetts: Eliphalet B. Simmons was born in 1773 in Bristol county, Mass., and passed his youth and early manhood there. In 1804 be moved to Delaware county, N. Y., where for thirteen years he carried on the lumber business with quite a degree of success. During his residence here he married Esther, daughter of Capt. Charles Brown, of New London, Conn. In 1817 be started for the "Firelands" of Ohio, making the journey to Huron county by wagon, and arriving July 12. He pur chased land in the second section of Green field township, and took up his residence on Lot No. 22, where his grandson, John N. Simmons, now resides, and became a pioneer in the wilderness. He was a man of great industry, coupled with honesty of purpose, and good practical judgment, and eventually acquired a large property. His selections of real estate made in that early day in Greenfield and Fairfield townships have stood the tests of time, and stand ap proved as the best individual farms to this day. He was twice married, and had a family of four children, viz.: Harlon E., Charles B., Albert and Washington L. Eliphalet B. Simmons died at his home in Greenfield January 26, 1836, in the sixty- third year of his age. In politics he was a Democrat, and took an active interest in party matters. In religion he was a Bap tist. Of his children two are still living, viz.: Charles B., at North Fairfield, Ohio, and Washington L., a resident of Kansas. Harlon E., son of Eliphalet B. Simmons, was born December 14, 1798, in Reho- both, Bristol Co., Mass. His youth was passed there, and like most boys of that period his time was divided between school and farm; for youths then were treated mostly to one-third school and two-thirds farm. At the age of twenty-one years he determined to make a home for himself in the then far-away West, and as bis father and the balance of the family had migrated to the " Firelands " in Obio some two HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 19 years previous, that locality at once became his objective point. Thus in October, 1819, with the accumulations of eight years work by the month, one horse aud an open wagon, he started from Massachusetts alone to make the journey, arriving at his father's residence in Greenfield township in December following, thus making tbe trip in about six weeks. He purchased land adjacent to his father's home, and located on Lot No. 21, and in time added Lots Nos. 17 and 20, and parts of Lots Nos. 16 and 28 to the home farm. In 1827 he returned to Massachusetts, and on July 17 was united in marriage with Ann lde, daughter of Joseph lde, of Attleboro, Bristol county, and she accompanied him to their new home in Ohio. To this union six children were born, viz.: Rufus A., Abby N., L. Curtis, Alonzo L., Emily and Ann, of whom Rufus A., Emily and Ann are deceased; Abby N., now wife of G. T. Stewart, resides at Norwalk, Ohio; L. Cur tis, at Hastings, Minn.; Alonzo L., at North Fairfield, Ohio. Mr. Simmons came to the " Firelands " as a pioneer, and brought, as did many of those early settlers, sterling qualities, and with the helpfulness of wife and family a beautiful home was developed on what was in 1819 a wilderness, in which he lived about fifty- five years, and where he died March 21, 1875, aged seventy-seven years. Had his life been spared a few months he would have reached the forty-eighth mile post in wedded life. He was universally esteemed for his integrity of character, and virtues, in all the relations of life. In business he was successful, and as his children settled in life be was able to present each with a purse of four thousand five hundred dollars without encumbering the home. We are told that the first singing school, as well as choir, in the township, was organized under his leadership, and in after years the home life was full of music, containing as it did a quartet of both instrumental and vocal (members of the family), and led by him. From the discourse of Doctor H. L. Canfield at his funeral we quote the fol lowing appropriate tribute to his memory: " For more than fifty-five years he lived in this township, and you who have known bim best know how much his strong arm and tireless industry have done toward the removal of the primitive forests, and the development of the material prosperity of this region. But never in his devotion to material things did he forget the higher interests of life. Whatever tended to pro mote moral or intellectual culture, or social reform, found in him a warm friend and ready helper. He was always to be found on the side of whatsoever things were true and honest; whatsoever things were just and pure; whatsoever things were lovely and of good report. Well may the thread of such a life run evenly, and hope be its constant inspiration." In poli tics Mr. Simmons was in early life a Jack- sonian Democrat, but in 1856 swung into the Republican ranks, and kept pace with its progressive movements. The companion that had left her New England home and friends some fifty years before, and added her efforts to his in building this earthly home, survived him a little over two years, and on May 30, 1877, she, as we trust, again joined him and the multitudes that have gone before, to again add her efforts to theirs in the work beyond. As regards religious views we may as well speak in the plural, as their hopes were practically the same. They cherished the broader views, ever believ ing that to be a Christian was to become Christ-like. That a true religion is always a practical religion, and shows itself in all that its possessor does. Alonzo L. Simmons, youngest son of Harlon E. and Ann I. Simmons, was born in Greenfield township, December 6, 1835, and like most boys of his time, whose lives as men have been helpful in the community in which they have lived; helpful in creating higher public senti ment; helpful that they have made tbe community in which they have lived the 20 HURON COU&TY, OHIO. better for their having lived, his youth like theirs was passed on the farm, guided by good parental care, with plenty of work to teach the important lessons of care tak ing in early life, relieved in winter by a term at the district school. Thus the routine went on, varied by one term in graded school at North Fairfield, and one at the high school at Norwalk. In 1854 he changed from attendant to teacher, and the new order continued some seven winters, first in the district and later in the graded schools. In the spring of 1855 his father placed bim in charge of an out lying farm of 160 acres, which position he filled until the spring of 1859, when, by request of his parents, he returned to the home farm, and bought 200 acres of the same, receiving a receipt for four thousand five hundred dollars in part payment. The house on the home farm was destroyed by fire in March, 1858, and no permanent one rebuilt until the summer of 1861, when a large double brick residence was constructed by the joint efforts of his par ents and himself. On April 24, 1862, Mr. Simmons was united in marriage with Elizabeth M., daughter of John E. and Lydia F. Menges, then residents of Greenfield, and in due time the double residence had double occu pants; and thus the two families dwelt peacefully side by side until the Reaper came in 1875 and called the father home. In 1871 Mr. Simmons bought an inter est in the Phoenix mill, became interested in that business, and still retains his inter est in it. After the father's death he bought his mother's and two brothers' interests in the old home, and at that time, without doubt, expected to pass the balance of his life there, amidst its familiar scenes. But in the spring of 1883, begin ning to realize that so large a farm home must in time become burdensome to him self as well as Mrs. Simmons (they two comprising his family), and having an available opportunity to sell the home, wisely as it would seem, did so, and re purchased another equally pleasant, though smaller, near the village of North Fair field, where they now reside. Mr. Sim mons was one of the incorporators of the Norwalk Savings Bank, and is a stock- holder and member of its board of direct ors. His life work, however, has been that of a practical farmer, one who has found pleasure in the performance of his labor, and in leading a wholesome, inde pendent life. Ever holding to the theory that whatsoever is worth doing at all is worth doing well, he has aimed to put its principle into practical effect, and in a broad sense has carried out this principle; and as a result, success, not only in ma terial things but in the higher walks of life as well, has crowned his efforts. Suc cess comes to no one by the mere revolu tion of the wheel of fortune; to be obtained it must be coveted, striven for, and won. None may wear her laurels save those who have a strong earnest desire. But desire alone will never win; an aim that is high and honorable, a will and purpose that are unbending, an uncompromising integrity with untiring industry and economy — these with other characteristics must unite with desire to win the trophies of success. Mr. Simmons is regarded as one of the substantially worthy men of his section, kind to all, generous to those in need, and honorable in all things; a man of strong convictions of right and wrong, and fear less to speak or act his convictions when duty requires. In politics he is a Re publican, coming upon the stage of action as he did when bleeding Kansas was the bone of contention between the then two leading parties, he cast his lot in the ranks of that party, and has ever been loyal to its principles. Any account of Mr. Simmons' life to those who have known him so long and heard him so oft, would be incomplete, if its musical features were omitted. Like the father, his home life has always found relief from its routine of duties in litera ture and music, and for upwards of forty HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 21 years his voice has been heard in song at the majority of the social, festival, church and funeral gatherings in bis locality. 'HARLES B. STICKNEY was born at Moira, Franklin Co., N. Y., Jan uary 20, 1810, the eldest of twelve children — six sons and six daughters — of Charles and Betsey Stickney. Capt. Charles Stickney, father of sub ject, was boru at Cornwall, Addison Co., Yt., May 17, 1785, and bis mother, whose maiden name was Pierce, at New Salem, Franklin Co., Mass., April 11, 1790. They were married in the town of Dickin son, Franklin Co., N. Y., April 11, 1809. Both are now dead. They were of English descent. His father's earliest ancestor in America was William Stickney, who came to this country in 1637 from Hull, Yorkshire, England, and settled with his family at Rowley, Mass. From him it is believed that all bearing the name of Stickney in America are descended. Mr. Stickney's early years were required by his father on his farm, where he re mained until his twenty-first year, en gaged in hard work, and receiving only a district-school education, when he was given his time, five dollars and fifty cents in money, and the blessing of his kind parents with which he started forth to seek his fortune. He entered the academy at Potsdam, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., then in charge of Rev. Asa Brainard, and here he remained nearly four years, supporting himself in the meantime by teaching school winters. His health having become impaired from close application, he reluctantly left the academy and came to Ohio. He reached Ashtabula county, where he was taken sick at the house of his maternal uncle, Jesse Pierce, in the town of Saybrook, his sickness continuing for nearly six months. Recovering his health somewhat, he adopted the teaching of penmanship as a means of livelihood, and taught in differ ent places in western Pennsylvania, Vir ginia, and southern Ohio. On his arriving at Wheeling, W. Va., in 1835, Judge Stickney was by its directors elected principal of an academy there, conducted on the Pestolozian system of education, which he managed with credit to himself, and to the approval of its patrons for about two years. In 1841 he visited his brother, Hon. E. T. Stickney, at Scipio, Seneca Co., Ohio, and meeting with a former fellow- student of Potsdam Academy, the late Jairus Kennan, Esq., who was then practicing law at Norwalk, he was induced to enter his office, and commence the study of law. He arrived at Norwalk November 13, 1841, and pursued his studies with Mr. Kennan ; was admitted to the bar August 1, 1844, and subsequently to practice in the Federal courts, at Cleveland, April 12, 1860. During his term of study he was associated with the late Ezra M. Stone in the preparation of a large number of cases in bankruptcy, under the then exist ing bankrupt law of the United States. After he commenced practice he was sev eral times a candidate for prosecuting attorney, always running ahead of his ticket, but not being able to overcome thev party odds against him. The new consti tution of Ohio created the Court of Pro bate, and upon its going into operation, in 1851, Mr. Stickney was nominated on the Democratic ticket for the new office of judge of said court, and was elected over his competitor, Hon. F. Wickbam, by thirty-one majority, having run ahead of his ticket about five hundred votes. He performed the duties of his office faith fully and satisfactorily to all for the term of three years, and was again nominated in 1854. The newly-formed Republican and Know-Nothing parties swept the field, the general majority of the party in Huron county being about sixteen hun dred, but the majority for his competitor, Hon. F. Sears, was cut down to about 22 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. eight hundred. Mr. Stickney has served several terms as a member of the common council, and in April, 1874, was elected mayor of Norwalk, in which office be served two years, being an acceptable and popular officer. He was for several years school examiner for Huron county, and a member of the board of education of the Union school for four years, during which time he was clerk of the board. He has at all times taken a deep interest in edu cational matters. He is also a member of the Whittlesey Academy of Arts and Sciences, of which he has been president. On April 30. 1845, be became a mem ber, by initiation, of Huron Lodge No. 37, I. O. 0. F., and has been a prominent and respected member of the Order, hold ing many of its important offices. On February 20, 1856, he was elected most worthy grand master of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, serving one term with distin guished ability. For his faithful and efficient services in this office he received from the Grand Lodge its beautiful and costly medal. In 1858 Judge Stickney was appointed assistant adjutant-general, with the rank of Lieutenant-colonel, on the staff of Maj.- Gen. James A. Jones, Seventeenth Divi sion Ohio Volunteer Militia, and was com missioned by Gov. Chase. He also acted as Inspector-general of Division. On coming to Norwalk he became a boarder at the "Mansion House," then kept by Obadiah Jenney, Esq., and, to the surprise of all, has remained unmarried, and a constant boarder at public hotels there now over fifty-two years. Though not a communicant, the Judge has long been an attendant at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Norwalk, and has served several years as vestryman and clerk of the vestry, yet charitable and liberal in his religious views toward all church organizations. Judge Stickney has always had an ex tensive law practice, and been especially successful as a collection lawyer, aud, in the settlement of estates and matters of guardianship, he has been, through his professional life, regarded as an upright man. He is a gentleman of taste and culture, kind and benevolent, esteemed by all who know him, and is an eminently popular member of society. He is now one of the oldest residents of Norwalk. His name is a household oracle here. He is perhaps the only living man in northern Ohio who has shaken hands with Daniel Webster, Henry Clay and Andrew Jack son. He is as already stated still a bache lor, and in spite of his age feels young. Of him the Norwalk Reflector of March 2, 1892, said: " What an interesting tale could be written of Judge Stickney's social life in this city. His name and face are indelibly and pleasantly connected with all our homes where sociability and good cheer abound. The genial Judge is a necessary part of all the social gatherings iu our city, and he is as young and frisky as ever. Long live the Judge!" OLIVER RANSOM was born at Lyme, Conn., November 3, 1800, or near the close of the eighteenth century. He grew to manhood in his native place, and at the age of nineteen wedded Rachel Hollister, who was fifteen years of age at the time. They commenced housekeeping at Bolton, Conn., the bride's home, and here two of their children were born. In 1822 the still youthful couple pio neered westward, and fixed their wilderness home at Warrensville, Ohio, a little east of Cleveland. They made the trip in a lumber-wagon with oxen, and were forty days on the lonesome way; bivouacking after their arrival until he could build their little pole cabin. Here the last seven of their children were born. When their labors had opened a fine farm of 400 acres, the American spirit that ever has carried the star of empire westward induced them to sell, and go to Elkhart, Ind., where they HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 23 made investments that would have soon made them wealthy. Mr. Ransom's health, however, became so seriously impaired, that they felt it imperative to sell at a sacrifice and return; and they purchased a farm near Berlin Heights, in Erie county. Except the three years in Indiana, Mr. and Mrs. Ransom lived on their farm at Warrensville thirty-two years, and at Ber lin Heights twenty-one years. In the year 1877, both feeling that their business af fairs were such they could well afford to retire from the peaceful pursuits of agri cultural life, they came to Norwalk and purchased their pleasant residence on Whittlesey avenue, which has since been the family home. They parted with the title of their fine farm of 400 acres in Ber lin Heights, one of the best improved in the county. Mr. Ransom had then reached the age of seventy-seven, while Mrs. Ran som was seventy-three; neither one in the "sere and yellow leaf," but rather in the serene afternoon of tbeir days, when was numbered fifty-eight years of their mar ried life, both blessing and being blessed. This family brought to Norwalk the frank and sincere friendship of a host of friends; and not only found in their new place of residence a comfortable home, but drew new friends, new circles of pleasant asso ciations, and new ties of life such as only reward the broad and generous natures of those who make this world both good and wholesome. Mr. Ransom departed this life March 3, 1891, at the unusual age of nearly ninety-one years; which year was the seventy-second mile post of their mar ried life. Suppose the youthful couple, when they plighted their lives on the mar riage altar, had been permitted a perspec tive view of the seventy-two years that at that moment was opening before them! A span of life so rich in the world's history, so infinitely richer in the unwritten joys of "two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one!" The vener able husband and father was followed to the grave by the love of family and friends, as well as the highest respect from all in the community. A man of long life and strong character; whose death at the ripe age of nearly a century came to all in the community much as a personal loss. The brave little girl who at fifteen had stood at the boy-husband's side and plighted her love and her life, never fal tered, never in the hour of severest pioneer life knew a twinge of doubt or despair, but was the real heroine, comforting, encour aging, sustaining, with a faith and work sublime, both husband and children. The accounts of pioneer life, of the days that tried men's souls, are brightened and hal lowed by tbe far more tragic and sublime stories of the true, brave and loyal wives and mothers, whose unfaltering courage were the shield and anchor of the physi cally stronger men. Rachel (Hollister) Ransom was born in Bolton, Conn., November 14, 1804; mar ried September 13, 1819; died December 9, 1893; in faith a Methodist, and all her life an exemplary professor thereof. Up to about the ,time of her death ber mind was unimpaired, her memory as clear and quick as if yet below the half-century mark of life. She had a family of ten children, of whom nine grew to maturity, as follows: Lucina (Mrs. Asa Dunham) bad two chil dren, Ludd and Lloyd; Lovisa (Mrs. Hervy N. Addison), of Michigan, bad six children, Rachel, William, Isola, Nina, Bertha and Mary; Cornelia (Mrs. John Perkins) has three sons, Floyd, George and Earl; Weltha first married Andrew Taylor, and by him had one child, Marion, and after ward married Erastus Ives, by whom she had one child, Maud; Philura (Mrs. Will iam Gleason) had five children, William, Mary, Nora, Anna and Eddie; Mary (Mrs. Charles Lane) had two sons, Gerdon and Morrill; Gerdon married Anna Jenkins, and had six children, Sarah, Emma, Elgie, Ella, Lucy and Myrtie; Sylvester (deceased) married Clarissa Allen, and left no chil dren; Miss Eunice A. is unmarried. Miss Eunice A. Ransom, the youngest 24 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. child, was compelled to take much of the burdens of financial affairs from her father's shoulders for ten years preceding his death, and in this respect she became the head of the house. She was the companion and aid to ber father from her early girlhood times, and through thus, growing into strong healthy business ideas she was soon able to relieve him of all cares. Her father must have detected the bent of the girl's talents, and he gave her the com panionship and fatherly training which he hoped would some day fit her to take up his work; and be lived to see bis fondest hopes in this respect fully realized. ff JfON. GIDEON TABOR STEW- f^H ART. Tbe law gives us one of I JJ the learned professions, and in ¦f) many respects it is calculated to best equip the young man for dis tinction in social, business and public life. Lawyer Stewart may be named as "tbe father" of the Huron county bar. He takes this place by virtue of' his age and his long and successful practice here, as well as by his intimate knowledge of the subtleties of the law. These are not the mere idle words of a panegyrist, but tbey are verified by the general judgment of his cotemporaries; a man holding an en viable place among the distinguished members of the bar of northern Ohio. During tbe last twenty five years he has been employed in more cases from the "Firelands," in the District, Circuit and Supreme courts, than any other lawyer. Some who studied law in his office have become eminent in the profession. Hon. S. W. Owen, who was judge of the Su preme court, studied law with Mr. Stew art. To excel, even in the ordinary vo cations of life, is a proud distinction, but in the abstruse mazes of the law it marks a mental equipment of rarest excellence. Thorouohly grounded in the fundamentals of the law, he tries every case before he enters the court-room, and this careful preparation is backed by a tenacity of pur pose that will brook no hint of ultimate defeat. In many positions of life rare genius may carry all before it, but pre eminence at the bar must add to even un usual gifts, those patient tasks of "the slave of the lamp," which bring the " pale cast of thought" to the devotee. The paternal ancestors of Mr. Stewart came from the North of Ireland, origin ally from Scotland. On both sides his people were of the cultured classes. His paternal grandmother was a noted educator and scholar of her day, having taught the first school in Schenectady, N. Y., and founded tbe first academy of that place, a famed school, that was in time succeeded by Union College. His mother was a daughter of the eminent divine, Rev. Nicholas Hill, Sr., who was father of the distinguished lawyer, Nicholas Hill, Jr., of Albany, bead of the eminent law firm of Hill, Cagger & Porter, and who at his death, which occurred just before the Civil war, was pronounced by the New York World "the greatest lawyer of America." Another of his mother's brothers, John L. Hill, is a leading law yer of New York, and was a prominent counsel in the famed Beecher-Tilton trial. His brother James F. Stewart, one of tbe oldest and most esteemed members of the San Francisco, Cal., bar, died on Novem ber 17, 1893. His eldest brother, Merwin Hill Stewart, graduated at Union College with the highest honors, but died when he was about entering on the legal profession. Mr. Stewart was born in Johnstown, now in Fulton county, N. Y., August 7, 1824, and was named from Gideon Tabor, a judge of the courts there. When about eleven years old, in the fall of 1835, he removed with his parents to Oberlin, Ohio, where he was a student in that college ex cept a year in the Elyria Institute. He began the study of law at Norwalk, Ohio, in the spring of 1842, but the next year he went to live with his brother, Alex ander A. Stewart, a merchant at Columbus, HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 27 and there entered the law office of Swayne & Bates, of which firm Hon. Noah H. Swayne afterward became a justice of the United States Supreme court. While there, when nineteen years of age, he wrote a poem on the occasion of the visit of ex- President Jolm Qnincy Adams to Ohio, in November, 1843, to lay the corner-stone of the Cincinnati Observatory, which poem was published in the Ohio State Journal, entitled " Ohio's Welcome to John Quincy Adams," and with some other poems from his pen was favorably received by the public- The next year he entered actively into politics, was chairman of the " Young Men's Henry Clay Club," and published a campaign paper at Columbus in aid of the Whig party. In the fall of 1844, being in ill health, be went to Quincy, Fla., and spent about eighteen months with his brother Nicholas Hill Stewart, who was a lawyer and an eminent teacher %t the head of the Quincy Academy, the leading edu cational institution in the territory. In the following year, 1845,, Florida was admitted into the Union, a,nd, having become of age, he cast his first vote at the first election held in that State. He had strong inducements to remain with his brother and go in,to business there, but he could not consent to become a slaveholder; and, returning to Ohio in the summer of 1846, he was admitted to. the bar of Ohio, on the 18th day of Aug ust, 1846, and began the practice of law at Norwalk. He was also editor of the Reflector, the Whig organ, for about three years, and in 185.0 be was elected,, by the Whigs, county auditor, to which of fice he was re-elected in 1852 and 1854, the last time on the same ticket with Hon. John Sherman, who then for the first tin^e was elected to Congress. He purchased half of the Toledo Blade in 1856, but remained in the law practice at Njorwalk, and in about three years sold his interest in the Blade. He went to Dubuque, Iowa, in 1861, where he bought the Daily Times, the onlyUnion Republican paper then in the north half of tbat State, and published it until near the close of the war. He spent a winter at Washington in law business, and then became one of the proprietors of the Toledo Daily Commercial, of which he took the business management for the greater part of the year; then selling at a profit, returned to Norwalk and resumed his law practice at that place. On Janu ary 26, 1866, he was, on motion of Hon. Caleb dishing, admitted as an attorney and counsellor of the Supreme Court of the United States. Aside from twelve years spent in the auditor's office and on the press, Mr. Stew art has been in law practice over thirty- five years. A long time to devote to ac tive professional work, a prolonged period of trials and triumphs, vicissitudes and, victories; labors ranging from the sacred claims of home, or tbe exactions of a pro- • fession, to the occult problems upon whose just solution hangs the permanent weal or woe of the human race. So methodical in his mental movements was he that he found rest and recreation from the exact ing duties of his profession in the editorial chair, and in discussing from the hustings tbe absorbing questions of civil govern ment. In 1855 Mr. Stewart was a dele gate to the State convention which organ ized, the Republican party in Ohio, and there took an active part. While he was from early life well grounded in the prin ciples of anti-slavery reform, yet he was broad enough in his views to see there were other evils in society appalling to contemplate, one of them the grim and hideous Gorgon of intemperance. In 1851 and 1853 he took a prominent part in the anti-license and Maine-law campaigns of those years. In 1857 a State convention met at the capital of Ohio to organize a Prohibition party, and Mr. Stewart was made president of the convention. The machinery of a new party was framed; every step was taken and work set afoot, when the Kansas anti-slavery troubles 28 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. came and Civil war became the supreme question of the hour. Salmon P. Chase was up for election as governor, and he in terviewed tbe Prohibition State committee, before whom be urged the perilous condi tion of the country, pledging himself that if elected, he would in his message recom mend to the Legislature a Prohibitory law against the liquor drink traffic. His prom ises were accepted (which he afterward fulfilled), the new party movement was postponed, and thus he was elected by a small plurality. The Kansas-Nebraska troubles were soon followed by the dread throes of war, convulsing our nation and unhinging the order of society from cen ter to circumference; when men, like storm-tossed mariners, advantaged the first calm to take their bearings anew. The temperance cause, for the time suspended, was renewed in politics. Mr. Stewart was three times the standard bearer of the Prohibition party for governor in Ohio; eight times its candidate for supreme judge; was its representative on the Na tional ticket for vice-president in 1876; many times its nominee for Congress and also for circuit and common pleas judge, and often in local, county, State and Na tional conventions he has been a repre sentative delegate of that party. He was present and a delegate to the convention in 1869, which organized the National Prohibition party, and was made a member of the National committee, of which he was chairman four years and a leading member fifteen years, serving un til 1884, when he retired, feeling it neces sary to give his unrestricted time to bis profession. In 1876, 1880 and 1884 the Prohibition State convention of Ohio unan imously instructed the Ohio delegates to present him in the National conventions of those years as their choice for Presiden tial candidate, but each time he refused to have his name offered. At the National convention of 1892 it was presented by the Ohio delegates in his absence, at which time he received next to the highest vote on the first ballot, and he would have been nominated if there had been a second bal lot. Each time that he was a candidate for governor he campaigned the State, vis iting, in one season, forty counties, and addressing meetings in all of them. His voice was heard in the hustings, and his vigorous pen found a prominent place in the literature of the day. He was grand worthy chief-templar of the Order of Good Templars three terms. As long ago as 1847 he was one of the charter members of Norwalk Division, No. 227, of the Sons of Temperance, which still exists, there being now but one older division in the State. His numerous nominations by the Prohibition party were uusought, and were accepted by him only as symbols of sacrifice, not of selfish aspiration. He re gards public office as a public trust, and that the man who solicits it is unworthy of it. Hence he was never an applicant to Government for office, and never asked the personal support of a delegate or a voter. He has been identified with other reforms, moral, social and political. He was several years president of the Ohio Woman Suffrage Association, and drafted its first platform of resolutions, adopted at its first State convention, held at Co lumbus in 1870. He has long been a public advocate of civil service, industrial and educational reform, of prison reform, and the abolition of capital punishment. Many of his speeches and writings on re form topics have been published and widely disseminated. He was in 1856 one of the founders of the " Firelands Histori cal Society," one of the oldest historical local Societies in the Northwest; he wasone of its officers at its founding, a life mem ber, and is now its president. He was also one of the founders and first offi cers of "The Whittlesey Academy of Arts and Sciences," wliich gave Nor walk the well-known " Whittlesey Hall," for many years the common meeting- place and foster-mother of the city's ' HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 29 growth in schools, the arts, scieuce and general literature, and from this came many courses of public lectures and the present public library, with its 6,000 se lected volumes. Of these enterprises Mr. Stewart has been one of the active authors and promoters, and he has been busily interested in various other public move ments. He spent much of his time and over three thousand dollars of bis means, without compensation, through ten years of doubtful struggle, to secure tbe con struction of the W heeling & Lake Erie Railroad, and was one of its early stock holders and directors. He aud his wife are life members of the American Bible Society. He is a pioneer member of the Scotch-Irish Society of America, a trus tee of the Western Reserve Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, and president of the Huron County Law Li brary Association. Mr. Stewart is of a race of men and women of prominence and of intellectual and moral progress, and has so outlined his own life and reared a family that has added thereto, rather than, as we so often find, detracted therefrom. Physically he is a little below the medium in stature and weight, with a personal toilet clean and careful as has ever been the garniture of his mental operations. He looks the man of books, the student of man who communes much with his own thoughts. Just such a man whom you would readily know had sacrificed for half a century his time and toil in behalf of his fellows, and for all his services in public reform has never ac cepted the least financial compensation. Such, briefly, are the outlines of a life that may well be honored of men, respected abroad and beloved at home — a blessing to the one, a benefaction to all. On March 30, 1857, Gideon T. Stewart was united in marriage with Miss Abby Newell Simmons, of Greenfield township, Huron county, daughter of Harlon L. Simmons and niece of Hon. Charles B. Simmons (former State Representative), of that place, both prominent pioneers of the " Firelands," and extensive farmers. Of this happy union there were born three sons and one daughter, viz. : Charles Hill ; Harlon Lincoln, at present the youngest member of the Ohio State Senate; George Swayne, of the Norwalk bar; and Mary Stewart. In the literary and temperance work of the father, the daughter with her graceful pen has been his valuable assist ant. In the polite and benevolent circles of the city she has a wide and appreciative circle of friends. The mother was born and reared on her father's farm, one of the largest and most beautiful in the county; and, notwith standing the fact that for twelve years she has been afflicted with paralysis, de priving her Of the power to walk, she has continued to own and operate her valuable farm near the city of Norwalk, though living in the city, an4 has educated her three sons to practical agriculture. She is very fond of reading, and well informed iri history, current literature and public af fairs. She is social, sympathetic, kind and charitable, anc| is warmly esteemed by all who have known her from childhood to old age. She was active in the famous Woman's Temperance Crusade, and has been so in its outgrowth, the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, which now extends its grand organization around the world. Througb many years the Nor walk Union has held its regular meetings in her parlors. QEORGE SWAYNE STEWART , was born March 25, 1866, in Du buque, Iowa, the youngest in the , i family of four children of Gideon T. and Abby N. (Simmons) Stewart. Our subject was reared to manhood in Norwalk, Ohio, whither, when he was but an infant, his parents had removed. He was educated in the graded schools of the city, and graduated from the high school 30 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. in 1884. Leaving the high school, he pursued a special course of studies at Oberlin College, Ohio, after which he took up the study of law in his father's of fice, and was admitted to the bar March 8, 1888, being then but twenty-one years of age. He then entered upon the practice of law with bis father, continuing in the same for about two years, when he gave up his profession for the more active field of business life to which he seemed naturally inclined. He inherited a taste for agriculture from his mother, and on her farm near Norwalk bis vacations were spent in early school life, and here his first business instincts were cultivated. From working a small area on shares, he grew to be manager of the farm, establishing a dairy and maintaining his interest in farm ing matters to the time of this sketch. In 1890 he became interested in the C. W. Smith Co., manufacturers of hard wood and furniture specialties, and as secretary and treasurer of this company helped to build it up into one of the suc cessful and substantial business enterprises of the city, affording employment to nearly one hundred people. In addition to his manufacturing business, Mr. Stewart is also associated with W. H. Price, presi dent of the Norwalk Savings Bank, in the manufacture of building brick, under the style of The Norwalk Brick Co., and, as sociated with other young men, is a dealer and contractor in stone and fire-brick, and has constructed extensive street-paving irn- Srovements in Sandusky, Elyria, Bellevue. Torwalk and other cities. Mr. Stewart is also director and stockholder in the Nor walk Savings Bank, and stockholder in the Arcade Savings Bank of Cleveland. Politically Mr. Stewart has never been identified with any party, but is indepen dent, and, aside from being interested with his friends regardless of party, he takes no active part in politics. He has abandoned the practice of law, his atten tion being given to the many enterprises with which he is identified. On January 10, 1893, Mr. Stewart was married to Cora Isabel Taber, of Norwalk, Ohio, daughter of B. C. Taber, of that city. They had enjoyed an extended wed ding tour in Europe, and were comfortably settled in their pleasant home in Norwalk, with all the prospects of a happy married life before them, when the Angel of Death spread his somber wings over their happy home and took from it its chiefest bless ing. Mrs. Stewart died September 28, in the year of her marriage, from the recur rence of a previous severe attack of peri tonitis. She was of the purest type of Christian character, and a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church of Norwalk, to which Mr. Stewart was also admitted to membership shortly after her death. L EANDER L. DOUD, secretary of the A. B. Chase Co., of Norwalk, is a native of Huron county, Ohio, born May 20, 1838. He is the eldest in the family of seven children born to Samuel and Philura (Niles) Doud, only two of whom are now surviving: Maria (Mrs. Stoner, of New Loudon, Ohio) and Leander L. The elementary educational advantages enjoyed by the subject of this sketch were such as were common to farmer boys in tbe early days of this section of the country. At the age of five years he might have been seen, daily, walking a mile and a half through tbe woods to reach the school- house which was situated in the midst of a dense forest, with no other evidence of civi lization insight; but so faithfully did heim- proye these opportunities, that for the first two years he lost only altogether eight days, and at the age of seven was the champion speller of that section of the country. As the forests were cleared up, the log school - house gave place to something more pre tentious; as the children grew up, the spelling school was superseded by the literary society, and the Nineveh school- HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 31 house became the center of moral and in tellectual culture for miles around. Many who received their first lessons in forensic and literary work there have occupied prominent positions in Church and State. Amist such influences did young Lean der grow to manhood. At the age of seventeen he commenced teaching district school, winters, " boarding round " among the scholars, as was then the almost uni versal custom. His summers were spent at some institution of learning — either at Savannah Academy, Ohio Wesleyan Uni versity, Delaware, or at Baldwin Uni versity, Berea — frequently boardingbimself to save expense. This " hit or miss " kind of school life, while not specially conducive to intellectual strength in any one direction, was more of the practical order, developing in our subject an apti tude for making the best of opportunities offered, and aiding him in making life a success. A commercial course of study, completed during this time in Baldwin University, served him to good purpose, later, as secretary and treasurer of the A. B. Chase Company. Dropping educational matters for a time, Mr. Doud, in 1860, commenced his more active business life. For three years he was engaged extensively and success fully in sheep husbandry. Three years he spent in general farming in Greenwich township, and eight years in various mer cantile pursuits in New London. Iu 1875 he moved to Norwalk, and took an active part in the organization of the A. B. Chase Co., for the manufacture of musical in struments. He was elected secretary and treasurer, which dual position he held for over sixteen years, and is still (1893) secretary of the concern, having relin quished the treasurership January 1, this year. Mr. Doud has seen the institution grow from its inception until it has become one of the leading factories of the kind of America. He always attended to the office work, was a potent factor in the develop ment of the industry, and not a little of its success has been due to his intelligent and unceasing efforts. In 1863 Leander L. Doud was united in marriage with Miss Harriet B. Eberly, and to them were born four children, two of whom — Louie N. and Harry L. — are still living, the others having died in in fancy. At the age of fourteen Mr. Doud united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, and has always taken an active interest in everything pertaining to the Church and Society. At the present time he is Sunday-school superintendent, dis trict steward, and secretary of the official board of the M. E. Church ; president of the Huron County Bible Society; secretary of the Huron County Sunday-school As sociation, and a trustee of Baldwin Uni versity. Samuel Doud, father of subject, was one of the "Fireland" pioneers, and of him the Fireland Pioneer of June, 1892, says: Samuel Doud was bora at Sempronius, N. Y., May 29, 1813, and died near New London, Ohio, December 11, 1880. In the summer of 1823, his father, Solomon Doud, came to Ohio, cleared off a small piece of ground, and built the first house ever erected at the center of Greenwich township, and returned during the winter to the State of New York, on foot, it is said, walking the entire distance, three hundred miles, in six days. The following spring he brought his family to Ohio, and they settled in their new home in the wilder ness. Samuel was at this time ten years of age, and with the exception of a single year spent in Berea, Ohio, he never lost a residence in Huron county from that time until the day of his death. The in cidents of the journey to Ohio; the nine days voyage from Buffalo to Sandusky City ; the journey from there to Greenwich with an ox-team and a wagon, across the unbroken prairie and unbroken forest; their trials, privations, hardships and dan gers from hunger, fierce animals and wild Indians were the common lot of all new-comers in this county, and furnished a fund of incidents that all pioneers have to relate and enjoy listening to. The educational advantages of those early years in this new country were very meager indeed, and the subject of this memoir enjoyed but a few months of school life; but he learned to read, write a little and cipher to some extent, This, supple mented with close observation, and quiet reading through life, enabled him to pass as a man of fair education. In habits of economy, industry and expedients to make a living, he was decidedly well-educated. His schooling in this direction was not neglected nor unimproved. He could wield the axe, or scythe, could graft fruit-trees, buy and 32 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. sell cattle, hogs, sheep, or turn his hand to any thing else with satisfaction to others and profit to hims-elf. With his axe he bought him a farm of over one hundred acres in the southeast corner of Greenwich township; cutaway the timber, built a house, and in 1836 married Philura Niles, and set tled in his own house. Here he lived twenty- eight years, raising a family of six children. In 1864 he sold his home to move to Berea, to edu cate his children. But his active nature could not endure the dull life of a college town, and after a year's trial he moved back to Huron county and purchased the James Washburn farm, just south of New London, in 1866. Here he lived until death called him away. Always active in anything that pertained to the public good, he never sought official promotion, nor accepted political prefer ment. Emineutly social in his tendencies, a good judge of human nature, a judgment clear, prompt and decided on all maiters coming before it, an ex tended acquaintance in this section of the country, he was often importuned to accept positions of po litical power, but steadily refused. His word was as sacred as his bond ; he never promised a man his money but he received it the day it was due. He carried out the apostolic injunction. "Diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord." Soon after he was first married, recognizing the claims of the Christian religion upon his life, he gave his heart to Christ, and joined the M. E. Church with his wife, who had for years been a devoted Christian lady. Their home then became the home of the early itinerant preachers, and their house or barn fre quent preaching places. He subsequently received a license as a local preacher, and continued to preach as occasion offered, with great acceptability where he was best known up to the time of his death. A great lover of children, he was always active in Sabbath-school work, and took a special interest in looking after the neglected and desti tute children of the neighborhood. His religion, while partaking of the true spirit and devotional type, was eminently practical. Very few ever found a home in his family for any length of time who were not led to Christ. His obligations to his Church were as sacred to him as his duties to his family, yet they were never allowed to conflict. If money or time was needed for either it was given freely and without question. One of the hardest years of labor in his life was given toward the building of the M. E. Church at New London, and the success of the enterprise was very largely de pendent upon his energy, ability and personal de votion to the work. In fact, he felt it to be the closing work of his life; he had frequently ex pressed a desire to live to see it completed and paid for, and beyond that had no care how soon the Master called him. He saw the Church completed and dedicated, out of debt, within one year from the time the first subscription was taken; and within three months from the time the last subscription was taken he was stricken down with heart disease. He rallied for a few days, but frequently said it was only temporary ; that his work was done, and he would soon enter into rest ; all was peace — sweet peace. * * * He entered into rest the evening of December 11, 1880. He was buried, at his re quest, in the East Greenwich burying-ground, in the midst of his family whohadgonebetore, in sight of the church he had helped to build years ago, and among his friends and neighbors he had lived and labored with in early life. Ei THAN ALLEN PRAY, Esquire. This gentleman is entitled to high l rank among the many intelligent and public-spirited citizens of Nor walk, for his energy and enterprise have been of the kind that tend to enrich any eection of country in which such as he is to be found. He is a native of Connecticnt, born January 15, 1813, in the town of Kil lingly, county of Windham, a son of Jacob and Jemima (Bowen) Pray, both natives of near Providence, R. I., the former of whom was, in boyhood, a cotton -factory operative, but in later life was a farmer. They died, the mother in 1874, the father in 1881, the parents of eight children, of whom Ethan A. is the eldest, and thought to be the only one yet living. . His paternal grandfather, a native of Rhode Island, who was a miller and horse breaker and trainer by occupation, was over eighty years of age when he died; he married a Miss Carpenter, and they were the parents of fourteen children. Lowe Carpenter, father of grandmother Pray, was a sea captain and slave dealer. Our subject's great grandfather was Jonathan Pray (or Preigh, the original spelling of the name in Eng land). On the mother's side, Squire Pray comes of Welsh ancestry. When the subject of this memoir was four years old, his father moved with his family into Cayuga county, N. Y., mak ing a permanent settlement there, Ethan A. remaining until he was in bis twenty-sixth year. He received a liberal education at common and normal schools, also at Skaneateles Academy, in Onondaga county, and on completion of his studies commenced teaching school, gradually raising by merit, until, when he was but HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 33 twenty-one years old, he was appointed in spector of the common schools of Scott township, Cortland county. While teach ing there he was visited by Gov. Seward of New York, with whom he was well ac quainted, and accompanying Mr. Seward was Joshua Sanders, author of the spelling book bearing his name. In 1839, Mr. Pray came to Huron county, Ohio, locating first at Fairfield, where he tarried some six months, at the end of which time he moved to Fitchville, in the same county, remaining there till the spring of 1855, when he was appointed superintendent of the Huron County In firmary, an incumbency he filled six years, or till the spring of 1861. He was then elected justice of the peace for Norwalk township, in which capacity he served with characteristic ability twelve years, or up to April 1, 1873. During the war of the Rebellion be was captain of a company of National Guards from the time of its organization, and in the spring of 1864 .they were sent to Cleveland, where they spent one month in camp. While the fratricidal struggle was going on between the North and South, Squire Pray acted as mayor of the city of Norwalk, and as justice of the peace for the township, serv ing in the first mentioned capacity six consecutive years, besides two years subse quently. During his mayorship, he materially assisted in laying out many of the streets in Norwalk. He studied law, and was admitted to tbe bar in 1873 — somewhat late in life — witb no special in tention of practicing law, but rather to prove his ability to his opponents. For two years he held the office of city solicitor, and he then practiced law, chiefly in the way of making collections, etc., and he built up considerable business for himself in the probate court, to which he was not restricted, for he practiced in all the courts. In 1837 Squire Pray was married to Miss Amanda C. Cheney, a native of Ovid, Seneca Co., N. Y., who was at one time his assistant teacher in Cayuga county. Five children were born to this union, viz.: Frank E., M. D., practicing medicine at Dayton, Ohio; Cecilia A., married to James L. VanDusen, superintendent of Huron County Infirmary; Adelia E., wife of George W. Cole, machinist in the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroad shops at Norwalk; Sarah, wife of Frank L. Bates, of Sacramento, Cal., and Lydia M., wife of Joseph Gasper. Politically Squire Pray was originally a Whig, favoring the Free- soil party, and on the organization of tbe Republican party he enrolled himself under its banner, becoming what was known as an " Anti-saloon Republican." In 1836 and 1840 he cast his first Presidential votes for William H. Harrison, whom he remembers seeing, and also Henry Clay and Gen. La Fayette. At this present writing (November 30, 1893) he is a jus tice of the peace and township trustee of Norwalk township, Huron county, Ohio. He is actively engaged in the Masonic Orders in Norwalk, holding at present the following offices, to wit: Chaplain of Mount Vernon Lodge, No. 64, F. & A. M.; Secretary of Huron Royal Arch Chapter, No. 7, R. A. M.; Recorder of Norwalk Council, No. 24, R. &S. M.; Treasurer of Norwalk Commandery, No. 18, K. T. M. CLEVELAND. Among all the eminent and deservedly popular business men of Huron county, there is and has been none whose name ranks above that of this gen tleman, because none is more thoroughly identified and honorably connected with the business interests of the county. Mr. Cleveland was born in the State of New York January 11, 1816, a son of Benjamin and Lucretia (Bonney) Cleve land, the former of whom was a native of Litchfield, Conn., born in 1769, the latter of Danbury, Conn. They were the parents of eight children, of whom G. M. is the youngest, and the only survivor; 34 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. two died when over eighty years of age; one when seventy-nine and the fourth when sixty-eight, and all the deceased sons died iu the order of their birth. The first ancestor in this country came from Eng land in 1635 and settled in Woburn, Mass., where some of his descendants are yet living. The paternal grandfather of the subject of this sketch lived, married and died in Litchfield, Conn., and the lat ter has in his possession a copy of his grandfather's will dated 1777. He was a merchant and farmer, his pioneer life be ing a busy one. Benjamin Cleveland, the father, practiced medicine for some years, and had the reputation of being a physi cian of considerable ability, but he ulti mately retired from medicine to embark in tbe lumber business. He died August 10, 1840, in Seneca county, Ohio, whither he had moved in 1829. He was a Whig dur ing the greater part of bis life, and in Church connection he was a Presbyterian. G. M. Cleveland received a liberal ele mentary education in the public schools of his native place, and when thirteen years of age moved with his father to Seneca county, Ohio, where he grew to maturity. The first business we find him engaged in was the manufacturing of fanning mills, which he carried on some years in Savan nah, Ohio, prior to coming to Huron county in 1844. Here he embarked in the milling business at Norwalk, buying, in 1866, the Maple City Mills, which he remodeled and improved, changing it into a a roller mill in 1881. He does a large amount of custom work, and the mill now manufactures from thirty to forty thousand bushels of wheat per annum into the very best flour to be found in any market. On April 14, 1842, Mr. Cleveland was united in marriage in what is now Ashland county, Ohio, with Miss Sarah Mefford, and three children were born to them, viz.: Helen (wife of George W. Knapp), D. Pitt and Dwight. Mr. Cleveland in poli tics was originally a Whig, and, on tbe organization of the Republican party, enrolled himself nnder its banner. His first presidential vote was cast for W. H. Harrison. In November, 1857, our sub ject was elected to the office of county sheriff and re-elected in 1859, being the full time allowed under the Constitution. D. Pitt Cleveland was born, in 1844, in Clarksfield, Ohio, and received his educa tion at the public schools. In 1874 he was married to Celia Wright, of Des- Moines, Iowa, daughter of one of the most prominent men of tbat State, and two children have been born to them, Edna and George Wright. On January 13, 1887, D. Pitt Cleveland was called from earth. His widow is a woman of rare executive ability, and transacts much of the business connected with the Maple City Mills. Before his death her husband was partner with his father, and she re tains an interest in the business, attending to it in a masterly manner." THEODORE WILLIAMS. In after years, a history of the growth and spread of the financial interests of Norwalk could not well be written without containing -considerable ac count of the enterprises, as well as the public improvements, with which the name of this gentleman has for so many years been identified. Mr. Williams is a native of Norwalk, Ohio, born on the third day of January, 1820. He is a son of James and Sarah Matilda (Hunt) Williams, natives of New Jersey, where they were married, and whence in 1816 they came west, making their new home in Huron county, Ohio. His father was a lawyer of prominence, ranking in his professional standing with the ablest members of the bar at a time when many able jurists from all parts of the State were pitted against each other in our local courts in legal combat, and was for several years the Prosecuting Attorney of the county. Ill health compelled him ^rawt-fy&xM/ HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 37 to retire from the practice in the later years of bis life, and he devoted much of bis time and attention to agricultural pur suits. He died October 4, 1869, in the home he had so long occupied. Politically he was a Henry Clay Whig, and was a delegate to the National Convention held at Baltimore in 1832, that nominated Clay for President, performing the long journey to that city at that early day on horseback. Mr. Williams' maternal grandfather, Major David Hunt, was an officer in the Revolutionary war. The subject of this sketch, who is one of a family of seven children, four of whom are still living, was born in the early years of the existence of his native town, which then consisted of a few scat tered dwellings surrounded by a dense for est. His elementary education was ob tained at the district and private schools of that early day, and was completed by a thorough course of instruction in the "Norwalk Seminary," under the superin tendence of Prof. Jonathan E. Chaplin, than whom few abler instructors have ever occupied a like position. In 1834 Mr. Williams commenced clerk ing in the store of P. & J. M. Latimer, in Norwalk, where he remained over a year, when he again resumed his school; in 1837 he again entered upon a clerkship, in the store of Milton W. Goodnow, suc ceeded in a short time by the firm of Goodnow & Edwards, in Norwalk, where be remained until the firm dissolved in 1842, when Mr. Edwards removed to northern New York, and Mr. Goodnow continued the business here. At this time Mr. Goodnow offered Mr. Williams an equal partnership in the business, though Mr. Williams was without capital; but knowing that the responsibilities of the business must devolve largely upon him, owing to Mr. Goodnow's declining health, he preferred remaining another year as clerk. The following year, however, upon a renewal of the proposition from Mr. Goodnow, he accepted the partnership, and in September, 1843, became an equal part ner, and made his first visit to New York to purchase goods. This partnership con tinued until January, 1851, wben by the death of Mr. Goodnow it terminated, and Mr. Williams purchased Mr. Goodnow's entire interest in tbe business, taking it at the full appraisal, and agreeing to pay for it in four years with interest; on the clay the four years expired he paid the entire sum, as the result of his business industry and energy. Mr. Williams continued in the business of merchandising until 1885, a period of forty- two years, diligently at his counter and desk, and with constantly increasing financial success. His business relations over a wide range of country had made him acquainted not only with the people of his own county, but with many in the adjoining counties; and wherever he was known bis high character for integrity, and business honor and responsibility, were clearly recognized; and his ability and clear-sighted judgment in all his many business transactions have given him a prominence amongst his fellowmeu of the county, at once flattering to his manhood and marking him as one of her representa tive men. Upon Mr. Williams retiring from mer chandising, be found himself the owner of two merchant flouring mills — one located in Norwalk, the other near Toledo — and these, together with the management of bis several farms, and of his other financial interests, occupied his entire time and at tention. In 1882 he was elected President of the First National Bank of Norwalk, remaining in that position to the satisfac tion of the stockholders for eight years, and was again unanimously elected to that position, but declined serving, as the de mands upon his time in the management of his own business made it impracticable to serve longer. In September of 1861 Mr. Williams was united in marriage with Miss Mary Isa bella Goodnow, a native of Vermont, but HURON COUNTY, OHIO. residing at the time in Henry ville, Canada East, by which union six children — one daughter and five sons — were born, of whom the following is a brief record: Louesa died at the age of eight years; Ed ward T., the eldest son, was educated at the public schools in Norwalk and at Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio, and is now engaged with bis father in business; James H., tbe second son, after attending the public schools of Norwalk for many years, entered "Riverview Military Acad emy" at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., froni which school, on graduating, he entered Harvard University, where he now is; Charles G., the third son, also went from the public schools of Norwalk to " Riverview Military Academy," from which he graduated in 1891, and then entered the Massachusetts School of Technology in Boston, where he is still a student; Theodore Williams, Jr., the fourth son, after leaving the public schools of Norwalk, also entered the " Riverview Military Academy," but has not yet completed his course; Walter R., the fifth son, is still attending the public schools of Norwalk. Mrs. Williams, the mother oi this family, departed this life on November 21, 1877 (at which time the youngest son, Walter R., was an infant), leaving the entire charge of rearing this family upon Mr. Williams; and how well and faithfully he has acquitted himself of this great re sponsibility, his neighbors and f riends'bear ample testimony. Mr. Williams in his political predilec tions is a stanch Republican, and has taken considerable interest in all public matters, but has declined political office, excepting perhaps in a few exceptional instances. In 1870 he was elected to represent his Sen atorial District in the State Board of Equalization', and has for several years held tbe position of "Chief Deputy" of the State Board of Elections for Huron county. For seventeen years he was a member of the Board of Education of the Public Schools of Norwalk, during a large part of which time he occupied tbe posi tion of President of the Board, and it was during his occupancy of this position that the beautiful High School building, in which the citizens of Norwalk take so much pride, was erected, and for the erec tion of which they award him a full share of the merit. For thirteen years past — from 1881 to 1894 — he has been President, Secretary, Treasurer and Superintendent of the beau tiful "Woodlawn Cemetery," embracing 129 acres of land admirably adapted to the purpose, and has so managed its finances as to accumulate a fund in perpetuity — guaranteeing its continuous care and atten tion when the present and succeeding gen erations shall have passed away. In church connection Mr. Williams' affiliations are with the Episcopal Church; he is a liberal contributor to its support, and has for many years been a member of its vestry. Mr. Williams stands prominently among the able financiers of Huron county, and the several institutions and departments of business that have been under his management attest his eminent qualities in this respect, in their uubroken line of successes. JOSEPH SMITH, one of the most en- v 1 1 terprising and prosperous of Huron ^Jj couuty's native-born citizens, is sen ior member of the widely-known extensive lumber firm in Norwalk, Smith & Himberger. John Smith, father of our subject, was one of the oldest German pioneers of Huron county. He was born November 19, 1803, in Berns, a little village in the Rhine Province of the Kingdom of Prus sia, then known as the Department of the Rhine, of Napoleon I French Empire. He received a common education in the public schools of the village, and at the age of thirteen commenced his apprentice- HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 39 ship as a tailor. At the age of twenty he was drafted to served his time in the Prussian army. On March 6, 1832, he was united in marriage with Maria Glas- ner, of the same village, born October 20, 1808. In the spring of 1833 tbey emi grated to tbe United States, their destina tion being Schenectady, N. Y., where they remained two years. In 1835 they moved farther west, and located in Bronson town ship, Huron Co., Ohio. Mr. Smith made the acquaintance of some of th« early settlers. Being a man without much means, he experienced some very severe struggles, and was forced to seek employ ment of bis neighbors. In two years he was enabled to buy ten acres of woodland. His time now was devoted to working for neighboring farmers, clearing his land and building a log hut for himself and family; later on he bought fourteen acres more of land, and replaced the log hut with a larger and better one, which was replaced in about 1846 with a frame building which stands now, and in which he died, December 9, 1893, at the remarkable age of ninety years, after enjoying a long, healthful life, which was only darkened the last five years by total blindness. His wife preceded him to the grave by a little over eleven years, her death occurring February 13, ,1882; if she had lived two weeks longer, they could have celebrated their golden wedding. Their married life was blessed with ten children — five girls and five boys, viz.: Margurite (I), John, Joseph, Margurite (II), Maria, Louise Minnie, Katharine, Alphonse, Peter and Nick. Of this family of children the following is a brief record: Margurite (I) was born in Berns, Prussia, February 1, 1833, and died August 15, 1835, in Schenectady, N. Y. John, born in Schenectady, N. Y., March 22, 1835, learned blacksmithing; he served through the entire Civil war as a volunteer in the Twenty-Fourth O. V. L, receiving an honorable discharge; he made Memphis, Tenn., his home; Nov ember 6,1865, he married Katharine Greh, in Memphis, and one child was born to them; John died July 10, 1877, after two day's illness. Joseph is the subject proper of this sketch, and special mention of him will presently be made. Margurite (II) was born December 30, 1838, in Norwalk township, Huron Co., Ohio, and died Au gust 18, 1844. Maria, born July 10, 1840, in Norwalk township, Huron Co., Ohio, is the wife of George Whitmill, in Michigan. Louise Minnie, born January 16, 1842, in Norwalk township, Huron Co., Ohio, is the wife of Robert Wetzstine, residing in Norwalk, Ohio. Katharine, born Decem ber 18, 1844, is the widow of Henry Brown, and is living in Peru township, Huron Co., Ohio. Alphonse, born Au gust 15, 1846, in Norwalk township, Ohio, is a carpenter by trade; he served through the entire Civil war in the Fifty-Fifth O. V. I. under Capt. Wickham; married Sarah Bechler, of Sandusky, Ohio, June 18, 1871, and is living in Norwalk, Ohio. Peter, born July 13, 1848, in Norwalk township, Huron Co., Ohio, is a farmer in Norwalk township; on November 7, 1871, be married Katharine Zippfel. Nick, born March 17, 1851, in Norwalk township, Huron Co., Ohio, is a carpenter by trade; he served in the regular army five years, and shortly after his discharge he married, August 10, 1879, Dora Nauer, of Cincin nati, Ohio; he is now residing in Norwalk. Joseph Smith, whose name introduces this sketch, was born December 4, 1837, in Bronson township, Huron Co., Ohio. He received a liberal education in the com mon schools of the home neighborhood, and in early life learned the trade of house carpenter, later on also tbat of cabinet making. On May 5, 1863, he was united in marriage with Katharine Rimal, who was born in Hildenhausen, in the then French Province of Lorraine, and had im migrated to this country with her parents at the age of five years. *3ix sons and one daughter were born to this union, viz.: Frank J., born March 11, 1864; Louise K., born October 19, 1865; William P., 40 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. born October 2, 1867; Otto J., born March 25,1872; Charles T., born February 10, 1877; Edward, born February 14, 1880; Albert R., born September 6, 1884. Of these, Louise and Otto died, the former from sickness, the latter from an injury he received through a wagon running over him.' In 1873 Mr. Smith started in business witb P. D. Willoughby, the firm name being Willoughby & Smith, manufac turers of sash, doors, blinds and mouldings, the style being later changed to Smith & Co. In 1880 Mr. W. Himberger entered as partner, the firm name becoming Smith, Himberger & Co. In 1886 Mr. Wil loughby retired, since wben the style of the firm has been Smith & Himberger. In connection with the manufacturing of sash, doors, blinds and mouldings, the firm have a convenient lumber yard. */ HON. JOHN A. WILLIAMSON, son of the late James Williamson and Phebe Williamson, and, on the maternal side, grandson of Abizah Griffin, one of tbe early settlers of Greenwich township, was born September 25, 1842, in the township of New London, Huron Co., Ohio. His parents were na tives of the Empire State, having been born and reared in Hunter, Greene Co., N. Y., and, removing to Ohio at a com paratively early day, were here married in the year 1839. His father was a farmer by occupation, and the subject of this sketch was reared at the family homestead, upon which the Williamsons originally settled, and which lies in the townships of New London and Fitchville. Mr. Williamson's youth was passed in a manner of life similar to that of many farmer boys, but, possessing a more than usually vigorous constitution, together with bright and acute intellectual qualities, he began early in life to manifest those traits of mind and character which, in their mature development, have rendered him eminent, professionally and politically. His was naturally an ambitious nature, and so it happened that he conld not be satisfied with the education gained in the common schools, but, when he had passed through their course of study, chose to avail himself of further opportunities and fit himself for the occupation of higher positions in life than be could attain to without so doing. At tbe age of sixteen years he entered upon a course in the preparatory depart ment of Oberlin College, and two years later he became a member of the Fresh man class of that institution of learning. He remained until tbe completion of the Sophomore year (1862), when that one of many exciting war alarms, the news that the Confederate Gen. Kirby Smith was about to make a raid on Cincinnati, was flashed through the loyal North, and a call was made for the Minute-men of the State to rally to the protection of its chief city. Mr. Williamson, being a strong supporter of the Union sentiment, and feeling that he should do anything that lay within his means to assist the overthrow of the power which menaced our free soil, notwithstand ing the reluctance of parental solicitude for the safety of an only child, went out as oneof that hastily-summoned and quickly- prepared body of men, as did also many of his class. After returning from the service of that brief campaign (which by no means, how ever, promised to be short), he asked for and received an honorable dismissal from Oberlin, and became a member of the Junior class at Yale, from which college he graduated with honors in the year 1864. Immediately after finishing his academic course he entered upon the study of law in the Law School of the University of New York, at Albany, from which he graduated in 1865. The time intervening between this date and 1867 was spent in a law office in Cincinnati, and in traveling and general reading. HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 41 On February 9, 1867, he became deputy clerk of courts in Huron county, under A. B. Griffin, Esq., clerk, which position he held until his resignation, in 1868, for the purpose of entering into a partnership for the practice of law with Hon. S. W. Ten nant, at East Saginaw, Mich. In 1869 he removed from East Saginaw to Toledo, where he resided until the spring of 1871, wben he removed to Norwalk, in his na tive county. He engaged in the practice of his profession, and followed it assidu ously and uninterruptedly until 1877, when he was elected to the Legislature as a member of the House of Representatives from Huron county. Politically Mr. Will iamson is a Republican — an earnest sup porter of the men and measures of that party. He has been a worker for the suc cess of principles and of tbe best men in the narty, rather than a seeker of political preferment for himself. He has not sought place, and in accepting it has only done so in response to the clearly ex pressed will of his friends, and the suffrage of the people. In 1879 he was re-elected to a second term in the Legislature; was chosen speaker pro tem. of the House of Repre sentatives upon its organization in 1880, and served in that capacity during the Sixty- fourth General Assembly. He has since been engaged in the practice of his pro fession, and became interested in the busi ness, particularly banking, in Huron and adjoining counties. He is vice-president of the Huron County Banking Company of Norwalk, and is now, by appointment of Gov. McKinley, member of the board of trustees of the Ohio Institution for the education of feeble-minded youth. In 1888 he made a European tour, spending the entire summer abroad. On January 19, 1869, Mr. Williamson was married to Miss CelestiaM. Tennant, of Camden, Lorain Co., Ohio, who died in 1880. In 1882 he wedded Mrs. Sallie R. Manahan, daughter of the late Jeremiah Rundell, a prominent citizen of Bronson township, Huron county. Tbey have one child, Nellie V., now (1893) seven years of age. Mr. Williamson is a man of fine as well as forcible intellectual qualities, an exten sive reader and close thinker, of a remark ably practical cast of mind, and yet, withal, alive to whatever there is of beauty in the many refinements of surroundings and of being. He is cautious but firm in his judgment, and reliable. In manner he is social and friendly, and possesses qual ities that readily win admiration and respect, whether from his political com peers, or his private companions and acquaintances. He is now one of the active moneyed men of Norwalk, and is interested chiefly in handling his capital. [In part taken from Williams' "History of Huron and Erie Counties." LMON B. COE. In 1634 there immigrated to America from Eng- ^ land one Robert Coo (as the name was then spelled), whose grand father suffered martyrdom during the reign of Queen Mary. A piece of furniture (a sideboard) which once belonged to him is now owned by Julius Coe, who for nine years was postmaster at Norwalk, Ohio, and now resides in New York City. Robert Coe, Jr., came to America, bringing with him bis family, consisting of wife and three sons — Robert, John and Benjamin — and from these are descended the numerous family of Coe in America. Israel Coe, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born July 22, 1756, at Granville, Mass., and was reared to farm ing, a vocation he followed through life. He prospered, owned a large tract of land and a sawmill, and several years before his death gave to each of his children a good farm. In 1809 he came to Ohio, locating in Portage county, on land located in Rootstown. He married Miss Artemesia Wright, who bore him six children as 42 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. follows: Samuel; Harvey, who became a prominent minister of the Congregational Church; Betsey, Mrs. Hall; Fanny, Mrs. Chancy Newberry; Bela, father of sub ject; and Israel D., all now deceased. The father of these died in 18 21, the the mother in 1813. He was a very large man, standing six feet, two inches in height, and well proportioned, but at the age of sixty was unfortunate enough to lose one of his limbs in a sawmill. When he came over the mountains from Massa chusetts to Ohio, he brought with him four oxen and four horses, with wagons. Bela Coe, father of Almon B., was born April 24, 1795, in Granville, Mass., where he was reared and educated. When the family crossed the Alleghanies into Ohio, be drove one of the ox-teams, young as he was. He was reared a farmer, and having received a very fair education for those early times, taught school. At Rootstown, Portage Co., Ohio, he married April 24, 1819, Miss Maria Hill, born March 30, 1795, in Middlebury, Conn., a daughter of Isaac Hill. She came to Ohio with her parents in 1818, and they located in Portage county, where her father, who was a blacksmith, followed bis trade; the later years of his life were passed in Wake man, Huron county, he dying there in September, 1860, at the age of eighty- eight years; his father reached the pa triarchal age of ninety-nine years, six months. Bela Coe and his wife came to Wakeman, Huron county, in February, 1827, and he here bought a tract of land covered with a dense forest and thicket, which after years of labor he succeeded in clearing. Mr. and Mrs. Bela Coe had but one child, Almon B. The father died October 5, 1850, at the age of fifty-five years, the mother on October 25, 1866, aged seventy-two years, and both are buried in Wakeman cemetery. They were members of the Congregational Church, the father from the age of eighteen years. He was of Puritan stock, a man of sterling honesty and the loftiest integrity. In his political leanings he was a Whig, no office holder, however, although a very popular man, one of sound judgment; but itis said of him that a certain justice of tbe peace always consulted with him in difficult and complex cases that came be fore him. Almon B. Coe, the subject proper of these lines, was born November 6, 1820, in Portage county, Ohio, and was six years of age when his parents brought him to Wakeman township, Huron county, where he has ever since had his home, with the exception of one year he lived in Illinois. His education was as thorough as the earlier schools of Huron county would permit, but owing to failing health his studies were prematurely brought to a close; being a great reader, however, and possessed of a remarkable memory, he amply made amends for any shortcomings in school lore. In his youth he learned the trade of a cooper, at which he has worked; has also taught school a number of terms. At the breaking out of the Civil war he enlisted in the Union army, but was rejected on account of physical disability, which was a great disappoint ment to him, as he was most anxious to serve his country. On June 1, 1843, in Edinburgh, Portage Co., Ohio, Mr. Coe married Miss Mariette M. Bostwick, born in that county Au gust 7, 1820, a daughter of Edmund Bost wick. Children, as follows, were born to Mr. and Mrs. Coe: William H, born July 3, 1844, died July 26, 1850; Edwin W., born January 31, 1849, now cashier of the Los Angeles (Cal.) National Bank; Justin B., born August 26, 1851, now a merchant of Florence, Erie Co., Ohio; Arthur B., born July 14, 1854, died February 9, 1873; Aurilla M., born Sep tember 1, 1857, now Mrs. A. R. Rice, of Wakeman; and Alice M., born July 14, 1862, died September 15, 1866. The mother of these departed this life De cember 15, 1865, and is buried at Wake man; her death occurred in Illinois, HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 43 whither Mr. Coe had moved his family in that year. She was a most estimable lady, one of whom it can truly be said: "To know her was to love her." On August 13, 1868, our subject married Miss Nancy A. Russell, daughter of Isaac Russell, a native of Bristol county, Mass., who moved to Ripley township, Huron county, in 1834, and in 1847 came to Wakeman, where he died May 1, 1890, at the age of eighty-three years. The children of this union were five in number, as follows: Mary A., born August 13, 1869, now Mrs. Charles M. Kenyen, residing at Florence, Erie Co., Ohio; Frances 0., born June 3, 1871, living at home; George A., born De cember 15, 1874, operator on the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad; Harriet E., born October 24, 1875, died May 15, 1886; and Alida, born March 18. 1878, residing at home. Mr. and Mrs. Coe are members of the Congregational Church, and in his political preferences he is a stanch Republican. JOHN WILSON, importer and grower of fruit, while a citizen of Norwalk is yet one whose enterprise and busi ness intelligence is hardly circum scribed by a continent. His place of nativity is Derbyshire. England, where he was born August 27, 1832, and when aged eighteen he came to America, in the search of broader fields for his strong and active nature. He is a son of James and Lydia (Jackson) Wilson, a family of that sturdy English stock who make a splendid graft on the restless American civilization. The young man stopped about one year in New York State. Working along, but taking in a very broad view of the situation, he went to Central America, where during the next twenty- three years he was engaged on the Panama Railroad as commissary of supplies, and then was a contractor in Costa Rica, build ing a portion of the railroad from Limon to San Jose, as a member of the firm of Wilson & Keith. During the progress of his railroad work, he commenced merchan dising at Limon, and this branch of his business suddenly grew to great success, so much so that he soon saw that his whole attention should be given to his new line of trade, and he withdrew from the contract ing concern. He then opened a branch house, dealing in fruits at Bocas Del Toro, Republic of Colombia, and the new mer cantile firm became the "John Wilson Company," which is in prosperous exist ence at the present time; there is another branch house at Bluefield, Nicaragua. The other houses are mostly in the line of fruits, shipments being made to all points, but largely to New Orleans, where is another house of the firm ; and this is now the headquarters of Mr. Wilson, who con stantly travels between that city and Cen tral America, besides often attending to the firm's affairs in New York. Of its kind, this is one of the largest concerns in the United States. The firm in their busi ness charter several fast steamboats, and recently one of their steamers, named the "John Wilson," landed at New Orleans 22,000 bunches of bananas. John Wilson and Miss Virginia Law rence were intermarried at Zanesville, Ohio, January 22, 1876; she is the eldest of ten children born to Rufus and Mary Ann (Sharpe) Lawrence, the former of whom died in 1881. The mother, who is yet living, for a time passed her widow hood in Milan, Erie Co., Ohio, where Mr. Wilson purchased an extensive and ele gant stock farm, which he still operates; although in the seeking for a more congen ial family home, good schools, society and all the advantages for his children, he se lected Norwalk for his place of residence. Here he purchased an elegant home on West Main street, where are domiciled his happy household. Mr. Wilson has been twice married, the children by his first wife being Nellie E. and James. The family of children by his 44 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. present wife are as follows: Minor Keith, Russell Hoadley, Frederick Wesson, Lydia J., Marion, Marguerita and Don Rufus Lawrence. There is little of the humdrum of ordinary life in the record of John Wil son. His is a mind to conceive and expand with two continents, backed by a strong physical nature that could defy the. rapid changes from the temperate north to the torrid tropics. He is the architect of his own fortune, as well as the avant courier of that intercommunion and knowledge of foreign nations that is tbe pledge and glory of every civilization. I( LBERT N. READ, M. D., the old- jV est and one of the most prominent ^ physicians of Huron county, was born in Berkshire county, Mass., September 16, 1815. His parents, Ira and Mary (Smith) Read, were also born in Berkshire county. The father, Ira Read, was a typical pio neer of his day, removing from his home in Massachusetts when the subject of this sketch was a year old, with a colony of his neighbors and relatives, to Asthabula county, Ohio. Their first point of desti nation was Williamsfield, their route the old military road made by Gen. Harrison, and such was its condition that at one period of the long journey they were three days making the distance of nine miles. On the third night, the year-old baby being threatened with croup, it was with its mother taken forward to an old de serted log hut, for better protection than the wagons afforded. Ira Read, then a vigorous, powerfully-built young man, six feet tall, was accompanied by his parents, Nathaniel Read and wife, the former of whom was also a native of Berkshire county, Mass., by trade a blacksmith, and widely known as an honorable and upright citizen; his wife was of the- well-known Sedgwick family of New England. After more than four weeks wearisome journey, they reached Williamsfield, tbeir destination. In this new home, amid rough pioneer surroundings, Albert spent his early years, learning practical lessons in farming in out-door association with his thoroughly practical father; and within the home from his gentle mother, those lessons which a woman of a deeply relig ions nature, a cultivated mind and heart, will teach consciously and unconsciously to those in the intimate associations of home life. From her the boy learned not only to be thorough in acquiring a knowl edge of the studies within his reach, but to love the work of acquiring for its own sake; to form those habits of thought, of studying into the relations of things, both in nature and in daily life, which tended to make him the student he continued to be in mature life; and led his professional brethren to rely upon him for thorough knowledge of his profession, and good judgment in the practice of it. That, meanwhile, his mother did not neglect the cultivation of his spiritual nature, may be inferred, if we can receive one of the tra ditions of his childhood, which runs, that when he was five years old he recited, in the Sabbath-school, the entire Shorter Catechism. His early education was, of course, lim ited to such instruction as could be obtained by attendance during the brief term of log-house school; but his habits of thoroughness enabled him to master the foundation studies while learning to plow and plant, and harvest; he raised and handled stock at a much younger age than most boys even of that period. Among his earliest recollections of that primitive life is an incident that he refers to as the first " bear movement in pork." A huge bear visited in the night his father's pig pen, and carried off its one inmate, the household's anticipated pork for the com ing winter. The dismay may be partly appreciated as we learn that pork that year was held at thirty dollars per barrel, and that other necessary of life, wheat, was •titi ^ti ^ti " ' ' mmm lit ir HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 47 three' dollars per bushel. But while food for the body, from its scarcity, commanded fabulous prices, not so food for the intel lectual powers; as we learn from another of the Doctor's reminiscences. He was sent on a horse, riding a side-saddle, to fetch to the district the teacher, a sister of the well-known Judge Caldwell, of Cleve land, which lady taught a very good school, for the princely salary of seventy-five cents a week, one half of which was to be paid in flax, a kind of silver certificate of that day. The prevalence of high prices for wheat led the father to hire a man at twelve dollars a month and board, to help clear off ten acres of land and sow it with wheat. A fair crop was raised, but could not be sold for cash. He said in after years that the payment of the wages of that hired man was the hardest job of his life. There was plenty of work to be found in the country, but no money. in circulation. To receive a letter, and pay the twenty-five cents postage, was a serious family affair. But all these unpromising circumstances did not dishearten the boy, Albert — -his aim was an education and a profession; and at length, after instruction in the best academy and select schools, supplemented by private tuition in a clergyman's family, he began to read medicine in the office of Dr. Peter Allen, at Kinsman, Trumbull Co., Ohio. After four years of study he began tbe practice of his profession, and continued four years with more than the usual success; theu feeling dissatisfied with his qualifications, heattended a course of lectures at Willoughby College, where he graduated in 1841. Taking up his abode in Andover, he there practiced other four years, ^fter which he attended another course in Jefferson Medical College, Phila delphia, where he graduated, and then re turned once more to Andover. In 1851 he looked, abqut for a wider field — con sidered the plan of joining a colony to St. Paul, then only the beginning of a town — but the plan was abandoned, and by the advice of President Pierce of the Western 3 Reserve College, he went Norwalk, where he formed a partnership with Dr. Moses C. Sanders, at that time a leading physi cian of the State. This co-partnership continued during the life of Dr. Sanders, and afterward with his son, Dr. John C. Sanders, until tbe latter removed to Cleve land, and the present firm of Drs. Read & Ford was formed. Dr. Read has been twice married, first time to Jauet Beman, of Trumbull county, Ohio, who died in Norwalk, leaving two children — a son and daughter. The Doctor afterward married Elizabeth Cook, of New York State. During tbe summer of 1861, the Civil war having broken out, Dr. Read, in' com mon with all loyal citizens, desiring to serve his country in her need, considered the question of joining the army as sur geon; but while still undecided, he was called to attend his father, in what proved his last illness, and the day after his return to his home, he was called to the service in the United States Sanitary Commission, under the management of Dr. Newberry, of Cleveland. He spent that winter mainly in Kentucky, witb headquarters at Louis ville, following with his assistance our army under Gen. Buell, ministering tothe sick and wounded after the terrible battles that interrupted its march to take posses sion of Nashville. To indicate somewhat the work he and his helpers were doing, during those dreary months of suffering to so many of the dear boys of our land, he recalls an incident tbat occurred at Elizabethtown. The army had moved on, leaving many sick, greatly needing care, with neither beds nor suitable food. From the stores hurried on from Louisville, they were speedily placed in comfortable beds, and fed with the delicacies sent by the home friends. One boy, delirious from fever, taken from the floor and placed upon the clean cot, soon fell into quiet sleep, from which he awakened rational, and looking about him said: "Where am I? It seems as if mother had been here." The 48 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Doctor says that incident was an inspira tion in much of his after work. After the occupation of Nashville, in the spring of 1862, Dr. Read was made inspector-in- chief of the Department of Cumberland, with a corps of assistants, and headquar ters in Nashville, which position he filled until the close of tbe war. He regards his work for the soldiers during those four years as the greatest work of his life: es tablishing soldiers homes, beginning in Louisville, afterward at Nashville, then all along our army lines, fitting up hospital cars, wherein the sick and wounded might be conveyed with tbe least possible dis comfort; giving out, through his numer ous assistants, the abundant stores so freely provided by the home people of the North for their suffering dear ones. Soon after the close of the war Dr. Read returned to his professional duties. Early in bis professional life tbe Doctor was made a member of the American Medical Association, and also of the State Medical Society of Ohio. In 1858 he was prominent in originating the Delamater Medical Association of Norwalk and vicinity, which Society had an active ex istence of thirty years. He has been a member of the Congregational or Presby terian Church since his student days. L E ROY HOYT, a descendant of one of the pioneer families of Connecti cut, is a great-grandson of Eliphalet Hoyt, who was born in Connecticut in 1773. He was the son of one of twro brothers— Walter and Simeon — who came from Germany early in the seventeenth century and found a home in the " Nut meg State." In his youth he learned the carpenter's trade. He was married to Miss Lois Starr, of Danbury, Conn., and some time later moved to Saratoga county, N. Y., where he worked at his trade for a number of years. Subsequently the family moved to Owasco township, Cayuga Co., N. Y., where a farm was purchased and improved by the father. This property be lost through signing a two-years' limit bond for a merchant. The merchant fled, and the bond becoming forfeit the young farmer had to surrender bis property to satisfy it. In 1826 tbe family moved to Ohio and located on rented land in Fair field township, Huron county, where the father died in 1831. His five children were Sally, Almira, Lois, Silas (who died in youth) and Walter. In politics Eli phalet Hoyt was a Democrat. Walter Hoyt was born in 1802, in Cay uga county, N. Y. Reared like other pio neer boys of that time and place, he grew to manhood there and accompanied his parents to Ohio in 1826. He was nomi nally the head of the family, all the prop erty being in his name. The same year be married Caroline M. Benson, a daughter of Abijah Benson, a tanner of Skaneateles, N. Y., who was a soldier in the war of 1812 and captain of a company in the United States service. After coming to Ohio Walter Hoyt en gaged in agriculture and became the owner of 593 acres. His wife died here in 1838, and in 1841 he married Betsy, daughter of Dominick Cole, a millwright. To the first marriage were born three children, of whom Ichabod, Elmon and Mercy grew to maturity. To the second marriage were born three children: Brad ley, Alma and Charles. To each of his sons he gave a farm, and when he died, in 1862. he left personal property valued at ten thousand dollars to be divided among the heirs. In political opinion he was a stanch Democrat. He was a most indus trious citizen, and a man who would earn and hold property in any place and under any circumstance. Elmon Hoyt, the second son of Walter and Caroline Hoyt, was born August 29, 1829, in Fairfield township, Huron Co., Ohio. His father being a lifelong agri culturist, taught his sons by actual exper ience in that avocation. The lessons HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 4.9 taught him in boyhood and early man hood of strict obedience to duty and labor have followed him througb bis successful life. When about to embark in life for himself he cleared a space in the then dense forest for a place to build a home; then realizing the need of a helpmate he married October 24, 1854, Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Phineas and Rachel (Terry) Guthrie. As a result of this marriage five children were born: Wilber, Harry H., Le Roy, Ralph and Clayton, all of whom are still living. While Mr. Hoyt has always given per sonal attention to his business at home, he has always been ready to promote any en terprise for the good of his town or com munity. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt having toiled together for nearly forty years now realize together tbat toil and energy " have their rewards. Feeling that something ought to be done to relieve the monotony and isolation of the farmer, and being rea,dy to do anything they could to promote a social and intellectual advancement among the agricultural class, they signed an ap plication for a charter for the organization of The Grange in 1874, and became char ter members of that organization. To this Society they have always been active mem bers, going up with the different degrees of the Order, and often being delegated to represent their Grange at the State meet ings. In March, 1878, The Huron County Mutual Insurance Company was organized, Mr. Hoyt. becoming one of its early mem bers, and he was elected treasurer of the Company, to which office he has been re elected every year since, and still performs the duties of that office. To his sons he has been a great help in starting' them successfully in business. For the eldest one (Wilber, who chose agriculture), he had a farm for him, upon which Wilber has succeeded well. Witb his second son Harry (who chose mer cantile business), Mr. Hoyt became in terested in business in North Fairfield, there building the large brick store room, where an extensive business was very success fully conducted. In a few years, Mr. Harry Hoyt, wishing to engage more ex tensively in business, he proposed to start a store in Norwalk. Mr. Elmon Hoyt saw in this two favorable features, viz.: That it would give Harry an opportunity to extend his business qualifications and also place LeRoy, his third son, in charge of the North Fairfield store, and Mr. Hoyt became interested in both stores. The two younger sons remain on the home farm. Thus Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt have lived a useful and successful life. LeRoy Hoyt, the subject of this sketch, is the third son of Elmon and Elizabeth Hoyt, and was born October 6, 1862. His youth was passed on the farm with his parents, and his time divided between duties at home and attendance at the union school in the village of North Fairfield. He then devoted two years of study in Oberlin College, and during this time ac quired a liberal education, after which he entered his father's store as clerk, remain ing there two years. Then he was given full management of a branch store at Peru, Ohio, which he conducted successfully for two years, when the branch was sold, as his attention was required at the North Fairfield store, which he again entered, becoming its personal manager, and, later, equal partner with his father in the mer cantile business. On January 6, 1886, he was united in marriage with Anna F., daughter of Maj. William B. Sturges, of Fairfield, a sketch of whom immediately follows this, and in this union one child, Nelka, has been born. As a business man Mr. Hoyt has been most successful, and to-day carries one of the finest general stores in this sec tion. Tbat be merits this success, his social, moral and business standing in his native county are the best evidences. Politically he is an earnest, active Re publican. In 1891 he was member of the County Executive Committee, and person ally secured and presided over one of the 50 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. largest meetings ever held in the county. He made the welcoming speech, and in troduced the present governor of the State, William McKinley, to the people. So perfect was the success of this meeting that Mr. Hoyt wished to repeat it. Ac cordingly, the next year he visited Senator John Sherman at his home in Mansfield, and secured him to come to North Fair field and deliver a speech to a very large audience. Mr. Hoyt was recognized as the principal promoter of his political faith, and was chosen chairman of this meeting. He has served his township as postmaster for four years well and faith fully, and secured at its close a reward of the highest grade by the United States inspector. He wields a strong political, social and commercial influence not only in Fairfield township, but throughout the county as well; and while he is yet young to furnish a history for publication, he lacks only time and opportunity to convince all that he is one of the most progressive men of bis time. He is one to whom the hand of deserving charity was never presented without receiving, the recipient going away with a lighter heart and a fuller hand. In whatever tends to build up, to elevate humanity, be it in the material, social, moral or educational, in him is found a ready helper. In religions faith be is a member of the Disciple Church, and lives, in harmony witb his profession, a helpful life. IM *j AJOR WILLIAM B. STURGES was born October 12, 1828, in New York City, grandson of Josiah Sturges, who was born in Connecticut, of English descent. Tbe latter married Rebecca Cooper, and to their union were born the following named children: Jonathan, Josiah J., Ann Eliza, Mary, Julia, Arabella, Deborah, Joseph and Henry A- C. Mr. Sturges first conducted a packet line running between Savannah (Ga.) and New York, and for some time resided in Savannah, subse quently removing to New York, where he passed the remainder of bis life. He was there engaged in the mercantile business with Thomas C. Butler and a Mr. Harris, and' for some years was inspector of cus toms at the port of New York. In reli gious faith he was a member of the Moravian Church, and his children were all educated at Bethlehem (Penn.) and Nazareth (the latter being the school for boys). Henry A. C. Sturges passed the days of bis boyhood in New York, and was edu cated to business life, afterward working in his father's store. He was united in marriage with Jane, daughter of David and S. Cargill, of New York (who were of Scotch ancestry), and to this union were born children as follows: William B. ; Anna F., Mrs. Lyman Spencer; David G., who was for nearly thirty years an ap praiser of customs at New York; Caroline; Harry C; John G., and Thomas. In 1835 Mr. Sturges and his family came westward to Ohio, going by river to Albany, thence by way of the Erie Canal to Buffalo, and from the latter place by lake to Sandusky, Ohio. He came first to Norwalk, shortly afterward settling in Greenfield township, Huron county, where he became a leading farmer, and passed the remainder of his days. In political opinion he was a Whig. William B. Sturges passed his youth on the home farm, and received his education at the Seminary at Nor walk. On June 5, 1851, he was mar ried to Josephine, daughter of Elias Thomas, and they became the parents of children as follows: Wilson N., now a resident of St. Louis, Mo.; Flora O, Mrs. K. B. Kellogg; Jay, a ranchman of Gunni son county, Colo.; Napier, of Fairfield township, Huron county; Jessie M.; Guy S., in Colorado with bis brother Jay, and Anna F., Mrs. Le Roy Hoyt. Mr. Sturges HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 51 enlisted in the Civil war at the outbreak of the conflict, and on April 23, 1861, was commissioned second lieutenant of Com pany A, Twenty-Fourth O. V. I. With tbe exception of a three weeks' leave of absence he was in continuous service throughout the war, fighting with the army of the Cumberland. He participated in the battles at Shiloh, Stone River. Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, and also in many minor engagements, and during all this time was wounded but once, in 1861, when his horse fell, severely injur ing his right knee. He was on the staff of various generals, among whom may be mentioned Gen. Palmer and Gen. Stanley, and during his service was promoted to first lieutenant, then to captain (in which capacity he had command of his company for the last six months of the war), finally rising to the rank of major. In 1865 he engaged as a traveling sales man, carrying a line of tobacco, etc., in which he continued for twenty-six years. In 1883 he removed to his present resi dence, where he is now living a retired life. Politically he has been a lifelong Republican. Tl EDUARD ERF. The Erf family v I are of Dutch origin, and many years ^yj ago settled in Germany, whence the grandfather of tbe subject of this sketch, with his family, emigrated to America aud settled in Huron county. There be took up a tract of land and lived up to tbe time of his death in 1889. Of his children only two sons survive, and they are now living in the western part of the county. J. Eduard Erf is the eldest son of An thony Erf, aud was born in Lyme town ship, Huron county, in December, 1861. His early life was spent like that of all farmers' sons, namely in going to school and working on tbe farm, only with this difference that while the sons of too many spent most of their time in working on the farm, and a short time only in going to school, it was his fortune to spend most of his years in school, and only in vacations doing farm work. It is fortunate, too, that his father took a great deal of interest in educational matters, and through his efforts was not a little due the fact that the school where he attended was of a higher grade than that of many other country schools. He can well remember that, while in some districts school was taught only three or four months in the year, at the place where he attended not less than nine months was the usual limit of the school year, and the best of country teachers were employed. At an early age he en tered the high school of the neighboring town of Monroeville, aud a number of years later prepared himself for college, afterward attending tbe University of Minnesota, a western college that has re ceived great prominence among the State institutions of higher learning. Both at the academy and at the university he won several prizes in oratory, and in the Fresh man year won the first prize at the ora torical contest, also taking second rank at the State contest. As with many other young men, it was a question with him whether he should study for the ministry or for the bar. Finally 'deciding for the latter, he began the study of law with Russell & Rice, of Cleveland, and later in the office of Judge Blandan, of tbe same place. He was ad mitted tothe bar in 1891. Where to locate he bad not decided upon, although for the time being he remained in Cleveland, and launched out for himself. Finding after the first month's experience that his outlay was largely disproportioned to his income, he decided to change his location, and finally concluded to settle in Norwalk, Ohio, the seat of the county of his birth. While making preparations to locate, in a con versation with Senator Harlon Stewart the idea was suggested to him that he should assume the editorship of the Germania, 52 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. the only German paper printed in Huron county. Having had some experience as a newspaper writer and manager, and also having a practical knowledge of the German, as he had made tbat language one of his specialties at college, he looked favorably upon the proposition. At second thought it was suggested to him that if he was to be come an editor of a paper for some one else, why not become the editor of his own paper? Immediately negotiations were entered into for the sale of the weekly, which, in part nership with his brother, he purchased in May, 1891. Working with energy and enthusiasm, the circulation of the paper was doubled within four months. In ad dition, also, the advertising was largely in creased, bringing the paper a very good income, and placing it upon a sure financial footing. In the winter of 1892, the brothers, having resolved to take up the job printing business, purchased a con siderable amount of plant, including a large cylinder press for the publication of their paper, which heretofore had been printed by the Experiment- News. When the Norwalk Press was launched, Mr. Erf was asked to assume the position of editor of that paper, and also to take an interest in the enterprise. This he did, and with Mr. James Mullin began the publication of the Norwalk Press in March, 1893. Later on a corporation was formed under the name of The Erf Bros. Publishing Co., with J. E. Erf, Gustavus Erf, James Mullin and others as stock holders, which company now publishes the Norwalk Press and the Germania, besides doing a general job and publishing business. From a small beginning, occupying in May, 1891, a small room 10 x 15, aud em ploying one man, their business has in creased sov tbat to-day they occupy three floors of the Stewart block, employing from sixteen to eighteen persons. Mr. Erf's duties as editor are of such a nature and so laborious that he has had very lit tle time while in Norwalk to practice his profession. In fact the journalistic work seems to hold so much in store for him, that both circumstances and his own in clination for literary work incline him in that direction rather than toward the bar. In politics be is an ardent Democrat, and has always defended, both by speech and writing, the Democratic faith. He is a Democrat from principle, believing thoroughly in the fundamental principles of that party. A short time after locating in Norwalk he was placed on the Demo cratic ticket for the office of prosecuting attorney of Huron county. He made an active canvass of the county, speaking in almost every township, and although de feated ran ahead of his ticket by three hundred votes. Practically in active busi ness and the professions only a few years, he is well liked, has made many friends, and is making for himself a place in the community as an honorable and public- spirited man. USTAVUS ERF. The subject of . this sketch, one of the junior mem bers of The Erf Bros. Publishing Co., and a brother of J. Eduard Erf, was born in Lyme township, Huron county, in 1865, the third son of Anthony Erf. Like bis brother, he spent bis early life in going to school and work ing on the farm. After having completed his studies in the district school, he at tended the Monroeville high school, and later on went to Cleveland, where he did some work on a mechanical journal as solicitor. Coming to Norwalk, he, in company with bis brother, bought the Norwalk Germania, which they continued to publish. Later on a job office was opened. When the firm of Erf Bros, was lately consolidated and merged into The Erf Bros. Publishing Co. he became a prominent stockholder. Mr. Erf is es pecially connected with the business man agement of tbe concern, in which he takes an active interest. HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 53 In 1892 our subject was married to Miss Rosa Frenz, who presides over his pleasant home on Olive street. Though young he is active and energetic, well liked by his business associates, and he has before bim a prosperous and bright career. Il F. BEELMAN, editor and proprietor k. I of tbe Plymouth Advertiser, was %J) born July 31, 1847, in Richland' county, Ohio. His ancestors in America, both paternal and maternal, may be traced back to the early Colonial days of Pennsylvania. Andrew Beelman, father of subject, was a native of Franklin county, Penn., where he grew into manhood and married Christiana Cain, a native of the same county. He learned the cabinet maker's trade in Pennsylvania, and in 183-, when be removed to Plymouth, Richland Co., Ohio, he found sufficient work in this trade to occupy his attention until bis death in 1867. He was a Whig until the organization of tbe Republicans, when he joined the new party and gave it his unqualified support. Thongh his convic tions were firmly fixed, he was not active in public affairs, his disposition being to attend to his own trade and let others attend to their business. J. F. Beelman is the fourth in a family of four sons and one daughter born to An-. drew and Christiana Beelman. He was educated in the public schools at Ply mouth, and at the age of fourteen years entered a more practical school, as ap prentice in the office of the Plymouth Ad vertiser, where he served three and a half years. After this long term in learning the "art preservative," he entered tbe dry- goods establishment of S. M. Robinson, where for four years he was employed as salesman. In 1869, in partnership with M. Webber, he purchased a book and no tion store at Plymouth. In 1872 he dis posed of his interest in that store, and as sociated himself with his brother J. M. Beelman, in the office of the Plymouth Advertiser. In December, 1876, he be came sole owner of the office, to which he has since given close, personal attention. The Plymouth Advertiser was founded in 1852 by a Mr. Sanford; later D. R. Locke, better known as "Petroleum V. Nasby," became proprietor, and in its pages began to build up his reputation as a humorous political writer. This journal has always been and is now devoted to the interests of Plymouth and vicinity with out regard to politics. It is well edited and printed, and enjoys a heavy advertis ing patronage as well as a large circula tion. The office is equipped with job and cylinder presses, steam power is used, and altogether, the paper reflects the progress ive spirit of the town. Mr. Beelman was married, on October 8, 1874, to Miss Frank Gipson, a daugh ter of H. B. Gipson, of Plymouth, Ohio, and they are Che parents of one child, Grace W. Our subject ranks among the leading and influential men of this division of the State, and, in his relations to the people as a newspaper man and citizen, is recognized as one who has contributed largely to tbe material and social advance ment of Plymouth and tributary district. For eighteen years he served as secretary of the Plymouth Agricultural Society, and has filled various local offices. In Church connection he is a Lutheran, and he is a gentleman of strong moral convictions. H. GOVE, of the C. H. Gove & Co. foundry, Norwalk, is a native of Washington county, N. Y., born August 24, 1828. He was reared and educated iu Onondaga county, same State, after two years of age attending the public schools there, subsequently taking a course in the academy. His parents, David and Mary (Burbank) Gove, were 54 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. <$ descendants of colonists who came to America from London in 1640, locating in Deerfield, Connecticut. David Gove was born in 1794, in Wil mot, Merrimack Co., N. H., became a farmer, and died in Onondaga county, N. Y., at the age of forty-five years. He was a man of strong character, and in politics was a Jackson Democrat. His wife, Mary Burbank), was born in 1797 in Salisbury, ~. H. ; she became the mother of eleven children, eight of whom were by her last husband, David Gove; two of her sons and two daughters are yet living. David Gove's father, Nathan Gove, was born on the old farm in New Hampshire, and Nathan's father was born in Concord, Connecticut. C. H. Gove, the subject proper of this memoir, commenced taking his lessons in tbe foundry business in 1846 at Syracuse, N. Y. After learning the trade he came, in 1850, to Huron county, where he en gaged in the molding business, and was for fifteen years in managing charge of a foundry. He had charge of the Bay City Foundries at Sandusky two years, and of the Lake Shore Foundry at Elkhart, Ind., for some time. He then returned to Nor walk, and took charge of the foundry here. In 1887, in company with his son, Ernest D. Gove, be established his preseut foundry, and now carries on a prosperous business, doing the exclusive casting for the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroad. In 1876-77 he was a member of the Norwalk city council. On July 14, 1851, C. H. Gove was united in marriage with Sarah L. McGor- gan, who was born May 11, 1833, in Sen eca county, Ohio. Their children were as follows: Charles E., at present superin tendent of the Vermillion (Ohio) schools; Emmett P., a machinist; Ernest D., with his father iu the foundry; Otis G., a moulder by trade; Frederick W. ; Frank; Mary B. (deceased); Ida B. ; Nellie, and Sadie. The Gove family is widely respected inthecityand county. [Since tbe above was written C. H. Gove & Co. sold tbeir foundry business April 1, 1893, to Otis G. Gove and David Higgins, and Mr. Gove settled upon a farm at Kipton, Lorain Co., Ohio, where he expects to pass the remain der of his days.] Mr. C. H. Gove desireB to have here recorded the following: MY LAST REQUEST. When in the grave my fiiends have laid me, And loving lips have breathed adieu, Let no one dare to upbraid me, Or draw my frailties forth to view. But lay my faults in the grave beside me, Then let the clods upon me fall ; And as they from the cold world hide me, Let them hide my faults and all. Let there be joy instead of weeping, That rest is found for heart and head ; Then leave me to my Savior's keeping, For if He lives I can't be dead. Only dead to sin and strife And soon shall wake to endless life. C. H. Govb. */ HON. CHARLES PRESTON WICKHAM, attorney at law, was born in Norwalk, Huron county, Ohio, September 15, 1836, the eldest of thirteen sons and daugh ters born to Judge Frederick and Lucy (Preston) Wickham, both descendants of New England Puritan stock, and of his paternal ancestors can be enumerated Gov. Winthrop, of Massachusetts. The family even remotely come of a strong and sturdy race, men and women of that rugged na ture that was fitted to tbe often cruel exi gencies in the transplanting of civilization from the Old World to the New. The pioneer into the wilderness from the New England coast was William Wickham, a native of Rhode Island, grandfather of Charles Preston Wickham. He naturally made his way to the regions of the lakes, impelled by that strong instinct for the sea that ran through generations, and he settled on tbe shores of Lake Ontario, at Sodus Point. His three sons, John, Fred erick and Samuel, nurtured within sight and hearing of the blue, dashing waters of HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 57 the great lake, in their westward journey- ings could not leave the sea forever behind them, and so took up their dwelling place at Huron, one of Lake Erie's natural harbors. Tbe youngest brother, Samuel, sailed the lakes, and died while still en gaged in pursuing bis chosen vocation. John, the eldest, engaged in lake com merce, and at one time owned one of the largest fish-packing establishments on Lake Erie; while Frederick, though never forgetting his lakeside birthplace, located at Norwalk, his present home, and became the proprietor of the Norwalk Reflector, established as the Huron Reflector by Samuel Preston, whose daughter, Lucy, became his wife. In the great old- fashioned house in the center of the town, whose upper floor served as a printing office in the olden days, were born their thirteen children — six sons and seven daughters — twelve of whom grew to ma ture life. Sons and daughters alike were taught the printer's art, serving a good apprenticeship. Charles, inheriting from both father and mother a taste for books and love of learning, took advantage of all that the then meager public schools and the excel lent Norwalk Academy could afford. He longed for a college education, but the many younger brothers and sisters made the fulfillment of the desire impossible. He was permitted, however, to attend the Cincinnati law school, from which he was graduated in April, 185.8, and was ad mitted to the bar by the district court of Hamilton county in the same month. Full of hope and enthusiasm in his chosen profession, he located in Norwalk and opened his law office. In August, 1860, he was united in the sacred bonds of wed lock with Emma J. Wildman, daughter of Frederick A. and Mariett (Patch) Wild- man, both natives of Danbury, Conn., who had removed to Ohio, locating at Clarks- field, but afterward coming to Norwalk. In April following this happy marriage came the tocsin of war, thrilling the civil ized world, and blasting many youthful prospects, and bringing a long and sad in terruption to thousands of others. Full of patriotic courage, and upheld in his purpose by his young wife, Charles P. Wickham enlisted, in September, 1861, in the Fifty-fifth Regiment O. V. I., and a short time after bade farewell to home and the few months-old babe he was never to see again, and with his command marched to the front. During the suc ceeding four years the young soldier en dured all the hardships and dangers of piti less war, ever at the.post of duty, and with eager intelligence heeding the commands of his superiors. As brave as he was dis creet, his devotion to his couutry's cause could not but attract the attention of those in authority, and the dashing young pri vate soon received the well-merited pro motion to first lieutenant, then successively to captain, major, and lieutenant-colonel of his regiment; the further promotion while be was major coming direct from the hands of the President, as lieutenant-col onel of volunteers by brevet, for " gallant and meritorious service in the Carolinas." The unbroken severity of his service is to some little extent manifest in the skeleton record of the marches, battles and sieges that follow the name of Charles Preston Wickham on the country's war records. Among others in which he participated were the battles of Second Bull Run, Chan- cellorsville, Gettysburg, Mission Ridge, the battles from Chattanooga to Atlanta, in cluding Resaca, Peach Tree Creek, Siege of Atlanta, March to the Sea, Averysboro and Bentonville. These are briefly the main battles, and only to the veteran does the enumeration convey any true idea of the four years of hardships, exposures, trials and sufferings of an active soldier's life. Of the millions who in the heyday of young life entered their country's serv ice, but few equaled and none surpassed this one in the tented field, where are made such heavy drafts upon tbe moral and phy sical courage of those who do their duty. Missing Page Missing Page 58 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. In all his long service in the army he es caped the demoralization, so common to all large aggregations of men, by the upright tenor of his bearing and the rectitude of his conduct. Four years, and grim-visaged war had smoothed his wrinkled front; and when the angel of mercy and peace had spread her white wings across the land, and the army, having saved the Union, was being mustered out to return home, Col. Wick- ham's command was ordered to Cleveland, and July 19, 1865, tbe ragged, sun-burned veterans, but fire-tried heroes all, were honorably discharged from the service. And now came the crucial test of the Ameri can character, namely, that of suddenly turning a great army into free inhabitants, from destroyers to builders up; from sub jects of the law as thundered from tbe can non's mouth, to the upholders of peace and the civil law. The storm of blood was spent, and the birds built their nests in the cannon's cold lips. And here the vet eran's record is one of ever added new laurel wreaths to tbe trophies of war. At the close of the service Col. Wick ham returned to his home in Norwalk, and resumed the practice of his profession. He was elected prosecuting attorney for Huron county in 1866; re-elected in 1868, and after the end of his term was called by the suffrage of his people to the office of judge of the common pleas court, of the Fourth Judicial District, in 1880; served a term and was re elected in 1885; resigned in October, 1886, to become the standard- bearer of his party as a candidate for Con gress from the Fourteenth District; was triumphantly elected and served with dis tinguished eminence; re-elected in 1888. This is something of the record of a citi zen of Huron county, distinguished in peace as in war. A bright paragraph in history, a more precious legacy to poster ity than the wealth of the whole world. Col. Wickham is in height about five feet nine inches; of fair complexion, erect carriage and fine presence. In manner, though ever dignified, reserved and un demonstrative, he is courteous, gentle and sympathetic, and possesses the most perfect control over a naturally quick and high temper. The prime impulse of his life has ever been devotion to duty and the furtherance of the kingdom of God. A member of the Presbyterian Church from early manhood, he has been an elder since about the year 1866, and no press of business or public duties, nor the impaired health which is his as a reminder of the war, have ever deterred him from regular attendance upon divine service, or checked his activity in and devotion to all branches of Christian work. The dearest wish of his life is that the six living children of the nine born to him may become well- equipped Christian men and women. Upon the integrity of his private life, his warmest political enemies have never even held a question. A devoted son and brother, he is the pride and stay of his parents and the friend and adviser of brothers and sisters — a loving and tender husband, a father whose love knows no limit in self-sacrifice. His children have never heard from his lips a harsh or un kind word, and hold him in their hearts as their ideal of a noble manhood. His ten der heart can never hear unheeded a cry from the needy or unfortunate, and, though one of that profession supposed by some to be nearly pitiless, his conscience has never allowed him to exact more than his just dues in lawyer's fees. The unsatisfied longing of his boyhood days for a college education has made him unwearying in the pursuit of knowledge, and while devoting himself with untiring industry to the study and practice of the law, he has found time for wide general reading and for travel, that best of all edu cations, in all parts of bis country. He and his wife — his helpmeet, adviser and aid in every project — were the ones to suggest and plan for the public library of his na tive town. He is an enthusiast on the subject of education, and is the guide and HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 59 inspiration to his children in their studies. In all walks of life he has won the admi ration of his fellows for his ability, indus try and the conscientiousness which never allows him to neglect the least of his du ties. Noted in the army for chivalrous bravery that was only equaled by his ever-tender regard for the welfare of those in his charge. His walk in the mazes of the law has been along the higher paths of the profession, where there is always room and to spare for the inspiration of genius. A large and lucrative practive has been- his from the first. An ardent advocate of temperance, he has ever had the courage of his convictions on this question, and in his private walks and in his official life has never spared the de stroyers of tbe home. Upon the bench he was the wise and just judge, eminent for his impartiality, dignity and courteous- ness, carrying with him the respect of the bar and confidence of the people. This is evidenced by tbe fact that in his second election to the bench, though op posed by his able predecessor, and tbat, too, in a strongly Democratic district, yet he was easily elected. Nothing can add to the strength of this statement as to the man's standing with his people. His po litical affiliations have been with the Re publican party, to wliich, while never offensive to the opposition, he has been ever stanch and true. He has investi gated deeply the economic questions of government, and the public weal has been tbe loadstar of his political life. As a speaker he is clear, earnest and logical, possessing that rare trait of holding the attention of an audience by the importance of what is being said and the forcible manner of its expression. Powerful and convincing in argument, be has made him self felt at the bar and won respect in the halls of Congress. And tbough for years accustomed to public speaking, he has never been able to conquer a natural diffi dence and modesty, whieh makes him dread anew each public appearance. While pre-eminently successful in the political field, yet he has none of the equipments of the successful poli tician. Rather than having been hon ored by the offices he has filled, he has shed luster upon them, controlled by the high purpose of bequeathing to his chil dren and posterity that richest of all lega cies, a name honored and unstained. [The foregoing is, with a few immaterial addi tions, from the graceful pen of an affec tionate daughter, Mrs. Grace W. W. Cur- ran. — Editor. [If ON. F. R. LOOMIS, editor and 1^ proprietor of the Norwalk Chroni- j! __[ cle, was born in Lodi, Ohio, Sep tern - *f/ ber 3, 1841. The lineal descendant of the Loomis family is from one Joseph Loomis, who came from Braintree, England, to Connecticut, in the year 1632. The subject of this sketch is the sixth in the order of birth of eight children born to Milo and Lucy A. (Greenly) Loomis, both natives of Jefferson county, N. Y., people of prominence and wealth, who came to Ohio in 1832, making their home in Medina county, where they passed the remainder of their lives. Our subject resided in his native place until his nine teenth year, when he entered the Union army, in which he served faithfully three and one half years at the front, his regi ment being the Eighth O. V. I. He was promoted consecutively to first sergeant, second lieutenant and first lieutenant, and was assigned, to the staff of Gen. S. S. Carroll. He was severely wounded at the battle of Antietam, and again at Gettys burg. On his return home at the close of the war he was appointed postmaster of bis native town, Lodi, an incumbency he filled ten consecutive years, at the end of which time he resigned to accept the posi tion of member of the State Legislature, to which the suffrages of the Republicans of his county had called bim. He served his term acceptably, and declined a 60 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. renoinination. In 1876 he purchased a half interest in the Medina Gazette, and was one of the editors and proprietors thereof until 1879, when he sold bis in terest in that paper and purchased the Norwalk Chronicle, of which he is now sole proprietor and editor. Mr. Loomis is an ardent Republican, a prominent and respected leader in tbat organization, aud has been called frequentlv to the councils and posts of trust and re sponsibility in its interests. In religious faith he is a Congregation alist, in tbe church of which denomination he has been an honored member for many years, and as delegate has represented it at important State meetings; he was Moderator of the North Ohio Conference for a term; was president of the Huron County Bible So ciety several years ; was for some years pres ident of the Huron County Sunday-school Association ; was also president of the Ohio State Sunday-school Association two years; and was secretary of the Third Inter national Sunday-school Convention, held at Atlanta, Ga. Socially he is past com mander of M. F. Wooster Post, No. 34, G. A. R., of Norwalk; he was three times elected colonel of F. H. Boalt Command No. 17, Union Veterans Union, of Nor walk; was elected department commander of Ohio Command of the Union Veterans Union, serving one year; declining a re election as commander, he was elected chaplain of the Department. For several years he served as chairman of the Execu tive Committee of the National Command of the Union Veterans Union. He is a director and trustee aDd a prominent member of the Firelands Historical So ciety, and has been its biographer for several years. While Mr. Loomis is a strong, earnest and ever-active party man, he never for a moment has forgotten that correct prin ciples are stronger and more important than party claims. On January 10, 1865, F. R. Loomis was united in marriage with Catherine C. Kilmer, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and to them was given one son, whose young life brought to his fond parents' hearts the light and joy of the sunshine. Clare R. Loomis was born March 16, 1871 ; reared in the atmosphere of a refined and loving Christian home, he developed those ami able, bright and strong qualities of soul and mind that marked him most eminently and wove the golden chain that endeared bim to a wide circle of admiring friends. He had a brilliant promise of life when he left his father's home to accept a responsible position on the editorial staff of the Chi cago Inter Ocean, but the hand of disease was suddenly laid upon his bright and noble young life, and he died of typhoid fever at his home in Norwalk, February 9, 1892, leaving desolate the now childless parents, and creating a void in their hearts which can never be filled. Among the the temperance advocates of Ohio, Hon. F. R. Loomis stands forth prominently. Here, as elsewhere, his con victions are strong, but are always equaled by his courage in the expression of them. His paper is the reflex of the man, battling ever for the supremacy of principle, for the right though the heavens fall, and in this regard it is the reflex of its editor's life. If RVING J. BROOKS, editor and pro- I Iprietor of the Greenwich Enterprise, J son of Franklin and Ann Eliza (Ken nedy) Brooks, natives of Huron county, was born April 15, 1857, in Bronson township. His paternal grandfather was a native of Vermont, his paternal grand mother of New York State. The mater nal grandfather was a native of Ireland, and maternal grandmother a native of Scotland, belonging to the well-known McPherson family and a cousin to Gen. McPherson. They were pioneers of Bron son township, where the first named re sided for forty years, dying in 1872, and the last named died in 1844. HURON COUNTY, OHIO. fil The name was originally spelled Brooke, and the family of that name in America are descended from English ancestry. The historical Say-Brooke fort, built at the mouth of the Connecticnt river in 1635, was named after Lords Say and Brooke, who were the proprietors, and, in company with others, held the grant of the territory of Connecticut. Lemuel Brooke, youngest son of William and Esther Brooke, was born at Enfield, Conn., February 20, 1748. His father, William Brooke, who owned and controlled the Enfield ferry, was a great-grandson of Lord Brooke, of England. He (William) taught in different schools and colleges thirty- three years; served four years in the war of the Revo lution, acting in tbe capacity of quarter master. He was employed by the United States Government to survey, on the Western Reserve, a tract of land in north eastern Ohio set apart by the Government for tbe people whose homes were destroyed in the Revolutionary war. His surveys were made in Lorain and Cuyahoga counties. Returning to Vermont be emigrated with his family in 1817, traveling the whole distance with an ox-team, and settled in Greenfield, Huron Co., Ohio. Owing to the scarcity of steel at that time in this new country, his sword was made into butcher knives; his regimentals, etc., to gether with most of tbe family records, including the coat of arms of the Brooke family, a silver helmet, buckler, etc., were destroyed by fire at Greenfield, Ohio, in 1838. William Brooke married Keziah Haskill January 5, 1775, and seven chil dren were born to them, viz.: Lemuel, Melicinda, Kezia, Aurelia, Homer, Selma, Virgil. Of these, Lemuel, born August 7, 1776, was twice married, and by his second wife, Esther Sprague, whom he wedded February 13, 1806, he had eight children, to wit: Lemuel Sprague, Har- rietta Esther, William, Philo, Celia, Ne hemiah, Irena and Jerusha. The father of these died in Greenfield township, Huron Co., Ohio, in 1831. Lemuel Sprague Brooke was born in Marlboro, Windham Co., Vt., October 29, 1806. When ten years of age lie rescued his brother Nehemiah from a well, and was all his grown life a man of superior muscular power. In 1833 be married Almira Adams, of North Fairfield, Ohio, and to them two children were born — Franklin (father of the subject proper of this sketch) and Esther. He died in June, 1838, from cancer in the face, and was preparing himself for the ministry at the time of his illness. Franklin Brooke was born January 13, 1834, in Greenfield township, Huron Co., Ohio; was married November 1, 1855, to Ann Eliza Kennedy, of Bronson township, Huron county, by whom there were four children, named as follows: Irving J., Gardiner A., Frank Alexander and Anna Elmira. Irving J. Brooks passed his boyhood in New Haven township, and received a pri mary education in the district school. Subsequently he studied in the Normal schools at Lebanon and Ada, Ohio, and after obtaining a practical literary train ing taught school several terms, and en tered the Chronicle office at Norwalk in 1881. Subsequently he worked in tbe offices of the Daily News, at Norwalk; was assistant foreman of the Daily Jour nal, at Battle Creek, Mich.; foreman of the Enterprise, at Cherokee, Iowa, and foreman of the Journal, at Mankato, Minn. Returning to Huron county in November, 1888, be purchased a half in terest in the Greenwich Enterprise, and in February, 1891, became sole proprietor. This newspaper is an independent journal, presents a good typographical appearance, has a large local circulation, and is a good advertising medium. To the editorial and news columns of the Enterprise he gives close, personal attention, and by his in dustry has made the office profitable and the paper useful. On April 15, 1886, Mr. Brooks was united in marriage, at Chero kee, Iowa, with Miss Lydia R. Ruggles, 62 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. who was born in Waverly, Van Buren Co., Mich., August 21, 1865, a daughter of Charles D. and Henrietta C. (Hobart) Ruggles. Her father's people pride them selves in their blood, tbey being an old family. Her mother is of Puritan descent, tracing a direct line of ancestry to John Alden and his wife Priscilla. Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Brooks are members of the Episcopal Church. He is a member of the Masonic, Knights of Pythias and National Union Lodges of Greenwich; a Royal Arch Mason of New London Chap ter; a member of the Sons of Temperance of Norwalk, and also of the International Typographical Union of Toledo. EN. FRANKLIN SAWYER (de ceased) was born in Auburn, Craw ford Co., Ohio, July 13, 1825, a Al son of Erastus and Sally Sawyer, natives of the State of New York. His father's ancestors emigrated to this country from Lancashire, England, and his mother's (whose maiden name was Snider) from Holland. His parents were pioneers in that then wilderness country. He had one brother, Alban us, older, and one sister, Mrs. Lucy Kellogg, younger, than himself. Upon his father's farm he remained until his seventeenth year, employed in the hard work of the new country, and at tending the common school of the neigh borhood when there happened to be one. In 1843 he was a student at Norwalk Seminary, and the next year at Granville College, supporting himself during this time, and while studying law, by teaching school winters. In 1845 he commenced the study of tbe law at Norwalk, was ad mitted to the bar in 1847, and soon found himself in a respectable practice. In 1850 he was elected prosecuting attorney, which office he held two years, during wliich time he was successful in breaking up a noted gang of horse thieves, counterfeiters and professional witnesses who infested the county. In 1854 he formed a part nership with George H. Safford, which continued until both threw up the profes sion to enter the army. In 1860, at tbe instance of Gov. Denni son, Mr. Sawyer organized a military com pany known as the Norwalk Light Guards, and on April 16, 1861, was ordered into service for three months, and reported with his company at Camp Dennison as Company D, Eighth Ohio Volunteers. The regiment soon re-organized for three years; he was promoted to major, and soon after to lieutenant-colonel. In July the regiment went to Western Virginia, and participated in the campaign of that summer. S. S. Carroll, of the U. S. A., was appointed colonel, and took the regi ment into the valley in the spring of 1861, where it fought conspicuously in the battle of Winchester. Col. Carroll was there given the command of the brigade, and from this time the regiment was in command of Col. Sawyer. ' It was then ordered to Harrison's Landing, and be came part of the Second Corps. He com manded the regiment in the battles of Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellors- ville, Gettysburg, Mine Run, Morton's Ford, the Wilderness, and Spottsylvania, and in innumerable skirmishes. In most of these battles he was assigned to diffi cult positions, and in every instance was complimented by his superior officers for his gallant conduct. At Gettysburg, he was ordered to drive out a rebel force posted in an important position in front of Hancock's battle-line, which was hand somely done with the bayonet, though at a heavy loss. This position be maintained for two days unsupported, and far in ad vance of the line, although three times at tacked by superior force; and finally, charging an advancing column of rebels, took a number of prisoners and three bat tle-flags. In this battle, and also the battle of Antietam, over one-half of his men engaged were killed or wounded. HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 63 His horse was shot from under him at Antietam, Chancellorsville, and Locust Grove. He was severely wounded at Gettysburg, Morton's Ford, and Spottsyl- vania, at the latter place the wound dis abling him from further service and partially paralyzing the left side. During the draft-riots he was sent to the city of New York with his regiment, and occu pied a position on Brooklyn Heights until the consummation of the draft. Promotion was several times tendered him, but he preferred to remain with bis "gallant old Eighth." His popularity with his men was unbounded, his ability as an officer was conceded, and his absolute bravery in battle unquestioned. The rank of brevet brigadier-general was conferred for meritorious conduct during the war. In the fall of 1864 he visited the Ohio troops on the line of the Mississippi, New Orleans, Kentucky, Tennessee, Northern Alabama, and Georgia, on a special com mission from Gov. Brough. He then acted as assistant judge advocate in the of fice of Judge Advocate Gen. Holt, at Washington, until the close of the war, and tbe triumphal return of the Union army to Washington, in June, 1865. Iu 1865 he was elected representative to the Legislature for Huron county on the Republican ticket, and served two ses sions. Was a member of the committee on finance, schools, and the agricultural college fund. The Cleveland Leader, in a review of this Legislature, said of him: " Few men in the State achieved a brighter reputation in the recent war than Gen. Sawyer, the member for Huron. As a legislator he is chiefly distinguished for his ability in presenting his case and 'dumbfounding' his adversary, if anybody has the temerity to oppose him. For real humor, as well as solid argument, he has few superiors. Sometimes his rare blend ing of humor and argument would con vulse with laughter the entire house, and upset tbe gravity of everybody within hearing." In May, 1867, he was appointed one of the registers in bankruptcy for the North ern District of Ohio, which office he held during the existence of the act, a period of over twelve years, being regarded as a careful and impartial officer. He also dur ing this period continued successfully in his law practice. Gen. Sawyer always took a lively interest in the prosperity of Norwalk. He was a trustee of the Nor walk Institute for several years, and until it was discontinued on account of the non- popular public-school system, and was then for fifteen years a member of the board of education of the union schools. As a lawyer he occupied a prominent posi tion at the bar, and was regarded as a man of strict integritv; he was an interesting speaker and ready debater, and a thorough student of literature and history. Gen. Sawyer was married January 30, 1848, to Lucinda M. Lathrop, who died June 12, 1854. On November 29, 1855, he was married to Elizabeth B. Bostwick, of Delaware county, N. Y., who died January 6, 1878. He has one son, Frank. The General died of paralysis in 1893, at the residence of his son in Norwalk, at the age of sixty-eight years. [Compiled from Williams' " History of Huron and Lorain Counties." d[ OHN A. RYNN. Among the most j popular citizens of Norwalk is this JJ genial representative of the Hibernian race. His parents, Thomas and Mary (Burns) Rynn, were both born in the Emerald Isle, where they were married, soon afterward emigrating to America. The father died when his son John A. was a little over two years of age, having been killed in a railway accident, and the mother then married John Mullen. Four children have been born to her second marriage, viz.: James, Bernard, Sarah and Owen. 64 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. John A. Rynn was born April 6, 1853, in Norwalk, Huron Co., Ohio, and at tended the public schools. He then took a course at the Spencerian Commercial College of Cleveland, and after finishing his education entered tbe employ of a wholesale grocer in Toledo, Ohio., Tbe following autumn he returned to Huron county, and in September, 1873, estab lished his present grocery business, which has grown to extensive proportions. In 1890 he became a member of the city council and in 1891 was elected president of tbat body. He is county delegate of the Hibernian Society of Huron county, and in April, 1892, was sent to New Or leans as a representative of the local organ ization. Mr. Rynn is no less prepossess ing in personal appearance than in his genial manners, and wins hosts of friends among all classes. D »OOTOR AMOS WOODWARD, of II Bellevue, Qbio, was born February 11, 1824, on what is known as the "Woodward farm," near Bellevue. He was the second son of Gurdon and Mary S. Woodward. His father in the spring of 1817 located his farm iu Lyme township, Huron Co., Ohio, where he built a log cabin, and be ing a man of unusual physical strength, coupled with indomitable energy, he soon cleared off the heavy timber and opened up the farm for cultivation. He then re turned to Utica, N. Y., and married Miss Mary Savage, one of the brightest and best of Utica's daughters, who came to their new home in the West to adorn it with her graceful charms of head and heart. The home was widely known as "Wood lawn," and for many years was noted for its generous hospitality. There were three brothers by the name of Woodward, who came from England at an early day, one settling in Connecticut, one in Pennsylvania and one in Virginia — men of strong distinct characteristics, and prominent citizens where they lived. Abishai Woodward, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born in 1749. He was an architect and leading contractor in New London, Conn., then one of the flourishing cities of New Eng land. A prominent and highly esteemed citizen, he was for many years an alderman of his native village; he died in 1809. His wife was Miss Mary Spicer, a lady belong ing to one of the best families in Connecti cut, and their family consisted of five sons and six daughters. Two of the sons, Abi shai and Eben, settled in Louisiana, and three in Ohio — Gurdon and William in 1817, and Amos in 1820 — locating in Lyme township, Huron county, on what is known as the " Firelands," a tract of land which was given by the State of Con necticut to sufferers by fire at New Lon don during the Revolution, when Benedict Arnold with the British soldiers captured and burned the city, and massacred the garrison after its surrender at Fort Gris wold. When a boy, Dr. Woodward went to live witb his Uncle Amos aud Aunt Rachel Woodward, who having no sons of tbeir own urged his parents to let them have the boy. As their farms joined, they consented, and there he spent his boyhood days, attending school winters, and help ing on the farm summers, until 1841, when on the death of his uncle, he bid adieu to farm life and commenced the study of medicine with Dr. Lathrop, of Bellevue, one of the leading physicians of the county. Being of an active and observant mind, he made rapid progress with his studies, and after attending lectures two winters at the Medical College in Cleveland, graduated in 1849. He immediately commenced practicing medicine with Dr. Lathrop at Bellevue, and from the commencement had a large and extensive practice in the town and adjoining counties. Possessing the qualities of tenderness and sympathy in an eminent degree, and gifted with HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 07 quick perceptions, a good judge of human nature, and prompt in diagnosis, he was called in all important cases, especially in consultation with other physicians, and had he continued in bis profession would doubtless have been at the head of the pro fession in northern Ohio. His love for his profession was unusual, and long after he gave up the practice, even up to the time of his death, he was ever ready to be consulted with and to give advice, and many of his old patients would come to him, having such confidence in his skill, that they thought no other physician could prescribe for their ailments. Dr. Woodward was married on June 25, 1851, to Miss Arabella Chapman, eldest daughter of Judge Frederick Chapman, of Bellevue, one of the earlier settlers and of a very prominent family, socially and other wise. Judge Chapman, at the time, was a large landowner, extensively engaged in business pursuits in Bellevue and vicinity, and required just such a practical man as Dr. Woodward to assist him in his busi ness. Finally, in the year 1857, he per suaded hi in to take an interest in his business, which was thereafter carried on in the firm name of Chapman & Wood ward, with great success and profit until the death of Judge Chapman, April 26, 1861. After that date the settling up of the estate of Judge Chapman, and closing up the business of the firm devolved upon Dr. Woodward, in which position he brought to bear his good judgment and usual energy and ability, to the satisfac tion of all parties, leaving a handsome property for the heirs of Judge Chapman. Dr. Woodward, as surviving partner, suc ceeded to the business of the firm, and with his energy and perseverance was successful in acquiring a large and valu able property in and around Bellevue, in real and personal property. He was one of the original stockholders of the Norwalk National Bank, of Norwalk, Ohio, and a director of the same from its organization, iq March, 1865, until his death, during all of which time he aided said institution with his sound advice, sterling integrity and good judgment. He was also con nected with the First National Bank, of Bellevue, Ohio, from its organization in September, 1875, until his death. He was elected cashier of this bank June 22, 1883, and under his management the institution was eminently successful, doing a large and prosperous business, having the confl dence and patronage of the community to a high degree, and making regular semi-annual dividends. In this position, also, bis friends appreciated his ex traordinary business ability. It was a prominent trait in his character that what ever he undertook to do, he did well, aud was untiring in his efforts until the desired result was accomplished. He was also a close observer of things and their sur roundings, and after a trip across the coun try, it was very interesting to hear him, describe the incidents of the journey, the soil, climate and general appearance of things at every point. With a well-culti vated mind he taught for himself, and ex pressed his own opinions. True to his friends, true to his principles, and unyield ing in his defense of right and justice, his high character and integrity were appre ciated by all who knew him or had any business relations with him, and he stands prominent as one of the best examples of American citizenship. Dr. Woodward left two daughters. Louise, the elder, married John Gardiner, Jr., of Norwalk, Ohio, October 3, 1877, and has three sons, viz.: Amos Woodward Gardiner, born September 12, 1879; John Joslin Gardiner, born December 6, 1881, and Douglass Latimer Gardiner, born De cember 28, 1887, and is now a resident of Norwalk, Ohio. Belle Woodward, the second daughter, married, October 27, 1880, William C. Asay, a lawyer of Chi cago, 111., and has two daughters, viz.: Marguerite Louise, born December 19, 1884, and Pauline Clemeuce, born De cember 17, 1886. As a husband and HURON COUNTY, OHIO. father Dr. Woodward was always kind and indulgent, providing ample means to pro mote the happiness of the family circle. The residence of the family was purchased of J. B. Higbee in 1871, and was greatly improved, the grounds and lawns hand somely laid out and the bouse elegantly furnished. His widow still resides there with all the pleasant surroundings and comforts requisite to make life happy on earth, with one missing in the family circle whom nothing can replace. In politics tbe Doctor was a Democrat. In religious views, he was attached to the Protestant Episcopal Church, and was a liberal contributor to the creation of a house of worship in Bellevue. He was always a cheerful giver to its financial sup port, though his giving was not confined to tbe Episcopal Church, but, with his liberal views on the subject, his hand was ever ready to assist other organizations; and as he disliked outward show, he gave quietly and without display or ostentation. After a lingering illness, which he bore with manly patience, continuing to attend to business up to the day of his death, he departed this life September 23, 1891, at tbe age of sixty-seven years, seven months and twelve days, and as the words "He is dead " passed from lip to lip, the whole community was filled with genuine grief, that one of its leading citizens — whose ac tive life bad aided in building up the vil lage, who had spent his whole life with bis townsmen, and who was one of the pioneers in the progress and improvement of the county — had gone to his final rest. "Then shall the dust return to earth as it was, and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." ;OL. JAMES H. SPRAGUE, senior member pf the firm of Sprague & French, manufacturers of umbrellas, Norwalk, is a native of New York State, born in Cayuga county, February 15, 1845. He is a son of James and Catherine (Grosbeck) Sprague, the latter a native of New York State, the former of Rhode Island, and a descendant of Gen. Johu Sprague of tbe same State. Our subject was privileged by his thoughtful parents to have given him ex cellent educational advantages, and after receiving a solid literary substratum at the common schools of his native place, he at tended Union Academy, Red Creek, where he graduated in 1857. He then, in 186-, entered Pulaski Academy in Oswego coun ty, N. Y., subsequently taking a course at the Waterdown University, which he left, however, in order to respond to his coun try's call for loyal men to preserve the Union. According to the records in the adjutant-general's office, New York, and those in the War Department at Washing ton, our subject entered the Sixteenth Regiment New York Infantry as drum- major, serving in the first battle of Bull Run, and all through the campaign of 1861. His regiment was then changed from infantry to light artillery, and he was appointed sergeant of Battery F. At the storming of Fort Wagner he volunteered as leader of a "forlorn hope" of twenty men, at which engagement Col. Shaw, of the Eleventh New York Battery, was killed, and Sergeant Sprague thereupon received promotion to junior second lieutenant. In that capacity he took charge of the battery, and commanded at Honey Hill, S. C, besides in other engagements leading up to tbe capture of Charleston, S. O, where he also commanded a battery, aud was the first man to cross the bridge into the city during tbe siege. The next engagements in which he participated were those of what is known as the Georgetown raid and the battle of The Cowpens, after which his command was ordered back to Hilton Head, where he was mustered out after having done gallant service from April, 1861, to June, 1865. After the war Col. Sprague returned north to New York, and was there ap pointed by Gen. John A. Greene, adjutant- HURON COUNTY, OHIO. general of the State, to a majority in the One Hundred and Fourteenth New York National Guard, in which capacity he served some three years, resigning in or der to accept the position of general man- ao-er of McLean's circus. In 1868 he re- tired from the last named incumbencv, and coming to Ohio accepted the position of traveling; salesman for the house of Ber- nard Court wright, whom he represented until 1872, and then entered the employ of F. B. Case, of Norwalk, as traveling salesman for his tobacco business until 1876. In that year he took charge of col lections for D. M. Osborne, of Auburn, N. Y., manufacturers of harvesters and bind ers, and with this firm remained till 1882, at wliich time he accepted a position with the Piano Manufacturing Company of Chicago, 111., as manager of their business in Ohio, Indiana and Michigan, remaining as such till 1884, when he became in terested with other citizens of Norwalk in the "Hexagon Postal Box Company." Subsequently he embarked in the manu facturing of advertising novelties in the same city, an enterprise he made a great success of. In 1886 Col. Sprague, with Mr. C. L. French, commenced the manu facture of umbrellas, the well-known "Tourist" being his specialty, in connec tion with which he has a series of im- f>roved patents, prominent among which is iis unequalled adjustable handle and tip. In a brief period they have built up this industry from comparatively small begin nings to its present mammoth proportions. In 1887 they built the factory, and tbey now employ during busy tiines of the year over 150 hands, ten traveling salesmen being constantly kept on the road, to push their trade into every corner of the United States. Col. Sprague has also manufac tured machinery for making umbrellas, and iu all qf his undertakings he has proven himself a representative business man and true American "hustler." Col. Sprague was married, in Norwalk, Huron county, to Eliza A. Cunningham, of that city, and they are recognized lead ers in Norwalk society. Politically the Colonel is an active worker in the ranks of the Republican party, and, though retired from the army, his usefulness in military affairs is far from gone, for after coming to Ohio he was inspector of artillery on the staff of Gov. Charles Foster four years. In social organizations he is also promi nent. He belongs to Mt. Vernon Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Royal Arch and Chapter, Norwalk Council, and is past eminent commander of Norwalk Commandery; is member of all the branches of the I. O. O. F., and of the Royal Arcanum; is deputy department commander of the U. V. U. of Ohio, and past commander of the G. A. R. Post. He is also a member of Alcoran Temple of the Ancient Arabian Order of the Mystic Shrine, at Cleveland, Ohio. Tf EORGE N. SIMMONS. This well- known citizen traces his genealogy to five brothers who sailed from Hamburg, Germany, to Plymouth, Mass., years ago. Among their descen dants is mentioned Senator Simmons of Rhode Island, a cousin of Henry, father of George N. Henry Simmons was born May 16,1791, in Rensselaer county, New York, near Troy, where his youth was passed. He was a lifelong farmer; in politics a Demo crat' until Scott ran for President, when he united with the Whig party, afterward becoming a Republican. Mr. Simmons married Mary Ham, daughter of Conrad Ham. both residents, at the time, of Troy, N. Y., and the children of this union were Elizabeth, Catherine, Sarab, William H., John J., David- L., George N., Mary J., Emeline, Frances A., Clara, and Julia A., all of whom lived to adult age. Mr. Sim- mons was a soldier in the war of 1812, serving with Gen. Eddy at the battle of Stillwater. He died February 2, 1876; his widow on March 9, 1889, both mem- 70 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. bers of tbe Methodist Church. They lie buried in the home cemetery. George N. Simmons was born July 12, 1825, in Grafton township, near Troy, N. Y., and was educated in the common schools. In 1853 he moved to Chicago, and was conductor on the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad some seven or eight years; was also on the Ohio & Mis sissippi Railroad, and the Cincinnati Southern. In 1859, accompanied by three other men, he crossed the Plains, and was the first to discover gold in Colorado, on what is known as the " Chicago Bar." He then returned east, took in two partners, and conveyed the first quartz mill, ever used in Colorado, across the Plains on wagons, there being at that time no rail roads west of the Missouri river. The mine was the well-known "Black Hawk Co." The capital of the company being insufficient to carry on the business, Mr. Simmons again returned to secure more funds, but the war breaking out, be entered the service as scout in the Union army. Meanwhile his partners, to whom he bad given power of attorney, sold the mine and disappeared with the proceeds, of which Mr. Simmons never received one cent. This mine was afterward sold to an eastern company for seven million dol lars, together with other property which Mr. Simmons and his partners had located. After his return from the war George Sim mons resumed work on the railroad, which he followed for several years on both north ern and southern routes of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern. After resigning his position on the railroad, be went into the packing business in Chicago, on Ran dolph street. He had goods stored in Underwood's Provision Store House, and all was destroyed by the fire of 1872. He then abandoned that business, and, decid ing to begin in fresh fields, opened a real- estate office in Chicago, in " Parker's block," the firm being Carter & Simmons. Prior to the panic of 1873 his business was worth several hundred thousand dol lars, but at tbat time he shared the com mon fate, and after amassing three fortunes, was again left to begin the world anew. But knowing no such word as " fail " he found temporary employment as conductor on the railroad, and in 1879 went to Lead ville, Colo., where he was one of the locators and owners of the famous " Col. Sellers Mine " at that place. Some of the mines are paying fair divi dends, while others of equal value are closed down on account of depreciation in silver currency. Returning east in Janu ary, 1880, Mr. Simmons has since resided in Norwalk. He occasionally travels be tween Colorado and the East, transacting business in relation to his gold, silver and lead mines, some of which are leased and yield a good percentage. On October 12, 1850, Mr. Simmons was united in marriage, in Albany, N. Y., with Miss Mary Barnes Chester, of Massa chusetts, and children as follows have been born to them: Lucretia Josephine; Nel lie G. (Mrs. Roe), now a resident of Milan, Ohio; George H., and Fred B. Formerly a Whig, Mr. Simmons has been a Repub lican since the formation of that party. J(OEL BLACKMAN, one of the oldest citizens of northern Ohio, is a son of i Josiah Blackman, whose parents were natives of New England, in after years coming west with their children. Josiah Blackman was born in Massa chusetts, and lived in New York for some time, coming to Erie county, Ohio, just after the close of the war of 1812. He was married to Tryphena Smith, who died two or three years after tbey settled in Ohio, followed by her husband at the age of about seventy years. He was a farmer all his life, and in politics voted with the Whig party. They were the parents of ten children, viz.: Clarissa, Allen, Ansel, Harvey, Ira, Chester, Simeon, Joel, Hiram and Sally. Of these, eight are deceased; HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 71 one is living in La Porte county, Ind., and Joel is the subject of this sketch. Joel Blackman was boru March 13, 1801, in New York State, and in 1815 came with his parents to Ohio, locating in Florence township, Erie county. After his business, that of farming, was estab lished on a firm basis, he returned to Connecticut, and on September 12, 1830, was united in marriage to Welthy Tilden. The young couple began wedded life on the farm in Erie county, and here resided in peaceful prosperity until 1867, when they came to the present home in Norwalk, Huron Co., Ohio, where she died March 19, 1879. Joel Blackman is known as a business man of integrity and good judg ment. In politics he was originally a Whig, and has been a Republican since the organization of that party : in religion he is a member of the M. E. Church. Three children were born to him, of whom, in the order of their birth, the following is a brief record: Mrs. R. A. Watros was married October- 15, 1869, and April 14, 1881, and is now living with and caring for her father; she has one child, Grace M. Packard. William Blackman was mar ried June 10, 1862. Maria was the wife of William Kellogg, and died July 28, 1871, leaving four children, as follows: Charles C, who was married April 4, 1891, and died October 19, 1893; FredB., who was married June 12, 1888, and has two children, Maria and Florence; Will iam G., married February 15, 1891, and Florence W. [Since the above was writ ten Mr. Joel Blackman, the subject of the sketch, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. R. A. Watros, the date of his death being November 20, 1893. — Ed. FETER HERMAN, senior member of the prosperous firm of Herman & Sons, in business at Norwalk and Monroeville, was born September 12, 1835, in Peru township, Huron Co., Ohio. He is a son of F. J. Herman, whose parents were natives of Badem Germany, where the grandfather followed carpentry, and was accidentally killed by falling from a building. The grand parents were members of the Catholic Church. F. J. Herman was born in 1799, in Baden, Germany, where he grew to man hood and followed the carpenter trade. He was married to Waldaburga Barbie, and in 1834 they came to America, lo cating in Peru township, Huron Co., Ohio. The mother died in 1850, aged fifty-five years, leaving seven children, of whom Peter is the only one now living. For his second wifeF. J. Herman married Anastosea Eidel, a widow lady who had two daughters by her former marriage, viz.: Mary and Elizabeth Eidel, natives of Huron county, Ohio. Mr. Herman voted with the Democratic party, and in religious faith was a member of the Cath olic Church. He died in 1883, followed by his wife in the following year. Peter Herman was reared and educated in Huron county, Ohio; then learned the carpenter trade which he followed fifteen years, assisting also with the farm work. He and his step-sister resided under the same roof from 1851 to March 5, 1859, when their fraternal affection was changed by an arrow shot from Cupid's quiver, and the young couple were married. To this union have been born the following named children: Theresa, wife of L. Meyers; Frank J., in partnership with his father; Emma, married to George Meyer; An drew, employed in the bottling works at Norwalk; Tillie, wife of J. Greenfeller; Flora J., living at home; Charles, a ma chinist employed in the Leipsic Machine Works; Frederick, Albert and Edward. The family are all members of the Cath olic Church, and all speak the German language. The sons are business men, and witb their father vote the Demo cratic ticket. Peter Herman first began his present business by selling agricultural imple- 72 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. ments, and in 1875 opened an establish ment at Monroeville, dealing in carriages, wagons, buggies, steam engines, threshing machines and other agricultural imple ments. One branch of this business yet remains in Monroeville, but in 1892 another establishment was opened at Nor walk, which will be the future central oint, and he also conducts his farm in eru township. HON. O. T. MINARD. Descended on his mother's side from Revolu- _J tionary stock, while his father bad •// been a soldier in the war of 1812, the snbject of this sketch has coursing through his veins true patriotic American blood, originally, as the family name would indicate, coming from an an cestry of " La Belle France." Mr. MiDard is a native of Connecticut, born May 10, 1822, a son of Lynde and Experience (Miner) Minard, also of the "Nutmeg State," the former of whom was born June 30, 1793, and died May 10, 1878, the latter born May 9, 1793, came to Ohio in 1831, locating in Erie county, and died October 8, 1862. They were the parents of thirteen children, nine of whom attained their majority, and three are yet living. O. T. Minard had so few school advantages in his boyhood and early youth, that after he was old enough to vote he attended for a time tbe old Norwalk Academy. His first business venture was merchandising in Birming ham, Erie county, in partnership with a brother, and he was so employed seven years. At the end of that time he termi nated his interests in the store, and re moved to Huron township, Erie county, where he was engaged in the same line of business till 1861, in which year he came to Norwalk township and here purchased laud where he has since had his home, carrying on farming operations. In 1883 he bought his elegant residence in the Norwalk, and has real-estate strong suburbs of the city of become one of the owners of Huron county. A man of strong likes, suave in man ner, fearless in his advocacy of the higher and purer privileges of Democracy, Mr. Minard has drawn about him a strong cordon of friends, whose partiality in his favor is told by their electing him, in 1880, in a Republican city, mayor, and in re-electing him in 1882. They also re peatedly made him, by their suffrages, a member of the board of education; a member of the water-works board, and at times placed him in other positions of re sponsibility and trust, in all of which incumbencies be more than met the antici pations of his warmest friends. On October 31, 1850, Mr. Minard was united in marriage with Miss Emily Chandler, daughter of Daniel aud Sarah (Somers) Chandler. No children have been born of this union, but three little ones of others found the love and bless ings of tbe good home .whose kindness and hospitality are proverbial. Two of these foster children of Mr. and Mrs. Minard — A. J. and E. S. Minard (nephews) — are now prominent business men of Springfield, Missouri. This is one of the highly respected fami lies of Norwalk, whose circle of sincere friends but widens as the fleeting years roll by. Mrs. Minard is a, consistent and devout member of the Baptist Church. ^, WW''- - - HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 163 filled, several offices in this Order with great credit, notably that of High Priest of the Chapter and Eminent Commander of Norwalk Commandery. In his private business he has been care ful and conservative, but has acquired a goodly competence, and is regarded as one of the financially sound men of bis county. While not given to extravagance, he is generous, and is liberal to his family, affording them every advantage. Three children of the five born to him are now living: Frank, an attorney, and now city solicitor, of Norwalk, Ohio; Wallace, a student in the Medical Department of the University of Michigan; and Clara, a member of the senior class of the Norwalk High School. No biography of Mr. J. L. Van Dusen would be complete which failed to make mention of his most estimable wife. Side by side, mutually encouraging and helpful, they have thus far journeyed along life's pathway — he a kind husbaud and indul gent father; she a faithful wife and loving mother. Whatever success in life he has attained, with her must the credit and the honor be shared. A countless number of friends wish this worthy couple long life and continued prosperity and happiness. FRANK W. VAN DUSEN, Attorney at Law and City Solicitor, was born Feb. 15, 1862, in Norwalk, Huron Co., Ohio. He received his elemen tary education in the public schools, graduat ing from the Norwalk High School in 1879. His elementary educatiou was supple mented by a four years' course in Adelbert College of Western Reserve University, from which institution he graduated in 1884 with, the degree of B. L., and was subsequently honored by his Alma Mater with the degree of A. M. In college he was an excellent student, popular with his fellows, and received many College Hon ors. He was a member of the well-known D. K. E. College Fraternity. In the fall of 1884 he began the study of law in the office of Judge Stevenson Burke, of Cleve land, and at the September (1886) term of the Supreme Court of Ohio was admitted to the bar after passing, a highly satisfac tory examination. In 1887 he opened a law office in Norwalk, and has since been in the active practice of his profession. On August 22, 1888, Mr. Van Dusen married Miss Kittie B. Thomas, a well- known and accomplished lady. In the spring of 1889 he was elected to the City Council of Norwalk, Ohio, from the then Third Ward of that city, he being the only Republican councilman elected at that election. His excellent and marked servT ices in that capacity won for him, in the spring of 1891, the nomination for the- office of City Solicitor, to which office he was elected by a large majority, notwith standing the general triumph of the op posing political party at that time. In the spring of 1893 he was unanimously renominated as City Solicitor, and was re elected by a majority nearly double that received two years before. Mr. Van Dusen is universally recognized as a com petent and expert lawyer. As City Solicit tor of Norwalk, he has shown marked ability, and has given general satisfaction. In politics he is a Republican,; socially, he is a member of the Masonic Fraternity, being an officer of Norwalk Commandery, No. 18, K. T. He is a prominent K. of P., and Captain of Norwalk Division of tbe U. R. of that Order. He is also a mem ber of the Order of Elks, and of tbe Royal Arcanum. In religious faith he is a Pres byterian, being a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Norwalk, Ohio. EV. FREDERICK SCHULZ, pas tor of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Sherman township, was born in Leisten, Prussia, March 17, 1860, a member of an old and highly esteemed family, and is the only one of them who left the Fatherland. 164 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. He received his primary education in his native country, and after reaching Amer ica, in 1876, entered a college at Colum bus, Ohio, from which be graduated with honors four years later. In the fall of 1880 he entered the Theological Seminary, where be remained until Easter, 1883, at which time he moved to Randolph county, III. He took charge of a church near Chester in that county, and for six years labored faithfully for the temporal and spiritual welfare of his congregation. He then took charge of a church in Philo, same State, remaining one year, and in March, 1890, came to Sherman township, where he has since been pastor of St. Peter's Church. Rev. Schnlz is a gentleman of noble im pulses and religions" mind, and teaches much of morality by his pious, godly life, and by the deeds of charity and mercy that characterize his actions. He is beloved by his entire congregation, and highly es teemed by the citizens of Sherman town ship. He is also instructor in the paro chial school four months in each year. In 1889 Rev. Schulz was united in mar riage with Miss Martha Sickmeyer, daugh ter of E. F. Sickmeyer, a prominent citizen of Bremen, 111., and their union has been blessed with one daughter, Hulda, and one son, Paul. The subject of this biograph ical memoir is very happy in his domestic relations, and is devoting much attention to the intellectual, physical and spiritual development of his children. S.WASHBURN. This gentleman, one of the most prominent of Huron county's prosperous agriculturists, deserves more than a passing notice in the pages of this work. Mr. Washburn traces his ancestry to James Washburn, who was born about the year 1760, was a weaver by trade, and bad his early home at Plainfield, Conn. As the writer understands the subject matter by data and traditions (such as he has been able to obtain), he fully believes that James Washburn is a direct descendant from John Washburn, who came over in the "Mayflower," and was subsequently secretary of the Plymouth Colony. He had born to him nine children, viz.: Wal ter, Joseph, Robert, Henry, Phoebe, Betsy, Hannah, Rosanna, and Sally Ann, all long since gathered to their rest, and their descendants scattered over many States. The eldest son, Walter, grandfather of subject, was born, in 1790, east of the Hudson river, in Westchester county, N.Y., whence in 1805 he moved with his father to Ulster county, same State, remaining there till 1833, in which year he came to Fitchville township, Huron Co., Ohio, where he passed the rest of his days, dying in 1865, at the age of seventy-five years. He was a lifelong and successful farmer. In 1809 he married Miss Nellie Van Ben- scoten, of Ulster county, N. Y., daughter of Larry Van Benscoten, and they had six children, viz.: Julia Ann, Henry G., Louisa R., John, Hannah and Maria. The mother of these died in 1825, and in 1827 Mr. Washburn wedded Mrs. Polly Van Benscoten, also of Ulster county, N. Y. D. S. Washburn, the subject proper of this sketch, was born April 8, 1843, in Greenwich township, Huron Co., Ohio, and was reared from early boyhood to the life of a farmer. His education was re ceived at the common schools of the neighborhood of his place of birth, and at the academy in Milan, Erie county, after which he commenced to devote his entire attention to agricultural pursuits. In 1867 Mr. Washburn was united in marriage with Miss Sarah J. McComber, of Ripley township, born March 30, 1845, a daughter of Egbert McComber, by occu pation a farmer, a native of Westchester county, N. Y. From his younger boyhood till shortly after his marriage with Miss Anna Benedict, of his native county, he HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 165 had his residence in Cayuga county, N. Y., and then moved to Ripley township. Here they lived until 1870, in tvhicb year they moved to Berlin Heights, Erie county, where he died October 5, 1888, his wife on March 30, 1892. After marriage Mr. Washburn and bis bride moved to the farm whereon they are still living, and which comprises over 300 acres of prime land — considered oneof the best in Ripley township. Five children have been born to our subject and wife, of whom the fol lowing is a brief record: Anna Maude, born September 24, 1868, is now Mrs. Oscar Hills, of Lorain county; Earnest Linton, born August 1, 1870, is at home with his father; Inez, born August 1, 1871, is now Mrs. Warren O. Smith, of Rich land county, Ohio; Wayne was born No vember 25, 1880, and Leo on August 6, 1883. Mr. Washburn, in his political affiliations, has always been active as a loyal member of the Republican party. During the Civil war he served in the National Guards. TlOHN MoDONALD, a leading farmer k. I of Clarksfield township, was born %J) April 15, 1817, in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, the son of Charles and Barbara (Stratton) McDonald, both also natives of Aberdeenshire. Charles McDonald was born in 1782, and grew to manhood and married in his native county. To his marriage were born three children, viz.: Margaret, who died in Scotland when twenty-three years old; John, and Charles. The mother of these died in 1820, and Mr. McDonald then took up his residence with his mother, John (subject of this sketch) being con signed to the care of his aunt Margaret. In 1838 Charles McDonald, bringing his son John and sister Margaret, sailed from Aberdeen on the schooner "Nimrod," landing, after a voyage of six weeks, in New York City. The youngest son, Charles, had emigrated three years pre viously; he taught school in Ashland, Richland and Wayne counties, Ohio, studied law at Mansfield, and after his ad mission to the bar moved to Lexington, Ky., where he taught school until his re moval to Mississippi, where all trace of him was lost. Charles McDonald, Sr., traveled from New York to Ashland county, Ohio, by rail road, boat and wagon, the latter being the vehicle of transportation from the port of Huron to Savannah, Ashland county, then known as the "Scotch settlement." Ow ing to the poor condition of his health, the support of the family devolved upon John, and he labored for all until death relieved his father, February 12, 1843. His aunt Margaret lived with him until' her death, which occurred February 19, 1859. John McDonald was reared in the man ner then common to farmer boys in Scot land, beginning work as a farm hand when nine years old, and during the winters of his youth he attended the school of his na tive place. On his arrival in Ashland county, Ohio, in 1838, be found work on a farm, and was later employed as boss and time keeper on St. Mary's Reservoir in Mercer county, Ohio. Within less than a year after his arrival in tbe United States, in July, 1838, he had paid one hundred and fifty dollars of the three hundred and twenty he contracted to pay for a tract of forty acres of land. Before the close of 1841 the debt was cleared off, and a fertile farm in Ashland county was his without question. To accomplish this, he accepted various offers of work — farming, cutting wood and laying stone. Strong and healthy, his friends held for him work too heavy for themselves, and paid for it at tho rates prevailing at the time. In 1847 he moved to Clarksfield township, Huron county, where be became owner of part of his present farm, received in exchange for the land in Ashland county. On April 7, 1855, he married Sally Phillips, daughter of James Phillips, of New York, where 166 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. she was born June 26, 1836. When fif teen years old she accompanied a sister to Huron county, and here met and married Mr. McDonald. The children born to them are as follows: Charles M., born July 10, 1856, died at about tbe age of twenty years; John, born August 5, 1858, a farmer of Clarksfield township; George W., born February 20, 1860, residing on the homestead; and Jesse K, born Sep tember 1, 1862, a farmer of Clarksfield township. The mother of these children died February 23, 1865, and was buried in Clarksfield cemetery. On September 30, 1865, he married, for bis second wife, Mary A. Kingsbury, who was born in Genesee, N. Y., June 8, 1835, daughter of Lemuel and Jerusha (Durbon) Kingsbury; she came to Ohio in 1838. To this mar- riage came one child, Jamie, born June 4, 1874, who died July 21, 1876. Since taking up his residence in Clarks field township, Mr. McDonald has followed farming, gradually adding to the original place in Huron county, until now he owns 184 acres of fine land. This property has been accumulated by his own efforts, showing what can be done by industry and good management. Politically he is a Republican; but while influential in the party, he never took from his business a moment's time which it appeared to re quire prior to his retirement from active farm life in 1882. For forty years he has suffered from rheumatism, but only with in the last decade could tbe disease make any headway against his naturally strong constitution. He and wife are members of the Congregational Church at Clarks field, and both are highly esteemed. JlOHN P. LEE, contractor and builder, of Clarksfield township, was born ' February 5, 1830, in Oswego county, New York. Thomas Lee, his father, was born Janu ary 17, 1799, in Franklin township, Herki mer Co., N. Y. ; was brought up there in the manner common to farmers' boys, and, when a young man, obtained the position of a "boss" on the Erie Canal. Subse quently he engaged in hauling wood to Utica, N. Y., and still later worked on a canal near Richmond, Va. In 1827 he was married, in Oswego county, to Lucinda Waugh, who was born there July 10, 1811, a daughter of 'Squire Norman Waugh. To this marriage the following named children were born in Oswego county: Truman T., a farmer of Rock county, Wis.; John P., the subject of this sketch; and Margaret, who married Elan- son Rose, of Camden township, Lorain Co., Ohio, and died in Norwalk in 1890. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Lee located on a farm in Oswego county, and he was engaged in agriculture there until 1833, when with their three children they mi grated to Camden township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where the father had purchased, in 1832, 150 acres, at three dollars per acre. On the journey to Ohio, the Waughs and Douglasses accompanied them, and the three families occupied pne log cabin until Thomas Lee built a rude shelter on his farm, which he occupied until 1848, when he built a commodious dwelling house. During the first spring the family passed in Ohio, the father suffered from erysipe las, the disease causing him the loss of his left hand. He died in 1878, and was buried in Camden township. He left his widow and children a valuable property, including the old homestead, on which she resided since coming to Ohio. The chil dren born to her in Camden township were as follows: George F., a farmer of Rock county, Wis.; Philip E., who died at Trinidad, Col., where he had resided for many years; Norman, a farmer of Camden township, Lorain county; and An drew, who is also a farmer of Camden township. John P. Lee was a lad of three years when he settled in Ohio, but he well re members the cooking of the first breakfast in Lorain county. Forked sticks, bearing HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 167 a pole, from which a kettle suspended over the fire, tell more clearly than words could of his primitive surroundings. He received a primary education in Camden township, his first school teacher being Experience Gifford, who presided over a few pupils in a log cabin not far from the Lee home stead. At the age of nineteen years he was apprenticed to Edward Gager, with whom he learned the carpenter's trade, his progress in acquiring a knowledge of same being very rapid. On January 23, 1856, he was married to Sarah J. Rood, who was born March 1, 1838, in Washington county, N.Y. Her parents, Lewis and Hulda (Mo sier) Rood, came to Stark county, Ohio, in 1841, and located near Masillon, whence in 1847 they removed to Camden town ship, Lorain county, where the daughter met her husband. The children born to John P. and Sarah J. Lee are named as follows: Eva C. (Mrs. E. E. Rowland), of Clarksfield ; John A., a farmer of Clarks field, married to Sarah E. Barnes; El ma (Mrs. Almar McChaflin), of Eaton county, Mich.; Nuland W., a mason by trade, married to Rose M. Twaddle; and Lillie R. (Mrs. Lewis Johnson), of Clarksfield. For three years after marriage Mr. Lee worked at his trade in Camden. In 1859 he purchased a farm in that township, and carried on agriculture in connection with his trade until 1861, when he lost his left hand. He had just signed a contract for the erection of a dwelling house, and was planing lumber for the window frames, when he discovered that the adjusting screw of the planer had to be set. While setting it his thumb was drawn into the machine, the hand receiving such injuries that amputation became necessary. In the spring of 1863 he located in Clarksfield township, Huron county, on his present farm, and gave closer attention than for merly to agriculture, biit later resumed carpentry, leaving the care of the farm to his family. Mr. Lee has been quite suc cessful as a builder and contractor; one of the largest lime- kilns at Lakeside, Ohio, is the result of his work, and several resi dences and barns, as well as the leading cheese factory buildings in Huron and Lo rain counties, were built by him. He is known as a conscientious contractor, who will carry out his contracts to the letter. A Republican in politics, Mr. Lee has held the office of assessor for quite a num ber of years. In religious connection he is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. '/ t il ! ARK MYERS, a typical German \f/\ — honest, industrious and well- to ll do — is a native of Baden, born April 14, 1820, a son of Joseph and Agnes Myers, the former of whom was a hard-working man in Baden, where he lived many years, and, like most married poor men, had a large family. Joseph Myers was twice married, and had three children by his first wife, and ten by his second. In 1834, with his wife and ten children (the others being yet un born), he set sail for the United States from the port of Havre de Grace, France, and after a stormy passage of fifty-two days, during which the mainmast was car ried away, they landed at New York on the-Fourth of July. Hearing the firing of cannon, the immigrants were somewhat dismayed, imagining that war must have broken out; but on learning that it was only their "American cousins" celebrating the anniversary of the Declaration of In dependence, their fears were at once dis pelled. On the ocean another child was born, and was named Frank. From New York the family proceeded to Ohio, via the Hudson river and Erie Canal to San dusky, thence to Monroeville, Huron county. In Ridgefield township Joseph bought seven acres of land at six dollars per acre, the paymeut of which exhausted all his savings, as the expense of bringing his family was very heavy. This land he bravely set to work to clear with the assistance of his sturdy sons, and his 168 HURON COUNTY. OHIO. not less robust and industrious wife and daughters. Soon their efforts were crowned with success, and the rugged wildwood gave place to green fields and rich pas tures. Here Joseph Myers was gathered to his fathers, dying on Easter Sunday, 1873, and was buried in the Underhill Cemetery. Before his death the original little homestead of seven acres had been increased, by his unceasing dilligence and perseverance, to 150 acres of excellent farm land. His wife was called from earth in 18—. Mark Myers, the subject of this sketch, received a fair education in his native land, and was fourteen years old when he came to the United States with the rest of the family. In Ridgefield township, Huron county, he found employment at various occupations, and all his earnings he gave over to his father until he was twenty-two years old. During part of 'this time he worked on the Wabash & Erie Canal at twenty dollars per month, and for eight years was employed in a distillery at Mon roeville, carefully saving bis earnings, so that by the time of his marriage he had a nice snug sum laid by. In 1849 he bought land in Sherman township, to which two years later he and his wife moved, taking up their abode in a rude log house sur rounded with woods, where by dint of hard work they effected a clearing and de veloped a farm. From this comparatively small beginning Mr. Myers kept on pros pering until his original small farm had grown to one of 325 acres, a good part of which he has given to his sons, all of whom he assisted in their start in life. On October 12, 1847, our subject was married to Miss Mary Ann Harman, who was born November 15, 1825, in Buffalo, N. Y., a daughter of Henry Harman, and who came to Huron county in 1835. Thir teen children were born of this union, their names and dates of birth being as follows: Kate, April 28, 1849; Mary, December 23, 1850; Frank, December 30, 1852; Joseph, September 8, 1854; Gracie, July 10, 1856; George, May 20, 1858; Henry, October 16, 1859; Hannah, March 10, 1861: Lena, November 30, 1862; Mark L., May 23, 1865; Ida, November 18, 1867; Mark W., January 20, 1869; and Rosa R., May 13, 1871. Of these, Mary died August 27, 1885, and Mark died December 26, 1868. Politically our subject is a Democrat, but voted for Abraham Lincoln, on account of his views on the slavery question. He has held various offices of trust in his township, where be is highly respected, and with his wife is a worthy member of the Catholic Church. H. EMERSON, a resident of East Norwalk, where he carries on a lu crative blacksmithing business, is a native of Vermont, born in 1827, a son of Thomas Emerson, also a native of the Green Mountain State. The father of subject, who was a shoe maker by trade, came to Ohio in 1816, locating in Seneca county. In 1826 he married Miss Sarah Glick, and then moved to Fremont, same State, where he resided till 1839, in which year the family came to Huron county, settling on a farm near Monroeville. Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Tliomas Emerson, viz.: Thomas E., Christian, Anna, Laurel, and R. H. In Monroeville our subject remained till he was twenty-one years of age, when he went to Milan, Erie county, same State, and after two and one-half years' sojourn there came to Norwalk and engaged in blacksmithing, a trade he has followed there some forty years. He also carries on a farm of twenty-five acres. In 1864 he enlisted in Company B, One Hundred and Sixty- sixth O. V. I., and served four months and nine days, on guard duty, after which he returned home, and for five years following was a sergeant in the State troops. In 1850 Mr. Emerson married HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 169 Miss Jane Cortright, of Norwalk, who bore him children as follows: Sarah, wife of Nelson Bailey, of Townsend, Ohio; Lou- ella Norman; Lewis, in Michigan; Laura Trumbull, in East Norwalk, Ohio; Mary Denman, of Townsend; Anna Sirls, of Lakeside, Ohio; Lilly, in Kansas; and Melinda, who died, in 1892, in Michigan. The mother of these died in 1878, and for his second wife Mr. Emerson wedded Mrs. Sarah Bender, of Chicago Junction, by whom there is no issue. Politically our subject is a Republican, and he is a mem ber of the Methodist Church. JOEL ROSS. This well-known influ- k. I ential farmer and stock raiser of \^j Wakeman township first saw the light March 12, 1828, the locality of his birth being the same farm where his father was born March 5, 1799, in Groveland township, Livingston county, New York. Joel P. and Maria (Ordaway) Ross, par ents of the subject of this sketch, had a family of thirteen children, of whom are living the following: Anna (Mrs. William Jeffries), a widow, living in Hartland; Fannie Jane, wife of William Harrison Fletcher, living in Wakeman, Ohio; Ange- line, wife of John Moon, and Charity, wife of Melvin Gunn, both residents of Brighton, Lorain county; aud William, a farmer of Michigan. When our subject was about eighteen months old he came down the Ohio river on a raft with his parents, and his father moved to Scioto county, Ohio, afterward coming to Lorain county, dying in Brighton, March 9, 1881, at the age of eighty-two years; for some time prior to his death he had resided in Florence township, Erie county. He was a lifelong farmer; politically, he was a Republican, and he was a member of the Methodist Church, as is also his widow, who is yet living in Brighton, Ohio, now in her eighty-eighth year. Joel Ross, whose name opens this sketch, received bis education at the common schools qf the vicinity of his home, at the same time assisting his parents in the work of cultivating and improving the farm. When he was nineteen years old he commenced working away from home by the month, and, saving his money, paid for fifty-three acres of land in Brighton township, Lorain county. After five years he went to California, where for four and one-half years he was engaged in mining, driving team, etc., saving his money with judicious care. Returning to Huron county he bought 150 acres of wild land in Wake man township, and leased the fifty-three acres in Brighton to his father, who lived thereon to the time of his death. Clear ing the land, our subject sold the timber, built himself a comfortable log house, barn, etc., and prospered. He now owns 150 acres, and successfully carries on gen eral agriculture, including stock-raising. On November 25, 1858, Mr. Ross mar ried Miss Ann E. Haines, a native of Bronson township, Huron county, daugh ter of George W. Haines, of Clarksfield township, same county, and children as follows were born to them: Anna (Mrs. Hayes), living in Wakeman; Dennis, mar ried, and living near, working on the home farm; Ida, married to Charles Fletcher, and living in Michigan; and Ella (Mrs. Charles Whitney), residing in Clarksfield township. In his political associations our subject is a straight Republican, and has served his township as school director and in other offices of trust. A. McCULLOW is a young and progressive business man of Green wich, engaged in the merchant tailor ing, clothing and men's furnishing trade. He is a native of Huron county, born in 1857, was educated here, and since the close of his school days has been en gaged in various mercantile enterprises. In 1880 he and a Mr. Thomas established the present business, but in 1882 Mr. Mc-' 170 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Cullow purchased his partner's .interest, and for over a decade has carried on a suc cessful trade. On October 24, 1881, he married Miss Lovezilla Riblet, of Cleve land, born in Galion, Crawford Co., Ohio, a daughter of David and Caroline (Mathias) Riblet, the former a native of Pennsylva nia, the latter of Ohio. To this union one child, Mable, was born. He is a Repub lican in politics. J. E. and Agnes (Bartlett) McCullow, parents of the subject of this sketch, are old settlers of Huron county. J. E. Mc Cullow was born in New Jersey State, came with his parents to this county when a child, and was engaged in farming until his retirement from active life a few years ago. He lives at Greenwich, but still owns the fine farm near that town, known as the McCullow homestead. He was married twice, C. A. McCullow being the only child of the first marriage, while to the second marriage was also born one son. C. A. McCullow devotes two floors to his business, each 20 x 52 feet in area. Here a large assortment of domestic and foreign cloths may be seen. From four to six journeyman tailors are employed, and an air of business pervades the whole establishment. He is a member of the National Union; and is popular in the com mercial and social circles of Greenwich. ILBERT L. JOHNSON, a promi- r, nent representative agriculturist of Clarksfield township, was born Feb ruary 26, 1828, in the town of Dan- by, Tompkins Co., N. Y., a son of Abraham Johnson, who was born in Connecticut. Abraham Johnson was educated in the schools of his native town, and there learned the two great branches of the building trade, becoming a stone mason and carpenter. When a young man he migrated to Tompkins county, N. Y., and located in Caroline township, where he met and married Sally Walton, also a " native of Connecticut, who came to Tomp kins county, N. Y., when a girl, and re sided there until 1846, when the family migrated to Ohio. The children born to Abraham and Sally Johnson are as follows: Phoebe, who married Abraham Smith, and died in Clarksfield township; Wesley, a farmer of Crawford county, Penn.; George, who resides in Branch county, Mich. ; Jane, who married Anthony Shipman, and died in Clarksfield township; Gilbert L., the subject of this sketch; Emily, wife of Aaron Thomas, of Henry county, Ohio; Lewis, residing in Branch county, Mich., and Amanda, who first married John Wil son, and is now the wife of Anson Wheeler, of Henry county, Ohio. With the exception of Wesley the whole family came to Ohio in 1846, making the journey with a wagon drawn by two horses. On this wagon were packed the household goods, so that the adults of the family had, practically, to walk over rough roads from their old home in New York to their new one in Ohio. On arriving in Clarksfield township, Huron county, they found themselves iu the midst of a dense forest, but a space for a cabin was at once cleared and the erection of a small log house begun. Before the structure was completed a storm swept over the for est, blew down the trees on one side of the little clearing, and one, falling on the house, demolished it. Undeterred, the work of building was resumed, and the pioneers occupied their first home in Ohio. The clearing away of the forest was then begun, and there was soon another open space in the wilderness. Subsequently the father built for his family a frame house, and fol lowed his trades, giving much more atten tion thereto than to agriculture, until his death, which occurred in February, 1866. He was buried in East Creek cemetery, in New London township, where the remains of his widow were interred in 1872. Po litically he was originally a Whig, having voted for William Henry Harrison, later became an Abolitionist, a Free-soiler, and finally a Republican. HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 171 Gilbert L. Johnson was raised in the manner common to boys of the pioneer period, attending school only as circum stances permitted. When twelve or thir teen years old he assisted his father in making barrels, for the latter was a cooper as well as a stone mason and carpenter. When eighteen years old be accompanied his parents to Ohio, and at once went to work in clearing the farm, in which he was engaged until 1849, when he com menced to work for himself. He found employment at eleven dollars per month, cutting cordwood near Norwalk; and having a kuowledge of coopering, also earned money at that trade, and steadily advanced. His marriage with Rhoda Cot ton took place March 1, 1855. She was born May 9, 1829, at Truxton, Cortland Co., N. Y, a daughter of Jonathan and Polly (Kingsley) Cotton, who settled in Wayne county, Ohio, in 1832, where Mr. Johnson met and married Miss Cotton, while he was an employe of the Cleveland, Tuscarawas Valley & Wheeling Railroad Company, then in course of construction. Mrs. Johnson was a schoolteacher in Wayne county, Ohio, and Mr. Johnson boarded at her father's house while work ing on the railroad in that section. The children born to this marriage were as fol lows: Effie, now Mrs. Reuben Knapp, of Huntington, Lorain county; Walton, who died in 1864 at the age of six years; Lewis, who married Lillie Lee, and resides in Clarksfield; and Clara, now Mrs. Earl Ketcham, of New London, Huron county. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Johnson moved to Coldwater, Mich., where he worked at the trade of cooper until he learned of the illness of his wife's parents, when he and his wife returned to Wayne county to care for them. For four years he was engaged in farming in Milton township. In 1860 he removed to Huron county, purchased a farm of forty acres in Clarks field township, and there lived until 1866, when he took possession of his present farm. This tract contains 120 acres, well improved, with a substantial, well-furnished house, good farm buildings, fences, and large orchard, representing his savings since the close of the Civil war. Mr. Johnson cast his first Presidential vote for John C. Fremont, and has ever since been a Republican. He takes a deep interest in political affairs, studies current subjects, and is well posted on the issues of the day. He and his wife are Free-will Baptists, and he is trustee in the church. T M. HARKNESS, leading liveryman, k. I horse dealer and transferman, of Nor- %j) walk, is descended from an old New England family. His father, Abner Harkness, was born in Vermont, and became a pioneer settler of New Haven township, Huron Co., Ohio. He was married to Nancy Garrett, a na tive of Auburn, Cayuga Co., N. Y., and passed the later portion of his life in Nor walk. He purchased the first sheep brought to Huron county, having been a prominent agriculturist; in politics he was originally a Henry Clay Whig, afterward uniting with the Republican party. He was a member of the M. E. Church for over fifty years, bis family being also members of the same. He was a strong man in early life, but had poor health for over fifty years. He died about 1870, at the age of eighty-three, his widow surviving him until 1877, when she passed away in her eighty-third year. Of the children born to this couple, seven grew to maturity and five are yet living. J. M. Harkness was born April 1, 1837, in Norwalk, Huron Co., Ohio, and was educated at the seminary in his native place. He then learned the trade of tile making, a business he followed till he went in the service, as follows: He en listed for three months in Company C, Eighty-eighth 0. V. I., June 6, 1862, at Norwalk, Ohio; mustered in at Camp 172 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Chase, Ohio, June 10, 1862; appointed second sergeant June 12, 1862; promoted to first sergeant June 27, 1862, and mus tered out with the company as such at Camp Chase, Ohio, September 26, 1862. Re-enlisted as private in Company F, Tenth Regiment, O. V. O, on the 1st day of November, 1862, at Cleveland, Ohio; mustered in U. S. service for the period of three years on the 15th day of January, 1863, at Cleveland, Ohio; ap pointed first sergeant January 15, 1863; commissioned second lieutenant June 14, 1864, and mustered as such July 19, 1864, at Cartersville, Ga., to date June 25, 1864; promoted to first lieutenant January 30, 1865; entered on duty as first lieutenant and adjutant May 1, 1865, and mustered out with regiment at Lexington, N. O, July 24, 1865. He was with the regi ment in all its engagements from start to finish, including Sherman's celebrated march to the sea. After the war Mr. Harkness returned to Huron county, Ohio, and embarked in the livery business; he has dealt extensively in carriage horses, and also carries on a transfer business. Politically he is a mem ber of the Republican party, and takes an active interest in all movements tending to the advancement of the community. On August 18, 1856, he was married to Julia Boughton, a native of Lorain county, Ohio, and they are the parents of four children: George C, J. O, Willie and Katie, the only idolized daughter, who died in February, 1891, at the age of six teen years, deeply mourned by the be reaved parents and relatives. FE. WILDMAN. A leading repre sentative citizen and prosperous merchant of West Clarksfield, this gentleman deserves more than a passing notice in the pages of this volume. He comes of old Connecticut stock, the homestead of his great-grandfather, Sam uel Wildman, being now a part of the town of Danbury. The following is a brief record of the children of this Samuel Wild- man: Esther, born in 1779, married Sam uel Husted, and they came to Clarksfield township, being pioneers (she died at the age of sixty-three); Samuel died in Octo ber, 1842, in Danbury, Conn., aged eighty years; Mary married Levi Stone, in Dan bury, and later moved to Kent, Ohio, where she died in September, 1845, when aged eighty-six years; Grace was married in Connecticut to Hezekiah Rowland, a Revolutionary soldier, and she died in Clarksfield, Ohio, in May, 1846, when aged eighty-five years; Eli, who was a farmer, died in Danbury, Conn., July 5, 1849, at the age of eighty-four; Ezra was the grandfather of our subject; he had a twin brother that died in infancy. Ezra Wildman, grandfather of F. E., was born April 20, 1775, on his father's farm near Danbury, Conn., and learned the hatter's trade. On June 10, 1798, he married Anne Hoyt, who was born April 19, 1779, near Danbury, a daughter of Comfort and Eunice (Mallory) Hoyt, the former of whom was born May 4, 1751 (old style), the latter on March 23, 1751 (old style). After marriage Ezra Wild- man continued his trade in Danbury, where were born to him and his wife chil dren as follows: Mary Ann, born January 21, 1804, who married Daniel Stone and moved to Clarksfield, Huron county, where they both died; Cornelia, born November 14, 1806, died at the age of three years; William H. ; Freder ick A., born June 5, 1813, ex-county clerk, and a prominent citizen of Nor walk, Huron county; and Cornelia E., born June 18, 1816, who married Alfred R. Segar, and afterward became the wife of S. G. Wright (she died in Kansas City). Comfort Hoyt, Mrs. Ezra Wildman's father, who was a merchant in Danbury, had his store and contents damaged by British soldiers during tbe war of the Revolution, in compensation for which he was given, HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 173 by the Government of Connecticnt, a tract of land in what was then known as the "Western Connecticut Reserve," afterward becoming the State of Ohio. This land Comfort Hoyt divided among his children, Anne's portion lying in what is now Clarks field township, Huron county, the same being recorded as "Lot 10, Section 3." Ezra Wildman made several trips from the East to inspect this land, and have im provements made thereon. In May, 1828, he and his son, William H., drove to Ohio, arriving on June 1 following, and here the son remained, the father, after a brief sojourn, returning eastward. In the fall of the same year Ezra came finally with his entire family, both single and married, the journey being made by canal and lake, the party arriving in Huron county Octo ber 21, and they immediately took up their residence in Clarksfield township, at the home prepared for them, where they set to work to clear the land and cultivate the new soil. Grandfather Wildman died here February 26, 1858, his wife in June, 1859, after a married life of nearly sixty years. Their remains repose in Clarksfield ceme tery, east of Hollow. Politically, Ezra Wildman was originally a Federalist of the old school, then a Whig, and finally a Re publican. William H. Wildman, father of the subject proper of this sketch, was born July 23, 1810, in Danbury, Conn., and was there educated, first attending sub scription school, afterward select school. When fifteen years old he commenced learning the hatter's trade with his father, and was eighteen years old when, as already related, he came to Ohio, where, in Milan, Erie county, he worked four years at his trade for Henry Lockwood. On April 20, 1831, in Fitchville, Huron county, he married Miss Mary Ann Seger, who was born February 27, 1814, in Con necticut, a daughter of Eli Seger, an early settler of Clarksfield township. This wife died childless July 29, 1834, and was buried in Clarksfield. On March 27, 1836, Mr. Wildman was united in wedlock, in Genesee county, N. Y., with Miss Fanny Knapp, born February 11, 1815, in Dan bury, Conn., a daughter of Thomas B. and Mercy (Seger) Knapp, highly respectable farming people. The children born of this union werjg as follows: Elbert K., born Au gust 3, 1837, died when three years and nine months old; Alfred R., born August 31, 1844, now of Cleveland, Ohio, an at tache of the Cleveland Plain Dealer; and Frank E., the subject proper of this sketch. Until 1880, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wildman resided in Clarksfield township, on their farm, which was a part of the Connecticut grant; afterward lived two years in Oberlin, then seven in Wakeman, and they now have their home with their son, F. E., in West Clarksfield, respected and honored by all who know them. F. E. Wildman, whose name opens this sketch, was born September 24, 1846, in Clarksfield township, Huron county, where he received a liberal education in part at the common schools and in part at select school. In early manhood he entered the employ of Bates & Gilbert, millers at Nor walk, Huron county, as a helper; later went west, and at Iowa Falls, Iowa, was engaged in a general store as clerk. Returning home, he resided for several years on the farm owned by his father. In 1880 he re moved to Oberlin, Ohio, where he bought a wholesale notion wagon, and carried on a wholesale notion business. After a few years he bought a stock of goods in Kip- ton, Ohio, remaining there two years; then in 1889 be removed to Clarksfield, same State, and in 1891 to West Clarksfield, where he has since been engaged in merchandising, conducting one of the largest general stores in the county. Mr. Wildman's well-known pleasantness and courtesy, together with his thorough busi ness principles, have won for him a wide popularity. In 1872 Mr. Wildman was united in marriage with Miss Mary Akers, who was born in Birmingham, Erie Co., Ohio, April 174 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 2, 1850, a daughter of P. G. Akers, a farmer aud mechanic of that town. Two children have blessed this union: William H., clerking in his father's store, and Mary Grace. Mr. Wildman is a stanch Repub lican, and April 1, 1892, he was appoiuted postmaster at West Clarksfield; at present with characteristic fidelity and ability he is filling various offices of trust. An active member of the Congregational Church, he is a deacon in same, aud for several years was superintendent of the Sabbath-school. LBERT GAGE, an influential and progressive citizen of Centerton, "1^ Norwich township, is a son of George Gage, who was a son of James, a native of Vermont, and a descendantof the family of which Gen. Gage was a member. He, James Gage, had a family of eight sons — James, Moses, John, George, Munson, Rodman, Theodore and Judah — and two daughters — Anna and Lucy. George Gage, father of subject, was born about the year 1802, in New York, at a place known as " the Grout," and there his boyhood days were passed on a farm, and in attending the subscription schools of the neighborhood of his boyhood home. He worked for a time in a salt factory, and in 1834 came to Ohio, settling in Lake county, where he continued farming pursuits until his retirement from active life. In 18 — he married Miss Phoebe Hatch, of Herkimer county, N. Y., and they have three children, Albert, Adelia M. and Sarah L. Albert Gage, the subject of this sketch, was born, in 1825, in Syracuse, N. Y., and received a liberal common-school edu cation. When a youth he went on the lakes as a common sailor, and was wrecked several times. In 1850 he came to Huron county, taking up his residence in Center- ton, where for ten years he was engaged in the lumber business. The Civil war hav ing then broken out, he enlisted, in 1861, in the Fifty-fifth Regiment O. V. I., par ticipated in the battle of Cross Keys, and was discharged as sergeant in 1862 on ac count of disability. On his return home he was taken sick, and was invalided till 1864, when he joined the One Hundred and Sixty-sixth O. V. I., as orderly ser geant, remaining at the front one hundred days. On bis return once more to the pursuits of peace, he clerked two years for Hester & Bank, merchants of Centerton, Huron county, and then for Crow & Miller, general merchants of same place, one year, and after the death of Crow he took over his interest by purchase. In 1873 he bought out Miller, and has since been found at tbe same stand, doing a flourishing and profitable business. In 1854 Mr. Gage married Miss Eliza beth Van Horn, of Norwich township, Huron county, and five children were born to this union, viz.: Henry F., Eugene W., Stanley, Frederick and Bertha. In his political proclivities our subject has been a stanch Republican, and has held various township offices with honor. J I AMES BELLAMY, a well-known farmer of Townsend township, was J born August 12, 1839, in Hunting don, England, and is tbe seventh child in a family of ten born to Samuel and Susanna (Higbiam) Bellamy, the former of whom was born in Huntingdonshire, England, and the latter in Glasgow, Scotland. Samuel Bellamy was educated and mar ried in England, where he was engaged in agricultural pursuits for many years, in fact most of his life. His educational ad vantages were very limited in youth, con sequently such literary knowledge as he possessed was mainly acquired in the practical school of experience. In Sep tember, 1862, be emigrated with his wife and youngest child to the United States, HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 175 all the other members of the family having preceded them. First stopping with their son, the subject of this sketch, in Huron township, Erie Co., Ohio, they remained until the following spring (1863) and then removed to Ford county, 111., where Sam uel Bellamy died August 3, 1863, when in his sixty-third year. Both he and his wife were consistent members of the Church of England; the latter, however, became in her later years a member of the M. E. Church at Townsend Center, Huron Co., Ohio. William Bellamy, grandfather of our subject, was a lifelong farmer in his native England, where for many generations the Bellamys were engaged in agricultural pursuits. John Highiam, maternal grand father of our subject, was a non-commis sioned officer in the British army, all his life being passed in the military service. He was born at a military post (as were also all his own children), his father being a lifelong soldier, as was also his grand father, and the ancestors of the family for generations. James Bellamy, the subject of this sketch, received bnt meager literary ad vantages, in youth, never having attended school more than two or three weeks in his life, and that in England before reach ing his seventh year. He has, however, since attaining manhood's years, succeeded by his own efforts in acquiring a very fair business education. He is a man of good judgment, quick perceptions and a close observer of everything around him; and he is also quite a reader, well informed in current literature and in the Scriptures and Bible literature generally. At the age of sixteen, in 1855, he immigrated to the United States, landing at New York City on Christmas Day of that year, and arriv ing at his sister's home in Berlin town ship, Erie Co., Ohio, on January 1, 1856. He immediately went to work by the month on a farm in that neighborhood, for a Mr. James Oates, with whom he re mained until the following spring. He continued working out by the month or day, occasionally taking a job of chopping cord wood or ditching, until the spring of 1873, when he bought wild land in Town- send township, Huron county. There were only four acres cleared on the place, out of which he has since improved the farm upon which he now resides, and to which he has added other lands, now owning two well-improved places. During eight or nine winters he chopped 1,200 cords of wood for Mr. Frank Pinney, in Townsend township. Prior to his settling in Huron county Mr. Bellamy had purchased wild lands in Wood county, Ohio, and also in Michigan, as a speculation, but never re sided on either tract. On April 22, 1861, he enlisted in Company E, Seventh Regi ment O. V. I., for three months, and was mustered out at Norwalk on August 22 following. Mr. Bellamy was married December 14, 1860, to Miss Eliza Coultrip, who was born in Kent, England, June 8, 1842, a daughter of James and Sophia (Fulligar) Coultrip, both of whom were also natives of Kent. Two sons have blessed their union, viz.: John Charles, born Marcii 17, 1862, and William Porter, born De cember 12, 1865. Mr. and Mrs. Bellamy are devout members of the M. E. Church, and are identified with the the class at Townsend Center. Socially he is a charter member of Townsend Post No. 414, G. A. R., in which Post he has several times filled the office of chaplain. Mrs. Bellamy is au active member of Townsend W. R. C. No. 142, Auxiliary to Townsend Post No. 414, G. A. R. In politics Mr. Bel lamy is a Republican, and he is one of the enterprising, successful farmers of the neighborhood, as well as one of her most prominent and respected citizens. Mr. Bellamy's brother, William Bellamy, in company with whom our subject immi grated to America, was employed, like him, in working by the month, day or job until the breaking out of the Civil war, when he enlisted in the same company and 176 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. regiment with our subject, and on the same day. Soon after his discharge, in September, 1861, he re-enlisted, this time in Company C, Fifty-fifth 0. V. L, and served with his regiment in all its marches and engagements to the second battle of Bull Run, in which engagement he was killed by a cannon ball. No truer patriot or braver soldier ever stood upon a battle field than he. He was always ready for duty, never hesitating or flinching from any post assigned him, no matter how arduous or dangerous the work. He was color bearer of his regiment, and fell while in tbe front ranks. He left a widow, hav ing been married just before proceeding to the front. James Coultrip, father .of Mrs. James Bellamy, was a shepherd by occupation, in his native land. In 1850 he immigrated to the United States, first halting near Al bany, N. Y., where he was engaged in chopping wood for one winter. The next spring, 1851, he removed to Lorain county, Ohio, locating near Avon, where he was employed at shearing sheep and on a large ditch contract, until the fall of the same year, when he took a contract for grading a part of the northern division of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Rail road in Lorain county. He completed the same, but was defrauded of the fruits of his labor, never receiving a cent of pay. After this he was employed at any thing which promised to bring him an honest dollar. In the fall of 1852 he sent for his wife and children, whom he had left be hind in Old England, and the family, among whom was Mrs. Bellamy, then ten years old, arrived in New York in No vember, that year, and came thence by rail and steamboat to Berlin township, Erie Co., Ohio. There they rejoined Mr. Coultrip, who for several years afterward farmed on rented lands in both Erie and Huron counties. In about 1857 or 1858 he bought a farm in Townsend township, Huron county, upon which he remained until the spring of 1868, wben he sold out and bought another place in Berlin town ship, Erie county. After a few years he sold this place, and later rented in various parts of Huron county. The last two years of his life were passed with his son- in-law, the subject of our sketch, at whose home his death occurred January 5, 1878, when he was aged sixty- three years. Dur ing the Civil war he served in the Nine teenth O. V. I., from October 3, 1864, to June 8, 1865. He was not- assigned to any company, and for a time did duty as a cattle guard, and afterward as nurse in a hospital at Moorehead City, N. Carolina. rRANK J. RUFFING, a prominent agriculturist of Sherman township, is a native of same, born September 13, 1859, a son of Joseph Ruffing, one of the pioneers of the county. His father numbered among those who came to Ohio when it was necessary to clear in the forest a place on which to build a log hut, and make a home in the wilderness. Our subject passed his childhood on his father's farm, and remained there until he was married. He attended the subscrip tion school of his neighborhood, receiving such education as was furnished in those days, when the schoolhouse was a rude log hut, scarcely protected from the elements, and furnished with benches nailed to one side of the wall, and where the teachers were but indifferently prepared to impart information. In 1884 Mr. Ruffing mar ried Miss Victoria Layman, daughter of Balsor Layman, a well-known farmer of Sherman township, and their marriage has been blessed with three children, viz.: Al fred, Bertha and Nora, all of whom are yet living. Mr. and Mrs. Ruffing are mem bers of the Catholic Church. Mr. Ruffing is singularly fortunate in his domestic relations, his children being a great source of pride to him, and his in terest in educational matters is demon strated by the manner in which he controls HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 177 and directs the intellectual necessities of his children. He is public-spirited and enterprising, and readily endpsres any pro ject calculated to stimulate the develop ment and prosperity of the township and county in which he resides. He is gener ous and affable, his sympathies expressing themselves in kindness to friends and in charities when they are merited. It may be said of him, that in all the relations of life in which he is called upon to act, he is trustworthy, constant and honest. His habits of industry and application have enabled him to accumulate a handsome property, and he owns eighty-four acres of valuable land, devoted to general agricul ture, including stock raising. He is popular in political circles, and has served as supervisor for several years. Tf H. McELHINNEY, M. D., a mem- w I ber of the medical firm of J. H. & F. \J) B. McElHinney, of New London, was born in Washington county, Ohio, in 1850, a son of Dr. Joseph M. McElHinney, who was born within four miles of the city of Londonderry, Ireland. Brought tothe United States when seven years old, the father of our subject was educated in Ohio, and while still a youth began school teaching, presiding over a school in the village of Newport, Ohio, for eight years. During that period he read medicine, and, entering the Eclectic Medi cal Institute at Cincinnati, graduated, afterward establishing himself in practice at Newport. There he married Miss Ara bella Hannold, and made his home. He served a term in the army in 1864, as captain of Company G, One" Hundred and Forty-eighth 0. V.' I. J. H. McElHinney, the subject proper of this sketch, grew to manhood at New port, Ohio, received a practical education in the schools there, and completed his literary course in Marietta College. When not at school he assisted his father in office work. School days over, he read medicine under the direction of his father, aud as sisted him in practice, even before entering the medical college. He attended lectures at the Eclectic Medical Institute, of Cin cinnati, and, graduating from that institu tion in 1873, returned home, where he remained until his brother Frank won a diploma. From that time until 1881 he practiced at Hills, Washington county; then moving to Ruggles, Ashland county, and from there to New London, Ohio, in 1888, established himself at once as a skill ful physician. In 1877 Dr. McElHinney married Miss Mary E. Greene, the second daughter of Christopher and Mary F. (Wood) Greene. Christopher Greene was born in Newport, Ohio, in 1809, son of John Greene, oneof the first settlers of Newport, which was settled soon after the settling of Marietta, Ohio. He was fond of hunting in his younger days; also spent considerable time running flat-boats on the Ohio and Missis sippi rivers, in the capacity of pilot. At the age of fifty-five he entered the United States service in Company G, One Hun dred and Forty-eighth O. V. I., under Capt. J. M. McElHinney, in Gen. Benj. F. Butler's corps on the James river, near Petersburg, Va. He is still (1894) living at Newport, Ohio. To Dr. and Mrs. J. H. McElHinney have been born four chil dren, namly: Mary A., Glenna E., Bessie G. and Clare B. The Doctor is a member of the Ohio Eclectic Medical Society, and is now the secretary; was a member of the Grand Lodge of the I. O. G. T. for ten years, and is a member of the I. 0. O. F. A Pro hibitionist in politics, he is a consistent member of that party. He is recognized as an able general practitioner, and well known as a most successful surgeon. Witb tbe exception of the time devoted to field sports, he gives close personal attention to professional work. During certain seasons he seeks out some good hunting and fish ing grounds, and passes a short season in 178 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. the role of hunter and fisherman. The trophies in his office speak of his success as a sportsman. He was mustered out of the United States service .in the fall of 1864 when not quite fourteen years old. He still has a fondness for target shooting with the rifle, at which he is quite pro ficient. F. STARBIRD, a druggist of New London, was born in Stark county, Ohio, October 24, 1844. His father, Austin Starbird,anativeof Pennsyl vania, studied medicine at Cleveland, Ohio, and graduated from the Medical College of that city. About the year 1850 he located in New London, and soon established him self as a physician and surgeon. His study did not at all cease with graduation. The responsibilities of practice led him to deeper studies and research, so that the reputation be won, in the profession, was based on a solid foundation ; for his knowl edge of medicine and surgery, in both •theory and practice, was wide. He died in the spring of 1877, his widow, Mary J. (Fulton), in 1891. B. F. Starbird is the eldest in a family of five children. He received a practical education in the common school of New London, and completed a commercial course in Oberlin College. When he wa6 of age his father presented him and brother with a fully equipped drug store, and this business he has carried on since 1867. In the spring of 1890 he purchased his brother's interest in the store, at which time the brother was appointed postmaster at New London. The building in wliich his business is carried on is 20 x 85 feet in area, two stories high, with basement. Throughout, it is fully stocked with drugs, paints apd oils. The prescription depart ment receives the close personal attention of the owner, who gives general supervis ion to the whole establishment. In 1878 Mr. Starbird married Miss Alice E. Kilburn, a daughter of one of the pioneers of New London, where she was born. To this marriage the following named children were born: Mary Ella, Burton Hoyte, Frank Kilburn and Mar gurite J. With the exception of three years passed in Chicago, 111., and many days in school at Oberlin, Mr. Starbird has been a resident of New London since the family moved from Stark county, Ohio, and holds a high position in the social as well as in the commercial circle. He has held the office of township clerk for. over fifteen years. The beginnings of the fam ily in America were made in Maine, from which center they branched out. The grandfather of B. F. Starbird migrated to Stark county, and carried on a farm there until his removal to Maumee, Lucas Co., Ohio, where he died at a ripe old age. *J HIRAM SMITH. Ranking among the first and best of the early fam ilies of Huron county is the Smith family, descended from the New England pioneer, Erastus Smith, and his wife, Fannie (Spencer) Smith. Hiram Smith, although still superin tending, and not actively engaged in farm ing, is one of Huron county's largest practical farmers and landowners. He was born in Greenfield township, Huron county, November 21, 1816. His father, Erastus Smith, was united in wedlock to Fannie Spencer on the 19th day of De cember, 1805, and of this union were born seven children, viz.: Martin, Lydia, Tru man, Erastus, LeBter, Hiram and Hen rietta. At the time of the arrival in this county of Erastus and Fannie Smith there was but one cabin in Greenfield township, and in this Mrs. Smith stayed while her husband built their log cabin. This brave pioneer woman lived to the great age of ninety-seven years, retaining in a great measure her wonderful mental powers up to the time of her death. Erastus Smith died July 16, 1820. Hiram Smith and t^^e? HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 181 family are owners of 800 acres of finely improved land in Greenfield township, the development of which is almost entirely the result of Mr. Smith's personal energy and resolution in overcoming all obstacles. In connection with his farming inter ests he, about the year 1850, engaged in mercantile business at Steuben. In this pursuit the results of his business sagacity were as apparent as in his farming and stock business. " Uncle Hi," as he has for mauy years been popularly addressed, is well and favorably known among the farmers and stock-raisers of Huron county, as his wool and stock buying tended to make his a familiar and welcome figure where his business called him in these pursuits. Mr. Smith is largely a self-educated man, and an extensive and profound reader. His views of political and finan cial affairs, fluently and lucidly enunciated, are eagerly solicited by many who admire and repose confidence in his well-demon strated judgment in these matters. Among his most striking characteristic traits is his extreme fondness for children, his resi dence having been and being the chosen and favorite resort for his grandchildren; his presence and ever-open home preferred by them to that of all others. His kind^ ness and generosity, extended even to those past the privileges of childhood's claim, is proverbial. Except as a matter of history, it is need^ less to state the esteem and confidence Mr. Smith is held in, in a business way. His honorable career has no blemish, and no man can or does regret any dealing ever entered into with him. In 1887 Mr, Smith, fully justified in retiring from active life, came to Norwalk, purchasing his present residence on West Main street, a quiet but luxurious home bis exemplary life so richly deserves. Hiram Smith and Polly Rockwell were united in wedlock December 31, 1840; she was the daughter of Thaddeus and Polly Rockwell, then of Greenfield, but formerly of New York State. To our subject and wife were born six children (of whom five are living), as follows: Emma Fanette, widow of Harry C. Sturges, re siding with her parents; Hiram J., in Steuben, Ohio, who has eight children, seven of whom are living — three daughters and four sons — having lost by death one son, Rollin J.; Henry Dayton, a resident of Washington, who has one child, a son, H. J.; Sarah Frances (deceased); George Rockwell, of Kansas, who has three chil dren — one son and two daughters; aud Fannie Eliza (Mrs. Frank Lamkin), living in Norwalk, who has one child, a daugh ter, Mary Finette. Mr. Smith's imme diate family worship at the Universalist Church, and are esteemed among the best of Norwalk's citizens. AMUEL C. TOUGH, traveling sales- . man, in the agricultural implement line, with residence in Townsend township, is a native of Huron county, born ' November 11, 1845, in Ridgefield township. He is the eldest of two children born to Seth and Eliza(Fisher) Tough, the former of whom was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, the latter in North umberland county, Penn., of German ex traction. Seth Tough was born March 25„ 1807, and received in his youth a very good common-school education in his native country. Soon after attaining his majority he emigrated from Scotland to the United States, settling in Ridgefield township, Huron Co., Ohio, where he was married October 3, 1844. Here be engaged in agricultural pursuits, in which he con tinued uutil his death, which occurred October 10, 1853. Mrs. Eliza Tough was born February 24, 1807, and was a devoted, lifelong member of the Baptist Church; she died October 13, 1879. Her father, William Fisher, was born in Pennsylvania, and received a fair English education in his native State, where he married and 182 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. engaged in farming pursuits. In about 1855 be removed with his wife and family to Huron county, Ohio, where he bought a farm and successfully engaged in agri culture until his death. He was an earnest member of the Congregational Church. Samuel C. Tough, subject proper of this sketch, received in his early years a good common-school and academic education, and remained on the old homestead until rtaching his majority. He then, for the next ten or twelve years, engaged in agri cultural pursuits, during which time he also followed the profession of teacher. Since that time he has been employed as a traveling salesman in the agricultural im plement trade, with the exception of two years, when he was engaged in the local trade at Norwalk. For eight years he was with the Bryan Plow Co., of Bryan, Ohio, and for the past three years has repre sented the Genesee Valley Manufacturing Co., of Mt. Morris, N. Y., having control of northwestern Ohio and the whole State of Michigan. On October 1, 1867, Mr. Tough was united in marriage with Miss Mary E. Kile, who was a native of Huron county, Ohio, daughter of Adam and Sarah S. (Milkes) Kile, and to this union have been born two children, viz.: Percy Washing ton and Sarah Gladys. Socially Mr. Tough is a popular member of Mt. Ver non Lodge No. 64, F. & A. M., and of Huron Chapter No. 7, R. A. M., both of Norwalk, Ohio. E'UGENE L. McCAGUE, a promi nent young citizen of Bronson town- , ship, is a son of Thomas J. Mc- Cague, and a grandson of Thomas McCague, whose parents, James and Janet (Cochran) McCague, came to the United States about the year 1784. They had a family of four sons and four daughters. Thomas McCague, son of this pioneer couple, was born, in 1784, near Philadel phia, Penn. He was there married to Rosanna Coyan, daughter of Edward Coyan, by trade a weaver, and also a native of Ireland, and the young couple soon aft erward (in 1819) came to Columbiana county, Ohio. There Thomas McCague bought land, but same year moved to a farm in Summit county, same State, which he had bought. In 1839 they moved to Holmes county, same State, remaining there eleven years; then settled in Hart land township, Huron county, where he died in 1863 at the age of seventy-nine years. He was a Democrat in politics; in religion Mrs. McCague was a member of the Presbyterian Church. She died in 1873, the mother of seven children, four of whom were deceased in youth and three are yet living, viz.: Samuel, living on the old farm in Hartland township; Thomas J., and Jane, wife of R. G. Bishop, of Akron, Ohio. Thomas J. McCague was born August 14, 1826, in Summit county, Ohio, and passed his youth on the home farm. He received a subscription-school education, and when nineteen years of age began life for himself by working on a farm for eight dollars per month. He continued to fol low farming during his earlier years, and was also employed in the sawmills. In 1850 he passed a year in Olena, Huron Co., Ohio, and January 1, 1851, was mar ried to Adeline, daughter of Bethuel Cole, who was a son of Ebenezer Cole, for twenty years justice of the peace in Vermont; his son Bethuel was born in Rensselaer county, N. Y. Thomas J. and Adeline (Cole) McCague resided as tenants on a farm iu Hartland township, Huron county, for three years after their marriage. In the autumn of 1854 they moved to the old Cole homestead, where Bethuel Cole died in 1874, aged seventy-seven years, followed by his wife in 1890, who was ninety years of age. Mr. and Mrs. McCague continued to reside on the place after the death of her parents. The farm contains one hun dred acres, where he conducts a general agricultural business. They were the par- HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 183 ents of one son, Eugene L. Mrs. Adeline (Cole) McCague died October 8, 1893, in her sixty-eighth year. Eugene L. McCague was born August 14, 1853, in Hartland township, Huron Co., Ohio, and received a good practical education in the county schools. On May 23, 1877, he married Mary E. Godfrey, a native of Ruggles township, Ashland Co., Ohio. Between the years 1881 and 1885 Eugene L. McCague was traveling sales man for dealers in agricultural implements. He then learned the painting business, to which he has since devoted some attention in connection with farming. He is a prominent member of the Republican party, and is now serving his third term as township trustee. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. McCague are Ida Vione, born January 14, 1880; Carleton Eugene, born March 21, 1890; and Harold B. Godfrey, born August 7, 1892. )\ P. CURTISS, son of Charles Cur tiss, and grandson on the maternal side of Ebenezer Treat, was born in Ashland county, Ohio, in 1841. Charles Curtiss was born in New York State, but passed his boyhood in Canada. About the year 1838 he migrated to Ohio, locating in Ashland county, and erected one of the first saw and grist mills in Ruggles township. Water power was used; so that, as the country was cleared and the swamps converted into fertile fields, the water courses dwindled into streamlets, the water-wheel became of little use, and the owner turned his attention to agriculture. Charles Curtiss was married in New York State, and ten children were born to him, of whom eight grew to manhood and wo manhood, two being now residents of Ohio. The father of this family died in 1865, aged seventy-three years, and the mother, Jemima (Treat) Curtiss, died in 1872 at the age of seventy-two years. Charles Curtiss was a Democrat down to 1860, when he cast his vote for Lincoln, being a stern Union man during the war. W. P. Curtiss is an experienced manu facturer and employer. Raised on the farm in Ruggles township, he was educated in the school of his district and in the high school at Savannah. At an early age he ventured into the business world by oper ating a stone quarry on the home farm. In 1864 he commenced the bending busi ness at New London, and this business was carried on by him and his brother, Charles L. Curtiss, for two years, when he bought his brother's interest. He then associated himself with W. R. Santley for the term of three years, at the expiration of which Mr. Curtiss sold his interests in the bending industry to his partner, and commenced the manufacture of cheese boxes, a business he carried on for four or five years. He then added to his business the manufacture of butter tubs, and again took his brother, C. L. Curtiss, as a part ner. This firm continued the business about two years, when they organized a joint-stock company for the purpose of manufacturing cheese and butter packages, arid other cooperage stock and lumber. The management of this then passed into other hands, and was operated by them some three or four years at a loss to the stockholders of nearly the whole invest ment of which Mr. Curtiss and his brother, C. L,, owned a large amount. Durino-the most of this time Mr. Curtiss was at work for the lumber firm of W. R. Santley & Co., of Wellington, Ohio. About nine years ago he purchased the old concern, and commenced the same business again, with Mr. O. C. Harvey (his nephew) as partner, under tbe name of Curtiss & Harvey. About one year later Mr. Harvey died, and his widow (Mrs. Harvey) has retained his interest witb Mr. Curtiss until the present time. The business of this firm has increased to four or five times its original amount within the past five years. The buildings now devoted to this industry comprise one two-story 34 x 88 feet in 184 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. area; one 30x60 feet two-story, and one 28x30 feet; one large steam- heated dry kiln, and two sheds, each one hundred feet in length; one seventy -five horse-power engine is used for driving the machinery. This is without doubt the most extensive and best equipped butter tub factory in the State of Ohio. Several of the machines used in this factory were designed espe cially for the business by Mr. Curtiss, some of which he has several patents on. Being located in a section of the coun try where there is an abundant amount of white ash timber of the very best quality for butter tubs, this concern anticipates a still greater increase in their business for the next few years. The part this industry has taken and now takes in the develop ment of this section of the country is an important one, and worthy the study of the economist. The marriage of Mr. Curtiss with Louisa M. Fish, a native of New York, took place October 17, 1871. To this union two children — Mattie E. and William Ray mond — were bom. William Raymond died in December, 1882, at the age of one year and fifteen days. In social affairs Mr. Curtiss is a Royal Arch Mason, and a member of the National Unipn. As a citizen he is enterprising and progressive. FAUL WILLIAM PFRANKLIN, proprietor of meat market, Bellevue, was born at Venice, Erie Co., Ohio, February 6, 1866, son of David and Elizabeth (Keiser) Pfrankliu. The parents were born in Baden, Germany, whence they came to the United States, settling at Sandusky, Ohio, where the mother still resides. The father died April 29, 1888, aged sixty years. Of ten children born to them, seven are yet living. Paul W. Pfranklin grew to manhood in Sandusky, and received a practical educa tion in the German Catholic schools of that city. When school days were ended he entered a meat market, and there learned all the details of the butcher's trade. About two years ago he purchased a half interest in a meat market, later bought out his partner's interest, and is now sole pro prietor of the house. By industry and equitable dealing he has built up a large trade, and is unquestionably the leading dealer in fresh and cured meats at Belle vue. He carries in stock all kinds of meat foods, while his abattoir furnishes fresh meats to supply the daily demand. His enterprise has made Mr. Pfrankliu an im portant factor in the community. H. PEASE. This gentleman, who by his own individual efforts has become one of the leading suc cessful citizens of Wakeman, is a son of Sylvester Pease, one of the first settlers of Cuyahoga county, Ohio. Sylvester Pease was a hatter by trade, and part proprietor of the first hat store opened in Cleveland, the firm being Dock- stater & Pease, still within the recollection of the older business houses of that city. For many years he was a resident of Sum mit county, Ohio, and he had a family of two sons (of whom one is living) and two daughters — Mrs. Julia L' Hommedieu, living at Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, and Susie Case, of San Francisco, Cal. The father of Sylvester Pease, by name George Pease, was a quartermaster in the Revolutionary war, with headquarters at Hudson, Ohio. He was a native of New York State. W. H. Pease, the subject proper of this memoir, was born in January, 1839, in Cleveland, Ohio, whence when six years old he was taken to Cuyahoga Falls, Sum mit county, where at the age of twenty- two years he enlisted in the Nineteenth O. V. 1., Capt. Andrew J. Konkle's com pany, the regiment being under the com mand of Col. Beatty. After three months' service he was commissioned lieutenant in HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 185 the First Ohio Light Artillery, Battery D, afterward transferred to Battery F as cap tain, and participated in all the engage ments of the Tennessee and other cam paigns, among which may be mentioned Stone River, Mission Ridge, Knoxville and Pumpkin Vine Creek, where he was wounded and captured by the Confeder ates. He was confined in Libby Prison for several weeks, then exchanged and re turned to his battery. On resuming the pursuits of peace, Mr. Pease went on the road as a traveling salesman, continuing as such until 1868, when he went to Mil waukee, Wis., where for two years he was employed in the telegraph office. From there after marriage he moved to Chicago, and after a year's residence in that city came to Wakeman, Huron county, where for two years he conducted a hotel. We next find our subject embarked in the in surance, furniture and undertaking busi ness, in which he is still prosperously engaged. On November 17, 1870, Mr. Pease was married to Miss Josephine Bright, daugh ter of J. Y. and Fanny M. B. Bright, and three children, as follows, came to their union: James S., born in May, 1874, died January 14, 1881; William L., born March 12, 1885;' and Joseph B., born April 12, 1888, died April 9, 1891. In his politi cal predilections Mr. Pease is a Republi can, has held various township offices, and for twelve years has been a notary public. ^ARREN M. PECK, a well-to-do farmer of Wakeman township, is a native of same, born September 16, 1834. His father, Henry T. Peck, a native of Vermont, was at the age of nine years brought by his parents to Ohio, where, in Clarksfield township, Huron county, they made their first western home. The subject of this brief notice was reared to agricultural pursuits, and re mained on his father's farm till he was thirty-three years old, when he moved to his present farm, at that time comprising ninety acres, now 141 acres of prime land, where he has since successfully followed general farming, including stock raising. His father aided him in a very substantial manner when he left the paternal roof, giving him one thousand dollars in hard cash, of which he made good use, for he has on his farm some as tine buildings as can be seen in the county. In 1867 our subject married Miss Millie J. Henry, daughter of Mendell Henry, of Erie county, Ohio, who was killed by " bushwhackers " in Kentucky, during the Civil war. Two children were born to this union, to wit: Clarence W. and Harry M., both at school. In his political preferences Mr. Peck is a strong Republican, his first Presidential vote being cast for John C. Fremont. He served in the One Hundred and Sixty-sixth O. V. I., N. G., and is a member of G. A. R Post No. 559, Wakeman. Edward Peck, a brother, was a member of the Twenty-fourth O. V. 1., having enlisted at the commencement of the Civil war, and was killed at Pittsburgh Landing (Shiloh). J JOHN HURST, who in his lifetime I was a well-known' and generally re- i spected farmer of Wakeman township, was a native of Canada, born August 29, 1828, near Toronto, Ontario. His father, also named John, was born in Lancashire, England, and at the age of twenty-one enlisted in the British army as artilleryman, serving in all twenty-six years, six months. His battery being sent to America during the Revolution, it was present at the battle of Plattsburg; and at the conclusion of that struggle was ordered to Quebec, whence it sailed for Europe, to take part in the sanguinary Napoleonic wars. Under Sir Arthur Wellesley (afterward Duke of Wellington) he served in the Peninsular war (in Spain 186 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. and Portugal), and among the many en gagements in which he participated may be mentioned the battles of Salamanca, Albuera and Badajoz; under Sir John Moore, in the same campaign, he was in the memorable six weeks retreat of the British army to the seaboard, the rations served out tothe men for four weeks being one-quarter pound of biscuit and a gill of rum, each, per day, to which the soldiers added roasted or boiled acorns and chest nuts gathered in the woods as they passed along. He also participated in the battle of Waterloo a few years later, which under Wellington decided the liberties of Eu rope. On his discharge from the army Mr. Hurst came to Canada, where he mar ried Margaret Hislop, a native of Edin burgh, Scotland, a daughter of James Hislop, a stonemason by trade, who died in Canada at the age of over seventy years. Eleven children were born to this union, as follows: Isabella P., Ann, Jennette, Marian, Sarah Ellen, two daughters that died in infancy, John (subject of sketch), James (in Vermont), Thomas (in Town- send, Huron county), and George (de ceased in 1892); four of the daughters are living in the Province of Quebec, the other in Vermont. John Hurst, whose name opens this sketch, passed the most of his boyhood days about forty miles from Montreal, Canada, also in New York State and Ver mont. On Marcii 10, 1852, he married Miss Mary A. Longeway, daughter of Nicholas Longeway, a native of. Lower Canada, whose father, John Longeway, came from France; Mrs. Hurst's mother was also born in Canada, of Dutch ances try. To our subject and wife were born children as follows: Elizabeth Parmelia, Noble G., Margaret Hannah and Melvin John. Of these, Elizabeth P. was married February 11, 1871, to Charles E. Weeks, who died January 19, 1878; she passed away June 21, 1880, leaving four orphan children — three boys and one girl, the lat ter of whom died February 24, 1890. Noble G. was married November 29, 1876, to Ida A. Pierce, who died June 16, 1883, leaving one child, Mabel E., who was taken care of by her grandmother Hurst until she was about two years of age; at that time her father married Miss Margaret M. Morgan, of Camden, when he moved from Wakeman to that place, where he now resides; by this last mar riage there is one child, Edna M., born July 23, 1887. Margaret H. married, in May, 1879, Robert McKinley, a prominent farmer of Ashland township, Newaygo Co., Mich., to which union were born seven children, as follows: Lulu, Perme- lia, Robert, John, Estella, Noble and Mary. Melvin J. was married January 4, 1890, to Miss Mary J. Beecher, and they have two children: Horace and John. Melvin now resides on the farm his father had bonght in Wakeman township. In 1855 our subject and family set out for Ohio, locating in Lorain county, near Kipton, where they arrived April 20. Here he rented a small farm. After a resi dence here of six years he bought forty- two acres, and then in Wakeman township, Huron county, purchased eighty-two acres. In 1871 he came to Wakeman, where, , having sold his farm in Lorain county, he bought fifty-eight acres, and subsequently another piece of land. Here Mr. Hurst was successful in general farming and stock raising. He died October 21, 1892, a member (as are his widow and daughters) of the Congregational Church; in politics he was a Republican. In 1885 he took a trip to his old home in Canada. OBERT SLY, a representative agri culturist of Townsend township, was born August 24, 1829, in Montgomery county, N. Y., the second in a family of seven chil dren of John and Philena (Titus) Sly, both of whom were natives of New York State and of English descent. HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 187 John Sly, who was «ne of a family of four brothers, received in his youth but meager educational advantages, but in after years acquired an ordinary business train ing. He was married in his native town, and in the spring of 1831 removed, with his wife and family, to what was then the western frontier, near Buffalo, N. Y. Here he bought wild lands, and cleared and improved a farm, where he was suc cessfully and extensively engaged in agri cultural pursuits until his death, which occurred December 26, 1886, when he was in his eighty-fifth year. Mrs. Sly, also deceased, was a member of the Bap tist Church. Robert Sly, father of John. was a lifelong farmer of eastern New York State, where he died in 1855 in his eighty- fifth year. Both the Sly and Titus fami lies were among the early English settlers in eastern New York State, and several members thereof served with distinction in the Continental army during the Revo lution. Robert Sly, whose name opens this sketch, received in his boyhood days a limited education in the primitive frontier schools of western New York, and never attended a day after he was twelve years old. He is in the main self-educated, is well- informed on current topics and literature, and has all his life been a careful and ex tensive reader. He remained with his parents, working on the homestead farm, until 1858, wben be came to northern Ohio and purchased a partially improved farm in Townsend township, Huron county, to which he has since made numerous im provements and additions, now having a fine farm of 130 acres, where he success fully follows agricultural pursuits. On December 4, 1861, our subject was mar ried to Miss Jane B. Draper, who was born January 25, 1837, in Bronson township, Huron county, daughter of Sheldon and Clarissa (Cole) Draper, both of whom were natives of New York State — the former pf Dutchess, the latter of Chenango county — and of English descent. To Mr. and Mrs. Sly have been born three children, namely: Clarissa P., now Mrs. S. G. Evarts; Arthur, and Nettie L., Mrs. A. T. Gam- ber. Mrs. Sly is an ardent member of the Baptist Church, and Mr. Sly, though not a church member, is a firm believer in practical Christianity. In politics he is a Republican, stanch and uncompromising, and is recognized generally as a leading citizen in his community. In his early years Mr. Sly was a member of the New York Home Guards. JM. STULTZ, a well-known farmer of Huron county, was born there on September 25, 1837, a son of Ralph and Ann (Fanning) Stultz, and a member of an old and highly respected family. His grandfather, Blodgett Stultz, was born in New York, but came to Ohio at an early date, numbering among the pioneers who cleared the land and trans formed dense woods into fertile farms. Ralph Stultz, father of our subject, was born in 1806 in Ontario county, N. Y. He moved to Ohio in 1833, locating in Huron county, where he devoted his atten tion to managing his farm, which consisted of 150 acres of valuable land. He was married in New York to Miss Ann Fan ning, who was also born in Ontario county, and their union was blessed with seven children, three of whom are still living, viz.: B. F., A. J. and J. M. B. F. and J. M. served one hundred days in the Civil war. Mr. Stultz was trustee of Lyme township for a number of years, and also served as assessor. His family were mem bers of the Baptist Church, and always took an active part in charitable work. He died in 1856, his widow in December, 1891. J. M. Stultz, the subject of this bio graphical memoir, received his primary education in the schools of his neighbor hood, and for three years attended school in Granville, Ohio, but before completing 188 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. bis studies was compelled to withdraw on account of the Civil war. He now owns and lives upon the northern part of the farm formerly owned by his father, and is one of the progressive agriculturists who realize that as much judgment, study and executive ability are required by the farmer as by any professional man, and each year adds some improvement to his estate. On July 7, 1869, Mr. Stultz married Miss Ellen Seymour, daughter of John Sey mour, a merchant of Huron county, and their marriage has been blessed with four children: Sadie, Bertha, and Ralph and Minnie (twins), the last of whom died at an early age. Mr. Stultz is promiuent in business, social and political circles. He makes a specialty of raising Jersey cows and fine road horses. He has been presi dent of the board of education, also school director for a number of years, and takes an active part in all movements that have for their object public advancement. E'ZRA S. JENNINGS, a retired farmer, and one of the most es- I teemed citizens of Fitchville town ship, was born near Bridgeport, Conn., August 21, 1827. Daniel Jennings, bis maternal grand father, was born October 14, 1770, and died March 14, 1840; his wife, Phoebe Jennings, was born February 14, 1773, and died December 26, 1856. Their chil dren were as follows: Rhoda, born De cember 25, 1802, died March 12, 1869; Eunice, born February 10, 1804, died April 13, 1881 ; Gregory, born May 7, .1805, died October 12, 1805 ; Ezra, born September 1, 1806, died December 5, 1826; Abigail, born April 30, 1809, died November 5, 1870; Daniel, born May 4, 1811; Gersham, born May 29, 1813, died January 3, 1887; Sarah, born August 31, 1815, died De cember 27, 1856; Esther, born May 24, 1817, died September 27, 1873; Alva, born November 16, 1819, died February 28, 1893. Walter Jennings, father of subject, was born May 31, 1798, near Bridgeport, Conn., the fifth son in a family of nine sons and two daughters, viz.: James (deceased Jan uary 28, 1846), Isaac, Nathan, Albin, Walter, Elijah, Peter, Barlow, Nehemiah, Anna and Esther. Educated in the primi tive schools of his time and place, Walter Jennings saw in industry, rather than in school, a way to succeed, and, at the same time, win an education in the practical work-a-day life. At the age of twenty-one he began to learn the trade of carpenter and joiner, and his inclinations running in this direction, he made rapid progress in acquiring a complete knowledge of the trade. In 1822 he married Rhoda Jen nings, eldest child of Daniel and Phoebe Jennings, as above recorded, and by this union were children as follows: Mary A., born November 1, 1824, married F. C. Payne, and died in Ripley township De cember 25, 1889; Ezra S., subject of sketch; Nelson B., born October 14, 1829, now a farmer near Buffalo, Mo.; Daniel G., born May 4, 1832, a farmer in Fair field township; Sarah M. and Elizabeth S. (twins), born April 1, 1834 (Sarah M. died May 21, 1835, Elizabeth S. two days later); these six children were natives of Con necticut, and in Ohio was born, December 27, 1836, one child, Sarah E., who became the wife of James Young, of Chicago, Ohio. The father of this family died Feb ruary 12, 1843, the mother on March 12, 1869, and they lie side by side in Hinck ley cemetery, Fairfield township. In Connecticut Walter Jennings was a farmer, using his knowledge of the trades he learned in improving his home and farm buildings there. From his brother, who was a shoemaker, he learned enough of that trade to make shoes for himself and family, and was thus .possessed of a knowledge of three useful trades, as well as of farming. With confidence in him self he set out, with the family, for Ohio in 1835. Proceeding by wagon to Bridge port, the journey was continued by boat HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 189 to New York and Albany, and thence by canal-boat to Buffalo. Here they re-em barked for Huron, Ohio, but owing to gales on shallow Erie, the lake-boat could not approach the shore, so had to continue on her way to Detroit. The sufferings of the passengers during the storm, and the disappointments, fears and fatigues of the journey were never forgotten by the pio neers or their children. The twin sisters, Sarah M. and Elizabeth S., died shortly after the landing at Detroit, the result of exposure. When the storm abated its fury, the boat returned on its course and lauded the family at Huron, whence they proceeded by team to Fairfield township, Huron county. There they passed one night at the home of John Wakeman, an old friend of the family in Connecticut, and next day Walter Jennings began active life in Ohio. Purchasing a tract of eighty acres at sixteen dollars per acre, with a log cabin thereon, he worked hard at clearing the tract and cultivating the new land. Soon he built abetter log house, and made many substantial improvements prior to 1839, when the hard work of four years in the wilderness and the troubles of the journey to Ohio began to tell on his con stitution, and brought on the lingering illness which ended with his death. The early taking away of the father left the burden of completing payment for the farm on the widow and her eldest son. How bravely they battled to finish the work, which Walter Jennings set going, was known and appreciated at the time, and how they succeeded is told in the subse quent history of the family. Walter Jen nings was an Old-line Whig, and one of the voters for Harrison in 1840. He and his wife were members of the Methodist Church at Fairfield Center. E. S. Jennings, the subject proper of these lines, received an elementary educa tion in Connecticut, and even after the coming of the family to Ohio he attended the school of the district at intervals until he was eighteen years old. Being the eld est son, many duties devolved upon him here. Owing to the failing health of his father, the boy was compelled to play the part of an able farm hand, and at the age of fifteen years was really one of the most industrious workers in his section of the township. Through his labors the farm was paid for, and at the age of twenty-one years, when he went forth to work for himself, his mother, brothers and sisters were left in possession of a good frame residence and a well-improved farm. In 1848 he began work for other farmers, and within two years saved enough to make a start in life. On November 28, 1850, he married Harriet R. Godden, born at Utica, N. Y., October 23, 1829, to William H. and Lucina (Butler) Godden, who settled in Fairfield township, Huron county, in 1834. William H. Godden was born August 6, 1804, in Albany, N. Y., and at the age of thirteen he went by raft down the Ohio river with bis married sister, landing at Dayton, Ohio, where he lived with her and her husband, learning the trade of mason, and he became a stonemason, plasterer and brick layer. At the age of twenty-one he set out on foot from Dayton for the pur pose of visiting his parents in Albany, walking as far as Sandusky, where he took vessel for Buffalo, from which port he traveled by canal to Albany. In 1828 he married Lucina Butler, who was born June 19, 1809, in the town of Lee, Oneida Co., N. Y., and they lived in Utica a few years, where were born to them two children: Harriet R. (Mrs. E. S. Jennings) and Elizabeth (born May 25, 1832). The family then moved to Buffalo, where the eldest son, John, was born August 17, 1834 (he died in October, 1841), after which (in 1834) they came to Ohio, set tling in Fairfield township, Huron county. Here the remainder of the children were born, to wit: Emory, June 5, 1837 (died September 8, 1878); Mary, August 18, 1839; Jennie and Julia (twins), January 17, 1845 (Jennie died March 10, 1887, 190 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Julia in infancy); Sarah, March 21, 1848, and Lucina, February 14, 1850. The father of these died November- 2, 1856, at the age of fifty-two years ; the mother, now (1893) at the advanced age of eighty-four years, is still active, retaining all her fac ulties. When the family came to Ohio the country was nearly all covered with forest, there being but few clearings, and Mr. Godden had to work hard, suffering many privations and inconveniences. He followed his trade as well as he could in a sparsely settled district, in order to get money to support his family, and clear up his farm of one hundred acres which he bad taken up. He would walk nine miles in the morning to do a day's work, return ing same night, and following morning walk another nine miles in a different di rection for a similar purpose. In those pioneer days mills were a long way off, and the settlers would send one man with a load of their wheat to be ground; on one occasion the carrier was so long gone that the Godden family ran out of flour, so that the father had to grind some wheat in the coffee mill, with which the mother made pancakes. Indians were still to be seen in the neighborhood, and there was an abundance of deer and great droves of wild turkeys, providing ample food of that description. Mrs. Lucina Goddeu, mother of Mrs. Harriet R. Jennings, is a daughter of Jonathan and Lucina (Wright) Butler, the former of whom was born August 1, 1781, the latter on December 23, 1779. Their children were as follows: Ezra, born September 12, 1804; Adin, born April 4, 1806; Lucina, born June 19, 1809; Har riet, born December 24, 1813; and Edward, born July 4, 1818. To the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra S. Jennings the following named children were born: Desseline, who died when twelve years old; Byron E., a farmer of Fairfield township; Edwin K., a farmer of Fitchville township; Mary L., Mrs. George Pond, of Norwalk, Ohio; Edson G., who was drowned when two years old; Herbert F., a farmer of Fairfield township; Hattie M., residing with her parents, and Lena R., who died in infancy. After marriage Mr. Jennings purchased a farm of fifty acres in Fairfield township, leaving part of the purchase money outstanding. This tract he improved and, for seventeen years to a day, made his home thereon; in 1876 he sold it to his son Byron E. In 1868 he purchased the farm on which his pres ent home is located, and developed both tracts up to 1890, when he retired from active agricultural life, renting his lands to tenants. While not a politician, Mr. Jennings takes a special pride in being a stanch Republican. He and his wife were formerly members of tbe Congregational Church. Socially they are held in the highest esteem in their neighborhood — for their individual merits; for their share in the development of Fitchville township, and for the example of progress their lives have shown. E'LMER E. ROWLAND, one of the most prosperous and best known I young farmers of Clarksfield town ship, was born there in 1854, on the farm which he now lives on and owns. He is a grandson of the old pioneer, Aaron Row land, who came in 1818 from Danbury, Conn., to Clarksfield township, and was for many years the leading miller in that part of the country. _ Daniel Rowland, father of the subject, was bom in September, 1822, in Clarks field township, Huron Co., Ohio, where in his early manhood he took an active part in the felling of the trees and making the clearings necessary to bring about the great change he witnessed in his lifetime — the converting of the grim forests into smiling farms, and the deep-tangled wild wood into fruitful orchards, clover-clad fields and meadows ripe with golden grain. After his marriage Mr. Rowland and his young wife commenced housekeeping a HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 191 short distance from where he was living at the time of his death. He built a new house on the same spot of ground on which the old log cabin used to stand, in 1877, where he died September 24, 1881, at the age of fifty-nine years and twenty-four days, his end, no doubt, being hastened by hard work, which seemed to be a second nature to him. He was first a Whig, afterward a Republican, and served as township trustee. His widow followed him to the grave June 1, 1889, and they now sleep side by side in Clarksfield cem etery. On November 9, 1843, Daniel Rowland and Harriet Chaffee were united in the bonds of matrimony. She was a native of the State of New York, born at the foot of the Catskill Mountains, in the picturesque town of Hunter, Greene county, a daughter of George and Purdy (Richards) Chaffee. Her father one day mysteriously disap peared, and was supposed to have been murdered. He left a widow, one son and four daughters. Some time later Mrs. Chaffee married Ezra B. Gray, who after ward came with the family to Ohio, land ing at Huron, on Lake Erie, where Harriet found employment in the millinery busi ness, which she had learned in New York. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Row land were as follows: Emma, who died March 30, 1853, at the age of two years and seven days; Carrie M., deceased No vember 18, 1870, when aged eleven years, ten months, and twenty-four days; Elmer E., subject of this memoir; and Celia, Mrs. Dorr Twaddle, of Clarksfield town ship. Elmer E. Rowland, whose name intro duces this biographical notice, received his education at the common schools of his boyhood period, and was reared to farming pursuits under the preceptorship of his father, with whom he continued to live up to the time of his marriage. In addition to his literary training he took a course in bookkeeping at Oberlin, Ohio. On Oc tober 25, 1877, he was married to Eva 0. Lee, who was born, in 1858, in Camden township, Lorain county, a daughter of John P. Lee, and two children have come to brighten their home: Ray L., born November 7, 1879, and Ralph D., born September 9, 1884. After marriage our subject and wife located on the old home stead, of which since his father's death he has had charge. In addition to general farming Mr. Rowland gives considerable attention to the rearing of fine-bred sheep. Politically he is oneof the leading Repub licans of his township, and he has served as trustee, and three years as justice of the peace, declining to serve longer. . His wife is a member of the M. E. Church. V VUK( ARTIN BEEBE, M. D. (deceased), Y/i was born September 1,1836, at Do- Ij ver, Lenawee Co., Mich. His par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Beebe, migrated from Massachusetts in an early day; and may be enumerated among the pioneers of Michigan. About the year 1840 the family moved to Ohio, and set tled in Norwich township, Huron county. Martin Beebe may be said to have been reared in Huron county. Brought here when a child, he received a primary edu cation in the school at Norwich, later attended a select school and a seminary at Norwalk, and subsequently taught schools in Fairfield and Norwich townships. In 1863 he entered a medical college at Cleve land, where he attended lectures, and graduated in 1866. His marriage with Miss Mary L. Barrett took place Decem ber 27, 1865; she was born October 29, 1843, in Clarksfield township to Augustus and Clarissa (Cochran) Barrett, natives of Monroe county, N. Y. To this union came two children: Augustus O, born January 12, 1867, a farmer, residing on the homestead, and George P., born Oc tober 11, 1871, also residing at home. Early in 1866 Dr. and Mrs. Beebe located near Wakeman village, but within a short 192 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. time moved to Oberlin, where they re mained until the fall of 1869, when they came to reside on the "Peter lioao- Farm." During his residence there he was actively engaged in the duties of his profession, while his leisure hours were given to the direction of farm work. Politically a Democrat, he was a man of influence in the local councils of that party. In religious connection he affiliated with the Disciple Church. He was an active, energetic man, whose soul was in his profession. As a farmer, too, he was most successful, and socially he made many friends up to the time of bis death, March 28, 1890. His remains were interred in the cemetery at New London. Since her husband's death Mrs. Mary L. Beebe has managed the estate with singular ability. Her home is a modern house in its furnishings, and her lands are as well cultivated and as judi ciously and economically managed as they would be under the direction of an ex perienced agriculturist. JOHN JAMES McGLONE, well w I known and highly respected in the \J) community in which he lives in Wakeman township, is a native of New York State, born in Tyrone in 1822. Mr. McGlone is a son of Patrick Mc- Glone, who in 1833 brought him when a boy of ten summers to Reed township, Seneca Co., Ohio. Leaving home after two years he worked on the canal near Toledo, Ohio, at twenty cents per day, re ceiving a portion of his education from his employer's wife, after which he attended regular school. At the age of eighteen years, having saved a little money, he went to school one winter, and boarded with Judge Lemon, in Attica, Seneca Co., Ohio, after which he worked summers for Thomas Reed, of Norwich township, Huron county, until he attained his majority, attending school in winter time. In 1843 he bought out of his savings fifty acres of land in Norwich township, Huron Co., Ohio, which he resold for four hundred dollars. Two years after he was taken sick, and he was carried on an improvised ambulance to Berlin Heights, Erie Co., Ohio, whence he was coUveyed by stage to Elyria, Lorain Co., Ohio, and on recovering found em ployment in Medina, Ohio, as porter in a hotel, his pay being twelve dollars per month and board. After a time be bought fifty acres of land in Litchfield township, Medina county, about seven miles from the county seat, and having improved same sold it for seven hundred dollars. He then bought a four-year-old horse, and moved to Berlin Heights, Erie Co., Ohio, where the horse was attached for the debt of former owner, but the horse being taken sick, a lawsuit ensued which resulted in his favor. In 1849 Mr. McGlone pur chased about fifty acres of land in Wake man township, Huron Co., Ohio, which he sold in 1855, and bought and sold several farms until 1884, when he bought the farm known as the Cyrus Strong place, where he has since resided. In 1848 Mr. McGlone married Miss Catherine Stryker, of New York State, and children as follows were born to them: Isadore (Mrs. Jackson), in Norwalk, Ohio; Mary (Mrs. Hall), in Wakeman; John L. (deceased at age of twenty-one years); and Florence (deceased at the age of nineteen). Mr. McGlone is now the owner of one hundred acres of prime land in Wakeman township, on which he has made many improvements. Politically he was at one time a Republican, having cast his vote for Lincoln, but is now a Democrat. E'DWIN L. PERRY, a prominent and well-to-do farmer and stock I raiser of Fairfield township, was born November 13, 1841, on his father's farm in Peru township, Huron Co., Ohio. * Joseph Perry, grandfather of subject, was born in Orange county, N. Y., in 1785, and was there educated and reared. HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 193 Some time after marriage he was induced to go to Cayuga county, N. Y., and there remained until 1832, when he came to Ohio, settling in Peru township, Huron county. The journey was made by boat from Buffalo to Saudusky, and from there by wagon to Peru, where Mr. Perry took up wild land and cleared same. In New Jersey he married Miss Sarah Seward, a second cousin of Gen. Seward, and the children born to this union were Horace, Emeline, Catharine, Daniel S., Eliza, Julia, Sarah A., Joseph and C. 0. H. The mother of these died in October, 1861, the father on May 31, 1859; he was a hardy pioneer of sterling worth, much respected, and in politics he was first an Old-line Whig, later a Republican. Daniel Seward Perry, father of Edwin L., was born, in 1815, in Cayuga county, N. Y., and was reared to agricultural pur suits. He was married December 11, 1840, to Elizabeth Dowe Tilson, of Peru township, Huron county, and children as follows were born to them: Edwin L., Charles H., in Nebraska; Seward N., a farmer, of Kansas; William D., in Ne braska; Dorcas A., Mrs. Wilcox, in Peru township; and Annie L. and Libbie C. (both deceased). The father died in 1866, the mother in 1886; they were members of the Baptist Cliurch, and in politics he was a straight Republican. He was a hard-working, plodding man, and not only assisted in the clearing of his father's farm, but also developed his own from the wild woods. Edwin L. Perry, the subject proper of this sketch, was educated in Peru town ship, Huron county, where be continued to reside until 1876, when he moved with his family to Fairfield township, settling on the farm where he has since had his residence. In November, 1866, he was united in marriage with Miss Emily T. Ruggles, and there were ten children born to them, seven of whom are yet living: Ralph, Edith, Irene, Daisy, Gladdey, Branch and Thayer; those deceased are: One that died in infancy, Floyd, and Beth- beryl. Mr. Perry owns eighty-eight acres of land, where he successfully follows gen eral farming and stock raising. Politically he is a Prohibitionist, and, with his wife and family, he is an active member of the Baptist Church. IfSRAEL GREENLEAF, one of the early settlers of Huron county, traces _[ his ancestry to one Dr. Daniel Green leaf, a pioneer of.Boston, Mass., where his son was born. The latter was twice married, and was the father of twenty-two children. Of this family Tille Greenleaf was born in New Hampshire, and there learned the blacksmith trade. He was married to Mary Sparford, and when twenty-six years of age moved to a farm in Oneida county, N. Y., where his remaining days were passed. Politically, he was identified with the Democratic party, and gave a liberal support to the Presbyterian Church, of which his wife was a member. She died in her forty-seventh year, the mother of seventeen children (of whom fifteen grew to maturity), as follows: Anna, William, Sophronia, Betsey, Lucinda, Melinda, David, Abel, Emily, Israel, Mary, Harriet, Maria, Joseph, Israel (whose name opens this sketch), and two deceased in infancy. After the death of the mother the father married Elizabeth Dickson, who bore him two children, of whom Levi is a physician of Chenango county, N. Y. The father died in 1850, at the age of eighty-six years. Israel Greenleaf was born June 8, 1813, in Augusta, Oneida Co., N. Y., and on New Years day, 1833, he married Emily Whitney, who was bom October 16, 1810, in New York. (Her parents were natives of Vermont, and she was one of twelve children). They resided in their native State two years after marriage, and coining to Ohio in 1835 located on a pioneer farm near Charleston, Portage county. They 194 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. celebrated their golden wedding on New Year's day, 1883, aud on the twenty-eighth day of the same January Mrs. Greenleaf passed away after fifty years and twenty- eight days of happy wedded life. On No vember 6, 1883, Israel Greenleaf was united in marriage with Mrs. Philotha (Sparks) Mowrey, who died February 7, 1892, leaving the bereaved husband alone and childless. Five children were born to his first marriage, as follows: One de ceased in early infancy; John Whitney; Sarah, married August 23, 1851, to A. L. Curtis, and died June 29, 1871; Alcebe, born August 7, 1840, died October 16, 1866; and Harriet, born July 5, 1848, married March 6, 1867, and died in 1872. Of these children, John Whitney was born May 3, 1836, and grew to manhood on the home farm. His father had bought but a poor farm for him, which John, however, converted into valuable property by dint of assiduous labor. He was first married to Martha Wadsworth, who bore bim two children: Sebe and Mark Israel, now living in the West. After the death of this wife John Whitney Greenleaf was married to Mrs. Sarah (Strong) Mason, which union resulted in two daughters: Ethel, born in 1864, and Mason, born Marcii 5, 1881. The father died • December 2, 1887; the mother is yet living. The life of Israel Greenleaf has been' shadowed with heavy sorrows which none but a strong and noble nature could have borne so bravely. One by one he has seen his loved ones fall to rest by the way, leaving him alone, though iu the midst of friends — for new friends cannot replace the old. Although he appreciates the kindly deeds of those who would cheer his loneliness, he is eagerly waiting till the white-robed angel comes, and "over the river, the silver river," the boat will drift to the loved ones on the other side. Home is there now; aud with the poet his heart echoes those lines, which voice the grief of every mourner: "The hand of death may rend asunder our dearest earthly ties, yet faith unveils a world of glory, and there we long to rise." His loved ones sleep in tbe quiet churchyard of Charles ton, Portage Co., Ohio. In addition to his domestic troubles, Mr. Greenleaf has suffered several serious accidents, having lost his teeth by a tree falling upon him, and also has had his hip broken. He is a member of the Congregational Church. In politics he cast his first vote for Jack son; he was a strong Abolitionist, and has been identified with the Republican party from the time of its organization. After his second marriage, in 1884, he retired to his present home in Norwalk, Huron Co., Ohio. On February 7, 1893, Mr. Green leaf was married to Miss Wealthy Watros, of Carlisle, Eaton Co., Michigan. JlOHN M. WHITON, a prosperous w I merchant of Wakeman, Huron coun- \y) ty, is a native of Massachusetts, born in Berkshire county, in 1830. He is a son of J. M. and Sallie (Brad ley) Whiton, also of Massachusetts, re spectively born in 1781 and 1793, and died in 1833 and 1867. The father was a consistent Christian; the mother after his death joined the M. E. Church, and was a devoted member. They came to what was then known as the " Western Reserve," and settled in Huntington when our subject was a one-year-old child, and he here received three months schooling during a few winter seasons, at the same time learning the trade of blacksmith. For his services his employer was to give him one hundred dollars aud two suits of clothes when he reached the age of twenty- one; but at nineteen he left for California, in various parts of which State he worked at mining. In July, 1852, having returned to Ohio, he commenced mercantile busi ness at Huntington, Lorain county, in which he continued until 1855, and then moved to Iowa, where he pre-empted and bought land in Hardin county. In the HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 195 spring of 1856 he helped to organize Pleasant township, Hardin Co., Iowa, and tbe winter of 1856-57 he passed in Platte- ville, Wis., clerking in a store. Returning in the spring of 1857 to Ohio, he engaged. in mercantile business in Brighton, Lorain county, till the spring of 1872, at which time he purchased a farm in Wakeman township, Huron county, carrying same on until 1880. In that year he moved into the village of Wakeman, and opened his present mercantile business. In 1860 Mr. Whiton married Miss Sarah Kim mei, by whom he has two children: Eva and William W. Politically our sub ject was a Republican, having assisted in forming the party; and when the Prohibi tion party was organized he became a strong worker in their ranks. He is a member of the Congregational Church, is an earnest Sunday-school worker and has served many years as superintendent of different Sunday-schools. He is an active member of the Firelands Historical Society. D. STOTTS, a successful, repre sentative agriculturist of Huron ^ county, was born in 1822 in Bel mont county, Ohio, and has heen a residentof Huron county since 1823. Abram Stotts, grandfather of our subject, was born in Scotland, and when a young man immigrated to the United States, find ing a home in Maryland. After some years he became owner of a farm in that State, and there married Elizabeth Wine- burner, a native of same, where were born to them eight children, of whom John, the father of A. D. Stotts, was the eldest. John Stotts was born in 1794, and when ten years old left Maryland for Ohio, and located in Belmont county. He never at tended school and never learned to read or write, but his natural ability conquered such disadvantages, and he succeeded on the farm. While little more than a youth he married Miss Eafy Winters, a daughter of Henry Winters, of Marshall county, W. Va. Her father, who was a soldier and officer iu the war of 1812, was captured by the British and Indians, and held by them for five years, until he escaped from them near Detroit. Walking from Detroit to West Virginia, he resumed farming, be came very prominent, and died about 1827. After his marriage John Stotts resided for a short time in Belmont county, Ohio, and then settled in Ripley township, Huron county. Of the nine children born to them, A. D., the subject of this sketch, is a native of Belmont county; while Isaac, Elizabeth, Sarah, Jacob, Martin, Daniel, Catherine and George are natives of Hu ron county. As has been stated, our subject came to Huron county with his parents about 1823, and he had no opportunity to attend school until he was ten years old. Huron county was then a veritable wilderness; deer were as common as sheep are now; the bear was monarch of the forest, and Indians were regular visitants. In his youth our sub ject acquired a good knowledge of mathe matics, geography and grammar, studying mainly without a teacher's aid. On Octo ber 23, 1850, he married Miss Maryette Boughton, daughter of John Boughton, of Fitchville township, and settled on the farm on which he yet resides. He in herited from his father about one thousand dollars, and has added to his real property at intervals, until now he owns over 500 acres of as fine land as can be found in Ohio. To Mr. and Mrs. Stotts have been born four children, namely: Flora, who married John Hopkins, of Ripley township; Adilla, who married T. A. Hilton, of Coldwater, Mich.; Clarence, a grain merchant of Rip ley; and Elmer, who resides on the home stead. Mr. Stotts has been a stanch Republican since the organization of the party, has served on tbe board of county commissioners for six years, and filled many township offices. In business mat ters, he is president of the Huron County 196 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Farmers' Insurance Company, and has held that position since the organization of the company in 1879. In religious connection he is a member of the Baptist Church at Fairfield, and is one of the best supporters of tbat body. While Mr. Stotts inherited considerable property, he may be consid ered a self-made man, one who by intelli gent industry has carved a fortune out of the wilderness. The appearance of his home testifies to his energy, for it is a model one. In every'branch of life with which he is associated he has won success, and to-day he is classed with the represent ative men of Huron county. /^'EORGE D. FULLER was a son of I w, Samuel Fuller, who was born in \_A Brattleboro, Vt., in 1793, and died ^1 in 1828. Coming to Ohio about the year 1825, Samuel located in Strongsville, Cuyahoga county, where he bought a small improved farm on the banks of the river, but the floods were so destructive that he had to sell out and move to near Cleveland, where he took up a farm on which a few improvements had been made. In the morning of the day he started from Vermont for Ohio he married Lorinda Doty, daughter of Ellis W. Doty, a Revolutionary soldier' who enlisted in the patriot army at the age of sixteen. Samuel Fuller died at the age of thirty- five, a lifelong Whig, his wife in Middle- burgh, Ohio, when fifty-eight years old. George D. Fuller, whose name opens this sketch, was born June 20, 1832, in Cuyahoga county, Ohio, the elder of two children born to his parents, the younger being Henry S. As will be seen, our sub ject was three years old at the time of his father's death, and an uncle then took charge of the farm and family. This uncle died at the home of George D. some years since. The latter received his education at the subscription schools of the neigh borhood of his boyhood home, and was reared to farming pursuits. He remained on the old homestead until about thirty- five years of age, and then in 1867 came to Hartland township, Huron county, where he now owns a well-cultivated farm of 167 acres. In 1886 they built a hand some residence, and made other substan tial improvemenfs on the farm. In 1857 Mr. Fuller married Miss Lucy A. Humiston, daughter of Willis Humis ton, a native of Massachusetts, and a pioneer of Summit county, Ohio, who lived in Huron county twenty-four years, dying in May, 1891. Five children, as follows, were born of this union: Frank H., an engineer on the "Big Four" Railroad, living in Cleveland; Hattie L., married to Marion Hood, of Denver,' Colo.; George S., in Philadelphia, a veterinary surgeon, and a graduate of the New York College of Veterinary Surgery; Carrie E., residing at home; and William W. D., at school in Norwalk, Ohio. HARLES W. MANAHAN. This gentleman was born in Cayuga county, N. Y., May 16, 1813, a son of Thomas and Violetta (Silcox) Manahan, of New Jersey, the former born in 1770, the latter in 1780. His grandfather Manahan was a school teacher in Ireland before coming to Amer ica; the Silcoxes were from New England, and of those who came at an early day. Thomas Manahan and family migrated from Cayuga county, N. Y., to Nor walk, Ohio, in the spring of 1833, and with them was their son Charles, twenty years of age at the time. They were plain farmer people, braving the severe trials, dangers and the long self-denials of a frontier life with heroic fortitude. Here they passed the remainder of their honor able lives, the father dying in 1856, aged eighty-six, the mother in 1874, at the ripe age of ninety-four years. The family were Methodists; in political connection HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 199 the venerable head of the house was a Jackson Democrat. They could give their children but the meager school and other advantages as the day and time afforded. In early life Charles was apprenticed to the carpenter's trade, which had not been completed fully when he came with his parents to Norwalk. Here, before he had reached legal age, his first business trans action was to purchase fifty acres of land near the town of Norwalk, at the price of three dollars per acre, to be paid as he could earn the money. This was an object lesson in the youth's life. Stopping one year in Norwalk the young man went to Monroeville. same county, then a mere hamlet, and here made his home for a long time. Both he and his brother George had considerable mechanical in ventiveness, and as early as 1835, working at their odd hours, and with the scantest means, they constructed the first threshing machine ever built in Ohio — the second in the United States, all the work being done by hand, not even having a lathe to aid them. Such was their prevision tbat they well knew the world's wants in this re gard, and it was only their very limited capital that prevented them from starting a great factory. Charles then purchased a blacksmith shop, building a wagon shop by it, and in order to make this purchase he had to get a couple of his farmer neighbors to go his security for the purchase money. As primitive as were the tools he had, he soon was doing quite a business; but everything had to be "booked," and his debts were accruing, and his credit must be main tained. He traded his book accounts, notes and wagons for horses, and to sell these he started to the nearest market, which was Detroit, a long and terrible journey through the " Black Swamp," a trip those of this generation can have no idea of. At that time what is now Kala mazoo, Mich., was " Branson's Land Of fice," where so many were then going through the " Swamp " to enter land. Without stopping to describe a trip through the " Black Swamp," it is enough to now say the young man successfully made his way there and sold his horses, and after a three weeks' trip returned home with money enough to pay every debt, and had the princely sum of twenty- five dollars left. His first financial ven ture was to purchase land on credit. While this was characteristic, yet this sec ond financial transaction was quite as prophetic of his future life as was the first. All his debts paid, and a cash capi tal on hand of no mean proportions for that day, the young man began to enlarge his business affairs, and we soon find him also farming and beginning to trade in stock. The year 1836 marked the floodtide of town speculation in the West, and through out the country was a fever to go West and get rich at a stroke. Milwaukee be ing the strong objective point, that year a number of young men from this section had gone thither, and their letters back to their friends raised a whirlwind of excite ment in tbe minds of the average ambi tious young, and even old men. "Buying and s.elliug city lots" was the dream of all. During the winter one of the young men had returned to Monroeville, and his reports completed the fever of excitement. And all believed that, like the valley brook, this would " go on forever." In April, 1837, four young men, including Charles and his brother Henry, were ready and started to the promised land. The hour of departure was a " red letter day " in Monroeville — to be eclipsed only by the arrival of a circus. Levi Ashley and James Handfordwere the other two young men of the party of four who had provided a three-spring wagon and a pair of chest nut or sorrel horses; and thus equipped they sallied forth in high hopes, leaving behind a score of young men sad of heart that cruel fate compelled them to stay at home. As propitious as was the outset, they soon met trouble on the way. When 200 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. they reached Lower Sandusky (now Fre mont) they began to hear of the awful road through the " Black Swamp." From Fremont to Perrysburgis thirty-one miles, nearly all the way through the terrible " Swamp," and one of the stories of the day was of the man found in the mud to his waist, who, when help was offered, said, " I've a good horse under me, and propose to go through." They took two days to journey from Monroeville to Per- rysburg^ — fifty miles of hard traveling — and strung along the way tbey saw sights of others that were both laughable and pathetic. In Michigan, such was the scarcity of feed, that they gave tbeir horses wheat to eat; and one was badly foundered ; but here Charles Manahan's ready re sources and knowledge of the horse enabled them to resume their journey with only the loss of half a day. The party stopped in Michigan City one day, and traded their team and wagon for lots in Winnebago City (one of the "boom " cities), on Winnebago Lake, and with the "boot" money the young men took the stage for Chicago. The stage driver went out of his way to show them a remarkable curiosity: In a tree some twelve feet from the ground was a pair of deer antlers imbedded and nearly grown over, the timber being all smooth and solid around them. They found Chicago a small, muddy and forbidding place, and here they took a sail vessel for Milwaukee, glad to get away from the future " Fair city," and eager to reach the haven where cities grew in a night. At the "Leland Hotel," Milwaukee, they found about eighty millionaire boarders — all with beau tiful maps showing their lots for sale — every one of whom seemed to own one or more great cities, and their wealth was simply incalculable, yet not one of them could pay his board bill. But they were happy as clams, waiting for the " spring run " of " suckers " to buy lots and get rich quick. The landlord was waiting for navigation to open, praying for it to bo early, or they would soon have to eat million dollar lots, instead of bread and butter. Happy day! a boat came and among others landed eighty mechanics, all rich in hope of work and a quick fortune. By this time came the memorable financial crash of 1837, and the speculative bubble burst. In less than ten days any of these arriving mechanics could be hired for less than half they could have got at home, and one could have bought the erstwhile mil lionaires in "job lots" for a "grub stake " to help them on their way back to where they came from. The one hundred dollars " boot " money they had got in their trade of team for the lots in the end proved to be their good fortune. In the scramble to get from under the financial ruins, it was a question with nearly every one how to save enough to return home with. They had carefully husbanded the one hundred dollars, and by so doing were enabled to return, bringing tbe deeds to a lot each in " Winnebago City," a metropo lis like the squab, biggest when first hatched. Tbey kept laid away their deeds which stood them in lieu of one hundred dollars each paid therefor, and in time Henry sold his for an overcoat, while Charles finally traded his for ten dollars to a man who worked on his farm. In the month of February, 1838, with a younger brother, Charles and Henry Manahan determined to revisit the scenes of their birthplace. In order to pay ex penses of the trip they bought on credit, having no cash, a lot of work oxen, and were successful in buying twenty-four yoke of cattle. They borrowed one hun dred dollars, at twenty per cent, interest, to pay the expenses of the long trip, which they made with forty-eight cattle, encoun tering deep snow, and occupying four weeks on the way. When they reached and crossed Cayuga bridge their funds were nearly exhausted, but their hard task was about accomplished. After they had been gone a few weeks, one of the men of whom they bad purchased became uneasy, HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 201 and began to throw doubts on their ever paying for the cattle. He said " the Manahan boys had bought all the oxen in the county on credit." This was said in presence of Daniel Williams, who assured tbe man he need not fear, that the DQys would pay every cent; if they did not pay him for his cattle that he, Williams, would. Their trip was successful, and it was said they brought more money back than had been paid into Campbell & Latimer's store during the season. Tue two trips men tioned give ample evidence of the young men's ability and shrewdness as stock traders. While carrying on his shop, owing to the great scarcity of money in the country Charles Manahan would exchange wagons for horses. When he had secured six head he would, alone, ride and lead them back to his old home and sell them, and in this way get money to pay on his land, having sold his first purchase and bought 200 acres near Oleua. On one of these trips he first met Miss Delana B. Wheeler, his future wife. When he brought his school girl wife to his home it was not the inten tion to live on his farm. She had been tenderly reared on her father's finely im proved farm, with every comfort of the times. They rented rooms on a second floor in the village of Monroeville. He took his wife to show her the farm, and it was the brave little woman who said: " Let us fix up this old cabin and live in our own house." This squat old log house was where Mr. Manahan had often kept his horses when getting ready to go to market. He went to work, cleaned it out, spread abundant ashes, built higher the stick chimney, turned the " shakes," chinked and daubed the walls, and then they moved into their own house. The careful wife put down her new self- made rag carpet, but the rains descended and the house leaked like a riddle, washed the mud from the walls and nearly ruined the carpet. The "loft," which was reached by a, ladder, was covered with loose boards, one of which was quite broad, and by sit ting under this when it rained, if the rain was not too hard, they could keep tolera bly dry. His recollection is now that they had to raise the umbrella but on one or two occasions. Her father had given her one hundred dollars to buy furniture, but instead of so spending it, the young hus band went into the woods, cut the timber and made beech blocks, used to make car penter's planes, which he exchanged for a bureau, bedstead, looking-glass and two chairs. When they moved into their cabin, he made their second bedstead — a one-legged one, attached to the logs on two sides — and altogether they got to be very comfortable. Here were passed many of the happiest days of their lives. In time they were aware that they were slowly prospering, and Mr. Manahan set about the task of building a new house, and being a carpenter commenced with, the material in the tree; and, except the sawing of the lumber, with his own, hands built a nice frame cottage, even doing his own plastering, laid the stone wall founda tion, built his chimnies and did his own painting. It was much of his labor for eighteen months, but when completed they had the satisfaction of moving from the poorest cabin in the neighborhood to the best frame house. In 1849 they left the farm and went to Olena, where he eugaged in merchandis ing. With the view of providing capital to buy good«, he had purchased, the fall before, 300 sheep, fed them during the winter, and took them to New York in open cars, three days and two nights be ing occupied on the way, sold the lot and purchased his goods. He had no experi ence in the business, but he had faith in himself, that self-reliance that is the crown and glory of tbe highest type of true edu cation. The old gentleman would doubt less tell you with a sigh, that he had not such advantages in schooling as those of this favored time. While the truth is of the thousands of over-trained and misedu- 202 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. cated of to-day, the most may ever regret that they were deprived of nearly all the opportunities of real education; such as the circumstances that surrounded the young life of Mr. Manahan. The most active part of his career was now on; his store, farm and trading in stock. The war was raging, and the need of the Government for supplies for the army was urgent. Pie filled an order in a brief time for 200,000 walnut gun stocks, the material loading 300 cars. He was appointed to inspect the horses of the first company of cavalry raised in Norwalk. He contracted to furnish cavalry horses, and supplied between 1,200 and 1,300 prime animals, shipping to New York, Columbus and Washington. He has in his possession an order, dated in the fall of 1862, from John Cooper, of New York, to furnish " sixty horses delivered at New York within eighteen days"; and in that brief time the order was satisfactorily filled. In 1862 Mr. Manahan was elected treas urer of Huron county, was re-elected at the end of his first two years' term, and served four years. When first elected he sold out in Olena, removing to Norwalk, and in 1867 was formed the partnership of Parker, Manahan & Tabor, merchants of Norwalk. This was successful from the start. Mr. Parker retired after six years, and the next six years it was Mana han & Tabor, when Mr. Manahan sold and retired from mercantile life. About this time he platted and laid off an addition to the city of Norwalk, which is now finely built up, he owning the improvements, and one of the principal streets of the town is " Manahan avenue." On February 18, 1841, Charles W. Manahan and Delana B. Wheeler were united in marriage, in the place of his birth — Cayuga county, N. Y. She was born at Fall River, Mass., the daugh ter of Cyrenus and Thursa (Evans) Wheeler. Her father lived to the age of ninety-five; be was the brother of Dexter Wheeler, who made tbe first iron shovel in the United States, at Lowell, Mass. Cyrenus Wheeler, Jr., invented the first two-wheeled mowing machine. After years of litigation he fully vindicated his right to that important invention, and sold his patents for the sum of three hundred thousand dollars. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Manahan were as fol lows: Charles W. Manahan, born March 12, 1844; Jeroline, born May 30, 1847; William Kendall Manahan, born October 6, 1857. Mrs. Delana B. Manahan died March 29, 1887. William Kendall Mana han died April 23, 1891. E'DWARD DENMAN, prominent among the progressive larmers of l Huron county, was born, in 1820, in that part of the old county that is now included in Erie, his father, John Denman, having migrated thither in 1814. His early training was that of a pioneer farmer boy; hard and rugged work, in 'clearing the land, his lot from sunrise to sunset. His education was necessarily very meager, as the schools were of the most primitive kind, and his opportunities of attending them were but few. Until he was twenty-two years old he worked for his father, and the latter then gave him a start in life by presenting him with a small piece of land to cultivate for his own account; and also allowed him wages for whatever work he might do on the old homestead. Industriously he plodded along, until at the end of about three years he had saved some eight hundred dollars. He then rented 160 acres of his father for three years, and stocked it with 400 sheep; then bought 183 acres of land in the woods of Wakeman township, for eight dollars per acre. In the course of time he cleared this and sowed it to wheat, his first crop yielding 575 bushels, which he hauled to Milan, Erie county, distant about twenty miles. Thus he continued to prosper until HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 203 he found himself the owner of one of the finest farms in Wakeman township, one hundred acres of which are of the highest fertility. He has thereon a productive orchard, grown from apple seeds planted while working for his father on the old homestead. In 1866 our subject built a handsome residence, and the entire sur roundings testify to the industry and judg ment of the owner. On October 13. 1847, Mr. Denman was married to Jane Archer, daughter of Joseph Archer, of New York City, and seven children were born to them, of whom a son died in infancy. Their eldest son, Joseph, resides in Wakeman; Addie, the wife of Stanley Pierce, also resides in Wakeman; John E. resides iii Norwalk, Ohio; Anna Belle, wife of Elmer Pierce, is also a resident of Wakeman ; two daugh ters, Jennie and Louise, are living at home with their parents. The family are all well educated, the sons having attended school at Berea and Oberlin. Politically, Mr. Denman was originally a Whig, later, on the organization of the party, becoming a Republican. He has served as school director and in other offices of trust with commendable zeal, and to the satisfaction of the community. Kr\ HAENSLER, a well-known mer- |i^ chant of Bellevue, was born, in li 1^ 1854, in Baden, Germany. His ¦jf) parents, Frank and Francesca (Egle) Haensler, were also natives of Ba den, where the former followed farming until his death, which occurred in the eighty-second year of his age. The mother died November 24, 1893. R. Haensler received the ordinary pub lic-school education in Baden, and at the age of sixteen years immigrated to the United States. Arriving at Monroeville, Huron Co., Ohio, he found work on a farm, and for the succeeding five years was engaged in agriculture. Subsequently he worked in the grocery store at Hunt's Cor ners, and in 1880 embarked in business for himself at Bellevue. In 1881 his mar riage with Miss Mary Urlan, a native of Bellevue, was celebrated at Monroeville. Five children have blessed this union, namely: Rolertina, Edgar, Clarence, Marie and Corenia. The family belong to the Catholic Congregation of Bellevue. Mr. Haensler has built up a fine trade in gen eral groceries since 1881. Attending to his own business closely, and dealing with his patrons as he would wish to be dealt by, he has made an enviable reputation, and is regarded as a man whose business methods are strictly upright and honorable. JAMES M. CAHOON. In the front rank of the influential, well-to-do agriculturists of Wakeman township stands this gentleman, a grandson of Joseph Cahoon, who was born on Block Island, R. I., and was an extensive manu facturer in the East. He built a large nail factory in Newark, R. I., and in an early day came west to Ohio, settling in Dover Bay, where he cleared land at a time when Indians and wild animals were more numerous than welcome. He died about the year 1838 at the age of seventy- five years, a Whig in politics, and a hard working pioneer. Samuel Cahoon, father of our subject, was a native of Rhode Island, born in 1777, and received his primary education in the primitive old-time log schoolhouse, after which he attended Yale College, be coming a classmate of Perry Penfield. When yet a young man he came to Cleve land, Ohio, and was there employed by the Government in boat building. During the war of 1812 he carried the mail for Har rison's army, traveling at night, sometimes np streams, at other times over steep hills or through deep valleys, meeting with many adventures. After the war he bought a small farm in Lorain county, at that time 204 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. covered with timber, which by dint of hard labor he cleared. The Indians in those restless days were very hostile to the white man, and Mr. Cahoon organized a militia company, of which he was made captain; he also assisted in the building of Fort Columbus in Lorain county. Documents show that he received two commissions as captain from Gov. Worthington. His wife, Lucinda (Barnum), was a distant relative of P. T. Barnum, and a daughter of John Barnum, a native of Connecticut and a well-known iron manufacturer, who when well advanced in years came to Ohio, locating in Cuyahoga county, where he died a few years later. To Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cahoon were born two children: John, living on the old homestead in Lo rain county, and James M., the subject of this sketch. The father of these died in 1862. In politics he was originally a Jackson Democrat, but during the later years of his life he was a stanch Republi can. He was a devout Christian, a mem ber of the Disciple Church. Socially he was a charter member of tbe F. & A. M., of Elyria. His widow survived him sev eral years, dying at the advanced age of eighty-five years. James M. Cahoon, the subject proper of this sketch, was born March 3, 1826, on the old homestead in Lorain county, in an old doorless log house, and was reared to the arduous duties of the farm. In 1855 he married Miss Cynthia D. Parish, daugh ter of John Parish, a native of New York, and shortly afterward they went to Wis consin, where he invested his few hard- earned dollars in land, but the climate not agreeing with him, he sold the land and returned to Lorain county, where they con tinued to live from 1857 to 1863, at which time they moved to tbeir present home in Wakeman township, Huron county. Here Mr. Cahoon owns a farm of about 160 acres of as fine land as can be found in the county, on which he has built an ele gant and comfortable residence, having no superior for many miles around. He has carried on general farming, and the raising of large quantities of fruit. To our sub ject and wife were born two children, viz.: Fred P., a very popular young man, and Julia, who died at the age of seventeen months. Politically our subject is a Re publican, and before he was twenty-one years old he served as school director. Both he and his wife are members of the Congregational Church at Wakeman. Ill LEXANDER TWADDLE, Se., may ll__\\\ well be classed among the "sons of \r~\_\ the American Revolution." He was ¦fJ born in 1782 in Allegheny county, Penn., and was a son of the Twad dles who emigrated from County Donegal, Ireland, to Pennsylvania about the time of the Revolution, took a part in that brilliant struggle for liberty, and died abont the beginning of this century, leaving nine children, of whom the following is a brief record: (1) John Twaddle, the eldest son. died at Moore's Salt Works, Jefferson county, Ohio. He reared a large family, nearly all of whom were blind at birth. He received from the United States a grant of land, which he improved, and on which he resided until his death. (2) Margaret Twaddle married a Mr. Deffenbaugh, and they moved to Muskingum county. Ohio, where she died. (3) William moved to Muskingum county, Ohio, in early days, and was sheriff of that county for many years; he died at Zanesville. (4) James served in the war of 1812; after Harri son's and Perry's repeated victories, on land and water, over the British and Indi ans, enabled bim to return, he engaged in the Ohio river trade, went down that river on a flat-boat, and was never heard of again. (5) Alexander, sketch of whom follows. Of the four other children, Philip, Archie, Mary and Sarah, but little is known. Alexander Twaddle was reared on the home farm. He married Elizabeth Ram- HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 205 age, who was born September 23, 1788, in Pennsylvania, and brought her to Jefferson county, Ohio, then on the frontier. He rented a farm near East Springfield, but soon after moved to a place called Moore's Salt Works, on Yellow creek, where he was employed for six years. While attend ing to his duties there, he was walking out on a plank, between two rows of boilers, wheu a false step cast him into one, scald ing him so severely from ankle to hip as to make him a cripple for life. To him and his wife were born eight children in Jefferson county, namely: Jemima, born November 18, 1807, married Daniel Haley, of Holmes county, Ohio, and died in Kan sas in 1893; Abner, born December 11, 1809, died at Rochester, Lorain county, where for several years he conducted an ashery; Lydia, born October 22, 1811, married Peter Justice, of Holmes county, Ohio, aud died in Clarksfield township, June 1, 1873; Mary, born May 6, 1814, married Robert Barnes, of Huron county, Ohio, and died in Wakeman township; Alexander, born February 28, 1816; Eliza beth, born April 8, 1818, married Peter Bevington, of Holmes county, Ohio, and now resides in Clarksfield township; John J., born February 23, 1820, married Julia A. Palmer, of Westchester county, N. Y.; and Sarah, born July 21, 1822, married Adam Shank, of Holmes county, Ohio, and now resides in Clarksfield township. In the spring of 1823 the family left for the West, as Holmes county was then con sidered. Locating in Paint township, they bought 200 acres at one dollar per acre, occupied a log house which stood on the tract, and began the work of clearing the timber. Soon after Mr. Twaddle sold one hundred acres to his brother-in-law, Abner Rarnage, who had come from Pennsylvania. In 1835 he sold the remaining one hundred acres, and giving one hundred dollars to his son, Alexander, Jr., and another one hundred dollars to his son John J., as their share or inheritance, suggested the invest ment of the money in land. The boys proceeded at once to Clarksfield township, Huron county, purchased 170 acres in the deep forest at three dollars per acre, erected a log house thereon, and in the fall of 1836 invited the rest of the family to come to the new land, which they found untouched by civilization. The father purchased fifty acres from the sons, erected a log cabin, and lived therein until within a few years of bis death, which occurred February 11, 1859, at the home of his youngest son, William. The children born in Holmes county, Ohio, are named as follows: Susan, born December 17, 1824, widow of Royal Gridley, residing in Clarksfield township; Margaret, born January 8, 1827, who mar ried Samuel Gaines, and died near Kinder- hook, 111., being the first of the children to die; Nancy, born January 27, 1830, now widow of Elijah Minkler, residing in Mis souri (her first husband was Philip Mag- lone); aud William W., born November 16, 1833, a farmer of Clarksfield township. The mother of this family died October 12, 1860, and was buried near her husband in Clarksfield cemetery. The life of the father was one of constant work. To provide for his family he had to seek employment out side his farm, and with his son Abner labored on the Beaver and Sandy Canal. He was a Jacksonian Democrat, who always found time to vote that ticket. Alexander Twaddle, fifth child of Alex ander Twaddle, Sr., and oldest of the fam ily now living, was reared in Jefferson and Holmes counties, and settled in Huron county in 1835. Before locating here he worked for four months on a farm near Maumee City, but was stricken with fever and ague. Returning to his father's home; be set out with his brother to locate in Huron county, where he has since resided, His marriage with Sarah Lee took place June 27, 1839; she was born February 5, 1816, in New York State, a daughter of David and Mercy (Barber) Lee, who set tled in Townsend township in 1819. Her father and mother died in Clarksfield town ship, the former in his ninety-ninth year. r.06 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Alexander and Sarah Twaddle resided on the farm until 1848, when he sold the pio neer home and located on his present farm of 211 acres. The children born to them are named as follows : Abner D., who served in Company D, Fifty-fifth 0. V. I., aud was killed at Resaca, Ga., May 15, 1864, where he was buried; John J., a farmer of Clarksfield township; and Dorinda A., who married Clark Auble, and died in Clarks field township. Politically Mr. Twaddle has been a Prohibitionist since 1872; his first vote was cast for Andrew Jackson, but in 1856 he became a Republican, and affiliated with that party until 1872. In church connection he is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Society, and has served as steward and class-leader for many years. He was formerly superintendent of Sunday-school, and has always been in fluential in church affairs. 4> MR. COLEMAN, New London, is undoubtedly one of the most en terprising business men of Hu ron county. Philip Coleman, his father, was born in 1814 in New York State, where he was reared on a farm, and when a young man married Sarah A. Haight, a native of Dutchess county, same State, born in 1820. Immediately after marriage Philip Cole man and his wife migrated to Ohio, and settled on a farm near New London, Hu ron county, which is now in the possession of their youngest son, the subject of this sketch. Here five children were born to them, three of whom are living. Mr. Coleman was a progressive farmer. Po litically a Republican, he was true to the faith of that party down to the period of his death, which occurred six years ago. His widow resides with her son at New London. M. R. Coleman was born in Huron county in 1850. The territory was then far advanced beyond pioneer condition, so that as a boy he enjoyed advantages un known to older natives of that section. His education was received in the common and high schools of the district. About the year 1870 he began business for himself, and for eight or ten years was engaged in farming. Then he established himself in New London as a hay merchant — buying, baling and shipping this staple to corre spondents in southern and eastern cities, New York being his leading market. The extent of his trade may be learned from the fact that in 1892 he shipped 250 car loads of baled hay. His flax mill is also an important industry, and contributes its quota to more than one American industry. The product of this mill is principally up holsterers' tow, in which a large trade is done. With his hay and flax interests, Mr. Coleman also carries on the farm, near New London, giving to it a full share of the attention it merits. Politically a Republican, our subject is influential among the men of his party; while as a citizen he is a boon to the neigh borhood in which he exercises his business talents. ISAAC De WITT, a prominent and much respected agriculturist of Ridge field township, is descended from Dutch ancestry, the pioneers of his family having emigrated from Holland to New Jersey many years ago. Isaac DeWitt, the grandfather of our subject, was an extensive landowner along the Delaware river, and in Warren county, N. J. He reared a family of eight chil dren, among whom is mentioned a son named Jacob. Jacob DeWitt was born in Warren county, N. J., went to school in his boy hood, assisting also in the farm duties, and then learned the trade of blacksmith. While yet a young man be married Eliza beth Winters, a native of New Jersey, who bore him six children, viz.: James, a farmer of Perkins township, Erie county, HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 207 Ohio, where he died in 1888; John, at one time a boot and shoe dealer, of Sandusky, Ohio, who died in 1866; Catherine, who was married in New Jersey to Barnett Matthews, and 'died in Ohio in 1888; Elizabeth, deceased in 1890, in Huron county, Ohio, wife of William Miller; Margaretta, deceased wife of James Per son, of Belvidere, N. J.; and Isaac, whose sketch follows. In 1837 the father of this family, accompanied by his son Isaac and some of the other children, started west. They crossed the Alleghany mountains, then, proceeding to Pittsburgh, crossed the Ohio river and pushed westward to Ohio. After a long, tiresome journey they arrived at Milan, Erie Co., Ohio, and there made a temporary location. But this rude home in the wilderness offered little attraction for Mr. DeWitt, who had always been accustomed to the luxuries of civilization. He resolved to return to his native State, and would have done so had it not been for the persuasions of his son Isaac, who used all his persuasive powers to induce his father to remain. The latter finally concluded to do so, purchased land, and followed his trade at Cook's Corners (now North Monroeville). In politics he was actively identified with the Demo cratic party, and in religion he and his wife were members of the Presbyterian Church. She died in 1863, be in 1866, and both are buried in Perkins cemetery, in Erie county. Isaac DeWitt was born September 17, 1816, in Warren county, N. J., where he attended school. He was an eager student, and after leaving school fitted himself for the profession of civil engineer, which he followed for some time. After coming to Ohio he devoted his attention to agri culture, and on December 23, 1840, was united in marriage with Martha Young, who was born August 18, 1823, in Roches ter, Windsor Co., Vt. She is a daughter of Josiah and Mary (Barden) Young, natives of New Hampshire and early set tlers of Huron county, Ohio. Soon after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt moved from Ridgefield township to Gro ton township, Erie Co., Ohio, and in 1843 purchased a farm in Ridgefield township, to which they removed. In 1857 he bought the place which is now their home, and has since been engaged in farming, with the exception of a few years when he carried on the grape industry on Catawba Island. He has been an energetic and successful business man, and though now far ad vanced in life is yet able to do a great deal of work. He possesses remarkable vitality, and knows nothing of sickness from per sonal experience. In politics Mr. DeWitt has been a Republican since the organiza tion of that party, at the same time sympa thized with the Prohibition movement, and is now a strong Prohibitionist. In religion he and his wife are members of the M. E. Church, with which he has been connected fifty- six years. In 1890 this couple celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day, on which occasion they were the recipients of many beautiful presents. They have had three children: Mary Ellen (deceased in 1867), wife of James G. Fish; Isaac E., a successful prospector and miner of Colorado; and Burton L., formerly in business at North Monroeville, now a traveling salesman for several large wholesale bouses of Cleveland. E. SIMMONS, M. D., a well-known practicing physician of Norwalk, was born in Huron county, Ohio, son of Charles B. and Aura (Palmer) Simmons. Our subject received his primary educa tion in the public schools, and subse quently became a student at Oberlin College (Oberlin, Ohio), and also at Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio. He studied medicine with Dr. Keith, of North Fairfield, Ohio, and graduated in Cincin nati, in 1881. The Doctor practiced his profession iu North Fairfield, Ohio, from 208 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 1881 to 1883; then in Milan, same State, from 1883 to 1891. In the latter year he took a special course of study in Chicago, and in 1892 came to Norwalk, where he is at present located, being surgeon to the Huron County Infirmary. He is a mem ber of the Board of Pension Examiners; a member of the State Homeopathic So ciety and of the National Society. Dr. Simmons was united in marriage with Miss Hattie Dimon, a native of Milan, Ohio, and two children — Charles and Mary — have been boru to them. fr^ EORGE M. DILLON, active in real- I j/ estate interests in Bellevue, is a na- \^Ji tive of the State of Ohio, born March J^ 19, 1851, iu Zanesville. In 1854 he was taken by his parents to Min nesota, where he remained until 1864, at which time the family returned to Ohio, locating in Zanesville, but subsequently settling in Chicago Junction, Huron county. George M. Dillon received his education in the common schools of Zanesville. He then entered the service of the old Balti more & Ohio Railway Company, serving for ten years as conductor on that division, and he is to-day one of the great army of 300,000 railroad men in the United States. In 1882 he entered the employ of the N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R. Company, as passen ger train conductor, and he is at present one of the most popular officials on that division of tbe "Nickel Plate." On November 3, 1872, Mr. Dillon was united in marriage at Zanesville, Ohio, with Miss Jennie S. Ogier, who was born July 12, 1850, at Cambridge, Ohio, a daughter of John P. and Martha Ogier, natives of the Isle of Wight, England. To this union have been born five children, viz.: Thomas E., George B., Edith P., Sidney R. and Gracie M., all of whom re side with their parents. Politically Mr. Dillon is a Republican; in religious connection he is a member of the M. E. Church. In social and benevolent affairs he is a member of the F. & A. M. (thirty-second degree), I. O. O. F., Royal Arcanum, and of the Order of Railroad Conductors. Since locating at Bellevue he has been prominent in real-estate en terprises, owning considerable property, and dealing generally in real estate. He is the builder and principal stockholder of the "Commercial Hotel" at Bellevue, and is interested in many other projects. In the spring of 1883 he was elected a mem ber of the city council, and with the ex ception of one year has since continuously served in that capacity. The interest which he takes in town affairs overmasters party interests, for in this Democratic city the people have elected and reelected him with out questioning his Republicanism. A natural leader, he is popular among rail road men, for through him they have made their influence felt, not only in Bellevue, but also in the other towns on his division of the "Nickel Plate." As a citizen he is held in general esteem. fffr ENDRICK W. LAMOREUX. This fsH gentleman traces his genealogy to I 1| natives of the " Sunny Land of yj France." His pioneer ancestors immigrated to America in an early day, locating in Luzerne county, Penn., where Joshua Lamoreux was born August 30, 1793, and reared to manhood. He was married to Martha Ives, who was born July 24, 1796, and their children were named as follows: Samuel A., Josiah, Darius, Thomas, Elizabeth, Clarissa, Will iam, Elmira, Lucy, Emily and Mary J. Samuel A. Lamoreux, eldest son of Joshua and Martha (Ives) Lamoreux, was born October 11, 1815, on the home place in Luzerne county, Penn. He attended the schools of the period, and possessing marked mechanical ability followed various trades. In 1837 he selected a life com- HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 209 panion in the person of Amelia M. Skad- den, who was bom March 12, 1819, in Luzerne county, Penn., daughter of Anson C. Skadden. After his marriage Samuel A. Lamoreux located on a farm, and in connection followed the lumber business, working also at the trade of millwright. His children were there born as follows: Joshua, January 14, 1840, deceased in in fancy; Delia, November 6, 1841, wife of W. F. Bradley, of Sandusky, Ohio; Emmeline, January 6, 1843, living in California; Hendrick W., whose name opens this sketch, January 30, 1845; An son, August 29, 1846, a carpenter of Mon roeville, Ohio; Benton L., January 23, 1849, now living in South America; Al bert and Absalom (twins, both deceased in infancy), December 31, 1851; and Elmira J., April 15, 1853, wife of David Wilkin son, of Norwalk. The parents of this family left Pennsylvania December 25, 1854, locating on a rented farm in Oxford township, Erie Co., Ohio. Mr. Lamoreux, being in limited circumstances, remained a tenant four years after coming to Ohio, and then bought a small tract of land. In 1874 he purchased a farm in Ridgefield township, Huron county, and in 1876 moved upon it. He was actively interested in politics, and was first a Democrat, be coming a Republican after the war; he served in various local offices. He was a member of the Baptist Church for forty- three years, and subscribed regularly to The Examiner, a Baptist periodical which had been known as the Baptist Register since 1837. He was an officer in the church, and taught the Bible class for twelve years. He died October 31, 1890, leaving many friends to mourn his death, who knew his worth as a Christian man and progressive citizen. His widow is yet living on the home farm with her son, Hendrick W. She has been a member of the Baptist Church for fifty-five years. Hendrick W. Lamoreux was born on the home place in Luzerne county, Penn., where he attended the district schools. On October 26, 1870, he was united in marriage with Ruth H., daughter of Daniel Frazier, and a native of Erie county, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Lamoreux have resided on his father's farm in Ridgefield township, Huron county, since their marriage, where two children have been born to them: Bertha E. and Wilbur L. Mr. Lamoreux is a prosperous busi ness man, and takes an active interest in the Republican party. He and wife are members of the BaptistChurch, with which he has been connected twenty-two years. GEORGE SUTLIFF, who represents w, an old and, well-known family of Bronson township, is a son of Na than Sutliff, who was born near Genoa, New York. Nathan Sutliff passed his youth in Cayuga county, N. Y, and in early man hood was there married to Loretta Law rence, a native of Genoa, same State. The young couple resided in the home neigh borhood some time after their marriage, and then came to Huron county, Ohio, where Mr. Sutliff purchased 200 acres of land. At the time of this purchase Bron son township was a wilderness, the only marks then evident of coming civilization being two log cabins in Norwalk, and one which had been erected the previous year on the land now owned by Martin Kellog. With these few neighbors to brighten the lonely wilderness, Nathan Sutliff and his wife set bravely to work and prepared a home for those who followed. He was a Whig in politics, and in religion was one of tbe first members of the Presbyterian Church in Peru township. Some time after the death of his wife this pioneer was laid to rest at a good old age. They were the parents of eight children: Alice, Sam uel, Mary, David, Loretta, John, Nathan and George. George Sutliff, son of Nathan and Lo retta (Lawrence) Sutliff, was born March 210 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 14, 1832, on the farm where he is now living, in Huron county, Ohio. He re ceived a limited country-school education, passing his early youth on the home farm, and then worked four years at the carpen try trade. On February 1, 1854, he was united in marriage with Emily Fancher, a native of Huron county, and daughter of Daniel Fancher, who was married to a Miss Mitchell, and settled in Greenwich township, Huron county, many years ago. In the autumn following their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Sutliff moved to De Kalb county, Ind., where he bought eighty acres of land (about sixteen of which were then tillable), afterward adding twenty acres. He continued to farm on this place seven teen years, but finally returned to Ohio, and purchasing the old homestead, consist ing of 104 acres, has since resided upon it, and has made many improvements. Po litically he votes with the Republican party. Mr. and Mrs. Sutliff have three children: Ella S., Oberka F. and Ger trude L. Oberka F. was married January 8, 1887, to Clara Barto, who has borne him two children: Lelia Gertrude and Nathan Roy. 5) ARNETT ROE, one of the most progressive farmers of Greenfield township, is a descendant of Thomas Roe, the pioneer of the family in America. Thomas Roe, a native of Northampton shire, England, left -his country in 1822, and with his wife and seven children came to the United States, locating near Flem ing, Cayuga Co., N. Y. He had eight children born to him in England, of whom one, Thomas, died there. The seven who accompanied their parents to America were Charles, married to Corinua Carver, of Fleming, Cayuga Co., N. Y., who bore him one daughter, Selina (Mrs. George W. Atherton), of Peru township, Pluron county (Charles Roe died in Peru township in 1891); Anna, who married Samuel Weeks, and died at Pioneer, Williams Co., Ohio; Mark, now residing at Granville, Ohio; Joseph, a sketch of whom appears in the biography of A. G. Roe, of Peru town ship; Barnett, a short record of whom follows; Mary Ann, who married Hiram Barnum, and died in Fairfield township, and William, who wras a farmer of Fair field township, where he died. While re siding in New York State, two more sons were bom: Thomas, now a resident of Oregon, and Reuben, of Toledo, Ohio. About 1834 Thomas Roe and his son, Charles, came to Huron county and pur chased a tract of laud in Peru township. The father remained here, while the son went back to Cayuga county, N. Y., for the remainder of the family, with whom he returned and introduced to their new home. Here the father and mother both died. They were members of the Baptist Church, and were much esteemed citizens of the community. Barnett Roe, son of Thomas, was born in 1810, in England, and, accompanying his parents to America, resided with them in New York State, later moving with them to Huron county, Ohio. His school days were passed in Cayuga county, N. Y., where he also began to learn the carpen ter's trade, which he followed with such a measure of success that he was enabled from time to time to invest in small tracts of land, in Greenfield township, increasing his number of acres annually. While still a young man he married Harriet Bright- man, of Peru township, who was bora in 1814, and the children of this marriage are Elizabeth, Mrs. C. H. Strong; Anna, Mrs. James White, of Cleveland; Barnett, subject of this sketch; Maria aud Mary (twins), of whom Maria is married to Theodore Niver, of Norwich (Mary died at the age of five years), and James K, who was a miner in Colorado, where he met his death in his thirty-second year. Immediately after marriage Mr. and Mrs. Roe made tbe homestead their residence, where he engaged in agriculture and HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 211 carpentry. In 1856 he erected what is known as the Phoenix mills in Greenfield township, and operated same for twelve or thirteen years with marked success. After that long term in the milling business his health failed, compelling him to retire from active life. He resided on the farm, now occupied by his son, Barnett, until his death, which was the result of paraly sis. His wife died January 27, 1851, and both are interred in the Steuben cemetery. He was a strong advocate of tbe principles of the Republican party, held various offices in the township, and also served as county commissioner. He was one of the most progressive citizens who ever lived in Greenfield township. His farm, mill aud stone quarries were parts .of his plan for the development of the township, so that the death of such a man was a serious loss, not only to his family, but also to the entire community. Barnett Roe, whose name opens this memoir, was born January 26, 1843, on the home farm. He received a primary education in the district school, and while yet a boy began work in his father's mill, where he continued to labor until 1864. On August 29, that year, be enlisted in Battery M, First Ohio Heavy Artillery, was mustered in at Sandusky, and pro ceeded at once to Loudon, Tenn., where he joined his company. He served with his command in all the spirit-stirring en gagements in which it participated, until discharged, at Knoxville, Tenn., June 20, 1865. At Strawberry Plains, Dandridge, Bean Station, and Greenville, Battery M did good service, and on "other fields offered timely aid. Mr. Roe was taken sick at Leadvale, and was taken to a nejro hut, where a colored woman, known as "Aunty Jane," nursed him to convalescence. On his return to Ohio he reentered the service of his father in the mill, and there worked some three or four years. On May 16, 1867, he was married to Martha J. Lowther, who was born August 5, 1843, in Greenfield township, daughter of Capt. E. H. Lowther. The children of this union are Earnest B., born September 29, 1869; Frank L., born November 2, 1871; Anna B., born Octo bers, 1875, and Alto F. and Otto J. (twins), born February 14, 1884, all of whom are living. After marriage the young couple occupied the homestead, and here Mr. Roe carried on the farm in connection with a sawmill and other businesses. In 1880 he located on his present farm, and has since given close attention to agricul ture and stock growing. Mr. Roe and wife are members of the Disciple Church. In politics he is a Republican, and has served as treasurer and trustee of Green field township, proving himself, in every particular, worthy of the confidence and esteem of the people. +/ HS. FANNING, a progressive agri culturist of Clarksfield township, is a native of the same, born Novem ber 5, 1864. His grandfather, James Fanning, was born August 13, 1789, and on January 2, 1809, married Sarah Westbrook, who was born October 25, 1789. He died near Rushville, Onondaga Co., N. Y., June 9, 1827, on vvhich day he was present at a barn raising for tbe proprietor of a neighboring hotel. A rain storm came up suddenly, driving the men to shelter, but when the rain ceased all re sumed work. The water made the heavy timbers slippery, and one of the bents fell, crushing Mr. Fanning's head, killing him instantly. He left a widow, and eight children all born in Ouondaga county, as follows: Ann, 'born October 23, 1809; Eliza, born August 18, 1811; Richard, born April 27, 1813; Asenath, born June 4, 1816; Julia, born May 2, 1819; John O, born April 8, 1821; Benjamin G., born September 11, 1823, and William M., born May 13, 1826. In 1832 the widow, determined to seek a wider field for her children, sold her 212 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. home in New York State, and migrated to Huron county, Ohio. Her son, Richard, who had settled in Clarksfield township a year before the family left New York, sent glowing reports of the new country, and to that township the family directed their steps. Here Mrs. Fanning purchased a farm of sixty-five acres, where she resided for twenty years, or until her marriage (in 1842 or 1843) with Jonas Clark, with whom she moved to Sandusky county. She died there July 17, 1863, and was buried in the cemetery at Townsend. Benjamin G. Fanning came with his mother to Ohio in 1832, and received a primary education in the rude school of the period. While a youth he left home to learn the shoe trade from a man named Long, in Lyme township, an old tradesman of Huron county. Mr. Fanning was an apt mechanic, and became as good a shoe maker as his teacher; but the trade did not suit him, so he went into the fruit business and became the owner of a farm in Clarksfield township. Returning thither he found employment in Sherman Smith's shoe store, and while there engaged mar ried Sabra, daughter of Sherman Smith, the wedding taking place July 4, 1846. Sabra Smith was born January 12, 1829, in Clarksfield township, a daughter of Sherman and Caroline (Knapp) Smith, pioneers of Huron county. The young couple settled on the sixty-five acres which Mr. Fanning's mother purchased in 1832. Leaving that, he bought himself a farm, but preferring to travel as a patent-right salesman, he left the care of the farm to his wife and hired help. In 1852, how ever, he assumed charge of his land, and resided thereon till his* death, which occurred December 12, 1891. In 1886 he was stricken with paralysis, and suffered much from the disease. He was a fluent speaker and an able salesman, and admira bly filled the two positions of fruit-tree grower and sales agent. He was a man of progress, always encouraging improvement. A friend of the unfortunate, his kindness did not consist alone in words; and when his remains were carried to Butterfield cemetery for interment, there was a host of mourners present. Mr. Fanning was a Whig until the formation of the Republican party, when he cast his political fortunes with them. Tbe children born to Benjamin G. and Sabra Fanning are named as follows: Escdorah, born March 11, 1847, died Au gust 26, 1850; A. S., deceased June 9, 1849; Ida B., born January 27, 1853, wife of Theodore Clark, a soap and per fumery manufacturer, of Chicago, 111.; and Henry S., who manages the home farm, where he resides with his mother. Henry S. Fanning was educated in the common schools of his district. With the exception of five years which he passed at tbe home of Sherman Smith, his grand father, he has made the house where he was bora his home. His marriage to Edith 'Day took place April 28, 1887. She was liorn October 31, 1870, in New London township, daughter of Hiram K. and Sophia (Brenstul) Day, who were old settlers of New London. To this marriage one child was bora August 18, 1887, named Ruth D. Politically Mr. Fanning is a "Re publican, and takes an active interest in local, State and national affairs. Like his father, he is a friend of progress, and a most successful farmer. D, L. JUSTICE, a progressive, influ ential farmer citizen of Clarksfield ' township, Huron Co., Ohio, is a native of same, born June 18, 1852. His father, Peter Justice, was born July 23, 1796, in Milford township, Somerset Co., Penn., son of Nathan justice, who was a distiller (then a very common pur suit), and manufacturer of linseed oil. Peter received a common-school education, obtained some knowledge of farming on a place which his father owned, and when yet a youth learned the trade of carpenter HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 213 and joiner. He enlisted in the war of 1812, but was not called into the service, and after the close of that conflict worked at his trade for five years. In early man hood be started for the West in company with a cousin, Adam Mikesell, crossing the Ohio river at Steubenville, and travel ing through Zanesville, Columbus and Delaware toward Upper Sandusky, meet ing Indians and passing through Indian villages around Delaware, thence to Fulton county, Ohio, in search of laud. He re turned to Pennsylvania (making the entire journey, coming and going, on foot), and for some time gave his attention to his trade. Later he came to Holmes county, Ohio, where, on December 13, 1827, he was united in marriage with Miss Lydia Twaddle, who was born October 22, 1811, in Jefferson county, Ohio, daughter of Alex, and Elizabeth (Ramage) Twaddle. While living in Holmes county children as follows came to this union: Thomas W., born January 23, 1829, deceased April 27, 1862; Nathan, born May 4, 1831, mer chant and postmaster at North Morenci, Mich.; George W., born June 17, 1833, deceased March 23, 1886; and Henry H., born December 31, 1835, a farmer of New London township, Huron county. In 1837 the family moved to Clarksfield township, Huron county, coming with an ox team by way of Wellington, and as the roads were few and very bad tbey had to pick out their way by marked trees. He purchased 116-| acres (which he paid for by working out by the day), where he passed the remainder of his life, and which at the time of his settlement contained no improvements but a small log house. Here the remainder of his family was born, as follows: Johu A., born January 10, 1839, a farmer of Brighton township, Lorain county; Susan, born August 25, 1841, living on the old homestead in Clarksfield township (she has been blind all her life, having been born so); Royal F., born April 16, 1844, died September 23, 1891, in Brighton township, Lorain county; An drew A., born December 24, 1846 (he was bora blind); and Daniel L., subject of this memoir. Andrew uses horse power to cut his fodder, and has a mill to grind his feed. In winters he does all his own chores alone, only in summers hiring some one by the day to assist him. After the death of the mother, Susan kept house for the fam ily, and all the work is now done by them with the assistance of a hired woman. Peter Justice was by trade a cabinet maker, and for years made all the coffins used in his section. The coffin for his eld est son was among the first factory coffins brought to those parts, and after that he gradually ceased to follow his trade, finally, about 1875, discontinuing it altogether. He was a very robust, well-preserved man, and the day he was seventy-five he walked fourteen miles and cradled over five acres of wheat ground. In pioneer days he would walk to Ruggles, Ashland county, taking his grist to the mill, where he would often have to wait over night, as there were so many before him. Roads were few and difficult to follow, and on one occasion be got lost and wandered to Troy, Ashland county, before he could tell where be was. He was never sick, and never had occasion to call a physician until the illness which caused his death. Once, while chopping in the woods, he was struck by a falling timber, and received a cut some inches long across his forehead, which was sewed up by his wife, as there were no doctors near. He passed away March 7, 1881, preceded by his wife on June 1, 1873, and both are buried at Rochester, Lorain Co., Ohio. He was a member of the Democratic party, but never took any further interest in politics than to cast his vote at each election. D. L. Justice was educated in the com mon schools of his vicinity, and was reared to farm life. When a young man he commenced to learn photography in New London, Ohio, having previously read much on this subject, in which art he be came quite proficient. He remained on 214 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. the home farm until March 23, 1890, when he was united in marriage with Miss Elsie C. Fox, who was born September 30, 1866, in Clarksfield township, daughter of David Fox. Shortly afterward they settled on a farm which he had owned for some time, and where they have since made their home. On October 30, 1893, a son was born to them, named Peter A. Mr. Jus tice, who is engaged in general agriculture, is a well-informed, intelligent, progressive citizen of the community. In politics he is a Democrat. d JAMES GILBERT GIBBS, Norwalk, is the lineal descendant of one of the ' earliest pioneer families that came and settled in Norwalk township. He is secretary, treasurer and manager of the Reflector Printing Company, printing the daily and weekly Reflector, which are among the leading publications of north ern Ohio; also publishing several other newspapers, and the Norwalk City Di rectory. Mr. Gibbs was born August 7, 1852, in Norwalk, where had lived his ancestors since 1816, the date of their coming here from Norwalk, Conn. He is a son of Ralph M. and Mary (Higgins) Gibbs, the former of whom was also a native of Nor walk, born in 1824, and died of cholera in August, 1854, then bnt thirty years of age. David Gibbs, the paternal grand father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Norwalk, Conn., became au officer in the regular army in the war of 1812, and did efficient service as Capt. David Gibbs of the Thirty-seventh Regular In fantry. At the close of the war, having meanwhile resigned from the army, he came to Ohio and located where is now Norwalk, at which time there were but two other families in the township, and the site of the present city of Norwalk was an unbroken wilderness. He came here a licensed lawyer, and in 1820 was appointed by the court as county clerk of Huron county, in which service he continued until his death in 1841. This fact of itself points him out, not only as among the first settlers, but as one of the most prom inent. His father-in-law, Henry Lock- wood, of Norwalk, Conn., was a wealthy merchant of that place, one of those who sustained heavy losses during the Revolu tion, through the raids of the traitor Bene dict Arnold upon the Connecticut coast, and who received from the State, as recom pense, lands in the " Firelands " of the Connecticut Western Reserve. These lands descended by inheritance to his pos terity, several of whom are residents; but James G. is the only male descendant now living in Norwalk of the Capt. Gibbs branch of the Lockwood family. James' mother came here in 1835 to make her home with her grandfather, Rev. David Higgins, pioneer preacher of the Presby terian Church, who at that time lived here. His son, Judge David Higgins, of the common pleas court, was the uncle of Mary Higgins; the young man, Ralph M. Gibbs, was a son of the clerk of the court, and the young people formed an acquaint ance, then a friendship that in due time ripened into the holier passion, and they were joined in wedlock in 1846. Mrs. Mary H. Gibbs is living, the beloved mother of four children — three daughters and one son, whose name heads this article. James G. Gibbs, the father dying when the boy was but two years of age, was reared as a member of the family of his uncle, Hou. Joseph M. Farr, who was the founder in 1835 of the Norwalk Experi ment, and who was also a member of the Constitutional convention of 1850, that formed the present State constitution of Ohio. In this pleasant home the lad passed his young days, and was given more than the usual advantages of youth; he graduated from the high school in 1869, and at once entered the Reflector printing office, to learn the trade of HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 217 setting type and the art of publishing and editing a newspaper. Mastering rapidly the mysteries of the "art preservative of all arts," he laid down his "stick" and entered Lafayette College, being enabled to do so by the assistance of his uncle; but his college course was much shortened by the unfortunate death of this kind rela tive. On leaving college the young man went to Chicago, where he was a reporter on the Inter Ocean newspaper, under Hon. E. W. Halford, since eminent as President Harrison's private secretary. In 1873 he returned to Norwalk and pur chased an interest in the Reflector, becom- ino- the associate of Judge F. Wickham in that publication, and has since continued in that connection. In- 1881 the firm was changed to a joint-stock company, and soon after the Daily Reflector was first issued, the initial number appearing in 1882, and from the first number to the present time it has had unusual prosperity. The Reflector has long been the official city and county organ of the party. As printer, editor and publisher, the young man soon rose to prominence among the craft, and for a number of years has been a member of the various newspaper asso ciations. His interest in his chosen voca tion is manifest by his unfailing attend ance upon each annual convention of the National Editorial Association of the United States since 1889; and at the meet-. ing in Chicago, 1893, he was unanimously elected its treasurer. He owns stock, and is a director in several companies; is vice- president of the Ohio Savings, Loan & Trust Company of Norwalk; a director in the Laning Printing Company, who are the State Printers of Ohio; has, been presi dent, secretary or treasurer of numerous organizations, and, more than all, in pub lic spirit and enterprise he is well estab lished as one of our foremost citizens' widely respected at home and favorably known abroad. He has been elected and re-elected a member of the city board of education. 12 James G. Gibbs and Carrie L. Wickham were united in wedlock, June 30, 1880; she is a daughter of Judge F. Wickham, and presides with quiet grace over their comfortable home. They have two inter esting children: Esther, a girl of eleven years, and Ralph, a lad of five. fl( NDREW J. MOREHEAD. Among f|_\\ the leading influential and repre- [r)__\ sentative men of that part of Lyme ¦rf) township known as Hunts Corners. there is no one who enjoys a greater degree of confidence and esteem than the subject of this brief memoir. He was born in Lyme township on the 28th day of May, 1836, and has never lived anywhere else (only for temporary pur. poses) since. He resides now where he has lived for the last fifty-two years at Hunts Corners, Lyme township, and only one and one-half miles from where he was born. He is now the oldest resident of that noted burgh. His pareuts being poor could only give him the benefits of a com mon-school education (and the schools were not fine in those days). After getting what education he could at these schools, he was able to earn money enough to pay his expenses at Oberlin College, where he remained until he was satisfied with his education, working through the summer for farmers by the day to get money with which to pay expenses of a fall term at Oberlin. On leaving Oberlin he commenced teaching school (and by the way he got his first teachers' certificate at Oberlin). His first school was a "select school," situated less than a half mile from home. He then rented lands, and worked on the farm through tbe summer, teaching school in the winter for five consecutive winters. Finding that teaching was too confining and enervating for one of his constitution, he finally made up his mind to try black smithing. His father owned a shop and 218 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. tools, and Andrew had occasionally helped his father in the shop. The latter was now old and crippled. Andrew took hold of this with a will, determined to succeed, and by hiring at first competent help did succeed in supporting respectably an aged parent who had been a widower for many years, and whose daughters had married and left him. During this time our sub ject had served tbe township in several im portant offices, and in 1879 be was elected justice of the peace, which office he has held almost continuously since with great credit to himself and satisfaction to his fellow citizens. His most distinguishing trait is that of a peace maker, there having been less litigation during bis administra tion than ever before for the same length of time. About this time he contracted the asthma in its worst form, consequently had to quit blacksmithing. He then turned his atten tion to gardening and bee keeping for sev eral years. Becoming less able to do hard work, he next opened a grocery store at the old homestead, and notwithstanding the hard times that soon came on, is satisfied with the trade that he has secured, which is still increasing. Being an original and independent thinker, and seeking to avoid popularity or notoriety he has never joined any church or secret society; but claims that he has always been a consistent Christian in the true sense of the word. Having ever lived a moral life, he says that he would not "swap" his chances of future bliss with nine-tenths of the modern "saints." Mr. Morehead has always enjoyed single blessedness, but now that he is weaker and wiser admits that one of the greatest mis takes of the many that he has made in life was in not marrying early. George Morehead, the father of the sub ject of this sketch, was born in Harrison county, W. Va., in January, 1795. When' but a boy of seventeen or eighteen he en listed to fight the battles of his country, and was sent with other Virginia troops to join General Harrison in order to help to drive the British and Indians from their forts along the Maumee. He had not pro ceeded much farther than the center of this State, when he was stricken down with the camp or swamp fever, and consequently had to be left. After a long struggle be tween life and death, he recovered, but only as a cripple for life. He then lived for several years in the son thern part of Ohio, where he became acquainted with and married Miss Charity Patton. Of this union were born three children, the youngest of whom is the subject of this sketch. The father came to Huron county in about 1831, and moved into Lyme town ship about 1832. People have a good deal to say now-a-days about hard times, but if they were obliged to live as the pioneers did in those days they would have some cause to complain. All of the meat those early pioneers got was procured from the woods by their trusty rifles. Sometimes they had to go twenty or thirty miles to get a bushel of corn ground, with which to make a johnnycake. Such was the case when Mr. Morehead first came to Huron county. The eldest child born of this union was Mary, who afterward married Philip Hey- man, and 'now resides in Wood county, this State, surrounded by prosperous chil dren and grandchildren. The second eld est, named Emily, was married to Joseph Morris, and now lives in Nebraska. Charity Morehead died in 1838; George Morehead died in 1873. \ILBER G. FERVER, M. D. Among the most prominent of Huron county's young profes sional men is the gentleman whose name is. here recorded. Although not a native of the county, he has, in the brief period of his residence here, estab lished for himself an enviable reputation as a physician and surgeon. HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 219 Dr. Ferver was born February 22, 1859, in Lawrence county, Penn., near the town of New Castle, and his boyhood was passed on his father's farm, in the successful con ducting of which he proved himself of material assistance. At the age of seven teen, having graduated from the common schools of the vicinity of his birth, he en tered the Edinburgh State Normal School, and for the succeeding three years dili gently pursued his studies. He then at tended Allegheny College, Meadville, Penn., one year, thereafter taking a course in medicine and surgery at Jefferson Med ical College, Philadelphia, graduating therefrom in 1884. The Doctor then at once located at Worth, Mercer Co., Penn., where for three years he successfully pur sued the practice of his chosen profession. From there he returned to the place of his nativity, and after a brief sojourn came to Wakeman, Huron county, in which thriv ing town and for miles around he has since been in the enjoyment of a most successful practice. On June 15, 1885, Dr. Ferver was united in marriage with Miss Emma V. Goodge. They are members of the Con gregational Church of Wakeman, and, socially, enjoy the regard and esteem of a wide circle of friends. Dr. Ferver is a straight Republican, but is not active in politics, his profession demanding aud re ceiving his undivided attention. JESSE E. WHEELER is a member of the old and well-known family of that name in Greenfield township. He is a grandson of Rev. John Wheeler, who came to Ohio in 1818, and settled with his family in Greenfield township the following year. Rev. John Wheeler was bora in Massa chusetts, but when . seventeen years old moved to western New York, where he studied for the ministry, and received license to preach at a quarterly meeting of the Free-will Baptist Church. While liv ing in Ontario county, N. Y., he married Polly Franklin, also a native of Massachu setts, and with her took up his residence on a new farm in that county. The young preacher cleared his farm, and made it his home until 1818, when, as previously re lated, he brought his family to Ohio. The children born to him in New York State are named as follows: Sylvester F., John H. and Benoni, all of whom died in Huron county; Aaron, now a resident of Norwalk, and Calvin, the father of the subject of this sketch. The children born in Green field township were Chauncey, who died in Crawford county, Kansas; Almira, widow of — Tucker (her first husband was a Mr. Van Tine), and 'Samuel B., who resides at Parsons, Kansas. Calvin Wheeler, the fifth child of John and Polly Wheeler, was bora January 19, 1818, in Ontario county, N. Y., and was but an infant when his parents settled in Ohio. He grew to manhood on his father's farm, and made his home there until 1870, when he established himself in mercantile business at Steuben. In February, 1842, he married Mary Richards, who was born- January 27, 1821, in Herkimer county, N. Y., and came to Huron county, Ohio, in 1837. Twelve, children were hprn to this union, a brief record of whom is. as follows: Nancy Genette, born January 15, 1843, married E. Trimmer, and died in Kalamazoo county, Mich.; Agnes E., born March 9, 1844, is now. Mrs. Marion Par sons, of Shiloh, Ohio; David M., born De cember 29, 1846, is a traveling salesman, his home being in Plymouth, Huron county; Benjamin R., born November 20, 1848, is a farmer and stock buyer of Greenfield township; Calvin G., born July 31, 1850, is a farmer of Peru township; Chauncey B., born January 3, 1852, is an engineer on the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad; Jason A., born January 22, 1854; Jesse E. (twin of Jason A.) is the subject of this sketch; Alice, born January 18, 1857, is the widow of Henry 220 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Bronson, and is now engaged in mercan tile business at Chicago Junction; Alfred, a twin brother, born January 18, 1857, is now a harness maker at Plymouth, Ohio; Lillis, born November 14, 1861, is now the widow of Dayton L. Green, residing at Steuben, and Linda Belle, born October 3, 1863, is now Mrs. Elmer McMorris, of Steuben. Jesse E. Wheeler was bora January 22, 1854, in Greenfield township, was reared on the farm, and received his education in the district schools. He made his home with his father until 1875, when he mi grated to California, where he was engaged in floriculture until 1885. In the last named year he returned to Ohio, worked in his brother's store, and after the burn ing of that place labored on the home farm. In 1889 he purchased from his brother a stock of goods, and his interest in the store, which he had opened at Chi cago Junction, and in partnership with his sister, Mrs. Alice Bronson, established the present business in dry goods, notions and wall-paper. Mr. Wheeler was married in February, 1890, to Mary Keesy, daughter of Rev. W. Allen Keesy, mention of whom is made elsewhere in this volume. Mr. Wheeler is an able business man, and takes an active interest in all enterprises for the benefit of his community. R. CALLAGHAN, editor and part proprietor of the Bellevue Gazette, was born at Bellevue, Ohio, April 12, 1861. He was educated in the public and parochial schools, and when twelve years old entered a printing office here, and devoted his youth to the " art preservative of arts." For some years he worked at the case, mastering every detail of the work in the office of a weekly news paper, and over eleven years ago became interested in the Bellevue Gazette, pur chasing an interest therein, and changing the name of the firm to C. R. Callaghan & Co. The Gazette is well managed. Neutral in political affairs, it is never silent when a wrong has to be righted, or a dangerous candidate unmasked. In ordinary local affairs, the Gazette is an authentic record, for it is the aim of the editor to give all the news of the city and tributary district. Its certified circulation is 1,400, and its merits, as an advertiser, are acknowledged by the number and variety of businesses, etc., which seek pub licity through its columns. On May 6, 1886, Mr. Callaghan was united in marriage with Miss Johanna Connors, who was born in Ireland, daughter of Patrick Connors. JIOHN E. MENGES (deceased) was born in September, 1813, in Fayette _' township, Sentca Co., N. Y. His youth was passed in the manner com mon to boys of that time and place, but before his boyhood days were over he de veloped a rare mechanical genius, and worked at several trades in his native county. In 1833 he followed his father, John Menges, to Ohio. This John Mengeswas drowned while crossing Lake Erie, and the son came hither to settle the estate and take care of the property. After working for some time on a farm in Greenfield township, Huron county, be moved to Seneca county, Ohio, where he purchased land. On June 12, 1836, he was there married to Margaret Seed, who was born May 25, 1819, in New York, and accom panied her parents westward to Venice township, Seneca Co., Ohio. Mrs. Mar garet Menges died May 12, 1839, without issue, and was buried at Attica, Ohio. On April 27, 1841, he married Lydia F. Wil bur, who was born January 30, 1820, in Cayuga county, N. Y. In 1826 her par ents, Nathan and Esther (Labarre) Wilbur, settled in Sherman township, Huron Co., Ohio, where they passed the remainder of HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 221 their lives. The children born to John E. and Lydia Menges were: Margaret E., Mrs. Alonzo Simmons, of Fairfield, H uron county; Flora, wife of Frank Marriot, a lawyer of Delaware, Ohio; and Desse, Mrs. .Frank R. Williams, of Toledo, Ohio. Iu 1855 Mr. Menges came to Huron county, locating in Fairfield township; thence removed to Greenfield township, and in 1878 settled in Peru township, where he died January 26, 1885. He was a prosperous merchant at Attica, Seneca county, and later carried on a successful business at Fairfield, before establishing his farm iu Greenfield township. While a resident of Peru he was engaged in vari ous enterprises, at that place, and was known as a most active and enterprising citizen. A Republican in politics, he was also an Abolitionist, and carried his prin ciples into practice by harboring fugitive slaves. In religious affairs he was a Wes leyan Methodist. Since the death of Mr. Menges* his widow has managed the busi ness successfully. The manner in which she transacts the affairs of tbe estate stamps ber as a woman of executive ability, and gives proof of what woman may -accom plish in the business world. Mrs. Menges attends the Methodist Episcopal Church. 1J ^ if ( RS. AMANDA J. SKILTON, Y/Vi widow of Alvah S. Skilton, is the |[ oldest child of John Sowers Davis and his wife, Catharine Pasco Nave. Mr. Davis was born in Baltimore county, Md., Marcii 28, 1806. He was among the earliest settlers in Ridgefield township, having accompanied his grandparents to this locality when a mere boy. He at tended school in the first school house built in Ridgefield township. In early manhood he removed to Lexington, and thence, after a short .time, to Galion. He lived in Galion twenty-eight years, and during his residence there was married to Catharine Pasco Nave, May 17, 1843. She was born in Path Valley, Franklin Co., Penn., June 10, 1822, and moved to Galion with her father's family in 1839. In 1866 Mr. Davis with his family re turned to Monroeville, his early home, and there he lived until his death July 1, 1888. In early life Mr. Davis was a farmer; in middle life he was a merchant and banker; his last years were spent in retirement from active business. Mrs. Davis died at the family homestead in Monroeville, Feb ruary 6, 1890. Four children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Davis: Amanda Jane, born at Galion, married Alvah S. Skilton; Johnnie and Kittiebell, bora at Galion, died in infancy; Mary Elizabeth, born at Monroeville, married Thomas W. Latham and now lives in ber father's old home. Elijah Steel Skilton was born near Wat ertown, Conn., May 17, 1800. When a young man he left his boyhood home and taught school at Hunter, Greene Co., N. Y. Here he was married, April 4, 1827, to Elizabeth Wilson, who was bora at Hunter March 5, 1805. Soon after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Skilton emigrated to Ohio, aud settled on a farm near Ra venna, Portage county. Five children were bora to them: Lucy Cornelia, John Wilson, Jeannette Parthenia, Melicent Guernsey and Alvah Stone. Elizabeth Wilson Skilton died near Ravenna October 3, 1836. Elijah Skilton was subsequently married a second and a third time, and died at his home near Ravenna, having passed the age of three score and ten years. Alvah Stone Skilton was the son of Eli jah Steel Skilton and his wife, Elizabeth Wilson. He was born near Ravenna, Portage Co., Ohio, April 12, 1836, and when but six months old was left mother less. His father committed him to the care of Jonathan and Catharine Thompson, with whom he lived until young manhood. At the age of twelve years he accompanied them to Mercer county, Ohio, where they settled in a locality then a wilderness. When he left the home of the Thompsons 222 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. he entered the employ of. the Bellefontaine & Indianapolis Railroad Company, and was soon made an engineer, retaining this position until he entered the Union army. On November 1, 1861, Alvah Skilton en listed in the Fifty-seventh Regiment, O. V. I., and on the tenth of the following February he was commissioned captain of Company I of that regiment. Capt. Skil ton was severely wounded in the right forearm at the battle of Shiloh, April 6, 1862, and returned to Ohio on sick leave. When sufficiently recovered from the ef fects of his wound, he resumed command of his company, and subsequently partici pated in the siege of Vicksburg and in many battles, among them being those at Missionary Ridge, Resaca and Kenesaw Mountain. Upon three occasions he re ceived slight wounds, and at the battle of Atlanta, July 22, 1864, he was wounded and captured. He was held a prisoner of war at Camp Oglethorpe, Macon, Charles ton, Columbia, Asheville, Saulsbury, Castle Tliunder and Libby. He escaped from prison several times, and was once within sight of the Union camp fires, but was recaptured and compelled to travel three hundred miles on foot to Asheville, North Carolina, where he and his com panions were confined in an iron cage. Among his papers Capt. Skilton left a diary which he kept during his retention as a prisoner of war, and this little book tells a most pathetic story of prison life iu Dixie. Capt, Skilton was released from Libby Prison April 2, 1865, and on the 13th of the same month was honorably discharged from the military service of the United States. After his discharge from the army he returned to Galion, his former home, and engaged in the lumber business. On De cember 20, 1865, he was married to Miss Amanda J., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Davis, and soon afterward, the newly married couple moved to Monroeville with Mr. Davis and family. With the excep tion of one year spent in Logansport, Ind., Capt. Skilton resided in Monroeville the remainder of his life. During the early part of his residence here he was Express agent for the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway, but soon engaged in the grain and commission business, con-. tinuing therein until the time of his death. He died in Monroeville July 27, 1887, aged fifty-one years, three months, fifteen days, the cause of his death being a car buncle at the base of the brain. In 1877 he was elected junior warden of Zion- Church, Monroeville, and served in this capacity until he died. He was at the time of his death chairman of the Huron County Soldiers' Relief Commission. Capt. Skilton was one of the charter members and the first commander of Asa R. Hillyer Post, No. 532, G. A. R. He was also a charter member of Roby Lodge, No. 534, F. & A. M., and was its first 'worshipful master. He was a member of Huron Royal Arch Chapter No. 113, Nor walk Council No. 24, and Norwalk Com mandery No. 18. In politics Capt. Skil ton was a stanch Republican. Four children were born to Capt. and Mrs. Skilton — one son and three daughters: The Rev. John Davis Skilton, A. M., is assistant minister in Saint Paul's Parish, Cleveland; Elizabeth Roby, Mary Grace and Catharine Amanda live with their widowed mother in Monroeville in her pleasant home, which embraces a part of the original tract purchased by her ances tors when they settled in the wilderness during the early part of the present century. HARLES A. SUTTON, a son of one of the pioneers of northern Ohio, was born July 4, 1844, in Green wich township, Huron county. Aranson Sutton, his father, was born April 1, 1802, in Cayuga county, N. Y. While yet a boy his father died, and, transferred to an uncle's care, the youth received a practical training in farm work, HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 223 and the education- which the early frontier schools afforded. In 1822 or 1823 he was employed by the Erie Canal Com pany at Lockport, N. Y., as bookkeeper, having charge also of all the storehouses, and keeping the time of all the workmen. For his services he received twenty dollars per mouth, and after accumulating about three hundred dollars he set out, in 1824, for the "Firelands" in Ohio, traveling by canal and lake boat. He landed at San dusky, and proceeded on foot southward to Huron county, where he passed his first night in the cabin of Willis Smith, in Greenwich township; thence he walked to Ruggles township, Ashland county, where he joined a twin brother and a man named Carver in the purchase of a tract of wild land. His marriage with Emeline Brady took place in 1828. She was born in Westchester county, N. Y., in 1812, and came to Greenwich township with her parents when a child. The children born to them are as follows: Charity, born No vember 29, 1829, married Hiram Town- send, and died August 31, 1892, at Cleve land; Mary J., born March 9, 1832, is the widow of Harvey Noble; Sarah A., born September 2, 1837, married Dr. William Reynolds, and died in April, 1885, in Seneca county, Ohio; Louisa, bora No vember 27, 1838, Mrs. James Fancher, of Greenwich township; and Charles A., the subject of this sketch. The father of this family was accidentally killed November 17, 1870, by being run over by a wagon loaded with wood. On January 28, 1873, bis widow died, in hospital, at Columbus, Ohio, where she was under treatment; both were buried in East Greenwich ceme tery. Aranson Sutton was a systematic farmer. At one time he hauled a load of wool to Greenwich depot which brought him over two thousand nine hundred dol lars. He made money out of every other venture as well as agriculture and stock growing, and at one time was owner of 700 acres here. In politics be was a Democrat, until the Free-soil movement won him. When the Republican party was established in Ohio he cast his politi cal lot- with it, and was faithful to its principles until his death; he filled almost every township office, and for fifteen years served as justice of the peace, during which, time he performed more marriage cere monies than any contemporary justice in the southern half of Huron county, and became a believer in secular marriage. He was an exhorter in the Methodist Episco pal Church, and always held an important office in that body. A liberal contributor to the religious organizations of his neigh borhood, he won the reputation of being both tolerant and benevolent. Charles A. Sutton was reared in the manner common to contemporary youth, working on the farm for nine months and attending school in winter until he entered Berea University. He afterward studied for eight months in Oberlin College, and later took up telegraphy and bookkeeping, and, refusing the offer of his father to educate him in any college in the United States he would select, returned to tbe farm, preferring to be a useful rather .than an ornamental citizen. On April 28, 1870, be married Ann E., daughter of Benson and Esther (Rickard) Ellis, who came from Onondaga county, N. Y., and settled in Greenwich township. Mrs. Sutton was born in this township, July 16, 1845, and here, too,% the following named children were bora to her: Edward A., born April 2, 1872, now residing at Oberlin; William B., born May 30, 1875, and Charles D., born February 17, 1880, both residing at home. After marriage the young couple took up their residence in the Sutton home, and the improvements which have been made here since 1880 speak for the owner's progressive ideas. In that year the capa cious barn was constructed, and in 1883 the elegant brick residence which now adorns the farm was erected, these being the two principal improvements. Fences, small buildings and drainage have been carefully looked after and restored, and the 224 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. old farm revamped as it were, until now it is as fertile as it was when first reclaimed from the wilderness. Mr. Sutton is a Re publican in politics, and a Methodist in church connection. For the past twelve years he has served the township as school director, and has taken a personal, active interest in all measures which appeared to him to promise benefits to the township and county. 'HARLES D. STONER, member of the well-known lumber firm of Gross & Stoner, Bellevue, is a son of Jacob and Hannah (Webb) Stoner, natives of New York State, and grandson of Stoner, who came to the United States from Germany about the close of the last century or the heginning of the present one. Charles D. Stoner was born in 1835 in Chautauqua county, N. Y., and when fifteen years old accompauied his parents to Wis consin, in which State he grew to man hood. In later years he made the trip to Pike's Peak, and after his return located at Conneaut, Ohio, where for several years he was connected with the Conneaut Re porter. In 1876 he removed to Bellevue, became interested in the publication of the Gazette, of which paper he later became sole proprietor. Over eleven years ago he sold a half interest to Mr. C. R. Callaghan, in partnership with whom he still conducts the paper. Notwithstanding his mercan tile and manufacturing interests, he still finds time to devote to newspaper work, and may often be found in the Gazette office, busy at the case or at the editorial table. Some time after locating in Belle vue, Mr. Stoner established a boot and shoe store, subsequently adding a full line of men's furnishing goods, and he did a most satisfactory business until 1888, when he closed out the stock. In that year he purchased a half interest in the lumber yard and planing mill, and directed his at tention to the development of the trade and industry. This is the only concern of the kind at Bellevue, and is the supply depot for a large area. The owners are practical business men, who understand the principles of low profits, quick sales and prompt returns.' Mr. Stoner takes charge of the office, and directs the sales department, while Mr. Gross gives direct attention to the planing mill and stock. Mr. Stoner was married at Conneaut, Ohio, to Miss Mary E. Fowler, and to this marriage was born one child, Susan, who resides with her parents. Mr. Stoner is a Republican, and has at all times been faith ful to his party. He is well known in Masonic circles. While not a Church member, he is a strong supporter of re ligious effort, and always gives financial aid thereto. As a citizen he is broad- gauged and enterprising, and must be credited with a large share in the develop ment of Bellevue's interests. [Since the above was written we have been informed of the sudden death of Mr. Stoner in his office, January 16, 1893.: — Ed. +/ MATTHEW GREGORY, son of George and Polly (Warring) Greg ory, was born July 7, 1829, on the same farm which he now owns and resides upon in Clarksfield township. George Gregory, his father, was born November 12, 1786, atWilton, Fairfield Co., Conn., and there attended school until ap prenticed to a saddle-tree maker, with whom he remained until he learned the trade. On December 31, 1810, he mar ried Polly Warring, in the southeastern part of Dutchess county, N. Y., where she was born November 25, 1792. In his earlier years he was a very active man. After his marriage he followed his trade until 1828, when he set out with his family for Ohio. The journey was made by river and canal to Lake Erie, thence by boat to Huron, Erie county, from which point they came by wagon to Clarksfield HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 225 Hollow, in Clarksfield township, Huron county. He learned that his trade was of little value in northern Ohio, and resolving to become a farmer purchased 112 acres in the southern section of the township. With the exception of fifteen acres, on which stood an old and rude cabin, the tract was completely wild, but the forest was full of game, and accordingly there was no lack of animal food. He worked early and late in clearing this tract, and, at the time of his death, June 16, 1865, left a valuable property to his widow and children. The widow died December 29, 1883, and was buried in Prosser cemetery, New London township, near the grave of her husband. The children of George and Polly Greg ory were as follows: One child born Oc tober 22, 1811, died in infancy; James L., bora August 19, 1813, died in Clarksfield township, July 11, 1863; Mary E., born September 23, 1815, married Richard Fan ning, and died July 15, 1844; Peter L., bora May 11, 1818, resides at Minneapo lis, Minn.; Charles W., bora February 27, 1821, was a blacksmith, and followed his trade until his death in New London township; Abbey L., born August 30, 1823, the widow of J. M. Darling, of Sandusky, Ohio; Ann M., born December 3, 1826, who married L. J. Smith, died in Clarksfield township; and Matthew, the subject of this sketch. All were born in the southeastern part of Dutchess county, N. Y., except the last named. Matthew Gregory is one of the few per sons in this county who can boast of living on the home farm for so long a time as from 1828 to 1893. He received a pri mary education in a school near his father's house, and otherwise was reared in the manner of pioneer boys. On May 11, 1854, he married Harriet C. Rogers, born October 13, 1832, in Wayne county, N. Y., a daughter of Joel and Betsy (Ells) Rogers, who came to Ohio in November, 1832. Their entire married life has been passed on the home farm, of which Matthew took charge after his father's death. Republi can in politics, he is content to cast his vote for the nominees of the party, with out going into the maelstrom of the cam paign. In social matters he has always taken a leading part; he is one of the pil lars of Grange No. 1174, and except for one year has been treasurer of the Associa tion since its organization. He is a sys tematic, practical farmer, successful in all his undertakings; and he is now enjoying the rewards of years of well-directed labor. Mrs. Gregory is a member of the Method ist Episcopal Society of Barrett's Chapel. y\ILLIAM E. BRAMLEY, foreman ' in the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad shops at Chicago Junction, was born in 1848 at Nottingham, England. Iu 1849 his parents emigrated from their native country, and arriving in the United States, located at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Some time later the family moved to Zanesville, Muskingum Co., Ohio, where William E. was apprenticed to the ma chinist's trade, which he learned in the shops where he subsequently worked as a regular mechanic. His term of service was three and one-half years, and in this time he became a thorough mechanic. Removing to Dennisoa, Ohio, he worked in the shops there for two years, when he entered the employ of the P. C. C. & St. L. Railroad Company, as fireman. In the course of fourteen months he was promoted to engineer, in which capacity he served that company for five years. In 1874 he came to Chicago Junction, and at different times worked in shops and ran a yard engine. For several years he has been foreman of the shops here, and in that re sponsible position has given satisfaction to his employers as well as to his fellow em ployes. Sober, economical, industrious and competent, be has accumulated a compe tence, and is the owner of a comfortable 226 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. home just outside of the town. A strong advocate of temperance, he encourages the practice of this great virtue among the men with whom he is associated, and has seen the good results of his example and teaching. Mr. Bramley has been twice married. In 1876 he was united with Jennie C. Lewis, who died in 1884, leaving three children: Libbie, Loula, and Jennie (who died when one year old). His second marriage, which took place in 1887, was with Mrs. Amanda (Miller) Hahn, a daugh ter of Daniel Miller and a native of Chi cago Junction. Mrs. Bramley is an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and of the Woman's Relief Corps. Mr. Bramley is a Republican, but not a parti san. He joined the Masonic Fraternity in 1876 at Plymouth, Ohio, and since that time has become a member of the Chapter, R. A. He desires it to be here recorded that be has become a follower of Christ; that under the revival of Miss Jennie Smith he gave his heart to God, and united with the Methodist Episcopal Church with his wife. He is also a useful worker in the Temperance cause, in con nection with which the organization known as the " Railroad Temperance Association " was recently started. /GEORGE JOINER, than whom there I y, is no more highly respected citizen \J^ in Norwich township, where he has ^Ji his home, is a native of Huron . county, born in Greenfield township in 1839. Ralph Joiner, his father, a son of Will iam Joiner, was born in Shelburne Falls, Mass., July 28, 1804. At the age of seven years he was bound out by his mother, till twenty-one years old, to one Smead, a tan ner and currier and shoemaker, with whom he worked his full time, and then took a sea voyage from Boston to Cuba and the West India Islands, in the capacity of ship's cook. After this voyage he com menced the trade of boot and shoe making in Deerfield, Mass., continuing in same five years. He then took another trip, this time through the State of Illinois, to New Orleans, down the Ohio river, and to Sandusky City, Ohio, thence to Greenfield township, Huron Co., Ohio, to a brother's (Osias Joiner), where he made his home until he was married. In the fall of 1835 he took charge of a grocery store for Mack- intire Beemer, at Greenfield Center, Ohio, remaining a year and a half. On August 3, 1837, Mr. Ralph Joiner was married to Miss Eliza Inscho, born August 5, 1817, a daughter of Robert Inscho, and to this union were bora nine children, their names aud dates of birth being as follows: George (subject of this sketch), May 24, 1839; Richard M., May 31, 1841 (deceased); Ralph C, June 23, 1843; Harriet, June 28, 1845 (deceased); Charles, August 1, 1847; Charlotte L., April 28, 1850; Frank P., December 29, 1852; Benjamin F., Au gust 14, 1855, and Augusta Arminda, July 29, 1862 (deceased). The father of this family died in 1877, of cancer in the hand. The mother, now in the seventy-seventh year of her age, is at the present writing visiting her three sons, who are residents of Hillsdale county, Michigan. Robert Inscho, father of Mrs. Ralph Joiner, was born in New Jersey in 1765; moved to Virginia in 1806, whence after a residence there be came to New Haven township, Huron Co., Ohio, settling on a farm that is now owned by a grandchild of his. Some time in the "forties" he moved to Noble county, Ind., and there died at the age of eighty-seven years. George Joiner, subject of sketch, was reared to farm work, and has ever since been successful in his agricultural labors. Before he was twenty years old he bought thirty- eight acres of land in Greenfield township, and in 1861 he came to Norwich township, where he worked by the month for Wesley Robinson, and also hauled wood for the railroad, making good wages. He HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 227 then took up farming on his present place in Norwich township, first buying eighty acres, to which he has from time to time added until he now has 227£ acres of as fine land as can be found in the township. In 1860 Mr. Joiner was married to Miss Elizabeth Doncer, of Norwich township, Huron county, daughter of George Don cer, and their home has been blessed with five children, namely: Wesley C, born August 8, 1861; Sarah J., born February 4, 1864; Clara E., born August 12, 1867; Alice I., born November 13, 1869, and George Henry Harrison, born August 18, 1876. A Republican since the breaking out of the Civil war, our subject has held some offices in his township with character istic ability and fidelity — notably having served on the board of education, and as district clerk. Together with his wife he holds to the tenets of the U. B. Church of Chicago, Ohio. JIOHN DRURY. Prominent among the successful agriculturists of Huron __ ' county who till the soil and enjoy the fruits of their labor, ranks the sub ject of this biographical sketch, who de votes his time and attention to farming, and realizes that judgment and executive ability are needed to successfully carry on his chosen occupation. His father, Jonathan M. Drury, was bom February 24, 1809, in Worthington, Mass., and inherited all of the energy and ambition characteristic of that section of the United States. His childhood and early manhood were passed in his native State, and he there learned habits of thrift that served him well through after life. In 1837 he visited Ohio, and in the following year located in this State, and in 1844 he took possession of the farm upon which he and his son now reside. He has devoted his whole life to agricultural pursuits, and owns one hundred acres of valuable land, situated a mile from Bellevue. Mr. Drury was married in March, 1836, to Miss Abi gail M. Knowlton, of Vermont, and three children blessed their union, viz.: John (our subject), and Ellen and Carrie (both of whom died at an early age). This wife died May 8, 18.47. lie afterward married Mrs. Clarissa B. Wrisley, of Massachu setts, who died December 20, 1887. By his second marriage he has one child, Myron M. (now located in Chicago). Mr. Drury has been a member of the Lyme Congregational Church for over fifty years, and a deacon in the same for a great length of time. John Drury was born March 7, 1847, iu Lyme township. He has always re sided at the place of his birth, and has taken a great interest in the religious, so cial and educational progress of the com munity. In 1871 he was united in marriage with Miss Ida M. Cowle, of Bellevue, daughter of John Cowle, who settled in Huron county as early as 1835. Of this marriage one child was born, a daughter, who died in infancy. Mrs. Drury died in 1887. In May* 1889, Mr. Drury married Mrs. Josephine W. Nims, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wright. Mrs. Drury's mother was a daughter of Rev. James Ford, who settled on the Ridge in 1833. Mr. Drury makes his home on the farm once owned by his father, and every year makes improvements both in the way of building and in carrying out modern ideas in his farming operations. Mr. and Mrs. Drury are members of the Lyme Congre gational Church, of which they are liberal supporters. He has been superintendent of the Lyme Sabbath-school since 1882. H' OR ACE B. SILLIMAN, who is a son of Joseph and grandson of Jus tus Silliman, was born in 1832 in Fairfield county, Conn. Justus Silliman was a farmer of Fairfield county, Conn., a descendant of English colonists of New England. In early man hood he married Ruth Jennings, and to */ 228 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. this union were boru nine children: Jo seph, Isaac, Abijah, Daniel, Stephen, Abby, Morinda, Sally and Ruth. Justus Silliman died on the farm, where he and his wife passed the greater part of their lives. Joseph Silliman was born in 1790 in Fairfield county, Conn., was reared to man hood on the farm, received a fair educa tion in the school of the district, and later taught school ' there. In 1812 he married Lucinda Banks, who was born in 1792 in Fairfield county, daughter of Joseph Banks, a farmer of that county. After marriage the young couple settled on a farm in Fairfield county, where they re sided until death removed them. Of their three children, George migrated to Ohio, settled in Fairfield township, Huron county, and died on his farm; Sarah married Cor nelius Benedict, of Connecticut, and died in 1845; and Horace B. is the subject of this sketch. The mother of this family died in 1887. Joseph Silliman was a stanch Democrat, and served as sheriff of Fairfield county, Conn., and in nearly all the offices of his township. Horace B. Silliman passed his boyhood on the farm in Connecticut, received his education in the schools of bis native place, and in 1855 was there married to Miss Abigail Hawkins, also a native of Fairfield county. The same year he came to Ripley township, Huron Co., Ohio, bringing with him a capital of three thousand dollars. How judiciously this capital was invested may be learned from the farm and home of Mr. Silliman, for his lands now com prise 225 acres of as productive a tract as exists in the "Firelands" region. While giving close personal attention to this beautiful farm, he is also interested in stock growing, and deals extensively in fine cattle. A Democrat in political faith, he has been elected to several offices, such as trnstee, in his township, in the face of the fact that the Republicans are in the majority there. Twice he was nominated for county commissioner, once for county treasurer and once for Infirmary director, and polled a very large vote. He is one of the "wheel-horses" of his party in Huron county. To Mr. and Mrs. Silliman have been born the following named children: Georgiana, J. W.,( Francis L., Dwight, Edward, Clara, Mary, Ella; there were others, who died in infancy; Georgiana is deceased; the rest reside on the homestead. P)ETER HOHLER. In 1834 John Hohler and his wife, accompanied by their four sons, emigrated from Baden, Germany, and landed in New York, September 14, 1834. They there met an old acquaintance who had previously settled in Huron county, Ohio, and through his representations were induced to proceed thither. The trip was made by way of Lake Erie, and on arriv ing in Peru, Huron county, 'October 3, John Hohler bought ninety-six acres of heavily timbered land in that township, only a small portion of which was cleared. With the characteristic energy of their race, father and sons cleared the land, erected a comfortable log cabin to which they afterward made several additions, and finally converted the cabin into a barn, after building the present commodious dwelling. The sons, all of whom united their efforts on the old place until each one had secured a home, were as follows: Frank Joseph, who is supposed to have been killed in the Mexican war; Peter, whose sketch follows; Frederick, who died in Peru township in November, 1863, leaving seven children, two of whom are living in Huron county, three in Cleve land, one in Kansas, and one in Alaska; and Philip O, who died in January, 1864, in Peru township. The father died in 1849, at the age of sixty-four years, and in 1864 the mother was laid beside him, after having entered her eightieth year. Both were members of the Catholic Church. Peter Hohler, the only living represent ative of his family, was born July 12, HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 229 1815, in Baden, Germany. He attended the German schools, his knowledge of En glish having been secured solely by prac tical experience. When the old estate was divided, he came into possession of the homestead, and from poverty rapidly rose to affluence, being now one of the wealth iest men of the community. In 1842 he was united in marriage with Margaret Glassnes, a native of Germany, whose parents came to America in the same year as the Hohler family. Mrs. Holder died in 1889, since which time Peter Hohler has made his home principally with Mrs. Brown (a niece of his deceased wife), of the German settlement in Bronsou town ship, right opposite his old farm, which ¦ after his wife's death he did not like to have anything more to do with. He deeded 110^ acres to a son of his brother Fred erick, named Leo Hohler, whom they took (after his father's death) at the age of four years, and brought up. In consideration of this he has to pay to each of his brothers and sisters a certain sum after the death of Peter Hohler. Our subject is a Democrat, and takes an active interest in local politics; he has served as township trustee, assessor and in Other offices of trust. He is a member of the Catholic Church. J[l( TERRY, D. D. S., is the first den- f[\\ tist of Norwalk, and one of the old- frv_ est living dental practitioners in the ¦rfj State of Ohio. His paternal grand father was a corporal in the war of 1812, and his son. Ira Terry, was bora in Long Island. N. Y. Ira Terry was mar ried to Fannie Skinner, whose parents were natives of New York. A. Terry, son of Ira and Fannie (Skin ner) Terry, was born in 1824, in Tompkins county, N. Y., where he was educated in the common schools and commenced the study of dentistry. In the autumn of 1850 he came to Ohio, but returning to New York in 1851, be there remained a few months, and then located in Plymouth, Huron Co., Ohio. He soon afterward moved to Monroeville, same county, and the following June again returned to New York. In 1853 be made a permanent lo cation in Norwalk, where he has since resided. During the war Dr. Terry did not serve as a soldier, but after the battle of Gettysburg left his office in charge of an assistant, and went to the field to aid in caring for the wounded, paying his own expenses. He is a charter member of the Northern Ohio Dental Association. In early manhood the Doctor was united in marriage with Miss M. I. Clapp, a native of Ohio, who bore him five children, namely: Two, Fred and Fannie, deceased when young; Ida, wife of C. L. Rue; Al fred D. and Bessie, the latter being married to J. E. Clive. THOMAS W. LATHAM. Among the wealthy young citizens and en ergetic real-estate men of Monroe ville, this gentleman occupies the position of a popular leader. He is a son of Hiram Latham, and a grandson of Wolcott Latham, the latter of whom was a pioneer settler of Huron county, Ohio. Hiram Latham was born in Huron county, where he followed farming, and is now a resident of Lyme. He was married to Mary Evans, a native of England, who has borne him four sons and one daughter, Thomas W. being second in order of birth. Our subject was born October 17, 1864, in Huron county, Ohio, and was there reared to manhood, being educated at the Ada Normal School, after which he took a business course at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. After leaving school he passed two years in Corwith, Iowa, being there connected with his cousin, Frank Latham, in the milling and grain business; and upon re turning to Ohio, entered a hardware estab lishment with R. G. Martin, selline out in 7 O 230 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 1887. Soon after this he opened a real- estate and insurance business, meeting with signal success in this enterprise. On June 25, 1889, he was united in marriage with Mary E., daughter of John S. Davis, at one time president of the First National Bank of Monroeville, and to this union has been born one son, Davis Wolcott. Mr. Latham owns several hundred acres of fine farming land near Monroeville, and deals extensively in all departments of real estate. In politics he is prominently iden tified with the Republican party, being at present a member of the county central committee, treasurer of the corporation, and a member of the school board. Socially he is a member of the Masonic Fraternity, and also a member of the Norwalk Com mandery, Knights Templar, Norwalk, Ohio. He is secretary of the Board of Industry, an organization established for the im provement of Monroeville, and takes an active interest in all matters of public improvements. In religious faith Mr. Latham is a mem ber of Ziou Episcopal Church, of which he is, at present, vestryman and treasurer. He possesses an unusually energetic nature, and well merits his reputation as an enter prising, prosperous business man. JfENRY S. ARNERT, one of the '^ successful farmers and stock grow- __[ ers of northern Ohio, now a resi dent of Fitchville township, was born May 20, 1831, in Yates county, New York. Uriah T. Arnert (son of James Arnert, who died in Hartland township, Huron Co., Ohio) was born March 12, 1806, in Yates county, N. Y. The school and farm were the tasks of his boyhood, and the farm the work of his youth. In 1827 he married Catherine Townsend, who was bora January 13, 1809, in Yates county, N. Y., near the birthplace of her husband. There three children were born to them, as fol lows : George T., December 24, 1827 ; Mary E., March 21, 1829, aud Henry S., the sub ject of this sketch. George and Mary, just named, died in their native county, while Henry S. was brought to Ohio early in 1832 by his parents. The journey from Buffalo to Huron, Ohio, was made on the "Sheldon Thomson," and from Huron to Hartland township, Huron county, they traveled in a wagon drawn by oxen. Arriving here, Mr. Arnert purchased eighty acres of wild land at twenty shillings per acre. The tract was clothed with heavy timber, and water submerged a large part of the land, but the pioneer went bravely to work, erected a rude cabin, and began the task of clearing. His success was assured from the beginning; a better dwell ing house took the place of the cabin, and improvements were carried out until he sold the place and moved to Townsend township. About the year 1860 he located in New London township, where he died in 1863. He was buried in Hartland Ridge cemetery. The children born in Ohio to Uriah T. and Catherine Arnert are as follows: Sarah C, bora April 2, 1833, is the wife of Thaddeus Sprague, of Wakeman town ship; Phoebe J., bora October 12, 1835, is the wife of Birdsall French, of Erie county, Ohio; Dolly A., bora February 10, 1838, married Wilbur Jefferson, and lives in Norwalk; Catherine O, born Oc tober 4, 1840, married Edwin Burney, and died in New London; Uriah B., born April 4, 1843, enlisted at the age of nineteen years, serving with Company B, Third Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, until his death in Tennessee, in 1862; Cyrus D., born Au-. gust 23, 1845, is now residing at Bir mingham, Ohio; and Frank, born February 12, 1852, died in 1860. Mr. Arner,t was a Whig prior to the organization of the Republican party, of which he then be came a member. In Church connection he was a Methodist. His success in Ohio was a decided one, so that, at his death, he HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 231 left to his family a valuable property. His widow married Henry Runyan, and now resides at New London. Henry S. Arnert was brought to Huron county in infancy, grew to manhood here, and became closely associated with its affairs. He received a primary education, his first teacher being Julia Ann Crine, but the fact that he was the eldest son militated against him in the matter of education, for work on the farm had to be attended to, in pioneer days, by the chil dren as well as by the adults of the family. He worked on the homestead until he was twenty-four years old. On February 27, 1862, he married Julia A. Barker, who was born October 31, 1829, in Fitchville township, in which township her father, Joseph Barker, was an early settler. To this marriage came one son, Frank B., born September 20, 1863, a farmer of Fitchville. After his marriage Mr. Arnert purchased a farm in Townsend township, and resided thereon until 1872, when he moved to Fitchville township, and located on the "Elias Showers Farm." He now owns 127 acres of excellent land, which tract is under a high state of cultivation. He is also a stock grower, and takes pride in the appearance of his cattle, farm and home. Prior to 1863 he was a Republi can, but since that year has been a Demo crat. Before his marriage he saved enough from his earnings to purchase his first farm, and his property to-day, which repre sents the savings of thirty years, is a monu ment alike to his systematic farming and to his industry. ;HAUNCY WOODWORTH, a well- known, native-born citizen of New Haven, is a son of Jonathan Wood- worth, a farmer, who was born in Trumansburgh, Tompkins county, New York. Jonathan P. Woodworth, grandfather of subject, was born July 15, 1775, in Con necticut, and was reared to farm life. He became a minister in the Baptist Church, and followed his profession with much success. He married, and had children as follows: Abigail, born in 1797; Anna, born in 1800; David, bora in 1801; Jonathan, born September 7, 1803; Osames, born in 1805; Cynthia, born in 1807; Chauncy, born in 1809; Herman, born in 1811; Clarinda, born ia 1814; Salina, born in 1817; and William O, bora in 1819. Rev. Jonathan P. Woodworth served for many years as justice of the peace. He died in Trumansburgh, New York. 8 Jonathan Woodworth attended the schools of his native place during his boy hood. He learned the shipbuilder's trade, and early in life became a sailor on the lakes, between Geneva and Buffalo. In 1835 he came west to Ohio, settling on a tract of ninety-six acres in New Haven township, Huron county, where he en gaged in general agriculture, in which he met witb considerable success, at one time owning as much as 250 acres of land. He was united in marriage October 27, 1828, with Miss Freelove Mott, of Shenango, Penn., daughter of Burger Mott, a farmer, who was born September 10, 1786. To this union were born fourteen children, as follows: Herman, in 1830; E. C . July 25, 1831; J. P., October 13, 1832 (de ceased); Mary A., March 19, 1835; So phronia, November 25, 1836; Chauncy, December 8, 1838; William A., May 12, 1841; James G., August 16, 1842; Mercy J., November 25, 1844; Salina M., April 22, 1847; Ellen H., August 14, 1848; Cynthia, December 23, 1850 (deceased); Arsula, October 23, 1853; and one that died in infancy. In politics Jonathan Woodworth was an active member of the Democratic party, was a great debater, and served several terms as trustee of his township. In religious matters he was a prominent member of the Baptist Church, He passed away April 16, 1857. He was a man of large physique. 232 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Chauncy Woodworth passed his boyhood days on the home farm in New Haven township, meantime receiving his educa tion in the common schools. He then worked by the month for his mother for twelve years. On October 6, 1869, he was married to MissMaryetta Hartman, daugh ter of Peter Hartman, who was a success ful farmer of Bucks county, Penn., where he was„born. He had five children, viz.: Maryetta(Mrs.Woodworth),Frank,Ckarles, George and Arabelle. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Woodworth resided for two years on a farm in New Haven township, and he then bought a place in Richmond township, Huron county, near Chicago, where they also remained two years. In 1875 they came to their present residence, a pleasant farm of sixty-four acres in the suburbs of New Haven, on which Mr. Woodworth has made numerous improve ments. In his political affiliations our sub ject is a Democrat, and takes an active in terest in the welfare of his party. He is a substantial supporter of religious insti tutions, giving liberally of his means to churches and church work. Mrs. and Mrs. Woodworth have had two children, one being still-born, the other, a daughter named Belle, dying at the age of three years. |f Jf ON. S. E. CRAWFORD, Norwalk, \^\ is a native of Richland county, \ |1 Ohio, born September 20, 1842. ¦J) There are strong evidences at hand pointing to the fact that he not only came into this world, but also to Norwalk, under propitious stars. Twice in succession was he called to the office of mayor of that city by the suffrages of his old neighbors, the first time in 1889 ; and so favorable was his service that he was re-elected, and was yet again the unanimous choice of his party's convention for a third term, chosen over the heads of older citizens, and. it is not too much to say, above all in Norwalk, because he is and has been of the political party that is in the minority in the city. Few men ever receive such a compliment from the voters as has come unsought to him; few men are stronger than party ties, or live in an atmosphere far above the active preju dices of the American voter. Mr. Crawford is a son of David and Margaret (Miller) Crawford, natives of Pennsylvania and Maryland, respectively. They were pioneers to Richland county, Ohio, where they met and were married, thence removed to Huron county, when the subject of this sketch was about five years of age. The father died March 31, 1884, aged seventy-five; the mother Octo ber 1, 1885, at the same age. They were Universalists in their religions views, and were possessed of the united respect of* their fellow-men. Commencing their young lives together, they were but briefly separated in death. The paternal grand father of our subject was a native of Ire land, and a pioneer of Beaver county, Penn., thence moving to Richland county, where he was a farmer. The paternal grandmother, Mary Eckles, was of Scotch descent, and survived to the advanced age of ninety years. Mayor Crawford's ma ternal grandfather, Henry Miller, of Mary land, removed to Harrison county, Ohio, when Mayor Crawford's mother was but a small child, locating soon after in the forests on the dividing line between Huron and Richland oounties, four miles east of where is now the town of Plymouth. Our subject's maternal grandmother died in the village of Peru, Huron county, at the advanced age of ninety-three years. S. E. Crawford is the fifth in a family of ten children. Here he has lived his life of useful years, receiving from the common schools of his locality the funda mentals of an English education. WheD old enough, he was apprenticed to learn the wagon maker's trade, which he left un completed to enter the service of his coun try to aid in the suppressing of the great Rebellion. He first joined Company C, One Hundred and Sixty-sixth Regiment, HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 235 O. V. I., and served a term of four months; then enlisted in the One Hundred and Ninety-second Regiment, O. V. I., Company A, and served in this command , eight months as first lieutenant, all the time being attached to the army of the Potomac. When peace with her blessings again came to the land, tbe young soldier quit, the tented front and repaired to Bryan, Williams Co., Ohio, and again took up the learning of his trade, completing which he located, in 1867, in Norwalk, and commenced making wagons and car riages, having established the firm of S. E. Crawford & Co. In this he continued until 1872, when he sold his interest in the company, and at once engaged in the agricultural implement business. In a short time he organized his present indus try — the manufacture of rubber buckets, chain and wood force pump supplies. In 1882 Mr. Crawford was elected a member of the city council, and was re-. elected until 1889, when he was chosen mayor, as already stated. He is a promi nent member of the I. 0. O. F., Daughters of Rebekah, Knights of the Maccabees, National Union and G. A. R,, in all of which he is a past officer. He is a director of the Norwalk Metal Stamping and Spin ning Company, and is vice-president of the Home Savings and Loan Company. On June 20, 1893, he was elected a director of the Sandusky, Milan & Norwalk Elec tric Railway. On September 30, 1869, S. E. Crawford was united in marriage with Miss Mary E. Harrington, daughter of Patrick and Mary Harrington, formerly of Cleveland, now deceased. FW. SCHNEERER, M. D., Nor walk, is a native of Cleveland, Ohio, bora June 27, 1850, of German descent, the son of Fredrick and Johannah (Schwartz) Schneerer, natives of Germany, who came to this country in 13 an early day, and settled in Buffalo, N. Y., subsequently removing to Cleveland, Ohio. They had a family of ten children, and of these the subject of this notice is the fifth in the order of birth. He received a good English education in the city of his nativity, and after completing his literary education, began reading medicine under a preceptor, aud became a student at the Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio, graduating therefrom in 1875. In the same year he opened an office for the practice of his profession, in Norwalk, where he has since remained, commanding a large and lucrative business, originally somewhat assisted in starting the prac tice by his thorough familiarity with both the English and German languages, which, followed by eminent success with clients, soon established for him a fair and wide reputation. During the year 1892 Dr. and Mrs. Schneerer spent the season traveling in Europe, among the countries visited being England, France, Germany, Switzerland, Scotland and Holland. The doctor is a member of the State Eclectic Medical Society. On November 18, 1875, he was united in marriage to Miss Abbie F. Cahoon, and of this union were born four children: Fredrick B., Carl E., Mary E., and Theodore C. H W. HOFFMAN, a son of George and Margaret Hoffman, was born September 5, 1857, in Sandusky J) county, Ohio. His parents, who are natives of Germany, emigrated to the United States in youth, and grew to maturity in Ohio. George Hoffman was twice married, three children being born to each marriage, all residing in Ohio, and of whom H. W. is the eldest. H. W. Hoffman was reared in his native county, and received all his literary train ing before he was eleven years old, his father's circumstances not being such as to warrant his giving his son any great 236 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. educational advantages. In 1868 he was apprenticed to a harness maker, and at the age of seventeen established at Sandusky his own saddle and harness shop, which he carried on for three years. In 1875 he removed to Chicago Junction, where he continued in his trade. In 1886 he opened a grocery store, just opposite his present store, on Myrtle avenue, and in 1889 erected the two-story brick building, 30 x 60 feet, which he now occupies. Here he car ries a complete stock of standard and fancy groceries; the establishment is well fitted up, and the entire concern would do credit to a much larger city than Chicago Junction. Mr. Hoffman was married, April 24, 1879, to Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob Stahl, of New Haven township, and to them four children were bora, namely: Lily, Rolson, Paul, and Herbert Henry &dio died at the age of ten years). Mr. offman is a member of Lodge No. 748, I. O. 0. F., also of the local Lodge, K. of P. No. 442, and Golden Rule Lodge 562, F. & A. M. The facility with which he changed a trade for a mercantile business, and the success which he has won, are noticeable points in Mr. Hoffman's career. Few men could risk making the change, and all he has accomplished must be cred ited to himself, and to his energy, good judgment aud business acumen. WILLIAM W. DRENNAN was born July 18, 1820, at Canton, Stark Co., Ohio, a grandson of David Drennan, a native of Ire land, who immigrated to America prior to the Revolution, settling in Pennsylvania. David Drennan was married at Carlisle, Penn., to Jane Armstrong, a daughter of a Protestant-Irish settler in that town, and seven children were born to them — three sons and four daughters — of whom James, the father of subject, was the second in order of birth. Prior to 1781 David Drennan was a "carrier of merchandise and produce" between Carlisle and Pitts burgh. Settling in Beaver county in 1781, be aided in its establishment, and in the year 1805 was appointed associate judge of that county by Gov. McKean, vice Ab ner Lacock, resigned. In 1804 he was a member of tbe first grand jury. Two years before he and one James Drennan were tax-payers of the original Beaver township (later Ohio township), and Judge Drennan was a most influential citizen, and an intelligent judge until his death, which occurred in Ohio township, August 12,1831. James Drennan was born at Carlisle, Penn. At the age of fifteen years he was apprenticed to a cabinet' maker, and worked for his master until his nineteenth year, when he bought his freedom. Removing to Steubenville, Ohio, in 1802, he worked al his trade, and also as carpenter and joiner, until he had earned sufficient money to pay for his freedom, his master giving him time to do so. When twenty-one years old he married Jane Patton. a native of Pennsylvania, of Protestant-Irish descent, and to them six children were born, of whom David, the eldest son, became a Methodist preacher, and died when about twenty-three years old; Jane died unmar ried; John Patton, now over seventy-eight years old, resides at Decatur, 111., where his son publishes a daily paper; the other three died in childhood. In 1812 James Drennan was commissioned lieutenant in the recruiting service for eastern Ohio, and organized two militia companies, the second of which he commanded as captain; and going to the front at once, they served in Harrison's army. After his marriage Mr. Drennan had worked at his trade in Can ton, Ohio, until called out to serve in the army. After the war he, in partnership with a wealthy German and a wealthy Frenchman, organized the first banking concern at Canton, of which he was cashier until 1821. His first wife died in 1818, and in 1819 he married Eliza Wolfe, a HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 237 native of Wilkes-Barre, Penn., then re siding at Mansfield, Ohio, where she taught school and conducted the military store in the old Blockhouse. She had come to Ohio with her widowed mother in 1804, first settling at Newark, whence they soon re moved to Fredericksburgh, remaining there until Hull's surrender, after which Mrs. Wolfe joined her daughter at Mansfield. In 1821 Mr. Drenuan resigned the posi tion of cashier in the Canton Bank, and moved to Mansfield, where he speculated in land, and engaged in agriculture. In 1825 he came to Plymouth, same State, where he worked at his trade and at differ ent times engaged in mercantile business. He was postmaster at Plymouth for four years, under William H. Harrison's ad ministration, and during his residence in Stark county was justice of the peace. He died in December, 1859, being then over seventy-seven years old. His widow died in 1870 at the age of eighty-one years. Of the six children of this second marriage, four are living, namely: William W., the subject of this sketch; Artemisia D., now Mrs. McDonough, of Plymouth; Rachel C. Cook, formerly of Brooklyn, now of Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; and Manuel J., a professor in Vassar College, who was edu cated at Oberlin and in the New York Presbyterian Theological Seminary. William W. Drennan received a some what limited education. The- school at Plymouth from 1825, when his parents settled there, to 1832, when his school days ended, was truly a primitive one. At the age of twelve years he entered a general store at Plymouth as clerk, and afterward served in the same capacity in different stores at Mansfield and Zanesville, until he was twenty-four years old, when he established himself in business at Shelby, Ohio. A year later he and his father opened a store at Plymouth, wliich they filled with a stock of general merchandise. The father retired at various times, leaving or selling his interest in the store to others, so that while W. W. Drennan was at the head of the business until December, 1859, he had several partners. At that time he retired from mercantile pursuits, the con dition of his health requiring a rural life, and for eighteen months he was engaged in agriculture. In the spring of 1861, when the war broke out, he was acting as mayor of bis town of Plymouth, and farm ing, but from that time to the 24th of De cember, 1861, he gave more time to re cruiting soldiers for various regiments and companies than he did to his office and farm, and was very successful. He did not enter the army himself because he was pronounced by mustering officer unfit for military duty. On December 24, 1861, he was chosen by the officers of the Sixty- fourth Ohio Infantry as their sutler, in which capacity he served the regiment con tinuously, faithfully and acceptably through the war; -and at the close of the struggle he engaged in the commission business in Cincinnati, doing a very successful trade for about seven months, when he sold out and returned to Plymouth, Ohio, where he gave his attention to his farm and to specu lating in land for some years. When a youth of from sixteen to nine teen years, our subject began the study of law, giving up the few leisure hours at his disposal to that profession for three years. Five years after the war was over, he re sumed the study, and in 1872 was ad mitted to the bar at Norwalk, Ohio, and in Huron and adjacent counties he has since been engaged in practice. During the last eight or nine years he has enjoyed a large pension practice. When he was ad mitted to the law circle in 1872 he had 1,100 acres of land in Huron couuty, the greater area of which he improved. For nine years he was justice of the peace, and has filled the office of notary public since twenty-one years of age. Mr. Drennan was married, in March, 1850, in Cayuga couuty, N. Y.,to Hannah Brinkerhoff, a sister of Gen. R. Brinker- hoff, of Mansfield, Ohio. Of six children bora to this marriage, two are living, viz. : 238 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. George B., a traveling salesman for a Philadelphia house; and Edith K, a sten ographer. Mr. Drennan has been a mem ber of the Presbyterian Church since 1840, and since 1846 of the Plymouth Presby terian Society, in which he is an elder. Politically he is a Republican, having been an anti-slavery Whig prior to the organiza tion of the Republican party. Before closing this sketch, the ancestors of Mr. Drennan on the maternal side should claim some attention. His great grandfather was Manuel Gonzales, a Spaniard and a Protestant, who came to Wilkes-Barre, Penn., and there married an English girl named Turner. Eleanor, one of the daughters of their marriage, wedded an Austrian Protestant by the name of Wolfe, who found a home in Penn sylvania, where he was accidentally killed in his fifty-fourth year. Soon after this sad event the widow and her four daugh ters and three sons moved to Ohio, where the second daughter, Eliza Wolfe, married James Drennan. FRANK J. SMITH, who is a son of Frank and grandson of Joseph Smith, natives of Baden, Germany, was born in Peru township, Huron Co., Ohio. Frank Smith, father of subject, when a young man left his native land in 1829, accompanied by his brother Joseph, and they landed in the United States. Shortly after the brothers came to Massa chusetts, and while there concluded to seek a home in the newer country beyond the Alleghany mountains. They wrote to the father in Baden, telling him of their intentions, and asking him to take his family to New York. In 1832 the entire family met in that city, and without delay traveled westward via the Hudson river and Erie Canal. Halting at Cleveland, Ohio, they found that land could be purchased there at eight dollars per acre, but learning that better land, at lower prices, could be had farther west, they set out on the journey which ended in Peru township, Huron Co., Ohio. The incident which urged them to locate here was a common one in the history of the settlement of the western States. Halt ing at a spring to drink, they found the water exceptionally cool and clear, the land in the vicinity good, and the location on the ridge, between the sources of the Huron rivers, favorable to health and in dustry. The physical features of the country corresponded with their correct ideas of agriculture, and they delayed not in obtaining a title to the land. They immediately erected a frame building on the west side of the road leading south west from Monroeville, and there they re sided until the death of Joseph Smith (grandfather of subject) aud his widow. Frank Smith, son of Joseph Smith, pur chased a tract of land from his father, paying six dollars per acre for same. He married Miss Generosa Ott, aud to this union the following named children were born: Caroline, who died when thirty years old; a son who died in infancy; Frank J., the subject of this sketch; John J., a resident of Bronson township; Charles S., of Peru township; Alvin P., of Fre mont, Ohio; Joseph S., of Peru township, and Edward, who died in 1884. Frank Smith, Sr., was a hardworking, intelligent agriculturist, and a man of fine moral ideas. He died in 1872. His widow, a kind, wholesouled woman, died in 1888, in the midst of her children, who merited and won succes. Both were interred in St. Alphonsus cemetery. Mr. Smith was a member of St. Alphonsus Catholic Church, in which he served as trustee and in vari ous other positions. In politics he was a Democrat, and from 1832 to 1872 took an active interest in national, State and local issues, and filled many township positions. Frank J. Smith, son of Frank and Gene rosa (Ott) Smith, was born March 3, 1840, in Peru township, and received such an education as the schools of the district HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 239 afforded. Being the eldest son of a pioneer family, uo small share of work had to be done by him; but with all this he filled the double role of pupil and farm hand without complaining. He labored on the homestead farm until 1867, when he mar ried Susannah Scharf, a native of New Washington, Crawford Co., Ohio. This marriage was blessed with the following named children: Frank W. (of California), Mary O, Louisa C, Peter, Julia (a teacher in the convent), Alfred, William, Henry, Jacob, John, Carl,. Theresa and Hattie, all residing at home. The parents and their children are all members of the Catholic Congregation of St. Alphonsus, to which faith their ancestors have adhered almost since the Romans named the cradle of the family in Europe — "Civitas Aurelia Aquensis." In politics Mr. Smith is a Democrat, but beyond matters relating to his township and county, is content with the constitutional right to vote. He de votes close attention to his agricultural and stock growing interests, and is considered one of the most industrious citizens and one of the most systematic and intelligent farmers of this rich pastoral district. He is prominent among tbe people of German descent, and his example and counsel are appreciated by all within the circle of his acquaintance. rH. JONES, attorney at law, Nor walk. From the unanimous testi mony of this community, we may well say that this gentleman is one of the leading members of the Huron county bar. He was born September 15, 1858, near Madison, Wisconsin, a son of James and Sabra (Alvord) Jones, who mi grated from Massachusetts to the West, settling in Wisconsin. After a time, how ever, they retraced their steps, returning East and locating in Bellevue, Huron Co., Ohio. The paternal ancestors of the family came to this country about 1700, and settled on the island known as Martha's Vineyard; the maternal ancestors were from England. F. H. Jones received his early educa tion in the common schools, and then be came a student in Western Reserve Uni versity, Cleveland, where he received the degree of A. B. in the class of 1882. During the year 1882-83 he was super intendent of the public schools of Mentor, Ohio. He then entered the Cincinnati Law School, and in 1885 received his diploma, conferring the degree of LL. B. Locating first in Sandusky, Ohio, he there commenced the practice of his profession, but in a short time removed to Norwalk, entering into the law practice in partner ship with G. R. Walker. This firm was subsequently dissolved, and Mr. Jones opened out his present office, where he has since been in active practice, gaining an unusual degree of success. Pleasant in address, a diligent student and graceful speaker, his onward course has been the inevitable result following strong and fixed causes. He has the entire respect and confidence of his professional brethren, and the courts have designated their confidence by appointing him referee in a number of important cases. He has given special study in the law to the subjects of equity, corporations and realty, and his researches in these lines have made him influential, if not an authority, even with the older men of the profession. Mr. Jones is yet a young man; the future' with its fairest promises is all before him, and here his closest friends may in confidence anchor their fondest hopes. In politics he has always been an enthusiastic and active Republican. FHILIP SEEL was born November 24, 1843, on his father's farm in Nassau, Germany, and received his elementary instruction in the pub lic schools of the vicinity. He afterward took a thorough course of study MO HURON COUNTY, OHIO. at a higher institution of learning, and fitting himself for the position of civil engineer, followed that profession for some time in his native land. In 1870, having saved a good sum of money, he left Germany for America, embarking at Hamburg, on the steamer " Harmonia." After landing in New York, he pushed westward to Ohio, aud renting a place in Ridgefield township, Huron county, com menced agricultural -pursuits. In 1871 he was united in marriage with Louisa, daughter of Chris Knoll, who was a native of Germany and an early settler of Ridgefield township, Huron county. After his marriage Philip Seel purchased and moved upon a portion of the farm he now occupies, to which he added year by year, and the place is now one of the most valuable in the township. It is adorned with all modern improvements, including a commodious brick residence, and other substantial buildings. Politically Mr. Seel is a Republican, and has served in various local offices, having been school director for seventeen years. The family are all members of the Lutheran Church, and en joy the esteem of all who know them. Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Seel, as follows: Otto W., Amelia, Lydia, and a daughter that died in infancy. [Since the above was written Mr. Philip Seel died November 24, 1892, on his forty-ninth birthday. JJJLRAM D. DRAKE, a prosperous '^ young farmer of Ridgefield town- || ship, is a grandson of Hiram and Sarah (Ruggles) Drake, both of whom were residents of Connecti cut, descended from English ancestry. Salmon Drake, father of our subject, was born April 9, 1827, in Plymouth, Luzerne Co., Penn., and came to Ridge field township, Huron Co., Ohio, in 1848. On June 17, 1850, he was united in mar riage with Cynthia Dickey, and the fol lowing autumn they located on the Dickey homestead in Ridgefield township. He was a superior farmer, and devoted the greater part of his life to that vocation ; he also had a practical knowledge of carpen try, which he followed during the earlier years of his life. In July, 1867, Mr. and -Mrs. Drake and their eldest daughter united at Fairfield, Huron county, with the congregation of the Christian people known as Disciples. In January, 1868, their membership was transferred to a sis ter church in Norwalk, where Mr. Drake was at once chosen elder, and continued to serve in that office the remainder of his life. He was a zealous Christian man, taking an active part in every good work tending to the advancement of the moral or religious growth of the community. While one day training a young horse he was injured in the left side, and having contracted a cold in a storm soon after ward, it resulted in a fatal attack of typhoid pneumonia. He died April 3, 1877, and was followed to the grave by a large number of sympathizing friends. Since the death of her husband Mrs. Drake has continued to reside on the home place, where her children were born as follows: Eliza Jane, July 5, 1852; Hiram D., July 7, 1854; Charles W., May 9, 1856; Imogene, April 29, 1858; J. Omer, March 6, 1861; Georgiana, November 3, 1862; Sterry A., March 19, 1864; and Ira, born October 4, 1865, died January 18, 1872. Hiram D. Drake received his early edu cation at the "Webb settlement" school, afterward attending a normal school at Milan, in Erie county. After the death of his father he began to cultivate a tract of land for himself, meanwhile boarding at the home of a neighbor. On March 23, 1887, he was married to Blanche I. Killey, a native of Marblehead, Ottawa couuty, Ohio, and a daughter of Robert and Mary Killey. Since their marriage Mr. aud Mrs. Drake have resided on the home place, in Ridgefield township, Huron county, on which he has made many im- HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 241 provements. He is a progressive farmer, and for the past few years has been ex tensively engaged in small fruit culture. He votes with the Republican party, but is not an active politican, as he gives his whole time to conducting his private busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. Drake have two little sons, viz.: Lewis Earl, born December 29, 1888, and Robert Eric, born November 27, 1892. EORGE BURDUE, a prominent, successful farmer of Townsend town ship, was born February 19, 1811, in what is now Milan township, Erie county. He is the second in a family of eleven children (four of whom died in infancy) born to William and Elizabeth (Blazer) Burdue, both of whom were born in Pennsylvania, the former of French and the latter of German ex traction. William Burdue, the father of subject, was born November 26, 1782, and received an ordinary common-school education in his native State, where he afterward en gaged in agricultural pursuits. Here too he was married, March 28, 1809, and in the fall of the following year (1810) emi grated with his wife and child to the then extreme limit of the western frontier, the almost unbroken and pathless wilderness of northern Ohio. Settling in the northern part of Lot No. 4, Townsend township, Huron county, he entered wild lands, and built a log cabin in the primitive manner of those days, with clap-board or shake roof, puncheon floor and wooden latches. During the first winter after his arrival he left his family in the country near the In dian village of Milan, while he busied himself in getting his cabin ready for their reception in the spring. Here, in tbe dense forest, by which they were sur rounded for miles on every side, he com menced to carve out a home for himself aud family, subsequently clearing up and improving an excellent farm. On this home the family experienced all the hard ships and privations incident to a frontier life, mitigated, however, by the various pleasures common to backwoods life in those early days. The vast forest around them teemed with wild game of all kinds, wild honey was abundant, and maple syrup and sugar easily obtained. Though their white neighbors were few and far between, there was a warm, hearty, neighborly feel ing existing among them, and their social intercourse at the frequent house raisings, log rollings and quilting bees was of the most friendly character. Soon after their arrival the family made the acquaintance of an old Indian in the vicinity, who sub sequently, by reason of the many favors shown him, especially by Mrs. Burdue, a lady of most excellent character, became warmly attached to the family, and ren dered them many services. On oue occa sion Mr. Burdue, having lost a span of horses and a colt, was asked by this Indian to show him their tracks; this being done, the Indian carefully measured them with his hands and went away, returning in a few days and iuforming Mr. Burdue that he had found tracks answering to the de scription. He also learned that the In dians would, in a few days, go to Huron, their usual trading point, and Mr. Burdue requested his father, Nathaniel Burdue, who was "able to speak the Indian language, to go to Huron and demand the surrender of the animals. This he did, but the In dians refused to give them up without compensation, the terms being a small- quantity of corn and whiskey, which were promptly furnished and the horses re turned. This same old Indian gave frequent evidences of his friendship for the family, the most important of which occurred during the war oi 1812-15, soon after the surrender of Gen. Hull, when, partly by signs, he made the family understand that the savages were preparing to massacre the settlers; that at the expiration of a certain number of moons they would all probably 242 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. be scalped if they remained in the country; and at the same time he enjoined upon them the strictest secrecy as to the source of their information, assuring them that death to him would be the consequence of this friendly warning if known to other members of his tribe. After this he went away, aud was never again seen in these parts. The family immediately prepared for flight, first hiding some of their house hold and cooking utensils under the puncheon floor of their cabin, and went back to Pennsylvania, where they remained until after the close of the war, returning to their frontier home in the spring of 1816; and they found the articles hidden under the puncheon floor undisturbed, al though the cabin had been occupied by the savages. Mr. Burdue brought with him, on his return from Pennsylvania, two small buhrs or stones for a hand-mill, which he set up near one side of the cabin, and which was used by the neighbors for several miles around, and was for a time the only one in the vicinity. He afterward sold the mill to a potter in Milan, who used it for grinding clay. For many years the wolves, witb which the woods were swarming, were among their greatest pests, and would carry off or destroy calves and young stock of all kinds, unless it was secured under the very eaves of the cabin; they' were fre quently seen prowling abont the spring near the house in daytime, and on one oc casion destroyed the children's playhouse "near the cabin. Wild cats and panthers were also quite numerous. Game of a less dangerous and more useful character, such as deer, wild turkeys, wild hogs and squirrels, abounded. One of the greatest difficulties of the settlers in that early day was to procure fabric for clothing and other necessary household articles, everything of the kind being very scarce and very dear; prints and domestics were worth from fifty to sixty cents per yard; hence they were obliged to raise flax and manufacture linen, and to weave linsey-woolsey and jeans for domestic use; and not unfrequently they manufactured various articles of wearing apparel from the skins of deer and other wild animals. Salt, too, was very scarce, and at one time Mr. Burdue was obliged to pay ten dollars per barrel for a very in ferior quality. Soon after his second ar rival he went back to Pennsylvania and returned with several head of cattle, all of which died of bloody- murrain one after another; their milch cows too died of the same disease, until they had lost their last cow seven different times. For some time after they came to the country there were no schools in the neighborhood, and when a rude log house was finally erected, the schools were of the crudest, most primitive character for sev eral years. As to churches, there were none in the section, and, as usual in almost all new countries, the Methodist itinerant preachers, or circuit riders, were the pio neers in the religious field, holding ser vices first at one, and then another, of the settlers' cabins. Both Mr. Burdue and his wife were lifelong, earnest members of the M. E. Church. His death occurred at his home in Townsend township, October 23, 1834, and that of his wife March 29, 1868, when she was in her seventy -seventh year, her birth having occurred September 26, 1791. They reared seven children who grew to maturity, of whom George is the subject of this sketch; Nathaniel resides in Norwalk; John and Benjamin are iu Linn county, Kans.; Isaac B. lives in Ful ton county, Ohio; Jacob died August 5, 1874, in Michigan; and William W. died July 22, 1886, at Collins, Ohio. Nathaniel Burdue, grandfather of sub ject, emigrated to northern Ohio in about 1808, settling in Berlin township, now in Erie county, where he entered a large tract of land (including the present site of Ber lin Heights), erected a cabin, and the fol lowing year went back to Pennsylvania for his wife and family. Here he subse quently cleared and improved a farm, upon HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 243 which he resided until his death, which occurred when he was over ninety years old. He was born and educated in Penn sylvania, where in early life he learned the shoemaker's trade. Being left an orphan at a very early age, he was bound out till be attained his majority, soon after which he married Miss Margaret Welch, also a native of Pennsylvania. She also lived to be over ninety years of age, and her death was occasioned by an accideut, her clothes having caught fire, whereby she was burned severely. She was a remarkably active, vigorous and energetic woman all her life, and was a lifelong, devout mem ber of the Presbyterian Church. . George Burdue, whose name appears at the opening of his sketch, received but a very limited English education in youth, such as could be gleaned at the primitive schools, held in rude log buildings, of the Ohio frontier in that early day. In after years, however, The succeeded, by his own exertions, in acquiring an ordinary busi ness education. He is possessed of good judgment and a strong, active mind, and is a close observer of everything around him, thus gaining in the great school of experience a fund of useful knowledge and valuable information. He has also been a constant reader, and is well informed. Mr. Burdue owns, and has always lived upon, the old home farm where his youth and early life were passed, and where he has been engaged in agricultural pursuits with the most encouraging success. For several years he was also engaged in manu facturing charcoal for the market, of which he has burned and sold many kilns. He is classed among the pioneers and be longs to the "Firelands Historical Society," a pioneer association, being among the first white children bora in the northern part of Huron (now Erie) county, Ohio. In about 1844 he went to Green Springs, Seneca county, thirty-three miles away, to mill, but there being many others ahead of him, he was obliged to leave his grist and go back a second time, thus traveling 132 miles for one grinding. When a young man our subject was quite a successful hunter, and killed over a hundred deer, be sides wild turkeys and other game without number. In 1830 he killed a very large well-known deer (but a short distance from the house), known as "Old Golden," which other hunters had frequently tried but failed to secure; his track was known by his having lost one hoof. The antlers of this deer, still in his possession, he keeps as a relic of early days. Mr. Burdue was married, November 20, 1838, to Miss Susan Hill, a native of Dela ware county, N. Y., born October 5, 1821, daughter of Moses and Sally (Brooks) Hill, both natives of New York State and of English extraction. Two children — a son and a daughter — have blessed this union: Moses W., born Marcii 13, 1841, and Sarah E., now Mrs. Thomas E. Riggs, bora June 25, 1846. Mrs. Susan Burdue's death oc curred March 17, 1885, when she was in her sixty-fourth year. Though a member of no church she was nevertheless a firm believer in the Christian religion, and a practical Christian. Mr. Burdue now makes his home with his son Moses W. and fam ily, on the old home place. He is and has been an earnest, lifelong member of the M. E. Church. In politics he was for many years a Democrat, but is now identi fied with the Prohibition party, and is an earnest advocate of the temperance cause. He is one of the old pioneers, prominent and representative farmers of the entire county, as well as one of its most respected citizens. Moses W. Burdue, with whom our sub ject now makes his home, has always re sided on the old home farm, where he has been engaged in agricultural pursuits, the greater part of the time with good success. In early life he learned the carpenter's trade, at which he has been employed to some extent and at various places. He re ceived a good English and scientific educa tion in youth at the common schools and at the Western Reserve Normal School, 244 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Milan, Ohio, and in his early manhood was engaged in teaching for a time. He was married, February 2, 1865, to Miss Mary P. Vanderpool, a native of Hamilton county, N. Y., born May 27, 1842, a daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Six- bery) Vanderpool, both of whom were also natives of that State, and of Holland and English descent, respectively. Four chil dren have blessed their union, namely: George M., Mary P., Susie E. and William Earle. Mr. and Mrs. Burdue and the en tire family are active members of the M. E. Church. Socially Mr. and Mrs. Burdue are members of Townsend Grange, No. 1392. He is an earnest advocate of the temperance cause, a Prohibitionist in polit ical faith, and one of the enterprising and successful farmers of the community. HENRY C. PINNEY, a well-known farmer of Townsend township, is a _ native of same, born April 11, 1842, the third in the family of four children born to Hollibert and Harriet (Fay) Pinney, both of whom were natives of New York State, and of English descent. Hollibert Pinney first saw the light De cember 29, 1801, and received a good common-school and academic education. He was engaged in teaching for some time, and worked on the old homestead in New York until he attained his majority. In 1822 he was married to Harriet Fay, whose parents were early settlers of west ern New York; then bought the home farm and followed agricultural pursuits, also working on the Erie Canal and in the salt works. He was a member of the New York State militia until 1835, when he came with his wife and one child to the far western frontier of northern Ohio, lo cating in Berlin township, Erie county. He bought a slightly improved place of ninety acres, and selling it about three years afterward, bought one in Townsend township, Huron Co., Ohio. Here he continued to improve and increase his pos sessions, finally becoming the owner of 255 acres of well-improved land. For several years the family experienced all the hardships and privations incident to frontier life, their few neighbors being widely separated. On this farm Hollibert Pinney passed his remaining days, with the exception of short intervals. He was for many years a justice of the peace in Townsend township, also serving as trustee. He belonged to no Church, but was a firm believer in the Universalist doctrine ; was one of the most honored and respected citizeus of the county, and a purer, more exemplary man in life and character it would be hard to find. He died October 2, 1885. His ancestors were among the early settlers of Massachusetts. Mrs.Har riet Pinney was a firm believer in the doctrines of the M. E. Church, and a con sistent Christian. Her 'death occurred March 23, 1880, when she was in her sixty-seventh year. Henry C. Pinney, whose name opens this sketch, received only a common-school education in youth, never having attended school after his seventeenth year. He has, however, by his own exertions in later years, succeeded in acquiring a very good practical business education. He is a man of good judgment and strong natural sense, and is now possessed of a fund of general information, having been all his life an ex tensive and careful reader. He was em ployed on the old home farm until he was nineteen years old, soon after which, in September, 1861, he enlisted, in Company C, Fifty-fifth O. V. I., was mustered in, and went south with his regiment January 22, 1862. They were assigned to duty with the army of the Potomac, and our subject participated in the battles of Cedar Mountain, Bull Pasture, Second Bull Run, and many other lesser engagements, in fact he was with his regiment in all its marches and engagements until the latter part of August, when he had a severe at- HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 245 tack of typhoid fever, and was sent to Mt. Pleasant hospital, Washington, D. C, where he remained for' several months. Still being unfit for active duty at the front, he was transferred to the V. R. C, and served with same at Washington until the expiration of his term of service, being mustered out September 17, 1864. He then returned to Huron county, Ohio, where he engaged in agricultural pursuits, and has been so employed ever since, with good success, now owning a well-improved farm of 111 acres. Mr. Pinney was married October 16, 1864, to Miss Sarah Jane Roberts, a na tive of Berlinville, Erie Co., Ohio, born October 12, 1843. She is a daughter of Thomas and Lucy (Baley) Roberts, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania, and of German descent. To Mr. and Mrs. Pinney have been born three daughters, namely : Lucy Harriet (now Mrs. Charles Schreiner), Ida Jane and Carrie Agnes. In politics Mr. Pinney has always been a Republican; in 1881 he was elected trustee of Townsend township, serving four years, and was again elected to the same office in the spring of 1891, for a term of three years. He belongs to no Cliurch, but is a firm be liever in the Christian religion, and leans toward the doctrines of the Universalists. He was a charter member of Townsend Post No. 414, G. A. R., in which he has filled the position of quartermaster ever since its organization in April, 1885. THOMAS HURST, a member of the farming community of Townsend township, is a native of the Province of Quebec, Canada, born November 10, 1843, a son of John and Mar garet (Hislop) Hurst. John Hurst was born in Lancashire, England, a son of Thomas Hurst, a weaver, who followed t-hat trade in his native land until his death, which occurred when his son John was very young. John Hurst received a very fair education in England, and after his father's death commenced to learn the weaver's trade, in which he con tinued until reaching manhood. He then enlisted in the British army, in the Royal Artillery, in which he served continuously twenty-seven and a half years, including the period during which all Europe was engaged in the Napoleonic wars, being for a considerable time under the command of the " Iron Duke." - He also participated in the famous Peninsular war, in Spain and Portugal, and while he was serving in that campaign his mother died. Later on — in the war of 1812-14 — his regiment was sent to America (landing at Quebec), and he was with the British forces at the battle of Plattsburg, near Lake Cham- plaifi. While engaged in garrison duty at a fort located on an island in the Riche lieu river, some fifteen miles north of Plattsburg, he first met and became ac quainted with Miss Margaret Hislop, a native of Edinburgh, Scotland, to whom he was soon afterward united in the bonds of wedlock. After his marriage he remained in the army several years, doing garrison duty at various posts in Canada, among them one near Niagara. Upon his final release from military duty he was obliged to go back to England, where he received his discharge and other documents, return ing to Canada as soon as they were secured, and locating on a farm near the Richelieu river, bought by his wife during his ab sence. Here he continued to reside, and was successfully engaged in agricultural pursuits until his death, which occurred in October, 1854, when he was in bis sixty-eight year. Both he and his wife were lifelong members of the Episcopal Church. James Hislop, the father of Mrs. Mar garet Hurst, was twice married in bis native land, Scotland, first time to Miss Park (a cousin of the noted traveler and explorer, Mungo Park), who bore him four children, among whom was the mother of our subject. Mr. Hislop next married a 246 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Miss Betson, and two sons blessed this union. During the first years of the present century Mr. Hislop emigrated to America, settling in Lower Canada. He was a stone-cutter and carver by occupa tion, and was universally conceded to be one of the finest workmen in the country. Shortly before the war of 1812, he, with others, contracted with the English Gov ernment for the Construction of extensive barracks and fortifications along the Cana dian and American frontier, many of which works are still standing, monu ments of their skill and energy. Mr. Hislop continued to follow his trade until his death. For many years before com ing to America he was a prominent and extensive contractor in the stone-cutting business in Edinburgh, Scotland, during which time he had in his employ a man named Dixon, who, years afterward, be came inspector of the reformatory pri sons in Canada, one of which was built by Mr. Hislop on the same island in the Richelieu before alluded to as the site of the fort. Prior to his immigration he was a devout member of the Presbyterian Church, but after his arrival in Canada he identified' himself with the Episcopal Church. Thomas Hurst, tbe subject proper of this sketch, was the ninth in the family of eleven children of John and Margaret Hurst, and received a very fair English education at the common schools of Canada in early life. After his father's death, which occurred when he was only ten years old, he remained on the old homestead with his mother until her death, which occurred in 1857, when our sub ject was but fourteen years of age. Being thus left an orphan at an early age, he was thrown entirely on his own re sources, and compelled to begin the battle with the stern realities of life alone. For several years he was employed by the month — generally on a farm — but was neither afraid nor ashamed to turn his hand to any honorable 'employment that offered an opportunity for making an honest dollar. On September 1, 1860, he set out for the United States, and on Sep tember 3 found himself at Kipton, Lorain Co., Ohio, with two dollars and a half in his pocket. Here he went to work at anything that offered, usually farm work, and in the spring of 1866 bought a partly improved farm of sixty acres in Wakeman township, Huron county, having no buildings and only five acres cleared; but during the folowing fall he built a house, moved onto the place March 13, 1867, and commenced farming on his own account. On this place he remained some fifteen years, when he sold out and bought the farm of one hundred acres in Townsend township, Huron county, known as the Manville farm (of which he is the third owner from the original), upon which he now resides, and where he has since been successfully engaged in agricultural pursuits. Of Mr. Hurst it may most truthfully be said he is the architect of his own fortune, having commenced the battle of life with no friend save good health aud an energy that knew no such word as fail, and with no inheritance save a stout heart and will ing liands; nevertheless, by strict atten tion to business, industry, economy, and honest integrity, he has succeeded in ac quiring a very fair share of this world's goods. He is a man of good judgment and quick perceptions, is at present one of the trustees of Townsend township, and has held various other township positions. Mr. Hurst took out his naturalization papers and became a citizen of the United States June 20, 1868, casting his first Presidential vote for Gen. U. S. Grant in November of that year. On December 25, 1866, Mr. Hurst was married, in Elyria, to Miss Alice M. Close, a native of Henrietta township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where she was born May 9, 1847, daughter of Chauncey R. and Eme line (Ashenhurst) Close, the former of whom was a native of Auburn, N. Y., HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 247 and of English descent, while the latter was a native of Florence township, Erie Co., Ohio, and of English-German ex traction. Four children have blessed the union of Mr. and Mrs. Hurst, viz.: Ernest C, Amy M., Perry T. and Marion A. Mrs. Hurst is a consistent member of the Disciple Church, and while Mr. Hurst be longs to no church, he is a believer in practical Christianity. In politics he is a stanch and uncompromising Republican, and is generally recognized as one of the leading spirits of his party in this part of the couuty. and one of its best workers and organizers. He has always taken a deep interest and an active part in the political affairs of the country, local, State and National, and is one of the prominent, representative citizens of his county. bar TEPHEN M. YOUNG. This prominent and successful attorney at law, who is held in the highest esteem by both his confreres at the of Huron county and the public at large, has the distinguished privilege of claiming descent from a variety of nation alities. Through his father he has inher ited the vigorous, hardy and courageous blood of the Scot and Scotch-Irish ; to his mother he is indebted for having in him much of the vivacity and polish of the French, beside the stability and conserva tism of the Holland-Dutch, whilst for some generations back the family bave been wide-awake Americans. Tbe Young family are (as already intimated) Scotch- Irish, and the maternal grandmother of our subject was a Brennan. His maternal great-grandmother was a cousin to Aaron Burr. Mr. Young is a son of Downing H. Young, who was born in Virginia August 6, 1816, one of a family of fifteen chil dren. At Shelby, Ohio, Downing was married to Angelina Marvin, a highly edu cated lady, and from her he received his chief English education after marriage. Iu early life he commenced the study of law, and in due course was admitted to the bar at Mansfield, Ohio, where he com menced the practice of his chosen profes sion. Moving to Norwalk, he here con tinued to conduct his law business, his practice covering in all a period of over forty-five years. He and his faithful wife are now passing the declining years of their honored lives at tbe old homestead. Eleven children were born to them, Stephen being eighth in order of birth. Four of his brothers were in the Federal army during the Civil war, viz.: Andrew J., who died at Danville, Ky. ; Henry, mortally wounded December 31, 1862, at Stone River, Tenn., dying January 3, 1863; Samuel, who served six years in the army, escaping wounds, and dying at his home afterward; Howard, who served his full time, and also escaped being wounded. Daniel and George Marvin, brothers of our subject's mother, were also in the war, both being wounded, the latter several times, but they escaped with their lives. Charles and John Marvin also served in the Union army, the former as surgeon. B. Howard, husband of our subject's sis ter, was in an Ohio regiment, and died in Andersonville prison. Stephen M. Young, the subject proper of this sketch, was born in Mansfield, Richland Co., Ohio, March 27, 1848. When he was about seven years of acre he removed to Toledo, where he remained till 1860, and then came to New Haven, Huron Co., same State. He had received his elementary education at the common schools in Mansfield, Toledo and New Haven, after which he entered Oberlin College. On completing his studies, in 1867, he commenced teaching school, first in Crawford county, Ohio; after which he became assistant in one of the public schools of Cincinnati, in which capacity he continued three years, and then, in con sequence of impaired health, he had to abandon teaching. We next find him 248 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. acting in the capacity of agent in Shelby, Ohio, for the Merchants Insurance Com pany, of Chicago, before the great fire in Chicago, 1871, which among many other calamities resulted in the closing up of this company along witb a host of others. Mr. Young then engaged in a similar capacity with the Underwriters Associa tion of Philadelphia. During all this time he was industriously pursuing the study of law, and in 1873 he was admitted to the bar at Columbus, Ohio. After a brief sojourn in Plymouth, Richland Co., Ohio, he moved to Bucyrus, Crawford Co., same State, where he commenced the regular practice of law in May, 1875, continuing till October, 1878, when he came to Nor walk, and has since here remained success fully practicing his profession, and build ing up a reputation as a learned and shrewd jurist, in civil, criminal and cor poration law. On July 29, 1877, Mr. Young was mar ried in Cleveland, Ohio, to Miss Isabella Wagner, and five children were bora to them, viz.: Walburga, Henry, Don John, Stephen Marvin, Jr., and Isabella Wagner. In politics Mr. Young is a Republican; socially he is a Freemason, and a member of the Knights of Pythias. EORGE SHEFFIELD, formerly of New London, Conn., was born April 4, 1786. In the summer of 1809 he came on horseback to Ohio as far as the mouth of the Huron river, returning the same way tbe follow ing autumn. He followed his trade (shipbuilding) till the beginning of the war of 1812. When the British frigate " Macedonia " was captured by Commodore Decatur, Mr. Sheffield was a member of the Home Guards. Early in the winter of 1813 he married Betsey, daughter of the late Abishai Woodward, of New London, and on November 18, 1814, a son, George Woodward, was born. In June, 1816, George Sheffield left Connecticut with his wife and son in a one-horse chaise, his brother, J. B. Sheffield, boy, Orrin Harris, and man with team following. At Dun kirk, N. Y., the family boarded a schooner, and after an uneventful voyage landed at Huron, Ohio, some time in the following August. On his land on the west bank of Old Woman creek he built a log house, where the daughter, Betsey, was born in September. Soon after, the place being very unhealthy, the family moved to Huron, where Mrs. Sheffield died on the 18th of the following November. The next spring Mr. Sheffield moved to Lyme township, where he, with his brothers-in- law, William and Gurdon Woodward, kept bachelors' hall for two years, during which time they were preparing separate homes. In 1819 Mr. Sheffield, for his second wife, married Thurza Baker, daughter of John Baker, of Strong's Ridge. In 1820 he was elected to the office of justice of the peace. In February, 1822, his house was burned, and in it his little daughter, Betsey, and the boy, Orrin Harris, together with all the household goods. His neighbors gave him all assistance within their power. About 1823 Mr. Sheffield sold his land in Eldridge township (now Berlin) to Daniel Benschooter. In 1825 or 1826 he was appointed to appraise the "Firelands" for taxation. In the autumn of 1831 he was elected treasurer of Huron county, moving to Norwalk, and he served in that capacity until his death. On August 20, 1834, Mrs. Sheffield was seized with cholera, and died that night; Mr. Sheffield was taken witb the same disease, and died on the 23rd — three days later. There were five children of the second marriage, viz.: James King, who died at the age of four; Betsey; James Fredrick; Sarah T. and Edward. On June 14, 1846, George Woodward Sheffield married Lucy, daughter of Gur don and Mary S. Woodward, of which union there were seven children, viz.: HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 249 Mary, who married Henry G. Bramwell, formerly of Bellevue (they now live in Lincoln, 111.); George, who died in 1884 (he married Mary Gertrude, daughter of the late Judge Joel Parker, of Cambridge, Mass.); Rachel, deceased in 1885; Julia, married to Ezra R. Oliver, of Norwalk; James, married to Fannie A., daughter of Samuel Bemiss, of Strong's Ridge; and Lucy and Gurdou, the latter of whom died in infancy. Mrs. Sheffield died in 1865. Mr. Sheffield still lives upon his farm two miles sonth of Bellevue, on the western boundary of the "Firelands." ^lLLIAM C. PENFIELD, one of tbe prominent and prosperous farmers of Norwalk township, is a native of Huron county, born in North Fairfield township in 1839. His father, Samuel Penfield, was born near Danbury, Conn., in 1804, where he passed his boyhood on a farm, and when a young man learned the trade of wagon maker. In 1827 he moved to North Fair field, Ohio, with his mother and two sis ters, a third sister with her husband and family accompanying them. He had pre viously walked from Connecticut to North Fairfield, taken possession of a tract of wild land inherited from his father, and built a log cabin upon it, and on the ar rival of the family they' found this prim itive home awaiting them. He occupied and improved the farm for a number of years, during which time, in 1831, he was married to Miss Clara A. Woodworth, of North Fairfield, a native of Central New York, and daughter of James Woodworth. A few years after his marriage he rented the farm and moved into the village of North Fairfield, where he worked at his trade for a short time, and then engaged in mercantile business for several years. About 1846 he returned to the farm, and there passed the rest of his days, dying at the age of fifty- three years. There were six children born in the family, namely: Ephraim P., Frances E., James W. (de ceased), William O, Charles (deceased) and Henry B. (deceased in infancy). Of these, Ephraim P., a physician, resides in tbe State of Washington; Frances E. mar ried T. H. Kellogg, an attorney of Nor walk, Huron county; Charles enlisted in the One Hundred and First 0. V. I., at tached to the army of the Cumberland (he was seriously wounded in the battle of Stone River, and died in 1871). The father of this family died in 1857, in poli tics a stanch Abolitionist, a strong temper ance man, and in religious faith a member of the Baptist Church. William C. Penfield received his ele mentary education in the common schools of his native township, after which he at tended the Normal School at Milan, Erie county, also a select school, and then be came a teacher himself, pursuing the voca tion three years. In 1860 he took a trip to Pike's Peak, and for one year mined for gold, with fair success. The following year he returned home, and the Civil war having broken out he enlisted for three years in the Fifty-fifth O. V. I. He par ticipated in Fremont's campaign up the Shenandoah Valley in pursuit of Stonewall Jackson, ending in the battle of Cross Keys; with Sigel along the Rappahannock, the Second Battle of Bull Run, Chancel lorsville, Gettysburg, Reach Tree Creek, and in numerous minor engagements. At Chancellorsville he had some remarkably narrow escapes, being struck by bullets no less than three times in less than a minute — one bullet drawing blood on his knuckle, another striking his elbow, while a third pierced his knapsack. At Gettysburg he was taken prisoner, conveyed by way of the Shenandoah Valley to Richmond, and confined in Belle Isle prison. After bis exchange the following spring, he rejoined his regiment on the Atlanta campaign. At the close of his three years service he was mustered out at Atlanta, but early in 1865 re-enlisted, being this time attached 250 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. to Gen. Hancock's corps, and was on duty in Washington during the trial and at the execution of the conspirators who took part in the murder of President Lincoln. In 1866 he was mustered out of the serv ice, having been in the army over four years, and during all this time of service he was never absent from his company ex cept while a prisoner. On his return home from the army Mr. Penfield went to Michigan, and was there engaged in milling for five years, at the end of which time he once more came to Huron county and engaged in farming. He has a nice property of about ninety acres, just outside the city limits of Nor walk. In 1869 he married Miss Agnes A. Perry, of that city, a daughter of Orfus Perry, a farmer, and three children were born to this union, viz.: Clara M.; Leah, who died in infancy; and Louis P. Po litically our subject has always been a stanch Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. ;HARLES ROWLEY. In the career of Charles Rowley we find one of the best examples of the thrifty, enterprising descendants of that sturdy New England stock, which charac terizes the Western Reserve, and has made it so justly famous as one of the great centers of intelligence, morality and pros perity. He came from an old English family, his quite remote ancestors being among the very first settlers and pioneers of Connecticut. His grandfather, Eli Smith Rowley, bora about the middle of the eighteenth century, was a man of strong character and convictions, and thoroughly patriotic. When but fifteen years of age he enlisted in the Revolutionary war, and was cap tured by the British; bnt, though a mere boy, he managed to make his escape, and by traveling at night again reached the Co lonial ranks, where, by his valiant service, combined with his extreme youth, he ac quired a distinction that was truly de served. His military life was most ap propriately referred to by Hon. Peter Dyckman in an address delivered on July 4, 1876, at Jefferson, N. Y., in which he said : " I know at least one Revolutionary hero, taking his lasting rest among the ever silent of yonder cemetery. Many are the scenes he has portrayed before my mind, in reciting ' deeds immortal ' like unto this. * * * Among the noble patriots who have left a record of deeds of daring and patriotism, we may upon this Centennial Anniversary day inscribe upon the banner of Liberty the name of Eli Smith Rowley." At the close of tfie war he engaged in the pursuit of farming, which was conducted until at a very ad vanced age he quietly retired from active life. Edward Rowley, his son, was born Oc tober 23, 1788. When quite young he left school to learn the cabinet maker's trade, which, though later returning to the family trait of farm life, he followed till near his death, in April, 1878. He was a most excellent workman, and manufactured the finest grades of household furniture, coffins and caskets to be found at that day. His school days were quite limited, yet being of a studious nature, and a great observer, be became well educated, pos sessed an excellent address, and was a fine musician. He was a prominent member and an ardent worker in the Presbyterian Church of Jefferson, N. Y., where the greater part of his life was spent, always taking an active part in the religious and better side of life. In business affairs he was successful, rearing and educating a large family, then retiring in comfortable circumstances. Of his first marriage three sons were born: Frederick, the eldest, joined the "forty-niners" in California, and there accumulated much property; returning, he served two terms as sheriff of Schoharie county, N. Y., where he spent the remainder of his life. Of the \ .c HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 253 other sons, Harvey is still living in west ern New York, and .Edward, who went South when, quite young, became a wealthy planter in Georgia, enlisted in the Con federate army, and was probably killed during the war, as he has never been heard from since. His first wife having died, Edward Rowley, Sr., was again married, this time to Miss Lydia Decker, who was a member of an old family which has long been prominent in the lumber and agri cultural regions of Michigan and southern Canada. She was a woman of considera ble executive ability, especially in domestic and church circles, yet of a mild, loving disposition which was ever manifest. She died April 27, 1877, at the age of seventy- two years, at Stamford, N. Y., her hus band following her a few months later. Of this union five children were born: Elizabeth (Mrs. Edwin Sweet), now living at Eminence, N. Y. ; Sarah (Mrs. James Merchant), who died at Jefferson, N. Y., in April, 1878; Eli, the elder son, who was the first man in Schoharie county to offer his services to his country, at the be ginning of the Rebellion, did noble service in the Union cause, where, by hard service and exposure, he contracted a lung trouble that ended in his death on July 24, 1867, at the age of. thirty-two years; Charles; and Mary Jane (Mrs. Dr. E. W. Gallup), now living at Stamford, New York. Charles Rowley was hora in Jefferson, N. Y., January 11, 1838, and died at North Fairfield, Ohio, November 28, 1891. Of his life and character perhaps no better sketch can be given than the following, which appeared in the Norwalk, Ohio, Experiment-News, shortly after his death: " On a farm, in Jefferson, N. Y., in the year 1838, Charles Rowley was born, the youngest son of Edward and Lydia Rowley. The name has since won for itself a re spect and confidence so universal that only a most true and earnest man might hope to win. It is the fact that the life and death of Charles Rowley presents every where models of a pure life and a pure 14 quality of heart, so much so that the Experiment -News has gathered the few simple details of a life not great in glory and tinsel of cheap fame, but rich in true nobility of heart. " What may have been the home train ing of Mr. Rowley on that New York farm is best attested by his after life. We do not gather figs of thistles; neither do men of the noblest refinements of nature come from other than noble parents. Nor did tbe precepts of those God-fearing par ents fall on. stony soil. Almost from boyhood earnest industry, the plodding step to success, marked the progress of the youth in his studies. After several terms spent in the best school of all, the, position of teacher studying the develop ing sturdy natures of scholars, Mr. Rowley completed his education in the Franklin Literary Institute, at Franklin, New York. " In 1860 Mr. Rowley left his home for Michigan, where he became secretary for extensive mill ing and lumberino; interests, owned by a cousin, Charles Decker, splen didly fitting him, for the successful prose cution of his own business interests in after years. In April, 1863, he was mar ried to Mis.s Elizabeth Stevens, of Ripley, Huron county, and took his bride to Michigan with him, this time to enter the retail store of J. L. Woods, now President of the Euclid Avenue Bank, of Cleveland. In November, 1886, he came to North Fairfield and engaged in the mercantile business, which was conducted most profit ably by him up to the time of his death. He was also the owner of a fine farm near the village, the management of which oc cupied much of his time and attention. He was a director of the Norwalk Savings Bank Company, and vice-president of the Huron County Mutual Insurance Com pany. In politics Mr. Rowley was always a stanch Democrat, fearless in his opinions, but not giving offense by advancing them against contrary opinions. He was always a faithful worker in the interests of his party, and though in a community noted 254 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. for its radical Republican sentiment and with an adverse majority of three to one against bim, has been repeatedly elected school director, till forced to decline to serve longer because of ill health. He has also held the offices of township clerk and township treasurer, an almost impossible accomplishment for a Democrat in Fair field. " During his early life Mr. Rowley was a member of the strict school of the Pres byterian Church. Of later years, and since his residence in Fairfield, he has been an active and devout worker in the Congregational Church. As a sincere Christian, firm in the faith, he met death without fear and in calm and hopeful resignation. His private life was without reproach. In his family he was a loving and always solicitous father, striving by example rather than precept to inspire all about him with his own earnestness of purpose. He was liberal in giving thor ough educations to his children, denying them nothing that would better fit them for the struggle of life. Among his neigh bors no man shared more fully the public confidence. It is related of him that in many cases large sums of money were de posited with him for safe keeping, the owners showing a confidence that they did not have in any bank or saving institution. "At the time of his death Mr. Rowley was a comparatively young man, but too faithful devotion to business laid the foundations of disease too deeply for hu man skill to remove. For fourteen years he has suffered in health, at times seri ously. Last spring an attack of grip fas tened its clutches onto him, developing complications of disease which gradually drew him down until he was forced to his bed, nearly seven weeks before his death. Nervous prostration in its worst form re sulted, and he quietly breathed his last at 6 o'clock A. M. November 28." He leaves surviving him his widow; four sons, of whom the eldest, Edward F., is conducting the business he left, and is president of the North Fairfield Savings Bank; Arthur E., who after graduating in the literary department of the. University of Michigan, and being admitted to the bar, is now practicing law, in partnership with Hon. G. T. Stewart, at Norwalk, Ohio; two small boys, Charles Scott and Leveret Alcott; and one daughter, Anna L., now attending college at Oberlin. In the quiet village cemetery at North Fair field his remains are resting in the beauti ful family vault erected shortly after his death. AMUEL D. MORSE, of Norwalk township, is a native of the city of Norwalk, born in 1845. He is a grandson of Asahel Morse, who in 1818 came from Ontario county, N. Y., to Huron couuty, locating in Ridgefield township, at which time the country was a veritable wilderness, wild animals and Indians being still numerous. He was a carpenter, a trade he followed up to the time of coming here, after which he de voted his attention almost exclusively to agricultural pursuits. After three years residence in Ridge field township, he moved to Norwalk town ship, same county, where he owned in all some 260 acres of land. He entered the ministry of the Baptist Church, and for about thirty years exhorted in the various localities he lived in. His wife was Esther Eaton, of Herkimer county, N. Y., and they had three children, viz.: Daniel, John and Elmira, the latter being deceased. The mother of these dying, for his second wife Asahel Morse married Miss Lucy Raymond, of Ontario county, N. Y., and three children were also born to this union, named respectively Esther (deceased), May and Samuel. Asahel Morse's father served iu the Revolutionary war, himself in that of 1812, in which latter he was a captain stationed at Buffalo, N. Y. Daniel Morse, father of subject, was born January 3, 1810, in Gorham, Ontario HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 255 Co., N. Y., where his boyhood days were spent on a farm, and in attending the schools of the neighborhood. Having learned the trade of a tanner, he followed same for some time, but farming was his chief occupation; he owned the old home stead until 1857, in which year he came to his present farm in Norwalk township, comprising 108 acres. Mr. Morse mar ried Miss Joanna Danforth, of Barnard, Vt., a daughter of Samuel Danforth, M. D., and they had six children, as fol lows: Oscar, Samuel D., Asahel, Alice, Roland and Euphemia. The father has been a Whig and Republican in his politi cal sympathies, and he is a member of the Baptist Church. Samuel D. Morse, the subject proper of this sketch, received a liberal education at the common and high schools of Norwalk, from which latter he graduated. He then went to Toledo to fill the position of book keeper, and in that city enlisted, in 1864, in the One Hundred and Eighty-second Regiment 0. V. I., serving one year, dur ing which period he was promoted to sec ond lieutenant. From 1865 to 1867 he attended a commercial school at Pough keepsie, N. Y., graduating therefrom in 1867. Returning to Toledo, he kept books there three years, and then moved .to his present farm in Norwalk township, Huron county, where he has since carried on agri culture. In 1867 Mr. Morse married Miss Elvira Smith, daughter of Joel Smith, and one child has blessed their union: Mary Alice, living at home. Our subject is a member of and deacon in the Baptist Church. jjILLIAM B. HOYT, a leading citizen of Ridgefield township, was bora March 4, 1820, in St. Lawrence county, N. Y., a son of John and Lydia (Plympton) Hoyt, the former of whom was a farmer of St. Law rence county, and moved to Jefferson county, same State, in 1832. They were married February 26; 1810, and John Hoyt died February 25, 1875, Lydia Hoyt on May 16, 1855. William B. Hoyt attended the common schools of St. Lawrence county, and mov ing with his parents to Jefferson county, remained there until 1844. He and three sisters then joined a party bound for Illi nois, and following the canal to Buffalo, N. Y., there embarked for Sandusky, Ohio, on the vessel " Commodore Perry." While on Lake Erie a storm compelled them to land at Huron, Erie Co., Ohio, and some of the party having intended to locate at Cook's Corners, in Huron county, they took a conveyance thither. They persuaded William to accompany them, and finally deciding to remain there, he purchased and settled on a small farm in the vicinity. On December 22, 1846, he was united in marriage with Mary Ann, daughter of Edward and Rachel (Cook) Williard. She was a native of Adams, Jefferson Co., N. Y., and having lost her parents when young, came to live with relatives at Cook's Corners, Huron Co., Ohio. She then becamo a pioneer school teacher in Ridgefield and Lyme townships, receiving one dollar and fifty cents per week as compensation for her services, and "boarded round" among the pupils. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt began wedded life on a place near Cook's Corners, Huron Co., Ohio, where he remained until 1869. He then purchased the fertile tract of 225 acres where he is now residing, and his parents, coming from New York, passed their last days with this son. On arriving in Huron county, William B. Hoyt had no property, but by hard work and much expense accumulated his present fertile and productive farm, which is underlaid with twenty-two miles of drain tile. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hoyt are: Judson W., a farmer li vino- near Bellevue; W. Julius, an agriculturist of Seward county, Neb.; Charles F., a farmer of Norwalk township, Huron 256 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. county; Hubbard W., a physician of Bellevue; John C, a real estate dealer of EI Dorado, Butler Co., Kans.; Fred B., a real estate dealer of Chandler, Oklahoma; Arthur and Edward W., both residing with their parents. These children have all received a college education, and are prov ing themselves worthy qf the exceptional advantages they have enjoyed. Mr. Hoyt takes a pardonable pride in the fact that nine Republican votes were cast at one time by his family, as he is an enthusiastic member of that party, having served in numerous local offices. He and his wife are members of the Congregational Church, of which he is a deacon. Mrs. Hoyt was a charter member of the North Monroe ville congregation. THOMAS DUNMORE, a well-known inventor, and prominent citizen of Norwalk, was born in Birmingham, England, in 1841, a son of Joseph and Mary (Mason) Dun morp, both natives of England, of whose family he is the only surviving member. Thomas Dunmore emigrated to this country in 1861, and immediately after landing entered the Navy, in New York, remaining in the service four years and three months. He was in New Orleans just after its capture, and spent some time at Key West. Mr. Dunmore has traveled considerably, having crossed the ocean nine times. In his native land he learned the plumber's trade, and after the war set tled in East Boston, whence in 1866 he removed to Cleveland, Ohio, remaining there until 1881, when he came to Huron county for the purpose of following his trade of plumber and steam-fitter. He is the inventor of an improved system of heating and ventilating houses. He is one of the largest stockholders in the Norwalk Incandescent Light and Power Company, of which he was one of the chief organ izers and builders, and is one of the most enterprising citizens of his adoptod town; His system of beating and ventilating is covered by patents, and the testimony of experts from all parts of the country is to the effect that it is of the highest merit — as often reiterated: "the best in the world." He is master of his business, and all the important contracts in Nor walk have been under his successful man agement. In social life Mr. Dunmore is a member of the I. O. O. F. and K. T., and in poli tics he is a Republican. At Birmingham, England, he was united in marriage with Elizabeth Wright, and to them has been born one 6on, Walter T. Our subject's grandfather Dunmore was one of the most extensive farmers in Lincolnshire, England. Mrs. Dunmore's father (Philip Wright) was a soldier under Wellington, and was in the front ranks at the battle of Water loo; one of his sons was in the English army in India, and died iu hospital. He had been discharged, and intended upon his return to England to come to America, but he died a short time after reaching his native country. FREDERICK RICHARD was born November 18, 1818, in Saxony, Ger many, and is a son of John Richard, a tanner, who in bis day was a well- known tradesman in the Saxon community where he lived. Frederick Richard attended school in Germany, and became a fair scholar before he began to learn the tanner's trade under his father. In 1847 he emigrated to America, sailing from Bremen to New York. Qnce in this country, he waited not in the city, but pushed westward to Bellevue, Ohio, where he worked at his trade four years. In 1853 he married Anna Yeager, a native of Saxony, who came to this country alone when twenty-four years old, and to this marriage the following named children were born: John, a tanner of Monroeville; Lena, Mrs. Fred Druner, HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 257 of Toledo; Lewis and Henry, at home; Tillie, Mrs. August Fahrenbacb, of Mon roeville; and August, residing at home. After his marriage Mr. Richard located at Monroeville, and there engaged in the tanning business for many years, con tinuing therein uutil he saw the tannery, which he labored so hard to establish, grow into an important industry. When be re tired to his farm, he gave the business to his son, who now carries it on with marked success. Mr. Richard now devotes his en tire attention to this tract, which contains 165 acres. In political affairs he votes with the Democratic party. In religion the entire family are members of the Lutheran Church. His industry is re markable. His character is well exempli fied by the fact that with very little capital he established a manufacturing enterprise at Monroeville, which subsequently de veloped into a most prosperous industry. C. POST, the well-known liveryman of New London, is a native of the town, born April 6, 1841. He is a son of Hizah and Roxanna (Culver) Post, both natives of Madison county, N. Y., the father born in 1808, the mother in 1826. They were married in New York State, and about the year 1840 came to Huron county, Ohio, locating in New London township, where they engaged in agricultural pursuits. The mother died there in 1862, and the father afterward moved to Wisconsin, making his home there until about 1889, when he went to New York, and there passed from earth in 1892. Their son, C. C. Post, the subject proper of this sketch, received a liberal education at the common schools of his native town, and at the early age of twelve years went on the "Big Four" Railroad as water boy, from which position he was promoted to brakeman, and ran the first sleeping car that was run from Cincinnati, Ohio, to Pittsburgh. Not long afterward he was promoted to the position of traveling agent for the Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne & Chicago Railroad, with headquarters at Indianapo lis, Ind., thence moving to Chicago, having been appointed city passenger agent for the Pennsylvania Railroad; then became ticket agent, with office at the corner of Clark and Randolph streets, same city. His next incumbency was a yet more re sponsible one — general traveling agent for the same Company, over the United States and Canada — a position he filled with characteristic ability and energy five years, after which he came to New London, locating on a farm with G. W. Bissell, father of his first wife, Sabra L. (Bissell), who died in 1883. He then bought the livery business in the town of New Lon don, which he has since successfully con ducted. Our subject by his after marriage with Miss Ella Gates had two children: Clarence and Arline. Politically Mr. Post is a Republican; he served four years on the city council of New London aud four years as deputy sheriff of Huron county. d( WHITBECK FOSTER, manager of the Norwalk Incandescent Light and ' Power Company, is a son of John H. Foster, who was a native of New York, aud in 1834 came to Ohio. He was a school teacher, afterward a stockman and drover, then served in the Civil war as major of the Third Ohio Cavalry. On his return home from the war he conducted a commission establishment in Norwalk for some time. He was married to Nancy M. Boardman, also a native of New York. The father died in 1874 (his death being hastened by his wounds and exposure dur ing the war), and was followed to the grave by his wife in 1886. In their family there are, besides our subject, two sons — Frank B. and William S. — and one daughter — Maria Louise — all yet living. 258 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. J. Whitbeck Foster was born July 25, 1844, in Norwalk, Huron Co., Ohio. He attended the high schools of his native place, then took a two years' commercial course in Brooklyn, N. Y., graduating in 1865. After leaving school he returned to Norwalk, and entered the sewing machine business in partnership with N. S. C. Perkins and W. A. Mack, with whom lie remained until the firm dissolved; then, in company with N. S. C. Perkins, manufactured the Queen and Dauntless sewing machines, until they too went out of business. He afterward became connected with the Norwalk Light and Power Co., continuing with them un til April, 1891, and in April, 1892, he ac cepted the management of the Norwalk Incandescent Light and Power Company. On October 22, 1888, Mr. Foster was married to Clare A. Morehouse, who has borne him one son, Vernon W. In poli tics our subject is a Republican, and has served four years as a member of the coun cil, during which time he was very active in securing electric lights for the city; also served on many important committees. He is secretary of the National Union at Norwalk, and president of the City Board of Equalization. flILLIAM HIMBERGER, one of the representative, pushing, wide awake business men of Norwalk, junior member of the firm of Smith & Himberger, proprietors of lumber yard and planing mill, was born in the Province of Nassau, Prussia, November 23, 1841. He is the eldest in the family of eight children of William and Minnie (Horn) Himberger, the former of whom was born in Prussia in 1816, and was ac cidentally killed in 1863, while his son William was serving in the Union army. The widowed mother, now seventy years of age, makes her home with the subject of this sketch. At the age of fourteen years William Himberger came with his parents to America, and proceeding from their place of landing on these shores to Huron county, Ohio, they here made a settlement, farming being their occupation, in which they met with well-merited success. Young William, after coming here, re ceived about ninety days schooling in all of three successive winters, learning Eng lish; German and arithmetic, in which he was proficient, he had learned in his native land. In 1861 be enlisted in the Federal army, in Company C, Third Ohio Cavalry, in which he served sixteen months; then joined the Thirty-fourth Kentucky In fantry, serving in same till the close of the war, the last two years as sergeant. His regiment was attached to the army of the Cumberland, and the company in which he was enrolled were for the most part of the time employed in provost duty. On June 24, 1865, he was mustered out at Knoxville, E. Tennessee, and he received his pay July 12, following, at Louisville, Ky., when he returned home to the pur suits of peace. On February 14, 1866. Mr. Himberger was married to Miss Mary Huntsdorf, a native of Hessen -Darmstadt, Germany, born in 1845, who came in 1853 to Amer ica and to Huron county, her English ed ucation being received in Norwalk. Four children have come to bless their union, viz.: Minnie, Katie, and Dora and Julia (twins). In 1868 Mr. Himberger entered the lumber business as yard man and salesman in D. E. Morehouse's planing mill and lumber yard, where he worked his way up, serving some time in the office, then as superintendent of the plan ing mill, finally becoming salesman, being there some three and one half years in all; was in Brown & Goodnow's lumber yard and mill, five years; in Lawrence & Gil- sons lumber yard (present location of the Smith & Himberger yard and mill), three and one half years; and August 1, 1880, commenced as a member of the present firm. Tbey do an excellent trade, and en joy the fullest confidence of the people, HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 259 their patronage extending far and wide. The firm have twice suffered heavy loss through fire, the shop having been burned out March 8, 1881, loss about three thous and dollars ; and October 30, 1891, the lumber yard was burned with a loss of about six thousand five hundred dollars over and above what was covered by in surance. But their credit remained intact, and Phoenix-like tbey arose from their ashes, strengthened rather than weakened by the calamities. In politics Mr. Himberger is a Demo crat, firm and loyal, and has served as a member of the town council two years, and as president of the same, one year, being elected in a Republican ward by a major ity of over fifty votes. Socially he is a member of the G. A. R., U. V. U. and Knights of Pythias; in Church connection he is an Episcopalian. ff T[ M. INGLER, general foreman in IsH the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad I Jj Company's shops at Chicago Junc- ¦J) tion, is a son of Joseph and Eliza A. (Baldwin) Ingler, natives of Maryland and Pennsylvania, respectively. The father was a brick manufacturer, and carried on that industry from youth to old age. To Joseph and Eliza A. Ingler nine children were born — five sons and four daughters — H. M. being the second in order of birth. H. M. Ingler was boru December 3, 1828, in Columbiana county, Ohio, where he received his education. At the ao-e of seventeen years he was apprenticed to a machinist at Steubenville, Ohio, serving a full term of four years in the McDevitt shops. In 1850 Mr. Ingler joined a party of Argonauts, and made the journey to California, where he remained four years. In 1856, some two years after his return, he found employment in the shops of the P. C. C. & St. L. Railroad, then known as the Steubenville & Indiana Railroad, at Steubenville, and in 1857 began work in the B. & 0. Railroad Company's shops, at Wheeling, W. Va., since which time, witb the exception of five months, he has been continuously in their employ. He worked at Wheeling ( W. Va.), Bellaire and Chicago Junction (Ohio) and at Garrett (Ind.). For twenty years he was general foreman at Bellaire, and for six months master me chanic at Garrett. In July, 1885, he came to the Chicago Junction shops as general foreman. On July 20, 1854, Mr. Ingler married Mary A. Burt, daughter of Isaac Burt, at Wheeling, W. Va., and to their union the following named children were born: George Eldorado, who was killed by a lo comotive at Bellaire, Ohio; Viola E., wife of W. A. Rang, a brakeman on this divi sion of the B. & O. R. R. (she was twice married, first time at Bellaire, Belmont Co., Ohio, to James McGraw, who was killed at Bellaire while in the service of the B. & 0. R. R. Company as fireman, to which union was born one daughter; after a widowhood of eleven years, Mrs. Mc Graw married W. A. Rang); Kate T., wife of G. W. Deyarmon, owner of a paint store at Bellaire, and also a contractor; Florence, who died in infancy; Martha M., wife of J. L. Milligan, a shoe merchant of Bellaire; Emma, wife of L. C. Hess, form erly of Wheeling, W. Va., now of Chicago Junction; Josephine A., wife of Sherman Williams, a farmer of Huron county, and Miriam E., Bessie M., Edna R. and Hiram K., residing with their parents. During the war of the Rebellion, Mr. Ingler was a strong Unionist. He en listed in the Ohio National Guard, in 1861, for a term of five years, and in May, 1864, went into the United States army, One Hundred and Seventieth Regiment, 0. V. I., for 100 days service; was in active service in the Shenandoah Valley until September 30, 1864, when he was honor ably discharged at Columbus, from which point he returned to his duties with the B. & O. R. R. At Bellaire he was a 260 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. member of the board of Water- works trus tees for three successive terms, aud one of the promoters of the water system of that city. At Chicago Junction he was presi dent of the school board for three years, and ever a strong advocate of fine school buildings. Politically a Republican, he has always been loyal to' the party. In social affairs he belongs to the Order of Good Templars, to the I. O. O. F., to the Masonic Fraternity, and to the Ancient Order of Druids. The entire family affili ate with the Methodist Episcopal Church. H. JACOBS. This well-known citizen of Norwalk traces his an cestry through the dim vistas of many years to a Frenchman of the family name, who immigrated to Ver mont in early Colonial days. His son, John W. Jacobs, who was born in Ver mont, fought uuder Gen. Putnam at Bun ker Hill, and was present during the sur render of Cornwallis at Yorktown. His son, Gustavus, was born in 1792, in Middlebury, Vt, and in 1818 was united in marriage with Harriet Perkins, a native of the same place. They removed to a farm in the New York colony, where he died at the age of eighty-five years. They were the parents of nine children — seven sons and two daughters — of which family Henry was killed in the Civil war, and six are yet living. The parents were members of the M. E. Church. Gustavus Jacobs, son of Gustavus and Harriet (Perkins) Jacobs, was born, in 1828, in Wyoming county, N. Y., where his youth was passed. He learned and followed the boat-builder's trade in con nection with the lumber business, and came to Huron county, Ohio, in 1863. He was married to Sarah A. Roth, who was born March 24, 1831, in Seneca Falls, N. Y., a daughter of Jacob Roth, and grandchild of Casper Roth, whose parents were natives of Germany. Casper Roth served throughout the Revolution, having fought at Valley Forge, taking part also in the battle of Eutaw Springs, and was present at the surrender of Lord Corn wallis. His son Jacob was born in 1798, in Pennsylvania, and was married to Cath erine McBeth. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and fought at Lundy's Lane. After the war most of his life was spent in New York, where he died at the age of seventy-nine years. Gustavus and Sarah A. Jacobs have passed their wedded life in Huron county, Ohio, where he has ac cumulated a large fortune, and is now conducting a sawmill at Norwalk. W. H. Jacobs, a son of Gustavus and Sarah A. (Roth) Jacobs, was born in 1862, in Norwalk, Ohio. He attended the gram mar school and high school of his native place, and since his eighteenth year has followed carpentry and contracting. He and George Stewart have conducted a gen eral business in that line under the firm name of Stewart & Jacobs, for about one year and a half. They engaged in. all classes of contract work, including paving, the laying of sidewalks and water pipes, and employing about twenty-eight men. W. H. Jacobs is also interested in a saw mill. He was married to Miss Nettie Hamilton, a native of Pennsylvania, who has borne him one daughter — Maude — and one son — Gustavus. In political opinion Mr. Jacobs is a stanch Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Congre gational Church. FJRANCIS B. CROSBY (deceased) was a son of William Crosby, who settled in Huron county, Ohio, at an early day, but subsequently moved to Kansas. William was born in Adams county, N. Y. His first wife was Eliza Stilwell, and for his second wife he married Eliza Starkey, who accompanied her hus band to Huron county. Francis B. Crosby was born September 16, 1833, in Ridgefield township, Huron HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 261 Co., Ohio, where he received a primary education in the school of the district, and subsequently worked on the home farm. On December 21, 1855, he married Ade line Franklin, who was born August 22, 1836, in Onondaga county, N. Y., and their children were as follows : Alice 0., married to John Bowen, a farmer of Greenfield township; William F. and Al bert W., residing at home. The parents of Mrs. Adeline Crosby were Reuben and Rhoda (Nobles) Franklin, who settled in Richmond township, Huron county, at an early day. Mrs. Franklin died in 1839, Mr. Franklin in 1840. From the death of her parents to the time of her •marriage Adeline resided with her sister, Mrs. Rufus Atherton. After marriage Francis B. and Adeline Crosby made their home on the William Crosby homestead, which they purchased, and where he resided until his sudden death, April 1, 1880. After his death the widow assumed charge of affairs, and managed the farm and other interests with consummate ability, until the legal division of the estate. From 1880 to this time Mrs. Crosby has lived in her present home. She is a member of the Baptist Church, and she and her children hold a high place in the estimation of the people.- Mr. Crosby was a lifelong farmer and stock-grower, and built up a valuable es tate by industry and attention to details. Politically he was a Republican, and in religion a Baptist. rE. WILCOX, who was born Decem ber 4, 1843, in Peru township, is a grandson of Daniel Wilcox. Asahel Wilcox, father of subject, was born September 2, 1805, at Gorham, Ontario Co., N. Y., and migrated to Ohio in 1820. On March 28, 1832, he married Emily Adams, and they_ located in Peru town ship, Huron county, where, with the ex ception of a short time passed in Crawford county, Ohio, he resided until his death, which occurred during the cholera epi demic of 1849. His widow lives with her son, F. E. Wilcox, on the home farm. Mrs. Emily Adams Wilcox was bora September 27, 1814, at Rowe, Franklin Co., Mass.; her father, Henry Adams, was born in 1790 in Marlboro town, Windham Co., Vt., and was, while still a youth, a school teacher in that place. On October 14, 1813, he married Annis, daughter of Simeon Barr, who was also born at Rowe, Mass., aud a year later set out for that por tion of Ohio known as the "Firelands," leaving his young wife and infant daugter Emily at Rowe, until he could prepare a home for them in the wildnerness. He took with him, on this long journey, a load of tinware, which he sold on his ar rival in Cleveland, and then proceeded to what is now Peru township, Huron Co., Ohio, where, he laid the foundation of his western home on a part of the farm now occupied by his grandson, F. E. Wilcox, and was the earliest pioneer of this divi sion of Huron county. Some time later his wife and child and a party of relatives arrived. They journeyed on a wagon from Massachusetts to Buffalo, N. Y., where the team "gave out," compelling tbe young mother and the adults of the . party to walk to the Adams settlement in Peru. The original home was constructed with poles and bark, but later a substantial log cabin was built, near the site of the present Wilcox residence. The children born to Henry and Annis (Barr) Adams were Emily, who married Asahel Wilcox; Caroline, born in Peru township February 27, 1818, married S. D. Seymour, and died in Taylor county, Tex.; Levi, born De cember 27, 1820, died when seven months old; Simeon F., born October 28, 1821, died in infancy; Franklin L. O, bora June 5, 1823, died in 1840; Jane, born April 6, 1825, married Eliphalet Adams, and died at Norwalk, Huron county; Levi, born July 20, 1827, died in 1829; and Alonzo and Melissa (twins), bora April 15, 1830, the former of whom died May 29, 1865. 262 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Mr. Adams resided here until his death from paralysis, May 24, 1881. He settled in the forest when there was only one house at Norwalk and one at Sandusky, endured all the trials and privations com mon to the pioneer, and yet, beyond the ordinary " chills and fever" which attacked strong and weak without distinction, he never suffered from illness until paralysis came to carry him off. He was not only a pioneer in name but also in fact. He encouraged improvements in agricultural methods, and was the first to introduce mowers, reapers and other implements of husbandry into Peru township. He set out the first seed for fruit trees, ordering the seeds from, Vermont. A consignment of seeds went down in Lake Erie with the vessel on which they were shipped, but a day later the wreckers rescued the freight and everything which escaped dissolution in the waters was sent to its destination. From a bag of seeds recovered at tbat time, the fruit trees on the present Wilcox farm sprung. Mr. Adams was a Demo crat in early years; but about 1856 he joined the Whig party, and afterward be came a strong Abolitionist. He was a conductor on the "Underground Railroad," and had his own depot for concealing refugee slaves. He taught the first school in Peru township, assembling the pupils in his own log cabin. He was one of the earliest adherents of Methodism, and helped to establish and sustain the house of worship in Peru village, from 1824 until he joined the new denomination, in which he remained to the period of his death. F. E. Wilcox, whose name appears at the head of this sketch, received his pri mary education in the schools of Pera township. When he was six years old his father died, and the lad was reared at the home of his grandfather. On November 6, 1873, he married Dorcas A. Perry, who was born October 15, 1848, in Peru town ship, a daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Tillson) Perry. The children born to this marriage are named as follows: Frank T., born September 9, 1874; Charles N., born October 6, 1876; John N., born January 27, 1879; Perry E., bora March 3, 1881 (died Angust 5, 1882); Fred E., born Feb ruary 27, 1883; Bert O., born March 14, 1885, and Fanny E., born April 17, 1887. Since 1849 Mr. Wilcox has lived on the old Adams homestead, giving close atten tion to agricultural affairs. Politically he is Republican, and is actively interested in the success of his party. In church con nection he is a leading member and officer in the Methodist Episcopal Society, in which he is class-leader, steward and trustee. A descendant of the pioneers of Peru township, and successful in all his undertakings, he is a man of influence here, one whose good citizenship has never been questioned in any particular. He is a great reader, and is thoroughly posted on all matters relating tothe United States. ,ILLIAM T. SMITH, one of the leading farmers of Greenwich township, and the' most popular of all the old residents, was born June 17, 1823, in Cayuga county, New York. Willis R. Smith, his father, was the son of Daniel Smith, of Westchester county, N. Y., aud himself was a native of that county. When a young man he married Ann Underhill, also a native of West chester, and shortly after marriage re moved to Cayuga county, N. Y. There the following named children were born to them: Alfred, who died in his twelfth year in Huron county, Ohio; Phoebe, never married, who died when fifty years old; Daniel, a farmer of Greenwich township, died here, aged sixty-five; Amelia, residing in Greenwich township; and William T., the subject of this sketch. On May 6, 1824, Mr. Smith and his family arrived in Green wich township. He had been a school teacher in New York, where he graduated HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 263 from a college, which profession he fol lowed after settling here, and from his small earnings saved enough to purchase one hundred acres of land. The condition of his health permitted him to do but lit tle work on the farm, and this resulted in his giving closer attention to school inter ests. Satisfactory to himself, his services were most beneficial tothe community, for boys who became distinguished men re ceived their lessons in reading, arithmetic and penmanship from this pioneer teacher. In Huron county an addition of three children was made to the family: Sarah, living in Greenwich township; Mary, wife of Edward Golden, of Ripley township, and Ann, residing in her native township. The father died on the original farm in 1871, tbe mother in 1874. They were members of the Friends Church in which Mr. Smith was a minister, and they were buried in the Friends cemetery. He was a mathematician of some note, and was as well educated as any of his comtempo- aries in the county. William T. Smith was less' than eleven months old when his parents brought him to Huron county. He received an ele- •mentary education here, and at the age of twenty-two years began the carpenter's trade under Marvin Atwater. Subsequently the relation between employer and em ploye was reversed, and the former em ployer became an employe of Mr. Smith. In 1855 Wm. T. Smith married Asenath Rosco, who was born in 1831 in Green wich township, and to them came the fol lowing named children: Charity, wife of Wm. A White, of Colfax, Wash.; Celia, a recorded minister of Friends living in Dodson, Ohio, wife of Eugene P. Rollman; Yana, who died December 3, 1890, at Colfax, Wash., where she was teaching school, and was buried in the Friends cemetery in Greenwich township; AlvaR., residing in Nebraska; Willis J., a farmer of Greenwich township,; Huron county; Linna, residing at home, and baby Garland, who died July 2, 1874. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Smith located on the present farm, wliich was purchased with money saved from Mr. Smith's earnings. For over forty years he has followed agriculture in connection with tbe carpenter's trade. In 1889, he set out on a western tour, going by the North ern Pacific route, and returning by the Union Pacific Railroad, making short stays in the cities along each route, and on the the Pacific slope. In 1892 he undertook an eastern trip, but the condition of his health urged him to return shortly after his arrival in New York City. His trade has proven very useful in the successful life of this pioneer, for his residence and large barn are specimens of his own work. Out of the wilderness he carved a fine farm, and placed thereon costly improve ments. Politically he is a Prohibitionist, having left the Republican party. He took an earnest, active part in in the Pro hibition movement, and yet devotes consid erable attention toward developing the idea. The family, religiously, are all members of the Friends Church. [Since the above was written, William T. Smith, at the age of sixty-nine years ten months twenty-three days, passed from earth May 10, 1893, after a short sickness, the im mediate cause of his death being dropsy of the heart. Although his sufferings were intense, yet he was always cheerful, and often spoke edifying words about heaven to the many who came to see him. He dearly loved his family; yet toward the last he bad intense longing to depart and be with Christ. The morning he died, he took his wife by the hand, and sweetly commended her and the children into the loving care of the Heavenly Father. He was buried in the Friends cemetery. "HARLES HOMER FISH, one of the progressive agriculturists of Ridgefield township, is a son of Sydney D., whose parents were John and Lydia (Van Schoy) Fish. 264 HURON COUNTY, OHIO- Sydney D. Fish was bora November 28, 1819, in Licking county, Ohio, and when three years of age came with his parents to Huron county, Ohio. He there pre pared for school teaching, following that vocation for some time, and then clerked several years for Parkins & Hollister, of Mouroeville. In 1846 he married Harriet Sherman, who was born April 4, 1825, on the farm in Ridgefield township where she died; she was a daughter of Daniel aud Laura (Hubbell) Sherman. Sydney D. Fish built a first-class grain elevator at Monroeville, in partnership with Mr. Sar gent, the firm name being Fish & Sargent. In 1874 Fish & Sargent sold their interest to Fish & Hill, the former of whom is a brother to Sydney D. Fish, and the busi ness has since prospered under the skillful management of Mr. Fish. In 1866 he moved to the farm, located one and one half miles north of Monroeville, and con ducted the plaee in addition to the man agement of the grain elevator. During the later years of his life he retired to the farm with a comfortable competence, which had been acquired by years "of self sacrificing industry. He was very popular in social life, and in politics first voted with the Whigs, afterward uniting with the Republicans. He died September 4, 1887, followed by his wife October 22, 1890, who was a member of the Presby terian Church. Their children were as follows: George S., a farmer of Ridge field township; Rozene, widow of R. G. Miller; Allen, deceased at the age of four teen years; Laura J., wife of D. H. Drake, of Kendallville, Ind., and Charles Homer, whose name opens this sketch. Charles Homer Fish was born Novem ber 9, 1859, in Monroeville, Ridgefield township, Huron Co., Ohio. He grew to manhood on the home farm, receiving a common-school education, and in 1882 went to Mapleton, N. D., where he con ducted a hardware and lumber business for four years. He then returned home, and on December 21, 1886, was united in mar riage with Edna J. Van Horn, a native of Monroeville and daughter of William H. Van Hora. Since their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Fish have resided on their present farm, where he follows general agriculture and stock raising, owning some very fine Jersey cattle. He is an energetic farmer, whose success is but the merited reward of thrifty enterprise. In politics Mr. Fish votes with the Republican party. Three children have completed the family circle, namely: Eugene, William and an infant daughter named Clara. E1 J. PEAT. Among the successful business men of Norwalk, this gen- l tiernan holds an enviable position from many points of view. Sur rounded by a wealth of bud and blossom, whose sweet perfumes fill all the air with fragrance, his hands are busied with deftly arranging and caring for the fragile plants. While others wage fierce battle in the political arena or wear out their lives in dingy shops and crowded factories, he ministers to the hunger of the human soul for beauty and refinement. A pleasant task, and one which ennobles all who share its privileges. However humble a home may be, when we see a little flower treas ured by the inmates, we recognize a kin dred feeling which softens the hardest hearts, and so is this true of many homes. Norwalk may well be proud to know that a florist prospers within her limits, for no surer test is possible of the culture and innate refinement of her people. As the missionaries in hostile, savage lands wel comed the rising spire of the Christian church, and knew that they were among friends, so the traveler who passes from town to town welcomes the pure, sweet flowers as tokens of a kindred sympathy with nature. E. J. Peat is a son of Edwin Peat, and was born September 21, 1862, in Birming ham, England. He came with his father HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 265 to America, and they first settled in Mon roeville, Huron Co., Ohio, where E. J. remained until about eight years of age. They afterward moved to Toledo, Ohio, remaining there two or three years, then passed one year in Wauseon, finally set tling in Norwalk, Ohio, where he attended the public schools. He was united in marriage with Miss Katie Bepply, who has borne him one son, Roy. In 1882 E. J. Peat established his present business as a florist, on a place then located two miles from the center of the city, just outside the corporation. He deals in cut flowers, and carries on a prosperous business both in Erie and Huron counties. His father is yet living, but the mother passed away some years ago. Jff P. KOHLMYER, secretary of the pH Metal Spinning and Stamping Com- || pany, Norwalk, is a native of that J) city, born November 21, 1858, near the spot where he now resides. He is the eldest son in a family of six children born to John H. aud Gertrude (Klegg) Kohlmyer, the former a native of Germany, a tinner by trade, who came to America in early manhood. He married after coming to this country, reared a re spectable family, and by his thrift and energy was enabled to surround his chil dren with the comforts and advantages of the times. He and his family are resi dents of Norwalk. * H. P. Kohlmyer attended the public schools of Norwalk, and when well grounded in the fundamentals of a busi ness education he learned the tinner's trade under his father. After this he en tered a hardware store as clerk, in which line he opened out on his own account in 1882. In 1890 he had succeeded in draw ing the attention of others to the impor tance of a new process of manufacturing tin and other ware, and they organized the Norwalk Metal Spinning and Stamping Company, capital stock twenty thousand dollars, Mr. Kohlmyer taking seven thou sand dollars. The works were built, were soon in running order, and had been in operation about four weeks when they ac- cidently caught fire and burned to the ground. But by December 19, 1891, the plant was rebuilt, and the works were not only running, but ready to make a ship ment of goods on that day. There are but three metal stamping concerns in the United States, and this is the only one that makes the metal spun goods in nickel; thus the products go upon the world's markets, practically without competition, the demand for them all continually out running the capacity of the works. Their stamp to make tea-kettles, etc., weighs over twenty thousand pounds; all tbeir machin ery is of the latest improved make, and complete in every department. The fac tory in Norwalk is one of the institutions in which the people take great pride, and its existence is largely due to the untiring energy and intelligent persistence of the gentleman whose name introduces this sketch. H. P. Kohlmyer and Emma Fox, of Toledo, Ohio, were united in the bonds of matrimony, December 22, 1880, and to them have come three children: Justice, Cornelius and Adolph. Socially our sub ject is a member of the K. of P.; the family worship at the Lutheran Church. El C. MORRILL, M. D. In the practice of homeopathy, this gen- I tleman is one of the oldest and best- known physicians in the city of Norwalk. He was bora in Cuyahoga county, Ohio, in 1842, a son of Dr. Charles and Judith (Gate) Morrill, both of whom were natives of New Hampshire. Charles Morrill graduated from an allo pathic college of medicine in Cleveland, and after considerable practice elsewhere located in that city, where he passed from earth in 1892, at the age of seventy-two. 266 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. He was in continuous practice until that time, having made sick calls the day before his death. E. C. Morrill was educated at Oberlin College, and in 1862 left this school to join the Union army. He enlisted in Company C, Eighty-eighth O. V. I., and during his four months term of enlistment was at the front in Kentucky, after which he, with his command, was mustered out of the service. In 1864 he re-enlisted, in the One Hundred and Sixty-sixth Regi ment Ohio State Militia, and was with the army in defense of the city of Wash ington during this enlistment. On leav ing the service he resumed the study of medicine, which had been interrupted by his last enlistment, and after a thorough preparation under a private tutor, entered as student the Cleveland Homeopathic College, where he was graduated in the class of 1866. He at once engaged in the practice of his profession at Kent, Portage county, where he remained four years, after which he located in Norwalk, where he soon became one of the leading practi tioners. His life has been that of a dili gent student of books and men, and his many friends testify to his genial and sunny disposition. On July 17, 1872, Dr. Morrill was married in Cincinnati to Miss Martha Moore, by which union there were four children, viz.: Alma Rebecca, born March 21, 1873; Charles, bora September 27, 1877, died June 29, 1890; Dee, born January 24, 1879; and Judith Anna, born February 21, 1883. ,)ILLIAM E. GILL, M. D., a well- known homeopathic physician and surgeon of Norwalk, is a native of Huron county, Ohio, born in 1854. He is a son of Edward and Esther (Young) Gill, the latter of whom was a descendant of a family who were early settlers in Ohio. William E. Gill received his education at the public schools of Norwalk, and after finishing a course in the high school be came a student at the Ohio State Univer- ity. He then commenced a course of medicine, reading for a time under a pri vate preceptor, and afterward entering the Cincinnati Homeopathic School of Medi cine. He was graduated at a medical college, in the class of 1877, and immedi ately returned to Norwalk, where he opened an office, rapidly acquiring a lucra tive practice; he is still actively engaged in the duties of his profession. He mar ried Sarah Kline. V MARVIN HIBBARD, practical farmer in Fitchville township _| from September, 1854, till his death, November 4, 1879, was born on a farm in Mansfield, Windham Co., Conn., August 25, 1797. Little is known of his father, Andrew Hibbard, save that he served honorably as a company officer during the Revolution ary war; that he was married twice, and reared seven children, two by his first wife — a son (the late Gen. Daniel F. Hibbard, of Mansfield, who died March 19, 1880, at the advanced age of ninety-five years), and a daughter (Betsey, Mrs. Park, formerly of Canterbury). The other children were John Loomis and William, who became farmers in Cortland county, N. Y. ; Mar vin*, the leading subject of this sketch; and Burnham, who settled in Oneida county, N. Y., but owned several canal boats for years running from Cleveland to the Ohio river. The daughter married Anthony Weaver, of Tolland, where they lived and died, leaving a numerous family. One of the sons, W. A. Weaver, has had residence in Fitchville township, Huron county, now more than twenty-five years. The remembrance of the family is that Francis Hibbard, the Revolutionary sol dier and patriot, died, having fallen from a load of hay, when his son Marvin was six HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 267 years old. This affliction caused the family to be dispersed, and Marvin was appren ticed to a farmer and shoemaker in Hamp ton, who was a relation of the family. Making shoes not agreeing with his health, he turned his attention to out-door work. He began life for himself as a hired man on the farm in this section of the country. When he was twenty-nine he had accumulated about six hundred dollars, working for five to nine dollars per month winters and summers. As the story goes, he planned to go West to " Holland Purchase," in New York, and buy a farm, but while visiting an aunt in Randolph, Vt., he purchased a farm and made ar rangements to improve it. Returning to Connecticut, he married, August 29, 1826, Zilpha Robbins, who was born September 2, 1802, near Westford. Purchasing a horse, a yoke of oxen and an ox- cart for conveyance, they immediately migrated to their new home, 150 miles to the north. The farm was in a bad condition, some of it being so stony and covered with briars and hedge trees that a townsman claimed it was not worth a cent an acre. Yet this land was reclaimed and became very pro ductive. While residing here twenty- eight years, nine children were born to them, but six of them died very young, the oldest dyiug when about eighteen months old. The third child, Andrew Clark, born September 17, 1829, received a good academical education at the Orange County Grammar School, at Randolph. He was teacher several terms in Vermont, also in Fitchville, Ohio. In early life he was engaged, on account of impaired health, in the sale of sewing machines and musical instruments. He is now a farmer in Fitchville. He married November 12, 1862, Sarah Augusta Palmer, daughter of the late Linns Palmer. They have three children:- Edith May, Clarence Worden, and Oramel Ernest, all living. The fourth child, Albert Keyes (born March 15, 1831), received an education at the before-mentioned grammar school, and became a mechanic, and has excelled in the manufacture of pianos and organs, also as an inventor in his business. He has been since 1854 connected with, and a member of, the Mason & Hamlin Piano and Organ Company, Boston. He has had three children, two living at the pre sent time. The ninth or youngest child, John Loomis (born August 25, 1842), came with the family to Ohio in September, 1854. It appears that in the spring of that yrear, having sold his farm in Ver mont, Marvin Hibbard determined to go west. He visited Huron county, Ohio, and purchased a farm in Fitchville. The price paid was thirty-two dollars and fifty cents per acre, including personal property valued at about two hundred and fifty dollars. In this place he was engaged in agriculture until his death, November 4, 1879. His widow died March 10, 1884. They were buried in the beautiful ceme tery in Fitchville, where a suitable mouu- ment is erected to their memory. They were successful in the business of farming. In politics he was a Republican. In re ligion they adhered in early life to the doctrines of the Christian Church, but later they were connected with the Advent Christian Church, in which faith they died. It is just to say that Marvin Hib bard was a man of strong, quick impulses, and of good integrity, while Mrs. Hibbard excelled as an economist, and she con stantly taught the art of living in her family. According to the family arrangement, John L. was manager after 1862, and finally came in possession of the home estate. In the spring of 1864 he enlisted in the One Hundred and Sixty-Sixth 0. V. I., Company C; on May 15 proceeded to Virginia with the command, and partici pated in the defense of Washington, as one of the hundred days men of Ohio, until September 9, 1864. On November 12, 1868, he married Sarah Jane Hartman, who was bora in 268 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Carroll county, Ohio, in 1841, daughter of George W. Hartman, a native of that county, who moved to Fitchville, where he died. There are six children, as follows: George Marvin, now with his uncle Albert, in Boston; Ora V.; Milo E.; Albert K, and Alton L. and Alta J. (twins), all living. Mr. Hibbard was executor and administrator of the estates of his father and his wife's father, respectively. In political affairs he has been a Prohibition ist since 1884, having formerly been a Republican, and he has held various town ship offices. In church connection he is a Congregationalist, and has taken a very active part in cliurch work. Mrs. Hib bard is a Seventh Day Adventist. As an agriculturist Mr. Hibbard takes pains to increase the fertility of the soil; he likes, too, to raise improved stock of all kinds. Although he deals sometimes in horses, he has several now on hand, direct descendants of the " Morgan " mare bought by his father over sixty years ago. Nor has he failed to pay considerable attention to horticulture. of N. I AY F. LANING, the subject of this l. I sketch, is a son of John and Caroline \yj Laning, both early settlers of New London, Huron Co., Ohio, the former whom was born in Middlesex county, J., in 1819, his ancestors having set tled in that locality some time prior to the Revolution. John Laning came to New London in 1844, where he resided until his death, which occurred September 24, 1887. His wife was Caroline Wood, daughter of Gil bert and 'Sally Wood, who removed from Putnam county, N. Y., to New London township, in 1832. John and Caroline Laning were the parents of three children, two daughters — Sarah A. (now Mrs. Will iam Molsher) and Adilla E. (now Mrs. C. B. Post), both residing at New London — and one son — Jay Ford Laning, now resid ing at Norwalk, in the same county. Jay F. Laning was born at New London, May 15, 1853. He gained such an edu cation as could be obtained at the common schools of his birthplace, by a short course of study at an academy, aud by self-culture through reading and study at home. From the age of fifteen to that of twenty-one his time was spent in teaching school and at manual labor. Whatever spare hours he had were devoted to the study of law, and he was admitted to the bar in 1875, enter ing upon the practice at his native place. He followed this profession successfully for eight years. During this period, what would have otherwise been spare time was spent in developing ideas which became the foundation of the business in which our subject subsequently engaged. In 1882 he moved to Norwalk, from which time he gradually abandoned his law practice, and established the publish ing house with which he is now connected. By energy, pluck, tact, hard work and close attention, he made the business grow with rapidity from a very humble begin ning to one of widespread and extensive patronage. Important among the publi cations of which he is the author are a system of labor-saving books and devices for facilitating the conduct of agricultural fairs — a knowledge of which he gained while acting as the secretary of the organ ization at New London— and a line of school supplies embracing several educa tional books, the outgrowth of his experi ence as an educator. His knowledge of the law has enabled him to prepare, also, several useful legal books and forms which have had an extensive sale. He is an ardent Republican, and has always taken an active part in local political work, representing his ward for four years in the city council. At the election of 1893 he was elected as Senator to represent the Thirtieth District, composed -of Erie, Huron, Sandusky and Ottawa counties, in the General Assembly of the State. He has also been actively interested in all enterprises tending to the industrial d. f\ LANING. HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 271 or commercial advancement of the city. In 1875 Mr. Laning was married to Caroline E. Sheldon, youngest daughter of Rufus and Mary Sheldon, for many years residents of Greenwich township, Huron county, and the fruits of this union are "five children, viz.: Ford H, Joanna P., John J., Mary G. and Sheldon. (F*r EORGE L. CHILDS (deceased), son I y, of Charles Childs, was born May 18, \A 1826, at Templeton, Mass., where J^- he passed his childhood. Charles Childs was a cooper at Templeton, Mass., until the reports of the development of Ohio urged him to move westward and share in the work of building up the State. About 1834 the family set out on the journey to the "Firelands," arrived in Hu ron county, and located at Greenfield, where he carried on his trade in connection with farming. For a number of years he operated a chair factory at Greenfield, and was suc cessful in all his. undertakings. Some years prior to leaving Massachusetts he married Roena Baker, apd to this union four chil dren were born, namely: Otis, George L., Thomas and Frank. The mother of these children died in 1832, and the same year the father married HepseyBaird, to whom eight children were bora, namely: Roena, James, Calvin, John, Mary, Delia, Cynthia and Marcius. The father died in 1875. George L. Childs accompanied his father to Huron county in 1834. The change from Templeton was a radical one for the boy, for he was transferred suddenly from a town, where he had never seen a cow, to a wilderness where the bear, wolf and deer abounded. His youth was passed in the manner common to pioneer boys, attending winter school and working on the home farm. Later he learned the tinner's trade, and worked at same for two years at Ply mouth, Ohio, but returning to the farm he labored there for one year. He then bought an interest in the chair factory at Green- is field, and held that for about two years, or until he lost the amount he had invested in that industry. Purchasing three and a half acres of land and the little log cabin thereori, be engaged in farming for his own account, and two years later bought a tract of eight acres with a better house, to which he added twenty acres, and on which he resided fourteen years. Moving to New Haven township he bought a farm of 160 acres, resided thereon for two years, and next settled on a tract of a little over 100 acres in Ripley towpship, the boundaries of which be extended until he had a beau tiful farm of 399 acres. In 1847 he was married to Miss Ann M. Miller, daughter of William Miller, who was a son of John Miller, of Chambersburg, Penn. To this marriage eight children were bora, namely: Julia F. (married to J. N. Kiser), Anna R,. (married to C, L. Harrington), William C, Lizzie (married to G. R. Craig), Burt, Othello, Henry and Edwin F. Of the sons, Henry married Anna Howard; William C. married Carrie Young; Edwin F. married Libby Miller; Burt married Nettie Stevens. The father of this family was a stanch Re publican, and one of the local councilors of his party from 1856 to the time of his death. In religious affairs he was a mem ber of the Freewill Baptist Church, active in its work, and particularly so in Sunday- school matters. Out of his industry he created wealth, and left to his widow and children real and personal property valued at twenty-five thousand dollars. Mrs. Ann M. (Miller) Childs was born in April, 1830, at Chambersburg, Penn. Her father, William Miller, was born there in 1806, learned the mason's trade, and there married Elizabeth Swinard. He worked at his trade at Chambersburg until his removal to Plymouth, Ohio, and re sided in that town until 1849, when he pur chased about 100 acres in New Haven town ship, Huron Co., Ohio. To his marriage were born three children: Jacob, Ann M. and Charlotte. The mother died in 1834, and in 1839 be married Magdalena Rook, 272 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. who lived near Plymouth, Ohio. To this union came five children: Peter, John, Margaret, Eliza and William, all living. As a farmer in Huron county, the father made a success of life, leaving to his fam ily 240 acres of fertile land and a large amount of personal property. Mrs. Ann M. Childs is the only survivor of tbe chil dren by his first wife. She came to Ohio when about three years old, aud attended school until her marriage in 1847. She is a lady of good executive ability, and manages the affairs of the estate with singular success. EORGE N. ROUNDS, a promi nent, progressive citizen of Hart land township, is a native of New York, born October 12, 1820. His father, Isaac Rounds, was the son of a Vermont farmer, and grew to man hood on the home farm. When a young man Isaac went to Ontario county, N. Y., and there married Polly Waldron, who was born in that county in 1802. The Erie Canal, which was commenced July 4, 1817, was under construction when he settled in New York State, and there was little difficulty in find ing work to do on any of the sections. Young Rounds went to work with a will, and proved himself a most valuable man. The foreman discovered that he could wheel more clay in a barrow than any of his fel low-workmen, and considered him a model laborer. The children bora to Isaac and Polly Rounds in New York State were: George N., the subject of this sketch; Harriet, who married Aaron Pix ley, and died in Clarksfield township; Mary Ann, who died when eight years old in New York State; Benjamin, who died in Hartland township, Huron Co., Ohio, when young; Hiram, who died a few weeks after; Isaac and Jacob (twins), farmers of Hartland towuship, and Lydia, the widow of James Conoley, of Hartland township. After the removal of the fam ily to Huron county, the following named children were bora : Eleanor, widow of Irkskine Horr, of Barry county, Mich.; Olive, married to Joseph Briggs, died at Keokuk, Iowa; Arvilla, Mrs. Matthias McKin, of Iowa; Jane, who died just six weeks after the death of the father, at the age of eight years; and Armenthia, Mrs. George Bostwick, of Prairie City, Illinois. About 1835 Mr. Rounds and his family moved to Cattaraugus county, N. Y., where they resided until June, 1840, when they made the journey to Ohio. Travel ing by wagon road to Buffalo, N. Y., they embarked for Sandusky, Ohio, but while on the lake a storm arose, and the boat was driven into harbor at Erie, Pennsyl vania. Sailing again they found that a landing could not be made at Sandusky, and the captain headed the boat for De troit. After the high winds had subsided, the return trip to Sandusky was made, and the family landed. Without delay they proceeded to Hartland township, Huron county, where Mr. Rounds rented a tract of land. Within a year or so he purchased a small farm in Clarksfield township, and later bought a second small farm in Hart land township. The care of these lands, to gether with other tracts which he worked on shares and laboring for others in clear ing land, occupied his attention up to the time of his death, February 15, 1850, when a tree fell upon bim, crushing his head to a pulp. The tragic affair cast a gloom over the entire township; for the father of a large family, and a most in dustrious man, was removed from the circle of pioneers. Politically he was a Whig, and one who took a lively interest in local and national affairs. His widow afterward married Simeon Chandler, and died August 31, 1878, in Illinois, where she was buried. George N. Rounds was about sixteen years of age when he accompanied the family to Ohio. Already a bread-winner, the change from New York to Ohio was HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 273 an agreeable one to him, and in Huron county he worked vigorously to make a home for the family. On December 25, 1849, he married Mary Elizabeth Knapp (a daughter of pioneer parents), who was born in Hartland township in 1831. To this marriage came the following-named children: George F., born November 7, 1850; Angie L., Mrs. O. T. Case, of Clarksfield township, and a son who died in infancy, unnamed. The mother of this family died October 13, 1886, and was buried in Hartland Ridge, cemetery. At the time of his marriage, Mr. Ronnds had practically nothing save good health and strong arms. After his father's death, in 1850, he returned to the homestead and took charge of the farm. To-day he owns 186 acres of good land, together with a good home and excellent farm buildings, distancing many of the men for whom he worked prior to 1849, in the acquisition of real estate. His success is due to inces sant toil, untiring industry and economy. He now holds a place among the leading farmers of the county, and no one is held in higher respect or esteem. His life goes to prove the logic of the old proverb, " where there's a will there's a way," and will stand a practical demonstration for his descendants. They may learn of the hardships and privations of the pioneers, but never can they endure them. After seventy years of work, Mr. Rounds stands like a giant tree in the forest of weather worn pioneer oaks. Years have been given to him to witness the settlement and im provement of Ohio, from river to lake, and from Pennsylvania to Indiana, and in sur veying the scene he may look round him and say: "I have taken a man's part in bringing about this change, and no one in Huron county has labored* for it more earnestly than I have." In April, 1893, Mr. Rounds again visited Cattaraugus county, the scenes of his childhood, and while there met an acqauintance of his youth in the person of Mrs. Sally Hopkins, a widow, whom he brought back as a wife. George F. Rounds (eldest son of George N. Rounds) has now the entire manage ment of the farm. For some years he was a traveling salesman/and while thus employed journeyed over a large area of country; but in 1885 he returned to the homestead, which has since claimed his close personal attention. He is a musician by nature, and his ability in this direction is as well recognized throughout this sec tion of the State as his ability as an agri culturist is in Hartland township. On April 2, 1892, he was married to Jeanette Jarvis. In politics he is a Republican. RUSE, manufacturer of tile and brick, New London, and a leading spirit in the manipulating of the affairs of the town, is a native of Ohio, born in Plymouth in 1852. He is a son of Andrew and Margaret (Prame) Ruse, natives of Bohemia, Aus tria, who came to the United States in 1851, locating in Plymouth, Ohio. By trade Andrew Ruse is a stonemason, and he now resides in Barry county, Mich., whither be had moved in 1868. He is a Democrat in politics, and a member of the Catholic Church. The mother is yet liv ing. They were married in Bohemia, and had a family of nine children, of whom our subject is second in order of birth. A. Ruse received the elementary part of his education in Plymouth, Ohio, whence when fifteen years old he moved to Michigan, where he had his home some five years. He then returned to Ohio, and in Shiloh, Richland county, entered into partnership with F. J. Prame in a tile and brick business, remaining in that con nection ten years, or until 1883, in which year he came to New London and estab lished himself in a similar business, which he has since successfully conducted. The shed for the tile works is 238 x 22 feet, and that for the brick is 80 x 54 feet; the out put has been 100,000 brick, and about 274 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 18,000 pieces of tile to each of fifteen kilns, regular employment being given to from seven to ten men. In 1877, Mr. Ruse was married at Maple Grove, Barry Co., Mich., to Miss L. M. Dillin, a native of Knox county, Ohio, and children, as follows, have been born to them: J. H, Minnie and Bessie. Politi cally our subject is a Republican, and he is a member of the F. & A. M. and I. O. O. F. rJRANK M. LUTTS. Norwalk town- is noted for its prosperous farming community, prominent among which is the subject of this sketch, who is a native of Huron county, bora in 1861 on his present farm in Norwalk township. Conrad Lutts, father of subject, was a son of Michael Lutts, who in an early day came from Germany to America, first locating in eastern Pennsylvania, and after ward moving to Niagara county, N. Y. Being to poor to pay his passage across the ocean, he was sold to a planter to work out his expenses. In eastern Pennsylvania he married Miss Ruth Dolph, and by her had five children, viz.: Gideon, Conrad, Jonathan, Michael and Annie. Michael Lutts served in the war of 1812, but was obliged to abandon his bouse on account of the " Redcoats " and Indians. The old flint-lock musket, minus part of the stock, is still in possession of the family. He had a great abhorrance for the British, al ways shooting them on sight, and was termed a " bushwhacker;" he is buried on the old homestead in Niagara county, New York. Conrad Lutts, father of Frank M., was born in 1799 in eastern Pennsylvania, whence he moved with his parents to Nia gara county, N. Y. During the war of 1812, owing to the hostility of the Indians, he was obliged to leave the " clearing, " to gether with his mother and the younger members of the family, to a safe retreat in another county, while his father remained behind to protect their log cabin home. After the war was over he returned to the home which is still in possession of his niece Mrs. Daniel Eaves, where the old family burial place is located, and many members of the Lutts family found their last resting place there, but the dates upon the slabs are not now legible. He became personally acquainted with Gen. W. H. Harrison during this struggle, and after ward voted for him when he ran for the Presidential chair, the only Presidential nominee Mr. Lutts ever voted for, it being a principle with him not to vote for any one with whom he was unacquainted. About the year 1818 he came to Huron county, Ohio, where in 1822 he married Miss Mary Fancher, five children being the result of this union, viz.: William, George, Michael, Julia, and Mary. The mother of these died in 1833, and for his second wife Mr. Lutts wedded, July 3, 1834, Miss Pamelia West, of Greenfield township, Huron county, who is yet liv ing. She is a daughter of Augustus West, of Albany county, N. Y., a pioneer of Huron county, a Democrat in politics, and a very successful man in his business en terprises. Six children were bora to this marriage, of whom but two survive: Augustus, in Allegan, Mich., and Frank M. When Conrad Lutts came to Huron county, a single small log cabin stood within what are now tbe corporate limits of the city of Norwalk. On his arrival he had in his possession no more money than would buy a barrel of salt, and for a long time he made a living by hunting, selling or trading the furs of the animals he might kill. He met with many ad ventures in his pioneer experiences, and had some narrow escapes from death. His rifle is apparently as good as when used for killing the wild animals which sup plied his home with necessaries and other things. Frank M. Lutts, the youngest son of this brave pioneer, received a liberal edu cation at the common schools of his native HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 275 township, and at the early age of sixteen he took charge of the home farm, owing to his father's death, and here he has since continued to remain. In 1881 he married Miss Mary E. Soule, daughter of C. W. Soule, at that time a prominent farmer, of Bronson township, Huron county, now a resident of Norwalk. To this union were born five children, viz.: Bertha, Conrad, Nellie, Howard and Idel, all living. Mr. Lutts is owner of one hundred acres of ex cellent land, in a good state of cultivation, and all devoted to general crops and stock raising. Iu politics he is a stanch Repub lican, and he is considered to be rather above the average farmer in reading and literature. He has a large and well-selected library, to which he is constantly adding standard works, it being his ambition to be, some day, the owner of one of the best libraries among the farmers of his county. He has now in his possession the anvil and vise which Michael Lutts used in his blacksmith shop, and which have been in use nearly one hundred years, in Huron county fifty-six years, and they yet show the hammer marks of the maker. E. TERWILLIGER is descended from pioneers of New England, representatives of whom migrated into New York State, where the subject of this sketch was born. William Terwilliger, the father of our subject, was an old resident of Orange county, N. Y., and there married Betsy Monroe. In 1834 they moved with their family to Cayuga county, N. Y., where Mrs. Terwilliger died in 1836. William E. Terwilliger was born De cember 15, 1829, in Orange county, N. Y., and in 1834 accompanied his parents to Cayuga county, where he was reared in the manner common to boys of the pioneer period. The subscription school, with its fee of three dollars per term, was then a luxury, which the circumstances of his parents would not permit our subject to enjoy. When ten or twelve years old he lived out as a farm hand at three dollars per month, and worked for several farmers at that rate. Later he found employment on the Erie Canal between Cayuga Lake and Albany, serving first as a driver, afterward as a steerer. Subsequently he was a deck hand on one of the Cayuga Lake boats, and thus wras engaged until he was nineteen years old, when he bought his time from his father for one hundred dollars, and followed boating on canal aud lake, until 1853, when he "caught the gold fever," and set out for California. The start was made from Auburn, N. Y., the following-named forming the party: James Sherwood, Oliver Booth, Charles Clark, George R. Van Liew, Reuben Doty, Jasper and William E. Terwilliger, all young men from the neighborhood. They sailed on the " Permetias " to Greytown on the Isthmus, thence up the river to Castalla Rapids, thence on foot to Cas- talla, at the head of the rapids; from there by lake boat to Virgius Bay, and thence by mules, furnished by the trans portation company, to San Juan del Norte. On this trip were 500 "argonauts." The cavalcade was arranged in squads, each squad being under direction of a driver, who carried a great whip and kept the mules in line. From San Juan del Norte the party sailed to San Francisco, halting only at Acapulco to take on coal. Arriv ing at San Francisco, the party of which W. E. Terwilliger was a member rested for one day, and the next pushed on to Sacramento, where he found employment at four dollars a day, carrying brick up three stories, the first employment which presented itself. He followed various businesses in California, such as contract ing to cut 100 acres of barley for four dollars per acre, his partner being a man named Smith. Ultimately he bought a gold mine, which he sold out, and returned to New York in May, 1858. The journey home was interesting in many ways. Tak- 276 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. ing passage on the "Golden Gate" at San Francisco, the ship proceeded on her way, but when twenty-four hours out "broke down," and had to return to port. Mr. Terwilliger, not to be delayed, was among the men who then embarked on the old "Menetia," an unseaworthy craft, even then condemned. However, she carried the passengers in safety to the Isthmus, the trip across which was made without accident, and the returning adventurers took passage on the ship "Moses Taylor" for New York. The voyage was made in good time, and in May, 1858, he ar rived among his relatives in Cayuga county, where he worked as a farm hand until November, same year. Mr. Terwilliger then resolved to leave his native State and seek a home in Ohio, where his sister, Mrs. Silas Cain, lived, and in November, 1858, he arrived in Clarks field township, Huron county, where in the spring of 1859 he bought one hundred acres of unimproved land at twenty-one dollars. A log cabin stood on the tract, but, such as it was, it could scarcely be considered an improvement, and Mr. Ter williger at once set himself to the clearing of the forest. On January 2, ,1860, he was married to Elmira J. Ronk, who was born August 27, 1839, in Orange county, N. Y., daughter of George D. and Mar garet (Vandemark) Ronk, who now reside in Brighton township, Lorain Co., Ohio. She came to Ohio in 1853, and worked out for her board and clothing, so that her edu cation was limited to a short school term. After marriage the young couple moved into a house which was not yet plastered, so that he has, practically, accumulated his present valuable property since then. For over thirty years they have resided on their present place, engaged in farming and stock growing. For seventeen years he extensively carried on a dairy business without withdrawing his attention from his farm. His industry is proverbial, for at all times he finds something for his hands to do, and his surroundings speak of the constant care devoted to farm, stock and home. As a Whig, he voted for Win field Scott. From 1858 to 1884 he voted with the Republicans, and since 1884 has been in the ranks of the Prohibitionists; he is not a politician, and seldom takes any in terest beyond casting his vote. Formerly a Baptist, he became a Methodist, aud is uow steward and trustee in the East Clarksfield Methodist Episcopal Church, of which his wife is also a member. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Ter williger are as follows: Anna E., Mrs. Frank McKenzie, of Brighton township, Lorain county ; Alma C, Mrs. George McDonald, of Clarksfield township, Huron county; George L, who married Miss Stella Cowie, of Brighton, Lorain county (they reside on one of the farms). Mr. Ter williger is the owner of two farms, both of which are cultivated and improved to the highest extent. YRUS T. KING, D. D. S., a leader in his profession, and a popular member of the Northern Ohio Den tal Association, was born in Oswego county, N. Y., in 1849. Leonard King, his father, who was a native of Rhode Island, when a young man migrated .to New York, whence in after years he proceeded to Huron county, Ohio. His wife, Julia (Turney) King, to whom he was married in Oswego county, N. Y., was a native of Connecticut. Of their three children, Warner A. is a dentist of May- ville, Ohio; Charles D. is a missionary of the Baptist Church in India, and Cyrus T. is the subject of this sketch. Cyrus T. King came to Ohio with the family when he was six years old. Re ceiving a practical education in the schools of his district in Huron county, he com pleted a literary course at Granville, Ohio, studied dentistry under Dr. Terry, of Nor walk, Ohio, and commenced the practice of that profession. Later he attended the Cincinnati Dental College, took the prize HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 277 for the best mechanical work, graduated from the Dental School in 1882, and re sumed practice at New London. His patients come from a wide district, for his work is appreciated, and his name is well and favorably known in connection with the profession. In 1873 Dr. King married Miss Addie Knowlton, and three children were born to them, namely: Harry L., Vinton and Ida. Politically our subject is a Prohibitionist, in religious faith a member of the M. E. Church, and in Society affiliation he is a Royal Arch Mason, well advanced in the work of the Chapter. As before stated, he is a member of the Northern Ohio Dental Association, and he is as much esteemed by his confreres as he is by his neighbors and patients. In municipal affairs he is a member of the board of health of New London, and bis knowledge has been of in estimable value in the administration of that department of local goverment. He has made his own way through life, and may be classed among the self-made men of Ohio. OLOMON SILLIMAN, a worthy member of the Silliman family of Fairfield county, Conn., is a grand son of Justus and Rebecca Silliman. Isaac Silliman, father of subject, was born in 1792, in Fairfield county, Conn., was reared on his father's farm, and re ceived his education in the school of the settlement at Weston, Fairfield county. On arriving at man's estate, he married Abby Barlow, also a native of that county, and to them were born three children, namely: Polly, Catherine and Solomon, of whom Solomon is the sole survivor. The mother died about 1826, and the father in 1840, leaving to his children a small but valuable farm. Solomon Silliman was born in Fairfield county, Conn., July 26, 1824, lost his mother when eighteen months old, and at the age of six years was placed in charge of Isaac Sherwood, a very extensive farmer of Herkimer county, N. Y. With him he remained until 1840, when Mr. Sherwood was killed by a falling tree. The youth was then hired by George Sherwood as a farm hand, the money consideration being fifty dollars for seven months. Complet ing the contract, he attended school during the winter months, and worked for his brother-in-law during the other seasons, the wages being eight dollars per month, which in 1842 was increased to nine dol lars. In the fall of 1843, he migrated to Ohio, locating in Fairfield township, Huron county, and found employment at ten dollars per month, with his cousin George Silliman. A 8hort time after, he purchased a piece of wild land in Ripley township, Huron county, and with his trusty axe began the task of clearing away the forest. For three or four years he labored to create a farm out of the wilderness, and by 1850, had succeeded beyond his highest expectations. Mr. Silliman's marriage with Lucinda Peck, daughter of Isaac Peck, a promi nent farmer of Danube, Herkimer Co., N. Y., took place April 21, 1850. They began housekeeping on the new farm, where were born to them four children, namely: George B.. Emma L., Hattie L., and Charles H, all of whom are now liv ing. How these early settlers succeeded is told by the fact that Mr. Silliman be came the possessor of 659 acres of land clear of incumbrance. In the purchase of this large tract of fertile Ohio land, the owner did not incur one dollar of debt, pay ing for each extension of his farm as it was made, besides laying by considerable money. To each of his children he gave a good farm. George B. resides near the old home, and is married to Ada Long, of New Haven, Ohio; Emma L. is the wife of J. Quincy Adams, of North Fairfield, Ohio; Hattie L. is the wife of Edwin C. Wood- worth, of North Fairfield, Ohio; Charles H. married Emma Kurtz, of New Haven, Ohio, and resides on the old homestead. 278 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Mr. Silliman, having retired from farm life, has purchased a home in Plymouth, Huron Co., Ohio, where he now resides. The reputation of the father as a bread winner, and a man who hewed a magnifi cent property out of tbe forest, honors his children, and the history of his life en courages industry in the field. I S. WHITE, Norwalk. The subject w I of this sketch disclaims the possession \JJ of any qualities that entitle him to the mention which his friends believe should be made of him; yet it is in no spirit of adulation when it is said of bim that his life is illustrative of the success that attends honest, well-directed endeavor, industry, and conscientious adherence to duty. Mr. White's grandfather, Jonathan S., and father, John C. White, natives of New York State, came to Ohio in 1829, set tling on a farm near Mansfield. The last- named married Nancy A. Taylor, in 1840, after which they came to Huron county, settling in Ripley township, where, on a piece of land entirely covered by the na tive forest, they built a log cabin, and commenced housekeeping iu true pioneer fashion. Here J. S. White was born in 1844, and here followed the hard routine of farm life from the time he was old enough until grown to manhood. In the early fall of 1862 the One Hundred and First Regi ment, 0. V. I., was formed, Company C being for the most part made up of re cruits from Ripley and Greenwich town ships, Huron county, and our subject was one of the "boys" who enlisted in its ranks. In August the regiment went into camp at Monroeville, Ohio, and although Mr. White had enlisted in good faith, ex pecting to be a soldier and do soldier's duty, he was doomed to disappointment, for when he came before the medical ex- he was rejected as being too ammers slender to stand the marches aud hardships incident to war. So, with a heavy heart, homeward he trod his lonely way. But conscious that he must do something for his country, he subsequently joined an in dependent company, and in 1864, through the call of Gov. Brough, he had the satis faction of going South and doing duty as a soldier of the One Hundred and Sixty- sixth O. V. I. The educational advantages of Mr. White's boyhood days commenced in a log schoolhouse, the expenses of which school were defrayed by private subscription; but he was soon enabled to avail himself of the free schools, summer aud winter, until such time as his services were required on the farm. He also enjoyed a few terms of select school, and, being taught by compe tent teachers, he so far mastered the com mon branches that he became a teacher, in turn, and for several winters successfully taught young minds how to procure an education. In 1869 Mr. White married Marietta E. Barre, and they settled down to agri cultural pursuits on a small farm adjoin ing that of his father. Here they toiled, enjoying the fruits of their labor and re spect of their neighbors until, in 1887, they moved to the city of Norwalk, where they have formed the acquaintance of many new friends to add to the list of old ones so dear to them. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. White are James Edgar, Blanche and John Gaylord, all at home. Mr. White is one of those men to whom the trite term. "self-made" is appropriately applied. Though lacking the advantages of a higher education in college, yet he has attained much of that most valuable edu cation of all which comes from observa tion, experience and general reading of books. He has made for himself a char acter and reputation that place him in the highest regard of the people who know him best. The feeling of confidence in his judgment and probity is attested by the fact that be has not only been called HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 281 upon to serve in offices of trust in the township that was so long his home, but has been chosen to fill one of the most im portant offices in the county. In the year 1886 he was elected county auditor, tak ing his seat in September, 1887; was re elected in 1889, and now (in 1893) is serving out the last of his second term to the satisfaction of all parties ; and when he retires into private life it will be with the satisfaction that he has served the people of the county in a manner that will elicit naught but favorable comment. Politically Mr. White has always been a Republican, and has been an unswerving supporter of the cause which that organi zation espoused. AMUEL A. WARD, son of Samuel and Ezuba (Bailey) Ward, of Oneida county, N. Y., was born March 18, 1832, in Fitchville township. Samuel Ward was bora in 1790, and was reared on his father's farm in Oneida county, N. Y. He married Ezuba Bailey, who was born in that county in 1793, and to their marriage were thirteen children — nine bora in New York and four in Ohio, namely: Mary, who married Daniel Will iams, died in Fitchville township; William, deceased in Michigan; Elizabeth (widow of George Curry), residing in Henderson county, 111. ; David, who died in Kentucky; Alpha, who also died at an adult age; Char lotte, who was first married to John Jen kins and subsequently to H. P. Starr, aud died in Erie county, Ohio; Gurdon, who died in Michigan; James, who died in Bronson township, Huron county, and Martha, who married Benjamin Filkins, and died in Fitchville township; the chil dren born in Ohio are Samuel A., of whom a sketch follows; Amos, member of a Michigan Cavalry Regiment, who died in the South during the war; Lucy, deceased in infancy, and Adda, wife of A. H. Fox, of Wakeman township, Huron county. About 1830 or '31 Samuel Ward and his family settled in Ohio. The journey from Oneida county, N. Y., was made by river, canal and lake boats to the lake port, and thence by wagon to Fitchville township. Here he purchased 200 acres of wild land at three dollars per acre, and entered at once on its improvement, leaving his fam ily at his brother's house until the rude pioneer cabin would be ready to shelter them. Mr. Ward subsequently exchanged this property for another tract, on which he resided until his death, in 1864. His widow died in 1873, and their remains lie in Fitchville cemetery. Mr. Ward ex perienced all the vicissitudes of pioneer life, conquered every difficulty and won a very high position among the pioneers of Fitchville. In politics at first a Democrat, the Free-soil principles of 1848 appealed to his ideas and claimed his support. In 1856 he became a Republican, and gave his adhesion to the new party until his death. He and his wife were members of the Congregational Church. Samuel A. Ward attended a school taught by Elder Hall, for a few months each year, and while yet a boy worked on the home place and became a valuable farm hand. During his youth he moved to Livingston county, Mich., where he earned good pay, residing there until 1853, when he returned to Ohio. On October 16, 1853, he was married to Weltha Fil kins, who was born March 18, 1831, at Stockton, Chautauqua Co., New York. John S. Filkins, father of Mrs. Ward, came with his wife and seven children from Chautauqua county, N. Y., in March, 1832, the journey, part of the way, being made in a sleigh. He purchased fifty acres of wild land in North Fitchville, paying one dollar and fifty cents per acre. His family stayed with his wife's father, Zadok Weeks, until such time as he could clear a place and build a log cabin. He had much to contend against, and many difficulties to surmount in the daily struggle to provide for the family; but he bravely stood up 282 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. against all adverse circumstances. He had to journey to Wooster, a distance of fifty miles, to buy flour, and on one occasion he walked the entire distance in order to make a purchase of fifty pounds of wool; and after getting it carded into rolls and placed in a sack, he shouldered his burden and walked home! His wife spun this wool into yarn, which in turn she wove into cloth wherewith she made garments for the family. She died of cholera in 1834, leaving a sorrowing husband with eight children on his hands, the eldest being a girl of thirteen summers, who with her father's help kept the family together two years. Of these eight children six are still living besides Mrs. Samuel A. Ward, and a brief record of them is as follows: Mrs. A. E. Vandusen resides in Milan, Ohio; A. J. Filkins aud Mrs. M. C. Brown are in Wis consin; Mrs. P. A. Whitsell resides in Cen terville, Iowa; B. Filkins lives in Fitch ville. Ohio; W. W. Filkins in 1852 set out for California by the overland route, enduring many hardships on the trip; he returned to his old home in 1876 for a visit, and he is now a resident of Port land, Oregon. The mother of these, as was also her husband, was a member of the Baptist Church. In 1836 Mr. Filkins married Miss Betsy Lyon, who died in 1849, leaving three children, all since de ceased, to wit: Mrs. Eliza J. Prosser, who died in Hartland, Ohio, in 1864; Mrs. Ellen A. Williams, who died in St. Paul, Minn., in 1877; and Mrs. Julia E. Doane, who died in Hartland, Ohio, in 1873. By bis third marriage Mr. Filkins had three children, viz.: J. M. and David A., both engineers on the " Big Four Road," and residents of Cleveland, Ohio; and Mrs. O. F. Fish, living in Florida, her husband being also a railroad engineer. In 1867 S. A. Filkins went to California, returning to Fitchville in 1872, soon after which, in the same year, he met with an accident at a barn raising which caused his death. The children born to Samuel A. and Weltha Ward are as follows: Eva B., born October 13, 1854, died October 7, 1880; Adalbert, born June 27, 1856, a farmer of Fitchville township; Carrie A., bora March 15, 1858, died November 16, 1860; Albert E., born July 16, 1862, a farmer of Fitch ville township; and Blanche M., born May 25, 1868, died August 13, 1881. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Ward took up their residence in the Ward home, and remained there until 1867, when they entered into possession of their present farm. Though now living a retired life, Mr. Ward still directs the management of the farm, which is worked by his sons. The property is a valuable one, and in its development the labor of Samuel A. Ward and the economical administration of Mrs. Ward have proved the most important factors. Politically he is a Republican, but he wastes but little time on politics, as his farm and stock interests claim his principal attention. Mrs. Ward is a mem ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church. d( L. HELLER, a prominent farmer citizen of Richmond township, was _J born March 27, 1842, in Northamp ton county, Penn., a son of Abraham Heller, a native of Northampton county, Pennsylvania. Abraham Heller married Susan Ann Bower, by whom he had children as fol lows: Josiah, deceased in Luzerne county, Penn.; William H., of Ada, Ohio; a daughter that died when two years old; Maria, who married James Parks, and died in Ohio; Jacob L., subject of this memoir; and Benjamin F., who enlisted in 1864 in Company C, Forty-ninth Regi ment 0. V. I., and was killed December 16, 1864, at Nashville, Tenn., where he was buried in the National cemetery. Abraham Heller was born and reared in a hotel, and conducted a hostelry for many years in Northampton county, Penn. He had been unfortunate in business, and the worry over his affairs hastened his death, HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 283 which occurred in 18 — ¦ in Pennsylvania. He was a much-respected citizen. In politics he was a member of the Demo cratic party. After the death of the father the widow kept the children together; she was subsequently married, in Pennsyl vania, to David Mascho, a farmer, and in 1859 the family came westward to Ohio, locating in the village of Sulphur Springs, Crawford county, where they followed farming and resided for some years. Mr. Mascho died in 1882; his widow now makes her home at Ada, Hardin Co., Ohio. J. L. Heller received a common-school education, was reared to farm life, and when seventeen years old came to Ohio, as before stated. Here he commenced to learn harness-making with George Cox, serving as an apprentice to that trade for about six months, or until his enlistment in the Civil war. On August 15, 1861, at Sulphur Springs, Ohio, he joined Com pany 0, Forty-ninth Regiment 0. V. L, Col. William H. Gibson, and served with his command to the close of the struggle. He was then detailed with the Fourth Array Corps, which was ordered to Texas, where he served five months, aud was dis charged November 30, 1865, at Victoria, Texas, though he did not reach home till January 1, 1866. His brother, William H., was a member of the same regiment, the same company as himself, serving at the same time and for the same period. On August 30, 1866, Mr. Heller was married to Uretsa Briggs, who was born February 27, 1846, in Crawford county, Ohio, daughter of Dr. G. A. and Olive (Blowers) Briggs, and to this union have come three children, viz.: Lillie M., now Mrs. Edison Wilcox, of Henry county, Ohio; Harry A., of Tiffin, Ohio, and Hat tie M., at home. After marriage our subject located on his present place, where he has since continuously resided, engaged in general farming. In his political rela tions he is a Republican, is one of the local counselors and advisers of his party, and has served creditably as township trustee and in various other positions. In religious connection Mr. and Mrs. Heller are members of the Methodist Protestant Church, in which he has been steward and a teacher in the Sunday-school. He is a prominent citizen and successful farmer, and takes an active interest in the welfare of the community in which he resides. Mr. Heller has traveled considerably, and has been all over the West. 4) MRS. LOUISA BOGARDUS, who was born November 12, 1819, in Plymouth, Luzerne Co., Penn., is a daughter of Truman and Clarissa (Fuller) Atherton, and widow of the late Hon. Evert Bogardus. Hon. Evert Bogardus was a son of Jacob B. Bogardus, whose father (also named Jacob) was an extensive wholesale mer chant and importer, of New York, beina a representative of a very wealthy aud aristo cratic family. Jacob B. Bogardus was born November 24, 1785, and was reared in East Haddam, Conn., where he grew to manhood and was married about 1807 to Gertrude Mosely, a native of the same place, whose father, Jonathan Mosely, served six teen years in Congress. Mr. Bogardus followed bookkeeping for some time, then engaged in mercantile business, and spent several years in the West. He died November 24, 1868, at the home of his son in Ridgefield township, Huron Co., Ohio. Hon. Evert Bogardus was born Sep tember 15, 1813, in Lehman, Luzerne Co., Penn., and, while receiving but a sub scription-school education, made the best possible use of every opportunity. When fifteen years old he was apprenticed to a saddler in New York, bnt not liking the business, he went to Philadelphia. He then determined to secure a more general education, and after spending a short time in Kalamazoo, Mich., he followed book keeping in Williamsport, Penn. On No- 284 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. vember 17, 1840, he was united in mar riage with Louisa Atherton, and resided on a farm in Huntsville, Luzerne Co., Penn., for seven .years, then located at Wilkes-Barre, same State, where he fol lowed a commission business along the canal. In 1856 he came to Norwalk, Huron Co., Ohio, and in the spring of 1857 entered into partnership with a brother-in-law. He then purchased land in Ridgefield township, Huron county, and devoted his attention for a time to agricul tural pursuits. In 1860 he opened a store in North Monroeville, Huron county, which he sold in 1881, and afterward lived in retirement. Evert Bogardus was a Democrat prior to the war, at which time, however, he joined the Republican party, serving in various township and county offices. He represented Huron county for four years in the State Legislature at Co lumbus, and served six years as county commissioner. In religious faith he and his wife were zealous members of the Con gregational Church at North Monroeville, Huron county. They were the parents of two children, William P., a hardware merchant of Mount Vernon, Ohio, and Emma G., deceased wife of H. C. Read. The father died January 26, 1892, and was buried in the North Monroeville cemetery. After his death his widow moved to Mount Vernon, Ohio, where she resides near her son, enjoying the society of many friends. RZA B. GILSON, Se., one of the most prominent of Huron county's ^ representative farmer citizens, and one of the most prosperous, de serves more than a passing notice in this work. The first of the family to come to America was his great-grandfather, who arrived iu New York from Ireland about the middle of the eighteenth century. He was one of two brothers, the other remain ing in Ireland. The one who emigrated settled in Saratoga county, N. Y., and there reared a family of thirteen children, of whom one, named Joel, was born about 1750. The latter was a lifelong farmer in Saratoga, his native county, and in con nection operated a sawmill. He was a collector, in the service of the United States Government, of Continental money, and had, it is alleged, in his possession the sum of forty-two thousand, eight hundred and forty dollars worth of that scrip when Congress repudiated the payment of same, and he thereby lost all he had. In his political affiliations he was first a Federal ist, later a Whig, and he was a man of considerable prominence in his section, straightforward in his dealings, and highly respected. He died in 1820. His wife was a Miss Adams, of Saratoga county, N. Y., and they had a family of seven sons and three daughters, named as follows: Norman, Eli, Jonas, Joel, John, Asa, Naum, Mary, Anna and Rhoda, all of whom lived to a ripe old age, and are all now deceased. Naum Gilson, father of the subject of this sketch, was born April 27, 1793, in Saratoga county, N. Y., and received but a limited education at the subscriptiou schools of the period, but by hard study at home he became quite a proficient scholar. In 1817 he came to Ohio, walking the entire distance to Norwich township, Huron county, and hewed out for himself a home in the dense forest. He built there the first known log house in the township to be used as a residence; put up the first pair of rafters, and made the first plow and harrow ever used in the town ship. At this time Indians and wild ani mals, including game of all kinds, were numerous. He served in the war of 1812, as did also his six brothers and father. His wife was Miss Sally Ormes, of North umberland county, Mass., a daughter of Chauncy Ormes, a capitalist of that section, and the children born to them were Giles J., deceased; Marilla D. Spaulding and Sarah A. Halliday, both HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 285 deceased; Eugenia M., now Mrs. Abram DeGroff, of Grand Ledge, Mich.; Arza B., subject of sketch; Elon W., of Norwalk, Huron county, an ex-treasurer of tbe county; and Ardelia A., now Mrs. S. W. Owen, of Norwalk, Ohio. The father died in 1864, mourned by all who knew him. He was a man of ability and con siderable business tact. At one time he was land-agent for John W. Allen, of Cleveland, who owned a large tract of land in Huron county; was township clerk thirteen years, and postmaster at North Norwich eighteen years, being the first postmaster in Norwich township. He entertained at his house the first minister that came to the township, and was con verted by him on the occasion of his first visit, being received into the fold of the M. E. Church. Politically he was origin ally a Whig, afterward, on the formation of the party, a stanch Republican. A. B. Gilson, the subject proper of these lines, was born April 23, 1827, on tbe farm whereon he now lives in Norwich township. He received a fair education at the public schools of the locality, and, being an apt scholar and close student, soon fitted himself for the position of teacher. At tbe age of eighteen he com menced teaching school, and continued in that profession fourteen years; he also taught vocal music thirty-five years. In 1863 he raised a company of 115 men, and was elected captain of Company E, Sixty- third Regiment O. N. G. On May 2, 1864, this regiment was called upon by the General Government for one hundred days service, and on that day he was chosen as major. On arriving at Camp Taylor, Cleveland, this regiment was joined by the Seventy-ninth Battalion O. N. G. from Medina county, Ohio, and was then known as the One Hundred and Sixty-sixth O. V. L, the field officers of which were Harrison G. Blake, Col.; Ran dolph Eastman, Lt. Col.; and Arza B. Gilson, Major. He served the regiment in this capacity until the twelfth of May, 1864, when by reason of an attack of pneumonia he was relieved from duty, and returned home. He was mustered out of the regiment September 9, following, at Cleveland, Ohio. He then engaged in farming, in which he has met with well- merited success, now owning 228 acres of land, besides property in Chicago, Ohio. On February 8, 1860, Mr. Gilson mar ried Miss Eliza A. Baker, of Medina county, Ohio, a daughter of Chauncy Baker, and two children have been born to them: Aida Belle, who was a pupil of the Conservatory of Music at Cleveland, Ohio, married November 22, 1893, to John M. Elder; and Arza Baker, at home and at school. Our subject, in addition to his many other interests, is a notary public, and pension attorney, in which capacity be enjoys a large practice, cover ing several States. T'HADDEUS S. FANCHER, farmer and stock grower of Greenwich township, was born April 8, 1809, in Ulster county, N. Y., a son of Thaddeus Fancher, a native of Eng land, where he was born in 1777, and where he learned the harness maker's trade. Emigrating to the United States, Thad deus Fancher found a home near Stamford, Conn., followed his trade, and there mar ried Sally Mead, a daughter of Gen. Mead, of Revolutionary fame. To that marriage twelve children were born, namely: Mary, Caroline, Daniel, Mead, Eliza, Thaddeus S., Amy, William, Sarah, Mathew, Will iam and Varney P., of whom Sarah, Mathew and Varney P. were born in Huron county. About the year 1808 the family moved from Connecticut to Ulster county, N. Y., where the father followed his trade until the war of 1812 called all loyal men to arms. Mr. Fancher was drawn into the maelstrom, and took up arms against the troops of his native land. After the war he resumed his trade, and resided with his 286 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. family in Ulster county until 1815, when he set out on the long journey to Huron county, Ohio, to see for himself whether the glowing reports about the "Firelands" were reliable. The journey was made on foot, and satisfied Mr. Fancher that the land was all that was claimed for it, how ever wild the country. He returned to Ulster county, but in 1819 revisited Ohio, selected a tract in Greenwich township, Huron county, and went home to prepare for the removal of his family to a new home in a new land. In November, 1820, the family started on the journey to Ohio, a wagon drawn by a yoke of oxen with a horse for leader being used during the long trip, which occupied five weeks and four days. When passing through Cleve land only eight huts marked the site of that now prosperous city, and along the route via Oberlin and Fitchville Caucasian life was scarce indeed. On Christmas Eve, 1820, the family found shelter in a cabin occupied by a man named Waters. On Christmas Day they arrived in Greenwich township, and took possession of an old hut, which stood ou the farm now owned by C. A. Sutton. Within a day or so they had a visit from David Briggs, their first neighbor, who lived about two miles away, and in the walk over that short dis tance he killed seven deer. He informed the new comers of his feat, and with Mr. Fancher's help gathered in the game and insured to his new friends enough meat to supply the table for the winter. The father died December 26, 1854, the mother May 1, 1857. He was truly one of the pio neers of northern Ohio, was a leading Whig of this section, and though not an adherent of the Democratic party the men of that faction, who knew him, admired him for his sincerity and honesty of purpose. Thaddeus S. Fancher came to Ohio with his parents when eleven years old. There were no schools in Huron county for six years after bis arrival, so that the boy was compelled to tramp three miles to and fro daily, in winter, to a school which had been recently established in Ruggles town ship, Ashland county. He grew to man hood on the home farm, in the improve ment of which he assisted materially. On September 8, 1833, he married Annie M. Chapman, of Richland county, who was bora at Simsbury, Conn., October 8, 1817, and came to Richmond county with her parents, Cyrus and Chloe (Case) Chapman, in 1819. The children born to them are named as follows: Reuben, of Lake county, Ind., engaged in farming, real estate and insurance; Louisa, Mrs. Albert Flint, of Em poria, Kans.; Lavina, widow of Warren, of Chicago; Varney P., who served in the One Hundred and Second O. V. I., suf fered the horrors of Libby Prison and lost his health, dying in Missouri, after the war; Salathiel, a real-estate man in Kansas City; Lewis, also a resident of Kansas City; George, a carpenter, residing at home; Maria, Mrs. William Dennison, of Topeka, Kans.; Stephen, deceased when six months old; Orlando, who died when three years old; Semore, an attorney at Crown Point, Ind., and Luella, Mrs. Alva Tubbs, of Osawatomie, Kans. In Septem ber, 1833, our subject settled on part of his present farm, increasing the area of his lands gradually, until his large estate was formed. In 1859 fire destroyed his build ings and much farm produce; insurance had expired five or six days before, so that he suffered total loss. He found himself one thousand seven hundred dollars in debt, but going to work witb redoubled energy he reached the front again, and his progress has since been unchecked. He provided well for his children, and to-day enjoys the comforts which such a man should have. Mr. and Mrs. Fancher are the oldest married couple in Huron county. They well remember the days when the bear, wolf and deer were ordinary visitors, and when deer would come to browse on the leaves of the fallen trees in the clearing. Indians in parties of thirty-five or forty HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 287 often passed their pioneer home, en route to the hunting fields of central Ohio. For merly a Whig, and a Republican since 1856, he has always been faithful to his party, and he and his wife have been mem bers of the Methodist Church forty years. Both are identified with tbe pioneer his tory of northern Ohio, and are honored by all, old and young, who know them. eWITT C. NORTON was born De cember 10, 1826, in Poultney, Vt., a grandson of Solomon Norton, who was born in Connecticut in 1757, and reared to farming, which he made a success. Grandfather Norton moved to Vermont when a young man, bought a farm and erected a saw and grist mill, all of which he carried on for some years. He was prosperous and became a very influential man. At the age of seventy-five he re tired from active life, and with his wife (his third one) moved to the town of Shoreham, Vt., where he passed the re mainder of his days. He was first mar ried, in 1774, to Miss Sarah Rexford, who was born in 1757 in Vermont, and they had thirteen children — seven sons and six daughters. James R. Norton, seventh child of Solo mon Norton, was born in Poultney, Vt., in 1786, and was highly educated; he at tended one of the best eastern colleges, was a good classical scholar, a great reader, and was possessed of a most retentive memory. He married Miss Chloe Savage, of Granville, N. Y., a daughter of Solomon Savage, of the same place, and then em barked in mercantile business in Poultney, in which he continued until the passage of the Embargo Act, wliich ruined his busi ness. He then commenced the trade of cooper, aud worked at same in Poultney till 1834, in which year he came to Huron county, Ohio, and settling in Norwalk township bought a farm of thirty acres. Pie still continued at his trade here, while his sons farmed the place, and became quite prosperous, owning before his death 147 acres of laud. In politics he was a strong Republican, one of the counsellors and advisers of the party. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Norton were the parents of six children, viz.: Louisa, Charlotte L., Sarah, James H., DeWitt C. and Henry C. DeWitt C. Norton at the age of eight years came with his father from Poultney, Vt., to Norwalk township. He received his education at the high school of Nor walk, after which he taught school nine winters. In 1859 he was united in mar riage with Sarah Henderson, daughter of Joseph Henderson, of Connecticut. After marriage he farmed with his father until the death of the latter in 1872, when he bought his present farm, then of 147, now of 177 acres, and commenced the rearing of fine sheep, an industry he continued in some years with good success, and he had the reputation of keeping the best sheep in the county. He has now on his farm several thorough-bred cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Norton were the parents of four chil dren, viz.: Mary and Sarah L., both of whom died young; Horace H., working on his father's farm; and James P., a veteri nary surgeon in Fulton, Mo. Iu politics our subject is a solid Republican, but has never sought office. EORGE M. RYERSON was born March 10, 1821, in Sussex county, N. J. His father, Peter Ryerson, followed farming, and was also an extensive tanner and currier in that county. During the youth of George M. Ryer son, his native county was surrounded by pioneer conditions of even a more decided character than he found existing in Huron county, Ohio, in later years. He received such an education as the subscription schools of Sussex county afforded, and then 288 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. learned the carpenter's trade, at which he worked continuously until some six or eight years after coming to Ohio in 1850. On January 14, 1847, he was united in mar riage with Miss Sarah C. Edsall, a native of Sussex county, N. J., and to them the following named children were born: Elizabeth, who died in childhood; Sarah, born October 22, 1849, who married Charles H. Burg, of Paterson, N. J.; Price V., born November 6, 1851, a farmer of Greenfield township, Huron Co., Ohio; Edsall F., born August 12, 1853, in Huron county, also a farmer in the neighborhood; Esther P., bora January 11, 1856, wife of A. G. Roe, of Peru township; George E., a farmer of Fairfield township; Dora Elzie, married to Fred Mitchell, of Bronson township: Delno P., a farmer of Peru township; Kate, married to Free man Mitchell, of Greenfield township; and Grace, the youngest child, who was married November 15, 1893, to Henry T. Graham, of Greenfield-. The mother of this large family died July 4, 1877, aged fifty-three years, and was buried in Center cemetery with the rites of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which she was a member. On June 25, 1878, Mr. Ryer son married, for his second wife, Miss Hannah Harrison, who was bora February 11, 1837, in Huntingdonshire, England, and came thence to Norwalk, Ohio, in 1867. The children of this marriage are: Mabel B., born May 4, 1879, and Susie A., born August 28, 1880. In 1850 Mr. Ryerson, with his wife and two children, made the journey from New Jersey to this part of Ohio, where he rented a small tract of land. Later he purchased a larger tract in Peru township, where he now resides. A farmer and car penter, he found work always waiting for his hands, and his industrious character did not permit a waste of time. A good farmer and a good mechanic, he filled the double role well, and accumulated a valu able property. His children were all reared at home, and when each required aid in beginning life's journey, he was al ways ready with will and means to assist. Up to the Buchanan regime Mr. Ryerson was a Democrat, but since that period he has been a Republican. He has held vari ous township offices, and is thoroughly versed in the principles of government, always taking a deep interest in the success of his party, particularly in the manage ment of township and county affairs. He is a leading member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he has held several offices, and is one of its pillars and most liberal supporters. His wife is a member of the Baptist Church. The family are well and favorably known here, and Mr. Ryerson, himself, is held in the highest esteem. URI B. THOMAS, who has been a resident of Huron county since 1846, was boru October 24, 1818, in Otsego county, New York. His parents, George and Adeline (Baker) Thomas, bestowed care on the training oi their son, and gave him such education as the common district school afforded. At the age of eighteen years sickness com pelled him to abandon study, and for the three following years little attention was given by him to school matters. Con valescent once more, he entered Clinton Institute, Clinton, N. Y., in May, 1840, the year he claims was the turning point in his life, and being a studious young man learned quickly — grammar, algebra, chemistry, surveying, philosophy and the higher branches of mathematics, French and Latin being particularly suited to him. After a stay of four months and a half at Clinton, he contracted to teach the village school at Burlington Flats, the considera tion being seventeen dollars per month. There were fifteen applicants for this posi tion, which entailed the instruction and control of one hundred and five pupils. This, his first school, began November 1, -2=*-/, HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 291 1840, and ended in March, 1841. His success as teacher was pronounced, so that when he established a select school in the same village, parents gave him a lib eral support. For several years after Mr. Thomas conducted school, and also found time to attend Clinton Institute. In 1840 he walked nine miles to attend the Whig convention at Utica, making the tow-path of the Chenango Canal his road to and fro; and in November of that year he cast his first vote for President of the United States. From 1840 to 1846 he was steadily , engaged in school work, and in April of the last named year he set out for Huron county, traveling via the Erie Canal and lake to Huron, Ohio, whence he proceeded to his destination in Greenwich township. His father owned a piece of partly im proved land in that township, half of which tract (to the value of about five hun dred dollars) he granted to his son, pro vided the latter would clear and improve the whole tract. Uri B. went to work earnestly, and though the condition of his health scarcely warranted such labor as the contract with his father demanded, yet his venture was attended with marked suc cess. In the fall of 1846 he purchased 110 acres of wild land for five hundred and ten dollars, and gave his attention for three- fourths of each year to the improve ment of both tracts, being engaged in teaching school here during the winter terms. On April 16, 1849, Mr. Thomas mar, ried Ellen R. McOmber, a native of Cas- tleton, Vt., born May 21, 1829. In 1848 a sister of this lady, by name Charlotte, visited Greenwich township; she was one of a party going through the country, lecturing on mnemonics, or the science of memory, aud gave an exhibition in tbe school, then conducted by Mr. Thomas. She organized a class there, which her sister, was assigned to. teach, and in this way Mr. Thomas became acquainted with her. They were married at the old " Neil House," Columbus, Ohio, by a Universal is ist preacher, Rev. N. Doolittle, and to this union were born the following named chil dren: Orr U., residing at home; George T., probate judge of Huron county; Dora E., who died young; a son who died in in fancy; and Luna A., who died young. Mrs. Ellen R. Thomas died March 25, 1861, and was buried in Fitchville ceme tery. On February 17, 1864, his marriage with Myra B. Stowe, a native of Erie county, Ohio, took place, and to them were born: Walter S., who died in youth, and Myra A., Mrs. Lewis A. Akeley, a pro fessor in the University of South Dakota, at Vermillion. After his first marriage our subject established his home on the old place where he had resided since 1846, and con tinued there until 1864, when he moved to his present residence. For a number of years he was recognized as a leading agriculturist, stock grower and wool dealer, in the latter capacity buying wool through out northern Ohio. For over two years he has led a semi-retired life, leaving his lands and the management of the estate in the hands of his eldest son. Mr. Thomas was a Democrat until 1852. In 1848 he voted the Free-soil ticket, and in 1856 yoted the Republican ticket. He was a justice of the peace for many years, but stoutly refused other offices, even with drawing his pame when presented in con vention of his party for representative in the Legislature. He is thoroughly versed in the political history of the United States, and well informed on a great num ber of subjects. Possessing a good mem ory and the gift of language, he is a fluent, intelligible speaker. Some two years ago he sustained injuries from a runaway team, which came near making him a cripple for life, and to his own knowledge of anatomy, more than to any other source, must be credited his recovery. On August 29, 1873, was organized a corporate company, under the title of "The Greenwich Land and Building Asso ciation," having purchased the farm of 292 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 121.44 acres where Greenwich now stands, for the purpose of growing the town. The town of Greenwich had in 1873 a popula tion of fifty within a radius of 160 rods from the center of the C. C. C. & I. R. R. tracks on Main street. In 1878 the popu lation of Greenwich, within the same radius, was over 1,000. Mr. Thomas hav ing taken stock in said Association, at the election of officers in September, 1873, he was elected its president; re-elected to that position annually to date, and the manage ment has been largely under his control. El THAN C. LOVELL, a large land owner of Greenfield township, was l born bere June 17, 1819, where his parents, David and Mary Chilcott Lovell, were early pioneers. David Lovell was born in 1763, in Baltimore county, Md., which, according to Bancroft, was " the only place in the wide world where religious liberty found a home." His ancestors came from Eng land, but whether with the Maryland or Virginia colonists is not recorded. He was reared on the home farm in his native county, received an education in the school of his district, and when yet a young man removed to Huntingdon county, Penn. There he married Mary Chilcott, also a native of Baltimore county, Md., and they resided in Trough Creek Valley until the fall of 1815, when he sold his farm andjour- peyed across the mountains with his wife and four children. He made a short stay at tbe home of a relative in Knox county, Ohio, but the reputation of the "Firelands" had penetrated to the wilderness of Knox county, and soon the family started on the journey to Huron county. Arriving here Mr. Lovell eptered a large tract of land in Greenfield township, butdidnpt buildanew pabin immediately, preferring the shelter which the cabin of an earlier settler afforded until he could select a favorable site for a home. His land purchases were not confined to Greenfield township, so that he carried all he could handle. At this critical time the buyer of the farm in Huntingdon county, Penn., failed to pay for it, and ownership had to be resumed by Mr. Lovell. This circumstance com pelled him to sell, not only the old farm at a sacrifice, but also some of his lands in Ohio. After this troublesome deal was con cluded, he located on the farm where Ethan C. Lovell now resides, and gave all his at tention to agriculture until his death, which occurred November 16, 1830. His widow died July 14, 1848, and both are interred in Greenfield township. Politically he was a Democrat, and religiously a member of the Close Communion Baptist Church. The record of their children is as follows: Ruth, born March 8, 1804, died February 17, 1818, while her parents were visiting in Pennsylvania, and was the first person in terred in Greenfield cemetery; Martha, bora November 2, 1806, is the deceased wife of Edward H. Lawther, of Green field township; Rachel, born August 6, 1809, i6 the deceased wife of Phineas K. Guthrie; Mary, born September 10, 1811, died November 6, 1820; Eleanor, born August 29, 1815, is the deceased wife of Nehemiah Brooks; Ethan C. is the sub ject of this sketch. Ethan C. Lovell was born and reared on the farm where he now resides, and his education was such as the primitive schools of that period afforded; geography was the boy's favorite study. After the death of his father bis mother assumed charge of the far m , and the son worked thereon .When seventpen or eighteen years old he took charge of the home farm of fifty acres, and also of a farm of sixty acres in Peru township, and carried both on with marked success. He was married December 30, 1854, to Martha McKelvey, who was born March 31, 1831, at Plymouth, Ohio. Her grandfather, William McKelvey, was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. In 1811 he came to the "Firelands" of Ohio, and' settled in Greenfield township, Huron HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 293 county; but some time afterward, when the news of Hull's treachery and the capitulation of Detroit was heralded through the settlements, William McKel vey removed his family to Trumbull county, and he and his son William joined the army. When peace was declared they returned to Greenfield, Huron county. Matthew McKelvey, father of Mrs. Lovell, was bora January 30, 1794, in Westmore land county, Penn. He married Nancy Adams, who was born July 30, 1798, at Marlboro, Vt., a daughter of Bildad Adams, an early settler of Huron county, Ohio. Matthew McKelvey opened a general store near Greenfield Center; the first dry-good^ store at Plymouth, Ohio, was established by him, and for a long time he was the leading merchant in a wide district, where to-day thousands are en gaged in trade. Mr. and Mrs. Lovell located on the present farm immediately after marriage, and to-day possess one of the finest resi dences in the township. Having no chil dren of their own, they adopted two, who bear the name of their foster-parents. In political life Mr. Lovell, prior to 1856, was a Democrat, of the Jacksonian school, but since then he has been a thorough Re publican; he is a strong and logical advo cate for protective tariffs. The valuable property which he now owns is the direct result of his own and his wife's industry and perseverance. He gives to agricul ture aud stock growing the care which generally warrants success, and to-day he ranks with the leading farmers of this section of Ohio. jBILIP HAUXHURST, a success ful farmer and prominent citizen of Huron county, was born October 4, 1829, in Ulster county, New York. Samson Hauxhnrst, his father, was bora April 30, 1803, near White Plains, N. Y, aud was raised on his father's farm until he was eighteen years old. In 1821 he was apprenticed to a car penter and millwright, with whom he served five years. On January 1, 1829, he married Susan Briggs, who was born February 22, 1806, in Wawarsing town ship, Ulster Co., N. Y., where her father, Daniel Briggs, was a farmer. To this marriage eight children were born, of whom the three first named in the follow ing record were natives of New York: Philip, the subject of thia sketch; George, born April 10, 1832, who died September 11, 1840; Martha, born January 1, 1834, Mrs. J. W. Sprague, of Belgrade, Neb.; Elnora, born February 2, 1837, wife of J. S. Laughlin, of Golden Spring, Neb.; Mary Jane, bora September 9, 1840, widow of Carscallen, of Oakdale, Antelope Co., Neb.; Sarah, born Septem ber 9, 1842, who married Marcus Bacon, and died December 14, 1873, at Wells- worth, Mo.; Minerva, born August 1, 1844, Mrs. Herbert Mickey, of Fitchville township; and Charles W., bora Novem ber 8, 1846, died April 13, 1847. In the fall of 1836 the parents and their three children set out from Ulster county for Ohio. From their home in the village of Ellen ville, to Kingston, thirty miles distant, they traveled in a wagon, thence to Albany, on a Hudson-river boat; thence to Buffalo on canal boat; thence to Huron, Ohio, on lake boat, and lastly in a wagon to Fitchville township, Huron county, where tbe family found a temporary home ¦ with Robert Washburn, a brother-in-law of Mr. Hauxhnrst. Samson Hauxhurst was not a stranger in the new country. In 1834 he had visited the West to examine lands, and starting from Detroit traversed southeastern Michigan and the two north ern tiers of counties in Ohio (east of Wood county), on horseback. In Huron county he found land to suit him, and purchased 140 acres at sixteen dollars per acre. After locating here in 1836 he built a log cabin, which soon after gave place to a log house built by himself. From that time till 294 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. October 23, 1880, wben death removed the pioneer, he gave all his time and attention to the farm, seldom even exercising his trade, when such would take him away from the place. Mrs. Hauxhurst died in June, 1870. Politically a Republican, he was well posted on public affairs, faithful to the party platform, and filled several township offices most satisfactorily. In religious faith he and his wife were mem bers of the M. E. Church, and ardent as well as liberal supporters of same. Mr. Hauxhurst donated a house and lot to the missionary cause. He held various posi tions in the church, and was, altogether, one of its most zealous members. Philip Hauxhurst was reared at Ellen- ville, N. Y., until be was seven years of age, when he accompanied his parents to Ohio. In boyhood he attended the Fitch ville high school, when Mr. DeWolfe, ex- State superintendent of schools, was prin cipal of that institution. After school days had gone with the past, he returned to the farm. On May 4, 1854, he was united in marriage with Julia A. Denman, born November 26, 1830, in Ulster county, N. Y., daughter of Martin Denman, who settled in Townsend township, Huron county, in 1833. To this marriage came children as follows: Carrie D., born Jan uary 12, 1856, died April 7, 1864; Louisa, born December 7, 1857, died October 3, 1875; Annabel M., born August 10, 1859, wife of J. E. Bliss, of Fairfield township; and an infant, unnamed, born February 8, 1863, who died a few days later. The mother of these children passed away Sep tember 11, 1867, and Mr. Hauxhurst's marriage with Mrs. Mary Webster, widow of Guy Webster, of Ionia, Mich., took place June 7, 1870. She died without issue, February 13, 1889, aud on June 3, 1890, our subject married Anna Filkins, a native of Attica, N. Y., born February 22, 1835. After his first marriage Mr. Hauxhurst located in his father's home. This property he purchased in 1870, and at once began the work of improving it. The residence, which was built by himself, is one of the finest in the township. Po litically a Republican, he has always been true to the party. He has filled the office of township trustee for a greater number of terms than any other resident of the township, and has also served in other local offices. In religions affairs he is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and steward of the M. E. Society of Fairfield. In May, 1864, our subject enlisted in Company C, One Hundred and Sixty-sixth O. V. I. (formerly of the Sixty-third Ohio National Guards), proceeded to Virginia with the command on May 15, and served in the defense of Washington, D. C, against Jubal Early's raiders. He prac tically escaped the sickness which attacked the regiment, and receiving honorable dis charge, was mustered out September 9, 1864, and returning home resumed farm ing. His civil and military records are without stain, and to-day he stands high in the opinion of the people of Huron county and his township. M. WILLEY was born August 23, 1828, in the county of Durham, England. He received but a com mon country school education in his native land, and when yet a boy emigrated to America, locating in Gunins, Seneca Co., New York. In 1854 he came to Ohio, and being naturally adapted to mechanical work, entered the employ of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad Company in the road's pioneer days. After leaving this company he went to Michigan, and became an engineer for a sawmill, in one of the great lumber camps. Finally re turning to Ohio, he was married, July 29, 1870, to Hattie J. Haskell, who was born in 1843, in Worcestershire, England. She is the daughter of George and Mary Ann (Barber) Haskell, who came to America in HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 295 1850, locating in Erie county, Ohio. R. M. and Hattie J. Willey were the parents of one daughter, Gertie M., who now has charge of the home farm. On April 22, 1872, Mr. Willey mourned the death of his wife, and she was laid to rest in the Nor walk cemetery. He passed his remaining years on the farm in Ridgefield township, Huron county, following general agri culture and stock raising, in which he was successful. His death occurred August 4, 1890, when he was laid to rest by the side of his wife. When a young man Mr. Willey twice sustained the loss of large sums of money due bim for labor, but not becoming dis couraged he again set to work, and at last succeeded in acquiring a competence. He became an eager reader, and spent most of his time at home, where he could always be found. Although very unassuming in his manner, he was a very popular man, and his friends were numbered by the scores. In politics he was a Republican, taking an active interest in the success of his party. JL. SLAGLE, one of the prominent railroad men of Chicago Junction, was born July 4, 1858, at Cassel, Hessen-Cassel, Germany. The name, in Germany, was originally von Schlagel, bnt after coming to the United States the father of George von Schlagel, grandfather of our subject, changed the spelling to Slagle. George von Slagle was bora in Gallia county, Ohio, shortly after his parents had emigrated to the United States. He re ceived a common English education, and by his own labor paid for his education as civil engineer and land surveyor. About 1856 he married a' Miss Atkins, of south ern Indiana, and while they were visiting in Germany to settle an estate, the subject of this sketch was bora. They returned in September, 1858, and settled in Wapello county, Iowa. In 1861 George Slagle en listed as a private in Company E, Thirty- sixth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and later was promoted to corporal. Taken prisoner, he was compelled for seven months to ac cept the terrible hospitality of the Con federate prisons, which, with thirty-seven months in actual service, made his full term of three years and eight months. Since receiving honorable discharge he has resided at Seymour, Ind., where he fol lows the profession of civil engineer, and is engaged in contracting. He has three children, namely: J. L., Frank, and Hattie C, wife of Harry Wheeler, locomotive engineer, of Seymour, Ind. The mother of this family died nineteen years ago. J. L. Slagle received a fair education in the common and graded schools of Sey mour, Ind. At the age of nineteen years be entered the employ of the Missouri Pacific as fireman on the Kansas City & Atchison division, in which position he served eight months, when he was pro moted to yard engineer. After eight months' service he resigned, returning to Indiana, where he again found employment as fireman, but in an accident of his road be received injuries which incapacitated him for heavy railroad work for three years. He was able, however, to do cleri cal work, and traveled over the country in various employments. In 1881 he re sumed railroad work, as fireman on the Bal timore & Ohio Railroad, but later accepted a position as brakeman ; was then promoted to freight, and then to passenger conductor. On July 23, 1886, he assisted in opening the new division between Philadelphia and Baltimore, where he remained nearly one year, and in 1887 returned as freight-train conductor between Chicago Junction and Chicago, making his home at Chicago Junction. Since entering the service of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company he has served in nearly every capacity on the train — as brakeman, fireman, baggage agent, and freight and passenger conductor. Mr. Slagle was married August 9, 1888, to Kunnegunde, eldest daughter of Capt. 296 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. F. J. Leydorf. They own a delightful home on Spring street, and enjoy many substantial friendships. Mr. Slagle is a polished, courteous gentleman, popular not only in railroad circles, but also among men in every station in Chicago Junction. In 1892 his name was presented to the Republican convention, as candidate for sheriff of Huron county, and he received a flattering support. In the great railroad system of this country promotion always waits on such a man, slow it may be, but sure. T OSEPH SMITHLA, who was born k. I February 19, 1819, in Baden, Ger- \J; many, is a son of John and Mary (Gross) Smithla, natives of that division of what is now the German Empire. John Smithla was a miller, and died in 1826, his wife surviving him three years. After the death of her first husband she re-married, and Joseph resided with his step-father during his minority. He at tended the schools of his native town, and subsequently learned the baker's trade, at which he worked uutil 1847. In that year he sailed for America from the port of Havre in northern France, landed at New York, worked one month at his trade there, and then proceeded to Sandusky, Ohio. He appears to have cast aside the baker's trade there in favor of an ordinary labor er's work, for he worked in the latter capacity on the Newark & Sandusky Railroad, which was then in course of construction. In 1850 he went to Cali fornia, the journey occupying 103 days, and was engaged in the gold diggings until 1852, when he returned to Ohio and made his home in Huron county. On May 2, 1853, he was married to Helena Hiss, who came from Germany with her parents in 1837, and the children born to this marriage were Joseph, Edward and Taophile (all three farmers of Peru township) ; Helena, Rosa, Carrie and Tillie, residing with parents, and Mary and Paul (deceased). In 1853 Mr. Smithla purchased ninety acres of his present farm of 187 acres, afterward adding the remain ing ninety-seven acres. This tract gives ample evidence of the care which he has bestowed upon it during the last forty years. It is highly improved and intrin sically valuable, as well as being the pioneer home of the Smithlas in America. Like the Argonauts of 1849-52, the owner is a whole-souled, able-bodied, reliable man, whose industry carved out of a forest a valuable home. The family are all members of the Catholic congregation, and, like the father, very much esteemed. Mr. Smithla votes with the Democratic party in State and National issues; and even in local politics, where the man, rather than the party, is considered, it is unusual for him to desert the nominee of' his party. The elegant brick residence and farm buildings speak forcibly of Mr. Smithla's relation to the community. "VlLLIAM PERRIN, one of the \il leading representative business |f[ men of Huron county, is a native of the Keystone State, born in Wilkes-Barre, March 31, 1835, a son of Gurdin and Polly (Church) Perrin, the former of whom was born in Connecticut in 1801, where he was reared and educated. In 1822 Gurdin Perrin moved to Penn sylvania where he followed farming till 1837, at which time he came to Huron county, Ohio, and continued his life vocation up to his death, which event occurred about the year 1867. He was a Presbyterian of the old school, in church connection, and an uncompromising Whig, in his political predilections. About the year 1824 he was married to Polly Church, and they had a family of eleven children, eight of whom grew to maturity, and six are now living. The mother died October 5,1855. HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 297 William Perrin, the subject proper of this sketch, was educated at the Huron Institute, at Milan, Ohio, and when old enough commenced teaching school in Huron county, in which he continued some years. Abandoning scholastic duties, Mr. Perrin next turned his attention to agri cultural pursuits, stone quarrying, and dealing in real estate. He assisted in the laying out of the route, in Huron county, of the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroad. On December 26, 1860, William Perrin was united in marriage with Miss Eliza beth Newson, who bore him one child that died. This wife was called from earth February 3, 1863, and April 5, 1864, Mr. Perrin married Mrs. Mary E. Jordan, sister to his first wife, by which union there are two children, Emma E. and William N. In politics our subject was originally a Democrat, his first Presiden tial vote having been cast for Buchanan, but in 1864 he became a Republican, and has ever since cast his suffrages for that party. In church relationship he is an earnest Episcopalian. William N. Perrin, son of William and Mary E. Perrin, was bora in 1870 at Nor walk, Ohio, and received his primary edu cation at the common schools of Norwalk, after which he attended the Case School of Applied Science at Cleveland, studying both civil and electrical engineering. He made all the maps for a recent excellent atlas of Huron county, which have given uni versal satisfaction. JAMES McMAHON, a well-known v. I agriculturist of Huron county, was %J) born May 17, 1837, in County Monaghan, Ireland, where he passed his childhood and received a moderate education. As he approached manhood he determined to seek a new home where he could have broader chances for accumulat- money, and more freedom in his ideas in and manner of livin, g- With this in view he emigrated from Ireland in 1853, and immediately after his arrival in America located in Ohio, where he began his business career as a farm laborer on the estate of Steven Sawyer. The country at that date was in a wild state, thoroughly undeveloped and but thinly populated, and farming was hard work; but a determination to succeed, coupled with unusual energy, enabled our subject to persevere in the work for eight years. At the end of that time he had accumulated enough money to buy two horses and rent a small tract of land, and in a few years bought seventy-two acres of land, two and one half miles southeast of Bellevue. He has continued to add to his farm until it now comprises 200 acres of highly cultivated soil, and ydelds him a comfortable income. On October 10, 1866, Mr. McMahon married Miss Bridget Perry, who was born in 1848 in Toronto, Canada, a daughter of James Perry, a suc cessful farmer of Erie county, who died in 1880, at the age of sixty-four. Their mar riage has been blessed with eight children, viz.: Rose (who married Bernard Brady, of Portland, Oreg.), James (who lives in Bellevue, and is married), Mary, Susie, Agnes, Eddie, Julia and Isabella, all of whom are living. Mrs. McMahon died January 17, 1882, deeply mourned by her family and friends. The subject of this biographical memoir is an example of what energy and frugal ity can accomplish. He commenced life in a new country without either money or friends, and to-day has an abundance of both. He devotes his attention exclusively to farming, and principally to raising wheat and corn. He is a Democrat in politics, and served as road supervisor for a num ber of years. He and his family are mem bers and liberal supporters of the Catholic Church. James McMahon, father of our subject, was born in Ireland and lived there until 1861, at which time he came with his wife to America, settling in Ohio. He was a 298 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. farmer in the old country, and always de voted his attention to agricultural pursuits up to the time of his death. He com menced work in Ohio with no money, but succeeded in renting a farm in Lyme town ship, where he was highly respected by his neighbors, and where his wife died. He had six children as follows: Thomas, formerly of Deerfield, Mich., who died December 25, 1887; Mary, who died in New York in 1839; James, subject of sketch; Mrs. Owen Kelly and Peter Mc Mahon, of Deerfield, Mich.; and Patrick, residing three miles southeast of Bellevue. Kr\ EV. CHARLES V. CHEVRAUX, hjK pastor of St. Mary's Church, Nor- r| V\, walk. The organizer of the Eng- J) lish-speaking congregation of Ro man Catholics at N orwalk was Rev. Father Narcissus Ponchell, a native of France, born September 19, 1825. In July, 1850, he bade farewell to his native land, and in company with Bishop Rappe embarked for America, landing August 6 following. On January 1, 1851, he was ordained priest by Bishop Rappe. He was an able man, and soon became pastor of St. Peter's Church, at Norwalk. Seeing the necessity for an English- speaking church here, he organized St. Mary's parish, and in 1853 purchased land on which to erect a church. The building was commenced in 1857, and the first mass was held in it on Easter Sunday, 1859. He also purchased the cemetery of five acres. Before the church was com pleted, however, Father Ponchell was called to his reward by the hand of death, September 15, 1860. He had labored zealously in the diocese for the salvation of souls, and was beloved by citizens of all denominations. He was a man of impos ing appearance, amiable disposition, and a true priest. Although it is now over three decades since his remains were laid to rest, his memory is as fresh in the minds of the people as though it were but yesterday, and he is still spoken of as the perfect gentleman and true man of God. Rev. E. M. O'Callahan attended St. Mary's Church from Cleveland from Sep tember 4, 1860, till December 1, same year; from December 1 till April 2, 1864, Rev. John Quinn had charge of the parish. He did excellent work, and the congrega tion grew under his charge. During his pastorate a handsome parochial residence was built. It is located on the southeast corner of Milan and St. Mary streets. Rev. Thomas P. Thorpe succeeded Father Quinn as pastor of St. Mary's Church in April, 1864. He enlarged the church, and built a small parochial schoolhouse at the rear of the church. Father Thorpe was succeeded March 3, 1868, by the saintly and energetic Father Hailey, whose pas torate was marked by unusual progress of the parish, both materially and spiritually. Among the first moves in material matters during his service in the parish was the purchasing of a church bell, which weighs three thousand one hundred pounds, and is still one of the finest in this part of Chio. As the congregation grew rapidly, and most of the members settled in the western part of Norwalk, it became necessary to build a new church and school building, and expedient to remove the location of the same to a more central portion of the parish. With this end in view, March 7, 1875, Father Hailey purchased a location on the northwest corner of State and League streets, and in 1878 a fine brick schoolhouse was erected. A few years later Father Hailey was incapacitated through ill-health, and lingered about three years, when death closed his earthly labors, after having served for nearly sev enteen years as pastor of St. Mary's Church. Father F. Hailey was born near Tramore, County Waterford, Ireland, Jan uary 14, 1833; was educated at Mount Mellory and at All Hallows College, Dub lin, Ireland. In 1855 he came to Amer ica, and in 1857 he entered St. Mary's College, Cleveland, Ohio, where he was HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 301 ordained by Bishop Rappe, December 2, 1860. He subsequently labored in Toledo, Grafton, St. Mary's Seminary (Cleveland) and St. Mary's parish (Norwalk). Al though his last charge was a heavy one, and fraught with adversity, he was always equal to the task; a princely priest and veritable man of God, he died January 4, 1885. During his pastorate in Norwalk, he labored hard to put down all practices that would tend to lower the morals of his flock. Among other things his aim was directed against the dance. When he took charge of the congregation it numbered thirty families; at his death it numbered 130, and was out of debt. After the death of Father Hailey, the present pastor, Rev. Charles Vincent Chevraux, was appointed. He was born in the eastern part of France January 22, 1848, a son of August and Justine (Poinsot) Chevraux. When Father Chevraux was a boy of six years, his parents emigrated to America, and located in the town of Louisville, Stark Co., Ohio. Here he attended the local schools, and subsequently the dio cesan college at that place. He afterward entered St. Mary's Seminary, at Cleveland, Ohio, where he graduated in 1874, and he was ordained at South Bend, Ind., by Bishop Gilmour. In 1874 Father Chev raux was stationed at the cathedral, Cleve land, Ohio, where he remained ten and one-half years, aud while there gained many friends, and proved himself a priest by eminent qualities. When the pastorate of St Mary's, Norwalk, was found vacant, his appointment to the incumbency was eminently fitting. One of the first moves made by him was to introduce the Sisters of St. Joseph to take charge of the paro chial schools, and under their management it has prospered in a high degree. He commenced to build a church on the prop erty purchased by Father Hailey, the first work being done in 1889. The structure is now almost completed, and is a beauti ful piece of architecture, cruciform in shape, Gothic in style, and built of stone throughout. It will stand as a lasting monument to the pious zeal of Father Chevraux and his flock. The laying of the corner-stone, which took place Sep tember 22, 1889, called to Norwalk the largest assemblage ever gathered in the city, very many coming from Cleveland, called hither on the occasion, greatly by Father Chevraux's popularity in that city. [Since this sketch was written the church has been frescoed, the windows set in. The fresco, windows and paintings are beautiful aud grand.] Father Chevraux is a man of over me dium stature, pleasing and kindly in his manners, an earnest preacher of the Gos pel, and an enterprising citizen. He is thoroughly American, and his views on politics are of a broad and liberal char acter. The following very flattering no tice of this reverend gentleman is taken from a recent issue of the Toledo Bee: " Rev. Chas. V. Chevraux, of Norwalk, Ohio, sang solemn high mass at St. Francis de Sales Church Wednesday morning. Father Chevraux is considered and un doubtedly is the most celebrated vocalist in the American Priesthood, aud the peo ple of St. Francis de Sales parish were de lighted to have an opportunity of hearing him. A voice of superb ' timbre,' clear, powerful baritone, of such volume that his notes could be often heard a block from the church, the lofty vaulted ceilings seemed alive with charming music. A cultured auditor remarked: 'There.! in the sanctuary for once Madame Machen has found her match, in church music' Come again, noble-voiced monsieur, and give our thousand cultured Toledo people due notice of your coming." JL. MEAD. Many years ago three brothers of the name of Mead left their home in Wales, and sailed across the ocean to America. On arriving in the New World they finally 302 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. located in Huron county, Ohio, aud one of them, Abram Mead, became the first white settler of Fitchville township. Some years afterward he and his family moved to Norwalk township, where they became prominent settlers. He was married four times, and died near Norwalk in 1852. Joel E. Mead, youngest son of tbe pio neer just mentioned, was born in Putnam county, N. Y., and was brought by his parents to Huron county, Ohio, when but three months old. He came with the family to Norwalk township when about fifteen years of age, and grew to manhood on the farm. When a young mau he se lected a life companion in the person of Betsey A. Lewis, a native of the "Fire lands." and she bore him seven children. The father died in 1870, at the age of fifty- three years, the mother on December 31, 1888. Jerome L. Mead, third child of Joel E. and Betsey (Lewis) Mead, was born No vember 7, 1850, iu Norwalk, Ohio, where he was reared and educated. He worked for several years handling and shipping stock near to Norwalk, and now has charge of the grain, feed and seed store in Nor walk, formerly owned by Woodward Bros., and now the property of J. L. Mead & Co. Our subject is also a partner in the grocery firm of D. O. Woodward & Co. at Nor walk. On May 2, 1877, he was united in marriage with Miss Lucinda Woodward, who was born in Clyde, Sandusky Co., Ohio, and they have two sons, Ralph and Fred. J?olitically Mr. Mead is a Repub lican; socially he is a member of the I. O. 0. F., and Royal Arcanum; in religious faith he is a Presbyterian. TlACOB P. HOUFSTATER is a k. I grandson of Adam Houfstater, who \J) was the pioneer of the family in America. Adam Houfstater was in 1755, in Germany, whence when born a youth he came to the United States, and settling in Pennsylvania he learned the weaver's trade, at which he worked until he became a farmer. He was married in Pennsylvania, and moved some time later to Niagara county, N. Y., where most of the following named children were born to them: Adam, Philip, John, George, Jacob, Jane, Susan and Polly, all now deceased. George Houfstater, father of subject, was born in 1797, in Pennsylvania, ac companied his parents to Niagara county, N. Y., when a boy, and was reared on the frontier. In New York State he met Elizabeth Barre, also a native of Pennsyl vania, to whom he was wedded, and after his marriage he began farming. Seven children were born to them on the home stead, namely: Almira, Mary, David, Matilda and Fidelia (twins), Jacob and Catherine; Lucy Ann, the eighth child, was born in Huron county, Ohio, October 15, 1836. In 1836 the family moved to Ohio, and settled on the farm which is now the property of Jacob P. Houfstater, which territory was then a complete wilderness. While the new comers were surrounded by neighbors, the particular land selected was still in the forest, and the clearing of this tract devolved on the father and sons. He subsequently bought a farm of 186 acres, which he saw cleared before his death in 1874. Of a hard working, economical disposition, he left a valuable property to his children, and died with success stamped upon his work. Prior to 1856 he was a Whig, and from that time until his death, a Republican. In religion he affiliated with the Christian Church. Jacob P. Houfstater was born January 17, 1830, in Niagara county, N. Y. Iu 1836 he accompanied his parents to Ohio, wheae, February 16, 1854, he married Roena M. Carpenter, of Fairfield town ship, Huron county. The young couple at once entered farm life, and for forty years have continued to follow it success fully. Not only does Mr. Houfstater own HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 303 130 acres of improved land in Ripley township, but he has also endowed three of his children most liberally, giving to each two thousand dollars. Of their children, Cora married Agnew Welch, editor of the Record, at Ada, Ohio; Elva married Abert Young, a farmer of Ripley township; and Carrie married Edward L. Young, who was city editor of the Huron County Chronicle, at Norwalk, from 1885 to 1892, when he was appointed Great Record Keeper of the Knights of Maccabees. Mr. Houfstater is a Republican, an active member of the party, serving his township as justice of the peace and in various other offices. He was a member of the Chris tian Church of Ripley, and is a citizen of acknowledged worth. JjARMAN PATRICK, a well-known _Y 1 1 agriculturist of Townsend township, \Jj Huron county, is a native of the State of Ohio, born December 10, 1836, in Florence, Erie county. He is the eldest child and only son in a family of four children born to James Jarman and Lucy A. (Tucker) Patrick, the former of whom was born in the County of Norfolk, England, the latter in the State of New York. James Jarman Patrick was born about 1809, and received a good English educa tion in his native land. Soon after attain ing his majority he immigrated to the United States, landing at New York after a stormy passage of six weeks, during most of which time he suffered from sea sickness. After his arrival in America he farmed on shares, or rented lands in New York for a short time, and then removed to the far western frontier and almost un broken wilderness of northern Ohio, first stopping in what is now Erie county, where he took the job of chopping and clearing space for a mill-pond on the old Sprague farm. Here he was married, and soon afterward removed to Townsend township, Huron county, where he bought wild land, built a log house, and com menced to carve out of the dense forest around him a home for himself and family. He and lift brother-in-law were both accidentally killed, December 23, 1842, their death being caused by the premature falling of a tree, which fell upon and crushed them. The Patrick family in England were among the old and well-to- do families of English commoners, own ing quite an extensive landed property, subject to the law of entail, that is, it descended to the eldest son, generation after generation. Mrs. Lucy A. Patrick's death occurred October 1, 1886, when she was in her seventy-third year. Jarman Patrick, the subject of this sketch, received a very fair common- school education in early life. After his father's death, which, occurred when he was only six years old, he remained with his mother on the old home farm for a time, and then lived with his grandfather Tucker, who employed him on his farm, until he reached his twentieth year. He then commenced for himself, being em ployed at working out by the month and farming on shares for several years. In the spring of 1862 be bought a partially- improved farm in Townsend township, Huron county, upon which he now re sides, and where he has ever since been successfully engaged in agricultural pur suits, the place being now well improved and under a high state of cultivation. During the Civil war Mr. Patrick enlisted in Company B (organized in Townsend township), One Hundred and Sixty-sixth 0. V. I., N. G., which was called out by President Lincoln in May, 1864, for one hundred days service. The regiment or ganized at Cleveland, where Mr. Patrick was transferred to Company F, and did duty in and around Washington, D. C, until September 9, 1864, when tbey were mustered out and returned home, each soldier receiving a certificate of thanks from President Lincoln. 304 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. On February 2, 1861, Mr. Patrick was married to Miss Maryette Hill, a native of Townsend township, boru August 24, 1841, daughter of Moses and Sallie (Brooks) Hill, both of whom were natives of Delaware county, N. Y. Seven chil dren were the fruits of this union, only four of whom are now living, viz.: James Delbert, born October 10, 1866; Frank J., born November 14, 1868; Guy B., born September 6, 1878; and William O, bora July 23, 1883. Edgar Royle, who was born August 12, 1864, died April 9, 1886, in his twenty-second year. Mr. Patrick is a member of Townsend Post No. 414, G. A. R., and Mrs. Patrick is a member of tbe Townsend Relief Corps, No. 142, auxiliary to the above mentioned Post. He is also a member of East Town- send Lodge, F. & A. M. In politics Mr. Patrick is a liberal Republican, but claims the right to think and act for himself in all things and at all times. M. S. SANBORN, lumber and coal dealer, is a well known business man of Norwalk. He is a son of %. John M. Sanborn, whose father was a native of New Hampshire, of English ancestry, and passed his life on a farm near Franklin, that State. John M. Sanborn was born in 1821, in Franklin, Merrimack Co., N. H., and when a young man was married to Fannie J. Fisher, a native of Francestown, N. H., and a representative of an old New Eng land family. He was master mechanic of the Norwalk division of the Lake Shore Railroad from 1874 until a short time be fore his death, May 12, 1890. He was a member of the Masonic Fraternity, of the thirty-second degree, and in religious faith was a Baptist. Mrs. Sanborn died June 27, 1892, in Norwalk, leaving two children, G. M. S. and Edward D. G. M. S. Sanborn was born March 24, 1858, at Nashua, Hillsborough Co. N. Y. He came west with his parents when quite young, and after attending school for a number of years, secured em ployment with the Lake Shore Railroad Company, at Norwalk; in April, 1875, he began to learn the trade of machinist and draftsman. He became an expert as draftsman, and iu July, 1884, accepted a position as superintendent of the drafting department of the Lake Shore shops at Elkhart, Elkhart Co., Ind. On Novem ber 24, 1880, he was married to Blanche O. Pepoon, who was born April 1, 1857, in Painesville, Ohio, a daughter of Lycur- gus and Susan (Morse) Pepoon, the former of Painesville, Ohio, the latter of Elizabethtown, N. J.; she is still living. Mr. Pepoon was twice married; first time in 1856 to Mary Lovelace, of Painesville, Ohio, who died in 1861, and in 1863 he married Susan Morse, as above. He died at West Farmington, Ohio, in September, 1891. To Mr. and Mrs. G. M.- S. San born have been born two sons: Willis E. aud George Walter. Mr. Sanborn saved quite a sum of money from his salary, and in January, 1889, entered the Chicago Bap tist Seminary, intending to prepare for the ministry. His health failed, however, and abandoning his studies in August, 1889, he bought out a coal and lumber establishment in Norwalk, in which he has been very successful. He is a mem ber of the Baptist Church, and is Presi dent of the Y. M. C. A., having assisted in its organization in Norwalk. 11 WILLIAM S. CREECH, proprietor yJJ of a stone quarry in Lyme town- V( ship, was bora in England in 1836, a son of John and Caroline Creech, who died while he was young. Our subject immigrated to the United States in 1871, locating in Huron county, Ohio. His worldly goods were few, and he depended solely upon health and strength, and a determination to succeed, to win friends and money in a new home. HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 305 He commenced his business career in this county as a laborer in the stone quarry of H. Smith, and after eight years was able, through practicing rigid economy, to start in business for himself. He purchased the stone quarry he now runs so success fully, and every year adds to his already large business some new improvement; he now owns the largest stone crasher in Lyme township. At one time he furnished as much as seventeen thousand build- stones for the roundhouse of the in Nickel Plate Railroad. He also owns a large lime kiln, and furnishes lime throughout all parts of the township. In 1860, before leaving England, Mr. Creech was married to Miss Anna Hole, and by her had six children, five of whom are now living with him, viz.: Thomas G., Fred J., Caroline E., Ada F. and Anna L. Mrs. Creech died in 1873, and in 1884 Mr. Creech married Miss Elizabeth Hole, a sister of his first wife. Mr. Creech is a self-made man of more than the average intelligence, and has by means of his energy and executive ability established a good business and a comfort able home. He is a man of sterling worth, whose integrity is never questioned, and who uses his time and money for the ad vancement of the township in which he resides. I( LLEN T. ASHLEY, grandson of l\ James Ashley, was born April 2, % 1829, the eighth in the family of twelve children born to Leonard and Sally (McDougal) Ashley. Leonard Ashley was bora about 1790, at Deerfield, Mass., learned shoemaking nnder his father, and worked at the trade during his life in Massachusetts. His mother died about the year 1799, and the youth then went to reside with an elder brother, Luther. After some years he wished to see the world outside of his native State, and migrated to Canada, where, in 1815, he married Sally Mc Dougal, who was born in 1794, in Nova Scotia, for whose father young Ashley worked ; and while living on Yonge street, and near Toronto, in the Province of Ontario, the following named children were born : Thomas, who died in in fancy ; James, who, in 1824, accompanied his mother to Ohio, where he married, be came a Free-will Baptist preacher, and thence moved to Michigan, where he died, leaving twelve children ; Stewart B., late a resident of Steuben, Ohio, who died Oc tober 30, 1893, and is buried in Greenfield cemetery ; Sally, who first married David Skeeles, and subsequently Dean Keefer (she is now a widow, residing at Colum bus, Kans.); and John, a Free-will Bap tist preacher, of Hillsdale, Mich., who was a fellow schoolmate of James A. Garfield. After the family joined the father in Greenfield township, in 1824, there were born Luther, a resident of Bellevue, Mich. ; William, of Knoxville, Iowa ; Allen T., the subject of this sketch; Joseph B., of Oberlin, Ohio; Mary, wife of Judge G. W. Lewis, of Medina, Ohio; Henry, a resident of San Francisco, Cal.; and Daniel, who went to California in 1862 and died there. In 1822 Leonard Ashley left Canada for Huron county, Ohio, and worked on farms and at bis trade here for two years. In 1824 his wife and children arrived, and all found a home with Alden Pierce, a brother-in-law, who then occupied what is known as the "Sturges Farm" in Green field township. The father was known as a good farmer and a good shoemaker, and was a very active man until his death, which occurred in 1873. At that time he was on a visit to his son John at Rock- away, Seneca Co., Ohio, from wliich place bis remains were returned to Huron county for interment in the Greenfield cemetery. His wife, who died March 19, 1863, was interred in Steuben cemetery. Leonard Ashley was a Whig until the or ganization of the Republicans, when he became a stanch supporter of the new 306 HURON COUNTY, OHIO- party. In religious matters he and his wife were members of the Free-will Bap tist Church. Allen T. Ashley was born in Green field township, Huron county. He re ceived a primary education in the district school, and worked on the home farm until 1864, when he established his home on the farm where be now resides. On May 1, 1866, he married Clara T. Warner, who was born January 29, 1844, in Medina county, Ohio, daughter of M. B. and Sally (Dimmick) Warner. To this marriage were born three children, namely: Georgia May, Mrs. A. T. Shaffer, of Plymouth, Ohio; Dessie O, and Thad W. Politically a Republican, Mr. Ashley has only taken a citizen's interest in the great party battles. The township offices which he has tilled are not strictly political of fices, the man, rather than the party, being sought by the municipal body. He is a practical and successful farmer, standing high in the community, and he aud his family are held in very high esteem. JIACOB DEAN, a retired farmer of ! New Haven township, and a pio-. i neer of Huron county, was born at Wittenberg, Saxony, Prussia, March 25, 1821. His parents, George Michael and Jaco- bine Dean, belonged to the class of Ger man peasant farmers whose probity and industry were acknowledged. In 1827 they decided to immigrate to America, and proceeding to Havre, France, by high way, they sailed for the United States, and after a long voyage landed at New York. Coming westward at once, by river to Albany, by canal and lake to Sandusky, Ohio, and thence by wagon-road to Green field township, Huron county; they rested there, and soon began agricultural life. The father's characteristic industry en abled him to support his family, and, as its members increased, to provide for their daily wants until death removed him. Jacob Dean had to take a boy's share in supporting the family, and thus was com pelled to forego the advantages of an edu cation, becoming a bread-winner at an early age. When twelve years old he en tered the employ of Capt. Lawther, of Greenfield township, the consideration for his labor being very small. With the ob ject of providing a home for his mother and brothers he worked diligently, saved the little earnings he received, and in time purchased a tract of wild land in New Haven township. Here a cabin was built, and in it the family made their home until the mother died. She was buried beside her husband in New Haven cemetery. For some years after his mother's death Jacob Dean kept bachelor's hall in the old home, and lived with the tenants to whom he rented the farm, in later years with his brother, who came to the old homestead with his family. Mr. Dean is now the owner of 200 acres of fertile land, most of which was cleared and cultivated by him. Redeeming it from the forest, he now enjoys the fruits of long years of stern labor among the trees, and can see that he has taken more than one man's part in the development of this section. When the Universalist Church existed at New Haven, Mr. Dean was a member of the denomination, but since that time has not been connected with any religious society. He votes with the Democratic party, but his political activity begins and ends at the polls. He has never married. FHILIP J. KNOLL, a prominent farmer citizen of Ridgefield town ship, is a son of the late John P. Knoll and grandson of Jacob Knoll, natives of the Province of Nassau. Germany, both of whom were farmers, the latter dying in his native land. Jolm P. Knoll was bora May 3, 1826, and in the Fatherland received his ele^ mentary education in both literary and HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 307 agricultural pursuits. In 1849 he immi grated to America, and purchased land in Ridgefield township, Huron Co., Ohio. 'He then revisited Germany, and returning to America, brought with him his fiancee, Miss Minnie Cook, whom in 1852 he married at Sandusky, Ohio. She was the daughter of George Cook, and was born March 19, 1832. Mr. and Mrs. Knoll settled on tbe farm in Huron county now occupied by some of the family, and here by constant toil he succeeded in securing a comfortable competence. In political opinion he was a lifelong Democrat, and in religion a member of the Protestant Evangelical Church, with which his widow is also identified. He died in 1887, and Mrs. Knoll, surrounded by many friends, is yet residing on the beautiful home farm, which she owns. The children of this estimable couple were as follows: Charles, a farmer of Norwalk township, Huron county; Will iam, deceased at the age of three years; Adolph, deceased in infancy; Lewis, who died at the age of twenty-two years; Ed ward, a farmer of Norwalk township, Huron county; Louisa, wife of Philip Poths, of Fulton county, Ohio; Philip J., whose name opens this sketch, and who is married and lives on part of the farm, in the house last bought by his father (in 1872); Gustavus, living on the home place; and Matilda and Minnie, residing with their widowed mother. Ill) ALTER E. BELL, dealer in coal, 1\/' lime, cement, etc., Norwalk, is M[ a son of James G. Bell, who was born in New York State., of Ger man ancestry, and who married Nancy C. Bacon, a lady of Scotch descent. Our subject was born January 25, 1845, in Henderson, Jefferson Co., N. Y., and coming west with his parents in 1849 located near Berlin Heights, Erie county, Ohio. He farmed there for a time, then moved to Norwalk, Huron county, and about the year 1882 established his pres ent business. Although beginning life with no financial aid, he has prospered, and is now recognized as one of the most reliable business men of Norwalk. He was married January 16, 1867, to Fannie Henderson, then a teacher in the public schools, and three children have blessed their union, namely: Henry, Howard and Charles. Mr. Bell is a Republican in politics, and in religion a Baptist. He has one sister, Mrs. Eliza M. Gibson, now living in Stryker, Ohio; one brother, Watson J., in Birmingham, Ohio, and the younger brother, W. O, in Norwalk. THOMAS ALEXANDER McLANE was born in Greenfield township, Huron Co., Ohio, April 20, 1832, the fourth son of Robert and Mar garet McLane, who with three elder brothers had emigrated from Ireland two years previous. A short time before his birth they had built and moved into a log cabin which stood near the present home, which cabin, at the time of the birth of Thomas, was in an unfinished condition, there being neither floor nor chimney con structed. His school days were begun in the old log school house where the desks were formed of planks resting on pegs driven into the second or third log. The reversi ble seats found in the schools of the present day were represented by heavy slabs resting on rustic legs. In those days the wood was not provided, and the boys were obliged to go into .the woods to pro cure it. Plain as it was, that school may be considered the vanguard of civilization, and from it went forth men and women superior in many respects to those who now graduate within more pretentious public buildings. When at school young Thomas studied hard, and ranked as one of the best scholars, the teacher often calling upon him 308 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. to help others with their lessons. But time flies rapidly, and Thomas has reached young manhood and his school days are over. He had a strong desire to learn a trade, but times were hard and money was scarce, so he was obliged to give up his desire and go to work on the farm. He had a strong constitution, and at the age of sixteen could do a man's work. As it was in the days before machinery came to aid the farmer in his work, his services were in great demand, for forty years ago the modern machinery of to-day was unknown. The grain was cut with a sickle or cradle, and the grass with a scythe; corn was planted with a hoe, and the ground was plowed with oxen. Instead of the threshing machine thresh ing the grain, the farmer pounded it out with flails. Tbe old house was fast decay ing, and often in the winter when the wind was blowing he would awake in tbe morning to find his bed covered with snow. As ail men must in the course of life fall in love, he was not au exception, for he met and loved Miss Susan Channing, and was married to her November 28, 1867. She was born in Somersetshire, England, April 4, 1844, and five years later she accompanied her parents across the ocean to America, they settling in Greenfield township, Huron Co., Ohio, where her father, Joseph Channing, es tablished himsef as a farmer. The Chan- nings subsequently moved to Richmond township, then Norwalk township, and finally to Chicago Junction, where her father died December 3, 1889; her mother is still living. While but a small child, Susie (as she was commonly called) was always willing to help her parents, and since she was thirteen years old she has earned her own living besides giving mouey to her parents. At the time of his marriage Mr. McLane decided to make farming his vocation, and he and wife took up their residence on the McLane farm, where his boyhood days had been spent. The only child bora to them is Margaret O, an accomplished young lady, who re sides at home. In politics Mr. McLane is a Democrat, and in religion a Congrega- tionalist. During the last two decades many improvements have been made on his place; the old house has been torn down and the handsome brick residence has taken its place, while the commodious farm buildings and the beautiful shade trees that have been planted speak forcibly of Mr. and Mrs. McLane's taste and indus try; for both have acted well their part in the development of this tract, and are now enjoying the fruits of their labors. [( Jf ENRY LAIS, sole proprietor of the lr^ Star Brewery, Norwalk, is one of r| l_ the many indefatigable, wide-awake ¦fj citizens aud native-born business men for which Huron county is so justly celebrated. He was bora, in 1853, in Monroeville, a son of Anthony and Catherine (Thomas) Lais, natives of Ger many, the former born in Baden in 1826, the latter born in 1828. She came to the United States when a child, and was reared and educated in Huron county, Ohio. In 1849 Anthony Lais came to Amer ica, making his new home in Monroeville, Huron county, where he married. In the same year he came here he was given the position of foreman in J. S. & H. M. Robey's brewery in Monroeville (estab lished in 1845), which he held with char acteristic fidelity for a period of twenty- one years. In 1870 he came to Norwalk, and in 1871 purchased the brewery in that town, from which time until his death in 1886 he carried it on continuously, with more than average success. This industry was at first but a small ale brewery, now the product of it is nearly six thousand barrels of beer annually, the market for same being chiefly confined to local trade in Huron and Erie counties. Anthony and Catherine Lais had a family of eight children, as follows: Mary (married to / uuAti^ *y6 0-t^r^ HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 311 W. O. Meyers), Henry (our subject), John, Josephine, Charles, William, Helen, and George, all yet living. The mother is now making her home with her son Henry, who with true filial affection is caring for her in her declining years. Henry Lais, of whom this sketch mainly treats, received his education at the Mon roeville public schools, after wliich he worked two years in the brewery owned by his father. He then went on the road as salesman for the brewery, traveling through Ohio and Michigan, and at the end of ten years he went into the office, and established the trade on a solid basis. For the past eight years the business has been most flourishing, the entire brewing finding a ready market, as the brands are of the very best quality. John Lais brother of Henry, is an able assistant in the management of the rapidly growing business. In the year 1882 he married Miss Mary Helrick. Mr. Lais' paternal grandfather never left Germany, but his maternal grand father came to America about the year 1830, and was a farmer in Huron county, dying some eight years since. Politically Mr. Lais is a Democrat, and he is a mem ber of the C. M. B. A., I. 0. R. M., also Hermann Verein. 'HARLES L. HAWLEY, a promi nent agriculturist, manufacturer and justice of the peace, of Townsend township, was bora in Roxbury, Delaware Co., N. Y, June 12, 1824, a son of William M. and Malinda (Older) Hawley. William M. Hawley was born in Massa chusetts, and was of English descent. He received a good education in his native' State, and while a young man moved to New York, studied law and was admitted to the bar, and located in Hornellsville, Steuben county. Here he met with great success, and was soon recognized as one of 17 the leading attorneys of that section of the State. He married Miss Malinda Older, a native of Delaware county, N. Y., and of English descent, daughter of Nathaniel and Anna Older, and their mar riage was blessed with a son, Charles L. In politics William M. Hawley was a Whig, and very popular with his party. He represented his District in the State Senate two terms, and was Circuit Judge for four terms. During a long and active professional life he acquired both fame and an ample income, and was sincerely mourned when he died, in 1866. He was a Mason, and a consistent Church mem ber. His ancestors were pioneers of the Bay Colony, and were actively engaged in the struggles of the Colonial days; and the ancestors of his wife, the Olders, were early settlers of the Hartford Colony. Charles L. Hawley received only a lim ited literary training in his youth, but in later years succeeded in acquiring a practi cal business education. He lived with his mother and worked on the home farm, until twenty years of age, at which time he commeuced life for himself with no capital except health, energy and ambition, Upon leaving home he was given an axe by his stepfather, and that was his only earthly possession, but by means of econ omy, strict attention to business and good judgment he has accumulated considerable property. Mr. Hawley has always been a great reader, not only of current literature, but also of history and science. When he started out to make a living, he was com pelled to labor by the day or month at any honest work, and being both competent and faithful his services were always in demand. In 1849 he came to Huron county, Ohio, where he engaged in the manufacture of potash for five or six years, after wliich he contracted with the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Rail road Company to supply wood along the line of that road for about three years. In 1866 he moved to Oil City, Penn., where for five years he was foreman for 312 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. the Baltic Oil Company (the Company operating at Petroleum Center and various other points on Oil creek), and in 1871 he returned to Townsend, Huron county, where for three and a half years he acted as foreman for the Collins Pump Com pany. At the end of that time Mr. Haw ley began manufacturing pumps on his own account, at East Townsend, and has up to the present time continued in this business with great success. About the time that he settled in East Townsend he purchased a valuable farm in Townsend Center, and has also engaged in agricultural pursuits. Being physically disabled, Mr. Hawley was unable to take an active part in the Civil war, but in September, 1862, Gov. Tod sent a message to Norwalk, requesting that as many men as possible be enlisted to defend Cincin nati against a threatened attack of the pnemy. He was notified of Gov. Tod's call, and requested to enlist men and re port with them at one o'clock in the after noon, and reported with twelve men, be tween seven and eight thousand men responding to this call in less than twenty- four hours. They were regularly mustered into service, organized as the Ohio Squir rel Hunters, and rendered excellent service till May 4, 1863, when they were hon orably discharged. Mr. Hawley has held numerous positions of trust; he was clerk of the township five years; was treasurer for over nine years, and justice of the peace for more than twelve years, to both of which offices he was re-elected in April, 1892 ; and served for thirteen years as post master, which office he held during the Civil war. Socially he is a member of East Townsend Lodge No. 322, A. F. & A. M., and has filled every position in the Lodge except that of S. D. He has pre sided over this Lodge about half the time since its organization, and has represented it in the Grand Lodge of Ohio at fifteen sessions. He is also a member of Town- send Post No. 414, G. A. R., and is a stanch Republican. On May 2, 1847, Mr. Hawley married Miss Maria Nichols, who was born in Chelsea, Vt, October 10, 1830, a daughter of Elijah F. and Elsa (Norton) Nichols, natives of Vermont and of English de scent. Their marriage was blessed with four children, viz.: 0. Frank, who was born February 13, 1849, and is now a member of the firm of Haserott Bros. & Co., wholesale grocers of Cleveland, Ohio; Grover M., born July 29, 1850, and died July 20, 1851; Julia A., bora April 21, 1852, and died August 20, 1854, and Crosby N., who was born February 12, 1860, and is now settlement clerk for the "Nipano" Railroad Company, at Cleve land, Ohio. Both the Nichols and Norton families were pioneers in Vermont, were strong Whigs, and served faithfully in the long struggle for American Independence. Mrs. Hawley's grandfather, Zera Norton, took a distinguished part in the Revolu tionary war, and died in Cattarangus county, N. Y. Her grandmother, Eliza beth Norton, died in Huron county, Ohio, after a long and happy life, filled with kind thoughts and generous deeds. L EROY S. HELLER, postmaster at New Haven, a popular citizen and one of the principal business men of this section of the county, was born June 1, 1831, in Tompkius county, New York. Solomon Heller, grandfather of subject, was a native of Pennsylvania, the son of German pioneers of that State. Ephraim Heller, the father of Leroy S., was born in Northampton county, Penn., and when twenty-one years old moved to Tompkins county, N. Y., where he married Anna Jacobs, and where he was engaged in agricul ture until 1835. At that time be migrated, with his wife aud children, to New Haven township, Huron Co., Ohio, and purchas ing the land now held by his heirs estab lished his home, residing there until his HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 313 death, which occurred March 11, 1876, when he was in the sixty-ninth year of his age. His widow died September 9, 1892, in her eighty-second year. Both were Free-will Baptists, and charter members of the North New Haven Baptist Church. Of their six children, Leroy S. is the eld est; L. C. resides at New Haven; F. J. is a farmer of Mitchell county, Kans.; E. C. resides on the homestead; C. A. is the wife of W. E. Geer, of Nemaha county, Kans., and Harriet is the wife of J. G. Hanna, of Brown county, Kans. The family for generations have been con nected with agriculture, the subject of this sketch being the first to embark in mercantile business. Leroy S. Heller was about four years old when he arrived in Ohio. Like con temporary youth, he attended the district schools, and worked on the home farm un til his boyhood days were passed, aud then devoted all his attention to farm work. In 1853 he made the jqnrney to Cali fornia, and in lhat State, and in Oregon and Washington, he lived for fourteen years, engaged the while in agriculture, mining and lumbering. He returned to Huron county in September, 1866, and during the succeeding decade conducted a general mercantile business, and then went to Colorado. After remaining two years in that State, he returned to Huron county and engaged in the drug trade at New Haven. In November, 1885, he was commissioned postmaster, and held the office under the first Cleveland adminis tration as well as under that of Harrison, and is still Postmaster under Cleveland's second term. Mr. Heller was married, January 31, 1869, to Ella Harrington, who died in 1875, leaving two children, namely: 0. E., who resides in Kansas, and Ida, living at home. His marriage with Lydia Har rington took place in the fall of 1876; she died in 1879, leaving one child, J. Ransom, who resides in Fairfield town ship, Huron county. In 188*3 Mr. Heller married Miss H. J. Young. He has held several township offices, was treasurer for a long period, and is now serving as township clerk. AMUEL McCAMMON, M. D. (de ceased), who for a quarter of a cen tury practiced medicine in Green field township, was bora January 3, 1821, near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His parents, Samuel and Elizabeth Mc- Cammon, in 1823 moved from their farm near Pittsburgh to the vicinity of Mansfield, Ohio, and there the father died in 1825. When Samuel was twelve years old he was apprenticed to a saddler, learned the trade and for a short time worked as a journey man. Asa boy his desire for study was manifest, and now that he was a bread winner, he could indulge in this desire. Accordingly he attended school at Mans field and at Fredericktown, making rapid progress in stndy. In December, 1842, he turned his attention toward medicine, and sought instruction in that science under Dr. John Tifft, of Norwalk. Subse quently he attended two courses of lectures at the Willonghby Medical College, in Lake county, and in March, 1845, commenced practice at Greenfield, then a busy village and the center of a rich agricultural dis trict. His success was assured, and within a little while he purchased a building lot at Greenfield, subsequently buying the farm adjoining that lot. On Sep tember 7, 1848, he was united in mar riage with Miss Philena Blackman, who was bora August 27, 1828, in Greenfield township, the eldest of three children born to Lebo and Polly (Dubois) Blackman, early settlers of Greenfield township. To the union of Dr. and Mrs. McCammon the following named children were born: George L., born June 26, 1851, died Oc tober 3, 1856; Frank, born October 5, 1855; EdwardS., born August 16, 1858; and Laura, born July 9, 1861. Of these, one 314 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. son resides with the mother on the home stead; the other son and the daughter are both married, and pleasantly situated in homes of their own not far from the " old home," and the farm and business affairs are at the present time managed by Ed ward S. McCain mon. Dr. McCammon practiced over a very wide circuit from March, 1845, to Feb ruary, 1870, when his last professional call was made. From the close of February to the day of his death, August 2, 1870, a chronic ailment, which had threatened him for some years, gained the mastery and confined him to his home. He was not a Church member, but entertained a deep respect for sincere Christianity and lived like such, a correct life, doing good wherever it was in his power. He went to Eternity quietly and without fear. JOHN CAROTHERS, an honest, straightforward citizen, was born April 15, 1824, in Beaver county, Penn. His grandparents, William and Sarah (Kress) Carothers, had a family of seven children — three sons and four daughters — among whom was one named Mathias. Mathias Carothers, father of our sub ject, was born in Virginia, received an education in the common schools, and learned the trade of wheelwright; he also worked five years at the tanner's trade. When a young man he married Nancy Sample, who was born in Beaver county, Penn., daughter of William Sample. They were married in Beaver county, where he followed his trade, and while residing there children were bora to them as fol lows: John, subject of this sketch; Sarah, Mrs. John Smith, of North Fairfield, Ohio; Margaret, deceased when young; and Robert, of Venice township, Seneca county. In the spring of 1834 the family came to Trumbull county, Ohio, where they purchased fifty acres at forty dollars per acre, part of which was cleared. They remained there until about 1838, and then removed to Seneca county, same State. After coming to Trumbull county they had one son born to them, Philip, who is now a carpenter in Van Wert, Ohio. The family came to Seneca county in an old wagon drawn by two oxen and a horse, and the journey was necessarily a very slow one. In December, 1838, they lo cated in Venice township (Seneca county), where the father purchased eighty acres of land at two dollars and fifty cents per acre, most of which was in the woods, though a clearing large enough for a cabin and a garden patch had been made. While living here three more children were born, viz.: William, a farmer of Van Wert, Ohio; and two daughters who died in infancy, unnamed. Here Mathias Carothers remained until his death, which occurred in 1879; his wife passed away in 1875, and was buried in Pisgah Church cemetery, in Venice township, Seneca county. Mr. .and Mrs. Carothers were members of the M. P. Church. In politics he affiliated witb the Democratic party. He made agriculture his principal vocation in life, and became a successsful farmer and well-to-do citizen. John Carothers first attended school in Poland, Trumbull Co., Ohio, his first teacher being a Miss Coe. He was reared to farm life, and at an early age was put to work, clearing the land which his father had bought, attending school only such days as his assistance was not required at home. He remained under the parental roof for some time after reaching his majority, and on November 26, 1846, was married to Susan Mowery, who was bom in Harrison county, Ohio, daughter of Michael Mowery, who came to Seneca county in pioneer days. Children as fol lows were born to this union: Nancy, Mrs. Jonathan Crabbs, of North Fairfield, Huron county; Mathias, a farmer of Rich mond township; Sarah, Mrs. William Runyan, of. Venice township, Seneca county; Jennie, Mrs. Albert Runyan, of HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 315 Van Wert county, Ohio; Emma, Mrs. Frank Weaver, of Seneca county, Ohio; Ida, Mrs. Benjamin Hawn, of Chicago Junction, Ohio; Martha, Mrs. J. J. Link; Ella, who married Cyrus Crabbs, and died in Seneca county; William and a daughter, both of whom died young. After his marriage Mr. Carothers had purchased forty acres of partly cleared woodland, upon which he erected a house and barn. This property he subsequently sold, and purchased eighty-nine and one-half acres of new land in Richmond township, Huron county, upon which stood a log house 18 x 20 feet. He has since added to this tract from time to time, until it now com prises 139^ acres, completely equipped with new farm buildings. In 1891 he moved to Chicago Junction, where he has since led a retired life. In politics he was originally a Democrat, but since the for mation of the Republican party has been a member of same. He has served as township trustee, for twelve years as justice of the peace, and in various local offices. In religious connection he and bis wife are members of the U. B. Church, in which he is class-leader. Mr. Carothers' success is due to hard work and good busi ness management, which, coupled with common sense and sound judgment, have brought him the reward he so well merits; and he is a man whose opinions are sought after and valued by his fellow-citizens. ELIJAH WASHBURN, one of the oldest native-born citizens of Fitch- I ville township, is the son of Joseph Washburn, a pioneer of this section of the State of Ohio. Joseph Washburu was born on his father's farm in New York State, near the Catskill Mountains, was raised iu the man ner common to boys of that time and place, and while still a young man married Sarah Tompkins. To them three children were born in New York State, one of whom died in infancy, while the second lived to an adult age. In 1820 the family migrated to Fitchville township, Huron Co., Ohio, where Joseph Washburn had located a tract of 700 or 800 acres of wild land. On their arrival a log cabin was built, and while awaiting the erection of that cabin the members of the family found shelter in the home of a settler named Palmer. In Fitchville township the fol lowing named children were born to the pioneer parents: James, who moved to Michigan; Sarah, who married Anson Skellenger, and died at New London, Ohio; aud Elijah and Edmund (twins), the latter of whom died when two and one half years old. On this land the father resided until his death, February 7, 1853, and the mother until her death, July 10, 1886. Joseph Washburn was a practical farmer and a successful one. Politically a Whig, he was always faithful to that party. His widow lived to be ninety-two years old. Iu her later years she was a member of the Congregational Church, and one of the original members of that denomination in Fitchville township. The husband and wife were buried in Fitchville cemetery. Elijah Washburn was born November 20, 1830, on the home farm, which he now occupies. There he was reared, and in the school of the district received an elemen tary education, being one of the pupils who attended regularly during the winter mouths of each year. The rude school- house is not better remembered than the slab seats and stern teacher. During the spring, summer and fall the boy was kept busy on the farm, and thus employed he grew to manhood physically strong and self-reliant. In 1854 he married Harriet Potter, who was born in Ruggles town ship, Ashland Co., Ohio, in 1835, daughter of Asahel Potter, a native of Connecticut, who was a pioneer of Ashland county. The young couple located on the home farm, and to them were born children as follows: Viola, deceased wife of Peter Richie; Ada, married to George Evans, of 316 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Fitchville; Nettie, deceased; Charles, pro prietor of the "Mansion House," at Fitch ville; Hattie, deceased wife of Dwight Kniffin; Martin; Joseph; Louisa, deceased; Leeland; Lillie M. (deceased); and Lorin, of whom, Martin, Joseph, Leeland and Lorin are residing at home. During his residence here, or for a term of over thirty years, Mr. Washburn has been a house- mover and farmer, and has been successful in each business. For merly a Whig, he became a Republican on the organization of the new party. Born in Fitchville township, he has resided on the same farm longer than any other citi zen in the township, and in his long life here he has become highly esteemed by all. I( ARON ROBINSON, one of the \\ largest landowners and most prom i- l\ neut stock growers of Fitchville township, of which locality he has been a resident many years, was bora November 27, 1827, in Coshocton county, Ohio. His father, William Pierce, was left an orphan in his boyhood, and was adopted by a man named John Robinson, hence the change in the patronymic. William Pierce was born in Delaware in 1780, and about the first or second year of this cen tury migrated into Pennsylvania, settling in Washington county. Here he married Letitia Coleman, with whom in 1815 he removed to Ohio, locating in Coshocton county, where they made their home until 1829. In the year last named the family removed to Crawford county, same State, locating where the Cincinnati Turnpike now is, at a point six miles south of Bucy rus, and here they resided until 1833, when his twelve children were stricken with milk fever, a peculiar disease then common in Crawford county. The father determined to seek a healthier place, and mounting his horse set out for Huron county. Arriving there he made some ex plorations, and succeeded in obtaining a small tract of land, about fifty acres, in Norwich township, in exchange for his horse. Without delay he brought his whole family to Huron county, and re sumed the work of pioneers. The laud was cleared by Mr. Robinson and his sons, and a tract of 150 acres added to the homestead, much of which was also cleared, and all of it improved by them. Mean time the father sold his estate in Crawford county to a French family for one thou sand six hundred dollars, and invested the proceeds in lands in Wood county, Ohio. In 1848 William Robinson removed to Fitchville township, where he located on the present Aaron Robinson farm, and where he resided until his death, August 10, 1864. His widow died January 25, 1865, and both lie in the Fitchville ceme tery. They reared a large family — seven sons and five daughters — of whom two sons and two daughters survive, namely: Wesley, a farmer of Norwich; Aaron, a farmer of Fitchville; Christine, widow of John Bowen, of Norwich; and Emma Eliza, widow of John M. Foreman, of Miami, Lucas Co., Ohio. The father of this family was a Democrat down to the period of Buchanan's nomination in 1856, when he joined the American party. From 1856 to the date of his death, he was an active Republican, while, in religious opinion, as was also his wife, he was a member of the United Brethren Church. Aaron Robinson may be termed a pioneer of three counties iu Ohio. His school days began in the log house in Norwich township, where Miss Emily Ashley wielded the birch. They were of short duration; for the exigencies of the times would not permit the farm to be neglected, and the boy of the period had, certainly, his place in the economy of the farm. His marriage with Hannah D. Hinkley took place October 1, 1856. She was born June 13, 1832, in Hector town ship, Tompkins Co., N. Y., to Horace and HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 317 Laura (Mclntire) Hinkley, who settled in Ripley township, Huroti Co., Ohio, in 1834, and removed to Fitchville township in 1836. After their marriage Aaron and Hannah D. Robinson located on a farm in Fitch ville township, which they now own, and resided thereon until 1865, when the family took possession of the present farm. Their children are William H., an attendant of the Lebanon (Ohio) College, now a farmer of Fitchville township, and Laura L. D. ; they reside with their par ents. Mr. Robinson is the owner of 500 acres of as good land as may be found iu the Western Reserve. He is one of the large real -estate owners in the county, and one of its extensive stock growers. Systematic in the management of his estate, he is also a good financier, and in every respect a progressive agriculturist. Politically he is a Democrat, and has been elected trustee; has also filled other public positions, but his manifold business inter ests are given his closest personal attention. JfESSE SNYDER, a well-known farmer citizen of New Haven town- _f ship, is a native of Tompkins coun ty, N. Y. His grandfather, John Snyder, who was of German descent, fol lowed the milling business in Northampton county, Penn., in which he was quite suc cessful. He was a colonel in the State militia during the Whiskey Insurrection, and was a man of considerable influence. He had twelve children, viz.: Peter, John, Samuel, Melchior, Daniel, Simon, Rudolph, Sally, Hannah, Louisa, Catherine and Susan, all now deceased. Rudolph Snyder, father of subject, was born in 1802, in Northampton county, Penn., passed his boyhood days on a farm, and in early life learned the tanner's trade, which, in connection with agriculture, he followed for a number of years. In 1822 he was united in marriage with Miss Mary Heller, who was bora February 3, 1803, daughter of Solomon Heller, a farmer. In 1836 Mr. and Mrs. Snyder migrated to Ohio, locating in Bloominggrove town ship, Richland county, where they lived until 1839, in which year they removed to New Haven township, Huron county, re maining there until 1857, when they took up their residence in the village of New Haven. They were the parents of ten children, of whom four died in infancy, the others being Reuben, Jesse, Solomon, Abner, Mary and Eliza. Mr. Snyder was a decidedly successful man. Politically he was an active member of the Demo cratic party, and served as justice of the peace in his township; in religious belief he was a member of the Free-will Baptist Church. He died April 2, 1882. Jesse Snyder was born March 3, 1826, in Tompkins county, N. Y., where he passed his early years on a farm. In 1844 he came to Plymouth (then Paris), Ohio, and learned the carpenter's trade, working at same for three years, when he commenced farming, in which he continued until 1853. In that year he went to California, taking the route through Central America, where the Nicaragua Canal is now in course of construction. He remained two years in the California mining regions, visiting all the principal camps — San Francisco, Sacramento, etc. — and toward the latter part of his stay went to San Antonio, where he engaged in the shingle business. During this time he also con ducted a store and hotel in West Union, four miles from Redwood City, Cal. In ' 1855 he returned to New Haven, Ohio, and purchasing a farm worked same for two years, when he engaged in the tanning business until 1865, and then again took up agriculture, to which he has ever since given his attention. Mr. Snyder now owns 128 acres of good farming land, and by hard work and strict economy has attained considerable success in his chosen vocation. On October 3, 1850, Mr. Snyder was united in- marriage with Miss Elizabeth 318 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Loveland, daughter of John Loveland, of New Haven township, and to this nnion came three children, viz.: Ralph, now a farmer in New Haven township; and Will iam W. and Jesse C. (both deceased). The mether of these died February 9, 1862, and September 14, 1863, Mr. Snyder was married to Mrs. Satira A. (Campbell) Easter, daughter of Lorenzo Campbell, of Greenfield township, Huron county. She died September 26, 1864, and on January 1, 1866, he was again married, this time to Miss Martha Dickinson, a daughter of E. Dickinson, of New Haven township. To this union has come one child, Alton S., a farmer of New Haven township. In politics our subject is a stanch member of the Democratic party, and has served in various township offices. In 1848 he made a visit to Chicago, 111., at which time the city contained no railroads, and he made the return trip to Ohio on a horse. He became a member of the Order of the I. O. O. F. in 1857, and has been a member ever since; in 1870 was elected as repre sentative of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, I. 0. O. F. J\ARREN SEVERANCE, a worthy member of the Huron county bar, lf( is a native of Sandusky county, Ohio, born October 9, 1836. Elisha Severance, his father, was a native of Massachusetts, where he received a fair education, and passed his early life. When a young man Elisha Severance moved to Pennsylvania with his father, and made his home in that State until 1819, when he settled at Milan, Erie Co., Ohio. In 1830 he located at the site of the present town of Clyde, Sandusky county, and in 1839 came to Peru town ship, Huron county, where he purchased a farm. Having learned the trade of cooper in Massachusetts, his time in Peru town ship was devoted to that in connection with agriculture, working at the trade in winter, and giving his attention to the farm during the remainder of the year, until 1853. In the last mentioned year he removed to Greenfield township, and there remained until 1863, when he came to New Haven with his son Warren, with whom he passed the remainder of his days. On April 28, 1823, Elisha Severance was united in marriage with Martha Bangs, and to their union were born children as follows: Charles F., Lucien (who died young), Clarissa, and Samuel (who died in 1883). This wife died August 12, 1829, and on May 7, 1831, Mr. Severance wedded Mrs. Phoebe (Tracy) Morgan, of Milan, Ohio, by which marriage were also bom four children: William M., Who died in 1883 in Illinois; Byron, who died iu in fancy; Warren, the subject of this memoir; and Byron (named after the first Byron), a carpenter and joiner of Fairfield town ship, who died October 7, 1892. The mother of these children passed away in January, 1879, aged seventy-seven years; she was a daughter of Abel Tracy, of Ver mont, in which State she was born; a Presbyterian from the age of sixteen years to her death, she was always a consistent member of that Church. Elisha Severance was a Whig before the war, but in 1856 or 1860 joined the Democratic party. He passed away October 13, 1892, aged ninety- eight years. The family name was originally Severns, of Norman origin. The ancestor of the family in America moved from England into Scotland, and came from the latter country to the United States in early Co lonial days. From the genealogy published by Rev. Mr. Severance, of Chicago, we quote: "While no member of the family has ever arisen to any particular promi nence, none have ever put any stain upon the name." The family are the only rep resentatives of the name in this section of Ohio, but there is a colony of Severances at Severance, Doniphan Co., Kans., while a number of the name make their home in Chicago, Illinois. ^ct^^c^y HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 321 Warren Severance received in his youth a practical education, aud for nine years prior to 1875-76 was an instructor of high repute. In 1863 he purchased a farm in New Haven township, four miles east of Chicago Junction and near New Haven village, which he carried on without tak ing his attention from his profession of school teacher. On February 9, 1860, he was married to Philinda Shepard, daughter of Israel Shepard. who came from New York to Ohio at an early day, aud they have had two children: Elmer W., born in 1861, who is now in the office of his father, and Clara M., wife of C. A. Weatherford, of Chicago Junction. In 1876 Mr. Severance was offered induce ments by Mr. D. H. Young, a member of the Ohio bar and for thirteen years an in surance agent, to enter the legal profession, which he accepted, entering the office as a partner in the entire business, aud for two years be worked in the insurance and real- estate office at Chicago Junction. On March 28, 1878, he was admitted to the bar, at Bucyrus, Ohio, and on June 3, 1880, was admitted to practice in the United States Courts at Toledo, Ohio. In September, 1878, Mr. Young moved to Norwalk, Ohio, and Mr. Severance as sumed full charge of tbe office. In 1891 he was appointed local counsel for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, and he has firmly established himself in the confidence of that great corporation by the close attention he gives to their legal af fairs in this division. Apart from this work, he commands a large and lucrative general practice, and is well and favorably known to the people of Huron and ad joining counties. He also conducts an important real-estate business. Mr. Severance was largely instrumental in the organization of the Presbyterian Church here in 1890. In 1885 he was one of four of the Republican candidates for prosecuting attorney, receiving seventy- seven of the seventy-eight votes required for nomination, and as candidate for the judgeship of the Probate court he also re ceived a very flattering support. Almost forty-two years old when admitted to the bar, his success is marvelous, if not phe nomenal. His knowledge of the people and the universal respect and esteem in which he was held played an important part in the issue; but this alone, without the actual ability which he possesses to an unusual degree, would be of little use in a battle for precedence among the lawyers of this section, and Mr. Severance may well be proud of the brilliant record which he has made. E^LON G. BOUGHTON, abstracter and conveyancer, Norwalk, is a na- I tive of Huron county, born June 30, 1839, a son of John and Susan (Benedict) Boughton. The father was born in 1796 at Southbury, Conn., was reared in Cayuga county, N. Y., and in 1836 came to Ohio, where he passed from earth December 12, 1864. The mother was born February 2, 1800, near Norwalk, Conn., and died June 9, 1888. They had a family of ten children, six of whom are yet living. E. G. Boughton was reared to early man hood in the vicinity of his birth, gaining the experiences of the average boy of the period in the schools, and in learning the practical lessons of patient labor and economy. When only a well-grown youth he taught school successfully for three terms, but when the tocsin of war rang out over our Union, the young man dropped his birch baton and enlisted, in September, 1861, in Company D, Forty-first Regiment O. V. I. He went to the front with the army of the Cumberland, and was wounded November 25, 1863, at the battle of Mis sionary Ridge, after which he was on de tached service to the close of his three years term of enlistment. On his return home he engaged in farming until 1872, when he was elected recorder of Huron county, and was subsequently re-elected, serving three consecutive terms, or nine 322 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. years. While in office, almost as a part of his duties, he commenced work in a set of abstract books, and immediately on retir ing to private life opened his present ab stract and conveyancer's office, in which line he has commanded almost a monopoly of the business. E. G. Boughton and Melinda A. Davis, a native of Huron county, were united in marriage March 22, 1865, and they have had four children: Will. H, Fred G., Lena M. and Laura M. The Boughton family is one of the eminently respected in Huron county. fr^ A. EHRMAN, baker and .confec- I y. tioner, Chicago Junction, is a Ger- \^J man by birth, born March 10, 1852, J^. in Hessen Darmstadt, a son of Frank and Margaretta Ehrman,the former of whom was a baker by trade. After leaving school in his native land, our subject commenced learning his father's trade, under him completing his apprenticeship. At the age of sixteen years he embarked at Bremen on board the steamship "Rhine," for the New World, and after a passage of fourteen days landed at New York. From there he proceeded westward to Cleveland, where he worked at his trade till 1873, in which year he re visited his native country, remaining there one and one half years, when he again came to America and to Cleveland, resuming his trade. In 1877 he a second time crossed the Atlantic to the Fatherland, on this occasion sojourning there two years, and then again coming to Cleveland, once more took up the baking business. In 1881 he moved to Norwalk, Huron county, and here worked for J. P. Link in the same line, six years, at the end of which time (1886) he came to Monroeville, and commenced business for his own account. In 1891 he gave up his small business in Monroeville, and coming to Chicago Junction has bere since conducted the leading bakery and confectionery establish ment, and grocery and provision business, in the town. On May 8, 1884, Mr. Ehrman was mar ried to Barbara Heeb, born January 16, 1858, in Hessen- Darmstadt, Germany, a daughter of Frederick and Catherine Heeb. She came to the United States in June, 1883, and was living iii Cleveland, Ohio, at the time Mr. Ehrman visited and won her, and took her to Norwalk. The chil dren born to this union are as follows: Philip F. E., George L., Carl J. and Eddie J., all yet living except the last named. In his political leanings our subject is in dependent, belonging to no particular party, but voting always for the candidate he considers best fitted for the position. In religious faith he and his wife are mem bers of the Catholic Church. CAPTAIN F. J. LEYDORF, a pio neer of Chicago Junction, was born ' November 7, 1841, in Prussia, Germany, where his father, Henry Wilhelm Leydorf, was a dealer in live stock. F. J. Leydorf received a practical educa tion in the public and private schools of his native place, and at the age of fourteen years was apprenticed to a mechanic, with whom he remained three full years. In 1860 he entered the Prussian army, and served until 1866, when the Electorate of Hesse fell [It was annexed to Prussia in 1867], and he did not wish to serve longer. Some short time after the war his father died, and the son was requested by his mother to return. In 1867 he married Anna Maria Baechman, and in 1868 they immigrated to the United States, coming to Sandusky, Ohio, where friends of the family had settled. Shortly afterward they moved to Custar, Wood county, where Capt. Leydorf established a saloon and meat market, but in 1872 he returned to Sandusky, where he engaged in the hotel HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 323 business, and remained until the fall of 1875. In 1873 he organized the Sandusky military company, of which he was elected captain, a position he held during his resi dence in that city. Locating at Chicago Junction in 1875 he erected one of the first houses there, on the west side, and engaged in the butchering business, which he carried on until 1877. In 1882 he bought the property of William Oehm, of Front street, aud in 1889 purchased the property he now occupies as a hotel, on Spring street. He owns the Fox and Oehm property, purchased previously, and has been exceptionally successful in his business. No man has been more inti mately identified with the progress of Chicago Junction in its various phases, and it was through his efforts that the town was incorporated. Coming here when the site was practically in its primeval condition, he labored in the interest of the place, and watched its progress with joy. In 1879 he was elected street commissioner and constable, in which position he served for two years. As street commissioner he laid out a number of what are now the principal streets of the town, and shortly after he was elected a member of board of education for three years. An active, earnest Democrat, he was the nominee of the party for sheriff of Huron county, and at the polls he succeeded in cutting down the Republican majority from 1,400 to 778. In 1888 he was appointed deputy United States marshal for the Northern District of Ohio, and served until 1892. He is now serving his sixth year as justice of the peace, and in 1893 was elected mayor of the city. Of the ten children born to Mr. and Mrs. Leydorf, eight are yet living, namely: Kunnegunde (wife of J. L. Von Slagle), Matilda K, Frederick W., Magdalena, Anna Margaret, Maria Theresa, Amelia and Amanda. The eldest child, Annie Kathrina, died when four years old, and Frederick Jacob died in infancy. The family are all popular in the community, and the Captain himself is known to his particular friends as a prince of good fellows. VILLIAM MONTEITH, one of the 'I most progressive citizens of Ply mouth, and cashier of the First National Bank of that place, was born March 25, 1861, in Ireland, and came with his parents to the United States in 1864. He is a son of Andrew and Mary A. (Smith) Monteith, natives of Ireland, and descendants of that sturdy Scotch-Irish race that predominates in the North. Andrew Monteith, who was a farmer and ropemaker in the land of his birth, emi grated, in 1864, with his family to the United States, and landing at Philadelphia proceeded at once to Plymouth, Ohio, where two of his brothers-in-law already resided. In 1882 he pnrchased a farm in New Haven township, and later bought a second tract two miles south of Plymouth, in Richland county, where he now resides. Of the seven children born to Andrew and Mary A. (Smith) Monteith, William is the eldest. William Monteith came to Ohio when three years old. He received a practical education in the public schools of Ply mouth, and at the age of sixteen years accepted the position of bookkeeper in the First National Bank of that place. His services in this capacity were so well ap preciated, that in January, 1886, he was promoted to cashier, vice W. B. Cuyken- dall, who had resigned, and he still holds the position, giving perfect satisfaction to patrons and stockholders. Politically a Republican, be takes an active interest in public affairs, always giving his party a loyal support, and he has served as treasurer both of the town ship and town. He is secretary of the Plymouth Savings Building and Loan Association, and a stockholder in that company; is also a director and treasurer 324 HURON COUNTY, OHIO- of the Cline Engine and Machine Com pany, and is interested in every possible way in the development of trade and in dustry in Plymouth. This popular young man is self-made by intelligence and earnestness, for to all enterprises, with which he associates himself, he gives bis best thought and labor, and makes success attend it. FHILIP ERF, a prominent, highly respected citizen of Peru township, was born January 13, 1831, in Nassau, Germany, and immigrated to the United States in 1852. His father, Jacob Erf, was also a native of Germany, in which country he married Catherine Spangkus, who bore him the following children: Philip, Catherine, Anthony and Jacob. In 1853 the parents, with their three younger children, immi grated to America, settling in Lyme town ship, Huron Co., Ohio, where their son Philip had previously purchased a farm. Here they passed the remainder of their lives, Mrs. Erf dying in 1875, Mr. Erf in 1889. Politically he was an independent Democrat, and in religious faith he and his wife were members of the Evangel ical Church. Philip Erf received a common-school training in his native country, being fairly educated for a young man of his time. He remained in Germany until 1852, when (as above related) he sailed for the United States, taking passage for New York from London, England, the voyage occupying thirty-one days. After land ing he proceeded westward to Ohio, travel ing by canal, railroad and lake to San dusky, and thence went to Monroeville, where he obtained work as a farm hand at eight dollars per month. A poor German lad, honest and energetic, he went to work with a will, saved his earnings, and within a few years established himself as a land owner. On October 18, 1856, he married Dora Heyman, also a native of Nassau, Germany, daughter of William Heyman; she crossed the ocean on the same vessel as Mr. Erf, though at the time of their emigration they were entire strangers. After his marriage our subject located on the farm where he still resides, and which at one time he worked in partnership with his father-in-law. Since his location in Peru township Mr. Erf has followed general farming and stock raising, and few if any of the farmers of the town ship have been more successful. He now owns over 500 acres of excellent land, on which stands one of the finest brick resi dences in the township. The barn equals anything in the district, and the whole farm gives evidence of progressiveness and thrift. If the title of the most sys tematic farmer can be consistently be stowed on any one farmer in Peru town ship, Philip Erf well deserves it. Aside from some property received from his wife his wealth is the accumulation of his own industry. His land is to-day worth thirty- five thousand dollars; the stock which he raises always commands the highest prices, and in the cultivation of the farm only the most improved machinery and farm imple ments are used. As a business man and financier his influence is keenly felt, and his decisions have great weight in his com munity. Mr. and Mrs. Erf have children as follows: William, a farmer of Lyme township; Lydia, Mrs. August Horn, of Lyme township; and Lewis and Oscar, at home. Politically he is Republican, is an enthusiastic party man, and has filled several township offices. He and his wife are members of the Protestant Church at Monroeville. W. OSBORN, the leading hard ware merchant of Greenwich, was born November 30, 1858, in Ma honing county, Ohio, and received a common-school education in the schools of Youngstown, same State. He learned HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 325 the tinner's trade, and worked at same for ten years before establishing his present business. On September 20, 1883, Mr. Osborn established his present house at Green wich. A practical tradesman himself, he started on a small scale, gradually in creasing his stock to meet his growing trade, and thus built up on a solid founda tion a prosperous business. He handles hardware, stoves, tin ahd copper ware and queensware, keeping in each department a large and varied assortment of goods, making a specialty of paints, oils, var nishes, etc., and tin and sheet-iron work. His store occupies a building 20 x 70 feet in area. On November 12, 1889, he mar ried Annetta Patterson, by whom two chil dren were born: Mabel Estelle, August 12, 1890, and Mildred Virginia, June 12, 1893. Mrs. Osborn's parents, Robert and Mary Patterson, are Irish and Scotch respect ively. Mr. Osborn is a Republican politically, has served as member of the Greenwich council, and is now a member of the school board. An active participant in public enterprises, he gives a liberal share of his time to questions affecting the well-being of the town and township of Greenwich. In religious connection he is a member of the Congregational Church. His parents, Freeman and Susan (Strauss) Osborn, are descended from English and Dutch pio neers of Pennsylvania, who settled in Ohio at an early day. ^npHOMAS L. MEAD, grandson of | Calvin Mead, was born in Greeu- I wich township, Huron Co., Ohio, J) November 28, 1830. Luther Mead, son of Calvin, was born on his father's farm at Greenwich, Conn., in 1790. When a young man he married Annis Mead, a native of Westchester county, N. Y., and took her to his home in New York City, where he had pre viously established himself in mercantile life. Subsequently he moved to Ludlow- ville, where he started a dry-goods store, and carried on business until 1826, when he and family went to Greenwich, Con necticut. In 1830 Luther Mead, his wife and three children set out on a journey to the "Firelands" in Ohio, traveling via Albany and Buffalo to Sandusky (at that time called Portland), and thence by wagon via Norwalk to Greenwich township, where his father, Calvin Mead, had purchased 1,100 acres of wild land. He deeded to Luther 500 acres, and on this tract the pioneers erected a cabin. In this pioneer cabin were born two children, viz. : Thomas L., tbe subject of this sketch, and Annie M., a resident of Greenwich township. The father of these children died on the original farm January 11, 1876, and the mother in March, 1886, both being in terred in the Fitchville cemetery. Luther Mead was a Whig until the Republicans were organized, and for twenty years was a faithful adherent of the new party. In religious connection he and his wife were early members of the Congregational Church at Fitchville, and among its most zealous supporters. On one occasion Mr. Mead saw a few boys desecrating the Sab bath Day by bathing in a mill pond, and approaching them invited them to his home to attend Sabbath-school. The boys, now clean, good-natured and vigorous after tbeir bath, accepted the invitation and ap peared in due time at the Mead cabin. The Sabbath -school was thus opened for the first time in Greenwich township. Thomas L. Mead received an elementary education in the public school of his dis trict, and passed a short term in the schools of Milan, Ohio. School days over he worked on his father's farm until 1855, on November 30 of which year he married Allathea P. Finch, who was born April 23, 1834, at Greenwich, Conn., daughter of Gilbert P. and Allathea (Peck) Finch. She visited a sister who resided in Huron county, and here met Mr. Mead for the 326 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. first time. To them the following named children were born: Luther H., now over seer of Dr. Parker's elegant country seat at New Canaan, Conn.; Joseph A., a car penter, of Cleveland, Ohio; Edward L., a farmer; Annis M., now Mrs. E. D. Nick erson, of Findlay, Ohio; Gilbert F., of Greenwich township; Allathea C. and Thomas L., Jr., residing at home, and Anna D. The firstborn was a daughter un named, who died in infancy; another child, Marcus L., died in youth. The present farm has been the family home since 1855, with the exception of two years, when the parents resided at Oberlin, Ohio, to super intend the education of their children in Oberlin College. Mr. Mead is a man well endowed with common sense and good judgment, and is considered one of the leading citizens of his township. Politically a Republican, he gives loyal support to his party, and has served as justice of the peace for six years. He is a deacon in the Congregational Church at Greenwich, of which his wife and several children are also members, and for a quarter of a cen tury he has discharged the duties of Sun day-school superintendent. 4/ MICHAEL E. FEWSON, a promi nent agriculturist and worthy citi zen of Greenfield township, was born March 17, 1841, at Burton, Yorkshire, England. His father, David Fewson, was a laborer in Yorkshire, and there married Johanna Scribner, to whom six children were born in England, namely: John R., who died in his native land; Elizabeth, Mrs. George Billard, of Norwich township; John, a sawyer of Richmond township; Robert, of Surry county, Va. ; Michael E., of Huron county, and Jane, who married Charles O'Connell. In 1852 the family emigrated from England to the United States. Sailing from Liverpool in the clipper-ship "Rap pahannock," Capt. Cushion, they arrived at New York after a voyage of seven weeks. From that city the family trav eled by railroad to Havana, Huron Co., Ohio, via Buffalo and Sandusky. His son-in-law, George Billard, had already settled in the neighborhood; so that, how ever strange the land appeared, they were not altogether among strangers. Mr. Fewson rented a log house in Norwich township at one dollar per month, and re sided there until his death, which occurred in 1884. His wife died in 1879. Michael E. Fewson was nine years old when the family settled in the United States. He received a primary education in the district schools of Norwich town ship, was granted his time by the father at the age of eighteen years, aud entered on life for himself. The first money he earned was a dime, which was paid him by the late Dr. McCammon to the young guide who led bim through the thicket to the cabin of Clark Eddy, who was suffer ing from fever and ague. Soon after our subject found employment in a sawmill as engineer, and later he went to work in a clearing, being so engaged up to the time of his enlistment in August, 1863, for five years State duty in Company E, Sixty- third 0. V. I., commanded by Capt. A. B. Gilson. On May 2, 1864, this organiza tion was called on by the General Govern ment for one hundred days United States service, Capt. Gilson being elected major of that regiment on the same day. They were ordered to Camp Taylor, city of Cleveland, arriving on the third, and were there joined by the Seventy-ninth Battah ion from Medina county, Ohio. They were examined on the 6th and 7th and mustered in on the Sth; and were then known as the One Hundred and Sixty- sixth Regiment O. N. G. Vols. Iu the re-organization Mr. Fewson was attached to Company H, commanded by Capt. B. F. McCormick. His term of service ex pired September 10, 1864, and he then re, turned to Huron copnty, where he resumed work in a sawmill, HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 327 On November 2, 1865, Mr. Fewson married Sarah E. Dailey, daughter of Thomas Dailey, a native of New York, who had settled in Greenfield township, where Sarah was bora May 2, 1839. The children by this marriage are Burton E., Nellie M., Minnie M., William G., Dessie D. and Harry D., all residing with their parents. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Fewson settled on a rented farm in Green field township; later he purchased ten acres in Norwich township, of which tract he gave his parents a life lease; subse quently he moved to Bronson township, where he engaged in farming and carried on a meat market, selling from a wagon to the people. In 1878 he returned to Green field township, and located on his present farm of 114 acres. In a decade and a half his labors have won him a valuable property, and have given him a home of which many an older man might feel proud. His first vote was cast for Gov ernor John Brough, of Ohio, in 1863, and for the last thirty years he has been a faithful Republican. With the exception of various township positions, which he has been called upon to fill, he has never sought office, being content with the serv ice he yields the party in the rank and file of voters. Ei D WIN L. DOLE, a well and favor ably known agriculturist of Lyme ! township, Huron county, was born April 21, 1842, in Ashtield, Mass., a son of Orrin and Lucinda (Kemp) Dole. The Dole family are of French extraction, were among the early settlers of Ohio, and have always been distinguished for honesty, true worth and irreproachable character. Orrin Dole was born November 1, 1806, in Massachusetts, where he received a com mon-school education and acquired habits of thrift and perseverance that were of great benefit to him' in after life. He also learned the cooper's trade, and fol lowed that until 1843, at which time he moved west and located in Huron county, Ohio, where he numbered among the pioneers who were felling trees, building log cabins and transforming a wilderness into fertile farms. In his new home he began agricultural pursuits, an occupation he continued to follow up to his death, which occurred March 16, 1872. He was popular with his neighbors, and was sev eral times elected trustee for Lyme town ship. Orrin Dole was married October 18, 1827, to Miss Lucinda Kemp, born January 25, 1808, also of Massachusetts, and eight children blessed their union, viz.: D. W., Fidelia J. (Mrs. Samuel Taylor, deceased), Harriet A. (deceased wife of Ely Cooley), George S., Orrin, Edwin L., Henry S. (deceased) and Julia E. (Mrs. J. B. Stocking). Mrs. Dole died November 15, 1884. The family were members of the Methodist Church, of which they were all liberal supporters. Edwin L. Dole was only a year old when brought by his parents to Ohio, and his early life was one of vicissitude and hard work. He received such education as was afforded by the district schools of Lyme township, and found leisure time to cultivate his mind, and acquired a perfect knowledge of agricultural pursuits. In 1854 he settled on his present farm, about two miles from Bellevue, comprising 128 acres of valuable land, and here he gives his attention to farmino- and the manu- facture of vinegar. He has served two terms as township treasurer and is highly esteemed by all who know him. His younger brother, Henry, was in the Civil war, and engaged in active service two years in Company G, Fifty-fifth Regi ment, O. V. I. Our subject was married December 24, 1865, to Miss Susan Ed wards, who died February 7, 1879, leaving three children: Louise M., Fidelia J. and Orrin. On December 30, 1880, Mr. Dole married Miss Elizabeth Kramb, of Erie county, Ohio, 'who bore him one child, Elizabeth (deceased). His second 328 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. wife passed away May 24, 1885, and on June 8, 1886, Mr. Dole was united in marriage with Mrs. Aura Northam, of Huron county, bora November 12, 1853, in Chesterville, Morrow Co., Ohio, daughter of Joseph and Deborah Laycox. Joseph Laycox (born October 1, 1825), and Deborah DeCamp (born February 27, 1832) were both natives of this country, but were of French extraction. Joseph Laycox was a member of Company F, One Hundred and Thirty-sixth Regiment 0. N. G., and died at Fort Williams, Va., August 20, 1864. He was a fine and noble young man, and was esteemed and respected by all who knew bim. Deborah Laycox, an estimable Christian lady, is still living, and makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. E. L. Dole. T. FRANCIS. William Francis, great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was bora in Wales, was an admiral in the British navy under Lord Nelson, and saw the hero of Trafalgar receive his death wound. He received an honorable discharge from the British government in 1808, and the same year came to Canada, settling at Gravely Bay. When the war of 1812 broke out he was made brigadier- general, and served until the beginning of the year 1815. About that time a man by the name of Dixon, a neighbor of his from Gravely Bay, formed a small foraging company, and joined the United States. This Dixon owned a little vessel, and with his fol lowers would cross into Canada to plunder; but great-grandfather Francis caught three of the gang and they were shot, Dixon es caping, however, to the United States with his plunder. Shortly after that event Francis was taken sick at his own home, at which time Dixon and his gang, again returning to Canada, surrounded the house which they set on fire, burning all within, and while loading their plunder on his vessel, a party of Canadians collected and killed five of the gang, among them being Dixon himself, who was shot by Abra ham Savitz, a neighbor of Dixon's before the war. Thomas Francis, grandfather of W. T., came to Canada with his father in 1808, and enlisting in the war of 1812 was made captain, in which rank he served until the close of the war, being twice wounded. He was married in 1817 to Electa Wag ner, who was born in Pennsylvania in 1797, and came to Canada with her parents in 1816. Her father was colonel in the British army. As soon as married the young couple settled on a farm at New Sayrum, Elgin county, Ontario, where she now lives, quite hearty, at the ripe old age of almost ninety-eight years. Grand father Francis followed farming until 1860, in which year he died leaving a family of eleven children — five sons and six daughters. William Francis, father of subject, was the eldest in the family, and was born in 1817 at New Sayrum. In 1842 he was married to Matilda Doan, daughter of Jo nathan Doan, who was born in the State of Pennsylvania, and with his family moved to Canada before the war of 1812, settling on a farm in Elgin county, Ontario. William Francis also settled on a farm in Elgin county, three miles from St. Thomas, where he still lives. His wife died in February, 1854, leaving three children — all sons — named respectively John D., William T. and George. In 1857 the father married Helen Hepburn, whose parents came from Scotland, and of this union three children were born — two daughters and one son — Catherine, Ellen and Robert. This wife dying in 1862, Mr. Francis, in 1865, married Jessie Davidson, a native of Edinburgh, Scotland, and six children came to them — four sons and two daughters — James, Wellington, Charles, Nettie, Eva and Arthur, of whom James and Charles are in the western States; Wellington is at home, having charge of the farm; the two daughters and Arthur HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 331 are also living at home. Robert Francis owns and is living on the old homestead at New Sayrum, where our subject's father was born (he is married aud has three chil dren); Catherine is married to Frank Hathaway, a farmer; Ellen is married to William Guest, an engineer, and is living in Bay City, Mich. John D. Francis, the eldest son of William Francis, was born June 22, 1848; he is a blacksmith by trade, and carries on a lucrative business at Shedden, Ontario; he married Maggie Shaw, a farmer's daughter, and they have two children living, one having died. George Francis was born January 8, 1853, is still single, and is on his farm near St. Thomas, Ontario. W. T. Francis, the subject proper of these lines, was bora July 27, 1850. It was his father's desire to give him a classi cal education, and he remained at home, going to school until the year 1868, when the desire to be in business for himself overcame his better judgment and the wishes of his father. Without money, and refusing assistance in any respect, he left home in the month of June, and secured a situation with a farmer by the name of William Down, near London, Ontario. From him he received one hundred and fif teen dollars and board for five months' work, and this money he changed for two and a half and five-dollar gold pieces, and some silver half dollars, all United States coin. In the fall of 1868 he left Canada, and proceeding to Grand Rapids, Mich., there sold his gold and silver coin for just double their face value to the Yankees for pocket piece?, such coin being very rare at that time on account of the premium on gold and silver, " green-backs " and " shin plasters " being the only money in circula tion. His uncle, Titus Doan, a railroad contractor, being at that time employed by the Grand River Valley Railroad Com pany in the construction of that road from Grand Rapids to Jackson, Mich., through him our subject got employment, at first in charge of men, then as overseer of his 18 contracts, and timber purchasing agent for the Railroad Company. There he remained till 1871, when he returned home, but again left in the spring of 1873, coming to Newark, Ohio, where May 25, 1873, he found employment as freight brakeman on the Lake Erie division of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. On November 9, of that year, he was injured at Monroeville, Ohio, while coupling cars, in consequence of which he was laid up four months. On May 1, 1875, he was promoted to freight conductor, and until 1878 was con ductor on local freight, wrecking, and construction trains, also as extra passenger conductor. In 1878 he was made regular conductor of an accomodation train be tween Newark and Sandusky, Ohio; in 1881 was put on the through runs from Sandusky to Wheeling, W. Va., and in 1884 was put on the limited trains making the run from Wheeling, W. Va., to Chi cago, 111., covering the distance of 468 miles, and in four different States each trip — -West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. In July, 1884, he was placed, back on the Sandusky and Wheeling runs. On December 1, 1885, he was appointed general agent and yard master at Chicagq Junction, Ohio, which position he held until December 1, 1887, at which date he gave that up to again take the old position as passenger conductor on the Ohio divi sions. Removing to Sandusky, Ohio, he there remained until February, 1891, and then returned to. Chicago Junction. As passenger, conductor Mr. Francis has been remarkably fortuuate, having, in over six teen years of such service, had qnly one passenger injured (caused by the passenger. himself being intoxicated), and in all that time has never had but two pair of wheels off the track. No one appreciates this good fortune more than himself. Chicago Junction in the spring of 1876, with a population of less than 1,000, was quite dull, but Mr. Francis assisted in in spiring new life into it by, among other improvements, making the Baltimore & 332 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Ohio Park at that place, and by arousing tbe citizens to get up an old-fashioned " Fourth of July Celebration. " The Balti more & Ohio advertised it extensively, and the consequence was that over three thou sand people came in to celebrate, and went home well pleased, with a more kindly feeling than before for Chicago Junction. From this on the town made a fresh start with a growth which as yet has not been retarded, as the population of 2,300 of to day amply proves. In May, 1891, Mr. Francis purchased that part of the William Motson estate on the east side of the rail road, together with the famous Deer Lick Mineral Springs; laid out a large addition in lots; graded streets and sidewalks; built a number of fine residences, which he sold, with several of the lots, cheap and on easy terms, whereby many procured homes who would not have been able to do so nnder other circumstances. He has improved the surroundings of Deer Lick Springs, and given the citizens the free use of the water; is now building on the grounds a large Sanitarium bath-house on the latest im proved plans, where all the different baths will begiven as at other water-cures. The natural surroundings of these springs are beautiful, no less than seven different kinds of water flowing ont within a space of 300 feet, among them being one of white sulphur and one of iron. With the medici nal qualities of these waters, the surround ings and location, together with the im provements above named, designate Deer Lick Mineral Springs to become famous the world over. On September 1, 1875. Mr. Francis was married to Rettie M. Holler, of Newark, Ohio, the daughter of Elias and Mary Jane Holler, and four children were born to their union, two of whom are living, viz.: Myrtle Delia, born September 24, 1877, and Willard Thomas, born January 12, 1888. Two sous were taken away in early life: Willie Earl, born July 28, 1880, died September 1, same year, and Walter Mer ton, a remarkably bright child, born July 13, 1882, died of diphtheria June 9, 1885. Mrs. Francis has always been a kindly wife, and true mother to her children, never allowing the care of them to others, and sharing alike with her husband the burdens of sickness and misfortune. He says of her with honest pride: "She is entitled to her share of credit for any good I may have done, worthy of mention." LEXANDER LEWIS, who is a son of Philip Lewis, one of the pio neers of Huron county, holds a high rank among the representative agri culturists of northern Ohio. Philip Lewis was bora in 1788 in Lewis county, N. Y., and was reared on a farm. In the spring of 1816 he took a lumber raft down the Susquehanna, the timber having been "taken out" during the pre ceding winter, at the headwaters of that river. On delivering the raft at its des tination he received his winter's pay, and immediately set out for Ohio, with the in tention of making a home here. The journey across the Alleghany mountains was made on foot, and the youth reached the site of Mansfield (then a village of a few huts and a log cabin) in safety. The conditions surrounding the title to the land in and around Mansfield were then unsatisfactory to buyers, so that Philip Lewis had to seek another location. Walk ing north to Plymouth, Huron county, he began work for a settler named Barney, aud earned a little money clearing land. Having learned something of the district in which he sojourned, he went down to Greenfield township, and purchasing a tract of 200 acres at three dollars per acre, erected a cabin thereon, cleared a small area and planted some corn. In the fall of 1816 he returned to his native county, where, in the spring of 1817, he married Louisa Coleman, who was born in 1796, in Oneida county, N. Y., and immediately afterward the young couple set out for the partially made home in Ohio, making the HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 333 journey along the lake shore, sometimes traveling on the ice, in a wagon drawn by one horse. Here the following named children were born to them: Maria, born September 18, 1818, who was burned to death in 1821, while left alone in the cabin by her mother; David, born July 24, 1820, who graduated from Cleveland Medical College, was a physi cian at New Haven, Ohio, and also in the Quincy (111.) Hospital until his death at Ashland, 111., December 15, 1880; Eli, born August 24, 1822, studied law, was admitted to the bar, and practiced at Juneau, Dodge Co., Wis., until his death there in 1890; Alexander, born October 3, 1824, is the subject of this sketch; James, born September 28, 1826, taught school in several townships of Huron county, and afterward moved to Fort Worth, Texas, where he died; Philander, born June 28, 1829, is now a lawyer of Juneau, Wis.; Philena (twin sister of Philander), who married John Worley, aud died in Illinois; Lyman, born September 25, 1832, died in youth; Alvira, born May 22, 1835, married Augustus Colvin, and died at New Haven, Ohio: and Lorenzo, who died in youth. The mother of this large family died Sep tember 2, 1848, and the fal her August 17, 1859. Both are buried in the Greenfield cemetery. Philip Lewis was a farmer, lawyer and politician, a very aetive man. Loaning money without good collateral was one of his faults; if he had others they were buried with him. In Church connection he was a Presbyterian, and in politics a Democrat. Alexander Lewis was borp in Greenfield township, received his primary eduoation in the common schools of the. district, and subsequently worked on the home farm. On October 11, 1849, he was united in marriage with Martha M. Gunn, who was born November 2, 1829, at Danby, Tomp kins Co., N. Y., and came to Huron couuty, Ohio, in 1834, with her parents, John and Martha M. (Fletcher) Gunn. The Gunns located in Greenfield township, and resided there until 1849 when they moved to Nor wich township, where John Gunn died in 1880, and his widow in 1891. Alexander and Martha M. Lewis have one son, an only child. Augustine W., born February 11, 1859, in Greenfield township. He re ceived his education in part at the district schools of the locality of his home, in part at Oberlin, Ohio, and he is now a farmer living on the homestead. On January 28, 1874, he was united in marriage at Juneau, Dodge Co., Wis., with Miss Annie M. Travis, and two children have come tq brighten their home, viz.: Clarence A., bora in Juneau, Wis., October 26, 1875, and Ada L., born in Greenfield March 10, 1879. They represent the fourth genera tion that have occupied the Philip Lewis estate. Alexander Lewis resided on the old Lewis farm, and cared for his father, who was an invalid for some time prior to his death, after which event he (Alexander) assumed charge of the estate, and settled with all the heirs. In 1871 his new home was completed and occupied. Since the memorable Lincoln campaign Mr. Lewis has been a Republican. In Church rela.- tion his wife is a member of the Disciple Church, and unquestionably one of the most estimable women in Huron county. Mr. Lewis has always been a farmer, and even now, when approaching his seventieth year, he is an active man of the world, en joying labor and taking pride in a well- cultivated and improved farm. "HARLES A. PAUL, cashier of the Norwalk Savings Bank, Norwalk, is a native of Hurou county, born December 12, 1860, a son of J. L. and Eliza (Delamater) Paul, the former a native of Ohio, the latter of the State of New York. They are one of the promi nent families of the county, living on a stock farm two miles south of Norwalk, where the father and son raise and deal in 334 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. tine stock extensively, and in this line are widely and favorably known. About their household is an air of comfort and unos tentatious refinement, in itself a sufficient guarantee that their son was given those influences and advantages that are adapted to the production of the best citizenship. Our subject was well grounded in the fundamentals of an English education in the Norwalk schools, and, passing these, he spent the next three years at the Ohio State University, taking a special course. Returning to his home he entered into partnership with his father in their stock farm, an interest in which he still retains, the firm being one of the most extensive buyers and sellers of fine stock in this part of Ohio. Their place is known as the "Norwalk Stock Farm." In 1891 C. A. Paul went to Cleveland, and was employed in the Arcade Bank of that place, but severed this connection to return to Norwalk and take his present position in the Norwalk Savings Bank, of which he is also a stockholder and director. He was married on June 28, 1893, to Miss Clara B. Cannon, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Cannon, of Cleveland, Ohio. It is saying nothing more than what the records bear out, when we publish the fact that no young man in the county stands fairer in the public estimation than Mr. Paul. fl( NDREW LOVE, Je., a prominent ljj__\ farmer citizen of Townsend town- |/§\ ship, is a native of the same, born yj " April 10, 1842. He is the ninth child in a family of twelve children born to Andrew and Eliza (Kelsey) Love, the former of whom was bora in Catskill, Greene Co., N. Y., the latter in Monmouth county, N. J., of English and Irish de scent, respectively. Andrew Love, Sr., was born April 1, 1798, aud received but a very limited Eng lish education in youth. At the age of ten years he was bound out to a farmer in his native county, with whom he remained until he attained his majority, and then went to Monmouth county, N. J., where he was employed in a brickyard until the fall of 1841, at which time he came to Townsend township, Huron Co., Ohio. Here he was employed for several years at anything he could find to do, working by the day or job and frequently taking con tracts to chop and clear land. He cleared several hundred acres of land, perhaps more than any other one man in the town ship, and in about 1848 bought fifty acres of wild land in same township and county (upon which our subject now resides), where he engaged in manufacturing staves, which he hauled to Milan, then the nearest market, where many thousands were dis posed of. In 1851, after having partially improved the place, he sold out and re moved to Wapello county, Iowa, where he bought a partially improved farm and en gaged in. agriculture, but after two years, in 1853, he again sold out, and returned to Townsend township, Huron county, where two years later, in 1855, he bought a place adjoining his first purchase. Here he engaged in agricultural pursuits' until his death, which occurred July 20, 1869. His father, John Love, was born in Eng land, where he received a meager common- school education. At the age of nineteen he emigrated to the United States, landing at New York, where he afterward learned the ship carpenter's trades which he con tinued to follow for several years, or until he was disabled by a log rolling against and crushing his left limb. His death occurred in 1833, in New Jersey, when he was about sixty years old. When he left England he brought with him an old Bible, published at Oxford in 1725, which is now the property of our subject. Mrs. Eliza Love, who was born April 15, 1808, is yet living and resides with her son, the subject of our sketch; she is a devout member of the M. E. Church. Her father, James Kelsey, was born iu Monmouth county, N. J., where he received a good education in English ana mathe- HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 335 matics in early life. At the age of thir teen he shipped on board a sailing vessel as cabin boy, steadily advancing from one position to another, at a very early age at taining the rank of master or captain of a vessel, which he continued to hold until he was seventy-three years old, having followed the high seas continuously for sixty years in the waters of every clime and quarter of the globe. He was mar ried in his uative place and had two sons, both of whom followed in their father's footsteps and became captains of vessels, serving as such till their ships were wrecked and they were drowned, both be ing wrecked in the same storm, but on different vessels. The Kelsey family were among the stanch patriots in New Jersey, and took an active part in the fortunes — civil and military — of that commonwealth in early days. Andrew Love, Jr., the subject of this sketch, received an ordinary common- school education in early life, and remained with his parents, sometimes on the home place and at other times working out by the month, until he attained his "majority. On February 15, 1864, he enlisted in Company C, Fifty-fifth 0. V. I., joining the regiment at Chattanooga, Tenn., early in March, after which he served with his command in all its marches and engage ments up to and including the battle of Resaca, Ga., where he was wounded in tbe left hand, sent to the rear and subse quently taken to a hospital at Jefferson- ville, Ind., where, after his wound had partially healed, he was taken sick and re moved to a hospital at Camp Dennison, Ohio. After his recovery he rejoined his regiment at Atlanta, Ga., just before starting with Gen. Sherman on his cele brated march to the sea, upon which cam paign he accompanied his regiment, suffer ing very severely the while with rheuma tism, and participated in all the subsequent battles and engagements in which his com mand was engaged to the close of the war. He was in the Grand Review at Washing ton, D. C, and was finally discharged from the service July 20, 1865, at Cleveland, Ohio. After his return from -the army he chopped wood and worked by the month for a year and a half, and in the spring of 1867 commenced farming on bis own ac count on the old home place in Townsend township, Huron county, upon which he now resides, and where he has since been successfully engaged in agricultural pur suits. The farm, consisting of seventy- five acres, is in a high state of cultivation, and here he has built a good house and barn. He has served the township as trustee and in various other official posi tions. Mr. Love was married, February 2, 1867, to Miss Lucy Ann Hoff, a native of Monmouth county, N. J., where she was born August 22, 1839, a daughter of Samuel 0. and Elizabeth (Aumack) Hoff, both natives of Monmouth county, N. J., and of Holland-Dutch descent. One daughter has blessed this union, Lizzie A., now Mrs. S. J. Hawkins. Samuel 0. Hoff died in September, 1872, in his sixty-sixth year. Mrs. Elizabeth Hoff is yet living, and makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. Lucy A. Love. The Hoff family were among the very earliest of the Dutch settlers of New Jersey, and among their ancestors was a lady who was the first white woman in that State. Both Mr. Love and his wife are devout members of the M. E. Church at East Townsend. In politics he is a stanch and uncompromising Prohibitionist, and he is one of the well- known, enterprising and respected citizens of the community. djOHN S. HESTER, of Norwich town- I ship, for many years a well-known _/ prosperous citizen of the county, is a native of Ohio, born in Columbiana county November 8, 1810. His father, Martin Hester, was born in Greene county, Penn., a son of John Hester, of German birth, who came to 336 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. America when a young man, settling in Greene county, Penn., where he carried on a farm of his own, and followed the trade of weaver. He married Miss Elizabeth Mason, by whom there were three sons — Martin, John and Matthias — and five daughters — Elizabeth, Sarah, Mary, Mar garet and Emily. From Pennsylvania he moved with his family to Columbiana county, Ohio, settling on a farm of 160 acres, where he continued agricultural pursuits and weaving. He passed from earth about the year 1825, at the age of sixty-two years. Politically he was a strong Whig, and he was a member of the German Lutheran Church. Martin Hester, eldest son of this pioneer, was born in 1787 in Greene county, Penn., and was reared on his father's farm, at tending during a few winter months the subscription schools of the locality. He became a great reader, and what he lacked in education he made up amply by home study. When his parents moved to Co lumbiana county, Ohio, he accompanied them, and farmed there some four or five years after marriage, removing then to Orange township, Richland (now Ashland) Co., Ohio. At that time this was the ex treme frontier of civilization, and if there were any neighbors north of them, save "Redskins," they never heard of them. The Indians were numerous, and wild ani mals, such as bears, wolves and deer, roamed the dense forest at will. One day Mrs. Hester, being out after the cows, found a very young deer, so small that she carried it home in her apron, and kept it as a pet for a year or two. In Orange township Mr. Hester owned about 160 acres of land, and there lived till 1824, when he came to Bronson township, Huron county, settling on land bought of Judge Southgate, and here he spent the rest of his busy life, dying in 1870; his wife passed away in 1865. In 1809 he had married Miss Mary Stough, a daugh ter of Rev. John Stough, of Fayette county, Penn., and to this union were born five children, all of whom are living to-day at advanced ages, none being under seventy years old. Their names are John S., Eliza, Samuel, Matthias and Martin M., of whom John S. is the subject of this sketch; Eliza married Elisha Savage, of Berea, Ohio; Samuel lives in Paxton, 111.; Matthias is in Norwalk, Ohio; Martin M. is in Bron son township, on the old homestead. The father was a stanch Whig and Republican, and a member of the M. E. Church, in which he served as steward. John S. Hester, whose name introduces this sketch, received but a limited educa tion, as his boyhood was much taken up ¦in assisting his father on the farm. Be ing fond of books, however, and gifted with a retentive memory, he was not long in making up for deficiency in that respect. At the age of nineteen he commenced to learn carpentry, at which he worked three years, receiving one hundred and fifty dollars for his time. He then went to Milan, Erie Co., Ohio, and continued his trade for one year, his wages being one dollar pej day. After this he moved to Huron, same county, and worked on steam boats, assisting among other things in building several boats, among which may be mentioned the " United States" and the "George Washington." Coming to Nor walk in 1834, he here worked at his trade one year, at the end of which time, his health failing and his eyesight becoming impaired, he gave up work and returned to his father's house, where he recuperated. Soon thereafter, in 1835, he married Miss Jane Pan cost, of Bronson township, Huron county, but she died the following year. He then bought land in Norwich township, paying therefor four dollars and fifty cents per acre, which property he subsequently traded for the farm in Norwich township, where he now lives. He received from his father's estate four hundred dollars, which alone gave him a start in the world, and he has now 200 acres of land, although he at one time owned 400 acres, having sold 200 acres of valuable timber land, the pro- HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 337 ceeds of which he invested in five-twenty Government bonds at par, to aid the Gov ernment in carrying on the Civil war, which investment proved remunerative. For his second wife Mr. Hester married, in 1841, Miss Lucinda M. Hildredth, bora in Tompkins county, New York, a daughter of Benjamin Hildredth, and five children were born to this union, of whom the following is a brief record: Charles T. died in the Civil war; Eliza is the wife of S. R. McConnell, of Burlington, Iowa; Susan died in infancy; Julia is the widow of William Dougherty, late of Mansfield, Ohio, and has one child, Bessie (they re side with our subject); Hattie H. is mar ried to Rev. H. P. Richards, of North Fairfield. Politically our subject has been respectively a Free-soiler, Abolitionist and a Republican. He is a member of the Methodist Church, in which he has held the offices of class-leader, steward, etc., and in 1879 was elected a lay delegate to the annual Conference of northern Ohio, and successively every four years up to 1891. Mr. Hester relates many interesting anecdotes of the early days in the settle ments. His great uncle, Uriah Hester, was once attacked by Indians, who scalped him and left him for dead; bnt he re covered, and afterward moved to Indiana, becoming the progenitor of the family of the name in that State. Martin Mason, great-grandfather of subject, when a boy was captured by Indians, and taken to Canada, where he was sold to some man of prominence. When he was twenty-one years old he was allowed to return to Pennsylvania to visit relatives, with whom he remained. Jacob Fast, great-uncle of John S. Hester, was also captured by Indians, who told him that he would have to "run the gauntlet," and his life would be spared. Instead of running the customary way, however, he treated the Redskins to an exhibition of side hand springs, known among boys as " making a wheel of himself," which must have con siderably astonished his audience, who not only spared his life but made him a chief. T[f IALMER GRIFFIN, a successful [^ farmer of Fitchville township, and I || a progressist in all agricultural. y) affairs, was born in Greenwich township, Huron Co., Ohio, May 6, 1842, a son of Riley and Philena (Washburn) Griffin. His youth was passed much in the manner of boys of that time and place — attending the district school and working on the farm. Miss Clarissa Parker was his first teacher, and for many terms he was present as a pupil in her school. Later he attended an academy at Green wich Center, which was conducted there for one year, completed his education and returned to the farm. On August 4, 1864, he married Amanda Knapp, a native of Westchester county, N. Y., who came to Ohio with her parents, and after marriage the young couple moved to Montcalm county, Mich., where he purchased a farm. One year later they returned to Ohio, and renting a place in Fitchville township, Huron county, for two years, resumed farming here. In 1869 he located on his present farm, two miles south of Fitchville village, and has since made the place his home. From boyhood Mr. Griffin inclined towards carpentry. He has cultivated his mechanical talents to a practical extent, utilizing them in the construction of new buildings on his own farm and iu the re pair of old buildings. A systematic agri culturist, and consequently a successful one, he finds time to devote to a very im portant branch of farming — poultry rais ing. In this department he employs the most modern appliances, and the most ap proved methods; he is a supporter and reader of the leading poultry journals, and a strict observer of scientific methods iu the poultry-yard. A few years ago fire destroyed the hennery, entailing a heavy 338 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. loss, but he at ouce went to work and built a larger and more complete one. A lifelong Republican, Mr. Griffin has always been a loyal member of the party; for twelve years he held the office of town ship trustee, and during that time the public affairs of Fitchville went forward with precision and harmony, for he took an interest in every public and private en terprise which promised benefit to the. township. His children are as follows: Blanche, Mrs. George Black, of Birming ham, Erie Co., Ohio; Loren, a farmer, and Lola W., an accomplished young lady, both residing with their parents. L IEUTENANT GEORGE BARGUS, a prominent agriculturist, and com missioner of Huron county, was bora in Newark, N. J., April 29, 1839, a son of William and Charlotte (Argyle) Bargus, the former a native of New Jersey and of German extraction, the latter of Scotland. Lieut. Bargus was left an orphan in in fancy, and compelled to rely entirely upon his own efforts even from the tenderest years. He, therefore, received only such education in his youth as was afforded by the common schools of New Jersey at that early day, but in after years succeeded in acquiring a good practical knowledge of the English language, which, added to his judgment and energy, enabled him to win success in every undertaking. His only inheritance consisted chiefly of a stout heart, willing hands and great faith in humanity. He has always been a constant and extensive reader, and possesses a wide range of general information, being a sub scriber for newspapers and magazines, and owning a carefully selected library of sev eral hundred volumes. He is particularly interested iu ancient and modern history and the various sciences, and his wealth allows him to gratify his literary tastes. At the age of thirteen our subject went to Rochester, N. Y., where he learned the baker's and confectioner's trade, serving an apprenticeship of four years, after which he journeyed west with the intention of working at his trade, but found no open ing, and was glad to do whatever offered an opportunity to make an honest dollar. During the winter and spring of 1859-60 he traveled through Tennessee, Arkansas and Louisiana, but when the first clouds of the Civil war gathered in the South he returned north. Early in 1861 he enlisted in Company E, of Yates' Sharpshooters, which in 1864 became the Sixty-fouHh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and was mustered in as sergeant. Owing to distinguished service and gallantry at the battle of Corinth and elsewhere, he was rapidly promoted through all the inter mediate ranks to First Lieutenant. For more than a year he commanded his com pany, and was with his regiment through all its marches and campaigns, participat ing in the battles of New Madrid, Island No. 10, the Siege of Corinth, Resaca (Ga.), Big Shanty, Kenesaw Mountain, Atlanta of July 22, and also on July 28, 1864, Ezra's Church, and numerous minor engage ments. He accompanied Gen. Sherman in his famous march to the sea; was slightly wounded several times, and was mustered out of service in January, 1865. Lieut. Bargus, soon after his return from the army, took a commercial course in Oberlin College, and then moved west, but after one year returned to Huron county, Ohio, settled on his farm near Collins, and engaged in agricultural pur suits and raising fruit. His farm contains 400 acres of valuable land, all well improved. He also conducted a sawmill and lumber business, until the cyclone of April, 1890, entirely destroyed his large mill. On April 12, 1866, Lieut. Bargus mar ried Miss S. Alice Humphrey, who was born in Cuyahoga county, Ohio, a daugh ter of William and Sarah Ann (Bierce) Humphrey, natives of Litchfield county, Conn. Their union has been blessed by fe HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 341 four children: George (deceased), Alvin Dudley, May (deceased) and Edwin Plum- phrey. Lieut. Bargus has served as town ship trustee several terms, was a member of the county board of the Infirmary di rectors, and is now serving his second term on the board of county commissioners. He belongs to no church, but is a firm be liever in Christianity of a practical kind. He is a member of the G. A. R. Post No. 414, Townsend, of which he has been commander since its organization, in April, 1885. About two years ago Lieut. Bar gus was general commander of the Four teenth District Brigade, and is now assist ant inspector and aid-de-camp on the Department Staff, Ohio G. A. R. He is also the colonel commanding F. H. Boalt Command No. 17, U. V. U., of Norwalk, Ohio, and last year served as deputy com mander of Ohio. He is a member of the Masonic Fraternity, and W. M. of East Townsend Lodge No. 322, A. F. & A. M., to which Lodge he has belonged for over a quarter of a century. He is a member of Huron Chapter No. 7, R. A. M., of Norwalk Commandery No. 18, K. T., and also of Norwalk Council No. 403, Royal Arcanum. Lieut. Bargus is an uncom promising Republican, and while quite young became very much interested in the slavery question, being in sympathy with the slaves. He is in harmony with his party on the tariff question, and though he has never been an office seeker, is deeply interested in the success of the G. 0. P., and is an excellent organizer. His first vote w'as cast for Abraham Lincoln. William Httmpheey, father of Mrs. Bargus, was born in Goshen, Conn., October 13, 1812, the seventh child of Dudley and Polly M. (Sherman) Hum phrey, and of Scotch- English descent. in April, 1834, he married Miss Sarah Ann Bierce, a native of Cornwall, Conn., and of English-German descent, by whom he had four children, viz.: Emma Lonise (Mrs. Joseph Hyde), Sarah Alice (Mrs. George Bargus), Delia Lucretia (Mrs. W. D. Johnston, deceased) and Willie (who died in infancy). Mrs. Humphrey died November 13, 1854, and Mr. Humphrey was married, June 28, 1855, to Miss Sarah M. Hyde, of Wake man, Ohio. Mr. Humphrey's education was chiefly acquired by experience and observation, his school days having ended when he was twelve years of age. While young he manifested unusual mechanical skill, and during his long and active business career invented many improve ments in machinery, such as " Humphrey's Direct Action Steam Mill," and the "Humphrey Double Action Pump." In 1835 be moved from Connecticut to Parma, Ohio, where he engaged with bis brother Dudley S. in manufacturing clocks, lumber, etc., and in 1849 they came to Townsend township, purchased a large tract of land, and began an extensive lum ber business. They built mills and plank roads, furnished employment for a great number of men, and transformed an almost unbroken forest into broad acres of pas ture, meadow and orchard land, where two thriving villages now stand. Their lum ber was shipped to eastern markets from Milan, Ohio, via the lakes. Mr. Hum phrey soon became, and continued until his death, the largest landowner in Town- send township. He Was president of the Central Plank Road Company, and was the leading spirit in completing the work, his judgment in business matters being clear and decisive. He boldly entered into and controlled commercial enterprises that men of broader experience hesitated to consider, and was cool, self-reliant, and equal to every emergency. His father's estate having been spent in paying security debts for friends, he learned in childhood the lessons taught by poverty, and endured its struggles, trials and tempations. He was remarably char itable, and always found time to listen to the complaints of those who were in dis tress. Himself incapable of a mean or dishonorable action, he scorned and despised 342 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. treachery and deceit in others, and was even-tempered, forbearing and forgiving. He was prepossessing in personal appear ance, genial and attractive in manner, and a devoted husband and father. Politi cally he was a Democrat, but in sympathy with the preservation of the Union, and during the Civil war contributed gener ously to the comfort of Union soldiers and tbeir families. In 1865 he was nominated by his party for State legislator. While Mr. Humphrey was engaged in repairing the roof of his house, November 23, 1874, the scaffold gave way, and his skull was fractured, causing death in a few hours. He was never identified with any Church, but believed in and practiced practical religion. The Humphrey family is numerously represented in Europe and America, and is of noble and ancient origin, few families even among the British peerage being its equal in antiquity. A few years ago Dr. Frederick Humphrey, of New York City, his sister Mrs. Sarah W. Churchill, and others, prepared with great labor and at much expense a complete and elaborate genealogy of the Humphrey family, trac ing its origin to Sir Humphrey De Bohum, of Normandy, born A. D. 996, and also giv ing an account of the coats of arms adopted by tbe different branches of the family. The Humphreys were related to William the Conqueror, and several of them accom panied him in his conquest of Britain, where no less than eight branches of the family are now found, each with a differ ent coat of arms. The Humphreys were found in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, and were barons of Prudhoe and earls of Angus. Many of them took part in the Crusades and perished in the Holy Wars; others were beheaded and some burned at tbe stake. Among them were Philip Humphrey (the martyr), Lawrence Humphrey (an eminent Puritan divine), and Lieut. Gov. John Humphrey (oue of the organizers of the East India Company, and one of the original patentees of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay).- The Hum phreys found in America are divided into four distinct branches: First — -Jonas Humphrey, who came from England in 1634 and settled in Dorchester, Mass., and whose descendants are included in the Dorchester and Weymouth branches. Sec ond — Daniel Humphrey, who came from Wales in 1660, and located in Philadel phia, Penn., and whose descendants in clude Charles Humphrey (member of the first Continental Congress), Joshua Hum phrey (designer and builder of the Ameri can Navy in 1812-14), Maj. Gen. Andrew A. Humphrey, and also the Humphreys of New Jersey, Virginia, Tennessee and Mississippi. Third — Hugh "Humphrey, who settled on the Hudson river in New York. Fourth — Michael Humphrey, who came from Lyme Regis, England, in 1643, and located in Ancient Windsor, Conn., and whose descendants are his sons Sergt. John and Lieut. Samuel Humphrey, Will iam Humphrey, Mrs. George Bargus, Mrs. Joseph Hyde, Mrs. W. D. Johnston (de ceased), and Gen. Humphrey (on Gen. U. S. Grant's staff during the Civil war). Gen. Bierce, the grandfather of Mrs. Sarah Ann (Bierce) Humphrey, was a gen eral in the Hessian army. Ke was sent by the British ministry to America during the Revolutionary war to assist in subdu ing the Colonies, but soon after reaching America Gen. Bierce's sympathy was en listed on the side of the Colonists, and he espoused their cause, rendering gallant and distinguished service iu the American army. He married in Connecticut, and continued to reside there up to the time of his death. Jl H. WEBER, one of the leading busi ness men of Bellevue, was born J January 29, 1842, in Darmstadt, Hessen -Darmstadt, Germany. Eleven years later he accompanied his parents, Henry and Elizabeth (Betzendorfer) Weber, to the United States, and traveled HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 343 west with them to Tiffin, Ohio, where the family located. The father died during a visit to Hessen -Damstadt, and the mother, now seventy-eight years, of age, resides at Cincinnati, Ohio, with her daughters. J. H. Weber attended the public schools of Darmstadt, and on his arrival here re sumed his studies in the primitive schools of the time. In about 1859 the youth found employment as clerk in a store at Bellevue, and when a young man his ster ling qualities recommended him so strongly to his employer that he became a part ner in the concern. Later he purchased the interests of his partner, and has since managed, with marked success, the large grocery establishment in the development of which he took so important a part. He has carried on business so many years in Bellevue, and has been so closely connected with all the enterprises attending the growth of that city, that his name is synonymous with it; for "going to Weber's " was at once generally under stood to be the same as going to Bellevue, and it is a fact that very little has been planned or projected by the community without his counsel and aid. In the board of educatiou and in the city council he has been an invaluable adviser, always favor ing progress, but keeping the cost of im provement within reasonable bounds, and opposing municipal jobs of every kind. As president of the Electric Light and Power Company, he has directed its affairs in such a public-spirited manner as to satisfy both the people and the stock holders. Politically he is a Democrat; in social relations he is a member of the I. O. 0. F. and the Royal Arcanum; in philanthropical work au earnest member of the German Aid Society, and in Church relation a Lutheran. During the summer of 1892 he made au extended tour through Europe, giving his special attention to the modern condition of the German people. Mr. Weber is the junior member of the lumber firm of Gross & Weber, who have, by their energy and fair dealings, built up an extensive trade in their line, and their success is identified with the growth of the village. In 1893 he sold out his grocery business to his son-in-law, H. A. Schlicht, who, of late years has been his manager. Mr. Weber may be said to have grown up in, and materially assisted, the growth of Bellevue, and ever had its in terests at heart. Strictly a business man, his life has been one of continued success and commercial progress. ILBERT L. ROSCOE, who is a grandson of Josiah Roscoe, was born )ctober 7, 1844, 'in Greenwich township, where he is a pushing, progressive farmer, and a citizen of high standing. Josiah Roscoe lived in Putnam county, N. Y., and there married Hannah Bough ton. Shortly after marriage the young couple moved into the wilds of Cayuga county, N. Y., where the following named children were born to them: Jeremiah and Benjamin (twins), Mary, Clara and Sally. Jeremiah is referred to at length below; Benjamin married, reared a large family in Greenwich township, and died there; Mary married Charles Pierce, and subse quently became the wife of William Farley (her death occurred in Greenwich town ship); Clara, who married Daniel Kniffin, died in Greenwich township; Sally married Shadrach Reed, and also died in Green wich township. About the year 1819 Jeremiah and Benjamin Roscoe visited Huron county, and secured a large tract of land at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. After this one of them revisited Cayuga county, and in 1820 brought his father, mother and sisters to his new home in Greenwich township, where the sons had a log cabin ready for them. The trip was made in a wagon drawn by oxen and horses, and beyond its delays and tedious- ness was uneventful. Josiah Roscoe was a well-to-do citizen in New York, so that 344 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. on his arrival here farm work was com menced and carried out systematically. The father died here in 1845, the mother a short time afterward, and both were buried on the farm. Jeremiah Roscoe was born February 6, 1797, in Cayuga county, N. Y., and came to Huron county when twenty-two years of age. On April 4, 1826, he married Selinda Sheldon, who was born in New York State January 26, 1807. To them were born the following named chil dren: Harriet, Mrs. Charles Dills, of Monroe county, Mich.; Hulda, Mrs. Robert Griffin, of Fitchville towuship; Asenath, Mrs. William T. Smith, of Greenwich township; Johanna, Mrs. Will iam Sutton, of Nebraska; Mary, who died in youth; Sarah, who married Charles Bell, and died in Wood county, Ohio; Selinda, who died very young; Benjamin, a citizen of Nebraska; Gilbert L., the subject of this sketch; Lestina, Mrs. Frank Hawkins, of Lyon county, Kans.; and Alva, who died young. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Roscoe settled on the homestead, where he was engaged in farming until his death, April 5, 1872. His widow died in 1877, on the farm, near the graves of Josiah and Han nah Roscoe. The sawmill owned by Jere miah Roscoe was the pioneer manufacturing industry in Greenwich township, and he operated it in conuection with the farm until about 1840 when he sold it. In 1856 he left the Whig party, and became a Re publican, and he served as clerk of Green wich township for years. In religious connection he and his wife were members of the Universalist Church. Gilbert L. Roscoe was born October 7, 1844, on the home place. Attending school and working on the farm occupied his time until 1862, when he joined the National Guards. In 1864 his command was ordered to Washington. D. O, and he was stationed at Fairfax, Va., until the fall of that year, when he returned home. On March 17, 1869, he married Hattie P. Brady, who was bora at Mecklenburgh, N. Y., September 2, 1848, daughter of David J. and Parmelia (Franklin) Brady. To this marriage the following named chil dren were born: Franklin B., Mary E., Lew W. and Johanna, all residing at home. For some time after marriage the young people resided on the home place, then moved to Lorain, Ohio, where they re mained until 1872, when they returned to the homestead, and have since been en gaged in general farm work and stock growing. Mr. Roscoe is a natural me chanic, and has done trade work for himself, such as repairing machinery, buildings, etc. In politics he is Republi can; has represented his party in county conventions, and served in various town ship offices. He and his wife are mem bers of the Congregational Church, in which he has held office. JOSEPH WALTER is a native of k. I Germany, to which country so many %Jj of our most gifted citizens trace their origin. The country of the Rhine has ever been as famous for the intel lectual strength of its people, as for the magnificent grandeur of its scenery, and well may every German cherish a loving pride for his beautiful Fatherland. Joseph Walter is a son of Francis Wal ter, who was born in 1793, in Baden, Ger many, and there learned the butchering business. In early manhood Francis Walter was married to Manegarth Hein- becker, who was also born in 1793, in Baden, Germany. The young couple settled in a small town in their native place, where he followed his trade, and also conducted a grocery store. Here the following children were born to them: Frederick, a resident of Mansfield, Ohio; Joseph, whose name opens this sketch; John, living in a western State, and Will iam, in Columbia City, Ind. In the spring of 1833 the family embarked from Havre, France, first landing in New York. HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 345 From this port they came by river and canal to Buffalo, then via Lake Erie to Sandusky, Ohio, whence they proceeded with horse teams to Peru township, Huron Co., Ohio. Mr. Walter there purchased sixty acres of woodland, and found a tem porary shelter in a vacant schoolhouse, where the family remained until a rude cabin was constructed of poles and bark. In this home two children were added to their circle, namely: Dennis, now living in Columbia City, Ind., and Mary, widow of E. L. Strause, living in Bismarck, N. D. The parents died in Huron county, the mother April 25, 1865, the father in Feb ruary, 1874, and both are buried in the Catholic cemetery of the German settle ment, in Peru township. Joseph Walter was born January 2, 1828, on the home place in Baden, Ger many, and was but five years of age when the family settled in Ohio. He began to assist with the farm work at the earliest possible age, and little leisure was ever allowed, as, so he now says, " It was work, work, work all the time." His educa tional opportunities were limited to two terms, of twenty-one and twenty-seven days each, at the neighboring subscription school. A hard life was this for an active, fun-loving boy, but the stern lessons and tasks of that dull childhood developed a self-reliant and persevering spirit which might have remained dormant in an atmos phere of luxury and ease. Notwithstand ing the privations of his youth he has ac quired a practical business education, which is sufficient for all ordinary pur poses. On January 3, 1853, Joseph Wal ter was united in marriage with Biligelldis Snyder, who was bora in 1828, in Ger many, a daughter of Joseph Snyder. She came with her parents to America in 1847. Joseph and Biligelldis Walter remained on the home farm several years after their marriage,'and cared for his aged parents. Here he conducted a butcher business in addition to his agricultural interests. When the Lake Shore & Michigan South ern Railroad was in process of construc tion he contracted to furnish beef for the graders employed there, but lost seven hundred dollars on the transaction. This sum was a serious loss at that time, but undismayed by one failure he presevered in the business, and success soon rewarded his patient efforts. Year after year his prosperity increased, and he now owns over 300 acres of excellent farming land, and in 1880 erected a handsome frame residence, also other good buildings which give ample evidence of prosperity. He owned and managed a threshing outfit for fourteen years, and made many acquaint ances in this business; but of late years failing health has required him to retire from the more arduous tasks and devote his time to overseeing the work. He is a sys tematic farmer, whose success has been achieved in the face of many obstacles. In politics he is a leader in the Democratic party, and he served as assessor of Peru township for ten years, also in various other local offices. He and his wife are members of the Catholic Church at Mon roeville. Their children have been born as follows: Dennis, deceased farmer of Peru township, Huron county; Frank, living at home; William, a resident of Monroeville; Emma, wife of Hard Der ringer, of Tiffin, Ohio; Jeanette, married to Henry Zipfel, of Monroeville, and Adolph, residing with his parents. Mr. Walter has been a very robust man, and now weighs over 200 pounds. JOHN T. TOWNSEND, the eldest son of one of the pioneers of Huron county, is himself one of the oldest natives of this section of Ohio. William Townsend, grandfather of John T. Townsend, left Massachusetts to make his home with his sons in Ohio, and died in New London township, Huron county, in February, 1847. Hosea Townsend, son 346 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. of William Townsend, was born at Green bush, N. Y., May 25, 1794, and grew to manhood there, serving in the war of 1812 when little more than a boy. On the day he was twenty-one years old he ar rived in New London township, Huron Co., Ohio, made an examination of the lands in the county, and returned to his home in Tyringham, Berkshire Co., Mass., where his father's family then resided. The country impressed him favorably and, on February 4, 1816, he and his brother Hiram started for Ohio. The journey, made in a wagon drawn by oxen, occupied fifty-two days, or until March 28, 1816, when the brothers arrived in New London township. There they at once erected a cabin, began the work of clearing the for est, planted four acres in corn, and com pleted the introduction to pioneer life. The product of tbe four acres confirmed the opinion which the brothers had formed on the character of the land. It was not only sufficient for feeding the oxen, but also for food for the pioneer owners of the farm, who ground the grain in a beech stump mortar, and then formed it into cakes, to be baked before the great log fire. What corn they could not use was sold to the Indians at one dollar and six cents per bushel, who paid for it in English specie. In 1820-22 Hosea Townsend set out the first orchard in New London township, and in 1826 he built the first frame barn there. His marriage with Sophia Case took place March 25, 1821. She was born April 26, 1798, in the town of Phelps, Ontario Co., N. Y., and was the first school-teacher in New London township. To this marriage came the fol lowing children : Sarah, born October 7, 1822, married S. W. Gates, and died at Oberlin, Ohio; Jolm T., the subject of this sketch; Eliza L., boru December 22, 1825, now Mrs. R. C. Johnson, of Fitch ville; Dalinda, born January 12, 1828, married George Washburn, and died in New London in 1876; Ira S., born June 14, 1831, residing in Fitchville; Philotha, born July 18, 1835, wife of Alfred John son, of New London; Mary F., born Sep tember 16, 1834, deceased (she devoted herself to study); and Hiram W., born March 5, 1842, cashier of the New Lon don National Bank. This large, family grew to maturity in Huron county, bless ings to their parents, who lived to see them settled in life. The mother of these chil dren died Marcii 2, 1875, the father in 1885; an elegant monument in New Lon don cemetery rises above their graves. Hosea Townsend was truly a pioneer; for when he and his brother located in New London township, in 1816, the country was a wilderness. When he died the ancient forest was a thing of the past, for a collection of homes and farms, and flocks and herds, crowded out the trees as well as the savage, and showed the reign of in dustry. What his share was in tbe devel opment of the township may be described by young as well as old. A large land owner and farmer, he yet found time for public life. His vote was cast in 1840 for James G. Birney and Francis J. LeMoyne, candidates for President and Vice-Presi dent, respectively, chosen by the Abolition ists in convention at Warsaw, N. Y., in 1839. In 1844 he voted for James G. Birney and Thomas Morris, nominees of the Liberal party, and exerted all his power in opposing slavery. While not at tached to any Church, he was a believer in the teachings of Christianity, and an ob server of its tenets. John T. Townsend was bora in New London July 22, 1824. When of proper age he was sent to the school presided over by Miss Mary Frost, which was a very primitive institution, in building and surroundings, but it accorded with the time and place, and was useful in its way. For several years the boy attended this school, until sent to Oberlin College, where he prepared himself for the profes sion of teacher. Returning home, he soon was given the position of teacher in one of HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 347 the Clarksfield district schools, and subse quently taught in New London and Fitchville townships. On September 20, 1849, he married Elizabeth A. Palmer, who was born in Clarksfield township January 15, 1828, and by this marriage there is one child, Elmer E., of New London township. After their marriage the young couple took up their residence in a log house, which stood on the site of their present home. The improvement of this tract, and the erection- of new buildings, must be credited to him, for he has proved him self a practical farmer and stock grower, making a success of those two departments of agricultural industry. He is now interested as stockholder in the New Lon don National Bank. Politically a Re publican, he was formerly a Free-soiler, and in 1848 cast his first vote for Van- Bnren and Adams, nominees of the Free- soil convention held at Buffalo, N. Y., in August, 1848. Since that time Mr. Townsend has taken a deep interest in the political issues of the country, and in local affairs has always been prominent. For twenty-three consecutive years he was justice of the peace, and might have held the office indefinitely had he not declined to serve another term; for several years he was trustee and assessor of the township. In 1880 he was elected a member of the board of county commissioners for a term of three years, at the end of which time he was re-elected for another term, and since the close of the second term he has filled the office by special appointment. With out regard to the influence of the Town- send family in general, John T. Townsend is honored for his own personal worth. (\ILLIAM F. HEYMANN ranks high among the prominent agri culturists of Lyme township, and is esteemed by all who know him. He was born February 18, 1839, in Germany, a son of John G. and Mary Heymann, and came with his parents to America in 1848. Immediately after their arrival in this country they journeyed west, and located in HuroP county, Ohio, numbering among the early settlers who suffered the trials and hardships incident to transforming the forest into fertile farms. In this' country our subject received such educa tion as was afforded by the district schools, where the teachers were but poorly pre pared to impart information. He re mained with his parents until eighteen years of age, laboring on tbe home farm, after which he worked five years on the farm of his brother Henry. At the end of that time he had accumulated a suffi cient amount of money to purchase two horses, a wagon and a complete outfit for farming, and in 1861 he bought ninety- one acres of land and engaged in general agriculture. In 1872 he bought ninety- six acres, and still later 170 acres, making a tract of 357 acres of valuable land. H : is popular in political circles, and has served as school director of Lyme town ship. Mr. Heymann was married, December 3, 1863, to Miss Verena Ballmer, of Henry county, Ohio, a daughter of John Jacob and Verena Ballmer, and thirteen children blessed their union, viz.: Mary (deceased), Samuel, Julius August, Oliver William, Verena, Charlotte, Walter Will iam, Arnold Cyrus, William Frederick, Roscoe Winfield, Arthur Oswald, Paul Benjamin and Calvin Karl. In politics our subject was originally a Democrat, but is now associated with the Republican party. In religious matters be is a mem ber of the German Reformed Church, in which he has been an elder twelve or fourteen years. He furnished quite a large sum of money for the Civil war, but was unable to serve; he was worth about two thousand dollars. John G. Heymann, father of our sub ject, married a Miss Oppermann, and by this union had ten children: Jeanette 348 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. (deceased), Anna (deceased), Philip, Will iam (deceased), George, Henry, John P., Catherine, William F., and Margaret (de ceased). John G. Heymann and his wife passed the later years of their lives at the home of our subject, where Mrs. Hey mann died in 1872, and her husband in 1881. They were members of the Ger man Reformed Church. LESLEY ROBINSON. The sub ject of this sketch is the tenth son H[ in the family of eleven children of William and Lutica (Coleman) Robinson, who removed from Washington county, Penn., to Ohio soon after the latter became a State, first locating in Linton township, Coshocton county, where tbe subject of this sketch was born in October, 1822, or 1823. In 1828 the father of our subject, with his family, removed to Marion county, Ohio, where they remained until April, 1832, when they came to Huron county, arriving in Norwich township May 5 of that year. Young Weslej' was brought up in the wild woods, as there were only about fifteen acres cleared off the farm his father had settled on, the country being almost a perfect wilderness, a very heavy growth of timber covering the surround ing country. All kinds of wild animals, such as deer and turkeys, were numerous. Mr. Robinson's privileges of going to school were much limited, and the schools were supported by the parents who sent children, so much being paid for each scholar. Young Wesley went to school chiefly in the winter time, as Itis father had other business for him to do in the warm weather. After several years of hard work and exposure he was stricken with rheumatism, and was a cripple for about five years, it having settled in his left knee. After a time he attended common school for a few terms, and his father sent him to the seminary school at Norwalk one quarter, which finished his limited education. He then taught winter school two terms, at the end of which time he felt satisfied that it required more patience than he could command. He then turned his attention exclusively to farming, re maining on the old homestead. Thefirst real estate he ever purchased was on March 8, 1851, from which time he bought and sold land, and finally became the owner of the homestead farm of 200 acres. Subsequently he bought land adjoining the homestead, until he owned, in the aggregate, 437 acres. On the homestead farm he erected new buildings, and since the time of the war he has sold a part of his real estate, and now owns but 290 acres. Believing in the old adage, that "a rolling stone gathers no moss," he and his wife have remained on the old homestead farm, from May 5, 1832, up to the present time. On April 5, 1846, Mr. Robinson was married to Miss Mary, daughter of Isaac H. and Sally (Cassady) Bennett, of Reed township, Seneca Co., Ohio. After mar riage the young couple continued to live under his father's roof until the spring of 1848, when his parents moved to Fitch ville, Huron county, and our subject and wife were left alone on the old homestead, which at that time contained 200 acres of land. Here they remained, working the farm, and rearing their family of children, consisting of the following: William, born March 30, 1847, married Susan Benning ton, and now lives near Jackson, Mich.; Isaac H, bora February 8, 1849, married Isadore Bramble, and is now living with his parents on the farm; George A., born November 26, 1852, married Frances E. Eddy, and is now living at Bellaire, An trim Co., Mich.; and Daniel B G., who married Mary Amend, and is now living in Norwich township, Huron county. In his political affiliations Mr. Robinson is a sound Democrat, very conservative, believing that every man has a right to his own honest convictions. The first town ship office he ever held was that of con- um HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 351 stable, having been elected in the spring of 1846, and ever since he has held office of one kind or another. He has been town ship assessor several times; real-estate as sessor three times; was first elected justice of the peace in the spring of 1857, holding the office until 1863; was re-elected in the fall of 1874, and has held the office ever since. Some twenty-five years ago he united with the United Brethren Church, and has been a member ever since. Socially, he is a member of the F. & A. M., having joined Richland Lodge No. 201, in the fall of 1858, which Lodge holds its regular session at Plymouth, Ohio. About the same time he became a member of the I. O. 0. F., Centreton Lodge No. 607, and continues a member of both Fraternities. Some years since he advocated that the time had come when it was necessary for the agricultural class to organize for their better protection, as they were being robbed, from day to day, of tbe benefits and fruits of their honest work, by trusts and other combinations, by the moneyed kings of our country, who to-day stand in our midst, to use his own words, "as monu ments of evil and a disgrace to free Ameri can people." Thus he became one of the charter members of what is known as Live Oak Grange, No. 747, Norwich township; he was elected master on its organization, March 23, 1874, and has occupied that position most of the time since; has also served as master of Pomona Grange, of the county, several times. Some twenty years ago he purchased seven head of the American Merino sheep, of L. C. Clark, of Vermont, at seventy-five dollars per head, and later made several other pur chases, for all of which he paid what was considered extravagant prices. He was one of seven that paid twenty-one hundred dollars for one buck, and held an interest in several bucks that cost from one hundred to seven hundred dollars per head; he has devoted considerable time and attention to the breeding of this fine Merino sheep, keeping upward of two hundred on his 19 farm year by year, and has found it a profit able investment. Mr. Robinson, with all his wealth, has been a victim' of losing several thousand dollars by signing notes for others; and his only reason for having this mentioned in the sketch is that it may be a warning to others never to sign an accommodation paper. FA. SEVERANCE, M. D., late of Bellevue, descended from an old and highly respected New England family. His father, Elihu Sever ance, was the eighth son of Jona than Severance, who, coming from England in 1755 (an officer in the Commissary Department of Gen. Braddock's army), became a pioneer settler of Greenfield, Mass., and afterward a soldier in the Revo lution. In 1801 Elihu Severance married Martha Hitchcock, a woman of cultured, intellect, from a family eminent in the educational and scientific circles of Massa chusetts. Ralph Abercrombie, the elder of their two sons, was born in Greenfield on Janu ary 15, 1803. He inherited the sturdy virtues of his pioneer ancestry on the faT ther's side, and the scholarly tastes of his mother. He early decided to follow one of the learned professions; and after an unusually thorough preparation, he gradu ated from, the medical department of Bpwdoin College in 1831. Soon after, he began the practice of medicine at Saxton's River, Vt., where he remained twenty-one years, in constantly increasing esteem and honor among his fellow townsmen, being the most eminent physician in the region. In 1854 Dr. Severance left Saxton's River, greatly to the regret of the whole commu nity, and removed to Bellevue, Ohio. Here again he won wide confidence in his skill as a physician, high admiration as a public-spirited citizen, and warm esteem for his sterling qualities as a man. 352 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. For sixty years he was an active and influential member of the Congregational Church, to which he contributed with a liberality out of proportion to his means, as he did also to many educational and philanthropic enterprises. He helped to establish an academy in Verm ont, and was one of the founders of a college in Michi gan. He was a consistent Mason, holding high office in the Order, until failing strength prevented his attendance upon its meetings. By birth and tastes he was in clined to the "best things;" yet, in his social relations and manner of life, he was most democratic. In politics he was always the friend of the oppressed. An anti-slavery man by instinct, his house for many years was a station on the " Under ground Railroad." Though possessing for fifty years an extensive practice in his pro fession, his constant generosity prevented the accumulation of a large estate. On June 11, 1845, Dr. Severance mar ried .Joanna Bailey, of Westmoreland, N. Y., with whom he spent a most happy wedded life of nearly forty-eight years. To them were born three children, a son and two daughters. Dr. Severance died April 23, 1893, at the great age of ninety years, three months and eight days. Tj\[ G. ROE, one of the most widely IjV. known agriculturists of Peru town- fr)_\ ship, was born April 21, 1849, on -JJ the place where he now resides. He is the son of Joseph and grand son of Thomas Roe, natives of Northamp tonshire, England, who emigrated to the United States in the " twenties," and settled in Huron county, Ohio. Thomas Roe was married in England to Mary Ann Barnett, where several children were born to them, namely: Charles, Annie, Barnett, Mary Ann., William and Joseph B. In 1821 the family immi grated to America, and after landing in New York pushed westward to Auburn, N. Y., where they remained ten years, and where three more children were born, namely: Mark, Reuben and Thomas. About 1831 two sons visited Huron county, Ohio, purchased a tract of land in Peru township, and prepared a home there for the rest of the family, who came in the spring of 1832. The parents resided here for the remainder of their lives. The following is a brief record of their chil dren: Charles, a well known farmer of Peru township, died in the fall of 1891; Annie married Samuel Wicks; Barnett, who was a farmer and miller of Greenfield township, died in the county; William was the first member of the family to pass away here; Mark resides at Granville, Licking Co., Ohio; Reuben is a machinist in Toledo, Ohio; Thomas went to Cali fornia in 1852, and now resides in Ore gon; Joseph B. was a farmer of Peru township. Joseph B. Roe was born December 15, 1818, in England, and was brought to the United States by his parents in 1821. He received a primary education in the schools of Auburn, N. Y., and after the removal of the family to this county at tended school in Peru township and worked on the farm. He was united in marriage with Amanda Gale, of Chautauqua county, N. Y., and to this marriage was born one child, A. G. Roe, of whom mention will presently be made. Immediately after marriage Mr. Roe located on the farm where his son now resides, being a part of the original tract occupied by the family. Mrs. Amanda Roe died in June, 1849, during the cholera epidemic, and Mr. Roe was afterward married to Harriet Hil dreth, sister of a well-known preacher of Norwalk. Mr. Roe was a Jackeonian Democrat up to 1856, when he became a Republican. At an early age he united with the Methodist Church, and was al ways one of its most liberal supporters; he was a member of the building com mittee during the construction of the HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 353 present house of worship. His death oc curred January 19, 1883, the result of an attack of paralysis. A. G. Roe received his rudimentary education in the district school, and after ward completed a commercial course in Oberlin Commercial College. He worked on the home farm until 1873, in which year he visited the Pacific coast, went from San Francisco, Cal., to Portland, Oregon, and remained in the latter State for some time. Returning he worked on his father's farm until 1877, when he married Esther P., daughter of George M. Ryerson, of Peru township, and to this union were born two children: E. Anna and J. Clarence, both of whom are living at home. Since the spring of 1878 he has had charge of the home farm. In 1884 Mr. Roe was shot in the right leg, an accident which checked bis rapid prog ress as a farmer, and handicapped him in the race for precedence. Notwithstanding his physical disability he is fairly endowed with wealth, and what is superior to wealth, taste and intelligence. He is an omnivorous reader, a good speaker and a close student of events. He was a Re publican up to a few years ago, when he joined the Independent party. He and wife are members of the Methodist Epis copal Church, which Society he has served in various offices. NGUS McDQNALD The ances try of the family, of whom this ^ gentleipaq is a prominent member, is traced to one Roger McDonald, a native of the island of Skye, one of the Inner Hebrides, Scotland. He removed to Campbelltown, Argyleshire, in early manhood, and was there married to Mary McAllister, and nine children — four sons and five daughters — were bora to them, of whom one son, Roger, came to America and made a settlement here. The father was a shepherd, and his eldest son, named Donald, perished in a snow storm while tending sheep on his native hills, leaving one daughter Mary who came to America and married an officer, by name Donald McDonald, a resident of Ontario county, Ontario (Canada), where they are yet living, and have a family of four sons and one daughter. Another grandchild of Roger and Mary McDonald is Mrs. Flora Simpson, a widow lady, at present living in Norwalk, Huron Co., Ohio, with her two daughters, Flora (a teacher in high school at Norwalk), and Maggie (living at home). Roger McDonald, son of Roger and Mary (McAllister) McDonald, was born in Campbelltown, Scotland, Marcii 20, 1820, and in 1840 he emigrated to Amer ica, making his way from the port of landing to Huron, Erie Co., Ohio. Here he was married in 1844 to Charlotte Par- ratt, a native of Somersetshire, England, and in the following year they moved to Noble county, Ind., where he followed farming until 1849, in which year, being seized with the "gold fever" which had become so epidemic, he set out to the then new " El Dorado " — California — his family returning to Huron county, Ohio. In J.851 he returned to Huron county, and here he purchased 102 acres of farm land in Lot 10, Section 4, in Bronson town ship, Iu 1885 they removed to North Fairfield village, still retaining the farm property, however. Mr. and Mrs. Mc Donald have had six children, two of whom died when quite young, and four children are living, viz.: Angus, the sub ject of these lines ; Bruce, a prominent horse dealer of North Fairfield, Ohio; Emma E., married to H. H. Hoyt, a dry-goods mer chant, and has three children; and Will iam H., a bookkeeper, all residents jof Huron county, William H. and the Hoyts living in Norwalk. In politics Roger McDonald votes with the Prohibition party; in religion both he and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. 354 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Angus McDonald, the eldest son of Roger and Charlotte (Parratt) McDonald, was born April 22, 1846, in Noble county, Ind., and after receiving a liberal common- school training he entered the Toledo Com mercial College, where he graduated in the spring of 1866. In 1868 he purchased the farm and began farming on the place where he is now Jiving, being Lot 7. Sec tion 4, Bronson township (101 acres). In 1869 Angus McDonald was married to Libbie H. Adriance, a native of Greene county, N. Y., born of parents of Dutch and French descent, and they have two children: Hugh A. and Elnora V., both living in the parental home. Mr. McDon ald is a thorough business man, and has given bis chief attention to general farm ing and stock raising. From 1886 to 1891 be was secretary of the Huron County Farmers' Mutual Fire Association; has been prominently connected with the vari ous farmers' and labor organizations in Huron county for many years. Politically he is a Prohibitionist, and was a candidate for the office of county recorder in 1890, his opponent being elected by only a small majority. In religion himself and family are members of tbe Bronson Bap tist Church. B. TUDOR, a leading merchant of Chicago Junction, is the son of Sa lathiel and Mary J. (Wilson) Tudor. His great-great-grandfather Tudor was born in Wales; the maternal great grandfather of subject was born in Ire land, and tbe maternal great-grandmother was a native of Germany. Salathiel and Mary J. Tudor were natives of Pennsylvania and Ohio, respectively. Salathiel Tudor was a tailor, but later learned carpentry, and applied himself to that trade for some time. About 1827 he came with his parents to Richmond town ship, Huron Co., Ohio, but some time afterward removed with his father to Mus kingum county. He was married in Mus kingum county, where he resided for a short time, until the glowing accounts of the prairie lands of Illinois urged him to move farther west. For thirteen years he lived in that State, but in 1859 returned to Muskingum county, Ohio, where he made his home until his removal to Chica go Junction in 1883. His wife died in Illinois in 1855. They had three sons and three daughters, four of whom grew to maturity, namely: William, who enlisted in the One Hundred and Twenty-second O. V. I., when seventeen years old, and was killed at Locust Grove, Va., in 1863; J. W., a farmer in Clarke county, 111.; Lyman, residing in Guernsey county, Ohio; and C. B., a resident of Chicago Junction. The father entered the army in 1862, served through the Civil war, and is now a veteran of the G. A. R. C. B. Tudor was born March 18, 1851, in Edgar county, 111., received a somewhat limited education in the district schools there, and came to Ohio in 1859. He was engaged in farm work until the age of nineteen years, when he was employed for the bridge and carpenter department on the B. & O. R. R., where he remained from 1873 till 1880. In that year he and George Dillon established a hardware store at Chicago Junction, bnt at the close of a year's business Mr. Tudor purchased his partner's interest, and for the two suc ceeding years conducted it alone. His brother-in-law, D. A. Bishop, then en tered into partnership with him, and the firm carried on trade until the spring of 1892, when Mr. Tudor again became sole proprietor. He began business on a capi tal of twelve hundred dollars, and now carries a stock ranging in value from seven thousand to ten thousand dollars. His interests are not altogether mercantile. In 1889, in partnership with Otis Sykes, he bought fifty-six lots in Matson's west side sub-division, and of these only twenty re main unsold. Seven years before, in 1882, he and Mr. Sykes built the brick block in HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 355 which our subject's large hardware store is located. On October 8, 1878, Mr. Tudor was united in marriage with Miss Della Se- vault, who was born in Huron county, of which her father, Jacob Sevault, is an old settler. Of their two children, Ebert died in infancy, and Glenn, a bright boy of eleven years, resides with his parents. In political life Mr. Tudor votes with tbe Re publican party in State and National elec tions, but is not a politician, as his busi ness interests are too numerous to warrant him in giving his attention to public mat ters, though he has served four years on the school board. Socially he is a mem ber of Lodge No. 748, I. O. O. F.; in re ligion he is a member of the United Brethren Church. VJt OSEA M. HOOD, one of the most Isel popular and widely-known citizens i] 1 of Hartland township, where he y) enjoys a very large circle of friends, was born August 19, 1824, at Sweden, Monroe county, New York. His father, Thomas Hood, was born January 1, 1791, in Canaan, Conn., and about 1812 was married, at Steventown, N. Y., to Dorothy L. Hill, who was born there February 20, 1794. They soon after ward moved to Sweden, N. Y., then a frontier settlement, the trip being made with an ox-team. In Monroe county he found work as a wood-chopper, supplying fuel for the salt works, near which he lived. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Hood were: Henry L., born June 29, 1813, now a resident of Medina, Orleans Co., N. Y.; Horace E., born October 13, 1815, au auctioneer, who died at Spring field, 111., while traveling with Van Am- berg's circus; Hiram B., born December 30, 1817, was accidently killed in 1850, while working in a stone quarry at Swe den, N. Y. ; Lydia L., born May 2, 1820, married first to William Seely, of Me dina county, Ohio, and subsequently to a Mr. Coates, of Michigan; Dorothy L., born March 17, 1823, died in infancy; Hosea M., the subject of this sketch; Bet sey M., born January 20, 1827, married Freeman Russell, and died at Holley, Or leans Co., N. Y. ; Alvin J., born August 31, 1831, a farmer of Norwalk township, Huron Co., Ohio; Edwin T., born April 24, 1834, who served during the Civil war in the Fifty-fifth O. V. I., was wounded in 1864 at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., received an honorable discharge, and is now a resi dent of Nashville, Tenn.; Mary L., born November 25, 1836, now Mrs. Randall, a widow, of Rochester, N. Y. Some time after the birth of the last child the family removed to Orleans county, N. Y., where the mother died May 15, 1841; the father returned to Monroe county, where he died April 19, 1865. Both were buried at Sweden, where all their children were born and which all called home. Thomas Hood was a Whig prior to 1856, when he joined the Republican party. In religious con nection he was a member of the Baptist Church at Holley, N. Y., his wife also being a member of the same church. Hosea M. Hood received an elementary education in the " Stone Bridge School," at Sweden, N. Y., and subsequently worked on the farm, near the salt-works, assisting his father until 1845. In that year he set out on the journey to Ohio, his capital being ten dollars in currency, good health and plenty of pluck. The journey was made from Sweden to Buffalo by way of the canal; from Buffalo to Huron by lake, and thence to Hartland Ridge by wagon. The trip from Buffalo to Huron was so extremely rough that the boat returned to port rather than venture to weather the gale. Arriving at Hart land Ridge with eight dollars of his capi tal gone, he found his brother, Horace E., who had previously located there, and who offered him work. The succeeding winter he attended school, and the following spring accompanied his brother, selling notions along the route of June & Tur- 356 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. ner's circus, going through Ohio, Michi gan, Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin. In the fall they returned to Hartland town ship, where Hosea M. taught the " Bills " school for thirteen dollars per month. For nine seasons he continued to follow the routes of tbe great circus companies, sell ing notions and jewelry. Van Amberg's, Spalding & Rogers', Welch's, Franconi's and Barnum's men knew him almost as one of themselves. While thus employed, he acquired a knowledge of the duties of of an auctioneer, and this profession he adopted. On June 4, 1850, he married Hulda M. Holiday, who was born December 4, 1831, in Ruggles township (then in Huron county), daughter of Lorton and Matilda (Gates) Holiday. To Mr. and Mrs. Hood were born the following named children: Elvira I., born October 10, 1851 (deceased in infancy); Alice O, born August 15, 1853, a graduate of Lebanon (Ohio) Nor mal School, who was seven years a teacher in the Milan Normal School (she is now Mrs. J. W. Ferguson, of Hartland town ship); Hosea M., Jr., born September 25, 1855, is city salesman for a Denver (Colo.) wholesale grocery house; Evaline F., born November 26, 1856, died in infancy; Herbert E., born November 10, 1858, an employe as telegraph operator and station agent for the C. C. & S. R. R. at Beach City, Ohio; Dora B., born December 16, 1861, wife of S. F. Angus, a leading in surance man of Detroit, Mich.; and Edith M., born February 21, 1868, residing at home. After his marriage Mr. Hood located in Hartland township, on a rented farm, but continued to sell notions and jewelry as of old. In 1854 be located on his present home, which then comprised seventy acres, but is now a well-improved tract of 175 acres. Since 1858 he has given close at tention to his farming interests. As a " sale crier " he is well known, and his professional calls extend over a wide area. Indeed it is said that some of the best " sale criers " in this section of Ohio have graduated under him. In early years, in fact for fifteen winters after coming to Ohio, he taught school in Hartland town ship. A Republican in politics, he has served in various township offices; for twelve years he was justice of the peace, and he also served as clerk and trustee. He is a deacon in the Baptist Church, and for some years was superintendent of the Sunday-school. Mrs. Hood is also a mem ber of the Baptist Church, and both are popular in the township. Mr. Hood is a progressive, leading citizen, and his prop erty is entirely the accumulation of his own earnest toil. in IMEON O. RIGGS. This gentle man is a prominent representative of an old Scotch family, the first pioneer of the name having located New Jersey in the earliest Colonial days. For generations the eldest son of this family has borne the name of Simeon, and many years ago one Simeon Riggs left his New Jersey home owing to some misunderstanding with his relatives. He was a fuller by trade, and settling in Guernsey county, Ohio, there purchased and operated a woolen mill. He was mar ried to a Miss Cheney, who bore him four children — two sons and two daugh ters — the eldest son being named E. C, a departure from the old family custom. E. C. Riggs was born in Guernsey county, Ohio, and when but twelve years of age suffered the loss of one hand. A few years before this accident his father was burned out, uninsured, and this son (although crippled) engaged in the most menial labors, in order to assist in sup porting the family and securing his own education. He worked for some time as errand boy in a general store, studying every hour of leisure time, and when but sixteen years old he commenced teaching a writing-school. At the age of eighteen years he began teaching public school in HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 357 Noble county, Ohio, continuing the same until 1864. In 1854 he was married to Margaret Brokaw, a native of Ohio. When the war broke out he wanted to enlist, and although refused on the ground of physical disability, he assisted in the pursuit of Morgan. In 1863 he was elected clerk of courts of Guernsey county on the Republican ticket. In the spring of 1864 he removed from Senecaville to Cambridge, Guernsey Co., Ohio, continu ing to hold the office of clerk for three successive terms. He then conducted a grocery and manufacturing business for some time, and during Gov. Foster's first term was appointed to fill the unfinished term of Judge Buchanan as probate judge of Guernsey county. After occupying this office he served two years as acting judge under Judge Kennan; then took a position as bookkeeper with the Cam bridge Coal Mining Company, which was eventually merged into the Guernsey Coal Mining Company, when he assumed the duties of general manager and secretary. This position he resigned August 1, 1892, and he is now retired from active business. The following children have been born to the union of E. C. and Margaret (Brokaw) Riggs: Mrs. J. F. Salmon, living in Cam bridge; Simeon 0., whose name opens this sketch; C. N., who owns the finest drug business in Buffalo; Howard, a busi ness man of Chicago, 111.; William L., a resident of Cambridge; H. P., a telegraph operator in Geneseo, Henry Co., 111.; and Jessie, Delbert and Ruby, all three living at home. Simeon 0. Riggs was born May 9, 1856, in Guernsey county, Ohio. He received his early education in the schools at Cam bridge, and at the age of sixteen was ap prenticed to learn the printer's trade. After working two years, he accepted a position in a dry-goods store where he worked three years; then traveled for a cigar factory in which his father was interested. In the fall of 1877 he selected a life companion in the person of Alice, daughter of S. H. Culbertson, of Cam bridge. After his marriage Mr. Riggs began business with his father-in-law in general merchandise, but dissolved partner ship one year later, and then conducted a restaurant for one year. Afterward he clerked for his father-in-law for some time, and during the summer of 1880 worked for the Ohio Valley Hedge Com pany, of Columbus, Ohio. He assisted his father-in-law the succeeding winter; then took charge of a job and news room In Cambridge, continuing in that business until 1883. At the end of that time he came to Chicago Junction and took charge of the Times newspaper, which had just been started by Lusk & Krause. Six months later he bought the office, and has since been editor and proprietor of this very successful paper, which is now estab lished on a firm basis. It is Independent in politics, and enjoys a large advertising patronage, as well as a wide circulation for a local paper. Editor Riggs contem plates putting in steam presses, which will doubtless greatly facilitate his business. He is a Republican in politics, taking an active interest in the welfare of his party. In religion he is one of the founders of the M. E. Church in Chicago, Ohio, and is a zealous member of that denomination. Mr. and Mrs. Riggs have three sons and one daughter, namely: Walter A., Carlos 0., Simeon Otis, and Mable E. [Since the above was written, Mr. Riggs, in the fall of 1892, disposed of the Times, and is now editor and publisher of the Times, a straight Republican paper, at Indianola, Warren Co., Iowa. L OUIS FIESINGER is a native of i New York State, born in Utica, Oneida Co., N. Y., February 8, 1844, a son of Francis Joseph and Theresa Ehrhardt Fiesinger, natives of Alsace (then in France, now in Germany), the father receiving his education in Paris. 358 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Michigan at that he had ten chil- being the ge family, Doran, in The father about sixty- At the age of thirty- five years the father of our subject came to America, locating at first in Utica, N. Y., where he followed his trade of cabinet maker, which he had learned in Paris. In 1854 he came to Norwalk, Ohio, where he also worked at his trade, and was for a time in the employ of the Lake Shore & Southern Railroad Company place. In the old country married Theresa Ehrhardt, and dren were born to them, Louis third youngest, and of that lar,; only he and a sister, Mrs. .1 Cleveland, are now living. died in 1872, at the age of three years, tbe mother in 1887, aged seventy-nine years; they were members of the Roman Catholic Church,, and in politics he was a Democrat. Louis Fiesinger was educated in Nor walk, at the high school of which place he graduated, and after completing his stud ies he for some years taught school in the southern part of Ohio. Coming to Cin cinnati in 1861, he was here employed as recording clerk in the office of the clerk of the courts, from 1861 to 1867, at the end of which time he returned to Norwalk and embarked in the grocery and provision business. But this he soon afterward sold out, and opening a restaurant carried that on till 1871, in which year he accepted a position as traveling salesman for Stephen Buhrer, of Cleveland, Ohio, wholesale dealer in liquors and wines. This line of business he followed till 1873, and then received an appointment as bill clerk on the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad at Monroeville, in the same county; but in 1875 he moved to Chicago Junction, also in Huron county, and there once more commenced in the restaurant line, having in connection a ball alley. Thence in 1878 he went to Columbus, where he ran a saloon and bil liard room one year; then returned to Chicago Junction, thence again moving to Norwalk where he has since successfully carried on his present business. In Nor walk he has opened a brick and tile fac tory which promises to become one of the best of the kind in the country, the cost of the plant being not less than twelve thousand dollars. It is run by steam, and has a capacity of 20,000 feet of tile and 40,000 brick per day. The firing of the tile and brick is done with oil fuel, part of the plant being a large tank ca pable of holding 300 barrels of oil, and the work can be carried on in any weather — summer or winter, hot or cold, dry or wet. There is also a disintegrator for crushing clay; in fact, the concern is most thor oughly equipped in every essential. In 1876 Mr. Fiesinger was married to Elizabeth Fox, of Sandusky, Ohio, and three children have been born to them, viz.: William Louis, May and Leon. In politics our subject is a Republican; in religion he and his wife belong to no par ticular Church. Bof brie and m ARNOLD, manufacturer brick and tile makers' supplies, metal wheels, New London, is a native of Massachusetts, born October 27, 1854, in the town of Adams, where he received his education. In 1876 Mr. Arnold came west to Ohio, and locating in New London, Huron county, commenced in the lumber business. In 1878 he established his present indus try, the factory being, perhaps, the largest one in the United States devoted to the special manufacturing of brick and tile- yard supplies. The buildings have a total area of between 22,000 and 23,000 feet of floor space, and being located on the main line of the "Big Four" Railroad system, which extends over a large portion of the most populous section of the United States, the shipping facilities are unsurpassed. Shipments are made directly, to all parts of the country, with but very few changes. The Pittsburgh, Akron & Western Rail road also runs here, and the Baltimore & ¦ Twmmsxf /^au4J/ Xti^^k HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 361 Ohio througb line is very near. The industry does an extensive trade even as far as the Pacific coast, including all inter mediate points, and enjoys an unprece dented local patronage. Among the cata logued articles manufactured by Mr. Arnold may be mentioned the following: Represses, dump carts, brick, mud, tile, sand and other barrows, patent pallet trucks, spring trucks, dry press trucks, patent sewer pipe trucks, and sewer pipe and other barrows; pug mill shafts; wrought iron tempering wheels; machine and hand molds of all kinds; brick edgers, etc., as well as everything pertaining to the proper out fitting and furnishing of brick aud tile kilns. Special mention may here also be made of the metal wheels for trucks and barrows turned out by the Arnold Metal Wheel Company, for which a patent was secured in 1890. These wheels are light, strong, durable and handsome, and have been in use long enough to demonstrate that they are all that is claimed for them, and that they never fail to give satisfac tion. The superiority of good metal wheels over wood, or a combination of wood and iron, has been proven to tbe satisfaction of all who have used them, and who now use no other. Mr. Arnold is looked upon .as the ne plus ultra business man of New London, his energy and enterprise being proverbial; and in the affairs of both town and county he wields a potent influence in the line of progressiveness and reform. In his politi cal sympathies he is a straight Republican. 4> S^Jl ATHAN BEERS is descended from vj one of the early families of Con- 1 necticut, of which State his father, Nathan Beers, was a native. Grand father Beers was paymaster under Gen. Washington during the Revolution ary war, and was subsequently a steward of Yale College. His son, Nathan Beers, was bora Octo ber 15, 1806, in New Haven, Conn., where he received his education. He completed the freshman year in Yale, aud then set out on a journey to Ohio, travel ing by canal and lake to Cleveland, and thence, on horseback, to Trumbull county, where relatives resided. After a brief visit he pursued his journey, coming to Huron county, where an uncle and a brother had previously purchased land. Ou July 3, 1828, he married Louisa Ash ley, who was born December 6, 1806, in Deerfield, Mass., whence in 1817 she ac companied her parents, Luther and Eunice (Smith) Ashley, to Greenfield township, Huron Co., Ohio, the journey, which oc cupied six weeks, being made in a wagon. The children born to Nathan and Louisa Beers were as follows: Mary, widow of Lucius Gibbs, who resides in California; Augusta, widow of Isaac Darling, of Greenfield township, and Nathan. The parents of these began married life on the same farm where he died March 6, 1891. His remains were interred in the Steuben cemetery. His widow now resides with her son Nathan on the homestead. Politi cally this pioneer differed from the ma jority of tbe men of Huron county, who voted for Fremont in 1856. He simply changed from being a Whig into a Re publican, while the others who changed political ideas at the time were generally Democrats. He filled many township offices in early years, such as clerk, trustee and treasurer. He was a member of the Congregational Church, and was much es teemed by his neighbors. He was tenderly beloved by his children and grandchildren, and at all times he dealt justly, loved mercy, and reverenced God. Nathan Beers, son of the pioneer, was born October 8, 1840, was educated in the district school, and reared to the life of a farmer. He worked on the homestead until 1861, when he married Ellen Conk lin, who was born March 14, 1844, at Plymouth, Ohio; her parents, Charles and Rachel (Bevier) Conklin, came from Owasco, Cayuga Co., N. Y., where Mr. 362 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Conklin was born July 14, 1807, and his wife November 24, 1807. Mr. Conklin was a tailor by trade, but devoted much of his time to agriculture. To the marriage of Nathan and Ellen Beers were bora three children, namely: Fred P., a boot and shoe dealer of Plymouth, Ohio; Louise, Mrs. Delno P. Ryerson, of Peru township, and Mary, at home. All were born on the home farm, where the parents settled after marriage. Mrs. Beers is a member of the Congregational Church, and Mr. Beers of the Congregational Society. Politically he is a Republican, and he is one of the advisers of the party in his district. In August, 1862, he en listed, at Steuben, Ohio, in Company C, One Hundred and Twenty-third 0. V. I., which was attached to the Eighth Corps and army of the James, and served with that command until the close of the war. He received an honorable discharge, and was mustered out in June, 1865, at Colum bus, Ohio. With the exception of that radical departure from home life, Mr. Beers has called the farm, which was lo cated by his father, his home. He is a systematic agriculturist and an experienced stock grower, and is in every respect a use ful, industrious citizen. VILLI AM A. DANGELEISEN, proprietor of "The Imperial," MJ Bellevue, is of German descent, and ranks high in commercial circles. His father, Joseph Dangeleisen, was born in 1817, in Breunlingen, Baden, Germany, and passed his youth in that country. He learned the trade of tanner and currier, and followed same for twenty years in various places in Germany, after ward working in France, Italy, Austria, Denmark, and five years in Switzerland. During this time he learned several lan guages and gained much valuable infor mation. At one time he was foreman in a shop at Germany, where be received for his services only one dollar per week. Joseph Dangeleisen emigrated from Germany in, 1853, three years after the revolution in that country, in which he was a leader. He was at that time presi dent of a German club, and also filled the office of councilman. After reaching America he located in what was then known as Newburg (now Cleveland), Ohio, and worked at his trade. In 1857 he moved to Talford, same State, but soon re turned to Cleveland, and from there went to Akron, Ohio, where he had charge of a tannery until 1859, at which time he moved to Bellevue, and worked for Adam Zehner four years. In 1863 he began business for himself, opening the billiard parlors and sample room now known as "The Imperial," and continued in active charge until four years ago, when his son became proprietor. Iu 1846 Mr. Dange leisen married Miss Caroline Rigger, and their union was blessed with five children, viz.: Joseph (I.) (who died in infancy); Willliam A. (subject of this sketch); Emil V. (who married Miss Matilda Schuler, a native of Huron county, Ohio); Josephine (twin of Joseph (IL), who married Otto Marhoeser, of Cleveland, Ohio, and has one daughter, Elsie). His wife died in 1866, and in 1868 Mr. Dangeleisen mar ried Miss Susan Gimmey, to whieh mar riage no children have been born. Mr. Dangeleisen has acquired considerable property, is highly respected, and is gen erally regarded as one of Bellevue's best citizens. William A. Dangeleisen was born in 1856, in Newburg, Ohio. He passed his school days in Bellevue, and was with his father until fourteen years of age, at which time he went to Cleveland and learned the machinist trade. He worked in Cleveland four years, and attended the Commercial College about eighteen mouths. In 1875 he moved to Adrian, Mich., where he clerked in the " Mineral Spring Hotel," and was given full charge of same. After six months he went to Toledo, but twelve months later returned home, where he had HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 363 a severe illness. He next entered the em ploy of Higbee & Company, the largest grain dealers of northern Ohio, and for three years was assistant bookkeeper and bookkeeper for four years. He remained with the successors of this firm, Ward & Collins, four years, and then became a partner in the firm of McLaughlin & Com pany, successors to Ward & Collins. After five months he withdrew from the business and moved to Sioux City, Iowa, where he secured a position as bookkeeper, but before he accepted it his father re quested him to return home and assume charge of "The Imperial" in Bellevue. He has successfully managed this hand some billiard parlor and sample room up to the present time, and is very popular in business circles. In 1882 Mr. Dangeleisen married Miss Julia Korner, and their union has been blessed with two children: Virginia and William Warren. He and his family are members of the Catholic Church. He was nominated township clerk, but declined the nomination, and the same year refused to run for city clerk, preferring to devote his time and attention to his business affairs. He is a member of the K. 0. T. M., and has filled the office of secretary for Lodge No. 6, Guardian Tent; is also a member of the Royal Arcanum, Lodge No. 363, Bellevue Council, and Uniform Rank of K. P. His political views are Republican. ( "VLLLIAM A. HEYMAN. Among \JI the agriculturists, who by their ||( exemplary lives have won the es teem of their neighbors and per formed an important part in the political, mercantile and social affairs of Lyme town ship, none are more prominent than Will iam A. Heyman, who was born July 21, 1830, in Nassau, Germany. William C. Heyman, father of sub ject, was a native of Germany, and re mained in that country until the prime of life, when he was induced by the flattering reports of his sou's success in America to make for himself and family a new home. He was a farmer by occupation, and after locating in Huron county, Ohio, engaged in agricultural pursuits, renting land until 1852, at which time he purchased a valu able farm of 155 acres in Sherman town ship. He married Miss Maria Opperman, and to their union were born ten children, eight sons and two daughters. Mr. Hey man is now living in Huron county, and though eighty -four years of age still enjoys good health, and retains the energy and executive ability that enabled him to ac cumulate a handsome estate, and manage his business affairs successfully. His wife died in 1884, after a Christian life filled with kind impulses and generous deeds. William A. Heyman received an excel lent education in Germany, and learned habits of thrift and industry that served him well during the years when he was struggling for wealth and fame. When nineteen years of age he determined to seek broader fields of labor than were open to young men in the Fatherland, and emi grated from his native shore in 1849. Immediately after reaching the United States he journeyed west and settled in Lyme township, Huron Co.,. Ohio, where he worked as a farm laborer for Squire Prentiss a short time. By practicing strict economy he was soon able to engage in farming for himself, aud he now owns three valuable farms in Huron county, comprising 425 acres, and devotes his at tention to general agriculture and stock raising. He is very popular in political circles, and served as justice of the peace four terms. Mr. Heyman was married, December 15, 1854, to Miss Jennette Moore, who was born in Germany, a daughter of Con rad and Clara Moore, and fifteen children — ten sons and five daughters — blessed their union, viz.: Mary, Emma, Charles, David, Adam, Benjamin, William, Henry, Isaac, Jacob, Clara, Louisa and Sarah, and 364 HURON COUNTY, OHIO- two whose names are not given, of whom eight sons and three daughters are yet liv ing. The mother of these died in 1875, and in 1877 our subject was married, in Lorain, to Miss Ida Schroeder, who was born in Germany, a daughter of Dr. Schroeder, formerly of Lorain county, Ohio; he and his wife were both born in 1799, and the former died in January, 1885, the latter in January, 1893. Two children blessed this last marriage of Mr. Heyman, named Otto and Hugo. Mr. and Mrs. Heyman are members of the German Reformed Church, of which they are liberal supporters, and are actively in terested in all public matters that have as an object the improvement of the township in which they reside. 4J MARTIN GROSS, senior member of the firm of Gross & Weber, proprietors of the lumber and planing mills at Bellevue, was born in 1843 in the Province of Nassau, Germany, a son of William and Catherine (Fritz) Gross. In 1860 he immigrated to America, and having learned the cabinet maker's trade, followed that business for about one year in Rochester, N. Y., where he first learned to speak English. In 1861 he began working on a farm near Bellevue, Huron Co., Ohio, and soon afterward enlisted in the One Hundred and Seventh Regiment, O. V. I., in which he served three years with the army of the Potomac. He took part in the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, and during the former en gagement was wounded in the leg and taken prisoner, but twelve days after his capture he was exchanged. At the close of the war he was discharged, and has since drawn a pension. On May 1, 1866, he selected a life companion in the person of a Miss Angel,. who died a few years after ward. Her children were as follows: Louise, Lizzie, one deceased in infancy, and Minnie. After the death of the mother of these children, the father was united in marriage May 26, 1874, with Phillipena Schwenk, who has borne him five children, namely: Katie, Emma. Willie, Martin aud Charlie. In 1867 Martin Gross opened a furni ture business in Bellevue, in which he con tinued fourteen years; then sold out, and bought a half interest with J. H. Weber in the lumber and planing mill at Bellevue. In 1888 Mr: Weber sold his interest to Charles D. Stoner, who died January 16, 1893, when M. Gross and J. H. Weber bought the interest of Mr. Stoner. The well-known firm of M. Gross & J. H. Weber carry on an extensive business in lumber, shingles, etc., their yard and plan ing mills being located on the east side of, and in close proximity to, the Nickel Plate Railroad. Mr. Gross is a successful, enterprising busiuess man, active in all matters tending to public improvement, and is a stanch supporter of the Demo cratic party. B. SMITH, the courteous and effi cient postmaster at Bellevue, was bora March 25, 1840, in Cleveland, Ohio. His grandfather and father were both natives of New York, the former born of Holland-Dutch ancestry. William T. Smith, father of subject, was married to Frances L. Smith, a native of Connecticut, and they had children as follows: Oliver, Henry, A. B., Geo. E., F. W., Frances M. and' Chas. A. In 1835 William T. Smith established a shoe busi ness in Cleveland, where he became a very prominent citizen. Politically he was a member of the Know-Nothing party, and one time, while he was absent from home, he was elected, by his Cleveland friends, a councilman as such, although always a Republican. He died July 2, 1890; his widow still lives in Cleveland. A. B. Smith received his education in the public schools of Cleveland, and when the Civil war opened he enlisted, in April, HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 365 1861, in the First Ohio Regiment of Light Artillery. He was in the first battery that left the State after the fall of Fort Sumter, and he took part in the battle of Philippi, W. Va., June 20, 1861. After the time had expired for which he had enlisted, he reentered the service in 1864, then went to Washington and remained in fortifica tions until the close of the war, being mustered out as sergeant. Soon after the war he made a permanent settlement in Bellevue, and engaged in the mercantile business for about ten years. During Gar field's administration he was appointed postmaster at that place, and served fouf years ; was re-appointed by Harrison in April, 1891, having proved himself a faith ful official and an enterprising citizen. Mr. Smith was married October 7, 1862, to Miss E. A. Lewis, who has borne him four children, viz.: William F., Albert, Frauk G. and Mary L. IlOHN P. MEYER is the grandson of k. |j George Meyer, a farmer of Baden, %J) Germany, who in 1846 sailed for America with his family, consisting of wife and five children — four sons and one daughter — one child having died in infancy. After landing at New York they pro ceeded westward by way of the Hudson river and Erie Canal to Buffalo, N. Y., which at that time was the most popular route. From Buffalo, via Lake Erie, they went to Sandusky, Ohio, thence to Ridge field township, Huron county, where George Meyer purchased land uear Mon roeville. He had accumulated consider able property in Germany, which was disposed of there, and he came to America to avoid having his boys drafted into the German army. In this country he was a Democrat in politics. Soon after locating in Ohio, his wife died, and in 1865 he was laid by her side, having been a sufferer from asthma several years. They were buried in Monroeville cemetery. John George Meyer, the eldest child of George Meyer, was born March 27, 1831, in Baden, Germany. Pie was reared on the home farm and attended the common schools of his native country. At the age of fifteen years he came to America with his parents, and followed farm work with his father, with whom his youth was passed. In April, 1855, he was married to Lena Kohler, who was born May 1, 1833, in the Canton of Berne, Switzerland, a daughter of Jacob Kohler. In 1854 she came to America with relatives, sailing from Havre, France, on the vessel "Gil christ." After twenty-six days on the ocean, she landed at New York, remaining there three months with a sister, afterward coming to Huron county, Ohio, where she met her future husband. After his mar riage Mr. Meyer engaged in farming near Pontiac, Peru township, Huron county, where he resided till 1858, and then pur chased the farm in Ridgefield township, on which he was living at the time of his death, which occurred December 27, 1885. Mr. Meyer was a successful agriculturist, * and his excellent farm of nearly 142 acres stands as evidence of his prosperity, much of which was secured by the aid of his good wife's economy and energy. In politics he was a Democrat, and was elected by his party to numerous township offices, which he filled with credit to him self. He was a consistent member of and liberal contributor to the Evangelischer Church at Monroeville, with which his widow is also identified. Since the death of her husband Mrs. Meyer has been living on the home place, surrounded by hosts of friends, and enjoying the respect and esteem of thern all. She has had one son, John P. Meyer. John P. Meyer was born December 12, 1855, in Ridgefield township, Huron county, Ohio, and received a common- school education, his first knowledge of agriculture being obtained on the same farm where he is now residing. From early youth he evinced a natural median- 366 HURON-COUNTY, OHIO. ical gift, and though never learning any trade, is now capable of executing work requiring no small amount of skill, in sev eral trades. On March 25, 1879, he mar ried Wilhelmina, a daughter of Philip Boehler, of Monroeville, and she has borne him four children: Otto J., born March 23, 1881; Albert H., born January 30, 1884; Oscar P., born May 13, 1890; and Clarence G., bora August 28, 1892, all of whom are living. After his marriage Mr. Meyer located on a part of his father's farm where he has since lived, following general farming and stock raising. He is one of the leading and intelligent young farmers of the township, and methodical in his labors. Politically he votes the Demo cratic ticket, and has held offices in his township, taking considerable interest in the success of his party. Both he and his wife are members of the Evangelischer Church at Monroeville. \ILLIAM GAMBLE is undoubt edly one of the self-made men of Huron county. By his labor he developed a valuable farm, and in the face of difficulties and disappointments established himself among the well-to-do agriculturists of Greenfield township. Thomas Gamble, a native of Lincoln shire, England, was there married to Mary Rick, and to them three children were born, namely: Joseph, William, and Mary Ann, who married George Wallace and is now residing at Cascade, Iowa. In 1843 the entire family emigrated to the United States, the voyage from Liverpool to New York being accomplished in ninety days. Tbe journey from Manhattan Island to their destination in Huron county, Ohio, was also long and disagreeable. Here Thomas Gamble purchased a small parcel of land and built a cabin, the first home of the family in America. Mrs. Gamble died in 1849, and was buried at Olena, in Bronson township. This was a severe stroke of misfortune, resulting as it did in scattering the children and leaving the father in a condition of depression, which incapacitated him for an active life. He now lives in a comfortable home furnished by his son William. William Gamble was born October 15, 1842, in Lincolnshire, England. On the death of his mother he went to live with an aunt, in Fairfield township; but owing to a disagreement with her transferred himself to his uncle's home in the same township. Ultimately he went to the home of his grandfather, Edward Rick (who came hither from England in 1842), and resided with him until 1853. From that period until young Gamble was twenty-one years old he resided at the house of James Youngs, Sr., and worked for bim, receiv ing at the close of the decade the sum of one hundred dollars for his services. So far in his career little opportunity for edu cating himself was offered, beyond what could be gleaned in the school of experi ence. In February, 1864, he married Elizabeth Bennett, who was born October 8, 1847, in New Haven township, and to this marriage five children were born, namely: Mary, who died young; Lillian, Mrs. Charles Earl, of Olena, Huron county; Helen, Mrs. Fred Sparks, of New Haven township; William T. and Jay, both resid ing at home. Mrs. Elizabeth (Bennett) Gamble is a daughter of Allen aud Harriet (Youngs) Bennett, and granddaughter of James Youngs, Sr. From 1855, when her mother died, to the date of her marriage, she resided with her grandfather. The farm on which Mr. Gamble now lives was first occupied by him in 1864, when he purchased sixty- six acres of it on credit. How he worked by tbe day and year to pay for this tract is a creditable item in the history of the man. By 1866 he had saved sufficient money to warrant him in beginning work on this farm. He split 500 rails for his first five bushels of seed potatoes, aud by closely observing the principles of economy and industry was enabled to pay for the sixty-six acres HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 367 within a few years. He then purchased a second tract, and extended the area to 133 acres; in 1872 he erected a new dwelling house, since which year all the farm build ings have been constructed. This prog ress has not been accomplished under the most favorable circumstances. His leg has been broken twice, and sickness has invaded the household at intervals, so that at times his pathway was rough and uninviting. But like a trained man he conquered adversity, rose above it, and came out from each trial feeling the better for having fought and won. Mr. Gamble, while engaged in agriculture proper, gives some attention to the growing of Poland- China hogs, fine sheep and other stock. He votes with the Democratic party, but is not an active partisan or politician, his policy being to attend closely to his own business, pay his taxes and let others look after the affairs of State. QEORGE LIN DER was born Feb- f ruary 25, 1822, in Bavaria, Ger many, where his father, John Law- , . rence Linder, was a vine grower and wine producer. George Linder's youth was passed in the manner common to boys of the Bava rian agricultural class. He received a prac tical education in the schools of his birth place, and also attended Sunday-school four years. When his boyhood days were over, he began work on the farm and vine yard, and so continued until the emigra tion of the family to America. In 1845 the parents, with George and his sister, Catherine, set out from their native land for Havre, France, en route to the United States. At Havre they embarked on the " Argo," one of the giant ships of that period, and after a tempestuous voyage of thirty-five days and a half, landed at New York. At one time during this dreary journey, when the great ship was caught in an ice-floe, grave fears were entertained for her safety; hut Providence was with tbe emigrants, and the good ship " Argo " came safely into port. The travelers pro ceeded to Philadelphia, thence across the Alleghany mountains to Pittsburgh, and through mistake were sent to Portsmouth, Ohio, thence to Cleveland. It was cer tainly a circuitous, expensive and trouble some journey; but the brave Bavarians endured it with but little complaint. From Cleveland tbe party pushed into the wilds of Huron county, and there the father purchased laud in Pera township, where the mother died in 1869, aged seventy-three years, the father at the age of -eighty-seven years. The fire of 1846 destroyed the little home they had built and the property they had accumulated; but like a majority of his countrymen Mr. Linder rose above this misfortune, and looked upon it as a lesson. He was a hard worker, industrious aud frugal, and succeeded in accumulating a good prop erty. He was a member of the Lutheran Church, and he and his wife are buried in the Lutheran cemetery at Pontiac. Cath erine, their daughter, who married Will iam Brinker, of Cleveland, is also num bered with the dead. George Linder was married January 6, 1849, to Elizabeth Schwan, who was born February 6, 1831, in Germany, and was brought to the United States by her par ents in 1834; she grew to womanhood in Peru township, where the family settled that year. George Schwan, her father, moved to Seneca county, Ohio, in 1848. To George and Elizabeth Linder were born children as follows: George, a farmer of Peru township; Lena, deceased; Cath erine, deceased; Lawrence J., a farmer in Peru township; and Minnie, Mrs. Henry Linder, of Weaver's Corners. After mar riage Mr. Linder established his home in Peru township, where he resided until April 1, 1870, when he moved to his pres ent farm. The family is an industrial one in every particular; father, mother and each of the children work on the farm, in the vineyard and in the home, with a 368 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. single eye to the advancement of all. Each one has his or her place to fill, and does the work of that place cheerfully. Mr. Linder is a Democrat, and a man of influence in local politics. In religious connection Mr. and Mrs. Linder are lead ing members of the Lutheran Church, in which he has held various positions. As a farmer, grape-grower and stock-raiser he has won his title to success, and is to-day one of the most highly-respected old set tlers of Huron county. A. KNAPP, a well-known and highly respected farmer and banker, of Fitchville township, was born in Fairfield county, Conn., January 10, 1841, the eldest child of William A. and Harriet (Marshall) Knapp, of New York State. William A. Knapp, father of subject, was bora at Lewisboro, Westchester Co., N. Y., February 14, 1817. His father, Sylvanus, was a sailor for years; but hav ing learned the mason's and shoemaker's trades, he worked at same in Connecti cut. William A., Sr.. received an ele mentary education in the schools of his native place, and March 1, 1840, married Harriet Marshall, a native of Westchester county. That he was economical as a youth is demonstrated by the fact that, from a total revenue of fifty cents per diem, he saved two hundred dollars, which sum he loaned to a friend, but lost the loan. Continuing at the shoemaker's trade, which he had learned of his father, he soon replenished his purse, and then, from Judge T. Rosevelt, rented a farm in Connecticut, near New York City, which he operated until 1845, when he set out for Ohio with his wife and two children — • William A., the subject of this sketch, and Amanda, now Mrs. Hialmar Griffin, of Fitchville township. The family traveled by river, canal and lake to Ohio, arriving at Huron October 2, 1845. The journey from Huron to Fitchville township was made by wagon, and there, on February 27, 1846, one child was born to them, Euphronia, who married H. D. Palmer, and died at New London, Ohio, March 27, 1884. It appears from the records of the family that Sylvanus Knapp, father of W. A. Knapp, Sr., became, by purchase or State grant, owner of 235 acres in the "Firelands" of Ohio. In 1838 or 1839 William A., the son of the owner, visited Ohio, and selecting lands in Fitch ville township brought the family hither in 1845, to occupy the tract. Becoming dis satisfied with his purchase, however, he exchanged it for lands in the southwest part of the township, allowing three dol lars per acre for the new tract of wild land. In the Indian summer of 1845 two acres were cleared and a frame house 18 x 24 feet erected, wherein the family passed their first winter in Ohio. From distant neighbors they purchased supplies for a long term. In the spring of 1846 Mr. Knapp planted two acres of corn, the sys tem followed being to make a hole in the ground with an axe, and place therein a few grains of corn. The first crop, so rudely put in, was large, giving the new settlers an idea of what Ohio soil could do. For eleven years the family resided there, and in 1856 or 1857 moved nearer the center of the township, where farming was carried on until 1881, in which year the family moved to Greenwich. There he served as president of the Greenwich Banking Co. until bis death in 1888. His widow died at Fitchville in 1889, and was buried beside her husband in the Fitch ville cemetery. Both were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Politi cally, he was a Whig down to 1856, and a Republican from that period until his death. For a number of years he served his township as trustee, and in all matters relating to the public welfare his advice was sought and generally followed. He was a most successful farmer and business Dealing extensively in live stock, man. DAUGHTEf\OFW.A.KNAPP. HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 371 which he shipped to eastern markets, his consignments were received without ques tion, for his eastern correspondents knew, as well as his neighbors, that he was a judge of stock in the fullest sense of the word, and that he would neither stoop to defraud, nor permit any one to defraud him. In financial affairs he was conserva tive, prompt in thinking and acting, and always a success. W. A. Knapp received a liberal educa tion in the schools of Fitchville, and a practical education on the farm. In 1864 he enlisted in one of the one-hundred day regiments, served the term, and after re ceiving honorable discharge, visited his home. Returning to the field, he worked as a laborer in the Telegraphic Depart ment of the army; was promoted to fore man, and subsequently served for two years, at seventy-five dollars per month and expenses. Later be was employed by the Western Union Telegraph Company, by whom his talent and energy were recog nized. Returning to the farm in 1869, he became interested in his father's agricult ural and live-stock business, which he has conducted since that time. On the death of his father he inherited valuable prop erty, a fraction of what he now owns, and to-day he is the most extensive farmer in Fitchville township, a heavy stock man, president of the Greenwich Banking Com pany, a director in the New London Na tional Bank, and a stockholder in other projects. On March 27, 1879, Mr. Knapp married Philena Kirkpatrick, a native of Troy township, Ashland Co., Ohio, and daugh ter of William Kirkpatrick, of that county. By this union there were four children: Pearl Knapp, born June 26, 1881; J. D. Knapp, born March 5, 1883; Harley B. Knapp, born November 23, 1886; W. A. Knapp, born December 6, 1889, died June 21, 1892. The mother of this family was called from earth July 29, 1892. Mr. Knapp is a Republican, taking more than ordinary interest in the party of progress, but is not a politician, his agricultural and banking interests demanding and receiving his close personal attention. Though liberally endowed by bis father, he may, in a measure, be called the architect of his own fortune; for, since he abandoned the telegraph service, he has given his lands and other interests his undivided time, labor and study. FJRANK HACHENBERG, contractor and builder, Bellevue, was bora April 27, 1847, in Snyder county, Penn., a son of Samuel and Ellen (Bilcher) Hachenberg, also natives of Pennsylvania. He is one of a family of eleven children — five sons and six daugh ters — -ten of whom are yet living, the only death being that of the second eldest who passed away at the age of fifty- six years; and only twice has a physician been called upon to render aid to this large family. The parents now reside in Elkhart county, Indiana. Frank Hachenberg came to Ohio with his parents about 1860, and one year later moved to Michigan, where he remained five years, thence proceeding to Indiana, where he learned tbe carpenter's trade, At the age of twenty-three years he set tled at Bellevue, Huron county, and worked at his trade hy the day for five years. Since 1876 he has given his at tention to contracting and building, and tq him must be credited some of the finest residence buildings in Bellevue. In the fall and winter of 1892 he erected four houses here, one of which is the finest in the city. In all this work Mr. Hachen berg has given direct employment to a number of skilled workmen, and he has satisfied the owners in observing specifica tions. Mr. Hachenberg was married July 4, 1872, to Miss Lydia Kreisher, and to this marriage have come six children, namely: William, Carrie, Gertrude, Edith, Bertha and Edwin. Politically he is an ardent 372 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Republican, and a member of the Patriotic Order Sons of America, a Society which rendered much aid to the Republican party in 1892. He is also a member of the I. 0. 0. F. and of the K. of P., and in re ligious faith he is a member the Methodist Episcopal Church, in all of which he is an active worker. As a carpenter and builder he is well known, not only in Bellevue, but throughout the neighboring country. 1 1\ICKERY BROS., well-known law- \\/y ^ers °^ bellevue, command an ex- li( tensive practice not only on account of their abilities and personal claims, bnt also on account of their location, which, at the corners of four counties, Huron, Seneca, Erie and Sandusky, is in the midst of one of the most prosperous agricultural districts in the country. Willis and Jesse Vickery are the sons of William and Sarah (Perkins) Vickery, who came to Bellevue from England in 1857. Willis Vickery, senior member of the firm, was bora in 1857, at Bellevue, received a primary education in the coun try schools near there, and subsequently studied in the Clyde High School, gradu ating with first honors in 1880. He then entered Boston University, and later was enrolled a student in the law school of that institution, graduating in the latter course in 1884, receiving the degree of L L. B. In 1885, in partnership with his brother Jesse, he established a law office at Bellevue, where he has since continued in the active practice of his profession. Willis Vickery was married September 23, 1884, in Clyde, to Miss Anna L. Snyder, and to this union three children have been born: Lucile, Melville and Howard L. Mr. Vickery is a charter member of Alta Lodge No. 206, Knights of Pythias, Belle vue; representative in the Grand Lodge of Ohio; a member of the committee on law and supervision of the Order. A Repub lican in politics, he is a member of the Executive Committee of Sandusky county, and is valued highly in the councils of his party. Jesse Vickery was born in 1859, in Groton township, Erie county, Ohio. Like his brother, he received his early educa tion in the local schools, later studied in the Western Reserve Academy, and then entered the University of Michigan, gradu ating with the law class of '84. Returning to Bellevue, he was admitted to the bar of Ohio, and, in partnership with his brother Willis, established the law firm of Vick ery Bros, in 1885. On August 7, 1890, he was married to Miss Bettie Haas, and to this marriage has come one child, Gordon H. Politically Mr. Vickery is a Republican, and is a representative of that party on the board of Deputy Election Supervisors of Sandusky county, he having served as Chief Deputy of the board, which position he still occupies. Both these brothers are popular in law as well as in social circles, and have built up a lucrative business, their clientage in Huron, Sandusky, Erie and Seneca coun ties being large and influential. Willis Vickery is attorney for Bellevue city. The young lawyers are men of fine legal at tainments, physically and mentally strong, and are working steadily onward to take a first place among the legal lights of the State of Ohio. Both are close students, and keep well abreast with the current events and literature of the day. Both have excellent private libraries, being large and well selected. THEODORE C. LAYLIN, ranking among tbe most prominent and in fluential citizens of Norwalk town ship, is one of the only two surviv ing sons of John Laylin (a pioneer of the " Firelands "), the other being Hon. Lewis C. Laylin. Our subject was born in 1841 on the farm in Norwalk township, Huron county, where Mr. A. D. Clapp now resides. He HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 373 was here reared to manhood, attending the union schools of Norwalk, at the same time being trained to both the theoretical and practical phases of agriculture. At the age of twenty-two he was united in marriage with Miss Martha *E. Ailing, of Norwalk, a daughter of Pruden Ailing, a farmer of the same township, and three children have been born to them, to wit: John, city engineer of Norwalk, Ohio, and who, considering his age, has already won for himself quite a reputation; Eliza beth G., married to Dudley T. French and living in Brownhelm, Ohio; and David T., assisting his father on the farm. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Laylin came to his present farm, covering one hundred acres of land, the greater part of which is the result of his own industry and enterprise; he also owns a feed mill which is situated on his farm. In addition to his regular vocation as an agriculturist he taught school in the neighborhood for eight win ters. Politically he has always been a straight Republican, and filled the office of assessor two years, and township trustee three years. He is the owner of a very fine piece of property, on which there is an artificial lake constructed by his son John as a trial qf his engineering skill. EV. FREDERICKRUPERT, preseut pastor of the Immaculate Conception congregation of Belle vue, was born November 21, 1849, at Massillon, Ohio. He received his elementary education in the parochial and public schools of his native town. In Autumn, 1868, he entered St. Louis College, Louisville, Ohio, where he devoted about five years to the study of Greek and Latin classics, and higher mathematics. In September, 1873, he was appointed to a professorship in Assumption College, On tario, Canada. Thishe resigned'in Septem ber, 1876, when he entered St. Mary's Theological Seminary, Cleveland, Ohio, and on July 5, 1879, received ordination at the hands of Rt. Rev. Bishop Gilmour. Since then he has rendered pastoral service in the Cleveland Diocese. His first appoint ment was Antwerp and mission, which he held till April 1, 1881, when he was trans ferred to Shelby and mission. In July, 1882, he was appointed pastor of St. Joseph's congregation, Maumee, Ohio, and in April, 1885, was transferred to Bellevue, Ohio, as pastor of Immaculate Conception congregation. The history of the congregation may be said to date back to 1833, when Father Francis Xavier Tschenhens, C. P. P. S., visited the Catholic families in the terri tory of which Bellevue is now the center. Afterward Fathers Allig and Mahlebouf, and other missioners, came among the people, prior to 1844, when the Very Rev. Sales Brunner laid the humble foundations of the great church in Thompson town ship, Seneca county. From 1844 to 1859 the people of Bellevue were compelled to attend some neighboring church. In 1859 Rev. J. Ponchell, who was then stationed at Holy Angels Church, Sandusky, was in structed by the bishop to hold services at Bellevue at stated times. On May 11 of that year, a paint-warehouse and the ground on which it stood were purchased from J. B. Higbee for five hundred dollars. The house was fitted up for church pur poses, and answered therefor until 1884, when the new church building was com pleted. In December, 1860, Rev. J. Quinn came to administer the new parish, but remained only two months, and in April, 1861, Rev. James Monahan was appointed the first resident pastor. He purchased, on July 18, 1863,forone thousand and one hundred dol lars, ahouseand three lots, which he had im proved at once for the purpose of a pastoral residence. In July, 1866, he was trans ferred, and in September of that year Rev. T. M. Mahony was appointed pastor. In 1867 the school was established, and the parish was in a flourishing condition in 374 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. August, 1871, when Rev. E. Mears as sumed charge. On January 20, 1873, Father Mears purchased two lots near the business center for one thousand and eight hundred dollars, and entertained the idea of erecting a new church. His transfer to Crestline, Ohio, in April, 1874, delayed the project, and for the ensuing two years Bellevue parish was in charge of Rev. J. D. Bowles, who also attended Clyde, from which he had been transferred. In July, 1876, Rev. J. Molloy was appointed pastor and remained until the arrival of Rev. W. J. Gibbons, who administered the parish until 1880, when, owing to feeble health, he retired and traveled in Europe. Rev. J. T. Cahill taking his place. In November of that year the secretary of the diocese, Rev. George T. Houck, visited the parish occasionally, but Father Cahill continued pastor, and in October, 1881, work on the foundations of the present building was begun under his supervision. On his return from Europe Father Gib bons resumed his pastorate at Bellevue, and on July 9, 1882, the corner stone of the new building was placed. In the fall of 1882 he purchased a lot, west of and ad joining the lots on which the new structure stands, for six hundred dollars, and thither the pastoral residence was moved. At this time the lots purchased by Rev. Mr. Mon ahan were sold for two thousand dollars, the sum going far to complete the new church. The blessing of the new church was carried out August 3, 1884, by the Bishop of Cleveland, many priests from this section of Ohio, and a great number pf people, being present. The priest, to whose earnest labors the congregation owe this elegant building, died April 1, 1885, and on April 6 his remains were interred at Cleveland. Father Rupert assumed charge of the parish April 16, 1885. The school was placed by him in charge of the Sisters of St. Francis, who came from Tiffin, Ohio, and began teaching here September 1, 1885. In November of the same year a house and lot, opposite the church, were purchased at a cost of eleven hundred dollars, and fitted up as a residence for the sisters. On February 2, 1887, the con gregation purchased the public-school property, in the rear of the new church, for one thousand, three hundred and twenty-five dollars. A further sum of nine hundred dollars was expended in repairing the old school building, and it was ready to receive pupils September 1, 1887. There are three rooms here devoted to classes, and one to music. Within, it shows the neatness which exemplifies the life of the community of teachers; without, the grounds are well ordered. The church and school buildings tell of care and taste, within and without, and the tout ensemble is one of the prettiest in the pretty town of Bellevue. The stone steps, leading from the ground level to portico level, and ex tending along the whole front of the church, were constructed in October and November, 1887, at a cost of three hun dred and seventy dollars. This improve ment, with the lavatory and sacrarium, practically completes the building. The debt of five hundred dollars which was due on all this property in 1887 was a nominal one, and is now paid. Even the library of the Reading Society is paid for, the mem bers, fifty-two in number, taking special care to avoid debt. A decade's work was finished in 1890, and on August 27 of that year, Father Rupert retired temporarily, to renew aca demic days, this time entering the great University at Washington, D. C. During his absence Fathers P. W. Schirack, C. P. P. S., and W. J. Smith, of the Order of Fathers of Mercy, attended to parish affairs. On January 20, 1891, Father Ru pert returned and resumed the duties of pastor. The number of the congregation varies slightly. Dull times at Bellevue, which fortunately are rare, reduce the num ber, but taking .the decade just passed, the increase has been marked indeed. Finan cially the congregation holds an enviable HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 375 position. Possessors of a most valuable property, clear of indebtedness, a cash bal ance of two thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars and seventy-eight cents stood to their credit iu the fall of 1892. How much credit for this progress, this pleasant condition of the parish, is due to the respected pastor of the congregation of the Church of the Immaculate Conception, can be told by the people of Bellevue, and particularly by the members of the con gregation. DANIEL WHEATON. Among the leading business men of Norwalk ___ ' none holds higher rank than this well-known gentleman, who is a son of Robert and Catherine (White) Wheaton. Robert Wheaton, who was one of four brothers — Philip, William, John and Rob ert — was born in 1784, in Huntingdon shire, England, near Cambridge, and was a successful butcher and farmer, keeping four teams constantly at work. He died in 1848, the mother passing away at the age of eighty years. Daniel Wheaton was born the second Monday of January, 1814, in Huntingdon, England, the second youngest of his father's family, and is the only one now living. He grew to manhood in his na tive land, there following the butcher busi ness as well as agricultural pursuits. He was united in marriage, March 25, 1835, with Miss Ann Mehew, who was born in 1816, also in Huntingdon, England. In November, 1851, they came to America, first locating in Monroeville, Ohio, and three months later moving to Norwalk, where they resided for three years. He followed his trade for some time after settling here, then purchased a farm, but continued the butcher business until about the year 1863, when his sons took entire charge. Since then the father has man aged the farm; formerly he owned ninety- two acres, but now has eighty-eight acres. He erected the Wheaton block in the business portion of the city, and owns the Webber block, the Chronicle block (part of which he built) and seven houses in the place, besides three brick buildings in the village of Huron. He has taken two thousand and one hundred dollars worth of stock in the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroad, and was also an original stock holder in the Norwalk Metal Spinning and Stamping Company; he was the first man to put in plate glass in Norwalk. Mr. Wheaton is a Democrat in politics, and iu religion is a member of the Baptist Church, with which his wife was also identified. Mrs. Wheaton died March 16, 1878, and since then the home has been cared for by relatives. The children bora to Mr. and Mrs. Wheaton have been as follows: David, born in April, 1836, in Erith, England, died in 1844; Emma A. (Mrs. Watkins), born in May, 1837; Dennis E., born June 17, 1838 (a butcher in Cleveland); Charles H, born February 5, 1840 (also a butcher in Cleveland); Susan A. (wife of Eli Hoyt), born July 17, 1841, died September 6, 1889; Hannah L., wife of John Perrin, born January 2, 1844; Robert A., born March 16, 1847, died November 25, 1868; Catherine, wife of W. H. Price, born No vember 30, 1849; Ada E., born March 5, 1853 (died October 14, 1853); and Leon ard, born January 30, 1856. EIDWARD R. SKINNER, a prosper ous, intelligent agriculturist of I New Haven township, is a native of the same, born July 14, 1844, son of John and Maria (Rubens) Skinner. He was reared to farming pursuits, and received his education in the common schools of the neighborhood of his place of birth, his first teacher being William Gibbons. He resided at home until his marriage, November 10, 1871, to Ellen J. Woodworth, who was born August l4, 1847, in New Haven township, daughter 376 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. of Jonathan Woodworth. After their marriage they resided for about one year on the home farm, and on April 1, 187,3, took up their residence on their present place, where they have ever since resided. The tract then contained 120^ acres of arable land, for which Mr. Skinner paid $10,000, going into debt for $9,000, and here he has since given his attention ex clusively to farming. He has two chil dren, Lillian and William J., both of whom are leaders among the young people of the section. In political faith our sub ject is a lifelong Republican, and has held various township offices, at present serv ing as township treasurer. In 1890 he erected one of the finest rural residences in the township, at a cost of $3,000. He is a progressive, well-to-do farmer in every respect, and now owns over 200 acres of excellent land, his farm being one of the best, if not the best, in the township. It is to the presence of such citizens as our subject that New Haven township and village can attribute their prosperity and peaceful character. Mr. Skinner's prog ress has been gradual, but decided, aud with the help of his excellent wife, who has watched incessantly over the house hold affairs, he has accumulated a com fortable competence. No family stands higher in the community, and there is not a citizen who is more respected, or a farmer who more thoroughly understands his business, than Mr. Skinner. He has a practical business education, keeps himself well informed, and in all matters exercises good judgment and common sense. HELDON J. HAWKINS, a suc cessful merchant of Townsend town ship, was born May 18, 1861, in Cuyahoga county, Ohio, and is the eldest of four children born to John W. and Lavanche (Hillman) Hawkins. John W. Hawkins was born in 1840, the youngest of thirteen children, and was left an orphan at the age of six years, his father having been killed in the Mexican war. Thus early thrown upon his own resources, the half-orphan lad had no lit erary advantages, and never attended a term of school. But diligent application overcame these obstacles, and, after the day's work was ended, night after night did he devote to study, thus securing a good education. From early boyhood he was employed in the sawmill and lumber business, which he followed until attaining his majority, since when he has given his time to agricultural pursuits. He served with distinction in one of the Ohio regi ments during tbe Rebellion, and fought at Harper's Ferry, also in many other en gagements. In 1860 he was united in marriage with Lavanche, daughter of Samuel and Jane (Johnson) Hillman, the latter of whom is now living with her grandson, Sheldon J. Hawkins. Mrs. Hillman is descended from the earliest colonists of Connecticut, and her ancestors took an active part in the strug gle for Independence, many of them serv ing with distinction in the Continental army. Her father, Sheldon Johnson, was a sailor in early life, and, rising rapidly from a lowly position, eventually became captain of his vessel. During the war of 1812 he transported supplies from foreign countries to the American army, and, in 1814, being captured by one of the British cruisers, vessel and cargo were confiscated. Immediately after the war he and his family removed to northern Ohio, first settling in Erie county, where they en dured the hardships and dangers insepa rable from pioneer life. He erected a log house, and began the task of clearing the farm which was surrounded by Indians, their white neighbors being few and far between. They had numerous adventures with bears, panthers and wolves, which roamed through the vast forest, often car rying off the stock. Wolves were espe cially troublesome, and night after night would howl about the pioneer cabins, kill ing the dogs or driving them into the HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 377 house. A few years later the Johnson family removed to Cuyahoga county, Ohio, and again settled in the woods, where the father followed agriculture and droving until his death, which occurred in his eighty-fourth year, in 1866. His younger brother, David, died in 1890, in Erie county, Ohio, at the age of one hundred years. Sheldon, when a young man, was married to Martha Mason, a native of Massachusetts, whose ancestors were En glish Puritans, and among the first settlers of the old Bay Colony, having taken an active part in the Revolutionary war. Jane, daughter of Sheldon Johnson, was bora December 19, 1820, in the old cedar house in Put-In-Bay, Ohio, and came with her parents to Erie county, then to Cuya hoga. She was married August 3, 1840, to Samuel Hillman, and she had one child, Lavanche (Mrs. John W. Hawkins). Mrs. Hillman is a firm adherent of Puritan principles, and in early life was a Presby terian, but recently united with the M. E. Church. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins resided on the farm in Cuyahoga county, Ohio, until the mother's death, which occurred in 1871. She had four children, namely: Sheldon J. (whose name opens this sketch), Agnes, Mildred, and a son who died when four days old. Sheldon J. Hawkins attended the sub scription schools until ten" years of age, remaining on the home farm in Cuyahoga county until he was eighteen years old. He then left home with but sixty-three cents in his pocket, and commenced the battle of life for himself. For the first three years he worked by the month dur ing the summer season, attending school in winter, then became baggage master for the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad Company, at Collins, Huron Co., Ohio. During this time he had mastered telegraphy, and was first employed as night operator, then as station agent and oper ator. In 1884 he became a partner in the grain business of Frank Pinney & Co., and the following year left the railroad service, engaging in general merchandise in Collins. He is one of the leading merchants of Townsend township, carrying a large, well-selected stock of merchandise, amounting to seven or eight thousand dollars. He also deals very extensively in grain, hay and coal at Collins, besides in six or seven neighboring towns, and ex tending into three or four counties in northeastern Ohio. On August 27, 1885, Mr. Hawkins was united in marriage with Lizzie A. Love, a native of Huron county, Ohio, and daughter of Andrew and Lucy A. (Hoff) Love, natives of Ohio, of En glish-German descent. Four children blessed the union of Sheldon J. and Lizzie A. Hawkins, as follows: Cyril, Lucy L., Agnes, and one deceased. In 1888 Mr. Hawkins was elected town ship clerk on the Citizens' ticket, his op ponent being one of the most popular men in Townsend township. He served two and a half years, and in the spring of 1892 was again elected to the same office. Mr. Hawkins is one of the most energetic busi ness men of the township, and in 1890 was candidate for county sheriff on the Prohibition ticket. He is a prominent member of the K. 0. T. M., and Mrs. Hawkins is identified with the M. E. de nomination. EiDGAR BARNHART is a son of Steven Barnhart, who was born on l a farm in New York State, and there attended the schools of the home neighborhood. In early manhood he was married to Nancy Palmer, and they after ward located near Toronto, Canada. In 1829 he removed to Ohio, and land ing at Sandusky invested his limited capi tal in a small wood-covered tract of land on the east branch of the Huron river, in what is now Ridgefield township, Huron county. According to the kindly custom of early pioneers, the neighbors gathered and erected a log cabin for the new arrival. 378 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Here, surrounded by the beasts of the forest, with neighbors few and far between, the rude little home was erected, and in due time gave place to a more pretentious structure. He affiliated with the Old-line Whig and Republican parties in politics, and from the time of his first vote never missed an election, except when confined to his bed. In religion he and his wife were members of the Old Free- Will Baptist Church. Their children were as follows: John E., born in Canada, was a member of the Third Michigan Cavalry, and died in Keota, Iowa; Melvin H, born in Ohio, was a member of the One Hundred and Twenty-third Regiment, O. V. I., and died at Winchester, Va. ; Mer- cilla, a native of Ohio, was married to Judson Phelps, and died near Decatur, Mich., and Edgar, whose name opens this sketch. The father died on the Ohio farm April 7, 1886, having been preceded to the grave by his wife in September, 1870. Edgar Barnbart was born June 27, 1837, on the home farm in Ridgefield township, Huron Co., Ohio, where he is yet living. He attended the winter schools three months each winter until he was sixteen years of age, and then began active labor on the farm. His youth was passed in assisting in the clearing of the farm, in addition to usual agricultural duties. In 1861 he was united in marriage with Mary Ann Cary, who was born in 1835, in the State of New York, and came to Ohio at the age of twenty-two years. To this union three children have been born, viz.: Roily, a farmer of Norwalk township; Mertie, wife of Lewis Hamilton, of Deca tur, Mich., and Albert, residing in Toledo, Ohio. In 1863 Mr. Barnhart enlisted at Norwalk, Ohio, in Company B, One Hun dred and Sixty-sixth Regiment, and served as guard in the vicinity of Washington. Being discharged four months later, he returned to the home farm, and has since given his attention to cultivating the sixty acres of fertile land contained in the home farm. In political opinion he votes with the Republican party, and in religious faith he is a member of the Baptist Church of Norwalk, his wife being identified with the Methodist denomination. AMUEL MILLER, a prominent representative citizen of Richmond township, first saw the light May 17, 1839, near Goshen, in Columbiana county, Ohio. His father, also named Samuel, was born October 26, 1806, in the State of Pennsylvania, where he was married in Lancaster county, about 1830, to Miss Elizabeth Kirkwood, who was a native of same, bora September 5, 1802. In about 1835 Samuel Miller came to Ohio, locating in Columbiana couuty, where he remained until 1849; then removed to Richland county, where he resided but a short time, and in 1850 located in the northern part of Richmond township, Huron county. He had always followed farming, and on coming to Richmond township purchased 100 acres of land, but four of which were cleared, where he lived in a log house. He was obliged to go into debt for one- half of the thousand dollars this land cost him, but he set bravely to work and soon cleared the property. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Miller had children as follows: Joshua, born January 12, 1831, in Lancaster county, Penn., died October 4, 1843, and was buried in Goshen cemetery, Colum biana county, Ohio; Hannah, born May 5, 1832, in Lancaster county, Penn., now the widow of Seymour N. Sage, lives in Richmond township, Huron county; Thomas, born February 15, 1834, in Lan caster county, Penn., died in March, 1866. The rest were born in Columbiana county, Ohio, as follows: Catherine, born May 9, 1836, now Mrs. J. W. Sage, of Richmond township; Mary, born January 25, 1838, now Mrs. Daniel Pollinger, of Richmond township; Elizabeth and Samuel (twins), born May 17, 1839, the former of whom is HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 379 the wife of Otis Sykes, of Chicago Junc tion (her first husband was Andrew J. Sykes, a brother of Otis, who was killed in the army); Samuel is the subject of this biographical sketch; Susannah, born June 10, 1841, died September 20, 1841; John, born July 18, 1842, now a farmer of Rich mond township; and Jacob, born Decem ber 10, 1845, also a farmer of Richmond township. The father of this family was a Republican, but took no interest what ever in politics. He passed from earth in July, 1875, his wife in January, 1880, and they are buried side by side in the Union Bethel cemetery, in Richmond township. As a citizen he commanded the respect and esteem of the entire com munity. During the early days he en dured many hardships; of his farm in Richmond township, only a few acres were cleared at the time he purchased it, and before his death he had transformed all of the remainder from the heavy forest to prcductive fields. His family all reside in Richmond township, but a short distance from the old homestead. Samuel Miller was reared to farming pursuits; he passed the first ten years of his life in Columbiana comity, then came with his parents to Richland county, and one year later to Huron county. He was put to work at an early age, and remained under the parental roof until reaching his majority, doing chopping and other work in the woods. On December 23, 1863, he enlisted at Plymouth, Ohio, in Com pany C, One Hundred and Twenty-third Regiment O. V. I., and remained with the command at Martinsburg, W. Va., during the winter of 1863-64. They then took part in the engagements of New Market, Winchester, Piedmont, Lynchburg and Berryville, Va., where on September 3, 1864, our subject was wounded by a ball; he was first sent to the hospital at Sandy Hook, thence to Frederick, Md., and thence to Gallipolis, Ohio, where he re mained until the close of the war, when he was discharged. Returning home he worked around in various capacities, and traveled over the West through Iowa and Missouri, but not liking the country he came home. On February 23, 1871, Mr. Miller was united in marriage with Miss Aurilla Sykes, who was born November 1, 1844, in Richmond township, daughter of Daniel Sykes. To this union have come four children: Walter, Belle, William and Bertha. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Miller settled on their present farm, and here, with the exception of one year, they have ever since resided. In his political affiliations Mr. Miller is a Republican, and is actively interested in the welfare of his party. Mrs. Miller is a most kind-hearted, generous lady, and is highly esteemed in the community in which she resides. dfOHN H. CRAWFORD is a native of Cass township, Richland Co., i Ohio, born January 8, 1840, fourth child of David and Margaret (Miller) Crawford. John Crawford, father of David, was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, aud when eight years of age came with his parents to a pioneer farm in Franklin county, Penn. On arriving at maturity John Crawford was married to Mary Eckels, and in 1830 they came to a farm in Richland county, Ohio. He voted with the Democratic party, and in religion was an earnest mem ber of the Presbyterian Church. He died in 1860, at the age of eighty-nine years, followed by his wife in 1870. David Crawford was bora December 4, 1805, on the home place in Franklin county, Penn., where he was educated, learning and following the shoemaker's trade, and in 1830 came to Richland county, Ohio. In the same year he selected a life companion in the person of Mar garet Miller, a native of Maryland, and in 1848 they settled in Ripley township, Huron Co., Ohio, where he conducted a 380 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. grist and saw mill. In 1863 he settled in Peru township, Huron county, aud devoted his later years to carpentering. Politically, he affiliated with the Democratic party, and he was a Universalist in religious belief. He died in 1884, followed by his wife in 1885, when in her- seventy -fourth year. They were the parents of ten children — four sons and six daughters — of whom the sons and two daughters are yet living. John H. Crawford received a common- school education, and learned the shoe maker's trade. On July 28, 1862, he en listed in Company D, One Hundred and First Regiment, O. V. I., which was as signed to the army of the Cumberland. He went with them through Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama, and took part in the engagements at Perryville, Stone River, Chickamauga, besides several minor engagements. At the battle of Chickamauga (September 20, 1863), he was wounded and captured, being first taken to Belle Isle, then to Danville, and from there to Andersonville, where he was con fined six months and ten days, enduring untold hardships. From there he was taken to Charleston, then to Florence, thence to Goldsboro, and finally to Wil mington. He was there paroled, and going to Annapolis, Md., was finally exchanged at Columbus, Ohio, February 26, 1865, after having been a prisoner for eighteen months. He was discharged at Columbus, Ohio, June 9, 1865, and returning to Peru township, Huron Co., Ohio, resumed his trade. On July 3, 1867, he was united iu marriage with Frances M. Nye, and they had six children, namely: Cora L., Anice M., Alice M. (deceased in infancy), Arthur A., Verna (deceased in infancy), and Clair M. In 1880 Mr. Crawford took charge of his father-in-law's farm (consisting of sixty acres in Bronson township) which he now owns and occupies. Politically he has always voted with the Republican party, and he served seven years as con stable of Peru township. He has also held a similar position in Bronson township for five years, and has served eight years as township assessor. He is a member of the Universalist Church; a member of Huron Lodge No. 37, I. O. O. F., and a Past Grand, and at the present time is Sen. Vice Commander of James Mann Post G. ,A. R., Department of Ohio; also Secretary of Peru Grange, P. of H. Iff OMER C. CLARY. Prominently IsH identified with the leading agricul- | || turists of Ridgefield township is •J) this well-known gentleman. His early ancestors were natives of New York and New England. In the winter of 1817 Isaac and Preox- cintha Clary began the perilous journey from New York to Huron county, Ohio. Ice covered the lakes over which they passed, and finally they landed in the midst of an unbroken forest, where Huron, Erie county, now stands. Our travelers, however, pushed farther south, making a permanent location on a part of the large tract now owned by their descendants. The ring of the pioneer axe was soon heard in the wilderness, and one by one the mighty monarchs of the forest, which had for centuries withstood the fury of the ele ments, yielded to their conquerors. In 1818 Preoxcintha Clary was laid to rest in the Monroeville cemetery, having been the first of many whose remains are there in terred. In 1822 Isaac Clary was buried beside his wife, leaving the following chil dren to perpetuate his memory: Aurelius, two daughters (Mrs. Parsons and Mrs. Ward), and Daniel, whose sketch follows. Daniel Clary was born in 1799, near Watertown, N. Y., and there received a subscription-school education. He then learned the gunsmith business, soon after ward accompanying his parents to Huron county, Ohio. He was a very energetic, industrious young man, and after the death of his father (who left no property) made a bargain for 100 acres of land owned by Maj. David Underhill, who was then the HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 381 agent for the " Firelands." This tract was to be paid for in work, and during the fol lowing three years he lost but three days time, thus securing the property and obtaining a start in life. On February 23, 1825, he was married to Miss Mary Wilcox, who was born in August, 1809, in New York, and at the age of fifteen came with her parents to Ohio, where she afterward taught school in Crawford county. After his marriage, Mr. Clary continued to fol low agriculture, adding to his possession year by year, and finally becoming one of the most prosperous citizens of the com munity. In politics he was an Old-line Whig, afterward uniting with the Repub lican party. He died April 29, 1863, fol lowed by his widow in 1882. She was a member of the Baptist Church. They were the parents of two sons, viz.: Homer O, whose name opens this sketch, and George W., who married Sarah Patterson, and died at the age of forty-seven years. Homer C. Clary was born December 25, 1825, on the home farm in Ridgefield township, Huron county, where he is yet living. He attended school in District No. 1, Ridgefield township, and assisted his father with the duties of the farm. On October 17, 1850, he married Laura Humphreys, who was bora in 1830 in Connecticut. When a girl she came to Huron county, Ohio, with her parents, Decius and Laura (Adams) Humphreys, who were relatives of Col. Humphreys, Gen. Washington's private secretary. The representatives of this family have borne national reputations as expert homeo pathic physicians and surgeons of New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Clary have always resided on the farm which they now occupy, and where children were born to them as follows: George (deceased at the age of twelve years), Ellen (Mrs. Fish er), Atherton (in Buffalo, N. Y.), David (deceased at the age of twenty-seven), Daniel (a farmer of Ridgefield township), Edward D. (secretary and superintendent of the Burlington (Iowa) Gas Company) and Frank (a lawyer of Toledo, Ohio). Mr. Clary has inherited the progressive traits of character so prominent in the life of his father, and now owns over 300 acres of the finest, most productive land to be found in Huron county, every acre of the property being tillable. A handsome brick residence, surrounded by numerous shade trees, stands amid the fertile fields, thus completing one of the most pleasant home scenes of Ridgefield township. In poli tics Mr. Clary has been a Republican since the organization of that party, and has filled various township offices with credit to himself and the satisfaction of his constituents. In addition to his agri cultural interests, he is a director of the Monroeville National Bank, and was one of the prime movers in establishing the Monroeville Woolen Mills, which, how ever, were in operation but a few years. EIDWARD GEYER, a well-known prominent farmer citizen and I wealthy landowner of Sherman township, was bora in Saxony, Germany (on the Austrian frontier), in 1834. He is a son of Christian and Eva Geyer, who, in 1840, came to America, bringing the family, and settled in Sherman town ship, Huron county. Christian was by trade a tanner, and operated a tannery in Sherman township many years, in his later days following farming as well. He died in 1872 at the age of seventy-six years, a healthy, strong man up to within a short time of his death. His wife died in 1869, aged sixty-six years. They were the par ents of ten children, Edward being fifth in the order of birth. Tbe subject of these lines was, as will be seen, seven years old when brought to this country. He received but a meager English school education, as in early boy hood he was put to work in his father's tan-yard, where he remained till he was 382 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. fourteen years old, at which time he went on the farm. After his marriage he com menced agricultural pursuits for his own account, in a small way, from which lim ited commencement he has, by good busi ness sagacity and indomitable perseverance, amassed a fortune. He is now the owner of 500 acres of land, and one of the finest residences in Huron county, if not the finest, being quite palatial in its design and equipment. The house is of modern style of architecture, built of pressed brick, and fitted up to be heated with steam and lighted with gas. The outbuildings — barns, etc. — are in keeping, being comfortable and commodious. He has devoted his attention to all kinds of farming, including cereals, root crops and stock. In 1859 Mr. Geyer married Miss Eliza Sowerine, by whom he has an interesting family of ten robust children, namely: Theodore, Louis, Edward, Louisa (married to a Mr. Miller, and has one child, Levi), Jennie, Emma, Cora, Alice, Lawrence and Rosa. It may be here stated that so healthy is the entire family that Mr. Geyer has never had to pay a doctor's bill for either himself, wife or children. Our sub ject is a public-spirited Republican, and, though not a member of Church, con tributes liberally of his means to both churches and schools, as well as to all charitable institutions. During the war of the Rebellion his duties to his parents, who needed his filial care and help, pre vented him joining the Union army, and thus he was compelled to pay heavy amounts for substitutes, although under other circumstances he would rather have shouldered his rifle and gone to the front. JOHN McLANE, son of Robert and Margaret (Arthur) McLane, was born in Ireland, before the emigration of his parents to America. Robert McLane was boru in 1799 in County Tyrone, Ireland, and, like boys of that time and place, passed his youth al ternately at school and in farm work. His father was a farmer of that section, and the McLanes were known there for gen erations. About the year 1824 he married Margaret Arthur, also a native of County Tyrone, where she was bora in 1799. In 1831 they set out on the journey to Amer ica with three children, James, John and William. The father worked in New York State for some time, and they then set out for Ohio, landing at Sandusky after a long, tedious and dangerous journey, and immediately proceeding south to Green field township, Huron county, arrived at the home of John Arthur. Robert McLane selected a tract of land in the wilderness west of Steuben, which he purchased at ten shillings per acre, and there built his cabin, where he dwelt until his death in 1890.' His wife died in 1865, and both are buried in the Steuben cemetery. The only child born to them in Greenfield township was Thomas, a farmer of that township, who now resides on the home place. The father was a lifelong farmer, who succeeded in accumulating quite an amount of property by the unceasing labor of his brain and hands. Democratic in politics and Congregational in religion, he gave to each complete and loyal sup port. John McLane was educated in the pio neer schools of Greenfield township, giv ing the- three winter months to study and the balance of the year to farm work. In 1856 he married Sarah A. Easter, daugh ter of Archibald Easter, who came from Ireland and settled in Greenfield town ship, where Sarah A. was born. To this union were born two children: Stanley E., a farmer in Greenfield township, and Irwin, who died December 31, 1880, at the age of sixteen years. Immediately af ter marriage Mr. and Mrs. McLane lo cated on the farm where they resided un til 1887, and which Mr. McLane still owns. In the last mentioned year the family moved to Steuben village, and he retired from active agricultural life; his HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 383 beautiful farm of 200 acres is, however, still managed by him and his son. Since the formation of the Republican party Mr. McLane has voted for its candidates, prior to which time he was a Free-soil Democrat, and, before the agrarian question was raised, a Democrat of the old school. For ' several years he served his township as trustee, and has been treasurer for eight years. Mr. and Mrs. McLane are ranked among the most popular and respected citizens of the county. bornton, W. BOISE, a descendant of the DuBoies of France who, after the conspiracy qf Amboise in 1560, had to fly from their native land, was December 13, 1831, at Worthing- Massachusetts. The member or members of tbe family who belonged to the Eidgenossen or Hu guenots fled, it is thought, before the edict of January, 1562, was proclaimed, leaving behind the Reformes, and taking with them the name "Huguenots." Finding shelter in Scotland, and afterward in Ireland, many thousand of the refugees settled iu the latter country, and descendants of them may be found in that island to-day. Al most a century and a half after the Am boise affair the children of the refugee Du Boies emigrated from Ireland and found a New World home at Blandford, Mass. In a border country, as Blandford then was, there was little veneration or respect for patronymics, and the prefix of the name fell into disuse. In time the name proper was changed from Boies to Boise, the father of our subject being the first to spell it thus. • The American ancestor of the family was David Boies, who died at Blandford, Mass., December 15, 1752. He was ruling elder in the church there for some years prior to his death, perhaps from 1738 to 1752. Among the documents now in possession of S. W. Boise, is one dated April 18, 1738, which is nothing less than a declaration of principles, a covenant made between himself and God. A copy of the old document is given as follows: Eternal Jehova, I desire to come unto Thee, a poor, wretched sinner, a miserable creature, who am full of sin and iniquity. Defiled in all powers and faculties of both soul and body by reason of original sin and actual transgressions, and am justly liable unto Thy wrath and displeasure, not only in this world but in the wprld which is to come. And that I can by no powers of mine own, no created being, either angels or men, can help me out of this miserable condition in which I am, and seeing Thou hast made known to me in Thy Blessed Word, that there is a way provided for the relief and recovery of poor sinners in and through Jesus Christ, and hath been pleased to condescend so low as to make known to me the way how to ob tain pardon of my sins and be again restored unto God's favor; and the way is, if ever I expect to ob tain pardon, in and through the Blessed Redeemer, Jesus Christ. I must be denied to myself and all mine own richeousness and to Accept of Thine as He is freely offered in the Gospel and to be for Thee and never for another, and to follow Thee through good report and bad report and to Continue faithful unto my life's end. And now, O Lord, the Eternal God, the Wonderful, Condescending and Merciful God the heart-searching and " re in- trieng" God, who has been pleased of Thy bound less and infinite mercy to provide such way of relief through Jesus Christ, the only Savior and Redeemer of poor lost and undone sinners, and hast made proclamation of the Gosple, (hat whomsoever cometh to Thee, in and through Him, thou wilt in no ways cast out, and hast invited the weary and heavy laden sinner to come unto Thee and they shall find, out with their souls and seeing, O Lord God, thou hast been pleased to invite such a poor wretched sinner as I am, to come and enter into covenant with Thee, who deserveth rather to be cast into hell for my sins, Thou to have such a kind offer made unto me; yet O Lord God, seeing Thou art pleased of Thy Infinite mercy to condescend so low as to invite me to come and enter into Coven ant with Thee, which would have indeed been un pardonable presumption in me to have attempted to do, were it not that Thou hast invited me to come, 1 do heartily embrace the offer, Lord God, let it be a bargain. Lord. I believe, help my un belief. Lord I give myself to Thee to be for Thee, and to serve Thee for ever. Lord let Thy grace be sufficient for me; and now, O Lord, my request and my petition is to Thee for grace to help me per form tbis Covenant aright, and, O Lord God. let not. my failing make this void this covenant. Now, O Lord, what I have now done on earth, let it be ratified in heaven. Amen, and Amen. The son of Elder David Boies was born at Blandford, Mass.; at an early day he moved to the Western Reserve, and died in Lorain county, Ohio, at an advanced age. He spelled his name Boies. 384 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Otis Boise, a son of this old settler of Lorain county, was bora in 1804 at Bland ford, Mass., and died at Cleveland, Ohio, in 1874. When a young man he graduated in medicine at Pittsfield, Mass., and in 1825 entered on the practice of his profes sion there. Shortly afterward he was united in marriage with Elvira Clark, and in the spring of 1833 the family moved to Twinsburgh, Summit Co., Ohio, where, and also at Hudson, same county, Dr. Boise conducted a mercantile business from the time of his arrival until 1842. In the latter year he moved to Bellevue, Huron Co., Ohio, where ho commenced the prac tice of his profession, proving himself a skillful physician and surgeon, and he be came wealthy and influential. The Clark family, into which he married, are of Eng lish ancestry. S. W. Boise came with his parents to Ohio in the spring of 1833, and received a common-school education at Twinsburgh, Summit county, subsequently removing with the family to Bellevue, Huron county. On October 8, 1856, he was united in mar riage with Miss Celestia E. Gould, who was educated at Oberlin College, and be came the assistant principal of the first graded school in Bellevue, a position she held up to the time of her marriage. This union has been blessed with three children, a brief record of whom is as follows: (1) Watson E., who graduated from Oberlin College, is now a farmer of Bellevyria, N. D. ; he has four children : David, Charles, Howard and Otis. (2) Charles G. is also a farmer in North Dakota; he is married and has one child, Kate. (3) Julia E. is married to Dr. H. M. Hoyt, and resides in Bellevue, Ohio. Mrs. Celestia E. Boise, though a grandmother, does not appear to be past middle age. Her home tells of care and refinement, and she herself is Jike the home, contented, happy and well preserved. Mr. Boise followed farming in Lyme township for many years with marked suc cess. He was recognized as a systematic agriculturist and a most fortunate man of business. Since his retirement, ten years ago, from the active life of a farmer, he has built a beautiful home in one of the finest residence locations in Bellevue, and devotes his time to the sale of his extensive prop erty and the investment of his capital. Having taken a full part in the develop ment of this section of Huron county, he now takes an important place in the finan cial circles of Bellevue. A man of iron constitution, his appearauce does not de note bis age; for one who did not know the fact would never suspect that he had passed his threescore years. A Republi can in politics, and a Congregationalist in religion, he takes a share in aiding all measures which promise to benefit the community. JACOB JETTER, retired farmer and tanner, residing in Weaver's Corners, was born in Wittenberg, Germany, in 1818. In his native land he was a tanner by trade, which he followed for many years in this country, whither he had come in 1848. Landing in Philadelphia, he worked there seven years, then one year in the country, after which he came to Ohio, settling in Sherman township, Huron county. Here he bought a tannery, which he enlarged aud otherwise improved, operating the same some thirty-one years, at the end of which time he turned it over to his son. He also bought land in Seneca county, which he has owned nineteen years, and twelve years ago he bought the farm in Sherman township, Huron county. Mr. Jetter did an extensive business in his tannery industry, finding a ready market for his product — consisting mainly of calf, kip and harness leather — in Cleveland, Sandusky, etc., besides local trade. In 1851 Mr. Jetter married, in Phila delphia, Penn., Miss Anna Bauman, a na tive of Switzerland, who came to the United States in 1848, and children were HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 385 bora to them, of whom the following is a brief record: Katie is the wife of Phil Heyman, and has seven children — four sons and three daughters — namely: Phillip, Edward, Arthur, Walter, Stella, Neta and Annie; Annie is married to H. C. Jacobi, and has five children: William, Henry, Charles, Albert and Clara; Lena was mar ried, and died at the age of twenty- two years; Lizzie is married toThomas Heyman, and has one child, Howard; Charley is now owner of the tannery; Emma is the wife of Adolph Lieber, and has one child, Clarence; Emma died in the fall of 1893, aged twenty- six years. Mr. Jetter in his political sym pathies was first a Democrat, then a Re publican, voting twice for Lincoln, and since the Civil war again a Democrat. He is a member of the Lutheran Church. He has four brothers and two sisters, of whom three brothers reside in Philadelphia and one in Germany; the two sisters reside in Germany. NDREW WILHELM, one of the prominent farmers of Peru town ship, is a son of Christopher Wil helm, a native of Bavaria, who was born in that Kingdom iu 1814. When a young man he came to the United States, and worked at the shoemaker's trade in Buffalo, N. Y., for some time, but subsequently settled in Peru town ship, Huron Co., Ohio. On coming to America he learned the value of a trade. Being a complete stranger in a new and strange land, his own hands and mind were his only friends. At Buffalo he had to labor late and early. for very small pay, and even then his task masters did not seem satisfied with the volume of work produced by the young Bavarian. Out of his small earnings, however, he saved enough to ventnre far ther west, and fortune led him to Peru township, Huron county, where he resided until his death. Here he worked at his trade for some years, until he had saved enough money to purchase a farm. Then buying a part of the " Redenberg Tract," of the " Firelands," he began its improve ment, and resided thereon until Centen nial Year (1876), when he retired and took up his residence at Monroeville, where he died October 6, 1881. Mr. Wilhelm was thrice married: first time to Arazula Kraback, by which union there were three children: One son — Frank, who died in 1864 during the Civil war in which he served as post-quartermaster; — and two daughters — Margaret and Mary Ann, tbe former of whom died in 1876. The sec ond wife was Catherine Hiss, a native of Baden. Germany, who bore him three children: John, who died when aged twenty-nine years; Caroline, widow of Andrew Duffnerr, of Monroeville, and Andrew, our subject. The mother of these died in 1852, and was buried in Peru cemetery; she was a member of the Cath olic Church. For his third wife Mr. Wil helm married Agatha Dufiher, and two children were bora to them, viz.: Eliza beth, who died in 1878, and Fred. Chris topher Wilhelm was a natural scholar. He was edncated at the schools of Bavaria, and after settling here was an omnivorous reader of history, current literature and news papers. A Democrat in politics and a leader in his district, he .never tried to condone the local or national errors of his party, and thus he became known as a man who estimated fair play above price. He was trusted and respected, being several times elected to township offices. He was a consistent Catholic, a man who, if he could not accomplish good, would not descend to do harm. Andrew Wilhelm was bora September 14, 1860, on the homestead farm. He received a rudimeutary education in the school of his district in Peru township, and completed a commercial course in the Dayton Business College. On October 6, 1876, he married Rosa Bower, a native of Bronson township, and a daughter of Peter Bower. To this marriage seven children 386 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. were born: Alfred P., Charles A. (de ceased), Frederick A., Mary Frances A., Edward O, Conny O, and Florentine J. The same year in which Andrew was mar ried, the father removed to Monroeville, and Andrew took charge of the farm. Po litically he is a Democrat, and one of the advisers of the party in this district. He held various township offices, and is con sidered a man of sound judgment, honor and principle. Religiously, he is a Catho lic; as a business man he devotes all his attention to agriculture and stock growing, and takes a place among the practical, successful farmers of northern Ohio. LEWIS CONGER, one of the leading I agriculturists of Greenfield town- [ ship, is an example of what in telligence and industry may ac complish. Elijah Conger, father of Lewis Conger, was born October 16, 1786, at Newark, N. J., and when a youth learned the carpen ter's trade in New Yrork City. Subse quently he moved to Tompkins county, N. Y ., and in partnership with his father- in-law, Thomas Ludlow, built a mill at Ludlowville, where he also established a store. On October 24, 1809, he was mar ried to Hannah Ludlow, daughter of the founder of Ludlowville, where she was born September 19, 1791. The children born to this marriage in New York State were as follows: Lorenzo, born July 29, 1810, died in Greenfield township; Maria, born July 6, 1812, married Samuel Boalt in New York, came to Ohio, and died in Peru township, Huron county; Delia, born January 25, 1815, married Harry Chase, and also died in Peru township; Clarissa, born June 5, 1817, now the widow of Samuel Atherton; Charles, born January 6, 1820, died in Milan, Ohio; Cornelia, born June 10, 1822, deceased; Lewis (the subject of this sketch), born September 8, 1824; Elijah, Jr., born September 23, 1827, died at Milan, Ohio; Julia, born March 31, 1830, deceased, and Henrietta, bom March 7, 1832, also deceased. The father of this family carried on a farm, a mill and a store in Tompkins county, N. Y., up to 1833, when he determined to seek a home in Ohio. He traveled by the Erie Canal and Lake to Huron, Ohio, and thence proceeded to Milan, where he engaged in mercantile business. ' Later he started a branch store at Macksville, in Peru township, and in about 1836 sold his interests at Milan and took up his residence at Macksville. In 1840 he erected a mill in Greenfield township, sold the Macksville store, and for ten years devoted his attention to the milling industry. In 1850 he sold the mill and lands in Greenfield township, and returned to Milan, where he led a retired life until his death, April 18, 1851. His widow died October 18, 1884, at the age of ninety-three years, and was interred at Milan by the side of her husband. The life of Elijah Conger, both in New York and Ohio, was one of enterprise and activity, and his name is associated with the development of trade and industry in Tompkins county, N. Y., and in Erie and Huron counties, Ohio. Lewis Conger was born September 8, 1824, at Ludlowville, N. Y., received the rudiments of an education there, and in 1833 accompanied his parents to Milan, Ohio. From boyhood until 1850 he as sisted his father in mill and store, and to him must be credited some of the success which waited on their enterprise; for to young Lewis was often left the direction of the store and mill. In fact, for a- long time prior to 1850 the management of the business devolved upon him. On February 10, 1853, he married Isabel Lowther, who was born in Greenfield township, June 25, 1831, a daughter of E. H. Lowther, and to this union came the following named chil dren: Edward L., born June 20, 1854, a farmer of Greenfield township; Halsey, born April 13, 1856, died September 27, KrJ c&MJSiJ CPc Cti^ HURON COUNTY, OHIO, 389 1856; Julia L., bora January 8, 1858, now Mrs. Charles Palmer, of CantoU) Ohio, and Lewis L., born March 28, 1869, a teacher in the Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Columbus, Ohio. In the year of his marriage Mr. Conger purchased a farm in Greenfield township, where he resided until 1868, when he purchased his present farm. In 1870 he 'bought another tract, now con ducting two farms, and by careful man agement he has succeeded in building up a very valuable property in real estate and live stock. In politics he was a Democrat until the Prohibition party was organized. In religion he and his wife are members of the Congregational Church at Fairfield. As a citizen he encourages all enterprises which promise social, commercial or in dustrial benefits to the county. l\\/ffRS- MAEY ANN BISHQP was I V/I k°rn January H) 1818, in Lor- II ain county, Ohio, and is the only y) living representative of her father's family. She is a daughter of Daniel and Laura (Williams) Cadwell, natives of Pittsfield, Mass., who became pioneer settlers, of Lorain county, Ohio. On November 30, 1837, Mary Ann Cad well gave her hand in marriage to William A. Bishop, a son of Joseph and Mary (Wykoff) Bishop, the latter of whom was descended from, Holland ancestry. Joseph Bishop was a representative of an old English family, aud died when his son was a small child, his widow surviving him fifty- eight years. William A- Bishop was born March 3, 1806, iu New Jersey, where his parents were then living. He attended the district schools, and in 1832 began teaching in Northamptop county, Peiin., coming to Huron county, Ohio, in 1834. On April 4, tbat year, he married Miss Magdalene Elinger, who bore bim two sons: Joseph, born January 26, 1835, deceased in infancy, and William H., born June 19, 1836, now ai residing in Norwalk. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop came to Ohio in the year of their marriage, journeying in the old-fashioned emigrant style, cooking their meals by the roadside and camping out at nightfall. They first located on the West Branch of the Huron River, in Ridgefield township, Huron Co., Ohio, on what was known as the "Page farm." Mrs. Bishop died on this place April 5, 1837. Mr. Bishop was afterward married to Mary Ann Cadwell, who bore him the following named children: Laura Ann (deceased), bora January 18, 1839: Eliza, born August 25, 1842, deceased at the age of three years; Charles D., born January 4, 1846, now living in Norwalk, Ohio; Ljna, born April 15, 1849, wife of Charles Drake, of Ridgefield township; Mary E., born January 2, 1854, deceased at the age of three years, and Martha E., born June 1, 1857, living with her widowed mother. In 1849 they moved to the "Palmer farm," situated on the east bank of the Huron river. The home farm con tains nearly 170 acres of most productive land, equipped with a comfortable dwelling and commodious outbuildings. This was the home of Mr. Bishop for over thirty^ two years, and during the latter part of that time he lived retired from active busi^ ness. In politics he voted first with the Whig party, afterward with the Repub lican, and served in various local offices. Though not a church member, he gave liberally to the support of the good work. He died January 20, 1881, and his widow has continued to reside on the home place, surrounded by many friends. W. HEDRICK, M. D., one of the ablest and most popular young phy sicians of Huron county, is a native of Licking county, Ohio, boru Sep tember 23, 1853, a son of George and Julia (Speer) Hedrick, natives of New Jersey, the former born in 1826, the latter in 1828. 390 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. At the age of twenty George Hedrick came west to Newark, Licking Co., Ohio, where he has since almost continuously resided, and here he met Miss Julia Speer, to whom he was afterward married. They are the parents of six children, namely: William F. and Dennis E., both living in Columbus, Ohio; C. W., the subject of this sketch; Fred, a resident of Newark, Ohio; Winona, the wife of Areh Day, of Newark; and Inez G., who died in 1874. The father of this family learned shoe- making at an early age, and followed the trade the greater part of his life. He and his wife are both living. On the paternal side the Hedrick family are of German origin ; on the maternal side they are of Scotch-Irish descent, the first ancestor of the family in America having come from the North of Ireland, where the grand father and great-grandmother of our sub ject were born; the great-grandfather was born across the channel, in Scotland. Dr. C. W. Hedrick received his edu cation in the public schools of Newark, Licking Co., Ohio, and after graduation entered the employ of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., as agent at Somerset, Ohio, where he remained two years. He then accepted the situation of book keeper fpr the XX Coal Mine, at Shawnee, Ohio, a position he filled acceptably for one year. In 187^ he visited Illinois, fully intending to locate there, but the same year be returned to Ohio and became a painter apprentice, learned the trade and with the money thus earned finally paid his way through medical college. He commenced the study of medicine under his uncle, Dr. A. T. Speer, in 1879, and during the four years he remained with him he obtained all the benefits to be de rived from study under a practical man. During the winter of 1880-81 he attended Columbus Medical College; then studied for another year under his uncle, and in the winter of 1882-83 again attended lec tures at Columbus Medical College, from which institution he graduated in 1883. Locating in Newark, he practiced there until March 14, 1885, when he received the appointment of medical examiner for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., with office at Garrett, Ind., where he was stationed until his removal to Wheeling, W. Va., in February, 1886. On June 1, 1886, he was transferred to Chicago Junc tion, his present home, where he owns a pleasant residence. Dr . Hedrick's marriage with Miss Saidie A., daughter of David S. Nevins, took place June 30, 1886, and to this union have been bora two children — a son and a daughter — Raymond Speer, who died November 24, 1892, aged four months, and Hazel Wood. Dr. Hedrick isa mem ber of the I. O. O. F. and Encampment, of the K. 0. T. M., Royal Arcanum and of the Masonic Fraternity. He is a citizen of sterling worth. HARLES A. SAWYER, who ranks among the prominent agriculturists and stock raisers of Lyme township, is a member of an old and highly respected family. His father, John Sawyer, was born in the county of Kent, England, and came to America as early as 1819. He located first in Connecticut, and from there moved to the banks of the Ohio river, numbering among the pioneers of that region, where be took a contract from Gen. Harrison to clear some land thickly covered with woods. At a later date he moved to Huron county, Ohio, where he engaged with his father in trading stock. Being the eldest of a family of twenty children, he had many duties to perform, and at the time of his death, which occurred in 1852, owned 215 acres of land. He married a Mrs. Edinger, of New Jersey, and by her had six children — two sons and four daughters — three of whom are now living. Charles A. Sawyer was born February 12, 1845, in Lyme township, Huron coun ty, and passed his youth in Oberlin, where HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 391 he attended the primitive schools of those days and worked on his father's farm, learning at an early age the duties and customs of agricultural pursuits. After reaching manhood he moved to Norwalk, Ohio, and since the death of his father has had entire charge of the old homestead farm, where he devotes some attention to stock raising, but is chiefly engaged in farming. On April 14, 1887, Mr. Sawyer was united in marriage with Miss Clara Daley, also a resident of Huron county, but born in Michigan. No children have been bora to them. They are both members of the Episcopal Church. He has served as trustee of Lyme township for sixteen years. He is a charter member of Raby Lodge, F. & A. M., Blue Lodge, Monroeville, and was senior warden and master of Lodge; also member of Bellevue Chapter Royal Arch Masons; is a member of the I. O. O. F. of Bellevue, and has taken all but the last degree. He served in the Civil war from 1862 until 1864, in Company C, Eighty-eighth Regiment, O. "V. I.; re- enlisted in 1864, in Company I, One Hun dred and Eighty-ninth O. V. I. Mr. Saw yer is a member of Hillier Post, G. A. R., Monroeville. SA G. FELTON, a successful and prosperous agriculturist, of Nor wich township, is a native of the same, bora in 1847. Ephraim Felton, father of our subject, was born, in 1815, in Oneida county, N. Y., a son of James Felton, who was a native of Massachusetts, a farmer by occupation. He, James, married Eu nice Wheeler, of same place, and by her had eight children, viz.: James, Lyman, Hiram, Warren, Walter, Ephraim, Maria, and one whose name is not given. The father of these came to Huron county in 1833 with his son Ephraim, settling in Norwich, where he died about 1850. Ephraim Felton was reared on a farm, and attended during the winter months the subscription schools of the period. At the age of eighteen he came to Ohio, and worked at the trade of carpenter near Nor walk, Huron county, till after his mar riage, when he moved into Norwich town ship, locating on the farm of one hundred acres where William Stockmaster is now living. From there in 1849 he came to his farm in the same township, compris ing fifty acres of good, fertile land. In 1841 he married Miss Melissa Gilson, daughter of Asa Gilson, a farmer of Nor wich township. The children of this mar riage were Celia (married to George Kee ler, a tinner), Rhoda, Asa G. and Mary Melissa. The mother of these died in 1851, and Ephraim Felton subsequently married Mrs. Mary Ann Chandler, a daughter of Burwell Fitch, an early settler of Sherman township, Huron county. To this marriage were bora Ada V., Lillian and Emma, of whom Ada V. is married to Lewis Woodruff, and they live in Fair field township; Lillian lives in Chillicothe, Mo., married to. John Schnits, an attor ney; Emma married I. H. Wilson, and lives in Nebraska. Ephraim Felton made a success of life, and owned at his death, which occurred in 1864, about 300 acres of land. He was a breeder of graded stock, making a specialty of fine-wool sheep. In politics he was a strong Aboli tionist, and took an active part in the free ing of the negroes; in religious faith be was a Methodist. Asa G. Felton, the subject proper of this sketch, received a liberal education at the common schools of the vicinity of his birth, and was reared a practical farmer boy. He was seventeen years old when his father died, and four years later he commenced business life as a clerk in a store, where he remained some seven years. Turning his attention to agricultural pur suits, he then came to Norwich township, Huron county, and settled on his present farm of 150 acres in that township. In 1872 Mr. Felton was united in mar riage with Miss Catherine Kramer, of 392 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Plymouth, Ohio, daughter of Matthias Kramer, a farmer of Auburn township, Crawford county. Politically, our subject has always been a solid Republican, a counselor in the party; in matters of re ligion he and his wife are members of the Universalist Church of Havana. T OHN STRIMPLE, one of the prom- w I inent agriculturists of Greenwich \yj township, was born February 19, 1829, in Hunterdon county, New Jersey. Aaron Strimple, his father, was born in New Jersey in 1803. Some years later his father died, and Aaron was left to battle with the world alone. About the year 1828 he married Keziah Stout, who was born in New Jersey in 1804, and to their union came the following named children: John (the subject of this sketch), Judith Ann (Mrs.G.W. Van Scoy), Andrew (who died at the age of twenty-seven years), and George (a farmer of Green wich township), all natives of New Jersey; Sarah (Mrs. Daniel Sizer, of Greenwich), Samuel (who died at an advanced age), Elizabeth (widow of Egbert N. Burgess), and William (who resides in Richland county), all natives of Ohio. In 1839 the family removed to New Haven township, Huron Co., Ohio, in company with three other families, the whole party comprising twenty-eight persons. The journey was made by wagon, over the Alleghany Mountains, and occupied twenty-nine days. On arriving here Aaron Strimple rented a house in New Haven township, but the following year removed to a point four miles east of Mansfield, in Mifflin town ship, Richland county, where he leased a farm for ten years. About 1850 he lo cated near the northern line of Richland county, and bought a tract of land, part of which lay in Pluron county. Later he purchased eighty acres in Greenwich town ship, where he and his wife resided, the latter until her death in 1886, and the former until 1890, when he passed away. He was a practical farmer, and an expert stock dealer and grower, being successful in each line. In politics he voted with the Democrats until 1856, when the new Whigs or Republicans won him to their cause, though at times he 'voted with the Democrats, when the nominees of his own party appeared to him to be undeserving of public office. In religious connection he and his wife belonged to the Methodist Episcopal Church. John Strimple accompanied his parents to Ohio when ten years old, and during his youth helped with the work on the farm and attended school. He was quick to learn, and while still a youth taught a school for fourteen dollars per month, his salary being gradually increased until he was in receipt of thirty dollars per month. During vacation periods he worked on the farm, and lost no opportunity of earn ing money. In 1851 he married Elizabeth Mary Tiers, who was born in Rich land county, Ohio, where her father, L. D. Viers, resided. The children of this union are named as follows: Alice P., Mrs. G. W. King; Silas W., a grain dealer; Thomas, an attorney, all three residing at Greenwich; Theodore L., assistant prose cuting attorneyof Cuyahoga county, Ohio, and Keziah J., who died in youth. The mother of these children died in 1864, and Mr. Strimple married Loraine Viers, a sister of his deceased wife. To this mar riage were born Aden L. and Aaron B., the former an agriculturist and the latter a school teacher. After his first marriage Mr. Strimple rented a farm in Richland county, and later joined his father in the purchase of land. This tract was quit claimed by the father, who sold a portion to the son. In 1860 John Strimple pur chased ninety-five and a quarter acres in Ripley township, and established his home thereon. In 1864 he purchased 110 acres in Greenwich township, known as " The Old Barrett Farm," and here he has since HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 393 resided, the tract now comprising 235 acres, all thoroughly improved. His house and bara are fine buildings, and are con sidered among the best in the county. Mr. Strimple has been liberal in the ex penditure of money on the education of his family. In political life he votes with the Republicans, though he is not a partisan, and he has filled various town ship offices. He is a prominent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he is steward and trustee, class- leader, and has been superintendent of the Sunday-school — in fact he has taught every class in the school. His reputation is without reproach, and he may undoubt edly be classed with the best citizens of Hurou county. IfTfARVEY PIERCE, a worthy de- Issl scendant of an early pioneer family I 1 of Huron county, was born January yj "" 20, 1822, in Peru township. About 1814 his grandfather, Alden Pierce, bought a part of what was then known as the "Redenberg tract," in the "Firelands" of Huron county. Late in 1815 he and his son Willard, with a number of other emigrants, came hither from their eastern home, the journey occupying forty-four days. Upon their arrival they erected a rude shelter of logs and bark, where they passed the remainder of the winter, and in the spring the Pierces erected a more sub stantial log cabin, and cleared the first garden spot in Greenfield township. Willard Pierce, father of subject, was born April 29, 1800, in North Leverett, Franklin Co., Mass., at the common schools of which place he received his edu cation. In 1815 (as above related) he migrated with his father to Ohio, where, during the ensuing four years, he carved out a home for himself in the forest. In 1820 he set out for his native State, walk ing the entire distance from Huron county, Ohio, to Franklin county, Mass., and while in the East married Nancy Curtis, who was born in June, 1801, daughter of Ebenezer Curtis, of Franklin county, Mass., who died in 1811. Under the laws of Massachusetts the marriage bans had to be publicly announced for three Sabbaths be fore the ceremony could be performed, and to avoid this delay Mr. Pierce took Miss Curtis to Vermont, where Old Colony formalities were not strictly observed, and there they were married. They remained in Massachusetts just long enough to con vert the property of the young wife into currency, and then set out for their future home in Ohio, the journey being made in a wagon drawn by a " Yankee team " of oxen, with a horse for a leader. To their union were born the following children: Harvey; Jason (an invalid), of Oceana county, Mich.; Jefferson, Maria (Mrs. Ben jamin Hull) and Allen, all three residents of Kalamazoo county, Mich.; Nancy, Mrs. Lovell; and Susan, Mrs. Harrison. The father of this family died here June 22, 1847; his widow died April 21, 1857, in the Baptist faith, and both are buried in the Hester cemetery iu Bronson township. He was a successful farmer, who, notwith standing the extraordinary expense caused by repeated sicknesses, left a valuable property to his children. In politics he was a Jacksonian Democrat, and in man ner unassuming and sedate. Harvey Pierce was reared in much the same manner as all pioneer boys of his day, attending school and working on the farm alternately. In the spring of 1843 he migrated to Wisconsin, passing through Chicago village on his way thither. Of course there were no railroads then, and travel by wagon meant walking half the distance. For nine months young Pierce worked in the lead mines of Iowa county, Wis., and early in 1844 returned to Ohio and worked on the farm of Robert Baker in Peru township at ten dollars per month. Subsequently, when his father's health be gan to fail, Harvey took charge of the home farm, and on the death of the pio neer continued therein, caring for his 394 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. To Harvey and following named (1) Jenett L., of born April 25, invalid mother, and ultimately paying off the share of the other heirs in the estate. On June 16, 1859, he was married to Sephronia Woodworth, who was born in October, 1836, in New Haven township, daughter of Jonathan Woodworth, who came to this section from Tompkins county, N. Y., in 1832. Sephronia Pierce the children were bora, viz.: New Haven township, 1860, and was married March 18, 1884, to W. L. Smith, by whom she has two chil dren, Harvey and Stanford ; (2) Jouathan W., a farmer residing on the homestead, born January 31, 1868, and was married February 5, 1889, to Emma P. Kellogg, of Greenfield. Mr. Pierce is a man of extra ordinary vitality, and is so well preserved that he looks twenty years younger than he really is. His memory is faultless, and he can speak of events connected with his youth and early manhood with remark able accuracy. He was a Whig prior to the organization of the Republicans, when he joined tbe new party. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church, in which Society he is an official. Mr. Pierce is a great reader, and consequently well posted on men and events. No one is more respected than he, and all in all he well merits the social and agricultural suc cess which he has won. LAWRENCE OTT was born Febru- ( ary 14, 1831, in Baden, Germany, \ where his ancestors were known for generations. His father, Michael F. Ott, a native of Baden, died in 1838, leaving an encumbered property to his widow. Lawrence, though then a child, realized the condition of affairs, and with the spirit ofja youth aided his mother materially. On May 14, 1838, he left home and for eight years worked as a farm laborer, re ceiving from ten to fifty dollars per year. His mother died in the meantime, and in 1853 he received some moneys from her estate, enough to pay the expenses of a trip to the United States. Knowing the scant opportunities for winning a compe tence in his native country, he set out for London, England, where he took passage for New York in the " Yawton " (his name for the ship), arriving after a voyage of thirty-five days, with a cash capital of six teen dollars. He did not halt there long, but pushed farther westward to the Ger man settlements in Huron county, Ohio, via the Hudson river, the Erie Canal and the lake to Sandusky, Ohio, and thence to Monroeville. From that point he walked to Macksville, and the day after his arrival began work on the farm of Martin Hes ter, of Bronson township. He continued with Mr. Hester for eighteen months, and then entered the employ of Alvin Brith- man, for whom he worked six years. On February 5, 1861, he was united in mar riage with Miss Mary Dehe, who was born March 3, 1839, in Norwalk, Ohio, daugh ter of Jacob Dehe, of Norwalk, and to this marriage were born nine children, namely: Rosa, Mrs. Leo Hohler, of Peru township; John P., a farmer of the same township; Frank, a carpenter, residing at home; Charles, a resident of Cleveland, Ohio; Fred, Lawrence, Louisa and Jerome, residing at home, and Theodore, who died when three months old. After his mar riage Mr. Ott purchased seventy-two acres of land, paying part of the purchase money out of his savings, and securing the bal ance by an ordinary real-estate mortgage. Strong heart and hands aided him, year after year he prospered, and after a strug gle he could call this tract, with the im provements thereon, his absolute property. In 1873 he sold the first farm in the southern section of Pern township, and purchased 118 acres from Joseph Refnele, where he has since resided. Aside from improving his new purchase, he remodeled the residence, barns and other buildings, and literally made this part of the old wil derness to "blossom as the rose." It is HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 395 all the work of a healthy mind in a healthy body, and of a citizen who would win by honest labor over every obstacle. Mr. Ott, his wife and children are mem bers of the Catholic Congregation. In political affairs he votes with the Demo cratic party, but beyond this takes little interest in politics. He earns the taxes, votes for those whom he considers would make good servants of the public, and leaves the rest to men who have leisure hours for it. The family are held in the highest esteem in the community in which they reside. JOHN W. SAGE, a successful and most highly respected agriculturist of Richmond township, was born March 30, 1829, in Oswego county, N. Y., a son of Roswell Sage, who was bora May 18, 1786, in Connecticut. His father was a native of Wales, and in early days im migrated to America. Roswell Sage was married January 26, 1814, to Nancy Jewett, bora October 5, 1792. Their children, who were all born in New York State, were as follows: Ly man, born September 27, 1815, died May 11, 1816; Caroline, born March 27, 1817, married William Harman, and died in Boone county, Iowa; Rhoda, born May 16, 1819, who was married to Alfred Knapp, and died in Fairfield township, Huron Co., Ohio; Sarah Marilla, born May 27, 1822, married Newell Curtiss, and now resides in Newark, N. J.; Sey mour N., born May 17, 1824, was a farmer and machinist, and was a leading citizen and for twelve years justice of the peace in Richmond township, Huron county, where he died; Amanda E., born August 8, 1826, now the widow of Rev. Leander Curtiss, a Congregational minister, who had preached for forty years; John Wes ley, subject proper of this sketch; and Harriet E., bora May 8, 1832, now Mrs. W. G. Rathborne, of Clyde, Ohio. While residing in New York State Roswell Sage followed farming, and became quite well- to-do, but lost considerable by indorsement for a friend, so that when he came to Ohio in 1835 he was a comparatively poor man. The trip from Oswego county, N. Y., was made by way of Lake Ontario, then through the Welland Canal, and thence across Lake Erie to Cleveland, where they landed. On Lake Erie they encountered a very rough sea, and the women and children were all ordered below, the captain declaring it to be "the roughest sea for nineteen years." The family traveled by wagon from Cleve land to Pittsfield township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where the father purchased one hun dred acres of land, on which they resided for six years, and then moved to Auburn township, Crawford county, remaining there five years, when they took up their residence in Ripley township, Huron county, being driven out of Crawford county by the "milk sickness" so common in that sec tion. They made their home in Ripley township till about 1845, and then moved to Wood county, Ohio, where the father died April 9, 1848, at Bowling Green, and was there buried. His wife, who had passed away December 26, 1843, in Rip ley township, was buried in the "Old M. E. cemetery," north of Edwards Corners. Mr. Sage had met with many reverses, but was a very sympathetic man, and always did his best to help those who needed his assistance. In religion he was a member of the Methodist Church; in politics a Whig. John W. Sage accompanied the family to Ohio in 1835, and, though then but six years of age, he remembers the journey very distinctly, and the cries of the women and children who were shut down in the hold of the vessel to prevent their being washed overboard. He attended the com mon schools, but his educational oppor tunities were in the main somewhat cir cumscribed. He remained at home until thirteen years of age, when he engaged in various kinds of labor, and served an ap prenticeship at boot and shoe making in1 396 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. his father's shop at Bowling Green; but not liking the trade, left it. Later, in com pany with John Lamb, he built a wooden scow which they ran on the Maumee river. and he was subsequently employed as a deck hand on the propeller " Globe," on Lake Erie, making, however, but two trips on that boat, which plied between Maumee City (Ohio) and Buffalo (N. Y.). When nineteen years of age he commenced to learn the carpenter's trade in Ripley town ship, Huron county, and served an ap prenticeship of three years under three different men. He continued to follow the business twenty-five years, and some of the finest residences in his section of the county were either his own individual work or erected under his supervision. On March 15, 1855, Mr. Sage married Miss Catherine Miller, who was born May 9, 1836, in Columbiana county, Ohio, daughter of Samuel Miller, who came to Richmond township, Huron county, in 1847. To this union have been bora chil dren as follows: Julia A., now Mrs. A. W. Harman, of Richmond township; William S.,aU. B. minister of Sandusky Conference, who was educated at Dayton, Ohio, after which he spent about four years in Sierra Leone, West Africa, in the missionary field; Charles W., a farmer of Richmond township; and Mary A., now Mrs. John F. Dellinger, of Richmond township. After his marriage Mr. Sage located in Richmond township, on thirty acres of land which he had purchased at twelve dollars per acre, and to wliich he soon added another thirty acres, gradually increasing the size of his farm to 111 acres. In the summer of 1863 he joined Company H, One Hundred and Sixty-sixth O. V. I., National Guards, on May 2, 1864, was called into service, and was detailed on guard duty the greater part of his term of enlistment, which ex pired September 9, 1864. Later, from February, 1865, to May, 1865, he was in the United States Engineers service, at Ar lington Heights, Va., erecting forts and fortifications. Early in the summer of 1865 he returned to his home in Huron county, and in the fall of the same year purchased his present farm, which then consisted of 171 acres, for which he paid twenty-six dollars per acre. The land was then in a comparatively rude condition, containing no improvements but a log house and barn, and here he has since made his home, excepting for three years he was engaged at his trade. Through his never-ceasing industry and care the soil is now as rich as any in the county, and all the buildings on the property are the work of his own hands. He is a Republican, and takes an interest in the welfare of his party, but is not particularly active in politics. In religious faith he and his wife are prominent members of the U. B. Church, in which he has held the offices of steward, class-leader, trustee, etc., being obliged to resign, however, on account of poor health. For some years he has been a teacher in the Sunday-school, in which he has also been superintendent. Mr. Sage is a great reader, and by observation has acquired an excellent practical educa tion ; he is a writer of no mean ability, and as a poet deserves more than local promi nence. He acts as correspondent to nearly all the newspapers in his section, and to all of those published at the county seat. He is a successful farmer and a good neighbor, and Mrs. Sage, who is a most estimable, kind-hearted lady, shares fully the esteem wliich is felt for the entire family. The following are the titles of some of his poetical productions: The Storm King; God's Wisdom, Love and Power; Jack Frost; Little Karl; Some Sweet Day; A Poet's Imagination; The Old Year; Naming The Baby; October; Spring; May; December; After Harvest Thoughts; Decoration Day; Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-Three; Have Faith in Jesus' Name; The Cabin; Twenty Years Ago; The New Year; Oh ye Winds: Ye Wintry Winds; The Editorial Sanctum; Thoughts on the. Death of Douglas Snyder; In the Far West, HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 397 on a Claim; The Old Woman Who Lived in Her Shoe; The Plymouth Ad vertiser; If Yes; If; Cheerfulness; The Plymouth Fair October 1887; The Farmer; Stray Thoughts; How Oft we Murmur at God's Providences; How Like Some Little Fickle Maid; Memory; Summer Time; The Best Farm Crop; Thanksgiving Day; Life; By The Sea Shore; Spring; The World; This Land of Ours; The Year Eighty-Nine; The World's Fair; Thoughts on the Past, Present and Future; Sunshine and Flowers; Praise and Adoration; The Old and the New Year; The Distant Shore; September; The Equinoxial; Seasonable and Unseasonable; The Soldier's Pension; Huckleberries; At School; Groundhog Day; He Calleth Unto Thee; Our Jour ney; Ode to a Reporter; The Fast Age; Daily Blessings; The Kitchen Hearth; The Glorious Fourth. Of these we give the following: THE STORM KING. Terrific! rolls the thunder, Cloud cleaving cloud asunder; The forked tongues of lightning flash, The giant oak, with heavy crash, Late monarch towering in his pride, Lies prostrate now with shattered side. Peal on peal the thunders crashing, And the forked lightnings flashing, Like fiery chariots coming o'er us, Joining the discordant chorus, Heavens artillery all a-boom, Blackness, and darkness, and gloom, Hover about With terrific shout, Most terrible, solemn and grand, Like the wail of demoniac band. On, on they come with angry motion, Shaking old earth as well as ocean. Iron-bound ships riven asunder, While onward rolls the distant thunder, Rolls low, rolls high, rolls loud, and rolls, Till earth is shaken from center to poles. Again and again the thunders roll, Waking the timid, slumbering soul; While loud and long the storm king shouts Like maddened chieftain to his scouts. — His sword unsheathed in up-lifted hand, He musters again his chosen band. Heaven's artillery all ablaze, The world in silence all agaze, — While forked lightnings rend the sky, And deaf 'ning thunders roll on high. There he comes ! the storm king comes, With neighing horses and heaven's drums; Hurling thunder-bolts left and right, Scattering javelins, piercing the nighty On, on advancing Like fiery steeds dancing. Now hovers low, now rises high, Like frightened eagle cleaving the sky, While deathlike darkness over all, Enshrouds the earth like a luneral pall. With terrible shout, The storm king's route, Lies across the trackless ocean ; And woe to the ship, On its homeward trip, When caught by this wild commotion. Fire, hailstones, and Jupiter's coals, Whirling, seething, and trying men's souls. Jove's black war horse onward prances, With liquid fire from eye that glances From cloud to cloud as the storm runs high And the eagles shriek as they pierce the sky. Jove's charger, as with iron hoof, Stops, paws the clouds of heaven, While trembles the blue vaulted roof, Like slivered timbers riven. Darting from nostril distended, Forked lightnings leap. Darkness and light seem blended, Deep calling unto deep. Heavens host led on-, led on by Jove, Find rendezvous in Neptune's grave, While a grand parade of corps after corps, Is marshaled for battle on Hinlan's shore. The long roll reverberating Battalions concentrating, While the order reaches through the world at large. The standard bearer advances, The troops with naked lances, Make the final victorious charge. Then galloping over the plain, With long, disheveled mane, Come the warriors, with battle cry Reaching through the sky. The storm king's mooted power, Transferred in a single hour, While heaven's victorious fleet Wheel into line for the homeward retreat. The thunder rolls in the distance, Offering little or no resistance. Blackness and darkness give way, The clouds roll back, and we say The storm king, with his mighty host, Has returned to his native coast, And now, with united cry We join in praise to the Most High. q GEORGE E. HASKELL is a son r, of George Haskell, whose father was a physician in England. 'George U Haskell was born in 1813, in Wilt shire, England, and was there bound out to learn the shoemaker's trade, which he followed for some time. On January 398 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 12, 1837, he married Mary Ann Barber, who was bom March 19, 1815, in Wilt shire, England, a daughter of William Barber, a cabinet maker. George and Mary Ann (Barber) Haskell first located in Brixon Deveril, England, where four children were born, namely: Hattie J., William Henry, John T. and Catherine. In 1850 the parents, accompanied by the above-named children, sailed from Liv erpool, and after a voyage of ten weeks landed at New York. From there they proceeded, via the Hudson River, Erie Canal, and Lake Erie to Sandusky, Ohio. On arriving at Milan, Erie county, George Haskell had only four dollars left, but was soon earning fair wages at his trade. Some time later he moved to Norwalk, and re sided on Milan street, where he conducted a gardening business. He then purchased and moved upon a small tract of land in Ridgefield township, Huron county, mean while following his trade at Monroeville: In 1866 he bought the home farm where he died February 22, 1885, being followed to the grave by his wife August 5, 1889, and both were buried at Norwalk. He was an energetic, industrious man, having accumulated a good property by unremit ting effort. Politically, he affiliated with the Republican party, and in religion he was a member of the Episcopal Church. The children born to George and Mary Ann Haskell were as follows: Hattie J., de ceased wife of R, M. Willey; William H., an orange grower in Florida; John T., of Liberal, Kans.; Catharine M., unmarried, living in Ridgefield township; George E. ; Ellen S., wife of John E. Wheaton, of Seward county, Kans.; and Annie 0., wife of John V. Brady, of Belleville, Kans. Of these the latter three were born in the United States. George E. Haskell was born September 9, 1851, in Norwalk, Huron county, Ohio, and attended the common schools. When his brothers had all left home, this son re mained on the old place, and assisted in paying his father's debts. On December 28, 1887, he was united in marriage with Adelphia Saunders, who was born in 1868 in Oxford township, Erie Co., Ohio, the youngest of seven children of Leroy W. and Eliza (Skinner) Saunders. Mr. and Mrs. Haskell began wedded life on the home farm in Ridgefield township, Huron county. He well deserves the prosperity which has rewarded his years of toil, and his hospitable cheery manner, combined with sterling worth, has won him scores of warm friends. In politics he is a Re publican; in religion he is a member of the Disciple Church, his wife being iden tified with the Presbyterian denomination. They have two sons and one daughter: Le Roy George, Clyde Vernon, and Mil dred Pauline. L EROY BURTON, city marshal of Norwalk, is a native of Huron county, born November 25, 1843, son of E. S. and Laura B. Burton. The father was born in 1816, in Warren county, N. Y., near Lake George, and came west to Ohio when a young man. He selected a site for his future home, then returned East, married, and brought hither his young wife. At the time of his death, which occurred in 1883, he owned a fine farm, mainly the result of his own unceas ing industry. He reared a family of seven children — four daughters and three sons- all still living. Mrs. Burton died in 1864. David Burton, the paternal grandfather of subject, was a native of New York, and lived to the advanced age of ninety-one years, the graudmother reaching the patri archal age of ninety-four years. Leroy Burton was educated in the public and select schools of Norwalk, and when but a mere boy entered the army, but on account of a severe accidental injury was discharged, after which he engaged in farming. On April 3, 1865, he was mar ried to Jane Pettis, a native of Berea, Ohio, and continued on tbe farm four years afterward, at the end of which time HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 399 he removed to Norwalk, and worked at the carpenter's trade with his father-in-law the next five years. Abandoning this, he opened a gun repair shop, and conducted same some seven years, or until 1885, when he was elected marshal of Norwalk, to which position he has since been con tinuously re-elected; and he has had the high compliment from his fellow citizens of being elected by 375 majority. He is now serving his fifth term, which will be ten years. Mr. Burton is the unquestioned head of the police force of Norwalk, the welfare of the city during the day being in his keeping, while at night there are three guards who are also under him. As an illustration of his popularity, it may be here stated that in the 1889 elections he was the only Republican elected, every thing else going to the Democrats. 4 toJffATHIAS BEAMER, one of the \f/\ Des^ hnown and most highly re- 1[ spected citizens of Richmond township, was born September 25, 1820, in Carroll county, Ohio. His parents, Adam and Elizabeth (Al- baugh) Beamer, were both natives of Maryland, born in the vicinity of Freder- icktown, the former in 1773. The grand father of our subject came from Germany. Adam Beamer was reared to agricultural pursuits. He was married in Maryland, where three children were bora to him, viz.: Rebecca (who married Henry Da- huff, and died in Carroll county, Ohio), and Elias and Henry, both of whom died in Van Wert county, Ohio. In about 1810 the family came to Ohio, locating near the Ohio river in Harrison county, aud while living here Mr. Beamer entered the war of 1812, in which he received ninety-six dollars for six months service. He assisted in the erection of Fort Meigs (now Maumee City) on the Maumee river, and after his service came to near Mcln- tyre, Jefferson county, where his family then resided. Here all the money he had received for his services in the war was paid out for bail for a merchant, named Satskiver, who afterward failed. Subse quently the family migrated farther west to Carroll county, locating along Connot- ton creek, in Rose township, where our subject first saw the light. Adam Beamer was a comparatively poor man, and having no property of his own, he leased land, which he would cultivate; but as he was just about getting the land in condition to work it to advantage, he would be obliged to leave it and begin on another tract. Aside from providing for his family he accumulated very little. He died in 1840, and was buried in the Hite cemetery, in Rose township, Carroll county. Mrs. Beamer survived her husband many years, and passed from earth in 1865 in Van- Wert county, Ohio, where she was buried, in Sugar Ridge cemetery, Tully township; Mr. Beamer was a Democrat in politics, but voted for Gen. Harrison. Mathias Beamer was reared to the ardu ous duties of pioneer farm life, and dur ing his youth received scarcely any school training, as his father was too poor to afford the subscription by which the schools were supported. As early as possible he was put to work clearing the land, which was then entirely in the woods, in which labor he assisted at the youthful age of seven. When the father died the mother was left poor, and our subject set to work to pay off some remaining debts. On February 24, 1846, he was married to Margaret Thompson, who was born No vember 15, 1824, in Monroe township, Carroll county, daughter of Frederick Thompson, who came from Maryland. Af ter his marriage Mr. Beamer located near New Cumberland, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, where he stayed three years. He had saved a sum of money, and about 1849 re moved to Van Wert county, Ohio, then a wild and swampy country, where he owned some land. Here he made his home for eight years, during which time he did 400 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. much hard labor, clearing and chopping, and then coming to Huron county on a visit to his father-in-law, he purchased his present farm, at that time consisting of ninety-six acres, which he has since in creased to over 230 acres, all excellent farming land. He has always followed agricultural pursuits, and has met with encouraging success in his chosen vocation. Mr. Beamer has always been a healthy, robust man, and in his prime could split 200 rails a day, from the stump, then a wonderful task, which he accomplished day after day. To Mr. and Mrs. Beamer have been born children as follows: Elizabeth, who mar ried John Fink, and died in Seneca county, Ohio; Hannah, now Mrs. George Cole, of Richmond township; John, a farmer of Richmond township; Ann, Mrs. Jacob Rapp, of Richmond township; Lucinda, Mrs. Lewis Rapp, of Crawford county, Ohio; Rebecca, deceased in infancy; Ella, wife of Charles Clark, a farmer of Rich mond township; Allen, a farmer of Rich mond township; Martha, Mrs. Jacob Fink; and Emma, Mrs. Samuel Garber, of Rich mond township. Mr. Beamer was origin ally a Democrat, but is now a member of the Republican party, though in township and county elections he votes for the best man, regardless of politics. In religious belief he is a member of the " Church of God." Mr. Beamer has five great-grand children. EPHRAIM W. FAST, than whom there is no better known or more highly respected citizen in Rich mond township, is a native of Orange township, Ashland Co., Ohio, born March 28, 1830. Christian Fast, grandfather of Ephraim W., was a soldier in the war of 1812, dur ing which struggle, along with four others, he was taken prisoner by the Wyandot In dians; this Christian Fast was naturally very dark, and though decidedly of Ger man extraction resembled an Indian very much. The five prisoners were doomed to death, but the preliminary tortures to which they were subjected gave Christian a chance to display his activity, and this saved his life; the gauntlet was formed, and being the last prisoner to run it, he accomplished the painful journey by turn ing handsprings the entire distance, which so amused as well as astonished the sav ages that they permitted him to pass througb unharmed. Then, after putting bis four comrades to death before his eyes, they retained him as a conjurer, and he soon became a favorite with the whole tribe, being adopted by the head chief. During his captivity he witnessed the burning of Crawford at the stake by the tribe he was with. As Mr. Fast remained with the Indians, their confidence in him continued to grow, aud gradually the watches over him lessened. One night, upon asking his bedfellow and guard to bring him a drink of water, he was or dered to go himself, and while the guard slept, all unconscious of his captive's acts, the latter filled a small kettle with hominy corn and made his escape. He started east, and before long reached the Maumee river, across which he had to swim; but in the meantime his escape had been dis covered, and pursuit begun, for bullets whizzed past him while he was in the water. However, he reached the opposite shore in safety, and set out for the white settlements, then so few in eastern Ohio, traveling by night and sleeping in the day time. He reached the settlement in time to inform the inhabitants of the approach of the Indians (whom he could hear be hind him), and none too soon, for they had barely time to flee to the blockhouse be fore the savages arrived. He afterward proceeded on his journey, and finally got back to his home in Pennsylvania. Chris tian Fast had married, in Pennsylvania, Barbara Mason, who bore him ten chil dren, and he subsequently came with his family to Ohio, settling in Ashland county, HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 401 where he passed from earth about the year 1840; he and his wife, who survived him four or five years, were buried side by side in Ashland county. Jacob Fast, father of subject, was born in eastern Pennsylvania, and was married- in his native State to Miss Catherine Rex. He was a wheelwright by trade, and, as previously stated, came to Ohio with his father. The entire journey was made by wagon, and they endured many hardships on their trip to the western frontier, which at that time offered cheap homes. They located in Ashland county, where he pur chased a tract of land, to the task of clear ing which he at once set himself in order to make a home for his growing family. He followed his trade to some extent after coming to Ohio, but soon finding it un profitable, he gave his entire attention to farming. His family were as follows: Martin, who died in Ashland county; Polly, who became the wife of John Fast, and died in Ashland county; Eli, deceased in Ashland county; Jacob, now a resident of Troy township, Ashland county; Malinda, who married Alonzo Parker, and died in Ashland county; Ma tilda, who married Campbell Murray, and died in Ashland county; Rebecca, widow of David Gurton, of Wood county, Ohio; Jesse, deceased when young; Ephraim W., subject of sketch, and Eizina (Mrs. Wesley Cheney), of Ashland county. The father of this family passed away in 1877, preceded to the grave by his wife by a few years; they lie buried in Orange township cemetery, Ashland county. Mr. Fast was a hard-working, highly esteemed man, and accumulated a comfortable competence. He was a Democrat in politics, and in re ligion a member of the Lutheran Church. Ephraim W. Fast was reared on the home farm, and received a somewhat limited education in the common schools of the neighborhood. He resided at home until his marriage, October 14, 1850, with Hannah Roberts, who was born in 1830 in Ashland county, and they located on his father's farm, which he worked on shares. At about the same time he purchased a tract of fifty-four acres, for which he was obliged to go into debt. Mr. and Mrs. Fast resided in Ashland county until 1867, during which time he prospered and man aged to save a sum of money. Selling out his property in the year above named, he came to Richmond township, Huron county, and purchased 100 acres of land at forty dollars per acre, where they have ever since made their home, and to which he has since added numerous improvements, having erected a pleasant residence and good farm buildings. They have had six children, as follows: Jennie, now the wife of Jacob Walker, of Seneca county, Ohio; Mary, wife of Scott Seawalt, of Char lotte, Mich.; Madison and Elmer, both farmers of Richmond township; Leroy, who died in 1881 at the age of nineteen years, and Ida (Mrs. Winfield P. Skid more), of Chicago, Ohio. Mr. Fast is a systematic agriculturist, and has met with well-deserved success; he is a self-made man in every respect, and has acquired all his possessions by his own industry, busi ness economy and good management. He has given all his sons a start in life, and still has a comfortable income from his lands. A quiet, peaceable and kind-hearted neighbor, always ready to assist the needy, he is everywhere respected and loved. In his political affiliations he is a Democrat. Mrs. Fast is a member of the Union Bethel U. B. Church. GEORGE EGGERT. Classed among the leading business men of Monroe ville, where he has been in business for nearly twenty years, is the subject of this sketch. He is by birth a German, having been born April 9, 1852, in Baden, a son of Lawrence and Theresia (Schwable) Eggert, farmers by occupation, who had a family of eight children, six of whom are jet liv ing. The parents came to this country in 402 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 1887, taking up their residence in Cleve land, Ohio. Our subject was reared to farming in his native land, and when old enough found employment at various kinds of work, chiefly on farms. In thesuminer of 1873 he left the Fatherland for the United States, and September 15, same year, found him in Monroeville, Huron county, where he had relatives. For three years thereafter he was employed in farm work, and being hard-working, industrious and frugal, he made and saved some money. In 1876 he embarked in the grocery busi ness in Monroeville, his first store being an old building where now stands his present fine one, which he erected in 1889, and which he owns. Here he has built up a leading business and safe trade. On January 27, 1880, Mr. Eggert was united in marriage with Miss Maggie Rupp, who was born in Ridgefield town ship, Huron county, a daughter of Nicholas Rupp, a native of Wurtemberg, Germany, whose wife, Barbara (Feit), is a Prussian. They immigrated to America, and Mr. Rupp is now a farmer in Ridge field township. To Mr. and Mrs. Eggert were born four children, namely: Mary, William, Robert and Martin, all living except the last named. Politically our subject is a stanch Democrat, and he has served as treasurer of Monroeville, the ap pointment to him being an unexpected honor, as his name was used entirely with out his consent. He and his wife are mem bers of the Catholic Church. DAVID S. BELL, who is a grandson ) of Robert Bell, was born near St. _^ ' Clairsville, Belmont Co., Ohio, April 25, 1816, at four o'clock in the afternoon. Iu 1798 Robert Bell, accompanied by his wife and children, migrated from New Jersey to Washington county, Penn., and in 1800 came farther west, settling in Bel mont county, Ohio. He was a farmer and distiller in Belmont county until 1814, wben he purchased lands in Richland county, same State, and moved thither with his family. Bellville, iu tbat county, was named in honor of him, and there the remains of his wife and himself were in terred. The children of Robert Bell are named as follows: John, referred to below; Zephaniah, a pioneer Methodist preacher, who died in Whitley county, Ind.; Robert, Jr., who died at Bellville, Richland county (be had suffered from fever in youth, and was left a cripple by the disease) ; Betsey, who married George Yaring, and died in Illinois; one daughter who married a Bap tist preacher named Dorsey Phillips, of western Pennsylvania; Catherine, who mar ried Thomas Piatt, and died in Richland county. John Bell, eldest son of Robert Bell, was born in November, 1781, in New Jer sey. In 1803 he married Hannah Finch, who was bora in Rhode Island in 1785, and came to Belmont county with her par ents. To her marriage with Mr. Bell seven children were born in Belmont county, namely: Robert, who moved to Steuben county, Ind., where he died; Jesse, who moved to Missouri, and died near Hamil ton; Anna, who married John Knott, and died at Angola, Steuben county, Ind.; John who died in Richland county, but lived in Ripley, Huron county, where he was a tanner; Hannah, widow of Thomas Knott, of Tipton, Iowa; Enoch, who died in Morrow county, Ohio, where he was a preacher of the United Breth ren Church, and later a farmer; and David S., the subject of this sketch. In the fall of 1817 John Bell and family moved to Bellville, Richland Co., Ohio. In the spring of the following year he purchased 260 acres of land at two dollars and fifty cents per acre, in Bloominggrove town ship, aud on that tract established his home. He was a great hunter, and during his lifetime killed over 400 dear, and a large number of bears and wolves, thus providing himself with field sports, and his HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 403 large family and pioneer neighbors with sufficient animal food. In Blooming- grove township three children were added to the family, namely: Nathaniel, a Metho dist preacher and farmer of Ripley town ship, Huron county, deceased; Stephen, who died in the same township when twenty-five years old ; and Joseph, deceased in infancy. In 1839 the family moved into Ripley township, Huron county, where Mrs. Bell died in 1856. The father died May 2, 1867, in Greenwich township, at the house of his son, David S., where he had resided the previous six years. Both were buried in the old Salem cemetery in Richland county. David S. Bell received a primary edu cation in the early schools of Richland county, going many miles through the woods for even the little which was taught, and when seventeen years old began to learn the tanner's trade at Fitchville, under his brother John. Two years later he moved to New Haven, and worked there and in other settlements until the fall of 1835, when he moved to Steuben county, Ind., where he erected a sawmill. Early in 1836 he returned to Ohio, and on Sep tember 8, that year, married Emeline Slo cum, who was born November 26, 1817, in Onondaga county, N. Y. To this mar riage four children were born, of whom Charles F. is a wagon maker of Wood county, Ohio; Stephen, a farmer, and mini ster of the Christian Church in Logan county, Ohio; Melvin, who enlisted in Company C, Sixty-Fifth O. V. I., and died in 1862, at Lebanon, Ky., of disease al leged to have been caused by poisoned maple sugar served to the troops, and John A., who died when five years old. The mother of this family died in 1860. After his marriage Mr. Bell moved to Steuben, Ind., establishing a tannery there, which he carried on until the spring of 1838, when he returned to Huron county and followed farming until the spring of 1863, at which time he located on the farm in Greenwich township, where he yet resides. In 1860 he married, for his second wife, Clarissa Stewart, who was born in Scott township, Sandusky Co., Ohio, February 28, 1830, daughter of Galbraith and Anna (Russell) Stewart. To this marriage two children were born : Cora E., who was first married to John Luxon, and is now Mrs. C. B. Benedict, of Ripley township, and Edwin S., a farmer of Greenwich township. Mr. Bell retired from active farm work in 1871, in order to give more attention to the manufacture of cheese, in which he is now heavily interested. For thirty years no promissory note of his arrived at ma turity before payment was tendered, and all other obligations have been met with equal promptness. The product of his cheese factory commands the very highest prices, for its quality is recognized as the best, and it holds the local market. In re ligious connection Mr. and Mrs. Bell are members of the Society of Friends, and both are elders therein. Mr. .Bell cast his first vote on the Democratic ticket, but he subsequently voted with the Whigs until the formation of the Republican party, sincewhen he has remained with that party. 'HARLES S. SMITH, a grandson of Joseph Smith, who settled in Huron county in 1832, was bora April 23, 1844, in Peru township. His father, Frank Smith, son of Joseph, was one of two brothers who came to the United States from Baden, Germany, before his parents and the other members of the family. Charles S. Smith was educated at the "Center School," in Peru township. Like the majority of pioneer boys, his youth was passed between school, work and play, all merging into one another so completely that now it is difficult to remember where any one of these three parts in the youth's life began or ended. When school days were passed forever, the realities of farm life were presented to him, and he worked on the homestead earnestly and faithfully 404 HURON COUNTY, OHIO- for his father until 1869. On April 13, 1869, he was married to Miss Mary Ann Hipp, daughter of Andrew Hipp, and a native of Peru township. The children born to this marriage are named as follows: Edward P., Clara R. and Anna M. The members of this family are Catho lics of the German School, and their at tachment to their Church has ever been noticeable. Politically Mr. Smith is a Democrat, and is prominent in local party circles. He has filled several township offices with absolute profit to the people and honor to himself and the township, lending to the people in political affairs the same earnestness, honesty of purpose, and intelligence, on which is founded his personal success. As an agriculturist, he shares, with his brothers, the general esteem in which they are held, and vies with them in his efforts to elevate agricultural life to the high plane which it should occupy. His farm of 180 acres is a model farm in fact. Not only is the land fertile in itself, but the methods of cultivation, the system of rotation of crops, and the general care bestowed upon the tract have made it one of the most productive and valuable farms of its size in northern Ohio. Mr. Smith also devotes attention to stock growing, and is the owner of many fine-bred cattle, sheep, hogs and horses. JOSEPH REMELE, a highly respected citizen of Peru township, is a son of Lawrence Remele, who was a native of Baden, Germany, where he fol lowed the glazier's trade. He was married to Josephine Ritter, and they became the parents of ten children, of whom six — one son and five daughters — grew to maturity. In 1847 the family sailed from Havre, France, and after a voyage of forty days landed in New York, whence they pro ceeded, by river, canal and lake, to Huron, Ohio. They pushed southward into Peru township, Huron county, where the father bought fifty acres of laud, for which he paid nine hundred dollars, which he had saved in Germany, and afterward, with no help but that of his son, cleared nearly twenty acres of same. On this tract stood a log house, 18x20 feet, in which the family lived. They prospered, for they belonged to that class of Germans whose industry will always bring prosperity in a fair field. Here the parents passed the re mainder of their lives, the father dying in 1870, the mother about 1877; they were interred in the Catholic cemetery. Joseph Remele was born January 5, 1831, in Baden, Germany, and at the age of sixteen came to America with his par ents. He took charge of the home farm some time prior to his father's death, payt ing off all claims, and making many sub stantial improvements; afterward bought forty-nine acres from Peter Hipp, for which he paid two thousand seven hun dred dollars. In 1861 he was united in marriage with Miss Theresa Gies, who was born in 1838, in Bronson township, Huron county, daughter of Joseph Gies, who was bom in Alsace (then a part of France), and came to America about 1819, locating in Bronson township, Huron Co., Ohio. To Mr. and Mrs. Remele were bo'rn two children: Charles, who was married to Amelia, daughter of G. Killhover, but died one year after their marriage, leaving one daughter, Amelia; and Alphonse, who was married May 2, 1893, to Rosella, daughter of Philip Barman, of Peru town- , ship. In religious faith, Alphonse, as was also his brother, is a Catholic, and in poli tics he is identified with the Democratic party. They have always assisted their father faithfully in the work of tbe farm. After marriage Mr. Remele located on the forty-nine acres he had purchased, and in 1872 removed to his present weli-im- proved farm, where he has since resided, engaged in general farming and stock raising. His success is but the direct re sult of his own toil and constant industry. Starting in life with but little, he has ^ ship, Huron Co., Ohio. His grand father, John Wheeler, was a native of Massachusetts, and when a youth of seventeen years settled in western New York, where be grew to manhood. While residing in Ontario county, New York, he cleared a tract of farm land, where he es tablished his home. There he married Polly Franklin, a native of Massachusetts, and to this union the following named children were born in Ontario county, N. Y.: Sylvester F., John H., Benoni, Aaron and Calvin. In the fall of 1818 the father visited Ohio, and purchased land in Greenfield township, Huron county. Early in the ana pur dp, Hur spring of 1819 he set out with his wife and children for their new home, making the journey in a wagon drawn by a team of oxen and a team of horses. The trip occupied four weeks. They had no lack of friends in the new country, for neigh bors of the family, such as the Starrs, Adams, McKelveys and others, had pre viously located in Huron county. The splendor of the forests, no less than the hopes for the future, buoyed up the cour age of the new comers. John Wheeler was an ardent lover of out-door sports, and here he could enjoy them ad libitum. The animals of the chase abounded ; bear and deer offered themselves as targets for the hunter and food for the settlers, and the rich soil promised rewards corresponding ¦with the industry of the husbandman. In such a country the younger , children of John and Polly Wheeler — Chauncy B., Almira and Samuel B. — were born. Of the children who came to Ohio with their par ents, Aaron (of Norwalk) and Calvin are the only survivors, the others having passed away in Huron county. Of the children born in Greenfield township, Chauncy died in Crawford county, Kans.; Almira, who first married a Mr. Van Tine and later a Mr. Tucker, is a widow; and Samuel B. resides at Parsons, Kans. They were all reared in Ohio in the manner of pioneer children. When Calvin was four years old his parents left him and three brothers in the cabin, while they assisted at the burial of a neighbor. During their HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 451 absence the children saw a large sow root ing in tbe soil near the house, and, while they were watching, a black bear appeared in the clearing and carried off the fright ened hog to the edge of the woods, where he killed it. Some time after a clearing was made in Greenfield township the father revisited Ontario county, N. Y., and there was ordained a Free-will Baptist minister. On his return he became an active worker in that Church, and organized several So cieties in Huron and Ashland counties. His first wife died in June, 18 — , aged sixty-three years. For his second he mar ried Mrs. Hulda (Osborn) Gregory, widow of Lansing Gregory, and she died some years before him. fie was a strong Democrat until the slave questiou arose, when he joined the Republican ranks. He possessed a stentorian voice, and when leading religious services could be heard at long distances. He preached for a number of years at Steuben, where he was the first Baptist minister; and, though his circuit was a wide one, it was all known to him, for he was a hunter aud a fisher man as well as a farmer and preacher. He died about 1877, in his ninety-first year. Calvin Wheeler, son of John Wheeler, was bora January 19, 1818, in Ontario county, N. Y. Little over a year later he was brought to Huron county, and here was reared on his father's farm. He ob tained the rudiments of an education in a school, to which he had to walk two miles each winter morning and return the same evening. In February, 1842, he married Mary Richards, who was born January 27, 1821, in Herkimer county, N. Y., and came with her father to Huron county in 1837. The children of this marriage were as follows: Nancy Genette, born January 15, 1843, who married E. T. Trimmer, aud died in Kalamazoo county, Mich., Marcii 5, 1868; Agnes E., born March 9, 1844, now Mrs. Marion Parsons, of Shi loh, Ohio; David M., born December 29, 1846, a traveling salesman, whose home is at Plymouth, Huron county; Benjamin R., bora November 20, 1848, a farmer and stock buyer of Greenfield township; Calvin J., born July 31, 1850, a farmer of Peru township: Chauncy B., born January 3, 1852, an engineer on the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad; Jason A., bora January 21, 1854; Jesse (twin of Jason A.), a merchant at Chicago Junc tion; Alice, born January 18, 1857, widow of Henry Bronson, now engaged in mer cantile business at Chicago Junction; Al fred (twin of Alice), now a harness maker at Plymouth, Ohio; Lillis, born November 14, 1861, now the widow of Dayton L. Green, residing at Steuben; and Linda Belle, bora October 3, 1863, now Mrs. Elmer McMorris, of Steuben. The father of this large family was engaged in farm work up to 1870, when he removed to Steuben to engage in mercantile business. He was postmaster there for some years. His wife died Marcii 5, 1866, and was buried in Steuben cemetery with the rites of the Free- Will Baptists, of which Church she was a member. Mr. Wheeler was a Democrat until the organization of the Re publican party, when he became a Free- soiler. For over fifty-six years he has been a member of the Baptist Church. Jason A. Wheeler was born January 21, 1854, in Greenfield township, aud received his education in the district schools and in the Buckeye College. When school days were passed he entered the store of his brother, D. M. Wheeler, of Steuben, in whose employ he remained until 1874. For a time he was a clerk for A. J. Coul ton, of Steuben, in which capacity he learned all the details of business, and on January 7, 1877, he established himself in trade at Steuben. Here for ten years he conducted a general store, and built up an extensive trade, his courteous manners and reputation for fair dealing winning him an immense patronage. On May 30, 1887, his store and goods, valued at $8,000, were destroyed by fire, but with out delay he opened a stock at Chicago Junction, and was engaged in general 452 HURON COUNTY., OHIO. trade there for a short time, when he re tired to his farm, one mile south of Steu ben, whither he had moved in 1886. The tract was known as the " Piatt Farm." Mr. Wheeler was married October 15, 1873, to Charlotte Ashley, who was bora in Clinton county, Iowa, February 11, 1856, and came to Ohio with her father, Dennis Ashley, in March of that year. The children of Jason A. and Charlotte Wheeler are Charles N., George M., Mary L., Jason A., Jr., and Ruth. The eldest graduated from Oberlin College in his eighteenth year. On October 21, 1891, he delivered the oration on " Columbus Day," being selected by the faculty for this task in recognition of his high stand ing in oratory. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, with the three elder members of the fam ily, belong to the Presbyterian Church. He is one of the leaders of the Republican party in Huron county; was postmaster at Steuben for some years; was clerk of Greenfield township eight years, is now a trustee of that township, and November 7, 1893, was elected commissioner of Huron county three years. Since 1886 he has given close attention to his fine farm, and has the reputation of being a methodical agriculturist and a most excellent citizen. UDOLPH GEIGER, retired, is a native of Baden, Germany, born December 17, 1823, a son of John Geiger, who died in Baden when Rudolph was five years old, leaving five children. In March, 1844, the widow and three of her children — Lawrence (who had visited the United States twelve years before), Josephine (who died six weeks after arriv ing in the country), and Rudolph — set out for the shores of Columbia, here to better their condition and make a new home. They first proceeded to Rotterdam, Hol land, thence to Havre, France, where they took sailing ship for New York, landing after a voyage of forty- two days. From there they traveled westward to Ohio, ar riving in course of time at the town of Huron, Erie county, whence Lawrence and Rudolph walked to Greenfield township, Huron county, where they hired a team, drove back to Huron, and brought their mother and sister to Greenfield. Rudolph Geiger received his education in the Fatherland, and commenced to learn the trade of blacksmith; but he. had to abandon it on account of his lungs being easily affected while working at the forge; he then for a brief spell tried his hand at carpentry, at which time he came to Amer ica. In Huron county he first secured em ployment in a brickyard, later in the tan nery in Norwalk belonging to Judge Baker's brother, who was so much pleased with him, on account of his sterling hon esty and characteristic industry, that he offered to give him seventy acres of land in Clarksfield township if he would stay with him two years longer. This highly complimentary and valued offer Mr. Geiger was constrained to decline, how ever, on account of the tannery business impairing his health. He then drove team for Pickett Lattimore, a brewer of Nor walk, and from there, after a time, he re turned to Greenfield township, and learn ing the trade of a brickmaker soon became owner of a kiln, which he conducted up to his marriage. After that event he and his young wife made their home in Milan, Erie county, where for four years he burned brick each season; and many of the best buildings in that town, and also in Norwalk, were made in his yard — in fact his brick was by far the best made in the county at that time. Until he com menced in the business only a few brick buildings had been erected, but afterward, so popular had the product of his yards become, a "boom " in putting up brick houses was the result. He next came to Sherman township, and bought eighty acres of land in the woods, the trees being (to use his own language) " as thick as hairs on a dog's back." After two years labor HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 453 bere in clearing the land he moved to San dusky, and there made four kilns of brick, which sold rapidly, notwithstanding the many other kilns in the place — the reason being, simply, that he made better brick than any one else. On the breaking out of cholera in that city, in 1855, he once more came to Sherman township, renewed farm ing operations, and has lived here ever since. In February, 1849, Mr. Geiger married Miss Sarah An n Ott, who was born in Baden, Germany, in 1826, and came tothe United States in young womanhood. "The chil dren of this union were John and Adolph, both in Sandusky; Louisa, who married John Smith, and died when twenty-five years old; Odelia, now Mrs. Frederick Brown, of Pulaski county, Ind.; Mary, now Mrs. John Weidenger, of Sherman township; and Anna, at home. The fam ily are all members of the Catholic Church. Mr. and Mrs. Geiger, honored and re spected in their old age, have been living for the past few years a comparatively re tired life, compulsory in his case more on account of an accident he met with a few years ago, a log rolling on him, which has tened bis retirement from active work. D., mayor in 1847, in S. LANTERMAN, M. of Bellevue, was bora Tompkins county, N. Y., a son of £1 John and Julia (Brown) Lanterman. The father was also a native of New York State, where he passed from earth at the age of forty- six years; the mother, who is a native of New England, is now eighty-one years old. Dr. G. S. Lanterman was educated in his native county, and read medicine there under a preceptor for some time. Later he was enrolled as a student in the Uni versity of Michigan, and graduated from the Medical Department of that institution of learning in 1867. The same year he located in Cayuga county, N. Y., where he practiced medicine and surgery for one year, and then removed to Bellevue, Ohio. He is the oldest practicing physician of the regular school here to-day, and is un doubtedly the most popular citizen in this particular section of Huron county. He was a member of the old Delamater Medi cal Association of Norwalk, and for a long period was the life of that organization. He has been connected with the municipal affairs of Bellevue for a number of years, served as councilman for several terms, and is now serving his third term as mayor. In political life he is a thorough Republican, earnest in the support of his party, but always good natured and logical in his arguments. He is well up in Ma sonic work, and has reached the thirty- second degree. In August, 1862, at the age of fourteen years, our subject enlisted in the One Hundred and Ninth N. Y. Volunteer Infantry, and served in that command and in the Third N. Y. Light Artillery until the close of the war. Dr. Lanterman was united in marriage, September 26, 1872, with Miss Emma Heal, a native of England, daughter of Enoch and Charlotte Heal. He has proved himself a conservative power in the coun cil of Bellevue, and a most able physician and surgeon; and it may be here stated that the municipal body is as safe in his hands as are his patients. C. HEYMANN. Among the earliest German settlers of Sher man township is the subject of this sketch, who is an honored representative of a large and respected family of the name, noted for their thrift and wealth. Mr. Heymann was born in Germany in 1808, and came to America in 1852, set tling in Sherman township, where he en joys the distinction of being now the oldest citizen. He married, and has ten children, named as follows: William, John, Charles, Jacob, Philip, Henry, 454 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. George, Frederick, Mattie and Lizzie, to each of whom Mr. Heymann has given a good start in life. By industry and judi cious economy he has accumulated a com fortable competence, being an extensive landholder, and is now living retired at Weaver's Corners. In his political pref erences he is a Republican, and in re ligious belief he is a member of the Lutheran Church. AMUEL W. CURTISS, one of the progressive, active spirits of Fitch ville township, and a friend of every worthy enterprise, was bora in that township July 10, 1832. Joseph C. Curtiss, his father, was bom in June, 1803, in Oneida county, N. Y., attended the school of his native place for some time, and then learned the gunsmith's trade. He was there married to Lucina Ward, and early in 1825 the young couple set out for Ohio. It was then the para dise of hunters, and Mr. Curtiss saw plainly that, where hunters were, would un doubtedly be the proper place to carry on his trade. Locating at Norwalk, Huron coun ty, he purchased a town lot on Main street, known as " The Todd Lot," and thereon erected a small house, to serve the dual purpose of dwelling and workshop. Early in 1832 he removed to Fitchville, and en tering into partnership with Union White, established a general store at the center. Political incompatibility led to the disso lution ot this partnership in 1835. There was no possibility of an agreement be tween Whig and Democrat, under one roof, and hence the establishment of a sec ond general store at Fitchville, in the year named. In 1835 Mr. Curtiss erected a residence adjoining his store, and there lived to the close of his life. In 1861 he retired from mercantile pursuits, but up to the period of his death, September 1, 1871, he took an active interest in politics, aud particu larly in the development of Fitchville vil lage and township. Prior to 1856 he was an Old-line Whig, and during his remain ing years a stanch Republican. In 1839-40 he was an active partisan in the Harrison- Tyler campaign, and was himself elected a commissioner of Huron county on the Whig ticket. That office he held four years, when he was elected a member of the Legislature, in which he served during the sessions of 1845 and 1846. A tem perance man by experience, he studied the devastation of human life by drink, and opposed free liquor with all the force of his mind. In fact he carried the principle so far as to enlarge his dwelling and estab lish a temperance hotel for the convenience of the public. The enterprise was un popular. Travelers, as a rule, were drink ing men then, and the regular hotel-keep ers furnished a certain amount of strong drink with board and lodging; so that the temperance hotel was compelled to fight a long and strong battle against the sophistry and liberality of its opponents. Mr. Cur tiss met their actions by furnishing board and lodgings twenty per cent, below the price charged by the regular hotel men, and this action compelled them to cut prices. Thus matters went along for thir teen years, when the temperance house closed its doors. It was conducted at a profit, and taught lessons which bore rich fruit. Mr. Curtiss was twice married, first to Lucina Ward, to whom three sons — J. O, Jr., S. W. and D. A. — and one daughter — Mary J. — were born. After the death of this wife he married a Mrs. Allen, who is the mother of one daughter, Jane, now living in Hamilton, N. Y. While a resi dent of Norwalk Mr. Curtiss produced a greater number of guns than the demands of local trade required. The surplus he would load on a pack horse, at stated in tervals, and sell along the old Wooster trail, and what remained on arriving at Wooster he could easily dispose of there to hunters and farmers. He afterward be came a heavy dealer in farm products, HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 455 which he received iu exchange for mer chandise. On one occasion- he sent for ward a drove of 1,700 hogs to New York City, and often shipped vast quantities of stock and grain to the markets north, south and east. Samuel W. Curtiss was born in Fitch ville township, immediately after the re moval of the family from Norwalk, and in his boyhood attended the school of Miss Sarah Mason, just south of Fitchville vil lage. After her day he continued to at tend the school of the district, the hours after school being given to work in his father's store. Later he attended the academy of Rev. T. F. Thompson, of Nor walk, and when his school days were passed took a position in the Curtiss store. On one occasion, in winter time, when he was seventeen years old, he was sent with the drovers to deliver 1,700 hogs, which his father promised to supply to a party or parties at Baltimore. The route lay through Pennsylvania. The Ohio river was crossed at Smith's Ferry, and they proceeded thence via the National Pike, through Washington county, Penn. Before reach ing Baltimore the destination was changed to New York, and while en route they sold 1,300 of the hogs at Reading, Penn., the balance being traded for fat hogs, which they took to New York and there sold. After returning to Fitchville our subject became a regular clerk in his father's store. In 1851 he married Fidelia Tucker, who was born in 1830, in Madison county, N. Y., daughter of Lester Tucker, and after marriage the young couple went to reside on a farm in Greenwich township. His first experience in agricultural pur suits was on the farm he now owns, where he remained some three years, and then moved to Greenwich, whence after two years residence there he returned to Fitchville and re-entered his father's store. For three years thereafter he clerked, and then continued as partner with his father until the fall of 1864. Retaining his in terest in the store, he returned tothe farm, and was engaged in agriculture until 1871, when the death of his father called him to Fitchville village to take charge of the store. In 1878 he admitted as partner his son, who managed the house from 1883 to 1887, while the father gave his atten tion to his fine farm, situated northeast of the village. On this farm he built an elegant residence and made many im provements, but since 1887 he has made his home in the village, entrusting his farm to the care of tenants. The children of Samuel W. and Fidelia Curtiss are as follows: Ada M., Mrs. E. E. Townsend, of New London township; Sidney O.. of New London village; Carrie, who died when twenty-two years old; Doren, who died when four years old; Len'a F., deceased wife of William Palmer; Bertha and Pearl, who reside at home. The mother of this family is a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Curtiss enlisted April 2, 1864, in an independent company of the Sixty-third Regiment, Ohio National Guards. In, 1863 the One Hundred and Sixty-sixth Regiment was organized iu Huron county as Home Guards, and in the spring of 1864 Gov. Brough turned the Sixty- third over to the Government as United States troops, to go wherever called. On May 2, 1864. they were ordered to Camp Taylor, at Cleveland, Ohio, but when mustered it was found there were some 200 men un fit for duty, and Mr. Curtiss' company was then consolidated with the Seventy- ninth Battalion, O. N. G., of Medina county, a senior organization. On May 15, 186,4, when the change was made in the disposal of the Sixty-third Regi ment, he was mustered in as first lieutenant; and when his company was consolidated with the Medina battalion (at which time he. was quartermaster), he was deprived of his commission on a technicality. Thereupon he was about re turning home, when his superiors prevailed upon him to remain as lieutenant in Com pany B. The regiment proceeded to Vir ginia, and did duty at Forts Richardson, 456 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Barnard, Reynolds and Ward, until muster- out, September 9, 1864. After the ex citement attendant on Jubal 'Early's raid on Washington had died out, the men of Mr. Curtiss' regiment suffered much from camp sickness. At one time his own ill ness was so serious that his wife traveled from Ohio to attend upon him, and to her ministrations his recovery is attributed. Our subject cast his first vote for the first Republican Presidential nominee, and his loyalty to the party is well known in Huron county. He has filled various offices in his township. Under the charter of the village of Fitchville he is mayor, although the corporation is sleeping. It was he who contributed lumber for the first sidewalk laid by the municipality, and to him must be credited, specially, the lighting of the streets of the village. , RREN W. HEAD was born at Paris, Oneida Co., N. Y., on the 18th day of May, 1808. His parents, Jona than and Hepzibath (Livermore) Head, were both born in New England — the father in Rhode Island, the mother in New Hampshire. Mr. Head grew to manhood on the farm, receiving his education in the subscrip tion schools of the neighborhood. In 1836 he contracted a matrimonial alliance with Julia Crane, a resident of Marshall, Oneida Co., N; Y., and to this union were bora five children — three sons and two daugh ters, the latter of whom are both dead. In 1842 Mr. Head and his family settled in Ridgefield township, Huron Co., Ohio, where he purchased the " Sours farm," together with other lands adjoining, mak ing a farm of 420 acres^ which he kept well cultivated and improved. In 1857 he built what is now known as the "Davis Block " iu Monroeville, in which for a number of years he did a banking busi ness — first under the name of the Perkins & Head exchange Bank; then, after the death of E. B. Perkins, under the name of the O. W. Head Exchange Bank. In 1862 be sold out to S. V. Harkness, but always did a private banking business. He occupied, and deservedly so, a high place in the es teem of his fellow townsmen, and by close attention to business; by strict and hon orable dealing; by careful and wise man agement, he succeeded in accumulating a good competency. He was one of the founders of the Monroeville National Bank, and served as its first president, which po sition he held up to the time of his death. He died October 2, 1882, and was buried in Monroeville cemetery. Mr. Head was ever willing to assist any movement tending to improve the condi tion of the community in which he lived, and was well and favorably known through out the county. He never refused aid to those worthy of assistance, and it can be said of him that he assisted more men, at the time they needed it most, to secure homes, than any other one man in the county. On October 4, 1872, Mr. Head was mar ried to Annie M. Newcomer, of Ashland, Ashland Co., Ohio, a daughter of Ben jamin and Annie (Albert) Newcomer, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Since the death of her husband Mrs. Head has resided upon the home farm, and has conducted her business interests with success. She is now owner of over eight hundred acres of land, besides other properties. Though not a professor of re ligion, she contributes liberally of her means to such institutions of which her husband was also a hearty supporter. fENRY KIMMEL, the pioneer car- Hpenter and builder of Bellevue, is a son of Henry and Anna Maria (Brandau) Kimmel, farming people of Germany, who lived and died in their native land. Henry Kimmel was born December 24. 1828, in Niederngiida, Kreiss Rodenberg, 4/ HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 457 Germany. When not eighteen years old he, with a brother, came to the United States, locating at Sandusky, Ohio, where Henry learned the carpenter's trade. In 1848 or 1849 he came to Bellevue, Huron Co., Ohio, and worked at his trade by the day for a number of years. He was mar ried July 22, 1851, to Miss Eva R. Streck, of Bellevue, and to this marriage seven children were born, namely: Louisa, who is married to James Aigler, and has three children — Ernest, Ethel and Amos; Julia, who married Charles E. Burgess, and has two children — Aid and Robert; Isabel, married to Henry Mansfield; Franklin (married); Adelaide (unmarried); Eva R., married to J. Rudd, and one son de ceased. After his marriage Mr. Kimmel returned to Sandusky, where he resided for one year, and then moved to New Haven, Ohio, remaining there six or seven months, during which time he purchased, con ducted, and sold the hotel at that point. Returning to Bellevue, he has made this city his home up to the present time. In 1862 he was drafted, but he furnished a substitute. Mr. Kimmel has been engaged in con tract work for about thirty -four years. The first block iu the town of Bellevue, the " Kern Block," was erected by him, and of the many buildings he has put up it is said that the owner was invariably satisfied, a record which speaks most forcibly of Mr. Kimmel's practical honesty. D' NAVID GRIEVE, one of the large landowners of Greenfield township, was bora April 28, 1819, in Ber gen county, N. J., son of Thomas Grieve, who was a native of Edinburgh, Scotland. At an early age Thomas Grieve removed to County Tyrone, Ireland, where in 1810 he married Elizabeth Stewart, a native of that county, where one son—Thomas — was born to them. In 1812 the father sailed from Ireland for the United States, and for two years worked at the weaver's trade in New Jersey. Having earned sufficient money to pay for the passage of his wife and son, he sent for them, and in 1814 they arrived after a rough voyage of ninety days, the cost of passage for each being two hundred dollars. The family located in iSew Jersey, and there the father worked at his trade until 1836. The children bora in New Jersey to Thomas and Elizabeth Grieve are named as follows: David, James, William and George (twins), Elizabeth J. and John. In 1836 the whole family came to Ohio via the Erie Canal and Lake Erie, and proceed ing south located in Huron county. The father purchased land in Greenfield town ship at eight dollars per acre, improved the tract with the aid of his sons, and had a comfortable home made for his family, when disease carried him off in 1838, he and his three sons — William, John and James — being buried within one month. The widow survived this terrible affliction until 1858, when she died, and was buried in Greenfield township. David Grieve attended school for six and one-half years, intending to devote his life to mercantile or clerical work. When an infant six weeks old his right hand was burned so terribly as to render the member of little use, and to this inci dent his long educational course must be credited. In his youth he went to New York City and found employment in a grocery store on the corner of Spring and Hudson streets, remaining there until 1836, when he followed his parents to Ohio, where he taught school inan old-fash ioned log house, boarding around with his pupils. He caught the " Ohio Itch," and suffered from lung troubles fostered by exposure in the ancient school buildings, and all this was rewarded by twelve dol lars a month, with bed and board in va rious places. Clearing the forest was pref erable, and he abandoned the teacher's profession, and for the seven following years worked as a farm laborer. In 1865 458 HURON COUNTY, OHIO- he married Sarah M. Koch, who was born in 1842, near Pottstown, Penn., and came to Huron county with her father, Jonathan Koch, when a girl. The children bora to this marriage are Elmira G., who resides at home, and John A., a farmer of Peru township. For some years before his mar riage the mother and sister of our sub ject were his housekeepers. At the time of his father's death David Grieve was bequeathed a tract of land of forty acres, in consideration of the care bestowed by him on his mother and mem bers of the family, and to this small tract he added gradually, until he now has over 270 acres of good land. In 1854 he lo cated on the farm which he now occupies. Politically Mr. Grieve is a Republican, formerly a Whig; in 1840 he voted for William H.' Harrison. With the excep tion of one year, which he passed as clerk in a wholesale grocery house at -Toledo, Mr. Grieve has devoted his attention to agriculture. He has filled various town ship offices, and is a man wdio reads ex tensively and thinks for himself. Mrs. Grieve is a member of the Lutheran Church. 4J MARTIN ORD WAlr, carpenter and joiner, of Townsend township, is" a native of the county, bora May 29, 1823, in Norwalk, the fifth in a family of nine children born to Nehemiah and Eleanor (Ferand) Ordway, both of whom were natives of Vermont, and of English descent. Nehemiah Ordway was educated and married in his native State, where he was engaged in agricultural pursuits for several years. He was a gallant soldier during the war of 1812, soon after which, in 1816, he immigrated with his wife and family to the then western frontier of northern Ohio, settling near Norwalk, Huron county, then almost an unbroken wilderness, accomplish ing the entire journey overland, from the hills of Vermont to this wild region, with wagons and teams. In the winter of 1823- 24 he bought wild lands two miles south of the center of Townsend township, Hu ron county, where he subsequently im proved a farm. " Here the family suffered all the hardships and privations incident to a frontier life, their white neighbors being few and far between, the nearest one two and a half or three miles distant; the Redmen, however, were still numerous, but they were generally quite peaceable and caused but little trouble or anxiety to the white settlers. In about 1832 Mr. Ordway sold his place and bought another near Townsend Center, and there remained until 1852, when he again sold out, and removed to Wood county, Ohio. Here he bought a farm, and successfully engaged in agricultural pursuits until his death, which occurred in May, 1876. He was for many years trustee of his township, and for the last thirty years of his life was an earnest member of the Christian Church, to which his wife also belonged. Martin Ordway, the subject proper of this sketch, received such an education in youth as could be obtained at the common schools, taught in the rude schoolhouses of that early day, which were usually con structed of logs, with puncheon floor and clap- board roof. He was employed on the home farm until he was nineteen years old, and then went to Milan, Ohio, to learn the carpenter's trade with his brother, with whom he remained about three years. He then went to work at his trade on his own account, and he has ever since continued to follow same, at various points, with most abundant success. He owns a small farm near Townsend Center, upon which he has resided for the last forty-six years. Mr. Ordway was married December 24. 1846, to Miss Amilla VanTassell, a native of Genesee county, N. Y., born September 4, 1822, a daughter of Tunis and Pnah (Haven) Van Tassell, both of whom were natives of Onondaga county, N. Y., the former of Holland- Dutch extraction and the latter of English descent. To Mr. and HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 459 Mrs. Ordway have been born five children, viz.: Betsey Jane, now Mrs. J. C. Wissert; Electa D., now Mrs. Niles H. House; Jef ferson H.; Eflie A., now Mrs. W. G. Dart; and Emma N. (Birdie), now Mrs. C. B. Canfield. Mr. Ordway is at present serving as trustee of Townsend township, and has served as such at various times for many years. He has been a member of tbe Ma sonic Fraternity for over thirty years. Both he and his wife are devout members of the M. E. ^Church, and in politics he is a stanch and uncompromising Republican. Mrs. Ordway's father, Tunis Van Tas- sell, was also one of the early pioneers of northern Ohio, having removed from New York to Townsend township, Huron county, in 1836. Here he bought wild land and subsequently improved a farm, where he was successfully engaged in agricultural pursuits all his life. His father aud father- in-law were soldiers in the Continental army during the Revolutionary war. The ancestors of the Van Tassell family were among the hardy and patriotic Holland pioneers of the old Dutch colony of New Netherlands, while the Haven family were also among the early pioneers of the s,ame colony, later known as New York. FRANK CAMPBELL, a well-known citizen of Fairfield township, is a grandson of Hugh A. Campbell, and is descended from the Argyle branch of the Campbell family of Scotland. Hugh A. Campbell was bora. May 15, 1783. He married Margaret Mather, and to this union the following named, children were born: Ann Eliza, who married Will iam Inscho, died September 14, 1839; Lorenzo Q., bora November 7, 1808, died December 25, 1884; Argyle, born Feb ruary 20„ 1810, died August 7, 1836; James, M., born November 15, 1812.; Angeline, bora November 8, 1815, mar ried James Burns, and died in Iowa; Hel^n, M., born April 6, 1818, died No- 25 vember 30, 1853; Margaret S., bora July 3, 1821, who married Jonathan Atherton; and DeWitt C, born December 23, 1823. In the spring of 1817 Hugh Campbell and his family set out from their home at Genoa, Cayuga Co., N. Y., for the "Fire lands" in Huron county, Ohio. Travel ing via Cleveland, Rocky river aud Nor walk, they arrived in Greenfield township and located on the farm where the father died August 23, 1861. At the time of their settlement here a small log hut stood in a one-acre clearing on this land, an oasis in the wilderness. From 1817 to 1861 the father of this large family toiled on the farm or at his trade, that of a shoe maker. In politics he was a Whig until the organization of the Republican party. He was a Presbyterian for many years and was a deacon in that church, but later he united with the Congregationalists. The mother, Margaret Mather, was truly a pio neer woman, and like her husband was a mem ber of the Presbyterian Church. The parents were buried in Steuben cemetery, Lorenzo Q. Campbell accompanied the family to Huron county, Qhio, in 1817. He learned the shoemaker's trade here from his father, and also learned the cooper's and carpenter's trades, and with all this obtained a primary education in the pioneer schools of Greenfield township. On April 15, 1834, he married Betsy Mathers, a native of Connecticut, who ac companied her parents to Huron county in girlhood, and to this union two children were born: Frank, born February 6, 1835, aud Satira, bora October 31, 1836 (she first married John H. Easter, later Jesse Snyder, and died September 4, 1864). The mother died January 26, 1837, the father many years afterward, on December 25, 1884. Like his father he was a Whig until the formation of the Republican party, and filled nearly every township office, serving as justice of the peace for many years. In religious connection he was a member of tlie Presbyterian Church, in which he held office. To him must be 460 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. credited the excellent condition of the homestead in Greenfield township, for, some years after his father's death, he built a substantial residence and made very many important improvements. Frank Campbell was born February 6, 1835, in Greenfield township. Up to the age of twelve years he attended the com mon schools of his district, and then went to the Hillsdale (Mich.) Academy, subse quently attending the Ohio Normal School at Milan. School days over, he resumed farm life and worked for his father until the latter's death. On September 26, 1860, he married Martha J. Shonrds, who was born February 5, 1841, in Cayuga county, N. Y., daughter of Daniel Shourds, who settled in Huron county. The only ehild born to this marriage is Mary Del, who was married October 6, 1891, to Roscoe B. Fisher, of Sandusky, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell are members of the Congregational Church. In politics Mr. Campbell is a Republican, fie has traveled considerably over his native coun try, and passed eighteen months on the Pacific coast. He is an active farmer and a skilled apiarist, much interested in bee culture. HELTON. When far advanced in life, Gershon Shelton (grandfather of Charles R. and Henry S. Shel ton, of Wakeman township) came to Ohio, settling in Vermillion township (at that time in Huron county, now in Erie), where, during the later days of his life, he was engaged in broom making. His children, all of whom were bora in Connecticut, were as follows: Jennette (Mrs. French); Julia, Sallie and Daniel, all three deceased; William, in Vermillion township, Erie county; and Lyman and Gershon (both deceased). The last named, father of Charles R. and Henry S., was reared on the home farm in Connecticut, receiving a limited subscription-school edu cation during a few months jn the win ter season. About the year 1825 he came to Huron county, and trading a small piece of improved land in Connecticnt for a large tract of wild land in Wakeman township, he set to work to improve it, first building for himself a substantial log cabin. This tract consisted of 240 acres lying a short distance south of the present site of Wakeman village. Here by in dustrious labor and judicious management he cleared his land, having at the time of his death the best improved farm in the locality. His wife was Hepsey, daughter of David Smith, both natives of Connecti cut, and who were among the first settlers of Wakeman township. To this union were born four children, to wit: Henri- ette (Mrs. Joseph Hoskins), living in Wakeman; Charles R., sketch of whom follows; Mary Ann (Mrs. Green), a widow, having her home in Wakeman; and Henry S., sketch of whom follows. The father passed from earth about the year 1840, a stanch Democrat, and a useful adviser of his party. When he first came to Huron county, wild animals of many kinds roamed the forest at will, wolves being particularly troublesome. While building his log cabin, with the assistance of the few far- scattered neighbors, darkness set in the first day considerably before the work was completed. Thereupon, having to wait till next morning, the little party gathered together their provisions, together with a sufficient amount of firewood, and laid themselves down to rest for the night. Suddenly they were awakened by most ferocious howls and yelpings, and starting to their feet found to their dismay that tbey were snrrounded by a pack of raven ous wolves. Being totally unarmed, and the danger imminent, they at once betook themselves to places of security — some climbing trees, others the half-built house — and, in no little fear for their safety, in that manner passed the rest of the night. With the grey dawn of morning, the wolves, disappointed of their prey, retired HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 461 to the fastnesses of the forest, and the he roes of our narrative descended to terra , firma, and completed the building with out further molestation. Chaeles R. Shelton, a retired farmer of Wakeman township, and now proprie tor of a prosperous hardware business in the town of Wakeman, was born January 3, 1820, in Oxford township, New Haven Co., Conn., and was there reared. In his boyhood he received an elementary educa tion, and after attaining his majority at tended Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, one year, and further improved his educa tion by considerable home study and care ful reading. When his widowed mother married a second time, our subject formed the resolution to " paddle his own canoe," struck out for himself, and for some years worked on farms. In the spring of 1851 he married Miss Eunice O. Whitney, a daughter of Abel Whitney, of Florence township, Erie county, and Mr. Shelton then followed teaming, buying timber and hauling it to Ashland, where he traded it , for wheat, which in turn he conveyed to Milan, Erie county, where it was sold, that town being, on account of a canal connecting it with Lake Erie, an impor tant market point for wheat and other pro duce. After three years so engaged, Mr- Shelton, having made and saved money, bought land in Wakeman township, in creased by fifty acres of wild land left to him by his father. This he cleared and further added to until he was owner of a considerable amount of good farm land, at one time owning 500 acres; but he has sold and given away a great deal, and now has 143 acres, all in excellent condition. In 1886 he retired from agricultural pur suits, and coming to the town of Wake man. began what has proven a successful mercantile career, and now conducts a thriving hardware establishment. In his political sympathies he is a straight Re publican, and years ago held many offices of public trust; in religions faith he and his wife are members of tbe Methodist Church. During the Civil war he was de barred from joining the Union army through physical disability, but in giving pecuniary assistance he was as generous as he was loyal. Heney S. Shelton, a well-known prom inent farmer and stock raiser of Wake man township, is probably the wealthiest among the agricultural community of his section. He is a native of the township, born November 10, 1832, on the old homestead, a part of which he now owns. He received his elementary education in his native township, and he well remem bers the old red schoolhouse with its primi tive furnishings, and not less primitive " dominie." After a time he attended the schools of Milan, Erie county,and later,Ober- lin College, at Oberlin, Ohio, taking apartial course. When he was about ten years old his mother married a Mr. Squiers, of the " inn " at Milan, and he was there reared, being employed, from time to time after leaving school, on the surrounding farms. Being gifted with more than ordinary strength, and having naturally industrious habits, his services were much sought after and appreciated. At the age of thirteen he, unassisted, sowed to wheat thirteen acres of newly cleared land, from which he harvested 133 bushels,, from the proceeds of the sale of which he invested in a team of oxen, and an old " Scotch drag." Thus equipped, he began the cultivation of his mother's portion of his father's small es tate. Meanwhile, his stepfather having died, his twice- widowed mother and he continued to live together, for his true filial devotion for her, and her love for him, would never permit a separation, he toiling and saving his earnings that she might be comfortably cared for in her fast declining years. By the time he reached his majority our subject had saved some sixteen hundred dollars, and he then married Miss A. M., daughter of Hoxey and Abigail Benson, natives of Dutchess county, N. Y '., by which union there are no children. This 462 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. wife dying after eleven years of married life, Mr. Shelton, for his second spouse, wedded Miss Antoinette Vincent, of Clarksfield township, Huron county, who bore him children as follows: Charles H., a resident of Berlin Heights, Ohio; Mary E. (Mrs. Charles Todd), in Wakeman; and Addie B., George H., Myron A. and Harry S., all at home. The mother of these was called from earth in April, 1890. Politically, our subject is a Republican; a devoted adherent of the Methodist Church, he is a liberal supporter of same, and he is a useful and influential member of society. He is now the owner of 350 acres of land in Wakeman township, and forty in Clarksfield, and his remarkable success is clearly the result of his assiduous indus try, indomitable perseverance and good management. HIRAM LATHAM, a prosperous grocer of Lyme, and agent for the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway, is ¦J) a native of Huron county, born June 9, 1835, a son of Alexander W. and Anna (Wood) Latham. Alexander W. Latham was bora in 1806 in Connecticut, where he passed his child hood and youth, attending the district schools of his neighborhood, and working on his father's farm. Feeling desirous of making a new home for himself, where he could have better opportunities for ac cumulating money, he journeyed west and located in Sherman township, Huron Co., Ohio, where for sixty years he was promi nently identified with its interests and progress. Nature endowed him with a great amount of tact and energy, charac teristics that enabled him to win the re spect of his new neighbors and to succeed in business. The country at that time was in an undeveloped condition, and he shared the hardships incident to pioneer life. It was his aim to deal fairly with every man, and at his death, which occurred in 1889, he was sincerely mourned by all who knew him. He devoted his attention exclusively to agricultural pursuits, and worked dili gently in cultivating his farm. He mar ried Miss Anna Wood, a native of Penn sylvania, and their union was blessed with four children: Thomas (deceased), Ly man (deceased), Hiram and Riley. His wife passed away in 1879, after having passed uiany useful and happy years with ter husband and children. The subject of this biographical memoir received his education in Huron county, attending the rude log schools in his dis trict. Until a year ago he engaged in farming, since which time has been agent for the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway. His wife is postmistress at Lyme, and as sists in conducting their grocery business. Mr. Latham was married, April 19, 1860, to Miss Mary A. Evans, who was born in London, England, and came to America with her parents in 1849, and of their union have been born five children, viz.: Wilbur H, Thomas W., Fred E., Arthur W. and Stella M. The family are mem bers of the Episcopal Church, of which they are liberal supporters. Mr. Latham is a member of Raby Lodge, Monroeville, A. F. & A. M., and of the I. 6. O. F., Subordinate Lodge No. 122. He was at one time elected justice of the peace, but did not serve, and has been assessor for four terms. He is a wide-awake, active busi ness man, and popular in the commercial and social circles of Lyme township. FREDERICK PARROTT (deceased), who for many years was a leading farmer of Fairfield township, was born March 24, 1825, in England. His father, William Parrott, also a native of England, immigrated to America, locat ing in Ripley township, Huron Co., Ohio, where he resided for a few years with his family. He then returned to England on a visit, during which time his family be came scattered; and after his return he re- HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 463 sided with our subject the remainder of his life. Of his children, one resides in Ripley township, Huron county; three of the daughters make their home in Toledo, Ohio, and one resides in Bloomington, Illinois. Our subject was but sixteen years of age at the time of his immigration to America, but even then he was looked upon by the family as the provider. His education was consequently somewhat limited, but in after life he devoted much of his leisure time to reading, thus acquiring a store of valuable general information. He was one of those who " felled the giant oak, " cleared from the land the brush and waste, and made thereon a home for himself and his family, destined then to be what it is now, one of the handsomest of rural homes to be found in Huron county. Mr. Par rott was married October 7, 1847, to Miss Rosa M. Smith, daughter of Aaron and Esther (Wallin) Smith, natives of New York State, who came to Fairfield town ship, Huron county, when it was yet a vast wilderness. The land upon which they located is that on which Mrs. Par rott now resides. Upon his marriage our subject purchased the interests of the "heirs apparent" to the Smith place, and assumed control and ownership of the large farm. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, late in their lives, moved to the West, where they resided with their children until they de parted this life, the latter dying January 18,1851. * y To our subject and wife were born three children, as follows: Phonie, de ceased; William, who is now a representa tive of the D. W. Osborne Machine Co., of Auburn, N. Y.; and Smith, at home. Mr. Parrott was very much interested in all kinds of machinery; for many years he was a thresher, owning and operating one of the first threshing machines in Huron county. ¦ He also took the first threshing outfit into the State of Wisconsin, where, to enable him to do business with the ma chinery, it was necessary to insure the stock of grain against fire before he would be permitted on the premises of the own ers. He was also engaged in selling various machines, and for years represented in his locality the firm in whose employ his son William now is. Mr. Parrott was a Democrat, and while takino- an active interest in the affairs of his country, he was not a politician, thongh for a number of years he held the office of township trustee. Mrs. Parrott is a member of the Disciple Church. yjILLIAM H. ERDRICH, a prom- ' inent business man of Bellevue, was born in that city in 1858, a son of Joseph and Pervis (Lutz) Erdrich, the former a native of Baden, Germany, the latter of Ohio. Joseph Erdrich emigrated to the United States in 1855, and in 1861 established a cooperage in Bellevue, Huron Co., Ohio, carrying same on until his death, which occurred in 1889, when he was in his sixty-fourth year. His widow still resides here, where her parents had settled in 1820; her father was born in Pennsylvania about tbe year 1800, and died at the age of eighty-eight; her mother died in the "sixties." William H. Erdrich was educated in the public schools of Bellevue, in which town he grew to manhood, learning the cooper's trade in his father's shop. As has been stated, the industry was estab lished in 1861, and the work was all done by band until 1880, when steam power and modern machinery were introduced. The specialty of the cooperage is a light cask, made in imitation of foreign casks, the tannin being so extracted from the wood as to insure its future contents against discoloration. The founder of this cooperage saw it grow into a great industry before his death, and left to his widow and sons a valuable plant and a more valuable business. Casks are made in all sizes, and of all suitable woods. The trade, which extends from Buffalo, N. Y., 464 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. to Omaha, Neb., is steadily growing, and with it the reputation of this Bellevue in dustry. When running on full time the establishment gives employment to forty men, and produces 60,000 light casks per annum. The equipment for handling the output is arranged with a view to economy in labor, as is also the machinery. Since the death of their father, our subject and a brother have conducted the business with much ability. William H. Erdrich was married to Miss Amelia Gelle, and to them were bora two children, Eugene and William. In 1885 Mr. Erdrich was elected clerk of Lyme township, aud was re-elected six times. He has been president of the Water- Works Company for over four years, and is closely connected with public affairs in township and city. Besides his cooperage he is in terested in other business enterprises, and is a wide-awake citizen. Politically a Democrat, he gives loyal service to his party. In social affairs he is a member of of the I. O. O. F. and of the Elks, being a popular member of both associations. J OHN F. GRABILL, M. D., one of the k. I prominent physicians of Townsend \LJ) township, was born in Hayesville, Ashland Co., Ohio, February 19, 1856, a son of Samuel aud Elizabeth (Habeck) Grabill. Samuel Grabill was born in Germany, received a classical education in a college in that country, and was there married to Miss Elizabeth Habeck, also a native of the Fatherland. In 1830 Samuel Grabill emigrated from his native country, and after reaching America located in Ashland county, Ohio, where he purchased a par tially improved farm near Hayesville and engaged in agricultural pursuits. During his early life he served several years as cavalryman under Napoleon, participated in many of the most noted battles fought by that Emperor, and was several times wounded. His death occurred in the fall of 1870, when he was eighty-two years of age. Both he and his wife were devoted members of the Lutheran Church. His parents, who lived always in Germany, were quite wealthy, his father owning and controlling a large milling business. Dr. John F. Grabill was the fifth in order of birth of the seven children born to his parents. He received a common- school and academic education in his youth, attending the spring and fall ses sions of the Perrysville Academy about six years, and teaching during the winter months. In 1877 he commenced to study medicine, under the preceptorship of Doctors Erwin and Craig, of Mansfield, Ohio, and during the session of 1878-79 he attended lectures at the Medical De partment of the Western Reserve Univer sity of Cleveland, Ohio. In 1879-80 he attended the Miami University of Cin cinnati, Ohio, and graduated with honors in the class of 1880. The same year he began to practice his profession in Reeds- burgh, Ohio, but after four years located in Townsend township, Huron county. He has built up an extensive and lucrative practice, is remarkably successful in his treatment of patients, and is undoubtedly one of the most eminent physicians in Huron county. In the fall of 1880, Dr. Grabill married' Miss Rosina Buchanan, who was born in Hayesville, Ashland county, in July, 1856, a daughter of George and Rosina (Hyatt) Buchanan. Their marriage was blessed with two chil dren: Wade Hampton and Vera. Dr. Grabill is a member of the North Central Medical Society of Ohio, and is thoroughly posted in all the latest discoveries and ad vancements made in his profession. Politi cally he is a Republican. George Buchanan, father of Mrs. Gra bill, was born in Washington county, Penn., of Scotch descent. He was a man of splendid scholastic attainments, being a graduate of Washington College, both in the classical and theological departments. HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 465 Though prepared for the ministry, he had no inclination for the profession, and never entered it. He moved South, where he engaged in teaching, and where he was first married. But with the first signs of the Civil war he returned to Ohio, and settled in Ashland county, where he died in September, 1882, being eighty-two years of age. He was a lifelong member of the Presbyterian Church. ARTLETT DAVIS. In the year 1635 there came to America from Wales one Joseph Davis, a Cym- rodion of no small degree of promi nence in his day, and from him are de scended the numerous family of Davis in America. This Joseph Davis was born in 1617, and the best part of his life was passed in Roxbury, Mass. The next lineal descend ant, of whom there is record, was another Joseph, who owned a tract of land in what is now the South Gore of Oxford, Mass., and later bought land and settled in Wor cester, same State. He was engaged to some extent in mercantile business, and frequently made trips to Boston with farm produce, which he would exchange for groceries, etc., dealing in such extensively, and he was widely known as a man of the highest integrity. Aaron Davis (a twin), son of the last mentioned Joseph, and father of Bartlett Davis, was born in Massachusetts June 9, 1771. He was married November 29, 1800, at Dudley, in that State, to Thoma- sine Bartlett, of Dudley, whose father, Roger Bartlett, was a farmer by occupa tion, and had served in the war of the Revolution; so far as known he had three children — two daughters and one son. Af ter marriage Aaron Davis made his home for a time in Charlton, Mass., afterward went to Palmer. He was a laborer, and for thirty-two years suffered much from lameness caused by fever sores, which alone was the cause of his being a poor man up to the day of his death. About the year 1844 he went to Wisconsin, and at Bristol, Kenosha county, died Decem ber 19, 1849. He was a lifelong Whig in his political sympathies, but was never ambitious for office; his wife, who passed away August 9, 1866, was a member of the Congregational Church. The names of the children born to this couple are as follows: Pharos, Sarah, Dexter, Thom- asine, Aaron, Joseph, Bartlett, Wealthy Ann, Diantha and Samantha. Bartlett Davis, the subject proper of this sketch, was born May 14, 1815, in the town of Palmer, Mass., at the sub scription schools of which place he re ceived his education, necessarily very limited. At the early age of nine years he commenced work on a farm, receiving as compensation his board and clothes, and a few weeks instruction at the neighboring schools. At the age of sixteen he entered a woolen factory to learn the trade of spinner, and for the first year received six dollars per month for his services, after ward from twelve dollars to fourteen dol lars per month; and at the end of two years he had saved some two hundred and ten dollars. In 1836, in company with relatives, he came to Ohio, by way of the Erie canal to Buffalo, thence by lake to Sandusky, and from there by wagon to Bronson township, Huron county. After a summer's residence there, he and Calvin O. Chaffee jointly made a purchase of one hundred acres of wild land at five dollars per acre, in Hartland township, and built thereon a stout log house. In 1865 Mr. Davis built a handsome residence, and still owns eighty-three acres of as fine land as can be found in the county. On May 10, 1836, Bartlett Davis was united in marriage with Miss Maria Beal, daughter of William Beal, a native of Ver mont, and the children of this union were: Louisa (Mrs. E. Burr), deceased; Mary A. (Mrs. James Blakeman), in Hartland township, Huron county; Martha, de- 466 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. ceased; Flora, who died in infancy; Charles, who was a soldier in Company A, Twenty- fourth O. V. I., was wounded at Shiloh, and died in Jefferson barracks, Mo., while a member of the U. S. Signal Corps, in which he had enlisted after recovering from his wound; Lucy (Mrs. Ezra Webb), and Frank K, by trade a carpenter, living in Missouri. The mother of these died in April, 1850, and was buried in Norwalk; she was a member of the Methodist Church. On December 25, 1850, Mr, Davis married Miss Mary A. Jackson, daughter of John and Clarissa (Vandeveer) Jackson, of Elmira, N. Y., whose children were Maria, Clarissa, John and Mary A. Mr. Jackson was a soldier in the war of 1812, and was drowned in Lake Owasco, Cayuga Co., N. Y. ; his widow was subse quently intermarried witb James Hiles. Mrs. Mary A. Davis came to Huron county with the Monahan family in 1833. The children by this second marriage of Mr. Davis are: Milo O., married to Flora Fish, and Cora L., wi'fe of Ephraim Tem ple. Politically our subject is a Repub lican, formerly a Whig, aud for twenty years has served as trustee of Hartland, of which township he was constable for some time after his arrival. He and the entire family are members of the M. E. Church, with which he has been connected nearly sixty years, and has been trustee for some considerable time. Notwithstanding his years, Mr. Davis is bale and hearty, enjoying excellent physical health, and he still supervises his farm, which in its pro ductiveness and neatness is a credit to the owner. DELBERT E. PECK, owner of 101 acres of prime farm land in ^ Wakeman township, is a native of the locality, born February 3, 1844, a son of Henry Peck. He was reared to the arduous duties of farm life, and remained with his father until he was twenty-six years old, when he commenced for his own account. Having saved a little money, and being assisted by his father, he in 1874 went west and bought a farm in Henry county, 111., re maining there nine years, and making a fair success.. In 1877 he revisited his old home, and married Miss Julia E. Sweet, daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Sweet, of Lo rain county, Ohio, bora of English par entage. Taking his young wife out to his western home, they there remained till 1883, when he sold the property and bought his present farm of 101 acres in Wakeman township. On it, same year, he built an elegant home, and put up about one and one-half miles of fence; his specialty, in addition to general farming, is the breeding of high-grade live stock. Mr. Peck is a pronounced Prohibitionist, and when he first went west was the only voter on that ticket in Henry county, 111., where there are now eight votes. During the Civil war, in 1864, he enlisted in Com pany E, Capt. I. 0. Peck, One Hundred and Sixty-sixth O. V. I., one hundred- days men, and was mustered in at Cleve land. His brother Edward was a member of the Twenty-fourth O. V. I., having en listed at the commencement of the war, and was killed at the battle of Pittsburgh Landing (Shiloh). LUCIAN JONES,- a venerable and . respected pioneer of Sherman town- | ship, is a native of Vermont, born in Windsor county March 11, 1812. Bruce Jones, father of subject, was bora November 8, 1772, in Massachusetts, whence when a young man he moved to Vermont, and was there married Decem ber 6, 1804, to Miss L. Partridge, who was bora November 9, 1778, and died May 12, 1819. The record of the children by this marriage is as follows: Amanda was mar ried March 19, 1827, to Willard Crandall, and always resided in Vermont; Solon, born June 25, 1809, died in December, 1809; Lucian is the subject of this sketch, HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 467 and Steorn, born September 2, 1814, died November 11, 1862. For his second wife Bruce Jones married Miss Lucy Sanderson, who was born March 18, 1784, and died March 19, 1865. Three children were the result of this union, viz.: Lucretia, now the widow of P. Bright, living in New London, Huron county; Sarah, bora May 15, 1822, died September 6, 1838; and Susan E., bora April 8, 1827, unmarried. The father died in 1846. He had settled on the land in Sherman township, Huron county, on which some of his children are yet living. The subject of this sketch came to Huron county with his parents, aud has lived longer in Sherman township than any one else. He has never married. He is a Republican in politics, and one of the most highly respected citizens of his sec tion, honored the more, probably, on ac count of his blindness, caused by disease, an affliction he bears with Christian resig nation. His half-sister, Susan E., keeps house for him, and, Mr. Jones being very wealthy, has a vast amount of business to , transact, which she does with most com mendable care and accuracy. She also took care of her parents in their declining years.JH. BEATTIE, a leading clothier of New London, is a native of Ohio, born in Ruggles, Ashland county, in 1849, a son of John Beattie, a native of Scotland, who came to America at the age of twenty-one years. Our subject was reared in Ashland county, attending the common schools of the neighborhood of his birth, and also the academy at Savannah, same county. In 1874 he commenced business for his own account, having previously served as clerk in various mercantile houses in New Lon don, but closed out his business in 1877. In 1889 he opened out his present cloth ing and merchant tailoring establishment in New London, and it has become the leading one of its kind in the place. In 1874 Mr. Beattie was married to Miss Martha L. Middlesworth, of Knox ville, Iowa, and six children, as follows, have been born to them: Edna Mary, F. J. M., Jennie Alberta, Louie Isabel, Les ter M. and Alice. Our subject is a mem ber of the F. & A. M., Royal Arcanum, Knights of Honor, and National Union. In politics he is a Republican, and has been a delegate to various conventions; was State delegate for his party when Foraker was nominated for governor, and also when McKinley was the nominee of the party for tbe same office. d( USTICE TOWNSEND, the popnlar and courteous proprietor of the I "Gregory House," New London, is a native of Huron county, born in Hartland township in 1852. His father, D. T. Townsend, was born in Ulster county, N. Y., whence when twenty-one years old he came to Huron county, Ohio, making a settlement in Greenwich township. Here he married Miss G. W. Dewitt, a native of JNew York State, born in 1828, and three children came to them, two of whom are yet living, our subject being second in order of. birth. The parents after marriage moved to Hart land township, Huron county, where the mother is yet living; the father died at the age of sixty-five years; he was by trade a millwright, and operated a sawmill; in politics he was a Republican, and in relig ious faith a member of the M. E. Church, as is his widow. Justice Townsend received a liberal edu cation at the common schools of Hartland township, Huron county, as well as at the schools of Milan, Erie county, for a time, after which he commenced business. His first experience was on a farm, where he remained one year; he then went west to Beatrice, Neb., where he was in a sheep business two years, after which he returned home and bought a farm, which he con- 468 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. ducted one and one-half years. We next find Mr. Townsend, for he was never idle, conducting a grocery business in Norwalk, Huron county, up to the time of his father's death, when he returned to the homestead, on which he remained about three years. Embarking then in the grain and general stock trade in Clarksfield, Huron county, he built an elevator, and continued in the business two years, at the end of which time he went into the hotel business in the same town, remaining in it some four years. In 1891 he became proprietor of the "Gregory House" in New London, and has since been its genial and obliging host, meeting with well- merited success, at the same time conduct ing his farm. In 1873 Mr. Townsend was united in marriage with Miss Mabel Mer rick, a native of Knox county, Ohio, and four children were born to them, viz.: One deceased in infancy, Charles O., Julia E. and John. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend are adherents of the M. E. Church; so cially he is a member of the K. O. T. M., and in politics he is a solid Republican. 0 TIS SYKES, the oldest and most prominent business man at Chicago Junction, was born May 2, 1847, in Richmond township, Huron Co., Ohio. Daniel Sykes, his father, was born June 6, 1806, at East Berkshire, Franklin Co., Vt., where he attended school, afterward working on the home or neighboring farms until 1827, when he determined to seek a wider field for his industry in New York State. The following three years he passed at Sweden, Monroe Co., N. Y., as a farm hand, and there, on April 5, 1832, he was married to Arabella'Butler. In May of that year he visited Michigan, purchased a quarter section of United States lands, and passed the summer there, clearing the land and preparing a home. That fall, on returning to Monroe county, N. Y., he was urged by his friends to settle in Ohio, and in October, accompanied by his young wife and a few friends, set out for that State. The journey was made by wagon to Buf falo, and thence to Sandusky by lake-boat. At this point Daniel Sykes separated from the party, leaving his wife in care of her uncle, who took her to Milan on horseback. Her husband went to Michigan to dispose of his land there, but failed in his mission, returned to Huron county, Ohio, and pur chased forty acres of wild land one and a half miles northwest of Greenfield Center. On this tract was a small log cabin, and into it the young pioneer couple moved, to begin life in the wilderness. With un daunted courage Daniel began the work of clearing the forest. He had yet to pay for this forty-acre tract, for his earnings were nearly all invested in the Michigan pur chase. With strong heart and hands and a brave wife he persevered, and with in a comparatively short space of time succeeded, not only in paying for the land, but also in obtaining various household articles and comforts. In 1836 he sold the old farm and purchased sixty acres in Richmond township from a Mr. McMas- ter, on which the home was established. A few years later he purchased an adjoin ing tract of sixty acres from Robert Asians; but owing to a defect in the title, Mr. Sykes was compelled to pay for this property a second time, to Henry Mills, the actual owner. Mr. Sykes had now a good farm of 120 acres, with substantial buildings, and all this he made out of his labor, before his children were old enough to help. His death, which occurred June 10, 1883, was the result of an accident; while crossing the railroad he was struck by a locomotive, fell under the wheels, and his lower limbs were severed from his body. He was a man of few words but of many deeds, and was loved wherever known. Of the eight children born to Daniel and Arabella Sykes, five grew to maturity, a brief record of them being as follows: HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 469 William H. is a physician at Plymouth; Andrew J. served in the Fifty-fifth 0. V. I., and was killed at Resaca, Ga. ; Royal, who served in the Third 0. V. C, died of typhoid fever at Pittsburg Landing; Aurilla resides on the old homestead in Richmond township; Otis is the subject proper of this sketch. In religious faith Mr. Sykes was a Baptist; in politics he was origin ally a Democrat, and later became a Re publican. Otis Sykes was educated in the district schools of his native township. On August 13, 1862, while yet a mere boy, he en tered the United States service with Com pany C, One Hundred and Twenty-third O. V. I., and going to the front with the command, participated in many of the brilliant engagements which took place in the Shenandoah Valley, taking part in the battle of Winchester (where the famous cavalry officer, Sheridan, saved tbe day), in the Lynchburg raid, and in the battle of Staunton, Va. At Winchester he lost his left limb, and was sent to the field hos pital. Thence he was removed to the hos pital at Baltimore, and later to that at Philadelphia, where he remained until June 6, 1865, when he received an hon orable discharge and returned to his home. Some time later he commenced the study of dentistry at Plymouth, Ohio, and prac ticed his profession for three years. In 1872 he established a drug store at Wa bash, Ind., which he carried on until 1876, and then came to Chicago Junction, where in 1878 he opened his present drug busi ness, to which he has since given his ex clusive attention. Mr. Sykes, in his poli tical preferences, is a Republican, and on the incorporation of the town of Chicago Junction was elected a member of tbe first council. He was also a member of the school board, and in both offices exercised a wide influence for good. In Society af fairs he is a member of Chicago Junction Lodge No. 748, I. 0. 0. F. In 1873 Mr. Sykes was married to Miss Elizabeth A., daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Miller, and to this union the fol lowing named children were bom: Maud I., who died in 1891, aged fifteen year's, and Doris, who resides with her parents. Mr. Sykes began mercantile life with little or no assistance, and through his own ef forts he has not only built up a prosper ous business, but also that which is more difficult to acquire and sustain- — a fine reputation. E'NOCH HEAL. The beginning of the modern buildings of Bellevue I may be credited to the year in which Enoch Heal arrived there. Mr. Heal was born February 1, 1826, in Devon shire, England, and learned the trade of stone and brick mason under his father. He was married in his native country, and in 1849 emigrated to the United States, arriving at Bellevue, Ohio, the same year. His first work here was the building of the stone gristmill. Later he put up the old stone residence for Dr. Woodward, and he has sinceAbeen continuously engaged as contractor and builder, and as stone and brick mason, building many of the sub stantial structures now found in Bellevue, Monroeville and Norwalk. From 1849 to the present time his home has been at Bellevue, save for eleven weeks in 1873, which he with his wife and relatives passed in England. During the Civil war, when Cincinnati was threatened by the Confederate forces, he joined a Bellevue company, and went to the front to defend the city. Mr. Heal was united in marriage with Elizabeth C. Joint, and to this union were born ten children, a brief record of whom is as follows: One child died in infancy; Elizabeth C. is the widow of W. K. Hil- bert; Emma is the wife of Dr. Lanterman; Mary is the wife of W. E. Miller; Amelia is married to George C. Beckworth, of Bellevue; W. A. is a clerk in the "Ball House" at Fremont; Nellie is the wife of R. H. Boyer, of Minneapolis, Minn.; 470 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Francis P. is a druggist in Bellevue; New ton W. is a traveling salesman; Nettie E. is the wife of C. B. Cupp, a druggist. The mother of this large family died De cember 18, 1883. She carried on a milli nery store here for about twenty years. In October, 1891, Mr. Heal married Carrie W. Dunning, a native of New Y^ork State, who for some time was a stenographer at Chicago, and for about three years was engaged in the dry-goods business at Bellevue. In political life Mr. Heal is a Prohibitionist, and in church connection a Congregationalist. Mr. Heal is the em ployer of a number of skilled mechanics and laborers, is the owner of valuable property at Bellevue, and altogether is a shining example of industry and enterprise. The parents of Mr. Heal, Enoch and Elizabeth (Tamliu) Heal, came from Devonshire, England, to America in 1854, and located at Bellevue, Ohio, where the mother died in 1868, the father in 1872. He had been twice married, the subject of this sketch being one of the children born to the second marriage. Our subject has two full sisters and one full brother, the latter and one of the sisters — Mrs. Eliza beth Head, a widow — being residents of Bellevue. Four sons in the family were stone masons. ELMER E. MoKESSON, proprietor of a leading grocery establishment ! in Bellevue, is a son of James Mc Kesson, a native of Pennsylvania. Many years ago James McKesson lo cated in Erie county, Ohio, where he fol lowed farming and railroad work. When a young man he was united in marriage with Mayetta Provut, a native of the State of New York, and to this union were born four children, Elmer E. being the young est. The father is now a resident of Bellevue, and is still farming. Elmer E. McKesson was born Novem ber 16, 1862, in Erie county, Ohio, where he attended the common schools. He selected a life companion in the person of Helen M. Riese, a young lady who moved in the highest social circles of Bellevue. On March 1, 1891, Mr. McKesson em barked in a grocery business, which is very prosperous, as he carries a full line of excellent goods. B> AVID BORES. Of the industrious |j and prosperous German settlers of ^ I Sherman township, Huron county, none is more deserving of the re spect and esteem of the community than this gentleman. Mr. Bores was born January 24, 1832, in Nassau, Prussia, a son of John and Catherine Bores, the former of whom was by trade a harness maker. David received his education in his native land, and learned harness making of his father. At about the age of twenty-two years' he set sail for the United States in the good ship "Southampton," and after a voyage of twenty-eight days landed in New York December 13 following — "a stranger in a strange land." After a few days sojourn in New York City be came westward to Ohio, making his first stop in the Buckeye State at Monroeville, Huron county, where for three months he was employed by Philip Knoll at six dollars per month. He next moved to Indiana, and worked as a laborer on the railroad then being .con structed between Indianapolis and Peru. Returning to Huron county, he engaged with Christ Knoll, with whom he worked some time, but, suffering from fever and ague for three years, he was almost totally incapacitated for labor of any kind. After a partial recovery from his illness, Mr. Bores married, in 1855, Miss Anna Mary Fachinger, also a native of Nassau, Prussia, daughter of John Fachinger, who came with his family to the United States when Mrs. Bores was twenty-six years old. After marriage our subject, though still uuwell, worked as a farm hand in Lyme township, Huron county, and then rented HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 471 farms for six years. In 1862 he purchased fifty acres of wild land in Sherman town ship, Huron county, at forty dollars per acre; this he has by hard work and assidu ous industry converted into a productive farm. He went into debt for this prop erty, and has not only succeeded in paying for it, but has added thereto until now he has 240 acres of prime land, in the ac cumulating of which, and in the convert ing of the farm generally, he has been ably and faithfully assisted by his amiable wife. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Bores were as follows: Joseph, who died young; Henry, a farmer of Sherman township; Elizabeth, Mrs. Chris. Wilhelm, of Leip sic, Putnam Co., Ohio; August, a farmer of Sherman township; John, living at home; and Emma, now Mrs. Wilhelm Rintrlein, of Putnam county, Ohio. Poli tically our subject is a Democrat, and he has held the office of school director with acceptability. He and his wife are mem bers of the Catholic Church, of which he is trustee. He is a typical self-made man, and considering his long period of sickness and the expenses incident to same, he has been wonderfully successful. I OHN F. GURNEY, one of the most k. I extensive farmers of Richmond town- %j) ship, was born November 10, 1832, a son of Samuel and Jane (Cross) Gurney. In 1838 the parents came to Ohio, bringing their family, which then con sisted of four children, viz.: Olive Jane, now the widow of John Detweiler, of Mansfield, Ohio; John F., who is men tioned farther on; Oliver, of Bellville, Ohio; and Lewie, a bricklayer and plas terer, of Mansfield. After coming to Ohio they had born to them one child, Sarah Elizabeth. When Samuel Gurney arrived in Ohio he settled near Bellville. Richland ¦county, where he owned one of the best farms in the secbioaa, being a man of no small means. He was possessed of con siderable genius as a mechanic, and in vented a shingle machine, a contrivance for pulling stumps, and also a machine for converting palm leaves into fans; while in the South he made many profitable sales of his inventions, and it is supposed that he was killed in New Orleans for his money. Some time later his widow mar ried, for her second husband, Hiram Bailey; she died about 1878 near Bellville, Richland county, where she was buried. John F. Gurney was about six years old when he came with the rest of the family to Ohio. He received the greater part of his education from a private instructor in the person of his employer, John C. Bate man, a farmer of Knox county, Ohio, and attended school very little, in fact for only one winter. Being the eldest son the family depended principally on him after the death of the father, and at the age of eighteen he commenced to learn plaster ing, serving an apprenticeship of three years, after which he bought out his em ployer, William C. Weirick, and continued in the business for twenty-one years in Mansfield and vicinity. On January 6, 1856, he was united in marriage with Miss Lavina Tinkey, who was born De cember 16, 1829, in Washington county, Penn., daughter of George and Elizabeth (Swickard) Tinkey, who came to Ohio in 1853, locating in Richland county. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Gurney rented a house in Bellville, where they resided for about ten years, and then purchased a small place south of the town, where they made their home another ten years. On July 19, 1874, they came to Richmond township, Huron Co., Ohio, locating on their present farm, where Mr. Gurney has ever since been actively engaged in agri culture and stock raising. To our subject and wife bave been born children as fol lows: Elizabeth Jane, Mrs. James L. Frederick, of Chicago Junction, Ohio; Ann Eliza, Mrs. William Cox, of Rich mond township; Mary Inez, Mrs. D. B. Ziegler, of Plymouth; Otis Washington, a 472 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. farmer of Hicksville, Ohio ; Ella May, Mrs. Portice Williams, of Fostoria, Ohio; and Martha Adele, Mrs. J. A. Rang, of Chi cago Junction. In May, 1864, Mr. Gurney enlisted, for one hundred days' service, in Company D, One Hundred and Sixty-third Regiment O. V. 1. (of which he had been a member for five years), and participated in the en gagements in the Shenandoah Valley, around Richmond, etc., serving with special bravery and distinction; on one occasion he was one of four soldiers, who, after having been ordered to surrender, defied and held at bay 300 rebels, until their comrades rallied and captured the enemy. Our subject is the owner of 268 acres of most excellent land, the result of his own unremitting energy and industry, and his continual perseverance in improving and cultivating. This tract, located in the north end of what was known as the " Black Swamp," was once a vast swamp, and was considered practically worthless; but it is now the most productive land in this section of the county. Mr. Gurney is a member of the Republican party, but takes no active part in politics; in religious connection he was originally a Cumber land Presbyterian, but is now a member of the U. B. Church, and he has always con tributed liberally toward churches and church work. J OHN A. HETTEL, retired farmer of Peru township, was born March 20, 1816, in Germany, and is a son of John A. Hettel, a hatter who emi grated to the United States with his family in 1834. They sailed from the port of Havre, France, and after a voyage of thirty days landed at New York, proceeding thence by river, canal and lake boats to Huron, Ohio, and from that village to the wilderness of what is now the beautiful township of Peru. Here the father purchased, at ten dollars per acre, the land on which there was at that time a clearing of six acres, and increased gradually the area of the tract. Mr. Hettel and his wife resided on this tract until their death. Each arrived at a ripe old age, living to see some of their children settled, and fair provision made for the younger members of the family. The pioneers rest in St. Peter's Catholic cemetery at Norwalk, where so many of the early settlers are buried. John A. Hettel, was eighteen years old when he accompanied the rest of the family into the wilderness of Ohio. He had re ceived a good education in his native land, and after coming to America assisted his father in making a new home. On November 15, 1847, he married Miss Maggie Horn, who was bora February 10, 1822, near the birthplace of Mr. Hettel, and came to the United States with her father, Joseph Horn, in 1843, residing for the next three years in Massachusetts, when the family came to Huron county. The following named children have been bora to Mr. and Mrs. Hettel: Louisa, Rose, Albert and Louis, all deceased when young; Anna M., residing at home; John F., a farmer in Peru township; Edward A., a farmer of Henry county, Ohio, and Frank A., residing at home. The mother of this family died July 25, 1887, and was buried in the Catholic cemetery at Monroeville. From the period of her marriage until her death the old home stead, still occupied by Mr. Hettel, was her home. Mr. Hettel, though retired from active work, is not an idle onlooker. Rounding out as he now is fourscore years, he is still hale and hearty, and takes especial pride in seeing the farm which he helped to hew out of the forest grow in beauty and productiveness at the hands of his children. In his old age he can look back over a useful and honorable life, and take pride in the children who grew up around him. Lie appreciates the assistance he has received from them and their mother, who has passed away, in amassing, or rather the HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 473 making, the wealth which he calls his own, and which they will enjoy after him. Since the mother's death, his daughter, Anna Mary, has been mistress of the old home, while the farm is managed by the sons. Mr. Hettel has always been a con sistent Republican, but takes no active in terest in party affairs. He and his chil dren hold to the Catholic faith, and as he aided in planting it in northern Ohio, so his sons and daughters to-day aid in sus taining it. TEPHEN BERRY, a wealthy and highly honored agriculturist of Lyme township, was born March 12, 1844, in Waldo township, Marion county, Ohio, a son of Henry and Christina (Powel) Berry. Henry Berry was born in Virginia, and there received the most complete education afforded by the schools of that period. At an early age he became familiar witb agri cultural pursuits, an occupation which en gaged his exclusive attention until his death, which occurred in 1882. He was a man of unusual culture and sterling worth, and used his wealth to succor the helpless neighbors who invariably appealed to him for assistance. His vast estate was highly cultivated, and his fortune of eighty thousand dollars carefully managed. He served in the war of 1812. He married Miss Christina Powel, a native of Penn sylvania, and of this union were bora nine children (six of whom are now living), viz. : Strander, Thomas, William, Stephen, Massey (Mrs. Barney Collins), Mary (Mrs. John Showers), Christina (Mrs. Jonathan Wrights, of, Michigan), Cordelia (Mrs. William Mills, who died in Bellevue) and one whose name is not given. The mother of this family died in 1872, after a life filled with kind impulses and generous deeds, and was sincerely mourned by her family, friends and neighbors. Stephen Berry was quite young when he came with his parents to Lyme town ship, where he has since continued to re side. He received an education in the district schools of the township, but his natural ability and the advantages of cul tured parents enabled him to attain a much greater degree of knowledge than the teachers of those days were prepared to impart to their pupils. For eight years he operated a sawmill, but has chiefly en gaged in agricultural pursuits, and owns two farms, one of forty-lour acres in Lyme township, the other comprising 102 acres, in Sherman township. At present he rents his land, and is surrounded by all the com forts that attend wealth. He is a Repub lican, and very prominent in the political circles of Huron county. Mr. Berry was married, in 1872, to Miss Priscilla Gensal, who was born in Pennsylvania, and their union has been blessed with two children: Ada and Arthur W. Mr. and Mrs. Berry are members of the Reformed Church, and. are actively interested in all charitable en terprises. I OSEPH SHERCK, who for four years k I —from April, 1882, to April, 1886— %Jj served as mayor of Bellevue, was born November 10, 1828, in Mifflin county, Penn. John and Magdalena (Krei- der) Sherck, parents of our subject, moved from Pennsylvania to Seneca county, Ohio, locating in Thompson township October 1, 1834. In 1868 the family migrated to Michigan, locating in St. Joseph county, where Mrs. Magdalena Sherck died in 1882; the father also died there. They reared a family of twelve children (onr subject being the eldest), of whom five are yet living. Joseph Sherck received a primary edu cation in the district school of Thompson township, Seneca county, and' afterward worked on the home farm, where he grew to manhood. On August 19, 1851, he married Barbara A. Decker, the youngest child of Jacob and Susanna (Billman) Decker. Jacob Decker is a son of John 474 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. and Julia Ann (Royer) Decker, who came in 1816 from Union county, Penn., to Wayne county, Ohio, and thence in 1830 to Seneca county, where Mrs. Sherck was born. To her marriage with Joseph Sherck two children were born, namely: Mary A., Mrs. Miller, of Seneca county, and Charles M., associated with his father in business at Bellevue. From the time of his mar riage until 1873 Mr. Sherck worked on the farm, and in 1860 purchased the 160 acres in the center of Thompson township, Seneca county, known as the Sherck home stead. While on this farm he was elected justice of the peace, and served in that position for nine years. In 1873 he moved to Bellevue, Huron county, and established a saddle and harness house, which he con ducted until 1884, when he engaged in the grain trade. To-day he operates the large elevator at Bellevue, and carries on a most extensive business in grain, seed, coal, plaster, salt, water- lime, etc. Mr. Sherck can trace his ancestry back 300 years, and for a century or more can claim this country as the family home. Prominent in Masonic work, he is a mem ber of the Lodge, Chapter and Council at Bellevue, and of the Commandery, K. T., at Norwalk, Ohio. In religious affairs he affiliates with the Methodist Episcopal Church. An active, enterprising business man, one who has taken a full part in the development of Bellevue, he enjoys, as he merits, the confidence of the community. 4J MJ. STAPF, general agent for all kinds of agricultural implements, with residence at Weaver's Cor ners, is a native of Pennsylvania, born in 1848, whence when five years old he was brought to Huron county, Ohio, by his parents. Mr. Stapf received his education at tbe public schools of Bellevue, Huron county, and learned the trade of butcher, at which he worked in various places. Abandoning this business, he secured a position as trav eling salesman for Nicholas Seckler, wholesale liquor dealer, Cleveland, his territory covering the States of Ohio and Pennsylvania, and in this line he remained some eighteen years. He then came to Weaver's Corners, Huron county, where he has since been successfully engaged in his present business, doing a large and profitable trade. In 1869 Mr. Stapf was married to Miss Catherine Walter, and eight children were born to them, namely: George, Hester, Rosa, Frank, Nettie, Henry, Lucy and John. Politically our subject is an active Republican, and has been assessor of Sherman township two years; socially he is a member of the I. O. O. F. and K. of P.; in Church con nection he is a Lutheran. Frederick and Christina (Baer) Stapf, parents of M. J., immigrated from Ger many to this country, and they took up their residence in Bellevue, Huron Co., Ohio, where the father followed bis busi ness, that of brewer. He died in 1887 at the age of seventy-five years; his widow, now seventy-six years old, the mother of four children, is living with her son M. J., and with him enjoys the respect and es teem of the community. l^ILLIAM WELLS VAN GOR- ^Jl DER, a prominent and influential M[ citizen of New London, where he conducts a flourishing furniture store and undertaking establishment, is a native of Willoughby township, Lake Co., Ohio, born September 23, 1834. Peter Van Gorder, his father, married Miss Martha Allen, and nine children were born to them, named respectively: Allen, Mary, Sarah Ann, Henry, John, Miranda, Martha, Daniel and William W. The last named, our subject, received a liberal edu cation at the common schools of the neigh borhood of his place of birth, and aj the age of seventeen commenced to learn car pentry, working at the same for others for HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 475 about three years, by the end of which time he had saved about three hundred dollars, being thus enabled to commence business for his own account. For eleven years he followed the trade with varying success, and found himself the possessor of five thousand dollars of hard-earned cash, which he invested in property, and then embarked in his present business. Mr. Van Gorder was united in marriage with Miss Angeline Sarah King, by which union there is one child, Lillian Adelaide, who was first married to Dr. Andrews, by whom she has two children, named Mil dred and Ermy. Dr. Andrews dying, his widow was subsequently married to Mr. Sheerer, who controls the lecture course in a college in Cincinnati. As will readily be seen, Mr. Van Gorder is a self-made man in the strictest sense of the expres sion. He is a director of the First National Bank of New London, and one of the most enterprising citizens of the town. Poli tically he is a strong Prohibitionist, hav ing been a member of that party since its organization. Jfr-UGH KENDEIGH, an enterpris- ';H ing, highly respected farmer citizen I of Townsend township, was born October 15, 1828, in Westmoreland county, Penn. He is the second child in a family of six born to Daniel and Sarah (McKinney) Kendeigh, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania, and of German and Scotch-Irish descent re spectively. Daniel Kendeigh received no education in youth, never having attended school a day in his life; but after attaining to man hood's years he succeeded, by his own ex ertions, in obtaining sufficient education for the ordinary transactions of life, and was possessed of a varied stock of useful knowledge, acquired in the great school of experience. His youth was passed on the old homestead farm in Pennsylvania, where he was also married, soon after which 36 event he went to Pittsburgh, where he was engaged in the manufacture of brick for some four or five years. He then engaged in coal mining at the same place, in which he continued for some tenor twelve years, and in 1833 removed with his family to Amherst township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where he bought a partially-improved farm, and other lands in the same county. In 1840 he sold the home place in Lorain county and returned to Pittsburgh, remain ing three or four years, and then coming back to Lorain county, whence, after a residence of about one year, he removed to Lenawee county, Mich., selling his prop erty. In Michigan he purchased a farm whereon he resided and engaged in agri cultural pursuits until his death, which occurred in 1885, when he was in his seventy-second year. In 1863 he enlisted in a Michigan volunteer regiment, serving under Gen. Gilmore in South Carolina, aud participating with his regiment in all its marches and engagements until the close of the war. Both he and his wife were earnest lifelong members of the Presby terian Church. The McKinney family were among the early pioneers of the old Keystone State, and took an active part in the progress and development of that Commonwealth in the early Colonial days. Hugh Kendeigh received a fair English education in youth at the select and sub scription schools of bis native State and also in Ohio, and remained with his par ents until he was about twenty-three years old, when he commenced the battle of life on his own account. He bought wild land in Townsend township, Huron Co., Ohio, where he subsequently improved a farm. This he sold in 1862, the next year, 1863, buying another farm in the same township, where he yet resides, and has since been successfully engaged in agricultural pur suits. The place is well improved and under a high state of cultivation. Mr. Kendeigh was married iu 1855 to Miss Hannah Love, who was a native of New Jersey, born in 1836, daughter of Andrew 476 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. and Eliza (Kelsey) Love, both also natives of New Jersey. Three children, only one of whom is now living, were bora to this union, viz.: Charles L.; Arvilla Ann, who died November 18, 1882, in her twentieth year; and Myra D., Mrs. Elmer Belmey, who died July 18, 1886. Mrs. Hannah Kendeigh departed this life January 3, 1874, in her thirty-sixth year. In politics Mr. Kendeigh is a Republican, and he is one of the progressive and highly esteemed citizens of the township and county. Il OHN C. PALMER, a descendant of k I one of the pioneer families of Huron \J) county, is a son of John C. Palmer, whose father, Roger Palmer, was a farmer of Washington county, New York. John C. Palmer, father of our subject, attended the rate schools, and when a young man married Mary Piester, of Washington county, N. Y. They moved to Huron couuty, Ohio, making a portion of the journey by wagon, the remainder via canal and lake, landing at Huron, on Lake Erie. At this time Mr. Palmer's capital, amounted to forty dollars and a span of horses, one of which was killed while being taken from the boat at Huron, whence they proceeded southward, locating along the Huron river in Ridgefield town ship. The land was covered with dense forest, and after a rude means of shelter had been provided he set to work to "fell the giant oak." Year after year of hard labor brought slow but sure reward, and fields of golden grain in due time sup planted the grand old forests, and the pioneer became a prosperous agriculturist. In poli tics he was a Whig and Republican, and in religion be and his wife were members of the Baptist Church. A brief record of their children is as follows: Matilda, widow of Philo Whitford, is living on the home farm; Elzina, widow of Rob ert Richey, is also living on the old place; Emily js the wife of Ira 0. Stew art, of Michigan; Melissa is married to Luther Ashley, of California; John C, whosename opens this sketch; Luther is a farmer of Ridgefield township; Myron lives in Wauseon, Fulton Co., Ohio, and Harlow, who sailed from New Bedford, Mass., on a whaling vessel, was lost in the Straits of Snnda. The father of this family died in 1862, aged fifty-seven years, followed by the mother in 1882, at the age of seventy-eight years. To citizens of Mr. Palmer's stamp too much praise can not be given for the hardships and struggles which they endured in the early settlement of Huron county. These pion eers sleep side by side in the Monroeville cemetery. John C. Palmer was born November 17, 1838, on the farm in Ridgefield town ship which he now owns. His earliest education was obtained at the subscription schools, and this was supplemented by a short course in an institution away from home. Since then his entire time and at tention have been given to the farm, and those principles of enterprise and energy, characteristic of his father, are equally noticeable in the son. He has charge of the home farm, and in addition to general agriculture deals extensively in cattle. In politics he has been a lifelong Republican, taking an active interest in the success of the party. Mr. Palmer is unmarried, and his two widowed sisters and a brother make their home with him. FHILIP HORN. Huron county. has within her borders many men toward whom she may point the fin ger of pride, men who in their ad vancement have not been blind to their country's welfare, and while winning honor and success for themselves have also shaped her destiny. Chief among these men ranks Philip Horn, who was born in 1826 in Germany, and settled in Pluron county as early as 1854. His father, Gott- fret Horn, is a prosperous farmer in Ger- HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 477 many, and has eight children, six of whom are now in America, our subject being third in order of birth. Philip Horn received a good practical education in Germany. Growing tired of the customs of his native land, he came to America, and in Huron county, Ohio, worked two years as farm laborer for Joseph Wood, of Lyme township, and one year for his brother. At the end of that time he had, by practicing strict economy, accumulated sufficient money to rent a few acres of land from Isaac Bently, and be gan farming for his own account. Five years later he purchased a farm in Belle vue, but sold that and purchased his pres ent place, comprising 128 acres of highly- cultivated land, where he devotes his at tention to agricultural pursuits and stock raising. In politics he is a Democrat, and served as school director of Lyme town ship eight years, and as supervisor six years. He and his wife are members of the Protestant Church. Mr. Horn was married, in 1856, to Miss Catherine Steel, and by her has nine chil dren, five of whom married and are now living in Huron county, viz.: Louisa (Mrs. Henry Boehler); Gustave (married); Charles (married); Minnie (Mrs. Christ Uttar) and Emma (Mrs. Otto Boehler). If CAL. WARD, a progressive and k. I successful dry-goods merchant of \JJ Chicago Junction, was born June 5, 1853, in Richland county, Ohio, son of S. F. and Jane (Hunter) Ward, who were natives of Richland and Columbiana counties respectively. The father was a cabinet maker, an adept at his trade, at which he worked all his life, and he always found ready work for his hands. He had served an apprenticeship of four years in Mansfield while learning cabinet making, during which time he received only his board and clothes. Of his children, J. C. Ward is the subject of this sketch; and Sophronia is the wife of Albert Gething, of Mansfield, Ohio. J. Cal. Ward attended the common schools of his district in youth, but owing to poor health gave study very little at tention, and at the age of sixteen years entered the general store of Uriah Uhler, at Shiloh, Richland Co., Ohio. Here he held the position of clerk for six years, never losing a day or day's pay in that long term, and though beginning work at but ten dollars a month (and boarding himself), his untiring attention to business soon secured for him higher pay. Leav ing this old house he entered the employ of Williams, who kept a dry-goods and grocery store at Shiloh, but left this posf- tion within a very short time. In 1878 he established a grocery house (borrowing the necessary capital), which he carried on until February, 1881, when he closed out the stock and entered the employ of the Acme Grease & Oil Manufacturing Co., of Cleveland, Ohio, as traveling salesman, in which he continued for about six months. In the fall of 1881 he took a position in a dry- goods house at Berea, where he worked until the spring of 1883, and then resumed his position with the Acme Co. at an increased salary, remain ing with them until Christmas-time, 1885, when he and S. S. Holtz purchased the Brinemond stock of dry goods at Shiloh. In September, 1887, Messrs. Ward & Holtz, dissolving partnership, made an equal division of the stock, and the former continued the business until tbe spring of 1888, when he located at Chicago Junc tion, and opened up a dry-goods and no tion store in the old Hockett Building. In October, 1890, he moved into the Wool- ford Building, where he remained until February, 1892, when his present estab lishment in the Opera House Building was opened. He carries a select assort ment of dry goods, notions and wall-paper, ranging in value from five thousand dollars to seven thousand dollars. 478 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Mr. Ward was married, July 4, 1878, to Miss Ellen Holtz, who died February 14, 1887, aud on October 17, 1887, he married Miss Flora E. Case, daughter of Israel Case. Politically Mr. Ward is a Republi can, but not especially active in party affairs. Socially he is a member of the Masonic Fraternity, of the Knights of Pythias, and of the I. O. O. F. and En campment. He is a thorough business man, but takes a deep interest in municipal affairs and private enterprises affecting the the welfare of the town. L OUIS WILLIAMS. Of the many prosperous agriculturists of Nor wich township, none is better known or more highly respected than this gentleman. He is a son of John Williams, whose father, also named John, a tailor by trade in Germany, married a Miss Leicht, by whom he had one child: John. Soon after John's birth the mother died, and the father subsequently married Miss Stien, who bore him three children, all now deceased. John Williams, Jr., was bora in 1795, in Nassau, Prussia, where, on a" farm, his boyhood was passed. In early youth he entered tbe Prussian army, and he served at the battle of Waterloo, for which he received a silver medal now in the possession of Mrs, John Willow, daughter of the subject of this sketch. Af ter the close of that memorable campaign he served six years in the Prussian army, in Holland. On leaving the army he mar ried Miss Catherine Herschberger, and then commenced farming in his native land. In 1853 they came to America, and in Nor wich township, Huron Co., Ohio, Mr. Williams opened up a farm of 110 acres, for which he paid the sum of three thou sand dollars. He had a family of five children, viz. : John, Jennette, Anthony, Christian and Louis, all now deceased except Anthony and Louis. Mr. Williams never became a naturalized citizen, but was a Democrat in principle. Louis Williams, of whom this sketch more particularly relates, was born in 1835 in Nassau, Prussia, where he first received a good education. After coming to this country, which he did at the age of eigh teen years, he lived with his father until he was twenty-one years old, and subse quently worked out by the month until after his marriage, when he came to his present farm, now consisting of 459 acres, on which he has since carried on general agriculture, including the raising of Short horn cattle. In 1861 he married Mrs. Elizabeth Williams, widow of his brother Christian, and six children were born to this union, namely: Jennie, Artilla, Eliza beth, Wilhelmina, Edward and Gustavus. In his political associations our subject is a Democrat, and he is a member of the Lutheran Church. P. JACOBS, a popular and public- spirited citizen of Chicago Junction, was born August 27, 1855, in Liv- ^l ingston county, N. Y., son of Gus tavus and Sarah (Roth) Jacobs. Our subject is the fourth in order of birth in a family of nine children— five sons and four daughters. Completing his education in the schools of Norwalk, he at once embarked in the lumber business, in which he has since been continuously en gaged. In 1872 he purchased a mill in Wood county, Ohio, and conducted same for six years, during which time he re ceived injuries in a mill accident, which for two years incapacitated him for active work. On recovering he carried on the in dustry at Millbury, Wood Co., Ohio, for two years, and in 1886 located at Chicago Junction, where he established a mill and lumberyard, and at once built up an ex tensive trade. He supplies large quan tities of timber to railroads, and lumber HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 479 and mill work to the local trade. To gether with this he is a building contrac tor and an extensive dealer in real estate, owning property in Norwalk and Chicago Junction. His trade in fine hardwoods, and sash, doors and blinds is proportion ately great. In November, 1872, Mr. Jacobs was married to Miss Ida S. Davis, daughter of Benjamin F. Davis, of Norwalk, and to them have been born eight children, six sons and two daughters, namely: Earl, Welton, Wesley, Clarence, Harry, Vernon, Bertha and Mabel, all residing at Chicago Junction. Mr. Jacobs votes with the Re publicans, is active in the councils of his party, and has filled various local offices with satisfaction to the people, and credit to himself. He is a member of Lodge No. 748, I. O. O. F. ; he is a thorough-going business man, and one of the most enter prising citizens of the town. AMUEL MILLER, a prosperous liveryman of Bellevue, was born, in 1810, in Lancaster, Penn., a son of Samuel Miller. His parents were well-to-do, and his mother was well edu cated both in English and German; she died in Wisconsin. Our subject passed his school days in his native State, receiving his education in the primitive schools of his neighborhood. In 1832 he came west, seeking broader fields of labor and a home where he could put in practice the habits of thrift and energy that he had been taught at home. With this object in view he settled in Ohio, which at that time was but sparsely popu lated, and where the pioneers were endur ing many hardships and clearing land preparatory to cultivating the soil. He lived two years in Fremont, working at his trade of shoemaking, and from there moved to Thompson township, Seneca county, where he farmed for two years, at the end of which time he located perma nently in Bellevue, . and engaged in the livery business, in which he has since con tinued, meeting with great success. He is widely interested in buying and selling horses in connection with his regular busi ness, purchasing car-loads' of horses from all over the country for both himself and others. His livery and sale stable are well stocked with fine horses. In 1830 Mr. Miller was married to Miss Sarah Oswick, who was born in Pennsylvania, a daughter of George Os wick, a prominent agriculturist of that State. Their union has been blessed by eight children, viz. : Reuben G. (deceased), Edward (who married Miss Hale, and lives in Bellevue), John (deceased), Charles (married, in partnership in the livery busi- uess with his father in Bellevue), Belle (who is married, and resides in Huron county), Sarah (deceased), Clara (Mrs. Weil), and Emma (who lives with her par ents). Mr. Miller was remarkably active in his youth, and has through every period of his life manifested energy and great business ability. He took no part in the Civil war, being too old, but his sons Ed ward and John were both in the service. He is popular alike in commercial and political circles, and has served as marshal of Bellevue for several years. B. CUYKENDALL, who is prominently identified with the business interests of Plymouth, was born, in 1828, in Cayuga county, N. Y., son of Solomon and Mary (Bran) Cuykendall, also natives of New York State. The American ancestors of the family emigrated from Holland. Solomon Cuykendall was a well-to-do farmer of Cayuga county, and resided on the homestead there during his life. Of the three sons bora to Solomon and Mary Cuykendall, the eldest died in his native State; the second still resides there, and W. B. lives in Ohio. 480 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. W. B. Cuykendall received a liberal common-school and academic education in his native State, and, school days over, en tered a dry-goods house at Owasco, N. Y., where he remained three years. In 1852 be married Miss Adelaide Tompkins, a na tive of Cayuga county, and two years later they started for Davenport, Iowa, visiting, en route, friends at Plymouth, Huron Co., Ohio, and thence pushing on by rail to Chicago. The streets of the Garden City were not then graded, and to all but the hunter after the "almighty dollar" it was a rather uninviting spot. His wife became sick there, and he was compelled to take her to Adrian, Mich., during their stay at which place Mr. Cuykendall purchased property at Charlotte, Eaton Co., Mich., intending to locate there. But correspond ence with his friends at Plymouth, Ohio, changed this purpose, and going thither in the fall of 1854, he purchased a stock of drugs from H. M. Wooster, and estab lished himself in the drug business on the south side of the Square, conducting same for seven years. For a while he was con nected with the dry-goods house of H. Graham here, and also engaged in the grocery business at Bucyrus, In 1864- 65 he was clerk in the quartermaster's department at Pittsburgh, Penn., and Washington, D. C, under Gen. Brinker- hoff. After the war he went to Newberne, N. C. and was engaged in cotton growing there until 1870, meeting with consider able success. Returning to Plymouth in 1870 Mr. Cuykendall entered into partnership with II. Graham, bnt in 1873 he sold his inter est and started a lumber yard, which he carried on until appointed cashier of the First National Bank of Plymouth in 1875. This bank was founded in 1871, under United States charter, and the important office of cashier was filled by Mr. Cuy kendall from 1875 to 1886, when he re signed to make a tour of the country on the Pacific Slope. In August, 1889, he succeeded Josiah Brinkerhoff as president of the bank. For about twenty years he has been engaged in the insurance busi ness, representing standard companies. He is the owner of a farm of one hundred acres near Plymouth, and in every way is closely identified with the town and sur rounding country. In politics he is a Re publican, and in social affairs a member of the Masonic Fraternity. Mr. and Mrs. Cuykendall have had three children, all of whom died young. \ILLIAM H. SHEDD is one of the wealthiest citizens and most successful agriculturists of Bron son township, having accumulated a handsome competence by strict economy and untiring industry. He is a son of Simon and Rachel (Wood) Shedd, natives of Connecticut, the former of whom, a farmer by occupation, died in New York at about the age of seventy- three years, followed by his wife, who died when eighty-five years of age. They were the parents of nine children — seven sons and two daughters — of whom one son died at the age of twelve, and one at the age of nineteen; another son, Foster L., is living at Bridgewater, S. D., and with the exception of William H. the remaining children are residing in the East. William H. Shedd is the third child in order of birth, and the only representative of bis family now living in Ohio. He was born in April, 1824, in Jefferson county, N. Y., attended tbe subscription schools of the neighborhood, and began life as a farmer in his native State. When twenty- two years old he was married to Miss Sarah Willard, who bore him one son, Willard H., now living in Erie, Penn. Mrs. Shedd died three years after her marriage, and in April, 1857, our subject was married to Rachel Shedd, who has borne, him two sons and pne daughter, viz.: Herbert C, a railroad mail clerk, in Bronson township; Milton B., of Bridge- HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 481 water, S. D., and Florence May, living at home. In 1852 Mr. Shedd went to Cali fornia, and there remained four years, mining the first year, and then farming successfully for three years. Having se cured a competence in California he de cided to make a home in Huron county, Ohio, and in 1868 he bought 231 acres of land in Bronson township, located one mile and a quarter west of Olena. He has invested six thousand dollars in improving this place, and in the spring of 1888 erected a handsome dwelling in the out skirts of Olena, where he has since resided. In politics he votes the Republican ticket. D ^AVID A. WHITE, who conducts a snug, fertile farm of seventy-five acres which he owns in Norwich township, is a native of Greenfield township, Huron county, born in 1842. Nathaniel White, his father, a native of near Mansfield, Ohio, was a son of Nathan iel White, who was born in Pennsylvania, was a tanner by occupation, and was mar ried to Miss Nancy Thornton, of the same place. They had thirteen children, of whom nine grew to maturity : Thomas, Nathaniel, William, Mahlon, John, Edwin, Polly, Sarah and Emily, all now deceased except Edwin, who lives in California. Nathan iel, the second son, was born in 1806, and passed his boyhood days on a farm, learn ing at the same time the trade of tanner. He married Miss Elizabeth Skeels, of the same locality, and they then settled on fifty acres of land in Greenfield township, Huron county, where children, as follows, were born to them: William, Isaac, John (deceased), Mary, David A., Leander, John and James, all now scattered over the United States. David A. White, whose name appears at the opening of this biographical sketch, received a fair education at the common schools of his native township, was reared on a farm, and learned the trade of har ness maker. In 1862 he enlisted iu the First Ohio Heavy Artillery, which was attached to the army of the Cumberland, and participated in the battles of Mission Ridge, Chickamauga and others, after a service of two years and seven months re ceiving an honorable discharge and return ing home. Recommencing the pursuits of peace, he first opened out a harness shop in Centreton, Norwich township, Huron county, which he conducted two years, and then moved to Wood county, this State, where he bought 160 acres of land close to the town of Milton Center; but selling out in about one year he again came to Norwich township and commenced farm ing on a fifty- acre tract of land. At the end of two years he went to California, traveling over the greater part of the State, following his trade, and to some ex tent mining. He made some forty-five thousand dollars, but lost it all in quick silver speculation. On his return to Nor wich township he settled on his present farm, and has met with considerable suc cess. He owns a hotel and a half interest in a farm of 160 acres in California, be sides his seventy-five acres in Norwich township, Huron county. Mr. White was united in marriage with Miss Olivia G. Magee, of Norwich town ship, daughter of William Magee, and five children, named as follows, were born to' them : Dolly, Page (deceased), Grace, Myr tle (deceased) and Dora. In his political affiliations our subject was a Democrat until four years ago, at which time he enlisted in the ranks of the Republican party. IM (RS. M. A. CORWIN. This lady is one of the most popular and useful citizens of Norwalk. She a daughter of the late Hon. is 4/ Timothy Baker, and traces her lineage to three brothers who sailed from England and located in Lyme, Mass.;' 482 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. afterward one of the brothers, Abner, set tled in Northampton, Mass., in early Colonial days. Abner Baker was a member of the church of Dr. Edwards. He married Lois Waters, of Connecticut. He spent the later years of his life in Norwalk, Ohio. His son, Timothy, was born August 5, 1787, in Northampton, Mass. He went to Utica, N. Y., in 1801, and in 1805 made his home in Herkimer, N. Y. In 1814 he joined some friends in a journey to Huron county, Ohio, with no intention of purchasing land or making a home in the locality. "Passing through Norwalk on an Indian trail, the party found shelter for the night, with several other similar companies, in a log cabin about fifteen feet square, two miles south of the village, ten or twelve making their bed on the poles and bark that formed the floor under the primitive roof. In 1815 he again visited Ohio, and purchased several large tracts of land, including the farm in Nor walk." After returning to Herkimer, he was married, March 23, 1816, to Miss Eliza Remington, a resident of Fairfield, who was born in 1794, in Providence, R. I., and whose maternal grandfather was a cousin of Gen. Greene, of Revolutionary fame. She was reared on a farm, and educated in Fairfield Academy, N. Y., be ing a very intellectual woman, and was of material assistance in promoting the suc cess of her distinguished husband. On September 27, 1819, Timothy Baker, ac companied by his family and brother The odore, moved upon his property in Nor walk, Ohio, the village then consisting of ten or twelve families. He immediately entered heartily into every plan for the progress and development of the place, and was a prominent citizen for forty years. In 1821 he was made associate judge of Huron county, serving in that capacity for twenty-one years, in 1842 de clining reappointment. He was also presi dent of the Bank of Norwalk for many years, and in all these responsible positions won a reputation for integrity and good judgment which has been accorded to but few, and which was never better deserved. In 1842 he united with the First Baptist Church of Norwalk, and the tie thus formed proved a source, of strength and blessing during his remaining years, grow ing more precious as the years passed. Mrs. Baker died September 27, 1862, fol lowed by her husband January 27, 1878. They were the parents of six children, all of whom lived to be over sixty years of age. They were as follows: M. A., James W., William (an attorney in Toledo), Timo thy (now deceased, connected with the Chi cago Board of Trade), and Charles H. and George, in Toledo. Mrs. M. A. Corwin grew to womanhood beneath the paternal roof, and was educated at the old Norwalk seminary when it was a leading institution of the State. Among her schoolmates were students who have risen to national fame, and she has de veloped into a woman of rare culture. On September 3, 1840, she was united in mar riage with Rev. Ira Corwin, who was bora December 12, 1809, in Cazenovia, N. Y. He was educated in the schools of his native State, and then took a theological course at Hamilton, N. Y., now Colgate University. He then came to Medina, Ohio, being ordained a Baptist minister in 1838, which was his first charge. He had pastorates in Erie, Penn., three- years, and then came to Ohio; was nearly nine years in Marietta, Ohio, and then was seven years in South Bend, Ind. In 1861 he re signed his pastorate in South Bend, and came to Norwalk, and supplied vacancies in Huron and adjoining counties. He was a thorough scholar, and watchful pastor, doing grand service for the cause to which his life was given. He died July 7, 1886. The children were as follows: Timothy B., William H., George Whipple, Eliza, Charles, and George W., last named being deceased. There are two grandchildren, Bertha and Maria. Mrs. Corwin has been a prominent leader in promoting the HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 483 literary and social culture of Norwalk, as one of the organizers of the Society for that purpose which prospered for many years, and whose influence is yet evident. She is now living at Norwalk in semi- retirement, though yet a devoted worker in the Baptist Church, and gives liberally to all worthy enterprises. For morning exercise she indulges in a novel but suc cessful method of healthy recreation, pull ing weeds in the garden before breakfast, which she affirms produces a salutary effect, and is very conducive to a good appetite. Ill USTIN CUSHMAN, a native-born ll__\_\ agriculturist of Norwich township, IT\_ .where he is well-known for his in- yj dustry and frugality, first saw the light in 1846, his parents being Henry and Julia (Turner) Cushman. The father of the subject of this sketch was a, native of Ohio, born in 1820 in Knox county, and was brought up a farmer boy, his education being limited to twenty- six days attendance at the subscription schools, to which brief experience he ma terially added by home study and a close attention to men and things. When com mencing life for himself, he bought a farm of forty acres in Norwich township, Huron county, and in course of time commenced the practice of law, in which he still con tinues, mainly the carrying through the court of petty cases in his township. He is a Democrat, and has held township offices, such as justice of the peace and clerk; in religious views he is an adherent of the Universalist faith. Henry Cushman mar ried Miss Julia Turner, of Peru township, Huron county, a daughter of Jacob Turner, the owner of several small farms in the county. To this union were born four children, viz.: Austin (subject of sketch), Seymour, Ellen, and one that died in in fancy. The mother of these was called from earth in 1852, and Mr. Cushman subsequently wedded Miss Mary Cole, of Richmond, Ohio, by which marriage there were five children, as follows: Charles, Amos, Addison, John, and one that died in infancy. Mr. Cushman is now retired from active life. Austin Cushman, whose name introduces this biographical sketch, received a liberal education at the common schools of the neighborhood of his place of birth. Up fo the time of his marriage he worked by the month, after which, in 1867, he settled on his present place of seventy-six acres excellent farm land, where he is engaged in general agriculture, including the breed ing of sheep. His success, which has been marked, has been due entirely to his own untiring efforts and honesty of purpose. In 1867 Mr. Cushman was united in mar riage with Miss Alice Clark, daughter of William Clark, of Norwich township, Huron county, and one child, Artie, born in 1883, brightens and cheers their home. Politically our subject is a Democrat. (¦JjILLIAM H. HOULE. In every Ml county there are men who, by M( their strength of will and irre proachable character, impress their individuality upon the entire community, and succeed in whatever they undertake. Such a man is William H. Houle, who, since 1854, has resided in Huron county. He was born, in 1828, in Devonshire, England, where he received his education, and where he served for a time as footman to a wealthy family. Since his arrival in Lyme township he has devoted his atten tion to agricultural pursuits. When he emigrated from England his only capital consisted of energy, perseverance and good health, and he was, therefore, compelled to accept the first means of earning money that presented itself. He worked for a number of years as a farm laborer, before he accumulated a sufficient amount of 484 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. money to purchase his present farm, con sisting of 114 acres of valuable land, two and a half miles from Bellevue. Mr. Houle was married in 1854 (just before leaving England), to Miss Lucy Gaydon, who was also born in that country, and their union was blessed with four sons and three daughters, viz.: William H., John G., Lucy H., Frank G., Ida M., Frederick G. and Jennie. All of these children re side on the home farm, with the exception of Jennie, who is deceased, and William H., who is married to Miss Jennie Collins, daughter of J. D. Collins, and lives with his wife's parents. Mr. Houle is a self- made man of more than ordinary ability. of sound judgment, whose integrity was never questioned, and whose influence through life has always been for good. DWIGHT M. BARRE, a lifelong farmer of Ripley township, is a ___ ' native of same, born in 1848. John Barre, his grandfather, was born in Northumberland county, Penn., where he was reared, and resided until his removal to Tompkins county, N. Y., in early man hood. He was married in Pennsylvania, and to this marriage were bora three sons and two daughters, namely: Thomas, David, John, Betts and Catherine, all de ceased but the last named. John Barre was a practical farmer, both in Pennsyl vania and in New York, aud when he came to Ripley township, Huron Co., Ohio, about the year 1830, he brought with him capital sufficient to purchase 400 acres in that township, and confidence in himself to be able to hew a good home out of the wilderness. At the period of his settlement in Ripley, the township was almost wholly in its primitive state, roads were not then laid out, and bear, deer, wolves and other game were numerous. He resided there until his death, which oc curred in 1836. John Barre, father of Dwight M. Barre, was born in Northumberland county, Penn., and passed bis boyhood there and in Tompkins county, N. Y. On August 25, 1825, he married Amy Stout, a daugh ter of Jonathan Stout, of Tompkins county, N. Y., and for a few years after marriage the couple resided in that county, and then, in 1832, moved to Huron county, Ohio. To their union were born fifteen children, namely: Cornelius (deceased), David, Herman (deceased), Jane, Jona than, Wellington, Henry, Ira, Maryetta, Lyman, James, Corvis M., Dwight M., Josephine and Jessie. Of these Corvis M. and Henry served in the war of the Re bellion. Corvis M. Barre is now an at torney of Hillsdale, Mich. ; he was formerly cashier of the bank there, and subsequently served as United States consul in Chili, having been appointed by President Har rison. For one year the Barre family re sided in North Fairfield township, in 1833 moving to Ripley township, where the father engaged in general farming and stock growing. Dwight M Barre attended the district school, subsequently took a course in a select school, and then entered agricultural life. In 1876 he was united in marriage with Ella Wolcott, daughter of Rensselaer Wolcott, a farmer of Berkshire county, Mass., and after marriage the young couple settled on the farm where they now re side, and here two children have been bora to them: Walter and T. DeWitt. Mr. Barre is a Republican in politics, and has served his township as trustee for eight years. In religious faith he is a mem ber of the Congregational Church. His farm of eighty-five acres is highly im proved, and speaks well for the industry of the owner. DANIEL W. LONEY, M. D., of Olena, is a son of Calvin Loney, whose father, John Loney, was born in Virginia, of Scotch-Irish parents. Calvin Loney, a native of Knox county, Ohio, was married to Mary Ridenonr, HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 485 who was born in Washington county, Md., and they have always since resided in Knox county, Ohio, where three sons and three daughters were born to them, of whom Daniel W. is third in order of birth. The names of the others are John A., Clarence, Annie, Belle and Bernice. Both parents are yet living. Dr. Daniel W. Loney was born May 20, 1861, in Knox county, Ohio, and after attending Greentown Academy at Perrys- ville, Ohio, for three years, spent two years at Kenyon College. In 1882 he entered the medical school of the Univer sity of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, graduat ing therefrom in 1885. While yet a stu dent, he was married, December 18, 1884, to Hallie, daughter of Jacob Foltz, of Fort Smith, Ark. In the spring of 1886 they came to their present home in Olena, where the Doctor has since been engaged in the practice of medicine. Dr. and Mrs. Loney have two daughters, Mary E. and Doratha E. In his political preferences he is a Democrat, as were his father and grandfather. W. HOFMAN, a highly respected, influential citizen of Plymouth, is a son of John H. Hofman, who was a native of Pennsylvania, born near Hagerstown, Md., of German de scent. He was a jeweler by trade, and in 1823 came to Richland count}', Ohio, em barking at Mansfield in the jewelry busi ness, in which he continued for twenty years. In 1843 he removed to Plymouth, and later, in 1850, to Bucyrus, conducting a jewelry business in both places. He died in Bucyrus in 1854. Mr. Hofman was united in "marriage with Miss Mary E. Huffman, of near Hagerstown, Md., and to their union were bora eleven chil dren, namely: Aaron, Catherine, Eliza, Charles, G. W., John H, Jr., R. E., Allen G., Mary E., Laura, and Frank. In politics the father of this family was a Democrat. G. W. Hofman was bora in 1831, in Mansfield, Ohio, and was twelve years of age when the family removed to Plymouth. He received his education in the common schools, and when yet a young man em barked in the jewelry business with his brother, Aaron Hofman, with whom he remained until the breaking out of the Civil war. In 1861 he enlisted in the First Ohio Independent Battery, and served three years with the army of the East, taking an active part in twelve engagements — Lynchburg (Va.), Cloyd Mountain, etc. He returned from the war in 1865, and buying out his brother — A. Hofman — embarked in the jewelry business, in which he is still engaged; and though at times he has been unfortunate, he has, in the main, been prosperous and successful in his mercantile career. In 1889 Mr. Hofman received the appoint ment of postmaster of Plymouth from President Harrison; he is a Republican politically, and has always been active in party affairs in Richland county. In 1858 Mr. Hofman was united in mar riage with Miss Susan Frye, of New Haven township, Huron county, daughter of Abraham Frye, a farmer. To this union have come two children, viz.: Belle, who married Robert McDonough, a traveling salesman; and Maude, married to W. F. Reed, a newspaper man of Plymouth. APTAIN JOHN WILLIAMS, for nearly half a century a resident of Lorain county, was born January 22, 1796, at New Haven, Connecticut. In the spring of 1804 he came with his parents to Ohio, locating in Columbia, Cuyahoga county, this part of the State being at that time a comparative wilder ness, awaiting the westward march of civilization. Where is now the magnifi cent city of Cleveland there was, when Mr. Williams landed at that port, but a single log building, and he assisted in the 486 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. erection of the first frame structure in the Elace. In 1820 he removed to Ridgeville, orain county, where he resided twenty years, during the first five of which he taught the first school held in Elyria. In 1825 he married Lorain Root, who was born August 1, 1810, in Hartford, Conn., whence when she was but six weeks old she was brought to Ohio by her parents, being the first white child to be baptized in what is now Lorain county, which was named after her. Her father's family consisted of eleven boys and one girl (Lorain), all of whom lived to rear families of their own. To Capt. John and Lorain (Root) Williams were born twelve children. He died February 27, 1867, at the age of seventy-one years, one month, his widow surviving him till January 16, 1881, when she too was called to her long home. J. S. Williams, the only surviving son of this honored pioneer couple, was born April 16, 1844, in Lorain county, Ohio. On January 15, 1867, he was united in marriage with Mary A. Greig, and there have been bora to them nine children — three sons and six daughters — all yet living. LYMAN AUSTIN. The New Eng- I land States have always been dis- \ tinguished for their industrious, honest and frugal sons, one of whom, bearing all these enviable charac teristics, is the subject of this sketch. Mr. Austin was born in New Hamp shire in 1815, a son of Daniel Austin, a native of Plainfield, same State, who was a son of John Austin, a carpenter and joiner by trade, who was killed while rais ing a building. Daniel Austin was born May 22, 1783, and in 1811 married Miss Electa Lyman, of Norwich, Mass., daugh ter of Luther Lyman, a farmer. After marriage Daniel moved to Vermont, and carried on farming there for a few years, after which he came to New York State, making a settlement in Genesee county, where he died July 1, 1852. He was generally successful, but in the panic of 1833 he lost all he had made; never theless he died comparatively well off. He had a family of eight children, viz.: Albert, Lyman, William, Betsy, Harriet, Rodney, Adeline and Oscar, all now de ceased except Albert, William and Lyman. The father was a stanch Whig, held some township offices, and was a member of the Methodist Protestant Church. The subject proper of this sketch was educated at the common schools of Gene see county, N. Y., whither his parents bad brought him when a boy. After his mar riage he worked on the home farm for five years, and in 1845 came to Huron county, Ohio, where, in Norwich township, he lo cated on the farm which he subsequently bought, and now owns. It originally con tained fifty acres, to which from time to time he has added until it now comprises some 175 acres of prime farming land. In 1882 he retired from active work, and is at present living in the village of Cen- treton, same township. In 1840 Mr. Austin married Miss Re- villa Rolf, of Cayuga county, N. Y ., daughter of Jonathan Rolf, a carpenter and joiner, and two children were born to them, to wit: L. D., a resident of Nor wich township, and L. W., living on the home farm. Politically our subject was originally a Whig, and since the formation of the party has been astraight Republican. EORGE C. PARKER, a prosper ous and prominent agriculturist of Bronson township, was born Sep tember 23, 1841, on a farm situated one and one-half miles south of his present home. Our subject is a grandson of George Parker, a farmer, of English descent, who lived in Cayuga county, N. Y. He was quite wealthy, and gave all his children a good start in life. HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 487 Nelson Parker, son of George Parker, was born September 9, 1809, in Cayuga county, N. Y., and grew to manhood on the home farm. He then taught school and a singing class, and on May 1, 1834, was united in marriage with Malancy Wade, who was born February 26, 1809, in Massachusetts. In early life he came to Bronson township, Huron Co., Ohio, preceded thither by three brothers and two sisters, and here he became a prosperous farmer, at one time owning 450 acres of land. In politics he was a strong Aboli tionist. Mrs. Parker was the second in a family of eight children, three of whom located in Huron county. She was a re markably intelligent woman, and through reading acquired a liberal education. She was a minister in the Christian Church, and during active life was an earnest, forcible preacher. She died in June, 1892, having been preceded to the grave by her husband in December, 1887. They were the parents of eight children, as follows: Two that died in infancy; Phoebe, who died at the age of seventeen; George C, whose sketch follows; Hannah F., wife of Will iam Cole, deceased in 1890, at the age of forty-six years, leaving two children ; Celia, wife of Aro Carpenter, a farmer in Fair field township, who has one child; Eunice, who is married to A. G. Dale, of Bronson township, her second husband, and has six children ; and Laura M., who died in 1872, at the age of twenty years. George C. Parker received but a limited education, his help having been much needed on the home farm, as he was the only sou. He took entire charge of the place upon attaining his majority, and re mained with his father until his marriage. On October 7, 1872, he was united in mar riage with Miss Esther Ann Chapin, a native of Hartland township, Huron county, daughter of Morris and Clarissa (Granger) Chapin, and to this union have been born two children: Clara Ann and Edward Conger. In October, 1882, Mr. and Mrs. Parker came to their present home, con sisting of 148 acres, in Bronson township, where he has conducted a prosperous agri cultural business; during the past year he sold over one thousand and three hundred dollars worth of produce. Politically he is a Democrat, and has served as township trustee, being, with one exception, the only Democrat who has ever held an office in Bronson township. Il 1JITUS HOERNER, a successful \,i/ farmer of Peru township, was born ll( August 7, 1832, in Baden, Germany, and is the pioneer of the Hoerner family in Ohio. The father of our subject, also named Vitus, was a native-born farmer of Baden, where his son attended school until he at tained the age of fourteen years, when he began farm life for himself. At the age of twenty-two years he proceeded to Havre, France, from which port he embarked in the sailing- vessel "New York," landing at New York City after a memorable voyage of forty-seven days. Mr. Hoerner set out at once for northern Ohio, arriving at Nor walk during the cholera epidemic, when the town was almost depopulated. Learn ing of the deplorable condition of affairs there, he did not wait for the command to go, but betook himself to Sherman town ship, Huron county, where hefoundwork, the compensation for same being fifty cents per day. Later he was engaged to chop wood at fifty cents a cord. On May 15, 1854, our subject was married, by Rev. Mr. Klein, a Lutheran minister, to Mary Hildebrand, who was also born in Baden in 1832, and came to America with her parents in 1853, locating at Norwalk with them. She became the mother of a large family, as follows: Mary, Mrs. C. Bow man, of Indiana; Margaret, Mrs. L. Lin der; Vitus, a farmer of Peru township; Lizzie,-Mrs. George Sheidt, of Peru town ship; Catharine, Mrs. Charles Sheidt, of Peru township; William, of Sherman 488 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. township; Charles, Minnie and Frederick, residing at home; and Jacob, Louis and Lottie, deceased. Immediately after mar riage these sturdy pioneers settled on a farm, which both worked hard to clear and buy. Within a year or so they purchased twenty acres in Sherman township, where they erected a log cabin and resided until 1873, when they purchased the present farm in Peru township, and took up their residence here. He still owns the pioneer farm in Sherman township, together with valuable tracts in other divisions of the county. Arriving in the United States with a capital of thirty dollars, he and his wife have built up a valuable property, provided well for each member of their family, and still own a considerable estate. Mr. Hoerner, though non-partisan in poli tics, has been honored with various town ship offices. The men, rather than the measures, claim his support; for bad men cannot administer good measures. In re ligion he is a member of the Pontiac Lu theran Church. PH. SCHUYLER, a successful agri culturist of Lyme township, was born in 1826 in Pennsylvania, a son of Garret and Mary (Heacock) Schuyler, and came to Huron county in 1834. ' The country was in a wild con dition, and in order to till the soil it was first necessary to clear the land and trans form the dense woods into farms. The pioneers of those days were sturdy and energetic, and practiced frugality to a de gree that is unknown to their children. Mr. Schuyler 'now ranks among the most highly esteemed residents of Huron county, and has accumulated a comfortable for tune. He has married. Garret Schuyler, father of our subject, was born in New Jersey, and was there married to Miss Mary Heacock, also a native of that State. Their union was blessed witb six children, viz.: Philip N., Sarah A. (who died in 1842), Mary, P. H. (our subject), Elizabeth, and Nancy (who died in 1834). In 1834 Garret Schuyler moved to Ohio, and located in Sherman township, Huron county, where he en gaged in farming. His thrift and economy soon enabled him to take a prominent place among his neighbors, and he was on several occasions honored with township offices. His death occurred in 1849; his wife preceded him to the grave in 1834. HARLES SAWYER ranks among the prominent pioneer farmers of Lyme township, who came to Ohio when the State was almost an un broken wilderness, thickly populated by Indians. Those early days were filled with hardships and dangers of which the present residents of the State have little knowledge, and our subject, like the other children of pioneer parents, received only a limited education, and that under difficulties that the average youth of to-day would never undertake, fie was bom in 1816 in Sus sex, England, a son of Stephen and Doro thy (Lanstell) Sawyer, and came with bis parents to America when three years of age. Stephen Sawyer was born in Sussex, England, where he received an ordinary school education, and in 1819 immigrated to the United States, settling near Cincin nati, on the Ohio river, fie engaged in farming and stock raising, and died at the age of eighty-six. He was married in England to Miss Dorothy Lanstell, who was also born in Sussex, and died in Ohio at the age of eighty years. Their union was blessed with nine sons and four daugh ters, of whom four are now living. Charles Sawyer worked on the home farm, comprising 364 acres of land, from 1826 up to the time of his father's death, and has always been engaged in agricul tural pursuits. He was largely instru mental in making Lyme township what it now is, being one of the oldest aud most highly respected citizens of same, and has HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 489 been prominently identified with all of the important events connected with the his tory of Huron county. In 1851 Mr. Saw yer was united in marriage with Miss Rachel A. Gates, who was born in 1819, in New York, a daughter of Elijah and Hannah Gates. Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer are members of the Episcopal Church, of which they are liberal supporters, and after long and well-spent years are enjoy ing the sunset of life. Mr. and Mrs. Saw yer have no children of their own, but some they have adopted. THADDEUS SPRAGUE, an enter prising and successful farmer and stock raiser of Wakeman township, is a native of New York State, born January 28, 1826, in Ulster county. George Sprague, father of subject, was born in Dutchess county, N. Y., and was a lifelong farmer. He married Elizabeth Gray, and seven children were born to them, of whom are living Thaddeus, Henry (in Hartland, Huron couuty), Joseph (in Nebraska) and Minerva (in Fitchville, Ohio). The parents both died in 1884, aged about seventy-six years, in Wakeman township. They came to Huron county in 1833, and purchased sixty-three acres of partly improved land at five dollars per acre, on which they erected suitable farm buildings, and here they made a success, being enabled to give each of their sons a good start in life. They were members of the Free-will Baptist Church, and in poli tics Mr. Sprague was a^lifelong Democrat. Thaddeus Sprague, the subject proper of these lines, received his early element ary education at the schools of his native place, and when seven years old was brought to Huron county by his parents, who took up a farm in Hartland township. Here he resumed his studies, attending the subscription schools a few months in the winter season, the rest of his time being occupied in working on his father's farm, whereon he remained till his marriage. He then bought sixty-six and three-quarters acres in Wakeman township, to which from time to time he added until ultimately he found himself the owner of 200 acres of prime land, fifty-five of which he has giveu to his son, Elver, and fifty to his other son, Elmer. In 1852 Mr. Sprague married Sarah Arnot, daughter of Terry and Catherine (Townsend) Arnot, who in an early day came to Huron county from Penn Yan, N. Y., settling in Hart land township, where Mrs. Sarah Sprague was born April 24, 1833. Four children have been born to this union, viz.: Elver and Elmer (on the home farm), Lydia Bell (wife of John Denman, of Norwalk) and Nora (wife of Doran Rowland, in Mans field, Ohio). Mr. Sprague has in his day traveled considerably, and is well informed on most topics, a great observer of men and things. He is a Democrat, and has served bis township as trustee. In 1854 he erected substantial and commodious buildings on his farm, greatly enhancing the value of his property, which has since been further improved. [Since the above was written we have been informed of the death of Mr. Sprague. — Ed. FRANK CHASE, a well-known farmer of Townsend township, was born De cember 23, 1826, in Putnam county, N. Y., the second youngest child in a family of twelve bora to Alvin and Ruth (Cole) Chase, both of whom were natives of New York State and of English descent. Alvin Chase was educated and married in his native State, where he engaged iu agricultural pursuits all his life. Lie was a veteran of the war of 1812, having served in the New York line, and for more than thirty years officiated as justice of the peace. Both he and his wife were ardent, lifelong members of the Presby terian Church. In politics he was a Whig and a great admirer of Henry Clay, and 490 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. was bitterly opposed to secret societies of all kinds. His father was a stanch patriot, and served in the Continental army dur ing the entire seven years of the Revolu tionary straggle. The Chase family were among the early English settlers of the old Empire State, taking an active and honor able part in the various struggles of that commonwealth in the early days. The Cole family were also among the pioneers of New York State, many of them serving with distinction in the war of the Revolu tion as well as in the Indian wars of an earlier period. Frank Chase, the subject proper of this sketch, received a very fair common-school and academic education in bis early life, and at the age of sixteen years (in 1842) came to Seneca county, Ohio, with his sister and brother-in-law, on whose farm he was employed until he attained his ma jority, after which he taught school for a short time in Crawford county, Ohio. In 1849 he went south, and was employed on a packet steamboat plying between Vicks burg and New Orleans for some seven years, after which he returned north and was employed on a farm in Erie county, Ohio, for about one year. He then pur chased a farm in that county, upon which he remained for about seven years, and then traded for another farm in the same neighborhood. After a few years he traded this place for a farm in Sandusky county, Ohio, upon which he remained some eighteen or twenty years, selling it in 1890, and purchasing another in Town- send township, Huron county, where he now resides and is successfully engaged in agricultural pursuits. While living in Sandusky county he was twice elected trustee of his township. In the spring of 1864 he enlisted in Company I, One Hun dred and Forty-fifth 0. V. I, proceeded with his command to Washington, D. 0., was engaged in garrison duty on Arling ton Heights during the entire summer, and was mustered out at Camp Chase, Ohio, August 24, 1864. On May 5, 1858, Mr. Chase married Miss Sarah J. Tompkins, a native of Dutchess county, N. Y., and daughter of Nelson and Hannah (Knapp) Tompkins, both of whom were natives of New York and of English descent. Four children have come to this union, viz.: Lester T., U. S. Grant, Arthur and Burton B. Mr. Chase belongs to no church, but he is a firm believer in practical Christianity. So cially he is a member of Townsend Post No. 414, G. A. R. He was distantly re lated to the late Hon. Salmon P. Chase. In politics he is a Republican, and is one of the enterprising and most respected citizens of his township and county. The Tompkins family were also early settlers of the Empire State, and bore an active part in the various struggles of that grand old commonwealth — civil and military — both before and. after the Revolutionary war. EORGE SCHUSTER, a successful . harness maker of Bellevue, was born in 1829, in Germany, where he learned his trade and received a fair education. Becoming dissatisfied with the commercial prospects of his na tive land, he determined to make for him self a new home in a country where broader fields of labor were open to young men. With this in view he emigrated from Germany in 1851, the only member of his family who came to America, and imme diately after landing traveled westward, locating in Bellevue, Ohio. He worked two years on a farm, and then as a journey man at his trade until 1854, at which time he began business for himself, opening one of thelargest harness shops in Bellevue. In 1854 Mr. Schuster married Miss Barbara Cox, and of their union were born five children, two of whom, Hattie and Addie, are now living. The mother of of these dying in 1864, Mr. Schuster was married in 1866, for his second wife, to Miss Elizabeth Kaiser, of Thompson, Ohio, HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 491 by which marriage he has two children, George and Laura. Mr. Schuster com menced life with a capital composed chiefly of energy, a thorough knowledge of his trade, and a determination to succeed, and now ranks high in business, social and religious circles. He and his family are members of the Reformed Church, and are actively interested in whatever is intended for the public good. In the Civil war. he served two years and nine months, having enlisted in Company D, Thirty-fourth Regiment, O. V. I., under Gen. Cox, and took part in the battle of Wytheville; he was also a private in the Thirty-ninth Regiment, O. V. I. He is pre-eminently a self-made man, and has by his own efforts built up a good trade. OL. SPEAR, a successful merchant of Plymouth, one who possesses the confidence and esteem of all who deal with him, is a native, of the Fatherland, born near Hessen-Cassel in 1843. His father, Wolf Spear, who was a son of Nathaniel Spear, was a merchant in Hessen-Cassel, Germany, where he passed his entire life, dying there, in 1889. He married a Miss Schoeuberg, a native of a neighboring province, and they became the parents of six children, as follows: Two that died in infancy; Nathaniel deceased at the age of nine years; Sol., who is men tioned farther on; Betty, married to Moses Shield, a merchant of Plymouth, Ohio, and Jacob, who is a general merchant in his native town. Sol. Spear passed his boyhood in attend ing school in his native country, and at the age of fourteen years came to America, settling immediately in Plymouth, Ohio, where he has ever since remained. At first he attended school, then for a while engaged in peddling, but finally com menced clerking, first with W. B. Kahn, 87 with whom he remaiued two years. He next entered the employ of Billstein & Schoenberg, in the stock business, con tinuing with them until the spring of 1866, when he engaged in the stock business for a few months on his own account. In the, fall of 1866 he bought out the store of W. B. Kahn, conducting the business alone until 1868, in wliich year he admitted M. Shield into partnership, and they carried on the establishment jointly until 1891, when Mr. Shield sold his interest to our subject, who has since been sole proprietor. Besides the regular business, the firm also dealt extensively in wool, seeds, etc. In 1867 Mr. Spear was united in mar riage with Miss Augusta Billstein, by whom he has six children, viz.: Nathaniel (residing in Cincinnati), Alexander, Joel (in Cincinnati), Ida, Maurice and Bernice. In politics our subject has always been a Democrat, and has held various offices of honor and trust in his community; he has served on the school board for eighteen years, a longer term of service than any other member can boast of. Mr, Spear owns a storeroom, warehouse and dwelling in Ply mouth. He has made a complete success as a business man, and fully merits the respect and good opinion which he has won from all who come, in contact with him. J! H. HALLER, whose successful business career is everywhere recog- _} nized in Huron county, was born in 1864, in Germany, son of John Haller, a tailor in the Fatherland, where he followed his trade. J. H. Haller re ceived a practical education in the schools of his native place, and, in 1880, immi grated to America. He had acquired suf ficient knowledge of the tailor's trade from his father to enable him to work as a journeyman, and on arriving in New York City he found ready employment, and worked at his trade in the metropolis until 1885, when he revisited Germany. 492 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. On his return to the United States Mr. Haller took a course in Mitchell's Cutting Academy, and after graduating was em ployed as cutter in New York and other large cities, becoming remarkably proficient in this important branch of the tailor's trade. In 1887 he engaged with a firm of mer chant tailors in Plymouth, Ohio, with whom he remained nearly four years, and in September, 1891, established an inde pendent tailoring house at Plymouth, meeting from the beginning with a most liberal patronage. In order to centralize his trade, in August, 1892, be transferred his stock to Chicago Junction, and his success here has been as decided as at Ply mouth. He carries a large assortment of men's and boys' suitings, and conducts a profitable merchant tailoring establish ment, doing good work at prices which do not fear competition. In 1887 our subject was married to Miss Jennie Peters, of Pataskala, Ohio, whom he brought to his home at Plymouth, and there, as well as at Chicago Junction, they have been highly esteemed. In Society affairs Mr. Haller is a member of Plymouth Lodge, F. & A. M. His life furnishes an ex ample of what may be accomplished by energy in business and earnestness in the desire to please customers. fj\[ UGUSTUS JOSLIN, superinten- l/V dent and secretary of the water- lHl_\ works at Norwalk, is a son of Dr. y) Perry and Fanny C. (Davis) Jos lin, who were natives or New York, born of Scotch-Irish descent. Augustus Joslin was born in 1827, in Ft. Edward, Washington Co., N. Y. In 1844 he came west, and locating in Nor walk, Huron Co., Ohio, was here engaged in the distillery business for ten years. He then went to Tipton, Ohio, and took a railroad contract on the Air Line, return ing to Norwalk three years later, where he has since resided. For the past nine years Mr. Joslin has been connected with the water-works at Norwalk, having taken charge of the system when only four miles of pipe were laid. He has proved most efficient in this business, which has pros pered under his management, fourteen miles of pipe being now in operation. Politically Mr. Joslin affiliates with the Democratic party. He was married to Miss Mary Weever, a native of the sam'e State. UGGLES. The families of this name in Ridgefield township are descended from Edward Ruggles, who was born May 13, 1766, in Danbury, Conn., of Scotch-Irish parents. Daniel Ruggles, son of this Edward Ruggles, was born December 23, 1796, also in Danbury, Conn., and was the seventh child in order of birth, and the second son of his parents. His literary education was completed before he was ten years of age, after which he made a practical use of his natural mechanical ability, and learned the carpenter trade. About 1820 he removed with his parentB to Luzerne county, Penn., where, on November 27, 1823, he was united in marriage with Louisa, daughter of Ben jamin and Catherine F. Fuller. The parents were of Saxon ancestry, and re sidents of Luzerne county, Penn., where tbe daughter Louisa was born June 3, 1799. About 1831 Daniel and Louisa Ruggles moved from Luzerne county, Penn., to Ohio, bringing with them two yoke of oxen, one span of horses, and two wagons, which contained all their worldly goods. They were over four weeks on the road, and on arriving at Cleveland, Ohio, the teams and wagons were pushed across the river with " set poles " on a flat-boat. There was only one log house on the west side of Cuyahoga river, and in coming through Berlin township, Erie county, to HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 493 Milan, Ohio, land was for sale at one dol lar per acre. The people said then that the sandy soil between the two branches of the Huron river would not produce any thing. Mr. Ruggles purchased one hun dred acres of land of Jonathan Hess, in Ridgefield township, Huron county, for which he paid eight dollars per acre, add ing to the original farm as years passed on, and at one time he owned over 500 acres, paying eighty dollars per acre for the last purchase. Politically he was originally an Old-line Whig, then a Free-Soiler, and finally a Republican, but be gave his principal attention to personal business. He was a member of the Free- Will Baptist Church, and many services were held in his own home, where he was ever a genial, hospitable host. He died April 4, 1867, having been preceded to the grave by his wife August 16, 1865, and they were buried on the home farm. They were the parents of children as fol lows: Alonzo J., sketch of whom follows; Alfred and Almond (twins), bom Febru ary 12, 1827, the former of whom, now deceased, was a farmer of Ridgefield township (Almond died at the age of eleven years); Daniel W., sketch of whom follows; Dwight, born May 28, 1834, who was a member of Company B, One Hun dred and Sixty-sixth Regiment, 0. V. I., and died August 3, 1864, in a hospital at Washington, D. C; and Mary J., born August 8, 1836, who became the wife of Charles Brown, of Milan, Ohio, and died in 1892, in California. Alonzo J. Ruggles, eldest son of Dan iel Ruggles, was bora in January, 1825, near Huntsville, Plymouth township, Lu zerne Co., Penn., and was five years old when his parents moved to Ohio. He at tended the schools of Huron county, re ceiving his elementary training in a small white frame schoolhouse, which was a fair specimen of the buildings then erected. fie also attended school in Norwalk, and after returning home assisted in the work on the home farm. He would rise at four o'clock in the morning, get the ox-team ready and go to the clearing, where he felled many monarchs of the forest. At that time the streams had to be forded, as bridges were theu unknown in the locality. On September 15, 1852, Mr. Ruggles married Thekla A. Lewis, who was born April 11, 1825, in Spafford, Onondaga Co., N. Y, daughter of Benjamin Lewis, who was born in Rhode Island, and was married to Betsey Whiting, a native of Vermont. In 1835 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lewis moved to Ashtabula county, Ohio, thence to Huron county, where their daughter, Thekla A., was married. Alonzo J. and Thekla A. Ruggles began wedded life on a portion of tbe old home stead in Ridgefield township, Huron county, where they remained until 1888. They then came to their present home in Norwalk, where he has since lived in semi- retirement. He yet cultivates a small tract of land in Ridgefield township, and owns 150 acres of some of the finest and best improved land in the neighborhood. Po litically Mr. Ruggles was first a Whig, then a Republican, and has filled various local offices. He is a member of the Free- Will Baptist Church, his wife is identified with the Disciple Church. They have had children as follows: Charles, deceased in infancy; Mary J., wife of Charles Bishop, of Norwalk; Betsy Louisa, deceased at the age of four years; Elizabeth T., de ceased iu 1891; Celia F., wife of Hugh Jacobs, of Cleveland, Ohio; Dwight J., deceased in infancy; Flora M.; and Flor ence, married to Albert Prentiss, of Nor walk. Fred Stewart, who was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Ruggles when he was but four months old, aud reared to manhood by them, is now a prominent manufac turer in Norwalk, Ohio. Daniel W. Roggles, fourth son of Dan iel and Louisa (Fuller) Ruggles, was born August 1, 1831, in Erie county, Ohio, where his parents had made a temporary location while en route to Huron county, Ohio. When he was six months old the 494 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. family moved to the home farm in Huron county, where he was reared and educated. On December 25, 1862, he was united in marriage with Chloe, daughter of Lee and Phoebe (Bradley) Moore, the former of whom was boru in Vermont, and married in Summit county, Ohio. Chloe was the ninth in a family of eleven children, and was born July 25, 1837, iu Bowling Green, Ohio. To the union of Daniel W. and Chloe (Moore) Ruggles three children have been born, viz.: Frank W., Arthur L. and Dora M., all living with their parents. Mr. Ruggles has given his time to agri culture, in which pursuit be has been suc cessful, but for tbe past ten years he has not been strong enough to perform any manual labor. He has been a zealous worker in the Republican party, casting his first vote for John C. Fremont, and has represented his locality in numerous county conventions, serving also as school director and supervisor. He and his wife are members of the M. E. Church at Norwalk. 1T|r5'HOMAS MILLER, one of the best gi and most hustling business men of | Norwalk township, and a prosper - y) ous, enterprising agriculturist, is a native of Huron county, born, in 1843, in Townsend township. Levi Miller, his father, born near the Al bany (N. Y.) salt-works, was a cooper, and at the age of twenty-five years removed to Richland county, Ohio, where for two years he followed his trade. He then came to Townsend township, Huron county, where he was engaged in farm ing for ten years, dying in 1855 at the age of forty-five, having been bora in 1810. His first wife was a Miss Betsy Taylor, of Richland county, Ohio, and two children were born to them, viz.: Elizabeth and Maria, now Mrs. Jacob Rickett, of Toledo, Ohio. This wife died iu 1838, and Mr. Miller subsequently married Miss Harriet Sanders, of Florence, Erie Co., Ohio, after which they came to Townsend township, as above stated. The children of this union were Jane Jarrett, now of Berlin, Erie county; Levi, who was a member of the Thirtieth Ohio Cavalry during the Civil war, and died at Corinth, Tenn.; Thomas, subject of sketch ; and Henry and Charles, farmers in Fulton county, Ohio. Thomas Miller, whose name appears at the opening of this sketch, commenced active business life by selling farm ma chinery, and doing threshing, which he continued in till after his marriage, when he took up farming in Townsend town ship. Here he remained twelve years, at the end of wliich time (1882) he came to his present farm in Norwalk township, and has since been successfully engaged in both farming and selling machinery. He was married, in 1870, to Miss Arvilla, daughter of John Hunter, a pioneer of Huron county. Mr. and Mrs. Miller have two children, viz.: Ellery L. and Gertrude May, both at home. In 1864 Mr. Miller enlisted in Company B, One Hundred and Sixty-sixth Regiment O. V. I., under Col. Blake, attached to the army of the Potomac, and stationed at Fort Barnard, Va., eighteen miles from Washington. He has been a lifelong Democrat, as was his father before him, and has held various township offices. I OHN B. NIVER, a progressive and k. I well-to-do farmer of Norwich town- %y) ship, was born March 19, 1813, in Orange county, N. Y., where he lived nineteen years, working on his father's farm, and attending the common schools of the period. Mr. Niver is a son of Jacob Niver, of German descent, who came from Orange county, N. Y., to Huron county where he carried on farming, and died in the prime of life, when our subject was five months HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 495 old. In 1802 he married Margaret Mc Millan, a native of Scotland, and daughter of John McMillan, a shoemaker by trade, who came to this country with his family, settling in Orange county, N. Y., where he passed from earth. He and his wife had the following named children: Denni son, James, Charles B., Mary J., Jacob and John B., all now deceased except John B. The subject of these lines received a fair education at the schools of his native place, and was reared to farm life. In 1832 he came to Huron county, and settled on his present place of 122 acres, at that time covered with a dense and sombre forest, through which deer, wolves and other wild animals roamed at will. In 1843 he mar ried Miss Sarah A. White, of Mansfield, Richland Co., Ohio, daughter of Nathaniel White, and four children — Edwin (who was a member of Company I, Third O. V. O, and died in Anderson ville prison), Marietta (deceased), Emma J., and Nancy (deceased) — were born to them. The mother of these died in 1864, and for his second wife our subject was wedded to Miss Esther Simmons, of Greenfield township, Huron county, a daughter of Albert Simmons. Three children were born to this union, namely: Elmon L., Louie and Harry, all yet living. A stanch Republican in pol itics, Mr. Niver cast his first Presidential vote in 1836, for W. H. Harrison, when the latter ran against Martin Van Buren. In religious faith he is a' member of the Methodist Church. I J S. TUTTLE, proprietor of elevator, and an extensive dealer in grain, j coal, oil, etc., was born in 1853, in Erie county, Ohio, son of J. M. and Charlotte (Crawford) Tuttle, both natives of New York. J. M. Tuttle came with his father's family to the " Firelands " in Erie county, and here cleared his farm, which is still in the family's possession. About 1873 the family removed from the farm to Norwalk, and, in partnership with W. T. Bowen, built the elevator, which they suc cessfully operated until 1887, when they leased to the present proprietor. The pa ternal grandfather, Nathan Tuttle, was also born in New York, and came to Ohio with his wife, who was a Leland. E. S. Tuttle came to Huron county with his parents, and was educated in the Nor walk public schools, passing through the high school with credit. He commenced his active life as a clerk in a hardware store, and there remained for thirteen years, when he engaged in the grain busi ness, meeting from the first with marked success. He is regarded by all as one of the intelligent, rising business men of the city, liberal and enterprising, and of pleas ing social qualities. He is sole proprietor of the elevator and grain department, and has two mills for making food and bolted corn meal. Mr. Tuttle is a man who keeps his mind in touch with the social and other interesting questions of the day. In 1876 he was married to Clara E. Lam kin, a native of Seneca county, Ohio, daughter of Dr. George Lamkin, of Nor walk, and they have three children: Ora, Bessie and George. 4/ whose Mr. [[If ON. H. K. HOUSE. The city of 1^ Norwalk takes proper pride in ber | 1 many thrifty, intelligent and pro- y) gressive citizens, of whom not the least prominent is the gentleman name introduces this brief sketch. House after leaving school com menced business life as an employe on the Pennsylvania Railroad, on which line for several years he was a popular, faithful and efficient conductor. Always frugal and careful, he saved his earnings, retired from the railroad, and locating in Norwalk purchased property and embarked in the furniture business. After a time he sold out this industry, and engaged in railroad contracting — his first contract being on 496 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroad — a line of business that has since claimed his close attention. During the early " eighties " the Re publican party in Norwalk, recognizing the ability, sagacity and acumen of Mr. House, by an almost unanimous move ment invited him to represent the head of their ticket in municipal election. Being prevailed on to accept the nomination, he was easily elected mayor of the city, an in cumbency he has filled with characteristic dignity and grace, and his administration is remembered as one of the most peaceful and prosperous in the municipal life of Norwalk. Mr. House was married to Mrs. Otis (nee Reed), whose father was the first white male child born in Greenwich township, Huron county. Our subject erected, in the southern part of the city, an elegant and pleasant home residence. Ill BRAHAM D. JENNEY was born IJ\\ May 19, 181-3, at Fairhaven, Bris- jrv_ toi Co., Mass. His grandfather, yj Benjamin Jenney, was bora Febru ary 28, 1744, in New England, and married Bersheba Bassett, who was born December 14, 1744. They had four sons and one daughter, of whom John was the third son in order of birth. John Jenney was bora July 12, 1773, in Bristol county, Mass., and when a young man married Catherine Davis, who was born May 28, same year. They re sided in Massachusetts, where John fol lowed the trade of ship carpenter until the removal of the family to Cayuga county, N. Y., where he worked at the mill wright's trade, and for a time was engaged in milling. On May 19, 1823, he and family followed his sons to Ohio. It appears that the two sons — Mordecai and Obediah — visited Huron county, Ohio, about 1818, and selected lands in Greenwich township. A daughter, Bersheba, who was married in New York to E. L. Salisbury, came here in 1820. Thither the father and family moved in 1823, and he purchased the land at one dollar and fifty cents per acre, and erected a log house, the interior of which he furnished in a style hitherto unknown to the pioneers. After the home in the wilderness was made, the father went to Sandusky and built two vessels for Townsend & Chapman, which were called the "Lignra" and "The Charles Chap man." He passed several winters at Sa vannah, Ga., where he was recognized as a good ship carpenter, and always found work at his trade, so with that and farm ing he was an industrious and altogether a well-to-do citizen. He died March 4, 1852, his widow June 9, 1853, and both are buried in a private cemetery on the farm. Of their children the following record is made: Obediah died at Nor walk, aged eighty-nine years; Sarah mar ried, in Massachusetts, Ebenezer Wing, and died in that State at an advanced age; Mordecai W. died in Greenwich township; Bersheba married E. L. Salisbury, aud died in Greenwich township; Elizabeth married Joseph Bartlett, and died in Hu ron county; Sylvia C. was married in New York to Joseph Gifford, and died in Kan sas; Jane married Humphrey Gifford, and died in Greenwich township; Benjamin resides in Montcalm county, Mich.; Mary married Benjamin Watson, and moved to Kansas; Abraham D. is the subject of this sketch. Abraham D. Jenney was reared in the manner common throughout western New York in pioneer days. He was ten years of age when his parents moved to Ohio, and here he passed his youth, working on the farm and attending the subscription schools of the period. Being the only son who did not learn a trade, he remained on the farm and assisted his father in clearing it. On March 20, 1842, he married Sally Ann Griffin, who was born in New York State October 7, 1818, and to this mar riage came eleven children, as follows: HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 497 James W., now a citizen of Kansas; Salina, a physician; George D., a physician of Kenton, Ohio, where he died; Cornelia, who married Jasper Jennings, of Lexington, Ky., and died at Fitchville, Ohio; Smith, who died in youth; Mary, married to Otis Burge, of Greenwich township; Chloe, re siding at home; A. Warren, a school teacher; and Charles A., residing on the home farm; besides the children named, there were two who died young. After his marriage Mr. Jenney located on his present farm, where he has been en gaged in agricultural pursuits up to the present time. In 1856 he became a Re publican, having previously been a Whig, but beyond filling various' township posi tions he does not go actively into political life. He and his wife are members of the Society of Friends. Both are endowed with excellent memories. EILIJAH PRICE, retired farmer of Fairfield townsnip, is of Welsh I descent, and is a grandson of Alex ander Price, who was a farmer in Cayuga county, N. Y. He was among the first to offer his services in the war of 1812, during which conflict he commanded a division of militia with the rank.of gen eral. He was a Democrat in politics and served many years as justice of the peace. Alexander Price was united in marriage with Polly Seely, and to this union were born six children, namely: Elijah, Will iam, Mary (who married Lucas Foot, of North Fairfield), Betsey, Caroline, and Ann (who married James Vincent, a farmer of Chautauqua, N. Y.). Elijah Price, son of Alexander, was born in 1805, in Cayuga county, N. Y., was reared on the home farm, and received his education in the schools of the period. He was married at Skaneateles, Onondaga Co., N. Y., to Miss Abigail Foot, who was born there in 1806, and thev had seven children, viz.: Alexander (who is now a stock grower in Idaho), Eben, Salvio, Will iam, Elijah, Mary Louise and Grant. In May, 1832, Mr. Price brought his family to fiuron county, Ohio, and settled on the E resent homestead in Fairfield township. Ie cleared the land and made a beautiful farm of 177 acres, and at his death, which occurred in 1888, left a valuable property to his heirs. In political opinion he was a Democrat, and served as township trus tee. Mrs. Price died December 14, 1869. Elijah Price, the subject proper of this sketch, was born April 6, 1832, in Cayuga county, N. Y., and was brought by his parents to Ohio the same year. On Sep tember 7, 1856, he married Harriet Place, of Fairfield township, and they took up their residence on the home farm, where two children were born to them, one that died in infancy, and S. Grant, a business man of Norwalk. After his father's death he purchased the home farm of 177 acres, and engaged in general farming and stock growing, giving particular attention to the rearing of coach, trotting and draft horses: In politics Mr. Price is a Democrat, and has served his township as trustee. L. KREIDER, M. D., is the oldest medical practitioner in Monroeville, and has been very successful in his chosen vocation. He is a sou of Michael Kreider, a native of Lebanon county, Penn., and his ancestry (who were. of Dutch origin) have been natives of Pennsylvania for three generations. C. L. Kreider was born May 29, 1840, in Lebanon county, Penn., and received his early education at Lebanon Academy. He then took a medical course at the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, graduating therefrom in 1863, and began to practice in Lebanon county. In 1868 he came to Monroeville, where he has ever since been actively en gaged in the duties of his profession. Dr! 498 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Kreider was united in marriage at Phila delphia, Penn., with Miss Caroline Walter, who has borne him four children. He was formerly a member of the American Med ical Association, and is now identified with the Delamater Medical Association. In politics he votes with the Republican party, with which his sons are also asso ciated. He and his family are all adher ents of the M. E. Church, and socially he is a member of the I. O. 0. F. Of the children bora to Dr. and Mrs. Kreider the following is a brief record: Walter Kreider was educated in the public schools of Monroeville, then took a par tial course in civil engineering at Ann Arbor, Mich.; he is now employed in Chicago, 111. E. R. Kreider graduated from the Monroeville High School, then took a medical course at Jefferson Medi cal College, Philadelphia, receiving his diploma in 1890; he is now in partnership with his father, and has already secured the confidence of the community as a rising young physician. Charles R. Kreider also graduated from the Monroeville High School, afterward preparing for business life at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; he is now in the employ of Sanborn & Co., Chicago, 111. Mabel, youngest child of Dr. and Mrs. Kreider, is a student in Delaware College, Ohio. DA. WOOD, M. D., is one of the oldest physicians and surgeons now ___ ' in practice in Huron county — in deed, with a solitary exception, he is the oldest. His parents, Alva and Levissa (Buck) Wood, were both natives of New York State, the former born in 1809 in Saratoga county, where he grew to manhood and carried on a farm in connection with a gristmill. He died at Utica, N. Y., in the sixty-eighth year of his age. Levissa (Buck) Wood died at Utica in the seventy- seventh year of her age. Of their six chil dren, five are living. Their parents came from Connecticut to western New York at an early day, and were among the pioneers in the agricultural development of this now rich portion of the Empire State. The grandfather of Dr. Wood was a jus tice of the peace iu Onondaga county for many terms, and is still remembered by the older residents of that county. Dr. D. A. Wood was born September 16, 1832, in Onondaga county, N. Y. He re ceived an elementary education in the common schools, and subsequently entered Clinton University, where he took a full literary course. After reading medicine for some time, he went to Syracuse, N. Y., attended lectures there, and graduated from the Eclectic Medical College. Early in 1858 he removed to Ohio, and locating at Olena, practiced medicine there for many years. Meantime he neglected no oppor tunity which offered to him greater per fection as a physician, for he is found at Cleveland attending lectures, or at home reading Austrian, French or American authorities. He graduated, in the winter of 1871-72, from the Cleveland Medical College, and continued to reside at Olena. He had seen great changes in his district. The trials which awaited him in his early professional life were no longer to be looked. for. Long rides through the forest were no. longer necessary, nor was there a prospect of his being again compelled to lead his horse through the thickets or fol low unfamiliar paths to the cabins of his patients. Dr. Wood was married, at Olena, to Miss Lucy A. Cherry, and to this marriage five children were born, namely: Louise, wife of W. C. Laney; Frederick; Elmer D., who died in early boyhood; Gertie M., residing with her parents; and Harley D. In 1881 the Doctor moved to Greenwich, where greater successes rewarded his close studies and faithful attention to his patients. In early practice he made a reputation in restoring to health those stricken with fever; he was also very successful in ob- HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 499 stetrics, and won the entire confidence of the people. To-day he numbers among his patients many whose birth he attended. Dr. Wood belongs to the Alumni Medical Association of Cleveland, and is a regular attendant at meetings of this Association, as well as a periodical student in the col lege. Among his favorite medical jour nals are the "Cleveland Medical Journal" and the "New York Medical Journal." But his readings on medicine and surgery are not at all confined to these, for he takes special delight in anything and everything written on the two subjects. I D. EASTON is descended from an- k. I cestors who were prominent actors in ^_J] the early history of the New Englaud colonies. One of these pioneers of the Easton family settled in Providence Plantation, in Rhode Island, becoming an associate of Roger Williams. The grand mother of our subject, Miss M. Perry, was a full cousin of Commodore Perry, of Lake Erie fame. Perry Easton, father of J. D., was born January 8, 1790, in Woodbury, Conn., and when yet a boy came to Greene county, N. Y., and served in Capt. Clark's Com pany during the war of 1812. After the war he came to Ontario county, N. Y., and in 1818 moved to Huron county, Ohio, re siding in Ridgefield and Bronson town ships. When a young man he was married to Sallie Raymond, who was born in Great Barrington, Mass., a descendant of Lord Raymond, and they had three children, of whom are mentioned J. D., the subject proper of this sketch, and a twin brother who lives in Paris, Texas. Politically Mr. Easton was first a Jeffersonian Democrat, then a Henry Clay Whig, and subsequently a Republican. He and his family were members of the Presbyterian Church. He died in 1858. J. D. Easton was born in 1816, in Rush- ville, N. Y., and was reared and educated in Huron county, Ohio. In 1848 he was united in marriage with Miss Jane Barker, who was born in 1815, in Cayuga county, N. Y., and they made their home on a farm in Pera township, Huron Co., Ohio. During the war he bought horses for the Government. About 1873 they settled on their present home, containing 170 acres, ninety of which are within the limits of the corporation of Monroeville. In poli tics our subject was originally a Whig, now a Republican, and he has served six years as a member of the board of directors for the county infirmary. He has taken an active interest in other matters of local importance, and was recently elected vice- president of the Firelands Historical As sociation. His wife is a member of the Society of Friends. Mr. and Mrs. Easton are the parents of two children, namely: Ida S. and John P., the latter of whom is married to a Miss Fish, and is now living on a farm near Monroeville; he has two children, Eunice and Candace. 4/ MRS. DAVID L. GIESECK is a daughter of Henry D. and Han- J nah J. (Harris) Smith, both of whom were natives of Ohio, the former born in Knox county, the latter in Licking county. The father died at the age of sixty-five years. Carrie S. Smith was born on the home place in Knox county, where she grew to womanhood, attending the common schools of the vicinity. She also received a year's training in the normal school, then taught two years in Licking county, Ohio. On January 29, 1885, she was united in mar riage with David L. Gieseck, whose father was a native of Germany, his mother an American, boru of German ancestry. David L. Gieseck was born March 8, 1858, in Black Lick, Ohio, passed his 500 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. youth in his native county, and after his marriage came to Huron county, locating in Monroeville March 20, 1885. Here, in partnership with his father, he founded the tile works, the product of which was sent to the eastern and western part of Ohio, and also as far south as Columbus. In the following April they employed eight men. Mr. Gieseck in politics was a Democrat. He was a member of the school board, and a justice of the peace, holding the latter position at the time of his death, which occurred February 9, 1892. He was baptized in the Lutheran Church; his widow is identified with the Baptist denomination. Since the death of her husband Mrs. Gieseck has conducted tbe tile business with great success. She has had three children, namely: Henry L. (deceased at the age of two years and nine months), Emma T. and Mable H. JfACOB BROWN was born April 6, 1836, in Peru township, Huron ' Co., Ohio, a son of Jacob Brown, who was the pioneer of the family in the United States. The father of our subject was a native of France, whence he emigrated when a young man, and found a home in the United States. He worked on the Erie Canal, at Milan, Erie Co., Ohio, and there met and married Mrs. Mary Ann Bentley, a widow. Soon after their marriage this couple located in Pern township, on a tract of five acres, and Mr. Brown, together with improving that little farm, worked for others, his industry enabling him to gradually extend the lines of the original purchase. His property was destroyed by fire once, obliging him to seek another lo cation in the township. After a life of hard, honest toil, he died on the farm, and three years later was followed to the grave by his wife; both are buried in the Catho lic cemetery. Mr. Brown merely exercised his constitutional right to vote, giving his closest attention to his farm and family interests. To his marriage with Mrs. Bentley were born five children, namely: Henry, who served during the Rebellion with the Fifty- fifth O. V. I., and died shortly after the close of the war from in juries received in battle; Coleman, a farm- mer of Peru township; Jacob, subject of this sketch; Lainie, married to Henry Brown, of Norwalk, Ohio; and Mary Ann, who . married William Brown, of Peru township. Jacob Brown received a common-school education, and worked on the home farm until 1861, when he was married to Mary Ann Addleman, a native of Peru township, daughter of Joseph Addleman. To this union nine children were born, namely: Evaline (now Mrs. John Greseainer, of Sherman township), Charles (a farmer of Norwalk township), Alfred, Arthur, Ida, Laura (Mrs. William Hettel, of Peru town ship), Eleanor, Theodore and Otto, resid ing at home. In 1861 Mr. Brown located on the home farm, and remained thereon for five years, when he purchased a one- hundred-acre tract. He owned several farms at different times prior to 1873, when he settled on his present place. The residence and other buildings erected here by Mr. Brown within the last two decades speak of his progressive character, his taste and his industry; while his farm is testi mony to the methodical application of agri cultural knowledge. The members of the family belong to the Catholic Church. THOMAS THOMPSON, proprietor of the "Greenwich Hotel," is not only a pioneer of northern Ohio, but also an old and respected hotel man of this section. Thomas Thompson was born November 28, 1832, in Richland county, just across the Huron county line. His parents, Thomas and Mary (Bard) Thompson, were HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 501 pioneers of Richland county. The father was born in Washington county, Penn., moved to Richland county, Ohio, in 1823, bought a tract of wild land, and settled thereon with his young wife, a year after their marriage. The names of the six children born to them are as follows: Margaret, a widow; Ann, Mrs. McLaugh lin; John, living in Greenwich township; Keziah, residing on the old homestead; Thomas, the subject of this sketch, and Absalom, a carpenter aud joiner. Thomas Thompson grew to manhood on his father's farm, which he helped to im prove. He assisted in opening the old road between Huron and Richland counties, and also aided in making the first road on the west branch of the Vermillion river. He was not yet fourteen years old when he hauled the grain and other products of the farm to Milan, the nearest market-town, and from that age to his twenty-eighth year was the man of all work on the home stead. On October 4, 1860, he married Miss Susan Clark, who was born in Orange township, Ashland county. One son George M., was born to them, who, enter ing the telegraph service at fourteen years of age, is now filling an important position with the Western Union Co., in the State of Washington. Soon after marriage Mr. and Mrs. Thompson located on a rented farm in Greenwich township, whence he shortly afterward moved to the center of the township, and carried on a hotel for three years. He next came to Greenwich, purchased property in the village, and conducted a hotel from September, 1866, to September, 1876, when he disposed of his interests in the old house, and purchased his present property, where he has since resided and carried on business. Mr. Thompson was one of the men who cut the first lumber used in the construction of theC.& I. R.R., and for four or five years was engaged in the lumber business, handling princi pally black walnut. During the Civil war he was represented in the field by his cousin, John Thompson, who is now living in Pennsylvania. In politics our subject is a Democrat. His paternal grandparents came from Ireland, where their fathers had settled on the confiscated lands. They came here with tbe theories of ownership of real and personal property inculcated in Ireland, and those theories have been inherited by their children and grand children. On the maternal side the grand parents came from England, and found a home in Pennsylvania. pros- 4/ tiff ICHAEL STEIBER, Je., a Xr/\ per°ns, intelligent farmer of 1[ Ridgefield township, is a son of Joseph Steiber, a native of Ger many, and by trade a stonemason. Michael Steiber was born in 1829 in Baden, Germany, and after attending the public schools of the Grand Dnchy, learned his father's trade. In 1860 he was united in marriage with Victoria Holerbaugh, also a native of Baden, who bore him four children, namely: Frank, now a farmer of Ridgefield township, Huron county; Mi chael, whose sketch follows; Gretchen, and Louis, the latter two having died in their youth. The father followed his trade some years after his marriage, then farmed ' for a time. A brother (Franklin) who had settled in America, then bargained for a farm, which they purchased, and in 1872, with his wife and two sons, Michael Steiber sailed from Hamburg, landing at New York. They then proceeded to Nor walk, Ohio, remaining there four weeks, waiting till their property was vacated, then located on the farm where they have since resided. Among the many improve- which Mr. Steiber has made on his place should be mentioned the handsome dwell ing and commodious new barn. He has successfully conducted a general farming and stock-raising business, and has suc ceeded in saving a good sum of money by 502 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. dint of constant toil and judicious economy. He is an unassuming but thoroughly sub stantial citizen, and in politics votes the Democratic ticket. He and his wife are zealous supporters of the Catholic Church at Norwalk. Michael Steiber, Jr., son of Michael and Victoria (Holerbaugh) Steiber, was born September 28, 1863, in Baden, Germany, where he attended school two years, then came with his parents to Huron county, Ohio. After settling in this country he finished his education at the schools of Ridgefield township, and on May 4, 1886, he married Mary Fitz, who was born in 1861, a daughter of Frank Fitz, of San dusky, Ohio. Since their marriage Mi chael and Mary Steiber have resided on his father's farm, which he works. He is one of the leading young men of Ridgefield township, and in political opinion is a Democrat. He and his wife are members of the Catholic Church. fr^h OBERT F. WADDELL, Hartland lJ*f( township. This gentleman is a If 1^ grandson of Robert Waddell, a y) farmer, who was born near Balti more, Md., whence in middle life he migrated to Ohio, dying in Knox county at about the age of seventy-two years. The names of some of his children are Charles, Abbott, Robert F., David, Bertha and Rachel. Robert F. Waddell, father of subj^t, was also a native of Maryland, and came to Ohio along with his father. He was a farmer all his days, and in Brown town ship, Knox county, was a local preacher. He took up wild land in that township, and " blazed " a road from Danville to his farm, a distance of nearly eight miles through the woods. He cleared half an acre, and built him a log cabin, after which he re turned to Maryland for his wife and child, whom he had left behind, bringing them to their new western home, together with all the household goods and chattels, the journey being made in winter-time with au ox-sled. Wild animals still roamed the forest, and wolves would frequently make nocturnal attacks on the illy-protected cabin, rushing for the " door," which con sisted of nothing stronger than a blanket hung up; but by keeping up a bright fire the ravenous brutes were/held at bay. Mr. Waddell cleared 250 acres, and had many an adventure while engaged at either chopping or hunting, at one time having a narrow escape from a bear, which would have killed him but for his faithful dog. He built the first church and schoolhouse, and established the first burying-ground in Brown township, Knox county, Ohio. Robert F. Waddell, Sr., married Eliza beth Critchfield, a daughter of Alvin Critchfield, a native of near Cumberland, Md., who came to Knox county, Ohio, and there passed the rest of his days. To this union were born children as follows: Ray mond, Milton and Matilda, all three de ceased; Evaline (Mrs. Melton), also de ceased; Mary Ann (Mrs. Phillips), in Hart land; Charles, a physician iu Indiana, where he has an extensive practice; James, in Wauseon, Fulton Co., Ohio; and Rob ert F. The father died in 1850, a mem ber of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, the mother about 1868. The subject of this sketch was born February 7, 1848, on the old homestead in Knox county, Ohio, and received his edu cation at the common schools of the vicin ity. At the breaking out, of the Civil war he would have joined the Union army but for physical disability, and, moreover, it was necessary for him to care for his aged mother, he being the only one left at home. He married Miss Christiana Blakely, daughter of William and Sarah Blakely, of Knox county, Ohio, and five children were born to this union, to wit: Jennie, Charles, Raymond, Sarah Elizabeth and Jessie Mabel, all at home except Charles, who is deceased. HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 503 After marriage Mr. Waddell sold the old homestead and bought fifty acres of land in Huron county, which he paid for in four or five years, and then resold and purchased his present place in Hartland township, comprising ninety-one and a quarter acres of excellent farm land. In 1890 he built a commodious barn, and otherwise greatly improved the property. , Politically Mr. Waddell is a Republican, and in religious faith he is a member of the United Breth ren Church. I C. FRIEND, M. D., a deservedly u popular rising young physician and druggist of Monroeville, is a native of that town, born in 1862. He is a son of Charles Friend, who was born in Baden, Germany, in 1827, a son of John Friend, of the same place. Charles was a cooper by trade, working at which as a journeyman, he traveled over the greater part of Switzer land. When comparatively yet a young man, he immigrated to the United States, and to Ohio, making a new and permanent home in Monroeville, Huron county, where he carried on his trade several years, and then embarked in the grocery business, in which he met with fair success. In 1853 he married Miss Paulina Stoeckley, also of Baden, Germany, a daughter of John -Stoeckley, who came from Germany to Monroeville, Ohio, some few years ago. To this marriage seven children were born, viz.: Henry, Alfred, Emma and Catherine, all deceased in infancy; and Mary L. (Mrs. Tyler), in Monroeville; Dr. A. O; and John B. The father died April 2. 1889; the mother died July 19, 1888. They were worthy members of the Catholic Church. The subject of this biographical sketch was educated in his native town, and after leaving school entered the drug store of D. Jay Kling as clerk. He then, about 1882, went to the Western Reserve Medi cal School, where he graduated in 1884. He first commenced the practice of his profession in Sandusky, but remained only a short time, returning ?to Monroeville, where in 1887 he bought a half interest in a drug store, his brother John B. owning the other half. Not long afterward our subject bought out his brother's interest, and has since had undivided control of the business, an excellent one, the store being replete with everything essential to a first- class drug establishment, including the careful compounding of prescriptions. In 1888 Dr. Friend was married to Miss Loretta E. Worley, daughter of An drew Worley, a retired merchant of New Riegel, Seneca Co., Ohio, aud three chil dren have come to brighten their fireside — Ralph W., Oliver J. and Sylvia Marie. The Doctor has been for a considerable time a prominent local Democrat of no little influence, and has served in various positions of trust, such as justice of the peace, and town clerk, which latter incum bency he is now filling with marked ability ; has been president of the Demo cratic club of Norwalk, and chairman of the central committee. He is president of the National Building and Loan Associa tion of Monroeville, and in religious faith is a prominent member of the Catholic Church. In addition to his thriving drug business, he enjoys a lucrative and fast increasing practice in his profession. [Since the above was written we have been informed of the death of Dr. Friend, which occurred November 8, 1893. — Ed. E. HERSHISER, M. D., who enjoys a wide reputation in Huron county and vicinity as a successful physi cian and surgeon, is a native of Ohio, born in the town of Shelby, Richland county, in 1854. He is a son of Solomon Hershiser, who was born in Bradford, Penn., whence when a small boy he came with his father to Ohio, settling in Richland county, where he en gaged in farming all his life. His grand- 504 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. father (great-grandfather of our subject), came to America before the Revolution, in which struggle he served on the side of the patriots. A. E. Hershiser received a liberal com mon-school education, after which hegradu- ated in a scientific course, and then took up the study of the classics. He read medicine first under the preceptorship of Dr. N. Huss, then of Shelby, Ohio, now of Brooklyn, N. Y., and attended lectures at Cleveland Medical College, two terms, finally graduating at Miami Medical Col lege, Cincinnati. The Doctor commenced the practice of his profession at Collins, Ohio, whence after about three years he proceeded to Philadelphia, where for a year he attended hospitals and leading medical colleges, receiving his diploma from Jefferson Medical College. In 1885 he came to Wakeman, and has since en joyed a wide and successful practice; he has given diseases of the lungs and abdomen special attention. Our subject was mar ried, in Cleveland, Ohio, to Miss Nettie S. Purdy, and one child, Mary Beulah, has been born to them. Dr. and Mrs. Her shiser are members of the Congregational Church; politically he a Prohibitionist, socially a member of the North Central Ohio Medical Association. IfSAAC McKESSON. The well-known family, of which this gentleman is a J worthy member, originated in Scotland, where one John McKesson was born and educated, graduating with high honors from both the literary and theological departments of the University of Edin burgh. Immediately after graduation he was ordained to the ministry of the Pres byterian Church, and passed his life as a "watchman on the walls of Zion." About 1760 he set sail for the United States in company with some friends, first locating at Windsor, York Co., Penn., where in addition to his ministerial duties he owned and operated a large distillery, taking the produce to Baltimore and other markets by means of four-and-six-horse teams. His superior scholarship was of practical use in land surveying, of which there was much in those days, untangling knotty problems, adjusting compasses, levels and other mathematical instruments ; and also enabled him to act as interpreter in the various courts. He was a stanch patriot, rendering numerous and important services to the young Republic. He and his wife, Jane McKesson, who was also a native of Scotland, had a family of seven children. Isaac McKesson, youngest child of John aud Jane McKesson, was born July 25, 1782, in Pennsylvania. He received a good education, and began to study for the ministry, but theology did not suit his tastes, which were inclined to mechanical pursuits. Accordingly, he abandoned his theological studies, and served several years as an apprentice to his brother James, who was an expert millwright and equally skilled in all branches of woodwork. After serving his time, Isaac McKesson success fully followed his trade the greater part of his life. On October 1, 1811, he was united in marriage with Elizabeth, daugh- of James and Jane (Reed) Caldwell, the former of whom was a prominent patriot and colonel in the Continental army, rendering valuable service to his country. during the Revolution. After their mar riage Mr. and Mrs. McKesson removed to Lycoming county, Penn., where he took up about 2,200 acres of land among the hills on the west branch of the Susque hanna river. He then built a saw and grist mill at Sinnamahoning, Cameron county, near the mouth of Sinnamahoning creek, also dealing extensively in lumber, which he shipped down the river to Balti more and other important points. After the war of 1812 he sustained heavy finan cial losses, through the depreciation of currency throughout the country. In 1827 he moved to northern Ohio, first lo,catii}g HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 505 in Venice, Erie county, then moving to Huron county, where he repaired the saw and grist mills owned by E. Jessips, an ex tensive land owner, of whom Mr. Mc Kesson purchased a farm in Margaretta township, Erie Co., Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. McKesson reared a family of eight chil dren. They were members of the M. E. Church, in which he held numerous offi cial positions. He died March 25, 1854, at the home of his son Isaac. Isaac McKesson, whosename introduces this sketch, was born January 12, 1821, in Lycoming county, Penn., and when seven years of age came with his parents to Ohio. After receiving a subscription - school education he taught for a while, at the same time assisting his father with the carpenter and mill-wright business." He then opened a lumber and sawmill estab lishment at Enterprize, Huron county, and after conducting this one year, re sumed farming on his father's place, later moving to near Sandusky. During the winter season he dealt in lumber for about three years, then bought a farm in York township, Sandusky Co., Ohio, and fol lowed agricultural pursuits, also acting as agent for various kinds of agricultural implements. In 1851 Mr. McKesson moved to a place known as the •* Seven- Mile House," iu Erie county, Ohio, which he purchased, and there continued farm ing, in addition to the agency business, until the autumn of 1869. He then sold a part of this farm, and moved to Towns- end township, Huron county, where, about three years previously, he had pur chased several hundred acres of land and the bending works situated at Collins. He continued to improve the works, which had been opened in 1852, being the first establishment of the kind in that part of Ohio, and in 1871 sold the business to his son, L. V., and established a sash and blind and pump and tubing factory at Collins. The famous "Collins force-pump" was first made at the factory just men tioned, which Mr. McKesson afterward sold and then conducted the first " Genesee separator " used in this country. He now owns a large tract of land in Eaton county, Mich., and for several years has conducted a large sawmill and turning factory about two miles below Eaton Rapids; he has also been part owner of an edge-too fac tory at the same place. He is now retired from active business, but still owns several hundred acres of land in Ohio, Virginia, Mis souri and Michigan, besides town and vil lage property in various places. During the Civil war he was elected lieutenant- colonel of the Erie county militia, and since then has filled numerous civil and military positions. He served eight successive terms as trustee of Groton township, Erie county, being elected by the Republican party in a township usually having a Democratic majority. He was originally a local leader of the Whigs, afterward assist ing to organize the Republican party, in which he has , been a prominent worker. At one time he was an earnest advocate of the " Greenback" theory, but never re nounced fealty to the Republicans, and is now deeply interested in the National Bank system. He has served as township treasurer and justice of the peace, and for two years was commissioner of Erie county. Mr. McKesson has also been appointed ad ministrator of various estates and guardian for minor children. He has been a trustee of the Childrens' Home Association of Huron county since that institution was organized, and for several years has been a director of the Agricultural Society of Erie and Huron counties, having assisted with the location and purchase of the grounds for the Erie County Agricultural Associa tion. He has ever been a'leading spirit in all public enterprises, and was the prime mover in the erection of the new depot at Collins. He also assisted in locating, grading and adorning the beautiful little park at that place, in securing the elegant music hall, the improvement of several streets, and has been interested in various public enterprises. 506 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. On October 28, 1841, Mr. McKesson was united in marriage with Lorada Jane Hunt, who was a native of Bridgewater, N. H., born August 8, 1817, and was edu cated at the Norwalk Seminary, being a pupil of the late Bishop Thomson. She was a daughter of John and Nancy (Lord) Hunt, both of whom were natives of New Hampshire, of English descent. She died September 29, 1878, a lifelong member of the M. E. Church, leaving two children: Lester V. and Nancy E., wife of George D. Lyles. In March, 1880, Isaac Mc Kesson married, for his second wife, Mrs. Harriet S. (Reed) Emerson, who was born July 19, 1818, in Connecticut. She died July 1, 1886, at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. J. D. Waggoner, a member of the M. E. Church, and on November 1, 1887, Mr. McKesson was married to his present wife, Mrs. Rebecca Jane (Balliet) Van Buskirk, who was born May 18, 1840, in Mansfield, Ohio, a daughter of Henry and Catherine (Montz) Balliet, na tives of Pennsylvania, whither their an cestors had emigrated from Alsace-Lo- raine (then in France, now in Germany). Our subject, in religious faith, is a mem ber of the M. E. Church, which he has served in various capacities, while Mrs. McKesson is identified with the Presby terian denomination. Joseph t. lazell, a successful k. I farmer of Fitchville township, is a \yj native of New York State, born at Moravia, Cayuga county, February 15, 1837. Calvin Lazell (great-grandfather of sub ject) and his brother emigrated from France to America about the close of the eighteenth century, the first named locat ing in Cayuga county, N. Y., the latter in Pennsylvania. This Calvin was the father of fourteen children, of whom Daniel was one. Daniel Lazell married, and had six chil dren, Jared, the third in order of birth, be ing the father of our subject. Jared La zell was born in 1812, in Cayuga county, N. Y., was reared there in the manner common to the boys of his time, and while still a youth was apprenticed to a shoe maker. When a young man he married Hannah Turner, a native of Cayuga county, and they soon after migrated to Huron county, Ohio, locating in Hartland township, where they lived at the home of Spencer Phillips. Here he followed his trade for a short time, and then re turned to Cayuga county, where Mrs. La zell died in July, 1841. Mr. Lazell mar ried, for his second wife, Mary Sawyer, and then, again determined to try Ohio, he came to Berlin, Erie county, where he worked at his trade one year, going from house to house, as was then the custom. The family then returned to Cayuga county, N. Y., where Mr. Lazell followed the trade for six or seven years, and then moved to Olena, Huron Co., Ohio. Later he established himself at Bairdstown, Wood Co., Ohio, where he is yet engaged at his trade, though now over eighty- two years of age. His wife also resides there, and both enjoy remarkable health for per sons of their age. There were three children born to Jared and Hannah Lazell, namely: Joseph T., the subject of this sketch; Emeline, widow of Judson Smith, of Cleveland; and an infant who died un named. To his second marriage, with Mary Sawyer, two children were bora: Franklin, of Bairdstown, Ohio, and Caro line, widow of Byron Fullson, of Garretts- ville, Trumbull Co., Ohio. Joseph T. Lazell received an elementary education in the public schools, and when thirteen years old was apprenticed to Wal ter Sabin, a shoemaker in Cayuga county, N. Y. Having previously acquired a knowledge of the trade with his father, he learned quickly, and soon received sev enty-five dollars per annum for his labor, working with Sabin nine months. HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 507 Later he received two hundred and fifty dollars a year, and subsequently worked at Montville, N. Y., until he began life as a journeyman. Owing to his youthful ap pearance he was known as " The Boy Shoe maker," a sobriquet generally conferred in the kindest sense, for the people knew that he was as capable of doing fine work as the most experienced tradesman. He worked as journeyman from Moravia to Buffalo, and at the age of nineteen years located at Olena, Huron Co., Ohio, where he began work for T. G. King, afterward working for Benjamin Green, and he sub sequently became a partner with his father. On February 16, 1858, Mr. Lazell mar ried Mary A. Burris, who was born at Olena, daughter of William H. Burris, who came from Cayuga county, N. Y., and settled in Hartland township, Huron Co., Ohio. To this marriage were born the following named children: Blanche H., Mrs. A. H. Luxon, of Chicago, Ohio; Ruth A., Mrs. J. E. Smith, of Fitchville; Nellie, Mrs. Eugene Lee, of Hartland township; Emma, Louise, and Jessie, all residing at home. After his marriage he built a home at Olena, and worked at his trade there until 1866, when he purchased the Abijah Palmer farm in Fitchville town ship. To this tract he has added seventy acres, and improved the whole area. A Republican in politics, he has filled vari ous township offices; but his farm receives the greater part of his attention. ^HARLES S. CLARK. This gentle- man, who is one of the most enter t prising and thoroughly successful young men of Wakeman, is a son of D. Stiles Clark, who was born in Milford, New Haven Co., Conn., in 1828. The lat ter received a liberal common-school edu cation, and in early youth commenced to learn the trade of boot and shoe maker, which he followed for fully twenty-five yews. 38 In 1856 D. Stiles Clark came west to Ohio, and located in Wakeman township, Huron county, where he continued his trade, and invested in real estate in and near the present site of Wakeman village, wliich was then but a mere " cross road." Some of his property was divided into town lots, the remainder he cultivated and farmed. In Connecticut he had married Miss Esther A. Boyd, and five children were bora to them, as follows: Ella, Wab ter and Rollie (deceased) ; Harriet, now the wife of Prof. Andrews, of Oberlin College; and Charles, subject of sketch. Tbe father died in February, 1887, a thorough Chris tian, and a member of the Congregational Church of Wakeman. In his political sympathies he was a Republican until a few years before his demise, when he be came a Prohibitionist. In the course of his busy life he had accumulated wealth, but in later years he met with reverses and lost heavily. In the cemetery of Wake man stands a beautiful monument, erected by the family to the memory of a devoted husband, a kind and loving father, an hon ored and trusted neighbor and citizen. His noble wife, who through sunshine and storm was ever his helpmate and comfor ter, survives bim, and is now at the age of sixty- four years residing with her son, of whom she is justly proud. Charles S. Clark, whose name opens this sketch, was born March 21, 1860, in Wakeman, Huron county, where his boy hood was passed, during the winter months attending the village school, the remainder of the year working on his father's farm. On reaching his majority he decided on his future sphere of life, and renting from his father an acre of ground, bought five dollars worth of corn-seed, that sum being his entire capital. This seed he sowed on the land he had rented, and the crop there of he sold for seed purposes; then the fol lowing year he rented more land, and this time planted sweet corn, on each occasion carefully cultivating and harvesting his crops. From this small beginning Mr. 508 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Clark has gradually risen until to-day he is the most extensive seed-corn grower in America. He handles more than eighty different varieties of corn — including field, pop and sweet — and his business has grown to such proportions that he now has seven branch offices and warehouses in various parts of the United States. He is the originator of the varieties of corn known as "Clark's Mastodon Field Corn " and " None-such Sweet Cora," which, though placed on the market a few years ago, are known and grown by corn raisers all over the world. During the past few years he has invested many thousands of dollars in buildings, etc., while his daily freight bills reach far into the hundreds, which in themselves testify to the magni tude of his trade. In connection with his business interests, Mr. Clark has traveled extensively, and is well known in every part of the land. On June 12, 1888, our subject was united in marriage with Miss Sadie T. Smith, daughter of Stiles Smith, of Mil ford, Conn., aud two children have come to brighten their home, viz.: Hazel, born February 20, 1892, and another daughter, born February 17, 1894. In his political predilections Mr. Clark may be said to be a " No Party " man, casting his vote for the candidate — Presidential or otherwise — he considers best qualified for the posi tion, and the best man for the people at large. His wife and mother are members pf the Congregational Church. E ^JDWIN DENNIS TODD, one of the many well-to-do farmer citizens of Wakeman township, is a native of same, born on the old homestead farm December 20, 1841. George Todd, father of Edwin D., was born in North Haven, Conn., in 1807, and was there educated, and reared to agricul tural pursuits. In 1836 became to Ohio, settling on land now owned by our sub ject, in Wakeman township, Huron county, at that time a vista of almost unbroken forest and deep-tangled undergrowth. He married Miss Betsy Pierpoint, also of Connecticut birth, and four children, as follows, came to their union: Edgar M., living in Wakeman, Huron county; Ellen G., wife of Rev. Edwin Irwin, of Middle- town, Ohio; Edwin Dennis, subject of sketch, and one deceased. The father of this family died in April, 1853, owner at that time of 206 acres of land which he accumulated by industry and good man agement. Socially he was a good citizen, honest and upright; politically he was a stanch Democrat, loyal to his party and active in all its campaigns. His widow, now in her eighty-first year, is living with her son Edgar M. in Wakeman ; she is a devout Christian, and enjoys the respect and esteem of the entire community. Edwin Dennis Todd received a limited elementary education at the common schools of the home district, which was supplemented with a two-terms course in the schools of Milan. He remained on his father's farm until twenty-six years of age, at which time he commenced working for his own account, and he is now the owner of ninety-six acres of prime land in Wakeman township, on which, in 1891, he built a commodious dwelling. On No vember 25, 1869, Mr. Todd was united in marriage with Miss Anna Bates, daughter of Hiram Bates, of Wakeman, and natives of New York State. They have no chil dren. Our subject is a Prohibitionist, and is regarded as a good representative citizen. He has been a member of the Congrega tional Church several years. JAMES PARK, one of the prominent farmers of Huron county, was born April 20, 1832, in County Donegal, Ireland, within eighteen miles of Londonderry. His father, Joseph Park, son of Joseph Park, a farmer of County Donegal, Ire- HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 509 land, was born in 1802 on the farm of his father and there reared to manhood. In early manhood he married Sarah McAdoo, who was born in 1805 in County Donegal, Ireland, and to this marriage six children were born in Ireland, namely: Joseph and Robert, both farmers of Bronson town ship, Huron Co., Ohio; James, the subject of this sketch; William H, a farmer, who served in the Third Iowa Cavalry, and was for seven years U. S. guager at Cincinnati (he died in 1886); Alexander, a farmer of Bronson township, and Matthew, who served in the One Hundred and First O. V. I., and after the war was clerk for an iron company in Missouri, where he was taken ill (he returned home and died in Bronson township January 20, 1874). The father of this family was the owner of two good farms near Londonderry and the em ployer of many farm hands until 1847, when he sought a home in the United States, where a wide field was open for himself and his children. In 1847 Joseph, his wife and the six sons proceeded to Liv erpool, England, and embarking on the ship " Royalist," sailed for the United States. The voyage was a stormy one from the start, so much so that the old ex perienced Scotch captain of tbe vessel rec ommended his passengers to prepare for death. The old captain, fortunately, was out in his reckonings, the storm abated, and the good ship anchored in the shadows of Quebec's heights twenty-eight days after leaving Liverpool. The Parks proceeded westward by river and lake boats until they reached the port of Huron, Ohio. They proceeded by wagon from that village to William Mc- Pherson's house in Bronson township, Huron county, and there rested for a few weeks. Later the family went to Ashland county, Ohio, and remained among friends from Donegal for a few months. In the fall of 1847 the father returned to Bron son township, purchased seventy-five acres of land at ten dollars and fifty cents per acre, and there resided until his death, November 6, 1860; he was followed to the grave by his wife January 1, 1861, and the remains of both lie in Olena ceme tery. The land which he purchased was all wild with the exception of three acres, and in clearing it the father and sons ex pended much labor; for the work was new to them and their financial condition, low ered by the extraordinary expenses of the journey to Huron county, Ohio, caused them to exercise the closest economy while making their home in the wilder ness. The fact is that he had to buy his first farm on credit, but through the per sistent industry of himself and sons he prospered, and before his death had made a comfortable home. James Park received an elementary edu cation in the schools of his district in, Donegal, Ireland, and as soon as he was old enough assisted in the farm work and cattle herding. In 1847 he accompanied the family to America, and gave his best labors here until their first home in the New World was made and clear of debt. He next entered the employ of Isaac Sel- over, in Bronson township, the consider ation being one hundred and sixty-two dollars for the year ending in October, 1855. The next three months our subject worked at carpentry, and on January 20, 1856, embarked at New York on board a vessel bound for Aspinwall, and after crossing the Isthmus of Panama took pas sage in the " John L. Stevens" for San Francisco. During the two years he passed in California he was engaged in various pursuits, such as mining, packing mer chandise between Humboldt Bay and Sal mon river, and butchering. On July 4, 1858, he re-embarked on the " John L. Stevens " for the Isthmus, crossed to As pinwall, and thence sailed to New York on the " Moses Taylor." He paid another visit to California, and also revisited his native land — Ireland. In April, 1859, Mr. Park was married to Catherine Ernsberger, who bore him two children, William H. and Emma, both 510 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. of whom died in youth. The mother of these children dying in February, 1863, Mr. Park married Martha Ernsberger, sis ter of his first wife, and to this union were born three children: Jennie, Mrs. Charles F. Brown, of Hartland township; Emmett, who resides at home, and -Lizzie, Mrs. A. D. M. Pratt, of Norwalk. After the death of Mrs. Martha Park, he married, for his third wife, Mary A. McPherson, and she became the mother of four children, namely: Louise E. (a student in Oberlin College), Clara B., Edna M. and Alice F., residing at home. On the death of his first wife Mr. Park took up his residence with his father-in-law, Mr. Ernsberger, on the farm which he now owns, later pur chasing this place and adding to it gradu ally, until his estate now comprises over 200 acres of the best land in the township. In 1884 he selected a natural elevation on his farm for a residence, and thereon built the finest dwelling house in the township. Mr. Park's success rests on labor. He is an indefatigable worker and a most system atic agriculturist. Endowed with the vim and energy characteristic of the sons of Erin, he carved out for himself a fortune and gave to the fairest portion of Ohio one of its best improved farms. Politically a Republican, he has always been loyal to the party, and is one of its most trusted members in Huron county. He has served his township in various official positions, as director of the County Infirmary for nine years, and township trustee for thir teen years. During the Civil war he helped in raising nineteen thousand dollars to clear the township of demands arising from the draft. He has taken a prominent part in the organization of agricultural so cieties, and has held various positions in agricultural fair associations throughout the county. A man of excellent judgment, his opinion is sought on questions affect ing township and county; while, in pri vate affairs, his reputation for honesty and sincerity causes him to be selected as guardian and executor. In religious con nection he and his wife are members of Olena Presbyterian Church, in which he has been elder for over twenty-five years, superintendent of Sabbath-school for over twenty-seven years, and is from every point of view a pillar in the Society. S. ANDREWS, son of Samuel and Eunice (Taylor) Andrews, was born in 1843, in Fairfield township, Huron county Ohio. Samuel Andrews was born in Cayuga county, N. Y., and resided there until his marriage with Eunice Taylor. The young couple then removed to Huron county, Ohio, and settled in Fairfield township, where Mrs. Andrews died in her seventy- sixth year. Samuel Andrews, now over eighty years old, resides with bis son, W. S., at Greenwich. They had two sons. W. S. Andrews was educated in the district schools, and subsequently took a commercial course in Oberlin College. Returning home, he worked on the home place until he was twenty-six years old, when he established himself as a dealer in horses, making a specialty of fine coach and carriage horses for the New York and Boston markets. He located at Greeuwich in 1882, when he established a livery in connection with his stables. In 1884 he sold his livery interests, in order to give exclusive attention to his growing business in fine horses. Animals worth from two hundred and fifty dollars to eight hundred dollars are always ready in his stables for shipment, and his representation of a horse is accepted, for there is.no better judge of horses in the county than he is. The fact that he has a horse in bis stable is a certain guarantee that the animal possesses all the points necessary in a coach or carriage horse. He is recognized as a thoroughly reliable, honest business man, and he gen erally receives his own price for his stock. HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 511 Mr. Andrews was united in marriage, in Fairfield, with Miss Flora Wright. In politics he is a Republican. As a citizen he has done much to encourage the breed ing of fine stock, and has exerted a bene ficial influence on the horse markets of eastern cities. IV ¥f ATHANIEL W. O'DELL, a prom- I VJ inent citizen of Fitchville township, a l[ was born February 8, 1842, inHart- •J) land township, Huron Co., Ohio. His great-grandfather, James O'Dell, was one of three brothers who came from Ireland to the young Republic in the latter part of the eighteenth century. James settled in Connecticut; another brother located in Virginia, and one became a sailor, all trace of the latter being lost. Nathaniel O'Dell, son of James O'Dell, was born November 6, 1799, in Warren county, N. Y., where he grew to manhood, and learned the trades of mason and plas terer. In 1819 he was united in mar riage to Sally Lane, who was born in the same county October 20, 1799, and there the following named children were born to them: Daniel, born July 4, 1819; Ansel, born April 19, 1821, came to Ohio with his parents, but about 1855 migrated to Mich igan, settling in Ingham county, where he carried on farming until his retirement from active life (he now lives at Aurelius, Mich.); Lewis L., born August 31, 1823, died January 29, 1825; Amy, born Sep tember 30, 1825, wife of William Hop kins, of Aurelius, Ingham Co., Mich.; Lewis L. (2), born September 20, 1827, who was a farmer of Ingham county, Mich., died in Lucas county, Ohio; and Maria, bora August 24, 1829, who married Ezra Stratton, and now resides at Swanton, Ohio. The family of Nathaniel O'Dell removed to Ohio about the beginning of the year 1833, the father having visited Huron county three years prior to their migration. The journey of the family, however, was not completed without disap pointments. The lake was so rough that they were prevented from landing at Huron, and the teams sent down from Huron county to meet them and convey them to their new home returned. When the storm subsided, a landing was made, and Mr. O'Dell walked to Olena to procure other teams. His trip was successful, and re turning to Huron he brought the family to Hosea Townsend's farm in New London township. His capital at this time was twelve dollars, and the members of the family that were old enough had to enter at once on" work, to earn sustenance. In this county the following named children were born: William, born February 14, 1833, who died February 6, 1840, and was buried on the farm ; Emeline, born Sep tember 4, 1836, wife of Frank Miller, of Swanton, Ohio; and Charlotte, bora Sep tember 20, 1844, married to Silas Munsil, of Swanton, Ohio, where she now resides. For six months after their arrival the fam ily remained in New London township, and then moved to the site of the present town of Olena, then known as " Angel's Corners," where the father purchased some land. There he resided until about 1850, and then located on a farm some distance south of Olena, on which he made his home until his death, September 19, 1879. He was taken ill while visiting in Lucas county, Ohio, which illness led to his death. His wife died in 1878, and both lie in the cemetery at Olena, where monuments, erected by their children, mark their graves. Politically he was a Democrat until the time of tbe Civil war, when he joined the Republicans. Owing to the scarcity of work for him as a tradesman, he devoted his attention to agriculture, and even as an old man he could contest for the honors of work with the ablest hands on the farm. As a wrestler, he was never thrown by any one. His wife, known as "Aunt Sally," was a strong, healthy woman, and endured with the family all the trials of pioneer life. 512 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. Daniel O'Dell was born in 1819, at Queensbury, Warren county, N. Y., came to Ohio with his parents in 1833, and took a full share in supporting the family. Be fore leaving Warren county, N. Y., he at tended school, and even in Ohio he realized the value of an elementary education, for, while, working here for A. G. Post, he found time to attend the winter school of the district. When a young man he at tended the masons in the erection of the first brick building at Norwalk, and he also cut the first four-foot fire-wood hauled to Norwalk, the consideration being two shil lings per cord. He was united in marriage February 11, 1841, with Mfss Almira Wooley, who was born April 28, 1824, in Genesee county, N. Y., and came to Ohio when a child ten years of age. To her marriage witb Mr. O'Dell the following named children were bora: Nathaniel W., the subject of this biographical memoir; Henry C, born May 18, 1844, a resident of Olena; Charles J., a farmer of Fitch ville township; Wesley D., a resident of Olena; and Sarah J., born October 15, 1861, deceased July 3, 1862. In 1841 Daniel O'Dell and his wife settled on a farm of forty acres in Hartland township, Huron Co., Ohio, thence in 1860 removing to Townsend township, where he had pur chased land. In 1871 he returned to Hartland township, eight years later taking up his residence in Greenwich township, and remaining there until 1881, when he located at Fitchville. Here he resided un til his death, March 16, 1891; the death of his wife, the preceding day, affected him so powerfully as to cause his own death within twenty-four hours, and the pioneers were buried side by side in Olena . cemetery. Mr. O'Dell was an enthusiastic Democrat, and in Church connection affili ated with the Society of Friends. His wife joined the Methodist Church in early years, but seventeen years prior to her death united with the Society of Friends at Greenwich. Both were excellent peo ple, as parents and citizens, and possessed broad sympathy for the unfortunate. At their golden wedding, held February 11, 1891, the large number of relatives and friends demonstrated clearly the esteem in which the old people were held. Nathaniel W. O'Dell passed his youth after the fashion of farmers' boys of the period, working on the farm and attending winter school, his first teacher being Miss Emma A. Pierce. From the age of eigh teen to that of twenty-one years his health was poor, but recovering somewhat he went to Cleveland, where he obtained the position of traveling salesman in Noyeson Bros.' dry-goods and notions house. The salary of twenty dollars per month was soon increased to forty-five dollars, and he remained in the service of that firm until the close of June, 1869. On July 1, 1869, he was united in marriage with Mrs. Dania (Templar) Deneen (widow of William Deneen), who was bora January 22, 1850, in Hartland township. Her father, Jonathan Templar, was born March 20, 1813, in Schenectady county, N. Y., came westward to Ohio in 1848, and subsequently went to Mason, Mich., where he died October 10, 1866. To Mr. and Mrs. O'Dell came the following named children: Frank, a farmer of Fitch ville township; Fred L., born August 1, 1871, also a farmer of Fitchville; Annie S., born November 14, 1875, Mrs. John Kennedy, of Olena; Nicholas T., born Marcii 19, 1877; Colonel E., born April 23, 1882, and Della, born November 4, 1886, all residing at home. After mar riage Mr. O'Dell and his wife located in Greenwich township, where he was en gaged for one year in buying and furnish ing wood for the C. C. C. & I. Railroad Co. He had fifty-three acres of land in Townsend township, the property of his maternal grandfather, and selling this tract, together with one of thirty acres in Greenwich township, he removed to Olm sted Falls, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, where he became interested in farming and stone quarrying. After a year be returned to ''IrA.ff.aitrlie-.'S- HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 513 Greenwich township, and, in partnership with his father, purchased a farm and car ried it on for over six vears. Then he removed to Plartland township, to take possession of Grandfather O'Dell's farm, which he purchased, and on which he re mained for five years, a part of the time conducting a general store at Olena, in connection with his farming operations. In 1883 he purchased the Hezekiah John son farm in Fitchville township, and he now owns 178 acres, all improved, which he manages systematically. In connection with his agricultural pursuits on this beau tiful farm, be does a large business in agri cultural implements, a trade which he has built up during the last twelve or thirteen years. Politically Mr. O'Dell is a Demo crat; religiously, a Presbyterian. 1(0 HN S. DAVIS was born March 28, k. I 1806, in Baltimore county, Md. His \^J) parents were Jesse and Mary Ann (Sowers) Davis. His mother died while he was still an infant, and he was brought up by his maternal grandparents, John and Mary Ann Sowers. After his mother's death his father was twice mar ried — fir&t to a Miss Hunt, by whom he had two children, Mary and Jackson — and again to a Miss SeweU, who bore him one child, Ann Eliza. Not long after his mother's death, his father removed to the State of Pennsylvania, where (in the vil lage of Shrewsbury, York county) he died about the year 1833. In 1811, when he was but five years old, Mr. Davis came, with his grandparents above named, to Fairfield, Lancaster Co., Ohio. Not long after, they settled in Ridgefield township, on what is now known as the Cone farm — a part of which is in cluded in the corporation of Monroeville. Here his grandfather died July 23, 1820, aged sixty-three, and his grandmother twenty-eight years after, May 21, 1848, aged ninety-three. These grandparents had four sons, John, Moses, Daniel and James, with the older of whom Mr. Davis lived till after his majority. It is well worthy of record, as a remarkable physio logical fact, that James, the youngest of these four uncles (who is still living in Whitley county, Ind.), was born when his mother was fifty-three years old, his next older brother, Daniel, being then in his fourteenth year. Mr. Davis lived in this township till 1835, when he removed to Lexington, Richland county. Three years later he moved again to Galion, Crawford county, where he lived twenty-eight years — re turning to Monroeville in 1866. While living at Galion, on the 17th of May, 1843, he married Catharine Nave, who was b'orn iu Path Valley, Franklin Co., Penn. They had four children, of whom two daughters are still living. The elder of these daughters, Amanda J., born February 17, 1844, married Capt. A. S. Skilton in Galion, December 20, 1865. They had two children, John Davis Skil ton and Elizabeth Roby. Mr. Davis' young est daughter, Mary Elizabeth, was born January 15, 1869. Mr. Davis followed the honorable pro fession of farmer, on a small place in Ridgefield township, till he was thirty years old, when he went into the dry-goods business with Mr. Bloomer as partner. About the year 1850 he embarked in the business of banking, first in the Exchange , Bank of Galion, managed under the firm name of Atwood, Davis & Bloomer; after ward in the First National Bank at the same place. He was also interested in the Farmers' National Bank of Mansfield, the National Bank of Plymouth, and (more especially) the Exchange Bank of Monroe ville, of which the managing firm was Davis, Crim & Stentz. Mr. Davis was also president of the First National Bank, Monroeville, acting in that capacity up to the time of his death. In all his business enterprises Mr. Davis was singularly sue- 514 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. cessful, and if he did not " make money " quite as fast as Midas, he was more for tunate than that fatally avaricious king, in that he was permitted to choose what should, and what should not, turn to gold under his touch. On the 28th of March, 1876, a very numerous company of his relatives, friends and neighbors assembled at his spacious mansion to celebrate his seventieth birth day. The affair was managed by his good wife, together with his daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Skilton, as a "sur prise," and most complete was their suc cess, Mr. Davis having not the least sus picion of what was going on, till the guests began to arrive. But his surprise reached its culmination when, after the company had all assembled, an elegant gold-headed cane, and a beautiful, life- sized crayon portrait of Mrs. Davis (a present from the above-mentioned parties), were produced and presented to him in an appropriate address. Touched to the heart by these manifestations of kindly regard, it would have been strange, indeed, if he had found any other than the simplest words of thanks, in which to express his grateful emotions. The Huron County Teachers' Institute, being then in session at Monroeville, were present in a body, and with them the distinguished gram marian, Professor Harvey, of Painesville. In the fall of the same year he enjoyed the distinguished, but unsought, honor of being chosen elector of president and vice- president of the United States; and after ward, in the college of electors, of casting his vote for Rutherford B. Hayes and William A. Wheeler, as president and vice-president of the nation. Mr. Davis enjoyed perfect health up to his last illness, which resulted in death, July 1, 1888, being over eighty-two years of age. He was looked up to by young and old as a kind friend and prudent counsellor. No object, looking toward the moral and religious improvement of the community, failed of his cordial support. TlOSIAH LAWRENCE. The Law- k. I rence family are represented among (j^/ the oldest pioneers of Huron county, having been for many years prom inently identified with the history of its development. Samuel and Hannah (Dibble) Lawrence were natives of Connecticut, where they were reared and married. In June, 1804, they removed to Cayuga county, N. Y., and there passed their remaining days on a farm, where nine children — six sons and three daughters — were born. Samuel Law rence was a zealous member of the Pres byterian Church, and was known as a man of sterling worth. He died when about eighty-three years of age. Of his children , Timothy, George and a sister are men tioned, the latter of whom is now residing on the old home farm in New York. George Lawrence, son of Samuel and Hannah (Dibble) Lawrence, was born, in 1805, in Cayuga county, N. Y., and was the first member of the family to settle in Huron county, Ohio. In the spring of 1831 he was married, in his native State, to Rhodema Smith, and the succeeding autumn came via Lake Erie to Sandusky, thence proceeding to Huron county, Ohio. He bought the home farm in Bronson township, and was obliged to cut a road through the woods before he could get to the place, which was cleared with the assist ance of his son, Miner. The father gave bis principal attention to carpentry, until obliged to retire from active life as old age approached. He is now living on the home farm in Bronson township at the age of eighty-seven years. He reared the following children: Miner, born in 1833, was married in 1865 to Julia Smith, and is now living on the home farm (they have had six children, five sons and one daugh ter) ; Alonzo E., born in 1838, was married to Jane Herrick (who has borne him one son), and is a prominent farmer of Bron son township; Addison, living in Califor nia, and Alice, widow of Hubbard Law rence, living in Bronson township. HURON COUNTY, OHIO. 515 Timothy Lawrence, son of Samuel and Hannah (Dibble) Lawrence, was born in 1800, in Connecticut, and was a small boy when his parents moved to Cayuga county, N. Y. After attaining his majority he worked at the carpenter trade about twelve years. In 1831 he was married in New York to Calista Todd, a native of Tomp kins county, N. Y., born March 6, 1812. In 1833 he came to Huron county, Ohio, and bought his present farm of 112 acres, in Lot 18, Section 4, Bronson township, the place at that time being a wild piece of heavily-wooded land. Here he resided the remainder of his life with the excep tion of the eight years, between 1868 and 1876, when he lived in Norwalk township. In personal appearance Tim othy Lawrence was of medium size, some what below the average height. Politically he was originally a Whig and Abolition ist, afterward becoming a Republican, and in religious belief he was a Presby terian. He died January 30, 1882, leaving a widow and two children — Josiah, and Mrs. Delia L. Curtis, of Calumet, Mich. The mother is yet living on the home farm. Josiah Lawrence, son of Timothy and Calista (Todd) Lawrence, was born No vember 9, 1834, on the home farm in Bronson township, Huron Co., Ohio. He attended the common schools, and from early boyhood has followed agricultural pursuits. In 1867 he was united in mar riage with Alice Newman, a native of In diana, who was residing in Ohio at the time of her marriage. She died in 1870, leaving two children, Eben and Mary, and in 1871 Josiah Lawrence was married to Maggie Baird, born in Monroe county, N. Y., of Scotch parents. She died in 1878, leaving one child, Vina, and for his third wife Mr. Lawrence married, in De cem ber, 1879, Nancy Rowland, of Clarks field, Huron county. Since 1868 he has had full charge of the old place, upon which he carries on a successful business, and has added thirty-eight acres to the original tract. Politically, he is a Re publican, and has served in various local offices; in religion he is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Ll 0RAII2 W J~-S JL I'Zw^yT rOLONEL NAHUM BALL GATES, who for more than fifty years was closely iden tified with the pros perity of Elyria, was born in St. Albans, Vt., September 28, 1812. He was the youngest of twelve children of John and Abigail (Ball) Gates, who in 1800 migrated from North- borough, Mass., to St. Albans township, Franklin Co., Vt., where they followed farming. Col. N. B. Gates received his education in the district schools of his native town, also one year at St. Albans Academy, which well pre pared him for teaching, a vocation he followed for three winters, laboring on his father's farm during the intervals. In the spring of 1834, being violently attacked with what was called "Western Fever," he threw down his axe and declared he would never chop another stick of wood in Vermont; so with the scanty means his parents could afford, at the age of twenty-one he came to Elyria, where his brother, Horatio N. Gates, was engaged in mercantile business. In Sep tember, same year, he engaged as clerk in his brother's store, where he remained till May, 1835, at which time he went to Cleveland, Ohio. While there the cholera epidemic broke out, but it in no way drove him away from the place, as it did thou sands of others, for he remained at his post and manfully devoted his time for weeks in attending to the sick and dying, and also to the burying of the dead. These acts of humanity were characteristic of him all through his life. He had no fear, and upon other occasions, when smallpox and other scourges afflicted the community, he performed similar offices, and escaped all contagion. In Cleveland he remained engaged in a variety of pursuits until Sep tember, 1834, when he returned to Elyria, and during the remainder of that year and part of 1835 clerked for the firm of Gates & Green. On May 17, 1835, our subject went to Black River (now Lorain), in Lo rain county, and opened a general store for Gates & Green, remaining in charge of same until the fall of 1838, when he was elected sheriff of tbe county, and removed into the town of Elyria. From 1836 to 1844 a copartnership had existed between himself and his brother, H. N. Gates, in the forwarding and commission business at Black River. While a resident of that place he filled the various offices of con stable, justice of the peace and marshal. He was elected sheriff in 1838 because of his thorough fitness for the position ; there 520 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. was much public excitement in that year — banks suspending specie payment, and counterfeiters springing up in every sec tion — and it was undoubtedly due to Sher iff Gates' indomitable courage and deter mination that Lorain county was rid of all kinds of nefarions characters. In 1840 Col. Gates was an ardent Whig, and took an active part in the memorable campaign of that year. Mounted on his famous black horse "Bucephalus," he led the delegation in the procession from Lo rain county to the imposing grand conven tion held upon the banks of the Maumee river on June 11, that year. In Elyria he built a sawmill, sash, door and blind fac tory, and in 1843 he put up an ashery, which he operated for many years. In 1843 he was elected mayor of Elyria for the first time, and served many succeeding terms, though not consecutively. In 1844 he embarked in general mercantile business in Elyria, but at the end of a year he sold out. In 1850 he was a director of the Lo rain Plank Road Company, and for many years was its superintendent. In 1852 he was elected president of Lorain County Agricultural Society, and gave it its first permanent footing. In 1862 he was active in the Republican party, and a member of the "Wide-awake Club." Same year he was appointed by Abraham Lincoln col lector of Internal Revenue for the Four teenth District of Ohio, in which office he remained till removed by President Johnson. Indeed it may be truly said of Col. Gates that his life in Elyria has been one of constant action. His code of morals may be inferred from the following scrip tural quotation found among his papers — yellow with age — and which lie exemplified in all his intercourse with his fellows: "Pure and undefiled religion before God, the Father, is this: To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." Col. Gates died December 9, 1890; all his family were present at the funeral ser vices except his daughter Helen, then ab sent in New York, whose health prevented her from attending. The services at his late residence were conducted by his pas tor, Rev. E. E. Williams, and were brief and impressive. The ceremonies at the grave were performed by Elyria Lodge No. 103, I. O. O. F., which Col. Gates was mainly instrumental in the formation of, and at the time of his death was the only living active charter member. His son-in-law, Rev. T. Y. Gardner, read a few extracts from a paper written and sealed by deceased on his birthday, two years be fore, in which he briefly reviewed the past, and gave some of the leading principles which had been the guide of his actions. To give a more detailed history of our subject's usefnl and busy life comes not within the province of this article; suffice it, that he was possessed of those sterling, solid qualities which were calculated to give him prominence in his newly-chosen field, and make him what he proved to be, one of Lorain county's leading and hon ored citizens. In his administration of his public duties he was brought in contact with all classes, and in his discharge of those duties, while his aim was always to maintain a high standard of morality, his kind heart never failed to respond when there was opportunity for leniency or mercy. He will long be remembered by the poor for his many acts of charity and benevolence. Being a positive and ag gressive man, his position on all public questions was never a doubtful one, and he was always found true to his convic tions, whether religious, political or other wise. In the home circle he was a great favorite. His geniality and his rare social qualities made him ever companionable. Although for months clinging to life by a slender thread, baffling disease with all the force of his great will-power, like a true philosopher he was uncomplaining, always hopeful, . always better, always heroic, as he passed down the line to the gateway of the great Unknown. To the hearts of his LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 521 family who ministered to his wants he brought only sunshine; and when the end came it was as calm and peaceful as the close of a midsummer day. On May 12, 1841, Col. Gates was united in marriage with Miss Sarah S. Monteith, a daughter of Rev. John Monteith, form erly, professor of ancient languages in Hamilton College. She survived her hus band but a little over two years, dying in New York City from the result of an ac cident, April 18, 1893. There were born from this marriage, John Quincy, who died early, Elizabeth, wife of Dr. A. W. Wheeler, of Cleveland; Charlotte, wife of Rev. T. Y. Gardner; Mary Ely, who died in childhood; Charles Alexander, of Mas- siilon; Helen Gates, of Elyria; William N., of Cleveland, and Frederick H., of Cleveland. Mrs. Gates was a highly edu cated lady, possessed of marked character istics, a leader in all kinds of reform, Church and missionary work, strikingly non-partisan, prominent in W. C. T. U. work, and withal an uncompromising ad vocate of temperance. Mr. and Mrs. Gates lived to enjoy nearly fifty years of marital felicity, for Mr. Gates' death occurred but five months prior to their fiftieth anniver sary of wedded life. They lived also to see four of their children married, and born of them twelve grandchildren. This large family periodically held their family reunions, and the old homestead at such times was the scene of rare festivities. Rev. John Monteith was born August 5, 1788, at Gettysburg, Penn. His father, whose parents were natives of Dundee, Scotland, was an early settler in the wilds of western Pennsylvania, where the son was reared in a life of industry and plain farmer's toil. His mother was also a native of Dundee, Scotland, and from this parentage he inherited that hardy physical constitution, and those sturdy mental and spiritual traits that conspired to fit him for the heroic work that fell to his hands as a pioneer, and a lifelong educator and reformer. He graduated at Jefferson Col lege, Penn., in 1813, and at Princeton Theological School in 1816. About this time an invitation was extended to him " to introduce the Gospel into the Terri tory of Michigan," to accept which offer he declined an appointment as professor in a Pennsylvania college. On Sunday afternoon, June 13, 1816, he preached the first English sermon that had ever been pronounced in Michigan, from the text Luke ii, 10. In May, 1817, Mr. Monteith was ordained in the Presbyterian Church at Princeton, N. J., Dr. Alexander deliv ering to him the charge. Returning to Detroit he entered upon the work with characteristic zeal, industry and personal sacrifice. He organized the Presbyterian Church at Monroe, and preached the first Protestant sermon in that place. The "University of Michigan," in point of fact simply a school, established in 1817, in a great measure owed its birth to Mr. Mon teith, who had the office of president and no less than six professorships conferred upon him. On June 7, 1820, he was married to Sarah Sophia Granger, of Portage, Ohio, who died in the autumn of the same year, while visiting her parents in Ohio. In 1821 he married, at Nahor, in the then wilds of northern Ohio, Miss Abigail Harris, and here his career in Detroit came to an end. From that point he re moved to New York State, to occupy the Chair of ancient languages in Hamilton College, in which position he remained eight years. Then for several years he followed academic labors at Cambridge, N. Y., and at Germantown, Penn., after which, in 1832, he came to Elyria, Ohio. " Here was the evident goal of his provi dential destiny. He bettered the town and the community by his educational labors and lectures. He bettered the Western Reserve by joining his hand with others in the establishment of churches, and Presbyteries, and colleges." He girded on the armor of a zealous aud un compromising anti-slavery champion, and 522 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. fearlessly and conscientiously fought its battles. " When the clash of arms came, he felt that the beginning of the end was at hand; and when the red cloud of war passed beyond the horizon, he felt that the ultimate vision of his life was realized. * * * His joy was calm, dignified and silent." In 1845 Mr. Monteith again resided in Michigan, ministering to the spiritual wants of the good people of Blissfield and Monroe until 1855, in which year he re turned to Elyria, where he passed the re mainder of his busy, useful life, dying April 5, 1868, in the eighty-first year of his age. Rev. John Monteith was a fine speci men of manly physique; he was six feet tall, straight and muscular, his power of endurance being transmitted from the Scottish race from which he. sprang. As a scholar he was accurate and learned, and though the scope of his culture was not wide, yet in the ancient languages and in French his proficiency was something re markable for his day. Duty was the mainspring of all his actions, and fear lessly he performed it, as witness his he roic efforts to introduce the Gospel into undeveloped territories, making long, weary and ofttimes hazardous journeys in the prosecution of benevolent work. HON. JOEL TIFFANY. To Hon. George G. Washburn, of Elyria, the publishers are indebted for the fol lowing biographical record of this deceased gentleman, who "was a most original genius, and one of the in ventive creators of his age." Mr. Tiffany was a native of Barkham- stead, Conn., born September 6, 1811, and where his ancestors lived in the days of the Revolution. They being Presbyterians, he was placed in college in 1827 to pre pare him for the ministry, but, preferring the study of law, he in 1831 entered the office of William G. Williams, of New Hartford, Conn., as a law student. In the following year he went to Ohio on a visit to a brother and other relatives, and was induced to make Ohio his home, which he did, first locating in the town of Medina. Here he resumed the study of law under the preceptorship of Charles Olcott, and in the summer of 1834 was admitted to the bar and commenced practice. In the spring of 1835 he came to Elyria, Lorain county, and entered into the practice of law with Horace D. Clark, and together they worked harmoniously — Mr. Clark preparing the cases, and Mr. Tiffany trying them in court. In 1848 he removed from Elyria to Little Mountain, Ohio, where he remained a short time, and thence to New York City. From 1850 he gave up all other business, and devoted his time to writing and speaking upon the subject of spiritualism until 1860, when he went to Albany, N. Y., engaging there in legal writings, etc., and in doing what he could in suppressing the Civil War. He served as reporter for the court of appeals for several years with marked distinction. At the end of ten years he went to Chicago, 111., and was actively engaged in different lines of busi ness up to the time of his death, which occurred at Hinsdale, 111., July 1, 1893, he being then eighty-two years old. Mr. Tiffany was not only a lawyer but also an inventor, and he is, probably, most widely known for his invention of the Tiffany Summer and Winter Refrigerator car; he also made, through his inventive genius, valuable improvements and inven tions in machinery. Mr. Tiffany resided in Elyria thirteen years, during the prime of his manhood, and was engaged in the practice of law the greater part of the time. He served as prosecuting attorney during the years 1837-38-39, and in 1841 and 1845 each for one year. As a lawyer, and especially as an eloquent advocate, he had no superior at the bar, which was composed of strong LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 523 men ; and had he devoted his great natural abilities to the practice of his profession he would have attained the highest dis tinction at the bar and on the bench. In the trial of causes he was aided not only by a remarkable memory, but by an intui tive perception of the points his adversary would make, and thus was ever ready to meet them. The trials which gave him most distinction were the noted "counter feiting cases," in which one Cash, whose testimony was important to the prosecu tion, was shot by the counterfeiters be cause he turned " States evidence," and was brought from his home on a litter to give his testimony. In these cases, which were tried in 1838-39, Mr. Tiffany acted both as detective and prosecutor with con summate ability, regardless of the threats against his life that came from unknown sources. He persisted in his prosecutions, and succeeded in breaking up an extensive gang of counterfeiters who had hitherto successfully plied their vocation in this county without detection, and landed four teen of them in the penitentiary. He was a scholar of almost unlimited resources, yet he derived little pecuniary aid therefrom. His inventive genius was remarkable, but it took the direction of natural science and philosophy rather than practical mechan ics, and this, near the close of his life, gave him a competence. 1(1/ ON. GEORGE G. WASHBURN hH is a native of Orange, Grafton Co., I 1J N. H., born November 24, 1821. y) His father, Azel Washburn, de scended from the Maine branch of the Washburn family, and his mother, Elizabeth Danforth, was of Scotch-Irish descent, her ancestors being among the early settlers in Londonderry, New Hamp shire. The subject of this sketch spent his early days among the rugged New Hampshire hills, with his parents for his only teacher, until he was eleven years old, when the family removed to Ohio, and settled in Perry township (then in Geauga county) where for three years he had the benefit of good schools. In 1835 they removed to Camden, Lorain county, then an unbroken wilderness, where he spent most of the days of his minority in the laborious work of clearing up a new farm. By the aid of his father, and by the light of the log-cabin fireplace, he acquired suf ficient education to teach school in the winter, while his summers were spent in farm labor. At the age of twenty-one years he abandoned the farm, and spent one year in teaching a private school in Brandenburg, Ky. On his return he spent four years in study at Oberlin College, paying his way by labor on the college farm, and by teaching during the winter months. From Oberlin he removed to Elyria, nine miles distant, where he read law in the office of Hon. Philemon Bliss. He was admitted to practice in 1848, and for two years was associated with Hon. Sylvester Bagg, who subsequently removed to Iowa. Mr. Washburn became an early writer for the press, and on the removal of Judge Bagg to Iowa he assumed charge of the Elyria Courier, the organ of the then Whig party, which soon became recog nized as an influential factor in moulding public sentiment. He soon abandoned all other pursuits, and for forty-two years con ducted that journal and its successors — the Independent Democrat and the Elyria Republican — as the sole proprietor, editor and manager. For many years he de clined all political preferment, but served during this period as member of the board of school examiners for the county, member of the Elyria council, and for six years as president of the board of education. He was appointed by Gov. Dennison, and served during the war as secretary of the military committee for Lorain county, the duties of which often 524 LORAIN COUNTY. OHIO. led him to visit the battle-fields of the Re bellion, and aid in caring for the wounded soldiers. He has been connected with the Lorain Bank in Elyria, and its successor, the National Bank of Elyria, as one of its board of directors for thirty-four years. In 1883 he consented to become a mem ber of the Ohio General Assembly, as the representative for Lorain county, and served four years with credit to himself and his intelligent constituency. He then declined further political service, and resumed his journalistic duties, but was soon afterward commissioned by the Governor as one of the board of managers of the Ohio State Reformatory, which he had been active in establishing while in the General Assem bly, and which position he now holds. In September, 1891, he sold the entire plant of the Elyria Republican, which he had conducted with marked success for so many years, and is now devoting his time chiefly to the reformatory movements of the day. His long connection with the State and National Press Associations, and services as a legislator, have given him an exten sive acquaintance with men prominent in politics and journalism in both the State and Nation. E'LY FAMILY. Among the first land proprietors of what is now I Lorain county, Ohio, was Justin Ely, of West Springfield, Mass., a very extensive dealer in real estate, and one of the original proprietors of what was then known as " The Connecticut Western Reserve," in Ohio, under the Connecticut Land Company. Hon. Heman Ely, fourth in the family of Justin Ely, and who succeeded to his father's estate in what is now Lorain county, was also a native of West Spring field. Mass., born April 24, 1775. He was a linguist of ability, and a traveler of no small experience, having visited, prior to 1810, many of the leading places of in terest in Europe. In that year he returned to America, and in 1811 came west as far as Cleveland, Ohio, with the view of open ing up for settlement the land owned, by his father, then known as "No. 6, Range 17, Connecticut Western Reserve." The impending war between the United States and Great Britain, however, made it an inauspicious time for colonization, and Mr. Ely returned to his New England home. In 1816, peace being now concluded be tween the two countries, he again ventured west, and immediately commenced opera tions for the development of his forest- covered land, contracting for the building of the first house that marked the spot whereon now stands the prosperous city of Elyria, together with a gristmill and saw mill. Having accomplished so much, he returned to West Springfield, and in Feb ruary, 1.817, finally left for his new western home, where the remainder of his life was passed in the development of its resources, and the converting of the wild forest into prosperous farms, villages and towns. He erected several houses, including the one in which his son, Heman, now lives, in Elyria. The town was laid out by him in its present form, and bears his name, as also the township. On the formation of the county in 1824, he named it Lorain, from Loraine, in France, in which prov ince he spent some time while in Europe, and with which beautiful spot he was much delighted. He was also the founder of the educational, religious and other pub lic institutions of Elyria, giving liberally of his means, and his name is still revered by the many descendants of the early set tlers of Elyria. He passed from earth February 2, 1852. Heman Ely, Je., was born October 30, 1820, in Elyria, Ohio, and received his edu cation at the " Elyria High School," and at Farmington, Conn. In his father's office he acquired a thorough training and insight into the real-estate business, which ^Mtir^ti fti <77>r/7- ti^^ttrr^ CtitiY, LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 527 he followed for many years with much suc cess. Like his father, but further in the ad vancement of the county, Mr. Ely has iden tified himself with many of the leading institutions of Elyria, prominent among which may be mentioned the Lorain Bank (established in 1847); the First National Bank (organized in 1864 from the Lorain Bank), and the National Bank of Elyria (organized in 1883 from the First National Bank), in which several institutions he has been director, vice-president and president, in which latter capacity lie is at present serving in the last named organization. In 1852, in connection with others, he secured the building of that section of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad, then known as the "Junction Road," from Cleveland to Toledo. From 1870 to 1873 he served in the State Legislature, and as sisted in molding the present insurance laws of the State of Ohio. On September 1, 1841, Heman Ely and Miss Mary Harris Monteith, daughter of Rev. John and Abigail Harris Monteith, were united in marriage, and children as follows were born to them: Celia Belden, George H. and Mary Monteith. The mother of these children died in Elyria March 1, 1849, and May 27, 1850, Mr. Ely married, for his second wife, Miss Mary F. Day, daughter of Hon. Thomas and Sarah (Coit) Day, of Hartford, Conn. Four children were born to this marriage, namely: Edith Day, Charles Theodore, Albert Heman and Harriette Putnam. Mr. Ely is prominent in social life, as follows: Has been an active member of the F. & A. Masons since 1852; from 1858 to 1871 he was worshipful master of King Solomon Lodge No. 56 of Elyria; received the orders of Knighthood in Oriental Com mandery of Knights Templars No. 12 in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1857, of which he was Eminent Commander from December,1861, to December, 1865, and from. 1864 to 1871 he was grand commander of the Grand Commandery, Knights Templars of Ohio. He is an active member of the supreme 89 council of Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite for the Northern Masonic jurisdiction of the United States of America, and was treas urer of same from May, 1867, to September, 1891. In matters of religion he has been a member of tbe Congregational Church of Elyria since 1838, and for many years has been one of its officers, about ten years as superintendent of the Sabbath- school. He is a Republican in politics, and a gentleman much respected in the community for his moral worth and his many unassuming charitable deeds. JOHN W. HULBERT, cashier of the National Bank of Elyria, was born in Old Chatham, Columbia Co., N. Y., April 1, 1827!' His ancestor on the father's side settled in Connecticut in 1630. His great-grand father and grandfather both served in the Revolution, the former in the capacity of surgeon. Grandfather Hulbert was born in Connecticut, removed to western Mas sachusetts, and thence to Canaan, N. Y., where his son, Philip, father of John W., was born. He, Philip, was born April 16, 1799, and died March 27, 1881. He set tled in Old Chatham, and followed the trade of carpenter and joiner until 1837, when he bought ah iron foundry, which with a plow-factory he carried on till his death. On September 1, 1824, he married Abigail Smith, born August 26, 1797, died May 8, 1840, and eight children were born to them, to wit: Harriet Elizabeth, John W., Geo. B., Chas. W., Seymour C, Mary I., Henry B., and Samuel C. The subject of this sketch received his education in the common schools of Chat ham, and at the age of fifteen went to New- York City, as clerk in a dry-goods house. He came to Elyria in September, 1847, under engagement in the large general store of Kendall & Mussey, with whom he remained till 1853, when he was appointed. 528 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. teller of the Lorain Branch of the State . Bank of Ohio. In January, 1856, he was elected cashier, in which capacity he has remained through its re-organizations in 1864 and 1883, being upwards of forty years of continuous service. Mr. Hulbert was united in marriage, January 1, 1857, with Miss Ellen N.Wood (daughter of Taber Wood and Almira his wife), who was born in Chesterfield, Mass., May 4, 1832, and died December 6, 1889, leaving two daughters. In politics Mr. Hulbert was a Democrat until 1853, when he became a Free-Soiler (afterward a Re publican). 'He was made a Mason in King Solomon Lodge No. 56, F. & A. M., in March, 1851, a R. A. M. in October, 1851; and a Knight Templar in Oriental Com mandery No. 12, Cleveland, Ohio, in 1855, to which organizations he still belongs. He Was Master of his Lodge from 1853 to 1859; M. E. H. P. of the Chapter from 1853 to 1883. Mr. Hulbert is a member and trustee of the First Congregational Church, where for sixteen yearB he led the church choir. Ei R. HOLIDAY, M.D., Wellington, was born March 27, 1843, a son of , Lorton and Huldah Matilda (Gates) Holiday. Amos Holiday, the great-grandfather of our subject, is believed to have been born in Vermont. At the beginning of the Re volution, however, he was living in Gran by, Hartford Co., Conn., and with his three brothers served during that war in the Colonial army, enlisting and going out in a company raised in what was known as "Salmon Brook Street" in or near Granby. One of the 'brothers was taken prisoner, and was either killed or perished in prison, as he was never heard of after by his friends. After the war Amos again returned and lived at Granby until 1800. In that year, in January, his son Jonathan, who was born in Granby in 1776, married Bethesda Holcomb, also a resident of Granby, born there June 22, 1879. In the spring of that year these three and a bro ther of Amos, named Azariah, emigrated to Pompey, Onondaga Co., N. Y., where were born to Jonathan and Bethesda Holi day the following children: Hiram, Lorton, Rowena, Milton, Eno and Arley — four sons and two daughters. During the stay in Pompey, Jonathan Holiday was twice called out in defense of the State and coun try in the war of 1812, and served at Sacket's Harbor, Sodus Point and other places along the border. After the chil dren had become somewhat grown, they removed to near Bath, in Steuben county, where they lived until 1828, when the grandfather of E. R. and four of his chil dren — Lorton, Eno, Rowena and Arley — removed to Huron county, Ohio, the rest of the family remaining about Bath and Hornellsville, where their descendants now live. Amos Holiday was a pensioner of the Revolution, and lived to the remark able age of one hundred and nine years and eleven months, dying in Steuben. Jona than Holiday died in Hartland, Huron county, in 1845; his wife, Bethesda, died in the same place February 22, 1859. Lorton Holiday, the father of our sub ject, was born in Pompey August 27, 1804. Here and in Steuben he acquired a fair education in the branches taught in those times and places, and on arriving in Ohio taught school for a time. Marrying in 1830, he soon after began hotel keeping in New London, in what was known as the " Asher House." Here E. R. was born. The other children of this marriage were as follows: (1) Huldah M., born De cember 4, 1831, is now tbe wife of Hosea M. Hood, and resides in Hartland, Huron Co., Ohio. (2) Henry M., bora March 3, 1833, who ran away at the age of sixteen, went to sea, and was a sailor for two or three years, but finally, through the influence of his captain, returned to shore life and books; LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 529 graduated from Thetford Academy, Ver mont, then wedding Miss Louise Jane Coombs, of that place, they went South and taught schools in Georgia and Ala bama until the trouble about slavery and secession grew so fierce they were requested to leave, which they did in 1859; coming north he studied theology at Walnut Hills, near Cincinnati, Ohio, then at Andover, Mass., from which place he went to St. Johnsbury Center, Vt., where he was in stalled pastor of the Congregational Church of that place. From here he went to Tol land, Conn., as pastor of a church there; thence he went to Alma, Mich., finally to Olivet, Eaton county, where he died July 31, 1888, of typhoid fever; his wife died about a month later of same disease, leav ing three children: Nina, Winifred and Charles. (3) Charles B., born November 11, 1834, was an attorney of St. John's, Mich.; en listed in the Eighth Michigan Infantry as lieutenant, and died off Port Royal, Oc tober 5, 1861, of typhoid, on board ship, and was buried at sea. (4) Lenora J., born July 8, 1838; mar ried Alonzo Hood, and lives at Alma, Mich. They have one daughter living — M. Louise Hood. (5) George G., bora March 31, 1840, was a soldier in the late war, serving three years; he married Miss Chloe Garget, and they have two daughters; he is a farmer. H. M. (Gates) Holiday, mother of E. R., was born December 8, 1812; died April 18, 1843; she was a daughter of Gross Gates (born February 4, 1789, died Feb ruary 8, 1841) and Abigail (Ames) Gates (born September 22, 1794, died June 13, 1836); they died and were buried in Ruggles, Ashland Co., Ohio. Gross Gates served in the " war of 1812." Lorton Holiday, after the death of his wife, continued in the hotel business for a few years, when, his children having found homes (?) with friends and relatives, he went into the new State of Michigan, working at gunsmithing and trading with the Indians, among whom he was often styled — -on account of his black eyes, swart complexion and heavy black beard — " Black Hawk." He was a man of splen did physical proportions, six feet two inches in his stocking feet, and as lithe as a panther. He was on friendly terms always with the Indians, and after settling down at Alma, they always camped upon his land if their rovings brought them in the neighborhood, knowing they were wel come. He lived at Alma, Gratiot Co., Mich., before the township was organized as a township, keeping a sort of "pioneer hotel." He was postmaster in that place under Buchanan. He died of pneumonia April 25, 1870. Edwin R., the subject proper of this sketch, on the death of the mother was taken and cared for by Helen M., a sister of the dead mother, and wife of Eno Holi day, a brother of the father. Here he lived on a farm until the breaking out of the war, when, on the 5th of September, 1861, he enlisted in the Third Regiment Ohio Vol. Cavalry, and served with that organization throughout the war, being discharged from the service . August 14, 1865; veteranizing in January, 1864, was discharged as sergeant; was at Savannah during the battle of Pittsburg Landing, as cavalry was useless, and there was enough to do the work anyhow; was in the Stone River engagement at Chattanooga; at Kenesaw; Atlanta; on the Wilson raid from Eastport, Tenn., to Macon, Ga., where they first learned of the surrender of Lee and the death of Lincoln; and last (but not least to him) had charge of twen ty-five men from bis company, which, with the regiment or a part of it, went in pur suit of Jefferson Davis, but was too far in advance, however (eight miles), of that anomaly to be in at the capture, but saw him in the ambulance on the return trip. After the war our subject returned home on a Saturday, and the following Monday morning started for school at Milan, Erie Co., Ohio, where he took one term; taught 530 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. school the winter following, and in the spring went to reside with his brother Henry in Vermont, where he took private instructions until the following winter, when he began the term of lectures at his Alma Mater, the medical department of Western Reserve College, from which in stitution he graduated in February, 1871. For a time he practiced in the western part of the State, and in Michigan. On January 5, 1878, the Doctor mar ried MiBS Ella B. Peet, of Brighton, Lo rain Co., Ohio, who was born in that place December 1, 1856. He located in Clarks field, Huron county, where he practiced for eight years, and twice was elected coroner of the county. In this place were born to Dr. and Mrs. Holiday three chil dren: Lorton E., born November 24, 1878; Malcolm P., born February 26, 1882, and Bertha Gates, born December 12, 1884. In April, 1887, the Doctor removed to Wellington, Lorain Co., Ohio, where he has since practiced his profession. Trfr ON. JUDGE LAERTES B. SMITH, |;H a prominent, well-known jurist of I 1 Lorain county, attorney at law and y) justice of the peace, with residence in Elyria, was born in Amherst township, Lorain Co., Ohio, September 21, 1830. He comes of an old New Eng land family of Puritan descent. His paternal grandfather, Chiliab Smith, was bora in Connecticut November 11, 1765, and died in 1840. Prior to coming to Ohio he lived many years in Berkshire county, Mass., and was there married to Nancy Marshall, who was born January 19, 1765, and died December 5, 1824. In 1814 they immigrated to Lorain county, the trip being made with ox wagons; and it took them five days t& cut a road from the present site of Elyria through the woods to what afterward became Amherst township (for it was not organized till April, 1817), where they arrived October, 16, 1814. Here they settled upon land for which grandfather Smith had traded property in the East to the Connecticut Land Company. He was by trade a tailor, at which he worked in his new home dur ing intervals in his farm work, as oppor tunity offered. As an exhorterin the M. E. Church, he held frequent meetings in the neighborhood of his home and in his own house. When old age came upon him he turned his farm over to his chil dren, who also inherited the good name of one of the best known and earliest of the pioneers. He had settled on Little Beaver creek, four miles west of where is now Elyria, and opened the first tavern in that vicinity. David Smith, father of subject, was born in Berkshire county, Mass., March 20, 1797, and came to Lorain county along with his father. In 1824 he married a Miss Fannie Barnes, also a native of Berk shire county, bora December 23,1802, and nine children were born of this union, six of whom grew to maturity, Laertes B. be ing the third in the order of birth. The father died April 30, 1861, the mother August 6, 1888. In religion she was a Presbyterian, attending the Church of that denomination in Elyria till 1840. In poli tics David Smith was a Democrat, and he was a quiet, unostentatious man. Laertes B. Smith, the subject proper of this memoir, received his education at the public schools of his native township. At the age of twenty-one years he left his father's farm to learn the trade of harness maker, at wliich he worked till he was about twenty-five years old. He then en tered a hardware store at La Porte, Ind., where he remained some five years, or un til 1858, in which year he returned to Lorain county, and commenced the study of law with Vincent & Sheldon, Elyria. In 1860 he was admitted to the bar, and be came a member of the firm with whom he had learned his profession, and within the first year, Mr. Vincent retiring, Mr. Shel- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 531 don and Mr. Smith formed a new partner ship; but the Civil war breaking out, the senior partner went into the army in 1861, and in the following year our subject be came a partner with Judge W. W. Boyn ton, which copartnership lasted some three or four years. In June, 1871, he was appointed probate judge of Lorain county, to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna tion of John W. Steele, and continued in the office, by re-election, till February, 1882, since when he has been acting jus tice of the peace. On December 26, 1871, Judge Smith was united in marriage with Miss Mar garet Smyth, of Ontario county, N. Y., and five children have been born to them, namely : Fannie, Clara Louise, Frank Carleton, Gertrude and Leroy. Politically Judge Smith was a Democrat till the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion, since when he has been a Republican. lEV. MATTHEW L. STARR, re tired, was born April 4, 1809, in Jefferson township, Schoharie Co., N. Y., a son of Talcott and Mary (Lindsley) Starr, who came to Lorain county in 1840, and here died. The subject of this sketch received his elementary education at the subscription schools of his native place, supplemented with a three-years' course at an academy, and he was reared on his father's farm. Having decided to devote his life to the ministry, he, after marriage, prepared himself for the work, attending a„ Theo logical school in his native State. Having duly qualified, he preached his first ser mon in Jefferson, Schoharie Co., N. Y., taking for his text the words: "Behold! I stand at the door and knock." For three years after his marriage he contin ued to live on his father's farm, at the same time following his duties as a min ister of the M. E. Church, and then trav eled four years in the New York Confer ence. Removing to Massachusetts, he was associated with the Great Barrington (Berkshire county) Conference for a time; from there was transferred to Bloomfield, Conn., thence to Colebrook, same State. In 1838 he received a transfer to the Michigan Conference, at that time em bracing the portion of Ohio wherein 1 Lorain county lies, to reach which he and his wife had to drive to Buffalo, N. Y., thence proceed by lake to Cleveland, and theu take stage for Elyria. From Elyria to' Penfield township they came by a con veyance driven by Orrin Starr, a pioneer of that township, and at his home our travelers made their first sojourn in Ohio. The reason of Rev. and Mrs. Starr pre ferring to come to Lorain county, was on account of her parents, William L. and Aurilla (Lindsley) Hayes, having made a settlement in Penfield township. Mr. Starr was on the Elyria circuit two years, during which time his home was at La- Porte, Lorain county; thence moved to Medina, then to the Wellington circuit, after which he was stationed, respectively, at Tiffin, Sidney, Bellefontaine and Lima (all in Ohio), from which latter place he returned to Penfield township. After four or five years rest and relaxation, dur ing which time he built a comfortable residence on his farm in that township, and moved therein (he had purchased this property before coming to Ohio), he pro ceeded, at the earnest request of their friends, to LaPorte; from there went to Richfield (Summit county), thence to Co lumbia (Lorain county), and from there to Hayesville (Ashland county) — aggregat ing, from the date of his first sermon, a half century of active life in the ministry of the M. E. Church, and be is now superannuated, preaching only an occa sional funeral sermon. On March 3, 1831, Mr. Starr married in Delaware county, N. Y., Miss Sarah Hayes, born in New Canaan,Conn., and to this union were born children, as follows: Alta M., 532 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. who died, unmarried, at the age of twenty- one; Sarah M., who died unmarried at the age of twenty-three; Elbert A., a farmer of Penfield township; Wilbur F., who died when five years old; Watson F., a livery man, of Mackinaw Island, Mich.; Mary I., Mrs. William Sheldon, of Kansas; and Irving, a farmer of Penfield township. Mr. Starr, in his political preferences, was for many years a stanch Republican, but of late has been an uncompromising Pro hibitionist, not only in theory but in prac tice, for never in his long life has he tasted either liquor or tobacco. He and his faithful wife, now in the sixty-third year of their married life, are hand in hand descending the hill toward the golden sun set, wearing well their years of honored and useful lives, and enjoying the respect and esteem of a wide circle of friends. On October 23, 1893, Mrs. Starr received a shock which affected ber right side, and on January 4, 1894, she fell, injuring her hip on the same side. l( LANSON GILLMORE. This hon- \\ ored old pioneer of Lorain county |^ deserves more than a passing notice in this volume, were it only for his continuous residence here of over fourscore years, in that period witnessing the transformation of forests wild into fields of golden grain; and the time of the old postboy and stage-coach giving place to the era of steam and electricity. Mr. Gillmore was born in April, 1805, in Hampshire county, Mass., seventh in the family and the only survivor of eight children born to Edward and Elizabeth (Stewart) Gillmore, both also natives of Massachusetts. In 1812 they came to Lo rain county, the journey from Hampshire county, Mass., being made overland with teams, and occupying thirty days. They located on land on the shore of Lake Erie, two miles west of the mouth of Black river. Here they opened out a farm, on which tbey passed the rest of their busy lives. The mother died in February, 1844, the father on April 9, 1846. He was a strong John Quincy Adams man, also a supporter of John A'dams; in his later life he was a Democrat. Alanson Gillmore was seven years old when his parents brought him to Lorain * county, and he was reared on the shore of Lake Erie, his education being received at the primitive schools of those early days. When the family first came here, they killed game in abundance in what is now Black River township. Our subject dis tinctly remembers Perry's victory on Lake Erie, and the firing at the time of Hull's surrendering of Detroit to the Canadian militia. Till he was twenty-one years of age he worked on a farm, and then went into a shipyard with Capt. Augustus Jones, of the sloop " William Tell." For over thirty years he was employed as a ship builder, working chiefly in the principal cities along the lakes. On February 23, 1833, he was married to Miss Evaline C. Jones, a native of Con necticut, whose half-brother came to Lo rain, Ohio, in 1818. To this union were born five children (all yet living except one), as follows: Adelaide E., wife of Ed mund Gillmore, of Lorain; Simon A., mar ried, and living in Lorain; Joel M,, a seafaring man, drowned in Lake Michigan July 2, 1886; Byron A., residing in Lo rain, and Fannie, wife of Capt. Thomas Wilford, also of Lorain. The mother of this family died on the farm on Lake Erie, October 5, 1850, and February 10, 1859, Mr. Gillmore married Emma Lynch. She died in 1863, and June 5, 1865, our sub ject was united in marriage, in Dodge county, Wis., with Mrs. Sarah Mantoe, a native of New Hampshire, daughter of Jonathan and Mary (Barron) Burnham, who in an early day migrated to Michigan, thence to Wisconsin at the time it was a territory. This Mrs. Gillmore had been twice married before her union with our LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 533 subject, first time to Mr. A. Bankson, by whom she had two daughters, viz.: Louisa, wife of William Cross, of Fairmount, Minn.; and Jennie, widow of William Washington Peanick. By her marriage "with Mr. Mantoe she had one son : George Arthur, in San Francisco, Cal., foreman in a bonded warehouse. During the Revolu tion Grandfather Jonathan Barron served as an aid-de-camp to his father Gen. Bar ron. Jonathan Barron married a Miss Minor. In politics our subject was originally a Whig, and since the formation of the party has been a strong Republican; he has served as justice of the peace (two terms) and township assessor. In matters of re ligion he is a member of the Discinle Church. L EVI MORSE. Among the promi nent citizens of Lorain county, none is more notable than this gentle man, who is a trustee of Elyria township. Mr. Morse is a native of Connecticut, born in Prospect, New Haven county, July 1, 1812, a son of Lent and Lydia (Doolittle) Morse, the former of whom was born in Cheshire, New Haven Co., Conn., followed farming, and died at the age of sixty-seven years; he was descended from one of three brothers who came from England in very early times. Mrs. Lydia Morse, the mother of our subject, lived to be fifty years old, and had six children, of whom the follow ing is a brief record: Lydia married Sam uel Bronson, and resided in Waterbury, Conn., where she died, leaving one son, Spencer Bronson; Lent died in Prospect when about forty years old, leaving two daughters, Martha and Lucy; Luther lived in Prospect, married Adelia Piatt, and reared three children: Nancy, Agnes and Edward; Levi, the subject of this sketch, is the fourth child ; Harry married Sarah Gillette, and died, leaving seven children: George, John, Walter, Byron, Hattie, Mary and Alice; Achsah married George Payne, of Prospect, where she still resides (she reared three children : Achsah, Lydia and Harry). The mother of this family died in 1825, and in 1828 or '29 Mr. Morse married Miss Tuttle, by whom there are three children: Augustus M., Sarah and Lydia Ann. Levi Morse, whose name opens this sketch, was reared and educated in his na tive town, Prospect. In 1835, at the age of twenty-three, when Elyria was but a small place of perhaps four hundred in habitants, with two or three stores, a log house used for a jail and no church build ings, he came west to Ohio, and there com menced business in the store of S. W. Baldwin, who had accompanied him to the town. He remained in his employ some fifteen years, at the end of which time he embarked in the dry-goods business in company with a Mr. Andrews, under the firm name of Andrews & Co. In about two years Mr. Andrews died, and Mr. Morse carried on the business alone for a time. We then find him in the responsi ble position of first station agent at Elyria for the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad Company, which incumbency he filled with ability and satisfaction three years; after which for a time he was in the produce trade — buying and selling graiu. In 1863 he was elected township trustee, which position he has held continuously since, excepting one term. He was super intendent of the County Infirmary for over' two years. In 1840 Mr. Morse was united in mar riage with Miss Minerva Mann, who was- born in New York State, December 7, 1818, and the children born to this union were as follows: Milo Welsey, boru April 21,' 1842, enlisted in 1862 in Company E, Forty-second Regiment 0. V. I., and was killed May 25, 1863, at the siege of Vicks burg, while on sharpshooting duty; Clara A., born January 15, 1846, died February 18, 1849, of scarlet fever; Alfred D., born 534 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. January 29, 1851, now living in Elyria, married to Miss Adams, of Columbia; Ed ward F., born November 11, 1853, is in the mining business, and he and his wife make their home alternately in Stockton and Salt Lake City, Utah; Lydia May, the wife of Rev. J. F. Brant, of Port Clinton, Ohio, was bora April 10, 1859; Charles L., born October 6, 1861, in business in Elyria, married to Miss Basset, of Elyria. Mr. Morse in his political proclivities is a Republican, and has voted for every Whig and Republican candidate for Presi dent since 1833. In his church relation ship he is a Methodist, and took a promi nent part in building the first M. E. Church (now the Disciple Church) on East Second street, which was dedicated in 1851. He has held an official position in the church of his choice since 1843, and is now one among less than a dozen of the origi nal membership of the First M. E. Church. His children now living are four in num ber, and he has eight grandchildren. THOMAS LOTHROP NELSON, prominent merchant and banker of Elyria, was bora in Lyme, Grafton Co., N. H., January 11, 1823, a son of Asa and Sarah (Gilbert) Nelson. His mother was the daughter of Major Thomas Lothrop Gilbert, a worthy citizen of Lyme. The Gilberts had emigrated to Lyme from Hebron, Conn., and, at the time of Thomas L. Nelson's birth, a line of worthy ancestors had lived in Lyme for at least one hundred and eighty years, and the old Gilbert Homestead, in which Thomas L. Nelson was born, is now occupied by a descendant of the seventh generation. His father, Asa Nelson, was a merchant in Lyme, but died when his youngest child was small, and left his widow with no means, but a stout heart and courage to care for a family of small children. The little lad, Thomas L. Nelson, spent his boyhood days in his Grandfather Gil bert's family. Mr. Nelson enjoyed and improved the few educational advantages which the place afforded, and then went for a time to Thetford Academy, Vermont, near by; but he was a close student and careful reader all his life. Upon leaving school he was employed in a dry-goods store in his native town for two years, and then, attaining his majority, he started for the great West, reaching Oberlin, Ohio, where his uncle (by marriage) Deacon Por ter Turner resided. His ambition was to acquire an education at the college in Oberlin, but as all his possessions consisted of one dollar in money and the small bundle he carried in his hand, the way to procure an education did not seem clear to him. Yet this early struggle and disap pointment prepared the way for him to sympathize with, and help in later years, young men similarly situated. Thomas L. Nelson left Oberlin, walked to Mansfield, Richland county, and at last, after many attempts and failures to find employment, secured a position as clerk in a dry-goods store, which clerkship he held for six months. A kind Providence after ward directed his steps to Elyria, and he entered the store of Baldwin, Starr & Co. At the end of five years of industry, the strictest economy and self-denial, he was able to become a partner in this busi ness, under the firm name of Starr & Co. In 1857 the firm of Baldwin, Laundon & Nelson was formed, and for fifteen years Mr. Nelson was known throughout the county as an honest, upright, successful merchant. The largest business in Lorain county was done by this house. At the time of this partnership the same parties also conducted a large mercantile house in Wellington. In 1872 Mr. Nelson with drew from the mercantile business, and in company with J. C. Hill organized the Savings Deposit Bank, of which he was chief stockholder and the honored Presi dent up to the time of his last sickness. ^.h/ISMIima SifirvKf LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 537 He was a valuable man in the commun ity, and his presence in business or Chris tian meetings was, as it were, "a tower of strength." He was always interested in the cause of education and tbe upbuilding of humanity. For thirty-one years he was a member of the Board of Education of Elyria, and for eighteen years its president. For nearly twenty years he served as trus tee of Oberlin College. For one year he was mayor of Elyria, but declined all other offices tendered to him. Mr. Nelson cast his first vote with the Whig party, and afterward was a member of the Liberty and Republican parties as tbey came into ex istence. For thirty-seven years he was a beloved member of the Congregational Church, ever ready to bear the burdens of the Church, a devout attendant upon its worship, a constant worker in the Sabbath- school, and a faithful witness for truth and righteousness. When a young man he laid down certain rules for governing his life, among which honor, strict business integrity and Christian charity stood most prominent in his mind. A life regulated by such standards bore its fruits in win ning the confidence of all with whom he came in contact and in an enviable reputa tion. How little does a sketch of this length portray the character of such a man! In a business career of nearly half a cen tury — a man of unstained integrity, as a citizen — honored and respected. A Church- member, beloved and mourned. In social circles always the gracious, affable gentle man. Thomas Lothrop Nelson died Feb ruary 21, 1891. Mr. Nelson was thrice married. His first wife was Miss Lucretia Churchill (daughter of Judge Churchill, of Lyme, N. H.), whom he married July 24, 1851; she died January 18, 1853, leaving an in fant daughter, Lucretia, now the wife of the Rev. E. P. Butler, of Sunderland, Mass. On August 21, 1856, he married Miss Mary L. Moody, of Chicopee, Mass. She died February 13, 1863, leaving three daughters: Mary L., the wife of A. L. Garford, of Elyria; Lizzie Gilbert, who died in childhood, and Sarah M., wife of Robert Frey. After ten years Mr. Nelson married, February 19, 1873, Miss Frances* H. Sanford, of Elyria, who survives him. The last Mrs. Nelson was the youngest daughter of Frederick Burr Sanford and Eveline (Nichols) Sanford. Mr. Sanford was born in Danbury, Conn., April 25, 1805. He was educated in the academies of his native place, and at the age of seven teen years, with his brother-in-law, Thomas W. Pitman, went South and engaged in commercial business in Newberne, N. C, but after a sojourn of some years they sold out and returned to their home in Dan bury. On May 6, 1830, he married Eve line Nichols, daughter of Aaron Nichols, of Danbury. She was a woman of rare gifts, active in Church work, a friend of the poor, a sister of mercy to the sick and afflicted — an example of all tbat is sweet, tender and heroic in Christian faith. After the birth of their six chil dren they left Connecticut and settled in Elyria, Ohio. Mr. Sanford again embarked in mercantile business, for a long period being proprietor of the then well-known " Peoples' Store." Subsequently he engaged in the shoe busi ness. His noble, beautiful life passed from earth December 27, 1879; his wife pre ceded him March 1, 1864. They were both members of the Congregational Church, and their children cherish the ten derest memories of their home. Both Mr. and Mrs. Sanford were descendants of the Starr family, a name well known through out Connecticut, and they were worthy descendants of such a long line of noble ancestors. ORRIN HALL, than whom there is no one better known or more highly respected in Lorain county, was born April 5, 1816, in Connecticut, a son of Avery Hall, also of the Nutmeg State, whose father's name was also Avery. 538 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Avery Hall, father of subject, was reared on a farm, and when a young man took up the business of what was commonly known throughout the country as a "Yankee peddler," selling, in company with another, tinware and notions from their tin shop in Meriden, Conn., the first of the kind in the town. On December 27, 1801, he married Miss Sarah Foster, who bore him two chil dren: Selden, boru September 19, 1802, and died in Wellington, whither he had removed from Brighton, and where he lived retired; and Alfred, born May 21, 1803, and died in 1890 in Perth Amboy, N. J., where he was in the terra cotta business. The mother of these dying, Mr. Hall mar ried, September 1, 1805, for his second wife, Miss Lucy Bacon, the result of which union was children as follows, born in Connecticut: Erastus, born July 28, 1806, was a merchant, and died in Grand Rapids, Mich.; Sarah, born November 11, 1807, married Cyrus Miner, and died in Town- send, Huron Co., Ohio; Edwin, born April 9, 1809, lives in Elyria, Ohio; Avery, born February 28, 1812, a farmer, died in 1891 in Kansas; Lucy, born April 13, 1814, married Lorenzo Doty, and died in Brighton, Lorain county; Orrin is the sub ject of this memoir; Julia and Julius (twins), born April 19, 1818, of whom Julius died in infancy (Julia was first married to Alfred Lamb, and after his de cease to William Cook; she died in Per- rysburg, Ohio); one born June 17, 1820, and died in infancy; and Theophilus, bora May 15, 1821, lives retired in Wellington, Ohio. In New England Avery Hall owned a farm, and also a sawmill located on Muddy brook. About the year 1820 he came to Ohio in company with a man by the name of Comstock, the journey hither being beset with many hardships and much suffering. Iu Lorain county Avery selected 200 acres of wild land, and then returned to Connec ticut, where for the Lorain land he traded what property he had to the State of Con necticut. In the summer of 1822 he and such of his family as were then living, ex cepting two sons — Selden and Alfred (who had already gone on, in order to prepare a cabin, walking the entire distance carrying their packs on their backs) — set out for their new Western home. The family, to gether with their goods and chattels, came in two wagons drawn by a span of horses and a yoke of oxen, respectively, others of the farm stock, including a couple of cows, being led behind. After a tedious though somewhat uneventful journey of four weeks and four days, the party arrived in Lorain county, locating in what afterward became Brighton township. The county seat was then Medina, now of Medina county, Lo rain county being organized about the year 1821, and the Hall family was the fifth to come into the township. (The county was organized the year before they came in, and the township the year after). On their arrival they found the cabin not quite com pleted, consequently they stayed at the home of Calvin Rice for a time. While living in Brighton township three more children were born to Mr. aud Mrs. Avery Hall, to wit: John W., born August 26, 1823, of Wisconsin; William, bora April 11, 1825, now a mechanic of Southampton, Mass.; and Clarissa, born August 22, 1829, who died when twelve years old. After a residence of some time here, Avery Hall attended a meeting which was called for the purpose of forming a township, and he there suggested for it the name of " Brighton," which was adopted. At that time there were only sufficient voters in the township to fill the several offices estab lished by its formation. The whole country all around for many miles was in a thor oughly wild state, not ten acres of cleared land to be found in the entire township, and bears, deer, wolves, grey foxes, wild turkeys, etc., were numerous; the Indians used to bring fresh meat to the Avery home, which they would trade for other things useful to themselves. In course of time Mr. Hall, as declining years came upon him, retired from active work, and LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 539 made his home in Brighton Center, where he died at an advanced age; his wife had preceded him to the grave, dying in No vember, 1853, and they lie side by side in Brighton Cemetery. In religious faith she was a Congregationalist. Politically Mr. Avery Hall was a Democrat until the formation of the Republican party, when he united with it, continuing in the ranks thereof till the day of his death; he held the first offices in Brighton township, and was as highly respected as he was well known. Orrin Hall, whose name introduces this sketch, was, as will be seen, six years old when the family came to Ohio, and as for nine years thereafter there were no school houses in Brighton township, his educa tional advantages were necessarily some what limited. For a time he found ample employment in assisting to clear up the land, and at the age of sixteen years he commenced to learn the trades of mason and bricklayer and plasterer, under A. Briggs. Having completed what might be termed his apprenticeship, he worked at these trades as a journeyman in twenty- eight States of the Union and in Upper Canada, traveling about as much to see the country as anything else. Immediately after his marriage he located on a portion of the old Kingsbury homestead in Brighton township, and in 1855 came to his present farm in Brighton township, comprising 115 acres of prime farm land. Since 1888 he has retired from active work, and is now enjoying with ease a well-earned com petence. On November 1, 1843, Mr. Hall was united in marriage with Miss Louisa Kings bury, born November 16, 1823, a daughter of Austin and Altomira (Adams) Kings bury, who in an early day came from Berk shire county, Mass., to Lorain county. To this union children as follows were bora: Charles M., who became amember of Company F, Twelfth Ohio Cavalry, and was killed in 1863 at Mt. Sterling, Ky., where he was buried; Albert, of Cleveland; An drew, living at home; Mary, Mrs. Albert Pierrepont, of Wyoming; Jay, a teacher at Oberlin, Ohio; and Eva, of Wellington. Politically our subject was originally a Whig, now a Republican, and in religious faith he is a member of the Congrega tional Church at Brighton Center, which he has attended for over sixty years, and has held every office in same. EV. JOHN J. SHIPHERD. Ober lin is known in the world as an in stitution of learning and a com munity, the two having a common origin and a common history. As seen to-day it is a thriving city of some five thousand inhabitants, surrounded by a prosperous farming community, in the midst of which stands a college with its various departments, theological, collegiate, preparatory and musical, and an average yearly attendance of about fifteen hundred students. The projectors and prime mov ers of the enterprise were Rev. John J. Shipherd, then pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Elyria, and his associate and friend, Philo P. Stewart. John J. Shipherd was born March 28, 1802, in West Granville, Washington Co., N. Y., son of Zebulon R. and Elizabeth B. Shipherd. He was carefully and re ligiously educated, and while at school at Pawlet, Va., in preparation for college, his conscious religious life opened in a con version which began iu intense conviction and conflict, and resulted in great peace and joy. From this time to the end of his days his character and life were marked with profound earnestness and restless ac tivity. In his youth a serious mistake, in swallowing poison instead of a remedy pre scribed for a slight indisposition, so af fected his constitution, involving a. weak ness of his eyes, that he had to abandon his preparatory studies for entering the col lege at Middlebury, Vt., and turn his at tention to such business as opened to him. 540 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. In 1824 he married Miss Esther Ray mond, of Ballston, N. Y., and removed to Vergennes, Vt., to engage in the marble business. But he had still in view the work of preparing for the Gospel minis try, and his eyesight having improved, he entered the study of Rev. Josiah Hopkins, of New Haven, Yt., where he spent a year and a half, in company with other young men, in theological study. His first year in the ministry was with the church in Shelburne, Vt. The next two years he was engaged in the general Sunday-school work in the State, making Middlebury his headquarters, editing a Sunday-school pa per, and traveling throughout the State in the work of organizing schools. Conclud ing to try a new field for his life work, he took a commission from the American Home Missionary Society, and " weut out, not knowing whither he went," but turn ing his face to the " Valley of the Missis sippi," as the whole country west of the Alleghany Mountains was then called. At Cleveland he met Rev. D. W. Lathrop, who had just closed his labors as pastor of the church in Elyria, and upon his invita tion he came to that town in October,1830, and the following February was installed pastor of the church. In October, 1832, he tendered his resignation, and entered upon the work of laying the foundations at Oberlin, in which connection he was joined, the same year, by his old friend, Philo Penfield Stewart, the companion of his boyhood at Pawlet Academy. Thus the two founders of Oberlin were finally brought together, consecrated to the great cause, and ready for any sacrifice which the work required. In constitution and natural movement they were greatly unlike. Mr. Shipherd was ardent, hope ful, sanguine, disposed to underestimate difficulties and obstacles; while Mr. Stew art was slow and cautious, apprehensive of difficulties, and inclined . to provide for them in advance. But they had entire confidence in each other, in respect to rec titude of heart and purpose, although their cooperation doubtless involved some diffi culties; but whatever they were, there was unanimity in the pushing to consumma tion the one grand object in view. In their deliberations they exchanged views; one would present one point of interest, and another a different one. Thus they labored and prayed, and one day while on their knees asking guidance, the whole plan developed itself to Mr. Shipherd's mind, and before rising to his feet he said: " Come, let us arise and build." He then told Mr. Stewart what had come into his mind — to procure a tract of land and collect a colony of Christian families that should pledge themselves with all its interests. They came down from the study, and Mr. Shipherd, with a glowing face, said to his wife: " Well, my dear, the child is born, and what shall its name be?" It was named for John Frederic Oberlin, a Ger man pastor of Waid bach, in the Vosges Mountains, Eastern France, who had died a few years before, of whose labors, in ele vating the people of his parish, an inter esting account had been published in this country, as a Sunday-school book. Several sites were proposed whereon to found Oberlin, but none of the situations gave sufficient scope to Mr. Shipherd's ideal community; finally a forest-covered tract eight miles southwest from Elyria, in the township of Russia, was decided on, the owners of which lived in New Haven, Conn. Hence a journey must be made by some one to New England, for the threefold purpose of securing the land, the money, and the men. In November, 1832, Mr. Shipherd undertook the jour ney, which had to be accomplished on horseback, arriving at his destination, New Haven, in the course of two weeks. " The day after his arrival," to quote from Mrs. Shipherd's records, " he called on Messrs. Street and Hughes, the owners of the land, and laid his plan before tbem, and asked the gift of five hundred acres for a Manual Labor School, proposing to gather a colony of families who should pay LORAIN COUNTY. OHIO. 541 a dollar and a half an acre, for five thou sand acres in addition, representing that this would bring the lands into market, and thus prove a mutual benefit. But they could not see the prospect. He called on them day after day unsuccess fully, until at length he came down from his room one morning, and remarked to the lady of the house, our friend, ' I shall succeed to-day;' and she told me afterward that his face shone like the face of Moses. He accordingly went over to the office, and after the morning saluta tions, one of the firm said: : Well, Mr. Shipherd, we have concluded to accept your proposition.' They adjusted mat ters, and he was prepared to proceed with his work of collecting the colony." The arrangement was to sell five thou sand acres, bought for one dollar and a half an acre, to colonists, at an advance of one dollar an acre, and thus secure a fund of five thousand dollars for laying the foundations of the college. But Mr. Shipherd engaged that from this fund a sawmill and a gristmill should be erected, to be owned by the college, as these were essential to the very existence of the colony, and there was no probability that the mills would be erected as a private enterprise. But as it does not come within the province of this biographical article to give a history of Oberlin, which has already most exhaustively and graphically been treated on by Prof. James H. Fair- child, president of Oberlin College, it but remains for us here to conclude the per sonal sketch of Mr. Shipherd. While in the East, he had engaged the number of families he supposed it desira ble to invite to become the nucleus of the Oberlin Colony; had enlisted a considera ble number of students who were to join the school at its opening in December following, or the next spring; had looked up and secured the appointment of the necessary teachers, and had raised a fund, in contributions and subscriptions, amount ing to nearly fifteen thousand dollars. His journey back to Ohio was character istic of the man and the times. Mrs. Shipherd had gone in the early summer, with a six-weeks-old babe in her arms, to her father's home in Ballston, N. Y. There Mr. Shipherd joined her in August, and in an open buggy, with a willow cradle at their feet, they made the journey to Ohio, remembered by Mrs. Shipher,d,to the last, as the most pleasant journey of their lives. They then took up their resi dence in Oberlin. In 1834 the organization of the " Con gregational Church of Christ at Oberlin " was begun, the ministers present at the organization being John J. Shipherd; Seth H. Waldos principal of the school; John Keyes, pastor of the church at Dover; J. H. Eels, pastor at Elyria; and Oliver Eastman, of Oberlin. Mr. Shipherd, by unanimous call, became its first pastor, in which relationship he continued, with some interruption from ill health and his other duties, until June, 1836. There were special educational enter prises of a missionary character, in which the colony shaTed with the college. The first of these was led by Mr. Shipherd himself, who had laid the foundations here, and had a longing to continue work of the kind. In providing men for Ober lin, the church and the college, he had not been careful to reserve a place for himself; and thus, after ten years, while still a young man, he found himself with im proved health, free from the responsibility in the college except as trustee. Having occasion, in the autumn of 1843, to pass through the State of Michigan, his mind occupied with the thought of another Ober lin, be chanced upon a place in Eaton county that impressed him as possibly the appointed field. Returning to Oberlin, he gathered a few of the men who had joined the Oberlin colony upon his invitation,. and proposed to them the new enterprise. In the spring of 1844 Mr. Shipherd took his wife and six sons into a wagon, together 542 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. with such household goods as could be readily transported, with a young man or two to drive his cows and sheep, and made his way overland to the new wilderness home. A half-dozen families from Ober lin followed, and two young men, gradu ates of the preceding year, joined them as teachers. Thus the foundations of the town and the college of Olivet, Mich., were laid. The new settlement had its experi ences of hardship and trial; sickness came to many, especially to Mr. Shipherd and his family. In September, 1844, at the age of forty-two, he passed away, and his grave was made in the new colony, where his memory is still cherished, as it is in Oberlin. No published writings of his re main, and as no portrait of him, of any kind, was ever taken, not even an outline of his features was left. Mrs. Shipherd returned to Oberlin with her fatherless boys, and by the help of the people here her former home was secured to her. After some years three sons came forward to their mother's aid, and provided her a home in Cleveland, where some of them had settled in business. She died Decem ber 7, 1879, at the advanced age of eighty- two. A memorial window in the Plymouth Church at Cleveland symbolizes the self- forgetfulness and beauty of her life. A simple tablet in the Ladies' Hall is all that bears the Shipherd name at Oberlin — Oberlin itself is the monument. [Com piled from " Oberlin : The Colony and the College," by the kind permission of the author, Prof. James H. Fairchild. FHILO PENFIELD STEWART. This gentleman, whose name has been associated with that of John J. Shipherd, in the above sketch, when treating of the organization of Oberlin Colony and College, was a native of Connecticut, born in the town of Sher man, July, 1798. When ten years of age, on account of his father's death, he was sent to live with his maternal grandfather, in Pittsford, Vt., and at the age of four teen he was apprenticed to his uncle in Pawlet, Vt., to learn the saddle and har ness-making trade. In this apprentice ship he served seven years, with a term of three months each year in the Pawlet Academy, a privilege which he greatly prized, and thoroughly improved. Under the influence of a Christian teacher in the Academy, he had devoted his life to the Master's service; and after completing his apprenticeship he experienced a sort of second conversion, in a conflict with his love of money, which seemed a natural tendency iu his character. Thus he was prepared at the age of twenty- three to ac cept an appointment from the American Board to a mission among the Choctaws, in the State of Mississippi. The journey of almost 2,000 miles to his field of labor he made on horseback, a pair of saddle bags containing his whole outfit. The officers of the Board had furnished him seventy dollars for his traveling expenses. But from the time of starting he entered upon his missionary work, and preached the Gospel to the families along the way, until he reached the Choctaw nation, at an expense to the board of only ten dollars for himself and his horse. An important part of his work at the mission was the superintendence of its secular affairs, for which he was well fitted. In addition he taught the boys' school, and with the help of an interpreter held services on the Sabbath in the different Indian settlements. His health failing, he returned to Vermont to recruit, but re turned again to the mission in 1827, with a reinforcement of one young man and three young women, whom he took over the long journey in a wagon, at an expense only slightly greater than that involved in his own journey six years before. In 1828 Mr. Stewart, now thirty years of age, married Miss Eliza Capen, one of the young women whom he had taken out to the mission the previous year from LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 543 Pittsford, Vt., and together they wrought in the mission two or three years more, wben Mrs. Stewart's broken health com pelled them to return north, and resign the mission work. Still on the outlook for a field for Christian labor, he corre sponded with his old friend, Mr. Shipherd, the companion of his boyhood at Pawlet Academy; and as a result, leaving Mrs. Stewart behind, he joined him at Elyria in the spring of 1832, and became an in mate of his family. During Mr. Shipherd's eastern tour in 1832, to secure lands, funds, etc., Mr. Stewart was rejoined by Mrs. Stewart, and they remained at Elyria with Mr. Ship- herd's family, Mr. Stewart being especially occupied in the work of bringing to per fection a cooking-stove which he had in vented, and which was known as the " Oberlin stove." This was the beginning of the Stewart cooking-stove, whieh has become so well known throughout the country. It was his expectation that the success of the invention would warrant the trustees of the school in taking the pecuni ary responsibility involved, and thus all the profits might go to the school; but the trustees never felt authorized to assume this responsibility.. While carrying forward the project of the cooking-stove at Elyria, Mr. Stewart had general supervision of the work of the new colony at Oberlin, meeting the colo nists as they came from the East with in formation and counsel and encourage ment, conducting such correspondence as the work called for from this point, and holding frequent meetings with several gentlemen of the region who had con sented to act as trustees of the enterprise. Thus the work at Oberlin was begun. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, having no chil dren, had pledged themselves to the service of the Oberlin Institute for five years, for no other compensation than the mere cost of living. When the school was opened iu 1833 they took charge of the boarding- hall, and continued in this capacity of father and mother to the young people, until 1836. The first year he was also general manager, in the absence of Mr. Shipherd, as treasurer of the college. His views and practice of frugality, and plainness of diet, were somewhat too rigid for general acceptance with the students, and in 1836 he resigned the stewardship of the " Hall," and with some sense of disappointment Mr. and Mrs. Stewart made their way eastward to Vermont, and finally to New York, to work out the stove problem, which for two or three years had been held in suspense. He established his home at Troy, N. Y., in the neighborhood of the manufacturers who worked out his inventions. Mr. Stewart, worn out with the cares and' perplexities of his business, died De cember 13, 1868, at the age of seventy years. Mrs. Stewart afterward remained at her home in Troy, the only survivor of the group that in the parsonage at Elyria, in prayer and consultation, devoted them selves to the work of building up in the wilderness a Christian College, and a Christian community. [Compiled from "Oberlin: The Colony and The College," by the kind permission of the author, Prof. James H. Fairchild. DAVID BENNETT, one of the early settlers of Lorain county, was born _ ' on the 26th day of May, 1788, in Westmoreland, Cheshire Co., N. H., being third in a family of fifteen children. His father, Dea. David Bennett, was tbe only son of one of three brothers who came from England to the Massachusetts Colony about the year 1750, and was bora at Harvard, Mass.^ May 28, 1761, his par ents both dying in his infancy. At the age of sixteen years he enlisted in the in fantry service of the United States army, and fought in the Revolution. He was married in 1783 to Abagail Chase, and to 544 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. them were born nine children. He joined the Baptist Church at Jamaica, Vt., in 1806, and the next year received the ap pointment of deacon. In December, 1811, he contracted a second marriage with Se- lina Holmes, and to them were born six children. He died at Dummerston, Vt., June 9, 1848. David Bennett at the age of twenty-two years married Polly Wheeler, and lived at Londonderry, Windham Co., Vt., until the year 1827, when he came to Carlisle town ship and purchased 112 acres of land iu Section 12, one and one-half miles west of the center. He returned east for his fam ily, consisting of his wife and a niece, and the next spring, in May, came to make a permanent settlement on his farm. He soon afterward built the first frame house in that part of the township; put under cultivation 110 acres of land, and there resided until his death, July 16, 1863. On February 6, 1830, he married, for his second wife, Jane, eldest daughter of Neri and Betsy Galpin, of Elyria, and to them were born six children : Polly, who died at the age of fifteen years; Jane A., wife of W. C. Sutliff; Emerett, wife of Curtis Webster, Elyria; Celestia, who died in in fancy; Melvin R. and Cassimar D. Mrs. Bennett died December 27, 1884, at the age of seventy-four years. David Bennett was an energetic farmer, and became suc cessful in his chosen vocation. In politics he was a Democrat, and held various offices of trust in the township, being for six years justice of the peace, and for two terms township treasurer. In religious faith he was a Universalist. M. R. Bennett, the eldest son, was bora September 11, 1849, on the home farm, where he resided until 1884, when he removed to seventy acres adjoining which he now owns. He received an elementary education in the common schools of his native township, afterward attending Ely ria High School, and subsequently Ober lin Academy. On January 27, 1880, he was united in marriage with Miss Katie L. Schaden, a native of Lorain county, and to them were born two children, Florence E. and Karl E. Mr. Bennett, politically, votes with the Democratic party, and in 1872 was elected to the office of township clerk, in which position he has since served. GD. BENNETT, an enterprising wide-awake farmer of Carlisle town ship, is a native of same, born No vember 2, 1852, a son of David and Jane (Galpin) Bennett. He was reared to agricultural pursuits, and is now owner of sixty-four acres of well-improved land, where he carries on general farming. In 1887 he married Miss Carlie Kellogg, of Oberlin, Ohio. FARKS FOSTER. As a living ex ample of what it is possible for man, with willing heart and hands, to accomplish — how from tbe bot tom round of the ladder, upward, to work out for himself an honorable compe tency, a solid reputation and a good name — this gentleman stands prominent among the worthy citizens of his native county. Mr. Foster was born in Lorain county, Ohio, September 4, 1832, of ISIew England ancestry. His paternal grandfather, who was a native of Vermont, for some ten or twelve years lived in the State of New York, whence he came to Ohio, where he passed the rest of his days. Elisha Fos ter, father of subject, also of Vermont birth, moved to New York State with his parents when nine years old, and in 1816 proceeded westward to Ohio, making a settlement in what is now Avon township, Lorain county, at that time a wild, un broken wilderness. The next year he -^'Ifi'-iZ/ &; WJlMUC^-L £ LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 547 moved to Amherst, same county, and the farm which he cleared and lived on is still in the possession of members of the family. In addition to his agricultural' interests he kept hotel at Amherst for fourteen years. He married Miss Ann Maria Mason, who was born in Lee, Mass., January 12, 1804, and is still living on the old home farm, hale and hearty for a woman of her years. Parks Foster received his education in the old log schoolhouse at Amherst, and early commenced the arduous work inci dent to farm life in his younger days. This he pursued until he was thirty-six years old, and then went into the stone business, Amherst township and vicinity being famed for its quantity and quality of sandstone. At the end of two years he sold out and moved to Elyria, but shortly afterward, on account of his wife's im paired health, they went to the Sunny South, sojourning in Chattanooga, Tenn., seven years, during which time lie was connected, as director, with the First Na tional Bank of Chattanooga; was president of the first street railway organization in that city; was one of the first organizers of of tbe Roane Iron Company Mills, at that time one of the largest rolling mills in the South, and was assistant superintendent of same; helped to start the Wasson Car Works, and also assisted in the erection of a flouring mill. On behalf of the Govern ment, he helped to open up the Mussel Shoals Canal, employing in the work a large number of men for a year. He put out the first extensive peach orchard, yield ing good fruit, on the side of Missionary Ridge, where the battle of Missionary Ridge was fought; in addition to which he became interested in real estate, own ing lands and houses, including a hand some residence in Chattanooga, which was the family home while in that city. On his return to Lorain county, Mr. Foster reentered the stone business, in company with Clough Bros., the firm style being " The Clough Stone Co.," which continued some seven years. They built the railroad 30 to the quarry from Oberlin, some four miles in length, afterward selling out to the Cleveland Stone Company. Afterselling his interests in the Clough Stone Co., Mr. Foster tooka trip toEurope, remaining there some months, visiting vari ous countries, and then set sail again for his native land. Soon after his return he engaged extensively in the lake vessel business, as a member of two transporta tion companies, the Escanaba & Lake Michigan Transportation Co., and the Owen Line, and one of the vessels, a hand some craft, bears his name — " The Parks Foster." In 1888, Mr.. Foster was appointed, by Gov. Foraker, one of the trustees of the State Asylum for the Insane, at Toledo, and served throughout the Governor's term ; under Gov. Campbell he was re moved for political reasons only, but was reappointed by Gov. McKinley, and still enjoys the incumbency. In addition to Mr. Foster's manifold businesses above recounted, he is interested in a cattle ranch in Colorado, and also in coal industries. For a time he was a stockholder in and director of the Savings Deposit Bank Co., of Elyria. He owns two large farms near Toledo, and, in con nection with J. C. Hill and T. L. Nelson, was interested in an extensive timber business. He is at present a director of and stockholder in the Garford Manufac turing Co., and the Electric Light Plant at Lorain, Ohio. In 1890 he was elected a member of the State Board of .Equaliza tion, serving thereon some seven months. While in Toledo Mr. Foster contracted (in 1891) with that city to lay some pipes, to the amount of fifty thousand dollars, and while engaged on same was taken so ill that he had to be conveyed to his home, where he gradually became worse, and in May, 1892, he had to take to his bed, and for eleven months he lay between life and death, his friends all despairing of his re covery. In October, after lying some five months dangerously ill, he submitted to a 548 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. heroic operation. Medical skill, backed by a good constitution, prevailed, and the patient slowly gained strength, al though he had lost one hundred pounds in weight. Five months elapsed after the operation before much improvement in his system* was noticeable, but since then he has improved steadily, and is now almost fully recovered — a living monu ment to modern medical and surgical skill. In October, 1855, Parks Foster and Mary L. Robertson, a native of Lorain county, were united in marriage, and four children — one son and three daughters — were born to them, of whom the following is a brief record: Sarah May is the wife of S. L. Kent, of New York City; Burton P. is a resident of Findlay, Ohio; Mary L. is the wife of Arthur W. Walker, of Ports mouth, N. H. ; and Miss Florence is a student of music at Boston, Mass. John B. Robertson, Mrs. Foster's father, was a native of Ballston, N. Y., and was well- known in prominent Democratic circles. He was formerly a resident of Saratoga, N. Y., coming to Lorain county in 1830. He married Miss Temperance Foot, a na tive of Lee, Mass., and they had five chil dren—three sons and two daughters — of whom two sons are living, in Lorain county and New York City, respectively. Mr. Robertson died in 1875. His widow is now living in Amherst township, Lorain county, at the advanced age of ninety- three years. Mrs. Foster passed her girlhood in Am herst township, where she was educated. It was after marriage, when her health be gan to fail, that she and her husband went South, as already related. She has ever been a hard worker in the interests of re form, a zealous Church woman, and was the one who took the initiative and most actiye part in the erecting of the present Baptist Church building. A member of several organizations, she acts as chairman of numerous committees. She is a live worker in the social interests of the Church, and raised the wherewithal to establish the Temperance Reading Room. In the Anti-Liquor League recently or ganized, she is one of the active workers, and a leader in its councils. She is a power in the family circle, and a counsellor to her husband, at times aggressive when he may be mild or indifferent, but always on the side of right, to that end, in all things, fearless and unflinching. ^ILLIAM SMITH, retired, enjoys the distinction of being one of the oldest and most honored of the farmer citizens of Lorain county. He was born in Bennington county, Vt., December 30, 1809, and is consequently now fourscore and four years old. He is a son of Samuel and Pollie (Fuller) Smith, the former of whom was born in Vermont, was a farmer by occupation, and died in Ashland county, Ohio, at the age of eighty- three. His wife, when aged sixty-two, died in Illinois, whither he had accompanied her, but returned East just prior to his death. His father, Daniel Smith, a Vermonter, came of old Puritan stock, and was a deacon in the Baptist Church; Mrs. Pollie Smith, our subject's mother, was also a Baptist. She had five children, of whom the following is a brief record: Jedediah is residing near Platts burg, N. Y. ; William is the subject of this sketch; Willis is living in Utah; Laura, who was married in New York State to a Mr. Webb, died in Iowa; and Lydia, married to a Mr. Pixley, is living in Orange, Ashland Co., Ohio. William Smith received a liberal edu cation at the schools of the neighborhood of his place of birth, and was reared to agricultural pursuits on his father's farm. At about the age of twenty-six he moved to New York State, but after a year's so journ there came to Ohio, settling on a piece of land in Sullivan township, Ash- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 549 land county, commencing there with about four hundred dollars, and by industry and indomitable perseverance succeeded in accumulating a handsome competence, becoming the owmer of 388 acres of fertile land. There he lived forty-one years, or until about 1878, when he came to Well ington, Lorain county, and has here since made his home. In November, 1835, our subject married Miss Sabrina Palmer, and eleven children were born to this union, of whom the following is a succinct record: (1) Lydia M. married George McClellen, and had two children: Lydia M. and Julia, both married; Lydia M. died in Welling ton in 1884. (2) Piatt B. is a farmer in Sullivan township, Ashland count.y. (3) Fuller enlisted in Company H, Eighth O. V. I., and was killed at the battle of Cold Harbor. (4) Russell also was in the Civil war, serving under Garfield in the Forty- second O. V. I., during which time his health was completely shattered; he died at home. (5) Martin W. lives in Sullivan, Ohio; he is married and has five children: Nettie, Sabrina, Fuller, Claude and Ethel. (6) Julia is the wife of a Mr. Beem, and resides in Sullivan, Ohio; she has one son, William S. (7) Eli resides in Michigan; he has four children: Milo, Mabel, Ruby and Ettie Joy. (8) George, living in Sulli van, has two children: Louise and Mack. (9) Ettie resides in Sullivan. (10) Milo died in youth. (11) One that died in in fancy. The mother of these died in 1874, and in 1878 Mr. Smith wedded Mrs. Lo- rena G. West, nee Dimmock, a daughter of Solomon and Clarissa (Phelps) Dimmock. Her father, who was a native of Connecti cnt, in an early day came to Sharon, Medina county, Ohio, and died at Olmsted Falls, Cuyahoga county, at the patriarchal age of ninety-three years. He was a well- known Baptist minister, at first serving in the capacity of a missionary. His wife (who was born in Connecticut, and from there moved to Vermont, where she was married) died at the age of eighty-nine years. They had twelve children, Mrs. Smith being among the younger ones. Her first husband, by whom she had four sons, died in Kansas in 1875; he was a farmer, and a devout member of church. She is an adherent of the Baptist faith, Mr. Smith of the Disciples. Politically he is a Republican, and as a Whig cast his first vote for Polk. In his long life and early pioneer experiences he has an interesting history, and full many a tale of days gone by can be yet relate — of difficulties and dangers unknown to the present generation. THEODORE FRELINGHUYSEN DANIELS, cashier of the Citizens Savings Bank, Lorain. Of the men who have from the first believed firmly and steadfastly in the ultimate greatness of Lorain, and whose faith has been and still is unshaken by any momenta rily discouraging circumstance that might arise, T. F. Daniels has been one of the most patient and persevering. The town never had a bank until he came in 1880, and it has had a good one ever since. When the town grows to a population of a hundred thousand or so he will be re membered as the pioneer banker. His ability and integrity have brought pros perity to the institution of which he has so long been an important officer, and his continued connection with it amounts to a guaranty of its continued success. Theodore Frelinghuysen Daniels was born in Caledonia, N. Y., on the first day of July, 1844, a son of Eli W. and Ann (Miner) Daniels, both of whom were na tives of Connecticut. The mother died when Theodore was four years of age, but his father is yet living at the age of eighty-one. When the subject of this sketch was two years of age the family moved to the wilds of Wisconsin. The first place the family settled was at Ocono- mowoc, a few years later moving to what is now Auroraville. The Daniels 550 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. was about the first white family to settle in the neighborhood, and young Theodore's first and for a number of years only play mates were young Indians. Settlement was made on the bank of a small stream which was made to furnish power for a saw and grist mill. For many years the place was known as Daniels' Mills, but as it grew in importance, the name was changed. At the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion young Theodore desired to accompany his older brother when he went to the front, but his father refused to give his consent on account of his son's delicate health. He continued to assist his father with his business until the last call for troops came in 1864. In Septem ber of that year Mr. Daniels enlisted in Battery D, First Wisconsin Heavy Artil lery. His company was sent to Brashear City, La., which is some distance below New Orleans. Mr. Daniels was detailed first as clerk in the company headquarters, but afterward became a messenger in the telegraph service. The responsibilities and dangers of this position were some times great. He was still in this service when President Lincoln was assassinated, and carried the dispatches which spread the startling news. Mr. Daniels was at tacked by " southern fever," and lay for several months in different southern hos pitals, being finally discharged at Prairie du Chien in July, 1865. The following winter he attended a nor mal school near his home, and was in fluenced by his teacher to go to Oberlin College. He reached Oberlin February 1, 1866, and graduated from that institution in August, 1872. The next day after he graduated he entered the First National Bank of Oberlin, and it speaks well for his conduct and close application to his work that he became its cashier in a little less than two years and a half. In May, 1875, he was married to Miss Julia H. Lewis, of Pleasanton, Mich., an Oberlin student, who was born near Athens, Ohio, Septem ber 9, 1850, daughter of Rev. William S. and Eliza (Campbell) Lewis, the former a native of Bridgeport, Conn., the latter of Acworth, N. H. In 1864 the Lewis family removed to Michigan, and later the daughter attended Oberlin College, where she met her future husband. 'During the summer of 1880 Mr. Daniels was attacked by the " western fever," and took a prospecting trip through Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas and Wyoming. He came back satisfied with Ohio, but still determined to launch out for himself in business. About this time Lorain began to attract attention by reason of the build ing of the brass works. Mr. Daniels came down from Oberlin one day to look the town over. What he saw must have pleased him, for he immediately resigned his position at Oberlin, and started tbe Bank of Lorain in the front room of a dwelling house owned and occupied by Mrs. Mary Reid. Owing to the great de mand for business rooms at that time, this was the only location tbat could be ob tained. The town grew and the bank prospered. In January, 1882, the First National Bank was organized with a capi tal of fifty thousand dollars as the successor of the Bank of Lorain. Mr. Daniels was offered the presidency of the new institu tion, but preferred the more active duties of the cashiership. The bank paid regu lar semi-annual dividends, and in March, 1893, divided an extra twelve per cent. dividend; and the First National Bank was then merged into the Citizens Savings Bank, with a subscribed capital of one hundred thousand dollars. The new bank started out with a surplus of twelve thou sand five hundred dollars, which in the coming January will be increased to four teen thousand dollars, notwithstanding the unprecedented panic of 1893. Mr. Daniels has held different local offices among others that of city and township treasurer, councilman, water-works trustee, etc. It is needless to say he has filled all these positions with credit. He has always been much interested and a great deal of LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 551 the time an active participant in local pub lic affairs. He has a pleasant home on the bank of Lake Erie a short distance west of Lorain. His family consists of a wife and three children: Irving L., Mabel E. and Ruth R. Mr. and Mrs. Daniels were both formerly members of the First Congrega tional Church of Oberlin, and latterly members of the Congregational Cliurch of Lorain. Politically our subject is a Re publican. [Extract from " Men we all know," Lorain Herald, December, 1893. EV. JAMES BRAND, D. D., Oberlin, is a native of Canada, born February 26, 1834, at Three Rivers, a town on the St. Lawrence, in the Province of Quebec. He is a son of James and Jennette (Boyes) Brand, natives of Dumfries, Scotland, where they married, and whence they came to Canada shortly before the birth of our subject. The father was a school teacher and farmer, and he and his wife were members of the Presby terian Church; they died in Canada. Our subject received a limited education in the public schools, Windsor, P. Q., and graduated from Phillipps Academy, An dover, Mass., after which, in 1861, he en tered Yale College. His studies here were interrupted by a service in the Union army, he having enlisted in 1862, in the army of the Potomac, where he served under Burn side and Hooker and Mead, as color ser geant of the Twenty-seventh Connecticut Volunteers. He participated in the bat tles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, in the first of which he was wounded in the shoulder. At the ex piration of his term of service he contin ued his college studies at Yale, and in 1866 graduated A. B. He then entered the Theological Seminary at Andover, Mass., where for three years he studied theology, at the conclusion of which he became pastor of the Maple Street Congregational Church in Danvers, Mass. After four years labor in that field he came, in 1873, to Oberlin, and became successor to Pres ident Finney as pastor of the First Church. Mr. Brand received his degree of D. D. from Iowa College, Grinnell, Iowa. He has published several books and pamphlets, all treating more or less on theological sub jects, and has also written considerably for journals. To some extent he has lectured on the battle of Gettysburg. He has taken a prominent part in the Temperance Re form in Ohio; was a delegate to the Inter national Council at London, England, where he delivered one of the addresses. In 1871 Dr. Brand married Miss Juliette H. Tenney, of Troy, Ohio, and has a family of six children, as follows: Charles A., Edith B., Mary T., Helen O, James T. and Margret R. [( Jf ON. W. B. THOMPSON. In the I^H front rank of the progressive and fe 1 influential citizens of Lorain stands y) this gentleman, a leading attorney at law, and mayor of the city. Mr. Thompson was bora September 6, 1863, at Columbia, Lorain Co.. Ohio, a son of S. B. andEmular (Osborne) Thomp son, residents of Columbia. He attended school at Berea, Ohio, finally graduating from Baldwin University, class of 1885, taking the degree of Ph. B. He then, having decided on making the profession of law his life work, commenced its study with Judge Barber, of Cleveland, and completed same with prosecuting-attorney Webber, of Elyria. After a thorough delving into " Blackstone " and " Coke upon Lyttleton," our subject was admitted to the bar, December 6, 1888, and was as sociated in business in Elyria with his last preceptor, one year, when, seeing the great possibilities in store for Lorain, a fast growing town, he moved thither and opened an office for his own account. He 552 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. has succeeded beyond his most sanguine expectations. As a cogent reasoner and jurist, he is marked for his ability, and as a pleader he has few equals among men of his age and experience. By his integrity and business capabilities he has won the confidence of the best business men of the community. In 1890 Mr. Thompson was elected mayor of Lorain, and is now filling his second term. During his incumbency as mayor have been made most of the great public improvements of the city, and in this he has always taken a leading part. During the year 1892 Lorain expended sixty thousand dollars on public sewers, and many other extensive improvements have been made. In December, 1890, Mr. Thompson was united in marriage with Lulu Sanford, of Delaware, Ohio. He is a member of the F. & A. M., K. of 'P. and I. O. O. F. ILAS D. WHITNEY, the oldest citizen of Pittsfield township, is a worthy member of a pioneer family of the county. He is a grandson of Asa Whitney, who in 1792 removed from Connecticut to the vicinity of Pitts field, Mass., where he passed the remainder of his life, dying there in 1802. He was twice married, and among the children by his first wife was Asa, Jr., who afterward became the first man to agitate the idea of a railroad to the Pacific coast. Milton Whitney, who was a son of Asa Whitney by his second wife, was born in 1786 in Salisbury, Conn., and moved with his parents to Massachusetts, where he was reared. He received a common-school education, learned the trade of blacksmith, and had wagons and plows made in his wagon shop. After the death of his father he resided with his mother until his marriage, in Pittsfield, Mass., with Miss Lydia Cleveland, who was born on the island of Martha's Vineyard, daughter of Zebdial Cleveland, an old sea captain. To this union came children, all of whom were born in Pittsfield, Mass., as follows: Asa W., a blacksmith by trade, who died in Pittsfield, Lorain Co., Ohio (he was in Lorain county when Pittsfield township was formed, it being No. 4, Range 18, Connecticut Western Reserve, and it was he who suggested that the township be called Pittsfield, after Pittsfield, Mass.); Chancey, who died young, the sharp point of an old-fashioned spinning-wheel having accidentally penetrated his skull; Clarissa, who married Hiram Humphrey, a presid ing elder and minister in the M. E. Church, and died in Pittsfield, Ohio; Wealthy, who married J. L. Wadsworth, and died in Wellington, Ohio; Oliver W., deceased in Des Moines, Iowa; Silas D., who will receive mention farther on; Henry C, who owned a large tract of land in Colorado, where he died; and Frederick O, of Pittsfield Center. In 1820 Milton Whitney set out for Ohio, traveling by way of the Erie Canal as far as Buffalo, where he remained one week, waiting for the steamer (the only one on the lake) to take him to Cleveland, which was then a small village, containing but a few huts. He came by stage from Cleveland to South Amherst, and thence on foot to Pittsfield township, Lorain county, where he had some few years previously purchased a large tract of land, containing one thou sand six hundred acres. He decided not to settle at that time, as the country was entirely wild, and there were but few white people in all of Lorain county. Re turning to his home in Massachusetts, he remained there until 1833, when he sold his beautiful home for a good price, and in the fall of the year came with his wife to Lorain county, Ohio, where they de cided to locate in Pittsfield township. Again returning to the East, they made preparations for migration, and on Jan uary 22, 1834, their two sons, Asa W. and Silas D., left Pittsfield, Mass., setting out LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 553 with two horses and two wagons for their new home, where they arrived in the latter part of February. The rest of the family followed shortly afterward. To Thomas and Jerry Wait Mr. Whitney gave one hundred acres, and to Chauncey and Henry Remington, also one hundred acres (fifty acres to each individual), all wild land in an unbroken wilderness in No. 4, on condition that they settle on the land, which they did. The Waits (both bache lors) settled here in 1821, being the first permanent settlers in Pittsfield township. Milton Whitney was not physically a strong man, or robust, and he spent many seasons at Saratoga, N. Y., for the benefit of his health. He was an ardent member of the Democratic party, and served as postmaster during his residence in Pittsfield township, where he owned one thousand acres of land. He died in 1839, his wife in 1869, and they are both buried in the South cemetery, in Pittsfield township. Silas D. Whitney was born March 3, 1820, in Pittsfield, Mass., where he re ceived the greater part of his education, afterward attending the old log school houses of Pittsfield, Ohio, and finally one term in Wellington. He was reared to farm life, and remained at home until two years after his father's decease. On No vember 11, 1841, he was married to Miss Electa N. Parsons, who was born in 1824 in Hampshire county, Mass., daughter of Ebenezer and Electa (Naramore) Parsons, the latter of whom died when her daugh ter Electa was born ; the father remained a widower ten years, when he remarried, and in 1835 he came to Pittsfield, Lorain Co., Ohio. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Whitney settled on the home farm, where they still reside, and here the following children have come to brighten their home: Arthur E., of St. Paul, Minn.; Ann Clar issa, a most beloved daughter, who died at the age of thirty-one; Alma E., wife of Charles E. Archer, of Massillon, Ohio; Abbie, wife of F. C. Williams, of Creston, Ohio; Agnes, who was married November 22, 1893, to Frank Coleman, of Nelson, Neb.; Frances, living at home; and Ed mund M., superintendent of the F. C. Kimball Manufacturing Co., Cleveland. In politics Mr. Whitney was originally a Democrat, but subsequently became an Abolitionist, and he is now an active mem ber of the Republican party. He is a member of the Baptist Church; his wife worships at the Congregational Church. ULLIAM HAWKINS (deceased) was born July 2, 1804, in New burgh, Orange Co., N. Y., a son of Samuel and Lydia (Van Camp) Hawkins, the latter of whom was bora in the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, and was an eyewitness to some of the incidents connected with the massacre which took place in that historic vale. William Hawkins was one of a family of eight children, of whom he was the last survivor. When he was nine years of age, his father died, and the young lad then went to make his home with Adam Welty, a farmer of Owasco township, Cayuga Co., N. Y., with whom he lived some time, during which he attended the com mon schools in winter and worked on a farm in summer. When seventeen years of age he commenced to learn the trade of blacksmith under one Holliday, whom ih later years he always referred to as his " old boss," and after an apprenticeship of three years he commenced business for his own account in Owasco township. When he started he was absolutely penniless, as during his apprenticeship he received nothing but his board and clothes, although treated very kindly, and as one of the family. His foster-father went security for an outfit of tools, which enabled him to make a good start, and after a few years industrious application at his trade he paid off this indebtedness, his only one, and had 554 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. saved money. In 1830 he made a visit to Michigan (where he had a brother liv ing), with the intention of remaining there, but being dissatisfied with the coun try, returned to New York State. In 1832 he came to Ohio, and locating in Erie county worked at his trade for a man named Tillinghurst at but meager wages. Two years after his arrival in the Buckeye State he bought 105^ acres on Lot 13, Tract 10, Camden township, Lorain county, at that time covered with an unbroken forest, and devoid of buildings of any kind. Here, in company with his brother Charles, he set to work to make a clearing for a home, and together they erected a substantial log house, at that time consid ered the best one in the township. Our subject also built a log blacksmith shop, and in connection with his farming opera tions followed his trade for thirty years, at the end of which time he retired from blacksmithing, and continued agriculture exclusively during the remainder of his active life. He died September 6, 1888, after a brief illness, and was laid to rest in Camden cemetery. He was a man of remarkable vitality, strong, robust consti tution, and almost iron frame. He made a success in life, and from a start of posi tively nothing save a willing pair of hands accumulated a comfortable compe tence, and succeeded in securing and re taining the respect and esteem of his neighbors and many acquaintances. Po litically he was originally a Whig, later a Republican, and in church matters he in an early day united witb the Baptist Con gregation at Camden Center. On April 22, 1835, Mr. Hawkins was united in marriage with Miss Mary Ab bott, a native of Otsego county, N. Y., born March 29, 1813, a daughter of Squire and Anna (Spafford) Abbott, of Massa chusetts, where they lived till they were over twenty years of age. Mr. Abbott was a Baptist minister, and in pioneer days came from New York State to Ohio on horseback, being sent out as missionary from the Baptist board. In 1820 he lo cated in Ashtabula county, and five years later came to Henrietta township, Lorain county, at that time part of Brownhelm township, where he died December 18, 1853, at the age of eighty-three years; his wife had preceded him to the grave in 1847, and they peacefully await the Resur rection Morn in Henrietta township ceme tery. The record of the children — eight daughters and one son — is as follows: Eliza married Egbert Ingersoll, and died iu 1886 at Camden Center; Hannah is the wife of J. B. Cook, of Elyria; Maria is residing at home; Vesta married Oscar Tanner, and died May 23, 1863, in Rug gles, Ashland county; Mary is the wife of L. A. Andrews, of Delphos, Ohio, a con ductor on the P. A. W. Railway; Anna is married to Simeon Hales, of Henrietta, Ohio; Charles E. is farming on the borne place in Camden township; Naomi is the wife of E. H. Wing, of Chicago, 111.; Alice is tbe wife of Henry Hales, of Cam den township. Since the death of her husband Mrs. Hawkins, now a hale and hearty lady, in the enjoyment of almost phenomenal health, has been making ber home with her son Charles and daughter Maria on the old homestead, where well nigh sixty years of her honored life have already been passed. EYMOUR WESLEY BALDWIN, long a merchant in Elyria, was born in Meriden, Conn., June 29, 1807. He was, quite remarkably, only in the fourth generation from the first an cestor of the name, Richard Baldwin, who settled in Milford, Conn., in 1639. The family was a very respectable one in Buckinghamshire, England, prominent in Milford and rich in lands — which were divided and rerdivided among the descend ants, so that there was an unusual number of farmers of moderate wealth. '/7/6/W-ms LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 557 Such was Mr. Baldwin's father, Charles Baldwin, an early Methodist of the last century, who bought a large farm in Meriden, and died there in 1818 leaving a widow and seven children, of whom Sey mour W. was the youngest. He went to district school winters, working at the farm summers, and was thought to have considerable education when ne attended the Episcopal Academy at Cheshire for one winter. When seventeen, Seymour commenced business as a peddler, which mode of life was the common and almost only one open to enterprising and respect able young men; and many prominent citizens in after days commenced as " Con necticut peddlers." Many settled' in that most profitable field, the South, as mer chants, and many elsewhere. When, in 1847, Mr. Baldwin retired to Meriden, the ex-member of Congress residing there — both bank presidents, the ex-president of the N. H. & H. R. R. Co., and a large share of the other leading business men of the place, had made such a beginning. When all goods had to be carted overland, this was quite the natural mode of trade. The carriage of goods by railroad has nearly abolished this mode of trade, and vastly lowered its dignity. An entertaining study might be made of that business at that time. The field was on foot, or with horse and wagon in the New England States and Long Island, or with wagon in the South, and with regular routes and customers. Seymour soon entered into partnership with his brother Jesse, under the firm name of J. & S. Baldwin, as a country merchant, in Oxford, Conn., then a more thriving village than at present. The business was general, and while at first one of the brothers peddled, they also em ployed other peddlers and manufactured silver spoons. Soon outgrowing Oxford, J. & S. Baldwin removed to Middletown, same State. The energy, ability and high character of the brothers had already be come recognized in New York. That cele brated New York merchant and philanthro pist, William E. Dodge, in his little book on Old New York published by Dodd, Mead & Co., in 1880, selected the two brothers and a comrade, who together entered his store with trunks, as typical samples of Connecticut merit and success. They all became prominent and valued customers and friends of Mr. Dodge. Mr. Dodge mentioned that Mr. Jesse Baldwin had then been a bank president for twenty years, and the third a large manufacturer. Mr. Dodge then spoke of the subject of this sketch at greater length and with much respect. Both brothers became in South Carolina and Georgia strong anti- slavery men — Jesse as a leading Abolition ist, while Seymour was a Whig, becoming an early Free-soiler. Possibly his wag ons at Elyria may sometimes have traveled on the "Underground Railroad," for bis works were always with his faith. In May, 1835, though the South was a more alluring field for money, Mr. Baldwin with his young wife and an infant son re moved to Elyria. Here with a magnificent physical constitution he displayed great energy. Business was then so perfectly unlike business now, that a sketch of it may be interesting. Elyria, the county town, was settled in 1817. The county was heavily timbered. It is easy to see that before the Erie Canal there must have been but little trade in deed. The pioneers must have lived by themselves — lives very simple and full of " hardship," and perhaps as happy as ours. In 1835 there was a general barter trade; there was very little money. The heavy timber was burned into ashes, and ashes, pot and pearl, were considered " cash, " and went to Pittsburgh for glass and also to New York. Many salts went to Pitts burgh in the shape of scorchings or black salts, which was lye reduced to a black mass and then scorched in ovens. From 1838 much white oak and many staves went to Black River, thence by sail to Buffalo, thence by canal to New York. There could 558 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. hardly have been any eastern trade with out these commodities. The dry goods and groceries were bought in New York. They came by canal to Buffalo, thence by boat or sail to Cleveland, or more com monly Black River. No goods came through in the winter, and such replenish ing, if any, as took place, came by Pitts burgh to Cleveland, being hauled from Baltimore and Philadelphia to Pittsburgh. Hauling was a business of considerable extent, and one spring Mr. Baldwin met east of Pittsburgh within ten miles as many as fifty wagons. After a while some goods were bought of the firm of Hilliard & Hayes, in Cleveland. In the early spring goods were hauled from Buf falo west (before that harbor was opened) to Silver Creek or elsewhere, to meet tbe boats, and Mr. D. B. Andrews, formerly partner of Mr. Baldwin, going down on a steamer, was compelled to land in Canada, caught cold, and died in Buffalo. The cheapest goods were then in demand. There were no ingrain carpets kept in Elyria until about 1845. Ingrain carpets, nice shawls and dresses, were bought on special orders. Mr. Baldwin was at first in company with Mr. Orrin Cowles, from Meriden. They separated, and be bought out (for the sake of the corner stand) Wil cox & Beebe, successors of the Lorain Iron Company. That store long remained with Mr. Baldwin's sign " Old New York Store." Then commenced the very energetic competition which made Elyria noted for trade. Mr. H. K. Kendall, a merchant of great ability, then had the leading business. He was first on the ground, and there had been great falls in prices of which he had "the credit. A merchant's life was labori ous. Mr. Baldwin used to go by stage before navigation opened on the lake — sometimes by way of Buffalo and some times by way of Pittsburgh — to New York and Philadelphia. It was a great thing to get the first goods in the spring, and he studied the matter carefully, spending several days in Albany. He loaded the canal boats in New York (being careful to have the boats filled with his own goods only), and early went to Albany before the canal was opened. There boats had a right to go in order of registry. For several years he offered prizes for being among the first ten boats at Buffalo, but there was danger of being too early; as, if unloaded at Buffalo in warehouse, the lake boats would take fresh canal boats rather than from the warehouse, thereby saving one loading. At the first decided triumph, when liis rival had advertised the first goods, Mr. Baldwin passed those first goods safely stored at Buffalo, saw his own loaded in boat, got the boat to land at Black River, and accompanied the goods to Elyria long before his rival's arrived. Such single incidents seem small, but it was the many such struggles that made Elyria the center of trade for from fifteen to twenty miles east and west, and twenty- five miles south. The system of ready cash (there was but little) or barter was introduced, and this lowered prices. Elyria in those days was a sight to see. The farmer came over the mud road with his heavy wagon, frequently with oxen, for twenty-five miles, bringing part of his family and such articles as he had to sell, and doing the trading for the spring and fall. The street at midday would be full of wagons, there being often one hundred, more or less. Other merchants were crowded out, but both the chief competitors went safely through the hard time's of 1837 to 1840. In the spring of 1837 both had to ask some extension, Mr. Bald win asking only leave to extend their debts for some friends; but aside from this, in a business life of over sixty years, Mr. Baldwin has never been obliged to ask a favor of a creditor. It is difficult even for one who experienced it to see how busi ness could have been conducted — with the frightful state of money and difficult transportation. The farmers brought but ter (and very poor it was in those days), feathers, oats, wheat, in fact everything LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 559 they had, and the merchants bought almost everything but live beef. The butter went • to New York, and the wheat was floured at the local mills. But the farmers brought little money. Some cash came in with emigrants. When the farmers could ex change a pound of butter for a pound of sugar there was rejoicing. In 1836 there was a general suspension of banks, and there was no resumption until 1840. There was "Michigan Wild Cat" paper, the worst currency imaginable, everybody fearing it. Mr. Baldwin once having flour to sell on commission — the currency being left to him — the farmers seemed to be very glad to get anything for such currency; and when Mr. Baldwin announced that he would charge a dollar more for currency than for barter, the currency came in only the faster. Produce was generally taken as cash, and sold again at home without profit. It was very difficult for the farm ers to get enough money to pay taxes, and Mr. Baldwin earned the lasting gratitude of one farmer by giving him two dollars hard money at the current price for butter. At a later date the firm at Elyria sold at times from one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to two hundred thousand dollars, and a branch at Wellington two-thirds as much. A large share was paid in pro duce, the firm at Elyria handling from fifty thousand dollars to sixty thousand dollars worth of butter in a year. The firm em ployed at one time about forty clerks. The rivalry at Elyria was famous, and a retired New York merchant once said to the writer that, as a country store, Mr. Baldwin's was as remarkable in its way as that of Mr. Stewart's in New York City. Railroads largely revolutionized the trade. Mr. Bald win never tried to make large profits, and never lost money except one year (about 1840), the year the banks were re quired to resume in Ohio. He paid a Cleveland bank that announced the inten tion to resume thirteen per cent, premium in its own bills for a draft on New York ten days before the appointed time. The draft was paid, the bank did not resume. At that time merchants refused to sell at any price for the currency of the country. That generation needed no more lessons as to the value of safe currency. Mr. Baldwin has been a man of very un usual poise of character. With such a business, which by its economy of labor and low profits has done the farmers of Lorain a very large amount of saving, he has not himself cared for wealth. Always fairly economical — never ostentatious — he on coming to Elyria resolved that when he had acquired a moderate fixed sum he would retire. In 1847, in accordance with that resolve, he returned to Meriden, though it is doubtful if he would have been willing to quit unless he had become tbe leader. But be could not let business alone. He started there a ready-pay store, and became the president of the Home (now Home National) Bank, which post he resigned on his return to Elyria. He was also a member of the banking firm of Wicks, Otis & Brownell, of Cleveland. He became acquainted with the senior mem ber of the firm, William A. Otis, while waiting at Albany to see the goods through. In 1856 he returned to Elyria, and until his death had a small interest in the busi ness at Elyria and at Wellington. Losses invited his return, but he had no, ambition for business in large places — having de clined in 1847 an invitation to partnership in the leading house in Cleveland, and at other times favorable invitations to New York. His energy and business judgment would have made large wealth in larger places, but Mr. Baldwin had such mastery of life that he cared not for it. In 1870 Mr. Baldwin went abroad for travel, and after that he was not active in his business. In 1874 he had so severe an attack of pneumonia that it was thought to be im possible for bim to live, and his death was reported; but a vigorous constitution and pure life carried him through, and he lived until the fourth day of February, 1891. He continued active in his care of an 560 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. invalid wife until her death in 1886 ; in his garden; in slight attention to the business of the bank, of which he was many years director; or in other private business. He w'as always an intelligent reader, having especially a taste for history. Mr. Baldwin was also much interested in securing, before he died, the building of a new church, donatingthe lot and in other ways helping much. He gave the plans and the building much thought and time. He was a man of sturdy independence of character, with a frank toleration for the opinions of others, which steadily increased with his advancing years. An interchange of thought became a pleasure, for his in terlocutor was sure of a fair hearing, how ever diverse might be their views. His public spirit was evidenced by the deep interest he always took in the success of the many young men with whom he was associated. Said Dr. Hoyt at his funeral: " Coming as Mr. Baldwin did from Puritan stock, he early inherited some of its marked peculiarities. He had an intense antipathy at all times to whatever he re garded as meanness, to ingratitude and to every form and manifestation of injustice. He prized personal, political and religious freedom, and he sought in every way as he had opportunity to protect the helpless and the oppressed, and to guard against the encroachment of power." Mr. Baldwin was always much inter ested in what he regarded as the best in terests of Elyria in political or business matters, and in early days, when railroad ing was a problem, was a director in the Junction Railroad — built through Elyria and now a part of the Lake Shore & Mich igan Southern Railway. He attributed his business success to rigid adherence to principles of which the chief were to always promptly fulfill his obligations, of what ever nature, and to keep his business always within his control. It may fairly be said of him, however, that his life has been governed by a rare judgment and moderate ambition. Mr. Baldwin was twice married, first to Mary Candee, of Oxford, Conn., who died in Elyria September 23, 1836, leaving two children both under two years of age. For his second wife he married Fidelia Hall, of Meriden, Conn., who survived until 1886. He had four sons — by tbe first wife: Charles Candee Baldwin, of Cleve land, and David Candee Baldwin, of Elyria; by the second wife: John Hall Baldwin, a manufacturer, of New York City, and Arthur Rice, a resident of Atlanta, Georgia. HARLES CANDEE BALDWIN was born December 2, 1834, in Middletown, Conn., a son of Sey mour W. and Mary (Candee) Baldwin. In May, 1835, the family moved to Elyria, Ohio, making a considerable part of their journey by boat on the Erie Canal, where it is reported that the young traveler made his presence effectively known by the vigorous use of his then lusty voice. In 1836 his mother died, too early for his re membrance. In time her tender care was supplied by a stepmother, of whom it is said in the Baldwin Genealogy that she was as good a stepmother as ever lived. As illustrating the changes which have taken place in Lorain county, where his childhood was spent, and which has always been his pride, it is related, among the ex periences of his early childhood, that when two years old he was lost in the woods where the Elyria depot now stands. In 1847 the family returned to Connec ticut, residing in Meriden until 1856, when they again came to Elyria. Meantime, on August 1, 1855, Charles had graduated with honor from the Wesleyan University, Middletown, and same month entered the Harvard Law School, where, in 1857, he took the degree of LL. B. In the autumn LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 561 of the same year he was admitted to the bar at Cleveland, Ohio, and entered the office of S. B. and F. J. Prentiss. In 1861, on the election of F. J. Prentiss to the office of county clerk, Mr. Baldwin entered into partnership with S. B. Prentiss, un der the firm name of S. B. Prentiss & Baldwiu. In 1869, upon the election of S. B. Prentiss to the bench, the firm of Prentiss, Baldwin & Ford was formed, which in 1878 was changed to Baldwin & Ford. By too close attention to business Mr. Baldwin's health became so much im paired in 1870, that he spent some time in Europe for recuperation, which, however, was but partial; so that for some years subsequent he gave less attention than formerly to his law business, in order to secure more outdoor exercise. From 1875 to 1878 he was president of the Cleveland Board of Underwriters. He has been di rector of four banks, and has been twice offered the presidency of a leading bank in Cleveland. His rare capacity and sterl ing integrity have brought into his hands from the first a business, unusually im portant in its character and responsibility, largely relating to corporations and bank ing. A most important case — that of Brown, Bonnell & Company, the great iron manufacturers of Youngstown — was argued by him, by brief and orally, several times in the Supreme Court of the United Stated, involving the very successful issue of a million and a half of dollars. In 1884, on the organization of the circuit court, under the change in the con stitution of Ohio, Mr. Baldwin was unani mously presented by his county as their candidate. Of the 160 votes cast at the con vention in Elyria Mr. Baldwin received 142; the next highest candidate nominated re ceived but 105. He has since been reelected, and is now (1894) the presiding judge of that court. Mr. Baldwin has been untiring in his attention to the duties of his office, though it has been impossible for him to relieve himself from finishing in the United States Courts a large amount of professional business of a high order. So well founded have been the most of his judicial decisions, that it is exceedingly rare for one to be reversed by the higher courts. Though a man of specially tender susceptibilities, he has shown himself, to a remarkable degree, able to rise above his sympathies in defining the exact equities of the law. In one notable case, where the death of a beautiful little girl bad been caused by a railroad train, though his feel ings were so overcome that he completely broke down in giving his decision, yet it was clear that he did not suffer his sympathies to warp his sense of legal equity. The inherent activity of Judge Baldwin's nature, and the liberal education with whieh he began his professional career, joined to natural tastes in that direction, have led bim to do a largeamount of effect ive work in promoting the general inter ests of science, education and culture, both in Ohio and in the country at large. Especially effective has been his work in lines of historical and archaeological research. In 1866, while a vice-president of the Cleveland Library Association (now Case Library), Mr. Baldwin planned the West ern Reserve Historical Society, which was first formed as a branch of the Case Library Association; but in 1892 was organized under a separate charter. Upon the death of Colonel Whittlesey, in 1886, Mr. Bald win was chosen his successor as president of the Society. Through his personal so licitations in 1892, sixty thousand dollars were raised to complete the purchase and remodelling of the fireproof building, upon the Public Square, in which the valuable historical library and arch asologi cal mu seum of the Society are now stored. Mr. Baldwin's taste for history has been active, and in 1881 he published the "Baldwin Genealogy;" in 1882-83 the "Candee and Allied Families," and later the " Baldwin Supplement." There have also been 562 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. published from his pen some twenty-five addresses and magazine articles, among them Early Maps of Ohio and the West (the one on Indian Migrations being adopted with little change in Windsor's " Critical History of America ") ; an ad dress at Yonngstown on "The Geographical History of Ohio; " at Norwalk, on "Man in Ohio;" at Oberlin, on "Columbus;" and at Mansfield, on "Early Indian Mi gration in Ohio;" and a review of the "Margry Papers," published in Paris in the French language. He has been elected causa honoris a member of nine State or other historical societies, and in 1891 a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Prof. G. F. Wright is free to say that but for the recog nition and aid of Judge Baldwin, his own work in glacial antiquities would have come to an end with the survey of Penn sylvania, and that it was largely through the advice and encouragement of Judge Baldwin that he was led to venture upon the publication of so elaborate and highly illustrated a work as his "Ice Age in North America." For portions of several seasons Judge Baldwin has been in the field with Professor Wright in prosecuting glacial investigations. In 1892 Mr. Baldwin received the degree of Doctor of Laws from his Alma Mater. Among the many who united in nominating him for this honor was David J. Brewer, of the United States Supreme Court, who sent the following letter: Supreme Court of the United States. Washington. April 6, 1892. to the faculty of western university. Gentlemen : — Permit me to join with others in recom mending the granting of an honorary LL. D. to Judge Charles C. Baldwin, of Cleveland, Ohio: I have known Judge Baldwin ever since college days. He is now the presiding judge of the Court of Appeals in Northern Ohio, and has a high rank as a lawyer and judge. He is a gentleman of high character, and especially loved and honored in the State in which he has made bis home during his active life. He has won quite a name, too, outside of the law, by his researches into tbe early history of his State, both before and since its settlement by the whites. He is eminently worthy of any honor the University can confer upon him, and certainly a host of friends will be gratified by bearing that he has received an LL. D. from his Alma Mater. Yours very truly, David J. Brewer. DAYID CANDEE BALDWIN was born in Elyria, Ohio, September 23, 1836., He was son of Seymour W. and Mary (Candee) Baldwin, the latter of whom was a daughter of David and Hannah (Catlin) Candee, of Oxford, Conn. The Candees were French Hugue nots. The Catlins had among their ancestors Capt. Joseph Wadsworth, who hid the Connecticut Charter in the Charter Oak, and Matthew aDd John Allyn, two of the grantees named in that sameCharter. John Allyn was for thirty years secretary of Con necticut, and during some of the time was practical governor, the then .Connecticut constitution requiring a change of gov ernor every year; but the secretary of State was more constant. The father of Mrs. Heman Ely, Thomas Day, was for twenty-five years secretary of the same Commonwealth. Hannah Catlin had also among her an cestors William Pynchon, the treasurer of the Massachusetts Colony before the emi gration, a member of the council, tbe founder of Springfield, and high iu in fluence until he wrote a Unitarian book, one hundred and fifty years too soon. The book was burned on Boston Common, and Mr. Pynchon returned to England, where he could enjoy religious liberty — "fearing," says Judge Savage, "that he would be treated as was bis book." The State of Massachusetts at the Chicago Exposition exhibited in its State Building most con spicuously his portrait. Mr. Pynchon is the hero of Holland's " Bay Path." When Mr. Baldwin was but five days old his mother died, and his father was LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 563 left with the care of two infants, for the older son was not yet two years old. David was at first cared for by Mrs. Sarah Goodwin, who had a son of the same age. Seymour W. Baldwin's second wife, Fide lia Hall, as gentle and conscientious as any mother could be, came -into the care of these two small children. She survived until 1886, in Elyria, having two children of her own. She was many years in ill health, a feeble, tender woman, strong in her past life, and in her character. Her own children were far away, one in Minne sota and one in New York City, and no own son could have been more attentive, thoughtful and kind than was the stepson who lost his own mother when five days old. She should certainly have loved him as tenderly as if he was her own, and she did. When our subject was ten years old his father revisited his old home in Connecti cut, returning to Elyria in 1856. David was educated at the best schools to be found, first in Meriden with Hon. David N. Camp, afterward distinguished in Con necticut, and Hon. H. D. Smith, also a leader; next with D. H. Chase, LL. D., of Middletown, all still living and all honored. He closed his education at Wilbraham Academy under Dr. Ray mond, now president of the University at Middletown. His father had high hopes of his practi cal business qualities, and he went at once into a store at Meriden, in which his father was partner. On the return to Elyria he went into the store there of Baldwin, Laundon & Nelson. Through his father he had an interest in the business, and he contributed in a large degree to the emi nent success of the firm, the business of which is described in the sketch of S. W. Baldwin. His excellent sense and judg ment, his easy tact, graceful manners and strict and high integrity made him an ex cellent salesman and an early favorite with tbe public. On the reorganization of that firm in 1872, it became D. C. Baldwin & Company, composed of his father, himself and Mr. John Lersch, he having principal charge of the very large business of the firm. The then leading wholesale merchant of Cleveland once said to the writer that no better merchant entered his store than Mr. Baldwin. In time the firm became Baldwin, Lersch & Co., composed of the same partners, and later by the death of Mr. S. W. Baldwin, Mr. Leroch taking gradually a more responsible part in ac cordance with his own and the wishes of David. Mr. Baldwin has a fine skill and judgment iu mechanics, and it is easy to see that with his business ability, if he had remained in Meriden, he would prob ably have engaged in manufacturing, as was indeed his first taste, and he would have become eminent. He has an excel lent library, which is especially rich in archaeology — a science which at the present time, especially, needs good judgment, and his opinions are much respected. He gave some mouths and considerable expense to the exhibit of Man and the Glacial period under the name of Prof. G. F. Wright and himself in the Anthropological Building at the Columbian Exposition. He has been very generous to the Western Reserve Historical Society of Cleveland, of which his brother is president, having aided hand somely in the purchase of its building, and still more handsomely in the objects of the Society. The D. C. Baldwin Collection was the first extensive collection of archseol- ogy donated to the Society, and it is prob ably unexcelled by any collection of the same size in the United States. On the reorganization of that very suc cessful Society in 1892, Mr. Baldwin was one of its incorporators; he is also a patron and an honored adviser. With no wish for wealth for its own sake, and with more than means to gratify his wants, no one person knows his generosity. Whether as lieutenant in the Civil war, or bank director or holding other office, he has simply taken what was in the plain line of duty, with no shrinking from care, but with no desire 564 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. for place beside. He has well in his heart the idea of the Moravian prayer — "Pre serve us from the unhappy desire of be coming great." Not long since a gentleman, who has been most intimately associated with a public man of distinguished and constant success, told the writer that in the pleni tude of his distinction, this man said: "My life has been a failure." Who can say that, when his success is his character? Mr. Baldwin married, May 1, 1878, Miss Josephine Staub, daughter of Rev. Henry Staub, a° clergyman of the Method ist Episcopal Church. She is a person of fine education, with a very active mind and much intellectual strength. They are both addicted to reading (which brings the best of company of this and other ages) and to travel. They have journeyed abroad thrice, as well as extensively in this coun try. Mr. Baldwin's life has been quite without such incident as is usually men tioned in a biography. He did not ad venture himself as a pioneer in a new eountry, or start business in a new place, or hold conspicuous office. To those who know him it is evident he would have been successful in any line of life he chose, as he has been in that he has chosen. He has been a prominent citizen, and especially a leader in such good deeds as need sym pathy, active work and a benevolent con tribution. Few men have that even poise of character that they are not carried away by the world, by the desire of wealth, of power or of political position. Mr. Bald win's distinction is, as was his father's be fore him, his character — successful in everything he has ever tried, of ample for tune, but not desiring large wealth, de clining the prospect of prominent station whenever offered; well educated by school ing, reading, by travel and by experience; well married, happy in society, in his own home and abroad; hospitable, thoroughly appreciated by all who know him; intelli gent, with tact and generosity; having, a most charming home, with such reason able hobbies as occupy his mind; happily contented, independent in his own pur suits, and able to gratify every wish of himself or his appreciative wife — who can but feel that that is a life to be envied, and who in the county will not think that, if any one deserves it, "Dave Baldwin" does? ICHARD BAKER. The subject of this sketch was bora at Harpole, near Northampton, England, Feb ruary 8, 1818. His ancestors were Freeholders — yeomen, owners and occupiers of land for many generations, both on his father's and mother's side. Up to twelve years of age our subject was kept closely to the country school, and was then sent to a first-class boarding- school, one of the leading business educa tional institutions of that day. At the age of sixteen years he left school, and assisted his father in the management of " Spratton Grange Farm," which he occu pied for many years. From a young boy he was very fond of live-stock, especially cattle, and his father being a large breeder and feeder, he had great advantages, be coming an expert in judging, managing and handling cattle. While yet in his minority young Richard succeeded in gathering and establishing a herd of Shorthorns, that in after years was successful in the show-ring. He has been an admirer of Shorthorns all his life, but never entertained any prejudice against other useful breeds. Having in those early years handled so many Hereford, Aber deen, Sussex and Norfolk grades, he knew their good qualities, and has ever been ready to acknowledge their merits. He has been called upon to serve as " Expert Judge " on the " Beef Breeds " of cattle at several different States, and many other large, exhibitions, his decisions being generally satisfactory. ^^l^^^T^wfe^. LORAIN COUNTY,- OHIO. 567 In 1852 Mr. Baker, accompanied by his wife and family of eight children, immi grated to this country, settling in Lorain county, where he has since been engaged in farming and stock raising. In 1856 he commenced breeding Shorthorns, and in 1871 he purchased the " Cliff Grange Farm " of 200 acres, near Elyria. The subject of this sketch was married, in England, to Sarah, sixth daughter of Jeremiah and Martha Gaudern, of Cottes- brook, Northamptonshire, England. Mr. Gaudern was a large grazier and feeder of cattle: his wife, Martha, the mother of Mrs. Baker, was a Miss Eaton, of same county; her ancestors had been prominent agriculturists for many generations. Sev eral of the children of Mr. and Mrs. Baker died in their infancy, and two sons and one daughter — George Edward, Sarah Ann and Alfred M. — passed away in maturer years. Alfred M. died at Fort Collins, Colo., May 18, 1893. In 1874 he went out to Colorado, purchased 160 acres of land, improved it, and made himself a pleasant and substantial home, including a good brick house and all necessary out buildings. In 1881 he married Ada, daughter of John Richardson, of Norwalk, Huron Co., Ohio. He added to his farm, and at the time of his death owned 400, acres of land, well stocked, tooether with other property. He left a loving, wife and a daughter, Edna. In 1890 he had " La Grippe," which never quite left him, and at the above date died of quick consump tion. Gordon W., the eldest son of Richard Baker, is in business in Elyria. He mar ried Charlotte Alice, the fourth daughter of William Linnell, a farmer, of Sulby, Northamptonshire, England ; has two daughters: Alice Maud Mary and Annie Lonise. Fred Richard is at Fort Collins, Colo., where he has a large farm, which he rents to a good farmer, and lives in the city. He is a director of the First Na tional Bank, and was county commissioner one term. He was a member (from Lo rain county) of the " Union Light Guards," 31 composed of young men, one from each county in Ohio, sent to Washington by Gov. Tod, of Ohio, as an escort to Presi dent Lincoln during the war of the Rebel lion. In 1876 he was married to Elnora, daughter of Mr. James Jackson, of Am herst, Lorain Co., Ohio, and their only son, Edward Richard, is the only grand son to bear the name of this branch of the Baker family. The youngest living daugh ter, Lizzie 0., is at home, having the whole care of the household, her mother having been an invalid for several years past. Mr. Baker has held several offices. In 1858 he was elected a director of Lorain County Agricultural Society, and was its president at different times up to 1883. In 1860 he started a county "Farmers Club," which was in useful existence for many years. He wrote up the History of the County Agricultural Society, published by Williams in 1879. In 1888 he was appointed County Centennial Commission er, and also elected president of the Coun ty Centennial Association. In 1879 he was elected a member of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture; re-elected in 1881; elected president of the Board in 1882; participated in establishing the. " new work " of the Board; the system of gather ing crop reports; analyzation of fertilizers; strongly advocated the Ohio farmers "County Institutes"; opposed premiums ou wines at the State Fair. He was a de legate to the convention o,f agricultural and college boards, at Washington, called by Commissioner Loring in 1882; read a paper at that meeting on " Best Breeds of Cattle for Farmers of the Western States," which elicited lengthy discussion; was ap pointed one of a committee of five, at that convention, to urge upon Congress the necessity and importance of the " Hatch Bill." He assisted in organizing the Lo rain County Farmers Institute, and was its first president; has prepared many papers and read them at the Institute meetings; is secretary of this organization at the present time (1894). In 1862 he was ap- 568 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. pointed by tbe first commissioner of Agri culture (Newton) as principal correspond ent and reporter of condition of crops and farm stock for Lorefin county, Ohio, aud has held that office up to the present time, under Secretaries Coleman and Rusk and the present secretary, Morton. He has a complete set of the Annual Reports of the Department of Agriculture. The following is taken from the Ohio Farmer: "Mr. Baker became acquainted with Thomas Brown of the Farmer in 1853, and has been a subscriber, reader and occasional contributor ever since. He has always been a firm friend to this jour nal, and has done some noble work for it. His first communication to it was on the importance of ' Farmers Clubs.' He is a thorough American in thought and prin ciple, has done his duty wherever it has been made known, honestly, conscientiously and fearlessly. Mr. Baker was one of the men who earnestly advocated the Board of. Agriculture owning its own grounds for State Fair purposes, and for some time stood alone in this position; but he has lived to see his plan carried into successful completion. All honor to the pioneers of progressive Agriculture in Ohio." He has been a true friend to the farmers not only of Lorain county, but of the entire State, never grudging his time, and he has been the leading spirit of the Agricultural Society. In politics the subject of this sketch has been a thorough Republican, from the organization of that party, and most heartily endorses the McKinley protec tive Bill. His father was the fourth son of George Baker, a large farmer of Harpole, North amptonshire. His mother was third daughter of Thomas Marriot, Floore, same county. George Baker was the second son of John Baker, who was a son of William Baker, all large farmers. A nephew of George Baker was a noted writer of his day. He published the "His tory of Northamptonshire." [George Washington's ancestors were from that county.] He possessed the most complete library in the county. The Baker and Marriot families are Saxon on both sides, all along the line. They have been " Free holders," and always eligible to vote for member of the House of Commons. D . S. CUMMINGS (deceased) was a ll son of Archibald Cummings, who was born in Billingscake, County Down, Ireland, in March, 1781. Archibald Cummings came to America in 1791, and remained in New York State until 1834, in which year he came to Sul livan (then in Lorain, now in Ashland county), Ohio. In 1813 he married Eliza beth Anderson, and ten children were born to them, as follows: (1) Sarah Ann, mar ried Rev. Joel Talcott, who died in 1871; Sarah Ann died in 1891. (2) John P., deceased in 1868. (3) D. S., subject of sketch, died April 3, 1881. (4) Thomas S., deceased October 19, 1893, in Overton county, Tenn. (5) Elizabeth, married to Dr. William Stilson, who died in Clyde, Ohio; Elizabeth is now living in Kansas. (6) Margaret, deceased in 1856. (7) Har riet, deceased in 1873. (8) James Ander son, who lives in Milan, Ohio, and has three children. (9) Archibald, who died in St. Louis, Mo., in 1856. (10) Andrew, married, and residing in Missouri. D. S. Cummings was reared to agri cultural pursuits, and educated at the sub scription schools of the period. He re mained with his parents until he was twenty-four years of age, at which time he came to Rochester township, Lorain county, where he hired out to C. W. Conaut. After his marriage in 1844 Mr. Cummings rented land for two years, at the expiration of which time, by assiduous industry and judicious thrift, he was enabled to pur chase "one hundred acres of land in Roch- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 569 ester township at eight dollars per acre, paying cash for one-fourth of the amount, and giving notes for the balance. This was all uncleared land, with the exception of about fifteen acres, which could be called tillable. In about six years from that time seven acres were added, making a total of 107 acres, which is now the homestead of his widow, all being accumulated by their joint efforts. On April 13, 1844, Mr. Cummings was married, in Sullivan (then Lorain, now Ashland county), to Miss Elizabeth Close, daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Gale) Close, who were the parents of sixteen children, as follows: Miranda, Alonson, Deborah Ann, one that died in infancy, Alvira, Nathaniel, Rebecca, Amy, Eliza beth, Samuel, Lockwood, Sarah, Diana, Annis, Lucy and Reuben. Benjamin Close was born in Greenwich, Conn., a son of Benjamin Close, Sr., who was of Scotch descent, and was wounded in the Revolutionary war. These two, father and son, when the latter was about ten years old, moved to Genoa, N. Y. When grown to manhood, Benjamin, Jr., with his wife and two children, and accom panied by his elder brother, Henry, started for Ohio in June, 1817. He left his fam ily in Painesville, and along with Henry came on to Sullivan township, then in Me dina county, afterward in Lorain, now in Ashland. Of an old acquaintance living in Harrisville, thirteen miles from Sulli van, Mr. Close borrowed some corn and po tatoes, and he had not a dollar to pay on his land, even his last tavern bill haying to be settled in cloth Mrs. Close had made before leaving Genoa. They built the first house of logs in Sullivan township, and cut their road through the dense forest, as they moved onward with their ox-team from Harrisville to Sullivan. As soon as Mr. Close could clear a piece of land, he planted some apple seeds, thus starting an orchard, and until fruit was gathered from it the family, from the time they came into the township, eat only two apples. For tea, medicine, etc., he had to go on foot to Elyria, twenty-five miles north, there being no road for oxen, and at that time he had no horse. On one occasion he lost his way, coming homeward, it being so cloudy he could not see the sun, and his compass he had left behind. After wandering about some time, he struck a small stream which proved to be a tributary of Black river, in what is now Rochester township, then un inhabited save by roving Indians and wild animals. On the bank of this stream he spied a wolf watching him, and then our adventurer wished he had brought his gnn; but his faithful dog, that had accompanied him, "tackled" the brute, and after a des perate struggle got him by the throat, which so weakened the wolf that Mr. Close wag able to give him a blow on the back with a hickory club he had cut for the purpose, and the dog then easily finished him. Mr. Close reached home at last, but not before. darkness had set in. Mr. Close succeeded eventually in pay ing for 200 acres of land. The home was a regular manufacturing establishment; for there was tailoring, dressmaking, millinery work and slioemaking going on nearly all the time. Wool was spun and woven, and the cloth colored, all at home; yet with all this work the family found time to close their labor on Saturday night, ready for rest on the Sabbath — sweet rest, indeed! The fainily library consisted of Bible, Catechism, " History of Henry Obookiah," " Life of God in the Soul of Man " (the latter volume published in England in 1620) and the " Missionary Herald," pub lished in the interest of the missions in the Sandwich Islands. This pioneer home was always open to ministers and school teach ers, of whom those in the neighborhood had much to do with the education of the large family growing to manhood and womanhood. Mr. Close was protected through many dangers by a kind Provi dence; at last, on August 10, 1852, when at the age of sixty-four years, he was driv ing a span of young horses that took fright 570 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. and ran away, throwing him from the wagon and killing him, when but a short distance from his home. His widow died in 1868. D. S. Cummings died April 3, 1881, leaving a widow but no children, as the three bora to them died young, namely: Francis E., died when five years and eight months old; one died in infancy, un named; and Wallace A. died at the age of five years. Mr. Cummings in his political sympathies was a Whig, afterward a Re publican, and he was repeatedly called upon to fill offices of trust in his township, which he did with characteristic fidelity and acknowledged ability. In Church work he was very energetic and helpful, was a deacon in the Congregational Church many years, and took particular interest in educational work. His highly respected widow is regarded in the community as a woman of high morality, and is admired for her many virtues. At the present time she is living on the old homestead with an adopted son. In 1848 there was a long and tedious lawsuit commenced by some Connecticut people against the farmers in the section where Mr. Cummings had settled. It ap pears that this tract of land was many years ago cede,d to Ohio by some Connecti cut people who afterward claimed to have never signed away their right and . title to it. The suit was finally decided in favor of the fanners (of whom Mr. Cummings was one), but the. cost of contesting it was about equivalent to paying for the land twice over, and fell the more heavily on the occupants, as the soil, being new, was yielding but a very small revenue. In tbe fall of 1843 the women of Rochester formed a Temperance Society, as they found liquor was being sold in the town, doing an inestimable amount of harm. The leaders among the women were Mrs. H. M.Tracy (afterward Mrs. Cutler), now living in California, and Mrs. Mary Bell, now living in Kansas. They ap pointed the following named as a commit tee to talk to the party selling the liquor: Mrs. Orpha Conant, Mrs. Humiston and Mrs. Lucretia Stevens. The liquor dealer promised to stop the sale, but nevertheless continued the traffic, though more cau tiously, and the women then took the case before tbe county court, where the man was fined ten dollars and costs. In 1844 Mrs. Tracy edited a paper called The Pal ladium, the temperance meetings being continued, and this lady also delivered some good temperance lectures. Some of the best citizens came with their wives to hear her, and soon afterward she was in vited to deliver the lectures in public. Thus meetings continued for two or three years. Mrs. Tracy left the town, how ever, for more extended work, and Miss Anvilla Humiston then edited Hie Pal ladium, and Mrs. Eliza Conant became president. Later Miss Humiston also left town for another field of usefulness, after which Mrs. E. C. Cummings edited The Palladium. The meetings still continued till public sentiment was sufficiently aroused to induce those best men to en courage the women in the good work. The liquor element succumbed, and as a na tural result the morals and status of the community greatly improved. As far as known, this was the first Woman's Tem perance Society formed in the State of Ohio. JOHN I. MASTEN (deceased), who in his lifetime was one of the most industrious and deservedly successful agriculturists of Rochester township, was a native of New York State, bora March 8, 1812, in Dutchess county, a son of James Masten. Our subject received a liberal education, for his early time, at the subscription schools of the vicinity of his native place. He was reared to farm work, and being a natural mechanic was capable of following the trades of turner and shoemaker. On LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 571 October 7, 1835, he was united in marriage with Miss Rosalia Loomis, who was born August 17, 1813, in the town of Steuben, Oneida Co., N. Y., daughter of Martin and Laura (Blanchard) Loomis. In the fol lowing spring the young couple came to Ohio, via canal and lake to Cleveland, thence by wagon to Rochester township, Lorain county. Mr. Masten, the previous winter, had visited this locality, and pur chased a piece of timber-covered land in Rochester township, where wild animals — such as deer, turkeys, hogs, etc. — were almost as " plentiful as blackberries." This farm, comprising fifty acres of primeval forest, he paid four dollars and fifty cents per acre for, and the first dwelling of these honored pioneers was of a most primitive description — the floor being made of pun cheon and the roof of beech bark, while a quilt nailed over the entrance served the place of a door. Here during his long residence he followed general farming, in cluding the rearing of and extensive deal ing in live stock, of which he was an excellent judge. It should here be men tioned that to the original tract of wood land he from time to time added until at his death he was the owner of 236 acres of prime farming land. For seven and one-half years he lived in the village of Rochester, at the end of which time he re turned to his farm and, later, moved a short distance to where his long and busy life came to a close March 16, 1893. His remains repose in the cemetery at Rochester. In his political affiliations Mr. Masten was a Whig until the organization of the Republican party, when he enlisted under the new banner, and up to the close of his life was loyal to the cause. He was an ex emplary member, as is his-aged widow, of the Free-will Baptist Church, in wliich he held office many years. Mrs. Masten is now passing the evening of her honored life at the old homestead, calmly and hope fully awaiting the summons that shall call her hence. The farm is now ably con ducted by her son Frank L., whose filial care is a blessing to his loving mother. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. John I. Masten were as follows: Decalia B., whe served in the Civil war, and afterward located in Dayton, Ohio, where he died; Amelia O, who married C. C. Boney and died in Lorain, Ohio; Mortimer C, of Charlotte, Mich.; Celia, now a widow, of Manchester, Ohio; Delia, Mrs. J. H. Bis sell, of Rochester, Ohio; Nina, Mrs. A. J. Irish, of Lorain, Ohio; John D., of Char lotte, Mich.; aud Frank L., in charge of the home farm. OBEDIAH BOWEN (deceased) was in his lifetime a well-known pros perous citizen of Elyria, where stands, as a monument to his mem ory, the "Bowen Block," on Cheapside, erected by him not long before his death. Mr. Bowen was born June 26, 1818, in the town of Roxbury, Delaware Co., N.Y., and was reared on a farm till about the age of eighteen years. He then com menced to learn the trade of merchant tailor, in Waynesburg, Ohio, whither he had come when sixteen years old, and where he followed the business about ten years. For ten or twelve years he was ex press and ticket agent for the Lake Shore Railroad Company, after which he em barked in tbe manufacture of and dealing in Babbitt metal. During the later years of his life he was retired from active work, living upon the interest of his hard-earned accumulations. He was a typical self- made man, shrewd and calculating. At the time of his marriage he had but seventy-five cents in cash, but he was very successful in all his business transactions, and when he died he left a considerable amount of property. On April 11, 1839, Mr. Bowen married Miss Diantha A. Pren tiss, of whom special mention will be pre sently made. In August, 1857, Mr. and 572 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Mrs. Bowen came to Elyria, where he passed from earth December 11, 1887. He was a stanch Republican, casting his first vote for W. H. Harrison, and his last vote for Benjamin Harrison. In religion he was a member of the M. E. Church, as has been his widow since 1832. For thirty years he was a member of the I. O. O. F., and was buried by the Order. Mrs. Obediah Bowen was born Novem ber 17, 1816, in Lowville, Lewis Co., N. Y., and in June, 1836, moved west with her parents to Lorain county, the family coming at that time as pioneers into a wild and unbroken forest, and making a settle ment about one mile from the center of what is ndw Camden township. She is a daughter of William and Sarah. (Bates) Prentiss, the former of whom passed away in 1819, the latter (who was born in North ampton, Mass.) dying at the age of ninety- two years. Mrs. Bowen's grandmother died January 7, 1837, at the patriarchal age of ninety-five years, less nearly four months. W. ROWLAND. The family, of which this gentleman is a worthy member, is well known and highly esteemed in both Huron and Lorain counties. He is a son of Aaron Rowland, who was born in a military camp at Danbury, Conn., during the Revolutionary war, a son of Hezekiah Rowland, who served all through that struggle, the exact period of his service being seven years, eleven months and seven days. By trade he was a blacksmith. Aaron Rowland was a miller, and operated flour and saw mills along the Croton river. Seven children, as follows, were born to him in New York State: Ezra, deceased in Clarksfield town ship, Huron Co., Ohio; Anna, deceased in infancy; Jemima, who married Lin ues Palmer, and died in Fitchville township, Huron county; William, a farrier by trade, who died in New York City; Samuel W., a retired farmer of Oberlin, Ohio; Tama- zon, who first married Samuel Husted, and is now the widow of Martiu Pulver, of Clarksfield township, Huron county; and Betsy Ann, who first married Joseph Stiles, and is now the wife of Thomas Pelton, of Beri in ville, Erie Co., Ohio. In the fall of 1818 the family set out on a journey to Ohio with two yoke of oxen and one horse, the trip as far as Cleveland occupying six or seven weeks. When they arrived at that now large and elegant city they found but one bouse on the " West Side," and that was occupied by the ferryman who rowed travelers across the Cuyahoga river. Coming yet farther west, the family halted at Clarksfield Hol low, in Huron county, where Aaron Row land secured work in a new mill owned by Capt. Samuel Husted, and he and his family occupied the iog- cabin home of Capt. Husted, along with his family. In course of time Aaron bought a small farm north of Clarksfield Hollow, and during the summer season, when water in the streams was too low to drive the mill, he would work on this farm. He was also in charge of a mill east of the " Hollow," later owning a share in same, and he followed the business several years. When he came into what is now Clarksfield township, it contained but eight other families, the several heads of which were Samuel Hus ted, Smith Starr, Benjamin Benson, Seger, Benjamin Stiles, Asa Wheeler, Simeon Hoyt, and Ezra Wood. After coming to Ohio the following children were born to Aaron Rowland: Charles (the third child born in Clarksfield town ship, Lavina, daughter of Asa Wheeler, and Samuel Stiles having been the first and second, respectively), and Daniel. After a married life of sixty-six years less a few days the parents were called from earth, the mother dying in 1866, the father in 1868, and they now sleep their last sleep in the cemetery at Clarksfield. Po litically he was first a Whig, afterward, on LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 573 the organization of the party, a Republi can. He was a pioneer in the milling in dustry, in those days the leading one next to farming, and was a man of prominence, well known and universally esteemed. S. W. Rowland, the subject proper of this memoir, was born July 5, 1810, in Putnam county, N. Y., and in early life learned the trade of axe-handle maker, but feneral farming has been his life work. [e was eight years old when the family came to Ohio, and he distinctly remembers the journey. At the primitive subscription schools of the locality where his father had settled, in Huron county, he gleaned a comparatively meager education, which, however, he vastly improved by reading and study in his spare moments. On Christmas Day, 1834, Mr. Rowland was married to Harmony Blair, who was born June 25, 1814, at Becket, Mass., daughter of Luther Blair, who came in the fall of 1832, to Rochester, Lorain Co., Ohio, at that time on the frontier of the " Far West." The young couple began married life in a log cabin in Clarksfield township, Huron county. In 1836 they removed to Rochester township, Lorain county, where he bought land at three dollars per acre, which he improved and cultivated with his own hands till 1868, in which year he removed to Oberlin, same county, where he has since resided, living a retired life. Children as follows have been born to this honored pioneer and his faithful wife: Mary, now Mrs. Alonzo Welcher, of Iowa; William, deceased; Caroline, wife of H. A. Deming, of Kip- ton, Ohio; Edmund, a farmer of Rochester township, who also manages the home farm; Evaline, Mrs. J. A. Flower, of Elyria, Ohio; and Thaddeus, a druggist at Oberlin, Ohio. On Christmas Day, 1884, Mr. and Mrs: Rowland celebrated their golden wedding,. members of the family, only, being pres ent, and last Christmas (1893) being the fifty-ninth anniversary of their marriage, their children and grandchildren came home to celebrate the occasion in an ap propriate manner, wishing the old couple " many happy returns." Mr. Rowland owns a fine farm of 185 acres in Rochester township, and a pleasant home in Oberlin. Politically he is a Republican, originally a Whig. Mrs. Rowland is a member of the Congregational Church. EV. WILLIAM BENTON CHAM BERLAIN, A. M., professor of elocution and rhetoric, Oberlin Col lege, comes of an old Connecticut family, his paternal grandfather having been a native of that State, but passed a considerable portion of his life in Ohio. Joshua Chamberlain, great-grand father of our subject, was a captain in the Revolutionary war. The gentleman under our present con sideration was born at Gustavus, Trumbull Co., Ohio, September 1, 1847, a son of Rev. E. B. aud Mary Ann (Cowles) Chamber lain, the former of whom was a native of western New York, the latter a sister of John P. Cowles, of Ipswich, Mass., and of Prof. Henry Cowles, D. D., of Oberlin College; she died in 1874, aged fifty-seven years. Rev. E. B. Chamberlain graduated from the second class at Oberlin College, 1838, and after being licensed preached in Ohio for the greater part of his ministerial life, and later in western Pennsylvania, in which locality he died in 1882 at the age of seventy-two years. Of their five chil dren William B. is the youngest. He en tered Oberlin College in 1871, and gradu ated from the classical course in 1875. Proceeding to Philadelphia, he studied music there from 1876 to 1878. Return ing to Oberlin, he entered the Theological Seminary, graduating from there in 1881. From 1878 to 1883 he taught vocal music in Oberlin Conservatory of Music, a por tion of the time giving lessons in elocu- 574 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. tion, having been appointed instructor of that art in 1881; in 1884 he was appointed to his present incumbency, of professor of elocution and rhetoric. Mr. Chamberlain is a master of vocal expression, and last year he published a work entitled " Rhe toric of Yocal Expression." He has thor oughly adopted what is recognized as the " Oberlin Ideal " of things, and although he has been offered more remunerative positions elsewhere has invariably refused them, preferring to labor in the interests of Oberlin. Mr. Chamberlain is a Con- gregationalist, and has filled various pul pits at different times, not as regular pastor, however, as his time is fully oc cupied with teaching. Prior to making his home in Oberlin he taught common schools in Erie county, Ohio. In 1875 Rev. W. B. Chamberlain and Miss Emma E. Peck were united in mar riage, and the following named six chil dren have been born to them: Fred W., John F., Ernest E., Harold, F. P. and Mary E. In his political preferences our subject is a Prohibitionist, but of that practical class that is willing to work for any measure that promises to eliminate or curtail the liquor traffic. [If ON. E- G- JOHNSON was born in t=s| LaGrange, Lorain Co., Ohio, No- I 11 vember 24, 1836. His father, Hon. yj Nathan P. Johnson, removed from Jefferson county, N. Y., to La- Grange in 1833. The township was then sparsely settled with pioneers, mostly from the same State, living in rudely constructed log cabins, and diligently engaged in clear ing away the primeval forest that sur rounded their hospitable dwellings. Here he labored with ceaseless energy to trans form the wild woods into fruitful fields, and with undaunted courage met the many vicissitudes incident to a pioneer's life. His intelligence, high sense of honor, and zeal in all good works won the highest re gard of all who knew him, and called him to occupy places of trust and honor in after years. He was three times elected to represent his county and district in the General Assembly, serving two years in the House of Representatives and two in the Senate. He died in 1874, and the memory of his noble character will long be cherished. It was surrounded by such influences and under such salutary home instruction that the son E. G. grew up to manhood before leaving the parental roof. In early boy hood he began to display the diligence and application that have characterized his sub sequent life, and all his leisure moments were spent in willing efforts to aid his honored parents in bearing the burden of founding a home for the family, with no means except their strong arms. These efforts were not relaxed as years added to his strength and the desire for study trenched upon his hours for labor. In those pioneer days schools were not what they now are, and boys of sufficient age to per form farm labor were often deprived of the poor facilities afforded for instruction. Not so with the children of pioneer John son. He not only labored extra hours to enable his two sons to attend the winter sehool, but taught them at his own log cabin fireside the rudiments of the com mon branches aud the sterling virtues that form the basis of a well-ordered life. Al though hampered by the want of better opportunities, the young lad early mani fested a desire to acquire more of the hid den treasures found in the books, and was granted the privilege of attending the win ter school at Oberlin, a few terms, which he improved with willing ardor. Thus, between hard labor upon the farm and dili gent use of leisure hours in study, he ac quired sufficient knowledge to become a teacher before he attained his majority. When of legal age he did not lose his love for this employment of his youth, nor LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 577 his affection for his parents whose welfare was ever his earnest desire, but spent some time alternately engaged in farm labor, study and teaching. During this time he commenced the study of law under the tutelage of L. A. Sheldon, Esq., who was his townsman, and who subsequently distinguished himself as a General in the Union Army, Member of Congress from Louisiana, and Governor of New Mexico. In due time he received a cer tificate of admission to the bar, in Colum bus, and opened an office in his native town. At the age of twenty -one years he was elected justice of the peace, and held that office with entire approbation of the peo ple for ten consecutive years. Devoting all his leisure time to mental rather than pecuniary gain, he had but little oppor tunity in the quiet township of LaGrange to lay by a store for the increasing wants of his family, and in 1868, on the petition of nearly all the voters in the township, regardless of party affiliation, he consented to stand for the office of county auditor. He was nominated at the convention that soon followed, receiving twenty-eight ma jority on the first ballot, against a strong opponent. He was elected with great un animity for four successive terms, but in 1876 he resigned, and has since devoted his energies to his professional duties with ever-increasing success and popularity. During his successive terms as auditor he was brought into official relations with nearly every adult person in the county, and by his courtesy, ability, unquestioned character and integrity, he gained the confidence of the people, which confi dence, so well merited, he has ever since retained. Mr. Johnson has found time during the busy years of his professional life to ably serve other interests besides that of the law. Wedded in youth to the pursuit of agriculture, he, has never lost his desire for the welfare of those who cultivate the soil. He has been an active member of the Lo rain County Agricultural Society for more than thirty years, and for thirteen years was its popular and efficient secretary. For twelve years he also served as chair man of the Republican Executive Com mittee, during which period he displayed great energy in promoting the Republican cause. He was a delegate to the Repub lican National Convention at Chicago in 1884, and was the Republican candidate for Congress from the I ourteenth District of Ohio in 1892, bnt was defeated. His patriotic ardor was early enlisted in the Union cause. He was among the first citizens of LaGrange who answered the call of President Lincoln in 1861, and en listed in Company A, afterward Company I, Eighth 0. v. I., for three months. He went out as first lieutenant, but was pro moted to the rank of captain. He re-en listed with the major part of his company for three years, while in Camp Dennison, but was rejected by the surgeon who de clared him to be physically unable to per form military duty. He received an honor able discharge from the service, aud it was several years after his return before he fully recovered his health. Mr. Johnson's career at the bar has been one of unsullied honor and rapid ad vancement. He at once took a position at the head of the bar in Lorain county, and now ranks among the foremost in the list of able attorneys in Northern Ohio. He has been engaged in many important capi tal criminal cases, notably his defense of John Coughlin at Ravenna, who, with the notorious " Blinkey " Morgan (who was couvicted and executed), was charged with the murder of detective Hulligan. Samuel Eddy, at that time one of the ablest law yers of Ohio, was associated witb Mr. Johnson. Coughlin, though at first con victed, secured a new trial, and was finally acquitted. In more than a dozen other capital cases Mr. Johnson has won a wide reputatiou as a successful criminal lawyer. He is a man of strong convictions, form ing his opinions only after thorough in- 578 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. vestigation, and is fearless in expressing them when once formed. In combating the illogical theories and " isms " of those who defy reason and the law of nature in their attempt to correct political and social evils, he has incurred the displeasure of a few self-constituted modern reformers, as all men do who have the courage of their convictions. He has long been an active leader in social and political reforms, and now stands in the front ranks of the great army of true progress. His whole life has been characterized by an open-hearted honesty in dealing with his fellow men, and a supreme hatred of hypocrisy and double dealing. Mr. Johnson has always retained his love for bis early home life and the friends and acquaintances of his boyhood. In 1886, in company with Hon. E. H. Hin man, he made a trip to Europe, visiting many of the places of interest both in Great Britain and upon the continent. Among others he visited the famous Lean ing Tower at Pisa, from which point he wrote Hon. George G.Washburn, late editor of the Elyria Republican, a letter in which he recalls the memory of his boyhood home, as follows: After breakfast we took our guide book and started for the leaning tower: It was but a short walk, and yet it seemed a mile, so greatly had our expectations been excited. It seemed impossible that we were to set our eyes upon that famous col umn. I remember of hearing my mother describe it, as we sat around the fire of a long winter even ing in the old log house, which, with ber, long ago crumbled into dust. Oh how times and circum stances do change. Then as she told me the story, I thought life would be a failure unless my eyes should behold it, and I resolved that some day I would go and see it and come back and tell her of my journey. Here I am at the tower, but where is she ? and where is that happy circle then complete, and those happy days which then seemed eternal? Memory holds them— all else is gone. In 1887 Mr. Johnson made a trip through the West, visiting among other places the National Park, which he reached by stage from Beaver Canon on the Utah Central Railroad. It is just one hundred miles from that point to the Park, through a wilderness. From his stopping place on Snake river he wrote to Mr. Washburn a letter from which is made the following extract: I am stopping to-night on the banks of Snake river, and now sitting by a stove in a log bouse which, if it had a big fireplace across one end, would be almost a copy of the one where fifty years ago I first saw the sun-light, and where, though brief were the years passed beneath its roof, that sun-light began to fade. Out of the door I can see the same waving forests, only that was of beech and maple and whitewood and oak, while this is of spruce and pine. This house is but just erected, and will long years defy the ravages of rain and frost, while that house is only one of memory's treasures. The voices of the good people who have opened the doors to give us welcome greet my ears, while along the tender chords of memory come the sweet voices that when the days were young made that old house the home of mirth and happiness. As I sit here alone, fancy brings that old log structure back out of the dust, peoples it with the same happy throng that gathered at the family altar and at the same table ; but it is only for a moment, for faithful memory will not let me for get that half of those who gathered there lie in graves which "Are severed far and wide, by mount and stream and sea." Mr. Johnson's unselfish generosity and kindness of heart are proverbial wherever he is known, and none appeal to him for aid in a worthy cause without receiving his mite according to his means, regardless of color, sect or nationality. He has always been a liberal contributor to the support of the M. E. Church; and on one occasion not long ago its worthy pastor, by his in vitation, accompanied him on a vacation trip to the Rocky Mountain region, at his expense. Many instances might be cited of like acts of kindness, showing his char acteristic regard for the happiness of others with whom he only sustains the relation of neighbor and friend. His great in dustry, unquestioned integrity and unim peachable moral character have won the regard of his host of friends, who stand high in social and religious circles. On January 1, 1859, Mr. Johnson was married to Lydia D. Gott, also a native of LaGrange, Ohio. Mrs. Johnson is a woman highly respected and esteemed wherever she is known for her many womanly vir tues. Mr. Johnson is yet in the prime of his usefulness, and few men have more de- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 579 voted friends to wish him success in all his undertakings. [This sketch for the most part is from the able pen of Hon. George G. Washburn, late editor of the Elyria Republican. — Ed. ^AYLD D. JOHNSON (deceased), who in his lifetime was one of the prominent and well-known citizens of Elyria township, was a native of England, born December 2, 1829. When an infant of nine months his parents set sail for the New World, but on the voyage the father died, and found a grave in the broad Atlantic, there to lie " till the sea shall give up its dead." The widowed mother continued on with her little family to Lorain county, Ohio, making a settlement in Avon township, where our subject was reared and educated. He followed farming pursuits all his life, and was prosperous. On January 11, 1887, he passed from earth in his fifty-eighth year. On November 15, 1860, Mr. Johnson married Mary E. Fowls, who was born, reared and educated in Amherst township, Lorain Co., Ohio. After marriage they resided in Elyria township, same county, several years, and then came to Elyria, where they owned a good farm of seventy- five acres, highly cultivated land. Mr. Johnson spent seven years in the West. He was an ardent Republican. Upright in character and of sound integrity, he was honored and respected by all. He had one son, M. B. Johnson, who was educated in Elyria and at Oberlin College, Ohio, from which latter he returned to Elyria, at the high school of which city he graduated. He then read law under Metcalf & Web ber, and in 1884 was admitted to the bar, after which he located in Cleveland, where he has since enjoyed a lucrative practice. He married Miss Mary E. Laundon, of Elyria, Ohio, and two children — David Laundon and Arthur Earnest — have been born to them. After leaving Oberlin Female Seminary, where she had finished her education, Mrs. Mary E. Johnson taught school in Lorain county (Black River township), afterward in Angola, Steuben Co., Ind., and in Men- don, St. Joseph Co., Mich., both in private and public schools. She is a daughter of Godfrey and Sarah (Gardiner) Fowls, who were natives of Germany, where they were married. In 1828 they came to the United States and to Ohio, locating in what is now the very center of the city of Cleveland, and afterward coming to Amherst town ship, Lorain county, where they passed the remainder of their busy lives on their farm, the father dying at the age of eighty- eight years, the mother at the age of sixty- nine. They were the parents of ten chil dren, all of whom grew to maturity. JjOHN H. JOHNSON (deceased), a typical self-made man, one who has ' left behind a record worthy of emu lation, was born August 11, 1815, in Canal township, Yenango Co., Penn., a son of James Johnson, a native of Ireland, born May 6, 1785. When yet a lad James Johnson came to the United States, presumably to seek his fortune in the New World. After landing he made his way westward to Yenango county, Penn., wherein Canal township he settled down to agricultural pursuits on a farm of 200 acres, on which in later years, long after, his death, oil was discovered. He died in Pennsylvania, a Democrat in politics, and in Church relationship an Old- school Presbyterian. On September 22, 1814, he married, in Yenango county, Mrs. Elizabeth Cousins (a widow), nee Sutley, born April 5, 1791, in that county, who bore him children as follows: John H. ; 580 LORAIN COUNTY. OHIO. Sarah A., born March 24, 1821, who mar ried John Singleton; Robert H., born De cember 18, 1823, died in Fulton county, Ohio; Harrison R., born May 18, 1825, died in Nashville, Tenn., where he was principal of schools (he was a graduate of Ashtabula College, Ashtabula, Ohio); and Hugh, born June 23, 1828, a blacksmith by trade, who died of smallpox while on a visit at his mother's house. The mother of these, after the death of the father, mar ried Sylvester Knowlton, and in course of time moved to Huron county, where she passed from earth; she was interred in Rip ley Methodist cemetery. John H. Johnson received such educa tion as the early schools of his boyhood days afforded, fie was reared on a farm up to the age of eighteen years, and then learned the trade of blacksmith. After completing his apprenticeship he went to Buffalo, N. Y., working there as a jour neyman until 1841, and then locating in Warren, Penn., where in partnership with a half brother, William Cousins, he suc cessfully followed his trade. Here he mar ried Miss Elizabeth P. Snyder, born June 1, 1823, in Penn Yan, Yates Co., N. Y., a daughter of John and Eliza (Pierce) Sny der, natives of Columbia and Onondaga counties, N. Y., respectively, and who af ter marriage settled in Elk township, War ren Co., Penn. In June, 1845, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson came to Ohio, to Richland county, leaving their only child, Theodosia, then two years old, in care of its grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder (a son, Alston, had died at the age of three months). Their trip to Ohio was made in order to " spy out the land," and being sat isfied with it they returned to Pennsylvania for their household effects and his black smithing tools. The journeys were made entirely by wagon, the trips occupying six days each way. In Bloominggrove town ship, Richland county, Mr. Johnson bought three town lots, on which he built a shop and residence. Here for a time business with him was very poor, and to add to other causes the memorable frost of June 1, that year, damaged the wheat crop to such an extent that the price of it ran up to three dollars per bushel. Later, however, business improved, and money became more plentiful. For six years they resided at Rome, Ashtabula county, and from Rome moved to Ripley township, Huron county, where Mr. Johnson pur chased a fifty-acre farm, erecting thereon a " smithy," in connection with his dwell ing, and, hiring a hand to work his farm, personally conducted his shop, at which time he was kept quite busy; at that time horse shoes were split from wagon tires, and nails were made from lighter material, all of which combined to make work for the blacksmith much more onerous than at the present day. He at all times,"how- ever, had one or more apprentices working for him, which materially lessened his la bor. Selling out his business in Ripley, he moved with his family to Greenwich township, having purchased seventy-four acres of land, and moving his shop to this farm here continued his trade until the spring of 1860, when he came to Brighton township and located on the farm now oc cupied by his son A. C. On this he erected another shop, and continued work ing at his trade till within ten days of his death, which occurred February 25, 1864, after a ten-days' illness from typhoid- pnenmonia; his remains were interred in Brighton cemetery. He was a stanch Democrat, but during the later years of his life did not vote, averring that he was of the opinion his party had changed their principles; in matters of religion he was a strict Presbyterian. Since his death, his widow has continued to live at the old homestead in Brighton township, a highly respected lady, and a devout member of the Congregational Church. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. John H. Johnson were as follows — born in Rome, Richland county: Madora, now the wife of A. S. Gilson, a photographer ot Norwalk, Ohio; Orestes, of Norwalk, in LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 581 the employ of the A. B. Chase Co. ; and AdelbertC., sketch of whom follows. Bora in Ripley township: Frank D., and Em ma O., wife of Charles A. Finley, of Kip- ton, Ohio. Born in Greenwich township: Aravilla, widow of George Harris, and Al bert, fireman on the Lake Erie & Wheel ing Railway, at Norwalk, Ohio. Born in Brighton township: Ada, who died at the age of seven years; Charley S., in the saw- milling business at Rochester, Lorain county; and Eva, deceased at the age of three months. The eldest daughter, Theo dosia, married William Callin,and lives in Brighton township. Adelbeet C. Johnson, a member of the firm of Laundon, Windecker & Co., manu facturers of cheese, is a native of Rome, Ohio, born March 27, 1850, the fifth child and third son of John H. aud Elizabeth P. (Snyder) Johnson. When his parents removed to Green wich township, Huron county, our subject was but an infant, and he was there reared on the home farm. With the exception of one year during which he was fireman on the Atlantic & Great Western Railway, he was uever absent from the parental home till his marriage, after which he moved to Wood county, Ohio, and com menced farming on a piece of land be longing to his father-in-law. There he resided four years, and then returned to Brighton township, and for four years car ried on agriculture; then went to Clarks field, Huron county, and worked in a cheese factory for John Emmons, where his first idea of the cheese business was obtained. After about a year he came to Brighton and embarked in the manufac turing of, cheese, at which he has ever since been engaged as a member of the firm of Laundon, Windecker & Co., and he is superintendent and manager of the "Goss Factory." On May 30, 1874, Mr. Johnson was married to Julia A. Emmons, who was born in Brighton township, Lo rain Co., Ohio, a daughter of John and Julia Emmons, and two children, Pearlie and Lillie, have been born to them. Our subject is an ardent Republican, has held township offices in Brighton ever since his return from Wood county, Ohio, and has served three terms as trustee; he is now superintendent of the Lorain County In firmary, which position he has occupied since November 1, 1893. He has an extensive acquaintance and considerable political influence. Socially he is a mem ber of the F. & A. M., at Wellington, Lo rain county. EORGE E. NICHOLS, dealer in real estate and insurance, is a na tive of New Hampshire, born in ii Londonderry, October 7, 1819. His father, Reubeu Nichols, was born in Londonderry, N. H, in 1787, and in 1811 was married to Miss Asenath Senter of the same town. He was the son of Jacob and Sally George Nichols, natives of Massachusetts, who removed to Londonderry, N. H, where they died. They had twelve children — seven sons and five daughters — of whom Reuben was the youngest, and they all lived to be from eighty-four to ninety-six years of age ex cept one who died young from the effects of an injury. In October, 1827, Reuben Nichols, father of George E. Nichols, left New Hampshire with his family, and started for the wilds of the West, to seek a home. On reaching Pike Hollow, Allegany Co., N. Y., the family made a halt while the father proceeded to Lorain county, Ohio, on horseback, where he secured a farm six miles south of Elyria. He then returned to his family, and they set out for their new home, reaching Elyria March 28, 1828. They first located at Butternut Ridge, then almost a dense wilderness, re maining there nearly two years, and then removed to Elyria, where in 1830 Reuben Nichols purchased the " Old Eagle Hotel." 582 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. In 1832 he commenced building the new hotel called the " Mansion House," and this he kept until 1839, when he sold it. At that time it was one of the finest hotels west of Buffalo, N. Y. While keeping this hotel, he hitched four horses to a lum ber wagon, and conveyed John J. Ship- herd and others to the present site of Oberlin, their first trip to that locality, to found a school. After selling out the " Mansion House " he moved his family to Oberlin in order to have his children educated. In 1842 he returned to Elyria, where he passed the remainder of his days, making business changes in property from time to time. He died in 1871, hav ing lived eighty-four years, an honest, up right and just man; a lifelong Democrat in politics. His wife died in November, 1870. George E. Nichols, the subject proper of this sketch, after receiving a good edu cation settled in the mercantile business in Elyria, where he remained for a number of years. In 1852, under Franklin Pierce's administration, he was appointed postmaster at Elyria, and after serving four years resigned March 5, 1856, for political reasons. During this period (1854) he was appointed one of a commit tee to proceed to Nebraska to try and have it become a Democratic State. He had a land office at Washington, D. C, and a large amount of land under his control; and though he made many trips to Ne braska, he did his chief land office work at Washington. This he continued in sev eral years, having influential friends and finding good opportunities whieh he im proved. He was interested iu bringing the first printing press to Omaha, and as sisted in the establishment of a paper there. Of recent years Mr. Nichols has given his attention mainly to the real-es tate business, with his home and office in Elyria, Lorain county, and has met with marked success. In November, 1843, he was married to Miss Angeline D. Elliott, daughter of Rev. Joseph Elliott, Baptist clergyman, and two children have been born to them: Ella Gertrude, wife of William Mills paugh, of Middletown, N. Y., and Lelia May, wife of Seymour Cromwell Prentiss, of Detroit, Mich. They have four grand children — George Marcus Millspaugh and William L. Millspaugh, of Middletown,. and Marion Louise Prentiss and Edith Rouse Prentiss, of Detroit, Mich. — and two great-grandchildren. On November 22, 1893, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Nichols celebrated their Golden Wedding at the home of their daughter, Ella Millspaugh, in Middletown, Orange Co., N. Y., refer ring to which interesting event a Middle- town (N. Y.) paper of same date contains the following: Fifty years ago to-day, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Nichols, of. Elyria, Ohio, were united in marriage. They are spending the winter at the residence of their daughter, Mrs. William Millspaugh, on Or chard street in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Millspaugh do not propose to let so important an event pass without proper recognition, and accordingly have invited a number of intimate friends of the family and the acquaintances Mr. and Mrs. Nichols have made during their visits to this city, to join with them in celebrating, in a quiet way, the golden an niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Nichols' marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Nichols have been singularly blessed during their half-century of married life. They have been permitted to enjoy a reasonable measure of worldly prosperity, and have reached the allotted age of man in good physical and men tal health. Two children have blessed their union —Mrs. Millspaugh, of this city, and Mrs. Prentiss, of Detroit; they have four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, and there has never been a death in their family, nor in those of their children. There are few who are permitted to look back over fifty years of married life, and fewer still who can survey the past with greater reason of thankfulness. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Nichols in this city and elsewhere will wish them many happy returns of their wedding anniversary. '•HhUSSEL B. WEBSTER. A bio- V^ graphical record of Lorain county I ^ would indeed be incomplete were y) mention not made of this gentle man, who was one of the pioneer settlers of Wellington township, and who bore an honorable and influential part in the early history of the county. LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 583 Russel B. Webster was born in Otis, Mass., April 25, 1799. He came to Ohio in 1820 in search of a home, carrying sev enty pounds of baggage upon his back. He located a farm in Wellington, and re turned to Otis, Mass., where he married Orpha Hunter, and, returning to his forest home with his bride, brought all their possessions in a wagon drawn by a yoke of oxen. To Russel and Orpha Webster were bora the following named children: Samuel H, now a retired merchant in Shelbyville, 111.; Bidwell, a civil engin eer, who died in Wellington, Ohio, Sep tember 7, 1856; Leander, who commanded a company in the Fourteenth Illinois Cav alry during the Civil war, and who now resides in Castalia, Iowa; David Philan der, who died in infancy; Philander R., who commanded a company in an Illinois regiment during its term of service, and who died in Shelbyville, 111., April 14, 1884; William W., who emigrated to Colorado in 1859, and was for four years president of the Upper House of Colorado Territory, and now resides in Pasadena, Cal.; Loret, who died at the age of about three years as the result of a fall ; Edward F., who, after four years of service during the Civil war, returned to Wellington, where he has since been actively engaged in business, and Leveret F., who died Jan uary 29, 1861, as the result of an accident. Mr. Webster was a perfect type of the good old Massachusetts Puritan stock. He was a man of remarkable physical powers and endurance, and was endowed with in tellectual powers and a mental vigor no less remarkable. He joined the Congregational Church during his early residence in Wel lington, and during a long and useful life was an earnest, active Christian worker. He was thoroughly devoted to all that was good, and sternly opposed to all that he considered wroug. He went beyond the requirements of the " golden rule " and throughout his life was constantly doing for others far more than he would have asked others to do for him under similar circumstances. In the early pioneer days, when the struggle for existence was so hard, and the opportunities for " lending a helping hand " were so numerous, he often taxed his physical powers to their utmost in assisting neighbors and friends, and never hesitated to contribute his last dollar in case of urgent need. He was active and indefatigable in every good work, and contributed his full share toward laying broad and deep the foundations of religious order, good morals and good society that have given to Lorain county its honorable history. In the early days, Mr. Webster commanded a militia company, and thereafter was known as " Capt. Web ster." In politics he was an ardent Whig, while that party existed, and was con sidered one of the " wheel horses " of the party in the county. He joined the Re publican party upon its organization, and remained steadfast in his loyalty to it dur ing the remainder of his life. He died in Wellington January 31, 1881, honored by all who knew him. His wife, Orpha Web ster, survived him about one year. To the life, work and example of the class of pioneers to which Russel and Orpha Webster belonged, Lorain county owes an inextinguishable debt of gratitude. 'ONRAD HAGEMANN, one of the most prominent and enterprising agriculturists of Black River town ship, was born in Hessia, Germany, October 10, 1831, a son of John and Mar tha (Heussner) Hagemann. The family emigrated to the United States and to Ohio, settling, in 1847, in Am herst township, Lorain county, where they followed farming. The father was born about the year 1800, and died in North Amherst in 1877; the mother passed away in 1869 when aged about seventy-two years. They were sturdy, hard-working people, whe strove well to bring up their family to usefulness and good citizenship; 584 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. they were both members of the German Reformed Church. They had a family of eight children, as follows: John, a cabinet maker by trade, died in North Amherst, Ohio; Adam is a farmer in Black River township, Lorain Co., Ohio; Henry is a cabinet maker in Lorain, Ohio (he was a soldier in the Mexican war) ; George died in Louisville, Ky.; Conrad is the subject of this sketch; Antone now lives in Inde pendence, Iowa; Catherine is the wife of Valentine Klotzbach; Matthew was a sol dier, when twenty-three years old, in the Civil war, and died in hospital in 1862. Two of the above-named children — Henry and Adam — had preceded the rest of the family to America in 1845. The subject of this sketch attended school two winters after coming to Lorain county, and spent the earlier years of his life working on the farm and driving team. Before reaching his majority he went to Iowa for the purpose of buying land, but remained there only one year, when he was obliged to return home to take care of his parents, who were becoming advanced in years and needed his assistance. With true filial piety he stayed by them till their death. Mr. Hagemann purchased his present farm of 118 acres of prime land in Black River township the year after bis marriage, and has lived on it ever since. On September 16, 1855, our subject was united in marriage with Miss Catharine Claus, daughter of Henry and Martha (Hildebrand) Claus, and they have had a family of fourteen children, namely: Two died in infancy; Anna is the wife of Michael Gegenheimer, and they now live in Yermillion, Ohio (they have three chil dren: Albert, Franklin and Ralph); Eliza beth is the wife of John Beller, of North Amherst, and they have four children: Anna, William, Edna and Helen; Paulina married Llenry Kolbe, and died leaving four children: Frank, August, George and Henry; Edna is the wife of Martin Trin- ter, and they have five children: Philip, Elmer, Lydia, Edna and William; Philip (unmarried) runs a fishing tug at Lorain; August carries on a brick yard in Lorain; Martha resides at home; Albert attended the business college at Oberlin, and is now a bookkeeper; Robert, who also attended business college, is living at home; Walter is going to school; Herman is at school; Elmer (yet a boy) is under the paternal roof. Mr. Hagemann and all his grown-up sons vote the Republican ticket, his first vote being cast in 1852 for Gen. Scott. The family are associated with the Re formed Church at Amherst. JO HILL, president of the Savings Deposit Bank Company of Elyria, was born in Erie county, Ohio, October 27, 1837, a son of E. P. and Sarah Hill, natives of Connecticut. His educa tion was received in his native State, first at the high school in Berlin Heights, Erie county, and afterward in Antioch College at Yellow Springs, Greenecounty, at which latter institution he was under the pre- ceptorship of Horace Mann. His father and grandfather were prominent pioneers of Berlin Heights, and the former was a member of the Ohio State Senate from Erie county, in 1852 and 1853. J. C. Hill after leaving college studied law in Cleveland, and from tbe law college in that city took his degree of LL. B. in June, 1861, his A. B. having been re ceived at the literary college in 1860. He then practiced law one year in Elyria in company with Judge J. C. Hale, they having come to the then village from Cleveland at the same time. Mr. Hill, at the expiration of the year, practiced same length of time alone, and then formed a second partnership with Judge Hale, which continued until 1864, when it was dis solved. In that year our subject and W. A. Braman entered into a copartnership in live-stock dealing, which continued for Sng. hy£',Q bVtitia ms \dr*Tff LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 587 three years, and was a success financially. For several years after this he was engaged in the nursery business, doing an extensive trade, both wholesale and retail. On No vember 1, 1872, Mr. Hill, in company with T. L. Nelson, organized and started a private banking company, with unlimited liability of stockholders, and at the end of the second year there were twelve mem bers in the company representing a re sponsibility in the bauk of half a million. This secured for the institution the un bounded confidence of the public, and as a result the bank was soon enabled to double its capital from its own earnings, besides paying regular dividends. It was known as "The Savings Deposit Bank of Elyria," and without doubt was one of the most flourishing and safe institutions of the kind in the State. In 1890 it was reorgan ized and incorporated as a regular stock bank with a paid-up capital of two hun dred thousand dollars, and surplus amount ing to twelve thousand dollars. In March, 1893, the bank carried loans to the extent of over one million dollars, and had deposit accounts aggregating nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Mr. Hill was the first cashier and manager, and, at the death in 1890 of Mr. T. L. Nelson, the president, he succeeded to the presidency, retaining the managership. At the time of the re organization, fifteen new directors were elected, who meet twice a year, and a finance committee which meets once each week. On January 2, 1861, Mr. Hill was mar ried to Miss Etta M. Wilson, of Elizabeth, N. J., whom be first met as a schoolmate under Horace Mann, and who lacked only one year of graduation at Antioch College. Five children have heen born to this union, of whom the following three are still liv ing: Ralph W-> head bookkeeper in the bank already referred to; Arthur E., superintendent of the Independence Horse and Cattle Company, North Park, Colo., and Ed^tha L., at present attending school in Philadelphia, Penn. Mr. Hill is a Republican in politics; socially he is a Royal Arch Mason, and a member of the Royal Arcanum. Since 1879 he has been a member of the school board of Elyria, and president o'f same since 1888. He is the leading stockholder in the Independ ence Horse and Cattle Company of North Park, Colo., which company owns a large tract of valuable land within twelve miles of the snow line in that State, and about eight hundred high-grade Hereford cattle. Mr. Hill is a man of broad views, keen, quick perceptions, sterling integrity and a spotless reputation— qualities which have secured him the unlimited confidence of the people with whom he has come in con tact. In addition to his duties as manager of the largest moneyed institution in the county, he has, as executor, settled several large estates, discharging his duties with characteristic fidelity. An honorable, up right life, guided by rare mental endow^ ments, and a delicately adjusted mental balance, rarely fails to achieve success. Success in this case has not been to the possessor of these gifts alone. His equip ment and business sagacity have not only been turned to good account by his associ ates in business, but the public has been a generous beneficiary of his excellent common sense aud sound, mature judg ment. Mr. Hill having hut slightly passed the noon mark of a useful career, with a lovely home, and pleasant family and social sur roundings, may well take pride in the gathered fruits of his well-ordered and oorrect life. G.BALLANTINE,D.D.,LL.D., president of Oberlin College, was born in the City of Washing ton, D. C, December 7, 1848, a son of Elisha and Betsey A. (Watkins) Bal- lantine. The name is Scotch, and the first of the family emigrated to America about the year 1648, locating in Boston, where LORAIN COUNTY OHIO. they and their descendants lived for some generations. The first Ballantine gradu ated from Harvard College in 1694. Rev. Elisha Ballantine, LL. D., father of subject, was born in the State of New York, and received his literary and classical education at the University of Athens, Ohio. For many years he was professor of Greek in the University of Indiana. He died in 1886 at an advanced age. His wife, who was Miss Betsey A. Watkins, was bora in Prince Edward county, Ya., and died in 1873, the mother of a large family of children, of whom the subject of this sketch is the seventh. Pres. Ballautine received his elementary education mostly at home. He took the Freshman and Sophomore years at Wabash (Indiana) College; in 1866 he entered the junior class at Marietta (Ohio) College, graduating in 1868 A. B. While yet a student and after graduation he followed civil engineering, and in 1869 became a member of the Ohio State Geological Sur vey. Subsequently he entered Union Seminary, New York, and there, under the preceptorship of Dr. Henry B. Smith, studied theology, graduating in 1872. In that same year, desiring to drink still deeper of the Pierian Spring, he proceeded to Leipsic, Germany, for the purpose of study ing Hebrew under Delitzsch. In 1873, as a member of the American Palestine Exploring Expedition, he traveled through out the Holy Land for about six months, the territory east of the Jordan being the por- • tion chiefly visited by the expedition. On his return to the United States he was ap pointed to a professorship in Ripon (Wis.) College, occupying the Chair of Chemis try and Natural Science from 1874 to 1876; was assistant professor of Greek in Indiana University from 1876 to 1878, and was professor of Greek and Hebrew Exe gesis in Oberlin (Ohio) Theological Semi nary from 1878 to 1880. From 1880 to 1891 he was Professor of Old Testament Language and Literature in the same in stitution-. For some time the Professor was one of the editors of the "Bibliotheca Sacra." In 1880 he was ordained to the Congregational miuistry; in 1885 he re ceived the honorary degree of D. D. from Marietta College, and in 1891 the degree of LL. D. from Western Reserve Univer sity. On January 28, 1891, he was elected president of Oberlin College. It will thus be seen that Prof. Ballantine's reading, study and teaching, have been of a remark ably versatile nature, and his breadth of knowledge and executive ability are too well known to here require any comment. In 1875 Prof. W. G. Ballantine was married in Waupun, Wis., to Miss Emma F. Atwood, and four children have been born to them, namely: Henry W., Arthur A., Edward and Mary F. EY. JOHN MILLOTT ELLIS, A.M., professor of mental and moral philosophy, Stone professor*- ship, Oberlin College, is a native of New Hampshire, born in Jaf- frey, March 27, 1831, a son of Seth B. and Lucy (Joslin) Ellis. The father of subject was born in Keene, N. H, where he was reared and educated. At the age of fifty he came west to Ohio, locating in Oberlin, where he carried on a planing mill and lumber yard. He died in 1865, at tbe age of seventy- five years, his wife when seventy -seven years old, the mother of ten children, nine of whom came with their parents to Oberlin. Timothy Ellis, great-grandfather of subject, was a colonel in the Revolution, and participated in the capture of Fort Ticonderoga; he was ninety years old at the time of his death, which occurred in Keene, N. H. The subject of this memoir received his elementary education at the common schools of his boyhood days, after which, at the age of sixteen, he entered Oberlin Col lege, where he graduated in 1851. He then taught school for a time, was also professor in Mississippi College, Clinton, LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 589 Miss., three years. In 1857 he was ap pointed to a Greek professorship in Ober lin College, which he filled for nine years; after this he occupied the Chair of phi losophy, rhetoric and composition, etc., and more recently that of mental and moral philosophy. During life he has been active, for many years in ministerial work as pas tor of the Secoud Congregational Church at Oberlin, and supplying churches in Cleveland, and other neighboring towns. In 1862 Prof. Ellis was married to Miss Minerva Emeline Tenney, and four chil dren have been born to them, all sons, viz.: Albert H, Theodore H, John T. and Luman M. Mrs. Ellis is a graduate of the literary course of Oberlin College, class of 1858. Her grandfather, Judge Harris, was a pioneer of Lorain county, and her father, Dr. Luman Tenney, was a native of Yermont. q'/EORGE FREDERICK WRIGHT, r, D. D., LL. D., F. G. S. A., profes- jl sor of the Harmony of Science and U Revelation in Oberlin Theological Seminary. Concerning this learned gentleman, we excerpt from an article in a recent num ber of the " Popular Science Monthly " the following: " Prof. George Frederick Wright has come within a few years to a foremost position among authorities in geology and the antiquity of man. His studies of glacial action have been thor ough, extended, comprehensive, and fruit ful of results beyond those of almost any other single observer, and make singularly fitting the curious designation given him by Judge Baldwin, secretary of the West ern Reserve Historical Society, as ' the apostle of the Ice Age and Early Man.' " Prof. Wright was bora at Whitehall, N. Y., January 22, 1838, a son of Walter and Mary (Peabody) Wright — he a native of New YTork State, she of New Brunswick, N. J., and both descended from New Eng land families. " They were plain people, in moderate circumstances, not exempt from the necessity of labor, who, parti cipating in the sentiment which that in stitution then represented, sent their son to Oberlin College, five hundred miles away." Here in 1859 he graduated in the classical course, and in 1862 from the Theological Seminary. While taking his Theological course be served as a private in Company C, Seventh O. Y. I., in which he had enlisted on the first call of President Lincoln for troops; but a severe sickness led to his discharge after five months en rollment. In the fall of 1862 he became pastor of the Congregational Church at Bakersfield, Yt., an incumbency he en joyed for about ten years, at the end of which time (1872) he accepted a call to one of the Congregational Churches of Andover, Mass. From the magazine al ready quoted from we glean the following, illustrative of Prof. Wright's multifarious labors: "Besides attending to his pastoral duties, and engaging actively in revival work in his own church and in the sur rounding towns, he entered vigorously into educational movements; started and presided over a vigorous farmers' club; studied the local geology and wrote articles for the country papers on the glacial phenomena of the region; read his He brew Bible through, and translated 'Kant's Critique of Pure Reason,' besides several of Plato's philosophical works." While in the discharge of his ministerial duties in Andover, Mass., he enjoyed the friendship of the professors in the Theolog ical Seminary, made the acquaintance of Prof. Asa Gray, of Harvard, and com menced an active literary career. His special attention was directed to the gla cial phenomena of the region, and as early as 1876 his observations were volumi nously reported in the " Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural Philosophy." After making himself familiar with the glacial phenomena of New England, " he was invited in 1881, by Prof. Lesley, to survey, in company with the late Prof. 590 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. H. Carvill Lewis, the boundary of the glaciated area across Pennsylvania to the border of Ohio." During his pastorate at Andover he also published a number of articles in the " Bibliotheca Sacra," notably one on the theology of President Finney, and four on Darwinism. Numerous articles from his pen also appeared in various other serials, and in 1880 he published his book en titled "The Logic of Christian Evidences." "Studies in Science and Religion," "The Relation of Death to Probation," and " The Divine Authority of the Bible," rapidly followed each other, and showed to the Christian public that a calm, clear, fear less yet fair advocate of Revealed Chris tianity was coming to the front. In 1881 he was called to the Chair of New Testament Exegesis in Oberlin The ological Seminary, and almost the first question he asked after his arrival in Ober lin was a geological one: "What is the age of the canon of Plum Creek?" This stream is modest enough in its meander- ings, " but Prof. Wright made it and its work in denudation, in his 'Ice Age in North America,' the basis of an important and interesting calculation concerning the antiquity of the Great Ice Age." During the summers of 1882-83 he continued his geological survey across Ohio, Indiana and a part of Illinois, the result of which work was published by the Western Reserve Historical Society under the title of " The Glacial Boundary in Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky," which attracted wide atten tion. The two summer vacations of 1884- 85 were spent by Prof. Wright under the auspices of the United States Government in tracing the terminal moraine across the western States to the Mississippi; in re viewing the field of Ohio and western Pennsylvania, and in verifying his previous work. Later he spent a summer in Alaska, pamping for a month beside the great Muir glacier. In 1887 he was invited to give a course of eight Lowell Institute Lectures at Boston, which were afterward repeated in Baltimore, Md.,and Brooklyn, N. Y., and were enlarged into his volume on " The Ice Age in North America." The summer of 1890 Prof. Wright spent in the lava fields of the West, where he obtained additional and exceedingly valu able evidence of tbe existence of man in Idaho and California prior to the lava out pour. The summer of 1891 he passed in Europe, where he was warmly greeted by the glacialists of England, his fame as a specialist in glacial geology having pre ceded him there. In the winter of 1891— 92 he gave a second course of lectures in the Lowell Institute, Boston, to uniformly large audiences. Besides his geological and theological publications already enu merated, numerous articles from his pen have appeared in various serials. His book entitled " Logic of Christian Evi dences," already referred to, at once at tained a wide circulation,' and is used in several schools as a text book. In 1862 Prof. G. F. Wright was united in marriage in Sheffield township, Lorain county, with Miss Hulda M. Day, daughter of William Day, and four chil dren have been born to them, named, re spectively, Mary A., Etta M., Frederick B. and Helen M. B. EYERITT, M. D., a successful medical practitioner of Lorain coun ty, having his residence in Kipton, Camden township, claims descent from a "Mayflower family." He was born in Litchfield township, Medina Co., Ohio, September 24, 1846, a son of Abner Everitt, a native of Con necticut, born in Litchfield, April- 15, 1798, a son of Abner Everitt, who was born May 12, 1764, and whose father, Daniel, was born in Connecticut in 1715. Abner, father of subject, was married in the "Nutmeg State," February 20, 1828, to Hannah Mallory, who was born 'in Litchfield county, May 7, 1809. He was LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 591 by occupation a farmer, and was proprietor of a grist and saw mill. About 1834 he and his family came to Genesee county, N. Y., and from there in 1836 to Ohio, making the journey by ox-team. They located in Litchfield township, where the father bought land, totally wild and unimproved. Here they had to blaze the trees to mark out the roads, etc., and in the midst of the somber forest they built them a log house of a very primitive style of architecture, but comfortable and commodious enough. Here the parents passed the remainder of their pioneer days, the father dying April 2, 1857, the mother December 25, 1888, and they rest from their labors in Litchfield cemetery. They were members of the M. E. Church. Politically Mr. Everitt was for a long time an Old-line Whig, in later years a Republican. In Connecticut chil dren were born to them as follows: Nura- nia E., born September 24, 1829, widow of Hanson Cole, to whom she was married March 14, 1858, in Medina county, Ohio (she now lives in Fulton county); Jedidah, born April 29, 1831, deceased August 16, 1834; Augusta M., bora November 17, 1834, died August 15, 1866. In Litchfield township, Medina county, the following were born: A son born February 6. 1837, died February 22, 1837; Jedidah H., born May 10, 1838, died December 19, 1860; Aaron M., born March 7, 1841, died July 30, 1842; Ambrose M., bora November 14, 1843, enlisted September 15, 1862, at Cleveland, in Company B, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment O. Y. I., was wounded May 15, 1864, at Resaca, Ga., and died June 8, 1864, in the hospital at Chattanooga, Tenn., and was buried in the Soldiers' cemetery (he served under Capt. G. W. Lewis, of Medina, Ohio, and took part in the following engagements: Spring Hill, Chickamauga, Brown's Ferry, Or chard Ridge, Rock Face Ridge and Res aca); Abner B., subject of this sketch; and Daniel Quincy, born August 26, 1849, died on the home farm July 5, 1872 (he was a school teacher). From history written by Thirza J. Strong, aunt of our subject on his father's side, the following is taken: "My grand parents on my mother's side emigrated to this country in the early part of the seven teenth century, to enjoy religious freedom. In England they of my grandmother's family were some of the families of the Lords or Earls, selling all of their landed possessions, reserving only their silver service aud jewels with their money. Set tled in Massachusetts; four daughters only of the family. The oldest married Col. Ethan Allen, of Revolutionary fame. The second married Abraham Brownson, who was my grandfather. He was killed by being flung from a horse in the year 1785. My grandmother died at my father's in the year 1815, being between eighty and ninety years of age; Abigal Brownson by name. By this marriage there were three sons and two daughters, my mother being the oldest of the family. Her sister mar ried Elias Merwin, and moved to the far west. Livona, in York State. She soon after died. My uncles were Deacon Myers Brownson, Abraham and Israel. None but Israel had any family. Three brothers Brownson came from England and bought a large tract of land in the town of Rox bury, Conn. Two of the brothers died, leaving my grandfather alone. Then he sold and moved to Bethlehem, Litchfield county, Connecticut, where my parents were married." A. B. Everitt, whose name opens this sketch, was reared a farmer boy, and re ceived his elementary education at the common schools and in those of the "Nevins District," which well prepared him for taking up the profession of school teaching. He taught in Seneca, Sandusky and Medina counties. Later he attended Oberlin College for about three terms, but prior to this he had been reading medicine at home, simply to gratify a natural desire he entertains for knowledge of that nature. These studies he continued under Dr. R. Y. Gamble, of Liverpool, Ohio, and in 592 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. February, 1884, he received his diploma from Adelbert College, Cleveland, Ohio, and in the first class after the consolidation of the Wooster and Adelbert Colleges. In 1880 he left the home farm, where he had hitherto lived, and which had come into his possession, and made his residence in the village of Litchfield until 1889, in which year he came to Kipton, and has here since resided. During his stay at Litchfield he practiced medicine, and he has been very successful since coming to Kipton. In March. 1880, Dr. Everitt was united in marriage with Miss Frankie A. Plank, who was bora in Castorland, Lewis Co., N. Y., a daughter of Jacob Plank, a farmer. She was on a visit to relatives in Medina county, Ohio, when she and the Doctor " met by chance, the usual way." To Dr. A. B. and Frankie A. Everitt was born November 19, 1885, a daughter, Mary H. Our subject and wife are mem bers of the Methodist Church, and in poli tics Dr. Everitt is a straight Republican. He is a member of Lodge No. 381, F. & A. M., at Litchfield, Ohio; of Wellington Lod, 92, re No. 44, K. of P., and of Tent No. O. T. M., Kipton. J | AMES W. CHAPMAN, manager and secretary of the Ohio Co-oper- ' ative Shear Company, Elyria, was born in Avon, Lorain Co., Ohio, July 5, 1846, the only child of Amasa and Catharine (Wood) Chapman. The parents of our subject were both of English descent, and the father was born in Ashford, Conn., December 3, 1813, the mother in Chester, Mass., January 22, 1816. The maiden name of the grand mother of James W. Chapman, on the mother's side, was Betsey Brewster, and she was a direct descendant of William Elder Brewster, who came over in the " Mayflower." The subject of this sketch was a boy of six when his father died. When he was eleven years old, his mother having re married, the family removed to Castile, N. Y., where he remained until he was of age, when he returned to Ohio and settled in Elyria. Here he was engaged in loaning money, and attending to his property interests until 1882, at which time the Ohio Shear Company was organ ized, and he was elected to the manager ship, which position he held until the company was dissolved and the Ohio Co operative Shear Company organized. He was then chosen manager of this company, and continued in tbat incumbency until January, 1890, when he was chosen manager and secretary of the company, which position he occupies at the present time. In politics he is a strong protec tionist and a stanch Republican. On July 25, 1867, Mr. Chapman was married to Margaret A. Darling, daughter of Joshua H. Darling, president of the First National Bank of Warsaw, N. Y., who was the son of Judge Joshua Darling, of Henniker, N. H. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Chapman, viz.: Robert Mosher, William Brewster, Grace Darling, Arthur Wood and Alice Darling. The family are members of the First Con gregational Church of Elyria, and are active workers in that organization. The works of the Ohio Co-opeeative Sheae Company are situated in the- west E art of the town of Elyria, on the Cleveland, ,orain & Wheeling tracks near their junc tion with the Lake Shore & Michigan South ern R. R. The buildings consist of three large structures, in addition to the boiler and engine rooms, the whole covering an area of some ten thousand feet, and the works are divided into ten departments. The main building is two and a half stories, with a frontage of fifty feet, run ning back one hundred and fifty feet, the rear part of the building being one story high. The engine room is eighteen feet square, containing a seventy-five-horse power engine and boiler. There are two LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 593 other buildings, one 16 x 30, the other 20 x 40, in which are kept the raw mate rials from which the shears and scissors are manufactured. The present company was organized seven years ago, and started with about forty employes. The business has so increased that now there are seventy- five employes with a monthly pay roll of over twenty-five hundred dollars. JOHN SCOTT. In the land of the Scots, of which the poets have so often sung, the " land of the mountain and the flood," and in the county of Dumfries, was bora April 8, 1819, the gentleman whose name here appears. He is a son of Walter Scott, also a native of Dumfriesshire, born in 1780, a son of John Scott, who lived to be over ninety- seven years of age, and who was a shep herd on the muirs and hills of Scotland. Walter Scott married Miss Mary Burton, of the same county, a daughter of Henry Burton, and the children of this union, all born in Scotland, were Helen, deceased in Scotland; Jane, widow of Robert Brannan, of Ionia, Mich. ; Henry, of Kipton, Lorain county; John, subject of this sketch ; Wal ter G., of Kipton; and William, who died in his native country. The father was by trade a stonemason, which he followed for several years in his native land, and he was also a " carrier," doing errands, principally of a commercial character, buying, carting, delivering and marketing goods for the people along his particular route. In 1826 he came alone to the United States, land ing in New York with but three half -pence (three cents) in his pocket. He at once obtained work, however, at his trade, but later he hired out as a hostler for a country tavern, aud managed to save some money. Having now three hundred dollars, he de cided to send for his wife and family, and accordingly proceeded to New York in order to secure their passage, but falling in with a bogus " captain," the latter swindled him -out of every cent of his sav ings. He had no recourse now except to go to work as before, which he did, saving his money until he had another sum of three hundred dollars laid by. In 1830 he returned to Scotland, and in April set sail with the family, arriving in Quebec after a passage of six weeks on the " Mary Ann." From Quebec they moved westward to Montreal, thence to St. John's, near that city, and from there by Lake Champlain to Ontario county, N. Y., near the foot of Seneca Lake, and here the entire family, except our subject, were seized with fever and ague. In the spring of 1834 they set out for Ohio via Erie Canal and Lake Erie to Huron, Ohio. In Camden township, Lorain county, Walter Scott bought fifty acres of wild land for two dollars per acre, and here erected a temporary shelter, very rough and primitive, which was succeeded by a more pretentious cabin in which they passed their first winter in these parts. This stood on the site of our subject's present home, and here the parents died, the father in January, 1877, the mother in Novem ber, 1847, and they lie buried in Camden' cemetery. They were Presbyterians, and iu politics he was a Democrat. The subject of this sketch was reared on a farm, and received the greater part of his' education in his native country. At the age of twenty-one he expressed a desire to leave home, but his father prevailed on him to remain, which he did, and with true filial piety cared for his parents in their declining years, at his father's death falling heir to the home farm of fifty acres. This he has since increased to 120 acres, and has in all his labor made a success. On December 22, 1842, Mr. Scott was united in marriage with Climena J. Whit ney, who bore him five children, viz.: Mary L., Mrs. Charles Buckley, of Hen rietta township; Jane, deceased; Helen, Mrs. Charles Arnold, of Denver, Colo.; Frances, Mrs. Leando Bates, of Colorado Springs, Colo.; and John H., of Cleve land, Ohio. On August 27, 1854, the mother of these died, and she now reposes 594 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. in Camden cemetery. For his second wife Mr. Scott married, in 1855, Sarah A. Shattuc, who died in September, 1880, and in 1881 he was wedded to his present wife, Hannah E. (Brumby). In politics our subject is a Democrat, and he has held various township offices. He is a member of the Methodist Church, of which he is steward, and enjoys the respect of the en- tiro community. Mr. ScQtt is remarkable for his kind-heartedness and generosity, has never had a lawsuit, never sued anyone, and has never been sued. \M. A. BRAMAN, a leading and progressive citizen of Lorain county, is a native of the same, born in Carlisle township Octo ber 4, 1836. His grandparents, on his father's side, had come from Genesee county, N. Y., to Avon township, Lorain county, in 1822. Anson Braman, father of subject, was born May 30, 1811, in Genesee county, N. Y., whence in 1822 he removed to Avon township, Lorain county, and from there to Carlisle township, where he fol lowed the vocation of farmer and nursery man. In 1855 he came to Elyria, same county, and here carried on the nursery business until 1872, when he moved to Northport, Mich. In 1835, at Carlisle, Lorain county, he married Miss Emeline Yincent, a native of Massachusetts, born October 10, 1818, at Mt. Washington, Berkshire county, removing with her par ents to Carlisle, Lorain Co., Ohio, in 1834. Their eldest child is the subject of these lines. W. A. Braman passed the first twenty- one years of his life on the home farm, at intervals attending the schools of the neighborhood, and then, being desirous of securing better education, he worked by the month on other farms; teaching school during the winter gave him the necessary funds with which to gratify his desires, and thus glided past six more years of his life. In 1864 he commenced the business of live-stock dealing, which he followed until 1870, in partnership with J. E. Boynton and J. C. Hill; then with J. E. Boynton was engaged in the purchase and sale of cheese. During the spring of 1874 was founded the firm of Braman, Hon- & Warner, for the manufacture of and gen eral dealing in butter and cheese, which firm became oneof the largest in northern Ohio. On April 27, 1865, Mr. Braman was united in marriage with Miss Sophia E. Patterson, then twenty-one years of age, daughter of Hiram Patterson, and children as follows have been born to them: Theo dore W., in 1867; Charles M.,in 1869 (he is cashier of the Savings Bank at Medina); and Belle Louise, in 1872. This union has proved a most fortunate and happy one. Mrs. Braman, a most estimable woman, has done well her part in contributing to the happiness of their pleasant home. Mr. Braman has earned success by his enterprise, natural shrewdness and well- established reputation for integrity. He stands prominently among the foremost business men of the county, and the sev eral institutions with which he has been closely in touch attest his eminent quali ties as a counselor and financier in their unbroken line of successes. He enjoys a very wide acquaintance throughout the county, and has hosts of friends who have shown their appreciation of his qualifica tions for official positions by electing him from time to time to various offices of trust in Lorain county, among which may be mentioned: County commissioner, one term; county treasurer, four years from 1876; township trustee and city council man for several years; has been president of the Lorain County Agricultural Society seven years, and for a much longer period one of its officers; is present president of the Farmers' Institute of Lorain County; for twenty years was a director in the Elyria Savings Deposit Bank Co., of A*V '¦ '¦-(''" <'?V'-" -:fX:°f- pfff S 3-*&*,, *«; ^° ( C\C. f U^3^4^-^\-~-C*. LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 597 which he was one of the founders, has been a member of the finance committee from its organization, and is now vice- president; has been a member of the Union School board nineteen years, and president of same a considerable time. In the House of Representatives he served four years (1887-91), throughout which entire period he was on the finance cominittee, and during his service in the Sixty-eighth General Assembly many bills of impor tance were introduced and passed, includ ing laws affecting Temperance and Sunday observance, largely through his influence, as of such matters he is a pronounced champion. Mr. Braman is what may be termed a Temperance Republican, taking an active interest in all moral questions. Since September 1, 1891, he has been president of the Republican Printing Co., and editor of the Elyria Republican, the oldest newspaper in the county, and en joying the largest circulation, which, as well as its general business, has rapidly increased during the last few years of its existence. Mr. Braman has dealt largely in real estate, and has been very active in all business matters. But few men have come more directly in contact with the financial interests of Lorain county, and none have commanded more completely the respect and confidence of the commu nity at large. He has risen by his own individual efforts and may justly be styled " a self-made man." His wide circle of friends and acquaintances confidently be speak for him a long-continued active career. LYIN PELTON, one of the leading and most highly esteemed farmer citizens of Russia township, is a na tive of Trumbull county, Ohio, born in the town of Gustavus De cember 1, 1819. Harvey Pelton, father of subject, was born in Connecticnt, and was twelve years old when his father, Josiah, brought him to Trumbull county, they being among the first settlers there. He was reared to farm ing, aud learned the trade of chair maker. In Ohio he was married to Miss Mary Bailey, who was born in Pittsburgh, Penn., where her parents had tarried while en route to Ohio. After marriage the young couple located on the old homestead farm, which the husband worked on, at same time occasionally following his trade. The chil dren born to them were as follows: Seth, in Cheboygan, Wis. ; Alvin, subject proper of sketch; Russell, a retired farmer of Wau paca, Wis.; Miranda, widow of W. F. Lawrence, of Sioux City, Minn.; Mary B., Mrs. Jolm Cisson, of Minnesota; Abi gail E., who married Henry Wilbur, died in Michigan; Samuel N., a harness maker of Pomona, Cal.; Martha, Mrs. J. B. Lake, of St. Louis. Mo.; and Lydia A., who died at the age of eighteen. The father died May 10, 1837, of rapid consumption, al though he had been in feeble health for many years, and was buried at Russell, Geauga Co., Ohio, whither he had moved in the fall of 1833, and bought a piece of new land, which was being cleared up. The subject of this sketch received a common-school education, and was reared a farmer boy. As he was but a youth when his father died, and next the eldest in the family, he went to work pretty early in life, in order to provide for his younger brothers and sisters, and his widowed mother. He found plenty to do in assist ing to clear the land of timber and brush, chopping down trees, etc., for which he re ceived twenty-five cents per day. Thus he remained at the old home until he was married, after which he located on fifty acres left for his mother, who went west to Cheboygan, Wis., where she died in 1858, and was there buried. In the spring of 1855 our subject sold his farm in Geauga county, Ohio, and moved to Russia town ship, Lorain county, where he bought his present valuable farm of ninety-four and a half acres. Here he has since resided, with 598 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. the exception of three and one half years he lived in Oberlin, same county, while having his younger daughter educated at the college there. For the past eighteen years he has been engaged in the manufac ture of cheese, and has met with every success in both that and his general farm ing operations. On April 3, 1851, Mr. Pelton was mar ried in Geauga county, Ohio, to Caroline McFarland, daughter of Abel and Olive (Randall) McFarland, natives, the father of Massachusetts, the mother of New York State. The latter died when her daughter Caroline was fifteen years old, and the orphan girl afterward made her- home with some of her sisters. The fol lowing named children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pelton: Clarence H, a farmer of Russia township; Flora, who was married to Milliard Franks, and died in Michigan; and Carrie M., now Mrs. Harry Cook, of Oberlin, Ohio. Mr. Pel- ton is a Republican, and invariably de clines political preferment. Mrs. Pelton is a member of the Methodist Church. 4J MRS. ELIZABETH W. (RUS SELL) LORD, assistant princi pal of the Woman's Department, Oberlin (Ohio) College, was born at Kirtland, Ohio, April 28, 1819, the eldest child of Alpheus C. and Eliza beth (Conant) Russell, natives of Massa chusetts, the father of Hampshire county, the mother of Berkshire county. The subject of this memoir received her elementary education in the public schools, after which she became the pupil of Rev. Truman Coe, pastor of the Congregational Church at Kirtland, Ohio. In 1838 she came to Oberlin, Lorain county, and at the college located there finished her educa tion. On July 21, 1842, she was married to Dr. Asa D. Lord, and they returned to Kirtland, where she assisted him in his work in the Western Reserve Teachers' Seminary at that place. In 1847 they moved to Columbus, Ohio, in order to es tablish in that city a system of graded pub lic schools, the first of the kind in the State. When the high school opened, Mrs. Lord became the first principal, and she and her husband remained in connec tion with the public schools until 1856, when Dr. Lord was given charge of the Institution for the Blind there, in which labor Mrs. Lord assisted bim till 1868, when he left that institution to organize the new State Institution for the Blind at Batavia, N. Y. With this last named they were connected till 1875, the year of his death, he as superintendent and she as teacher, and Mrs. Lord then succeeded him as superintendent. Mrs. Lord performed the duties of that important office until the fall of 1877, when she no longer deemed it best to act as superintendent. Her resignation was reluctantly accepted, on condition that she remain in the insti tution. In this connection we here give an extract from the superintendent's report to the trustees of the New York State In stitution for the Blind, showing in a meas ure the high esteem in which Mrs. Lord was held by all concerned, the several reso lutions being adopted and printed as a part of the regular report: "Resolved, That in the judgment of this board, the connection of Mrs. Asa D. Lord with this institution for the last nine years, first as teacher and afterward as superintendent, has contributed largely to its success, and by her wise administration of its interests she has shown herself emi nently fitted to conduct the education of the blind. "Resolved, That in voluntarily with drawing from the institution she bears with her tbe high esteem of this board as a conscientious and accomplished Christian lady, and their best wishes for her in any station of usefulness in which she may hereafter be placed. Permit me to place on record along with these resolutions a fact which recently came to my knowledge, LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 599 viz.: that Mrs. Lord has certainly taught more blind persons to read than any other single teacher of the blind in this land, and probably more than any other in the world." After a few months with her only child, Mrs. Henry Fisk Tarbox, of Batavia, N. Y., Mrs. Lord returned to the institution, and spent five more years in labors for the blind. In 1884 she was appointed to her present position of assistant principal of the Woman's Department of Oberlin Col lege, a position in which she gives eminent satisfaction. In 1890 she gave eleven thousand dollars toward the building of Lord Cottage at Oberlin. Mrs. Lord is a member of the Second Congregational Church. De. Asa D. Loed was born in Madrid, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y ., June 17, 1816, and the early years of his life were spent on the farm, and in attending the district school. The death of his father, when he was but two years of age, left the direction of his education to his mother — a gifted woman and an experienced teacher. At the age of seventeen he taught his first school, and subsequently pursued a course of study at Potsdam (N. Y.) Academy. In 1837 he moved to Ohio, and in the vil lage of Willoughby opened a private school, and the following year entered the Sopho more class in Western Reserve College. In 1839 he was chosen principal of the Western Reserve Teachers' Seminary, at Kirtland, Ohio, a position he filled for eight years with characteristic ability and skill. In 1843 he formed a teachers' class, composed of teachers in the vicinity, and pupils in the seminary who intended to teach. This was the first teachers' insti tute in Ohio, and one of the first in the country. Three years later he attended and assisted in conducting the first teach ers' institute in Jackson county, Mich. While principal of the Western Reserve Teachers' Seminary he studied medicine, attending lectures at the Willoughby Medi cal College, from which he received a diploma; but he netfer entered upon regu lar practice. In 1846 he gave to life the "Ohio School Journal," publishing the first volume in Kirtland, and continuing it in Columbus. He remained in journal istic work in the cause of education for ten years — from 1846 to 1856 — editing in the meantime other journals of a kindred nature. But his editorial labors did not engross the whole of bis time. In 1847 he accepted the position of superintendent of public schools of Columbus. He was an instructor and lecturer in the first In stitutes held in the State of Ohio, and was one of the organizers of the Ohio Teachers' Association. At the close of 1853 he re signed the superintendency of the Colum bus schools to accept the position of agent for the State Teachers' Association, but in 1855 was again elected superintendent. In 1856 he once more resigned to accept the position of superintendent of the Ohio Institution for the Blind, which under his able direction soon took rank among the first of its kind in the land. While con nected with that institution he studied theology, and in 1863 was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Franklin. After over twelve years' experience as an instructor of the blind in Ohio, Dr. Lord was given charge of the new State Institu tion for the Blind at Batavia, N. Y., where he remained its zealous, kind-hearted, philanthropic superintendent and instruct or up to the time of his death, which occurred March 7, 1875. He died beloved and esteemed by all, and the world will truly be better because it has once felt the inspiration of his life and presence. EY. CHARLES H. CHURCHILL, A. M., Professor of Physics and Astronomy, and occupying the Jas. F. Clark professorship in Oberlin College, was born in Lyme, N. H., August 21, 1824, a son of David C. and Polly (Franklin) Churchill. 600 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. His grandfather, Francis Churchill, was a carpenter, and a soldier of the Revolu tionary war, who first saw the light in 1758, at Plymouth, Mass., where his an cestors for three generations had also been born. The grandfather Franklin, bora in 1750, was a blacksmith. He, too, served in the Revolution. These all were God fearing, faithful, loyal and valued citizens. David C. Churchill, the father, was an as sociate judge in Grafton county, N. H, for nearly twenty years. All his twelve brothers and sisters, children of one mother, were married and had large families. The subject of this memoir received his elementary education in the public schools of his native town, fitting for college at Meriden Academy. He entered Dart mouth College in 1841, and graduated in 1845. He has since been made a member of the Pi Beta Phi, an honorary Society of Alumni. For the following five years he was Principal of the Academy of Brooklyn Center, near Cleveland, Ohio, and of the first High School in what is now West Cleveland. Here he. was married and his first child was born. Then entering the Seminary at Oberlin, he studied theology under Drs. Mahan, Morgan and Finney; supporting himself and family , by teaching music, drawing and languages. Graduating from Theology in 1853, he was appointed Pro fessor of Greek and French in what soon after became Hillsdale College, occupying this Chair from 1853 to 1859. From his marriage to Mary J. Turner, daughter of Dea. T. P. Turner, of Oberlin, were born Charles C. Churchill; at Cleveland, in 1847; Franklin H., at Oberlin, in 1852; Frederick A., at Hillsdale, in 1856, and Mary Lucretia, at Hillsdale, in 1858. During that year Mrs. Churchill died, and the bereaved husband was called to the Chair made vacant in Oberlin College by the transfer of James H. Fairchild to the Theological department. To the duties of his professorship Mr. Churchill joined the training of the free class in vocal music sustained by the college, and the leadership of the great choir of the church, then the only one in the place, upon which also de volved the work of supplying the music for commencement occasions. After the found ing of the Oberlin Conservatory of Music, Professor Churchill resigned that portion of his labors, and, as he had always done while in Michigan, gave himself to preach ing on the Sabbath wherever the oppor tunity offered. At one time for several months he ministered regularly to the 2d Congregational Church in Oberlin ; has preached often at the 1st Church, and often in Wellington, Elyria, Cleveland, Brown- helm, Wakeman, Pittsfield, Sandusky, Toledo and many other towns. For two years he preached regularly to the Congre gational Church in New London, Ohio- In the fall of 1859 Mr. Churchill was united in marriage to Miss Henrietta Yance, of Lima, Ind., a daughter of Lewis and Henrietta Yance. The fruit of that marriage has been four sons and one daughter, all born in Oberlin: Edward P., who graduated in 1881, is now a busi ness man in Weeping Water, Neb.; Alfred Y., who left .college to pursue art studies in Europe three years, is now a teacher of art in St. Louis, Mo.; Nelson, who en tered Oberlin College in the class of '92, died in his Freshman year, at twenty years of age; Mary has recently graduated from the Kindergarten Normal Training class, Armour Institute, Chicago, and from the Post-Graduate class; Carroll, the young est, is a member of the class of '97, Ober lin College. Of the children by the first marriage Charles C. graduated from col lege in 1867, entered soon upon the work of civil engineering, and married Miss Ella Durand, who bore him a daughter, Grace (he died at the age of twenty-four); Frank lin H. left school to engage in business, and married Miss Hattie Reddington, by whom he has three daughters (he is now a salesman in the music store of Lyon & Potter, of Chicago); Frederick A., gradu ating from college in 1878 and from the Chicago Homeopathic Medical College in LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 601 1883, married Miss Martha Blanke, by whom he has two children (he is now a practising physician in Seattle, Wash ington). Professor Churchill is widely known in Ohio as a lecturer on Astronomy aud other scientific subjects; has held Teach ers' Institutes in a large number of coun ties, and in some of them many times. He has been at different times and for years president of the Congregational Society of the 1st Church at Oberlin; member of the common council, and presi dent of the school board. He is now one of the very few survivors of the earlier members of the Faculty of the college. I OHN WELLER (deceased). This k. I gentleman, who has left as perma- \yj nent monuments to his memory not a few trophies of his architectural genius, was a native of England, born in the county of Sussex, May 8, 1833, and died in Elyria, Lorain Co., Ohio, October 11, 1890. When about seventeen years of age he came to America, and in Ohio learned the trade of stone mason, at which he worked by the day and job till 1857, when he com menced business as a stone contractor. Among the evidences of his handiwork may be mentioned the water-tower at Ely ria; the east and west viaducts for the Public Highway at the same place, the east viaduct being said by civil engineers and architects to be next to the largest stone arch in the world, of its height. He built also the Episcopal Church at Elyria, which is a model of rustic architecture, and he did a great deal of otlier similar work in various parts of Ohio. His death was la mented by a host of citizens besides the members of his family. In 1857 he was married to Miss Mary McCollum, born in Steuben county, N. Y., and five children, as follows, were born to them: May E., wife of Alexander Lamberton, of Elyria, Ohio, who has five children — George A., Robert Wesley, Edith, Harold and Lucile; George L. (superintendent of the Elyria Water Works, sketch of whom immedi ately follows); and Wesley, Alice and John, at home. The children are all marked for their intelligence, natural acu men and industrious habits. Tbe boys have inherited the mechanical genius of their father, and are following, to a certain degree, in his footsteps. They are stanch Republicans, as was their father before them, and believe in the protection of American labor. Mrs. Weller, who is now residing with her three youngest children in the vicinity of Elyria, is a daughter of Alexander and Mary (Gilchrist) McCollum, both natives of Argyle, N. Y., the father born in 1793, the latter on December 3, 1801. They lived in Steuben county, N. Y., till about forty years ago, when they came to Lorain county, Ohio, locating in Elyria, where Mr. McCollum followed his trade, that of miller, and died in April, 1870. He and many of his immediate relatives took an active part in the war of 1812, he being but a youth of nineteen when engaged at the battle of Plattsburg, on Lake Chain- plain. His mother's people, McDougalls of Argyle, took an equally active part in all those troublous scenes of the early Co lonial warfare; and it is recorded that they did much and appreciated work at the forts along the Hudson and many other places. Both of Mrs. Weller's great-grandfathers were born in Scotland, and theMcCollnms were among the early colonists of Argyle township, Washington Co., N. Y., it hav ing been given by the Duke of Argyle to a certain number of Scotch families. Her great-grandfather, Col. Gilchrist, came to America, witb Gen. Abercrombie, and served under him at the battle of Ticonder oga in 1758 ; he was related to the brave Gen. Duncan Campbell, who was killed in that engagement. After the war Col. Gil christ settled at Fort Edward, N. Y., where he died. 602 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. George L. Wellee, superintendent and engineer of the Elyria Water- Works, and machinist for the Mussey Stone Co., is a native of Lorain county, born in the city of Elyria March 28, 1864. From early boyhood he worked with his father, attending at the same time the public schools of Elyria, after wliich he took a business course at Oberlin College, and one in penmanship at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. He then learned the trade of stone mason with his father, which he followed till four years ago, having done work on all, or nearly all, the large stone contracts in Elyria and surrounding country. In 1889 he was appointed to his present posi tion at the Elyria Water- Works, which he is eminently qualified to fill, and in addi tion to his duties there does all the work in his line for the Mussey Stone Co. Mr. Weller was married July 19, 1893, to Miss Ida Alma Black, of Yermillion, Ohio, an accomplished young lady in music ahd the art of home making. Mr. Weller is a Republican, but has no time to devote actively to politics, having kept close to business all his life. He has in vented a rock-drilling tool which he has assigned to others, and which, it is claimed, saves one-third of the cost of quarrying rock. He has also recently invented a rock-drilling engine, which is proving a very successful machine for quarry work. V JfENRY BASSETT (deceased) was in Y^l his lifetime one* of the best known |j 1 and most highly respected of the y) farmer citizens of Lorain county, having been a resident of Eaton township for nearly sixty years. Mr. Bassett was born in Seneca county, N. Y., in 1814, a son of Daniel and Phebe (Covert) Bassett, natives of the same county, where they were married, and whence, in 1834, they came with their family to Lorain county, Ohio, making a settlement in Eaton township. The father died at LaPorte in 1846, the mother in Eaton township at the age of eighty- two. Our subject was reared and educated in New York State, and was twenty years old when he came with his parents to Eaton township. Here he followed farming all his life. On November 5, 1835, he was married in Carlisle township, Lorain county, to Miss Betsy E. Slauter, who was bora in 1818, in Luzerne county, Penn., a daughter of Jared and Sarah (Curtis) Slauter, natives of Stockbridge, Mass., where they married, and whence in an early day they came west to Luzerne county, Penn., and in 1826 to Carlisle township, Lorain county, by team, Mrs. Bassett, then eight years old, walking the greater part of the way. Here Mr. and Mrs. Slauter passed the rest of their days, he dying some eight years after his wife. They had bora to them a family of ten children, viz.: Ephraim, who went to Wis consin, where he died; Lydia, deceased wife of Everett Stoddard, an early settler of Eaton township; Mary Ann, deceased; Sarah, wife of Henry Warner, who moved to Whitehall, Wis.; Betsy E., widow of Henry Bassett; Henry, who died in Wis consin; Jared, who died in Carlisle town ship, Lorain county; Jane, wife of D. L. Gibbs, of Carlisle township; Olive, wife of R. Gibbs, also of Carlisle township; and Hiram, a resident of LaPorte, Lorain county, Ohio. To Mr. and Mrs. Bassett were bora thirteen children, all of whom grew to maturity, and of whom the following is a brief record: (1) Charlotte is the wife of Anson Lines, of Grafton township; they have two children — Julia and Mina. (2) Caroline is the wife of John Hart, of Elyria. (3) Sarah is the wife of Sylvester Tompkins. (4) Charley died in 1879. (5) Daniel is married, and resides in De fiance county, Ohio. (6) Ollie, who was married to Lemuel Barlow, died in Lorain county. (7) Frankie is married to Na thaniel Benedict, of Michigan. (8) Julia is the wife of Marion Sutliff, of Elyria. LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 603 (9) Edwin is married, and resides in Eaton township. (10) George, who married Adelpha Pember, resides near the old home. (11) Cerepta was first married to P. Crowell, and after his decease to Edwin Welton; they reside-in Elyria. (12) Clara is the wife of Charley Morse, of Elyria. (13) Alice is the wife of Frank Jackson, of Eaton township. Mr. Bassett departed this life in 1891, a lifelong, energetic and active Republican, one who held many offices of trust in his township. Mrs. Bassett taught the second school iu Eaton township, and is widely known and respected. She has lived to see seventeen great-grandchildren. D G. WILDER, M. D., a well-known member of the medical profession __ ' in Oberlin, was bora December 15, 1846, in Oneida couuty, N. Y., son of Dr. David aud E. A. (Williams) Wilder. The father, who was also a phy sician, was a native of New York, and died in 1850, in Chenango county, same State. The mother, who is a native of England, is now living in Madison county, N. Y. The Wilder family were originally natives of Massachusetts. D. G. Wilder,- subject of this memoir, was brought to De Ruyter, Madison Co., N. Y., at the age of six years, and resided there until he reached the age of nineteen. He received his primary education in the common schools of that place, and in 1866 entered the Preparatory department of Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, where he remained for three years. He then studied medicine for one year, and in 1870 en tered Hillsdale. College, where he took a scientific course, graduating with the class of 1872. He next went to Cleveland, where he continued the study of medicine in the office of Drs. Boynton and Yan- Norman, until February, 1873, when he graduated from the Homeopathic Medical College, Cleveland. He commenced the practice of his chosen profession in Cuya hoga county, and after residing for three years in Bedford removed to Fremont, Ohio, thence to Cleveland, where he prac ticed in the Western Reserve for nearly twenty years. In September, 1888, he came to Oberlin, Lorain county, where he has since been actively engaged in the duties of his profession witb marked success. On August 25, 1874, the Doctor was married, in Cleveland, to Miss Alma Hickox, a native of Columbia township, Lorain county, who graduated from Bald win University, Berea, Ohio. Her par ents, Eri and Alma (Hoadley) Hickox, were natives of Connecticut, and in a very early day migrated westward to Columbia township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where they passed the remainder of their lives. Mr. Hickox followed farming, and served for many years as justice of the peace; in re ligion he and his wife were both Method ists. Mrs. Wilder's maternal grandfather, Hoadley, erected the first frame house in Columbia township. To Dr. and Mrs. Wilder have been born three children, uamely: David Horace, now attending Oberlin Academy; Jennie Elizabeth, also attending Oberlin Academy; and Witt Hoadley. Socially our subject is a mem ber of Oberlin Lodge No. 678, 1. O. O. F., and also of Oberlin Tent No. Ill, K. O. T. M., and is at present commander of the Tent and Medical Examiner. He is also an examiner for the N. E. Mutual Life Insurance Co., and the State Mutual of Worcester, Mass. In politics he is a Prohibitionist. The Doctor and his family are members of the First M. E. Church of Oberlin. HARLES E. SUTLIFF, dealer in coal, contractor and owner of several teams for heavy hauling, etc., is one of Wellington's (Lorain county) most energetic and wide-awake enterpris ing business men. He was born in Ionia, Mich., February 16, 1845, a son of Will iam H. H. and Phoebe D. (Gott) Sutliff. 604 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Our subject attended the district schools of his native place and Wellington town ship, Lorain county, and was reared on a farm. For some years he carried on gen eral agriculture, including dairying, in all of which he was very successful, and mov ing into the town of Wellington, he here embarked in his present businesses, the first of many experimenters in the coal line to make a permanent success. Although he has had many competitors in that branch, yet they have all succumbed to his superior business attainments, and he now controls the entire coal trade in Welling ton and vicinity, having by his correct business methods won the confidence of the citizens. In 1868 Mr. Sutliff was married to Miss Mary Jane Hoffman, a native of New Lon don, Huron Co., Ohio, and two children have come to brighten their home, viz.: May E. and Floyd E. Politically our subject is a Republican, and although his many business interests will not permit bim to participate much in his party's campaigns, yet he is looked upon as a strong man on the Republican ticket should he consent to nomination for office, or otherwise. He and his wife are members of the M. E. Cliurch, and their deeds of charity to the poor and needy are too well known to require comment. ^AYID J. NYE, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, of the District embracing Lorain, Medina and Summit counties, Ohio, is a son of Curtis F. and Jerusha (Walkup) Nye, na tives of Yermont. The parents of Judge Nye were married at Otto, N. Y., April 12, 1841, and first settled upon a farm in Chautauqua county, whence they removed to Cattaraugus county, and settled upon the farm where they remained until their death. They had four children : Webster Kimball Nye, born October 13, 1842; David J. Nye, born December 8, 1843; Sidney P. Nye, born November 22, 1846; and William Curtis Nye, born February 28, 1851. Webster K. Nye and Sidney P. Nye both volunteered their service in the war of the Rebellion. Webster K. enlisted in the Second Ohio Cavalry, and was afterward transferred to the Twenty-fifth Ohio Bat tery, remaining until the close of the war, when he settled in Bradford, Penn., where he now lives. Sidney P. was a member of the Sixteenth New York Cavalry, and died while in the service at Alexandria, Va., July 21, 1864. William Curtis Nye now lives in Texas. David J. Nye, the subject of this sketch, was born at Ellicott, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. He was raised upon a farm, and when seventeen years of age enlisted in the first military company that went out from his town in 1861; but owing to the objection of his parents, his. elder brother being then in the army, the officer refused to muster him into service, and he returned home. Up to the year 1862 he attended the dis trict school at his home, during the winter terms, and worked upon the farm in the summer; but in the winter of that year he decided to secure other and better advan tages. In pursuance of that purpose, he entered, in the spring of that year, the academy at Randolph, N. Y., where he remained until his money, which he had earned and saved for that purpose, was ex pended; then went back to the farm, and worked during the summer in haying and harvesting, returning to Randolph in the fall. The following winter, 1862-63,' he taught school in one of the districts of his neighborhood, while the next spring and summer again found him engaged in work on the farm. In the fall of 1863 he re turned to Randolph Academy, and in the winter of 1863-64 he taught school near Randolph. Coming to Ohio in 1864, he immediately engaged in teaching in Cuya hoga county. After closing his school, he FWCMll^r- llBrr/0 /TV LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 607 returned to New York State, where he re mained but a short time, when he returned to Ohio, and again took a school at Boston, Summit county, teaching here during the winter of 1865-66. In February of 1866 he entered the Preparatory Department of Oberlin College. Teaching winters, and pursuing his studies summers, he was able to enter Oberlin College in 1867. He taught school every winter, except one, from 1862 to 1870. In 1870 Judge Nye accepted the posi tion of superintendent of the Public School at Milan, Ohio, where .with his labors he found time to study, and graduated with his class at Oberlin in August, 1871. In the Milan schools he continued another year, and in addition to his work there took up the study of law, which he had early chosen as his life's profession, and was admitted to the Bar at Elyria, Ohio, in August, 1872. As before stated, he was graduated at Oberlin College in 1871, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and in July, 1883, the College conferred upon him the degree of Master of Arts. From the time that Judge Nye entered Randolph Academy until he was admitted to the Bar, he paid his way with the fruits of his own labors, receiving no financial aid from any other source. In October, 1872. he went to Emporia, Kans., and opened a law office, remaining there until March, 1873, when he returned to Elyria, Ohio, and went into the office of Hon, John C. Hale, where he remained a year, pursuing his legal studies and doing such professional business as came to him,. In March, 1874, he opened a law office in the Ely Block, and from that time on until he went upon the Bench in 1892, he was in the constant practice of his profession, building up a good practice, his clients being among the best citizens of Lorain county. In 1873 he was appointed county-school examiner, a position he held four years. He was a member of the council of the village of Elyria four years. In 1881 he 33 was elected Prosecuting Attorney of Lorain county, which office he held one term. In April, 1890, he was elected a member of the Board of Education, in which capacity he served until he weut upon the Bench. In January, 1891, at a meeting of the members of the Bar of Lorain county, he was selected, as the choice of the members of the legal profession of his own county, as their candidate for Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. In July following he was nominated for that office at Medina, was elected in November, and entered upon the discharge of his duties February 9, 1892. On the fifteenth of September, 1880, Judge Nye was united in marriage to Miss Luna Fisher, at Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Nye was a daughter of the late Alfred Fisher, one of the early pioneers of Cuya hoga couuty, who emigrated from Ver mont in 18i7. Mrs. Nye is a true and faithful wife and a devoted mother. Two children, David F., boru October 27, 1882, and Horace H., born August 4, 1884, have come to brighten their home. Judge Nye always has a word of en couragement for the young, and in his own family he is affectionate and indulgent. He is extremely fond of children, and his two boys are his, constant companions when they are out of school and at home. Early in life, when Judge Nye was only a boy, he became impressed with the principles of Freemasonry, and conceived the idea of becoming a member of that Order, At the early age of twenty-one years he made application to, and joined, the Lodge nearest his home in New York. Since locating in Elyria he has taken the advanced decrees in that Order. He is now a member of the Lodge and Chap ter at Elyria, a member of Oriental Com mandery of Knights Templar of Cleve land, and of the Order of Ancient and Ac cepted Scottish Rites of the same city. In politics he has always been a faithful and consistent Republican, and from his early manhood till the present time he has 608 LORAIN COUNTY OHIO. advocated the cause and principles to Re publicanism. In this, be has been con sistent and straightforward, believing that tbe success of that party was for tbe best interests of the country. Although he is unswerving in his devotion to his political principles, the Judge is too broad and liberal-minded to let party affiliations bias his judgment or interfere with personal re lations. Some of his warmest and most earnest personal friends are found in the ranks of other political parties. Judge Nye has now been upon the bench only two years, and during tbat time he has presided at the trials of very many difficult and closely-contested cases. He has shown by his administration that he is peculiarly adapted to the position which he now occupies. He is entirely unassum ing in his manner upon the bench, and seldom interferes with the attorneys dur ing the trial of their causes. He has been heard to say that he did not propose to try either side of a case. He makes himself thoroughly familiar with the law of every case that is tried before him. The at torneys are always treated with kindness aud courtesy, and their arguments are listened to and considered by him with patience and attention. In his decisions he is open and frank, but he is always careful not to irritate or offend the persons against whom he decides. He has a mild and gentle expression, and is always con siderate of the feelings of others. There is an open candor about his decisions that impresses the listener with the sincerity of his convictions. He is thoroughly honest, and every decision made by him is the fruit of his best judgment and careful con sideration. In the trial of Jury cases he is especi ally careful in all his rulings and conduct not to intimate to the jury, or allow them to know, what he thinks about the case. In his charges he gives the law to the jury in a plain, clear manner, but leaves them to determine the facts. He never attempts to control their decision, but rather tries to conceal his opinion from them; and when the verdict is rendered, the parties and attorneys feel that they have had a fair and impartial trial. Comparatively few of the cases that are tried before him are taken up to a reviewing Court. His decisions have seldom been reversed when so reviewed. Although Judge Nye had made a suc cess at the practice of his profession, and was thoroughly familiar with the law, he had many misgivings of his own fitness and adaptability for the Bench. But hi6 brief term as a judge, his patience, candor, and painstaking manner, have given the members of the Bar and the people con fidence in his ability and integrity. His prospects for the future in his new calling seem very bright. His industrious habits and untiring energy are indications of a prosperous career. Judge Nye is a man of gentlemanly demeanor, always meeting his associates, both in the social circle and in business pursuits, with a cordial and friendly bear ing, which has won for him the respect and friendship of every one who knows him. As a servant of the Public, he has discharged the duties of every position in which he has been placed with a pains taking fidelity that has secured for him the unlimited confidence and respect of the people whom he has faithfully served. T B. SMITH, editor and proprietor k. I of the Wellington (Lorain county) %JJ Enterprise, is a native of Ohio, born in Cardington township, Morrow county, January 1, 1845. William Smith, father of subject, was born in Berks county, Penn., September 4, 1809, and was reared in Guernsey county, Ohio, whither his parents brought him in 1811. In 1831 he married Miss Elizabeth Speck, a native of Guernsey county, born there October 8, 1813, and in 1839 they moved to Morrow county, same State, LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 609 where the father died August 10, 1884. He was a strong Abolitionist, and in reli gion originally a member of the Friends, but having married outside of the Society he forfeited membership. They were the parents of twelve children, as follows: Cynthia, wife of C. Farlee; Finley, a car penter by trade, in Dakota; Thomas and Sarah, both deceased : Mary Frances; Julia; J. B., subject of this sketch; Augustus, deceased; Emily, wife of Elmer Kingman; Leander, a pharmacist, of Syracuse, N. Y. ; Henry O, a farmer of Cardington, Ohio; and Ollie, wife of E. M. James. J. B. Smith, the subject proper of this sketch, was reared and educated in his na tive county, and his first start in life was as telegraph operator at Greenwich, Huron Co., Ohio. In 1883, in the same town, he embarked in the newspaper business, in which he remained till 1885, when he came to Wellington and bought out the Enterprise, which is a strictly party paper, radically Republican in its views, newsy and well edited. In 1874 Mr. Smith was united in mar riage in Huron county, Ohio, with Miss Adelaide L. Barker, of Fairfield township, Huron county, and two children— Irma and Fern — have been born to them. So cially, our subject is a F. & A. M., and a member of the Congregational Church. On his father's side he is of English Penn sylvania stock, and on his mother's he is descended from German ancestry. 'HAPMAN M. WAUGH. Promin ent among the pioneers of Henri etta township is to be found this gentleman, a well known and pro gressive agriculturist. Ezra Waugh was one of the three broth ers who early in the history of America emigrated from England, their mother country, to America. Two of them located in Connecticut, while one sought his for tunes amid the hills of Yermont. This latter one was Ezra, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch. Lie subsequently removed to the State of New York, where he engaged in farming, and there the balance of bis life was spent. Gideon Waugh, son of Ezra, was born in New York State, and was there reared upon the farm of his father, which was small and afforded a mere existence for the rather large family. His parents dy ing when he was but a child, he was early thrown upon his own resources, arid also was entrusted with the care of those of the family younger than himself. His services were engaged by various farmers through out the neighborhood, and by careful management he was enabled to save a small amount from his earnings, with which, after his marriage, and after the younger children were provided for com fortably, he bought a small farm in Oswego county, N. Y., upon which there were no improvements. He married Miss Mi nerva Miner, a native of the State of New York, and to them were bora the following children: Gideon, Jr., Minerva, Chapman M., Lansing and James. In 1833 the family removed to Lorain county, Ohio, locating upon seventy-seven acres of wild, unimproved land in Camden township. In tbe fall of the same year the mother died, our subject then being but nine years old. In 1834 Gideon Waugh, Sr., married Mindwell Shepard, by which union was born one child; Minerva Waugh is now living and is the wife of Silas French, of Wakeman township, Huron county, a very industrious farmer, who has made some valuable improvements. They have a very nice family of six children — three sons and three daughters. The circumstances of the family were very limited, and they were much in debt for the land which had been purchased by them, which was at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per acre. By the practice of rigid economy and careful management, however, the indebtedness was in a few years paid off, and at the death of the 610 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. father, which occurred in 1869, the home was well improved. Gideon Waugh, Sr., the father of subject, was a Whig, and one of tbe first members of the Baptist Church of Camden township. For many years he was justice of the peace of the township. He was widely known, and universally es teemed and respected. Chapman M. Waugh, whose name intro duces this sketch, was bora in Oswego county, N. Y., November 27, 1823, and at the age of nine years came with his par ents to Ohio as before recorded. The first few nights after the family's arrival upon the ground of their future home they slept under the wagons, while a great fire made of brush and wood served to keep off the animals which then abounded. During the first few days, in the clearing of a space sufficient to admit the building of a log cabin 16 x 20 feet, the father severely cut himself upon the hand, an accident which rendered him comparatively help less so far as immediate assistance was concerned. The log cabin was soon erected, however, finished with a puncheon floor, and furnished with stools, etc. While the house was in course of erection a tree fell upon it, but so strong was tbe frame that the tree was broken and the frame remained uninjured. The original farm just spoken of was at last sold, and the family bought another near Wakeman, Huron county, upon which they resided for some six years, when it was sold, the family returning to Lorain county, and buying a farm in Carlisle township near Elyria. Our subject theu bought with his savings the farm of sixty-seven acres where he now resides, and on which there were some improvements. In 1843 he married Miss Roxey Cook, of Oswego county, N. Y., and three chil dren were born to them, as follows: Newell, Judson and Nancy, the last named bping now deceased. Newell is a resident of Camden township, Lorain county; Judson is a successful merchant of Lima, Ohio. The mother of these died in 1855, and in 1856 Mr. Waugh married Mrs. Polly Cable, a widow, daughter of Eli and Lucy Waterhouse, natives of Ver mont. Her father, who was a cooper and farmer by occupation, came to Lorain county among the first settlers. To this union one child, Emma Dora, was born, but died in infancy. Politically Mr. Waugh is a Republican, and has held minor offices of trust. In 1873 he built the handsome residence in which he now resides, upon his farm of one hundred acres in Henrietta township. One great fact is apparent, and that is that Mr. Waugh's success and prosperity have been accomplished by dint of hard, earnest labor good management and care, which proper ties are characteristic of him. Both he and his wife are Baptists in principle; their many Christian acts are well known and will exist in memory long after they have joined thearmy upon the other shore. LYMAN BECKLEY, who for nearly I his entire life has been a resident of | Lorain county, was born April 5, 1827, in Stow township, Summit Co., Ohio, a grandson of Selah Beckley, who was born in Connecticut in 1767, and came to Ohio in 1812, locating in Summit county. In 1787 he had married Miss Caroline Beckley, who was born in 1768, and children as follows were born to them: Hepzibah (IV Noel, Lotau, Hepzibah (2), Rowena, Elnathan S., Lois, Edwin, Ahira and Sally. The father of these, by trade a blacksmith, died in 1817, in Stow township, Summit county, and is there buried. Elnathan S. Beckley, father of Lyman, was born in Berlin, Conn., April 2, 1801, and was eleven years old when the family came to Ohio. He was reared to agricul tural pursuits, and was a farmer all his life. On June 1, 1825, he married Miss Polly Wilcox, who was born in Berlin, Conn., in LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 611 1805, and by her had two children: Ly man, and Eloise, now Mrs. Madison An drews, of Huntington township, Lorain county. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Elnathan S. Beckley lived near Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, and then, in 1842, came to Huntington township, Lorain county, mak ing their home for some years in the southwest part of the township. In 1863 they moved to Rochester township, same county, where Elnathan died in Decem ber, 1872, and was buried in Huntington ; his widow subsequently made her home with her son Lyman, dying in May, 1890. She and her husband were members of the Universalist Church; in politics he was a Democrat. Lyman Beckley, the only son of this pio neer couple, received a liberal education at the district schools, and when fifteen years old came with his parents to Lorain county. They stopped for a few weeks with an un cle's family who lived in a single roomed cabin of the primitive style, with shake roof, puncheon floor, stick chimney and no window, till they could clear away the for est from a portion of the wild land they had selected for their future home, and build a shelter of their own. His father being in poor health, he had a grand op portunity to finish his education with an axe in the woods by day, and burning logs for evening recreation. On October 26, 1848, he married Miss Mary J. Sage, born in Huntington township, Lorain county, October 6, 1831, a daughter of H. P. and Susan (Mallory) Sage, who came from New Haven, Conn., to Ohio about the year 1825. Mr. Sage was a valuable addition to this new settlement, being a man of cul ture and refinement. He taught their public schools and music classes; gave lessons in the higher mathematics and other branches, including theology in his home. He gave but little attention to party politics, yet was honored with several offices of trust. He gathered the people together on the Sabbath for public wor ship, as he was a pioneer minister of the Universalist faith, formerly an Episcopa lian. He died in Huntington in 1887, his wife in 1870, and they are are buried in that township. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Beckley settled on the farm he had toiled to improve. In 1863 they moved to Rochester, where he gave special atten tion to dairying, and in 1869, in partner ship with a neighbor, built what is still known as the Beckley Cheese Factory. In 1876 he sold his Rochester farm to his oldest son and bought, of D. T. Bush, a farm adjoining his first location in Hunt ington where he still resides. The chil dren, four in number, of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Beckley were Alma R., born Sep tember 13, 1849, died at the age of four teen months; Harley O., sketch of whom follows; Ellis S., born in 1858, died in the latter part part of 1861, and D. I., born May 26, 1861, a farmer in Rochester town ship, Lorain county. The parents are members of the Universalist Church, and in his political sympathies he is a stanch Democrat. He is a well-known, highly respected citizen, a practical dairy farmer, and by industry and perseverance has earned a comfortable competence. Haelet O. Beckley was born June 6, 1851, in Huntington township, Lorain county, and received his elementary education at the common schools of the district, afterward attending Wel lington (Ohio) high school a couple of terms. Up to the age of eighteen he worked more or less on his father's farm, chiefly in the dairying department, and then entered the Beckley Cheese Factory under George Bush, which was located near his home, but after two years returned to his first occupation. On October 4, 1871, he married Miss Mary A. Peet, a native of the county, born in Rochester township, a daughter of Homer and Charlotte (Kelsey) Peet. The young couple then commenced housekeeping in a small residence on his father's farm, rent ing same, but which Harley subsequently 612 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. bought. One child has come to bless this union — Chloe A., at home with her parents. In 1876 Mr. Beckley came to his pres ent farm in Rochester township, where he has been extensively engaged in the dairy ing business iu connection with general agriculture, and has met with more than average success. In 1892, at a cost of two thousand dollars, he built one of the most substantial barns to be found in the south ern portion of Lorain county, and by far the best one in Rochester township. In his political predilections our subject is a Democrat, taking active interest in the af fairs of his party. He and his wife are prominent members of the Universalist Church, iu which he is trustee, and for some time he was superintendent of the Sunday-school. ^SCAR HERRICK. In the county auditor of Lorain county we find a typical representative of New Eng land. The Herrick family, of which the subject of this sketch is a worthy member, comes of English ancestry who in early Colonial days immigrated to the New World, making their first cis-Atlantic home in Massachusetts, afterward remov ing to New York State. Harlow Herrick, father of the subject of this sketch, was born July 21, 1801, iu New York State, where he received the limited education afforded by the schools of the neighborhood of his borne, and was reared to the occupation of a farmer. While a young man he moved to Ohio, tak ing up a farm in Medina county, where he made his home a few years, and then came to Lorain county, where the remainder of his useful life was spent. In Medina county he married Miss Laura Ann Briggs, a native of Massachusetts, and to this union chil dren as follows were born : Helen (Mrs. S. W. Gott) and Rollin, both living in Michigan, the latter in the town of Ed- more; Harriet, widow of Arad Lindsley, who was killed at the battle of Ball's Bluff during the war of the Rebellion (she is now a resident of Carson City, Mich.) ; Daniel, who died in Lowell, Mich., in 1870; Oscar, subject of sketch; Ann, re siding in Pueblo, Colo., widow of Andrew Schnur, who died in 1862 while in the Union army; Byron, who died in 1862 at New Creek, Va., while in the service; Henry and Eliza, both deceased, at the ages respectively of one and one half years and three weeks; and Jane (Mrs. Walter Yeamans), in Ionia, Mich. The father of this family died in Michigan May 31, 1891; the mother is living in Iouia, that State. Politically, Harlow Herrick was originally a Whig, and on the organization of the Republican party became a loyal member and earnest supporter of same. Oscar Herrick, whose name introduces this biographical notice, was bora in Pen- field, Lorain Co., Ohio, April 20, 1838. His boyhood and youth were passed on the home farm, a few months in the winter seasons being devoted to attending the schools of the neighborhood, where he ob tained his rudimentary instruction — the solid substratum of his after study. In early manhood he became interested in watchmaking and the jewelry business, and entering a store in Medina in that line, learned the trade in all its details. Having thoroughly prepared himself for journeyman work, he set out into the world with buoyant hopes and sanguine expectations, destined to be well realized. He worked in Medina, Cleveland, a id Wellington (Lorain county), at which latter place he opened a jewelry establishment, conducting same some twenty years. In 1862 Mr. Herrick was united in mar riage with Miss Victoria C. Bowers, a model wife, one whose Christian spirit and amiable demeanor endeared her to a large circle of friends. She was born and reared in Wellington, where she held an honored place in society. In 1892, on the sixth day of July, her pure spirit took its LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 613 flight, and all that was mortal of her was laid to rest in the quiet cemetery at Well ington. Sylvester Bowers, father of the late Mrs. Oscar Herrick, was born October 1, 1805, in Massachusetts, where he was reared and educated. He married Miss Esther Cheney, also a native of Massachusetts, bora in 1804, and a brief record of the children born to them is as follows: Henry was killed at the battle of Knoxville, Tenn., during the Civil war, while in the Union service; Charles H. married Miss Emma J. Webster, and they reside in Wellington, Lorain county; Victoria C. was the wife of Oscar Herrick; Hattie I. is living at home with her aged father, who came to Well ington township about the year 1836, where he engaged in farming. Originally a Whig, he has of late years been a Re publican. He is a member of the Con gregational Church, has always been a lib eral contributor to public enterprises, and is a true man. Mr. Herrick maybe truly classed among the self-made men of Lorain couuty, and placed in the front rank of her business citizens. He has ever been a stanch Re publican, at all times advocating and ad vancing the interests of his party. In 1886 the people of Lorain county, fully appreciating his well-known business qualifications, elected him to the auditor- ship of the county, which incumbency he is still filling with characteristic ability and fidelity. In public as in private life he is an exemplary citizen, holding an enviable position in the esteem and respect of all who know him. /^EORGE H. NORTON. Thisgen- I w, tiernan, who for over half a century \Jt has been prominently identified with ^^Jl the interests of Lorain county, and more particularly those of Penfield township, is a native of Allegany county, N. Y., born December 18, 1824. His father, Hiram Norton, was born in 1802 in Rutland county, Vt., son of Joel Norton, who in an early day removed to New York State, locating finally in Alle gany county, where Hiram was reared. Here he was married, when a young man, to Miss Lucy A. Greene, who was bora in Sodus, N. Y., daughter of John Greene, and children were born to them, as fol lows: George H, whosename opens this sketch; Edward J., a farmer of Michigan; Andrew J., of Clinton county, Mich.; and Clarissa M., now Mrs. William Christy, of Michigan. In the fall of 1836 the family came to Ohio, where Hiram had come sev eral years previously on a visit to his par ents, who resided in Cuyahoga county, where the mother died; the father passed away in Putnam county, Ohio. Hiram Norton brought his family west in a cov ered wagon drawn by a team of two oxen, and after a journey of three weeks paused in Cuyahoga county, where an uncle of his resided. The roads were very poor, and assistance was found necessary in several places to pull the wagon along. Mr. Nor ton rented a farm in Parma township, Cuyahoga county, whence, after a resi dence of two years, he removed to Rich field, Medina (now Summit) Co., Ohio, where he remained two and a half years. Then, in February, 1841, he removed to Penfield township, Lorain county, where he purchased (on credit) sixty acres of land at thirty dollars an acre, where he lived four years, and then came to the farm now owned and occupied by onr subject, in partnership with whom he purchased sixty-four acres at six dollars and fifty cents per acre. A log house was erected on the site of the present dwelling, but the land was totally unimproved, not a tree having been cut, and here Mr. and Mrs. Norton passed the remainder of their lives, he dying in 1872, she on April 15, 1887. They are both interred in Center cemetery, Penfield township. In politics he was originally a Democrat, but later, on the formation of the party, became a 614 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Republican, and in religious faith he and his wife were both members of the M. E. Church. While in New York he engaged in chopping and other day labor, and also earned a livelihood by hunting, having in his day killed 1,000 deer, besides large numbers of turkeys and other game. Even after coming to Ohio he killed many deer, which he shipped to Cleveland. Our subject received in his early youth but a limited education, and was twelve years old when he came with the rest of the family to Ohio. He has a very dis tinct recollection of the trip, as well as the various towns they passed through en route, especially Cleveland, and he well remembers the strife between Ohio City (now the West Side, Cleveland) and the city proper. Locating with his parents in Cuyahoga county he did such farm work as his age permitted, remaining under the parental roof till reaching his majority, when he hired out to Lathrup Penfield at eleven dollars per mouth. In the follow ing winter (1844) he invested his savings, forty dollars, in a tract of land adjoining his present farm. On May 6, 1847, Mr. Norton was united in marriage with Miss Mary M. Houghton, who was born May 5, 1825, in Genesee county, N. Y., daughter of Asa and Tamson (Bigelow) Houghton, who came in 1836 to Spencer township, Medina Co., Ohio, where the former con ducted a sawmill. After his marriage Mr. Norton rented a farm in Spencer township for one year, in the following year removing to Penfield township, Lorain county, on a small farm, living in a frame house which he had erected. After ex changing land with his father, he came, in 1853, to his present farm, where he has since continuously resided. He has been a lifelong farmer, and in connection with his agricultural operations has for years been engaged in dairying; he now owns one hundred acres of excellent land. To Mr. and Mrs. Norton bave been born chil dren as follows: Lucy M., Mrs. C. D. Wilson; Mary, Mrs. Philo Penfield; and Frank M., a farmer, all three of Oceana county, Mich.; Elvira T., residing at home; and Edwin H., a school teacher of Grand Rapids, Mich. The present residence of the family was erected in 1861, and the collection of buildings on the farm, all of which have been erected by Mr. Norton himself, would be a credit to any farmer. In his political preferences our subject was a Republican until 1888; since then he has been iu the ranks of the Prohibition party; he has never used either tobacco or spirituous liquors. He . takes an active part in public affairs, and has served four years as assessor, one term as township trustee, and for thirty -five years as justice of the peace. Both he and his wife are members of the M. E. Church, he for forty-eight years, she for over fifty years. For over thirty-three years he has been a local minister from the Cleveland district, and preached for years at Chatham Center, Medina county, prior to which time he served at Brighton, Wellington, Hunt ington, and various other places in Lorain county. FAXON. In the year 1601 there was born in England one Thomas Faxon, who immigrated to America, some time prior to 1647, settling in Braintree (now Quincy), Mass., where he passed the rest of his days. He was mar ried in England, and had three children, of whom one son, Richard, was born in that country about 1630, and died in 1674 in Braintree, Massachusetts. This Richard Faxon had a son named Josiah, born in Braintree, September 8, 1660, died in 1731; his son, Thomas, born February 8, 1692, died March 19, 1729- 30; he had a son, Thomas, born in Brain tree, February 19, 1724, married August 24, 1749, Joanna Allen, who was the de scendant of Samuel Allen the emigrant; also the granddaughter of Abigail Savil, the granddaughter of William Savil the ^ti- &. fr< O-^C- . LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 617 emigrant. Abigail Savil was connected through her mother, Hannah (Adams) Savil, with the Adams family, from whom was descended Samuel Adams, the Signer of the Declaration of Independence, and John Adams, President of the United States. [ Vide Vinton Memorial.] This Thomas Faxon was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and died in Deerfield, Mass., in June, 1792. He had a son, also named Thomas, born February 19, 1755, died January 3, 1827. He had a son, Isaac Davis Faxon, born at Conway, Mass., November 16, 1791, who, at an early day, came west to Portage county, Ohio, where he followed agricultural pursuits, and died August 5, 1821. He held several township offices, and served in the war of 1812. This Isaac Davis Faxon married September 13, 1814, Corinna Lewis, born in Farmington, Conn., December 23, 1789, daughter of Oliver and Lucinda (North) Lewis. John Hall Faxon, eldest son of this Isaac Davis Faxon, was bora at Aurora, Portage Co., Ohio, June 6, 1815, and was but six years of age at his father's death. He was then taken to live with an uncle, Oliver H. Lewis, in the same county, whence they removed to Ridgeville, Lorain county, where the lad was reared, being brought up in the practical lessons of farm life, and received his primary education in the country schools of that early period. About the year 1837, John Hall Faxon proceeded to Utica, N. Y., and there, through the kindness of another uncle, Hon. Theodore S. Faxton (as he wrote his name), was enabled to attend an academy in that city for eighteen months, in which he pursued a course of study fitting him for his chosen pursuit of civil engineer ing. In that capacity he was employed on the Erie Canal, the Auburn & Syra cuse Railroad, and subsequently the Atlan tic & Great Western, and the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad in Ohio. On June 21, 1838, he was married to Esther Terrell, of Ridgeville, Lorain Co., Ohio, who survives him. Six children were born to them, four of whom are still living and are well known residents of Elyria. Mr. Faxon held many offices of trust and honor, in all of which he dis charged his duties with ability andfidelity. He was appointed deputy sheriff in 1840; was elected sheriff in 1844, re-elected in 1846, serving four years. He was elected sergeant-at-arms of the Ohio Senate in 1856, and served two years. He was ap pointed canal collector at Cleveland, Ohio, by Gov. Chase, about 1857, and served two years. He also served a number of terms as county surveyor and city engineer. In 1873 he was elected representative in the Sixty-first General Assembly, and was re elected to the Sixty-second in 1875, where he became widely known as a faithful and efficient public servant. In 1875 he was admitted to the bar, by tbe Supreme Court of the State, but never engaged in active legal practice. Besides these official posi tions he served for twenty-one consecutive years as justice of the peace, and for a few terms as mayor of Elyria village. He was for a number of years assistant assessor of Internal Revenue for Lorain county, Ohio. Mr. Faxon was a man of pronounced opinions and strong convictions, but his genial ways always made him a pleasant gentleman to meet. In his social inter course his worthy traits of character gave him the esteem, high regard and support of his friends and neighbors, while his ex ecutive ability and manly vigor placed him high in public favor. Has sterling quali ties as an honest, industrious citizen gave him the comforts of life for which his genial disposition was well suited; his whole life was one worthy of emulation. He was an old and honored member of the Fraternity of Odd Fellows. During the later years of his life he was president of the Flushing Coal Com pany, their mines at Flushing, Ohio, being owned by him and his sons, Isaac D. and Theodore S. Mr. Faxon died July 4, 1891. 618 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Isaac Davis Faxon, eldest son of John H. Faxon, was born September 16, 1840, and received his education at the public schools of Elyria. He was connected for thirteen years, as bookkeeper, with the Cleveland Herald, and has held other positions of trust in Cleveland and else where. He returned to Elyria in 1878, and until recently was engaged in mer cantile pursuits; he is secretary and treasurer of The Flushing Coal Company. Mr. Faxon married September 2, 1869, Miss Laura Margaretta Briggs, bora De cember 31, 1845, in Painesville, Ohio, daughter of Joseph William and Harmony (Gilmore) Briggs. Mr. Briggs was the son of Rufus Briggs, the eldest son of Allen Briggs, born April 27, 1756, in Cranston, Rhode Island. Among the other children of Allen Briggs was George Nixon Briggs, born April 12, 1796, in South Adams, Mass., a distinguished statesman, governor of Massachusetts and member of Congress for many years. Joseph William Briggs, left an orphan at an early age, was brought up in the family of his uncle, Gov. Briggs, and having, in its infancy, becomean enthusiastic advocate of the Free Delivery Letter System, he re ceived, unsolicited, in 1864, from Post master-General Blair the appointment of superintendent of the free delivery system throughout the country. He entered upon his duties with the determination to make the system a success, and literally wore his life out in its service, dying February 23, 1872. Theodoee S. Faxon, son of John H. and Esther (Terrell) Faxon, was born in Ely ria, Ohio, January 13, 1846. His education was obtained at the high schools of his native town, and at the age of eighteen he went to Cleveland, where he was employed as bookkeeper in a whole sale business house up to the age of twenty- three years. He then returned to his na tive town, and commenced the manufac ture of furniture, subsequently embarking in the lumber business, having in connec tion therewith a planing-mill. Selling out his interest in this business he became the secretary and treasurer of a number of coal companies, continuing as such for a period of three years, when in connection with others he organized the Flushing Coal Co., and also the Broek Hill Coal Co., and was elected as secretary and treas urer of both companies, which positions he held for one year. At the end of that time, selling his interests in the Brock Hill Coal Co., he and his father and brother, Isaac D., became sole owners of the Flush ing Coal Co., of which he became general manager, and after the death of his father, in 1891, was elected president of the com pany, which position he now occupies. T. S. Faxon and Miss Martha E.Bullock, a native of New York State, were united in marriage June 20, 1871, and five chil dren have been born to them, as follows: Mary Belle, Theodore E., Catherine L., Isaac Davis and Robert B. Our subject in politics is a Republican, and he is a member of the G. A. R. Dur ing the war of the Rebellion he served with the One Hundred Days men, being about eighteen years old at the time. I RNEST L. DISBRO, senior pro prietor and editor of the Oberlin Citizen, has been engaged in the newspaper business since 1880, a portion of the time as foreman on the Oberlin News. In 1883 he published the Moravia (Iowa) Tribune; for a time filled the position of foreman on the Citizen of Centreville, Iowa, and in 1888 was for a time in charge of the New London (Huron county, Ohio) Record, on leaving which he returned to Oberlin, and four years later became one of the proprietors of the Oberlin Citizen, a lively newsy paper that in December, 1892, bought out the Exponent. Mr. Disbro was born in Elyria, Lorain Co., Ohio, October 15, 1860, third son of LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 619 Rev. Dr. William B. and Catherine M. (Hutchins) Disbro, the former a native of France, the latter of Herkimer, N. Y. The other children are W. B., secretary and treasurer of the Woodward Lumber Co., Atlanta, Ga.; Delia, in Atlanta, Ga., and one deceased. When a boy the father came to this country, making his first home in the New World at Marietta, Ohio. He was educated in Cleveland, and gradu ated from the Homeopathic College, after which he practiced his profession for sev eral years in that city. In 1843 he en tered the ministry of the M. E. Church, was appointed presiding elder in the San dusky district, and afterward was trans ferred to the Cleveland district, where he officiated in the same capacity, his resi dence during the latter time being in Elyria, Lorain county. He died in 1865; his widow now resides in Atlanta, Georgia. The subject proper of this sketch passed his early boyhood in Berea, Ohio, and re ceived the bulk of his education at Bald win University, in that city, his father at that time being auditor of that institution. He then became identified with journal ism, as already recorded. He is a Re publican in politics, though his paper, the Citizen, is independent in its views, and he is a member of the Republican Central Committee. Socially, Mr. Disbro is a member of the I. 0. 0. F. In 1885 he was united in marriage with Miss Eva E. Newell, a native of Pennsylvania, daugh ter of Nelson and Fanny (Mungar) New ell, both natives of Vermont, who in 1865 settled in Kipton, Lorain county, from Crawford county, Penn., where the father died in 1891; his widow is now passing her days in Pennsylvania. To this union there is one daughter, Marion. When the present management assumed charge of the Citizen it was a Prohibition organ, with scarcely any patronage and few subscribers. A strict adherence to business principles on the one hand, and a constant endeavor to place before the public a model newspaper on the other, have gained for the Citizen a large circu lation throughout the county, there not being a postoffice in the entire county to which a package of the papers is not mailed weekly. Independent, fearless and aggressive, the C^tizen occupies a unique field in country journalism, and demonstrates the possibilities of energy, push, and purpose. By action of the coun cil the Citizen has recently been selected as the official paper of the city. QEORGE E. SMITH, M. D., phy- , sician and surgeon, is a native of Lyme township, Huron county, \ Ohio, born in 1832. Dr. Charles Smith, father of sub ject, was born in Westfield, Mass., and was married in New York to Miss Mehet- abel Seymour, a native of Otsego county, N. Y., born of a Puritan family of Con necticut. In 1829 the young couple came to Huron county, Ohio, making a new home in Lyme township, on Strong's Ridge, where he practiced his profession, and cultivated a farm of twenty acres. He was a graduate of Yale Medical Col lege, and before coming to Lyme township taught school for a time in Granville, Ohio. He became closely identified with the early history of the county, assisting in many ways in its development. Politi cally he was originally a Whig, afterward a Republican. As a Presbyterian, he was an active churchman, and for years was at the head of the Sabbath-school, and was an Elder in the Church. He was a great temperance advocate, and organized the first Temperance Society in Huron county, which same was founded in Lyme town ship, October 6, 1830. His home was the first one built in the township without the use of whisky. He was connected with the Firelands Society, and wrote the " History of Lyme Township." Dr. Charles Smith died March 2, 1861, his wife in April, 1854. Simon Smith, 620 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. paternal grandfather of subject, wasaRevo- iutionary soldier from Connecticut, and later settled in Westfield, Mass. Jona than Seymour, the maternal grandfather, was an ensign in the Revolutionary strug gle, aud in 1793 settled in Otsego county, N. Y., where he died in 1819. The subject proper of these lines was reared in Lyme township up to the age of fourteen years, and received his education at the schools of Lyme and Milan, after which, in 1851, he entered the Western Reserve College at Hudson, where he graduated A. B. with the class of 1855. fie taught school some seven years — two years (1855-57) in Tennessee; had also charge of the Western Reserve Teachers' Seminary, at Kirtland, Ohio, and for two years was principal of the grammar school at Circleville, same State. In 1858 he graduated A. M. from the Western Re serve College. After leaving college he attended three courses of medical lectures at Cleveland, Ann Arbor, and the Medi cal College of Ohio, where he graduated in 1862. In that year he commenced the practice of his profession at Willoughby, Ohio. On December 23, 1862, he was commissioned assistant-surgeon of the Seventy-sixth O. V. I., and joined his regiment at Arkansas Post January 14, 1863. He was present at the seige of Vicksburg, where he was taken sick, and was confined in the Officers' Hospital at Memphis, Tenn. Obtainiug leave of ab sence, he returned to Ohio, and resigned his commission. He was then appointed on the Government contract service at Hillsdale, Mich., as examining physician and surgeon of Post Hillsdale. Here he remained from July, 1863, till March, 1875, when he went to Fremont, San dusky Co., Ohio, and after practicing his profession there some sixteen years, came, in June, 1891, to Oberlin, where he has since resided. In 1862 Dr. Smith was married at Ply mouth, Richland Co., Ohio, to Miss Sarah Brinkerhoff, a native of New York, daugh ter of Gen. Henry R. and Sarah (Swart- wout) Brinkerhoff, also of New York. Gen. Brinkerhoff served in the war of 1812, was afterward commander-in-chief of the New York Militia, and received Gen. LaFayette at Auburn, N. Y. He was a member of the Legislature of New York, and member of Congress from Hu ron county, Ohio, at the time of his death in 1846. To our subject and wife have been born four children, as follows: Isa bella S., a teacher in the high school at Fremont, Ohio; Alice Gertrude, attending college; Josephine, attending high school, and Roelif B., assistant secretary Y. M. C. A., Detroit, Michigan. Dr. Smith in politics is a Republican, and while in Hillsdale, Mich., he served as school inspector five or six years. He is a member of the G. A. R. Post at Ober lin; of the Knights of Honor at Fremont; of the American Academy of Medicine, and was secretary of the Southern Michi gan Medical Society two years. He and his wife are members of the First Congre gational Church, in which he is deacon; while a resident of Fremont and Hillsdale he was superintendent of Sunday-school, and was president of the Hillsdale County Sunday-school Association at the time of his leaving that place. \\ B. FOLLANSBEE, a member of the firm of Laundon, Windecker )ll & Co., manufacturers of cheese, proprietors of the second largest factory in that line in Wellington, Lorain county, is a native of Grafton, N. H., bora April 25, 1830. John Follansbee, his father, who was of the same town, and a farmer by occupation, married Miss Eliza Potter, by whom he had four children: Offrinda, who died about twenty years ago; Daniel, residing at East Grafton, N. H.; John E., living in Oberlin, Ohio, and W. B., the subject of this memoir. The father died at the age of eighty-six years, LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO 621 the mother when aged seventy; they were both descended from New England families. Our subject received his education at the schools of Grafton, N. H, and before coming west had some experience as a traveling salesman. At the age of twenty years he came to Cuyahoga county, Ohio, where for some fourteen years he followed the meat market business and stock deal ing. He then moved to Columbia town ship, Lorain county, where for a time he again engaged in stock dealing, as well as farming and the cheese business, after which he came to Wellington, same county, where he now resides, engaged in the prosperous business alluded to at com mencement of sketch. He is also a part ner in the Wellington Brick and Tile Works, another of the leading industries of Wellington, and in addition to tbe cheese factory in that town he operates eight to ten others in the county. In 1861 Mr. Follansbee married Miss Mary Adams, of Columbia township, Lorain county, and two children have come to cheer their home — William, a bright boy, who graduated with honor at the Wellington schools, and Howard, who is still in school. In his political predilec tions our subject is a stanch Democrat, and socially he is a member of the Royal Arcanum. also 'HARLES C. ENSIGN, sheriff of Lorain county, is a native of the same, born in 1863, a son of Calvin and Deborah (Burdick) Ensign, both natives of Ohio, but whose parents were from Vermont. Calvin Ensign was a farmer by occupation, and he served as sheriff of Lorain county two terms — 1883 -1887. Charles C. Ensign, who was the eldest child and only son in a family of five chil dren, received a liberal education in the high schools of Elyria. He served as deputy sheriff of the county for six years — two years under his father, and four years under his father's successor, during which latter period he did most of the hard work in the office. At the end of that time, at the age of twenty-six, he was nominated for the office of sheriff, and in the fall of 1890 he was elected, taking office in Janu ary, 1891, the youngest sheriff in the State; he has since been reelected. His long ex perience as deputy sheriff makes him eminently well qualified for his position, whilst his natural ability is unquestioned and his popularity unbounded. He is tall, stalwart, athletic and brave, and as assiduous in his duties as be is loyal to his county, State and country. Mr. Ensign was united in marriage, March 30, 1886, with Miss Cora F. Hul bert, of Elyria, a daughter of James and Nancy (Fish) Hulbert, who are natives of Ohio; and two children — Mabel L. and Walter C. — have been born to them. Politically Sheriff Ensign is an ardent Republican, and in church connection he and his family are Baptists. THOMAS G. CHAPMAN, editor and proprietor of the Lorain Times, was born in Lorain, Lorain Co., Ohio, November 8, 1866, a son of James and Elizabeth (Burk) Chapman. Mr. Chapman received a liberal educa tion at the* public schools of his native town, graduating, and then took a course at Oberlin Business College, where he graduated in 1884. He then returned to Lorain, and for a time was employed in the shipping department of the Lorain Brass Works, where he had worked for about a year prior to his enlistment. Con cluding to enter the arena of journalism, he secured a position on the Lorain Times, which after a year he bought out, and since 1886 has been its editor and proprietor. The paper, a weekly, is Re publican in its views, liberal, bright and newsy, and Mr. Chapman has materially improved the facilities of the office by changing the old hand-press for a steam- 622 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. power one. Our subject has held the office of township clerk four and one-half years, and in the spring of 1893 was elected Treasurer of the township. He is looked upon as one of the popular rising young men of his section of the county, fie is a member of the I. O. O. F., and served a term as secretary of the Lodge. Mr. Chapman was united in marriage, December 28, 1892, with Miss Millie Bruce, an estimable young lady, who was born at LaPorte, Lorain Co., Ohio, Octo ber 29, 1872. 4/ HJ. CAHOON, recorder of Lorain county, with residence in Elyria, is a native of the same, born in Avon township, May 11, 1837. O. B. Cahoon, father of subject, was born in Harkness county, N. Y., May 25, 1804, and when ten years old accom panied his father, Wilber Cahoon, to Lo rain county, Ohio, they being the first settlers in Avon township, where subject's grandfather followed farming the rest of his active life, dying there in 1856; he was born in 1772. On coming here he had to cut his way eight miles into the woods, and for a long time there was not a single settlement between his place and the town of Cleveland. He was an Old-line Whig, and the first justice of the peace elected in Avon township, which office he was hold ing at the time of his death. He was a native of Massachusetts, his wife, Priscilla (Sweet), of Rhode Island. They had eight children, all of whom lived to middle life except one that died at the age of sixteen. O. B. Cahoon lived in Avon township on a portion of his father's old property. In politics, until the agitation of the slavery question, which precipitated the Civil war, he was a solid Democrat, but his views changing he became a Republican, and so remained the rest of his life. He died in 1881, aged seventy-seven years, the father of seven children, all of whom lived to maturity, namely: H. J., Melissa A., Jo seph B., Wilber D., Ora B., Burritt E. and Charles S. The subject of these lines was educated in the public schools of his native town ship, and reared on a farm. Tn 1862 he enlisted in Company E, Forty-second O. V. I. (Garfield's regiment), which was at tached to the Southwestern army, most of the time operating on the Mississippi river. Mr. Cahoon participated in the siege of Vicksburg, but being seized with sickness he was sent to hospital at Jefferson Bar racks, where he was detached and sent home, to resume peaceful labor on the farm. Mr. Cahoon was united in marriage, February 10, 1861, with Elizabeth Lucas, who was born in Avon, Lorain Co., Ohio; her parents, Jonathan and Ann Lucas, were born aud reared in England. Five chil dren came to bless the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cahoon, named as follows: Carrie, Ella (wife of Don Johnson), Fred, Maud and Anna. Our subject is a Republican, and in 1891 he was elected to the office of recorder for a term of three years. He is ex-adjutant of John Harrison Post in Avon township, and is a member of the Baptist Church. J I E. WILLARD, treasurer of . Lorain I county, comes of New England peo- ' pie and Revolutionary stock, his grandfather having served in the great American struggle for liberty, dying in 1858 at the age of ninety-seven. S. R. Willard, father of subject, was a native of Vermont, and was a Baptist minister. When the son, J. E., was yet an infant, the parents came west to Ohio, first locating in Bedford, Cuyahoga county, thence, after a sojourn of some seven years, moving to Salem, Columbiana county, after which they lived in various other parts of the State, including Lorain county. In 1866 the father left the Baptists, and LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 623 united himself with the Disciple Church, becoming a celrgyman in that denomina tion. From La Grange, in Lorain county, the family proceeded to Wellington, in the same county, and thence to Minnesota, then back to Wellington, from there mov ing to Summit county, same State, and then returning to Wellington, for the last time as far as concerned the father, as he died there in 1878, at the age of seventy- seven years, having been bora in 1801. In 1829 he married Miss Catherine Trotter, by which union were born five sons and two daughters, our subject being the third; there were also two daughters born to Mr. Willard by a former marriage. The mother of J. E. Willard was called from earth in 1891, aged eighty-four years, dying in Elyria; she was of Scotch- Irish descent. J. E. Willard, subject proper of this memoir, was born August 25, 1836, in Ogdensburg, N. Y., and when young was brought by his parents to Lorain county, Ohio, where he received his edu cation. He was reared on a farm, and lived thereon till he was twenty-two years old, when he entered a dry-goods store at La Grange, Lorain county, remaining there four years. In 1881 he received the ap pointment as deputy treasurer of Lorain county, in which capacity he served be tween five and six years, at the end of which time he was appointed deputy auditor, tilling the position one and one- half years. In 1888 he was elected on the Republican ticket to his present incum bency — treasurer of the county, and he is now serving his second term, with char acteristic fidelity and ability. Mr. Willard was married, June 5, 1856, to Delia A. Gott, a native of La Grange, Ohio, daughter of David and Emeline Gott, both of whom were born at Worces ter, N. Y. To this union three children have been born, viz.: Minnie A.,Kittie M. and Archie M. In political sympathies Mr. Willard is a Republican, and socially he is a member of the K. O. T. M. and G. A. R. During the Civil war he enlisted, Septem ber 26, 1862, in the One Hundred and Twenty-eighth O. V. I., which served on Johnson's Island, guarding prisoners there, and he was discharged June 9, 1865. Mr. Willard was a schoolmate of the lamented President Garfield, at Hiram, Ohio, and he subsequently had various business com munications with him, having yet in his possession several autograph letters of his. 4) \]l OSES S. TENNANT (deceased) \f/\ was a well-known school teacher 1} and agriculturist — at one .time cultivating the plastic minds of the young, at another the ductile soil of the earth. He was born May 22, 1812, in Monroe comity, N. Y., the eldest son of Selden and Lydia (Allen) Tennant. Selden Tennant, father of subject, was a native of Connecticut, born in 1787, and in 1793 came to Otsego county, N. Y., with his parents. When a young man he bought land near Buffalo, N. Y., but not long afterward he removed to Monroe county. In 1846 < he came to Ohio and bought wild land in Camden township, Lorain county, where he became a well-to- do citizen, farming being his life vocation. In Otsego county he had married Miss Lydia Allen, who bore him children as follows: Moses S., subject of this memoir; Betsy, who married Charles Kingsbury, and died in Michigan; Allen, a resident of Kenton, Ohio; Lydia, married to David M. Tennant, died in Oberlin in 1892; David R., farmer, of Camden township; and Hannah M., married to Moses Hol comb, now of Cass county, Iowa. The mother died in 1835 in New York State, the father on his farm in Camden town ship, Lorain county, in 1871. Politically he was first an ardent Whig, afterward, on the formation of the party, a stanch Re publican. In religious connection he and his wife were zealous Baptists. 624 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Moses S. Tennant, the subject proper of these lines, received his education at the common schools of his native township, and was reared to agricultural pursuits on his father's farm. Being a studious boy and youth, and having a natural inclina tion for reading and a love of books, he soon had himself prepared for the profes sion of teacher, which he followed several years with pronounced success. In Octo ber, 1839, shortly after his marriage, he came with his wife to Ohio, the journey being made with a covered wagon and oc cupying two weeks. They located in Camden township, Lorain county, and having out of his wages — about twelve dollars per month — saved a little money, Mr. Tennant was enabled to buy one hun dred acres of land at ten dollars per acre, twenty of which were cleared and fenced, and on which there stood a comfortable log house with a brick chimney, the first oue of the kind built in the township. Soon after settling here, he again took up school teaching at a salary of twelve dol lars per month, " boarding round " at various places in the district, and in the winter of 1840 he conducted a school in his own house, being assisted by his wife. For several winters he assiduously fol lowed this vocation, working on his farm the rest of the year, but the later years of his life he applied himself exclusively to agricultural pursuits, in which he made a pronounced success, being a good manager and financier. He died April 8, 1890, and was interred in Kipton cemetery. Politically he was first a Whig, later a Republican, and he was an active Aboli tionist, a "conductor" on the "Under ground Railroad," and many a fugitive slave found refuge at his home, where he and his wife would not only feed and clothe them but also teach them to read. In religion he was a prominent member of the Baptist Church, in wliich he held various offices, and was an active worker during the last twenty years of his life. On August 14, 1839, Mr. Tennant was married at Clarkson, Monroe Co., N. Y., to Miss Mary J. Billings, who was. born there July 20, 1820, a daughter of Walter and Nancy (Gillis) Billings, and children as follows came of this union: William S., born February 7, 1842; graduated at Oberlin College;, studied law at Ann Arbor, and practiced his profession many years, becoming judge of the circuit court, in Saginaw (Mich.) District, but was so overworked that he was compelled to leave his position; and LettieM., also a graduate of Oberlin, who married John A. William son (a graduate of Yale), of Norwalk, Ohio, and died when thirty-five years of age. G. F. (a foster son) is now paymaster ontheC.L.&W.R. R.; and Edwin A. (also a foster son), who has charge of the home farm in Camden township. Since the death of her husband, Mrs. Tennant has continued to reside on the home farm, and visits her children from time to time. She has been a member of the Baptist Church for the past fifty years, and enjoys the es teem and respect of a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. THE POND FAMILY. On July 8, 1776, there died on Long Island, of camp fever, brought on by exposure in the service of his country, Ros well Pond, in the thirtieth year of his age, a faithful soldier in the Contin ental army under Gen. George Washing ton. He had married in Branford, Conn., November 22, 1764, Miss Lydia Rogers, and three children were born to them, viz.: (A) Josiah C, September 27, 1765; (B) Abigail, December 18, 1769, and (C) Ros well, Jr., July 15, 1772. (A) Josiah C. Pond married Miss Je rusha Bull, September 6, 1792, she being then twenty-seven years old, and children as follows were born to them: (1) Nancy, born at Harwinton, Conn., November 1, 1793; (2) Sheldon, born May 3, 1795, LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 627 died April 4, 1883; (3) Josiah, Jr., bora December 31, 1796, died on Christmas Day, 1883; (4) Jerusha, born June 17, 1799; (5) Candace, born May 8, 1801; (Q) Cynthia, born September 8, 1803; (7) Mary, born March 4, 1806, died April 28, 1890, at Oswego, N. Y., and (8) Jonathan, born December 1, 1809. Of these, (1) Nancy married Covey, and died Oc tober 8, 1826; her son, William O, died June 7, 1848. (2) Sheldon married No vember 9, 1831, Clarissa Austin, who was born February 3, 1804; she died May 15, 1891, at the age of eighty-seven years; their children were Ellen L. (bom Janu ary 18, 1833), Albert S. (bora August 27, 1834, died September 17, 1875), Mary J. (bora July 24, 1838); of these EUen L. married Henry Pond November 5, 1851, in Bristol, Conn.; Mary J. married J. H. Scovill December 17, 1862, and they live on the old farm in Connecticut; Albert S. married Hattie A. Harrington November 14, 1863, and died September 17, 1875. (3) Josiah Pond, Jr., married May 5, 18,19, Acta Dyer, who died June 4, 1844, and their children were Lucius Dyer, born March 20, 1820; Mariette, born December 18, 1829; Flora Ann, born November 15, 1832, married Ferdinand Trivoya Novem ber 6, 1853. (5) Candace Pond died a maiden August 11, 1847. (6) Cynthia married a Mr. Belden, and died February 11, 1861. (7) Mjiry Pond married Augus tus Pettibone, who was born May 5, 180Q; she died July 28, 1890, leaving five daugh ters. (8) Jonathan Pond married, but had no children. The parents of this, family both died at Harwinton, Coim., the father January 31, 1838, aged seventy- two years, the mother February 29, 1836, aged seventy-one. (O) Roswell Pond, Jr., married January 23,,' 1800, Hannah Webster, born April 14, 1778, a daughter of Charles Webster, of fiarwiutou, Conn., and related to Noah Webster, the Lexicographer. To this union were born children as follows: (I) Roswell, bo,ra February 16, 1801, died March 18, 34 1819; (II) Lydia, born July 1, 1803, died February 24, 1889; (III) Lew Anna, born June 30, 1805, died in Torrington, Conn., June 13, 1888; (IV) Hannah Webster, born October 10, 1807, died January 10, 1871; (V) Charles Webster, born February 8, 1810, died in Toledo, Ohio, August 21, 1885; (VI) Martin Webster (the subject proper of this sketch), born March 12, 1814; (VII) Edwin Loomis, born Septem ber 6, 1816, died in the Sandwich Islands November 12, 1889; and (VIII) Julius Roswell, bora February 11, 1822, died in Glencoe, Oregon, May 25, 1891. The father of this family died in Harwinton, Conn., September 18, 1826, the mother at the residence of her son, Martin W., whom she was visiting, at Elyria, Ohio, Novem ber 15, 1854. Of the children of (C) Roswell Pond, Jr., (II) Lydia married, May 19, 1825, Ezra Stiles Adams, of Canton, Conn., and they at once came west to Ohio, locating in Elyria, then but a small village. The record of their children is as follows: Mary Laura was born September 1, 1826; Albert H. was bora May 8, 1830, and died Octo ber 23, 1831 ; Alfred Henry was born De cember 10, 1832, and died March 15,1833; Lydia Ann was born February 3, 1834; George Hurlbut was bora February 1, 1837, and Ezra Stiles was born June 4, 1845. Of these, Mary Laura married, April 21, 1846, in Elyria, Ohio, Charles E. Mason, a native of Portage county, Ohio, boru May 4, 1823. The issue of this union are three children: (1) Mary Adelaide, bora in Elyria, June 16, 1847; (2) Laura Isabel, born in Elyria, February 4, 1850, and (3) George Adams, born in Wellington (also in Lorain county), July 18, 1858. Of these, (1) Mary Adelaide married, June 16, 1868, John W. Meaker, of Ann Arbor, Mich., and their children are John W., Jr., born July 18, 1870; Guy, bora September 6, 1873; Belle, born Feb ruary 10, 1876, and Mazie, bora November 30. 1878, all born in Detroit, Mich., except the last named, who first saw the light in 628 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. the "World's Fair City "—Chicago. (2) Laura Isabel Mason was married June 24, 1873, in Wellington, Ohio, to Schuyler Davis, and their children are George S., born in Wellington, August 24, 1874, and Roy Mason, born in Cleveland, November 16, 1879. Lydia Ann Adams, second daughter of Ezra Stiles and Lydia Adams, was married May 27, 1850, to George F. Bell, of Can ada West (now Ontario), and they had one child, Kate, born February 11,1853. Mr. Bell died August 11, 1872, in Mercer, Penn., and May 22, 1879, his widow was married to Nelson Case, of Orangeville, Ohio. George Hurlbut Adams, youngest son but one of Ezra Stiles and Lydia Adams, vyas united in marriage December 25, 1868, with Miss Addie Kemp, who died August 26, 1874, and for his second wife George H. Adams married, May 27, 1878, Miss Belle J. Henry, of Rockport, Ohio. Ezra Stiles Adams, Jr., youngest son of Ezra Stiles and Lydia Adams, was married January 19, 1870, in Wellington, Ohio, to Miss Jennie L. McClelland, of that place, and their children are Louisa M., born in Cleveland, October 20, 1871, and Georgia, born March 15, 1873. (Ill) Lew Anna Pond died at Torring ton, Conn., June 12, 1888; she was mar ried at her father's house in Burlington, Conn., December 15, 1825, to Edmund A. Wooding, and children as follows were born to them: (a) Adeline, born January 8, 1827; (b) Julia, bora at Torrington, Conn., October 28, 1835, and (c) Mary, bora at Torrington, February 25, 1838. Of these (a) Adeline married, November3, 1846, in New Hartford, Conn., Augustus Merrill, by whom she had children as fol lows: (1) Addie, born in New Hartford, November 15, 1849, married November 25, 1868,William Baker Gilbert, of Thomas- ton, Conn., and has one child, Grace, bora October 12, 1880. (2) Grace, born in Thomaston, Conn., January 18, 1854, mar ried December 25, 1875, Charles S. Spald ing, of Winstead, Conn., and has three children, viz.: Jessie, born July 22, 1878; Anna, born August 12, 1880, and Ethel May, born November 14, 1885. (b) Julia Wooding married May 17, 1877, in New York City, William Burtis Fowler, (c) Mary Wooding was married at her father's house in Wolcottville, Conn., November 25, 1855, to Walter Scott Lewis, of Bridge port, Conn., and two children were born to them, viz.: Lizzie, March 28, 1857 (mar ried to Addison A. Ladley, of Philadel phia, Penn., January 6, 1881), and Charles W, October 16, 1859, both born in Wol cottville, Connecticut. (IV) Hannah Webster Pond was mar ried in Wolcottville, Conn., June 16, 1833, to Jeremiah D. Root, and three children were born to them iu Hartford, Conu., as follows: (1) Edward J., born in 1837, died March 16,1842; (2) Albert Homer, born June 15, 1840, died February 19, 1841; (3) Frank, born in April, 1834, and was killed by a boiler explosion in New York harbor while in the U. S. service, in 1864 or '65, leaving one son, Edward Samuel, known as "Ned Root," born January 10, 1855; and (4) Ella, born October 15, 1842. Mrs. Hannah Webster (Pond) Root died in New London, Conn., January 10, 1871. Jeremiah D. Root died in New York City, August 6, 1875, and both are buried in Hartford, Connecticut. (V) Charles Webster Pond married October 21, 1846, at Smithville, Canada West (now Ontario), Miss Martha Smith, and they had two children: Robert, born in Canada July 28, 1850, and Ezra Stiles, born at Auburn, Mich., February 29, 1856. The mother died at Smithville, C. W., in May following the birth of her last child, and Mr. Pond married for his second wife, at Detroit, Mich., May 6, 1857, Miss Catherine Vantiplen, and their children were (1) Charles Henry, bora at Brighton, Mich., March 12, 1858, and died at Toledo, Ohio, December 19, 1881. Robert Pond, son of Charles Webster and Martha (Smith) Pond, married May 7, LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 629 1873, in Monroe county, Mich., Emeline Hungerford of Bedford, Mich., and their children were May, born at Bedford, Mich., February 5, 1874; Maud, born at Toledo, Ohio, August 1, 1877, died there Febru ary 10, 1882, aud Charles E., born at Bedford, Mich., July 15, 1879. (VIII) Julius Roswell Pond married July 2, 1850, at the home of her father, Royal Watson, in New Hartford, Conn., Miss Martha A. Watson, a native of that town, born March 19, 1821, and their chil dren are Edwin Watson, bora June 17, 1853, in New Hartford, and Cora Lena, adopted by them when one month old, and who was born at New Hartford March 24, 1863; she is married to Edward Bisack, aud they live in Norwich, New York. (VI) Maetin Webstee Pond, the sub ject proper of this sketch, removed with his sister, Mrs. Lydia (Pond) Adams, to Elyria, Ohio, in 1825, where, December 10, 1835, he married Miss Eliza J. Sayles, of Mayville, Chautauqna Co., N. Y.. born there Marcii 26, 1817, and died in Elyria May 31, 1887. Her parents were from Rhode Island. The children born to this union were (1) Henry Clay, (2) Martin Webster, Jr., (3) Horace Roswell Brown, (4) Frank, (5) Franklin Gaylord, and (6) Lizzie, all natives of Elyria, Ohio, the rec ord of whom is as follows: (1) Henry Clay was bora in Elyria September 11, 1839, and March 23, 1865, married, in Hartford, Conn., Lottie Payne; (2) Martin W., Jr., was born April 30, 1841, and February 12, 1871, was married in Cleve land, Ohio, to Miss Fannie J. Thrall, of that city, their children being George Horace, born at Titusville, Penn., October 19, 1871, died at Colorado Springs of con sumption October 6, 1889. (3) Horace R. B. was born October 31, 1842; in 1861 he enlisted in Company I, Eighth Regiment O. V. I., and died at his father's house May 14, 1870, of disease contracted in the army; he married September 5, 1867, Jennie Keyes, of Sandusky, Ohio, and one son, Harry, was born to them August 4, ,1868. (4) Frank was bora April 14, 1848, and died of croup February 7, 1851. (5) Franklin G. was born February 25, 1849. (6) Lizzie was born February 21, 1854, was married December 5, 1877, to Samuel Howe Bowen, of Newport, Herkimer Co., N. Y., and their children are Helen Pond, born in Green Spring August 15, 1878, and Scott Howe, born November 27, 1886. Martin Webster Pond received his edu cation at the common schools of his native State, and the district schools of Elyria, Ohio. He then, at about the age of sixteen, entered the employ of his brother-in-law, Ezra S. Adams, as an apprentice to learn the saddle and harness making business, which he completed in his twenty-first year, soon after which he left Elyria for the purpose of perfecting himself in his trade, among other places working in Cleveland, Detroit, and Wheeling (W. Va.). At the end of two years he returned to Elyria, and here followed his trade until 1852, during which period he formed vari ous partnerships: first with B. F. Robin son, then with Waterman Morse, and lastly with William Doolittle. In June, 1852, he started on a trip to California, via the Nicaragua route; at the Isthmus, where he was delayed some three weeks, he was attacked with Panama fever, but finally reached San Francisco, in a very feeble condition, however, after a tedious journey of sixty-five days in all. Gradu ally recovering his health he engaged in mining, his headquarters being at Nevada City. In June, 1853, he returned to Elyria, this time taking the Panama route, and again entered into partnership with Waterman Morse in the saddlery and har ness business, but at the end of the year Mr. Pond retired from the firm. In 1858 fire destroyed a building owned by Mr. Pond, and immediately he began the erection of a finer one, and upon its completion, in January, 1859, he resumed his old busi ness, which he continued until 1870, when he engaged in the manufacture of a harness pad, for which he had obtained a patent, 630 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. In 1862 he invented the first successful tug buckle, to the sale and introduction of which he gave much attention until 1870. A Republican in politics, Mr. Pond has filled many position of honor and trust conferred upon him by his fellow citizens. He is a member of the F. & A. M., and was for twenty-nine years treasurer of Marshall Chapter No. 47. In 1841 he assisted in forming in Elyria a Lodge of the "Mechanics Mutual Protection," an Order that has exerted much permanent influence for good in the community. Mr- Pond, always a lover of education, was one of the most active workers for the estab lishment of the Elyria Union School. In the improvement of Elyria he has taken a conspicuous part. Mrs. Pond died May 31, 1887, at the age of seventy years. Their golden wed ding anniversary had passed; for more than fifty years their joys and sorrows had been mutual. Theirs had been a most happy union, in which communion of souls had made the two lives as one, and the existence of each as essential factors of the other. Since Mrs. Pond's death, the husband has lived at the old home stead, only waiting God's time to be called to the final reunion. His health is far from good, and being one of the oldest residents of Elyria, not many years will pass ere the summons comes, which will find him ready and waiting. 4/ HIRAM H. HOWK, familiarly known among his many friends as "Uncle Hiram," for about three score years a resident of Wellington township, is a "native of Berkshire county, Mass., born October 2, 1816. His father, David Howk ("Uncle Da vid, " as he was generally known), was bprn in the same county, where he married Polly Bradley, who bore him six children, as follows: Clarissa, who died in Che nango county, N. Y.; Ely B., deceased in Wellington, who was a justice of the peace; Hiram H., subject; John, who is mentioned elsewhere in this volume; David; and Mary, deceased in Pennsyl vania, who was the wife of Frank Hamil ton. The family moved to New York State when our subject was a boy, and came to Wellington township, Lorain Co., Ohio, when he was a youth of eighteen years. They traveled by lake to Cleveland, the rest of the journey being made by wagon, and tbe first house they lived in, built of logs, was 12x20, with flat roof, punchepn floor, and without either door or window, curtains being hung up in lieu thereof. Deer, wolves, and other wild animals were plentiful, while human be ings were pn the other hand rare, there being no family in the woods at the time the Howks came. Here they carved out a home from the dense woods and deep- tangled undergrowth, and here the parents pasted the remainder of their pioneer lives. Their farm was located in the southeastern part of the township, very wild land at the time, and the first brush pile in the sec tion was cut by "Uncle" David Howk. He died on the old homestead at the age of sixty-eight years, a member of the M. E. Church, and a Whig in politics; he was a hardy, active and vigorous man. His wife passed from earth March 5, 1871, at the present residence of the family, aged about eighty-two years. On the father's side the family are of Holland-Dutch lineage; on the mother's side they are of Massa chusetts ancestry, her parents being of Lee, Berkshire county, where they lived all their lives. The subject of our sketch received but a limited education at the old-time log schoolhouse, as his boyhood days were for tbe most part occupied in assisting his father on the farm — chopping and clear ing. He has been a lifelong agriculturist, and has met with well merited success. On September 20, 1843, he married Miss Electa Butler, bora in Wheeling, W. Ya., and three children were the results of thia LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 631 union: John, in Wellington, Lorain county (has two children: Fred and Arthur); Almira, who died in 1872 at the honie of her father, aged twenty-two years, leaving one child, Eddie H. Burns; and Grove, also in Wellington (has one child, Myrtle). After marriage our subject con tinued to reside on the old homestead, liv ing there in all about thirty years. On April 8, 1863, he and his wife moved to Wellington village, and made their home there until lately, when they once more came to their farm, a life of ease not suit ing " Uncle Hiram," as he is a man of perpetual activity, and bright aud spry for his years; in that respect resembling his thirty-three-year-old horse, of which he is proud, and which is a wonderful animal considering his age. In addition to his farm our subject owns a nice property in the village of Wellington. J| H. LANG. The Lang family, of which this gentleman is a worthy ____' representative, and which was at one time quite numerous in Huntington, Lorain county, can trace their genealogy back to Plymouth Rock. The earliest known member of the fam ily was one Robert Lang, a seafaring man who came from Scotland as early as 1630. He built a house at Portsmouth, N. H, some time between 1635 and 1650, which is still standing in a very good condition. It was built of New Hampshire Pasture Oak. The walls are bricked up between the studs with brick brought from Eng land, and the nails were hand made. This house was occupied by English soldiers during the King Philip war; was also oc cupied by Governor Wentworth, and shel tered General Washington when he visited New England. This is one of the oldest houses in the New England States, and relics of it are now in the possession of some of the younger members of this old family. The following line brings this family down to the present numerous gen eration : First from Robert was John, then a sec ond John, who was a Revolutionary soldier. Then Bickford, and a second Bickford, who was a captain of militia in the war of 1812. He was born in Rye, N. H., married Abi gail Locke, and settled in Epsom, N. H., where he reared a numerous family. His eldest son William was the first to leave the parent nest, and go to what was then the "Far West." His brother Reuel soon followed, and both settled in Huntington, Lorain county, about the year 1821, being among the first settlers of that township. David, another son of Bickford, followed about 1835, and the father came in 1838, all of them settling in Huntington. An other son, John, settled in Ashland, Ohio, where he was for a number of years a prosperous merchant and business man, and where he died in 1847. Benjamin, another son, graduated at Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio, and was for some time a professor of that college; he died in Kansas in 1885. David spent the most of his life, after coming to Ohio, in Hunt ington, a prosperous farmer, and died at the home of his son John in Rochester in 1884. Josiah Crosby, the youngest son of this family, enlisted in the war of the Rebellion, but was taken sick and died be fore he had seen any active service, his death occurring in 1861. Of the two boys who first came to Ohio, Reuel was a cabinet maker, and wprked at the trade of carpenter and joiner for many years;. and many of the first frame structures of Lorain county show his handiwork. He was for many years a local preacher among the Methodists. The last years of his life he spent in Wellington, surrounded by many of his children, where he peacefully passed away in March, 1891, in the eighty- ninth year of his age. William, the eld est son, is still living with his son John in Wasioja, Minn., in his ninety-sixth year. Bickford, Jr., was the only one of this 632 LORAIN COUNTY OHIO numerous family who did not "go west." He remained in his native State, and is still living at Franklin, N. H. There were four girls in this family: Maria, who married Dr. Babb, and died at Man chester,' N. H. ; Lorenda, married to Kim ball Prescott, and died at Marinette, Wis.; Sarah, who married Morrill Chesley, and still lives in New Hampshire, and Abigail, who married Milton Barker, and died at Oberlin, Ohio. Beyond this brief review, this history will have only to do with the later generation, and with those who have been more intimately connected with the history of Lorain county. Of the descendants of this family, only the children of Reuel settled in this county. Josiah Bickford, the eldest, married Lorena Chapman, and for a number of years lived in Huntington, where he fol lowed the trade of carpenter; for more than twenty years he was engaged in the tin, stove and hardware trade in Welling ton. He served a term as mayor of that village, and by his enterprise and counsel added much to its prosperity; for the last few years his home has been in Cleveland; he had four children — -three sons and one daughter, viz.: Watson W. and Charles, both ih business in Cleveland; Eva A., now the wife of George M. Cad well, a business man in Cleveland; the first-born son was killed when a child by the kick of a horse. The next son is Jesse H., the subject proper of this sketch, of whom further mention will presently be made. Cyrus Welcome, the third son, lived at home in Huntington till the age of twenty, when he visited his relatives in New Hampshire, where he died in his twentieth year. Louisa Maria, the eldest daughter, married Peter S. Wright, lived a short time in Huntington, a number of years in Oberlin, moved to Vermontville, Mich., where he accumulated some prop erty, and about ten years ago returned to Wellington, where he still resides. Mr. Wright was famed as being one of the most ingenious mechanics in the country, He enlisted in the army and served with honor, and is now retired in broken health, on a small pension. They had three chil dren, two of whom died in infancy, and the third, Grace, is now the wife of Utley Wedge, and resides in Cleveland. Esther Abigail, the next daughter, married Charles W. Horr, a prosperous business man of Wellington; they had a family of four boys, the eldest of which is a lawyer in Cleveland, and the rest still live in Well ington. Charles, the fourth son, died at Huntington in the twentieth year of his age. Olive Amy, the youngest daughter, after graduating from Oberlin College, married Dr. Meriden B. Lukens, who practiced medicine for many years in Illi nois, Wisconsin, and Cleveland, Ohio, and finally drifted to Dalton, Ga., where they now reside. George Locke, the next son in line, grew to sixteen years of age in Huntington; then went to Wisconsin and took a position in the store of his brother Jesse, and when the war broke out he en listed in Company G, Twelfth Wisconsin Volunteers, in which he served gallantly and faithfully; was severely wounded at the siege of Atlanta, Ga., a minie ball being permanently left in his right lung; after he returned from the war he studied telegraphy, and has been engaged in that occupation ever since; he is now engaged in important work of this kind in the East, with a residence in Boston; he married Lizzie Viles, at Oberlin, and they have one daughter, now married and residing in Washington, D. C. Merrill Warner, the youngest of this family, also grew to man hood in Huntington, married and settled in Wellington, where he now resides, an honored citizen. He has been many years a member of the village council, and has had much to do with the affairs of that village; he has one son, Burton Lang, who is married and lives in Cleveland. Five fenerations of Langs have lived and ourished in Lorain county — Watson, the son of Josiah,having two children, and Bur ton, the son of Merrill, having one. Bick- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 633 ford, of the first generation, died in Hunt ington at the age of about ninety years, and Reuel, of the next in line, died in Wellington as before stated. Of David's family, Albert, the eldest, died in Hunt ington; John, the second son, lives in Rochester; Lydia Ann, the oldest daugh ter, is now the wife of Horatio Norton, and lives in Huntington; Henry, a younger son, entered the army, and was killed in action. The names mentioned above com prise all or nearly all of this numerous family who have been identified with Lorain county. While this family has not produced any great men, there never has been any stain on its moral character, none of them ever having been in either Con gress or Penitentiary. Jesse Hart Lang, whose flame opens this sketch, was born in Huntington township, Lorain Co., Ohio, December 21, 1827, a son of Reuel and Amy (Hart) Lang, na tives respectively of New Hampshire and Vermont. He was named after his ma ternal grandfather. Mr. Lang grew to manhood in his native town, attended school in Oberlin a number of years, and engaged in teaching and study from 1844 to 1848. On January 1, of the latter year, he married Miss Mary E. Fitch, of Shef field township, Lorain county, a daughter of Samuel B. and Dolly (Smith) Fitch, na tives of Massachusetts and early settlers of Sheffield township, Lorain county. The first two years of our subject's married life were spent on a farm in Huntington town ship, after which he removed to Olmsted Falls, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, where he was engaged in managing a woolen factory for five years. In 1856, with his young wife and one daughter, he went to Grand Rap ids, Wis., where he was in the employ of the Government, and at the same time studied law. While there he was a candi date for the Legislature, but was defeated, the District being largely Democratic. For ten years he was there engaged in the businesses of land surveyor, lawyer and merchant. Returning to Oberlin in 1870, he has here since resided, engaged in the profession of attorney and general busi ness agency. He is a Republican, and cast his first vote for the Free-soil party. Socially he is a F. & A. M., and he and his wife are members of the Congrega tional Cliurch. They had six children, all of whom died young, the youngest, Carrie, at the age of thirteen years. Mr. Lang published a work entitled " Childrens' Pictorial Bible," containing twenty thou sand illustrations (seven hundred of them being electro-plates) and a topical analysis. He spent twenty years on the work. JOHN MOUNTAIN, late leading mer chant tailor in Elyria, was born Sep tember 27, 1834, in County Fer managh, Ireland. His parents were John and Elizabeth (Carson) Mountain, also natives of County Fermanagh; the father, who was a merchant tailor, died in his seventieth year; the mother, who was of Scotch descent, died at the age of forty- four years. They were the parents of five children, to wit: William, who entered the British army, and died at Bombay, India; Christopher, who died in the British army, in Turkey; Mary, widow of Thomas Timmington, of Fremont, Ohio; John, our subject; and Margaret, wife of Charles Wilmott, of Melbourne, Australia. At the age of seventeen years the sub ject of this sketch left his native land to seek his fortune in the Western world, and coming to Canada completed his trade with his uncle Joseph Mountain, which he had commenced under his father's tuition in Ireland. In 1859 he came to Elyria, Lorain county, under contract to do cut ting for a leading house in that town. After working at his trade in various ca pacities, the Civil war broke out, and be ing imbued with the same martial spirit that actuated his brothers to enlist in the British army, he, in 1862, enlisted as fifer in the One fiundred and Third O. V. I. 634 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. He was mustered into the regiment as drum major, and after serving in the army of Tennessee, in Kentucky, one year, was mustered out under an order from the War Department relieving all drum majors from the service. On his return home he worked at his trade until 1878, in which year he embarked in business for himself, in Elyria. Having become well known in and gained the confidence of the com munity at large, he soon found himself in possession of the leading merchant tailor ing trade in the city, which he enjoyed up to the time of his death, which occurred August 12, 1893. In 1853 Mr. Mountain married Miss Elizabeth Frazer, by whom there were three children, as follows: Libbie, wife of Dr. P. D. Reefy, of Elyria; Minnie, wife of Herbert S. Follansbee, of Elyria; aud Carson, who died when twenty-two years old. The mother died in 1878. Mr. Moun tain afterward married Miss Dora Dunton. One child — Arthur — was born to them. Politically our subject was a Republican; was also a member of the G. A. R., and of the Episcopal Church. jtftOF. JAMES HARRIS FAIR-' CHILD, ex-president of Oberlin College, was born in Stockbridge, Mass., November 25, 1817, a son of Grandison and Nancy (Harris) Fair- child. The father was a native of Shef field, Mass., born April 20, 1792, and died July 31, 1890, in the ninety-ninth year of his age; tbe mother was born in Rich mond, Mass., November 29, 1795, and died August 31, 1875. Daniel Fairchild, grandfather of subject, removed from Shef field to Stockbridge, Mass., with his young family, where he passed the remainder of his busy life in agricultural pursuits; his wife's name was Buttles. In 1818 Grandison Fairchild came with his family to Lorain county, Ohio, making a settlement in what is now Brownhelm township, then a wilderness, and here he cleared a farm and passed the rest of his life. The property is still in the posses sion of the family. Eight of the children — four sons and four daughters — bora to Grandison and Nancy Fairchild grew to maturity, of whom the following is a brief record: (1) Charles Grandison remained on the old homestead, and carried ou the farm until his death in 1884. (2) Edward Henry was educated in Oberlin College, and afterward became principal of the preparatory department of same; at the time of his death he was president of Berea College, Kentucky; one of his sons is president of Rollins College, Florida; an other professor in Doane College, Ne braska; another is connected with Berea College, Kentucky. (3) James Harris is the subject of this memoir. (4) Catharine Baxter is the wife of Chester A. Cooley. (5) Emily Frances is the wife of Rev. M. W. Fairfield ; one son is professor at How ard University, Washington, D. C. (6) Mary Plumb was married to Cyrus Bald win, now of Dayton, Ohio, and died leav ing four children; one of her sons, Cyrus G. Baldwin, is president of Pomona Col lege, Cal..; another son, Dr. James F. Bald win, is Dean of the Medical University at Columbus, Ohio; her daughter is the wife of Prof. Cook, of Michigan Agricultural College, Lansing, Mich. (7) Harriet Eliza married Prof. R. C. Kedzie, of Lans ing, Mich.; their three sons became professors of chemistry. (8) George T. is president of the Kansas Agricultural Col lege, Manhattan, Kansas. The subject of this sketch received his education in part at the schools of Brown helm, and high school of Elyria, but chiefly at Oberlin. The school at Oberlin was first begun in December, 1833; in May, 1834, it was first regularly organized, and in the following October the first Freshman class was formed, comprising at that time the two Fairchilds — James H. and his brother Edward Henry — and two others. -Pursuing his course steadily, J-QA, ^r ^k^JtijU/^ LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 637 James graduated from college in 1838, after which he entered at once upon a theological course, which he completed in 1841. In 1839 he was appointed tutor in Latin and Greek in the college, and, on the completion of his course in Theology in 1841, he was elected professor of Latin and Greek. In 1847 he was transferred to the Chair of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, and in 1858 he received the appointment of professor of Moral Philos ophy and Systematic Theology. In 1866, Prof. Finney having resigned his position as president, Prof. Fairchild was appointed his successor, and held the position until 1889. In November, 1841, Prof. Fairchild was united in marriage with Miss Mary F. Kellogg, at Minden, La., whither her father had removed from Jamestown, N, Y., on account of impaired health. She was a native of New York State. This event took place before the days of rail roads, and the trip from Oberlin to Minden occupied several weeks. The Professor took the canal to the Ohio, then steamer down the Ohio into the Mississippi; down that river to New Or leans, then up the Red river, to the Creole town of Natchitoches, from which place he proceeded on horseback through the pine forests seventy-five miles to Minden. The many incidents met with on the way, and to him annoying delays, are of ttimes recounted by the Professor in his own in imitable manner. To this marriage were born eight children — two sons and six daughters — as follows: (1) Lucy Kellogg is the wife of Prof. Kenaston, of Howard University; (2) George Hornell is a well- known business man and banker in North Dakota; (3) Mary Fletcher is matron in Baldwin Cottage, Oberlin; (4) Catharine Cooley is keeping house for her father, her mother having died in 1890; (5) Grace Augusta is a teacher in the art department of Oberlin College; (6) James Thome is a professor in Tabor College, Iowa. The other two children died young. The life of Prof. Fairchild has not been what might be termed eventful, but it has been a busy one — a quiet, yet progressive life. He has found time to give to the world not a few of the productions of his pen, among which may be mentioned: "Fairchild's Elements of Theology ^'"Fair- child's Moral Science"; "Oberlin: The Colony and the College." In a "History of Lorain County," the following is truthfully and gracefully said of Prof. Fairchild: "As a public speaker he is quiet and self-contained, and though im pressive, would not be called oratorical. Yet, so fraught are his productions with elevated and original thought, clothed in a style clear and terse, that corresponding thoughts are awakened in his auditors, which do not pass away with the hearing. His public addresses on special occasions have uniformly possessed so high a degree of excellence that, almost without exception, they have been requested for publication. That which best expresses and explains his life is — fidelity to duty. He has not been ambitious, or eager for distinction; but he has risen to a high position in the esteem, respect and admiration of- a large number. He has given himself to his work with a devotion which has known no abatement. There is found in him, in uo ordinary degree, both the speculative and the practical. His mind grapples reso lutely, and works actively and intensely on the great subjects of thought; but high thoughts do not so absorb his attention as to make him neglectful of the necessary de tails of practical affairs. He is wise in little things as in great. " The prevailing bent of his mind is un questionably ethical. Though his mind is too comprehensive to allow him to be a mere specialist, yet his favorite study is ethics. On this summit of human thought he has long dwelt; and the result of his thinking and teaching he has embodied in his treatise on moral philosophy. This is an admirable exposition of the moral law of love or benevolence; first, in its philos- 638 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. ophy or reason; and, secondly, in its prac tical application to human rights and du ties. In his theological teaching he is clear, rational, and evangelical. " Under his wise and discreet manage ment, Oberlin College has undergone a gradual and continual improvement. This improvement is, indeed, its natural growth; yet it is not spontaneous, but must be pro moted by intelligent effort, in which many co-operate. This growth consists in the enlargement and perfection of the course of study, so as to furnish a culture broader and higher; and, as a necessary material basis for this, an adequate college endow ment." C. MOORE, M. D., physician and surgeon, is in the van of his pro fession, not only in North Amherst, where he has his residence, but also in the entire county of Lorain. He wa6 born in Lake county, Ohio, in 1819, a son of Isaac and Philena (Blish) Moore, natives, the father of New York, the mother of Massachusetts. In 1811 Isaac Moore came to Lake county, Ohio, and took up farming. He was there mar ried, and in 1831 moved to Cuyahoga county, thence in 1836 to Mentor, Ohio. He died at Farmer City, DeWitt Co., 111.; his widow passed from earth while living in Cuyahoga county. In politics he was a Whig and Republican. Grandfather John Moore enlisted, for six months, later for the entire service, during the Revolution ary war, and lived to the patriarchal age of ninety-three years; his grandmother Blish died at the same age. To Isaac Moore and his wife were born five sons and three daughters, the latter of whom are deceased. The sons are C. H., an at torney at Clinton, 111., whither he had gone in 1841; Dr. A. C, subject of sketch; Blish, a farmer in De Witt county, 111., where he settled in 1845; Milan, a jeweler in Farmer City, 111.; and H. C, now in California. The subject proper of this sketch re ceived his primary education at the West ern Reserve Teachers' Seminary in Lake county, Ohio, after which he attended a medical course at Willoughby, now the Starling Medical College of Columbus, Ohio, then took a course at the Eclectic Medical College, Cincinnati, Ohio, gradu ating with the class of 1848. In order to secure means wherewith to prosecute the study of medicine, he taught school several terms. In 1849 he commenced the prac tice of his profession, and has now been successfully engaged in it forty-four years. In May, 1855, Dr. Moore was united in marriage, in Lorain county, to Elizabeth Onstine, a native of Lancaster county, Penn., daughter of George aud Rosanna Onstine, natives of Pennsylvania, and who in 1820 came to Lorain county, Ohio. , To this marriage was born one daughter, Lulu O, wife of H. G. Redington, of Amherst, an attorney at law, and who is president of the Amherst Savings Bank, and has been mayor of North Amherst four terms. Mrs. Dr. Moore died in March, 1893. Our subject in politics is independent, and he is a strong temperance advocate. In 1875 he was mayor of North Amherst, and he is a member of the board of health. In matters of religion, be is associated with the Christian Church. He is one of the stockholders of the Amherst Savings Bank, and is a highly respected and popu lar gentleman. HARLES W. JOHNSTON. This gentleman is a lineal descendant of one of the oldest and most powerful of the clans of Scotland, that for centuries kept the borders of that country in a constant ferment of bloody strife. Sir Walter Scott, in his " Tales of a Grand father," says: "There had long existed a deadly feud on the western borders, be tween the two great families of the Max wells and Johnstons. The former house was the most wealthy and powerful family LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 639 in Dumfriesshire and its vicinity, and had great influence among the families inhabit ing the more level part of that country. The Johnstons on the other hand were neither equal to the Maxwells iu number nor in power, but were a race of uncom mon hardihood, much attached to their chieftain and to each other, and who re sided in the strong and mountainous dis trict of Annandale. It was between the houses of Johnston and Maxwell that the last great clan battle took place. It is known as the battle of Dryfe Sands, and was fought on the river Dryfe, near Loch- maben. The Maxwells had besieged the castle of Lockerby (or Locherby), the fort ress of a Johnston who was in arms with his chief. His wife defended the resi dence until the approach of the Johnston forces. From the superior skill of the Johnston chief the Maxwells were de feated, and on their retreat many of them were slain or mutilated on the streets of Lockerby. The chief Maxwell had been wounded by the Johnstons, and left upon the field of battle with one hand cut off. He had offered ' ten pound ten ' for the hand or head of the Laird of Johnston, and Johnston in return offered to bestow five-merk land upon any one who would bring him the hand or head of Maxwell. As a result Maxwell's hand was cut off; and when the Lady of Johnston came out of her castle to see how the battle had gone, she found Lord Maxwell on the field of battle, and knocked ont his brains with her castle keys. So badly were the Max wells cut up that a peculiar mark on the face was afterward known as ' Lockerby Lick.' " It was from this same Lockerby that Peter Johnston, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was descended. He was born in Scotland, in the town of Lockerby, Dumfriesshire, and came to America in 1773. Before leaving his Scottish home he received from the magistrates of the town of Lochmaben, in the same county, a credential paper, of which the following is a copy: " By the magistrates of the Burgh of Lochmaben. — The bearer hereof, Peter Johnston, in Lockerby in this neigh borhood, having applied to us and repre sented that, from the inducements given for going to America, he intended going there, and desired a certificate of his char acter, therefor we hereby attest that the said Peter Johnston and his family have Maintained a blameless character, and that he has honestly supported his family with out being a tronble to any one, all of which is attested by us upon proper infor mation. Given at Lochmaben, the Thir tieth day of May, One Thousand Seven Hundred and seventy-three years. [Signed] Will Haggan (Provost), W. M. Law (Baillie), John Dickson (Baillie)." In 1775 Peter Johnston was a lieutenant in the Continental army, and participated during the Revolution in the battle of Saratoga (or " Stillwater ") ; also was pres ent at Burgoyne's surrender. Steven Cleveland, maternal grand father of Charles W. Johnston, was a cap tain in the Continental army during the war of the Revolution, and in that rank participated in the battle of Saratoga under Gen. Gates; he also was present at the surrender of Gen. Burgoyne. He died at Bennington, Vt., aged lOl years. Thomas Johnston, father of the subject of these lines, was born in Saratoga, N. Y., August 30, 1777. He was a volunteer in the war of 1812, and fought at the bat tle of Plattsburg. In 1832 he came with his family to Ohio, making his first west ern home in Medina county, whence he moved to Lorain county, dying there July 22, 1858. He was a lifelong farmer, for many years a deacon in the Baptist Church, and prominent in public and social life. He married Susannah Cleve land, a native of Bennington, Vt., born October 2, 1781, and died in Lorain county, Ohio, July 19, 1873. They had twelve children, eleven of whom grew to maturity, our subject being the youngest but one. 640 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Charles W. Johnston was bora in Lee township, Oneida Co., N. Y., June 29, 1823, and received a liberal education at the public schools and in an academy. As above related the family came to Ohio in 1832, and here young Charles commenced the study of both medicine and law. In medicine he graduated from the Western Reserve College, and practiced the profes sion six years in Ashland and Lorain counties, but abandoned the field of Galen for that of Blackstone. In law he studied in the office of Sheldon & Vincent, Elyria (the former of whom — L. A. Sheldon — was afterward governor of New Mexico), and in 1859 was admitted to the bar at the Columbus, Ohio, supreme court. In. April, same year, he commenced the practice of law in Elyria in copartnership with Hon. P. Bliss, which continued till 1861, in which year Mr. Bliss removed to Nebraska, having been appointed judge of that Ter ritory. Mr. Johnston then entered into a partnership with Hon. Albert A. Bliss, brother of the judge just mentioned, but at tbe end of a year Mr. Bliss retired from the firm and left for Michigan. Our subject then continued in the exclusive practice of law, alone, enjoying a wide and lucrative clientage. In 1869 he was elected prose cuting attorney for Lorain county, and he then received Hon. George P. Metcalf as partner in his business. In 1871 he was again elected prosecuting attorney, posi tively declining to allow his name to be again brought before the convention, and his partner, Mr. Metcalf, was nominated in his stead. From that time on Mr. John ston continued practice alone until in 1881 he formed the present copartnership with his son-in-law, James H. Leonard. The business of the firm is general, but chiefly in civil practice, and they make a specialty of the investigation of land titles. Mr. Johnston's law business has not been confined to Lorain county alone, for he has practiced more or less in Erie and Huron counties, and at Cleveland before the United States court, and occasionally in the United States circuit and district courts. In 1849 Charles W. Johnston and Mary E, Fisher were united in marriage, and three children were born to them, viz.: Mary C, wife of J. H. Leonard; Martha L., wife of W. C. Barnhart, secretary and treasurer of the Elevated Railroad Company, Kansas City, Kans., and Carleton F., in the U. S. mail service from St. Louis to Omaha. In politics Mr. Johnston is a Republican, and a strong Union man, liberal of his means both during the Civil war, in assisting the cause, and ever since those dark days, in relieving the needy old soldiers, widows of soldiers, and their orphans. A great reader, keeping well abreast of the times, he is the possessor of a good library. T'HOMAS GAWN, leading capitalist of Lorain, and one of the most in fluential citizens of Lorain county, is a native of same, born December 25, 1829. His parents were natives of the Isle of Man, and coming to this country about the year 1822 settled in the northern part of Black River township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where they carried on farming with much success. The father died in 1868 at the age of seventy-seven years, the mother in 1881, when eighty- six years old. They had a family of seven children, of whom Mrs. Thomas Radcliff and our subject are the only surviving members. Thomas Gawn received such an educa tion as was provided in the pioneer schools of his boyhood in Lorain county, and was reared to the arduous duties of the farm. Apart from agricultural pursuits, which he followed for some time, he became in terested in the shipping business early in 1862, since when he has had heavy invest ments in lake vessels. He is a member of the Lorain Steamship Company, and has been one of the leading stockholders in some of the best steamships that sail the lakes, besides smaller vessels. LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 641 In 1854 Mr. Gawn was married to Miss Elmina Moore, and immediately thereafter settled on a farm whereon part of the town of Black River (Lorain) now stands. He has seen in his day both the slow and rapid growth of his section of the county, Lorain developing from a village to a thriving city, and was a man in business here long before the days of steam and electricity. He has been identified with the best financial institutions of Lorain from their inceptiou, and is a stockholder and one of the main supporters of the Lo rain Savings Bank. Politically he is a lifelong Republican. Il AMES DAY. The family from which k. I this venerable and honored pioneer \_JJ of Lorain county traces his descent was originally from Wales. The first of the family to come to Amer ica was Robert Day, who at the age of thirty years set sail from his native land, arriving in Boston in April, 1634. He was one of the first settlers of Hartford, Conn., and as such his name is found on the monument erected to their memory in that city. He married Editha Stebbins, of Hartford, to which union were born two sons, Thomas and John. Thomas, eldest son of Robert Day, removed to Springfield, Mass., and was the ancestor of the Spring field branch of the Day family. John re mained in Hartford and was the ancestor of the Hartford branch. Capt. William Day,grandson of Thomas, was the grandfather of the subject of this sketch. He was born in Spriugfield Oc tober 23, 1715; went to sea in his boy hood, and was for many years engaged in seafaring business. He was in the service during the French war, holding a commis sion under the British Government. His vessel was captured on one occasion, and he was carried a prisoner to France, where he was confined in prison two years. When he was released he begged to be al lowed the privilege of taking his old boots with him, which was granted, and why he was so desirous of having them with him was because the heels were filled with English guineas. For meritorious ser vice during the war in capturing four French frigates and bringing them into Plymouth harbor, Capt. Day was pre sented by the Admiralty of England with a large pain-ting by Copley, commemora tive of the event. " fie is represented standing on the deck of his ship, spyglass in hand, calmly viewing the scene with the conscious pride of a victorious hero swell ing his breast and lighting np his fea tures." When about fifty-five years old Capt. Day left the ocean, locating in Shef field, Mass., and married Rhoda Hubbell, of Litchfield, Conn., to which union were born four sons and a daughter. He died March 22, 1797. John Day, father of James Day, was born in Sheffield, Mas6., February 3, 1774, and was a lifelong farmer. When twenty years of age he married Lydia Austin, daughter of Joab Austin, of Sheffield. Her grandparents were among the first settlers of Sheffield, Mass., making their wedding journey on horseback from West- field, Mass., over the hills to their new home in tbe wilderness, the bride taking her bed on her horse with her. John Day was the father of twelve children, eleven of whom lived to manhood and womanhood, and nine of them to the age of threescore years and ten. James Day, the seventh child of this family, was born August 27, 1807, in the old home on Brush hill in Sheffield, Mass., and spent nine years of his life among the Berkshire bills. In January, 1815, his father and Jabez Burrell, also of Sheffield, purchased of Gen. William Hart, of Say brook, Conn., the township now known as Sheffield, Lorain Co., Ohio. In June of that year tbey explored the township, and in the summer of 1816 John Day removed his family to Ohio, arriving July 27, and locating at the center of Sheffield. He 642 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. died October 8, 1827, at the age of fifty- three; his widow died October 9, 1854, aged fourscore years. James Day attended the first school taught in Sheffield by Dr. Preston Pond, of Keene, N. H., in the winter of 1817- 18, and for a number of years afterward attended school iu the winter, but nat urally his education was more highly developed in the line of hunting and fishing, and the lore of the unbroken forest. While a mere boy he went many long journeys on horseback through the lonely forest trails to mill, carrying the grist tied to his saddle. There was a mill at the center of Ridgeville, and another on Beaver Creek in Black River township, in 1816, and later one in Elyria. Mr. Day looks back on the experiences of those early days as the happiest of his life. After his father's death he took charge of , the old farm for a number of years, and then settled on a farm of his own. Ten years of his active life, from 1845 to 1855, were spent in the lumber business in com pany with his brothers, William and Nor man, and William H. Root. Their mill on French creek was swept away by flood, and never rebuilt. In later life he has had ample leisure for reading and the en joyments of life. His life has always been identified with that of the Congregational Church at the Center of Sheffield, he having been a member since early manhood, and a constant attendant since it was first formed by Rev. Alvin Hyde, assisted by Rev. William Williams, May 1, 1818. This is the oldest Church in the county, and one ¦of the oldest in northern Ohio. In his political preferences Mr. Day was first a Whig, and since the formation of the party has been a stanch Republican, tak ing an active interest in politics. In June, 1876, in company with three others who came from Sheffield, Mass., as boys, in 1816, he revisited his native town to attend the one hundredth anniversary ¦of a town meeting held June 18, 1876, of which his grandfather, Capt. William Day, was moderator, at which the people of Sheffield pledged their lives and for tunes to support the Continental Con gress in any measures they might see fit to take toward declaring the independ ence of the Colonies. James Day married, at the age of twenty- eight, Ann Eliza Austin, a native of Shef field, Mass., born March 15, 1815, and to this union came eight children, five of whom are living. She died January 13, 1873, aged fifty-seven years. During a long life Mr. Day has enjoyed the respect and regard of a large circle of friends, many of whom have known him from boy hood, and have watched with him the won derful development of the Western Re serve; a development in which they have an active interest, since with it their whole lives have been identified. The Western Reserve may well be considered a monument to the early pioneers, whose industry, integrity and steadfast purpose have helped to make it what it is. T| V. SAMPSELL, M. D., one of the k. I most successful physicians of Lorain l^f) county, having his residence in Ely ria, is a native of Ohio, born in Ash land county, May 19, 1850, a son of Dr. J. B. F. and Catherine (Luther) Sampsell, both now deceased. The Sampsells in Ohio are descended from an old Maryland German family, who became early settlers of Columbiana county, Ohio. Dr. J. B. F. Sampsell has four brothers and eight cousins, all physi cians of repute, while our subject's mater nal grandfather was an M. D., in addition to wliich he has four cousins physicians, and one of his lady cousins is married to a member of the profession. Dr. J. V. Sampsell was reared in Ash land county, Ohio, receiving his elemen tary education at the common schools, and then took a course of study at Bethany, W. Va. After reading medicine for a LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 643 time with an uncle, our subject entered Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, at which institution, in the class of 1876- 77, he took tbe degree of M. D., and in the latter year he commenced the general practice of his profession at Elyria, where he has since built up an enviable busi ness, even yet on the increase, his ride tak ing him for many miles into the country, in addition to his city practice. Recently he took a post-graduate course at the New York Polyclinic. On June 17, 1880, Dr. Sampsell was u-nited in marriage with Miss Leonnetta Nichols, of Elyria, whose father was born in Ohio, the mother coming from Jeffer son county, N. Y. He is a member of the INational Board of Physicians and Sur geons, and is physician and surgeon for the Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling Railroad Co. He is a member of the F. & A. M., Blue Lodge and Chapter; in politics he is a stanch Democrat, and during the Cleve land administration he was president of the local board of pension examiners. |( |[ IRAM TILLOTSON, a leading, re- \^l presentative agriculturist of Hunt- I 41 ington township, is a native of y) same, born March 9, 1825, a son of Daniel Tillotson, who was bora January 5, 1794, on Wyalusing creek, Pennsylvania. Thomas Tillotson, father of Daniel, was a farmer and shoemaker, the old hammer he used in his work being still in the posses sion of his grandson, Hiram. In Henri etta township, Monroe Co., N. Y., Daniel married Lovisa Sage, born October 5, 1795, a daughter of Isaac and Polly (Rice) Sage, who became the second settlers of Huntington township, Lorain county, the first being the Labories. In June, 1818, Daniel Tillotson, with his wife and two chil dren — Chloe and Sally — came to Hunting ton township, they being the fourth family to arrive. Joseph Sage, a brother of Isaac Sage, already mentioned, owned a large tract of land in Huntington township, and from him Daniel Tillotson bought a few acres in the woods, where yet roamed the Indian and wild animals — deer, turkeys, bears and wolves being frequently seen. In the new home, a log house having been built, were born the rest of Daniel Tillot- son's children, namely: Enos S., who is said to have been the first white child born in the township, the date of his birth be ing December 18, 1818 (he died in Michi gan, December 5, 1872); Sophronia, now the widow of E. D. Calkins, living in Wellington; Alvin, born in Sullivan town ship, now of Olivet, Mich.; Hiram, subject of sketch; Lucetta, who married Hamilton Fisher, and died in Brighton; Jennette, who married John Halleck, and died in Rochester township, Lorain county; Hulda Ann, now Mrs. Henry Baird, of Welling ton ; Lucy E., who died at the age of seven years; Harriet C, also deceased at the age of seven years; and Elijah, who died on the home farm when seven years old. Of the two children bora in the East, as al ready recorded, Chloe married Joshua N. Colver, and died in Wisconsin; Sally was twice married, first to David Smith, after ward to Luther Mead, and she is now again a widow, her home being in Minnesota. Daniel Tillotson was in all respects a genuine pioneer. He had to take his axe in hand, and from the dense primeval forest literally hew out a home for him self and family. He was not only a man of muscle but one of superior natural abil ity and bright intellect. For twenty-one years he was a justice of the peace, and proved a jurist possessed of excellent judgment, his rulings being invariably sustained by higher courts, in cases of appeal. He was also an ordained minister in the Universalist Church, and as a farmer he met with more than ordinary success. On January 31, 1834, he came to the farm now owned and occupied by his son Hiram, and at that time lying in the 644 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. midst of a vast wilderness. This he went to work to clear, and to a considerable ex tent had succeeded in transforming it into a fertile spot when death summoned him from the midst of his labors. The last thirteen years of his life had been passed in the care of our subject and wife; and his widow for thirty years, during eighteen of which she was blind, had her home with her son, who with true filial devotion tenderly cared for her in her declining years, which even in her affliction were enjoyed by her, so pleasant was the treat ment she received at the hands of her son and daughter-in-law. She passed away February 1, 1875, and was laid to rest by the side of her husband in Huntington cemetery. Mr. Tillotson was reared a Democrat, but in after years became a Republican, remaining as such the rest of his life. Hiram Tillotson received his education at the subscription and district sahools of his time, and was reared to farm life amid all the rugged surroundings of a pioneer home. He remembers well that flour was twelve dollars per barrel, and could not be bought nearer than Wooster, Ohio; johnny-cakes were the chief article of food in his boyhood days, and he made many a meal of them, washed down with plenty of fresh milk. At the age of fifteen he left school, and has since assiduously ap plied himself to agricultural pursuits. On September 29, 1847, Mr. Tillotson was married to Miss Solina Fisher, who was bora March 13, 1830, in Jefferson county, N. Y., a daughter of Eleazer and Polly (Davis) Fisher, who came to Ohio in the spring of 1836, locating in Brigh ton township, Lorain county. After mar riage, owing to the declining health of his parents, our subject removed with his bride to the old homestead, where he yet lives, the dwelling being the third one built on the premises, and practically- on the same site as the first one. The chil dren born to Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Tillot son were as follows: Harriet A., now Mrs. D. W. Cole, of Huntingtou township; Caroline L., now Mrs. M. R. Sage, of Huntington; Myra L., now Mrs. Lewis Labarie, of Huntington; Rosella, deceased when twelve and a half years old; and Ina and Elvira, both deceased in infancy. Mr. Tillotson has now 356 acres of prime land, and in addition to general farming has been an extensive dealer in and shipper of live stock. He has lost in cash over four thousand dollars by befriending others in the way of endorsements. In his political affiliations he was a Democrat until Lin coln's time, when he enrolled himself under the Republican banner, and has ever since remained loyal to the cause. He and his amiable and kind-kearted wife are ex emplary members of the Universalist Church. AMES MONROE of Oberlin was yborn at Plainfield, Windham Co., Conn., July 18, 1821. He received his early education in the common school, at Plainfield Academy, and, after ward, under the private instructions of Mr. John Witter, a highly esteemed teacher of Plainfield. Before reaching the age of twenty, he was engaged, for several years, in teach ing in the public schools of Windham county. From October, 1841, until Feb ruary, 1844, he was employed as agent of the American Antislavery Society and other organizations of similar object, Bpeaking and laboring earnestly for the antislavery cause. He thus became ac quainted with many of the early Abolition ists. In the spring of 1844, feeling the need of more thorough classical training, he went to Oberlin College, from which he graduated in 1846. For the three fol lowing years he pursued and completed a course of theological study in that institu tion. After having served for several years as tutor, he was elected, in 1849, to the Chair of Rhetoric and Belles Lettres in Oberlin College, a place which he filled *S?/l***-£1H*,>-i;,'f,.\ I. 1 IftJuA^o M^tnA^/t LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 687 were not only attractive in appearance, but also of the most substantial kind, and dur able, Mr. Woodworth's maxim, in all his undertakings, being: " That which is worth doing at all is worth doing well." Having now succeeded in getting the new home in good order, and in comfort able condition, Mr. Woodworth embarked extensively in the live-stock business, which in time grew to such proportions with him that there was no room left for any competitor in that line in northern Ohio. Most of his stock was driven to Brighton, Mass., where the animals were sold, the round trip occupying in the neigh borhood of forty days. In his live-stock ventures Mr. Woodworth was remarkably successful, nor could they be otherwise when under his immediate control, and his extensive trade gave employment to a small army of help, scattered, in their various lines of duty, all over northern Ohio. After a residence of thirty years in Rochester township, the old homestead was sold, and Mr. and Mrs. Woodworth came into Wellington township, he haviug purchased a fertile farm, said to be. the " premium farm " of Lorain county, which is now part of the town site of Wellington. From here after a three years' residence they moved into a hotel in the town of Wellington — now known as the " Ameri can House " — which Mr. Woodworth had bought, and was conducted by him, up to, his death; the property is still owned by Mrs. Woodworth. He passed from earth October 10, 1873. Iu his political pre dilections he was a Republican, and while in Rochester he served as postmaster some six years. Mrs. Woodworth, though past the eightieth mile post on the highway of life, is still vigorous, both mentally and physi cally. She is residing in her pleasant home on Maygar street in the town of Welling ton, and she worships at the Congrega tional Church. The record of her chil dren, in brief, is as follows: Roxania 37 (deceased) was the wife of John Braman, now a resident of Cleveland, Ohio; Rosenia is the widow of David L. Wads worth, and resides in Wellington, Ohio; Warren A. is in West Virginia; Roenia is the wife of F. M. Sheldon, of Hornells- ville, N. Y.; Rosetta is the wife of Stanley Wilcox, of Plattsburg, Missouri. E. BROOKS,, vice-president and manager of the Topliff & Ely Company, manufacturers of spe cial carriage hardware, Elyria, is a native of Lorain county, Ohio, born in Avon, August 13, 1846. His parents were James E. and Eliza (Sweet) Brooks, both natives of Vermont, and early settlers of Lorain county. The father died June 5, 1874; the mother January 5, 1894. Our subject received a liberal education in the common schools of his native place, and from early youth was brought up in the general hardware business, in which he was engaged. In 1870, he removed to Elyria, and became interested in the agri cultural implement business until 1888, in which year he, sold out and became as sociated with the Topliff & Ely Company, which was founded in 1866 by G. H. Ely and J. A. Topliff, and incorporated in 1888. They began by making hubs and spokes, but in 1874, abandoning that line, they embarked in the manufacture of tubular bow sockets, for carriage bows, which industry has grown to euormous proportions, they being tbe only manu facturers of this patent in the world for many years. They ship not only to all parts of the United States, but also to Europe, South America and Australia. In the manufacture of bow sockets alone, there are employed in the building about one hundred hands who turn out from 125,000 to 150,000 sets per annum. On August 8, 1877, Mr. Brooks was united in marriage with Miss Fannie Top- LORAIN COUNTY OHIO liff, daughter of John A. and Caroline (Beers) Topliff, the former a native of Massachusetts, the latter of Connecticut, and both now living in Elyria. To this union were born three children, as follows: Harold T. (who died January 27, 1893), Margaretta E. and John P. The mother of these died December 4, 1893. Mr. Brooks is a member of the F. & A. M., K, of P. and Royal Arcanum. DANIEL T, BUSH, a wealthy re tired farmer and a citizen of Well- ' ington, was born in Plymouth, N. Y., August 28, 1814. He is the son of Benjamin T. Bush and Elizabeth (Burst) Bush, and a grandson of Henry T. Bush. The father of subject was born in Al bany county, N. Y., in which State he married Elizabeth Burst, a native of Dutchess county, N. Y. In 1834 the family came to Ohio, the journey being made by wagon from Canandaigua, N. Y., to Rochester; by canal to Buffalo; Lake Erie to Cleveland, Ohio; and from there by wagon to Huntington township, Lorain county, where they settled on a farm of fifty acres covered with dense woods. The mother died in Rochester, Ohio, August 29, 1844, aged seventy years, seven months, and two days. The father died near Lan sing, Mich., August 28, 1855, aged Feventy-nine years and eight months. They were both members of the M. E. Church, and in politics he was a Demo crat. Children were born to this pioneer couple as follows: John T. ; Joseph T.; Martin T.; Nancy T.; Eliza T. ; Daniel T. (subject of this sketch); and Amy T. ; all were born in the State of New York, and all but Martin T. died in Michigan. Martin T. went south about the year 1825 or 1826, and has not been heard from since. The grand father of subject served in the war of the Revolution, was taken prisoner by the British and conveyed to Canada, where he died of smallpox; his two eldest sons served during the . Revolutionary war against foreign invasion, the younger entering the service of the Colonies at the age of fourteen years, and serving during the entire war. The rest of the family en countered great hardships being driven from their home in Cherry Valley, and becoming eyewitnesses to the destruction of all their property. D. T. Bush received his education in the little red schoolhouse on Baptist Hill in Bristol, Ontario Co., N. Y. On February 25, 1838, he married Sophia Clark, and settled on a farm in the woods one mile south of his father's farm, where he had to literally hew out what is now oneof the finest farms in Huntington township, which in 1871 contained 205^ acres, hav ing thereon a large and comfortable dwell ing and commodious outbuildings. This farm was purchased in different parcels, covered by seven deeds, and here the fol lowing nine children were born to them: Almond D. (died in infancy), Melissa J., George C, Martin L., Mary A., Edwin D., Charles A., John O., and Henry W. (died September 12, 1879, aged twenty-three years). Selling the farm in 1871, Mr. Bush moved to Wellington, Ohio, where he now resides in his eightieth year, en joying the respect and esteem of his fel low citizens, and a loving and grateful posterity. F. LEE, the widely-known and popular photographer, of Elyria, was' bora in the town of Vernon, Conn., August 26, 1843, a son of George and Ida Harris (Skillman) Lee. Georgo Lee was also a native of Con necticut, born in tbe town of Vernon, in 1806. He was reared to the woolen manu facturing business, working from bis earliest boyhood in what is known as the Frank Woolen Mills. His business ability was marked by the fact that in subsequent LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 689 years he succeeded to the management of these mills, and became the principal stockholder and proprietor of same. In about the year 1853 a disastrous fire de stroyed the plant, and, financially, Mr. Lee was" almost ruined. Concluding, in the hope of recuperating his fortunes, to come west, he set out with sanguine expecta tions, first locating at Utica, N. Y., where he was superintendent of the Globe Woolen Mills for about two years. He then made a trip still farther west, visit ing different points in Illinois and else where, but not finding satisfactory induce ments to remain, returned eastward to Ohio, and made a settlement in Norwalk, remaining there until 1863. Removing in that year to Cleveland, he there engaged in the oil-refining business, and Fortune once more smiled on his enterprise and in defatigable industry. But again he was doomed to become a victim of the devour ing element, the ravages of fire once more confronting him on his onward march to wealth, his oil mills being burned to the ground in 1870, whereby all he had a second time acquired was almost utterly destroyed. This second disaster was suf ficient to crush the ambition of most men, aiid Mr. Lee, finding himself too far ad vanced in years to commence life anew the third time, gathered together what he could from the ruins of his estate, and retired to Berlin Heights, in Erie county, where he passed the rest of his days in peaceful retirement, dying in 1874 at the age of sixty-eight years. Mr. Lee was a lifelong practical Christian, and a deacon in the Congregational Church. In his political sympathies he, in earlier years, was an Old-line Henry Clay Whig, and in later life affiliated with the Repub lican party. Ida H. Lee, the mother of our subject, was born at Riverhead, Long Island, N. Y., in July, 1812; in 1830 was married to George Lee; on September 7, 1893, died in Elyria, Ohio, at the residence of her son, C. F. Lee, where for some years she had made her home. She was a descend ant of one Fanning, a native of Ireland, who had settled in Long Island in an early day. To George and Ida H. (Skillman) Lee were born six children, of whom the subject 'of this sketch is the sole survivor. C. F. Lee received his education chiefly at the old seminary at Norwalk, Ohio. In 1864 he joined the Federal army, enlisting in Company B, One Hundred and Sixty- sixth Regiment, 0. V. I., at Norwalk, Ohio. This regiment belonged to what was known as the "one hundred days service," and was sent to the defense of Washington, D. C. At the close of his term of enlistment Mr, Lee returned home and took up his residence in Cleveland, Ohio, where he learned the art of photo graphy with J. F. Ryder, and was in his employ most of the time until 1876. In that year he established himself in his present business in Elyria, where he has since successfully conducted the leading. photographic establishment of the city. In 1868 Mr. Lee was married to Miss Ella Louise Morehouse, and three children have been born to them, viz.: George E., Ida V. and Nellie M. Politically, our subject is a Republican; socially, he is past master of King Solomon's Lodge, F. & A. M., Elyria, Ohio, and a member of Marshall Chapter No. 47, R. A. M. EV. JOHN KEEP was born in Long Meadow, Mass., in 1781, graduated at Yale in 1802, was pastor in Blandford, Mass., and in Homer, N. Y., from 1805 till 1833, when he came to Cleveland and became pastor of a new church on the West Side. While he was at Homer he had been a trustee of Hamilton College and of Au burn Theological Seminary, and was natur ally interested in any educational enter prise in the neighborhood. In 1834 he was elected a trustee at Oberlin, and held the position until his death in 1870. By 690 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. reason of his years and experience he was made president of the Board, and had the responsibility of the casting vote on the question of receiving colored students, in 1835. From that day he took Oberlin on bis heart, and never laid it off unless when he laid off the earthly life. His last words pertained to a letter he had planned to write in the interest of the college. He traversed the land to gather means to sus tain it, and crossed the ocean to save it in a crisis. In 1850, then seventy years of age, he removed to Oberlin, and from that time his home was here. At every meet ing of the trustees he was present, and encouraged all by his hope and his faith. When others were depressed he sustained and bore them on by his cheerful courage, and thus he held on to the end of his days. When more than fourscore years old he would often come out at evening, with his lantern, to find some one burdened with responsibility and care, and cheer him up with a word of encouragement. His sleep was sweeter after such a service. He died in his eighty-ninth year, not from disease, but because life was completed. [Taken from "Oberlin: The Colony and The Col lege," by the kind permission of the author, Prof. James H. Fairchild. tl EV. HENRY" COWLES was called to the professorship of languages V at Oberlin, upon the resignation of Mr. Waldo, and came in Septem ber, 1835- He was bprn in Nor folk, Conn., in 1803, and was, thirty-two years of age when he came. He had graduated at Ya'e, and taken his theological course there. fie completed the course in 1828, was ordained at Hart ford the same year, and came at once to northern Ohio under appointment from the Connecticut Home Missionary Society. He preached in Ashtabula and Sandusky, and after two years, having received a call from the church in Austinburg, he re turned to his home in Connecticut, was married, and commenced his work in Aus tinburg. From a most successful pastorate of five years he came to Oberlin, and found himself in lull sympathy with all the leading objects and aims of the work; and from the first day until the day of his death — a period of forty-six years — he gave himself, without reserve, to these ob jects. There seemed to be no thought of himself or his personal interests; no anx iety in reference to position. His heart was in the work, and all he asked was a place to lay out his strength. In 1838 he took the chair of Church History in the seminary, and of Hebrew and Old Testa ment Literature in 1840. In 1848, in consequence of straitened means on the part of the college, and the necessity of reducing expenses, he resigned his work in the seminary, and took the editorship of the Oberlin Evangelist, a work which he had shared with others for some years preceding. From this time until the close of 1862 he gave his thought and heart to the Evangelist, and made it greatly what it was, a treasury of religious thought and experience, and of practical life. The twenty-four volumes of the Oberlin Evangelist, with which Professor Cowles had more to do than any other man, give a better exhibition of Oberlin thought and character and work during those years than any definite attempt to set them forth can possibly do. When the Evangelist was closed up Professor Cowles was about sixty years of age, and he might naturally feel that the chief work of his life was done; and it would have been a satisfactory work. But the habit of communicating his thoughts to others by writing was strong upon him, and by what seemed a divine leading he entered upon tbe work of writing com mentaries upou the Scriptures. He com menced with the parts of the Old Testament to which he had given more particular attention as an instructor, and went on, year after year, adding volume LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 691 to volume, devoting to it all his energies and all his resources, through a period of seventeen years. In 1881 he issued the last volume, and then felt that the Lord permitted him to depart in peace. His work was done; the result remains with us — a commentary on the entire Scrip tures, full of practical wisdom and the ripe fruits of scholarship. He died in Septem ber of the same year. The interests of the college through all these years filled his heart and hands. He was a member of the "Prudential Committee" and a trustee, in constant attendance upon these duties, and often went out upon financial missions in behalf of the college. His last public duty was to attend the meeting of the trustees in 1881. [Taken from "Oberlin: The Colony and The College," by the kind permission of the author, Prof. James IT. Fairchild. j) EY. ASA MAHAN reached Ober lin in May, 1835, having been elected to the presidency of the col lege, aud entered directly upon his duties. He was then thirty-six years of age, a native of Western New York, educated at Hamilton College and Andover Seminary. He came from the charge of the Sixth Presbyterian Church of Cincinnati, and his earnest and vigorous preaching made at once a strong impression upon the peo ple of Oberlin. He was a bold and ag gressive advocate of all the Oberlin ideas and doctrines, and was always ready, at home or abroad, to give a reason for the faith that was in him with earnestness and full conviction. He was an enthusiastic teacher in his own department, that of philosophy, and gave an impulse to the study at Oberlin which it has never lost. His administration of the college was, in general, successful, and he gave his heart and strength to its prosperity without any reservation. An infelicity which often attends great strength of purpose and of character was sometimes suspected in him, namely, a greater facility in conviction than in conciliation. While he had many ardent friends, there would be another class who were as distinctly not his friends. Some of his colleagues felt at times that his strong aggressiveness awakened unnecessary hostility against the college; and in 1850, some of his friends having planned a new university at Cleve land, and invited him to take the direction of it, he resigned at Oberlin, having held the presidency of the college fifteen years. With President Mahan, Oberlin lost some what of its positiveness and aggressiveness. The enterprise at Cleveland was not a success, and Mr. Mahan was called to a professorship in Adrian College, Mich., and at length to the presidency of the college. The last ten years he has spent in England, in abundant labors in the special work of promoting the "higher" Christian experience, and now [1883], at the age of eighty-three, he is preaching to large congregations, editing a magazine called Divine Life, and issuing one vol ume after another, such as " The Baptism of The Holy Ghost," " Out of Darkness into Light," and " Autobiography, Intel lectual, Moral and Spiritual." While at Oberlin he published works on " The Will," "Intellectual Philosophy," and " Moral Philosophy." Other works, since published, are on Logic, Spiritualism, Natural Theology, and a Criticism of the Conduct of the War. [Taken from "Ober lin: The Colony and The College," by the kind permission of the author, Prof. James H. Fairchild. EY. CHARLES G. FINNEY" came in June, 1835, about a month after Mr. Mahan. He was then nearly forty-two years of age, with health somewhat broken by the exhaust ing evangelistic labors of the preceding ten years. 692 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. He found a theological department of thirty-five students, and entered at once upon his work, as professor of systematic theology. His habit was to preach once on the Sabbath, not often twice, and the year following he was called to the pastor ship of the church. For many years he gave the long winter vacation to preaching as an evangelist, for the most part with some church at the East. In 1849 he went to England, and spent a year and a half in similar labors in London and other cities of England and Scotland. Ten years later he went again in the same work for about the same length of time. In 1851 he was elected President of the college, and held the position until 1865, with the arrange ment that he was not to give attention to the details of the position, but only to the more public duties. His work as an in structor was notchanged except that he took the Senior college class for some years in moral philosophy. In 1865 be resigned the presidency, being then seventy-three years of age. He had already, in 1858, sur rendered the work in systematic theology, retaining the pastoral theology and his work as a pastor. In 1872 he laid down tbe pastoral work, but continued his pas toral lectures until the year of his death, 1875, having completed, lacking a few days, his eighty-third year. No brief mention can characterize him or set forth his work; nor is it necessary. He belongs to the world, and not to Oberlin alone. His " Sermons on Important Subjects" and "'Revival Lectures" were published before his coming to Oberlin. His "Lectures to Christians" appeared a year or more after ward, and his two volumes on "Systematic Theology" in 1846 and 1847. These were numbered as volumes second and third, his purpose being to prepare a volume on " Natural Theology " to precede them. This volume was never written. While he was in England in 1850, he prepared and pub lished an edition of • his Theology in one volume, involving the substance of the two preceding volumes. His latest works were a volume on " Masonry," published in 1869, and his "Memoirs," written by him self, and published after his death. Upon the publication of his Theology very diverse opinions were expressed in regard to it, according to the standpoint. Rev. Wm. II. Burleigh closed a notice of the work in the Charter Oak, Hartford, Conn., 1846, with the following paragraph: "We will venture the prediction tbat fifty years hence this volume will rank among the standard works on theology, and the name of Finney be mentioned with those of Edwards, Dwight and Emmons. Sooner than that we fear he will not be generally appreciated. The time will come when Finney will have justice done to his exalted talents, and when the host of his revilers — men not possessing, in the aggregate, half his mental grasp — will be lost in oblivion unless he should preserve their names from utter extinction by an inci dental allusion in his works." Dr. Charles Hodge, in the Biblical Re pository, 1847, wrote as follows: "The work is, therefore, in a high degree logical. It is as hard to read as Euclid. Nothing can be omitted; nothing passed over slightly. The unhappy reader once com mitted to a perusal, is obliged to go on, sentence by sentence, through the long concatenation. There is not one resting- place, not one lapse into amplification or declamation, from the beginning to the close. It is like one of those spiral stair cases, wliich lead to the top of some high tower, without a landing from the base to the summit; wliich, if a man has once ascended, he resolves never to do the like again. The author begins with certain postulates, or what he calls first truths of reason, and these he traces out with singu lar clearness and strength to their legiti mate conclusions. We do not see that there is a break or a defective link in the whole chain. If you grant his principles, you have already granted his conclusions. .... We propose to rely on the reductio ad absurdum, and make his doctrines the LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 693 refutation of his principles .... We con sider this a fair refutation. If the prin ciple that obligation is limited by ability, leads to the conclusion that moral character is confined to intention, and that again to the conclusion that when the in tention is right nothing can be morally wrong, then the principle is false. Even if we could not detect its fallacy, we should know it could not be true." Dr. George Redford, of Worcester, England, in the preface to the London edition, which h© edited, 1851, writes: " As a contribution to theological science, in an age when vague speculation and philosophical theories are bewildering all denominations of Christians, this work will be considered by all competent judges to be both valuable and seasonable. Upon several important and difficult subjects the author has thrown a clear and valuable light which will guide many a student through perplexities and difficulties which he had long sought unsuccessfully to ex plain. The editor frankly confesses that when a student he would gladly have bartered half the books in his library to have gained a single perusal of these lec tures; and he cannot refrain from express ing the belief that no young student of theology will ever regret the purchase or perusal of Mr. Finney's lectures." [Taken from "Oberlin: The Colony and The Col lege," by the kind permission of the author, Prof. James H. Fairchild. JACOB B ARTH, a representative self- made and progressive agriculturist of Grafton township, is a native of Ger many, born November 7, 1826, in Wittenberg. His father, John Jacob Barth, was a peddler and huckster, and also owned a small piece of land, which his wife and family of ten children looked after. When our subject was ten years of age his parents hired him out as a shepherd boy, he receiving in compensation a few clothes and his board for a summer's work. In the winter season he attended school a short time, but home labor required his attention so much that but little time was left for his education. Up to his fifteenth year he had been working round at various places, and at different kinds of work, get ting but small wages. At the age of fif teen he commenced to learn shoemaking, his three-years apprenticeship costing him a premium of some twenty-five dollars, after which he followed his trade as a journeyman for the equivalent of one dollar per week. He also found employ ment on the public highways then being repaired, receiving therefor twenty cents per day, out of which he had to board himself. After he had passed his twenty- first birthday he joined the regular army, in which he served nearly six years. While yet in Germany he married Ro sina Merika, who bore him one child, Jacob L., in the Fatherland. In 1853, leaving his little family behind, he set sail for America, and after a three- mon ths' voyage landed at New York, whence he continued westward to Liverpool, Medina Co., Ohio, where he found himself, a stranger in a strange land, with a capital of just two cents. However, he soon found employment in Liverpool at his trade at five dollars per month, after which he worked in Litchfield, same county, two years. By his employers, who had con fidence in him, he was trusted, and being honest and industrious he never lost their confidence. Having saved some money he sent for his wife and son Jacob (now fore man of the Grafton Stone Sawmill) to come out to him, which they did, arriving in due course at Litchfield, from which place they shortly afterward removed to' York, same State, where for nine years he followed his trade. At the end of that time they went to Abbeyville, Medina county, where Mr. Barth bought a farm of sixty-two acres, running in debt to the amount of three hundred dollars, on which he paid six per cent, interest. For three 694 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. years they lived here, and then in 1866 came to the place he now owns and lives on, in Grafton township, Lorain county, running in debt two thousand dollars, on which he paid ten per cent, interest. With the assistance of his sons he has cultivated and improved this property, which con sists of eighty-four and a half acres (all paid for), equipped with good buildings, in the aggregate presenting the result of indefatigable perseverance, honesty of pur pose, energy and economy, and accumu lated from the commencement of the two cents he had when he landed in Ohio. In this country ten children were born to him, as follows: Henry F., of Cleve land, where he is a skilled mechanic in the Steel Works, making steel; Frederick, a molder, in Rochester. N. Y.; John J., Jr., a farmer in Rochester, N. Y. ; Mary O, Mrs. Andrew Hartung, of Chicago, 111.; Martha L., Mrs. J. A. Weaver, of Cleve land, Ohio; Catherine L., Mrs. Fred Kel ler, of Liverpool, Ohio; William A., of Belden, Ohio, an engineer; George M., of Cleveland, an iron-worker; Joseph H, a farmer, living at home with his father; and Charles A., a carpenter by trade, liv ing at Cleveland. Politically Mr. Barth is a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Lutheran Church at Liver pool, Ohio. FREDRICK B. MANLEY. No greater pleasure can be enjoyed by the aged than to look back on a life usefully spent for the good of others as well as themselves — a happi ness that can be enjoyed in an eminent degree by the gentleman whose name here appears. Mr. Manley is a native of Berkshire county, Mass., bora in the town of Otis March 10, 1817. He is the eldest son of Josiah B. and Betsey (Webster) Manley, also of the Bay State, who came to Ohio in 1821, the journey occupying forty days and forty nights. The father located land in Wellington township, Lorain county, and immediately entered upon the labors of "rolling up a log cabin, " and opening up a new farm in the " forest primeval, " at which and similar work he was actively and successfully engaged until his death, which occurred August 22, 1824. Of the noble army of pioneers he was the first to pass away in Wellington township, and he is remembered as a devoted husband, a kind and indulgent father and a true friend. While his remains were being consigned to their last resting place, marks of respect and esteem were abundantly shown by warm-hearted, sorrowing friends. His widow taught school for three succes sive seasons in her log house, and two terms in a district schoolhouse. She died at the home of her son, Fredrick B., at the advanced age of eighty-three years. The subject proper of this sketch was, as will be seen, about four years old when his parents brought him to Lorain county, and he was reared among the many privations of pioneer life. In Wellington township he attended the first school taught there, continuing his attendance thereat, both summer and winter, until he was thirteen years old, after which he availed himself of the winter term only, later enjoying the benefit of excellent select schools. He has followed farming for the most part all his life, and is well-trained in the calling of the agriculturist, occasionally engaging, sometimes quite extensively, in the busi ness of speculation in live stock. The three-hundred-acre farm, which by careful thrift and assidnons labor he has brought to an excellent state of cultivation ; the com modious dwelling and ample and comfort able outbuildings — all combine to attest to the characteristic skill and sound judg ment of the owner. And a true description of the spot would be incomplete, were a notable and far-famed attraction left un noticed — the grand old elm — widely known as "Manley's famous elm" — that graces the lawn, spared by the pioneer axe-man LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 697 on account of its majestic appearance, its height from root to topmost limb being at least a hundred feet. "Woodman spare that tree, Cut not a single bough ; It used to shelter me, And I'll protect it now." On the 10th day of March, 1847, Fred rick B. Manley was united in marriage with Miss Mary L., eldest daughter of Major Judson and Lucinda Wadsworth, of Wellington. By this union there is one son, Henry W., married, and the father of one child — Floyd DeWitt. Mrs. F. B. Manley died March 25, 1883, aged fifty- nine years. Our subject in his political views is a sound Republican, his first vote having been cast for Gen. W. H. Harrison. He served his township as constable, one term, and assessor eight consecutive years. Soci ally, he has been president of the Union Agricultural Society by seven successive reflections, faithfully and acceptably dis charging the duties imposed. During the war of the Rebellion, he was enrolling officer, receiving the compliments of the managing board for his carefully prepared and neatly-written enrollment paper, and he was in a marked degree energetic in securing men to put down the Rebellion. Mr. Manley is one of the oldest pioneer settlers in Wellington township, none now living antedating his arrival. During his long residence of over seventy-two years in the county, he has ever sustained a repu tation for integrity and good citizenship, alike creditable to his judgment and char acter. As one of the men who in an early day took part in subduing the wilderness, transplanting in its place the fine farms and beautiful homes that the present gen eration enjoy in comparative ease, Mr. Manley is well worthy of being memorized in the biographical record of Lorain county. Now at the honored age of seventy- seven years, well preserved, of a command ing presence, possessed of a vigorous mind, good practical business sagacity, and a reliable memory as to early events, he is deeply grateful that Time has dealt gently with him. Ofttimes he ruminates upon the changes that have taken place, in his midst, since the days of the stick chimney and puncheon floor, and the twang of the thread as the good mother faithfully plied her needle, by the dim light of a tallow candle, to "keep the wolf from the door." Anon! When the "hamlet is still," recalling in a retrospect the marvel ous work of the first settlers of Welling ton, their memory and the goodly heritage abideth. HARLES E. TUCKER, a member of the enterprising firm of Hart & J) Tucker, proprietors of lumber yard, planiug-mill and coal yard, Elyria, is a native of Lorain county, Ohio, bora in Carlisle township, February 11, 1860, a son of William H. and Clarissa (An drews) Tucker, the latter of whom died in Elyria January 20, 1870. William H.Tucker was born Marcii 21, 1826, in Windham, Portage Co., Ohio, the youngest son of Jacob and Chloe Tucker. In boyhood he came with his parents to Lorain county, and the family made a set tlement in the woods of what is now Eaton township. He received as. liberal an ele mentary education as the home schools of the times afforded, and by hard work and judicious saving was enabled afterward to place himself in a select school at Ridge ville, Ohio. He then commenced teach ing, an occupation be followed the long period of twenty-two years in various parts of Ohio. In 1864 he was elected recorder of Lorain county, a position he filled, by two re-elections, for nine consecutive years. In the meantime he had been mak ing a study of law, and on retiring from the recordership was admitted to the bar at a sitting of the district court at Cleve land, Ohio. In 1864 he came to Elyria, where he is yet residing. Mr. Tucker was LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. prominent in the organization, in his adopted town, of the Royal Arcanum and of the Knights of Honor, and has filled the highest positions in both these Socie ties in the State of Ohio. Charles E. Tucker received his primary education in the common schools, and afterward attended the high school of Ely ria. In 1882 he entered the employ of John W. Hart, in the lumber and planing- mill business, and by faithful attention to his duties, steadiness and trustworthiness, soon won the confidence and goedwill of his employer. In 1892 he and L. J. Hart, son of John W. Hart, purchased the entire plant from the latter, and, by close appli cation to business and honorable dealing, tbe young firm have succeeded in building up a large and lucrative trade, in which thev enjoy the utmost confidence of their patrons. Mr. Tucker was married, September 20, 1882, to Miss Hatty E. Hart, daughter of John W. and Caroline O. Hart. In poli tics he is a Republican, and he is a mem ber of the Royal Arcanum and the F. & A. M. and Chapter. Young, energetic and thoroughly experienced, our subject is specially well adapted to his branch of the business — attending to the sales of lumber, coal, etc., and the outside business. FEV. JOHN MORGAN arrived at Oberlin, in company with Mr. Fin ney, in 1835. He was then thirty- two years of age, a native of Ire land, having been brought to this country at the age of ten, trained as a printer in eastern cities, prepared for col lege at Stockbridge, Mass., and graduated at Williams, as valedictorian, in 1826. He had taken no seminary course, but studied theology some years in New York. He was an instructor in the literary or pre paratory department of Lane Seminary, at the time of the anti-slavery excitement there, and was in entire sympathy with the students in their withdrawal. His first appointment to Oberlin was as professor of mathematics, but the call which he ac cepted was to the chair of the literature and exegesis of the New Testament. This work he entered upon at once, but his broad and thorough scholarship enabled him to fill many a gap, upon emergency, in the new college. There was not a study in the entire curriculum in which he could not give instruction, at an hour's warning, as successfully as if it were his own specialty. But the New Testament was his chosen field, and for this field his linguistic, historical and philosophical gifts and attainments abundantly qualified him. He was no mere mechanical or technical interpreter, but reached at once the soul of the matter, where language and philosophy both harmonize. The iufluence of Professor Morgan in the enterprise was conservative in the best sense, not by reason of any inertia or im mobility of nature. His enthusiasm, in any well-considered movement, was always prompt, but his breadth of nature and thought and knowledge gave him a view of all sides of every question, and he could not hold an extreme position, or enjoy any extreme action. He could patiently tolerate the extravagances of others, because of his kindliness and his hopefulness. Probably no one among the many instructors who have been at Ober lin has held a larger place in the hearts of all. For many years he was associated with Mr. Finney in the pastorship of the church, preaching once on the Sabbath, and more in Mr. Finney's absence or ill health. At the age of seventy-eight he retired entirely from his work, and since that time has been residing with a son and a daughter in Cleveland. By all right he belongs to Oberlin, and the benediction of his presence in these latest years ought to rest upon us. He expended his interest and his labor upon his classes, and rarely felt that he was ready to commit his thoughts to writing. Thus far he has LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 699 given us no books. A few valuable essays are all that we have from him in this form. The " Baptism of the Holy Spirit " and " Acceptable Holiness " were published in the Oberlin Review, and an article on the " Atonement," in two parts, can be found in the Bibliotheca Sacra for 1877-8. [Taken from "Oberlin: The Colony and The College," by the kind permission of the author, Prof. James H. Fairchild. FREDERICK A. ROWLEY. In the front rank of the galaxy of news paper men in Lorain county stands this gentleman, thoroughly repre senting in propria persona, the hustling, enterprising and wide-awake typical Amer ican journalist. By birth he is a Hoosier, having first opened his eyes to the light of day in Steuben county, Ind., April 17, 1860. His father, Martin V. Rowley, was born in Cuyahoga county, Ohio, in 1836, and is now a prominent real-estate dealer of Oberlin, Lorain county. He was married to Miss Lydia Clarke, a native of Cale donia county, Vt., also still living, and they had five children, as follows: Lillian, who died in youth; Willis A., who has a responsible position with the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company at Coshocton, Ohio; Frederick A,, the subject of this sketch; Mary E., deceased when eighteen years old; and Kate M., attending Oberlin College, Ohio. Enos Rowley, paternal grandfather of our subject, was born in Montgomery county, N. Y., of English ancestry, and the Clarke family also date back to England. Frederick A. Rowley, whose name in troduces this sketch, received his educa tion at the public schools of Huron county, Ohio, and at the age of seventeen precipitated himself into the arena of journalism in the Arcadian role of " devil " for the Times, in Carey, Wyandot Co., Ohio, where he served his apprenticeship. From there he proceeded to Oberlin, in tending to take a regular course in college, but after a short time turned his back — • literally, not figuratively — upon the col lege, with his face and footsteps toward the town of Lorain. Here he again took up newspaper work, ultimately establish ing the Lorain Times, which, after con ducting it successfully some six years, he sold out. He then sought employment in western cities, securing positions on lead ing newspapers, finally halting at Kansas City, Mo., where he found employment on the local staff of the Times. While in that city he was elected assistant secretary of the Inter-State Fair Association, in which capacity he served during the fall of 1877. In that year he returned to Ohio, and was engaged for a time as court reporter on the Cleveland Press, and later he launched into the world, for weal or for woe, the Herald, at Lorain. After a year the Herald became a semi-weekly paper, and is a bright and spicy sheet, clean both in type and in matter, newsy, trenchant and vigorous, and like its publisher and editor, uncompromisingly Republican. OBERT MERRIAM, the most ex tensive farmer and landowner in Pittsfield township, is a native of same, bora January 7, 1840. His father, William A. Merriam, was born April '5, 1811, in Pittsfield township, Berkshire Co., Mass., and was reared to farm life, receiving in his youth a common-. school education. In 1836 William A. Merriam married Miss Lucy H. Fairfield, a native of the same place, and in the following spring (1837) the young couple migrated west ward, journeying by way of canal and lake to Cleveland, Ohio. Their boat was the first to make the trip to Cleveland that spring, and the passengers were obliged to travel for eleven miles over the ice; during this journey the boat took fire, and they 700 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. narrowly escaped being burned. Proceed ing from Cleveland to Amherst, Lorain county, they remained at the latter place one summer, and then removed to Pitts field township, same county, where he in vested in 110 acres of land at seven dollars and fifty cents per acre. This tract was completely wild, with the exception of fourteen acres which had been chopped but not cleared. The dwelling was a log cabin, with puncheon floor and Dutch chimney-place, but no hearth, and here were born two children: Robert, and John F., a well-to-do retired citizen of St. Joseph, Mo. Here Mr. Merriam passed the re mainder of his life, never journeying more than forty miles from home, and he never traveled by rail. He was a hard-working, industrious farmer, and was well known in the community in which he resided. In politics he was a Democrat. He passed from earth February 27, 1871, his widow on August 12, 1890, and both are buried in South cemetery, in Pittsfield township. In religious faith Mrs. Merriam was a member of the Congregational Church. Robert Merriam received his education in the common schools and at Wellington Seminary, and later took a commercial course at Oberlin College, when S. S. Calkins was at the head of that depart ment. He was afterward a student at Wellington Station, on the C. C. C. & I. Railroad, at the time when Noah Hamil ton was agent for the "Big Four" Rail way at that place, but, being dissatisfied there, returned home and followed farm- . ing with his father. On June 2, 1869, he was united in mar riage with Chloe M. Sheffield, who was born October 30, 1844, in Camden town ship, Lorain county, daughter of Robert S. Sheffield, who was bora in Schenectady, N. Y.; in April, 1842, he came westward to Pittsfield township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where he married Delia Watkins, and fol lowed farming the remainder of his life. Mr. Merriam is an industrious, persevering and enterprising man, possessing consider able business ability, and has accumulated during his active lifetime a comfortable competence. Some years since he in herited quite a sum of money, which he invested in land, and he is now the owtier of 422 acres, being the largest farmer in Pittsfield township, of which he is a lead ing and influential citizen. In politics he is a Democrat, but beyond casting his bal lot takes little active interest in affairs of State. Mrs. Merriam is a highly esteemed, intelligent lady, well-read and an interest ing conversationalist. Mr. and Mrs. Merriam have enjoyed many pleasant trips to Connecticut and Massachusetts, visiting the old homes of their parents, besides otlier journeyings. In August, 1892, they set out on a west ern tour, their first stopping place being St. Joseph, Mo., where Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Merriam and daughter, and Mrs. Gray, Mrs. J. F. Merriam's mother, joined them for the remainder of the trip. From there the party proceeded to Denver, Colo., thence to Colorado Springs, stood on the summit of Pike's Peak, drank of the Manitou Springs, and visited the "Garden of the Gods." Thence they proceeded to Pueblo, where they visited the " Mineral Palace," and the smelting works, witness ing there the transforming of crude ore into perfected steel rails. Salt Lake City was their next point, where they were for tunate enough to meet a Mormon elder with whom they had some previous ac quaintance, and he showed them many things of interest. From Salt Lake City they journeyed to other points, including Madera, Cal., from which town they went by stage (the first vehicle of the kind to make the trip through to the Yosemite Valley), seven days being occupied enroute. Returning to Madera, the tourists there took train for Los Angeles, where they made a stay of three days, visiting the ostrich farm, etc., and here for the first time they had a glimpse of the Pacific Ocean. From there they proceeded to Old Mexico; thence to Oakland and San Fran- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 701 cisco, Cal.; thence to Salem and Portland, Oreg. ; thence took a flying trip into the new State of Washington. Then turning homeward, they stopped off at Shoshone, from there staging twenty-eight miles to Shoshone Falls and Blue Lake. Return ing to Shoshone they traveled to Denver, thence home via St. Joseph, Mo., just escaping the great and memorable snow storm, having from the time they first left- St. Joseph been traveling seven weeks, everywhere sight-seeing and visiting most of the accessible places of interest. |f | ENRY RIMBACH, furniture dealer lp^ and undertaker, one of the fore- sj t_\ most business men of Elyria, was y) born in the city of Buffalo, N. Y., October 30, 1854. His parents, Henry and Catharine (Bran- dau) Rimbach, natives of Hessia, Germany, came to America in the year 1852, locating in Buffalo, N. Y., where they were shortly after married, and here Mr. Rimbach fol lowed his trade, that of cabinet making, until late in the year 1855, when they and their young son, Henry, came to Elyria, Ohio. For a period of ten years he pur sued his business in the employ of others,, and at the expiration of this term he en gaged in business on his own account, and this he conducted to the time of his death, when his son Henry succeeded to the busi ness. Henry Rimbach, Sr., was born Jan uary 23, 1825, and died December 26, 1878; a man whose business career was successful, and whose character was with out stain or blemish. Mrs. Rimbach was born February 7, 1833, and died Novem ber 21, 1881. Their children were as fol lows: Henry, whose name prefaces this sketch; Anna, wife of Charles Friday, of Elyria; Ernst O, a cigarmaker, of Elyria; George, in the boot and shoe business in Elyria; John ; and Adam, an ordained min ister of Cleveland, Ohio. Grandfather Rimbach, whose name was Christopher, was a native of Germany, and came to America in 1854. He was a gifted musician and a professor of the violin and clarinet. He made his home in Pennsylvania till the year 1868, when he came to Elyria, making his home with his son Henry, and, after the latter's death, with his grandson, Henry; he died at the ripe old age of eighty-eight years; he was born in 1800. Although a resident of the United States for thirty-four years he never spoke English. We cannot well conclude this notice without some favorable mention of the eldest surviving member of this family. Henry Rimbach was early taught the value of books, and also was early made aware that toil and frugality were both essential to success. He received a good school training, and when respited from his studies he was taught to shove, the plane. From a poor boy he has hewn out his own prosperity, and to-day takes easy rank among established and older business men of his city. Socially he is a member of the R. A., and a member of the Funeral Directors' Association, of Ohio. Politi cally he is a Democrat. On May 19, 1880, he married Miss Christina Herold, of Berea. Ohio, and they have two children in their home: Emanuel and Henry. The business house of Mr. Rimbach is one of the most substantial structures of Elyria. JOSEPH H. LINCOLN, deceased farmer of Pittsfield township, was a native of Peru, Bennington Co., Vt., born January 31, 1818. He re ceived a common-school education, was reared to the duties of agricultural life, and when a young man migrated west ward with his parents to Ionia county, Mich. On the way thither Joseph stopped to visit a short while with his brother, S. W. Lincoln, who had settled on a farm in Pittsfield township, Lorain Co., Ohio, and 702 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. in 1848, shortly after the death of his father, which occurred in Michigan, he came to Pittsfield township, and here re sided with his brother for about one year. On April 3, 1849, Mr. Lincoln was united in marriage with Hannah N. Phelps, a native of New Marlborough, Mass., who was born January 9, 1819, youngest child of Bethuel and Levina (Norton) Phelps. The parents migrated westward, settling in Pittsfield township, Lorain Co., Ohio, on the same farm where their daughter Hannah still resides; and at the time of their settlement the country was still in its primitive state, the forests abounding with bears, wolves, turkeys and other wild animals. After marriage Mr. Lincoln settled on the farm of his father- in-law, the " Phelps Homestead," where he passed the remainder of his life, suc cessfully carrying on a general farming and dairy business. He owned a farm in Ionia county, Mich., but sold it. To Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln were born two children: Louisa, who died at the age of thirty- two; and Andrew P., a farmer of Pittsfield township. The father died in February, 1862, and was buried in South cemetery, and Mrs. Lincoln has since managed the farm (excepting for four years when it was rented), displaying in this capacity consid erable business ability. In politics Mr. Lincoln was an ardent Republican, and held various positions of trust in Pittsfield township. UARTUS GILLMORE is a member of one of the early families of Lo rain county, of which he is a native, born in May, 1839, a son of Quartus and Elizabeth (Reid) Gillmore. The Gillmores are of Scotch ancestry, and early settlers of Massachusetts. The father of our subject was a native of Massachusetts, whence in the spring of 1810 he set out on foot for Ohio, where he located land in what was then the Con necticut Reserve, which land is now in Lorain county. In the fall of the same year he returned to Massachusetts, and in the spring of the following year once more came to his new settlement (this time in company with his father, Edmund Gill more), and here passed the rest of his days in farming; he died in 1869, his widow in 1876. They were both Methodists, and in politics he was first a Whig, then a Free-soiler, and, in his later years, a Re publican. They reared a family of eight children, namely: Gen. Quincy A., a native of Lorain, Lorain county (after leaving school, and up to the age of twenty, he taught school; then entered the Mili tary Academy at West Point, where in 1849 he graduated at the head of his class; he was well known in the Civil war, and his death occurred at Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1888); Elizabeth, wife of W. Prince, of Cleveland; Sophia, wife of D. S. Leslie, of Northport, Mich.; Roxana, wife of A. B. Spooner, in California; Edmund, a resi dent of Lorain; Alice, wife of James Con nolly, of Lorain (she died in January, 1893); Quartus, subject of this sketch; and Cornelius, residing in Cleveland, Ohio. Quartus Gillmore received a liberal edu cation at the public schools of his native county, and at the age of seventeen com menced sailing on the lakes, a vocation he followed several years, at one time as cap tain of a vessel. In 1866 he gave up sea faring life, and embarked in the grape- growing industry, continuing in this until 1882, when he formed a partnership with a Mr. Stang, under the firm name of Stang & Gillmore, dredgers and pier builders. In 1888 they dissolved partner ship, since when Mr. Gillmore has carried on the same line of business alone. In 1859 our subject was married, in Lorain, Ohio, to Miss Mary Fitzgerald, who was born in Michigan, but reared in Lorain county, Ohio, daughter of Almond and Mary (Root) Fitzgerald, of Massachu setts, who in an early day Came to Lorain county, where they died. To Mr. and Mrs. Gillmore have been born four children: LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 703 Quartus A., married and residing in Cleve land, Ohio; Mary Isabelle, wife of Theo dore Burgess, of Lorain, who is employed on the C. L. & W. R. R.; Theodore Leroy, married and residing at Conneaut, Ohio; and William, at home. Mr. Gillmore in hia political preferences has been a Re publican since his first vote was cast for Abraham Lincoln. Socially he is a mem ber of the Knights of the Maccabees and Royal Arcanum. He is the owner of con siderable property iu Lorain. ^'YRUS IYES, for nearly sixty years a resident of Columbia township, where he now owns a magnificent tract of land of five hundred acres, divided into four farms, deserves special mention in this volume. He was born, in 1825, in Genesee (now Wyoming) county, N. Y., a son of Albert and Betsey (Russell) Ives, natives of Con necticut and Vermont, respectively, who in 1834 came with their family to Lorain county, locating in Columbia Center, later moving to the southwest partof Columbia township, where they hewed out for them selves a new home in the solemn woods. They were the parents of five children, to wit: Cyras, our subject; Harriet Maria, wife of Andrew Osborne, residing in Co lumbia township; Ambrose, deceased; Seth, residing in Columbia; and Sarah Jane, who married Warren Bracy, and died in 1891, in Columbia township. The parents were devout and zealous members of the Baptist Church, and the father for several years was sexton in bis neighborhood. He was an ardent Democrat, and a man of wide reputation for his sterling principles. He was called from earth in 1872, his wife in 1874. Cyrus Ives was reared in his native county until ten years of age, at which time his parents brought him to Lorain county, and he then attended the schools of Columbia township. Reared to agri cultural pursuits, he has been a lifelong farmer, progressive and successful, and he and his father were the prime movers in establishing Columbia township. In 1849 he was married in Elyria, Ohio, to Miss Prudence Stranahan, a native of Connecti cut, and daughter of Joshua and Mary (Mason) Stranahan, also of that State. The mother died there, and the father afterward married, in Connecticut. Miss Lucy Farnham. In 1830 they came to Columbia township, Lorain county, and took up a farm. This wife died, and Mr. Stranahan then married, in 1854, Miss Jeanette Stone; he died in 1856. By his first marriage, only, there are surviving children, as follows: Sheffield J., who re sides in Michigan; Martha Louisa, wife of Daniel Bigelow, of Columbia township; and Prudence, Mrs. Ives. To Mr. and Mrs. Ives was born one child, John Cyrus, who was cut off in his twenty-fourth year, April 12, 1881, after a lingering illness from catarrhal con sumption. He was a member of the Bap tist Church, was licensed to preach, and went to Denison University three years, never missing either a recitation or chapel service or prayer meeting in all that time. At his death he could read four languages. On the Sabbath he was called to his re ward, Communion service was postponed until the following Sabbath, when his father officiated. Politically our subject is a Democrat, taking a lively interest in the affairs of his party. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church at Columbia Center, in which he has been a deacon forty-one years, and during all that time he never missed attending church to officiate excepting one Sabbath. JAMES WHIPPLE was born March 16, 1811, in Pomfret town, Windham Co., Conn. His parents, Charles and Hannah Whipple, were both natives of North Providence, R. I., born April 28, 1779, and November 14, 1786, 704 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. respectively. In 1807 they moved to Pomfret, Conn., and thence in 1815 to Westmoreland, Oneida Co., N. Y., where they passed the remainder of their lives. Charles Whipple died January 8, 1866, aged eighty-six years; his wife, Hannah, had preceded him to the grave December 6, 1863, when aged seventy-eight years. On May 24, 1833, James Whipple came to Lorain county, Ohio, having previously purchased in Brighton one hundred acres of land, known as the Loomis farm; this farm he afterward increased to two hun dred acres. On November 14, 1839, he was united in marriage with Melinda Dunbar, who was born September 6, 1819, at Sandy Lake, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., daughter of John Dunbar, who was born June, 1777, at Bridgewater, Norfolk Co., Mass., of Scotch and English descent. He resided with his parents at Bridgewater vfntil sixteen years of age, when he re moved with them to Grantham, Sullivan Co., N. H. In 1800 he was married to Sally Annadown, who was born Sep tember 29, 1776, daughter of Joseph and Dorcas Annadown, of Southbridge, Mass., and they resided at Grantham until Feb ruary, 1818, when they removed to Sandy Lake. In 1820 tbey went to Ludlow, Windsor Co., Vt., thence, in 1831, to Minerva, Essex Co., N. Y. In the latter part of May, 1835, they came westward to Ohio, locating, in the latter part of Sep tember, in Brighton, Lorain county, where Mr. Dunbar passed from earth January 8, 1838, when aged sixty-one years. He carried on farming on a place situated about three-fourths of a mile north of the center of the township. His widow passed away September 22, 1854, aged seventy- eight years. Melinda Dunbar received in her youth a common-school education, and was sixteen years of age when she came with her parents to Brighton township, Lorain Co., Ohio. To Mr. and Mrs. James Whipple were born four children, viz.: Jefferson O, bora August 18, 1841; Anzonette, born February 8, 1851, died June 17, 1859, aged eight years, four months and nine days; Emma, born April 2, 1857, died June 12, 1859, aged two years, two months and ten days; and Manette C, born Oc tober 31, 1861. The family homestead is one and a half miles from Brighton. Mr. Whipple was actively identified with the early religious and political questions of the town, taking his part in the develop ment of the country. D,AVID L. WADSWORTH and ) FAMILY. David L. Wadsworth, ___ ' youngest and seventh son of Lawton and Nancy R. Wadsworth, was born in Becket, Berkshire Co., Mass., June 1, 1825. He was a lad of fine promise — bright, witty and active — and grew up among the granite hills, laying the foun dation for character noted in after years for geniality and good fellowship. A true son of sturdy New England ancestry. On April 15, 1833, Lawton Wadsworth and family started from Becket on a west ern journey, moving by overland route, with horses and covered wagons, and ar rived in Wellington, Ohio, May 9, making the journey of about 600 miles in twenty- four days. David L. was then in his eighth year, and the town of Wellington in its pioneer stage. Here, for fifty-nine consecutive years, he dwelt among her people, growing with her growth, strength ening with her strength, until, step by step, he moved onward and upward, with the march of improvements of this busy, bustling town. During his youthful days he acquired a good common-school educa tion, which was supplemented with a few terms at Oberlin College, preparatory to following the vocation of school teacher. For seven years he taught in district schools during the winter terms, establish ing a good record as instructor and discip linarian. -^'Vtfj, &j-/JlJi2't.;Tiie^ cti'^^^^ti^ZZ LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 707 In 1840 he commenced the study of medicine under Dr. Hall, of Orange, Ohio, but acquiring a distaste for this profession, he shortly returned to the parental home stead, and gave his attention to farming and stock dealing, developing a spirit of speculation that proved lasting, and as years passed brought forth its complement of unlimited success. On October 22, 1850, D. L. Wadsworth was united iu mar riage with Miss Rosenia C. Woodworth, of Rochester, Lorain county, a daugh ter of Hiram and Caroline L. (Wales) .Woodworth, bora November 5, 1831, in Bristol, N. Y., and who came with her parents to Rochester in 1832, where they settled for a term of years. Three children were the fruits of this marriage, viz.: Kitty May, born' May 20, 1856, and died April 6, 1858 (she was a beautiful child, sweet aud lovable, and died greatly lamented); Georgie M., born September 25, 1861, and Leon H., born October 13, 1863. In 1866 the present family resi dence, situate on North Main street, was completed and occupied. In 1868 Mr. Wadsworth purchased a planing mill, and embarked in the manufacture of doors, sash and blinds, dealing largely in lumber, shingles, lath, etc. Afterward other in dustries were added, to wit: a cheese and butter-box factory; and later on he estab lished a lumber yard and planing-mill in Green wich, Ohio, giving employment to up ward of seventy-five workmen. He was a prominent dealer in real estate, buying farms, buildinghonsesabouttown for dwell ings and other purposes, a hundred or more, adding much to the general growth and prosperity of the village wherein he dwelt. On October 22, 1875, Mr. and Mrs. • Wadsworth celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary in a right royal manner, with some 300 guests in attend ance, who presented many elegant silver gifts |n honor of the occasion. It was a fete noted for its social and enjoyable features, and ever remembered with pleas ure by those who participated therein. 38 Mr. Wadsworth's political faith dated from the famous " Rescue Case " of 1858, after which time he was a Democrat. In 1861 he became an ardent, zealous and enthusiastic War Democrat, fie called the first meeting for the purpose of secur ing volunteers, and his cry of: " Boys, this means business," was very like a clarion note, inciting men to do their duty, and to do it well. He gave gener ously of his time and money to further the cause of loyalty to the Union, and was ever a true and firm friend to the "boys in blue." Although the district in which Mr. Wadsworth lived has always been Re publican, yet he received many political honors. On April 1, 1878, he was ap pointed, by Gov. Bishop, trustee of the Cleveland Insane Asylum, holding this position five years. Gov. Hoadley ap pointed him trustee of the State Institu tion for the Blind, and this position was held during the remainder of that gov-, ernor's term of office, also the entire first term of Gov. Foraker, a Republican offi cial. In 1875 he was nominated to fill the office of State treasurer, and was de feated hy only two votes; in 1888 he was nominated for a representative to Congress, and succeeded in reducing the Republican majority in his own county over four hundred. In 1890 he was offered the same nomination, but declined the honor. Although not a member of any church, his public spirit led him to contribute largely to the building of churches with out regard to color or creed. In Free Masonry he attained the thirty-second degree. Mr. Wadsworth gave his children, Georgie M. and Leon H., every facility for educational advantage. After this years' attendance in the Union schools of Wellington, Georgie was given one year- of schooling in Oberlin, and two years in Miss Mittleberger's Select School for young ladies, in Cleveland. Leon H. graduated in the Ann Arbor (Mich.) Law School in 1883. On October 14, 1885, he 708 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. married Miss Mary E., only daughter of Capt. William and Sophia Trinter, of Vermillion, Ohio. The wedding was cele brated with all due honors at the home of the bride's parents, and wedding gifts were numerous and valuable. On Octo ber 22, 1885, on the thirty-fifth anniver sary of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Wadsworth's wedding, their daughter Georgie M. was united in marriage with Mr. D. B. Ord way, of Hornellsville, N. Y. A reception was also tendered Mr. and Mrs. Leon H. Wadsworth at the same time and place, and once again the elegant home of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Wadsworth was filled with many guests to celebrate this triple event in the history of the family. The gener ous collection of rare flowers used for dec orations; the elegant home furnishings; the rich costumes, as seen under gaslight, made a charming picture, worthy of being perpetuated on canvas. Previous to the marriage of the chil dren homes had been prepared and fur nished, ready for occupancy. Mr. and Mrs. Ordway's home was located in Hor nellsville, N. Y., while that of Mr. and Mrs. Leon H. Wadsworth was near the paternal homestead, and he was given an interest in his father's lumber business. In March, 1886, Mr. and Mrs. Ordway returned to Wellington, taking up a residence in the house previously occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Leon H., the latter moving to Green wich, Ohio, and taking charge of the lum ber business, previously established at that place by his father. Mr. Ordway was given a position in the lumber busi ness in Wellington similar to that of Leon H. On October 25, 1886, a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Leon H. Wadsworth, and was christened William Luther, in honor of each grandfather. On November 29, 1886, a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Ordway, and christened James Wads worth Ordway. In 1890. D. L. Wadsworth received an appointment from Gov. Campbell as a member of the World's Fair Board from Ohio. He was a most active and tireless worker, and from over-exertion in this cause was attributed the fatal illness that cut short the thread of life in so summary a manner. Mr. Wadsworth died at his home on the evening of October 7, 1892, of heart failure, at the age of sixty-seven years. His illness was only of a few hours' dura tion. Dr. E. G. Rust, the family physi cian, was in attendance, and his family all present. The funeral service was con ducted at his late home, Tuesday, 2 o'clock P. M., October 11, by Rev. William Bar ton, pastor of the Congregational Church, assisted by Jacob W. Yanderwerf, emi nent commander of the Order of Knights Templar, Oriental Commandery df Cleve land, Ohio, of which Order Mr. Wads worth had been a member for twenty years. The perfection ring presentation was conducted by Prelates Ills. Charles A. Woodward and Brenton D. Babcock; music was rendered by a Knights Templar quar tet, the ceremonies being all most solemn and impressive. Mr. Wadsworth's remains were dressed in the Knights Templar re galia, as were the fifty or more Knights in attendance. The casket and rooms were adorned with choice flower pieces, gifts from the various Orders to which the de ceased belonged, also from relatives and friends, and their honied perfume made the air fragrant with sweetness. The day was most divinely fair, each shrub and tree had put on its most attractive colors, and the rich, mellow sunshine, softened by cooling breezes, baptized Mother Earth with a glory quite indescribable. All the principal business houses and shops in town were closed during the funeral obse quies, and the attendance was very large. The roomy house and extensive grounds,, were filled to overflowing. No greater tribute of respect was ever paid a deceased citizen of Wellington, than was freely given on this occasion, by not only the citizens of the town, but by all surround ing towns, whence came many people to pay their last respects and to extend their LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 709 sympathy to the bereaved family. The order of the procession was as follows: First Wellington Brass Band, playing a funeral dirge; carriage containing the clergy; hearse, guarded by six Knights Templar, bearing reversed swords, fol lowed by fifty or more of same Order on foot, each dressed in regalia of their Order ; Masons of all grades; workmen employed in the various industries carried on by the Wadsworth firm; carriage containing mourners; carriages containing citizens; citizens on foot, numbering several hun dred. The service at the grave was con ducted by Prelates same as at the family residence, and the remains were lowered into their last resting-place amid a sprink-# ling of evergreens and floral blossoms. "Eaeth to eaeth, and dost to dust." His widow still resides in the now lonely home, where, on every hand, are seen evi dences of the thoughtful outlook and care ful supervision on the part of the dear de parted, for the comfort of those dwelling within the home circle. Ah! it is little wonder the bereaved heart continually cries for the protecting arms that were wont to shield it from all adverse afflictions and trials, incident to human life whilst making its earthly pilgrimage. /George h. andress, a promi- I w, nent agriculturist of Henrietta \^>| township, is a native of same, bora ^JL August 5, 1834, a son of Carlo and Nancy (Buckly) Andress. Carlo Andress was born November 6, 1804, in Essex county, N. Y., and came to Ohio in 1817. On March 1, 1832, he was married in Henrietta to Nancy Buckly, who was born in Auburn, N. Y., May 30, 1812, and they lived together nineteen years, when she died, August 25, 1851. They had but one child, George fi., the subject of this sketch. Carlo Andress was subse quently, on December 4, 1851, married to Weltha Smith, of Elyria, by which union he had two children, both born in Hen rietta, at the old homestead, viz.: Alice, bora October 30, 1853, and Henry, bora June 19, 1855. Carlo Andress died of paralysis November 8, 1870, in Oberlin, whither he had removed in order to have his children educated; his wife was born in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., August 16, 1815, and died April 24, 1871. Carlo Andress commenced life as a pio neer farmer, working early and late with out any of the comforts and barely the necessities of life. For the wife of his earlier years he married one that was as willing to work as was he, and together they labored and managed to lay the foun dation of a competency. He was elected justice of the peace ih the time of T. Cor win, in 1842, and was for many years jus* tice in Henrietta township, where he tried to have all troubles settled without any ill-will. His wife was a Christian woman, having joined the Disciple Church while quite young, and remaining true to her early faith till the last. She was noted for her goodness to the poor and her kindness to the sick, and her sweetness of disposi tion is often spoken of until this day by the people who ¦ knew her best. Two brothers of hers and their descendants are living in Henrietta township at the pres ent time. His second spouse was a model wife and mother, devoting her entire time to her family. He could at this time pro vide for his family far differently than in his younger days. He and his wife were deeply interested in the welfare of their children and the people that were of their household. Our subject attended the primitive coun try schools of his boyhood days, and Berea (Ohio) College two terms. He then as sisted his father in the farm work, clear ing the land of timber and undergrowth, and converting the virgin soil into fertile fields. At the age of about twenty-three years he commenced life for his own ac count, as a full-fledged farmer, and in his vocation has been highly successful. He 710 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. now owns 134 acres of prime land, one hundred of which were cultivated by his father. In 1859 Mr. Andress was united in mar riage with Miss Matilda Elson, and three children were born to them, as follows: Maud (Mrs. Fred Fowler, of Berlin Heights, Ohio), born April 13, 1861; Ernest, born July 18, 1863, died January 16, 1873; and Leon, born March 13, 1865. The mother of these died in 1868, and in 1870 our subject intermarried with Adelaide Ennis, by which union there is one child, Frank, in the express office iu Elyria. In 1872 Mr. Andress married Amelia Hutchison, daughter of William Hutchison, and children, as follows, were born to this union: Edna, at present at Painesville (Ohio) Seminary; Elsie, teaching school at Berlin Heights, Ohio; Walter, deceased; Henry, Fred and Bessie, at home. Politi cally our subject is a Democrat, but in local elections he invariably votes for the best man regardless of party. I DMUND GILLMORE. A biograph ical record of Lorain county would j be incomplete were prominent men tion not made of this gentleman, who is a native of the county, born Feb ruary 10, 1833, in Black River township. Mr. Gillmore is a son of Quartus and Elizabeth (Reid) Gillmore, the former of whom was a native of Chester, Hampden Co., Mass., a son of Edmund and Eliza beth (Stuart) Gillmore, also of Massachu setts, born -of English and Scotch ancestry, respectively. From their native State they came west to what was then known as the " Connecticut Western Reserve," locating, in 1811, in what is now Lorain county, Ohio, where he bought wild land which he cleared, passing the rest of his days thereon. He was a farmer and land owner in Amherst and Black River town ships, and he and his wife died in Black River township, in 1843 and 1844, respect ively. They had a family of ten children — nine sons and one daughter — a brief rec ord of them being as follows: (1) Quar tus, born in 1790, has mention made further on. (2) Aretus, born in Massa chusetts in 1792, died in Lorain county, Ohio. (3) Orrin, born in Massachusetts in 1794, died in Cuyahoga county, Ohio. (4) Simon, born in 1796, died in Detroit, Mich., in 1833; he was a ship carpenter by occupation. (5) Truman, born in 1798, died iu Lorain county, Ohio, in 1881. (6) Linas, born in 1801, died in Lorain in 1881. (7) Roxanna, born in 1803, was married in Lorain county to Robert Wright, and died in Oregon. (8) Alanson "was born in 1805. (9) Edmund, born in 1801, died in Minnesota. (10) James Madison, born in 1811, died in Lorain county, Ohio. Quartus Gillmore came west .with his parents, the journey being made with teams. In what is now Lorain county, Ohio, he married Elizabeth Reid, who died in 1876, surviving her husband seven years, he having passed away in 1869. In politics he was an active Whig, afterward a Republican; was for many years a magis trate, and about 1837 was appointed the first trustee of Black River township. Of their family of children, Quincy A. was born in Lorain county in 1825, and was educated in the public schools of Nor walk and at Elyria Academy; was a teaeher in the public schools for three years; in 1845 entered the Military Academy, where he graduated at the head of his class, and ultimately became a noted general. He died in Brooklyn, N. Y., April 7, 1888. Edmund Gillmore received his educa tion at the public schools of Black River township, Lorain county, and at the age of fifteen commenced sailing on the lakes, making trips to Oswego, Chicago, and all lake ports, which vocation he continued in for ten years. He also worked at ship caulking, and while so engaged on one oc casion received a severe injury. For ten LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 711 months he was with a brother in New York City, acting as shipping agent and assistant draughtsman. In 1858 Edmund Gillmore was united in marriage with Miss Adelaide E. Gill more, a native of Lorain, Lorain Co., Ohio, and daughter of Alanson Gillmore, of Lorain. To this union has been born one child, Quincy A. Gillmore, a prominent attorney at law of Elyria, Ohio. Politi cally our subject is a pronounced Republi can, and has held several offices of trust in his locality, such as assessor for some time, township clerk for fifteen years, justice of the peace since 1863, and notary public for the past twenty years. ^UINCY A. GILLMORE, a leading attorney at law of Elyria, was born May 12, 1859, in Lorain county, Ohio, a son of Edmund and Ade laide E. (Gillmore) Gillmore, also natives of the county, who are now resi dents of the town of Lorain. Our subject received his education in Oberlin and Delaware Wesleyan Colleges, graduating in 1881. Making a study of law, he graduated from the Cincinnati Law School in 1883, and in the fall of 1884 located in Elyria for the practice of his chosen profession, iu which he has met with well-merited success. In 1884 he was married to Miss Frankie G. Brown, and one child has come to brighten their home, named Scott E. Politically Mr. Gillmore is one of the most ardent Re publicans in his section, and he is a mem ber of the K. P. and of the Lorain County Bar Association. EORGE W. RICE. This gentleman is descended from one of the pio neer families of Lorain county, and is a native of the same, having first seen the light on his father's farm in Amherst township February 19, 1846. His father, Abram Rice, was born April 21, 1801, in Fayette county, Penn., and in 1822 came to Lorain county, where he took up one hundred acres of wild land in Black River township. Later he moved into Amherst township and bought a partly-improved farm of one Moses Mul- nick, where he passed the remainder of his pioneer days, dying in 1876. In his political preferences he was a Whig and Abolitionist, and, later, a Republican. In religious sentiment he was a Methodist. He was married in Fayette county, Penn., to Miss Margaret Stacker, who died in March, 1891. They were the parents of fourteen children, of whom the following is a brief sketch: (1) Mary was married in Illinois to O. P. Kilmer, of New York, who enlisted in Company F, Forty-First O. Y. I., and was shot at Pittsburgh Land ing in 1862, dying two weeks later in Cin cinnati; his widow died February 28, 1891. (2) Daniel was born in 1824, was reared in the county, and here married Mary Smith, of Black River township, Lorain county, who died shortly afterward; in 1850 he went to California, where he married and had six children — five daugh ters and one son; he died June 23, 1889, in Arroyo Grande, Cal. (3) Samuel A., bora in 1826, became an early pioneer of Grant county, Wis., where he married and passed the rest of his days, dying in 1855,- leaving a widow and one daughter, now Mrs. Ella Jansen, of Clay Center, Kans. (4) Ann E., born in 1827, was married in 1850, in Lorain county, to Hiram Wilber, of New York, who came in an early day to Lorain county, where he died in 1878; they had two children : Byron E ., in Adams county, Iowa (married and has two chil dren, Stella and Jessie); and Eda B., mar ried to M. Cunningham, of Columbus, Ohio, and has two children, George and Roy. (5) John S., born in 1829, was married to Miss Lucy Hale, of Lorain county, some time in the " fifties." At the time of his marriage he was keeping a hotel at Berlin Heights, Erie Co., Ohio. Later he sold 712 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. out, and removed to Minnesota, where he was residing when the call came for volun teers to suppress the Rebellion. He en listed in the Second Regiment Minnesota Infantry, and served until discharged on account of chronic sore eyes. Afterward he moved to Iowa, and still later went with his family to Arroyo Grande, Cal., where he now resides, surrounded by his family of eight sons and one daughter, besides numerous grandchildren. (6) Melissa, born in 1830, was married to H. P. Strickler, of Pennsylvania; she died in 1861, leaving one son and one daughter; the sou, L. D., and daughter, Mrs. Meda Sandrock, reside with their families in Amherst township. (7) Adaline, born in 1832, is the widow of Wm. Pearl, and resides in North Amherst; she has three sons: Eugene F.,CorriceC. and Arthur A. (8) Margaret J., born October 7, 1833, was married to I. G. Hazel, and to them were born five children, viz.: Emma and Alma, both deceased ; Alpha, re siding in Oberlin; Ruby, wife of Everett E. Walker, of North Amherst, and Harry, attending Oberlin College; Margaret J. Hazel died in North Amherst March 28, 1890. (9) Nancy O., born January 6, 1835, married R. G. Barney, who enlisted for one year in Company E, Sixth Ohio Cavalry, served his time out, and died No vember 12, 1872; they had two children, .Mrs. Maggie Root, and Mrs. Mina Guten- felder, of Cleveland; Nancy O. Barney died in 1869. (10) Susan, born in 1837, is the wife of John K. Hazel, who was a member of Company C, Second Wis consin Cavalry; they live in Florida; they have three children living: Loudon C, Percy and Mark. (11) Abram J., bora January 17, 1840, enlisted in 1861 in Company F, Forty-first O. V. L, was killed at the battle of Pittsburg Landing April 7, 1862, and was buried on the battlefield; the G. A. R. Post located at Amherst is named in honor of him. (12) Wesley, born January 29, 1842, is married and resides in Oberlin; he has two children, Alma, wife of Charles J. Maynard, and Mary Faith. (13) Charles, born December 5, 1843, died August 31, 1886, at Amherst. (14) George W. is the subject of this sketch. On the father's side the family were of French-German ancestry, on that of the mother they claim German-Dutch lineage. Grandfather Rice served in the Revolutionary war, and died in Pennsylvania. George W. Rice, the subject of this sketch, received a moderate education at the common schools of Amherst township and at Berea College. In his boyhood and youth he was thoroughly inducted into the mysteries of agricultural pursuits, which have been his life work, and he now owns the homestead, consisting of ninety acres of prime land, all in a good state of cultivation, Socially he is a member of Amherst Lodge No* 74, K. of P., and is Master of Exchequer in same; also mem ber of Amherst Lodge No. 96, I. O. G. T. Politically he is a zealous Republican, and for nearly a quarter of a century he has been an active member of the board of education of Amherst township, being at present president of the same. Up to date he is unmarried, none the less he is the leading spirit of his neighborhood, socially and politically; his interest in the welfare of old and young never flags. /GEORGE C. JEFFERIES, attorney [ w, at law and war claim agent, Elyria, \j^l was bora June 22, 1837, in Spencer, fk Lorain (now Medina) Co., Ohio, a son of Gilbert and Mary A. (Spencer) Jeti'eries, the latter of whom was the eldest daughter of Col. Spencer, after whom the town and township of Spencer (Medina county) were named. She died the day following Thanksgiving Day, 1891, at the age of eighty years, a member of the M. E. Church. Gilbert Jefferies was born in October, 1811, in the town of Webster, N. Y., and in 1832 came to Ohio, making a settle ment in Spencer, Lorain (now Medina) LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 713 county. He was a farmer all his life, and died June 22, 1870. An Old-line Whig originally, he united with the Republican party in 1854 (the year of its organization), and was a member of the M. E. Church. Thomas Jefferies, paternal grandfather of subject, came to Medina county in 1847, and passed the rest of his days with our ' subject's parents. Gilbert and Mary A. (Spencer) Jefferies were the parents of nine children — seven sons and two daugh ters — of whom our subject is the eldest, and six are yet living. George C. Jefferies received his educa tion in the country schools and at Oberlin College (where his mother was also in part educated). After reading law with Hon. H. G. Blake, of Medina, Ohio, he enlisted August 12, 1862, in Company B, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth O. V. I. His regiment was attached to the army of the Cumberland, and its first camp was made in Elizabethtown, Ky., whence it was sent to Nashville and Franklin, Tenn., at which latter place a battle was fought. Thence the regiment marched to Triune, same State, from there to Readyville and Man chester, Tenn., from which latter it moved to the Sequatchie Valley. On September 19, 1863, it participated in the battle of Chickamauga, where Mr. Jefferies (then serving as first sergeant) was so severely wounded that he had to retire from the army. On his return home he completed , his iaw studies, and in 1875 was admitted to the bar of the State of Ohio, and the United States bar. In 1876 he commenced the practice of his profession, and in 1878 moved into Elyria. Since 1885, in con nection with his legal business, he has given special attention to war claims. On July 7, 1870, Mr. Jefferies was mar ried, at Chatham, Medina Co., Ohio, to Miss Mary Hine, and three children have been born to them, viz.: Gilbert C, born in Spencer, Medina Co., Ohio, August 8, 1871, now a stenographer and typewriter in Elyria; Edgar C, born at Elyria Oc tober 15, 1879, now at school, and Thomas O, born at Elyria February 7, 1881, also at school. Our subject in politics is a Republican, in religion a Methodist. He is a member of the G. A. R., and U. V. Legion. The first of this family of Jef feries in Ameria was the first governor of Connecticut. Mrs. Mary. (Hine) Jefferies was born January 6, 1846, at Chester, Wayne Co., Ohio, a daughter of John and Elizabeth (Luce) Hine, the latter of whom died when Mary was a child. The father in early life settled in Wayne county, Ohio, where he became one of the largest horse and wheat raisers, and there resided until he was well advanced in years, when he moved to Chatham. There he passed from earth in November, 1876, at the age of seventy-eight years. ||OHN HARVIT, one of the repre- k- I sentative self-made men of LaGrange \yj township, is a native of Ohio, born April 26, 1836, in Chester township, Wayne county. He is a son of Joseph and Nancy (Smith) Harvit, farming people, the former of whom died in 1838, leaving a comfortable home. His widow subse quently re- married. Our subject was educated in the com mon schools, and during his early man hood was employed as a farm hand, mean time saving his earnings. On November 7, 1865, he was married to Miss Sarah Coleman, born May 3Q, 1847, in La Grange township, Lorain Co., Ohio, whom he had met while a resident of Penfield, same county, whither he moved with his step-father, James Brown, who was a well- to-do farmer. Mrs. Harvit was the daughter of James and Harriet Coleman, the former of whom died in 1849, of cholera, and was buried in the Catholic cemetery in Eaton township. Mrs. Cole man was subsequently married to William Ormsby, and continued to reside on her former home; she was buried in the ceme- 714 LORAIN COUNTY. OHIO. tery in LaGrange township. After mar riage Mr. Harvit located on the James Coleman homestead, lot No. 30, LaGrange township, where he has always followed farming, in which he has met with en couraging success. He has a natural apti tude for carpenter work. In 1885 he erected one of the most comfortable rural homes in the township on his place, which consists of 278^ acres of excellent land, fully equipped with good farm buildings. Mr. Harvit is a hard worker and a good business manager, and the results of his labor are shown in his surroundings, for his farm and farm buildings are among the best in the township. In party affairs he is a Republican, but is not an active Solitician. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. [arvit has come one child, Hattie, born November 28, 1869, now the wife of Don Scwartz, a leading citizen of LaGrange township. (They have one son, Harry, born February 20, 1892). Mrs. Harvit is a member of the M. E. Church at La Grange. |[J ON. LUCIUS HERRICK. This H gentleman, who is a prominent and I \\\ well-known figure in the arena of y) agriculture and politics in Lorain county, is a native of Jefferson county, N. Y., born in Houndsfield, near Watertown, November 8, 1820. Philo Herrick, father of subject, was born in Tyringham, Berkshire Co., Mass., whence when a boy he, with the rest of the family, moved to Bridgewater, Oneida Co., N. Y., his father, Amasa Herrick, afterward taking them to Houndsfield, same State. Here Philo Herrick made his home till the spring of 1835, when, with his wife, Sophia (Blodgett), and fam ily, he came to Wellington, Lorain Co., Ohio, the journey being made with an old- time "prairie schooner." Here he made a land purchase of 158 acres in Welling ton township (which has since passed into the hands of his son Lucius), built a log house, and set to work to transform the wild woods into a fertile farm. The father, who was a tanner and currier, and also a shoemaker, rented a tannery in Hunting ton township, but soon afterward returned to Wellington. For a time he followed the shoe business in Winnebago county, 111. He died in Wellington in 1866, a strong Republican in politics, originally a Whig, his first vote being cast for James Monroe; his wife was born September 27, 1788, and died at the age of ninety-eight years less five days. They were the parents of four children: Loring, now a resident of Meckling, Clay Co, S. Dak.; Amasa B., residing in Chicago; Lucius, and George F., a mechanic, who was accident ally killed September 15, 1844, at Janes- ville, Wisconsin. Lucius Herrick, the subject proper of this biographical sketch, enjoyed but lim ited school privilege?,' but the loss in that he partially compensated for by systematic, diligent home study. In 1839 he entered an academy in Elyria, where he made his home with Deacon Lane, working for his board. His father tried to induce him to take up the trade of shoemaker, but he preferred farming, and consequently made it his life work. In 1843 he married Miss Mary E. Griffith, who bore him one son, Luther G. This wife was called from earth in January, 1844, and in 1849 Mr._ Herrick married Miss Harriet E. Bidwell, and one son blessed their union, Bert B., who was educated at the common schools of Wellington and at Oberlin; he is now a farmer and cheese manufacturer; he mar ried Miss Etta Wadsworth, and they have two children : Ethel and Hobart. Formerly a Whig, now a Republican, Mr. Herrick has ever taken an active in terest in public affairs. He served as in firmary director two years, and also as township trustee; was elected county com missioner three full terms consecutively, resigning in order to accept nomination to the Legislature, in which he served in tbe Sixty-third and Sixty-fourth General As- m V:. ¦¦>.';',""¦' ^vf^i''.:. *U*£sC^ty LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 717 semblies; and he says he much enjoyed the variety of being in the House, but that it was the hardest work he ever did in his life. He has in his possession several in teresting public documents, and in his library the full series of "Geological Sur veys of Ohio," by Newberry. Mr. Herrick is the owner of 435 acres of land, and has seen the gradual evolution in agricultural development from the hand sickle to the self-binding harvesting machine. Mrs. Herrick, with whom he is now living, was Miss Sarah West, only daughter of Francis West, of Berlin, Erie Co., Ohio. The families for three generations at least, have been members and supporters of Presby terian and Congregational Churches. Ei A. CUYrLER, a well-known fruit grower of Avon township, where he I has resided for almost the last half century, is a native of New York State, born in Essex, Essex county, in August, 1822. His parents, John B. and Phoebe (Hoffnagle) Cuyler, were also na tives of New York State, where they both passed their entire lives, the father dying in 1838, the mother forty years later, in Essex county. John B. Cuyler was a ser geant in the war of 1812. E. A. Cuyler, the subject proper of this memoir, was reared in his native county up to the age of twenty- one, receiving his education in the common schools. After coming, in 1843, to Avon township, Lo rain Co., Ohio, he commenced sailing on the lakes, in which he continued for seven teen seasons, on boats plying between Cleveland and Buffalo, and also Detroit. In an early day he opened up a farm in Sheffield township, Lorain county, where he resided for some years, thence remov ing to Avon township, where he has since had his home. In 1847 he was married, in Avon township, to Miss Ruth J. Titus, who was born in New York State, daugh ter of Anson and Hannah (Moore) Titus, natives, respectively, of Massachusetts and Connecticut, and early settlers of Avon township, where they died. To this union were born four children, as follows: Mi nerva, who was first wedded to Lorenzo Miller, and after his decease to Frank Nes- bitt (she had two children by her first hus band, Vernon and Carrie, and one by her second husband, Little Elbert, named for his grandfather; she died in 1892); Jane, wife of William J. Curtis, living in Avon township; Sumner, who was drowned when five years old; and Edward, residing on the home farm, who is married and has two children — Lou and Melinda. The wife of E. A. Cuyler died in 1879. In his political connections our subject is an active Republican (casting his first vote for James G. Birney), and has served three terms as trustee of Avon township. In re ligions faith he is a member of the Epis copal Church, and socially he belongs to King Solomon Lodge, No. 56, A. F. & A. M., Elyria, and to Marshall Chapter No. 47. , Mr. Cuyler owns a fertile farm of sixty-two and a half acres in Avon town ship, and twenty acres of another farm ; he has twenty-one acres devoted exclusively to grape-culture. E' W. PITTS. This gentleman was born February 18, 1833, in Spring- I field township, Richland Co., Ohio, a son of William and Mary (Buck ingham) Pitts. William Pitts, grandfather of our sub ject, was a native of England, and when a young man emigrated to America, where he married and reared a family of children, among whom was one son, William. The latter was born April 15, 1803, in West moreland county, Penn., was reared to farm life, and had but meager educational ad vantages. When a youth of fifteen he came west to Ohio, and here passed the remainder of his life, principally engaged in agricultural pursuits. On May 6, 1832, 718 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. he was united in marriage, in Mansfield, Ohio, with Miss Mary Buckingham, who was born April 5, 1817, in Harrison county, same State, daughter of Joshua Buckingham (who was born March 28, 1781), and his wife Margaret (Randall) (who was born September 27, 1781, in Baltimore county, Md.). Gov. Buckingham, of one of the New England States, was a full cousin to Mrs. William Pitts, and consequently second cousin to E. W. Pitts, the subject proper of this sketch. The governor's father was a Methodist minister. On his mother's side E. W. Pitts has six full cousins who are physicians, and two who are lawyers, one of whom, by name William Cantwell, born near Mansfield, Ohio, died a few years ago in San Francisco, Cal. On our sub ject's father's side there were also many relatives of prominence, noted men in Eng land, holding high positions there, some as " merchant princes." To Mr. and Mrs. William Pitts were bora two children: Ezekiel W., subject of this memoir, and Otis W., a liveryman of Belleville, Ohio. Mr. Pitts was obliged to begin life for himself with practically nothing, and was at first employed in chopping wood, being paid for his work in money, which was then very scarce in the backwoods regions. However, he became a successful farmer, and accumulated a comfortable property. In politics he was a Democrat until Abraham Lincoln's time, after which he remained a member of the Republican party; in religious faith he was a member of the Presbyterian Church, his wife of the Methodist denomination. He passed from earth November 24, 1884, and was followed to the grave by his widow September 18, 1887, and they now rest side by side in Shelby cemetery, Richland county, Ohio. Ezekiel W. Pitts was reared to the duties of agricultural life, and when but five years of age attended school in bis-native county, at which time the now thriving city of Shelby could boast of but one store. When he was six years of age his parents moved to Springfield township (Richland county), where he went to school with his mother, who, having had no literary advantages in her early life, availed herself of the pres ent opportunity. Our subject attended school regularly till seventeen years of age, and in 1852 came to the college at Oberlin, Ohio, where he studied nine months, tit- ting himself for the profession of a teacher. To pay for his tuition at Oberlin he worked on the P. F. W. & C. R. R., for ninety cents a day, and lathed at Oberlin for ten cents an hour. He began teaching in New Haven township, Huron Co., Ohio, in the Miller District, when it contained seventy- five pupils, who met in an old log school- house. The school had been without a teacher for some time, and Mr. Pitts was obliged often to enforce obedience, but he nevertheless was very successful. While attending school at Oberlin Mr. Pitts met Miss Roseltha A. Rowell, who was born July 16, 1837, on the farm her husband now owns, daughter of Levi L. and Laura M. (Matcham) Rowell, and they were mar ried September 26, 1855, in the house where he still resides. Levi L. Rowell was born in Granville, Hampden Co., Mass., a son of Snllivanand Elizabeth (Woolworth) Rowell, and was the first of the family to come to Ohio. He migrated hither from Connecticut in 1832, settling in Pittsfield township, Lorain county, when that section was in truth a "howling wilderness," abounding with wild animals. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Pitts lo cated in Springfield township, Richland Co., Ohio, on a farm of forty acres, costing nine hundred dollars, which amount he borrowed from his neighbors. The house was a rude frame structure, 16 x 24 feet, and containing but two rooms, and here they resided for ten years, when they moved to Pittsfield township, Lorain county, where he had purchased some land. In 1867 they came to their present farm, which at one time comprised 300 acres; but it has been gradually divided among LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 719 the children, until now he has bnt 132 acres, which he calls his own. Mr. Pitts has met with well- merited success in his chosen vocation, and he is one of the lead ing farmers in the county. His advice on various matters is often sought for by his neighbors, who appreciate his good com mon-sense and sound judgment, and respect and admire him for his many sterling qualities. To Mr. and Mrs. Pitts have come children, a brief record of whom is as follows: Effie W., who was born in Richland county, Ohio, is the wife of Dr. E. V. B. Buckingham, of Chicago Junc tion, Ohio; Levi M., who was also bom in Richland county, Ohio, was drowmed June 23, 1882, when aged twenty-three, being seized with cramps while bathing; Alton J. is a farmer of Pittsfield township; Willis W. is also a farmer of Pittsfield township; Roseltha M. has been a student at Oberlin College; Grant W. is farming in Pittsfield township. In politics Mr. Pitts is a mem ber of the Republican party, and has served as township trustee, in which position he gave universal satisfaction; he is the pres ent school director in his district. Mrs. Pitts is a member of the Methodist Cliurch. PETER MoRO BERTS, one of the pioneers of Pittsfield township, was born February 10, 1804, in Spring field, Vt., son of John McRoberts, who was born in Scotland in 1759, and came to America in 1775. He served as a soldier in the Continental army dur ing the war of the Revolution, and re ceived an honorable discharge. He died in 1813. and sleeps in an honored grave in the South cemetery of Whiting, Vt. His wife, Lucy Bradford, was born, in 1761, in Massachusetts, a descendant of the Bradfords of Puritan fame; she died in 1845, and was buried in Centre cemetery of Pittsfield. Peter's youth and early manhood were spent in farming, lumbering, and driving a mail coach from Castleton to Middle bury, Vt. His education was that of the common school, which at that time to those in his station was limited to a short term in winter. His text books were a Spelling Book, Testament, American Pre ceptor, for a reader, while Adams' Arith metic (in which he excelled) completed the outfit. Peter McRoberts was married Decem ber 13, 1828, in Sudbury, Vt., to Eliza Waite, who was born in Shoreham, Vt., August 23, 1803, daughter of Samuel Waite, who died, in 1805, in Shoreham, Yt. Her mother, Elizabeth (Smith) Waite, was born in 1765 in Massachusetts, came to Ohio, and died in Pittsfield in 1835; she was buried on the Josiah Barnard farm, there being no public burying place in the township at that time; some years later her remains were removed to the Centre cemetery of Pittsfield township, and laid by the side of Nahum Clark, a son by her first husband. On October 31, 1831, Peter, with his wife, two babies and sister Cynthia, in a covered wagon drawn by two horses, started from Sudbury, Vt., for Ohio, a journey of seven hundred miles, and at the end of six weeks they found themselves in Madison township, Richland county, where Mrs. McRoberts had two sisters living — Mrs. William Stewart and Mrs. Horatio Harmon. On January 14, 1832, he contracted with George Mann, of Sullivan township, for the purchase of the whole of Lot 4 and the north half of Lot 17, in Pittsfield town ship, at two dollars and a half per acre, two hundred and fifteen dollars in hand paid, the balance in three annual payments in neat stock or wheat; and in March, same year, the family moved hither, liv ing with a neighbor by the name of Beam until a log house could be built. They moved in as soon as the roof was on, the earth serving for a floor, and a blanket for a door. Tbey were the twelfth family in Pittsfield township. Mr. McRoberts cleared a part of this farm, and in 1834 720 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. sold it to Josiah Barnard. He then pur chased Lot No. 18, cleared a large part of it, and built a frame house and barn. But his ambition exceeded his endurance, and his health failing he gave up farming for merchandising, moving to Wellington vil lage in 1837. For a time he did business where Benedict's hardware store now stands, in a building owned by John S. Reed, later moving his establishment to where the postoffice now is, in a building formerly occupied by R. H. Foot. He built and operated an ashery for manu facturing pearlash (crude soda, a product of wood ashes), and continued in business till 1843, when he sold out to Mathew Allen, and came back to his farm in Pitts field township, on which he made many improvements. Politically Mr. McRoberts was a Whig, and he took great interest in public affairs, helping to organize the County Agricul tural Society; he also took an active part in building the Congregational Church, and though not a member was one of the trustees of the Society. He held the offices of real-estate assessor, justice of the peace, and township trustee; having some knowledge of law he could tell what he knew, and advocated many cases before justices of the peace, being generally suc cessful. He died in 1847, aud was buried in the Centre cemetery of Pittsfield town ship; his wife, now in her ninety-first year, has lived continuously in the same house for more than half a century, the sole survivor of all the residents of Pitts field township that had attained their ma jority when she came here sixty-two years ago. As wife, mother and neighbor she has nobly sustained her part in the trials and hardships of pioneer life, and the rear ing of a large family, and now, with her mother love undimmed (children and grandchildren supplying her wants), with a faith that never faltered, her life shadow lengthening near the nightjjshe awaits the coming dawn of a life eternal in Heaven. Her children, seven in number, were all sons, to wit: Henry, born October 31, 1829, in Hubbardton, Rutland Co., Vt., lives on the home farm, sketch of whom follows; Albert, born August 9, 1831, in Sudbury, Rutland Co., Vt., is a farmer of Pittsfield township (he draws a pension for disability incurred in the service of the United States while acting as first lieu tenant iu the Forty-first Regiment O. V. I.); Pitt, born December 22, 1834, in Pittsfield township, Lorain Co., Ohio, is a well-to-do farmer of that township, living within fifty rods of where he was born; Charles, bora December 25, 1838, in Wellington, Lorain county, who served two years in Battery E, First Regiment Ohio Artillery, was killed at Cleveland, Ohio, in 1872, while a freight conductor on the L. S. & M. S. R. R. (he was buried in the Centre cemetery of Pitts field); Volney, born May 12, 1841, in Wellington, Ohio, a sketch of whom fol lows; Erwin, born February 14, 1844, in Pittsfield, enlisted in the Eighty- seventh Regiment O. V. I., for three months, was captured at Harper's Ferry, was paroled and came home, being discharged at Dela ware, Ohio (he re-enlisted in Company D, One Hundred and Seventy-eighth Regi ment O. V. I., and served to the end of the war; he was killed at Toledo, Ohio, in 1870, while a freight couductor on the L. S. & M. S. R. R., and was buried in the Centre cemetery, Pittsfield, by Oberlin Lodge, F. & A. M., of which he was a member); and Arthur, born September 29, 1846, in Pittsfield township, where he now resides, and carries on farming (so cially he is a member of Oberlin Lodge, I. O. O. F.). HENRY McROBERTS, a well-known resident of Pittsfield township, was born October 31, 1829, in Vermont, and came to Pittsfield township with his parents in 1832. His edu cation was that of the common schools, and he lived with his parents and an uncle 4/ LORAIN COUNTY. OHIO. 721 by the name of Hall till his eighteenth year. He then went to Elyria, in the em ploy of Baldwin, Starr & Co., dealers in general merchandise, as a salesman, re maining there two years, and thence going to Chicago, where he was in the employ of William Blair & Co., hardware merchants, at No. 176 Lake St., as salesman, for three years. During that time he cast his first vote at a municipal election. He saw the first train of cars go out of the city. In 1852 he came back to Pittsfield, and has lived on the same farm forty-one years, as a farmer, dealer in fine-wool sheep, and patent rights; he also operates a stone quarry, and is a contractor for stone work. In politics a Republican, he has held the offices of President of the Board of Educa tion, Township Trustee and Assessor, and is serving his fourth term as Justice of the Peace. During the war of the Rebellion he was one of tbe " Squirrel Hunters." On April 19, 1860, Mr. McRoberts was married to Llarriet Pomeroy, who was born November 2, 1834, in Newfane, Windham Co., Vt., daughter of John M. and Clarissa (Gale) Pomeroy; the parents came to Ohio in 1839, and first located in Sullivan township (then in Lorain county), whence they finally moved to Pittsfield township, where they settled. To Mr. and Mrs. McRoberts have come the following- named children: Luella P., Philip L., William S., Metta G., Erwin R., Ola E. and H. Blain, all born in the same house in Pittsfield township, and all living. Mr. McRoberts is a member of theF. &A. M., and is well-known in the community where he resides. ¥)OLNEY McROBERTS, an influen tial citizen of Pittsfield township, was born May 12, 1841, in Welling ton, Lorain Co., Ohio, fifth in a family of seven sons born to Peter and Eliza (Waite) McRoberts. In 1843 he came with his parents to the farm in Pitts field township, where he first attended school, his first teacher being one William Horton. After the death of his father our sub ject went to live with an uncle, Orlando Hall. He received his primary education at the common schools, and later took a two years' course at Oberlin College. Re turning to the home of his uncle he re mained there until July, 1862, when he enlisted, at Cleveland, in the First Ohio Battery, which was sent to Kentucky and stationed on the Green river, along the L. & N. Railroad, whence they were driven back by Bragg. Mr. McRoberts, along with a number of others, being taken sick near Louisville, he was discharged in the fall of 1862, and returned to Pittsfield, Ohio. On August 18, 1863, he was married to Miss Celia Pomeroy, a native of Pitts field township, daughter of John Pomeroy, and to this union were bora four children, namely: Walter V., foreman in a stone sawmill at Bedford, Lawrence Co., Ind.; Cora E., Mrs. Charles Reynolds, of Shef field, Ohio; Lena M., wife of C. C. Carter, a farmer of Pittsfield township; and Pitt E., attending the business college at Ober lin. On February 15, 1875, the mother of these children passed from earth, and was buried in Pittsfield cemetery. On April 3, 1877, he married, for his second wife, Amelia Johnson, of Penfield, Ohio, who was born September 29, 1850, in Wellington township, daughter of Collins and Eliza (Gaylord) Johnson, who came here in an early day from Jefferson county, N. Y. To this marriage have come two children, Celia F. and Helen I., both liv ing at home. After marriage Mr. McRob erts settled on Lot 21, in Pittsfield town ship, where he has since resided, principally engaged in agriculture, in which he has met with no small degree of success. His farm is an excellent one, and now comprises 137 acres of fine land. This tract contains a stone quarry, wliich he operated for seventeen years, and he has done con- 722 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. siderable work for the cdunty, giving his chief attention to bridge-building, stonework, etc., all of which he- has executed in a most creditable manner. Poli tically he is a leading member of the Re publican party, and has served his township in various official capacities; he cast his first vote for Abraham Lincoln. Socially he is a member of Oberlin Lodge No. 380, F. & A. M. 4/ HENRY H. WEEKS, a prominent resident of Camden township, is a native of New York City, born March 10, 1831, a sou of Thomas T. and Mary (Hoag) Weeks, the former of whom was born in Yorktown, Westchester Co., N. Y., in 1798, a son of Benjamin K. Weeks, who was born in 1773, a son of James Weeks. Thomas T. Weeks received a fair educa tion at the schools of his native place, and being naturally bright was a clever student and an apt scholar. He was reared on a farm, and followed agricultural pursuits until 1825, when he moved to the city of New York, and there followed the busi ness of draying (at that time a lucrative occupation) for a large wholesale firm, until 1837, in -which year he removed with his family to Ohio by river, canal and lake via Buffalo, the voyage from the latter place being made on the " Daniel Webster," the first boat to pass through the ice that spring — then the middle of May. Prior to this he had visited Ohio (in 1833 and 1835) and bought 320 acres of land in the extreme southeastern part of Florence township, Erie county, a part of which was cleared, with a log house and barn and a small orchard thereon. He lived here thirty-four years. In 1871 he sold this farm and bought another two miles farther west, on which he lived in the family of his son, Henry, eleven years. Thomas T. Weeks was twice married: first to Miss Mary Hoag, who was born in Dutchess county, N. Y.,in 1796, daughter of Abraham and Sarah (Matthews) Hoag, and the children by this marriage were: Sarah, now widow of James Daley, of Wakeman, Ohio; Lydia M., wife of Edgar Wright, a wholesale grocer of New York City; Elizabeth, who died in 1878, and Henry H. The mother of these died in New York in 1833, and iu 1836 Mr. Weeks married Mrs. Freelove Fowler, nee Thorn, widow of Henry Fowler. The children of this marriage were: Theodore, who died in infancy; John F., now living at Clyde, Ohio; Benjamin K., a farmer, who died in Oberlin in 1879; James, who died in infancy; Martha J. and Marietta, of Oberlin, Ohio; and Emma, of Spring field, Mass. The mother of these died in Florence in 1866. Mr. Weeks died March 8, 1885, at the home of his daughters in Oberlin, where he had been temporarily sojourning. He was a man of strong con victions, fearless and outspoken, a success ful farmer and good business man, self- made, and highly, respected. In politics he was, a Democrat until 1856, when he became a Republican, and ever after took a deep interest in the success of the prin ciples of that party. Henry H. Weeks, the subject proper of this memoir, attended the public schools of the county of his adoption, and also one term at a select school at Birming ham, Erie county. He remained with his father until his marriage in 1855, teaching school, however, during several winters in Florence, Vermillion and Wakeman town ships. Soon after his marriage he moved into a log house on a small farm which he owned in Henrietta township, Lorain county, where he lived until 1858, when he removed with his family to Findlay, Ohio, where he carried on a grocery and provision business. In 1861 he returned to Florence, and in compauy with his brother, Benjamin, carried on the home farm four years. The next three years he lived in the city of New York. Return ing from there in 1868 he took charge of his father's farm, on which he and hia LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 733 family lived until the spring of 1883, when he purchased and moved onto the farm where he now resides in Camden township, Lorain county, about one mile west of Kipton. Mr. Weeks has been twice married; first time November 15, 1855, to Miss Cora L. Van Camp, of Quincy, Mich., and, second, October 14, 1872, to Mrs. Louise J. Shaffer, widow of George Shaffer, a member of the One Plun- dred and First Regiment 0. V. I., who died of smallpox at Chattanooga, Tenn., in 1863. She was born at Birming ham, Erie county, March 13, 1841, a daugh ter of Thomas Hazard, a native of the city of New York. By the first marriage were born two children: Frank E., now a prac ticing physician in Clarksfield, Huron county, and Charles H., who was accident ally killed at the age of ten years. Politi cally our subject is a Republican, has held several township offices, and is now serving his tenth year as township trustee. From genealogical records in his posses sion Mr. Weeks traces his lineage back to Anneke Jans- Bogardus, a native of Hol land, who with her husband, Roelof Jans, came to New Amsterdam (now New York) in 1630, and who at her death left landed property there which has since become very valuable, and is now in the possession of Trinity Church. The immediate an cestors of our subject were Friends, or Quakers, and he is by birthright a member of that Society, but in belief is bound by no religious creed. THOMAS FOLGER, a leading grape grower in this section of Ohio, and manager of the grape syndicate that controls the sale of grapes grown in the Lake Erie district, is a native of Medina county, Ohio, born February 14, 1842. He is a' son of H. G. and E. A. (Ingersoll) Folger, the former of whom died November 26, 1883; the mother is yet living, and is making her home with her son Thomas. Thomas Folger, grandfather of the sub ject of this sketch, was boru on the island of Nantucket, Mass., where his ancestors had settled, one of whom was many years ago one of the seven proprietors of that island. Grandfather Folger was a whaler, owning an interest in several whaling ships; and when the English Government passed a law granting a bounty on whale- oil products, he removed to London, Eng land, in order to come under the provis ions of said law, expecting good financial returns. He there married, and in the city of London our subject's father was born. After tbe rescinding, by the Eng lish Government, of the whale-oil bounty Act, Thomas Folger returned to Nantucket, taking his family with him. C. J. Folger, the prominent American politician, who was U. S. Sub-Treasurer under Grant, also Secretary of the Treasury under Arthur, and held many other high offices of trust in the U. S. Government, is an uncle of our subject. Thomas Folger received his education in part at the public schools, and in part at the Western Reserve College. At the breaking out of the Civil war he enlisted, in August, 1861, in Company H, Twenty- fifth O. V. L, and was mustered out of the service in July, 1865. His regiment, which was first assigned to the army of the Potomac, participated in the battles of Gettysburg, Chancellorsville, Cedar Moun tain and several minor engagements. It was then transferred to the army of the Southwest, under Sherman, was in the celebrated march to the sea, and after its return homeward took part in the Grand Review at Washington. Mr. Folger was promoted from the ranks to lieutenant and adjutant, and brevet captain. On his return to the pursuits of peace, he took up his residence in Cleveland, Ohio, where he embarked in the produce and commission business, which he carried on for some five 724 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. or six years, subsequently becoming a wholesale commission merchant. About the year 1878 he abandoned this business for grape culture, a line of industry for which he has a special liking, and to which he has since given mnch thought and attention. He now owns and operates a vineyard covering some forty acres, and is one uf the leading organizers of a syndi cate whose object is the marketing of grapes grown in this part of the country, Mr. Folger being manager of same. He attends to the details of shipment, as well as the finding of suitable markets, and, in fact, controls the entire business of the corporation. He is also a stockholder and director in the Lorain Banking Company. Mr. Folger was united in marriage, May 2, 1867, with Miss Delia Beswick, and four children have been bora to them: Anna B., Josephine D., Jennie P., and Ida A., who died at the age of eight years. Politically he is a Democrat, and has been a member of the city council of Elyria (of which place he is a resident). He is a F. & A. M.,a member of the Chapter, and is a member of the G. A. R. A man of marked business faculties, Mr. Folger is a potent factor in all movements tending to the advancement and prosperity of the county of his adoption. IDNEYSARDUS WARNER. This gentleman, prominent in the bank ing, manufacturing and farming in terests of Lorain county, comes of English ancestry, who left the Mother Country many years ago for America, making a settlement in New England. Mr. Warner was born in Suffield, Conn., April 17, 1829, and in 1832 was brought by his parents to Mantua, Portage Co., Ohio, thence in 1839 to Huntington, Lo rain county. There he made his home un til he moved in 1868, to Wellington, where he has since resided. His father, Chaun cey Warner, born in Suffield, Conn., in 1790, was a man of culture, high mental attainments and irreproachable character. He married Miss Eliza Kent, who was born in his native town in 1792, a lady of pronounced intellectual force, undimmed ' even in her old age, and a devoted worker in every cause tending to the advancement and enlightenment of the human race. They both attained patriarchal ages, the father dying at ninety- two, the mother at ninety-seven years. With such intellec tual, hale and stanch parentage, it is not to be wondered at that at an early age, ere he had quite reached the close of the first decade of his life, the son should begin to develop that spirit of determination and enterprise that has since characterized his many and various undertakings, and ele vated him to the pinnacle of success. When thirty-two years old, Mr. Warner was elected to represent Lorain county in the General Assembly of Ohio, on the "Union ticket;" was reelected in 1863, and has ever since been a Republican. Llis career as Representative was marked by his accuracy of judgment and political sa gacity, and his fearless discharge of duty to his constituency and the State at large; and as a proof, if proof were indeed needed, of the esteem and respect in which he was held by the people, we find him elected State Treasurer on the Republican ticket in 1865, again in 1867, and yet again in 1869, serving three consecutive terms. Mr. Warner's administration was charac terized by the highest efficiency and the most scrupulous honesty. After serving four years as trustee of Cleveland Hospital for the Insane, he was reappointed to the same position, by Gov. Foster, for a term of five years, during which time he filled the office of president of tbe board. Soon after bis re-appointment, however, he re signed, in 1880, to head the Republican ticket as elector-at-large, but was, after the election of Garfield, again, December 31, same year, re-appointed to that trust, to preside at tbe board from which he had recently resigned. Mr. Warner's political o-fEngravmQ ftn(>-'-' LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 727 career has been marked, at every step, by persistent energy, strict integrity and a high' sense of justice. In 1874 he was a prominent candidate for Governor of Ohio, and would probably have been nominated had not the question of U. S. senatorship entered the convention as a potent factor. As a candidate for Congress in the Four teenth Congressional District, he secured, for 595 successive ballots, more, votes than any other candidate in the convention. He withdrew, however, in the interest of har mony — naming a new candidate who was nominated the first ballot thereafter. Mr. Warner has, indeed, been highly honored by his State; and it can be said, without suspicion of flattery, that he has well merited every honor he has received. Mr. Warner's business enterprises, while numerous and varied, have been successful and prosperous. He was one of the prime movers in the organization of the First National Bank of Wellington, in 1864, and has been its president since, a period of about thirty years. Since 1869 he has been a member of one of the largest cheese firms in the State of Ohio, widely known all over the country under the name of Horr, Warner & Co. During its exist, ence, he was president of the Citizens Mutual Relief Association. In 1881 he was chosen president of the Clarksfield Stone Company; in 1883, he assisted in organizing the Cleveland National Bank, of which he has been the only president. He is a member of the, agricultural firm of Wean, Horr, Warner & Co., and is ex tensively engaged in the breeding of fine blooded horses. In 1851 Mr. Warner married Miss Margaret Anna Rradner, 0f Huntington, Lorain county, a woman of the same sturdy New England stock, whose ability and good judgment have supplemented the endeavors of her husband, and whose accomplishments have kept pace with his career. Four children have been born to this union, as follows: Orrie Louisa, Sidney Kent, Albert Rollin and George 39 Bradner, the youngest two being gradu ates of Cornell University, the daughter of Oberlin College. Surrounded by his interesting, intelli gent family, Mr. Warner is a thoughtful, devoted husband, and a kind, indulgent father. Among men he is genial and companionable; manly and fearlessly in dependent in character and thought; con sistent and temperate in all respects. His social standing is high, his integrity in corruptible. A true and loyal friend, a man of taste and culture — with broad and liberal views — Mr. Warner is a man, all in all, of large body, soul and mind. AMUEL S. ROCKWOOD, assist ant cashier of The Savings Deposit Bank Co., Elyria, is a native of that town, born October 6, 1861. His, education was, received in the public schools of Elyria, and ha graduated from the High School in the class, of 1880. In 1882 he entered into the employ of the Savings Deposit Bank as assistant bookkeeper, from which position he has been promoted step by step to the assistant cashiership, to which incumbency he was appointed in 1892, and is at present filling with char acteristic ability and fidelity. In 1886 Mr. Rockwood was married to Miss Ella L. Garford, and one child, named Gertrude L., has come to brighten their home. Our subject in his political sympathies is a Republican; socially he is a member of the Royal Arcanum and National Union, and both he and his wife are mem bers of the Protestant Episcopal Church. The parents of the subject of our sketch, Augustus F. and Diantha (Spencer) Rockwood, were children of pioneers of the county, born, reared and educated there. The father, who was by trade a carpenter and joiner, died in 1874 from diseases contracted during a three years' service for the Union in the war of the Rebellion. They were the parents of three 728 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. children: Samuel S., the subject of our sketch; Angeline S., wife of J. A. Reublin, and Mary D., wife of W. G. Watts, Well ington, Ohio. Henry S. Rockwood, the paternal grand father of our subject, was one of the pio neers of the county, having spent most of the years of a long life within its bounds. He was for some time county recorder, and is still living hale and hearty, having passed his eighty-second birthday. He came of long-lived stock, his own father having lived and died in the county at the advanced age of one hundred years. Eliel C. Spencer, the maternal grandfather of the subject of our sketch, came to Lorain county when a mere boy. He endured all the hardships and privations of pioneer life, and died at the age of eighty-two. He was an indefatigable worker, and of him it is said: "He hewed more miles of public highway through the virgin forest in the towns of Pittsfield and LaGrange than any other man in those parts." FA. AYERY, editor and proprietor of the North Amherst Argus, is a _ native of Lorain county, Ohio, born January 6, 1872, in Henrietta town ship. He is a son of A. P. and Lucinda (Wheeler) Avery, the former of whom was born, in 1832, in Massachusetts, came west and located in Wellington, Ohio, where he married Miss Lucinda Wheeler, of La Grange township, Lorain county. The subject of these lines left his home at the age of fourteen years, and from that time made his own way in the world. He received his education at the common schools, alsoat the Wellington high school, and took a miscellaneous literary course at the Normal College of Valparaiso, Ind. In Antwerp, Ohio, he learned the printing trade, and after serving his apprenticeship came to North Amherst, where for a year and a half he was manager and local editor of the Reporter. In the fall of 1891 he severed his connection with that paper and worked as a "jour" competitor on various leading newspapers in the East and West until October, 1892, at which time he established the Argus, a clean, bright, newsy journal which is bound to make its mark under the facile pen of its experi enced though yet youthful editor. It is a paper free and untrammeled, being open to all parties, influenced by none, and neutral in politics. K. STARR, farmer and extensive landowner, and oldest resident of Penfield township, is a son of Will iam Starr, who was born October 3, 17 — , near Danbury, Conn., son of Eleazer and Rebecca (Clapp) Starr. William Starr was reared to farm life, and when a young man removed with his parents to Harpersfield, Delaware Co., N. Y., where he was united in marriage, in 1816, with Miss Ada Beardsley. She was born April 18, 1795, near Danbury, Conn., daughter of Gaylord and Charlotte (Bass) Beardsley, who also moved from Connecti cut to Delaware county, N. Y. Here William and Ada Starr had children as follows: A son that died in infancy un named; Axey E., born September 20, 1818, who married Abel Dougherty, and died in Penfield, Ohio; Polly Ann, born Feb ruary 29, i820, now the widow of Jacob Smith, residing with her children in Erie county, Penn.; Clarinda E., bora Novem ber 11, 1822, who married for her first husband Dr. William Jeffries, and for her second Charles Shepard (she died October 5, 1885, at Adrian, Mich.); Orline R., boru January 20, 1826, now the widow of J. W. Hamilton, who died October 11, 1877' (she lives in Wellington, Ohio); Jane M., born April 1, 1827, of Welling ton, Ohio; Ada L., who died when three months old; and George W., bora March 20, 1831, who died June 8, 1878, at Pen- field, Ohio. After coming to Ohio they had two more ehildren — Orrin K., sub- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 729 ject of this sketch, and Gideon R., a farmer and retired merchant of Warren township, Warren Co., Penn. In 1831 the family came by canal and lake to Ohio, the hired man driving the team to Buffalo, N. Y., from which place they came on the boat "William Penn" to Cleveland, the trip occupying three days and two nights. During this journey a terrible storm arose on the lake, the ship being twice driven to the Canadian shore. From Cleveland they drove with a team to Medina, where Mathew L. Hamilton, a brother-in-law of Mr. Starr, resided, and here remained two weeks, when they removed to Penfield township, Lorain county; at this time there was no bridge there across the Black river, and Mrs. Starr crossed it on a foot- log, carrying her infant son George. They located on land a short distance west of the center of the township, which Mr. Starr purchased from Amzi Penfield, and made a permanent home on this farm, which still remains in the possession of the family, being now owned by the sub ject of this sketch. When William Starr came to Ohio his means were somewhat limited, and he was obliged to go into debt for his farm, only a few acres of which were then cleared, and which contained a log house, but no barn. Wild animals abounded. Improvements were begun at once, and here he continued to follow farming tbe rest of his life, and amassed a comfortable competence. Politically he was a Democrat until the time of William H. Harrison, when he joined the Repub lican party, with wliich he affiliated the rest of his days. He died in April, 1864, preceded by his wife May 28, 1856, and both are buried in Penfield cemetery. They were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Penfield. 0. K. Starr was born December 3, 1833, in Penfield township, Lorain Co., Ohio, on the farm he now owns. He was reared to agricultural life, and obtained his educa tion in the common schools of the day, re ceiving his first literary instruction under Jiles Palmer. After his seventeenth year he worked away from home, receiving eight dollars per month; later was em ployed three years by Hiram Smith; in 1855 went to Adair county, Iowa, and while there took up land which has since remained in the family. In 1857 he was married, in Penfield, to Miss Matilda Wager, who died a few years later, leaving one child, Ida, now Mrs. Edwin Norton, of Grand Rapids, Mich. For his second wife our subject was married, February 28, 1863, to Miss Mary E. Blanchard, who was born in 1840 in Palenville, Greeue Co., N. Y. (among the Catskills), daughter of J. H. and Jane Parmelia (Myers) Blanch ard, who came to Penfield township in 1850 from Morrow county, Ohio, whither they had migrated from New York. In company with his brother George Mr. Starr bought out the other heirs of the old home farm, and here -he made his home until 1888, when he removed to his pres ent farm. To his second marriage have been born two children, namely: Justice M. (a merchant of Penfield) and Alena R. (wife of Fred Andrews, a farmer of Pen- field). Mr. Starr has dealt in stock, aud has bought and sold wool, meeting in all his enterprises with no small degree of success. He now owns 213 acres of excel lent land. In his political predilections he is a stanch member of the Republican party, and has served as township treasurer for some years. Mrs. Starr is a member of the M. E. Cliurch. JOHN AUSTIN CHAPMAN (de ceased), for many years a prosperous farmer and dairyman in Huntington township, was born in Montgomery, Mass., April 7, 1817. Isaac Chapman, paternal grandfather of John Austin Chapman, was a native of Connecticut, born in the town of Groton, December 18, 1740. His wife, Mary, was born July 13, 1742, in Plymouth, Mass., 730 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. and died May 25, 1806, the mother of nine children, all born in Groton, as follows: Content, Susanna, Isaac, Mary, Abner, Elisha, Nathan, Bradford and Sarah. John Fisher, maternal grandfather of John Aus tin Chapman, was born May 22, 1751, and his wife, Muriel, on November 15, 1741. Of their children, William, Olive (John A. Chapman's mother), George, Hulda and Henry all lived in Yermont. Abner Chapman, father of subject, was a native of Connecticut, born June 20, 1772. He worked on the farm of John Fisher, in Vermont, whose daughter, Olive, he married January 19, 1796, at Ver- gennes, same State; she was born Novem ber 20, 1778. All their children, thirteen in number, were born in Massachusetts, and the following is a brief record of the majority of them: Luther, born in 1798, died at the age of eighty-six in Geauga county, Ohio, where he had settled; Calvin, born November 24, 1800, was married, and died in Boston, Mass., June 1, 1857; Achsah (1) died in infancy; following these come Olive, Achsah (2), Laura, Abner, William, Eunice, Hulda A., John Austin (subject of sketch) and Emeline (wife of Edward West), of Wellington, Ohio, all of whom grew to maturity excepting two. In 1833 the family came from Montgomery, Mass., to Lorain county, Ohio, settling in Huntington township. Luther, the eldest, came west before his parents and the rest of the family, walking the entire distance to Geauga county, Ohio, where he settled, as already related. The father died Jan uary 29, 1851, the mother on February 25, 1854. The subject of this sketch was married November 6, 1844, m Huntington town ship, Lorain county, to Miss Isabel Lind sey, born December 15, 1824, in Chester, Mass., a daughter of John and Susan (King) Lindsey, the former of whom was born in Massachusetts (it is believed) No vember 15, 1803. In 1836 Mr. Lindsey came to Lorain county, Ohio, settling on a farm in Huntington township. He served as deputy under Sheriff Gates, of Lorain county, and was one of the posse of detectives who hunted down the counter feiters several years ago, bringing back in custody several of them from beyond the Mississippi river. His wife was born July 7, 1801, in County Armagh, Ireland, and died June 2, 1845, after which Mr. Lind sey removed east, but after a time again came west, for a couple of years sojourn ing in Illinois, where he had business, and where he died in September, 1852. In his political predilections he was a strong Douglas Democrat. To Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey there were bora six children, viz.: Isabel, born December 12, 1824, widow of John A. Chapman; William K-, bora May 18, 1826, died young; Esther, born May 25, 1828; John G, born April 18, 1831, living in Allegan, Mich.; Margaret, bora June 6, 1835; and William H., born Sep tember 28, 1839, living in Michigan, all born in Massachusetts except the youngest, who is an Ohioan. Grandfather William Lindsey, who lived in Chester, Mass., was descended from Scotch ancestry, the Chap- mans being of English descent. Mrs. Chapman's maternal grandmother, Mar garet Morton, married William King. Her (Mrs. Chapman's) paternal grand mother was Jane Hubble, a native of Con necticut, who had two brothers known to Mrs. Chapman, named respectively Ed ward and Silas; she was twice married: first to John Lindsey and then to William Lindsey. After marriage, Mr. and Mrs. John Austin Chapman settled in Huntington township, Lorain county, on the Chapman homestead, taking care of his parents in their declining years. In 1876 they came to the town of Wellington, where they built the elegant and commodious residence still occupied by Mrs. Chapman. Here he died May 22, 1891, leaving a comfortable competence, the accumulation of years of honest toil aud careful thrift. Prior to the Civil war he was an Old-time Dem ocrat, but became, at the breaking out of LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 731 that straggle, a stanch Republican, re maining iu the ranks of that party till the day of his death. Their home was bright ened by the birth of three children, of whom the following is a brief record: Oren P., born October 30, 1845, married Miss Ella Perkins, and has two children, Mary Isabel and Robert A.; John Lindsey, born July 31, 1852, married Mabel Noney, and has three children: William Austin, Grace and Olive; and Josephine, married to Edward Van Cleaf, has two sons: Frank Chapman and Winferd K. in 'EORGE M. HARRIS, M. D. This gentleman, who has successfully practiced his profession for some sixteen years in Lorain, comes of an old pioneer family of Lorain county. He was born in North Amherst, Ohio, 1854, a son of Milo and Mary J. (Tyrrell) Harris, natives of Ohio and Mas sachusetts, respectively. The father is a prominent man in Lorain county, toward the growth and advancement of which he has materially contributed. In 1861 he was elected sheriff of the county, serving eighteen months; was also a justice of the peace for many years in Amherst and Black River townships. He was twice married: first time, in 1843, to Miss Caro line Stocking, of Lorain county, by which union there was one child, Florence (widow of Hiram Leslie), now living in California. Mrs. Caroline Harris died in 1852, and Mr. Harris subsequently married Miss Mary Tyrrell, daughter of Homer and Mary F. Tyrrell (both now deceased), all natives of Massachusetts. By this mar riage there were five children, of whom the following is a brief record: George M. is the subject of this sketch; Albert T. is a physician in Howard, Kans. ; Lucia M. is the wife of George M. Parker, of North Amherst; Homer J. died at the age of sixteen years; Carrie F. died at the age of three years. Josiah Harris, grandfather of subject, was bora November 30, 1783, in Becket, Berkshire Co., Mass., and died March 26, 1867, aged eighty-four years. Iu 1818 he came on foot from Massachusetts to Lorain county, where he had previously purchased land in what is now Amherst township. He was a member of the Ohio Legislature, and to attend to his duties there, at Columbus, he used to ride on horseback through a comparatively wild country. He served as postmaster (under appointment of Postmaster-General Meigs) over forty years continuously, excepting when in the Legislature. George M. Harris received his primary education at the common schools of North Amherst, after which, in 1875, he entered the Eclectic Medical Institute at Cincin nati, where he graduated with the class of 1877, in which year he located in Lorain, a town then of but some 1,500 inhabitants, and where he has since resided. In May, 1881, the Doctor was united in marriage, in Uhrichsville, Ohio, with Miss Dor- rell M. Leggett, a native of Uhrichsville, and to this union has been born one child, Florence. In politics Dr. Harris is a Re publican, and he has served as a member of the town council. Socially he is a member of the K. O. T. M. |[OHN CURREY, a successful well-to- l I do merchant, and well known as one %_J) of the stanch business men of Roches ter, is a native of Pennsylvania, born in Chester county February 10, 1823. William Currey, father of subject, by trade a wagon maker and wheelwright, was of the same locality by birth, as was also his wife, Rachel (Rickard). They were the parents of children as follows: Jonathan, who died in Troy, Ashland Co., Ohio; Ann, who married Thomas Wood, and died in Ashland county; Isaac, de ceased in Ashland county; Harriet", who died in Pennsylvania when young; John, 732 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. subject of sketch; Hannah, Mrs. James Walker, of Troy, Ohio; William, of Ash land county; Matthew, a resident of the State of Washington; and Angeline, who died young. In 1837 the family came to Ohio, the journey to Columbus, their destination, being made by wagon, and their route the National Pike. In Colum bus the father died, in August, 1837, and his widow about three months afterward moved to Greenwich township, Huron county, where she 'and the family rented land, on which they lived five years. In 1842 they moved to Troy, Ashland county, where they bought fifty acres of wild land at six dollars per acre. Here the mother died in 1854, her remains being laid to rest in Beckley cemetery, Rochester "town ship. John Currey, whose name introduces this sketch, received his education at the schools of his native place, and was four teen years old when the family came to Ohio, where he had to lay his hand to the axe to assist in the hewing out of a new home for the family. In 1866 he moved from Troy township, Ashland county, to Rochester, Lorain county, where he en tered mercantile life, having since success fully conducted his general store, in con nection with which he is interested in a hotel business, and buys and sells farm products. He owns in Troy township, Ashland county, 312 acres of excellent farming land. Mr. Currey has been twice married, first time in 1854 to Miss Almira Carrier, who was born in Ashland county, Ohio, and shortly thereafter they moved to Iowa City, where he was employed as clerk in the hardware store of Hart, Love & Co., which was not his first experience in that line, having already been in business for himself in Troy, Ohio. While in Iowa City his wife died, and about three months later he returned to Troy. In 1856, for his second helpmeet, Mr. Currey wedded Miss Matilda Wicks, a native of New York, born of English parentage. By this marriage came children whose record is as follows: Rachel, now Mrs. Adelbert Mitchell, of Rochester; Jane, Mrs. Charles Beardsley, of Rochester; Emeline, Mrs. George Smith, of Brighton township: Charles, of Troy, Ohio; Hattie, Mrs. Dwight Mann, of Rochester; and Nellie, residing at home. Politically our subject is a stanch Republican, and has held vari ous township offices, including that of treasurer six years. Both he and his wife are exemplary members of the M. E. Church. Mr. Currey is a man of good judgment and sound common sense, and his advice, where truly needed, is fre quently sought for and found valuable. T'HADDEUS W. FANCHER, post master at Lorain, was born Febru ary 25, 1839, in Greenwich, Huron Co., Ohio, where he was reared and educated. At the age of twenty-four he removed to central Michigan, where he resided about ten years, or until 1873, when he came to Lorain, Ohio, and there followed contracting and building some five or six years. At the end of that time he bought an interest in a hardware business, having as a partner a Mr. Edison, and this he con tinued in until his appointment, in 1880, as postmaster at Lorain. At the end of seven years' well-merited popularity in this office he was deposed by the incoming Cleveland administration, but received re appointment on the accession of Harrison to the Presidency, in 1890. He has also served in various municipal offices, such as member of council and mayor, besides as a justice of the peace for several years. In 1862 Mr. Fancher was united in marriage, in Greenwich, Huron Co., Ohio, with Miss Ermina Griffin, of the same place, daughter of Riley and Philena Griffin, the former of whom was bora in 1812 in Greene county, N. Y. ; his wife, Philena (Washburn), was born in Ulster LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 733 county, N. Y., in 1817, and died in 1862. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Fancher: Elvadore R. and Millicent A. Our subject has been a Freemason since the age of twenty-one. He is a son of William and Mary (Vanscoy) Fancher, the former of whom was born in 1811 in Poughkeepsie, N. Y ., whence in 1819 he came to Greenwich, Huron Co., Ohio, and died in 1887, at Camden, Mich., at the age of seventy-six years. Our subject's mother was a native of Geauga county, Ohio. C. WEEKS, whose industry and thrift have united in placing him in the front rank of Lorain county's K. many prosperous agriculturists, is the owner of a highly-improved farm of seventy-seven acres in Rochester township. He is the third son of German Weeks, who was born in the State of New York March 13, 1804; was united in marriage January 7, 1830, with Jane S., daughter of Christina and Peter Thompson. She whs born April 17, 1809. To Mr. and Mrs. Weeks were born thirteen children, all of whom are now living except the third child, who died in infancy. They are as follows: Matilda, Schuyler, George, Christina, Peter T., Andrew, John, Mary E., Martha A., Eliza J., Harriet L. and La Rue. Five of these accompanied the parents to Ohio in 1840, locating first in Rochester, Ohio, and two years later mov ing two miles south to Troy, Ashland county. Here he bought and cleared up a farm of one hundred acres, and here he lived until his death, which occurred June 25, 1886, a period of more than forty years. His faithful and beloved wife de parted this life November 29, 1882, greatly mourned by her husband and children. G. C. Weeks was born September 10, 1835, and received a fairly liberal educa tion at the schools of his native place. At the age of fourteen he left the paternal home, and worked out at what he could find to do on neighboring farms. At the end of seven years he returned to his par ents, and with filial affection assisted and cared for them until he was thirty years old, at which time he bought for his own account fifty acres of land at forty dollars per acre. Directly after his marriage he added to this purchase twenty other acres adjoining, and, still later, seven more, which in the aggregate comprise his pres ent fine farm. During the Civil war Mr. Weeks en listed, in February, 1865, in Company F, One Hundred and Eighty-seventh Regi ment O. V. I., serving one year. Return ing home January 31, 1866, he married, May 31, same year, Miss Mary B. Ford, born in Clear Creek township, Ashland Co., Ohio, February 9, 1846, a daughter of Elias Ford, one of the pioneers of Ash land county. Politically Mr. Weeks is a Republican, and in religious faith he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Troy, in which they take an active interest. jARREN. The Warren family is one of the oldest in Wellington township, and is descended from' a long line of N ew England an cestry. The earliest records of the family men tion one Warren, born about 1650, who was the father of Joshua Warren, of Watertown, Mass. Joshua married Re- becah, daughter of Caleb Church, also of Watertown. The next in line was Joshua,- Jr., who married Elizabeth Harris, of Brookline. He was followed by Benjamin Warren, born in Watertown, November 30, 1728; his wife was Hannah Lewis, and he was a Revolutionary soldier. Benjamin Warren, Jr., was born April 19, 1772, and married Lucy Burr, of Nor folk, Conn. He brought his family to 734 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Wellington in 1831. Their children were: Polly, Harriett, Betsey, Alanson and Lu ther Day. The latter was born March 2, 1813, and married Laura Wait, who was born in Fredonia, N. Y., February, 6, 1814. Their descendants, who still live in Wellington, are: Harriet E. Warren, M. D.; Frank D. Warren, who married Metta Sage (they have one child — Ella); Walter D. Warren, who married Helen Comstock, and with their three children — Clarence, Albert and Emma — still lives in the old homestead on the banks of the Charlemont. |[| ENRY HARRISON WILLIAMS, t^ one of the earliest pioneers of Avon jj 1| township, was bora in Norwich, y) Conn., October 21, 1812, one of eight children born to Johu and Clarissa Williams, both natives of Massa chusetts. In 1817 the parents moved to Ohio and settled in Troy (now Avon) township, Lorain county, bringing with them their eight children, as follows: Laura, Justin, Tempa, Eliza Minerva, John Wendell, Mary Harriet, Henry Harrison and James Dwight, of whom, Jnstin died in 1846. Here the father opened up a farm in the woods, whereon he made a -permanent home, and he laid the first board floor in the township. He died June 29, 1840, his wife October 28, 1839. In politics he was a Whig, and he served as township treasurer. Some of their children lived to old age: Mrs. Tempa Garfield died January 13, 1894, in Sheffield, in her ninety-fourth year; Mrs. Eliza M. Clary, now in her ninety-first year, lives in Norwalk; John W. died in Avon in his eighty-fifth year; Henry Harrison is now in his eighty- second year'; James D. died in Avon in his seventy- fifth year. H. H. Williams was five years of age when he came with the rest of the family to what is now Avon township, at which time the country was covered with timber, wolves, bears and deer being numerous. One of the male members of the family would have to go horseback once in every two weeks, to Olmsted, to have their mill ing done, and as* there were no roads the journey was often somewhat perilous. Many a day Harrison spent pounding corn in a stump, hollowed ont, to make their bread. Shoes were a luxury, and the chil dren would tramp miles to school in win ter time with their feet bound up in cloths. Our subject received his educa tion in the common schools of the day, which were held in log cabins, and subse quently engaged in mercantile business at French Creek for fifteen years. In 1850 he erected the first steam sawmill in the township, which he conducted for some time, and then bought a gristmill. In 1855 he was burned out, and in 1856 he built the present gristmill at French Creek, which he operated for many years. For the past few years he has given his attention to agriculture, and owns a good farm adjoining the village. On February 6, 1840, he was married at Ridgeville, Ohio, to Miss Eunice Amelia Porter, daughter of Ebenezer and Eunice (Yale) Porter, who were married in 1800 at Lee, Mass.; in 1822 they left |there, with their family of eight children, for Ohio, the journey being made with covered wagons, and occupying three months. They spent the first winter in Dover, Cuyahoga county, and in the spring moved to Ridge ville, where Mr. Porter built the first log house on Sugar Ridge. He was a lifelong farmer. He died at his residence in Ridgeville July 6, 1867, at the patriarchal age of ninety-two years. His wife died at the same place November 19, 1847, aged seventy-seven years. Their children were as follows: Mrs. Griscilda Gardner, de ceased; Kimball; Mrs. Marcia Smith, de ceased at the age of eighty-two years; Mrs. Mary E. Chester, Mrs. Frances 'Sex ton, Mrs. Charlotte Tinker and Charles J., all deceased, and Mrs. Eunice A. Will iams. To Harrison H. and Eunice A. ¦h '^:,A (Sgif vssmmg * Mi S*r 'tntiti^. LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 737 Williams were born five children, their names and dates of birth being as follows: (1) Howard, January 21, 1841; (2) An nette, January 23, 1843; (3) Everett E., March 2, 1846; (4) Montville, November 15, 1847 (died December 16, 1847); and (5} Nellie L., October 5, 1853. Of these, (1) Howard married March 13, 1871, Ada F. McCarty; he is in the slate and felt roofing business in Toronto, Ont., also Buffalo, N. Y. ; their children were Alli son Jay, Annette Morey, Dwight Mc Carty (deceased), Ralph Clark and Frank lin Howard (of these Annette Morey was married June 15, 1893, to T. Corbert Thompson, a dry-goods merchant in To ronto, Ont.). (2) Annette married, June 3, 1868, Norris Morey, an attorney at law of Buffalo, N. Y., and captain in the New York cavalry; their children are Isabel Ransom, Joseph Harrison, Howard Will iams and Arthur Norris. (3) Everett E. married, at Avon, October 23, 1870, Miss Laurett A. Williams; he is assistant cash ier in the National Bank of Elyria; their children are Zella Messenger, Harrison Charles and Porter Hastiugs. (5) Nellie L. was married May 21, 1881, to Burton C. Jameson, formerly of Avon, in the gravel and composition roofing business in Buffalo, N. Y., also in Toronto, Canada; their children are Everett Williams and Norris Morey. Howard Williams, eldest son of H. H. Williams, enlisted August 11, 1862, then twenty-one years of age, in Company E, Forty-secoud O. V. I., as a recruit. For most of the time he was on detached, or special, duty until April 3, 1863, when, being sick, he was sent to St. Louis Hos pital. Subsequently he was given a com mission as second lieutenant of Company B, Fifth U. S. Volunteers; was ordered to Salena, Kansas, a border town, to guard army trains across the Plains, where In dians and others were troublesome. Later he was sent to Denver, Colo., and there remained till the close of the war. He is now in Toronto, Ont., as above recorded. In political connection Henry H. Will iams was originally a Whig, and cast his first Presidental vote for Gen. Harrison in 1840; since the formation of the party he has been a Republican, and he has served as treasurer of Avon township, and also as postmaster at French Creek. He and his wife have been active members of the Baptist Church at French Creek, she for fifty-nine years, he for fifty-two years, and a trustee much of the time. GOLDEN "WEDDING. " Married in Ridgeville February 6, 1840, at the residence of E. Porter, Esq., by the Rev. Silas Tucker, Mr. Henry H. Williams of Avon and Miss Eunice A. Porter. " The printer's fee on this occasion was a full loaf of cake of ample dimensions, which spoke well for the sweet temper of the bride, and the prospect of future felic ity to the happy pair." The above notice appeared in the Elyria paper of February, 1840. February 6, 1890— Mr. and Mrs. Williams, who have been spending the winter in Buffalo, cele brated their golden wedding at the resi dence of their daughter, Mrs. Norris Morey, No. 200 Sumner street, The four children of Mr. and Mrs. Williams, with their families, were all present, thirteen grandchildren, making twenty-three in the family: Howard Williams, of Toronto; Mrs. Jameson, of Buffalo; Mrs. Morey; Mr. Williams, of Elyria; it being the first reunion of the family at which every mem ber was present. Two deaths have oc curred during the fifty years — an infant son and a grandson. The bride and groom of half a century received many golden gifts, also beautiful flowers and books from friends in Buffalo. E'VERETT E. WILLIAMS, assistant cashier of the National Bank of I Elyria, is a son of H. H. and Eu nice A. (Porter) Williams, and was born March 2, 1846, in Avon township, 738 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Lorain Co., Ohio. He received his liter ary training at the public schools of Avon and at Oberlin College. At the conclu sion of his studies he commenced the mill ing business in Avon, and is now a mem ber of the firm of Williams, Barrows & Co., merchant millers, Lorain, Ohio. In connection he is interested in grain eleva tors as a member of the firm of Williams & Breckenridge. In 1885 he was unani mously nominated and elected, on the Re publican ticket, treasurer of Lorain county, and after serving his county in this capac ity two terms (four years), he became connected with the National Bank of Elyria, as teller. Mr. Williams was married, at Avon, October 23, 1870, to Miss Laurett Will iams, and they have three children, namely: Zella Messenger, Harrison Charles and Porter Hastings. Mr. Williams is among the best known and most progressive busi ness men of Lorain county, and enjoys an enviable popularity. 4/ MILO HARRIS, a leading and in fluential citizen of North Am herst, where he carried on mer cantile business for many years, but is now retired from active life, was born April 21, 1822, at that place, the third son and child of the old pioneer Josiah Harris. Josiah Harris was the most notable man to arrive in Lorain county in 1818. He was born in Becket, Berkshire Co., Mass., November 30, 1783, and died March 26, 1867, aged eighty-four years. He made journeys to Ohio in 1814-15, and pur chased land; in 1818 he came to Amherst, and soon after had a lo^g house completed. on the banks of Beaver creek. He finally settled on the Public Square. In 1821 he was elected a justice of the peace, and served thirty-six years; was the first sheriff of Lorain county, and served three years as associate judge, being appointed in 1829; was a member of the General As sembly of Ohio in 1827, representing Cuyahoga county; represented Lorain and Medina counties in the House, and after ward was elected to the State Senate from the same District. Some time in the "twenties" he was appointed postmaster by Postmaster-general Meigs, and held the office continuously to the time of his death (over forty years), except when in the Legislature, being, probably, the oldest postmaster in the United States. He was agent for a number of eastern landowners, in which capacity he was enabled to do many a kind turn for the new comers, and no man in the township exerted a wider or more potent influence for good. He had four children, viz.: Josiah A., now de ceased, for many years editor of the Cleve land Herald; Loring P., in Texas; Milo, and Emeline C, in Philadelphia. The subject of this sketch received a liberal education at the schools of North Amherst, and was reared to commercial life. In 1861 he was elected sheriff of Lorain county, serving eighteen months; he was also a justice of the peace for many years in Amherst and Black River town ships. In 1843 he was married to Miss Caroline Stocking, of Lorain county, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Good rich) Stocking, of Massachusetts, who in an early day came to Black River town ship, Lorain county; they are both now deceased. To Mr. and Mrs. Harris was bora one child, Florence (widow of Hiram Leslie), a resident of California. Mrs. Caroline Harris died in 1852, and on March 1, 1853, Mr. Harris married, in Amherst township, Lorain county, Mary Tyrrell, daughter of Homer and Mary F. Tyrrell (both now deceased), all natives of Massachusetts. By this marriage there were children as follows: George M., a physician and surgeon in Lorain, Ohio; Albert T., a physician in Howard, Kans.; Lucia M., wife of George M. Parker, a member of the Amherst town council and superintendent of the Malone Stone Quarry; LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 739 and Homer J. and Carrie F., who died at the age of sixteen and three years, re spectively. In politics our subject is a Republican. Socially he has been a member of Elyria Lodge, No. 103, I. 0. O. F., since 1852, and was a charter member of Plato Lodge; he was also a member of the I. O. G. T. Mrs. Harris is a member of the Congrega tional Cliurch. A notable fact in regard to the Harris family is that three of its members have held the office of sheriff of Lorain county: Judge Josiah Harris was the first sheriff; his son, Josiah A., held the office at a later period, being third sheriff in the county, and Milo was sheriff in 1861, as already related. 4J HENRY WALLACE, the well-known lake captain and vessel owner, whose residence is in Lorain, was born in County Down, Ireland, in 1828, a son of Samuel and Ann (Finley) Wallace. In his native land he was reared on a farm, and educated at the Protestant schools of the vicinity of his place of birth. In 1850 he came to America and to Ohio, making his first home, in the New World, in Cleveland, where he remained till the fall of the same year, when he came to Lorain (then Black River), in which now flourishing city he has since made his home. Here he worked in shipyards for several years, finally becoming interested in vessel property — small boats chiefly — ¦ the firm with which he was connected being known as "Wallace, Gawn & Co.," who became very successful in business. For the past several years he has been owner or part owner of some of the A 1 vessels that have sailed the lakes, and among those in which he at present has an interest may be mentioned the propeller " Vulcan " (built of steel), and the steamer " Robert Wallace " and sailing vessel " David Wal lace," the " Thomas Gawn " and " Lyons;" also the steel propeller " Vega," which was built by the company winter of 1892-93. For about twenty-eight consecutive years he sailed the lakes as captain, and for ex cellency of seamanship and care in hand ling his vessels, his reputation stands without a blemish. On Christmas Eve, 1856, Capt. Wallace was united in marriage with Miss Chloe Case, a native of Avon, Lorain Co., Ohio, and they have three children living, namely : Eva, wife of J. H. Hills, superintendent of the Brass Works at Lorain (they have three children: Alma, Harry and Albert); Eliz abeth, and Lillie, wife of Welker McEl. Frish. The entire family, with the exception of Mrs. Hills, who is a Congregationalist, are members of the M. E. Church. Capt. Wallace is a Republican in politics, and is a member of the I. 0. O. F. HENRY J. BARROWS was bora March 15, 1851, in Avon township, _ Lorain Co., Ohio. His early life was spent upon a farm, and he re ceived such an education as the dis trict schools afforded, later studying for a time in the Preparatory Department of Oberlin College. At the age of twenty- seven he married Miss Anna L. Beers (daughter of Lewis and Susan Beers), whose native place was Stratford, Conn., and two daughters, Edna and Ellen, were bora of the union. Mrs. Barrows died April 5, 1893. In 1879 the subject of this sketch pur chased an interest in the Avon Flouring Mills, then owned and operated by Willams, Warden & Co. Mr. Barrows at once took charge of the business of the firm, and in 1886 the style of the firm was changed to Williams, Barrows & Co. Near the close of the year 1886 tbe Avon property was sold, and possession given on the first day of January, 1887, and the company at once commenced the erection of a new flouring; 740 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. mill of 150 barrels daily capacity, at Lo rain, Ohio, which was completed and started up June 15, that year. From the start the new venture has been a success. Mr. Barrows still retains a share of and manages the business. He holds a direc torship in the Citizens Savings Bank Co., and in the Lake Erie Electric Light Co. ; is president of the board of Water Works Trustees, and vice-president of the Citizens Home Savings & Loan Association. In politics he has always been a Republican: James R. Barrows, father of subject, was born in New York, and at the age of seven years. came to Ohio with his father, Adnah Barrows, who settled on a farm in Avon township, in what was at that time almost an unbroken wilderness, and died at the age of sixty-seven. Clarrissa Day, his wife, lived to be eighty-seven years of age. James R. Barrows married Melvina P. Sawyer, and they had a family of four children, of whom Warren J. died at the age of twenty-seven ; Ellen C. died at the age of thirty- four; Henry J. and Etta M. are still living. Mr. James R. Barrows is now living at the age of seventy-two years, on a farm in Avon township, in comfort able circumstances. His first wife died at the age of thirty-two. |l OHN LERSCH, member of the well- k. I known prosperous dry-goods firm of {^_D Baldwin, Lersch & Co., Elyria, is a native of the Bavarian Palatinate, Germany, bora July 25, 1841. He is a son of Carl and Louise (Schweit zer) Lersch, natives of the same place, who emigrated to America in 1851, bringing their young son John with them. At Havre, France, July 25, that year, they boarded a sailing vessel bound for the United States, and after a voyage of forty days arrived at New York September 4 following. From there they came direct to Cleveland, Ohio, where they sojourned about six months, and then proceeded to Mansfield, same State, in which city they resided one year. At the end of that time they returned to Cuyahoga county, where the father purchased a farm in North Dover, about thirteen miles east of Elyria, and not far from the Lorain county line. They did a considerable amount of their trading in the town of Elyria, and one day while there with their son, the subject of this sketch, the following seemingly trivial incident occurred, which influenced and directed the after life of the lad. They were making a purchase in the old-established store of Mussey & Co., when one of the salesmen — a Mr. Bishop — asked the boy how much a peck of the article his father was pur chasing would cost at $2.62£ per bushel. Undaunted by the question, young Lersch gave prompt and correct answer. " Are you sure of this?" asked Mr. Bishop. The boy for a moment looked at his mother for assurance, and then, on her telling him to answer if he really knew, he replied: " Yes, that is right." Thereupon Mr. Bishop turned to Mr. Gallup, a partner in the house, with the remark: "Here is a boy we want; " and accordingly then and there it was agreed that, as soon as the proper preliminaries could be arranged, Master John Lersch should enter the store of Mussey & Co., on a thirty-days trial. Thus on April 13, 1854, our subject, then not thirteen years old, found himself installed " on trial " with the firm, a sudden transi tion truly from the quiet life of the farm to the bustle of a busy town. This month of probation was marked by a strict ap plication to business on his part, and con stant punctuality, so that at the end of the prescribed time indentures were signed for three years. The compensation he re ceived for his first year's service was forty dollars and board; for the second, fifty dollars; for the third, seventy-five dollars; and for the fourth, one hundred and seventy-five dollars and board, his salary being advanced in proportion to his pro motion in the store. LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 743 In 1858 S. W. Baldwin, T. W. Laun don and T. L. Nelson bought out the firm of H. E. Mussey & Co., Mr. Lersch re maining with them until their retirement from business in 1872, when, each having made liberal fortunes,, they sold the dry- goods department of their business to D. 0. Baldwin & Co., Mr. Lersch being the junior partner. By hard work and close attention to detail their business soon be came one of the largest retail houses in the State. As years rolled by Mr. Lersch be came familiar with the entire business of buying and selling, so that, in whatever capacity he acted, his services were alike valuable. This relationship continued until 1880, when the firm was changed to Bald win, Lersch & Co., the present style of the firm, although Mr. Baldwin has partially retired from active business. Most of the management of the concern devolves upon Mr. Lersch, than whom few men so competent, and certainly none superior, could be found. At about this time Mr. Lersch established the N. 0. Syndicate, composed of Baldwin, Lersch & Co., Ely ria, Frier & Scheule, of Cleveland, and B. C. Taber & Co., of Norwalk, Ohio, formed for the purpose of purchasing goods, chiefly from manufacturers or their agents, thus saving jobbers' profits, keeping an agent constantly on the lookout for bar gains, which enables them to sell at con siderable advantage. In 1868 Mr. Lersch was married in Elyria, to Miss Pamela Boynton, third daughter of Joshua Boynton, and the alli ance has proved a happy one. Seven chil dren have been born to them, all of whom have had good educationalprivileges. They are Carl Theodore and Robert Boynton iboth assistants in their father's store), >ouise De Lano, Carlotta Pauline, John Walter, Arthur Emerson and Paul Har wood. After Mr. Lersch's marriage, his parents resided with him during the re mainder of their lives; his mother died in P'ebruary, 1877, his father in March, 1887. Although a native of Germany, and speak ing the language of that country equally as well as he does English, Mr. Lersch is a typical American. He is broad iu his views and conversant with all public ques tions, believing it is the duty of every American citizen to be intelligent, and well informed on all public issues. As he is an ultra-protectionist, it goes without saying that he is a straight Republican. At the present time Mr. Lersch is one of the directors of the Elyria Savings Deposit Bank; also a member of the finance com mittee of this bank. Mr. Lersch attributes much of his business success to the admir able training he received at the hands of Mr. T. W. Laundon, than whom, probably, no better dry-goods man ever conducted business in Lorain county. Mr. Lersch has been connected with practically the same store for a period of forty years, dur ing which time he has lost only four days on account of illness; and the only vaca tion he has taken of any length was in 1882, when he spent the months of July and August in Europe. Fit W. NICHOLS, one of the most //\\ progressive and intelligent of Lo ir^ rain county's agriculturists, and y) whose magnificent farm of two hundred acres is among the most fertile of Grafton township, comes of Eng lish-Welsh ancestry. He was bora July 3, 1828, in York town ship, Livingston Co., N. Y., a son of Na thaniel Nichols, who was born in Rodman township, Jefferson Co., N. Y,, May 7, 1806, and whose father, also named Na thaniel, served in the Revolutionary war. The father of subject was a tanner and shoemaker, at which latter trade he served a regular apprenticeship. On September 16, 1827, he married Dorcas E. Bailey, who was born Marcii 29, 1804, in Elmira, N. Y., of Huguenot and Dutch extraction, daughter of Benjamin and Polly (Burr) Bailey. After marriage they made their 744 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. new home on a piece of land owned by his brother Albion, where for a time he fol lowed his trade. While they were residing in Livingston .county, N. Y ., one son, A. W., our subject, was born to them. Later they moved to Cattaraugus county, same State, and made a temporary settlement in Dayton township, where the father bought fifty acres of land. Here two children were born to them : Martha E., born July 2, 1831, married to Milton Adams, and they now live in Eaton county, Mich.; and Mary A., born December 27, 1834, mar ried first to Orange Adams, afterward to Samuel Denison, a ranchman near Well born, Texas. From Cattaraugus county the family moved to Nunda, Allegany (now Livingston) Co., same State, where two more children were born, viz.: Rollo A., born June 7, 1838, who during the Civil war, while a bookkeeper in Hunts- ville, Ala., was forced into the Confed erate service, and rose from the ranks till at the battle of Spottsylvania C. H. he found himself an officer on Gen. Buell's staff; at that engagement he was taken prisoner by the Federals, and in the spring of 1864 he enlisted in the Union army, in which he served till the close of the war; afterward he served as commis sary for the U. S. Government, and died in 1880 at Florence, Ga., where he was buried. The other child who came to them in Allegany county is Ellen, born Septem ber 25, 1843, married to Don Carlos Van Dusen, now of Oberlin, Ohio. In 1843 Nathaniel Nichols came alone to Ohio, and deciding to settle in Grafton township, Lorain county, he purchased in the eastern part fifty acres of wild land at ten dollars an acre. In the following fall the family joined him, and they set to work to clear the land and make all neces sary improvements, building a substantial log house for a dwelling. After some years the father moved to Columbia town ship, same county, whence after a time he returned to Grafton township, and made a final settlement in the southern portion of same. For a season he was a resident of La Grange township (also in Lorain county), and he died in 1883 in Hinckley, Medina Co., Ohio, where he was sojourn ing with his daughter Ellen. His wife preceded him to the grave some years, dy ing in La Grange township, and they now lie buried in the Western Cemetery in that township. After coming to Ohio Mr. Nichols followed farming chiefly, and to some extent his trade, shoemaking. Po litically he was originally a Whig, butdied a Democrat. He was a very liberal and hospitable entertainer; in his religious views he was partial to the M. JC. Church, while his wife was an Old-school Presby terian, and their home was always open to ministers of all churches. A. W. Nichols, the subject proper of this sketch, received but a limited educa tion at the public schools of his boyhood days, and was reared to farm work. Be ing bright at his studies, and an apt scholar, he made considerable progress by private reading, and became skilled in mathematics. When he was a small boy he was adopted by a bachelor uncle, Al bion Nichols, and a maiden aunt, Esther Nichols, who lived together and carried on farming. In 1844 he came to Ohio, and spent his first winter in Lorain county. In the following year his uncle and aunt came to Grafton township, and here bought sixty acres of wild land from. James Tur ner, being the farm our subject now owns and lives on, and where he has since re sided, for he at once made his home with his benefactors. For some years before their death — they lived to advanced ages — he had the entire management of their farm, and when they died he succeeded to the property. He has prospered in all his undertakings, and is now the owner of 200 acres of prime land. In May, 1883, his residence was burned down, but he at once set to work and built a yet finer one, which he calls "Hnrricane Hall." On February 22, 1870, prior to the death of his uncle and aunt, Mr. Nichols was LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 745 united in marriage with Mrs. Elizabeth H. Durkee, who was born April 14, 1835, in Eaton township, Lorain Co., Ohio, a daugh ter of John Gamble, a native of York shire, England, and his wife, Mary Curtis, of Boston, Mass. Politically our subject has been a Republican since the organiza tion of the party, and has held several township offices of trust. He is a mem ber of the F. & A. M., Lodge No. 399, at La Grange, and of Marshall Chapter, Elyria. 1Tf^ CHESTER, who for over sixty v^! years has been a resident of Avon !J V township, where for nearly half a y) century he has been an industrious and frugal farmer, is a native of England, born in Northamptonshire, in 1823. He is a son of William and Amelia (Perrin) Chester, natives of the same county, the former of whom died in Eng land, and his widow, after marrying John Fretter, emigrated with her family in 1833 to the United States. They settled in Avon township, Lorain county, where they lived on rented land till 1840, in which year they moved to the farm where our subject now resides. The mother died in Minnesota about the year 1878, her second husband passing away in 1846 in Avon township, Lorain county. There were five children born to her first marriage, a brief record of whom is as follows: William married and resided in Avon, where he died in 1881; John died in Avon township in 1879; Job is married and resides in Rice county, Minn., where he was the first settler; R. is the subject of these lines; Matilda became the wife of Charles Blanch- ett and died in Avon -township in 1887. Qur subject had two stepsisters, viz.: Eliz abeth, who married Luke Cheney, and moved to Rice county, Minn., where she died in 1880; and Lucy, who married Joseph Spriggs, and also moved to Rice county, Minn., where she died in 1885. The subject of this sketch, who was ten years old when he came to Avon town ship, received his education at the common schools of the neighborhood of his home, and when he was old enough to work as sisted in clearing the home farm. For four years he was in the employ of ex-Gov ernor Wood in Rockport township, Cuy ahoga county, and then returned to Avon township, in 1848 locating on his present farm of 245 acres, which for the most part he cleared himself, and where he has since been assiduously engaged in general farm ing. In 1852 he was married, in Elyria township, Lorain county, to Miss Eliza Mitchell, a native of Northamptonshire, England, and children were born to them, as follows: Elizabeth Ann, who died in 1864 at the age of eleven years; Clara, who died in 1892 at the age of thirty-seven years; Job, residing at home; Mary Ann; Agnes Jane; and Reuben Albert. In pol itics Mr. Chester is a Republican. DR. H. L. HALL, a well-known young physician and surgeon of North Amherst, was born May 17, 1860, at Jefferson, Ashtabula Co., Ohio. His grandfather, Daniel Hall, was a native of Connecticut, and in a very early day came westward to Ashtabula county, Ohio. 0. L. Hall, son of this early pioneer, was born in Connecticut, and was reared in Ashtabula county. He was married to Laura Hyde, a native of Connecticut, whose father, Gates Hyde', was born in Allegany county, N. Y., and was one of the earliest pioneers of Lenox township, Ashtabula county, where he assisted in clearing a farm. Mr. Hall followed the profession of a teacher. He died in 1885 at Macon, Ga. ; his widow is now living in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. H. L. Hall was reared in his native county, and received his education at Grand River Institute, Austinburgh, Ohio. In 1881 he entered the Medical Department 746 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. of the Western Reserve University, Cleve land, Ohio, graduating with the class of 1884, and afterward spent eighteen months at the Lakeside Hospital, also in Cleve land, graduating therefrom in October, 1885. He then came to North Amherst, which he has since made his home, and where he has built up an extensive general practice; he is now medical examiner for seven old-line life-insurance companies. Iu June, 1885, the Doctor was united in marriage, in Ashtabula county, Ohio, with Miss Hattie A. Tinker, a native of that county. They are both members of the Congregational Church, in which he has filled several offices. In politics our subject is independent, and be takes an active interest in everything tending tothe advancement of his community. Socially he is a member of North Amherst Lodge No. 74, K. of P. fr* ORDON W. BAKER, senior mem- [ j. ber of the well-known clothing firm, \_A in Elyria, of Baker & Foster, is one J^. of tbe oldest established merchants in the city. He is a native of Northamptonshire, England, born June 2, 1838, a son of Richard and Sarah (Gau dern) Baker, of the same place, who emi grated to the United States when the subject of these lines was yet a boy, lo cating in Lorain county, Ohio. Mr. Richard Baker enjoys a wide repu tation as one of the most prominent stockmen in the Buckeye State. He was one of the leaders of the State Fair an nually held in Columbus, Ohio, and for several years was president and a director of that Association; was one of the first to introduce iuto Lorain county, Ohio, the famous Shorthorn cattle, and it is said owned the first herd of that breed exhibited in these parts. To the rearing of not only fine-bred cattle but also horses, as well as general agriculture, has Mr. Baker devoted the greater part of his useful life. Gordon W. Baker received his primary education at Ihe schools of the neighbor hood of his place of birth, which he supplemented in this country with con siderable application to books and study as opportunity offered. Leaving his father's farm at the age of thirteen years he en gaged his services as clerk to a general merchant in Elyria, but this employer going out of business, Mr. Baker soon found another opening, with Starr Bros., which position he filled with much credit for some four or five years. He then en tered the employ of Baldwin, Laundon & Nelson, the then leading mercantile house of Elyria, and here he did efficient work for several years, becoming at the same time thoroughly conversant with all branches of mercantile trade, making his mark for application to business and thor ough knowledge of all departments of the same. From the successors of the above- named firm he purchased the clothing de partment of their business, and received into partnership Frank H. Foster, the style of the firm becoming Baker & Foster, as it at present remains. Through his long connection with mercantile pursuits, Mr. Baker gained for himself a very extensive acquaintance, and his sturdy Anglo-Saxon qualities of integrity, liberality and candor gained for him a host of personal friends and the utmost confidence of the public. He soon became the leading clothier of Elyria, which he continues to be. Mr. Baker has often remarked that just as a man has gained sufficient knowledge of business to find a real pleasure in it, the best part of his life has passed, and he is compelled to withdraw into retirement. In 1872 Mr. Baker -was united in mar riage, in New York State, with Miss Charlotte Alice Liiinell, a native of North amptonshire, England, to which country the happy couple made their wedding trip. To this union were born two children, named, respectively, Alice Maud Mary and Annie Louise. The family reside in a handsome home on Washington avenue, ^2^, jfyr72^/'-£» ~Z> LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 749 Elyria. Mr. Baker is a Republican, and he attends the services of the Episcopal Church. In political, religious and all other views, public or private, he is liberal, always respecting the rights of every man to his own opinion and judgment. He is a stockholder in and director of the Elyria Savings Deposit Bank Co., and a member and director of the Elyria Savings and Loan Company. Mr. Baker is a great reader, and keeps himself well informed on all public ques tions. He has a special fondness for live stock of all descriptions, and is a good judge of same. He breeds extensively, and organized a company for the purpose of introducing and perpetuating a line of fine stockin Colorado, where he has an in terest in a ranch, and a considerable amount of means invested. A traveler of no little experience, he has made several trips to Europe, visiting his old home in England and places of interest on the Continent. JOSEPH H. BALDWIN, one of the leading, intelligent and progressive agriculturists of Brownhelm town ship, was born in Addison county, Yt., in 1824, a son of Thomas and Esther (Wilson) Baldwin, natives of the State of New Jersey, the father born in 1785, the mother in 1794. Thomas Baldwin, who was a wagon- maker by trade, left the paternal roof in early life, and, for a time sojourning in Ver mont, married there. In 1832 he removed to Chautauqua county, N- Y., whence in 1836 he came to Brownhelm township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where he bought a farm and spent the rest of his days. He died in 1868. his widow in 1881. In politics he was first a Whig, afterward a Republi can. Six children were bora to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baldwin, viz.: Lucus, now a resident of Paulding county, Ohio; Joseph H., the subject of our sketch; Julia, who died in 1852; and three children who died 40 in infancy. On the father's side the fam ily claim Welsh descent; on the mother's they are of Scotch lineage. Up to the age of twelve years the subject of our sketch was reared in the States of Vermont and New York, and, after coming to Ohio in 1836 with his parents, attended for a time the district schools of Brown helm township, Lorain county. Learning the trade of carpenter and joiner, he worked in the shipyards at Vermillion, Erie county, much of the time until 1863, when he settled on the old homestead farm, con sisting of eighty-five acres in Brownhelm township, Lorain county. While engaged in the business of farming Mr. Baldwin has increased his farm by purchase of ad ditional land, nntil now he has a well- improved farm of 163 acres of first-class land, on which he still resides. Mr. Baldwin has been thrice married, the first time in 1851, to Miss Sarah M. Ashenhurst, by which union three children were born: Henry T., a blacksmith by trade, now residing at Berlin Heights, Ohio; William A., a railroad employe, who was killed while coupling cars, July 7, 1883; and Charlie, who died in infancy. This wife died September 5, 1864, and in December, 1865, Mr. Baldwin was wedded to Miss Adeline Hardy, a native of the State of New York, daughter of Ephraim Hardy, a pioneer of Erie county, Ohio. To this union two children were born, namely; Frank O., who has attended school and taught for the past five or six years, he having graduated from the Commercial De partment of the Ohio Normal University (September, 1892), and the Business De partment of the Tri-State Normal College (October, 1893), the degree of B.' C. S. being conferred upon him by each institu tion; and Charles A., a farmer who resides at home with his father. The mother of these departed this life April 21, 1890, and February 14, 1892, the subject of our sketch married Mrs. May E. Howey, a na tive of Missouri, and a lady of culture and refinement (she has, by her former bus- 750 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. band, one child, a son, who is a successful telegraph operator in the West). In his political faith Mr. Baldwin is a stanch Republican; he has served as town ship trustee several years, and is now president of the Board of Education in his township. d [JACOB GOODMAN (deceased) was i born September 13, 1818, in Seneca 'J county, N. Y., to Jacob and Eliza beth (Meyer) Goodman, who about the year 1833 came to Medina county, Ohio, from the East, settling in the woods of Brunswick township. Our subject attended the public schools , of his early day, but being one of a large family of children, twelve in number, did not enjoy many educational advantages. In December, 1849, he married MaryEuga, a native of Baden, Germany, born Decem ber 11, 1828, daughter of Jacob Euga, who came with his family to the United States in 1834, landing in New York after a three weeks' passage. Thence they pro ceeded by Hudson river and Erie Canal to Buffalo, N. Y., from which city they came by lake to Cleveland, thence by road to Liverpool township, Medina county, where the father bought a small tract of land totally unimproved, on which he erected a log house, and where his family were reared. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Goodman located on a farm, where he had previously resided, iu Grafton township, Lorain county, and here a new log cabin was erected. On this farm children as follows were born to them: Sarah, Mrs. Frederick Wise, of Eaton township; Char lotte, Mrs. W. E. Saddler, of Bloomdale, Wood Co., Ohio; Adaline, Mrs. Charles Reisinger, of Grafton township; Mary, now Mrs. Edward Killup (her first hus band, Henry Reisinger, was killed by lightning in Columbia township), and Charles. About the year 1861 Mr. Good man built tbe frame house in which he re sided until his death, which occurred Sep tember 20, 1884, after a lingering illness; his remains were interred in Belden ceme tery. He was a lifelong successful farmer, and his death was hastened by overwork, as he was a most energetic man in all his undertakings. In politics he was an en thusiastic Democrat, and though not a member of school board, was a strong ad vocate of free schools and compulsory edu cation. In matters of religion he was a member of the Congregational Church at Belden, as is also his widow, who con tinues to reside on the old homestead, which is under the management of her son Charles, a brief sketch of whom is here given. Chaeles Goodman was born in March, 1862, in Grafton township, Lorain Co., Ohio, and received a liberal education at the district schools. On August 1, 1888, he was united in marriage with Hattie D. Bradley, who was born in Monee, 111., February 17, 1870, a daughter of George and Eleanor (Harper) Bradley, and three children were born to them, viz.: Mary E., Bert B., and Henry, who died in infancy. After marriage Mr. Goodman continued to reside on the old farm, which now com prises 244 acres of prime land, for his age controlling more land than any other farmer in the township, and he long since gave evidences of his competency to do so. He is a typical "hustler," and one of the most prosperous go-ahead and wide-awake young farmers of Grafton. In politics he follows in the footsteps of his father, being an uncompromising Democrat. |l FRANCIS HARMON, the well- k I known druggist of Oberlin, was born %JJ in Randolph, Portage Co., Ohio, January 22, 1836, a son of Chaun cey and Comfort (Dickinson) Harmon. The father of subject was born in Berk shire county, Mass., in 1796, and in 1816 came west to Ohio, settling in Randolph, Portage county, where he carried on farm- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 751 ing up to the time of his death in 1862. In 1821 he married Comfort Dickinson, who was born in Granville, Conn., and in 1806 came west with her parents. Both families were of English ancestry. J. F. Harmon was educated at the com mon schools of his native place, and at Oberlin, whither he had come when yet in his "teens." On leaving school he com menced to learn the trade of printer, and after a three-years apprenticeship, he and V. A. Shankland purchased, in 1858, the Evangelist, a weekly paper in Oberlin, which they continued to publish jointly till during the Civil war, when fired with the spirit of patriotism Mr. Harmon entered the service of the Union, having previously sold out his interest to his partner; but the paper collapsed during the war period. There was another periodical established in 1858, and published in the Evangelist office, entitled The Oberlin Students' Monthly, the students of Oberlin College supplying the editorial matter, and this also "came to grief" during those troublous days. They also established the Lorain County News in 1860, which under the title of Oberlin News is still published. Our subject enlisted April 19, 1861, in Company 0, Seventh O. Y. I., in the three months service, and went to Cleveland, Ohio, as corporal, there to join his regi ment. Thence they proceeded to Camp Dennison, where they were drilled till the end of the following June. At the expira tion of his term Mr. Harmon reenlisted for three years, as did also nearly every member df the company. They were then ordered to West Virginia, where they spent their first summer and fall, and at the affair at Cross Lanes, where they en countered Gen. Floyd's force, about thirty of the company were taken prisoners, and some died of their wounds. In December, 1861, the regiment proceeded to central Virginia, and participated in the engage ment at Winchester with Gen. " Stone wall" Jackson's force, in which four or five of Company C were killed; thence they moved down the Shenandoah Valley, where they remained during April, May and June, 1862, and the regiment did good service at the battles of Port Repub lic and Cedar Mountain, where they lost many men, killed and wounded. They then served in what is known as Pope's Campaign, and at the battle of Antietam they again lost several men. Shortly after this last battle, the brigade to which the Seventh was attached went into camp on Bolivar Heights, Harper's Ferry. In the spring of 1863 the Seventh again encoun tered the enemy, this time at Chancellors ville, where it lost heavily. In June, same year, they were at Gettysburg, Penn., and did gallant service. From there they were ordered to New York to assist in quelling the riots; about September 1, following, they returned and occupied the old camp on the Rapidan. Soon after, with the Twentieth Army Corps, under Gen. Hook er, they were transferred to the Western Department, and participated in the battles of Lookout Mountain and Mission Ridge. Two days later, at Ringgold, in storming the heights of Taylor's Ridge, the gallant Seventh were severely handled, and re pulsed with a loss of nineteen killed and sixty-one wounded, only one commissioned officer being left uninjured. In January, 1864, the regiment returned to its old camp at Bridgeport, Ala., where it passed the winter in comparative quiet. In the spring of the year they saw some service at Resaca and elsewhere, and this ended their campaign, for in June they were mustered out, and returned home. Of the original 1,000 men of the Seventh Ohio only about 270 were left, and of the one hundred original members of Company C, only seventeen answered their names at the muster-out roll. On Mr. Harmon's return home he bought an interest in the Oberlin News, and a short time afterward purchased the entire concern, and this paper he conducted dur ing the summer of 1865, when he sold out. For nine years thereafter he was postmas- 752 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. ter at Oberlin, at the close of which in cumbency (in 1874) he embarked in the drug business in the same town, and has continued it ever since, enjoying an excel lent trade. In 1864 Mr. Harmon was married to Miss Cecelia C. Viles, who was bora in Camden township, Lorain Co., Ohio, daugh ter of William and Dorlisca (Heath) Viles, and by this union there is one son, Will iam, who recently graduated at the Massa chusetts School of Pharmacy in Boston. Mr. Harmon, iu his political predilections, has always been a straight Republican, and his first Presidential vote was cast for Lin coln. In the G. A. R. Post, No. 364, Ober lin, he has been quartermaster, adjutant and commander. ,\ILLIAM H. PHILLIPS. This gentleman is the oldest living set tler of Eaton township, having been a resident of same for the past sixty-seven years, during which time he has seen the wild woods give place to fertile farms, and tbe untutored Indian and fierce animals of the forest vanish be fore the inevitable onward march of civil ization. Mr. Phillips is a native of the State of New York, born in Greene county in 1809, a son of Henry J. and Abigail (Finch) Phillips, also of New York State, where they were reared and married. In 1826 they migrated westward to Lorain county, Ohio, settling in October of that year in Eaton township, our subject being then a lad of seventeen summers. The father was a wagon maker by trade, and made the first wagon used on Butternut Ridge. He died in Eaton township, February 11,1864; he was a lieutenant in the State militia during the war of 1812. The mother had passed away July 13, 1833. They were the parents of nine children, as follows: William H., subject proper of sketch; De borah, married, who died some years ago in Omaha, Neb.; Edward, married, who was a sailor on Lake Erie, and was wrecked October 24, 1851, on the "Henry Clay;" Catherine, who was the wife of William Webster, and died in Carlisle township, Lorain county; Jeremiah, who died in Boone county, 111., in 1891; Mary, who was the wife of William Webster, and died in Texas in 1891; Martin O., who died in Wisconsin; Savilla W., wife of Samuel Sweeley, residing at Adel, Iowa; and Abbie, who is the wife of William White, of Denison, Texas. William H. Phillips received part of his education in Ithaca, N. Y., and part in the old log schoolhouse of Eaton township, Lorain county. He learned wagon making with his father, and followed the trade some years; he made for his own use the first buggy that ever ran on Butternut Ridge, Eaton township. For the past sixty years or so he has given his attention exclusively to his farm. In 1840 Mr. Phillips was married, in Carlisle township, Lorain county, to Maria S. Slater, who was bora in New York State, daughter of Johiel Slater, who died in Ridgeville township, Lorain county. To this union were born children as fol lows: William A., an oculist and aurist in Cleveland, Ohio, and a member of the Faculty of the College of Homeopathy, Cleveland, who has been at college some twelve or fourteen years, and graduated from the New York Institute for the Eye (he married Marian Nickerson, and they have one son, Roland); Edgar A., who en listed in Elyria, Lorain county, and was shot during the retreat from Martin's Ferry, Va. ; Edward E., who is married to Mary Schuyler, is a professor in Marietta Col lege (he has been engaged in educational work all his life, and has visited Europe); Corda C. is the wife of Ezra Atwater, and lives in Newburgh, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio; Lena M., the wife of D. H. Stevenson, resides in Eaton township, Lorain county, and has one child — Phil W. The mother of this family was called to her long home LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 753 in 1868. 'Politically Mr. Phillips is a Republican, formerly a Democrat, and he voted for Gen. Jackson. He served as assessor of Eaton township for nearly thirty years, and as justice of the peace about twenty years; has also been super visor and member of the school board. He is a member of the Universalist Church. D. FOOT. Dell Foot, the courte ous, obliging and popular " mine of a leading hotel and livery host : in Wellington, is a native of Lorain county, born September 21, 1836, in Huntington township. Amos Foot, father of subject, was born March 5, 1812, in Chester, fiampden Co., Mass., and in 1835 came to Ohio, locating in Huntington township, Lorain county. He brought with him one hundred and fifty dollars in cash, which latter he in vested in fifty acres of land. He married Miss Mary Chapman, a native of Mont gomery, fiampden Co., Mass., and for years thereafter he followed farming; then became a preacher in the Wesleyan Church, holding forth for a considerable time in Avon, Loraiu county, afterward in Olm sted Falls, Cuyahoga county. Returning east he preached for ten years at Cochit- nate, Mass., near Boston, where his wife died April 20, 1869, and then once more came to Lorain county, where he married his second wife, his last days being spent at the home of his son, our subject. He died in 1888, his second wife in 1882. He was a very large man, in his prime weigh ing some 290 pounds, and he had a voice remarkable for its strength and volume. He had two children — G. D. and Emma J. (wife of George Royce, of Wellington) — by his first wife, none by his second. The subject of this sketch was reared to agricultural pursuits on the farm of his father, with whom he lived until 1856, when he purchased the farm. To the original tract he added until he had 500 acres of as fine land as could be found in the township, and carried on general farming, including dairying and stock- raising. During seven years he milked an average of one hundred cows, and dealt in cattle, horses and hogs. In 1873 he moved to Wellington, where he is en gaged in the hotel and livery business, his house being most complete in every re spect, fitted with water and gas supply, although there is neither system in the town — in fact it is essentially a metropoli tan hotel. In 1856 Mr. Foot married Matilda Rush, who was born in Greene county, Penn., and they had five children, viz.: Celia, Lucy, Jessie, Dell and Orrie, of whom Celia married E. D. Bush, a suc cessful farmer and proprietor of a meat market; she died in January, 1891, aged thirty-six years, leaving four children, Walter, Charles, Fred and George. Lucy married George Lambert, one of the firm of the Wellington Milling Co., and has two children, Robert and Celia. Jessie married Chris. McDermott, one of the proprietors of the Machine Co., at Wellington, and has three children, Lucile, James, and Louise. Mr. Foot in his political faith is a stanch Republican. Personally he is most affable, good-natured, social, and is in every respect, as a caterer to the wants of the public, " the right man in the right place." MORELL E. SEELY, a prominent and well-to-do farmer of Brighton __[ township, is a son of Humphrey y) S. Seely, who was born November 22, 1817, in Oneida county, N. Y., aud whose father, Cornelius, was born in the same county September 3, 1796, a son of Daniel. During the Revolutionary war the last named, while fishing with1 some other boys, was kidnapped by the "Tories," and induced to enter the British service, which he did, acting in the capac ity of officer's servant. 754 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Cornelius Seely, grandfather of subject, in 1817 married Rachel Smith, who was bora October 1, 1800, in New York, only daughter of Thomas Smith, a farmer and cooper. The children by this union were the following: Humphreys.; Joseph W., who died in Kansas; Thomas, an M. E. minister of Ann Arbor, Mich.; Esther A., widow of John Cockrel, deceased; Almira H., widow of William Hubbard, a tailor, who died in the service during the Civil war; Phebe, who married Hart Smith, and died iu New York State; Daniel F., a farmer of Waukesha, Wis. (he was form erly in the lumber business); Phineas, also a farmer of Waukesha, Wis. ; Renette, who died of scarlet lever when six years old; Amanda, deceased in infancy; James W., a farmer of Ridgeville township; Floren tine, who married Asa Frary, and died in Canaan, Wayne Co., Ohio; Rachel N., who died in childhood; Ursula, wife of William Vandervere, of Kalamazoo, Mich.; Elroy Mc, who served in the same regiment with the subject of this sketch, and died in the hospital at Nashville, Tenn. Cornelius Seely, who was a lifelong farmer, came in 1821 to Lorain county. Ohio, with his fam ily, consisting then of a wife and three children, the journey being made with a covered two-horse wagon, which conveyed two families, for his brother, Daniel, wife and child accompanied them. (This child, by name William, became a Methodist Epis copal divine, was presiding elder, and was superannuated). The party camped out by the roadside at such times as -taverns could not be reached by night, and they were kindly treated wherever they went. Their route was by way of Cleveland, where they 'forded the Cuyahoga river, then traveled alono- the beach of Lake Erie to Avon township, where the brothers secured a tract of land of 300 acres, north of the ridge, by trading his farm in New York State for it. The land was all covered with timber and underbrush, but by dint of hard work and incessant toil they succeeded in making a clearing for their farm, and on it built a log house to shelter both families, but afterward each had a cabin. Money was a scarce commodity, and the brothers would make a journey on foot to Cleveland, a distance of twenty miles, and the same day after arrival each cut an average of four cords of wood. About the year 1846 Cornelius Seely moved to Wis consin, locating for some time near Wau kesha, and then returned to Avon town ship. Here he died March 4, 1866, and his remains lie buried in Avon cemetery. He was a pillar of the M. E. Church, serv ing as class-leader and in various offices. Mr. Seely had been twice married ; his first wife, Rachel, died October 18, 1843, and for his second spouse he wedded Mrs. Mary Cadwell, nee House, widow of Capt. Cadwell (her first husband was a Mr. Kin ney), whom she married in New York. She died in her ninety-third year at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Leavitt Tay lor, in Elyria, Ohio. Mr. Seely had no children by this union. Humphrey S. Seely, father of subject, received his primary education at the sub scription schools of his native place, and after reaching maturity attended select school, later the seminary at Norwalk, the principal thereof being Bishop Thompson, who died while on a trip around the world. Mr. Seely was a man of considerable abil ity, and advanced rapidly in his studies. He remained on his father's farm till after his marriage, when he located on that of his father-in-law for two or three years. He then bought wild land in Brighton township, same county, and here cleared a farm, remaining on same until 1889, when he removed to Wellington village, in the township of that name, where he is now living a retired life. On March 25, 1841, he married Miss Cordelia Loveland, who was born November 12, 1823, in Brighton township, a daughter of Leonard LI. and Margaret Y. (Whitlock) Loveland (a sketch of whom immediately follows), and two children were born to them, viz.: Morell E., subject of this memoir; and Amina R., LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 755 born November 6, 1843, now Mrs. John Eddy, of Wellington; her first husband was Oliver Rulison, who during the Civil war served in the Second Ohio Cavalry, and died from injuries received in the war. The mother of these died March 23, 1852, and was buried in Loveland cemetery, which was situated on the home farm. For his second wife Mr. Seely married, in 1852, Miss Julia Crosby, born December 23, 1825, in Brighton township, Lorain county, a daughter of John Crosby, a pio neer of same. Two children came to this union, viz.: DeForest O, bora October 12, 1858, died April 26, 1878; and Dwight F., born July 9, 1860, a farmer of Brigh ton township. This wife was called from earth August 13, 1876, and was buried in Brighton cemetery. Mr. Seely's present wife, whom he married February 14, 1877, was Mrs. Julia E. Andrus [nee Smith),, widow of John Andrus. In politics Mr. Seely is a Prohibition-Republican, and he and his wife are devout members of the M. E. Church, respected and honored by the entire community. Morell E. Seely, the subject proper of this sketch, wa's born May 22, 1842, in Brighton township, Lorain Co., Ohio, on the farm he now owns and lives on. He received a liberal education at the schools of his district, his first teacher being Sarah Boardman, and under his father's careful tuition he was thoroughly posted in the business of general farming. On August 5, 1862, he enlisted, in Brighton town ship, in Company F, One Hundred and Third O. V. I., and was sent to Camp Cleveland for purposes of drill, joining the command at Covington, Ky. At Knox ville, Tenn., November 25, 1863, he was wounded so severely as to necessitate being .sent to hospital. After convalescence he was furioughed, and April 18, 1865, was honorably discharged from the service, and returned to Brighton township, where he worked one year for his father. He then came to his present farm, where his grandfather, Leonard H. Loveland, was then living, and with him made his home until the death of the latter, when the farm was transferred by inheritance to our subject. He has now 214 acres of prime land, on which he carries on general farm ing, including dairying on an extensive scale, and he is conceded to be one of the best managers and financiers among the agriculturists of his township. As a steady, progressive farmer, he has no su perior, and in many ways is a leader in the community. On September 30, 1868, Mr. Seely was married to Miss Rachel Rulison, who was born February 5, 1852, daughter of James Rulison. She died without issue March 28, 1873, and was buried in Brighton cemetery, and Mr. Seely married, May 18, 1874, her sister, Cordelia, born Marcii 18, 1849. The children by this union are Herbert E., born March 2, 1875, clerk in a bank at Oberlin, Ohio; and Leonard E., born March 22, 1877, residing at home, who takes an active interest in the me chanics, especially in electricity, and who is somewhat of a genius in that direction. In his political preferences our subject is a stanch Republican, and has frequently been elected to office, but invariably de clined to serve. Leonaed H. Loveland (deceased), ma ternal grandfather of Morell E. Seely, was a native of Massachusetts, born in South- field, Berkshire county, October 3, 1794, a son of Abner Loveland, with whom he lived until he attained his majority. He was educated at the common schools, and studied in spare hours at night by the flickering light of a burning pine log, thus qualifying himself for a teacher, a voca-" tion he followed two years with marked success. On March 13, 1820, he married, at South Brunswick, N. J., Margaret V. Whitlock, born in that town September 10, 1802, and three children were born to them: Abner, Cordelia and Emeline. The mother of these died October 3, 1860, in Wellington, Lorain county, and on August 3, 1862, Mr. Loveland married Mrs. Anna 756 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Rulison, who was born December 22, 1809, in Knox county, N. Y. He passed from earth August 18, 1887, and was buried in Brighton cemetery. Politically he was a Democrat until the firing on Fort Sumter, after which he united with the Republican party. He served as a justice of the peace twenty years, county commissioner two. terms, and had charge of the extensive land interests of O. Bliss. As a consistent member of the M. E. Church, he was ever a liberal contributor to same. He was a man of fair legal ability, excellent judg ment and sound common sense, while his unswerving personal integrity, and the general rectitude of his life, gained for him an enviable reputation in the com munity where he was best known. Il RTHUR LOVETT GARFORD, 1\ president of the Garford Manufac turing Co., and Cashier of the Sav ings Deposit Bank Co., Elyria, is a native of that town, born August 4, 1858, and comes of old English lineage. William Garford, his grandfather, was manager of a large estate in England — where his ancestors had lived for genera tions. His son, George, father of Arthur L., was a native of that country, bora in Northamptonshire, where were passed the earlier years of his life. In 1851 he was married to Miss Hannah Lovett, daughter of Edward and Hannah Lovett, of Keg- worth, Leicestershire, England. Mr. Lovett Was the proprietor of a large silk and lace factory, and was a manufacturer of wide repute. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lovett lived to a ripe old age, and died in Kegworth but a few years ago. All but one of their children survive them. The eldest son, John Lovett, is at present manager of a large factory in England, and is a genius of high merit. James, another son, served for many years in the British Navy, and is now on the retired list. Five sisters are still living in and around Derby, Derby shire, England. In 1853, Geo. Garford, who felt that America offered more favorable opportuni ties for an ambitious young man, severed his connection with Dr. Daniels, a physi cian of large practice and repute, in whose service he had been for a number of years, and came alone to the United States and to Ohio; his wife and child, Geo. H., fol lowing him to the new western home in 1854. They settled in Elyria township, Lorain county, where he had engaged in landscape gardening, and later on in stock farming. Some of the most picturesque gardens and artificial landscapes in Elyria to-day bear tribute to the early efforts of Mr. Garford. As a stock raiser he achieved a national reputation. For a number of years his stock was to be seen at the Annual State Fairs, where, successively, he bore off the highest awards. For nine teen years prior to 1882 he occupied the Elywood Stock Farm of nearly three hun dred acres. Since 1882 he has not been actively engaged in farming personally, his sons, Geo. H. and Charles E., having charge of his interest in a large farm in Ashtabula county, which he now owns. His love for fine stock is still manifest, however, as he continues to raise, in a small way, some very fine horses at his attractive home on Harrison street, in Elyria. Eight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Garford, as follows: Geo. H. ; Elizabeth A., wife of C. H. Miser, Con neaut, Ohio; Kate S., wife of Edmund F. Smith, Buckland, Mass. ; Arthur L. ; Ella Louise, wife of Samuel S. Rockwood, as sistant cashier, Savings Deposit Bank Co. ; Charles E. ; Edith G., and Carrie M. The mother and daughters are all active mem bers of the Episcopal Church. The father, in politics, has always been a stanch Re publican, and the sons have grown up in like mind. Arthur L. Garford was named after C. Arthur Ely— the original owner of Ely- wood farm — and one of the greatest phi lanthropists who has ever lived in Elyria. £«9 hESWUum.! tlBnW LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 759 Though a youngman when he died, in 1865, his name is yet revered, and his memory kept green by many of the older citizens who knew him, and by the later generation because of his gift of the public library, now one of the greatest attractions of the town. An attraction sprung up between William Arthur Ely — only son of the late Charles Arthur Ely — and the subject of our sketch in very early boyhood, and has continued to exist without interruption ever since. For a number of years Arthur L. made his home with his friend, and widowed mother, and many evidences still exist of the regard in which he was held while thus intimately associated with this family. He received a liberal education at the public schools of Elyria, where he graduated at the age of sixteen years. One year later he entered the arena of business by accepting the cashiership in the large importing house of Rice & Burnett, Cleveland, Ohio. Here his natural ability soon asserted itself, and it was not long before he was promoted to head book keeper, being then but eighteen years of age. In this capacity he remained until April, 1880, at which time he resigned on account of ill health — later on accepting the position of bookkeeper in the Savings Deposit Bank, of Elyria. In 1882 D. B. Andrews, well known as one of the most expert accountants in northern Ohio, resigned the position of teller of the above-named bank, to asso ciate himself with the Mercantile National Bank, of Cleveland, and Mr. Garford was promptly installed in the vacancy, which incumbency he filled until January 1, 1888, when he was promoted to assistant cashier. On the re-organization of the bank, after the death of Mr. T. L. Nelson, its president, in January, 1891, Mr. Gar ford was further promoted to cashier, and at the same time was elected a director, positions he yet holds. Outside the routine of office Mr. Gar ford for several years found pleasure and invigorating recreation in bicycle riding, and while so engaged, not being pleased with the saddle on his machine, his inventive faculties were brought into play, resulting in the invention of an improved bicycle saddle. He had no idea at first of turning his device to any account, but its originality and value being favorably pronounced upon by friends, he applied for and received a patent, which he at once took steps to dis pose of. Receiving, however, but little encouragement from proposed purchasers, he concluded to manufacture his invention himself, beginning in a small way. Pros pects of success in his enterprise brighten ing, he associated with him H. S. Follans- bee and Fred N. Smith, a partnership be ing formed under the firm name of "Gar ford Manufacturing Co.," and at once proceeded to have the saddle placed on the market, the goods 'being manufactured by the Topliff & Ely Co., of Elyria. This was in 1889-90, from which time the busi ness developed so rapidly, and the demand for the goods increased so fast that in No vember, 1891, the firm found it expedient to form an incorporated company under the laws of Ohio, with a capital stock of one hundred thousand dollars, the old company turning over their patents, good will and business to the new concern for that amount. On May 4, 1892, the works of tbe Topliff & Ely Co. were badly dam aged by fire, and the saddle department completely destroyed, thus causing a large loss to the Garford Mfg. Co. After mature consideration the directors of the Company concluded to build a fac tory peculiarly adapted to their business; accordingly, in August, 1892, they began the construction of their present factory in Elyria, tbe main building of which is 40 x 100 feet, three stories and basement, and is admirably located directly alongside the tracks of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad, a spur from which runs to the receiving door in the rear. The basement is used for heavy machinery, the blacksmith shop,' spring formers, etc. The 760 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. first floor contains the offices — finished in oak throughout — the tool-room and the polishing-room. The second floor is de voted to nickel-plating, buffing and leather- room, in which latter the hide, by special process, is transformed into the perfect saddle top. The upper floor of all is used for shipping purposes, stock and assem bling. The engine house is detached from the main building, and the engine has a capacity of 150 horse-power. Al though in 1893 the output reached 800 saddles per day, yet the supply proved in adequate to the demand, and the Company found it necessary to largely increase their capacity, and have recently built an addi tion, containing coal sheds and enameling- room, providing ample storage accommo dation. Over one hundred men are now employed in all departments, and during the past six months the factory turned out the enormous number of sixty thousand saddles. In addition to their own goods, leather furnishings for bicycles and sev eral specialties are here made. The pres ent Company at its organization had among its stockholders the following prominent citizens: Hon. W. A. Braman, Hon. Geo. H. Ely,M. M. Ely, J. C. Hill, Hon. Parks Foster, W. A. Ely, G. W. Baker, F. H. Foster, F. P. Hill, H. S. Follansbee, F. N. Smith, and A. L. Garford; the directors being Hon. Geo. H. Ely, Hon. Parks Foster, A. L. Garford, F. N. Smith and H. S. Fol lansbee. Mr. Garford was elected presi dent; H. S. Follansbee, vice-presideut; and F. N. Smith, secretary and treasurer. In February, 1893. a suit for infringement brought against the Hunt Manufacturing Co., competing saddle manufacturers, of Westborough, Mass., resulted by way of settlement in two-thirds interest of that company being passed to the Garford Man ufacturing Co., and the Company beingat once re-organized with a paid-up capital of thirty thousand dollars, A. L. Garford being elected president and a director of same. The Garford Manufacturing Co. is by far the largest and most extensive exclus ive bicycle saddle manufacturing company in the world, and their product enjoys the reputation of being the standard of excel lence, and is "used almost exclusively by the largest and best manufacturers of bi cycles in the United States. Mr. Garford and his associates have become very widely and favorably known among the Cycling fraternity, and prominent manufacturers generally. The following clipping from Cycling Life, one of the most prominent Cycling journals, under date of October 19, 1893, illustrates the regard in which Mr. Garford is held by the fraternity. " Upon starting out in life A. L. Gar ford must have had conspicuously in front of him the inspiring reflection, now an apothegm, that youth must be served. We behold him to-day the king of the craft of saddle making, and hence well entitled to a place in our gallery of 'Leaders in the Cycle Industry.' Very interesting, indeed, is it to trace the rise of Mr. Garford. The son of a farmer, he must have early be come imbued with higher ambitions and aims than most men, for when scarcely out of his 'teens' we find him in a banking institution, from which he graduated with such distinction as falls to the lot of few men. At financing he is an expert, and doubtless it was while engaged in such work that he acquired that solid reputation for integ rity which is inseparable from the charac ters of those who are successful in that line. Some will ascribe his success simply to ability, some to fortunate circumstances and some to the close practice of hon orable business principles; but we prefer to credit him with being the rare possessor of all three qualifications, and choose to find the secret of his distinction in the faithful practice of them. It is said of Mr. Gar ford that the contemplation of his own success does not yield him as much pleas ure as it may afford to those who are his biographers in a small way. Perhaps this is because he feels that he is not yet spent — that he has in him the power to climb to greater heights." LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 761 On December 14, 1881, Arthur L. Gar ford was united in marriage with Miss Mary Louise Nelson, second, daughter of the late T. L. Nelson, of Elyria, and two children have come to brighten the Gar ford home — Mary Katharine, born July 17, 1883, and Louise Ely, bora July 19, 1885. Mr. Garford is a stanch Republican, and though frequently approached by friends to allow his name to be used in connection with party office, he has invariably declined all proffered political honors. He is a prominent member of the Royal Arcanum, having occupied all the Chairs of Elyria Council, and is now a past regent. The high school of Elyria has an Alumni Asso ciation, of which he has served as presi dent. In addition to his other extensive interests above recounted, he is secretary and treasurer of the Republican Printing Co., of Elyria, and of the Beal Mining Core Drill Co.; is a stockholder in the Sunol Bicycle Co., of Chicago, and of the Topliff & Ely Co., of Elyria; is two-fifths owner of the Fay Manufacturing Co., and a stockholder in the National Bank of Ely ria. He was city treasurer for Elyria some five years, resigning in 1892. At the death of T. L. Nelson, his father-in-law, he was one of the executors of the will, and he has since helped in the management of the entire estate. Busy as he is with his end less variety of commercial interests, Mr. Garford yet finds some little time for the farm, and he is the proud owner of some fine-bred horses, noted for both blood and speed, and he is tbe possessor of consider able real estate in and about the city of Elyria. Mr. Garford is a typical self-made American, with the strain of British blood in his veins that adds to his American pro gressive impulses an indomitable will and a tenacity of purpose that are some of his more pronounced characteristics. From a plain farmer's son, he has risen in the commercial world by his own marked exe cutive ability and untiring energy; and though not yet past the heyday of young manhood, he is already prominently iden tified with nearly every enterprise located in Lorain county. D C. NICHOLS, one of the well-to- do, native-born farmer citizens of LaGrange township, is a son of James Nichols, who was born August 9, 1801, in the State of Rhode Island. When six months old James was brought by his father, Stephen Nichols, to Washington county, N. Y., and there re mained until eighteen years of age, when he went to Jefferson county, N. Y. His parents followed him to that county some time afterward, and there passed the re mainder of their lives. James Nichols was reared to farm life, and his education was received in the common schools. He was married in Jefferson county, N. Y., at the age of twenty years, to Miss Leonora Johnson, who was born in that county February 14, 1803, daughter of Joshua and Experience (Tibbals) Johnson, who were natives of Connecticut, and early settlers in Jefferson county, N. Y.; the father died at the home of our subject, D. C. Nichols, in LaGrange township, Lorain Co., Ohio; the mother died in Michigan. While resi dents of New York State children were born to James and Leonora Nichols, as follows: Eliza, now the widow of Bennett Rockwood, of Pittsfield, Lorain county; Cyrus, who died in LaGrange township, October 19, 1891; George, who died when three months old; Philander, a carpenter of Wellington, Ohio; Sarah, who married Dittamus Johnson, and died in LaGrange; Alfred, a carpenter of Lorain, Ohio; and Cordelia, Mrs. William Disbro, of Cass county, Iowa. James Nichols followed farming in New York State, and also worked as a lumberman in the pineries. He owned a small place, which he sold, and in June, 1836, came west to Ohio, via canal to Buffalo, and thence by lake to 762 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Cleveland, from which city he was driven to LaGrange township, Lorain county, where his father-in-law had located some years before. The roads were almost im passible, and it was only after much work that they reached their destination, where for a short time they made their home with Joshua Johnson. Mr. Nichols pur chased a tract of land containing fifty acres, on which he made payments, and by hard labor had partly cleared; in spite of his toil he lost his home through an un scrupulous land-dealer. Not being dis couraged by his misfortune, however, he purchased fifty acres lying south (the farm on which our subject now resides), which he finally succeeded in paying for, by hard labor, such as chopping and clearing the land, raising what crops he could, and also going to the northern part of the county, where he chopped four-foot wood at two shillings per cord. After coming here the family was in creased by the following children: Mi randa, a resident of South Dakota, the widow of Garrison Archer, who was drowned while going to the war, as a re cruit; Ozias, who died when five years old; Stephen, a resident of Cass county, Iowa; and D. O, the subject proper of this sketch. After coming to Ohio Mr. Nichols engaged exclusively in agricul ture, made for himself a comfortable home, and became a respected, well-to-do citizen. He died on the homestead in May, 1872, his wife September 5, 1864, and both lie buried in LaGrange cemetery. Though Mr. Nichols never made any profession of religion he was a thorough Christian ; Mrs. Nichols was a member of the Methodist Church. In politics he was a stanch Re publican. D. C. Nichols, whose name appears at the opening of this sketch, was born May 13, 1847, in LaGrange township, Lorain Co., Ohio. He received his education at the common schools of the neighborhood of his birthplace, and then remained on the home place, engaged in agricultural pursuits, to which he had been trained from boyhood. On January 28, 1869, he was united in marriage with Miss Jeanette Holcomb, who was born October 5, 1845, in LaGrange, a daughter of Asahel and Fannie (Hastings) Holcomb, who were from Jefferson county, N. Y. After marriage the young couple located on the farm where they yet reside, and which he now owus, consisting of 113 acres of land highly improved and equipped with all necessary buildings, etc. To Mr. and Mrs. Nichols have been bora children as follows: Charles H. (attending school), Guy S., Claude M. and James A. (all three living at home). In politics our subject was a Republican until 1876, when he be came a Democrat. Ei DGAR H. HINMAN, probate judge of Lorain county, is a prominent I figure in the galaxy of legal lights in the county. He is a native of Ohio, born December 16, 1846, a son of Edward and Mary B. Hinman, the former of whom was born in Catskill, N. Y., the latter in Lee, Mass.; they both came when children to Ohio and to Portage county, where they were married, and here Edward Hinman carried on farming, until his death, which occurred March 7, 1875, in Oberlin, where Mrs. Hinman still makes her home. The first of the Hinman family, in America, came to the United States, from England, in 1655, making a settle ment in New England. The subject proper of this memoir re ceived his literary education at Oberlin College, Ohio, and studied law at Ann Arbor, Mich. In 1864 he enlisted in Com pany K, One Hundred and Fiftieth O. Y. I. (one hundred-days service), which regi ment was stationed around Washington, and participated in the defense of the cap ital at the time it was attacked by the Con federates. On leaving the army Mr. Hinman went to Missouri, and for one LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 765 year was deputy clerk of the supreme court at St. Joseph, after which he was engaged as foreman in the building of dikes along the Missouri river, preparatory to building a bridge. In 1872 he returned to Ohio, and for a time resided in Oberlin, where he commenced the practice of his profession, but soon afterward moved, in 1873, to North Amherst, in the same county, where he opened an office, prac ticing law for nearly nine years. For two terms he was mayor of Amherst, resigning this when elected probate judge, upon the duties of which office he entered February 9, 1882. He is now serving his fifth con secutive term, and is also president of the Elyria Savings and Loan Company. His residence is now in Elyria, and has been since 1882. Judge E. H. Hinman and Miss Ada M. Faxon were united in marriage in Novem ber, 1877, and the following named four children were born to them: Harold F., Scott, Lucile and Edgar, the latter of whom died in infancy. Active in politics, the Judge has been chairman of the Republican County Committee about six years, and has been a delegate to State and Congres sional conventions. Socially he is a mem ber of the F. & A. M., of the G. A. R. and K. of P. Oneof the pleasant incidents of Judge Hinman's life was a trip he made in 1886 to Europe with Hon. E. G. John son, of Elyria. Many people will long re member the humorous letters written by Mr. Johnson to home papers, giving ac counts of their adventures abroad. J I W. WILBUR, dealer in general hard ware, Wellington, is a native of Can- ' ada, born in Markham, near Toronto, Ontario, May 12, 1839. John Watson Wilbur, father of subject, was born April 14, 1811, in Schodack, N. Y., whence when he had attained his ma jority he moved to Canada, and for four or five years following farming there. He then removed to Ohio, stopping in Port age county for a few months, after which he came in 1841 to Lorain county, and took up a farm in Huntington township, where he made his home for over thirty- one years, at the end of which time he re tired and took up his residence in the town of Wellington, dying there in January, 1891. Politically he was first a Whig, then a Free-soiler and finally a Republi can; he was a strict temperance and strong anti-slavery man. In 1837 he married Miss Lucinda Chapman, a native of Can ada, born near Toronto, February 23, 1814, and she is yet living. Five children were born to them, as follows: J. W , the sub ject of this biographical memoir; Henry, born March 23, 1841, residing in Welling ton township; George W., born June 7, 1843, a farmer in Hartland township, Hu ron Co., Ohio; Josiah L., born October 10, 1845, residing in Wellington; and Martha M., bora September 12, 1849, died No vember 5, 1852. The brothers and sisters of John Watson Wilbur were the follow ing: Clark T., bora December 24, 1804, now a resident of Darlington, Ontario; Mary, born January 25, 1807, died March 27, 1891 (she married a Mr. Leek, who died in Canada); Phoebe, bora July 10, 1809, died in Wellington; Eliza Ann, born February 23, 1813, died in Schodack, N. Y.; George W., born February 8, 1815, died in Canada; Martha, born September 8, 1817, residing in Sullivan, Ashland Co., Ohio; Israel, bora November 29, 1819, residing in Canada; and Deborah, born July 13, 1823, died April 30, 1891, in Albany, N. Y. The father of these, Thomas Wilbur, was born October 18, 1780, was a farmer, and died in New York State; his wife was Anna Cline, born June 24, 1783, died August 25, 1862. John Chapman, the maternal grandfather of sub ject, was born January 27, 1783; he mar ried Margaret Ferris, and their children were as follows: Hannah, born September 9, 1807, deceased; Jerusha O, born July 15, 1809, died January 26, 1889; Martin 766 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Chapman, bora August 19, 1811, living in Lorain; Lucinda, mother of our sub ject, born February 23, 1814; John T., born August 17, 1816; Nathan, born April 3, 1819, residing in Huntington; Laura, born September 15, 1821, deceased; Lorena, born June 24, 1824, living in Cleveland; Lorenzo, b,orn April 8, 1827, living; Thomas, born December 8, 1829; Joseph, born January 8, 183-. J. W. Wilbur, the subject proper of this sketch, received a liberal education at the common schools, after which he attended select school, working also on the farm till he was eighteen years old, when he came to Oberlin, attending school there some seven months, after which he taught school for some years. On June 15, 1861, he enlisted in Company I, Forty-seventh O. Y. I., and was assigned to duty in West Virginia. He participated in several en gagements, and was ordered to Vicksburg, Miss., being present at both the assaults there. After forty-seven days siege, the regiment proceeded to Jackson, Miss., in the capture of which it participated; thence was transferred to Memphis and Missionary Ridge; took part in the Atlanta campaign, and marched with Sherman to the sea. At Savannah it assisted in the capture of Fort McAllister. Here it was that the dispute arose between the Forty-seventh and Seventieth Ohio as to whose colors were first planted on the fort, but several of Gen. Hagen's staff, who were overlooking the entire movement, decided that the colors of the Forty-seventh were the first to ap pear on the fort, and the captured flag is now in the State House at Columbus. The regiment set out from Ohio with 870 men, and at the close of the Atlanta campaign there were only 120; after the Atlanta campaign it was re-enforced by 400 drafted men and substitutes. Our subject was mustered out November 11, 1864, the re giment on August 11, 1865. He entered the service as a private, and was mustered out as second lieutenant of his company; when he arrived at home he weighed but ninety pounds. After the war he resided in Huntington township about three months, at the end of which time (Febru ary, 1865,) he embarked in the stove and tinning business in Wellington, in com pany with his uncle, J. B. Lord, which he has since continued in. In September, 1865, Mr. Wilbur was united in marriage with Miss Anna E. Collins, born October 16, 1841, daughter of Charles and Dorcas (Abbott) Collins, the former of whom was born March 28, 1811, died October 1, 1883, the latter bora February 25, 1811, and still living, having her home with her daughter, Mrs. Wilbur. By this union there were three children, viz.: Mabel O, born August • 14, 1866, married to D. B. Harris, now in Califor nia ' (they have one child, Zoe); Carl C, bom April 29, 1868, a musician, now in California; and Rollin A., at home. In his political preferences our subject is a Republican; socially he is a member of the G. A. R., I. 0. O. F., K. of H., Royal Arcanum and National Union. || W. DOANE. Columbia township k. I has good reason to feel proud of her ^Jj wealthy, intelligent farming com munity, of wliich the subject of this sketch is a leading member. Mr. Doane was born March 21, 1831, in Jefferson county, N. Y., a son of Isaiah and Betsy E. (Giddings) Doane, natives of New York State, whence in the fall of 1833 they moved to La Fayette township, Medina Co., Ohio, making a clearing in the woods, and building a log cabin. From there the father came in 1846 to Columbia township, Lorain county, where he passed the rest of his days, dying in 1852. He was twice, married: first time to Betsy E. Giddings, who died in Medina county, in 1846; afterward to Hannah Jewett, who passed from earth in 1878, on the farm of the subject of this sketch. LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 767 Mr. Doane was a soldier in the war of 1812; in politics he was a pronounced Democrat, and for many years served as a justice of the peace in Medina county. The children born to his first marriage were as follows: Luther W., who died in Medina county at the age of nineteen; Rosella L., widow of Dougal McDougall, of Medina county; Diana H, deceased wife of Levi Herrington; Frank Johnson, residing in Harper county, Kans.; Mary M., widow of Don A. Clark, who died in the service during the Civil war; William H. H, married, and residing in Berrien county, Mich. ; Almeda E., widow of Ben jamin Chamberlain, of Cuyahoga county, Ohio; Orlando A., married, and residing in Durand county, Wis.; J. W., our sub ject; Frederick W., who enlisted in the Civil war in Michigan, and died some years ago; Lydia A., who was the wife of A. W. Bishop, of Medina county, and died in York township, Medina county; and Martha B., wife of Gerome Osborne, of Benton Harbor, Michigan. J. W. Doane received a liberal educa tion at the common schools of Medina county, and was fifteen years old when he came to Columbia township, Lorain county. His lifework from his early boyhood years has been agriculture, and he is now the owner of a good farm of 115 acres, all in a high state of cultivation, and which he has improved, erecting a comfortable resi dence and commodious barns. In 1854 Mr. Doane was united in mar riage, in Columbia township, Lorain county, with Miss Amelia Hitchcock, a native of that township, daughter of Samuel and Amelia (Osborne) Hitchcock, of Connecti cut, who in 1812 came to Lorain county, where they died. By this union two chil dren were born, namely: A son that died in infancy, and Alice, wife of Judd Arthur (she died at the age of twenty-three). The mother of these was called from earth January 3, 1890, and in April, 1892, our subject married Mrs. Melissa Lanphier, widow of Austin Lanphier; she has one child, a daughter named Clara, married to Charles Hutchinson, of Columbia town ship, Lorain county. Politically, our subject is a Democrat, and is now serving his fourth term as trustee of his township. He has been a delegate to conventions, and has proven a most useful member of the community, both politically and socially. For about eleven years he served as postmaster at Columbia Station. E'ZRA S. JACKSON, for nearly three score years a resident of Avon town- I ship, whither he had come in 1837, is a native of New York State, born in Herkimer county in 1816. He is a son of John and Patience (Payne) Jackson, also of New York State, where the father, who was a farmer, died in 1863; he had served iu the war of 1812. His widow came to Avon township, Lorain county, and spent the remainder of her life at the home of her son Ezra S. Jackson, dying in 1876. She had another son, R. P., who came here in 1837, but moved to Michi gan in 1863, and died there in 1864. The subject of these lines received a lib eral education at the schools of Herkimer and Cattaraugus counties, N. Y., and in the latter county learned carpentry, which he followed several years. In 1837 he came to Avon township, and erected many buildings in both Lorain and Huron coun ties, after which he engaged in the busi ness of millwright. In December, 1844, Mr. Jackson was married to Miss Cordelia Q. Moon, a native of Avon township, daughter of Abraham and Theresa (Du rand) Moon, early settlers of Avon town ship, Lorain county, where they died. Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, the following being a brief record of same: Theresa, wife of H. A. Kenney, lives in Wisconsin; Jennie is the wife of R. E. Loveland. superintendent of schools at Lodi, Wis.; Ernest S., married, 768 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. is county surveyor and resides in Elyria; and Lena is living at home. In 1845 our subject settled on his present farm of 117 acres prime land in Avon township, which he improved from the primeval forest. In his political sympathies he was originally a Whig, later, on the organization of the party, a stanch Republican; he served his township as trustee, and has been a justice of the peace. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson are members of the M. E. Church, in which he is steward. 4) Vii OSES HERNER LEVAGOOD. \_f/\ This prominent citizen of Elyria I, is widely and favorably known in business circles, not alone by reason of his public and social positions, but also for his frank, genial and cordial disposition and scholarly attain ments. Mr. Levagood's ancestors came from England, France, Prussia and Holland some two centuries ago, and a more im mediate progenitor served in the war of 1812 between this and the mother country. Our subject is a son of George and Sophia E. (Herner) Levagood, the former of whom was a native of Pennsylvania, the latter of New York. M. H. Levagood was bora February 2, 1845, in Wilmot, Ontario, Canada, where he received his literary education. In 1863 he removed to Michigan, and at the age of nineteen years entered into business; but wishing to better fit himself for a com mercial career, heenteredBryant, Stratton & Goldsmith Business University, at De troit, Mich., graduating from same April 15, 1869. Thence proceeding to Adrian, same State, he taught the advanced classes in the science of accounts and mathematics in Evans Business College in that city. In 1871 he entered the employ of Mr. B. P. Howe, sewing machine manufacturer in Detroit, as bookkeeper, and later had charge at Cleveland of Mr. Howe's west ern correspondence, covering the territory west of the Alleghany Mountains to the Pacific Ocean. This responsible position Mr. Levagood filled with thorough efficiency, but resigned in order to associate himself' with a screw factory in Cleveland, which business was in 1874 removed to Elyria, Ohio, its present title being "The Western Automatic Machine Screw Co." With this, the second largest screw manufactory of its kind in the United States, our subject has been actively and officially associated for twenty-one years, and its high position among the manufacturing interests of the country is largely due to his enterprise, good management and fidelity. The fol lowing brief sketch of this prominent in stitution will be read with interest: The Western Automatic Machine Screw Co., Elyria, Ohio. Thia establishment, which well merits the distinction of being one ofElyria's most influential and valuable trade exemplars, was founded, in the city of Cleveland about 1870, and in 1874 was moved to Elyria. Some twelve years ago it was reorganized, taking the above name, and wilh abundant capital, combined with superior management, has become a gigantic business en terprise, with large and increasing demands for its productions. When the additional buildings erected this year are fully equipped with machinery, em ployment will be given to about two hundred and twenty-five men, who, in character and skill are very much above the general average. Under its present supervision its business growlh has become phenomenal, so much so that it now ranks as the second largest screw manufactory of its kind in America. Screws and all kinds of special milled pieces are here made, and in almost endless va riety, adapted to every conceivable use, and vary ing in size from the infinitesimal, requiring 15,000 and more to weigh a pound, to the larger sizes, weighing three or more pounds each. The build ings are all of brick, and present an imposing appearance. The main factory is 50 x 150 feet, with an L 44 x 98 feet, four stories high ; blacksmith shop 22x70 feet; case-hardening shop 38 x 43 feet; en gine house 16x37 feet; boiler house 34x82 feet, one story high; machine and tool shop 35 x 86 feet, and office and warehouse 35 x 105 feet, two stories high. The power is supplied by three engines aggregating three hundred and twenty-five horse power, and three boilers aggregating five hundred horse-power. To-day this institution is the pride of Elyria, and its business manager, Mr. Levagood, a respected and honored citizen of the place. On December 4, 1866, Mr. Levagood was united in marriage, at Greenwood, Mich., with Miss Mary J. Nichols, a Enj%1EC.WJI,,^i.B'^{ LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 771 native of Ontario, daughter of Henry B. and Mary (Ayers) Nichols, both of whom were from New York. On December 4, 1891, was celebrated at their residence in Elyria the " silver wedding " of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Levagood, on which occasion a large number of friends responded to the invita tion to be present, to whom their host and hostess, in their usual frank and cordial manner, gave hearty welcome. When the guests dispersed it was with the unani mous feeling that this social event was one of the most enjoyable they had ever at tended, while a large number of presents were left by them as tokens of their good will and respect. Through all the disappointments and trials incident to human life, Mr. Leva- good is always the same, genial, hopeful and good-natured man, which makes him an honored and valued member of several Fraternal Orders, and in this, respect few in the State have greater prominence. He is a member of King Solomon Lodge, F. & A. M.,and treasurer of Marshall Chap ter No. 47 Royal Arch Masons, Elyria, Ohio; he is a past officer of the Knights of Honor, Royal Arcanum, and the American Legion of Honor, in which latter he has held the responsible State offices of grand trustee and grand treasurer, served two terms as grand commander, is now sitting past grand commander, and is Ohio's repre sentative to the supreme council. He is a member of the city council, now serv ing as its first president; as vice-president and a director of the Elyria Savings and Loan Co,, and president of the Elyria Aid Society. He is a trustee of the First Con gregational Church Society, and is actively identified with other charitable and benevo lent enterprises. With a generous sym pathy, kindliness, and a desire to live a helpful life, regardless of class or condi tion he has a large circles of friends, and has endeared himself to those in his em ploy, where mutual confidence, goodwill and respect prevail. The natural fruitage of such a life, with a hearty reciprocal re sponse from the members of his family, produces the charm of his home, to which he retires for rest and pleasure, when the duties and responsibilities of the day are laid aside. The business motto of Mr. Levagood is "never postpone until to-morrow what can and should be done to-day; business first, pleasure afterward." With these characteristics governing his life, his suc cess is but the fulfilling of a natural law, and has earned for him the prominence he has attained ih the commercial world. 41 ilLLIAM DOUGLASS, the well- known retired merchant of Kip ton, was born June 21, 1835, in Camden township, Lorain Co., Ohio, a son of Robert Douglass, who was born in Lyme, Conn., September 27, 1795. Robert Douglass, grandfather of our subject, when a young man came with his father's family from Scotland to Con necticnt, abont the year 1775. He was there married, and reared a family of six children, viz.: Nancy, Lovisa, Prudence, Robert, William and John. The father of these died in Connecticut, where he was an extensive farmer, keeping a large dairy; he also owned, and kept slaves to do his work, but finally sold off the slaves, the last two for the sum o,f eighty-five dollars. After his death the widow, with her six children, removed to Hamilton, New York. Robert Douglass, father of the subject of this sketch, moved with his widowed mother to. Hamilton, N. Y., and soon afterward, in 1817, he married Susan A. Waugh, who was bora August 26, 1799, in Camden township,- Oneida Co., N. Y. Iu 1833 he came to Ohio, traveling by canal and lakes to Huron, Erie county, thence by road to Camden township, Lo rain county, accompanied the entire trip by Thomas Lee and Gideon Waugh, also heads of families. Mr. Douglass bought twenty-five acres of wild land in Camden township at two dollars and fifty cents per 772 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. acre, and the three families settled to gether, at first erecting a single cabin for the shelter of all, until the Lee and Waugh families could be provided for. In this cabin two years afterward was bora the subject of this sketch, and on this farm the parents passed the remainder of their days, the father dying April 19, 1863, the mother April 9, 1856, and they now " sleep the sleep that knows no wakening " in Camden cemetery. Their original twenty-five acres increased from time to time till the property became a farm of considerable size, but prior to his death Mr. Douglass sold off all except the original twenty-five acres; and the old log cabin was superseded by a more modern and comfortable residence. The record of the children bora to this honored pioneer couple is as follows: Lovisa, born Janu ary 6, 1818, married J. G. B. Babcock, and died in Oswego, N. Y". ; Nancy, born October 2, 1819, married B. Bayless, and died in Kipton, Ohio; Adeline, born August 4, 1822, died in New York before her. parents removed to Ohio; Charlotte, bom January 20, 1825, mar ried A. Boswell, and died in Michigan (she was buried in Camden cem etery); Lucinda, born March 8, 1827, married S. B. Williams, and died at Ver million, Ohio (she was also interred in Camden cemetery); Robert H., born April 22, 1830, is a resident of Kipton, Ohio; Saily Helen, boru October 9, 1832, mar ried Bethel Sabins, and died in Michigan, where she was buried; William, subject of sketch, is spoken of more fully further on ; John G., born February 2, 1838, of Cleve land, Ohio; Susan A., born June 5, 1840, Mrs. A. L. Howe, of Cleveland, Ohio; Harrison, born January 13, 1843, who en listed at the age of eighteen in Company H, Forty-third Regiment O. V. I., and was killed February 3, 1865, at River's Bridge, S. C, after having served through four years of the war. Politically Mr. Douglass was for several years an Old-line Whig, in later years a stanch Republican and a strong Abolitionist, sheltering many a fugitive slave on his way to freedom in Canada. He held several township offices, and was in all ways a most useful member of the community. As a sportsman he was a keen shot, and as there was abun dance of game of all sorts, including deer, turkeys, etc., his home was seldom without a well-stocked larder, and his neighbors were abundantly supplied by him with wild meat. He and his wife were of the close communion Baptist faith, as early members of the church at Center. William Douglass, whose name intro duces this sketch, received his education in a primitive old log schoolhouse situated about three-fourths of a mile from his home, and this was the only one he ever attended. He was reared to agricultural pursuits, and remained under the parental roof until he was twenty-one years old, when he found employment in the woods, making staves ; and being a powerful young man, he wafc able to earn good wages. Up to his twenty-fifth year he divided his time between helping his parents, who needed his assistance, and making a little money for himself. A land grant his father had secured for services in the war of 1812, and which consisted of 160 acres in Mower county, Minn., was bought by our subject, and he remained thereon for some time. In 1860 he came to Kipton, Camden town ship, Lorain county, and traded this land for a stock of groceries, and the rent of a building in Kipton for two years. From the time he opened out his business, he continued in it thirty successive years, and not long after commencing he bought also the building, then a frame one. His trade expanded so that in course of time he had to put up a substantial brick store, which he still owns. In 1888 he disposed of his stock of dry goods and groceries, since when he has been living in retirement. A couple of months each year he spends in an elegant lakeside cottage he owns at Linwood, Ohio, and his leisure time is spent in fishing and hunting. LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 773 On July 3, 1862, Mr. Douglass was united in marriage with Josephine Ran som, born January 16, 1843, at Berlin Heights, Erie Co., Ohio, daughter of Rus sel M. and Caroline (Tenant) Ransom, and the child born to them is Cora C, born July 26, 1863, wife of 0. L. Wright, of Toledo, who has one child, Gurtha D., born July 5, 1886. Republican in his political sympathies, our subject's first Presidential vote was cast for J. C. Fre mont, and he has frequently been solicited to accept office, but invariably declines, his business interest at such times demanding all his attention. He and his faithful life partner are consistent members of the Disciple Church. 'HARLES ALEX. TWINING, one of the most prosperous and wealthy of the prominent farmers of Hen rietta township, is a native of the State of New Jersey, born in Hunterdon county May 23, 1821. Samuel Twining, father of subject, was born February 22, 1796, in Hunterdon county, N. J., and moved his family to Broome county, N. Y., in 1823, where he died April 10, 1831. On September 23,1815, he married Elizabeth Stout, who died Oc tober 17, 1882. Her people were wealthy, but on the death of her parents she lost all that she became heiress to. Samuel was a farmer, miller, cloth-dresser and dis tiller, and at the time of his death owned fifty acres of land near Binghamton, N. Y. He left five children, a mother-in-law and sister-in-law for our subject to assist in providing for, and, although the latter was but ten years old when his father died, he was the "main spoke in the wheel." Charles A. Twining, whose name opens this sketch, received but a limited educa tion at the subscription schools of the place of his nativity. On October 18, 1842, he was married, by Squire Jesse Richards, to Miss Nellie Schermerhorn, and for about seven years thereafter they continued to reside in Broome county, N. Y. In 1849 they came to Lorain county, Ohio, and Mr. Twining, having saved some five hundred dollars from his earnings, bought a small piece of land in Pittsfield township, Lorain county, where he resided three years. At the end of this time he sold out to his three brothers and returned to Broome county, N. Y., where he bought the old home farm formerly owned by his father. After residing here three years he sold out, returned to Ohio, and bought a farm iu Camden township, Lorain county. Sold this farm and bought in Russia township; sold this and bought a farm in Henrietta township, which he still owns. In 1888 he built a comforta ble modern dwelling, situated in Henrietta township, and his property has increased from time to time till he now owns 720 acres of prime farm land, divided into seven farms, with good buildings. He has owned farms in Brownhelm and We6t Henrietta, and in Erie county, in Florence township; three farms in West Clarksfield, Huron county, Brighton township, Lorain county, and Wakeman, Huron county, and resided on all of these except the one in Wakeman. He has given his daughter Sarah Ann a good farm in Camden town ship, and has settled his six living sons on good farms, and has also dealt quite ex tensively in live stock. Eleven children were bora to Mr. and Mrs. Twining, as follows: Mrs. Sarah Ann Gibson, living in Clarksfield, Huron Co., Ohio; Herbert, deceased; Orlando, de ceased; William T., living on the home farm, near his father; Gertrude E., de ceased; Alva P., Floyd O., Virgil L., Perry E. and Fred A., on farms near their father; and one that died in infancy. The entire family are members of the Baptist Church, except Perry, who is a member of the Methodist Church, and all brought up in the path of Christian rectitude, which they have in no instance deviated from. The sons have never used liquor or tobacco 774 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. in any form. Mr. Twining in his political affiliations has always been a stanch Dem ocrat, and has served his county to the best of his ability, and held offices of trust. Mr. Twining formerly belonged to the Methodist Church, where he was class- leader and superintendent of Sabbath- schools for a number of years, and also held an exhorter's license. In 1866 Mr. Twining spent one year with his family in Ocean county, N. J., stopping at a pleas ure resort in Point Pleasant. 4J VT ATHANIEL MARTIN, who for VJ the past quarter of a century has ]|i been identified with the agricul tural interests of Columbia town ship, is a native of England, born in Devonshire in 1830. His parents, John and Sarah (Osborn) Martin, were also natives of Devonshire, where they spent their entire lives, the mother dying in 1844, the father at the age of eighty-eight years. They had a family of six children (four of whom came to America), as follows: Mary was the wife of Edward Spetigue, and died in England, leaving a family; Maria, who was the wife of John Tubb, went to Australia, and there she died leaving six children ; Jeremiah, who came with our subject to Lorain county, where he owned a farm, and thence moved to Jasper county, Mo.; John, who came to Lorain county in 1849, located first in Ridgeville township, then became a resident of Eaton township, and finally of Columbia (he is now living in Pennsyl vania); Nathaniel, the subject of this sketch; and Jane, wife of William Palmer, of Eaton township. Nathaniel Martin was reared and edu cated in the land of his birth, and in 1863 was united ih marriage with Miss Mary Ann Moyse, a native of Cornwall, Eng land, whence in 1867 they came to the United States, settling at once in Colum bia township, Lorain Co., Ohio. Here Mrs. Martin died in 1869, leaving three children, viz.: John R., Elizabeth E., and Anna Maria, who is now teaching in Ant werp, Ohio. In 1870 Mr. Martin was married, in Columbia township, for his second wife, to Mrs. Caroline (Ruple) Reed, daughter of Dr. Boltis and Clarissa (Os born) Ruple, natives of Connecticut, who in an early day came to Columbia town ship, Lorain county, where the father died ; the mother, who is now in the ninety- fourth year of her age, still survives. Since coming to Lorain county Mr. Mar tin has engaged in agriculture and he now owns a good farm of seventy-six acres, in an excellent state of cultivation. He read medi cine in Columbia township, and also at tended Cincinnati Medical College, gradu ating therefrom in 1879, and subsequently practiced his profession for some years. He now conducts a general farming busi ness, operating 216 acres in Lorain and Medina counties. In politics he is a Pro hibitionist, and has been a member of the school board. In religious faith Mr. and Mrs. Martin are both members of the Wesleyan Methodist Church at West View. || OSEPH H. MULL, junior proprietor k. I of the Oberlin Citizen, has been \J) identified with the printing business for the past seventeen years, rising from "devil" to "boss." For the most part he was employed on local papers in Oberlin, and in job offices, and in 1892 be came associated with Mr. Disbro in the publication of the Citizen, a flourishing weekly, in Oberlin. Mr. Mull was bora in November, 1857, in Dubuque county, Iowa, a son of Jacob and Almira (Sage) Mull, natives, the father of Pennsylvania, the mother of Connecti cut. In the early days of Iowa as a State they moved thither, locating in Dubuque county, whence in 1860 they came to Ohio, where the father died in 1891; his widow is now living in Pittsfield township, Lo- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 775 rain county. He was a farmer by voca tion, in politics a Republican, and was a member of the Christian Church. The subject of our sketch was educated in the schools of Pittsfield, and in the preparatory department of Oberlin College, after which he embarked in the printing business, as already narrated. In 1884 he was married to Olivia Stone, and they have had four children, two being deceased, Ernest at the interesting age of three years; those yet living are George and Julia. In his political sympathies Mr. Mull is a Republican ; socially he is a mem ber of Oberlin F. & A. M. Lodge, No. 380. FLOYD M. PELTON is a son of David C. Pelton, who was born February 4, 1800, in Hartford, Washington Co., N. Y., a son of James Pelton, who was among the earliest pioneers of LaGrange township, having settled there in 1824. David C. Pelton married Lydia Dodge, who was bora March 12, 1807, and they had six children, four of whom lived to be named, as follows: Maria, Martha, Mary and Charles; the last named of these came to Ohio with his father, and is now a farmer in the State of Illinois. The mother of these died, and in 1832 Mr. Pelton was married, in New York, for his second wife, to Hannah Smith, and in the fall of 1833 started with his wife and one child for Ohio, where his father, James, had been living, as will be seen, for some few years. They came by way of canal aud lake to Cleveland, and thence drove to Lorain county, locating in the eastern part of La Grange township, near his father. He re mained there eight years, and then re moved to the western part of the township (then a very wild section, and all new country, the roads not being cut), locating on the farm where our subject now resides. By his second wife he had ten children, viz. : Lydia, Mrs. Charles Crowner, of La Grange; Mary, married to Manford Rip ley, now of Eaton county, Mich.; Clark, of Cheboygan, Mich.; James K., of Wau kesha, Wis.; John, of Rising Sun, Wood Co., Ohio; Grovener, who enlisted in Com pany H, One Hundred and Third Regi ment, and died in hospital at Hickman's Bridge, Ky., where he was buried; Ade line, Mrs. Edward Beaver, of LaGrange; Hannah, Mrs. Thomas Cornell, of Eaton county, Mich.; Elizabeth, Mrs. Lawrence Van Warner, of Elsie, Mich.; and Win field, a farmer of Eaton county, Mich. The mother of these died June 30, 1852, and was buried in LaGrange, aud for his third wife he married a native of New York State, Mrs. Mary (Tippin) Burns, widow of Thomas Burns. By this union there were five children, as follows: One that died in infancy unnamed; Clarissa, who married Augustus Vanlinder, and died in New York in 1885, leaving five children; Syl vester, who died young in 1864; one died of spotted fever when seven or eight years old; and Floyd M., subject of this memoir. Mr. Pelton died on his farm February 11, 1890, being then over ninety years old, and was buried in LaGrange township. Politically he was a Republican. After his death his widow resided on the home farm with our subject; she died September 8, 1893, at the age of eighty-three years. Floyd M. Pelton was born June 18, 1860, in LaGrange township, youngest of the twenty-one children of David C. Pelton. He attended the common schools of his day, and was reared a farmer boy, receiving his first instructions under the direction of his father, on the farm he now owns and resides upon. He was united in marriage June 18, 1879, with Miss Lottie Johnson, who was born September 15, 1864, in LaGrange, daughter of Elijah and Lydia (Haines) Johnson, and they have had four children: Cora B., Mary E., Clara M. and Charles W. Since his father's death Mr. Pelton has had charge of the home farm, which he now owns, and to which he has added eighty acres, making 776 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. him in all a tract of 160 acres. He has met with some misfortunes, having had his barns destroyed by fire three times, but he has rebuilt each time, and in 1891 he erected one of the finest aud most conven ient barns in the township. He also con ducts a dairy in connection with his farming operations, and has at present thirty-eight fine Holstein cattle. He is also a member of the Holstein-Friesian Association of America. He is an ener getic, hard-working man, and has been very prosperous. Politically he is a Re publican, and has held various township offices; in religious faith he and his wife are members of the Baptist Church of La Grange. |( |f ENRY WISE, one of the progres- 1^ sive German agriculturists of Graf- | 1] ton township, was bora in Byron, y) October 5, 1847, a son of Peter Wise, who was born November 5, 1810, also in Byron, and married a native of that place in the person of Miss Louisa Miller, bora May 18, 1817. In 1853 the family, consisting of father, mother and six children — Louisa, Fred- ericka, Henry, Lewis, Frederick and Christian — 6et sail from Havre, France, for the United States, and after a voyage of twenty-one days landed at New York toward the latter part of December. From that port they came west to Liverpool, Medina Co., Ohio, by way of Hudson river, Erie Canal and lake Erie to Cleveland, from which point Peter's brother brought them by wagon to Liverpool township, Medina county, where they arrived #on Christmas Day. In Germany Peter Wise had been well-to-do, but through going security for a friend, who afterward failed in business, he lost over two thousand dol lars. In Liverpool township, Medina county, he rented a farm for a short time, and then removed to Columbia township, Lorain county, later coming to Grafton township, same county, where he bought fifty acres of wild land on credit, and here lived seven years, at the end of which time he moved to the farm whereon he died August 8, 1886; his wife had passed away June 19, 1883, and both are interred in Belden cemetery. In Ohio the family was increased by three children, as follows Hannah J., bora September 11, 1857 Catherine S., born September 12, 1859 and Jacob J., born July 25, 1864. The parents were hard-working, industrious people, accumulating a comfortable com petence, and they were honored and re spected by all. Henry Wise, whose name introduces this sketch, was six years old when his father and family came to America and to Ohio. Before leaving Germany he had attended a Kindergarten for a time, and after coming here he received the rest of his education at a German school, but he never entered an English educational in stitution. While yet a lad he was put to work on his father's farm, where he re mained until he was fourteen years old, at which time he commenced work for Ben jamin Corning at six dollars per month, all his earnings being turned over to his par ents to help pay for the home. On March 28, 1870, Mr. Wise married Mary Law, who was born March 13, 1851, in Grafton township, Lorain county, daughter of Jacob Law, and children as follows were born to them: Twins (stillborn), Rosa, Bertha, Alice, Edith, Amanda, Elmer, Anna, Lorena, Agnes, Henry and Ralph. In 1871 he and his brother Lewis pur chased land, going into debt nine thou sand six hundred dollars for it, and the predictions of many were that " the Wise boys would fail." But these ominous words were not fated to come true, for " the Wise boys" did not fail; on the contrary they succeeded, by dint of hard work and judi cious economy, in paying off every dollar of the indebtedness. At the end of thir teen years (in 1886) the brothers effected an amicable division of the property, each one settling on his own share. Our sub- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Ill ject has an excellent piece of land and a good home, equipped with all modern im provements, including commodious out buildings. Politically he is a Democrat, and he and his family are members of the Lutheran Church of Liverpool, Ohio. ||OSEPH S. WHITNEY, retired agri- k. li culturist, well known and highly re- \^j spected in Lorain county, now re siding in the town of Camden, is a typical "Green Mountain Laddie," born July 10, 1814, in Bennington county, Ver mont. Joseph Whitney, father of subject, first saw the light in Westminster, Mass., Feb ruary 21, 1785, a son of Elisha Whitney, and April 27, 1811, was married to Abi gail Townes, who was bora January 22, 1791, in Andover, Vt., where she was married. After their marriage they con tinued to live in Vermont till 1838, when they came to Ohio, making a settlement in Pittsfield township, Lorain county, the entire family (excepting two sons, who had preceded them) making the journey in a wagon, the trip occupying three weeks. The head of the family had in 1833 made a prospecting visit to Lorain couuty, com ing by way of the lakes, and at that time bought the land in Pittsfield township to wliich the family afterward removed, as above related. The two sons, spoken of as having preceded the rest, came, Joseph S. in 1836 and Aaron in 1837; and in pre paring the new home they cleared thirty acres of land, and erected a rude frame house in which the family lived after their arrival. Here the parents died, the father May 2, 1877, at the patriarchal age of nearly ninety-three years, the mother on May 3, 1872, and they lie buried in Pitts field cemetery. Mr. Whitney was owner of a fine farm in Vermont, and was worth two thousand dollars at the time of his coming to Ohio; when he died his estate was valued at twenty thousand dollars. His political proclivities were of a pro nounced type, at first as a strong Whig, and later as a stanch Republican. He and his wife were members of the Congrega tional Church. Their children, all born in Vermont, were Hannah T. and Abigail (twins), born July 5, 1812, of whom Han nah married Reuben Stone, in Vermont, and died in Oberlin, Ohio (Abigail died in infancy); Joseph S., born July 10, 1814, who is the subject proper of this memoir; Aaron T., bora July 5, 1816, who died in 1870, in Collinwood, Ohio; Mark, born December 17, 1818, a farmer of Russia township, Lorain county; Augustine, born December 27, 1820, of Pittsfield township; Richard, bora February 16, 1823, of Grin- nell, Iowa; Susan A., born July 20, 1825, who married John Mills, and died in Pitts field; Norman, born January 20, 1828, of Anthony, Kans.; Ira, born September 13, 1829, of Harper county. Kans., where he owns over 1,200 acres; and Loren, born February 26, 1833, of Texas. The subject of our sketch received but a limited education at the subscription schools of his native place, consisting of two months' tuition during a few winters; but what he lacked in that respect he made up for by after-study, and a close observa tion of men and things. In 1836 his father sent him to Ohio to prepare a new home for the family, as above related, and in this then wild locality he did many a hard day's work, being a stout, active young man, and frequently had encounters with wild animals who were disposed to assert their prior right to the forest wilds. After his marriage he and his bride settled on 100 acres of land in Pittsfield township, which he had bought on credit, and here they lived four years, their house being ah old log cabin, very much the worse for a LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 793 years. Mr. Chapman was twice married, first to Sara Griswold, of Norwich, Conn., July 27, 1671, by whom he had nine chil dren. This wife died April 7, 1692, and October 29, 1694, he was married to Mrs. Mary Sheather, by whom he had four chil dren. His children by the first marriage were: Samuel, Robert. Sarah, Francis, Dor cas, Steven, one son that died in infancy, Sarah, and a son that died an infant. By the second marriage there were Benjamin, Steven, Mehetabel and Abagail. Mr. Chap man died suddenly in the Hartford court room November, 1711. He was buried in the old burial ground at Hartford, Conn., in the rear of the Centre Church, where his tombstone now stands, about a rod north of the monument on which are inscribed the names of the first settlers of Hartford, with this inscription — " Llere lyeth the body of Robt, Chapman who departed this life November ye 10th 1711 aged 65 years. " Capt. Samuel Chapman, eldest son of Robert Chapman, Junior, was born Sep tember 12, 1672. On December 6, 1693„ he married Margaret Griswold, a daughter of Capt. Samuel Griswold, of Norwich, Conn., and by her he had ten children. Mrs. Chapman died December 21, 1750. Mr. Chapman was a prominent man in civil and military affairs. He resided in what is now the town of Westbrook, and was one of the first fourteen persons organized into a church at that place June 29, 1726. The date of his death is not known. His children were Sarah, Margaret, Samuel, Martha, Temperance, Jedediah, Mehetabel, Caleb, Lucy and Aaron. Jedediah Chapman (1), the second son of Capt. Samuel Chapman, was bora at Westbrook, Conn., October 9, 1703, and was married to Miss Hester Kirtland, June 5, 1723, by whom he had eight children. He was a very prominent man in the so ciety of Westbrook in military, civil and religious affairs. He was a major of in fantry, a lawyer by profession, and held the position of deacon in the church from 1732 until his death, which took place at Westbrook February 10, 1764, in the sixty-first year of his age. Tbe following were his children: Hester, Temperance, Jedediah, Ann, Reuben, Charity, Chloe and Tabitha. Jedediah Chapman (2), eldest son of Maj. Jedediah, was born at Westbrook, December 15, 1726, and was married to Miss Mary Grinnell in 1755. He was deacon of the church of Westbrook from 1771 until his death, which transpired February 29, 1816, a period of forty-four years, and was for twenty years justice of the peace. At his decease he was ninety years of age. His children were Dan, : Jedediah, Constant, Hester, Lucilla, Mary, Ann and Aaron. Constant Chapman, son of Deacon Jede diah Chapman (2), was born at Westbrook, Conn., December 27, 1760, and was mar ried to Miss Jemima Kelsey, of Killing- worth, Conn., January 2.7, 1785, by whom he had nine children. At the early age of sixteen he entered the Revolutionary army, was for six years under the immediate command of Washington, and was for some time one of his body-guard. He was at the battle of Long Island, Germantown, Princeton, and Trenton, experienced all the rigors of Valley Forge, and was at the final surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown. He also followed the sea for many years, rising to the position of captaiii of a merchant vessel, trading on the coast of South America, and to Lisbon, and other foreign ports. In 1793 the vessel, of which he was commander, was captured by the French off Porto Rico, scuttled and snnk, while he and his crew were carried prisoners to the French Island of Guade loupe, and after four months he was libera ted. The latter part of his life was spent in Brimfield, Portage Co., Ohio, where he died in 1850, aged ninety years. His children were Lydia K., Thurot F., John K., Anna M., Cloe P., Mary C, Joseph G., Jemima T. and Henry C. The chil dren of Constant Chapman, it will be 794 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. seen, all had middle names, while none of his ancestry were thus favored. Thurot F. Chapman, eldest son of Con stant Chapman, was born at Old Killing- worth, Conn., December 7, 1789, and was twice married: first, November 17, 1810, to Lydia Andross, by whom he had one child; second, October 16, 1833, to Eliza beth Furray, by whom he had three chil dren. In the war of 1812 he enlisted in Col. Van Rensselaer's Regiment of New York Militia, crossed the Niagara river into Canada, and was at the battle of Queenston Heights, and taken prisoner there but afterward paroled. Mr. Chap man was for some time a sailor in the coasting trade, and also in the business of codfishing off Newfoundland and tbe Straits of Belle Isle. He was a man of ster ling integrity and of the most generous im pulses. The poor and the oppressed were never turned away empty from his door, and many a poor slave escaping from bondage was by him fed, sheltered and helped on his way to freedom. Mr. Chap man first set up his family home in Smithville, Chenango Co., N. Y., but emigrated to the wilderness of the Ohio Western Reserve in 1817,where he followed clearing land a number of years, having chopped, cleared and fenced nearly 300 acres of land. He here died December 16, 1860, aged seventy-one years, a practical Christian of the Congregational school. His children were Alonzo A., a sketch of whom follows; Emily Al, wife of Lucius R. Fields, of Oberlin, Ohio; Degrass S., who enlisted, during the Civil war, in Company K, Twenty-third O. V. I., was wounded at the battle of Antietam, and died six days later in the field hospital, aged twenty-four years; and Harlan P., special mention of whom will presently be made. The mother of the three last named children was born in New Durham, Greene Co., N. Y., March 9, 1804, and was killed by accident in Oberlin June 12, 1876. Alonzo A. Chapman, eldest son of Thu rot F- Chapman, was born August 25, 1811, at Smithville, N. Y., and was mar ried September 30, 1832, to Miss Mar garet Taylor, by whom he had seven chil dren, fie was for many years a farmer in Eaton township, Lorain Co., Ohio, and was one of the first residents of that town ship, coming there with his parents in 1817. He was called upon to fill various positions of trust in civil and religious affairs. He was a member of the M. E. Church over fifty years, and was a mem ber of the first class organized at LaPorte, Ohio. He moved his family to Ridge ville, Henry Co., Ohio, in 1866, and was for many years in the lumber business. Mr. Chapman died at Ridgeville Corners, Ohio, August 5, 1890, aged seventy-nine years. His children were as follows: William T., Mary L., Henry L. (1), Emory N., Pamila A., Facelia S. and Henry L. (2). William T. Chapman, eldest son of Alonzo A. Chapman, was born in Eaton township, Lorain Co., Ohio, on Bntternut Ridge, July 10, 1833, and was married March 21, 1854, to Miss Fidelia S. Banis- tee, by whom he has had three children. His vocation has been that of teacher, having entered that profession in the fall of 1852, and continuing therein until the spring of 1890, a period of thirty-eight years. He has taught, in all, fifty-seven terms in the following counties of Ohio: Eighteen terms in Lorain, one in Cuya hoga, two in Defiance, two in Lucas, twenty-three in Henry and eleven in Ful ton. In 1867 he removed with bis family to Henry county, settling in Ridgeville, where he now (1893) resides. On August 4, 1862, he enlisted as a private soldier' in the Union army to assist in putting down the slaveholders' Rebellion, and upon the organization of the company he was made a sergeant. In December, 1862, he was made orderly sergeant, and in June fol lowing received a commission as second lieutenant of Company H, One Hundred and Third O. V. I.; in March, 1864, he was discharged for physical disability by LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 795 order of E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War. His children are Minnie E., Myra 0. and Myrta J. Emory N. Chapman, second son of Alonzo A. Chapman, enlisted August 11, 1862, in Company H, One Hundred and Third 0. V. I.; discharged September 17, 1864, on account of wound received at Resaca, Ga., May 14, 1864. Henry L. Chapman, fourth son of Alonzo A. Chapman, enlisted December 24, 1863, in Company F, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth 0. V. I.; was left in tobacco shed with the smallpox at Con cord Station, East Tenn.; both feet were frozen so that the toes came off; discharged for same May 31, 1865. Harlan P. Chapman, the subject proper of this family sketch, and the youngest child born to Thurot F. and Elizabeth (Furray) Chapman, was born on Butternut Ridge, in Eaton township, Lorain Co., Ohio, September 6, 1844. In his boyhood and early youth he attended the common schools of the vicinity, and Oberlin Col lege two terms, in the meantime being reared on the farm. On August 4, 1862, he enlisted in Company H, One Hundred and Third Regiment 0. V. I., which was first sent to Camp Cleveland, thence to Cincinnati, Ohio, whence they marched to Kentucky, wintering at Frankfort. In April, 1863, they moved across the State to the Cumberland river, where they had several skirmishes with the Confederates, and following August were placed under Burnside, after which they crossed the Cumberland Mountains into East Tennes see. Mr. Chapman participated in the battles of Blue Spring., Knoxville and Armstrong's Hill, at which latter engage ment, which took place Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 1863, he received a serious wound, from which he never fully recov ered, a musket ball being left imbedded in the hip joint; after nine months' confine ment to hospital, he returned home on furlough. Before he was ordered back to hospital he was married March 31, 1864, to Miss Mary C. Pitkin, of Brunswick, Medina Co., Ohio, and he was not called upon for further service in the army. After his discharge, June 27, 1864, he settled on his present farm in Carlisle township, village of LaPorte. Here were born to him and his wife three children, viz.: Erie D., educated at Elyria and Ober lin; Otto B. and Oleo. Politically our subject is a sound Republican, and for three years served as postmaster at La Porte; in November, 1892, he was elected treasurer of Lorain county, and was duly installed into said office on September 4, 1893. THOMAS WILFORD, a representa-r tive farmer of Amherst township, is a native of " Merrie England," born in Clipston, Northamptonshire, in, 1827, a son of John and Sophia (Falkner) Wilford, of the same county. The mother died at Clipston, England, iu 1835. John Wilford, who was a shoemaker, in 1838 came to the United States and to. Elyria, Lorain Co., Ohio, where he followed his trade. From there he moved to North Amherst with one Thomas Quirk, and to gether they carried on a boot and shoe business till in 1840, when he bought Quirk out. He then went to Lorain, same county, where he opened out both a shoe store and a meat market, and passed the rest of his days, dying in 1872. In North Amherst he had married Nancy Stanton, and three children were born to them, viz. : Richard (married), living in Cleveland; Lucy, wife of George Peach, of Toledo, Ohio; and George, married and living in North Amherst, Ohio. The subject of this sketch came with his father to the United States and to Lo rain county, and received his education partly in the schools of England, partly in those of Lorain county. In 1862 he en listed in North Amherst, in Company I, One Hundred and Twenty-eighth O. V. I., 796 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. for three years or during the war, and served on Johnson's Island to the close of the struggle — twenty-one months in all. Returning to Lorain county, he recom menced the pursuits of peace, cultivating his farm, and he now owns a good property of sixty acres in a prime state of cultiva tion. Mr. Wilford in politics is a Repub lican, and is a strong Prohibitionist; at one time he joined the Murphy movement, and he is a strong advocate of temperance. He is a member of Rice Post, No. 148 G. A. R., at North Amherst. When a young man he sailed the lakes two or three sea sons, and spent two years in Kankakee county, 111., working at day labor. JAMES JACKSON, who for the k. II past half century has been actively \Jj identified with the agriculturalinter- ests of Lorain county, Ohio, was born October 5, 1816, in Champion, Jefferson county, New York. He is a grandson of Reuben Jackson, and son of Daniel, who was born in 1775 in Pittsfield, Mass., where he learned the blacksmith's trade under his father. He was married in his native State to Patty Kellogg, who was bora in Pittsfield in 1785, and while residing in Massachusetts three children were born to them, as fol lows: Jane, who married Harvy Birdseye, died in Trenton, Oneida Co., N. Y., when aged eighty-four years; Pliny, born in 1806; and Sally, who married William Gillett, and died at the age of thirty-six in Penfield, Ohio. Between 1812 and 1815 the family removed west to Jefferson county, N. Y., and bought the farm where on the parents passed the remaining years of their lives, the father engaging chiefly in agriculture, although he also followed his trade to some extent. In New York State were born the following named chil dren: Susan, who married William Chap man, and died in Chicago at an advanced age; Maria, who married Ferdinand Turni- cliff, and died in Pittsfield, Ohio; Jason, a farmer, who died in Champion, Jefferson Co., N. Y.; Daniel, also deceased in Champion, N. Y. ; James, the subject of this sketch; Charille, who married Hiram Hopkins, and died in Wellington, Ohio; Jesse, a farmer of Humboldt county, Iowa; and Belah, who died after reaching adult age in Champion, Jefferson Co., N. Y. Mr. Jackson was a very successful farmer. He was a man of wonderful vitality, ac tive and capable of performing a hard day's work to the very end of his life; he died suddenly, while chopping wood, in his eighty-fourth year, fie frequently re marked that he did not know what it was to feel tired. In politics he was an Old- line Whig, a stanch member of the party. His wife died at the age of ninety-three years, and lies buried byhis side in Cham pion cemetery; they were devout members of the Old-school Presbyterian Church, and he was a man so highly respected, es teemed and loved every where, that it could almost be said he had not an enemy in the world. James Jackson attended the common schools, but in his youth cared so little for study that he preferred to stay at home and assist with the duties on the farm. His first knowledge of agriculture was ob tained under his father on the home place, where he remained until he was twenty- five years of age. In June, 1843, he set out for Ohio, traveling, on the first railroad he ever saw, to Buffalo, where he took passage on a lake boat for Black River (now Lorain), Lorain county, his destina tion being Pittsfield, Lorain county, where he had a brother-in-law, named Turnicliff, with whom he resided for some time. Then, in company with his brother Daniel, he purchased an interest in a tract of fif teen acres in Pittsfield township, which, after many days of hard labor, clearing and preparing the land, which was all in the woods, they sowed to wheat; but just a few weeks before harvest time a heavy frost destroyed the crops, and eighteen LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 797 months of labor were lost. Ou February 10, 1848, our subject was united in mar riage with Miss Jael K. Coats, who was born January 22, 1819, in the town of Amherst, Erie Co., N. Y., daughter of Josiah and Dianthe (Harmon) Coats, who came to Ohio in 1836, locating first in Clarksfield, Huron county, and later re moving to New London township, same county, where the parents died and were buried. After marriage Mr. Jackson took up his home in a small frame house, 18 x 22, which he had erected, and there resided until 1859, when he came to Penfield township, and purchased, from David Cur tice, 114 acres of land, which then con tained no improvements but a log house and barn. Here he has since resided, and he has cultivated and improved the land, and put up all the farm buildings thereon, as well as a comfortable residence, wliich was erected in 1873. Having had but lit tle assistance in life, his present prosperity is all the direct result of his own efforts. In his political preferences he was origin ally an Old-line Whig, casting his fiust vote for William H. Harrison, and is now a stanch member of the Republican party, never missing an election, though he is not an active politician. In religious matters he is a member of the U. B. Church, his wife of the M. E. Church, with which she united in 1838. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson are the parents of children as follows : Al bert K., a resident of Curtice, Ottawa Co., Ohio; Sally, who died young; Antoinette, who died at the age of twenty-one years; Charles E., of Farnam, Dawson Co., Neb., a carpenter by trade; and Emma L. (at home) and Amy E. (Mrs. August Griffis, of Farnam, Neb.), twins. LAYTON J. BELL, a well-known wide-awake and go-ahead young farmer of Brighton township, is a native of same, born June 4, 1859, the farm which he now owns and on lives on. John Bell, grandfather of subject, was bora in County Fermapagh, Ireland, in 1800, and in early boyhood was appren ticed to a carpenter; but not liking the trade he ran away from his employer be fore completing his apprenticeship. In his native land be married Miss Mary Ann Grundale, also born in 1800, and in 1831 they came to the United States, bringing their little son, John, and locating near Clarksville, N. J., where he found employ ment, first as a common laborer, later as gate tender on the Morristown Canal, he doing the night work, his wife the day work. There were bora to them children as follows: Mary Jane, now Mrs. Sheldon Clark, of Brighton township, Lorain county; Montgomery, a farmer of Eaton county, Mich.; Amanda M. (deceased), married to Michael Backins; Elizabeth, now Mrs. Newton Snow, of Bedford, Ohio; Henry, born in 1842, a farmer in Eaton county, Mich.; and Margaret (Mrs. Lucas), of Camdeu, Ohio, now forty-four years old. In 1842 the family, attracted hither by an old friend, Isaac Griggs, who some years before had settled in Brighton township, Lorain county, followed him to that town ship, where the father bought land. Here he passed the rest of his days, dying May 2, 1863, and was buried in Brighton ceme tery; his widow still survives him, now aged ninety-three years, wonderfully hale and hearty considering her patriarchal years. Mr. Bell was a hard-working man, one who prospered and made his mark in the community in which he lived. Politi cally he was originally a Democrat, but during the later years of his life voted under the banner of the Republican party; in his native country he was a member of the Church of England, but did not unite with any denomination in the United States. John Bell, Jr., father of Clayton J. Bell, was born in County Fermanagh, Ireland, in December, 1830, and was but an infant when his parents brought him to America. At the age of twelve he came with the rest 798 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. of the family to Ohio, and when old enough worked out as a farm hand, thus securing a fair start in life as an agricul turist. By untiring energy, patient toil and judicious economy he found himself the owner of 115 acres of prime land, on which he built a comfortable residence and commodious outhouses. On March 17, 1879, he departed this life, and was buried in Brighton cemetery; his wife was called from earth March 20, 1889. She was Miss Sophronia. Kingsbury, born in Brighton township, Lorain county, of an old pioneer family, and their children were two sons: Clayton J. and Elmer, both of whom grew to maturity; Elmer died when twenty- three years old, and was buried in Brigh ton cemetery. Clayton J. Bell received his education at the common schools of the neighbor hood of his place of birth, and was reared to farm life from early boyhood. On the death of his father in 1879, the charge of the farm fell to him, and he has ever since retained it, owning the entire homestead, aud representing the third generation who have lived on it as owners. On November 9, 1887, he married Ella Dugan, who was born August 15, 1868, in Oberlin, Lorain Co., Ohio, a daughter of John and Mary (Coughlin) Dugan, the former of whom was born in 1826, in County Tipperary, Ireland, and died April 8, 1881, the latter born in 1836, in County Kilkenny, Ire- laud. Mr. and Mrs. Bell have one son, Walter J., born June 25, 1889. In politi cal predilections Mr. Bell is a Democrat; Mrs. Bell is a member of the Catholic Church at Wakeman, Ohio. N. GARVER, M. D., Lorain, is a native of Ohio, bora in Wayne county in 1858, a son of John and Catherine (Shoemaker) Garver, also natives of Wayne county, where the father followed agricultural pursuits all his life, dying in 1871. The mother is now residing in West Salem, Ohio. They were the parents of eleven children, nine of whom are yet living. Grandfather David Garver was a native of Pennsyl vania, and an early pioneer of Wayne county, Ohio, where he passed the rest of his life in farming. The subject of this sketch received his literary education in his native county, and at Lodi, Medina Co., Ohio. In Wayne county he followed teaching for a time, and then, iu 1876, entered Wooster (Ohio) Medical University, where he graduated with the class of 1879. The Doctor then commenced the practice of his profession in Medina county, where he continued until 1882, at which time he came to Lorain county, and here he has since been engaged in successful practice, his office being now in the "South End." His residence is on Bank street. In 1879 Dr. Garver was married, in Medina county, Ohio, to Miss Alice Dris kell, a native of same, and daughter of Hugh and Florilla (Allen) Driskell, of Ohio, the father deceased in Medina county in 1876; the mother now resides with her daughter, Mrs. Garver. To our subject and wife have been born two children: Birt and Lou. Dr. Garver in his political predilections is a Republican, and he is a member of the K. of P. He and his wife are members of the M. E. Church, of which he is a trustee. 4/ f |fENRY MOLE. Among the repre- '^ sentative self-made agriculturists 1 of Grafton township, who, begin ning life with little or no aid, have reached the top round of the ladder of success, is the subject of this sketch, who was born July 20, 1824, in Devon shire, England, son of John and Sarah (Bauman) Mole. He was reared to the arduous duties of farm life, and, his parents being poor peo ple, he had but limited educational oppor tunities, as he could not be spared from the farm. When a young man he was LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 799 married March 20, 1850, in his native country, to Ann Gardner, and same year, deciding to try his fortune in America, sailed from Plymouth, England, on the vessel " Cornwall." During the early part of the voyage a storm arose, and the ves sel put back into port until it subsided, but their passage to New York, which lasted three weeks, was very rough. They immediately proceeded to Eaton township, Lorain Co., Ohio, and on his arrival Mr. Mole had about fifty dollars in cash, which he had saved from his meager earnings. Here he purchased land (going into debt for same), and, as the forest thereon was very dense, a great amount of labor was required to clear it for crops. After a ten years' residence on this farm he disposed of it at a profit, and bought land in other parts of the same township, acquiring dif ferent tracts, which he improved, and in variably sold at a good profit. In 1870 he came to Grafton township, locating on his present farm, where he has since resided, successfully engaged in general agriculture and dairying. To Mr. and Mrs. Mole were born eight children, namely: John, deceased; William, a farmer in Grafton township; Henry and James, both farming in Michigan; George, farming in Eaton township; Mary J., wife of Perry D. Mennell, of Grafton; Charles and Rosa. The mother of these children died No vember 14, 1874, at the age of forty-five years, and for his second wife Mr. Mole married, April 5, 1879, Mrs. Elizabeth Cousins, who died in April, 1881. For his third wife he married, August 31, 1881, Mrs. Melvina (Holly) Adams, who was born February 18, 1849, in Lake county, Ohio. Mr. Mole is an energetic, hard-working industrious man, and has accumulated considerable property. He has given each of his children a good start in life, expending therefor about nine thousand dollars in cash; but he still re tains 122 acres of choice land. He has paid several visits to his native country, and in his affluence he has not forgotten his relatives who have been less prosper ous, as is shown by his frequent remit tances to them. He is a stanch member of the Republican party, but does not mingle in politics; while not a member of any church, he is a devout believer in the principles of Christianity, and contributes liberally toward its support. / M' AX MOREHOUSE, senior mem ber of the firm of Morehouse & Starr, dealers in Ladies' Furnish ing Goods, Elyria, and the young est merchant in the place, is a native of Elyria, Ohio, bora October 15, 1866. He received his education at the com mon schools of the city of his birth, and in Oberlin. At the age of fifteen years he entered the dry-goods store of Mr. Marx Straus, a leading merchant of Elyria, with whom he remained until the spring of 1890, when he commenced business on his own account. It may be said of him that he literally " rose from the ranks," having made a beginning as errand boy, closing his industrious career with Mr. Straus in the position of head buyer and junior mem ber of the firm. When Mr. Morehouse and Mr. Starr commenced business to gether the amount of their stock did not exceed three thousand dollars, while to-day it averages fully eight thousand dollars. In November, 1892, Mr. Morehouse opened, in conjunction with Mr. Carter and Mr. Beese, a dry-goods store in Lo rain (the leading house of the kind there), the style of the firm being Morehouse, Carter & Beese. The store is 40x80 feet in size, and seven clerks handle the fifteen- thonsand-dollar stock, which is all bought by Mr. Morehouse himself, everything be ing under his personal supervision; and both enterprises are doing a good business. The subject of our sketch is a son of Andrew and Edith (Brown) Morehouse. His father died in 1883, since which time 800 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. he has entirely supported his mother, and proven himself one of the kindest and most devoted of sons. His life has all been spent in Lorain county, with tbe exception of a few years in Allegan, Mich., when a small child. Although leaving school at an early age, Mr. Morehouse has attained a liberal edu cation, and a large amount of culture, by being a close student of men, and the read ing of many good books. He in a pro nounced champion of education, particu larly a practical one for all boys, and he himself is a living example of what may be accomplished by solid integrity, strict attention to business, industry and judi cious economy. Politically he is an Inde pendent, believing in voting for good men and right principles rather than party. He has not yet enrolled himself in the noble army of Benedicts. His grandfather, Thomas Brown, is one of the oldest pioneers now living in the county, having settled in Lorain in 1829. He is remarkably well preserved, and at the age of eighty-six is still active, and a regular attendant at the county fairs. |f |f ENRY J. EADY, proprietor of a [^ well-known and popular drug-store i 1| in Elyria, is a native of England, yj born in Cottesbrook, Northamp tonshire, April 28,. 1846. Samuel Eady, grandfather of subject, was an innkeeper at Brix worth, a village in England, during good old stage times, where he married Elizabeth Underwood, by whom he had six children— four sons and two daughters, viz.: Thomas, John, Francis, Henry, Elizabeth (unmarried), and Mary (wife of Thomas Barker, a prom inent horse dealer of London). The sons were all farmers in England, farming lands near each other, and Francis was not only a large farmer, but an innkeeper as well, doing a prosperous business. Thomas Eady, father of Henry J., was born, in 1806, at Brixworth, in Northamp tonshire, where he was reared. In 1827 he married Susan Holt, of the same vil lage, where they were neighbors and chil dren together. Their children, six in number, were: William (in New Zealand), John (deceased), Francis and Thomas (both in England), Mary Ann (wife of John Lantsbery, of Carlisle township, Lorain county), and Henry J. (the subject of this sketch). The father died in 1862; he had been an officeholder in the villages of Cottesbrook and Creaton; the mother passed away in 1884 at the age of seventy- eight years. Henry J. Eady, whose name introduces this sketch, received his education in the public schools of his native place, taking also a grammar-school course at Guils- borough. He was reared on his father's farm, and in his early youth was of no lit tle assistance to his parents in the many duties incident to the cultivation of the soil and the harvesting of crops. In 1864, in company with his sister and her hus band, he came to the United States^ land ing in New York November 25, the day the attempt to set fire to that city was frus trated. Soon- afterward he came to Ely ria, Ohio, and for a year or two worked on a farm, after which he entered the factory of Topliff, Sampsell & Ely, in the same town, studying evenings in the office of his friend, Dr. P. W. Sampsell. In 1868, having developed a liking for the drug business, he commenced learning same with W. H. Park, in his store in the old Beebe Block, now Andwur, Elyria, where he remained five years, at the end of which time he embarked in the business for his own account, his first store being in an old wooden building, No. 8 Cheapside east of the park. In 1870 he paid a visit to his native land, spending the winter there, and in the following spring returned to the United States and to Elyria. Since 1873 he has been continuously in the drug busi ness in the same location, and is now a LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 875 ing earth, and was engaged in its manu facture for several years. Afterward he invented the "Fairy Tricycle" for ladies, girls and cripples, which he manufactured in large numbers, and which have been sold extensively all over this country, and many shipped to foreign lands. Lie or ganized the Fay Manufacturing Co., and was principal owner of same until he sold his entire interest in December, 1891. A 6hort time previous to this he bought the controlling interest in The Elyria Stone Co., which has extensive quarries at Graf ton, Ohio, and he now holds the offices of secretary, treasurer and manager of said Company. Since his connection with this Company the plant has been greatly en larged and improved, and the business very much increased. He is also engaged in the manufacture of Babbitt metal under the firm name and style of W. L. Fay & Co., which business he has conducted since 1876. He has also been engaged in farm ing all his life, he now owning an inter est in a large grape farm on Avon Point, Lorain county; he also has vessel interests on the lakes, and has many other invest ments that require more or less time. In addition to his business Mr. Fay has found leisure to travel quite extensively, he hav ing visited and traveled over the greater portions of this country, of interest, and a considerable part of Europe. Mr. Fay was first united in marriage in May, 1878, to Emma A. Vincent, who died in June, 1879, leaving to his care an infant daughter — Mary Emma. He was married, the second time, in 1886, to Ophelia Goss Lawrence, a daughter of Rev. John Lawrence, of St. Johnsbury, Vt. His present wife was the fifth of a family of eight children, and was born at Wilton, Me., during her father's pastorate at that place. Her father, Rev. John Lawrence, is a direct descendant of John Lawrence, born at Wisset, England, in 1609, and who soon afterward came to this country and settled in Watertown, Mass. Her mother was Nancy Temple Wakefield, of Reading, Mass. By his second marriage Mr. Fay has four children: Lamartine Brooks, and Lawrence Temple (twins), Rachel Char lotte, and Florence. Politically our subject is one of the stanchest Republicans, although he has never been an office seeker. He is a mem ber of the Masonic Lodges of his place, and in this has followed in the line of his forefathers as far back as he has any record ; is also a member of a number of other secret Societies. He is the examiner of the Savings Deposit Bank of Elyria; one of the directors, secretary and attorney for the Elyria Savings and Loan Co., of which he was one of the founders; is also director in a number of other enterprises of which he is a member. Whatever business he has undertaken, he has made a success of, and those that know him best are his best friends. Mr. Fay is a thorough believer in temperance, and at all times is ready aud willing to lend his aid in anything that will help remove the curse of this evil from the land, although he does not follow all the ideas that are advocated by extremists in this direction; he is also a believer in the Gospel of Christ, but has never united with any Church. He is a stockholder in the Gospel News Co., of Cleveland, Ohio, publishers of the Gospel News, a weekly religious paper which was started for the purpose of furnishing Christian reading matter to the masses, at a low price. NTON JUNGBLUTH, a prosper ous farmer of Sheffield township, where he owns and operates a highly cultivated farm of 250 acres, is a native of Germany, bora in 1848. Anton Jungbluth, father of subject, was born in Prussia during Christmas week of 1802. In his native land he was a grape grower, a business he followed there with considerable success. In 1852 he emigrated to the United States, coming to Lorain 876 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. county, Ohio, where in Sheffield township he settled on a farm of twenty-five acres, then all in the woods, which he cleared and improved, and where he carried on general farming. In politics he is a Demo crat, in religion a Catholic. He married Maggie Schuver, and their children were as follows: John, living with subject; Nicholas, in saloon business in Cincinnati, Ohio; Peter, who died at the age of forty years; and Anton. The father is yet living in the enjoyment of good health; the mother died February 13, 1892. The subject of this sketch received a good education in the common schools of Sheffield township, Lorain county, whither he had come when about four years old, and he has been an agriculturist from the time he left school. At the age of twenty- five years he was united in marriage with Miss Catherine Young, born in Sheffield township, Lorain Co., Ohio, and by her has had six children, as follows: Anna, Mary, Catherine, John, Bernard and Francis. Mr. Jungbluth has been very successful at his occupation, and the old homestead of twenty-five acres which he bought he has added to from time to time till he has now 250 acres, as already re lated. He is a member of the Catholic Church, in politics a Democrat, and he is a member of the school board. |( R. BARROWS, one of the most pros- k. II perous of the well-to-do agriculturists \J) of Avon township, came here in July, 1828, from Genesee county, N. Y., where he was bora in 1821. He is a son of Adnah and Clarissa (Day) Barrows, natives, respectively, of Connecticut and Bennington, Vt. Joseph Day, grandfather of subject, who was originally from Massa chusetts, served as a soldier throughout the entire Revolutionary war, and after the close of the struggle settled in Bennington, Vermont, where he died at the age of ninety- three years. Adnah Barrows, father of subject, when a boy, in 1811, moved to New York State, and served in the war of 1812, for which he received a pension. He was married in that State to Miss Clarissa Day, and in 1828 they came to Avon township, Lorain county, settling in the woods where they cleared a farm. Here the father passed from earth October 3, 1856, the mother November 26, 1882. They had a family of six children, five of whom grew to ma turity, as follows: J. R. ; Lyman, who went in 1883 to Shiawassee county, Mich., where he died about 1889; Heman, residing in Avon township; Lydia, widow of Jacob Walker, of Amherst township; and Eliza, wife of Edward S. Fitch, of Avon town ship. J. R. Barrows, our subject, as will be seen, was seven years old when he came to Avon township, where he received such education as the primitive district schools of those early times afforded. He was carefully trained to tbe pursuits of the farm, and has made agriculture the vocation of his, life, remaining on the old home stead until 1852, in which year he took possession of his present farm in the same township. His property at first numbered fifty-three acres, to which he from time to time added until now he is the owner of 114 acres, all in an advanced state of cultivation. In 1844 our subject was married in Avon township, Lorain county, to Miss Melvina P. Sawyer, daughter of John Sawyer, of New York State. To this union were born four children, viz.: War ren J., who died in 1872 in Erie county, N. Y.; Ellen O, who married John S. Blackwell, and died in 1882; Henry J., residing in Lorain; and Marietta, wife of F. H. Richardson, of Tampico, Whiteside Co., 111. The mother of these died in 1860, and in 1861 Mr. Barrows wedded Mrs. Eunice (Royce) Griswold, widow of L. S. Griswold, and she dying in 1882, our subject married, in 1883, for his third wife, Mrs. Aurelia (Terrell) Sawyer, daughter of Willis Terrell (an early LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 877 pioneer of Ridgeville township, Lorain county), and widow of Philip Sawyer. There are no children by the last two mar riages. In his political preferments our subject is a Republican, and has served as trustee and assessor of his township several terms. In Church relationship he is a Baptist, Mrs. Barrows being a member of the M. E. Church. 4) HI M. ANDRESS, the popular and en terprising liveryman of Elyria, is a native of Henrietta township, Lo rain county, Ohio, born in 1855, a son of Carlo and Weltha (Smith) Andress. The father, who was a farmer, was born in Essex county, N. Y., in 1804, one of a family of ten children, came to Ohio in 1817, and died November 8, 1870; the mother died April 24, 1871. H. M. Andress received a liberal com mon-school education, and in early youth commenced commercial life. For a time he owned a half interest in a grocery, which he sold out to Henry Wurst, and purchased a share in a livery, with Jno. T. Houghton; but, his partner subsequently retiring, our subject was left with his in terest, and has continued the business alone ever since. The livery is one of the best equipped in Northern Ohio, and enjoys a wide and lucrative patronage. Soon after commencingin this line Mr. Andress opened an emporium for vehicles, handling all kinds of carri ages, buggies, road wagon s, far m wag ons, sulkies, etc., in which he has met with well-merited success, selling both wholesale and retail. He has also traded consider ably in horses — buying and selling. In connection he also opened out a harness shop in the lower story of the Odd Fellows Block, in the fall of 1891, which, like all his other enterprises, is a pronounced suc cess. In company with Henry Wurst he purchased the "Beebe House," the leading hotel in Elyria, which at considerable out lay they repaired and refitted, and it now stands second to none in the county as a first-class hotel. H. M. Andress and Miss M. G. Boyn ton, also a native of Elyria, were united in marriage July 9, 1878, and three children have been born to them: Maude, Jeaueand George. Joshua Boynton, father of Mrs. H. M. Andress, was born in Wiscasset, Maine, in 1811; her mother, Barbara (Arman) Boyn ton, was bora in Germany. Of Mr. An dress it can be truthfully said, that as a "hustler" in business, and in financiering, he is a leader in the county, and, although yet a young man, he is owner of consider able property besides his business inter ests. He claims he has " never yet been guilty of voting for a Democrat, except for corporation or county offices;" so to particularize his politics would indeed be superfluous. |f | L. HECOCK, a rising and popular 1^ young attorney of Lorain, comes of il 1| an old family in Lorain county, his y) grandfather having been a pioneer of Sheffield township. Our subject was born February 24, 1869, in Sheffield township, Lorain Co., Ohio, a son of I. B. aud Mary (Drake) Hecock. He was educated at the common schools of his native township, and also at the Union schools of Elyria, where he graduated in the class of 1889. He taught school during the winter 1889-90, and in 1890 commenced the study of law under Mayor Thompson, of Lorain. He was ad mitted to the bar in December, 1892. By din t of hard study and close reading of books, both literary and legal, Mr. Hecock suc ceeded in securing a good professional edu cation, and at the same time assisted in the support of his parents. He has manifested a special aptitude for mastering the techni calities of law, and has succeeded in win ning the confidence and friendship of a 878 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. wide circle of acquaintances, which speaks well for his prospects in his business, and he already enjoys a creditable clientage. He is an advanced member of the I. 0. O. F., being a member of Subordinate Lodge, Encampment, and Daughters of Rebekah, and a member of the Jr. 0. U. A. M. In the spring of 1893 he was elected justice of the peace, and has always taken an active part in politics since the time that he commenced to study law. On Septem ber 30, 1893, Mr. Hecock was married to Miss Annabel Burrell, formerly of Shef field, the daughter of I. H. Burrell and Hanna (Hall) Burrell. E'LEAZER ABBE, one of the best- known and most highly respected of I tbe retired agriculturists of Lorain county, was born December 28, 1805, in Lisle, Broome Co., N. Y., a son of Abel Abbe, who was born in Windham, Conn., August 7, 1767. Solomon Abbe, grandfather of subject, was a native of the "Nutmeg State," where he married and had three children, viz.: One son, Abel, and two daughters, Esther and Rena. Abel Abbe was married August 26, 1789, in Connecticut, to Mariam Bing ham, a native of Mansfield, Conn., born April 29, 1772, and the children of this union were as follows: Lura, born January 20, 1791, died in 1888; Rena, born August 31, 1792; Linda, born July 5, 1794 ; Origin, born April 20, 1796; Charles, born May 3, 1798; William, born April 15, 1800; Phoebe, born February 11,1802; Foster, born January 23, 1804; Eleazer, subject; Abel, born February 15, 1808; Luther, bora August 5, 1811, and Matilda, born June 11, 1813. The parents both died in Ohio, the father in 1845 at the home of his son Eleazer, the mother in 1854, at the home of her daughter Ma tilda, in Elyria. Abel Abbe followed farming in Connecticut, whence in the early part of this century he moved to New York State, where he carried on a sawmill and woolen mill. In 1817 he came to Ohio, locating in what is now Lake county, and opening in Madison township a black smith shop, but agricultural pursuits were his chief life work. In his political af filiations he was a Jackson Democrat, and in his military experience he was a captain of cavalry in the Connecticut militia. Eleazer Abbe, the subject proper of these lines, received his education at a pub lic school taught by his sister Linda, first held in a log schoolhouse, afterward in a frame one. On reaching maturity he com menced life for his own account. In 1831 he came to Lorain county, and purchased a sixty-acre tract of land in Elyria town ship, where he nowresides, and also twenty- one acres adjoining, on credit. In addition to his farming interests he did considerable teaming, and among numerous other articles he brought from a distance was the first stove seen or used in Elyria, and also a pair of forge hammers and collars, haul ing the latter articles from the Geauga furnace. He also carried loads of the prod uct of the Elyria furnace to Ashland, Wayne county, which he would trade for produce. In this manner be succeeded in paying for his land purchase. He and his brother also hauled timber to Elyria, to be used in tbe construction of the earlier build ings, and in 1839 they were among the contractors for the macadamizing of the Maumee road. Mr. Abbe also furnished wood for the Geauga furnace, as well as ore. To Pittsburgh he carried produce by team, the trip usually consuming some nine or ten days. In 1849, the year of the "gold fever," he embarked at Cleveland on the sailing vessel " Eureka," for a voyage to Califor nia. They went through the canals and down the St. Lawrence river to Quebec, where they remained a couple of weeks, and then proceeded down the Gulf of St. Law rence to the Atlantic Ocean. When they arrived in the vicinity of Cape Hora, they Missing Page Missing Page LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 881 found that, owing to a dense fog prevail ing, they had to " double " it, instead of passing through the Straits of Magellan, the shorter route. Finally, after a voyage of nine months, our subject reached San Francisco, from where after landing he proceeded at once to the gold mines, and after a time returned to San Francisco for the winter. In the following spring he ascended the Yuba river; thence to Feather river; thence to Nelson creek, spending the ensuing winter again in San Francisco. In 1851 he concluded to return home, and took passage on the steamer "Republic" at 'Frisco for Panama. A short time after taking the steamer, she sprang a leak in mid-ocean, owing to her having run against a rock on the previous trip. She was kept afloat by hard pumping, and was run ashore at Acapulco bay, right on the beach, for repairs. The passengers were sent ashore with all their bedding. In an hour after ward her stern went down. There on the beach they saw the old bark "Eureka"; they say that tbe passengers were about to mutiny with their captain. He (the cap tain) gave up his bark, and ran off across Mexico. Mr. Abbe and the rest went to Panama on a Panama boat of the same line, which left San Francisco two weeks later. They crossed the Isthmus, thence Mr. Abbe sailed for New York, and from there traveled by rail homeward. He was absent about three years, during which time he made good wages, but experienced great hardships and many trials. After his return he devoted himself almost exclu sively to agricultural pursuits, up to the time of his retirement from active life, and his fine farm of 300 acres in Elyria town ship is now carried on by his sons, Horace and Norman. On October 31, 1835, Mr. Abbe was united -in marriage with Miss Betsy Wil cox, a native of Cornwall, Conn., born March 21, 1807, but a resident of Elyria, Ohio, at the time of her marriage. A rec ord of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Abbe is as follows: Mary D. (Mrs. 46 John H. Taylor, of Ridgeville) was bora April 3, 1837; Horace, born November 24, 1840, was married February 16, 1870, to Mary A. Aston, and they have four chil dren: H. Nelson, Norah D., Eula B. and Jane A.; Norman, bora March 19, 1842, was married October 15, 1868, to Mabel A. Taylor, of Perkins township, Erie Co., Ohio (they live on the homestead) ; George was born September 30, 1843, and John on December 30, 1845. In his political preferences the subject of this sketch is an old -school Democrat. Norman Abbe, the well-known stock man and farmer, received a liberal educa tion at the schools of Elyria, and was reared on his father's farm, which he and his brother Horace operate, and where they are engaged in the breeding of fine cattle, in addition to carrying on general agriculture. Politically Mr. Abbe is a Democrat, and he is a member of the Disciple Church. JfOSEPH BALDAUF, one of the fore most among the German residents of ' Russia township, was born December 23, 1843, in Bavaria, Germany. His father, also named Joseph, died when our subject was three years of age, and the mother afterward married Joseph Haller. In 1852 the family, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Haller, two sons and five daughters, immigrated to America, sailing from Bre men and landing in New York after an ocean voyage of four weeks. From New York they came westward, by canal and lake to Cleveland, Ohio, thence to Avon township, Lorain county, where Mr. Haller bought twenty-five acres of land. Joseph Baldanf had attended school iu his native country, but after their emi gration to the United States received no educational advantages whatever, though at that time he was but eight years of age. He was put to work, giving such assistance on the farm as he was able, and 882 ¦ LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. when fifteen years old started out in life for his own account. For two years he was employed by George Bryant, of Am herst township, then going to Oberlin hired out as a farm hand in Russia town ship, receiving twenty dollars a month for three years. On November 22, 1864, he married Theresa Schmidt, a native of Grafton township, Lorain county, daugh ter of Jacob Schmidt, and after his mar riage bought a farm of fifty acres, the " Schmidt Homestead," where he has since resided. In 1878 he erected his pleasant residence, and has made many other im provements on the place, increasing the area of the farm until he now has 180 acres of choice arable land. Mr. and Mrs. Baldauf are the parents of the following named children: Mar garet (wife of Joseph Klinkshirn, a farmer of Avon township), Anna (wife of Anton Klinkshirn, of Avon township), John (a farmer), Catherine, Frank, Willie, Mary, Charley, Elizabeth and Theresa, all living. Mr. Baldauf has been an energetic, in dustrious farmer, economical from boy hood, and, though starting in life with nothing, he has amassed a comfortable competence. Though having few oppor tunities for an education, he has, by ob servation and study, acquired a very fair store of practical knowledge, and is pos sessed of sound judgment and good com mon sense. Politically he is a lifelong Democrat, and in religion he is a member of tbe Catholic Church at Elyria. During the summer of 1893 Mr. Baldauf paid a visit to the World's Fair, Chicago. L EWIS WISE, a typical self-made man, and one of the most prosper ous farmers in Grafton township, was born January 30, 1850, in Wittenberg, Prussia, a son of Peter Wise, who was born November 7, 1810, also in Wittenberg, and married a native of that city in the person of Miss Louisa Miller. In 1854 the family, consisting of father, mother and six children — Louisa, Fred- ericka, Henry, Lewis, Frederick and Crist — set sail from Havre, France, for the United States, and after a voyage of twenty-one days landed at New York, toward the latter part of December. From that port they came west to Liverpool, Medina Co., Ohio, traveling by rail to Cleveland, from which point Peter's brother brought them by wagon to Liver pool township, Medina county, where they arrived on Christmas Day. In Germany Peter Wise had been well-to-do, but through going security for a friend, who afterward failed in business, he lost over two thousand dollars. In Liverpool town ship, Medina county, he rented a farm for a short time, and then removed to Co lumbia township, Lorain county, later com ing to 'Grafton township, same county, where he bought fifty acres of wild land on credit, and here lived seven years, at the end of which time he moved to the farm whereon he died August 8, 1886; his wife had passed away June 19, 1883, and both are interred in Belden cemetery. In Ohio the family was increased by three children, as follows: Hannah J., born September 11, 1857; Catherine S., born September 12, 1859, and Jacob J., born July 24, 1864. The parents were hard working, industrious people accumulating a comfortable competence, and they were honored and respected by all. Lewis Wise, the subject proper of this sketch, was four years old when the family came from Germany to America. In course of time he and his brother Henry purchased land, going in debt nine thou sand six hundred dollars for it, and the predictions of many were that " the Wise boys would fail." But these ominous words were not fated to come true, for the "Wise boys" did not fail; on the con trary, they succeeded, by dint of hard work and judicious economy, in paying off every dollar of their indebtedness. At the end of fifteen years (in 1886) the brothers ef- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 883 fected an amicable division of the property, each one settling on his own share. Our subject has an excellent piece of land and a comfortable residence, surrounded with commodious outbuildings, including a very fine barn, and everything pertaining to a well-regulated farm. On January 6, 1874, Mr. Wise was united in marriage at Liverpool, Ohio, by Rev. Scheliha, with Miss. Catherine M. Law, who was born November 29, 1854, in Grafton township, Lorain couuty, daughter -of Jacob Law. The children born to them were as follows: George H., born November 27, 1874; Clara L., born September 19, 1876, deceased December 11, 1876; Charles W., born October 26, 1877; Herman J. P., born July 29, 1886; Louisa A., born March 21, 1884, deceased July 13, 1886; Eddie J., bora October 6, 1888; and Arthur L., born April 23, 1893. Politically Mr. Wise is a Democrat, and he and his wife are members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, of which he has been trustee for over ten years. JlEROME MAN VILLE, a well-known k I member of the agricultural commun- %J) ity of LaGrange township, was born May 28, 1823, in Jefferson county, New York. His father, Henry Man ville, was one of a large family of children born to David Manville, who removed from Meriden, Conn., to Jefferson county, N. Y. Henry Manville, who was a farmer, married Miss Matilda Wait, and they had seven sons and one daughter, as follows: Henry W., of Crawford county, Penn.; George C., of Amboy, Ashtabula Co., Ohio; a son that died in infancy unnamed; Hiram D., of Minnesota; Jerome, subject of this sketch; Milton, a farmer of Crawford county, Penn.; Chester C, of Elyria, Ohio; and Mary M., deceased in Michigan, who first married David Ambrose, and later Myron Bronson. Mr. Manville built a sawmill on his farm (which was a good one), and just had his business in good running order, when he died, on February 23, 1833, aged thirty-six years. After the father's decease the family became scat tered, and the widow was married in La Grange, Ohio, to R. Humphrey, moving to Crawford county, Penn. By this union she had three children, viz.: James R., of Kansas; a daughter that died in infancy, and Orson, of • Cleveland, Ohio. The mother died July 3, 1866, and was buried in Center cemetery. Jerome Manville attended the common schools until ten years of age, when his father died, and he was obliged to leave home and live among strangers and rela tives, like the rest of the family. He spent his first season with one Rotiers, a farm agent, and then made his home for a time with Nathan P. Johnson, who moved to Ohio. Our subject next resided with Dorastus Waite, and in February, 1835, came with him to Ohio, walking the greater part of the way. After his arrival here he went .to live with his former em ployer, Nathan P. Johnson, with whom he remained till he was nearly twenty-one years of age, working hard and saving his earnings. On October 20, 1847, he was united in marriage with Miss Cynthia M. Merriam, who was born in Jefferson county, N. Y., daughter of Sylvester and Cynthia (Johnson) Merriam, who settled in LaGrange township, Lorain Co., Ohio, prior to 1830. After his marriage our subject rented the farm of his father-in- law, and made his home thereon until 1849, when he purchased his present place, then comprising forty acres, which he has since increased to 110 acres. To Jerome and Cynthia M. Manville were born children as follows: Charles D., born July 16, 1848, at one time a tele graph operator in the employ of the " Big Four " Railway, who died at the age of thirty-eight years; and Adelbert B., born May 9, 1853, Frederick E., born January 884 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 31, 1855, Rector J., bora November 19, 1857, and Jennie M., born January 5, 1862, all four deceased when young. The mother of these died November 30, 1890, and was buried in Center cemetery, and on March 29, 1892, Mr. Manville married Miss Mary J. Thickstun, a native of Craw ford county, Penn., daughter of William and Rachel (Freeman) Thickstun. Mr. Manville has also two houses and lots and four vacant lots in LaGrange vil lage. Since residing on his present place he has made many improvements thereon. In spite of his lack of educational advan tages in early life, he has acquired a good practical business training, and this, com bined with good judgment and common sense, has brought him success. He is a man of much natural intelligence and ability. In political connection he is a stanch Republican. He is a member of the M. E. Church, in which he holds the office of steward; Mrs. Manville is a mem ber of the Baptist Church, and is a Pro hibitionist. JACOB P. BRECKENRIDGE, more familiarly known by his many friends as "Jake Breckenridge," a name as widely known as his many kind acts and hospitable deeds are, deserves more than a passing notice in this Commemora tive Record. He is a native of the State of New York, bora April 3, 1827, in Morristown, St. Lawrence county, a son of Justin and Elizabeth K. (Pohlman) Breckenridge, the latter of whom was born in Lower Canada (now Province of Quebec) in August, 1803, of German parents. Justin Breck enridge was born in Bennington, Vt., July 30, 1798, a son of Daniel Breckenridge, who in his family of children had five sons — Norman, Lewis, Justin, Daniel and James— three of whom, Norman, Lewis and Justin, came to Lorain county, locat ing in Camden township. Justin Breckenridge was reared to farm life, but he was a natural mechanic, doing all kinds of carpenter work, including the building of barns, etc., though he never learned the trade. While living in New York State eight children were born to this old pioneer and his wife: Daniel, de ceased in Grafton township; Jacob P., subject of this memoir; Cecilia, who mar ried Frank Marlatt, died in Michigan; Lewis, an attorney of Elyria, Ohio, who died in Cleveland, where he was superin tendent of the library for some time; Nar- cissa, wife of James Golden, residing in Santa Barbara, Cal.; Benjamin, who died in Minnesota; John, a wholesale merchant and well-to-do citizen of Baltimore, Md. (he was a lieutenant in the Civil war); and Hannah, Mrs. William Durand, of Ober lin, Ohio. In 1841 the family came to Ohio, the trip from Ogdensburg (N. Y.) to Cleveland being made by boat, and from there they proceeded by road to Camden township, Lorain county, making a stay at the home of one of Justin's brothers. Soon afterward the father purchased a farm in Pittsfield township, but after a two months' residence there he removed to Grafton township, settling about half a mile south of Rawson ville. One child was born to him in Lorain county, named Eleanor S., now Mrs. Henry H. fiitchcock, of Grafton township. Justin Breckenridge died Jan uary 30, 1874, his wife in 1871, and they sleep their last sleep in Nesbit cemetery. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Politically he was a Republican, originally a Whig, and one of the precinct voting places in the fall of 1840, for the election of W. H. Harrison, was at his house in New York State. He was a hard working man, strong and muscular, and possessed of wonderful endurance. The subject proper of our sketch re ceived a liberal education at the subscrip tion schools of the neighborhood of his place of birth, and early in life was in ducted into the mysteries of agricultural pursuits. At the age of thirteen years he LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 885 came to Ohio, and the rest of his boyhood and his youth were passed in the then wilds of Grafton township, Lorain county, which he materially assisted in clearing and subduing to a condition of fertility. Until 1844 he continued to live with his parents, and then moved to his present farm, which at that time was covered with heavy timber and under growth, which he at once set to work to clear. He has cut, logs on this farm six feet in diameter at the butt, and fifty-four feet eight inches in length, to the first limb, when the diameter was thirty-nine inches. On February 22, 1853, Mr. Breckenridge was married to Fanny Wood mansee, who bore him three children: A daughter that died in infancy ; Lucy, now Mrs. Mathews, of Albion, Mich.; and Charles, a farmer of Grafton township, Lorain county. Mr. Breckenridge was di vorced from this wife, and he subsequently married Mrs. Lucinda (Darwin) Blanchard, a widow lady of LaGrange township, Lorain county. Politically our subject is an out- and-out Republican, and he says that as a reader for many years of the Cleveland Leader and Elyria Republican he is thor oughly convinced that his political lean ings are in the right channel. He J JfERBERT CHAPIN, a representa- 1^ tive wide-awake native-born agri- I 41 culturist of Lorain county, first saw y) the light of day in North Amherst, February 25, 1854. is a son of A. and Julia (Broughton) Chapin, the former a native of' Massachu setts, born in 1816, the latter of Carlisle township, Lorain Co., Ohio, born in 1831. The father came to Lorain county in 1835, and in 1851 married Julia Broughton, who bore him children as follows: Emma; Herbert; Charles; Anna, wife of Frank Starr, of Camden township, Lorain county; Mary, at home; and William, attending college at Oberlin. The father of this family was a tanner by trade, which he followed for some years in North Amherst, and then removed to Brownhelm township where he is yet living with his son Her bert. His wife died in 1886. Aaron Chapin, grandfather of our subject, came to Lorain county in an early day, and died here; grandfather Broughton was also an early settler of this county. Herbert Chapin since four years of age has lived in Brownhelm township, where he received his education and was inducted into the mysteries of the farm. He is one of the active young men of his township, and takes a lively interest in all matters pertaining to the advancement and pros perity of the county, advocating good schools, good roads and all else tending to public improvement. He is a Republican in his political affiliations, and a member of the Farmers' Alliance. Mr. Chapin is owner of a snug farm of seventy-five acres, all under fine cultivation. \ILLIAM BACON is one of the earliest born citizens of Lorain county, having first seen the light in 1819, in Brownhelm township, on the farm whereon he now lives, located between Brownhelm postoffice and Bacon's mills, on the Vermillion river. He is a son of Benjamin Bacon, a na tive of Massachusetts, born in Old Stock- bridge, whence in 1818 he came to Ohio, locating in Brownhelm township, Lorain county, and making a settlement where the subject of this sketch now lives, hav ing bought wild land from one Henry Brown. In 1820 he erected a mill at what is known as " Mill Hollow," on the Ver million river, and about 1835 increased its capacity from one set of burrs to two sets. Ten years later he equipped it with modern improvements. He was three times mar ried, first time to Ruth Gifford, who was born in Lee, Mass., in 1797, and died in 1819. By this union there were two chil- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. dren: William, and Mary C, wife of J. A. Perry. For his second wife Benjamin Bacon married Lydia Atwater, and two children — Lydia and Samuel — were born to them. For his third wife he wedded Miss Anna W. Graham, a native of West Hartford, Conn., and they had three chil dren: T. H., Jnlia and Sarah. The father passed away in 1868 at the age of seventy- nine years. William Bacon, the subject proper of this memoir, received such education as was obtainable at the subscription schools of the primitive days of his boyhood. In 1841 he was married to Miss Mary Cooper, and four children were the results of their union, as follows: (1) William S., married and has three children — Leonard, Ella and Gertrude; (2) Lemuel, now living in Dover, Ohio; (3) Mary R, wife of W. H. Moul- ten, has one child — Ruth; and (4) Benja min A., has two children — Lottie E. and Edna L. Mr. Bacon in his political pre dilections was in his early days an Old- line Henry Clay Whig, and of late years has been a stanch Republican. L IVA BROWN, a highly respected citizen of Brownhelm. township, is a native of New York State, born in Cayuga county, N. Y., December 8, 1830, a son of Daniel and Adaline (Peck) Brown. The father of our subject was born in New York State, and about 1836 came to Erie county, Ohio, locating in the town of Florence for a time, but later moving to Vermillion, same county, thence to Brown helm township, Lorain county. In 1851 he moved to Marshall, Mich., where he died in 1886 at the age of seventy-seven years. He was an active politician, voting the straight Democratic ticket. His wife died when thirty-three years old. Five children were born to them, viz.: Mary, widow of James Raney; Liva; Jane, who married A. Thompson, and afterward mar ried Nuten Case (she lives in Marshall, Mich.); Jerry, in Wisconsin; and Sallie, wife of Charles Bodfish, of Vermillion, Ohio. Both the paternal and maternal grandparents of our subject died in New York State. Liva Brown, whose name appears at the opening of this sketch, was about six years old when his parents brought him to Ohio. He received a fair education at the public schools, and was trained to farming pur suits, but for about thirty-one years de voted his time chiefly to the buying and selling of wool, live stock, etc.; for the past few years, however, he has withdrawn from that work and confined himself to farming, as better suited to his health. In 1851 Mr. Brown married Miss Clarissa Harris, who was born at Berlin, Erie Co., Ohio, February 13, 1832, and four chil dren — one son and three daughters — have been born to them, as follows: (1) Jerry, born December 6, 1851, married October 11, 1882, to Lillie L. Penson (they have four children: Manda S., Liva, Orrin D. and Blanche) ; (2) Ara, married January 1, 1872, to Wilber Wood, of Brownhelm, Lorain Co., Ohio (two children were born to this union, a daughter, Bertha, born February 20, 1873, and a son, Liva, born in 1875, and died in 1879; Ara Wood died at Cheboygan, Mich., January 25, 1885); (8) Bertha, born May 16, 1859, married May 23, 1880, to John Hull, of Brownhelm, Lorain Co., Ohio, and died June 23, 1880; and (4) Clara, bora Octo ber 13, 1869. In his political affiliations Mr. Brown is a Democrat. A. STURTEVANT, dealer in real estate, in the town of Lorain, is de scended, on his father's side, from an old New York Dutch family who originally spelled their name Stuyvesant, of whom Peter Stuyvesant, the last Gov- enor of New Netherland (New York), was LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 887 a member. A " Tree " of the family, now in possession of one of them, shows their lineage back over six hundred years. Asher Sturtevant, grandfather of sub ject, was born in Dutchess county, N. Y., and married an Englishwoman who lived to be one hundred and five years old. Our subject's paternal great-grandmother was a full-blooded French woman, while on his mother's side he comes of Welsh and Eng lish ancestry. Horace Sturtevant, father of C. A., was bora in Delaware county, N. Y., and was there married to Miss Sarah Weeks, his sec ond wife; they moved to Cleveland, Ohio, where he passed the rest of his days, dying at the age of seventy-one years. He was for many years a farmer, and afterward a watchman for the Standard Oil Company in Cleveland. In 1861 he enlisted in Com pany B, Seventy-Sixth O. V. I., and was under Gens. Osterhouse and Sherman. Afterward he was transferred to Washing ton, D.C, and was one of the soldiers who guarded Lincoln after he was shot. He served in the army nearly five years, and then received an honorable discharge. His widow isnowaged seventy-two years. They were the parents of five children, all yet living. C. A. Sturtevant was born in Norwalk, Conn., November 5, 1852, and came west with his parents when seven years old. He received a fair district-school educa tion, and between the ages of fourteen and nineteen had to work hard on his father's farm, for, being the eldest in the family, and his father much disabled through ex posure while in the army, a great deal qf the duties about the home place devolved on him. When nineteen years old he commenced to work for the Standard Oil Co. in Cleveland — first as timekeeper and then as foreman. On leaving this he learned the trade of plumber, gas and steam fitter; but abandoning this business he took up that of contractor and builder, making a good success, erecting as many as forty-two houses in one year, besides the Gas Works. He then merged into the real-estate business. He came to Lo rain in May, 1881, and has been identified with a number of interests since living here. He was married in 1876, and has five children: Ida, Ada, Ira, Eva and Ora. Politically our subject is a Harrison Re publican, and he is a member of the K. of P., I. O. O. F. and A. F. & A. M. He had a half-brother who died in 1862 in Helena, Ark., while a soldier. ENJAMIN WADSWORTH, the largest landowner among the agri culturists of Lorain county, and a most progressive and enterprising citizen, was born in Becket, Mass., May 16, 1821, a son of Lorin Wadsworth, also a native of Becket, where he was born in 1800. Benjamin Wadsworth, grandfather of subject, came from tbe East to Lorain county, Ohio, and took up land in Well ington township, whereon he lived seventy years, and which is yet known as the old family homestead. His son Lorin came west in about the year 1821, and made his first home in Lorain county in the log cabin his father had erected in Wellington township. Here he carried on agriculture till within a short time before his death, which occurred in 1862. He was in poli tics originally a Whig, later a Republican, and in church affiliation he was a Presby terian. At the time of his coming to Wellington, now a flourishing city, there were only four or five houses in the place. The subject of this sketch received a liberal public-school education, and worked on his father's farm till he was twenty- four years old, when he embarked in agri cultural pursuits for bis own account, his first farm comprising ninety-five acres of wild land, to which he from time to time added until now he is the owner of 1,014 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. acres, making him the largest landowner in the farming community of the county. For many years he reared, grazed and sold sheep, at one time effecting a sale amount ing to four thousand dollars. In May, 1851, he married Miss Maria E. Ames, who was born in Becket, Mass., in 1825, and they have two children, viz.: Elmer, married, and living on one of his father's farms; and Jane, married to Frank J. Eckels, also living on one of the farms. Their family numbers six children, named as follows: Elmer P., Jennie W., Herron Ames, Frank, Jr., Maria and James Starr. In his political predilections Mr. Wads worth is a strong Republican, originally an Old-line Whig. He is a member of the Congregational Church, and gave four thousand dollars to assist in building their handsome twenty - four - thousand - dollar church in Wellington. For the Civil war he furnished a substitute, paying four hundred and twenty-five dollars for the same, besides helping the cause in many other ways. Though blind, he went to the "World's Fair," and has a very good idea of its wonderful magnitude. fp^EORGE CLIFTON. Not township, nor indeed H in in Avon all the county of Lorain, is there to be found any citizen, in any sphere of life, who is in the enjoyment of a higher degree of respect than was in his lifetime the gentleman whose name here appears. Mr. Clifton was born, in 1813, in Northamptonshire, one of the midland coun ties of England, a son of William Clifton, a native of . the same county, where during nearly all his life he was engaged in agricul tural pursuits and gardening. William was there married, andchildren were bom to him as follows: William, George, John, Fanny, Elizabeth, Mary, Rosana, and one other daughter whose name is not remembered. The parents died in England. At about the age of eighteen or twenty George Clifton immigrated to America, and after landing came at once westward to Ohio, making a halt in Avon township, Lorain county. Here he entered the serv ice of Joel Townshend, remaining with him some years, earning the respect and confidence of his employer by his steady habits and plodding industry. Leaving Mr. Townshend, he next found employ ment on a lake vessel in the capacity of steward, winning during his stay on the ship the utmost confidence of the captain and others, by his characteristic devotion to his duty, and his obliging manner to all alike. After a residence of a year or two in this country, our subject revisited his na tive land, where he married Miss Ann Moore, a resident of Northamptonshire. The young couple then set out for their new home in the " Far West," coming di rect to Lorain county and to Avon town ship, in the eastern part of which they made a settlement. Here he took up agriculture, which he followed successfully until retiring from active work. Moving to the present homestead, he here erected large and substantial buildings, and here some of the family are yet living. The children born to George Clifton were one son that died in infancy, and one daugh ter, Rosana, now Mrs. E. P. Burrill, of Sheffield township. The mother of these dying in 1856, in September, 1857, Mr. Clifton married Miss Bessie, daughter of John Charlton, of Leicestershire, England, by which union there were three children, viz.: Alice and Lena (deceased in in fancy) and S. G. (who now conducts the home farm). Mr. Clifton was a representative self- made man — a pioneer of the truest type — whose courage and perseverance, coupled with sound judgment, judicious economy and untiring industry, aided hiiri in his hard struggle to found a home. "He filled the office of justice of the peace for several terms, was auditor of the county in ti. ^Vcn-Cc SsCt/Jf'H/ LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 891 four years, and was also county commis sioner fol* a term or two, all of which offices he filled with ability and integrity. * * He was withal a great reader, and kept him self thoroughly informed not only on the affairs of this country, but of European countries as well. A stanch Republican, he always gave our Government his hearty support. In the time of the Civil war he was very active in the work of procuring recruits, giving more than any other man in the township toward raising the quota of soldiers, though on account of his age Hot subject to the draft. On account of his knowledge of law, and also his abili ties as a financier, his advice was sought by many who always found him a willing and safe adviser. Much more might be truly said in praise of him, but time for bids. His place is not easily filled." In 1861 he was a member of the board of equalization. Mr. Clifton died February 7,1883. 4/ NATHANIEL TOMPKINS, a mem ber of one of the early pioneer families of Eaton township, was born in 1829 in Tompkins county, N. Y. His parents, Samuel and Betsy (Tellis) Tompkins, were born in 1805 in Newfield, Tompkins Co., N. Y., and in early pioneer days came thence to Lorain county, Ohio, settling in Eaton township. Nathaniel Tompkins was about four years of age when he came with his parents to Eaton township, where he was reared and educated. Mr. Tompkins was first married in New York, in 1861, to Mary O. Benedict, who died in Lorain county in 1881, and in 1885 he married, in Eaton township, for his second wife, Miss Esther A. Earl, a native of Lorain county. Mrs. Tompkins is a daughter of Recom pense Crowell Earl, who was born March 10, 1799, in Essex county, N. J. In 1813 he moved with his parents to Tomp kins county, N. Y., where he lived till 1825, when he married Miss Anna Fauver. In 1836 they came with their five children to Eaton, Lorain Co., Ohio, where in 1828 Mr. Earl had purchased twenty acres of land, on which he resided until his death, which occurred in 1885. Mr. Tompkins rents the twenty acres of land which his father-in-law purchased, now well cultivated and highly improved, where he carries on general farming. In politics he is a Republican. In 1864 he weut to Michigan, where he resided for some years. \ ICHARD WELLS POMROY, who K( is prominent in social and Insur- Y^ ance circles, is a native of Bristol, Ontario Co., N. Y., where he was born June 3, 1825, the son of Sam uel and Penelope (Allen) Pomroy. His father was a native of Springfield, Mass., and was a man of remarkable vigor, being ninety-four years old at the time of his death. Mr. Pomroy came of a family remarkable for their longevity, the grand father and one uncle living to be ninety- four years of age, while two other uncles reached the age of ninety-three and ninety- five respectively. The subject of our sketch received his education at the Academy at Canandaigua, N. Y. He then taught school for a time, after wliich he embarked in the mercantile business in his own town, remaining the same until 1857, in which year came to Ohio. Here he was engaged the same business until 1870, when abandoned that line and took up the surance business, to which he has since given his entire attention. He commenced exclusively in Life Insurance, which branch he carried on for three years, since when he has been in Fire Insurance alone, having built up a large business. Mr. Pomroy was married April 10, 1853, to Miss Annie L. Sisson, daughter in he in he In- 892 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. of General Horatio and Clotilda Taylor Sisson, natives of Ontario county, N. Y., and seven children have been born to them, of whom the following is a brief record: Frances L. is the wife of Dr. H. Pomeroy, of Cleveland, Ohio; Grace S. is the wife of Watson E. Boise, clerk of the State Legislature of North Dakota; Mary E. and Alice C. are both teachers; Charles W., the only son, is connected with the Western Automatic Screw Company, of Elyria; Annie M. is a teacher of music in the Conservatory at Grand Forks, North Dakota; and Harriet A. In politics, Mr. Pomroy was originally a Whig, and, since the formation of the party, has been a stanch Republican. E1 THEW, for over forty years a resi dent of Columbia township, is a I native of New York State, bora in Clinton county in 1816, a son of Daniel and Electa (Nichols) Thew, also of that State, who both died in Clinton county. They reared a family of eleven sons (three of whom served in the war of the Rebellion), their names being as fol lows: Robert, Eleazar, Gilbert, Garret, Henry, Charles, Nathan, John, Josephus, Bethuel and James. The subject of our sketch received his education at the schools of Clinton county, N. Y., in those early days held in a log cabin with very primitive furnishings. He was thoroughly trained to agricultural pursuits, and has been a lifelong farmer, having now a well-cultivated piece of land of some ninety-five acres in Columbia township. He was married, in 1837, in Clinton county, N. Y., to Miss Mary Calkins, a native thereof, and in 1852 they came to Lorain county, where Mr. Thew bought a partly-improved farm, on which he erected a good residence and barn. Two children, both now deceased, were born to this union, viz.: Cornelia, married to Lemuel Osborne, and Eliza beth. The mother of these died, and in 1872 Mr. Thew wedded Miss Amanda McNichols, a native of Vermont, who came when a child to Medina county, Ohio, where she was reared. Politically Mr. Thew is a Democrat, and served his township as trustee one term. HARLES W. SUMNER, a retired school teacher, now a prosperous agriculturist of Eaton township, was born in Medinacounty, Ohio, in 1854. Clement Sumner, father of subject, was born in Vermont, and about 1853 came to Medina county, Ohio, where he followed the vocation of a farmer. For some years he had taught school in Ashland and Holmes counties, sarae State. In Medina county he married Mrs. Almira (Hier) Gardner (widow of Lewis Gardner), a na tive of Massachusetts, and their only child is the subject of this sketch. They died in Medina county, Ohio, the father in 1873, the mother in 1888. Clement Sumner had been previously married, and his children by that union were Catherine, wife of Edwin Helbert, of Ashland county, Ohio; Phebe, wife of Samuel Mullin, of Jewell county, Kans.; and Solon, married, residing in Cattaraugus county, N. Y. Mrs. Almira (Hier) Sumner by her first husband had five children, as follows: Andrew (married), a farmer of Brunswick, Medina Co., Ohio; Lucas (married), a farmer of Page county, Iowa; Lewis (mar ried), a farmer of Missouri; Lucinda, wife of William Johnson, of Preemption, Mer cer Co., 111.; Julia Ann, wife of Christian Winegar, of Saranac, Ionia Co., Mich. Grandfather Sumner was a native of Ver mont, while grandfather Hier was from Germany, in an early day immigrating to Massachusetts, thence moving. with an ox- team to Medina county, Ohio, where he died in 1868, being preceded to the grave by his wife. LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 893 Charles W. Sumner, was reared and educated in his native county, and at the age of twenty years commenced teaching in the same county, continuing three suc cessive terms at the home district school, later in township schools in Eaton and Columbia townships, moving to Eaton township in 1889. In Columbia town ship he resided some ten years. In 1888 he gave np teaching, and has since applied his attention solely to farming, on his place of ninety acres, which he owns. In 1878, in Eaton township, Mr. Sum ner was married to Miss Mary C. Long- bon, a native of the township, daughter of John J. and Ellen (Walker) Longbon, early pioneers of Eaton, where the father died in 1888. To Mr. and Mrs. Sumner were born children as follows : Ellen, Irvin, Mary, Earl (deceased at the age of five years) and Grace (deceased at the age of three). Originality and good judgment are the most prominent characteristics of Mr. Sumner, who is a Republican in his political sympathies, and is a highly-re spected citizen. rW. PIERCE. The subject of this sketch is now in the prime of life, one among the most active business men in the town of Lorain. His ancestors were of New England origin. His father, Philemon Pierce, who was a native of the State of New Yrork, married Miss Diantha Hovey, of the same State, and to them were born five children, viz.: George, Ann, Eliza, John and Fred. W. Those sterling characteristics of the New England people Philemon Pierce possessed to a great degree — in genuity, industry and economy. His trade was that of a carriage builder, which he followed through life. In 1850 he left the place of his birth to seek for himself a home in Ohio, which was then considered the " Far West." Locating in Brunswick, Medina county, he here lived and worked at his trade until his removal to Carlisle, Lorain county, where he resided until his deaths which occurred in 1862. It was in the year 1855, amid those stirring times just preceding the Civil war, that Fred. W. Pierce was born, on the first day of November. Early bereft of his father, he was required to depend on his own resources for a livelihood. When fif teen years of age he went to Owosso, Mich., where he went to school for two years. With this education, and that other equally important, the knowledge of a good trade, he was well prepared for the practical duties of life. When he came back from Michigan he located, in 1872, in Lorain. His natural inclination leading him into mechanical pursuits, he served an appren ticeship as a regular carriage builder; but not satisfied with this he learned the car penter's trade. Gradually he discontinued the trade of carriage building, and came to devote his whole time to building and contracting, which has absorbed his whole attention for the last seven years. His skill, industry and integrity have won for him his well-deserved success, which has come during these busy years. The many buildings which he has erected stand as substantial evidence of the work, for which he has no reason to be ashamed. Promi nent among these are the school building in South Lorain and the Methodist Epis copal church, the finest building in the city, erected in 1892. Mr. Pierce has the knowledge of how work ought to be done, and the fidelity to see that it is done as the contract defines. While thus occupied, opportunities for some business in real estate were presented, which he has im proved to great advantage, so that as a result he has come into the possession of some very valuable property, which in that growing town, with values increasing, will tend to enhance his wealth largely in the future. At times his business assumed large proportions, when he had under his employ twenty men working on public jobs amounting to thousands of dollars. 894 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. That wliich is not the least item of im portance is the home which he has been permitted to build and enjoy. The young lady of his choice, Miss Addie Bayless, resided at Kipton, Ohio, and they were united in marriage in Sandusky, Ohio, July 3, 1877. In both toils and successes they have been partners, and thus know how to enjoy the results of their labor and success. The truest independence is to make your own fortune, and enjoy it. The number of Mr. Pierce's family is exactly equal to that of his father, viz.: five. They bear the names: Pearl, Ray, Frank, Clara and Blanche. Like all wide-awake citizens of this Re public, Mr. Pierce possesses his positive convictions and party affiliations. This seems unavoidable, where politics are in the food, and in the very air we breathe. We grow that way. Or perhaps the well- known law of heredity may account for some of it. His father was identified with that party which had the honor of electing one of the best men who ever occupied the Presidental chair — the party which made the most brilliant history for a quarter of a century. It is unnecessary to say that it was the Republican party wliich had on its roll such respectable and heroic politi cians as Stanton, Chase, Sumner and Abra ham Lincoln. Hence we need not be surprised that a son of Philemon Pierce, a Republican, should likewise be a Republi can. Mr. Pierce is thus a well-established and fixed quantity in the city of Lorain. It is no small honor which belongs to him, for he enjoys the confidence of its people. In obedience to their call he is serving them on the board of councilmen. They know that such a trust will be held in his liands with safety. One of the most useful and beneficial Orders of Lorain, in a business line, is that of the K. O. T. M., and there are many widows and orphans in the town to bear witness to its benefits. Mr. F. W. Pierce was the twenty-fifth charter member of the Lorain Lodge of this Order. Truly the outlook for Mr. Pierce is en couraging. Yet but a young man, he occupies a good position among his fel lows; he stands on the advantage ground of his past achievements, and certainly has much to hope for, and look forward to, in the years to come. No doubt with the same careful and industrious course in the future, Time will dispense his gifts with equal generosity. DEACON JOHN SEWARD CASE, one of the oldest citizens of Well- _. ' ington township, is a native of Con necticut, having been born in the town of Granby, Hartford county, July 11, 1808. He is a son of Dr. Gideon Case, who was born in Canton, Conn., and who be came an eminent physician and surgeon, educated probably in Simsbury, that State. He practiced in his native State until he came to Ohio, in 1818, when he resumed practice in Hudson, Portage county. He was killed by the kick of a horse, about the year 1822. His entire journey from Connecticut to Ohio was made in a three- horse wagon. He married Miss Persis Seward, a native of Granville, Mass. (and daughter of Capt. John Seward, of Revo lutionary fame), who died at the age of eighty-six years. Seven children were born to them, of which the following is a brief record: John Seward is the subject proper of this sketch; Gideon W. resides near Nauvoo, 111.; Otis P. resides in Aurora, Portage county, on the old Grand father Seward homestead; Jane married Mr. Nix, and died in Portage county, Ohio; Lucia married Mr. Demming, of Rootstown, Portage Co., Ohio (she is now deceased) ; Albert died in Michigan a year or two ago; Dr. Almon Case was a mem ber of the State Legislature of Tennessee in the period of the Civil war, during which time he was killed by bushwhack ers, it is presumed on account of his anti- ^^ ~^f i ^y^tiUK LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 897 slavery views. The mother married, for her second husband, Arial Case (no rela tive of her first husband), and they after ward lived in Rootstown, Portage Co., Ohio, where two sons were born to them. The subject of this sketch was, as will be seen, ten years old when his parents came to Portage county, Ohio. After his school days he commenced learning the trade of tanner and currier, finishing the same at Kent, Portage county. In No vember, 1829, he came to Lorain county, and commenced the tanning business, in 1830, in the town of Wellington, opposite where the ice house now stands, and suc cessfully operated the same until some twelve or fifteen years ago, when he re tired from business. He taught school during the winter of 1829-30 in an old log house, where Mallory's store now stands, which cabin was also used as a church at the same time. Shortly after his arrival he became associated with the Congregational Church, in which he has been a deacon since 1846, and to which he has contributed liberally of his means, as well as to all charitable institutions. Mr. Case has been twice married: First time in October, 1832, to Miss Diantha Blair, a daughter of James Blair, of Massachu setts, and sister to the mother of Gov. Fairchild, of Wisconsin. The record of the children of this union is as follows: (1) Celia is the wife of Mr. Stewart, and lives in Romney, Tippecanoe Co., Ind.; she taught school for many years in Ten nessee, and in Romney. (2) Helen mar ried Mr. Luther Miller, of Cedar Hill, Ohio, but nearly all of her married life was spent in Romney, Ind., where she was buried in 18 — ; she was the mother of three children: Mary, now Mrs. U. Z. Moore, of Columbus; Frank Case, a recent graduate of the Ohio State University, and a civil engineer in Columbus; andCassins, named after Gen. Cassius Fairchild, of Wisconsin, a farmer of Cedar Hill, Ohio. (3) Col. Frank S. (now deceased) was an officer in the Second Ohio Cavalry dur ing the Civil war, being captain of a com pany, and was shot through the lungs; after the war he was colonel in the Sev enth Ohio State Guards, and on Gov. Foster's staff; be was present at Garfield's inauguration at Washington, D. C, and his was the largest regiment out at the funeral of that President in Cleveland. He was born December 21, 1838, received his education at Wellington and Oberlin. He was a good stump speaker, and was chairman of the Republican committee of Logan county. He died August 9, 1887, from wounds received in battle. At the time of his death he was treasurer of Logan county, Ohio. His widow, for merly Miss Clara Burr, of Brighton, to whom he was married in 1864 while home on leave of absence, now resides in Belle fontaine. (4) Emma married Rev. Charles E. Manchester, D. D., pastor of the Broad way M. E. Church, Cleveland, Ohio; they have children as follows: William C. (twenty-one years of age) and Frank S. (aged seventeen). The mother of this family was bora, in 1807, in Blandford, Mass., and died October 19, 1848. For his second wife Mr. Case married Miss Lucinda A. Ely, of Elyria, who was born December 25, 1819, in Deerfield, Ohio, and died January 24, 1893. To this union there were two children, both of whom died young — one in infaucy, the other, Mary, at the age of six years. In his political preferences Deacon Case is a stanch Republican, originally an Old-line Whig, his first vote being cast for John Quincy Adams. I( DAM KOLBE, a prominent farmer \\ of Black River township, was bom near Hersfeld, Germany. August 18, 1848. He is a son of Henry W. and Elizabeth Kolbe, who were the parents of nine children, named as follows: Eliza (Mrs. Spiegelberg), Henrietta (Mrs. Bech- 898 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. stein), Christina (Mrs. Smithkous), Adam (subject of sketch), Henry, Cath arine (Mrs. Holstein), Mary (Mrs. Neid- ing), Emma (Mrs. Bechtel) and William. In 1856 the family came to the United States, first locating in the, then, village of Lorain, Lorain Co., Ohio, afterward, in 1867, settling on a farm in Black River township, same county, where the parents followed agricultural pursuits till advanced age compelled them to retire from active life. The father died October 8, 1893: the mother, now in her seventy-seventh year, is living with ber son Adam on the farm in Black River township. She is a member of the Evangelical Association, as was also her husband. Adam Kolbe received a liberal education at the public schools, and was reared to agricultural pursuits on his father's farm. In • 1873 he married Miss Caroline Faber, who died in May, 1891, leaving one child, a son named Lawrence A. Mr. Kolbe has remained on a farm ever since, and in the town of Lorain, in the same county, he en gaged in the fishery business for about four years, as a member of the firm of Kolbe Bros. & Co., in which he was financially successful. In 1889 he withdrew from the firm, and has since been living on the farm in Black River township. In religious faith Mr. Kolbe is a member of the Evan- felical Church; socially he is a member of iOrain Lodge, Knights of the Maccabees; politically he is a Republican. E1 L. BURGE, an enterprising pro gressive citizen of Oberlin, was I born in September, 1837, in Orange township, Ashland Co., Ohio, where he passed his early life. His father, John Y. Burge, was a na tive of Pennsylvania, and in an early day came to Richland (now Ashland) county, Ohio, where he passed the remainder of his days. He was a cooper by trade. He married Mary Lowry, a native of Vir ginia, and they became the parents of twelve children, six of whom are still liv ing, namely: Benjamin, a farmer of Greenwich, Huron Co., Ohio; John Y., a farmer of Brighton township, Lorain county; E. O, also farming in Brighton township; Rachel, a resident of Ashland, Ohio; Sarah, wife of John Goldsmith, of Richland county, Ohio; and E. L. The father of this family died in 1841, the mother in 1878. E. L. Burge received his education iu the district schools of his native county, and in 1859 came to Lorain county, which has since been his home. He followed farming for a few years in Brighton town ship, and in August, 1861, enlisted, at Wellington, Ohio, iu Company H, Second Ohio Cavalry, for three years. He was mustered in at Cleveland, and served for a while on the frontier, in January, 1862, being stationed at Ft. Leavenworth, Kans., and later at Ft. Scott. He. participated in the battles of Pea Ridge and Diamond Grove, was next in Kentucky, and after ward took part in the Morgan raid at Knoxville, Tenn. In 1864 he veteranized, at Mossy Creek, Tenn., in the same com pany and regiment, and was subsequently in the engagements of the Wilderness and Cedar Creek, also serving under General Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley. Mr. Burge took part in the Grand Review at Washington, thence going to Springfield, Mo., and on September 20, 1865, he was honorably discharged at Columbus, Ohio. He returned to Brighton township, Lorain county, where he remained until 1882, since which time he has been a resident of Oberlin. On March 8, 1864, Mr. Burge was mar ried to Miss Harriet J. Tucker, a native of Camden township, Lorain county, daugh ter of Matthew and Rosanna (Martin) Tucker, early pioneers of the county; the father died in 1878; his widow is how re siding in Pittsfield, Lorain couuty. To Mr. and Mrs. Burge was born one daugh ter, May B., who graduated from Oberlin LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 899 College in the class of 1891; she is now principal of a school at Delta, Ohio. Mr. Burge is actively interested in politics, and supports the principles of the Repub lican party; he has been delegate to va rious conventions, served one term as deputy sheriff of Lorain county, and in 1889 was elected city marshal of Oberlin, a position he still occupies. Socially he is a member of Llenry Lincoln Post No. 564, G. A. R., and in religion he and his wife are members of the Second Congre gational Church of Oberlin. OWELL CALVIN ADAMS, dealer in agricultural implements, seeds of all kinds, fertilizers, etc., Wel lington, is a native of Wellington township, born February 1, 1838, of an old Connecticut family. Lie is a son of Calvin and Eunice (Smith) Adams, the former of whom was a native of the " Nutmeg State, " whence prior to his marriage he came west to Ohio, settling on a farm in Wellington township, Lorain county, where he was engaged in agricultural pursuits till a short time before his death, which oc curred in 1864. He was twice married, and by his first wife, Eunice (Smith), he had five children, namely: Edwin, de ceased in childhood; Fayette, who died when young; Marcia, now the widow of R. F. Jones, of Wellington, Ohio; Rowell Calvin, and Lois, who died, unmarried, in 1879. The subject of this biographical sketch received a liberal education at district school No. 4, Wellington township, attend ing a few winter terms, the remainder of the year being occupied on his father's farm, where he continued to reside till 1865, in which year he removed to Hunt ington township, and here bought a farm of 113 acres prime land, where, until about 1882, he carried on general farming, including dairying, buying and selling stock, etc. In that year he came to Well ington, after a time opening out his pres ent prosperous business. On September 29, 1859, he was married to Miss Melva A. Whiting, born in Pittsfield township, Lorain county, October 15, 1840, and four children have come to this union: Rosa M., wife of Delmer I. Beckley; Mrs. E. L. Wilcox; Grace M., and Leon R. Po litically Mr. Adams is a lifelong Republi can, and two years ago he united with the Prohibitionists. He is not identified with any particular church; his wife is a mem ber of the Methodist Episcopal Society. During the war of the Rebellion he en listed three times, but on each occasion he was rejected on account of physical dis ability caused by #n accident he met with when fourteen years old, whereby his leg was broken, and he has been slightly crip pled ever since. He is doing an excellent business, thoroughly understanding the wants of the community in his line of trade. FJRANCIS N. ELDRED is one of the enterprising native-born agri culturists of Elyria township, where in 1850 he first saw the light. He is a son of Noah and Harmony (Redington) Eldred, the former of whom was born in the State of New York, whence, in company with his father, Moses Eldred, he came to Ohio in 1811, settling in Ridgeville township, Lorain county. Grandfather Eldred was a soldier in the Revolution ; by occupation he was a farmer, and he also kept a tavern in Ridgeville township; he died in Elyria, his wife in Ridgeville. Noah Eldred, father of sub ject, received a limited education at the subscription schools of Ridgeville town ship. In Amherst township he married Harmony Redington; then settled on the farm now owned by our subject, and here he died in 1882, his wife having preceded him to the grave in 1854. 900 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. The subject of this memoir was educated in the schools of the neighborhood of his place of birth, and was reared to agricul tural pursuits, which have been his life- work. He has a neat, compact farm of eighty-two acres devoted to general farm ing. In 1876 he was married in Elyria township to Miss Nettie Cochran, a native of same, and daughter of Henry and Eliza beth (Thompson) Cochran, pioneers of Lorain county from Vermont. Six chil dren, named as follows, have been born to this union, Ray. Nina, Irwin, Alta, Lewis and Orlo. In his political associations our subject is a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the M. E. Church. Mr. county, E. JUMP has been a resident of Oberlin for the past thirty-five years, having, established himself in the town in 1858, for the pur pose of study in Oberlin College. Jump was bora in Westchester N . Y, in 1832, a son of Ira and Sarah (Dan) Jump, natives of New York, who in 1835 moved to Norwalk, Huron Co., Ohio, and from there, about 1843, to Vermillion, Erie Co., Ohio, where both died at a ripe old age. Ira Jump was a basket maker, and his son, R. E., was brought up to that trade, which he fol lowed for some time in Oberlin. Mr. Jump received his education at the common schools in Erie county, and in the Prepara tory Department of Oberlin College. Fail ing health prevented him from continuing his studies. He taught several terms in the schools of Erie county, Ohio, and in Indiana. In 1863 he enlisted in Company F,One Hundred and Twenty-eighth O.V. I., for three years or during the war, serv ing under Gen. Hooker, on Johnson's Is land aud Cedar Point, guarding and ex changing prisoners at Fortress Monroe and other points, and on detached duty at To ledo, on service as provost-guard, and in recruiting service. Mr. Jump was hon orably discharged from the service at Camp Chase, in July, 1865. In 1852 Mr. Jump was married to Miss Julia Chapin, a native of New York, but reared and educated in North Amherst, Ohio, and to this union one son was born, C. Ellis Jump. Mr. Jump in politics is a Republican, having cast his first vote for Fremont in 1856, and voted with that party since. He is a member of Henry Lincoln Post, No. 364, G. A, R., in which he has held the rank of surgeon and junior vice-commader. During the past fifteen years, in his leis ure time, he has done considerable taxider mist work, and has now a very fine collec tion of stuffed animals and birds. He is practically interested in agriculture, being the owner of thirty acres of well-improved laud, half of which lies within the corpor ate limits of Oberlin. He also takes a lively interest in bee and small fruit cul ture. He was engaged in the Oberlin and Wellington Rescue case. Mrs. Julia Chapin Jump, M. D., was bora in Oneida county, N. Y., in 1832, the second child of John and Eliza (Clark) Chapin, natives of New England, who re moved to Brownhelm, Ohio, in 1836, and from there to North Amherst, Ohio, in 1839. [Seethe following sketch of John Chapin J Dr. Jump received her early education in the common schools of North Amherst, Ohio. At the age of seventeen she began to teach. This profession she followed thirty years. For the first two or three terms she taught for one dollar a week and " boarded round." In 1852 she married R. E. Jump, of Erie county, Ohio. They had one son, C. Ellis Jump. In 1858 they removed to Oberlin, for the purpose of se curing a liberal education. During the last three years of her couse of study Dr. Jump taught in the Academy. After six years of study, she graduated from Ober lin College, Lit. in 1865. She then taught seventeen consecutive years, nearly five in (ctitiz^A^i? Cfoz^titi ;&.*?. LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 903 the Grammar School of Oberlin, and over twelve years in the Public Schools of Cleveland. She then began the study of medicine in The Cleveland Homeopathic Hospital College, from wliich she gradu ated in 1884, since which time she has been practicing medicine in Oberlin. The honorary degree of A. M. was con ferred on her by Oberlin College, in 1891, and that of F. fi. S. by tlie Medical Col lege from which she received her diploma. She is a member of the board of Censors of the Cleveland Homeopathic Hospital College; a member of the American In stitute of Homeopathy, The Ohio State Homeopathic Society, and The Lorain County Homeopathic Society. Dr. Jump is a member of the First Congregational Church, and of the W. R. C. of Oberlin, Ohio. JOHN CHAPIN was born in Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass., in 1804. At the age of eighteen he was appren ticed to a Mr. Catlin, of the adjoin ing town of New Marlboro, to learn the trade of tanner and currier. In 1827 he was married to Miss Eliza Clark, a native of Norwich, Conn., though reared in New Marlboro. They had five daughters and two sons. In 1836 Mr. Chapm moved to Ohio, then the " Far West," and located in Brownhelm. In 1839 he removed to North Amherst, where he spent the rest of his life. Mr. Chapin and his wife united with a few others to organize a Presbyterian Church in North Amherst, and Mr. Chapin was elected dea con, an office which he held till his death in 1852. Deacon Chapin was a man of strong convictions, a thorough temperance man, and an Old-line Whig. He was strongly anti-slavery in his views and took the ground before his death, which became the platform of the Free-Soil party in 1856. The Deacon was a strong, well-built man, and was considered very desirable help 47 at the raising of buildings in those days. Whiskey was usually served freely, aud at the first important " raising " to which he was invited the men were nearly all under the influence of whiskey before the work was half done. Deacon Chapin and a Mr. Rose were the only total abstain ers in the party. On raising a heayy. " bent " of the frame the men allowed their pikes to slip, and the bent fell, crushing Mr, Rose under the heavy timbers. His back was broken, and though he lived many years, he was a cripple. When the men were sober, Deacon Chapin urged them to give up the use of strong drink, citing the accident to Mr. Rose to give weight to his arguments. Soon after this the Deacon prepared to build a large tannery. The timbers were very heavy, and the building was two stories on one side and three on the other. While the timbers were being prepared there was another raising — a small barn. Three brothers owned the property. They always drank freely at raisings, but decided from motives of econ omy to furnish no whiskey for their own raising. When the men who had been invited to assist arrived, some of them called for whiskey before beginning work. When told that none would be furnished, the men said the timbers might rot before they would touch them without whiskey. The whiskey was sent for at once, and the frame went up. People who knew Deacon Chapin's strong temperance principles, and that he never tasted whiskey, wondered what he would do at his raising. In those early days the raising of such a building was quite an event. The builder in charge one day asked the Deacon if he should furnish whiskey for the raising. On re ceiving a reply in the negative, he said he would not be responsible then for the rais ing of it, as it could not be raised without liquor. The Deacon then replied that the raising would be " a cold-water raising " or none. Many friends in the adjoining town of Brownhelm sympathized with Deacon Chapin in his temperance prin- 904 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. ciples, and sent him a message saying that if the Amherst people failed him, they would come to his aid. When the time for the raising drew near, the Deacon started on his round of invitations. Nearly every man invited asked if he would have whis key, and on receiving a negative reply, answered: "Then I will not come." As every one declined the invitation, tbe Dea con invited every available man in the vil lage and the adjacent country. Mrs. Cha pin prepared for the entertainment of the men by brewing a barrel of root beer, and the brick oven was kept full of good things — bread, biscuits, cakes of all kinds, pies, puddings, chicken pies aud pork and beans. Roast meats of all available kinds were prepared in abundance. The day set for the raising dawned bright and still. At an early hour the invited men began to ar rive singly or in small parties until every man who had been invited put in an ap pearance. With much joking about a " cold-water raising " they set to work with hearty good will. The small or root beer was passed in pails, and one man told the Deacon that he had a chunk of ice as big as his fist in his throat from drinking the beer, and he wanted something to thaw it out. When the bents had all been raised, and were supposed to be securely fastened in place, several men went to the top to fasten the large wooden plates to the bents to bind them in position and to support the rafters. Deacon Chapin and Staunton Merriman, a carpenter, were on the bent on the east side of the building, wliich was three stories high. The ground on that side was covered with broken stone, the refuse from dressing the stone for the foundation. Soon after they reached the top the bent began to sway with them, but the men on the ground were all sober, and, rallying with their pikes, held the heavy timbers in position till they were securely fastened. All knew that the fall of the bent would be certain death to the men. When the work was completed the Deacon said: "Comedown tothe house now and we will have something to thaw the ice out of your throats." Mrs. Chapin was a good cook, and her heart was in her work. Long tables were loaded with every good thing which she could devise, and with tea and coffee in abundance. Many of the men said to the Deacon: "If this is what you call a cold-water raising, I would like to go to one every day." They said they came because they knew he was acting from principle, that although he was one of the best workers always at a raising he never drank- whiskey. Deacon Chapin died in 1852 of typhoid fever; Mrs. Chapin lived to be eighty-six years old. The family was well represented in the war of the Rebellion. John Clark Chapin, the youngest son of Deacon Chapin, enlisted in the Forty-first O. Y. I., at the organiza tion of the regiment, for three years; re- enlisted with the regiment, was engaged in all the battles in which the. regiment fought except Chickamauga, and was hon orably discharged at the close of the war. Two sons-in-law, J. J. Pillen (the husband of the eldest daughter, Eunice), and R. E. Jump (who married the second daughter, Julia), were also in the Union army, and were honorably discharged at the close of the war. ' EORGE L. SEARS, florist and man ufacturer of pottery, Elyria, is a native of Massachusetts, bora in New Lenox, March 8, 1854, a son of L. L. Sears, a prominent agricul turist of Elyria township. In 1861 the family came to Ohio, and for a time located in Medina county, then in 1867 settling in Lorain county, on a farm within the corporate limits of Elyria. Our subject has since resided in Elyria, and in 1881 he commenced business as a florist, in which vocation he has risen, by industry and good management, to consid erable prominence. He now owns seven large greenhouses, and ships all kinds of LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 905 flower germs to every part of the United States. He makes a specialty of wedding and funeral decorations, his taste in designs being considered " nulli secundus." Hav ing concluded to manufacture his own flower-pots, of which his extensive business demands a vast number, he opened up a pottery, and he now makes from 18,000 to 20,000 flower-pots per week, supplying not only his own requirements, but also markets in Cleveland, Chicago, and all the great cities of the West. In 1878 Mr. Sears was married to Miss Emma Bradbnr, and three children have come to brighten their home, named respectively: Harry, Roy and Grace W. Our subject and wife are members of the Congregational Church, and in politics he is a Republican. NSEL JENNE, for over half a cen tury a resident of Lorain county, and one of the best known and most prosperous agriculturists of Amherst township, was born in Cayuga county, N. Y., in 1825. His father, also named Ansel Jenne, was a native of New York, where he mar ried Elizabeth Brown, and from there moved to Cayuga county, same State, in 1825. In 1826 he and the family came to Ohio, making their homein Cuyahoga coun ty until 1841, in which year they removed to Lorain county, arriving on March 9, locat ing on Middle Ridge; but in 1845 they removed to a farm where the parents passed the remainder of their days, the father dying in July, 1872, the mother in August, 1885, at the patriarchal age of uinety-one years. They reared a family of seven children, of whom four are yet liv ing, as follows: Alfred, married and living in Cuyahoga county, Ohio; Ansel, of whom this sketch more specially relates; Bethia, wife of F. A. Griffin, of Elyria township, Lorain county; and John P., married and residing in Amherst township, same county. The deceased are Arad Joy (the eldest in family), bora July 9, 1819, died September 5, 1820; Eliza, born April 25, 1827, who was married to Solon McElrath, and died in Lorain county, September 18, 1871; and Annette, bora August 27, 1830, died in 1832. Ansel Jenne, whose name opens this biographical sketch, received his education at the primitive log schoolhouse of the early days of Cuyahoga county, Ohio. At the age of sixteen he came with the rest of the family to Lorain county, and has ever since been a resident of Amherst township, owning now the old homestead, consisting of sixty acres prime land. He and his brother John P. cleared in all some 400 acres in Amherst township. On December 9, 1859, Mr. Jenne was married, in Amherst township, to Phoebe Wing, a native of Wyoming county, N. Y., daughter of Benjamin aud Polly (Wes cott) Wing, natives of New York, where the father died in September, 1857. In 1858 the widowed mother came to Lorain county, and made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Jenne, for the rest of her days, dying in 1868. Two of her children came to Lorain county besides Mrs. Jenne, viz.: Sterling, who died here in 1874, and Dora, wife of Luman Van Tassel, of Bowling Green, Ohio. To Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Jenne were born five children, of whom the following is a brief record: Sarah Ellen married Bird Richmond, and they have one child, Frank Harrison; William Henry is mar ried, resides in Amherst township, Lorain county, and has one child, Blanche; George is married, has his home in Detroit, Mich., and has two children, Willie and Winfield; Frank died at the age of nineteen years; Albert K. is married, resides on the home farm, and has two children, Bertie and Lucile. In politics Mr. Jenne is a Dem ocrat. When he came to Lorain county fifty-two years ago, the now flourishing city of Elyria was but a hamlet consisting of nine cabins, surrounded by dense woods, 906 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. wherein roamed the Indian and wild ani mals innumerable. He has seen, in his township the old rickety stage coach rele gated into retirement by the palatial cars of the aggressive railroads, and the mail- carrier's weekly or semi-weekly visits meta morphosed into the modern mail of three or four deliveries and collections everyday in the week; not to speak of the advent of the magic-like universal telegraph and telephone, which had their birth within comparatively recent years. EIDWIN ROBSON, a representative and prosperous agriculturist of Car- I lisle township, is a native of York shire, England, born in 1839. Our subject is a son of Edward and Ann (Tran) Robson, of the same place, who in 1843 came to the United States and made a settlement in Eaton township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where they are yet liv ing. They were the parents of a large family, as under: Emma, who married Seth C. Felt, and died in Huron county, Edwin, subject of this sketch; Mary Jane, who died unmarried; James, deceased in childhood; David, deceased when young; Henry, also deceased when young; Will iam, deceased in Grafton township, Lorain county; John, married, residing in Graf ton; and Lizzie, wife of Charles Johnson, of Grafton township. Edwin Robson was, as will be seen, four years old when he came to Lorain county with his parents, and at the common schools of Eaton township he received a liberal education, in the meantime work ing on his father's farm. He now owns a fine property of 225 acres in a good state of cultivation. On November 14, 1866, he was married, in Oberlin, Russia town ship, to Miss Ann Johnson, a native of same, daughter of James and Mary (At kinson) Johnson, who were early pioneers of Lorain county, coming here in 1826; the father died in Elyria in 1888, the mother in Cleveland in 1864. To them children as follows were born: Jane, wife of Leroy Rogers, of Henry county, Ohio; Elizabeth, widow of John Bucher, of Ely ria; Thomas, who died during the Civil war, in Lexington, Ky.; Ann, Mrs. Rob son; John, a resident of Eaton township; James, deceased at the age of eighteen; George, married, living in Elyria; Mary Ellen, wife of M. A. Pounds, of Elyria; and Mary and William, both deceased in infancy. " To Mr. and Mrs. Robson have been bora seven children, to wit: Charles Edmund, James Edward, Adalbert John son, Mary Louise, Thomas Putnam, Thad deus Warren and Leroy Walter. Our subject and wife are members of the M. E. Church at LaPorte. In politics he is a Republican, and has been a member of the school board, of which he is now a director in his district. H 4J WIGHT, owner of a fertile farm in Eaton township, where he has resided for nearly threescore years, is a native of New York State, •born in St. Lawrence county on Christmas Day, 1821. He is a son of Reuben and Susannah (Van Buren) Wight, the mother a native of New York. The father was born in Oxford, Worcester Co., Mass., and in 1794 moved to Herkimer county, N. Y., with his father, John Wight, who was born November 2, 1752, and married Betsy Robinson, bora in 1765, and died in 1858. They had a family of children, of whom the following is a brief record: Uzziah was born in 1781, and died in 1784; Abner died in St. Lawrence county, N. Y. ; Jason was born in 1785, died January 20, 1835; Reuben was the father of our sub ject; Abigail died in New York State in 1849; Betsy died young; John died in New York State in 1863; Alvin, a car- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 907 penter and builder, came to Lorain county, Ohio, in 1835, and died in Ottawa county, Ohio, January 1, 1857; Harvey died in Green county, Wis., in 1876. Reuben Wight was reared and educated in New York State, and was married in what is now Fulton county, same State, July 14, 1814. In 1834 the family came • to 6hio, arriving August 9 in Cleveland, but settling at Rockport, in the same county, where the father died of cholera same year. He served in the war of 1812, and after his death his widow en joyed a pension. In 1836 the widowed mother, with her children, came to Lorain county, making her final home in Eaton township, where she died April 21, 1882, aged eighty-nine years, having been born in 1793. The following is a record of the children: Leonard was married in Eaton township, Lorain county, and in 1858 moved to Gratiot county, Mich.; Almina is the widow of Daniel Pearce, and resides in Eaton township, Lorain county; Will iam, who became one of the early teachers of Lorain county, married in Eaton town ship, and died in 1853; Segatia died in Cleveland at the age of eighteen years; the next in order of birth is the subject of this sketch, of whom further mention will presently be made; Adeline C. is the wife of James Duffy, of Charlotte, Eaton Co., Mich.; Julius, a widower, is a resident of Eaton township, Lorain county; Reuben is married, and dwells in LaGrange town ship, Lorain county; Mary S. is the wife of James W. Fitch, of Milan, Erie Co., Ohio; Ziel, who was an engineer, born August 13, 1832, married, and on No vember 12, 1892, died in Delaware county, Ohio; Rosella is the widow of John King, of Clark county, Wisconsin. H. Wight, of whom this sketch more particularly relates, was reared to the age of thirteen years in New York State, and was there educated, his school training be ing much improved by his native ability, close application to books, and general study of men and things. He was remark ably quick at figures and geometry, and he is widely known throughout northern Ohio for his ability as a mathematician. In his younger days he taught school in Lorain, Medina and Cuyahoga counties, aud then embarked in agricultural pursuits. Iu 1834 he came to Ohio, and in 1836 set tled in Eaton township, where he has since resided. Politically he has been a Repub lican since the organization of the party, and he served as real-estate assessor in 1870, and on the school board several years. MATHIAS NUHN, one of the many industrious, honest and loyal citi zens the Fatherland has given to JJ Lorain county, is a prosperous farmer of Ridgeville township, of which he has been a resident since 1845. Mr. Nuhn was born in Germany in 1838, a son of Peter and Anna Mary (Moss) Nuhn, the father a native of France, the mother of Prussia. Peter was a shoe maker by trade, at which he worked seven years in Paris, France, after which for two years he was coachman for Napoleon's nephew. In 1824, while working at his trade in Prussia, he married. In 1845 he and his wife and family emigrated to America, sailing from Havre, France, the voyage to New York occupying sixty-two days. From there they proceeded west ward to Ohio, by way of the Hudson river, Erie Canal and Lake Erie to Cleve land, and from that city by wagon to Ridgeville township, Lorain county, where Mr. Nuhn bought twenty-five acres of land which he cleared and improved, at the same time working at his trade. To this first purchase of land he added forty acres, and, later, twelve acres. Of the nine chil dren of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nuhn we give record of seven children, as follows: Mary, wife of Peter Donenfelcer, died in 1854; Nicholas, married, resides in Ridgeville township; Elizabeth is the wife of Anton 908 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Smith, of Center, Ridgeville township; Hannah is the wife of John Roth, of Lorain; Catherine is the wife of Peter Smith, of Avon township; Mathias is the subject of this memoir; and Peter, married, lives in Lorain. The father died March 8, 1874, a Democrat in politics, a member of the school board and supervisor; he was buried on the fiftieth anniversary of his marriage; the mother was called from earth in 1875. Mathias Nuhn, whose name introduces this sketch, was, as will be seen, about six years old when he came to Lorain county, and during his first summer his home was in a barn in Stony Ridge, Ridgeville town ship, while a log house was being erected for the family. He received his education at the common schools of the locality, and learned the trade of carpenter and joiner, which he followed exclusively up to the time of the breaking out of the Civil war; he then combined farming with his trade, and he has met with well-merited success. In 1862 Mr. Nuhn enlisted in Company G, One Hundred and Seventh O. V. I., for three years or during the war, and his regiment was assigned to the army of the Potomac. At the battle of Chancellors ville he was taken prisoner, and confined first in Libby, afterward in Belle Isle, whence he was taken on parole to Camp Annapolis, Md., and then detailed to the pioneer corps tbat served through Ten nessee; to the close of the war he was stationed at Chattanooga and Kingston. In 1865 he was discharged, at Columbus, Ohio, and returned to his home in Ridge ville township, Lorain county, where he resumed the pursuits of peace. In 1860 Mr. Nuhn was married, in Liverpool, Medina Co., Ohio, to Mary Magdalene Kolb, who was born in that county, daughter of Joseph and Sophia (Gravensteter) Kolb, natives of Germany, who about the year 1838 immigrated to the United States, settling in Medina county, Ohio, where the father died in 1878, and the mother is yet living. To this union children as follows were born : Rosa, the wife of Mr. Douglas, constable of Lorain, has three children — Mathias, Edith and Nora; Catherine, wife of Ma thias Burkhart, of Lorain, also has three children — Clara, Lillian and Frank; Mary, wife of Charley Perry, of Cleveland, has one child; Hannah, wife of John Alfen, of Cleveland, has two children — Willie and Mabel; John, married, resides in Ridge ville township; Elizabeth, a widow, resid ing with her father, has two children — Olive and Bertha; Lena; Clara; and Ma thias. Politically our subject is a Demo crat, but in township matters he votes for whom he considers the best man for office, regardless of party. He has been a mem ber of the school board eighteen consecu tive years, such is the confidence his con stituents repose in him, and he and his wife are members of the Roman Catholic Church at Ridgeville. Socially he is a member of Wesley Kibby Post No. 708, G. A. R., North Ridgeville, and has served as assistant quarter-master two terms. He is owner of nearly sixty acres of land in an excellent state of cultivation, on which in 1888 he built his present residence — a two-story frame house, 35 x 28 — also a commodious barn, 56 x 36, and granary (with workshop combined), 16 x 22 feet. .( LONZO WRIGLIT, a highly re- 1\ spected and prosperous agriculturist T__\ of Russia township, hard-working, and scrupulously honest in all his dealings, is a native of Essex coun ty, N. Y., born November 11, 1825. His father, Alonzo Wright, Sr., was brought up to farm life, and served for a time in a woolen factory. He married Philomilla Andrews, who was born in Stillwater, N. Y., and children as follows were born to them: Charles A., who died in California; Bushnell A., a physician of San Jacinto, Cal.; Alonzo, Jr., subject of this memoir; Harriet, deceased in youth; Sarah D., who was first married to Charles LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 909 Lyman, and is now the wife of Lewis Oz- mun (they reside in Amherst township); Laura B., who married Edwin Durand, and died in Wellington, Ohio. In June, 1834, the family set out for Ohio, making the trip partly by sailing vessel, partly by canal to Buffalo, N. Y., and from there to Black River Harbor (now Lorain), Ohio, by steamer, thence to Oberlin by wagon. In Russia township the father bought ninety acres of land at ten dollars per acre (nine hundred dollars), which amount he paid in cash, part of the proceeds of his farm in New York State, which he had sold prior to coming west. He had pre viously visited Ohio, in order to select land, got as far as Cleveland, but returned east without succeeding in his purpose. For some time after their settling in Rus sia township the family lived in an old log cabin, till a new one was built. Here was born one more daughter, Mary, who died at the age of fourteen years. On this farm the father passed away in 1883, having been preceded to the grave by his wife in 1862. They lie buried in South Amherst cemetery. He was a Whig and Republi can in politics, and a member of and dea con in the Congregational Church. Alonzo Wright, the subject proper of these lines, received the earlier part of his education at the public schools of the vicin ity of his place of birth, and after coming to Lorain county attended District school No. 1, his first teacher here being Samuel Rossiter. Later he attended a few terms at Oberlin College. He then taught school several terms, and subsequently attended the Eclectic Medical College at Cincinnati three years. He had previously studied medicine under Dr. James Fisher, of Tif fin, Ohio; and thus it will be seen he was well prepared for the arena of medicine, which, however, he never entered. After completing his course he returned to his home, and in 1848 commenced agriculture on his father's farm, which he now owns; of late years he has added the cultivation of small fruits to general farming. In 1861 Mr. Wright was united in mar riage with Adelia C. Whipple, and chil dren as follows were bora to them: Doug lass, deceased at the age of nine years; Della, teaching in the public schools of Findlay, Ohio; Eddie, deceased in infancy; Henry, farming on the home place, and Jessie, still living with her parents. The surviving children have all enjoyed excel lent educational opportunities. In politics Mr. Wright is a stanch Republican, and until the organization of that party was a Whig; his wife and children are members of the Congregational Church. B. BEDORTHA, an attorney at law, of Oberlin, was born May 5, 1854, in Russia township, Lorain Co., Ohio, the only child of Luther and Eliza A. (Brown) Bedortha, the former of whom was a native of Shef field, Mass., the latter of the city of New York. Luther Bedortha, father of subject, came to Lorain county with his parents in 1824, and they made a settlement in Sheffield township. He was twice married, first time, in Sheffield township, to Miss Sarah Strong, soon after which they moved to Iowa, where they remained a few months and then returned to Ohio, Mr. Bedortha in 1852 establishing his residence on a farm in Russia township, Lorain county. To this first marriage were bom two chil dren: B. S. Bedortha, Esq., of Bridgman, Mich., and Dr. B. T. Bedortha, of London, England. The mother of these died at Joliet, 111., while en route on the return trip to Ohio from Iowa, and on February 17, 1853, Luther Bedortha married Eliza A. Brown, who had come to Oberlin in 1852; she survives him, he having died December 29, 1864, at Oberlin, Ohio, to which place he had removed but a short time previous to his death. W. B. Bedortha received his education at the public schools of his native town- 910 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. ship, and in 1868 entered the office of the Lorain County News, at Oberlin, where he learned the printer's trade, continuing in the printing business either as employe or proprietor for about ten years. In 1877 he commenced the study of law in the office of Judge J. W. Steele, the present postmaster at Oberlin, and in October, 1880, was admitted to the bar, where he at once commenced the general practice of his profession. On February 8, 1881, W. B. Bedortha was married to Fannie J. E. Jenney. He is a Republican and a member of the Con gregational Church. \ILLIAM RININGER. Whatever may be the form of government under wliich men live, it is the men of opinions who rule. They have circumscribed the power of kings, and in representative governments they are the leaders of the common people in both public and private concerns. They seldom fill official positions. Our ablest statesmen have never tilled the Presidential chair. It is the Utopian ideal of Demo- 'cratic governments that broad, intelligent, honest, partrician citizenship, with financial independence, unfettered by official bur dens, is the goal of the best man's am bition. When this idea is adopted by our educators, and thoroughly implanted in the bosoms of the youth of our land — when we cease to be hero worshipers, and Na poleon and Alexander become object les sons of less importance than the patrician citizen, we will have taken the first great step toward the millennium. As a type of the character of the men foreshadowed above, we introduce a brief sketch of Mr. William Rininger, merchant and capitalist, of Well ington, Ohio. Mr. Rininger descends from German stock. His grandparents emigrated from Germany, locating in Center county, Penn., when the father of our subject, Peter Rin inger, was a boy.- There the grandparents lived and died. Peter Rininger married Miss Mary Miller, and to their union were born two children: William, the subject of this memoir, and Eliza. The latter mar ried in Pennsylvania, and died some years since, leaving two children. Peter Rin inger died when his son William was only two years of age. By the subsequent mar riage of his mother, our subject was thrown upon the charities of the world when a mere child. He was born April 2, 1823, and at the age of eight years was given the choice of remaining in Pennsylvania or emigrating to Ohio with his uncle, Will iam Miller. He chose the latter expedient, and they located in Seneca county, Ohio. His uncle William subsequently purchased the site of the present village of Attica, and laid out the plat for a town. It was with this uncle that the boy William Rin inger found the only semblance of what his early days knew as a home. He alter nated between work and school, and was in return for his services clothed and fed. His uncle entered a variety of businesses besides farming. He operated an ashery, built and carried on a hotel, and finally kept a general merchandise store. Com ing in contact with a variety of pursuits, William Rininger familiarized himself with the leading features of each, meanwhile applying himself assiduously to mastering the essential elements of an English edu cation. Thus early thrown upon his own re sources, he learned the most important les son in life — the lesson which only those strongly endowed by nature can learn — to think independently, to think for himself — and through life this has been his lead ing personal characteristic. All arbitrary laws in religion, politics and elsewhere — all theories advanced that are not based upon reason and humanity — have ever ap peared to him the schemes of duplicity formulated to dominate the minds of the weak and the credulous. "ua^ti^/^ LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 913 Mr. Rininger made his first money with a paint brush. He had watched the painters around the hotel, and took up the trade. He worked at that business for a salary of one dollar per day, subsequently working in the harvest field. Saving his money he went to making brick, and subsequently made investments in various limited ways, and each proved a success. Lie not only made money, but saved it, and invested to the best possible advantage. By making the best of his opportunities, in 1844 he found himself possessed of a few hundred dollars in cash, which he invested in a store in Attica in connection with his uncles, Will iam and Samuel Miller. From that time forward he felt his success assured. He remained personally in connection with his business at Attica, Ohio, until 1866, when he left his partner, one John Silcox, in charge there, came to Wellington with a view of establishing himself in business here, . and bought the store of Charles Foote. In Wellington he had a partner, for about a year, William Barnard, but bought out the latter's interest, and has since operated his general merchandise store with the assistance of clerks. He still retains his interest in the store at Attica. Mr. Rininger's practice in buying has been to purchase for cash, although he has constantly had to tide customers over hard periods, as his books will show. He is generally recognized as a just but lenient creditor., Mr. Rininger was formerly a Repub lican, but says: " When that party diverged from its original principles," he did not follow it. He believes in principles and in men, but not in party dominance. He is not a church member, being an indepen dent thinker in this as in all other matters; but he is philanthropic in its broadesfsense, believing that to be just and humane is the highest condition of consciousness. During the years that have passed, Mr. Rininger has been an intelligent witness of the greatest political and commercial changes the country has ever experienced, and is one of the soundest and best versed men in its financial history and conditions that can be found. Although his life has been one of inde fatigable work and constant application to business, and he has always had the cour age of his convictions and expressed his opinions freely, it is not in public but within the domestic circle of his home — with his family gathered around his hearth-stone — that Mr. Rininger has felt the cup of life most nearly full. He was married, September 9, 1844, to Miss Eliza J. King, who was bora in Scipio, Cayuga Co., N. Y., April 2, 1820. By this mar riage there are five daughters and one son, viz.: Lillian, wife of Edward Phelps, now of Scranton, Iowa (they have five children: Mabel, Edna,Homer, Raymond and Hazel) ; Delphene, wife of J. L. Smith, of Dela ware, Ohio (they have three children: Ward, William R. and Louise); Natella, wife of William C. Miller, of Gallipolis, Ohio, now at Cincinnati (they have one son, Frank); Augusta, at home; Frank, who died at the age of fourteen years; and Celestia A., who died at the age of one year. Mr. Rininger is a representative self- made man, his life bearing testimony to what it is possible to accomplish with will ing heart and hands, steadfast integrity and honest toil. In brief, he started in life penniless; to-day he commands the highest quotation in Dunn's Commercial Agency of any individual merchant in the State of Ohio. JOSEPH WESBECHER, a member of the prosperous firm of Wesbecher & Co., dealers in hardware, North Amherst, is a native of Germany. He was born February 25, 1852, in Mug- enstnrm, Duchy of Baden, the seventh in a family of eight children bora to Aloysius and Matta (Melcher) Wesbecher, who were also natives of Mugensturm, Baden, Ger- 914 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. many, where they were reared and married; the father was a farmer, and died in the Fatherland; the mother is yet living. Of their family three sons came to America: John, now in Botkins, Ohio; George, a resident of Greensburgh, Penn., and Jo seph, our subject. Joseph Wesbecher was educated in his native land, and, not wishing to enter the German army, in 1869 came to America. He learned the tinner's trade, and after working at different places for three years, came, in 1872, to North Amherst, Ohio, where he continued to work at his trade until 1876, when he embarked in the hardware business on his own account; the style of the firm was Cook & Wesbecher until 1880, since which time it has been Wesbecher & Co. Mr. Wesbecher was married November 28, 1878, in North Amherst, to Miss Matilda C. Plato, and they have had five children: Henry, Edd, Carl, Leo and Frank. Politically our subject is a stanch Democrat, and in religion he is a member of the Catholic Church. He gives his entire attention to his business, and by industry and perseverance has succeeded in building up a good trade. TOMPKINS, a well-known, highly respected agriculturist of Eaton township, has been a resident of same for over sixty years. He was born in 1833 in Tompkins county, N. Y., son of Samuel and Betsy (Tel lis) Tomp kins, natives of Pennsylvania, who were reared and married in Newfield, Tompkins county, N. Y. In 1833 they came with their family to Eaton township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where they opened up a farm. The father died many years before the mother, who passed away in 1885. They reared a family of four children, namely: John, married, who settled near his parents ; Nathaniel, married, who resides in Eaton township; S. Tompkins, subject of thjs memoir; and Mary, wife of Joseph Dew hurst, of Eaton township. The subject of this sketch was reared and educated in Eaton township, and has always followed agricultural pursuits. He owns a highly cultivated farm of eighty - four acres. Mr. Tompkins was married in Eaton township, to Miss Sarah Jane Bassett, a native of same, and to this union have come six children: Otis; Charley, married, residing in Eaton township; Ellen, wife of Bird Farr, residing in Amherst township (they have two children); Fred, Ira and Ida, all three residing at home. In Politics Mr. Tompkins is a member of the >emocratic party. G'APTAIN THOMAS WILFORD, a v well-known lake captain and protn- ) inent citizen of Lorain, has been identified with sailing interests on the Lakes for the past thirty -four years, and is still in active demand. His father, Joseph Wilford, a native of Northamptonshire,Eng- land, married Mary Ellen Griffin, also a native of that county, and they had a family of ten children, of whom Thomas was the eighth in order of birth. They came to America, locating in North Amherst, Lo rain Co., Ohio, where the father followed farming, which was his life vocation. He died at the age of fifty-three; his widow passed away when aged seventy-three. Thomas Wilford was born June 21, 1841, in Northamptonshire, England, and remained in his native country until twelve years of age, when be came with his par ents to North Amherst. He received his education in the common schools, and for two years afterward worked on a farm. He began life on the Lakes as a common sail or, and then became mate, from which position he was promoted to captain. He was master of sailing vessels for eight years, first of the schooner " Exile," and next serving for two years on the steamer " John M. Osborne." In 1884 the latter collided with the steamer " Aberta," in LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 915 Lake Superior, and went down in five minutes, three of the crew being lost; and it was only due to Capt. Wilford's prompt itude, in ordering the "Aberta" to keep forward and not pull off, that any of the passengers were saved. He had on board his wife, his two little girls, and a young lady friend from Ashtabula, Ohio, and he succeeded in saving his wife, the two little girls being rescued by the mate. Capt. Wilford spent partof the next season in superintending the building of the steamer " J. H. Devereaux," which he commanded for five years, and next superintended the building of the steamer " J. H. Wade," which he commanded for two years. He afterward had charge of the building of the steamer " Samuel Mitchell," of which he is still in command'. Capt. Wilford was married December 29, 1870, in Lorain, to Miss Fannie Gill more, a native of that place, daughter of Alanson Gillmore, and they have had two children: Cora E., wife of Charles F. Bar- tenfeld, and F. Adelaide, who died of ty phoid fever May 28, 1893, aged sixteen years two months and seven days. In po litics our subject is a Republican, and socially he is a member of the Royal Ar canum aud also of the Ship Masters Asso ciation. He has been a resident of Lorain since 1861. 4/ HA. DEMING, a highly respected citizen of Camden, now retired from active public life, is a native of Washington, Berkshire Co., Mass., born June 27, 1822. He is the youngest in the family of nine children of Absalom and Sarah (Eames) Deming, the former of whom was a native of Connecti cut, and a farmer by occupation. His par ents were both of Puritan stock, he being able, on his father's side, to trace his> an cestry back to John Deming, Esq., who was active in the early settlement of Hart ford, Conn. Upon his mother's side his lineage runs back, by direct line, to George William Bradford, who came over in the " Mayflower," hence he was of pure English extraction. Our subject received his elementary education at the public schools of his early day, after which he attended an academy at Westfield, Mass., and in this way prepared himself for teaching, whieh he followed for sixteen terms in his native State. He was reared on his father's farm, and well trained to agricultural pursuits. When he had attained his majority (1843) his father died, and young Deming took charge of the home place, renting the portion belong ing to the other heirs, and here remained until 1855, when he removed to Hinsdale, Berkshire Co., Mass., where he bought a farm and continued in agricultural pur suits. Finding his health failing at the end of one year, he gave up the farm, and entered a dry-goods store in Hinsdale, as a clerk and bookkeeper, but after a time he embarked, for his own account, iu the flour and feed business. Abandoning this, he accepted the position of bookkeeper in a furniture factory. In December, 1869, he moved to Mattoon, 111., and bought property, and here be formed a partner ship with his brother as loan agents, in which they continued till September, 1882, when our subject came to Oberlin, Ohio, in order that his adopted daughter might enjoy the best of school advantages. While living here, in retirement, he spent one winter in Florida, and while a resi dent of Illinois passed a winter in Mary land. In 1889 he came to Kipton, a village in Camden township, Lorain county, where he has since made his home. Mr. Deming has been twice married, first time December 4, 1850, to Isabel Miliken, born March 30, 1827, in Hins dale, Mass., a daughter of Robert Miliken. This wife died in Oberlin, Ohio, January 25, 1886, and on April 3, 1889, Mr. Dem ing was united in marriage with Miss Carrie Rowland, born in Rochester, Lo rain county, a daughter of Samuel W. and 916 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Harmony (Blair) Rowland. Mr. Deming has an adopted daughter, Carrie B., born July 3, 1864, now Mrs. E. E. Hopkins, of Lorain, Ohio. Politically our subject was originally a Whig, then a Republican, and finally a Prohibitionist. At the age of twenty-three years he was a member of the school board at Washington, Mass., on which he served ten years; at twenty-five he was elected assessor, overseer of the poor and select man of the town during his residence in Washington. While a citizen of Hinsdale he served on the school board thirteen years continuously, as as sessor six years, and treasurer of the town three years. During his stay in Mattoon, 111., he was a member of the city council four years, and of the school board three years; and he took a leading part in or ganizing the First Congregational Church, in which he was an active Deacon for ten years. Mr. Deming has been a great reader in his day, is well posted and pos sessed of sound judgment, is very popular and is universally respected. 'HARLES H. HORTON. This gen tleman, the widely-known inventor and manufacturer, and formerly superintendent of the Wellington (Brick) Machine Co., of Wellington, is a native of the State of New York, born April 25, 1845, in Holley, Orleans county, a son of Chauncey and Nancy (Masten) Horton. The father was bora in the New England States, and died while our sub ject was young; the mother passed from earth in Rochester, Lorain county. Our subject's maternal grandfather and grand mother were of French and Yankee birth, respectively; his father's grandfather served in the Revolutionary war. C. H. Horton was reared on a farm to the age of sixteen years, receiving during the winter months a liberal education at the common schools, chiefly in Hunting ton township, Lorain Co., Ohio, whither he had come when nine years old. Later he removed to Ripley, Huron Co., Ohio, where, in October, 1861, he enlisted in Company D, Fifty-fifth O. Y. I. (for three years service, or during the war), which regiment was sent first to West Virginia, and afterward assigned to the army of the Potomac, Eleventh Army Corps. It par ticipated in the battles of Bull Run, Cedar Mountain, Chancellorsville and Gettys burg, after which it was transferred to the army of the West. Mr. Horton was in the battles of Chattanooga and Buzzard's Roost, and was severely wounded at Resaca, but recovering rapidly rejoined his com pany, and was with Sherman on his march to the sea. He participated, in all, in twenty-eight engagements, chiefly in the rank of sergeant, to which he was promoted soon after his enlistment. At the close of the war his regiment took part in the Grand Review at Washington, D. C, where, in July, 1865, he received his dis charge, having been in the service about four years. He returned home and for a time lived in Rochester, Lorain county, and then came to Wellington, which has since been his place of residence. Mr. Horton is an inventor of considerable re pute, and his first invention was a thresh ing machine which had a self-registering grain measure. This patent he sold, and the machine was afterward manufactured and sold very extensively. He then had the sale of threshing machines and en gines for several years till becoming a member of the Wellington Machine Co. He is the inventor of the " Monarch Brick Machine," which is made of iron, its capacity being six thousand bricks per hour, and is the chief article turned out by the Wellington Machine Company, of whose shops Mr. Horton was superinten dent from the organization of the com pany until July 1, 1893, when he sold his interest therein. On November 8, 1877, our subject was married to Miss Amelia Callin, daughter ^^c LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 919 of James and Many Callin, of Monroe ville, Ohio. Politically he is a Republican, socially a Knight Templar, and a member of Hamlin Post, G. A. R., Wellington. He has been a member of the city council since the spring of 1893, at which time he was elected. In 1889 he built a fine block in Wellington, north side of Mechanic street. GW. HARRINGTON, a leading farmer of Columbia township, is a native of same, born February 29, 1848, a son of Elisha and Jane Har rington, of Vermont birth, who in an early day migrated to Lorain county, Ohio, set tling in Columbia township. They died here on their farm, the mother in 1858, the father in January, 1884; he dealt con siderably in live stock, was a Republican in politics, and served as trustee of his township. They had a family of six chil dren, as follows: George (deceased when three years old), Hiram (who resides with his brother, C. W.), C. W., Wallace (mar ried, living in Columbia township), Julia (who died unmarried) and Sarah (who also died unmarried). The grandfather of sub ject had fourteen sons and two daughters. C. W. Harrington received a liberal school training in his native township, and attended an educational institute in Cleve land one term. Brought up to agricul tural pursuits, he has made farming his life work, and is now the owner of ninety- four and three-fourths acres of well-cul tivated land in Columbia township, on wliich he settled in 1868. He has con siderably improved the property, erecting a comfortable residence, etc. In December, 1867, Mr. Harrington married Miss Susan Maria Heath, bora in Elyria, Ohio, daugh ter of William and Mary (Green) Heath, natives of Vermont, and who migrated westward to Ohio, settling in Columbia township, Lorain county, where they are yet residing. To Mr. and Mrs. Harring ton have been born seven children — four sons and three daughters — as follows: Wallace W., who died at the age of two months and fourteen days; Willie E., who resides in Chicago; Bertha G., who died when two years and six months old ; Afton B., deceased when two months old; Eva M., married to Charles Putt, and has one child, Mamie; Julia Frances, who died when fourteen years and six months old (she united with the M. E. Church when nine years old, and was a faithful worker for the Lord at the time of her death; she was an alto singer in the choir from the time she was nine years old up to her death); and Warren C, who resides at home. Politically our subject is a Re publican, and he is a member of the Bap tist Church, his wife of the M. E. Church. They are rearing an adopted child named Lester Leon Lockwood. H. SNOW, county surveyor of Lorain county, is a native of Lorain county, Ohio, born in the town of Avon, September 22, 1848. His father, Edwin Snow, was born in Portage county, Ohio, and was there married to Miss Julia Lewis, a native of New York State. They became settlers of Lorain county, where the father fol lowed agricultural pursuits, owning a farm of 400 acres, 200 of which he cleared with his own hands. This was in Avon township, and one of the roads there, still known as " Snow's road," was named after him. Edwin Snow was a leading farmer, enjoying the respect and esteem of the en tire community. He died in 1886, at the age of seventy- seven years. In his politi cal preferences he was a Republican. His widow is still living in Elyria, now aged seventy-four years. C. H. Snow, who is the third of five children born to Edwin and Julia Snowr received a liberal education, in part at the 920 ¦LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. common schools of his native town, and in part at Oberlin College. His school days over, he went to Cleveland, Ohio, and there spent one year in civil engineering work. Returning to Lorain county, he mar ried, May 24, 1880, Miss Mary Sweet, and settled down to agricultural pursuits, which he followed several years, at inter vals working at his profession. In this he continued from 1874 till about 1886, in June of which latter year he was ap pointed, without any solicitation on his part, county surveyor of Lorain county; was elected in the following fall on the Republican ticket, and is now serving his second term. He still operates his farm, although attending closely to his profes sional duties. Since 1887 he has, by special appointment, been serving as civil engineer for the city of Elyria. To Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snow have been born two children: Franklin and Bricena. The family are members of the M. E. Church. fi ENRY SPICER, one of the well- known old residents of LaGrange township, was bora January 4, 1829, in Lancashire, England. He is the son of Richard and Harriet (Upton) Spicer, the former of whom was a teamster, and drove in his day the usual six-horse team. Their children were named as follows: Alfred, Thomas, Jesse, Henry, Mary and Harriet, of whom Alfred and Thomas now reside in Charlotte, Mich.; Jesse is in Iowa; Mary is the deceased wife of Jesse Con- over; and Harriet is the deceased wife of Sheldon Seares, who was her second hus band (she was first married, in England, to John Pickwood). In 1832 Richard Spicer came to the United States (bringing our subject but not the entire family), landing at New York, and thence proceeding by river, -canal and lake to Cleveland, Ohio, from which city be came to Lorain county, locating east of the center of Ridgeville township. By that time he had only a small sum of money left, and he rented land and earned his livelihood by thresh ing (in the old-fashioned way), in which line he was quite expert, being able to thresh ten bushels of grain and clean up after it in one day, a feat at that time looked upon as almost phenomenal. Later he removed to Butternut Ridge, where he resided some time, and then lived for a while at Grafton Station, Grafton town ship, moving thence to Carlisle township, where he bought fifty acres of land, then all in the woods. He removed his family thereon, but after clearing it and making some improvements he sold the tract and invested in land in the northern part of LaGrange township, on which a vast amount of clearing also had to be done. He was a hard-working, iudustrious man, and though beginning life poor he owned at the time of his death one hundred acres of land, all accumulated by his own untir ing efforts. He and his wife both died on the farm in LaGrange. Henry Spicer was but three years old when brought by his parents to the United States and Ohio, where he received his edu cation in the common schools of the day. He could attend even these for only a short period, however, as his eyes became affected, which compelled him to abandon study. He was reared to farm life, and during his boyhood he frequently saw wild animals — bears, deer, wolves, turkeys, etc., which were then still abundant in the region — in the clearings on the farm. He remained on tbe home place until his marriage, January 8, 1850, to Lucinda P. Hastings, who was born in Jefferson county, N. Y., daughter of Otis Hastings, a pioneer of LaGrange township. At this time Mr. Spicer's circumstances were somewhat limited. Locating in one of the wildest portions of LaGrange township, he purchased a tract at eight dollars per acre, being obliged to go into debt for the land, which was heavily timbered and difficult LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 921 to clear. He next removed to Henrietta, township, where he afterward sold out at a profit, and in 1870 came to his present farm, in LaGrange township, then com prising 111 acres, part of which he has since sold, having now eighty-six acres. Mr. and Mrs. Spicer have had the follow ing children: Richard, who died after reaching adult age; Elbridge, a farmer of LaGrange township; Perry, also a farmer of LaGrange; Harriet, now Mrs. Lewis Curtice, of LaGrange; and Carrie, Mrs. O. Nichols, of Lorain. In politics, Mr. Spicer was a Democrat until 1890, since when he has been a Republican. In re ligious connection he is a member of the Baptist Cliurch. For seventeen years he has conducted a threshing business, and he is unusually well acquainted in his section. He is a much respected member of his community, and fully merits' the esteem and regard in which he is held by his fellow citizens. From a start of compara tively nothing he has made a success in life, reared his family well, and now enjoys a comfortable competence. V .jOBERT SALISBURY, a typical \V self-made man, and one of the lead- 1^ ing agriculturists of Grafton town- y ship, is an Englishman by birth, born near Hull, Yorkshire, July 7, 1821, a son of Joseph and Mary (Graspy) Salisbury. They had three children bora in England, viz. : Robert, subject of sketch ; Hannah, now Mrs. John Dunn, of Ne braska; and Graspy, who died at the age of five years, and is buried in Belden cemetery. In 1827 the family took passage in a sailing vessel from Hull for the New World, and after a voyage of six weeks and three days they landed at New York. From there they proceeded by river, canal and lake to Cleveland, Ohio, thence to Grafton township, Lorain county, by wagon, the driver being a man who had come from Spencer, Medina county. The father of our subject had borrowed ten dollars from a companion on the voyage, and this was expended ih bringing the family to Grafton. One John Langdon, a friend of Mr. Salisbury, had previously located in the township, and the latter was on that account the more resolved to come here, although while at Cleveland he re ceived some inducement to stay there, be ing offered not only work, but also land at four dollars per acre, which, however, he declined for the reason stated. On their arrival in Grafton the family were in needy circumstances, but Mr. Jonathan Rawson, with whom they staid over night, supplied them with provisions enough to last them two or three days. At last Mr. Salisbury secured work as a farm hand, working for Judge Wells for twenty acres of land, wliich he afterward traded; then bought and sold, each time to advantage, until he and his son, our subject, found themselves possessors of 218 acres. After coming to the United States two more children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Salisbury, as follows: Betsey, now Mrs. Nelson Knowles, of LaGrange, Lorain county; and Miney, now Mrs. Alonzo Ryan, also of LaGrange. The father died in 1869, the mother on February 15, 1881, and they are buried in the cemetery at East LaGrange. The subject of this sketch was six years old when the family came to the United States, and he well remembers crossing the ocean, and of being corrected by the captain of the ship for climbing the rig ging. In Grafton township he attended the first schoolhouse built there, a very primitive one, constructed of logs and rudely furnished. He was reared to farm ing, and has made it his life work, for a considerable time he and his father work ing together, clearing land in various places; he also learned the trade of cooper, and has followed it in connection with agricultural pursuits. At the age of nine- 922 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. teen he met with an accident, from the re sult of which he has since suffered not a little. One night he was coon-hunting. and having climbed a tree after one of the animals, he lost his hold, falling to the ground, a distance of thirty-eight feet, and through this mishap he became the first patient of Dr. G. C. Underhill, in Grafton or LaGrange township. On September 19, 1857, Mr. Salisbury was united in marriage, by Elder Nesbit, with Miss Nancy L. McKenzie, a native of Grafton, Ohio, and three children were born to them, as follows: Charles F., mar shal of Grafton; Franklin G., deceased at the age of three years; and a son that died in infancy, unnamed. After marriage our subject continued to reside on the home place, which is situated on the northwest corner of Grafton township, and his parents passed their declining years with him. At one time he owned 235 acres of land, but having given away and sold some, he has now 168 acres left, besides three residences in the village of Grafton. A Republican in polities, he is a stanch member of the party. He and his wife have been members for twenty-seven years of the Congrega tional Church, in which he has held vari ous offices. JlOHN HOWK, one of the most prom inent and affluent of Lorain county's i retired agriculturists, is a native of' New York State, born in Chenango county December 13, 1820. David Howk, father of subject, was born in Lee township, Berkshire county, Mass., of Holland- Dutch descent, his father hav ing come from that land of pure butter and cheese and variegated flowers to America in an early day, settling in Lee township, above referred to. Grandfather Howk brought his wife with him, and in their new home in the New World they reared four sons and four daughters. The grandfather died at the age of sixty-two years. His son, David, married Miss Pol lie Bradley, a native of the same place, and they had six children, as follows: Clara (who died in infancy), Eli B. (who died in February, 1884), Hiram H, John, David, and Mary (who died in 1884). After mar riage David Howk moved to New York State, locating near Oxford, in Chenango county, and there resided till July 15, 1834, when the family came to Welling ton township, Lorain Co., Ohio, making the trip by canal and lake to Cleveland, thence by wagons to their destination. They were pioneers in the literal sense, for they had to hew their way in the woods, and found no neighbor less than two and one-half miles distant, excepting wolves, bears, panthers and many other wild ani mals. Here tbe father died in 1853 aged sixty-eight years, the mother in 1872 at the advanced age of eighty-one; they were members of the M. E. Church, and in poli tics he was a Whig. John Howk, the subject proper of this sketch, was fourteen years old when he came to Lorain county, with the rest of the family, and nobly did his share toward the clearing up of the wild woods. After his marriage he settled on a farm in Welling ton township, which now comprises 236 acres of prime land. On September 27, 1849, he was married to Miss Esther A. Baird, born April 11, 1825, a daughter of Bidwell and Sophia (Cheney) Baird, who were natives of Massachusetts, the father born in Berkshire county in 1796, and died November 28, 1876; the mother born in 1801, and died August 21, 1891. They came to Ohio in 1832, settling in Well ington township, Lorain county. They were the parents of ten children, viz.: Kendal W., Esther A., Catherine S., Robert H, Sylvester B. (deceased), Al- mena A., Albert E. (deceased), LucindaE., Adelaide P., and Abram P. (deceased). The children born to our subject and wife were as follows: Addie M., wife of H. O. Barber (they have three children: Jessie Bell, Clara May and John L.); Hattie, in {^titi LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 925 the auditor's office, Cincinnati, Ohio; and Mary Ella, Emma A., Willie Perry and Freddie E., all four deceased. Politically our subject was first a Whig, then a Re publican, and since S. J. Tilden ran for the Presidential chair he has been a Democrat. He has been a member of Congressional conventions, also senatorial committees, and served as trustee of his township nine consecutive years, part of the time during the Civil war. In church matters he is a member of the M. E. Church. For the past twelve years Mr. Howk has lived a re tired life in the town of Wellington, hon ored and respected by all. 4/ HE. CLARK, who was horn May 15, 1846, in Pittsfield township, • Lorain Co., Ohio, was a grandson of Nathan Clark, who was one of the first two settlers in LaGrange township. Jonathan L. Clark, son of Nathan, was born in Jefferson county, N. Y., and when eight years old came with his parents to LaGrange township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where he was reared to farm life. He mar ried Rhoda Dale, a native of Vermont, and they became the parents of four chil dren, viz.: Julia, who died at the age of twenty-two years; H. E. ; Carrie, Mrs. Richard Gibbins, of Pittsfield township, and John G., an attorney of Kansas City, Mo. The father of this family was a Re publican in politics. He died in 1877, and was buried in Pittsfield cemetery. His widow is still living at an advanced age. H. E. Clark received a common-school education, in the same district where his children now attend school, and resided at home until his marriage. On March 28, 1873, he was wedded to Miss Mary Rogers, who was born April 28, 1842, in Pittsfield township, daughter of Edward and Ann (Bailey) Rogers; the latter were the par ents of three children — one son and two 48 daughters — and came to Lorain county, Ohio, from Cornwall, England. After marriage Mr. Clark settled on the present farm, where he was principally occupied in general farming and dairying; he also took considerable interest in stock raising, and was formerly engaged iu breeding fancy poultry, Oxford-Down registered sheep, Ayrshire cattle (registered) and Poland-China hogs, having experimented with yarious strains, all eligible to record. He also raised fine dogs — Scotch collies, Newfoundland dogs and English pugs — as well as ferrets, sending his stock to all parts of the United States and Mexico. He owned four imported horses, one Percheron and one Norman stallion (French coach stallions), and two mares. The farm now comprises 253 acres, and the stock enter prises netted him no small amount of clear annual profit. In addition to general farming he carried on a creamery of his own, having regular customers who bought the products of the same. His extensive business was built up entirely by himself, and his fair, honest dealing, business-like methods, and complete practical knowl edge of the business were important fac tors in his success. To Mr. and Mrs. Clark had been born four children: Rhoda A., Carrie M., Edward L,., and Ro- sella M. (who died when five years old). Mr. Clark died July 21, 1893, a member of the Methodist Church, as is also his widow. J. BRAMAN, a well-known and '. popular citizen of Lorain, is a native of Lorain county, born in 1839, a £1 son of Daniel and Belinda (Fal coner) Braman, the father a native of Massachusetts, the mother of Pennsyl vania. In an early day the parents came to Lorain county, Ohio, but in 1851 they migrated to Allamakee county, Iowa, so journing there until 1856, in which year they moved to Jackson county, Wis., 926 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. where they passed the rest of their days in farming pursuits. The father died in 1883, the mother in 1891; he was a Demo crat, and took some interest in politics. G. J. Braman was reared and educated in Lorain county, and at the age of twelve years moved with his parents to Iowa, where in 1852 he carried the chain on a survey locating the boundary line of Iowa and Minnesota. In 1857 he located at Red Wing, Minn., and was a pilot on the Mississippi river until 1860, when he re turned to Lorain county, and again at tended school, also following the trade of carpenter. In May, 1861, he enlisted in Company K, Twenty-third O. V. I., for three years or during the war, serving un der Col. R. B. (afterward General) Hayes, assigned to the Eastern army. He was first under fire September 10, 1861, at Car nifex Ferry, and participated in the bat tles of SeweU Mountain, Cotton Mountain (Va.), and Newberne (N. C); after that he was assigned to the army of the Poto mac, and was in the battles of Fairfax Courthouse, South Mountain, and Antie tam; he was then ordered to the Kanawha. While in the army of the Potomac, he was detailed in charge of transportations. Mr. Braman was honorably discharged at Co lumbus, Ohio, in July, 1864, and returned to Lorain county, Ohio, where he remained till 1873, in that year moving to Michi gan. For a time he was engaged as su perintendent of a bridge gang in Texas, but in 1882 he again came to Lorain county, making his home in Lorain, and was engaged on the C. L. & W. for some time. Mr. Braman has been a member of the Lorain police force since 1889, and constable since 1890. On December 25, 1864, Mr. Braman was united in marriage, at Grafton, Ohio, with Miss Belle M. Crittenden, also a na tive of Lorain county, daughter of William H. and Clara (Arnold) Crittenden, of Massachusetts, who became early settlers of Lorain county. To this union was born one daughter, Rena Belle, now the wife of William H. Ault, of Lorain county.- Mr. Braman is a Republican, and takes an active interest in politics; in 1888 he served as a member of the town council. He is a member of the Q. A. Gillmore Post, G. A. R., Lorain, and of the K. O. T. M. F. CARTER, proprietor of a flour ishing hardware establishment in Oberlin, one of the leading business houses in that line in Lorain county, is a native of New York State, born in Cattaraugus county in 1838. Thomas Carter, his father, was a native of Connecticut, and when he was a child his parents, also natives of the "Nutmeg State," came to Onondaga county, N. Y., from there moving to the western part of the same State. The father, who was a tanner and shoemaker, died at the patri archal age of eighty-three years. In 1854 Thomas Carter and his family came to Lo rain county, Ohio, settling on a farm in Russia township. By trade he was a tan ner and shoemaker, but after coming to Ohio he followed farming exclusively. An Old-line Whig in his younger days, he has, since the organization of the party, been a stanch Republican. His wife, Abi (Hotchkiss), died in 1864, the mother of six children. He now lives with a daughter at Riceville, Penn., at the great age of ninety-five years. 0. F. Carter, whose name introduces this biographical sketch, is fourth in order of birth in his father's family. His school training was received in part in his native county, and in part at Oberlin, Ohio. He remained on his father's farm, assisting thereon until his mother's death, after which he bought the old homestead and cultivated same till 1866, when he sold out and returned to Cattaraugus county, N. Y. Here, in Randolph township, he embarked in the hardware business with a LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 927 brother, but some little time afterward re turned to Lorain county and opened in Oberlin his present hardware store, the style of the firm being, first — " Carter, Franks & Co.," and, for the past four years — " Carter & Hnckus." In 1860 our subject was united in mar riage with Miss Emily M. Brown, and one child, Carrie J., was born to them; she is the wife of Elmer M. Rice, of Riceville, Penn., and has one child, named Robert Hughes. Politically Mr. Carter is an active Republican, and has been a regular delegate to State and county conventions for several years. Socially he is a mem ber of the Royal Arcanum and Knights of Honor. In church relationship he is a Congregationalist. JfOHN DAGUE, a lifelong farmer and a highly respected citizen of Penfield __' township, is a native of Ohio, born November 16, 1820, in Milton town ship, Wayne county, son of Frederick Dague. Michael Dague, grandfather of our subject, was of German extraction. Frederick Dague, father of John Dague, was a native of Washington county, Penn., where he was married to Catherine Harsh, also born in Washington county, daughter of Henry Harsh, and in 1820 the young couple migrated westward to Ohio. The road were very rough, but they came in a wagon, and located in Wayne county, then a very wild section, where wild animals — deer, bears, wolves, etc. — abounded. Here Mr. Dague purchased 160 acres of land, all heavily timbered and without improve ments of any sort, erecting thereon a rude cabin, with puncheon floor, stick chimney, etc. He had a family of eight children, one of whom died in Pennsylvania, and six of whom still survive, viz.: Frederick, John, Henry, Levi, Sarah and Ann. The father of these passed his remaining years on the pioneer farm in Wayne county, liv ing to see the transformation of his prop erty from the primeval forest to a fertile farm. Much hard labor was necessarily involved in accomplishing this, but he was assisted in the work by his family, every member of which worked with a will to secure a home, and at the time of his death the property was worth several thou sand dollars. He made many substantial improvements thereon in the way of build ings, putting up a fine barn and outbuild ings, also a handsome brick residence, and was progressive in every way. He acquired and retained universal respect and esteem, and instilled into the minds of his children those sterling principles so characteristic of his life, and now so apparent in theirs. He lived to a ripe old age. Mrs. Cather ine Dague died July 12, 1834, and Mr. Dague subsequently married Margaret Baker, who had come from Maryland j there were no children by this union. John Dague received in his youth a meager training in the common schools of that early day, his attendance being re stricted to five days during one winter term. From early boyhood he engaged in the arduous duties of farm life, and re mained at home until reaching his ma jority, assisting in the clearing of the pio neer farm, where he labored zealonsly to help his father secure a home. On Jan uary 20, 1842, he was united in marriage with Miss Barbara Waltner, who was born in December, 1816, in Adams county, Penn., daughter of Jacob and Sarah (Bowser) Waltner, who came by wagon to Ohio in 1834, the family, which then con sisted of three daughters, walking the greater part of the way to Milton town ship, Wayne county, where they located. For nine years after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Dague rented land, and he worked for fifty cents a day, clearing land for others, laboring from sunrise to sunset, his wife helping all the while. In Feb ruary, 1852, they came to Penfield town ship, purchasing 102 acres at five dollars per acre, and there made their home in a 928 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. log house, the walls of which were so open that the snow blew through the cracks. Children as follows were born to them: Mary, who died at the age of thirty- one years, unmarried; Sarah, Mrs. Alfred Brouse, of Penfield; Margaret, Mrs. Har vey Brouse, of Penfield; Jacob, a farmer, deceased; Hattie, Mrs: Robert Davidson, of Wellington, Ohio; Fred, a farmer of Penfield; John, also a farmer of Penfield; and William, a farmer of Spencer, Medina Co., Ohio. About twenty-five years ago Mr. Dague lost almost entirely the use of his arm, but his children bave taken hold of the manual labor, and the affairs of the farm have progressed finely. At one time he owned over 200 acres of land, and now, after having started his children in life, he has an excellent farm and a most beauti ful home, and enjoys a comfortable com petence. His noble wife deserves no small amount of credit for the part she haB taken, and now, though over seventy-seven years of age, she is still in the enjoyment of remarkably good health. Mr. Dague is extremely fond of his home, seldom leaving it for more than a day at a time. He is a self-made man in every respect, and from small beginnings has made a complete success, having acquired during his business career an enviable record for fair, honest dealing. In politics he sym pathizes with the Democratic party, tnd in religious connection he and his wife are members of the German Baptist Church. Co HARLES A. FOWLER was the eldest son of Charles aud Eliza (Ba ker) Fowler, and was born January 28, 1834, in Chestertown, Warren N. Y. (where he spent his boyhood days), a very picturesque village situated a short distance from the Adirondack Moun tains. Here during his leisure hours he roamed at will down through the deep glens or over the rugged mountains. After having graduated at the high school, and receiv ing a thorough business education, he en tered his father's mercantile establishment, where he became familiar with the practi cal works of a merchant. About the year 1854 he came to Ohio to look after an ex tensive land estate in the townships of Grafton and Eaton, Lorain county. This estate was purchased from Jonathan Raw- son, it being a large tract of land situated on both sides of Black river, and covered nearly all the territory on which the pres ent prosperous village of Grafton Station now stands. After remaining in Grafton for a short time, Mr. Fowler went to Michi gan and engaged in the mercantile busi ness, but in about one year returned to Grafton to take care of the property there, which was deeded to him by his father. He spent his time in general farming, stock raising and so forth. There was a sawmill on the premises which he operated until the year 1862, when it was carried away by a flood, after which he devoted his spare time to local politics, and filled some of the most important offices of the place with great credit; was mayor of Grafton one term, and is still quoted as the honest and business-like mayor. Po litically he was a Democrat. While he was very outspoken, he was very kind-hearted, generous and charitable to a fault. In 1891 he rebuilt his home, which now ranks among the finest in northern Ohio. Mr. Fowler died December 30, 1891, in La Grange, from injuries received while step ping from a moving train. His remains rest in the cemetery in Elyria, in a vault erected by his wife at an enormous ex pense, it being the finest in Lorain county. The business part of the community feel the loss of a good councilor and citizen, and the poor mourn him as a benefactor. On February 15, 1857, in the city of Adrian, Mich., Charles A. Fowler was united in marriage with Miss Mary J. Hendee, who was born April 6, 1835, in Spencer, Medina Co., Ohio, a daughter of James and Anna (Hoover) Hendee, early LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 929 settlers in Medina county, formerly resi dents of Monroe county, N. Y. Mr. Hen dee was a lifelong farmer, a man of moderate means. He had a family of eight children, of whom five at this date are yet living. Mrs. Fowler is a lady of sound judgment, and manages her farm of 140 acres in a manner that well exempli fies her innate business sagacity and acu men. Her residence is one of the finest in the county, and is elegantly furnished, all its surroundings giving evidence of the exquisite taste and refinement of its owner. LFRED FAUVER, ex-commissioner of Lorain county, and retired agri culturist, is a native of the county, born in Eaton township in the year 1835. In his boyhood and early youth Mr. Fauver attended the common schools, and learned the trade of carpenter and joiner, at which he was working when the war of the Rebellion broke out. He was the first to volunteer into the service of the Union from Eaton township, enlisting in the Eighth O. V. I., which regiment was sent to Camp Dennison from Cleveland, and there being no accommodation prepared for them the men had to bivouac in a field among the snow and mud; in consequence of such exposure our subject was seized with pneumonia, but did not leave the service. The regiment then proceeded to West Virginia, to guard the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, and participated in the battle of Winchester, where Mr. Fauver received a musket-ball and three buckshot in the leg, which wounds necessitated his confinement in hospital at Winchester for some time. Returning home when con valescent, he was honorably discharged from the service August 19, 1862. He then settled down to agricultural pursuits in Eaton township, which he carried on successfully till 1891, in which year he re tired from active life, and took up his resi dence in Oberlin, in order the better to educate his children. On October 24, 1863, Mr. Fauver mar ried Miss Elizabeth King, of Eaton town ship, Lorain county, by which union there are six children — five sons and one daugh ter, as follows: Lester A., graduate of a civil engineering school, and now city en gineer of Lorain; Louis B., attending Ober lin College; Clayton K., in college; Edwin and Edgar (twins), both in high school at Oberlin; and Mabel. In politics Mr. Fau ver is a stalwart member of the Republi can party, aud in 1884 was elected county commissioner, in which incumbency he served nine years and one month. He has been active in the interests of the county in many ways, and was a member of the fubernatorial convention that nominated 'oster for governor of Ohio. He assisted in the organization of the First National Bank of Lorain, and is one of its directors; he is also a stockholder in the Savings Bank of Elyria. JjILLIAM H. SAXTON, one of the ' most prominent and influential of the prosperous agriculturists of Russia township, was bora Octo ber 28, 1827, in Jefferson county, N. Y., a son of Elisha Saxton, also a native of New York State. The father of our subject married Miss Ardelia Cottrel, of the State of New York, and they then settled in the vicinity of where he was reared. He had served in the capacity of coachman (rising to that position from one of day laborer) for Joseph Bonaparte, a heavy landowner and prominent man, who at the time of his death gave each of his employes fifty acres of land, Elisha Saxton being one of the beneficiaries. This he commenced farm ing on, but it was new land and proved to be not worth much, and later he moved to Otsego county, same State, to a town then 930 LORAIN COUNTY. OHIO. called Butternuts. Thence he proceeded to Jefferson county, locating for a time in Denmark, and from there the family came in 1835 to Ohio, by way of the Erie Canal from Syracuse to Buffalo, thence by boat to Huron, Ohio, from which place they were conveyed by wagon to Richland county, where they sojourned a month or two. From that county they moved to LaGrange township, Lorain county, where Mr. Saxton bought for cash seventy-five acres at about five dollars per acre. Here he lived for some years, at the end of which time he removed to Wellington township, same county, whence after a time he returned to La Grange town ship, where he died in July, 1863; his widow passed from earth in 1870, in Ohio, at the home of her son Nelson. They are buried side by side in Pittsfield town ship, Lorain county. He was a successful hard-working farmer, and by industry and frugality accumulated a comfortable com petence. Politically he was a Democrat until the Anti-slavery movement, when he turned Abolitionist; he held various offices of trust in his township. When he first came to Ohio he was a Baptist, but later became an adherent of the Universalist faith, remaining so to the close of his life. The children born to him prior to his re moval to Ohio were as follows: Elzina, who married Hiram Jones, and died in LaGrange township, Lorain county; Will iam H., subject of this sketch; Daniel, who died soon after coming to Ohio; Nelson, a minister of the Universalist faith, w»ho died in 1890; and Emily, who married Cyrus Batchelor, and died in LaGrange town ship. Those born in Ohio are Albert D., now a resident of Eaton Rapids, Mich.; and John, a farmer of Deerfield, Michigan. William H. Saxton, the subject proper of this sketch, received his education at the subscription school of LaGrange town ship, which was held in an old log cabin, with slab seats, puncheon floor and greased paper for windows in lieu of glass, the first teacher being Lura Cross, fiere our sub ject drank of the "Pierian Spring" dur ing the winter months until be was eigh teen years old, working on the farm in the summer season. He lived at home till he was twenty-one years old, when he pur chased a piece of land containing fifty acres, price three hundred and fifty dol lars, paying one hundred dollars down, and in a few years by hard labor and judicious economy he was enabled to pay for it in full. He built thereon a log cabin, al most entirely with his own hands, the chimney being made of mud and sticks, and an old "hard-head boulder" consti tuted the back of the fireplace. In May, 1849, Mr. Saxton was married to Mary Allyn, a native of Connecticut, born in June, 1824, daughter of Matthew Allyn, and they commenced their wedded life in the humble log house just described. The first road, in those parts, between Cleveland and Toledo, came near their home, and so they kept boarders, which helped Mr. Saxton toward paying for his farm; and he also sold cross ties from the land he was clearing. This property of originally fifty acres he has from time to time added to, and he now owns in all over 700 acres — some in Ohio, some in Michigan and some in Iowa. For five years after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Saxton lived in the old log cabin, and then moved into a frame house. Their children were born as follows: Clara, Mrs. Raphael Rogers, of Cleveland, Ohio; Judson, a farmer of Huiriboldt county, Iowa; Will iam, a farmer of LaGrange township, Lo rain county; Arthur, of Cleveland, Ohio; and Edith, Mrs. M. Mason, of Oberlin, Ohio. Mr. Saxton has been a great reader in his day, and has a very retentive memory for everything he finds of use from books. He also takes a deep interest in various branches of industry, and has been a patron of all the leading industrial Expositions held in the United States for the past twenty-five years, including the Centennial at Philadelphia, the New Orleans Exposi- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 931 tion, the World's Fair at Chicago, etc. In 1889 he and his wife made a trip to the Pacific Slope, visiting among other places San Francisco aud Sap Diego, Cal., and Seattle, Wash. ; they also traveled through the New England States, visiting his wife's place of birth. In the summer of 1892 he visited the Western States, proceeding as far north as Alaska, and traveling through various parts of that new Terri tory. In his political preferences Mr. Saxton was a Republican up to the time of Horace Greeley's campaign, since when he has been a Prohibitionist. H. ARNET, retired, who enjoys the record of being one of the most painstaking and successful farmers of Russia township, a shrewd manager and sound financier, is a native of Western New York, born July 17, 1827, in Jerusalem township, in the lake country. James S. Arnet, father of subject, was born November 26, 1783, and about the year 1835 came to Ohio, locating in Hartland township, Huron county, in the pioneer days of that locality. After some years residence there he moved to Illinois, but returning to Ohio he passed the rest of his days among his children. He died in Townsend township, Huron county, in Oc tober, 1868, and was buried at Hartland Ridge by the side of his second wife. Po litically he was for several years a Whig, afterward, on the organization of the party, a steadfast Republican. He had been twice married, first time September 11, 1804, to Julia Terry, who was bora March 31, 1785, and died when her son G. H., our subject, was two months old. Mr. Arnet then removed to Sheffield township, War ren Co., Penn., where, on August 12, 1830, he married Rebecca Shipman, who died in Hartland township, Huron county. G. H. Arnet, the subject proper of this sketch, being but an infant when his mother died, was brought up by his sister Caroline, and attended the subscription schools of the period. At about the age of twenty-one he began to work out for himself, with a lumber company (four years) and in sawmills, etc., in Huron and Lorain counties. On December 28, 1854, Mr. Arnet was married to Elizabeth West, who was born September 7, 1831, in Gen eva, N. Y., and in 1841 came to Welling ton township, Lorain county, with her parents, Horace and Susan (Weiser) West. The children born to this union are Mel vin D., born October 13, 1859, a farmer in Russia township; Helen S., born March 17, 1863, married to Manasses Baker, of Oberlin, Ohio; and George W., who died young. Prior to his marriage our subject had bought on credit 121 acres of wild land at eight dollars per acre, where he is yet liv ing, and this he has improved and from time to time added to until he now has 180 acres of as good farming land as can be found in the county. For some years he has lived retired from active life, his son, Melvin D., having charge of the place; but he can not remain idle, for at all times he is to be seen doing light work of one kind or another about the premises. He has a bright, pleasant home, where he and his estimable wife are quietly and comfortably passing the declining years of their lives. Politically Mr. Arnet is a stanch Republi can, formerly an Old-line Whig. 4/ HG. HUSTED, senior member of the well-known firm of H. G. and D. S. Husted, dentists, in Oberlin, is a worthy representative of bne of the earliest pioneer families.. His grand father, Samuel Husted, came in a very early day from Danbury, Conn., and erected the first flour mill in the county. Hoyt Husted,' father of subject, was born in Danbury, Conn., and learned the milling business, which he followed for many years in Clarks field township, Huron Co., Ohio. For his 932 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. first wife he married Sarah Gray, a native of New York State, who came with her parents to Ohio in 1825, settling in Clarks field, Huron county. His second wife, Anna C. Stone, was born in Connecticut, and removed with her parents to Clarks field when but a child. H. G. Husted, son of Hoyt and Sarah (Gray) Husted, was born April 6, 1851, in Clarksfield township, Huron Co., Ohio, and was reared to farm life, receiving his primary education in the common schools. For three and one-half years he studied dentistry under a preceptor, in Norwalk, and since September, 1878, he has resided in Oberlin, where he .has built up a good practice. Mr. Husted was united in mar riage, November 11, 1879, in Norwalk, Huron county, with Miss Alberta Jackson, a native of Norwalk, and to this union have been born three children: Walter, Clara and Hubert. Politically our subject is an active member of the Republican party, and has served two terms as mem ber of the town council. In religious faith he is an adherent of the Congregational Church. He is a member of the Northern Ohio Dental Association. DS. HUSTED, junior member of the well-known dentist firm, in Oberlin, _' of H. G. and D. S. Husted, is de scended from an earlypioneer family of this section. His grandfather, Samuel Husted, came in a very early day from Danbury, Conn., and erected the first flour mill in the county. Hoyt Husted, father of subject, was born in Danbury, Conn., and learned the miller's trade, which he followed for many years in Clarksfield township, Huron Co., Ohio. For his first wife he married Sarah Gray, a native of New York State, who came with her par ents to Ohio in 1825, settling in Clarks field, Huron county. His second wife, Anna C. Stone, was a native of Connec ticut, and came to Clarksfield with her parents when but a child. D. S. Husted, son of Hoyt and Anna C. (Stone) LIusted, was born March 17, 1861, in Clarksfield township, Huron couuty, where he was reared, and where he received his primary education at the common schools. In 1885 he was graduated from the Dental Department of the University of Michigan, and commenced the practice of his profession at Troy, Miami Co., Ohio, where he remained for some time. Later he formed a partnership with his brother, H. G. Husted, and they are now conduct ing an extensive practice in Oberlin. The Doctor was married, April 25, 1889, to Miss Lizzie Hurlburt, of Oberlin, Ohio, and they have had two children, namely: Howard and Edith. Politically Mr. Husted is a Prohibition-Republican, and in religion he is an adherent of the M. E. Church. He is a member of the Northern Ohio Dental Association. D AVID BURKE is one of the most prominent representative agricul turists of Lorain county, his resi dence being on Butternut Ridge, Eaton township. He is a native of New York State, born in 1827, in the town of De Kalb, a son of David and Isabella (Mcllwe) Burke, the former of whom, a native of Londonderry, Ireland, when a young man sailed from Belfast for this country, aud after his ar rival proceeded to De Kalb, N. Y., where he married, and his children were born. From there in March, 1834, the family came to Lorain county, Ohio, settling in Ridgeville township, where the father opened up a farm, subsequently purchas ing the Alcott property in the same town ship. He died in August, 1875, his wife having preceded him to the grave in 1872. They reared a family of seven children, all of whom are yet living, as follows : Samuel Burke, married, residing in Indiana; Mat thew Burke, married, living in Chicago; Judge Stevenson Burke, of Cleveland; ^ ^ ti £*/: 1 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 935 David Burke, the subject proper of this memoir; Mary J., wife of Henry Smith, of Olmsted Falls, Ohio; James Burke, married, a resident of Ridgeville township, Lorain county; and R chel, wife of Henry Marsh, of Summit county, Colorado. David Burke received his education at the common schools of Ridgeville town ship, Lorain county, whither he had come with his parents when seven years old. In early life he went on the lakes, first as fire man on a steam vessel, in course of time be ing promoted to engineer, remaining in all nine years, during " the cholera year," working on the Sandusky line. On leav ing the lakes, he came to Eaton township, and bought six acres of wild land, to which he added from time to time until he now owns 360 acres in Eaton township, and fifty in Ridgeville township. All his property he has greatly improved, and the barn he built — 86 x 46 feet — 24 foot posts — has a capacity of 200 tons of hay, with basement for cattle and horses. In addition to general farming operations, Mr. Burke trades considerably in horses, matching teams, and so forth. In 1850 he was married in Ridgeville township to Miss Hannah Kemp, who was born in Kenninghall, England, daughter of Robert and Hannah (Colley) Kemp, also natives of England, who came to America and, in 1830, made a permanent settle ment in Ridgeville township, Lorain Co., Ohio. To Mr. and Mrs. Burke have been born two children: Albert (married), on his father's farm, and Lyman, attending school in Elyria. In his political predilec tions our subject is a Republican. DANIEL AUBLE, a widely respected, upright citizen of -Penfield township, is a native of the State of Ohio, born July 6, 1828, near Greentown, Stark county. His father, Christopher Auble, was bora in Pennsylvania, and his grand father, Conrad Auble, was a native of Germany. Christopher Auble was reared to farm life, was married in Pennsylvania to Miss Mary Crumbaugh, also bora in that State, of German parentage, and in an early day they came west to Stark county, Ohio, where they resided for some years. In 1829 they moved to Wadsworth township, Me dina county, where he purchased 160 acres, all in the woods, erected a small log house, and immediately set to work clearing the land, where he made his home for many years. In their later life, after their chil dren bad all married, Mr. and Mrs. Auble removed to Spencer township, Medina county, where he passed from earth at the age of eighty-two years, she at the age of ninety-two, both members of the Evangeli cal Church. They now lie buried in Spencer cemetery. Mr. Auble was a sol dier in the war of 1812, and drew a pen sion for his services. He was an honest, industrious, hard-working farmer, who ac cumulated an ample share of this world's goods, and lived to enjoy a comfortable competence. He was actively interested in religions work, and became a minister in the Albright Church, being a naturally bright, intelligent man. His children, ten in number, all became successful, well-to- do citizens. Daniel Auble was but an infant when his parents removed to Medina county, where he was reared to mandood on the home farm, receiving an education in the common schools. As soon as he was old enough to help, he was put to work clear ing the land, and he continued to do gen eral farm work, remaining at home until reaching his majority, and turning over all his earnings to his parents. On Septem ber 19, 1861, he was united in marriage with Miss Ruth E. Space, who was born January 10, 1843, in Spencer township, daughter of Philip and Elizabeth (Benja min) Space, and they first located on a rented farm in Spencer township. They then rented various other places for about five years, when Mr. Auble purchased a small tract of laud near Spencer Mills, 936 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. whence in 1866 they came to Penfield township, Lorain county, locating on the Smith road. Here they resided for about twenty-five years, and in 1891 came to the present farm, which comprises one hun dred acres of excellent land. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Auble are as fol lows: Mary E., Mrs. William Haulk, of Wellington ; Alice L., Mrs. George White, of Penfield ; Ida J., Mrs. Frank England, of Huntington; Aaron, Francis and Lucius L., at home; and Christopher, deceased. By hard toil and the practice of economy Mr. Auble has met with encouraging suc cess in his life vocation, and though be ginning life with almost nothing, he is now a well-to-do farmer citizen, highly esteemed for his square, honest methods in dealing with his fellow-men. In his political predilections he is a stanch sup porter of the Democratic party, and in re ligious faith he and his wife are members of the Evangelical Church. JOHN STANG, railroad and Govern ment contractor, Lorain, is a native of Germany, bora February 19, 1836, at Kurhassen, where he was educated, and learned the trade of manufacturer of broadcloth. At the age of nineteen he immigrated to the United States, and after landing came directly to Lorain, Ohio, where he worked first in a shipyard, in the meantime making himself master of the English language. With, characteristic energy and his well-known ability he soon advanced himself, and it was not long be fore he was largely interested in contract ing and building, including bridge build ing for the county, as well as for railroads, in connection with which latter the first bridges he contracted for were on the Cleveland & Akron road, and on the Nickel Plate; he also constructed foundations for iron bridges. Prior to this he had done Government work, chiefly building piers and breakwaters, from which he drifted, in 1881, into harbor dredging. Nor did Mr. Stang confine himself to contracting and building, for in 1864 we find him al ready deep in the timber business, shipping to New York, Buffalo and Cleveland, and to Quebec (Canada) for foreign shipment; and he is still interested in that line of trade in Ottawa county, Ohio, where he has, in connection, sawmills, stores etc. He more closely confines himself to Govern ment contracts for the building of dry- docks, coal-docks etc., also the raising of sunken vessels, and other such work on the lakes. Mr. Stang has been twice married, first time, in 1863, to Miss Mary Brown, by whom he has four children: Christina M., wife of H. Little; W. F. and John J., at tending to their father's timber interests, and Lizzie, wife of P. Jackson. The mother of these dying in 1875, Mr. Stang married, in .1876, Miss Catherine Brown. In his political sympathies our subject is a Republican; socially he is a member of the Royal Arcanum, Knights of the Mac cabees and Knights of Honor. In matters of religion he is a member of the Congre gational Church. Mr. Stang's parents, Augustus and Margaret (Herwig) Stang, were also natives of Kurhassen, Germany, where they passed their lives, and where the father carried on a merchant tailoring business. They were Presbyterians. Their family consisted of six children — four sons and two daughters — of whom the subject of this sketch is fourth in order of birth. THOMAS ROACH, a prosperous farmer of Eaton township, is a native of Northamptonshire, Eng land, born November 29, 1848, son of John and Elizabeth (Ames) Roach. The parents of our subject were also natives of the same county in England, and in 1853 came to the United States, LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 937 locating first on rented land im Amherst township, Lorain Co., Ohio. In 1854 the family removed to Ridgeville township, and thence in 1856 to Eaton township, settling on the farm where Thomas Roach now resides, which at that time was but partly improved. The father afterward resided in Carlisle township. He died in 1888; the mother preceded him to the grave, having passed away in the fall of 1853, in Amherst township. They reared a family of seven children, all born in England, a brief record of whom is as fol lows: Mary was married in England to Samuel Maddock, and now resides in De fiance county. Ohio; Joseph is married, and resides in Nebraska; Ann is the wife of Henry Townsend, of Carlisle township; William enlisted, in 1861, in Amherst township, as a member of Company K, Twenty-third 0. V. I., for three years, and was accidentally shot and killed the same year; Betsy, the wife of Henry Montague, resides in Neosha county, Kans.; Sophia is the wife of Peter Watts, of Knights- town, Ind.; Thomas is the subject of this memoir. John Roach took an active in terest in politics, and held various local offices of trust, serving as township trustee, member of the school board and road supervisor. In religious faith he was a member of the Disciple Church. Thomas Roach was reared in England until five years of age, when he came with his parents to Lorain county, Ohio. He received his education in the common schools of Eaton township, and has since been engaged in agriculture, which he has made his life vocation. He now owns the homestead farm, consisting of fifty acres of good land, in a high state of cultivation. In September, 1879, Mr. Roach was mar ried, in Eaton township, to Miss Jennie Artress, a native of England, daughter of William and Mary (Johnson) Artress, who were also born in England; they came from their native country to Amherst township, Lorain Co., Ohio, removed thence to Elyria, and from Elyria to Grafton (all in Lorain county), finally returning to Elyria, however, where Mrs. Artress still resides. William Artress died in 1884. Mrs. Roach died July 1, 1891, leaving one daughter, Elizabeth Ann. In politics Mr. Roach is a Republican. L ORENZ HORN, furniture dealer, undertaker, and postmaster at North Amherst, was born December 23, 1839, in Hessia, Germany, a son of Andrew and Sophia (Bechstein) fiorn, also natives of Hessia. Their parents were born in France, and removed to Germany, where our subject's father and mother are yet living. Andrew Hora served in the German army ten years, and afterward as a Government employe. Lorenz Horn left the paternal roof in the Fatherland on March 23, 1856, and after a voyage of forty-two days landed in New York, whence he came to Lorain county, Ohio, arriving in North Amherst on June 7 following. Here he made a stop of one week, and then proceeded to Louis ville, Ky., where he learned the trade of shoemaker, following same until the break ing out of the war of the Rebellion, at which time he enlisted in the Twenty- second Regiment, Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, in which he served sixteen months; then enlisted in the One Hundred and Twenty-eighth Regiment, O. V. I., for nineteen months, fie was attached to the army of the Cumberland; was at the siege of Charleston, and in pursuit of Morgan at the time of his raid. On his return to the pursuits of peace, Mr. Hora followed his trade of shoemaker until 1871, when he commenced in his present busi ness, which has grown to considerable pro portions, and proved very successful. Mr. Horn was married, August 16, 1863, in North Amherst, to Miss Margaret Ray, a lady of Scotch and German parent age, and six children — one son and five 938 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. daughters — were born to them, as follows: Lucy, Emma, Catherine, Daisy, Franklin G. and Pansy. The entire family are members of the Congregational Church, aud all assist in the choir. Mr. Horn is an active Republican, and has served his town and county in various offices of trust, such as member of the council, three terms; president of the school board, three years; treasurer, six years, and also clerk. In July, 1887, he received the appoint ment of postmaster at North Amherst, which incumbency he is yet filling. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and G. A. R. ED. HANCE, a leading native-born ' farmer of Eaton township, first saw I the light December 13, 1836, a son of Hiram and Rhoda Ann (Ames) Hance, the former of whom was born in New York, the latter in Massachusetts. Hiram Hance came to Eaton township, Lorain county, at the age of fourteen. On January 2, 1836, he was married in Graf ton township, same county, to Rhoda Ann Ames, and they at once settled on a farm, his previous business having been distill ing, which he carried on for some time in Newburg, Cuyahoga county. Children as follows were born to this pioneer couple: Ed., subject of this memoir; Grove, mar ried, residing in Eaton township; Jerome, who died in Eaton township at the age of twenty-seven (he attended Oberlin College, and was a teacher in Lorain county; he died from over-study) ; Abbie, residing in Phil adelphia, Penn. ; Florence, deceased April 7, 1883, in Eaton township; and Oscar, married, residing in the township. The father died January 22, 1886, aged seventy- six years; the mother July 2, 1885, aged sixty-five. In politics Mr. Hance was originally a Democrat, his first Republican vote being cast for John C. Fremont, from which time, however, he was a Republican. Jeremiah and Abbie Hance, grandpar ents of subject, were natives of Holland, whence in an early day they immigrated to America, settling on Long Island. He was a saltwater sailor for over twenty years in the merchant service, and after leaving the sea carried on a shoemaking business in Long Island and Jersey City, in which latter place he was burned out. In 1821 he came with his family to Eaton town ship, making a settlement in the woods, where they cleared a farm. Here he died in 1866, aged ninety-seven years, his wife passing away in 1871. The names of the children they brought with them to Ohio are Riley, Hiram, Ira, Charles, Abigail, Sterling, Mary (widow of Theron Jackson, of Delta, Ohio), and Lloyd (married and residing in Liverpool, Medina Co., Ohio). Of these Hiram died January 22, 1886, Ira January 25, 1886, and Abigail Jan uary 26, 1886. Ed. Hance, the subject proper of this biographical sketch, was the first white child born in the southern part of Eaton township. He received a limited educa tion at the district schools of the vicinity, giving only seven months' attendance, but experience and self application brought him up to a fair standard among his con freres. His first business experience was as a boatman on the Mississippi and Ohio rivers, and Gulf of Mexico, after which he took up general farming, and has since followed same with marked ability, mak ing a specialty of stock raising. In 1864 he bought 130 acres of land in Eaton township, on which he has erected a com fortable residence and commodious barn, and to which he has added from time to time till he is now owner of 300 acres of prime land in a good state of cultivation. In September, 1864, Mr. Hance was married in Cuyahoga county, Ohio, to Miss Letitia Emerson, a native of same, and daughter of Asa and Louise (Free man) Emerson, natives of Maine and Mas sachusetts, respectively, and early pioneers of Cuyahoga county; Mr. Emerson died ^Z DWARD S. FITCH, who for three score years has been a resident l of Avon township, Lorain county, where he has prospered well as a general farmer, is a native of Rutland, Vt., born in 1829. He is a son of Cyrus and Camilla (Gar rett) Fitch, also of Vermont, where they were married, and whence iu 1834 they migrated to Lorain connty, Ohio, locating in the woods, and there cleared the farm now owned by the subject of this sketch. They purchased, at first, sixty acres, built a log house, and continued to live there the rest of their days, the father dying in 1875 ; he was prominent in political affairs, first as a Whig, later as a Republican. The mother of our subject taught the first school in the district where the latter now lives, for the first six months of that oner ous work receiving no salary; she died in April, 1892, aged eighty-four years. Three children were bora to this pioneer couple, viz.: James, deceased when young; Edward S., subject of sketch; and Candace, who died at the age of six years. Edward S. Fitch, who is the only living representative of the family, was reared on his present farm, and educated at the schools of Cuyahoga county. In 1856 he was married to Miss Eliza Barrows, daugh ter of Adnah and Clarissa (Day) Barrows, and three children were the result of this union, namely: (1) Daniel, married and residing in Avon township (has two children: Scott and Camilla Louise); (2) Charles, deceased in 1878; and (3) Delia, wife of Michael Henson (they -reside in Avon township, and have one child, George). Politically Mr. Fitch is a Re publican, taking a lively interest in the af fairs of his party. 4J MH. LAMPMAN, prominent in mercantile affairs in Lorain coun ty, and proprietor of a general merchandise store in the town of Lorain, is a native of the county, bora in Avon township April 16, 1844. M. Z. Lampman, father of subject, was born iu the State of New York of Ger man parents, and his father, who was a hatter by trade, came west many years ago, dying in Wisconsin. M. Z. Lampman in early life came to Lorain county, Ohio, and found employment on the lakes, at one time sailing on the old steamship " Bun- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 979 ker Hill," long since passed away. After leaving the lakes he married Elizabeth Churchill, who was born in Buffalo, N. Y., in 1820, and he then carried on farming till 1850, in that year removing to a hotel at French Creek, which he kept till the spring of 1853, when he came to Lorain. Here he kept hotel for some time, first in a building which stood opposite the new "Griffin House;" he then bought the place where the " Griffin House " now stands, and in that hostelry did a flourish ing business till about 1872. Mr. Lamp- man was collector for the port of Lorain for about twenty-one years, from Buchanan's time, and he kept a store in the town for some twenty-five years, up till 1865 or '67. About three years before his death he opened a hotel at Lake Breeze, Lorain county, and he also owned a farm there. Politically he was first a Jackson Demo crat, and then a Republican from the time of Buchanan. He died at Lake Breeze in 1875, aged sixty-seven years, his widow in the fall of 1892. They were the parents of four children, all of whom grew to ma turity, viz.: C. A., deceased wife of E. K. Porter; M. IL, subject of sketch; Augusta M., wife of Harry Jones, and George, born in 1847, a painter by trade, who was un married, and died in Lorain in April, 1892. M. H. Lampman, whose name opens this sketch, received a thoroughly practi cal school training, aud from the age of sixteen till two years after bis marriage was engaged as store clerk. In 1869 he went into the butchering business for a time, then worked at carpentry, remaining in the C. L. & W. R. R. shops at Lorain nine and one-half years, or till 1887, since when he has been conducting his present business, in which he has met with un qualified success. In 1867 Mr. Lampman married Miss Julia A. Miller, who was born in 1842 in Avon township, Lorain Co., Ohio, daughter of Peter Miller, who is said to have been the hero of the story related in the old-time school primers, to wit: ^There was once a bear that chased a boy up a tree, following him so closely that he was enabled to grab the boy's foot in his mouth, whereupon the latter let go his hold on the tree and came toppling down to the ground, bear and all, but boy on top; and so great was the surprise of Bruin, who was partially stunned, that he was unable to pursue the lad, who it is un necessary to add took to his heels without wishing his bearshipany ceremonial adieu. In his political predilections Mr. Lamp- man is a Republican. He is a member of the M. E. Church, and of the F. & A. M., K. P. and K. O. T. M. E1 A. SMITH, for nearly half a century an honored resident of Ridgeville I township, whither he came from Connecticut in 1840, is a native ol that State, born in 1823. Our subject is a son of Edward and Sally (Hotchkiss) Smith, also of the " Nutmeg State," the former of whom died there in 1823. The widowed mother continued to reside at her old home till our subject was seventeen years old, so that he received his elementary education at the schools of the neighborhood of his place of birth. In 1840, as above intimated, the family came west to Ohio, making for themselves a new home in the wild woods of Ridgeville township, Lorain county; and here our sub ject labored with the rest in clearing away the timber and underbrush, and converting the somber forest into sunny fields. He had learned the trade of bone and horn but ton maker, which he followed in Ridge ville township. He is now owner of fifty- nine acres of land, all highly cultivated and well improved. In 1855 he was mar ried in Ridgeville township to Miss Mel- vina Terrell, a native of same, and daughter of Willis and Sarepta (Phelps) Terrell, ot Connecticut birth, who many years before 980 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. marriage became settlers of Ridgeville township, Lorain county. Mr. Terrell came here, when a boy, with his father, Major Willis Terrell, and clearly remem bered the news of Perry's victory on Lake Erie. He died in 1881 ; his widow is yet living in Ridgeville township. To Mr. and Mrs. Smith one child has been born, named Charles P., now married and re siding in Ridgeville Center. Politically our subject has been a lifelong Democrat, and has served his township as trustee, real- estate assessor (1870-1890) and treasurer. JB. SHEAHAN, of North Amherst, is a native of Hamilton county, On tario, Canada, bora, June 21, 1863, a son of John and (Ann) Fox Sheahan. The father of our subject was born in Limerick, Ireland, and about the time of his marriage went to Canada by way of Quebec, whence he and his wife came farther west. About the year 1850 they came to the United States, where he fol lowed various pursuits, all of a mechanical nature, till 1856, when they returned to Canada, and part of the time resided in Hamilton county, Ontario, until 1865. In that year they came to Lorain county, Ohio, locating west of North Amherst till 1872, when they removed to East Quar ries, where the father died in 1876. He was a member of the Catholic Church. The mother of subject, who was born in Limerick, Ireland, November 1 (All Saints Day), 1839, is yet living, a resident of North Amherst. They were the parents of nine children, of whom the following is a brief record: Cornelius is foreman in quarries in Jackson couuty, Mich.; is married and has one child, Geraldirie. Stephen is in Chicago, yard master for the Chicago & Great Western Railroad, oper ated by the Chicago, Kansas City & Ne braska R. R. Co. ; is married and has five children, viz.: Mamie, Charley, John, Annie and Maggie. Maggie is living at home. The fourth in order of birth is the subject of this sketch. Lizzie and Jere miah are still living at home. Patrick F. died in Michigan in 1888, at the age of eighteen years. Mamie is a teacher in the parochial school at North Amherst. Dan iel died May 24, 1893, when eighteen years of age. J. B. Sheahan received his education at the public schools of North Amherst. For eight years he operated a stone sawmill in Michigan, at the end of which time he re turned to Lorain county, in March, 1893, and is now in business in North Amherst. He is popular in the town, and is an ac tive member of and official in Catholic Societies, among which may be mentioned the C. M. B. A. In politics he is a Demo crat. Mr. Sheahan was married Septem ber 7, 1886, and has two children: Edith, aged five years, and Bernard, aged two years. 4/ \\ |f OAH H. PECK, one of the prom- Vl inent representative farmer citizens 1 of Ridgeville township, is a native of New York State, born in Oswego couuty, August 17, 1833, a son of Harmon and Lydia (Conkling) Peck. Harmon Peck was born in Dutchess county, N. Y., a son of Noah and Belinda (Roe) Peck, who had a family of seven children, named as follows: Hiram, Ed ward, Harmon, Lewis, James, Albert, La vina G. T. The father of these died in New York State; he was a farmer, also a shoemaker, and a member of the Baptist Church. Harmon Peck, who followed the same vocations as his father, married in New York State, and from there in 1833 moved to Ohio, via water to Cleveland, and thence by wagon to Lorain county, where he bought wild prairie land iu Pittsfield township. This he improved and LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 981 later sold, purchasing a farm in Ridgeville township, whither he moved in 1842; he died in 1870, his wife in 1880. The chil dren born to them were as follows: Noah H., James, Harriet (now Mrs. George Bur rell), and one that died in infancy. Noah H. Peck, the subject of this sketch, was an infant when his parents brought him to Lorain county, and he received his education at the schools of Ridgeville township. He was reared to agricultural pursuits, which have been his life work, and he is now the owner of sixty acres of Erime land, all well improved. In 1860 e was married to Miss Vesta Blain, daugh ter of Richard Blain, and children as fol lows have been born to them: Edith (now Mrs. Joseph Cutler, of Ridgeville town ship), Ida, Ella (deceased), Lydia (wife of Albert Hoftizer), Ernest (in Cleveland), Eddie and Lora, at home. Mr. Peck is independent in his political sympathies, and in matters of religion he is a member of the Disciple Church. D. JOY, a prominent progressive agriculturist of Carlisle township, engaged also in housemoving, is a native of the Buckeye State, born in Aurora, Portage county, March 22, 1836, a son of Nehemiah and Elizabeth (Frost) Joy, the former of whom was born in Massachusetts in 1811. He came in 1831 to Parkman, Portage Co., Ohio, where he was married in 1834 to Elizabeth Frost, a native of Yergennes, Vt., who came with her parents to Portage county. In 1837 Nehemiah Joy came with his family to Lorain county, making a settle ment in Carlisle township, where he carried on farming till 1871, at which time he moved to Lee county, Iowa, where he died in 1883; his wife had preceded him to the grave in Carlisle township, Lorain couuty, in 1882. They reared a family of three children, viz.: A. D.; Marcia M., wife of Rev. William King, a minister of the Con gregational Church, now in Michigan; and Orlando F., married, and residing in Car lisle township. Noah and Marcia (Williams) Joy, pa ternal grandparents of our subject, were natives of Massachusetts, whence they came to Elyria, Ohio, in 1837. He was a mill wright by trade, and in 1849 went to Wal worth county, Wis., where his wife died the following year; later he returned to Portage county, Ohio, where he passed the rest of his days. Levi and Elizabeth (Slocum) Frost, maternal grandparents of our subject, were natives of Vermont, and in about 1831 came to Portage county, Ohio; subsequently they moved to St. Charles, 111., where they both died ; he had served in the Revolutionary war. A. D. Joy, the subject proper of this memoir, received a liberal education at the schools of Carlisle township, Lorain county. For a trade he learned carpentry, which he worked at for some time; for about seven years he was railroading, from 1852 to 1858, commencing as brakeman on the Cleveland & Norwalk Railroad; then went west, and was employed on the Illinois Central, after which he was on the St. Paul & Fond du Lac Railway, as fireman, and later as engineer on the Racine & Missis sippi Railway. In 1858 he returned to Lorain county, where he engaged in farm ing and carpentry, and since 1863 has done a considerable amount of business in house- moving. He owns a farm of fifty-one and a half acres, all in a good state of cultiva tion, and has accumulated what he owns by his unaided efforts, sound judgment and judicious economy. Mr. Joy has been thrice married, first time in 1858 to Miss Groveline C. Thorpe, a native of Carlisle township, daughter of Abel M. and Emily (Squires) Thorpe, early pioneers of that township, both of whom are yet living. To this union were born three sons: Elba, married, and resid ing in Elyria; William, married, and liv ing in Denver, Colo.; and Frank, married, 982 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. manager of the Denver (Colo.) College. The mother of these departed this life May 4, 1865, and in 1874 Mr. Joy married Miss Charlotte Saylor, a native of Ger many, daughter of David and Margaret Saylor, who were born in Bavaria, Germany, and came to America, settling in Carlisle township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where they both died. The children by this marriage, six in number, are named as follows: Ida, Charles, Alice, Edwin, Edith and Amy. Mrs. Charlotte (Saylor) Joy died April 14, 1887, and on September 25, 1887, Mr. Joy married, for his present wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Pember. In politics he is a Democrat. MATHIAS MYERS, one of the leading native-born residents of J Ridgeville township, of which he J) is a trustee, first saw the light in 1848. His father, Mathias Myers, was a na tive of Coblentz, Germany, where he mar ried Miss Mary Dehn, of the same place, and they then set sail from Antwerp for the United States. After a voyage of seventy-two days they landed in New York, and thence proceeded to Lorain county, Ohio, locating in Ridgeville town ship in 1847, the place being at that time wild woodlands. Here they opened up a farm of six acres, clearing and improving it until it became one of the best in the county. They had a family of nine chil dren, as follows: Mathias; Philip, a car penter of Elyria; Peter, married, residing in Ridgeville township; Emma, wife of M. Pitts, Jr., residing in Ridgeville town ship; Joseph, married, also in Ridgeville township; Maggie, wife of Joseph Blazer, of Dover, Cuyahoga county; Adam, who died at the age of sixteen, his death re sulting from the kick of a horse; Clara, deceased when three or four years old; and one that died in infancy. The father was called from earth in March, 1893; the mother is yet living. The subject of this sketch was educated in the schools of French Creek, and at the age of thirteen commenced working by the month, since when he has continued in agricultural pursuits, successfully conduct ing the homestead farm, which has 'been added to till now it comprises fifty-three acres. In 1874 he married, in Elyria, Loraiu county, Miss Mary Berres, a na tive of Germany, daughter of Adam and Mary Berres, who about the year 1858 immigrated to America, settling in Ridge ville township, Lorain Co., Ohio. To this union have been born two children — John Matthew and Amelia. Mr. and Mrs. Myers are members of the Roman Catholic Church at Ridgeville, of which he is treasurer; politically he is a Democrat, and is now serving, in a Republican town ship, his second term as trustee of same. E1 NORTON, a representative farmer of Amherst township, is a native of I Connecticut, born in 1810 to Sey mour and Anna (Clark) Norton. The parents were also natives of the Nut meg State, and in 1813 moved to Genesee county, N. Y., where the father followed farming, and died at the advanced age of ninety years; his wife passed away aged seventy-eight. Seymour Norton was drafted in the war of 1812, and his father served in the Revolutionary war. The subject of this sketch was reared to manhood in Geneeee county, N. Y., and received his education at the schools of the vicinity. In 1833 he came to Lorain county, and made his home for a time in Elyria. For some years he lived in the South, and at Chattanooga, Tenn., was foreman of a "large foundry about three years; then, in 1848, started one in Hunts ville, Ala. He is the inventor of various kinds of cotton machines. He also traded in coal, having shipped the first coal from East Tennessee to Chattanooga by flat- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 983 boats, and was the first to make coke in Tennessee. From the South he went to New York, and thence in 1860 came again to Lorain county, and in 1863 took up and improved the farm whereon he now resides, in Amherst township, a fine piece of property of one hundred acres, all in a good state of cultivation. In 1856 Mr. Norton was united in mar riage with Miss Adaline Matthews, of At tica, N. Y., and to this union four children have been born, as follows: Grove, a real- estate agent, who is a resident of Utah; Charles E., in the real-estate business at Los Angeles, Cal. ; Elnora, wife of George Snyder, of Lorain, and Seymour, at home. Mrs. Norton is a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Norton, in his po litical predilections, is a straight Democrat. FRED WISE, a leading and well- known general farmer and stock breeder, of Eaton township, is a native of Germany, born in the Duchy of Baden in 1851, eon of Peter and Louisa (Miller) Wise, also of Baden. The parents of subject immigrated to the United States about 1854, and coming to Ohio made their home in Medina county four years; then moving to Grafton town ship, Lorain county, there passed the re mainder of their active lives in farm work, the father dying in 1888, the mother pass ing away in Grafton township in 1882. The record of their family of children, nine in number, is in part as follows: Recka is the wife of Jacob Clinet, of Grafton ; Louisa, who married John Kline, died about 1873 in Cuyahoga county; Henry (married) lives in Grafton town ship; Louis (married) is a farmer of Graf ton township; Fred is the subject of sketch ; Chris (married) resides in Illinois; Hannah resides in Grafton; Katie is the wife of William Law, of Liverpool town ship, Medina county; Jacob (unmarried) resides at Grafton. The subject of our sketch was two and a half years of age when he came to Ohio, and received his education at the schools of Grafton township, Lorain county, gain ing as well a thorough insight into the arduous duties of farming, which he has made his life vocation. In 1884 he moved to Eaton township, and here bought of W. H. Rowe the farm he now owns, com prising some ninety-two acres of valuable land, which he improved and subsequently added to until he now owns one hundred acres of prime land, all in a good state of cultivation. He is proprietor of the full registered Belgian stallion, "Gen. Chanzy," imported by Douglas & Howell. In 1873 Mr. Wise was married in Graf ton township, Lorain county, to Sarah Goodman, a native of Grafton, and daugh ter of Jacob and Mary (Euga) Goodman, early settlers of Grafton township, both now deceased, the former of whom was born in Seneca Falls, Seneca Co., N. Y., in 1818. By this union there are four children: Nellie, Charles, Burt and Ella. Our subject takes a lively interest in politics, invariably voting the straight Democratic ticket; socially he is a mem- of Leonard Tent No. 31, Knights of the Maccabees, in which he has held office. J I AMES M. JAYCOX, a well-known fruit grower of Avon township, is a l native of same, born in 1849, son of George and Mary (Madison) Jaycox, both of whom were born in New York State. George Jaycox, father of our subject, was reared in his native State up to the age of fifteen years, and in 1828 migrated west with his parents, Samuel and Sarah Jaycox, who were also natives of New York. They settled in an early day in Avon township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where they passed the remainder of their lives. George Jaycox al-o took up a farm in the 984 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. woods of Avon township, where he be came a prominent citizen. He was a life long Republican, an active member of the party, and held various township offices. fie died in 1873, his wife surviving him three or four years. They were the par ents of ten children, viz.: Charles, who died at the age of seven years; Jane, wife of J. Bnre, of Avon township, who was a soldier in the Civil war; Eliza, wife of O. Moore, of Avon township, who also served in the Civil war; James M.; Emily, wife of J. Ketcham, residing in Lorain; Alice, wife of H. G. Brown, of Lorain; Anson, married, who makes his home in Dover township, Cuyahoga county; Henry, a resi dent of Lorain; Minnie, wife of J. Brown, of Lorain; and William, living in Avon township. James M. Jaycox was brought up .on the home farm in Avon township, in the common schools of which place he received his education, and later engaged in mer cantile business in Lorain, fie now gives his attention to the culture, as well as the buying and selling, of grapes, and since embarking in this business has handled over 400,000 baskets of that fruit. Since 1880 he has resided on his present farm in Avon township, where he has eight acres devoted to grapes, and he also raises other fruit; he is the owner- of forty-one acres of land in Avon township. In 1879 Mr. Jaycox was married, in Elyria, to Miss Ida L. Hilliard, a native of Wiscon sin, daughter of Joseph W. Hilliard, who was a blacksmith, and an early settler of Avon township, whence he subsequently removed to Wisconsin, where he died. To Mr. and Mrs. Jaycox have been born three children, namely: Ethel, Lora and Frances. Politically our subject is a stanch member of the Republican party, and held the position of postmaster at Avon Lake for seven years. Socially he is a member of Avon Tent No. 1, K. O. T. M., French Creek. He is secretary and treasurer of the Lorain County Grape-growers Ship ping Association, which organization has a membership of 125, and in 1893 shipped 150 carloads of grapes from Avon Station. Our subject and wife are both active workers in all religious movements; Mrs. Jaycox is an ardent worker in the temper ance cause, and is president of the W. C. T. U. of Avon Lake. They are both mem bers of the M. E. Church, in which Mr. Jaycox holds the offices of steward and trus tee, and he has served as superintendent of the Sabbath-school for many years. [JOHN E. PLATO, of the hardware k. |! firm of J. Wesbecher & Co., in North \^J) Amherst, was born in the Kingdom of Hanover November 11, 1848, a son of John and Wilhelmina (Bodmann) Plato, also natives of Hanover. The family came to America in 1857, and after landing proceeded westward to Ohio, locating first at Vermillion, Erie county, later set tli ng per rn anently in North Amherst. The father was a professional musician, in his native land, but in this country he conducted a livery business. He died December 5, 1890, at the age of seventy-five years; his widow, now in her seventy-sixth year, is living -with her son John E. They were the parents of four children. The subject of this sketch, who is sec ond in order of birth, received his educa tion at the parochial schools of New York, his attendance there covering some four years, after which he returned to North Amherst and engaged in the livery busi ness. Later he commenced in the grocery and dry-goods business, and for the past ten years has been a member of the firm of Plato Bros., in that line; also one of the firm of J. Wesbecher & Co., in hardware, at North Amherst, and connected with the North Amherst Furniture Co. Of all these interests Mr. Plato now gives his sole attention to the hardware business. LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 987 The firm carry a full and complete line of shelf and heavy goods. He is also a stock holder in the Savings Deposit Bank of North Amherst. On November 29, 1877, Mr. Plato was united in marriage with Miss Lena Menz, who was bora at North Amherst, Ohio, July 26, 1856, a daughter of John Peter and Matilde Menz, natives of Bavaria, Germany, who came to America May 2, 1853. To Mr. and Mrs. Plato have been boru five children, namely: Leonora, Agatha, John, Henry and Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. Plato are stanch members of the Catholic Church, and influential pillars thereof. In politics he has always been a Democrat, and is active in municipal affairs. Mr. Plato has for years been one of the leading business men of North Amherst, and is progressive and public-spirited. T'T^'HOMAS FOX, an enterprising and | wide-awake farmer of Sheffield town- Ij ship, is a native of County Roscom- y) mon, Ireland, born in 1833, a son of John and Mary (Dowd) Fox, farmers in that county, where they both, died. They reared a family of nine, chil dren, two of whom came to Lorain county, Ohio — -Thomas and John, the latter of whom arrived in about 1846, settling in Sheffield township, where, he cleared a farm and passed the rest of his days. Thomas Fox came fro,m hia. native Ire land to Lorain county in 1854, and worked by the month for some time. In 1858 he bought thirty-five acres of land in Shef field township, to which he has added from time to time till he now owns sixty-six acres of highly improved land. The old log cabin in which he and his wife first lived has given place to a comfortable two- story house, 18 x 28, with an " L " 14 x 24, equipped with a good barn and outhouses, and all modern improvements. In 1858 Mr. Fox was married to Miss Catherine Coughlin, and two children — Anna and Katie — have been bora to them. The mother was called from earth March 14, 1889. Politically our subject is a Democrat, and he and his family are mem bers of the Catholic Church. T' J. SQUIRES, a representative agri culturist of Carlisle township, is a native of Lorain county, hprn in 1835 in Elyria township. He is a son of Amasa and Jerusha (Carter) Squires, the former of whom was a native of New York State, the latter of Vermont. In early manhood Amasa Squires came westward to Lprain county, Ohio, during pioneer days, and here followed farming the remainder of his life, dying at tbe age of seventy- eight years. Mrs. Squires died in Lprain county when aged fifty-five years. They were the parents of seven children, as follows: Jegertha, de ceased when sixteen years old; Grazelda, who died at the age of seven years; T. J., subject of this memoir; Fitzgerald, who was shot during the Civil war; Amasa, who died on Johnson's Island; Marcella, married to Thomas Sherwood; and one that died in infancy. The father of this family was an active politician, and was an ardent member of the Democratic party. T. J. Squires was reared on the home farm to the manifold duties of agricultural life, in the meantime receiving an educa tion in the common schools of the district. When twenty-three years old he went to Nebraska, thence to Colorado, remaining in the West eight years, during which time he was engaged in mining, and also in cattle dealing and droving, crossing tbe plains twelve times with stock. Mr. Squires was united in marriage, at the age of thirty- three, with Miss Perscis Farr, a native of Carlisle township, and they have five chil- 988 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. dren, namely: Arthur, Eubie, Orlin, Creta and Elwin. Since his return to Lorain county our subject has been engaged in general agriculture, and is now owner of a well-improved farm of 163 acres. In his political affiliations he is a stanch member of the Democratic party. 4 \R[ RS. PHEBE L. FARR, who has \f/\ been a resident of Lorain county 1 for the * past three-quarters of a century, and has been an eye witness to its full development, deserves more than a passing notice in the pages of this volume. She is a native of New York State, born in 1812 in tbe town of Ovid, a daughter of Henry and Eliza (Glazier) Halford, who were married in New York State. In 1817 the family set out with a team on a journey to the then " Far West," arriving in Lorain county, Ohio, in February, 1818, and settling in what is now Carlisle town ship, where they followed agriculture. The father died in Carlisle township in 1859, the mother in 1862, in her eightieth year. To Henry and Eliza Halford were born nine children, as follows: Reuben, married, died in Lorain county in 1858; Phebe L. is the subject proper of this memoir; Henry S. was married in Lorain county, and died in Michigan in 1892; Jeremiah, a widower, resides in Eaton township; Louisa and Laura are both deceased; Humphrey served in the war of the Re bellion, and died from the effects of a wound; Rebecca is deceased, and Lorenzo died young. Grandfather Edwin Halford was a native of England, whence at the age of sixteen he came to New York. He was a soldier in both the Revolution and the French and Indian war. Phebe L. Halford was about six years old when she came to Lorain county with her parents, and she was educated at the schools of the locality. In 1832 she was married, in Carlisle township, to Lowell Farr, son of Abel and Polly (Smith) Farr, all natives of Vermont, who in 1817 came to Lorain county, where they passed from earth, Mrs. Farr's husband in 1861. Our subject is the mother of ten children, of whom the following is a brief record: Eliza is the widow of William Pember, of Eaton, Lorain county, and has two chil dren: Odelpha and William; Rosalie is the wife of Elias Disbro, of Michigan, and they have six children: Minerva, Phebe, Emma, Ellsworth, Euba and John; Han nah is the widow of George Seeley, and has four children: Esther, Lemuel, Eliza and Frank; Perscis is the wife of T. J. Squires, of Carlisle township; Lowell, married, resides in Pittsfield township, Lo rain county, and has three children: Cora, William and George; Ephraim is married, lives in Michigan, and has five children: Eddie, Emma, Florence, Lena and Hazel; Lauren is married to Hermina Drusen- dobl, and they have four children: Edna, Earl, Herschel and Ruby (they all reside at the old home); Phebe was married to Lafayette Dumas, and died in 1871; Laura died in childhood; Bird is married, has two children — Ethel and Phebe — and lives in Amherst township, Lorain county. CHESTER A. PRESTON, a prosper ous farmer of Carlisle township, is a native of Ohio, born in York town ship, Medina county, in 1840. Adolphus Preston, father of subject, of Connecticut birth, married, in New York State, Miss Charlotte Shaw, a native of same, and in an early day they came to Ohio. For a time they resided in Me dina county, in 1847 moving to Grafton township, Lorain county, later locating in LaGrange township and finally in Carlisle, where they died, the father in 1878, the mother in 1874. He served in the war of LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 989 1812 in a battery of artillery. Four chil dren were born to them, namely: Eliza, who married Joshua Wilbur, and died in 1856 in Medina county; Emily, who died in Medina county in 1843; Horace, who died in 1852 in Grafton township, Lorain county; and Chester A., subject of this sketch. The paternal grandfather of our subject was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, was taken prisoner by the British and conveyed to Van Dieman's land; after the war he was released and sent home, and died in New York State. Chester A. Preston received a good practical school training in the educational institutions of the vicinity of his boyhood home, and was reared to agricultural pur suits, which have been his life work. He now owns a good farm of eighty-two acres in Carlisle township. In 1865 he was married, in LaGrange township, to Miss Mary Goodman, who was born in New York State, a daughter of George and Betsy (Leversee) Goodman, of New York, who came to Ohio in 1852,. settling in Grafton village, Lorain county, where the father died in March, 1866, the mother some years before. To Mr. and Mrs. Pres ton have been born three children: Mary, Bertie and Grace. In his political sym pathies our subject is a Republican. Mrs. Preston is a member of the Union Church. A. REAMER, general merchant, and one of the most energetic and enterprising citizens of North Am herst, is a native of Huron county, Ohio, born near Norwalk September 16, 1859. He is a son of Anthony and Mary (Eisenbeis) Reamer, the former of whom was born in Peru township, Huron Co., Ohio. He was a merchant in Norwalk for some sixteen years, then in Monroeville, same county, eighteen or twenty years, from which place he moved to Toledo, where he now lives. The subject of this memoir received the greater part of his education in Monroe ville, after which he lived in Tiffin, Ohio, for two years. In 1884 he came to North Amherst, worked six months at the dry- goods business, and then entered into a partnership with Plato Bros., in mercan tile business, which continued three years, at the end of which time he commenced for his own account in North Amherst. In 1889 he put up his present brick build ing, and in 1891 added thirty-four feet to it, the dimensions at present being 30 x 90 feet, two stories in height, while his stock in trade consists of dry goods, carpets, cur tains, wall-paper, boots and shoes, etc. Five clerks do the selling for this large concern. Mr. Reamer, himself, speaks German as well as English. On April 28, 1885, C. A. Reamer and Miss Maggie Weisenberger were united in marriage, and the following named four children were born to them: Esther, Leona, Norbert and Victor. In politics our sub ject is independent, and he is a member of the Catholic Church. He is active in all public affairs, and wields much influence in the community. EORGE WICKENS, funeral director j, and furniture dealer, Lorain, and president of the Funeral Directors Association of Ohio, was born July 19, 1852, in the south of England. At the age of ten years he commenced working in a furniture store, learning the trade of cabinet maker and joiner, and fully completing his apprenticeship when about nineteen years old. At that time (1871) he came to America, and for a time sojourned in St. Catherines, Ontario, Can ada, whence in 1873 he came to Lorain, Ohio, making here a permanent settle ment. He first engaged iu carpenter work — contracting and building — which he car ried on till 1883, in which year he em- 990 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. barked in his present undertaking and fur niture business in Bowens Hall. He then, in order to further qualify himself for the profession of funeral director, attended lectures at the Embalming College, Cleve land, Ohio, and at Clark's School of Em balming, from which he graduated in August, 1888. He had also become, in 1886, a member of the Funeral Directors Association of Ohio, and at the meeting of June 2, 1892, at Columbus, Ohio, was elected its president. In 1891 he erected on Broadway, Lorain, a brick building, 36x114, three stories high with basement, two floors of which are occupied with his business, the upper floor, which is a hall, being rented by the I. O. O. F. In 1875 Mr. Wickens was united in marriage with Miss Celia E. Chapman, and they had one child, George B. This wife dying in 1876, our subject married, in England, in 1877, for his second wife, Miss Mary A. Colly, and three children have been born to them, viz.: William A., Elizabeth M. aud Edward M. In politics Mr. Wickens is a Republican, and for many years he has been a member of and local preacher in the M. E. Church, of the Sun- day-schoql of which he has been superin tendent for many years. He has visited his native land many times, on one occa sion remaining there four years. Mr. Wickens is a representative self-made man, one who from absolutely nothing has, by intelligence, energy, business acumen and unquestionable probity, worked his way from the bottom rung of the ladder to prosperity and comparative affluence, fie is now a leader in both branches of his business, in northern Ohio, and is well and favorably known throughout the en tire State. " In all local matters, he is always to be found on the right side, aiming constantly to build up and improve the in terests of his fellows and the city in which he lives. In addition to his many duties in connection with several Fraternal organiza tions, he is faithful in the discharge of the re sponsibilities which come to him as a di rector in the Lorain Savings and Banking Co., and also of the Citizens Home and Loan Association of Lorain. In all things Mr. Wickens has endeavored to exemplify all that is contained in one sentence, namely : An industrious Christian gentleman." 4/ HENRY BICKEL,a prominent, well- to-do agriculturist of Black River township, was born on his present farm March 27, 1844. He is a son of Henry and Eliza beth (Wetzel) Bickel, who came from Ger many to Ohio at an early day where the father worked for a time on the Maumee Canal and at other employment. They then settled on a farm in Black River township, Lorain county, where they passed the rest of their lives. When they came here Indians and wild animals roamed the forest, and the country, was a comparative wilderness. The father died at the age of sixty-five years and eleven months; the mother is yet living, now aged seventy-one years. Of their children our subject is the only sur vivor. Henry Bickel received his education in the public and district schools, and when a youth, during the war of the Rebellion, was drafted into the army, but had not proceeded toward the seat of hostilities farther than Cleveland, when he secured a substitute, and returned home. On March 22, 1866, he married Miss Sophia C. Hilde brand, who was bora in Black River town ship, Lorain Co., Ohio, March 16, 1846, a daughter of Benjamin and Eliza (Appe- mann) Hildebrand, natives of Germany. Six children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Bickel, viz.: Frances E. (wife of George Horn, car inspector for the C. L. & W.- R. R. Co.), Emma E., Charley F., George M., Reuben E. and Arthur H. Mr. Bickel in his political predilections is a Democrat, and he is a member of the LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 991 Evangelical Church. He has been town ship trustee for three years, and school di rector, twenty-two. His fine farm of 123 acres gives evidence of the care, thrift and sound judgment of the owner, who justly enjoys the confidence and good will of his neighbors. GYRUS L. WHITTLESEY, of Brown helm township, is a native of same, having been born on his present farm August 8, 1831. He is a son of Solomon and Sarah (Sherman) Whit tlesey, the former of whom was born in Stockbridge, Mass., April 30, 1786, the lat ter in New Haven, Conn., March 23, 1796. Solomon Whittlesey, father of subject, was twice married, first time in 1811 to Miss O. Kirby, who was born in 1784. They came to Brownhelm township, Lorain Co., Ohio, and settled on the farm on which they passed the remainder of their lives. By this marriage there were four children, viz.: Mary, born February 6, 1812, now the widow of Rev. L. D. Butts, and residing in Erie, Penn.; Edmund, born June 17, 1814, married and residing in Winnebago county, 111. ; Eliphalet, born April 7, 1816, married and residing in Calhoun county, Iowa; and Calista, born May 29, 1819, deceased wife of H. Wood ruff. The mother of this family died in 1823, and in 1824 Mr. Whittlesey married Miss Sarah Sherman. Solomon Whittlesey was a soldier in the war of 1812, and re ceived bounty land. In an early day he worked in an ashery in Lorain county, and he was a noted hunter. In politics he was originally an Abolitionist, but in his later years he voted the straight Republican ticket. Among other public offices he held the position of township trustee. He died February 22, 1871 ; his widow was called from earth in 1873. They were the parents of seven children, as follows: David, born September 15, 1825, died at the age of nineteen; Solomon, born February 27, 1827, died aged fifteen years; Parmelia, bora May 24, 1829, wife of Henry Stod dard, lives at Olmsted Falls, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio; Cyrus L. is the subject of this sketch; Sarah, born March 11, 1833, was married to Irvin French, of Winnebago, III., and died in May, 1890 ; John M., born April 19, 1837, died in March, 1838; and James Monroe, bora November 10, 1840, died March 5, 1842. Cyrus L. Whittlesey enlisted in 1861 in the Union army, three months' service, and when the call was made for three years' men he enlisted at Columbus, Ohio, in Company K, Twenty- third O. V. I. His regiment was assigned to the army of the Potomac, and our subject participated in the battle of Carnifex Ferry, the second fought in West Virginia; was at the cap ture of Morgan; Second Bull Run; South Mountain; Antietam; on scouting service in West Virginia, thence to Stantpn, Va., after which they took prisoners to Colum bus, Ohio. He was shot through the hand while in pursuit and capture of Morgan. He was discharged at Columbus, July 6, 1864, and returned home. In 1869 Mr. Whittlesey was united in marriage in Brownhelm township, Lorain county, with Miss Lucy Bacon, a native of that township, and daughter of Samuel and Ruth (Davis) Bacon, the father a na tive of Stockbridge, Mass., the mother of Connecticut; he was a manufacturer in the East, and coming to Lorain county, Ohio, in 1828, followed farming until his death in 1865; his widow followed him to the grave in 1875. They were the parents of ten children, viz.: Jane H., wife of Ed mund West, of Oberlin, Ohio; George, who died at the age of nine years ; Henry, deceased at the age of three; Samuel, who died in Lorain county, Ohio, when forty years old; Eliza, residing in Oberlin, Ohio; Benjamin, who during the Civil war enlisted in the one hundred days' serv ice, and now lives in Anderson county, Kans. ; Henry Clay, who in 1862 enlisted 992 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. in Brownhelm township. Lorain county, in Company F, One Hundred and Third 0. Y. I., and was in the army of the West with Sherman (he now lives in Wood county, Ohio); the eighth in order of birth is Lucy, wife of our subject; Charles B., who died at the age of forty -six, and Ruth A., whose home is now in Oberlin, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Whittlesey have one child living, Hayes B., at home. In his political preferences our subject is a Prohibitionist. He is a member, and has been commander, of Rice Post, No. 148 G. A. R., and he and his wife are as sociated with the Congregational Church. Thej/ have a fine farm of 112 acres con fined to general agriculture. Mr. Whit tlesey is a crack rifle shot, one of the best in the county, and takes great delight in hunting. |f |f B. MARTIN DALE, member of the 1^ well-known firm of Martindale & I 41 Leonard, dealers in general mer- y) chandise, hardware, tinware, to bacco, etc., French Creek, where they commenced business in 1890, has been a resident of Avon township since 1873. He was born in 1849 in Lake county, Ohio, . son of Harrison L. and Ann E. (Brown) Martindale, also natives of that county, where the father still resides; the mother died in 1859. Grandmother Laura M. (Babbett) Reynolds, who is a daughter of David Babbett, a native of Massachusetts, who came to Ohio in an early day, was born in Ohio, and came to Mentor, Lake county, where she yet resides at the ad vanced age of eighty-five. Our subject was reared to manhood in Lake county, where he received his early education, and then engaged in farming and tree-grafting until 1873, when, as above related, he came to Avon township, Lorain county, where he now owns a snug little farm of eleven acres in a good state of cul tivation. In 1879 Mr. Martindale was married, in Avon township, to Miss Carrie L., daughter of David L. Sawyer, an early pioneer of the township, and to their union have been born two children: Laura E. and Mary Eleanor, who died when twenty- three months old. In politics our subject is a Republican, and is at present serving as justice of the peace, which position he has held for seven years. Socially he is a member of King Solomon Lodge No. 56, Elyria; and of the K. O. T. M.", Tent 18, French Creek, in which he is past com mander. L. SAWYER, a well-known pioneer farmer of Avon township, where he has resided since September, 1838, was bom, in 1821, in Schoharie county, New York. John and Rhoda (Lynes) Sawyer, parents of this gentleman, were also natives of New York State, where they were married, and whence, in 1838, they removed to Lorain county, Ohio, settling near French Creek in Avon township, where they made a per manent home. The father, who was a blacksmith, died in 1868, the mother in 1872. They had a family of ten children, a brief record of whom is as follows: D. L. is the subject of these lines; James died in Avon township in 1848 ; Polly became the wife of Riley Barrows, of Avon township, where she died; Philip died iu Elyria, Lorain county; Henry, who was a sailor, was drowned in the St. Clair river; Am brose, married, resides in Lorain; Betsy Ann died unmarried ; Sturgia died in Avon township; Adeline lives in Avon township; Phebe died in Michigan. Grandfather Lynes was a soldier in the Revolution, and was with Gen. St. Clair at the time of his defeat. D. L. Sawyer received his literary train ing in the common schools of his native State, and was reared in New York up to his eighteenth year, when he came with his LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 993 parents from Oneida county to Avon town ship, Lorain county, where he has prin cipally engaged in farming. He learned the blacksmith's trade, which he followed for thirty years, since when he has given his exclusive attention to agriculture. He owns a good fruit farm of twenty-seven acres, besides another tract, his lands com prising in all seventy- two acres. On Oc tober 19, 1843, Mr. Sawyer was united in marriage, in Avon township, with Miss Eliza Lyon, a native of New York State, daughter of Elexander and Alice Lyon, who came from New York to Lorain county, Ohio, in 1830, being among the earliest pioneers of LaGrange township. The father subsequently removed to Nauvoo, 111., and thence to Ogden, Utah, where he now resides. To Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer have been born five children, namely: David, married, who resides in Avon township; Carrie L. and Emma (twins), the former of whom is the wife of H. B. Martindale, of Avon township, the latter the wife of Rev. F. N. Phelps, a Baptist minister of Tiro, Crawford Co., Ohio; Delia;and James, married, a resident of Ridgeville township. In his political preferences Mr. Sawyer is an ardent Republican, and has served as township trustee; he cast his first ballot for James G. Birney, and later voted for John C. Fremont. Socially he is a member of King Solomon Lodge No. 56, Elyria. In religious connection he and his wife are members of the Baptist Church at French Creek. HARLES H. GLENN, a well-known contractor and builder, of Oberlin, was born December 20, 1857, at Delphos, Allen Co., Ohio, a son of George M. and Augusta L. W. (King) Glenn, the former a native of Virginia, the latter of Prussia. He received his education at the public schools of Oberlin, then learned the trade of carpenter and joiner. In 1884 he em barked in the contracting business with the firm known as Glenn & Copeland, in which he has since continued, and he has done contracting in various places, among which may be mentioned Colorado Springs, his work, however, lying chiefly in Ober lin, where he resides. He makes a spe cialty of dwelling houses, and conducts quite an extensive business, giving em ployment to from five to thirty men. Mr. Glenn was united in marriage De cember 20, 1881, with Miss Effie V. Tuck, who was born in Gallia county, Ohio, and reared in Oberlin, a daughter of John C. and Eliza (Dyer) Tuck. To this union have been born three children, namely: Lucretia, Wilhelmina, Frankie D. and Charles A., of whom Frankie died at the age of ten months. Our subject is a Re publican, and takes an active interest in politics; he is now serving a second term as member of the city council. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn are both members of the First Congregational Church at Oberlin. fl( RTEMAS BEEBE, proprietor of l/l\ book-store and dealer in books, F[j!_\ stationery and mouldings, Elyria; J) is a native of that city, born May 26, 1869, a grandson of Artemas Beebe, who came of an old New England family, and son of ' Artemas and Nancy (Fisher) Beebe. Artemas Beebe, second son of the late Artemas Beebe, who came here from Mas sachusetts in 1817 with the late Heman Ely, and assisted in making an opening in the wilderness where Elyria now stands, died at his farm residence on Cleveland street, August 27, 1891. Deceased was born in Elyria, October 10, 1825, and spent all of his nearly sixty-three years in Elyria. He attended the public schools until he was about fifteen years of age, when he entered the dry-goods store of the late Seymour M. Baldwin, where he 994 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. was employed as clerk for a few years, and then engaged in farming pursuits. On November 25, 1847, he married Miss Nancy L. Fisher, of Graftori, and soon after moved to bis farm near the city, where, with the exception of two years, he spent his remaining life. On the death of bis father in 1880, he became the owner of the "Beebe House," which he leased until 1886, when he took possession as manager and remained two years, then returning to his farm, which comprised 200 acres, and was located entirely inside the corporation of Elyria. The children born to him were William A., Mary, Frank and Artemas. His widow is still living on the old home stead. The origin of Mr. Beebe's illness dated from the winter of 1890, when he suffered from a severe attack of La Grippe, from which he recovered in a few weeks; but in January, 1891, he had a recurrence of the same disease, his heart becoming affected, resulting in dropsy, which terminated his life. In all his duties of husband, father and neighbor, he occupied a high place in the esteem of his fellow-citizens; and while his family, consisting of his wife, three sons and one daughter, will more deeply feel their bereavement, the Church and more especially the Sunday-schools of Lo rain county, in which for many years he has taken an active interest, will miss his presence and counsel. Mr. Beebe was a member and a regular attendant of the Congregational Sunday-school of Elyria for sixty years. For ten years he was its assistant superintendent. He has also for many years been the Chairman of the ex ecutive committee of the Lorain County Sunday-school Union, and the success of its annual meeting has been owing more to his constant and efficient labor than to any other cause. Mr. Beebe was an active and honored member of the Congrega tional Church of Elyria for thirty-three years. In his official duties; in his inter course with his fellow-members; in the largeness of his Christian charity and fel lowship, as well as in his daily social and business life, he aimed to be true to his high calling of God. Artemas Beebe, whose name introduces this sketch, received a liberal education at the public schools of his native town, and graduated in the class of 1890. In April, 1891, he opened out his present business, and has met with well-merited success. On December 16, 1891, he was united in marriage with Miss Minnie Mapes, also a native of Elyria, and who had been a schoolmate of Mr. Beebe's. In political preferences our subject is a Republican, and in church connection he is a Congre gationalist. 4/ HG. REDINGTON, a prominent and widely esteemed attorney at law of North Amherst, is one of the rising young barristers of Lorain county, of which he is a native, born July 10, 1858. His father, R. N. Redington, a native of Massachusetts, came to Amherst town ship in 1819, being at the time three years old. He was a farmer all his life, and died at the age of sixty-nine years. He married Miss M. E. Tyler, who was born in 1823 of Connecticut people, and she is yet living; she is, as was also her husband, a member of the Disciple Church. The subject of this biographical sketch received his elementary education at the district schools, afterward attending Ober lin College, where he completed the junior year; thence went to Cornell (N. Y.) Uni versity, one term, after which he com menced to read law with Hon. J. F. Burket, now on the supreme court bench. On June 4, 1884, he was admitted to the bar, and at once opened an office in North Amherst, Lorain county, where he has since been engaged in the practice of his profession. He has successfully carried &m-A. e LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 997 through cases versus railroads, involving a considerable amount of litigation, and succeeded in securing the compromise be tween North Amherst and the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad Company, the nature of which was as follows: The question involved was whether the railway company could raise the grade of its rail way through the village and over the streets and narrow the streets at the inter sections, without consent of the village or the payment of damages to abutting own ers. The question was decided in favor of the village, that the railway company could not. In 1885 Mr. Redington was elected mayor of North Amherst, serving till 1893, in all four continuous terms. Lie is president of the Savings Deposit Bank, of which he was one of the chief organizers; is president of the North Amherst Shear Company, and assisted in organizing the North Amherst Furniture Company, of which he is a stockholder. Politically he is an uncompromising Democrat, a pro nounced Cleveland man on the Tariff ques tion. Socially he is a member of the K. of P., the K. 0. T. M., and the I. O. O. F., of which he was District Deputy Grand Master. In 1884 Mr. Redington was united in marriage with Miss Lulu C. Moore, daughter of Dr. A. C. Moore, of North Amherst, and three children have been born to them: Harry M., Blanche G. and Llorace Raymond. 4/ MICHAEL EPPLEY, one of the thrifty and prosperous agricul turists of Elyria township, is a native of Wittenberg, Germany, born December 7, 1821, a son of Jacob and Catherine (Keller) Eppley, also natives of the Fatherland. In April, 1832, the family set sail from Holland for the New World, and after a voyage of fifty-five days landed at Phila delphia. From there they proceeded west ward to Ohio, locating at Zanesville, Mus kingum county, where the parents passed from earth, the father at the age of eighty- six, the mother when seventy-six years old. They had eleven children — nine sons and two daughters — and seven of the sons are now living, all near Zanesville, Ohio, ex cept our subject, while the two daughters reside in Michigan. Michael Eppley was reared to manhood in Zanesville, Ohio, where he received his education, and worked hard to make a little money which he saved in his boy hood. At the age of twenty years he com menced carpentry, a trade he followed for twenty-one years; also farming, in con nection doing a considerable amount in contracting and building. He was in the employ of the State of Ohio, constructing dams and docks in the Muskingum river. At the age of twenty-three he was united in marriage with Miss Rosina Harsch (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Harsch), a native of Wittenberg, Germany, coming with her parents to America when six years old. Thirteen children were born to this union — five sons and eight daughters — namely: William, who went west and died (he was married to Mary Mauer; left two children); Mary, wife of Mose Beal, also died at an early age (left seven chil dren) ; Katherine, wife of Samuel Beal, has eight children; Caroline, wife of Jacob Schaible, has two children; Jacob, mar ried to Kate Martin, has four children; Rosa, died at the age of twelve years; Solomon, married to Nellie Bender, and has one child; Christena, wife of Henry Martin, has four children; Abram, mar ried Mary Martin, has four children; Matilda, wife of Ernest Drunagle, has one child; Mose,. married to Mary Spiegelberg, and has one child; Lydia, wife of William Spiegelberg, and Cora, residing at home. Shortly after marriage Mr. Eppley purchased a farm in York township, Morgan county, containing 240 acres of 998 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. land, which he improved and then sold just before coming to Elyria. He came to Lorain county in 1874, and bought his present farm, containing one hundred acres (in Elyria township), bordering on the town of Elyria (on Murry Ridge, southwest of town), paying one hundred and twenty dollars cash per acre for same. After two years the mother died at the age of fifty -one years, which was a sore loss to the whole family, and here he has since remained as a widower (his daughter Cora keeping house for him). Mr. Eppley always was, and is to this day, for his age, an active man as well as ambitious; honest in -all his dealings. In religion he is an earnest, steadfast follower of Christ, and has been from early life. He is a member of the Evangelical Church. His greatest aim is to reach his heavenly home. I( LFRED E. HALE, farmer and \\ cheese manufacturer of Carlisle |\ township, is a native of Lorain county, born March 23, 1862, on Henrietta Hill. He is a son of George and Anna M. (Smith) Hale, the former of whom was among the pioneers of Carlisle township, having settled there when his son, Alfred E., was but ten days old. The subject of this sketch was reared to agricultural pursuits on his father's farm, received his literary training in the common schools of Carlisle township until sixteen years of age, and then studied for one term at the Elyria high school.. For the next two years he was employed in the Hart Cheese Factory, at that time operated by William A. Braman, and then worked in Sullivan and Ashland counties, Ohio. When nineteen years old he pur chased, in partnership with a brother, the farm on which his brother resides, and on which they have since made many im provements, and there Mr. Hale carries on a prosperous cheese-making business, keep ing twenty cows. He manufactures a full cream cheese, and receives New York State prices for all his dairy products, for which there is a constant demand. In 1886 Mr. Hale was united in mar riage with Miss Buda Bell Peabody, and they have two children, namely: Gilbert N. and Cassie B. Our subject is a mem ber of the Republican party, and takes an active interest in political questions. He is recognized as one of the thorough-going, progressive business men of Carlisle town ship, where he has established himself in a profitable line of trade. HARLES H. WARBURTON, mas ter mechanic for the Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling Railroad, at Lorain, was born September 17, 1846, at Cleveland, Ohio. His father, Thomas Warburton, a native of Edinburgh, Scotland, married Martha Rummage, who was born in Cleveland, Ohio, and they reared a family of five children — four sons and one daughter — of whom Charles H. is the eldest. The mother died in 1878, the father is now residing at Birmingham, Ohio. Charles H. Warburton grew to man hood in his native city, receiving his edu cation in the public schools of same. At the age of sixteen he engaged with the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Rail road Company to learn the trade of ma chinist, and served some five and a half years. For some time after he worked as contractor in the Wilson Sewing Machine Shops at Cleveland, but again returned to the railroad business. , In 1.873 he came to Lorain county, engaged with the Cleve land, Lorain & Wheeling Railroad as gang boss, and afterward as general foreman, in wliich capacity he served until 1882, after which time he held the position of master LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 999 mechanic, being superintendent of 334 men. In July, 1893, he resigned his posi tion on the railroad to embark in his pres ent business in Cleveland, Ohio, in part nership with E. C. Angell, the style of the firm being " Viaduct Machine and Tool Co." On November 13, 1873, Mr. Warbur ton was married, at Cleveland, to Miss May J. Angell, and to their union have been born six children: Charles, Lewis, Henry, Katie, Cora and Frank. Politically our subject is a prominent member of the Re publican party, in whose welfare he takes an active interest; he has served in various positions of trust, has been a member of the city council, and for five years was president of the City Water Works. So cially he is a member of Woodland Lodge No. 226, K. of P., and of the K. O. T. M.; he is also a member of the F. & A. M., K. T., and of the A. A. O. N. M. S. |I0HN RILEY, Je., one of the promi- k. I nent representative young men of \J) Amherst township, is a native-born Ohioan, having first seen the light of day in Erie county in 1856. He is a son of John and Bridget (Welch) Riley, the father born in Ireland. Coming to America in 1844 he made his home in Erie county, Ohio, a number of years. About 1868 he removed with his family to Lorain county, and he now re sides in Elyria township. He has been a lifelong farmer, and in politics a stanch Democrat. Eight children were born to John and Bridget Riley, all yet living. John Riley, Jr., received his education in the public schools of Elyria and Berlin Heights. For some years he followed agricultural pursuits, and he now owns a good farm of one hundred acres in Am herst township. In 1882 he commenced contracting for the Toledo & Cleveland Railroad, northern and southern division, and later has been employed in getting out ship timber. Mr. Riley has been twice married : first time in 1880 to Miss Jennie Davis, who died in 1883, and he subsequently, in 1889, married Miss Carrie Armert. He takes an active interest in politics, and is a strong, useful member of the Democratic party. Since September, 1893, he has been the efficient and courteous postmas ter at North Amherst. [fJfENRY HITCHCOCK, prominent r^ in the farming community of Co- jj 41 lmnbia township, of which he is a y) native, is a son of Samuel and Amelia (Osborne) Hitchcock. Samuel Hitchcock was born, in 1786, in Waterbury, Conn., whence in 1810 he came to Columbia township, Lorain coun ty, traveling the entire distance with a team, the journey occuping some six weeks. Here he opened up three farms, and became a prosperous agriculturist. In politics he was originally a Whig, later a Republican. His wife, Amelia (Osborne), was also bora in Connecticut, and died in April, 1892, a daughter of Asel and Mary (Hoadley) Osborne, who came to Colum bia township, Lorain county, from Con necticut, in 1810. To Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hitchcock were born seven children, of whom the following is a brief record: Alma, who married James R. Ruple, died in Olmsted township, Cuyahoga county, in June, 1892; Julia, who was the wife of Cyrus Ruple, died in about 1882; Mi nerva, the wife of James Warnock. died in 1893; Marietta, widow of Winslow Shaw, resides in Michigan ; Amanda, who was the wife of Abner Houston, died in Ridge ville township at the age of twenty-five; Amelia, Mrs. J. W. Doane, died in Janu ary, 1890; and Henry is the subject of this sketch. 1000 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Henry Hitchcock, the subject proper of this memoir, was born in 1836, and was reared on his father's farm, his schooling being obtained in the primitive log cabin of the period, in Columbia Center. He has always followed farming, and has met with well-merited success, being now the owner of 108 acres of excellent land in one tract, and also a twenty-four-acre farm elsewhere, while Mrs. Hitchcock owns a good farm of thirty-two acres; he is also guardian for thirty-two acres. In 1867 our subject was united in marriage, in Columbia township, Lorain county, with Emeline Peachey, a native of that township, and daughter of Thomas and Philemela (Smith) Peachey, of Massachusetts birth, early settlers of Columbia township, Lorain county, where they died. To this union two children were born,- viz. : Aman da, wife of William Martin, residing on the home farm; and Charley, living at home. In his political affiliations Mr. Hitchcock is a Republican; his wife is a member of the M. E. Church. \ OBERT N. GOODWIN, one of d( the best known and most popular 1^ citizens of Lorain county, is a na tive of Ohio, born in Granger, Medina county, May 13, 1828. Nathaniel A. Goodwin, father of our subject, a native of Connecticut, whence he first moved to Genesee county, N. Y., and then to Ohio, was one of the earliest settlers of Granger township, Medina county, traveling the entire distance from Genesee county with an ox-sled, it being the winter season; at that time there was only one other family in the township, and his sister Deborah was the first white child born in Granger township. He married Miss Levinia H. Lowe, a native of the State of New York, who bore him ten children, of whom the following is a brief record: Charles A., who died at the age of seventy-four in Medina county, was for some time a resident of Michigan; Alvira, who married Earl Salsberre, died May 3, 1893, aged seventy-nine years; Mary L. is the widow of William Hopkins, of Sharon township, Medina county, and is now seventy-eight years old; Seth, who lived in Sharon township, Medina county, died of paralysis at the age of sixty- six years; Deborah died in 1871 at the age of fifty-three years; Levinia is the widow of Foster Young, of La Porte, Iowa, and is nearly seventy-one years old; Hiram, now sixty-seven years old, resides in Medina, Ohio, and is clerk of the court of common pleas; Robert N. is the subject of this sketch; William G., now sixty-three years old, is a farmer in Iowa, ahd resides near La Porte, that State; Marshall W., bora in 1836, now a farmer, lives in Granger, Medina county, Ohio. The father died of cancer January 21, 1843, aged fifty-five years, the mother February 5, 1867, aged seventy-six years. The subject under present consideration attended school in his boyhood winters, at the nearest log schoolhouse (in which the seats were made of slabs, with wooden pins for legs), which was a mile away from his home, his summers being passed in work ing on the farm. He also learned the trade of cooper, which he followed for some years both in his native town and five years in Lorain county, whither he came in 1861. He then clerked in a grocery store in the town of Wellington, at the same time attending to some insurance business, which was the nucleus to his present extensive connection in that line. Mr. Goodwin has served in various public capacities with characteristic ability and fidelity, and among the positions he has held may be mentioned: secretary of an agricultural society, twelve years; justice of the peace, two terms; city clerk (Well ington), fourteen years; township and cor poration assessor, nineteen consecutive years (he is elected each year as assessor, and every two years as city clerk). Politi- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1001 cally he is a straight Republican. Dur ing the war of the Rebellion five men were drafted on his street, he being one of them, and he reported himself at Elyria, but they were not ready to receive bim, and he finally sent a substitute. He had made preparations, however, to fill a position as clerk in the commissary office, but was taken ill with fever, and reluctantly had to remain at home. He is a member of th* Congregational Church. His grandfather, Seth Goodwin, served throughout the, Revolutionary war and a portion of that of 1812, being a lieutenant at the time of the burning of Buffalo by the British. His father served throughout the war of 1812 as a lieutenant, and saw an Indian killed by an officer of the army, for touching a torch to a building, setting it on fire. In 1850 Mr. Goodwin was united in marriage with Miss Louisa M. Harris, a native of New York State, born in Gene- fee county, June 2, 1830. No children have been born to them. He and his wife, Louisa M. Goodwin, have resided in Wellington, Ohio, since 1861, when there were only 245 buildings that were used in any part for dwellings; at this time (1894) there are many elegant dwelling houses, besides the many beautiful churches, schoolhouses, business buildings and as fine a town hall as is not often seen in cities. As he has fine property in Wellington, he ex pects to remain there during his natural life. JLLARD HART, than whom there is no better or more favor ably known resident of Penfield township, is a native of same, bora October 12, 1840, son of Hawley Hart. Hawley Hart was born February 10, 1807, in Litchfield county, Conn., son of Samuel, who was a farmer by occupa tion. The father of our subject received a common-school education, and during his early manhood was engaged in peddling clocks for Lewis Hart, throughout the Western Reserve, in 1834 coming through Penfield township, Lorain county. On January 12, 1840, he married Miss Lucy Hart, who was born September 17, 1821, in the town of Winchester, Litchfield Co., Conn., daughter of Lewis and Persus (Swift) Hart, who came to Lorain county, Ohio, settling, in June, 1838, in Penfield township, where the marriage took place, the ceremony being performed by Justice Samuel Knapp. After his marriage Mr. Hart always followed farming, and made his home in Penfield township; he first took up a farm in Lot No. 45, which con tained but a few rude improvements, and resided for two years on that place, where two children were born to him, namely: Willard, our subject, and Chester, who died at the age of seventeen years. From this farm he removed to Lot 37, and there remained for eight years, when he took up his residence in Lot No. 47, living there for some time. Then, in later years, he moved to a place two miles south of the center of Penfield township, where he died August 5, 1881, of apoplexy, and was buried in Center cemetery. He was, in politics, a Jacksonian Democrat, and attended the elections regularly. He was a successful farmer. Since his decease his widow has made her home with her son Willard. She has been a member of the M. E. Church since 1869. Willard Hart attended during his boy hood the common schools of the district, and received his first knowledge of agri cultural work under the direction of his father. On January 15, 1861, he was united in marriage with Miss Ann E. Sooy, a native of Spencer, Medina Co., Ohio, and this union was blessed with one child, Carrie L., who is now the wife of W. B. Lindsley, a farmer of Penfield town ship, and has two children, Marion A. and Dot H. Our subject has always followed farming, and after his marriage took up his residence with his parents on the home 1002 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. place, where he has ever since contin uously made his home, and he now owns the excellent farm he resides on, besides two hundred acres which he rents. In addition to farming he has also conducted an extensive dairying business, an industry in which he has met with well-deserved success, and which has proved exceedingly profitable. He has constantly on his farm about thirty-five milch cows, and it is due chiefly to his efforts that Lorain is one of the principal dairy counties in the State. He was the first to introduce Holstein cattle into the county. Mr. .Hart is a life long Democrat, takes an active interest in political affairs, has served as township trustee, and is now filling the office of township treasurer. He is a warm friend of the public-school system, and has served as director of his special school district, where he labored hard for the schools they now have, in the advancement of which he takes great interest. Both he and his wife are members of the M. E. Church, in which, since his union there with in 1869, he has been a leading factor, holding numerous offices in the Church, and being also prominently iden tified with the Sunday-school. He is highly thought of in his community. [fJfENRY BRADFORD, one of the t^ most prominent and affluent of the | 1 many prosperous agriculturists of y) Lorain county, and the owner of one of the finest and best-equipped farms in Rochester township, i6 a native of the county, born August 14, 1849, in Columbia township. Hiram N. Bradford, his father, was born May 31, 1821, in Olmsted Falls, Cuya hoga Co., Ohio, a son of Hosea and Han nah (Eastman) Bradford, natives of Ver mont, who moved to Canada, and from there to Ohio. They were the parents of ten children, seven of whom — five sons and two daughters — grew to naturity, their names being Philo, Lester, Eastman, Hiram N., Myron, Cynthia and Laura. Hiram N. Bradford received a common- school education, and being a natural me chanic, in early youth turned his attention in that direction, learning the trade of stonemason. His first work in this line was laying the walls for wells, which was considered ordinary labor; but his ability soon asserting itself, he was given more dif ficult work, such as laying cellar walls, in which in course of time he became very proficient, and he was widely known as a skilled mechanic. He made his home with his parents until his marriage (at which time he was a comparatively poor man), after which he and his young wife made their home in Columbia township, Lorain coun ty, for a short time; then lived with his wife's parents, who were getting advanced in years, and here Mr. Bradford died March 20, 1856, his remains being inter red in Columbia township. He was a member of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, and in politics was originally a Whig, at the time of his death a Repub lican, which party had just been organized. On July 20, 1842, Hiram N. Bradford and Eunice Eddy were united in marriage. She first saw the light February 22, 1822, in Columbia township, Lorain Co., Ohio, daughter of David and Elizabeth (Sher- dine) Eddy, born February 1, 1^83, in New Jersey, and April 1, 1785, in Wash ington county, Penn., respectively. Mrs. Eddy's father was killed by the Indians. David Eddy came to Ohio before his mar riage, and being in Cuyahoga county dur ing the war of 1812, assisted in building blockhouses there. He died in Columbia township, Lorain county. At Hiram N. Bradford's death be left three children, viz.: Sylvia, now Mrs. Herbert Mills, of Cleveland, Ohio; Viola, who died at the age of fifteen, and Henry, the subject of this sketch. Mrs. Bradford kept the chil dren together on the farm left by her hus- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1003 band, and February 1, 1860, married Samuel Hanley, a farmer of Lorain county. For a short -time Mr. and Mrs. Hanley made their home in New London township, Huron county; then, April 15, 1860, removed to the farm in Rochester township her son Henry now owns and lives on. Mrs. Han ley is a member of the Freewill Baptist Church, and in her declining years is honored and respected by all. Henry Bradford, the subject proper of this sketch, was reared on a farm, receiv ing his elementary education at the public schools of the neighborhood of his home, later attending select school. When a young man he made a trip to Michigan, and in the " pineries " there worked for some time; returning, he labored in the lime quarries of northwestern Ohio. On October 16, 1872, having once more come to his native county, Mr. Bradford married Miss Ella A. Storrow, born April 12, 1853, in Brighton township, same county, a daughter of Thomas and Sophia (Baird) Storrow, and the young couple then com menced housekeeping in Brighton town ship. From there at the end of a year they removed to Rochester township, where Mr. Bradford bought the home stead of his stepfather. The children born to our subject and wife are Alton L., Lansing A. and Carrie V. — all living. Mr. Bradford enjoys the reputation of being«a systematic and thoroughly practi cal farmer and stockman, as well as an ex tensive wool grower. In 1876 he became identified with the Poland-China Hog Breeding Association, from which time he has vastly improved his own stock, be sides increasing its number; and he can boast of not only having some of the finest animals on his farm, but also of having been the means of improving the breed of swine all over northern Ohio. In 1889 he built at a cost of about three thousand dollars, one of the handsomest farm resi dences in Rochester township, furnished throughout in hardwood, and in elegance and comfort surpassing anything of the kind in his part of the county. In his political preferences Mr. Bradford is a stanch Republican, and is now serving his township as trustee. ber 5, F. HOPKINS, a worthy member of one of the early families of Brown helm township, is a native of Oneida county, N. Y., born Decem- 1838, a son of Fred. M. and Phila M. (Barnes) Hopkins. The family came west to Ohio in 1849, settling in the ridge in Brownhelm town ship, Lorain county, where the father had bought a partly-improved farm, clearing the remainder himself. He was a pro nounced Abolitionist, and took part in the agitating movements of that period. He died in September, 1866, his wife in May, 1867. Two children were born to them: C. F., and George M., who is chief engineer on a lake steamer, having his home in Bay City, Michigan. The subject of this memoir received his education in part in Oneida county, N. Y., and in part in Brownhelm township, Lo rain Co., Ohio. In his youth he assisted in improving the home farm, and has fol lowed fruit farming and gardening. In the spring of 1863 he bought his present property, then consisting of thirty-four acres, which he has since increased to eighty acres, and which he has planted with apples, cherries, peaches, all varieties of berries, etc. In 1863 he was united in marriage with Sophronia Vincent, a daugh ter of Levi and Polly (Austin) Vincent, natives of Canada, and early pioneers of Henrietta township, Lorain Co., Ohio. The father died in 1886 at the advanced age of eighty-five, the mother surviving him three years. To Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hopkins have been born children as fol lows: Edna C. (wife of Charles L. West, 1004 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. of Oberlin), Frederick M., Thyrza H., Gertrude S., Eleanor V. (wife of E. S. Cook, of Bowling Green, Wood Co., Ohio), Marcia J. and Ada G., the latter of whom died at the age of two years. Mr. Hop kins is a Republican, and is a member of the F. & A. M., Stonington Lodge No. 503, North Amherst, also of Marshall Chapter No. 47, Elyria, Ohio. B)EN ti: ENJAMIN REDFERN, retired arness manufacturer and farmer, s one of the prominent citizens of South Amherst. He is a native of County Armagh, Ireland, born March 31, 1827, a son of Robert and Ellen (Mc- Clarnen) Redfern, both also natives of the Land of Erin. The father, who was a weaver by trade, in 1830 emigrated with his family to Canada, locating near Toronto, Ontario, where they resided till 1852, and then re moved to Olmsted Falls, Ohio, whence after about two years they came to Hen rietta township, Lorain county, making their new home on a farm. In 1868 they moved to Amherst township, same county, where the mother died in 1883, the father in 1886. They had a family of eight chil dren, of whom the following is a brief record: Benjamin is the subject of this sketch ; Barbara R. is the widow of Alfred Chandler, and lives in Elyria; Margaret S. is the wife of David B. Wright, of Olmsted Falls, Ohio; Robert is married, and resides in Columbia township, Lorain Co., Ohio; James H. is married, and has his -home in Elyria (he enlisted in Amherst town ship, Lorain county, in 1862, in Com pany F, One Hundred and Third O. V. I., for three years, and served to the close of the war) ; Mary was the wife of Jefferson Ormsby, who was killed by lightning in 1871 (she died in 1892); Elizabeth A. is the wife of Anson Cooper, of Strawberry Point, Iowa; Ellen died in Canada in 1851. Benjamin Redfern, whose name opens this sketch, received a good practical edu cation in the schools of Canada, learned the trade of harness maker, and worked at same there until 1849, when he came to Lorain county, Ohio, and, locating first in Elyria, remained in that town till 1852, in the spring of which year he moved to North Amherst, whence in 1856 he came to South Amherst. He worked at his trade in Lorain county till 1863, and then com menced agricultural pursuits, having pur chased a farm. In 1865 he bought out the store of Henry Jackson, in South Am herst, and conducted a general mercantile and harness business till 1867, when he abandoned that line and resumed farming till 1887, retiring in that year. Mr. Red fern owns twenty-two and one-half acres of land in South Amherst, besides a good farm of ninety acres in that town, although he has sold several lots off this property. On January 17, 1852, our subject was united in marriage with Miss Ellen Hy- land, daughter of Thomas and Martha (West) Hyland, all natives of Sussex, Eng land, who in 1841 immigrated to Canada, locating at Port Stanley, Ontario, whence in 1848 they came to Elyria, Lorain Co., Ohio, settling on a farm in Carlisle town ship. The father died in September, 1849; the mother is yet living in Carlisle town ship, now aged eighty years. They were tbe parents of five children, as follows: Ellen, wife of Benjamin Redfern; Henry, married in Lorain county, and moved to Ionia, Mich., where he died in February, 1893; Mary, wife of William Stall, of Car lisle township, Lorain county; D. W., who was married in Michigan, and now resides in Elyria, Lorain county (he enlisted, in 1862, in Company F, One Hundred and Third 0. Y. I., for three years, and served to close of the war); and Sarah A., wife of J. Jonas, of Carlisle township, Lorain county. To Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Red fern have been born two children: Eva, wife of G. W. Hazel, of Fostoria, Ohio, and Ella May, wife of William E. Par sons, of Amherst township. w&vu, &i.'WlAAAs LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1007 Mr. Redfern in his political sympathies is a Republican, and has served his town ship as trustee four terms; socially he is a member of Plato Lodge No. 203, 1. 0. 0. F. He has been a Notary Public for some seven years. Although practically retired, he still carries on a snug business in gen eral insurance, representing among other companies the "Phoenix" of Hartford, Conn. In Church connection be and his wife are Baptists. In their lifetime in Lo rain they have been eyewitnesses to many nineteenth-century changes, some of them marvels of science, for at the time of their settlement here, less than half a century ago, there was no railroad west of Elyria. Mr. Redfern has always been active in public matters, and has taken a genuine interest in everything tending to the ad vancement and prosperity of his county. 4/ MAURICE GOSS. Among the many progressive and skilled agricultur ists of Brighton township, this gentleman holds a prominent place. He is of the seventh gen eration of a family whoeameto the United States in 1631, same time that Gov. Win- throp's party came from England. Mr. Goss is a son of David, a son of Philip, who was bora July 13, 1755, and married Esther Yale, who bore him nine children, of whom three sons — Clark, David and Philip — came to Ohio. Philip Goss, grandfather of subject, served in the Revolutionary war under Gen. Washing ton, and at White Plains was commissioned major; he died June 23, 1840. David, one of his three sons who came to Ohio, was educated at the subscription schools of the period in his native town (Boston, Mass.), where he afterward worked as a drayman. In 1832 he married Aurelia, daughter of Samuel Porter, of Dummers- town, Vt., soon after which event the 58 young couple came to Ohio, locating in Cuyahoga county. He was then compara tively poor, for he had lost all his prop erty by signing for others. In later years he moved to Brighton township, where he and his wife passed the rest of their pio neer days, dying August 6, 1871, and Oc tober 17, 1874, respectively; their remains were interred in Brighton cemetery. In Cuyahoga county were bora to them chil dren as follows: Maria, deceased at the. age of thirty-four years; Maurice, subject of this memoir; Edmund G., deceased Jan uary 20, 1855; Otis F., a farmer of Brighton township; Julia S., Mrs. J. E. Field, of Carbondale, 111.; Ellen A., Mrs. J. J. Lawrence, of St. Mary's, Ohio. Po litically Mr. Goss was a Free-soiler and Republican, and he and his wife were members of the Congregational Church. His chief vocation was that of farming, and in connection therewith he also conducted a saw aud grist mill in Brighton township. Though unfortunate in business in early life, yet he succeeded by incessant toil in accumulating a comfortable competence. Maurice Goss, whose name opens this sketch, was born November 20, 1835, in Middleburgh township, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, at the common schools of which lo cality he received a meager education. He was early in life inducted into the mys teries of farm labor, and a considerable portion of his time was passed in his father's gristmill, the buhrstones for which were found along Charlemont creek in Wellington township. He remained under the parental roof until he was nine teen years old, when he commenced life for his own account. His first business transaction was the sale of a calfskin his father had given him, with the proceeds of which he bought two sheep, which in creased in value, and gradually adding others he soon found himself the possessor of a fine flock. He then rented land, and before he was twenty-one years old he had bought fifty acres on credit, which, being industrious and indefatigable, he soon was 1008 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. enabled to pay for. This tract of fifty acres he disposed of at a profit some time after his marriage, and he then bought seventy acres on which he built a house and barn, and 'where he remained until 1863, at which time he removed into Pittsfield township. In the spring of 1865 he returned to Brighton township, and from his uncle, Philip Goss, be purchased his present farm, which has been added to until it now contains 195 acres of excel lent farming land, since much improved, new buildings having been erected, and the old ones enlarged and remodeled. Some years ago Mr. Goss erected a cheese factory on his farm, which he successfully operated for some years, when he disposed of" it to Richmond & Tracy, who retained his services as superintendent for one year. After various changes this factory again fell into Mr. Goss' hands, and later was sold to Laundon, Windecker & Co., of Wellington, Ohio. In 1871 he erected a warehouse at Rochester, Ohio, a one- half interest in which he sold, and the style of the firm is now M. Goss & Co. In 1886 our subject moved to Rochester, where he made his home till 1893, in which year he returned to Brighton township, where he now resides, retaining his interests at Rochester. On December 8, 1856, M. Goss and Josephine M. Judd were united in mar riage. She was born in January, 1834, in Brighton, Ohio, daughter of Erasmus Judd, and children as follows were born to them : Nettie, who was married to F. Twin ing, and died in Henrietta township, leav ing one child, Maud; Herbert S., a farmer of Spink county, S. D. ; May, residing at home; and Lindsey E., who died young. The mother of these died November 5, 1883, and was buried in Brighton town ship. In 1885 Mr. Goss married Mrs. Ezilda Bridgman, a widow, sister of his first wife, and she died in 1891, her re mains being taken to Atchison, Kans., where they were laid to rest. Mr. Goss in his early political preferences was a straight Republican, and as such served with credit as a justice of the peace; of late years he has been a zealous Prohibitionist. He is a member of the Congregational Church, in which he has served as deacon. A typi cal self-made man, he is a leader and ad viser in the community, being possessed of good judgment and sound common sense. ill LBERT H. SMITH, manager and f[\\ city editor of the Elyria Republican, |?§\ was born in Chepstow (originally a y) Norman stronghold and fortifica tion), Monmouthshire, England, June 11, 1848, a son of George Frederick and Elizabeth (Chidgey) Smith, the former of whom was descended from Norman- Welsh ancestry, the latter of Saxon or. English stock. George F. Smith, who was a custom-honse officer, died when the sub ject of these lines was a lad of some nine summers. A. H. Smith after leaving school en tered the office of the West Somerset Free Press, a well-known weekly paper pub lished at Williton, Somersetshire, England, and here he learned the profession of printer and journalist, subsequently hav ing charge of the paper. In June, 1870, he emigrated to America, and, locating in Corry, Erie Co., Penn., took charge of a daily paper there till the fall of 1872, when he moved to Oberlin, Ohio, and ac cepted the position of manager of the Standard of the Cross, the Episcopal organ for the diocese of Ohio. With this paper he was connected till 1875, a period of about three years, during which time it was removed to Cleveland. Mr. Smith then came to Elyria and bought a half interest in the Republican, which he, how ever, sold, remaining with the paper as city editor. Again becoming a stock holder, in September, 1891, a joint-stock LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1009 company was organized, and our subject has since continued in the dual capacity of general manager and city editor. In 1871 Mr. Smith was married to Amanda H. Fuller. In church connec tion he is an Episcopalian, in politics a Republican, and he is a member of the F. & A. M. and I. O. O. F. THOMAS LINE. Ranking among the prominent and influential citi zens of Columbia township is this gentleman, who is an Englishman by birth, having been bora, in 1823, in West Haddon, Northamptonshire. He is a son of William and Elizabeth (Facer) Line, who in 1848 emigrated to the United States, sailing from Liverpool, and arriving at New York after a voyage of five weeks. From there they proceeded to Lorain county, Ohio, where the father cleared a farm out of the dense forests and became a prosperous agriculturist; he was a builder by trade, but in this country fol lowed farming exclusively up to the time of his death, which occurred September 11, 1872, when he was eighty-two years old, his wife passing away February 27, 1887, at the age of eighty years. They were the parents of four children, as follows: Charles, who died in Ridgeville township in 1892; Thomas; John, a resident of Columbia township; and Sarah, wife of George Robinson, postmaster at North Ridgeville, Lorain county. Our subject received his education at the schools of his native parish in Eng land, and learned the trade of mason. He was married in that country February 8, 1848, to Miss Elizabeth Gare, and the same year they emigrated with tbe rest of his family to the United States. By this union there were four children, viz. : Sarah J., wife of John Cole, of Ridgeville town ship; Fred William, residing at Millbury, Wood Co., Ohio; John T., married, who is in the hardware business at Matta Bend, Mo.; and Lue, wife of Ernest Mitchell, of Ridgeville township. The mother of these died May 1, 1882, aged fifty-six years, four months, and September 1, 1884, Mr. Liue married, in New York, Miss Martha Watts, also a native of England. Our subject worked at his trade in Lorain county, in the South, and in various other places, till settling down to farming pur suits. He now owns a well-cultivated place of eighty-one acres in Columbia township where he lives, and seventy-four in Eaton township. He has erected on his farm a good brick residence. Politically he is a Democrat, and was postmaster at North Eaton some years. He and his wife are members of the Church of England. The male members of the family have been masons for hundreds of years back. FRANK D. JOHNSON, foremost in the ranks of the leading engineers in the employ of the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroad Company, is a native of Huron county, Ohio, born March 30, 1852, a son of John H. and Elizabeth P. (Snyder) Johnson. Our subject received a liberal education at the common schools of his native place, and was reared to agricultural pursuits, working on his father's farm until he was twenty years old. At that time, being dissatisfied with the life of a husbandman, he left the paternal roof, and proceeding to Cleveland entered the employ of the Atlantic & Great Western Railroad Com pany, remaining ten years. At first he fired an engine, and then was promoted to engineer, in which capacity he has since served with characteristic carefulness and fidelity. Removing to Norwalk, Huron county, he at once commenced as engin eer for the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroad Company, his present position. 1010 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. On June 17, 1876, Mr. Johnson mar ried Miss Sarah E. Miller, born September 20, 1852, in Chester county, Penn., and three children have come to brighten their home, as follows: Flora V., Oliver E. and Edessa M. Politically our subject is a Re publican, a hearty worker in his party, and he and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. He is a man of magnificent physique, standing six feet in his stockings, and weighing 220 pounds. He is one of the oldest and most, trustworthy engineers on the road, none more popular, and his agreeable and jovial disposition makes him friends wherever he goes. Socially he is a member of Norwalk Lodge K. of P. His residence is No. 82 Prospect street, Norwalk, Ohio. IM RS. L. A. OSBORNE, a resident of North Amherst, was born in Orwel, Vt., daughter of Ira W. and Lucy Smith, also natives of Vermont, where they were married, where ten children were born to 4J and them. In the fall of 1832 Ira W. Smith came west to Lorain county, Ohio (the trip being made for the most part by water), and pur chased a considerable amount of land about one mile from the present village of North Amherst. Later on the rest of the family joined him; but he was not fated to long enjoy his new home, for in the spring of the following year, just six weeks after the arrival of his wife and children, he was killed by a falling tree while out in the woods making a roadway through, on his land, which is now called the Middle Ridge. He was in his fifty-second year at the time, and his sudden taking off was a terrible blow to the family; his widow, died about twenty years ago at the age of eighty- one years. They had a family of ten chil dren, of whom the following is a brief record: (1) Lucy married Daniel Cuts, and settled in Windham, Portage Co., Ohio, where she died. (2) Ira W. was a land owner, farmer aud stockman at Kankakee, 111., and died there leaving a numerous family. (3) M. D. was a stockman and landowner at Wellington, Ohio, where he died leaving a large family. (4) Sarah Ann married a Mr. Streator in Vermont, and died in Licking county, Ohio. (5) Mariette is the wife of Orlnm Winton, of North Amherst, Ohio. (6) Russell was a ranchman, and died at his residence in the city of Stockton, Cal. (7) John (deceased) was a farmer in Iowa. (8) Jane married Samuel Vining, and died in Illinois. (9) Charles died in Kansas. (10) L. A., the subject proper of this memoir, born in 1832, was married in 1850, at the age of seventeen, to William Walker, who was born in the State of New York and reared at North Amherst, Ohio. He died sixteen years after marriage, leaving three children, viz.: Zuleina L., wife of A. V. Kent, of Toledo, Ohio, by whom she has three chil dren: Loula L., Grace E. and Amos Ross; Charles, a farmer on Middle Ridge, Am herst township, Lorain Co., Ohio (he has one child, Bertie); and William K., who died in October, 1892, aged thirty-two years. Oursubject was married, the second time, in 1868, to Henry A. Osborne, a native of Lorain county, born in Avon, but most of whose early life was passed in Pennsyl vania. After marriage they made their home in Amherst township. Lie was a soldier during the war of the Rebellion, and in the service contracted consumption of which he died July 26, 1871. One child was born to this union : Maude E., now the wife of J. H. Wright, of Grind stone City, on Lake Huron. For the past sixteen years Mrs. Osborne has lived on Church street, North Amherst, and among her children. She is identified with the Congregational Church; her second hus band was a member of the M. E. Church. Mrs. L. A. Osborne's early education was limited to the common schools, but an LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1011 ambition to excel caused her to attain in telligence and culture rapidly, and this, coupled with a handsome appearance and genial disposition, made her an early favor ite in society. Her first husband was an excellent business man, and the Walker family became known as one of the pros perous and leading families of Lorain county. Mrs. Osborne had grave respon sibilities left upon her by her first hus band's death; but she succeeded well. She is still young looking, and still among the social leaders of North Amherst. She is an active church worker, and one of the leaders of the Ladies' Relief Corps of North Amherst. 'HARLES BOWERS, well known and highly respected in Wellington and vicinity, where for several years he has industriously pursued his trade, that of carpenter, is a native of tbe town, born August 13, 1836, a son of Sylvester and Esther (Cheney) Bowers. Sylvester Bowers, a native of Connecti cut, born in 1805, came west to Ohio in 1834, settling on a farm in Wellington township, Lorain county, and here reared a hardy and intelligent family. Of late years he has lived a retired life in Well ington, on Tayler street. Politically he was originally a Whig, and since the or ganization of the party has been a Repub lican; in Church connection for some years he was a Baptist, but for a considerable time back has been a Congregationalist. His wife, a native of Massachusetts, born in 1804, died at the age of eighty-two years. Their children, four in number, were: John, who joined Company H, One Hundred and Third O. V. I., and was killed at the siege of Knoxville; Charles, our subject; Victoria, deceased wife of Oscar Herrick, county auditor, living in Elyria; and Harriet, residing with her father. Charles Bowers, of whom this sketch more particularly relates, attended in his boyhood the district schools, and learned the trade of carpenter in his native town. In June, 1863, he enlisted in Company C, Eighty-sixth Regiment 0. V. I., which was ordered to Cumberland Gap; he was discharged there at the expiration of his term of service, and returned home. The following season he served in the Govern ment employ as carpenter in the vicinity of Nashville, Tenn., and after the war he worked six months longer for the Govern ment, since when he has been a constant resident -of Wellington, Lorain county. In 1870 Mr. Bowers married Miss Emma J. Webster, who was born in Wellington, Ohio, October 13, 1838, and they have two children: Ida, married to David Gammell, of Akron, Ohio, and Clayton. Mrs. Bowers is a daughter of Oliver and Melissa (Babcock) Webster, New England people, the latter of whom was eighty- five years of age in November, 1893. The father, who passed away in 1870 at the age of sixty-two years, was a Whig and Republican, and a member of the Congre gational Church. Their children were: Emerson, in Denver, Colo.; Henry, in Wellington, Lorain county; Alonzo, Amelia, Philena (deceased) and Emma. Mrs. Bowers' paternal grandfather, David Webster, came to Lorain county in a very early day, and died at an advanced age. Our subject is a Republican in politics, and a member of the G. A. R. Post; in Church connection he and his wife are Congregationalists. J. COLE, the genial and popular clerk of Columbia township, was born on his present farm August 19, 1860, a son of John and Sarah (Ban croft) Cole, natives of Connecticut and Massachusetts, respectively. John Cole came to Columbia township when a boy of nine years, along with seven 1012 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. other members of the family, and was here married to Miss Sarah Bancroft, who had migrated hither in her girlhood, settling in Ridgeville township. They are yet living, the parents of four children, namely: Eliza beth A., wife of A. H. Perry, of Colum bia township; Harriet A., wife of F. J. Hinman, of Cleveland; Fied E. (married), died in Kansas in 1884; and C. J., our subject. The father was a farmer by oc cupation, a Prohibitionist- Democrat in politics, and filled various township offices, including those of clerk and trustee. C. J. Cole, the subject of this sketch, re ceived his elementary education at the com mon schools of his native township, and aft erward attended Oberlin College six years, graduating with the class of 1886. On ac count of failure in health he returned to his father's farm immediately after grad uating, where he has since remained. His chief occupation has been farming and school teaching, wliich latter he followed some five years in Olmsted and Columbia townships, and he is the owner of sixty-five acres of prime land, allin a good state of cul- ti vation. Politically he is a stanch Repub lican; has served as justice of the peace some years, and as township clerk six years, with ability and fidelity, having been elec ted to the office in 1887. Mr. Cole is justly recognized as a useful member of society, and one of the most prosperous citizens of his township. He is deeply interested in educational matters, and an avowed advocate of free schools and free speech. URIEL M. BEMIS, a well-known re spected citizen of Lorain, was born in 1829 in Massachusetts. His parents, Charles H. and Azubah (Perry) Bemis, were also natives of Massachusetts, and in 1850 moved westward, locating in Lorain county, Ohio. They had children as follows: Uriel M., our subject; Fraucis, of Amherst, Lorain county, who enlisted ih 1863 in an Ohio Regiment, and served througb the remainder of the war; Marcus, now living in Iowa county, Mich. ; Henry, deceased; Charles and Luther, who both died in the army. The father of this fam ily died in Tennessee in 1857; the mother died in 1881, in Lorain county. Uriel M. Bemis was reared and edu cated in his native State, and when twenty- one years of age came to Lorain county, Ohio, locating in Black River township, where he was engaged in farming and also operated a sawmill. In 1865 he removed to Sheffield township, where he was en gaged in farming and milling, and in 1886 came to Lorain, where he has since been employed as engineer in the car shops. In 1853 he was united in marriage, in Shef field township, with Miss Mary Standen, a native of England, daughter of James and Julia (Upton) Standen, also natives of England, and who came to Sheffield town ship, Lorain Co., Ohio, in an early day. To Mr. and Mrs. Bemis have been born the following named children: Eva M., wife of Thomas C. Burlingame; Ella, widow of Edwin Abels; Celia, married to James White; Hattie, married to Daniel Dodge, of Dayton, Ohio; Nettie, wife of Fred Olkey, of Lorain; and Harry L. In poli tics Mr. Bemis is a Republican, and he takes an interest in everything tending to improve and advance the community in which he resides. THOMAS C. BURLINGAME, fore man of the Car Shops at Lorain, is the oldest employe in same, hav ing worked there the past twenty years. His father, William Burlingame, was born in Massachusetts, and in about 1836 came to Lorain connty, Ohio, where he followed farming, also conducting a saw mill for a few years. He was united in marriage, in Sheffield township, Lorain county, with Melissa Baker, a native of Pennsylvania, and they reared eight chil- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1013 dren, as follows: Sarah, married to Will iam Smith, of Lorain; Henry, who resides in Wisconsin; Thomas Corwin; Eunice, wife of Daniel Ball, Cleveland; Maria, wife of Harry Packham,of Chicago; Lucy, wife of B. Shaw, of Geneva, Ohio; Will iam, Jr., of Geneva; and Martha, Mrs. Brainard, of Geneva. They have a half- sister named Mina. The mother of this family died in Sheffield township in 1865, and in 1872 the father moved to Ashta bula county, Ohio, where he died in 1892. Politically he was first a Whig, and after ward, on the formation of the party, a Re publican, being an ardent supporter of the principles of his party; he took an active part in the early history of the county. Thomas Corwin Burlingame was born December 22, 1846, in Sheffield township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where he was reared and educated. He followed milling in the township in an early day, and in 1873 moved into Lorain, here entering the em ploy of the Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling Railroad Company. On November 28, 1871, he was married, in Sheffield township, to Miss Eva M. Bemis, a native of Lorain, and they have had one child, Gertie. In politics our subject is a Republican. Socially he is a member of Tent No. 1, K. O. T. M., of the Royal Arcanum, and of the Order of Tonti, of which he is treas urer. In religion Mr. and Mrs. Burlingame are members of the Disciple Church. E G. SPRAGUE, a well-to-do farmer citizen of LaGrange township, is a j native of Livingston county, N. Y., born August 2, 1841, in the town of York. His father, William G. Sprague, son of William, was born February 23, 1812, in Covington, N. Y., and on November 17, 1836, married Miss Pamelia Root, who was born January 1, 1819, in Pittsfield, Mass., whence her parents, Chester and Clarissa Root, moved to New York, where she met and married Mr. Sprague. The latter learned the trade of miller, and fol lowed it in New York State, where three children were born to him, viz.: Chester, born February 15, 1838, who died Febru ary 8, 1840; William Chester, bora Janu ary 30, 1840, who was killed by a horse March 1, 1891; and Edward G., subject proper of this sketch. In the spring of 1842 the family came to Ohio, whither the father had preceded them a few months, spending the winter near Columbus, Ohio, where he had better health. When the family joined him iu the spring, he pur chased land in Copley, Summit Co., Ohio, residing thereon for ten years, and then removing to Lorain county, where he in vested in 135 acres of land. Here he passed the remainder of his life, except one year, when he bought and conducted a gristmill at La Porte. He died on his farm February 3, 1893, preceded by his wife June 23, 1883, and they now lie buried in East cemetery, LaGrange town ship. The children born to them after coming to Ohio were Oliver R., born' March 14, 1846, in Copley, who died May 28, 1864; and Charley, born December 6, 1848, in Copley, who died October 12, 1879. Mr. Sprague was an active man,' and traveled considerably, visiting the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia in 1876; he owned some property in Michi gan, which he also visited frequently. He was well informed on various questions, and though he had but limited educational advantages in his youth he acquired much practical learning by reading, travel and observation. He conducted systematically anything which he undertook, and was much respected in his community. Ih politics he was a Republican, and held the office of township trustee. E. G. Sprague received a common-school education, and during his boyhood and youth was inducted into the mysteries of farm life. Upon reaching his majority he left home and went to Michigan, where he 1014 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. worked in the pineries, but being dissatis fied returned. On March 14, 1867, he was united in marriage with Miss Malissa Dale, who was born November 16, 1846, in LaGrange township, daughter of Orrie and Charille (Clark) Dale, and for one year thereafter they lived on land in Grafton township, which he rented from his father- in-law. They then moved into LaGrange township, where, with the exception of a year and a half they lived in LaPorte, they have ever since had their residence, on April 7, 1892, coming to the home farm, where they now are. He is administrator of his father's estate, and controls over three hundred acres of land. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Sprague have children as fol lows: Linnie, born March 5,1872; George E., born July 1, 1877; and Ora M., born February 26, 1883. In politics our sub ject is a Republican, but is not active in party affairs. He has been a lifelong agriculturist, and besides general farming is extensively engaged in raising horses and sheep, a large number of which he usually has on hand. FE. GRIFFIN, a thoroughly repre sentative self-made man, and a pros perous agriculturist of Amherst township, is a native of same, bora October 15, 1847, a son of Frederick A. and Bethia L. (Jenne) Griffin. Frederick A. Griffin, father of our sub ject, stands, prominent among the practi cally self-made agriculturists of Lorain county. He was born in Dutchess county, N. Y., March 5, 1824, a son of Morris and Maria (Brownell) Griffin, natives of the same place. The father was a farmer, and died in New York about the year 1827; the widowed mother then married Paul Nichols, and they lived in Cayuga county till 1875, when they came to Lorain county and made their home with Frederick A. The mother died in Michigan in 1890. Grandfather Samuel Brownell was a native of New York, and followed drovingbetween that city and the West; be died in Wyoming county, N. Y., at the age of ninety years. On the maternal side of the house the fam ily are of Holland extraction, and on the paternal side they are of Scotch. Three Griffin brothers came from Scotland in Colonial days, and settled in New York. Frederick A. Griffin was reared in part in Cayuga and in part in Dutchess county, N. Y., at the schools of which place he re ceived a liberal education. In 1844 he came to Lorain county, Ohio, locating on rented land in Amherst township. _ In 1847 he moved into Erie county, thence in 1852 to Russia township, where he cleared a farm of 160 acres of wild land. Here he lived until 1878, when he came to Elyria township, and settled on his present farm. On September 4, 1846, Mr. Griffin was married in Ridgeville, Lorain Co., Ohio, to Miss Bethia L. Jenne, a na; tive of Cuyahoga county, Ohio, a daughter of Ansel and Elizabeth (Brown) Jenne, of whom mention is made elsewhere. Two sons have been born to this union, viz.: Frederick E., whose name opens this sketch, and Charles B., married to Mary Gawn, and residing in Amherst township (they have four children, viz.: Charles, Frederick A., Gertrude and Eugene). In politics Mr. Griffin is a Prohibitionist, and he is a strong advocate of temperance principles. He and his wife are members of the M. E. Church at Elyria. Mr. Griffin at one time owned good farms in Rus sia and Amherst townships, aggregating 200 acres, which he sold prior to coming to Elyria township. Frederick E. Griffin attended in his boy hood and early youth the public schools of his township, and was reared to farming, which has been his life-work. In Decem ber, 1868 , he was united in marriage with Emma Bassett, who was born April 26, 1847, in Russia, Lorain Co., Ohio, daughter of Charles and Emma (Parsons) Bassett, LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1017 the former of whom was born in the town of Chili, Monroe Co., N. Y., March 10, 1820, the latter in Wiltshire, England, July 28, 1819. To Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Griffin has been born one child, Allen E. Mr. Griffin has always taken an active interest in politics, and is an ardent Re publican; recently he was nominated for the County Republican Committee. At the last election he was nominated and elected county commissioner of Lorain county, and took office January 1, 1894. In matters of religion he was a member of the Congregational Church. He is the owner of a productive farm of ninety acres, all well improved, whereon, in addi tion to cereals, etc., he raises sheep and fine-bred horses. W. KEENER, leading capitalist, and one of the most prosperous business men in LaGrange town ship, is a native of same, born June . 1850. Peter Kelner, great-grandfather of our subject, came to this country from Ger many in about 1787, and first made a temporary location in the State of New Jersey. In 1788 he brought his family to Jefferson county, N. Y., and took up his residence near the town of Champion, where he and his wife passed the re mainder of their days. Of their children four sons and one daughter grew to ma turity, among whom was one named Will iam, the grandfather of our subject. William Kelner was born September 1, 1787, in New Jersey, and was reared to the multitudinous duties of farm life in Jef ferson county, N. Y. He had but limited educational opportunities, and learned to read after his marriage, having attended school in his youth bnt six weeks. In 1818 he was married in Jefferson county, N. Y., to Miss Cynthia Phelps, a native of that county, born November 13, 1792, and they became the parents of two children, namely: Elmira, bora June 20, 1819, who was married in Lorain county, Ohio, to Sandrus Rockwood, and after his decease to James Waite (she died in LaGrange December 24, 1848); and Charles, bora January 3, 1823. Mr. Kelner was a well- to-do farmer, and owned a good place in Jefferson county. In the spring of 1835 he set out for Ohio, with a view of locat ing, walkiug the entire distance, and after looking over the land and making a selec tion returned to New York, where he sold his farm and farming utensils. Mrs. Kel ner died June 2, 1835, and in the fall of the same year he started for Ohio with his two motherless children, making the trip in a covered wagon drawn by two horses. After a wearisome journey they arrived in LaGrange township, Lorain county, where for a short time they were guests of Nathan Clark, LaGrange township's first perma nent settler, later making their home with one Joseph Phelps, a brother-in law. Mr. Kelner purchased one hundred acres in Lot 19, N. W. Section of LaGrange town ship, for which tract he paid one thou sand dollars in cash, and which land he cleared and improved, also adding to it as circumstances permitted. He was twice married after coming to Lorain county: first to Miss Mary Chase, who was born November 26, 1783, and died November 23, 1842, but had no children by either union. He passed from earth March 28, 1878, at the patriarchal age of ninety years, dying in LaGrange township, where he was buried. He was a successful farmer, and accumulated a very comfortable compe tence, being a most active man even in his old age, never content unless occupied with labor of some kind. He was constantly reading and studying the Scriptures, and in religious connection was a member of the M. E. Church, which he joined in his later years. Charles Kelner, father of our subject, was about twelve years old when he came 1018 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. with his father to Ohio, and drove the horses during most of the journey. He was reared to farm life, received an education in the common schools, aud then worked on the home place until his marriage. On October 19, 1840, he wedded Miss Martha A. Clark, who was born May 13, 1820, in Jefferson county, N. Y., third daughter and fifth child of Nathan and Anna (Loomis) Clark, who came to LaGrange township in 1825, and, as previously stated, were the first permanent settlers there. To the union of Charles and Martha A. Kelner came children as follows: George H., born June 6, 1842, a cheese maker and farmer of La Grange township; Cynthia M., born Oc tober 7, 1844, now Mrs. Richard Rounds, of Barry county, Mich.; Emma M., bora November 3, 1846, now Mrs. Nelson Wil son, of Penfield, Ohio; Stowell W., the sub ject of this sketch; Frank, born July 29, 1855, a farmer of LaGrange township; and Charlie, born August 13, 1860, a resident of LaGrange township. The family re sided on the homestead many years, mak ing their home there until 1875, when he built in LaGrange village the finest resi dence in the township, and there passed the remainder of his days, dying August 14, 1880. He was buried in a cemetery near the home farm in LaGrange town ship. In his political affiliations he was a stanch member of the Democratic party, and held the office of township trustee when the town hall was built. He was very successful in his agricultural affairs, and accumulated a very comfortable com petence, leaving to his widow an elegant home, which she now shares with our sub ject. Stowell W. Kelner received his educa tion in the common schools of his native place, his first teacher being William A. Braman. He was reared to farming pur suits, and remained at home with his par ents until December 17, 1872, when he was united in marriage with Miss Hannah E. Nichols, who was born December 3, 1853, in LaGrange, daughter of Cyrus and Henrietta (Pierce) Nichols, who came from Watertown, N. Y ., to LaGrange township in an early day. Children as follows have blessed the union of Stowell W. and Han nah E. Kelner: Two sons that died in in fancy; Cassie M., bora October 30, 1881; Mattie M. H, bora August 1, 1885; Earl W., bora June 14, 1889; and Rowan B., born January 26, 1891. After marriage Mr. Kelner settled on the home place, which had been divided between two sons, and for five years conducted the stone quarry which had been discovered on the farm. But in 1884 a switch from the Lake Shore Railroad was built from Ober lin, Ohio, and the stone business (a very profitable one) and the farm of 140 acres were sold to the Cleveland Stone Co. at a handsome figure. Mr. Kelner had also erected buildings, and carried on a general store, which were disposed of at the same time. He still owns fifty acres of valuable stone land. In the fall of 1883 he took up his residence in the village of LaGrange, and here he has since resided in the beauti ful and luxuriously furnished home erected by his father. He buys and sells wool, and also deals in various kinds of stock, being a shrewd, well-known business man, popular in the commercial circles of Lorain county. He is amemberof the Democratic party, but takes no particular interest in political affairs. Mrs. Kelner is a member of the M. E. Church. JOSEPH TURLEY, retired merchant, and a representative self-made man, having his residence in Wellington, is a native of Manchester, England, born in 1814. He is a son of Francis and Alice (Eckels- ley) Turley, of Irish and English birth, respectively, the former of whom went to England when a young man, and there married. He was a weaver, a trade he fol lowed in England till his death, which oc curred when he was seventy years of age; LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1019 his wife also died in the mother country, aged about sixty-five. Of their children the following is a brief record : James Lionel is a weaver in Manchester, England; John was also a weaver in Manchester, where he died; Joseph is the subject of this sketch ; Frank resided in Manchester ; Isabel O. died in England; and one died young. Joseph Turley received his education at the schools of his native city, and worked in a large cotton -factory there. At the age of thirty-five years he immigrated to the United States, landing at Boston, Mass., and worked in the East some two years before coming West, part of the time as a mechanic at Springfield, Mass. While so employed he received a hurt in an acci dent, and it was then that he turned his at tention, through a friend, to Wellington, Lorain Co., Ohio. This was in 1850, al most half a century ago, when the bear, the panther, the wolf and many other wild animals still roamed the imperial forest. Here Mr. Turley resolved to go into the grocery business, and after securing a suit able building found he had only twelve dollars left wherewith to buy goods; from which small beginnings, by close applica tion to business, shrewdness and ecouomy, he made in the course of a few years a com fortable competence. His first week's re ceipts amounted to between twenty and thirty dollars, and the last bill he paid, for sugar and molasses alone, amounted to two thousand dollars. In 1860 he visited Eng land, being about fifty weeks there, and after his return located in Cleveland, Ohio, where for two years he operated a grain and produce business. At the end of that time he opened a cooperative store in Wel lington, and one in Oberlin, but in about a year and a quarter he retired from busi ness. In March, 1893, he again visited England, but returned in the following June, having been taken sick there. On both his trips he happened to be the oldest passenger on board the vessel, although he was one of about twelve hundred souls. Mr. Turley was married, on May 18, 1840, to Miss Anna Smith, who died in 1851, and in 1852 he wedded, for his second wife, Miss Anna Vincent, who died November 15, 1892. In politics our sub ject is strictly independent; in church matters he is a Congregationalist. He has been liberal in his contributions to various charitable institutions. Aside from a temporary affliction, he is remarkable for mental and physical vigor. THOMAS COX, for nearly half a cen- tury a resident of Elyria township, where he has been a prosperous farmer, is a native of England, born in Northamptonshire, in November, 1816, in the village of Naseby, near where was fought, in June, 1645, the memorable battle between Cromwell and the Royalists, in which the latter were de feated with the loss of five thousand men. Thomas Cox, father of our subject, a na tive of the same place, and by occupation a laborer and farmer, sailed in 1833 for the United States with his family, lauding in Philadelphia July 8, of that year, and first locating in Allegheny county, Penn. From there he proceeded to Lorain county, Ohio, where he made a settlement in Elyria town ship, east of the river. In England he had married Miss Catherine Luck, of the same county, and they had five children, viz.: William, who died at the age of eighty- five in Allegheny county, Penn.; Robert, who resided in Allegheny county, Penn., and died at about the age of seventy-two; Joseph, living in Allegheny county, Penn. ; John, in Elyria township, and Thomas, our subject. The mother died in England be fore the family came to this country; the father died in August, 1851, at the age of seventy-six years. The subject proper of these lines re ceived his education in Pennsylvania, and 1020 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. has followed agricultural pursuits all his life. He now owns one hundred acres of land in a high state of cultivation, and has prospered well. In 1840 he married Miss Isabella Aldridge, who was born in Eng land in March, 1820, a daughter of John and Mary (Crisp) Aldridge, natives of War wickshire, and who came to this country in 1831, landing in Baltimore, Md., thence proceeding to Pittsburgh, Penn., where they both died in 1854, of cholera. They had two sons: Thomas, living in Steubenville, Ohio, and John, who died in Newport, Ky. To Mr. and Mrs. Cox have been born two children, namely: Samuel, who is married and has two children, Burton and Howard; and Mary A., wife of Richard Henson, also has two children, Thomas H. and Alfred C. In politics our subject is a straight Re publican, and cast his first vote for W. H. Harrison. [Since the above was written we have been informed of the death from La Grippe of Thomas Cox, the subject of the sketch, the sad event taking place De cember 20, 1893. J. RICHMOND, one of the thor ough-going representative farmers of Amherst township, is a native of Lorain county, Ohio, bora in Black River township, April 15, 1831. He is a son of Freeman and Eunice Rich mond, the former of whom was born in Providence, R. I., August 29, 1791, the latter in New York. The father was twice married, the first time to a Miss Nancy Arnold, of Chau tauqua county, N. Y. Soon after marriage they moved to Sheffield, Lorain Co., Ohio, arriving there December 1, 1815. One child, Philinda, was bora September 14, 1817, being the first white child born in Sheffield. Mrs. Nancy Richmond died August 12, 1819. The daughter, Philinda, married Schuyler Strong, and died Novem ber 4, 1844. In the course of time Mr. Richmond was married to Mrs. Eunice Fox, a widow with four children — Gilbert, Orpha, Hannah and Nancy. The children of the second marriage are six in number, viz.: Sylva, born July 15, 1824, and mar ried to Albert Arnold; Minerva, wife of Isaac Shupe, born July 21, 1826; Jane, born February 19, 1829; Albert, born April 15, 1831; Milo, born January 2, 1837; Elmeda, wife of James Rankin, born July 24, 1839. Freeman Richmond moved from Sheffield to Black River township February 15, 1825, and afterward removed to Amherst. He lived to the age of ninety- one, his wife surviving him two years. A. J. Richmond, the subject proper of this sketch, received his education at the public schools of Amherst township, where he was reared to farming, which has al ways been his. occupation, excepting in his younger days, when he worked for a time at vessel calking at Lorain, Milan and Huron. On October 9, 1852, he was married to Mary L. Gilmore, daughter of Aretus and Orra Gilmore, early pioneers of Black River township, Lorain county, and to this union one son, Bird, was born. Bird Richmond was born October 16, 1853, and was married, October 16, 1877, to Sarah E. Jenne, daughter of Ansel and Phebe Jenne, by which union one son, Frank, was born July 16, 1880. A. J. Richmond's wife died October 11, 1886, and in 1888 Mr. Richmond was mar ried to Mrs. Emaretta Tenery, of Clyde, Ohio. In politics' our subject is a Repub lican, and he has always taken a deep in terest in the affairs of the county, of which he is a useful and loyal citizen. J A. MEREDITH is a son of William Meredith, who was born August 8, 1813, in Herefordshire, England, eldest child of James Meredith, who was a farmer. LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1021 William Meredith was reared to the duties of agricultural life, and received but a com mon- school education, his opportuni ties in that direction being limited, as his parents were poor. For a time he found employment working in noblemen's gar dens, etc., but in 1848 left England, sail ing from Liverpool in the vessel " Cala- grimcha," wliich was some time afterward burned at sea. Along with William came a friend, Thomas Jones, who had been here before, and after landing at New York they proceeded to Pittsfield township, Lo rain Co., Ohio, where Mr. Meredith in vested in forty-seven acres of land at nine dollars per acre, for which he was obliged to go into debt. On April 23, 1849, he married Esther Gurney, who was born February 8, 1816, in Worcestershire, Eng land, and passed the earlier part of ber life in Herefordshire, same country. She was a daughter of Thomas and Mary (Wheeler) Gurney, who were poor people, and Esther was early in life obliged to work for a living, being thus deprived of even the smallest opportunity to obtain an educa tion. She had met Mr. Meredith in Eng land, where they were engaged, and he started for the United States to seek a home, concluding, if satisfactory arrange ments could not be made here, to return to England. But in about a year he had made a home, and sent for Miss Gurney, who sailed from Liverpool on a vessel of the "Black Star Line," landing in New York after a voyage of thirty-three days. She immediately proceeded to Pittsfield township, where she was joined by Mr. Meredith, and here immediately after mar riage they began life in a rude frame house, where they resided seven years, after which they moved to the farm. To their union were born children as follows: Mary Ann, deceased in infancy; James A., subject of this sketch; Alice, Mrs. John White, of Wellington, Ohio; and Reuben and Arthur, both farmers of Pittsfield township, fie was a strong Republican, and took great interest in political issues, reading considerably and keeping himself well posted. At the time of his death, which occurred July 3, 1885, he owned 280 acres of land, all of which he had ac quired by patient, honest toil, working part of the time as a farm hand. He and his wife were members of the Episcopal Church in England. Mr. Meredith was buried in the South cemetery at Welling ton. Since his death the widow has re sided on the home farm, and is a highly respected lady in her community. J. A. Meredith was born July 29, 1854, in Pittsfield township, and received his literary training in the common schools. He was reared to the arduous duties of agricultural life, and remained on the home farm until his marriage, working out in the summer seasons. On Decem ber 25, 1876, he wedded Miss Alice Par sons, a daughter of Ebenezer and Armitta (Corkins) Parsons, and immediately there after settled on his present farm, where he has since resided, carrying on a general farming and dairying business. He is one of the most enterprising and progressive young farmers in his section, and is a well-known member of the locality. Po litically he is a Republican, and has held various township offices, refusing others. Socially he is a member of Lorain Lodge, No. 281, I. 0. O. F., and Camp No. 247. To Mr. and Mrs. Meredith have come children as follows: Clara E., Frank A., Charles (deceased), Mabel A., Lena A., Bessie, Belle R. and Howard Edmund. A. WIRE, late superintendent of the C. L. & W. R/R. docks, Lo rain, deservedly one of the most popular of men, is a native of the State of New York, born April 17, 1831. He is a son of Samuel and Abigail (Sher man) Wire, the former of whom was for some time a contractor on the New York Central Railroad. He was also a preacher 1022 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. in the Freewill Baptist Church, having commenced exhorting at the age of thirty- one. When our subject was three years old the family moved to Ashtabula county, Ohio, locating on a farm for a time, after which they again returned to New York State, and for six years made their home in the town of Canandaigua. The mother, who was of Scotch lineage, died in Potter, Yates Co., N. Y., and the father then re sided for a short time in Wayne county. He lived to be eighty-one years old, and a short time before his death was cradling grain, something not to be so much mar veled at when it is remembered that he came from a long-lived hardy Scotch-Irish race. His grandfather was one of Wash ington's body guard during the Revolu tionary war. W. A. Wire, the subject of this sketch, in his boyhood attended school in New York State, and at the age of twenty-one commenced railroading, first as a fireman for a locomotive on the Cleveland & Co lumbus Railroad; at the end of a year he was appointed brakeman on the Cleveland & Erie Railroad, whieh position he filled also one year. For the following eighteen years he was conductor on the Cleveland & Erie road, after which for three years he ran the yard at nights in Cleveland for the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Rail road. His next experience was in the Pennsylvania oil fields, two years speculat ing in oil. From there he came to Lorain, having received the appointment of yard- master for the Cleveland, Tuscarawas Yal- ley & Wheeling (now the Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling) Railroad. On his retirement from this incumbency in the spring of 1884, to go to Cleveland, Mr. Wire was presented by the city and rail road employes with a handsome gold watch as an expression of esteem. His call to Cleveland at that time was to ac cept the position of dockmaster on the " Big Four," remaining thereon for seven and a half years, at the end of which time, November 1, 1888, he returned to Lorain to fill the then vacant position of assistant superintendent for the C. L. & W. road, in which capacity he remained one year, and was then given charge of the docks as superintendent. In April, 1893, he left the railroad business, and moved to Glen- ville, Ohio. In 1853 Mr. Wire was married in Lake county, Ohio, to Miss Caroline Rosette Powers, of Perry, Lake Co., Ohio, a lady of French origin, and two children have been born to them : Samuel, a machinist iu the employ of the C. L. & W. Railroad Company (he is married to a daughter of Capt. Coney, of Lorain), and Laura, who is a singing Evangelist, traveling through out the country. Mr. Wire is a member of the F. & A. M., K. of H. and R. A., and of the Disciple Church. In politics he is a stanch Republican. |V|[ICHOLAS GRABENSTETTER, a I VJ well-known farmer citizen of Graf- | ll ton township, was born June 29, y 1820, in Baden, Germany, son of Paul and Rosa (Gross) Grabenstet- ter, farming people of that place. In June, 1833, the family, which then consisted of the parents and three children — Nicholas, Sophia and Alice — left their native country, the father having saved enough from his earnings to bring them to the United States. They embarked at Havre, France, in a full-rigged sailing vessel, and after a voyage of thirty-five days landed in New York, where they re mained one week, strangers in a strange land. They then took a steamboat to Al bany, thence to Rochester, N. Y., where they remained over winter, the father doing any honest labor he could there find, but as times were hard Nicholas could find nothing to do. In May, 1834, they left Rochester, traveling by canal to Buffalo, N. Y., thence by steamboat to Cleveland, LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1023 Ohio, where they remained two weeks, searching for land. As his capital was small, Mr. Grabenstetter concluded to go to Stark county, and traveling by canal to Bethlehem (near Massillon), that county, remained three weeks, but finding himself unable to purchase land there, returned to Cleveland, taking the same route. He then went to Liverpool township, Medina county, where he purchased forty-seven acres at four dollars per acre, which land was entirely in the woods, not a tree having been cut, or a single improvement made thereon. A rude house, constructed of rough boards and a couple of forked stocks, was put up, which, though wet and un comfortable, served as a shelter all sum mer. Setting to work they began to clear the land, though during the first year they could raise nothing but garden stuff, and a log house was built, which was later sup planted by one of hewn logs. Although wild game was plentiful, the forest teem ing with deer, turkeys, etc., they could not take advantage of the abundance, as they could not afford firearms, and thus they were obliged to struggle on till crops grew better. Mr. and Mrs. Grabenstetter re sided on this farm the remainder of their lives, dying at the ages of eighty-five and eighty-three years, respectively, and were buried in the Catholic cemetery in Liver pool township. They were members of the Catholic Church. In Rochester, N. Y., the family was increased by one child, Frank, who is now a farmer in Litchfield, Medina county. Nicholas Grabenstetter was reared to farm life, and attended school in his native country until thirteen years of age, when be came with his parents to the United States. He grew to manhood in the woods of Liverpool township, Medina Co., Ohio, where he became inured to hard work, and he resided with his parents until his mar riage. Our subject was not only employed at farm labor, but also worked on the canal then in course of construction at Milan, Ohio, before he was sixteen years of age. He was afterward employed on various other canals, the Tuscarawas Canal, the Erie Canal, the Maumee Canal, etc., toiling from sunrise to sunset for fifty cents a day, and all his earnings went to assist his father. In 1841 he was wedded to Mary Yeager, a native of Baden, Germany, daughter of Lawrence lreager, who came to the United States, locating in Liverpool township, Medina county, in pioneer times. After marriage Mr. Grabenstetter located on the farm of his mother-in-law, remaining there for eight years, when he purchased a tract of forty-five acres in Grafton town ship, Lorain county; this land cost five hundred dollars, and he was obliged to go four hundred dollars into debt for same, but by hard work the loan was soon paid off. He resided thereon until 1863, when he purchased his present place, then com prising ninety-eight acres, where he has since resided, following agricultural pur suits. To our subject and wife were born eleven children, six of whom are yet living, namely: Odelia, Sophia, Alouys, Andrew, Rosa and John. The mother of these chil dren died May 6, 1870, and was buried in the Catholic cemetery; she was a member of the Catholic Church. Mr. Grabenstet ter has been a hard-working man, and by his industry has accumulated a comfort able property. He is an excellent farmer, and an honest, upright business man, highly respected and esteemed. He is a lifelong member of the Democratic party, but does not mix in politics; he is a mem ber of the Catholic Church. |[ M. SEELYE, a well-to-do farmer of k. I Ridgeville township, where he owns %J) forty-four acres all in a good state of cultivation, is a native of Lorain county, born in Avon township, July 26, 1836. 1024 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. ? He is the son of Cornelius and Rachel Smith) Seelye, who were natives of New ork State, where they were married, and whence in an early day they came to Ohio, locating in the woods of Avon township, Lorain county, near French creek, where Mrs. Seelye died in 1843. They remained here till 1847, and then moved to Craw ford county, Wis., where the father con tinued to live until 1854, in which year he returned to Lorain county,, taking up his home in La Porte. He died in Avon town ship in 1866. For his second wife Mr. Seelye married, in Avon township, Mary Cadwell, who died in Elyria in 1888. By his first marriage he had fourteen children — seven sons and seven daughters — as fol lows: Humphrey, married, residing in Wellington; Esther, who married John Cockrell, and died in Wayne county, Ohio; Joseph, deceased in Iowa; Thomas, who resides in Michigan ; Phebe, deceased wife of Hart Smith, of New York; Elmira, who was the wife of William Hubbard, died at French Creek; Daniel, married, residing in Crawford county, Wis.; Phineas, also residing in Crawford county, Wis.; J. M., subject of this sketch; Flor entine, who married Asa Frary, and died in Wayne county, Ohio; Ursula, wife of William Vandeveer, of Kalamazoo, Mich.; McKindre, who enlisted in the Civil war in Avon township, and died from the effects of disease contracted in the service; and two others whose names have not beeii given. By his second marriage there were no children. Politically Mr. Seelye was first a Whig, later a Republican. J. M. Seelye, the subject proper of this sketch, received his education in part at the schools of Avon township, Lorain county, and in part at those of Wayne county, Ohio, whither he had removed at the age of twelve years. After a four years' residence there he returned to Lo rain county, and in Ridgeville township worked by the month for. Randall Stetson for about eight years, at the end of which time he moved to Crawford county, Wis., sojourning there one winter, and then coming back to his old home in Ridgeville township. Again he worked for Mr. Stet son, getting out lumber, until May, 1860, when he went to California, and was there engaged in the dairy, business till 1864, in which year he once more found himself in Ridgeville township. In 1866 he made a trip to Michigan, where in Van Buren county he bought 120 acres of land, and farmed three years; then in the city of- Lawrence, same county, he conducted, a butchering business eight years. Next we find our Protean friend in the lumber business, buying and selling until 1889, when he once more came to Ridgeville township to finally remain. In 1866 J. M. Seelye was united in marriage with Miss Jane M. Stetson, born in Ridgeville township, Lorain county, a daughter of Randall and Adeline Stetson, and by this union there was one son,- Ran dall, who died in Michigan at the age of six years. In politics our subject is a straight Democrat, and is a member of the school board. 4 HENRY A. BARNES. Oneof the leading farmers of Rochester town ship, and one of her best known and most honored citizens, the sub ject of this sketch enjoys the dis tinction of being second to none in these respects. Mr. Barnes is a native of Massachusetts, born in Worcester county April 23, 1827, a son of Moses Barnes, whose nativity was Becket, Berkshire Co., Mass. When the latter was nine or ten years old his father died, leaving ten children, some" of whom were bound out as apprentices, while Moses and others of the younger members of the family were kept at home. In his boyhood he suffered from a severe attack of fever, which resulted in his being left a cripple for life. When a young man, -r^ CL ./ucu^tu&y LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1027 after leaving school, he learned the trade of cloth dresser. In 1833 Moses, with his wife and children, set out for Lorain coun ty, Ohio, making direct for Rochester township, he and his brother Sumner hav ing traded land in Massachusetts for 200 acres in that township, receiving also two hundred dollars as " boot money." The journey was made via canal and lake, and they landed at the mouth of the Black river in Lorain county, where they hired an ox-team to convey them to Huntington township, and here the party remained at the home of Jesse Johnson, an acquaint ance, during the illness and death of Silas, a son of Moses Barnes (Silas was the first to be buried in Huntington cemetery). They then settled on their own property in Rochester township, where they had hasti ly built a log cabin, which at first had neither door nor chimney, but was soon afterward much improved, bfth in appear ance and comfort. The land was all cov ered with timber, chiefly beech and maple, and wild animals were numerous. For their milling they had to go to Hayesville, Ashland county, the trip occupying two days. When a young man Moses Barnes had married, in Worcester, Mass., Miss Eliza Stone, a native of the same county, and who worked in a cotton factory, and in that State were born to them children as follows: Henry A. (subject of sketch), Milo, Silas (already referred to), and Orin, who died in Toledo, Ohio. Milo had rather an adventurous life. At the time of the breaking out of the Civil war he was living in Arkansas, where he was ar rested by the Confederates as a spy, and was confined to prison three months and five days, at tbe end of which time he was released on condition of his enlisting in the Southern army, which he did, serving one year as a teamster. But securing a pass one day, he escaped to Fort Scott, Kans., where he found the Third Wiscon sin Cavalry, for whom he acted as guide, but was shot at by some Confederates and wounded; after convalescence he enlisted in the Twelfth 0. V. I. His regiment was sent to Johnson's Island at the time of the " Canada scare," and he was on duty eight hours that cold New Year's night of 1863, which brought on a violent cold that settled on his lungs, causing his death, which occurred on the Island. In Rochester township there were bora seven children to Moses Barnes, namely: Rachel, who married Charles Day, and died in New London, Ohio; William, de ceased at the age of twenty-one years; Alvira, deceased when young; John, who died during the Civil war at Nashville, Tenn., of smallpox, while a member of the Third Ohio Cavalry; Johan, deceased when five years old; Leeta, deceased in infancy, and Lewis, now living on the old home? stead, Rochester Station, Lorain county. The father died in September, 1888, in his eighty-seventh year, the mother in M^rch, same year, at the age of seventy- eight years, and they are buried in Roch ester cemetery. They were exemplary members of the M. E. Church, and of the first class formed in Rochester; politically Mr. Barnes was originally a Whig* after ward a Republican. Henry A. Barnes, the subject proper of these lines, was six years old when the family came from Massachusetts to Lorain county, consequently his education was limited. He attended the first school taught in Rochester township by Martha Fay, she receiving one dollar a week, and boarding from house to house; the funds were raised by subscription. Her walk to the schoolhouse, never less than two miles, was through the woods, the direc^ tion being found by marked trees. The old school-buildiug was made of logs about sixteen feet square. Mr. Barnes' school ing consisted of about three months a year until he was eighteen. At the age of six teen he began working away from the pa ternal roof, first on the farm of Dr. Seager, of Clarksfield towuship, Huron county, later for Benjamin Perkins, of Rochester, 1028 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Ohio, four years, and then working nearly a year at the building of the Cleveland & Columbus Railroad. After his marriage he settled on seventy acres of dense timber- covered land in Rochester township, for which he paid seven dollars per acre, and here he built a rude log cabin, 12x16 feet inside. This was the happiest era of his life, and from time to time he added to this purchase till he now owns 180 acres of as. rich farm land as can be found in this vicinity; for a part of this he paid fifty dollars per acre, and had placed on it all of the modern improvements. On January 23, 1848, Mr. Barnes was married to Miss Polly Day, who was born in New London township, Huron Co., Ohio, June 20, 1832, and died May 31, 1892, in her sixtieth year. She was the youngest child of Dr. Samuel Day, who was one of the earliest pioneers of New London township. She was left an or phan at the age of eleven years, after which she took care of herself, making her home mostly with her half-sister, Mrs. Hendrix, until she was married and set tled on the farm in Rochester township, Lorain county. Here by their united ef forts they built np the beautiful home and surroundings, and here she was residing at the time of her death. She was the mother of eight children, viz.: Samuel M., who is now a farmer in Michigan; Eliza (now Mrs. A. G. Fisher), Rosina (Mrs. John Dagnan), and Matilda (Mrs. Nelson Robinson), all living in Welling ton, Lorain county, Ohio; Henry W., a farmer on the homestead; Clarence, who died at the age of six years, and two de ceased in infancy. Five of these yet re main to comfort their father. Mrs. Barnes experienced religion thirty- seven years ago, and united with her hus band in the M. E. Church at Rochester, Lorain Co., Ohio. Although in poor health, and being prevented the greater part of the time from attending public worship, she ever lived a faithful and con sistent Christian life. She was a loving and devoted wife and mother. Realizing that her end was near, she made needful preparations for her funeral, which was held at her late home June 2, 1892, and was attended by a large number of rela tives and friends, after which she was in terred in the cemetery at Rochester. In his political associations our subject is a Republican, and he served his township as trustee four years. He is a member of and steward in the M. E. Church, of the Sabbath-school of which he was superin tendent some five, years. On September 10, 1893, Mr. Barnes was united in mar riage to Miss Lina Braman (the daughter of Samuel and Belinda Braman), a resi dent of Rochester and a member of the M. E. Church. TASSO DELOS PHELON, a resi dent of Huntington township, is a native of same, born August 31, 1848, a son of Delos and Louisa M. (Perkins) Phelon. The fatherof oursubjectwas born in 1812, in Hartford county, Conn., whence in 1833 he came to Ohio, and built the first ware house at the mouth of Black river, where is now the thriving town of Lorain (he had previously visited Cleveland with the in tention of remaining, but returned to Con necticut). At this place he carried on a forwarding and commission business from 1833 to 1837, after which he had his resi dence for a time in Sheffield township, Lo rain county, and then moved to Hunting ton township, where he kept a general merchandise store, and also farmed, dying October. 4, 1888; his wife had passed away June 19, same year, at the age of seventy- four years, seven months, ten days; she was born in Becket, Berkshire Co., Mass. Mr. Phelon in his political asso ciations was originally an Old-line Whig, but in later years changed to a Democrat. LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1029 They were the parents of children as fol lows: Daniel W., who resides in Kansas; Joseph V., in Huntington; Deette, wife of L. Chapman, of Rochester; Mary, wife of G. W. Wilbur, of Hartland, Huron county, had one child, George J., who died when about twelve years old; and T. D. Grandfather Phelon was born in Suffield, Conn., and died in Lorain county, Ohio. T. D. Phelon, whose name opens this sketch, was educated at the common schools of Huntington, his summer months being occupied in learning the practical lessons of farm life. In December, 1862, he enlisted in Company E, One Hundred and Twenty-eighth 0. Y. I., for three years or during the war, and served until the close of the conflict, when he was mustered out by order of the War Depart ment, July 13, 1865. On his return home after the war he took up agricultural pursuits, and has since successfully con tinued in same. In 1869 he married Miss Adelaide Noony, born in Huntington township, Lorain county, August 12, 1846, and one child, Flora N., still under the parental roof, was bora to them. Mr. Phelon is a Republican, and served his township as trustee two or three terms; he is in his tenth year as justice of the peace, and was school director some fifteen years. Iu 1888 he was elected county commis sioner, an incumbency he is yet filling with ability and fidelity. Mr. Phelon owns a large tract of land, on which part of the village of Huntington now stands. He is regarded as one of Lorain county's strong est and most popular citizens, and is a prosperous representative agriculturist. ^RRIN T. BAKER, retired agricul turist, and a leading prominent citizen of Lorain county, is a native of the State of New York, born in 1818. His father, Elisha Baker, was bora in Vermont July 25, 1782, and died in New York State when his son Orrin T. was a child. He married Miss Ruth Davids, who was bora November 11, 1787, and died at the age of eighty years. They were the Sarents of children as follows: Mary, born •ecember 23, 1812, who was married to Lucas Adams, and resided in Michigan, where she died January 11, 1891; David, born January 10, 1814, who died in Illinois; Elisha, born September 18, 1815, who was a soldier in the Civil war, and died shortly afterward, in Illinois, from the effects of exposure; Hiram, bom October 16, 1816, who lives in Chittenden county, Vt.; Orrin T. (the subject of this sketch) and Alvin (twins), born in 1818; and George, born February 6, 1819, who lives in Michigan. The subject of this sketch was educated at the public schools of the locality of his place of birth, and at the age of fourteen was bound out to learn the trade of car penter and joiner with A. L. Cook, serv ing a seven years' apprenticeship in Hunt ington township, Chittenden Co., Vt., whither he had removed, his residence be ing in an adjoining township. In 1835 he came to Ohio with Mr. Cook, and located in Fitchville, Huron county, for two years, after which he returned to Huntington and resumed work with his former employer. In course of time he formed a partnership with Mr. Cook, and at the end of a year commenced journeyman work for himself. On October 11, 1844, he married Miss Lydia O. Perkins, a native of Becket, Berk shire Co., Mass., born in 1824, a daughter of Col. Darius and Polly (Dewey) Perkins, the former of whom was born in Connec ticut. He was a carpenter and joiner, and in 1833 came to Ohio, making a settle ment in Huntington Center, Lorain county, where he cleared a farm out of the wild woods, game at that time being plentiful and wild animals numerous. Here Mr. Perkins died at the age of eighty-one years, his wife when seventy-two years old; they were members of the Congrega tional Church, and in politics Mr. Perkins was a Whig. They were the parents of 1030 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. seven children, to wit: Milton D., who married, and died in 1873, leaving a family; Mary L., who married Delos Phelon, both now deceased; Orrin M., who died young; Lydia O. and Abel Dewey (twins), of whom Abel died in 1892; Samuel John, who died in 1879; and Sarah J., wife of W. W. Wells. After marriage our subject and wife re mained in Huntington township, Lorain county, till 1868, when they came to the town of Wellington, same county, and have lived in their present home twenty- two years. During his entire life Mr. Baker has followed his trade of carpenter and joiner, and made sash, doors and blinds in the winter season, also contract ing for the building of honses, ete. When he first commenced business in Huntington township, there were some fifteen carpen ters, but they all left, leaving him in un disputed possession of the field, and as a result he put up more buildings in Hunt ington than any other man. In that town ship he owns 115 acres of land, besides the five acres on which his home stands in Wellington. Politically Mr. Baker is a Republican, his first Presidential vote being cast for William Henry Harrison, while in principle he has always been anti-slavery and a Prohibitionist. Iu matT ters of religion he is a member of the M. E. Church, his wife of the Congrega tional Church. She is a charter member pf the Daughters of Rebekah, and was first noble grand of Lily wood Lodge, of Wellington. Socially Mr. Baker is a mem ber of Lorain Lodge No. 281, I. 0. O. F., and has passed all the Chairs of the Sub ordinate Lodge. Two children have been born to this honored couple, namely: Ed gar D., a sketch of whom follows, and Rosa Ophelia, born in April, 1852, and married to M. N. Hill, of Kipton, Ohio (they have two children: Leo N. and Ora). Edgar D. Baker was born in Huntington township, Lorain cqunty, September 6, 1845, and in his boyhood winters attended the common schools of the neighborhood. On December 10, 1863, he enlisted in Company 1, One Hundred and Twenty- eighth O. V. I., and during the greater part of his term of service did duty on Johnson's Island as a private orderly; he was discharged in July, 1865, and returned home, in 1867 he married Miss Ella Moore, a native of Massachusetts, and three children bave been born to them, viz.: Maude (born August 31, 1870, mar ried to Arthur D. Eglin, of Wellington, Ohio), Lelia Belle and Ray O. Mr. E. D. Baker is, now farming on the homestead in Huntington township. He is a straight Republican, and a member of the G. A. R., in which he has filled various offices. He is agent for the P. A. W. Railroad, and postmaster at Baker's Crossing. JAMES WYATT, who for a quarter of a century has been one of the suc cessful farmers of Amherst township, is an Englishman by birth, born in Devonshire in 1825, a son of James and Hannah (Rich) Wyatt, also of Devonshire, where they were married, and where the latter died in 1854. In 1854, after the death of his wife, the bereaved father came to the United States with his children, making a settlement in Chautauqua county, N. Y., where he died the saine year. He was the father of chil dren as follows: Francis, married, and liv ing in Minnesota; James, subject of sketch; John, married, a resident and pioneer of Dodge county. Minn.; Mary, wife of Samuel Kingston, living in Decatur coun ty, Iowa; Harriet, wife of Edward Dow, of Corry, Penn.; Nancy, widow of Charles Hines, of Evansville, Wis. ; Anna, married and living in Dodge county, Minn.; and Samuel S., married, and a resident of Clay county, Iowa. James Wyatt, whose name opens this sketch, was educated in the schools of his LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1031 native county in England, and in 1854 came with his father to America, and to Chautauqua county, N. Y., where he en gaged in farming till 1867; he then came westward to Huron county, Ohio, whence in 1869 he moved to Lorain county, where he has since followed agricultural pursuits. In 1855 our subject was married in Chautauqua county, N. Y., to Mrs. Phinna N. (Culver) Arnold, widow of Chauncey Arnold, and a native of New York. Two sons were born to this union, viz.: George C, married, and residing in Butler county, Iowa (he has three children), and Frank D., married, and living on a farm. The mother of these passed away July 9, 1892, and on November 6, 1893, Mr. Wyatt married Mrs. Ann E. Wilber. Mr. Wyatt in National elections votes the Republican ticket. He is a member of the M. E. Church. OY^AL HARRIS, a prosperous and substantial agriculturist of Brown helm township, is a native of same, born on his present farm, April 4, 1849. Thomas Harris, father of our subject, was born in 1797 in Vermont, whence when eighteen years old he came to Erie county (then a part of Huron county), Ohio, with his parents. His father, Nathan Harris, after a residence of some years in Ohio, removed to Indiana, where he died. Thomas Harris came to Lorain county in 1847, making a settlement in the woods, where he cleared a farm. He was married to Sarah Call, a native of Essex county, N. Y., and they had a family of thirteen children, of whom the following is a brief record: Betsy married Ambrose Willard, and died in Kansas in 1890; Harriet mar ried Henry Barber, of Marshall county, Iowa; Sarah was the wife of Richard Dim mick, and died in March, 1883; Susan married Obed Noble, of Clay county, Kans.; Clara is the wife of L. Brown, of Brownhelm township, Lorain county; Al ma is the wife of Daniel Hunicker, of California; Adelaide is married to David Neal, of Dallas county, Iowa; Angeline is the wife of James Bacon, of Marshall county, Towa; Fannie died at the age of three years; Cyrus died when one year old; Essex resides in Brownhelm township, Lorain county; Charles died when aged thirteen years; Royal is the subject proper of this memoir. Royal Harris received his education in the public schools of his native township, and was reared to farming, which has been his life vocation. In 1877 he was married to Ella Tappenden, a native of the State of New York, daughter of Stephen and Eliza (Moody) Tappenden, the former of whom was bora in the eastern part of Kent, England, the latter in Montgomery county, N. Y. The father, who was a cabinet maker by trade, at the age of four teen years, immigrated to New York, whence in 1872 he removed to Cleveland, Ohio, and in 1873 to Brownhelm town ship, Lorain county, where he died in 1892 at the age of seventy-seven years; his wife had preceded him to the grave in 1889. Mrs. Royal Harris was their third child. To our subject and wife was born one child, Jessie. Mrs. Ella Harris died in 1878, and in 1882 Mr. Harris married Alice Tappenden, sister to his first wife, and second child of her parents. By this union there are two children — Earl and Nellie. In politics our subject is a Demo crat, and he is a member of Ely Lodge, No. 424, F. & A. M. N L. COTTON, widely known prosperous fruit grower and as a gar- 4/ dener, having his residence in North Amherst, was born in Sheffield township, Lorain county, in 1829. a son of George Washington and Rachel (Smith) Cotton. 1032 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. The father of our subject was born in Warren, New Hampshire, in 1798. At the age of sixteen he started from his na tive placeon foot forTruxton,N.Y., whence he paid his way to Ohio by driving and caring for cattle. After his arrival he did farm labor for Jabez L. Burrell. In Shef field township he married Rachel Smith, who was born in Berkshire county, Mass., and in 1832 they moved to Elyria town ship, same county, and opened up a fine farm. He died there in 1865 ; his wife was called from earth in September, 1850; in politics he was a strong Whig. They were the parents of five children, as fol lows: Jerome G., born in Sheffield town ship, Lorain county; died in Elyria town ship, in 1852, was one of the first shorthand reporters, and at one time owned the paper in Elyria, now edited by William A. Braman (he was employed as a reporter in Washington, D. C, about three years, for the New York Tribune and Cleveland Herald); Charles W., also born in Shef field township (he enlisted in the Civil war, in Company E, First Ohio Battery, three years' service); Martha R. (widow of Francis A. Younglove), residing in Vir ginia; N. L., subject of sketch; and George J., born in Elyria township, enlisted in Company F, One Hundred and Third O. Y. I., now residing in Lansing, Mich. Grandfather Benjamin Noys Cotton, a native of New Hampshire, was a Revo lutionary soldier, serving eight years; was with Gen. Warren at the battle of Bunker Hill, and was present through the winter at Valley Forge; served to the close of the war, and was present at Washington's farewell address. He represented his District in the New Hampshire Legisla ture four times, and was known as " old '76." He came to Lorain county in 1836, making his home in Elyria township, and both he and his wife died in Wayne county, Ohio, at the age of eighty-nine years. N. L. Cotton was educated at the public schools of Elyria township, Lorain county, and at the academy in the town of Elyria, after which he taught school for a time in Avon township, same county. Moving to Kendall county, 111., he was there engaged in farming about two years. On August 6, 1862, Mr. Cotton enlisted in Sheffield township, Lorain county, in Company F, One Hundred and Third O. V. I., for three years or during the war, and was mustered into the service at Camp Mitch ell, Ky., September 7, 1862. He par ticipated in the battles of Blue Springs (Tenn.), Armstrong Hill, Resaca, Peach Tree Creek, Norse Creek, Atlanta, right of Atlanta, and Spring Hill. After the Atlanta campaign his regiment was made head-quarters guard for the Twenty- third Corps, their colonel being provost-marshal general of the Department under General Scofield, whose corps moved from Flor ence, Tenn., to Cincinnati; thence to Wash-' ington, D. C; thence by steamer to Fort Fisher; thence through Wilmington and Goldsboro to Raleigh, N. C, where it was mustered out. Our subject was discharged June 23, 1865, at Cleveland, Ohio, and returned home to Lorain county, and to the pursuits of peace. For some years he farmed in Sheffield township, and in March, 1882, he moved to Amherst, where he embarked in his present business. On November 27, 1851, Mr. Cotton was united in marriage, in Sheffield town ship, Lorain county, with Miss Caroline M. Hecock, a native ef Herkimer county, N.Y., and daugh ter of George W. and Sarah (Davis) Hecock, of New York State, who settled in Sheffield township in 1834. The father served in the war of 1812 as a drummer boy; he died in 1876, his wife in 1875. Grandfather Silas Hecock, a na tive of Connecticut, and a soldier in tbe Revolutionary war, died in New York; Grandfather Davis also served in that struggle. To Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Cotton were born children as follows: Clara M., wife of Thomas C. Foote, of Amherst township, Lorain county; Elmer F., mar ried and living in Sheffield township; Cora B., wife of William E. Hart, of Lincoln, LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1033 Neb.; Nellie B. and Lillie D. (twins), the former of whom is the wife of Stillman Cotton, and resides in Cleveland, Ohio (Lillie D. died at the age of nineteen years) ; Martha R., married to Charles Straw, of Elyria, Ohio; Ina S., a teacher, and Minnie, attending school at Granville, Ohio (she had been teaching for a time in Lorain county). In his political sympathies Mr. Cotton isa Republican; for ten years he served as trustee of Sheffield township, and for several years as j ustice of the peace. He isa member of Rice Post No. 148, G.A.R., of which he has been commander and chap lain. In church relationship he and his wife are Baptists. Joshua Smith, maternal grandfather of Mr. Cotton, came to Lorain county in 1812, and was the first white man to die in Shef field township, the year of his death being 1813. His daughter, the mother of Mr. Cotton, was the first white woman to come into the township of Sheffield. Ifff E. PARKER, M. D., the pioneer of I^H the medical profession at Lorain, I 1 since it became a town of any prom- y) inence, was born November 20, 1851, at Berea, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, son of Dr. Henry and Elizabeth (Sher wood) Parker. The father was born in Brunswick, Ohio, where he was reared, and received his medi cal education at a college in Cincinnati, where he graduated. He at once settled in Berea, Ohio, and there commenced the prac tice of his profession, in which to some ex tent he still continues. Politically he isa Republican, and was a member of the con vention which nominated John C. Fre mont for President. Grandfather Parker, who was an early pioneer of Cuyahoga county, was descended from emigrants of the same name who came from England during the seventeenth century, settling in Massachusetts. Dr. H. E. Parker was reared in Berea, Ohio, at the public schools of which place, and at Baldwin University, he received his early education. He attended his first course of lectures in 1876, in the Medical Department of Hudson School, Cleveland, and then, in 1877, began a course at the Bennett Medical College, Chicago, whence he graduated with the class of 1878. He commenced practice at Berea, in partner ship with his father, and continued in same for three years, or until June 7, 1881, when he located in Lorain, South End, where he has since resided. The Doctor is practically the pioneer of the South End, having erected the first house in that sec tion, before the streets were even opened, and all the improvements have been made since his settlement. On March 5, 1878, he was married, in Medina county, to Miss Cora I. McConnell, a native of that county, where her parents (both of whom are now deceased) were early settlers. To this union has been born one child, Lulu V. Socially our subject is a member of Wood land Lodge No. 226 K. of P., in which he is past chancellor. In his political predi lections he is a Republican, and has served as a member of the school board. |f Tf W. SEMPLE, proprietor of fash- |!*l ionable tonsorial parlors in the town I 1 of Wellington, is a native Virgin- y) ian, born in Fredericksburg, May 10, 1857, a son of James and Rosa (Atkins) Semple. His father, by profes sion a French chef de cuisine, is yet living; his mother died at the age of forty- six years. They were the parents of seven children, named respectively: John, Delila, Daniel, Maria, James, H. W. and Lucinda. In 1858, while yet an infant, our sub ject was taken to Washington, D. O, and here he was reared and educated, graduat ing in 1877; he also learned and worked 1034 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. at his trade in that city. Iu 1879 he en tered the U. S. Coast Survey, and his first experience in that branch of the public service was in New York with Prof. Agas- siz, of the Zoological Comparative Mu seum, at Cambridge, N. Y. Hethen went to South America, Hayti, Jamaica, and other West India islands, also New Or leans and many other seaports and water ing places, serving over two years, at the end of which time he was offered a posi tion in the State Department in Washing ton, but arrived there a day too late, where by he not only did not get tbe new position but lost the old one. In consequence of this he returned home, coming by way of Detroit, where he had relatives, and on his arrival in Wellington he resumed his trade, working for eight years for one man, after which, August 26, 1889, he opened out his present place of business, and has met with unprecedented success, having already 'four chairs in his establishment. While a resident of Washington he shaved many prominent men. In 1884 Mr. Semple married Miss Laura A. Shepherd. A Re publican in politics, he takes an active interest in the workings of his party; in matters of religion he and his wife are Baptists. E H. HASTINGS, who is one of the most successful native-born agri- j culturists of LaGrange township, was born June 20, 1827, son of Curtis H. Hastings. The father was born December 1, 1796, in Jefferson county, N. Y., eldest of ten children born to Thomas Hastings, who first saw the light April 3, 1776. Curtis H. Hastings learned the carpenter's trade, and was married in his native county to Miss Pattie Graves, who was born October 23, 1800. While residents of New York State they had children as follows: Ashley, who died when eighteen or nineteen years old; Wesley, of Penfield township, Lorain Co., Ohio, and Diana S., now Mrs. Lyman C. Crane, of Chatham, Ohio. In June, 1826, he came to LaGrange township, Lorain Co., Ohio., into which he drove the first horse-team. He had visited Lorain county before settling, walking the entire distance from New York, and later traded fifty acres of land in that State for a farm in LaGrange township, whereon he located. But little of this land had been cleared, and bis cabin was the third in the township, but on this farm he passed the remainder of his life, dying at the age of eighty-two years. After coming to Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Hastings had children as follows: E. G. and E. H. (twins), who were the first white male children born in LaGrange township: a daughter that died in infancy unnamed; Samuel, afarmer of LaGrange; another daughter that died in infancy un named; and J. Edson, a farmer of La Grange. The mother of these died at the age of forty years, and Mr. Hastings then married Miss Asenath Amy, by whom he had one son, Frank, who married and died leaving four children. E. fi. Hastings was, born one-fourth of a mile from his present farm, and during his youth attended the common schools of the vicinity a few weeks each year. He was reared to agricultural life on the home farm, and when eighteen years old, being of a roving disposition, he left home and hired out at ten dollars a month to John ston Rawson, by whom he was employed for five seasons. Then, being anxious to return to school, he went home, but after attending for only a few days found he had not time, as he was busy threshing; thus he continued to work, and, saving his money, was able by hard work to pay for some land. Having caught the " gold fever," he started, on December 29, 1851, for California, going from LaGrange, Ohio, by rail to New York, where he took passage on a boat going around Cape Horn, with two companions, William Rockwood and L. L. West, who went as far as Riode <£^Pfe&^<£/?' LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1037 Janeiro, Brazil, where they took passage on another vessel, while the "Racehound" lay in that port twelve days for repairs. After a voyage of six months and three days our subject landed at San Francisco, where he was taken sick, and found him self, after paying a week's board in ad vance, nearly out of funds. He entered the State Marine Hospital until he re covered, and, while in California, he had some rather hard experiences, being with out money among strangers. Later, through the efforts of a farmer, he secured work as an overseer, aud remained away from home five years, also working in the lumber business (on Government land), in which he made money. On the way home he crossed the Isthmus of Panama at Aspinwall, and after remaining in his na tive place for two weeks he returned west in company with three others, going to Mis souri. Here they purchased five thousand head of sheep, which were driven across the plains to California, and during the trip they oi-cupied fifteen days in crossing one river, the South Platte. The entire journey, which took six months, was very satisfactory, being comparatively free from loss, and after reaching their destination Mr. Hastings kept the sheep one year. Re turning to Lorain county, Ohio, he passed the winter in Penfield township, where he had fifty acres of land. There he was married, September 15, 1859, to Rosanna Dalton, who was born in New York, daughter of Benjamin Dalton, and the young couple began married life in a log house, on a farm in Penfield town ship. In the spring of 1860 they located in LaGrange township, since which time he has been engaged in farming and stock raising. He now owns 226 acres of land in LaGrange township, a house and three lots in Wellington township, and one and three-fourths acres in the corporation of Wellington. Mr. Hastings is a successful business man and shrewd financier. He voted for Abraham Lincoln, but otherwise he is always a Democrat in National af fairs. On April 12, 1891, Mrs. Hastings passed from earth, and was buried in the East cemetery in LaGrange township; she was a member of the M. E. Church. EORGE W. NOBLE, a resident of Elyria, was born August 10, 1821, in the town of Warren, Herkimer Co., N. Y"., a son of Hervey and Phoebe (Wilkinson) Noble. He is descended from one of three brothers who in a very early day came from England to the New World, settling in Massachusetts. Hervey Noble, also a native of Herkimer county, N. Y., born April 1, 1795, moved from there in 1819 to Wilna, Jefferson Co., same State, and there resided till June, 1827, when he came to Ohio, settling about one and one-half miles north of LaGrange, in LaGrange township, and there followed farming. He died June 16, 1871. On December 15, 1815, he married Miss Phoebe Wilkinson, who died in LaGrange, Lorain county, April 23, 1870. They had a family of eight children, our subject be ing second. George W. Noble received a limited education at the district schools of La Grange township, and remained on the home farm till he was twenty-one years of age, at which time he commenced house building, and many other kinds of mechani cal work; for eight years he was engaged in a carriage works in LaGrange; then, for five years, was in a store. After that he bought a foundry and machine shop at Liverpool, Ohio, conducting same nine teen years, doing all kinds of foundry work, including the complete making of engines. He has made carriages, wagons, plows, and wood-sawing machines, with great success, a large n umber of them being sold. In this he continued until December 6, 1881, when he had to abandon work on account of his failing eyesight, and con- 1038 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. sequently sold out. He then moved to Berea, Ohio, where he resided eight years, thence proceeding to Cleveland and there remaining till October, 1891, when he came to Elyria, Lorain county. In 1845 Mr. Noble 'married Miss Jane E. Garritt, who was born in Saratoga coun ty, N. Y., January 15, 1829, and three daughters were bora to them, as follows: Amanda Helen, now the widow of Erotus M. Dixon, has her residence at 130 Herald St., Cleveland, Ohio (she has no children); Melissa Ellen, the wife of William Edgar Parmelee, of Elyria, Lorain Co., Ohio, has two daughters and one son; Charlotte Phoebe, now the wife of Dr. Rufus V. Gam ble, of New London, Ohio, has one daugh ter, Grace. Politically our subject has al ways been a Republican, but says that he " is now utterly disgusted with all parties." He believes in " equal rights of man and woman "; Liberty for all. He belongs to no Church, Creed, or Lodge, " To do good'''' being his only religion: Hoping, doubting, and trying to investigate the great mysteries of this and a future existence. ElDWIN HALL, a well-known and widely-respected retired citizen of I Elyria, now in his seventy-ninth year, was born in the old town of Meriden, Conn., in April, 1815, and when seven years old was brought by his father to Ohio. Avery and Lucy (Bacon) Hall, parents of Edwin Hall, were of New England de scent, and the more remote ancestors of the father came from England, while those of tbe mother (who was from Connecticut), claimed the land of Scott and Burns as the place of their nativity. Avery Hall was bom in Meriden, Conn., in 1776, whence he removed with his wife (whom he had married in Meriden) to Berkshire Hills, Mass., and from there to New Connecti cut, "Western Reserve" (now Ohio), where he died at the age of eighty-five years. He had been an industrious and well-to-do farmer all his life. He was a member of aud for a long time chorister in the Congregational Church, of which denomination at Meriden his great-grand father had been a preacher. Politically he was an Old -school Democrat, and his first vote was cast for Andrew Jackson. At the time of the burning of New London, Conn., by the British during the war of 1812, he was living at Meriden, and with others went to see the conflagration. Tlie subject proper of this sketch re ceived his education at the primitive schools of Lorain county, whither, as already related, he had come when a lad. The country was wild and uncleared of the timber and underbrush, and Mr. Hall re members of having been chased by wolves on two different occasions, but he came to learn the habits of these animals and so knew how to elude them. He remained a few years on the farm with his father in what is now the southern extremity of Lo rain county, and then, having a desire to revisit the scenes of his early boyhood, re turned to Connecticut; but his health failing after a short time, by the advice of his physician he set out on a sea voyage on a merchantman, for China. This trip lasted one and one-half years, and in 1837 he returned to Lorain county, again, how ever, after a short sojourn, to pay a visit to his native place in Connecticut. In 1838 he once more returned to Lorain county, where he has since made his home. In 1840 he entered mercantile business, in which he remained a number of years. In 1840 Mr. Hall was married to Miss Mary Beebe, daughter of A. Beebe, who was one of the original settlers of Elyria, who built the " Beebe House," which had a good reputation among the traveling men. Mr. Hall was the successful pro prietor of this house for more than twelve years, and was known as a temperance man in principle and practice, never using or selling liquor himself, or renting any of LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1039 his buildings for the sale of it. Two chil dren were born to Mr. and Mrs. Hall, viz. : Mary Beebe, who died at the age of twenty- five years; and Helen F., who married Rush R. Sloane, and has two children, Helen and Mary. Politically Mr. Hall is a stanch Republican. He and his wife live on the spot in which they began life together in 1840, enjoying life amid the scenes of early days. JfAMES S. BALDWIN, one of the k. I leading farmers of Pittsfield town- ^J/ ship,was born August 5, 1839, in Corn wall, Litchfield Co., Conn. He is the fifth son and seventh child in a family of nine children born to William and Julia (Trafford) Baldwin, as follows: William H., a lumber dealer of Lee, Mass. ; Mary E., de ceased at the age of twenty; Noah, died in infancy; Leeta, who married Joseph W. Gaines, of Cleveland (both are now de ceased); Horace F., a retired citizen of New Haven, Conn.; Russell P., of Pen- field, Ohio; James S., who will receive mention farther on; Edward D., a grain dealer of Detroit City, Minn.; and Frank C, a mechanic of New Haven, Connecticut. James S. Baldwin received his education in the common schools, and was reared to the duties of agricultural life. He re mained at home until twenty-one years old, and then resided for some time with John Adams, of Salisbury, Conn., working a farm on shares. On December 31, 1863, he was married to Delphene L. Gray, who was born in Cornwall, Conn., daughter of Augustus B. Gray, a farmer, and after marriage the young couple spent two years in their native State, one year on a farm, the other in Falls Village. In the spring of 1866 they migrated to Ohio, and rented a farm in the western part of Pittsfield township, where tbey resided two years. They next took up their residence in Wellington township, where they remained three years, and in 1872 bought eighty acres in Pittsfield township, from Horatio Gates, to which they removed; Mr. Bald win has since added to this farm, wliich now comprises 205 acres of excellent land. He has erected several farm buildings, and his residence is one of the pleasantest in the township. In politics our subject is a Republican, though not strictly partisan, and has served as justice of the peace and in various other local positions of trust. He and his wife are leading members of the Congregational Church, and he also takes great personal interest in the Sunday- school. Mr. Baldwin is one of the most successful business men of his township; he deals extensively in poultry, shipping mostly to New Haven, Conn., and is one of the leading men in Lorain county in this line. He also deals in stock and produce, which he ships to larger markets; he has reared some fine-bred Chester White hogs and registered cattle, and his stock of all kinds is excellent. His father being a poor man, Mr. Baldwin started in life with a capital of thirty-seven cents, and his suc cess has been due to his energetic, pro gressive and industrious habits, his enter prise being well known throughout the county. He is fond of reading, and keeps himself well abreast of the times. 4/ NICHOLAS DIEDERICH, one of the leading representative agricul turists of Sheffield township, is a native of same, born in 1849. His father, John Diederich, was born November 28, 1805, in Germany, and was there married October 29, 1832, to Gertrude Sauerence, also a native of the Fatherland, born June 22, 1814. In 1843 the family sailed from Antwerp to New York, whence they proceeded to Cleve land, Ohio, reaching the city August 4. 1040 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. In November of the same year the father bought and settled on the farm in Sheffield township, now occupied by his son Nicho las. Nine children — four sons and five daughters — were born to John and Ger; trude Diederich, as follows: Matthias,, bora November 15, 1833, now a ship car penter in Cleveland; Catherine, in Shef field; Peter, in Cleveland; Margaret, who died in December, 1874, in Tennessee; Nicholas; Gertrude, in Milan, Ohio; Anna C, wife of Anton Bora, of Avon town ship, Lorain county; Frank, at North Ridgeville; and Mary C, living in Cuya hoga county, Ohio. The parents are yet living. Nicholas Diederich, the subject proper of these lines, received a fair common- school education, and was trained to the pursuits of the farm. He now owns a fine property of seventy-six acres highly cul tivated land, and does an extensive general farming business. In 1878 Mr. Diederich was married to Miss Anna Burkhart, who died November 7, 1880, and in 1885 our subject wedded Catherine Schneider, to which union six children were born, as follows: Theresa, October 2, 1885; Juliet, January 11,1887, died March 17, same year; Lidwina, July 3, 1888; Zitta, October 20, 1889; Amanda, November 6, 1891, and Leonardo, March 23, 1893. In politics Mr. Diederich is a Democrat, and has served as township trustee since 1881, having been recently reelected for another term; for several years he has beep a member of the school board. |[ F. HASERODT, a popular and k. I progressive citizen of Elyria, where \y./ he carries on a prosperous harness business, was bora in Medina county, Ohio, July 8, 1836, a son of H. C. aiid Margaret (Berdz) Haserodt, natives of Prussia. The parents of our subject came to America in 1834, and made a permanent settlement in Medina county, Ohio, where the father carried on harness making and farming; he was born in 1799, and died in 1887, aged eighty-eight years and four mouths; the mother was born in 1807, and passed away in 1891. Nine children were born to them, of whom our subject is the fourth in order of birth. Mr. Hase rodt received his education at the common schools, which was supplemented with considerable private study and close obser vation of men and things. He learned his trade in Cleveland, Ohio, being ap prenticed to it at the age of about seven teen years. In 1857 he proceeded to Mem phis, Tenn., and there remained until the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion, when he came north to Pittsburgh, Penn., and after a sojourn there of some eight months returned to Cleveland, becoming foreman of a harness shop in that city. His business was such that he could not join the Union army, but he furnished a substitute. In 1867 he went on his father's farm in Medina county, and there remained thirteen years, in 1880 moving thence to Elyria, where he opened out his present •business. He makes a specialty of light harness, and his trade is not confined to Lorain county, for he ships full harness sets to Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, and other cities. Mr. Haserodt is recog nized as one of the most expert harness makers in the country, and commands a wide custom. In 1862 he was married, in Cleveland, to Miss Johanna M. Meyer, and eleven childreu have blessed their union, viz.: Lillie, George, Henry, Edmund, William, Otto, Oscar, Paul, Violet, Manuel and Elmer. Mr. Haserodt is a stanch Repub lican, and in 1889 he was elected a mem ber of the city council from tbe Fourth Ward, to which position he has since been twice reelected, his third term expiring in 1895. In church connection he is an Evangelical Lutheran, and has occupied the position of elder in St. John's Evan gelical Lutheran Church for six years, at LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1041 present serving his third term. On Mr. Haserodt's settlement in Elyria, he bought a lot on which his father built a house. He then removed his aged parents to the house, adjoining his own, and to the day of their death he cared for them with true filial devotion. L A. BARNES, M. D., a practicing 'physician and surgeon of Lorain, is a native of Columbus, Ohio, born in 1853, a son of Dr. L. and Julia (Moulton) Barnes, the father a native of Connecticut, the mother of Vermont. When a boy Dr. L. Barnes came from his native State to Licking county, Ohio, where he was reared, and where he mar ried. He has been a practicing physician for over forty years, and he and his wife now reside in Lorain, Ohio, whither they had come in 1888. Grandfather Mallory Barnes, a native of Connecticut, became an early pioneer of Licking county, Ohio, of which he was in his day a prominent citi zen, closely identified with its best inter ests. He and his wife both died there. The parents of subject reared a family of nine children, seven of whom are yet liv ing. One son, Leroy, enlisted in Delaware county, Ohio, in 1861, in Company C, Fourth 0. V. I., and served four years in the army of the West; he is now a prac ticing physician in Laramie, Wyoming. The subject proper of this sketch re ceived his elementary education at the common schools of Delaware county, Ohio, after which he attended the college at Delaware. On completing his course there, he entered Columbus (Ohio) Medical Col lege in 1878, and afterward further con tinued the study of medicine in Cleveland Medical Institute, where he graduated with the class of 1880. The Doctor then prac ticed his chosen profession, in connection with his father, in Delaware, two years, and continued in same, alone, at Mechanics burg, Champaign county, same State, until 1882, in which year he came to Lo rain county, locating in Kipton, whence, in 1888, he removed to Lorain, where he now resides. He has now been some thir teen continuous years in the profession, and is in the enjoyment of a large and lucra tive practice. In 1882, in Champaign county, Ohio, Dr. L. A. Barnes was united in marriage with Miss Emma Davis, of that county, daughter of Martin Van Buren and Eliza beth (Miller) Davis, natives of Pennsyl vania and Maine, respectively, and early pioneers of Champaign county, where the father died in 1891; the mother now re sides in Mechanicsburg. To Dr. and Mrs. Barnes have been born three daughters: Clara, Ida and Lucille. Our subject is a member of the Knights of the Maccabees, Tent No. 1, Lorain, and is examining physician for the Order; is also a member of Woodland Lodge No. 226, Lorain, Knights of Pythias. Ei C. FOSTER. The gentleman here named is one of the most widely I known, well-to-do citizens of North Amherst. He is a native of the township, born September 1, 1827, a son of Elisha Foster, Jr., and Anna Maria (Mason) Foster. The father of our subject was born Oc tober 15, 1795, in Vermont, whence when a young man he moved to Herkimer county, N. Y. Here he resided until 1815, when he came, west to Ohio, locating in Avon township, Lorain county, having purchased forty acres of land, which he cleared and cultivated; but in about a couple of years (in 1817) he came to Am herst township, where he passed .the rest of his days, dying January 23, 1842, the owner of 309 acres of excellent farm land. 1042 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. In his political preferences he was a Demo crat. His widow is yet living on the home farm with her daughter, Mary M., and is one of the oldest inhabitants of Amherst township. They had five children — three sons and two daughters — viz.: Leonard, who died at the age of ten years; E. C, subject of this sketch; Parks, a resident of Elyria; Mary M., wife of Ezra Straw, liv ing on the old homestead; and Martha, wife of S. Porter, of St. Louis, Michigan. Elisha Foster, Sr., grandfather of sub ject, was a native of Boston, Mass. He came from Herkimer county, N. Y., to Lorain county, in 1815, with his wife, three sons and one daughter. He died in 1833 aged sixty-eight years, his wife having pre ceded him to the grave in September, 1828. E. C. Foster, the subject proper of this sketch, received a liberal education at the common schools of the vicinity of his place of birth, and was reared to farming pur suits, which he followed until 1867. In that year, he and his bother, Parks, bought ont a stone quarry which they successfully operated some time, and then sold out. On June 10, 1847, Mr. Foster married Miss Mary M. Aiken, who was born in Brooklyn township, Cuyhoga Co., Ohio, August 25, 1831. Four children were born to this union, namely: (1) Orlando E., now on a farm in Amherst township, was born March 23, 1848, married Sophia Lesley, and has two children: Edwin E. and Cora U., of whom Edwin E. was educated in the common schools and at Elyria High School, and is now teaching school; (2) N. Franklin was born June 23, 1849. married Lillian A. Wolcott March 17, 1872, and lives on the old homestead; (3) Ella U., bora May 22, 1851, was married to Will iam Hutton, foreman in a stone quarry, and they have two sons: Willie and Frank; (4) Mrs. F. M. Barber, of Amherst, whose husband is a traveling man, has one son, Joseph E. Barber, now in Elyria High School. Mr. Foster has been eminently success ful in all his business enterprises, of which there were some in Chattanooga, Tenn., also real-estate interests. He is a stockholder in the Lorain Steamship Company, etc. Politically he has been a Republican since the birth of that party, and he is an hon ored citizen, respected for his integrity and moral worth, and for the valuable as sistance he has rendered in developing the resources of his native county. li L. SEARS, prominent and influen tial among the prosperous agricul turists of Elyria township, is a native of Massachusetts, born in Lenox, Berkshire county, April 8, 1825. The family, of which our subject is a worthy member, come of English ances try, two brothers, Paul and Silas Sears, having emigrated from England to Amer ica about the year 1600, and from Paul our subject is descended. Zachariah Sears, father of L. L., also a native of Massachu setts, was a" farmer by occupation. He married Miss Almira Butler, also of the Bay State, and they both died there. Nine children were born to them, of whom three are yet living, viz.: James, who resides in Pittstield, Mass.; Polly, who was married to George Whittaker, and resides in Marl borough, Mass. ; and L. L., subject of this memoir. L. L. Sears, of whom this sketch more particularly relates, was educated in his native Sfate, and was trained to the duties of the farm. He has been twice married: first time in 1848 to Miss Sarah Schofield, by whom he has one son, George L., a flo rist and manufacturer of pottery in Elyria. Mr. Sears' second wife was Miss Charlotte Schofield, whom he wedded in 1858, and by this union there is one child, Lillian, a young lady of bright natural ability, and well educated; she is a popular school teacher, having taught first in Carlisle township, Lorain county, theu in the high LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1043 school at Mentor, same State, and is now superintendent of the public schools in Mentor. She graduated in Oberlin, Ohio, class of 1890. In 1861 Mr. Sears came to Ohio, first locating in Medina county, then in 1867 settling iu Lorain county on a farm within the corporate limits of Elyria, which he subsequently sold, purchasing his present fine property. A Republican in politics, he is one of the active and influential adher ents of the party, is a member of the school board, and has served as township trustee. He and his wife are members of the Con gregational Church at Elyria. J JOSEPH GANNETT, Wellington. This gentleman is descended from _.' Benjamin Gannett, one of three — stalwart brothers who in an early day came from England to America, he settling in Suffolk county, Mass., the other two in Virginia, but of whom nothing is known than that they both died bachelors, intes tate, and their .property went to the State. Jacob Gannett, grandfather of subject, was born in Suffolk county, Mass.; he was a millwright by trade, went to New York State, and died there at the advanced age of eighty four years. Joseph, his son, was born in Massachusetts July 3, 1776, and died March 10, 1847, in Spencer, Medina Co., Ohio. When a child his parents moved to New York State, where lie was reared on a farm in Ontario county, near Palmyra, receiving but a limited sub scription-school education. He. was mar ried there to a Miss Craft, by which union there were three children: Ellit, who mar ried Mr. A. Hill, and resided in Lock- port, N. Y., and Genesee county, N. Y., finally moving to Spencer, Medina Co., Ohio, where she died; Ruth, who married R. Smith, and they lived near Spencer, Medina county, afterward in Wisconsin, where she died; and Olive, the deceased wife of S. Smith, lived in Wellington vil lage. The mother of these died, and the father then married Miss Martha Stone, by whom there were four children, as fol lows: Joseph, the subject proper of this sketch; Hannah, who was married to Mr. Nooney, and died of pneumonia in No vember, 1893; Alvin, who died at the age of sixty-eight years, resided in Spencer, Medina county (he left a family), and Mary Jane (who never married), killed in a run away wheu she was thirty-four years of age. When the family came to Ohio, the journey was made in a wagon, the dis tance being over 300 miles, and occupying about three weeks. They arrived in the month of November, and at once located in Spencer township, Medina county, the father having taken up one thousand acres of land there by trading his New York farm for same. Here the parents of our subject passed the rest of their days, the mother dying in 1869 aged eighty-four years, having been born in 1785; the father was a Close Communion Baptist, and in his political sympathies a Whig and Republican. He was a very strong man, of tine physique, standing six feet in his stockings. Joseph Gannett, the subject of this sketch, was born in Ontario countj', N. Y., near Palmyra, February 6, 1819. At the age of sixteen he came with the rest of the family to Spencer township, Medina county, and after leaving school, which in those early days was of a very primitive nature, he took up the private study of sciences, including philosophy, astronomy, etc. In Medina county he carried on mixed farm ing, including dairying, and owned 160 acres of good land. In 1871 he moved from there to Wellington township, Lorain county, and bought his present farm of 228 acres, all in one body, located in the corner of the corporation of the village of Welling ton. In 1841 Mr. Gannett was married to Miss Orra Warner, sister to S. S. Warner, ex-treasurer of Ohio, and they had one 1044 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. child, Chauncey Warner, who married, and had four children: Orra E., Jo, Elmer K. and Chauncey W. ; he died June 5, 1890, aged thirty -nine years. This wife was called from earth in September, 1850, at the early age of twenty-six years, and in 1851 Mr. Gannett wedded her sister, Miss Emma C. Warner, by which union there were two children : Cora E. and Mary Eliza, the youngest of whom died at the age of nineteen months. Politically our subject was a straight Whig and Republican till the last State election, when he voted the Prohibition ticket; he cast his first vote for W. H. Harrison, and supported Birney and Hall. In matters of religion he is liberal, with leanings toward the Unitarian faith. [Since the above was written we have been informed of the death of Mr. Joseph Gan nett. He died November 2, 1893, of pneumonia, after three days' illness; his sis ter, Hannah, died of the same disease two weeks later. — Editor. RECKEN RIDGE. Norman Breck enridge, a native of Vermont, when a young man came to New York State, and in Orange county mar ried Triphena Rosencrans, who was born in that State. In Oswego county Norman Brecken ridge carried on farming, and here three children were born to him, as follows: Alonzo L., living in Kipton ; Norman, who was a member of the Twenty-third O. V. I., and was killed in the war of the Rebellion : and Mary, now Mrs. Arnold, of Oberlin, Ohio. In 1834 the family came to Ohio by way of the Erie Canal and Lake Erie, first locating in Wakeman township, Huron county, and then in the spring of 1835 re moving to Camden township, Lorain county, settling east of the center, where the father bought sixty-six acres of wild land at two dollars and fifty cents per acre, which by steady industry he was not long in converting into a fine farm. Here he passed the rest of his days, dying in 1860. Mrs. Breckenridge, after the death of her husband, removed to Oberlin, Ohio, where she remained until her death in 1876, and they now repose side by side in Camden cemetery. The children born to them in Ohio are as follows: Daniel W., B. F., J. A., Henry C. and Frances (Mrs. R. H. Lamphier), all in Michigan (except B. F.), where the first named is a merchant. Po litically the father was a stanch Whig and Republican, aud served with fidelity and ability in various offices of trust in his township. He was a devout and liberal member of the Disciple Church (which was removed from the center of Camden township to Kipton), and was a highly esteemed citizen. Alonzo L. Beeckeneidge (eldest son of Norman Breckenridge), well known in the commercial circles of northern Ohio, more especially in Lorain county, where his business for the most part has been conducted, is a native of New York State, born in Oswego county October 20, 1831. In 1834, then a three-year-old boy, he was brought to Ohio by. his father, the family locating in Wakeman township, Huron county, and then in the spring of 1835 removing to Camden township, Lo rain county, where the father bought sixty- six acres of wild land at two dollars and fifty cents per acre, which with the assist ance of his family he ere long converted into a fertile farm. Here young Alonzo attended, a few months in the winter time, the primitive subscription schools of those early days, his first teacher being a Miss Parker, while his summer months were devoted to working on his father's farms. At the age of eighteen he hired out to farm work at nine dollars per month. After his marriage he located in Henrietta township on a farm of seventy-eight acres, which he bought at twenty-eight dollars per acre, going into debt one thousand five hundred dollars, and here lived ten years, LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1045 at the end of which time he came to Kip ton and commenced the business of fur buying, conducting at the same time a grocery store for some years. The firm of Breckenridge Bros., general storekeepers, was then formed, and continued twelve years, our subject then embarking in the elevator business, and buying grain, etc., in which he has since continued; has also a half interest in an elevator in Elyria. Of late years he has been somewhat retired from active work, but superintends his business affairs. Forty years ago he re ceived a kick on the leg from a horse, and the hurt has ever since troubled him, keeping him at times from attending to business. On June 15, 1857, Mr. Breckenridge was united in marriage with Aravilla Bo- hall, who was born in Lewis county, N. Y., in 1828, a daughter of John Bohall, and to this union there is one child, Nina, now Mrs. Williard Granger, of Kipton. Po litically our subject is a Republican, his first vote being cast for John P. Hale, and he has held various offices, such as town ship treasurer over eighteen years. B. F. Beeckeneidge (fourth son of Nor man Breckenridge), one of Lorain cofinty's leading merchants, carrying on a prosper ous business in the town of Kipton and elsewhere, was born in Camden, Ohio, November 11, 1840. For a time he attended the common schools and Oberlin College, which pre pared him for teaching, a profession he followed some time. In 1863 he bought a farm in Camden township, Lorain county, on which he went to live, leaving the paternal roof, and this he conducted until 1868, wben he moved into the town of Kipton, and purchased the general store of Thomas La Nell, which he at once took charge of, and under his direction and management the business has increased to mammoth proportions. He has erected several good business blocks in the town, and his own store occupies a substantial and commodious room. In addition to this extensive concern Mr. Breckenridge is in terested in several other stores in Kipton, and is owner of one in Lorain. On June 4, 1864, our subject was mar ried to Miss Mary Arnold, born in Cam den township in 1844, daughter of George and Mary Ann (Moore) Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. Breckenridge adopted the following children: Earl N., who died at the age of seven years, and Georgie M., a highly edu cated young lady. Politically Mr. Breck enridge was a Republican till 1872, when he voted for Horace Greeley, since when he has been a straight Democrat. He in variably declines office, as his various commercial interests demand and receive his undivided attention. | OHN HAWKE, an extensive agri- k. I culturist and landowner of Eaton \yj township, has been a resident of Lo rain county since 1858. He was born in 1833 in Cornwall, England, son of Richard and Grace (Hugglow) Hawke, both natives of England, where the father died; in 1858 the widowed mother came with her son John to Lorain county, Ohio, whence she subsequently moved to Jefferson coun ty, Wisconsin. " The subject proper of this sketch was reared to farm life, and was educated in the schools of his native country. In 1858 he was married, in England, to Miss Ann Sheer, who was also bora in that country, daughter of John and Margery (Denis) Sheer, natives of Cornwall, who lived and died in their native land. In the year of their marriage the young couple came to the United States, locating first in Ridge ville township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where they lived some years, and then coming to Eaton township, settling near North Eaton. Here Mr. Hawke purchased a cleared farm, where he has since been successfully en gaged in agricultural pursuits, and his place 54 1046 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. now comprises 200 acres of land in a good state of cultivation, upon which he has erected a good barn. Mrs. Ann Hawke died in 1878, aud in 1890 he married, in Columbia township, Lorain county, Miss Clara Holbrook, who was born in Eaton township; her parents, Charles and Phebe (Hathaway) Holbrook, were natives of Massachusetts, who in an early day came to Lorain county, where the father died August 1, 1893; the widowed mother now makes her home on the old farm. To the union of John and Clara Hawke have come two children: One who died in infancy, and Esther. Mr. Hawke has also reared an adopted child, Ernest James, now of Cleve land. In politics our subject is a Repub lican, and takes an active interest in the welfare of his party, Mrs. Hawke is a mem ber of the M. E. Church. /^EORGE LYON, a prominent and I ». progressive farmer of Elyria town- \^l ship, was born in 1836, in Huron Ji county, Ohio, a son of John and Elizabeth (Thurston) Lyon. John Lyon, father of subject, was born and reared in Rockland county, N. Y., where he married Elizabeth Thurston. In an early day they moved westward to Buf falo, whence they proceeded by lake to Cleveland, Ohio, and from there by road to Huron county, where he followed farm ing and carpentry. After a time they re moved to Cleveland, where the mother died. She had children as follows: Jane (deceased in Cleveland), who was married to George W. Shepherd; Eleanor, who died in Michigan ; Jacob, deceased in Cuya hoga county, Ohio, about 1850; George, subject of sketch; and Elizabeth, who died in Cleveland. John Lyon married, for his second wife, Clarissa Huntington, and by her had two children: Melissa, who died in Brooklyn township, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, and Charles, married, and residing in Elyria township, Lorain county. The father was called from earth in 1880, in his eighty-ninth year. George Lyon, whose name introduces this biographical sketch, received his edu cation in the common schools of his boy hood period. In April, 1861, he enlisted for three months in an independent com pany at Cleveland, which served chiefly in western Virginia. He participated in the engagements at Carrick's Ford and Laurel Hill, and in July, 1861, received his dis charge in Columbus, Ohio. In 1864 he re-enlisted, this time in Capt. Babcock's Light Artillery, which was sent to San- diibky and to Johnson's Island, guarding prisoners; at Sandusky he was discharged in November, 1864, and returned to Cleveland. In 1866 he came to Elyria township, and settled on his present farm of fifty-five acres, where he has since been actively engaged in general agriculture, including the rearing of Hereford cattle. In 1866 Mr. Lyon was married, in Me dina county, Ohio, to Miss Jennie E. Blanchard, to which union were born three children: Ulysses G., married, and living in Elyria, Ohio; Ida A., who died at the age of five years, and William R., at home. The mother of these died in 1882, and in 1888 Mr. Lyon married Mrs. Mary Ann Fitzgerald, a native of Canada. Politi cally our subject is a Republican; socially he is a member of the G. A. R. and I. O. O. F., Elyria, and of the American Hereford Cattle Breeders Association. JB. CHAPMAN, vessel owner and hardware man, Lorain, is a native of that town, born in the year 1859, a son of James and Elizabeth (Burk) Chapman. He received a liberal education at the common schools of his place of birth, and at the age of nine years commenced sail- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1047 ing on the lakes as cook on his father's boat. After leaving the water, at the age of fourteen, he entered a hardware store in Lorain, in which he remained twelve con secutive years, less one. For some time past he has been engaged in F. W. Edi son's hardware store in Lorain, and is at present employed there. He has held in terests in the following vessels: The "C. H. Burton," " Itasca," " St. Lawrence," " Gen. Sigel," and the " Selkirk." Mr. Chapman was united in marriage with Miss Carrie R. Bemis, of Lorain, Ohio. In politics he is a Republican, promi nently identified with the party ever since casting his first vote, and he is a member of the city council. Socially he belongs to the K. O. T. M. 4J JT ARRISON A. CRAGIN, a pros- '^ perous farmer, an unpretentious __[ citizen and an agreeable neighbor, is one of the best known and most popular men in LaGrange town ship, of which he may be said to be a life resident. Mr. Cragin was born in May, 1835, in Weston, Windsor Co., Vt., a son of Ben jamin Cragin, a farmer, who married Miss Mahala Boyington. In the Green Moun tain State they had children, as follows: Lorena, Benjamin N., Charles C, Adna A., Esther, Horace B., and Harrison A.; in Ohio was born Elizabeth, the youngest in the family. In September, 1835, the family set out from Vermont in a wagon for Buffalo, N. Y., whence they proceeded by Lake Erie to Cleveland, Ohio, and from there by road to Lorain county. Here, while stopping with an acquaintance to rest after their long journey, they became so im pressed with the country that they decided to remain, and Mr. Cragin purchased a part of Lot No. 61, in Grafton township, con taining 160 acres of woodland, at four dollars per acre; there was no house of any kind on the place, but it was not long be fore a dwelling 22 x 32 feet, and one and one-half stories high, was erected, all the timber for it being cut by Mr. Cragin him self. Here this pioneer toiled and pros pered, assisting in the development of the country, and witnessing the onward march of civilization close on the heels of the retiring Red Indian aud the yet more fierce panther, wolf and bear. He died July 31, 1865, his wife in 1855, and they were buried in West Grafton cemetery. They were members of the Methodist Churoh, in which he was trustee, steward and class-leader, and in politics he was originally an Old- line Whig, afterward a Republican. He was a very robust man, and at sixty years of age could rake and bind all day after a cradler in the harvest field. Harrison A. Cragin, the subject proper of this sketch, was about five months old when the family came to Lorain county. He received such education as the subscrip tion schools of those early times afforded, was reared to the onerous duties of farm life, and has passed his entire life on the old homestead, On September 6, 1855, he wedded, in Wood county, Ohio, Miss Fanny Richard son, born in February, 1837, in Franklin county, Maine, a daughter of Asa and Jane (Staples) Richardson, who came to Ohio in 1850, and later moved to Michigan, where the father died in 1878, and the mother is yet living. The record of the children bora to Mr. and Mrs. Harrison A. Cragin is as follows: Flora, bora March 24, 1856, now Mrs. Frank Foster, of LaGrange; Fred, born December 11, 1860, of Grafton town ship; Earl, born July 7, 1863, a farmer of LaGrange township; and Ernest, born Oc tober 24, 1874, who resides at home. Mr. Cragin is the owner of 160 acres prime land, where he carried on general farming until a few years ago, since when he has lived a comparatively retired life. He had bought the old home farm, satisfying the 1048 LORAIN COUNTY. OHIO. claims of the other heirs, and has con siderably remodeled and improved the dwelling and outbuildings. He is a Re publican, and cast his first vote for John C. Fremont, but is no politician, though he has never missed 'a vote since his first ballot. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Church, in which he has held various offices, for a considerable time serving as superintendent of the Sunday- school. ^JHh OBERT J. COWLEY, whose name \^\l on the Great Lakes, wherever they I 1^ can be navigated, is the synonym y) of carefulness and superior seaman ship, is a native of the Buckeye State, born in Cleveland, November 2, 1839. His parents, Robert A. and Catherine (Cain) Cowley, were natives of the Isle of Man, the father born in the town of Peel, the mother in the village of Ballaugh. They immigrated to America about the year 1826, and settled in Cleveland, Ohio, where the father followed shipbuilding. He was the youngest of seven brothers, all of whom were sea-faring men; he died at the age of seventy years, the mother when sixty-seven years old. The subject proper of this biographical notice received a sound practical educa tion at the public schools of Cleveland, and when old enough learned the trade of shipbuilder, which he followed afterward, for some time, during the winter months; sailing the lakes as a man before the mast in the summers of open seasons. In 1858 he removed from Cleveland to Black Lake, near Grand Haven, Mich., where he was engaged in fishing and lumbering for three years. Late in the summer of the year preceding the breaking out of the Civil war, he went South, first to St. Louis, then to New Orleans, working at his trade in shipyards, and he was in the latter city at the breaking out of the Rebellion. As soon as possible in the spring of 1861 he returned North, and took up his residence in Black River (now Lorain). In the summer of 1864 he entered the navy in the service of the U. S. Government, and assisted in the blockade of the West Gulf under Commodore Farragut. While at tempting the capture of Mobile, Ala., the gunboat on which our subject served was blown np by a torpedo, causing a loss of one half the crew in killed and wounded, Capt. Cowley himself having a narrow escape. After the close of the war he re turned to Lorain, and in the summers sailed the lakes, in winter time working at his trade, until 1879, in which year he entered into an engagement with the Menominee Transportation Co., with whom he was employed winters until 1885, superintending repairs on their ves sels; during the summer seasons sailing one of their steamers. Since then he has been employed by Corrigan & Co.. and also by H. J. Webb & Co., both of Cleve land, on their steamers as master. The first steamship he ever sailed on was the "David W. Rush," and many a fine pro peller has he since commanded. In 1866 Capt. Cowley was married, in Lorain, to Miss Celia E. Lyons, who was bora in Lorain, as were aho her parents, Winfield Scott and Mary (Brooks) Lyons. Three children have been born to this union, viz.: Scott L., Rittie C. and Robert H. In politics the Captain is a Republi can, and he is a member of the F. & A. M. L. FISHER, a prominent and enter prising farmer and dairyman of Hun tington township, was born June 11, 1839, in Brighton township, Lorain Co., Ohio, a son of Danforth and Lucinda (Wilcox) Fisher. The father of the subject of sketch was born in Burlington, Otsego Co., N. Y., July 9, 1807, and was married in Henderson, LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1049 Jefferson county, January 1, 1832, to Miss Lucinda Wilcox, born iu that county April 14, 1812. In New York State they had born to them two children, and then, in 1836, they came by water to Ohio, settling in the southeast corner of Brighton town ship, then a wilderness, and here were born to them nine children. In 1863 the par ents removed to Michigan, and made their final home in Johnstown, Barry county, dying there, the mother May 12, 1888, the father April 16, 1889. Mrs. Fisher was a member of the Disciple Church; Mr. Fisher was a strong Republican in his political preferences. Their family numbered in all eleven children, one of whom Phoebe Alice died in infancy, the rest being as follows: Eliza, wife of Joseph Powers, residing in Michigan; H. Clinton, who was a resident of Michigan, now deceased; Edward B., a farmer of Huntington township, served one year in the Tenth Michigan Cavalry; 0. L., subject of sketch; Alma, who was married to Hiram Wilson, and lived in Cleveland, and who is now a widow, residing in Cali fornia; Newton D., late a resident of Cleve land, where he was a lumber merchant, who served four years in the Second Ohio Cav alry (he died November 17,1893); George F., a carpenter, of Chicago; Oren D., who was educated at Oberlin College, at Olivet (Mich.) College, and later at Yale College, and is now a minister in the Congregational Church at Toledo, Ohio; Peter, a farmer in Michigan; and Wilbur, in the lumber business at Cleveland. 0. L. Fisher, whose name opens this sketch, attended during the winter months the district schools of Wellington town ship, Lorain county, and worked on his father's farm summers. In 1862, in Brighton township, he enlisted in Battery I, First Ohio Light Artillery, and was sent to Eastern Virginia. He participated in the battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Lookout Valley, Rocky Face, Resaca, Kene saw Mountain, bombardment of Fredericks burg, Peach Tree Creek and Atlanta, Ga., in fact all the engagements his battery took part in. On June 13, 1865, he was dis charged, after having been in hospital five months, and returned to his home in Brighton township, Lorain county, whence after a month's stay he went to Michigan, whither his parents had gone, as above stated. At the end of six years he again came to Lorain county, and bought his present farm of 127 acres in Huntington township, where he successfully carries on general farming, including a lucrative dairying business. On December 27, 1865, Mr. Fisher married Miss Sarah A. Led yard, a native of Huntington township, born July 11, 1846, and they have two children, viz.: Louis, at present residing at home, and Erva. I( LLEN SANDERS. Among the \\ several prosperous and enterprising |\ native-born agriculturists of Lorain county, none, probably, is deserving more prominent notice in this vol ume than the gentleman whose name here appears. Mr. Sanders was bora in LaGrange township in 1835, a son of Horace and Maranda (Clark) Sanders, natives of the State of New York, who came before mar riage to Ohio. They were wedded in La Grange township, Lorain county, and settled on a farm which he had purchased in 1826. Here they passed the rest of their pioneer lives, the father dying in 1879 aged seventy-two years, the mother in 1883, also aged seventy-two. To Mr. and Mrs. Horace Sanders were born six chil dren, as follows: W. B., Allen, Melinda (deceased), De Loss (deceased in LaGrange township), Eber (a farmer of LaGrange township), and Clark (who died in New burgh, Ohio). Grandfather Sanders was born in New York State, aud Grandfather Nathan Clark was a pioneer of LaGrange township, subsequently moving to Eaton couuty, Mich., where he died. 1050 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Allen Sanders, the subject proper of this sketch, received his education at the dis trict schools of LaGrange township, and was practically reared to farm life. Up till 1883 he was engaged in farming in La Grange and Pittsfield townships, and then came to Elyria township, buying an im proved farm known as the "Cochran farm." In 1858 he was married to Miss Amelia Thorpe, a native of Carlisle town ship, Lorain county, and daughter of Maletus and Emily (Squires) Thorpe, na tives of Vermont, who came to Lorain county at an early day, and died here. To Mr. and Mrs. Sanders was born one child that died at the age of three months. In politics our subject is a Democrat of in fluence, active in the affairs of his party, and he is noted for his industry and fru gality, and liberality toward schools, churches and all public enterprises; E' IDWIN H. BACON, than whom probably no one in Lorain county I is better known, is a native of Brownhelm township, born Novem ber 19, 1838, only son of John C. and Mary (Peck) Bacon. The father of subject was bora in Mas sachusetts, June 10, 1811, and died in Brownhelm township, Lorain county, whither he had come in the spring of 1818, being brought by his parents. His father, George Bacon, bought land from the State of Connecticut, and carried on farming up to the time of his death, which occurred when he was eighty years old. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. His father, also named George (great grandfather of E. H. Bacon), received a life pension for services rendered in the Revolutionary war, part of which was, being disguised as an Indian, the throwing of the tea overboard the English ships in Boston harbor. John C. Bacon was a well-known business man in Brownhelm township, and built up the place known as Bacon's Corners. He married Mary Peck, by which union there was but one child — Edwin H. John C. Bacon, in his political predilections, was a Republican, ever active in the interests of his party. Edwin H. Bacon received a liberal edu cation in the schools of the vicinity of his place of birth. In September, 1861, he was united in marriage with Celia S. Haw ley, who is also a native of Brownhelm township, Lorain county, bora February 19, 1862. She is a daughter of J. K. and Margaret (Wells) Hawley, the former of whom was born February 19, 1807, in Jefferson, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, the latter on July 11, 1808, in Hartford, Conn. To Mr. and Mrs. Bacon have come eight chil dren, as follows: Alice M., wife of John Shotton; Edith M.; Elizabeth F.; Edna O, wife of L. A. Busche; Bertha M., wife of W. E. Fisher; Minerva S., Grace A. and Edwin K. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Bacon made their home on a farm in Brownhelm township for three years, and then moved to Wood county, Ohio, where they resided a few years, re turning to Brownhelm township, and re suming farming there. After about fif teen years they proceeded to Vermillion, Ohio, but at the end of four years returned to Lorain county and took charge of the " Farrell House " in the town of Lorain, for two and one-half years. In 1891 they moved into Elyria (where they yet reside), and for one year kept the old-established "Beebe House" in that town. Politically Mr. Bacon is a Republican. HIRAM PRENTICE, one of Cam den township's most highly re spected citizens, is a native of the State of New York, born Septem ber 15, 1824, in Lewis county, a son of William and Sallie (Bates) Prentice. 4/ LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1051 William Preutice, father of subject, was a miller by trade in New York State, con ducting saw and grist mills. In 1835 he came to Ohio with his wife and five chil dren, the journey being made with wagons, and they brought with them such house hold goods as were necessary for them by the way, the bulk of the effects being con veyed by water to Huron, at that time a port on Lake Erie. Coming to Camden township, Lorain Co., Ohio, the family located one half mile south of the present village of Kipton, where Mr. Prentice bought one hundred acres of uncleared land for eight hundred dollars cash, and had sufficient money left to equip the farm with all necessary outhouses, etc., for there was nothing in the way of buildings on it save two small huts. He also conducted a gristmill. On May 1, 1836, less than one year after settling on his purchase, he passed from earth, and was buried on his farm, but his remains were afterward re moved to Camden cemetery. His widow died in February, 1886, at an advanced age, and was laid to rest by his side. They were the parents of five children, all bora in New York State, as follows: Diantha, widow of Obediah Bowen, of Elyria; Obadiah, late a physician of Norwalk; William, of Rice county, Minn.; Hiram, subject of this memoir; and Harvey, of New York City. On Friday, December 29, 1893, died Dr. Obadiah Prentice, at his home in Nor walk. He was born at Lowville, Lewis Co., N. Y., November 6, 1819. In 1835, with his parents, he moved to Camden township, Lorain county, where he lived for many years. In 1848 he was gradu ated from the Cincinnati Medical College, and began to practice in Ashtabula, where he remained for'six years; thence removed to Monroeville, where he lived until 1881, at wliich time he came to Norwalk, where he has since resided. In 1844 he married Miss Harriett D. Webster, of Jefferson, Ohio. His wife and two children — Dr. C. M. C. Prentice, of Chicago, and Mrs. L. D. Lindsley, of Norwalk — survive him. His life is too well known to need eulogy, for by his death the community has lost a helping friend in all kinds of trouble. " Life's work well done, Life's race well run, Life's crown well won, Now comes rest." The remains were interred in Camden cemetery, where his father and mother are sleeping, Camden being his old boyhood home. Hiram Prentice, whose name opens this sketch, was reared a farmer boy, and re ceived a liberal education at the public schools. A good deal of his boyhood time was spent in his father's mills, and being abrightmechaniche was able to dress buhrs in the gristmill before he was twelve years old. In 1835 he came to Ohio with the rest of the family, as above related, and was at once put to work at the plow, driv ing and steering the oxen between the many stumps that remained in the ground. Wild animals were still plentiful, and deer, turkeys and occasional bears were to be seen in the woods. He was at that time ao-ed about twelve years, and when a little' older he entered Oberlin College, where he made considerable progress in his studies. Having fitted himself for teaching, he fol lowed the profession in Camden town ship, Lorain county, and also in Lyme township, Huron county. For seven years he studied medicine under the pre- ceptorship of his brother, in Ashtabula, Ohio, but circumstances compelled him to give it up and return to the home farm', which gradually fell into his possession, he buying out the interests of the other heirs, and he has resided thereon ever since. On March 17, 1853, Mr. Prentice was married to Laura A. Webster, who was bom October 3, 1831, in Kingsville, Ash tabula Co., Ohio, a daughter of Smith and Margaret (Blodgett) Webster. She is a well-educated lady, and for seven or eight terms taught school in Ashtabula county, 1052 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. at which time it was she formed the ac quaintance of Mr. Prentice. The chil dren bora to this union were Eugene S., agent for the Michigan Southern and Lake Shore Railroad at Kipton; Minnie R., who died at the age of seventeen years, and Jennie E., at home. Politically Mr. Pren tice was originally a Whig (his first Pre sidential vote being cast for John P. Hale), then a Free-Soiler, later a Republican until 1884, when he united with the Pro hibitionists. While under the Republican banner he served his township in several offices. He and his wife are leading mem bers and liberal supporters of the Christian Church at Kipton, in which he is an elder. ||OHN WOLF. One of the represen- k. I tative thorough business men and \j) shrewd financiers of Lorain county, and not the least of Rochester town ship's systematic and progressive farmer citizens, is the gentleman whose name here appears. Mr. Wolf was born July 27, 1832, in Knox township, Columbiana Co., Ohio, a grandson of Adam Wolf, who in 1805 came from Virginia to Ohio, and died in Indiana. William Wolf, father of John, was a native of Virginia, bora in Loudoun county, and came with his parents to Ohio, where in Columbiana county he married Miss Catherine Fetterhoff, who was born in the Keystone State, a daughter of Jacob Fetterhoff. In 1848 the family removed to Troy township, Ashland Co., same State, thence after a time to Steuben county, Ind., where, near Pleasant Lake, William died in 1888; he lies buried in Mt. Zion Church cemetery in that county. His widow, now well advanced in life, resides in DeKalb county, Ind., with her eldest daughter, Susanna Smith. Of their large family of seventeen children, fifteen married, and fourteen are yet living in various parts of the United States, the sons for the most part being farmers. John Wolf, of whom this sketch chiefly relates, received his education in the pub lic schools of his day, which in some re spects, he avers, are superior to those of the present time. He was practically trained to farming under the tuition of his father, and at the same time learned car pentry, although not apprenticed to the trade. From the age of sixteen he was reared in Troy township, Ashland Co., Ohio, and remained under the paternal roof till he was twenty-two, at which time he commenced working out as a farm hand. In August, 1862, he enlisted in Troy town ship, Ashland county, in Company K, One Hundred and Second O. V. I., which went into camp in Mansfield, Ohio, and was then detailed to do guard and scout duty in Tennessee, Kentucky and Alabama. At the close of the war he was honorably dis charged, and returned home, arriving in July, 1865. Not prepared to at once set tle down to the pursuits of peace, he mar ried, in the fall of the same year, Miss Eliza A. Sponsler, born in Columbiana county, Ohio, November 24, 1839, a daugh ter of Andrew Sponsler, at that time a farmer of Sullivan township, Ashland Co., ¦ Ohio. The children born to this union are as follows: Charlie, a farmer of Rochester township; Phoebe E., deceased in infancy; Carrie, Mrs. Winter Close, of Orange township, Ashland county; John F., a farmer of Rochester township, and Min- ner, Mrs. Emmer Hileman. In Troy township, Ashland county, Mr. Wolf bought, out of his savings at the time he was working by the month at thirteen dollars per month, a farm which he after ward resold. Later, out of his savings from his pay while in the army, he pur chased ninety-seven acres near his father's place. In the following year, after making a home on his last purchase, he bought of Cephas Clark a farm of 153 acres in Rochester township, Lorain county,whereon 4 . if'V (/&$_ LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1055 he now lives, and to this he has since added until he now has 190 acres of as fine agricultural land as can be seen in his sec tion. This has all been accumulated, not by speculation, but by assiduous, honest toil, backed by sound judgment and care ful economy, in which he has been loyally and valuably -assisted by his amiable and thrifty wife. They are worthy leading members of the Congregational Church, in which he is trustee. Politically he is a Democrat, and in Rochester township, though largely Republican, he has filled the office of trustee for a number of terms with acknowledged ability. rW. MARTIN, for about sixteen months a member of the firm of Martin & Smith, of Elyria, Ohio, and still of Martin Brothers, Chi cago, 111-, and now doing business as F. W. Martin, at Elyria, is a native of Rhenish Bavaria, bora May 4, 1861, about four miles from Landau. In that city he was reared and educated up to the age of fifteen years, at which time he emigrated to America. Having no knowledge of English, he proceeded to Illi nois in order to attend the Northwestern College at Naperville in that State. At the end of one term he left that institution, expecting to spend the vacation in Chicago and then return to school; but instead he came to Elyria, where he had a brother liv ings clergyman of the German Evangelical Church. After attending school six weeks here, in order to become better acquainted with the English language, he entered the employ of D. C. Baldwin & Co., with whom he remained fifteen months, and then found employment in the dry-goods estab lishment of Goldberg Brothers, Elyria. With them he also remained some fifteen months, after which he accepted a position with Strauss & Kupfer, till September, 1885, when he commenced business on his own account, in carpets, wall paper, curtains, oil-cloth, etc. Lie had purchased the stock of Strauss & Kupfer, and commenced business under the firm name of F. W. Martin & Co., his father-in-law, W. F. Hurlbut, being associated with him. At the latter's death Mr. Martin changed the firm to F. W. Martin, which so continued from Decem ber 18, 1886, to October 1, 1892, when he formed a partnership with fi. H. Smith, and opened out an establishment on Cheap- side, in Elyria, at which place he was in business until January 12, 1894. He sold his interest in this firm, and opened up in the same line at No. 27 Broad street as F. W. Martin. Mr. Martin, early in 1888, opened a branch business in Lorain, but in May his health failed, so that he could not properly attend to it, and he consequently sold this branch out the following July. In September, 1891, he commenced busi ness in Chicago, 111., at No. 503-5 West Madison street, the firm name being Mar tin Brothers (he having received his broth er into partnership), their line of trade being furniture and household goods on the installment plan. On May 1, 1892, he opened another branch in that city, at No. 307 Ogden avenue, for the sale of wall paper, paints, oils, etc., which latter he discontinued after one year's trial. On January 13, 1885, our subject was united in marriage with Alice G. fiurlbut. He is a Republican in politics, and is a member of the Knights of Pythias, Blue Lodge. Mr. Martin continues to reside in Elyria, as his Chicago house is in a flour ishing condition, and does not require his personal attention. Ei C. BURGE. This well-known resi dent of Brighton township is a I native of Ohio, born in Orange township, Richland (now Ashland) county, September 11, 1830, a son of John Y. and Mary (Lowry) Burge. 1056 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. The father of our subject was born in Loudoun county, Va., a son of William Burge, who came to Pennsylvania in early days, residing for some years in Greene county. In the early part of this century he moved to Ohio, finally settling in Rich land county, where he died, fie had a family of seven children, of whom the following is a brief record: John Y. is the father of our subject; Henry, who was a blacksmith by trade, remained in Pennsylvania, where he died; Mary mar ried Andrew Newman, and died near Jeromesville, Ohio; Benjamin M. died in New Haven township, Huron Co., Ohio (he was accidentally killed in the following manner: He and others were logging, and had several logs rolled together. They were putting a single log on the top of the pile, and Benjamin Burge had one end of it held up with a handspike, one end of this lever being under the log, the other resting on his shoulder. When the rest of the men were lifting up the far end of the log, Burge's foot slipped and he fell, the handspike, being suddenly released from his shoulder, striking him on the neck with great force, dislocating it and producing death) ; Ruth married Usher Goldsmith, and died near Mansfield, Ohio; Sarah married Christopher Lamberton, a lawyer of Mansfield, Ohio; William L., who was well educated, died in St. Louis, Missouri. John Y. Burge was reared on a farm, and learned the trade of cooper under his father. He was married in Pennsylvania to Mary Lowry, who was bora in Loudoun county, Va., a member of one of the lead ing families of that State. After marriage they remained in the Keystone State some time, and then came with his family to Ohio, locating on a farm in Stark county, where Mr. Burge stopped temporarily, and engaged with a farmer to work his place for a period of three years; then moved to Richland county, whither his parents had preceded him, and in the township of Orange he and his wife passed the re mainder of their lives. They had a family of fourteen children, as follows: Lemuel G., who died in Orange township after reaching adult age; William W., who died in infancy, in Stark county, Ohio; Samuel W., who died of typhoid fever in Orange township; Benjamin M., of Greenwich, Huron Co., Ohio; John, a farmer of Brighton township; Elizabeth, who died at the age of twenty-five years; Sarah, who married John Goldsmith, and now lives in Richland county, Ohio; Ruth, who died unmarried; Mary, who died in youth; E. O, subject of this* sketch; Rachel, un married, residing in Ashland county, Ohio; Ezra L., of Oberlin, Ohio; Ellzey K., who died in Lawrence county, Penn.; and one that died in infancy unnamed. Mr. Burge followed his trade, coopering, with much success in the various places where he lived, and succeeded in accumulating a pleasant home, comprising 153 acres of prime land, and an elegant house. In his political associations he was a Whig, and he and his wife were members of the Methodist Church. E. C. Burge, whose name opens this sketch, received his education at the com mon schools of his native township, and when a young man came to Lorain county with his brother John Y. He took up his residence in Brighton township, where he worked as a farm hand at first-class wages, and after his marriage located on the old homestead in Orange township, Ashland county, then consisting of 153 acres, con siderably encumbered, however, and here resided three years. In 1856 he again came to Brighton township, Lorain county, and worked as a hired man until 1859, sav ing money sufficient to buy the land where he now lives, and in 1860 he moved there on. Here he has since carried on general farming, and built a new residence, barn, etc. ; for some years he has also done a very profitable dairy business. In addition to all this Mr. Burge taught school during the winter months in various parts of Ohio — Lucas, Ashland, Huron and Lorain LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1057 counties — in all thirty-three terms, giving eminent satisfaction to all concerned; but he had to retire from the profession on account of impaired eyesight. On October 17, 1852, Mr. Burge was married to Nancy Thompson, who was born February 13, 1836, in Wayne county, Ohio, daughter of William and Rachel (Kearnes) Thompson, and the children born to them are as follows: John V., a school teacher; Martha A., Mrs. John Burrows, of Brigh ton ; Mary, Mrs. O. L. Rolfe, of Brighton ; and Yernie, a school teacher, also of Brigh ton. Our subject is a prominent member of the Republican party, and has held va rious offices of trust in his township. In matters of religion he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is in all things remarkably temperate, and never drinks intoxicating liquors. ("VALTER SMITH, a native-born _\J/ agriculturist of Lorain county, iff was born September 5, 1843, in Penfield township, on the same farm which he now owns and resides upon. Levi Smith, father of our subject, was born December 23, 1815, in Camden, Oneida Co., N. Y., son of Joel B. Smith, a cabinet maker, and was reared to farm life. During the winter season he attended the common schools, but he was actively engaged as well in farm work even in his early boyhood, when he was so small that he could not hold the plow handles, or yoke the oxen without standing on a box; and from the time he was sixteen years old he had charge of a small farm which his father owned. About 1836 he came to Lorain county, Ohio (the passage over Lake Erie being very rough), accompanied by his parents, who first located in Amherst and then in Penfield township. He remained with them until 1840, when he returned to his native county in New York, and there married Miss Harriet Johnson, an old schoolmate, who was born July 9, 1819, in Oneida county, N. Y., daughter of Russell Johnson, a farmer. Immediately after marriage the young couple set out for the home in Ohio, where they located on a tract of forty-six acres, all of which, with the exception of the riverland, was in the woods, and here erected the house our sub ject now resides in. Here were born to them two children, as follows: George, who enlisted August 9, 1862, at Cleveland, in Battery B, First Ohio Light Artillery, and died December 9, 1862, of typhoid fever, in Hospital No. 9, Nashville, Tenn., where he was buried in the National cemetery, the day before his father arrived ; and Walter, who is the subject proper of this sketch. Mr.# Smith was a lifelong farmer, and at the time of his death owned 228 acres of land, which property he had accumulated by hard work and good man agement, and he kept 500 head of sheep when wool sold at one dollar per pound. Levi Smith was one of the best finan ciers of his timo, and was a close observer of men and events. Politically he was ori ginally a Whig, later a Republican, was a regular attendant at all elections, and served for many years as township trus tee. He was very patriotic, and during the Civil war contributed much toward freeing the township from the draft. When about forty-five years of age he united with the M. E. Church, of which he remained a member until his death, which occurred March 6, 1884. After his decease his widow removed to Wellington, where she passed a retired life until her death, December 11, 1888, when she was buried by the side of her husband in Center cemetery. She was a member of the M. E. Church for over forty-five years. Our subject obtained such an education as the common schools of his time afforded, meantime receiving his agricultural train ing on the home farm. On August 23, 1866, he married Alice M. Crane, also a native of Penfield township, and they had 1058 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. two children, as follows: Blanche, now Mrs. E. M. Smith, of Cleveland, Ohio; and George, now a resident of California. The mother of these died in 1870, and in 1872 Mr. Smith married, for his second wife, Miss Sarah E. Pierce, who was bora near Auburn, N. Y., daughter of James M. Pierce, who removed to Ohio in his later years. To this union came four children, namely: Guy E., Mary Etta, Harry H. and Levi. After his marriage Mr. Smith located in Penfield township, and worked the farm owned by his father, after whose death he moved to his present place, where, with the exception of two years passed in Wellington for the benefit of his children's education, he has since made his home. In politics he is a stanch member of the Republican party, and ,js well posted on the issues of the day. Mrs. Smith is a member of the M. E. Church. ¦tl C. SMITH, one of the most success ful business men in Penfield town ship, was born April 9, 1827, in Camden, Oneida Co., New York. Joel B. Smith, father of our subject, was born February 2, 1788, in Connecti cut, and when a youug man was bound out for six years to learn the trade of carpen ter and joiner. He was married in Con necticut, on February 13, 1811, to Miss Harriet Bronson, who was born in that State January 1, 1791, and they shortly afterward removed to Oneida county, N. Y., locating in the town of Camden, where he worked steadily and industriously at his trade. He purchased property and owned a farm, and here children as follows were born to him: Myron B., born November 30, 1811, now of Lapeer, Mich, (he was at one time State surveyor of Michigan); Levi, born October 13, 1812, who died November 27, 1812; Sarah S., born March 6, 1814, who was married in New York State to Edward Ackley, and died June 6, 1839 (she was the second woman interred in Penfield cemetery); Levi, born Decem ber 23, 1815; Hervey P., who was a resi dent of Michigan many years ago, but left that State to locate some coal mines in Pennsylvania, and has never since been heard from; George L., a farmer, who died in Lapeer, Mich.; Harriet, who married William Hart, and died in Grafton; Hiram, a very successful lumberman, who died in Flint, Mich.; J. C, the subject of this sketch; and fienry, of Cleveland, Ohio. During the winter of 1836-37 Joel B. Smith had come to Lorain county, Ohio, and passed a short time in Amherst town ship with his brother Isaac, who was a Methodist Episcopal minister, while there making some arrangements for the pur chase of a farm, while the snow was on the ground. He next went to Michigan on a visit to his son Myron B., and then returned to "his home in New York, in the spring of 1837 bringing his family to Lorain county. They came by way of the Erie Canal from Utica to Buffalo, N. Y., and thetice by Lake to Cleveland; during their pas sage through the ice in the lake the paddle- wheel of the vessel was broken, but Joel Smith, being a carpenter, repaired it. Their progress was still very slow, however, three days and three nights being occupied in traveling twenty miles, but they finally landed at Black River (now Lorain), from which town they drove their own team to the home of Isaac Smith in Amherst town ship. By this time the snow had melted from the ground, and Mr. Smith, seeing that the land he had partially bargained for was stony, declined to take it, but hear ing of a farm for sale in Penfield township he came hither and bought 150 acres at thirty dollars per acre, the place on which our subject now resides. The bottom-land on this tract had been partly cleared, but the rest was all in the woods, and here Mr. Smith resided until his death, from heart disease, on May 13, 1850. He was buried in Center cemetery, and his widow then LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1059 made her home with her son J. C. for seven years. She next went to Michigan, to live with her son Myron B., where she died in 1'849; she was buried by the side of her husband. After coming west Mr. Smith followed his trade, and erected the residence on his own farm and various other buildings in the township. He was also able to make tine furniture and manu factured a number of coffins. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and the old musket he carried at Sacket's Harbor is still in the possession of our subject. He was a Republican in politics, formerly a Whig, and kept himself posted on the issues of the day. Our subject attended the common schools of the neighborhood of his boyhood home up to the age of ten years, when he came with his parents to Ohio, at which time there was no schoolhouse in his district. Later, however, he attended a school one and a half miles south of his home, taught by J. B. Wilson, in the meantime being trained to agricultural pursuits on the home farm, where be remained until his marriage. On April 9, 1851, he was wedded to Miss Mary A. Knapp, a native of Penfield township, daughter of Schuble Knapp, an early pioneer of same, who was killed by the falling of a hollow log, which struck him on the head while he was build ing a smoke-house. Mrs. Mary A. Smith died Mareh 3, 1852, leaving one child, Mary E., now Mrs. Charles Lang, of Pen- field, and on April 24, 1853, Mr. Smith married Miss Minerva Starr, who was born November 6, 1827, in Harpersfield, Delaware Co., N. Y., daughter of Orrin and Abigail (Hickok) Starr, pioneers of Penfield township. To this union were boru children as follows: Burton, of Graf ton, Ohio, in the employ of the C. C. C. & St. L. R. R. Co.; Josephine M., now Mrs. William Mander, of Toledo, Ohio; Alonzo B., a farmer of Van Buren county, Mich.; and Marian, widow of Edward Worrell, of Port Clinton, Ohio. Mr. Smith has made farming his principal vo cation in life, and for five years also en gaged in droving, buying cattle throughout southern Ohio. For forty years he con ducted a dairy, and tor two years was also in the milling business at Grafton Station, having won success in all bis business en terprises. During the season he makes maple syrup and molasses. Politically he is a lifelong Republican, but is not an as pirant for public office. He and his wife are both members of the M. E. Church, in which he has held various positions of trust. B. CHAPMAN, a well-known early resident of Lorain county, is a son of James Chapman, who was reared in Lorain county. He married Eliza beth Bark, a native of Germany, who came to America at the age of fourteen, and they had six children, three of whom are now living, namely: C. B., Bird (clerk in a hardware store at Elyria, Ohio) and T. B. (editor of the Lorain Times). The father of this family followed sailing on the lakes for some time; he died in 1868. His widow is still living. C. B. Chapman was born April 12, 1845, in Sheffield township, Lorain Co., Ohio. In 1849 he came to Lorain, where he received his education, and, in 1857, at the early age of eleven years,* commenced sailing on the Lakes, a vocation in which he has ever since continued, being now captain of a tug-boat plying between Sandusky and Lorain. Mr. Chapman has also dealt "in real estate; he owns two dwelling houses in Lorain besides his own, and has also several lots in the West End. He sold five acres in the southwestern part of the town. In 1866 the Captain was married, in Cleveland, Ohio, to Mrs. Elizabeth Snider, a native of Germany, who in an early day came with her parents, Henry and Mary (Brown) Snider, also natives of Germany, to Lorain couuty, Ohio, where the father 1060 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. died; her mother died in June, 1893, at the age of eighty-six years. Socially our subject is a member of the K. 0. T. M., of the Excelsior Marine Benevolent Associa tion, of Cleveland, of Black River Lodge No. 680, I. O. O. F., and of the Order of Rebekah. Politically he is an active mem ber of the Republican party, and served one term as member of the town council his brother has also served in the same capacity. Mr. Chapman is a member of one of the early families of Lorain, and has watched her growth and progress from a village of 600 people to her present pros perous condition. L F. CLIFFORD, a leading and pro gressive farmer of Wellington town ship, is a native of same, bora April 18, 1834, of German ancestry on the paternal side, his great grandfather hav ing come from Germany to America in time to serve in the Revolutionary war. He received a regular discharge from the army; his wife died December 9, 1844, aged ninety-three years. John Clifford, grandfather of our sub ject, was born in 1777, in Providence, R. I. He married Miss Margaret Williamson, who bore him children as follows: John, Jr., born September 8, 1797, died Decem ber 25, 1857; Daniel, born February 7, 1799, died January 31, 1886 (he was the father of our subject); Luther L., born Marcii 8, 1801, died Marcii 12, 1864; Hannah, born July 15, 1803, died April 28, 1857; Theodocia, born May 15, 1805, died May 31, 1880; George W., born June 18, 1807, died September 28,1861; Elijah, born March 13, 1810, died in July, 1880; Pollie M., born June 6, 1813, died July 1, 1849; Benjamin F., born January 19, 1816, died December 21, 1885; Harriet, born May 30, 1819, died December 5, 1869; and Adeline E., born in Ohio Sep tember 23, 1821, died September 2, 1841. The mother of these was born March 15, 1779, and died May 22, 1845. In 1818 John Clifford, leaving his fam ily behind, came west to Ohio in company with four others — Ephraim Wilcox, Will iam Welling, Joseph Wilson and Charles Sweet — the entire journey being made with a horse and cutter. Saving selected a suitable location for a settlement, on the banks of Wellington creek, about half a mile from where the town of Wellington now stands, Mr. Clifford returned east for his family, consisting of wife and ten chil dren, and they all arrived safely at their new home in March, 1820. One week after ward they had cut the timber and erected a log house, covered it with shakes, chinked and " mudded " it, and laid the floor, ul timately finding themselves comfortably settled. This building also became the first schoolhouse, the first meeting house and the first tavern. It was the first point immigrants would reach as they entered the settlement, and its doors were always open to welcome new comers. There the first sermon was preached by Presiding Elder McMahon, a Methodist, and at that meeting Adam Poe received his license to preach. Mr. Clifford was proverbial for his industry and thrift. In addition to his labors in clearing land, cutting roads and raising crops, he plied his trade of shoe maker, for many years supplying the wants of his neighbors for many miles around, being the only shoemaker in the settle ment. One daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford shortly after coming here, making the eleventh in the family. Mr. Clifford died September 17, 1869, after a few weeks' illness from cancer under the left arm; and at the time of his death there had been of his family of eleven children seventy-nine grandchildren, ninety-seven great-grandchildren and one great-great grandchild — 188 in all. Daniel C. Clifford, father of the subject proper of this sketch, was bora February 7, 1799, at Tyringham, Berkshire Co., LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1061 Mass., and was, as will be seen, a young man of twenty-one when he arrived with the rest of the family in Wellington town ship, where all his life he followed farm ing. On March 13, 1825, he married Miss Sarah P. Hall, of Brecksville, Ohio, and twelve children were born to them, named as follows: Edward, Henry, Elvi ra, Jane, Christopher, Franklin, Andrew, Charles, Harriet, Adeline and Ageline (twins) and Francis, all yet living except two. On March 13, 1875, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Clifford celebrated tbeir golden wedding, and there were present at the fes tival many of those who had attended the marriage half a century before. On Jan uary 31, 1886, within one week of his eighty-seventh birthday, Mr. Clifford was summoned to his long home. He had lived on the same farm sixty-six years, and " was a man of a remarkably vigorous frame, in domitable energy and independence of character, industrious, thrifty, provident, a fair type of the men who conquered the difficulties of pioneer life." fie was a member of the First Methodist Episcopal Society of Wellington, but did not until shortly before his death sympathize witb or appreciate modern innovations or recent methods. His widow survived him a little less than one year, dying January 23, 1887, at the age of eighty-four. She was a woman of remarkable energy and ability, and heroically braved the toils, dangers and privations of pioneer life. She possessed a cheerful, happy disposition, and " Aunt Sarah " (as she was familiarly called) was universally loved and respected. L. F. Clifford, the subject proper of these lines, received his education at the subscription schools of Wellington town ship, Lorain couuty, his attendance there being confined to a few months in the winter seasons, the balance of the year be ing devoted to farming operations, in which he became remarkably successful. In 1866 he was united in marriage with Mrs. Alice Houghton Drake, and they have two chil dren, viz.: Paul Carlton, born August 18, 1870, and educated at the high school of Wellington, and Robert Houghton, born December 28, 1872, who graduated at the high school of Wellington, and is now taking a four years' course in the " Case School of Applied Science," Cleveland, Ohio. In his political preferences Mr. Clifford is a Republican, and in matters of religion he is a member of the M. E. Church. DANIEL TOLHURST, whose name is intimately associated with the agricultural interests of Lorain county, more particularly of Am herst township, is a native of the eastern part of the county of Kent, England, born March 18, 1836. His father, John Tolhnrst, was born in the same county in 1800, and was there married to Miss Mary Standen; in 1851 they emigrated with their family to the United States and to Ohio, settling on a farm in Amherst township. The father died in 1885; the mother is yet living, and makes her home with her son Daniel, who is the only survivor of her family of children. The voyage across the ocean took five weeks, while now it can be made in about that number of days. Daniel's fifteenth birthday was passed on -the water. A particularly sad event on the trip was the death and burial at sea of an .only sis ter, not quite two years old. The subject of these lines was a youth of fifteen summers when he came to Lo rain county, and has been a resident ever since of Amherst township, where he owns a well-cultivated farm of seventy-two acres. Iu 1861 he was united in mar riage to Miss Harriet Standen, a native of England, and two children were born to them, both of whom died when young. This wife departed this life in 1865, and in 1866 Mr. Tolhurst married Miss Ame lia Chapman, who was born in Michigan, and reared in Lorain county, Ohio. Four 1062 LORAIN 'COUNTY, OHIO. children came to bless their union, viz.: Cora, deceased ; Ward, born in October, 1871, who received a liberal commercial education at Oberlin, and lives on his father's farm; Mary, wife of Howard Walker, of Amherst township, and Arthur, attending school. In politics our subject is independent, invariably voting for the best men and most salutary measures, irre spective of party. Mrs. Amelia Tolhurst is a daughter of William Henry and Jane (Sackett) Chap man, the former of whom was born in New York State in 1816, and died May 26, 1891. He lived in Michigan for a time, and was there married to Miss Jane Sackett, who was a resident of Lorain county. Eight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Chapman, as follows: Celia, wife of Captain S. Gilmore, of Lorain county, Ohio; Amelia, wife of Daniel Tol hurst; Arthur, who was lost on the schooner " Clough," when aged twenty-six years; William, deceased in childhood; Ella, wife of Dr. Smith, of Olmsted Falls, Ohio; Cora and Alice, both of whom died young, and one that lived not beyond the days of infancy. ;HARLES A. FINLEY. prominent at one time among the general agri culturists, stock and dairy men of Lorain county, and now a leading capitalist of Camden, was born in Buffalo, N. Y., December 23, 1847, a son of Thomas A. Finley, a native of the District of Colum bia, whose father was a sailor. Thomas A. Finley received a good edu cation, and on leaving school entered the U. S. Navy, in which he served some time. He was married, December 30, 1846, in Buffalo, N. Y., to Lucretia Spooner, who was bora in Penobscot couuty, Maine. She died August 12, 1849, leaving one child, Charles A. The father then re turned to the sea, and for a short time thereafter wrote home occasionally till all at once his letters ceased, and he has never been heard of since; he may be dead, but his fate is enshrouded in mystery. Charles A. Finley, after the death of his mother, was taken to be reared under the care of his grandmother, Mrs. Lewis Spooner, whose husband died of cholera in 1849. With her Charles continued to live until he was six years of age, when he was placed in a boarding school at Buffalo, N. YT., and there remained until he reached the age of thirteen years, at which time he was bound out to Levi House, a farmer of Marilla township, Erie Co., N. Y., and with him remained till he was twenty years old, part of the time attending school. After this he obtained work on a farm, bnt did not remain long, as in 1867 he came to Ohio, locating in North Amherst, Lo rain county, for a couple of years, still en gaged in farm work. At the end of that time he moved into Wellington township, same county, working as a farm hand for S. D. Bacon, whose daughter, Euphemia, he married January IB, 1874. One son, Archer S., was born to them, but died in infancy, the mother following to the grave in January, 1875; her remains are interred in Wellington cemetery. For his second wife Mr. Finley married on March 8, 1877, Miss Emma O. Johnson, who was born in Greenwich township, Huron county, December 26, 1853, daughter of John and Betsy (Snyder) Johnson, who came to Brighton township, Lorain county, in 1860. To this union have been born two children: Mabel L. and Erwin E., both living at home. In April, 1877, our subject came to Camden township, Lorain county, and bought 121 acres of land at forty-two dol lars per acre, going in debt over four thou sand dollars. For nine years he lived on this farm, engaged in agriculture, stock raising and dairying, and then moved into Kipton, for two years thereafter retaining his farm, which he then sold. In 1887 he started a broom factory, a new industry, CB^tA^.^rti-^. LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1065 which he successfully carried on two years, and then disposed of his interest in it. He has since been engaged in various enter prises, meeting in all his ventures with unqualified success. He is a shrewd dealer and a good financier, and is possessed of more than ordinary business qualifications, as his entire career amply testifies. He controls a considerable amount of capital, and much credit is due him for the man ner in which he has accumulated property and wealth, and controlled what he has. A Democrat in politics, he has held several offices of trust in his township, for six years being trustee thereof. He is a mem ber of the K. O. T. M., Tent No. 92, Kip ton. Mrs. Finley is a member of the Baptist Church at Camden Center. E1 H. NICHOLL, druggist and phar macist, was bora October 10, 1867, I at Brownhelm, Lorain county, the sixth child of James and Jane (Lawson) Nicholl. When our subject was four years of age his parents moved to North Amherst, where he attended school and studied pharmacy. They are prominent repre sentative citizens of that place, and the father, who has always been interested in the stone business, is now general super intendent of the Cleveland Stone Co. At the age of seventeen E. H. Nicholl went into partnership, in the drug business' witb J. F. Uthe, who died two years later, when Mr. Nicholl continued alone in the business. Shortly afterward, owing to ill health, he took a trip through the south ern States, returning greatly improved. He is an active member of the Ohio Pharmaceutical Association, and is licensed by that State. In 1892 he married Miss Anna Miller, of North Amherst, and they have one child, Alson. Politically Mr. Nicholl is inclined toward the Democratic party, but does not take much interest in political affairs, as he spends the greater partof his time in study and in making his business a success. He is a member of the K. of P. and K. 0. T. M. Lodges, and is one of the leading, progressive and enterprising young men of North Amherst. In the spring of 1892 he was elected member of the town council for a term of two years. EL DURKEE, Je., an enterprising, native-born farmer of Eaton town ship, was bora December 2, 1844, a son of Oel and Betsy (Terry) Dur kee, the former of whom was born in 1808 in New York State, the latter in 1809 in Vermont. Oel Durkee, Sr., was reared in his native State, where he married Betsy Terry, and in 1832 they came westward to Lorain county, Ohio, settling in the woods of Eaton township, where they yet reside. They had a family of nine children (five of whom are still living), viz.: Mason, mar ried, residing in Henry county, Ohio; Nancy, who was the wife of Josiah Lind- ley, of Henry county, Ohio, died in 1881; Cordelia, who married Nelson Cornwell, of Henry county, died in 1878; Hiram, who enlisted in 1861, in Company D, Twenty-third O. V. I., and served two years, was killed in the battle of Antie tam; Pucis, deceased when eight or nine years old; Oel, Jr., mentioned farther on; Evaline, Mrs. Myers, residing in LaPorte, Ohio; Horace, married, residing in Graf ton, Ohio; and Oscar, married, residing in Eaton township, Lorain county. The father of this family, though now over fourscore years of age, is still a strong, active man. He is a member of the Re publican party, takes considerable interest in politics, and served for many years as trustee of Eaton township. 1066 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Oel Durkee, Jr., was reared in Eaton township, received his education in the common schools of same, and has devoted the greater part of his life to agriculture, engaging also in the manufacture of cheese. In 1861 he enlisted, for three years or during the war, in Company E, Forty-second O. Y. I., and served with the army of the Cumberland. He par ticipated in the engagements in Kentucky, siege of Vicksburg, Jackson, and New Orleans, was through the Red River cam paign, and subsequently at Brownsville, Texas. In 1865 he was honorably dis charged, at Columbus, Ohio, and imme diately returned to Lorain county, where he resumed farm life. In December, 1866, he was united in marriage, in Eaton township, with Miss Emma Phillips, a native of same, daughter of Edwin and Betsy (Wilmptt) Phillips; the father, a native of Vermont, who was an early set tler in Eaton township, was drowned about 1857, while sailing on the " Henry Clay." His widow, who afterward remarried, died in Eaton township in 1891. To Mr. and Mrs. Oel Durkee were born eight children (six of whom are yet liv ing), viz.: May (deceased at the age of three years), Juna (deceased at the age of seventeen). Edward, Leo, Stella, Blanche, Elza and Flossie. Our subject owns a farm of eighty-three acres of good land, where he carries on general farming. In politics he is a Republican; socially he is a member of Richard Allen Post, G. A. R., Elyria. E. HOLCOMB, farmer and stock raiser, and a popular citizen of La Grange township, is a native of same, bora September 28, 1840. He is a sou of Asal and Fannie (Hastings) Holcomb, the former of whom was born in Jefferson county, N. Y., son of Noah Holcomb. Asal Holcomb received an education in the common schools, and learned the carpenter's trade, having a natural aptitude for mechanical work. When a young man he came to Lorain county, Ohio, where he married Miss Fan nie fiastings, up to which time he had been engaged in various kinds of labor. He then bought land in LaGrange town ship (the farm our subject now resides on), and here all their children were born, as follows: A. I., a farmer of LaGrange; R. E., subject of this sketch; Jeanette, Mrs. D. C. Nichols, of LaGrange; Wesley, who died young; and Fannie, Mrs. Ed ward Nichols, of Penfield, Ohio. Mrs. Holcomb died at the birth of her daughter Fannie, and was interred in East cemetery, and Mr.- Holcomb subsequently married Miss Maria Hunter, of Richland county, Ohio. There were no children by this union. Mr. Holcomb was a lifelong, agri culturist, and met with considerable suc cess in his vocation, accumulating a com fortable competence. In politics he was a Democrat, and in religion they were Chris tians — though not members of any Church. He passed from earth in 1867, and he and his wife lie buried in East cemetery. R. E. Holcomb was educated first in the common schools, and later at select school, being a pupil of E. G. Johnson at La Grange Center. He was trained to agri cultural life, and remained on the home farm until his enlistment, September 5, 1861, at LaGrange, in Company B, First Ohio Artillery, with which he went to Camp Dennison, near Cincinnati. His first active service was at Wild Cat, Ky. ftheirs being thefirstartillerydischarged iu Kentucky during the war), and subse quently he was in the battles of Mill Springs, Stone River, Lookout Mountain, Crawfish Springs, following his command through to the close of the war, during which time he was never obliged to be in hospital. He had studied while in camp, sending home for books, and thus prepar ing himself to teach, and after coming home to LaGrange he taught school three terms in that township. On December 10, LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1067 1868, Mr. Holcomb was married to Miss Margaret Henderside, who was bora in Litchfield, Medina Co., Ohio, daughter of James Henderside, who came from Scot land. He then bought out the other heirs of the home place, being obliged to go into debt therefor, and here he has ever since been engaged in general farming and stock raising, fie is a self-made man in every respect. In politics he is a Republican, and has served in various local positions, but is not an active partisan. Mr. and Mrs. Holcomb are the parents of the fol lowing children: Belle F., now Mrs. George Nichols, of LaGrange; and Bertie A., who is living at home. |( H. REMINGTON, for over sixty k. I years a resident of Lorain county, ^Jj having been born here in 1828, comes of old Massachusetts stock, his parents — Henry J. and Matilda (Williams) Re mington — being natives of that State. In February, 1822, the parents set out for Ohio, with a yoke of oxen and one horse, and after a journey of six weeks ar rived in Lorain county, and made a settle ment in Pittsfield township. Chauncey Remington, brother of Henry J., accom panied them, and his wife, Mary (Williams), was the first white, woman to enter Pitts field township, where she died in 1823. In 1828 our subject's father moved to Am herst township, where he cleared a farm, but in 1836 he migrated to Steuben county, Ind., returning thence in 1839 to Amherst township, and passing the remainder of his days in the county, dying January 7, 1889. He was a lifelong Democrat, and filled several township offices; in church connec tion he was a Baptist. His wife died in Amherst township in 1881. They were the parents of seven children, as follows: Fannie, born in Massachusetts, widow of 0. D. Worden, of Grinnell, Iowa; H. W., born August 9, 1823, the first male white child born in Pittsfield township, Lorain Co., Ohio, who now lives in Wood county, Wis.; Amanda, wife of Horace Steele, living in California; J. H, subject of sketch; Benedict Bliss, who died in Ash tabula county, Ohio, in 1885; Sarah Ann, deceased in infancy; and Lydia, who was married to William Kelley, of Kelley's Island, and died at the age of eighteen. J. H. Remington was born in Amherst township, where he received his education and was reared, excepting for about three years which he passed in Steuben county, Ind. For his trade he learned carpentry, and in early manhood worked at same in Dane county, Wis. While there he en listed, in 1861, in Company A, Eleventh Wisconsin Infantry, and was mustered into the service at Madison, the regiment being assigned to the Western Department. During tbe first winter they guarded pris oners at St. Louis, Mo., after which they were at the siege of Vicksburg, and the engagements at Magnolia Church and Port Gibson, whence they proceeded to Jack son, Miss., and then returned to Vicks burg. Our subject then came home on a thirty-days' furlough, after which he re joined his regiment at New Orleans. In their second campaign they marched 215 miles, and they served in the campaign of western Tennessee and northern Missis sippi, thence going to Mobile, Ft. Morgan and Ft. Blakeley, where Mr. Remington captured a revolver from a Confederate officer. After this the regiment was sta tioned at Brownsville, Texas, etc. At Mobile, Ala., our subject received his dis charge in September, 1865, and returned to Madison, Wis., having seen over four years' hard service. In 1852 Mr. Remington was united in marriage, in Amherst township, Lorain Co., Ohio, with Miss Maria Spencer, who was born in LaGrange, Lorain county, daughter Qf E. C. and Angeline (Rock wood) Spencer, natives of New York. Grandfather Asa Rockwood came to La- 1068 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Grange township in 1826, being one of the first settlers of the place. Mrs. Rem ington's father came to Lorain county in 1832, was married in 1833, and after some years moved to Henry county, Ohio, where he died in 1892; the mother had passed away in 1885. To our subject and wife were born seven children, namely: Frank, married and living in Pottawat tamie county, Iowa; Ella, deceased at the age of one year; Addie, wife of L. L. Jack son, of Ashtabula, Ohio; Lydia, wife of A. A. Sharp, of Centerville, Kans., Willie and Lillie (twins), the former living athome, the latter married to G. R. Coleman, of Omaha, Neb., and Angie, at home. In politics Mr. Remington is an ardent Republican, and takes a live interest in the affairs of his county and township. He is a mem ber of the Union Veteran League, quarter master of Post No. 148 G. A. R., now serving his fifth term, and has been com mander of the Post. Prior to coming to North Amherst, he followed farming in Lorain county. fSince the above was writ ten, we have been informed of the death October 1, 1893, of Mr. Remington.— Ed. THOMAS H. JONES. The land of the Cymri has given to America many of her most stalwart, loyal and honorable citizens, such as was the gentleman whose name here appears. He was bora in Wales in 1843, a son of John and Maria (Monroe) Jones, also natives of that country, whence they came to the United States when our sub ject was a boy, making, their new home in Cleveland, Ohio, where the father died; the mother is now living in Cuyahoga county, same State. Our subject received his education in Cleveland, and October 6, 1862, he en listed, in that city, in Company H, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth O. V. I., three years' service, or during the war. His regiment was attached to the army of the East, and participated in many bloody battles, among which may be mentioned Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Gettysburg, Wilderness and Atlanta. On July 9, 1865, Mr. Jones was honorably discharged at Nashville, Tenn., and re turned home to Cleveland, where he con tinued to reside until 1870, when he came to Lorain, Lorain county, with which thriving town he was closely identified up to his death, which occurred April 4, 1891. Thomas H. Jones and Miss Augusta M. Lampman were united in marriage in 1868. She is a native of Lorain county, Ohio, a daughter of Mark and Elizabeth (Church ill) Lampman, of New York and Connect icut, respectively. Her father was a sailor, then a hotel and storekeeper, later custom house officer for over twenty years at Lorain, and he is yet remembered as one of the early merchants of Lorain county. He served in the war of 1812. He died in July, 1885, his wife surviving him till August, 1892. To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Jones were born two children : Mark, sketch of whom follows, and Gussie. Mr. Jones was for some time engaged in the real-estate business, and at the time' of his death was collector for the Port of Lorain. Politically he was a Republican, and he was a member of the Protected Home Circle. His grandfather, Stephen Church ill, was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. 4/ MARK JONES, who for the past two years has been in the employ J of the Cleveland, Lorain & Wheel ing Railroad, as time-keeper, is a native of Lorain, born June 10, 1869, a son of T. H. Jones. Our subject was reared in his native city, receiving his education in the public schools of same. He was for some time in the employ of the Cleveland Paper Company, and later studied stenography in Chicago, after LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1069 which he became bookkeeper in a foundry at Lorain, and has held his present posi tion since March 9, 1891. On J uly 14, 1891, Mr. Jones was united in marriage with Miss Rowena Moore, who was born in Lo rain, Lorain county, daughter of Captain Truman Moore; her parents reside in Lo rain. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are members of the M. E. Church, in which he holds the office of trustee. rH. BACON. This gentleman, who for many years has been recognized as a leader among the leading business men of Lorain county, is a native of same, born in Brownhelm township, March 13, 1840. Benjamin Bacon, father of subject, was a native of Massachusetts, bora in Old Stockbridge, whence in 1818 he came to Ohio, locating in Brownhelm township, Lorain county. He made the entire journey with a one-horse wagon, and had but four dollars in money when he arrived in Brown helm. He made his settlement where William Bacon now lives, having bought wild laud from one William Brown. In 1820 he erected a mill at what is known as " Mill Hollow," on the Vermillion river, and about 1835 enlarged it from a one-burr to a four-burr capacity. Ten years later he equipped it with modern improvements. He was twice married, his second wife (mother of the subject of this sketch) be ing Miss Anna W. Wells, a native of West Hartford, Connecticut. F. H. Bacon, whose name opens this sketch, received his education in the dis trict schools of Brownhelm township, and at Norwalk High School, after which he commenced the milling business with his father. In this he continued until 1860, when he engaged in shipping grain to vari ous points. On May 13, 1861, he joined, as first lieutenant, Company K, Twenty- third 0. V. I., which was assigned to the army of the West, and he participated in the battles of Bull Run, South Mountain and Antietam, after which the regiment returned to West Virginia. In January, 1864, he resigned his commission, and re turned to Lorain county, once more en gaging in the milling and shipping busi ness. In 1873 he sold the mill; in 1879 rebought it; in 1882 rebuilt it, putting in rollers and making it a 150-barrel mill; in 1892 again sold, but now (1893) once more owns it. This is the same mill, in Brown helm township, which his father had built and enlarged. For some years he has had large interests in southern Indiana — 800 acres of the best coal and grain land. In 1860 F. H. Bacon and Miss Abbie S. Wells were united in marriage. She was a daughter of George and Maria B. (Butler) Wells, who came from Connecti cut to Brownhelm township, Lorain county, about the year 1821, and here passed the rest of their lives. To Mr. and Mrs. Bacon were born eight children, as follows: Sarah, assisting her father in the office; as amanu ensis, etc., and whe is considered one of the best all-round business women in Ohio; Anna, who died in 1883 at the age of six teen; De Wight, Martha W., Melvin S., Lewis O, Charles and Julia W. The mother was called to her long home in 1882. Mr. Bacon is a member of Rice Post, G. A. R., at North Amherst, and is a Republican. In thoughts and acts he is thoroughly metropolitan, perfectly famil iar with Boards of Trade and other busi ness interests, in all parts of the country. He is now managing two mills of 150- barrels capacity each, and is largely en gaged in farming and shipping stock. Jf C. BIGGS. England has given to the United States mauy stalwart and ' loyal citizens, plodding and indus trious in time of peace, and cour ageous and resolute in the fight for liberty 1070 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. and right. Such an one is the subject of this sketch, who is recognized as a "typical fighting common soldier." He is of me dium height, very hardy and muscular, the dogged determination peculiar to the Brit on, being, perhaps, his strongest charac teristic. Mr. Biggs was born in Northampton shire, England, in 1839, a son of Thomas and Frances (Paxton) Biggs, the former of whom carried on farming in Pittsfield township, this county, south of Elyria. Here the parents passed the remainder of their days, the father dying in 1876 at the age of fifty-nine years, the mother in 1889, aged sixty-eight years. They had a family of six sons and one daughter, our subject being the eldest, and the only one born in England; the youngest son now owns the old homestead. J. C. Biggs, the subject proper of this memoir, was but a boy when his parents brought him to America, and to Pittsfield township, Lorain county, at the common schools of which he received a liberal edu cation. He also attended for a time the high school, and while a student there the war of the Rebellion broke out, which turned his attention from the schoolroom to the field of Mars. On April 18, 1861, he enlisted in Company I, Eighth O. V. I., Capt. E. G. Johnson, which was the first company to go out from the county. He served four years, ten months, fifteen days in the army of the Potomac, Hancock's corps, and participated in the following battles: Winchester, Antietam, Fredericks burg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, besides numerous minor engagements. At Gettysburg (his last battle) he was severe ly wounded in the arm, which necessitated his confinement to hospital for six months. He then reentered the service, enlisting this time in Company K, Ninth Regiment Hancock's Veteran Corps, in which he served till March 3, 1866, at which date he was mustered out at Washington, D. C, having served a much longer period in the army than most of his comrades. Return ing home to the pursuits of peace, he fol lowed farming for a few years; then em barked in the newspaper agency business in Elyria, and has had the sale of the lead ing newspapers for over fifteen years. He now disposes of about 400 papers per day, and is agent for twenty-three dailies. Mr. Biggs was married March 3, 1869, to Emma Clark, also a native of England, and five children have come to bless their home: Clark, Elsworth, Norris, Harry and Edith. Our subject is a Republican and an Episco palian. He is a vice-commander in the G. A. R., and is a mem ber of the Union Yet- eran Legion, No. 44, Elyria, Ohio, of which he is colonel and presiding officer, and in which he has served as officer of the day, past commander and in other prominent positions. He is also a member of the Society of the Army of the Potomac, and was the only member of it from the State of Ohio to attend the reunion held in Scranton, Penn., in June, 1892. IfTfENRY" F. BEESE, one of the en- |;H terprising proprietors of the far- I 1 famed "Boston Store," in Lorain, y) is a native of Elyria, born September 19, 1867. His father, Frederick Beese, was born in 1825, in Germany, where he married Miss Mary Stark, also a native of Ger many, born in 1827. In 1856 they im migrated to the United States, and, settling in Elyria same year, have here since re sided. They are the parents of five chil dren, of whom Henry F. is the youngest. Frederick Beese was a private in Company G, One Hundred and Seventh Regiment 0. V. I., serving three years. Until the age of fourteen the subject of this sketch was educated in the German Lutheran School at Elyria, afterward at tending the public schools of the same place some three and one-half years. On LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1071 completion of his literary education Mr. Beese entered the employ of Straus & Kupfer, dry-goods merchants, and was en gaged in the same store until September 1, 1892, during which time it changed hands three times: first to M. Straus; then to Biggs, Bowen & Co., aud lastly to Geo. T. Biggs & Co. In the fall of 1892, in company with Max Morehouse and William E. Carter, Mr. Beese opened out a dry -goods store in the new " Smith Block," Lorain, occupying the first floor and basement, the dimensions of the large store room being 40 x 80 feet, and here with characteristic push and energy, close attention to business, they have since con ducted a thriving trade. Politically Mr. Beese is a Democrat; socially he is a mem ber of the Sons of Yeterans and Knights of Pythias. / lUffLLAN CONE (deceased). Roger \f/\ Cone, the father of this gentleman, || was born August 17, 1803, in Berkshire county, Mass., son of Frederick Cone, and in his early manhood learned the millwright's trade. He was married to Emeline Brown, who was born April 21, 1803, in Tyringham, Berkshire Co., Mass., daughter of Lyman Brown, and while in Massachusetts two children were born to this union, namely: Marshall, a farmer, who died in 1870 in Penfield, Ohio; and Mary, who resides in Wellington, Ohio. In 1843 Roger Cone came west to Charlestown, Portage Co., Ohio, driving the eutire distance with a covered one- horse wagon, and en route stopping at various places in New York and other States, fie remained in Portage county one year, and in 1844 removed to Penfield township, Lorain county, locating on the farm where he passed the remainder of his life, and which he purchased at sheriff's sale at nine dollars per acre; it was form erly the property of an early settler, Dr. Hall, who had met with reverses, losing his sawmill and other property. Here Mr. Cone erected a residence, which is still standing. After coming to Ohio, the following members were added to the fam ily: Mercy, now the wife of David Peters, of Wellington, Ohio, who has one child, Lavina; Merritt, who died in 1853, and Milan, whose name opens this sketch. The father of these was a systematic agri culturist, and took great interest in the neatness of his farm and surroundings. He was very successful, and at the time of his death was the owner of 252 acres of excellent land. In politics he was a stanch Democrat, though not an active politician, and in religious connection he and his wife were both members of the M. E. Church at Penfield. He passed from earth March 11, 1884, preceded to the grave by his wife March 12, 1876, and they now lie buried in Penfield cemetery. Milan Cone, tlie subject proper of this sketch, was born April 4, 1848, on the farm in Penfield township where he passed his entire life. He obtained his elemen tary education in the common schools of the neighborhood, and this was afterward supplemented with a short term of study in a school in Delaware, Ohio. On De cember 25, 1871. he was united in mar riage, by Rev. A. Pollock, with Miss Esther Drake, who was born November 20, 1851, in the town of Ames, Mont gomery Co., N. Y., daughter of David and Julia (Alger) Drake, who came to Ohio in 1862, locating first in Harrisville town ship, Medina county, and later in Penfield township, Lorain county. After marriage our subject located on the home farm, liv ing in a small house near the family resi dence, whither he removed after the death of his father. To the union of Milan and Esther Cone were born children as follows: Letha E., bookkeeper for a wholesale house at Chicago, 111.; Kate W., attending school at Penfield; Mercy A., and Fred M. ; all living. Mr. Cone engaged chiefly 1072 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. in the breeding of fine cattle, especially Jerseys, and was a most excellent judge of stock. In politics he was a leader in the Democratic party in his section. He died Ja'nuary 19, 1892, of consumption, after a lingering illness, and was buried in Pen- field cemetery. Since his decease his widow has had charge of the farm, in the management of which she has shown con siderable ability. She is a member of the Methodist Church at Penfield Center, and is highly respected in the community. ruary AMUEL NAYLOR, one of the most extensive landholders and wealthiest farmers of Penfield township, is a native of Pennsylvania, born Feb- 27, 1823, in Carlisle, Cumberland county. He is a son of Samuel "Naylor, who was born in what was then known as Little York, Penn., a son of Jacob Naylor, who was a farmer and a distiller. Our sub ject's father was reared on a farm, and when a young man followed teaming, hauling whiskey from his father's and other distilleries to Baltimore, Md., where was found the best market for that com modity. In those days it took six horses to haul thirty barrels of whiskey. Samuel Naylor, Sr., was married in Cumberland county to Elizabeth Uhler, a native of that county, born of German ancestry. After marriage the young couple located on a small farm in Cumberland county, which he rented. In Pennsylvania children, as follows, were bora to them: Mary, now the widow of Amos Fritz, residing at Me dina, Ohio; Samuel, our subject; Benja min K., a farmer and blacksmith, now of Lucas county, Ohio; Jacob, a farmer of Spencer, Ohio; and Rebecca, Mrs. W. W. Hutchisson, of Wood county, Ohio. In the fall of 1829 the family came to Ohio over the Alleghany Mountains in a cov ered two-horse wagon, bringing with them considerable household effects, including their bedding, which they found of the greatest use on their two weeks' wearisome journey. Mr. Naylor, the father, had pre viously visited Ohio, and in Guilford town ship, Medina county, had selected land then looked after by Judge Heman Ely, of Elyria, Lorain county, On the occasion of that visit Mr. Naylor had hired a man to build a log house for the convenience of the family when they should arrive, but they found it in such an unfinished state that they had to rent another cabin in the neighborhood, wherein to pass the winter. In the meantime their own was made habi table, and in the following spring they moved into it. While the family were en route, one child, named Eliza, was born at Lancaster, Penn., which interesting event delayed them three days. In Medina county the family were further increased by four, to wit: John, who died at the age of twenty-one; William, of Wood county, Ohio, who served in the Civil war; Sarah, deceased; and Henry, of Wood county. On this farm in Medina county the mother of these children passed from earth, and the father then moved into the village of Seville, same county, having purchased in the vicinity a farm of thirty acres, and also a residence in tbe village. In Guilford township he married, for his second wife, Miss Harriet Sheldon, and one child was born to this union, Harriet, now Mrs. James Ross, at the frontier teaching In dians. Mr. Naylor died at the age of seventy-three years, and lies buried in the Lutheran cemetery, Guilford township. Politically, he was originally a Whig, and after the formation of the party was a stanch Republican. He had traveled all through the Southern States, and, from observations he made during his visit, pre dicted the Civil war many years before it broke out. Samuel Naylor, the subject proper of this sketch, received' but a limited educa tion at the common schools of Guilford -tiiDe^yi^M^ LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1075 township, Medina county, as in early boy hood he was put to work to help clear his father's farm of heavy timber and under growth, and in reality he was able to do a man's work while yet a boy. Besides working at home he hired out to different parties to make shingles, at which he be came very expert, being able to turn out in a single day one thousand shingles, 28 inches long by 6 wide. Up to the time of his marriage he lived at home, and turned all his earnings over to his father. In Au gust, 1845, Mr. Naylor was married in Guilford township, Medina county, to Bar bara Long, who was born in September, 1824, near Toronto, Canada, a daughter of John Long, a farmer of Wadsworth town ship, Medina county, and for a time there after tho young couple made their home with Mr. Long. Our subject then rented land in Litchfield township, same county, where he lived for three or four years, after which he came to Penfield township, Lo rain county, where he bought 107 acres of wild land at six dollars per acre. At that time not a road led to the spot, and he had to cut his way through as he came along. The first thing he did was to erect a cabin, and then commenced to make a clearing for purposes of cultivation. This land he bought entirely on credit, and with but a rude equipment of farming implements he heroically set to work to convert the al most impenetrable forest into smiling fields of grain, and the land was soon all paid for. The record of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Naylor is as follows : Jacob, who enlisted in the Civil war before he was seventeen years old, died at Camp Dennison while in the service; Henry died young; Elizabeth is Mrs. Stewart Long, of Penfield; Rebecca is the deceased wife of Andrew Sigourney; Harriet A. lives at home; Lany E. died at the age of seven years; Emma (Mrs. William Bradstock) lives in Penfield; Mary died when seventeen years old ; Har vey G., a farmer, is living in Spencer, Ohio; and Dora (Mrs. Lemuel Hower) also lives in Spencer. The mother died Janu ary 7, 1874, and was buried at Spencer, Medina county. She was a member of the United Brethren Church. For his second wife Mr. Naylor wedded Miss Nancy E. Yocom, who died in 1882 leaving no issue; she is buried in Congress, Wayne Co., Ohio. Iu politics our subject is a Re publican, but has never been an aspirant to office, his own affairs demanding and re ceiving his undivided attention. He now owns about 400 acres of superior farming land, on which in 1892 he erected a fine modern residence. He is a leader in edu cational matters, and in an early day was a prime mover in the formation of the school district in his section, he and his brother Jacob contributing the land where the first school building stood in their section. For several years Mr. Naylor has been a con sistent member of the United Brethren Church. HARLES BEAVER, a prominent, representative agriculturist of Eaton township, was bora in Monroe county, N. Y., in 1828, a son of William and Rebecca (Matthews) Beaver, natives of Long Island and Genesee county, New York. About the year 1841 the parents of our subject came to Lorain county, first lo cating in LaGrange township, afterward moving to Eaton township, where they continued in agricultural pursuits, which had been their life work. The father died in Grafton in 1878, the mother in Adrian, Mich., in 1892. They reared a family of nine, of whom seven are yet living, as fol lows: Benjamin, a farmer of Lenawee county, Mich.; James, a farmer of La Grange township; Charles; Edward, a car penter, residing in LaGrange township; Catherine, wife of S. C. M. Hardy, of Mon roe county, N. Y.; Alice, wife of C. Jen nings, of Cleveland, Ohio; and Susan, wife of S. W. Sharp, of Adrian, Michigan. 1076 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Charles Beaver received a liberal edu cation at the schools of his native place, and was brought up a farmer's boy. At the age of thirteen he came with his par ents to LaGrange township, Lorain county, and from there moved to Kalamazoo, Mich., where he engaged in the livery business. In 1862 he enlisted in Company I, Fifth Michigan Cavalry, for three years, and was assigned to the army of the Potomac. He participated in the battles of the Wilder ness, Second Bull Run (where he reoeived a gun-shot wound in the right hand) and Strasburg, after which he was detailed as wagon master on a wagon train. He was honorably discharged at Detroit, Mich., July 3, 1865, and returned to the pursuits of peace in Lorain county. In September, same year, he was united in marriage with Miss Harriet Felt, a native of Lorain county, Ohio, daughter of Voman and Julia (Peck) Felt, natives of Vermont and early settlers of Lorain county; the father died in 1872, the mother is still living, now at the advanced age of ninety years. To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beaver were born three children: George; Nora, wife, of Bernard Worthington, of LaPorte (they have two children); and Natha. Politi cally our subject is a zealous Republican; socially he is a member of Richard Allen Post, G. A. R., Elyria. ^ipHOMAS KING, than whom no one 1 1 is better known as an agriculturist I and breeder of fine stock in Lorain y) county, is a native of Massachu setts, born November 25, 1828, in Taunton, where he resided until twelve years of age. He then removed with his parents to Colum biana county, Ohio ; thence to Eaton, Lorain Co., Ohio. He received a common-school education, and was reared to agricultural pursuits. Farming has been his life work. He has made a specialty of rearing Cotswold sheep and Holstein cattle, which have frequeutly taken prizes at county fairs. On March 7, 1871, Mr. King was mar ried at Niagara Falls to Harriet Van- Wagnen, of Eaton, Lorain Co., Ohio, daughter of G. H. Van Wagnen. The following named seven children have been born to them: Eva, Grace, Myrtle, Minnie, Clara, Richard, and Nellie. Mr. King is owner of a farm' of one hundred and ninety-two acres, all in agood state of cultivation. He is interested in politics and votes the Republican ticket; has been township trustee three terms, and is a member of the school board. Richard King, father of the above, was born in Leicestershire, England, in 1796, and was there married to Elizabeth Ball, of the same town. In 1826 they moved to Taunton, Mass. Mr. King was engaged in the Taunton print works until 1840, and then moved to East Liverpool, Colum biana Co., Ohio. In 1841 he came with his family to Eaton, Lorain county, at that time an uncultivated forest tract. Here he set to work with a will, and with the assistance of his older children soon cleared a fine farm. He was one of the first in the settlement to build a brick kiln and sell brick to other pioneers. He died at the age of ninety-two, and his wife at eighty-two. In his political predilections he was an anti-slavery Whig until the for mation of the Republican party, when he enrolled himself under its banner. Ten children were born to this honored couple, four of whom died in childhood. The following is a record of the six remaining: The first, George W., was bora in 1822; went to Galena, 111., thence to Clark county, in the Territory of Wisconsin, where he married. He was admitted to the bar in Wisconsin; was prosecuting at torney in Clark county, and represented same in the State Legislature. Later he engaged extensively in the lumber busi ness, but sustained serious reverses in the LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1077 panic of 1873. Being in Idaho at the time that Territory was admitted aB a State, he was elected a delegate to the Constitutional Convention. He now re sides in Colorado, where he is interested in mining, and is widely known as a political speaker and writer on free silver. He has three children, one of whom, George R., served for two years in the Fourteenth Wisconsin Regiment. The second, Myra, was born in 1825, and married Charles H. Merrick who served for three years in the Eighth O. V. I. She studied medicine, graduating in 1852 from the Eclectic Medical College of Rochester, N. Y. Later she adopted Homeopathy, becoming a member of the American Institute. She was the first woman physician in Ohio. From 1852 to 1892 she practiced in Cleveland, having an extensive and very lucrative business. She was actively connected with college, hospital and dispensary work. She has now retired and lives in Cleveland with her only child, Richard L. Merrick, a me chanic and contractor. He married Eliza Johnson, daughter of A. C. Johnson, of Huron county, Ohio. She is a physician, a graduate of Oberlin and of the Homeo pathic Medical College of Cleveland, and now a professor in the Cleveland Medical College. The third, Thomas, is the subject of this memoir. The fourth, John, born 1830, married in 1860, and moved to Clark county, Wiscon sin, where he engaged in farming and lum bering. He enlisted in 1862 for three years, in the Fourteenth Wisconsin In fantry, and served with the army of the West in Louisiana; was honorably dis charged in 1865 at the close of the war. He died in 1886 in Clark county, Wiscon sin, leaving widow and six children. The fifth, Elizabeth, born in 1836, was married in 1863 to Alfred Fanver on his return from the war. He had received a very severe wound at the battle of Win chester. They are now living at Oberlin, educating five of their children. The eldest son, Lester, is City Civil Engineer of Lorain county, Ohio. The sixth, Sara Ellen, was born in 1840. She became the wife of Capt. John Booth, who was a soldier, serving in the One Hundred and Third O. V. 1. They now live on the Booth homestead in Carlisle township. Mrs. Booth is an active church worker. They have three children, one of whom is being educated at Oberlin. The King family has been intimately and honorably connected with the history of the county in its war record, its anti- slavery, temperance, and educational senti ment, and in all that makes for good citi zenship. iT^EORGE BATTLE, who from in- I j, fancy, with the exception of five ^^1 years, has been a resident of Well- J^k ington township, is an agriculturist of uo small prominence. He is a native of Massachusetts, born in Great Barrington, Berkshire county, October 5, 1823. Ithel Battle, his father, also a native of Massachusetts, a farmer by vocation, mar ried Miss Sarah Smith, and when our sub ject was some six months old they came west to Ohio, traveling with a two-horse wagon. Tbey settled in Wellington town ship, Lorain county, where the father car ried on agricultural pursuits up to the time of his death. He died in May, 1869, when he was seventy- seven years old; his wife passed away in October, same year, aged seventy-two years. They were honored people of the Old-school Presbyterian per suasion, industrious and frugal in their habits; politically the father was a Repub lican at the time of his death, originally a Whig, and he was a very robust, erect man, even in his old age. Our subject's maternal grandfather, Smith, was from Orange county, N. Y., and when he was twenty years old he (Mr. Battle) visited his grandmother there. 1078 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. George Battle, whose name introduces this sketch, was reared on the farm he now owns and resides on, and attended the dis trict schools during the winter months for a few seasons. For some five years he re sided in Brighton township, then six years in the village of Wellington, and finally on his present farm of 112 acres of prime land. He also at one time owned land in Hardin county, Ohio. In 1850 he married Miss Arvilla Dyar, who was reared in Hanover, Ind., and two children have been born to them: Viola, and Durell, who married a Miss Johnson, by whom he has five children, namely: George O, Darwin Blake, Clyde, Carl and Bernice L. Politi cally Mr. Battle is a stanch Republican, and was a strong Abolitionist and Union man at the time of the Civil war. 'ALVIN SAGE, insurance agent, Wellington, is one of the leading, pushing business men of the town. He is a native of Lorain county, born in Huntington township, October 15, 1837, and comes of long-lived ancestry, his grandparents having reached patri archal ages, the grandmother being over one hundred years old at the time of her death. Martin L. Sage, father of our subject, was born in Torrington, Conn., and came as a pioneer to Lorain county, Ohio, build ing the first frame house put up in Hunt ington township, and becoming a success ful farmer. In Connecticut he had married Miss Hulda Sanford, by whom he had four children, namely: Luther, born in Con necticut, and now about sixty-five years of age, who is living a retired life with his children in Minneapolis, Minn.; Orrin, who passed all his life in Lorain county, where he died; Ellen, wife of James A. Newton, of Brunswick, Medina Co., Ohio; and Calvin, our subject. The father died at Huntington Center in 1860, at the age of sixty-four; the mother, born near Tor rington, Conn., died -in 1888, aged eighty- eight years. Calvin Sage, whose name opens this sketch, received his education at the graded schools of his native township, was reared on the home farm, and learned the trade of harness maker. In 1861 he enlisted, in the first call for three years' volunteers, in Company H, Second Ohio Cavalry, which was attached to the army of the Frontier during the first year; half of the following year in the Western Depart ment, during which it participated in sev eral skirmishes, including the fight at Lone Jack and other points. In the streets of Independence, Mo., February 22, 1862, it had a short, sharp and decisive fight with Quantrell's Cavalry, in which the lat ter was routed in fifteen minutes, and for several months thereafter they followed him up. The regiment was then ordered back to Columbus, Ohio, and recruited at Fort Smith, Fort Leavenworth and Fort Scott, after which it took part in Burn- side's campaign, including the siege of Knoxville, where they lay six months. Mr. Sage was on detailed service a con siderable part of the time, and for the last six months of his term of enlistment was in the quartermaster's department. At the close of his service he received au honora ble discharge, and returned home to the pursuits of peace, which was at the time of the assassination of Lincoln. For fifteen years thereafter he was with Horr, War ner & Co., Wellington, Lorain county, and on leaving this he took up his present in surance business, in which he has met with well-merited success. In 1858 Mr. Sage married Miss Cerrin- tha Chamberlain, who was boru in Portage county, Ohio, in 1836, and three children were the result of this union, viz.: Walter, a partner with his father in the insurance business, and representing, as traveling agent throughout Ohio, the German-Amer ican Insurance Company (he is owner of a LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1079 ranch in California); Florence, who died at the age of fourteen; and Emily O, stenographer in her father's office. Politi cally Mr. Sage is a Republican; socially he is a member of the F. & A. M., Blue Lodge and Chapter, and of the G. A. R. Post at Wellington. L H. WADSWORTH, a prominent ! young business man of the county, \ was born in 1864 at Rochester, Ohio, and is descended from an old Massachusetts family. He passed his boyhood at Wellington, Ohio, received a primary education there, and then was enrolled as a student of the University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor. Subsequently he entered the Law Depart ment of that University, graduating with the law class of 1882. He did not pursue his law studies with any intention of mak ing it his professsion, but rather as a mat ter tending to mental discipline. Some short time after completing this liberal education, he established himself in busi ness at Wellington, Lorain county, where he carried on a large and successful busi ness until 1885. In that year he removed to Greenwich, established his lumber yard and planing-mill, and engaged in the business of contractor and builder. At the death of his father he removed to Wellington, and during the period of one year was manager of the estate. At the end of that time he purchased the lumber plant at Wellington, and is now running it for himself, having sold out at Green wich, and Wellington will probably be his home in the future. As a business man Mr. Wadsworth ex emplifies the true value of such a college training as that which he received. Not only does he attend to his own affairs closely, but also to the public affairs of his town, which are studied by him. He is justly accepted as a leader in all move ments, the object of which is the improve ment of the town or the better government of the township and county. His personal interest in the welfare of his town cannot be questioned. A large employer of labor, having sixty-eight men on his pay-roll, and transacting an extensive business, itis but natural that municipal affairs should claim a good deal of his thought. The yards are well stocked with standard lum ber, shingle and lath, while the planing- mill is thoroughly equipped with modern machinery. The enterprise of this young business man is well known. Mr. Wadsworth's marriage with Miss Mary E. Trinter, took place at Vermillion, Ohio, October 14, 1885, and to this union one child, William Luther W., was bora. Mr. Wadsworth is a member of the Masonic Fraternity, and K. T.; of the I. O. O. F., and of the National Union, in all of which organizations he is popular. LARENCE G.WASHBURN, a ris ing young attorney at law of Lorain, is a native of Ohio, born February 19, 1867, in Huron county, a son of Henry C. and Charlotte (Griffin) Wash burn, who came to Huron county, Ohio, from the State of New York. Clarence G. Washburn received his lit erary training at the schools of Green wich, in his native county, and on complet ing his studies became a traveling man, his business taking him over as many as seven teen States, besides Canada and the Indian Territory. In 1887 he gave up traveling, and proceeding to Kansas served as deputy postmaster at Wendell, a town near Kins ley, Returning to Ohio, he there for a year carried on a boot and shoe store, in both New London and Plymouth, for a Cleveland firm, conducting a safe and pro fitable business. Mr. Washburn then studied law a year and a half, in Green- 1080 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. wich, Huron county, under the preceptor- ship of T. K. Strimple, after which he took a law course at Ann Arbor, Mich., which he completed June 30, 1892, after having commenced the practice of his chosen pro fession in Lorain April 10, 1892. He is also a member of the real-estate firm of Buell, Washburn & Co., in the same town. In his political predilections he is a liberal Republican ; socially he has been a member of the I. 0. O. F. 6ince twenty-one years of age. | OHN DUNNING, who for many k. I years has successfully conducted a \^J general farming and grape-growing business in Avon township, has been a resident of same since October, 1838. He was born in 1830 in County Down, Ireland, and when eight years of age came to America with his parents, Alexander aud Margaret (Smith) Dunning, also na tives of County Down. Immediately after their arrival in the United States they proceeded to Avon township, Lorain Co., Ohio, settling in the wood s on the farm now occupied by our subject, and here passed the remainder of their lives. The father died in 1878, the mother in 1862. They had a family of six children, as follows: David, married, who first resided in Avon township, thence moving to Michigan and later to Kansas, where he died; Catherine, who married Charles Ketcham, of Avon township, where she died in 1869 ; Elizabeth, wife of Wolcott Mitchell, of Avon township; Jane, Mrs. William Lucas, who died January 25, 1853; John, the subject of this sketch; and Alexander, who died November 19, 1852. John Dunning, whose name appears at the opening of this sketch, received his education in the common schools of Avon township, and in his early youth aided in clearing the pioneer farm, also learning the trade of carpenter and joiner, which he followed for many years. In 1855 he was united in marriage, in Avon township, to Miss Mahala Moore, who was born in Essex county, N. Y., daughter of Joseph and Ruth (Sheldon) Moore, natives, re spectively, of Massachusetts and New York, in which latter State they were mar ried. In 1846 they came west to Lorain county, Ohio, locating on the lake shore in Avon township, thence removing in 1864 to Wisconsin, where they both died. They had the following children: Orlena, wife of Charles Jarvis, of Lorain; Mahala, Mrs. Dunning; Ransom, of Waupaca county, Wis. ; and Dwight, married, who resides in Minnesota. To Mr. and Mrs. Dunning have been born eleven children, seven of whom are now living, namely: Alfred and Ernest, both married, and living in Avon town ship; Eva, wife of Frank Masten, of Roch ester township, Lorain county; Edson, a resident of Avon township; Bertha, wife of Floyd Crandall, of Huntington, Ind.; Allen, also in Huntington, Ind.; and Carl, residing at home. Those deceased are Harriet Augusta, who died when eighteen months old; Rose May, who died at the age of seven years, four months; a twin of Rose May, deceased in infancy; and May, a twin sister of Ernest, who died in infancy. Mr. Dunning is actively engaged in general farming, and owns a nice farm of 100 acres in a good state of cultivation, fourteen acres of which are devoted exclusively to the culture of grapes. Politically, our subject is a Re publican, and in religious faith he and his wife are members of the Baptist Church at French Creek. ERNEST S. JACKSON, county sur veyor for Lorain county, having his I residence in Elyria, was born July 24, 1861, in Avon township, Lorain Co., Ohio. LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1081 His father, Ezra S. Jackson, born in 1816, in New York State, came to Ohio in 1834, settling in Avon township, where he has since remained, with the exception of a three-years' residence in Oberlin, where he was educating his children. He married Miss Cordelia Moon, who was born in Avon township, Lorain county, in 1826, and children as follows were born to them: Lillie, wife of H. A. Kinney, of Milwaukee, Wis.; Jennie, wife of R. E. Loveland, of Freeport, 111.; Lena, at home; and Ernest S. The parents are yet living, hale and hearty, in Avon township; they are members of the Methodist Church, and in politics Mr. Jackson is a Repub lican. Ernest S. Jackson, whose name opens this sketch, received a liberal education at the common schools of the vicinity of his place of birth, and he developed a natural talent for mathematics. He was reared on his father's farm, but in youth turned his attention to civil engineering, making a study of the practical part of the profes sion at Akron, Ohio, and he did his first surveying work in Lorain, county. In November, 1892, he was elected, on the Republican ticket, county surveyor of Lorain couuty, a position he fills with eminent ability and the utmost satisfac tion. Mr. Jackson was married to Miss Sylvia Moon (in no way related to his mother's family), and they have three children, to wit: Roy, Leon and Herbert. The family are adherents of the M. E. Church, and socially Mr. Jackson is a member of the F. & A. M. and the Chapter. Ei C. SCHULER, manager of the North Amherst Furniture Co., l which has been in active operation since 1889, is a native of Pennsyl vania, bora in Easton, Northampton county, in 1845. He is a son of George and Anna Catherine (Luezler) Schuler, natives of Germany, the father of Baden, the mother of Hessia. George Schuler was a locksmith by trade, which he fol lowed in this country for a time, and then revisiting Germany, remained there seven years, at the end of which time he returned to the United States, making his perma nent residence in Pennsylvania, where he died; his wife, whom he married in Ger many, passed from earth in 1887, also in Pennsylvania. They were the parents of six children, as follows: George Theodore, a graduate of Heidelberg College, Ger many, now in business1 in Georgia; Amelia, widow, living in Allentown, Penn.; Aurelia, wife of J. Rohrer, in South Easton, Penn. ; Isabella, widow, a resident of Allentown, Penn.; Harmon, living in Arkansas (he enlisted in the Nineteenth P. Y. O, and served throughout the war of the Rebellion, veteranizing), and E. 0., subject of sketch. E. C. Schuler received his elementary education at the schools of Heidelberg, Germany, to which country the family re turned when he was two years old. After staying seven years in Heidelberg the family again came to the United States, and for three years resided in Mauch Chunk, Penn., and then at Easton (where E. C. was born), at which place he finished his education, passing finally through Easton High School. In 1867 he came to Brownhelm township, Lorain county, where he worked for Rice & Co., as molder, having previously learned the trade, and in 1868 came to Amherst, continuing in the same line of business for some time. He then carried on a meat market about eight or ten years. In 1889 he commenced in the furniture manufacturing business, in which he has met with much success. In 1869 Mr. Schuler was married, in Brownhelm township, Lorain county, to Mary E. Shotton, a native of that town ship, daughter of John and Irene (Thrall) Shotton, the father a native of France, both now deceased. To this union four chil dren have been born, viz.: Fi'ances, wife of 1082 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. H. R. Hart, of Toledo, Ohio; Fred; and Anna and George, twins. Our subject and wife are members of the M. E. Church, of the Sunday-school of which he is super intendent. Politically he is a Democrat, and during Cleveland's first administration served four years as postmaster at North Amherst. He has been a member of the town council, and of the school board twelve years. Socially Mr. Schuler is a member of the F. & A. M., Stonington Lodge, No. 503, of which he was W. M. three times; also of the Marshal^ Chapter, No. 49, Ely ria, Ohio; is a member of Amherst Lodge No. 47 K. of P., of Plato Lodge No. 301, I. O. O. F., and of the K. O. T. M. EORGE JACKSON. This gentle man, who enjoys the distinction of being the most extensive and pros perous agriculturist of Penfield township, is deserving of more than a passing notice in the pages of this work. He is a great-grandson of Reuben Jack son, and a grandson of Daniel, who was bora in 1775 in Pittsfield, Mass., where he learned the blacksmith's trade under his father. Daniel was married in his native State to Patty Kellogg, who was born in Pittsfield in 1785, and while residing in Massachusetts three children were bora to them, as follows: Jane, who married Har vey Birdseye, and died at the age of eighty- four years in Trenton, Oneida Co., N. Y. ; Pliny, father of our subject; and Sally, who married William Gillett, and died in Penfield, Ohio, when aged thirty-six years. Between 1812 and 1815 the family re moved west to Jefferson county, N. Y., and bought the farm whereon the parents passed the remaining years of their lives, the father engaging chiefly in agriculture, although he also followed his trade to some extent. In New York State were bora the following named children: Susan, the wife of William Chapman^ who died in Chicago at an advanced age; Maria, who married Ferdinand Turnicliff, and died in Pitts field, Ohio; Elisha, a farmer of Penfield township, Lorain county; Jason, a farmer, who died in Champion, Jefferson Co., N. Y. ; Daniel, who also died in Champion, N. Y. ; James, a farmer of Penfield town ship, Lorain Co., Ohio; Charille, who married Hiram Hopkins, and died in Well ington, Ohio; Jesse, late a farmer of Hum boldt county, Iowa, where he diedNovem- ber 29, 1893; and Belah, who died after reaching adult age. in Champion, Jeffer son Co., N. Y. Mr. Jackson was a very successful farmer. He was a man of wonderful vitality, active and capable of performing a hard day's work to the very end of his life; he died suddenly, while chopping wood, in his eighty-fourth year. He frequently remarked that he did not know what it was to feel tired. In poli tics he was an Old-line Whig, a stanch member of the party. His wife died at the age of ninety- three years, and now lies buried by his side in Champion cemetery; they were devout members of the Old- school Presbyterian Church, and he was a man so highly respected, esteemed and loved everywhere, that it could almost be said he had not an enemy in the world. Pliny Jackson, father of subject, was born, in 1806, in Jefferson county, N. Y., near Carthage, was educated at. the common schools and reared to farming pursuits. When a young man he was married, near Ogdensburg, N. Y ., to Miss Sarah Rowlin, who bore him two children in New Y"ork State, viz.: Jane, now Mrs. Henry Rey nolds, of LaGrange, Ohio, and Martha, wife of Eli Griffith, also of LaGrange. In the early spring of 1835 the family set out for Ohio with a sled, drawn by oxen, which, the snow having in the meantime melted, stuck in a deep mud hole, and they had to hire another yoke of oxen to drag out the sled. Pliny Jackson had previously visited Ohio, prospecting for land, but made no definite purchase. They landed in Penfield j^^i>Ju^i^ j/Ost^^y^- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1085 township, Lorain county, after a long and tedious journey, and here the father traded his oxen, sled and the entire outfit for 120 acre's of wild land, the same our subject now owns and lives on. Here they made a clearing, built a log house, and set to work to make further improvements on their new home. The nearest neighbor was on the opposite side of the road from the Jacksons, while the next nearest was three miles distant. Game was plentiful, and the family larder was always well pro vided with venison, wild turkey, pheasants, quail, rabbits, etc. By and by Mr. Jack son added to this property 121 acres ad joining. Here were born to Pliny Jackson and bis wife children as follows: George, our subject; Alonzo, who died at the age of twenty-five; Malissa, now Mrs. William Snow, of Oakland, Cal.,; Harriet, Mrs. Ed. Rockwood; and Eliza, who died of smallpox when young. The father in af ter, years moved into Wellington village, thence .to LaGrange, where he died; for several years he had been a sufferer from rheumatism. His wife survived him a few years, dying at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Griffith. They were buried in Pitts field township cemetery, near the farm whereon they had first settled. Mr. Jack son was a hard-working, industrious man, and a leading farmer of his day, in his political proclivities a stanch Democrat. George Jackson, the subject proper of this sketch, was born July 6, 1835, on the farm he now owns and lives on in Penfield township, Lorain county. He received a liberal education at the schools of the neighborhood, which in those early days of the county were most primitive in their furnishings and educational facilities. On his .father's farm he was thoroughly trained to the arduous duties of farm life, and agricultural pursuits in all phases have been his life work. In August, 1861, he married Miss Mercy Hoxley. of Summit county, Ohio, where she was born in 1840. and children as follows were the result of this union: Arthur, of LaGrange; Alonzo, 56 of Penfield ; Eliza, Mrs. Ford Gott, of La Grange; William, of Penfield township; Frances, who is married to Frank Brad- stock, of Penfield, and Bernice, who died young. The mother of these died Octo ber 21, 1873, and lies buried in Pittsfield cemetery. In September, 1874, Mr- Jack son married, for his second wife, Miss Frances E. Hull, who was born in Pen- field township, Lorain county, a daughter of Joel and Polly (Huxley) Hull, and four children have come to this marriage, all yet living and named respectively: Mabel, Jay, Ernest and Sylvester. Mr. Jackson may truly be said to be a representative self-made man, as from small beginnings, by dint of indefatigable energy, coupled with sound judgment, good management and unsurpassed finan ciering, he has attained a comfortable Competence. He now owns 431 acres of prime farm land, well equipped with com modious buildings, is a thoroughly practi cal as well as theoretical agriculturist, and is an excellent judge of stock. Demo cratic in politics, he has held various town ship offices in a strongly Republican com munity, and he has proven himself as capable as he is popular. For a few years the family lived in the town of Welling ton, in order that the children might there be educated. 4J HANS HEINRICH JULIUS KROHN, city marshal of Elyria, is a native of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, born April 24, 1841. His father, Henry William Krohn, was born in Flensborg, Schleswig- Holstein, where he married Miss Lucy Muellerstedt, a native of the same city. Here he died; his widow is now living in Denmark, with her son Henry Ernst Georg, who is in the service of the Government as mail agent. Three mem bers of this family, incuding our subject, came to America in 1869, but prior to that 1086 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. he had served his time as florist and land scape gardener. After his arrival in this country he first located in North Amherst, Lorain county, and in September immedi ately following moved to Lake Forest, 111., where he had charge of tbe horticulture and floriculture at a family residence. From Lake Forest he went to Clinton, same State, where he followed farming, af ter which he came to Elyria, and has here since made his home. Mr. Krohn from the time he came to Elyria has been en gaged in various capacities, railroading being one of his experiences, but finding tbat his age stood in the way of promotion, he abandoned that, and took a position on the night police force. He made an efficient officer, gaining the confidence of the people of Elyria, and in the spring of 1890, after one year's service as night policeman, he was elected to his present position of city marshal, and is ex-officio chief of police. In the spring of 1891 he was reelected for two years, and in the spring of 1893, Elyria having been changed from a village to a city, his term of office was nullified, and he was reelected for two years nnder the city ordinance. In 1866 Mr. Krohn was united in mar riage with Miss Elise C. Freese, a native of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, and three children were born to them, namely: Henry, who died at the age of seventeen years; Edith, wife of E. J. Moser; and Elizabeth, recently married to Reno F. Mussey. In his political preferences our subject is a Republican ; socially he is a member of the Royal Arcanum, and of the K. of P., Uniform Rank. \ILLIAM A. SAYLES. The sub ject of this sketch, William Allen Sayles, was born June 11, 1847, in Onondaga county, New York. His father, Smith F. Sayles, was born in Rhode Island in 1822, but moved with his parents to the State of New York iu his early boyhood. At the age of twenty-two he married Evalyn Allen, and William A. was the only child of this marriage. Hav ing lost his first wife, he married Clara Van Slyke in 1853, and soon after moved to Lorain county, Ohio. For the first five years he lived first in Ridgeville, then in Eaton township, and finally bought 140 acres for his permanent home in Carlisle township, a most beautiful tract of land on the banks of Black river. Two children were the fruit of this second marriage, neither of whom lived to years of matur ity. The father died April 22, 1890, sur vived only by his wife and son, William A. Politically he was a Democrat until the outbreak of the Rebellion. Then he became a Republican and remained such until the latter years of his life, when he gave his support to the Prohibition party. William A. Sayles spent his boyhood upon his father's farm, and was educated in the public schools of Lorain county. On November 5, 1863, he enlisted in Com pany L, Twelfth Ohio Cavalry, and served until April 25, 1865, when he was honor ably discharged. He then spent some time in study at Berea College. After leaving school he remained with his father upon the home farm until the time of his mar riage, except a part of three years spent in Wisconsin, near Kenosha. In 1872 he mar ried Lillian Brush, daughter of William Brush, a pioneer of Lorain county. Until the death of his father he lived in a home upon the bank of the river near the home of his father. Here his three children — Clare, Lynne and Bertrand — were born. Upon the death of his father he moved with his household to the old homestead, where he now lives. Mr. Sayles is a successful farmer, his farm being one of the best kept and most fruitful in the neighborhood. An ardent lover and a good judge of horses, he has given some attention to horse raising, and has the dis tinction of having sold to the Royal stables of Austria an animal now pronounced by LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1087 competent authorities to be the finest trot ting horse in Europe. Our subject takes a prominent part in the politics of the county, and is a stanch Republican. He is one of the foremost in a community of progressive ahd prosperous farmers. Dv CROWELL, for over sixty years a | resident of Eaton township, is a son _/ of Richard and Mary B. (Little) Crowell, who were natives of New Jersey, where they were married in 1824. In 1832 they came west to Ohio with a team owned by Alvah Brooks, and settling in the woods of Eaton township, Lorain county, set to work to open up a farm. Here they made their home several years, then moved to Grafton township, same county, where they passed the remainder of their pioneer lives, dying, the father in 1875, the mother in 1879. They had a family of eight children, as follows: Re becca, wife of Isaac B. Ross, of Eaton township; Mary Louisa, wife of Chandler Eaton, died in Michigan in 1873; D. Crowell, subject of this memoir; Aaron and Moses (twins), the latter of whom died at the age of fourteen (Aaron married, and made his home in Eaton township, where he died in 1882); one deceased in infancy; Silas, married, residing in Grafton town ship; and Phebe, who married David Phe- lan (a soldier), and died in Eaton township in 1863. D. Crowell, whose name appears at the opening of this sketch, was born in New Jersey in December, 1829, and was two and a half years old when his parents brought him to Eaton township, where he was reared and educated. He ably assisted in clearing up the home farm till he came of age, when he bought 156 acres of wild land in the same township, whereon to build up a home for himself. This he has so well improved and cultivated that it is now one of the best farms in the county, and, by additions, at this time comprises 165^ broad acres. He has erected resi dences thereon, both two stories high, 16x28 and an L 16x28; also a good horse barn 30 x 44. In connection with general farming he pays considerable at tention to dairying, and in all his under takings success has followed his efforts. In 1849 Mr. Crowell was united in mar riage, in Eaton township, with Miss Sarah Smith, a native of England, daughter of T. P. Smith, who came from that country to America, making his first home in the United States at Olmsted Falls, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, afterward moving to Amherst township, Lorain county, then to Elyria, and finally to Henry county, same State; he died in 1866, his last days being spent at the home of our subject. To this union has been bora one child, Smith Ebenezer, who is married and is the father of three children: A. D., Bertrand M. and Richard Hubert. Politically Mr. Crowell is a Democrat, and he is a member of the M. E. Church. EORGE MATHEWS, one of the most prosperous of the native- born agriculturists of Eaton town ship, was bom in 1842, a son of Edward and Ellen (McDermot) Mathews, natives of Ireland. Edward Mathews when a young man emigrated from his home in Erin to Can ada, whence after his marriage he came to Lorain county, sojourning for a time in Columbia township, thence moving to Eaton township, and making his final home on the farm where our subject now resides, which locality was then all wild woodland, teeming with game of all sorts. He died in 1855; he was a strong Democrat for a time, but in later years supported the Whig party. His widow is yet living, making her home now with her son George. The 1088 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. record of their children is as follows: James E. went to Michigan when a young man, where he married, and died in 1890; Ann is the widow of R. R. Steele, of Milwaukee, Wis. ; Martha is the wife of Stephen Tyler, and resides in St. Joseph, Berrien Co., Mich. ; Jane is the wife of Henry Foster, of Kalamazoo, Mich.; George; William is married, and residing in Berrien, Mich, (he enlisted in Lorain county, Ohio, and served two years in the Civil war); Ellen is the wife of Reuben Learn, and resides at Og den, Utah; Emma is the wife of Martin Terry, of Elyria, Ohio. George Mathews, the subject of our pres ent writing, received a fair education at the schools of his native township, which in those early days were somewhat primitive in their character, both in their furnishings and in the quality of the literary pabulum provided therein. He was thoroughly trained to the pursuits of the farm, and has all his life carried on general agriculture on the old homestead, which he owns, and which comprises some seventy acres of land, all in a good state of cultivation. In 1869 he was married in Eaton township to Miss Emma, daughter of John and Harriet (Wilson) Shadford, sketch of whom follows. Two children have been born to this union, namely: Leon, who received his education in Elyria, is now in the employ of Salyer & Allen, clothiers, Elyria; and Mamie. Politically Mr. Mathews is a loyal member of the Republican party. J. Shadfoed, father-in-law of Mr. Mathews, was born in 1814 in Lincoln shire. England, a son of John and Mary (Collinson) Shadford, of Yorkshire, Eng land, the latter of whom died in her native land. John Shadford, father of subject, came in 1828 with his family to the United States, first locating in Grafton township, Lorain county, thence in 1831 moving to Eaton township, where he cleared up a farm out of the woods, and which after ward came to be known as the " Wilson farm." Here he died some time before the breaking out of the war of the Re bellion. He had two brothers who came to the United States, viz.: William, who enlisted in Cincinnati, Ohio, in the Civil war, serving as orderly sergeant (he is now residing in the West, it is thought in Iowa); and Major, who lived in Lorain county, Ohio, nearly all his life, dying about the year 1873. J. Shadford, of whom this writing chiefly relates, received his education in the schools of his native place, and after coming to this country, which be did at the age of fourteen, attended the schools of Grafton and LaPorte, in Lorain county. The main business of his life has been farming, but he owned and for some years operated steam mills at Grafton, which be had erected about the year 1859. He is now owner of ninety-one acres of first-class land, all improved from the woods, and under a good state of cultivation. In 1836 he was married to Miss Harriet Wilson, a native of England, and daugh ter of Thomas Wilson, who died in that country. Two children have been born to this marriage, viz.: Edward W., and Emily, wife of George Mathews. In poli tics Mr. Shadford is a Democrat, and he has served on the school board. || EREMIAH MARTIN, Je., a well- k. I to-do agriculturist of Columbia town- •\J) ship, was born October 8, 1850, in Devonshire, England. His parents, Jeremiah and Mary (Sheer) Martin, were also natives of England, the father of Devonshire, the mother of Corn wall, whence in 1867 they came to the United States, locating in Columbia town ship, Lorain Co., Ohio, where Mrs. Mar tin died in 1868; Mr. Martin now resides in Jasper county, Mo. They had seven children, namely: Jeremiah, subject of this sketch; William, married, residing in LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1089 Columbia township; Nathaniel, married, who makes his home in Missouri; John Thomas, married, also living in Missouri; Jane, wife of Clifton Baker, in Missouri; Mary, wife of Lafe House, of Hillsbor ough, Oregon; and Charles Wesley, mar ried, a resident of Missouri. Jeremiah Martin, Jr., whose name in troduces this sketch, passed his early years in England, where he received an educa tion in the common schools. In 1867 he came with his parents to Columbia town ship, Lorain Co., Ohio, and in 1869 went to Jasper county, Mo., residing there until 1873, when he returned to Columbia township. Here he was united in mar riage, in 1875, with Lucy R. Peachey, who was a native of Columbia township, daughter of Thomas and Philomela (Smith) Peachey, early pioneers of same, where they' both died. In 1881 Mr. Martin located on his present farm, com prising 145^ acres of land in a good state of cultivation, upon which he has erected a good barn, 40 x 72 feet, with ten-foot basement and milk house 9-ijX 16 feet, two stories high, with a geared windmill and water tank on top of it; here he conducts a general farming business. In politics our subject is a member of the Republican party, and has served on the school board. Mr. and Mrs. Martin are members of the M. E. Church of Columbia, in which he is trustee and treasurer. They are the par ents of four children, namely: B. A., Alonzo B., Charles Wesley and Philomela. IfSAAC B. ROSS, well-known in Eaton township as a solid, practical farmer, \ was born in 1826 in New Jersey, a son of William R. and Hannah W. (Du rand) Ross, natives of the same State. The father, who was by trade a surveyor, died in February, 1877, in good circumstances; his widow came to Lorain county, Ohio, and here passed the rest of her days, dying July 5, 1887. They had a family of six children, as follows: Isaac B., subject of this sketch; Harriet, wife of Lucian Bur rett, of Lorain; Mary, residing in Lorain; Juliet, wife of Zadoc Reeve, of New Jer sey; John, residing in Eaton township, and George, who died in Eaton township, Lorain county. Isaac B. Ross, whose name introduces this sketch, was educated in New Jersey, and there resided till 1848, when he came to Eaton township, Lorain county. He was originally a shoemaker, a trade he fol lowed successfully until about the year 1855, when he turned his attention ex clusively to agriculture. In that year he moved to his present fine farm in Eaton township, comprising 137 acres of as good land as can be found in the county. In 1849 Mr. Ross was married, in Eaton town ship, to Miss Rebecca Crowell, a native of New York, daughter of Richard and Mary (Little) Crowell, natives of New Jersey, who about 1831 came from New York State to Lorain county, settling in Eaton township, where they made their home for many years; they died in Grafton, the father October 25, 1875, aged seventy-three years, the mother February 24, 1879, aged seventy-eight. They were the parents of eight children, as follows: Rebecca, Mrs. Ross; Daniel, residing in Eaton township; Silas, married, residing in Grafton; Moses, who died in 1844; Phebe, the' wife of David Phelan, died in 1863; MaryL., wife of Chandler Eaton, died about 1872 ; Aaron, deceased December 1, 1882; and one de ceased in infancy. In 1832, when Mrs. Ross was a little girl, she got lost in the woods of Eaton township, while on her way to visit a neighbor — the only one for miles around. On being missed a search party set ont, and after a long and patient hunt found her about 1 o'clock the next morning. She had waded in water up to her arm-pits, and although she often heard her mother and others calling her name, she was so frightened that she thought the 1090 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. sounds came from the howling wolves, of which there were many in those pioneer days. To Mr. and Mrs. Isaac B. Ross were bom three children, namely: Moses O, married, residing in Eaton township; M. D., married, living on the home farm; and Perry, married, who died in Eaton township in 1880. In politics our subject is a Prohibition -Republican, and he is serving as a member of the school board. He and his wife are members of the M. E. Church at Eaton, of which he is steward. JOHN LANTSBERY, who for over a quarter of a century has been among the leading successful agriculturists of Carlisle township, is a native of England, born in Little Creaton, North amptonshire, July 26, 1842. His parents, John and Ann (Haddon) Lantsbery, na tives of the same county in England, were farming people, industrious and economical. The father died there in 1846, the mother in Lubenham, England, November 24, 1873, at the age of fifty- one years. They had four children, our subject being the only survivor. He was educated in the schools of his native place, and in 1864 emigrated to the United States, arriving in December of that year in Elyria, Lorain Co., Ohio, where he resided till 1867, in which year he came to Carlisle township, agriculture having been his occupation in both town ships. His first land purchase was seventy- one acres partly improved, but he now owns ninety-six acres, all in a good state of cultivation. In 1863 Mr. Lantsbery was married in England to Mary Ann Eady, a native of Cottesbrook, Northamptonshire, daughter of Thomas and Susan (Holt) Eady, of the same county, where her father died in 1862, her mother in 1884, at the age of seventy- eight years (for her second husband the latter had married a Mr. Kilworth). Of their six children, William now resides in New Zealand; John died .in England; Francis lives in London, England; Thomas is also in England, and Henry J. is a drug gist in Elyria, Ohio. To Mr. and Mrs. Lantsbery were born six children, as fol lows: Jolin Thomas died of pneumonia in 1891, aged twenty-six years; Henry W., born in 1867, is married, and resides near his parents; Alice, born in 1869; Anna S., born May 20, 1874, is attending school in Elyria; Fannie, bora in 1877, died in 1883; Nellie McE., born May 22, 1880._ The parents are members of the Disciple Church at Elyria, of which Mrs. Lantsbery has been organist for several years, and for a long time she taught music throughout the county; she is correspondent for the Republican, the Democrat and the Ober lin News. In his political' sympathies Mr. Lantsbery is a Republican. JS. CRAWFORD, who for some five years was a prominent merchant in Lorain, South End, but has been re tired since 1887, came to the town in 1882 from Seville, Medina county, Ohio. He was born in Medina county January 15, 1847, a son of William and Rebecca (Smith) Crawford, natives of Pennsylvania, the father of Washington county, the mother of near Philadelphia. In 1821 they came to Ohio, settling on a farm in Medina county, which is still in the family name. The father was a sergeant in the Home Guards. He died in 1877, the mother in August, 1888. Our subject was educated in part at the district schools of the vicinity of his birthplace, and in part in the schools of Seville. On August 9, 1882, he came to Lorain county and opened a grocery store at Lorain, South End. He put up a frame building which was destroyed by fire February 2, 1883, LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1091 and he afterward erected a double brick store, two stories high, 50x48 feet, and continued in business till 1887 — five years. Prior to this he followed farming till 1869; then went west, remaining away some eight years, part of the time in Missouri (Henry county), Mississippi, Illinois and Michigan. Mr. Crawford was married in Medina county, Ohio, in 1876, to Miss Chestina Hay, a native of that county, and daughter of Henry Hay, and to this union has been bora one child, Mary R. Mrs. Crawford is a member of the Baptist Church. Po litically Mr. Crawford is independent, in variably voting for the best men and soundest measures. He is a member of Woodlawn Lodge No. 226, K. of P., and of Lorain Lodge No. 552, A. F. & A. M., of which he is treasurer. His present fine residence on the corner of Washington and Franklin streets, Lorain, he erected in 1891. Grandfather James Crawford came to Medina county, Ohio, from Washington county, Penn., in 1821, and made his future home there. DAVID DR and dairy i is a nativ DRAKE, a leading farmer man of Carlisle township, tive of Schoharie county, N. Y., bora April 20, 1820, a son of Alexander and Lucy (Benson) Drake, of Vermont, who migrated to New York State in an early day. The Drake family are of English descent, and in early Colo nial days three granduncles of Mr. Drake ¦ — Benjamin, Cyrus and Alexander — came from England to Vermont, where they settled as farmers. The father of David, who was by trade a blacksmith, was born in the year 1766, and died in Montgomery county, N. Y., July 2, 1838, being buried July 4. He was twice married, and by his first wife had three children — Preserve, Polly and Sally. The children by the second marriage were: Apollos, Pliny, Gilbert, Abram, David, Dennis (of Iowa, now deceased), and Caleb (living in Mis souri); of whom Apollos, about the year 1830, came from Delaware county, N. Y., to Medina county, Ohio, and died at Hamilton's Corner in 1883, a lifelong Democrat. David Drake, the subject proper of these lines, received his education in Scho harie and Montgomery counties, N. Y., and until he was twenty-seven years old worked on farms by the month or day, two seasons for twenty shillings per month. In 1862 he migrated from New York State to Medina county, Ohio, where he remained one year, and then moved to Spencer township, same county, whence in 1867 he came to Penfield township, Lo rain county. Here he bought an improved farm which he lived on and conducted eighteen years, and theu moved to La Grange township, same county, making his home there one year. In 1885 he finally settled in Carlisle township, where he owns the old Golden farm, bought by him from William A. Braman, and which consists of 144 acres of highly- improved land; he also owns ninety acres in Carlisle besides the tract he resides on, making, in the aggregate, 234 acres. On February 7, 1848, in New York State, Mr. Drake was married to Miss Julia Alger, of New York, daughter of William and Casadena Alger, natives of England, who when young came to New York, where they married and died. To this union were born three children, viz.: William, married, and living in Carlisle, has three children: Olivia, Ray and Lulu; Esther, widow of Milan Cone, of Penfield township, has four children: Letha, Kate, Mercy and Fred; Hattie, wife of George Plase, in Carlisle township, has one child — Claude — by a former marriage with Charles Spicer. Mrs. Julia A. Drake died October 10, 1875, and February 13, 1878, Mr. Drake was united in marriage, in Medina county, Ohio, with Miss Aurelia Graham, a native of that county, daughter 1092 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. of Andrew Graham, an early settler of Medina, who died August 18, 1892. By that marriage there is one child, Lucy, living at home. In his political ' affilia tions our subject is a Republican. He is a representative self-made man, having ac cumulated all he owns by his individual perseverance and industry. D. STOCKING, a prominent and prosperous agriculturist of Brighton township, is a native of same, born November 17, 1840, a son of Jona than S. Stocking. Joseph Stocking, grandfather of subject, was born in Ashfield, Franklin Co., Mass., November 1, 1781, and in 1815 came to Dover township, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, with his family, including Jonathan S. They traveled with an ox-team, the journey occupying six weeks, other immigrants coming at the same time. Mr. Stocking had visited the locality twice before bring ing his family — once in 1-811 or '12, and again in 1814. He built a log house on the site where he last resided. When he first came to Dover township there was but one frame building in Cleveland, that place, in fact, being a mere point, a nucleus around which a village afterward grew up, from which was evolved the great city of Cleveland. Mr. Stocking was prominent fynd active in the township, and was equally active in its religious and educational in terests. His first Presidential vote was cast for Jefferson, and it is said he voted at every Presidential election afterward, his last vote being cast for Hayes. He died February 23, 1877, aged ninety-five years, three m°nths, twenty- two days, having been a resident of Dover township, Cuyahoga county, over sixty years. He lived to see the wilderness transformed into fruitful fields, and towns and cities rise up out of the dense forest; he lived to hear the rush and roar of the railroad train where once could be heard naught but the howling of wolves, the angry growling of no less ferocious bears, and the war-whoop of the Indian. But to essay to mention what was consummated in those three score years would be to attempt a history of all the Northwest, with its most won derful growth and marvelous development. In Dover township, Cuyahoga county, in November, 1836, Jonathan S. Stocking married Sabrina Lilly, born in Ashfield, Mass., daughter of Austin Lilly, who came from New England in pioneer times. Jonathan S. Stocking lived in Cuyahoga county till 1836, in which year he moved to Brighton township, Lorain county, and in company with Harry Hawes bought 222 acres of heavily-timbered land, and they felled the first tree that ever felt the axe on that farm. This land cost them six dollars per acre, but it proved a valuable property. Jonathan Stocking died here in 1890, aged eighty years, two months, seven teen days, his wife in 1887, aged seventy- two years, four months, five days, and they are interred at Brighton Center. He was very successful, not only in general farm ing but also in stock raising, and was a hard-working man up to within two years of his death. In politics he was first a Whig, and, after the formation of the party, a stanch Republican. Mrs. Stock ing, in Church relationship, was an Epis copalian. They were parents of children as follows: C. D., subject; Byron, de ceased in infancy; Elmns B., who enlisted in Company K, One Hundred and Seventy- eighth O. Y. I., was detailed to hospital work at Wilmington, S. O, and while handling corpses in the dead house became poisoned (he died at home at the age of twenty- two years); Abigail, who died in 1865 when sixteen years old; Ralph G., deceased in infancy; and Darwin, a farmer of Brighton township. C. D. Stocking, the subject proper of this sketch, received a good practical edu cation at the common schools of his native /%£> tjj Jd/h? ^wo- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1095 township, and was reared to agricultural pursuits. He has always lived on the old homestead with the exception of the few months during the Civil war he worked for his uncle, Joseph Stocking, in Cuya hoga county. His farm, the largest in the township, now comprises 331 acres of ex cellent land, equipped with as fine resi dence and outbuildings as can be seen in the county. On January 7, 1874, our subject was married to Miss Ann Eliza Fish, who was born, in 1838, in Ashland county, Ohio, a daughter of Daniel Fish, and two children — Abigail M. and Jane R. — have been born to them. Mrs. Stocking is a member of the Congregational Church at Brighton. Politically Mr. Stocking is a Republican, and has served as township trustee ten consecutive years; socially he is a member of the Knights of the Maccabees. JL. REED, widely known in the county as a thorough business man, and an active member of the enter prising firm of Teasdale & Reed, proprietors of the People's Shoe Store, and of the livery firm of Moysey& Reed, Elyria, is a native of Cuyahoga county, Ohio, born February 7, 1846, in Strongsville. Joseph Reed, father of subject, was a native of Cornwall, England, a son of Thomas Reed, who was born in the parish of St. Agnes, in the same county, and was a farmer and landowner there. In an early day he (Thomas) immigrated to the United States, bringing with him his family of thirteen children, of whom Joseph was the seventh in order of birth. They settled in Strongsville (near Cleveland), Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, where the father of this large family followed farming to the close of his life, which was a long and active one, he being close on ninety years of age at the time of his death. He was a member of the Congregational Church. His wife, Mary (Hitchens), was nearly eighty years old at the time of her death, and all the ancestry, on both sides, seem to have been long-lived. Joseph Reed, their son, was barely twenty years old when he came to America. He was married in Strongsville, Ohio, to Miss Tamar Lyman, and six children were born to them, J. L. being the eldest. The father of these was born in 1818, and died August 14, 1880; the mother, now in her seventy-fourth year, is living in Columbia. After marriage Joseph Reed settled in Columbia town ship, where he followed farming. By trade he was a shoemaker, which he followed in England, and to a limited extent in this country. J. L. Reed, the subject proper of this biographical memoir, in his boyhood worked about the quarries in Berea and Columbia, and chopped wood by the cord, in order to earn money to pay for his schooling. His elementary education he received at the commoii schools of his na tive place, which he supplemented with three terms study at Oberlin, and three terms at Baldwin University, Berea, Ohio, besides a course at Oberlin Commercial School. He then took up farming, secur ing a lease of his wife's father's farm in Ridgeville township, Lorain county, where he now owns 110 acres of well-cultivated land. He also, in connection with his farming interests, deals in wagons, agri cultural implements, etc., and runs a shop in which repairing of wagons and imple ments, in all of its branches, is done. In 1889 he became associated with the People's Shoe Store, in Elyria, in company with Mr. Teasdale, as successors to Stone & Campbell. In May, 1891, he became a partner with Mr. Moysey in the present livery business, both of which enterprises are in a sound flourishing condition. In 1869 Mr. Reed was married to Miss Elizabeth Healy, and two children have been born to them, viz.: Fred, at present a student at Garfield School, in Portage 1096 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. county, Ohio, and Elsie, better known as " Kittie" among her many friends and ac quaintances. In his political affiliations he is a stanch Republican, and he served as justice of the peace nine years, declin ing to accept further election. He is a notary public, a member of the Church of Christ at North Eaton, aud is the superin tendent of the Sunday-school in said church. He is now vice-president of the Lorain County Agricultural Society, of which he has been a director four years. REN MOORE, a prominent repre sentative farmer of Sheffield town ship, was born February 13, 1848, in Lorain county, Ohio. He is a son of Norman Moore, a native of Massachusetts, who came to Ohio when a young man. He was married in Huron county, Ohio, to Honore Messenger, and later settled at Avon Point, Lorain county. He was a sailor and farmer, and also con ducted a saw and grist mill. He built two vessels; one of these, the "Rainbow," sev enty-five tons burden, at the time created considerable excitement, people coming for miles to see it launched, fie afterward built the "Young Leopard," 125 tons burden, which he sold at Oswego. Mr. and Mrs. Moore had five children, all of whom grew to maturity, namely: Amaneer, who be came a sailor, and died of cancer at the age of fifty-eight (he was a custom-house officer at Pnt-in-Bay for about three years during the latter part of his life); Oswell, who enlisted at Elyria in the Civil war and was killed at Gettysburg, being shot through the heart; Oren, our subject; Charles, and Amanda, widow of John Nesbitt, who died on his return home from thearmy. During the latter part of his his life Mr. Moore was an invalid; he died when about seventy-five years old. Oren Moore was reared at Avon Point, Lorain county, and received his education in the common schools. When yet a young man he was married to Miss Abbie Jaycocks, a native of New York, and tbey have had eight children, as follows: Lo renzo, who died at the age of forty- three; William, a farmer of Michigan; Marietta, wife of L. Cahoon; Hattie, wife of Harry Hay lor; Horace, a farmer of Michigan; Sadie, wife of L. Robinson, of Lorain; Millie, married to Harry Groene, and Lennie, wife of John Faragher. After his marriage Mr. Moore lived in a log house in Avon township, on the Center road, later coming to Sheffield township, where he now owns a good farm of one hundred acres. His wife died of cancer at the age of sixty four. Our subject is a life long farmer, progressive and enterprising in every respect. Politically he is a Repub lican; socially he is a F. & A. M. Mr. Moore has eighteen grandchildren. FETER MEYER, one of the promi nent, progressive and prosperous German agriculturists of Lorain county, is a native of Bavaria, born in 1844, a son of Andrew and Mary Catherine (Wack) Meyer, also of Bavaria, and in 1846 they set sail with their family from Havre, France, for the New World. After a voyage of forty-eight days they landed at New York, from which city they proceeded westward to Ohio, making a settlement on a farm in Ridgeville town ship, Lorain county. For eleven years the parents resided in the town of Elyria, and here the father died in 1882, the mother in February, 1892. By trade An drew Meyer was a carpenter, which he fol lowed in his native land, but in this country he carried on agriculture almost exclusively. He had a family of eight LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1097 children, of whom we give a record of seven, as follows, the eldest two being by a former wife, and, consequently, half- brother and half-sister to the others: Eliza beth, wife of Henry Neipfoot, of Elyria township; John, who enlisted duriug the Civil war in Company G, One Hundred and Seventh O. V. I., and was killed in the battle of Gettysburg; Peter, subject of this sketch; Catherine, wife of Adam Berres, of Ridgeville township; Mathias, a resident of New York City; Gertrude, de ceased; Adam, married, a resident of Hartford, Conn., in the employ of the Gas & Electric Light Company, near San- Francisco, Cal. The subject of this biographical sketch was two years old when he came to Ridge ville township, and he here received a fair English education, in the meantime being trained to the arduous duties of the farm. In 1862 he enlisted in Company G, One Hundred and Seventh O. Y. I., for three years or during the war, his regiment be ing first attached to the army of the Po tomac, and later to the Department of the South. He participated in the battles of Gettysburg and St. John's Island (S. C); was in the charge on Fort Wagner, and then with Sherman in the Carolina cam paigns; was present at the destruction of the Columbia & Georgetown Railroad at Sumter, S. C, in the campaign in which State he served over ten months. At Gettysburg he was wounded, but not in capacitated. In June, 1865, he was dis charged at Charleston, S. O, mustered out at Cleveland, Ohio, same year, and re turned to the pursuits of peace in Ridge ville township, Lorain county, farming be ing his lifework, although he was engaged two aud one half years at carpenter work. Mr. Meyer was married in Ridgeville township, in 1872, to Miss Catherine Stander, and twelve children have been born to them, all yet living, named as fol lows: Barbara, Emma, Peter Jacob, Mary Magdalene, Bridget. Rosa, Henry, Mary, Clara, Lawrence, Henry, and Gregory. Politically our subject is a stanch Demo crat; socially he is a member of Wesley Kibby Post No. 708, G. A. R., Ridgeville. His wife and family are members of the Roman Catholic Church. Mr. Meyer is owner of 121 acres of land, all in a good state of cultivation, and well improved. E p^LDEN WORTHINGTON is one of the most substantial and well-to-do of the agriculturists of Carlisle township, of which he is a native. He was bora Marcii 9, 1833, a son of Jonathan B. and Elizabeth (Orr) Worth ington, natives of Luzerne county, Penn., the father bora January 16, 1807, the mother October 23, 1813. They were married in that county, and shortly after ward came with a one-horse wagon to Huron county, Ohio, thence moving to Lorain county, locating in Carlisle town ship. Here the father opened up a farm, then bought land in Eaton township, near LaPorte, and some years later moved thereon. He died in LaPorte September 5, 1884, the mother in Carlisle township October 25, 1869. In politics he was first a Whig, and afterward, on the organization of the party, a Republican; he was a jus tice of the peace, and for many years town ship trustee. Nine children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. Worthington, as follows: Maria, widow of Alfred Rug gles, of Norwalk; Elden, subject of sketch; Benjamin, born in Carlisle township, served in the Civil war, three-months' service, and died in Cleveland in May, 1880; Eli jah, married, and engaged in the real -estate business in Cleveland; Elizabeth, wife of O. Humphrey, of Eaton township, Lorain county; Henry, married, and living in La Grange township, Lorain county; Erwin, who served in the Civil war, three-months' service, is married, and lives in Norwalk, Ohio; Augusta, who married Charles 1098 LORAIN COUNTY. OHIO. Warner, of Eaton township, and died June 16, 1891; and Mary, deceased in July, 1888. The Worthington family are of English lineage. Grandfather Worthing ton was a native of Massachusetts, a school teacher bv occupation, and in an early day moved to Pennsylvania. Grandfather Orr was born in New Jersey of German an cestry, and became a pioneer of Luzerne county, Pennsylvania. Elden Worthington received his educa tion at the common schools of Carlisle and Eaton townships, learned the trade of shoemaker, and worked at same with his lather some ten years at LaPorte. He then commenced farming in Eaton, and in course of time owned a farm in that town ship, and one in Carlisle. In his political predilections he is a Republican, and for several terms was trustee of Eaton town ship, as well as member of the school board. He and his wife are members of the M. E. Church of Elyria. In addition to his regular agricultural interests Mr. Worthington deals considerably in real estate — both buying and selling. On September 16, 1857, our subject was united in marriage in Carlisle township with Miss Elizabeth J. Cornell, a native of Eaton township, daughter of James and Betsy (Dolbee) Cornell, of New York, who came to Lorain county in 1834, lo- catingin Eaton township, but subsequently, in 1838, removing to Carlisle township, where the father passed from earth in April, 1860; the mother died in June, 1888. They had a family of ten children, six of whom are yet living, viz.: Louisa, wife Rev. N. S. Worden, of Ridgeville, Henry Co., Ohio; Heiro, married, and living in California; Nelson, married, and residing in Chickasaw county, Iowa; Fan nie, wife of Rev. B. D. Jones, of Coshoc ton county, Ohio; Elizabeth J., wife of Elden Worthington; and Fidelia, widow of Walter Fauver, of Ridgeville, Henry Co., Ohio. To Mr. and Mrs. Elden Worth ington have been bora five children, of whom the following is a brief record: Edith is the wife of Anson E. Pinney, of Ithaca, Mich., and they have four children: Clyde, Lila, Charles E. and Ruth Eliza beth; Clara is the wife of Samuel Dew hurst, of Carlisle township, and they have three children: Wilfred. Mabel and James E. ; Frank A. resides in Michigan ; Nelson Orr is married, and makes bis home at Avon Lake, Lorain county (he has one child, Carlotta); Lila died in 1888 at the age of eleven years. 4J HENRY DE LLOYD, who for the past twenty-five years has been prominently identified with Lorain county, and known far and near as a successful fast-horse trainer and speeder, is a native of England, born May 26, 1846, in Shropshire. He is a son of Henry and Sarah (Capper) De Lloyd, of the same county, both of whom died there. The subject of this memoir received his education at the parish schools of his native county, and from early boyhood has been with and among horses; indeed, it may truly be said of him that what he does not know about that noble animal is not worth knowing. In England, where fast horses are run less " mechanically," probably, than in this country, he followed the business of trainer, and also rode in steeple- chases and other races, when a boy, sitting the saddle with the ease and confi dence of a veteran. In 1867 he immi grated to the United States and to Ohio, making a settlement in Ridgeville town ship, Lorain county, where he has since been engaged in farming in connection with his other business interests. He owns a good half-mile track, laid out about eight years ago, and at the present time has some nine or ten horses, besides colts, training on it. He has some animals with good records, including a colt, " Dolwood," a " Standard," one of the best-bred in LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1099 Northern Ohio. Mr. De Lloyd has made several races in both Ohio and Michigan. His farm in Ridgeville township is all well improved and highly cultivated, and is devoted to cereals and root crops. Mr. De Lloyd was united in marriage with Miss Emma J. Hudson, born in Ridgeville township, Lorain county, a daughter of Frederick and Mary (Colly) Hudson, natives of England, the father of Cambridgeshire, the mother of Yorkshire, and both early immigrants to Ohio, their first home in the New World being in Cleveland, their last one in Ridgeville township, Lorain county, where they died. Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. De Lloyd, namely: Leonard (married to Miss Esther Fortune, and now residing in Ridgeville township), Hudson, Martin and Lee. Politically our subject is a prominent Republican, active in the inter ests of the party, and served as president of the school board nine consecutive years. Socially he is connected with Elyria Lodge, No. 103, I. 0. O. F., and the Encamp ment; also of the Knights of the Macca bees at Ridgeville, being a charter member of both Societies. m NDREW OSBORN, one of tbe Lj__\ oldest and most prominent of the fr\_ agricultural citizens of Columbia yj township, is a native of Ohio, born in Summit county in 1823, a son of Joseph and Phila (Ball) Osborn, of Connecticut. About the year 1811 Joseph Osborn, father of subject, came from the "Nut meg State" to Ohio, making the journey in four weeks on foot, and after locating in Brimfield township, Portage county, re turned for his wife, whom he had left be hind in Connecticut. From Portage they moved to Summit county, same State, whence they came, in 1836, to Columbia township, Lorain county, and hewed out a new home in the wild woods. He was a useful man in his day, serving as trustee and assessor of Columbia township, of which he was a resident half a century. He was born at Waterbury, Conn., May 13, 1794, and died August 27, 1887, at the advanced age of ninety-three years, three months; he had served in the war of 1812, and was the recipient of a pension. Before coming to Columbia township he built the locks at Akron, Ohio, and helped to raise the first building. Mr. Osborn was twice married, first time to Phila Ball, who bore him three children: Andrew, subject of sketch; Phebe Ann, deceased at the age of thirteen; and Hannah, wife of Ormal Smith, of Olmsted township, Cuya hoga county. The mother of these died in 1831, and in 1832 Mr. Osborn married, in Summit county, Roba Harrington, who died April 17, 1875. Grandfather An drew Osborn was a native of Connecticut, born of English ancestry. The subject of this sketch was thirteen years old when he came with his parents to Lorain county, and as a consequence he received part of his education in Summit county, Ohio, and part in Columbia town ship, Lorain county. Since coming to Co lumbia he has lived with his father upon the old homestead, his present place, com prising 180 acres of well-cultivated land, where he is engaged in general agriculture. In September, 1843, he was united in marriage with Miss Harriet Ives, daugh ter of Albert and Betsy (Russell) Ives, natives, the father of Connecticut, the mother of New York, who became early settlers of Columbia township, Lorain county, where they passed the rest of their days. Nine children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Osborn: George, married to Mrs. Mary (Hill) Harrington; Joseph, married to Jessie Jasper, and has one child, Bertha; Charley, who married Liz zie Yunnan, and has two children, Lilly and Leon; Phila, married to Warren Good man, and has two children, Guy and For est; Mary, wife of George fioward, of 1100 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Columbia township, has three children, Emma, Vivian and Clare; Frank, born November 6, 1851, died at the age of nineteen, and three that died in infancy. In his political predilections Mr. Osborn was originally a Whig, and, since the formation of the party, has been a straight Republican. He and his wife have now for half a century traveled together the highway of life; and it is the earnest wish of their many friends that they may be spared to see many more anniversaries of the commencement of their married life. J. SNYDER. This gentleman, who for many years was a success ful tradesman, is now justly classed among the progressive farmer citi zens of Lorain county. He was born November 12, 1828, in Upper Angusta towmship, Northumber land Co., Penn., and is a son of Joseph Snyder, a farmer, who was born in Lancas ter, Penn., July 1, 1791, and died January 8, 1872. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. He was twice married, the name of his first wife being unknown. For his second he married Mrs. Elizabeth Millet, a widow, nee Noaker, who was born July 5, 1792, and she became the mother of the subject of this sketch. The parents both died in Schuylkill county, Penn. Grand father Snyder, whose name was also Joseph, was a native of Germany, and came to Lan caster, Penn., immediately after marriage. A. J. Snyder received a good prac tical common-school education in reading and writing, mathematics being entirely omitted. When about sixteen years of age he was bound out as an apprentice for three and one-half years to Edward Finney, a shoemaker in Danville, Columbia (now in Montour) Co., Penn., with whom he re mained from June 23, 1845, to March 1, 1848, at which time, having effected a compromise with Finney, he purchased his freedom. With what little money he had saved from his earnings he proceeded to Northumberland, then to Port Carbon, thence to Pottsville, in all of which places he followed his trade, successfully. While in Port Carbon he was married, August 21, 1849, to Miss Elizabeth Ann Plunket, daughter of Michael and Mary Plunket. Their wedding tour was made with a horse and buggy, and by the time they reached home they found themselves absolutely penniless, so poor was he when he plunged into the sea of matrimony. In the spring of 1850 Mr. and Mrs. Snyder came to Ohio, being accompanied by her parents, making among themselves quite a party of immigrants. They had some time pre viously started for Ohio, but were detained at Hollidaysburg, Penn., where Mr. Sny der worked at his trade. On their jour ney westward the party passed through Canton, New Lisbon, Massillon, Wooster and Ashland, finally halting at Plymouth, where our subject found himself -forty dollars in debt. He worked at his trade in Norwalk and New Haven, and again at Plymouth, in the latter place for eleven years, saving a little money there, and providing a home for the family. Here he lost his first wife, she dying January 1, 1859, and here she was buried; she left three children, viz.: Lucinda A., now Mrs. Samuel Markle, of Ashland, Ohio; Willis, a farm laborer of Miami county, Ohio; and Antoinetta, now Mrs. Morris Risser, of Ashland, Ohio. For his second wife Mr. Snyder married, October 15, 1859, Mrs. Melinda Shurter, a widow, and two chil dren, both deceased in infancy, were born to this union.. Mrs. Melinda Synder died December 18, 1861, and our subject on March 31, 1863, married Miss Mary Quinn, who bore him two children (twins): One deceased in infancy, and William, now in Bloominggrove township, Richland Co., Ohio. Mrs. Mary Snyder died January 4, 1864, and January 1, 1865, the thrice- bereaved husband wedded Miss Lydia LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1101 Simonson, by whom there were two chil dren: Joseph G., a farmer of Richland county, Ohio, and Bertha M., who died at the age of fifteen years. This wife passed away December 21, 1872, and for his fifth and present spouse Mr. Snyder married, September 4, 1873, Miss Victoria Mc Millen, of Oliversburg, Richland Co., Ohio. To this last marriage five children were born, to wit: Etta A., deceased at the age of niue years; and Carlos L., Leroy V., Autha P. and Ralph V., all at home. In Plymouth our subject made his home until 1861; then lived on a farm a short time, after which he moved to Shelby, Ohio, where for a brief period he worked at his trade; thence went to a farm in Bloominggrove township, Richland county, and then again resided in Shelby a short time. In the spring of 1865 he came to Lorain county, settling in Rochester town ship, where he had purchased of Erastus Knapp 150 acres of prime land (his present home), on which he has made many im provements. Mr. Snyder is not only a good farmer, but a systematic business man, keeping a regular set of books, show ing expenditure and revenue in all his deal ings ever since he commenced on his pres ent farm. Politically he is a zealous Re publican, taking a lively interest iu the affairs of the party, and has been a dele gate to various county conventions. In Church relationship he is a member of the M. E. Church, his wife being a Baptist. J | B. PARKER, a prominent business man of North Amherst, well-known ' in insurance circles, is a native of the State of New York, born October 28, 1830, in Lexington, Greene county. He is a son of Abram and Elizabeth (Buel) Parker, of the same county, the former of whom, a farmer by occupation, and a Dem ocrat in politics, died in April, 1852, the latter dying in Williamstown, Oswego county, N. Y, in October, 1864, and was buried in Jewett, Greene county, N. Y. J. B. Parker received his education at the district schools of his native place, and was reared on his father's farm. In 1856 he moved to Wayne county, Penn., where he bad charge of a store, and was book keeper for Morse, Martin & Co. (later Morse, Cook & Co.) until 1862, when he proceeded to Williamstown, Oswego coun ty, N. Y., and engaged in general mer chandising, continuing in business there until 1869, the year he came to New Lon don, Ohio. In that town he remained till 1874, and then moved to North Amherst, where he lias since resided, intimately identified with the business interests of the place. In 1851 Mr. Parker was married, in Greene county, N. Y., to Miss Louisa Ben jamin, who died without issue, and in 1855 he became united in marriage with Mrs. S. C. Pain, nee Wolcott, by which union there were four children (two of whom are yet living), viz.: (1) Metta A., widow of J. B. Norton, of Amherst; (2) Lillie and (3) Willie, twins (the former or whom died in Williamstown, Oswego county, N. Y., the latter in Ledge Dale, Wayne Co., Penn.), and (4) Carrie E., wife of E. E. Kimmel, residing at Cedar Valley, Iowa. Mr. Parker is a Democrat of the first water, and was elected a justice of the peace in 1891; is now serving his second term as notary public, and has been a member of the town council. In his fire, life and accident insurance business, in which he has been engaged the past six years, he represents, among other offices, the Glens Falls, Manchester, North Western and' National and Wayne County Fire Com panies, besides the New York Life and National Life of Vermont. In addition to all this he is secretary of the North Am herst Shear Co., incorporated December 18, 1890, with which he has been con nected since its organization. He and his wife are members of the M. E. Church, in 1102 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. the Sunday-school work of which, and in the choir, he has taken much personal interest. Mrs. Parker was born September 4, 1830, in Lexington, Greene Co:, N. Y., a daughter of Reuben I. and Artemesia (Buel) Wolcott, natives of New York, who in 1831 came west to Huron county, Ohio, making their residence for a time in Fitch ville, thence moving to Ruggles township (now in Ashland county). The mother departed this life in Huron county, Ohio, in 1842, the father in Ruggles township (then in Huron county) in 1863 or '64. fie was a farmer of prominence, and in his day an active politician, first as a Whig, afterward as a Republican. Mrs. Parker was educated in Oberlin, and has been twice married, as already recorded. Mr. Parker's grandfather, William Parker, a native of Connecticut, was a drummer boy in the Revolutionary war; in after life he settled in Lexington, Greene Co., N. Y. Her grandfather, Munson Buel, also a native of Connecticut, moved in an early day to Lexington, Greene Co., N. Y., and died at the advanced age of eighty-two; he was a cloth dresser by trade, and also owned a flour and grist mill. JlACOB SCHAIBLE, in his day a well- known Lorain county pioneer, was _J born March 27, 1807, in Boulanden, Wurtemberg, Germany, and died .February 7, 1874. When but Ave or six years old he lost both of his parents by death, leaving him and his only brother, Michael, orphans. After the death of the parents, his grandmother, on the mother's side, undertook the care 'of the two little boys, and gave them both a common-school education. Jacob took up the pursuit of farming (and it was in this career that he grew up to manhood), in which he was eminently successful. In January, 1834, he was united in marriage with Miss Catharine B. Ramsayer, granddaughter of the then emi nent physician and surgeon, C. H. von Ottein, who had engaged the best teachers money could procure and gave her a good education. Mr. Schaible, with his young wife, settled on his estates, on which he had made many improvements after his major ity, and as they both liked country life their home life was attractive and pleasant. Nothing, in fact, marred their every-day life until in the fall of the year 1846, when Mr. Schaible was suddenly stricken down with an illness so severe that his life hung in the balance for many a day; finally, however, his strong constitution prevailed over the disease, although he did not fully recover his former health. Then his at tending physician and several other phy sicians held a consultation, and their unanimous decision was that Mr. Schaible should take a sea voyage for the restoration of his health. Accordingly in May, 1848, with his wife and five children, Mr. Schaible wended his way toward the seaport of Havre, took pas sage there ona sailing ship, and after a tem pestuous voyage of seven weeks landed at New York. Their stay there was of short dnration, for they soon turned in the di rection of Ohio, taking steamer on the Hudson river as far a> Albany; from there in a canal boat to Buffalo, thence to Cleveland, whence they came directly to Elyria, arriving there August 1, 1848. The three months' travel restored Mr. Schaible to his former health. Elyria was then but a mere village, straggling out over several streets of mud and under brush, and the only approaches at that time were by the way of lake and stage coach. Mr. Schaible soon after his arrival pur chased land one mile west of Elyria, built a small house and settled on his farm, which was nearly all covered with under brush and forest. He immediately began to clear and improve his property until he had one of the best farms in the county, also buying more land from time to time until he had some three or four hundred acres of well-improved land at the time of his death. He was honest and indus- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1103 trious, kind and obliging, and his name be came the synonym for integrity and up rightness. Being temperate in his habits, he was a rare specimen of the hardy pio neer. He was a faithful member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church from early youth, and for many years was its stanchest supporter. In the family he was a loving husband, a kind and indulgent father. His faithful wife, who had so long shared his joys and sorrows, preceded him but eight weeks in death. His remains were placed beside those of his wife in Murry Ridge Cemetery, in the bosom of mother earth, in full hope of a glorious resurrection. Mr. Schaible left four sons and five daughters to mourn his loss, viz.: Agnes B, Theiss, of Cleveland; Margaretha M. Limb, of Wooster; J. Frederich Schaible, who died February 12, 1875; C. Hen rietta Krieger, of Wooster, Ohio; Jacob E Schaible, of Elyria; Carrie Schaible, Charles H. Schaible, John G. Schaible and Sophia C. Schaible, all of Elyria. JfACOB E. SCHAIBLE was born in k. I Germany, and was but two years old \^j when he came with his father to this country. He now lives on his farm of 140 acres on West Ridge, and is one of the most thorough farmers in Lorain county. Mr. Schaible has over sixteen thousand tile under ground, and has one of the best-improved farms. He and his two children are members of St. Paul's Church. In 1886 he took a trip across the ocean, and visited the principal cities in England, France and Germany, spending some time in his native country. JULIAS BAUMHART, one of the leading, most prosperous and enter prising agriculturists of Black River township, is a native of Erie county, Ohio, born in 1845. 57 E His father, Capt. Adam Baumhart, was born in Hessia, Germany, whence at the age of fourteen years he came to America and to Erie county, Ohio, with his father, Elias Baumhart. In 1846 Adam moved to Black River township, Lorain county. He was married in Erie county to Christina Herwig; daugher of Jacob and Catherine (Blech) Herwig, all of Hessia, Germany, who came to tho United States when Christina was eight years old. They were nine weeks crossing the ocean. Jacob Herwig was a miller in the Fatherland, but in this country he followed farming. He died in 1873, his wife in 1853. Capt. Adam and Christina Baumhart are the parents of eleven children, viz.: Emeline, wife of Benjamin Claus, of Brownhelm township; Elias, subject of sketch; Jacob, deceased at the age of two years; Henry, who died wheu a°;ed fifteen years; Cather ine, wife of Charles Hohn, of Black River township, Lorain county; Armina, at home with her parents; Martha, wife of Henry Furber, of Erie county, Ohio; Adam, Jr., studying medicine at tbe University of Ann Arbor, Michigan; Edward, who died when five years old; Jacob, on his father's farm in Brownhelm township, and James, also a farmer in that township. The par ents are yet residing in Brownhelm town ship, highly respected and honored. Elias Baumhart received his education at the district schools of Black River town ship, whither he was brought when an in fant. He was reared to agricultural pursuits, and after attaining his majority bought fifty-six acres of land, which he cleared. This he subsequently rented, and bought his present fine farm of 240 acres, well watered by a good creek and equipped with all necessary buildings. In December, 1869, Mr. Baumhart was united in mar riage, in Brownhelm township, Lorain county, with Miss Amelia Lutz, who died March 16, 1873, the mother of two chil dren: Charles and Thomas, the latter of whom died when eight months old. On April 12, 1874, our subject married, in 1104 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Black River township, Lorain county, for his second wife, Miss Margaret Jacobs, a native of that township, and daughter of Peter and Dora (Smith) Jacobs. To this union have been born six children, viz.: Delia, Benwill, Nelson, Armina, Robert, and Edward, who died when seven months old. The parents are members of the Evangelical Church; in politics Mr. Baum hart is a Democrat, and lias served his township as trustee. MLLIAM A. BATES. William Bates, the paternal grandsire of our subject, was born and reared in Connecticut, but passed the freater portion of his life in Lewis county, L Y., near the town of Lowville. His vocation in life was that of a farmer. He married Mrs. Sarah Woods, and the results of this union were ten children; by a pre vious marriage five were born. In about 1836, then in his seventy-fifth year, he removed to the then wilds of Ohio, whither several of his sons had pre ceded him a year. The journey was made overland, the means of locomotion being four strong horses, and the conveyance a large covered wagon, into which were crowded the family and many personal effects. The remaining years of his life were passed with his children, all of whom were located in Lorain county, Ohio. He was a veteran of the Revolutionary war, bravely fought for liberty as a trooper, and was commended by his officer for gallantry and bravery in the battle against the British at Sacket's Harbor. He de parted this life in 1848, at the age of eighty-four years. His good wife sur vived him some thirteen years, aud was a like number of years his junior. She also lived to the age of eighty-four, and was remarkably well preserved and hale, in fact, a few months previous to ber demise ehp thought but little of a walk of a half mile. They were formerly Presbyterians, but after removing to Ohio they joined the Methodists, and they were exemplary Christian people. The following children accompanied and located in Lorain county, with their father: Francis, Ottis, Bennett, Hannah, Moses, Lyman, Thaxter, Norton and Charles, all now deceased, Bennett be ing the last to pass away, dying in De cember, 1892. The father of these was a Highland Scotchman, and was a man of giant-like dimensions, being six and one- half feet in stature, and weighing over three hundred pounds. His sons averaged six feet in height, and were of massive proportions. Francis Bates, the father of subject, was born in Lewis county, N. Y., in 1800, and was there reared, fie was possessed of skill in the use of tools of any sort, but his attention chiefly turned toward farm ing, and the trade of shoemaking. In 1835, at the age of about thirty-five years, he gathered together his savings and started for the then wilds of Ohio, almost immediately on his arrival locating upon a tract of fifty acres in the western portion of Lorain county. To pay for the land he was employed at working for others; bis leisure being used in the clearing of his own land. At that period the wages re ceived "at clearing" were fifty cents to seventy-five cents per day. At tbe time of his advent into this then "wilderness" there were several log houses in Camden township. In 1820 he married Miss Maria Obits, a lady of German parentage, though of American birth, and a native of the same county as her husband. To this union were bora four sons and one daugh ter, namely: Nelson, Sallie Ann, Justin, Elbirge and William A. Of these the last mentioned and Justin, a prominent citizen of the Hawkeye State, are the only ones living. Francis Bates was, politically, an Old-line Whig, an earnest Abolition ist, and religiously a devout member of the Methodist Church, as was also his faithful wife. Both were well and kindly known LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1105 throughout a large community, and their deeds of charity are traditional in many of the pioneer homes of the county. In Oc tober, 1858, Francis Bates departed this life, his wife following him to eternal rest in 1869. William A. Bates, the subject proper of this memoir, was born in St. Lawrence county, N. Y., and there reared to the age of fourteen, when he came west with his parents to Ohio. Here lie attended school in the old log school building with its slab benches and other primitive furnishings. Soon, however, he was compelled to shoul der his portion of the labor of cleariug his father's land, and working for others to assist in the payment of the indebtedness, into which his father had gone in the pur chase of same. For such work he received twelve dollars per acre cleared, and, for only chopping or felliug the timber, six dollars per acre. Mr. Bates' health was never ro bust, and he received many setbacks in his progress even in his youth, because of this misfortune. When about twenty-seven he had about two hundred dollars, all saved from his earnings, and he then linked his fortunes with those of Miss Sarah Sigs- worth, the date of their marriage being June 29, 1848. She is the daughter of Thomas Sigsworth (now deceased), who was one of the first, if not the first, of Camden township's citizens. He was a native of England, and by many of the older residents of Camden he is remem bered as an industrious, loyal, thoroughly esteemed citizen. To our subject and wife were born children as follows: S. Olive, William Duane, Ella M., Mary A., Fran cis W?, Elma R., Willnettie and L. Clem- ant; the first three were born in Ohio and died in infancy, the others were born in Iowa. Of these Mary A. is the wife of Floyd Twining, of Henrietta township; Francis W. and Elma R. reside at home with their parents; Willnettie (Mrs. Ed ward Bell) is a resident of North Royal- ton, Ohio; L. Ciemant is a successful clerk in Lorain, Lorain county. In October, 1854, thinking a change of climate would benefit his health, he removed to the then new State of Iowa; accompanied by his wife he made the trip in a covered wagon. After remaining in Iowa thirteen years, he returned to Ohio in May, 1867. Mr. Bates has been a successful agri culturist, and is highly respected through out his wide acquaintance. He has given his children the advantage of a good edu cation, and that they appreciate the efforts of their parents in their behalf is shown in their devotion to them, in these their declining years. Mr. Bates is a Republi can, politically, and takes an active and in telligent interest in local and national affairs, and has held several local offices. His farm displays the hand of enterprise and thrift, the many improve ments bespeak ing well his praise. Mrs. Bates and other members of tbe family are earnest and de vout members of the Methodist Church. ^ESLEY HASTINGS, a worthy representative of one of the earli est pioneer families of Penfield township, is a native of Wilna, Jefferson Co., N. Y., bom December 21, 1822. He is a son of Curtice and Pattie^ (Groves) Hastings, the former of whom was bora in Vermont, and when a young man removed to New York State, where he married and had children as follows: Ashley, who was accidentally killed by the explosion of a signal gun in LaGrange township, Lorain Co., Ohio; Wesley, sub ject of this sketch; and Submit, Mrs. Ly man Crane, of Chatham Center, Medina Co., Ohio. Curtice Hastings followed the carpenter's trade, for which he had a na tural inclination, and in 1825 came west to Ohio, in company with Henry Towns- end, walking the entire distance from New York State. He visited in Harris ville and Lodi, and, after looking over the 1106 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. land in Lorain and Medina counties, re turned home. In June, 1826, he set out for Ohio with his family, being a long time on the road, as they drove the entire dis tance, aud their team was the first one to enter the township. They made their home at the house of a family named Holcomb until their cabin of logs and bark was erected on the tract which Mr. Hastings had bargained for, which at that time was a dense wilderness, abounding with wild animals; and many were the exciting ad ventures and narrow escapes which the pioneers had in these forests. Their cabin was a rude one, and for the first year had no floor, and neither door nor window. At first they had to go a long distance east to have their milling done, hauling the grist on a sled drawn by oxen, the journey oc cupying five days and nights, and marked trees being their only guide, as there were no roads. After locating iu LaGrange township the family was increased by the following members: E. H. and E. G. (twins), who were the first white male children born in the township; Samuel, a farmer of La Grange township; a daughter that died in infancy; Edson, now a farmer of LaGrange township; and a son, who was adopted in infancy, on the death of his mother, by the Dreher family of Grafton township, who moved to Utah and joined the Mormons, which was the last heard of them and the child. Mrs. Hastings was interred in East cemetery, LaGrange township, and for his second wife Mr. Hastings married Asenath Amie, who bore him one child, Frank, who served in the Civil war (he died in La Grange township). After coming west Mr. Hastings engaged in agriculture, and also continued to follow the carpenter trade, erecting many of the first gristmills in his section. He also conducted the sawmill at Rawson ville for some time, and he was the builder of the Jonathan Rawson mill that stood at Grafton Station. He began to prosper, accumulated property, and at the time of his death was in very comfortable circumstances. His second wife preceded him to the grave. Politically he was a Democrat. Wesley Hastings was but a child of four years when he came to Ohio, at which time, and for several years following, there were no schools of any kind in his district. The first one opened was of the subscription variety, but be was unable to attend even this regularly, as his services were needed at home. He was reared to agricultural life on the pioneer farm, and learned the trade of a carpenter under his father. On April 2, 1842, he was united in marriage with Miss Elmira Loomis, a native of Jef ferson county, N. Y., daughter of Justin and Sally (Sillick) Loomis, who came to LaGrange township in an early day, locat ing on Vermont street. To this union were born children as follows: Charles, a carpenter, in the employ of the D. L. Wads worth Lumber Co., of Wellington, Ohio; and Irwin, who died young. After his marriage our subject located on Vermont street, LaGrange township, where lie re mained for a year, and then removed to a farm directly opposite this place and sepa rated from it by the Black river. Here he lived four years, with Dorias Holcomb, a brother-in-law, in a house which they erected, thence moving to his present farm in Penfield township, where he has now had his home for over fifty years. The section was then a vast wilderness, and here Mr. Hastings purchased fifty acres at six dollars per acre, to which he has since added, and all of which has been cleared and improved by his own labor. In con nection with farming he continued to fol low his trade until 1875, aud he has erected more buildings in his section than any other man living; be has also worked in other parts of the county. For a number of years he has given his principal atten tion to farming, and, though he has passed his threescore and ten years, he is yet capable of doing a good day's work. In political matters Mr. Hastings has always sympathized with the Democratic party, LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1107 although he voted for Abraham Lincoln; in former years he took considerable inter est in party affairs, and served in various local offices. He is a highly respected citi zen of the community, and now, after many years of toil and hardship, enjoys a com fortable competence. E! A. TURNEY, a thoroughly repre sentative farmer and influential citi- l zen of Amherst township, is a na tive of Ohio, born in Lake county, March 23, 1815. The father of subject was born in Fair field, Conn., October 15, 1759, and was married to Polly Downes, who was born in Reading, same State, December 2, 1768. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, his first enlistment being in 1777, and his first battle at Danbury, his second at Black Rock, both in Connecticut; later he served in the baggage train of tbe army till the close of the war. From the year 1832 to thecloseof his life he was in receipt of a pen sion from the Government of eight dollars per month. While a resident of Connecticut he was for a time a sailor on merchant ships, trading with the West Indies. In 1809 he came to Ohio, and bought 100 acres of wild land in Madison township, Lake county, wliich he improved; later he purchased 160 acres in Perry township, Lake county, and finally another seventy acres in Madison township, aggregating 330 acres, of which he gave to each of three sons 100 acres. In politics he was an Old-line Whig, his first vote being cast for George Washing ton, in Connecticut; after coming to Madi son, he served as trustee of that township. He died April 5, 1833, aged seventy- three years, five months and twenty days; his wife on October 9, 1835, aged sixty-six years, ten months and twenty- three days; they were members of the Baptist Church. To this honored pioneer couple were born children as follows: Daniel Turney, a farmer, born May 11, 1788, died March 9, 1841, in Lake county, Ohio, whither he had come on foot from Connecticut; Phebe Turney, born March 9, 1791, who was mar ried to Erial Cook, and died in Lake county, March 4, 1852; David Turney, born De cember 25, 1794, died in Lake county, Marcii 5, 1826, aged thirty-one years, two months ten days; George Washington Turney, bora Marcii 13, 1797, died in Lake county, February 19, 1830; Charlany Turney, born August 20, 1799, married James Gage, and died in Lake county, in June, 1829; Asa Squire Turney, bora March 20, 1804, died in Lake county, February 16, 1886 (he was a minister of the Disciple Church); Marvin Turney, born in Connecticut, August 11, 1807, who resided on a farm in Dearborn township, Wayne Co., Mich., where he set tled in 1834, until his death, which occurred April 28, 1893, when he was aged eighty- six years; and Eli A., subject of sketch. Eli A. Turney received his education at the public schools of Lake county, Ohio, which were first held in a blockhouse, after ward in a log house, and he was reared to agricultural pursuits, which he followed for some time. He then engaged in ship building at Black River, Sandusky, Ver million, Huron and Milan, lake port towns of Lorain and Erie counties, Ohio. Subse quently he entered the Freewill Baptist ministry, was licensed to preach in 1850, and ordained in June, 1856, ever since which he has been a minister in that church as a member of the Freewill Baptist As sociation. In 1833 Mr. Turney moved to Lorain county, and to Amherst township, wThere he bought 118 acres of wild land, which he improved, erecting thereon tbe first log house he ever saw built, and, con trary to the prevailing custom of those days, no whiskey was used during the work. Prior to coming to Lorain couuty he resided for a time in Geauga county, same State. On May 12, 1833, our subject married, in Ridgeville, Ohio, Minerva Seeley, a na tive of Tioga county, N. Y., born Septem ber 15, 1815. The result of this union was seven children, of whom the following 1108 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. is a brief record : Albert Turney, who was educated at Oberlin, Ohio, is now a resi dent of Bowling Green, Wood Co., Ohio; he married Hannah Harris, of Oberlin, and has two daughters: SophiaaudCory. Cyrena R. Turney became the wife of Perry Bel den, of Amherst, and died in 1860. La Fayette Turney, born April 6, 1838, was educated at Amherst, and lives at Grand Rapids, Ohio, where he is a salesman ; he has three children, one of whom , E.E. Turney, is study ing for the ministry. David M. Turney, born March 20, 1848, a railroad man, lives iu Kansas. Mary, born July 10, 1853, is the wife of Frank Bissell, of Columbus, Ohio. Henry Turney died in Lorain county October 21, 1858. Charles Wesley Turney, born October 1, 1841, died at the age of fourteen months. The mother of these died May 29, 1868, and September 11, 1869, Mr. Turney married Mrs. Arvilla (Crocker) Brauch, who was born in North Amherst, Ohio, daughter of Roswell and Perlina (Barnes) Crocker, the father a native of New York, the mother of Becket, Mass. They came to Lorain county, Ohio, in 1817, locating near Amherst, but in 1834 moved to Madison, Lake county, where Mr. Crocker died in 1868, his widow in 1880, at the age of eighty years. They reared a family of eight children, as follows: Eliza, widow of O. Barney, of North Amherst; Alonzo and Lorenzo (twins), born in 1819, the latter of whom died at the age of sixty-eight; Ar villa, wife of subject; Fannie, whose hus band, Dr. Martin Luce, died of cholera on Sand Bar in the Ohio river; John W., a resident of Lake county, Ohio; Hulda, wife of D. D. Fox, of Doylestown, Wis.; and Erastus W., a resident of Hawaii, Sand wich Islands. Mrs. Turney is the oldest living lady bora in Amherst township. In 1840 she was married to S. G. Brauch, of Madison, Lake Co., Ohio, and three chil dren were born to them, viz.: E. P., mar ried and residing in Florida (he served in the Civil war); W. S., in Dakota; and Fannie, wife of C. M. Parsons, of Cleve land, Ohio. Mr. Brauch died in 1863. In politics Mr. Turney is a Republican- Prohibitionist, and cast his vote for W. H. Harrison in 1840; he has been a member of the school board for years. He is a mem ber of the Freewill Baptist Cliurch, Mrs Turney of the Congregational Cliurch. FHILIP SIPPEL, well-known in Lo rain county and elsewhere as a prom inent contractor and builder, is a native of Hessia, Germany, born July 20, 1831. He is a son of George and Mary (Schaffer) Sippel, who both died in Germany, the father in 1836, the mother in 1871, at the "age of seventy- seven years; they were members of the German Presbyterian Church. Our subject was educated in the public schools of his native land, and in 1853 came to the United States, landing in New York with but three dollars left, which he afterward gave to a less fortunate com rade, who was unable to secure work. Our subject, finding employment in New York, saved his earnings, and when he had laid by enough to carry him westward, set out for Lorain county, Ohio, and, in about three months after first setting foot on American soil, he found himself settled in the then village of North Amherst, which has since been his home. In the Father land he had learned the trade of carpenter and joiner, and for some time followed it iu this country. Having bought a farm, he laid aside his trade for a time, and fol lowed agricultural pursuits, but selling the property he resumed carpentry, at which he made a success. Mr. Sippel is now recognized as the leading contractor and builder of North Amherst, having the full confidence of the community, and has been the architect and builder of the M. E. and Presbyterian churches, besides various business blocks. In 1856 Mr. Sippel was united in mar riage with Miss Catherine Keller. Polit- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1109 ically he is a Democrat, and for nine years was a member of the board of education, was township trustee one term, and served his town as treasurer six years. Socially he is a member of the K. of P. and I. O. O. F.,in which latter he has passed all the Chairs. E BIGLOW, proprietor of the West Yiew Tile and Brick Works, is a j native of Lorain county, born in Columbia township in 1845, a son of Daniel and Martha L. (Stranahan) Big- low, also of Columbia township, where both are yet living. Ephraim Biglow, grandfather of sub ject, was born in Massachusetts, whence when a boy he moved to Maine, from there to New York, and from there migrated to Lorain county, Ohio, settling in Colum bia township, where he passed the rest of his days. E. Biglow, the subject proper of this sketch, received a liberal-education at the public schools of his native township, and lived on a farm up to the age of twenty- eight, when he embarked in mercantile business in West View, Cuyahoga county, continuing in same till the spring of 1893. In 1880 he became the proprietor of the West View Tile and Brick Works, which were built in 1880 for the manufacture of all kinds of brick and tile; they do the most extensive business and have the largest plant of any concern of the kind in the county. The capacity of the works is 400,000 brick each season, with a corre sponding capacity for tile, and they gener ally have on hand a large supply of both products. The storage room is three stories high, 40 x 64, with a wing, two stories, 24x80; engine-room 20x24; drying shed 18 x 64, heated by steam pipes throughout; clay house, a brick building, 26 x 30, lo cated on the " Big Four" Railroad, with side track running to the works. There is also an iron track for carrying clay. In 1874 Mr. Biglow was married in Columbia township, Lorain county, to Miss C. R. Osborn, daughter of Asahel Banner and Sophronia (Scales) Osborn, all natives of that township; both parents are deceased. To this union there is one child, Ernest O., at present attending Berea College. In politics Mr. Biglow is a Republican, and for eighteen years he served as postmaster at West View. He and his wife are members of the M. E. Church of that town, and they are held in the highest respect by all who know them. A NIEL BIGLOW, a prominent, na tive-born agriculturist of Columbia township, first saw the light in the year 1820. His parents, Ephraim and Nancy (Frink) Biglow, were natives of Massachusetts and Connecticut, respectively, and were mar ried in New York State, whence, in 1816, they migrated westward to Ohio, coming with a team. They located in the woods of Columbia township, Lorain county, where they passed the remainder of their lives, the father dying in 1838, the mother in 1861. He was an ardent advocate of the principles of the Whig party, voting for Thomas Jefferson, and took an active interest in the politics of his day. Mr. and Mrs. Biglow had a family of eight children, but two of whom are now living, viz.: Daniel, the subject of this sketch, and Amasa, married, who resides in Olm sted Falls, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. Daniel Biglow was reared and educated in his native township, and during his early youth aided in clearing the home farm. He has made agriculture his life vocation. In 1852 he settled on his pres ent farm, then consisting of seventy-eight acres, which he has since improved and from time to time added to until he now has 137 acres, 110 of which are cleared 1110 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. and in a good state of cultivation. In 1844 Mr. Biglow was married, in Columbia township, to Miss M. L. Stranahan, daugh ter of Joshua C. and Mary (Mason) Strana han, natives of Connecticut, where the mother died; in an early day the father came to Columbia township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where he passed away in 1859. To this union were bora three children, two of whom are living, namely: Ephraim, residing in West Yiew, who is married and has one child, Ernest; and G. J., re siding at home. In political matters our subject is a Republican, and has served as trustee of Columbia township. He is one of the three oldest residents of same. Mrs. Biglow is a member of the Baptist Church. FETER FORTHOFER, a prominent farmer citizen of Avon township, and trustee of same, is a native of Bava ria, Germany, born July 14, 1841. He is a son of John and Joanna (Schwartz) Forthofer, of tbe same locality, who in 1853 immigrated with their family to the United States, coming to Ohio and locating in Dover township, Cuyahoga county, for five years, and thence moving to Avon township, Lorain county. Here the father, who was a lifelong farmer, died in 1880, the mother in 1885. They were the parents of four children, as follows: Joseph, who died in Avon township in 1891: John, married, residing in Avon township; Mary Susan, wife of George Nagel (both deceased in 1893), and Peter. The subject of this commemorative ar ticle was twelve years old when he came from Bavaria to America, so that he was partly educated in his native land and partly in this country. On coming to Avon township he engaged in farm labor, and was so employed until 1868, when he settled in same township on his present farm, which then consisted of fifty-four acres of partly-improved land, which he has since improved and added to until now it is a fine property of 193 acres, all under excellent cultivation. In 1865 Mr. Fortho fer was married, in Sheffield township, Lo rain county, to Miss Margaret Friedman, daughter of George and Margaret (Miller) Friedman, all natives of Bavaria, who im migrated to America, first locating in Ravenna, Ohio, and thence in 1852 moving to Sheffield township. In 1865 they finally settled in Mercer county, Ohio, where Mr. Friedman died in 1869, Mrs. Friedman in April, 1885. To our subject and wife were born- ten children, as follows: Mary, wife of George Bohland, of Dover, Ohio; George; Joseph, married, residing in Avon township; John; Anna, wife of George Conrod, of Avon township; Peter; Andrew; Maggie; Anton, and Jacob. The parents are members of the Catholic Church at Avon, and in politics Mr. Forthofer isa sound Democrat. fr*f H. VAN WAGNEN, who for the I I past fifty-five years has been a lead- ^^j ing agriculturist of Lorain county, jfk- is a native of the State of New York, born May 5, 1817, a son of Garrett C. and Mary (Welton) Yan- Wagnen, natives of New Jersey. They were married in New York State, whence in 1832 they moved to Portage county, Ohio, where they carried on farm ing, and reared a family of fifteen children, eight of whom are yet living, namely: Sally Ann, wife of Samuel Voorhees, of Elmira, N. Y.; Mary, widow of Ambrose Johnson, of Sullivan. Ashland Co., Ohio; G. H., our subject; Alonzo, married, and residing in Missouri; Evaline, widow of Madison Johelyn, late of Brownhelm township, Lorain county; Agnes, wife of Edward Frost, of Mantua, Portage Co., Ohio; Charles, married, residence Chi- d/r // tti*^t /$0L4 't<&#?ifi^\' LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1113 cago, 111.; and Sabrina, wife of Albert Llastings, of Kent, Portage Co., Ohio. The father of this family passed from earth in 1851, the mother surviving him till 1876. The subject of our sketch was reared on a farm in New York State, and received his education at the schools of the neigh borhood of his place of birth. In 1832 he came west to Ohio, making his home for a time in Portage couuty, and in the following year proceeded to Cleveland, where he learned the trade of carpenter, at which he worked thirty years. In 1838 he came to Lorain county, plying his trade in Grafton and Eaton townships till 1848, in which year he bought ninety-six acres totally unimproved land in the wild woods of the last named township. This he set to work to reduce to a state of cultivation, subsequently adding to it thirty-eight acres, now presenting in the aggregate as fine a farm as can be found in the county. Here he carries on general agri culture, including the rearing of Holstein cattle. In 1840 Mr. Van Wagnen was married in Grafton township, Lorain county, to Miss Lucinda Cornning, a native of New York, daughter of Nathan and Clarissa (Smith) Cornning, both of Connecticut, whence in 1832 they came to Lorain county, Ohio, settling in Grafton town ship, and here the father followed his trade, that of mechanic, up to the day of his death; he passed away about the year 1854, his wife surviving him some years, and dying in Iowa. To Mr. and Mrs. Van Wagnen were born seven children, as follows: (1) Welton, married, and residing in Michigan. (2) Clarissa, wife of C. G. Reynolds, of Tuscola county, Mich.; have four children: Ida Ettie, wife of George Clark, of Brighton, Lorain county (have two children: Tracey and an infant, un named), Hattie, Clark and Delos. (3) Irving, married and residing in Tuscola county, Mich.; have children as follows: Martin, Henry (married, and living in Michigan), Katie, Lo, Olive and Frederick. (4) Hattie, the wife of Thomas King, of Eaton township; their children are Eva, Grace, Myrtle, Clara, Minnie, Richard and Nellie. (5) Henry, a resident of Eaton township, a sketch of whom follows this. (6) Frank, married to Susan Cham bers, and. has three children, Lura, Cora and Gertrude. (7) Charles, twice mar ried, first time to Elmira Bingham, and by her had one child, Ida; second wife Martha Bingham; he is a painter by trade, and they reside in Lorain. In poli tics our subject is an ardent Republican, and cast his first vote for William H. Har rison; he served his township as justice of the peace and as trustee several ternis. 4 HENRY VAN WAGNEN, a prom inent farmer of Eaton township, was bora February 5, 1848, in La Porte, Lorain county, son of G. H. and Lucinda (Cornning) Van- Wagnen, early pioneers of Lorain county. Henry Van Waguen was reared in Eaton township, where he received his education, and he has always followed agricultural pursuits. In 1884 he pur chased a tract of sixty acres, which had been improved by Johu Allen, and here engaged in general farming. He was first married, in 1S67, to Miss Clara Ben nington, a native of Eaton township, daughter of Thomas and Jane (Robson) Bennington, early pioneers of Eaton town ship, where they died. To this union were born six children: Ada, George, Jennie (who married Edward Johnson, and has one child, Clara), Minnie, James and Alonzo. The mother of these children died in Michigan in 1881, and on July 3, 1884, Mr. Van Wagnen married, in Hen rietta township, Miss Florence Kelly, a native of Henrietta township, Lorain county, daughter of Richard and Jane 1114 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. (Peabody) Kelly, who reside in that town ship. To this union has been born one child, Dolly. Iu 1876 Mr. Van Wagnen went to Michigan, and engaged in farming in Tuscola county, where he remained until 1881; he was burned out in 1880. He is now engaged in general farming and stock raising, and makes a specialty of Cotswold sheep. He is a member of the Republican party. TRUMAN MOORE, for about thirty years a mariner on the Great Lakes, fifteen as captain, is a native of Lo rain county, born in Sheffield town ship December 1, 1844. Theron Moore, grandfather of subject, came to Lorain county in about 1816, lo cating in what is now Avon township, whence he afterward moved to Wisconsin, where he died. His son, Theron, was born in Plattsburgh, N. Y., and came with his parents to Lorain county, where he was reared and educated. He was mar ried in Avon township to MisB Delia Ann Case, a native of Ohio, and after marriage tbey made their home at a place called Lake Breeze, in Sheffield township. He was by occupation a sailor and ship builder in his youfiger days, but later in life fol lowed agricultural pursuits on a farm in the last mentioned township. He died November 28, 1877, on board a vessel at Detroit. He was a Republican and a Methodist; his wife survived him till 1880, being called to her long home while living iu Trumbull county, Ohio. Eleven children — four sons and seven daughters — were born to them, of whom the following is a brief record: Menzies died in Kansas November 6, 1881 (he was a sailor); Leonard is married and resides in Lorain; Elmina is the wife of Thomas Gawn, of Lorain; Amelia is the widow of John Far- agher, of Sheffield township; Melvina died in childhood; Truman is the subject of this sketch; Charlotte is the wife of Bert Briggs, of New York; Maria is the wife of Mair Poynton, of Yellow Medicine county, Minn.; Bert died in childhood; Rowena is the wife of Theron Merry, of Kansas; Mary is the wife of W. A. Jewett, of Cleveland. The subject of these lines received a lib eral education at the public schools of his township, and early in life commenced Bailing on the lakes, serving iu different capacities on board ship till his appoint ment as captain some fifteen years ago. He is captain of the " Robert Rhodes, " pro peller, and has a controlling interest in the " Alice B. Norris " and the " Kate Wins low." In 1881 the Captain moved to Lo rain and bought a residence lot, whereon he built a two-story house, in addition to which be owns three other bouses, which he rents. In 1863 Capt. Moore was married to Miss Esther Carron, a native of the Isle of Man, by which union three children were born, viz.: Edward, married, and having his home in Green Bay, Wis. (he is cap tain of the schooner " Kate Winslow," plying between Buffalo and Green Bay); Rowena, wife of Mark Jones, of Lorain; and Ettie. The mother of these died in Sheffield township in 1880, and in 1881 our subject was married to Mrs. Rosa Rice, a native of Medina county, Ohio. In his political sympathies Capt. Moore is a Republican, and has served on the town council. Socially he is a member of the Royal Arcanum, and of Tent No. 1, K. O. T. M. He and his wife are associated with the M. E. Church. q LOVER MILLER, a native-born , prosperous agriculturist and grape- grower of Avon township, was born „ , on his present farm in 1838. His parents, P. J. and Ruth (Houseworth) Miller, natives of New York, came in 1817 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1115 to Ohio and to Lorain county, settling in Avon township on the farm above referred to, where they died, the father in 1851, the mother in 1893. Glover Miller, of whom this sketch is written, received his education at the pub lic schools of the neighborhood of his place of birth, was reared to farm life, and has followed general agriculture with rather more than average success. He is owner of the old homestead settled by his parents, comprising some sixty acres of highly fer tile land, on the lake shore, four of which are devoted to grape culture. In 1879 he was married, in Avon township, to Miss Hannah Titus, who was born in the town ship, daughter of Henry and Orrie (Cahoon) Titus, a sketch of whom follows. Three children were bom to this union: Ruth, Orrie and Minnie. Mr. Miller is a Republican in his political views. 4/ rjfENRY TITUS, a truly progressive sH and well-to-do farmer and fruit- 1 grower of Avon township, is a na tive of Essex county, N. Y., bora in 1811, a son of Anson aud Hannah (Moore) Titus, natives, respectively, of Connecticut and Massachusetts. The parents of our subject were married in New York State, and in 1829, with their family, came to Ohio and to Lorain county, making a settlement in the woods of Avon township, where they cleared a farm, erect ing a sturdy and comfortable log house. Here the father died in 1865, the mother some time later. Five children were born to this honored pioneer c'ouple, as follows: Treat, residing in Avon township; Henry, our subject; Mary, widow of Leonard Cahoon, of Avon township; Sarah, widow of William Curtis, of Port Clinton, Ohio; and Joseph, married, who is a resident of Iowa. Henry Titus, the subject of these lines, was reared and educated in Essex county, N. Y., until the age of eighteen, when he came with his parents to Avon township, where he assisted in clearing the home farm. In 1846 he was married in Avon township to Miss Orrie Cahoon, also a na tive of New York State, daughter of Wil bur and Priscilla (Sweet) Cahoon, of the same State, who in 1809 came to Ohio and to Avon township, Lorain county, where they cleared a farm and passed the rest of their busy lives. To Mr. and Mrs. Titus were born three children, namely: John, residing on the farm, who is mar ried, and has four children: Arthur, Clar ence, Marietta and Edith'; Ora, married, who resides in Wisconsin; and Hannah, wife of Glover Miller, a sketch of whom appears above. Our subject is the owner of as fine a farm as can be found in the township, comprising 140 acres of highly productive land, twenty-eight of which are devoted to the growing of grapes, eighteen at the present writing being covered with fruit-bearing vines. L UCIUS R. MARSH. Among the many useful and enterprising citi zens of Lorain county is promi nently mentioned this gentleman. He is a well-known fruit farmer in Brown helm township, the owner of thirty- five acres of fruit-growing land, whereon are a vineyard, peach, apple and cherry orchards, 300 plum trees (the finest orchard of the kind in the county), and all kinds of small fruit shrubs. Mr. Marsh is a native of Erie county, Ohio, born in 1848, a son of O. H. P. and Minerva M. (Rockwell) Marsh, whose ante cedents are traced to Boston, Mass. They came west to Ohio, first locating in Paines ville, afterward in Erie county, where he carried on farming, and also conducted a general store in Milan, in the palmy days of that town. He died there in 1860, and his widow subsequently married C. D. Perry. To O. H. P. and Minerva M. Marsh were bora two children: Mary M., 1116 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. wife of A. D. Wilder, of Chautauqua, N. Y., and Lucius R., the subject of this sketch. Lucius R. Marsh was reared and edu cated in Erie county, and passed six years of his earlier life there, working at the car penter's trade. In 1864 he came to Lorain county, and in 1876 bought his present farm. In 1870 he married, in Erie county, Miss Georgiana Ennis, a native of that county, and daughter of Alexander Ennis, a pioneer of same. To this union have been born three children : Willie, Lulu and Lottie Belle. In his political sympathies Mr. Marsh is a Republican. VILLIAM EDGERTON, a leading fl and prosperous agriculturist of Columbia township, is a native of same, born in April, 1832, son of Austin Edgerton. The father was born in Connecticut, near New Haven, and was there married to Miss Mary Brad way, a native of Massa chusetts. In 1831 they came westward to Cleveland, Ohio, via canal, etc., to Buffalo, thence by lake, and from there proceeding by wagon to Columbia township, Lorain county, where he opened up a farm in the dense forest. For some thirty years he re sided here, and then removed to Blooming dale, Van Buren Co., Mich., where he and his wife passed the rest of their days, he dying in 1874, a lifelong Democrat, she in 1891. They reared four children, namely: William, our subject; Albert, a carpenter and joiner and farmer, of Michigan; Eliza, wife of A. J. Broad well, of Berea, Ohio, and Mary, wife of Andrew Coy, of Van- Buren county, Michigan. William Edgerton, whose name intro duces this sketch, was educated at the public schools of Columbia township, and reared on his father's farm. He bought his present place in 1855, and has always followed agricultural pursuits. His first purchase was fifty acres of wild land, which he improved and added to until he now owns eighty-five acres, all in a good state of cultivation. In February, 1855, in Columbia township, Mr. Edgerton mar ried Miss Mary Elizabeth Worden, who was born in Liverpool, Medina Co., Ohio, a daughter of Virgil H. and Caroline (God dard) Worden, natives of Connecticut, who in early times came westward to Ohio, locat ing in Liverpool, Medina county, thence re moving to Columbia township, Lorain county. Mrs. Caroline G. Worden died in 1845, her husband in 1875. To Mr. and Mrs. Edgerton has been born one child, Carrie, wife of Thomas Healey, of Eaton township, Lorain county, by whom she has one child, Melvin. Politically our subject is a Republican, and has been a delegate to the party conventions, notably the one held in Mansfield, Ohio, in 1893. Socially he is a member of the F. & A. M., Berea Lodge No. 382, and of Berea Chapter No. 134. HAPMAN MORGAN COOK, a well-known retired agriculturist of Henrietta township, was bora May 13, 1818, in Hamilton, Madison Co., N. Y., a son of Jesse and Nancy (Morgan) Cook, the former of whom was a native of Jefferson, N. Y., and died at the age of seventy-two years. He was a farmer and shoemaker by occupation, and in politics a Whig. They had a family of nine chil dren, viz.: Orrin, Newell, Jessie, Nancy, William, Norton, Judson, Roxie and Chap man M., the last named being the. only survivor. Their mother passed from earth when aged seventy years, after an illness of nine years. In Church connection she was a Baptist. The subject of this sketch was reared and educated in Oswego county, N. Y., and at the age of twenty came to Lorain county, at that time a complete wilder ness, with no roads and little clearing of any kind. His first purchase of land was one hundred acres in what is now Hen- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1117 rietta township, toward which he paid forty dollars, all the money he brought with him, the balance being paid after ward. On this place he built a log house, and in course of time cleared every part of it with his own hands. By and by, in 1855, he erected his present comfortable home, surrounded with commodious barns and otlier outhouses, and bere he now lives in peaceful retirement, having rented his farm. He points with pride to a cer tain tree on his grounds wliich he planted himself in 1853, at that time two inches thick, and which is now (1893) two and one-half feet in diameter. Lumber on his farm, worth five dollars per 1,000 feet fifty years ago, now readily fetches forty to forty-five dollars per 1,000 feet. In 1842 Mr. Cook was married, in New York State, to Fidelia Tinney, daughter of David Tinney, of Oswego county, N. Y., and three children were born to them, as follows: Theresa and Mary (both de ceased), and Hannah, wife of Mortimer Brown, a farmer, living in Wakeman, Huron Co., Ohio. In politics Mr. Cook was originally a- Whig, and later, since the organization of the party, a Republican. He is a member of the Baptist Church at Henrietta and Camden Center, Lorain county. CHARLES W. HILL, whose fine farm of 144 acres, in an advanced state of improvement, is one of the most productive in Eaton township, is a native of the locality, born in 1851. Edward Hill, father of subject, was born in England, where he married Miss Jane Gulliford, and on their wedding day they set sail with a fair wind for the shores of the New World — ihe loadstar of many thousands of England's best blood. On arrival at the port of debarkation, they proceeded at once westward to Ohio, where they made a settlement in Eaton township, Lorain county, opening out a farm of sixty acres. To this Edward Hill from time to time added until he was owner of 300 acres of good farming land at the time of his death, September 10, 1889, and where his widow is yet living. In bis political preferences he was a Republican. Their children, five in number, are all resi dents of Lorain county, and a brief record of them is as follows: Charles W. is the subject of this sketch; George E., married, is a farmer of Ridgeville township; Mary J. is the wife of George Osborne, Columbia township; Lucy A. is the wife of J. Z. Cole, of Eaton township; and Emma is the wife of Thomas Dair, also of Eaton township. C. W. Hill, whose name introduces this sketch, received his education at the com mon schools of Eaton township, and was early in life inducted into the mysteries of farming. For eighteen months he fol lowed that vocation in Piatt connty, 111., and since his return to Eaton township has been most successful in general agri culture. In 1871 he married Miss Mary M. Hathaway, a native of Eaton township, and daughter of John M. and Sarah M. (Clark) Hathaway, of whom special men tion will be presently made. To this union have been born five children, viz.: Edward J., W. C, Ford, Mildred and Elmer. Mr. and Mrs. Hill are members of the Disciple Church at North Eaton ; in politics he is a Republican, and has served as township trustee and supervisor. John M. "Hathaway, father of Mrs. C. W. Hill, was born in Richland county, Ohio, in September, 1822, a sou of Elihu and Annette (Mallory) Hathaway, natives of Vermont and New York State, respec tively. They were married in the last named State, and then moved to Medina county, Ohio, thence to Richland county, returning in 1836 to Medina county, and in 1838 locating in Columbia township, Lorain county, on a tract of wild land. Selling this, however, Mr. Hathaway moved to Crawford county, same State, and he died in Wood county, March 12, 1875, his wife having preceded hirn to the grave in 1118 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Columbia township, Lorain county, Octo ber 31, 1865. In politics he was an un compromising Democrat of the Jackson type. The children born to this pioneer couple were as follows: Phebe, widow of Charles Holbrook, of Eaton township; John M., of whom we write; Mary, a widow, who died in Wood couuty ; Baldwin, married, residing in Marion county, Ohio; Hiram, married, residing in Kent county, Mich.; James, deceased about 1888, in Wood county, Ohio; Hamner, deceased in Wood county; Lucy Jane, wife of Chauncy Ryal, of Ridgeville; Charles, married, re siding in Ottawa, Ohio; William, residing in California; Alvira, wife of Dr. W. W. Hill, of Weston, Wood county. Jesse Hathaway, grandfather of John M., was a native of Yermont, where he died. Grand father John Mallory served as a captain in the war of 1812, and while traveling on horseback with some important documents in his possession, from Lake George to New York City, he was lost, and not a vestige of either himself, horse or papers was ever afterward seen. John M. Hathaway was reared in Medina county, and educated in the old-fashioned log schoolhouse of the period, and when sixteen years old came to Lorain county, where for a time he worked by the month. He then commenced sailing on the lakes, a vocation he followed seven years, as mate one season, and wheelman, two. On aban doning this somewhat adventurous life, he came to his present farm of fifty acres well- improved land, where he carries on general agriculture. On March 7, 1852, he was united in marriage with Mrs. Sarah M. Clark, bora in Medina county, Ohio, daughter of Nathan and Nancy (Smith) Clark, natives, respectively, of Berkshire county, Mass., and Vermont; the father, a carpenter and joiner by trade, at the age of nineteen traveled on foot from New York to Grafton, Lorain Co., Ohio, and thence to Medina county, where he died in 1866, his wife in 1859. To Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hathaway have been born six children, to wit: MaryM., wife of Charles W. Hill; Flora E., wife of Frank Lewis, of Columbia township, Lorain county (has two children : Raymond and Ivy) ; Perry T., married, residing in Columbia township; Anna N., in Columbia township; E. M., married, residing at Eaton Center (has two children: Blanche and Vira); and Fred O, a successful teacher of Lorain county, residing at home. In 1851 Mrs. Hathaway taught school in Columbia and Eaton townships, in an old log cabin, " boarding around ;" also taught in Strongs ville, Cuyahoga county. Her great-grand father, Nathan Turner, was one of the pil grims who landed on " Plymouth Rock." C'ROVE HANCE, a popular and pro gressive farmer of Eaton township, is a native of same, born on his present farm in 1839, a son of Hiram and Rhoda Ann (Ames) Hance, the former of whom was born in New York, tbe latter in Massachusetts. In an early day they came to Ohio, where they married, afterward settling on the farm in Eaton township, Lorain county, where their son Grove now resides. The father died January 2, 1888, the mother July 2, 1887. The subject of this sketch received his education at the common schools of his native township, and was reared to farm ing, which has been his life vocation. He owns part of the old homestead of his father, as well as other land, aggregating 170 acres, all in a good state of cultiva tion. In September, 1861, "he was mar ried to Miss Susan Gregory, a native of Medina county, and four children have been born to them, as follows: J. G., who resides on the farm, has one child, Lois; Minnie, wife of Burt Carr, of Liverpool, Medina county, has one son, Harlan; Ger tie, wife of Elmer Tucker, of Elyria, has one son, Grove; Lilly, wife of Charles Austin, of Elyria, has one son, Hugh. LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1119 Mrs. Hance's father went to California in 1849, one of the many thousands of gold seekers of that period. Her step father, V. H. Worden, was the first man to cross Hance's swamp with a team, got "mired," but managed to pull through. In politics our subject is a useful and zealous member of the Republican party, and has served as constable of Eaton township. He is a member of Leonard Tent No. 31, Knights of the Maccabees, at North Eaton. Mrs. Hance is a member of the Disciple Church at North Eaton. d|OB ALEXANDER, a progressive, I wide-awake agriculturist of Eaton I township, was born in 1841, in Grafton township, Lorain Co., Ohio. He is a son of Samuel and Sarah (Frank- um). Alexander, natives of Gloucestershire, England, who immigrated to the United States, locating first in New York State, whence in 1840 they moved to Grafton township, Lorain Co., Ohio, thence in 1844 to Eaton township, where they were well-known agriculturists, and the home farm is still in the family. The father died iu 1886, the mother in 1883, at the age of eighty and seventy-eight years respectively. They had a family of eight children. The.subjeet of this memoir received a liberal education at the schools of Eaton township, Lorain county, and was reared to agricultural pursuits, which have been his life work. In 1863 he enlisted in Company H, One Hundred and Third O. V. I., which was assigned to the army of the West, Twenty-third Army Corps. He was in the battle of Resaca, Ga., and the capture of Atlanta, after which event the Twenty-third and Fourth Corps " took care of " Hood's army. When the latter had been defeated and broken up, our sub ject went with his regiment to Washing ton, D. C, and from there to North Caro lina; finally reunited with Sherman's army there. Mr. Alexander first started in Kentucky, and accompanied Burnside's expedition across the mountains into Tenn essee, and he was present at the siege of Knoxville. In June, 1865, he was honor ably discharged at Raleigh, N. C, and returned home to the pursuits of peace, laying aside the rifle for the plough. He owns a highly cultivated fertile farm of 105 acres. In 1866 Job Alexander was united in marriage, in Carlisle township, with Miss Ann D. Pierce, daughter of Philemon and Diantha (Hovey) Pierce, natives of New York, who in an early day came to Lorain county; the father died in Carlisle town ship, the mother in Eaton township, at the home of her daughter, in 1880. To Mr. and Mrs. Job Alexander were born six children, as follows: Hattie (wife of Orlando Rose), Albert (deceased at the age of twenty-five years), Ida, Loren, Lu ther and Rosa. Politically Mr. Alexander is a Republican;. socially he is a member of Richard Allen Post, G. A. R., Elyria. DORASTUS WAITE, one of the widest known pioneer citizens of ' LaGrange township, Lorain county, was born June 21, 1810, in Cham pion, Jefferson county, New York. His father, Dorastus Waite, a farmer, was a native of Vermont, where he married Miss Sally McNitt, and later moved into New York State, where he lived comfort ably and reared a large family, all of whom are now dead bnt two — our subject and a half brother, Guverry M., who is a farmer in Jefferson county, N. Y. The mother of our subject was the second wife of Do rastus Waite, Sr., and at the time of her marriage to him was the widow of Rufus Blodgett; her maiden name was Malinda Canfield. Mr. Waite died in Champion, 1120 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Jefferson Co., N. Y., at the age of eighty- two years. But two of his family — James and Dorastus — came to Ohio. Dorastus Waite passed his early years on his father's farm, assisting in the many duties of the agricultural work, and re ceived an education in the common schools, attending, however, only in the winter sea son, when he could be spared from home. In October, 1831, he was united in mar riage with Miss Diantba Fitts, who was born in 1813 iu Massachusetts, daughter of Daniel Fitts, who moved to Jefferson county, N. Y., where our subject met his daughter. After marriage the youngcouple began housekeeping on a small farm owned by his father, remaining there but a few years. In the fall of 1834 he rode to Ohio on horseback, the trip occupying three weeks, and after looking over the land purchased one hundred acres in Lot 86, LaGrange township, Lorain county, for which he paid four hundred dollars. He then returned to Jefferson county, N. Y., in the same manner, and remained over winter, in the spring of 1835 coming out with a one-horse wagon, and bringing his wife and only child, Sarahetta L., who is now the widow of Ferguson Zang, and makes her home in LaGrange village. They commenced life in Ohio in a log cabin on the pioneer farm, where he at once set to work clearing the land, and re sided until 1871, when he removed to La Grange village, where he has since lived a semi-retired life. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Waite in Ohio were as fol lows: James E., a farmer of LaGrange; Maryette, who became the wife of Frank Beckwith, and in 1855 died on the home farm, aged nineteen years; Everett L., who died at the age of four years; and Everett L., who died at the age of twelve years. The mother of these died in 1873, and was buried at LaGrange; in 1874 he married Mrs. Martha J. (Pelton) Belden (widow of Daniel Belden), who was born in Middlefield, Mass. Mr. Waite has dur ing his long life accomplished no small amount of hard work; when first settling on his place it was all in the woods, but by constant labor and untiring energy he has now one of the most productive farms in the entire township. Politically he was originally an Old-line Whig, is now a member of the Republican party, and he has served in various township offices. In religious connection he was an attendant of the Congregational Church until the Society disbanded, when he united with the M. E. Church. He is remarkably well preserved for one of his years, and is a man of extremely temperate habits, does not use tobacco in any form, and has not even tasted spirituous or malt liquor for over sixty years. He had several great-grand children. [Since the above was written we have been informed of the death of Mr. Dorastus Waite, which occurred December 31, 1893.— Ed. G. DAWLEY. In the front rank of the prosperous and progressive farmers of Eaton township, stands prominent this gentleman. He is a native of Portage county, Ohio, born in Ravenna township in 1825, a son of Daniel and Eunice Dawley, the former a native of Vermont, the latter of Massa chusetts. They were married in Portage county, Ohio, whither the father had come when a young man, in 1790, and here fol lowed agricultural pursuits the rest of his busy life. He died in 1871, his wife in 1863. Four children -were born to them, a brief record of whom is as follows: Cor nelia is the widow of Miletus Clark, of Portage county, Ohio; Darius, married, is a farmer in Ravenna township, Portage county; Perry died in Portage county in 1882; A. G. is the subject of this memoir. A. G. Dawley was reared to farm life in his native township, receiving his elemen tary education at the common schools, and w% % t« 4 aQ Qa^h^ LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1123 attending select school one or two terms. In 1854 he came to Eaton township, Lo rain county, where he made a new home for himself and family. In 1862 he lo cated on his present farm, a highly im proved one of 111 acres, on which he carries on general agriculture with much success. In 1847 he was united in mar riage in Portage county, Ohio, with Miss Sophia Moulton, a native of Brimfield township, that county, a daughter of Har rison and Bethsheba (Coburn) Moulton, very early pioneers of Portage county; the father was killed in 1826 by a falling tree while out chopping, the mother dying some time later. To Mr. and Mrs. Dawley four children were born, as follows: William, married, residing in Norristown, Penn. (had five children — Frank, Addie Sophia, Carl Albert, one deceased in infancy, and Sumner E., deceased); Cornelia, wife of George Johnson, residing in Elyria, had ten children: Floren, Edwin, Gertie, Albert, Vernon, Georgie (deceased at the age of six years), Jennie, Cassie, May, and an infant; Clifton, married, residing iu Eaton township, had five children: Lena, Perry, Wilton, Charles and Ivy; Mary was the wife of William Allen, and resided in Macomb county, Mich, (she died in 1885). The mother of these was called from earth in February, 1888. In politics Mr. Dawley is an active adherent of the Republican party, and he is a member and deacon of the Christian Church of Eaton. 4/ MB. JAMESON, a well-known successful agriculturist of Avon township, is a native of same, born in 1837, son of Joseph B. and Mary (Horr) Jameson. The father of our subject was born in 1787 in New Hampshire, and in 1824 came to Lorain county, Ohio, settling in the woods of Avon township, where he opened up a farm. Here he passed the remainder of his years, dying in 1867, in politics a stanch Whig; he served for many years as justice of the peace. He was mar ried three times, first to Thankful Clement, who died in 1817, leaving two children, Thankful Jane, born in 1814, in New York, now the deceased wife of Ora B. Cahoon; and Mary, born in 1816. His second wife was Avis Smith, and she bore him six children, three of whom are now living — William (in Avon township), Joseph (married, a resident of Avon town ship), and Sarepta (wife of C. Blackwell, of Avon township); those deceased are David O, who died in 1833; Clarissa A., Mrs. R. Steele, who died in 1866 in Cali fornia; and Mary E., Mrs. Collin Ford, who died in 1870 in Lebanon, Ohio. For his third wife Mr. Jameson married, in New York State, Miss Mary Horr, a na tive of Vermont, and to this union were born four children, as follows: M. B., sub ject of this sketch; Daniel, who died in Avon township at the age of ten; Robin son, who died in Colorado ih 1873; and Lucina H, who died iu Avon township in 1866. The mother of these died in 1893, at the advanced age of ninety-two years. M. B. Jameson received his elementary education at the common schools of his native township, and in early life was in ducted into the mysterie's of agriculture, which he has continued to follow. He subsequently attended college at Berea and Lebanon, Ohio, and for several years pursued the vocation of teacher. He was married, in 1860, in Avon township, to Miss Cordelia S. Wilder, also a native of same, daughter of Thompson and Sabrina (Fuller) Wilder, who were born in the State of New York, and in 1836 came to Avon township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where they passed the remainder of their lives, he dying in 1874, she in 1876. Mrs. Jameson taught school with her husband several terms. To their union have been born five children, viz.: Clifton E., married, who resides iu Montesano, Wash.; Torrey 1124 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. W., living at home; Mary B., wife of H. H. Carter, of Washington; Annette, and Plynn C, both living at home. Our subject is engaged exclusively in general agriculture, and he owns a fertile farm of sixty acres in a good state of cultivation. In his political sympathies he is a Eepub lican, and in religious connection he and his wife are members of the M. E. Church at French Creek. [Since the above was written, we have been informed of the death, December 9, 1893, of Mr. Jameson. 4/ HD. STETSON, a native-born, wide awake and enterprising agriculturist of Ridgeville township, first saw the light in 1850. Randall Stetson, father of sub ject, was born in Massachusetts, where he was first married, and in 1832 came with his family to Lorain county, settling in Ridgeville township, where he had bought a fifty-acre tract of timber land, which he improved, adding thereto until he owned 215 acres (the homestead), besides other land in the county, and about one thou sand acres in the West. He dealt largely in real estate, and was extensively engaged in stock dealing — buying and selling blooded animals. By his first marriage he had four children, viz.: Emily, widow of Willard Kemp, of Cleveland; Martha, widow of William Nelson, of Cleveland; Jane, wife of J. M. Seelye, of Ridgeville township; and Ellen, widow of Monroe Dean, of Michigan. The mother of these dying in 1836, Mr. Stetson married, in 1837, in Ridgeville township, the widow Loomis, who bore him three children, as follows: John, residing in Olmsted town ship; H. D., subject of this memoir; and Isabelle, who lives in Oberlin. The mother of these was called from earth in 1883, the father in 1886. He was a straight Republican, and served his town ship as trustee several terms. In 1884 he and his son, H. D., bought a gristmill in Ridgeville, which they improved and re modeled, putting in the new roller process, and this was operated by father and son until the decease of the former, when the latter bought out the interest therein of the heirs, and conducted same until 1889, in which year he sold it. The subject proper of this memoir re ceived his primary education at the com mon schools of his native township, which was supplemented with a two years' at tendance at Oberlin College. In addition to the gristmill above referred to, he car ried on general farming, and he is now the owner of 190 acres of tbe old home stead, besides 600 acres in the West. He was married in Ridgeville township, in 1871, to Miss Florence Simonds, a native of Cuyahoga county, Ohio, daughter of Simeon and Marcia (Beebe) Simonds, of Massachusetts and Ridgeville township, Lorain county, respectively. They are now residing at Dover, Cuyahoga county. To Mr. and Mrs. Stetson were born six children, to wit: Ray, who graduated from Oberlin College with tbe class of 1893, and is now Professor of Chemistry at the same .college; Carl, residing at home; Marcia, deceased at the age of fifteen ; Adaline, Dora and Merritt, residing at home. In politics our subject is a Re publican, and he enjoys the respect and esteem of a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. d(AY HART, who stands foremost among Penfield township's prominent _} citizens and thorough, successful farmers, was born November 10, 1851, a son of Lewis Hart, Jr., who was a son of Lewis Hart, Sr. When but a lad of eleven years our sub ject lost his father by death. Prior to this he had received such an education as LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1125 the common schools of the period afforded, and when a mere boy found employment as a farm hand. He worked at various places, and for different people, being em ployed for two years by Orrin Starr, a like time by Luther Penfield, and also by G. L. Starr, all of whom are well-known and successful farmers. He also spent several years in the employ of Miles Leech and Henry Whitbeck, of Litchfield, Medina Co., Ohio, receiving under such competent instructors a complete knowledge of agri cultural life, in which he has been very successful. On November 5, 1876, Mr. Hart was united in marriage with Miss Ida Sheldon, who was born November 15, 1854, in Cortland county, N. Y., daughter of Abijah and Jane (Kiff) Sheldon, and from the age of seven years made her home with her aunt, Amy Andrews, for whom our subject had worked some time, and where he and his young wife made their first home after marriage. They have three children, viz.: Amy, Ina and Rhe. Mr. Hart is a substantial representative farmer and leading citizen of Penfield township, and his progressive, active spirit is recog nized throughout the community. He has prospered well in his agricultural opera tions, and has succeeded in accumulating a fine farm of 200 acres, the excellent con dition of which is sufficient evidence of its owner's ability as a systematic farmer. In his political preferences Mr. Hart is a stanch member of the Republican party. Mrs. Hart is a member of the Congrega tional Church. |j ACOB H. CLAUS, blacksmith, North k I Amherst, descends from an early \J) German family, and was bora in Brownhelm township, Lorain Co., Ohio, April 27, 1837. He is a son of Henry and Martha (Hilderbrand) Clang, the former of whom was bora in Hessia, Germany, and in 1828 came to the United States, making a settlement in Brownhelm township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where he fol lowed farming, and the trade of carpenter and joiner. He and his wife both died young, at the ages of thirty- three and twenty- three, respectively. They had three children, of whom our subject is the eldest. Jacob H. Claus received but a limited public-school education, being left an orphan when yet a boy. fie learned his trade in the shop where he is now work ing, and hag been in business for himself more than thirty years. The cheerful ring of his anvil, and the merry sparks that burst from his forge, are not more welcome to the wayfarer than his own honest greeting; and his shop is the resort of customers and others, who come miles to visit his well-known smithy. In 1860 Mr. Claus was united in marriage with Miss Marie Geabaner. They have one child, a daughter. In politics our subject has been a Re publican since Garfield's election, and he has held many municipal and township offices. He has been a member of St. Peter's Evangelical Church at North Am herst for the past forty years, and for twenty-five years he has been a member of the I. 0. O. F. ; he is also a member of the Daughters of Rebekah, andof the K.O.T.M, J I ACOB SCHWARTZ, an old and highly esteemed resident of Russia i township, was born February 20, 1819, in Rhenish Bavaria, Germany, a son of Jacob Schwartz, who died in Germany in 1834. In 1846 Jacob Schwartz was married, in his native country, to Catherine Burg, and they had one child born in Germany, Daniel, who died in infancy. Our subject was a weaver by necessity, and also worked at anything else he could find to do. In 1848, in company with his wife, his widowed mother, his brother David, and 1126 LORAIN COUNTY. OHIO. his sisters Elizabeth and Margaretta, he left the Fatherland, taking passage at Antwerp, and landing in New York after a voyage of forty-two days. They imme diately set out for Cleveland, Ohio, travel ing via the Erie Canal and Lake Erie, and thence proceeded to Russia township, Lo rain county, where Jacob bought land. By gathering the funds of the entire party, which amounted to about three hundred dollars, he was able to purchase a tract of thirty acres, and then borrowing six dol lars from a neighbor, John Schramm, pur chased a cow. On this farm Mr. Schwartz resided until 1871, when he bought, from "Bachelor Bailey," his present farm, and sixty-one additional acres, which latter he has given to his children. A brief record of his family is as follows: Elizabeth, who married William Sump, died January 6, 1876, leaving four children, viz.: Charles, William, Millie and Alva; Mary is the wife of Alva Gibson, of Russia township; Carrie (twin of Mary) is the wife of Charles Albright, of Russia township; Margaret resides at home; Emma is married to Henry Bassett, of Russia township. Mr. Schwartz has always been a hard-working farmer, and has fully deserved the success he has won. He is an honest, upright, kind-hearted citizen, ever ready to assist those in need, and is highly esteemed and respected by all who know him. In his political preferences he is a Democrat, though non-partisan and but little inter ested in affairs of State. In religious connection he is a member of the Evan gelical Church at North Amherst. JOHN A. MILLER, prominent among the prosperous agriculturists of Avon township, is a native of same, born in October, 1831. Peter Miller, father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Palmyra, N. Y., August 10, 1803, and in 1819 was brought by his parents, Adam and Anna (Tea- mount) Miller, natives of the same State, to Avon township, Lorain county, they settling in the woods near the shore of Lake Erie, where they opened out a farm. Here Adam Miller died in 1834, his wife in 1848. They reared a family of ten chil dren, of whom Peter was reared on the farm; he followed agricultural pursuits, and also worked at ship carpentry at Black River, he having learned the trade of Cap tain Jones before he was twenty years old. There was only one house between the home in Avon township and Black River, and wild animals were numerous and fero cious. In 1821, as he was returning home from his work one Saturday evening, Peter Miller lost himself in the woods, and was treed by a bear that five times climbed after him, finally catching him by the feet, which were badly lacerated. The boy, however, managed to get away from Bruin, who was herself not a little alarmed, and ran for his life as fast as his wounded feet would permit, reaching the nearest neigh bor's in a sorry plight. He was married in Black River township in 1828, to Miss Ruth House worth, a native of New York State, daughter of Jacob and Ruth (Hart) Honseworth, the father born on the ocean, the mother in Rhode Island; they moved to New York State, and thence in 1819 to Ohio, settling in Black River township, the journey being made by water from Buffalo, fiere Mr. Houseworth died at the age of fifty-nine years, his wife passing away in her eighty-fourth year, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Peter Miller. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller continued to reside in Avon township, where they successfully conducted a highly improved farm. The father died in 1851 at the age of forty-seven years, the mother on August 18, 1893, in her eighty-sixth year; she had been a resident of the county seventy-four years, and of Avon township sixty-five years, having lived on the same farm all her married life. They had a family of five children, all yet living, viz.: LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1127 John A.; Amanda, wife of Leonard Moore, of Lorain; Glover, married, residing in Avon township, on part of the old farm; Julia, wife of M. H. Lampman, of Lorain, and Jeanette, residing in Avon township. John A. Miller, whose name opens this sketch, received his education at the com mon schools of the neighborhood of his birthplace, and was brought up to farming pursuits, which have been his life work. In 1868 he was married, in Elyria, Lorain county, to Miss Catherine Burrell, a native of Sheffield township, Lorain county, and daughter of Hiram and Harriet (Hall) Burrell, pioneers of that township, he a native of Massachusetts, she of Dover township, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. Grand father Isaac Burrell was an early pioneer of Sheffield township, Lorain county. By this union was born one child, Catherine, at home, who lost her mother March 26, 1869. In politics Mr. Miller is a stanch Republican, and has held several township offices of trust, such as trustee. Socially he is a member of the F. & A. M. Lodge at Elyria, and of Marshall Chapter. I( LEXANDER PORTER, ship cap- W\ tain and vessel owner, well known on the lakes as a careful and skill ful mariner, and respected on shore as a useful and loyal citizen, is a native of the town of Lorain, Ohio, born March 16, 1843. He is a son of Nathaniel and Clarissa (Nelson) Porter, the former of whom was a native of the North of Ireland, bora in 1801, an Orangeman, one of twelve broth ers who came to this country and to Ohio, settling in Elyria, Lorain county. In 1830 Nathaniel came to Lorain, about the commencement of the "boom," where he opened a brickyard, which he carried on in connection with farming and teaming. He was married in Massachusetts, and had a family of eight children, all yet living ex cept one drowned in the lake, in the fall of 1892, from the steamer "W. H. Gilcher." The father died in 1878; the mother passed away in 1857. Alexander Porter, whose name opens this sketch, received his education in part at the public schools of his native town, and in part at Oberlin College. At about the age of fourteen years he commenced' sailing on fhe lakes, and in 1859 he was a seaman on the barge "Pierson," which sailed from Cleveland to Liverpool, Eng land, touching at Bristol, and returning by same route lay in the Welland Canal, Canada, all the following winter. Since then he has sailed the lakes every summer, for the past twenty-five years as captain, and the first boat he was skipper of was the " Rescue." He and two of his broth ers owned a vessel, the "Three Brothers," which for several years successfully traded on the lakes. He is now -owner or part owner of no less than five boats that turn in a good revenue every year. In 1871 Capt. Porter married Miss Dor- liska Freeman, a native of LaGrange, Lo rain county, daughter of S. V. R. Free man, of Albany, N. Y., a farmer, who came to Lorain county in 1829, and settled on a farm at LaGrange. He was twice married, and he had four sons and three daughters; he was born in 1801, and died in 1878. Capt. and Mrs. Porter have had no children. In politics our subject is a Republican, and he is a member of the F. & A. M., Knights of the Maccabees and Royal Arcanum. |(OHN H. ECKLER, a well-known k. I farmer of Carlisle township, is a na- \j) five of Germany, born November 24, ' 1835, a son of Henry and Anna gJarber) Eckler, also Germans, born in essia. The father of our subject emigrated with his family to the United States in 1838, making his new home in Erie 1128 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. county, Ohio, where he first worked as a day laborer in Yermillion township, clear ing land in the winters. In summer time he worked on the Maumee Canal at eighteen dollars per month, out of which he had to pay his board Sundays, and pro vide for his family, then consisting of wife and five children. He was very poor, and could not speak English, bnt he had a willing heart and hands, and by industry prospered. For some time he lived in Ver million township, Erie Co., Ohio, as al ready related, thence, in 1852, coming to Carlisle township, Lorain county. He succeeded in accumulating 200 acres of land, and at the time of his death had money in the bank, notwithstanding the fact that he had given liberally to his children. He died July 9, 1890, in his eighty-sixth year, his wife in 1866, aged fifty-six. They were members, first of the Presbyterian Reformed Church, afterward of the Lutheran Church, and in politics he was always a Democrat. They had in all seven children, as follows: Catherine, wife of H. M. Hempy, of Cleveland, Ohio; Margaret, wife of J. F. Irish, both now deceased; Ann, wife of Fred Stroble, of Wood county, Ohio; Mary, wife of J. G. Kinsey, of Lorain; Elizabeth, wife of Ed ward Bickle; John H. ; and Emanuel, in Elyria. At the age of two and a half years the subject of these lines came to Ohio, and re ceived his English education at the schools in Vermillion township, Erie county, and at the Center School in Carlisle township, Lorain county. He has been engaged all his life in farming, with the exception of six years he worked as a carpenter in Cleveland, and is now the owner of 213 acres, all in a good state of cultivation. Like his father before him, he votes the straight Democratic ticket, and at one time was elected trustee of his township, serv ing but a few months, as he was elected against his wishes. In 1862 our subject married Miss Cor nelia M. Hart, who was born in Carlisle township, Lorain county, and five children have come to them, as follows: Henry, married and living in Elyria (has three children — Hazel, Georgie and Edith); Bertha M., wife of Harold Hinkson, of Elyria (they have one child — Rollin); Catherine, wife of Arthur Champney, of Oberlin (they have one child — Bertha); Frank R. and Charles R., both at home. [Since the above was written we have been informed that Mr. John H. Eckler died of typhoid fever November 23, 1893, having been a great sufferer to the last. — Ed. j) J. FULLER, proprietor of livery and boarding stable, in the town of Oberlin, of which he has been a resident some nine years, is a native of Ohio, born in Portage county, in 1850, son of C. C. and Mary (Bierce) Fuller. The father of our subject was born in Nelson township, Portage Co., Ohio, in 1818, and was there reared and trained to farming, which has been his life vocation. He there married Mary Bierce, a native of the same township, born in 1830, who died there in 1885, aged fifty-five years. Grandfather Jeremiah R. Fuller, a native of Cornwall, Conn., came west in about the year 1804 to Portage county, Ohio, where he opened up a farm in Nelson township, dying thereon in 1853. Grand father Horatio Bierce also died in that county; great-grandfather William Bierce, a native of Connecticut, served in tbe war of the Revolution, and died in Nelson township, Portage county. W. J. Fuller received a liberal educa tion at the public schools of- his native township, after which he was engaged in the milling business in Portage county; he was also three years in the oil fields of Pennsylvania. In 1884 he came to Lorain county, and commenced in his present LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1129 livery business, in which he has met with gratifying success, keeping a full line of vehicles. In 1874 Mr. Fuller was united in mar riage with Mrs. Mary (Tinker) Tracy, also a native of Portage county, Ohio, daugh ter of Benjamin and Mary (Hopkins) Tinker, of. Massachusetts and Connecticut, respectively, and who in an early day came to Portage county, Ohio, where the father passed from earth in 1877; the mother is still living. To Mr. and Mrs. Fuller has been born one child, Helen D. By her former marriage Mrs. Fuller had one daughter, Mary E., wife of J. C. Ball, of Pompey, N. Y. In politics our subject is a Republican, and he has served as con stable. He and his wife are members of the First Congregational Church. JOHN SMITH TOWNSHEND, a ris ing young farmer of Sheffield town ship, was born there in 1860, a son of John and Ann (Smith) Townshend. The father of our subject was born in 1809 in England, whence at about the age of twenty-two years he came to America with his parents, the entire family first making their home in Cleveland, Ohio. Later John Townshend moved to Sheffield township, Lorain county, where he carried on farming during the rest of his life. He was twice married, his first wife being Hannah Hurst, by whom he had four chil dren: Martha Fox, living in Sheffield township; Sarah, wife of Joseph Walker; Josiah PL, married, and living in Sheffield township, and Alfred, deceased. His second wife, whom he wedded in Elyria township, was Miss Ann Smith, a native of Leicester shire, England, and two children were born to this union; Mary E. and John S., the former living with the latter. JohnTowns- hend died in Elyria April 15, 1875. John S. Townshend, the subject proper of this sketch, received his primary educa tion in the district schools of his native place, and at the age of fifteen attended the high school of Elyria, after which he at tended school one year at Oberlin. He then commenced farming, wliich has been his life vocation; he now works eighty acres of land, and is the owner of fiftv-one acres well improved, and a sawmill. In 1889 our subject was married to Miss Carrie M. Buck, born in Avon township, Lorain Co., Ohio, and two children, named respectively Ann E. and John, have been born to them. Mr. Townshend's political views are Republican, and he is a member of the Baptist Church. G ON RAD WIEGAND, one of the wide-awake progressive citizens of Lorain, is a native of Hessen-Cassel, Germany, born May 31. 1849. He is a son of Henry and Christina (Roth) Wiegand, also natives of Germany, and who were the parents of eight children — six sons and two daughters — two of whom are now living in America. John Wie^ gand, one of the sons, came here in 1857, and during the war of the Rebellion en listed in the Seventh O. V. I., at Cleve land; he was wounded at the battle of Win chester, and taken prisoner, but was re leased, dying soon after, however, in' hospital, in 1862. Our subject was educated at the public schools in the Fatherland, and at the age of twenty (1869) came to the United States, totally ignorant of the English language, but of which he soon made himself mas ter. From the port of landing he made his way direct to Lorain county, Ohio, and first located in Elyria, working at his trade there till 1872, when he and a brother opened a boot and shoe store in Lorain. This partnership continued until 1883, in which year Conrad Wiegand bought out his brother, and has since continued in the 1130 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. business alone. He commenced with a small stock, about five hundred dollars worth, and has now one valued at as many thousands. His present brick building he erected in 1892, and moved therein No vember 1, tbat year, and he still owns his old store on North Broadway. He has a nice residence on Second avenue. In 1871 Mr. Wiegand was married, in Elyria, Ohio, to Miss Minnie Beese, and they have had three sons: Fred, Carl and Alvin. Our subject is a Republican in politics, and in religion is associated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church. He has been a member of the board of educa tion since 1882, with the exception of one year and eight months. Socially he is a member of the K. 0. T. M. 4 VJIf W' PHELPS- Th*s gentleman, a \f/\ member of one of the earliest fam- I ilies to settle in Lorain, county, as a man of unbounded popularity and well-known generosity, and as one who has done much toward the progress of Eaton township and the establishment of the town of North Eaton, claims more than a passing notice in the pages of this Biog raphical Record. Our subject was born November 18, 1821, in Jefferson county, N. Y., a son of Joseph and Dollie (Waite) Phelps, the former of whom was born in 1800, in Jef ferson county, N. Y., the latter in New York about 1801. They were married in Jefferson county, and in 1826 migrated westward to Ohio, traveling by water to Cleveland, thence by team to LaGrange township, Lorain county, having to cut their way through the timber and under brush, Mrs. Phelps walking the entire dis tance with one child in her arms, and others toddling by her side. The farm they settled on contained 160 acres of wild land, and this by dint of hard and assidu ous labor they succeeded in reducing to a state of culture. Their cabin was built with the assistance of men brought from Grafton. Occasionally the Indians, for the first two years, lived in their wigwams alongside of the Phelps family. Leaving the farm, Mr. Phelps kept hotel twenty- five years at LaPorte, Carlisle township, and then moved to Butternut Ridge, where he died in 1861; he was, in politics, a Whig, later a Republican. His wife had preceded him to the grave in 1857, the mother of a large family of children, of whom we give a record of ten : George W. died in LaGrange township at the age of five years; Harriet A. resides in Chicago, 111.; Roger (married) died in Sandusky, Ohio, about 1870; Erastus (married) re sides in Elyria (he is the oldest engineer on the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad, having been on the road for forty years); Clarissa is the wife of Edwin Beardsley, and resides on Chestnut Ridge, Eaton township; Elvira resides in Min neapolis, Minn.; Jefferson (married) is an attorney at law in Chicago, 111. ; Elizabeth resides in St. Paul, Minn.; Joseph Elston (married) resides in Toledo (he is one of the best engineers on the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad); George Washington, who was married and resided in Toledo, and was an engineer on the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad for thirty years, was killed at Bellevue, Ohio, in February, 1891. Joseph Phelps brought the first yoke of oxen into LaGrange township, and they did hard work not only on his own farm, but also on those of his neighbors. At the time the family settled in the county, wolves, bears and other wild animals abounded, and the first cow they owned, also their first flock of sheep, eighteen in number, were destroyed by wolves and carried off, not the least part of the loss felt being the wool on the sheep, on which the family depended for future clothing. On another occasion, during the month of March, two or three hunger-driven wolves (tiltitilfitijfti LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1133 got into the sheep pen, and would have made much havoc among the sheep but for a powerful mastiff that fought the wolves furiously, succeeding in driving them away, minus a considerable amount of fur they left behind in the pen. The brave dog was so sorely wounded that he lay as dead on the floor, but with careful nursing he recovered in the course of a week. The last grey wolf seen was killed on Mr. Phelps' farm in the winter of 1839; after being pursued two days it turned on its pursuers, and was then shot. In the summer of 1852 a doe reared two fawns, which the following winter were killed by hunters. Prior to this all large game, in cluding the elk, panther and bear, had dis appeared. Roger Phelps, father of Joseph, and grandfather of subject, was a native of Connecticut, where he learned the trade of tanner and currier. In an early day he moved to Jefferson county, N. Y., and in 1826 came to Lorain county, where he died. M. W. Phelps, the subject proper of this sketch, received his education in the pub lic schools of LaGrange township, Lorain county (whither he was brought by his parents when a child of five summers), and finished his studies at a select school in Elyria. In his early manhood he taught school in Elyria and Grafton townships, and also at Olmsted Falls, Cuyahoga county, at which latter he taught a num ber of terms. On retiring from his scho lastic duties he commenced farming opera tions, in which he has since continued with well-merited success in Eaton township, where he owns an excellent farm of 275 acres, all well improved. In addition to the usual grain and root crops, he does au extensive business in dairying, milking from thirty-seven to forty cows ; and he has also dealt largely in live stock. In August, 1844, Mr. Phelps was united in marriage in Dover, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, with Miss Harriet Ann Grimes, a native of Vermont, daughter of Johnson and Amy (Hamilton) Grimes, also of the Green Mountain State, who came, in 1837, to Dover township, Cuyahoga county, and thence moved to Kalamazoo county, Mich.; the father died in 1869 at the residence of his son-in-law, our subject; the mother in 1891. Two children were bora to Mr. and Mrs. Phelps, viz. : Vernon Beresford, mar ried and residing in Eaton township (he has five children) ; and Frank Herbert, who is married and resides in Elyria. Mr. Phelps is not only progressive, but also aggressive, and has proven to the county of his adoption a most useful, loyal citizen. To him is due the credit of hav ing secured the Eaton Station (situated on his farm) for the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad, toward which he subscribed one thousand five hundred dollars, besides paying out of his own pocket $600 for labor done. Poli tically he was originally a Whig, then a Republican, voting for McClellan, since when he has been a stanch Democrat. THOMPSON CLARK, a well-known, native-born agriculturist of Avon township, first saw the light April 7, 1822, on the farm where he yet resides. He is a son of Samuel and Polly (Seward) Clark, the former of whom was born in Connecticut, at the age of thirteen years removing thence to Vermont, where he was married in 1816. In the fall of the last named year he set out with a team for Ridgeville township, Lorain Co., Ohio, and in the spring of the following year settled on a farm, then entirely in the woods, where he built a log cabin and passed the remainder of his days. He passed from earth in 1867, preceded to the grave by his wife in 1865. They had born to them eight children, as follows: 1134 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Samuel, who died here at the age of thirty- two; Lyman, who died September 14, 1876, in Steuben county, Ind. ; Daniel, who married and removed to Indiana, where he died in 1889; Thompson, whose name introduces this sketch; Clarissa, Mrs. Amos Moon, who died in Avon township; Anna, who married Justus Butler, and died in Indiana in 1885; Orilla, who mar ried David H. Barnard, of Ridgeville, and died in Olmsted, Ohio, in 1885; and Naomi, who became the wife of Wilkes Rathbun, and died in 1885 at the home of our subject. Grandfather Gaylord Clark was a native of Connecticut, and in an early day removed thence to Addison, Yt., where he died. Thompson Clark received his early edu cational training in the log cabin subscrip tion schools of that early period, and was reared from boyhood to agricultural pur suits, which he has made his life vocation. In 1841 he was married to Miss Jane Young, a native of Addison county, Vt., daughter of Alvah and Lucretia (Wilkison) Young, also natives of that State, and early settlers of Medina county, Ohio, where both died. In 1871 this wife died, leaving no liv ing children, and in 1873 Mr. Clark wedded, for bis second wife, Miss Amelia Chand ler, daughter of Harry and Beulah (Ter rell) Chandler, all natives of New York State, whence in an early day they came to Ohio, locating first in Huron county, and subsequently taking up there home in Grafton township, Lorain county. Harry Chandler died in 1885 at the home of our subject, preceded to the grave by his wife, who died in Huron county, Ohio. By his second marriage Mr. Clark has 'one child, Samuel. Our subject now owns the old home farm, comprising forty-eight acres of fertile land, all in a good state of cultiva tion. In his party preferences he is a liberal Republican, though in local poli tics he takes an independent stand. In re ligious connection Mrs. Clark is a member of the Congregational Church. Mr. Clark is now the only representative of one of the first six families who settled in Avon town ship. On the paternal side the family is of English origin, while on the mother's side they come of Scotch and French ances try, who located in Connecticut in Colonial days. William Seward, an uncle of our subject, was a soldier in the war of 1812. FRANK E. BONSOR, a well-known contractor and builder, of Lorain, is a native of Iowa, born December 28, 1860. Charles E. Bonsor, father of our subject, was born in England, where he learned the trade of brick mason and contractor. In 1849 he came to America, and here followed his trade in New York City, from which place he came to Cleve land, Ohio, thence moving to Indianapolis, Ind., and thence to Iowa, where he fol lowed contract work for a number of years. He then returned to Ohio, locating in Oberlin, whence, after a residence of eigh teen or nineteen years, he moved to Fred- erickstown, Mo., where he and his wife now reside. Mr. Bonsor married Anna Watts, who was also a native of England, and they had nine children — seven sons and two daughters — eight of whom grew to maturity. Frank E. Bonsor was reared in his na tive State until three years of age, when he came with his parents to Oberlin, Ohio, where he received his education. He learned the trade of. brick mason with his father, and in 1871, then but eleven years old, he worked at same in Chicago. He was connected with his father in the con tracting business at Oberlin for a few years, and when a young man superin tended work undertaken by him. Among the many buildings erected in Oberlin under their supervision may be mentioned the E. J. Goodrich and the Henry Blocks, Carter Building, Carpenter Building, Ladies Society & Call Building, Morris LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1135 Building, Wooster Block, the Town Hall, besides many dwelling houses. They erected the greater part of the brick build ings in Oberlin until 1880, when Mr. Bon sor came to Lorain, and he has since followed contracting and building in vari ous places. He and his brothers took the contract for the Home State Building, in Knightstown, Ind., and they received the highest recommendations for work done on this edifice. Mr. Bonsor has also done contract work in Columbus, Cleveland, and Vermillion, Ohio, and his record duringhis entire career has been second to none. In 1886 he and his brothers built the Bonsor Block, the largest business block in Lo rain, a fine building 78 by 80 feet, and three stories in height. In 1892 he erected the Opera House, a handsome three-story brick building, 41 by 101 feet. In 1886 Mr. Bonsor was married ,to Miss Flora B. Manes, and they have two .children, namely: Frank and Cleora. In politics he votes with the Republican party, and socially he is a member of the I. 0. 0. F. and F. & A. M. Mr. Bon sor comes from a family of brick masons. It was the trade of his father and grand father, and three uncles and three brothers also follow same. E. STIWALD, a progressive, en terprising citizen of North Am herst, was born in August, 1842, at Cleveland, Ohio. His parents, George Michael and Mary (Fox) Stiwald, were natives of Germany, whence they emigrated to the United States in about 1838, locating at Cleveland, Ohio. They were the parents of six children, namely: Catherine, a widow, residing in North Amherst; John, who died in 1876 in Amherst township; Conrad, living in Michigan; Emma, who died in 1862; Gertrude, who died in 1875; and A. E. The father of this family died in 1846, in Cleveland, and in 1852 his widow came to Avon township, Lorain county, settling on a farm, where she resided until her death, which occurred in 1885, in North Amherst. A. E. Stiwald, our subject, was reared up to the age of ten years in Cleveland, where he received his early education, and in 1852 came with his mother to Avon township, where he assisted in clearing the farm. On August 15, 1862, he enlisted in Company G, One Hundred and Seventh O. V. I., for three years or during the war, and was assigned to the army of the Poto mac. He participated in the battles in Kentucky, and was also at Gettysburg, Fredericksburg, and most of the other en gagements participated in by the army of tbe Potomac, and took part in the Grand Review at Washington, D. C, where he was honorably discharged in 1865. He returned to Lorain county, and in 1868 came to Amherst township, there engaging in farming until January 1, 1870, when he came to North Amherst and engaged in the manufacture of cigars, in which he continued until 1880. a.e is now engaged in raising fruit. In 1865 Mr. Stiwald was united in mar riage, iu Lorain county, Ohio, with Miss Sarah Ann Jaycox, a native of Lorain county, daughter of Smith Jaycox. She died in 1869, and in 1878 Mr. Stiwald was married, for his second wife, to Miss Maria White, a native of England. She was a daughter of Robert White, who was also born in England, and came to America, lo cating in Amherst township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where he died in 1885. To Mr. and Mrs. Stiwald were born the following named children: Florence Eva, Earl O, Maria G., Grace L. and Grover Allen. In politics our subject is a Democrat, very prominent in his party, and has been elected to various offices of trust; he filled the position of town clerk in North Am herst for twelve consecutive years, the longest period of time for which that office has been held; he was assessor of North 1136 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Amherst two years; served for twelve years as township trustee, and did much toward the improvement of Amherst; and was clerk of the joint board (township and village) during the building of the Town Hall. Socially he is a member of Rice Post No. 148, G. A. R., in which he served as commander two terms, and is now officer of the day; of Plato Lodge, No. 203, I. O. O. F., in which he has been secretary (he has passed all the Chairs); and of Am herst Lodge No. 74, K. of P., of which he is deputy grand chancellor. Mr. Stiwald is an energetic citizen, deeply interested in everything tending toward the improve ment of the community in which he resides. yjILLIAM JAMESON, a native- ' born farmer citizen of Avon town ship, is a son of JosephB. and Avis (Smith) Jameson, the father a na tive of New Hampshire, the mother of Massachusetts, where they were married. In 1824 they came to Lorain county, Ohio, settling in the woods of Avon township, where they opened up a farm and made a permanent home. Mrs. Jameson died in 1834, and Mr. Jameson subsequently mar ried Miss Mary Horr, who died in Avon township in 1893 ; to that union were born four children, of whom M. B., the only survivor, resides in Avon township. William Jameson, whose name opens this memoir, was born in 1824, in Avon township, where he was reared, and re ceived his elementary education in the common schools, supplemented by one term at Norwalk. He taught school for seven winters in Lorain and Cuyahoga counties, since when he has chiefly en gaged in farming. In 1849 he located on a farm in Sheffield township, which is now known as Randall's Grove, and first built a log cabin thereon, which was afterward supplanted by a frame house. On that place he resided for sixteen years, improv ing the land, and then, in 1865, bought an improved farm of 102^ acres in Avon township, to which he himself has made many new improvements, and where he has since been successfully engaged in general farming; at one time he worked on this farm for twelve dollars per month. In 1852 Mr. Jameson was married, in Bir mingham, Erie county, to Miss Laura La- more, who was a native of LaGrange town ship, Lorain county, and the adopted daughter of Dr. Beaman, an early settler of French Creek. Mrs. Laura Jameson died in 1859, leaving one child, Clyde Burton, who is married and has two chil dren: Everett E. and Norris Morey; he resides in Buffalo, N. Yr. In 1859 our sub ject wedded, for his second wife, Miss Delia F. Stephens, who was born in Berk shire county, Mass., daughter of Benjamin and Lovicia (Foote) Stephens, both natives of Massachusetts and early settlers of Avon township, where they died. To this union was also born one child, George Chauncy, who graduated from the Philadelphia Medical University, class of 1893, and is now located at Oberiin, Ohio. His mother died in 1887. In politics Mr. Jameson is a Republican, and has served as assessor of Sheffield township. In religions faith he is a member of the Baptist Church at French Creek. LAYTON CHAPMAN, arising and brilliant young attorney at law, and a justice of the peace, Elyria, is a native of Lorain county, Ohio, born February 5, 1868, a son of Lucian H. and DeEtte (Phelon) Chapman, also natives of the Buckeye State, and descended from, old Massachusetts families. He received a liberal education at the common schools of the neighborhood of his place of birth, and for a time taught school. At the age of about twenty he LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1137 commenced the study of law with A. R. Webber, the prosecuting attorney of Lo rain county, whose office was in Elyria. On March 5, 1891, he was admitted to the bar, and at once commenced the practice of his chosen profession in Elyria. In November, 1890, being then but twenty- two years old, he was elected a justice of the peace of Elyria township, and is proba bly the youngest justice in the State of Ohio. He has already proven himself a jurist of considerable ability, and has the reputation of interpreting the law in its strictest sense and bearing, particularly in criminal cases. Politically he is an ardent Republican in politics, and socially he is a member and Regent of the Royal Ar canum. Mr. Chapman was united in marriage August 31, 1892, with Miss Frances Mooers, of Elyria, daughter of A. H. and Arlette Mooers. E. CAHOON is a native of the city of Elyria, where he resides, and was born May 15, 1846, a son of William O. and Melissa (Eldred) Cahoon, the former of whom was born in the State of New York, and in 1810, then two years old, came to Ohio with his parents. Joseph Cahoon, grandfather of subject, was the first settler in Dover, Cuyahoga county, and the old home place is still in the possession of members of the family. Many changes have taken place on it in the lapse of years, but the old fireplace where they cooked their meals is still ex tant, also apple trees planted by Grand father Cahoon, which have borne fruit evei» since. On this place William 0. Cahoon lived till he was about seventeen years old, when he moved to the southern part of the State for a time; then return ing northward he finally, in 1835, settled in Elyria, where he passed the remainder of his days, dying in 1878. His widow passed away in 1888. In politics he was a Republican and Free-soiler, and in church connection he was a Methodist. His family numbered five sons and one daugh ter. The eldest son, E. A., was a member of Battery E, First Ohio Artillery, in which he served two and one-half years, when he was honorably discharged. W. E. Cahoon received his education at the public schools of the neighborhood of his home, and at the age of seventeen en listed in Company K, One Hundred and Thirty-fifth O. V. I., one hundred days service, which regiment was sent to Vir ginia, Maryland, Harper's Ferry, Martins- burg and Maryland Heights, participating in the fight at John Brown's Schoolhouse. On his return home Mr. Cahoon learned the trade of tinner, which he followed about twelve years, but accidentally losing his right arm while firing off a cannon on Decoration Day, 1874, he closed up his business in 1878. In 1875 he was elected assessor of Elyria township, filling the office four consecutive years; in 1882 he was elected county recorder, serving till January 1, 1892, since when he has been abstracter of titles. Mr. Cahoon was married, July 30, 1874, to Mrs. M. P. (Bush) Tyler, who was born in Fremont, Ohio, daughter of Rev. Enrotus H. and Mary (Goodsell^ Bush, both of whom were born in Rochester, N. Y. Politically our subject is a stanch Republican, and socially he is a member of the G. A. R. and Royal Arcanum. OBERT COWLES, well-known in Eaton township as a well-to-do farmer and dairyman, and respected as a loyal and useful citizen, is a native of the Isle of Man, bom in 1836. He is a son of William .and Mary (Com mode) Cowles, also natives of the Isle of 1138 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Man, who in 1837 immigrated to the United States, locating iu Rochester, N. Y., where the father worked at his trade, that of hatter. In 1849 they came to Eaton township, Lorain county, and here in the wild woods the family made a clearing for a new home, there residing till about 1861, when the father moved to Fulton county, Ohio, thence to Lake town ship. Wood Co., same State. He died in 1875, bis wife in 1854, while they were living in Eaton township. A brief record of the children born to this couple is as follows: John died about 1866 in Fulton county, Ohio (during the Civil war he en listed, in Fulton county, in the Sixty- seventh O. V. I., served three years, veteranized, and served till the close of the war) ; Jane was married to Thomas Crane, and died June 14, 1889, in Wood county, Ohio; Robert is the subject of this sketch; Charles resides in Michigan (he enlisted in the Civil war in Fulton county, Ohio); Henry died in April, 1891, in Wood county (he enlisted in Fulton county in the Sixty- seventh O. V. I., and served till the close of the war); William also enlisted in Ful ton county, Ohio (he died in Michigan) ; Mary, who was the wife of Peter Domito, died in 1875 in Adrian, Michigan. The subject proper of this sketch was, as will be seen, an infant when his parents brought him to this country. He received his education at the schools of Rochester, N. Y., and was trained to the arduous duties of the farm. In 1851 he moved to Cleveland, Ohio, where he learned the trade of carpenter and joiner, at which he worked in tbat city for some years. In 1860 he went to Pike's Peak by the overlaud route, and there labored, and followed his trade; thence proceeded to South Park, where he worked two years, making salt. From there, in 1863, he proceeded by overland route to California, and engaged in team ing at Sutter Creek until 1865, in which year he went to Boise City, Idaho, where he was engaged in the construction of a building to be used as a factory wherein to grind quartz rock. After one year he returned to Amador county, Cal., and from there, in 1873, came to Ohio, first tarryi/ig in Wood county, and then from there coming, in 1880, to Lorain county, finally settling in Eaton township, where he has since carried on farming operations, including dairying. In 1878 Mr. Cowles was married to Miss Betsy Jane Spaulding, born in Eaton township, a daughter of Jesse and Repta (Howard) Spaulding (both now deceased), natives of New Hampshire, who iu 1836 came to Lorain county, and in 1839 moved on a farm in Eaton township now owned by R. Cowles, with their family of six children — four sons and two daughters. One daughter died at the age of twelve years; the rest grew up on the farm. In their wilderness home they lived for some time, the nearest neighbors being one mile dis- taut, and the farm was slowly cleared. Mr. and Mrs. Spaulding died on the farm, June 10, 1863, and April 22, 1875, re spectively. The remaining daughter still lives on the farm. Politically Mr. Cowles is a Republican ; Mrs. Cowles is a member of the Baptist Church in Columbia town ship, Lorain county. AMUEL BEAL, a leading agricul turist of Elyria township, is a native of Lorain county, born May 7, 1846, a son of Philip and Eva (Smith) Beal, who were married in Germany, where three of their children were born. They came to the United States, and settled in Lorain county, Ohio, on a farm where the father died in 1866, at the age of seventy- seven years. They were the parents of eight children, as follows: Eva (wife of Chris topher Decker), Maria (wife of John Kolpe), Lewis (now in Michigan), Susie (wife of C. Heeg), Paul, Mary, Moses and Samuel. LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1139 The subject of this sketch received his education at the common schools of his native township, and was reared to agri cultural pursuits. In 1870 he was mar ried to Miss Catherine Eppley, and eight children were born to them, named as fol lows: Frank (married to Mary Barth), Cora (wife of Vernon Bender, and has one child, Lydia), Ora, Samuel, Charles, Har vey, Earl and Elmer. Mr. Beal owns 144 acres of land, and by industry and per- serverance has accumulated a snug com petence. In his political preferences he is a Republican, and in matters of religion he is an adherent of the Evangelical Church. Il MASA WEST, retired farmer and j\\ blacksmith, the cheerful ring of whose anvil has been heard for miles around his " smiddy " for many a day in Russia township, is a native of Massachusetts, bom June 9, 1817, in Berkshire county, a son of Joshua and Mary (Newell) West, both also natives of Berkshire county, the mother born in the town of Lenox. Joshua West, father of subject, was born in 1774, and his father hailed from the Cape Cod District. The family de scend from one of three brothers who came from England to America many years ago, one of whom was entirely lost sight of. Joshua West was a lifelong farmer. He married Mary Newell, and in Lee, Berk shire Co., Mass., were born to them eleven children, eight of whom reached maturity, as follows: Washington, a farmer, who died in Pittsfield township, Lorain county; Carlos, a blacksmith by trade, who died in Tabor, Iowa; Josiah N., a blacksmith by trade, who also died in Tabor, Iowa; Oliver, a farmer of Pittsfield township, Lorain county, where he died; Mary, who became the wife of Henry Wolcott, died in Pittsfield ; Amasa, subject of this sketch ; Jesse, who died in Tabor, Iowa, being the first of the family to pass away (he was a strong Abolitionist and a warm friend of the negro); and Jane, widow of Albert Root, of Pittsfield, Ohio. In the early spring of 1832 our subject and his brother Oliver came to Ohio by sleigh, there still being snow , on the ground as far as nine miles west of Buffalo, N. Y., where, snow now disappear ing, they traded their sleigh for a wagon, which brought them on to Wellington, Lorain county, where an older brother, Josiah Newell West, a blacksmith, had located, in whose shop our subject com menced an apprenticeship. In the fall of the same year the parents, with four of the remaining children — Washington, Jesse, Mary and Jane — - came to Lorain county from Massachusetts, making the journey with two wagons — a two-horse and a single. They made their new home in Wellington township, two and one- half miles north of the center, on a totally unimproved farm then almost all in the woods; and after a few years' residence there the father moved to Portage county, Ohio, where he followed farming. In November, 1854, while on his way to Pittsfield on business, he stopped over night at a wayside tavern, some ten miles southeast of Cleveland, where he acci dentally fell downstairs and was killed; he was buried in Pittsfield cemetery. His widow died in 1861, and was laid to rest beside him. Mr. West in politics was a Whig, and in church relationship was a Presbyterian till coming to Ohio, when he united with the Congregationalists. At the time of his decease he was in comfort able circumstances, and in his earlier days he was one of the leading and most prosperous farmers of Berkshire county, Massachusetts. Amasa West, whose name introduces this sketch, was educated at the common schools of the neighborhood of his home, and worked on his father's farm till fifteen years of age, when he commenced to learn 1140 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. the trade of blacksmith at Wellington, serving an apprenticeship of three years. He then worked out, earning various wages at different places, at one smithy receiving one hundred dollars a year and his board, a day's work often being twelve or fourteen hours. After his marriage he located at Windham, Portage Co., Ohio, and there followed his trade till Novem ber, 1843, when he moved to Pittsfield, Lorain county. Here he bought a farm on which he resided till 1853, when he sold out, moved back to Windham, and bought a farm of 150 acres, where he lived till the death of his wife in Septem ber, 1854; in 1855 he sold his farm and traveled for two years. While in Pitts field Mr. West had been for one and one- half years engaged in mercantile business, but failing health caused him to abandon it, and in 1859 he bought a farm in Henrietta, where he lived till the spring of 1879. He then moved to Oberlin in order to have his children educated, and while there he sold the farm in Henrietta township, buying his present one in Rus sia township, on wliich he has erected a modern residence, where he now lives in retirement. On October 14, 1840, while working at his trade in Portage county, Ohio, Mr. West was married in Windham to Miss Hannah Lyman, daughter of Jeremiah Lyman, the first settler in Windham town ship, Portage county, and by this union there were three children: Martha, who died at the age of twelve years; Mary L. (now Mrs. Ira D. Bryant, of Spencer, Medina Co., Ohio), and Hannah M., living at home with her father. This wife died in September, 1854, and for his second wife Mr. West married, on May 28, 1858, Nancy B. Dudley, a native of Vermont, daughter of Jonathan Dudley. By this marriage there were five children, three of whom died in infancy, the remaining two being Edward D., a plumber by trade, and Harriet A., at home with her father. The mother of these passed from earth November 20, 1885, and lies buried in Henrietta township, Lorain county. Polit ically Mr. West was originally a Whig, his first Presidential vote being cast for William H. Harrison, and he is now a liberal Republican. He has been a mem ber of the M. E. Church since 1843, and has frequently held office in same. If S. STRAW. Prominent among the thoroughly representative agricnltur- _[ ists of Carlisle township is found this gentleman. He is a native of New York State, born April 29, 1830, a son of Ezra and Hannah (Colbcath) Straw, of New Hampshire birth. In an early day Ezra Straw moved to the northern part of New York State, and thence, in 1833, to Lorain county, Ohio, locating at first in Huntington township, afterward in Sheffield township, and finally settling in Amherst township. He died in 1854, his wife in 1887. In his political sympathies he was originally an Old-line Whig, in later years a Repub lican. They were the parents of seven children whom they reared to maturity, five of whom are yet living, namely: I. S., subject of this memoir; Ezra, a farmer of Black River township; Selina, widow of Sylvester Potter, of North Amherst; Marina, wife of W. P. Potter, of North Amherst; Sophia, wife of G. W. Barns, of Amherst township. On the father's side the family are German, on the mother's they are English. As will be seen, our subject was a small boy when his parents came to Lorain county, and he was here reared and edu cated, receiving a thoroughly practical training to farming pursuits under his father's tuition. In 1864 he purchased his present farm in Carlisle township, one of the most fertile and best kept in the county. Mr. Straw has been thrice mar- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1143 ried: first time, in Norwalk, Ohio, in 1854, to Miss Jane Murray, a native of Carlisle township, Lorain county, and daughter of .Abner and Betsey Murray, pioneers of that township, where the mother died; the father passed away in Norwalk, Ohio. To this marriage were born three children, viz.: Murray A., who died in Colorado; Charles (married), resid ing in Elyria (has three children: Isaac N., Earl and Nellie); and Jennie M., wife of Harvey Walls, of Elyria. The mother of these was called from earth in 1863, and for his second wife Mr. Straw married, January 8, 1864, Miss Betsey Lawrence, a native of Vermont, and daughter of Steven Lawrence, a pioneer of Carlisle township, Lorain county; she died August 6, 1889. In July, 1892, Mr. Straw was united in marriage with Mrs. Sarah Penney Willson. In his political sympathies our subject is a straight Republican, active in the inter ests of his party. He has served as justice of the peace, and was a director of the County Infirmary sixteen years. He is highly respected and esteemed as a useful, loyal and progressive citizen. |f|fENRY^ TOWNSEND. This gen- |!H tleman, who ranks among the well- fi 4 known farmer citizens of Carlisle •J) township, was born in 1831, in Warwickshire, England. His par ents, William and Ann (Darlow) Town- send, were natives of the same county, where they passed their entire lives, the father dying at the age of seventy-five, the mother in about 1863. Henry Townsend was reared in England, receiving during his youth but limited educational advantages, and after his school days were over followed farming in his native country until the age of twenty- six. In 1857 he immigrated to America, proceeding at once to Elyria, Lorain Co., 59 Ohio, where he engaged in agricultural work. He subsequently went to Sugar Ridge, Ridgeville township, and in 1862 came to Carlisle township, locating on the farm where he has since made his home. He purchased twenty-nine acres, then in the woods, cleared a place to build a house, and has made all the improvements on the tract with his own hands. He has added to the farm from time to time, and now owns one hundred acres, all highly improved and cultivated, upon which he has erected a good house and barn. A sister of our subject, the wife of John Smith, who came to Lorain county in 1857, resides on an adjoining farm in Carlisle township. In 1862 Mr. Townsend was united in marriage, in Eaton township, with Miss Ann Roach, who was born in Northamp tonshire, England, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Eames) Roach. Her parents, who were also natives of Northampton shire, in 1856 came from England to the United States, locating first in Amherst township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where they remained one year, thence moving to Ridge ville, where they resided for two years. The family next lived a year at Plum Creek, and finally moved to Eaton township, where they opened up a farm, and made a per manent home. Mr. and Mrs. Roach were the parents of eight children, as follows: Mary, wife of Samuel Mattock, of De fiance county, Ohio; Ann, Mrs. Townsend; Joseph, married and residing in Hall county, Neb.; William, who enlisted, in 1861, in Company K, Twenty-third 0. V. I., and was killed November 15, 1861, at Camp Ewing, W. Va. (he was accidentally shot) ; Thomas, who died in in fancy, in England; Betsey, wife of Henry Montague, residing in New Chanute, Kans.; Sophia, wife of Peter Watts, of Knightstown, Henry Co., 'Ind.; and Thomas, a resident of Eaton township. The mother of this family died in Am herst township in 1856, the father in 1888 at the home of Mr. Townsend. 1144 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. In politics our subject is a Republican, takes an active interest in the welfare of his party, and has served as trustee and supervisor of his township. He has al ways followed farming in the township, and he and his wife are among the most prominent and highly respected members of the community in which they reside. To their union have come two children, as follows: William, who on April 22, 1886, was united in marriage with Miss Celia Jane Philpott, of Elyria (he is engaged in farming on the home farm); and Martha Sophia, at home. E. SQUIRES, a well-known mer chant at Turner's Mills, is a native of Lorain county, Ohio, born Au gust 16, 1837, in Carlisle township. His parents, Abner and Lois Squires, were natives of Vermont, and in 1831 migrated westward to Lorain county, Ohio, settling in Carlisle, where the father, who was a farmer, died in 1851, his widow in 1864. He was a Democrat in political faith. These pioneers reared a family of eight children (four of whom are yet living), namely: Emily, widow of Abel M. Thorpe, residing in Elyria town ship; Ida, who was married to A. Pang born, and died in Elyria township; Anson, deceased in Elyria; Truman, married, and residing in Story county, Iowa; Susan, wife of Charles B. Sutliff, both now de ceased; Ezra, married, and residing in Michigan ; Louisa, Mrs. Halford, who died in Pittsfield. ; and A. E. A. E. Squires was reared in his native township, receiving his education at the common schools of the district. In 1861 he enlisted, for three years, in Company K, Twenty- third Regiment, O. V. L, was mustered in at Columbus, Ohio, and served with the army of the Potomac, participating in the engagements at South Mountain and Antietam, besides many skirmishes. In 1864 he received an hon orable discharge and returned home, but subsequently re-enlisted, this, time in the Eleventh O. V. I., and was with Sherman on his march to the sea, served throughout the Carolina campaign, and took part in the Grand Review at Washington, D. C. He was mustered out of the service at Camp Dennison, and immediately returned to Carlisle township, where he commenced to follow the trade of carpenter and builder. On January 31, 1860 Mr. Squires was married, in Carlisle township, to Miss Catherine Cornell, who was born in Pitts field, Lorain county, daughter of George Cornell, an early pioneer of the county, where he lived and died. To this union was born one sou, Orville, whose mother died in 1883. On August 1, 1892, Mr. Squires was married, in Carlisle township, to Mrs. Emma Pember, widow of DeWitt Pember, of Carlisle: she is a native of Summit county, Ohio, daughter of William Manning, who removed from Summit county to Carlisle township, Lorain county, where he died in 1867. In politics Mr. Squires is a Prohibitionist, and served for one year, 1891, as postmaster at Turner's Mills, when the office was discontinued. He has been engaged in the grocery busi ness at Turner's Mills since 1890. ARREN W. BLAINE, owner of as fertile and well-conducted a farm as can be found in Ridge ville township, is a native of same, born in 1837, a son of Richard and Fannie (Fuller) Blaine. Richard Blaine was born in Genesee county, N. Y., a son of Wilson and Han nah (Vannatten) Blaine, who were natives of New York and Pennsylvania, respect ively. In 1819, when Richard was a lad of six summers, they came from Genesee LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1145 county, N. Y., to Lorain couuty, Ohio, and made a settlement in Ridgeville town ship, at that time all woodland. Wilson Blaine lived also for a time in Eaton town ship, but the greater part of his life was passed in Ridgeville, where he and his wife died, the latter in 1861. Grandfather Warren Fuller came to Olmsted, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, in an early day. Richard Blaine, lather of subject, re ceived his education at the common schools of Ridgeville township, and at La Porte. He made agriculture his life work, and be came prosperous. He was married, in Olmsted, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, to Miss Fannie Fuller, and they then commenced married life on the homestead in Ridge ville township, Lorain county, making their home in an old log cabin. The chil dren born to them were four in number, as follows : Warren W., subject of this sketch; James, who resides in Cleveland; Vesty, wife of Noah Peck, of Ridgeville town ship; and Harlon, who died in Ridgeville township about 1856. The father of these died in 1877, the mother in 1886. He was at first a Whig in his political views, later a Republican, and served in various township offices. Warren W. Blaine, the subject proper of this sketch, received his primary educa tion at the common schools of Ridgeville township, which he supplemented with a course of study at Berea (Ohio) College. He had a practical training in agricultural pursuits under his father's tuition, and has made farming his life work. In 1861 he was united in marriage with Miss Eliza beth Watson, a native of Ridgeville town ship, Lorain county, daughter of John Watson (deceased), who was an English man by birth and an early settler of Ridge ville. "Seven children were born to this union, as follows: Martin, residing in Ridgeville, who is married, and has two children, Theodore and Melvin; R. E.,wife of Ed. Terrell, residing in Elyria, has two children, Orville and Elfa; Elfa, who was the wife of John Reed, and died in Cali fornia in 1888, leaving one child, Olive E.; Janie, Harlon, Fannie and Emma. Mr. Blaine owns the old homestead in Ridge ville township, aggregating 131 acres of well-cultivated land. Politically he is a Republican. [( DDISON E. LORD, manufacturer l\ of cigars, Elyria, is a native of \<_ Connecticut, bora at Warehouse Point, Hartford county, October 16, 1842, a son of Chester Adkins and Lucretia (Moran) Lord, also natives of the Nutmeg State, and descended from old New England stock. The father, who was for over forty years a stationary engineer, lived to be eighty-two years of age. They had eight children (subject being theyoung- est), of whom one son and four daughters are yet living. The parents died in 1845, on May 17 and July 2, respectively. Addison E. Lord received his education at the common schools of the vicinity of his place of birth, and at the age of four teen (1857) went on a whaling expedition to the sea of Ochotsk, east of Russia in Asia (eastern Siberia); thence sailed tothe Pacific Ocean, visitiug, among other places of importance, New Zealand. In July, 1861, he returned to his old home, to find the country about to plunge into a terrible Civil war, and he remained but one short month in peaceful quietude, when, fired by the spirit of patriotism, he joined the U. S. navy as a seaman. He served three years and four months, cruising along the coast from the Mississippi to Galveston, Texas. In the winter of 1864 he once more returned to the pursuits of peace, coming direct to Elyria, Ohio, where he had a brother engaged in the cigar-making business, with whom he found employment, learning the trade. With him he remained until 1874, when he opened out in the same town for his own account, doing an 1146 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. exclusively wholesale business till 1877, in which year he moved into his present building, and commenced the retail trade in company with F. H. Sudro (abandoning the wholesale) ; he has since done a flour ishing business, keeping a large and choice stock, chiefly of his own manufacture. Mr. Lord was married in January, 1866, to Miss Louise Ward, a native of Elyria, and three children came to brighten their home, viz.: Burton H., died April 17, 1870; Ed. G. and Pearl. Mrs. Lord's parents, Lyman and Calista Ward, were natives of Vermont; the father died August 6, 1872, the mother November 8, 1876. Mr. Lord is a Republican in politics; socially he is a member of the F. & A. M., I. O. O. F.and G. A. R., and a charter member of the K. of H, L. of H, and I. O. F. Of the I. O. O. F. he has been a member for twenty-three years, has filled the Chairs from warden to noble grand, and has been a representative to the Grand Lodge. Mr. Lord is a useful citizen, popular and pro gressive, and has done his part toward the growth and prosperity of his adopted county and town. R. MOYSEY, the leading veterin ary surgeon of Elyria, was born April 19, 1858, in Mansfield, Rich land Co., Ohio, a son of R. R. and Sallie (Dennison) Moysey, both of whom were born in Lincolnshire, England. In 1852 R. R. Moysey came from England to Mansfield, Ohio, where he resided for six teen years, and then moved to Kelley's Island, Ohio, where he has ever since made his home. For twenty-five years he has devoted his time and attention to grape culture and wine making, and he is one of the proprietors of the Sweet Valley Wine Company. The subject of this sketch received his education at the common schools of the vicinity of his place of birth, and was reared to his father's grape business on Kelley's Island in Lake Erie, until he commenced the study of veterinary sur gery. In 1885 he entered the Veterinary College at Chicago, graduating from same in 1887. He then came to Elyria, and practiced his profession exclusively till about two years ago, when he opened a livery stable in connection, having as a partner J. L. Reed, and he does an exten sive business in both interests. On April 24, 1883, D. R. Moysey was united in marriage with Miss Sallie D. Carpenter (who was also reared on Kelley's Island), daughter of Charles Carpenter, wlio was born in Norwich, Conn.; her mother was born at Rockport, Ohio, and was one of the old Kelley family. To this marriage children were born as follows: Lynne, Mildred, Mabel and Florence. Our subject is a Republican, and is a popular, loyal citizen. yBILIP R1TZENTHALER, a mem ber of the well-known firm of Breck enridge & Ritzen thaler, merchants, Kipton, is a native of Baden, Ger many, born August 14, 1841, a son of Philip Ritzentbaler. In 1851 the family, consisting of parents, three sons and one daughter, left the Fatherland for the distant shores of Amer ica, sailing from Havre, France, for New York, where they landed after a voyage of thirty days. From there they proceeded to Dunkirk, thence to Sandusky, Ohio, and in Milan township, Erie county, the father bought land. Later he moved to Wake man township, Huron county, where he sojourned a short time, and then, on ac count of impaired health, came to Nor walk, same county, where he lived a retired life, and died in March, 1861. He was well-to-do, but having financially assisted otlier German families to come to Amer ica, and failing to be repaid by them in LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1147 any shape, he lost a considerable amount of money. He had a family of eight chil dren, of whom are yet living: Barnhart, a farmer in Baden, Germany; Charles, a farmer of Ontario county, N. Y.; George, of Erie county, Ohio; Philip, subject of sketch; Mary, Mrs. Anthony Siebolt, of Erie county, Ohio; and Emma, Mrs. Nahm, a widow, of Fremont, Ohio. Philip Ritzenthaler, whose name opens this sketch, received a limited education at the schools of his native place, and at the age of fourteen, being now in Ohio with his parents, left home to do for himself. In 1857 he came to Kipton, and worked for O. Bowen, who then conducted a hotel, and was also ticket agent for the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad Com pany at that place, and also atteuded the pumping station for the same company. Here he remained some four or five mouths, and then went to the farm of Hiram Prentice, near Kipton, with whom he worked for some years at from four to eight dollars per month, and board, in the summers, and in the winters for his board only, as he attended school a good part of the time. From Mr. Prentice he went in 1861 to live with John P. Lee, but Octo ber 31, same year, he enlisted in Company H, Forty-third O. V. I.; he participated in the battle of New Madrid (near Island No. 10), the Corinth campaign, and second battle of Corinth. After serving two years and three months, he reenlisted, and was with Sherman on his march to the sea, ex periencing all the hardships of that mem orable campaign. He served in all three years and nine months. In July, 1865, he was discharged from the service at Louisville, Ky., returning to Camden town ship, Lorain county, and for two years fol lowing again worked for Hiram Prentice. In 1867 he went to Moore county, Minn., and cultivated a piece of land he had pur chased there, but after a residence of two years and three months he returned to Kipton. In 1869, after his marriage, he and his young wife went into housekeep ing in Ontario county, N. Y., where he managed a farm for three years, and once more returned to Kipton. In 1880 Mr. Ritzenthaler entered the general store of William Douglass at Kipton, as partner, and after two years served as postmaster under C. A. Arthur, at the same time clerking in the store of Douglass & Rose. For some time thereafter he was in the creamery business with E. Jones, of Fos toria, Ohio; later became clerk for B. F. Breckenridge at Kipton, and in 1890 they formed a partnership which has since con tinued. In July, 1869, our subject married Miss Hattie M. Allen, bora in Henrietta town ship, Lorain Co., Ohio, a daughter of Rose- well Allen. She died in 1875 in Kipton, and was buried in Oberlin, the mother of two children: Nellie M., now Mrs. Will iam L. Moninger, of Waynesboro, Penn., and Laura M,, now Mrs. L. C. Bates, of Lorain, Ohio. For his second wife Mr. Ritzenthaler married, in 1879, Miss Annetta Eddy, who was born in Camden township, Lorain county, a daughter of Squire Eddy, a pioneer citizen of Camden township. To this union were born children, as follows: Nettie L. ; Reuben E., who died at the age of six months, and Flossie E., all living. In his political sympathies our subject has always been a stanch Republican, has held various township offices, and is now serv ing as clerk with fidelity and ability. 4J HENRY PIFER. This representa tive, prosperous agriculturist of Rochester township is a son of Christian and Catherine (Garner) Pifer, natives of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. In 1836 the parents came to Ohio, lo cating on a farm in Orange township, Ashland county, where the father bought thirty acres of wild land, that part of the country being entirely new, without a single 1148 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. road in it, only blazed trees marking a path through the woods. A temporary log house was built, and in course of time a better one; thirty acres were added to the first purchase, and, later, still more, until the farm aggregated 114 acres. Children as follows were born to this pioneer couple: Jacob, who resides in Marion county, Iowa; Elizabeth, single, who re sides on the home farm; Martha, who makes her home in Brighton, Lorain county; Mary, who is the widow of Isaac Lydick, of Orange township, Ashland county; Samuel, a farmer of Orange township; and Henry, whose name opens this sketch. The father of this family died in July, 1881, aged seventy-five years; the mother on August 20, 1893, at the advanced age of eighty-eight years, one month, fourteen days, and they lie side by side in Orange cemetery, Ashland county. They were members of the Dunk- ard Church, and in politics Mr. Pifer was a Republican. Henry Pifer, whose name introduces this sketch, was born September 11, 1841, in Orange township, Ashland Co., Ohio. In 1865 he came to Lorain county, where for a year he was employed on tbe farm of Josephus Clark, and then rented land. After his marriage he rented a farm in Ruggles township, Ashland county, for a few years, and in 1873 bought seventy-five acres in Rochester township, Lorain county, which is embodied in his present farm. Hither he removed, and there resided until his purchase from Thomas Knapp of the piece of land whereon he now has his residence, and which lies opposite his seventy-five acre farm. He now owns 118^ acres of excellent land, all greatly improved by him, and in addition to gen eral farming he is extensively engaged in the dairy business. On March 24, 1864, Mr. Pifer married Miss Mary A. Krebs, who was bora Sep tember 16, 1841, in Orange township, Ashland county, a daughter of Daniel and Catherine (Rickett) Krebs, and two children were born to this union: Jennie M., now Mrs. Henry Barnes, of Rochester, Lorain county, and Loran, at home with her parents. Politically our subject is a stanch Democrat, formerly as stanch a Re publican, his first vote being cast for Brough for governor of Ohio. He and his wife are. both consistent members of the Congregational Church at Rochester. /T^EORGE H. BRADNER, prominent I j, in the farming community of Hunt- \J ington township, was born in 1833 }k in Chester, Mass., a son of S. D. Bradner, who was born in 1800 in the State of New York. In 1833 S. D. Bradner came to Ohio, having secured by trade some 500 acres of wild land in Huntington township, Lorain county. In Massachusetts he had married, a year or two before, Miss Louisa Holland, a native of that State, and four children were born to them, viz. : Margaret, mar ried to S. S. Warner, of Wellington, Lo rain county; George H., subject proper of sketch; Frank, who died at about the age of forty years; and John H.-, in the coal business in Cleveland. The parents died in Wellington township, the father in 1875, the mother in 1870. George H. Bradner was, as will be seen, but an infant when the family came from the East to Lorain county, the common schools of which he attended, also Oberlin College two terms. He was reared to agricultural pursuits, and is now the owner of a large, highly- improved farm in Huntington township, on which he erected a comfortable brick residence. Up to 1888 he lived continuously there, with the exception of two years he spent in Michi gan, and he was a resident of Wellington four years. In 1861 our subject some married Miss Auna M. Benallack, a native of Cornwall, England, and six children LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1149 have been born to them, as follows: Sam uel Denton, residing in Wellington, who is married and has two children — Vera and Susie; Mary, wife of B. Royce, has one child; Margaret and Orrie, at home; and two that died in infancy. Politically Mr. Bradner is a Republican; his wife is a member of the Baptist' Church. JOSEPH STORROW, a leader in the agricultural interests of Wellington township, is a native of Upper Can ada (now Province of Ontario), born August 7, 1828. Joseph Storrow, his father, born in England in 1780, immigrated to America when thirty years old, and his first voca tion in the New World was in the lumber business in Schenectady, N. Y. He made frequent visits to friends and relatives in his native land, having crossed the ocean some five times for no other purpose. He married Miss Triphena Freeman, who was a native, it is supposed, of Pennsylvania, and five children were born to them, namely: Thomas, a farmer in Brighton township, Lprain county; Rowena (de ceased), who was married to Miren Merls; Louisa, wife of K. Baird; May A., wife of Louis Barge, and Joseph. The father died in Wellington, Ohio, February 5, 1858, the mother on November 27, 1844. The subject proper of this sketch re ceived a liberal education, and was reared to farming pursuits. On August 30, 1854, he was united in marriage with Miss Emily Bunce, a native of New York State, daughter of Isaac and Cornelia (Vos burgh) Bunce, of Vermont and New York birth, respectively, who in an early day came west to Ohio, settling in Brighton township, Lorain county, where the father died at the age of sixty-one years, the mother when forty-five years old ; they were members of the M. E. Church; their chil dren were as follows: Emily, Mrs. Joseph Storrow; Christina, Mrs. Leonard, resid ing in Huntington; Susan, widow of A. Twaddle; Elizabeth, Mrs. George Gillett, living in Brighton township; and Mary, married to Horatio B. Beardsly, of Roch ester township. To our subject and wife have been born two children: Hubert, born October 20, 1855, received his education in the district schools, and married Miss Eva Willard; they have five children: Emily E., Cyn- thiana, Cora Dell, Carrie Bell, and Joseph Hubert, an engineer on the Kansas Rail road, residing at Kansas City. (2) Byron A., bom January 4, ,1860, attended the neighboring schools, and on January 1, 189l, married Miss Delia Walters, a native of Spencer, Ohio. Mr. Storrow came to his present farm in Wellington township in April, 1838, nearly fifty-six years ago,' then a boy of ten summers, and has made farming his life work. He now owns 150 acres of land. In politics he is a stanch Republican. 4J HARVEY M. PEABODY, one of the most prominent and prosperous agriculturists of Russia township, is a native of the Green Mountain State, born October 20, 1837, in Irasburg, Orleans county, a son of David and Sarah E. (Tuller) Peabody. David Peabody, father of subject, was" born July 10, 1812, in Londonderry, N. H.y a son of Andrew Peabody, bora in 1759, who followed the dual trades of tailor and shoemaker. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. He was three times married; by his first wife he had no issue; by his second he had three children — Elias,- Daniel and Andrew — and by his third, who was a Miss Hannah Beadle (sister to his second wife), born in 1777, he had nine children, as follows: Susan, born in 1797, married Richard Kelley, and died in Am- 1150 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. herst township, Lorain county; Charlotte, born in 1801, married R. Bailey, and died in Henrietta township, Lorain county; Clarissa, born in 1803, married Omar Bailey, and died in Russia township; Mercy, born in 1806, married James Mitchel], aud died in Michigan; Nathan, born in 1808, died during the war of the Rebellion, in Virginia; Harriet, born in 1810, married Charles Mitchell and lives in Montcalm county, Mich.; David and Aaron (twins), born in 1812, of whom David is the father of our subject, and Aaron resides in Eaton county, Mich.; and Mary Maria, born in 1814, married twice, first to Calvin Briggs, and afterward to Elisha Aldridge (she died in Nebraska). The father of this large family died July 4, 1839, in New Hampshire, his last wife on July 6, 1842, and they are buried at the head of Lake Memphremagog, in Orleans county, Vermont. David Peabody was reared on a farm, and educated at the common schools of his native place. On January 13, 1837, be was united in marriage with Sarah Eme line Tuller, who was born in 1814 at St. Albans, Vt., daughter of Samuel Tuller, and Mr. Peabody then settled down to agri cultural labor at his home in Vermont till September, 1842, when he came to Ohio with his family, the journey being made by canal and lake to Cleveland. Thence they proceeded by team to Russia town ship, Lorain county, where he bought twelve acres of land, subsequently adding fifty acres, where he has since had his home. The children born to David and Sarah E. Peabody are Harvey M., the subject proper of this sketch; Alonzo, born March 20, 1840, and Richard (an invalid), born May 20, 1845. In politics Mr. Peabody is a Republican, formerly a Democrat, and he (as was also his wife) is a member of the First Congregational Church. His wife was called from earth September 9, 1880. Harvey M. Peabody, the subject proper of this memoir, was, as will be seen, about five years old when the family came to Ohio. He attended the common schools of Lorain county, and was reared to agri cultural pursuits on his father's farm, under his tuition. When sixteen years of age he commenced working for Squire Roberts, with whom he remained three years, and in part payment for his services he re ceived twenty acres of land, which was his first property. Later he and his father to gether bought a small tract of land, and still later our subject traded with his father, receiving a tract of seventy acres in ex change for what he then owned, and as a result of such trading and later purchases he is now the owner of 336 acres, ac cumulated since he was a young man work ing for two shillings a day. On December 30, 1866, our subject was united in marriage with Martha Petty, who was born February 29, 1844, in Henrietta township, Lorain Co., Ohio, a daughter of Thomas and Mary Ann (Simpson) Petty, and five children, as follows, have been born to them: William H. and Clayton D., farmers in Russia township, Lorain county ; and Otis E., Mattie B. and Ethel B., all at home with their parents. Mr. Peabody is a Republican, but is not an active politi cian, as his time is fully occupied with his business; he and his wife are members of the Methodist Church, of which he is a trustee. D' AVID L. GIBBS, a prominent farmer and stockman of Carlisle township, is a native of same, born March 15, 1828, a son of Ransom and Julia (Pritchard) Gibbs. The father of our subject was born in Waterbury, Conn., and was reared, edu cated and married in New Haven county. After the birth of their first child there, he and his wife came to Ohio, and made a settlement in Carlisle township, Lorain county, Mr. Gibbs cutting two miles of the Elyria road, and building a log house at &M> LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1153 the end of the road, where he made his new home, the family being among the first settlers on Murray Ridge. The father died March 17, 1879, at the advanced age of eighty-three, the mother when fifty- eight years old. Grandfather Obed Gibbs came to the county at the same time, ac companied by his wife, Hannah (Scoville), and they both died in Carlisle township. To Ransom and Julia (Pritchard) Gibbs were bora four children, viz.: Jane, who was married to George Boughton, and died in Nebraska; Lewis, deceased in Washington City; Harriet, wife of Alonson Wooster, of Elyria; and David L. The subject of these lines received his education in the public schools of Carlisle township, and from early boyhood worked on the farm. He is now owner of 204 acres of highly-cultivated land, where he carries on stock farming. In 1849 he married Miss Jane M. Slauter, a native of Pennsylvania, and two children blessed their union: Carrie, wife of M. L. Chap man, of Denver, Colo, (they have three children — Hattie, Nellie and Henry); and Hattie Y., wife of F. M. Hance, now of Oberlin. Politically Mr. Gibbs is a Democrat. ^RSON M. CARVE Y. Among the foremost of the progressive and suc cessful farmers of Rochester town ship is to be found this gentleman, who is a son of William Carvey. William Carvey, grandfather of Orson M., was bora in New York State, near the spot where Washington marshaled his army in martial array, and in which vicin ity many other noted events of the war of Independence transpired. In 1820 he re moved with his family to Goshen, same State, and after four years residence, there made a final settlement in the town of Jerusalem (also in New York State), where he died March 15, 1832. His son William, father of our subject, was born June 14, 1809, in Little Britain, Orange Co., N. Y., and was eleven years old when his parents took him to Goshen, and fifteen when they removed to Jerusalem. In New York State, in 1832, he married Miss Eunice Thomas, who was born October 4, 1811, and October 15, 1832, they set out for Lo rain county, Ohio, arriving after a tedious journey of three weeks. He located on the " Dodge farm," adjoining the present homestead of our subject, subsequently buying the latter (at that time a tract of seventy acres), paying twenty shillings ($2.50) per acre for same. To build a log house was no easy task, but the expense was comparatively light, as the total cost of hauling to the spot all the logs required was only eight shillings ($1.00). On March 1, 1833, the rude cabin was " com pleted " aud ready for the family, though it had neither door, window nor hearth. For two years after coming to Rochester township he voted in Huntington town ship, and at the first election "held in the former there were but seventeen votes cast.; his first Presidential vote was cast for An drew Jackson. The record of the children born to this worthy old pioneer is as fol lows: Lydia L., now Mrs. W. R. McCon nell, of Rochester township; Nancy L., who married James Jennings, and died on the home farm; Berton W., who was a soldier in Battery B, First O. V. A., and died in hospital at Nashville, Tenn., of disease contracted in the service; Harriet L., Mrs. Frederick Peet, of Rochester township; Ellen L., Mrs. Frank Corey, of Quincy, Mich.; and Orson M., subject of sketch. The father died September 13, 1886, the mother on January 24, same year, and they sleep their last sleep in Beckley Cemetery, Rochester township. Mr. Carvey was originally an Old-line Whig, till the organization of the Republi can party, when he enrolled himself under their banner, remaining true to bis colors until the day of his death. 1154 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Orson M. Carvey, the subject proper of these lines, was born April 23, 1852, inRoch- ester township, Lorain county, on the same farm he yet owns and resides upon. He received a liberal district-school education, his first teacher being Rhoda Close, who boarded at his father's house, and was an intimate friend of the family. Thoroughly trained to agriculture, Mr. Carvey has proven himself to be one of the most suc cessful in his vocation in the county. After the death of his parents he bought out the rest of the heirs, and has since en joyed the entire ownership of the original 100-acre farm, where he has carried on general agriculture, including dairying. On December 30, 1874, Mr. Carvey married Miss Mary McConnell, who was born November 17, 1846, in New London, Ohio, a daughter of William and Martha (Rohrback) McConnell, who several years ago came from Oswego, N. Y., to Huron county, Ohio, making their home in New London. Mrs. Carvey is a cultured lady, and at Oberlin University studied vocal and instrumental music. One child, Fred W., a bright little boy, born April 29, 1881, completes the happy family circle. The lad has succeeded in training a couple of sheep to pull him and his little wagon about, and tbey can haul him a consider able distance with the greatest ease. Po litically our subject is a Republican, and takes an active interest in all elections. GS. MILLS. Among the well-known and influential citizens of Ridgeville township, none occupies a more prominent place than this gen tleman. He was bora in Ridgeville. township December 7, 1829, son of Samuel and Sally (Vannatten) Mills, the former of whom was a native of Jefferson county, N. Y., the latter of Connecticut. In 1818 or 1820 Samuel Mills came westward to Lorain county, Ohio, locating in the east ern part of Ridgeville township, where he purchased 100 acres of land, subsequently adding thereto until he had a farm of 220 acres. On January 2, 1821, he was mar ried in Lorain county to Sally Vannatten, and they became the parents of children as follows: Hiram V., born January 1, 1822, who died in Jefferson county, N. Y., in February, 1859; Alfred D., born July 11, 1824, who died in Chicago, 111., in August, 1850; H. D.; P. Amelia, who died in 1834; and C. S., subject of this biographical memoir. The father of this family served in the war of 1812, partici pating in the battle of Sacket's Harbor. In politics he was an active Whig, and served as justice of the peace. He passed to his long home June 24, 1839, survived for many years by his wife, who died in Ridgeville, Lorain county, May 5, 1873. Grandfather Mills, who was a native of Connecticut, settled in an early day in northern New York, and later came to Lorain county, Ohio, where he passed his closing years, dying in Elyria June 26, 1858, when aged eighty-nine. He was married three times, and had children by each union; the grandmother of our sub ject, who was a Woodruff, died in New York. C. S. Mills was reared in his native township, and there received his primary education, subsequently attending school at Oberlin, Ohio, and Watertown, N. Y. When twenty-three years of age he was united in marriage with Miss Jane Ter rell, a native of Ridgeville township, and their home has been brightened by children as follows: Two who died when young; Ada, Mrs. Brown, of Grand Rapids, Mich.; Jennie, residing at home; and Harry, residing on the home farm, who is married and has one child, C. S. Mr. Mills is a lifelong farmer, and, with the exception of eighteen years he resided in Eaton township, where he bought a farm, has made Ridgeville township his home. He now owns 155 acres in Eaton town- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1155 ship, besides fifteen acres of the home farm in Ridgeville township, where he resides. Politically our subject is a life long Republican ; he cast his first vote for Gen. Scott, and has ever since taken a prominent part in public affairs, being a wheel-horse of the Republican party in Ridgeville township. In 1874 he was elected county commissioner, and served in that office nine consecutive years, dur ing which time he was appointed by the board of commissioners to superintend the erection of the courthouse. JW. LEASH ER, a popular citizen of Russia township, was born August 12, 1839, in Bullskin township, Fay ette Co., Penn., son of John Leasher, a native of Franklin county, Penn., who was a shoemaker and farmer. He married Martha Doubler, who was bora in Ger many in 1800, and four years later came to America; she died in 1876, in Mt. Pleas ant, Penn., at the home of her son, J. C. Leasher. She was the mother of ten chil dren — five sons and five daughters — of whom our subject was the fourth sou. The father died in 1856, and the children were then obliged to take care of themselves. J. W. Leasher received a common-school education, and when twelve years of age hired out as a farm hand at six dollars a month, continuing at that occupation for years in his native county. He was also employed as a miner in the Youghiogheny river country, and saw the first coke ovens built in that section. On May 18, 1865, he married Miss Rachel B. Strickler, who was born January 18, 1839, in Tyrone township, Fayette Co., Penn., daughter of John R. and' Esther (Cochran) Strickler. The Stricklers are descended from one of nine brothers who came from Germany to Chester county, Penn., prior to the Revo lutionary war. They were " tall, straight and fair, blue eyes and sandy hair, good looking." The Cochran family were of Scotch-Irish extraction, coming from the' North of Ireland and locating in Delaware, whence they removed to Fayette county, Pennsylvania. After his marriage Mr. Leasher rented property, which he worked on shares, and in February, 1868, moved from Pennsyl vania to Russia township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where he had purchased the old Carter farm of one hundred acres, upon which he has since resided. He has been successfully engaged in general farming on this place, where he has -made a very com fortable home. Politically he is a Repub lican, though not active in party affairs; in religious connection he is a member of the Disciple Church at Kipton, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Leasher have no children of their own, and their home has sheltered many young children. They are most agreeable neighbors, and are highly es teemed by all who have the pleasure of their acquaintance. FETER SCHRAMM, one of the most extensive farmers of Russia town ship, is a native of Bavaria, Ger many, born September 5, 1836, to George P. and Catherine (Berg) Schramm, who came to America in 1848. George P. Schramm died August 8, 1861, aged fifty-seven years, four months, three days; Mrs. Catherine Schramm died Sep tember 4, 1890, aged eighty-four years, five months. Our subject attended school in his na tive country until twelve years of age, when he came with his parents to the United States, where they settled in Russia town ship, Lorain Co., Ohio. He attended school four winters in Russia township, and then commenced to work. After the death of his father, he and a brother took charge of 1156 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. the home place, and being hard-working and industrious they succeeded in paying off the other heirs, continuing to work the farm in partnership until 1880. In the fall of that year Peter Schramm was united in marriage with Mary Kane, a native of Germany, who came to America when quite young. To this union have been born five children, namely: Jacob A., Frederick J., Emma D., Franklin G. and Catherine S. Soon after marriage Mr. Schramm settled on his present farm, which now comprises 178 acres of land, upon wliich he has made numerous improvements. He is a model farmer, and one of the best and most suc cessful in Russia township, having, by energy, perseverance and strict attention to business, risen from a poor boy to his present prosperous position. Politically he is a Democrat, in religious faith an ad herent of the Congregational Church. djOHN SCHRAMM, a successful farmer of Russia township, was bora ) November 1, 1838, in Rhine-Pfalz, Bavaria, Germany, son of George Peter and Catherine (Berg) Schramm, farming people of Rhine-Pfalz. They had seven chil dren — four sons and three daughters — and in June, 1848, came to America with six of their family, Jacob, the remaining son, following four years later. They set sail from Bremen, and after a voyage of thirty- eight days landed iu New York, whence they at once proceeded, by way of the Erie Canal and Lake Erie, to Russia town ship, Lorain Co., Ohio. The father pur chased seventy acres of land at ten dollars an acre, then nearly all in the woods, and here the parents passed their remaining years, the mother dying in 1890, the father some years previous; they were buried in Car lisle cemetery. In religion they were both members of the Congregational Church. John Schramm attended school in his native country, and later in Russia town ship, Lorain county, and was reared to the arduous duties of farm life, continuing in same on the home place until his marriage. Ou January 27, 1870, he married Miss Catherine Miller, who was born June 28, 1850, in Rhine-Pfalz, Bavaria, Germany, daughter of Jacob Miller, and came to New York August 1, 1868. For some years Mr. Schramm had farmed in partnership with his brother Peter, but upon his mar riage they divided their interests, our sub ject remaining on the home farm for ten years, when, in 1880, he removed to the place where he yet resides. By hard work, economy and perseverance Mr. Schramm has increased his possessions, until he now owns a tine farm of 170 acres. In poli tics he is a Democrat, and in religious faith he and his wife are members of the Congregational Church. They have five children: George P., Sophia M., Henry J., Carrie A. and Albert E. DJ. PECK, representing several fire, life and accident insurance com- __ ' panies, in Elyria, is a native of Ohio, born in Olmsted township, Cuya hoga county, December 29, 1825, a son of Buel and Sallie (Barnum) Peck, the former of whom was born January 20, 1794, in Addison county, Vt., the latter born Oc tober 10, 1793. Buel Peck was among the many emi grants who left New England in 1817, on account of the cold season of 1816, and the consequent dearth of food, and he and his family passed through Ohio with ox wagons, reaching Ridgeville October 11, 1817. He bought one hundred acres of land for five hundred dollars at Ridge ville, and for tbe same price was offered a similar amount of land where the city of Cleveland now stands. He was a hard working, honest, industrious man. He died August 11, 1864, in Ridgeville, on LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1157 the farm whereon be settled in 1817. His father, William Peck, was born in Con necticut, but spent the greater part of his life in Vermont. The mother of subject died September 1, 1857. She was a daugh ter of John Barnum, a native of Vermont, whose father, Joseph Barnum was also from that State. John Barnum, our sub ject's maternal grandfather, was the sec ond to be buried in the town of Ridgeville, Ohio; he was a soldier of the Revolution ary war. At the time when Buel and Sallie Peck came to Ridgeville, the latter's parents were living D. J. Peck received his education at the high school in Elyria, and then returned to the home farm, where he remained till five years after his father's death. In 1870 he visited Madison, Wis., for one year, and on his return to Lorain county he took up his present line of business. Politically he is a Republican, and he is a member of the Royal Arcanum. His wife, who is a model woman, noted for her deeds of charity, is a member of the Congrega tional Church. She was born March 4, 1829, in Brookfield, Madison Co., N. Y. Her father, James S. Anthony, was born October 26, 1794, in East Greenwich, R. I.; her mother, Lydia (Mason), was born December 16, 1802, in Swansea, Mass. They were married in Brookfield, N. Y., February 3, 1823, and June 9, 1832, removed to Rockport, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. James S. Anthony died July 28, 1845, and Lydia, his wife, on July 23, 1856. They were stanch members of tbe Baptist Church, and excellent representa tives of New England people. Ii E. HASERODT, a prominent and progressive agriculturist of Carlisle township, was born in Medina coun ty, Ohio, in 1841, a son of Henry C. and Margaret (Barz) Haserodt, natives of Prussia. In 1834 they immigrated to this coun try and to Ohio, locating in the woods of Medina county, where they cleared a farm. After several years they came to Elyria, Lorain county, where the father died in 1888, at the age of eighty-eight, and the mother in October, 1891, aged eighty-four years. They had a family of nine children, six of whom are yet living, viz.: John G., married, residing in Brooklyn, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio; J. F., married, a resident of Elyria; Caroline, widow of Bernhard Was- sermann, of Cleveland; L. E., subject; Charles L., married, residing in Edison, Ohio; and Louisa, wife of John Weidner, of Liverpool, Medina Co., Ohio. L. E. Haserodt received a liberal educa tion at the common schools of Medina county, supplemented with one term at school in Elyria. In 1860 he came to Lo rain county, locating in Elyria, where he clerked for Baldwin, Laundon & Nelson three years; then for Stan Bros. & Co., and finally for Henry Bruch. In 1864 he en listed in Company K, One Hundred and Thirty-fifth O. V. I., one hundred days, and was stationed chiefly at Martinsburg and Maryland Heights, on garrison duty; also engaged in the attack on Gen. Early, which occu pied an entire day. Mr. Haserodt received his discharge in 1864 at Colum bus, Ohio, and returned home to Elyria. In 1865 he went with a brother to Ken- dallsville, Ind., and there engaged in the grocery trade, but being burned out, our subject retnrned to Elyria, and embarked in the grocery business, establishing one of the first groceries in the place. In 1865 he bought out and partly improved a farm of eighteen and a quarter acres of wild land, to which he has added until he now owns thirty-six and one-half acres, all under careful cultivation. In 1867 Mr. Haserodt was married in Elyria to Catherine E. Fowle, a native of Amherst township, and four children have been born to them: Edward II.; Cornelia, wife of Wilford Maddock, of Elyria; Ru pert W., married to Ruth Cudderbach, and 1158 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. residing in Vermillion, Ohio; and Cather ine, wife of C. Maddock. The mother of these died in March, 1873, and in 1874 Mr. Haserodt married Miss Anna Herold, of Berea, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, by which union there is one child, Henry C. Mr. and Mrs. Haserodt are members of the Lutheran Church, and he was one of the trustees appointed to supervise the build ing of the first church, at which time there were only seven members eligible to vote. Politically our subject is a Republican. D' .AVID C. FISHER, a prominent real-estate dealer and ice merchant in Lorain county, is a native of West Virginia, born iu June, 1850, a son of Robert and Mary (Fowler) Fisher, of the same State, where they passed their entire lives. . Our subject when a boy came to Lorain county, Ohio, and made his home in Ober lin, where he was educated, attending the college at that place for some time. In 1875 he was in the employ of the Land Company, in which he has been more or less interested since, buying, improving and selling real estate. Since 1884 he has been doing business in that line for his own account, and in eight years turned over as much as fifty thousand dollars worth of property, the amount in 1892 alone having reached eighteen thousand dollars. In 1881 he embarked in the ice business, the first one in that industry in Lorain, and practically the only one. The buildings for this purpose were located on Black river, and he made a com plete success out of it, as he has done in the real-estate business. He at one time owned nine residences in Lorain — of which he sold two, lives in one, and rents the rest — besides other property. Mr. Fisher is also engaged in. the commission business. He is largely interested in the improve ment of the West Side (Lorain), where he bought an addition, portions of which he has sold on land contracts. In 1883 David C. Fisher and Miss Eliza beth Dorsey were united in marriage. She is a native of Ashland, Ohio, daughter of George and Margaret Dorsey, who at one time lived in Elyria. Her father, in 1861, in the war of the Rebellion, enlisted at Ashland, Ohio, was sent to tbe front, was wounded, and died in hospital, all within the year; his widow is yet living. To Mr. and Mrs. David C. Fisher have been born two children: Arthur Edwin and Ruth Anna. Our subject is an active Repub lican, aud with his wife is a member of the Congregational Church, in which he holds office, and in the Sabbath- school of which he takes a lively interest. For a number of years he has been a member of the board of health in the village of Lorain, and is also constable. DAVID KIRK BRIDE, a prosperous farmer of Amherst township, comes on the paternal side from Scottish ancestry, as his name clearly in dicates. He was born in April, 1833, on Hud son street, New York, a son of David and Mary (Phillips) Kirkbride, natives of England, the former born January 13, 1799, in the county of Cumberland, the latter in 1800 in Leicestershire, of Eng lish lineage. The father at the age of fif teen moved from his native place to Lon don, where he learned the lace and stock ing weaving trade. Later he was a sales man for the house of I., W. & J. Kirk bride. He married in England, and in 1832 the young couple immigrated to the United States, the voyage to New York being made in the ship " Roscoe." They arrived at that city December 6 following, where Mr. Kirkbride engaged in the man ufacturing business for a time; they then LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1159 proceeded to Philadelphia, and from there in 1835 came to Lorain county, settling in the woods of Amherst township. Here he died in 1875, his wife in 1889. In his earlier days in this country he was a Dem ocrat, later a Free-soiler. Grandfather Phillips was a soldier in the Napoleonic wars with England. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk bride had a family of eight children, as follows: David, subject of sketch; Mary, at home; Elizabeth; Ann; Margaret; John (married), deceased in January, 1875; Maria, wife of W. S. Biggs, of Elyria; and Isaac, a farmer of Amherst township. David Kirkbride, whose name intro duces this memoir, received a fair com mon-school education in Amherst town ship, whither he was brought when a small boy. and he has been a lifelong farmer. Politically he has always been a strong Republican. 'HARLES S. AIKEN, a progressive native-born agriculturist of Lorain county, is a worthy representative of an old pioneer family. His grand father, George Aiken, who was a native of Connecticut, served as a minute-man in northern Ohio, and died in Brooklyn town ship, Cuyahoga county. Irad Aiken, son of George, was born in 1791, in Connecticut, and in 1814 came to Cuyahoga county, Ohio, where he resided until 1835. He took up a farm in the midst of the forest, and remained thereon until 1863, when he moved into North Amherst. Mr. Aiken was married, in Cuyahoga county, to Miss Indiana Brain erd, a native of Connecticut, whose parents, Ozias and Mary (Strong) Brainerd, also natives of Connecticut, came to Cuyahoga county in an early day. The journey occu pied some time, being made with an ox- team as far as Cattaraugus, N. Y. They died in Brooklyn township, Cuyahoga county; their farm is now included in the city of Cleveland. To Irad and Indiana (Brainerd) Aiken were born eight children, two of whom died young. Of the remainder, Charles S. is the subject of this sketch; William Hanford lives in Black River township, Lorain Co-, Ohio; Laura is the wife of Clark Wheelan, of Shiawassee county, Mich. ; Marietta is the wife of E. C. Foster, of North Amherst, Ohio; Noah B. is mar ried and resides in Caledonia township, Shiawassee Co., Mich.; Edwin is married and resides in Amherst township, Lorain county. The father of this family was a man who thought much of his home; he died June 9, 1879, in North Amherst, his wife surviving him until 1891, when she too passed away. ' Charles S. Aiken was born October 16, 1819, in Cuyahoga county, Ohio, where he received his education in the log-cabin schools of the district. In 1835 he located in Black River township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where he engaged in farming, and in 1861 moved to North Amherst, where he now resides. Mr. Aiken was married, in Oc tober, 1846, in Elyria township, Lorain county, to Miss Lucy R. Holmes, a native of the county. Her parents, George S. and Mary (Lester) Holmes, were natives of Connecticut, and in 1840 emigrated to Black River township, Lorain county, where he followed farming. He afterward moved to Berea, Ohio, where he died in 1875; his widow is now living in Cleve land, Ohio, at the age of eighty-four years. They reared a family of five children, viz.: Lucy R. (Mrs. Aiken); Marriett, who died in 1860, in Cuyahoga county; Sarah; George Henry, who resides in Canada; and Ellsworth, who resides in Cleveland. In politics Mr. Aiken is an active mem ber of the Republican party. He served three terms as justice of the peace in Black River township, and one term in North Amherst; has also served as county com missioner, one term, and has been a dele gate to various county conventions. Our subject has been a resident of Lorain county for fifty-eight years, and during that time 1160 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. has been actively identified with her prog ress and development. Mr. and Mrs. Aiken have two adopted children ; she is a mem ber of the Baptist Church. [Since the above was written, we have received in formation of the death of Mr. Charles A. Aiken, which occurred on September 24, 1893.— Ed. LEWIS F. WRIGHT, than whom : there is no more enterprising, in- [ dustrious and thrifty farmer in Elyria township, is a native of the county, born in the town of Lorain Au gust 9, 1839. He is a son of M. P. and Martha (Miller) Wright, the former a native of Vermont, the latter of Ogdensburg, N. Y. They were married in the State of New York, and in 1838 came to Lorain, Ohio, where Mr. Wright engaged in the stave business, had charge of a gang of men, and part of time was employed in the shipyard. They afterward moved to North Amherst, and from there to Elyria, where they lived eight or ten years; then removed to the farm, where they lived some thirty years, and they now make their home in Elyria. Lewis F. Wright, subject of sketch, was' reared and educated in Elyria, and as sisted his father in his business until 1861, when he enlisted in the three months' service, but did not go to the front. In 1862 he enlisted in the Fif teenth Ohio Battery of Artillery, for three years or during the war, and was assigned to the army of Tennessee. He participated in the battle of Holly Springs, Miss., and then returned to Memphis, Tenn., thence proceeding to the siege of Vicksburg. The regiment then was with Sherman in his march to the sea, moving as far as Me ridian, Miss. ; also participated in the Caro lina campaign, and took part in the grand review at Washington, D. C. In June, 1865, our subject was discharged at Co lumbus, Ohio, when he returned home. Having once more settled down to the pursuits- of peace, he resumed farming, and, concluding that it was "not good for man to be alone," he in 1879 took unto himself a wife in the person of Miss Catherine Elizabeth Walsh, a native of Ireland, daughter of Walter and Catherine (Hoolihan) Walsh, who many years ago left their home in Erin's Isle for a new one in the Western World, which they first found in Vermillion, Erie Co., Ohio, afterward in Elyria, Lorain county, whither they came in 1853. Here the father. died January 1, 1880; the mother, who was born in December, 1800, is now living with her daughter, Mrs. Wright. To our snbject and wife have been born three children, viz.: Fannie Catherine, George F. and Lucy Agnes. Mr. Wright is a Republican in his political sympathies, and has served on the school board; so cially he is a member of the G. A. R. Post, No. 65, Elyria. 4/ HOMER E. BARRETT, a resident of Wellington, is a native of Huron county, Ohio, bora April 2, 1847, a son of Augustus and Clarissa (Cochran) Barrett. The father of our subject was born Sep tember 21, 1813, in Monroe county, N. Y., and in 1826 came to Ohio. On Novem ber 5, 1840, he married Miss Clarissa Cochran, and they made their home in Erie county till 1843, in which year they moved to Clarksfield township, Huron county, and there lived the rest of their lives. In connection with general farm- intr he was an extensive sheep breeder, and at the time of his death, which oc curred June 7, 1886, he was quite wealthy; he died in the house he had built in Clarksfield township forty years before. In LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1161 politics he was originally a Whig, in his later years a Republican; and he wa*s a member of the Baptist Church. His wife was a native of Cambridge, Vt., bora September 16, 1814, came with her par ents to Ohio, and taught school in Erie county up to the time of her marriage; she died September 5, 1890. Three chil dren, as follows, were bora to this honored couple: Mary L. (Mrs. Beebe), of Clarks field township, Huron Co., Ohio; Caroline M., married to William Minor, of New London township; and Homer E. Philander Barrett, paternal grandfather of subject, and his wife were both natives of Massachusetts, while the maternal grandparents were of Vermont birth; they were farming people, and after the death of the grandfather, the grandmother made her home with our subject till her re moval to Grand Haven, Mich., where she died. Homer E. Barrett, whose name opens this sketch, received a liberal education at the public schools of Clarksfield township and Norwalk, also at Oberlin, eight or nine terms, after which he attended for a short time, in 1866, the Business College of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. In 1867 he married Miss Eliza E. Noble, bora May 24, 1844, a daughter of Gustavus and Harriet (Fancher) Noble. Her father was born in New York State, whence prior to bis marriaoe he came to Ohio, settling in Litchfield, Medina county. He died when she was a girl of four summers, and the mother (who was born September 21, 1822) was afterward married to De- Grasse Thomas, of Rochester township, Lorain county, and two children were born to them: Alma, wife of Walter Hall, rail road telegraph operator; and Fred, mar ried to Fannie Smith. The mother is now living in Rochester, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Noble were the parents of five children, as follows: Adelaide, deceased; Albina, wife of George Chadwick, residing in Welling ton; Eliza E., wife of Homer E. Barrett; Perry, residing in Sherman, Texas; and 60 Mary, deceased wife of Wilbur Hall. Mrs. Homer E. Barrett lived for a time with her grandparents in New London, where she attended school. Grandfather Noble and his wife were lifelong residents of Litchfield, Medina Co., Ohio. To our subject and wife was born No vember 15, 1868, a son named Augustus Earl, who graduated at the high school and attended the Homeopathic Hospital College at Cleveland, graduating fromthere in March, 1893. He .is now practicing medicine in Detroit, Michigan. IfSAAC KIRKBRIDE is a lifelong, well-to-do agriculturist of Amherst ( township, and on his father's side of the house comes of Scottish ancestry. He was bora in 1838 on his present farm in Amherst township, a son of David and Mary (Phillips) Kirkbride, natives of England, the father born January 13, 1799, in the county of Cumberland, the mother in 1800 in Leicestershire, of Eng lish lineage. The father at the age of fifteen moved from his native place to London, where he learned the lace and stocking weaving trade. Later he was a salesman for the house of W. & J. Kirk bride. He married in England, and in 1832 the young couple immigrated to the United States, the voyage to New York being made in the ship " Roscoe." They arrived at that city December 6 following, where Mr. Kirkbride engaged in the manu facturing business for a time; they then proceeded to Philadelphia, and from there in 1835 came to Lorain county, settling in the woods of Amherst township. Here he died in 1875, his wife in 1889. In his early days in this country he was a Demo crat, later a Free-soiler. Grandfather Phillips was a soldier in the Napoleonic wars with England. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk bride had a family of eight children, as 1162 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. follows: David, a farmer in Amherst town ship; Mary, at home; Elizabeth; Ann; Margaret; John (married), deceased in January, 1875; Maria, wife of W. S. Biggs, of Elyria; and Isaac, subject of sketch. * Isaac Kirkbride received his education at the public schools of his township, and was reared to farm life. He owns a good farm of 107 acres, all in a high state of cultivation. In politics he takes an active interest, and votes with the Democratic party. He has never married. /^ARL WANGERIEN. Germany *\ has given to the United States a, \^ host of industrious, frugal, honest and loyal citizens, and wherever they make their stand, there they leave their impress. Of such an one is the subject of this sketch. He was bora March 29, 1814, in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg- Strelitz, Germany, a son of John Wangerien, a shoemaker by trade. Our subject was educated from tbe age of six to fourteen at the public schools of his native place, and then commenced to learn his father's trade under him, serving a four-years' ap prenticeship, after which he passed four years in the regular army. He then served one year as a journeyman workman, travel ing from place to place, at the end of which time he returned to his native town and commenced business for his own account. At that time, October 18, 1842, he mar ried Miss Henrietta Naherenst, a native of the same part of the country, daughter of David Naherenst, by which union two children were born in Germany: Amelia, now Mrs. John Lindeman, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Augusta, who was married to Frederick Heist, and died in Russia town ship, Lorain county. In the summer of 1852 the family, con sisting of Mr. Wangerien, his wile and two daughters, set sail from Hamburg on the good ship "Howard," bound for New York, where after a voyage of forty-three days, they landed in safety. From there they proceeded by rail to Dunkirk, N. Y., thence by water to Cleveland, where they arrived in September following. Here Mr. Wangerien worked at his trade two months, after which the entire family removed to the German settlement in Rus sia township, Lorain county, where the father bought land and lived thereon twenty years, employed in farming and at his trade; in 1872 he bought another piece of land containing 247 acres, in the same township, and as an agriculturist he has been fairly successful. In the United States two more children were born to him, viz. : Charles R. and Henry C, both farmers in Russia township. The mother died June 20, 1884, and was buried in South Amherst cemetery. In politics Mr. Wangerien is a Republican, though not an active worker in his party. In the Father land he had united with the Lutheran Church, in which he has faithfully re mained. Since the death of his wife he has been making his home with his sons, who are neighbors, tarrying with them alternately. rung HARLES R. WANGERIEN, one of the most successful and careful agriculturists of Russia township, Lorain county, who from the bottom of the ladder has made his way to the top entirely by his own energy, per severance and sound judgment, is a native of Russia township, Lorain Co., Ohio, born November 10, 1854. Mr. Wangerien is the eldest born in Lo rain county to Karl and Henrietta (Naher enst) Wangerien. He attended school eight seasons in Russia township, after- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1163 ward at Cleveland two seasons, and then commenced agricultural pursuits on his father's farm, where he has since continued to reside. On November 16, 1876, he was married to Augusta Dehn, who was bora in Amherst township, Lorain Co., Ohio, June 29, 1855, a daughter of Will iam and Christina (Hacker) Dehn, natives of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Germany, whence they emigrated to this country many years ago. When Mr. Wangerien's mother died in 1884, his wife took charge of the household affairs, and has so continued since. To our subject and wife have been born three children: Harry A., Karl W. aud Alma H. In politics Mr. Wangerien is a Repub lican, but not an active one, as he wisely devotes all his time to his farm and family. He is the owner of 225 acres of prime land in Russia township, and is considered one of the best and most industrious farmers in his locality. "I JfENRY C. WANGERIEN, than '!*J whom there is no more industrious 1 and painstaking agriculturist in J) Russia township, is a native of same, born October 24, 1857, young est in the family of Karl and Henrietta (Naherenst) Wangerien. He received a liberal education at the common schools of his township until he was fifteen years old, when he commenced work on the farm under his father, a voca tion he has since continued in with every success. On December 7, 1880, Mr. Wan gerien was married to Augusta Dramm, who was born in Russia township, Lorain county, January 19, 1859, a daughter of Karl Dramm, a native of Germany. To this union have been bora the following children: Arthur C, born July 10, 1883; Iona G., bora November 10, 1885; and Nelson L., born July 1, 1889. After mar riage our subject built a house near that of his father, where he and his bride made their new home, and continued to live until 1889, in which year they removed to their present farm, which Mr. Wangerien has substantially improved, having erected all the buildings thereon with his own hands. He now owns 185 acres of excel lent land, and stands second to none in the county as an all-round agriculturist. Po litically he is a leading Republican, and is now acceptably filling the office of town ship trustee. EORGE W. GIBSON. This gentle man, proprietor of the leading livery and hack business in Oberlin, comes of ancestry whose home was the soil of Scott and Burns — " land of the mountain and the flood." Our subject was born November 19, 1845, in Russia township, Lorain Co., Ohio, a son of Orin and Elizabeth (Free man) Gibson. The parents were natives of New York, and in 1833 came to Ohio, locating in Brownhelm township till 1835, when they moved to Russia township on a farm, which at that time was all in the woods, but is now one of the best cultivated in the township. The father died May 30, 1884, in Oberlin, where the mother is yet living. She was born in Vermont, a daugh ter of Luther Freeman, also a native of the Green Mountain State, who in 1824 came to Russia township, Lorain county, where he passed the rest of his days. Mr. and Mrs. Orin Gibson were the parents of three children, as follows: Louisa, wife of Nathan B. Nash, residing in Russia town ship, Lorain county; Anna, who was mar ried to David Brobert, and died in 1886 in Oberlin; and George W. The subject of these lines was reared and educated in his native township, and as sisted in the opening up of the home farm, working thereon till March, 1881, when he came to Oberlin and embarked in his present livery business. On December 25, 1164 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1870, Mr. Gibson was married, in Russia township, Lorain county, to Miss Catherine Plain, a native of Broome county, N. Y. (daughter of Henry Plain), who came to Lorain county in 1861. One of her broth ers, during the Civil war, enlisted in the Federal army from Lorain county. Two children have been born to this union, Electa and Raymond. In his political sympathies Mr. Gibson identifies' himself with the Republican party, and in 1882 he was appointed deputy sheriff, a position he is yet filling. Socially he is a member of the Knights of Honor. He owns the old homestead in Russia township, and is a well-to-do, popular citizen. F. LANGDON, a welhio-do citi zen of Penfield township, was born November 16, 1819, in the town of Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., N. Y., son of Forester and grandson of Lewis Langdon, who was a manufacturer of cider-mills. Forester Langdon was married in his na tive State to Hannah, daughter of Moses Frederick Delosdernier, who came from Nova Scotia, and while living in New York children were bora to this union as follows: Clarissa, who married Perry Disbro, and died March 9, 1893, in Iowa; Matilda, who married Samuel White, and died February 7, 1890, in Eaton Rapids, Mich.; William F., our subject; Hiram A., who was a physician of Avon, Lorain county, where he died October 9, 1873; Maria, who married Lyman Webber, and died April 10, 1886, in Van Wert county, Ohio; Orilla, Mrs. Samuel Disbro, of Cass county, Iowa; Lucinda, who was the widow of Horace Cragin, of La Grange, Ohio, died December 19, 1893; Washington L., of Van Wert county, Ohio; and LionarE., also of Van Wert county, Ohio. Early in 1834 Mr. Langdon, with his daughter Matilda and son William F., set out for Ohio, driving the entire distance, and ar riving on February 16, after a journey of twenty-one days, in La Grange township, Lorain county, where they found a tem porary home with Mr. Langdon's brother- in-law, Allen Sheldon. The father re turned to New York State, and in the following May brought the remainder of the family to Ohio, our subject in the meantime living with his uncle, Joseph Lincoln. Mrs. Langdon died in Lorain county April 21, 1835, at the age of forty- one, and some years later Mr. Langdon re moved to Van Wert county, Ohio, where he is now buried, having passed away there at the age of eighty-two years. Our subject received his education in the common schools of the period, and came to Ohio when fourteen years old, at which time the country was completely wild and abounded with wolves, deer, wild hogs, turkeys, etc. At the age of twenty- one he left home and went to La Porte, where he learned the carpenter's trade under a Mr. Bassett, and also acquired a knowledge of wagon making, which he followed to some extent. In the winter of 1846 he went to Louisiana to work in the lumber region. On January 22, 1850, he was married to Miss Margaret Denham, who was born November 9, 1825, in Scot land, whence her parents, Peter and Mar garet (Lyle) Denham, emigrated in an early day to the United States and to Ohio, locating in Penfield township, Lorain county, where both died at the age of eighty-six years. After his marriage Mr. Langdon located on the place where he yet resides, purchas ing, on credit, fifty-seven and a half acres at ten dollars per acre. The country was very swampy and all in the woods, and there was not a house in sight. For twenty-five years he worked diligently at his trades, some of the best wagons in the section coming from his workshop; and after years of industry and economy has amassed a comfortable property, all LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1165 the result of his own untiring efforts. Mr. and Mrs. Langdon have had one child, Margaret F., now the wife of M. L. Disbro, of Penfield township; Mr. and Mrs. Disbro have had two children: Munson Langdon and James Leverne, the latter of whom died in 1881 at the age of ten months. In politics our subject is a Republican, active in party affairs, and has held various local positions of trust, such as township trustee, etc. He and his wife are mem bers of the M. E. Church, in which he has served as trustee. 0. SUTLIFF, one of the best known farmer citizens of Carlisle township, and a justice of the peace, is a native of same, born February 28, 1826, a son of Salmon and Anna (Beaman) Sutliff. The Sutliffs come of English ancestry. The father of our subject was born in Washington county, N. Y., in 1786, and was there married. He served in the war of 1812, under Gen. Harrison. In 1820 he came to Lorain county, Ohio, first locating in Avon township, whence on January 1, 1821, he moved to Carlisle township. He died here in 1857, his wife in 1870, at the age of seventy-eight years. In religious sentiment they were Baptists, and in politics he was an Old-line Whig. They were the parents of fifteen children, of whom the following is a brief record: Lovicia died at the age of six years; Silas B., a wagonmaker, was married, and died at Joliet, 111.; William H. H. resides in Wellington, Lorain county; Asa G. was married, and died in Minnesota in 1879; O. H. P. is married, and lives in Carlisle township, Lorain county; Charles B. was killed by the cars; Ralph 0. is married, and resides in Michigan; Lusetta is the wife of Eli Wright, of Wood county, Ohio; Warren C. is the subject of this memoir; Lucinda was the wife of Frederick Lee (she died in Cleveland, Ohio); Jesse S., a twin, has his home in Saginaw, Mich, (his twin brother died when three weeks old); Theodore S. also lives in Michigan ; Miles W. is married, and resides in Penfield township, Lorain county; Rosetta is the wife of William Gott, of Wellington, Ohio. Grandfather Gad Sutliff was a soldier in ¦the Revolutionary war, and lived and died in New York State. W. C. Sutliff received a limited educa tion in the public schools of his native place, was' reared to agricultural pursuits, which have been his life work, and he now owns a good farm in Carlisle township. In February, 1854, he was united in mar riage with Miss Jane A. Bennett, daugh ter of David and Jane (Galpin) Bennett, the former born in Westmoreland, N. H., the latter in Waterbury, Conn. Two chil dren — Ada C. and Louis E. — have been born to this union. Mr. Sutliff is an active Democrat, and cast his first vote for Franklin Pierce. He served his town ship as constable for about ten years, also as assessor and trustee several terms, and for the past twenty-five years has been a justice of the peace. JOSEPH B. FLICKINGER, than whom no citizen of Lorain county stands higher in the community, or is better esteemed, comes of an old Pennsylvania-German family. He was bora December 29, 1827, in Greene township, Wayne Co., Ohio, a son of Peter Flickinger, who was bom in Hagerstown, Md., October 13, 1787, he a son of Jacob Flickinger, a native of Ger many. Peter was a stone mason and bricklayer by trade. He was married Oc tober 10, 1813, in Brothers Valley town ship, Somerset Co., Penn., to Elizabeth Kieffer, who was born June 12, 1793, also in Brothers Valley township, daughter of 1166 LORAIN COUNTY OHIO. Jacob Kieffer, a well-to-do capitalist, who came from Germany, and was married to a Miss Eva Fritz, also of Germany," whose mother died when crossing the ocean, and. was buried at sea. One child, Mary Ann, was born to them in Southampton town ship, Somerset Co., Penn., August 1, 1814, and died unmarried in Greene township, Wayne Co., Ohio. On March 10, 1818, Peter Flickinger and his little family, ac companied by his father-in-law, Jacob Kieffer, came to Ohio, locating in Greene township, Wayne county (he had come out the year before, and entered land there). The country was very wild, and they had to cut their way through the woods, in which roamed fierce animals, sometimes so emboldened by hunger as to enter the very house. One night Mrs. Flickinger had some meat boiled in a pot, and a bear, smelling it from afar, coolly walked into the house, ate up the beef, and then took his departure with considerably less cere mony than would any average nineteenth- century tramp. Mr. Flickinger had bought 160 acres of Government land, which for the most part he cleared with his own hand, receiving valuable assistance from his stalwart sons. At the time of his death he was owner of 550 acres of land. In addition to farming he did considerable masonry work, among other buildings erecting his own house. In politics he was a Whig, and served in various town ship offices of trust to the entire satisfac tion of his constituents; in religion he was one of the pillars of the Lutheran Church. He died May 20, 1849; his wife passed from earth August 23, 1843, and they are buried in Milton township, Wayne county. The children born to them in Ohio were as follows: Eli, born July 22, 1816, in Greene township, Wayne Co., Ohio, now of Kipton, Ohio; Otillia, born May 24, 1818, widow of E. N. Fowler, of Ben ton county, Iowa; Jacob, born January 24, 1821, who died October 21, 1846, at Matamoras, Mexico, while serving in the Mexican war; Jesse, born May 22, 1824, now a mechanic and carpenter, of Kansas; Peter N. and Joseph B. (twins), born De cember 29, 1827, of whom Peter N. died March 23, 1849, when aged twenty-one. Joseph B. Flickinger, the subject proper of this sketch, did not attend school till he was nine years old, the schoolhouse being at too great a distance from his home; but he was an apt scholar, and learned rapidly. Up to the age of sixteen he was reared on a farm, was taught agriculture, and then commenced to learn the trade of bricklayer and stonemason, at first under his father, later under Reuben Tressler. On completing his trade he be gan taking contracts for his own account, and worked at various places. After his marriage he located on a farm in Greene township, Wayne Co., Ohio, on the Port age road, on which he remained eighteen months, then coming to Huntington town ship, Lorain county, he bought 126 acres of land, where he made his home two years, at the end of which time he moved to Camden township and purchased the fine farm which he yet owns. In Septem ber, 1880, he came to the town of Kipton, where he has since resided iu comparative retirement. For twelve years he was en gaged in the sale of farming implements. On March 8, 1849, Mr. Flickinger was united in marriage with Miss Mary Pow ers, bora October 16, 1829, in Canaan township, Wayne Co., Ohio, daughter of Wiram and Maria (Moulton) Powers, who were descendants of some of the early fam ilies of New England. Each of the par ents — Wiram and Idaria — came to Wayne county, Ohio, with their parents. Thomas Powers, father of Wiram, married Olive Harvey, who ran bullets for the Conti nental army at Bunker Hill, as four of her brothers were participants in that engage ment; in the same army her father was a blacksmith, and shod horses for the cavalry. To Mr. aud Mrs. Flickinger were born two children, as follows: Claista O, born Oc tober 9, 1850, in Greene township, Wayne Co., Ohio, and Hiram J., born September LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1167 19, 1854, in Camden township, Lorain Co., Ohio, and died September 7, 1863. Claista C. married Otis Kelsey, and three children were bora to them: Carrie B. (Mrs. L. V. Bates), Cora L. and Nettie M. In poli tics Mr. Flickinger was originally a Whig, later a Republican, and for twenty-four years he has served as a justice of the peace, his last reelection being in the spring of 1893; he has also been trustee, assessor of real estate and personal property, and was enumerator of census in 1880 and in 1890. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church, of which he is a dea con, and of the Sabbath- school of which he has been superintendent for twelve years. nv R. TENNANT, one • of Lorain I county's leading farmers, having ___/ 234 acres of prime land in Camden township, was born August 20, 1826, in Monroe county, N. Y., a son of Selden and Lydia (Allen) Tennant. Selden Tennant, father of subject, was a native of Connecticut, born in 1787, and in 1793 eame to Otsego county, N. Y., with his parents. When a young man he bought land near Buffalo, N. Y., but not long afterward he removed to Monroe county. In 1846 be came to Ohio and bought wild land in Camden township, Lo rain county, where he became a well-to-do citizen, farming being his life vocation. In Otsego county be had married Miss Lydia, Allen, who bore him children as fol lows: Moses S., who died in Camden town ship aged seventy-eight years; Betsy, who married Charles Kingsbury, died in Mich igan; Allen, a resident of Kenton, Ohio; Lydia, married to David M. Tennant, died in Oberlin in 1892; David R.,our subject; and Hannah M., married to Moses Hol comb, now of Cass county, Iowa. The mother died in 1835 in New York State, the father on his farm in Camden town ship, Lorain county, in 1871. Politically he was first au ardent Whig, afterward, on the formation of the party, a stanch Re publican. In religious connection he and his wife were zealous Baptists. David R. Tennant attended, as circum stances permitted, the common schools of the locality of his birth, and early in life was inducted into the mysteries of farm life. He continued to reside' with his parents, and on November 19, 1846, was married in Monroe county, N. Y., to Miss Melita Burpee, who was born July 29, 1827, in Rutland county, Vt., daughter of Otis and Dorinda (Pearson) Burpee, who moved to Livingston county, N. Y., in 1830, and in 1842 came to Monroe county, same State. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Tennant came to Ohio with his father, on whose farm in Camden township, Lorain county, he resided nine years after coming, working for the most part on shares, his father making his home with him. In about 1855 he bought ninety-one acres, a portion of his present farm, which he in creased by additions to 234 acres, and here he has successfully carried on farming operations. The children bora to our sub ject and wife are as follows: Franklin R., a farmer of Bay county, Mich.; Emily D., married to Albert H. Kennedy, residing in Rockport, Ind. (they are both graduates of Oberlin College); Ella A., Mrs. H. H. Howe, of Medina county, Ohio; Clara M., wife of H. F. Bronson, a farmer of Cam den township; George W., a farmer of Bay county, Mich.; and Almina M., who died at the, age of twenty-three years. All these children were well educated, and all had been school-teachers, except one, who had lost health. Mr. Tennant is a Repub lican in politics, formerly a Whig, and a Christian man in all his thoughts and acts, though not a member of any church. He is very precise in his dealings, but never "close," rather the reverse; and he has been most liberal to his family in the way of educational advantages and all thinas necessary to their advancement in life. 1168 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Mrs. Tennant, who has nobly acted her part in the rearing of her family, and in making the home what it is — comfortable and home-like — is a member of the Bap tist Church. J | AMES CONNOLLY, who for over i twenty- two years has been keeper of ' the lighthouse off Lorain, is a native of Quebec, Canada, born November 9, 1828. His father, John Connolly, was a native of Queen's County, Ireland, and when a young man came to Quebec, where he mar ried Cordelia Bell, a native of London, England. He was a ship carpenter, caulker and sailor, sailing on the ocean in early life, but after his marriage followed the lakes, building vessels at different ports. In the summer of 1836 he settled at Black River (now Lorain), Lorain Co., Ohio, where he passed the rest of his days, dying in 1864; his wife died in Lorain in 1853. They reared a family of eight chil dren — six sons and two daughters — namely: Bartholemew, who died in Shef field township, Lorain county; Stephen, who also died in Lorain county; James, subject of this memoir; Carrie A., wife of Henry Volmar, of Cleveland; Elizabeth, widow of F. C. Thompson; William, mar ried and residing in Loraiu (he served in the One Hundred and Twenty-fourth O. V. I.); Edwin, married and residing in Cleveland; and John, who enlisted, in 1862, in Company H, Eighth O. V. I., for three years, or during the war, and was wounded in the battle of Manchester (he re-enlisted in Company H, One Hundred and Third O. V. I., was taken prisoner, and died in Andersonville Prison in 1865). In November, 1836, when about eight years of age, James Connolly came from Buffalo, N. Y., to Lorain, Ohio, where he received his education at the common schools. He learned the trade of ship carpenter and caulker, and for thirty years was a sailor on the lakes, being captain and mate of a vessel during the summer for many years, and during this long life he had many thrilling experiences. In 1871, during Grant's administration, he was ap pointed, by Secretary Boutwell, keeper of the lighthouse, in which capacity he is still retained. He now has charge of the second lighthonse, and the tower building, for range lights are erected, and are being used. On June 21, 1853, Mr. Connolly was united in marriage, at Lorain, with Miss Alice L. Gillmore, a native of Lorain county, daughter of Quartus Gillmore, both members of a very early family of the county. To this union were bom six children, namely: Alice, wife of L. H. Eddy, residing on Second Avenue, Lorain (Mr. Eddy is an engineer on the C. L. & W. R. R. from Lorain to Wheeling) ; James Q., who was killed by lightning when ten years old ; Eugene, who died at the age of sixteen; Frank Lyons, who died when five years old ; and Clara and Carrie (twins), who died when seven weeks old. The mother of these children passed from earth January 5, 1893. In politics our subject is a Republican, and served as a member of the school board for three years, when the public schools were first organized here. Socially he is a member of Lorain Lodge, F. & A. M., of which he is a charter member; he was also a member of King Solomon's Lodge at Elyria. In religious belief he is a Con gregationalist. During his residence in Lorain Mr. Connolly has watched its de velopment, from a village of 500 people, to a thriving little city of 6,000. OBERT REDFERN. Prominent and well-known in the community of Columbia township, in both pub lic and private life, is to be found this gentleman. He is a native of Canada, bom in the town of White Church, County of Brnce, LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1169 Ontario, August 24, 1837, a son of Robert and Ellen Redfern, natives of Ireland, who in an early day immigrated to Canada, locating iu the County of Bruce, Ontario, from there removing in 1853 to Olmsted Falls, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, and later com ing to Henrietta township, Lorain county. Our subject received a thorough education at the common schools of his native place up to the age of sixteen, at which time the family moved to Olmsted Falls, Ohio, and he was twenty years old when they came to Lorain county. Here he was engaged in farming and sawmilling.. For one year he was employed in the cheese factory at West View, and he was in the milk busi ness in Cleveland seven years. In April, 1857, he had married, in Columbia town ship, Lorain county, Miss Mary C. Hacket, a native of that township, daughter of Gain R. and Electa (Sabin) Hacket, pio neers of Columbia township, who settled in the wild woods where they cleared a farm. Gain R. Hacket was born in Manchester, N. Y., August 13, 1810; his wife, Electa A. (Sabin), in Ontario, N. Y., May 5, 1815. They were married September 13, 1832, and same year moved to Ohio, settling in Columbia township, Lorain county, on a farm of seventy-five acres, which he cleared up. They were the parents of seven chil dren, namely: Zebina, Mary O, Lafrancis E., Stephen, Emily, Sarah and Laura, of whom there are yet living: Mary C. Red fern, Lafrancis E. Hacket and Emily Os born. The father of these died in March, 1855; the mother is now living on the old place with Mr. and Mrs. Redfern. After marriage our subject settled on his present fine farm of 148 acres, all in a good state of cultivation (its original size having been seventy-five acres), and here carries on general agriculture including dairying, of which branch he makes a specialty, do ing a large business. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Redfern: Lilly Ann, wife of John Richards (they have five children — Charles, Robert, Albert, May and Lena, all residing in- Strongsville, Ohio); Ellen May, who married J. H. Culver, and died ifl 1884; Eva May, who died at the age of thirteen years; Elmer Dewitt, who died at the age of seven years; and one that died in infancy. In politics our subject votes with the Republican party; has served as township trustee, be ing now in his fourth year, and has been a member of the school board several years. He and his wife are members of the M. E. Church. ARDIS N. BARNES, farmer and dealer in horses, is well and favor ably known throughout Amherst township, where he was born in March, 1838. Ezekiel Barnes, his grandfather, was a native of Massachusetts, born in 1770 in Worcester, whence in 1817 he came to Lorain county, Ohio, settling on Lot 43, Amherst township, where he died in 1860. His children were as follows: Ezekiel G.; Sardis D-, who died at Upper Sandusky before the subject of this sketch was born ; Paulina, who died in Madison, Lake Co., Ohio (she was the wife of Rawson Crocker, and their son is now the oldest man in North Amherst); Fannie, who married David Smith, and became the mother of Judge L. B. Smith, of Elyria; Amanda, who married Warren Smith, and went with the Mormons (he was killed during the raid on Nauvoo, 111., and she died re cently in Salt Lake City); Juliet, who married Ira Lelie, and still resides in Am herst; and Charlotte, who married Mon- ville Wintone, and died in Wood county. Grandfather"Barnes was a farmer by occu pation, and was well known in political circles, first as a Whig and iu later years as a Republican. His eldest son, Ezekiel G., father of our subject, was bora in Old Becket, Mass., September 1, 1799, and came with his parents to Amherst town ship, Lorain county, in 1817. In 1825 he revisited the East, and was there married, 1170 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. same year, to Miss Elvira Harrington, who was born March 5, 18*05, in New York State. Returning to Amherst township he settled down to agricultural pursuits and became prosperous. He was a great hunter, and as in his day the forest teemed with game of all sorts, many a deer, pheasant and wild turkey fell to his unerring rifle. In politics he followed in the footsteps of his father. He and his wife were the parents of five children, a brief record of them be ing as follows: Gilbert H., born Novem ber 17, 1826, still resides in Amherst township; Louisa E., born August 27, 1828, is the widow of James Gawn, and she also resides in Amherst township; G. Monroe, born September 3, 1830, was married, and died iu August, 1891; Henry D., born August 12, 1836, died April 6, 1869; Sardis N. is the subject of this sketch. The father of this family was called from earth December 31, 1881, the mother on January 29, 1888. Sardis N. Barnes was reared on a farm, and received his education in the common schools of his township. On September 10, 1861, he was united in marriage with Miss Calista Bemis, who was born Novem ber 7, 1840, and one child, Nellie, has come to brighten their home. Mr. Barnes is a wide-awake, progressive farmer, and for the past few years has given special atten tion to trading iu fast horses, selling in the eastern markets. Politically he votes with the Republican party, in which he takes an active interest. Jl H. REED, a prominent and influen tial farmer of Eaton township, was _J born July 19, 1847, in Strongsville, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, a sou of Joseph aud Tamar (Lyman) Reed, natives, the father of Cornwall, England, the mother of Strongsville, Ohio. At the age of twenty Joseph Reed emi grated to the United States, and locating first in Strongsville, Ohio, from there moved to Columbia township, Lorain county, where he followed agricultural pur suits during the rest of his life. He died in 1882; his widow is yet living. They had a family of nine children, of whom six are yet living, viz.: J. L., married, resid ing in Ridgeville township (he has two children, Fred and Elsie); J. H., subject of sketch; Sophia L., widow of Chauncey Nichols, late of Berea, Ohio (she has three children — Lena, Mary and William) ; Mary I., wife of Otis B. Osborne, of Eaton town ship (she has three children — Nellie, Charlie and Bayard); F. N., married, in the wholesale millinery business in Cleve land, Ohio (has one daughter — Winifred); and Charles T., single, in business with his brother in Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reed also reared a niece, Lydia Ratcliffe, now married and living in Cali fornia. J. H. Reed, whose name introduces this sketch, received his education at the pub lic schools of Columbia township, Lorain county, supplemented with a few months attendance at Oberlin College. For a time he worked at the stone business in Berea, Ohio, as well as in Columbia town ship, but farming has been his chief life vocation. In 1872 he came to Eaton township, and bought a partly improved farm of seventy-nine acres, on which he erected a house and barn, subsequently adding thereto sixty-two acres, aggregat ing one of the finest farms in the town ship. Just after marriage, and prior to coming to Eaton township, Mr. Reed and his wife lived two years in Ridgeville township. On Christmas Day, 1871, our subject was married, in Ridgeville township, to Miss Jennie McNelly, of that township, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Cave) McNelly, the father a native of Whitehall, N. Y., who settled in Ridgeville township some sixty years ago, the mother of Eng land; both are living in Elyria, Ohio. Thomas and Jane (Wilson) Cave, grand parents of Mrs. Reed, were natives of Eng land, whence in an early day they came to LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1171 America, making a settlement on Chestnut Ridge, Ridgeville township, Lorain county. To our subject and wife have been born two children — Claude Thomas and Clyde Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Reed are members of the Christian Church at Eaton Center, of which he is clerk and deacon. In poli tics he is an active Republican, is a mem ber of the school board, and has served in Congressional conventions. He takes an active interest in the local Agricultural Association; is one of the directors of the County Agricultural Society, and has been a delegate to the County Conventions. The mother of our subject is a daugh ter of Elijah and Irene (Whitney) Lyman, natives of Vermont, of English ancestry, who in 1814 came to Strongsville, Cuya hoga Co., Ohio, where they died, he in 1828, she in 1820. Thomas and Mary (Hickens) Reed, paternal grandparents of J. H. Reed, were natives of Cornwall, England, whence about the year 1838 they came to Ohio, making their new home in Cuyahoga county. The grandfather died in Columbia township, Lorain county, in 1876, at the age of eighty-seven years; the grandmother had passed away in Strongs ville, Cuyahoga county, in 1871, when seventy-six years old. AMUEL ALEXANDER, a prom inent and representative farmer of Carlisle township, was bora May 9, 1829, in Gloucestershire, England. His parents, Samuel and Sarah (Fran- cum) Alexander, also natives of England, came to America when Samuel was but four weeks old, and located in Grafton, Lorain Co., Ohio. The father was a farmer, and died at the age of eighty, the mother passing away in her eightieth year. They were tbe parents of seven children who grew to maturity, viz.: Martha, who married Edwin Martin, and died in La Porte in 1886; Samuel, subject of sketch; Aun, wife of William Lawson, of Grafton; Sophia, wife of Cyrus Wallace, of Winne bago county, 111.; John, Job and Albert, all three married and residing in Eaton township. Samuel Alexander was reared to farming pursuits in Grafton and Eaton townships, and received his education in the common schools of the district. At the age of twenty-five he was married to Miss Eliza beth Stevens, and after residing in Du buque, Iowa, for two years, he removed to Michigan, where he married, for his sec ond wife, Miss Laura Tyce. She died, and Mr. Alexander was next married to Miss Barbara Slaterline, to which union have been born six children, namely: George (who died when fourteen months old), Elmer, Mary, Cora, Olie and Charley. Mr. Alexander resided for fifteen years in Bay City, Mich., bnt in 1873 he returned to Lorain county, Ohio, locating in Eaton township, whence he shortly afterward removed to Carlisle township. Here he has since resided, engaged in general agri culture and dairying, and he owns a fine farm of 300 acres, all in a high state of cultivation. While residing in Michigan he was engaged in the butcher business, carrying on a meat market, in which line he met with considerable success. He takes a lively interest in politics, voting with the Republican party. LFRED HARRIS, one of the best known and most highly respected farmers of Russia township, is a na tive of Oxfordshire, England, born February 6, 1831, a son of John Harris, a native of the same county, who was by trade a miller. He married a Miss Lee, and to them were born in England children as follows: Thomas L., deceased in Brownhelm township, Lorain county, while working in a stone quarry; Henry L., a physician, deceased in Bellevue, Ohio; 1172 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Caroline, wife of Dr. James F. Grimes, of Mishawaka, Ind.; John, who was a school-teacher, and died in the West Robert, a physician of South Bend, Ind. Mary, widow of William Purdy, of Indiana Nancy, who married Richard Longmate, and died in Oberlin, Ohio; Arthur, a car penter of St. Louis, Mo.; Alfred; and Harriet, who married Philander George, and died in Coldwater, Michigan. In 1833 the family came to the United States, the voyage across the ocean occu pying six weeks. Prior to this the father had come alone to the country, and bought for one thousand two hundred dollars in gold 233 acres of land, which is now the farm of the subject of this sketch. At that time such a sum of money could have bought a great portion of the town of Cleveland, for cholera was raging fear fully, and people were using every endeavor to leave the place. After the arrival of the family in New York, it was six weeks before the husband and father could be found. They then came on to Ohio, and settled on their new home in Russia town ship, Lorain county, at that time an almost unbroken wilderness. In the United States children were born to Mr. and Mrs. John Harris: Hannah, who married A. A. Tur ney, and died in Wood county, Ohio; and George, who was colonel of Sheldon's Guards, under Gen. Garfield, during the Civil war, and was killed at Fort Gibson. After coming to America the father of our subject worked at the sawmilling business in connection with farming, which latter was the chief occupation of his life, but his later years were passed in retirement. He died in 1868, his wife some time be fore, and they lie buried in Amherst ceme tery. Politically he was first a Whig, and afterward, on the formation of the party, a Republican. Alfred Harris, the subject proper of this sketch, received a liberal education at the common schools, and subsequently attended Oberlin College, when Prof. Finney was president of that institution. When he was about twenty-six years old he left the paternal roof, and embarked in the cattle business — buying and selling — in which he was very successful. In 1862 he rented the home farm for five years; then bought a piece of improved land, which he sold six years later, and bought the home farm where he now lives, containing 233 acres of as good land as can be found in the township. In 1861 Mr. Harris married Julia Du rand, a native of Henrietta township, Lo rain county, by which union children as follows have been born: Viola (now Mrs. Daniel Shaeff); Harriet, Charles H. and Garfield, at home. Iu his political associa tions our subject is a Republican. JOSEPH J. RICE is proprietor of the k. I old-established foundry in Amherst ^y) township, situated two and one-half miles southwest of North Amherst, and known far and wide as "Rice's Foun dry." Mr. Rice was born September 17, 1828, in Westmoreland county, Penn., a son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Uhlre) Rice, the former of Westmoreland county, the latter of Fayette county, Penn., and who came to Amherst township, Lorain county, in 1829. They were the parents of four chil dren, viz.: Henry, born July 13, 1816, died in 1849; Peter, born February 19, 1818, died in 1889; Samuel, born Febru ary 1, 1825, died in 1852 in California, and Joseph J., subject of sketch. The father died in 1835 in Amherst township, the mother in 1865 at the age of seventy- nine years. Joseph J. Rice received his education at the common schools of Amherst town ship, and learned the trade of foundryman in his present foundry, which his brothers, Henry and Peter, had built in 1843. They themselves knew nothing of the business, but employed men to do the work, and LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1173 they operated same for several years, until our subject, having thoroughly made him self master of the trade, succeeded to the business, and he has since been running it constantly every day. He does an im mense trade, and since his proprietorship has been engaged in the manufacture of the " Rice Plow," well known in northern Ohio. Mr. Rice also owns a good farm of 140 acres, all in a high state of cultivation. In 1857 our subject wedded Miss Emily Josephine Cook, who was born February 4, 1839, in Delaware county, N. Y., daugh ter of Lewis R. and Emeline Cook, of the same county. To this union have been bom three children: Arthur J., who was educated at Oberlin College; Virgil E., married and residing in Oberlin, where he carries on a florist business; and Tracy J., attending the Conservatory of Music at Oberlin. In politics Mr. Rice is a stanch Republican. y\ E. RICE, the well-known florist of Oberlin, is proprietor of the most extensive business of the kind in Lo rain county. He has over one fourth of an acre under glass, no less than seven hot-houses all connected, in the aggregate representing the largest conservatory for floriculture in his part of the State. A visit to his grounds, which he owns and which are situated on Lorain street, will well repay the lover of flowers, for here he will find them in endless variety, beautiful and fragrant, and iu all stages of growth. Summer and winter he has flowers for sale — both cut and uncut — and he is always to be found at his post, courteous and ¦obliging. Mr. Rice is a native of Lorain county, born in Amherst township in 1865, a son of J. J. and Emily (Cook) Rice, the former of whom is a native of Pennsylvania, the latter of New York State. The father came to Lorain county, and engaged in the foundry business in Amherst, fie and his wife are now living in Amherst township. Our subject received his elementary educa tion at the common schools of his native township, which was supplemented with a one-year's attendance at Oberlin College, after which betook acoursein OberlinBusi- ness. College, where he graduated. He then embarked in his present line of busi ness in Amherst, which he successfully carried on there until 1890, when he re moved to Oberlin. In April, 1888, Mr. Rice was married, in North Amherst, Lorain county, to Miss Lena Merthe, a native of Lorain county, and daughter of Henry Merthe, a farmer of Amherst township. To this union has been bora one child, Earl V. In' politics our subject is a Republican. DS. WRIGHT, dealer in stoves and tinware, Elyria, is a native of Co- ^_ ' shocton county, Ohio, born in 1830 He is a son of Lewis and Eliza. (Smith) Wright, who were both born in the Bine Ridge Mountain region, West Virginia. They came to Ohio, and were married in Coshocton county, where they passed the rest of their days, rearing a family of children, as follows: Willis (who was shot), William (died of consumption), Martha (deceased in childhood), D. S. (subject of sketch), Charles (drowned in the Cuyahoga river), John and Henry (twins, the latter of whom was editor of a Kansas paper, and committed suicide in 1867), Thomas, Robert, Laura, Ferdinand and Frank. The father was a farmer, civil engineer, school teacher, justice of the peace, and to some extent a lawyer. He died at the age of forty-eight years, the mother when fifty- three years old. Our subject was reared and educated in his native county, and at the age of six teen became engineer on a canal boat, a vocation he followed for some time. After ward he learned his trade of tinsmith in Muskingum county, Ohio, and after a residence for a time in Cleveland, he, in 1174 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1852, located permanently in Elyria, two years thereafter opening out a general business in stoves, tinware, etc., in which he has been remarkably successful. His stoek is at all times replete with every thing in his line. He was married to Miss Mary Freer, and has three children living, as follows: Frances, who married a Mr. James F. Thompson, and has five children: Ruby, Alice, Bessie, Blossom and Don; Josephine, married to E. P. Lord, and has one child, Lawrence; and Alice, who married F. H. Quayle, and has three children: Mable, Jonas and Milton (she keeps house for her father, her mother having died January 18, 1891). \\| ICHOLAS WILBER, a progressive VJ citizen, and prominent in the agri- \ cultural interests of Henrietta town- fj ship, is a native of the State of New York, bora January 19, 1827, in Preble, Cortland county. Thomas Wilber, father of subject, first saw the light in 1793, in Dutchess county, N. Y., where he lived until he reached his thirtieth year, when he moved to Cortland county, N. Y. At that time the section where he settled was for the most part wild land, but, commencing life a poor man, he became comparatively opulent through assiduous industry and indefatig able labor, bought land and lived the rest of his life a prominent farmer. He mar ried Marion Filkins, a native of Dutchess county, N. Y., and they had a family of eleven children. He was a Federal Anti- Jackson man, afterward an enthusiastic Whig, then (1844) a strong Abolitionist, and, finally, an active Republican. He died in 1873 in the town of Cortland. N. Y., and was buried in Homer, same county. Nicholas Wilber, the subject proper of these lines, received superior educational advantages, attending school until he was thirteen years old, when impaired health compelled him to abandon study. He then turned his attention to farming pursuits, and worked on the homestead until 1864, when he came to Ohio, and bought a small piece of land in Henrietta township, Lo rain county, on the Oberlin Road. In course of time he came into possession, by purchase, of 160 acres prime land, whereon he now lives, having a comfortable resi dence and commodious barn and other out houses. Mr. Wilber has always taken an active part in politics — first as a Whig, then as a Republican, and in later years as a Democrat. He has attended several State conventions, and has filled with abil ity various township offices of trust. Mr. Wilber had five brothers: John, Isaac, Jonathan, Daniel W. and George A., two of whom are still living: Isaac and Daniel W. In 1848 he was united in marriage with Miss E. J., daughter of Edmund and Mary Miller, and one son, Miller, was born to them. The latter married Hattie, daugh ter of S. O. Kellogg, and they had four children, all of whom died of diphtheria in January, 1893, and were buried" within five days of each other. FETER R. DRAPER, a much re spected and highly prosperous farm er citizen of Brighton township, is a native of Huron county, Ohio, born in Townsend township, May 25, 1839, a son of Sheldon and Clarissa (Cole) Draper, the father born in Dutchess county, the mother in Chenango county, N. Y. They came from the latter county to Ohio, first locating in Bronson town ship, Huron county, later removing to Townsend township, where they died, the father in 1869, the mother in 1879, and they lie buried in Townsend township. LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1175 The subject proper of these lines re ceived a fair education at the common schools of his native place, and early in life commenced to work on his father's farm. At the age of eighteen he commenced to learn the trade of blacksmith, but at the end of twelve hours gave it up, concluding that he was better adapted to agriculture. After his marriage he located in Camden township, Lorain county, on forty acres of land he had bought there, on which he lived two years, then in 1870 came to his present farm in Brighton township, where he successfully carries on general farming and stock raising. Here he now has 127 acres of land, besides some in Townsend township, Huron county, and he has erected on his Lorain county farm one of the finest residences in the locality. On March 29, 1868, in Brighton town ship, Xorain county, Mr. Draper was united in marriage with Miss Estella Sellon, born in Michigan December 4, 1849, daughter of Major Sellon, and children as follows were born to them: Alma Mary, Mrs. Gilbert McCord, of South Dakota; DeWitt A., a farmer of Camden township, Lorain county; Della L., Mrs. Clarence Gibson, of Camden township; and Frank A., Altha E., Fred R., Archie P., Seth O., Rosella M., Jessie L., Clarence O. and Glenn S., all at home. In politics our subject is a Republican, and has served in various township offices; in church asso ciation he and his wife are Seventh Day Adventists. , ICHARD WALKDEN, a leading wide-awake agriculturist of Colum bia township, is a native of Massa chusetts, born October 14, 1828, in Lowell, a son of William and Mary (Blundell) Walkden. The parents of our subject were natives of Lancashire, England, whence in 1826 they emigrated to this country, locating first in Lowell, Mass., where they worked in factories, iu 1833 moving westward to Ohio, living in Newburgh one year, and then settling on a farm in Cuyahoga county. The father died in Berea, Ohio, in April, 1873, aged eighty nine years, the mother in September, 1857, in Cuyahoga county, at the age of sixty-four years. He had been twice married, and by his first wife had three children, viz.: John, who remained in England; Jane, Mrs. John Bainbridge, who died in Ridgeville town ship; and William, who came to Loraiu county in 1843, died on the ocean in 1879. By his marriage with Miss Mary Blundell he had children as follows: Alice, who died in 1890 in Cuyahoga county; James, who died in 1875 in Lowell, Mass.; Thomas, residing in Cuyahoga county; Ann, the widow of Eastman Bradford, of Berea; Mary, widow of Joseph Chevalier, of Berea; Arthur, residing in Columbia township; Peter, who died in Ridgeville township in 1880 (he had come to Lorain county in an early day); Richard, our subject; Peggy, deceased; and Margaret, widow of Henry Woods, of Cuyahoga county. Richard Walkden was a small boy when his parents brought him from Massachu setts to Cuyahoga county, Ohio, where he received his education in Warrensville township, and was reared to practical farming. In 1859 he purchased his present place in Columbia township, Lo rain county, comprising fifty acres which be improved, erected a comfortable dwell ing and commodious barp, etc., and has added thereto till now he owns 193 acres of as good land as can be found in the county. In 1859 Mr. Walkden was mar ried in Columbia township to Miss Matilda Litchfield, bora in Birmingham, England, a daughter of Thomas aud Elizabeth (Hol den) Litchfield, who came from their native England to America in 1847, land ing in Prince Edward Island, Canada, where the father died ; the, mother subse quently came with her family to Lorain county, Ohio, locating in Columbia town- 1176 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. ship, where she married a Mr. Price; her death occurred in October, 1872. By her first husband she had nine children, as fol lows: Mary, married, living in England; Elizabeth, widow of Henry Mitchell, of England; Eliza, deceased; John, who en listed in 1861 in the One Hundred and Twenty-fourth O. V. I., and was killed at the battle of Missionary Ridge; Thomas, residing in California; James, living in Washington; Joseph, who died February 24, 1888. iu Shiawassee county, Mich.; Matilda, Mrs. Walkden; and William, who died in England. To Mr. and Mrs. Walkden were born thirteen children, as follows: Mary is the wife of Henry Hawkins, of Berrien county, Mich., and has three children, Arthur, Lula and Leroy; Cornelia was a teacher in Lo rain county for a number of years, and is now tbe wife of Robert Bivan, of West View; Fred; Frank was killed by light ning at the age of ten years; George, re siding ou the farm, is married and has one son, Lee Ebenezer; Emma has been a teacher in Columbia and Ridgeville town ships, Lorain county; Delilah; Jennie; Clayton died at the age of three years; Henry, Lena, Chester and Ernest. In politics Mr. Walkden takes an active in terest as a member of the Republican party; he has been a member of the school board for some considerable time. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church, and they are highly respected in the com munity. F)ETER SIGOURNEY, retired, hav ing his residence in Kipton, Lorain county, where he is much respected, is a native of New York State, born in Fowler, St. Lawrence county. The father of our subject, also named Peter, was born in Vermont, whence he moved to New York State, and married Miss Wealthy Bates, a native of Massa chusetts. He died in 1832, the father of nine children, of whom the following is a brief record: Louisa married Daniel Rus sell, and died in Livingston county, Mich.; William is deceased: Caroline married John Kemp, and died at Watertown, N. Y. ; Andrew also died in Watertown, N. Y., after reaching maturity; Peter is the sub ject of this sketch; Anthony is a resident of Lincoln, Neb.; Orin is a resident of Westerville, Neb.; Sarah is the widow of Nicholas Boshert; Addison is a carpenter of Norwalk. After the death of the father, the farm, which had only been in part paid for, was sold at a sacrifice and the family were scattered. Our subject went to Watertown, N. Y., to make his home with his uncle, Anthony Sigourney, and here remained four years, part of the time working out on day wages. His elder brother, William, had come to Ohio in March, 1838, locating in Camden town ship, Lorain county, and the rest of the family, including Peter, came to Ohio in the following June. They lived in Hen rietta township six or eight months, and then, William having, in February, 1839, bought land in Camden township, they moved thither in Marcii following. Peter Sigourney, our subject, attended school until he was ten years old, and after the death of his father had to work hard to assist in the support of his brothers and sisters. After his marriage he made his first permanent location in Camden township, Lorain county, where he worked around at whatever he could find to do, chiefly clearing land, at which he did more than any one living to day in Camden township. In 1847 he bought out of his hard-earned savings forty-seven acres of land at six dollars and fifty cents per acre, in Camden township, to which four years later he moved, his first house being a building 15 x 24, ten feet high, and there made his home until 1878. In that year he moved into the town of Kipton, built a residence which he sold some time after, and then erected his present comfortable home. On January 7, LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1177 1846, Mr. Sigourney was married to Miss Sarah M. ¦ Johnson, born in Saratoga county, N. Y., July 15, 1825, a daughter of Ezra and Polly (Wood) Johnson, who came to Ohio in 1831, and settled in Flor ence, Erie county. The children of this union were Bennett, born February 15, 1847, died July 20, 1851, and Mary E., born June 15, 1857, died September 22, 1858. Our subject is a loyal Democrat, during the Civil war voting the Union ticket, and he is a member of the Free will Baptist Church. He is a representa tive self-made man, and what he owns has been won by hard work and judicious economy. fr* EORGE SCHOTT, than whom there I w, is no more respected citizen in \L>| Grafton township, is a representa- J^k five self-made man, and a prosper ous agriculturist. He is a native of Bavaria, Germany, born January 22, 1817, a son of George Schott, who was a farmer in his native land. Up to the age of fourteen our sub ject attended school in Bavaria, and then served a two-years' apprenticeship at the baker's trade, nnder two masters. Being naturally of a roving disposition, and learning, in 1836, of two or three families about coming to America from his native town, he made up his mind to join the party. Receiving sufficient money from his father, hs set sail from Hamburg on the good ship " Lucadona," and after a voyage of fifty-eight days arrived in New York, where he soon secured work at his trade. At the end of two years his father and the rest of his family emigrated to the United States, the port of landing being Baltimore, at which time George was ly ing sick with malaria in a certain town on the Hudson river. He had written to his parents not to come to America, which letter never reached them, but they found the sick boy, and on his recovery he 61 joined them while en route to Logan county, Ohio. Here, a few years later, the parents died. Our subject had taken a trip through that State, but not being sat isfied with the country concluded to re turn to New York State; aud while on his journey thither he stopped over at Liver pool, Medina Co., Ohio, where he met Miss Margaret Baumann, also a native of Bavaria, who had crossed the Atlantic with her parents in 1835. Here he was married, and having but little money wherewith to commence housekeeping, he hired himself out as a farm laborer, and by hard work aud judicious economy he and his wife ere long accumulated sufficient to buy a small farm in Medina county, which they lived on until 1846. In that year they came to Grafton township, Lorain county, where for two years they rented land, at the end of which time Mr. Schott purchased from Charles Bishop the farm where he now lives, at that time compris ing seventy- five acres. To this he from time to time added until he had an aggre gate of 325 acres, fifty-five of which he gave away, leaving him now the owner of 270 acres of choice farming land. The children born to George and Mar garet (Baumann) Schott were George W. and Peter, both in Indiana; John B., in Nebraska; Frank, in Grafton, and a daughter that died in infancy. The mother of these departed this life in 1861, and for his second wife Mr. Schott married Sarah Yucah, now deceased, by which union there is no issue. Politically our subject is a stanch Republican, and he is a member of the Evangelical Church at Liverpool, Medina county. JOHN SMITH (deceased) was bora April 12, 1805, in Yorkshire, Eng land, whence when a young man he emigrated, in company with a brother, William, to Canada. The brothers there 1178 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. purchased fifty acres of land, but John afterward disposed of his share and went to New York State. Some time later he returned to Canada, and on August 29, 1836, was there united in marriage with Mary Braithwaite, who was born Novem ber 9, 1815, also in Yorkshire, England. When three years of age she came with her parents to Montreal, Canada, in which country her father, Edward Braithwaite, became an extensive farmer; he also fol lowed his trade, that of carpenter. Before returning to Canada Mr. Smith had made a visit to Oberlin, Ohio, and while there became very much impressed with the country, consequently he moved thither with his wife soon after his marriage. They drove a span of horses part of the way, and then made a part of the journey by water, landing at Cleveland, whence they again drove to Oberlin, Lorain county. Mr. Smith had saved a few hundred dol lars, which he soon invested in forty-four acres of land; he obtained employment in Oberlin, running the engine in the grist mill at that place, in which he continued until the mill was burned, when he com menced work on his farm. After the mill was rebuilt, he was again employed there, but returned to his farm (where he first lived in a rude cabin), which by his un ceasing industry and energy he was con tinually enabled to increase. He remained there until 1869, when he rented the place, and moved into Oberlin to educate his family. To Mr. and Mrs. Smith came the following children: Sarah Ann, born Sep tember 27, 1837, who married Lewis Breckenridge, an attorney of Cleveland (they had one son, Edwin S., a professional ball-player); Mary S., now widow of Lewis Breckenridge, of Cleveland; Emma J., of Cleveland; John Edward, who graduated from Andover College, Massachusetts, and is now a Congregational minister in Cali fornia; Mary S. died in infancy; and Will iam H. died in youth. They had also an adopted daughter, Phoebe Rollinson, now Mrs. John Gunn, of Delta, Colo. Alex ander Greenwood, now a young man, has also shared their home, but is ¦ at present residing in Massachusetts. In 1879 Mr. Smith returned to his farm, and a few years later built a very pleasant home, just outside of Oberlin, where he led a retired life until his death. During his later years his eyes caused him considerable trouble. In politics he was a Republican with Prohibition tendencies, and in religious faith was a leading member and supporter of the First Congregational Church of Oberlin. He passed from earth April 29, 1889, and was buried at Oberlin. Mr. Smith was one of the most success ful farmers of his day, and though enjoy ing in his youth but meager literary ad vantages, he acquired a practical education, was a close observer of men and manners, and possessed a good memory. He was very fond of Scripture reading, was an ac tive worker in the Church, and was a highly esteemed citizen of the community in which he resided. Since his death, Mrs. Smith, who is a well-read, intelligent lady, and a most interesting conversationalist, has spent part of her time in the East, but resides generally at the pleasant family home near Oberlin, where she is surrounded by hosts of friends. Li D. GLYNN, a prosperous agricul turist of Lorain county, was born October 17, 1819, in Berkshire county, Mass. His parents were Edward and Sylvia C. (Tuller) Glynn, who reared a family of three children, all sons, namely: Henry, who came westward to Ohio, where he died in Clarksfield, Huron county; Alfred J., who died in Michigan, and Lorenzo D., subject of this memoir. The father of this family died when his son Lorenzo D. was but six years of age, and for a while the latter was cared for by others, in the meantime attending school. When fourteen years old he was bound out LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1179 to Elijah Hughings, a farmer of Great Barrington, Mass., and in September, 1836, came with his foster-parents to Lorain county, Ohio, locating near the center of Pittsfield township. Some dissatisfaction having arisen between them, however, Mr. Glynn left Hughings, and returned to Massachusetts, making part of the journey by canal, and walking the remaining dis tance. In the fall of 1839 he returned to Pittsfield township, where he found work — threshing and chopping wood, and in fact doing any honest labor he could obtain. On September 22, 1844, he was married to Emeline Carter, who was born June 9, 1825, in Greene county, N. Y., daughter of Calvin S. and Johanna (Townsend) Carter, who came to Pittsfield township in 1841. To this union were born children as follows: Sarah Ann, who married Horace G. Bartlett, and died in Pittsfield, Ohio; Melvin R., who served in Company H, Second Ohio Cavalry, and received a wound at Stony Creek, Va., from the effects of which he died; Lucy E., who married Alexander Mayhew, and died at Garretts ville, Ohio; Susan D., wife of Harvey Norton, of Pittsfield township; Mary J., who was first married to Lewis Ives, and is now the wife of Alonzo Nor ton; Ellen, Mrs. Horace Bartlett, of Pitts field; Eva E., Mrs. Charles Bryant, of Wood county, Ohio; Marion, deceased in infancy; James T., a farmer of Pittsfield township; Viola, Mrs. Thomas Hollings worth, of Pittsfield; and Alice M., Mrs. Henry Colston, of Russia township, Lo rain county. After marriage Mr. Glynn located on a small farm in Pittsfield town ship, which he had partly cleared, and which he subsequently sold to John Pres ton. In 1848 he came to his present farm, purchasing 120 acres, then almost entirely woodland, and with n0 improvements whatever. He had to erect a cabin him self, and then went industriously to work, clearing off the land, aud year by year adding thereto, until he now has a fine farm of about 231 acres. Mr. and Mrs. Glynn are both good business managers; starting in life with nothing, he has met with no small degree of success in his life vocation, all due to his own exertions. In politics he was originally a Whig, later a Republican until 1872, when he became a member of the Democratic party, with which he has since affiliated. Socially he is a member of Oberlin Lodge No. 678, I. O. O. F. He and his wife are both fond of reading;. ODMANN BROTHERS are pro prietors of the popular flourishing grocery in North Amherst, which they opened for business November 9, 1891, having bought out the grocery department of Plato Bros. Henry J. Bodmann, senior member o.f the firm, was bora April 6, 1869, and re ceived a liberal education at the common schools of the vicinity of his boyhood home. At the age of thirteen he com menced to learn blacksmithing, at which he worked until going into the grocery business with his brother. William J. Bodmann, junior member of the firm, was born February 4, 1871, and was educated at the common schools. At the age of thirteen he commenced working at home, and one year afterward entered a grocery store as junior clerk, where he re mained some years, after which he was on a farm three years. He was, then in the employ of Plato Bros., about one and one- halt' years, at which time he and his brother Henry J. bought out the grocery of that firm as already related. Mr. Will iam J. Bodmann is a Catholic, and a char ter member of the C. M. B. A. Henry Bodmann, father of Henry J. and William J. Bodmann, was born June 11, 1837, in the Kingdom of Hanover, Germany, where he received his education, and was taught the flour-milling trade. 1180 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. In 1865 he came to the United States, and after half a year's residence in New York moved westward to North Amherst, where he first, found employment in a brewery, in which he remained about ten years. He bought property, and for some years carried on a saloon. In 1867 he was united in marriage, in North Amherst, Ohio, with Margaret Frank, who was born in Hesse, Germany, December 29, 1842, and was nineteen years old when she came to Amer ica. Eight children were bora to them, viz.: Henry J. and William J. (of the grocery firm of Bodmann Bros.), Harman, Louis, Mary, John, Carl and Joseph. Mr. Bodmann is a Democrat, and a member of the Catholic Church. EORGE HOLLSTEIN, one of the well-to-do native-born farmers of Amherst township, is a son of Henry and Elizabeth (Bechstein) Hollstein, natives of Hessen-Cassel, Germany, where they were married. In the spring of 1848 they set sail from Bremen for the Western World, and after a voyage of fourteen weeks landed at New York, whence they proceeded by rail to Buffalo, thence by water to Cleveland, and from there by team to Lorain county, Ohio, where they settled on a farm of fifty acres the father had bought in Amherst town ship, and on which our subject now re sides. Here Henry Hollstein carried on farming until his death, which occurred in 1890, when he was aged eighty -four years; the mother died in 1880, aged sixty-eight years. In his political preferences Henry Hollstein was a Republican, and he and his wife were members of the Evangelical As sociation. They reared a family of five children, as follows: Adam married Lu cinda Ray, a native of Lorain county, and settled in Brownhelm township, where he died in 1890 (his widow resides in that township); Elizabeth, widow of John Dreher, lives in Allegan county, Mich.; Catherine is the widow of John Hoffner, of Oberlin, Ohio; Sophia is the wife of Conrad Nuhn, of Vermillion, Ohio; and George is the subject proper of this sketch. George Hollstein was born on his pres ent farm in 1851, received his education at the Union schools of North Amherst, and was reared to agricultural pursuits on his present farm. For a time he followed quarrying and taking out ship timber in different counties of Ohio, but he has given most of his attention to the farm. In 1881 Mr. Hollstein was married, in Lorain county, to Miss Catherine Kolbe, a native of Germany, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Huessem) Kolbe, also of the Fatherland, and who now reside in Black River township, Lorain county. One child has come to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hollstein, named Walter. They are members of the Evangelical Church, ol which he is trustee, and of the Sunday- school of which he was superintendent some years. Politically he is a Republican. A IjILLIAM LAPP was born Decem- yJJ ber 27, 1845, on his present farm Mj in Amherst township, a son of Henry and Catherine (Able) Lapp, who were natives of Hessia, Germany, where they were married. In an early day they came to America, and to Lorain county, Ohio, settling finally on the farm whereon our subject now lives, in Amherst township. The father was a merchant tailor, an occupation that took him away from home a good deal, and while he was absent his wife attended to the farm. On first coming to the county he located on the lake shore, where he bought seventy-five acres, on which he built a tailor shop, and here followed his trade; he also worked for a time in Brook lyn, a village near Cleveland. He died in LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1181 1890 at the age of eighty-nine years; his wife in 1891 when aged eighty-two. They had children as follows: John, who died about the year 1838; Eliza, who married, and died in Lorain county in 1889; Cath erine, wife of Jacob Fowls, who lives in Amherst township; Mary, widow of Henry Heisner, who lives in North Amherst; Henry, a resident of Lorain ; and William, the subject of this memoir. William Lapp, whose name opens this sketch, received his education in the com mon schools of his district, and was reared to farm life. In 1869 he married Miss Eliza Appleman, by whom he had three children: John (attending the business college at Oberlin), Charles and Frank. The mother of these died in 1890, and in 1892 Mr. Lapp was united in marriage with Miss Katie Limbaugh. Our subject owns a tine farm of 156 acres prime land, and carries on general agriculture. In 1884 he built his present residence at a cost of three thousand dollars. In politics he is in sympathy with the Democratic party, and in religious sentiment he is a member of the Presbyterian Church. H. BRYANT, proprietor of the Bryant Chanueler Machine Shops, North Amherst, was born on his present farm in Amherst town ship, Lorain Co., Ohio, October 10, 1840, a son of Nathaniel and Ann (Wilkins) Bryant, who were born in Gloucestershire, England, the father in 1799; they were married in their native county, and came to the United States in 1828. The subject of this sketch received his primary education in the common schools of his township. On October 30, 1861, he enlisted in the Forty-second O. V. I., and participated in many battles and skir mishes, principal among which were the engagements at Vicksburg, Chickasaw Bluffs, Arkansas Post, and Vicksburg (2), where they camped all winter on the low flat marshy point in front of Vicksburg. Thence in the following spring they moved to below Vicksburg, thence to Grand Gulf, the mouth of Black river, from which place they saw the terrific bombardment of that place by U. S. gunboats. The regiment then participated in the battle of Thomp son's Hill, where they sustained great loss, and were afterward at Champion Hill, Black River Bridge, as well as in several skirmishes around Vicksburg, afterward taking part in the siege thereof, and its final surrender July 4, 1863. They then marched to Jackson, Miss., and drove Johnson's army from that place; also as sisted in tearing up thirty miles of rail road, after which our subject came hoVne on a thirty-days' furlough. Rejoining his regiment at Berwick Bay, La., he pro ceeded with it up Bayou Teche, same State, and at Plaquemine remained all winter. Next spring they were ordered to Baton Rouge, thence to the Red river campaign, after which they were placed on detail duty, to keep the river clear; were also at Milliken's Bend, Eagles Point and Du- ValPs Bluff, Ark., at which latter place Mr. Bryant's term expired. His company was one of the best drilled -companies in the Western army. They took part in a prize drill contest at Milliken's Bend, and came off victorious. Mr. Bryant remained in the river service from Baton Rouge to Eagles Point, Ark., till the close of his term of service, chiefly on the Mississippi, Arkansas and White rivers. At Memphis, Tenn., in 1862, he was promoted to orderly sergeant. On his return home he attended for a time the commercial school at Buf falo, N. Y., of Bryant & Stratton, both of whom are related to him. He also learned the trade of stone cutter. At Meadville, Penn., he taught bookkeeping, and as sisted in establishing a commercial college there. From Meadville he proceeded to Michigan, and was two years on a home stead in the northern part of that State, 1182 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. where he experienced the hardships inci dent to clearing up a farm in a heavily- wooded country, where he had but one neighbor nearer than one mile. While on the farm he received an offer of a position in a concern doing a large business in sup plying wood to lake steamers, and shipping it to Chicago. After the second year he became general manager of the business. The company purchased and sold about twenty thousand cords of wood annually, the bulk of which was chopped by the In dians, who received nearly all of their pay in goods and provisions from the com pany's store. After five years spent in the northern part of Michigan, Mr. Bryant removed to Chicago to take a position as bookkeeper, but at the end of a year, hav ing to give up his position on account of the climate proving unfavorable to the health of Mrs. Bryant, he came to Am herst, Ohio,and shortly afterward went into the stone business, which at first was far from a grand success, but finally proved to be a good venture. In 1889 he invented a machine known as "The Bryant Chan- neler," for cutting both limestone and sandstone, and for the past four years has been engaged in manufacturing thern. He also owns the Bryant Quarries in Amherst township, as well as one in Elyria. On April 21, 1866, Mr. Bryant was married in Meadville, Penn., to Miss Har riet Adelaide Wykoff, a native of Penn sylvania. In politics he is a Republican ; socially he is a member of the K. of H. FRANKLIN ARNOLD, an upright, intelligent citizen of Pittsfield town ship, was bora August 20, 1841, in Camden township, Lorain county. His father, James Arnold, son of An thony Arnold, was born in 1806 in New York, where he was reared to manhood and received an education in the common schools. He was married in his native State toMiss Eliza Carrington, and in about 1839 came west to Lorain county, Ohio, purchasing land in Camden township. Here he soon afterward settled, and at that time the tract was all woodland, with no improvements save an old log house. In 1844 Mrs. Arnold died, leaving one child, Franklin, and was buried in Camden ceme tery. For his second wife Mr. Arnold married Jane Ann Powell, a native of New Y^ork, who bore him three children: An thony; Susan, Mrs. Byron McNeal, of Chicago, 111.; and Emma, married, now of Council Bluffs, Iowa. They resided in Camden township until 1851, when they moved to the farm in Pittsfield township (where Franklin Arnold now resides), and there passed the remainder of their lives. In politics he was a Democrat, and he took considerable interest in the political issues of the day, keeping himself well informed. He held various local offices, serving as township trustee, assessor, etc., and was a shrewd business man and a good farmer. He died January 13, 1864, and was buried in Camden township by the side of his wife. His widow, who was a member of the M. E. Church, died in 1878, and was interred in Pittsfield cemetery. Franklin Arnold was reared to farm life, received his education in the common schools of his day, and when ten years of age moved with his parents to Pittsfield township, where he has since made his home. On December 21, 1865, he was married, in Elyria, Ohio, to Helen M. Rawson, who was bora December 30, 1844, in Pittsfield. Her parents, Ropha and Betsey (Fulton) Rawson, came from New York State to Lorain county, Ohio, locat ing in LaGrange township; they died in Pittsfield township. To Mr. and Mrs. Arnold have come children as follows: Erwin, born January 30, 1868, who gradu ated from Wellington high school, and is now teaching in Pittsfield township; and George A., bora August 30, 1870, a farmer of Pittsfield township. Soon after marriage Mr. Arnold purchased, from Ara LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1183 Rawson, fifty acres of land adjoining the home farm, and here began wedded life, living upon that tract until 1892, when he moved to the home farm. Here he has erected a handsome new dwelling-house and barn, which are models of their kind. In politics he is a Democrat, and in 1891 was elected township trustee, being the first Democrat to hold that office since his father served in the same capacity; he has numerous friends in both parties. Mr. Arnold now owns 147 acres of excellent land, where he carries on a general farming and dairying business, fie has hosts of friends, and it is safe to say that there is no citizen in Pittsfield township who holds a higher place in the esteem and regard of his fellow-citizens. Mrs. Arnold is a member of the Methodist Church. j\ILLIAM PRESTON, one of the most successful agriculturists of Pittsfield township, was born July 31, 1823, in Lincolnshire, Eng land, son of John Preston. The grand father of subject was a tailor by trade, and was in the employment oi the British Government at Gibraltar, where his son John was born. John Preston was reared on a farm in Lincolnshire, England, and there married Martha Major, who bore him four chil dren, viz.: William; Eliza, who was mar ried in England to William Colson, died in Oberlin, Ohio, and was buried in Pitts field; Caroline, who was married in Eng land, came to America, and died in Phila delphia, Penn., where she was buried; and one son that died in infancy unnamed. The mother of these children passed away in 1831, and Mr. Preston married in Eng land, for his second wife, Rebecca Clark, to which union were bom six children. In 1847 he sailed from Liverpool to New York, whence he at once proceeded to Pittsfield township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where an English family named Wills had previously located. Here he purchased fifty-six acres of land for six hundred dol lars, and having a capital of but eighty dollars was obliged to go in debt for the remainder. He lived in an old log house on this tract for some time, aud later re moved to the west town line, where he died in April, 1877, and was buried in East cemetery, Pittsfield township; his wife had preceded him to the grave. He was an active Republican, and took great interest in politics. He was a man of good proportions, and during his active life was an indefatigable worker. William Preston attended the common schools until ten years of age, and from early boyhood worked on the farm, his first duty being to scare the crows from pick ing the corn off'the ground. When thirteen years of age he hired out at thirty dollars per year, to care for four horses, and was later employed in various places and at various occupations. On May 15, 1851, he was united in marriage with Elizabeth Flatters, who was born May 29, 1824, in Lincolnshire, England, daughter of Abra ham and Mary (Emerson) Flatters, and on May 28, same year, the young couple left their early home and friends, taking pas sage for New York on a " Red Star " liner. They landed after a voyage of five weeks, and proceeded at once to Cleveland, Ohio; on the way thither they happened to be in Buffalo, N. Y., on the Fourth of July, and witnessed the celebration, but did not kuow the cause of it. From Cleveland they came by rail to Welling ton, Ohio, from which place they were driven to Pittsfield township, where they saw the log house in which his father had first, lived. There they remained for two months, and then rented a house and later five acres of land, where they resided for eighteen months. Mr. Preston next rented land from Joseph Worcester, of Pittsfield township, and subsequently removed to Wellington, where he rented a much larger place. From Wellington he moved 1184 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. to Sullivan township, Ashland Co., Ohio, where he resided for six years. In 1870 he purchased ninety-six acres in Pittsfield township, Lorain county, and resided thereon until 1891, when he moved to Pittsfield Center, where he now leads a retired life. Mr. Preston now owns 135 acres of ex cellent land. Coming to America a poor man, he has, by patient industry and un tiring energy, accumulated a comfortable competence, and is one of the most highly respected members of his community, kind-hearted and generous in every respect. Politically he is a Republican, and has served as township trustee, and in relig ious faith he and his wife are members of the Methodist Church. To their union have come the following named children : Elizabeth, deceased at the age of four years; Martha, Mrs. Charles Avery, of Pittsfield; Eliza, deceased when fifteen months old; Mary L., Mrs. William Pick- worth, of Clarksfield, Ohio; Catharine, Mrs. John Jordan, of Brighton, Ohio; Roderick J., who died at the age of four years; and William, a farmer of Pittsfield township. Il LBERT FOSTER, who for many l\ years has been prominently identi fied with the interests of Lorain county, is a native of the "Green Mountain State," born January 30, 1831, in Windsor county. His father, Addison Foster, a farmer, and mother, Lizzie (Pease), were both born in Weston, Windsor Co., Vt., and while living in that State had children as follows: Lucy A., who was married in Ohio to David Clark, and died in Ne braska; Ira A., of Eaton county, Mich.; Albert, the subject of this memoir; and Hannah, Mrs. Rufus Knowles, of La Grange. In August, 1836, the family set out for Ohio, driving three four-year- old horses, coining via Troy, N. Y., to Cleveland, and thence to LaGrange town ship, Lorain county, where a sister of Mrs. Foster, Malinda Dale, resided, at whose home they remained for a few days. Mr. Foster purchased eighty-three acres in the- vicinity, on which some clearing had been done, and here the family made their first settlement, remaining thereon until 1862, when Mrs. Foster's failing health induced him to change his residence to the center of the township. Here they led a retired life until their decease, Mr. Foster passing away in 1874, Mrs. Foster in 1875; both are buried in the Center cemetery of the M. E. Church. He was industrious, hard working, a good business manager, and one of the most progressive men in the county, qualities which brought him suc cess and enabled him from time to time to increase his property. He always gave liberally to church work, and was the largest contributor toward the M. E. Church building, also donating the land upon which it stood. Politically he was a Republican, originally a Democrat, hav ing changed during Fremont's administra tion, and served as township trustee and in various other local offices. After com ing to Ohio three children were added to the domestic circle, viz.: Horatio, who died in LaGrange in 1864, of smallpox; George, of LaGrange, and a son that died in infancy unnamed. Albert Foster was five years old when he came with his parents to Ohio, and here he» attended the common schools, which were then held in log buildings. He re ceived a thorough training in agriculture on the home farm, where he remained until his marriage, on February 6, 1852, to Miss Betsey Knowles, who was born in the East, and came when one year old to Ohio, whither her father, Horace Foster, removed in an early day, settling in LaGrange town ship, Lorain county. After his marriage our subject located on a piece of tbe home place, near the homestead, and commenced farming, remaining there ten years, when he exchanged with his father for the home- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1185 stead. Here he resided fifteen years, or until April 2, 1877, when he disposed of 108 acres of the home farm, and came to his present place, near the center of La Grange township, where he has since lived retired. To Mr. and Mrs. Albert Foster have come four children, viz. : Lyman P. (of Penfield, Lorain county), Merritt (of Brown county, Kans.), Frank (of LaGrange) and Edward (of Brown county, Kans.), all of whom are engaged in farming. These children have all had the best of educa tional opportunities, and their father has liberally assisted each one to make a start in life. In politics he was originally a Democrat, but is now a stanch member of the Republican party, and has given uni versal satisfaction as trustee of LaGrange township. In the fall of 1883 he was elected a director of the county infirmary, a position in which he has ever since effi ciently served. Kind-hearted and generous. he is recognized as a public benefactor, and is looked up to and esteemed as one of the leading citizens of his community. He has traveled considerably, and has paid several visits to his sons in Kansas. Mrs. Foster is a member of the M. E. Church. [Since the above was written we have been informed of the death of Mr. Albert Foster, which occurred January 20, 1894. — Ed. dH. TOWNSHEND, a progressive and well-to-do agriculturist of Shef field township, is a native of the same, born in 1839, a son of John and Hannah (Hurst) Townshend, both of whom were natives of England, the father of Warwickshire. When a young man John Townshend, father of subject, emigrated from England to the United States, coming in 1831 to Lorain county, Ohio, and settling on a farm in Avon township. He there married Han nah Hurst, and the young couple theu moved to another farm, in Sheffield town ship. Mr. Townshend was killed by the cars in Elyria, Ohio, in 1875, and Mrs. Townshend died some years ago. J. H. Townshend was educated in the common schools of his native township, and was trained to farming pursuits, which have been his life work. He assisted in opening up the home farm, now a well- cultivated piece of land, on which he yet resides. In 1875 he visited Pittsburgh, Penn., and was there and then married to Miss Mary Shober, by whom he has had the following named children : Lloyd, Leola, Ina and Florence. In politics Mr. Townshend is a Republican, stanch and true, and he and his wife are members of the Baptist Church at Avon. FETER M. SMITH is a thoroughly representative loyal German-Ameri can citizen of Sheffield township, where he successfully follows the plough. He was born May 19, 1819, in Prussia, Germany, a son of Mathias and Barbara (Dohn) Smith, also natives of Prussia, where the father, who was a farmer, .died when his son Peter M. was five years old. The widowed mother and her family sub sequently emigrated to the United States, and to Lorain county, Ohio, where she died in Sheffield township at the age of seventy - nine years, the mother of eight children, of whom three grew to maturity, namely: Mary, Peter M. and Ann Mary. Peter M. Smith, the subject of this bio graphical memoir, received his education in the schools of the Fatherland, and was there married. In 1846 he and his family came to America, and to Lorain county, Ohio, first locating in Ridgeville township, afterward settling in Sheffield township, where he bought his present beautiful farm of 166 acres of highly cultivated land. A brief record of his children is here pre- 1186 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. sen ted: Joseph has his home in Wisconsin; Peter is married, and lives in Cleveland (he has six children living); Hubbard is mar ried, and had ten children; Kate, Mrs. Schumacher, has had six children ; John is married, and has nine children. The mother of the above named family died iu 1883, at the age of seventy years. Mr. Smith has four living grandchildren, and three great grandchildren. In politics he is a Demo crat, and he is a member of the Catholic Church. B' ^ AVID MILLER, a well-known resi dent of North Amherst, is an early settler of Lorain county. His par ents, Jacob and Catherine (Cook) Miller, were natives of Bavaria, Germany, and in 1847 emigrated to America, locat ing in North Amherst, Lorain Co., Ohio, where they passed the rest of their lives. They reared a family of seven children, viz.: Jacob, who lives in Brownhelm town ship; Catherine, in Mercer county, Penn.; Elizabeth, wife of Jacob Miller, of Sheffield township; David; Julia, living in Michi gan; Margaret, wife of Adam Baker, of Black River township: and Amelia, wife of Barney Burke, of Lorain. The father of this .family followed farming; he died in North Amherst in 1889, having been pre ceded by the mother in 1888, when aged eighty-eight years. David Miller was born in 1827 in Bav aria, Germany, where he was reared and educated. He learned the blacksmith's trade, which he followed in Germany, Eng land and France, and in 1847 came with his parents to North Amherst, Lorain county, where he also followed his trade for many years. In 1864 he enlisted, at Wooster, Ohio, in Company I, First Ohio Artillery, for one year or during the war, serving as blacksmith; they were stationed at Chattanooga, Tenn., and at Dalton, Ga., at which latter place Mr. Miller received an honorable discharge in 1865, and re turned to Lorain county. In 1851 Mr. Miller was married in Lo rain county, to Miss Margaret Hildebrand, a native of Germany, daughter of David and Gertrude (Reis) Hildebrand, natives of Hessen, Germany, whence they emi grated in 1835, settling in Black River township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where the father passed away in 1858, and was fol lowed to the grave by the mother in 1862. They were the second German family to settle in Lorain county. A brother of Mrs. Miller resides in North Carolina. Our subject and wife are the parents of seven children, viz.: Lewis, a farmer of Sheffield township; Mary, wife of George Keller, a farmer of Black River township; Sophia, wife of Winnie Gawn, of Amherst township; Elizabeth, wife of Roy Leslie, of North Amherst; Rowena, wife of Philip Klotz, residing in Lorain;' Julia; and Emma, wife of Irving Chappell, a machin ist, of Cleveland, Ohio. In politics Mr. Miller is a Republican, and in religious faith he and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church, at North Amherst. Mr. Miller is now engaged in fruit farm ing and gardening. JOHN W. GROTE, of North Amherst, was bora November 25, 1849, in ' Hanover, Germany, a son of George and Nena (Zieranberg) Grote, the former of whom was also a native of Han over, where they both died. The father was killed by an accident in 1849; the mother passed from earth when about fifty- three years old. They had four children, of whom our subject was the only one to come to America. John W. Grote received a good educa tion at the 6chool of his native place, and in 1872 came to America, setting sail April 15 and arriving May 15 following. After his arrival in North Amherst, Ohio, he commenced working in stone quarries, in LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1187 which he continued some fifteen years in one place, most of the time in the capacity of foreman in the Holdeman quarry (now owned by the Cleveland Stone Company). After a year's sickness he opened out in the retail liquor trade in North Amherst, and has been very successful, being a popu lar and much respected citizen. Mr. Grote was united in marriage with Miss Amelia Subears, and four children — one son and three daughters — have been born to them, viz. : Rosa, Emma, Lizzie and Willie. The entire family are members of the Presby terian Church; in politics Mr. Grote is a Democrat, and he is a member of the I. O. O. F. and Encampment, and the K. 0. T. M. Il ZARIAH SMITH ROOT, A. M., \\ Librarian and Professor of JBibli- T_i\ ography at Oberlin College, is a na tive of Massachusetts, born in Mid- dlefield February 3, 1862, a son of Francis and Anna (Smith) Root. The father of subject, also born in Middlefield, Mass., is now a merchant in the town of East Douglass, Mass. He married Anna Smith, who died March 24, 1874, at the age of forty-five years, eight months, the mother of two children, of whom Azariah S. is the second. The subject of this memoir received his preparatory education at the high school of Middlefield, and at the Hinsdale and Pitts field schools, all in Massachusetts. In 1880 he entered Oberlin (Ohio) College, where he graduated in the classical course of 1884, after which, in 1885-86, he studied law in Boston University, aud also in Harvard University. In 1887 he was appointed li brarian of Oberlin College, and in 1889 professor of Bibliography, which positions he is at present holding. In the year last mentioned be took the degree of A. M. at Oberlin College. He is librarian for the Ohio Church Historical Society. On April 30, 1887, Prof. Root was united in marriage with Miss A. M. Metcalf, of Elyria, Ohio, and one child — Francis Met calf — was born to them August 24, 1889. In politics our subject is a member of the Third Party Prohibitionists, and is a mem ber of the County Prohibition Committee. He is of the tenth generation of the Root family in the United States. DAVID SCHWARTZ, one of the prosperous and industrious German agriculturists of Russia township, is a native of Bavaria, Germany, born July 7, 1832. His father, Jacob Schwartz, was by vo cation a farmer in the Fatherland, owning a small piece of land, and he labored at whatever he could find to do when he had no work at his own home. He married Miss Catherine Burg, and she bore him five children, one of whom, Catherine by name, died in Germany. The father passed from earth there in March, 1834, leaving a widow and five children to be provided for. In the meantime the eldest boy married, and the family circle being now broken, the widowed mother concluded to emigrate to America witb her remaining offspring. Consequently in June, 1848, they — she and four children, Jacob, Margaretta, Eliza beth and our subject — set sail from the port of Antwerp for New York, where they landed after a passage of forty-two days. From there they proceeded by Erie Canal to Bnffalo, thence by lake to Cleve land, and then by road to Russia township, Lorain county, where there already was a small colony of their countrymen. The son Jacob acted as leader of the party, and having among themselves saved about three hundred dollars, he (Jacob) pur chased a farm therewith, afterward repay ing what he had borrowed. At this time David Schwartz was sixteen years old. He attended school regularly 1188 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. in his native country, and but a short time in the New World. He had no trouble in securing work, and for his first year's services received fifty dollars. At the age of nineteen he bought sixty acres of land on credit, and by the time he was twenty- one he bad paid off the entire sum — five hundred and eight dollars — all accumu lated by hard work and rigid economy. He has now 163 acres of land, all in a high state of cultivation. In September, 1856, Mr. Schwartz was united in marriage with Christina Baker, who was born March 16, 1834, in Boston, Mass., a daughter of Nicholas and Eliza beth (Cook) Baker, who came west to Ohio in an early day, and settled in Amherst township, Lorain county. After marriage the young couple commenced housekeep ing in an old log house that stood on his farm, which in after years was superseded by the more substantial residence, which is yet standing. Children as follows have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz: Frank E., a farmer of Carlisle township, Lorain county; Caroline, Mrs. William Shubert, of Russia township; Charles H., of Elyria, Ohio; Eliza S., Mrs. Eugene Waldorf, of Muncie, Ind.; John A., ot Arizona; Lucy S-, Mrs. A. F. Renkie, of Elyria, Ohio; and Mary F. The mother of this family died somewhat suddenly on August 6, 1879, after a brief illness, and she now lies buried in North Amherst cemetery. Politically our subject is a Democrat, but though true to his colors takes no active interest in the affairs of his party, having his time fully occupied on his farm. JOHN McLAUGHLIN, a popular, progressive and wide-awake citizen of Oberlin, where he is proprietor of a flourishing bookstore, is a native of Canada, bora November 6, 1849, in Bol ton, Brome county, Province of Quebec. He is a son of John and Mary (Mooney) McLaughlin, the former of whom was born in the Highlands of Scotland, and when a child was brought to Canada by his par ents, who died on their farm there. The father of our subject, after his marriage with Miss Mary Mooney, a native of New Hampshire, settled on the old homestead in Brome county, Quebec, where he died in 1884, at about the age of sixty-two years; his wife lived to an advanced age. The early life of our subject was passed on the farm In Canada, and his education was received at the schools of St. Johns- bury. At the age of twenty years he came to the United States, prior to which he had worked at various vocations, saving money as he plodded along. This enabled him to come west, where there were better oppor tunities for a young man, and locating in Lorain county, Ohio, he attended school at Oberlin one year. After this, February 26, 1876, he opened his present bookstore in Oberlin, in which business he has met with well-merited success. In addition to books and stationery he carries a large stock of wall-paper, and makes a specialty of lamps, particularly the " Oberlin Lamp," for which he has the exclusive sale in the city. Our subject was married in Oberlin to Miss Jennie V. Bunce, and they have two children: Helen Irene and Dora Gene vieve. In his political preferences he is a Republican. E DWIN A. BIVINS, a well-known farmer of Amherst township, ie a j descendant of one of the earliest pioneer families of Loraiu county. Benjamin Bivins, grandfather of our sub ject, was born in Connecticut, and was reared in Erie county, N. Y., where he re ceived his education in the schools of the district. In an early day he came to Lo rain county, Ohio, where he followed farming, afterward returning to Erie county, N. Y., where he was married to Miss Asenath Adams. In 1835 they came LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1189 to Lorain county, and settled on a farm, where they passed the remainder of their lives. The grandfather served for many years as constable and justice of the peace in his township. He died at the age of eighty-three, and his wife passed away at Elyria when a°ed eighty-nine years and nine months. He was a soldier in tbe war of 1812. Lyman Bivins, son of this old pioneer, was born January 17, 1808, in Otsego county, N. Y., and in 1835 came with his father from Clarence, Erie Co., N. Y. He married Lydia Greene, a native of Massa chusetts, and tbey became the parents of six children, as follows: Edwin A.; Maria, wife of Morris Hecock, of Sheffield township, Lorain county; George L., in the livery business in Elyria; Eliza, de ceased wife of L. D. Stout; Josephine, who married Leonard Steele, and died in Amherst; and Albert, who died in infancy. The mother of this family died in 1864; the father is still living at the age of eighty-five years. Edwin A. Bivins was bora in 1837 in Amherst township, Lorain county, and was reared on the farm, receiving his edu cation in the district schools. He learned the carpenter's trade of his grandfather, and for fifteen years was in the employ of the Lake Shore Railroad, at Norwalk, on car and cab work. He was afterward en gaged for five years in the milling busi ness at Amherst, and then returned to the farm. In 1863 Mr. Bivins was married to Miss Mary I. Winton, who was born in Amherst township, daughter of Orrin and Mariett (Smith) Winton, natives of Ver mont, who came to Amherst township about 1834, where he was extensively en gaged in farming. They were the parents of children as follows: Eli, who resides in Arkansas; Ann, widow of Edward Aikens, of Amherst township; Mariett; C. F., living in Kansas; 0. P., who died in East St. Louis, 111.; Alferetta, wife of George Morgan, of Elyria; Hattie, wife of Will iam Barnes, of Cleveland; William W., a stationary engineer at Sandusky, Ohio (his twin sister died in infancy); Nellie, who lives in Elyria, and Mary I., Mrs. Bivins. The father of this family was killed by a falling tree; his widow is now residing with our subject. Mrs. Bivins' maternal grandfather Smith came to Lo rain county in 1834. To Mr. and Mrs. Bivins was born one child, Frank B., who became a sailor, em barking first at Erie, Penn.; after sailing for three years on the lakes, he went to Philadelphia, from there sailing to Ger many, and thence to Australia, whence, after a stay of nine months, he went to London, England. From there he went to San Francisco, and then cruised along the coast to British Columbia. He was killed on board the ship "Kennebec," while some days out from San Pedro, Cal., and was buried at sea. In politics our subject is a member of the Democratic party, and he has. filled numerous political offices; for two years he was marshal of North Am herst, and he has also served as constable, as member of the town council, and as as sessor of North Amherst. Socially he is a member of Stonington Lodge No. 503, and in religion he and his wife are mem bers of the Congregational Church at North Amherst. J. GARRETT. In the front rank of the representative agriculturists of Carlisle township is found this gentleman, the owner of one of the finest 200-acre farms in the county, de voted to general agriculture, in a great measure to dairying, having thereon an average of twenty cows. Mr. Garrett is a native of New York State, bora in Saratoga couuty, August 10, 1830, a son of Benjamin and Charlotte (Rowell) Garrett, the father a native of New York State, the mother of Vermont. Thev were married in New York State, and in 1834 migrated to Lorain county, 1190 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Ohio, locating first in Penfield township, afterward, in 1836, settling in Carlisle township, where they bought a partly-im proved farm of 265 acres. In politics the father was first a Democrat, then a Repub lican, and he served as trustee of his town ship. He died in Carlisle township, June 29, 1866, the mother in May, 1886, at the age of eighty-seven years. The paternal grandfather of subject, Joseph Garrett, lived all his life in New York State, and his wife lived to be ninety years old. To Benjamin and Charlotte Garrett were born three children, viz.: John, who married, and moved to Clinton county, Mich., where he died about the year 1884; Jane Eliza, wife of George Noble, residing in Elyria, and S. J. The subject of this memoir was almost five years old when he came with his par ents to Lorain county, and in Carlisle township received his education, at the same time giving his assistance toward the opening up and improving of the home farm. In 1854 he was married to Miss M. Noble, who was born in Lorain county, and reared in LaGrange township, a daugh ter of Hervey and Phoebe (Wilkinson) No ble, who settled in an early day in that township, where they carried on farming the rest of their lives. At the time of their settlement in LaGrange, in June, 1827, there were only two or three families in the township. Mr. Noble died June 16, 1871, aged seventy-six, his wife having preceded him to the grave April 23, 1870, aged sixty-nine years. They had a family of eight children, as follows: Betsy, de ceased at the age of eighteen months; Esther, wife of David Parsons, of Akron, Ohio; George W., residing in Elyria; Amanda, deceased at the age of eighteen years; Emily Annette, wife of C. C. Man ville, of LaGrange township, Lorain coun ty; Mrs. S. J. Garrett; Henry D., who was married, aud died in Lorain county in 1861; and Melissa, deceased at the age of four years. To Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Garrett were bora three children: Frank, who was married in 1878 to Miss Mary Martin, and has one child — Essie Bell; Cora, wife of Charles Fuller, who has one child — -Carrie (they live in Cleveland) ; and Charles, who was married in February, 1887, to Minnie Lehman, and has three sons — Leroy, Mark Elmer and Roy. In his political associa tions Mr. Garrett is ,a Republican, and has served as township trustee three or four terfns. |f[fIRAM WACK, one of the promi- 1^ nent representative agriculturists of I] 1 Carlisle township, is a " Green y) Mountain Laddie," born in Ver mont September 9, 1809, a son of Frederick and Hannah (Loomis) Wack, natives of Connecticut. They were married in their native State, and afterward moved to Manchester, Yt., thence to Dorset, Vt., when our subject was about two years old. In 1837 they came to Lorain county, Ohio, settling on a farm near the Black river, in Carlisle town ship, where Mr. Wack died, when over eighty years of age; Mrs. Wack passed away in Michigan also aged over eighty years. They had a family of children, six of whom are yet living, named as follows: Eliza (wife of John Wyman), William Albert, Hiram, Charles Chauncey, Caro line Laura, and Clarissa; Erastus died in infancy. In politics Mr. Wack was a member of the Whig party. Hiram Wack, of whom this sketch chiefly relates, may be justly classified among the pioneers of Carlisle township, as he came here in 1837, at a time when wild animals were yet plentiful. On Sep tember 19, 1839, he was married to Miss Jane Rickey, a native of Vermont, and they had three children, as follows: George, who married Miss Diantha Vibber, and has one child — Herbert (they live in Russia township); Alfred, who married Miss Caro line Bender, and has six children — Ellen, Charles, Frank, Cassie, Mary and Mabel; LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1191 and Mary Jane, wife of Charles H. Heigh ten, who has three children — Harry, John and Robert (the family reside in LaPorte, Carlisle township). Our subject learned the trade of carpenter in New Y'ork, and worked at same in Oberlin some years, at intervals, before his marriage; he was also a workman one winter on the steamship " Bunker Hill," which lay at the mouth of the Black river. After marriage he did carpenter work only in his neighborhood, and also operated his farm, which is well improved and now comprises some 179 acres. He has taken an active interest in poli tics as a member of tbe Republican party ever since its organization, though his first vote was cast for Andrew Jackson. The paternal grandfather of subject, who is supposed to have been a German, was a soldier in the American Revolution, and died while on his way home at the close of his service. ^ARREN EARL, assessor and treas urer of Eaton township, who has been a resident of Lorain county since December, 1853, is a native of Tompkins county, N. Y., born in 1834. His parents, Moses and Elizabeth (Fauver) Earl, were also natives of New Y'ork, and there passed their entire lives. The father died in New York in 1836. They had but one child, Warren. Some time pre vious to his death Moses Earl had located laud in Ohio. Warren Earl was reared and educated in Tompkins county, N. Y., and in 1853 came to Lorain county, Ohio, locating in Eaton township, and working in Elyria, where he learned the bricklayer's and plasterer's trades. In 1864 he enlisted, at Wooster, Ohio, for oneyear, in Company D, One Hundred and Seventy-eighth 0. Y. I., and served with the army of the West. He participated in the engagement at Murfreesborough, served till the close of the war, and 1865 was honorably dis charged at Philadelphia. He returned to Lorain county, Ohio, and in 1868 settled in Eaton township, where in 1877 he bought twenty acres of improved land. Mr. Earl has taken considerable interest in politics, voting with the Republican party, and has served two terms as township as sessor and for twelve years as treasurer. Our subject has been twice married, first in 1859, in Eaton township, to Miss Adelaide Fauver, a native of New York, who died in 1871. In February, 1874, he was united in marriage with Miss Sally Earl, a native of New York, and to this union have come two children, namely: Minnie A. and Anna B. Socially Mr. Earl is a member of Richard Allen Post •No. 65, G. A. R., Elyria. |( O. HUMPHREY, a lifelong farmer k. I of Eaton township, comes of a family \U' who have been identified with the county over threescore and ten years. He was born in 1832 on his present farm on Butternut Ridge, a son of Orson J. and Lucinda (Sutliff) Humphrey, both of whom were natives of Connecticut, where they were married. From there they came with a one-horse wagon to Lorain county, Ohio, the trip occupying six weeks, and in 1822 located in Ridge ville township, whence in 1832 they moved to Eaton township, to the farm now occupied by the subject of this sketch. Orson J. Humphrey was a tanner and currier by trade, which he carried on till he commenced farming. He took a con siderable interest, in politics, first as a Whig, later as a Republican, and served as a justice of the peace fifteen years, and county commissioner three terms. He died December 5, 1867, his wife in No vember, 1869. They had a family of six children, five of whom grew to maturity, as follows: Amelia, deceased wife of Joiner 1192 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Race, of Ridgeville township, Lorain county; Fidelia, wife of Lewis M. Pounds, of Topeka, Kans.; Orelia, now in Kansas; Facelia (widow of William Brust), .a resi dent of Toledo, Ohio, and J. O. The subject of our sketch had a thor oughly practical school training in his native township, and afterward attended select school at LaPorte, Lorain county, and college at Berea. On his return home he applied himself assiduously to agriculture, at which he has since contin ued with well-merited success. He now owns a fine farm of 125 acres, all in a good state of cultivation. In 1856 Mr. Humphrey was married, in Carlisle township, to Miss Elizabeth Worthington, and eight children have been born to them, of whom the following is a brief record: Helena is residing at home; Elmer E. married Miss Alzina Hamlin, and they have two children — Hamlin and Blanche; and Mary, Orson, Clarence, Mildred, Edwin and Herbert, all at home. Mr. Humphrey in his political sympathies votes the Democratic ticket. Mrs. Humphrey is a member of the M. E. Cliurch at LaPorte. Joseph and Betsy Humphrey, grandparents of subject, were Connecticut people, bora of Welsh an cestry, and in an early day came to Ridge ville township, Lorain county, where they passed the rest of their busy lives. \ICHARD MARSH, a farmer of K Eaton township, was born in 1816 1^ in the eastern part of the county of Kent, England, son of John and Elizabeth (Dean) Marsh. The par ents of our subject were also natives of England, where they died, the father at the age of seventy, the mother at the age of fifty- one. They reared a family of seven children, two of whom are still liv ing, namely: Jane, wife of Thomas Spicer, residing in England; and Richard, subject of this memoir. John, who came to Eaton township in 1850, married Louisa Sutton, and died in October, 1890; his widow re sides in Eaton township. Richard Marsh was reared and educated in his native England, and there engaged in farming pursuits until 1852, when he came to the United States, locating in Eaton township, Lorain Co., Ohio. In 1864 he was married, in Eaton township, to Mrs. Harriet Cassell, a native of Eng land, widow of Edward Cassell, by whom she had two children: Henry, a resident of Missouri, and a daughter, Mrs. Silk. Mr. Marsh has devoted bis entire life to agriculture, and he now owns a good farm of forty-two acres, all in a high state of cultivation. In his political preferences he is a Republican; in religion he is a member of the Disciple Church. JfOHN BERRES, for over a third of a century a valuable farmer citizen of ^} Ridgeville township, is a native .of Germany, bora near Berlin in 1835, a son of Adam and Mary Berres, of the same country. In 1856 the family came to the United States, settling in Ridgeville township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where the parents passed the rest of their lives, the father dying in 1892, the mother in 1879. As will be seen, our subject was about twenty-two years of age when he came to America, so that his school days were all passed in his native land, where he also learned farming (a vocation he has ever since followed), besides, according to the customs of the country, a trade, his choice being carpentry, at which he worked two years before crossing the ocean. In 1865 he bought forty-two acres of partly-im proved land, subsequently adding thereto the Taylor farm, and he now owns 103 acres, all well-cultivated, on which he has erected a comfortable modern one-and-a- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1193 half-story residence 22x28, with an L, also one and a half stories, 18 x 24; kitchen 14x16; woodshed 12x14; horse barn 22x28. He has also put up a commodi ous barn 40x60, and a second one 30x40. Mr. Berres confines himself to general farming, and by untiring energy, sound judgment and judicious economy has made an enviable success. In 1861 our subject was married, in Ridgeville township, to Miss Anna Stouber, a native of Germany, daughter of Peter and Barbara (Conrad) Stouber, also of Germany, who in an early day immigrated to the United States, making their final home in Avon township. Mr. and Mrs. Berres are the parents of four children, as follows: Emma, married to George Otten, of Ridgeville township (they have two children, Mathias and Katie); Katie, wife of Mathias Diedrick, of Ridgeville town ship; Mary and Caspar. They have also adopted a boy named Tony Stouber. Some time ago our subject spent seven years in the Lake Superior country among the copper mines. He is an active member of the Republican party, and has served his township as supervisor and member of the school board. He and his wife were born and brought up in the faith of the Roman Catholic Church. H. JACKSON. Among the pros perous and most respected of the representative, native-born agricul turists* of Eaton township, is to be found this gentleman. He is a son of Bar nabas and Martha (Farnham) Jackson, and first saw the light of day in 1851. Barnabas Jackson, father of subject, was born in Maine, whence when young he came to Liverpool, Medina Co., Ohio, with his parents, Abel and Sarah Jackson, who were also natives of Maine. He married in Portage county, Ohio, Miss Martha Farnham, who was born in that county, near Ravenna, and for some time there after they lived in Medina county, where he condncted a sawmill. Later he followed building and contracting in Grafton town ship, Lorain county, and among the build ings he put up may be mentioned the roundhouse and two hotels. In 1853 he moved to Eaton township, same county, and bought an improved farm from Ira R- Morgan, where he passed the rest of his days in agricultural pursuits, dying Au gust 8, 1889. He was a Republican, originally a Whig, and served his town ship as trustee; during the dark days of the war of the Rebellion he gave all the assistance in his power to preserve the Union. His own parents died, the father in Iowa, the mother in Eaton township, Lorain county, aged eighty-nine years, To Mr. and Mrs. Barnabas Jackson were bora seven children, all of whom are yet living, viz.: Ellen, wife of Albert Bingham, of Eaton township; C. H., our subject; Sarah, wife of Charles Kettner, of Cleve land: Frederick Henry, married to Celia Nichols,, and residing in Cleveland; An drew, married, and living in Eaton town ship; Byron W-, married to Blanche Nich ols, and living in Cleveland; and James E,, married to Sarah Aubrey, also in Cleve land. The mother of this family is yet living on the old homestead. C. H. Jackson, whose name opens this sketch, received his elementary education at the schools of Eaton township, which was supplemented with a two-years' at tendance at Oberlin College. He was reared to agricultural pursuits, but in early life turned his attention to the manufac ture of cheese, which industry he carried on in Ridgeville township, Lorain county, some thirteen years; he was also interested in a cheese factory in Eaton township. In 1881 he purchased an improved farm of 125 acres in Eaton township, where he has since resided, carrying on general farming. In 1877 Mr. Jackson was united in mar riage, in Berea, Ohio, with Miss Eva E. 1194 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Emmons, a native of Columbia township, Lorain county, daughter of Francis and Cordelia (Smith) Emmons, of Connecticut, and pioneers of Columbia township, Lo rain county; the mother is deceased, the father yet living. To this union has been bora one child — Grace G. In his political associations Mr. Jackson is a Republican, and for five years served as township trus tee; in 1888 he was elected a justice of the peace. A. BAINBRIDGE, one of the wide-awake, go-ahead, native-born agriculturists of Ridgeville town ship, is owner of 140 acres of as good land as can be found in the county, being mostly the old homestead of the family. Mr. Bainbridge was bora in 1837, a son of William and Elizabeth (Ford) Bain bridge, natives of England, the father of near Hull, Yorkshire. They were married in their native country, and subsequently immigrated to the United States, and in 1832 they made for themselves a new home in Ridgeville township, Lorain county, the locality at that time being all woodland. William Bainbridge first bought twenty-five acres, to which he added sixty acres, and, later, fifty acres, ag gregating 135 acres of fine farm land, where he successfully carried on general agricul ture till his death; his widow passed away at the age of eighty-one years.- Mr. Bain bridge in his political views was first a Whig, in later years a stalwart Republican, casting his first Presidential vote for J. C. Fremont, and ho held many township offices of trust. To this honored couple was born a family of children, the follow ing being a brief record of them: George died in Ridgeville township at the age of thirty-three; Mary Jane died young; Jabez, married, resides in Olmsted township, Cuyahoga county; W. A. is the subject of this sketch; Hester is the wife of Thomas Hollister, of California; Rachel is the wife of Augustus Tilburg, of Ridgeville town ship; Fletcher died in Ridgeville township; William B., who was married, died in Ridgeville township. The subject of these lines received such education as was afforded in his early boy hood by the primitive schools, held in some old log shanty, whose furnishings and "dominie," alike, smacked of "the sere and yellow leaf." In politics he is a straight Republican, and has served his township as road commissioner. In 1891 he visited California, spending six months in the southern portion of the State, part of the time in San Jose. Mr. Bainbridge has not yet enlisted in the courageous army of " Benedicts," preferring an Arcadian lite of single bliss. CHARLES W. BOMMER, a repre sentative, progressive citizen of Avon township, where he has re sided since childhood, was bora August 30, 1861, in Olmsted township, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. - 3 B Joseph Bommer, father of Charles W., was a native of Baden, Germany, whence in an early day he came to the United States and to Cuyahoga county, Ohio, where he worked by the month. He mar ried Sophia Muche, who was born in Hesse, Germany, and in 1867 they came to Avon township, and opened np a farm on which he remained until his death, which occurred in 1881; his widow passed away in Avon township in 1885. They reared a family of seven children, as fol lows: Louisa, wife of P. Nagle, of Avon township; Ed., married, residing in West View, Cuyahoga county; Frank, a resident of Ridgeville township, Lorain county; Eva, who died at the age of twenty-two years; Gertie, living in Lorain county, Willie, who died when three years old; and Charles W., whose name introduces this sketch. LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1195 Charles W. Bommer came with his par ents to Avon township when six years old, and here obtained his literary educa tion in the common schools. He was trained from early boyhood to agricultural pursuits, in which he has always been en gaged, and he now owns a half interest in the homestead and a farm in Ridgeville township. He was united in marriage, in 1886, in Avon township, witb Miss Anna Engels, a native of the township, daughter of Peter Engels, and to this union have been born four children, viz.: Frank, Clara, Willie and Anna Bertha. In his political preferences Mr. Bommer is an ardent worker in the ranks of the Democratic party; in the spring of 1893 he was elected trustee of Avon township, where he has also served as supervisor and school director. In religious connection he and his wife are members of the Catholic Church at French Creek. FREDERICK JD AGUE, a self-made, representative agriculturist of Pen- field township, is a son of Frederick and Catherine (Harsh) Dague, and was the second child born to them after their removal to Ohio. Our subject first saw the light January 23, 1822, and received a limited education in the subscription schools, the only ones then afforded at that time and place. From early boyhood he was inured to the arduous duties of pioneer farm life, and he remained at home until several years after his mar riage. On August 29, 1844, he was wedded to Miss Maria Smith, born December 9, 1824, in Berks county, Penn., daughter of Jeremiah and Rowena (Arnold) Smith, who came to Ohio in 1826, settling in Stark county, where Mr. Smith died, the family subsequently removing to Richland county, where Mrs. Dague resided until her marriage. The young couple took up their residence on the farm of his father until 1851, when they removed to their present farm in Penfield township, then comprising 100 acres, all in the woods, which he purchased at five dollars and a half per acre. The cabin in which they lived was built of logs, had a white ash floor, and was a very comfortable, though rudely-furnished, home. Soon after coming here Mr. Dague built a barn, which is still standing, he and his brother John, who were neighbors, assist ing each other in their work. To Frede rick and Maria Dague were born children as follows: John, of Litchfield, Ohio; Levi, of Harrisville, Ohio; Maretus, of Chatham, Ohio; Frederick, of Spencer, Ohio; Sarah M., the widow of Robert Everhart; Homer, who died at the age of thirteen years; Jeremiah, of Spencer; Jonathan, a farmer of Litchfield, Ohio; Mary Jane, Mrs. Orrin Meade, of Michi gan; Emerson, a farmer, at home; Charles, a farmer of Spencer; Ella, Mrs. Grant Hull, of Litchfield, Ohio; and Anna, who married Grant Hull, and died at the age of twenty-two years. Mr. Dague has been a lifelong farmer, and for a short while carried on a dairy in connection with his agricultural work. He now owns a fine farm of 190 acres, all accumulated by bis own energy and unceasing industry, for he began life with comparatively noth ing. In his political predilections he has always been a stanch Democrat, and in religious faith he and his wife are mem bers of the German Baptist Church at Chatham, Ohio. fr* EORGE T. DEEG, a highly success - |( -. ful farmer and grape-grower of VJ Avon township, is a native Wurtem- Jjk berg, Germany, born iu 1826. fie is a son of Christopher and Elizabeth (Lautenschlager) Deeg, of the same locality, who were married in Ger many, and in 1842 set sail from the port; 1196 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. of Le Havre-de-Grace, France, for the New World, their family accompanying them. After a voyage of thirty-three days they landed in New York City, whence they came direct to Cleveland, Ohio, arriving in Avon township, Lorain county, in October, same year. Here they settled on a farm near the lake shore, and here the father died in 1847, the mother in 1846. They were the parents of six children, as follows: Catherine, who married John Upwright, and died in 1859*in Eaton county, Mich.; Margaret, first married to Christian Seifred, who was killed in Cleveland, and now the widow of Christian Brandt (she resides in Covington); Dorothea, who married Treat Titus, and died in 1874; George T., our subject; Mary, widow of Christian Schorn- hurst, of Chicago, 111.; and Caroline, wife of Daniel S. Green, of Avon township. George T. Deeg was sixteen years old when the family came to America from Germany, and a portion of his education was received in each country. After leaving school he, in 1852, shipped before the mast on a vessel sailing the lakes, and for fourteen years followed that vocation in various capacities, such as common sailor, cook, mate, etc.; in 1858 he bought a vessel which he sailed for his own account till the fall of 1862, when he sold her and in 1863 navigated her for others. Iu 1861 he had bought his present fine farm of sixty-eight acres, and has since erected a commodious and comfortable residence thereon. In 1849 Mr. Deeg was united in marriage, in Avon township, with Miss Maria Diederich, daughter of Peter and Gertrude Diederich, who came to Lorain county in 1847, and are now both deceased. To this union were born four children, to wit: William G., a resident of Detroit, Mich., who is married and has three chil dren: Sailor, Bell and Anna; Joel T., mar ried and residing in Elyria (has three chil dren: Nellie, Nina and Josephine); Au gusta, widow of William Moon, of Avon township (has three children: Stella, Guy and William); and Julia, in Detroit, Mich. The mother of these died in 1879, and in 1882 Mr. Deeg married Miss Elnora Corn- well, a native of Columbia township, Lo rain county, a daughter of Elson Cornwell, an early pioneer of the county. Politically our subject is a Republican, and has been a member of the school board. He and his wife are associated with the M. E. Church of Avon township. ELISHA JACKSON, one of the earliest and best-known pioneer l citizens of Penfield township, was born October 8, 1818, in Champion, Jefferson Co., New York. Our subject received his education in the eommon schools of the period, attend ing whenever possible, as he took more pleasure in study than in play, and was a very apt scholar. When but a young man he entered the employ of a man named Poole, who made fanning mills, while engaged in this displaying considerable liking and natural ability for carpentry, and later working at the business in Phila delphia, Jefferson county, N. Y. He remained in his native county until 1841, when he started for the then Far West, pro ceeding first to Sacket's Harbor, where he took the boat for Lewiston,. thence travel ing by stage-coach to Niagara Falls. From the latter place he came to Buffalo on the first railroad he had ever seen, and there took the lake boat for Cleveland, his destination being Penfield, Lorain Co., Ohio, where his eldest brother, Pliny, re sided. Having missed the stage-coach to Elyria, and having but a few dollars with him, not sufficient to hire a private convey ance, he walked from Cleveland to Pen- field, arriving there June 3. Here he worked at his old occupation, the manufac ture of fanning mills, meantime making his home with his brother until July 4, 1843, when he married Miss Eleanor A. Rowland. She was born November 22, LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1197 1820, in Oneida county, N. Y., daughter of Joel and Lucy (Wood) Rowland, farming people, and was in Penfield township on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Pliny Jackson, when she met our subject. For a short time after his marriage Mr. Jackson lived in Penfield township, then removed to Pittsfield township, where he bought land, and later took up his residence in Monroe, Mich., where he was employed as pattern maker in a foundry, his knowledge of car pentry being sufficient to enable him to perform such work. After four years he returned to Penfield township, Lorain Co., Ohio, locating on his present farm, for which he had previously negotiated. At that time a dense forest covered the land, on which no improvements whatever had been made, and all the clearing on the tract, 137 acres in extent, has been done either by him or under his direction. To Mr. and Mrs. Jackson have been born children as follows: Joel R., a farmer of Penfield township, who was first married to Mary Bradstock, by whom he had two sons — Harley (now deceased) and Judson C. (the mother of these died and he was married, for his second wife, to her sister Lydia); Charles E., farmer of Penfield; Charille H-, deceased wife of John Brad- stock; Lucy, wife of Horace Palmer, now of Penfield; Milo T., a farmer of Penfield, who has four children — Oga Eveline, Altha Leona, Margaret Irene and Carl; and Sally E., residing with her parents. With the exception of the time spent in working at his trade, Mr. Jackson has given his attention to farming. He and his wife have seen great changes in this section of the country; panthers, bears, deer, wolves, turkeys, and other wild animals which once abounded have now disap peared from the region ; the dense forest has given place to smiling farms; and the rude hut which first sheltered the family is now supplanted by a substantial brick residence. Mr. Jackson has performed much arduous labor in his day, and by his untiring energy and industry has amassed a very comfortable competency. On July 4, 1893, he and his wife celebrated their "golden wedding," an occasion which will ever be remembered by those present. In his political preferences our subject has been a Republican since 1856. prior to which time he was an ardent Whig, cast ing his first Presidential vote for William H. Harrison. He takes a lively interest in the success of his party, and, while not an office-seeker, has served several terms as township trustee, with credit to himself and satisfaction to his constituents. fl( II. WITBECK, who during his f/\\ lifetime was a well-known and nni- I/TJ versally respected member of the J) A farming community of Penfield township, was born May 20, 1827, in Schoharie county, N. Y., son of Henry G. and Freelove (Welton) Witbeck. The subject of this sketch was reared to farm life, and received his literary educa tion at the common schools of those early days, which he attended a few weeks in the winter season ; and the only year he spent the entire winter at school was while work ing for his board for William L. Hayes. When he was four years old, in the fall of 1831, he had been brought by his parents from New York State to Penfield town ship, Lorain Co., Ohio, where he grew to manhood, and being the eldest of six sons, the bulk of the duties on the home farm fell on his shoulders. As soon as he was old enough he worked principally away from home, doing various kinds of farm labor in various districts, and receiving for his services from six to eight dollars per month, all his earnings going to assist his father to pay for some land which the latter had purchased. For one year he was in the employ of Talcott Starr, of Elyria township, and he also spent one winter in Michigan, in the pineries, cutting 1198 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. timber and working in one of the lumber camps so numerous in those days. He received thirty acres as his portion of the tract of one hundred acres he had helped his father to pay for, and this formed the nucleus of the fine property he accumulated before his decease. On November 27, 1851, Mr. Witbeck was united in marriage with Miss Mary Damon, of Litchfield, Ohio, who died less than one year afterward, and on March 20, 1855, he wedded, for his second wife, Miss Jane A. Goodyear, who was born March 27, 1838, in New Haven county, Conn., daughter of Street and Susan (Jones) Good year, who came to Penfield, Lorain county, in 1846, locating on tbe place where Mrs. Goodyear yet resides; Mr. Goodyear died in 1884. After marriage Mr. Witbeck took up his residence on the farm where he passed his entire wedded life, and which at that time, with the exception of one small clearing, was all in the woods. The young people first lived in a log house, which was some time afterward supplanted by a frame one, and in 1875 the latter fave place to a commodious brick resi- ence, one of the most expensive and un doubtedly one of the most substantial in the township. By purchases made from time to time the extent of the original farm of thirty acres was gradually in creased, until there was a fine tract, com prising 250 acres of excellent land. Mr. and Mrs. Witbeck had children as follows: Mary Jane; E. F., who married Anna Walker, of Ellsworth, Kans., and now has charge of the home farm; Ansil, a farmer of Penfield township; Susan A., a school teacher of Elyria; Sarah H., deceased at the age of nine years; Leon G., a farmer of Penfield township; and Lucinda May, who resides at home, and attends school in Wellington. Mr. Witbeck was a thoroughly self-made man, for from a start of almost nothing he accumulated his fine property and earned for himself a com fortable competence. During his active life he was one of the foremost agricul turists of Penfield township. He died February 26, 1893, after a short illness from heart disease, and was buried in Pen- field cemetery. In politics he was a stanch Democrat, and, while not an active poli tician, took an interest in the welfare of his party and was a regular attendant at the polls. For a great many years he was an ardent member of the Penfield M. E. Church, and at the time of his death was class-leader; he had served in various other positions with credit to himself and satis faction to all. Mrs. Witbeck is also a member of the M. E. Church, having made a confession when eighteen years old., Since her husband's death she has man aged the affairs of the home farm, where sbe resides with her son, Erving F. FETER OSTRANDER, a typical self- made man, a representative success ful agriculturist, and a respected, honored citizen of Rochester town ship, is a native of New York State, born August 17, 1826, in the Mohawk Valley. Peter Ostrander, father of subject, was married to a Miss Wolcott, who bore him children as follows: John, Amos, Mary J. and Peter. The father of these, when the youngest was five years old, died of yellow fever, which he had contracted while attending a horse race at Long Island; the widowed mother subsequently married a Mr. Winchell, and died in New York at an advanced age. The subject of this sketch, after the death of his father, was "bound out" to one Anson Pierce, whose wife, Jane, had partly reared Peter's father, and a strong attachment had sprung up between her and our subject. After a time Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, bringing young Peter Ostrander, came to Ohio, via canal to Buffalo, thence by lake to the mouth of Black river, from where to Rochester township, Lorain conn- LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1199 ty, the rest of the journey was made on foot through an unbroken forest. There were but few roads in the county in those early days, and land was worth, on the average, one dollar and fifty cents per acre. In Rochester township Mr. Pierce made a settlement on a piece of wild land that is now a part of Mr. Ostrander's farm. Their first dwelling was the traditional log cabin, and the nearest mill where they had their gristing done was Wooster, a week's trip with on ox-sled in sleighing time. Here our subject when old enough assisted in the clearing up of the dense timber and undergrowth, and in whatever else on the farm he was able to put his youthful hand to. During the winter months for a sea son or two he attended school at Meach's Corners, one mile south of his home, his path lying through the forest, and many a wild animal did he see as he plodded his way onward. His first teacher was Squire Conaut, and he has lived to see some wonderful changes in the county, not the least being the educational system gener ally, particularly the establishment of the common schools. He was thoroughly in ducted into the mysteries of farm life, and has made agricultural pursuits an unquali fied success. After his marriage he located on fifty acres of land he had bought near where his foster-parents resided, but later sold this, purchasing elsewhere in Roches ter township. Subsequently he moved to Huntington township, whence after a resi dence of some years he came, in 1860, to where he now lives in Rochester township, having bought the Pierce homestead. In 1852, during the " gold fever, " Mr. Ostrander set out for California along with a party of five other fortune hunters from his neighborhood. They proceeded by rail to Cincinnati, thence by river to St. Joseph, Mo., where they equipped themselves for their long journey, and then set out via tbe Plains, at the end of three months reaching Placerville, Cal. Mr. Ostrander remained at the " gold diggings " two years, and then returned to his home via Aspinwall and Isthmus of Panama, thence by steamer to New York City, and from there to Ohio by rail. On May 4, 1848, Mr. Ostrander married Miss Sarah A. Gilmore, who was born August 17, 1833, in Becket, Mass., a daughter of Darius Gilmore, an early set tler of Rochester township, who at one time owned a farm near Rochester Sta tion. Two children were the result of this union, to wit: William L., born February 1, 1849, now a resident of Co lusa county, Cat, aud Mary J., born September 28, 1851, now the wife of Darius Segar, of Rochester township. This wife died and was buried in Roches ter, and on April 26, 1856, our subject, for his second wife, married Mrs. Cath erine St. Peter, widow of Joseph St. Peter; she is a native of near Harrisburg, Penn.; bora November 10, 1832, a daughter of Samuel and Catherine (Goodman) Long, who, when Mrs. Ostrander was an infant came to Ohio, locating in Wayne county for a time, thence moving to Illinois; and finally returning to Huntington township; Lorain county. Mr. Ostrander is the owner of seventy- five acres excellent land, one of the best tracts in Rochester town ship, and for over thirty-seven years his faithful wife has assisted him in the eco nomical management of the farm. She is a member of the Methodist Church at Rochester Station. He is a stanch Demo crat, thongh not a strict partisan, and, be yond recording his vote regularly at the' polls, takes little active interest in politics. N H. FELTON, merchant, Rochester Station, has the reputation of con ducting one of the best-kept coun- yj try stores in the county, which iU enjoying an ever-increasiug pat ronage. Mr. Felton was born April 18,. 1820, in Prescott, Hampshire Co., Mass., a grand- 1200 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. son of Samuel Felton, and a son of Nathan Felton, who was by occupation a mer chant and hotel-keeper. He, Nathan, mar ried Mary Hines, a daughter of Dr. Ne hemiah Hines (a very prominent physician of more than local reputation), and the children born to this union were: N. H. (subject of sketch); Nathan, who died in Worcester county, Mass.; and Harrison, a farmer and merchant, who died in North ampton, Mass. The parents both passed to their rest in the last named place, and were buried there. N. H. Felton, whose name opens this sketch, received his elementary education at the common schools of his native place, which was supplemented with two terms at Amherst College. When fifteen years old he entered the general store of Clark Bros, at Northampton, Mass., at a salary of forty dollars per annum and his board. At the end of two years he left this posi tion to accept another as salesman in the hardware store of W. A. Arnold, of the same county, and here remained eight years. Some time after his marriage Mr. Felton commenced a hardware business for his own account in Northampton, suc cessfully conducting same three years, at the end of which time, in August, 1856, he moved to Cleveland, Ohio, where he secured a position as traveling salesman for Webster, Spencer & Mellen, wholesale boot and shoe dealers, his route being :along the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern -Railroad, between Chicago and Cleveland. After five years experience at this Mr. Felton embarked, in part nership with George W. Cady, in the shoe business on Water street, Cleve land, Ohio, the style of the firm being Fel ton & Cady, which continued three years, our subject disposing of his interests at the end of that time. Later he was in the business in Cleveland as manufact- same urers' agent, afterward, until moving to Lorain county, handling the bulk of the product of the Auburn (N.Y.) State Prison shoe factories. In 1892 he came to Roch ester Station, Lorain county, and in August, same year, purchased the general store of Philip Kessler, which he has since successfully conducted; and during his brief residence here he has, by his courtesy, fair and honorable dealing, surrounded himself with hosts of friends. In July, 1844, Mr. Felton married Miss Eliza J. Hooker, a native of Massachusetts, bora in March, 1820, at Watertown, a few miles west of Boston, daughter of Denny P. Hooker, at one time a hotel-keeper, in later life a stone mason and contractor. Two children were bora to this union be fore the removal of the family to Cleveland, viz.: Clarence H., of Rochester Station, Ohio, and Mary E., wife of H. B. Cham berlain, of Chicago, 111. On November 23,1891, Mrs. Felton was called from earth, and her remains were interred at Cleve land. In his political associations our sub ject, as was his father before him, is a stanch Democrat. /^EORGE M. BILLINGS, a lifelong I Tc agriculturist of LaGrange township, \LJ of which he is a native, was born in 1^. 1845, a son of Orson Billings. John Billings, grandfather of our subject, was a Methodist preacher, but lived on a farm and was principally en gaged in agricultural pursuits. His son Orson was born May 10, 1809, in Smyrna, Chenango Co., N. Y., received a meager education in the common schools, and then attended select school a couple of terms. He learned the trade of wagon maker, but being a natural mechanical genius, also manufactured musical instru ments. On September 4, 1831, he mar ried Miss Sophronia Buell, who was born March 20, 1810, in Chenango county, N. Y., daughter of Darias (a farmer) and Sally (Craw) Buell. Having received five hundred dollars from his father's estate, Mr. Billings was able, with what he had LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1201 saved, to buy a farm in the Black River country, and he resided thereon for two years, and then traded it for a farm in Ohio, whither he migrated in the fall of 1834. When he traded the farm he owed about one hundred dollars, and this fact delayed his migration to Ohio about a year after leaving the Black River country, but he paid it off by carpenter work, and left New York free from debt. He came to Ohio with a brother, John, who returned to New York after assisting hi6 brother to look up the land, and in September, 1834, the family, then consisting of the wife and two children — Mary Jane (now Mrs. George Staples, of Pittsfield) and William M. (a farmer of Pittsfield township) — arrived here. They came by way of the Erie Canal to Conestoga, and thence to Buffalo, down Lake Erie, where they en countered a storm which lasted five hours, during which their household goods were all thrown overboard. After the storm abated they proceeded to Erie, Penn., and not caring to continue their journey on the boat hired a conveyance, in which they were brought to Elyria, Lorain Co., Ohio, from which place Orson Billings came on foot to LaGrange township, and hired a man named Kelner to bring the family to their new home. They remained over night at the Kelner home, and the following day Orson Billings attended a town meeting, and found work, moving his family for a few weeks to the center of the township. They next lived in .a schoolhouse a short distance north of the farm, and later moved to a private schoolhouse, owned by a Mr. Kellog, where they passed the winter of 1834-35. Mr. Billings had traded for 300 acres, which, with the exception of a small clearing, was a dense forest, through which roamed numerous wild animals — deer, wolves, turkeys, etc. The following year a cabin was erected (which still stands near the present home of the family), and although the floor of this house was but rudely constructed, Mrs. Billings took as much pride in its neatness as she did later in her more modern home. The table cloth was hung be'fore the window to keep out the wind, and the only ornaments were a pair of brass candlesticks. This place they occupied for ten years, when Mr. Billings himself erected the present resi dence. While living on the farm Mr. and Mrs. Billings had children as follows: Thomas J., now of Kansas; Sophronia, who married George Baldwin, of Monroe county, N. Y., where she died; Orson B., who died when nearly thirty years old, in Elyria, where he is buried ; George M., subject of this sketch ; and Chauncey T., who died in Elyria, and was buried there. Mr. Billings was engaged in various kinds of labor, making musical instruments, among these an organ ; he invented a corn planter, the first one to work successfully, and a new mowing machine was also the result of his genius. He had acted as sales agent for a mower, and seeing a chance for an improvement he made it, and also many others for the same class of machinery. Most of his farm work was done by hired hands, as his love for invention and mechanics would not permit him to be contented with the life of a farmer; his workshop still stands. Like most geniuses of his class he did not realize much from his inventions, which are now being successfully and profitably utilized on various kinds of labor-saving machinery. His death occurred March 12, 1875, the result of a lingering illness; he had never been robust, and the inces sant activity of his brain undermined his health; he was buried in Elyria, whither he had removed some time before. In politics he was a Democrat, and being a constant reader was well posted on the issues of the day. After his death his widow made her home in Elyria till 1891, and then came to the home farm, where she resided until her death, which oc curred February 10, 1894. She was a member of the Church of Christ, Elyria. George M. Billings, the subject proper of this sketch, received his primary educa- 1202 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. tion in the common schools, and later at tended two terms at Oberlin. He has always been engaged in agriculture, and remained on the home farm till his mar riage, April 24, 1869, to Miss Mary E. Ingersoll, who was born September 28, 1851, in Grafton township, daughter of Edwin and Amelia (Kingsley) Ingersoll. He then came to his present farm, where, with the exception of a year spent on an other farm in LaGrange township, he has ever since made his home. Mr. and Mrs. Billings have two children: Pearl A. and Frank C. In his political affiliations he is a stanch member of the Democratic party, and he has served as clerk and director of the school board. B. ADAMS, justice of the peace for Columbia township, now serving his sixth term, his first election to the office taking place in 1872, is a native of the township, born in 1846, a son of B. B. and Uranis (Hoadley) Adams. The father of our subject was also a na tive of Columbia township, and his par ents — Benoni and Sally (Twichell) Adams — came to that township in about 1810 from Connecticut, Mrs. Adams being the first white woman to cross the Cuyahoga river. They died here, heon August 1, 1876, she on July 5, 1865. B. B. Adams, Sr., was a farmer all his life, and accumulated a snug competence; politically he was a Whig, and for years served as a justice of the peace. He died in September, 1848, his wife sur viving him till 1874. They were the par ents of four children, as follows: Sarah, widow of A. S. Slade, an attorney of Cleve land; Mary, wife of W. B. Follansbee, of Wellington; Nellie, wife of C. E. Parme lee, of Lodi; and B. B. B. B. Adams, whose name introduces this sketch, received his education at the common schools of his native place, and also attended Oberlin College six years, after which he commenced agricultural pursuits, and he now owns a fine farm of fifty- two acres (the old homestead), all under a high state of cultivation. In 1884 he was married to Miss Alice Nichols, a native of Columbia township, Lorain county, and daughter of William and Amanda (Watson) Nichols, of Yermont and Connecticut birth, respectively, who came many years ago to Columbia town ship, where the father died in May, 1869, and the mother is still living. To Mr. and Mrs. Adams have been born two children: Lou and Chauncey. Politically our sub ject votes the Republican ticket, and has been a delegate to County, Congressional, Senatorial and State Conventions. In addi tion to his office of justice of the peace, he has served his township as clerk thirteen years. He and his wife are members of the Congregational Church. Lemuel and Chloe (Tyler) Hoadley. maternal grand parents of our subject, were natives of Connecticut, whence about the year 1810 they came to Lorain county, settling in Ridgeville township, where they passed the rest of their pioneer lives. yjILLIAM HAWKE, a well-known ' and prosperous citizen of Colum bia township, of which he has been a resident since 1864, was born in 1839, in Cornwall, England. He is a son of Richard and Grace (Hugglow) Hawke, also natives of Eng land, the former of whom died in his native country, and in 1856 his widow came to Lorain county, Ohio, subsequently removing to Jefferson county, Wis., wher9 she passed away in 1884. They were the parents of seven children (all of whom came to Lorain county), as follows: John, married, living in Eaton; Richard, mar ried, a farmer in Jefferson county, Wis.; Lavinia, wife of Abram Cornish, of Eaton township; William, subject proper of this LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1203 sketch; Harriet, who died in Missouri; Elizabeth, wife of . Richard Pivock, of Wisconsin; and Amelia, who died in Wis consin. William Hawke was reared in his native country, and there received an education in tbe common schools. In 1861 he mar ried, in England, Miss Margaret Curry, also a native of Cornwall, and in 1864 they left England for the United States, coming at once to Columbia township, Lorain Co., Ohio, where he engaged in farm work. He at first purchased thirty acres of land, which he improved, and in 1873 bought another tract, adding to his possessions. from time to time until he was owner of 161 acres in Columbia and Eaton town ships. At one time our subject and his brother were joint owners of a farm in Co lumbia township, which they sold. To Mr. and Mrs. William Hawke were born six children, namely: John, residing in Columbia township, who is married and has one child, Floyd; Mary, who is mar ried to A. Peck, of Ridgeville, and has three daughters; William, married, living in Eaton; Annie, who is married to K. Perry Bainbridge, of Ridgeville, and has two daughters; Frank and Fred. The mother of these children passed from earth in 1882. In his political connections Mr. Hawke is a Republican, and takes an active interest in the welfare of his party; he is a member of the school board. ||OHN LAHIFF, a well-knewn enter- k. I prising and influential farmer and %J) contractor of Carlisle township, is a native of Ireland, born in Limerick April 13, 1839. Lawrence Lahiff, father of subject, born in Limerick April 14, 1811, was there married to Mary Cahill, and in 1845 they came to the United States with their family, having their residence in Con necticut till 1849, in which year they moved to Rockport, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. There the father continued to live till the summer of 1893, when, being old and feeble, our subject took him to his home in Loraiu county, in order the better to care for him in his declining years. He still owns a farm near Rockport. He was twice married, his first wife dying at or near Rockport, Ohio, in 1877, aged sixty- four years, after which he wedded Mrs. Shea, a widow lady, now deceased. Thomas Lahiff, grandfather of John Lahiff, was also born in Limerick, Ireland, near which city he followed farming. In 1844 he came to the United States, mak ing his first home in the New World in Connecticut. When eighty-five years old he went to California to see his four sons and four daughters living there. He was thrice married, and was the father of twenty-eight children — thirteen by each of his first two wives, and two by his last — and they nearly all lived to be forty or fifty years old. Of these children Law rence Lahiff is the fourth in order of birth. Thomas Lahiff owned forty acres of land in Ireland, aud hardly knew what manual labor was till coming to America. He was a remarkably robust, healthy man, a prevailing characteristic in the entire family, and at the age of one hun dred and four years he built a stack of hay, from bottom to top, the weight of same being twelve tons, our subject pitch ing the hay to him. He was a soldier in the Irish brigade that served with the French under Napoleon. He died July 16, 1882, in the one hundred and seventh year of his age, wonderfully well preserved for his years, being able almost to the day of his death to ride horseback, and he never wore glasses. There were three children in his father's family, he being the only son. One of his sisters, Hannah by name, was married, in Schaghticoke, N. Y., to a Mr. Witherick, and she is now one hundred and sixteen years old, but this great age did not prevent her walking three miles in the fall of 1892. One of 1204 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. our subject's uncles was a pioneer of Pitts field township, Lorain county, but most of the uncles settled in Nevada City, Cal., and a daughter of one of them was the first woman to live in the place. John Lahiff, the subject proper of this sketch, came with his lather to America, and remained in Connecticut while the latter was visiting in California. On his return the entire family moved to Rock port, Ohio, as already related, and here our subject remained till he was eighteen years old, receiving a liberal education. At this time he proceeded to California, where he made the acquaintance of his numerous uncles and aunts. Here he mined three years, and then went to Rus sian America, where he mined for about six months, after which he returned south to Nevada Territory, via San Francisco, making a stay in Virginia City. For ten months he worked in one shaft in the Utah mine, from the top down 1,800 feet. Leaving there, he set out for Utah Terri tory, where he wintered about thirty miles from Salt Lake City ; then went back to the mountains, thence to British America, to the Courtney mines, in the Courtney Mountains. From there he moved south ward to Idaho, tarrying there till the fol lowing September, when he went to East Bannack, where thirty-six men were hung in one day, including Judge Hines and Sheriff Plummer, for being concerned in alleged robberies of gold from the miners, who did the hanging. From there Mr. Lahiff proceeded to north of the Salmon river, where he remained about four months, and then started for the United States on horseback with three companions, their route being right across the plains to near Fort Benton. Here they camped, but in the morning they were attacked by some Indians, who had been camping over night near them, and two out of the party of four were slain, our subject's horse being also killed. Mr. Lahiff and the remaining member of the original four, by name McQuade, now employed in the Union Depot, Chicago, 111., succeeded in effecting their escape, reaching the woods, and were two days in reaching Fort Benton, having nothing to eat in tbe meantime. Here they procured fresh horses, and at once resumed their journey, going home via Chicago. Our subject was married to Miss Mary Welch, of North Amherst, Lorain county, who was born January 8, 1847, in Albany, N. Y., and they then made their home on the Braman farm, in Carlisle township, five years, at the end of which time he sold that property, buying the Vincent farm of 280 acres prime land, which he still owns. Mr. Lahiff has been farming since his marriage, also engaging in con tracting, butchering (first five years), and trading in horses (next twelve years) — having one team that twice took the pre mium at the county fair. For the past few years he has done an extensive dairy ing business, keeping from eighteen to forty cows. He has done contracting on the B. & O. R. R. and other corporations, including the grading of the road from North Amherst. He has served as trustee for Elyria township twelve years, and was a candidate for the position of infirmary director, but was defeated by a majority of only sixteen votes in a constituency over whelmingly Republican. The names of the six children bora to Mr. and Mrs. Lahiff are as follows: Thomas Francis, Mary Annie, John Edward, Lawrence, Emmet, and Emma M. In religion the entire family are Catholics, and in politics our subject is a Democrat, as his father was before" him. JfACOB SWARTZ, an upright, highly. | esteemed citizen of LaGrange town- ' ship, is a native of Wurtemberg, Ger many, born March 15, 1827. His father, Frederick Swartz, came to the United States in 1830, and settled in LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1205 Liverpool township, Medina Co., Ohio, on Rocky river. Three years, later, however, he died of typhoid fever, as did also his eldest daughter, and both are buried in Liverpool township. Jacob Swartz was but a young boy when his father died, and he then found a home with Justice Warner, who died after Jacob had lived there five years, and the latter then remained for years with Mrs. Warner. He received but a common- school education, attending school only a few weeks in the winter season, as he was "put into the harness" young, and always had plenty of work to occupy his time. He received a small start in life, and took charge of a farm at the juvenile age of ten years. On January 30, 1864, our subject married Miss Hannah Purdy, who was born October 8, 1837, in West chester county, N. Y., daughter of WiU iam W. and Olivia (Dean) Purdy, and came to Medina county, Ohio, in 1845, settling in Liverpool township. After his marriage Mr. Swartz pur chased fifty-five acres of land in Grafton township, Lorain county, going into debt therefor, and on November 15, 1864, came to his present farm, which he bought of James Brown, contracting a debt of six hundred dollars. This place comprises 112£ acres of excellent land, upon which he has erected a number of good out buildings and made many other substan tial improvements. Though his property and buildings have been several times damaoed by fire, he has never allowed this to discourage him, invariably rebuilding better than he had before. Mr. and Mrs. Swartz have children as follows: Don A., a farmer of LaGrange; Jane A., wife of Levi Johnson, of LaGrange; Cora I. and Sarah L. Mr. Swartz has had much suc cess in agriculture, and for seventeen years carried on in connection therewith the manufacture of cheese for parties in Wel lington, Ohio, milking from eighteen to twenty cows. Mr. and Mrs. Swartz have accumulated a handsome competence, he by hard work and systematic management on the farm, she doing her share in the supervision of the household affairs. He has acquired among his fellow citizens an enviable reputation for square, honest deal ing; which he fully deserves. In politics he is a Democrat, though not active. While not a member of any church, be believes in doing unto others as he would have them do unto him. lELLINGTON VARNEY, a well- known prosperous farmer of Co lumbia township, is a native of Ohio, born in 1843, in Geauga county. His father, William Varney, a native of Massachusetts, and a wagon maker by trade, came in an early day to Geauga county, Ohio, and married Miss Elizabeth Reed ; he was killed in a mill in 1850, and his widow subsequently married Pardon Wells, and removed to Wisconsin, where she died in 1889. Mr. Varney had four children, two of whom are living, viz.: Wellington, subject of sketch, and Sarah, wife of Reuben Wescott, residing in Black River Falls, Wisconsin. Wellington Varney was eight years old when he came to Lorain county, making his first home here in Henrietta township, where he received his education. He was reared to farm life, and has always followed agricultural pursuits. In 1862 he enlisted at Oberlin in Company F,( One Hundred and Third O. V. L, for three years or during the war, and was mustered into the service at Frankfort, Ky. His regiment was attached to the army of the West, and be participated in the battles of Atlanta, Buzzard's Roost, Armstrong Hill and Nashville under Gen. Thomas; he was also in tbe Carolina campaign, aod in 1865 he was honorably discharged at Cleveland, Ohio, and returned to Lorain 1206 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. county, after seeing three years' active service. After about three years' stay in Henrietta township, he moved to Colum bia township, where he has since resided. In 1869 Mr. Varney was united in mar riage with Miss Caroline Healey, who was bora in Columbia township, a daughter of John and Sarah (Ruple) Healey, early set tlers of same, where the former died in 1889; the mother, who is still living in the township, was born there, a daughter of Dr. Boltis and Clara (Osborne) Ruple, the former of whom came from the East, being among the first settlers of Columbia township; he died at the age of ninety- one years; his widow is yet living, now aged ninety-two years. Four children have been born to our subject and wife, viz.: Sarah, wife of Clayton Cooley, of Columbia township; Fannie, residing at home; Frank, and Elbert, married, living in Copopa. Mr. Varney is a Republican in politics, and has served on the school board; he is a member of Richard Allen Post No. 65, G. A. R., at Elyria. He is the owner of a neat and fertile farm of thirty- three acres. fr* EORGE GILLMORE, a representa- I j, tive and prosperous farmer of Black \^I River township, was born on his ~Z&- present farm February 28, 1837, a son of Truman and Levina (Mes senger) Gillmore. The father of subject was born in Berk shire county, Mass., whence when aged about thirteen years he came to Lorain county, Ohio, with his father, Edmund Gillmore, of whom mention is made else where. Truman was married in Lorain county to Miss Levina Messenger, also a native of Berkshire county, Mass., born in 1810, and she is still living in Lorain county. Truman Gillmore before mar riage was a sailor,and afterward a ship caulker. Politically he was originally a Whig, and then, on the formation of the party, a stanch Republican. He died De cember 25, 1888, the father of two chil dren — Angeline (now Mrs. David Wallace, of Black River township) and George. The subject of these lines received his education at the common schools of Black River township, and was reared to agricul tural pursuits on his father's farm, the same one he now owns and lives on, and which is situated on the outskirts of the town of Lorain. Mr. Gillmore is a strong adherent of the principles embodied in the platform of the Republican party, and has always identified himself with the pro gressive interests of Lorain county. He has never married, but with true filial piety is caring for his mother in her de clining years. JOHNSON OGILVIE, a resident of Lorain, comes of ancient Scottish ' stock, the clan Ogilvie, from which he descends, being one of the oldest in history. Thomas Ogilvie, grandfather of subject, was bora in London, England, of Scotch parents, and in boyhood was apprenticed to a London tradesman, but in company with another boy he ran away and got on board a vessel sailing in a few days for America. About the third day after they had effected their escape they saw an adver tisement calling for their arrest. On their arrival iu the New World young Ogilvie settled in Hampshire county, Va. (now W. Va.), where he worked at his trade as long as health and strength permitted him, and then came to Coshocton county, Ohio, where he passed the rest of his life with his children, dying in 1841 at the patri archal age of one hundred and two years. He married a Miss Jane Taylor, and nine children were born to them — eight sons and one daughter — all of whom lived to be over fifty years of age. The mother died at the birth of her youngest. LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1207 James Ogilvie, father of subject, was born in 1788 in Virginia, on the south branch of the Potomac river, and in 1810 came to Ohio, settling on a farm in Co shocton county, becoming one of the wealthiest agriculturist of those parts. He died in 1883, his death being the result of an accident. Politically he was first a Whig, afterward a Republican and one of the old Abolitionist school. He had mar ried a Miss Justina Johnson, born at Pat terson's Creek, Hampshire Co., Va., and they had a family of seven children, three of whom grew to maturity, viz.: Johnson; Thomas, who was a farmer in Coshocton county, Ohio, and died in the spring of 1883, and Eliza, wife of William Court- wright, of Lorain. The mother of these passed from earth at about the age of sixty years. Johnson Ogilvie, the subject proper of this memoir, was born in Coshocton county, Ohio, February 7, 1813, and re ceived such education as was then obtain able at the subscription schools. He has been twice married: first time, in Coshoc ton county, to Margaret Norman, also a native of that county, to which union chil dren as follows were born: William is a farmer in Franklin county, Ohio, west of Columbus (he has three children: Charles, Frank and Daisy); John died at the age of fqurteen months; Melond is the wife of Thomas H. Clover, a grain merchant at Jeffersonville, Fayette Co., Ohio; James is in Los Angeles, Cal. (he has one son, Paul, in the real-estate business); Benjamin Harrison went to California, where he died at the age of thirty years; Anna, un married, lives in Los Angeles, Cal. ; Albert is a resident of Alhambra, Cal. The mother of this family died in August, 1857, and April 12, 1860, Mr. Ogilvie was again married, and by this union has one child, Oscar. Up to 1883 our subject carried on a grain and stock farm in Co shocton county, and then retired from active life. In 1884 he came to Lorain county, and has since made his home in Lorain. In politics he has always been a Republi can, his first Presidential vote being cast in 1836 for W. H. Harrison, and his last one in 1892 for Benjamin Harrison. He is a member of the M. E. Church. EZRA STRAW, Je., one of the most successful and progressive agri- I culturists of Black River township, is a native of the State of New York, born in 1831, at the four corners of Chadagee, twenty-five miles from Lake Chainplain. Our subject is a son of Ezra and Han nah (Colbath) Straw, both of whom were natives of New Hampshire, and moved to New York State early in life. Ezra Straw's first wife was a Miss Clough, by whom he had two children, and after her death he married Hannah Colbath. In 1833 the family came west to Ohio, and after a residence in Dover moved to Hunt ington towuship, Lorain county, whence •after a time they proceeded to Yermillion township, Erie county, finally settling in Amherst township, Lorain county, where they died. The father was born October 11, 1788, and died on Thanksgiving Day, 1855': the mother was bora April 21, 1798, and died in 1887. They were the parents of seven children, five of whom are yet living, and the following js a brief record of them: Charles A. died when about seven years old; Isaac S. is in Carlisle township, Lorain county; Emily died February. 20, 1848; Ezra, Jr., is the subject proper of this sketch; Selina was born March 17, 1833, and is the wife of Sylvester Potter, of North Amherst, Ohio; Maria was born July 2, 1834, and is mar ried to W. P. Potter; Hannah S. was bora April 13, 1836. The father was a very , active man, progressive and successful in his life vocation — farming. He was a member of the M. E. Church, and in politics was a Republican. 1208 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Ezra Straw, Jr., whose name opens this sketch, was reared from boyhood to man hood in Vermillion township, Erie Co., Ohio, and in Amherst township, Lorain county. After leaving school he learned the trade of blacksmith, and worked in a stone quarry, but' for the past seventeen years he has been operating his farm of 135 acres of choice land. In 1855 Mr. Straw was united in marriage with Miss Mary M. Foster, who was born in 1836, a daughter of Elisha and Maria (Mason) Foster, the latter of whom is now one of the oldest residents in Amherst township. Mr. and Mrs. Straw have two sons: Ed win (married to Lizzie Newsbury, and has one child, May) and Parks (farming with his father). h H. BABCOCK, a prominent rep resentative citizen of Lorain, who has been a resident of that city for the past twenty years, is a son of Daniel A. and Harriet (Dubois) Babcock, natives of New York, who in an early day removed to Dundee, Mich. The mother died in 1886. in Nebraska; the father, who was a Baptist minister, is now living in the West; A. H. Babcock was born September 15, 1843, in Dundee, Monroe Co., Mich., where he was reared and educated. In 1861 he enlisted, in Monroe county, Mich., in Company F, First Regiment Engineers and Mechanics Corps, for three years or during the war, being assigned to the army of the West, and was first engaged in building blockhouses, repairing bridges, etc. He was on the march to Atlanta, Ga., and participated in the engagements at Mill Springs (Ky.), Champion Hills, and Murfreesboro. In 1864 he was hon orably discharged at Atlanta, Ga., return ing to his home in Monroe county, Mich. He then took a business course in Oberlin College, and subsequently embarked in the general merchandise business in Lena wee county, Mich., continuing in same until 1873, when he removed to Lorain, Lorain Co., Ohio. Here he engaged in a grocery business, which he carried on until elected mayor of Lorain, in which position he served during the years 1889 and 1890. In 1868 Mr. Babcock was married, in Oberlin, Lorain county, to Mary S. Hill, a native of the county, daughter of Uriah and Sarah Hill (both now deceased), who were bora in the East, and came westward in an early day, settling near Oberlin, Lorain county. To Mr. and Mrs. Babcock bave been born two children: Sadie, wife of Alexander Hodgins, of Conneaut, Ohio, and A. H., who carries on a tobacco and confectionery business in Lorain, in con nection with which he also owns a news depot. Socially Mr. Babcock is a member of the K. O. T. M., in which he is treas urer, and he is past chancellor of Wood land Lodge, No. 226. He is a progress ive, enterprising citizen, and has ever taken an active interest in everything per taining to the prosperity and welfare of his community. Mrs. Babcock is a mem ber of the Congregational Church. DR. C. H. FREDERICK, a rising young physician and surgeon of Lorain, was born in 1868 in Am herst, Lorain county. His father, Peter Frederick, was a native of Germany, and when a young man emigrated to America, settling in North Amherst, Lo rain Co., Ohio, where he married Cassie M. Jacobs, a native of Lorain county. Mr. Frederick, who was a foreman in the stone quarries, at this writing is residing in Michigan; his wife makes her home in Amherst. C. H. Frederick was reared in North Amherst, and received his primary educa tion at the union schools of that place. In LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1209 1888 he entered the Medical Department of the Western Reserve University, Cleve land, graduating therefrom with the class of 1891, and after graduation received the appointment of house physician and sur geon in the Lakeside Hospital, Cleveland, in which capacity he served for nearly two years. In November, 1892, he came to Lorain, and since his location here has built up quite an extensive practice. Before practicing medicine the Doctor was en gaged for eight years as a pharmaceutist, in North Amherst, Cleveland and Lorain, Ohio, and has always been identified with the interests of Lorain county. Politically he is a Republican, and in religious faith has for the past ten years been a member of the M. E. Church at North Amherst. J|OHN COGHLAN, one of the pro gressive, representative agriculturists ) of Carlisle township, is a native of King's County, Ireland. James Coghlan, father of subject, and a native of the same county, was married iu Ireland to Miss Mary Hector, also born in King's County, and about the year 1835 they came to America with their family, making their first settlement in Sheffield township, Lorain Co., Ohio. From there they moved to Elyria township, and after a residence of some years came in 1867 to Carlisle township, Avhere they opened up a farm and made their final home. Eight children came to them, of whom the fol- lowincr is a brief record: Dora is tbe wife of John Kenedy; Nora is the wife of William Freeman, of Cleveland; John is the subject of this sketch; Dan, who was married in 1874 to Miss Anna Bowen, re sides in Carlisle township (they have four children: May S., Etta Rose, Mary and Anna. He enlisted in August, 1862, in Company H, One Hundred and Third O. Y. I., for three years or during the war, and receivedan honorable discharge in 1865. He has been township assessor for twelve or thirteen years); Ann is the wife of Eugene Swift, of Marquette, Mich.; Eliza beth is unmarried; Sarah is deceased; James, wh*o married Margaret Dowd, re sides in Carlisle township. The parents are yet living on the homestead in Carlisle township with their son John. They are members of the Catholic Church, and in politics Mr. Coghlan is a Democrat. The subject proper of this sketch re ceived his education partly in his native land, and partly in the schools of Elyria, Lorain county, where he arrived when he was yet a youth. After leaving school he went on the lakes as a sailor, a vocation he followed several years, and then returned to Carlisle township and engaged in farm ing, in which he has met with well-merited success. He now owns the old homestead of 121 acres. Mr. Coghlan follows in the footsteps of his father in both politics and Church association. He has never married. FETER JACOBS. No one of the honest, industrious agriculturists of Black River township deserves bet ter place in the pages of this book than the honored old pioneer whose name here appears. He is a native of Saxony, Germany; born February 22, 1822. Having heard and read much of the vast Western Hem isphere, with its unlimited advantages to the man willing to work, he concluded to bid adieu to the Fatherland and seek a new home on the boundless prairies of America. Accordingly in 1845 he set out with a licrht heart but an empty pocket for the land of promise. After landing he came direct to Ohio, and to Black River township, Lorain county, being among the very first German settlers of that section. With naught in the world save a clear head and a willing pair of hands, he now 1210 LORAIN COUNTY. OHIO. looked about him for work, and it was not long before he secured the friendship of Heman Ely, Sr., who gave him twenty acres of wild land to clear. Here he put up a log house, and by hard labor suc ceeded in converting the forest wild into a pretty good farm. This he soon succeeded in paying for. Not long afterward he bought one hundred acres more at ten dol lars per acre, which he paid for in four in stallments. The many and varied difficul ties Mr. Jacobs had to encounter cannot be appreciated by the present generation, but in spite of all obstacles, and they were not a few, he succeeded by industry and perseverance in becoming a comparatively wealthy and prosperous farmer, having now 150 acres of prime land. Mr. Jacobs was married in July, 1842, to Miss Dora Smith, also a native of Saxony, and six children were bom to them, of five of whom the following is a brief record: (1) William lives in Lorain, Ohio, and has one child, Ermie; (2) Mag gie is the wife of Elias Baumhart, and they had six children: Della, Benwill, Nelson, Arm ina, Robert, and Edward, who died when seven months old; (3) Rosa is the wife of George Roth, and has four daughters; (4) Emma is yet living at home; (5) Hattie was killed by lightning July 27, 1887. Mr. Jacobs is a Republican in politics, and he and his wife are members of the ' Evangelical Church. They celebrated their golden wedding in July, 1892. [Since the above was written we have received notice of the death of Mr. Jacobs, which occurred October 28, 1893, when he was aged seventy-one years, eight months and six days. — Ed. E1 H. ALTEN, junior member of the wide-awake business firm of M. J. i & E. H. Alten, merchant tailors and dealers in full lines of gents' furnishings, was born in Avon township, Lorain Co., Ohio, July 10, 1870. Mr. Alten received his education at the parochial and high school, working at times on his father's farm, after which he taught for eighteen months. He then at tended the Jesuit College at Buffalo, N. Y., taking a scientific and business course, and graduating June 21, 1890. He next pro ceeded to Tiffin, Ohio, where he was book keeper for the Belgian Glass Works, six months, or till the assignment of the firm, at which time he went to Cleveland and took lessons in merchant tailoring at the Cleveland Cutting School, and graduated therefrom. Then returning to Lorain he entered into partnership with his brother M. J. in their present business. Mr. Alten is a man of superior education, and pos sessed of good business qualifications. He has an advantage in being able to speak German equally as well as he does English. He is a member of the Catholic Church. |\ILLIAM HONECKER, proprie tor of one of the leading drug M[ stores in Lorain, is a son of Rev. John Honecker, a retired minis ter of the German Evangelical Church, and a native of Germany. He married Miss Christina Jordan, and twelve children were the result of their union, of whom our subject is one of twins, the other (Abraham) being a druggist in Cleveland. It is said the twin brothers resemble each other very strongly. William Honecker, whose name intro duces this sketch, was bora in Columbus, Ohio, in 1862, and received his literary education in the publio schools. In 1887 he graduated from the Cincinnati (Ohio) College of Pharmacy, after which he at once located in Cleveland, in company with his twin brother, they having estab lished a drag store there, which they car ried on till 1888, when William' sold out his interest therein to his brother, and re moved to Lorain, where he opened his pres ent drug establishment, in the conducting of LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1211 which he has met with more than average success. To some extent he is interested in real estate. Mr. Honecker was united in marriage with Miss Mary Stone, and he and his wife are members of the German Evan gelical Church. In his political predilec tions our subject is a Republican. 4J MRS. SARA E. GIBSON, a highly respected lady of Ridgeville town- _[ ship, was born in Louisville, N. Y., daughter of Wright and Betty (Holmes) Lewis, who were married in New York State, where they passed the rest of their lives. The Lewis family are of Scottish ancestry. The subject of this sketch was reared in her native State, and attended school at Binghamton, N. Y., where she was mar ried, in 1865, to Henry B. Gibson, a na tive of Meadville, Penn., where he was educated. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Gibson moved to Pittsburgh, Penn., thence to Cincinnati, Ohio, where they resided a number of years, during which period he was engaged in the sewing machine busi ness. Later he became, manager of the Hall Safe and Lock Co., and he was also connected with the Chicago Safe and Lock Co. for some time. He was manager of several different companies, being a shrewd business man, and commanded a salary of ten thousand dollars a year. He died March 16, 1891. In politics he was a Re publican. A few years ago Mrs. Gibson, while on a visit to Lorain county, Ohio, purchased an improved farm of thirty-six acres, where she now makes her home. II i\ILLI AM KRESS. The beautiful V\/' Fatherland, the country of mag- V( nificent mountains, rivers, for ests and plains, has given to the United States a vast population of honest, toiling, frugal citizens, now the loyal sons and daughters of the greatest Republic on earth. In the state of Ohio there are many thousands, in Lorain county not a few, and prominent among them is num bered the subject of this sketch. William Kress was bora July 17, 1826, in Hessia, Germany, where he received a liberal education. In 1855 he set sail for the shores of America, and after arrival at the port of destination proceeded west ward at once to Ohio, and to Lorain county, where he commenced farm life in Black River township. In 1875 he bought his present farm of ninety-eight acres, one of the finest to be found in Amherst township, and he enjoys the dis tinguished reputation of being one of the wealthiest and most successful German agriculturists in his section of the county. Mr. Kress has been twice married: First time, in 1855, to Miss Catherine Voegler, who was also a native of Ger many. She died in 1889, and Mr. Kress subsequently married his present wife. Lie has no children, but he has a step daughter. His political 'sympathies are with the Democratic party. D' AVID CURTICE, who for almost the past sixty years has been a resi dent of Lorain county, is a native of the "Empire State," born May 4, 1812, in Cayuga county. His father, Llosea Curtice, was born February 13, 1774, in Massachusetts, and was married, in 1794, in his native State to Catherine Moore, who was bora May 7, 1776. Shortly afterward they moved to New York, locating near Syracuse, where four children — all sons — were born to them, and from there moved to Cayuga county, where they remained forty-two years on one farm. Here they had eight more children — five sons and three daugh ters — making twelve in all, eleven of whom lived to rear families, and of whom our 1212 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. subject is the oldest one now living. The father migrated to Ohio in 1843, the mother shortly afterward, and here they passed the remainder of their days at the home of their son David, where she died in 1850, he in 1863; they lie buried in Center cemetery. The first of the family to locate in Ohio was a son Joel, who came in May, 1833, and- settled in LaGrange township, Lorain county. On July 14, 1839, Joel Curtice was married, in Cayuga county, N. Y., to Malissa Allen, who died in LaGrange township in 1871, leaving four children, viz.: Catherine, now Mrs. Charles Hastings, of LaGrange; David A., a farmer of LaGrange; Morton B., of Florida; and Barton E., a farmer of La Grange. David Curtice came to Lorain county, Ohio, in October, 1834, and hired out as a farm hand, after working at coal burning near Elyria. Some time later he returned to New York State, where he was married, and in 1839 he and his wife came in a buggy to the home he had prepared in Ohio, where his parents also passed their declining years. On their arrival in Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Curtice had just seventy-five cents with which to begin housekeeping. He had purchased one hundred acres, for which he was obliged to go in debt, but he bravely set to work, and from a start of nothing prospered ; he cultivated and im proved his land, and his bard labor and unceasing industry brought their reward, for he has added to his property until he now has 365 acres of excellent land, be sides a pleasant home in the village of LaGrange. On March 16, 1873, Mr. Curtice was married in Kendall county, 111., for his second wife, to Mrs. Annie Pooler, widow of Otis Pooler, who had moved to Ken dall county, 111. Mr. Curtice is one of the best-known citizens of LaGrange, well-pre served and active for a man of his years. Since 1883 he has lived retired. In poli tics he is a Democrat, and has served as township trustee, but is not particularly active in party affairs. IplDEX. HtJf*0]M COUNTY, PAGE. Adams, Henry 261 Allen, Nelson 0 147 Anderson, Alvin 108 Andrews, W. S 510 Arnert, Henry S 230 Arnert, Uriah T 230 Arnold, Charles W., M. D . . 91 Arnold, D. J. C 358 Arnold, James 91 Arthur Family 148 Arthur, Robert 148 Arthur, William H 149 Ashley, Allen T 305 Ashley, Dennis 426 Ashley, Leonard .'. 305 Ashley, Lyman 426 Atherton, George W 414 Atherton, Samuel 414 Austin, Lyman 486 Baker, Hon. Timothy 482 Bargus, Lieut. George 338 Barker, L. E 110 Barnhart, Edgar 377 Barnhart, Steven 377 Barre, Dwight M 484 Beamer, Mathias 399 Beattie, A. M 135 Beattie, J. H 467 Beebe, Martin, M. D 191 Beechy, Prof. A. D 132 Beelman, J. F 53 Beers, Nathan 361 Bell, David S 402 Bell, John 402 Bell, Walter E 307 Bellamy, James 174 Benedict Family 129 Benedict, Piatt 129 Berry, Stephen 473 Bishop, Mrs. Mary A 389 Bishop, William A 389 Blackman, Joel 70 Blaser, Rev. Joseph 137 Bogardus, Hon. Evert 283 Bogardus, Mrs. Louisa 283 Boise, S.W 383 Boise Family 383 Bores, David 470 Boughton, Elon G 321 Bramley. William E 225 Brooke, William 61 Brooks, Irving J 60 Brown, Henry F 147 PAGE. Brown, Jacob 500 Brown, William 425 Burdue, George 241 Burdue, Moses W 243 Burdue, William 241 Burton, Leroy 398 Cahoon, James M 203 Callaghan, C. R 220 Campbell, Frank 459 Campbell, Lorenzo Q 459 Carothers, John 314 Carothers, Mathias 420 Carpenter, D. N Ill Chandler, Isaac H 93 Chapman, Judge 67 Chase, Frank 489 Chevraux, Rev. Charles V. 298 Childs, Mrs. Ann M 271 Childs, George L 271 Clark, Charles S 507 Clark, D. Stiles 507 Clarke, Stephen F 107 Clary, Daniel 380 Clary, Homer C 380 Cleveland, D. Pitt 34 Cleveland, G. M -. . 33 Coe, Almon B 41 Coe, Bela 42 Cole Family 440 Cole, Asher M 444 Cole, Levi L 444 Coleman, M. R 206 Conger, Elijah 386 Conger, Lewis 386 Corwin, Rev. Ira 482 Corwin, Mrs. M. A 481 Coultrip, James 176 Crawford, David 379 Crawford, John H 379 Crawford, Hon. S. E 232 Creech, William S 304 Crosby, Mrs. Adeline 261 Crosby, Francis B 260 Culp, Sherman 429 Curtiss, Joseph C 454 Curtiss, Samuel W 454 Curtiss, W. P 183 Cushman, Austin 483 Cuykendall, W. B 479 Dangeleisen, Joseph 362 Dangeleisen, William A.... 362 Davis Family 465 Davis, Bartlett 465 PAGE. Davis, JohnS 513 Day.EdwardM 156 Day, Ephraim 156 Dean, Jacob 306 Denman, Edward 202 Denman, John 158 Denman, William 158 DeWitt, Isaac 206 DeWolf, Samuel P 79 DeWolf, Mrs. Sarah 79 DeWolf, Whitman 79 Dillon, George M 208 Dole, Edwin L 327 Doud, Leander L 30 Doud, Samuel 31 Drake, Hiram D 240 Drennan, James 236 Drennan, William W 236 Drury, John 227 Drury, Jonathan M 227 Dunmore, Thomas 256 Easter, Archibald 154 Easter, Elias 154 Eastman, E. G. E 437 Easton, J. D 499 Eggert, J. George 401 Ehrman, G. A 322 Ellis, Eli 0 435 Ellis, John „ . 428 Ellis, John R 428 Ellis, Lyman 435 Emerson, R. H 168 Erdricb, William H 463 Erf, Gustavus 52 Erf, J. Eduard 51 Erf, Philip 324 Fancher, Thaddeus 285 Fancher, Thaddeus S 285 Fanning, Benjamin G 212 Fanning, H. S 211 Fast, Christian 400 Fast, Ephraim W 400 Felton, Asa G 391 Felton, Ephraim 391 Ferver, Wilber G., M. D.. . 218 Fewson, Michael E 326 Fiesinger, Louis 357 Filkins, John S 281' Fish, Charles Homer 263 Fish, Sydney D 264 Foster, J. Whitbeck 257 Fox, David 152 Francis, W. T 328 1214 HURON COUNTY, OHIO. PAGE. Franklin, Edmund 419 Friend, A. C, M.D 503 Fuller, George D 196 Gage, Albert 174 Gallup, Caleb H 124 Gallup Family 124 Gamble, William 366 Gardiner Family 7 Gardiner, John 7 Geiger, Rudolph 452 Geyer, Edward 381 Gibbs, James G 214 Gieseck, David L 499 Gieseck, Mrs. David L 49*9 Gill, William E., M. D 266 Gilson, Arza B., Sr 284 Gilson, Naum 284 Godden, William H 189 Gove, C. H 53 Grabill, J. F., M. D 464 Graham, William 417 Graham, W. W 136 Greenleaf, Israel 193 Gregory, George 224 Gregory, Matthew 224 Grieve, David 457 Griffin, Hialmer 337 Griffin, Riley 431 Gross, Martin 364 Gurney, John F 471 Hachenberg, Frank 371 Haensler, R 203 Hagaman, John 422 Hagaman, Thomas 422 Hales, Levi 157 Haller, J. H 491 Harkness, J. M 171 Haskell, George 397 Haskell, George E 397 Hauxhurst, Philip 293 Hauxhurst, Samson 293 Hawkins, John W 376 Hawkins, Sheldon J 376 Hawley, Charles L 311 Hayes, Bradley 151 Hayes, Sturgis 151 Head, Mrs. Annie M 456 Head, Orren W 456 Heal, Enoch 469 Hedrick, C. W., M. D 389 Helfrich, Rev. N. C 136 Heller.J.L 282 Heller, Leroy S 312 Herman, F. J 71 Herman, Peter 71 Hershiser, A. E., M. D 503 Hester, John S 335 Hester, Martin 336 Hettel, John A 472 Heyman, William A 363 Heymann, W. C 453 Heymann, William F 347 Hibbard, J. L 267 Hibbard, Marvin 266 Hildreth Rev. T. F., D. D. 104 Hill, H. E 89 Hillman, Mrs. Jane 376 Himberger, William 258 PAGE. Hoffman, H. W 235 Hofman, G. W 485 Hohler. Peter 228 Hood, Hosea M 355 Horn, Philip 476 Hoerner, Vitas 487 Houfstater, George 302 Houfstater, Jacob P 302 Houle, William H 483 House, Hon. H. K 495 Howe, Chester S 430 Hoyt, Elmon 48 Hoyt, LeRoy 48 Hoyt, William B 255 Humphrey, William 341 Hurst, John 185 Hurst, Thomas 245 Husted, Edward E 93 Husted, William M 93 Ingler, H. M 259 Jacobs, G. P 478 Jacobs, W. H 260 Jenney, Abraham D 496 Jenney, Charles A 497 Jennings, Ezra S 188 Jennings, Walter 188 Jetter, Jacob 384 Johnson, Gilbert L 170 Johnson, Ralph C 416 Johnson, William 416 Johnston, Hon. Watson D... 120 Johnston.William H., M. D. 120 Joiner, George 226 Joiner, Ralph 226 Jones, F. H 239 Jones, Lucian ... 466 Joslin, Augustus 492 Justice, D. L 212 Justice, Peter 212 Keefer, W. B 102 Keesy, John 447 Keesy, Rev. W. A 447 Kendeigh, Hugh 475 Kimmel, Henry 456 King, Cyrus T., D. D. S. . . . 276 Knapp, W. A 368 Knoll, John P 306 Knoll, Philip J 306 Kohlmyer, H. P 265 Krieder, C. L., M. D 497 liais, Anthony 308 Lais, Henry 308 Lamoreux, Hendrick W... 208 Laning, Jay F 268 Lanterman, G. S., M. D.. . . 453 Latham, Alexander W 462 Latham, Hiram 462 Latham, Thomas W 229 Lawrence, George 514 Lawrence, Josiah 514 Lawrence, Timothy 515 Laylin, John 77 Laylin, Hon. Lewis C. . . . 74 Laylin, Theodore C 372 Lazell, Joseph T 506 Lee, John P 166 Lewis, Alexander 332 Lewis, Philip 332 PAGE. Leydorf, Capt. F. J 322 Linder, George 367 Loney, Daniel W., M. D 484 Loomis, Hon. F. R 59 Love, Andrew, Sr 334 Love, Andrew, Jr 334 Lovell, Ethan C 292 Lutts, Conrad 274 Lutts, Frank M 274 McCague, Eugene L 182 McCammon, Mrs. Philena. 313 McCammon, Samuel, M. D.. 313 McCullow, CA 169 McDonald, Angus 353 McDonald, John 165 McDonald, Roger 353 McElHinney, J. H., M. D... 177 McGlone, John James 192 McKesson, Elmer E 470 McKesson, Isaac 504 McKnight, Joseph R 138 McLane, James 445 McLane, John 382 McLane, Robert 382 McLane, Thomas A 307 McMahon, James 297 Manahan, Charles W 196 Manahan, Thomas 196 Martin, Edgar, M. D 83 Mead, Calvert A 433 Mead, J.L 301 Mead, Luther 325 Mead, Thomas L 325 Meade, William Gail 408 Menges, John E 220 Menges, Mrs. Lydia F 220 Mesnard, Eri 112 Mesnard, Maj. L. B 112 Meyer, John George 365 Meyer, John P 365 Miles, Daniel 449 Miles, Rufus S 449 Miller, Samuel (Richmond) 479 Miller, Samuel (Bellevue). 378 Miller, Thomas 494 Minard, Hon. O. T 72 Mitchell, William Henry. . 80 Monteith, William 323 Moore, Benjamin 444 Moore, Mrs. Benjamin. . . . 444 M oore, Hartwell R 72 Moore, H. L v . 413 Morehead, Andrew J . . . .\ . 217 Morehead, George 218 Morrill, E. C, M. D 265 Morse, Daniel 254 Morse, Samuel D 254 Myers, Mark 167 Uncoils, J. A 143 Niver, Charles M 144 Niver, John B 494 Noble, Harvey 427 Noble, William P 427 Norton, De Witt C 287 O'Dell, Daniel 512 O'Dell, N. W 511 Ordway, Martin 458 Osborn, W. W 324 INDEX. 1215 PAGE. Ott, Lawrence 394 Palmer, John C 476 Palmer, Preston 433 Palmer, Samuel 433 Park, James 508 Park, Joseph 508 Parker, George C 486 Parker, Nelson 487 Parrott, Frederick 462 Parrott, Mrs. Rosa M . . 463 Patrick, James J 303 Patrick, Jarman 303 Paul, Charles A 333 Pease, W. H 184 Peat,E. J 264 Peck, Adelbert E 466 Peck, Warren M 185 Penfield, Samuel 249 Penfield, William C 249 Perrin, William 296 Perry, C. O. H 110 Perry, Edwin L 192 Perry, Joseph 192 Peters, Eli 82 Peters, Willis H 82 Pfrankliu, Paul W 184 Pierce, Lemuel B 446 Pierce, Harvey 393 Pierce, William H 446 Pinney, Henry C 244 Pinney, Hollibert 244 Pittsford, John A 134 Post, C. C 257 Pray, Ethan A., Esq 32 Price, Elijah 497 Price, William H 84 Prosser, Edwin 8 159 Ransom, Miss Eunice A. .. 23 Ransom, Oliver 22 Read, Albert N., M. D 44 Read, Ira 44 Reed, David H., M. D. ... 418 Reed, Shadrach H 418 Remele, Joseph 404 Reynolds, Theodore M 409 Reynolds, Warren 409 Richard, Frederick 256 Riggs, E.C 356 Riggs, Simeon O 356 Robinson, Aaron 316 Robinson, Wesley 348 Robinson, William 316 Roe, A. G 352 Roe, Barnett 210 Roe, Joseph B 352 Roorback, John W 146 Roscoe, Gilbert L 343 Roscoe, Jeremiah 344 Ross, Joel 169 Rounds, George F 273 Rounds, George N 272 Rowland, Daniel 190 Rowland, Elmer E 190 Rowley, Charles 250 Rowley, E. F 254 Ruffing, Anthony 411 Ruffing, FrankJ 176 Ruffing, Joseph 421 PAGE. Ruggles Family 492 Ruggles, Alonzo J 493 Ruggles, Daniel W 493 Ruggles, Henry 417 Rupert, Rev. Frederick 373 Ruse, A 273 Ryerson, George M 287 Rynn, John A 63 Sage, John W 395 Sage, Roswell 395 Salisbury, B. W 122 Salisbury, Percival B 122 Sanborn) G. M. S 304 Sandmeister, Dr. Charles. . 88 Sandmeister.William, M.D. 88 Sanger, Washington 151 Sawyer, Charles 488 Sawyer, Charles A 390 Sawyer, Gen. Franklin .... 62 Schneerer, F. W., M. D. . . 235 Schulz, Rev. Frederick. ... 163 Schuster, George 490 Schuyler, P. H 488 Seel, Philip 239 Severance, Elisha 318 Severance, R. A., M. D 351 Severance, Warren 318 Seymour, Rev. J. M 113 Shedd, William H 480 Sheffield, George 248 Sheffield, G. W 248 Shelton Family 460 Shelton, Charles R 461 Shelton, Henry S 461 Shepherd, F. M 119 Shepherd, John 119 Shepherd, M. W 120 Sherck, Joseph 473 Sherman, John G 103 Silliman, Horace B 227 Silliman, Solomon 277 Simmons, Alonzo L 18 Simmons, Charles B 101 Simmons, Eliphalet B 101 Simmons, George N 69 Simmons, Harlon E 18 Simmons, John N 102 Simmons, L. O 109 Simmons, S. E., M. D 207 Sisson, L. P 436 Sisson, Sanford 436 Skilton, Alvah S 221 Skilton, Mrs. Amanda J. . . 221 Skinner, Edward R 375 Slagle, J. L 295 Sly, Robert 186 Smith, A. B 364 Smith, Charles S 403 Smith, Frank J 238 Smith, Hiram 178 Smith, H. A 154 Smith, John 38 Smith, Joseph 38 Smith, Joseph F 438 Smith, Major 153 Smith, William T 262 Smith, Willis R 262 Smithla, Joseph 296 PAGE. Snook, Norman 407 Snyder, Jesse 317 Spear, Sol 491- Sprague, Col. James H 68 Sprague, Thaddeus 489 Stapf, M.J 474 Starbird, B. F 178 Steiber.Michael, Jr 501 Stentz, Henry P 94 Stewart, C. F 123 Stewart, Charles Hill 98 Stewart, George Swayne.. . 29 Stewart, Hon. Gideon T. . . 24 Stewart, Hon. Harlon L... . 100 Stickney, Charles B 21 Stimson, Garner 407 Stoner, Charles D 224 Stotts, A. D 195 Strimple, Aaron 392 Strimple, John 392 Strong, Timothy R 13 Stultz, J. M 187 Sturges, Maj. William B.. . 50 Sutliff, George 209 Sutter, Rev. Henry G 438 Sutton, Aranson 222 Sutton, Charles A 222 Sykes, Daniel 468 Sykes, Otis 468 Taylor, Cephas 73 Terry, A., D. D. S 229 Terwilliger, W. E 275 Thomas, Uri B , 288 Thompson, Thomas 500 Tillson, Perry 141 Tillson, Rufus 141 Todd, Edwin D 508 Todd, George 508 Tough, Samuel C 181 Townsend, Hosea 345 Townsend, Ira S 415 Townsend, Justice 467 Townsend, John T 345 Tudor, C. B 354 Tuttle, E. S 495 Twaddle, Alexander, Sr... 204 Twaddle, Alexander 205 Twaddle, Dorr 150 Twaddle, John J 150 Twaddle, William W 149 Vail, D. W., M. D 114 Van Dusen, Frank W 163 Van Dusen, James L 160 Van Gorder, William Wells 474 Van Horn, George 435 Van Liew, William C 412 Vickery Bros 372 Vickery, Jesse 372 Vickery, Willis 372 Waddell, Robert F 502 Walter. Joseph 344 Ward, J. Cal 477 Ward, Samuel 281 Ward, Samuel A 281 Washburn, D. S 164 Washburn, Elijah 315 Washburn, Joseph 315 Weber, J. H 342 1216 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. PAGE. Wheaton, Daniel 375 Wheeler, Calvin 451 •Wheeler, Jason A 450 Wheeler, Jesse E 219 Wheeler, Rev. JohD 219 White, David A 481 White, J. S 278 White, Hon. O. A 122 Whitney, Calvin 144 Whiton, John M 194 Wickham, Hon. C. P 54 Wickham, Judge Frederick 14 PAGE. Wilcox, F. E 261 Wildman, F. E 172 Wildman, William H 173 Wilhelm, Andrew 385 Wilhelm, Christopher 385 Willey, R. M 294 Williams, Captain John. .. . 485 Williams, J. S 486 Williams, Louis 478 Williams, Oliver W 117 Williams, Theodore 34 Williamson, Hon. John A... 40 PAGE. Willoughby, Arthur 439 Willoughby, Charles L. . . - 440 Wilson, John 43 Wood, D. A., M. D 498 Wood, George E 91 Woodward, Dr. Amos 64 Woodworth, Chauncy 231 Woodworth, Jonathan P.. . . 231 Young, Gardner 142 Young, Josiah 142 Young, Downing H 247 Young, Stephen M 247 Portraits. PAGE. Arnold, D.J. C 359 Bargus., Lieut. George 339 Chevraux, Rev. Charles V. . 299 Cole, Asher M 441 Conger, Lewis 387 Davis, JohnS 513 Crawford, Hon. S. E 233 Francis, W. T 329 Gallup, Caleb H 125 Gardiner, John 6 Gibbs, James G 215 Hagaman, John 423 PAGE. Hildreth, Rev. T. F., D. D. 105 Knapp, P 369 Lais, Henry 309 Laning, J. F 269 Lavlin, Hon. Lewis C 75 McKnight, Joseph R 139 Manahan, Charles W 197 Price, William H 85 Read, Albert N., M. D 45 Remele, Joseph 405 Robinson, Wesley 349 Rowley, Charles 251 P4.GE. Severance, Warren 319 Smith, Hiram 179 Stentz, Henry P 95 Stewart, Hon. Gideon T.... 25 Thomas, Uri B 289 Van Dusen, James L 161 Vail, D. W., M. D 115 White, J. S 279 Wickham, Judge Frederick 15 Williams, Theodore 35 Woodward, Dr. Amos 65 IiO^AHNL COUNTY, PAGE. Abbe, Eleazer 878 Abbe, Norman 881 Adams, B. B 1202 Adams, D. M 821 Adams, Rowell C 899 Aiken, Charles S 1159 Alexander, Job 1119 Alexander, John 833 Alexander. Samuel 1171 Alten, E. H 1210 Andress, Carlo 709 Andress, George H 709 Andress, H. M 877 Arnet, G. H 931 Arnet, James S 931 Arnold, Franklin 1182 Auble, Daniel 935 Avery, F. A 728 Babcock, A. H 1208 Bacon, Edwin H 1050 Bacon, F. H 1069 Bacon, William 885 Bainbridge, W. A 1194 Baker, A 958 Baker, Edgar D 1030 Baker, Gordon W 746 Baker, Orrin T 1029 Baker, Richard 564 PAGE. Baldauf, Joseph 881 Baldwin, Charles C 560 Baldwin, David C 562 Baldwin, James S 1039 Baldwin, Joseph H 749 Baldwin, Seymour W 554 Ballantine, W. G., D. D.. . . 587 Bardwell, Mrs. C. C 855 Bardwell, Rev. J. P 855 Barnes, Henry A 1024 Barnes, L. A., M. D 1041 Barnes, Moses 1024 Barnes, Sardis N 1169 Barrett, Homer E 1160 Barrows, Adnah 826 Barrows, Heman 826 Barrows, Henry J 739 Barrows, J. R 876 Barth, Jacob 693 Bassett, Henry 602 Bates, Francis 1104 Battle, George 1077 Baumhart, Elias 1103 Beal, Samuel 1138 Beaver, Charles 1075 Beckley,H. O 611 Beckley, Lyman 610 Bedortha, W. B 909 PAGE. Beebe, Artemas 993 Beese, Henry F 1070 Belden, R. B 963 Bell, Clayton J 797 Bell, John 797 Bemis, Uriel M 1012 Bennett, CD 544 Bennett, David 543 Bennett, Frank W 670 Bennett, Isaac 670 Bennett, Lewis 671 Bennett, M. R 544 Berg, John 869 Berres, Adam, Jr 977 Berres, John 1192 Bickel, Henry 990 Biggs, J. C 1069 Biglow, Daniel 1109 Biglow, E 1109 Billings, Geo. M 1200 Billings, Orson 1200 Billings, Sophronia 1200 Bivins, E. A 1188 Blaine, Warren W 1 144 Blantern, Joseph 819 Bodmann Brothers 1179 Bommer. C. W 1194 Bonsor, Frank E 1134 INDEX. 1217 PAGE Booth, Capt. John 854 Bowen, Obediah 571 Bowen, Mrs. Obediah 572 Bowers, Charles 1011 Bowers, Sylvester 613 Bradford, Henry 1002 Bradford, Hiram N 1002 Bradley, Erastus 825 Bradley, Mrs. Orpha 1 825 Bradner, George H 1148 Braman, Anson 594 Braman, G. J 925 Braman, R. E 661 Braman, William A 594 Brand, Rev. James, D. D. . 551 Breckenridge, A. L 1044 Breckenridge, B. F 1045 Breckenridge, Jacob P 884 Breckenridge, Justin 884 Breckenridge, Norman . . . .1044 Bricknell, David 951 Brooks, W. E 687 Brown, Liva 886 Bryant, George 787 Bryant, H. B 787 Bryant, John 787 Bryant, W. H 1181 Bunt, D. C 959 Bunt, George 959 Burge, E. C 1055 Burge, E. L 898 Burge, John Y 1056 Burke, David. 932 Burlingame, Thomas C 1012 Busby, Samuel 861 Bush, Benjamin T 688 Bush, DanielT 688 Byrd, J. P 848 Cahoon, H. J 622 Cahoon, O. B 622 Cahoon, W. E 1137 Carter, O. F 926 Carvey, Orson M 1153 Carvey, William 1153 Case, Deacon John S 894 Chamberlain, Rev. W. B. . . 573 Chapin, Herbert 885 Chapin, John 903 Chapman, Abner 678 Chapman, C. B 1059 Chapman, Clayton 1136 Chapman, Harlan P 795 Chapman, Mrs. Isabel L. . . 730 Chapman, James W 592 Chapman, John Austin 729 Chapman, J. B 1046 Chapman, Thomas G 621 Chapman Family 790 Chester, R 745 Chope, Thomas 783 Churchill, Rev. Charles H.. 599 Clark, H. E 925 Clark, Horace J 859 Clark, Thompson 1133 Claus, Jacob H 1125 Clifford, Daniel C 1060 Clifford, John 1060 Clifford, L. F 1060 PAGE. Clifton, George 888 Clifton, S. G 888 Close, Benjamin 569 Clough, Baxter 865 Clough, Henry H 865 Coates, Frank A 840 Coates, Stephen 840 Coghlan, John 1209 Cole, C. J 1011 Cole, S. G 943 Cole, W.A 943 Comings, A. G 661 Cone, Milan 1071 Cone, Mrs. M 1071 Connolly, James 1168 Cook, Chapman M 1116 Cooley, Charles 679 Cornwell, Dr. N. H 652 Cotton, Charles W 815 Cotton, George W 815 Cotton, N. L 1031 Couch, George L 803 Cowles, Rev. Henry 690 Cowles, Robert 1137 Cowley, Robert J 1048 Cox, Thomas 1019 Cragin, Benjamin 804 Cragin, C.C 804 Cragin, Harrison A 1047 Crawford, J. S 1090 Crowell, D 1087 Cummings, D. S 568 Cummings, Mrs. E. C 569 Currey, John 731 Curtice, David 1211 Cuyler, E. A 717 Dague, Frederick 1195 Dague, John 927 Daniels, Theodore F 549 Dawley, A. G 1120 Day, James 641 Day Family 641 Deeg, George T 1195 De Lloyd, Henry 1098 Deming, H. A 915 Diederich, Nicholas 1039 Disbro, Ernest L 618 Doane, J. W 766 Douglass, Robert 771 Douglass, William 771 Drake, David 1091 Draper, Peter R ...1174 Dunning, John 1080 Durkee, Oel 1065 Eady, Henry J 800 Earl, Warren 1191 Eckler, John H 1127 Edgerton, William 1116 Edison, F. W 826 Eldred, Francis N 899 Ellis, Rev. John M 588 Ely Family 524 Ely, George H 679 Ely, Hon. Heman 524 Ely, Heman, Jr 524 Emmons, Lorrin 971 Ensign, Charles C 621 Eppley, Michael 997 PAGE. Eskert, William F 972 Everitt, A. B., M. D 590 Everitt Family 590 Fairchild, Grandison 634 Fairchild, Prof. James H. . 634 Fancher, Thaddeus W 732 Farr, Mrs. Phebe L 988 Fauver, Alfred 929 Faxon Family 614 Faxon, Isaac D 618 Faxon, John Hall 617 Faxon, Theodore S 618 Fay, W. L 872 Fay Family 872 Fehon,N. H 1199 Ferguson, Charles S 941 Finley, Charles A 1062 Finney, Rev. Charles G 691 Fisher, David C 1158 Fisher, O. L 1048 Fitch, Edward S 978 Flickinger, Joseph B 1165 Folger, Thomas 723 Follansbee, Herbert S 866 Follansbee, W. B 620 Foot, Amos 753 Foot, G. D 753 Forthofer, Peter 1110 Foster, Albert 1184 Foster, E. C 1041 Foster, F. H 778 Foster, LB 778 Foster, Parks 544 Fowl, Henry 973 Fowler, C. A 928 Fowler, Mrs. C. A 928 Fox, Thomas 987 Frederick, Dr. C. H 1208 French, William M 811 Fuller, W.J 1128 Gannett, Joseph 1043 Garfield, Halsey 871 Garfield, Milton 871 Garford, Arthur L 756 Garford, George 756 Garrett, S. J 1189 Garver, A. N., M. D 798 Gates, Col. Nahum B 519 Gawn, Henry J 951 Gawn, James 951 Gawn, Mrs. Louisa E 951 Gawn, Thomas 640 Gibbs, David L 1150 Gibbs, Ransom 1150 Gibson, George W 1163 Gibson, Mrs. Sara E 1211 Gillmore, Alanson 532 Gillmore, Edmund 710 Gillmore, George 1206 Gillmore, Quartus 702 Gillmore, Quincv A 711 Glenn, Charles H 993 Glynn, L. D 1178 Goodman, Charles 750 Goodman, Jacob 750 Goodwin, Robert N 1000 Goss, David 1007 Goss, Maurice 1007 1218 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. PAGE. Grabenstetter, Nicholas. . ..1022 Green, William 838 Greene, F. A 949 Griffin, Frederick A 1014 Griffin, Frederick E 1014 Griswold, E. C 834 Griswold Family 834 Grote, J. W 1186 Hagemann, Conrad 583 Hale, AlfredE 998 Hall, Avery 538 Hall, Edwin 1038 Hall, Dr. H. L 745 Hall, Orrin 537 Hamilton, Leonard G 828 Hamilton Family 828 Hance, Ed 938 Hance, Grove 1118 Hance, Hiram 938 Harmon, J. Francis 750 Harrington, C. W 919 Harris, Alfred 1171 Harris, George M., M. D. . 731 Harris, Josiah 738 Harris, Milo 738 Harris, Royal 1031 Hart, Flavius A 839 Hart, Hawley 1001 Hart, Jay 1124 Hart, L. J 819 Hart, Willard 1001 Harvit, John 713 Haserodt, J. F 1040 Haserodt, L. E 1157 Hastings, Curtis H 1034 Hastings, Elizer G 833 Hastings, E. H 1034 Hastings, Wesley 1105 Hathaway, John M 1117 Haven, Raymond 953 Hawke, John 1045 Hawke, William 1202 Hawkins, Charles E 554 Hawkins, William 553 Hecock, H. L 877 Heldmyer, William 667 Henderson, J. T 964 Herrick, Hon. Lucius 714 Herrick, Oscar 612 Hildebrand, Edward 870 Hill, Charles W 1117 Hill, George E 957 Hill, J. C 584 Hinman, Judge Edgar H. . 762 Hitchcock, Henry 999 Hitchcock, Henry H 853 Hitchcock, Samuel 999 Holcomb, R. E 1066 Holiday, E. R., M. D 528 Holiday Family 528 Holladay, D. C 961 Hollstein, George 1180 Honecker, William 1210 Hopkins, CF 1003 Horn, Lorenz 937 Horr, C. W 650 Horr Family 647 Horton, Charles H 916 PAGE. Howard, S. V. R 954 Howk, David 630 Howk, Hiram H 630 Howk, John 922 Hulbert, John W 527 Humphrey, J. 0 1191 Husted, D. S 932 Husted, H. G 931 Ives, Cyrus 703 Jackson, OH 1193 Jackson, Daniel 796 Jackson, Elisha 1196 Jackson, Ernest S 1080 Jackson, Ezra S 767 Jackson, George 1082 Jackson, James 796 Jackson, Pliny 1082 Jacobs, Peter 1209 Jameson, Joseph B 1123 Jameson, M. B 1123 Jameson, William 1136 Jaycox, George 983 Jaycox, James M 983 Jefferies, George C 712 Jenne, Ansel 905 Jewell, James 809 Johnson, Adelbert C 581 Johnson, David D 579 Johnson, Hon. E. G 574 Johnson, Frank D 1009 Johnson, John H 579 Johnson, Mrs. Mary E 579 Johnson, Hon. Nathan P.. 962 Johnson, William H 962 Johnston, Charles W 638 Johnston Family 638 Jones, Mark 1068 Jones, Thomas H 1068 Joy, A. D 981 Jump, Mrs. Julia C, M. D. 900 Jump, R. E 900 Juugbluth, Anton 875 Keep, Rev. John 689 Kelling.N 783 Kelner, S.W 1017 Kelner, William 1017 King, Thomas 1076 King Family 1076 Kirkbride, David 1158 Kirkbride, Isaac 1161 Knellmer, Jacob 788 Kolbe, Adam 897 Krebs, W. J 817 Kress, William 1211 Krohn, H.H.J 1085 L,ahiff, John 1203 Lampman, M. H 978 Lampman, M. Z 978 Lang, J. H 631 Lang Family 631 Langdon, William F 1164 Lantsbery, John 1090 Lapp, William 1180 Law, Jacob 842 Law, Mathias 842 Leasher, J. W 1155 Lee, OF ,. 688 Lee, George 688 PAGE. Lehman, J. C 863 Lersch, John 740 Levagood, Moses H 768 Lincoln, Mrs. Hannah N. . 702 Lincoln, Joseph H 701 Line, Thomas 1009 Loomis, E. F 862 Loomis, Richard N 862 Lord, Addison E 1145 Lord, Dr. Asa D 599 Lord, Mrs. E. W. R 598 Loveland, Leonard H . 755 Lyon, George 1046 McCollum, Alexander 601 McConnell, James 960 McConnell, W. R 960 McLaughlin, Joh n 1188 McPhail, Capt. Alexander. 941 McRoberts, Henry 720 McRoberts, Peter 719 McRoberts, Pitt 788 McRoberts, Volney 721 Mahan, Rev. Asa 691 Manley, Fredrick B 694 Manley, Josiah B 694 Manville, Jerome 883 Marsh, Lucius R 1115 Marsh, Richard 1192 Martin, F. W 1055 Martin, Jeremiah, Jr 1088 Martin, Nathaniel 774 Martindale, H. B 992 Masten, Mrs. John 1 571 Masten, John 1 570 Mathews, George 1087 Maynard, O. T, M. D 671 Meredith, J. A 1020 Meredith, William 1021 Merriam, Robert 699 Merriam, William A 699 Metcalf, I. S 805 Meyer, Peter 1096 Miller, David 1186 Miller, Glover 1114 Miller, John A 1126 Miller, J. R.. 973 Miller, Peter 1126 Mills, CS 1154 Mills, Samuel 1154 Mole, Henry 798 Monroe, James 644 Monteith, Rev. John 521 Mooers, Alton H 856 Mooers, Phineas 856 Moore, A. C, M. D 638 Moore, Oren. 1096 Moore, Theron 1114 Moore, Truman 1114 Morehouse, Max 799 Morgan, Rev. John 698 Morse, Levi 533 Mountain, John 633 Moysey, D. R 1146 Mull, Joseph H 774 Mumford, T. H 842 Mussey, Henry E 663 Myers, Jacob 977 Myers, Mathias 982 INDEX. 1219 PAGE. JTaylor, Samuel 1072 Nelson, Mrs. Frances H . . . 537 Nelson, Thomas L 534 Nicholl, E. H 1065 Nichols, A. W 743 Nichols, Arthur W 805 Nichols, D.C 761 Nichols, George E 581 Nichols, James 761 Nichols, Nathaniel 743 Nichols, Mrs. Nettie 805 Nichols, O. S 820 Nichols. Reuben 581 Noble, George W 1037 Norton, E 982 Norton, George H 613 Norton, Hiram 613 Nuhn, Mathias 907 Nuhn, Peter 907 Nye, Judge David J 604 Ogilvie, Johnson 1206 Ormsby, Rev. Caleb 673 Osborn, Andrew 1099 Osborn,- Joseph.. 1099 Osborne, Henry A 1010 Osborne, Mrs. L. A 1010 Ostrander; Peter 1198 Parker, H. E., M. D 1033 Parker, H. M., A. M 664 Parker, J. B 1101 Peabody, Andrew 810 Peabody, Elnathan 810 Peabody, Harvey M 1149 Peck, D.J 1156 Peck, Harmon 980 Peck, Noah H 980 Pelton, Alvin 597 Pelton, David C 775 Pelton, Floyd M 775 Perry, Richard DeWitt. ... 822 Pfeil, Rev. Nicholas 968 Phelon, Tasso D 1028 Phelps, Joseph .1130 Phelps, M. W 1130 Phillips, William H 752 Pierce, F. W 893 Pifer, Henry 1147 Pitts, E. W 717 Pitts, William 717 Plato, Henry A 974 Plato, John E 984 Pomroy, Richard W 891 Pond, Martin W.. 629 Pond Family 624 Porter, Alexander 1127 Porter, John 944 Porter, William 944 Pounds, M. A 683 Powell, Calvin 847 Powell, William S 847 Pralt, L. B 818 Prentice, Hiram 1050 Prentice, William 1051 Preston, Chester A 988 Preston, William 1183 Kawson, David A 942 Rawson, Grindall 942 Reamer, C. A 989 PAGE. Redfern, Benjamin 1004 Redfern, James H 788 Redfern, Robert 1168 Redington, H.G 994 Reed, J. H- 1170 Reed, J. L 1095 Reefy, Frederick S 806 Reefy, P. D„ M. D 784 Remington, J. H 1067 Rice, Abram 711 Rice, Fenelon B 680 Rice, George W 711 Rice, J. J 1172 Rice, V. E 1173 Richmond, A. J 1020 Richmond, Lester J 950 Riley, John, Jr 999 Rimbach, Henry 701 Rininger, William 910 Rilzenthaler, Philip 1146 Roach, John 936 Roach, Thomas 936 Robbins, G. H 662 Robson, Edwin 906 Rockwood, David 841 Rockwood, F. W 841 Rockwood, Henry S 728 Rockwood, Samuel S 727 Root, Azariah S., A. M 1187 Root, H. D 816 Root, Legrand 952 Root, Oresten 816 Ross, Isaac B 1089 Rowland, Aaron 572 Rowland, S.W 572 Rowley, F. A 699 Sage, Calvin 1078 Salisbury, Joseph 921 Salisbury, Robert 921 Sampsell, Mrs. E. C 657 Sampsell, J. V, M. D 642 Sampsell, Paul W., M. D. . 654 Sanders, Allen 1049 Sawyer, D. L 992 Saxton, Elisha 929 Saxton, William H 929 Saye, John 970 Sayles, William A 1086 Schaible, Jacob 1102 Schaible, Jacob E 1103 Schmidt. Rev. J. A 781 Schott, George 1177 Schramm, John 1156 Schramm, Peter 1155 Schuler, E. C 1081 Schuller, Peter 843 Schwartz, David 1187 Schwartz, Jacob 1125 Schwarz, Christian 948 Scott, John 593 Scott, Walter 593 Sears, George L 904 Sears, L. L 1042 Seely, Cornelius 754 Seely, Humphrey S 754 Seely, Morell E 753 Seelye, Cornelius 1024 Seelye, J. M 1023 PAGE. Semple, H. W 1033 Shadford, J 1088 Sharp, William G 669 Shaw,S. H 971 Sheahan, J. B 980 Sherbondy, A. W 860 Shipherd, Rev. John J 539 Shoop, William N 782 Sigourney, Peter 1176 Sippel, Philip 1108 Slater, Clarence H 864 Smith, Albert H 1008 Smith, Dr. Cliarles 619 Smith, ChilUb 530 Smith, E. A 979 Smith, F. C 81 1 Smith, Fred Norton 812 Smith, Georsre E., M. D 619 Smith, Ira AV 1010 Smith, Joel B 1058 Smith, John 1177 Smith, J. B 608 Smith, J. C 1058 Siniih, Judge Laertes B.. .. 530 Smith, Levi 1057 Smith, Mm. M. B 1178 Smith, Peter M 1185 Smith, Waltnr 1057 Smith, William 548 Snow, CH 919 Snyder, A. J 1100 Spicer, Henry 920 Spicer, Richard 920 Sprague, E. G 1013 Sprague, William G 1013 Squires, A. E 1144 Squires, T.J 987 Stang, John 936 Starr, Gideon L 653 Starr, Heman E 668 Starr, Rev. Matthew L 531 Starr, Orrin 668 Starr, O. K " 728 Starr, Talcott 653 Starr, William 728 Steele, H. N 673 Steele, Col. J. W 854 Steele, John 672 Steele, Smith 672 Stetson, H. D 1124 Stetson, Randall 1124 Stewart, Philo P 542 Stiwald, A. E 1135 Stocking, C. D 1092 Stocking, Jonathan S 1092 Stone, Charles 789 Stone, Reuben 789 Storrow, Joseph 1149 Straw, Ezra 1207 Straw, I. S 1140 Sturtevant, O. A 886 Sturtevant Family. ¦ 886 Sumner. Charles W 892 Sutliff, Charles E 603 Sutliff, Salmon 657 Sutliff, W. C 1165 Sutliff, William H. H 657 Swartz, Jacob 1204 1220 LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. PAGE. Tennant, D. R 1167 Tennant, Mrs. Mary J 624 Tennant, Moses S 623 Tennant, Selden 623 Terry, Eleazer 827 Terry, Walker S 827 Thew, E 892 Thomas, De Grasse 849 Thomas, Fred F 850 Thomas, Harriet 849 Thompson, J. B 870 Thompson, Hon. H. B.. . 551 Tiffany, Hon. Joel 522 Tillotson, Hiram 643 Tillotson, Thomas 643 Tilus, Henry ..1115 Tolhurst, Mrs. Amelia 1062 Tolhurst, Daniel 1061 Tompkins, Nathaniel 891 Tompkins, S 914 Townsend, Henry 1143 Townshend, J. H 1185 Townshend, John S 1129 Tucker, Charles E 697 Tucker, William H 697 Turley, Joseph 1018 Turney, E. A 1107 Twining, Charles A 773 Van Wagnen, G. H 1110 Van Wagnen, Henry 1113 Vantilburg, J. M., M. D. . . . 969 Varney, Wellington. 1205 ¦Wack, Hiram 1190 Wadsworth Family 704 Wadsworth, Benjamin 887 Wadsworth, David L 704 Wadsworth, Francis S 651 PAGE. Wadsworth, Horace 682 Wadsworth, Lawton 651 Wadsworth, L. H 1079 Waite, Dorastus ,....1119 Walkden, Arthur 953 Walkden, Richard 1175 Wallace, Henrv 739 Wangerien, C. R 1 162 Wangerien, H. C 1163 Wangerien, Karl 1162 Warburton, Charles H.... 998 Warner, Henry 973 Warner, Sidney S 724 Warren Family 733 Warren, H. E.', M. D 734 Washburn, Clarence G ...1079 Washburn, Hon. George G. 523 Waugh, C. M , ... 609 Waugh, Gideon 609 Webber, A. R 844 Webster, Russel B 582 Weeks, G. C 733 Weeks, Henry H 722 Weeks, Thomas T 722 Weller, George L : 602 Weller, John (deceased). . 601 Weller, Wesley 601 Wesbecher, Joseph 913 West, Amasa 1139 West, Edward. 677 West, Roger 677 Whipple, James 703 Whitney, Joseph 777 Whitney, Joseph S 777 Whitney, Milton 552 Whitney, Silas D 552 Whiton, Joseph L 674 PAGE. Whiton, Joseph L., Jr 674 Whittlesey, Cyrus L 991 Whittlesey, Solomon 991 Wickens, George..' 989 Wiegand, Conrad 1129 Wight, H , 906 Wight, Reuben 906 Wilber, Nicholas 1174 Wilber, J. W... 765 Wilber, John Walson 765 Wilder, D. G., M. D....... 603 Wilford, John. 795 Wilford, Thomas 795 Wilford, Capt. Thomas ... 914 Willard, J. E 622 Williams, Everett E 737 Williams, Henry H 734 Williams, John 734 Wilson, Charles E 672 Wire, W. A 1021 Wise, Fred 983 Wise, Henry 776 Wise, Lewis 882 Wise, Peter 882 Witbeck, A. H 1197 Witbeck, Mrs. Jane A 1198 Wolf, John : 1052 Woodworth, Mrs. C.L 684 Woodworth, Hiram 684 Worthington, Elden 1097 Worthington, Jonathan B..1097 Wright, Alonzo 908 Wright, D. S 1173 Wright, George F., D. D. .. 589 Wright, Lewis F 1160 Wurst,- Henry 680 Wyatt, James 1030 Portraits. PAGE. Baker, Gordon W 747 Baker, Richard 565 Baldwin, Seymour W 555 Barnes, Henry A 1035 Braman, William A 595 Burke, David 933 Case, Deacon John S 8!-J5 Chapman, H. P 791 Clifton, George 889 Dawley, A. G 1121 Eady, Henry J 801 Ely, Heman 525 Fairchild, Prof. James H. 635 Faxon, J. H 615 Fay, W. L 873 Finley, Charles A 1063 Follansbee, Herbert S 867 Foster, Frank H 779 Foster, Parks 545 Garford, Arthur L 757 Gates, Col. Nahum B 518 Gibbs, David L 1151 Griffin, F.E...., ,,..1015 PAGE. Griswold, E. C 835 Hamilton, Leonard G 829 Hance, Ed 939 Hastings, E. H 1035 Henderson, J. T 965 Herrick, Hon. Lucius 715 Hill, J. C 585 Hinman, Judge Edgar H. . 763 Horton, Charles H 917 Howard, S. V. R 955 Howk, John 923 Jackson, George 1083 Johnson, Hon. E. G 575 Jump, Mrs. Julia C, M. D. 901 Lersch, John 741 Levagood, Moses H 769 Manley, Fredrick B 695 Monroe, James 645 Mooers, Alton H 857 Naylor, Samuel 1073 Nelson, Thomas L 535 Nye, Judge David J 605 Parker, H. M., A.M 665 Woodworth, Hiram. PAGE. Perry, Richard De Witt .... 823 Phelps, M. W 1131 Plato, Henry A 975 Plato, John E . 985 Pond, M. W 625 Porter, John 945 Redfern, Benjamin 1005 Redington, H. G 995 Reefv, Frederick S 807 Reefy, P. D., M. D 785 Rininger, William 911 Sampsell, Paul W., M. D. . 655 Smith, Fred N .... '. 813 Stocking, CD 1093 Straw, Isaac S 1141 Thomas, Fred F 851 Van Wagnen, G. H 1111 Wadsworth, David L 705 Warner, Sidney S 725 Webber, A. R 845 Whiton, Joseph L 675 Williams, Henry H 735 Wolf, John 1053 .. 685 YALE UNIVERSITY a39002 00290^71