^^ >»«!¦'- «• "¦s-**^ ^?«S„J» CcS3 70 YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY R&LLtXF HONOR OF THE CITY OP CHUS EA. A litST OF THE - ^' - WHO SERVED ON rk:£ QUOTA OF CH|LSEA, /; IN THE GRiEjiT CIVIL TVAR_ for THE P^RfiSERVA'flON- OF, TOE, "union ..FROM 1.861 TO 1865, -WITH A PARTIAL'; REGORt):. / of; EACH MXW ALPHABETICALLJ ARRAN&ED. ' ' ,'• '- ' '^-i^LSO.-jAN;; ', ¦ .APPENDIX . '' ' ' .. -^ ' . ¦*<*?'- r-' ¦ - - - - . .'---¦['¦ "- - '''¦-' INCLUDING THEWASES OF CHELSEA SIEN Wjio; SERVED TO -THE -i ¦ rCREDIT OF rOTHER STATES, CITIES AND TOWNS. .-..";?- 1^'--^--^. "CIIKLSEA.:-. -^'/rff.,-^'-^..:-^ -.:f '- H. ikjASON, & fSOIj;: PRi-NTEB.,S,* "No. 13^ WlNNjSMllIET STRfefe'T, i, C- ROLL OF HONOR OF THE CITY OF CHELSEA, A LIST OF THE Soldiers and Sailors WHO SERVED ON THE QUOTA OF CHELSEA, ' 4 IN THE GREAT CIVIL WAR FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE UNION FROM 1861 TO 1865, WITH A PARTIAL RECORD OF EACH MAN ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. ALSO AN APPENDIX INCLUDING THE NAMES OF CHELSEA MEN WHO SERVED TO THE CREDIT OF OTHER ST.-VTES, CITIES AND TOWNS. CHELSEA : H. Mason & Son, Printers, No. 132 Wixnisimmet Street. 1880. Cc'i^ 70 oW«o Published, by authority of tlie City Council, under direction of the Joint Standing Comniittee on Military Affairs. ' John H. Crandon, Chairman. Dennis A. O'Brien, Charles C. Rivers, John J. Connelly, Seymour A. Bostwick, Committee on Military Affairs. Chelsea, 1880. NOTE. The Joint Standing Committee on Militaiy Affairs, to whom was delegated the authority to compile, in suitable form for ref erence and preservation, the names and record of the soldiers and sailors who served to the credit of Chelsea in the great con flict for supremacy of law and the maintenance of the Union, present this record, in book form, as the result of their labors. That the work is as full, complete, and accurate as is possible to make it, the Committee feel assured. Every known authority has been consulted, and the work of compiling entrusted only to competent and skilful hands. That Chelsea has abundant cause to be proud of her roll of honor is apparent on every page of this work. Her sons were upon nearly every battle field from the commencement to the close of the war, and many of them filled positions of high trust and honor ; and while their deeds will be imperishable to the end of time, indelibly inscribed on the tablet of every loyal heart, this little book, filled with such a record of patriotism, including -privations, sufferings, and even death, for the perpetuation of republican institutions and the blessings of civil and religious liberty, will be fondly cherished and preserved by a grateful people, who are now in the full enjoyment of all that was bequeathed us by their patriotism and valor. JOHN H. CRANDON, for the Committee. ROLL OF HONOR. ADAMS, CHARLES T. Corporal Company H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered September 20, 1862, for nine months, discharged July 30th, 1863, expiration of service. ADAMS, GEORGE Q. Private Company G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 5th, 1862, for three years, died January 27th, 1864, at Boston, Mass., from chronic diar rhoea. ADAMS, JOHN. Third United States Artillery, mustered March 15th, 1864. ADAM;S, JOHN Q. First Lieutenant 4th companyunattached Infantry, commissioned May 3, 1864, for ninety days, re signed June 6, 1864. ADAMS, JONATHAN S. Private Company H, 43d Regi ment Infantry, mustered September 20, 1862, for nine months, discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. ADAMS, SAMUEL M. Private Company I, New Battalion ist Cavalry, mustered December 5, 1863, for three years, discharged June 25, 1865, expiration of service, absent sick. ADAMS, SYLVESTER R. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months, dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. ADAMS, WILLIAM L. Corp. Co. C. 13th Regiment Infan try mustered July 16, 1861 for three years. Appointed Sergt. Nov. i, 1862 ; discharged Feb. 14, 1863 for pro motion, and commissioned ist Lieut. Ullman's 2d Brig ade Corps D'Afrique, Feb. 7, 1863. AHERN, STEPHEN. Private Co. H, 48th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 25, 1862, for nine months. Deserted Oct. 2, 1862. ALCOTT, CHARLES H. Private Co. H, 24th Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct. 15, 1861, for three years ; ap pointed Corporal Aug. 1S62. Deserted Aug. 6, 1863. ALDEN, GEORGE W. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infant ry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years. Killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862. ALGER, CHARLES H. Private Co. H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; dis charged May 25, 1864, expiration of service. ALLEN, ANDREW. Artificer Co. K, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered May 12, 1864, for three years ; dis charged Sept. 18, 1865, expiration of service. ALLEN, HIRAM W. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; discharged for promotion Aug. 13, 1863. Commissioned 2d Lieutenant 36 Regiment U. S. C. T., Aug. 13, 1863 ; commissioned Capt. Sept. 3, 1865 ; mustered out Nov. 29, 1866, at Hampton, Va. ^ ALLEN HOSEA. Wagoner Co. K, 4th Regiment Heavy Ar tillery, mustered Aug. 18, 1864, for i year, discharged June 17, 1865. ALLEN NATHANIEL. Private Co. H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; wounded at White Oak Swamp, Va., June 30, 1862, discharged May 25, 1864, expiration of service. ALLEN, NEWELL B. Private ist Light Battery, mustered May 18, 1861, for three months; discharged Aug. 2, 1861, expiration of service. Re-enlisted as private, Sth Light Battery, mustered May 30, 1862, for six months, dis charged Nov. 29, 1862, expiration of service. Commis sioned 2d Lieut, ist Regiment Cavalry, Dec. 16, 1863;' promoted and mustered ist Lieut. Oct. 7, 1864, dis charged June 5, 1865, expiration of service. ALLEN, WILLIAM H. Private Co. F, 6ist Regiment In fantry, mustered Oct. jo, 1864, for one year, discharged July 16, 1865, expiration of service. ALLISON, DANIEL. Private Co. L, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered May 30, 1864, for three years, dis charged Sept. 18, 1865, expiration of service. ALLSTON, ISAAC. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years. Wounded near Manassas, Va., Aug. 29, 1862, appointed Corporal, Nov. I, 1862, appointed Sergeant, June 20, 1863, discharged May 25, 1864, expiration of service. AMES, GEORGE F. Private, Veteran Reserve Corps, mus tered Aug. 16, 1864, discharged Nov. 17, 1865, by order of War Department. IO ANDERSON, JAMES A. Private 4th Co. Unattached In fantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days, discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. ANDERSON, JOHN. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Qav- alry, mustered March 17, 1864, for three years; trans ferred April 2, 186,4, to. Navy. ANDERSON, JOHN H. Private Co' C, 5?th Regiment In fantry, mustered May 13, 1863, for three years, discharged April 26, 1864, for disability. ANDERSON, JOHN J. Private Co. L, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered March 29, 1864, for three years. Deserted' April 16, 1864. ANDREWS, ELWYN. PHvate Co. K, New Battalion ist Cavalry, mustered Dec. 23, 1863, for three years, died July 5, 1864, at Chester, Va. ANDREWS, GEORGE H. Private 8th Light Battery, mus tered June 3, -1862, for six^months, discharged Nov. 29, 1862, expiration of service. ANDREWS, STEPHEN H. Capt. Co. A, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. i, 1862, resigned April 24, 1863. ANDREWS, WALTER B. Private Co. H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered Oct. 17, 1861, for tliree yeaurs. Killed at Yorktown, Va., April 26, 1862. APPLETON, CHARLES A. J. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years, dis charged July 30, 1861, disability. Private ist Light Bat tery, mustered Aug. 31, 1861, for three years, discharged Jan'y 3, 1864, to re-enlist, mustered Jan'y 4, 186.4, for three years. Killed Oct. 19, 1864, in Battery M, stli U. S. Artillery at Cedar Creek, Va. II ARROWSMITH, ABRAHAM. Unassigned recruit, 28th Reg iment Infantry, mustered March 30, 1864, for three years, transferred Jan'y 5, 1865, to V. R. C. ARCHIBALD, WILLIAM D. Private Co. I, sgth Regiment Infantry, mustered April 2, 1864, for three years ; trans- ferred June i, 1865', to 57th Regiment, discharged July 30, 1865, expiratiori of service. ASHMAN, SAMUEL. Private Co. G, ist Regiment Infantr}', mustered Aug. 13, 1862, for three years, discharged May 25, 1864, expiration of service. ATKINSON, RICHARD P. Band, 12th Regiment Infantryl mustered July 10, 1861, for three years, discharged May 8, 1862, order of War Department. ATWOOD, DANIEL A. Private Co. I, 24th Regiment In fantry, mustered Jan'y 2, 1864, for three years, discharged Jan'y 20, 1866, expiration of service. Served three years on quota of Boston prior to this enlistment. ATWOOD, SOLOMON R-. Private 4th Co. Unattached In-" fantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninfety days, discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. Mustered, Jan'y 2, 1865, Q. M. Sergeant, Co. D, ist Battalion Frontier Cav- alry'on quota of Lee, Mass., discharged June 30, 1865. ATWOOD, WILLIAM S. Private Co. G, 44th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 12, 1862, for nine months, dis charged June 18, 1863, expiration of service. 12 AUSTIN, ALBERT S. ist Lieutenant, Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered May 25, 1861, for three years, dis charged Aug. 7, 1862, for promotion. Commissioned Capt. and C. S. U. S. V. Appointed Q. M., Aug. i, x86i, acting chief of subsistence Hooker's Division, appointed on Gen. Hooker's Staff (Grand Central Division), rank of Lt. Col. on Gen. Stoneman's Staff (Cavalry Corpe) in 1863. Dismissed April, 1864. AUSTIN, EDWARD J. Private 1st Light Battery, mustered Jan'y 15, 1864, for three years, transferred March 12, 1865, to 9th Light Battery, discharged May 22, 1865, expiration of service. AVERILL, CHARLES S. Private Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for 9 months, discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. AVERILL, GEARY C. Private Co. G, 4th Cavalry, mustered J|n'y 27, 1864, for three years, discharged Nov. 14, 1865, expiration of service. AVER, CHARLES C. Corporal Co. I, 32d Regiment Infant ry, mustered Aug. 11, 1862, for three years, discharged March 22, 1863, for disability; AYERS, CHARLES. Private Co. G, 2d Regiment Heavy Ar tillery, mustered Dec. 7, 1863, for three years. Taken prisoner at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, 1864, paroled Dec. 8, 1864. Drowned April 23, 1865. AYERS, CHARLES. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years, discharged Jan'y 11, 1863, for disability. Re-enlisted and mustered Oct. 19, 1863, private Co. C, ist Battery Heavy Artillery, dis charged Oct. 20, 1865, expiration of service. AYLWARD, JOHN. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months, discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. 13 BACON, ANDREW J. Corporal Co. G, 40th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years ; appointed Sergeant January, 1864, appointed ist Sergeant June 18, ' 1864, discharged Nov. 14, 1864, for promotion. Com missioned as ist Lieutenant 29th Co. Unattached Heavy Artillery, Nov. 14, 1864, for one year, discharged June 16, 1865, expiration of service. BACON, GEORGE. Private Co. H, ist. Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years. Killed at Black burn's Ford, Va., July 18-, 1861. BACON, LEWIS. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years, transferred to V. R. C, discharged 1864. BADETT, ELf. Private Co. B, 28th Regiment Infantry, mus tered March 18, 1864, for three years ; absent since May S, 1864. BADGER, WILLARD, Jr. Private Co. F, 44th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 12, 1862, for nine months, dis charged June 18, 1863, expiration of service. BAIER, HEINRICH. Private Co. B, 20th Regiment Infantry, mustered July 26, 1861, for three years. Wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862, transferred to V. R. C, Nov. 1, 1863, discharged July 26, 1864. BAIRD, WILLIAM. Private Co. I, 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered May 25, 1861, for three years, appointed Cor poral,- Feb'y 16, 1863, discharged to re-enlist Dec. 30, 1863, mustered same date for three years, and discharged July 14, 1865, expiration of service. 14 BAILEY, AUGUSTUS S. Corporal Co. E, ist Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered March 31, 1864, ' for three, years, discharged Aug. 16, 1865, expiration of service. BAILEY, CHARLES A. Private Co. G, 42d j^egiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 23, 1862, for nine months, dis charged Aug. 20, 1863, expiration of service. Re-enlisted and mustered March 29, 1864, for three years, private 14th Light Battery, discharged. June 15, 1865, expiration of service. BAILEY, DAVIS W. . Capt. Co. H, 42d Regiment, Infantry, mustered Sept. 24, 1862, for ,nine months, discharged August 30, 1863, expiration of service. BAILEY, HENRY S. P. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years, transferred Aug. 9, 1864, to V. R. C, discharged July 6,- 1865, ex piration of service. BAILEY, JOHN D. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months, discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. Died in Chelsea, April 7, 1864. BAILEY, JOSHUA M. Private (Jo. G, 40th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years. Died at Folly Island, S. C, Oct. 22, 1863, of chronic diarrhoea. BAILEY, WILLIAM. Private Co. E, 26th Regiment,, Infantry, mustered Dec. 20, 1864, for three years. Deserted Feb. 10, 1865. .IS BAKER, ALEXANDER B. Private Co. H, 19th Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 28, 1861, for three years, dis charged Oct. 28, 1861, for disability. Mustered a private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, Jan. 31, 1862, discharged August, 1862, fgr disability. Insane. BAKER, .JOSEPH. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. s, 1862, for three years ; transferred Nov. 13, 1863, to V. R. C, discharged June 10, 1864. Drowned Nov. 6, 1871, Boston Harbor. BALLSDON, GEORGE. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months, dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration 6i service. BALLIE, ROBERT. Private 13th Light Battery, mustered Oct. 20. 1862, for three years. Died August 8, 1863, at Port Hudson, La. BALLMAN, CHARLES. General Service U. S. A., mustered March 17, 1864. BANGS, JAMES F. F. Private Co. C, nth Regiment Infan try, mustered June 13, 1861, for three years, discharged June 24, 1864, expiration of service. BARAIN, PATRICK. Private Co. H, 48th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 25, 1862, for nine months. De serted Oct. 27, 1862. BARKER, GEORGE. Unassigned recruit 28th Regiment In fantry, mustered April 15, 1864, for three years ; trans ferred May 17, 1864, to Navy. i6 BARNABY, WILLIAM H. Wagoner Co. C, 26th Regiment •Infantry, mustered Oct. 17, 1861, for three years, dis charged Dec. 31, 1863, to re-enlist. Mustered January i, 1864, for three years, discharged April 3, 1865, for disa bility. ^ BARNES, FRANKLIN O. Corp. Co. H, 43d Regiment In- fantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months, dis charged July 30,'i863, expiration of service. BARRETT, JOHN. Private Co. H, 42d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 24, 1862, for nine months, discharged Aug. 20, 1863, expiration of service. BARRINGTON, JOHN C. Hospital Steward 28th Regiment Infantry, mustered Jan. i, 1862, for three years, dis charged for promotion, Dec. 5, 1862. Commissioned as Assistant Surgeon Dec. 5, 1862, resigned June 17, 1864. Commissioned as Assistant Surgeon 2d Regiment Hea-vy Artillery, Jan. 11, 1865, discharged Sept. 3, 1865, expira tion of service. Died Jan. 15, 1867. BARRINGTON, JOHN F. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years. Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June i, 1864. BARRINGTON, RICHARD. Sergt. 4th Co., unattached In fantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days, discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. BARRY, CHARLES W. Corp. Cd. K, 4th Regiment Cavalry, mustered March i, 1864, for three years, "discharged May 2S, 186s ; promoted Lieut. U. S. C. T. 17 BARTLETT, BENJAMIN F. ist Lieut. 28th Regt. Infantry, mustered October 8, 1861 ; resigned Dec. 16, 1862. BASSETT, CHARLES Z. Private Co. H, 43d Regt. Infantry, mustered September 20, 1862, for 9 months, discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. BASSETT, SAMUEL B. Private Co. H, 1st Regt. Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; appointed corp oral May 25, 1861 ; appointed Sergeant Jan'y 15, 1863, wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863, discharged May 25, 1864, expiration of service. BASSETT, WILLIAM H. Private Co. G, 2d Regiment Cav alry, mustered April 14, 1864, for three years. Died at Baltimore, Md., Aug. 3, 1864. BATCHELDER, EZRA A. Private Co. H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years, discharged at Georgetown, D. C, July 22, 1861, for disability. BATCHELDER, JOSIAH H. Private Co. C, 3 sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for 3 years. Wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17. 1862 ; discharged March 4, 1864. Died in Chelsea, May 25, 1864. BATCHELDER, SAMUEL, Jr. Private Co. G, 40th Regi ment Infantry, mustered Sept. 5, 1862. Killed at Drury's Bluff, May 16, 1864. BATES CHARLES G. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years; wounded July 4, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Died July s, 1864. BATSON, WILLIAM. Artificer 13th Light Battery, mustered March 29, 1^864 for three years ; discharged July 28, 186s, expiration of service. i8 BAUER, HENRY. Private Co. B, 3d Regiment Cavalry, mus tered July 22, 1864, for three years ; discharged Sept. 28, 186s, expiration of service. BAYLEY, GRANVILLE B. Musician Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry ; mustered Sept. s> '862, for three years ; dis charged June 16, i86s, expiration of service. BAYLEY, GEORGE F. H. Private Co. G, 40th Rfegiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years ; dis charged June 20, 186s, by order of War Department. BEAN, GEORGE. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mus tered May 3, 1864, for 90 days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. BEAN, JOHN E. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mus tered May 3, 1864, for 90 days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. BEARCE, WILLIAM A. Private Co. G, 59th Regiment In fantry, mustered March 4, 1864, for three years; dis charged for promotion and mustered ist Lieut., March 25, i86s. Transferred 1865 to S7th Regiment ; dis charged July 30, 1865, expiration of service. BEARD, WILLIAM. Private Co. I, i6th Regiment, mustered Aug. 28, 1861, for three years ; discharged Feb. 12, 1863, for disability. Re-enlisted in V. R. C. Sept. 16, 1864, on quota of Dedham. BEARNS, DANIEL. Private Co. H, 48th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 25, 1862, for nine months. Deserted Oct. 6, 1862. 19 BEATLEY, CHARLES S. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. BEARY, THOMAS F. Private Co. H, 48th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 25, 1862 for nine months. Deserted Oct. 8, 1862. BEECHER, JOHN G. Private Co. E, 45th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 26, 1862, for nine months. Deserted Oct. 7, 1862. / BELCHER, CHARLES B. Private Co. I, New Battalion ist Regiment Cavalry, mustered Jan. 14, 1864, for three years. Appointed Corporal, June 30, 1864 ; discharged June 29, 1865, expiration of service. BENDER, DANIEL. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. St 1862, for three years. Wounded at Olustee, Fla., Feb. 20, 1864; appointed Corporal, Oct., i, 1864 ; discharged June 15, 1865, expiration of service. BENNETT, CHESTER. Private Co. I, 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered July 7, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 10, 1865, expiration of service. BENNETT, OCTAVE. Private Co. H, 19th Regiment Infan try, mustered March 26, 1864, for three years ; discharged June, 30, 1865, expiration of service. BENNER, EDWIN. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. BENTLEY, GEORGE F. Hospital Steward U.S.A., mustered March 30, 1864. 20 BETTS, ELLIOTT B. Private Co. F. 30th Regiment Infan try, mustered Nov. s, 1861, for three years. Died at Ba ton Rouge, La., Aug. 21, 1862. BETTIS, JONAS A. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. BETZLER, ANDREW. Private V. R. C, mustered May 28, 1864. BICKERS, JAMES E. Private Co. D, 3d R,egiment Cavalry, mustered Dec. 8, 1863, for three years ; discharged Sept. 28, 1865, expiration of service. BICKERS, JOSEPH -P. Private Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine njonths ; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. BICKERS, WILLIAM H. Private Co. G, 42d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 16, 1862, for nine months. Died at Algiers, La., July 26, 1863. BICKFORD, GEORGE F. Private Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for "nine months. Died at Baton Rouge, La., April 25, 1863. BICKFORD, HENRY P. Private Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. BICKNELL, EMERSON. Private Co. A, 8th Regiment M. V. M., mustered April 20, 1861, for three months ; dis charged Aug. 1, 1861, expiration of service. Mustered on quota of Boston, Aug. 19, 1861, for three years as pri vate ; promoted to 2d Lieut., Sept. 19, 1862 ; discharged July 18, 1863, disability. 21 BIERkAN, LUDWIG. Private Co. A, 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered July 6, 1864, for three years. Deserted at At lanta, Ga., Aug. 13, 1864. BIGELOW, JOSEPH H. Private Co, H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered May 2s, 1861, for three years ; wounded near Manassas, Va., Aug. 29, 1862. Died from wounds in hospital at Alexandria, Va., Sept. 22, 1862. BIGELOW, THOMAS H. Private Co. H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years, appointed Corporal Nov. i, 1861 ; wounded near Manassas Junc tion, Va., Aug. 29, 1862 ; appointed Sergeant, Nov. i, 1862 ; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863. Died at Corps Hospital, June 2, 1863. BILLINGS, JAMES M. Private Co. E, 26th Regiment In fantry, mustered Oct. 7, 1861, for three years. Died at New Orleans, La., Feb. s, 1863. BIRD, JAMES H. Private Co. H, 42d, Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 24, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 20, 1863, expiration of service. BIRD, PATRICK H. Private Co. H, 28th Regiment Infan try, mustered Jan. 10, 1862, for three years ; wounded Aug. 29, 1862, near Manassa, Va. ; appointed Sergeant, Sept. I, 1862 ; wounded Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericks burg, Va. ; appointed is^Sergeant, Sept. 1, 1863 ; dis charged Jan. 1, 1864, to i^enlist ; mustered ist Sergeant Jan. 2, 1864, for three years ; discharged May 22," 1864, for promotion. Commissioned ist Lieut., May 22, 1864; wounded June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. ; Commis sioned Capt. Aug. 16, 1864 ; wounded April 2, i86s, near Five Forks, Va. ; discharged June 30, i86s, expiration of service. 22 - BISBEE, ORVILLE. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years; wounded at Bull Run, Va., July 18, 1861 ; appointed Corporal Nov. I, 1862 ; taken prisoner at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863 ; exchanged Sept. i, 1863 ; wounded at Wilderness May 12, 1864, discharged May 25, 1864, expiration of service. BISHOP, CHARLES. Private Co. H, 2d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered Aug. 6, 1864, for three years; trans ferred January 17, i86s, to 17th Regiment Infantry, and discharged July 27, i86s, expiration of service. BLAISDELL, BENJAMIN F. Private Co. G, 19th Regiment Infantry, mustered March 28, 1864, for three years, dis charged Oct. 8, 1864, for disability. BLAISDELL, SARGENT. Private Co. H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 28, 1861, for three years, dis charged May 25, 1864, expiration of service. Died at Canaan, N. H. BLAKE, GEORGE B. ist Sergeant 4th Co. Unattached In fantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days, discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. BLAKE, HENRY N. Musician, Band 24th Reginient Infan try, mustered Oct. 3, 1861, discharged Aug. 30, 1862, order War Dep't. # BLAKELY, FREDERICK F. Private Co. C, 3Sth Reginient Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years, dis- - charged Dec. i, 1862, disability. BLAKERNEY, ALONZO. Private V. R. C, mustered May 28, 1864. 23 BLANCHARD, ALFRED, JR. Corporal Co. C, 3Sth Reg iment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years; appointed Sergeant April 19, 1863 ; ist Sergeant Sept. 6, 1864; commissioned 2d Lieutenant Sept. 8, 1864; taken prisoner near Petersburg, Va., Sept. 20, 1864; commis sioned 1st Lieut., Nov. 29, 1864; paroled February, i86s; discharged June 9, 186s, expiration of service. BLANCHARD, CLIFTON A. ist Lieut. Co. C, 3Sth Regi ment Infantry, mustered Aug. 13, 1862 ; commissioned Captain January i, 1863 ; resigned and discharged for disability June 16, 1863 ; re-commissioned Captain Co. C, June 30, 1863 ; wounded near Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864; resigned and discharged Nov. 28, 1864, disability from wound. Died Sept. 23, 1879. BLANCHARD, EDWARD B. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months, dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. BLANCHARD, GEORGE E. Private 2d Light Battery, mus tered March 16, 1864, for three years, discharged Aug. II, 186s, expiration of service. BLOOD, CHARLES. Corporal 6th Light Battery, mustered Dec. 20, 1864, for three years, discharged Aug. 7, 1865, expiration of service. BLOOD, THOMPSON B. Private Co. A, 18th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 3, 1861, for three years ; appointed corporal March 8, 1862 ; taken prisoner near Beverly Ford, Va., Oct., 1863.' Died at Andersonville, Ga., May 23, 1864. 24 BOANS, PATRICK. Private Co. B, 26th Regiment Infantry, mustered Jan. 6, 1864, for three years, discharged Aug. 26, i86s, expiration of service. t^ BOHEMER, FREDERICK. Private Co. A, 2d Regiment In fantry, mustered May 16, 1864, for three years ; prisoner of war, no record. BOHAN, DANIEL. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct. 31, 1862, for three years, deserted Nov. 30, 1862, at New York. BOHAN, John., Private Co. B, 28th Regiment Infantry, mus tered Jan. 6, 1862, for three years; wounded at Gettys burg, Pa., July 2, 1863, discharged Jan. 10, 1864, disabil ity from wound. BORCHARDT, JOHN. Private Co. H, 31st Regiment Infan try, mustered April is, 1864, for three years, discharged June IS, 1865, expiration of service. BOSS, BERNHARD. Private Co. D, 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered July 6, 1864, for three years, discharged July 14, 1865, expiration of service. BOSS, WILLIAM. ^ Private Co. I, ist Regiment Infantry, mus tered Dec. 31, 1861, for three years, discharged May 25, 1864, expiration of service. BOWEN, DANIEL E. Sergeant Co. G, 4o,th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years; pro moted Sergeant Major, Jan. i, 1863 ; promoted 2d Lieut. ; mustered Jan. 16, 1863; promoted ist Lieut; mustered Nov. 7, 1863, June 1, 1864, resigned. Died in Boston, April 8, 1867, small pox. 25 BOWEN, WILLIAM. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; discharged May 3, 1863, disability. BOWZER, HENRY W. Private Co. D, sth Regiment Cav alry, mustered Jan. 29, 1864, for three years. Deserted March 17, 1864. BOYD, CHARLES O. Private 6th Light Battery, mustered May 10, 1864, for three years ; discharged May 6, 1865, expiration of service. BRABROOK, WILLIAM F. Private Co. E, 18th Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 24, i86r, for three years ; dis charged June 16, 1862, for disability. BRACKETT, EDWIN F. A. Corporal Co. H, soth Regi ment Infantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. BRACKETT, SAMUEL P. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. s, 1862, for three years ; dis charged June 16, 186s, expiration of service. BRACKETT, THOMAS D. Corporal 6th Light Battery, mus tered Dec. 23, 1864, for three years ; discharged Aug. 7, 1865, expiration of service. BRADBURY, WILLIAM. 1st Lieutenant Co. H, 43d Regi ment Infantry, mustered Sept.. 20, 1862, for nine months; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. BRAHN, CHARLES. Private V. R. C, mustered July 20, 1864. 26 BRANNON, PETER. Private Co. A, ist Regiment Cavalry, mustered Dec. 4, 1864, for three years ; discharged June 26, i86s, expiration of service. BRAUER, BERNARD. Private Co. K, 4th Regiment Cav alry, mustered July 23, 1864, for three years ; discharged Nov. 14, 186s, expiration of service. BRENER, HENRY. Private Co. G, 19th Regiment Infantry, mustered Dec. 3, 1864, for three years ; discharged June 30, 186s, expiration of service. BRIGHAM, JOHN L. Commissary Sergeant ist Regiment Cavalry, mustered Dec. 17, 1861, for three years; pro moted 1st Lieut, March 7, 1862 ; discharged Oct. 24, 1864, expiration of service ; Brevet Major. BRIGGS, EDWARD P. Private Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug, 24, 1863, expiration of service. BRIGGS, ELIJAH E. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; discharged June 27, 1863, for disability. BROOKS, DAVID P. Private Co. F, 29th Regiments Infan try, mustered Dec. 14, 1861, for three years; discharged Jan. 1, 1864, to re-enlist ; mustered Jan. 2, 1864, for three years; discharged July 29, i86s, expiration of BROOKS, KENDALL. Private Co. F, 2gth Regiment Infan try, mustered Nov. 28, 1861, for three years; discharged Oct 22, 1862, to enlist in U. S. A. 27 BROWN, CHARLES. Private Co. G, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered April 9, .1863, for three years ; deserted March 14, 1864. BROWN, CHARLES E. Private Co. A, ist Battalion Heavy Artillery, mustered March i, 1862, for three years ; dis charged March 4, 1864, to re-enlist ; mustered March 4, 1864, on quota of Cambridgeport. BROWN, CHARLES E. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infan try, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. BROWN, CHARLES H. Private Co. B, ist Regiment Infan try, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; wounded near Manassas, Va., Aug. 29, 1862. Transferred to V. R. C, Dec. 1, 1863 ; discharged May 30, 1864. BROWN, CHARLES S. Unassigned recruit 1st Regiment Cavalry, mustered March 15, 1864, for three years. Died April 21, 1864, near Washington, D. C. BROWN, FRANK A. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. s> 1862, for three years ; appointed Corporal, June, 1863 ; Sergeant, May 1, 1864 ; 1st Ser geant, Jan. 1, 1865 ; discharged, June 16, 1865, expira tion of service. BROWN, GEORGE. Corporal Co. K, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered May 12, 1864, for three years ; dis charged Sept. 18, 186s, expiration of service. BROWN GEORGE F. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged ' May II, 1863, to re-enlist; transferred to 7th Regiment Illinois Cavalry. 28 BROWN, HENRY. Sergeant Co. G, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered May 10, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 20, 1865, expiration of service. BROWN, JAMES. Private Co. E, 28th Regiment Infantry, mustered March 26, 1864, for three years ; transferred Feb. 10, i86s, to V. R. C. BROWN, JOHN. Private Co. L, 3d Regiment Heavy Artil lery, mustered May 30, 1864, for three years. Deserted Nov. 1, 1864. BROWN, PHILIP. Private Co. H, 48th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 25, 1862, for nine months. Deserted Dec. 21, 1862. . BROWN, ROBERT. Private Co. L, 3d Regiment Heavy Ajr- tillery, mustered May 30, 1864, for three years ; dis charged Sept. 18, 1865, expiration of service. BROWN, RUDOLPH. Corporal Co. D, 28th Regiment In fantry, mustered March 30, 1864, for three years ; dis charged June 30, 186s, expiration of service. BROWN, RUFUS F. Private Co. H, 48th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept 2S, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Sept. 3, 1863, expiration of service. BROWN, THOMAS. Unassigned recruit 28th Regiment In fantry, mustered May 11, 1864, for three years. BRUNSON, CHARLES F. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered May 17, 1864, for three years. BRUTT, AUGUST. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered July 23, 1863, for three years ; transferred June 9, i86s, to 29th Regiment Infantry ; discharged July 29, i86s, expiration of service. 29 BRYANT, ANDREW A; Private Co. F, 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered Feb. is, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 14, i86s, expiration of service. BRYANT, GEORGE. Private Co. H, 48th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 2s, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Sept. 3, 1863, expiration of service/ BRYANT, MARSHALL. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infan try, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration service. BRYANT, MARSHALL P. Private Co. I, 28th Regiment In fantry, mustered Dec. 13, 1861, for three years ; dis charged Aug. 12, 1863, for disability. Mustered on quota of Woburn, private Co. A, 4th Regiment Cavalry, Dec. 31, 1864, for three years; discharged Nov. 14, 1865, expi ration of service. BRYANT, RICHARD R. 1st Sergeant Co. I, 28th Regiment Infantry, mustered Dec. 13, 1861, for three years. Died Juhe I, 1862, at Hilton Head, S. C, of typhoid fever. BRYANT, SOUTHWORTH. Corporal Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. BRYANT, WILLIAM B. Private Co. H. 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for three years ; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. • BUCHANAN, ALBERT L. Private Co. D, 2d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered June 14, 1864, for three years. Died Sept. 23, 1864. 30 BUCHANAN, WILLIAM E. Private Co. D, 2d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered June 11, 1864, for three years. Deserted June 28, 186s. BUCK, GEORGE H. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. s, 1862, for three years ; discharged June 16, 186s, expiration of service. BUCK, THEODORE H. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. s, 1862, for three years. Wounded at Olustee, Fla., Feb. 20, 1864; discharged May 13, 1864, disability from wound. BUNTEN, GILBERT. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infan- • try, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. BUOCK, LEWIS. Private Co. L, 3d Regiment Heavy Artil lery, mustered May 30, 1864, for three years. Deserted Feb. 20, 1865 BURKETT, HENRY A. Private Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 24, 1S63, expiration of service. BURNHAM, EDWARD W. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. BURKE, GEORGE W. Private Read's Co., 3d Regiment Cavalry, mustered Sept 30, 1861, for three years; ap pointed saddler, Nov. 15, 1861; discharged June 28, 1862, disability. 31 BURKE, JOSEPH J. Private Co. A, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct 11, 1862, for nine months; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. BURKE, MICHAEL. Private 12th Light Battery, mustered Nov. 28, 1862, for three years; discharged July 2s, 1865, expiration of service. BURRILL, HADLEY P. 2d Lieutenant 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; dis charged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. BURWELL, AUGUSTUS B. ist Sergeant 2d Light Battery, mustered July i, 1861, for three years, discharged Aug. 16, 1864, expiration of service. BUSH, BENJAMIN. Private Co. K, 3d Regiment Heavy Ar tillery, mustered May 12, 1864, for three years ; deserted July 6, 1864. BUTTS, CHARLES G. Sergeant Co. H, 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months, dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. Mustered May 3d, 1864, Sergeant 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, for ninety days, discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. BUTTS, EDWIN H. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months, discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. Mustered May 3, 1864, Sergeant 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, for ninety days, discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. BUTLER, ALFRED C. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; appointed Corporal Dec. 1, 1864, discharged June 9, 186s, expiration of service. 32 BUTLER, ALFRED M. S. Corporal Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months, dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. BUTLER, BENJAMIN H. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. $, 1862, for three years ; dis. charged May 19, 1865, orcler War Department. BUTLER, GEORGE W. Private 8th Light Battery, mustered May 30, 18^62, for six months, discharged Nov. 29, 1862, expiration of service. Mustered July 28, 1863, for three years. Private Co. A, 2d Regiment Heavy Artillery, dis charged Sept. 3, i86s, expiration of service. BUTLER, ORVILLE W. Private Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. BUTLER, THOMAS W. Private Co. G, 1st Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 8, 1862, for three years. Deserted Dec. 17, 1862. BUZZELL, HIRAM H. Private Co. G, 4pth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years. Wounded near Petersburg, Va., June 30, 1864 ; discharged June 16, i86s, expiration of service. Died April 22, 1867, at National Soldiers' Home, Togus Springs, Me. 33 CABELLO, MAURICE. Private Co. C, sth Regiment Cav alry, mustered Jan. 29, 1864, for three years ; discharged Oct. 31, 1865, expiration of service. CADIAN, AMBROSE. Private Co. L, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered May 30, 1864, for three years. De serted Feb. 17, 1865. CADY, CHARLES. Private Co. I, 30th Regiment Infantry, mustered Dec. 8, 1861, for three years. Died Jan. 14, 1863, at New Orleans, La. CAFFREY, EDWARD. Private Co. E, 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered June lo, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 14, i86s, expiration of service. CALEF, HORATIO S. Private Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Oct. is, 1862, for nine months. Deser ted Oct. 25, 1862 ; Boxford, Mass. CALEF, ISAAC W. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. CAMPBELL, CHARLES A. Sergeant Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. S) 1862, for three years, ap pointed Q. M. Sergeant; promoted 2d Lieut. Aug 30, 1863 ; resigned Feb. 6, 1864, for disability contracted in the service. 34 CAMPBELL, GEORGE W. Private Co. H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. lo, 1861, for three years ; wounded at Yorktown, Va., April 26, 1862 ; discharged Sept. 25, 1862, disability from wound. Mustered Dec. 28, 1863, for three years, private Co. M, 2d Regiment Heavy Ar tillery ; discharged Sept. 3, 1865, expiration of service. CAMPBELL, JOHN. Private Co. G, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 19, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. CAMPBELL, JOHN. Private V. R. C, mustered July 23, 1864. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM H. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 186 1, for three years ; dis charged July 30, 1861, at Fort Albany, Va., for disability. Mustered Jan. 31, 1862, private Co. D', 17th Regiment In fantry, for three years ; discharged Jan. 31, i86s, expira tion of service. CANNELIN, HERMAN. Private Co. H, 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered June 14, 1864, for three years; discharged July 14, i86s, expiration of service. CANNON, OWEN. Unassigned recruit 3Sth Regiment Infan try, mustered Dec. 31, 1863, for three years ; discharged March s, 1864, rejected recruit. CAPEN, EDMUND A. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; appointed Corporal, April 14, 1864 ; wounded near Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864; appointed Sergeant, Sept 1, 1864; dis charged June 9, 186s, expiration of service. 35 CARLETON, WILLIAM F. Private, Read's Co. 3d Regi ment Cavalry, mustered Nov. 8, 1861, for three years ; discharged Aug. 26, 1862, for promotion ; commissioned 2d Lieut. 2d Regiment, La. Cavalry, 1863 ; commissioned Captain. CARLTON, WILLARD F. Sergeant Co. H, 50th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. CARLINE, WILLIAM. Private Co. C, nth Regiment Infan try, mustered July 10, 1861, for three years; discharged Oct 18, 1862, disability. CARR, CHARLES. Private Co. F, 24th Regiment Infantry, mustered Nov. 23, 1861, for three years ; discharged April 19, 1862, disability ; mustered private Co. A, s6th Regi ment Infantry, March 19, 1864, for three years. Deserted at Annapolis, Md. CARR, JOSEPH. Private Co. G, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mus tered May 11, 1864, for three years. Deserted July 13, 1864. CARR, WILLIAM. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months. Deserted Sept. 25, 1862, Readville, Mass. CARR, WILLIAM M. Private Co. I, sth Regiment Infantry, mustered May 1, 1861, for three months; discharged July 31, 1861, expiration of service. CARROLL, JOHN. Private Co. B, 2d Regiment Heavy Ar tillery, mustered Aug, 16, 1864, for three years ; dis charged Sept. 3, 1865, expiration of service. 36 CARROLL, MICHAEL. Private Co. D, 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered July 7, 1864, for three years. Deserted Aug. 8, 18B4. CARRUTH, SUMNER. Capt. Co. H, ist Regiment Infan try, mustered May 22, 1861, for three years ; wounded near Richmond, Va., June 25, 1862 ; commissioned Major 3Sth Regiment Infantry, Aug. 20, 1862 ; commissioned Lieut. Col. Aug. 27, 1862 ; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept 17, 1862 ; taken prisoner at Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 13, 1862 ; exchanged Jan. 1863 ; commissioned Col onel, April 2S, 1863 ; discharged June 9, 1865, Brevet Brig. General. CARRUTHERS, JAMES O. Sergeant Co. I, 28th Regiment Infantry, mustered Dec. 31, 1861, for three years ; ap pointed ist Sergeant, April i, 1862 ; discharged July 22, 1862, for promotion; commissioned 2d Lieut, July 27, 1862 ; commissioned 1st Lieut. Dec. 7, 1862 ; August 24, 1863, resigned; mustered Dec. 31, 1863, ist Lieut. 5 6th Regiment Infantry; resigned Jan. 7, 1864. CARTER, HORACE. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months. Died July 31, 1863, at Vicksburg, Miss. CASEY, MICHAEL F. Private Co. D, 28th Regiment In fantry, mustered May 4, 1864, for three years; trans ferred to V. R. C. ; discharged June 22, i86s. CASS, FREDERICK P. Private Co. D, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered Dec. 23, 1863, for three years ; dis charged Sept. 18, i86s, expiration of service. 37 CASWELL, GEORGE A. Private Co. E, 30th Regiment In fantry, mustered March 26, 1864, for three years. De serted Dec. 14, r86s. CASWELL, GEORGE W. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infan try, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. CATE, WILLIAM W. Private Co. D, 28th Regiment Infan try, mustered March 22, 1864, for three years ; transferred to V. R. C. ; discharged July 29, 186s. CHADWICK, JOHN O. Unassigned recruit 3d Regiment Hea-vy Artillery, mustered May 7, 1864, for three years; May 13, 1864, rejected and discharged. CHANCE, CHARLES. Private Co. I, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered June 14. 1864, for three years ; discharged July 20, 186s, expiration of service. CHAMBERS, WILLIAM. Private Co. B, 17th Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug. 22, 1861, for three years; dis charged Dec. 4, 1863, to re-enlist ; mustered Dec. 5, 1863, for three years; discharged July 11, 186s, expiration of service. CHANDLER, HORACE W. Musician Co. G, 61st Regiment Infantry, mustered Nov. 12, 1864, for one year; dis charged July 16, 1865, expiration of service. CHANDLEY, CHARLES F. Private Co. G, 61st Regiment Infantry, mustered Nov. 16, 1864, for one year; dis charged Feb. 1, 1865, order of War Department. 38 CHANNEL, JOHN F. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; appointed Corporal, Sept. i, 1863 ; discharged June 9, 1865, expi ration of service. CHANNELL, HERBERT. Private 4th Co. Unattached In fantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. CHAPMAN, ENOCH W. Private Co. A, 30th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 27, 1861, for three years. Died Jan. 4, 1863, at New Orleans, La. CHAPMAN, WILLIAM. Private 13th Light Battery, mus tered Nov. 28, 1862, for three years. Deserted Jan. 17, 1863. CHASE, IRA C. Hospital Steward U. S. A., mustered March 30, 1864. CHEEVER, HENRY A. ist Lieutenant Co. D, 17th Regi ment Infantry, mustered Feb. 20, 1862, for three years ; appointed Adjutant, Nov. 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner near Newbern, N. C, Feb. i, 1864; discharged Aug. 4, i86s, expiration of service. CHEEVER, JOSEPH C. F. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. s, 1862, for three years ; ap pointed Corporal Sept. 16, 1862 ; appointed Sergeant Jan. I, 1863 ; discharged June 20, 1865, order of War Department. CHEEVER, TRACY P. Capt Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 13, 1862, for three years. Wounded by concussion of shell at Antietam, Md. ; discharged June 23, 1863, for disability. 39 CHENEY, GILBERT. Musician Co. L, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered May 30, 1864, for three years ; dis charged July 10, 186s, disability. CHITTENDEN, ALBERT A. 2d Lieutenant Co. H, 6th Reg iment Infantry, mustered July 16, 1864, for 100 days ; discharged Oct. 27, 1864, expiration of service. CHURCH, JOSEPH. Captain S9tii Regiment Infantry, mus tered July 31, 1864, for three years; discharged July i, 1865. CHURCH, SAMUEL. Unassigned recruit isth Regiment In fantry, mustered March 18, 1864, for three years. CHUTE, RICHARD H. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; discharged Nov. II, 1863, for promotion; mustered Dec. 4, 1863, 2d Lieut. S9th Regiment Infantry; commissioned 1st Lieut. Feb. 18, 1864. Wounded at North Anna River, May 24, 1864; commissioned Capt June 23, 1864; taken pris oner, June, 1864; exchanged, 1864; resigned and dis charged, Feb. 27, 1865, disability from wounds. CLAPP, GEORGE I. Private Co. A, 17th Regiment Infantry, mustered Jan. 4, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 2o,' 1865, expiration of service. CLAPP, GEORGE W. Sergeant Co. G, 40th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years. Wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864 ; discharged June 16, 1865, expiration of service. CLARK, EDWIN R. Private 7th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered May 4, 1864, ninety days ; discharged Aug. 5, 1864, expiration of service. 40 CLARK, FRANK. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered Aug. 11, 1864, for three years. CLARK, GEORGE L. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. $, 1862, for three years ; discharged June 16, 1865, expiration of service. CLARK, HENRY. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years. Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862 ; discharged March 16, 1863, disability from wound. CLARK, JAMES. Unassigned recruit 28th Regiment Infan try, mustered April is, 1864, for three years. CLARK, JAMES. Private Co. M, new Battery, ist Regiment Cavalry, mustered Jan. 14, 1864, for three years; dis charged June 26, 1865, expiration of service. CLARK, JOSEPH H. Private 7th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered May 4, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. -5, 1864, expiration of service. CLARK, LEWIS. Private Co. H. soth Regiment Infantry ; mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. CLARK, THOMAS B. Private Co. L, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered April is, 1864, for three years ; transferred Jan. I, i86s, V. R. C. • CLARK, WILLIAM E. Corporal Co. K, 6th Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug. 31, 1862, for nine months; dis charged, June 3, 1863, expiration of service. 41 CLEMENT, ANDREW J. ist Sergeant Co. M, ist Regiment Cavalry, mustered Oct Si 1861, for three years ; trans ferred to Co. M, 4th Regiment Cavalry ; discharged Oct. S, 1864, expiration of service. CLEMENT, FRANK. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. CLEMENT, WILLIAM B. Private Co. H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; dis charged Jan. 24, 1863, disability. CLIFFORD, GEORGE W. Private 12th Light Battery, mus tered Dec. 1, 1862, for three years. Deserted Feb. 12, 1863. CLIFFORD, WELLS W. Private 2d Co. Sharpshooters, mus tered Aug. 13, 1862, for three years ; discharged Nov. 4, 1862, disability. CLOSEY, DAVID. Unassigned recruit 31st Regiment Infan try, mustered June 10, 1864. CLOUGH, HENRY A. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years. Wounded at South Mountain, Md., Sept 14, 1862-; transferred Sept. I, 1863, to V. R. C. ; discharged Aug. 18, i86s. Died March 19, 1866, at Chelsea. COBB, GEORGE H. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct 13, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. COBURN, CHARLES M. Corporal Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1863, for nine months ; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. 42 COBURN, JOSEPH N. Private Co. E, 3d Regiment Cavalry, mustered Jan. 4, 1864, for three years. Died 1864, Bos ton, Mass. COETHEN, ARTHUR. Corporal Co. A, 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered May 6, 1864, for three years ; discharged June 26, i86s, expiration of service. COFFIN, EPHRAIM A. Private Co. C, nth Regiment In fantry, mustered June n, 186 1, for three years. Deserte^ Aug. 9, 1861. COFFRAIN, HENRY P. Private Co. I, ist Regiment Cav alry, mustered Dec. s, 1863, for three years, discharged June 29, i86s, expiration of service. COHEN, LEOPOLD. General service U. S. A., mustered March 17, 1864. COITEUX, JOSEPH. Private Co. K, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 16, 1862, for nine months; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. COLBURN, GEORGE. Unassigned recruit 28th Regiment In fantry, mustered March 21, 1864, for three years; dis charged April IS, 1864, disability. COLBY, EUGENE D. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; appointed Corporal Sept. i, 1864; discharged June 9, i86s, expira tion of service. COLBY, OSCAR F. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years; discharged June 16, 186s, expiration of service. 43 COLE, CHARLES A. Private Co. C, 4Sth Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept 26, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 7, 1863, expiration of service; mustered Corporal 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service ; mustered Jan. s, i86s, on quota of Lee, Mass., for one year. Sergeant Co. D, ist Battalion Frontier Cavalry; discharged June 30, 186s, expiration of service. eOLE, DAVID. Private Co. A, 17th Regiment Infantry, mus tered Jan. s, 1864, for three years ; discharged June 26, 186s, expiration of service. COLE, GEORGE W., Jr. Private Co. C, 4Sth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 26, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged July 7, 1863, expiration of service. COLE, HERBERT S. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years. Wounded at Olustee, Fla., Feb. 20, 1864; appointed Corporal Jan. I, i86s ; discharged June 16, i86s, expiration of service. COLE, SOLOMON A. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. COLEMAN, JOHN. Private Co. K, 2d liegiment Cavalry, mustered May 2s, 1864, for three years; discharged July 12, i86s, expiration of service. COLEMAN, JOSEPH. Corporal Co. C, 3d Regiment Cav alry, mustered Dec. 7, 1863, for three years ; discharged Sept. 28, 1865, expiration of service. 44 COLEMAN, WILLIAM. Private Co. G, 4th Regiment Cav airy, mustered June 10, 1864, for three years ; discharged Nov. 14, i86s, expiration of service. COLESWORTHY, CHARLES J. Private Co. H, 43d Regi ment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. COLESWORTHY, D. C. Jr. 2d Lieutenant Co. H, 43d Regi ment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. COLESWORTHY, GEORGE E. Corporal Co. H, 43d Regi ment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. Mustered Corporal 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of ser vice. COLLIER, GEORGE G. Private Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged March 13, 1863, for disability. COLLINS, FREDERICK. Corporal Co. M, 3d Regiment Hea-yy Artillery, mustered Aug. 23, 1864, for three years ; discharged June 17, 1865, expiration of service. COLLINS, JOSEPH. Unassigned recruit, 2d Regiment Cav alry, mustered May 6, 186s, for three years. COLLINS, MICHAEL. Private Co. K, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered May 12, 1864, for three years. De serted July 6, 1864. 45 COLWELL, PATRICK. Private Co. F, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered April S; 1864, for three years ; dis charged Sept. 18, 1865, expiration of service. COMPTON, JOSEPH. Private Co. H, 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered June 11, 1864, for three years. Deserted June II, 1865. . CONANT, WALTER S. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; appointed Corporal Feb. 7, 1863; appointed Sergeant 1864; com missioned 2d Lieut, Nov. 29, 1864. Wounded near Pe tersburg, Va., March 31, i86s ; discharged June 9, 1865, expiration of service. CONHAM, WILLIAM O. Corporal Co. F, 2d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered Oct. 6, 1863, for three years. Died Nov. 13, 1864. COUILLARD, ELIJAH. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years, appointed Corporal ; transferred to V. R. C, Jan. 16, 1864 ; dis charged April 16, 1864. CONLEY, JOHN. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered April 12, 1864, for three years. CONLON, JOHN. General service U. S. A. mustered March 17, 1864. CONN, JOSEPH. Private V. R. C, mustered July 22, 1864. CONNORS, JAMES. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Cav alry, mustered Aug. 27, 1864, for three years. CONNORS, JOHN. Private' Co. A, 26th Regiment Infantry, mustered May 11, 1864, for three years ; discharged Aug. 26, 1865, expiration of service. 46 CONNORS, MARTIN. Private Co. M, 4th. Regiment Cav alry, mustered March i, 1864, for three years ; discharged Nov. 14, 1865, expiration of service. CONWAY, MICHAEL. Private Co. K, 37th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 2, 1862, for three years ; died of wounds May s, 1863, at Falmouth, Va. COOK, CHARLES E. Private Co. F, 44th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 12, 1862, for nine months, discharged June 18, 1863, expiration of service. COOK, GEORGE. Private Co. H, 42d Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct 1, 1862, for nine months, deserted Oct 1, 1862, at Readville, Mass. COOK, JOHN F. Private Co. F, 44th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 12, 1862, for nine months, discharged June 18, 1863, expiration of service. COOK, JOSEPH S. 2d Lieutenant 23d Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct 8, 1861; commissioned revoked Nov. 8, 1861. COOTS, CHARLES. Private Co. K, 4th Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered Aug.- 18, 1864, for one year; dis charged June 17, i86s, expiration of service. COOTS, HENRY R. Private Co. F, 12th Regiment Infantry, mustered Julys, 1861, for three years; discharged July 1862. COPELAND, ALBERT E. Private 4th Co. Unattached In fantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. 47 GORCUM, LEVI F. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years ; discharged June 20, 1865, order War Department CORDIER, LOUIS. Private Co. I, 28th Regiment Infantry, mustered April 12, 1864, for three years; discharged June 30, i86s, expiration of service. COREY, THOMAS S. Corporal 4th Co. Unattached Infan try, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. CORNELL, JOHN O. Private Co. F, 4th Regiment Cavalry, mustered Jan. 27, 1864, for three years ; discharged Nov. 14, 186s, expiration of service. CORNETT, JAMES H. Private Co. H, 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered May 6, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 14, i86s, expiration of service. COSSETT, GEORGE F. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years. Killed Aug. 19, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. COTTER, WILLIAM. Private Co. E, 19th Regiment Infan try, mustered Dec. 21, 1864, for three years; discharged June 30, 186s, expiration of service. COUCH, STILES. Private V. R. C, mustered June 20, 1864. COX, FRANCIS. Private Co. E, s6th Regiment Infantry, mustered Jan. 12, 1864, for three years, discharged July 12, 1865, expiration of service. Absent, sick. COYLE, JOHN. Private Co. H, 48th Regiment Infantry, mus tered Sept. 2S, 1862, for nine months; deserted Oct. 1, 1862. 48 COYNE, MICHAEL. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years, discharged June 16, 186s, expiration of service. CRANDON, SANFORD. ist Sergeant Co. H, 38th Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 20, 1862, for three years ; com missioned Oct. 26, 1864, ist Lieutenant, discharged June 20, 186s, expiration of service. CROCKETT, SAMUEL J. Corporal 4th Co. Unattached In fantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days, discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. CROMBIE, WALTER M. Corporal 29th Co. Unattached Heavy Artillery, mustered Aug. 20, 1864, for one year, discharged June 16, 1865, expiration of service. t , CROOKER, ALFRED. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regt Infantry; mustered August 19, 1862, for three years, wounded at Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 1863, discharged June 9, 1865, expiration of service. CROOKER, HENRY M. Private Co. G, 40th Regt. Infantry, mustered Sept s, 1862 for three years, transferred Jan. i, i86s, to V. R. C. ; discharged July 7, 186s, expiration of service. CROSS, HENRY. Private Co. H, soth Regt. Infantry, mus tered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. CROWELL, PHILANDER. Private Co. H, 1st Regt. Infan try, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years, wounded at Blackburn's Ford, Va., July 18, 1861, died same day. 49 CROWELL, THATCHER. Private 4th Co. Unattached Inf., mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days, discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. CROWLEY, DANIEL. Private Co. C, 28th Regt. Infantry, mustered March 18, 1864, for three years ; discharged June 30, 1865, expiration of service, CUDWORTH, FRANK A- Private Co. H, nth Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct 17, 1861, for three years. Wound ed near Manassas, Va,, Aug, 29, 1862 ; died Oct 23, 1862, Fairfax, Va, CUDWORTH, JOHN F. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infan try, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years. Wounded at White Oak Swamp, Va., June 30, 1862 ; discharged Jan. 3, 1864, to re-enlist ; mustered Jan, 4, 1864, for three years. May 20, 1864, transferred to nth Regiment In fantry, assigned to Co. A ; wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864; transferred," Oct n, 1864, to Co. F, 10th Battalion V, R, C, ; discharged May 31, 1866, expiration of service, CUDWORTH, RILEY F. Private 2d Co, Unattached Infan try, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service ; re-enlisted same .Com pany, Aug, 7, 1864, for IOO days; discharged Nov. 15, 1864, expiration of service, CUMMINGS, HENRY, Private Co. C, 35th Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; appointed Corporal Sept i, 1864 ; discharged June 9, 186s, expira tion of service. 50 CUMMINGS, HORATIO N. Corporal Co. F, 24th Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct. 14, 1861, for three years ; dis charged Oct. 14, 1864, expiration of service. CUMMINGS, THOMAS. Private Co. B, 3d Regiment Cav alry, mustered March 17, 1864, for three years; dis charged Sept. 28, i86s, expiration of service. CUMMINGS, WILLIAM R. S. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regi ment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; transferred July 16, 1864, to V. R. C. ; discharged June 28, i86s, expiration of service. CUNIGAN, THOMAS. Unassigned recruit 26th Regiment Infantry, mustered May 24, 1864, for three years. CUNNINGHAM, JOHN. Private Co. H, 4th Regiment Cav alry, mustered Feb. 8, 1864, for three years ; discharged Nov. 14, 186s, expiration of service. CURRAN, JOHN. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered Aug. 6, 1864, for three years. CURLEIGH, WILLIAM. Private Co. E, 33rd Regiment In fantry, mustered Dec. 20, 1864,' for three years ; trans; ferred June i, 186s, to 2d Regiment Infantry Co. D. ; dis charged July 14, i86s, expiration of service. CURRIER, CHARLES A. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept s, 1862 ; appointed 1st Sergeant Sept 16, 1862 ; commissioned 2d Lieut Co. H, Sept 1, 1863 ; -commissioned 1st Lieut, March 26, 1864; wound ed at the mine near Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864 ; com missioned Capt, Jan. s, 186s ; assigned Co. G, May i, 1865 ; discharged June 16, 1865. 51 CURRIER, LEWIS G. Private Co. E, 30th Regiment Infan try, mustered Dec. 20, 1861, for three years ; discharged Dec. 8, 1862, for disability. Mustered private Co. F. 3d Regiment Hea-vy Artillery, April 16, 1864, for three years; discharged Sept. 18, i86s, expiration of service. CURTIS, JOHN. General service U. S. A., mustered March 17, 1864. CUSHING, HENRY. Private Co. I, 47th Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct. 24, 1862, for nine inonths ; discharged Sept. I, 1863, expiration of service. CUSHING, HOSEA G. Jr. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; dis charged Feb. 16, 1863, for disability. Mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days, private 4th Co. Unattached Infan try; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. CUTTING, FREDERICK L. Corporal Co. G, 40th Regi ment Infantry, mustered Sept s, 1862, for three years ; discharged June 16, i86s, expiration of service. 52 DADE, DAVID B. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 26, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. DAILEY, THOMAS. Private Co. G, 2d Regiment Heavy Ar tillery, mustered July 23, 1864, for three years ; transfer red Jan. 17, 1 86s, to Co. C, 17th Regiment Infantry; dis charged July,n, i86s, expiration of service. DALPE, JEAN B. Unassigned recruit 20th Regiment Infan try, mustered April 12, 1864, for three years. DAM, BENJAMIN ,F. Private Co. B, 24th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 20, 1861, for three years ; discharged Jan. 2, 1862, for disability. Dro-wned Nov. 1862. DAM, CHARLES E. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment infan try, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years. Wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept 17, 1862 ; died of wound Dec. 27, 1862, at Chelsea. DAMMERALL, WILLIAM H. H. Private Co. H, 2d Regi ment Infantry, mustered May 2s, 1861, for three years ; prisoner at Fairfax Court House, Va., Aug. 1862 ; paroled and exchanged Dec. 19, 1862. Wounded at Chancellors ville, Va., May 4, 1863 ; discharged to re-enlist Dec. 30, 1864 ; mustered same day for three years ; appointed Corporal Jan. 1864; discharged July 14, 1865, expiration of service. DANIELS, JAMES. Private Co. M, 4th Regiment Cavalry, ,iTmstered March 1, 1864, for three years ; discharged Nov. 14, 1 86s, expiration of service. 53 DANIELS, WILLIAM B. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years ; discharged June 16, 186s, order of War Department. Died at Chel sea, April 17, 1869. DANIELS, WILLIAM P. 2d Lieutenant Co. H, soth Regi ment Infantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. ]9ANN, JOHN W. Unassigned recruit 28th Regiment Infan try, mustered May 13, 1864, for three years. DANTE, EARNEST. Unassigned recruit 28th Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug. 22, 1864, for three years. DAVIDSON, ROBERT C. Corporal Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three yeais ; ap pointed Sergeant, Feb. 7, 1863. Wounded July 30, 1864; died at City Point, Va., Aug. 19, 1864, from wound. DAVIDSON, THOMAS W. General service U. S. A., mus tered March 17, 1864. DAVIS EDWARD J. Private Co. L, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered May 10, 1864, for three years. Deserted Oct. 31, 1864. DAVIS, GEORGE. Private 6th Light Battery, mustered Dec. 24, 1864, for three years. Deserted Feb. 21, 1865. DAVIS, JOHN. Private Co. A, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mus- terd Aug. 9, 1862, for three years ; tranferred Jan. 5, 1864, to V. R. C. DAVIS, JOHN. Private Co. H, 42d Regiment Infantry, mus tered Sept 24, 1862, for nine moilths; discharged Aug. 20, 1863, expiration of service. 54 DAVIS, LEWELLYN F. Private Co. B, ist Regiment Infan try, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years. Deserted May 28, 1861. DAVIS, NATHANIEL T. Private Co. H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; dis charged May 24, 1864, expiration of service ; appointed Pay-master's clerk U. S. Navy, May 1864. t DAVIS, WILLIAM. Unassigned recruit 3d Regiment Cav alry, mustered March 17, 1864, for three years. Deserted May 1864. DAY, ALBERT J. Private 8th Light Battery, mustered May 30, 1862, for six months, on .quota of Boston; discharged Nov. 29, 1862, expiration of service. Mustered private Co. I, ist Regiment Cavalry, Dec. 5, 1863, for three years on Chelsea quota ; discharged June 29, 1865, expiration of service. DAY, JOHN. Unassigned recruit 26th Regiment Infantry, mustered May 24, 1864, for three years. " DAY, JOHN H. Private Co. B, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mus tered May 10, 1864, for three years; transferred June 9, i86s, to 29th Regiment Infantry. Dropped as deserter. DAY, JOHN W. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mus tered May 23, 1861, for three years ; discharged Aug. 29, 1861, at Bladensburg, Va., disability. Re-enlisted in R. I. Cavalry, Nov. 30, 1861 ; taken prisoner June i, 1863; released Sept 1863 ; re-enlisted Jan. 4, 1864, for three years ; commissioned 2d Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, April IS, 1864. 55 DEAN, CHARLES. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. DEARBORN, CHARLES H. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years ; dis charged April 2, 1863, disability. DEARBORN, CHARLES L. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. s, 1862, for three years. Died Jan. 27, 1864, at Hilton Head, S. C, chronic diarrhoea. DEARBORN, GEORGE A. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; dis charged June 9, i86s, expiration of service. DeLACY, peter. Unassigned recruit '2d Regiment Infan try, mustered Oct. 16, 1864, for three years. DELACONE, THOMAS. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 12, 1864, for three years. DELANO, MARCUS. Private Co. C, ist battalion Heavy Ar tillery, mustered Nov, 2s, 1863, for three years ; dis charged June 2S, 1865, expiration of service. DELANO, WILLIAM C. Private nth Light Battery; mus tered Jan. 2, 1864, for three years ; discharged June 16, i86s, expiration of service. DELILE, JEAN. Private 7th Light Battery, mustered Dec. 4, 1864, for three years; discharged Nov. 10, 1865, expira tion of service. DEMMING, PATRICK. Private V. R. C, mustered June 23, 1864. 56 DEMPSEY, JEREMIAH. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years. Died Aug. 24, 1863. . DEMPSEY, PATRICK. Private Co. H, SPth Regiment Infan try, mustered Septl 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. DENHAM, ROBERT H. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; dis charged Jan. 16, 1863, disability. Djed at Chelsea, Jan. n, 1865. DERBY, WILLIAM H. Corporal Co. A, 44th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 12, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged June" IS, 1863, expiration of service. DESSAWER, JOHN. Corporal Co. B, 3d Regiment Cavalry, mustered March 16, 1864, for three years; discharged April 17, 1865, disability. DEVINE, JOHN.* Unassigned recruit 2nd Regiment Infantry, mustered May 18, 1864, for three years. DEVLIN, JOHN. Unassigned recruit 1st Regiment Cavaliy, mustered Dec. 29, 1863, for three years; rejected Jan. s, 1864. DILLA WAY, WILLIAM H. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct. n, 1862, for nine months; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. DINSMORE, SANDFORD. Engineer Corps U. S. A., mus tered Dec. 21, 1864. 57 DINSMORE, WILLIAM J. Private Co. H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years. Wounded at Manassas, Va., Aug. 29, 1862 ; died in ambulance near Centreville, Va., Sept. 3, 1862. DIXON, HORATIO. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. DOANE, WALTER W. Musician 4th Co. Unattached Infan try, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. , DODGE, BENJAMIN F. Corporal Co. G, 40th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 5, 1862, for three years ; appointed Sergeant, Sept. 16, 1862 ; transferred to Co. B, 9th Regi ment V. R. C, Oct 15, 1863 ;, appointed Quarter-master's Sergeant, March 4, 1864; discharged Sept 5, 1865; ex piration of service. DODGE, JAMES A. Quarter-master's Sergeant, Co. G, 4th Regiment Cavalry, mustered Jan. 27, 1864, for three years ; discharged Nov. 14, 1865, expiration of service. DOHERTY, CORNELIUS. Private Co. I, 56th Regiment In fantry, mustered Feb. 4, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 12, 1865 ; absent, sick. DOHERTY, JOHN. Private Co. I, 2d Recent Infantry, mus tered July 23, , 1864, for three years. Deserted Aug. i, 1864, at Atlanta, Ga. DOHM, WILLIAM. Private Co. E, 19th Regiment Infantry, mustered Dec. 21, 1864, for three years; discharged June 28, 1865, order of War Department. 58 DONAGHY, JAMES. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years. Wounded at Drury's Bluff, Va., May 16, 1864; discharged March 31, 1865, disability from wound. DONAHUE, EDWARD. Private Co. F, 5 6th Regiment In fantry, mustered Jan. 12, 1864, for three years. Deserted March 10 1864. DOLAN, JAMES. Private Co. F, 56 Regimfent Infantry, mus tered Jan. 12, 1864, for three years. Deserted Jan. 25, 1864. DOLE, CHARLES F. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. DONKLE, SAMUEL. Private V. R. C, mustered June 7, 1864. * DONNELL, JOHN. Private 6th Light Battery, mustered Dec. 22, 1864, for three years. Deserted Jan. 28, 1865. DONNELL, JOHN A. Private Co. G, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered May n, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 20, 1865, expiration of service. DOUGLASS, COURTLAND H. Private Co. A, 30th Regi ment Infantry, on quota of Boston; discharged Jan. i, 1864, to re-enlist. Re-enlisted and mustered on quota of Chelsea, Jan. 2, 1864, as. ist Sergeant; appointed Hos pital Steward, June i, 1865 ; commissioned 2d Lieut., Jan. 25, 1866; discharged July s, 1866, expiration of - service. 59 DOUGLASS, EUGENE F. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infan try, mustered May 3, 1864, for 90 days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. • . DOW, JOSEPH E. Private .2d Light Battery, mustered July 31, 1861, for three years ; discharged Oct 18, 1862, for disability. DOWNING, WASHINGTON J. Private 13th Light Battery, mustered Dec. 23, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 28, 186s, expiration'of service. DOYLE, EDWARD. Private Co. I, 48th Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct. 18, 1862, for nine months. Deserted Dec. 4, 1862, at Readville, Mass. DOYLE, PATRICK. Private Co. A. 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 9, 1862, for three years. Wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; wounded near Peters burg, Va., Aug. 11, 1864; discharged June 9, 186s, expi ration of service ; absent, sick. DOYLE, WILLIAM. Unassigned recruit 9th Regiment Infan try, mustered May n, 1864, for three years; discharged May 12, 1864, rejected recruit. DRAWBRIDGE, THOMAS N. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; dis charged at Budd's Ferry, Md., March is, 1862, for dis ability. 6o DREW, JOHN, ist Sergeant Co. C, ist Regiment Cavalry, mustered Sept. 17, 1861, for three years on quota of Bos ton ; discharged Dec. 31, 1863, to re-enlist. Mustered on Chelsea's quota Jan. i, 1864, for three years ; commis sioned 2d Lieut. Feb. 2, i864;*commissioned Capt, Sept. 2, 1864 ; discharged June 26, 1865, expiration of service. DREW, STEPHEN C. 2nd Lieutenant i8th Regiment Infan try, mustered Dec. i, 1862, for three years ; promoted ist Lieut., May 3, 1863 ; discharged Sept. 2, 1864, expiration of service. DRISCOLL, JOHN. Private Co^ E, 24th Regiment Infantry, mustered March 19, 1864, for three years; discharged Jan. 20, 1866, expiration of service. DRUMMOND, WILLIAM A. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days; dis charged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. DRURY, WILLIAM P. Corporal Co. H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered May 23, r86i, for three years ; appointed Sergt, Oct I, 1861 ; discharged for promotion. Sept 8, 1862 ; commissioned 2d Lieut., assigned to Co. A, Jan. I, 1863. Wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863 ; pro moted ist Lieut, Sept 22, 1865; discharged May 2S, 1864, expiration of service. Sept. 22, 1864, mustered for pne year; Captain 6 ist Regiment Infantry; discharged April 28, 1865, for disability. DROWN, THEODORE B. Private 4th Co. Unattached In fantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. 6i DUBOIS, RICHARD C. General service U. S. A., mustered March 26, 1864 ; discharged Oct. 9, i86s, to accept 2d Lieut. 14th Regiment U. S. Infantry. DUCKRELL, WILLIAM J. Private Co. E, sth Regiment In fantry, mustered May i, 1861, for three months, on quota of Medford; discharged July 31, 1861, expiration of ser vice. Mustered private Co. E, 40th Regiment Infantry, Sept. 16, 1862, for three years ; not credited to any quota ; discharged Dec. is, 1864, order of War Department. Mustered Dec. s, 1864, on quota of Chelsea, for one year, 2d Lieut. 6ist Regiment Infantry; discharged July 16,^ i86s, expiration of service. DUFRAINE, NAPOLEON. Private Co. G, 4th Regiment Cavalry, mustered Jan. 27, 1864, for three years ; dis charged Nov. 14, 1865, expiration of service. DUGAL, THOMAS. Unassigned recruit 28th Regiment In fantry, mustered May 11, 1864, for three years. DUMAS, EARNEST. Private Co. M, 4th Regiment Cavalry, mustered Dec. 21, 1864, for three years. Deserted April 4, 1865, DUNDASS, JAMES. Private Co. F, nth Regiment Infantry, mustered June 13, 1861, for three years. Wounded at Gettysburg, Pa.,. July 3, 1863; discharged Feb. 2, 1864, disability from wound. Died at Chelsea, Aug. 15, 1880. DUNDASS, JOHN. Private i8th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered Aug. 4, 1864, for 100 days; discharged Nov. 14, 1864, expiration of service. DUNN, CALEB. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered May 24, 1864, for three years. 62 DUNN, JAMES. Private 13th Light Battery, mustered Nov. 29, 1862, for three years. Deserted Jan. 6, 1863. DUNN, JOHN V. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantiy, mustered Sept s, 1862, for three years ; discharged May 25, i86s, order of War Department. DUNNING, JOHN A. Corporal Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. DUPEE, ALBERT E. Private Co. C, 12th Regiment Infan try, mustered June 26, 1861, for three years ; taken pris oner March 2S, 1862 ; discharged May 22, 1862. Mus tered Corporal Co. E, 4Sth Regiment Infantry, Sept 20, 1862, for nine months on quota of Wrentham ; discharged July 7th, 1863, expiration of service. DUREN, FREEMAN H. Private Co. B, 13th Regiment In fantry, mustered July 16, 1861, for three years ; appointed Corporal, Sept. i, i86a; appointed Sergeant, May i, 1863 ; discharged Aug. i, 1864, expiration of service. DURFEE, WILLIAM. Private Co. F, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered Aug. 10, 1864, for three years; discharged July 20, i86s, expiration of service. DURGIN, AUGUSTUS. Private Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 19, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged March 9, 1863, for disability. 63 EARLE, GEORGE W. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years. Wounded at Drur>''s Bluff, Va., May 16, 1864, died at Hampton, Va., May 19, 1864. EASTER^ROOK, KIMBALL Jr. Private Co. G, 40th Reg iment Infantry, mustered Sept. s, 1862, for three years ; appointed Quarter-master's Sergeant, Oct. 21, 1863 ; dis charged Dec. 28, 1864, for promotion ; commissioned 1st Lieut., Nov. 16, 1864 ; discharged June 16, 186s, expira tion of service. EASTMAN, CHARLES F. Corporal Co. H, 19th Regiment Infantry, mustered Dec. 10, 1861, for three years; dis charged July 20, 1862, for disability. EDGECOMB, JOSEPH W. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Feb. 4, 1863, for disability. EDGERLY, HIRAM O. Private Co. D, 4th Regiment Cav alry, mustered Jan. 9, 1864, for three years ; appointed Sergeant, May 1, 1864; discharged Aug. 12, i86s, for promotion 2d Lieut. U. S. C. Troops. EDMUNDS JOHN Jr.' ist Sergeant Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 20, 1862, for nine months; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiratiori of service. EDWARDS, EDWARD E. Private Co. A, 1st Regiment Cav alry, mustered Sept. 17, 1861, for three years ; discharged , Oct 24, 1861, rejected recruit Mustered Sept 2, 1862, for three years, private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry ; discharged June 16, i86s, expiration of service. 64 EDWARDS, GEORGE W. Private Co. K, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered May 12, 1864, for three years ; discharged Sept. 18, 1865, expiration of service. EDWARDS, JOHN C. Private isth Light Battery, mustered Jan. 27, 1864, for three years; discharged Julys, 1864, disability. EHRENSTAN, MAX. Private Co. E, 43d Regunent Infantry, mustered Oct. i, 1862, for nine months ; discharged June 2, 1863 ; re-enlisted 2d Regiment Heavy Artillery, com missioned 2d Lieut. 2d Regiment Corps D'Afrique, Dec. 18, 1863. ELDRIDGE, ELLERY W. Private 2d Light Battery, mus tered July 31, 1861, for three years ; discharged Aug. 16, 1864, expiration of service ; Hospital Steward U. S. A., Sept 1864. ELDRIDGE, HORACE P. Sergeant Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 26, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. ELFORD, WILLIAM R. Private Co. I, 26th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 24, 1861, for three years ; trans ferred April 6, 1864, to Co. H, 3d Regiment V. R. C. ; discharged Oct. 17, 1864, expiration of service. ELLERY, ALPHONSO. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 12, 1862, for three years; dis charged June 16, 1865, expiration of service. ELWELL, JOHN B. General service U. S. A., mustered March 19, 1864. 65 EMERSON, GEORGE H. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. EMERSON, JOSEPH H. Unassigned recniit 3d Regiment Cavalry, mustered Aug. 18, 1864, for three years. EMERSON, STEPHEN G. Private Co. H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered July 31, 1862, for three years. Killed May 3, 1863, at Chancellorsville, Va. ENOS, JAMES. Private Co. A, 28th Regiment Infantry, mus tered March 12, 1864, for three years. Deserted April 13, 1864. EVANS, FRANK S. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. EVANS, JAMES F. Hospital Steward U. S. A., mustered Jan. IS, 1864. EVANS, JOEL W. P. Private Co. F, 17th Regiment Infan try, mustered Jan. 31, 1862, for three years; discharged Jan. 30, 1865, expiration of service. EVANS, THOMAS H. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 20, 1863, expiration of service. EVERDEAN, CHARLES S. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered May, 23, 1861, for three years ; wound ed near Manassas, Va., Aug. 29, 1862 ; discharged Nov. S, 1862, disability from wound. Appointed Master's Mate, Navy, Aug. 20, 1863 ; discharged May 31, 1868. 66 EVERDEAN, GEORGE W. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; wound ed at Antietam, Md., Sept 17, 1862 ; discharged Jan. 5, 1863, disability from wound. EVERDEAN, JOSEPH B. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 5, 1862, for three years ; discharged June 16, 1865, expiration of service. EVERDEAN, WILBUR F. Private Co. H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; discharged Feb. 25, 1863, for disability, at Falmouth, Va. 67 FARGO, HENRY C. Private Co. A, 12th Regiment Infantry, mustered June 26, 1861, for three years ; discharged July 8, 1864, expiration of service. FARLEY, HENRY B. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years. Wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept 17, 1862 ; discharged Nov. 2, 1863, to enlist in general service of U. S. A. ; discharged 1864. Died Oct. 29, 1876, Taunton, Mass. FARLEY, PATRICK. Private Co. B, 9th Regiment Infantry, mustered June 11, 1861, for three years ; discharged June 15, 1863, for disability. FARMER, CHARLES. Private Co. E, 9th Regiment Infan try, mustered June n, 1861, for three years; appointed Sergeant, Oct 29, 1862 ; discharged June 21, 1864, expi ration of service ; re-enlisted on quota of Somerville, in Marine Corps, Aug. 17, 1864. FARMER, CHARLES E. Private 6th Light Battery, mustered Jan. 16, 1862, for three years; discharged , Jan. s, 1864, to re-enlist. Mustered Jan. 6, 1864, for three years ; dis charged Feb. 6, 1865, expiration of setvice. Killed in Boston, Feb. 21, 1865. FARMER, EDWARD. Private Co. F, 28th Regiment Infan try, mustered Jan. 2, 1862, for three years ; discharged Jan. I, 1864, to re-enlist. Mustered Jan. 2, 1864, for three years. Deserted March 30, 1864. FARMER, JOHN. Private V. R. C, mustered May 28, 1864. FARMER, OWEN. Private 6th Light Battery, mustered Dec. II, 1861, for three years. Died Julys, ^863, at Baton Rouge, La. 68 FARNSWORTH, ANDREW J. Private Co. K, 12th Regi ment Infantry, mustered June 26, 1861, for three years. Wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept 17, 1862 ; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862 ; discharged Sept 21, 1863, disability from wounds. FELLOWS, CHARLES O. Private Co. H, ist Regiment In^ fantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years; dis charged Jan. 17, 1862. Commissioned Dec. 13, 1861, 2d Lieut Co. D, 17th Regiment Inf antry ; commissioned ist Lieut. Co. A, 17th Regiment Infantry, Aug. 13, 1862 ; commisioned Capt. Co. F, 17th Regiment, Aug. 4, 1864; discharged July 11, 186s, expiration of service. FELLOWS, JOHN F. Lieut.-Col. 17th Regiment Infantry; mustered Aug. 21, 1861 ; taken prisoner near Newbern, N. C, Feb. I, 1864 ; discharged Aug. 3, 1864 ; commis sioned Colonel, Oct. 9, 1864 ; not mustered. FENNO, CHARLES F. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infan try, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. FERRIS, JOB F. Private Co. K, 43d Regiment Infantry ; mustered Sept. 16, 1862, for nine months; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. FICKETT, ALBERT A. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infan try, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. FIELD, EDWIN. Private Co. B, 13th Regiment Infantry; mustered July 16, 1861, for three years. Killed at Get tysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. FIELD, FREDERICK A. Private Co. A, 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Oct. n, 1862, for nine months; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. 69 FIELD, WARREN S. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years ; discharged June 16, 1865, expiration of service. FIFIELD, CALVIN S. Sergeant i6th Co. Unattached Infan try, mustered Aug. 6, 1864, for 100 days; discharged Nov. 14, 1864, expiration of service. FINN, JOHN. Private 12th Light Battery, mustered Dec. 9, 1862, for three years ; discharged July 25, 1865, expira tion of service. FISCHER, WILLIAM. Private Co. A, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered April 16, 1864, for three years. Deserted May 9, 1864. FISHER, CHARLES R. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. FITZPATRICK, DAVID. Private Co. E, 24th Regiment In fantry, mustered Dec. s, 1861, for three years. Wounded at Goldsborough, N. C, Dec. 1862 ; discharged Jan. 3, 1864, to re-enlist; mustered Jan. 4, 1864, for three years; discharged Jan. 20, 1866, expiration of service. FITZSIMMONS, JOHN. Private Co. H, 42d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 24, 1862, for nine months. De serted Sept 25, 1862, at Readville, Mass. FLANAGAN, THOMAS. Private Co. G, 3d Regiment Cav alry, mustered Jan. 14, 1864, for three years; absent without leave since June 1865. FLANIGAN, JOHN. Private Co. H, 42d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 24, 1862, for nine months. Deserted Sept 30, 1862, at Readville, Mass. 70 FLEMMING, JAMES. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment In fantry, mustered July 22, 1864, for three years. FLETCHER, JOHN W. 2d Lieutenant Co. K, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 16, 1862, for nine months; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. Commis sioned Capt., July 14, 1863, 2d Regiment, Wilde's African Brigade ; resigned May 14, 1864. FLYNN, CHARLES. Private V. R. C, mustered Sept. 7, 1864 ; discharged Nov. 30, i86s, order of War Department FLYNN, PATRICK. Private Co. H, s6th Regiment Infantry, mustered Jan. 27, 1864, for three years ; taken prisoner. Died July 24, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga. FOLEY, JAMES. Private Co. D, 2d Regiinent Infantry, mus tered July 23, 1864, for three years ; died June 2-4, 1865, Washington, D.C. FOLEY, MICHAEL. Private 12th Light Battery, mustered Jan. IS, 1864, for three years; discharged July 25, 1865, expiration of service. FOLSOM, JOHN A. Private 9th Light Battery, mustered Aug. 10, 1862, for three years ; discharged June 20, 1863, for disability. FOLSOM, WILLIAM J. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. Mustered private 4th Co. Unattched Infantry, May 3, 1864, for ninety days; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. FORD, JOSEPH. Unassigned Recruit 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 18, 1864, for three years. " FORD, MICHAEL. Private Co. F, 28th Rbgiment Infantry, mustered Dec. 13, 1861, for three years; deserted Sept 8, 1862. 71 FORMAN, GEORGE. Private Co. I, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered Aug. 9, 1864, for three years; discharged July 20, 1865, expiration of service. FORREST, HENRY. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantiy, mustered Sept 20, 1862, for nine months ; deserted Sept. 29, 1862, Readville, Mass. FORSAITH, JAMES L. Corporal Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. FOSTER, HENRY A. General Service U. S. A.; mustered April 20, 1864. FOSTER, PETER. Private Co. D, 17th Regiment Infantry, mustered Jan. 27, 1862, for three years ; deserted Feb. 1862. FOWLER, STEPHEN D. Private Co. E, sth Regiment In fantry, mustered May i, 1861, for three months; dis charged July 31, 1861, expiration of service. Mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years, ist Sergeant Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry ; discharged June 9, 1865, expiration of service. FRACKER, JOHN W. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept 20, 1862, for nine months; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. FRANCIS, JOSEPH H. Private V. R. C, mustered June 20, 1864. FRANKLIN, THOMAS. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered May 13, 1864, for three years. FRANELLO, ANGELLO. Private Co. I, 2d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered Dec. 11, 1863, for three years; dis charged Sept. 3, 1865, expiration of service. 72 FRAWLEY, THOMAS. Private Co. K, 3d Regiment Heavy • Artillery, mustered May 12, 1864, for three years; dis charged Sept 18, 186s, expiration of service. FRAZIER, HUGH. Private Co. H, 48th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 25, 1862, for nine months; discharged Sept. 3, 1863, expiration of service. FREELAND, ROBERT. Private V. R. C, mustered June 20, 1864. FRENCH, JAMES. Private Co. H, 20th Regiment Infantry, mustered April 12, 1864, for three years; discharged July 16, i86s, expiration of service. FREY, JAMES. Private Co. G, 2d Regiment Infantry, mus tered June 13, 1864, for three years : discharged July 5, 1865, for disability. ' FROST, CHARLES H. Private Co. C, 2d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered Oct 8, 1863, for three years; dis charged Sept. 3, i86s, expiration of service. FROST, JONATHAN J. Corporal Co. H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered May 21, 1861, for three years; dis charged Oct. 16, 1862, at Chelsea, for disability. FUHRMANN, GEORGE. Private Co. G, 2d Regiment In fantry, mustered May 17, 1864, for three years; dis charged July 14, i86s, expiration of service. FULLER, CHARLES E. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infan try, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1865, expiration of service. FULLER, HARRISON. Private Co. I. ist Regiment Infan try, mustered Dec. 4, 1861, for three years ; discharged May 2S, 1864, expiration of service. 73 GAFFNEY, EDWARD E. Corporal Co. L, 2d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered Dec. 25, 1863, for three years ; dis charged Aug. 19, 186s, expiration of service. GAGE, EDWARD M. Musician 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. GALLAGHER, CHARLES W. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry; mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days; dis charged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. GALLAGHER, DANIEL. Private Co. E, 28th Regiment In fantry, mustered March 24, 1864, for three years ; dis charged June 30, 1 86s, expiration of service. GALLAGHER, JAMES E. Private Cp, L, 3d Regiment Cav alry, mustered Nov. 19, 1861, for three years; discharged Dec. 27, i86s, expiration of service. •« GALLAGHER, JOHN. Private V. R. C, mustered July 23, 1864. GALUSHA, FLORILLA B. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept s> 1862, for three years ; dis charged June 16, i86s, expiration of service. GARDNER, WARREN H. Private Co. I, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered May 24, 1861, for three years ; wounded near Richmond, Va., June 2s, 1862, died July s, 1862, on his passage home. GANNON, MARTIN. General Service U. S. A.', mustered April 8, 1864, for three years ; discharged April 8, 1867, expiration of service. 74 GARLAND, IRA S. Wagoner, Co, C, rst Battalion Heavy Artillery, mustered Nov. 21, 1863, for three years ; dis charged Oct 20, 1865, expiration of service, GARMAN, FELIX D. P. Private Co. D, 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered Dec. 20, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 14, 1865, expiration of service. GARVIN, JAMES A. Private Co. A, 26th Regiment Infantiy, mustered ¦ Sept 14, 1861, for three years; discharged Dec. 31, 1863, to re-enlist; mustered Jan. i, 1864, on Lowell quota; discharged Aug. 26, 1865, expiration of service, GEARY, GEORGE W, Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months; discharged July 30, X863, expiration of service. GEOGHAN, JOHN. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered May 14, 1864, for three years, GBRRISH, ISRAEL H, Corporal Co. G, 40th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. s, 1862 ; appointed Sergeant, June I, 1863; transferred May 31, 1864, to V. R. C- ; dis charged June 29, 1865, expiration of service. GERRISH, JAMES R. Sergeant Co. H, ist Regiment Infan try, niustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; discharged Oct, S) 1862, for disability. GERRISH, WILLIAM. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infan try, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years; discharged July 22, 1861, for disability. Commissioned ist Lieut. 20th Regiment U, S. C, T,, Jan, 28, 1864; resigned Aug, 1864. GIBBY, WILLIAM H. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years ; transferred to V. R. C, Feb. 20, 1864 ; discharged Dec. 6, 1864. 75 GIBBY, WILLIAM H. Jr. Private Co. C, ist Regiment Cav alry, mustered Jan. s, 1864, for three years ; discharged June 9, 186s, expiration of service. GIBLER, WILLIAM. General service U. S. A., mustered March 17, 1864. GIBSON, FREDERICK M. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years ; dis charged June 16, 1865, expiration of service. GIBSON, WILLIAM. Private Co. A, 44th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 12, 1862, for nine months. Deserted Oct 8, 1862, at Readville, Mass. GIFFORD, ALBERT D. Private Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. GILBERT, CHARLES. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infan try, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years; discharged July 22, 1861, for disability. Re-enlisted on quota of Boston, Oct 24, 1862 ; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863 ; discharged Oct 23, 1863, disability from wounds. Died in Marine Hospital, Chelsea. GILBERT, GEORGE B. Private Co. B, 2d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered July 29, 1863, for three years. Killed March 8, i86s, near Kinston, N. C. GILES, JOHN H. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. GILLISPIE, ROBERT. Private Co. C, 12th Regiment Infan try, mustered June 26, 1861, for three years; appointed Corporal, Dec. 25, r86i. Wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862 ; discharged Feb. 21, 1863, disability from wound. 76 GILLING, WILLIAM F. Private Co. H,'43d Regiment In- ' fantry, mustered Sept 20, 1862, for nine months; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. GILLINGS, GEORGE C.^ Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years; dis charged June 9, i86s, expiration of service. GILLETT, PERRIN T. Private Co. I, 22d Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 6, 186 1, for three years ; appointed Corporal, Oct. 10, 1862. Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862 ; transferred to V. R. C, July 16, 1863 ; discharged Oct. 7, 1864, expiration of service. Mustered , Corporal Co. G, 6 ist Regiment for one year, Nov. 19, 1864, on quota of Cambridge; discharged July 16, 1865, expiration of service. GILMAN, CHARLES W. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; wounded May 18, 1864. Killed near Petersburg, Va., Dec, 27, 1864. GILMAN, JAMES E. Corporal Co. A, 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered Oct n, 1862, for nine months; appointed Sergeant-Major, Nov. 3, 1862 ; discharged May 28, 1863, disability. GILMAN, LEVI. Private nth Light Battery, mustered Dec. 20, 1864, for three years. Died, May 14, 186s, at Wash ington, D. C. GILMORE, GEORGE. Private Co. G, 2d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered Aug. 16, 1864, for three years; dis- chaiged, Sept. 3, i86s, expiration of service. GIPSON, MONTGOMERY. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years. Wounded at South Mountain, Md., Sept 14, 1862 ; dis charged Nov. 28th, 1862, disability from wound. GIRAGHTY, JOHN F. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept 20, 1862, for nine months. Deserted Nov. 3, 1862, at Readville, Mass. GLAZIER, LOUIS. Private Co. G, 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered Nov, 30, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 14, 1865, expiration of service. GLEASON, MATTHEW R. Private Co. H, 48th Regiment' Infantry, mustered Sept. 2s, 1862, for nine months; dis charged Sept. 3, 1863, expiration of service. GLOVER, BENJAMIN T. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment In-' fantry, mustered Sept s, 1863, for three years. Wounded at Drury's Bluff, Va., May 16, 1864; appointed Corporal Oct 8, 1864; discharged May 24, 1865, disability from wounds. GLOVER, MORTON E. Private Co. L, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered May 30, i86s, for three years ; dis charged Sept. 18, 186s, expiration of service. GODDING, GILBERT H. Private Co. I, ist Regiment Cav alry, mustered Jan. 14, 1864, for three years. Deserted Jan. I, i86s, from Co. C. GOFF, THOMAS M. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered May 17, 1864, for three years. GOLDING, WILLIAM H. Private 4th Co. Unattached In fantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. 78 GOODING, GEORGE. Private' Co. H, 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. GOODRICH, J. HENRY. Private Co. C, 35th Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1864, for three years ; appointed Corporal Dec. i, 1864; discharged June 9, i86s, expira tion of service. GOODWIN, CLEMENT F. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. GOODRIDGE, SIDNEY S. Private Co. K, 20th Regiment Infantry, mustered July 23, 1861, for three years ; dis charged Sept. 13, 1862, for disability. GORMAN, FELIX D. D. Private Co. E, 33d Regiment In fantry, mustered Dec. 20, 1864, for three years ; transferred Jan. I, 1865, to 2d Infantry; discharged July 14, 1865. GOULD, AUGUSTUS L. 2d Lieutenant Co. H, 42d Regi ment Infantry, mustered Sept. 24, 1862, for nine months ; Acting Assistant Quarter-master Engineer's department, Jan. IS, 1862 ; discharged Aug. 20, 1863, expiration of service. Commissioned Capt. ist Regiment La. (colored,) Engineers, Sept 10, 1863. Died August 25, 1872, at Everett. GOULD, JESSE. Jr. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864. GOULDING, JOSEPH M. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years. Killed Sept 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. 79 GRADY, MICHAEL A. Unassigned recruit 3d Regiment Cavalry, mustered March 18, 1864, for three years. GRAFF, HENRY. .Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered Dec. 24, 1864, for three years. GRAHAM, JOHN. Private Co. C, 17th Regiment Infantry, mustered Feb. 10, 1862, for three years; appointed Cor poral, Sept 1862 ; discharged Feb. n, i86s, expiration of service. Died at Chelsea, Jan. 17, 1866, disease con tracted in the service. GRANT, CHARLES H. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infan try, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. Mustered Jan. 2, i86s, private Co. D, ist Battalion Front. Cavalry, for one year on quota of Dedham; discharged June 30, i86s, ex piration of service. GRANT, JAMES S. Sergeant Co. H, soth Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Feb. 2S, 1863, for disability. GRANT, JOSEPH H. Sergeant Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. GRANT, MELVILLE C. Private Co. C, sth Regiment Infan try, mustered May i, 1861, for three months; discharged July 31, 1861, expiration of service. Re-enlisted U. S. Corps Engineers private Co. C ; appointed Corporal, Dec. I, 1862; Sergeant, June 5, 1863; discharged Oct 24, 1864, expiration of service. GRAY, JOHN. Private Co, K, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered May 12, 1864, for three years. Deserted July 3, i86s. ,.8o GRAY, WILLIAM F. Private Co. G, ist .Regiment -.Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years; taken .prisoner at Williamsburg, Va., Mays, 1862 ; exchanged, discharged May 22, 1862, order of War Department. ¦ GREEN, HENRY. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept.. 29, 1862, for nine months; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. GREEN, JOHN. Sergeant Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. s, 1862, for three years ; discharged Dec. 13, 1862, for disability. GREEN, MARTIN S. Private Co. E, 26th Regiment Infan try, mustered May 12, 1864, for three years. Deserted June 30, i86s. , GREENWOOD, JAMES W. Sergeant Co. K, 29th Regiment Infantry, mustered May 22, 186?, for three years ; ap pointed ist Sergeant, Sept. 1862 ; discharged Dec. 26, 1862, for disability. GREGORY DANIEL V. 1st Sergeant Co. C, 2nd Regiment Cavalry, mustered April 16, 1864, for three years ; dis charged July 20, i86s, expiration of service. GREISSENGER, ADOLPH. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered Aug. 6, 1864, for three years. GRENENHARST, WILLIAM. Unassigned recruit 28th Reg iment Infantry, mustered April is, 1864, for three years. GRIFFIN, ALFRED S. Private nth Light Battery, mustered Jan. 2, 1862, for three years ; discharged June 16, i86s, expiration of service. GRIFFIN, JACOB E. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, fot nine months ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. 8i GRIFFIN, JOHN. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered May 17, 1864, for three years. GRIMES, MICHAEL. Private Co. E, 9th Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 22, 1862, for three years ; discharged June 21, 1864, expiration of service. GROFFAN, ALONZO. Private Co. I, 2d Regiment Hea\y Artillery, mustered Dec. 11, 1863, for three years. De serted July io, 1865. GROGAN, JAMES. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered May 17, 1864, for three years. GROSS, CYRUS. Private Co. L, 3d Regiment Heavy Artil lery, mustered May 30, 1864, for three years ; discharged Sept. 18, 1865, expiration of service. GROVER, SAMUEL H. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infan try, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. GROVER, THOMAS. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. Mustered private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. GURNEY, GEORGE B. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infan try, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. GUARED, THOMAS. Private 6th Light Battery, mustered Dec. 20, 1864, for three years; discharged Aug. 7, 186s, expiration of service. GUELPA, JOHN B. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. 82 GUILLETTE, HYACINTHA. Private Co. H, sgih Regiment Infantry, mustered March 12, 1864, for three years ; trans ferred June I, i86s, to S7th Regiment Infantry; dis charged July 30, 1865, from S7th Regiment, expiration of service ; absent, wounded. HACKET, JOHN H. Private Co. K, sth Regiment Cavalry, mustered July 22, 1864, for three years. Deserted May 13, i86s. HADLEY, ALBERT F. Private Co. K, 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered Oct 28, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1864, expiration of service. HADLEY, DANIEL. Private Co. C, 24th Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct. 9, 1861, for three years ; deserted Dec. 8, i86i. HADLEY, EDWARD F. Private Co. H, 1st Regiment In fantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years; dis charged May 2S, 1864, expiration of service. Mustered Private Co. E, 6 ist Regiment Infantiy, on Cambridge quota; discharged June 4, i86s, expiration of service. HADLOCK, ChArLES W. Wagoner Co. D, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered Aug. 4,. 1863, for three years; discharged Sept. 18, 186s, expiration of service. HAGAN, JAMES. Unassigned Recruit 19th Regiment Infan try, mustered March 21, 1864, for three years. 83 HAGGART, JAMES. Unassigned Recruit 24th Regiment In fantry, mustered July 29, 1862, for three years. HAGLAN, CHARLES. Private Co. C, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered May 6, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 20, 1865, expiration of service. HALEY, JOHN P. Sergeant Co. E, 30th Regiment Infantry, mustered Dec. 31, 1861, for three years; appointed ist Sergeant March 21, 1862 ; discharged for promotion Sept. 12, 1862, mustered 2d Lieutenant Sept 12, 1862. Killed Sept 19, 1864, at Berryville, Va. HALL, SAMUEL R. Corporal Co. H, soth Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 29,- 1862, for nine months; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. HALL, THEODORE. Private Co. L, sth Regiment Cavalry, mustered July 22, .1864, for three years; deserted May 13, 1865. HALL, WILLIAM H. General Service U. S. A., mustered March 17, 1864. HALLETT, BARNABAS. Private Co. G, 4th Regiment Cav alry, mustered Jan. 27, 1864, for three years; discharged Nov. 14, r86s, expiration of service. HALLGREEN, HENRY J. Captain Co. A, 43d Regiment .Infantry, mustered Oct n, 1862, for nine months; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. HALLGREEN, ROBERT P. Private Co. H, 1st Regiment Infantry, ipustered Sept 12, 1861, for three years; wounded at Yorktown, Va., April 26, 1862; transferred to ist Regiment, U. S. Cavalry, Dec. 10, 1862 ; appointed Corporal, 1863. 84 HALLGREEN, WILLIAM C. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 12, i86r, for three years; dis charged Sept. 22, 1862, for disability. HAMILTON, CHARLES M. Sergeant Co. A, 2 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 2, 1861, for three years; dis charged for promotion, June 28, 1862, mustered sama day, 2d Lieutenant; promoted ist Lieutenant, Sept. 26, 1862 ; dismissed Feb. 18, 1863. Served on quota of Bos ton, Private Co. K, 6th Regiment Infantry, for three months, mustered April 22, 1861 ; discharged Aug. -2, 1 86 1, expiration of service. HAMMOND, FRANK. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years ; discharged June 16, 1865, expiration of service. HAMMOND, JAMES R. Private Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. HANCOCK, THOMAS. Musician Co. B, 17th Regiment In fantry, mustered Feb. 15, 1864, for three years ; dis charged July II, 1865, expiration of service. HANCLEM, FELIX. Private Co. K, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered May 10, 1864, for three years; deserted June 14, 1864. HANEY, THOMAS. Private Co. B, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct n, 1862, for nine months; deserted Oct II, 1862, at Readville, Mass. HANEY, THOMAS. Private Co. H, 43rd Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept 20, 1862, for nine inonths. Deserted Sept. 25, 1862, at Readville, Mass. HANLAN, PETER. Ordinance Corps, U. S. A., mustered April r8, 1864. 85 HANLON, JOHN. Private Co. F, nth Regiment Infantry, mustered June 13, 1861, for three years ; discharged June 24, 1864, expiration of service. HANNIFORD, JAMES. Unassigned recniit 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered June 9, 1864, for three years ; dis charged June 27, 1864, rejected recruit. HANOVER, GEORGE B. Captain Co. H, 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged July 10, 1863, expiration of service. HARDING, THOMAS. Sergeant Co. H, 1st Regiment In fantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years. Killed • July 18, 186 1, at Blackburn's Ford, Va. HARLOW, DEXTER. Private Co. H. 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. HARPER, WILLIAM. Private Co. H, 48th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 22, 1862, for nine months. Deserted Oct 16, 1862. HARRINGTON, CHARLES H. Private Co. H, 2d Regi ment Infantry, mustered July 30, 1864, for three years; discharged July 2, 1865, expiration of service. HARRINGTON, JOHN C. Jr. Private 8th Light Battery, mustered May 30, 1862, for six months ; discharged Nov. 29, 1862, expiration of service. HARRIS, THEODORE. Unassigned recruit 2nd Regiment Infantry, mustered May 13, 1864, for three years. 86 HARRISON, JOHN L. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infan-; try, mustered Sept 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. Re-enlisted Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for , ,, , ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1:864, expiration of sei!-i. vice. Re-enlisted. Corporal Co. K, 4th. Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered . Aug. 18, 1864, for one year ; dis charged June 17, i86s, expiration of service. HART, JOHN. Private Co. D, 28th Regiment Infantry, mus tered March, 18, 1864. Died at Andersonville, Ga., June I, 1864. HARTMAN, JOHN. Unassigned reCruit 2d Regiment Cav alry, inustered May 15, 1864, for three years. HARVEY, JOHN. Corporal Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, Mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; appointed Sef-^ , geant, Oct i, .i85i ; discharged Sept. 17, 1863, for dis ability. HARWOOD, OTIS F. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infan-, ¦ try, mustered Oct, 11, 1862, for nine months. Deserted Nov. 3, 1862, at Readville, Mass. HASELTINE, HIRAM R. Private V. R, C, mustered Dec., 20, 1864; discharged Nov. 15, 1865, order of War De partment • HASKELL, CLARENCE G. Private Co. F, 2d Regiment Heavy Artillery, . mustered Oct 8, 1863, for three years; died March 30, 1865, at Newbern, N. C. HASKELL, FRANK H, Private 4th Co. Unattached Infan try, mustered May 3, 1864, for, ninety days ;. discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. 87 -HASKELL, MARCUS M. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug. 17, 1862, for three years ; wounded Sept 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; wounded Dec, 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; wounded May 24, 1864 at North AnnaRiverVa. ;, wounded Aug, 19, 1864, near Weldon- R. R. ; wounded Sept. 30, 1864, Poplar Grove Church, Va. ; appointed Sergeant,. Dec. i, 1864 ; wounded March 26, 1865, near Petersburg, Va. ; discharged June 9, i86s, expiration of service. HASKELL, THEODORE F. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; dis charged July 24, 1862, for disability. Died at Chelsea, June 22, 187 1, of consumption, contracted in the service. HATCH, CHARLES H. Private Co. H, soth Reginient In fantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. HATCH, ISAAC J. Jr. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept s, 1862, for three years ; appointed Corporal June 1, 1863 ; died Oct 30, 1863, at Folly Island, S. C, of chronic diarrhoea. HATCH, WILLIAM W. Private Co. A, 3d Regiment Caval ry, mustered Nov. 28, 1863, for three years ; wounded Oct., 1864 ; transferred to Co. I, loth Regiment V. R. C; discharged Oct. 5, i86s, expiration of service. '' HATFIELD, JOHN. Private Co. A, 28th Regiment Infantry, mustered April 16, 1864, for three years ; absent, wound ed since May s, 1864. HATHAWAY, WILLIAM R. Private Co, H, 20th Regiment Infantry, mustered July 31, 1861, for three years; wound ed at Ball's Bluff, Va., Oct 21, 1861 ; died at Poolesville, Md., Nov. 27, 1861. 88 HAWES, AUGUSTUS W. Private Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. Re-enlisted in 29th Regiment, Maine, Nov., 1863. HAWKES, HARRISON. Private Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months; dis-» charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service HAWKINS, PATRICK. Private Co. H, 48th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 2s, 1862, for nine months ; desert ed Nov. 20, 1862. HAYES, RICHARD. Private Co. K, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered May 12; 1864, for three years; dis charged Sept. 18, i86s, expiration of service. HAYES, CHARLES E. Private Co. G, 2nd Regiment Cav alry, mustered April 9, 1863, for three years. Deserted May 14, 1863. HAYDEN, CHARLES. Private Co. C, 2d Regiment Infantry mustered May 17, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 14, i86s, expiration of service. HAYDEN, JOHN. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. HEAD, GUY C. Wagoner, Co. E, 24th Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct 7, 1861, for three years; discharged Oct 8, 1864, expiration of service. HEALEY, JAMES. Private Co. H, 42d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 24, 1862, for nine months; discharged Aug. 20, 1863, expiration of service. HEARNE, DENNIS C. General service U. S. A., mustered March 28, 1864. 89 HEAVENER, CHURCHILL. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days; dis charged August 6th, 1864, expiration of service. HEENAN, JOHN. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 5, 1862, for three years; discharged June s I, 186s, expiration of service. HEISTANCE, WILLIAM H. Hospital Steward U. S. A., mustered March 29, 1864. HEMMENWAY, GEORGE S. H. Private Co. H, 43d Regi ment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. HENNER, GEORGE W. Private Co. A, 30th Regiment In fantry, mustered May 22, 1862, for three years, at New Orleans, La. ; discharged May i, 1864, to re-enlist. Mus tered on quota of Chelsea, Jan. 2, 1864, for three years ; discharged May 22, i86s, expiration of service. . HENNESEY, CHARLES. Unassigned recruit 3d Regiment Cavalry, mustered March 29, 1864. HENNESEY, JAMES F. Private Co. A, 9th Regiment Infan try, mustered June n, 1861, for three years; discharged Aug. 18, 1861, disability from wound. HENRY, PATRICK. Private Co. I, 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered June 10, 1864, for three years. Deserted June 24, 1865. HENRY, WILLIAM S. Corporal Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 29, ,1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service'. 90 HERSEY, HARRISON D. Private Co. C, 12th Regiment Infantry, mustered Feb. 18, 1863, for three years ; wound ed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863 ; transferred June 2S, 1864, to 39th Regiment Infantry; discharged Aug. 2, i86s, expiraition of service. HEYWOOD, WILLIAM. Private Co. G, 19th Regiment In fantry, mustered March 29, 1864, for three years; dis charged June 30, 186s, expiration of service. HICKS, WILLIAM H. Private Co. C, 35th Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years; discharged Nov. 26, 1862. HIGGINS, ELISHA A. Private Co. E, 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered Oct. i, 1862, for nine months ; discharged June 2, 1863 ; re-enlisted 2d Regiment Heavy Artillery, June 2, 1863, unassigned recruit. HIGGINS, JOHN. Private Co. H, 42d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 24, 1862, for nine months. Deserted Nov. I, 1862, at Readville, Mass. HIGGINS, JOHN. Private V. R. C, mustered May 28, 1864. HIGHT, HENRY W. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged March 13, 1863, disability. HILBOURN, ALPHEUS J. Captain 4th Co. Unattached In fantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. HILL, FRANK A. Private Co. I, 35th Regiment Infantry, mustered May 10, 1864, for three years. Died Aug. s, 1864, at Portiand, Me. 91 HILL, GEORGE A. Unassigned recruit 3d Regiment Infan try, mustered Jan. 13, 1864, for three years ; discharged May 13, 1864, rejected recruit. HILL, JOHN. ' Private Co. A, 19th Regiment Infantry, mus tered March 15, 1864, for three years; wounded May 12, 1864. HILL, JOHN. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infantry, mus tered June 13, 1864, for three years. HILTON, HIRAM F. Wagoner, Co. A, 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered Oct. 11, 1862, for nine months; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. HINCKLEY, CHARLES E. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. Mustered on quota of Boston, Sergeant Co. C, 56th Regiment In fantry, Dec. 28, 1863. Killed April 2, 1865, near Peters burg, Va. HINCKLEY, DAVID F. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infan try, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. HINCKLEY, JAMES C. Private nth Light Battery, mus tered Dec. 20, 1864, for three years ; discharged June 16, 186s, expiration of service. HINDS, WILLIAM A. Corporal Co. H, 42d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 24, 1862, for nine months; dis charged Aug. 20, 1863, expii ation of service. HOBBS, CYRUS. Captain Co. H, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept -29, 1862, for nine months; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. 92 HODGES, JOHN W. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry,' mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years. Killed Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. kODGKINS, FRANCIS P. Private Co. H,*soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months. De serted Dec. 10, 1862, at New York. HODGKINS, WILLIAM H. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept s, 1862, for three years ; wounded at Olustee, Fla., Feb. 20, 1864; wounded at Cold Har bor, Va., June 3, 1864; discharged June 16, 1 86s, expi ration of service. HOFFMAN, FREDERICK. Private 13th Light Battery, mus tered Dec. 20, 1863, for three years. Deserted Jan. 9, 1863. HOFFMAN, JOHN HENRY. Private Co. C, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 13, 1862, for three years ; dis charged May 2s, 1864, expiration of service. HOGAN, THOMAS M. Private Co. E, 24th Regiment Infan try, mustered March 18, 1864, for three years ; discharged Jan. 20, 1866, expiration of service. HOLBROOK, JOHN W. Private Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. HOLDEN, HORACE G. Private Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. HOLDEN, LEVERETT D. Private Co. H, 1st Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 10, 1861,^ for three years; dis charged May 2S, 1864, expiration of service. 93 HOLDER, JAMES. Unassigned recruit 20th Regiment Infan try, mustered April 4, 1864, for three years. HOLLAND ADELBERT. Private Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry,' mustered Oct 13, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. HOLLAND, CHARLES. Private Co. A, 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered July 20, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 14, i86s, expiration of service. HOLMAN, LIBERTY. Private Co. G, 4th Regiment Cavalry, mustered Jan. 27, 1864, for three years ; discharged May 8, i86s, disability. HOLMES, GEORGE W. Private Co. F, sth Regiment Cav alry, mustered June n, 1864, for three years ; discharged Oct 31, i86s, expiration of service. HOLMES, HENRY T. ist Lieutenant Co. H, soth Regi ment Infantry, mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. HOLMES, JOHN W. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infan try, mustered, Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. Mustered Corporal Co. D, ist Battalion Heavy Artillery, Sept 30, 1863, for three years; discharged Sept 12, 1865, expiration of service. HOLMES, SIDNEY. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years. Died Dec. 7, 1863, Portsmouth Grove Hospital, R. I. HOLMES, THOMAS G. Unassigned recurit 28th Regiment Infantry, mustered March 28, 1864, for three years. HOLT, CHARLES. Unassigned recruit 26th Regiment In fantry, mustered May 24, 1864, for three years. 94 HOLT, JAMES E. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mus tered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. HOPKINS, LAWRENCE W, Private V. R. fc., mustered June 20, 1864; discharged Dec. 27, i86s, order of War Department. HORTON, HENRY D. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6th, 1864, expiration of service. HOWARD, CHARLES A. Private Co. G,'4oth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept s, 1862, for three years ; discharged June 16, 186s, expiration of service. HOWARD, NOAH P. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; transferred to V. R. C, July 2S, 1864, discharged July 29, 186s. HOWARD, THOMAS F. Corporal Co. K, 4th Regiment Cavalry, mustered March i, 1864, for three years ; ap pointed Sergeant, Sept. 2s, 1864; discharged Nov. 14, 1865, expiration of service. HOWE, CHARLES H. Private Co. I, s8th Regiment Infan try, mustered May 13, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 14, 186s, expiration of service. HOWE, FRANK T. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept s, 1862, for three years; discharged March 31, 1864, order of War Department ; enlisted U. S. A. same day; discharged Aug. 22, 1864, order of War Department. HOWE, ALONZO C. Private Co. K, s8th Regiment Infantry, mustered Dec. 21, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 14, 1865, expiration of service. 95 HOWLETT, JAMES. Private Co. A, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered March 19, 1864, for three years; discharged May 27, i86s, disability. HOYT, CHARLES H. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered Oct. 13, 1862, for nine months; deserted Oct. 13, 1862, Readville, Mass. HUBBARD, CHARLES H. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 5, 1863, for three years. Killed June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. HULLS, JAMES. Private Co. I, ssth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 16, 1864, for three years ; discharged Aug. 29, i86s, expiration of service. HUMPHREY, CHARLES L. Musician Co. H, 43d Regi ment Infantry, mustered Sept 20, 1862, for nine months; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. HUMPHREY, EDWARD W. Private Co. K, 4th Regiment Cavalry, mustered March i, 1864, for three years ; dis charged Nov. 14, i86s, expiration of service. HUMPHREY, WILLIAM H. Private Co. B, 12th Regiment Infantiy, mustered June 26, 1861 ; appointed Corporal Nov. 26, 1862 ; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862 ; appointed Sergeant Jan. 1, 1864; discharged July 8, 1864, expiration of service. HUNNEMAN, JOHN. Private Co. C, 1st Regiment Infantry, mustered May 27, 1861, for three years; discharged Dec. 1, 1862, for disability. HUNNEWELL, RICHARD. Private Co. H, 50th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. 96 HUNT, JOHN R. Private Co. D, ist Regiment. Cavalry, mus tered Feb. 20, 1864, for three years ; discharged June 29, 186s, expiration of service. HUNTER, ALVAH F. Signal Corps U. S. A., mustered April 10, 1864. HURD, FRANK. Private 4th Co. Unattached 'Infantry, mus tered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. - HURLEY, DANIEL E. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. s, 1862, for three years ; transferred Aug. 6, 1864, to 13th Regiment V. R. C. ; discharged Oct. 26, 1864, for disability. HURLEY, JOHN W. Sergeant Co. H, 50th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. Died in Chelsea, Nqv. II, 1863. HURST, WILLIAM. Private Co. K, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 16, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. HUSE, NELSON S. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; wounded at Blackburn's Ford, Va., July 18, 1861 ; discharged at Budd's Ferry, Md., March 30, 1862, disability from wound. HUTCHINS, ISAIAH M. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. s, 1862, for three years ; discharged June 16, 186s, expiration of service. HUTCHINS, LEVI. Corporal Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. s, 1862, for three years ; appointed Ser geant Dec. 10, 1863 ; commissioned ist Lieutenant April 21, 1864; wounded June 1, 1864,- at Cold Harbor, Va.; discharged Jan. 1, 1865, disability from wound. 97 HUTCHINS, SAMUEL, Jr. Private 4th Co. Unattached In fantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. HUTCHINSON, ALLEN. Corporal Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years. De serted Oct 6, 1862. HYDE, WILLIAM H. Private Co. K, 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered Oct 7, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 20, 1863, expiration of service. ILSLEY, DANIEL P. Sergeant Co. H, 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. ILSLEY, HOSEA Jr. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years; appointed Corporal May 21, 1864; discharged June 9, 1865, expira tion of service. ' Died Dec. 23, 1873. ILSLEY, JONATHAN C. Private Co, H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for tliree years ; discharged July 22, 1861, for disability; enlisted in Navy, Nov. 12, i86i ; discharged Nov. 29, 1864. ILSLEY, PHILIP G. Corporal 4th Co. Unattached Infantrj', mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. 98 IRISH, CORNELIUS. Private Co. L, 3d Regiment Cavalry, mustered Nov. 28, 1861, for three years ; appointed Corp oral Jan. I, 1862; appointed Sergeant Dec. i, 1862; ap pointed Quarter Master Sergeant May i, 1863 ; dis charged April 15, 1864, for promotion ; commissioned 2d Lieutenant ist La. Cavalryj April is, 1864. IRWIN, GEORGE. Unassigned recruit 28th Reginient Infanr try, mustered March 26, 1864, for three years ; transferred April 23, 1864, to Navy. JACKSON, CHARLES A. Private Co. H, 1st Regiment In fantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years; dis charged Aug. 23, 1862, for promotion; mustered Aug, 23, 1862, 2d Lieutenant 39th Regiment Infantry ;• promoted 1st Lieutenant Co. E, 40th Regiment Infantry, Aug. 27, 1862 ; transferred Sept i, 1862, to 41st Regiment (3d Cavalry); Sept. 2, 1862, promoted Captain Co. E, 40th Regiment Infantry; resigned aftd discharged June 8, 1863. JACOBS, WILLIAM. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Cav alry, mustered April 18, 1864, for three years. JAMES, WILLIAM A. Private Co. L, 1st Regiment Cavalry, mustered Jan. 6, 1864, for three years; appointed Corpo ral, July I, 1864; died Oct 22, 1864, at Washington, D.C. 99 JAMES, WILLIAM H. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry^ mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. JAMES, JOHN M. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 10, 1861, for three years ; discharged Feb. 18, 1863, for disability. Died at Chelsea, Feb. n, i86s. JELLISON, GREENLEAF S. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; dis charged Jan. 10, 1863, disability. JELLSON, WILLIAM. Artillery U. S. A., mustered March IS, 1864. F JENKINS, GEORGE. Private Co. K, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered May 12, 1864, for three years. De serted Oct I, 1864. JENKINS, HORATIO, Jr. Private Co. I, sth Regiment In fantry, mustered May i, 1861, for three months; dis charged July 31, 1861, expiration of service. Commis sioned ist Lieut. Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, Aug. 12, 1862 ; promoted Capt. Co. H, 40th Regiment Infan try; commissioned Major April 20, 1864, taken prisoner at Drury's Bluff, Va., May 16, 1864, escaped from rebel prison December, 1864; promoted Lieut. Colonel June 2, 1864 ; discharged Feb. i8, i86s ; commissioned Lieut Colonel 4th Regiment Cavalry, Feb. 4, i86s ; commis sioned Colonel April 23, 1865, wounded and taken pris oner at High Bridge, Va., April, i86s ; discharged Nov. 14, 186s, expiration of service. Brevet Brig. Gen'l. JENNINGS, PHILIP M. Private Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, inustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months, dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. IOO JENNINGS, STEPHEN E. Private Co. H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years, discharged May 2S, 1864, expiration of service; mustered Aug. 31, 1864, for three years, private 2d Light Battery on quota of Chicopee, discharged June n, 1865, expiration of ser vice. JEWETT, DEXTER. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days, discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service; re-enlisted private Co. G, 13th Regiment, Maine, September 29, 1864, transfered to 30th Maine, 1864. JEWETT, GEORGE O. Corp. Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years, discharged July 22, 1861, for disability; mustered private Co. D, 17th Regiment Infantry, Mar. 2S, 1862, for three years on quota of Boston ; transferred to 13th Regiment V. R., C. February i, 1864, appointed ist Sergeant Sept. 1864, dis charged May I, i86s, expiration of service. JEWETT, WILLIAM M. Private Co. H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years; discharged July 22, 1861, for disability; mustered ist Sergeant Co. H, 42d Regiment Infantry, Sept. 24, 1862, for nine months; discharged Aug.- 20, 1863, expiration of service. JOHNSON, CHARLES. Private Co. D, 24th Regiment In fantry, mustered Dec. 20, 1864, for three years. Deserted Aug. 17, 1865. JOHNSON, FREDERICK. Private 12th Light Battery, mus tered Nov. 28, 1862, for three years; discharged July 2S, i86s, expiration of service. IOI JOHNSON, GEORGE H. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. s, 1862, for three years ; discharged June 10, i86s, expiration of service. JOHNSON, GUSTAVUS. Unassigned recruit 20th Regiment Infantry, mustered April 12, 1864, for three years. JOHNSON, HENRY. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantiy, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years; discharged Jan. 8, 1863, for disability. JOHNSON, JAMES. Private Co. F, 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered May n, 1864, for three years. Deserted from Hospital at Nashville, Tenn. JOHNSON, JOHN. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered May 24, 1864, for three years. JOHNSON, JOSEPH. Private Co. H, 48th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept 25, 1862, for nine months. Deserted Oct 1, 1862. JOHNSON, ROBERT. Private 13th Light Battery, mustered Nov. 26, 1862, for three years. Deserted Jan. 16, 1863. JOHNSON, THOMAS. Private 8tii Light Battery, mustered June 9, 1862, for six months. Deserted June 9, 1862. JOHNSON, THOMAS. Private Co. L, 4th Regiment Cavalry, mustered July 8, 1864, for three years ; discharged Nov. 14, 1865, expiration of service, JOHNSON, THOMAS J. Private V. R. C, mustered May 28, 1864. JONES, CHARLES. Private 6th Light Battery, Dec. i, 1864, for three years, discharged Aug. 7, 1865, expiration of service. I02 JONES, CHARLES. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infan^ try, mustered June 13, 1864, for three years. JONES, DAVID. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered July 7, 1864, for three years. JONES, EDWARD L. Corp. Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, i86i,for three years; discharged, Sept. 6, 1862, for disability; mustered Sergeant Co. H, 42d Regiment Infantry, October i, 1862, for nine months, dis charged May 23, 1863, for promotion; commissioned Captain Co. E, ist Regiment, La., April 10, 1863, Engi neers ; transferred Sept. 1863, to U. S. C. Vol. Engineer Corps," , ¦ , , JONES, GEORGE. Private Co. G, 28th Regiment Infantry, mustered April is, 1864, for three years. Deserted May 2, 1864. JONES, HENRY. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. Private loth Light Battery, mustered Jan. s, 1864, for three years ; discharged , June 9, i86s, expiration of service. JONES, JOHN. Private Co. K, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered. May 12, 1864, for three years ; deserted July 5, 1864. JONES, JOHN F. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. JONES, JOHN F. Private Co. H, s6th Regiment Infantry, mustered Jan. 27, 1864, for three years. Died Nov. 28, 1864, at Waitfield, Vt. I03 JONES, JOHN P. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 186 1, for three years, appointed Corp oral Jan. I, 1864; wounded at Wilderness, May 4, 1864. Died at Chelsea, April 27, 1870. JONES, PAUL. Private 6th Light Battery, mustered Dec. 24, 1864, for three years. Deserted Jan. 2s, 1.86s, ^t New Orleans, La. JONES, THOMAS. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. JONES, THOMAS. Private Co. I, 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered June 9, 1864, for three years. Deserted July IS, 1864. JONES, WILLIAM W. Private Co. A, 40th Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 23, 1862, for three years ; discharged Sept 21, 1863, for disability. JORDAN, GEORGE E. N. Private V. R. C, mustered June IS, 1864. JOYCE, GEORGE W. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment In fantry, mustered May n, 1864, for three years. Dis charged, May 12, 1864, rejected recruit JUDKINS, HIRAM. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 20, 1862, for nine months; discharged March 8, 1863, for disability. JUDSON, WALTER H. 2d Lieutenant Co. C, 13th Regiment Infantry, mustered July 16, 1861, for three years; taken prisoner, paroled, dismissed Nov. 22, 1862. Died March 1863. IP4 KANE, THOMAS. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered July 16, 1864, for three years. KEARVIN, JOHN. Private Co. F, 29th Regiment Infantry, mustered Dec. 6, 1861, for three years. Deserted Aug. 28, 1862, at Alexandria, Va. KEEFE, JOHN. Private 6th Light Battery, mustered Dec, 22, 1864, for three years; discharged Aug. 7, 1865, expiration of service. KEEGAN, FRANK. Private Co. G, 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered July 22, 1864, for three years. Died June s, 186s, at Savannah, Ga. KEEGAN, MICHAEL. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment In fantry, mustered July 22, 1864, for three years. KELLEY, JAMES. Unassigned recruit 28th Regiment Infan try, musterfti April 15, 1864, for three years. KELLEY, JAMES. Private Co. H, 2d Regiment Heavy Ar tillery, mustered Aug. 10, 1864, for three years ; dis charged, June 26, 1865, expiration of service. KELLY, GEORGE W. Private V. R. C, mustered May 28, 1864. KELLY, JOHN. Private Co. K, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mus tered May 7, 1864, for three years. Deserted June 25, 1864. KELLY, LAWRENCE H. Private Co. H, 1st Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug. 12, 1861, for three years; taken prisoner near Manassas, Va., Aug. 29, 1862 ; paroled, exchanged Nov. i, 1862. Killed July 2, 1863, at Gettys burg, Pa. 105 KELLY, PATRICK. Private Co. A, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered Aug. 20, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 20, 1865, expiration of service. KENDALL, LeROY. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered May 3d, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. KENDRICK, GEORGE C. Unassigned recruit 20th Regi ment Infantry, mustered April 12, 1864, for three years. KENDRICK, NATHAN P. Private Co. D, 20th Regiment Infantry, mustered April 12, 1864, for three years; dis charged July 16, i86s, expiration of service. KENNEFICK, JOHN. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months. Deserted Nov. 18, 1862, at Boxford, Mass. KENNEY, CHARLES. Private Co. H, 42d Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept 24, 1862, for nine months. Deserted Oct 18, 1862, at Readville, Mass. . KENNISON, FREDERICK L. Private 9th Light Battery, mustered Aug. 10, 1862, for three years; discharged June 6, 1865, expiration of service. KEON, MICHAEL. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered Aug. 18, 1864, for three years. KEOUGH, HENRY J. Private Co. K, 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 16, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. KERRIGAN, PATRICK. Private Co. C, 45th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 26, 1862, for nine months. De- sertedT)ct i, 1862, at Readville, Mass.' io6 KERSE, PATRICK. Private Co. C, 2d Regiment Heavy Ar tillery, mustered Aug. 4, 1863, for three years ; discharged Aug. 10, 1863, by civil authority. KILBRIDE, BERNARD. Private Co. D, 2d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered Aug. 18, 1864, for three years ; dis charged June 26, 1 86s, expiration of service. KILLAM, MARK. Private V. R. C, mustered June 22, 1864, KIMBALL, GEORGE. Private Co. C, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered May 13, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 20, i86s, expiration of service. KIMBALL, JAMES H. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864, for three years, private Co. E, 3d Regiment Cav alry. Died Sept 30, 1864, at New Orleans, La. KING, GEORGE. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Cavalry, , mustered Dec. 3, 1864, for three years. KING, JAMES P. Corporal Co. C, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered March 17, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 20, 1865, expiration of service. KING, MICHAEL. .Private Co. M, 4th Regiment Cavalry, mustered Dec. 21, 1864, for three years ; discharged Nov. 14, 1865, expiration of service. KING, THOMAS Jr. Corporal Co. H, 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept 20, 1863, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. KINNEVAN, PATRICK. General service U. S. A., mustered March i, 1864. KIRBY, JOHN. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mus tered June 14, 1864, for three years ; never joined Reg iment. I07 KNAPP, ARTHUR M. Private Co. F, 44th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept 12, 1862, for nine months; discharged June 18, 1863, expiration of service. KNAPP, TIMOTHY T. Private Go. F, 44th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 12, 1862, for nine months; discharged June 18, 1863, expiration of service. KNELL, GEORGE H. Private Co. I, i6th Regiment Infan try, mustered July 12, 1861, for three years. Deserted Dec. 20, 1862. KNIGHT, NOAH M. Private Co. I, 4th Regiment Cavalry, mustered Jan. i, 1864, for three years. Deserted Aug. 10, i86s. KNOWLES, BENJAMIN F. Private Co. G,.4oth Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 5, 1862, for three years ; dis charged June 16, i86s, expiration of service. KNOWLES, HENRY F. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. KNOX, CHARLES V. Private Co. H, 19th Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 28, 1861, for three years ; wounded and taken prisoner near' Richmond, Va., June 26, 1862 ; paroled, discharged, Feb. 28, 1863, for disability ; (trans ferred to Co. I.) V KNANDHIN, JOHN. Private V. R. C., mustered May 28, 1864. KUCHLAND, CARL. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment In fantry, mustered May 13, 1864. KURTZ, ISRAEL H. Hospital Steward U. S. A., mustered March 29, 1864. io8 LAKE, CHARLES H. General service U. S. A., mustered March 17, 1864. LALLEY, MICHAEL. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Cav alry, mustered May 6, 1864, for three years. LAMONT, JOHN C. Private Co. K, ist Regiment Cavalry, mustered Jan. 29, 1862, for three years ; transferred to Co. K, 4th Regiment Cavalry. Killed March i, 1864, at McGurth's Creek, Fla. LAMON, JAMES. Private C. H, 48th Regiment Infantiy, mustered Sept. 25, 1862, for nine months. Deserted Oct. 27, 1862. LAMOS, HORACE A. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infan try, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years; wounded April 26, 1862, at Yorktown, Va. ; discharged Sept. 25, 1862, disability from wound. LAND, NICHOLAS L. Private 4th Co. Unattached Inf antry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. LANDRACHS, GEORGE. Private Co. C, 28th Regiment In fantry, mustered April 16, 1864, for three years. Died Dec. 17, 1864, at Washington, D. C. LANE, ARTHUR F. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug, 6, 1864, expiration of service. LANE, CHARLES L. Private Co. A, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered May 10, 1864, for three years. Deserted June 9, 1864. I09 LANE, DANIEL. Private Co. B, 23d Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct 21, 1861, for three years; discharged Dec. 2, 1863, to re-enlist Mustered Dec. 3, 1863, same Reg iment and Company for three years ; discharged June 25* 1865, expiration of service. LANE, FREDERICK T. Private Co. C, ist Battalion Heavy Artillery, mustered April 22, 1863, for three years, dis- Oct. 20, 1865, expiration of service. LANE, JOHN A. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years. Killed Sept 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. LANE, THOMAS J. Signal Corps U, S. A., mustered March 18, 1864. LANE, WILLIAM H. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years; wounded July 18, 1861, at Blackburn's Ford, Va. ; wounded April 26, 1862, at Yorktown, Va. ; discharged Oct. 20, 1862, disa bility from wounds ; mustered on quota of Rockport, Corporal Co. A, 3d Heavy Artillery, Jan. 10, 1863, for three years ; discharged September 18, i86s, expiration of service. LANGLEY, ASAPH. Private Co. I, 32d Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 12, 1862, for three years ; transferred Sept IS, 1863, to 6th Regiment 2d Battalion V.R.C. ; discharged April 14, 1865, disability. LANMAN, J. F. General Service U.S.A., mustered March 17, 1864. LARKINS, JOHN. Private Co. H, 2nd Regiment Infantry, mustered June 10, 1864, for three years. Deserted Nov. 13, 1864. IIO LARKINS, JOHN W. Private Co. D, 33d Regiment Infantry, mustered June 10, 1864, for three years. Deserted Aug. 16, 1864. LARVIN, WILLIAM. Unassigned recruit 28th Regiment In fantry, mustered January 15, 1864, for three years, dis charged Jan, 17, 1864, rejected recruit. LASLIE, CHARLES. Private Co. K, 29th Regiment Infan try, mustered May 22, 1861, for three years ; wounded May 6, 1864, at Wilderness, Va. ; discharged Aug. 19, 1864, disability from wound. LATURE, JOSEPH. Private Co. I, ist Regiment Cavalry, mustered Jan. 14, 1864, for three years. Deserted Mar, 26, 1864. LAWLER, MICHAEL. Private Co. G, 22d Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept 12, 1861, for three years; discharged Oct. 23, 1863, for disability. LAWRENCE, ALBERT B. Private Co. K, 4th Regiment Cavalry, mustered March i, 1864, for three years; dis charged Nov. 14, 1865, expiration of service. LAWRENCE, WALTER. Private Co. A, isth Regiment In fantry, mustered March 28, 1864, for three years ; trans ferred July 27, 1864, to Co. G, 2oth Regiment Infantry ; transferred to V. R. C. ; discharged July 27, 1865. LAWSON, EDWARD. Private Co. G, 4th Regiment Infantry, mustered Jan. 27, 1864, for three years ; discharged April 1 1, i86s, expiration of service. LAWTON, GEORGE B. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infan try, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. Ill LAWTON, WILLIAM H. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years ; trans ferred Sept 1, 1864, to V. R. C. ; discharged Sept $, 1864, LEARNED, GEORGE G. Private Co. H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years, wounded July 18, 1861, at Blackburn's Ford, Va., discharged Jan. / 17, 1862, disability from wound. LEARNED, SAMUEL F. H. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years, dis* charged March 27, 1863, for promotion; commissioned 2d Lieut. March 27, 1863, 9th Regiment Ullman's Bri gade, Corps D'Afrique. LEARY, MARTIN. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered Nov. 30, 1864, for three years. LEAVIS, GEORGE. Private Co. F, 28th Regiment Infantry, mustered March 28, 1864, for three years, wounded May 12, 1864, at Wilderness, died from wound June 3, 1864. LEAVITT, JOHN W. Private 4th Company Unattached In fantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days, discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. LeBAR, nelson. Private V. R. C, mustered June 16, 1864. LeBLANC, remi. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months, discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. Entered Navy 1864. LEE, CHARLES H. Unassigned recruit 26th Regiment In fantry, mustered July 7, 1864. LEE, JOHN. Private Co. G, 28th Regiment Infantry, mus tered March 16, 1864, for three years. Died Oct 16, 1864, at Philadelphia, Pa. 112 LEE, JOHN. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infantry, mus tered July 22, 1864, for three years. LEGG, CHARLES A. Corporal Co. C, ist Regiment Cav alry, mustered Sept. 17, 1861, for three years on quota of Auburn ; discharged Dec. 3 1, 1864, to re-enlist Mustered Jan. I, 1864, for three years on Chelsea quota ; appointed Sergeant, May 14, 1864 ; discharged June 29, i86s, expi ration of service. LEIZ, PETER. Private Co. A, 20th Regiment Infantry, mus tered April 12, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 16, 1865, expiration of service. LEONARD, DAVID A. Private Co. D, 40th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 3, 1862, for three years ; discharged June 16, i86s, expiration of service. LEONARD, LAWRENCE. Private Co. M, 2nd Regiment Heavy Artillery,' mustered Aug. 20, 1864, for three years, discharged May 2s, i86s, expiration of service. LEONARD, THOMAS. Private Co. I, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered June 10, 1864, for three years. Deserted July 10, 1864. LEVERATT, JOHN. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years, scalded by burst ing of locomotive at Nicholasville, Ky., June 6, died June 7, 1863. LEWIS, CHARLES G. Private Co. G, 20th Regiment Infan try, mustered April 12, 1864, for three years. LEWIS, GEORGE. Private Co. G, 4th Regiment Cavalry, mustered Jan. 27, 1864, for three years. Deserted Aug. 18, i86s. 113 LEWIS, GEORGE A. Musician Co. G, 40th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept s, 1862, for three years. Died Jan. 28, 1864, at Beaufort, S. C, of chronic diarrhoea. LINCOLN, CHARLES S. Quarter-Master Sergeant Co. I, ist Regiment Cavalry, mustered Jan. 14, 1864, for three years; discharged June 26, i86s, expiration of service. LINEHAN, CORNELIUS. Private Co. E, 28th Regiment In fantry, mustered Dec. 13, 1861, for three years; wounded Sept 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md.; discharged June 8, 1863, disability from wounds. LINEHAN, TIMOTHY. Private Co. H, 42d Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 24, 1862, for nine months. Deserted Oct 18, 1862, at Readville, Mass. LINGAN, PIERCE. Unassigned recruit 28th Regiment In fantry, mustered May 6, 1864, for three years; discharged May 10, 1864, rejected recruit. LINN, WILLIAM H. Private Co. K, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered May 12, 1864, for three years. De serted June 29, 1864. LINSCOTT, BENJAMIN H. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. s, 1862, for three years ; ap pointed Corporal Sept 16, 1862 ; appointed 1st Sergeant Oct, 1863; commissioned ist Lieutenant Jan. 27, 1864; commissioned Captain Sept 7, 1864; discharged June 16, 1865, expiration of service. LISCHENE, JOHN. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 16, 1864, for three years. LISSETT, MAXIMO. Private Co. E, 28th Regiment Infantry, mustered March 31, 1864, for three years; discharged June 30, i86s, expiration of service. 114 LITTLE, FREDERICK R. Private 4th Co. Unattached In fantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. LITTLE, JOHN J. General service U. S. A., mustered Jan. 18, 1864. LITTLE, WILLIAM H. Private V. R. C, mustered June 16, 1864. LOFTUS, F. B. General service U. S. A., mustered March 17, 1864. LOMBARD, GEORGE E. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 20, 1862, for nine months; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. Died Sept. 14, 1872, Chelsea, of consumption contracted in the service. LORD, CHARLES A. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 24, 1861, for three years; appointed Cor poral, Aug. I, 1863 ; discharged May 25, 1864, expiration of service. LORD, GEORGE F. Sergeant Co. H, soth Regiment Infan try ; mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months. Died June 17, 1863, at Baton Rouge, La. LORD, GEORGE F. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. Re-enlisted private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, May 3, 1864, for ninety days; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. Re-enlisted Private Co. M, 3d Regiment Cavalry, on quota of Cambridge, Dec. 30, 1864, for one year; dis charged Sept. 28, 1865, expiration of service. "5 LORENZ, FRANZ. Private Co. A, 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 16, 1864, for three years; discharged July 14, 1865, expiration of service. LOUCH, JAMES W. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. Mustered Dec. 12, 1863, for three years, unassigned recruit ist Regiment Cavalry; transferred to Navy April 23, 1864. LOUD, NATHAN N. Private Co. H, 1st Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 186 1, for three years; discharged Jan. 4, 1864, to re-enlist Mustered Jan. s, 1864, for three years; May 24, 1864, transferred to nth Regiment In fantry, appointed Corporal. Killed Oct. 27, 1864, at Hatcher's Run, Va. LOVERING, JOHN D. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. tOWELL, AMOS T. Private Co. A, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered Jan. 10, 1863, for three years; dis charged Jan. s, 1864, for disability. LUCAS, CHARLES H. Corporal Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. LUCAS, JOHN. Private V. R. C, mustered Aug: 15, 1864; discharged Nov. 21, i86s, order of War Department LUDLOW, JOHN R. Private Co. A, 28th Regiment Infantry, mustered April 16, 1864, for three years ; absent, wounded since May n, 1864. ii6 LUKE, JOHN A. Private Co, H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. i8, 1861, for three years ; taken prisoner near Manassas, Va., Aug. 29, 1862 ; exchanged Nov. i , 1862; wounded on road to Gettysburg, Pa., July, 1863 ; dis charged May 25, 1864, expiration of service. LULL, SAMUEL E. Private Co. G, 42d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 12, 1862, for nine months. Deserted Oct I, 1862, at Readville, Mass. LYMAN, WILLIAM. Private Co. M, 1st Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered March 7, 1862. Wounded May 19, . 1864, at Wilderness, Va. ; died May 20, 1864, at Fred ericksburg, Va. LYNCH, JOHN B. General service U. S. A., mustered Jan. 18, 1864, for three years ; discharged Feb. 20, 1867, ex piration of service. LYNCH, MAURICE. Private Co. A, 9th Regiment Infantry,' mustered June n, 1861, for three years; appointed Cor poral Aug. I, 1861. Wounded June 27, 1862, near Rich mond, Va. ; died July s, 1862. LYONS, CHARLES. Private V. R. C, mustered Aug. n, 1864 ; discharged Nov. 17, i86s, order of War Department 117 MABIE, EDWARD. Private Co. K, 3d Regiment Heavy Ar tillery, mustered May 12, 1864, for three years. Deserted June 29, 1864. MACE, JOHN. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered May 27, 1864, for three years. MADERT, JACOB. General service U. S. A., mustered March 2S, 1864; discharged Nov. 1, i86s, ordet of War De partment. MADDOX, STEPHEN H. Corporal Co. A, sSth Regiment Infantry, mustered May 31, 1863, for three years. Died Jan. 31, 1864, at Folly Island, S. C. MAGEE, HENRY. Corporal Co. K, ist Regiment Cavalry, N. B., mustered Dec. 29, 1863, for three years ; transferred April 27, 1864, to Na-vy. MAHONEY, EDWARD. Private Co. H, 42d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 24, 1862, for nine months; dis charged Aug. 20, 1863, expiration of service. Mustered Jan. 12, 1864, for three years, private Co. E, s6 Regiment Infantry. Died Feb. 26, 1864, at Chelsea. MALONE, PATRICK. Private Co. H, 42d Regiment Infan tr)', mustered Sept. 24, 1862, for nine months. Deserted Oct 10, 1862, at Readville. MALONEY, EDWARD. Private Co. E, 2Sth Regiment In fantry, mustered Jan. 8, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 13, 186s, expiration of service. MALONEY, PATRICK J. Private isth Light Battery, mus tered Jan. 27, 1864, for three yeais ; transferred Aug. 22, 1864, to Navy. ii8 MANDERVILLE, JOHN M. Corporal Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; ap pointed 1st Sergeant, Sept, i, 1861 ; discharged for pro motion July 17, 1862 ; mustered ist Lieut, July 17, 1862. Aug. 29, 1862, killed in action at Manassas, Va. MANN, BARNABAS N. ist Lieutenant and Adjutant 17th Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 21, 1861, for three years; assigned to Co. D, Nov. 1862. Wounded Dec. 17, 1862, at Goldsboro', N. C. ; wounded and taken pris oner Feb. I, 1864, near Newbern, N. C. ; died Oct. 8, 1864, in rebel prison at Charleston, S. C. MANN, HENRY C. Private Co. K, 6th Regiment Infantry, - mustered April 22, 1861, for three months; discharged Aug. 2, 1861, expiration of service. Mustered Oct 11, 1862, for nine months on quota of Boston, ist Sergeant Co. C, 42d Regiment Infantry ; discharged Aug. 20, 1863, expiration of service. MANNING, JAMES C. Private Co. B, ist Regiment Cav alry, mustered Sept. 12, 1861, for three years ; discharged Sept. 8, 1864, expiration of service. MANSTON, HAZEN. Private Co. M, 4th Regiment Infantry, mustered March 23, 1864, for three years. Deserted Aug. 18, i86s. MANTON, ELIJAH Jr. Corporal 4th Co. Unattached Infan try, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. MAPHIN, JAMES. Private 2d Light Battery, mustered Jan. 8, 1864, for three years > transferred Feb. 2, 1864, to 28th Regiment Infantry. MARDEN, CHARLES M. Corporal Co. H, 42 Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 24, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 30, 1863, expiration of service. 119 MARSH, GEORGE W. Private nth Light Battery, mustered Aug. 2S, 1862, for nine months ; discharged May 25, 1863, expiration of service. Mustered Jan. 2, 1864, for three years, Artificer nth Light Battery; discharged June 16, 1865, expiration of service. MARSH, SAMUEL H. Unassigned recruit isth Regiment Infantry, mustered April 9, 1864, for three years. De serted April 20, 1864. MARSHALL, GEORGE E. Private Co. C, 13th Regiment Infantry, mustered July 16, 1861, for three years ; ap pointed Corporal, July 29, 1861 ; appointed ist Sergeant, Feb. 1, 1862 ; wounded Aug. 30, 1862, near Manassas, Va. ; discharged Aug. is, 1862 ; commissioned same date Capt. Co. G, 4th Regiment Infantry ; commissioned Major, March 10, 1864; commissioned Lieut.-Col., April 20, 1864. Killed June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. MARSHALL, HENRY W. Private 2d Light Battery, mus tered July 8, 1864, for three years; discharged Aug. n, i86s, expiration of service. MARSHALL, JOHN. Private 6th Light Battery, mustered Dec. 23, 1864, for three years ; discharged Aug, 7, 1865, expiration of service. MARSTEN, GEORGE. Private Co. K, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered May 11, 1864, for three years. Deserted June 2, 1864. MARTIN, JAMES. Corporal Co. K, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered May 12, 1864, for three years; dis charged Sept. 18, i86s, expiration of service. MARTIN, JOHN W. Corporal 12th Light Battery, mustered Nov. 26, 1862, for three years ; discharged July 2s, 1865, expiration of service. I20 MARTIN, PATRICK. Private Co. G, 2d Regiment Infantiy, mustered Aug. 20, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 1 1, i86s, expiration of service. MASON, CHARLES H. Private 13th Light Batteiy, mus tered Jan, 21, 1863, for three years ;. discharged Jan. 30 1864, for disability. MASON, GEORGE A. Private Co. A, 6th Regiment Infantry, mustered July is, 1864, for 100 days; discharged Oct, 27, 1864, expiration of service. MASON, HENRY Jr. Private Co. H, ist Regiment -Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; wqunded Aug. 29, 1862, near Manassas ; March is, 1864, transferred to V. R. C. ; discharged April 23, 1864, disability from wounds. MASON, N. EMMONS. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infan try, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years; discharged Dec. 26, 1862, for disability. MASON, ROBERT E. Sergeant Co. C, 3d Regiment Cavalry, mustered March 16, 1864, for three years; discharged- Sept. 28, 1865, expiration of service. MASON, WALTER. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1864, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. MASON, WILLIAM J. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; appointed Corporal, Nov. i, 1862 ; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 12, 1862; discharged April 8, 1863, disability from wound. MATTER, ARTHUR. Unassigned recruit 2nd Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug. 18, 1864, for three years. 121 MATTESON, WILLIAM E. Private Co. E, 2d Regiment In fantry, mustered May 24, 1864, for three years ; dis chargee' July 14, i86s, expiration of service. MATTHEWS, WILLIAM H. Sergeant Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years. Died Feb. 7, 1863. MAXFIELD, DANIEL. Private Co. G, 19th Regiment Infan try, mustered March 28, 1864, for three years. Died June 23, 1864, at Baltimore, Md. MAYNARD, CORNELIUS D. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service ; re-enlisted 29th Regiment Maine Infantry, Dec. 1863. MAYO, BENJAMIN H. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years ; appointed Corporal, Dec. 1862 ; taken prisoner at Drury's Bluff,, Va., May 16, 1864. Died Feb. 23, i86s, at Florence, S. C, from starvation. MAYO, RICHARD G. Private Co. A, 17th Regiment Infan try, mustered July 21, 1 861, for three years; appointed Corporal, Feb. 9, 1862 ; discharged Oct 13,, 1862, dis ability. McCANN, JOHN. Private Co. F, 19th Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 28, 1861, for three years;. taken prisoner near Richmond, July i, 1862 ; exchanged. Wounded Sept 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; discharged May 4, 1863, disability from wound. McCANN, JOHN. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered May 13, 1864, for three years. 122 McCARTY, BARTHOLOMEW. Private 12th Light Battery, mustered Nov. 15, 1862, for three years; discharged May IS, 1863, disability. McCARTY, CHARLES. Unassigned recruit 3d Reginient Cavalry, mustered Aug. 20, 1864, for three years. McCARTY, JOHN. Private Co. F, i6th Regiment Infantry, mustered July 12, 1861, for three years. Died Aug. 17, 1862, at Philadelphia, Pa. McCARTY, TIMOTHY. Unassigned recruit 20th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, for three years. McCLANE, WILLIAM. Private V. R. C, mustered May 28, 1864. McCONNAUGHTY, JOHN K. General service U. S. A., mustered Feb. 20, 1864, for three years ; discharged Feb. 20, 1867, expiration of service. McCONNELL, WILLIAM. Private Co. H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 24, 1861, for three years ; wounded Aug. 29, 1862, near Manassas, Va. ; discharged March 8, 1863, disability from wound. McCONOLOGUE, JAMES S. Private Co. G, 6ist Regiment Infantry, mustered Nov. n, 1864, for one year; dis charged July 16, i86s, expiration of service. McCORMACK, JOSEPH. 3d Artillery U. S. A., mustered March 8, 1864. McCORMY, JAMES. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Cav alry, mustered May 6, 1864, for three years. Mccracken, james T. Sergeant Co. L, ist Regiment Cavalry, mustered Jan. 6, 1864, for three years; dis charged June 26, i86s, expiration of service. 123 Mcculloch, Robert, corporal Co. C, 3Sth Regiment . Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; ap pointed Sergeant, March 2s, 1863. Killed Oct i, 1864, accidently, near Petersburg, Va. McDAVITT, HUGH. Private Co. A, 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered Obt. n, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. Mcdonald, charles. Private Co. C, 19th Regiment In fantry, mustered March 21, 1864,101 three years; dis charged June 30, i86s, expiration of service. McDonald, donald. Private Co. B, 9th Regiment Infan try, mustered June n, 1 861, for three years; discharged Jan. 6, 1863, disability. McDonald, james. Private Co. L, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered March 27, 1864, for three years. Deserted April 16, 1864. McDonald, Patrick. Unassigned recruit 32d Regiment Infantry, mustered Dec. 22, 1864, for three years. Mcdonough, john. Private Co. B, 28th Regiment Infan try, mustered Jan. lo, 1862, for three years; discharged Jan. I, 1864, to re-enlist Mustered Jan. 2, 1864, for three years. Deserted April i, 1864. McFADDEN, THOMAS. Private Co. B, 2d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered Aug. 18, 1864, for three years; dis charged June 28, 1865, expiration of service. McGUINISS, PATRICK. Private Co. F, ist Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered Nov. 2S, 1864, for three years ; dis charged Aug. 16, 1 86s, expiration of service. 124 McGOWAN, JAMES. Corporal Co. H, 42d Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 24, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 20, 1863, expiration of service. Mustered June 19, 1864, for three years, on quota of Milton ; Sergeant Co. A, 28th Regiment Infantry ; discharged June 30, i86s, expiration of service. McGOWAN, THOMAS. Private Co. H, 42d Regiment Infan try, mustered Oct 9, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 20, 1863, expiration of service. McGRATH, MICHAEL L. Unassigned recruit 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered May 12, 1864, for three years ; discharged May 31, 1864, rejected recruit McGUIRE, MICHAEL. Private Co. I, 9th' Regiment Infan try, mustered June n, 1861, for three years; wounded June 27, 1862, at Gaines' Mills, Va. Deserted July s, 1863. McINTYRE, JAMES. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. McINTYRE, JAMES F. Private Co. L, ist Regiment Cav alry, mustered Jan. 6, 1864, for three years ; discharged June 26, 1865, expiration of service. McKEE, JOHN. Private Co. B, 3d Regiment Cavalry, mus tered Dec. 9, 1863, for three years; appointed Sergeant, Aug. s, i86s ; appointed Com. Sergeant, Aug. 2s, i86s ; commissioned ist Lieut Oct. s, i86s, not mustered ; dis charged Oct. 8, i86s, expiration of service. McKEEVER, JAMES. Private nth Light Battery, mustered Dec. 20, 1864, for three years ; discharged June i6*i86s, expiration of service. .125 McKENDRY, WALLACE. General service U. S. A., mus- . tered Jan. 1864. McKENNY, ALFRED H. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. s, 1862, for three years ; discharged Nov. 12, 1862, disability. McKENZIE, WILLIAM. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 26, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. McKINNEY, WILLIAM H. Private Co. M, ist Regiment Cavalry, mustered Jan. 14, 1864, for three years. McLANE, THOMAS. Private i8th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered Aug. 6, 1864, for 100 days; discharged Nov. 14, 1864, expiration of service. McLAUGHLIN, CHARLES. Private Co. H, 42d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 24, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 20, 1863, expiration of service ; mustered May 19, 1864, on quota of Boston, private Co. K, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery; discharged Sept 13, 186s, expiration of service. Mclaughlin, james. Private co. G, 40 Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 2, 1862, for three years ; discharged June 16, i86s, expiration of service. Mclaughlin, john. Unassigned recruit 3rd Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered May 10, 1864, for three years, discharged May 13, 1864, rejected recruit McLEOD, JOHN T. Private Co. B, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; discharged July 20, 1861, disability. .McMAHAN, JOHN. Private 13th Light Battery, mustered Dec, 30, 1862, for three years. Deserted Jan. 3, 1863. 126 • McMAHAN, THOMAS. Private Co. A, 9th Regiment Infan try, mustered June n, 1861, for three years; wounded May s, 1864, Wilderness, Va. ; discharged June 21, 1864, expiration of service. McPOLAND, JOHN. Private Co. F, 3d Regiment Cavalry, mustered Oct. 27, 1862, for three years. Deserted Nov. 3, 1862. McQUADE, CHARLES. Private Co. B, ist Regiment Cav alry, mustered Jan. 1, 1864, for three years ; transferred to Navy, May 3, 1864. McQUEENEY, THOMAS J. Private Co. K, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered Nov. 9, 1864, for three years ; discharged Sept. 18, i86s, expiration of service. McRAE, CHRISTOPHER. Private Co. I, 20th Regiment In fantry, mustered April 12, 1864, for three years; dis charged July 16, i86s, expiration of service. MEARS, DANIEL P. Corporal 42d Regiment, N. Y. ; dis charged Nov. 1861 : re-enlisted private Co. I, ist Regi ment Infantry, mustered Dec. 28, 1861, for three years; June 1862, taken prisoner. Died July 18, 1862, at Rich mond, Va. MEARS, GEORGE. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. MERRIAM" FRANCIS J. Private Co. K, spth Regiment In fantry, mustered April 21, 1864, for three years; trans ferred June 1, 1863, to 57th Regiment Infantry; dis charged from S7th Regiment July 7, i86s for disability. " 127 MERRIAM, WILLIAM N. Private Co. D, 17th Regiment Infantry, mustered Jan. 31, 1862, for three years ; Feb. i, 1864, taken prisoner near Newburn, N. C. Died May 24, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga. MERRILL, CHARLES. Corporal 2d Light Battery, mustered Mar. 4, 1864, for three years; discharged Aug. n, 186s, expiration of service. MERRILL, ISRAEL H. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. s, 1862, for three years ; discharged June 16, 186s, expiration of service. . » MERRITT, HENRY A. 2d Lieut. 2d Regiment Heavy Artil lery, mustered Aug. 23, 1863 ; discharged for promotion Aug. 17, 1864; mustered Aug. 17, 1864, ist Lieut on quota of Salem; discharged Sept 3, i86s, expiration of service. MERRITT, MARTIN. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. Mustered Mar. n, 1864, foi: three years, private i6th Light Battery; dis charged June 27, i86s, expiration of service. MERRITT, THOMAS T. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infan try, mustered May 3d, 1864, for ninety days; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. MERTZ, JACOB. Private Co. H, 2d Regiment Infantry, mus tered May 27, 1864, for three years. Deserted July 3, 1864. MESERVE, CHARLES. Private Co. E, 4th Regiment Caval ry, mustered January 27, 1864, for three years; discharged Nov. 14, 1865, expiration of service. 128 MESSER, CHARLES. Private V. R. C, mustered May 28, 1864. METZKI, HENRY. Private Co. H, 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered June 9, 1864, for three years. Deserted Aug. 2, 1864. MEYER, CARL. Private Co. G, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mus tered Aug. 19, 1864, for three years. Deserted March 5, i86s. MILES, JOHN. Private Co. A, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mus tered June 9, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 20, i86s, expiration of service. MILLER, CHARLES. Sergeant Co. E, 28th Regiment Infan try, mustered April s, 1864, for three years ; discharged June 30, 1865, expiration of service. MILLER, CHARLES. Private Co. D, 28th Regiment Infan try, mustered April s, 1864, for three years ; transferred June IS, i86s, to V. R. C. MILLER, CHARLES A. Private Co. D, 28th Regiment In fantry, mustered Mar. 17, 1864, for three years; trans ferred April I, 1865, to V. R. C. ; discharged July 2S, i86s. MILLER, JARED, Private Co. I, 33d Regiment Infantry, mustered Dec. 20, 1864, for three years. MILLER, JOHN. Private V. R. C, mustered July 22, 1864. MILLER, JOHN. Private Co. A, 2d Regiment Infantry, mus tered June II, 1864, for three years. Deserted Sept 18, 1864. MILLER, JOHN. Private Co. H, 2d Regiment Infantry, mus tered May 24, 1864, for three years; discharged July 26, 1865, expiration of service. 129 MILLER, JOHN. Private Co. K, 2d Regiment Infantry, mus tered Jan. 13, 1864, for "three years; discharged July 14, i86s, expiration of service. MILLIKEN, ALFRED A. Private 8th Light Battery, mus tered May 30, 1862, for six months ; appointed Corporal, Sept 1862 ; discharged Nov. 29, 1862, expiration of service. MIN ARD, NELSON C. Private Co. K, 13th Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. i, 1862, for three years ; discharged March 31, 1864, to re-enlist Mustered, April 1, 1864, for three years ; transferred July 13, 1864, tp 39th Regi ment Infantry ; transferred June 2, 186s, to 32d Regi ment Infantry; discharged July 12, 1865, by order of War Department. MITCHELL, GEORGE L. Private 4th Co. Unattached In fantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. Mustered Jan. 2, i86s, for one year, on quota of Cambridge, private Co. D, ist Regiment Cavalry; discharged June 130, 186s, ex piration of service. MITCHELL, HENRY. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment In fantry, mustered May 17, 1864, for three years. MITCHELL, JACOB, Jr. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infan try, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. MITCHELL, PATRICK. Private Co. F, 28th Regiment In fantry, mustered Dec. 13, 1861, for three years. Killed Sept. I, 1862, at Chantilly, Va. MITCHELL, WILLIAM J. Private Co. F, s 6th Regiment In fantry, mustered Jan. 12, 1864, for three years. Wounded near Petersburg, Va. ; died of wounds, June 17, 1864. I30 MONROE, JAMES. Private 12th Light -Battery, mustered Nov. 29, 1862, for three years. Deserted, Dee. 27, 1863. MONROE, JOHN Jr. Musician Co. K, 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered May 2s, 1861,' for three years on quota of Charlestown ; discharged to re-enlist, Dec. 30, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863, Chelsea's quota, for three years ; discharged Jan. 14, 186s, expiration of service. MONTAGUE, FRANCIS. Private loth Light Battery, mus tered June ii, 1864, fpr three years ; discharged June 9, 186s, expiration of service. MONTAGUE, WILLIAM H. . Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 24, 1861, for three years; wound ed at Yorktown, Va., April 26, 1862 ;. discharged Oct 22, 1862, disability from wound. Died, May 12, 1864, at Chelsea. MONTO, GEORGE. Private Co. G, 2d Regiment Heavy Ar tillery, mustered Aug. 5,' 1864, for three years ; discharged Sept. 3, 1865, expiration of service. MOODY, FRANCIS O. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infan try, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; discharged Feb. 4, 1863, for disability. MOONEY, FELIX. Private 12th Light Battery, mustered Jan. IS, 1864, for three years. Died, July 8, 1864, at Port Hudson, La. MOORE, THOMAS. Private Co. I, 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered July 22, 1864, for tliree years. Deserted, Au gust 7, 1864. MORAN, JOEL W. Hospital Steward U. S. A., mustered March 30, 1864. 131 MORAN, JOHN. Private Co. F, 19th Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 28, 1861, for three years ; discharged Oct 2S, 1862, to enlist in U. S. Artillery. MORAN, MARTIN. Private Co. I, 9th Regiment Infantry, mustered June 11, 1861, for three years ; appointed Cor poral, Jan. 26, 1862. Deserted, Aug. 28, 1862. MORAN, THOMAS. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Cav alry, mustered June 11, 1864, for three years. MORAN, THOMAS F. Private 6th Light Battery, mustered Sept. 12, 1864, for three years ; discharged June 19, 186s, expiration of service. MOREY, GEORGE A. Private Co. E, 4th Regiment Cavalry, mustered Jan. 27, 1864, for three years ; discharged Nov. 14, i86s, expiration of service. morgan; WILLIAM. Private Co. I, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered June 10, 1864, for three years. Deserted, May 31, 1865. MORINI, FRANK. Unassigned recruit 3d Regiment Cav alry, mustered March i6, 1864, for three years. Deserted May, 1864. MORO, JOSEPH. Private Co. A, 2d Regiment Infantry, mus tered May 6, 1864, for three years ; discharged May 30, i86s, expiration of service. MORRILL, BENJAMIN. Private Co. C, 35th Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years; dis charged Nov. 3, 1862, for disability. MORRILL, FRANCIS L. Piivate Co. D, 42d Regiment In fantry, mustered Oct. 4, 1862, for nine months ; taken prisoner Jan. i, 1863, exchanged July 22, 1864. 132 MORRILL, GEORGE E. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. MORRILL, HENRY. Private Co. D, 42d Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct. 10, 1862, for nine months. Deserted, Dec. 3, 1862, at Readville, Mass. MORRIS, JOHN. Private Co. A, 43d Regiment Infantiy, niustered Oct. 11, 1862, for nine months; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. MORRISON, RICHARD L. Private Co. H, 1st Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; dis charged July 22, 1861, for disability. MORTON, GEORGE A. Unassigned recruit 2nd Regiment Infantry, mustered May 10, 1864, for three years. MOSSEY, JOSEPH. Private Co. L, 3d Regiment Heavy Ar. tillery, mustered May 30, 1864, for three years ; discharged Sept. 18, 1865, expiration of service. MULLER, JOHN. Unassigned recruit 28th Regiment Infan try, mustered March 17, 1864, for three years ; transferred April 2, 1864, to Navy. MULLIGAN, THOMAS.' ' Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered May 17, 1864, for three years. MURPHY, JAMES H. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infan try, mustered May 23, 186 1, for three years. Killed July 18, 1861, at Blackburn's Ford, Va. MURPHY, JOHN. Private Co. H, 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered July 22, 1864, for three years. Deserted, Aug. 7, 1864. 133 MURPHY, JOSEPH. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered June 10, 1864, for three years. MURPHY, SAMUEL. Private i8th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered Aug. 6, 1864, for 100 days; discharged Nov. 14, 1864, expiration of service. MURRAY, JAMES, Private 12th Light Battery, mustered Dec. 8, 1862, for three years; discharged July 2s, 1865, expiration of service. MURRAY, JOHN. Private Co. B, 4th Regiment Cavalry, mustered Dec. 22, 1864, for thfte years. Deserted, May 17, 1865. MURRAY, WILLIAM C. Private ist Light Battery, mus tered July 23, 1864, for three years. Deserted, Aug. 22, 1864, at Gallop's Island. MYERS, CHARLES. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered July 8, 1864, for three years. MYERS, FRANCIS. General Service U. S. A., mustered March 17, 1864. MYERS, JOHN H. Private Co. E, 44th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 12, 1862, for nine months ; discharged June 8, 1863, expiration of service ; musterec^ Feb. 8, 1864, for three years Sergeapt Co. H, 4th Regiment Cav alry, on quota of North Chelsea ; discharged Nov. 14, i86s, expifation of service. MYRICK, FRANKLIN B. 2d' Lieut. Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 13, 1862 ; promoted ist Lieut. Jan. I, 1863 ; promoted Captain June 24, 1863, wounded Nov. 19, 1863, at Knoxville, Tenn. ; promoted Major Nov. 14, 1864; discharged June 9, 1865, expiration- of service. 134 NALLY, JOHN. Private 13th Light Battery, mustered Dec; • 30, 1862, for three years. Deserted Jan. 9, 1863. NASON, CHARLES E. Private Co. M, ist Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered Mar. 4, 1862, for three years; dis charged Mar. 3, 1 86s, expiration of service. NEAL, JOHN. Private Co. K, s8th Regiment Infantry, mus tered Dec. 1, 1864, for three years; discharged Jan. 14, i86s, expiration of Service. NEEDHAM, THOMAS. Private Co. H, 1st Regiment Infan try, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years, wounded at Bull Run, Va., July 18, 1861. Died Aug. i, 1861, at Culpepper, Va. ' NEELEY, JAMES. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered July 8, 1864, for three years. NEILD, SAMUEL N. Quarter-Master Sergeant Co. C, ist Regiment Cavalry, mustered Jan. i, 1864, for tjiree years; discharged June 29, 1865, expiration of service. NELSON, ALONZO R. Private Co. B, nth Regiment Infan try, mustered June 13, 1861, for three years; wounded June 29, 1862, near Richmond, Va. ; discharged June 24, 1864, expiration of service. NEVILLE, PATRICK. Private Co. A, 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered, June 11, 1864, for three years. Deserted, Sept. 17, 1864, at Atlanta, Ga. NEWELL; EDWARD K. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infan try, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged. Aug, 6, 1864, expiration of service. 135 NEWLAND, JAMES. Private 12th Light Battery, mustered Jan. IS, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 2s, 186s, expiration of service. NEWLAND, THOMAS. Private 12th Light Battery, mustered Jan. 15, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 2S, i86s, expiration of service. NEWLING, JOHN H. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; appointed Cor poral, Oct. I, 1861; discharged Dec. 31, 1862, for disa bility. NICHOLS, JOSEPH A. Private Co. H,-soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. NICHOLSON, FRANCIS N. Corporal Co. G, 28th Regiment Infantry, mustered Jan. 6, 1862, for three years. Killed, Sept 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. NILAND, PATRICK J. Private Co. H, 50th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. « NILAND, THOMAS. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infan try, mustered, Sept. s, 1862, for three years ; appointed Corporal, Nov. 1, 1863 ; appointed Sergeant, Jan. i, 1865 ; discharged June 16, 1865, expiration of service. NORCROSS, CHARLES W. Private Co. M, 4th- Regiment Cavalry, mustered Marchi, 1864, for three years. -De serted, Aug. 9, 1865. NORRIS, GEORGE. Sergeant 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. 136 NORRIS, GEORGE G, S, Private Co, I, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered Dec, 27, 1861, for three years ; trans ferred to V. R. C-, 1863 ; discharged Dec, 12, 1864, disa bility. Died Dec. 12, 1864, at Lowell. NORRIS, JEREMIAH. , Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. NORTH, JAMES N. Private Co. B, ist Regiment Infantiy, mustered Dec. i^, 1861, for three years ; discharged July, . 1863 ; 2d Lieut Sept. i, 1863, 3Sth Regiment U. S. C. T., 1st Regiment Wilde's African Brigade ; commissioned ist Lieut, and Adjutant ist U. S. C. Cavalry, Dec. 7, 1863 ; Jan. 2S, 1864, commissioned ist Lieut and Quarter-Mas ter 24th Regiment Infantry, resigned Oct. 7, i86s. NORTON, HANNIBAL D. 3d Lieutenant Co. C, sth Regi ment Infantry, mustered May i, 1861, for three years; ¦ discharged July 31, 1861, expiration of service. Mus tered July 28, 1862, Captain 32d Regiment Infantry ; re signed and discharged Mar. 18, 1863, Brevet-Major, V. R. C, June is, 1863 ; promoted Major V. R. C, March, i86s. NOYES, GEORGE A. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years. Killed April 26, 1862, at Yorktown, Va. NUGENT, JOHN. Private Co. A, 43d Regiment Infantry, inustered Oct. n, 1862, for nine months. Deserted Oct 2S, 1862, at Readville. NYMAN, EDGAR A. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months; discharged Jan. 14, 1863, for disability. 137 OAKMAN, WILLIAM C. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862 ; appointed Corporal Nov. 1, 1862; appointed Sergeant Sept 12, 1863; wounded Sept 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Va., taken prisoner, died Oct 7, 1864, on exchange boat. O'BRIEN, DENNIS A. Sergeant Co. H, 42d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 24, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 20, 1863, expiration of service. O'CONNELL, PATRICK. Unassigned recruit 28th Regi ment Infantry, mustered May 10, 1864, for three years. O'CONNOR, PATRICK. Private 2d Light Battery, mustered Dec. 31, 1863, for three years; discharged Aug. n, 186s, expiration of service. O'DONNELL, JAMES. Private Co. C, 1st Battery Heavy Ar tillery, mustered April 22, 1863, for three years. Deserted Oct 18, 1864. O'DONNELL, MICHAEL. Private Co. I, nth Regiment In fantry, inustered June 13, 1861, for three years ; discharged March 21, 1863, for disability. Mustered Jan. 2, 1865, 1st Battery Frontier Cavalry private Co. D, for one year on quota of Dover ; discharged June 30, 1865, expiration of service. O'MALLEY, CHARLES. Private Co. G, 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 12, 1864, for three years. Deserted, Sept. 11, 1864. O'NEIL, CHARLES. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Cav alry, mustered Aug. 25, 1864, for three years. 138 O'NEIL, JAMES M. Private Co. H, s8th Regiment Infantry,' mustered April i8, 1864, for three years ; transferred to V. R. C, April 1, 186s. O'NEIL, JOHN. Private Co. B, 2d Regiment Infantry, mus tered June 9, 1864, for three years. Deserted, Aug. i, 1864, at Atlanta, Ga. O'NEIL, PATRICK. Private Co. H, 2d Regiment Heavy Ar tillery, mustered Aug. 13, 1864, for three years ; transfer red Jan. 17, i86s, to 17th Regiment Infantry ; discharged July II, 1865, for disability. ORCUTT, JOHN. Private Co. C, S3d Regiment Infantry, mustered Nov. 6, 1862, for nine months. Deserted, Nov. 20, 1862, at Groton, Mass. OSGOOD, JOSIAH A. Corporal Co. C, 24th Regiment In fantry, mustered Oct 18, 1861, for three years; discharged Oct '31, 1863, for promotion. Commissioned Capt Co. K, 47th Regiment Infantry, Oct 31, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Sept. i, 1863, expiration of service. OWENS, JOHN. Private Co. A, 28th Regiment Infantry, mustered April 13, 1864, for three years. Killed, June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. 139 PAGE, AMBROSE M. Private Co. D, 3Sth Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 16, 1862, for three years; discharged Sept. 9, 1864, for promotion. PAGE, GEORGE J. Corporal 14th Light Battery, mustered Feb. 27, 1864, for three years ; discharged June 15, 1865, expiration of service. PAINE,. EDWIN R. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; discharged June 9, i86s, expiration of service. PAINE, WILLIAM W. ist Sergeant Co. G, 33d Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. s, 1862, for three years. Died of wounds May 23, 1864, at Resaca, Ga. PANCOAST, JOSIAH. General service U. S. A., mustered March 17, 1864. PARK, EDWARD. Private Co. I, 44th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 12, 1862, for nine months; discharged June 18, 1863, expiration of service. PARKHURST, EUGENE D. C. Private Co. G, 4otii Regi ment Infantry, mustered Sept. s, 1862, for three years. Died, Oct. 3, 1863, at Folly Island, S. C, of chronic diarrhoea. PARKER, ALEXANDER. Private Co. H, 48th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 25, 1862, for nine months; dis charged Sept. 3, 1863, expiration of service. PARKER, NATHAN W. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. s, 1862, for three years ; discharged June 16, i86s, expiration of service. Died at Chelsea, March 2, 187s, of typhoid pneumonia. I40 PARKER, WILLIAM L. Private Co. D, 3Sth Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug. i6, 1862, for three years. Deserted Dec. 16, 1862. PARSONS, STEPHEN S. Private 12th Light Battery, mus tered, Nov. 26, 1862, for three years. Died, Feb 19, 1863, at New Orleans, La. PARSONS, WILLIAM H. Private Co. C, s6th Regiment In fantry, mustered Dec. 28, 1863, for three years; dis charged July 12, i86s, expiration of service; absent, sick. PATNOT, JOSEPH. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Jan. 7, 1864, for three years ; transferred June 9, i86s, to 29th Regiment Infantry ; discharged July 29, i86s, expiration of service. PATRICK, ALBERT E. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service, PATT AN, GEORGE H. Private nth Light Batteiy, mustered March is, 1864, for three years; discharged June 16, i86s, expiration of service. PAUL, EDWIN F. Hospital steward U. S. A., mustered April 5, 1864. PEABODY, JAMES A. Private nth Light Battery, mustered Jan. 2, 1864 for three years, discharged June 16, 1865, expiration of service. PEABODY, JAMES W. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. PEARSON, REUBEN. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. 141 PEARSON, SAMUEL F. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept s, 1862, for three years ; discharged Jan. 8, 1864, for disability. PEARSON, WILLIAM E. Corporal Co. H, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. PERLEY, ELBRIDGE G. Private Co. H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; discharged July 22, 1861, disability. Mustered Sept 19, 1862, for nine months, private Co. D, sth Regiment Infantry ; dis charged July 2, 1863, expiration of service. PERKINS, CHARLES W. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. PERRY, ALMON. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. PERRY, ALBERT D. Signal Corps U. S. A., mustered March 28, 1864. PERRY, GEORGE. Unassigned recruit 28th Regiment Infan try, mustered May 10, 1864, for three years. PERRY, JOHN H. Sergeant Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. PETERSON, JOHN. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years. Wounded Sept 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; discharged Jan. 26, 1863, for disability from wounds. Mustered same Regiment and Co., Jan. 4, 1864, for three years ; transferred June 9, 186s, to 29th Regiment Infantry; discharged July 29, 1865, expiration of service. 142 PETERSON, PETER A. Private Co. I, nth Regiment In fantry, mustered June 13, 1861, for three years ; trans ferred March i, 1864, to V. R. C. PHALEN, JOHN. Private Co. A, 28th Regiment Infantry, mustered Dec. 30, 1861, for three years. Drowned, Aug. 14, 1862, in the Potomac River. PHELAN, JOHN E. Corporal Co. 1, 19th Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 28, 1861, for three years ; transferred Sept. 12, 1863, to V. R. C. ; discharged July 29, 1864. Mus tered Aug. 18, 1864, for one year, private Co. K, 4th Regiment Heavy Artillery; discharged June 17, i86s, expiration of service. PHELPS, EDWARD A. Private Co. A, 1st Battery Heavy Artillery, mustered Feb. 26, 1862, for three years ; dis charged Feb. 27, i86s, expiration of service. PHELPS, WILLIAM J. Private Co. D, 24th Regiment In fantry, mustered Nov. 13, 186 1, for three years ; wounded Aug. 16, 1864, at Deep Run, Va. ; discharged Nov. 3, 1864, expiration of service. PHILLIPS, LIONEL D. Corporal Co. H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; appointed Sergeant, Nov. i, 1862 ; appointed 1st Sergeant, April i, 1863. Wounded and taken prisoner July 2, 1863, at Get tysburg, Pa. ; paroled, exchanged Sept. i, 1863 ; dis charged May 2S, 1864, expiration of service. Mustered private Co. E, 61st Regiment Infantry, Sept 9, 1864, for one year on quota of Ashland ; discharged Jan. 6, i86s, expiration of service. Commissioned 2d Lieut. 6th Reg iment U. S. C. T., Dec. 1864. 143 PICKFORD, HENRY. Private Co. H, 43, Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. PICKERING, EDWARD N. Sergeant Co. D, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 16, 1862, for three years; dis charged July 2S, 1864 ; promotion U. S. C. T. PIERCE, CHARLES A. Musician Co. C, 35th Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years; dis charged May IS, 1863, incompetency. PIERCE, EDWARD F. Sergeant Co. E, 4th Regiment Cav alry, mustered Jan. 27, 1864, for three years; discharged Nov. 14, 186s, expiration of service. PIERCE, JOHN. Private Co. C, 3d Regiment Heavy Artil lery, mustered Aug. 14, 1863, for three years; discharged Sept. 18, i86s, expiration of service. PIERCE, WILLIAM H. Private Co. A, 44th Regiraent In fantry, mustered Sept. 12, 1862, for nine months; dis charged June 18, 1863, expiration of service. PIERCY, HENRY A. Private Co. E, 30th Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct 9, 1861, for three years. Died, Nov. 12, 1862, at New Orleans, La. PILKINGTON, GEORGE. Private V. R. C, mustered May 28, 1864. PINKHAM, THEODORE. Private Co,. I, 44th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 12, 1862, for nine months; dis- ' charged June 18,-1863, expiration of service. 144 PITMAN, JOHN T. Private Co. M, ist Regiment Cavalry, mustered Sept. 2S, 1861, for three years ; discharged April 29, 1862, for disability. Mustered Corporal Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. PLUMMER, JOSEPH. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infan- V try, mustered Sept. s, 1862, for three years. Killed, May 16, 1864, at Drury's Bluff, Va. POMROY, GEORGE K. Private Co. B, 13th Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug. 1, 1861, for three years ; discharged July 17, 1863. Commissioned 2d Lieut. 3d Regiment U. S. Infantry; wounded July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa.; commissioned 1st Lieut., Sept. 20, 1863; resigned and discharged in i86s. POOK, WATERMAN. Private nth Light Battery, mustered Dec. 22, 1864, for three years ; discharged June 16, i86s, expiration of service. POOLE, GEORGE W. Private sth Light Battery, mustered Sept 29, 1861, for three years; discharged Dec. n, 1863, to re-enlist Mustered Dec. 12, 1863, on quota of Mai den for three years ; discharged June 12, i86s, expiration of service. POOR, JAMES W. Private sth Regiment Infantry, mustered July 18, 1864, for 100 days ; discharged Nov. 16, 1864, expiration of service. POOST, CHARLES. Private Co. G, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered April 12, 1864, for three years ; discharged June 2S, 1864, for disability. PORTER, JOHN. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered June 10, 1864, for three years. 145 POWELL, JOHN S. Private Co. F, 44th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 12, 1863, for nine months; discharged June 18, 1863,. expiration of service. POWERS, FREDERICK E. Private 4th Co. Unattached In fantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. PRATT, GEORGE W. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. PRATT, JOSEPH T. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment InfaAtry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years. Killed, Sept. 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. PRATT, JOSHUA H. Private ist Light Battery, mustered May 18, 1861, for three months ; discharged Aug. 2, 1861, expiration of service. PRATT, OLIVER D. Private Co. L, ist Regiment Cavalry, mustered Nov. n, 1861, for three years; transferred to Co. L, 4th Regiment Cavalry ; discharged April 20, 1864, to re-enlist Mustered Co. L, 4th Cavalry, April 21, 1864, for three years; discharged Nov. 14, 1865, expira tion of service. PRATT, REUBEN A. Private Co I, 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered May 2s, 1861, for three years ; discharged Jan. IS, 1862, disability. PRATT, THOMAS W. Private Co. K, 43d Regiment Infan try ; mustered Sept 16, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. PRAY, WILLIAM W. Private V. R. C, mustered Aug. 10, , 1864; discharged Nov. 21. 1865, order of War Depart ment 146 PRENCHARD, THOMAS. Musician, ist Regiment Cavalry, mustered Jan. 6, 1862, for three years ; discharged Aug. 16, 1862, order of War Department. PRESBREY, ALFRED A. Corporal Co. K, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 16, 1862, for nine months; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. PRESCOTT, FRANCIS H. Private 4th Co. Unattached In fantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days; discharged June 27, 1864, disability. PRINCE, JOSEPH B. Jr. ist Lieutenant Co. A, 30th Regi ment Infantry, mustered Feb. 20, 1862, for three years ; promoted Capt., Nov. 26, 1863 ; discharged Nov. 7, 1864, expiration of service. PROCTOR, GEORGE. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. PROCTOR, JAMES H. Sergeant Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. PROUDFOOT, JOHN. Private V. R. C, mustered May 28, 1864. PROUTY, ALBERT B. Private Co. F, sth Regiment Infan try, mustered July 16, 1864, for 100 days ; discharged Nov. 16, 1864, expiration of service. PRUDEN, FRANCIS A. Private Co. E, i8th Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug. 24, 1861, for three years ; discharged April 3, 1863, for disability. 147 PUTNAM, FREELAND. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infan try, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. Mustered Sergeant Co. D, ist Battery Frontier Cavalry on quota of Cam bridge, Jan. 2, i86s, for one year; discharged June, 30, i86s. PUTNAM, GEORGE W. R. Private Co. D, sth Regiment Infantry, mustered July 18, 1864, for 100 days ; discharged Nov. 16, 1864, expiration of service. Mustered Jan. 5, i86s, for one year, private Co. H, 6 ist Regiment Infan try on quota of Hingham; discharged July 16, 186s, ex piration of service. Cl QUINN, CHARLES. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered. Sept 29, 1862, for nine months; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. QUINN, JOHN. Private Co. K, 2d Regiment Infantry, mus tered June 13, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 26, i86s, expiration of service. 148 RACKLIFF, BENJAMIN. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. RAND, DANIEL. Private Co. A, 1st Regiment Cavalry, mus tered June 29, 1864, for three years ; discharged June 2s, 186s, expiration of service. RANDALL, JOSEPH. Private V. R. C, mustered June 22, 1864 ; discharged Nov. 14, i86s, order of War Depart ment. RANDALL, THOMAS. Private Co. G, 2d R,egiment Heavy Artillery, mustered Dec. 7, 1863, for three years; dis charged July II, i86s, expiration of service. RANDOLPH, JAMES L. Private Co. E, 2nd Regiment In fantry, mustered June 10, 1864, for three years. Deserted Oct 22, 1864. RANSON, ROBERT C. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years. Wounded at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14, 1863 ; discharged Jan. 26, 1863, for disability from wound. RAVEN, JOHN. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infantry, May 7, 1864, for three years ; transferred June 6, 1864, to Navy. RAWLIN, THOMAS. Private Co. B, 28th Regiment Infan try, mustered April s, 1864, for three years ; discharged June IS, i86s, for disability. RAYMOND, ALFRED. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 4, 1863, expiration of service. 149 READMAN, CARL. Private Co. H, 2d Regiment Cavaliy, mustered May 13, 1864, for three years. Died of wounds Nov. 2, 1864, at Winchester, Va. REED, GEORGE H. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years. Wounded Sept. 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; discharged Feb. 28, 1863, disability from wound. REED, HARRISON T. Private Co. E, 44th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 12, 1862, for nine months ; discharged June 18, 1863, expiration of service. REED, FREEMAN H. Private Co. C, sth Regiment Infantry, mustered May 1, 1861, for three months; discharged July 31, 1 86 1, expiration of service. Enlisted in U. S. Cavalry, April 26, 1862, transferred to 4th U. S. Artillery, May 1862. Died, Oct 30, 1862, at Nashville, Tenn. REED, LUTHER A. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged March 20, 1863, disability. REGAN, THOMAS. Private Co. F, 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered May 24, 1864, for three years. Wounded at Averysboro', N. C, March 16, i86s ; discharged July 14, i86s, expiration of service ; absent, wounded. REICHART, EDWIN. Private V. R. C, mustered June 7, 1864. REID, WILLIAM. Unassigned recuit 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered July 7, 1864, for three years. REILEY, EDWIN J. Private V. R. C, mustered June 7, 1864. REIMER, ROBERT. Private Co. A, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered April is, 1864, for three years. Deserted, May 24, 1864. ISO REMICK, CLARK H. Corporal Co. C. 3Sth Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; discharged Jan. 21, 1863, disability. Commissioned ist Lieut 3Sth U. S. C. T., May 1863 ; wounded Feb. 20, 1864, near Sanderson, Fla. REMICK, FRANK C. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. RIBERO, JOSEPH W. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. s, 1862, for three years ; transferred Jan. 1, 1864, to 117th Co. 2d Battalion V. R. C. ; discharged Aug. 13, i86s. RICE, JOHN. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Cavalry, mus- tered Aug. 6, 1864, for three years. RICHARDS, CHARLES H. Private Co. D, sth Regiment Infantry, mustered July 18, 1864, for 100 days ; discharged Nov. 16, 1864, expiration of service. RICHARDS, FRANCIS D. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years. Wounded Sept. 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; discharged March 4, 1863, disability from wound. RICHARDS, FRANKLIN. Private 12th Light Battery, mus tered Nov. 20, 1862, for three years; discharged July 2S, i86s, expiration of service. RICHARDS, GEORGE H. Hospital Steward U. S. A., mus tered, March 26, 1864. RICKER, ALPHEUS E. Private 12th Light Battery, mus tered Nov. IS, 1862, for three years ; discharged July 25, i86s, expiration of service. RICKER, HORACE S. Sergeant Co. C, 3Sth Regiment In-' . fantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; discharged Oct. 30, 1862, for disability. Died, Feb. 3, 1864. RIDER, WILLIAM H. H. Private Co. A, 43d Regiment Iiv fantry, mustered Oct. 11, 1862, for nine months; dis charged July 30, 1863 expiration of service. RIDLON, JOSEPH H. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 19, 1S62, for three years. Wounded Sept 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; discharged Feb. 28, 1863, disability from wounds. RIGBY, WILLIAM H. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept s, 1862, for three years ; discharged June 9, i86s, by order of War Department. RILEY, JOHN. Private Co. K, 20th Regiment Infantry, mus tered Aug. 26, 1861, for three years. Killed, Sept 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. RILEY, PATRICK. Private Co. B, 28th Regiment Infantry, mustered Jan. 10, 1862, for three years ; appointed Ser geant Sept. I, 1862. Killed, Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericks burg, Va. RILEY, PETER. Private Co. E, 3d Regiment Heavy Artil lery, mustered Aug. 27, 1863, for three years ; discharged Sept. 18, 186s, expiration of service. RING, CHARLES T. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. s, 1862, for three years. Wounded June 3, 1864, Cold Harbor, Va. ; appointed Corporal, Sept. i, 1864; discharged June 16, i86s, expiration of service. RIPLEY, ROBERT. Private Co. H, 50th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 4, 1863, expiration of service. 152 ROACH, THOMAS. 3d U. S. Artillery, mustered March 8, 1864. ROBERTS, ALBERT H. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infan try, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. ROBBINS, CHARLES T. 2d Lieutenant 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered Sept. 9, 1863, for three years ; pro moted and mustered Sept. 2, 1864, ist Lieutenant ; dis charged Sept. 18, i86s, expiration of service. Mustered private Co. D, 13th Regiment Infantry, July 29, 1861, for three years on quota of Boston. Wounded Aug. 28, 1862, at Throughfare Gap, Va. ; discharged Oct. 3, 1862, disa bility from wound. ROBBINS, JOHN. General service U. S. A., mustered March 19, 1864. ROBERTS, GEORGE T. Private nth Light Battery, mus tered Jan. 2, 1864, for three years. Wounded June 19, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. ; discharged March 3, 1865, disability from wound. ROBERTS, HORATIO, ist Sergeant Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; dis charged Oct 12, 1861, for promotion. Commissioned 2d Lieutenant, Oct 12, 1861 ; commissioned ist Lieutenant, July 24, 1862. Wounded Aug. 29, 1862, near Manassas, Va., discharged; Feb. s, 1864, resigned. Commissioned 2d Lieutenant V. R. C, Jan. 29th, 1864 ; discharged June 30, 1866. ' ROBERTS, MYRON C. Private Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 29, 1862 for nine months; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. 153 ROBERTS, SAMUEL. Private Co. I, 6 ist Regiment Infantry, mustered Dec. 19, 1864, for one year; discharged July 16, 1 86s, expiration of service. ' ROBERTS, THOMAS. Private Co. B, 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered July 7, 1864, for three years. Deserted, Aug. 13, 1864, at Atlanta, Ga. ROBERTS, WILLIAM. Unassigned recurit 20th Regiment Infantry, mustered April 13, 1864, for three years; trans ferred May 17, 1864, to Navy. ROBERTS, WILLIAM. Private V. R. C, mustered July 23, 1864. ROBINSON, CHARLES. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered July 22, 1861, for three years. ROBINSON, CHARLES G. Private Co. F, 24th Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct. 22, 1861, for three years ; ap pointed Corporal, June 15, 1862 ; discharged Oct. 22, 1864, expiration of service. ROBINSON, CURTIS B. Private Co. I, 3d Regiment Cav alry, mustered Dec. 2, 1863, for three years ; discharged Aug. 19, 1864, for disability. ROBINSON, WILLIAM. Unassigned recurit 28th Regiment Infantry, mustered April is, 1864, for three years. RODGERS, JAMES. Unassigned recruit 3d Regiment Cav alry, mustered March 22, 1864, for three years. Deserted May 1864. , RODGERS, JAMES. Unassigned recruit 28th Regiment In fantry, mustered May 10, 1863, for three years. 154 ROGERS, EDWARD H. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. ROGERS, FRANK H. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept 24, 1861, for three years; discharged April 29, 1864, for disability. ROGERS, FREDERICK E. Private Co. D, 13th Regiment Infantry, mustered March 17, 1862, for three years; dis charged Jan. 4, 1864, to re-enlist Mustered Jan. s, 1864, for three years ; discharged Feb. 4, 1864, for promotion. Mustered 2d Lieutenant S4th Regiment Infantry, Feb. 4, 1864; resigned and discharged June 12, 186s. ROGERS, JAMES C. Captain Co. H, 48th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 2s, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Sept. 3, 1863, expiration of service. ROGERS, SAMUEL D. Private Co. K, 4th Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered Aug. iS, 1864, for one year ; discharged June 17, i86s, expiration of service. ROSS, CHARLES H. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; discharged June 9, 1865, expiration of service. ROWE, EDWARD F. ist Sergeant Co. C, 13th Regiment In fantry, mustered July 16, 1861, for three years ; discharged May 18, 1862 ; transferred to Navy, April 15, 1862. ROWELL, HARRIFF. Private Co. B, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years; discharged July 31, 1861, disability. 155 RUSSELL, EDWARD K. ist Sergeant 2d Light Battery, mustered July 31, 1861, for three years ; discharged Oct. 22, 1862, for promotion. Mustered 2d Lieutenant, Oct 22, 1862 ; discharged Oct. 3, 1863, for promotion. Mus tered Oct. 3, 1863, ist Lieutenant 6th Light Battery, for three years ; discharged Dec. 30, 1864, for promotion. Mustered Dec. 30, 1864, Capt. 6th Light Battery; dis charged Aug. 7, 1865, expiration of service. RUSSELL, WILLIAM O. Saddler, Co. C, ist Regiment Cav alry, mustered Jan. i, 1864, for three years ; discharged June 30, i86s, expiration of service. Served on quota of Boston, Sept. 19, 1861, to Dec. 31, 1863. RYAN, JOHN. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered July 22, 1864, for three years. RYAN, JOHN. Private Co. E, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mus tered Nov. 30, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 20, i86s, expiration of service. RYAN, JOHN H. Private Co. F, 2d Regiment Infantry, mus tered June n, 1864, for three years. Deserted, Aug. 9, 1864. SALE, JOHN. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infantry, mus tered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. SALE, JOHN A. Private Co. A, 3d Regiment Cavalry, mus tered private Jan. 4, 1864, for three years ; discharged Sept. 28, 1 86s, expiration of service. 156 SAMPSON, EDEN. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. SAMPSON, HENRY G. Private V. R. C, mustered June 20, 1864. SAMUELS, JOSEPH. Private Co. C, 32d Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct. 31, 1861, for three years ; discharged Jan. 4, 1863, for disability. Mustered Sergeant Co. K, 4th Regiment Hea-vy Artillery, Aug. 18, 1864, for one year ; discharged June 17, 1865, expiration of service. SAMUELS, SOLOMON D. Private 8th Light Battery, mus tered May 30, 1862, for six months ; discharged Nov. 29, 1862, expiration of service. Re-enlisted private Co. K, 4th Regiment Heavy Artillery, Aug. 18, 1864, for one year ; discharged June 17, i86s, expiration of service. SANBORN, ALMON. Corporal Co. H, soth Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. SANBORN, CHARLES W. H. Private 14th Light Battery, mustered March 29, 1864, for three years; discharged June IS, 1863, expiration of service. SANBORN, FRANK. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantiy, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. SANBORN, FREDERICK G. Private Co. D, 1st Battalion Frontier Cavalry, mustered Jan. 2, 186s, for one year ; discharged March 21, i86s, to re-enlist Hospital Steward U. S. A. 157 SANDS, GEORGE H. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct. 3, 1861, for three years ; discharged Nov. S, 1862, for disability. Mustered Dec. s, 1863, private Co. I, 1st Regiment Cavalry for three years ; discharged Nov. 18, 1864 ; promoted 1st Lieut ist Regiment U. S. C. T. ; date of commission Oct. 12, 1864. SARGENT, CHRISTOPHER. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Inf antry mustered Sept 5, 1862, for three years ; appointed Corporal, Jan. i, 1865 ; discharged June i6, 1865, expira tion of service. SARINGER, CHARLES E. Private V. R. C, inustered June 20, 1864. SAUNDERS, ALONZO. Wagoner, Co. C, 35th Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug, 19, 1862, for three years; dis charged Nov. 17, 1862, disability. SAUNDERS, JOHN. Private 6th Light Battery, inustered Dec. 24, 1864, for three years ; discharged Aug. 7, 1865, expiration of service. SAUNDERS, JOHN H. Private Co. C, ist Battalion Heavy Artillery, mustered April 22. 1863, for three years; dis charged Oct 20, i86s, expiration of service. SAUNDERS, ROBERT A. 2d Lieutenant Co. H, ist Regi ment Infantry, mustered May 2s, 1861, for three years ; Sept. 16, 1861, resigned. Mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months, ist Sergeant Co. H, soth Regiment Infan try; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. Mustered Nov. 27, 1863, Veterinary Surgeon 3d Regi ment Cavalry ; discharged July 2S, i86s, expiration of service. IS8 SAWTELLE, ZACHARIAH. Private Co. H, soth Regiment, Infantry, mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. SAWYER, WILLIAM. Private Co. F, 4th Regiment Cavalry, mustered Jan. 27, 1864, for three years ; wounded. Died, June 27, 1864, at Washington, D. C. SCHATTONULLER, IGNATZ. Private Co. D, 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered July 6, 1864, for three years ; dis charged July 26, i86s, expiration of service. SCHILLING, WILLIAM. Private Co. E, 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Oct. i, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. SCHMIDT, PETER. Private 4th Light Battery, mustered Feb. 6, 1864, for three years. Deserted, Feb. 3, i86s, at Kennorville, La. SCHOLES, HENRY. Private Co. A, 28th Regiment Infantry, mustered April, 16, 1864, for three years; discharged June 27, 1863, expiration of service. SCHWENDY, FRITZ. Unassigned recruit 31st Regiment In fantry, mustered April is, 1864, for three years ; dis charged Sept. 9, 1863. SCOTT, BENJAMIN F. Private Co. H, 2d Regiment Cav alry, mustered May 12, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 20, 1863, expiration of service. SCOTT, FRANK J. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 20, 1862, for nine months; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. Re-entered Medical Department, Sept. 1864. SCOTT, SAMUEL. Unassigned recruit 20th Regiment, mus tered March 18, 1864, for three years; transferred to Navy, April 23, 1864. 159 SCOTT, WALTER. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered May 13, 1864, for three years. SEELEY, SAMUEL W. Private Co. I, 1st Regiment Cavalry, mustered .Dec. s, 1863, for three years; discharged June 29, 1863, expiration of service. SEELEY, WILLIAM D. Corporal 4th Co^ Unattached Infan try, mustered May 3, 1864 for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. SEIBERT, GOTTLIEB. Private Co. G, 2d Regiment Cav alry, mustered May 10, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 20, 1863, expiration of service ; absent, sick. SEIP, JACOB. Unassigned recruit 20th Regiment Infantry, mustered April 12, 1864, for three years. SELDON, THOMAS. Private Co. F, ssth Regiment Infantry, mustered June 26, 1863, for three years ; discharged Aug. 29, 1863, expiration of service. SHAEFFER, FREDERICK. Private Co. K, 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years. Wounded, Aug. 9, 1862, at Cedar Mountain, Va. ; dis charged Oct. 2, 1862, disability from wound. SHANLEY, PATRICK. Private Co. G, 6ist Regiment Infan try, mustered Nov. n, 1864, for one year; discharged July 16, 1865, expiration of service. SHARKEY, THOMAS. Private Co. F, 16th Regiment Infan try, mustered July 12, 1861, for three years. Deserted, Aug. 17, 1861. Re-enlisted private Co. D, 1st Regiment D. C, Sept 28, 1861 ; discharged Sept 28, 1864. Re- enlisted private Co. F, 61st Regiment Infantry, Oct 18, 1864, on quota of Stoughton; discharged July 16, 1863, expiration of service. i6o SHATTUCK, LAFAYETTE, U. S. Artillery, mustered March 17, 1864; discharged April 4, 1863. SHAW, GEORGE T. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantiy, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. SHAW, J. W. W. General service U. S. A., mustered March 17, 1864. SHAW, ROBERT. Private Co. K, sth Regiment Cavalry, mustered April 12, 1864, for three years ; discharged June 21, 1863, expiration of service. SHEA, CORNEILLE. Private Co. I, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered April 8, 1864, for three years. Died, Jan. 18^3, at Danville, Va. SHEEHAN, PATRICK. Private Co. C, 28th Regiment In fantry, mustered March 13, 1864, for three years; dis charged June 19, 1865, expiration of service. SHEEHAN, WILLIAM. Corporal Co. H, 48th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 23, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Sept. 3, 1863, expiration of service. SHEEK, FRANCIS. Private Co. K, 30th Regiment Infantry, mustered April 13, 1864, for three years. Died, Aug. 12, 1864, at Washington, D. C. SHELDON, AURELUS B. C. Private Co. E, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered March 17, 1863, for three years; trans ferred March 4, 1864, to Navy. SHELDON, JOSEPH W. Private Co. E, 2nd Regiment Cav alry, mustered March 17, 1863, for three years ; discharged July 20, 1863, expiration of service. i6i SHELHAMMER, JOHN. Private Co. C, 33d Regiment, In fantry, mustered Aug. 6, 1862, for three years. Wounded July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. ; transferred Aug. 10, 1864, to V. R. C. ; discharged July 12, 1863. SHEPPARD, EUGENE. Private Co. E, 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered May 7, 1864, for three years. Died Jan. 1863, at Nashville, Tenn. SHERMAN, CHARLES F. Private Co. K, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 19, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. SHIELDS, WILL. J. General Service U. S. A., March 17, 1864. SHIPMAN, WILLIAM N. Private Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months, dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. SIBLEY, NELSON H. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 3, 1862, for three years ; appointed Corporal Sept. i, 1863 ; appointed Sergeant April 9, 1864 ; wounded June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va.; discharged Dec. 31, 1864, disability "from wound. SILVER, NATHAN B. Private Co. E, 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, for nine months ; discharged June 2, 1863, expiration of service. SIMMONS, ENOCH F. Corporal Co. A, 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Oct. n, 1862, for nine months; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. SIMMONS, WILLIAM A. Corporal Co. F, 44th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 12, 1862, for nine months; dis- , charged June 18, 1863, expiration of service. 1 62 SIMONDS, EABUD. Private Co. D, 17th Regiment Infantry, mustered Feb. 10, 1862, for three years; taken prisoner, Feb. I, 1864, near Newbern, N. C. Died, July 10, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga. SIMPSON, ALPHONSO. Private Co. F, 44th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 12, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged June 18, 1863, expiration of service. SINCLAIR, JOHN G. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged - July 30, 1863, expiration of service. SMALL, WILLIAM H. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years ; discharged June 16, 1863, expiration of service. SMIDT, JOHN. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered May 12, 1864, for three years. SMIDT, PETER. Private Co. K, 2d Regiment Infantry, mus tered July 23, 1864, for three years; discharged July 14, 1863, expiration of service, in Hospital since Aug. 10, 1864. SMILIE, JOHN H. Private V. R. C, mustered Dec. 14, 1864. SMITH, CHANDLER P. Unassigned recruit ist Regiment Infantry; no further record in ist Regiment Mustered private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry, Sept, 3, 1862, for three years; appointed Corporal, June 4, 1863 ; appointed Sergeant, Nov. i, 1864; discharged June 16, 1863, expi ration of service. SMITH, CHARLES O. C. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 5, 1862, for three years; appointed Corporal, Sept 16, 1862. Died, April 19, 1863, at Wash ington, D. C. i63 SMITH, ELIJAH R. Private Co. H, soth Regiinent Infantiy, mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. SMITH, GEORGE H. Corporal Co. H, 42 d Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept 24, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 20, 1863, expiration of service. SMITH, JAMES. Private Co. B, 2d Regiment Infantry, mus tered May 10, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 14, 1863, expiration of service. SMITH, JAMES. Private Co. A, 2d Regiment Infantry, mus tered June II, 1864, for three years. SMITH, JOHN. Private Co. G, 4th Regiment Cavalry, mus tered Jan. 27, 1864, for three years. Deserted, Aug. 20, 1863. SMITH, JOHN L. General service U. S. A., mustered March 28, 1864. SMITH, PATRICK. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 18, 1864, for three years. SMITH, THOMAS. Private Co. F, 2d Regiment Cavalry, inustered Aug. 17, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 20, 1865, expiration of service. SMITH, THOMAS. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered May 23, 1864, for three years ; transferred June 26, 1864, to Navy. SMITH, WILLIAM A. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infan try, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years on quota of Boston; appointed Corporal, Oct. i, 1861 ; discharged Aug. 18, 1862, for promotion. Commissioned Aug. 18, 1862, 2d Lieutenant Co. G, 40th Regiment Infantry ; pro moted ist Lieut., Nov. 1862 ; promoted Capt Feb. 26, 1863. Wounded May 16, 1864, at Drury's Bluff, Va. ; discharged Sept. 6, 1864, disability from wound. 164 SMITH, WILLIAM D. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infan try, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years. Killed April 26, 1862, at Yorktown, Va. SMITH, WILLIAM L. Private Co. G, 6ist Regiment Infan try, mustered Nov. 19, 1864, for one year ; discharged July 16, 1863, expiration of service. SNOW, GEORGE W. Assistant Surgeon 28th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1861 ; discharged March 13, 1863, for promotion. Mustered, March 13, 1863, Surgeon 3Sth Regiment Infantry; discharged June 9, 1863, expi ration of service. SNOW, ROBERT F. Private Co. E, 16th Regiment Infantry, mustered July 12, 1861, for three years. Killed, Aug. 29, 1862, near Manassas, Va. SNOW, WILLIAM A. 1st Sergeant Co. L, 3d Regiment Cav alry, mustered Nov. 25, 1861, for three years; discharged March 4, 1863, for promotion. Commissioned 2d Lieut. ist Regiment La. Cavalry, March 1, 1863 ; commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Aug. 1863. SOULE, THOMAS H. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. SOUTHER, EDWARD E. Corporal nth Light Battery, mus tered Jan. 2, 1864, for three years ; appointed Sergt., July 9, 1864. Wounded, July 17, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. ; appointed ist Sergt., Oct. 13, 1864; discharged and com missioned 2d Lieut, Jan. 13, 1863 ; discharged June 16, 1863, expiration of service. SOUTHER, WILLIAM R. Private Co. H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 12, 1861, for three years ; discharged July 24, 1862, for disability. i65 SPELLMAN, JOHN. Private 6th Light Battery, mustered Dec. 20, 1864, for three years ; discharged Aug. 7, 1865, expiration of service. SPOONER, JOHN F. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. Died, July 22, 1867,. in Texas. SPOONER, JOSEPH W. Private Co. H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years. Wounded April 26, 1862, at Yorktown, Va. ; discharged May 23, 1864, expiration of service. Died, Aug. 9, 1876, at Ever ett, Mass. SPRIGGS, ISAIAH. Private Co. A, S4th Regiment Infantry, mustered March 30, 1863, for three years ; discharged Aug. 20, 1863, expiration of service. STAFFORD, FRANK. Private Co. F, s6th Regiment Infan try, mustered Jan. 12, 1864, for three years ; taken pris oner. Died, Nov. 16, 1864, at Salisbury, N. C. STANDISH, BEN. Unassigned recruit 19th Regiment Infan try, mustered April 9, 1864, for three years. STANWOOD, WILLIAM E. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. STEARNS, ISAAC R. Private Co. C, 44th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 12, 1862, for nine months ; discharged June 18, 1863, expiration of service. STEARNS, THEODORE R. General service U. S. A., mus tered March i, 1864. 1 66 STEELE, ROBERT. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; taken prisoner May 24, 1864, at North Anna River, Va. ; exchanged, and discharged June 9, 1863, expiration of service. STEERE, ALPHONSO D. Private Co. B, 2d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered Aug. 18 1864, for three years ; dis charged June 12, 1863, expiration of service. STETSON, ALBUS R. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; discharged June 9, 1865, expiration of service. STEVENS, GEORGE H. Private Co. G, i8th Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug. 24, 186 1, for three years ; appointed Corporal, Sept 21, 1862. Wounded Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; transferred Sept. i, 1863, to 2d Battalion V. R. C. ; discharged Aug. 24, 1864, expiration of service. STEVENS, GEORGE W. Private Co. E, 47th Regiment In fantry, mustered Oct. 8, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Sept. I, 1863, expiration of service. STEVENS, NICHOLAS. Private Co. B, isth Regiment In fantry, mustefed April 8, 1864, for three years ; transfer red July 27, 1864, to 2oth Regiment Infantry Co. E ; dis charged July 16, 1865, expiration of service. STEVENS, JOHN A. Private Co. H, 2d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered Aug. 20, 1864, for three years ; dis charged Sept. 3, 1863, expiration of service. STEWART, CHARLES. Private Co. H, 42d Regiinent In fantry, mustered Sept. 24, 1862, for nine months. De serted, Oct. I, 1864, at Readville, Mass. STEWART, GEORGE. Unassigned recruit 28th Regiment In fantry, mustered May 7, 1864, for three years. 1 67 STODDARD, GEORGE L. Private Co. H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; wounded at Yorktown, Va., April 26, 1862. Deserted, Sept. 1862. Served in the Navy from Dec. 1862, to March 1864. STONE, BENJAMIN. Private Co. H, 42d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 24, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 20, 1863, expiration of service. STONE, BENJAMIN F. Corporal Co. K, 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 16, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. STONE, CHARLES O. Private Co. F, 29th Regiment Infan try, mustered Dec. 14, 1861, for three years ; discharged Jan. I, 1864, to re-enlist; mustered Jan. 2, 1864 for three years ; taken prisoner near Petersburg, Va., March 23, 1863 ; discharged May 26, 1863, expiration of service. STONE, GEORGE F. Private Co. D, 22d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 6, 1861, for three years; taken prisoner June 28, 1862, near Richmond, Va. ; exchanged Aug. 6, 1862 ; discharged Oct. 17-, 1864, expiration of service. STONE, GEORGE H. Private Co. H, 1st Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years. Wounded, April 26, 1862, at Yorktown, Va. ; discharged Oct 12, 1862, disability' from wound. Died, Feb. 16, 1870, at Chelsea. STONE, SAMUEL P. Private Co. H, 30th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. STONE, WILLIAM P. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years. Wounded and taken prisoner Aug. 19, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. ; exchanged, and discharged June 30, 1863, expiration of service. i68 STRATTON, JOSEPH Jr. Private Co. K, 17th Regiment Infantry, mustered July 22, 1861, for three years, dis charged June 23, 1863, for disability. STRAW, JEFFERSON H. Private 4th Co. Unattached In fantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. STREET, FREDERICK. Private 6th Light Battery, mustered Dec. 2, 1864, for three years; discharged July 14, 1865, expiration of service. STURKES, CHARLES. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. ig, 1862, for three years ; discharged Jan. 13, 1863, for disability. SULLIVAN, DANIEL. Private i8th Co. Unattached Infan try, mustered Aug. 6, 1864, for 100 days; discharged Nov. 14, 1864, expiration of service. SULLIVAN, PATRICK. Private Co. I, 33d Regiment, mus tered, Aug. 12, 1864, for three years. SUMMERS, JAMES. Corporal Co. L, 3d Regiment Cavalry, mustered March 17, 1864, for three years. Died, Feb. 14, 1863. SUMMERS, JOSEPH B. General service U. S. A., mustered March 17, 1864. SWAIN, ROBERT. Private Co. B, 28th Regiment Infantry, mustered Dec, 13, 1861, for three years. Wounded Aug. 24, 1862, near Manassas, Va. ; discharged Nov. 28, 1862, disability from wound. Re-enlisted on quota of Glou cester, in ISth Regiment Infantry, Aug. 4, 1863 ; trans ferred July 27, 1864, to 20th Regiment Infantry. De serted, May 23, 1863. 169 SWAIN, WILLIAM. Private Co. C, 2d Regiment Heavy Ar tillery, mustered Aug. 4, 1863, for three years. Deserted, Aug. 22, 1863. SWAIN, WILLIAM. Private Co. B, 48th Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct. 10, 1862, for nine months; discharged Dec. 13, 1862, disability. SWAIN, WILLIAM. Corporal Co. C, 28th Regiment Infan try, mustered Jan. 29, 1864, for three years ; appointed Sergeant in 1865; discharged June 17, 1865, expiration of service. SWAN, WILLIAM R. Captain Co. C, sth Regiment Infantry, mustered May i, 1861, for three months; discharged July 31, 1861, expiration of service. Mustered Dec. 13, 1861, Capt Co. K, 13th Regiment Maine Infantry ; discharged March 9, 1864, disability from fever. SWAN, LOUIS W. Sergeant 2d Light Battery, mustered July I, 1861, for three years; discharged Feb. 13, 1864, for re-enlistment. Mustered Feb. 13, 1864, ist Sergeant for three years ; discharged Dec. i, 1864 for promotion. Mustered Dec. i, 1864, 2d Lieutenant; discharged Aug- n, 1865, expiration of service. SWEENEY, FRANK. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; taken prisoner May 24, 1864, at North Anna River; paroled Nov. 25, 1864; discharged June 9, 1863, expiration of service. SWEENEY, JAMES. Private Co. C, 35th Regiment Infantry, mustered Feb, 22, 1863, for three years. Wounded, July 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. ; wounded Aug. 19, 1864, near Weldon, R. R., Va. ; transferred June 9, 1865, to Co. C, 29th Regiment Infantry; discharged June 27, 1863, expiration of service. I70 SWEENEY, JAMES. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered May 13, 1864, for three years. SWEENEY, NATHANIEL I. Private Co. C, 25th Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years. Killed, Sept. 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. SWEETSER, JOHN E. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Cav alry, mustered Aug. 12, 1864, for three years. SWEET, CYRUS E. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged March 3, 1863, disability. Mustered private 4th Co. Un attached Infantry, May 3, 1864, for ninety days; dis charged Aug. 6. 1864. expiration of service. SWEET, WILLIAM. Private 12th Light Battery, mustered Nov. 20, 1862, for three years; discharged July 23, 1865, expiration of service. SWEETSER, THOMAS A. Private Co. I, 19th Regiment In- . fantry, mustered July 26, 1861, for three years. Wounded Sept 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; discharged, March 19, 1863, disability from wound. SWIFT, EDWARD, General service U. S. A., mustered March 28, 1864. SWORDS, EDWARD K. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 20, 1862, for nine months; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. SYMONDS, FREDERICK W. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantiy, mustered Mays, 1864, for ninety days; dis charged Aug. 6, 1864. expiration of service. Died, Sept. 27, 1876, at Chelsea. 17' TABER, BARTHOLOMEW. Private Co. C. 35th Regiment Infantry, mustered Jan. 3, 1864, for three years ; taken prisoner. May 23, 1864. Died, Aug. 1864, at Anderson viUe, Ga. TAYLOR, THOMAS. Private Co. G, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered June lo, 1864, for three years. Died, June 26, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga. TEAGUE, FRANCIS. Private Co. G, 2d Regiment Cavalry, inustered March, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 20, 1865, expiration of service. TENNEY, LYMAN B. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. TEVLIN, MICHAEL. Private Co. D, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered Aug. 13, 1864, for three years ; discharged June 20, 1863, expiration of service. TEWKSBURY, MARTIN G. Private Co. H, 1st Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct. 3, 1861, for three years. Wounded May 3, 1862, at Williamsburg, Va. ; musket stock shat tered June 23, 1862, at Fair Oaks, Va. ; wounded Aug. 29, 1862, near Manassas, Va. ; discharged May 27, 1863, disability from wounds. THAYER, EDWIN L. Private Co. G, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years; appointed Cor poral, Dec. 1, 1862 ; taken prisoner May 3, 1863, at Chan cellorsville, Va. ; exchanged Sept. i, 1863 ; appointed Sergeant, Jan. i, 1S64; discharged May 25, 1864, expira tion of service. 172 THAYER, JOSEPH W. Private Co. H, 12th Regiment In fantry, mustered June 26, 1861. for three years. Wounded Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; wounded July r, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. ; transferred Jan. 16, 1864, to 117th Co, 2d Battalion V. R. C. ; discharged June 27, 1864, expiration of service. THAYER, WALTER B. Private 8th Light Battery, mustered May 30, 1862, for six months ; discharged Nov. 29, 1862, expiration of service. THEIS, ERNST. Private Co. E, 2d Regiment Infantry, mus tered Dec. 7, 1864, for three years. Deserted. THOMAS, HENRY A. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 3, 1862, for three years ; appointed Corporal, Jan. i, 1863 ; discharged June 16. 1863, expira tion of service. THOMAS, JOHN. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered July 17, 1864, for three years. THOMAS, WILLIAM. Private Co. G, 3d Regiment Cavalry, mustered Nov. 1, 1862, for three years. Deserted, Nov. I, 1862. THOMBS, THOMAS. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, i86i, for three years. Wounded, June 30, 1862, at White Oak Swamp, Va. ; discharged May 23, 1864, expiration of service. Died, March 18, 1866, at Chelsea. THOMPSON, CHARLES. Private V. R. C. THOMPSON, HENRY. Private Co. K, 2d Regiment Cav alry, mustered June 9, 1864, for three years. Deserted, Oct 19, 1864. 173 THOMPSON, HENRY F. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 20, 1862, for nine inonths; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. THOMPSON, JOHN. Unassigned recruit zd Regiment Cav alry, mustered Aug. 27, 1864, for three years. THOMPSON, WILLIAM. Private Co. A, 2d Regiment In fantry, mustered June 13, 1864, for three years. Deserted, Aug. 8, 1864, at Atlanta, Ga. THOMSON, THOMAS J. Private Co. L, 4th Regiment Cav alry, mustered July 7, 1864, for three years ; discharged Nov. 14, 1863, expiration of service. TILDEN, COLMAN Jr. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. TILTON DANIEL P. Private 2d Light Battery, mustered Jan. 4, 1864, for three years; discharged Aug. n, 1863, expiration of service. TOBEY, JOHN S. Sergeant Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; appointed ist Sergeant Oct. 31, 1862 ; discharged Jan. 24, 1863, for promotion. Mustered 2d Lieut., Jan. 24, 1863, Co. C ; promoted ist Lieut., June 17, 1863 ; promoted Capt, Dec. 8, 1863 ; transferred June 9, 1865, to 29th Regiment In fantry, Brevet Major; discharged Aug. 10, 1863, expira tion of service. Died, Nov. 14, 1879. TODD, JAMES. Corporal 12th Light Battery, mustered Nov. 28, 1862, for three years. Died, Oct 30, 1864, at Port Hudson, La. TOWER, STEPHEN T. Private Co. H, 1st Regiment Infan try, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; discharged May 23, 1864, expiration of service. Died, May 18, 1879, in Boston. 174 TOWLE, AUGUSTUS. Private Co. I, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct. 22, 1 861, for three years ; discharged May 24, 1864, expiration of service. TRAFTON, CHARLES H. Private Co. A, 6th Regiment In fantry, mustered July 15, 1864, for 100 days; discharged Oct 27, 1864, expiration of service. TRASK, EDWARD. Private Co. D, 3d Regiment Heavy Ar tillery, mustered Jan. 4, 1864, for three years ; discharged Sept. 18, 1863, expiration of service. TRIMPOP, CHARLES. Private Co. G, 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered Dec. 6, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 14, 1863, expiration of service. TUCKER, BEAVIS. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantiy, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; transferred July 23, 1864, to Co. H, 19th Regiment V. R. C- ; discharged July 13, 1863, expiration of service. TUFTS, FRANCIS W. Private Co. B, 44th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 12, 1862, for nine months ; discharged June 18, 1863, expiration of service. TUFTS, JOHN. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry ; mus tered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. TUFTS, THOMAS Jr Private Co. B, 3d Regiment Cavalry, mustered Dec 2, 1863, for three years, discharged Sept. 28, 1865, expiration of service. TUPPER, GEORGE F. Private Co. E, 5th Regiment Infantry, mustered May 1, 186 1 for three months; discharged July 31, 1861, expiration of service. TURK, EBEN. Private nth Light Batteiy, mustered Aug. 23, 1862, for nine months ; discharged May 23, 1863, expira tion of service. 175 TURNER, EDWARD. nth Regiment Infantry, U. S. A., mustered Feb. 29, 1864. TURNER, JOHN. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mus tered May 3, 1864, for ninety days; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. TURNER, WILLIAM. Sergeant Co. I, s6th Regiment Infan try, mustered Feb. 4, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 12, 1863, expiration of service. TUTEIN, EDWARD G. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infan try, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years; appointed Sergeant May 23, 1861 ; appointed ist Sergeant Sept. 8, 1862 ; discharged March 1, 1863, for promotion, mustered same day 2d Lieutenant; discharged May 23, 1864, ex piration of service. Mustered Dec. 9, 1864, for one year, Captain Co. G, 61st Regiment Infantry; discharged July 16, 1863, expiration of service. TUTTLE, JOHN S. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. TUTTLE, JOSEPH P. S. Private Co. B, 12th Regiment In fantry, mustered June 26, 1861. Wounded Sept. 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. ; appointed Corporal, Oct. 1862 ; wound ed July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. ; discharged Jan. 18, 1864, disability from wounds. Died, Oct 8, 1868, at Cambridgeport, Mass. TWICHELL, JOHN W. Musician, Co. D, 17th Regiment In fantry, mustered Feb. 2, 1862, for three years ; discharged Jan. I, 1864, to re-enhst Mustered Jan. 2, 1864, for three years ; taken prisoner Feb. 1, 1864, near Newbern, N. C. Died, Aug. 17, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga. TWOHILL, EDWARD. Private V. R. C. 176 TWOMBLEY, CHARLES W. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. TYLER, JOSEPH A. Private V. R. C, mustered June 20, 1864 ; discharged Sept. 3, 1863, for disability. VARRILL, JOHN P. Private ist Co. Sharpshooters, mus tered Oct. 23, 1862, for three years; wounded at Gettys burg, Pa., July 3, 1863. Deserted Feb. 11, 1864. VEAZIE, WILLIAM W. Private Co. E, 4th Regiment Caval ry, mustered Feb. 18, 1864, for three years. Died Sept. 3, 1864, at Davids' Island, N. Y. VEAZIE, ELI. Private Co. H, 1st Regiment Infantry, mus tered May 23, 1 86 1, for three years. Wounded at Locust Grove, Va., Nov. 27, 1863 ; discharged March 25, 1864, disability from wound. VICKORY, JOHN. Private Co. H, 2d Regiment Cavalry; mustered May 10, 1864, for three years ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. VINCENT, JAMES N. Private Co. B, 24th Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 26, 1861, for three years. Killed, March 14, 1862, at Newbern, N. C. VOLK, ALGERNON. General service U. S. A., mustered March 17, 1864. VOSE, FREDERICK A. Private Co. I, 1st Regiment Cav alry, mustered Dec. 3, 1863, for three years. Deserted, Jan. 1863. VOSE, ORRIN B. Private Co. H, 30th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. ¦177 TFT- WADE, EDWIN L. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. WADE, JAMES P. Private Co. C, sth Regiment Infantry, mustered May 1, 1861, for three months ; discharged July 31, 1861, expiration of service. Mustered Sergeant Co. C, Nov. 2, 1861, for three years ; appointed Sergeant Major July i, 1862 ; discharged Oct. 21, 1862, for promo tion, mustered same day 2d Lieutenant ; promoted May 7, 1863, ist Lieutenant; discharged June 29, 1863, ex piration of service. WADE, SETH. Private Co. I, 23d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 28, 1861, for three years; appointed Corporal Aug. 19, 1862 ; appointed Sergeant Nov. 3, 1862 ; appointed ist Sergeant March 19, 1864; discharged Oct 14, 1864, for promotion, commissioned same date ist Lieutenant ; commissioned Captain Oct. 14, 1864; discharged June 25, 1863, expiration of service. WAGNER, FRANK. Private Co. E, sgth Regiment Infantry, mustered Feb 4, 1864, for three years. WAGNER, HENRY. Private Co. H, s8th Regiment, mustered April 18, 1864, for three years. Deserted Oct. 4, 1864. WAGNER, JOHAN. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered May lo, 1864, for three years. WAGNER, JOHN. Private Co. K, 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered July 23, 1864, for three years. Deserted Aug. 9, 1864. 178. WALKER, CHARLES W. Private Co. E, 4th Regiment Cav alry, mustered Feb. 18, 1864, for three years ; discharged May 19, 1865, expiration df service. WALKER, EDWARD. Sergeant Co. H, 42 d Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 24, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 30, 1863, expiration of service. WALKER, EDWARD P. Bugler Co. G, 2d Regiment Cav alry, mustered April 9, 1863, for three years ; discharged June 6, 1865, expiration of service. WALKER, GILMAN S. Private Co. E, 24th Regiment Infan try, mustered Dec. 3, 1861, for three years ; discharged Jan. 3, 1864, to re-enlist. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864, for three years ; discharged Jan. 20, 1866, expiration of service. WALKER, HENRY. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 24, 1861, for three years ; discharged April 14, 1863, for disability. Served three months pri vate Co. G; 8th Regiment M. V. M., on quota of Glouces ter; discharged Aug. i, 1861, expiration of service. WALKER, SAMUEL Jr. Private Co. B, 43 Regiinent Infan try, mustered Oct n, 1862, for nine months. Deserted, Oct II, 1862, at Readville, Mass. WALKER, WILLIAM G. Musician Co. H, 19th Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 28, 1861, for three years; trans- , ferred Dec, 1861, to Co. D ; taken prisoner Aug. 3, 1862, near Richmond, Va. ; exchanged Sept. 13, 1862 ; dis charged Feb. 7, 1863, disability. WALLWORK, JOHN B. Private Co. G, sgth Regiment In fantry, mustered July 29, 1864, for three years ; transfer red June I, 1863, to S7th Regiment Infantry ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. WALSH, DAVID. Private V. K. C, mustered April 29, 1864. 179 WALSH, PATRICK. Private 6th Light Battery, mustered Dec. 2 1, i86i, for three years; discharged Jan. s, 1864, to re-enlist Mustered Jan. 6, 1864, for three years; dis charged Feb. 6, 1865, expiration of service. WALSH, WILLIAM. Private Co. F, 28th Regiment Infantry, niustered Dec. 13, 1861, for three years; wounded Sept 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md.; discharged Jan. 1, 1864, to re-enlist Mustered Jan. 2, 1864, for three years ; wound: ed March 25, 1863, at Smith's Farm, Va.; discharged July 27, 1863, expiration of service. WALTER, CHARLES. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment In fantry, mustered June n, 1864, for three years. WALTERS, WILLIAM. Private Co. L, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered May 30, 1864, for three years; dis charged Sept. 18, 1863, expiration of service. WARREN, THEODORE B. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. WATERS, JOHN. Private Co. C, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 20, 1862, for nine months. Deserted, Sept. 23, 1862, at Readville, Mass. WATSON, ISAAC A. Private Co. G, sth Regiment Infantry, mustered March 4, 1864, for three years ; discharged Oct 31, 1865, expiration of service. WATSON, JOHN A. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantiy, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Tuly 30, 1863, expiration of service. Mustered private 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. Mustered Oct 2, 18G4, Co. F, 6ist Regiment Infantry, for one year on quota of Roxburj-; discharged July i6, 1863, expira tion of service. i8o WATSON, NELSON S. Unassigned recruit 3d Regiment Cav alry, mustered Aug. 3, 1864, for three years ; discharged June 3, 1863, expiration of service. WATSON, ROBERT. Private Co. C, 28th Regiment Infantry, mustered Dec. 13, 1861, for three years ; discharged Jan. I, 1864, to re-enlist. Mustered Jan. 2, 1864, for three years. Killed May 10, 1864, at Po River, Va. WATTS, HENRY. Private Co! D, 3d Regiment Cavalry, mustered Jan. 2, 1864, for three years ; transferred July 9, 1864, to Navy. WAY, GEORGE. Private Co. B, 36th Regiment Infantry, mustered March 19, 1864, for three years. Died at Salis bury, N. C, while prisoner of war. WEBSTER, GEORGE W. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered May 13, 1864, for three years. WELCH, JOHN. Private Co. L, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mus tered May 3, 1864, for three years. Deserted May 27, 1864. WELCH, RICHARD. Private Co. F, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered June 9, 1864, for three years. Deserted July 12, 1864. WELLER, GODFREY. Private 12th Light Battery, mustered Nov. 12, 1862, for three years; discharged July 25, 1865, expiration of service. WEIR, JOSEPH. Private Co. F, 28th Regiment Infantry, mustered Dec. 13, i86i,for three years ; transferred Sept. 17, 1863, to V. R. C. WEIR, JOSEPH. Private Co. G, 28th Regiment Infantry, mustered Dec. 13, i86i, for three years ; missing near Fredericksburg, Va., Aug. 12, 1862. i8i WELLS, CHARLES T. Private Co. G, 32d Regiment Infan try, mustered May 30, 1862, for three years; discharged January 20, 1863, for disability ; re-enlisted on quota of Marlboro', private Co. C, 2d Regiment Heavy Artillery, discharged Sept 3, 1865. WELLS, IVORY. Private Co. C, 33th Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years, discharged June 9, 1863, expiration of service. WELSH, EDWARD. Unassigned recruit 28th Regiment In fantry, mustered May n, 1864, for three years. WELSH, JAMES. Unassigned recruit 26th Regiment Infan try, mustered May 24, 1864, for three years. WELSH, JOHN. Private Co. B, 28th Regiment Infantry, mus tered Jan. 10, 1862, for three years; discharged Jan. i, 1864, to re-enlist. Mustered Jan. 2, 1864, for three years. Deserted April 1, 1864. WELSH, JOHN. Unassigned recruit 28th Regiment Infan try, mustered March 22, 1864, for three years. Deserted June 23, 1863; returned Oct 10, 1863; re-enlisted Jan. I, 1864, for three years. Deserted April i, 1864, at Boston. WELSH, JOHN J. Ordinance Corps, U. S. A., mustered April 13, 1864. WENTWORTH, ALBERT F. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years. Killed July 18, 1861, at Blackburn's Ford, Va. WESCOTT, HENRY A. Private Co. H, nth Regiment Infan try, mustered June 13, 1861, for three years ; appointed Corporal Nov. 1861 ; wounded May 3, 1862, at Williams burg, Va.; left regiment; enlisted in Navy Sept. 1862; discharged Nov. 1863. 1 82 WEST, JAMES B. ist Sergeant Co. E, 28th Regiment Infan try, mustered Dec. 13, 1861, for three years; discharged July 26, 1862, for promotion, mustered saine day 2d Lieutenant ; promoted ist Lieutenant Jan. 16, 1863 ; wounded June 3, 1864, at Gaines' Hill, Va., died June 4, of wounds. WETZLER, HERMAN. ' Private Co. A, 19th Regiment Infan try, mustered May 6, 1864, for three years ; discharged June 30, 1863, expiration of service. WHEELER, ALVIN L. Private Co. B, 3d Regiment Infantry, mustered March 17, 1864, for three ye^ars ; discharged Sept. 28, 1864, expiration of service. WHEELER, JAMES E. Private Co. H, soth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; dis- charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. WHEELOCK, MERRILL G. Private C. F, 44th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 12, 1862, for nine months; dis charged June 18, 1863, expiration of service. WHITFORD, REUBEN. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment mus tered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. WHITE, AUSTIN J. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. ig, 1862, for three years ; appointed Ser geant, Sept. 18, 1862 ; appointed Sergeant-Major, Sept. 13, 1863 ; discharged Jan. 14, 1864, for promotion. Mus tered same day, ist Lieutenant ; wounded Aug. ig, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. ; commissioned Capt. Sept. 6, 1864; not mustered. Died, Sept. 13, 1864, from wound, at Chelsea.: i83 WHITE, GEORGE W. - Private 4th Co, Unattached Infantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service.. WHITE, JAMES. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered, July 8, 1864, for three years.^ WHITE, SAMUEL. Private Co. K, sth Regiment Infantry, mustered April 12, 1864, for three years; discharged July 7, 1863, for disability. WHITE, WILLIAM. Private Co. K, 33d Regiment Infantry, mustpred Aug. 12, 1862, for three years. Killed, May 13, 1864, at Resaca, Ga. WHITE, WILLIAM R. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered, Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863 ; expiration of service. Died, April 29, 1864, at Chelsea. WHITING, EDWARD. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. WHITMAN, JOHN. Corporal 4th Co. Unattached Infantry, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of service. WHITMARSH, JONATHAN. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. Died at Providence, R. I.. WHITNEY, BENJAMIN F. Private Co. C, 28th Regiment Infantry, mustered April 14, 1864, for three years. Died Dec. 2, 1864, at Annapolis, Md. 1 84 WHITTAKER, ABNER G. Private Go. H, ist Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. lo, 1861, for three years ; dis charged July 28, 1862, for disability. WHITTEMORE, THOMAS. Private Co. E, 1st Regiment Cavalry, mastered Oct 23, 1861, for three years; dis charged Mar. 6, 1863, for disability; mustered V. R, C. May 24, 1864, on quota of New Marlboro' ; discharged July 12, 1865. Died Feb. 24, 187 1, at Chelsea. WHITTEMORE, THOMAS, Jr. Private Co. H, 43d Regi ment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. WHITTEN, GEORGE. Private Co. G, 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered May 25, 1861, for three years ; discharged May 28, 1864, expiration of service. WIGGIN, JOHN R. Private 2d Light Battery, mustered Jan. 5, 1864, for three years ; discharged Aug. n, 1865, expi ration of service. WILDER, CHARLES M. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 5, 1862, for three years ; appointed Corporal Feb., 1864 ; wounded May 16, 1864, at Drury's Bluff, Va.; appointed Sergeant Nov. 1, 1864; discharged June 16, 1863, expiration of service. WILHELMI, EUGENE. Private Co. K, 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered May 16, 1864, for three years; discharged July 14, 1865, expiration of service. WILKINSON, CHARLES N. Private Co. I, 44th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 12, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged June 18, 1863, expiration of service. WILKINSON, SAMUEL F. Wagoner Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. i85 WILLIAMS, BENJAMIN D. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. ig, 1862, for three years; trans ferred to V. R. C, Jan. 13, 1864, discharged June 28, 1865, expiration of service. WILLIAMS, CHARLES. Private 2d Light Battery, mustered Jan. 5, 1864, for three years; discharged Aug. n, 1863, expiration of service. WILLIAMS, CHARLES. Unassigned recruit 28th Regiment Infantry, mustered April 14, 1864, for three years. WILLIAMS, DANN. Unassigned recruit 28th Regiment In fantry, mustered April 15, 1864, for three years; trans ferred to Navy, May 17, 1864. WILLIAMS, GEORGE. Private Co. C, gth Regiment Infan try, mustered Nov. g, 186 1, for three years; wounded May 31, 1862, at Hanover Court House, Va.; discharged Oct. 22, 1862, disability from wounds. WILLIAMS HARRY. Private Co. E, 26th Regiment Infan try, mustered Dec. 20, 1864, for three years ; discharged Aug. 25, 1863, expiration of service. WILLIAMS, HORATIO N. Musician, Co. H, ist Regiment Infantiy, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; dis charged Sept. 6, 1862, disability. Re-enlisted private Co. A, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, June 10, 1863, for three years; transferred March n, 1864, to ist U. S. Light Battery. Wounded near Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864 ; wounded, Aug. 30, 1864. WILLIAMS, JAMES. Private Co. G, 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered June 9, 1864, for three years ; discharged June 24, 1863, expiration of service. 1 86 WILLIAMS, JOHN. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infan try, mustered May 13, 1864, for three years; transferred May 28, 1864, to Navy. WILLIAMS, JOHN. Private Co. G, sth Regiment Cavalty, mustered May n, 1864, for three years; discharged Oct. 31, 1863, expiration of service. WILLIAMS, MARTIN. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment In fantry, mustered May 13, 1864, for three years. WILLIAMS, ROBERT. Unassigned recruit 28tii Regiment Infantry, mustered May 10, 1864, for tljree years. WILLIAMS, SAMUEL M. Private sth Light Battery, mus tered Dec. 28, 1863, for three years ; discharged June 12, 1863, expiration of service. WILLIAMS, WINFRED R. Private Co. C, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered Dec. 17, 1863, for three years. De serted Nov. 9, 1864. ( WILLIAMSON, DAVID. Private 13th Light Battery, mus tered April 15, 1864, for three years; transferred May 17, 1864, to Navy. WILLIS, CHARLES H. Private Co. G, 40th Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept. 3, 1862, for three years. Died Jan. 22, 1864, chronic diarrhoea, Boston, Mass. WILSON, CHARLES. Private Co. E, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct. i, 1862, for nine months; discharged June 2, 1863, expiration of service. WILSON, GEORGE. Corporal Co. K, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered May 12, 1864, for three years; dis charged Sept 18, 1865, expiration of service. 187 WILSON, GEORGE. Corporal Co. I, 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered May 10, 1864, for three years. Died, March 12, 1863, at Wilmington, N. C. WILSON, HENRY. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. WILSON, HENRY Jr. Private Co. H, ist Regiment Infan try, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years; appointed Corporal, Jan. i, 1864; discharged May 23, 1864, expira tion of service. WILSON, JOHN. Private Co. F, 28th Regiment Infantiy, mustered April 14, 1864, for three years. Deserted, June 14, 1864. WILSON, JOHN. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered May 13, 1864, for three years. WILSON, NORMAN. Musician Co. H, 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. Mustered Jan. 14, 1864, private Co. I, ist Regiment Cavalry, for three years; re-enlisted private Co. I, ist Regiment Cavalry, N. B., Jan. 14, 1864, for three years ; wounded May, 1864 ; ap pointed Corporal Sept 18, 1864. Killed Oct. 1, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. WILSON, WILLIAM. Private Co. G, 1st Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 13, 1862, for three years. Prisoner of War, May 3, 1863, no further record. WINCHESTER, DANIEL. Unassigned recruit 2d Regiment Infantry, mustered May 17, 1864, for three years. WINSLOW, GEORGE M. Private Co. D, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered Aug. 14, 1863, for three years ; dis charged Sept. 18, 1863, expiration of service. 1 88 WISE, WILLIAM C. Private 8th Light Battery, mustered May 30, 1862, for six months ; discharged Nov. 29, 1862, expiration of service. WOLF, LOUIS B. Private Co. F, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mus tered June n, 1864, for three years; discharged June 29, 1863, expiration of service. WOLFFRAIN, WILLIAM. Private Co. C, 2d Regiment Cav alry, mustered May 3, 1864, for three years. Deserted from Hospital. WOOD, DAVID. Private 13th Light Battery, mustered April 16, 1864, for three years. Deserted, enroute to Battery. WOOD, EPHRAIM A. ist Lieutenant ssth Regiment Infan try, mustered July 20, 1863, for three years; Nov. 20 1863, resigned. WOOD, JOSEPH A. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. WOODS, CHARLES. Private Co. L, 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered May 30, 1864, for three years ; dis charged Sept. 18, 1863, expiration of service. WOODWARD, FREDERICK H. Private Co. H, soth Regi ment Infantry, mustered Sept. 29, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. WREN, JAMES. Private Co. I, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mus tered Aug. 13, 1864, for three years ; discharged May 8, 1863, for disability. WRENN, JOSEPH C. Private Co. K, 3Sth Regiment Infan try, mustered March 16, 1864, for three years; dis- , charged May 22, 1865, expiration of service. 1 89 WRIGHT, EDWARD J. Private Co. B, ist Regiment Infan try, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years. Deserted, Nov. 7, 1863. WRIGHT, HENRY E. Private 4th Co. Unattached Infan try, mustered May 3, 1864, for ninety days ; discharged Aug. 6, 1864, expiration of ser-vice. WRIGHT, THOMAS S. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment In fantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years ; appointed Sergeant, Oct 25, 1862 ; appointed ist Sergt., April 21, 1863 ; discharged Sept. 6, 1863, for promotion. Mus tered same date ist Lieutenant ; wounded May 18, 1864, at Spottsylvania, Va. ; commissioned Capt, Nov. 14, 1864, mustered March i, 1863 ; discharged June 9, 1863, expi ration of service. WRIGHT, WILLIAM T. Private Co. H, 1st Regiment In fantry, mustered May 23, 1861, for three years ; wounded April 26, 1862, at Yorktown, Va ; appointed Corporal March i, 1863 ; discharged May 23, 1864, expiration of service. Died Oct 19, 1867, at Chelsea. WYLIE, CHARLES. Private Co. A, 43d Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct 11, 1862, for nine months; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. WYLIE, ISAAC. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infantry, mus tered Sept. 20, 1862, for nine months ; discharged July 30, 1863, expiration of service. YEATON, RICHARD B. Private i6th Light Battery, mus tered March n, 1864, for three years ; discharged June 21, 1865, for disability. YOUNG, GEORGE W. Private Co. H, 43d Regiment Infan try, mustered September 20, 1862, for nine months ; dis charged July 30, 1863. 190 YOUNG, ROBERT M. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infan try, mustered Oct 13, 1862, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863, expiration of service. ZALLER, WILLIAM. Private Co. K, 2d Regiment Cavalry, mustered May 10, 1864, for three years; discharged June 27, 1863, for disability. APPENDIX. CHELSEA RESIDENTS NOT CREDITED. ALLEN, E. C. First Sergeant Co. A, 12th Regiment U. S. Infantry ; commissioned 2d Lieut., May 23, 1862 ; ist Lieut., Jan. 19, 1863 ; Capt, Nov. 1863. Died, Dec. 19, 1863, at Baltimore, Md. AMES, AZEL Jr. Hospital Steward U. S. A ; commissioned 1st Lieut. 2d La. (colored) Engineers, Aug. 13, 1863. AMES, GEORGE L. Private Co. B, U. S. Engineer Corps ; appointed artificer, Jan. i, 1862; Corporal, 1864; discharged Dec. 1864. BIGELOW, BENJAMIN F. Hospital Steward iitii Regiment U. S. Infantry, Aug. 23, 1862 ; commissioned Acting Assist ant Surgeon of Na-vy, Dec. 1863. BOYER, WILLIAM. Private ist R. I. Light Artillery, Battery H, Dec. 31, 1862. BROWN, GEORGE F. Private 7th Regiment Illinois Cavalry, May II, 1863. BURKE, L. O. F. Private Co. F, 3d Regiment N. H. Infan try, March 17, 1862. CAHILL, PATRICK. Private Co. E, 36th Regiment N. Y, Infantry, June 1861 ; discharged July 15, 1863. CLELAND, WILLIAM W. Private ist Regiment Mo. Infan try, April 23, 1861 ; discharged July 13, 1861. Re-enlisted same day private nth Regt. Mo. Infantry; appointed Sergt. Aug. 6, 1861 ; Sergt-Major, Aug. 21, 1861; commissioned 2d Lieut, Feb. 21, 1862; ist Lieut, July 4, 1862; Capt, Sept. 19, 1862 ; Chief Gen. John E. Smith's Staff, Dec. 1862. CONNELLY, CORNELIUS. Private Co. G, 6th Regiment California Vols., March 14, 1863 ; discharged close of war. 192 CROSS, HENRY C. Private 1st R. I. Light Artillery, Battery D, Dec. 1 1, 1862 ; transferred to V. R. C. ; commissioned Capt, Colored Regiment CUMMINGS, EDWARD H. Sergeant Co. H, 33th Regiment N. Y. Infantry, May 31, 1861 ; appointed ist Sergt, July 3, 1862 ; discharged June n, 1863. CURRIER, AMOS S. Quartermaster of 78th Regiment N. Y. Infantry. CURRIER, BENJAMIN F. ist Lieutenant Co. C, 78th Reg- ment N. Y. Infantry. CURRY, AMOS P. Private 13th Regiment Ills. Infantry; commissioned 2d Lieut, loth Regiment Mo. Cavalry, Aug. I, 1861 ; commissioned Captain; commisioned Col. 1st Reg iment Enrolled Militia, Memphis, Tenn, 1863. DOWNING, HENRY. Private ist R. I. Light Artillery, Bat tery C ; wounded July 1, 1862, at Gaines' Mills, Va. ; taken prisoner and discharged Aug. 2g, 1862. DUNN, PATRICK. Private U. S. Marine Corps, Feb. 4, 1863. EATON, HENRY M. Co. C, 83d Regiment Pa. Infantry; wounded June 26, 1S62, near Richmond, Va. ; discharged Nov. 16, 1862. EDWARDS, SAMUEL J. Private ist N. H. Battery. ELDRIDGE, ELLERY W. Hospital Steward U. S. A. EMERY, CHARLES, 1st Lieutenant Co. G, 12th Regiment In diana Infantry, May 1861 ; commissioned Capt. Co. E, ssth Regiment Ind. Infantry, June 3, 1861. Wounded and taken prisoner Aug. 30, 1862, at Richmond, Ky. ; paroled and ex changed Jan. 13, 1863; commissioned Capt. ist Regiment U. S. (colored) Vols., June 1863. FANNING, THOMAS. Private i8th Regiment N. H. Infan try. FLYNN, JOHN. Private 3d Regiment N. H. Infantry. GERRISH, GEORGE A. Captain ist N. H. Battery, Sept 10, 1861 ; taken prisoner at Bull Run, Va., Aug. 1862 ; re leased Sept. 1862 ; appointed Chief of Artillery ist Divis ion ist Army Corps, Nov. 9, 1862. Wounded at Freder icksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862 ; resigned March 7, 1863. GILMAN, ALBERT H. Quartermaster 3d U. S. Artillery. GRANTMAN, WILLIAM. Capt 13th Regiment N. H. In fantry, Aug. 18, 1862 ; commissioned Major, June i, 1863 ; commissioned Lieut.-Col. 1864, resigned. GRAY, MAP,.CELLUS. Private Co. I, 26th Regiment Mo. In fantry- ; Oct 10, 1861 ; appointed Corporal, June i, 1863; Sergeant, Oct i, 1863. 193 HALWORTH, THOMAS L. Band, 3d Brigade 3d Division, 24th Army Corps. HANLON, JOHN. Private 6th N. Y. Battery; transferred from nth Regt. Mass. Infantry; discharged 1864. HILL, GEORGE W. 1st I,ieut Co. C, 13th Regiment U. S. Infantry; commissioned Capt, May 20, 1863. HOLLIS, EBEN H. Corporal 104th Regiment Illinois Infan try, Aug. 1862, transferred to V. R. C, Feb. 1864. KENNISTON, GEORGE A. Private Co. E, 38th Regiment N. Y. Infantry; discharged Sept. 1862. LUDWIG, ROSCOE F. Co. A, 23d Regiment, Me., nine months. LOOMIS, CHARLES E. Sergeant Co. G, S7th Regiment N. Y. Infantry. Wounded near Richmond, Va., June 13, 1862 ; discharged Oct g, 1862. LOVETT, THOMAS, nth U. S. Infantry. MANCHESTER, WILLIAM. Hospital Steward gth Regiment Illinois Infantry ; discharged Aug., 1862. McCANN, BERNARD. Private U. S. Marine Corps, 1865. McDonald, john S. Private Co. K, 2d Regiment N. H. Infantry; June 8, 1861, discharged; ist Lieutenant, June 30, 1864. MERRIAM, SAMUEL N. Private Co. E, 104th Regiment Illinois Infantry. Wounded Dec. 7, 1862, at Hartsville, Tenn.; died, Dec. 21, 1862. NORRIS, PHINEAS B. Sergeant Co. H, 42d Regiment N.Y. Infantry. NOYES, HENRY E. 2d Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, June 24, 1861 ; commissioned ist Lieutenant Co. G, Feb. 13, 1862. PATRICK, FRANCIS. Private Co. C, lotii Regiment Wis. Infantry, 1861. Wounded at Chickamauga in 1863; wound ed and taken prisoner, Sept. 20, 1863, at Lookout Mountain. PRATT*, FRANK H. Private Maine (Fessenden's) Sharp shooters. PROUTY, GEORGE. Bugler, U. S. Cavalry. PROCTOR, JOSEPH L. ist Lieutenant i8th Regiment U. S. Infantry, May 14, 1861 ; commissioned Capt, Jan. 13, 1863. RAY, ALFRED C. Private Co. D, 64th Regiment N. Y. In fantry, June 20, 1861. RESTIEAUX, E. B. W. Capt. Assistant Quarter-master's U. S. Volunteers. 194 ROLLINS, HIRAM. Capt. Co. K, 2d Regiment N. H. Infan try. Wounded July 21, 1861, at Bull Run, Va. ; resigned Nov. 1862 ; commissioned Capt. .V. R. C, 1863. SPARKS, RUFUS T. Private Co. A, 64th Regiment 111. In fantry, Sept. 23, 1861 ; appointed Corporal, July 1862. SUTHERLAND, GEORGE F. Sergeant Co. H, 2d Regiment N. H. Infantry, June 1861. THAYER, JOHN D. SergeantMajor 2d Regiment Ohio Cav alry ; discharged Sept 30, 1862. TOWER, CHARLES W. Private Co. G, ist Regiment N. Y. Infantry, April 1862. Died, March 13, 1864, at New Or leans, La. WILDER, CHARLES B. Capt. Assistant Quarter-master U. S. Volunteers, Feb. 1863. WILLIAMS, ARTHUR S. Private Co. C, U. S. Corps" Engi neers ; discharged Aug. 22, 1862. WILLIS, GEORGE H. 2d Lieutenant 3d N. C (37th) U. S. Infantry, Nov. 1863. WINSLOW, GEORGE C. Capt. Assistant Quarter-master, U. S. Volunteers, Aug. 1863. WRIGHT, EDWARD J. Smith's New York Battery. Desert ed from Co. B, ist Regiment Mass. Infantry. CHELSEA RESIDENTS ON OTHER QUOTAS. BENT, JOHN S. Private Co. E, soth Regiment Infantry, quota of Boston, mustered Sept ig, 1864, for nine months ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863. Died in New Orleans, La. BRANON, OWEN. Private Co. A, 28th Regiment Infantry, quota of Dracut, mustered Aug. 22, 1864, for three years. Killed at Hatchers Run, Va., March 23, 1863. BRYANT, CALEB. Private Co. C, 1st Regiment Infantry, quota of Boston, mustered May 27, 1861, for thre'e years ; discharged July 20, 1861, disability. BUTLER, HENRY P. Private Co. B, ist Regiment Infantry, quota of Boston,^ mustered. May 23, 1861, for three years; discharged Nov. 26, 1862, disability. BUTLER, JACOB W. Sergeant Co. G, 61st Regiment Infan try, quota of Medway, mustered Dec. g, 1864, for one year ; discharged July 16, 1865. CARNAN, JOHN. Private Co. I, 6ist Regiment Infantry, quota of Lynn, mustered Jan. 23, 1865, for one year ; dis charged July 16, 1863. 195 CALLAHAN, CHARLES H. Private Co. H, 20th Reg. Inf., quota, of Andover, mustered Aug. 24, 1861, for three years; discharged April 14, 1862, for disability. Died, May 29, 1862. CLIFFORD, LOREN C. Private Co. M, 3d Regiment Cav alry, quota of Marlboro', mustered Dec. 31, 1864 for one year; discharged Sept. 28, 1863. CONROY, JOHN. Private Co. I, 61st Regiment Infantry, quota of Needham, mustered Jan. 17, 1863, for one year ; discharged July 16, 1865. CULLY, ELI. Private Co. K, 43d Regiment Infantry, quota of Weymouth, mustered Oct i, 1862, for nine months; dis charged July 30, 1863. DILLINGHAM, CHARLES. Private Co.- G, 2d Regiment In fantry, quota of Brewster, mustered Feb., 13, 1862, for three years. Wounded, Aug. 9, 1862, at Cedar Mountain, Va. ; died of wounds Sept. 10, 1862, at Alexandria, Va. DOHERTY, WILLIAM. Private Co. F, ist Regiment Cav alry, quota of Boston, mustered Dec. 26, 1863, for three years ; discharged Dec. 18, 1864, for disability. DRURY, MARTIN V. B. Corporal Co. G, 6 ist Regiment Infantry, mustered Nov. 23, 1864, for one year, quota of Boston; discharged July 16, 1863. EATON, SIDNEY P. Private Co. H, 30th Regiment Infantry, mustered Dec. 12, 1861, for three years on quota of North Bridgewater. Died, March i, 1862, at New Orleans, La. ECCLES, JOHN. Private Co. C, 61st Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept. 14, 1864, for one year on quota of Quincy ; discharged June 4, 1865, expiration of service. Died, Feb. 22, 1878, in Chelsea. EMERSON, NATHANIEL B. Private Co. H, 1st Reg. Inf., mjustered Sept. 22, 1862, for three years on quota of Boston. Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863; discharged May 25, 1864. FALT, HENRY. Private Co. G, 4th Regiment Cavalry, mus tered Jan. 27, 1864, for three years on quota of Easthamp- ton ; discharged July 18, 1863. FROST, JOHN H. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 19, 1862, for three years on quota of Rox bury. Died, Aug. 6, 1864, at Camp Dennison, Ohio. GOOKIN, GEORGE E. Private Co. H, 24th Regiment Infan try, mustered July 29, 1862, for three years on quota of Bos ton; discharged Dec. 3, 1864. GRAVES, WILLIAM R. Private Co. H, 6 ist Regiment In fantry, mustered Dec. 12, 1864, for one year on quota of Charlestown; discharged July 16, 1863. 196 HENDERSON, GEORGE F. Sergeant Co. H, 61st Regiment Infantry, mustered Jan. 3, 1863, for one year on quota of Charlemont ; discharged July 16, 1865. HILL, CHARLES B. Private ist Light Battery; mustered Aug. 28, 1861 for three years on quota of Boston ; discharged Nov. 17, 1862, for disability. HODGE, CHARLES H. Private Co.G, 6 ist Regiipent Infan try, mustered Nov. 16, 1864, for one year on quota of Sher burne; discharged July 16, 1863. H UNT, SAMUEL. Quarter-master's Sergeant sth Regiment In fantry, mustered May 1, 1861, for three months on quota of Charlestown ; discharged July 31, 1861. HURTER, ALVAH K. Private Co. L, 3d Regiment Cavalry, mustered Dec. 12, 1861, for three years on quota of Bo,ston ; discharged Dec. 27, 1864. JONES, CHARLES H. Private Co. I, 1st Regiment Cavalry, mustered Dec. 3, 1863, for three years on quota of Boston ; discharged June 29, 1865. JONES, ISAAC H. ist Sergeant Co. C, ist Regiment Infan try, mustered May 27, 1861, for three years, Boston ; dis charged July 20, 1861, for disability. KELLEY, WILLIAM B. Private Co. H, 19th Regiment In fantry, mustered July 21, 1863, for three years on quota of Lynn; transferred to 20th Regiment, Jan. 14, 1864; taken prisoner June 22, 1864 ; discharged July 16, 1863. KENNEDY, JAMES. Private Co. G, 28th Regiment Infantry, mustered Jan. 4, 1862, for three years. Killed, Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. LEWIS, WENDELL. Private Co. A, 33th Regiment Infantry, mustered Dec. 8, 1863, for three years on quota of Boston. Died, July, 1863. LLOYD, THOMAS W. Private Co. K, 1st Regiment Cavalry, mustered Jan. 4, 1862, for three years ; credited to New York ; transferred to Co. K, 4th Cavalry ; discharged, Oct. 18, 1864. LOW, LYMAN H. Private Co. B, 13th Regiment Infantry, mustered July 16, 1861, for three years, on quota of Bos ton ; discharged Aug. i, 1864. LYNCH, MICHAEL. Private Co. G, 6ist Regiment Infantry, mustered Nov. 30, 1864, for one year, quota of Chelmsford ; discharged July 16, 1863. McGILLICK, JOHN. Private Co. C, 28tii Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 18, 1862, for three years, quota of Boston ; discharged Jan. 2, 1863, for disability. Died at Chelsea January 27, 1863. 197 McLEOD, EDWARD. Private Co. C, 3Sth Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. ig, 1862, for three years, quota of Salis bury Mills; appointed Corporal Jan. 21, 1863; transferred to V. R. C. March 16, 1864; discharged April 22, 1864. MERRIAM, WARREN L. Private Co. M, 4th Regiment Cav alry, mustered Jan. 3, 1864, for three years, quota of Rock- port ; discharged Nov. 14, 1863. MITCHELL, JOHN. Private Co. I, ist Regiment Infantry, mustered Aug. 13, 1862, for three years, quota of Boston; discharged Dec. 27, 1862, for disability. MURPHY, JOHN. Private Co. H, soth Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 2g, 1862, for nine months, quota of Maiden ; discharged Aug. 24, 1863. NOBLE, THOMAS B. Private Co. D, ist Battalion Frontier Cavalry, mustered Jan. 2, 1863, for one year, quota of Cam bridge; discharged June 30,^863. O'RILEY, WILLIAM E. Private Co. G, 6 ist Regiment In fantry, mustered Nov. 16, 1864, for one year, quota of Sher born ; discharged July 16, 1863. OTIS, LEMUEL T. Corporal Co. I. ist Regiment Cavalry, mustered Dec. 3, 1863, quota of Boston; discharged June 2g, 1865. PARK, THOMAS E. Private Co. G, 3rd Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered Oct. 20, 1863, for three years, quota of North Chelsea ; discharged Sept 18, 1863. PEARCE, EDWARD T. ist Lieut 12th Regiment Infantry ; mustered June 26, 1861, quota of Gloucester; discharged July 8, 1864. Died at New Orleans, La. PETTINGILL, WILLIAM E. Private Co. G, 6 ist Regiment Infantry, mustered Dec. 3, 1864, for one year, quota of Medway; discharged July 16, 1863. PHELPS, FRANK. Private Co. H, 61st Regiment Infantry, mustered Jan. 7, 1863, for one year, quota of Hanover ; dis charged July 16, 1863. PROCTOR, ALPHEUS. Private Co. G, 6ist Regiment Infan try, mustered Dec. 6, 1864, for one year on quata of Med way; discharged July 16, 1863. QUINN, WILLIAM T. Corporal Co. H, 6 ist Regiment In fantry, mustered Jan. 3, 1865, for one year on quota of Charlemont; discharged July 16, 1863. REGAN, JAMES. Private Co. B, 28th Regiment Infantry; mustered Dec. 13, 1861, for three years on quota of Boston ; discharged Dec. 4, 1862, for disability. 198 RICH, GEORGE L. Private Co. H, 61st Regiment Infantry, mustered Jan. 5, 1863, for one year on quota of Hingham ; discharged May 13, 1863. RICH, HARRIS R. Private Co. K, 6ist Regiment Infantry; mustered Jan. 12, 1863, for one year on quota of Charles town; discharged July 16, 1863. ROOKE, WILLIAM. Private Co. H, 30th Regiment Infantry, mustered Sept 29, 1862, for nine months, quota of Maiden; discharged Aug. 24, 1863. SMITH, ALBERT E. Sergeant 8th Light Battery, mustered May 30, 1862, for six months on quota of Sharon ; discharged Nov. 29, 1862. Commissioned ist Lieutenant 2d Regiment Heavy Artillery, Aug. 14, 1863, on quota of Boston ; dis charged Sept. 3, 1863. SMITH, WILLIAM F. 2nd Lieutenant 1st Regiment Cav alry, mustered Jan. 16, 1864, on quota of Boston ; discharged for promotion Nov. 13, 1864. Commissioned same day 1st Lieutenant ; discharged June 26, 1863. STRATTON, HOMER R. Private Co. K, 17th Regiment In fantry, mustered July 22, 1861, for three years on quota of Maiden; discharged April 17, i863,for,disability ; re-enlisted Sergeant 2d Regiment Maine Cavalry, 1863. SUTHERLAND, CHARLES H. Private Co. A, 22d Regi ment Infantry, mustered Sept 2, 1 861, for three years on quota of Boston ; discharged Nov. 3, 1862, for disability. WATSON, JOHN A. Private Co. F, 61st Regiment Infantry, mustered Oct. 2, 1864, for one year on quota of Roxbury ; discharged July 16, 1863. WEBBER, LINCOLN E. Private Co. B*, nth Regiment In fantry, mustered Sept 5, 1864, for three years on quota of Dartsmouth; discharged June 4, 1863. WELD, THEODORE C. Private Co. H, 6ist Regiment In fantry, mustered March 8, 1863, for one year on quota of Rockport. Died, May 25, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. WHITE, GEORGE W. Private Co. M, 4th Regiment Cavalry, mustered Nov. 14, 1864, for three years on quota of Dor chester ; discharged Nov. 14, 1865. WILLARD, JAMES H. Private Co. H, 21st Regiment Infan try, mustered Aug. 5, 1861, for three years on quota of Ash- burnham. Sent by General Court Martial, Oct. 1863, to hard labor; discharged Aug. 15, 1864. WORSLEY, BARDON E. Corporal Co. L, 1st Regiment Heavy Artillery, mustered Nov. 26, 1861, for three years on quota of Ipswich ; discharged Dec. 13, 1864. The following are complete Rosters of organizations that en tered into the Army as Chelsea companies, and were there known and recognized as such. ROSTER OF COMPANY H, First Mass. Znfazxtry Voluziteers, COL. ROBERT COWDIN. MUSTERED INTO U. S. SERVICE, MAV 22D, 1861 ; 3 YEARS. [The letter R, opposite a name stands for Recruit, and N. R., for Non Resident.] Sumner Carmth, Captain. Albert S. Austin, Ist Lieutenaut. Robert A. Saunders, Ist Lieutenant. Horatio Roberts, Ist Lieutenant. John M. Mandeville, Ist Lieutenant. William P. Drury, Ist Lieutenant. Edward G. Tutein, 2d Lieutenant. Lionel D. Phillips, 1st Sergeant, N R. Charles H. Carruth, Sergeant, N. R. Edward L. Jones, Sergeant. Thomas Harding, Sergeant. James R. Gerrish, Sergeant. John Harvey, Sergeant. Samnel S. Pratt, Sergeant, N. R. Thomas H. Bigelow, Sergeant. Isaac Alston, Sergeant, Samuel B. Bassett, Sergeant. Patrick J. Donovan, Sergeant, N. R. Orville Bisbee, Corporal. George B. MiUer, Corporal, N B. George H. Green, Corporal, R. & N. R. Charles A. Lord, Coi-poral, R. Henry Wilson, Jr., Corporal. David McClure, Corporal, N. R. William D. Grover, Corporal, X. R. John P. Jones, Corporal. Jonath-an J. Frost, Corporal. William A. Smith, Corporal. John H. Newling, Corporal. Henry Pierce, Coi-poral, N. R. William T. Wright, Corporal Georgo O. Jewett, Corporal. Horace A. Sawyer, Musician, N'. R. Horace N. Williams, Musician. PRIVATES. Allen, Nathaniel. Allen, Hiram W. Andrews, Bobert, N. B, Alger, Charles H. Appleby, Mark H., N. B. Appleton, Charles A. J Andrews, Walter B., R. & N. K. Bac"n, Georgfe. Batchelder, Ezra A. Bigelow, J. H. Bndges, William E., N. E. Blaisdell, Sargent, R. & N. R. Baker, Alexander B. . R. Batcheler, WUliam C, R. & N. R. Bailey, Henry S., B. & N. E. Blanchard, Benjamin, E. & N. B. Campbell, William H. Clement, WUliam B. Childs, Samuel, N. R. Chittlok, Thomas, N. E. Cooper, Oliver C, N.E. Crowell, PhUander. Cudworth, John E. Campbell, George W. Chessman, John W., E. & N. E. Clark, Leonard, E. & N. E. Cornell, Enoch C, R. & N. E. Cushing, WUliam G., E. & N. E. Chaffee. Charles M., N. E. Davis, Nathaniel T. Day, John W., N. E. Dinsmore, WUliam J. Drawbridge, Thomas N. Drown, John C, R. & N. R. Donegan, Thomas, E. & N. R. Everdean, Charles S. Everdean, Wilbur F. Emerson, Nathaniel H., E. & N. R. T»*(ierson, Stephen G., E. & N. E. Fellows, Charles O. FletchPr, Calvin T., N. R. Flagg, Darius C, R. & N. E. Flanders, George I., N. E. Florence, Thomas, E. & N. E. Fox, William A., K. & N. E. Gerrish, WUliam. Gilbert, Charles, N. E. Grantman, William, N. E. Grover, Fita Eoy, E. & N. E. Grover, Christopher C, E. & N. E. Grover, Amaziah, B. & N. E. 200 Gray, George W., N. R. Gaflemey, James, E. & N. B. Gross, Edward, E. & N. E. Hadley, Edward F., N. E. Haskell, Theodore F. Huse, Nelson S. Holden, Leverett D. Hassett, Edward F., E. & N. E. Heald, Timothy F., E. & N. E. Horton, Augustus E., N. E. HaUgreen, WUliam C, E. & N. K. HaUgreen, Eobert B., R. St N. E. Heald, Samuel C, R. & N. B. Hsley, Johnathan C. Jackson, Charles A. ^ Jennings, Stephen E. Jewett, William M. Johnson, Henry. James, John M. ¦Tacobs, Edward C, R. & N. E. Kingsbury, Allen A., N. E. Kelley, John, E. & N. B. Kelley, Lawrence H. Lamos, Horace A., N. E. Lane, WUliam H., N. R. Loud, Nathan N. Learned, Samuel F. H. Learned, George G. Luke, WUliam Luke, John A. Lynch, WUliam, E. & N. E. Mason, Henry, Mason, Nathaniel E. Moody, Francis O. Moore, John G., N. E. Murphy, James H. Montague, WUliam H., E. Morrison, Eichard L. McConnell, William, E. Needham, Thomas. Noyes, George A. Osborn, David W., N. E. Parsons, Joshua, N. E. Perley, Elbridge G. Perkins, Calvin, N. E. Peabody, Edward M., E. & N. E. Rogers. F. H., R. Smith, WiUiam D. Spavin, Eobert, N. E. Spooner, Joseph W. Stoddard, George L. Stone, George H. Smith, William H., E. & N. R. Spofford, Daniel H., E. & N. E. Sullivan, Thomas C, E. & N. B. Sullivan, George S., B. & N. R. Savelle, James H., E. & N. E. Seavey, WUliam M., E. & N. E. Sands, George H., E. Souther, William E , E. Sawyer, Thorndyke H., E. & N. B. Smith, Chauncey C, E. & N. E. Tower, Stephen T. Thombs, Thomas. Toppan, John Q. A., N.E. Thurston, Joseph W., E & N. E. Totten, William A. P., E. & N. R. Tewksbury, Martin G., R. Taylor, John, E & N. E. Veazie, Eli. Wentworth, Albert F. Welch, William, E & N. E. Wyman, Frederick. E. & N. E. Woods, Lemuel F., E. & N. E. Ward, George, R. & N. E. Whittaker, Abner G., B & N. R. Walker, Henry, E. & N. E. York, John, B. & N. E. Everdean, Joseph B., Captain's Page. Prescott, WUliam A., Ist Lieut's Page. OPPICERS OP CO. H, 1ST MASS. INP ANTRY VOLUNTEERS, 1864. Carruth, Frank W., Captain, N. E. Wiley, John S., 1st Lieutenant, N. E. Maguire, Eufus M., 2d Lieutenant, N. E. 20I ROSTER OF COMPANY C, 35th. Mass. Infantry Volunteers, COL. EDWARD A. WILDE. MUSTERED INTO U. S. SERVICE, AUG. i8TH, 1862 ; 3 YEARS. ORIG-nSTAL ORG-A.NlZ.A.'riOISr. Cheever, Tracy P., Captain. Blanchard, Clifton A., Ist Lieutenant. Minck, Franklin B., 2d Lieutenant. Fowler, Stephen D., 1st Sergeant. Bicker, Horace S., Sergeant. Tobey, John S., Sergeant. Bowen, Henry, Sergeant. Matthews, WUliam H., Sergeant. Davidson, Eobert C, Corporal. McCuUoch, Bobert, Corporal. Eemick, Clark H., Corporal. Blanchard, Alft-ed Jr., Corporal. CouiUard, Elijah, Corporal. Harvey, Henry E., Corporal. Hutchinson, AUen, Corporal. White, Austin J., Corporal. Pierce, Charles A., Musician. Eeynolds, David B., Musician. Saunders, Alonzo, Wagoner. PRIVATES. Alden, George W. Austin, Henry. Ayers, Charles. Batchelder, Josiah H. Bates, Charles G. Bowen, WUliam. Blakeley, Frederick F. Butler, Alfred C. Brewster, Alpheus. Brown, Alfred M. BtrdsaU, H. Briggs, Elijah E. Cummings, WUliam E. S. Crooker, Alfred L. Capen, Edmund A. Conant, Walter S. Clark, Henry Cushing, Hosea G. Jr. Chute Eichard H. Cossitt, George F. Colby, Eugene D Channell, John T. Copeland, Henry. Cummings, Henry. Cushing, Elisha A. Clough, Henry A. Denham, Eobert H. Dam, Charles E. Dempsey, Jeremiah. Dearborn, George A. Everdean, George W. Farley, Henry B. Frost, JohnH. Fuller, Alonzo W. GUman, Charles W. Goodrich, J. Henry. Green, William. Gipson, Montgomery. Gillings, George B. Goulding, Joseph M. Gardner, Andrew B. Holmes, Elmer W. Holbrook, Preston. Hicks, WUliam H. Holmes, Sidney. Hodges, John W. Howard, Noah P. HaskeU, Marcus M. Ide, James A. Hsley, Hosea Jr. Jellison, Greenleaf S. Leveratt, John. Lane, Johu A. Lincoln, .Tesse P. Lord, James A. Mason, Wm. J. McLeod, Edward. MorriU, Benjamin. Oakman, WUliam C- Peterson, John. Paine, Edwin E. Pratt, Joseph T. Eeed, George H. Eoss, Charles H. Eichards, Francis D. Eobinson, George L. Eansom, Robert C. Eidlon, Joseph H. Sweeney, Frank. Steele, Eobert. Stranger, Heman F. Smith, John G. Stone, Wm. P. Sweeney, Nathaniel I. Stetson, Albus E. Sturkes, Charles. Tucker, Beavis. ' WUlis, Ivory. Williams, Benjamin D. Welch, Miohael, Wright, Thos. S. Wellington, Theodore F. Anderson, John ; Capt's Fage. Mitchell, George L.; Lieut's Page. Gill,' John F.; 2d Lieut's Page. Eawson, Charles M. Taber, Bartholomew. Peterson, John. Putnot, James, Sweenejj, James. 302 ROSTER OF COMPANY G, 40th Mass. Infantry- Volunteers, COL. BURR PORTER. MUSTERED INTO U. S. SERVICE, SEPT. 8TH, 1 862 ; 3 YEARS. Marshall, George E., Captain. Jenkins, Horatio Jr., Ist Lieutenant. Smith, WUliam A., 2d Lieutenant. Currier, Charles A., 1st Sergeant. Campbell, Charles A., Sergeant. Willis, George H., Sergeant. Clapp, George W., Sergeant. Bowen, Daniel E., Sergeant. Green, John, Sergeant. Gerrish, Israel H., Corporal. Cheever, Joseph C. F., Corporal. Hutchins, Levi, Corporal. Dodge, Benjamin F., Corporal. Bacon, AndrewJ., Corporal. Smith, Charle.1 O. C, Corporal. PRIVATES. Adams, George Q. Bacon, Le-wls. Breed, Henry W. Bender, Daniel. BaUey, Joshua M. BaUey, Hemy S. P. Buck, Theodore H. Buck, George H. Baker, Joseph. Barrington, John F. Brown, Frank A. Batchelder, Samuel, Jr. Brackett, Samuel P. Bayley, George F. H. Bayley, GranviUe B. Buzzell, Hiram H. Butler, Benjamin H. Coyne, Miohael. Cole, Herbert S. Crocker, Henry M. Clark, George L. Colby, Oscar F. Corcum, Levi F. Cox, Charles G. Cutting, Frederick L, Donaghy, James. Dearborn, Charles H Dearborn. Charles L. Daniels. WUliam B. Dunn, John V. Everdean, Joseph B. Ellery, Alphonso. Earle, George W. Edwards, Edward E. Easterbrook, KimbaU, Jr. Field, Warren S. Galusha, FlorUla E. Gibson, Frederick M. Gibby, William H. Glover, Benjamin P. Hutchins, Isaiah M. Heenan, John. Hammond, Frank. Howard Charles A. Hurley, Daniel E. Hodgkins, Willlam H Hubbard, Charles H. Howe, Frank T. Hatch, Isaac J., Jr. Holden, John B. Jackson, George F. C. Johnson, George H. Knowles, Benjamin F. Linsoott, Benjamin H. Lawton, William H. Le-wis, George A. Merrill, Israel H. McLaughlin, James. Mayo, .Benjamin H. McKenney, Alfred H. Moses, James (recruit). NUand, Thomas. Pearson, Samuel F. Parker, Nathan W. Parkhurst, Eugene D. C. Plummer, Joseph. Eigby, William H. Elbero, Joseph W. Ring, Charles T. Sibley, Nelson H. Sargent, Christopher. Small, William H. Smith, Chandler P. Sweeney, Dennis (recruit). Thomas, Henry A. Toppan, Edwin. WUkinson, Richard. WUder, Charles M. WUlis, Charles H. 203 ROSTER OF COMPANY H. '%2d Mass. Infantry Volunteers, COL. ISAAC S. BURRILL. MUSTERED INTO U. S. SERVICE SEPT. 24TH, 1862 ; g MONTHS. BaUey, D. W., Captain. Gould, Augustus L., 2d Lieutenant. Jewett, Wm. M., 1st Sergeant. Jones, Edward L., Sergeant. O'Brien, Dennis A., Sergeant. Davis, John, Sergeant. Marden, Charles M., Corporal. Sinith, George H., Corporal. Walker, Edward, Corporal. Hinds, Wm. A., Corporal. PRIVATES. Bird, James H. Barrett, John. McLaughlin, Charles. Mahoney, Edward. Haley, James. McGowan, James. MoGowan, Thomas. Stone, Benjamin. 204 ROSTER OF COMPANY H, 43d Mass. Infantry Volunteers. COL. CHARLES L. HOLBROOK. MUSTERED INTO U. S. SERVICE SEPT. 20TH, 1862 ; 9 MONTHS. [The letters N. R. opposite a name, stands for Non Resident.] Hanover, George B., Captain. Bradbury, William, Ist Lieutenant. Colesworthy, Daniel C, 2d Lieutenant. Edmunds, John, Jr., Ist Sergeant. Butts, Charles G., 2d Sergeant. Perry, John H., 3d Sergeant. Eldridge, Horace P., 4tn Sergeant. Hsley, Daniel P., Sth Sergeant. Adams, Charles T., Corporal. King, Thomas, Corporal. Bryant, Southworth, Corporal. Coburn, Charles M., Corporal. Pitman, John T., Corporal. Barnes, Franklin O., Coi-poral. Butler, Alfred M. S., Corporal. Colesworthy, George E., Corporal. Humphrey, Charles L., musician. Wilson, Norman, musician. Wilkinson, Samuel F., wagoner. PRIVATES. Adams, Sylvester R. Adams. Jonathan S. Bunten, GUbert. Bryant, William B. Blanchard, Edward B. Beatley, Charles S. Bassett, Charles Z. Burtt, Joseph A. N. R. Butts, Edwin H. Ballsdon, George. Benner, Edwin. Bettis, Jonas A. Carruth, Isaac S. N. R. Colesworthy, Charles J. Dade, David B. Emerson, George H. Evans, Thomas H. Evans, Frank S . Folsom, William J. Parley, James A. N. R. Pracker, John. Fisher, Charles E. Gooding, George Goodwin, Clement F. GUllng, WUliam P. Geary, George W. Garrighty, John P. Hayden, John. Harlow. Dexter. Hopkins, John P. N. E. N.E. HaU, Charles W. N. E. Harrison, John L. .Hemmenway, George S. H. Judkins, Hiram. Jones, John T. Johnson, Samuel W. N. E. Kimball, James H. Knowles, Henry F Lombard, George B. LeBlanc, Eemi. Lovejoy, Joseph F. Loach, James W. Lord, George P. Mclntire, James. McKenzie, William. Maynard, Cornelius D. Morrill, George E. Mason, Walter. Mears, George. Merritt, Martin Patrick, Albert B. Perry, Almon. Pierce, George F. N. R. Parker, Merritt. N. E. Perkins, Charles W. Pratt, George W. Pickford, Henry. Eichardson, Zanoni A. Eacklitf, Benjamin. Eogers, Edward H. Stanwood, William E. Spaulding, WUliam A. N. R. Sinclair, John G. Spooner, John P. Swords, Edward K. Swett, Cyrus E. Scott, Frank J. Thompson, Henry P. Twombly, Charles W. TUden, Colman, Jr. Tufts, John. Teel, Abner G. N. R. Whittemore, Thomas, Jr. Whitford, Reuben. Whiting, Edward. Wai-ren, Theodore B. Watson, John A. Wilson, Henry. Wylie, Isaac. White, WUliam B. Wood, Joseph A. Young, Geo. W. N.R. 205 ROSTER OF COMPANY H, 50th Mass. Infantry Volunteers, COL. CARLOS P. MESSER. MUSTERED INTO U. S. SERVICE SEPT. 29TH, 1862 ; 9 MONTHS. [The letters N. E. opposite a name, stands for Non Eesident.] Hobbs, Cyrus, Captaiu. Holmes, Henry T., 1st Lieutenaut. Daniels, WiUiam P., 2d Lieutenant. Saunders, Eobert A., Ist Sergeant. Carlton, Willard P., Sergeant. Lord, George F., Sergeant. Grant, James S., Sergeant. Hurley, John W., Sergeant. Proctor, .Tames Heni*y, Corporal. Sanborn, Almon, Corporal. Foi-saith, James L., Corporal. Grant, Joseph H , Corporal Brackett, Edwin F. A., Corporal. Dunning, John N., Corporal. Lucas, Charles H., C rporal. Hall, Samuel E., Corporal. Snow, William F., Musician, N. E. Pike, Joseph A., Musician, N. R. CoUier, George G., Wagoner. PRIVATES. AveriU, Charles S. Aylward, John. Briggs, Edward P. - Bickers, Joseph P. Bickford, Henry P. Bickford, George P. Bailey, John D. Burnham, Edward W. Butler, Charles H., N E. Butler, OrvUle W. Butters, Silas, N. E. Burkett, Heni-y A. Brown, George F. Bohan, Daniel. Cole, Solomon A. Calef, Isaac W. Calef, Horatio S. Clark, Lewis. Carter, Horace. Cross, Henry. Cobb, George H., N. E. Durgin, Augustus. Dernpsey, Patrick. Dixon, Horatio. Dickson, Thomas, N. R. Dickson, John P., N. R. Denn, Charles, N. R. Edgecombe, Joaeph W. ElweU, Samuel B., N. R. Ed'lv, George B., N. R. Gifford, Albert D. Grover, Thomas. Gillen, John, N. R. Green, Henry. GUes, John Henry. Guelpa, John B. GrifBn, Jacob E. Hight, Henry W. Holmes, John W. Henry, William S. Holbrook, John W. Hodgkins, Francis P. Hammond, James B. Hatch, Charles H. Hawkes, Harrison. Hawes, Augustus W. Hooper, James L., N. R. Holden, Horace G. Hunuewell, Richard. Hinckley. Charles E. Holland, Adelbert. Jennings, PhUip M. Jones, Thomas. Jones, Henry. Kenneflok, John. Murphy, John, N. R. McLaughlin, James R, Nyman, Edgar A. Niland, Patrick J. Nichols, Jos. A. Pearson, Reuben. Pearson, W. Everett. Proctor, George. Proctor, Frederick, N. E. Patten, Thaddeus, S. E. Quigley, Edward, N. R. Quinn, Charles. Ripley, Robert. Reedf Luther A. Eoberts, Myron C. Eaymond, Alfred. Eooke, WiUiam, N. E. Sale, John. SawteUe, Zachariah. Smith, Elijah E. Sampson, Eden. Stone, Samuel P. Shipman, William N. Tuttle, John S. Vose, Orin B. Woodward, Fred. H. Whitmarsh, Jonathan. Wheeler, James E. Young, Eobert M. N. K. Officers, Sailors, Etc. The following is a partial list of Chelsea men who served, dur ing the war, in the Navy and on other Government vessels. This list is incomplete, but as full ahd accurate as is possible to make it with present resources. AUSTIN, CHARLES. Seaman, Gunboat South Carolina, May 17, 1861. Re-enlisted Sept. 1862, on steamer Rhode Island. Discharged May, 1863. ALLEN, GEORGE, ist class fireman, Canandaigua, Aug. 4, 1862. Discharged Sept. 3, 1864. BEARD, ROBERT. Landsman. BRAGG, I. W. Assistant Surgeon, Receiving Ship Ohio. Frig ate Roanoke, Dec. 1861. Hospital Ship, Fortress Monroe, April, 1862. Wachusett, May 1862. San Jacinto, June 1862. BURKE, WILLIAM. Musician, Mississippi. N. R. Dis charged, 1862. BOYNTON, JOHN T. BAKER, PATRICK. Marine. BOYER, WILLIAM. Carpenter, Young Rover, Aug. 1861, to Aug. 1862. BOYER, CHRISTIAN. Carpenter, Young Rover, Aug. 1861, to Aug. 1862. Re-entered as seaman, Aug., 1864. BURGESS, HENRY C. Acting Paymaster, Ohio. BUTLER, WILLIAM F. Seaman, Saxon. BURNS, JAMES. Seaman, Vermont. BURNS, JAMES H. Fireman, Kensington. 2o8 BESSEY, JOHN. Seaman, Portsmouth. BIGELOW, BENJ. F. Acting Assistant Surgeon, Dec. 1863. BOLTON, WM. H. Master's Mate, Malvern, Dec. 23, 1863. Transferred to Commodore Jones. BRANNAN, MICHAEL, Jr. Seaman, Ceres, April, 1863. CUNNINGHAM, ENOS T. Musician, Mississippi. Discharg ed, 1862. CASS, FREDERICK. Seaman, Massachusetts. CUMMINGS, WILLIAM R. S. Landsman, South Carolina. Discharged.-. Enlisted, 3Sth Mass., Aug. 1862. COTTER, EDWARD T. Landsman, Sabine. COYNE, MICHAEL. Landsman, Cumberland. Discharged April, 1862. Enlisted, 40th Mass., Aug. 1862. CUSHING, WM. B. Passed Midshipman, Cambridge. Lieu tenant Commander; 1863. CULLEN, PATRICK. Seaman, Katahdin. Died, Feb. 23, 1863. COBURN, GEORGE H. Paymaster's Clerk, Vermont. CUTTING, GEORGE H. Coalheaver. CLARK, CHARLES E. Acting Ensign, Iron-clad Nahant) Resigned, 1863. CURRY, DAVIS H. Carpenter, Gunboat Louisiana, Feb. 1862. DILLINGHAM, JOHN. Acting Master, Preble. Morning Light, Oct. 1862. Taken prisoner Jan. 1863. Paroled and exchanged, — , 1864. Resigned , 1863. DILLINGHAM,' JAMES S., Jr. Acting Master, Rhode Is land. Resigned Oct. 9, 1861. DURAN, ANDREW. Seamen, Bainbridge. DRURY, MICHAEL B. Seaman, Kearsarge. Jan. 12, 1862. Discharged Nov. 29, 1864. ¦ Re-entered, seaman, Jan. 3, 1863. DEMOITT, LEWIS. Seaman, Saxon. DAWSON, F. B. Acting Assistant Surgeon, Steamer Patron. DIGNAN, STEPHEN. Coalheaver, Nantasket. DAVIS, NATHANIEL T. Paymaster's Clerk, Alabama, May, 1864. DIGNAN, JAMES. Landsman, July 30, 1864. 209 DYKE, JAMES H. Seaman, July i8, 1864. ENGLES, S. ALLEN. Surgeon, Vincennes, till June, 1862. On retired list, Aug. 1863. Died at Chelsea, Feb. 27, 1863. EDGERLY, HIRAM O. Seaman, Housatonic, July, 1862, to Aug. 1863. ERICKSON, C. J. Seaman, March 3, 1864. FRENCH, CHARLES A. Acting Master, Minnesota. Trans ferred to Whitehead. Appointed Commander, . 1862. FARLEY, THOMAS S. Master's Mate, Mississippi. Resigned Jan. 1862. FITZPATRICK, JOHN. Marine, Westfield. Transferred to Clifton, Dec. 1862. On board Flag Ship, Jan. 1863. FROST, LOUIS W. Midshipman, Constitution, Aug. 1862. FRENCH, OLIVER H. Paymaster's Clerk, Whitehead. HOLLIS, GEORGE F. Master's Mate, Louisiana. Appointed Ensign, Octorora, Aug. 10, 1862. Acting Master, June 11, 1864. HORNE, DAVID B. Acting Master, Nightingale. Resigned June 29, 1863. HARRIS, THOMAS W. Musician, Mississippi. Discharged, 1862. HALLIHAN, THOMAS. Carondelet. Died at Vicksburg, July 22, 1862. HOYT, EBEN, Jr. 1st Assistant Engineer, Richmond. Spe cial duty. Iron-clad steamers, Boston, July, 1863. HIGGINS, JOSIAH P. Yeoman, Kennebec. HAWES, WM. H. Master's Mate, Jamestown. HILLS, FREDERICK C. Acting Assistant Paymaster, Gun boat Isaac Smith. Taken prisoner, Stono River, Jan. 1863. Paroled May 4, 1863. Exchanged May 6, 1863. Ordered to De Soto, , 1863. HUTCHINS, SAMUEL. Seamen, Minnesota. HOLT, JAMES E. Landsman, Iron-clad Galena, April 16, 1862, to June 17, 1863. HANNAH, WM.. AUGUSTUS. Master's Mate. Sept. 13, 1863. HOWARD, JOHN. Seaman. HURSCH, CHAS. F. Acting 2d Assistant Engineer, Trefoil. 2IO ILSLEY, JONATHAN C. Seaman, Brooklyn. Transferred to Richmond, Sept. 1863. JANVRIN, EDWIN. Master's Mate, Vincennes. Appointed Acting Ensign, June, 1862. On board Rachael, Seaman. KENNEDY, JOHN. Seaman, Massachusetts. KYLE, THOMAS. Coalheaver. KERSE. PATRICK. Coalheaver, Saco. Jan. 1864. KELEY, WILLIAM. Seaman, March 8, 1864. LENNAN, BENJ. C. Musician, Mississippi. N. R. May, 1861, to Jan. 1862. LACY, JAMES. Landsman, Cambridge. Discharged . Re-enlisted , 1863. LEONARD, EZRA. Acting Master, Varuna. Transferred to Tennessee. Transferred to Monongahela, June, 1863. LEWIS, THOMAS D. Seaman, Colorado. LEWIS, JOEL W., Jr. Steward, San. Jacinto. LOW, PHILIP B. Acting Ensign, Com. Morris, Oct. 1862. Resigned Sept. 9, 1863. LANGLEY, WILLIAM. A. Coalheaver, Genesee. LORING, STAUNTON D. 3d Assistant Engineer, Ladona. LORING, W. F. Seaman, Genesee. LOWELL, WM. C. Yeoman, Monticello, Dec. 1863. MOORE, WILLIAM N. Seaman, Fearnought. MAIES, WILLIAM H. Master's Mate, Cambridge. Appointed Acting Master, March 26, 1862. Taken prisoner in North Carolina, Nov. 17, 1862. Paroled. Exchanged Jan. 13, 1863. Ordered to Iron-clad Nantucket, Jan. 13, 1863. MAILLEY, OWEN. Landsman. MERRILL, JOHN M. Acting Master, Kingfisher. McGIVERN. Lawrence, Landsman. McKIERNON, JOHN. Marine. MURPHY, JOHN. Landsman. Aug. i, 1861. Transferred to Mississippi Squadron, Nov. 1862. Discharged Aug. 1864. MITCHELL, CHARLES F. Acting Master, Norwich, from. Dec. 1861, to Sep. 1863. In command Gunboat E. B. Hale, Sept. 8, 1863. 211 MERRYMAN, J. Walter. Master's Mate. MALLARD, W. H. Acting Master, Sebago. MAHON, JOSEPH. Coalheaver. MURPHY, DANIEL S. Acting Master, Hartford. MASON, N. EMMONS. Surgeon's Steward, Gunboat New National, April, 1863. Steward, Naval Hospital, Memphis, Tenn., , 1863. McNAMARA, TIMOTHY. Gunboat Kanawha. McQUADE, CHAS. From ist Cavalry, May 3, 1864. MAYO, HENRY A. Master's Mate, Buckthorn. NYMAN, FRANCIS W. 3d Engineer. ORCUTT, JOHN A. Master's Mate, Tacony. OLIVER, GEO. F. Seaman, Ethan Allen. PEPPER, DANIEL. Coast Pilot, Colorado, till June, 1862. PEPPER, GEORGE. Seaman, Saxon. PHILLIPS, JOHN F. Engineer's Steward, Colorado. PRESCOTT, ALEX. H. Surgeon's Mate, South Carolina. PRESCOTT, W. A. Master's Mate, Gunboat Port Royal. PILSBUBY, J. ELLIOT. Midshipman, Constitution, Aug. 1862. PALMER, W. H. Acting Assistant Paymaster, Nahant, Oct. 25, 1864. PLUNKETT, JOHN. (O. Q.) , 1864. RICE, GEORGE H. Master's Mate, Preble. Morning Light, Oct. 1862. Wounded Dec. 1862. Taken prisoner Jan. 21, 1863. Released Feb. 26, 1865. RAY, RICHARD L. Gunner, Potomac. ROWE, EDWARD F. Acting Master's Mate, April 15, 1862. Acting Ensign, Nahant, , 1863. RINGOT, CHARLES. Ensign, Sagamore. Killed near James River, Va., Nov. 23, 1862. RYAN, MICHAEL. Landsman, Alabama, March, 1864. Dis charged April 10, 1863. ROGERS, HENRY A. Master's Mate, Buckthorn, March, 1864. 212 1 STONE, EDWIN C. Minnesota. SIMMS, PATRICK. Coalheaver, Whitehead. SIBILEY, ARTHUR. Acting Assistant Paymaster, Gunboat Linden, Dec. 1862. STEVENS, A. L. Sailmaker's Mate, Albatross, Aug., 1862, to Aug., 1863. Re-entered as Master's Mate, Owasco, March 8, 1864. STODDARD, GEORGE L. Seaman, Dec. 1862. SAWTELLE, ISAIAH L. 3d Engineer, Gunboat Britannia. SAUNDERS, CHAS. H. L. Fireman, Gunboat Aries, Sept. 19, 1863. Discharged, , 1864. Re-entered 3d Assist ant Engineer, Paul Jones, , 1865. SEMON, E. N. Acting Eusign, Storeship Release, Dec. 19, 1862. Attached to steamer Nyphon, Oct. 22, 1862. SMITH, LEONARD M. Tonawanda. Discharged Aug. 26, 1863. ' SAWYER, GEO. K. Seaman, Colorado, Aug. 17, 1862. Dis charged Sept. 8, 1863. Re-entered, Com. Hull, Oct. 11, 1863. Discharged Oct. 16, 1864, SCOTT, STEPHEN C. Landsman. (O. Q.) ^— , 1864. TURNER, LEVI W. Master's Mate, Ino. Resigned. TUTEIN, FRED. J. Bandmaster, Mississippi. May 13, 1861, to June, 1862. THORNTON, JOHN T. Landsman, Sabine. TOOTHAKER, SAMUEL G. Seaman, Ethan Allen. Dis charged , 1862. Appointed Acting Ensign, Macedon ian, Jan. 1863. THORNTON, HENRY H. Landsman, Sabine. TOPPAN, BENJAMIN F. Seaman. • TURNER, HENRY T. Paymaster's Clerk, South Carolina. THORNTON, J. S. Lieutenant Commander, Kearsage, TUCKER, GEORGE. Seaman. (O. Q.) , 1863. VERY, S., Jr. Acting Master, Cambridge, ist Lieutenant, Gemsbok. VERY, SAMUEL W. Yeoman, Gemsbok. WHITE, JOSEPH R. Musician, Mississippi. Discharged, 1862. 2X3 WINCH, GEORGE HENRY. Landsman, Fearnought. WELLER, JOHN. Seaman, Aug. i, i86i. Detailed at Fort Ellsworth, near Washington, August to October, 1861. Transferred to Minnesota and to Gunboat Whitehead. Ap pointed Quarter-master, Jan. i, 1862. Wounded, Oct. 3, 1862, at Franklin, Va. Discharged March 28, 1863. Died at Chelsea, March 23, 1864. WELLS, HENRY M. Surgeon. WESTCOTT, HENRY A. Sept. 1862. WHITE, W. L. Hendrick Hudson. Sept. 1863. WINDE HENRY A. Master's Mate, Buckthorn, March, 1864. — ™l »,.-, «TJ .1,.; ....:.• YALE UNIVERSITY 1965ii09b ^' ..ii'' fe^ .,,;,.-,v*teM-'-'.'»-* ""-*-¦' ¦'¦.£^^-~' j.^-'^ «S»S^'-' WW* fcif?- iw;:, s»«c* fl^?^--.^,-*^:.'''''