Yale University Library 39002003543270 '*/ ^Lve tke/e Books for. the founding cf a CdUg-i in this Colony'''' Gift of 191 THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY THE JOHN WATTS DePEYSTER PUBLICATION FUND XLVII COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONS DANIEL PARISH, JR. GERARD BEEKMAN ROBERT H. KELBY COLLECTIONS OF THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR THE YEAR 1914 THE JOHN WATTS DePEYSTER PUBLICATION FUND SERIES NEW YORK: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY MDCCCCXVI OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY, 1915. PRESIDENT, JOHN ABEEL WEEKES. FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT, WILLIAM MILLIGAN SLOANE. SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT, WALTER LISPENARD SUYDAM. THIRD VICE-PRESIDENT, GERARD BEEKMAN. FOURTH VICE-PRESIDENT, FRANCIS ROBERT SCHELL. FOREIGN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, ARCHER MILTON HUNTINGTON. DOMESTIC CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, JAMES BENEDICT. RECORDING SECRETARY, FANCHER NICOLL. TREASURER, *FREDERIC DELANO WEEKES. LIBRARIAN, ROBERT HENDRE KELBY. 'Elected June 1, 1915, to succeed the late Clarence Storm. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. FIRST CLASS — FOR ONE YEAR, ENDING 1917. PAUL R. TOWNE, LANGDON GREENWOOD, R. HORACE GALLATIN. SECOND CLASS — FOR TWO YEARS, ENDING 1918, JAMES BENEDICT, RICHARD HENRY GREENE, ARCHER M. HUNTINGTON. THIRD CLASS — FOR THREE YEARS, ENDING 1919. J. ARCHIBALD MURRAY, B. W. B. BROWN, EDWIN W. ORVIS. FOURTH CLASS — FOR FOUR YEARS, ENDING 1920. STANLEY W. DEXTER, HENRY F. DE PUY, FREDERICK TREVOR HILL. JAMES BENEDICT, Chairman. ROBERT H. KELBY, Secretary. [The President, Vice-Presidents, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Librarian are members of the Executive Committee.] PREFACE THIS and the succeeding volume contains miscellaneous Muster and Pay Rolls cover ing the War of the Revolution, from the originals in the Archives of the Society. The Rolls are of the highest importance and are for the first time printed; they are arranged on military lines: first the Artillery, followed by the Continental Regiments, Line, and Mihtia of the respective States. CONTEW'l'S PAGES Artillery 2-32 Canadian Troops . 32-47 Connecticut Troops 48-127 Continental Infantry 128-137 Maryland Troops . 138-153 Massachusetts Troops . 154-311 New Hampshire Troops 312-321 New Jersey Troops 332-337 MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS OF THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION 1775-1783. ARTILLERY — FIRST REGIMENT ARTILLERY- CAPTAIN William Brown's Pay Roll of Cap* WilUam Brown's Company in the First Harrison for Names Time in Service Mo. Days WilUam Brown . . James Smith .... James McFaden. John Carson .... Thomas Stanley. John Stanley John Staples. . . . Alex A. Mackay. Henry Slack. . . . Thomas Barber. . Charles Steward. Patrick Cochran. Arthur Carnes. . . Samolin Spencer. John Radcliffe. . . Thomas Fanning, Michael Hawke. . Lemuel Nelme. . . Thomas Condron Michael O'Bryan WilUam Jones Philip O'Bryan.. John Connelly. .. John Vaughan.. . John Slack James Welch James Whahng. . . James Brooks. . . . Peter Minor John Carrol Isaac Burton Capt Capt. Lieut IstLt 2nd Lt Cadet Volunteer..Serjeant. . . , «Itu ua Corporal Ituu utt Bombadier. . au a Gunner uau a Drummer. . . Fifer tt Matrosses. . . 10 20 ARTILLERY — FIRST REGIMENT 1st REGIMENT Company, July, 1780 Regiment of Artillery commanded by Colonel Charles July, 1780 Paypr Month Subsistence Amount Remarks 50 200 250 33i 100 133i 33i 100 133i 33^ 100 133* 10 10 20 10 10 20 10 10 20 10 10 20 10 10 20 10 10 20 10 10 20 10 10 20 9 10 19 9 10 19 9 10 19 9 10 19 9 10 19 9 10 19 9 10 19 9 10 19 9 10 19 9 10 19 8! 10 181 81 10 18f 81 10 m 8! 10 181 81 10 18! 8! 10 181 8f 10 6 TnliRted July 22d 8! 10 12? Discharged July 22nd 8i 10 185 ARTILLERY — FIRST REGIMENT Names Rank Time in Service Mo. Days George Baker Ignatius Butler Robert Campbell . . James Compton . . . James Cole Hugh ChampUn. . . John Evans John Fitzgerald Sr John Fitzgerald Jr , Mark Goldsbury. . Ignatius GriflBn Jonathan Gill Michael Hughes. . . WilUam Hickinson Edward Hennissey Henry Higgs Daniel Havey WilUam Haney Francis Johnson. . . Peter Lawrence Joshua Lovely Peter Minor Mays Nevin Benjamin Palmore Francis Popham. . . Samuel Popham.. . Joseph Bague Peter Robinson Thomas Smith Reuben Scott John Saunders James Taylor David Young Matrosses , 10 ARTILLERY — FIRST REGIMENT Paypr Month Subsistence Amount Remarks 81 10 184 81 10 184 8i 10 184 8i 10 184 84 10 184 8* 10 184 81 10 184 81 10 184 8i 10 184 8J 10 184 8f 10 184 84 10 184 81 10 184 84 10 184 84 10 184 84 10 184 84 10 184 84 10 184 84 10 184 84 10 184 84 10 184 84 10 6 Inlisted July 22 in place of John Carroll 84 10 184 84 10 184 84 10 184 84 10 184 84 10 184 84 10 184 84 10 184 84 10 184 84 10 184 84 10 184 84 10 184 ^^d (Endorsed) 1 July 1780 Pay Roll for} Capt Brown's Co. Total 17411 ARTILLERY — FIRST REGIMENT ARTILLERY Capt. William Brown's Pay Roll of Captain WilUam Brown's Company in the first for September, October Names Time in Service Mo. Days William Brown. . . James Smith James McFadon. . John Carson Thomas Stanley. . John Stanley John Staples Hem-y Slack Thomas Barber. . . Charles Stewart . . Patrick Cochran. . Alex A. Mackay. . Arthur Carnes Samolin Spencer . . John Radcliffe Thomas Fanning. . Michael Hawke. . . Lemuel J. Nelme . Thomas Condron. Michael O'Bryan. WilUam Jones PhiUp O'Bryan... John Connelly John Vaughan John Slack James Welch James Whaling. . . James Brooks. . . . Peter Minor, Jimr Captain ... Capt. Lieut 1st Lieut. . . 2nd Lieut. . Cadet Volunteer . . Sergeant. . . , u auuic Corporal uttua u Bombadier. , ati u Gunner u u tta Drum Fife 333 333 3333333 3333 33333333333 artillery — FIRST REGIMENT 1st REGIMENT Company 1780 Regiment of Artillery commanded by Colonel Charles Harrison, & November 1780. ^liV Subsistence Amount Remarks Dollars Dollars Dollars 50 10 180 40 5 135 334 5 105 334 5 105 10 30 10 30 Given him a Certificate for his pay Dec. 20th, 1780 10 30 10 30 10 30 10 30 u u Deserted 20th October, 1780 9 27 9 27 9 27 9 27 9 27 9 27 9 27 9 27 9 27 9 27 81 26 8f 26 81 26 8f 26 8f 26 8! 26 8! 26 artillery — FIRST REGIMENT Names Rank Time in Service Mo. Days Isaac Burton Thomas Brown Ignatius Butler Robert Campbell. . . . James Compton James Cole Hugh ChampUn John Evans John Fitzgerald, Senr John Fitzgerald, Jr. . . Mark Goldsborough . . Ignatius GrijBEin Jonathan Gill William Hickerson. . . Edward Hennissey. . . Henry Higgs Daniel Havey WilUam Haney Francis Johnson Peter Lawrence Joshua Lovely Robert Livingston. . . Peter Maynor, Sen'r . William Moran Mays Nevin Benjamin Palmore. . . Francis Popham Samuel Popham Joseph Poague Peter Robinson Thomas Smith Reuben Scott Matrosses. 32 3 3 333 33333333 3 3 3333 333 33 33 17 ARTILLERY — FIRST REGIMENT ^mj:' Subsistence Amount Remarks 84 25 84 16f October 1st, 1780 84 25 84 25 8« 25 84 25 84 25 84 25 84 25 84 25 84 25 84 25 84 25 84 25 84 25 84 25 84 25 84 25 84 25 84 25 84 25 84 44 Recruited Nov. 13th 1780 for during the war 84 25 84 4 Recruited Nov. 29th 1780 for during the war 84 25 84 25 84 25 Given him a Certificate for his Pay 20th Dec' 1780 84 25 84 25 84 25 84 25 10 ARTILLERY — FIRST REGIMENT Rank Time in Service Months Days John Saunders utt a au u a a 3 3 1 u James Symonds 17 William Stalker 13 James Taylor David Young Michael Hawke George Baker a (Endorsed) Pay RoU for Sept. Oct. artillery- Captain Anthony Singleton's Muster RoU of Captain Anthony Singleton's Company in the Commanded by Col. Chas. Captain Anthony Singleton Cap* Lieu* Ambrose Bohanan 1'* Lieu' Samuel Bradford 2"* Lieu* Benj™ Moseley Commission"* or Appointed Appointed 20 Dec '76 10 Feb^ '77. 1 Feb^ '77 Serjeants WilUam Pigget WilUam Mitcham. Griffith Evans ARTILLERY — FIRST REGIMENT 11 Paypr Month Subsistence Amount Remarks Dollars Dollars DoUars Given him a Certificate for his Pay 20th Dec' 1780 84 44 Recruited Nov. 13th 1780 for during the war 84 3f Recruited Nov. 18th 1780 for during the war 84 25 84 25 84 84 Exchanged for Thomas Brown, October 1st, 1780 a Jan^ '77 and Pay Master 13*'' Jan^ '77 absent with leave 9*'' April '79 Term of Years 3 do Remarks 12 ARTILLERY — FIRST REGIMENT Appointed 20 Dec '76 20 Dec '76 20 Dec '76 20 Dec 20 Dec '76 '76 24 Jan" '77 19 Feby '77 20 Dec '76 8 Sept '77 EnUsted 10 Feb^ '77 4 Mar '77 4 Mar '77 17 Sept '77 8 Feb '77 4 Feby '77 24 Mar '77 21 Nov 10 Mar 4 Feb 24 Mar 1 Feby 11 Jan^ 5 Mar 9 Feb 1 Feb '77'77'77'77'77'77'77'77 '77 Corporals John Oliver Peter Jones Beriah West Bombardiers Robert Finney EUas Boyar Gunners WilUam Langham. . . Morning Richardson. Drummers George Fritts Fifers Moris Bowers Matrosses Major Atkenson Reubin Atkenson Lewis Bowdree Ben' Blankenship Artex Bennet Phillip Bowers Josiah Cornelius Jam" Chamberlain . . . Thom" Doleman PhilUp Evans Edw* Linnagar Tho' O'Neal William O'Neal Rich'' Sanford Tho= Sanford James Sparham ARTILLERY — FIRST REGIMENT 13 Term of Years Remarks 3 do Waggoner Camp do do do On duty at the Park June 1st Waggoner Camp do do do do do Waggoner Camp do do do Waggoner Camp do do do do do Sick at Pluckamin June 1st do do do Sick at Pluckamin June 1st 14 ARTILLERY — FIRST REGIMENT Enlisted 14 Aug '77 4 Mar '77 12 Feb" '77 6 Dec '78 8 July '77 5 Mar '77 Matrosses John Webb Drury Wilkenson. Oliver Yarrington. Francis Hodge. . . . Tho= Evies WiUiam Sanford . . Smiths Clove, July 1=* Mustered then Cap* Singletons (Endorsed) Proof OP THE Capt Capt Lieu* 1st Lieu* 2nd Lieu* Serj* Present Absent 1 1 0 1 1 3 Total 1 1 1 1 3 We do swear that the within Muster Roll is a True State Individual According to y* best of our knowledge. Sworn before me this 3"* day of July '79 P. Muhlenberg, B. G. Muster Roll Cap* Singleton's Co. June 1779. Artillery ARTILLERY— FIRST REGIMENT 15 Term of Years Remarks do do On duty at the Park Jime 1st do do 22 Compy of Artillery as Specified above. Jos. Clark, D. M. M. Effectives Corp' Bomb Gunners Dnun' Fif' Mattresses 3 11 2 1 1 19 3 3 2 3 1 1 22 of the Company without Fraud to the United States or any Anf Singleton, Cap' W" Meredith, Cap* Lieu* Muster RoU of Cap* Anth^ Singleton's Comp^ in the Reg* of ArtiUery in the Service of the United States Comm^ by Col. Chas Harrison for June '79 16 ARTILLERY — FOURTH REGIMENT artillery- Captain Isaac Craigs Muster RoU of Capt Isaac Craigs Company/ Taken to the Isaac Craig Capt Commissioned Laurence AUman 1st Lieut James Loyd 2 Lieut John Strieker 3rd Lieut. No Serjeants Thomas Wiggins. . . Samuel Blackwood. Elias Williams Corporals WilUam Clark William Rushworm. Bombardiere John Harris Gunners John Wilks James Fitzsimons. . . Fifes & Drums David Brodrick. . . . Michael Clingin. . . . George Thompson.. Anthony Hover Matrosses Patrick Crawford. . . Johnathan Trickle . . Timothy Lane Thomas Dunlap Thomas Taylor ARTILLERY — FOURTH REGIMENT 17 4th REGIMENT Company March 1779. first day of March 1779 of Co' Thomas Procters Reg' of ArtiUery Inlisted for Remarks the War dodo the War do the War the War do dodo dododo On Guard On Furlough Sick On Guard Inoculated Sick Present On Guard On Guard Deserted Feb 9 '79 18 artillery — FOURTH REGIMENT No Cadets Matrosses James Burns, Sen'... Charles Ritz James Steel Benjamin Dailey. . . . Better Olingar John Tame James Burns, Jun'. . Fardinand Shoebart.. Patrick McGonagle.. Barney Cunningham. Shoebart Armitage March 5th 1779, Mustered then Capt. Isaac Craig's STEVENS CORPS Park White Plains, July 20th 1778. A Return of aU Ammoni- Trumble Cart belonging to Col" Stevens "SIS !z;pLi oo a o O a o o Cornelius Batchelor Constant Soul Joseph Goodridge. . Asa Thayr Robert Dalrymple. , Daniel Fleeman — ARTILLERY — FOURTH REGIMENT 19 Inlisted for Remarks do do Inoculated Inoculated do do do Sick Present do do On Command do Sick Present Company as Specified in the above RoU Lewis Nicola, F. M. & Com Must. pro temp OF ARTILLERY tion, Waggons, Baggage Waggons and Pieces of Ordinance and Corps of ArtUlery Now present in the Park. o a o Eg 2 3 1 3 6233 3 ws ¦a 7 1 22 o « >> O u W.2 o 20 artillery — STEVENS CORPS o a o 12; Samuel Washburn Antepass White. . . Josiah Barns David Rider Alpheus Tapt .... Benj"" Holmes David Sibley John Beaverstork. Daniel White Jesse Davis Benj" Bennet Jon* Benj amines. . Samuel Minot Solomon Gennen. . Martin Sheely Elijah Stanton Ephraim Everson. Oliver Dutton David Burrel Absalom Fobes !25 iz! Izl !z! !z! !z! iz! )^ CT> M to tor ^ I— No. of Waggons o !25? ^ !25o p ^ p 05 No. of Trum- brels Carts OO H- w to »t>, w rf». en to to Horses Compleat to each CO CO to to CO to Cn iJ^ (*>. rf» tf»- rfi.cn to to No. of Harness Compleat to each to No. of Horses Wanting to each Harnesses Wanting to each to >;>- CO to Bridles Wanting Horses not Fit for duty Smiths Forges to 22 ARTILLERY — STEVENS CORPS i o I? 1 CD a 1 CO -3 Tehabod Keith . .. 1 Samuel Hanes John FflmnTifl Benj" Edmond Truelove Bruster Jesse Morse Total 2 1 3 ^ (Endorsed) M' Fishers Return of aU the Drivers Names belonging to the Park, Dated July 20, 1778. to to No. of Waggons o o 1^ o 1^ No. of Trum- brels Carts s 00 ^ 00 1— to CO to Horses Compleat to each s 00 to to CO CO to No. of Harness Compleat to each to1— » h- to H- to No. of Horses Wanting to each 00 ^ to Harnesses Wanting to each 03 00^001-' to l-ih-tO H- Bridles Wanting Horses not Fit for duty to H-' (-• Smiths Forges 24 ARTILLERY — STEVENS CORPS STEVENS CORPS A Muster Roll of Captain Lieut. Tho' Barr's Company in America Commanded by Col Ebenr Commissioned November 9th 1776 do February 1, 1777 No Appo* Mar 21 do Mar 22 Sergents Eph" Milton Charle Newcomb. John Jackman . . . , John Pocock Henry Stevens. . . , Corporals George Barron. . . . WiU-" Haydon. . . . Dennis Hogan Jeremiah Smith. . . Bombadiers Tho M'Dowl Neal Campbel Ben Cleaveland. . . Ben Hunt John Robinson Gunners Rober' Hawkings. Mick' Moore Math" Thompson. John M"Kenzie . . . Drum Stephen Green .... ARTILLERY — STEVENS CORPS OF ARTILLERY 25 the Corp of ArtiUery in the Service of the United States of Stevens for December 1778. Tho" Barr, Cap Lieut Jacob Kemper 1'* Lieut John LisweU 2nd Lieut. Term Remarks 3 yrs. do Sick in FishkiU Hospital On Duty On Furlow by G. Knox 3 yrs. D" War. On Duty On Duty Sick in Camp 26 ARTILLERY — STEVENS CORPS No Appo* Inlisted Mattrosses John Brown Lewis Cary Peter Elinnd Daniel Elmore Antony Francis ... Davis Francks. ... Charles Hewet. ... John Jones John Moore Christian Moore. . . James Murphy Arch"' Nelson Francis Pickard Alex' Ross John Radenbacker. Eph"" Sufferance. . . Christo WilUng Rees Pugh Pluckhimin, January 16*h 1779 Mustered then Cap We do sware that the within Muster RoU is a true State Individual according to our best knowledge. Sworn before me in Camp the 17th Day of January 1779 H Knox B G Artillery Muster Roll Capt Barr's Co. ARTILLERY — STEVENS CORPS 27 Term Remarks On Duty Sick in Camp On Duty On Duty On Duty do Taken Prisoner July 7th, 1777 Lieut Tho' Barr's Company as Specified in the Above Roll. Sam F. Parker, D. C. M. of the Company without fraud to the United States or any Tho' Barr, Cap Lt Jacob Kemper Lt (Endorsed) Muster RoU of Cap L Tho' Barr's Company Lt Col Stevens Corps of ArtiUery Capt for December 1770 No 3069 28 ARTILLERY — STEVENS CORPS STEVENS CORPS Muster Roll of Cap* Stephen Bucklands Company in the Corps Stephen Buckland Commissioned WilUam Johnston, Constant Freeman, George Ingersoll, Isaac Barber David Deming, Appointed Serjeants John Degrove Edward Bleake John Blunt Roger Taylor WiU™ Anderson. . . . John Sherrell Corporals Richard Northover. James Ervin NeU M°Neal Francis Cline Henry Deforest . . . . Bombadiers Tho' Parker Will" Beiliss Will" Sunnix John Nick Gunners WUl" Goartley Will" Dockam George Willson Peter Meredith Will" Farding ARTILLERY — STEVENS CORPS 29 OF ARTILLERY of ArtiUery Commanded by Lieut. CoU Ebenezer Stevens. Capt Cap* Lieut On Command at Fish Kill 1st Lieut 2nd Lieut On Command at Head Quarters 2nd Lieut 2nd Lieut For what Term Remarks During War During War On Command with y" Col" On Duty Taken prisoner with y" Enemy July 6 '77 30 ARTILLERY — STEVENS CORPS Appointed Jan 20 Inlisted Drum David Taylor. Fife Robert Slone . Mattrosses Edward Bird John Bitters Tho' Fleming John Greanger Henry Greaham Bartholo'' Gereaghty. Will" Hunter John Harvey Henry Morto Edmond Oliver Gregory OBrian John Purshew Volantine Sergant. . . . John Shobee John Southall Jacob Vispee Camp West Point, October 2, 1778 Mustered then Cap* Proff of THE Capt. Capt Lieut 1st Lieut 2 Lieut Serj* Present Absent 1 1 1 2 1 6 Totall 1 1 1 1 6 ARTILLERY — STEVENS CORPS 31 For what Term Remarks 3 years Sick at Boston On; Duty Sick at Boston On Duty Sick in Quarters Stephen Bucklands C° as Specified in the above RoU. Henry Rutgers, Junr D C Musters Effectives Corp' Bom' Gunners Drum Fif- Mattrosses 5 4 22 1 1 12 4 5 4 4 1 1 16 32 ARTILLERY — STEVENS CORPS We Do Swear That the within Muster Roll is A True To Any Individual According to the Best of Our Knowledge. Sworn before me This 5th Day of October 1778 W. Malcom Col. Com'g (Endorsed) Muster RoU Cap' Buckland C» No 2131 1st CANADIAN Captain Timothy Hughes Pay RoU of Cap' Timothy Hughes Comp^ in the Reg' of Foot Day of their InUstment and ending in the Officers and Soldiers Names Timothy Hughes Captain. . Thomas Nicolsons I Lieut . John Blackley 2^ Lieut John Gates Ensign Henry Harold Serj' Major. James SiUdrk, Qr Mr Serj'. Serjeants John Bums 1 PhilUp Condon 2 John Frazer 3 Corporals Howel Griffiths 1 Loyal Edward 2 Lord Benjamin 3 Newel Edward 4 Corps in which they Last Served Col Nicolsons dodododo do do dodo dodododo artillery — STEVENS CORPS 33 State of the Comp^ Without Fraud to the United States or Stephen Buckland, Cap' Cons* Freeman, Jun' L.' REGIMENTCompany March 1777. Commanded by Col" James Livingston commencing on the 31" Day of March [1777] both Days Included, Date of Officers and Soldiers Inlistment Time to which they were paid in former corps. Causualties '76 Dec 18 do 18 do 18 do 19 do 26 Reduced to the Ranks do 20 do 8 do 23 do 19 Deserted 14 March do 20 do 28 '77 Jany 10 34 FIRST CANADIAN REGIMENT Officers and Soldiers Names Corps in which they Last Served Drum Williams James. . . . Fifer Thompson John. . . Privates Anderson James . . . Brown, Nathaniel.. Bouy, WiUiam Brock, Francis Brock, Nathaniel . . Canuter, John Conely, Dennis. . . . Clark, Joseph Falconer, WUliam.. FUnn, John Garvy, David Gilbert, John Gould, Thomas. . . . Hyett, Henry Horn, Phanton. . . . Harold, Henry Ketcham, David. . . Lewis, Isaac Lord Jonathan .... Loder WiUiam Little, Benjamin. . . Ludlow, WilUam. . . Moore, WilUam Morewise, Jacob. . . Murphy, Peter. . . . M''Donald, Peter . . M°Cord, Alexander Nicolson, Andrew. . dodo dodo do do do do do FIRST CANADIAN REGIMENT 35 Date of Officers and Soldiers Inlistment Time to which they were paid in former corps. "76 Dec 20 "ii Jan 1 " Feb 18 '76 Dec 30 '77 Jan 2 « March 10 « Jan 21 '76 Dec 22 « do 17 '77 Jan 15 '76 Dec 19 '77 Jan 4 '76 Dec 23 « do 28 '77 Feb 5 '76 Dec 28 '77 March 11 '76 Dec 28 « do 9 « do 20 « do 22 « do 22 '77 Jan 17 '76 Dec 20 « do 28 « do 29 '77 March 17 « Jan 10 « do 10 Causualties Deserted Feb 20 Do Jan 30 March 1 Deserted Deserted 23 Dec Died Feb 18 Deserted Jan 4 36 FIRST CANADIAN REGIMENT Officers and Soldiers Names Corps in which they Last Served Privates O'Harra, Cain Powers, James Robinson, John Ready, John Steel, Joseph Smith, John Sprmger, WilUam Thompson, Thomas Willmot, John White, Peter Welch, WiUiam Ward, Thomas dododo 1st CANADIAN Captain Timothy Hughes' Pay RoU of Cap' Timothy Hughes' Company in the Service Livingston for the Months Names of Officers, Non Comms. Officers and Privates Timothy Hughes, Capt . . . Thomas Nicholson, Lieut. John Blackley 2 Lieut John Gates, Ensign Jaims Silkirk, Sergt John Frazer Do Andrew Nicholson John Burns Edward Loyal Corporal. . FIRST CANADIAN REGIMENT 37 Date of Officers and Soldiers Inlistment Time to which they were paid in former corps. Causualties '76 Dec 28 '77 Jan 13 '76 Dec 22 '77 Jan 1 " do 6 " do 6 Died 20 March « March 7 '76 Dec 10 « do 16 " do 20 '77 Feb 5 '76 Dec 30 (Endorsed) Cap* Hughes's Pay Roll. REGIMENTCompany 1778. Of the United States of America Commanded by Coll. Jaims of August & Sept. 1778. For what Time Officers Subsestence Lawful Mony Wages P-i Month Lawful Mony Amount of wages Lawful Mony For two Months £12 £12- £36 ditto 6 8 22 6 8 22 6 6 12 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 2-4 4-8 38 FIRST CANADIAN REGIMENT Names of Officers, Non. Comms. Officers and Privates WilUam Bauy Private . Nathaniel Brock WiUiam Falconer John Gilbert David Garvy Phanton Horan Henery Hiet Jonithan Lord WUUam Lowader Benjamin Little WiUam Mooar Jacob Morewise Jaims Powars Thomas Powel John Robinson Nicholas Stoner Thomas Ward John Wilmoot Peter White Wiliam Welch FIRST CANADIAN REGIMENT 39 For what Time V Officers Subsestence Lawful Mony Wages P* Month Lawful Mony Amount of wages Lawful Mony £2 £4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 Timothy Hughes, Cap' 40 FIRST CANADIAN REGIMENT 1st CANADIAN REGIMENT General Pay Abstract of Colo James Livingstons Battallion in Service of the United States of America; For January 1779. Names For what time they receive pay & Substance Amount of Subsist ance Amount of wages and Subsistance James Livingston, Colo. . . Rich"' Livingston Lt Col . . Gorge C. Nicholson Major John Bateman Adj* Peter I. Vosburgh Q. M . . Thomas Reed, Surgion . . . John D. P. Ten Eyck, P. M Alex M-KDord, S' M' Henry Herald, Q'M'S*. 1 Month £15 12 96396 £22 10 18 1512 3 18 12 33 18 £37 10 3024 18 6 18 27 18 3 6 3 6 Amount of Cap' Livingstons Roll do of Lieut Welps do do of Capt" Wrights do do of Lieut Monties [Monty] do do of Capt" Hansons do do of Capt" Robiaux [Robicheux] do do of Capt" Van Ranselaers do do of Lieut Nicholsons do Equal to 2676 56/72 DoUars Deduct subsistance being Twice Charged for Peter I. Vosburgh Q'. M' £168 0 56 8 81 10 8 58 12 50 4 83 12 114 16 113 6 79 12 £806 0 8 3 £803 0 8 Jn° D. p. TenEyck, p. M' FIRST CANADIAN REGIMENT 41 Examined the above Abstract and found it cast right. Ja' Livingston, Col" Comd* Pay Office; — Providence May 5"', 1779. Examined the above Pay Abstract and compared the same with the several company Rolls and find all Right Charged and Cast. Benj" Stelle, D. P. M. G. R. I. Deptm* To Benjamin SteUe, Esq' Deputy Pay Master Gen. of the Army in the State of Rhode Island Sir Pay John D. P. Ten Eyck, Esq' Pay Master to Col James Livingstons Regiment the sum of Two thousand six hundred & seventy six Dollars & fifty six seventy seconds of a Dollar agreeable to the within Abstract for Pay & Subsistance for the month of January 1779. And for your so doing this shaU be your sufficient Warrant. Given at Head Quarters in Providence May 12*'', 1779. Horatio Gates, By the General's Command Major General Isaac Peirce A. D. Camp Contents in full Rec^ By Jn" D P Ten Eyck 2676 Doll" 56/72 P Master (Endorsed) Abstract Col. Livingston for Jan. 79. 2676f| No. 269. 42 FIRST CANADIAN REGIMENT 1st CANADIAN REGIMENT Pay Abstract of Col" James Livingston's Bat' in service of the United States of America For February & March '79. Names & Rank For what term they Receive Pay Officers Subsist ance Amount of Wages and Subsistance James Livingston, Col".. . Rich'' Livingston, L* Col". George C. Nicholson, Maj' John Bateman, Adg* Peter I. Vosburgh, L* & Q' M' Thomas Read, Surg" Jon" D. P. TenEyck, P.M Alex" M'^Cord, S' M' Henry Herald, Q'.M'.S'. 2 Months £30 24 18 12 6 1812 £22 10 181512 3 18 1812 3 6 3 6 Amount of Field and Staff Roll Amount of Cap* Abr" Livingstons Role Amount of Cap' Robert Wrights Role Amount of L* Anthony Welps Role Amount of L' Francis Montys Role Amount of Cap' Dirick Hansons Role Amount of Cap' James Roberhaus Role . . . Amount of Cap* Peter Van Ransselaers Role Amount of Lieu* Thomas Nicholsons Role . . £75 6048 36 13 16 5436 6 12 6 12 £336 0 112 16 106 1 1 154 13 4 100 8 176 m 221 68 184 12 8 159 4 £1551 3 4| Jn» D. p. TenEyck, P. M' FIRST CANADIAN REGIMENT 43 Examined and found the above abstract Cast right. Ja' Livingston, Col" Com^ Pay Office; — Providence, May 10th 1779 Examined the above Pay Abstract and Compared the same with the several company Rolls & find all Right Charged and Cast. Benj" Stelle, D^ P. M. G'. £1551 3 4 = 5170 40/72 Dollars Rh. Iseland, Dep.mt To Benjamin Stelle Esq. Deputy Pay Master Gen' of the Army in the State of Rhode Island. Sir:— Pay John D P Ten Eyck Esq., Pay Master to Col. James Livingstons Regiment the sum of Five thousand One Hundred & Seventy Dollars & forty seventy seconds of a Dollar agree able to the within Abstract for Pay & Subsistance for the months of February and March 1779. And for your so doing this shall be your sufficient Warrant. — Given at Head Quarters in Providence. May 12*h, 1779. Horatio Gates By the General's Command Major General Isaac Peirce A. D. Camp, Contents in full Rec"* by Jn° D. p. Ten Eyck, P. M. 5170 Doll 40/72 (Endorsed) Jno. D. P. Ten Eyck, R. P. M. Feb. & March 5170 40/72 Doll". No. 270 44 FIRST CANADIAN REGIMENT 1st CANADIAN Return of the Regiment of Foot Camp Mindham, Officers Present Fit for Field Corns'" Staff Non Companies % a o 6 1 o O o ODa i 1 3 ID3 s I 1 1 gOl 0 la t-io 'a 1 i OD Ab"" Livingston 1st Cap* Colonel's Company James Robisheaux 3'^ Cap' Peter I. Vosburgh L' & Q M 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Dirick Hanson 2d Cap* . . Total 1 1 22 2 3 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sick Present Vacant FIRST CANADIAN REGIMENT 45 REGIMENT Command By James Livingston, Esq. Col" AprU 27*'', 1780 Duty Corns'* o 5 ¦« 22 ii: 3 Rank & FUe 1059 -^ 14 f^ Wanting to Com pleat S 92 35 434334 33 2562562562568412 Alterations since last return Dis charg ed « Joined CO a S Q 46 FIRST CANADIAN REGIMENT Absent Officers Names George C. Nicholson, Major Ab" Livingston, Cap* John D. P. TenEyck, Cap* L' & Pay Master Anthony Welps, Lt Adj* Peter I. Vosburgh, Lt & Qr Master. Francis Brindly, Lt Alex^ M'=Cord, Serg* Major John Johnson, Serj* Micheal Barns, Serj* Noah Taylor, Serj* John Clark, Serj' John Cummins, Drum Major Place Where Morristown ProvidenceLittle Britain Norwich AmwellAt the lines PluckiminVieltown Reasons for Sick Sick SickSick SickCommand SickSick Fit for Action 1 "3 O 3 •a 1 1 CD a c; Total 1 2 2 Remarks Regiment in tolerable order — The Arms Clean a few wanting but will be compleate this Month. This Regiment consists of about 80 Men & is not susceptable of any formation & should be incorporated in some other. (Endorsed) Return of Col" James Livingston's Reg* April 27'\ 1780. FIRST CANADIAN REGIMENT 47 Time Absent April 11, 1780 Nobletown 2 1 Albany — Gen. Schuyler Providence 1 1 FishkiU— D.Q.M.Genl. Aug 29, 1778 Pluckimin 1 2 Gen. Washington' Guard March 7, 1780 4 1 Waggoner — Brigade Compy Nov 21, 1779 1 Morristown — Qr Mas ter Genl March 21, 1780 6 April 25, 1780 March 7, 1780 f-t S5 g +3 .1 o o .a (2 i .2 3" -1-3 03 s Ol OD 05(Na>00?00>a>T)<00505l>i-HCO(N«OTtiTt< -"tiNOiOSTttTtiOO-^t^ OM--0»0-^01>00 >-i 00 00 (N t> »0 00 0500ONOOl«TtHO(N05 a>o ooasoor-Hoooaioo 1-H I— (rH I— Ii— I rH>— 1>— I t— It— I t> t> «o t--.rHt>t-mi>U5 rH rHCQiNC^cocje^iiMiNe^ico (N CO Olr^ IN r»i>t-t^t>.ooooooooi>oooooor^i>-t-.t^i>.t--t>-i>Of-t>t»t> lO O Tj< T— I I— I O >— I IN r-l CO OS (N 1-1 Qoo^ S ® «^ 3 » S Q0^t^l>.<©t-»t>t>I>r>-i;OO5t>t>-l>-Oit^t-t>t~-t>l>l>t-.t>t>t^l>tN.i>r^i>i>t>i>i:^i>.oi>.t>t-i>i>.t--.t^i>i>t>i>i>i>i>or>-t>t>t>.t,.t-,tN.t>.t^ IM lO CO O 1— I rH I-l N "5 O O r-i (N (M CO IM OSC» rH I-l rH C 4J ao IU1) p. 74 CONNECTICUT LINE — FIFTH REGIMENT CONNECTICUT LINE— Captain Thaddeus Weeds Muster Roll of Capt Thaddeus Weeds Company in the 5"" Commanded by Col PhUip B. AprU 1st 1779 Commissioned or appointed April 1st, 1779 Appointed May 12 '77 Dec 6 '76 Inlisted Mar 26 '77 Feb 23 '77 Dec 14 '76 Dec 12 '76 Serjeants John Ryon Abraham Schalenix. Samuel Waugh Corporals Amos AUin Janes Knapp Drummer Nathaniel Tyler Fifer Josiah Davis Privates Timothy Brockway. Zenus Barnum Daniel Elmore Daniel Ferguson Eleazer Gilson James Gray WUUam Jackway. . . John Jackson James Knapp Noah Kelsey James Laughlin Jacob Lewis CONNECTICUT LINE — FIFTH REGIMENT 75 5th REGIMENT Company 1779 Connecticut Regiment in the Service of the United States Bradley For October 1779. Capt Thaddeus Weed Sick at Stamford Lieut Cornelius Russell On Duty Term of Service Remarks On Command at Westmoreland 3 yrs. 3 years On Duty On Duty On Duty 3 years On duty Baker On duty Sick at Sharon Sept 8 '79 Sick at Sharon Mar 10 '79 On Command at Litchfield 3jyears3 years On Command at Westmoreland On Command at Westmoreland With artifisers at Ridgefield 3 years With artifisers On Duty 76 CONNECTICUT LINE — FIFTH REGIMENT Appoinf InUsted Dec. 12 '76 Feb 26 '77 Feb 12 '77 Feb 12 '77 July 26 '79 July 26 '79 Aug 17 '79 Aug 13 '79 Sept 24 '79 Privates Gamaliel Parker Thomas Reed Nathaniel Richards . . Thomas Rulong WiUiam Stewart William Smith James Tribble James Tobias Daniel Tobias Dennis Tomey Charles Walter Ezekiel Whitney Isaac Welden Zelopha'^ WUliamson. Bradford KeUogg Grove Lommis Jacob Finch Thaddeus Whitlock.. Zaccheus Holcomb. . . Nov 3 '79 Mustered then Cap' Thad Weeds Company as Proof of the Rank Capt Lieut Ensn Present Absent Total 1 1 1 1 I do swear that the within Muster Roll is a true State of the Company without Fraud to the United States or any Individual according to my best Knowledge Sworn before me this day of 1779. CONNECTICUT LINE — FIFTH BEGIMENT 77 Terme Remarks On Duty On Command at Westmoreland Sick at Danbury Aug. 4, '79 3 years On duty 3 years On duty On duty 3 years Sick Present Sick at Pomfret July 20 '78 Jan 15 '80 Jan 15 '80 ditto On Duty ditto On Duty ditto On Duty specified in the Above Roll. Jacob Jn" Lansing, Depy. M. M. Effectives Serjt Corpl Drum Fife Privates 2 1 10 1 1 1 1 21 3 2 1 1 31 There being no Commission"* Officer present belonging to this Company I certify to the best of my Knowledge that the within Muster Roll is a true State of the Company. (Endorsed) Phil B. Bradley, Colo. Muster Roll of Capt Weed's Company 5th Connecticut Regiment For October 1779. 78 CONNECTICUT LINE — FIFTH REGIMENT CONNECTICUT LINE— Captain Thaddeus Weeds Muster RoU of Capt Thaddeus Weeds Company in y® 5* Commanded by Colo PhUip B. Bradley Commissioned or Appointed April 1st 1779 AprU 1, 1779 Appointed May 12 '77 Inlisted Mar 26 '77 Feb 23 '77 Serjeants John Ryon Abr™ Schalenix Samuel Waugh Corporal Jones Knapp Drummer Nathaniel Tyler Fifer Josiah Davis Privates Timothy Brockway Zenus Bamum Daniel Elmore Daniel Forgison Elizar Gilson James Gray Will™ Jakwaways John Jackson Noah Kelsey Jacob Lewis Gamaliel Parker Thomas Reed Stephen Morcy Exchange for Nath' Richards CONNECTICUT LINE — FIFTH REGIMENT 79 5th REGIMENT Company, Jan. 1780. Connecticut Regiment in y* Service of the United States for the month of Jan. 1780 Capt Thaddeus Weed Lieut Cornelius Russel on furlough Jan 6 1780 for 50 days by Colo Bradley. T. Service Remarks On Com'* Westmorland 3 years On Duty On Duty On Duty 3 yrs. On Duty On the Lines Sick Sharon Sept 3 '79 Sick at D" Mar 10 '79 On Com** Litchfield 3 yrs On Com'* Westmorland On Com'* do Sick fishkUl Nov 27 '79 with Artificers On Com'* Westmoreland On Duty 80 CONNECTICUT LINE — FIFTH REGIMENT Appointed Inlisted Feb 26 '77 Feb 12 '77 Feb 12 '77 Privates Thomas Rulong — Willm Stuart Will™ Smith James Trible James Tobias Daniel Tobias Dennis Tomey Charles Walter Zekiel Whitney Isaac Welden Zeleph. Williamson. Feb 2, 1780 Mustered then Capt Thads Weeds Company Proof of the Rank Capt. Lieut. Ensn Present 1 1 Absent Total 1 1 I do sware that the within muster roU is a true State of ye Company without fraud to y° United States or any Individual According to my best Knowledge. Thad' Weed, Cap' Sworn before me this 2"* day Feb 1780. J. Stakb Colo Command' CONNECTICUT LINE — FIFTH REGIMENT 81 T. Service Remarks 3 yrs On Duty Sick Present Sick fishkiU Jan 2 '80 3 yrs On y° Lines On y« Lines On y* Lines On y Lines 3 yrs On y' Lines Mustered out by orders Col Bradly as Specified in ye above roll. Tho' Converse, C. M. P. T. Effectives Serjt Corpl Drum Fife Privates 1 2 1 1 1 4 19 3 1 1 1 23 (Endorsed) Muster Roll of Capt Weed's Company 5th Connecticut Regiment For January 1780. 82 CONNECTICUT LINE — FIFTH REGIMENT CONNECTICUT LINE— Captain Thaddeus Weeds Muster Roll of Cap' Thaddeus Weeds Company S"" Commanded by Col" Philip B Bradley Commissioned or Appointed AprU 1st 1778 AprU 1st 1779 Appoint* Inlisted Serjeants John Rion Samuel Waugh Corporals Jones Knap Drummer Nathaniel Tyler .... Fifer Josiah Davis Privates Timothy Brockway. Zenus Bamum Elezer Gilson Wiliam Jakeways. . . John Jacson Noah Kelsey Jacob Luis Stephen Mory Gamaliel Parker Thomas Reed Wiliam Smith James Tobius Daniel Tobius Dennis Tomy Ezekiel Whitney Isaac Welden CONNECTICUT LINE — FIFTH REGIMENT 83 5th REGIMENT Company May 1780 Connecticut Regiment in Service of the United States For the Month of May 1780. Capt Thaddeus Weed, Connecticut Recruiting Lieut Cornelius Russel Connecticut Recruiting Term of Service Remarks On Command at West Moreland On Furlough Apl 30 for 24 days by Colo Johnson Com^ On Command at Westmoreland do do do On Extra Service On Extra Service On Command Westmoreland Sick at FishkiU Jan 2 '80 On Duty On Command 84 Webb's additional regiment — June 5"», 1780 Mustered then Cap' Weed Company as Prof of the Rank Capt Lieut Ensign Present 1 1 Absent Total 1 1 I do swear that the within Muster Roal is a true State of in Dividual according to the best of my Knowledge. I do Certify on Honour the within Muster Roll is a true any Individual according to my best Knowledge. (Endorsed) Muster RoU of Capt Thaddeus Weeds Comp^ 5"' Connec* Reg* For May 1780 WEBB'S ADDITIONAL REGIMENT— Connec- Muster Roll of the Lt Col" Company in the 9*'' Conne* BattaUon Webb for August Commissioned Ebenezer Huntingdon Lt Colo Nathan Beers Lieut. Appoint* Serjeants Jared Bunce Jonathan Arnold. Corporals Stephen Risley. . Drum' CONTINENTAL INFANTRY Specified in the Above RoU Effectives 85 T. WOODBRIDGE I. B. Serjt Corpl Drum Fife Privates 1 1 1 1 1 97 2 1 1 1 16 the Company without Fraud to the United States or any Sworn before me this Day of June 1780. State of the Company without Fraud to the United States or Alb'. Chapman, Major Com*? CONTINENTAL INFANTRY ticut in the Service of the United States Comman"* by Col" Sam' B. & Sept 1780. Term Remarks Transf from 5*" Comp^ e"" Sept '80 do from 5**' do do On Guard Transfd from 3"* Comp" 6th Sept '80 86 Webb's additional regiment — Appoint* InUsted July 23 '80 June 13 '78 July 23 '80 July 17 '80 July 17 '80 Aug 31 '80 Apl 29 '78 May ' 21 '78 July 23 '80 dodo 28 « do 17 « do 28 « Sept 1 '80 Fifer Privates Jacob Achor Samuel Ames Jonathan Arnold — Daniel Avery Joseph Austin Daniel Bostwick Reubin Cadwell John Codner John Downer AUin Evens Moses Fay Asa Fox Vaniah Fox Jonath" Hutchinson. Samuel Jones John Kirtland AUin Lane Joseph Lewis WiUiam Martin. . . . Jesse Morgan CONTINENTAL INFANTRY 87 Term Remarks Transf^ from Maj" from 5"» Comp" 6*^ Sept '80 On Guard 31 Dec do do do On Duty 3 yrs do from 3'* do do On Duty 31 Dec do from Maj" do do do do from 4'" do 6'" Sept '80 Sick present do from Maj" do do On Duty do do do On Guard do do from 4'" do 6'" Sept '80 do 3 yrs Transf'* from Maj Comp do On Duty do do from 2nd do do On Duty do do do do do from Maj" do do On Duty 31 Dec. do from 5"' do do do do from Maj" do do do do from 3'* do do On Guard do do from 4"' do e*" Sept '80 Sick Absent do do from 5"" do do Sick Present do from 2nd do do 31 Dec. 88 POMFRET, CONNECTICUT, IN Appoint* InUsted July 23 '80 Privates Zebulon Mygatt. Isaac Owen David Robbarts . . Steph" Robbarts . . Joseph RowUnson. Joshua Welles Camp Orangetown, 2°"* Octob 1780 Mustered then the Lt Proof of the Lt Colo Lieut Present Absent 1 1 Total 1 1 I do swear that the within Muster Roll is a true State of Individual According to my best Knowledge Sworn before me in Quarters this 12th day of Oct. 1780. I. Angell, Colo Comd* POMFRET, CONNECTICUT, IN Returns of the Non Com'^ Officers & Soldiers Belonging Names i.'i Zenas Hathway Peter Mohawk Sam" Cady THE CONTINENTAL ARMY 89 Tenn Remarks 31^' Dec. Transfd from 2* Comp^ e**- Sept. '80 do do do from Maj" do do do from 2nd do do do do do do, do do do do do Colo's Company as Specified on the Above Roll. N. Beer, B. M. Effectives Serjt Corpl Drum Fifer Privates 11 1 1412 2 1 26 the Company without fraud to the United States or to any Nathan Beeks Lieut (Endorsed) Muster Roll of the Lt Colo Comp^ in the O"" Connec* Regiment for August & September 1780. THE CONTINENTAL ARMY to Pomfret when Inlisted & for what Term Time of Inlistment Time of Service Feby 18 77..79..77.. D war Agst Ap* Do Do 90 POMFRET, CONNECTICUT, IN Names John Barker Wm. Lashbrooks Eben' Gilbert, Corp" Jedediah GUbert Eben' Grow Zechariah Waldo Edward Crandal Rowland Cotton, Serg* Asa Lamb Luther Grover Sam'Lyon Ward Cotton Alfred Dresser Joseph WUson Nath^'StoweU John Ballard Jonathan Stevens Benj™ Cady John Kimball Jared KimbaU Abijah Downing Joseph Cheney John Robertson Ruben Sharpe Archelaus Ames Benj™ Brown Curtis Cleveland Ichabod Downing Gardner Cleaveland. Light Dragoons Daniel Spence Joseph Craft Jabez Pottage Joseph Ross 03 o 83^ O O O O QQQQ '^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO S^QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQOQQQQ CO g-fo Eh O t^t^t-OSrHO OrHrHrHrH O O O O O O O OOpOpppOOrHrH t-t-t^t-OOOOQOOOOOOOOQQQQQQQpOQQQQQOOOOOOOO Ol rHIMOSt-rHCOt^OOOOCOCOCO T-< rH-QIMrH ZiS'"''"' (M N NrH rHrHQn a +=" O PQ . t^ t^ CO rH CO CO CO o 00 00 eo CO rH CO CO CO r^ t^ CO eo ^ i—i 1—i IH rH iH iH tH rH tH IH rH 1-1 tH rH (N ¦* IM 00 00 00 00 I> CO t^ r^ r^ r^ t>. l> t^ l> o CO CD CO r^ r^ r^ l> l> CO CO eq CD t^ rH iH og 1 Q O o O o o O O ooooo o o o o o O O o o o o o o o o .2 .2 o 05 Ol o O o C3 05 00 05 03 e T3 TS T3 'O 'V 73 — rt ""rt '"O """O ' u -d 05 05 05 Oi 05 03 03 CR a> a> CT> 05 05 CO CO a> 05 ¦S.2 t^ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CO 00 CO 00 00 00 00 CO CO 00 00 00 00 OO 00 OO 00 §*> iH rH rH rH rH rH rH tH ^ ^^^ ^ rH o iH ,—i y-{ y^ o" o~ rH rH rH tH rH tH 1—i o"c5' l—{ a-o rH i> l>- CD CD t^ CD t^ (>• «> CD CD CD CD CD t" CD l> l> •Sg Q o o O O O o O o o O O O o O O o O o o oj'S 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 T3 73 73 73 73 73 ^ S S S rH rH IM T-i T-n 03 CO CO ^ Tt* Tj* Tt* 00 S 05 CO o Oi 03 o> o> oSrq 1« 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CO 00 00 OtH 00 00 00 00 073 ^n tH rH y^ rH rH O" o~ O^ tH o 1-H o" 1H IH lO tH T^ rH iH rH y-i tH 'Q > 1 o o o O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o J 73 73 T3 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 -o 73 73 73 73 73 '^ H o O O s o o s 00 O O O O CO O O O O O o o eq OtHtHrHrHrH>OrHrH05CDCOCDCDrHeOCOeOCOCO OeOCOOOOOOOOOt-t:^t^t^l>->Ot~-t^t-»t>iOC>.t^cOCOCOcDCOCDCDCDCDCDtDCO rH rH eoeoeoeocoeocooooocoeoooeocococococococooooooooooooooooo eoeocoeoeoeocoeoeocoeoeocoeoeocococoeoeococococoeoeoeoeoeoeoco 49 V oJrS5 * CD CD CD CD CD CO CO CO CD CD CO CD CD CD CO CD CD CO CO CO CO CO CD 03 CO CD CD CD CD Cvl CO CO (M eo CO CO CQ CO CO Cf>. )^ o o o o o o il ooooo oooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o g 1= p H^ <;? s' t-^ o 4 > g o n o o n 9 o s izl a P-H 125 i tn" 1 o o o ^HH o- 1-1 ,1 t?3 o HH cr 00 § 0 (D w o ^ !z! o o H JJ p ^ c*- cr m o § o > o f M Regiment from Jany l" 1780 to Dec. 21" 1781. Sugar lb oz Cho* lb oz Pounds of Coffee lb oz Ginger lb oz Tea lb oz 14 2 3^ 3^ 1 5 7J^ 23^ 2M 8 11 1 2>^ 23^ 14 7 2 Wi 2 7 2 VA 2 7 3 m 2 7 3 m 2 1 2 m 1 2 W2 2 7 3 W2 2 7 2 W2 2 7 3 W2 2 7 3 1 2 7 3 1 2 7 1 1 2 6 1 1 2 6 1 1 2 6 2 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 7 3 13^ 2 140M 3 483^ 33 2 12 228 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — THIRD REGIMENT MASSACHUSETTS LINE— Captain William Watson's Return of Clothing Rec* By Names Serj' [Israel H.] Buker Serj' [David] Downing Serj' [Samuel] Copp Serj' [Samuel] ViaU Corp' [Jabez] Keep Corp' [John] Dugles Corp' [Elijah] Proutey Corp' [WUUam] Orcut Drum [John] Winchester Fifer [Thomas] Newmann John Atherton Joel Atherton John Baley, Jr John Baley, Sr James Bowes London Bucklen John Boundes Luther Bryant Isac Chapman Alpheus Gotten William Cook Sam' Cook Joseph Davis Timothy Drummond John Flynn Jon" Fletcher John Griffen Jon" Gale Daniel Hawes Hendrick Hoos Sam' Hill Thomas Herring MASSACHUSETTS LINE — THIRD REGIMENT 229 3rd REGIMENT Company, January 2d 1783 the e"* Compy 3* Mass"" Reg* Shirts 22 2 Shoes Hoes 11 1 11 111 11111 Blanketts 230 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — THIRD REGIMENT Henery Hopper Joseph Hancock Benj" Humphery Timothey Jaquith .... John Knowlton Edward Lee Sam" Lafflen Jasen Meed Justen Macksfield .... Abner Perkins William Popple Job Ripley Jack Rand Joseph Rynolds Moses Rugg Eliphett Robings Richard Smith James Smith Timothey Scott Increase Sterns Benj" Treadway George Wrightington. . Jn° Witherington James Wamsley Amos Bird Nathaniel Bunn Bachus Boston Total Received. Names MASSACHUSETTS LINE — THIRD REGIMENT 231 Shirts 59 Shoes 55 Hoes 26 Blanketts (Endorsed) Clothing Received 1783 Jany 2^ 1783 232 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — FIFTH REGIMENT MASSACHUSETTS LINE— List of the Officers of the Officers Names Rufus Putnam Ezra NewhaU Moses Ashley SUvanus Smith Nathan Goodale Joshua Benson Phineas Bowman. . . Mich' G' Houdin. . . Jonathan Tumer Joseph Killam John Trotter Jonathan Felt Ezekiel Cooper Oliver Rouse Ivory Holland Joseph Smith WiUiam Eysandeau. Zibeon Hooker Pelatiah Everett Marlbry Turner .... Nathaniel Thacher. . Benjamin Gilbert. . . John Warrin Ephrim Potter Jonathan Wing Alexander Oliver — Daniel McCay Henry Marble Park Holland Moses Carleton James E. B. Finley. WilUam Lawton — Rank Colonel Lt Colonel. Major Captain ... Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Lieutenant.Lieut Lieut Lieut Lieut Lieut Lieut Lieut Lieut Lieut Lieut Ensign Ensn Ensn Ensn Lieut & Adjut. Lt&Q'M Lt&Q'M Surgeon Mate Cantonment, N. Windsor, December 30th, 1782. MASSACHUSETTS LINE — FIFTH REGIAIENT 233 5th REGIMENT 5*h Massachusetts Regiment. Date of Commissions August 5th 1776 May 17th 1777 Jany 6th 1780 Jany 1st 1777 Jany 1st 1777 Jany 1st 1777 AprU 19 1779 June 28 1779 Oct 4th, 1780 Oct 14, 1780 Oct 18th, 1780 Oct 14 1781 Jany 1, 1777 Jany 1st, 1777 Nov 11 1778 March 1st, 1778 AprU 2 1779 AprU 11 1780 April 25, 1781 Aug 10, 1781 Oct 7 1781 Transfered to 6*h Reg' Jan 1st, 1782. AprU 17, 1782 May 19, 1782 Oct 19, 1781 Oct 19, 1781 Oct 19, 1781 May 10, 1782. June 28, 1779 Oct 18, 1780 May 7'h 1782 Feb 25th, 1778 April 20, 1780 Endorsed List of the Officers of the S"" Mass"" Regt. 234 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — FIFTH REGIMENT MASSACHUSETTS LINE— Captain John Trotter's Roll and Muster of the 7"" Company 5'h Ranks Names Term of Inlistm' Captain Lieu' Ensign Serjeants Corporals Drum Fife Privates 1 234 5 John Trotter Aide de Camp to Gen' R. Putnam Ezekiel Cooper Promoted to Captain in the 2"» Reg' Alexander Oliver. John Cummings. Joseph Colson. .. Aaron Taylor Jonathan Holmes. Richard HiU Pelatiah Haws Joseph Young Abijah Potter Jonathan Patterson. Joseph Thompson. Thomas Gilberts.. WiUiam Bancks John Dunnaway Thomas Whitehouse. John Cluff WiUiam Howard War dodododo dodo -9-10 war do do 1^-911-161-8-91-4-51—21 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — FIFTH REGIMENT 235 5th REGIMENT Company, March, 1783 Massachusetts Regiment Taken for March 1783. Casualties Time since last Muster, or In listment Alterations since last Muster Vice Jon" Stephens Join* 1"' Company Deceased Mar 1 '83 Deserted from furlough April 15'" '83 236 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — FIFTH REGIMENT Privates 67 89 1011121314 1516171819 20 212223 242526272829 303132 3334 3536 373839 40 Robert HaU Stephen Mack David Pickering Daniel Silver Zaccheus Hastings.. Lemuel White John Wheelock John Bailey NapthaU Campfield. Levy Warner Boston Negro Moses Dunham. ... Samuel Warden John Gotham John Viner Noah Bailey Joseph Rice Moses Northrop Elijah Northrop John Patterell Francis Manton ElUs Doty Jonas Chace Bacchus Cowen James Cushing Joshua Winter Joseph Buxton Wadlah Levett Howes Webber Jacob S' John William Poor Isaac Wickham George J. Haze Ebenezer Tappan George Robertson . . , War 1—1 1-9— 11-7 1-11-1 —11-27 1-4-11-9-5 War l-"-29 1-1-17 —11-11 2—3 2-1-22-1-26 War —11—23 2-4-4 2-4- 2-5-52-5-102-4-5 —11-17 1—14 —11-17 War 2-1-3 1-. .-20 ..-10-12 2-5-5 War do 1-8-13 2-4-3 1-10-20 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — FIFTH REGIMENT 237 Casualties Time since last Muster, or In listment Alterations since last Muster 238 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT Privates 41 42434445 46474849 50 51 Jonathan Ring Nathaniel Hunt... EUphalet Holman. Ezra Hayden John Carrico Timothy Temple. . John Bixby Loved Cummings . . Ephraim Green Thomas Garey . . Pardon Starcks. War do 1-. .-2 1-7-3 2-. .-27 . .-11-1 . .-9-19 1-2-11 2-. .-12 War .-9-10 I Certify the above RoU to be the True State of the said Company this 24"" Day of April 1783. John Trotter, Captain MASSACHUSETTS LINE— Pay Roll of the Officers in the BattaUon of Massachusetts Forces Nixon from the Time of Appointment on the Present Names & Present Rank Former Rank Appoint ment Col. Thomas Nixon Lt Col. Major Cap' Cap'Capt Lt Nov 1, 1776 Lt Col. Calvin Smith do Major Joseph Thompson Can' Thomas Barns do Nov 21, 1776 Cant John Snurr do Capt Japheth Daniels do MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT 239 Casualties Time since last Muster, or In- lis Iment Alterations since last Muster furlough^ from the hos pital by the Commander- in-chiefWaggoner at West Point Transfered Transfered to the Light Company March 1 '83. I Certify the above to be true in aU its Contents. Inspection of March 1783. W. Barber, Major Ap' Inspector of the Northern Army. 6th REGIMENT in y* Service of the United States Commanded by Col" Thomas EstabUshment to the 1"' Jany A.D. 1777. Time of Service Mo. Days Am* of Pay on present Establishment Deduction for Pay Rec"* on former Establishment Ballance due 2 £15 £30 £15 do 36 24 12 do 30 20 10 1 10 16 10 13 4 5 6 8 do do 16 10 13 4 5 6 8 1 10 16 7 4 8 16 0 240 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT Names & Present Rank Capt Jabez Lane Capt W" Toogood Capt Abel Holden Lt John Holden Lt Nath" Wheeler Lt Mason Wattles Lt Eph" Minot Lt Dudley Tyler Lt Matthew Chambers. Lt Peter Clayes Lt Nath" Holbrook.... Lt Isaac Nichols Rich"* Buckmaster Adjt, Ensn Levi Holden Lt Benj" Pike Ensn Reuben Lilley. . . . Ensn Moses Porter Ensn Sam. Fairbanks. . . Former Appoint Rank ment Lt Nov 21, 1776 Lt do Lt do Lt do Lt do Ens" do Ens" do Lt do Lt do Ensn do Serjt do Ensn do Lt do Serjt Major do Ensn do Serjt do Serjt do Q.M. Serjt do Endorsed Pay RoU of Officers Extra Pay. MASSACHUSETTS LINE— Pay Abstract of the Battalion of Massachusetts Forces in the made up the Month Names & Rank Col Thomas Nixon. . . Lt Col Calvin Smith. Major Jos Thompson. Time of Service Mo. Days 1 dodo MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT 241 Time of Service Am' of Pay on present Deduction for Pay Rec* on Bidlance Mo. Days Establishment former Establishment due 1 10 £16 £7 4 £8 16 0 1 10 16 7 4 8 16 0 1 10 16 7 4 8 16 1 10 10 16 7 4 3 12 1 10 10 16 7 4 3 12 1 10 10 16 5 6 8 5 9 4 1 10 10 16 5 6 8 5 9 4 1 10 10 16 7 4 3 12 1 10 10 16 7 4 3 12 1 10 10 16 5 6 8 5 9 4 1 10 10 16 3 4 7 12 1 10 10 16 5 6 8 5 9 4 1 10 16 7 4 8 16 1 10 8 3 12 4 8 1 10 10 16 5 6 8 5 9 4 1 10 8 3 4 4 16 1 10 8 3 4 4 16 1 10 8 3 12 4 8 £159 8 equal to 531 30/90 DoUars Pr B. Heywood, P.M. Oct S"* Rec"* the above 531 30/90 Dollars pr Warrent. 6th REGIMENT Service of the United States commanded by Col Thomas Nixon of May AD 1778 Paypr Month Dollars Am' of Pay 756050 £22 10 1815 242 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT Names & Rank BenJ Heywood, P.M . . Rich Buckmaster Adjt. Sam' Jennison Q M . . . W" Annin, Surgeon. . . Thad Thompson S.M.. Time of Service Mo. Days 1 dodo 31do Examined & Approved This may Certify that I have examined the above Abstract Companies and find them to agree. MASSACHUSETTS LINE— The United States to the BattaUon of Massachusetts From Jany 1" to the 31"' 1778 both Days mcluded To 1990 Retained Rations @ 3^ DoUar Feby 28"' to 1575 Do @ do To 8116 Do of Milk @ 3/90 do 8116 do Beer do 8116 do Pease do 8116 do Rice 1 „ , 8116 do Soap/® ^" MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT 243 Paypr Month Dollars Am' jf Pay 40 £12 do 12 273^ 8 5 2 p' Day 18 12 13^ do 12 8 Amount of C ap* Wheeler's Pay RoU 181 5 Bames' do 87 14 8 Spurr's do 127 2 8 Daniels do 111 9 4 Lane's do 107 Toogood's do 153 0 8 Holden do 131 10 9 Danforths do£ Money 104 14 £1122 12 1 N. York Currency 1496 9 53^ Equal to 3742 1/72 Dollars P' Benj" Heywood, P.M. and compared it with the Muster & Pay Rolls of the respective 6th regiment Forces commanded by Col Thomas Nixon Dr (Viz) £199 0 0 157 10 0 81 3 2 81 3 2 81 3 2 81 3 2 681 244 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT March IS*"* to 1146 Retamed Rations @ 3^ Dol. To 1960 Rati"" Milk @ 3/90 do 1960 do Beer do 1960 do Pease do 1960 do Rice \ , 1960 do Soap J April lO*'' To 2259 Retained Rati"" @ 3^ Do To 7877 Parts Do @12/90do . . . . April 30*'' To 1514 Retained Rati"" @ ^ Do To 5681 do Beer @ 3/90 do . . . . 5489 do MiUc @ do .... 4754 do Pease® do .... 5681 do Rice @ IJ^ do .... 4106 do Soap @ do . . . . May 31"* to 2108 Retamed Rati"" @ }i do . . . . To 9688 do Beer @ 3/90 do . . . . 6901 do MiUc @ do . . . . 8382 do Pease @ do 8368 do Rice @ 13/^ do 7468 do Soap @ do (Endorsed) Abstract of Col Nixon's Reg* for the Months of May 1778. MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT 245 £114 12 19 12 19 12 19 12 19 12 225 18 315 1 193 540 19 151 8 56 16 2 54 17 9 47 10 9 28 8 1 20 10 7 359 11 4 210 16 96 17 7 69 0 2 83 16 5 41 16 9 37 6 11 539 13 10 £Money £2314 7 5 7714 41/72 Dollars P" • Benj" Heywood, P.M. 246 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT MASSACHUSETTS LINE— Pay Abstract of the BattalUon of Massachusetts Forces in the made up for the Names & Rank of Field & StafiF Officers Col Thomas Nixon Lt Col Calvin Smith. . . . Major Joseph Thompson. Benj" Heywood P.M Rich* Buckmaster Adj*. . Sam' Jennison Q.M W" Annin, Surg" Thad" Thompson S.M. . . Time of Service Mo. Day Rec"* the above of W™ Palfrey P.M. Gen' by the hand of Feby 28*^ 1779. (Endorsed) Pay Abstract of Col. Nixon's Reg* for Oct. A.D. 1778. MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT 247 6th REGIMENT Service of the United States commanded by Col Thomas Nixon Month of Oct A.D. 1778. Payp' Month Dol" Subsistance P' Month DoU" Amount 75 50 £37 10 60 40 30 50 30 24 40 20 18 do do 18 273^60 10 30 11 5 27 ;40 10 15 Am* of Cap* Wheeler's Pay 3ames 1 Spurr's 1 Daniel's I Liane's 1 Poogoods 1 Eolden's 1 Danforths 1 Roll 191 12 153 151 4 217 6 154 4 165 1 144 17 165 14 )o )o )o 8 )o Do 2 Do 4 Do 8 £My £1523 14 10 Equal to 5079 13/90 DoUars B.JHeywgod P.m. M' Burrill 248 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT MASSACHUSETTS LINE— Pay Abstract of the fi"" Mass'" BattaUon in the Service of the made up for the Month Names & Rank of Field & Staff Officers Thomas Nixon Calvin Smith L* Col" Jos Thompson Maj' Benj" Heywood, C. L' P. M. C Sam' Frost L' & Adj' Nathan Holbrook L' & Q'. . . . Thad. Thompson, Surg Time of Service Mo. Day Truce Copy Abel Holden, R.P.M. MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT 249 6th REGIMENT United States of America commanded by Col" Thomas Nixon — of September A D 1779. Pay Subsistence Whole Amount Dol QO"" Dol 90"- Doll. 90'" 75 500 575 60 400 460 50 300 350 76 60 283 30 360 39 60 283 30 323 39 60 283 30 323 60 300 360 Am* of Capt Spurr's Pay Roll 1151 1 Colonel's do 821 1068 60 Capt J. Holden's do 70 Majors do 928 10 Capt A. Holden's do 1040 Lieut Colonels do 942 1017 55 Late Toogoods do 30 Capt Daniels do Bam's L. Infantry 1048 929 30 11697 85 Amt Lieut Levi Holdens i Abstract.s do 108 88 55 Lieut Reuben LiUey' 60 Lieut John Holden's do 80 60 Lieut Benj" Lynde's do 78 20 12054 10 (Endorsed) Pay Abstract of 6'h Mass"" Batt'" for September 1779. 250 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT MASSACHUSETTS LINE— Pay Abstract of the 6t'' Mass"" Regiment in the Service of the for the Months of Jany, Feby, March, Names & Rank of the Field & Staff Officers Thomas Nixon Col Dan' Whiting L' Col Peter Harwood Major Benj" Heywood Cap' P.M.& Clothier. Sam' Frost Lt & Adj' Nath" Holbrook L' & Q' M Thad" Thompson, Surgeon Eben' BaUentine, Surg M Time of Service Mo. Day 6 dodo do dododo 2 Lt Col Whiting's Ace' for Back pay. . Capt Tho" Barns for Oct 1779.. . Am' of Cap' Spurr's Pay Roll. . . Colonels do . . . Capt Chamber's do . . . Major do . . . Capt Heywood's do . . . L' Colonels do . . . Late Cap' J. Holden do " Daniels do Light Infantry do Examined & Approved Rec^ Thirty Three Thousand six Hundred & Seventy Six Abstract.August 28*^ 1780. (Endorsed) Pay Abstract of the 6*'' Mass"" Reg* from Jany 1"' to June 30"' 1780. 57,676 20/90 Dollars. MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT 251 6th REGIMENT United States commanded by Col. Thomas Nixon — made up April, May & June A.D. 1780. Pay p' Month Dol" Subsistence p' Month Doll" 90th Am' of pay & subsistence Remarks 75 500 3450 60 400 2760 50 300 2100 90 200 1740 39 60 200 1438 39 60 200 1438 60 300 2160 40 100 280 526 70 Appointed May 1" 240 Omitted in the P Roll for Oct. 4718 48 4498 86 5491 42 4343 30 4332 80 4404 38 4574 64 4688 80 4490 22 57676 20 B. Heywood, Cap' & P.M. Dollars 20/90 of M'. Pierce D.P. Gen' in part of the above 252 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT MASSACHUSETTS LINE— Captain Peter Clayes' Return of the Non Commiss"' Officers and privates of Cap' Jany 1780 to the 31 of Names Rank Date of Term In Inlistm' Usted for Serjt Dec 16 '79 D'War do Nov 9 '79 D'War do Jany 1'80 do Corp' Aug 10 '78 do do Dec 17 '79 do Drum' do 17 '79 do Private do 16 '79 do u Jan 1 '80 do a do 1 '77 do a Nov 3, '79 do u Dec 17 '79 do « Dec 1 '79 do u Mar 1'77 do « Jan 1'80 do (1 Nov 17 '79 do (1 Dec 18 '79 do « Oct 28 '79 do '77 Mar 19 3 yrs do do do 29 do do 4 do Apl 10 do Feb 1 do Mar 1 do Feb 20 do Mar 1 do Apri I 1 do do 1 do Mar 14 do do 1 do Jeduthan Rawson. Daniel MuUiken . . . Aaron Davis Timothy Pike Gideon Lesure Moses RamsdeU... Gustavous Aldritch Phenehus Butler . . . Alexander Baxter.. George Beman Nathan Jackson. . . Moses Parkhurst.. James Potter Peter Smith Tryal Sanderson... Samuel Thayer — John Wiggins Thomas Andrews.. John Andrews Wmgate Bradley. . Jacob Deland Samuel Evens Jesse Fowler Moses Learnard . . . Sam' Holden Uriah Moor Ziphron Newton . . . Edward Pratt Silas Stephens Peter^Salem MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT 253 6th REGIMENT Company, 1780 Peter Clayes' Company in O*"" Mass*" Reg* from the 1"* of December both days Included: — Place of Abode Time of Service Remarks Town County Months Days Mendon Worcester 12 Bradford Essex 12 Mendon Worcester 12 Framingham Middlesix 12 Uxbridge Worcester 12 Milford do 12 Mendon do 12 Sudbury Middlesix 12 Salem Essex 12 Brimfield Hampshire 12 Mendon Worcester 12 Milford do 12 Holden do 12 Brookfield do 12 Springfield Hampshire 12 Mendon Worcester 12 Molborough Middlesix 12 Brookfield Worcester 2 19 Discharged March 19 '80. do do 2 19 do do 19 '80 Haverhill Essex 2 29 do do 29 '80 Brookfield Worcester 2 4 do do 4 '80 do do 3 10 do April 10 '80 Dorchester Suffalk 1 1 do Feb 1 '80 Framingham Middlesix 2 1 do Mar 1 '80 Mendon Worcester 1 20 do Feb 20 '80 Sudbury Middlesix 2 1 do March 1 '80 Westminster Worcester 3 1 do April 1 '80 3 do do 1 '80 Ware Worcester 2 14 do Mar 14 '80 FraminghamMiddlesix 2 do do 1 '80 254 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT Names Rank Date of Inhstm' Term In- listed for Brown Vallett Jan '77 Dec '78 3 yrs do David Potter Uriah Eaton (Endorsed) Cap' Clayes Returns for the Year 1780 6'" Reg' MASSACHUSETTS LINE— Captain Japheth Daniels' Company Muster RoU of Cap*" Japheth Daniel's Company in y" BatalUon commanded by Jany 1"* 1777 Jany 1"* 1777 Commissioned Jany 1"* 1777 Jany 1"' 1777 No. Inlisted Feby 14 Apr 1 Mar 1 May 19 Apr 17 do 14 Feby 20 1 23 4 1 2 Serjeants Samuel Metcalf. Thomas Fenton. John Clark Solomon White. . Corporals Abner Stanford. WiUiam Lane . . . Drummer Samuel Holden. MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT 255 Place of Abode Town County Time of Service Months Days Remarks Salem Essex Holden Worcester do 6 10 24 3 Deserted July 24 '80 Deserted Nov 3^ '80 do P. Clayes, Cap* 6th regiment November 14, 1777 to January 3, 1778. of Massachusetts Bay Forces in y' Service of the United States Coll Thomas Nixon. Capt" Japheth Daniels 1"* Lieut John Holden 2°"* Lieut Nathan Holbrook Ensign Benj" Lynds on Command with the sick at Sanactada. [Schenectady] What Term Remarks 3 yrs dodo do On Command with Prisoners on their March to Hartford Furlough^ Oct 24 for 60 days by Dr Annin 3 yrs ditto Furlough^ Oct 23 for 60 days by Dr Brown 3 yrs 256 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT No. InUsted 1 2 3 4 567 8 - 9 1011 12131415 161718 19 202122 2324252627 28 29 30 3132 Feby 1 Feby 12 Apr 5 do 24 May 13 Apr 13 do 3 Feby 14 May 15 Apr 1 Apr 1 Apr 22 Apr 24 do 24 do 13 Feb 14 Apr 8 Mar 25 Apr 9 do 1 do 1 do 9 Feb 12 do 12 June 3 do 3 do 3 do 3 Fifer Jared Smith Privates Timothy Bruce John Brown James Battle Icha^ Bosworth .... Elijah Balcum EU Cook Solomon Day Miles Doren John Green Ben' Hayward Nathan Hitchings. . Southwick Hebbert. James Long Joseph Long Abner Legg Will"' Lesure Stephen Lesure Abijah Legg Jeremiah Metcalf. . . Reubin Pike Amariah Partrige... Joseph Pasmore Saul RamsdeU Noah Sanders Noah Sanders, Jun'. Phinehas Tanner Joel Thayer Benj" Vangilder .... Nathan Bolster Gideon Lesure Asher Printice Seth White MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT 257 WhatTerm Remarks 3 yrs 3 yrs Under innouclation in Gen' Hospital do ditto do do do do Under Innouclation in Gen' Hospital do On Comm* nursing the sick at Sanactada 3 yrs Under Tnnoculation in Gen' Hospital do ditto ditto 3 yrs ditto On Command nursing the sick at Sanactada Under Innoculation in Gen' Hospital 3 yrs 5 irro ditto 6 yrs do do Furlough"* Aug 22 for 60 Days by Dr Potts do Furlough"! Oct 23 for 90 days by Dr Potts 3 yrs do do Furioughd Oct 23 for 90 days by Dr Potts do Under Innoculation in Gen' Hospital do ditto do ditto do do Under Innoculation in Gen' Hospital 8 Mos. ditto do ditto do do 258 massachusetts line — sixth regiment Proof of the Captains Ist Lieut 2nd Lieut Ensign Present Absent 1 1 1 1 Total 1 1 1 1 We do swear that the within Muster Roll is a true State of Individual according to our best Knowledge. Sworn before me in Quarters at Albany, Jany 6*^ 1778. John Greaton, Coll Com"" Albany Jany 3"*, 1778. Mustered then Captain Japheth (Endorsed) Muster Roll of Cap' Daniels Company Col Nixon's Reg' from Nov 14th 1777 to Jany 3"* MASSACHUSETTS LINE— Captain Abel Holden's Return of the Noncommissioned Officers and Private Soldiers 1"' Day of Jany to the 31 day Names W" Spencer Smith Joel Brigham Fraderick Whiting. John Woods Richard Pierce — Salomon Smith — Luther Sever John Byrns Jacob Johnson David Knox William Knight. . . Rank Date of Term In Inlistment Usted for Serj* Feb 11 '77 D'War do Dec 9 '79 do do Feb 19 '77 3 yrs Corp' Apl 3 '77 D'War do Nov 26 '76 do do Feb 1 '80 do do Mar 10, '77 3 years Private Jan 1, '80 D'War (1 Nov 8, '79 do u Nov 2 '79 do (1 Apl 3, '77 do massachusetts line — sixth regiment 259 Effectives Serjeants Corpl Drum' Fif' Privates 22 1 1 1 1 12 20 4 2 1 1 32 the Company without Fraud to the United States or to any Japheth Daniels, Cap' Nathan Holbrook, Lieu* Daniel's Company as Specified in the within Roll. Richard Lush, Dept M.M. 6th regiment Company, 1780 in the Light Infantry Compy in the 6"" Mass"" Reg' from y" of Dec 1780 Boath days included. Place of Abode Time of Service Town County Months Days Rutland Worcester 12 Sudbury Middlesix 12 Brookfield Worcester 1 15 Feb 15 '80 Discharged New Braintree do 12 Mistick Essex 12 Worcester Worcester 12 Templeton do 2 10 Discharged Mar 10 '80 Framingham Middlesix 12 Sudbury do 12 Blanford Hampsbier 12 Hubbardston Worcester 12 260 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT Names John Lunt George Morley. . Phinehas Osgood Enock Smith Isaac Woodward . Nahemh Ward..., Zenus Gibbs Epharim Church . John Emery Francis Gibbs. . . . Jonas Stevens — Daniel Stems. . . . John Crassett. . . . Levi Fay Seriah Green Benj"! Hind John Inglesbee. . . Eben? Keyes Aaron Hitchcok., Benj" Kinney Charles Pierce.. . John Taylor John Moody EUjah Herr eck... John Sherron . . . . Abijah Parmeter. Josiah Rice Isaac Davis Rank Private DrumPriv. Fifer Private Date of Inlistment JanDec Apl Feb AugJan 3, '77 25 '76 7 '77 14 " '78 1 '80 Mar 10 '77 Mar 29 '77 Mar 10 do Sept 1, '77 June 12 '77 Mar 2, '77 do 10 do Feb 19, do do 12 do do 12 do do 17 do April 17 do Jan 20, do Feb 10 do Mar 10 " Apl 20 " Mar 10 « 1777 1777 do Term In- listed for D'War dododo dodo 3 yrs. Dr War 3 3TS dododo dodododo dodo dodododo dododo Dr War 3 yrs (Endorsed) Cap' Holdens Returns for the year 1780 e*"" Reg' MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT 261 Place of Abode TimeofService Town County Months Days Newbury PortWorcester 12 Newfoundland " 12 Chensford Middlesix 12 Rutland Worcester 12 Sudbury Middlesix 12 Middlebury Bristol 12 Rutland Worcester 12 Rutland do 12 Concord Middlesix 11 21 Been in ca ptivity & dis- charged Dec 21, 1780 Rutland Worcester 11 21 do do do do 11 21 do do Concord Middlesix 11 21 do do New Braintree Worcester 2 2 Discharged Mar 2 '80 Brimfield Hampshire 2 10 do do 10 '80 Royalston Worcester 1 19 do Feb 19 '80 Shrewsbury do 1 12 do do 12 '80 do do 1 12 do do 12 '80 do do 1 17 do do 17 '80 Brimfield Hampshire 3 17 do April 17 '80 Ball Town Littleton 20 do Jan 20 '80 Royalston Worcester 1 18 do Feb 10 '80 Framinham Middlesix 2 10 do Mar 10 '80 Royalston Worcester 3 20 do Apl 20 '80 Worthington Hampshire 2 10 do Mar 10 '80 Deserted April 1 2 18 Dischargee Mar 18 Rutland 12 Concord 6 1 Discharged July 1 Jn° Holden, Lieu* 6*'' Mass*" Reg' 262 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT MASSACHUSETTS LINE— Captain John Spurr's Camp No. 2 To The Paymaster of Sr Be pleased to stop out of the monts wagers the sum that is Servant John Crane, Lt. John Shaw Sergt £2 Matthew GUegan William Knowland Ezekiel Steams 1 John Elis 1 Ebenezer Hovey Solomon Weld WiUiam Humphery John Bishop Ebenezer Fowler William Blake .. 9. .9 .. 3. .6 8. ..13, .. 1. .5 ..14. ..13. .7 ..14. .6 .. 3. .6 .. 8. .6 .. 6. .4 Reed the Contents of the above acct of Benjn Heywood. MASSACHUSETTS LINE— Captain John Spurr's Discriptive List of the Non Commissioned Officers and Priva 10th, Mens Names Age Eighth Com- plec- tion Color of Hair Elisha Foster Serjt EUsha Horton Serjt John Tylar, Serjt 21 232325 18 3227 5 9 5 9 5 8 6 5 6 5 6 5 11 LightLight DarkLight Light LightDark LightLight Black Jonathan Lamson Corp — Silas Hamilton Fifer John Bradlev. . . LightSandeySandeyDark Enoch Greanleaf MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT 263 6th REGIMENT Company, June 18, 1777. June 18th 1777 Col. Thomas Nixon's Regt. set against each mans name and you will oblige your Humble Moses Smith Benja. Badcock John Pain Steven Smith William Spencer Smith Sergt in Capt. [Adam] Whelers Comp Daniel Goodbridge Sergt in Capt. [Jabez] Lanes Company Thomas Torrey in Capt. [Thomas] Bames Com pany ..10, .. 6. .. 7 .. 8. ,6 .6 ..10. .6 ..16. .. 3, £11.. 19. .7 John Crane, Lt. 6th REGIMENT Company, January 10th, 1780. tes in Cap* Spurr's Company, Colo Tho' Nixons Regt, Jany 1780. Color of Eyes Trade Where born Town County Tiftst place of Residence Light Farmer Brookfield Worcester Brookfield Light Milton Suffolk Milton Dark Potter Harvard Light Farmer Brookfield Worcester Brookfield Light Farmer Brookfield Worcester Brookfield Blew Barber Hallowell Hallowell Black Blacksmith Woolage Woolage 264 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT Mens Names Benj" Heywood Ezra King Ezra King, Junr . . . Moses King Nicholas Smith. . . . Samuel Stone F.M. Michal Power Com Age Highth pac tion 42 5 10 Dark 53 5 9 Light 18 5 7 Light 16 5 5 Light 30 5 8 Dark 22 5 8 Light Color of Hair LightGray LightLightDarkDark Mens Names Regt Inlisted From By whom Inlisted EUsha Foster Serjt Elisha Horton Serjt John Tylar, Serjt Jonathan Lamson Corp — SUas Hamilton Fifer John Bradley Col. Nixon Lt Crane do Capt J Holden Maj Harwood do Capt Clayes Enoch Greanleaf. . . Lt Crane Benj" Heywood Ezra King Lt Crane Lt Wottles Ezra King, Junr Moses King dodo Nicholas Smith. Lt Crane Samuel Stone F.M Michal Power Lt Holden (Endorsed) Reuben Hamilton, Serj* Joseph WiUis, Corpl Hatevil Colson Wm How Daniel WiUiams Benj Lilley Jesse Anger Henry Aldrich Jon? Pollard Jesse Danforth Capt. Spurr's Comp. 6th Regt 1780 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT 265 Color of Eyes Trade Where bom Town County Last place Residence Blew Mason Mendon Light Carpenter Brimfield Bethewin Light Farmer Amsbury Essex Bethewin Light Farmer Amsbury Essex Bethwin Blew Baker Boston Light Farmer Rutland Worcester Rutland When InUsted Dec 23 '79 do April '79 1777 Dec '79 Dec '79 April '79 Dec '79 1777 do do Dec '79 Nov '79 Remarks Transferd to the corps of Invahdes Oct. 30th 1780 Transferred to the Corps of Invalids Dec 30, 1780. J. Crane, Lieut. 266 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT MASSACHUSETTS LINE— Captain John Spurr's Company, Retum of the Non Commissioned Officers and Privates of Cap' of Jany 1780 to the Names Elisha Horton. . . . Elisha Foster John Tyler do Jonathan Lamson, Samuel Stone Silas Hamilton . . . John Bradley Enock Greenleaf . . Benj" Heywood.. . Ezra King Ezra King, Jun'. . Moses King Nicholas Smith. . . Michael Power. . . John Bishop James CambeU . . . John Hood John Shaw Isaac Stone WiUiam Hobby. . . do Thomas Nixon . . . Josiah Hincher . . . Jarib Bacon John Calton Stephen Colman . . Joseph Ayers William Blake... . Serj* Serj* Drum M Serj' Corp' FifeM Fifer Private do do dodododo dododo Drumer Sarjt do Private Sarj' Q.M. Sarj' Corp' do Private do dodo Dates of Inlistm' Jan 20 '77 Mar 11, '77 Mar 10 '77 Feb 24 '77 do 25 '77 Mar 7 '77 Feb 1, 1778 Jan do 20 '77 20 do Term Inlisted for D'War do dododododododo do do dododododo dodo 3 yrs. do dodododo do D'War 3 Yrs do MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT 267 6th REGIMENT January 1st to December 31st, 1780 John Spurrs Company in the 6"" Mass'" Reg' from the 1" Day 31"' day of December 1780. Time of Service Remarks Mo. Days 12 12 66 12 Promoted to Serj' July 1 '78 12 12 12 Deserted June 1 '79 return"' from desertion July 14 1780 12 10 Transferd to invileads Boston Oct. 30 '80 12 12 12 6 Deserted Nov 1 '79 returned from desertion July 1, 1780 Deserted April 1 '80 Diserted March 1 '80 Deserted April 1 '80 Discharged Jan 1 '80 2 11 do Mar 11 '80 2 10 Promoted to Serj' Mar 10 '80 1 Discharg"* April 10 '80 • 3 5 Discharged April 5 '80 3 10 do April 10 '80 3 9 do do 9 '80 11 18 do Dec 18, 80 2 20 transferr"* to the 8"' Mass'" Regt March 20 1780 20 Discharged Jan 20 '80 20 do do 20 '80 268 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT Names Rank Dates of Inlistm' Term InUsted for Reuben Bartlett Nathaniel Cheney Abijah Crane. Private dodododo dodododododododo do do dododo May 27 '77 Jan 20 '77 Feb 1 '77 Mar 20 '77 do 20 '77 do 1 '77 Jan 1 '77 Feb 1,'77 Jan 20 '77 Feb 1 '77 do 16 Mar 20 '77 do 19 '77 Feb 1 '77 Mar 7 '77 do 1 '77 Jan 20 '77 Jan 20 '77 3 Yrs dodo Samuel Davis John Eveleth Asa Gould Mathew Gilligan WilUam Hawes Daniel Huff dodo dodododo Turner Lilley. . do Amos Leonard Robert Murchee Joseph Marsh Stephen Pain Mirick Rice dododododo Reuben Shermon John Simpson John Ellis dododo (Endorsed) Return of the Non Commissioned Officers and Private Soldiers in Cap* John Spurr's Company for the year 1780. MASSACHUSETTS LINE — SIXTH REGIMENT 269 Time of Service Remarks Mo. Days 27 4 Discharged May 27 '80 20 do Jan 20 '80 1 5 do Feb 5, '80 2 20 do Mar 20 '80 2 25 do do 25 '80 2 do do 1 '80 do Jan 1 '80 1 14 do Feb 14 '80 1 do do 1 '80 1 do do 1st '80 1 17 do do 17th '80 2 22 do March 22 '80 2 19 do do 19th '80 1 do Feb 1 '80 2 7 do Mar 7 '80 2 19 do do 19 '80 20 do Jan 20 '80 6 Deserted Feb 3 '79 retumed from Desertion July 1 1780 B. Pike, Cap' [Lieut] 270 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — TENTH REGIMENT MASSACHUSETTS LINE— Captain Jacob Wales' Company, Muster Roll of the 5*'' Company 10*'' Massachusetts Regiment Nathaniel Wins low. Taken for October, Nov 1st '77 Ap' 1st, '79 Commissioned July 1"', '79 Appointed Rank Inlisted '80 June 13 « 22 Sergeants Anthony CoUamer. John Wright Corporals Jon" Curtis Will"" Morris Drummer SetbOrkett FiferPrivates Joshua Comsett. . . Daniel Corlew Willm Hopkins Easop Jacobs Sam' J Kettle Charles Lines Will"" Nicholson... Robert Oram Will"- Studley Consider Turner. . . Abial Turner Benj™ Woodward. . Jon* Barnard Jeston Cook MASSACHUSETTS LINE — TENTH REGIMENT 271 10th regiment October, November and December, 1780. in the service of the United States Commanded by Major November and December 1780. Capt Jacob Wales Resin^ Oct 4, '80 Lieut Peleg Tumer Ensn Joseph Wales What Term Remarks Sick present Transferred to Colo" Compy 1 Nov '80 sick absent On Duty On Command On Duty do On Command 6 mos Dischargd Dec 20 '80 do do 5th 272 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — TENTH REGIMENT Appointed Sergeants Privates Tho" Church Paul Clark Elisha Davis Nat' French ;...'.... Sam' Finton Bethuel Finton Asher Freeman Will" Lincoln Beazer Ludlow John Miller Ezra Morse Daniel Pratt Oliver Persons VoUentine Skiff Bathuel Smith Daniel Truesdell Sam' Wales James Wales Tho" WUd Coll Wallis Point Dec 31st 1780 Mustered then 5"' Compy July JuneJuly '80 July u ItU June u« July June a July 2222 18 8 18 18 2222 181813 2222 1818 18 2222 18 8 Camp West Proof of the Capt Lieut Ensn Present 1 1 1 Absent Total 1 1 1 I do swear that the within Muster Roll is a true State of Individual according to the best of my Knowledge. Sworn before me this 7 Day of Jan 1781. Jn" Glover B. General MASSACHUSETTS LINE — TENTH REGIMENT 273 What Term Remarks Dischargd Dec 5th 6 mos Discharged Dec 20 '80 On duty Discharged Dec 10 do do 25 Dischd Dec 6th do do 5th do do 15th do do 15th Dischargd Dec 22 do do 6th Dischd Dec 9th 10th Mass"' Reg' as specified in the above Roll. Sam" Darby B. Inspector. Effectives Serjt Corpl Drum Fife Privates 11 2 1 14 7 2 2 1 21 the Company without Fraud to these United States or any J. Wales, Ensn (Endorsed) Muster Roll 5"> Compy lO'h Massach"" Regiment Taken for Oct., Nov. & Dec 1780. 274 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — FIFTEENTH REGIMENT MASSACHUSETTS LINE— Captain Daniel Barnes' A Pay Roll of Cap' Daniel Barns Compy in the BattaUion of of America Comm"* by Tim" Bigelue Esq Names Daniel Barns Tho" Davidson . . . Joel Pratt SUas Sawin Abr™ Brigham . . . John Dexter Joseph Woods Joseph Gold Elisha Rice Solomon Jones Samuel Searles . . . Zerubbabel Eager Jonah Newton . . . John M^CuUar... Gideon Bowker. . . Daniel Bruce Joseph Marble. . . Moses WilUams. . . Sam" Gates Stephen Hudson . . Sam" Willard Elijah Foster Jonas Johnson David Fay Jonathan Conn . . . Sam" Stearns .... Robert Bailis .... Benj"'Gaffield....Sippo Addams Charles Hudson . . W" M^Cullar Rank Capt , Lieut Ensn Serjt do do Corpl dododo Drum' Fifer Private dodododo dodo dodo dodo do do do dodo do do do MASSACHUSETTS LINE — FIFTEENTH REGIMENT 275 15th REGIMENT Company, March, 1779 Massachusetts Bay forces in the service of the United States taken for the Month of March 1779. Time to be Dollars Amount Paid per of Remarks Months Days Month Pay 40. £12 26% 8 20 6 24 8 2 8 Died Mar. 24"' 10 3 10 3 IVz 2 4 Wz 2 4 7^ 2 4 7H 2 4 7H 2 4 7^ 2 4 6% 2 6% 2 6% 2 6% 2 QVs 2 &H 2 QVs 2 6% 2 6% 2 G34 2 &% 2 eVs 2 6% 2 &% 2 63i 2 6% 2 &% 2 &% 2 6% 2 276 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — FIFTEENTH REGIMENT Names Rank Tho" Twitchell Private Wm Evans do Reuben Hyman do Isaac Newman do John Rice do Paul Davis do Tim"" Johnson do Daniel Hardy do Tho' Ridgway do James M^CuUar do do James Gamwell do do Benj™ Bruce do Tho' Keyes do Peter Maynard do do John Whitney do Stephen Phelpes do Subsistance Due to the Officers of Cap'" Bames Compy for y» To D. Bames Cap* for Sixty rations retain"* To Tho' Davidson Lieut for thirty rations retain^. To Joel Pratt Ensn for thirty rations retain"* I do sware the within Pay roll to be a true in all its parts with my best knowledge. Joel Pratt, Lieu* Sworn Before me in Camp this 28th Day of April 1779 John Glover, B. General MASSACHUSETTS LINE — FIFTEENTH REGIMENT 277 Time to be Dollars Amount Paid per of Remarks Months Days Month Pay 6% £2 6% 2 6% 2 6% 2 m 2 6% 2 6% 2 6% 2 6% 2 6% 2 6% 2 6% 2 &% 2 Wz 2 m 2 m 2 6% 2 6% 2 6% 2 Month of Ms irch 1779. 20 6 10 3 10 3 £135 12 out fraud to the United States or any Individual According to (Endorsed) A Pay RoU of the Late Cap Bams Compy of a Massachusetts Reg* Comm"* by Tim" Bigelow Esq. Taken for the Month of March 1779 278 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — FIFTEENTH REGIMENT MASSACHUSETTS LINE— Captain Joshua Brown's A Pay Roll of the Late Cap' Brown's Comy in the made up for the Names Joshua Brown Joseph Brown Daniel Hunt Daniel Barker Elisha Houghton Jonathan Bobbins George Acres Moses Gammons Philemon Allen WilUam Gates Zadock Burnham John Burnham Jonas Davis Elnathan Darby , Jonathan Gates Josiah Howard Joseph Russell Benjamin Stone John Whitney Abel Bathrick John Barker John Davis Mannass'' Famsworth. James Fletcher Ebenezer Hodge James Johnston Jasper Johnston John Johnston Thomas Law James Law John Parker MASSACHUSETTS LINE — FIFTEENTH REGIMENT 279 15th regiment Company, March, 1779. Reg' of foot Whareof Timothy Bigelow, Esq' is Col. month of March, 1779 Rank Cap' Ensign . . . Serg' Do Do Corporal . Do . Do . Do . DrummerPrivet — Do .... Do .... Do .... Do .... Do .... Do .... Do .... Do .... Do .... Do .... Do .... Do .... Do .... Do .... Do .... Do .... Do .... Do .... Do .... Do .... Months Wages per month £12.... 0.. 6....0,. 3....0..3....0. 3. ..0.. 2. ...4.. 2.... 4.. 2. ...4.. 2. ...4.. 2. ...4,. 2,. .0.. 2....0.. 2....0..2....0..2,...0,.2....0..2....0.. 2....0..2....0..2,. .0.. 2....0.. 2....0.. 2,...0,.2....0..2....0,. 2....0,,2,...0..2....0,.2,...0,.2,...0..2,...0.. 280 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — FIFTEENTH REGIMENT Names WilUam Procter Abraham Wellman Elazer Parker Jesse Lund Samuel Barrett Jonathan Kidder I do Swear the within Pay Roll to be true in all its Parts, according to my Best Knowledge. Sworn to me in Providence this Day of 1779 MASSACHUSETTS LINE— Captain Paul Ellis's A Pay RoU of the late Cap' Ellis's Compy in the Reg' for the Month Names Abner Dow Samuel Hammond Jonas Stevens Daniel M'^Cay MASSACHUSETTS LINE — FIFTEENTH REGIMENT 281 Rank Privet. Do . Do . Do . Do . D""»... Cap' Subsistance p' month. . . Ensign Subsistence p' month. Months March Wages per month £2.. ..0.... 2.. ..0.... 2.. ..0.... 2.. ..0.... 2.. ..0.... 2.. ..0.... 90.. ..0... £6.. ..0.... 3.. ..0.... £99.. ..0.... without fraud to these United States, or to any Individual Daniel Simonds Ensign Joseph Vose Colo. Commandant (Endorsed) Pay RoU of Capt. Brown's Company Col. Bigelow's Regt for March 1779 15th regiment Company, March, 1779 of Foot Whereof Timothy Bigelow Esq' is Col" Made up of March 1779. Rflnk Month Wages p' Month £ Sh d Lt Sere' 11 11 8 33 2 0 0 0 0 do 0 0 Corp' 4 0 282 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — FIFTEENTH REGIMENT Names Solomon Jordan Cato Shattuck John Wood Joseph Dow Samuel Roberts Nath' Shaw Plato M"=Lellan David Jordan W™ Stevens John Renolds George Lessly Nath' Young Samuel Green Winthworth Knight Abram Yoimg Josiah Millican Mark MerriU John May Total To L' Subsistance P' Month I do swear that the within Pay Roll is Just and True in aU According to the [best] of my knowledge. Sworn to before me in Providence this 29"' of April 1779. John Glover B. General (Endorsed) A Pay Roll of the Late Cap' Elliss' Company of A Massachusetts Reg' Com manded by Timothy Bigelow, Esq' Taken for the Month of March 1779. MASSACHUSETTS LINE — FIFTEENTH REGIMENT 283 Rank Month Wages p' Month £ Sh d Corp' 2 4 0 Fifer Private 2 4 0 2 0 0 do 2 0 0 do 2 0 0 do 2 0 0 do 2 0 0 do 2 0 0 do 2 0 0 do 2 0 0 do 2 0 0 do 2 0 0 do 2 0 0 do 2 0 0 do 2 0 0 do 2 0 0 do 2 0 0 do 2 0 0 52 12 0 amount 3 0 0 £55 12 0 its parts without fraud to the United States or any Individual Jonathan Porter Ensign 284 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — FIFTEENTH REGIMENT MASSACHUSETTS LINE— Captain Paul Ellis' A Pay RoU of the late Cap* ElUs's Compy in the Reg' up for the month Names Abner Dow Jonathan Porter Samuel Hammond Jonas Stevens Daniel M"=Cay Solomon Jordan Cato Shattock John Wood Joseph Dow Samuel Roberts Nathaniel Shaw Plato M^LeUan David Jordan W™ Stevens John Renolds George Lessly Nath' Young Samuel Green Wenthworth Knight Abram Young Josiah MilUcan Mark MerriU John May Total To Lt. Subsistance P' Month. To En Subsistance P' Month . MASSACHUSETTS LINE — FIFTEENTH REGIMENT 285 15th REGIMENT Company, April, 1779 of Foot Whereof Timothy Bigelow, Esq' is Col" Maide of April 1779. Rank Month Wages^^^ Month d Lt En Serj' do do Corporal Fifer Private do - 8 6333222222 222222 222 222 0 0 0 0 4 400000 00000 00000 0 0 000000 0 do 0 do 0 do 0 do 0 do 0 do 0 do 0 do 0 do 0 do 0 do 0 do 0 do 0 do 0 59 33 8 00 0 Amount 0 0 65 8 0 286 MASSACHUSETTS LINE — FIFTEENTH REGIMENT (Endorsed) I swear that the within Pay Roll is Just and True in all its According to the best of knowledge. Sworn to before me in Providence This 29th Ap' 1779. John Glover, B. General. (Endorsed) A Pay Roll of the Late Capt ElUs's Company of A Massachusetts Reg' Commanded by Tim" Bigelow, Esq' Taken for the Month of April 1779. MASSACHUSETTS LINE— Captain Edmund Monro's A Pay Roll of the Late Cap' Edmund Munro's Compy Esq' is Col"". Made up for Names Silas Walker John Stowers Jonathan Porter. . . . Daniel Simonds Edward Heywood Eben' Hadley James Fowle Amos Darby Thomas Hadley Levi Mead Nehem'' Easterbrooks . David Fish Peter Bowes Juperter Free Eben' Lock Thaddeus Munro MASSACHUSETTS LINE — FIFTEENTH REGIMENT 287 Parts without fraud to the United States or any Individual Jonathan Porter, Ensign 15th regiment Company, March, 1779. in the Massachusetts Reg' of foot. Whereof Timothy Bigelow, the Month of March 1779. Rank Mo. Wages p' Mo. Remarks Lieut £8 0 0 Furlough Ensn 6 0 0 Serj' 3 0 0 do 3 0 0 do 3 0 0 do 3 0 0 Corp' 2 4 0 do 2 4 0 do 2 4 0 do 2 4 0 Drummer 2 4 2 4 00 Fifer Private 2 0 0 do 2 0 2 0 00 do do 2 0 0 288 MASSACHUSETTS MILITIA Names Pomp Blackman Luke Fletcher Job Spaulding Peter Oliver WilUam Wheeler WiUiam Bordman Sam' Croft Job Dodge David Fish Prince Sutton Thomas Grant James Barrett David Parker Jeremiah Tyler Amos Russell Joseph Cox Lieut. Subsistance . . , Ensings Subsistance. I do Swear that the within Pay Roll is Just and True in all According to the best of my knowledge. Sworn to'J before me in Providence ThispS'i'May Ap'Jl779. John Glover B. General MASSACHUSETTS Colonel Danforth Captain Caleb Richardson's A Pay Role for Cap' Caleb Richardsons Company in Col" Keyes for Traviling home Rank Capt IstLt Mens Names Caleb Richardson. Silvester Jones — From what Time Dec 1"' ditto N'of Months MASSACHUSETTS MILITIA 289 Rank Mo. Wages p' Mo. Remarks Private. , . ^ £2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do £85 4 0 its parts without fraud to the United States or any Individual Jn» Stowers, Ensign (Endorsed) Cap' Munro's Pay Roll for March 1779. MILITIAKeyes' Regiment Company, December 1777 Reg* for the Month of Dec. A.D. 1777 Including one Days pay and Miledge. N°of Days To what time Inlisted January 2"* ditto 2 Wages Due Miledge Due at 2 d p' Mile 20 Miles £ 12 S D 8 0 7 4 £ S D 3 4 3 4 Sum Total £ S D 12 11 4 8 10 8 290 MASSACHUSETTS MILITIA Rank Mens Names 2nd Lt Jacob Fuller Ensn WiUiam Sweetland. , . Serjeants Noah Tiff any Laurence M'Louth. . . Samuel Munro Noah Robinson [Corporals] WiUiam Hoskins Lamech Blanding . . , Jonah Lincoln David FuUer Drum & Fife Simeon Crosman — John M"=Louth Privates Abel Pain EUsha WiUiams Richard Clarke Theophales Clarke. . Nicols Lincoln Lewis M"'Louth Matthew Macomber Thomas Andrews. . . Ebenezer Read Nehemiah Briggs . . . Abiah Fuller John CasweU John Emmison Abel Medbury Aaron Goff From what Time N'of Months Dec 1" ditto ditto dittoditto ditto ditto dittodittoditto ditto ditto dittodittoditto dittodittoditto dittoditto dittoditto dittoditto ditto dittoditto 1—1 h-" 1— * 1— ' H-" \-t H-" 1—1 H* I-" h-l 1— ' I—" 1—* I-' 1—1 N°of Days tH p^ Q^ Qj CL O-^ D^ (?+¦' cV r+-' ^ 1^ 1^ rf>. *. >f^ V^ >^ V^ l<^ >^ Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol ^ ^ ^ ^ o |4^ 0 tb Miledge Due at 2 d p"- Mile 20MUes 00 eo w w w w w OS Oi 00 OO OO OO 03 OS 00 OS OO 00 OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS CO rf^ >^ >^ >t^ ri^ >t^ rf». »^. rf^ *. rf>. rf^ rf^ rf^ rf^ ll^ »;>- If' rfi' ?(>. *. ll». rf". rf' rf^ rfi. rfk u to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Oi 00 ttl Ul !(»¦ t*k tj^ !*>¦ rf^ l)^ >f>. *- i(^ i;^ rf^ rf>- >l^ >(»• !<»¦ 00 00 00 00 00 00 I—" to to I-l to I-l to n W dim t-ttr" to CO 292 MASSACHUSETTS MILITIA Rank Mens Names Privates Abel Goff Samuel Bowen Hezekiah Tiffany. . . Jacob Cummins .... EUsha Hall Benjamin Cummins. Isaac Jackson Caleb Richardson Jr Abial Tripp Zelotes Tyler Samuel Freeman. . . . Bowen Sweetland. . . Paul Pratt Silvester Lincoln Samuel Hoskins .... Preservid Hoskins. . . From what Time Dec 1"' dittodittodittodittodittodittoditto dittodittodittodittodittodittodittoditto N»of Months Providence, Dec' 31"', 1777 Personal appeared before me Cap' Caleb Richardson and made solom oath that the within pay Roll is Just and True in all its parts according to the Best of his knowledge. Jos. Spencer, M.G. (Endorsed) A Pay Roll for Cap' Richardsons Company in Col" Keys Reg' for the Month of Dec 1777. o n CO > ^ O OZ I-l h-l h-l K.1 h-l h-l 1—1 h-l h-l h-l h-l h-l h-l h-l h-l h^ •^ o =-( s^ R- CL fit Cl a- & dr. CL. CL CL CL CL o- & Cl g V ^ c-h C^K trt- C^ r-^ r^ r+- f-h i-h r^ r-^ rt- ¦-t- r+ r+- l- 3 rf-O £. 5+o S S ? o S s s- o O s s- S s- S" what ime listed to to to bO b3 bO to to to to to to to bO bO "i I-l to to to to to to to to to to to bO to bO bO to to t*? 1 I-l 00 1—1 h-l h-l h-l h-l h-l h-l h-l h-l 1—1 h.1 h-l h-l H-l h-l h-l GQ P I-*o 1^ *. rf' rf' rf^ rf' rf' rf' rf' rf' rf' rf' rf' rf' rf' rf' 0 5 1—1o OS OS OS OS OS 00 OS 00 OO 00 OO OS 00 OO OO OS 0 Miledge D at 2d p' M 20Miles o rf' rf'. rf' rf' rf'- rf' *. rf' rf' rf' rf' rf^ rf' rf' rfn ?(^ tL-C h-l s to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to tb 0 00 rf' rf' rf' rf' rf' rf' rf'- rf' rf' rfi. rf' rf' rf' rf' rf' rf' CO ?? 1—1o 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 E- CO WdCOH HH m h-lW to CO00 294 MASSACHUSETTS MILITIA COLONEL ANDREW SYMMES' Captain Elias Whitin's A Pay Abstract of Cap' EUas Whiton's Compy in Coll» Symme's in the State of Massachusetts Bay in N" of Men & Rank Time of Engagement Time of Discharge 1 Captain. . . 1 Lieutenant 3 Serjeants.. 1 ditto.... 3 Corporals . , 1 ditto.... 1 Drummer. 1 Fifer 18 Privates... 6 ditto.... March 9*^ dittoditto ditto ditto dittodittodittodittoditto April 28 dittoditto June 9 AprU 28 June 9 April 28 dittoditto June 9 Pay Office— Boston Nov 14'h 1778 I Certify the above Suff County, Boston, Nov 14 1778 Then personally appeared is Just and True. Before me John Avery, Jus* Peace Boston, Nov 23, 1778 This may certify that Capt Whiton has not received any the within is Justly du to Cap Whiton and his Company. To Ebenezer Hancock Esq' pay Master General to the Pay unto Lieut Zacariah Whiton One Hundred & Seventy It being in fuU for the within Account For which this with His be your sufficient Warrant. Given under my Hand in Head Quarters, Boston, this By His General's Command Isaac Pierce A D Camp Please to Pay the Contents of the within Warrant to Cap' Rec"' the full Contents of the within Warrant for L' MASSACHUSETTS MILITIA 295 REGIMENT OF GUARDS OR Whiting's Company 1778 Detachment for Guards doing duty in Boston and Dorchester the Service of the United States 1778. Time of Service Mo. Days Wages p' Month Distance from Camp One Penny p' Mile Whole Amoimt of Wages & Milage 1 20 £12 21 Miles £0 1 9 £20 1 9 1 20 8 2/ 21 ditto 0 1 9 13 11 9 1 20 2 8/ 21 ditto 0 5 3 12 5 3 3 2 2 8/ 21 ditto 0 1 9 7 8 11 1 20 2 4/ 21 ditto 0 5 3 11 5 3 3 2 2 4/ 21 ditto 0 1 9 6 16 7 1 20 2 4/ 21 ditto 0 1 9 3 15 1 1 20 2 4/ 21 ditto 0 1 9 3 15 1 1 20 2 21 ditto 1 11 6 61 11 6 3 2 2 21 ditto 0 10 6 37 6 6 £177 17 8 Zachariah Whitin lent. Abstract to be right cast Cap* Zachariah Whiton and made Oath that the above mustered Eben' Hancock Depy Pay Master Gen' pay from me as he was not made up in my Pay Abstract and Andrew Symmes Col". Eastern Department or His Assistant. Seven pounds, Seventeen Shillings & eight pence L M" Receipt herein indorsed to be accountable for the same, shall 25"^ day of November 1778. Horatio Gates Benjamin Beals. Zachariah Whiten Zecharla,h Whiten, Lieut Benj" Beal, Cap'. 296 MASSACHUSETTS MILITIA COLONEL EZRA Captain John Drury's A Pay RoU of Captain John Drury's Company in Men's Names Time of Service Mo Days John Drury John Kendrick James Hart James Burt Noah Eager Spencer Maynard. . . Enoch Roper Abraham Townsend. , Benj" Sawyer John Fay Jonathan Knoulton . . Abijah Herrington. . . Nathaniel Andrews . . Amos Allen Abel Amsden Joseph Beeman Stanton Carter Benjamin Farley. . . WiUiam Grout Jctaathan Gale Solomon How Ephraim HoUand — Jonathan Houghton. Joseph Houghton . . . Joseph Houghton, Jr. Samuel Jewett Joseph Jewett Ebenezer Lyon Benjamin Lovekin... Capt LieutLieut Serjt do do do Corpl dodo do Fifer Private dodo dodo dododo dodo dodo do do do do do Join"* Join^ not not Join"' notnot not MASSACHUSETTS MILITIA 297 WOOD'S REGIMENT Company, September, 1778 Colonel Wood's Regiment For the month of September, 1778. Wages p' Month Dol. Ninetieth 40 2626 10 1010 10 77 77 766 6666 666 66 66 666 60 60 3030 303030 6060 606060 606060 606060 60 6060 606060 The whole of Wages in Dollars & Parts Dol Ninetieth 40 26 26 10 101010 7777766 66 66 6666 6 6 6 66 66 6060 3030 3030 306060 6060 606060 606060 6060 60 6060 6060 The whole of Subsistance Dollars 20 1010 Join"* Join"* Join""Join"* Join"* The whole of Wages & Subsistance Dol. Ninetieth 6036 36 101010 10 7 77776 6 6 6 6060 30 3030 3030 60 60 60 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 290 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 298 MASSACHUSETTS MILITIA Men's Names Rank Time of Service Mo Days Edmund Larkin Private dodododododododo do dodo dododododo .Tohn Tiarkin 1 not Ebenezer Mann 1 not Jacob Miller John Moore Joseph Nowell 1 Marshall Newton Samuel Phelps Ephraim Parker Lewis Smith Lemuel Shed John Stacy Thomas Severy ReTijamin Sfl.rIIer Robert Townsend Jotham Wilder Captain John Drury's Pay Abstract for Sept 1778. 1 Captain 2 Lieutenants . 4 Serjeants 4 Corporals... 1 Fifer 35 Privates MASSACHUSETTS MILITIA 299 Wages p' The whole of The whole of The whole of Month Wages in Dollars & Subsistance Wages & Subsistance Dol. Ninetieth Parts Dol Ninetieth Dollars Dol. Ninetieth 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 Join"* 6 60 6 60 6 60 Join"" 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 153 30 290 443 30 John Drury, Capt. Months Days Dollars Ninetieths 60 Each 73 30 Each 40 Each 29 30 7 30 Each 233 443 30 Total 30 300 BARNSTABLE COUNTY MASSACHUSETTS MEN Deductions for those Sick at Hospital not Joind since Sept Corpl John Fay Ditto WUliam Grout Private Ditto Joseph Houghton, Jr Ditto Samuel Jewett Ditto Ebenezer Lyon Ditto John Larkin Ditto Ebenezer Mann Total of Deductions (Endorsed) Capt Drury's Pay RoU for September 1778 J. Potter P. Master BARNSTABLE COUNTY MASSACHUSETTS MEN To Serve Six Months, A Descriptive List of Soldiers forwarded by N. Freeman, Commissioner at Springfield Agreeable Town No. 1 234 5 6 7 89 1011 1213 14 15 Names Heman Hallet Abner Hallet Eben'=r Sears. Stevens Homer Jr John Nickerson. . . Isaac Hedge Sam' Howes James Nickerson. , John Hedge John Gorham Atkins Mathews.. Jon" Mathews Ebenezer Banter . Reuben Ryder . . Judah Thatcher . . Com plexion Light Dark do Light dodo Frecc'* Light Freck'"' Dark do Light Freck'"* Light Light BARNSTABLE COUNTY MASSACHUSETTS MEN 301 Musters 7 30 Join"* 6 60 Join"* 6 60 Join"* 6 60 Join"' 6 60 Join"* 6 60 Join"* 6 60 Join"' 47 30 RAISED TO REINFORCE THE CONTINENTAL ARMY FROM July, 1780 Superindt for the County of Barnstable to Justin Ely, Esq. y" to resolve 5"' 23"' June, 1780. Age Statue Place of Abode Rg' from Compy from 18 5 7 Yarmouth Freeman 16 5 6 « u 23 5 10 u u 17 6 2 If U 25 5 10 u tt 16 5 10 u u 21 5 6 u u 32 5 10 It II 46 5 11 il It 18 5 4 a a 18 5 4 u tt 16 5 8 It tt 18 5 8 u (I 17 5 11 II II 16 5 3 II ti 302 BARNSTABLE COUNTY MASSACHUSETTS MEN Town No. 1 23 4 5 6789 10 Names Anguish M"=Cloud Lot. Clark EUsha Berry W-" Robins Nath. Cohoon James Crook John Dyer Obadiah ? Joshua ? not legible Com plexion Light do do Light Indian Light Dark Light Indian Complexion [Joseph] Mathews George Brown Joseph Holden John Martin WUUam Cutting WilUam SneU John Darling Nathan Clark from Medfield but not Philip . . . Light II Ruddy BARNSTABLE COUNTY MASSACHUSETTS MEN 303 Imperfect Place of Rg' Compy Age Statue Abode from from 32 5 7 Harwich Cobbs Berry 17 5 0 tt tt u 17 5 10 u (( tt 17 5 iy2 u It It 44 5 4 tt It Nickersons 16 5 1 It u [not legible] 24 5 4 It K tt 17 5 IVi 11 II tt 16 5 0 u U Bangs 16 5 2 u It it Age Statue Abode 31 6 Stoneham July 12, 1780 17 5 3 II tt a It 17 5 7 II 11 It « 28 5 4 Dorchester " 5 " 18 5 9 Milford u Y « 17 5 3 Stoughton « 10 " 18 5 8 Billingham " 20 " Barnstable Company July 11, 1780 N. Freeman Superintend Co Bamstabe 304 DUNSTABLE MASSACHUSETTS MINUTE MEN [DUNSTABLE MASSACHUSETTS Jonathan Bancro[f]t Abial Colburn Reub Lewis Jere Colburn Jacob Durant Caleb Colburn Levi Butterfield Sam' Gould Joseph Boutr [not legible] Asa Butler Tim Bancroft Benj'' Didson Asa Emerson Elijah Fletcher Eleazar Farwell John French Sam' Fletcher WiUiam Fletcher Jese Gould John Hadlock John Ingals Joseph Ingals Nath Ingals James Littlel Littleh [ale] . Ezra Littlehaill Sam' Lund Isac Pike Joseph Pike Zac Pike Peter Perham h-l h.1 h-l • h-l h-l • h-l h-l h-l h-l h-l h-l h-l h-i Guns h-l • • • : : h.» h-l ... h-l • h-l h-l 1— I • h-l • h-* . h-l h-l Bayonets h-l • ; : h-l h- h- H- h- : Catriage Box *"" h-l h-l • to H* • Oi Ol Oi Oi Oi : I-l to Oi to OiOiOiOiOOOiOSOiOiOiOi Number of Flint h-l h.» • to c:i h-l Oi Oi h-l h-l • h-l h-l • ¦ • to Oi 00 • OS Oi h-ih-i|-ih-ih-ih-i. h-*h-ih-i OltOOlOiOiOl- • OibOOi Weight of Powder rf' rf' • o o ¦ • o g;^: ^Sg: 88 S rf'rf'rf'borf'rf'h-irf'rf'rf'rf' OOOOOOOiOOOO Number of Ball h-l h-l ¦ h-l h.1 h-iH-*t— **—*(—*»— ^h-il—iH* H^ Sword or hatchet tomy hawk ¦ • h-l . Napsack h-l h-l H- H- H- H-^ h- 1— h- SS." h-l • • rf' H^ • h- * ::::§?:: 8: 8 h-l h-l h.1 • ... h-l h.1 888: g: : : S8S Number of Buk Shot h-h-h-h-ih-h-ih-ih-ih-i h-l Jack Knife *" V-i Blankets h- h- h-l h-l • : : : h-l h-l h.1 HI . . h-l H-l h-l ; ; Bottles :2! o dOO mOi>W03 s 00o 306 DUNSTABLE MASSACHUSETTS MINUTE MEN WUUam Perham Willard HaU John Colburn Elezer Colburn Joseph Carkin Soloman Pollard Joshua Taylor Simeon Small Benj" SmaU Aron Small , John Small , James Pike , Elezer FarweU Jonath Perham Joseph Butterfield , John Perham , Oliver FarweU Sam' Roby Elezer Farwell George Bishop Nathan Thompson Ezra Thompson Asa Thompson Asa Underwood Sam' Lewis John Perham (Endorsed) Dunstable Town H-l Guns h-l h-l • Bayonets * Catri««e Box h-l h-l h-l ?".! h-l h-l OiOStObOtObOtOOibO OiOirf'tOOibOOOOSOSOiOi: bOrf' Oi Number of Ball h-l h-l h-l h-l h-l • h.1 • Oi 00 to Oi Oi Oi - Oi ¦ h-l h-l • h-l • h-l h-l - OiOi- OOOi- OOrf'rf'bOOi- 00O2 Weight of Powder s^gsssss^ toi^ooh-ioirf'oobotorfi-o- boos OOtO^IOlOOOiOiOO- OO ^ Niimber of Flint h-ih-i|— ih-1- H-l- h-l- h-ih-i Sword or hatchet tomy hawk H-l Napsack h-l h-l - • h.1 : t388: : : : 8 Number of Buk Shot . h-l Jack Knife h-l Blankets H-h-th-^h-^h-l— 'I-*' h-* h-iH-ih-1- h-l- h-h-ih-i- h-h-i h-l Bottles u d QQ QQ w dCO 00 00o 308 SHERBURNE MASSACHUSETTS MINUTE MEN SHERBURNE MASSACHUSETTS A Muster Roll of Cap' Benj" BuUards Comp^ of Minute Men on y Account of the Alarm Mens Names Benjamin Bullard. . . . Aaron Gardiner Joshua Lealand Joel RusseU Sam' Stow Hopstill Lealand Amos Perry Nahum White John Brick John Sanger Whitney HiU Jonas Fish Silvenas Badlam Asa Sangar James Nutt Jacob Sparrowhawk . . Thomas Russell, Jun. . Silas Grout Samuel Clerk Caleb Lealand Stephen Prentice Thomas Greenwood . . . John Golden Timothy Sparrahawk. John Ware Zach' Barber Asaph Merryfield Jn" Whitney Timothy Merryfield . . Phineas Whitney Zebein Hooker Samuel Russell Jonath" Holbrook Joshua Holbrook Towns where Rank they Came Sherbum Capt do Lieut do Ens" do Serj' do Serj' do do do do do Corp' do Corp' do do do do do Private do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Drummer do Fifer do Private do do rf'o o^O'Ci.CLa.CLQ^CLa.a.O'CLCLa.a.ci.a.OiCi.&.s^^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh^ 1^ o V w \ca \CO \« \W \W \W \CO \M \CO \CO \^ \W \CO \M \M \W \W \W \W \W \W ^ \M 1^ 1^ ,K IK IK IK 1^ 1^ 1^ 1^ 1^ 1^ 1^ 1^ *^ *\ 1^ 1^ >^ ll^ If^ ll^ It^ ll^ *^ rOh-itO h^ h.1 bO tOh-ih- 1 h-l OS t— 1|— lh-1 h-l OOOOOiOiOO^H-iCOh-COh-iOih-tOtOOO^OlOih-i^tOtOOO-'*r* rf^rf'Orf'OSOOOCSOOiOOh-iOSOOrf'OOrf'O^OSOOh.il^O-^OOOOOOQObOrf'H-i h.1 H-l CDCDOiC0rf'rf'Ob0Ob0rf'Orf'0l0iC0rf'C0rf''l ^ -a VI rf' Oi Ol Oi Oi Ol Ol h-l OO ik OO 00 Ol rf' a p Ci ^ a 2^ o iert the ^ d !¦¦ ^ H ^ ^^ M ^9 g l-¥% g M > P !Z| >a p 2. CL ~' O pi Sii o CL COtrCD1-1c W d OOo W dCD S !2! 00oCO 310 WILMINGTON MASSACHUSETTS MEN Mens Names Joseph Ware Joseph Holbrook Jno Ware Jeremiah Lealand Jn"" Coolidge Assa Bullard Arthur Clark Daniel CooUdge EUas Grout Moses HiU Benjamin Houghton Baruch Lealand Benjamin Ware Jediah Sangar Aaron Rider Joshua Twitchel Benj" Prentice Towns where they Came Rank do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do WILMINGTON A Return of ye Men [to serve in the Continental Army, to the credit of 1 Nathan Beard 2 Jonathan Eames 3 Peter Hussey 4 Jacob Danford 5 Will"" Cutter 6 Will"" Pearson 7 Daniel Kidder 8 Peter Coffin 9 James Kilgor 10 Caleb Swan 11 Nathan Scales 12 Solomon Wheaton 13 Joseph Sands 14 WiUiam Silvester 15 Tho" Benefield WILMINGTON MASSACHUSETTS MEN 311 Travil Am' at a 1^ p' Mile Time of Service Whole Amount 5 do £7 10 M-1/7 5 do 7 10 1^-1/7 5 do 7 1 34^/7 5 do 7 1 14-6/7 5 do 7 1 14-6/7 5 do 7 1 14-6/7 5 do 7 1 14-6/7 5 do 7 1 y^n 5 do 7 1 14-6/7 5 do 7 1 H-6/7 5 do 7 1 y^n 5 do 7 1 14-6/7 5 do 7 1 14-6/7 5 do 7 1 1^-6/7 5 do 7 1 14-6/7 10 do 14 3 M-5/7 40 Mile Ya. 9 do 16 2 Ji-1/7 40 5 10 J^-1/7 MASSACHUSETTS MEN Inlisted into ye Co. Wilmington, Mass., for the term of three years, March 17, 1777] 16 Jacob Wendal 17 Andrew Gardner 18 Daniel Woodward 19 Sam" Sprmg 20 Daniel Pierce 21 John Atkinson 22 Robert Henderson 23 John Hamilton 24 Pierce Heam 25 Silas Pearson 26 Benj"" Brown 27 Abner Wormwood 28 Josiah Wright 29 John Gould 312 NEW HAMPSHIRE LINE — FIRST REGIMENT NEW HAMPSHIRE LINE— A List of the deserted from the first N. Hampshire Regiment, for said Regiment, Camp Names Place deserted from late Cap' [William] Scotts Company Thomas Low Matthew Winfield Peter Hanes John Finley WiUiam Shaw John Raine Johnson Smith Cap' [Amos] Morrils Thomas Hammon Michael Laney Matthew Holcomb John Lawrey Simon Nowles Capt. [Jason] Wait Philip Judkins Thomas Johnson Joseph Goff Thomas Wheeler Reuben Thorn James Chesley Edward Thomas James Hooper John Gardner David Thompson Thomas Smith James Parker William Allds Edward Robinson John Robinson John Willey John Smith Chatham do dodo VaUey Forge Hartford do Exeter ditto Hartford Whiteplains do Saratoga Albany Fort George Mt. Independence dododo Charlestown No. 4 Chesterfield Fort George Mt. Independence dodo Charlestown do NEW HAMPSHIRE LINE — FIRST REGIMENT 313 1st REGIMENT commanded by Col"" Joseph Cilley that ever were recruited Easton, 2""', June, 1779. Town they be Time of CoiU" longed to at Home What State Service plexion Size Pennsylvania During War do do Providence Rhode Island do Marblehead Massachusetts do Ft.In. do Light 5 10 N. Britain N. Hampshire do do 5 9 N. Boston do do 3 Years do do 5 7 Boscawin N. Hampshire During War Litchfield 3 Years Dark 5 7 Brentwood do do do 5 7 Unity N. Hampshire 3 Years Dark 5 9 Walpole do do light 5 7 Waterbury Connecticut during War Maldwin Massachusetts do do Durham N. Hampshire N. York N. York do dodo Canterhook do do Chesterfield N. Hampshire do Worcester Massachusetts do Taunton Rhode Island do Merrimack N. Hampshire N. York dodo Halestown N. Hampshire do CharlestownNo4 do 3 Years do do do 314 NEW HAMPSHIRE LINE — FIRST REGIMENT Names Place deserted from late Capt. [John] Houses James Thomas Capt. [Amos] Emerson WilUam Wheeler WilUam Sharper John Taylor Ebenezer Barker David HiU Duncan Campbell Nehemiah Easman James Goodwin Joseph Smith Benjamin Elker Edward Smith James Aiken Robert Holland Capt. [Ebenezer] Frye WiUiam Frazer Moses Perry Daniel Daily Andrew McDonald James Eastman Capt [Isaac] FarweU's Company John Powell Daniel Bain Hix SmaU John Kelley James WaU Thomas McLoy John Yeoman Asa Holt Samuel Harper Thomas Harper Piermount HartfordPeekskiU Londonderry VaUey Forge Whiteplains Albany Mt Independence Charlestown do Pembroke Exeter Charlestown Mt Independence Charlestown No 4 do Worcester Whiteplains dodo NEW HAMPSHIRE LINE — FIRST REGIMENT 315 Town they be longed to at Home What State Time of Service Com plexion Size Piermoimt do do Amherst N. Hampshire 3 years Dark 5 11 Dover u During War Candia « do Brown 5 6 Boston Massachusetts do Portsmouth New Hampshire do Chester do 3 Years hght 5 8 New Market do 3 Years hght 5 8 Pembroke do do Dark 5 6 Portsmouth do During War do 3 Years dark 5 5 do During War Exeter do do dark 5 7 Newbury Port Massachusetts do Cape Cod Massachusetts During War Nottingham N. Hampshire do dodo Portsmouth do do N. Ipswich do 3 Years hght 5 4 Hartford do do dark 5 11 Acworth do do Ught 5 8 do do do do 5 11 316 NEW HAMPSHIRE LINE — FIRST REGIMENT Names Place deserted from Capt [Isaac] FarweU's Company John Harper Whiteplains do Elkiah Frost do John Baldwin Filipsborough White Plains Varmount WilUam Page Christopher BiUings Capt [Nathaniel] Hutchins Seth Rice George Hogg John Reams Joseph Frost NEW HAMPSHIRE LINE- Captain Isaac Fabwell's A Muster Roll of Cap' Isaac Farwells Company in the first States Commanded by Col° November 8"" 1776 Appointed November 8"' 1776 November 8"' 1776 Appointed Feb. 1 '77 Feb. 1 '77 July 8 '77 Serjeants Levi Adams Ephraim Foster. Gilbert Caswell . . NEW HAMPSHIRE LINE — FIRST REGIMENT 317 Town they be longed to at Home What State Time of Service Com plexion Size Acworth N. Hampshire 3 Years Light do do do do 5 10 do N. Jersey do black 5 8 Hanover N. Hampshire During y" War N. Hampshire do Dark 5 10 Hartford do 3 Years Chester do During y° War Dunbarton do 2 Years light 5 8 Chester do Durmg War ditto do do Joseph Cilley, Col" (Endorsed) Return of the Deserters in Col"' Joseph Cilley's Regim' June 1779. 1st REGIMENT Company, December, 1778 Battallion of N. Hampshire forces in the service of the United Joseph Cilley for December 1778. Isaac Farwell Cap'" on Furlow p' Gen' Poor Dec 22 for 60 Days WilUam Hutchins 1" Lieut rec"* from Cap' Hutchin's Comp^" now on Furlow by Gen' Poor. Jonathan Willard Ensg" Transfer'd into the P' Cap' C" & promoted to Lieut Jan 10th, 1778. for what Term years dodo Remarks On Furlow p' Gen' Poor for 40 days from Dec 22. Sick at Farmington since Nov. 15, 1778 On Furlow p' Gen' Poor for 40 days from Dec 22 318 NEW HAMPSHIRE LINE — FIRST REGIMENT Appointed Nov. 16 '76 Feb 1 '77 May 14 '77 Inlisted Jan. 1 '78 Feb. 1 '77 Feb.Feb.Feb.FebFeb. Nov. Feb.Mar MayFebMar.Feb.Jan.MayAplNov 9 '77 3 '77 1 '77 18 '77 1 '77 14 '76 1 '77 16 '76 1 '76 1 '77 1 '77 1 '78 1 '78 19 '77 18 '77 27 '76 Mar 12 '78 Mar 12 '78 Nov 16 '76 Nov 15 '76 Feb Jan 13 '78 1 '78 Corporals Ira Evans Drummer Abner Preston Fifer Thomas Dodge Privates Joel Andrews Jonas Adams David Abrahams . . . . Joseph Burk John Clark Bunker Clark Benjamin Critchett. Moses Farnsworth.. Thomas Gillmore Silas GiU Mathew Greer John Grout Nath' Hays James Hawkley WilUam Hewett Silvanus Hastings . . . Page Herriman Giles Kelsey Jon" KeUey William Leatten Ebenezer Matthews. Isaac Mitchell Timothy Newton Thomas Osgood WUUam Pritchard . . . Samuel Phelps Simeon Powers Abner Powers Noah Porter NEW HAMPSHIRE LINE — FIRST REGIMENT 319 for what Term Remarks 3 years do do do do dodo dodo dododododo do do dodo dodo dodo do dodododo On Furlow p' Gen' Poor for 40 days from 22 of Dec. On Furlow p' Gen' Poor for 40 days from 22 Dec Sick at Hartford since Nov 20 '78 On Furlow p' Genl Poor Wounded & at N. Ipswich, N. Hampshire On Duty On Furlow p' Gen' Poor for 40 Days from 22 Dec. Sick at Hartford since Nov 20 '78 On Furlow P' Gen' Poor from 22 Dec for 40 days Sick near Camp On Furlow p' Genl Poor for 40 days from 22 Dec On State store Guard 320 NEW HAMPSHIRE LINE — FIRST REGIMENT Appointed InUsted May 1 '78 FebMarFeb MayJan.Jan. FebFeb. Feb.FebMarJanNov Mar 4 '78 13 '78 17 '77 1 '78 1 '78 1 '78 13 '78 3 '78 4 '78 1 '77 12 '78 1 '78 15 '76 13 '78 Apl 9 '77 Privates PhiUp Peters John Pike Lemuel Royce Paris Richardson Samuel Sisco WilUam Sisco John Simonds Silas Simonds Levi Simonds Abner Thustain Joseph Tucker WilUam Taggart Ithamer Wheelock Aaron Adams John Cross Moses Hutchins Nath' Powers James Simonds Jon° Pettingill 1779 Mustered then Cap* FarweUs Comp^ as January 1, Proof of the Capt" 1st Lieut 2"" Lieut Ensign Present Absent 1 1 Total 1 1 I do Swear that the within muster roll is a true State of Individual according to my best Knowledge. Sworn before me in Camp near Danbury this 3"* Day of Jan^ 1779. Moses Hazen, Col. Com*^ Gen' Poor's Brig"" NEW HAMPSHIRE LINE — FIRST REGIMENT 321 for what Term Remarks do do On Duty do do do do do do do do do Sick at N. Hampshire do Sick in Camp Transfer"! in the Maj" Co. Dec 22 '78 do do do Sick at Hartford since Nov 1 '78 do do do do Specified in the above Roll. Lewis Woodruff, Comsy of Muster Effectives Searjents Corporals Drum Fife Privates 3 1 1 1 30 12 3 1 1 1 42 the Compy without Fraud to the United States or to any JoN' Willard, L' (Endorsed) Muster Roll of Cap' FarweU's Compy Col° CUley's Battalion N. Hampshire Forces For December 1778. 322 NEW JERSEY LINE — FIRST REGIMENT NEW HAMPSHIRE LINE— Return of Men mustered by Major Names Age Size 24 5 8 18 5 6 39 6 45 5 9 17 5 3 17 5 4 27 5 10 21 5 8 21 5 10 22 5 9 19 5 10 22 5 6 22 6 23 5 11 Capt Ladd can Com plexion John Morse Abraham Matthes. . Nathan Marston Thomas Blaso Winthrop Willey Thomas Downing. . . Winthrop Pickering Nathaniel Martin. . . Samuel Brown Daniel Cross David Malloon Charles Breed William Cushing Levi Frances Sam' White Paul Blaso Tristram S Connor. dark dododo Light Dark do Light do dodo do dodo give his (Endorsed) Maj' Caleb Robinsons Retum of Men mustered in Sept. 1783. NEW JERSEY LINE— Provision Return for Non Coms"' & Privates belonging to the AprU Names of Companies Light Infantry Cap' Mitchell Capt [Joseph I.] Anderson. [W"] Helmes [John] Holmes new jersey line — first regiment 323 2nd regiment Caleb Robinson the Current Year [1783.] Where Place of When Term Town bom Residence Inlisted hired by France Portsm" Feb. 12 '83 3 Years Portsmouth Durham Middleton Dec/ 25 '82 do Epping Greenland Greenland Dec. 13 'do do Greenland do do do do do Durham Durham Jan. 9 '83 do Seabrook Kingston Chester Jan. 24 « do Chester Newington N. Market Jan. 20 " do Epping Pelham Pelham Jan. 18 « do Pelham do Windham do do do N. Market Eppmg Dec. 18 '82 do Epping Epping Epping do do do Lynn Dublin Jan. 27 '83 do Chester Exeter Exeter Dec. 25 '82 do Deerfield Andover Sandown Jan. 27 '83 do Hampton particulars Nov. 23 '82 do Greenland Greenland Dec. 18 '82 do Greenland Exeter Jan. 22 '83 War North Hill Exeter, Sept 30"", 1783. Caleb Robinson, M.M. IsT REGIMENT Jersey Reg' Commencing the first & ending the fourth of 1783. N° Rations N" Days N" Rations 262228226 276 4 u tt u 232 228220 228 324 NEW JERSEY LINE — FOURTH REGIMENT Names bf Companies [Aaron] Ogden [Jacob] Piatt [Jonathan] Dayton. . [Abel] Weyman [Nathaniel] Leonard. Non Coms"' Staff Women Children Issue on the above returns two thousand one hundred & At Camp the 1st Day of AprU 1783 Rec^ from the Contract One hundred & Eighty four Rations above mentioned NEW JERSEY LINE— Captain Jonathan Forman's Muster Roll of Cap* Jonathan Forman's Compy (together with Whereof Ephraim Martin Esq' is Jonathan Forman Commissioned Daniel Pierson Ephraim Whitlock N" Eulisted Remarks 1 23 4 56 Serjeants Cha= Gamberton Abrh™ Vanderhule. . . Jn"' Chasey Andrew McCluir Wm Mullock Amos Hixon Appointed in Dec. 7 Peter Weaverlen NEW JERSEY LINE — FOURTH REGIMENT 325 N" Rations N"" Days N" Rations 224 4 208 224 a 208 222 u 208 272 250 It It 228220 4 132 68 2184 2184 eighty four rations Wessel T. Stout, Lieut Alex' Mitchell, Capt Com"** ors for New York and New Jersey the Number of Two thousand David Fuchs, (?) Q.M.S 4th REGIMENT Company, December 1777 the Compy formeriy Cap' [W^] Bonds) of the 4th Jersey Reg* Colo' taken to y* 1st Jany 1778. Capt 1st Lieut 2nd Lieut No Appoint* Remarks 1 234 56 Corporals Andrew WiUson Campbe" Combs Jn° Rose Tho' Power Benj" Hull Jo" Howard Sick Hospl do Sick m Hosp' 326 NEW JERSEY LINE — FOURTH REGIMENT N- Inhsted Remarks Drum & Fife 1 Abrh" Vreeland 2 Ephr" Howard 3 Rob' Codington Privates Sick Absent 1 John Jones 2 Lewis Campbel 3 David Amey 4 WmFarr 5 Wm Ribetts 6 Abrh™ Caterline 7 John Curry 8 John Casor 9 Luke Osborn 10 James Simmons. . . . 11 Chris' Taylor 12 Francis Walker 13 Jediah Moore 14 Benj" McDaniel 15 Jn"* Roseburgh 16 Pa" Hackett 17 Jn"'Cato 18 Pa" Henderson 19 Reuben Ayres ?n Henry Grey 21 Anthony King 22 Jacob Whitchel '>^ .lo' Hillsev 24 Stephen EsUck ?5 .To' Lacev 26 Rich^ Carter Jany y» 6"' 1778 then Mustered Cap' Forman's Compy in the Above Roll. NEW JERSEY LINE — FOURTH BEGIMENT 327 N" InUsted Remarks Privates 27 George Hobble 28 Tho" Williams m Wm Pepper 30 Sol. Tharp 31 Jn" Moony 32 Ebenez' Jones 33 Jn"' Richardson 34 Jn" Orr 35 James Ferrol 36 Jn" Byard 37 Jn" Redman 38 Ja" Whitlock 39 Jn" Danigan 40 Jn° Tuttle, Junr 41 Arthur O'Neal Sick in Hosp' 42 Terence Smith do do 43 Jacob Cook do do 44 Wm Wood do 45 Rob' Stephens do 46 Abrh"" Burden do 47 Jn"* Weaver Sick in Hosp' 48 Sam' Swain do 49 Tho'Martui do Reduc^ Dec 1'77 50 Jn"' Tuttle Sen u 51 Jn"' Merrick II 52 Tho' Emry « 53 James Gardner ii 54 Jn" Hance u 55 Henry O'Neal II 56 Jn" Ruker Waggoner 57 Jacob Adams Waggoner (together with the Compy formeriy Capt Bond's) as Specified Sam' F. Parker, D.M.M. 328 new jersey line — fourth regiment Proof of the Capt. Lieut Ensign Present Absent 1 1 Total 1 1 We do Swear that the within Muster Roll is a true State of the best of Our Knowledge. Sworn before me this 6th day of Jany 1778. W"f Maxwell, B.G. (Endorsed) Muster Roll of Capt Forman & Bonds Companies 4th Jersey Regiment for Dec. 1777 Capt Forman NEW JERSEY LINE— Captain Jonathan Forman's Muster Roll of Capt. Jon* Forman's Company (together with whereof Ephraim Martin, Esq' is Jonathan Forman Commissioned Daniel Pierson Ephraim Whitlock N' Serjeants Cha» Gamberton. . . Abrh™ Vanderhule Jn" Chasey Andrew McCluir. . Wm Mullock Amos Nixon Peter Weaverlen. . . Inlisted During War a « 1 Year 3 Years Remarks new jersey line — fourth regiment 329 Effectives Serjt Corpl Drum & Fife Privates 7 2 1 45 18 7 3 63 the Compy without Fraud to these United States According to JoN* Forman, Capt Eph™ Whitlock, Lieut. 4th regiment Company, January 1778 the Company formerly Capt Bonds) of the 4'h Jersey Reg' Col" Taken to y' 1" Feb. 1778. Capt 1st Lieut 2nd Lieut. No Inlisted Remarks 1 23 4 56 Corporals Andrew WiUson CampbeU Combs .... Jn" Rose Tho' Power Benj" HuU Jo' Howard During War u a u u a u Sick in Hospital Sick Absent 330 NEW JERSEY LINE — FOURTH REGIMENT N' Inlisted Remarks 1 2 34 5 678 9 101112 13 141516171819 2021222324 2526 Drum & Fife Abrh™ Vreeland. . Eph™ Howard Rob' Codington . . Privates John Jones Lewis Campbel. . David Amey. ... Wm Farr Wm Ribetts Abrh™ Caterline. Jn" Curry Jn° Casor Luke Osburn Jas Simmons .... Chri' Taylor Francis Walker. . , Jediah Moore . . . . Benj" McDonald. Jn" Roseburgh Pa" Hackett Jn" Cato Pa" Henderson . . Reuben Ayres. . . . Henry Grey Anthony King Jacob Whitchel. . , Jo' Hillsey Stephen EsUck . . , Jo' Lacey Rich^ Carter Sick Absent The War II a il il a a a It 1 Year The War 3 Years The War Feb. ye 1st 1778 then Mustered Capt. Forman & Bond's NEW JERSEY LINE — FOURTH REGIMENT 331 N° 27 2829303132 33343536373839 404142434445464748 49 5051525354 555657 Privates George Hobble. Thos WUUams.. Wm Pepper. . . . Sol Thorp Jn" Moony Ebenez' Jones. . Jno Richardson. Jn" Orr James Ferrol . . . Jn" Byard Jn" Redman — Ja' Whitlock... Jn" Dunigen — Jn" Tuttle, Jun' Arthur O'Neal.. Terence Smith. . Jacob Cook .... Wm Wood Abrah™ Burden. Eph™Nann.... Jn" Weaver .... Sam' Swain Tho' Martin.. . Jn" Tuttle, Sen. Jn" Merrick. . . . Tho' Emry James Gardner. Jn° Hance Henry O'Neal.. Jn" Ruker Jacob Adams. . . Inlisted The War During War (( u Remarks Died Jan. 31 Sick in Hospital do do dododo In Place of Stephens Sick in Hospital Do Do Do DoDoDoDo Do Waggoner Joyned y' Compy Jan 24, '77 Compy as Specified in the Above Roll. Saml F. Parker, D.M.M. 332 new jersey line — fourth regiment Proof op the Capt Lieut Present 1 1 Absent Total. . . ... 1 1 We do Swear that the within Muster RoU is a true State of Individual According to the best of our Knowledge. Sworn before me this 2"' Day of February 1778. Wm Maxwell, B.G. NEW JERSEY LINE— Captain Jonathan Forman's Pay RoU of Cap' Forman & Bonds Compy of the 4"^ Jersey Month of Names Rank Jon* Forman Daniel Pierson.. . . Jn" Chasey Andrew McCluir. . Peter WeaverUng. Abrh™ Vanderhule Jo' Howard Cha' Gamberton . . Tho' Power Capt Lieut Serjt Corp' new jersey line — fourth regiment 333 Effectives EntingTi Serjt Drum & Fife Privates 7 2 1 44 18 7 3 62 the Compy without Fraud to these United States or to any JoN* Forman, Capt Ephr™ Whitlock, Lt. (Endorsed) Muster RoU of Capt Forman and Capt Bond's Compy of ye 4*'> Jersey Reg' for Jany 1778. 4th REGIMENT Company, August, 1778 Reg' Whereof Ephraim Martin Esq' is Col. Taken for the August 1778. Comm' of pay Time of Service M" Days M" Doll' Casualties Whole Amount £ S d Aug. 1 1 60 22 10 u u u 36% 13 15 « « II 10 3 15 a u It a 3 15 II 11 11 u 3 15 Il u " 11 3 15 U It II a 3 15 II " u u 3 15 u u II « 2 15 334 NEW JERSEY LINE — FOURTH REGIMENT Names Andrew Willson Jn" Roberts Eph™ Howard McDonald Campbel. . . Rob' Codington David Amey Wm Farr Wm Ribetts Abrh™ CaterUne Jn" Curry Jn" Casor Francis Walker Benj" McDaniel Pa" Hackett Jn" Cato Henry Grey Anthony King Jacob Whitchel Stephen EsUck Jo' Lacey Tho' Williams Jn" Moony Ebz' Jones Azariah Prickett Jn" Orr Ja' Ferrol Jn" Redman Jn" Tuttle Ge" Hobble Jn" Hance Terence Smith Jacob Cook Jacob Adams Jn" Ruker Sam' Harris David Stuart [Stewart] Rank Corp' Drum do Fife do Private > RRRRRSRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR»=RR«'=(g ftCRRRRRRRRRRSRRRRRRRRRRSRRRRRRH- RS RRRRRRRRRRRRRRS RRRR RRCRRRRRRI-' R R R R R R R R Oi R R R O tOtOtOMtOlN5tN3bOtOls3b3lN3IOts3ls5tOtOIS3MtOls3MtOl^l>3bOtOtOtOtOtOtN3tOtObO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOiOiOiOiOi 2,0 o §"< o two P (0 a: Cl 1*1 WCD H Odo h-i1^ COCO01 336 NEW JERSEY LINE — FOURTH REGIMENT Names Rank Jn* Rolph Luke Osburn Jn" Reeves Arthur O'Neal Jn" Jones Patt Henderson Sol Tharp Wm Wood Abrhm Borden Sam' Sears Wm Lane Peter Coovert Alex^ Pickings Eph™ Howard Rich"! Rolph Peter Cory Abrh™ Vreeland Phinias Brown Wm Stuart [Stewart]. Ruben Ayres. Jn" Roseburgh. Ja' Whitlock... Jo' HUlsey John Cheeks. . . Henry O'Neal.. Christ. Taylor.. Daniel Coon... John Sheradon. Private (Endorsed) Pay RoU of Cap' Forman & Bonds Compy For August 1778. NEW JERSEY LINE — FOURTH REGIMENT 337 Comm' of pay Time of Service M" Days Pay p' M» Doll' Casualties Whole Amount £ S d Aug. 1 tt 1 II 10 u 2 10 2 10 u It « li 2 10 II II II a 2 10 u u « u 2 10 a u « a 2 10 it tt (1 It 2 10 II « « a 2 10 II a « u 2 10 it It « a 2 10 a tt « a 2 10 u ti it it 2 10 « u It il 2 10 It u u It 2 10 « it It 11 2 10 n « a u 2 10 « it It tt 2 10 u u u a 2 10 II (I It liil 11It« Itaa Taken 10 Apl '77 Exchange Aug 4 '78 do 10 Apl '78 Exchg^ July 18 2 10 ItItu II li II ((u aIt u Return"* from Hosp' Return^ from Hosp' 2 10 2 10 2 10 ittt uil a « 10 dy It Discharged 16 18 2 10 a tt « u 2 10 (( (( « u 2 10 YALE UNIVERSITY a 3 9002 00 3 Si. 3 2 70b