Lincoln .BirHipla.ce- HISTORY AND EVIDENCE OF THE Passage of Abraham Lincoln HARRISBURG, PA., TO WASHINGTON, D. C. ON THE 4 22d and 23d of FEBRUARY, l86l. 1892. PlNKERTON'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY. Founded by Aldan Pinkerton, 1850. ROBT. A. PINKERTON, NEW YORK,! Ge0- D- BanGS, f-PRINCIPALS. GEN'L SUPT. WM. A. PINKERTON, CHICAGO. j NEWYORK. D. ROBERTSON, Asst. Qen'l Supt., fliddle Division, Chicago. JAS. McPARLAND, Asst. Qen'l Supt., Western Division, Denver. OFFICES: BOSTON, 42 &. 44 COURT ST., JOHN CORNISH, SUPT. NEW YORK, 66 Exchange PLACE, W. J. LOADER, SUPT. PHILADELPHIA, 441 CHESTNUT ST., E. S. GAYLOR, SUPT. CHICAGO, 199 &, 201 FIFTH AVE., FRANK MURRAY, SUPT. ST. PAUL, GERMANIA BANK BUILDING, JOHN C. McGINN, SUPT. KANSAS CITY, 105 &. 107 W. 6TH ST., - C. H. EPPELSHEIMER, SUPT. DENVER, OPERA HOUSE Block, JAS. McPARLAND, SUPT. PORTLAND, ORE., Marquam BLOCK, H. W. MINSTER, SUPT. ATTORNEYS FOR THE AGENCY: CLARENCE A. SEWARD, GEO. S. GRAHAM, D. W. MUNN, NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO. This Agency is independent of Government or Municipal control, and is prepared to undertake all proper Detective business entrusted to it by Railroad or other Corporations, Banks, Mercantile Houses, Attorneys or Private Individuals. It does not operate for Rewards nor engage in Divorce Cases. 1868. PlNKERTON'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE AgENGY ALLAN PINKERTON, Principal. GEO. H. BANGS, General Supt. To the People of the United States: Chicago, Jan. 8, 1S6S. The question of the passage of Mr. Lincoln, on the night of *2*2d of February, 1861, from Harrisburg, Penn., to Washington, D. C, the Capitol of the United States, is one of marked interest in historj*, and one upon which the people of this country and the world ought to have correct information. Hitherto I have kept silent upon this subject, and probably might have continued so much longer, but that liistorians are now writing up the important events of the last seven years — a period the most exciting in the life time of this Nation — up to the present stage of its exist ence, and I deem it proper to lay the following brief state ment before the public in connection with this event. I ^> am induced, moreover, to take this step from the fact of the "9 publication, in the second volume of Lossing's History of the War of the Rebellion, of a letter from John A. Ken nedy, Esq , Superintendent of the Metropolitan Police of New York City, dated New York, August 13, 1867, in which Mr. Kennedy speaks of the acts .of himself and his detective force, in discovering the plot for the assassination of President Lincoln, on his passage through Baltimore, en route to Washington, for inauguration as President. This letter has had so wide a circulation in the press of the United States that it will be unnecessary for me to insert the whole of it here. I merely desire to call attention to the following words : — " I know nothing of any connection of Mr. Pinkerton with the matter." That is to say, Mr. Kennedy knew nothing of my con nection with the passage of Mr. Lincoln from Harrisburg, via Philadelphia, to Washington, on the 22d of February, 1861. In this respect Mr. Kennedy spoke the truth; he did not know of my connection with the passage of Mr. Lin coln, nor was it my intention that he should know of it. Secrecy is the one thing most necessary to the success of the detective, and when a secret is to be kept, the fewer who know of it the better. It was unnecessary for Mr. Kennedy to know of my connection with that passage, and hence he was not apprised of it. I am aware that Mr. Kennedy is a loyal man, and has done much service for the Union cause ; but it was not necessary that every Unionist should be informed that Mr. Lincoln was about to make an important movement. Therefore the secret was imparted 4 only to those whom it was necessary should know it. With this preface my statement will be brief. About the middle of January, 1861, I was in Philadel phia, and had an interview on other matters with S. M. Felton, Esq., at that time President of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad, in which Mr. Felton mentioned that he had suspicions that the secessionists of Maryland were bound to injure his road, either by destroy ing the ferry boat which carried the trains across the Sus quehanna River at Havre de Grace, or by the destruction of the railroad bridges over the Gunpowder River and other streams. Mr. Felton felt very desirous to protect his road from injury or obstruction by the " secessionists," as they were at that time called, but afterwards more famil iarly known as " rebels," who were then busily engaged in plotting the treason which shortly afterwards culminated in open rebellion. Mr. Felton well knew that the Philadel phia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad was the only connecting link between the great commercial emporium of the United States and the Capital of the Nation, and appre ciated fully the necessity of keeping that link unbroken. He desired that I would consider the matter fully, and, promising to do so, I returned to my home in Chicago. On the 27th of January, 1861, 1 wrote to Mr. Felton my views upon this subject. They were not given in connec tion with secession, but as to what detective ability might do to discover the plots and plans of those who might be contemplating the destruction of any portion of this great and important link between New York and Washington. 5 On the 30th of January I received a telegram from Mr. Felton, requesting me to come to Philadelphia, and take with me such of my force as might be necessary, with a view to commencing the detective operations to which I had al luded in my letter to him of the 27th. On the 1st of February, 1861, I accordingly left Chicago with such of my detective force, male and female, as I thought adequate for the purpose required. We duly arrived in Philadelphia, and after consultation with Messrs. Felton and Stearns, of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad, I repaired with my force to Baltimore and there established my headquarters. While engaged in the investigations spoken of, as re lating to the safety of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad track, myself and detectives accidentally acquired the knowledge that a plot was in existence for the assassination of Mr. Lincoln on his passage through Balti more to Washington, to be inaugurated as President. The plot was well conceived, and would, I am convinced, have been effective for the purpose designed. This information was acquired by me while in-the service of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad, who were paying me for my services, and although I felt impelled, by my sense of duty and my long friendship for Mr. Lincoln (we both being old citizens of Illinois), to impart the same to him, yet, knowing the loyalty of Mr. Felton, I desired his acqui escence in doing so. I accordingly imparted the information of the plot to Mr. Stearns, and through him to Mr. Felton, and received from both those gentlemen the authority to 6 impart the facts to Hon. Norman B. Judd, the warm and intimate personal friend of Mr. Lincoln, who was accom panying the President elect on the tour from Springfield to Washington. Nothing further I believe is necessary from myself on this affair, as the evidence which accompanies this statement . is all that is necessary to show how far I speak truthfully. It would be egotistical on my part to parade before the public my acts. I hold proofs in addition to those, which are now furnished to the public, in my possession. A few words more, and those only in relation to one who is now dead, a martyr to the cause of the Union, who lies in unhallowed soil, "Unwept, unhonored and unsung." I allude to Timothy Webster, one of my detective force, who accompanied me upon this eventful occasion. He served faithfully as a detective amongst the secessionists of Maryland, and acquired many valuable and important secrets. He, amongst all of the force who went with me, deserves the credit of saving the life of Mr. Lincoln, even more than I do. He was a native of Princeton, New Jersey, a life-long Democrat, but felt and realized, with Jackson, that the Union must and should be preserved. He continued in my detective service, and after I assumed charge of the secret service of the Army of the Potomac, under Major General McClellan, Mr. Webster was most of the time within the rebel lines. True, he was called a spy, and martial law says that a spy, when convicted, shall die. Still 7 spies are necessary in war, ever have been and ever will be. Timothy Webster was arrested in Richmond , and upon the testimony of members of a secesh family in Washington, named Levi, for whom I had done some acts of kindness, he was convicted as a spy, and executed by order of Jefferson Davis, on the 30th of April, 1862. His name is unknown to fame ; but few were truer or more devoted to the Union cause than was Timothy Webster. With this statement I herewith subjoin the following letters, which are proof of my participation in the passage of Mr. Lincoln from Harrisburg, via Philadelphia, to Washington, on the night of the 22d of February, 1861. As I have before said, it was unnecessary that Mr. Kennedy should know aught of the movement that was going on, and I did not advise him of it; although I am informed that he was on the same train and occupied the third berth in the same sleeping car from that where Mr. Lincoln lay on that eventful night of his passage to Washington from Philadelphia. ALLAN PINKERTON. MR. LINCOLN'S STATEHENT. Extract from Lossing's History of the War, Vol. 1, Page 278. " Mr. Judd, a warm personal friend from Chicago, sent for me to come to his room (at the Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, February 21st). I went, and found there Mr. Pinkerton, a skillful police detective, also from Chicago, who had been employed for some days in Baltimore watch ing or searching for suspicious persons there. Pinkerton informed me that a plan had been laid for my assassination, the exact time when I expected to go through Baltimore being publicly known. He was well informed as to the plan, but did not know that the conspirators would have pluck enough to execute it. He urged me to go right through with him to Washington that night. I didn't like that. I had made engagements to visit Harrisburg and go from there to Baltimore, and I resolved to do so. I could not believe that there was a plot to murder me. I made arrangements, however, with Mr. Judd for my return to Philadelphia the next night, if I should be convinced that there was danger in going through Baltimore. I told him that if I should meet at Harrisburg, as I had at other places, a delegation to go with me to the next place (Balti more), I should feel safe and go on. When I was making my way back to my room, through crowds of people, I met Frederick Seward. We went together to my room, when he told me that he had been sent, at the instance of his father and General Scott, to inform me that their detectives in Baltimore had discovered a plot there to assassinate me. They knew nothing of Mr. Pinkerton 's movements. I now be lieved such a plot to be in existence." LETTERS LETTER OF S. M. FELTON, ESQ. Thurlow, Dec. 31st, 1867. AlXAN PlMKEETON, ESQ. Dear Sir: — In answer to your inquiries as to your agency in ferreting out the plot to assassinate Mr. Lincoln, on his first journey to Washington, and in aiding him on his journey to the Capitol, prior to his inauguration in 1861, 1 have to say, that early in that year, and while I was President of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad, I employed you as a detective to ascertain the truth or falsity of certain rumors that had come to my ear as to the designs of the Secessionists upon our road, etc. I told you only a part of the rumors that I had heard, and only sufficient to put you on the track. You employed a force of some eight or nine assistants, and among other things, made certain to my mind that there was a thor oughly matured plot to assassinate the President elect on his journey to Washington. After which I met you at a hotel, in Philadelphia, on the evening of Mr. Lincoln's arrival there, in company with Mr. Judd, Mr. Lincoln's intimate friend, when the whole plot was made known to him. After which Mr. Lincoln was seen by you and Mr. Judd and made acquainted with all the facts. He declined to go to Washington in our sleeping car that night, as was my advice, but said that after going to Harrisburg the next day he would put himself in our hands. It was then 11 arranged that he should be brought from Harrisburg to Philadelphia the next night by special train, and then go to Washington by our night line in the sleeping car, accom panied by yourself and one or two of his friends. The telegraph lines in all directions were cut, so that no tidings of his movements could be sent from Harrisburg, and all was carried out successfully. In all these movements you were the only detective employed by me, and the only one who was conversant with Mr. Lincoln's movements, so far as I knew. All the movements of the train in which Mr. Lincoln went from Philadelphia were under my directions, and no other de tective than yourself had any connection with them in any way, unless it might have been as an ordinary passenger. You certainly were the only one who gave me any information upon the subject, or who had anything to do with the planning of the journey, or who had accompanied Mr. Lincoln as a detective officer and quasi guard. Mr. George Stearns, then Roadmaster, and Mr. William Stearns, then Superintendent, went with you, one to Balti more, and the other from Baltimore to Washington. I have written a full account of the events prior to Mr. Lincoln's first journey, of the journey itself, and of the events immediately subsequent to the same, for Mr. Lossing, and have detailed therein more fully the part you had in them all, and I refer you to that when published for all the particulars. Yours truly, S. M. FELTON. VI LETTER OF HON. N. B. JUDD. Chicago, III., Nov. 3d, 1867. Mk. Allan Pinkerton. Sir : — Yours of the 31st ult., enclosing a letter of Mr. Kennedy to Mr. Lossing, relating to the conspiracy to assas sinate Mr. Lincoln on his passage through Baltimore in February, 1861, and printed in the second volume of Mr. Lossing's " History of the War," I found on my table last evening, on my return from the country. Notwithstanding the various publications in the papers, purporting to give accounts of that matter, some of which were grossly in accurate, I have refrained from publishing anything in re lation thereto; but the historian is making a permanent record, and I can not, in justice to you, refuse to make a statement of the facts within my personal knowledge. As you suggest, I was one of the party who accom panied Mr. Lincoln from Springfield to Washington. When the party reached Cincinnati I received a letter from you, dated at Baltimore, stating that there was a plot on foot to assassinate Mr. Lincoln on his passage through that city, and that you would communicate further as the party pro gressed eastward. Knowing that you were at that point, with your detect ive force, for the purpose of protecting the Philadelphia and Baltimore Railroad against the attempt by the traitors to destroy the same, the information thus sent made a deep impression upon me, but to avoid causing anxiety on the part of Mr. Lincoln, or any of the party, I kept this in formation to myself. At Buffalo I received a second brief note from you saying that the evidence was accumulating. No further communication on that subject was received until we arrived in the city of New York. In the evening 13 of the day of our arrival at the Astor House, a servant came to my room and informed me that there was a lady in No. , who wished to see me. Gen. Pope was in my room at the time. I followed the servant to one of the upper rooms of the hotel, where, upon entering, I found a lady seated at a table with some papers before her. She arose as I entered and said, " Mr. Judd, I presume," and I responded " Yes, madam," and she handed me a letter from you, intro ducing her as Mrs. Warne, superintendent of the female de tective department of your police force. She stated that you did not like to trust the mail in so important a matter, and that she had been sent to arrange for a personal interview between yourself and me, at which all the proofs relating to the conspiracy could be submitted to me. It was according ly arranged that, immediately after the arrival of the party in Philadelphia, you should notify me at what place I should meet you. I informed her that I should be in the carriage with Mr. Lincoln from the depot to the Continental Hotel. During this interview with Mrs. Warne, Col. E. S. Sanford, President of the American Telegraph Company, called and Mrs. Warne introduced him to me. He showed me a letter from you to him relating to this affair, and ten dered me the use of his lines for any communication I might have to make, and also his personal service if needed. At Philadelphia, while riding from the depot to the hotel, in the carriage with Mr. Lincoln, a file of policemen being on each side of the carriage, I saw a young man walking on the outside of the line of policemen who was evidently trying to attract my attention. At about the corner of Broad and Chestnut Sts. the young man crowded through the line of policemen, nearly upsetting two of them came to the side of the carriage and handed me a piece of paper on which was written, " St. Louis Hotel ; ask for J. H. 14 Hutchinson." I afterwards ascertained that this messenger was Mr. Burns, one of Col. Sanford's telegraphic force. Immediately after the arrival of the carriage at the Continental, I went to the St. Louis Hotel, and being shown up to Hutchinson's room I found you and Mr. S. M. Felton, President of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company, together awaiting my arrival. An hour and more was spent in examining and analyzing the proofs upon which you based your belief in the plot, and the result was a perfect conviction, on the part of Mr. Felton and my self, that the plot was a reality, and that Mr. Lincoln's safety- required him to proceed to Washington that evening in the eleven o'clock train. I expressed the opinion that Mr. Lincoln would not go that night, but I proposed that you should immediately accompany me to the Continental Hotel and lay the proofs before Mr. Lincoln, as he was an old acquaintance and friend of yours, and to my knowledge had occasion before this time to test your reliability and prudence. On proceeding to the hotel we found the people assembled in such masses that our only* means of entrance was through the rear by the servant's door. We went to my room, which was on the same floor with the ladies' parlor, and sent for Mr. Lincoln. He was then in one of the large parlors, surrounded by ladies and gentlemen. I think Mr. Nicolay, his private secretary, took the message to him. Mr. Lincoln came to my room, forcing his way" through the crowd, and all the proofs and facts were laid before him in detail, he canvassing them and subjecting y*ou to a thorough cross-examination. After this had been done, I stated to him the conclusion to which Mr. Felton, yourself and myself had arrived. " But," I added, " the proofs that have now been laid before you can not be published," as it would involve the lives of several of Mr. Pinkerton's force, and especially 15 that of poor Tim Webster, who was then serving in a rebel cavalry company, under drill at Perryman's in Maryland. I further remarked to Mr. Lincoln, " If you follow the course suggested — of proceeding to Washington to-night — you will necessarily be subjected to the scoffs and sneers of your enemies, and the disapproval of your friends, who can not be made to believe in the existence of so desperate a plot." Mr. Lincoln replied, that he " appreciated these suggest ions," but that he " could stand anything that was necessary." Then rising from his seat, he said " I can not go to-night. I have promised to raise the flag over Independence Hall, to-morrow morning, and to visit the Legislature at Harris burg; beyond that I have no engagements. Any plan that may be adopted that will enable me to fulfill these two promises I will carry out, and you can tell me what is con cluded upon to-morrow." Mr. Lincoln then left the room, without any apparent agitation. During this interview Col. Ward H. Lamon entered the room, but left immediately. A few minutes after, Mr. Henry Sanford, as the representa tive of Col. E. S. Sanford, President of the American Tele graph Co., came into the room. You then left for the purpose of finding Thomas A. Scott, Esq., Vice-President of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, and also to notify Mr. Felton, who was waiting at the La Pierre House, of your report of the interview with Mr. Lincoln. About twelve o'clock you returned, bringing with you Mr. G. C. Franciscus, General Manager of the Pennsylvania ( 'entral Railroad, saying that you were not able to find Mr. Scott, who was out of town. A full discussion of the entire matter was had between us, the party consisting of Mr. Franciscus, Mr. Sanford yourself and myself. After all the contingencies that could be imagined had been discussed, the following programme 16 was adopted : That after the reception at Harrisburg, a special train should leave the latter place at six P. M., con sisting of a baggage-car and one passenger car, to convey Mr. Lincoln and one companion back to Philadelphia; that that train was to be under the control of Mr. Fran ciscus and Mr. Enoch Lewis, General Superintendent ; that the track was to be cleared of everything between Harris burg and Philadelphia from half past five until after the passage of the special train ; that Mr. Felton should detain the eleven o'clock P. M. Baltimore train until the arrival of the special train from Harrisburg ; that Mrs. Warne should engage berths in the sleeping car bound for Baltimore ; that you should meet Mr. Lincoln with a carriage at West Phila delphia on the arrival of the special train, and carry him to the Baltimore train ; that Mr. Sanford was to make it perfect ly certain that no telegraphic message should pass over the wires from six o'clock the next evening until Mr. Lincoln's arrival in Washington was known ; that Ward H. Lamon should accompany Mr. Lincoln. Every supposed possible contingency was discussed and re-discussed, and the party separated at half past four that morning to carry out the programme agreed upon. At six that morning Mr. Lincoln fulfilled his promise by raising the flag over Independence Hall, and I have always believed that the tinge of sadness which pervaded his remarks on that occasion, and the reference to sacrificing himself for his coun try, were induced by the incidents of the night preceding. Later in the morning— and I think about eight o'clock — Mr. Lincoln sent for me to come to his room. I went and found Mr. Frederick H. Seward with Mr. Lincoln. Mr. Lincoln said to me that Mr. Seward had been sent from Washington by his father to warn him of danger in passing through Baltimore, and to urge him to come directly to 17 Washington. I do not think that Mr. Seward stated to me the facts upon which his father's convictions were founded, but the knowledge, that from an entirely independent line of testimony to that which you had furnished the preceding night, had led Gov. Seward to the same conclusion, that there was danger, strengthened my own convictions of the propriety of the course marked out. I told Mr. Seward that he could say to his father that all had been arranged, and that so far as human foresight could predict, Mr. Lincoln would be in Washington at six A. M. the next day ; that he understood the absolute necessity for secrecy in the matter. I do not think I gave him any of the details, but I am not positive on that point. After the train left Philadelphia for Harrisburg, and as soon as I could get a word with Mr. Lincoln alone, I told him the proposed plan of operations, and that I felt exceed ingly the responsibility, as no member of the party had been informed of anything connected with the matter, and that it was due to the gentlemen of the party that they should be advised with and consulted in so important a step. It is proper to add, that Col. Lamon, Mr. Nicolay and Col. Ellsworth knew that something was on foot, but very judiciously refrained from asking questions. To the above suggestion Mr. Lincoln assented, adding, " I reckon they* will laugh at us Judd, but you had better get them together." It was arranged that after the reception at the State House, and before dinner, the matter should be fully- laid before the following gentlemen of the party : Judge David Davis, Col. Sumner, Major David Hunter, Capt. John Pope, Ward H. Lamon and John G. Nicolay. . The meeting thus arranged took place in the parlor of the hotel, Mr. Lincoln being present. The facts were laid before them by me, together with the details of the proposed 18 plan of action. There was a diversity of opinion and some warm discussion, and I was subjected to a very rigid cross- examination. Judge Davis, who had expressed no opinion, but contented himself with asking rather pointed questions, turned to Mr. Lincoln, who had been listening to the whole discussion, and said, " Well, Mr. Lincoln, what is your own judgment upon this matter?" Mr. Lincoln replied, "I have thought over this matter considerably since I went over the ground with Pinkerton last night. The appearance of Mr. Frederick Seward, with warning from another source, con firms my belief in Mr. Pinkerton's statement. Unless there are some other reasons, besides fear of ridicule, I am disposed to carry out Judd's plan." Judge Davis then said, " That settles the matter, gentlemen." Col. Sumner said, " So be it, gentlemen. It is against my judgment, but I have under taken to go to Washington with Mr. Lincoln and I shall do it." I tried to convince him that every- additional person added to the risk, but the spirit of the gallant old soldier was up, and debate was useless. The party separated about four P. M., the others to go to the dinner table, and myself to go to the railroad station and telegraph office. At a quarter to six, I was back at the hotel, and Mr. Lincoln was still at the table. In a few moments the carriage drove up to the side door of the hotel. Either Mr. Nicolay or Mr. Lamon called Mr. Lincoln from the table. He went to his room, changed his dinner dress for a traveling suit, and came down with a soft hat sticking in his pocket, and his shawl on his arm. As the party passed through the hall, I said in a low tone, "Lamon, go ahead. As soon as Mr. Lincoln is in the carriage drive off. The crowd must not be allowed to identify him." Mr. Lamon went first to the carriage. Col. Sumner was follow ing close after Mr. Lincoln. I put my hand gently on his 19 shoulder. He turned round to see what was wanted, and before I had time to explain the carriage was off. The situation was a little awkward, to use no stronger terms, for a few moments. I said to the Colonel, " When we get to Washington Mr. Lincoln shall determine what apology is due to you." Mr. Franciscus and Mr. Lewis, in charge of that special train, took Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Lamon safely to West Philadelphia, and at that station you met them with a carriage and took them to the Baltimore train, and Mr. Lincoln immediately retired to his berth in the sleeping car. No one but the persons herein named, not even his own family-, knew where Mr. Lincoln was, until the next morn ing's telegraph announced that he was in Washington. To get away from questioning, I went to my room about nine o'clock and staid there until about one, when a dispatch reached me from Philadelphia saying that to that point all was right. Mr. Kennedy can test the accuracy of these facts, as to whom credit is due for arranging for the safety of Mr. Lincoln, by reference to the gentlemen named herein, and I have purposely given these in detail so that any doubting person can verify or contradict them. On our journey to Washington I had seen how utterly helpless the party were, even amongst friends and with a loyal police force, as Gen. Hunter had his shoulders broken in Buffalo in the crowd and jam. The same spirit that slaughtered the Massachusetts soldiers at Baltimore ; that laid low, by the hand of an as sassin, that great and good man at the commencement of his second term, had prepared to do that deed to prevent his first inauguration, and I know that the first warning of dan ger that Mr. Lincoln received came from you, and that his passage, in safety, through Baltimore, was accomplished in 'the manner above described. Respectfully yours, N. B. JUDD. 20 LETTER OF WILLIAM STEARNS. Philadelphia, Penn., Dec. 4th, 1867. Allan Pinkerton, Esq., Chicago, 111. Dear Sir : — In the early part of January, 1861, I had a conversation with Mr. Felton in relation to our road. I was, at that time, Master Machinist of the road. We had re ceived some reports that our road would be destroyed by Southern secessionists, and thus cut Washington off from railroad communication with the North. In conversation with Col. Bingham, Superintendent Adams Express, he ad vised Mr. Felton to see you in regard to the matter. Mr. Felton wrote to you upon the subject with a view to secur ing your services and those of your force that might be deemed advisable, in ascertaining if the secessionists had any designs upon our road, and if so, what they were. In the meantime I went to Baltimore on several different occasions and still heard these reports about the destruction of our road. In the meantime you arrived from Chicago with part of your force which was stationed between Balti more and Havre De Grace. I learned of two companies be ing formed, one at Perrymansville and one at Bell Air; from information I received, I was satisfied they were formed for the purpose of destroying our road. Mr. Felton and myself met you in Baltimore after you became established in that city and arranged for a cypher to be used between us in the transmission of messages. On the night of Feb. 9th I sent you a letter as follows : " Yours of the 6th inst. received. I am informed that a son of a distinguished citizen of Maryland said he had taken an oath with others to assassinate Mr. Lincoln before he gets to Washington, and they may attempt to do it while he is pass ing over our road. I think you had better look after this 21 man if possible. This information is perfectly reliable. I have nothing more to say at this time. I shall try and see you in a few days." On Feb. 17th, 1861, I sent a telegram to you requesting you to meet me at the President Street Depot, in Baltimore, at 4.30 P. M. On the 18th you telegraphed me in reply that you had so much to say to me that it would take considera ble time, and asking me if I would not remain over night in Baltimore, as you inferred from my dispatch that it was my intention to arrive on the 4.30 P. M. train, and leave on the 5.15 P. M. train. On the 18th of February I sent you another dispatch, saying that if we did not get through with our interview I would remain over. On my arrival at Baltimore at the time specified, you informed me that you had received much valuable infor mation, and had learned that my information was correct in regard to the plot to assassinate Mr. Lincoln. And you gave me what information you had acquired with regard to the plot. I felt very solicitous for the safety of Mr. Lin coln ; but there was a delicacy with me in relation to the matter, in regard to the action to be taken, inasmuch as the programme of the route of Mr. Lincoln to Washington was published as via Northern Central Railroad, from Harris burg to Baltimore, and that road was considered, to some extent, as a competing road to our road from North to South. But it was finally concluded that it was best that you should communicate at once with Mr. Judd, a personal friend of Mr. Lincoln's, upon this subject, and that you should see Mr. Felton, on the 21st, in Philadelphia. You accordingly wrote me that you had written Mr Judd, in forming him of the particulars of the plot, and had sent it to him, in New York, by a trusty messenger. On the 21st of February you met Mr. Felton in Phila- 22 delphia, and he informed you that he had received from me all the information you had given me while in Baltimore. On the 22d of February you met Mr. Felton, my brother George, Mr. Kenney, and myself at Mr. Felton's office, in the depot at Philadelphia. After considerable discussion as to what course to pursue, it was finally deter mined that I should go to Baltimore and make arrange ments for the holding of the train from there to Washing ton, should that be necessary, as it had been determined on the night of the 21st by Mr. Lincoln, that he would go to Harrisburg on the morning of the 22d and return to Phila delphia on the same night, and take our night train from there to Baltimore and thence to Washington. And in case that train should be delayed, the Washington train from Baltimore would be kept until it arrived, and my brother George was directed to telegraph me from Wilmington when the train passed there, as it was deemed unsafe to do so from Philadelphia. The arrangement also was that if the train was likely to arrive in Baltimore on time I should say nothing to the officers of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail road about the matter. On the night of the 22d of February, 1861, Mr. Kenney and yourself met Mr. Lincoln at the West Philadelphia Depot, and took him in a carriage over to the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Depot. Mr. Lincoln took a berth in the sleeping car, and at eleven P. M. the train left the depot for Washington. I met y7ou in our depot at Baltimore, went into the sleeping car and whispered in your ear "all is right," which seemed to be welcome news to you — it certainly was to me. Mr. Lincoln arrived in Washington without even the officers of the train knowing that he was aboard. On the arrival of Mr. Lincoln in Washington I fol- 23 lowed him and yourself and saw you safely in a carriage bound for Willard's hotel. On the 26th of February I met you at the President Street Depot in Baltimore, where we talked over what had transpired — the disappointment of the secessionists, and the failure of their plans to assassinate the President. I then informed you that Mr. Felton desired that you should remain in Baltimore or Washington, as the case might be, until after the inauguration of Mr. Lincoln, and that you should keep Mr. Judd informed of any attempt that might be made to assassinate Mr. Lincoln on the day of his inau guration. After such services being rendered to the satis faction of the officers of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company, your bill was paid by the Railroad Company. Yours truly, WILLIAM STEARNS. LETTER OF H. F. KENNEY, ESQ. Philada., Wilming. and Balt. R. R. Co., | Philadelphia, Dec. 23d, 1867. J Allan Pinkerton, Esq., Chicago, 111. Dear Sir: — The pressure of my office duties has been such as to place it out of my power to reply sooner to your letter of 13th inst., expressing a wish for a more detailed statement than I gave you in mine of the 10th inst., re specting the journey of President Lincoln from this city to Washington, on the night of February 22d, 1861. You and I met for the first time on the afternoon of that day in the office of Mr. S. M. Felton, the President of this company, Mr. Felton, himself and Mr. William Stearns, 24 then Master Mechanic of this road, being present. These conclusions were arrived at, as to the best arrangement that could be made for getting President Lincoln to Wash ington in such a way as to defeat the plans which were believed to have been matured for the assassination, and to baffle the vigilance with which his movements were watched by those concerned in that nefarious project. The arrangements having been decided upon, I pro ceeded to carry out the portion of them assigned to myself. In so doing I gave orders to the conductor (Mr. John Litz- enberg) of the 10.50 P. M. train of that night, not to start his train until he had instructions to do so from myself in person. By way of precluding surmises as to the reason for this order, Mr. Litzenberg was informed that he would receive from my own hand an important parcel which President Felton desired should be delivered early in the morning to Mr. E. J. Allen, at Willard's Hotel in Washington. Then at a late hour I was to meet you at depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company-, at West Philadelphia, in order to bring President Lincoln from that point to our depot, so timing his arrival at the latter place as to secure, as far as possible, against his presence there being noticed. Accordingly, I proceeded to the West Philadelphia depot, and we met there at about 10 P. M. We had to wait but a short time when a special train arrived with but one pas senger car attached, from which President Lincoln, with Mr. Ward H. Lamon and a few other gentlemen, officers of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, alighted. Upon their alighting I had the honor of being introduced by you to President Lincoln, and he, with Mr. Lamon, forth with got into the carriage which had been provided by you, and the driver of which was placed by you under my 25 directions as to his movements, so that these might be regulated with a view of reaching our depot a few minutes after the regular starting time of our train. This required that we should while away time ; for the train from Har risburg had arrived considerably earlier than was antici pated. Accordingly, after you had taken your seat in the carriage with President Lincoln and Mr. Lamon, I took mine alongside of the driver, and directing him first down Market Street as far as Nineteenth, then up that street as far as Vine Street, and thence to Seventeenth Street, re quested him to proceed down that street slowly as if on the lookout for some one, towards our depot. Upon reaching the immediate neighborhood of the depot, the carriage was turned into the nearest cross street (Carpenter), so that its occupants might alight in the shadow of the yard fence there. The President and Mr. Lamon under your guid ance then entered the depot and passed through to the sleeping car, where you had secured berths for them. I followed at a short distance, and delivering to the con ductor the parcel he was to wait for, gave orders for the train to start. It was at once put in motion, the time being 10.55 P. M., five minutes after the regular time for starting. These are the particulars so far as my agency was in volved in carrying out the programme. Very truly yours, H. F. KENNEY, Superintendent. 26 LETTER OF G. C. FRANCISCUS, Esq. Pennsylvania Railroad Company, x Office of General Agent, 3003 Market St. I West Philadelphia, November 5th, 1867. > Allan Pinkerton, Esq., Chicago, 111. Dear Sir : — In reply to yours of the 31st ult., I submit the following statement : On the night of February 21st, 1861, between 11 and 12 o'clock, you called at my office at West Philadelphia and requested me to accompany you to the Continental Hotel. On my way there you stated that a plot existed to assassi nate Mr. Lincoln, whilst on his way- through Baltimore, and you desired to arrange for a special train to bring him from Harrisburg to Philadelphia, on the following night, Febru ary 22d, to leave the former place about dark, and arrive here in time to take the 11 P. M. train for Washington. I replied that it could be done. When we reached the hotel you conducted me to a room where we found Mr. Judd and several others. The details of the proposed trip were dis cussed and arranged conditionally. Mr. Lincoln, not having fully decided to yield to the wishes of his friends, reserved his final decision until morning. On the following morning, February 22d, after we had left West Philadelphia with Mr. Lincoln and party, Mr. Judd said to me, " Mr. Frederick Seward arrived from Washington, bringing a note from his father and General Scott, the contents of which have decided Mr. Lincoln, and the trip will be made as arranged by Mr. Pinkerton last night." Mr. Enoch Lewis (our General Superintendent at that time) being on the train, I informed him of the arrange- 27 ments made with you, and he joined me in perfecting and carrying them out. We left Harrisburg, between 5 and 6 P. M., with Mr. Lincoln, and on arrival at West Philadelphia found you waiting with a carriage to take him to the Baltimore depot. In regard to the mode of Mr. Lincoln's leaving the hotel at Harrisburg, I will state that I called at Coverly's with a carriage at the hour agreed upon, and found him dining with a large company, which it was difficult for him to leave without attracting attention. After several unsuc cessful attempts he finally rose, took Governor Curtin's arm, and walked out the front hall door, across the pavement into the carriage, dressed just as he left the table, with the single exception of a soft wool hat that he drew from his coat pocket and put on ; he had neither cloak, overcoat nor shawl, but as we approached Philadelphia I gave him my overcoat, which he wore until he was seated with you and Mr. Lamon in the carriage. Referring to your last question, I would say that nothing unusual occurred on the trip from Harrisburg to Philadelphia. The party in the car consisted of Mr. Lincoln, Mr. La mon, Mr. Enoch Lewis, John Pitcairn, Jr., and myself. Yours respectfully, G. C. FRANCISCUS, General Agent Pennsylvania Railroad. 28 LETTER FROM ENOCH LEWIS, Esq. Philadelphia, Penn a., November 7th, 1867. Allan Pinkerton, Esq., Chicago, 111. Dear Sir: — In reply to .your favor of the 31st ult., I would say that on the 21st of February, 1861, I was in Philadelphia in the way of business as General Superin tendent of the Pennsylvania Railroad, to arrange for the movement of Mr. Lincoln, then President elect of the United States, by special train from Philadelphia to Harris burg, on the 22d inst. ; it being understood that he was to proceed on the 23d from Harrisburg, by the Northern Cen tral Railroad to Baltimore and thence to Washington. On that evening (the 21st) I met Mr. Judd in Philadelphia by appointment, in company with Mr. G. C. Franciscus, Super intendent of the Philadelphia Division, Pennsylvania Rail road, and was informed by him that, in consequence of the apprehended danger of the assassination of Mr. Lincoln whilst passing through Baltimore, it was desired to change his route to the capitol, and to bring him back privately from Harrisburg to Philadelphia on the evening of the 22d, and to take him by the regular night train from Philadel phia to Washington through Baltimore. I of course agreed to make any necessary arrangements so far as our road was concerned. On the 22d of February I accompanied Mr. Lincoln in the special train from Philadelphia to Harris burg; arrangements were quietly made for a special train, ostensibly to take Division Superintendent and myself back to the city-; it was stationed just below the town soon after dark, where I awaited the coming of Mr. Lincoln. Early in the evening Mr. Franciscus brought Mr. Lincoln, accom panied only by Ward H. Lamon, to it. We started, and 29 without interruption reached Philadelphia in lime for the night train to Washington. The only persons on the train which was run from Harrisburg to Philadelphia on the evening of the 22d. besides the engineer and fireman, were Messrs. Lincoln, and Ward H. Lamon. G. C. Franciscus. Division Superintendent : John Pitcairn. Jr., in charge of telegraph instrument : T. E. Garrett. General Baggage Agent, and myself. When the train reached West Phila delphia you met us at the platform and escorted Messrs. Lincoln and Lamon to a carriage into which I saw you three get and drive rapidly away in the direction of the Baltimore Depot. I saw no change in Mr. Lincoln's costume except that during the day- he wore a silk or beaver hat. and in the evening one of soft felt. Respectfully, ENOCH LEWIS. Formerly Gen. S»pt. Penna. R. R. LETTER OF JOHN PITCAIRN, Jr., Esq. Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. Superintendent's Office. Middle Die. Renovo. Penna.. Nov. 23d, 1S67. Allan Pinkerton, Esq. Dear Sir: — Your favor of the 9th inst.. asking me for a statement in regard to the passage of Mr. Lincoln from Harrisburg to Philadelphia on the night of the 22d of Feb ruary. 1861. is at hand. I was on the special train which conveyed the Presidential party from Philadelphia to Har- 30 risburg, having with me a telegraphic instrument in order to connect with the wires should an accident occur making it necessary. Shortly after the arrival of the train at Harrisburg, Mr. G. C. Franciscus, Superintendent, directed me to pro ceed with a locomotive and passenger car to a road-crossing at the lower end of Harrisburg, and there to await his coming. About dusk a carriage was driven up and Messrs. G. C. Franciscus, Enoch Lewis, Lamon and finally Mr. Lin coln stepped out and entered the passenger car, the signal was given to the engineer, and we were on our way to Philadelphia. The lamps of the car were not lighted, and in darkness we went swiftly along until we reached Downingtown, where we stopped for water for the locomotive. At this place all the gentlemen excepting Mr. Lincoln got out of the car for a lunch. A cup of tea and a roll was taken to him in the car. We were soon again on our way to Philadelphia, where we arrived between ten and eleven o'clock. A carriage was found waiting, into which Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Lamon stepped, and were driven rapidly- off with out attracting the least attention, not even the engineer or fireman of the train knowing of the illustrious passenger they had conveyed from Harrisburg to Philadelphia. Mr. Lincoln on this occasion wore a light felt hat and had a gentleman's shawl thrown over his shoulders when he stepped from the carriage to the car at Harrisburg. He did not, however, wear the shawl in stepping out of the car at Philadelphia. This is all that I know personally in regard to the matter. 81 I afterwards learned, however, from Mr. Franciscus that you had an interview with Mr. Lincoln at the Con tinental Hotel the evening previous, and had informed him of the probability of his assassination in Baltimore, and after considerable difficulty he was persuaded to go to Washington incognito in the manner stated. Yours truly, JOHN PITCAIRN, Jr. LETTER OF GEO. R. DUNN, ESQ. The New Jersey Express Co., Supt's. Office, Newark, N. J., November 7th, 1867. Allan Pinkerton, Esq., Pinkerton's National Police Agency, Chicago, 111. My Dear Sir: — Your letter of the 31st ult., covering some printed extracts from Lossing's History, did not reach me until the evening of the 5th inst., owing to my absence on business. On reading your letter and the extracts, I was some what surprised to see that others were trying to take the credit of Mr. Lincoln's trip from Philadelphia to Washington, when it does not belong to them. My recollection of the facts is perfectly plain, and as facts seem to be much wanted in this matter, I will relate them. I distinctly recollect that February morning, when you entered my office, Chestnut Street near Third, Philadelphia, about 6.30, and said you desired my assistance immediately in an important matter ; it was imperative that I should go to Baltimore in the 8 A. M. train, when at Baltimore to pro- 32 ceed to a given place and meet some party to whom I was directed by you. After seeing this party, and communi cating my business, I was to telegraph you, and return by the afternoon train to Philadelphia, and communicate with Mrs. Warne, whom I knew by sight, and whom I would find in the ladies' room at the Baltimore Depot. In my conversation with Mrs. Warne, whom I met according to agreement, she told me that you desired me to purchase tickets and sleeping-car berths for an invalid friend, you and herself, and to make such arrangements for getting the party into the car quietly, as quiet was necessary for the invalid — also to stay until you arrived. In turning the matter over in my mind, I thought the best berths under the circumstances would be the rear ones, so I got the tickets for them and made an arrangement with the person in charge of the sleeping car to have the rear door opened when I desired. This person's name was Knox. At first he declined, but an explanation of the fact that it was for the accommodation of an invalid, who would arrive late and did not desire to be carried through the narrow passage-way of the crowded car, he consented to the arrangement. After this was effected, I waited on Mrs. Warne. in the ladies' room, told her what I had done, at which she expressed her satisfaction, and requested to be shown to her berth in the car, which was done. I then took my position on the platform, and waited until yourself and party arrived, which you did, about five minutes before eleven. That party consisted of Mr. Lincoln, yourself and another, whom I was subsequently informed was a Mr. Lamon. Mr. Lincoln was dressed in an ordinary- sack overcoat, felt hat — I think they were called Kossuth hats — with a muffler around his throat, and carried a travel ing bag in his hand. So soon as the party was on the train 33 the cars were started. I think the railroad officers who de tained that train for the special purpose, could bear testimony as to whose instigation the train was delayed, and give evidence of your part of the transaction. There may be some points that I have left out, but the facts of this letter are not to be denied. Respectfully yours, GEO. R. DUNN. LETTER OF GOV. CURTIN. Bellefonte, December 8th, 1867. Sir : — You ask me in your letter of the 11th of Novem ber last to " give you a statement of what transpired between yourself and Mr. Lincoln upon the night prior to his leav ing Harrisburg, and as to whether Mr. Lincoln was in any disguise at the time." Mr. Lincoln arrived in Harrisburg about noon on the 22d of February, 1861, and as previously arranged I met him at the entrance of the Jones House, on the corner of the Market Square, of the city. We passed up stairs and then to a balcony, where he replied to some words of wel come which I addressed to him. He was then taken in a carriage to the hall of the House of Representatives, when he was addressed by the Speaker and made a reply. On our way back to the hotel he asked me to dine with him, and after we entered the house communicated to me private ly the fact that a conspiracy had been discovered to assassi nate him in Baltimore on his way through that city the next day. I remember quite well that Mr. Lincoln mentioned your name in connection with information he received on the way, and my impression is that he stated he met you in 34 Philadelphia, and there received the information from you. He said at the same time that definite information had been sent to him from Wm. H. Seward by his son Frederick. He then said his friends were anxious that he should go by way of Philadelphia as privately as possible, and that those who were informed of the conspiracy were extremely solicit ous that he would not expose himself to the threatened dan ger in Baltimore. He seemed pained and surprised that a design to take his life existed, and although much concerned for his personal safety as well as for the peace of the country, he was very calm, and neither in his conversation or manner exhibited alarm or fear. When he had determined to go to Washington by Philadelphia, and the arrangements were made, he put on his overcoat and hat (it was a felt hat such as were in common use at that time) and taking my arm we passed through the hall of the hotel and down stairs to a carriage in waiting at the door. We drove down the street and by the house in which I lived to the train. The halls, stair ways, and pavement in front of the house were much crowded, and no doubt the impression prevailed that Mr. Lincoln was going to the Executive Mansion with me. To avoid inquiries I remained in the house when repeated calls were made by persons who supposed he was there. It was regarded as eminently proper that it should not be generally known that Mr. Lincoln had left Harrisburg, but he neither assumed nor suggested any disguise of any kind. No doubt the gentlemen who accompanied Mr. Lincoln were privy to all the arrangements made in reference to his journey. I had no conversation with any of them that occurs to me now on the subject. He gave me all the knowledge I had, and what was done was discussed before it occurred. 35 You thus have substantially the circumstances attend ing his visit to Harrisburg and his departure for Washing ton so far as I had any connection with the events. Very respectfully your obedient servant, A. G. CURTIN. Allan Pinkerton, Esq. LETTER OF H. E. THAYER, ESQ. Philadelphia, Nov. 3d, 1867. Allan Pinkerton, Esq., Principal National Police Asso ciation, Chicago, 111. Dear Sir : — I am in receipt of yours of 31st ult., enclos ing " Extracts from Lossing's History of the War," one of which is a copy of a letter from John A. Kennedy, General Superintendent Metropolitan Police, New York, in which Mr. Kennedy claims for himself and David S. Bookstaver, of the Metropolitan Police, the honor of having prevented the assassination of Mr. Lincoln at Baltimore in February, 1861. In your letter you request a statement of my connec tion in the matter, and what I know of it, viz. : The passage of Mr. Lincoln from Harrisburg to Washington via Phila delphia and Baltimore on the night of February 22d, 1861. In February, 1861, I was Manager of the American Telegraph Office in this city. On the morning of the 22d of February I was introduced, at my office by Mr. W. P. Westervelt, Superintendent, to Geo. H. Burns, Confidential Agent of E. S. Sanford, Esq., President of the American Telegraph Company, who informed me that a plot had been discovered in Baltimore to assassinate the President- 36 elect on his passage through that city, and it had been arranged that Mr. Lincoln should go through from Harris burg to Washington privately on the night of the 22d, and it was desired to prevent any possibility of the fact of the President's departure from Harrisburg being telegraphed from Harrisburg to Baltimore ; that the telegraph wires on the line of the Northern Central Railroad, from Harrisburg to Baltimore, should be cut, so as to prevent communica tion from passing by that route, and asked if I had a trusty man to do the work. I replied that I had, and detailed Andrew Wynne, my line man, for the service, provided him with a coil of copper wire and gave him instructions to attach a ground wire to each of the two line wires at the back of a pole, and if possible to cut the line wires and make the ground connection on both sides and leaving the line attached to the pole so that parties who might be sent out to hunt the difficulty would not discover the trouble for some time, at least until long after Mr. Lincoln should have arrived at Washington. W. P. Westervelt, Esq., Superintendent, was to accom pany Mr. Wynne to Harrisburg. They can speak for them selves as to how the work was done. Mr. Wynne reported on the 23d having successfully accomplished his mission, having cut and grounded both wires. On the morning of the 22d I also promised Mr. Burns that I would myself be on duty at my office during the night and until Mr. Lincoln's arrival in Washington, to see that no dispatches passed over the wires from Harrisburg to Baltimore, giving information, and also to receive and deliver to the St. Louis Hotel any dispatches that might come for "J. H. Hutchinson." I was on guard on that eventful night all night. Early in the evening a dispatch came from Harrisburg for "J. H. Hutchinson," I think 37 from Burns, announcing the departure. No dispatches came from Harrisburg to Baltimore. Early on the morning of the 23d a dispatch was re ceived, announcing the arrival of Mr. Lincoln in Washing ton, and that he was met at the depot by Hon. W. H. Seward. I then left the operating room and went home. Mr. Burns afterwards informed me that Allan Pinker ton had saved Mr. Lincoln's life, and subsequently intro duced me to you as Allan Pinkerton, alias J. H. Hutchinson. This is the substance of my knowledge of the matter. I have always believed, and in fact know, that you took Mr. Lincoln from Philadelphia to Washington on that eventful night, and to you is due the honor of having saved the life of Mr. Lincoln, and the country its President- Yours truly, H. E. THAYER. LETTER OF ANDREW WYNNE, ESQ. Philadelphia, Nov. 3d, 1867. A. Pinkerton, Esq. Dear Sir : — Your note of October 31st received, and in reply have to state that I am the person who cut the wires between Harrisburg and Baltimore, for the pur pose of preventing the report of Mr. Lincoln's departure on that occasion. The facts of the case are as follows : — On the morning of February 22d, 1861, I was em ployed in the office of the American Telegraph Company, Philadelphia, and received orders from H. E. Thayer, Man ager, to hold myself in readiness for important duty in the course of an hour. Before that time had expired, Mr. Thayer asked me if I had any objections to fix the wires of 38 another company so as to prevent any communications passing over them. I answered I would not in some cases. Mr. Thayer then stated that the life of President Lincoln was in great danger, and that he (Mr. Thayer) wanted some good man he could depend upon to cut the wires between Harrisburg and Baltimore. I replied, under that circum stance I would. He then gave me orders to proceed to Harrisburg in •the next train in company with W. P. Westervelt, Superintendent. We proceeded to Harrisburg with necessary tools, fine copper wire, etc. Arriving in Harrisburg, we met Capt. Burns. We three then pro ceeded to the office of the telegraph company, and I traced the wires through the city and found the wires that were necessary to cut. Capt. Burns, W. P. Westervelt and myself walked south of the city about two miles. I then climbed the pole and put fine copper ground wire on wires between Harrisburg and Baltimore, which prevented all communi cation passing over them. I then returned to telegraph office in Harrisburg and asked the operator there to send a message for me to Baltimore, when the operator stated he could not, as all communication with Baltimore was cut off. I reported the fact to Capt. Burns and W. P. Wester velt. They thanked me, and requested me to stay in Har risburg that night and return to Philadelphia next morn ing, which I did. When I returned I met Mr. Thayer. He told me he had been on duty all night, so as to prevent any communication passing over the wires of the American Company. I received his thanks for the part which I had taken. The foregoing is a truthful statement of what passed. Yours respectfully, ANDREW WYNNE. 39 YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Gift of STUART W.JACKSON Yale 1898