39002004530011 it.-"-! \ tl"*',' i I ¦W4lk^t "-'t r •*¦?,' t f t- :t^ -.J -i: c,s. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY MUNICIPAL HISTORY TOWN AND CITY OF BOSTON, fm^ CENTUEIES. SEPTEMBER 17, 1630, TO SEPTEMBER 17, 1830. ET JOSIAH QUINCY BOSTON: CHARLES C. LITTLE AND JAMES BROWN. 1852. 7^Q>'i> Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1852, by Josiah Quincy, in the Clerk's office of the District Court of tlie District of Massachusetts. •i I. i- ' CAMBRIDGE: STEKEOTYPED AND PEINTED BY HOUGHTON .A.ND H.iYWOOD. ERRATUM. Page 38, line 21, for Six thousand three hundred, read Sixty-three. «ssss:r ; --.-«."^~,^ ~ T-r,?.^ PREFACE The municipal affairs of the inhabitants of Boston were conducted under the form of town government, established by the early settlers of New England, from 1630 to 1822, when, on their petition, they were incorporated into a city by the Legislature of Massachusetts. Through eight suc ceeding years, three successive administrations presided over the new form of government thus established. The author , of this history held the office of Mayor during almost six of these years, at a period when the principles, by which legislative and executive measures ought to be guided, were diligently sought and carefully applied, ac cording to the powers conferred by the city charter. The people of Boston had surrendered, with reluctance, the' management of their municipal concerns, which they had maintained in popular assemblies for nearly two centuries ; and the jealousy with which they watched the measures of the new authorities, rendered a frequent and full deve lopment of motives and consequences expedient and im portant. At the close of his administration, it therefore appeared to the author, that a municipal history of the town, and an accurate account of the transactions in the first years of the city government, would be useful and interesting to iv PREFACE. the public in future times, and was due to the wisdom, fidelity, and disinterested services of his associates. These views were intimated in an address to the Board of Aldermen, on taking final leave of the office of Mayor, on the third of January, 1829 ; and on the sixth, on his petition, the succeeding City Council having granted liberty of access to the City Records, this History was commenced. The completion of it was unavoidably postponed by the acceptance of the Presidency of Harvard University, an appointment made and confirmed by the Corporation and Overseers of that Seminary, on the fifteenth and twenty- ninth of the same month, and by the official duties assumed and discharged until August, 1845. After the lapse of twenty years, at the urgency of friends who had a right to influence, the work was resumed ; and, being finished, is now, at the close of the author's eightieth year, offered to his fellow-citizens, with his best wishes for their long enjoyment of an efficient municipal government, and for the uninterrupted prosperity of the city of Boston. JOSIAH QUINCY.' Boston, February 4, 1852. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. TOWN GOVEENMENT. 1630-1783. page Constitution of Towns — Settlement and Organization of Boston — General Proceedings — Instructions to Selectmen and the Watch — Establishment of an Almshouse — Of Schools — Erection of Faneuil Hall — Manifest ations of the Spirit of Liberty by the Inhabitants of Boston — Attempt to change the Form of Town Government — Population under the Colonial Government . . . 1 CHAPTER II. T0W:N government. 1783-1821. State of the Public Schools — Measures in regard to them — Successive Attempts to change tie Government of the Town - — Plan of a City Go vernment adopted 20 CHAPTER III. TOWN GOVERNMENT. 1821-1822. The Almshouse removed from Beacon Street to Leverett Street — Over seers of tbe Poor remonstrate on its Condition — Proceedings of the Legislature of Massachusetts on the Subject of Pauperism — Erection of ; a House of Industry authorized by the Inhabitants of Boston — Noble Conduct of Samuel Brown — His Character - — House of Industry erect- ' ed — Act of Incorporation of tie City obtained and accepted — John Phillips cbosen Mayor 34 CHAPTER IV. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1822-1823. John Phillips, Mayor. Inauguration — Address of tie Selectmen, on surrendering the Government and Muniments of the Town of Boston — Reply of the Mayor — Mea sures adopted to carry into effect the City Charter — Donation of Mr. A* v vi CONTENTS. PAGE Sears — Proceedings relative to the House of Industry — Result of the First Year's Administration of the City Government — Tribute to Mr. Phillips • 42 CHAPTER V. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1823-1824. Josiah Quincy, Maym: Organization of the City Government — Mayor's Address — Importance of the Official Responsibility of that Officer — Difficulties relative to the Office of Surveyors of Highways — Embarrassments from the Board of Health — Duty of Cleansing the Streets devolved on the Mayor and Aldermen, and how executed — Board of Health discontinued, and their Duties transferred to other Officers 58 CHAPTER VI. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1823-1824. Josiah Quinct, Mayor. Inconvenient State of Faneuil HaU Market — Difficulties attending its Extension — Measures taken for surmounting them — Invitation to the Proprietors of the Land in the Vicinity to become Associates in the Improvement — Not accepted by them — The Project approved by the Citizens in a General Meeting — Authority obtained from the Legis lature — Purchase of the Estates commenced . . . 74 CHAPTER VII. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1823-1824. Josiah Quinct, Mayor. Proceedings relative to the House of Industry — Opposition of the Over seers of the Poor to the Removal of the Inmates of the Almshouse — A House of Correction erected at South Boston — Attempts to Conciliate the Overseers of the Poor — Its Effiscts — Liberty to use the Cellars of a Church for Burial denied — Department of Police .... 88 CHAPTER VIII. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1823-1824. Josiah Quinct, Mayor. Measures for the Suppression of Idleness, Vice, and Crime — A House of Correction — Its ElFeots — Building provided for Juvenile Offenders — Its Results — • Petition for General Meetings in Wards — Loans proposed for City Improvements — Theatrical Licenses — Ropewalk Lands Islands in the Harbor — Common Sewers . . . . ] 02 CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1824-1825. Josiah Quinct, Mayor. PAGB Proceedings of the City Council of the past Year Recapitulated — Import ance of the Responsibility of the Mayor — Estates purchased for the Enlargement of Faneuil Hall Market — Plan of the New Market — North Block of Stores built and sold — First Plan enlarged — Southern Block of Stores built and sold — Corner Stone of Market House laid . 121 CHAPTER X. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1824-1825. Josiah Quinct, Mayor. Proceedings relative to the House of Industry — Opposition of the Over seers of the Poor to the Measures of the City Council — Sale of tiie Almshouse in Leverett Street — The Paupers transferred to the House of Industry — The question of applying to the Legislature for a Modifica tion of the Powers claimed by the Overseers of the Poor, submitted to a General Meeting of the Citizens — Its Result , — Death of Alderman Hooper — Claims of Political Parties for the use of Faneuil HaU — Diffi culties relative to the Board of Health — Change in that Department — Visit and Reception of General Lafayette 138 CHAPTER XI. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1824-25. Josiah Quinct, Mayor. State of the Fire Department — Claims of the Engine Companies — The Result — They surrender their Engines and resign — Other Engine Companies formed — ¦ A new Organization of the Fire Department recom mended — Measures taken to carry it into effect — Office of Auditor of Accounts established 153 CHAPTER XII. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1825. Josiah Quinct, Mayor. The Citizens accept the Report of their General Committee on the inex pediency of modifying the powers of the Overseers of the Poor — Over seers decline, taking care of the Poor at the House of Industry — Their viii CONTENTS. PAGE Rights and Duties submitted to Legal Counsel — Their Report, and consequent Proceedings of the City Council — Measures to introduce a Supply of Fresh Water — Proceedings relative to Faneuil Hall Mar ket — Census of the City — Tune of Organizing the City Government changed 16^ CHAPTER XIII. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1825. Josiah QumcT, Mayor. An Act authorizing a New Organization of the Fire Department applied for and obtained from the State Legislature — Sanction of the Act by the Citizens — Measures pursued to carry it into effect — Sites for Engine Houses selected — Reservoirs constructed — Lafayette revisits the City — Measures adopted on the Occasion by the City Council . . . 181 CHAPTER XIV. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1826. Josiah Quinct, Mayor. Prosperity of the City — Measures for introducing Water — Views of the Mayor on the Subject — • Proceedings of the City Council — Powers of the Mayor in the Suppression of Riots — Petitions for a General Contri bution for Relief by Sufferers from Fire — The Result — Progress of Faneuil HaU Market — Final Settlement of the whole Improvement — Organization of the new Fire Department — Celebration of the Fourth of July, 1826 — Deatii of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson — Tribute to their Memories 197 CHAPTER XV. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1827. Josiah Quinct, Mayor. General Relations of the City — Views concerning the City Debt — The Location of a City HaU — The ResponsibiUty for the Correctness of the Voting Lists — General State of the Schools , — Proceedings of the City Council in relation to them — School Committee object to their Inter ference, and claim Independence — Opening of the Hancock School High School for Girls established as an Experiment — Its Result — The School discontinued, and the Privileges of Females in the Common Schools extended — The Relation of the Mayor to the School Com mittee . . . . . . 210 CONTENTS. ix CHAPTER XVI. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1828. Josiah Quinct, Mayor. PAGE General Relations of the City in respect of Debt — Health — Protection against Fire — Its Duty in respect of Education — Effect on its Pros perity by the Principle of Arbitrary Valuation without Relief — Prin ciples of Proceeding relative to the Voting Lists — Indemnity of City Officers for Acts of Official Duty — Sale of Spirituous Liquors prohi bited on the Common — Inexpediency of Selling the Flats to the East ward of the New Market-House, and the Result of the Measures taken on that Subject .... 229 CHAPTER XVII. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1828. Josiah Quinct, Mayor. The Annexation of South Boston to the Ancient City, and the Difficulties attending it — Project of Semi- Annual Sales of Domestic Manufactures in the City — The HaU over the New Market appropriated for the Object — Question concerning the Eligibility of Members of the City Council to City Offices — State and Progress of the Fire Department — Resignation of the Chief Engineer — His gratuitous Services — Vote of Thanks to him by the City CouncU — Prosperous State of City Af fairs , — The Mayor declines being a Candidate for Reelection — Harrison Gray Otis chosen Mayor .... . 246 CHAPTER XVIII. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1828. Josiah Quinct, Mayor. Address of the Mayor on taking final Leave of the Office — His Acknow ledgments to the Members of the Board of Aldermen, Common CouncU, and his FeUow-Citizens — Measures and Results of the past Administra tion : for Protection of the City against Fire ; and of the Islands against Storms ; for the Health of the Inhabitants ; for Public Education ; in Favor of Public Morals ; for increasing the Financial Resources of the City and reducing its Debt — Principles on which his Conduct in Office had been guided — Tribute to his Successor .... .259 CHAPTER XIX. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1829. Harbison Gkat Otis, Mayor. Circmnstances recalling the Mayor from Private Life — Tribute to his Pre decessors — Views concerning the City Debt — On the Supply of Pure X CONTENTS. PAGE Water — The Importance of Railroads — PoUtical Relations of the State and Union — Flats to the Eastward of the New Market — Attempts to authorize Inspectors to place Names on the Voting Lists — Tribute to the Directors of the House of Industry — Chief Engineer of the Fire Department appointed — Resignation of all the Assistant Engineers — Petitions to extend Wharves to the Channel — Relief to Sufferers by Fire in Georgia — Petitions for a General Meeting of Citizens on Rail roads, and for a Grant of Land for their Accommodation . . . 280 CHAPTER XX. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1830. Harbison Grat Otis, Mayor. Prosperous State of the City — Embarrassment of the Manufacturing In terests, and its Causes — Completion of the City WTiarf , — State of the City Debt — Sale of Public Lands — Condition of the Flats to the West of the Neck , — State of the Court-Houses — Protection of our Outer Harbor — Centennial Celebration resolved upon — Grant of the City HaU for Sales of Domestic Manufactures rescinded — Sale of Spirituous Liquors on the Common prohibited — Old Slate House to be called " The City HaU " — Centennial Celebration of the Settiement of Boston 298 CHAPTER XXI. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1830. Harrison Gray Otis, Mayor. Address of the Mayor to the Members of the City CouncU, on the Removal of the Municipal Government to the Old State House, on the Morning of the seventeenth of September, 1830 309 CHAPTER XXII. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1830. Harrison Grat Otis, Mayor. Address to the Citizens of Boston, on the seventeenth of September, 1830 the Close of the Second Century from the first Settlement of the City. By Josiah Quincy, President of Harvard University .... 318 CHAPTER XXIII. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1830. Harrison Grat Otis, Mayor. An Ode, pronounced before the Inhabitants of Boston, on the seventeenth of September, 1830, at the Centennial Celebration of the Settlement of the City. By Charles Sprague ggg CONTENTS. xi APPENDIX. PAGK Mayor's Inaugural Addresses, 1822 - 1828 373-406 Message of the Mayor to the City CouncU, recommending the Extension of the Plan of the Improvement of FaneuU HaU Market to Butier's Row, and explaining the Motives of the Committee for this Recommendation . 412 Proceedings on laying the Corner Stone of FaneuU Hall Market . .415 Statements relative to the irresponsibUity claimed by the Overseers of the Poor for public moneys 418 An Address, delivered at the unanimous Request of both Branches of the City Council on the Fourth of July, 1826, it being the Fiftieth Anniver sary of American Independence, by Josiah Quincy, Mayor of the City . 421 The Members of the City Government, from 1822 to 1830, inclusive . 434 M-OICIPAL HISTORY. CHAPTER I. TOWTSf GOVERNMENT. 1630-1783. Constitution of Towns — Settiement and Organization of Boston — General Pro ceedings — Instructions to Selectmen and the Watch — Establishment of an Almshouse — Of Schools — Erection of Faneuil HaU — Manifestations of the Spirit of Liberty by the Inhabitants of Boston — Attempt to change the Form of Town Government — Population under the Colonial Government. The settlements made in 1630 around the Bay of Massachu setts, by John Winthrop and his associates, early received the name of " towns," under the sanction of the colonial legislature, denominated, in conformity with the language of the first char ter, « The General Court." After declaring " that particular towns had many things which concerned only themselves, and the ordering their own affairs, and disposing of business in their own town," the General Court, in 1630, ordered that " the freemen of every town, or a major part of them, should have power to dispose of their own lands and woods, to grant lots, and choose their own particular officers, as constables, surveyors of highways and the ]ilie, annu ally, or otherwise, if need required ; also to make such laws and constitutions as concern the welfare of their town. Provided they are not of a criminal, but of a prudential nature, and that their penalties exceed not twenty shillings for one offence, and that they be not repugnant to the public laws and orders of the country." In case of the refusal of any inhabitant to obey the laws of the town, the appointed penalty was authorized to be levied by " distress." If any person behaved offensively in town meeting, those present had power to sentence him for the offence to pay any sura, not exceeding the above-prescribed penalty. To 2 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. every town was also granted the power to choose yearly, or for less time, " a convenient number of fit men, to order the pruden tial affairs of the town, according to instructions given them in writing, they doing nothing contrary to the laws and orders of the country ; and the number of selectmen to be not above nine." The local limits of each town, within which its jurisdiction ex tended, were established, enlarged, or diminished by the General Court, who subsequently authorized new officers to be chosen and granted new powers to each town, as new wants arose, or as local interests or state pohcy suggested. Such was the first and simple outline of that constitution of towns, which, originating in the convenience and practical spirit of those early emigrants, and being thus gradually modified, by occurring exigencies and policy, formed that assemblage of re publics, with qualified powers, which constitutes some of the pecuhar characteristics of Massachusetts and the other New England States, and had an effective, indeed, a controlling in fluence upon their principles and destinies. One of the earliest of these settlements was established on the peninsula formed at the mouth of Charles River, by its waters and those of the Bay of Massachusetts. From the Indian natives it received the name of " Shawmut ; " from the inhabitants of Charlestown, that of " Trimountain ; " and from the General Court, by an order passed on the seventh of September, (old style,) 1630, that of " Boston." In 1632, the same colonial legislature declared it to be " the fittest place for public meet ings of any place in the Bay," and thenceforth it was, and ever since has continued the capital of Massachusetts. The peninsula of Shawmut, being only about four miles in circumference, did not offer sufficient accommodation for pastur age and cultivation of the land. The General Court, therefore, during the four or five first years after the settlement, included within the boundaries of Boston the islands in the harbor, Muddy River, (now Brookline,) Winnisimet, (now Chelsea,) Mount WoUaston, and the land east of Neponset River, afterwards incorporated into a town by the name of Braintree, and now constituting the towns of Braintree, Randolph, and Quincy. The assignment of house lots within the peninsula, and the allotting farms to succeeding emigrants, formed the chief busi ness of the town authorities for nearly half a century. TOWN GOVERNMENT. 3 Boston being the place of the residence of John Winthrop, the first Governor of Massachusetts, and of some of the principal assistants, they took the lead in the early conduct of its affairs. The first order on the town records is dated 1634, March 7th day, 1st month, and purports to be passed by John Winthrop and nine others, but they take not the name of " selectmen," or any other indicative of authority. The order related only to laying stones and logs near landing places, so as not to be seen at high water, without some beacon to give notice thereof, " under pain of paying recompense, by way of damage, for any vessel injured thereby." The persons passing this order, however, seem to have been under some apprehension lest their authority might be questioned, for the order adds, " it being only a declaration of the"" common law herein." ~ The name of "selectmen" does not appear on the records of the town until November, 1643, and then only incidentally. The persons chosen to do the business of the town are often without any designation of their office. Sometimes they are called "the overseers of the town concerns;" at others, are desig nated as persons " chosen for the occasions of the town," and for the first time on the town records, on the 29th of November, 1645, John Winthrop and nine others are formally stated to be chosen " selectmen." The duties of the persons thus chosen, as ex pressed in one of the votes of the inhabitants, were " to oversee" and take order for all the allotments within us, and for all comers into us, and also for all other the occasions and business of this_ town." , The allotments of land assigned within the peninsula were very limited in extent. Those out of it, and within the jurisdic tion of the town, were large, and granted with great liberality. In the 9th of the 12th month, (February, 1635,) the rule esta blished by the town for these allotments was, " two acres to plant on, and for every able youth, one acre within the Neck and Nod dle's Island." As to those at Mount WoUaston and Muddy River, the allotters were authorized to " take a view and bound out what may be sufficient there " for the particular farms of the allottees, and four hundred acres were often given to a single individual. The year 1635, however, did not elapse before, in conformity with the settled policy of the emigrants at that period," the town " agreed that no further allotments should be granted 4 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. unto any new-comer, but such as may be likely to be received members of the congregation." ~~ During the political ascendency of Henry Vane, the name of Winthrop does not appear on the town records. As governor of the colony, in 1636, Vane probably assumed the superintend ence of the concerns of the town. But in November, 1639, the name of John Winthrop, Governor, appears, with the names of nine others, chosen, as formerly, for the town's affairs ; and he held this relation until 1648, the year before his death. At this early period, the limits between the powers of the colonial legislature and those of the town seem not to have been well defined or carefully observed. Besides the local authority incident to municipal jurisdiction, such as " taking care of the common fences," " regulating the going at large of cattle, goats, and swine ; " " the cutting wood upon the Neck ; " and reserv ing that "near Roxbury for the poor," — the town, in 1635, un dertook to exercise a more extensive power, and one somewhat dubious, both in point of principle and expediency. Thus, it then appointed a committee " to set prices upon all cattle, com modities, victuals, and laborers' and workmen's wages, and that no other prices or rates be given or taken." They also voted that "none of the members of this congi-egation, or inhabit ants among us, shall sue one another at the law, before that Mr. Henry Vane, and the two elders, Mr. Thomas Ohver and Thomas Leverett, have had the hearing and deciding of the cause, if they can." In the same year it was voted, " that whosoever, at any pubfic meeting, shall fall into private conference, to the hindering of public business, shall forfeit for every such offence tivelve pence, to be paid into the constable's hands for public use." In this year the town first assumed the care of the schools, by voting that " our brother Philemon Pormont be entreated to become schoolmaster, for the teaching of the children among us." The General Court having rejected the persons they had chosen as their deputies to that body, the spirit of the inhabit ants was manifested by the following proceedings: " The 9th of ye 3d Mo. 1637. At a general meeting, upon pri vate or particular warning, from house to house, and by reason of the Court's refusal of the former choice, Mr. Henry Vane, Esq., Mr. William Coddington, Mr. Atherton Hough, are now again TOWN GOVERNMENT. 5 chosen deputies, or committees, for the service of the present' General Court, and that upon warrant to us from the Court for a new choice." Notwithstanding the obnoxiousness, at that time, of these deputies to the predominating party in the Court, they were in consequence admitted to their seats. The records of the town, though voluminous, contain little of permanent importance or interest. A few of them, indicative of the opinions and views of the inhabitants in those early times, will be here recapitulated : — 1638. Allotments were granted on condition of "inoffensive carriage." 1652. No strangers were permitted to live in the town, with out giving bonds to save the town harmless from all damage and charge for entertaining them. It was ordered, that persons whose houses were pulled down by the authorities, in case of fire, should " not be entitled to damages therefor." 1653. Leave was given to a citizen "to sink a twelve-feet cistern, at the pump which stands in the highway, to hold water to be helpful against fire, he making it safe from danger of children." Ladders were placed at the meeting-houses, with penalty against their use, except in case of fire. At the same place were also hung strong crooks and chains, poles and ropes, for the same purpose. Every householder was required to have a ladder which should reach to the roof of his house. 1655. " For galloping through the streets, except upon days of military exercise, or any extraordinary case require," a fine of two shillings was imposed. Football was prohibited from being played in the streets. Butchers were ordered to cast all their offal into the miU creek, and not elsewhere ; and all rubbish to be removed before every house. 1657. None but admitted inhabitants could keep shop or set up a manufacture within the town, except those who were-- twenty-one years of age, and had served seven years' apprentice-" ship, under penalty of ten shillings a month. An inhabitant was allowed " to set up a pump in the streets, and might deny any neighbor its use who did not contribute to the expense." Licences were required for drawing beer, wine, brandy, strong water, cider ; for keeping a public house, and for selling coffee and chocolate. 1658. The order passed in 1652 was revoked, and owners of 6 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. houses pulled down by the authorities in case of fire, were en titled to damages. No person was allowed to carry fire from one house to another, except in some safe vessel secure from wind. If a chimney took fire and flamed out, the owner was fined ten shillings. Persons were appointed to inspect the chimneys of the town, and cause defects in them to be remedied so as to be safe against fire. 1659. Inhabitants were fined " for entertaining foreigners," and ordered to discharge them from their houses. If they received " inmates, servants, or journeymen, coming for help in physic or surgery, without leave of the selectmen, and without giving bonds to save the town harmless, their fine was twenty shillings a week." 1662. Persons were appointed to prevent disorders by youth on the Lord's day ; particularly in the meeting-house, in time of God's solemn worship ; with authority to correct those who were disorderly with a small wand, and in case of contempt, to take their names and bring them before the magistrates. 1670. " There having been found a great want of water in case of fire, every inhabitant was ordered to have a hogshead well filled with water near his door, with the head open, under a penalty of five shillings." ^ 1672. Under the authority of colonial laws, the selectmen ordered parents to put their children out to service, or to indent them out ; and if they did not, the authority had power to take them from their parents for that purpose. 1678. Every family was ordered to be provided with "fire- buckets, swabs, and scoops, according to their state." In the same year an engine was imported from England, and persons appointed to take charge of it in case of fire. 1683. Those who had the care of the water engine, (now called fire engines,) were exempted from "train bands." 1702. Two water engines were ordered to be imported from England. The inhabitants in general town meeting were accustomed, annually or semi-annually, to vote insti-uctions to their select men, presenting the objects of attention, and their duties con cerning them. Those issued in 1657 were full, and the follow ing abstract will give an idea of their general tenor, and throw light on the character of the times : — TOWN GOVERNMENT. 7 " Relying on your wisdom and care in seeking the good of the town, we recommend, that you cause to be executed aU the orders of the town which you have on the records, according to the power given you by law, as found in the printed laws, under the tities of Townships, Ecclesiastics, Freemen, Highways, SmaU Causes, Indians, Corn Fields, ChUdren, Masters, Servants, Pipe Staves, Stones, Weights and Measures, and any other orders in force ; and where you find any defect, to issue thereon good orders, to be approved by the town and the General Court. Subjects most necessary to be understood are, 1. About entertaining new inhabitants. 2. That none transplant themselves from the country to inhabit here without giving notice ; concerning whom you may in quire their calling and employment, and whether they are about to live under other men's roofs as inmates, and deal with them according to law. If they are poor and impotent, deal with them as directed, under the title of Poor. If they buy houses and land, have a vigilant eye that they live not idly, but be dUigentiy employed in some lawful caUing. If, by reason of sickness, they cannot subsist their chUdren, you are to take their chUdren from them, and put them to apprenticeship. If any be debauched and Hve idly, you must provide a house of correction for them, at the charge of the town and the county. We commit unto you the disposal of the waste lands belonging to the town, for the benefit of the town, giving account from time to time. " We require you to make some effectual order to prevent harm from swine. As to the law relative to particular highways, to each man's lot, if the General Court's order do not reach it, you must remind our deputies to procure some addition. You are to take constant precaution as to buildings, that they encroach not on the streets or town's lands. You are to appoint meet persons to keep the streets and flats near wharves and places of land clear of stones and other encumbrances. You must see that some Ufe be put into the laws about casks, and' that they be of due gauge to prevent fraud, and that deceitful packing of beef and pork be duly punished ; that sworn men be appointed for measuring grain, - cording wood and boards. We think it meet a jury should be chosen on weights and measures, to observe defects in chimneys, and in houses in danger of falUng, and to present the same to the county courts ; that orders be passed against regrators and forestaUers, and our deputies get them confirmed by the General Court. " That a meeting be held by you, at least monthly, seriously to consider these things, for the good of the town, the glory of God, and establishing truth and love among us. " That every half year a town meeting be caUed, the orders passed submitted for its approbation ; the accounts may be credited, and particularly of what has _ been spent for buckets, hooks and ladders, and for powder, and whether ladders have been provided for each house, according to law ; also as to what has been spent as to the great guns and ammunition of the town, that provision may be made for them. "These orders, with occasional variation, were apparently renewed every year in town meeting, untU the year 1694." The orders to the town watch also characterize ,the state of the times. 8 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. " The town watch to be set at nine and dismissed at five. It shaU not be trusted to youth, but one half consist of householders ; none to be employed of notorious evU life ; nor those who would watch two nights together, not having sufficient sleep between ; the number to be eight. The foUowing charge to be given unto the watch every night : — • "1. To walk two by two together; a youth to be joined with an older and more sober person. " 2. If after ten o'clock they see lights, to inquire if there be warrantable cause ; and if they hear any noise or disorder, wisely to demand the reason ; if they are dancing and singing vainly, to admonish them to cease ; if they do not discontinue after moderate admonition, then the constable to take their names and acquaint the authorities therewith. " 3. To watch the water side and about the shore, and prudently take account of such as go out or come in, not hindering lawful business, but preventing unlawful practice and disorders. " 4. To look at the guns and fortifications. " 5. If they find young men and maidens, not of known fidelity, walking after ten o'clock, modestly to demand the cause ; and if they appear iU-minded, to watch them narrowly, command them to go to their lodgings, and if they refuse, then to secure them tiU morning. " 6. That the watch be exemplary themselves, using no corrupt language, and so conduct themselves, that any persons of quaUty who are abroad late may acknowledge that the watch does not neglect due examination nor misconduct." In 1660, the first steps towards erecting an almshouse were taken, by authorizing the selectmen to use a piece of ground fof that purpose. In 1662, the design was carried into effect, in consequence of the encouragement given by sundry legacies and subscriptions. The building thus erected having been burnt down, a vote was passed by the town, in 1682, for rebuilding it. In this vote the object of the institution is specified to be " for the relief of the poor, the aged, and those incapacitated for labor; of many persons who would work, but have not wherewithal to employ themselves ; of many more persons and famUies, who spend their times in joUiness and tipling, and who suffer their Eildren shamefully to spend their time in the streets, to assist, iploy, and correct whom the proposed institution was pro- ied." It appears, however, by the records, that the original design of the house, for the accommodation of the respectable poor, was in a gi-eat measure defeated from the predominating character of its inmates ; and in 1712, an attempt was made by the town " to restore the almshouse to its primitive and pious design, even for the relief of the necessitous, that they might lead a quiet, TOWN GOVERNMENT. 9 peaceable, and godly life there, where it is now made a bridewell and house of correction, which obstructs many honest poor people going there for the designed relief and support." As a remedy, the town proposed the building a house of correction, and a committee was raised for that purpose. That committee reported that " the poor honest people, who were sent as objects of charity, should be kept separate ; and that the justices of the peace of the county should be petitioned to erect a house of correction, as the law directs." Nothing farther was done upon the subject until the year 1720, when a vote was passed in town meeting ' for the erection of a workhouse, independent of an almshouse. „ This design was not, however, carried into effect until 1735, when measures were adopted for the enlargement and erecting new buildings, in connection with the preexisting almshouse, in virtue of the province law, passed in that year, on the special representation and petition of the town to that effect. The land now included, between Park and Beacon Streets, and the west line of the burying ground to the north line of the land now occupied by Park Street Church, was at that time the site appropriated for this establishment. The expenses incident to the erection of the buildings were originally defrayed from the funds of the town, aided b^ subscriptions of private individuals. It early received the name of the Boston Almshouse, probably to render a resort to it less obnoxious to the more respectable class of poor. But this appellation had no sanction in the pro vince law authorizing its erection. " Workhouses for the idle and the indigent," " houses of correction for rogues and vaga bonds," are the only designations given by that law, to institu tions for either of those objects. The defects and inconveniences of the Boston Almshouse, which the comparative poverty of the times,, and the embarrassments consequent on the revolutionary war, prevented from being remedied until after its close, will be noticed hereafter in this work. The obedience of the town to the province law, which required that every town having fifty householders should be provided with a schoolmaster to teach children and youth to read and write, and having one hundred families, with a grammar school, with some discreet person well instructed in the tongues to keep such school, seems, from the earliest times, to have been constant and regular. Their proceedings are not very distinctly traced in 10 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. the town records. In 1662, the rent of Deer Island was appro priated for the use of free schools. And, in 1679, two free schools were established "to teach children to write and to cipher," accompanied with a recommendation to " those who sent their children to school and were able, to pay something for the encouragement of the master." It was not until 1709, that the town, on the report of a committee, voted " annually to appoint a certain number of gentlemen of liberal education, together with some of the reverend ministers of the town, to be inspectors of the schools, and, under that name and title, to visit the schools when, and as often as they think fit, to inform themselves of the methods used in teaching of the schools, and to inquire of their proficiency, and to be present at the performance of some of their exercises, the master being before notffied of their coming, and with him to consult and advise of further methods for the advancement of learning and the good government of the school; and, at their visitation, one of the ministers by turns to pray with the scholars, and entertain them with some instructions of piety specially adapted to their age and education." By the same vote, " the inspectors were authorized, with the master, to intro duce an usher upon such salary as the town shall agree to grant for his services." Five inspectors of the schools were accord ingly appointed, and the system was persevered in for several years ; afterwards it was discontinued ; and the practice pre vailed for the selectmen annually to visit the schools, accompa nied by as many gentlemen as they chose to invite, which were often not less than fifteen or twenty. This practice continued until after the American Revolution and the treaty of peace sub sequent. The proceedings of the town in relation to these insti tutions will be related hereafter in connection with those of the y/ For more than a century after the settlement of the town, it was destitute of an estabhshed public market. Provisions were brought in carts to the doors of the inhabitants, and an opinion generally prevailed that the tendency of a local market was to 1 In 1739, the whole number in aU the town schools was 593 1741, « « 1743, " « 1754, 1763, « « 1773, « « (( i 474 (C^ t 585 C( i 848 (( 832 (( 719 TOWN GOVERNMENT. 11 encourage forestalling and raise the price of provisions. In 1733, the question of establishing a public market was first decided in the affirmative ; ayes 366, nays 339. But at an adjourned meet- mg, a few days after, the former vote was rescinded, and the question decided in the negative ; 390 ayes, 415 nays. In 1734, by way of compromise, three markets were esta blished by vote of the inhabitants, — a south, centre, and north. In April, 1737, the town voted that the south and north mar ket should be appropriated to some other use ; and to what use they should be put was referred to the selectmen. Before their decision was known, the centre market, near the town dock, was pulled down by a mob, and the selectmen reported that the south market should be leased for shops, and that the north market^ should be removed. This report occasioned warm debates, and one of the inhabit-'^ ants was reprimanded by the town, and ordered to be silent, for language implying that the selectmen had made their report in agreement with the mob. Their report was accepted, and the subject was not again revived until 1740, when Peter Faneuil offered, " on his own proper cost, to build a noble and complete structure to be improved for a market, for the sole use and bene fit of the town, provided the town would accept the same, and make proper regulations," a meeting being called " to know the minds of the inhabitants, whether they would accept the same, on condition that the market people should be at liberty to carry ' their marketing wheresoever they pleased about town." Notwith standing this condition, and although a vote was passed thanking Mr. Faneuil for his generous offer, the question of accepting it | was carried only by a majority of seven; 367 ayes and 360 nays. In 1742, the market house was erected by Mr. Faneuil on the town's land, near the dock. The edifice was of brick, two sto ries in height, and one hundred feet in length by forty in breadth. "A noble structure," say the records, " far exceeding his first pro posal, inasmuch as it contains not only a large and sufficient accommodation for a market-place, but has also superadded a^ spacious and most beautiful town-hall over it, and several other - convenient rooms." Votes were immediately passed by the town, " appointing the selectmen and the representatives, and twelve others of the most distinguished inhabitants, a committee to 12 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. wait upon Mr. Faneuil, and "in the name of the town to render him their most hearty thanks for so bountiful a gift, with their prayers that this and other expressions of his bounty and charity may be abundantly recompensed by the Divine blessing. It was also voted that, " in testimony of the town's gratitude, and to perpetuate his memory, the hall over the market-place should be called Faneuil Hall, and that a picture of him, at full length, be drawn, and placed in said hall, at the expense of the town." Mr. Faneuil died on the third of March, 1743, and, on the fourteenth, " being the first meeting in Faneuil HaU after his death," at the request of the selectmen, "John Lovell, master of the South Grammar School, delivered, in presence of the town, an oration on his death ; the moderator's seat being hung in mourning cloth on the occasion." This oration was transcribed at length on the town's records, and celebrates with great pathos and power " the largeness of his heart, the unbounded nature of his private charities," and his " public spirit and munfficence." ' Afterwards the arms of his family were placed in Faneuil Hall by vote of the town. These proceedings did not extinguish the spirit of opposition to a market-house. In 1746, a number of the inhabitants petitioned " that Faneuil HaU should be shut up, and the building appropriated to some .other purpose." Although the attempt was not at this time successful, it was renewed the next year, (1747,) and the market shut up until September foUowing, and then till March, 1748, when it was again opened, at first for three days, and afterwards for every day in the week. In 1752, the contest was again renewed, and the market was shut up until the farther order of the town. In August of that year, the question of opening the market was again raised, and, after violent debates, passed in the negative ; only one hundred and two votes being in the affirmative, and one hundred and twenty-nine in the negative. In March, 1753, however, a vote for opening it was obtained, and the staUs were authorized to be leased ; in which result the inhabitants finaUy acquiesced. In February, 1761, FaneuU Hall was destroyed by fire, the ' Mr. Faneuil's mansion house was situated in Tremont Street, in the midst of extensive gardens, opposite the Chapel Burial Ground. His famUy fled from France with the Huguenots, in 1686. The grasshopper, on the vane of Faneuil HaU, was the crest of their arms. TOWN GOVERNMENT. 13 waUs only being left standing. The town resolved, in March foUowing, that the edifice should be rebuilt, and that the lower part should " not be improved as a market until the farther order of the town." To defray the expense, the General Court granted- a lottery. The first meeting in the haU, after it was repaired, was on the fourteenth of March, 1763. The original dimensions of the building, as erected by Mr. Faneuil, were not enlarged untU the year 1805, when it was extended in breadth to eighty^ feet, and a third story was added to its height. //The spuit of liberty and jealousy of town and colonial rights'' breathe through the records of Boston from the earliest period of the settlement. By the early laws of the colony, every town" having ten freemen might send one deputy to the General Court. Every town having twenty freemen might send tiuo ; but no town more than two. The town of Boston, as its population increased, became sensible of the inequaUty of their influence in the colo nial legislature, compared with their numbers. " We have four churches," say the records ; " our members are twenty times twenty ; the number of our representatives should be proportion ate." No reUef was, however, granted in this respect, until after the charter of WUliam and Mary, in 1692, by which the legisla ture of the province was allowed to fix the number of deputies each town might send ; and Boston was immediately aUowed ~ four representatives. The practice of instructing the representatives of the town in the General Court was early adopted, and occasionally, and often annually, continued through every period of colonial history. In these instructions, not only objects of temporary and local inte rest were pressed upon the attention of their representatives, by the town, but the views and feelings of the inhabitants of a gene ral nature were indicated, and their sentiments concerning muni cipal and colonial rights unequivocally expressed. Thus, in 1751, they were instructed to obtain the passage of laws re gulating " the accepting and entertaining new inhabitants ; " against persons "transplanting themselves from one place to another, without notice to the selectmen ; " and for " inquiring concerning the calling and employment of those who present themselves as inhabitants ; " and, subsequently, in almost every^ successive year, the subjects most interesting at the period, such as measures for " preventing the poor from being chargeable to 2 14 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. the town," and "providing workhouses for tfie idle and de bauched," were urged upon the notice of their representatives. The vigilance of the inhabitants in regard to their charter rights and privileges, never failed to be shown, on these occasions, by their votes ; thus, in 1677, when the claims of Mason and Gorges struck at the powers of the colonial government, " it is a time," say the inhabitants to their representatives, " to unite, and for peace and amity to be attended to," and they were warned, " in matters of judicature, not to assume any arbitrary power," and " to do nothing which should, in the least measure infringe our Uberties, civU or ecclesiastical, granted us by our charter." After the commencement of the eighteenth century, and in the incipient stages of those discontents, which ultimately resulted "Jn the American Revolution, the votes of the inhabitants of the metropolis exhibited a spirit, which, in fact, constituted a lead ing influence in the policy of the colony. Thus, in 1721, then representatives were instructed " to maintain our just rigl^ts and privileges ; to pass laws encouraging toade, husbandry, and man ufactures ; to vindicate the town against the aspersions which had been made against it of being inclined to mobs and tumults ; in all elections to have regard to the preservation of the just and laudable usages and customs of reserving the aUow- ances, gratuities, &c., untU the acts and elections be fully com- jpleted." In 1723, the town addressed the king, repeUing the charge " of being under no magistracy and of being of a muti nous disposition," which had been brought against it by Governor 'Shute. In 1728, the town voted extra pay to their representatives for unusual hardships they had sustained, « for their steadfast adhe rence to the rights and privileges of the people." In the same year, the question was taken in town meeting, whether "the governor, (Burnett,) shaU have a salary settled upon him for the time being, and the vote was unanimously in the negative ; and the same was the result on the question whether " a salary might be settled upon him for a Umited time." In the same spuit the town instructed their representatives, in 1729, "to pay due respect to the governor, but to use your utmost endeavors that the house of representatives may not, by any means, be prevailed upon, or brought into the fixing, a certain salary for any certain time to the governor. But that they improve their usual freedom, TOWN GOVERNMENT. 15 in granting their money from time to time, as they shall judge the province to be able, and in such a manner as they shall think most for the benefit and advantage thereof; and if your pay should be diverted, you may depend upon aU the justice imagin able from this town whom you represent." The same direct and jealous spirit, manifested in the votes of the town in successive causes of popular discontent, from this period to the declaration of independence, shows the leading influ ence of the town of Boston on all the measures which were the precursors of that event. But as these proceedings belong to the general history of Massachusetts, only some of the chief occasions seized upon to excite an interest and union in the principles of civil liberty will be enumerated. Thus, in 1732, resistance " to granting a certain salary to the governor," and " to compliance with his majesty's instructions, relative to supplying the trea sury," was enjoined by the town on its representatives. In almost every subsequent year, until 1754, a similar spirit is evi denced in the votes of the town, accompanied sometimes, as in 1736 and the years ensuing, with complaints of the disproportion of taxation, misapplication of public moneys, against the excise upon spirits ; and, in 1745, their representatives were instructed "to take care that excisemen and their assistants should be excluded from the house of representatives ; " and, in 1754, to- obtain " a law, whereby the seats of such gentlemen as shall accept posts of profit from the crown or the governor, shall be vacated agreeably to an act of the British Parliament, until their constituents may have an opportunity of reelecting them, if they please." When the policy of .the British government, to coUeef a revenue from the colonies, was manifested by the stamp act and its accompanying measures, the spirit of the town was evi denced by votes of the most decided character, expressed in instructions to their representatives, and in petitions and remon*^ strances to the king and the people of Great Britain. In 1767, the town voted funds to procure the pictures of Colo nel Barre and General Conway, and which, when received, they ordered to be hung in Faneuil Hall, as indications of their grati tude for their opposition to the projects of the ministry. From that period to the declaration of independence, the unanimity of the inhabitants, and the principles by which they were actuated, are inseparably identffied with the chief causes and characters of 16 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. the American Revolution, and are among the most prominent and effective influences of that momentous crisis. During the seventeenth century, no indication of dissatisfaction with the form of town government is apparent on the records. As early as 1667, among the instructions given by the town to its representatives, there was inserted the endeavor to obtain a law " making the town a corporation, or making it a county by i self." But this desire had probably no connection with any discontent at that self-government which a town organization secured to its inhabitants ; but exclusively with that of getting rid of the Court of Sessions, whose authority it was thought might more properly be vested in the selectmen, and give more efficiency and uniformity to the proceedings of the town. In that court was invested the power to establish a house of cor rection, which, in utter neglect of -the injunctions of the colonial law, they had omitted to erect, choosing, from motives of eco nomy, to use the common jail for that pm-pose ; an omission of which the town had reason, and did not fail occasionally, to "complain. The first proposal of change in the form of town government appears to have originated with the selectmen them selves, who, in 1708, offered to the inhabitants, at a meeting called for that purpose, the following proposition for their con sideration, namely : — --' " That the orders and by-laws of this town already made, for the directing, ordering, and managing of the raudential affairs thereo^^ave not answered the ends for "which they were made^ and the principal cause thereof is a general defect or neglect in the execution, without which the best laws will signify "httle ; and one great reason why they are no better executed, is theY fifty inffividuals. As the proceedmgs on tMs appUcation might form a precedent for future times, the subject was deemed important enough to be refened to a special committee, the Mayor being chairman, who, after deUberate consideration, made a report, of which the following were the leading features, — that the question on this petition did not turn on the general authority of the Board to caU meetings of citizens, either in wards or in any other way which they may deem most expedient for the general mterest or local convenience ; such, for instance, as caffing a meeting in wards to choose a vaccinatmg committee ; but the petition was for a very differ ent object, namely, — '¦'¦the taking the sense of the citizens on an application to the Legislature for an amendment of the city charter, on the requisition of more than fifty qualified voters, and it prays that the meeting for this purpose shall be holden imvards; " that the city charter in its twenty-fifth section, specificaUy provides for three cases, in which, on the requisition of fifty qualified voters, it is imperative on the Board of Aldermen to caU a gene ral meeting of citizens, and these are, — 1st. Consultation on the common good. 2d. Giving instructions to representatives. 3d. Talring measures for reffi-ess of grievances. That the petition in this case was unquestionable, on subjects specifically included in the above enumeration, for which it was the duty of the Mayor and Aldermen to caU a general meeting of the citizens, if that would be satisfactory to the petitioners. But the claim being that the meeting should be in wards, the Board decided, that they had " no right, on the requisition of any number of qualified voters, by any authority derived from the charter, to call any meeting other than a general meeting for any of the objects spe cffied in the twenty-fifth section of that charter ; " that this sec- CITY GOVERNMENT. Ill tion had express reference to the right secured to the people by the constitution of this Commonwealth to assemble, which it was intended to secure according to ancient usage ; and which had always been exercised in a " general meeting," and not in ward or sectional meetings. The nature of the subjects provided for by this section, is conclusive against the right of the Board of Aldermen. The questions to which their authority in this respect extends, are of the most grave and weighty character, such as affect the common good. Instructions to representatives, or redress of grievances, are subjects which ought to be discussed in general meetings, that every citizen may have the advan tage of the counsel and inteUigence of every other citizen on a subject of general and common interest. The report, therefore, concluded that the Mayor and Aldermen had no right to caU a general meeting of the citizens in wards for any of the purposes specified in the petition. This report was accepted, and ordered to be pubUshed in three of the pubUc newspapers, for the inform ation of the citizens. In November, 1 823, the Mayor, by message, recommended ,a consideration of the expediency of providing, by some general system, of loans, payable by instalments, incurred for objects of permanent improvements, in which posterity were generally and chiefly interested. The motives for this suggestion were stated to be the rapidly increasing population of the city, the propor tionate increase of building, involving, as a consequence, a rapid increase in the value of lands ; that it was impossible for the Survej'^ors of Highways to avaU themselves of the opportunities daily occurring for widening and extending streets, without exceeding existing appropriations, and without throwing upon the current year burdens greater than was just and reasonable, at the same time that it would be the worst species of economy to suffer opportunities to pass unimproved, wffich may not occur again for many years, and, possibly, never ; or should they occur, could not be availed of but at an expense many times exceeding that at which they now could be made, arising from the certain great increase of the value of land resulting from increasing population. As it respected posterity, there fore, the question was between a light, pecuniary burden of accruing interest and a heavy tax for improvements, which time would show to be unavoidable, together with narrow streets and 112 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. other inconvenient locaUties, which the value of the land may hereafter render impossible to change, but which now might be obtained -with little comparative expense ; aU that seemed requi site was, that Umitations should be adopted to guard agauist excess and abuse of this power. The message was referred to the Mayor and Aldermen Baxter, Odiorne, and Hooper, and in the Common CouncU to Messrs. Amory, E. WUUams, Savage, Shaw, and Lamson. After deUbe ration, the Committee came to the conclusion, that the appre hension of a city debt, and the difficulty of preventing such a system in after time from abuse, were considerations sufficient to counterbalance the certain expediency of the measure, in its pecuniary effects on the cost of improvements in the city. The terms and conffitions on which theatiical and other Ucenses should be granted, had been absolutely vested in the Mayor and Aldermen by the city charter. It was important that the first steps taken should be ffi-m and just and weU considered, that correct precedents should be established. A committee, of which the Mayor was chairman, was early raised, and, after great deliberation, reported that Ucenses were divisible into classes ; the principles applicable to each were ffiffer- ent, according to their respective natures ; that the Ucenses of theatres were of aU the most important, and to be viewed, m respect of morals and finance. The tendency of theatrical exhi bitions to draw money from the community, and their effect on morals rendered them proper subjects, not only of revenue, but also of regulation, in respect of morals. The tax upon them ought to have reference to the advantage gained by such license. Where the effect upon morals is unquestionably bad, they should be denied altogether. Where, as in the case of theatiical exhibi tions, the good is, to say the least, dubious, it is a reason for raising the tax for the Ucense, to such a degree as, if possible, to reduce the disposition to multiply them, by diminishing the resulting benefit, thereby securing as great a respectabiUty as the case permits, both in the character of such exhibitions, and also of those who engage in such employments. Two principles applicable to the subject result : — 1st. That the tax shoffid be considerable ; and 2d. That it shoffid be uniform ; that the amount of the tax should not depend on the expenffitures incurred to set forth the exhibition, and stiU less on the smaUness CITY GOVERNMENT. 113 of the sum demanded for visiting them. The injury to morals is often great, in a ffirect ratio to the smaUness of such expendi- tme and of such demand. It is the duty of a municipal author ity, in the exercise of such power, to encourage a respectable and responsible theatiical estabUshment. Such an one cannot long be upheld in any community, if every light, vagrant, and irre sponsible company be encouraged to compete with it, on the suggestion that its pretensions were less, and its facUities for public atttaction greater. With the same views, bonds of secu rity proportioned to the object, with responsible freeholders as bondmen, should be required to conduct the exhibition with deco rum. It should not be permitted, in connection with any licensed tavern, or house for the sale of spirituous liquors. At that period, however, a license to seU them within the walls of the theatre during performance was deemed indispensable ; an opi nion that increasing moral influences of later times has happily and effectuaUy changed. TMs report was accepted, and the votes it recommended passed, — making the Ucenses annual, the tax seven hundred dol lars, and the bonds required to be five thousand dollars. In January, 1826, a vote passed the City Council, that what ever number of constables or poUce officers the Mayor and Alder men shall see fit to appoint for the preservation of order and deco rum in any house where theatrical or any other exhibition or public show shaU be Ucensed or had, or in the vicinity thereof, the managers, proprietors, or owners of such exhibition or show shall be Uable to pay such expense, and the making such pay ment shaU be inserted as one of the conffitions of any bond for such Ucense. Between Charles Street and the Basin of the Boston and Roxbury MUldam, there lay a large and valuable ttact of land, known by the name of " the Ropewalk Lands," which, from its local position, its extent, its capacity of improvement, either for ornament or revenue, was one of the most important interests of the city. This tract had been granted by the town of Boston, m the year 1794, to certain proprietors of ropewalks, situated between ¦Pearl and Atkinson Streets, which had been that year desttoyed by &e. The grant was conditional, and had a double motive ; sympathy for the sufferers, and the removal of the ropewalks to a distance from the then settled parts of the town ; to whose safety 10" 114 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. such an accumulated mass of combustible materials was deemed dangerous. TMs land was marsh, or flats, overflowed at high tides by the sea, -with the exception of an inconsiderable eleva tion, caUed " Fox Hffi," which was chiefly valued as a resource for gravel for town pmposes. The town, in its grant to the suffer ers, by the ffie in September, 1794, denominated it " a piece of marsh land and flats, at the bottom of the Common, including such parts of ' Fox Hffi ' as shall faU withm the prescribed bound aries ; " the street now caUed " Charles Street," not being at that time laid out, and these flats being regarded as the boundary of the Common. The grant was made under circumstances of great general feeUng and excitement, and without sufficient considera tion of its actual mttinsic value and of probable prospective con sequences. The rights granted were indeed Umited and qualified, but they were in their nature perpetual, and coffid only be devested by compromise. The ropewalks buUt upon this tt'act had been again destroyed by fire, and the proprietors themselves began to realize both the danger of rebuUding five or six long walks of wood in the vicinity of each other, and in the vicinity of buUd ings, which the increasing popffiation of the city were erecting in their neighborhood. Realizing also the great value of the pro perty, they had, in the year 1822, proposed to the ffist City CouncU to negotiate for either the purchase or the sale of the lands which the ropewalks had occupied ; offering thirty thou sand dollars for a quitclaim from the city, or to release their right to the whole tract, on the payment of eighty-six thousand doUars. In May, 1823, these proprietors petitioned to" the second admi nistration of the city for deeds or a settlement of those lands, and a Committee, consisting of the Mayor, Aldermen Offiorne, Dorr, and Eddy, was appointed, and reported that the interests of those proprietors ought to be pm-chased by the city, and that no delay ought to occur in making a settlement of that concern. Those interests were now in few hands, but would, probably, by death, transfer, or legal process, soon become subffivided, and shoffid they faU into the hands of minors, great difficulties might arise to the reinvesting the title, free of aU incumbrance, in the ^city. The Committee recommended a reference of the respect ive claims to ffiscreet and confidential persons, who should de cide the amount the city should pay to the proprietors of the CITY GOVERNMENT.^ 115 ropewalks for their interest in the ttact, and that both the city and the proprietors should be bound by their decision. After great deUberation and considerable difficulty, the report was accepted by both the City Council and the proprietors. The reference resulted in an award, that the title of the proprietors should be invested in the city, on the payment of fifty-five thou sand doUars. The referees mutuaUy chosen were, — Pattick T. Jackson, Ebenezer Francis, Edward Cruft, Peter C. Brooks, and John P. Thorn dike, citizens greatly ffistingmshed for their in- telUgence, probity, judgment, and acquaintance with real estate ; and although some opposition was made to the acceptance of the award by one of the proprietors, all the others accepted it, and the resffit finaUy reinvested in the city, free of all incumbrance, that great and valuable tract of land reUeved of aU the embarrass ments which the compUcated state of the title had occasioned. The situation of that ttact, and its connection with the health, ornament, and other interests of the city, rendered the future ffis- position of it a subject of immediate excitement among the citi zens. Some contended that these lands were too important to be left unproductive, and that they should at once be put in a state to be sold. Others asserted that those lands were appurte nant to " the Common." And although being flats, and usually covered with water, they had never been embraced within the general idea of " the Common," yet they in fact made part of it, and, by the terms of the city charter, the City Council was expressly excluded from the power of either lease or sale of the Common ; and that neither could be done without the sanction of aU the citizens. The City Council deemed it most prudent to act in conformity with this last opinion ; and to 'put an end to controversy, which was increasing in the city on the subject, they caUed a general meeting of the citizens on the twenty-sixth of July, 1824, and required their opinion to be expressed upon the two following questions. First, shall the City Council have authority to make sale of all the lands west of Charles Street, in such way and on such terms as they shall deem expedient? Second, shaU they have authority to annex it, as a condition to such sales, that all the lands generaUy known by the name of "the Common," and lying between Park, Common, Boylston, Charles, and Beacon Streets, shall be kept forever open and free from buUffing for the use of the citizens ? 116 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. At this meetmg, a large committee was appointed by the citi zens, of which John T. Apthorp was chosen chairman. This Committee, after many meetings and long, deliberation, made, in October foUowing, a report, setting forth the mexpediency of seUing the land west of Charles Stteet, denymg the power of selling it under the city charter, and declaring the duty of keeping the space open for a free circulation of air from the west, for the gake of the health of the citizens. This report, which concludes with submitting three other questions for the decision of the citi zens, in addition to those submitted by the City Council, was published and disttibuted, and on the twenty-seventh of Decem ber, 1824, the five questions ^ were aU negatived by great major ities, except the second, which passed m the afffimative, by a majority of one thousand one hundred and eleven, to seven hun dred and thirty-seven in the negative. The resffit of the meeting was to deny the expediency and withhold the right from the City CouncU of making sale of the land west of Charles Street In November, 1823, the Mayor caUed the attention of the City CouncU to the importance of securing Deer and Ramsford 1 The five questions submitted by the Committee were the following : — First Question. Shall the City Council have authority to make sale of aU the upland and flats owned by the city, lying west of Charles Street, on such terms and at such times as they may deem expedient ? Second Question. ShaU they have authority to annex it, as a condition to such sales, that the land known by the name of the Common, and lying between Charles, Beacon, Park, Common, and Boylston Streets, shaU be forever after kept open and free of buildings of any kind, for the use of the citizens ? Third Question. Shall the City CouncU be authorized to bring the question of boundaries between the city and the Boston and Roxbury Mill Corporation to a settiement, and for that purpose be authorized to renew or confirm the former grants and acts of the town, with respect to said corporation, on such tei-ms and conditions as the City Council may deem expedient : Provided that no confirm ation or conveyance be made in virtue of their vote, to authorize tiie erection of dwelling houses or other buildings on any part of the premises ? Fourth Question. Shall the City Council be authorized to prepare for sale, and to convey on such terms and conditions as they may deem fit, so much of the upland and flats as lay southerly of a line beginning at a point on Charles Street, thirteen hundred and fifty feet southerly from the dam belonging to the Boston and Roxbury MUl Corporation, and opposite to the southwesterly corner of the Common, and running westerly at an angle of eighty-five degrees with Charles Street to the bounds of the city flats : Provided there be annexed to aU such conveyances a condition that the Common and all the upland and flats lying westerly therefrom shall forever after be kept free from, and unincumbered with aU buildings ? . Fifth Question. Shall the City CouncU, whenever, in their opinion, flie con venience of the inhabitants require, be authorized to lay out any part of the lands and flats, lying westerly from the Common, for a cemetery, and erect and seU tombs therein, on such terms and conditions as they may deem proper ? CITY GOVERNMENT. 117 Islands from the inroads of the sea. The Mayor, Aldermen ChUd and Benjamin, and Messrs. Coolidge, Wilkinson, and OUver, of the Common Council, were in consequence appointed a Com mittee on that subject, who reported on the nineteenth of Novem ber that an examination of those islands, in company with Com modore Bainbridge and General Dearborn, and with other gentle men skUled in maritime concerns, and particularly acquainted with the influence of tempests and currents on the harbor of Boston, had resulted in a conviction of the importance of taMng imme- ffiate measures to secure them from the inroads of the sea. Its action had, dming late years, done great injury, by graduaUy washing them away, and thus fiUing up and shifting the present channels, and ffimmishing the protection derived from the bluffs and heaffiands to the great roadsteads of the outer and inner harbor. The operation of these causes, if not attended to in sea son, tffieatened to change one of the safest, most commodious, and beautifffi harbors in the world, into a sightless, insecure suc cession of sand banks ; the Committee, therefore, recommended an efficient and immeffiate appUcation to the National Legisla- tiire for an appropriation for the preservation of aU the important pomts, on which the safety and convenience of the harbor, and the consequent commercial prosperity depended. They suggested the erecting of a breakwater, and the obtaining from the Legis lature a law, prohibiting the taMng away baUast from any of the islands. TMs report was accepted, and the Mayor, Aldermen ChUd and Benjamm, the President (WeUs) and Messrs. Savage, Oliver, and Dexter, of the Common CouncU, were appointed a Committee to carry it into effect. On the eighth of December, 1823, the Mayor brought also before the City CouncU the importance of the immediate pur chase of George's and LoveU's Islands, the former being, in the opinion of men of great nautical skffi, the bffiwark of Boston Harbor, both as being the best site for a fortress, and as affording the only secure anchorage in the lower harbor for ships of war and vessels of every size and description, dming easterly gales, when without a pUot. He had ascertained that "those islands, of such inestimable importance to the city, were the property of one individual, who now derives from them an income, by the sale of stone and gravel, and thus assisted the inroads of the sea." By these combmed operations, one half of George's Island had been 118 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. desttoyed, and both might be purchased for seven thousand dol- lars. The City Council were not, however, prepared to adopt the suggestions of the Mayor, and referred the subject for con sideration to their successors. In November, 1824, the Mayor again brought this subject before the City CouncU, stating that these islands ought to be owned by the city ; that although the duty of fortifying the har bor belonged to the United States, the favorable opportunity for vesting the title to them in the city ought not to be lost. The measure woffid strongly express the opinion of the city govern ment of their importance, and must have a propitious influence on an application to Congress for an appropriation for their pro tection. This persevering urgency effected its object. The sanc tion of the City CouncU was obtained. The Mayor and Alder man Eddy, and Messrs. E. WUUams, Wales, and CooUdge, of the Common Council, were appointed a Committee, -with fffil author ity ; and in March, 1825, they reported that George's and Lovefl's Islands had been purchased for six thousand doUars, on terms and conditions to which the City Council immediately acceded.. In the preceding and subsequent negotiation with the Gene ral Government, the aid of James Lloyd and Daniel Webster, the Senators of Massachusetts in Congress, was earnestly and suc cessfully given to the views of the City CouncU. A coiTespond- ence was also opened, by the Mayor, with James Barbour, the Secretary of War of the United States, which resffited in a transfer to them of the soil and jurisdiction of George's and LoveU's Islands, and also so much of Deer Island as should be covered by then works, and in an appropriation by Congress of forty thousand doUars for the protection of George's and Deer Islands by a sea waU. This appropriation was, however, exclu sively applied to, and exhausted in protecting George's Island. In November, 1827, the Mayor, therefore, again called the attention of the City Council to the state of the several islands and beaches in the vicinity of the different harbors of the city, stating that the former appropriation made by Congress had been expended, and that additional appropriations were requisite for the protection of om- harbor from the inroads of the sea. At the same time he caUed the attention of the City CouncU to a petition pending before the Legislature of the State from the town of Chelsea, relative to the jurisdiction over Chelsea Beach, CITY GOVERNMENT. 119 and to the importance of maintaining that Beach in its present state. He adverted also to the practice of taking ballast and sand from Bird Island and from the Bar, extending from the Great Brewster to the Stone Monument, at the entrance of the NaiTows. An application to the Legislature was accordingly authorized, and an act obtained, proviffing against the several mjuries which were specified or apprehended. In February, 1828, the importance of protection to Deer Island, as stated in a memorial from the Boston Marine Society, was laid before the City Council by the Mayor, and a memorial to Congi-ess for an appropriation for that object was authorized, and, in June foUo-wing, a letter from Mr. Gorham, the member of Congress from Boston, was received, stating that eighty-seven thousand doUars had been appropriated, according to the tenor and request of that memorial, and in the course of the same month, another letter from Samuel L. Southard, Secretary at War, was received by the Mayor, stating that the appropriation had been made, and an engineer directed to proceed in the pro posed system of protection. This was accordingly commenced in the autumn of 1828, the city having caused the cession to be made to the United States of the jurisffiction of that part of the island on which the sea waU was erected, as required m Uke cases by the United States. The subject of common sewers came early under the conside ration of the City CouncU. Under the town government, the drains were objects of private property, subject to the rules esta bhshed by law. No person was aUowed to open a stteet for the purpose of laymg a new or using an old drain or common sewer, without the consent of the Selectmen. If any inhabitant, with their permission, laid a sewer, every person entering his drain into it, or remotely benefited by it, was held to pay its owner a proportionate part of the charge for its consttuction and repair, to be ascertained by the selectmen, with an appeal from their decision to the Court of Sessions. In case of subsequent repairs, aU persons benefited were held to pay their proportion of the expense. The person opening such ffiain, being bound to give seven days notice, by advertisement, to aU persons interested, to appear and object to it on the day appomted by the Select men, whose duty it was to decide whether the ffiain shoffid be opened, and the person who should bear the expense. 120 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. No system coffid be more inconvenient to the pubUc, or embarrassing to private persons. The stteets were opened with Uttle care, the drains buUt according to the opinion of private interest and economy ; and constant and interminable vexatious occasions of dispute occurred between the owners of the drain and those who entered it, as to the degree of benefit and pro portion of conttibution. The ffirection of the drain, and the place in the stteet selected for laying it, was often guided by the interest of him who first opened it, with Uttle regard to pubUc or general accommodation. An orffinance of the City CouncU was passed on the seventh of Jffiy, 1823, adapted to remedy these inconveniences. It provided that all common sewers should be laid and kept in repair at the expense of the city, under the direction of the Mayor and Alder men ; that persons entering or benefited by them, should be held to pay what they should deem just and reasonable. Their dimensions, size, position, and materials, with which consttucted, and all incidental particulars, were subjected to their authority, and they were invested with power to compel any o-w;ner of land adjoining to make a sufficient ffiain into them, and if neglected, to cause the same to be done, and recover the amount of expenses, with ten per cent, damages. Penalties were annexed for entering a ffi-ain without a permit, and provisions made for repaning or rebuilding a common sewer, and assessing the cost on those benefited. A plan of each common sewer, embracing its size, its direction, and aU particffiars to show its local position, was dnected to be kept in a book for that purpose. To carry the system into effect, a superintendent of common sewers was appointed to grant permits, and, under the direction of the Committee of the disttiet, to oversee the opeiung and repair of common sewers. Many difficffities at first occurred in carrying this system into effect, from its novelty and from the embarrassments arising from the interference of the city common sewers with the acquired rights of persons. They were, however, surmounted, and resulted finaUy in the efficient and satisfactory system now in practice. CHAPTER IX. CITY GOVERilMENT. 1824-1825. Josiah Quincy, Mayor.^ Proceedings of the City Council of the past Year recapitulated — Importance of the ResponsibiUty of the Mayor — Estates purchased for the Enlargement of Faneuil Hall Market — Plan of the New Market — North Block of Stores buUt and sold — First Plan enlarged — Southern Block of Stores buUt and sold — Corner Stone of Market House laid. The general interest of the citizens of Boston, especially of those who resided in the northern section of the city, that the improvements in progress in Faneuil HaU Market should be car ried into efiect on the scale in which they had been commenced, conduced to the popularity of the Mayor and Aldermen, who were all reelected in 1824, almost without opposition. The Mayor, in his inaugural address, expressed his acknow ledgments to the citizens for their continued confidence, and to the Aldermen for their aid in the measures which had been pur sued the preceding year. By these, the obti-usiveness of vice had been checked, through the application of a -vigorous police ; the cleansing of the streets had been taken out of the hands of con ttactors into the control of the city ; thirteen stteets had been ma terially -widened, at the expense of nearly twelve thousand doUars ; the drains of the city had been transferred from private to public custody; the maUs on Charles Street and Fort Hill had been enlarged and improved ; the House of Industry had been put into operation ; measures adopted to vest in the city the title to the lands west of Charles Street, and to complete the projected improvements about FaneuU Hall. The Mayor, in this address,^ justified and explained the neces sity of creating a city debt, and the principles by which the exer- 1 The whole number of votes were 3950, of which the Mayor had 3867. The members of the Board of Aldermen were generaUy elected by similar majorities. 2 See Appendix, C. 11 122 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. cise of that power ought to be regulated. He then gave his views of the duties and responsibUities of the Mayor, the qualities the citizens should regard in the selection of a candidate for that office, and the official energy and efficiency they ought to exact from him; and proceeded to show the incompatibility of the powers assumed and exercised by the independent boards, which had originated under the town government, with the responsibi Uty of the Mayor, and the essential authority of the City Coun cil, and the necessity of then removal. On this principle of responsibiUty the Mayor, from his first induction in 1823, had taken the place of chairman of every Committee of the Board of Aldermen, appointed on any imports ant interest of the city. As this practice had been openly cen sured as selfish and assuming, the Mayor afterwards vinfficated publicly his course, as essential to a knowledge of the objects of his official duties, which included inspection, superintendence, and recommendation of measures on his responsibffity. To an inteUigent performance of these duties, the actual investigation of every question, as it occurs, in the course of daUy business, is important, as scarcely one can arise among the compUcated and often discordant interests of a great city, which is absolutely local and individual. It touches some other, perhaps some rival inte rest, affects some principle, or creates some precedent, which can be alone detected or rightly understood by being examined in the vicinity, or among the inffividuals it ffirectly affects. The know ledge thus acquired, must often be all-important to the chief ma- gisttate, who means to place himself in the conffition to under stand and maintain aU the real interests of the city. One of the greatest securities for public virtue and for the exact perform ance of official duty is a sense of responsibility. Whoever means to be faithful to himself or his trusts will enlarge and mffitiply occasions for keeping alive this sense in himself and in those whose interests he is caUed upon to protect. This course, also, is not merely expedient, but in a degi-ee obligatory. The Mayor is fairly, if not highly, compensated for his services. The members of the Board of Aldermen are uncompensated. On him who receives the salary justly faUs the labor and the responsibffity. This course, also, has a tendency to give the Mayor a personal acquaintance with the citizens, then interests, prejuffices, passions, and characters. The more CITY GOVERNMENT. 123 of such knowledge he acquires, the better is he qualified to shape the measures of his administration so as to promote the satisfac tion of individuals and the prosperity of the city. During the first two years of his administration, the Mayor placed himself, as has been stated, at the head of every commit tee of a general character, and also of a great majority of those merely personal and local. If, during the subsequent years, he changed, in a sUght degree, that course, it was out of respect to the opinion of others, rather than from any perception of diffi culty or impracticability. F'rom the recent organization of the city government, and the consequent new arrangement of its powers, and from many new and exten,sive projects of improve ment, there was, during these years, an uncommon influx of ques tions of great interest and importance ; yet the business of the office was efficiently and promptly executed. The practice of this rule of conduct, dming nearly six years, did not involve the Mayor in any unreasonable or impracticable accumulation of business ; and there is no ground for the opinion that such a rule, and a practice in conformity \\ith it, exceeds the ability of any individual quaUfied for such a station, who brings into it, as every one ought, a heart exclusively devoted to duty, and a spirit resolved on its faithful performance. The practice of devolving aU, or a principal part, of the duties of the office of Mayor upon committees of the Board of Alder men ought, therefore, to be received by the citizens with great jealousy. As the city increases in popffiation and extent, some relaxation of this principle may be required, in relation to merely personal or local questions ; but none ought ever to be permitted in respect of those which affect the health, the character, or the general interests of the city. A disposition to evade labor and responsi bffity is the best criterion of a want of quaUfication for any office. It is important that this point shoffid be distinctly stated and realized, for a contrary practice is very fficely to find advo cates in a course of time. Men of talents and high acquire ments, who take office only as a stepping-stone to some higher station, wiU be apt to regard some of its duties as menial ; and, consequently, to strive to throw the personal superintendence and examination of the resulting questions upon others, and cast on them the burden and responsibility of inspection and decision. 124 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. They wiU thus be relieved from attention to subjects, often nk- some, never, in themselves, interesting, at times disgusting, and, in cases of maUgnant contagion, dangerous. Above all, an exe cutive officer is thus enabled to escape the odium and unpopu larity consequent upon ffiscoveiing his opinions on questions often intensely interesting to inffividuals or sections of the city; especially when it happens, as it often must, that the Mayor or his friends are interested in the advancement or prevention of projects or improvements of the city. The practice of devolving responsibUity on committees, enables men to do that by influ ence, which they might be unwUUng to do directly. It is so much easier to effect private and personal views by committees, than by direct voice and superintendence, that there is a constant temptation to evade the principle of that official responsibUity of the Mayor which tends to place his conduct in frequent and fffil relief before the citizens. This principle of executive responsibUity, which the Mayor, at his entt-ance into the office, thus inculcated on the citizens, and which, during the nearly six years of his official tenure, he never ceased both to assume and avow, was unquestionably among the chief causes of whatever success attended that admffiisfi-a- tion. It is, however, unfortunately a fact, that there is in republics a reciprocal tendency, both in executives and among citizens, to keep this principle out of sight. Men are naturally jealous of any disposition to exert powers, even when they exist and are used for their benefit. But if a people require talents in official station, they must exact responsibility in their exercise ; for the best, if not the only evidence of talents and qualffica- tion for pubUc usefffiness is to be found in what is recommended and eflected. The unanimity with which the Mayor and Aldermen were reelected, in 1824, was, as has been intimated, chiefly owing to the general interest in the improvements then in progress in the great central market of the city. In constituting the Committee, early in May, to carry into effect the resolutions of the preceding year, relative to Faneuil HaU Market, with the same powers and under the same Umit ations, the same members of the Board of Aldermen were reap pointed; and, as some change had been effected m the other branch, Francis J. OUver, its President, Messrs. RusseU, Cmtis, CITY GOVERNMENT. 125 T. Page, E. WUliams, Hastings, and Coolidge, were associated with them, by the Common CouncU. The first step taken by this Committee was of a decisive character. A sub-committee ^ was appointed to purchase all the estates within the then avowed sphere of contemplated improve ment, provided that the price, including the estates aheady pur chased, shoffid not exceed five hundred thousand dollars. AU the negotiations, as heretofore, were conducted by the Mayor, the judgment and advice of the other members being occasionaUy caUed in aid. By the twelfth of June, 1824, in addition to the estates already purchased, those of Samuel Parkman, of Gore's heirs, of Edward MUler, John Codman, H. G. Otis, and John T. Ap thorp were secured, at a price somewhat exceedmg two hundred and eighty-six thousand doUars. On that day, the sub-commit tee made a report of their proceeffings, with estimates of what sums woffid probably be necessary to complete the purchase of the remaiffing estates, and sho-wing that there coffid be no ques tion that the whole might be purchased -within the sum author-^ ized by the City CouncU (five hunffied thousand doUars.) This report was accepted ; votes were passed unanimously, and au thority given to carry the several contracts into effect, to examine into the respective titles, and to issue the requisite city stock. On the twenty-ninth of June, 1824, a sub-committee was raised, consisting of Messrs. ChUd, Benjamin, and Wiffiams, to consider what measures were reqffisite previously to a sale of the land purchased. Their report, made on the second of July ensu ing, led to votes for notifying the tenants on both sides of the Town Dock, to remove within thirty days; to authorize the extension of the common sewer to the flats ; and to locate the sea waU for inclosing the Town Dock. In all these arrange ments they were the principal agents. In the mean time, the interest of the city to extend the first project contemplated be came evident ; and the Mayor informally ascertained the ffispo- sitions of Governor Eustis, John D. Howard, and Benjamin Bussey, relative to a sale of then estates. It had become appa- • rent that, by turning the course of the Mill Creek, and extending the project further eastward into the harbor, the space around the proposed market would be greatly enlarged, and a new stteet 1 Consisting of the Mayor, Mr. ChUd, Mr. Benjamin, IWr. OUver, and Mr. E. WUliams. 11* 126 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. might be laid out at right angles with the eastern end of the proposed new market house, which would be brought in a Une with the westerly end of the stores on Central Wharf, and by removing a few stores on Long Wharf, a sttaight and most con venient commuffication would be made with the northern section of the city. Under these general -views, the Comnrittee, having satisfied themselves of the practicabffity of the plan, immeffiately author ized the Mayor to purchase Mr. Bussey's estate, and proceed in his negotiation with Mi". Howard and Governor Eustis, and to report the proceedings of the Committee to the City Council, which he accordingly did, on the fifteenth of July, stating to them the estates which had been purchased, and the price paid for them, amounting to four hundred and twenty thousand dol lars ; communicating, on behalf of the Committee, their great gratification that " they have been able to effect so nearly the purchase of the whole circle of territory necessary for the city to possess, without resort to the exercise of the powers granted by the Legislature;" that "they have deemed it expeffient in aU cases to yield to the reasonable, and in some, to the ex- tteme, demands of proprietors, rather than to resort to a compul sory process." He then proceeded to detail the particular situ ation of those estates which had not yet been purchased, by wffich it appeared that three of the proprietors of the thi-ee fourteenth parts of the estate belonging to Spear's heirs were the only owners of estates who had "uniformly declmed all negotiation concerning then interest in the contemplated sphere of improvement, and to make any proposal of sale of it to the city; and that the purpose of these proprietors was fixed and unalterable." The Committee, accordingly, recommended a course of proceeding conformable to the act of the Legislature, declaring the public exigencies required that Faneuil HaU Mar- iket should be extended in the direction following, namely,— " In an easterly direction, from Faneuil Hall to the harbor, be tween two Unes paraUel to the walls of FaneuU HaU, and ex tending easterly towards the harbor, of which the north line shaU be foui-teeU feet distant from the north side of said hall, and the south Une shall be one hunffi-ed and eighty feet to the south of said north Une." Various other resolves were passed, giving the sanction of the City Council to the several measures CITY GOVERNMENT. 127 proposed by the Committee. This recommendation was adopted by the City CouncU; and, on the twenty-second of July, the Mayor and Aldermen extended and widened Faneiffi Hall Mar ket, in the direction and within the Umits prescribed by the City Council ; and ordered the proprietors, whose estates had not yet been purchased, to be notffied, of a meeting to be holden at a time and place specified in said resolve, and in-viting them to submit aU questions relative to damages to five disinterested freeholders, as specified in the act of the Legislature. On the day appointed, the three proprietors declined referring the value of their estates or seUing them. It had always been the anxious wish of the Committee and of the City CouncU, as has been before stated, to complete this great improvement -without resort to the compffisory authority granted by the act of the Legislature. For this purpose, they had given, or offered, in every instance, prices, either satisfactory to the proprietors, or such as, under other cncumstances, would have been deemed exttavagant. The fixed determination of the three proprietors of the three fom-teenth parts of the Spear estate, to stand upon their rights and make no sale of their interests, ren dered, however, the resort inevitable. In selecting the Unes for the extension of the market, under the authority of the Legisla ture, the Committee had special reference to the lines of the Spear estate, so that the future interests of the city might be placed in a position not to be embarrassed by any tenacity of purpose of these three proprietors. The City Council now took the first step towards makmg ' preparations for building a market house, by granting an appro priation of twenty thousand doUars for sea waUs and drains. The Mayor, Mr. ChUd, Mr. Benjamin, and Mr. Wffiiams were appointed a BuUding Committee, with authority to appoint an agent, and the Mayor was authorized to proceed in his negotia tion with Governor Eustis for his estate beyond the MiU Creek. This terminated favorably, and, on the twenty-ninth of July, the Mayor reported that he had closed a contract for that estate for the sum of fifteen thousand doUars. This being accepted, the Committee ordered the Builffing Committee to cause a new passage for the creek to be cut through Eustis's Wharf, and to fill up the Mffi Creek to the southward of the Une of the pass age-way so cut. At this meeting, the ground plan of the new 128 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. market was settied, and the walls ordered to be laid in conform ity with it, by unanimous vote, Mr. Wright having been pre viously added to the Committee, in the place of Mr. Hastings, who was absent. Mr. Benjamin was appointed a Committee, to cause a plan to be prepared of the elevation and interior of the new market house. In the course of the month of August, the estates of John D. Howard and Daniel Vose, and the interest of the minor heirs in David Spear's estate, were obtained, and also the principles, on which that part of the estate owned by the Long Wharf, in and adjoining Bray's Wharf, should be vested in the city, were set tled. Arbittators were also agreed upon, on the subject of the estates taken under the special authority given by the act of the Legislature. The three proprietors of the three fourteenth parts of the Spear estate stUl continuing fixed in their purpose, not to seU, and alone, of aU the proprietors, refusing to refer, according to the election given by said act, — Messrs. Curtis and Nichols were now employed by the Com mittee to examine into the whole title of the city and of the proprietors on "the Cove and to the MUl Creek;" and the Mayor was directed to prepare a report on the recent purchases and proceedings of the Committee. This, on the sixth of Septem ber, received the approbation of the Committee, and was laid before the City CouncU on the ninth. In this report, the City CouncU are mformed by the Commit tee, that "the interests of the city having further developed themselves, in consequence of a more intimate and accurate acquaintance with, and investigation of, the relations of the estates in that quarter, it was unanimously then opinion, that the extension of FaneuU HaU Market shoffid not be limited by the MiU Creek, as at first contemplated. By the purchase of Eustis's and Howard's wharves, not only a great improve ment would result, in the accommodation of the city, but also a great adffition to the means of indemnffication for its expendi tures, from the additional store lots and wharf rights which these new purchases and this new extension would afford. The estate of Mr. Bussey stood in such a relation, both to the MiU Creek and to the passage from Ann Street, as to make its possession by the city extremely important ; that the purchases of these estates were necessarUy made without any pre-vious pubUc de- CITY GOVERNMENT. 129 velopment of theu- intentions ; but, in making them, that the Committee had acted under a distinct pledge from persons of responsibUity, that if the City CouncU chose to disaffnm those purchases, they stood ready to take the estate, and reUeve the city from them. The Committee then proceed to state their confidence, that the opinion of the City Council wffi be in favor of accepting them ; their satisfaction that aU the purchases wiU be made within the original estimates ; but that the three estates above mentioned, not having been included within the original estimates, an additional appropriation and corrrespondent au thority to make loans, would be essential. This report the City CouncU accepted, and made an additional appropriation, equal in amount to the costs of those three estates, and the power soUcited was granted ; making the whole amount of appropriations to this period $547,500. Between the sixth and thirteenth of September, 1824, the Committee had determined upon the plan and elevation of the new market house, that it shoffid be of stone, and proposed to the City CouncU the expediency of giving authority for the sale of the store lots on the north side of the new market house. On the fourteenth, resolves were passed by the City Council, sanctioning the plan and elevation and the sale proposed, and appropriating seventy-five thousand dollars for the erecting of the market house. The sale was directed to be at auction to the highest bidder, and the terms and conditions were to be prescribed by the Committee, three fourths thereof concurring ; it being a conffition annexed to such sales that a market house shoffid be erected upon the general plan then specified and agreed upon by the City Council. Accorffingly, on the twenty -first of September, 1824, the Com mittee agreed that the sale should take place on the twenty-ninth of September ensffing ; and that the conditions should be, among others, of temporary import, — that no bid less than seven dollars per square foot shoffid be taken ; the terms ten per cent, in cash ; and for the residue, a bond coUateraUy secured by mortgage on the premises, payable at any period not exceeding thirty years, at five and a half per cent, interest per annum ; the purchaser to bffild on or before the first of July, 1825, a substantial brick store of four stories, conformably to a plan and specification of parti cffiars. A sub-committee was now appointed to settle with the 130 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. tenants who had been removed, and the Mayor was authorized to negotiate with Samuel Hammond, Esq., relative to the land in the rear of his building, which had its front on Ann Street, and between it and the front line of the proposed new stores. An authority to raise fifty thousand dollars, by way of loan, at five per cent., was given by the Committee to the Mayor, -with the formality requned, namely, — ten members signmg the record. On the twenty-seventh of September, the long-continued and difficult negotiation with Samuel Hammond was terminated, by his agreeing to pay thirty thousand doUars for the land and rights conveyed to him by the city. It being a piece of land fifty feet long and fifty-five feet wide, together with the city's right to a passage way ; Mr. Hammond to conform to the plan of buUding required of other purchasers. On the twenty-ninth of September, conformably to notice, the land for the north block of stores (seventeen in number) was sold ; the highest lot producing twenty dollars and eighty-three cents ; the lowest seven doUars the square foot ; and the gross proceeds of thirty thousand and thirty-seven and a half square feet of land, which, the seventeen store lots included, amounted to the sum of $303,495.42, averaging ten dollars the square foot. The Sub- Committee on builffing (Messrs. Child, Benjamin, and Page,) were now directed to proceed in their conttacts ; and on the fourth of October the City Council authorized the Com mittee to purchase the estates belonging to the heirs of Henry Bass, and also Jesse Kingsbury's estate, for the purpose of open ing a stteet into Ann Stteet, and widening the passage back of the store lots. On the fifth of October, Hemy Bass's estate was purchased for fom- thousand seven hunffied and fifty doUars, and the plan of the market, as finaUy built, was signed by the Mayor. From the commencement of this undertaking, the original design of extending the improvement to Butler's Row had never been lost sight of by the city authorities. The practicabffity of it was not believed by a majority of the FaneuU HaU Market Committee. Some doubted its expediency. Others coffid not believe that the estates could be purchased at a sum which would justify the undertaking. The Mayor, however, during the inter vening period had negotiated with aU the proprietors of land between Parkman's Block and Butler's Row, and had obtained CITY GOVERNMENT. 131 conditional contt-acts for the purchase within a limited time of all the estates essential to the plan. The sales of the store lots for the north block had greatly * increased the popularity of the plan and sanctioned its success. The practicabffity of enlarging the accommodations round this great central market, without any important implication of the resources of the city, began to be more generally realized, and the feasibility of the plan to be recognized. The only obstruction to this enlargement was the refusal of the three proprietors to make sale of their three fourteenth interests in the Spear estate. On the thirtieth of September, however, the day after the resffit of the sale of the north block of stores was known, those proprietors addressed a letter to the Mayor, ffisclaiming all design " to stand in the way of city improvements," and declaring their " willing ness that their land should be embraced in the plans adopted, and sold with the city lands, they receiving for then- portion the average of the sales so made." The views of the city's interest, and their duty to it, which the city authorities had long enter tained, rendered it impossible to accede to this proposition. The late sales had rendered the propriety of these -views more obvious to the Faneffil HaU Committee and to the citizens in general. By the negotiations the Mayor had now conditionally effected, it was in the power of the City CouncU to enlarge the plan of improvement to the greatest extent, which the relations of the land between Ann Stteet and Butler's Row made possible ; and on the twenty-sixth of October foUowing, he laid before the FaneuU HaU Committee the practicability of an enlargement of the present improvement, provided the Long Wharf proprietors could be induced to seU to the city an additional extent of Bray's Wharf; upon which he was authorized to enter into a negotia tion with those proprietors on that subject, and Messrs. Benjamin, OUver, and WUUams, were united with him to meet any Com mittee appointed by them on this subject. On the eighteenth of December, the Mayor laid before the FaneuU Hall Committee plans of an enlargement of South Mar ket Street, and of extending the plan of improvement so as to include aU the estates as far as Butler's Row, and also a street, forty feet wide. This representation was referred to a sub-com mittee, consisting of the Mayor, Mr. Child, Mr. Curtis, Mr. WU liams, and Mr. Wright, to examine all the plans and calcffiations. 132 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. and improve upon them, if practicable, and to report what further measures may be expedient. Hitherto all the moneys of the Committee had been subject to the draft of the Mayor, and they stood to his credit in the books of the City Bank. The Mayor stated to the Committee that he thought " the power he had over those moneys was not suffi ciently restticted and checked, considered as a precedent; he, therefore, proposed a vote, which was adopted, that all payments should be vouched by the Sub- Committees making the expend iture and countersigned by the auditor ; " and that all moneys received on account of the Committee shoffid be deposited in bank to the credit of the Mayor, subject to his draft, under the preceffing restt-ictions. On the twenty-second of December, the Sub- Committee on the proposed extension of the plan of improvement to Butler's Row reported, and the Committee unanimously voted that the propo sition for such extension of the improvement ought to be em braced; and the Mayor was requested to call a meeting of the City Council, and state to them that " by the power to apply a sum not exceeding two hundred and twenty thousand dollars, improvements of gi-eat importance might be effected, by the pur chase of land, -without any ffitimate cost, and with a certain ffitimate gain to the city." On the twenty -fom-th of December following, the City Council were specially convened on this subject, and a message ttansmit- ted by the Mayor, which developed all the views entertained by the Committee, and the motives which induced them to recom mend the extension of the plan first adopted. As this measure was the occasion of much obloquy at the time, it seems proper that these views should be preserved in the form they were at that time presented to the City Council. That message is there fore subjoined, 1 by which it wiU be apparent that the motives which actuated the City CouncU were of the most pubUc and pattiotic character ; their object being to avaU themselves of a propitious moment to effect in the heart of the city an enlarge ment of the accommodations of its great central market, from a width of sixty to that of one hundred and two feet. The popu lation of the city at that time did not make the necessity and 1 See Appendix H. CITY GOVERNMENT. 133 importance of this enlargement as apparent to the citizens in general, as it was to the City CouncU, and as every day's increas ing experience has since made it. No one can pass through ' South Market Street at the present day (1851) on high market days, without realizing both the importance, and even necessity, of that measure, and perceiving how greatly the advantages of that improvement would have been diminished, had this enlarge ment not taken place, and this street had been left of the width of sixty feet, as originaUy proposed. In consequence of this message, on the twenty-ninth of Decem ber, an authority was obtained from the City CouncU to pur chase any land to the southward of the street leading to Bray's Wharf, which they may judge expedient, provided the purchases ffid not exceed two hundred and twenty thousand dollars, three fourths of the Committee concurring in such purchases and sign mg such concurrence. On the same day, the vote of the City Council was communicated to the Committee, who unanimously executed an authority to the Mayor and a sub-committee to pro ceed forth-with to make the respective purchases under the above limitation. Between the fifth and the eighteenth of January, 1825, pur chases were accordingly made of land belonging to Benjamin Adams, Josiah SaUsbury, James T. Austin, Thomas Barnes, and the Fifty Associates, for $ 113.347 And, after great difficffities and long negotiation, a final arrangement was made with the Long Wharf proprietors for the purchase of their interest, at 105.000 f 218.347 The Committee then proceeded to ffirect, that South Market Street should be laid out not less than one hundred and two feet wide, and the new stteet, running from Merchants' Row, thirty- five feet wide ; that the Mayor and Aldermen be requested to close the stteet leaffing to Bray's Wharf, and to open the new street ; a select committee was appointed to prepare plans of the new store lots to be sold, determine the conffitions of sale, and report ; and aU the tenants in Parkman's BuUffings were ordered to remove in thnty days. Thus the design of the leaffing members of the ffist Commit- 12 134 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. tee ¦ on FaneuU HaU Market was extended toward the east far beyond their firsf published plan. The western side conformed, in all material respects, to that plan, except that the market house, instead of being situated between two stteets, each eighty feet in width, had a street sixty-five feet in width on the north, and one of one hundred and two feet on the south side. The cause of this unequal ffivision of the space devoted to these stteets has already been intimated. When, in consequence of the ultimate purchases of the chief estates lying between the street leaffing to Bray's Wharf and Ann Street, the whole of the estate of Nathan Spear's hens was taken into South Market Street, great complaints were made and inffignation expressed, as though unexampled injustice had been done to the proprietors of the three' fourteenths of Na than Spear's estate, by taking in the whole of their mterest for a street. It is not, however, apprehended that there was any just cause for such complaint and feeling. Those proprietors had maintained their rights with exemplq.ry firmness, and had -vindicated for themselves all the advantages of the increased value of their estates, derived from this city improvement. Their estate, however, was, like those of other citizens, subject to be taken, on indemnification, by the surveyors of highways for pub Uc exigencies. In the process for such indemnification, established by law in such cases, they had the fuU right of receiving damages, accord ing to the increased value of their estates, as raised by the city; and this principle was acceded to those proprietors, as a matter of law, by the Chief Justice of the Commonwealth, in his charge to the jury ^ who had the duty of assessing damages, and who awarded to those proprietors their proportion of the Spear estate, valued at seventy thousand dollars, which, previously to the commencement of this project of improvement, had never been valued at more than twenty-five thousand. The assertion, that the land was taken by the city as a specffiation, was whoUy with out reasonable ground. After the extension of the Centte Market, accorffing to the original plan, was thus effected, minor projects were started in connection with it. Some proposed that the new market house 1 See the Boston Daily Advertiser of the twenty-eighth November, 1826, CITY GOVERNMENT. 135 should be widened from fifty to eighty feet. Others, that the cellar of the market house, which was now, through its whole length, finished and walled, should be taken up and removed, so as to coincide with the centre of Faneuil HaU. The proprietors of the north block of stores on North Market Stteet also memo riaUzed against the widening of South Market Street, as being injurious to them, and conttary to the faith of the city, pledged to them. Between the eleventh and eighteenth of .lanuary, these propositions were considered and rejected by the Commit tee ; the ffist, unanimously ; the second, by a majority of five out of nine. As the decision of these questions involved great responsibUity, the Committee, after declaring their opinion, that there was nothing in the proposed widening of South Market Street conttary to the faith of the city, requested the Mayor to state to the City Council the above votes, and communicate their determination to proceed with the market house according to the present location and dimensions, unless the City CouncU should expressly direct otherwise ; and declaring their deliberate judgment, that no other change shoffid be permitted, except that of removing the cellar waUs, and erecting it of the present dimensions, with the centi-e coinciding with' the centte of FaneuU HaU, and this only on the condition that the proprietors of the north block of stores consent to pay aU expenses consequent on such removal. The Mayor accordingly communicated to the City Council a very long and elaborate report, showing that the widening of South Market Stteet was no direct or vuiual violation of the faith of the city to the proprietors of the north block of stores ; and stating the grounds on which the Committee had seen fit to reject the several projects for an alteration in the existing location and dimensions of the new market. The City Council concurred in all the views of the Commit tee, and directed them to proceed in the manner they had before .ordered. At this period, arrangements were commenced for taking down aU the buildings purchased to the northward of Bray's Wharf, and for clearing the entire space, preparatory to the sale of the south block of store lots. And, in the course of the month of Febru ary, 1825, deeds were received from the proprietors of Long Wharf, and the pmchase money for them paid; the claims of 136 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. tenants who had been removed were settled, and the south lots prepared for sale. The Committee also avowed their intention to recommend to the City CouncU to make no more pm'chases of estates in the vicinity of Butler's Row ; declaring, at the same time, their opmion, that it woffid be for the interest of the city if the Mayor coffid induce private individuals to purchase lands in that vicinity, for further extending the improvement m that direction. This declaration was made -with reference to, and in aid of, a plan of David Greenough, which had for its object the entire closing of Butler's Row. On the seventh of this month, the Committee were deprived of one of its most active and talented members, by the resigna tion of Mr. Alderman Benjamin, whose practical sMU, scientific acquirements, experience, and great judgment, as an architect, had largely contributed to the success and extensiveness of this important improvement, as he had been, in every stage of the building of the new market house, joined in councU with Alex ander Parris, the employed architect, in devising and improving its original plan. Mr. Alderman Eddy was elected successor to Mr. Benjamin on the Special Committee. In the month of March, the Committee purchased the estate of D. Tucker, on the Long Wharf, for the purpose of opening what is now caUed Commercial Street to the Long Wharf; and, after obtaining the sanction of the City CouncU, they also pur chased, at the cost of thirty-six thousand doUars, the estates of WiUiam Welsh, Henry Lienow, and of the heirs of Mrs. Hoff man ; the object being to open a thirty-five feet sti'eet in the dnection of, and incluffing, the Roebuck Passage. On the thirty-first of this month, the twenty-two store lots, constituting the south block, including thirty-tffiee thousand eight hundred and sixty-five square feet of land, were sold for four hundred and three thousand eight hundred and fifty-three dollars, it being eleven dollars and thirty-two cents the square foot. On the twenty-fifth of April, the Faneffil Hall Committee made a report to the Common Council, stating the amount paid for land purchased, and for the streets laid out, for the accommo dation of the new market house, with the amount received for store lots; and, on the twenty-seventh of AprU, 1825, in con- CITY GOVERNMENT. 137 formity with previous arrangements, the corner stone of the new market house was laid ^ in the presence of the City Council and a large concourse of citizens, there havmg been deposited under it, inclosed m a leaden case, a specimen of aU the coins of the United States, a map of the city, aU the newspapers of the city published on that day, and a sUver plate, containing the names of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common CouncU, of the Presi dent of the United States, and of the Executive of the Com monwealth. 1 See Appendix I. 12* CHAPTER X. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1824-1825. Josiah Quinct, Mayor. Proceedings relative to the House of Industry — Opposition of the Overseers of the Poor to the Measures of the City Council — Sale of the Almshouse in Leverett Street — The Paupers transferred to the House of Industry — The question of applying to the Legislature for a Modification of the Powers claimed by the Overseers of the Poor, submitted to a General Meeting of the Citizens — Its Result — Death of Alderman Hooper — Claims of PoUtical Parties for the use of Eaneuil HaU — Difficulties relative to the Board of Health — Change in that Department — Visit and Reception of General Lafayette. Immediately after the organization of the city government, in May, 1824, a committee, consisting of the Mayor, Aldermen ChUd, Benjamin, and Eddy, with Messrs. E. Wiffiams, Shaw, Frothingham, Otis, Barry, Upham, and Davis, of the Common Council, were appointed to consider the best mode of ffisposing of the Almshouse, with authority to sell it, at a sum not less than one hundred thousand dollars. On the nineteenth of July, the Directors of the House of In dustty reported to the City CouncU their receipts and expendi tures on account of that institution, its prosperous state, and the necessity of a stockade fence around it ; and a committee, con sisting of the Mayor, Aldermen Patterson and Eddy, with Messrs. Wales, RusseU, William Wright, and Goddard, were appomted, with full authority to ttansfer to the House of Industty aU the inmates of the Almshouse, with the concurrence of the Overseers of the Poor. This Committee, in repeated interviews with those Overseers, stated the completion and success of the House of Industry ; its special adaptation to the class of poor then in the Almshouse, its chief design being to supply them with a varied succession of healthfffi employment, on the land and in the House, according to the season of the year, their age, sex, and capacity, thus enabUng them to do something for their own sup- CITY GOVERNMENT, 139 port, and adding to the comfort of the respectable poor, by a pure atmosphere, a wider space for exercise, and scenes more congenial to the human mind, than an almshouse in the midst of a popffious city coffid afford ; that those who had been trans ferred to the House of Industry the last year with reluctance, were not only satisfied, but grateful and happy in the change. The Committee requested the Overseers to examine for them selves the correctness of these assertions ; and, after stating that the experiment already made had convinced the City CouncU of the economy, humanity, and acceptableness to the poor of the House of Industty, pressed the expediency of immediately ttansr ferring the inmates of the Almshouse to the new, ffi-y, and clean effifice at South Boston, where they might enjoy the comfort and advantage of a residence in the countty during the ensffing summer. The Committee stated that the interest of the city required that the tt-ansfer should not be delayed ; as a negotiation then proceeding for the sale of the house in Leverett Sti-eet would be embarrassed by an opposition to the views of the City CouncU. They, therefore, proposed an immeffiate removal of all the poor to the House of Industry, except the sick and the maniacs ; for whom suitable attendants would be provided by the city, in the Almshouse in Leverett Street, under the superintendence of the Overseers of the Poor, untU that institution coffid be entirely closed. They stated that it was not the object of the City Council to deprive the Overseers of their guarffianship of the poor, but to render their labors more easy and efficient, by adopting a system of measures sffited to the increasing population of the city. From that cause, the office of overseer had become so burden some, that in one ward three citizens had been recently succes sively chosen and successively declined. These objections would be lessened when those officers were released from responsibili ties relative to the place appointed for the residence of the poor; except those included in their visitatorial power. The Committee stated that, after the ttansfer of the poor to South Boston, it was the intention of the City Council that aU the poor "in the House of Industry and Hoijse of Correction shoffid be under the superintendence of the Directors of the House of Industty ; that all other poor within the limit of the 140 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. city, in the hospital and in famiUes, to be under the care of the Overseers of the Poor, who were to have the exclusive manage ment and disttibution of aU eleemosynary funds, and of aU such as the City CouncU may provide for the poor out of the house;" considering these services of the Overseers to include an appli cation of time and labor sufficient for any city to claim gratui tously of any individual. These views were not only repeated by the Committee at several interviews, but were set forth at large by them in a letter to the Overseers, dated the twenty-fifth of June, 1824, and signed by the Mayor, David W. ChUd, James Savage, and EUphalet WiUiams, without any other effect than that which -wiU here after be stated. WhUe the preceding controversy was penffing, the Overseers of the Poor raised another difficulty, relative to their accounta- biUty to the City Council for the expenditure of public moneys. By the ordinance " establishing a system of accountabiUty in the expenditures of the city," passed on the twenty-second of August, 1824, no moneys could be paid out of the city tteasmy, unless vouched by the Chairman of the Committee of the Board, under whose authority the expenditure had been made, and unless passed by the joint Committee of accounts of the City Council. The Overseers having ffi-awn an order on the City Treasurer, without regarding the provisions of the city ordmance, which, not being accepted, the Overseers of the Poor on the twenty-fifth of September, 1824, adffiessed a remonstrance to the City Coun cil, stating that, " under the town, the subscription of the Over seers to the grants and allowances, contained in their draft book, was deemed a sufficient voucher for the Treasurer ; " that the delivery of the original biUs and insttuments, authenticating the claims of the Overseers, " would be a hinderance in the discharge of then- official duties, and endanger a loss by the city ; " that many of them related to adjustments and ttansactions between them and the Overseers of the Poor or Selectmen of other to-wns, and ought to be retained in their hands ; that in cases of disburse ments made by the Overseers, in their respective wards, to poor persons at then dweUings occasionaUy, according to their imme diate exigencies, many inconveniences were suggested ; and mea sm-es of the City Council were requested, relieving them from the operation of the ordinance relative to accountabUity. CITY GOVERNMENT. 141 This memorial was referred to a committee of the City Coun cU, consisting of the Mayor and Alderman Odiorne, and Messrs. Coolidge, Prouty, and Morse, of the Common CouncU, who, on the eighteenth of October, 1824, reported that they had an inter view with the Overseers of the Poor, and heard and considered aU their suggestions, and that they cannot perceive why the par ticular provisions of that orffinance are not as equaUy applicable to the expenffitures of the Overseers of the Poor as to those of other boards and individuals inttusted with the disbursement of public moneys, and that they see no practical ffifficulty or inconvenience that will resffit from the applicability of the ordinance in question to their expenffiture ; but, on the conttary, in their judgment, it would be productive of great satisfaction. The Committee then proceeded to state the expenditures of the Overseers, during the last current year, to have been upwards of thirty thousand dol lars, arranged under four general heads : — 1. Salaries and sums paid for professional services. 2. Payments made to insane hospitals and other towns. 3. Payments of out of door grants and pensions. 4. Payments for articles and provisions purchased for the house. As to the fost, amounting to near four thousand doUars, the Overseers coffid not be subjected to greater inconve nience than that to which other salaried officers were, who are paid by bills certffied by the chairman of the committee of the board making the conttact. It was obviously expedient that a similar principle should be appUed to all accounts for salaries. Indeed the chief objection of the Overseers to the requisition seemed to be the ttouble it would occasion them. As to the second head, amounting to upwards of twenty-five hun dred doUars, the Committee apprehended no great inconve nience coffid arise after an account was Uquidated and the balance sttuck, for the account to be certified by the chair man of the board that passed it. The objection made was, that the Overseers would be subjected to unnecessary trouble to go to the office of the auffitor, in case of any necessity of recur rence to those accounts. This inconvenience, the Committee apprehended, woffid be counterbalanced by the great public con venience and security, from having aU the public accounts of all the expending indi-viduals and boards deposited in one office, in one systematic arrangement, under the ffirect superintendence of a committee of the City Council. As to the third head of pay- 142 MUNICn-AL HISTORY. ments, amounting to upwards of eight thousand dollars, all that would be reqffired was, that a list of the names of aU the pen sioners, or those to whom grants were made, shoffid be tt-ansmit- ted, certified by the Chairman of the Overseers, that they have been aUowed by vote of the Board. And as to weekly distribu tions of the Overseers in the wards, all that would be required was, a statement of an account by the expending overseer, speci fying the names of the person relieved, and a certificate of the Chairman of the Overseers, that the account had been passed by the Board. It was objected by the Overseers, that giving publi city to the name of the person relieved, might sometimes occa sion pain to such person. The Committee, however, were of opinion, that it was the right of society to know how the public moneys are in such cases applied. Poverty, when it is not the consequence of vice or crime, is no disgrace ; when it is the con sequence of either, it is not entitled to the consideration which the objection implies. As to the fourth head, amounting to nearly fifteen thousand dollars, the payments made under it are, in every respect, precisely similar to those of other city expendi tures, and there can be no reason why they should not be subject to the same system of accountabUity. The Directors of the House of Industry, whose relations to the city and responsibili ties are altogether similar to those of the Overseers (except only that they have no discretionary power to disburse money out of the house) find no embarrassment from the provisions of the ordinance, and the Committee declared their opinion that the experiment in its effects woffid result in being a great satisfac tion to the Overseers of the Poor, instead of an annoyance. The reluctance thus exhibited "by the Overseers of the Poor to be subjected to the same principles of accountabUity which the City Council had established, with regard to all boards and inffividu als who had the expenditures of public moneys, made a deep impression upon the minds of the Committee. This was strength ened by their unyielding opposition to the removal of the poor to the institution at South Boston, after the urgent soUcitation of the Committee for such removal, expressed in their letter of the twenty-fifth of June preceding; although there were only eighty in the class of sick and maniacs out of more than three hundred inmates then in the Almshouse. The great majority of these they aUeged were not capable of labor and not suited to CITY GOVERNMENT. 143 the mode of relief provided for them in the House of Industry, and accordingly refused to assent to the transfer of more than forty. These they discharged in the mode they before adopted, and of this number only thirty-two could be persuaded to go to South Boston. It was also soon ascertained that several of these pau pers, who, after having been discharged by the Overseers, had refused to go to the House of Industry, and others who had run away from that establishment, wholesome resttaint being unsuited to their iffie and vicious habits, had been again received into the Almshouse in Leverett Sti-eet, without any notice being given to the Directors of the House of Industi-y and the City CouncU. These proceedings were so desttuctive of the discipline of this institution, that the Committee resolved, on th^ fourth of Sep tember, to make a final attempt to effect, if possible, a transfer of those inmates ; and accordingly on that day, had, for that pur pose, an interview with the Overseers of the Poor, and received from them a statement that there were one hundred and forty- four adults and ninety-nine chilffien in the Almshouse, who were neither sick nor maniacs. And .when the Committee deemed it then duty to require the concurrence of the Overseers in the ttans fer of those paupers to the House of Industry, to their surprise that Board, on the tenth of November, passed a vote refusing to concur in the ttansfer of any of this great number, for the reason that " they were not, in the opinion of the Overseers, in a condi tion to be discharged from their care and oversight." The Committee which had been appointed on this subject, on the seventeenth of June, 1824, therefore communicated these facts to the City Council on the fifteenth of November, and, without making any comment on this refusal, declared their opinion that " the whole course of proceedings of the Overseers of the Poor, in relation to the House of Industry and the Alms house, as well as the great amount of the cash expenditures of that Board, and the obstacles they had thrown in the way of their accountability to the City Council, stt-ongly indicated the necessity and duty of the City CouncU to obtain, if possible, that the subject of the poor should be placed on a different foot ing than that which at present exists under the laws of the Com monwealth ; that the experience of two years had evinced that a constant succession of embarrassments had obstructed the attempts of the City Council to produce that ameUoration in the 144 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. condition of the poor, and that limitation of the expenditures of that department which was originally intended by the wisdom of the citizens of Boston, when they laid the foundations of the House of Industty ; " and they " suggested to the City Council the duty of inquiring whether these embarrassments are .not inseparable from the incompatibUity of the powers existing in, or claimed by the Overseers, when brought into connection -with the powers and authorities now unquestionably vested by the charter of the city in the City CouncU ; " that " by the theory of this charter, the branches which combine its legislative and executive powers, are competent for the management of all the concerns of the city, and among these the care of the poor, one of tiie most important in point of expense, and one of the most critical in point of interest. By the theoi-y of the Board of Over seers this great concern is thrown into the hands of twelve men, chosen in wards, without much reference to the greatness of the pecuniary trust, and stiU less to the extent of their claimed pow ers. Thus, for instance, this Board has, according to their claims, a right to expend what they please, on whom they please, and how they please ; sometimes supporting paupers in the house, and sometimes out of the house ; sometimes paying them by monthly and quarterly drafts on the tteasury ; sometimes paying them by cash out of their own pockets, and charging the amount in a weekly or monthly settlement ; and in these ways there actually passes through their hands annuaUy from thirty to forty thousand dollars." The Committee in this statement did not include the great annu^al expenditure of the incomes of eleemo synary funds, amounting, as is asserted, to a capital of more than one hundred thousand doUars, over which the Overseers claimed entire control, and were reluctant authoritatively to give pubUcity to the exact amount. The Committee, after fm-ther commenting on the extteme inconvenience and inexpediency of this state of things, recommended that a Committee of both branches should be appointed, and instructed to consider and report at large on the subject. This report was accepted, and the Mayor, Alder men Odiorne, Child, and Eddy, and the President, (Oliver) and Messrs. Sa-vage, E. WUUams, Prouty, and Curtis, of the Com mon Council, were accordingly appointed to consider the general relations of the Overseers of the Poor and the city, and report- the measures which ought to be adopted on the subject. CITY GOVERmiENT. 145 This Committee, on the twenty-ninth of November, made a report exhibiting the incompatibUity of the existing relations between the Overseers of the Poor and the City Council with the interests of the city, and recommending that the whole subject shoffid be submitted to a general meeting of the citizens, and proposing measures which, if sanctioned by them, woffid termi nate these collisions of authority.^ To the end, also, that if a board assuming a qualified independence of the City CouncU should afterwards be permitted to exist, it should be the resffit of the voluntary act of the citizens, and should not be attributa ble to any shrinking from, or dereUction of duty on the part of the City CouncU. The report was accepted unanimously in both branches of the City Council, and six thousand copies were printed and imme diately disti-ibuted throughout the city. A meeting of the in habitants was then caUed for the sixteenth of December ensu ing. At this meeting very warm and exciting debates occmi-ed, occupying the whole morning, and resffiting, after several poU- ings, in a rejection of the measures proposed by the City Coun cU, by a majority of only thirty-one, in an assembly casting eight hundred votes. The proceeffings were then so far reconsidered, as to refer the whole subject to a committee of twelve persons, who were instructed to caU, at their ffiscretion, another general meeting of the inhabitants, at which the votes on the report they might submit shoffid be taken by ballot. This Committee reported at length ; and, after ffilating on the necessity and importance of the office of overseers of the poor from " the fact, that overseers of the poor are by law trustees of various legacies and donations to certam descriptions of poor, then amounting to ninety thousand dollars, the income of which, the donors, confiffing in the humanity, prudence, and integrity of the acting overseers of their day, and justly inferring that the good sense of the people would lead them to elect similar cha racters as successors in after times, have at various periods placed at the ffisposal of the overseers so chosen, to be applied in most cases to such as had seen better days, and were not resident in the Almshouse nor partakers of the pubUc bounty in other ways," proceeded to declare then opinion, that " the election of 1 See Appendix K. 13 146 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. the overseers by the people is not only conformable to the wishes of the citizens, but an ancient practice, which circumstances do not require them to reUnquish." In conformity with tMs opi nion, the Committee recommended to the citizens for their adop tion, resolutions declaring the inexpediency of complying with the propositions submitted to them by the City CouncU. The Committee then appointed the nineteenth of May ensuing for a general meeting of the citizens, to take into consideration their report. On the eighteenth of November, the Directors of the House of Industty again reported to the City CouncU the state of the institution, congratffiated the public on its success, and expressed their sttong hopes that great and lasting good woffid resffit from it to the morals and interests of the city, and repeated thek urgency for an appropriation of five thousand doUars for the erection of a stockade fence, as being advantageous to the present institution, and essential to a house of correction. The appro priation required was immediately granted by the City CouncU. The sale of the Almshouse in Leverett Stteet, in March, 1825, at length put an end to the conttoversy relative to the ttansfer of the poor. The Committee which had effected the sale declared that no delay ought to occur, in compliance with their stipulations rela tive to clearing the house in Leverett Street of aU its inmates ; and on their recommendation, two resolves were passed by the City Council, ffirecting all the paupers to be removed to South Boston, on or before the fifteenth of AprU ensffing, and the mem bers of the former Committee on the subject of the ttansfer of the poor to the House of Lidustty were appointed to have an interview -with the Overseers, with authority to make such ttansfer. Accordingly, before that day, the house in Leverett Stteet was cleared of its inmates, in conformity with the re solve of the City Council; and, on a petition of the Over seers of the Poor, they assigned the southeast chamber of the second story in FaneuU HaU to that board, as a place for their meeting and a deposit of their records. On the eighteenth of April, the Committee charged with the ttansfer of the poor to South Boston reported to the City CouncU that it had been effected, and two hundred and nine individuals had been removed, making the number now in the House of Industry CITY GOVERNMENT. 147 two hundred and eighty-one ; and that aU the inmates, particu larly the aged and respectable females, whose comfort and ac commodation deserved particffiarly to be considered, expressed to the Committee then content and gratitude for the change, and their regret that it had been so long delayed. The City Council, therefore, after aU the difficulties with which they had long contended, had the great pleasure and satisfaction of be holding their labors, with regard to the House of Industry, crowned with complete success. On the sixteenth of September, 1824, the Mayor announced to the City Council the death of Alderman Hooper, a lawyer of great promise, who, by his talents and virtues, had obtained an extensive local influence, which, dming the short period he was suffered to remain in public life, he had successfully appUed to the advancement of the best interests of the city. A resolve was immeffiately passed, expressing deep sympathy with his famUy, and a committee appointed to make arrangements for the City CouncU to attend the funeral, and to recommend such marks of respect as were justly due to his virtues, talents, and public ser vices. In November, the vacancy in the Board of Aldermen, which this event occasioned, was suppUed by the election of Cyrus Alger. In March, 1824, the representatives of two political parties, came before the Mayor and Aldermen, each claiming the use of FaneuU HaU on the evening preceding an election, under circumstances which deeply excited the feelings of both. After much deliberation that Board determined that the right should no longer depend upon the priority of application, but hereafter by alternation ; and that the claims of the two parties for the ensuing election, being nearly equal, should be decided by ballots, prepared by the City Clerk in their presence ; it being declared, that the unsuccessfffi party shoffid have a right to the Hall on the evening of the next succeeding election. In this decision the j-epresentatives of the contending parties acquiesced. On the nineteenth AprU, 1824, the joint Committee on quaran tine regulations, of which the Mayor was chanman, reported, that, by the city charter, the whole subject relative to quarantine was invested in the City Council ; that, in 1822, they had trans ferred those powers to the Board of Health, who had executed 148 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. them m the character and with the attributes of an independent board ; that doubts had arisen concerning the constitutionaUty of that transfer ; and that this arrangement was not consonant to the spirit of the city charter, nor justffied by its provisions ; that those powers were a personal and untransferable trast to the City Council ; that, although they must be exercised by the agency of others, the body by which they are exercised ought to be so organized that its dependence, in every act of its power, should be felt and acknowledged, otherwise, the City CouncU have a responsibility without power of control, and the trust of the charter is violated or abandoned ; that it was a question of great deUcacy and seriousness, worthy of the most anxious con sideration of the City Council, whether the exercise of those powers by a board like that of the Commissioners of Health, regarding itself as independent, was a fuffilment of the obUga- tions, however -wise and respectable might be the members of that board ; and that, deeming it their duty to propose a different organization for the exercise of that trust, the Committee re commended the resolutions of the foUowing general tenor : — 1. That there should be appointed, in May, annuaUy, health commissioners, by concurrent vote of the City Council. 2. That they shoiUd have power to caiTy into effect aU the powers relative to the quarantine of vessels, the health, cleanli ness, and comfort of the city, and the interment of the dead. 3. That there should be, in like manner, appointed a physician for Hospital Island ; and also, in case of mfectious ffiseases, three consffiting physicians. 4. That there should be a joint committee annually appointed, to prepare rules and regulations and superintend the proceeffings of the Commissioners ; and, in case of any doubt or question, to submit the subject for the decision of the City Council. These resolves were adopted in both branches, and the subject left for the action of the ensuing City CouncU. Accordingly, on the third of JMay, in the ensffing city year, the Mayor, Aldermen Child, Eddy, and Hooper, with Messrs. Russell, Morse, Adan, Upham, and WilUam Wright, of the Common Council, were appointed a committee on that subject; and, in pursuance of the policy recommended by these resolves, the agency of the Board of Health was superseded by an ordi nance of the City CouncU, passed on the thirty-fost of May, CITY GOVERNMENT. 149 1824, relative to the police of the city, by which the whole sub ject was placed under the control of a single commissioner, as has already been stated in this work.^ On the same day, a vote passed both branches of the city, unanimously expressing their thanks to the members of the late Board of Health, for their fffithful and laborious services. The visit of General Lafayette rendered the years 1824 and 1825 a period of universal jubilee in the United States. Although the testimony of delight at his presence, which cities and states vied -with each other in repeating, belong to the history of the nation, yet the proceedings of the municipaUty of Boston, as the triumphal procession swept through its precincts, requires here a brief notice and distinct reminiscence. In March, 1824, the Mayor, in compUance -with a vote of the City CouncU, adffiessed the foUo-wing letter to Lafayette. Boston, U. S. A., 20 March, 1824. Sir, — Your intention to visit the United States has been made known to its citizens by the proceedings of their National Legislature. The city of Boston shares in the universal pleasure which the expectation of so interesting an event has diffused ; but it has causes of gratification pecuUarly its o-wn. Many of its inhabitants recoUect, and aU have heard of your former residence in this metro polis ; of the deUght with which you were here greeted on your second visit to this country ; and of the acclamation of a grateful multitude which attended you when saUing from this harbor, on your last departure from the United States ; and also of that act of munificence, by wliioh in later times you extended the hand of reUef in their distress. These circumstances have impressed upon the inhabitants of this city a -vivid recoUection of your person, and a peculiar inte rest in your character, endearing you to their remembrance by sentiments of personal gratitude, as weU as by that sense of national obUgation -mth which the citizens of the United States are universaUy penetrated. With feeUngs of this kind, the City Council of Boston, in accordance -with the general -wish of their constituents, have directed me to address this letter to you, and to express the hope that, should it comport with your convenience, you would do them the honor to disembark iu this city, and to communicate the assurance that no event could possibly be more grateful to its inhabitants ; that nowhere could you meet with a more cordial welcome ; that you could find nowhere hearts more capable of appreciating your early zeal and sacrifices in the cause of American freedom, or more ready to acknowledge and honor that cha racteristic uniformity of virtue, -with which through a long Ufe, and in scenes of unexampled difficulty and danger, you have steadfastly maintained the cause of an enUghtened ci-vil liberty in both heuuspheres. Very respectfully, I am your obedient servant, Josiah Quincy, Mayor of the City of Boston. 1 See ch. V. p. 73. 13* 150 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. answer of LAFAYETTE. To the Mayor of the City of Boston : Paris, May 26, 1824. Sir, — Amidst the new and high marks of benevolence the people of the Uni ted States and their representatives have lately deigned to confer upon me, I am proud and happy to recognize those particular sentiments of the citizens of Bos ton which have blessed and delighted the first years of my pubUc career, and the grateful sense of which has ever since been to me a most valued reward and support. I joyfuUy anticipate the day, not very remote, thank God, when I may revisit the glorious cradle of American, and, in future, I hope, of universal liberty. Your so honorable and gratifying in-vitation would have been directiy complied with in the case to which you aUude. But whUe I profoundly felt the honor intended by the ofier of a national ship, I hope I shaU incur no blame by the determination I have taken to embark, as soon as it is in my power, in a pri vate vessel. Whatever port I first attain, I shall, with the same eagerness, hasten to Boston, and present to its beloved and revered inhabitants, as I have the honor to offer to the City CouncU and to you, sir, the homage of my affee- tionate gratitude and devoted respect. Lafayette. General Lafayette landed at New York on the sixteenth of August, 1824, amidst those demonstt-ations of interest and grati tude, which every heart and hand in the United States was pre pared to reiterate; and on the twentieth he left that city for Boston, under a military escort. During the whole course of his journey, he received continued evidences of general deUght. From the lines of Massachusetts he was attended by the Aids of Governor Eustis, and was received by him at his seat in Rox bury, on the evenmg of the twenty-thnd. On the succeeding morning, seated in a barouche the city had provided, he was escorted by a cavalcade of more than a thousand citizens to the lines of Boston, where he was met by the city authorities m car riages, with a large military escort, and was thus addressed by the Mayor, stanffing in the barouche, in which were seated the Committee of the City Council. General Lafayette, — The citizens of Boston welcome you on your return to the United States ; mindful of your early zeal in the cause of Ameri can independence, grateful for your distinguished share in the perils and glories of its achievement. When, urged by a generous sympathy, you first landed on these shores, you found a people engaged in an arduous and eventful struggle for liberty, with apparently inadequate means and amidst dubious omens. After the lapse of nearly half a century, you find the same people prosperous beyond all hope and all precedent ; their Uberty secure, sitting in their strength, -without fear and without reproach. In your youth you joined the standard of three millions of people, raised in an CITY GOVERNMENT. 151 tocertain and unequal combat. In your advanced -age you return, and are met by ten millions of people, their descendants, who greet your approach and rejoice in it. This is not the movement of a turbulent populace, excited by the first laurels of some recent conqueror. It is a grave, moral, inteUectual impulse. A whole people in the enjoyment of freedom as perfect as the condition of our nature permits, recur with gratitude, increasing with the daily increasing sense of their blessings, to the memory of those, who by their labors and in their blood laid the foundation of our liberties. Your name, sir, the name of Lafayette, is associated with the most perUous and most glorious periods of our Revolution — -with the imperishable names of Washington and of that numerous host of heroes who adorn the proudest archives of American historj"-, and are engraven in indelible traces on the hearts of the whole American people. Accept then, in the sincere spirit in which it is oflfered, this simple tribute to your virtues. Again, sir, the citizens of Boston bid you welcome to the cradle of American independence and to scenes consecrated with the blood shed by the earUest mar tyrs in the cause. REPLY OF GENERAL LAFAYETTE. To the Mayor and People of Boston : The emotions of love and gratitude which I have been accustomed to feel on my entering this city, have ever mingled -with a sense of reUgious reverence for the cradle of American, and let us hope it -wUl be hereafter said, of universal liberty. What must be my feelings, sir, at the blessed moment, when, after so long an absence, I find myself again surrounded by the good citizens of Boston. When I am so afiectionately, so honorably welcomed, not only by old friends, but by several successive generations ; when I can witness the prosperity, the immense improvements that have been the just reward of a noble struggle, virtuous morals, and truly republican institutions. I beg of you, Mr. Mayor, Gentlemen of the City CouncU, and aU of you, beloved citizens of Boston, to accept the respectful and warm thanks of a heart which has, for nearly half a century, been particularly devoted to your illustrious city. The Mayor then took a seat with Lafayette. The entrance of Lafayette into the city was announced by raising the American flag on the cupola of the State House and on Dorchester Heights, from whence a salute of one hunffied and one guns was fired. The stteets were profusely decorated ; arches with appropriate mottoes were raised in Washington Stteet ; and during his progress, for more than three mUes, aU the bells of the city were rung, and he was welcomed by more than seventy thousand inhabitants of the city and its vicinity. Every roof, -window, balcony, and steeple, was put in reqffisition by the excited multitude, which, by its throng, often impeded 152 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. the progress of the barouche. The 'day was clouffiess, cool, and serene, and every circumstance propitious to general enjoyment On the Common, Lafayette passed through two lines formed by several thousand chUdren, pupUs of the pubUc schools, attired in uniform, and each wearing his portrait stamped upon a ribbon. From the State House, where his reception by the Governor was announced by a national salute from the Common, he was escorted to the mansion at the corner of Beacon and Park Stteets, which had been obtained and furnished for his resi dence, dming his visit, by the city authorities; and he after wards attended a public ffinner given by them in his honor. During the week of his continuance in the city, he was escorted by the Mayor and a Committee of the City CouncU, to visit every object of interest within and around the city, and no testi mony of respect and gratitude was omitted. On the thirty-fost of August, the Mayor accompanied Lafay ette, on his departure for New Hampshire, to the Unes of Boston on Charles River Bridge, where he was received by the aids of the Governor of the Commonwealth and an escort of cavalry. At parting, he requested the Mayor to assure the citizens of Boston that " it was impossible for words to do justice to the emotions excited in his heart by the ffistingffished Mndness and honor with which he had been welcomed by them ; that they woffid ever be associated with his most precious recoUections ; and that he warmly reciprocated their expressions of respect and regard." On the second of September, when Lafayette returned from New Hampshire, an elegant entertainment was given Mm at his residence in Park Street by the City ComicU. Lafayette pre sided at the table, and they dined with him apparently as his guests ; and this gratifying arrangement formed an appropriate conclusion to the attention and ttibutes he received from the city government of Boston. CHAPTER XI. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1824-1825. Josiah Quincy, Mayor. State of the 'Fire Department — Claims of the Engine Companies — The Result — They surrender their Engines and resign — ¦ Other Engine Compa nies formed — A new Organization of the Fire Department recommended — Measures taken to carry it into eifect — Office of Auditor of Accounts esta bhshed. During the first year of the second administtation of the city government, the City CouncU were resttain ed by obstacles, appa rently insurmountable, from any attempt to improve the then existing system of protection against fire, although great changes in it were evidently reqffisite. Fnewards, engine, and hook and ladder men, with associated friendly foe companies, constituted the foe police. Their efficiency chiefly depended upon the aid of the inhabitants, applied under the authority of the firewards. They formed lanes of bystanders, who, by then direction, passed buckets of water, from pumps or wells in the vicinity, to the engines playing on the fire, and retm-ned them for further supply. This system of protection had its origin in the relations of the colonial state, when the inhabitants were few, habituated to labor, and respect for the rights of property was general. Dwell ing-houses being then separated by gardens or vacant fields, extensive conflagrations were infrequent ; yet, being of wood, and the means of insurance unattainable, their occasional loss kept alive the feeling of sympathy in the community. The duty of joining some fire company and assisting at every fo-e was, therefore, regarded as imperious. f, ^ . j At the time of the adoption of the city government, Boston was in a ttansition state, and fast advancing to that period, when, by the increase of popffiation, ties of inffividual interest were diminished. The estabUshment of insurance offices had, in most cases, ttansferred the loss upon capitalists ; and poverty and crime, multiplying with numbers, began to regard fires as 154 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. harvests, from the gleaning of which they had not principle enough to abstain. Although this state of things was obvious, and its effects began to be felt, yet it was long before the duty of aiffing the sufferers caused the necessity of imposing resttaint on the general interference of the citizens at fires to be recognized. This reluct ance to acknowledge the effect of circumstances on the then existing system of protection, was pecuUarly strong among the engine companies, in whom the esprit de corps wae active and general. From the earliest period of the settlement, the mem bers of these companies had been accustomed to regard them selves as the guarffians of the city against this element, and took a pride in the consciousness of their power. They were a body of men energetic and fearless. So far from regarding their labors as onerous and looMng for their reward in pecuniary compensa tion, a premium was often paid for admission into the compa nies, and they deemed themselves recompensed by a small aUo-w- ance from the town, sufficient for an annual social supper, by exemption from militia duties, and the consciousness of useful and acceptable services to their fellow .townsmen. Then engines, found and supported by the town, were* without ornament, and valued only for their power. To be first, nearest, and most con spicuous at fires, was the ambition of the engine men ; and the use of hose, as it had a tendency to deprive them of tMs gratifi cation, was opposed. The hostility to any change which should induce its use, was apparently general. The opinion of the effi ciency of the then existing system was riveted in the beUef, and fortified by the pride of the engine companies. To doubt it, involved with them an inevitable loss of popffiarity ; and the introduction of a hose system was ridiculed and regarded as use less. Although the citizens in general did not coincide in the opinion of the engine companies, and perceived the ffifficffities of the subject, tjiey were far from being unanimous relative to the improvement the state of the department required. The City CouncU, therefore, determined to defer untU a more favorable moment the desired alterations ; and the Mayor prepared for changes which he deemed inevitable, by entering into correspond ence with leaffing members of the fire departments of New York and Philadelphia, whose systems of protection were reported to him as highly efficient. CITY GOVERNMENT. 155 The foe department was brought under the consideration of the City CouncU in June, 1823, by a petition of several engine companies for an additional compensation for their services. The Committee to whom it was referred, reported that the remu neration already aUowed was sufficient, and gave them leave to -withdraw it. The acceptance of this report gave the petitioners great dissatisfaction ; and the Mayor soon received notice from the captains of some of the companies that they would never be content with their present aUowance, but that at a proper season they woffid renew their application. The Mayor understood, from the terms of this notice, that this renewal would be made in the winter, when then- services were most important and arduous, and when, therefore, it would be most difficult to supply substitutes. The City Council consequently, immediately turned their attention to the present organization, efficiency, and eqffipments of the engme companies, the inducements given to join them, and the power of the firewards. These investigations mcreased their dissatisfaction, and presented new difficulties. The citizens complained that the firewards did not exercise their authority, despotic for the emergency, with the same energy as their predecessors. The foewards asserted that the citizens no longer aided them in their duties, by becoming members of the fire companies ; and that while the classes of population dis posed to be inactive or to. depredate at fires increased, those who were wiffing to assist were much lessened. It was, therefore, more difficffit to form lanes to supply the engines, and impossi ble to support them for any length of time. The multiplication of insurance offices, also, by diminishing the losses of the suffer ers, weakened the sense of obligation to risk life and health for their relief. The engine companies were also equaUy loud in their complaints. The increase of popffiation and extent of the city had rendered alarms more numerous and made ffistances greater. They were often obUged, from a deficiency of water, to ffiag their engines some hunffied feet from the ffi-e to the pump, and then back again, with the loss of half of the water obtained. In this labor and in that of worMng engines, the citizens were not as wUling to ffid as formerly. Admission into the engine companies was, indeed, yet regarded as a pri vUege, for which from five to eight doUars was paid by each candidate. The companies were accustomed to have four sup- 156 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. pers in a year, which exhausted their fees, fines, premiums, and aUowance from the city. The fines for faUme in the mili- tia service had been so reduced, that exemption from it was no longer a powerfffi inducement to enter the engine compa nies. Four hundred and sixty men were their fffil complement, but only three hundred and twenty were emoUed, and conse quently not one company had its fuU complement, and one had but twelve members. The city owned sixteen foe engines, but offiy fourteen were in service. A few of them were of great power, but in general they were ordinary in appearance and workmansMp. Only eight hundred feet of hose belonged to all the companies coUectively. Of these each engme had its pro portion for its sole use ; and as the screws were not adapted to each other, to act in a conjoined Une was impracticable. Although these facts were well known, no general dissatisfac tion existed ; and it was dangerous for any man's reputation for sense or pattiotism to question the axiom that there was no place whose inhabitants were more ffistmgffished for alacrity and success in extingffishing foes than m Boston. The members of the engine companies, who held most firmly this opinion, were skUfffi, alert, and vigorous men, experienced in the service and attached to it, and so confident of their ability and popffiarity, that several of them said to the Committee that if the companies resigned, no inffividuals coffid be found in the city -wUUng and able to take charge of the engines. AU acknowledged that fires were more destt'uctive than formerly ; but this was atttibuted not to any defect in the system, but to the want of cooperation among the citizens. The remeffies proposed and urged were, to revive the ancient volunteer fire companies, to enlarge the sup ply of buckets, and vest gi-eater authority in foewards. The pro posal of a fire department which shoffid exclude, instead of com pelling the assistance of citizens, was received with indignation. " Do you think, sn," said one of the captains of the engines, " that the citizens of Boston -wffi ever submit to be prohibited from assisting a fellow townsman in disti-ess. Such sort of laws may be obeyed in despotic countties, or in cities where the inha bitants do not feel for one another ; but this is not the case, nor ever will be in Boston. No such system can ever be introduced into this city." When the advantages of the hose system were suggested, it was answered, that it was practicable in Philadel- CITY GOVERNMENT. 157 phia, from the abundance and easy command of water; but Boston possessed no such facUities. When it was stated in reply, that in New York the want of a sufficient head of water was supplied by stationing engines at intervals between the water and the fire, which, by playing into each other successively, enabled the nearest to throw a continuous stream upon the fire. The answer of one of the captains was characteristic of the state of the existing prejudices on the subject. " Set enginemen at a distance from the fire ! It wiU never be submitted to. Their desire is always to be in the hottest of the battle. The nearer the foe the higher the post of honor. Their sttuggle is, who shaU get to it the fost, and who keep the nearest. It would be more difficffit to keep a Boston engine back, in order to play into its neighbor, than it woffid be to put out the fire." Many thought- fffi and inteUigent citizens had also doubts concerning the effi ciency of the hose system ; and the City Council concluded, after much deliberation, that it was most prudent to postpone for a time attempts to intt'oduce improvements obnoxious to so many prejudices. During the year 1823, the whole damage received by the city fi:om foes did not amount to five thousand dollars. And this uncommon exemption from calamity, by diminishing the appre hension of danger, delayed expenffitures for protection. On the seventeenth of September, 1823, the engine compa nies renewed their petition, demanded the usual premiums for the fo'st and second engines which arrived at the fire, and an annual compensation of fifty dollars for each company, to be disposed of at their discretion. The Committee to whom this petition was referred, were the Mayor, Aldermen Odiorne and Eddy, -with Messrs. E. WUliams, OUver, Adan, and Wales, of the Common Council. They had frequent interviews with the cap tains and leaffing members of the several companies ; but the circumstances of the department, and the temper and language m wMch their claims were urged, made the course to be pursued very difficult. The season of the year and that which was approaching, were those in which any known general derange ment of the engine companies would occasion great alarm among the citizens. The members of those companies had been long in the service of the city. Great confidence was attached to their experience. By many, the safety of the city 14 158 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. was deemed to be essentiaUy dependent on their continuance. In their opinion the engine companies were composed of a class of citizens whose claims it was unsafe to deny, and m whatever spirit demanded they ought to be granted. The claims of these companies were, in fact, pressed in terms infficating their beUef that the city coffid not dispense with their services. The Committee of the City CouncU were told plainly, that unless their petition was granted, they would una nimously resign their engines. On being asked, whether the companies will not be satisfied with less than fifty doUars each, the reply of one of the captains was, " No. We are fixed on that point. Forty-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents wUl not do!" After this evidence of feeling and opinion, a majority of the Committee came to the conclusion that any grant made under such circumstances would be considered as an " acknowledg ment of the dependence of the city upon the inffividuals who then composed those companies, be attributed to fear, and be only a temporary expedient and a source of future embarrass ment ; that the permanent safety of a city shoffid never be allowed to be regarded as dependent on the capricious estimate of their own importance by any set of men ; but that general confidence shoffid be permitted to rest on no other basis than the conviction that there exists always among the mass of its citi zens talents and -wUl adequate to self-protection. The Committee, therefore, on the twenty-fourth of November made a report, which was accepted by the City CouncU, that it was not expeffient to grant the prayer of the petitioners, the pre sent exemptions and compensations being a sufficient remunera tion. In anticipation of possible ffifficulty, however, the Aldermen immediately instituted inquuies in their several wards, and ascer tained that the citizens generaUy Coincided in the views of the city authorities on these claims, and that if the present compa nies surrendered their engines, others might be formed without ffifficffity. The City Council, however, being un-wUling whoUy to reject the petition of the engine companies, on the sixth of November, appointed another committee, consisting of the Mayor, Alder men Patterson, Eddy, and Hooper, -with Messrs. Swett, Wins low, Wright, Tappan, and Adan, of the Common CouncU, who, CITY GOVERNMENT. 159 on the twenty-fourth of that month, made an elaborate report, embracing aU the topics of controversy, and after doing full just ice to the efficiency of the engine companies, proceeded to show that their present compensation and privileges were greater than those granted to the engine companies of New York, who found no difficffity in keeping their numbers full. To show, however, the appreciation of the City Council of the services of the Bos ton engmemen, the Committee proposed to increase the pre miums of the first and second companies which should arrive earliest at a fire, and an annual allowance of twenty-five doUars to each company, to be used at their discretion, which shoffid have on the first of January in each year a complement of twenty members. This report was accepted in both branches. When this resffit was announced to the companies, their cap tains came before the Mayor, and gave notice that they shoffid deliver up their engines and resign their offices at their respective engine houses on the first day of the ensuing December. Accordingly, at the hour assigned on that day, the captain of each company, at his engine house, deUvered its keys, his engine and apparatus, aU in good order, to members of the Board of Aldermen, who attended to receive them, and who immediately delivered them into the custody of able and active bodies of citi zens, who had volunteered their services on the emergency. On the eveffing of the same day the Mayor announced to the City CouncU, that the foe department of the city was in its usual state of efficiency, and, in the course of the month of December, engine companies were organized in connection with every engine. Such was the system of protection against fires at the end of the second year of the city. These arrangements were the best the state of public feeling and private interest would admit. The Mayor regarded them as temporary ; and, being convinced that a radical change must be effected in the whole system, he con tinued the correspondence he had opened with the chief mem bers of the fire departments of Philadelphia and New York, to satisfy his own mind on the ttue principles on which an efficient organization of a system of protection on this subject shoffid be estabhshed. The same general views concerning the inefficiency of the ex isting system were also entertained by the members of the City 160 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. CouncU, and had been confirmed and made evident to the citi zens by a conflagration in Beacon Street, on the seventh of July preceding, which continued through the whole day, and con sumed fifteen valuable dwelUng-houses, the loss being estimated at one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, exclusive of furniture. The inefficiency of the fire department seemed now to be gene raUy felt and acknowledged ; but no evidence was given of such dissatisfaction with the existing system as to justify an attempt to change it altogether. The old complaints, against the fire wards, of the want of fire companies and of buckets, and of the indifference of citizens,^ were reiterated, and the old remeffies proposed. The diversity of opinion on this subject, and the force of prejudice was so great, that an attempt to introduce any efficient measures for a change of system was stffi deemed hope less, until the seventh of April, 1825, when a conflagration occur red in Doane Stteet, and extended from State Street to Centtal Stteet on the one side, and from Broad Stteet to KUby and Liberty Streets on the other, desttoying in the course of a few hours fifty-three houses and stores, at a loss of half a miUion of doUars. The scene, on this occasion, was one of extteme em barrassment and confusion. The lanes, formed by the foewards -with great difficffity, were soon broken or deserted, and great depredations were committed on property, brought forth inffiscri- minately and left unprotected in the streets. Fropi the want of water, the engines were dragged one thousand feet to the dock, and half the water obtained was lost before they could be ffiag- ged back again and put into operation. This calamity made a deep impression upon the citizens. The want of water, and of the means to bring a continuous stteam of it on the flames, were apparent ; and it became evident, that the change in the habits and sympathies of the popffiation, and the recent and increasing infusion of foreigners, rendered a change in the organization of a system of defence against foe and a more efficient police essential. The Mayor deemed this a favorable opportunity to exert offi cial influence for the introduction of an independent fire depart ment; and, under the sanction of a Committee of the City CouncU, consisting of the Mayor, Aldermen Baxter, Offiorne, ' See p. 155. CITY GOVERNMENT. 161 and Patterson, with Messrs. Goddard, S. K. Wffiiams, Frothing ham, HaskeU, and Wiffiam Wright, of the Common CouncU, made, in April, 1825, a report, stating the causes of the existing deficiencies in the system of defence, and the ffiversity of opinion concerning the remeffies, each of which were analyzed and ex plained. Among these, reUance upon associated foe companies and the aid of the citizens, although, at the time, of aU others the most popffiar and generaUy acceptable, the report represented as altogether mistaken ; and that it would be encouraging false hopes and a false system, if the Committee ffid not declare their opinion concerning its inadequacy to protection, and ffid not express themselves decidedly in favor of inttoducing a supply of water to the engines tMough the means of hose, instead of by lanes formed of bystanders. The report then submitted eight resolutions for the adoption of the City Council ; the four first of which had for their object to satisfy their fellow-citizens, by actual experiment, of the impracticabUity of reviving the ancient system of fire companies. To test the possibiUty of this resort, the resolutions proposed an in-vitation to householders and other citizens, to form themselves into societies for their mutual pro tection against fire ; and a system of organizing such societies, under the sanction of the Mayor and Aldermen, and prescribed the number of buckets, foe bags, and other insttuments usual and proper for the service, which each company should provide ; and the authority which the members of such companies should exercise at fires ; with an assurance that the City CouncU woffid apply to the State Legislature to invest them with aU reqffisite powers. This scheme, although carefuUy devised, when pro posed to the citizens, proved an absolute failm-e. For, although some associations were formed, the attempt evidenced the utter hopelessness of any such reliance. Three of the remaining reso lutions proposed the constructing of three reservoirs in sffitable places, each containing twenty-five thousand gaUons of water; the purchase of two engines, in New York and PhUadelphia, of approved power and construction ; and also a hyffi-aulion,i with the usual quantity of hose attached to each form of engine, as practised in those cities. The last and eighth resolution declared the expeffiency of adopting a new organization of the fire de- i A smaU engine, with one chamber, used for forcing water through hose, as a supply to the engines. 14' 162 MUNICIPAL HISTORY- partment, on the principle of ffistinct and inffividual responsi bility ; and that a Committee of the City CouncU shoffid be appointed, for the purpose of arranging and reporting the details of such an organization. The City Council adopted all the suggestions of the report, and passed the several resolutions it recommended, and appointed the Mayor, Aldermen Blake and Welsh, and Messrs. S. K. Wil liams, Barry, Boies, and Wales, a Committee on the eighth reso lution, to arrange and report the details of a new organization of the fire department. This Committee reported on the twelfth of May two resolutions, which were adopted at once by the City Council. The first declared the expediency of estabUshing a fire de partment, consisting of one chief engineer, and as many engi neers, firewardens, engine men, hose men, and hook and ladder men, as may be chosen and appointed by the City Council. The second requested the Mayor and Aldermen to apply to the Legislature for such powers and authorities, to be vested in the fire department, and also such privUeges and exemptions granted to its members, as may be requisite, and in their -wisdom deemed expedient. The Mayor and Aldermen immediately took measures to have two engines, of approved capacity and power, to be built, one in Philadelphia, and the other in New York. Gentlemen of skill and inteUigence, in each city, kinffiy undertook the superintend ence of their construction ; and the mechanics employed in each city, being apprized that their work would be brought into direct comparison, under the stimulus of emulation, produced two engines, each of which was pronounced by competent judges to be equal in power, capacity, and workmanship to any engine in either city. Their style of consttuction, differing from those used in Boston, gave an opportunity to the mechanics of this city to compare, and possibly to improve, the construction of their own engines. These measures did not pass without animadversion. It was inquired, through the press, " whether the mechanics of Boston were inferior in skiU to those in PhUadelphia and New York? and why the money of the city was expended in the pattoii- age of the mechanics of other cities, rather than of its. own?" But when direct inquiries were made of the Mayor by Boston CITY GOVERNMENT. 163 mechanics themselves, concerning the principles and effects of this poUcy, the explanation given convinced them of its advan tages ; and also, that an entire change in the system of our pro tection against foes would cause expenditmes ffitimately tending to their benefit. Such were the first steps taken towards the estabUshment of a fire department, to act independently of the general aid of the citizens of Boston. At this day, (1851,) after the experience of the advantages of the system, it is impossible for any one to reaUze the extteme antipathy, and even predetermined hostUity, to the measures, evinced by men in other respects of great judg ment and sagacity. Having thus authorized the purchase of two engines and a hyffiauUon, and the constructing of three reservoirs, each to con tain twenty-five thousand gaUons of water, the City CouncU refer red the subject of " the organization of a fire department, on the principle of distinct and individual responsibility," to the next City CouncU, the period of a reorganization of the city govern ment being now approaching. The inconvenience of leaving city expenditm-es subject to the control of several boards, some of whom claimed an independ ence of the City Council, a practice which had been borrowed from that of the town government, began to be seriously felt, and a change was demanded by the plainest dictates of expedi ency. The Mayor, therefore, in January, 1824, by a special mes sage, recommended to the City Council the consideration of " a more systematic accountabUity for public moneys, and a more efficient check upon the expenditures of the city." A joint Com mittee of the City Council was accordingly appointed on the subject, who, in the April foUo-wing, made a report, stating the system of accountability then practised, representing its un satisfactory nature, and the reasons for the change it recom mended. Four boards were then intrusted with the expenditure of public moneys, namely, — the Mayor and Aldermen, the Overseers of the Poor, the Commissioners of Health, and the Directors of the House of Industty. To each of these various sums were advanced, in the form of appropriations, and ex pended by votes of the respective boards, under the agency of committees. The members of these committees made the ex- penffitme or the contract, and vouched the biU for the article 164 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. delivered or the services rendered, incluffing the rate of compen sation or the price. A committee from the board, once m each month, examined the account of expenffitures of that month, re ceived the vouchers, and, where they agreed, passed the accounts. The course of proceeding was very similar in aU the boards. However weU sffited such a course might have been in the early stage of municipal institutions, when the numbers affected by their authorities were small, and the amounts expended incon siderable, the Committee deemed that a more systematic and uniform accountability ought to be established to satisfy the increasing demands and expenditures of a city rapidly augment ing in wealth and population. It seemed to them sufficiently loose and unsatisfactory in point of efficient accountabUity, that the whole city expenditures should be made by forty or fifty members of four ffistmct boards, chosen annuaUy for general purposes, with no particular refer ence to their adaptation to the particffiar class of expenffitures which they were caUed upon to superintend. That these mdi- viduals, acting gratuitously, without compensation, coffid not be expected to give more than a certain general and occasional oversight to the objects on which expenffitures were made ; and that, of course, they must act chiefly by minor agents, which, as they multiplied, necessarUy increased the chance of mistake and imposition. The great defect in this organization, -with reference to an effi cient accountabUity for public moneys was, in the opiffion of the Committee, the fact, that the accountabffity for the expendi ture of each board was to committees of its own; m other words, the power to expend and the power of caUing to account was efficiently the same ; an arrangement, which, however in consequential in boards destined for the mere care of property and pecuniary investment, must have important consequences in boards charged with the oversight of great expenffitmes, rela tive to objects comprising numerous detaUs, and requuing the employment of many subordinate agents. The labors of the committee of accounts were lessened by ffividing the members of the board into monthly committees, of a number deemed expedient, — usuaUy two. AU the members of the board undertook by turns this labor and responsibffity. CITY GOVERNMENT. 165 The consequence was, that there was no such general super intendence as is implied and effected by accountability to one practical mind, habituated to the rules and routine of a single department. As there was no distinct, uniform rules for pro ceeding, committees were guided by such principles as on the instant were deemed applicable. Admissions or rejections thus unavoidably often depended upon the particular state or temper of mind of the members of the committees. The cncumstances of the individual were often considered instead of the case ; and the results were often very ffifferent from what they would have been had the same accounts been subjected to the analysis of other members of the same board. No sti-onger evidence coffid be given of the incorrectness of these financial arrangements, than the fact that persons having accounts to settle with the city, have been known to inquire who the monthly committee of accounts were, and to postpone presenting their accounts untU those they deemed most likely not to sift severely came to exer cise the power. The defects of the system then in practice having been thus set forth, the Committee proceeded to state the remedy they proposed, which consisted m the establishment of an office of " auditor of accounts^' and in ttacing an outline of the duties and rules to which that office should be subjected. This change was deemed too important to be passed with out its being virtually submitted to the decision of the citizens. The Committee, therefore, only proposed that it should be taken into consideration by the then existing City Council, the report to be printed and disttibuted, recommenffing the whole subject to the attention of its successors ; by whom it was, in August, 1824, revived, the office of auditor established, and a new system of accountability connected -with it. In the same month, WiUiam Haydeii was elected Auditor, and by his great abUity and efficiency corrected the uTegularity ' incident to the former system, and introduced principles for checking the facility with which additional appropriations were made, after the annual appropriation bills had been passed by the City CouncU. In pursuance of the same general poUcy, in February, 1828, the City Council adopted a system oi ' self-restriction, having for its object to confine the orffinary expenffitmes of the year -within the limits of the orffinary annual incomes, by passing an 166 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. order of the foUowing tenor : — " That, in the present and every future financial year, after the annual order of appropriations shall have been passed, no subsequent expenditure shaU be au thorized for any object, unless provision for the same shall be made, by expressly creating therefor a city debt ; in the latter of which cases, the order shaU not be passed, unless two thirds of the whole members of each branch of the City CouncU shall vote in the affirmative, by vote taken by yeas and nays." CHAPTER XII. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1825. Josiah Quincy, Mayor.^ The Citizens accept the Report of their General Committee on the inexpediency of modifying the powers of the Overseers of the Poor — Overseers decUne taking Care of the Poor at the House of Industry — Their Rights and Duties submitted to Legal Counsel — Their Report, and consequent Proceedings of the City Council — Measures to introduce a Supply of Fresh Water Proceedings relative to FaneuU HaU Market — Census of the City -^ Time of Organizing the City Government changed. The organization of the city government was this year tt-ans ferred from Faneuil HaU to that of the Chamber of the Com mon Council, and conducted with customary ceremonies. The Board of Aldermen consisted entnely of new members ; aU those of the preceding year having declined a reelection. The Mayor, in his inaugm-al address, after expressing his gra titude to his fellow-citizens for the unanimity of theu suffrages, and paid a weU-deserved ttibute to the members of the Board of Aldermen of the two preceffing years, for their faithfffi and labo rious services,^ directed the attention of the City CouncU and his feUow-citizens to the critical question then penffing between the Overseers of the Poor and the City Government. After stat ing, in unequivocal terms, the incompatibffity with the public inte rest of the existence, under a city orgaffization, of an independent Board claiming the right of expending pubUc money without re sponsibffity to the city authorities, he explained the effect upon the character and confidence in the memberfe of that Board, una voidably resulting from the difference m selecting them, as now practised under the city charter, and as was formerly under the 1 The whole number of votes cast was 1891, of which the Mayor had 1836. The members of this Board of Aldermen were George Blake, John Bellows, John Bryant, Daniel Carney, John D. Dyer, Josiah MarshaU, Henry J. OUver, and Thomas Welsh, Jr. 2 See Appendix, D. 168 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. town government. This development he regarded it his duty to make, notwithstanding that the report of the Committee,^ ap pointed by a general meeting of the citizens, m opposition to those views, was about to be taken into consideration by another general meeting of the citizens, to be held on the nineteenth of May, then instant ; and no doubt coffid be entertained that the recommendations of that report would be adopted, so conforma ble were they to popffiar habits and prejuffices. The City Coun cU, however, took no measures strenuously to oppose the accept ance of that report. They had effected the removal of the poor to the House of Industi-y, and of consequence felt less interest in the immediate result. They had conscientiously fulfffied their duty to the city, by faithfuUy explaming to their feUow-citizens the nature and consequences of the relations and claims of that Board in respect of the interest of the city. Whatever Uls or difficffities might hereafter result, coffid not be atttibuted to any want of fo-mness or foresight in them. The citizens were left, therefore, to the unbiased exercise of their own feelings and judg ment, and the report of their General Committee was adopted without important opposition. In May, 1825, immediately after the organization of the city government, the Overseers of the Poor adffi-essed a communica tion to the City Council, asldng for a sffitable house for the accommodation of the poor, and expressing then readiness to take upon themselves the oversight, care, and government of it. A Committee of the City CouncU, consisting of the Mayor, and Messrs. Wffiiams, Thaxter, and EUiot, of the Common Coun cU, was immeffiately appointed, to whom this appUcation was referred, and who reported on the tweUth of May, that a house, such as the Overseers appUed for, had already been provided by the city ; that it was placed under the care of the Directors of the House of Industty, who were invested by law, in respect of the inmates of that house, with aU the powers exercised by the Overseers of the Poor; that they were -wisely and efficienUy active in their oversight of it, to the content of the poor ; and that then superintendence of the moral and physical condition of the inmates was highly satisfactory. The report expressed the gratification the Committee derived from the hope of being 1 See ch. x. p. 146. CITY GOVERNISIENT. 169 able to avail themselves of the general aid of the Overseers ; and the readiness of the City Council to gi-ant all those practical and usefffi facilities relative to providing for the poor, which, from the tenor of their application, the Overseers appeared to desire ; and, in order that the poor of the city might enjoy the benefit and experience of both those Boards, the Committee presented their views in the form of three resolutions, whUch the City CouncU unanimously adopted. By the first, the Overseers of the Poor were authorized and requested to grant permits for admission into the House of In dustry of any person, in then judgment, entitled to the support of the city in that house, for which purpose its Directors were enjoined to provide relief and support. By the second, the Overseers of the Poor were authorized and requested, at their discretion, -with or without notice, to visit the House of Industty, to inquire into its condition and the tteat- ment and employment of the poor, and make such represent ations on those subjects as their -wisdom and experience might suggest. By the third, the Mayor and Aldermen were authorized to provide a sffitable vehicle, for conveyance to the House of In dustry of such decrepid persons as were incapacitated from going of themselves, and place the same at the disposal of both the superintending Boards. As soon as these resolutions were received by the Overseers of the Poor, they addressed, on the twenty-third of May, 1825, a memorial in writing to the City CouncU, stating that " they did not feel justified in relinqffishing to tl^e Directors of the House of Industry any of the tasks assigned them by law;" and that " they would not consent to grant the permits contemplated by the above resolves ; " and gave notice to the City Council that, " unless a house is provided, to which the Overseers can remove paupers, the city wffi be exposed to great expense." This memorial was referred to a Committee of the City CouncU, consisting of the Mayor, Aldermen Carney, Welsh, and Oliver, with Messrs. Savage, Williams, Thaxter, Elliot, Adan, Tracy, and Ware, of the Common CouncU ; who, on the twenty-seventh of June, reported, that the tenor of the above memorial indicated so great a misapprehension in the Board of Overseers, concerning then rights and duties, as, if acquiesced 15 170 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. in, would result in consequences at once serious and embarrass ing ; and to put those rights and duties, as far as possible, be yond all doubt and question, they had requested the Mayor to lay the whole subject before counsel learned in the law, and for this purpose had selected WUUam Prescott, Charles Jackson, and Daniel Webster, gentlemen possessing the greatest profes sional reputation, and whose opinion would, it was hoped, be conclusive with the Board of Overseers, and certamly with the pubUc. The Mayor, accorffingly, on the fourth of June, 1825, ad dressed a letter to those three jurists, and, after stating that an unhappy conttoversy had arisen, between the Overseers of the Poor and the City CouncU, in relation to their respective powers and duties, that a Committee of this body, to whom was referred the memorial of the Overseers, dated the twenty-third of the preceding May, had directed him to submit, for their inspection and consideration, certain laws and documents, and subjoin certain inquiries, for their official answer, as counsel learned in the law. The acts submitted were : — 1st. The act for employing and providing for the poor of the town of Boston, passed in the year 1735, and ratified and con- fomed in January, 1789. 2d. An act relative to the relief, support, employment, and removal of the poor, passed the twenty-sixth February, 1796. 3d. An act concerning the House of Industt-y, passed the thnd February, 1823. 4th. An act concerning the regffiations of the House of Cor rection in the city of Boston, and passed twelfth June, 1826. 5th. An act establishing the City of Boston, passed the twenty -third February, 1822, caUed the City Charter. The documents submitted were, — 1. The Vote of the City Council, passed twenty-ninth Sep tember, 1823.1 2. The Memorial of the Overseers of the Poor to the City Council, without date, but which was committed in this body on the fifth of May last. 3. The Report of the Committee of the City Council on the preceding Memorial and the three Resolves subjoined, adopted and passed on the twelfth of May ^ last. 1 See oh. vii. pp. 95, 96. 2 See p. 168. CITY GOVERNMENT. 171 4. The Memorial of the Overseers of the Poor to the City CouncU, dated the twenty-third of May last.^ The inquiries submitted for their oflicial answer were, — 1. Is not the erecting, providing, and endowing the house for the reception and employment of the idle and poor of the city, caUed the House of Industry, and the appointment of directors thereof, according to the act entitled, "An act concerning the House of Industty," a sufficient and legal exercise of the author ity invested in the City Council, under the acts of 1735, of 1794, and of 1822? 2. Does not the authority given to the Directors of the House of Industry to use, regulate, and govern said house, supersede, -with respect to all persons sent to it, any authority in relation to them, given by the acts of 1735 and 1794 to the Overseers of the Poor, except so far as the City CouncU may authorize ? 3. Have the Overseers of the Poor any right to appoint a master of said house, or to have the government thereof, or to ordain any rules or regulations concerffing it ? 4. Does the saving of the act of tenth January, 1789, in the act, of 1794, and the continuance in force thereby of the act of 1735, preclude the city of Boston from any of the general privi leges of the act of 1794, which are granted by it to the other towns of the Commonwealth ; or deprive the City Council, under the ttansfer of powers made by the city charter, from "directing the way and manner" in which poor and indigent persons shall be supported and relieved, accorffing to the right secured to other towns in the Commonwealth by the act of 1794? 5. Is not the "dnection" given by the City Council, as to " the way and manner " in which the poor and indigent shaU be relieved and supported, conclusive and obUgatory upon the Overseers of the Poor, under and by virtue of the act of 1794 ? 6. Is not the " ffirection" given in the vote of the City Coun cil, dated the twenty-ninth September, 1823,2 f^n and sufficient in that respect; and have the Overseers of the Poor a right to refuse to exercise that general visitatorial power which that vote provides for and authorizes ? 7. After notice given of the passmg of the fost resolve, on the 1 See p. 169. ® See ch. vu. pp. 95, 96. 172 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. twelfth of May last,i have the Overseers of the Poor a right to refuse to grant permits for admission of the poor and indigent, stanffing in need of relief, to the House of Industty, who are in other towns of this Commonwealth, but belong to Boston, and to support such persons in other places in said city, or in such other towns ? 8. Have the Overseers of the Poor in said city a right to refuse to give permits for admission to the House of Industry of the poor and indigent of said city, standing in need of reUef, and to support them in other places in said city ? 9. Is there any power and authority in and over the House of Industry which the City CouncU can vest in the Overseers of the Poor, consistent with the powers and authorities vested by the act of third February, 1823, in the Directors of the House of Industi-y, other and greater than those invested and specffied in the vote of the City Council, passed September 29, 1823,2 a,nd the second resolve of that body, passed the tweffth of May last? 3 On these laws, submitted documents, and mquiries, those jurists made the following statement of then opinions : — " In making up our opinion on the question now pending between the City CouncU and the Overseers of the Poor, respecting the powers and duties of the latter, we have considered first, the general provisions of the law on this sub ject ; and secondly, the statutes which apply exclusively to the city of Boston. "By the statute 1793, c. 59, towns may choose any number, not exceeding twelve. Overseers of the Poor, who shall have the care and oversight of the poor, and see that they are suitably relieved, supported, and employed, either in the work-house or other tenements belonging to the town, or in such other way and manner as they (the town) shaU direct, or other-wise at the discretion of the Overseers. "By the city charter (sta,t. 1821, c. 110,) the City CouncU now has all tlie power, in this respect, that was formerly vested in the to-wn. If there were no other statute on this subject, it is evident that the City Council would be authorized to provide a house for their poor, and prescribe the manner in which they should be supported and employed in it ; or to cause them to be reUeved at their own houses, or iu other private houses, or, in short, in any manner which, in the discretion of the City CouncU, should appear best ; and it would be the duty of the Overseers to comply with such directions. "By the provincial statute, 8 and 9 Geo. H., c. 3, (passed in May, 1735,) the town of Boston was authorized to erect a house for the reception and employ- 1 See p. 168. 2 gee ch. vii. pp. 95, 96. 3 See p. 168. CITY GOVERNMENT. 173 ment of the idle and poor, and to discontinue the same if they should think proper ; the house to be under the regulation of the Overseers of the Poor, who had power to make orders and by-laws for its government, subject to the control of the town, and to appoint the master and other officers of the house. If there were no other laws but those above mentioned, the City Council might, in their discretion, discontinue their almshouse, and require that their poor should be reUeved and supported in some other place or other manner ; but as long as the city had a house for the poor, in pursuance of that statute of 1735, the Overseers would have had the regulation and government of it. This last- mentioned statute furnishes the only foundation for the claims of the Overseers ; and, although there might possibly be a question whether it has not been virtu- aUy repealed, (at least, so far as it relates to the government of the Alms house,) yet we have thought it more safe and expedient to proceed on the sup position that it remains in force, excepting so far as it has been clearly altered by subsequent statutes. In the year 1823, the city had erected what they called a House of Industry. If this is to be considered as the "house for the reception and employment of the idle and poor," pursuant to the statute of 1735, the Overseers would have had the government of it, if no other provision had been made. But by the statute of the third February, 1822, 1823, c. 56, the Legis lature gave the government of this House of Industry to nine directors, to be chosen by the City Council. If, therefore, this is the Almshouse, the govern ment of it is taken from the Overseers and vested in the nine Directors, and the statute of 1735 is so far repealed. The City CouncU could not, as we con ceive, give to the Overseers any control. over this house, inconsistent with the authority vested by law in the Directors. On the other hand, if this House of Industry is a distinct establishment, and not such a poor-house, as is contem plated in the statute of 1735, it is clear that the Overseers have nothing to do with it. It is equally clear that, whether the house is of one or the other de scription, the City CouncU has authority, according to the statute 1793, c. 59, to require that the poqr should be relieved, supported, and employed in that house. It may be proper here to remark that, although the law appears to give an un limited power to towns, to cause their poor to be relieved in any manner what ever, yet there seems to be some Umitation, arising necessarily out of peculiar cir cumstances and from other parts of the law. If, for example, a poor person should break a limb, or be so ill that he could not be moved without endangering his life, the Overseers would be bound to relieve him immediately, without carry ing him to the*poor-house, or before he could be sent there, notwithstanding the town should have prescribed that as the place for maintaining the poor. There is another kind of exception which, though not required by law, seems to be caUed for by humanity and benevolence, as weU as by a regard to economy, and that is, of those householders and others, who require only partial reUef, and who may be rendered more comfortable by a small supply of necessaries at their own homes, than by being wholly supported in a poor-house. And the undersigned would suggest to the City Council, the expediency of passing an order for the reUef and employment of the poor in the House of Industry, and of excepting from its operation the two classes of persons above-mentioned. ' "As to aU those persons who may be lawfully relieved without being sent to the House of Industry, the care of them remains entirely with the Overseers ; but as 15* 174 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. to aU who ought by law and the orders of the City CouncU to be relieved and supported in that place, the Directors have the same powers that the Overseers have to send them there, and have the sole power of governing them after they are admitted. " If the City CouncU has a right to require that all the poor, excepting the two classes above-mentioned, shaU be supported in the House of Industry, it necessarUy foUows that the Overseers are bound to send aU such poor there for rehef; and if they should decline to do so, the remedy would be substantially the same as in any other town in the Commonwealth where the Overseers should refuse to provide for the poor according to law and to the directions of the town. " These general views of the subject exliibit the opinions that we have formed on most of the points in controversy ; but we proceed briefly to give a specific answer to each of the questions contained in the annexed papers. " To the first, we answer, that, in our opinion, the erecting and providing for the House of Industry, is a vaUd and legal exercise of authority by the City CouncU ; and we also think that it may be considered such a poor-house as is contemplated by the statute of 1735 ; though, for the reasons above-mentioned, we have not thought it material to settle the last question. We have no doubt that it is a house in which the City CouncU may lawfully order the poor to be reUeved and employed ; and that the poor when there, must be reUeved and employed by the Directors, and under their authority. " To the second, we answer in the affirmative. It is impossible that two dis tinct and independent bodies should each have the whole of the authority in question, and the statute 1822, c. 56, has given the authority to the Directors. " To the third ; in our opinion, the Overseers have no such right or authority. " To the fourth ; we see nothing in any of the statutes referred to, which could prevent the town, before the charter, or the City CouncU now, from " directing the way and manner " in which the poor should be reUeved, supported, and employed, as any other town in the Commonwealth might do, excepting only that before the statute of 1822, c. 56, if the city had seen fit to buUd and main tain a poor-house in pursuance of the provisions of the statute of 1 735, the Over seers would have had the direction of the house. " To the fifth ; the City Council has, in our opinion, the same authority in this respect that the town foi-merly possessed, and their votes pursuant to that author ity are conclusive and obligatory on the Overseers. " To the sixth ; we see no necessity for the Overseers to exercise any authority over the poor in the House of Industry ; and the City CouncU cannot, as we apprehend, give to the Overseers any authority inconsistent with that which is vested in the Directors by the statute of 1822, c. 56. Of course, we are of opi nion that the Overseers cannot exercise any greater authority than that speci fied in the vote of September 29, 1823. This vote, however, does not appear to be a fuU exercise Of the authority of the City Council, and we would suggest the expediency of their passing a formal order (if there is not such a one in force) requiring that all the poor, with the exception of the two classes above-mentioned, shaU be reUeved, supported, and employed in the House of Industry. " To the seventh ; if the City CouncU have passed, or should see fit to pass, an order of the kind suggested in our preceding answer, the Overseers could not lawfuUy maintain the poor, who come within the terms of the order, at the CITY GOVERNMENT. 175 expense of the city, at any other place than the House of Industry. The Directors of that House have the same power as the Overseers to send there any of the poor persons referred to iu this question. " The eighth is answered in the preceding answer. " To the ninth ; we are not aware of any further measures that can or ought to be taken by the City CouncU in this respect. (Signed) William Prescott, Charles Jackson, Daniel Webster." "Boston, June 21, 1825. The opinions of these jurists on the several laws, documents, and questions submitted to them, were received and communi cated to the City Council on the twenty-seventh of June, 1825, and, in conformity therewith, the Committee reported the three foUowing resolves, which were immediately passed by the City Council ; and, by their order, an attested copy of the report and resolves was transmitted to each member of the Board of Over seers of the Poor. 1. Resolved, That the Overseers of the Poor be, and hereby are directed to cause all persons, who, from the nature of the iU- ness under which they labor, or of the accident which has befallen them, are incapable without endangering Ufe to be removed from the place where they are, to be relieved and sup ported in such place until they are capable of being removed, and as soon as they are capable of being removed, the said Overseers are directed to cause them forthwith to be removed for further relief and support to the House of Industty. 2. Resolved, That the Overseers of the Poor be, and they hereby are directed, as it respects those householders and others, who, in their opinion, require partial relief, and who may be ren dered more comfortable by a smaU supply at their own houses than by being wholly supported in a poor-house, to grant such partial reUef and smaU supply of necessaries at their own houses. 3. Resolved, That the Overseers of the Poor be, and they hereby are directed to see that aU poor and indigent persons, having lawfffi settlement in the city of Boston, and standing in need of relief, other than those belonging to the classes specified m the two preceffing resolves, be suitably reUeved, supported, and employed in the House of Industty, according to the regulations and under the superintendence of the Directors of said House. 176 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. I On the nmeteenth of May, 1825, a committee was appointed in both branches of the City CouncU, to inqffire into " the practi- cabiUty, expense, and expeffiency of supplying the city \vith good, wholesome, and soft water." On the thirteenth of June the Committee reported that there was no doubt of its practicabffity or expediency, and that the only questions were, concerning the expense and the mode by which it coffid be effected ; but that a great diversity of opinion existed, whether it ought to be left to private associations of capitalists, or be done whoUy at the expense of the city ; they recommended a survey of the most suitable places in the vicinity from wffiich a sufficient supply might be obtained. This was authoiized, and an appropriation made of one thousand dollars for the object. So little were the future wants of the city anticipated, that the Mayor j-eceived from a> citizen of Boston, perhaps second to none of his time for talents, judgment, and affection for the city, a let ter dated June 25, 1825, recommending Stony Brook, in Roxbury, " as the source of supply, and stating, from his own observation, that, during forty years, it had never faUed to supply water suffi cient for the purposes of the city." Indeed, there was no general deficiency of a supply of water felt at that time, except at fii-es. On the fourteenth of November, Daniel TreadweU, an experi enced engineer, was, however, employed by the city to make a survey of places best adapted to afford such a supply; and, on the twenty-thnd of the same month, the Mayor received a letter from John C. Warren, then, as now, one of the most emi nent physicians in the city, which, after statmg "that the in- ttoduction of an ample supply of pure water would contiibute much to the health of the city, and prove one of the greatest blessings which could be bestowed upon it," concluded with a caution against " any project involving much expense, as being objectionable, and might tend to delay the execution of a more perfect plan, and proti-act the existence of an evil most important to be removed." Spot Pond, in Stoneham, and Charles River, were the two sources of supply to which Mr. TreadweU's survey related ; and the expense to the city from either source was cal- cffiated not to exceed six or seven hundred thousand dollars. The public mind was not, however, prepared to incur even this expense for the object ; and Mi-. TreadweU's report was imme diately referred to the next City Comicil. And in December, a CITY GOVERNMENT. 177 joint committee of both branches were appointed to ascertain on what terms the som-ces of supply, suggested by Mr. TreadweU, could be obtained. While these measui-es were in progress, the Mayor entered into a con-espondence with Wiffiam T. Lewis of PhUadelphia, whose superintendence of the waterworks of that city, and instrument ality in constructing them, had highly qualified him to give information on the subject. With great readiness, Mr. Lewis gave his opinion upon aU the topics on which the Mayor had inqffired, and particularly on that which he regarded as the most important of all others, as to the expediency of effecting the object wholly at the expense of the city, or by the aid of asso ciated capitalists. " On this subject," he replied, " cost is not to be regarded; in London, scarcely a fire of any magnitude happens, without complaints of the deficiency of water ; and I have now a paper in my possession, stating a meeting of the Common Council of the city, inquning into its cause. This it does not require much consideration to answer. It is from the fatal error of suffering interested mdividuals to have the supply of an article of the most indispensable nature, and, with out which, health and comfort cannot be enjoyed. Expense is comparatively no object. If a company supply your city, they wiU expect to profit by it, and this profit may as well be saved to your corporation. If it be a losing business, indivi duals shoffid not suffer by forwarding a great pubUc object ; and if they do, the citizens wiU be sure to feel it by a pinched and partial supply. In Philadelphia, we have expended vast sums of money, yet I fomly believe that were the question submitted to the citizens, to sell to a company the whole cost, with inte rest, that not one tenth part of the population woffid agree to it. The increased secmity from fire, the abundant supply for wash ing the streets, the copious sti-eams aff'orded for baths for cleanli ness, and, in short, many other advantages, are such, and so well appreciated, that no money woffid tempt them to make sale of the works." These views were deemed by the Mayor conclu sive on this point; and a very powerful association being, at that time, forming, to introduce water into the city, he came to the resolution to throw his whole official influence against it. During this year the buUding of FaneuU Hall Market was pursued with great vigor. On the second of May, a committee, 178 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. of both branches 1 was raised on the subject, who appointed a sub-committee 2 for its superintendence, and David W. ChUd, the active superintendent of the work. None but orffinary super visory attentions were required ; and the year closed with reports to the City CouncU, concerning the expenditures of the year, and the outstanding claims of proprietors of the land. In October, 1825, a resolve passed the City CouncU, vesting the Mayor with authority to take a census of all the inhabit ants of the city. In order to give perfect satisfaction to the citizens, the Mayor, after consulting the Board of Aldermen, selected two individuals for each ward of the city, and for that part of ward No. 12, caUed South Boston, two additional per sons, aU weU qualified for the task ; and after a thorough research, it resulted that the popffiation of the city in the year 1825, was fifty-eight thousand two hundred and eighty-one ; mak ing an increase in the five years succeeding the last census in 1820, o{ fourteen thousand three hundred and eighty-one. In January, 1825, a request, signed by sixty citizens, was made in writing to the Mayor and Aldermen, for a caU of a meeting of the citizens in wards, to apply to the Legislature for such an alteration in the city charter, that the Board of Aldermen shall consist of twelve members, one of whom shoffid be chosen in each of the wards, the vote on the question to be taken by baUot. This appUcation was soon followed by a remonsttance of other citizens, denying the authority of the Mayor and Aldermen to call ward meetings for such a purpose. The subject was refened to a committee, of wffich the Mayor was chairman ; and a report,^ stating their views of the authority vested in the Mayor 1 The Committee were, — the Mayor, Aldermen Blake, MarshaU, and Bry ant ; and of the Common CouncU, OUver, (its President) CooUdge, Curtis, WU liams, Hastings, Adan, and Boies. 2 The Sub-Comnuttee were, — the Mayor, Marshall, Bryant, WUUams, and Boies. 3 The following is a condensed statement of this report : — That antecedent to the amendments of the constitution of the Commonwealth in 1820, the power to callpubUc meetings of the inhabitants in wards was never exercised or attempted to be, other than for the choice of officers ; and that the power of constituting a city and organizing its government by ward elections was first obtained under the second article of the amendments to that consfltu- tion ; and that by the terms of that amendment that power is vested in the Gene ral Court, with the power of prescribing the manner of caUing and holding pub lic meetings of the inhabitants in wards or otherwise ; so that the powers of the city authorities to caU meetings of the intiabitants in wards, depends solely on the grant of the legislature, and do not extend beyond the terms of that grant. CITY GOVERNMENT. 179 and Aldermen, was made, accepted, and a resolve passed in both branches of the City CouncU, that, in their opinion, "the Mayor and Aldermen are not authorized by the city charter to caU meetmgs of the citizens in waris, on the application of any meeting of citizens whatsoever, for any purpose, except those expressly provided for in said charter." In May, 1825, a petition, signed by more than sixty persons, was presented to the Mayor and Aldermen, requesting that a general meeting of the citizens should be caUed, to give their bffilots by yea and nay, on the foUowing proposition, namely, — " ShaU ten hours faithfffi labor be considered hereafter as a day's work for jom-neymen mechanics in this city." Which, being read and considered, it was resolved to be inexpedient to pass the same, " the. Board deeming the subject not within the provi sions of the city charter." The city charter had made no provision for tiffing any vacancy which might occur by death or resignation in the Board of Alder men. This defect was remeffied in June, 1824, by a special act of the Legislature of Massachusetts. The inconvenience of organizing the city government so late in the season as the month of May, had been generally felt by the members of the City Council. And in November, 1824, a committee, of which the Mayor was chairman, made a report on the expediency of applying to the Legislature for an alteration in the city charter, so as to enable the citizens to organize the city government at an earUer period of the year, stating that the two first months of the year were those of the greatest leisure, and would give the new government enlarged opportunities to review the proceeffings of their predecessors, and to ffigest their own ; more ample time to make the necessary contracts for the service of the year, before the business season commenced, and greatly facffitate the operations of the city ; concluffing with a recommendation that a meeting of the inhabitants of the city shoffid be caUed, for the purpose of obtaining their authority to apply to the Legislatme for such a change in the city charter, that the mufficipal elections should take place annuaUy, in the Now there is no clause in the charter of the city giving any color to the exer cise of a power to caU any public meeting of citizens in wards, except in cases specificaUy enumerated, in which it is not pretended that the meeting for which that now requested to be caUed is included. 180 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. month of December, and the municipal year commence on the first Monday in January. The sanction of the inhabitants hav ing been obtained, the Legislature, by an act passed on the twenty-seventh of June, 1825,. authorized the proposed alteration of the charter ; and this city year included, of consequence, but eight months. CHAPTER XIII. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1825. Josiah Quinct, Mayor. An Act authorizing a New Organization of the Fire Department applied for and obtained from the State Legislature — Sanction of the Act by the Citi zens — Measures pursued to carry it into effect — Sites for Engine Houses selected — Reservoirs constructed — Lafayette revisits the City — Measures adopted on the Occasion by the City CouncU. Soon after the organization of the city government, in May, 1825, a joint committee of the City CouncU, consisting of the Mayor, Aldermen Blake, MarshaU, and Bryant, and of Messrs. OUver, Parker, Rice, Dyer, Fisher, WeUs, and Effiot, of the Com mon CouncU, was raised on the foe department, according to the recommendation of the preceffing City CouncU. On their report a vote was passed, that a new organization of it 'was expedient, and another, authorizing the Mayor and Aldermen to apply to the Legislature of the State to invest the officers of the proposed foe department, when elected, with such powers and authorities as might be requisite. The Mayor, in reply to Ms inquiries, received a letter from Thomas FrankUn, who had been for twenty years Chief Engi neer of the Fire Department of the city of New York, of the foUo-wing tenor : " Relative to our system of extinguishing fires, I believe, from long experience, it is the best that can be DEVISED ; and I respectfffily recommend, that a suitable person be appointed to visit and examine our foe department, and see the operation thereof. I am persuaded it wffi be more effectual than any written communication." In consequence of this suggestion, the Committee of the City CouncU commissioned George Darracott, a citizen of Boston, — who had been one of its firewards, and who was highly quaUfied by experience, energy, and practical skiU, — to visit New York and PhUadelphia, and mqffii-e mto the organization of then fire 16 182 MUraCIPAL HISTORY. department, and to examine into the consttuction, size, and power of their engines. Mr. Darracott immediately visited those cities, and received in both every facility for becoming acquainted with their whole system of fire poUce. On the fost of June ensuing, he addressed a letter to the Mayor, minutely replying to all the particffiars included in his commission, with precision and with practical statements and reflections, resulting in an unequivocal expres sion of opinion, that " such is the advantage of the system in use in those cities, that it could not be too early pressed upon the attention of the city authorities of Boston ; " adding, that " although the firemen of Boston possessed as much intrepiffity as any men, and risked readUy both then property and per sons, yet they have not been accustomed to regard favorably the hose system, and seldom make use of hose, except when they cannot play from the pipe. The reverse of this is the case in New York. It there frequently happens, when a foe originates in narrow passage-ways, where engines cannot operate to advan tage, that they are placed in the centre of one of their large squares, entirely out of view of the foe, and the hose is led through stores and houses in the vicinity. This, with the effi cient organization of the various component parts of the depart ment, and the playing of the whole under the supreme command of one, is what, in my opinion, after a minute and careful inspec tion of the whole system, gives the fo-emen of New York, such a decided superiority over those of any other place. To this con clusion my mind has been in-esistibly led. I have always felt a degree of pride in the character of our Boston firemen, and never woffid concede the point, that fires were not better managed here than elsewhere. But recent events have caused doubts in my mind. Those doubts are now confirmed. The faffit Ues not in the men, but in the system." This letter was immediately published for the information of the citizens, and a petition at once presented to the State Legislature, conformably to the authority given by the City CouncU, for powers to organize a fire department in Boston, on the principles which have beer stated. There was, however, reason to fear, that such was the invete rate animosity of certain individuals to the system proposed, some of whom were members of the Legislature and of the Bos- CITY GOVERNMENT. 183 ton seat, that their influence would be thrown in favor of reject ing the application ffitogether, without giving the citizens oppor tunity to express their opinion upon it. The Mayor, therefore, to cast upon the opponents of the system the responsibility of such total rejection, caused the foUo-wing address to be imme diately printed and ttansmitted to each member of the Legisla ture. TO THE MEMBERS OP THE BOSTON SEAT, IN THE LEGISLATURE OF MASSACHUSETTS. Boston, 12th June, 1825. Gentlemen : — Understanding that doubts are entertained, concerning the principle of the biU, relative to a fire department, and that too by members of the Boston seat, I deem it my duty not to permit that bill to faU, without dis tinctly explaining the views of the City Council upon the subject. If the city is again made subject to destruction by the inapplicability of our present system to the existing state of population, I am desirous that the City CouncU shall escape the responsibiUty of such misfortune. The principal object of the bill, is to vest in the City Coimcil the power of constituting an efficient fire department, and, fox this purpose, that they should have the appointment of the officers of that department and the distribution of their duties. The power to appoint and to prescribe the duties is the simple object. If it fail, there can be no organization of an efficient fire department, and the consequences I need not portray. The present system is, from the nature of things, inappUoable to the existing state of population, and it cannot be made appUcable. At present, thirty-six members compose a board of firewards, and as many more as the City Council may determine. They are chosen in wards. Their . power consists, — 1st. In requiring, during fire, assistance in extinguishing it, or in removing goods or guarding them, and in suppressing tumults or disorders. 2d. In directing and appointing the stations and operations of engines and enginemen, and of all persons in extinguishing fires. This power is supported by the sanction of a penalty of ten dollars, on refusal or neglect to obey their orders. This system had its origin in, and from the nature of things is solely applica ble to comparatively small towns. The authority of firewards, though caUed power, is in fact infiuence. Of what possible use toward an efficient extinguishment of a fire is the recovery of ten dollars the next day on a delinquent ? Of the thousand neglects and refu sals which occur at every fire, how many are prosecuted? Comparatively speaking, not one ! The efficient authority of firewards, under our present system is mere influx ence. And, as such, the highest and the most influential citizens, who could be persuaded to take the office, it was the practice to make firewards ; to the end that the individuals whom they required to assist, might be unwUling to refuse, either through shame or respect. 184 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. This was the real efficient power of the present system. But it is obvious that the whole of this power is annihilated, when a city is grown to such a size, as that not one in ten of the firewards, let him be ever so respectable, can be known to the attendant multitude, when that multitude are, for the most part, assembled not from sympathy for the sufferers, but from idle curiosity, and many from worse motives ; when, from the practice of insuring, and the belief preva lent that the loss -wiU be borne by the capital of insurance offices, indifference to them becomes more prevalent, and disinclination to incur the labor and hazard of assisting in extinguishing them more general ; and that too in those very classes of the community whose weight of character and property used formerly to constitute the strength of the ' influence ' of firewards, by cooperating in their exertions. Is it wonderful, in such a state of population and of feeling, that the scenes which every man has witnessed of late at fires should occur ? The surrounding multitude have neither shame nor fear, in refusing the fireward, and running away in masses as soon as he is seen with his badge of office advancing towards them ; or if a few yield a reluctant assent temporarUy, yet quitting the lanes, or leaving the work assigned them, as soon as the fireward's back is turned. The result of this state of things is as undeniable as it is inevitable, and the consequences and duties resulting from it are equally plain and unquestionable. The system of depending upon the aid of the surrounding multitude must be abandoned, and with it the system dependent upon mere influence or soUcitation of sympathies. A system must be adopted, suited to a large population, which every day is growing more mixed and less sympathizing with each other; in other words, discipline, subordination, and a well-marshalled arrangement, in which success is made to depend upon the organization of the department and its own efficiency, and not upon the reluctant aid of those who happen to be present. In other words, Boston, Uke New York and other great cities, must have a fire department based upon the principle of being adequate to self-protection, in which the assistance of the mass of the citizens, so far from being solicited, is in fact prohibited ; a system not of influence, but of self-dependent power. If it be denied to the present earnest application of the City Council, there needs no spirit of prophecy to foretell that it wiU, at no great distance of time be burnt into us. This system, as it exists in New York, is founded upon the use of suction and distributing hose, in filling their engines, instead of buckets ; by which it is proved that every hundred feet of hose is as effectual as the presence oi sixty men with buckets ; whereby the presence of the multitude is not rendered necessary. The discipline of the department applies only to those who belong to it. Great efficiency and energy is the result. And a system of influence is abandoned, and one of efficiency substituted. To the introducing of this system, the City CouncU have already authorized a great expense for engines and hose, and must incur more. In order to make it effectual, discipline must be introduced, subordination estabhshed, practice in the use of the hose apparatus encouraged. For this pur pose it is absolutely essential that the power proposed by this bUl should be invested in the City CouncU. CITY GOVERNMENT. 185 Thirty-six men, coequal in power, excludes the idea of organization or subor dination. How absurd is it to any efficient responsibUity, that the body of men which are intrusted with the power of supplying the means and instruments should be denied the power of selecting the agents and organizing the depart ment which is to make use of them ! How fruitful in disputes and controversies must be such an attempt. This system is not theory. It is now in existence, practised and satisfactory. I subjoin extracts ' from a letter from the late Chief Engineer of New York, con cerning the exceUeuce of their system. Above all, I subjoin an extract from a letter of George Darracott, Esq., formerly a fireward of this city, who has been sent on by the city authorities to examine the actual state of things in this respect in New York. I entreat the gentlemen of the Boston delegation so far to obtain the bill, if possible, as to be subject to the acceptance or refusal, by ballot of the citizens of Boston, at a general meeting. Considering this measure to be of the most vital importance to the prosperity and safety of this city, I have taken the liberty to address this letter to you, geu- tiemen, and to give it publicity, to the end that the views of the City CouncU might not be misapprehended, and that if this measure faU, it shall not be attri butable to any neglect, indifference, or shrinking from official responsibUity in them. Very respectfuUy, yours, Josiah Quincy. The course thus adopted proved successful. The purpose of at once absolutely rejecting the system was not pm-sued ; and on the eighteenth of June, 1825, an act was passed by the Legis lature " estabUshing a foe department in the city of Boston," dependent for its final adoption on the votes of the citizens. A general meeting of the inhabitants was thereupon caUed, to vote on the subject on the seventh of the then ensuing July. Notwithstanding these statements and exertions, the hostffity to the proposed system was not allayed. The private interests it opposed, and the attachment to old customs which it thwarted, rendered final success dubious. The ward rooms rang -with patriotic harangues on the infringement of the ancient liberties of the people, by depriving them of the power of electing foewards ; and the press, -with warning voices on the usurpation of powers, which, it was asserted, could best be exercised by the body of the citizens. The attempt to deny citizens the right of assisting each other in distress, was inffig- nantly reprobated ; and it was pubUcly declared, that " it woffid not be submitted to by the foe-proof brethren of the North End." 1 For these extracts, see pp. 182, 183. 16* 186 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. The idea of efficiency in a hose system, and of engines putting out fires, by playing into one another, was tteated as ridicffious. Language of this Mnd began to be used, not only by the vio lent and prejufficed, but even by men from whom a higher know ledge and better feelings might have been anticipated. In this state of the conttoversy, the Mayor -virrote and disttibuted, on his individual responsibffity, on the day previous to the general meeting, the following address, explanatory of the views of the City Council, and urging the citizens to attend the meeting and give in their baUots, by aU the considerations he thought calcffiated to awaken and to influence. TO THE- CITIZENS OF BOSTON. Perceiving that the acceptance or rejection of the 'act establishing a fire department ' is a subject of some discussion in the public prints, and being desi rous, whenever that question is taken, that, whatever may be the event, its real nature and consequences may not be misapprehended by my fellow-citizens, I deem it my duty, in the relation I stand to the city, to make a distinct develop ment of the subject. Considering also its nature and the circumstances con nected with it, I cannot deem this duty fulfilled as it ought to be, unless I annex my name to this elucidation. It will not be necessary to use any words to prove that our present system of protection against fire is, for some reason or other, not satisfactory to the citi zens of this metropoUs. It will only be necessary to recaU, on this point, the recollection of our fel low-citizens to the deep discontent manifested at the conduct and result of both the last great fires, — that in Beacon and that in Central Street. On both these occasions^ the inadequacy of our means of protection, or the insufficiency of their appUcation was palpable, and the discontent expressed htfle short of universal. Great difference of opinion, however, was manifested as to the causes of the confusion, disorder, and inefficiency exhibited on these occasions. Some lamented the want of water. Some the want of buckets. One set of men com plained of the want of power in the firewards to command. Another of the want of wiUingness in the multitude present to obey. And all, of the general want of fire clubs, and of those ancient associations for mutual protection on occasion of fire. In this state of sentiment and feeling, which notoriously existed, it was the duty of the City CouneU to ascertain the real causes of the evils of which all complained, and apply remedies suited and adequate to the nature of the ease. Now, it was impossible to reflect upon this acknowledged state of things, -ffith the seriousness which a sense of duty and of responsibility imposed on the City CouncU, -without coming to the conclusion that aU these wants or defioiencies were, more or less, founded in fact, and the resulting want of protection was not so much, if at all, attributable to the men, who had the control of the present sys tem, as to that system itself; in other words, that the e-vils of which aU com- CITY GOVERNMENT. 187 plained, were attributable chiefly, if not solely, to the inapplicability of our pre sent system of protection against fire, to the present state and relations of the popii^ lation of our city. And as this population was every day increasing with great rapidity, our present system was every day with like rapidity growing more inadequate to effect that protection the citizens had a right to demand. A very transient reflection on the acknowledged state of things wUl, I think, satisfy my feUow-citizens of the justice of this conclusion. And first, of the complaint of the want of water. A deficiency in this respect is unquestionable, and means are in train for remedymg it, under the auspices of the City CouncU. Yet the truth is, that we have as much water now as we ever had in the city, and as we had in those times when the conduct of fires gave great and just content in our city. Assuredly also, the deficiency of water in the vicinity of Beacon Street or of Central Street, could not be considered as the cause of the confusion, disorder, and inefficiency which aU complained of on both those occasions. On the contrary, if our present system be sufficient, a manifest deficiency in the article of water would be a reason for order and regularity, rather than a cause of disorder and confusion. Our present system presupposes either a will in the surrounding multitude at fires, to aid in forming lanes to pass water to the engines, or a power in the firewards to compel them to form such lanes. Now, just in proportion as water in the vicinity of any fire is deficient, is the necessity apparent that it should be brought from a distance ; and, of course, that the efficiency of the wUl, or the power to make lanes, should be manifested. If our present system be, therefore, in this respect, sufficient, the alacrity to form lanes and to preserve order in the multitude present, and the facUity with which the firewards are enabled to form the one and preserve the other, wUl be increased rather than diminished, by the existence of so great an exigency. How it was on both occasions, can best be answered by the firewards and the citizens present. Again, — are the evils of which we complain to be attributed to the want of buckets, of fire clubs, or of any of the ancient associations for mutual protec tion ? What is the reason of this ? Why are we deficient in buckets ? Why are the members of fire clubs greatly diminished ? Why those ancient as sociations abandoned or grown into disuse ? There can be but one answer. The state of things is changed in this respect. With the greatness of popula tion, a different state of feeUng and of modes of protection have grown up. Formerly, one could not open the front door of the highest or the richest citizen, without having his eye greeted with at least two buckets, containing fire bags and a bed key, all duly labelled, indicating to what fire society he be longed. The same was true in relation to the house of almost every citizen, except those of the poorest class. At this day, how many doors can you open and behold the same sight ? I answer, within bound, not one in fifty. Why is this ? If you ask the owner, ¦and he answers truly, nine times in ten it wiU be, — 'I am insured ; why should I keep fire buckets ? Why subject myself to the rules and customs of fire clubs ? Or why turn out to fires at aU ? I go to the expense of protecting myself. I ask no protection from others, and I mean to incur no voluntary 188 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. expense ; and, much more, wiU not incur the risk of health and life in protect ing them.' However cold, selfish, or calculating this language may seem, it is the prac tical language of men in aU great cities. In such cities, the influential classes of citizens, the householders, and men of property of every description, grow more in the habit of protecting themselves, more unwiUing to incur the risk and the labor which aiding at fires makes necessary ; and the number of those who are indifferent on such occasions, or who are wilUng to make profit by the misfor tunes of others, is increased. The consequence is, that in all cities, after they have attained a certain point of greatness, the system of depending upon the aid of all the citizens has been abandoned, and a system, self-dependent, and which, so far from requiring the aid of aU the citizens, excludes that aid, has been adopted. The substantial question, therefore, presented to the citizens of Boston is this, — having become a city, with a great population, wUl you adopt a system con formable to the state of things in which you exist ? or, with a great population, will you adhere to a system adapted only, and which can be efficient only, in a city with comparatively a very small population ? Whatever prejudices may exist upon the subject, and whatever interests or feeUngs may be affected by the avowal, it is my duty to state, as the result of all the researches made under the authority of the City CouncU, on the subject, that tlie present system of firewards is not, and cannot be made, an efficient system of protection against fire, with a population such as at present exists in this city. The fault is not in the men, but the system. Thirty-six men are annually chosen, in wards, aU equal in power; and in cases of fire, any three have precisely the same power with every other three. I lay aside all questions concerning the effect of choosing in wards, rather than by general ticket. I take it for granted, that the men, thus chosen, are the best thirty-six men that exist in the city for this purpose, and that they always wiU be the best. I ask, then, what are the efficient powers of such firewards, in relation to commanding aid on these occasions, considered in the tight of substantial protec tion ? The answer, and only answer that can be given, is, that ' they can reqmre the assistance of all persons present to aid in extinguishing fires.' But, suppose the persons required refuse or neglect to obey ? What then ? They are liable to be prosecuted the next day for ten dollars ! The penalty, indeed is heavy ; but what is it as it respects efficient protec tion? Of the thousands, which, at every great fire, either refuse or neglect to obey the fireward, and shrink from him, or go away as soon as he approaches, how many have ever been prosecuted, and paid their ten dollars. Comparatively speaking, not one. This great authority of the fireward, on which so much reliance is placed, when looked to for efficient protection, turns out to be nothing more than the good will of the persons present. The fireward orders, and if the person ordered wills, he obeys ; if he does not so will, he lets it alone. And this is the whole mat ter. For, unless in the case of some flagrant insult or outrage, he never hears ¦any more of the business. Nor can there be any blame east on the fireward. CITY GOVERNMENT. 189 Amidst darkness and confusion and hurry, how can he identify the individual, much more arrest and keep him in custody ? The efficient authority of firewards turns out then to be, after all, mere influ ence ; and the whole system is predicated upon its being influence, and nothing else. It is a sufficient system iu an early stage of society, and in a Umited extent of population. But when society advances, when a population becomes numerous, the weight of personal character and influence is little felt ; comparatively not at all. And the consequence is, that a system of influence must be abandoned, and one of efficiency adopted. Now a system, to be efficient, must be self-dependent; not relying upon whim, caprice, or the accidental presence of well-disposed individuals ; but pos sessing within itself, and by the inherent force of its own organization, the capa city of affording the protection required. By the aid of hose, of suction, and supply engines, such a system supersedes the necessity of lanes, and, by the power of machines, renders only a very smaU number of persons sufficient for protection. This is the system of New York. The surrounding multitude, in stead of being solicited to aid, are prohibited from interfering. The engineers, the firemen, and hosemen, and hook and ladder men, are competent to manage aU the machines. The efficiency of this system is not a matter of speculation. The foUowing extracts of letters, although already published, deserve to be here inserted, for the sake of those who have not seen them.l The question, then, now presented to the citizens of Boston, is a question between two systems. And, on this point, in order that there may be no mistake in this matter, and no deception, I wish it to be distinctly understood, that the existence and present relations and powers of firewards is luholly incompatible with the system recommended, and in practice in New York ; and that, so long as these relations and powers subsist, this system cannot he introduced. For, although firewards make a component part of the system in New York, yet their relations and their powers are very different from those of firewards in this city. One great business, for instance, of firewardens under our system, is to make citizens assist at fires. Whereas, one great business of firewards in New York, is to ' keep persons at a distance from them.' I know that it is urged with great warmth and vehemence in the public prints, that the object of the City Council is, ' to wrest from the citizens the election of firewards.' The truth, however, is, that the object of the City Council is of a much higher and more consequential character than the poor acquisition of any such elective power. It is an endeavor to place the safety and protection of the city against fire upon the basis of a self-dependent, efficient system ; one that does not claim from age, or manhood, or boyhood, as a duty, to turn out and give pro tection against fires, at the exposure of health, and often of life. On the con trary, it takes the protection of the city on itself It asks of the citizens, not inmiediately interested, only to keep away. It depends on its own discipUne, practice, force of machinery, and engines ; and reUes not at aU on the reluctant aid of casual bystanders. This system is inevitable in a fuU-grown state of society. If our citizens do 1 For these extracts see pp. 181, 182. 190 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. not realize, or -ndU not admit the necessity of it now, the adoption is only post poned. Come it will. The great teacher, calamity, which has already spoken once and twice, will speak again and again, until its voice is heard. If, then, the effect of the biU is to vest in the City Council the choice of the firewards, it is because that the powers and relations of firewards, in a system destined to give protection without calUng in the aid of the multitude present, are different from their powers and relations in a system like our present one, based upon depending on the aid of that multitude altogether. Thirty-six men, coequal in power, every three of whom have a right to command, are wholly incompatible with a system, which is of the nature of an organized force, having a head and members subordinate to each other; and in which responsibility is precise, direct, and individual. It will, therefore, be seen by my fellow-citizens, that the real question to be decided by them, on the acceptance and rejection of the bill, relates to the two systems, — that which now exists, and that which is recommended. So far as the question affects the elective franchise, it depends upon another question ; and that is, whether the City Council, the constitutional and respon sible representative of aU the citizens, be, or be not, the proper body to be in trusted with the organization of the fire department of the city ? Upon the general expediency of retaining the present system, which is founded on the practicability of commanding the aid of the whole multitude pre sent at fires, I ask my feUow-citizens to consult not only recent experience, but also to reflect on the actual relations of our population. Is it not becoming every day less and less homogeneous ? By emigration and the constant infusion of foreigners, are not the sympathies among citizens, considered merely as such, diminishing ? Has not an increased disposition to take advantage of fires, as occasions for plunder, been manifested of late years ? Must it not be inevitable in every city with an increasing population ? What right has this city to expect an exemption from the common lot of humanity in great cities ? In making this elucidation, I am sensible that I have exposed myself to the charge of unsuitable obtrusiveness. But I am wiUing to submit to this, or to any other Uke censure, rather than to have the conviction, which I should other- vpise have felt, that I had faUed in my duty to a people to whom I owe so ma'.' obligations for the confidence they have reposed in me. My great purpose wiU be answered, if I can draw the attention of my fel low-citizens to the real nature of the question ; and that, when decided, an un equivocal expression of their opinion should be given by the number of their suffrages ; and that it should not be left, as some questions have been of late, to the decision of a few individuals in the vicinity of the HaU, or who had a parti cular interest in the subject. The question deeply interests the fate of the whole city. Only let then the voice of the whole city be heard. Your feUow-citizen, ith July, 1825. JosiAH QuiNCY. The responsibUity thus assumed by the Mayor was received -with those opposite demonsttations, of censure and praise, which, in a repubUc, every pubUc officer may expect who throws openly CITY GOVERNMENT. 191 his personal or official influepce into the scale, on questions deeply agitating contenffing parties. By one set of men, it was characterized as " obtrusive," " busy," " meddlesome," " using his short-lived authority to augment the power and perpetuate the influence of his office." By another, it was denominated "a noble spirit of independence in a chief magisttate, who, holding his office by the popular voice, inttepidly takes the hazard of lending publicly all his influence to a measure which he beUeves will be attended with important and salutary consequences, re gardless of the manner in which it may affect Ms personal popu larity." The result proved the propriety and necessity of these measures. The meeting, on the seventh of July, as was antici pated, proved one of great struggle and excitement. Upwards of twenty-five hundred votes ivere cast; and, so powerful and general was the opposition, that the question in favor of adopt ing the system was decided by a majority of only one hundred and eighty-three votes ! On so critical an issue did a question, thus vital to the safety and prosperity of the city, tm-n! Thus, after an open and active struggle, the organization of an independent fire department received the support of the citizens of Boston ; and, from that time, a systematic course of measures was steadily pursued for carrying the projected organization into effect, with the general cooperation of the citizens, without any obstruction, except by attempts to injure the apparatus of the de partment, by cutting th^ hose, by a few unknown and unprinci pled individuals. A committee of both branches of the City CouncU, consisting of the Mayor, Aldermen Blake and Welsh, and Messrs. WUliams, Barry, Boies, and WUey, of the Common Council, was appointed to prepare an ordinance in conformity ¦with the act of the Legislature. But difficulties yet Ungering among some classes of citizens, rendered delay expedient ; and the details of this orffinance were not conclusively settled and sanctioned by the City CouncU untU the end of December. Time was also required to obtain the engines and apparatus ordered from New York and PhUadelphia, which postponed the final organization of the fire department untU the ensuing muni cipal year, now, for the fost time, about to commence in Janu ary. During the conttoversy on the new system, the Comnutiee of the City CouncU selected sites for engine houses; not on the 192 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. principle of economical and temporary expediency hitherto chiefly regarded, but such as were best adapted to facffitate easy com munication with the most exposed or populous parts of the city. With these -views, they selected a site on Pemberton HUl, now No. 9, Tremont Row, a location in the vicinity of the elevated streets on Beacon Hffi, nearly opposite the entt'ance of Hanover Street and other avenues descenffing to the north, by which aid coffid be easUy extended to sections of the city the most popffious and exposed to conflagration. They also desired to widen and im prove the great thoroughfare over Pemberton HUl, then steep and mconvenient, and in the winter season often dangerous. These objects were regarded so important, that the City CouncU au thorized an offer of twenty-five hundred doUars for about five hundred feet of land, which the proprietor rejected. The price of the land was therefore deemed an insurmountable obstacle to the project. An unanticipated ttansaction, however,^ enabled the city authorities to obtain the space the improvement required for nothing. The proprietor of the remaining land, therefore, was now induced to accept an offer of three thousand doUars for an adjoining lot, on which an engine house was erected of granite, on the model of the Choragic monument at Athens, and the engine and hydraffiion purchased at PhUadelphia were placed in it. The cost of this edifice was justffied, in the opinion of the city government, by the circumstances under which the improve ment and purchase had been effected ; by the satisfaction a bffilding so ornamental to the street gave to the proprietors of estates in the vicinity, who had objected to the erection of an engine house in their neighborhood ; and, above aU, by the con sideration that, such were the peculiar facilities of that location for the protection of the city, that its future aUenation^ was deemed improbable, and its appropriation to that object would, therefore, be permanent. In October, 1825, the City CouncU appropriated fifteen hun dred doUars for the construction of two reservoirs. Notwith standing their utter insufficiency for the requisite supply of water, they were aU that could be obtamed. Pumps, buckets, 1 The facts relative to this transaction were officially stated in the Boston Courier, of the 9th of November, 1825. 2 This lot and the buUding has been recentiy (1851) sold, in cash, for eleven thousand four hundred and fifty doUars CITY GOVERNMENT. 193 and lanes of citizens continued to be considered, by many, as more efficient for the supply of the engines than hose. They re garded the new foe department as an experiment, and of very dubious result. In this opinion, some even of the City CouncU coincided. A desttuctive fire which, on the tenth of November, 1825, occurred in Court Street, awakened the citizens again to the existing deficiency of water, and of the inadequacy of the ancient means of applying it with efficient force to the flames ; and a committee of the City CouncU, of which John Bellows was chairman, reported a resolve, which was accepted in both branches, by which an adequate appropriation was made for the building of thirteen reservoirs, in addition to the tivo already authorized, each to be of a capacity to contain two hundred and fifty hogsheads ; which was immediately carried into effect. In January, 1825, information was received, that General La fayette had accepted an invitation to be present and aid in lay ing the corner stone of the Bunker HUl Monument ; that he would, in consequence, revisit Boston, and probably be in the city on the anniversary of national independence. By a com mittee of the City Council, appointed to take suitable measures on the occasion, the Mayor was requested to address a letter to General Lafayette, expressing the gratffication of the City Coun cU at receiving this information, and the universal satisfaction of the citizens of Boston at the anticipation of his presence at that interesting ceremony. Lafayette, in reply, announced his inten tion to be present at Bunker's HiU on the seventeenth of June ; but that a recent famUy bereavement placed it out of his power to be present on the fom-th of July at the city celebration. In formation was also received from another source, that Lafayette had accepted the invitation of the Hon. James Lloyd, a senator from Massachusetts in the Congress of the United States, to reside in his family during his visit to the city. Notwithstanding this information, on his arrival in Boston, in the month of June, a vote passed the City Council, authorizing the Mayor and Aldermen " to make such arrangements for his honorable reception and entertainment, dming his residence in the city, as they may deem expedient and proper." Under an other vote of the City CouncU, both branches of the city govern ment waited on Lafayette, on the sixteenth of June, at the man sion of Mr. Lloyd, to offer their respects and congratulations on 17 194 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. his return to Boston, after his auspicious and successful progress through the United States. In March preceding, the Mayor had been authorized, \>j a vote of the City CouncU, to procure a portrait of General Lafayette, " to be taken at such time as wffi suit his convenience, and to draw his warrant for the amount." To this appUcation of the Mayor, Lafayette repUed, that it would not be in his power to comply, during the short period he expected then to remain in the United States ; but that, after his retmn to France, should it be desired, he woffid -with great pleasure obey the wishes of the city. At the same time, he ob served to the Mayor, that it was hardly possible for a better Uke- ness to be obtained than that which had been recently taken of him by P. Schseffer, one of the first artists in France, just before he commenced his visit to the United States, fine engra-vuigs from which were then of common and easy attainment. In July, 1824, a Committee of both branches, consisting of the Mayor, and Alderman Benjamin, with Messrs. Prouty, Russell, and Hartshorne, of the Common CouncU, was raised to consider the expediency of authorizing the Surveyors of Highways to cause a prospective plan and elevation of aU the stteets in the city, to be made, to comprehend, as far as possible, all future improvements, as opportunities may occur. This Committee reported, in September foUo-wing, expressing their opinion, that it would be greatly for the pubUc mterest if such a system of surveys should be adopted ; that the present course of proceeffing originates in, and is limited by, the im mediate exigency of the particular estate on which any owner proposes to buUd ; that the Mayor and Aldermen, after surveying the estate, only decide how far the stteet shall be widened by taking from that estate. In doing this, they have no authority to lay out a prospective plan of any street, and to guide thek proceedings by an enlarged view of the greatest improvement which the general relations of the stteet would permit, so as to become obligatory on their successors ; they are therefore reduced to the prudential course of widening each stteet to such a rea sonable line, as no future Board of Aldermen would hesitate to adopt, in relation to other estates, when an opportunity of fur ther widening should occur. The consequence of which is, that the widening of stteets, not being governed by any estabhshed CITY GOVERNMENT. 195 prospective plan, amounts, for the most part, only to the cutting off angles and removing occasional projections, and results in leaving, after all is done, a sightless, in-egular outline ; and that, often in cases where, if a bolder line could be taken with the assurance of its being completed, improvements of an im portant character might be made, with the acquiescence of the landholder, and with ultimate gain, in point of expense, to the city. The tendency of the present system is as little calculated to give satisfaction to the owners of estates, as to promote the im provement of the public stteets. For, in general, owners of estates would readily acquiesce (on feeing compensated) in very considerable reduction of their lands, for the sake of widening stteets, provided they could have the assurance that, in future time, the particular specified line to which their estates were cut down, shoffid be from time to time extended, and become the permanent line of the stteets. An established prospective plan, such as is suggested, would also be greatly beneficial in reducing the claims for compensa tion, on the taking of such lands by the public. For, the par ticular line of the street, being established by the city author ities, recorded, and published, every subsequent pm-chaser of an estate bounding on such sti-eet, woffid acquire it with full notice of the fact, and could have no claim or pretence of damages on account of calculations made, or prices given, in ignorance of the intention of the city authorities. In conformity with these views, the Committee reported three resolutions, which were, in March, 1825, adopted by the City Council, in the following terms : — Resolved. That the Mayor and Aldermen cause surveys of the stteets of the city to be made on a prospective plan, embracing, in relation to each street, as far as possible, the greatest ultimate practical improvement of such stteet, both as it respects widen- mg and elevation ; and that they cause such plan of each street, as it shall be completed, together with a plan of the particular estate tiffected by such proposed improvement, and the estimated expense for carrying the same into effect, to be laid before the City Council ; and that they continue such surveys until a com plete prospective plan of the streets of the city shall be made and estabUshed. 196 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. Resolved. That, when such surveys shall be approved by the City Council, the same shall be entered in a book, to be kept for that purpose, to be entitled, " The Book of the Prospective Plans for the Improvement of the Streets of the City of Boston." Resolved. That, whenever such prospective plan of improve ment in any street shall be approved and recorded, it shall be the duty of the Mayor, for the time being, to give public notice thereof in two at least of the newspapers published in this city, that all persons may know the same and govern themselves accordingly. Surveys of the stteets, on the principles of this report, were immediately commenced, and early steps taken to carry its pro visions into effect. CHAPTER XIV. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1826. Josiah Quincy,' Mayor. Prosperity of the City — Measures for introducing Water — Views of the Mayor on the Subject — Proceedings of the City CouncU — Powers of the Mayor in the Suppression of Riots — Petitions for a general Contribution for ReUef by Sufferers from Fire — The Result — Progress of Faneuil Hall Market — Final Settiement of the whole Improvement — Organization of the new Fire De partment — Celebration of the Fourth of July, 1826 — Death of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson — ¦ Tribute to their Memories. The Mayor, in his inaugural adffiess,^ noticed the difficulty of satisfying the confficting passions and interests always existing in a great community, and the happy effects of the wisdom, har mony, and pubUc spirit of former city councils on the prosperity of the city. It appeared from the recent city census that, dm-ing the past five years, the comparative increase of its population equalled that of any of our maritime cities, on the basis of its previous numbers. While the aggregates of property valuation had increased, the ratio of taxes had diminished. Although ad vancing wealth and population had unavoidably augmented the amount of taxes, yet there had been, in every successive year since the existence of our city government, a decrease in the amount of uncollected taxes. The expenditures, in respect of their objects, had been apparently satisfactory to a majority of the citizens; and the estabUshment of the office of auditor of accounts had introduced an order, simplicity, and con-ectness in that department highly creditable and advantageous. The atten tion of the City Council was now ffirected to the importance of obtaining for the city " a never-faUing supply of pm-e river or 1 The whole number of votes cast were 1395, of which Josiah Quincy had 1202. The Aldermen were Daniel Carney, John Bellows, Josiah MarshaU, Thomas Welsh, Jun., Henry J. OUver, John T. Loring, Francis Jackson, and Edward II. Bobbins, Jun. 2 See Appendix, E. 17" 198 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. pond water," which had been enforced by the urgency of physi cians ; and the Mayor, having received information that an asso ciation, formed for that purpose, contemplated an appUcation to the Legislature for the requisite powers, expressed a hope that the project woffid be met by the City CouncU " -with the most decided and sttenuous opposition, and -with a corresponffing spirit and determination to effect the great object solely on the account and with the resources of the city;" at the same time, " declaring it explicitly to be his opinion that, on that subject, the city ought to consent to no copartnership." Four days after these views had been thus pubUcly expressed by the Mayor, Pattick T. Jackson, a citizen commanffing, by his talents, character, and enterprise, the entire confidence of the community, associated with other inffividuals of wealth and in fluence, petitioned the City Council to assist them in obtaining from the Legislature an act of incorporation, giving them author ity "to construct an aqueduct, for the purpose of conveying into the city a sufficient quantity of fresh water for the use of the inhabitants, and for the extinguishing of fires." This peti tion was refen-ed to a committee, consisting of the Mayor, Al derman Welsh, and Messrs. Bassett, HaUett, and Brooks, of the Common CouncU. The Committee and City CouncU, coincid ing in the views of the Mayor, the appUcation received a decided negative. Nothing effectual was done in consequence of this movement. The Committee charged with the subject held vari ous meetings, in which ffiscussions were had concerning Neponset and Charles Rivers, as sources of supply ; and the Mayor, on his own authority, obtained contracts securing conditional rights of purchase, for the city, of a majority of the lower water rights on both those rivers, at stipulated prices, dependent upon the sanc tion of the City Council within a Umited time. The impression concerning the importance of the subject, though generaUy ac knowledged, was far from being universal ; and no wiUingness to increase the city debt, for the attainment of the object, was manifested. The claims of the proprietors of the sources of water were regarded as too exttavagant to be presented for con sideration to the City CouncU. The Mayor, therefore, havuig, as he thought, sufficiently impressed the City CouncU and the citizens with the importance of retaining the right of introducing water from the resom-ces of the city alone, without the instru- CITY GOVERNMENT. 199 mentality of private associations; and deeming it best for its interests to wait for times when the urgent wants of the inhabit ants should counteract the prevailing apprehension of a city debt, forbore any further to urge the subject upon the attention of the City CouncU. Dming the year 1825, the Mayor was caUed upon to suppress riots on two occasions. On the first, the object of the exertion of his official authority had no precedent. After consulting the Board of Aldermen, in order to be able, in case of any simUar emergency, to justify before a legal ttibunal such exercise of authority as circumstances might require, he submitted to coun sel learned in the law the nature of the powers vested in the office of Mayor by the city charter, applicable to such occasions. The result of their opinion being, that riots, routs, and unlaw ful assemblies were only cognizable under the laws of the Com monwealth ; and that the course of proceeffing, and the persons intrusted with their execution, were expressly pointed out in those laws, among whom the Mayor of the city was not in cluded ; and that, although it was his duty, in the language of the charter, " to cause all laws for the government of the city to be duly executed and put in force ; " yet, that it was a question of some doubt how far his authority extended in respect of the general laws of the Commonwealth, the execution of which was inttusted to other authorities. It was therefore deemed most safe and prudent for the Mayor to act as " justice of the peace throughout the Commonwealth," concerning whose powers in such cases there could be no possible question. Accorffingly, the Mayor, in that capacity, with a strong police, assisted by well-ffisposed citizens, who volunteered their services, proceeded to the scene of riot, and dispersed the assembly in the course prescribed by the statutes of the Commonwealth, arresting some of the offenders and sending others to prison. On a subsequent occasion, in the case of a disturbance at a theatre, the Mayor, on finding that a justice of the peace was in actual fulfilment of the duties of that office, with aU the powers vested in him by law, refused personally to interfere, deeming it for the interest of the city that the views he enter tained of the powers of his office should be distinctly and prac- ticaUy manifested to the citizens and the public, to the end that, if the Mayor was to be held responsible to act in all such cases. 200 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. his powers might be accurately defined and his duties prescribed by law ; deeming himself as much bound to abstain, as Mayor, from assuming to exercise powers not vested in him by his office, as it was to exercise those with which he was inttusted. These views he accorffingly spread before the City CouncU in this inaugural address. In January, 1826, petitions from several towns in the State of Maine, whose inhabitants had suffered from fires, praying that a general contribution might be authorized by the City Council for their relief, were referred to the Mayor and Alderman Rob' bins, with Messrs. Morey, Torrey, and Howe, of the Common CouncU. After examining into the circumstances of the conflagration and of the sufferers, the Committee decided that the City Coun cU were not justified in resorting to the mode of reUef sought by the petitioners. Their report stated, that the distingffished Uberality of the citizens of Boston, being unquestionably the cause of frequent applications for relief, the city government should consider it their duty not to permit the charity of theif fellow-citizens to be unduly or unseasonably called upon, particu larly in the form of authority, and under the sanction of an offi cial act; and that then public recommendations of a general contribution should be restiicted to cases of great and extensive calamity, which caU for the interposition of a great commu-" nity. This report was read and accepted in both branches of the City CouncU. After the organization of the city government, in January, 1826, a committee 1 on the extension of Faneuil Hall Market was appointed to carry into effect the resolutions of the three last City CouncUs, with the same powers and authorities, and sub ject to the same limitations, as the former committees. On thek recommendation, the City Council authoiized the purchase of the land of William Welsh, the price not to exceed twenty thou sand dollars, but without any appropriation, the cost of the land being reimbursed, as was anticipated, by the sale of the city lots. A street lying at the north of the north block of stores, (now caUed Clinton,) and extending to Exchange Wharf, was, 1 The Committee were the Mayor, Aldermen Bellows, MarshaU, and Kob- bins, and ISIessrs. Adan, (President of the Common CouncU,) Curtis, Hastings, Boies, Lodge, Grosvenor, and Barnard. CITY GOVERNMENT. 201 by the effects of this purchase, obtained without cost to the city. In July, this Committee discussed the arrangement of the stalls in the new market house; settled the terms on which they shoffid be leased, and then voted that the leases should be sold at pubUc auction, unless the tenants of the old mar ket house chose to take them at the appraisement. This they readily did ; and, on the twenty-sixth August, 1826, the new market house was opened, for the fost time, to the public. An order was then passed by the Common Council, that the further use of Faneuil Hall, as a market house, should be ffiscon- tinued. This Was nonconcurred by the board of Aldermen, who requested the Mayor to lay before the City CouncU a state ment of the obligations of the city, resulting from the gift of Peter FaneuU, and from the votes passed by the town of Boston in reference to that donation. The Mayor, accordingly, made a fffil report, in conformity with that request, in which, after recapi tulating aU the chief facts already detaUed in this history ,i and stating that, after the edffice had been erected on the town's land, by Mr. Faneffil, in 1742, and accepted as a market house by the inhabitants, they repeateffiy shut it up, and ffid not use it for the purpose for which it was given ; and that, it having been desttoyed by foe in 1761, it was rebuUt at the expense of the town, and the inhabitants voted "that the lower part of the building shoffid not be improved, as a market, until the further order and determination of the town." The Mayor, therefore, declared that, in his judgment, no obUgation rested upon the city, which could affect any use of the land covered by the buUding caUed FaneuU Hall the City CouncU should deem ex pedient ; and votes in conformity with this opinion were passed in concurrence with the order of the Common Council. On the ninth of November, the superintendent for buUffing the new market reported, that all the bills and accounts for erecting it, — for labor, materials, and services, were paid, and the whole concern in a state to be closed. The Committee then re quested the Mayor to prepare a final report on their proceed ings; wMch, on the thirteenth of November, he accorffingly submitted to them, detailing in it the origin of tlie project, the difficulties which had attended its execution, the various changes 1 See p. 12. 202 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. of plans and views which had occurred in its progress, the amount of the moneys which had been under their conttol, theif expenditures, the debt created, and the property vested in the city by their operations ; concluding with this gratifying result, that " this noble improvement had been completed, not only without any addition to the present taxes or burdens of the citizens, but also without the possibility of any addition in future time, on this account, to their taxes or burdens ; and, on the contrary, that it has augmented, in no inconsiderable degree, the real and productive property of the city." This report was accepted by the Committee and by both branches of the City Council unanimously .^ 1 The opinion having been at the time assiduously spread, that this Committee had created a debt, which it had left no adequate funds to discharge ; and even at this day (1851) the belief being still entertained by some, that its proceed ings laid the foundation of the present city debt, it is due to the memories of the members of that Committee, that the actual result of their operations should be stated from unquestionable documents. By the official reports of William Hayden, Jun., the City Auditor in 1826, it appears that the Committee which erected the market had un der their control, derived from every source . $1,141,272.33 That of this amount they paid, from sources ob tained exclusively from their own operations, 1 532,797.33 Leaving an apparent debt on the city of . . $608,475.00 The same Auditor's report shows that the Committee delivered over to the City Treasurer un questionable demands, amount ing to $4,560.92 And also good notes on interest, of a lUie unquestionable nature, amounting to ... . 219,709.82 Constituting an aggregate fund, of which the city has since avaUed itself in full, of . . . 224,270.74 So that the real debt left on the city was only . $384,204.26 The annual interest on 608,475 doUars, paid by the city on the apparent debt, was . . . $31,622.95 And the annual interest on $219,709.82, the available notes delivered the city, was . . 11,109.23 It results that the annual interest the city has ever had to pay was only .... $20,513.72 As an offset for this debt, and to pay this interest, the Committee vested in the city the new market house, -with the land it covered (27,000 feet) ; also, certain tracts of land, lying to the north of the north block of stores on North Market CITY GOVERNMENT. 203 AU the preparatory steps being taken, and the principles settled for the estabUshment of a Fire Department, in the preceding year, the present City Council, immediately after its organization, took measures to carry it into effect. And, in January, 1826, they appointed Samuel Devens Harris chief engineer, and aU the other engineers and firemen required by the city ordinance. Street, containing upwards of 26,000 feet of land, valued by them at $100,000 ; also, 142,000 feet of flats and lands, lying at the eastward of the New Market House, estimated at the value of another $100,000 by the Committee, in their report. Concerning the product to the city of these three species of property, it appears, by an official statement of Elisha Copeland, the present (1851) City Auditor, that, during the last twenty-five years, (1826-27 to 1850-51, in clusive,) the incomes of the city market, after deducting every payment made on its account, including salaries and all expenses for carry ing it on, amounted to the net sum of . . $562,460.66 And that, during the same period, the incomes of the City Wharf, which had been built in 1831, at an expense of $18,856.75, on the flats, vested in the city by the Committee, after deducting the cost of its erection, above- mentioned, and adding the incomes from the tracts of land lying to the north of the North Market Street block, amounted to the net sum of 162,002.86 So that the net incomes of the property, during twenty-five years, therefore, (without including the value of the last-mentioned tracts of land, ¦which was received in full by the city, by sales and application of it to city uses,) amounted to $724,463.52 Equivalent to an annual income of . . . $28,970.00 To discharge the annual income of the debt cre ated, amounting, as above stated, to . . 20,513.72 Leaving to the city an annual surplus of interest, amounting to $8,456.28 And, by way of equivalent or offset for the debt of $384,204.26, created for the city by the Committee, they vested in the city the new market, which never has been estimated at less than $500,000.00 And the City Wharf and flats, which, although usuaUy estimated much higher, can, at this day (1851), without fear of contradiction, be valued at 400,000.00 This being the fund provided, by way of offset, for a debt of about $384,000 .... $900,000.00 204 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. There were circumstances which rendered th acceptance of the office of chief engineer by Mr. Harris of great importance, at the fost organization of the department. He was a man of known judgment and prudence ; of tried ess ; a soldier in spirit; and, as far as the events of his Ufe had perrffitted, by education. He distingffished himself as a cavalry officer, in almost every battle on the Canadian frontier, in 1814 ; and was, generally regarded as singularly quaUfied to inttoduce order and subordination into the department. The state of his health rendered him, at first, unwilling to accept the office, as it would subject him to great exertion and exposure ; but he at length yielded to the soUcitations of the Mayor and City CouncO. Soon after entering upon the duties of the office of cMef en gineer, Mr. Harris requested the Mayor not to bring the subject of his salary before the City CouncU ; assignmg as a reason for this reqpest that, having the command of a department consist- mg wholly of uncompensated volunteers, he thought his useful ness woffid be ffisadvantageously affected by Ms acceptance of a salary. Mr. Harris held his office nearly three years ; and aU the anti cipations which occasioned his appointment were realized. A spirit, in every respect noble, fearless, and ffismterested, charac terized his whole conduct at the head of the department ; and, as he never asked, he never received any compensation for a long series of invaluable services. In the course of arrangements attending the new organization of the fire department, troubles of various kinds occurred, and In addition to which, the Committee vested in the city, free of expense, six streets, as foUows, namely : — 1. South Market Street, of the) ,„ ' width of . . . . I ^"^ ^"^^ contaimng 53,843 2. North Market Street . . 65 " 34 080 3. The street leading from Long ) Wharf, now constituting part >^ 65 " 30,100 of Commercial Street . ) 4. Clinton Street ... 40 " 20490 5. The Roebuck Passage, now) part of Merchants' Row, . | ^^ " ^,120 6. Chatham Street ... 40 « 20 560 64,193 CITY GOVERNMENT. 205 several evidences of hostility were manifested. One engine company refused to communicate water at fires with another engine company, because it was composed of minors, though they were full grown and of sufficient strength. Another, whose captain had been dismissed by the Mayor and Aldermen, voted that, notwithstanffing his dismissal, they should consider him their captain, and, as such, obey his orders. In both cases, the companies were dissolved, the engines taken from them and committed to new companies, which were immediately formed. Two of the city engines were ffisabled, in the night time, and their hose cut. This occurred several times at fires ; and, al though a reward of five hundred dollars was offered for detection of the offenders, it was without effect. Other dispositions to embarrass the operations of the new department were mani fested. All the arrangements for carrying it into full efficacy were not completed untU the twenty-fourth of AprU ensffing; when the Mayor issued his proclamation, declaring the fire de partment of the city duly organized, and that it woffid go into effect on the twenty-ninth of that month, which it ffid accord- mgly. Votes of thanks were passed by the City CouncU to those citizens who had volunteered their services to take the engines when they were thrown up by the old companies ; and " to the members of the late Board of Firewards, for their faithful, active, and disinterested services in support of the measm-es for organ izing the fire department." This last acknowledgment was highly deserved by the old firewards. Notwithstanding its ne cessary effect was to put an end to the existence of their own board, the support they gave to the new department was uni formly open and decided, and their influence largely conttibuted to its ffitimate success. Owing to the defective state of the old engines, the great de ficiency of hose, the necessity of fitting up aU the engines and engine houses, in a style of greater neatness and convenience than had been before customary, as also, the constructing of reser voirs, the amount of expenditure exceeded twenty thousand dol lars. But the efficiency manifested by the department was so universally felt and acknowledged, that the call for adequate appropriations was met by the City CouncU with readiness, and by the citizens without complaint. To check, as far as possible, 18 206 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. an excess of expenffitures, to which a department involving so many and such a ffiversity of claims was peculiarly Uable, the Mayor recommended, and the City CouncU ordained, that they should be placed under the special supermtendence of a joint committee of the City Council, without whose authority no ex penditure exceeding fifty dollars should be incurred. By the course of measures above specified, a spirit of zeal and activity was infused into the foe department, chiefly resulting fi-om the exertions, judgment, and fideUty of the chief and assistant en gineers, which graduaUy inti-oduced into it harmony and subor dination, highly honorable to them and satisfactory to the citi zens. In AprU, 1826, the Rev. Henry Ware, Jun., was appomted the city orator for the then ensffing fourth of July, which he accepted ; but the state of his health compeUed him, on the nineteenth of June, to decline fulfiUing his engagement. The Committee of the City Council appointed on this commuffication reported, that " an invitation should be given to the Hon. Josiah Quincy to pronounce the address on that anniversary ; that the brief period now aUowed for preparation seemed to preclude the probabUity of any of the younger gentlemen from accepting the delivery of the address, which, with the singular interest attached to the fiftieth anniversary, rendered it pecuUarly proper that the appointment should be made of a citizen who, from Ms age, may be presumed to have witnessed some of the events, and to have imbibed the spirit which led to our Revolution. Your Committee believe that the zeal and interest the Mayor is known to feel and manifest in every thing relating to the city "wiU in duce him, notwithstanding his multipUed official avocations, to accept this appointment, if such shoffid be the wish of the City CouncU." A resolution, in conformity with this report, was passed unani mously by both branches. The Mayor, having delivered an oration on the same occasion in 1798, was anxious to avoid a repetition of the effort; but finding that the short time for preparation, — the remainmgdays allowed, — was an insuperable obstacle to every citizen solicited to take the appointment, he deemed it his official duty, and ac ceded to the request of the City Council.^ 1 See Appendix L. CITY GOVERNMENT. 207 This anniversary was rendered memorable by the death of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, both of whom had been signers, on that day fifty years before, of the Declaration of In dependence, and both having filled the office of President of the United States. On the fifth of July, at a special meeting of the Mayor and Aldermen, the record states : " This Board, having received notice of the afflictive dispensation of Divine Providence, in the death of the Hon. John Adams, formerly President of the United States, on the fourth of July instant, thereupon. Resolved, That Aldermen Bellows, Marshall, Welsh, OUver, and Loring, -with such as the Common Council may join, be a committee to consider and adopt such measures as they may deem expedient, to express the sense of the eminent worth and pubUc services of the deceased entertained by the citizens of Boston, in common with their feUow-citizens of the United States; and also, their sorrow at this bereavement, which has deprived this State of one of its most honored and cherished sons, and the American nation of a most eminent patriot and ffistinguished statesman." The Common Council, in concurrence, joined, on its part, Messrs. Curtis, Grosvenor, Gray, Waters, Lodge, HaUet, and Rice. This Committee reported : " That it would be proper for the Mayor and Aldermen and Common Council, accompanied by their Clerks and City Marshal, to attend the funeral of their ffistingffished feUow-citizen at Quincy; that the bells of the city shoffid be toUed on that day from four to five o'clock ; that it be recommended to the masters and owners of the vessels in the harbor, to cause their colors to be hoisted at half mast ; and the citizens to close their places of business on the afternoon of said day, as a mark of respect for the deceased." On the tenth of Jffiy, when news first reached the city of the death of Thomas Jefferson, a joint committee, of which Alder man Bellows was Chairman, was raised to consider what mea sures were proper to be adopted on the occasion. This Com mittee reported as foUows : — " The Joint Committee, who were charged to consider and report what mea sures it would be proper for the City Council to adopt, expressive of the respect entertained by the city for the eminent services of the late John Adams and 208 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. Thomas Jefferson, have the honor to report, that they view the almost simulta neous decease of these distinguished statesmen as a dispensation of Divine Pro vidence, which will be deeply felt by the whole American nation. " Thai these venerable champions of liberty should have commenced their political career at the same time ; should have sustained the same important trusts and high offices ; should have each contributed so essentiaUy to the achiev ing of our independence ; should have lived to see their children's chUdren realize the blessings of that independence which, fifty years before, they jointly risked their Uves to secure to them ; and should at last be summoned, on the same day, and almost at the same hour, to receive the reward of their virtue and patriotism, constitute a coincidence without paraUel in the history of the world. " That either of these ancient men should have been spared to witness his nation's jubilee, was not to be expected in the usual course of human events; but that both should attain to that feUcitous moment, enjoying such a degree of health, as not only to be conscious of their privilege, but to participate in the general exultation of that day, is an event which seems to mark the hand and special presence of that Being by whose unerring wisdom we are governed, and by whose beneficence we are protected and sustained. The lives of these great men have been no less distinguished than their deaths are remarkable; and your Committee are of opinion, that they ought to be commemorated by a dis course delivered on this solemn and impressive occasion ; and they have reason to believe that, if it was kno-svn to be the wish of his feUow-citizens, an individual, eminent for his talents and public services, in whom the confidence and pride of this city are justly centred, would be induced to undertake the performance of this honorable but delicate trust. " The Committee, therefore, recommend the adoption of the foUowing reso lutions : — " 1. Resolved, That it is due to the eminent patriotism and distinguished public services of the late John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, that their Uves and characters should be commemorated in a public discourse. " 2. Resolved, That it is the wish of the City Council, that this discourse should be delivered by the Hon. Daniel Webster ; and the Mayor is hereby author ized and requested to invite that gentleman, in the name and on behalf of the authorities of this city, to pronounce the same, as early as his convenience wiU permit. " 3. Resolved, That the Mayor and Aldermen and Common Council wiU unite with their fellow-citizens in the solemn exercises of the day (to be appointed) ; and that the citizens be requested to close their several places of business, and masters of vessels to display their colors at half mast, during the movement of the procession and the performance of the exercises.'' This report was accepted, and the resolutions adopted unani mously, in both branches ; and an order was passed, appointing the Committee who reported these resolutions to make the neces sary preparations for the reception of the audience in Faneuil HaU, to arrange the order of procession, and with authority CITY GOVERNMENT. 209 to make such arrangements as they shaU deem suitable and pro per for the occasion. Daniel Webster having accepted the invitation of the city authorities, they, -with distinguished pubUc functionaries in vited on the occasion, among whom were the President of the United States and the Governor of the Commonwealth, the officers of various public institutions, and the citizens in gene ral, formed a procession, on the second of August, 1826, from the State House to Faneuil Hall, which was hung and carpeted with black and appropriately decorated, where, in presence of a numerous auffience, after prayers by the Rev. Dr. LoweU, Mr. Webster delivered an eloquent discourse on the character and services of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. The bells of the city were tolled; minute guns fired; the shipping lowered their flags to half-mast ; the stores were closed ; business suspended ; and no demonsttation of respect was omit ted. 18' CHAPTER XV. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1827. Josiah Quincy, May or. ^ General Relations of the City — Views concerning the City Debt — The Loca tion of a City HaU — The Responsibility for the Correctness of the Voting Lists — General State of the Schools — Proceedings of the City CouncU in Relation to them — School Committee object to their Interference, and claim Independence — Opening of the Hancock School — High School for Girls estabUshed as an Experiment — Its Result — The School discontinued, and the Privileges of Pemales in the Common Schools extended — The Relation of the Mayor to the School Committee. The Mayor, in his inaugural address,^ stated the general rela tions of the city ; its increasing popffiation ; the advance of its improvements ; and the inffications given of the satisfaction of the citizens with the general conduct of their affairs. Since the government had been changed from a town to a city, its debt had been increased, in round numbers, from one hundred thousand to one mUUon of dollars. The wisdom and fideUty of the pubhc agents who incurred this debt must be tested by the permanent and important character of the objects attained by its creation. These were the acquisition of the lands west of Charles Street, and the property vested in the city by the Committee for the extension of FaneuU Hall Market. The value of the property thus acquired was equivalent to the discharge of the whole of the then existing city debt, besides adding a large sm-plus to its revenues. Nearly half a miffion of doUars had been expended during the same period in improvements of a permanent and prospective usefffiness, having a direct influence on the future convenience and prosperity of the city. No public debt could be 1 The whole number of votes were 2629 ; of which the Mayor had 2189. The Aldermen were James Savage, Thomas KendaU, Phineas Upham, John T. Loring, Robert FeuneUy, John Pickering, James HaU, Samuel T. Arm strong. 2 See Appendix, P. CITY GOVERNMENT. 211 justffied on sttonger grounds than that which the city govern ment, with a fearless and independent spnit, and in a just con fidence in the judgment and inteUigence of then feUow-citizens, had incmred. Their arrangements had already lessened to a comparatively narrow sphere the necessity of future expenffi tures ; and the remaining duty was to finish the improvements, to correct existing establishments, and to apply the means in their possession to the gradual extinction of the city debt. To this object, the Mayor recommended the specific appropriation of the whole property and its incomes, transferred to the city by the Committee for the extension of Faneuil Hall Market ; it being, in his judgment, not proper to consider property, thus obtained, as a subject of complete ownership, untU the debt for which it was incurred is paid. For this pm-pose, he recom mended that those funds shoiUd be placed under the supervision of commissioners, composed of pubUc officers, ex officio, ap pointed by the City CouncU. The erection of a new court house and a city haU were, at this time, subjects of discussion and conttoversy. The Mayor, deem ing it greatly for the interest of the city, that the intercourse between the departments shoffid be convenient and easy, recom mended FaneuU HaU as the most suitable location for their accommodation. His views, were, however, at variance with interests, opinions, and views of citizens, in different parts of the city, and resulted in a still further postponement of the concen- toation of the city offices in one buUding. At this period, great complaints existed on the subject of the voting lists ; and the question was agitated with some warmth, — whether the responsibffity for their correctness rested, as it did under the town government, on the Assessors ; or whe ther it was not devolved upon the Mayor and Aldermen, by the terms of the city charter. The ffiscussion ultimately resulted in the opinion, that the labor of making out the voting lists, of comparing them -with their books, and certifying their correctness, were the duties of the Assessors ; but that the Mayor and Alder men were responsible for the time, form, and manner in which it should be done. In conformity with this resffit, the Mayor and Aldermen constituted the Mayor a sub-committee, to superintend the making out the voting lists ; to resort, in cases of difficulty for advisement to the whole Board ; it appearing to them, that 212 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. the duty of general superintendence and direction, and the exer cise of a sound judgment, concerning aU the great municipal relations of the city, particffiarly those which immediately af fected the elective franchise, was devolved on the Mayor and Aldermen, by the express terms of the city charter. For three years after the organi2;ation of the city government, no important addition was made to the number or expenses of the public schools, except the erection of the Hancock School, under the administration of Mr. PhUlips, and its completion under his successor. By a report of the School Committee, made in October, 1822, it appears that " the general state of the schools was satisfactory ; " but regret was expressed, that " many parents were indifferent as to sending their chUdren to school;" " and that, with regard to regularity of attendance," the negli gence of both parents and children was excessive. In the last year of the town government, (Jffiy, 1821,) a school for mutual insttuction had been established by the votes of the inhabitants. In August, 1822, on the petition of several citizens, stating that "the experiment had succeeded admirably;'' and that, in their opinion, more intellectual activity, a greater degree of interest in studies, of readiness in learning, and of punctuality, may be produced under that than under the prevail ing system ; that the expense would be less ; the present cost for the insttuction of each scholar being twelve dollars and fifty cents per annum, whUe that proposed would be less than four dol lars, — the School Committee voted that the Hancock School should, until otherwise ordered, be appropriated to give the sys tem a fair trial. These proceedings were not acceptable to the City Council, who, on the twenty-first of October, 1822, voted, that " it was not expedient to make the alterations in the Hancock School contemplated by the School Committee." This vote, and also an order, passed by the City Council, in May preceding, " author izing the School Committee to elect instructors for the public schools, to remove them, and fix their salaries," were regarded by the School Committee as " an interference with powers dele gated to them by the citizens ;" and, on the twenty-first of No vember, 1822, a sub-committee of that body, in a labored report, maintained that, by force of the nineteenth section of the city charter, the care and superintendence of the pubUc schools -were CITY GOVERNMENT. 213 vested in the School Committee; that the power thus granted ought to have a reasonable construction, implying incidental powers, to make such superintendence effectual, — such as ap pointment and removal of masters, fixing their salaries, selection of books, and regulating the studies of the schools ; that the exclusive right to make appropriations of public moneys, pos sessed by the City Council, was the proper and only check held by that body over the proceedings of the School Committee, and was applicable only to extreme cases, and not involving the power of maMng their proceedings nugatory; they not being the agents of the City Council, but a distinct and independent body, deriving their powers, delegated to them by the citizens, under the provisions of the city charter. These proceedings were the chief measures of a general cha racter adopted on this subject by the city government. During these two years, no material alteration took place in the condi tion or system of the schools. Some complaints were, indeed, at that time made, by parents against masters, for undue seve rity to their chUffien ; and by masters against parents, for indffig- ing their chUdren in want of punctuaUty, or for keeping them from school in their private service. There were other practices, and some disposition thought to be evidenced to keep men, who were deemed unquaUfied, in office. And, in June, 1823, on the fost opening to the pubUc of the Hancock School, the Mayor, at the request of the School Committee, deUvered, and subse quently, also, at their request, pubUshed an address, from which extracts, relative to topics of permanent interest and frequent recurrence, and deeply affecting the success of the schools, are here mserted, as foUows : — There are two mistakes into which parents are chiefly apt to fall in this con nection. First, — they are too ready to imagine, that school education and discipUne can supply the want of discipline and instruction at home ; and they often throw blame upon the masters which, in justice, belongs to themselves. If, therefore, the child of any parent returns from school shamed or corrected ; if he make Uttie or no improvement ; or if the tendency of his temper be way ward or vicious ; before blaming the master, or flnding fault with the discipUne of the school, let such discontented parent set himself seriously to inquire into the manner in which he himself has, m past life, performed, or how he is, at the pre sent time, performing his duties to his chUd ; what principles he has inculcated ; what habits he has permitted ; what example he has set. School education can do but Uttie without domestic discipUne and example. The father, and mother, 214 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. form and influence, more than any masters, the characters of children. Let no parent, then, listen hastily to complaints, unless he is himself conscious of being guiltless of having given any countenance or encouragement to that conduct which he condemns, and which masters, in their fidelity, must punish. A second mistake of parents, affecting these institutions, is, — that they are apt to imagine, because schools are provided by the public, it is the right of indi viduals, and of themselves as well as of others, to use or neglect them at plear sure, according as any whim, caprice, temporary interest, or convenience may dictate. The consequence is, that they send children to school only occasionally, when they please, or at what time they please, without any regard to the order and regulations of the school, or the interest of their child. Now, the usefulness of aU schools, in- a great degree, depends upon strict habits of punctuality and order ; and on regularity in the master's performance of his estabhshed routine of duties. Now, no master can thus perform his duties, if children are permitted by parents to loiter on their way, or delay, or neglect going to school ; or if they are kept after school hours engaged in work, or on errands, and thus, by coming late, break in upon the regularity of the school. The rights of parents are, in this respect, precisely like and parallel with all the other rights of civil life. So use your own rights, as not to injure the rights of others ; above all, so use them as not to injure the general interest. It is the duty of masters to exact punctuality of attendance fi-om their scholars ; and for this purpose, as a chief means, to be most minute and critical in their own punctuality. And as to those parents, who will not submit to a principle so essential to the success of this great interest of the republic, they must not complain, should those who have the care of that interest exclude altogether from the enjoyment of these privUeges those deUnquents who, by such injurious neglect, show they are unworthy to possess them. The relation of master and usher is stlU more important and critical to these institutions. Their duties are, aU of them, of a nature so simple and obvious, that to allude to them would imply a possibiUty of ignorance, or deficiency, which ought not to be admitted, even by way of supposition. There are duties, however, resulting from their relation to one another and to this Board, on which it may be useful to touch ; and the rather, because diffi culties have heretofore arisen from misapprehensions on those subjects. The relation, then, of the master and usher, of the same school, ought to be understood to be, in the nature of things, a relation of subordination, and not of equaUty. It is one of the chief duties of him who is second, to support and strengthen the hands of him who is first ; and, for this purpose, to study on all occasions to elevate his character, to extend his influence, to facilitate his labors, and promote his respectabiUty, both in school and in the world. There is no surer mark of unworthiness for a higher station, than an unwilUngness to submit to the requisitions, or to yield the deference, which is due from a lower. All espionage, all disputes of authority, all petty cavils, of the inferior in relation to the superior, are to be avoided ; being assured that such conduct can receive no coiintenance from this Board ; with the certainty that, though its effect may be to injure him whom it affects, that it cannot faU to disgrace him who condescends to the practice. CITY GOVERNMENT. 215 This principle, however, must not be understood to extend to the concealment of any notorious vice or fault in the masters, or to any open or habitual violation in him of the rules estabUshed for the government of the school by the School Committee. FaUure openly to represent this to the proper authority, is a faUure in duty, for which the usher is, and will be, considered responsible. On the other hand, the duty of the master towards the usher is not less plain and imperious. In the order of things, he is, indeed, superior ; but then, he should always remember that it is only superiority of station, which does not necessarily imply individual superiority. The relation in which masters and ushers stand to each other is that of gentlemen ; of men under joint obligations to promote the interests of the school, and the improvement of the scholars ; and the great study of both should be, so to cooperate in their labors, as mutually to aid each other in effecting this joint object. From both instructors, the pubhc have a right to expect, and it wiU be the endeavor of the present School Committee to enforce, punctuaUty, exclusive devotion to the interests of the school, and strict obedience to the rules established for its government. The habit of punctuality, instructors should consider as a primary and essen tial duty. They should be, by system, as true to the fixed time of opening and closing their school as the shadow of the style is true to the sun dial. So, also, with respect to an exclusive devotedness to the interests of the school. It may be questioned whether either, — and certainly, whether the principal instructor, — ought to be permitted to engage iu any other business or employment, the object of which is pecuniary emolument. But it cannot be questioned, that neither of them ought to be permitted to carry any engagement or other pursuit into school hours. The whole of the prescribed time belongs to the public. During its continuance, instructors have no right to do any thing else, or think of any thing else. Whatever part of the time is not occupied in instruction, is sufiicientiy weU employed in superintendence of order and de corum. Lastiy, gentiemen of the School Committee, in this reference to the duties of others, which I have thus made, at your suggestion, you will permit me, also, to notice some which belong to ourselves. In the organization of this Commit tee, distinguished men, drawn for the most part from the learned professions, are added to the higher branches of the city authorities. It must generally be ex pected, that the Mayor and Aldermen wiU be men of business, rather than of science, and better acquainted with the rules and measures of active Ufe, than with those of schools and seminaries of learning. This part of the Committee have, therefore, a natural right to look to the superadded members for advice, direc tion, and for a vigilant and active superintendence, in this particular department. And while the Mayor and Aldermen will extend to this great concern aU the protection which the extensive nature of their other duties will permit, it is to the members of the Committtee, who do not belong to this Board, that the city authorities have a right to look for a severe and scrutinizing investigation of the state of the schools, and of the manner in which masters and ushers, as weU as parents and cluldren, fulfil their respective obUgations. The great difliculty with which we have to contend is that disposition which is innate in aU, to avoid painful responsibUities, when the exercise of authority 216 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. affects particularly and directly the hopes and prospects of an individual, and only generally and remotely the interests of the community. But, gentiemen, in assuming this office, we have undertaken a duty for which we are responsible, not only to our country, but to Heaven. If men obviously weak, or inefficient, or inadequate, are maintained in ofiice, merely through reluctance to exercise power which our station devolves upon us, and which, by accepting the trust, we have solemnly engaged to fulfil, I need not explain to wise, honorable, and thoughtful men the nature and consequences of such failure, to fulfil an important and voluntarily incurred obligation. This city has a right to have efficient and capable men in all its departments ; especially in its schools. The worst of all charities is that which supports imbeoiUty in official station, merely from reluct ance at depriving it of oflicial emoluments. And, however this may be pardon able in relation to offices affecting only personal or local interests, it is, in relai tion to such as are of the nature of pubUc instructors, Uttle less than criminal. I repeat it, this city has a right to have, in every department of this great concern, none but adequate men. The liberality for which the inhabitants of Boston have been distinguished towards pubhc instructors, in all times, has afforded this Committee the means and the power of selecting the best, and of excluding the bad or the indifferent from those offices. If, through our weak ness, carelessness, or fear, the rising generation in any school district be dealt by unfairly, and do not reap its equal share of the advantages which this city, by the liberality of its public provisions, endeavors to secure to all its citizens, the fault and the shame will lie upon those who, being intrusted with the power, and having accepted of it, shrink from their duty, under the influence of a false and mischievous sympathy. Early in the year 1825, the School Committee accepted a report of one of their sub-committees, recommending an esta blishment of a high school for girls, and an appUcation to the City Council for an appropriation for that object. The plan pro posed was, that girls who were qualified shoffid be admitted when eleven, and not more than fifteen years of age ; and that the course of studies should occupy three years, and embrace all the branches of education usually taught in colleges, except Greek and Latin. There being at that time a very general desire in the School Committee to test the usefulness of monitorial or mutual instruction, it was proposed that the school should be conducted upon that system ; and, in respect of expense, the report supposed that one large room would be sufficient, at least for the first year. The adoption of the report was pressed with great earnestness by several members of the School Committee, and the success of the High School for Boys, was urged as conclusive in favor of a simUar school for girls. The High School for Boys had been CITY GOVERNMENT. 217 in operation five years, and no additional school for them was required or anticipated. The applicants for admission to it had never exceeded ninety ; the greatest number ever admitted to it in one year was eighty-four; and, at that time, the number ivas only ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-SIX. The uumbcr, also, in the High School for Boys regularly diminished every successive year, as parents found places for their sons, as apprentices and in count ing-houses ; so that the greatest number of those who continued through their whole course was seventeen; and they belonged to a class consisting originally of seventy members. Those members of the Committee, however, who considered the differ ence between the occupation and preparation for active life, of girls and boys, between the ages of eleven and fifteen years, doubted if the result of the High School for Boys was a criterion to be relied upon for a high school for gUls. It was certain that the inevitable eff'ect of this school woffid be to attract from the common schools all the most ambitious and intellectual scholars, and of consequence deprive those schools of the girls best quaU fied by attainment and example to excite the spirit of emulation, to raise their standard, and to take, in them, the place of moni tors. Apprehensions of this kind added force to the doubts con cerning the expediency of estabUshing it. There existed, at this time, a general opinion in favor of ex tending and enlarging the advantages enjoyed by females in the public schools. The project was therefore in unison with this prevailing desire, and popular with parents whose daughters were of an age to take advantage of it, and the appropriation of two thousand doUars, recommended by the School Commit tee, was granted by the City Council with great unanimity. The anticipations of ffifficulty were, however, so sti-ong and plausible, that it was adopted expressly "as an experiment;" " if favorable, to be continued, if adverse, to be ffiopped of course." With this understanffing, the project being sanctioned by the City Council, the twenty-second of February, 1826, was ap pointed by the School Committee for the examination of candi dates for admission into the High School for Girls ; the largest and most commodious room owned by the city having been assigned for it, and fitted up, at a considerable expense, to the satisfaction of the Committee. But before this examination occurred, it became apparent that 19 218 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. the result of a High School for Girls would be very different from that of the High School for Boys ; and that, if continued upon the scale of time and studies the original project embraced, the expense would be insupportable, and the eff'ect upon the Grammar or Common Schools positively injurious. Instead of ninety candidates, — the highest number that had ever offered in one year for the school for boys, — it was ascer tained that nearly three hundred would be presented for the High School for Girls. The spacious room provided for the school would not accommodate more than one hundred and twenty; and it was evident that, either two high schools for girls must be established the first year, or that more than one half of the candidates must be rejected, to the great disappointment of their parents and instructors. In this dilemma, a special meeting of the School Committee was called, on the twenty-first of February, the day previous to that appointed for the examination ; and, after much deliberation on the course to be pursued, they resolved to keep the number to be admitted under their own control ; and for this purpose passed a vote, that the Sub- Committee, appointed as examiners, should report to the School Committee " the names, ages, and standing of all the candidates they should find qualified for admis sion, that THIS COMMITTEE MAY DETERMINE WHAT CLASSES OF THEM SHALL BE ADMITTED." Under the influence of this vote, the examination was accord ingly conducted. Two hundred and eighty-six candidates pre sented themselves for examination. And, on the twenty-eighth of February, the Sub- Committee of Examiners, from motives of prudence, did not report to the School Committee the names of those they found duly qualified, but only the ages of each candidate., with a table of the marks, from one to twenty, put opposite each, under each head of examination, and the general result ; and, to bring the admission of applicants witMn the extent of the ac commodations which had been provided, they recommended that the School Committee " should strike from the list of applicants all bettveen eleven and twelve years of age; and that, of the remainder, all who had received the numbers of thirteen and a half and up wards, should be admitted as members of the school." The School Committee adopted the com-se suggested by the Sub- Committee of Examiners, and regulated then admission CITY GOVERNMENT. 219 of candidates by the principles they recommended. The conse quence was that, of the two hundred aud eighty-six candidates, about one hundred and thirty were admitted, and one hundred and fifty rejected. Parents, friends, and instructors of these unsuc cessful candidates regarded these proceedings as unjust, and the rffie of selection as arbitrary. Complaints of favoritism were not uncommon, — the natural consequence of extteme disap pointment. The course, however, pursued by the School Com mittee was unquestionably the best the circumstances in which they found themselves placed permitted. This feeling of dis content was not, however, generally allayed, although, from par- ¦ticffiar considerations, the vote for striking out all between eleven and twelve years of age from the list of applicants was subse quently rescinded, and seven candidates between those years were admitted. Notwithstanding the number of candidates offered far exceeded aU anticipation, the High School for Girls was put into opera tion under very favorable auspices. The master was talented, earnest, and assiduous; and. members of the Committee, some of whom had daughters enjoying its advantages, superintended its course with marked and critical interest. The girls who were admitted were the elite of the Grammar Schools, and -were among the most ambitious and highly educated of them and of private schools, from which a majority of those admitted were derived. It was impossible that a school thus conducted, super intended, and composed, should not be highly advantageous to the few individuals who enjoyed its benefits ; and its success was a subject of congratulation among their parents. In August, 1826, a report was made to the School Commit tee, setting forth the necessity of a further provision for its sup port, enlargement, and accommodation ; and stating, by way of information, the foUowing facts : — " That the present number of the school was one hundred and thirty ; that few, if any, could be excluded the present year; that, according to the best calculations that could be made, the number of the candidates for admission at the then next ensuing examination, ivould be four hundred and twenty-seven, who, if they were all admitted, and those now in the school retained, it would be necessary that five hundred and fifty- seven members of it should be provided for." The Sub- Commit tee, however, suggested that, probably, not more than two hun- 220 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. dree? would be found qualified ; a suggestion unsupported by any data. This report unavoidably brought under the consideration pro bably of every member of the School Committee, and of the city government, the practicabUity of a system of schools, in cluding such an extent of time and course of studies as the plan of this school originally embraced. It was obvious that the result of the High School for Boys was no criterion by which to estimate that for girls, who were not compelled to prepare for active life between the ages of eleven and sixteen, and to whom a high classical education was extremely attractive ; and, being confined to the best scholars in aU the schools, private as weU as public, by its select and necessarily exclusive character, obviated the objections of many parents to pubUc schools. The effect of this circumstance was apparent in this " experiment." Of the number admitted into it, sixty-two were from private schools, and only fifty-nine from the public. And it was ascertained, that if the school should be maintained upon the extensive plan of time and studies embraced in the original project, that there woffid be a far greater influx into it from the private schools. Those, therefore, whose property enabled them to educate their children at private schools, -woffid occupy the greatest proportion and receive the chief benefit from the High School for GMs. No circumstance could show more eff"ectuaUy that the school was chiefly for the advantage of the feiv, and not of the many ; and those, also, the prosperous few. Again, this ffi-st experiment showed, in another respect, the entire difference in result of the school for girls and of that for boys. In the latter school, as has been already stated,^ the number of scholars regularly diminished every year, so that the far greater proportion of those who entered it quitted before the expiration of the three yeai-s; whereas, of all those who entered this High School for GUIs, not one, during the eighteen months it was in operation, voluntarily quit ted it ; and there was no reason for beUeving that any one ad mitted to the school would voluntarUy quit it for the whole tliree years, except in case of marriage. It was ascertained that the whole number of girls, between eleven and fifteen years of age, then in the Grammar and High Schools was about seven hun- 1 See page 217. CITY GOVERNMENT. 221 dred ; and that in the private schools the number was greater. Of consequence, there woffid be a great total, of at least, four teen hundred gu-ls every year ; the number, also, increasing with the population, to whom the benefit of this collegiate course was annuaUy to be proff"ered ; and, considering the uncommon and desirable privileges thus offered, it was probable that at least one third would qualify themselves for the benefit, and that not one of those, once admitted, would quit the school for three years. • It was evident, therefore, that at least two High Schools for Girls must at once be established ; and that, if the whole num ber of anticipated applicants should be admitted, that three such schools would be reqffired, with a prospective certainty of the increase of this number every year. It was apparent to all who contemplated the subject ffisinterestedly, that the continuance of this school would involve an amount of expenses unprecedented and unnecessary ; since the same course of insttuction could be introduced into the Grammar Schools, to the far greater benefit of the greater number of females, and those, too, of a class for whom it was the chief duty and interest of the city to provide a high education. The opinion, therefore, became general, if not universal, that, if the school was continued, some change in its principles must be adopted. Two schemes only were suggested, by those who wished to continue the course three years : — 1. That the High School should be confined to girls educated in the Grammar Schools. This could not be sustained for one mo ment. For, in addition to the common right, which would be inherent in aU parents, to send their chilffien to schools sup ported at the public expense, the tendency woffid be to bring back to the Grammar Schools a class of children, from the edu cation of whom the city was now relieved, by the predUection or pecuniary ability of parents. 2. That the qualifications for .. admission should be raised, and the course of three years be con tinued. This last was the favorite scheme of those most desi rous of continuing the school for the term of three years, accord- . ing to the original project. A single objection seemed, however, . conclusive against this scheme. In proportion as the quaUfica- tions for admission are raised, the school becomes exclusive. Although nominaUy open to aU, it will be open only to the few, and shut to the many. Actuated by these general views, a sub-committee was ap- 19* 222 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. pointed by the School Committee, to whom the report made in the August preceding 1 was referred, to consider the expeffiency of making further provision for the High Schools for Girls, on the same basis of extent, of time, and of studies as the original project embraced. This Committee, after long deliberation, and inquiring of the several masters of the Grammar Schools, as to the effect upon the character and prospects in those schools pro duced by the High School for Girls, found there was a ffiver sity of opinion. Some of the masters regarded the effects as beneficial ; others thought them prejudicial. Removing the best and most exemplary scholars damped the ardor of the girls who remained, and took away the materials from which moni tors were selected, and reduced the standard of the Common Schools from the highest to a secondary grade. The Commit tee, therefore, on the seventeenth of November ensuing, made a report, stating those facts, and that new principles ought to be adopted in relation to the qualification for admission and time of remaining in the High School for Girls ; and unani mously recommended the following modifications of the system of that school. These were immediately adopted by the School Committee, namely, — that the age of admission should be four teen, instead of eleven ; that continuance in the school- should be only for one year, instead of three ; and that the requisitions for admission should be raised, so as to include aU branches taught in the pubUc Grammar and Writing Schools ; and that no female should be admitted after the age of sixteen. These modifications, in which the School Committee and City Council generaUy concurred, so gi-eatly ffiminished the ad vantages the original plan of the school proposed, that much of the interest which its creation excited was- also diminished. It became apparent, that a school thus limited, of wffich the advan tages could be enjoyed only for one year, would not be, as the original scheme professed, for the benefit of the many; but, in fact, for the exclusive advantage of the few, and, for the most part, of those whose private resources were fully adequate for the education of their own daughters. The higher the quaUfica- tions required, the more exclusive the school. The daughters of educated men, of lawyers, clergymen, and physicians, who had ' See page 219. CITY GOVERNMENT. 223 leisure themselves, or those who had fortunes sufficient to give their daughters the high preparatory education, woffid, unavoid ably, be preferred on examination. To them, the advantages of the school woffid principaUy resffit, and not to the dEfughters of the mass of the citizens. The school, however, was permitted to continue, subject to this modification, untU November, 1827, when a committee was raised to consider the expediency of continuing it ; which, on the eleventh of December following, reported that, in their opinion, " it was expedient to continue it." This report was the occasion of much debate ; and several modifications were proposed, on which the Committee was equaUy divided, when a motion was made for the postponement of the question to the next School Committee, which, in the course of that month, was to be elected. On this question, the votes being equal, — "six and six," — the Mayor, after declaring, that his opinion was so decidedly adverse to the continuance of the school, that he coffid not vote in its favor ; yet, regarffing the question of great importance, and that the continuance of it was a subject of much public and popular animadversion, and that the School Committee then about to be elected, coming immeffiately from the citizens, would be better quaUfied, from their acquaintance with the general feeling and sentiments of the people, to decide the question most satisfac torily, postponed the subject to the next city year by his casting vote. This decision having been made the subject of much popular animadversion, the Mayor ffid not deem his official duty fffifiUed without presenting his views distinctly to his feUow-citizens ; and, accorffingly, in his inaugural address to the city govern ment, m January, 1828,^ expressed, in a direct and unequivocal manner, Ms opinion, that the standard of public education ought to be raised to the greatest practicable height in our Common Schools ; that the effect of the High School for Girls was, in his judgment, far different from that which popular opinion enter tained ; that, instead of being for the benefit of the children of the whole community, it was, in fact, comparatively for the benefit of those of a very few, and that, too, a class who were best qualified, by intelligence, education, and wealth, to provide for the high insttuction of their own children. 1 See Appendix, E. 224 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. Leading members of the City Council coincided in these general views ; and at a meeting, early in January, 1828, at the suggestion of the Mayor, the succeeding School Committee took into consideration the subject referred to them by the preceding Board; and when under ffiscussion, say the records, "James Savage remarked that, though he had, as a member of the Com mon CouncU, voted an appropriation to the High School for Girls, it was mauily with a view to make a pubUc experiment of the system of mutual insttuction ; that he was opposed to the High School for Girls, and to the whole system of instiuc- tion, as regards females ; he therefore moved, that a sub-commit tee be raised to consider, — " Whether the High School for Girls shaU be contmued, and the basis on which it shall be estabUshed ; — " Whether the girls may not well be allowed to remain at the Grammar Schools throughout the year ; — "And, whether the time of their continuance at these schools may not be advantageously extended." This motion being adopted, the following Sub- Committee was appointed for its consideration, namely, — the Mayor, John Pickering, Samuel T. Armsttong, Wiffiam B. Fowle, Samuel Barrett, Zabdiel B. Adams, and Amos Farnsworth. This Committee made, on the twelfth of February, an elabo rate report unanimously, in which was set forth, in detaU, aU the chief views and arguments connected with the subject; and declared their opinion, that the High School for Girls " ought not to be reestablished upon the basis of embracing the extent of time and the multipUed objects of education which the ori ginal plan of that school contemplated ; " and that it ought not to be continued " on the restricted basis, as to time and objects, to which it was reduced by the vote of the seventeenth of No vember, 1826;"! but that "it was far preferable to arrange all om Grammar and Writing Schools so that the standard of edu cation in them may be elevated and enlarged, thereby making them all, as it respects females, in fact, high schools, in which each child may advance, according to its attainments, to the same branches recently taught in the High School for Ghls. The Sub- Committee then entered tipon a wide survey of the whole school system ; and closed their report by recommending 1 See page 222. CITY GOVERNMENT. 225 a series of resolutions, which, after undergoing some modifica tions, were adopted by the School Committee unanimously, in which the opinion of the School Committee was declared, that it was for the interest of the city, that the mutual or monitorial system of instruction shoffid be inttoduced into the Boylston and Bowdoin Schools ; that an appropriation be requested of the City Council, for preparing the school houses for this purpose ; and the Sub- Committee, who made the report, were reappointed to carry the resolutions adopted into effect. On the third of June ensffing, " Mr. Savage moved that the girls be permitted to remain in the English Grammar Schools throughout the year." This motion being adopted, and measures taken for carrying into effect the views thus sanctioned, the project of the High School for Girls was abandoned, and the scale of instruction in the Common Schools in the city was graduaUy elevated and enlarged. This resffit, and the distinctness with which the Mayor had made known his opinion, concerning the inexpediency of esta bUshing such a High School for Girls at the expense of the city, in opposition to the views and interests of a body of citizens of great activity, and of no inconsiderable influence, gave origin to party assaffits upon the motives and conduct of that officer, which he noticed in his final address to the Board of Aldermen, on taldng leave of the office, in January, 1829.^ The soundness of these views, and their coincidence with the permanent inte rests of the city, seem to be sanctioned by the fact, that twenty- tMee years (1851) have elapsed, and no effectual attempt, during that period, has been made for its revival, in the School Com mittee, or in either branch of the City Council. A question growing out of the relation of the Mayor of the city to the School Committee, of which, by the city charter, he was officially a component part,, ought not, perhaps, to be omitted in this history, although of no other general importance than as preserving a remembrance of the different consttuction made of that charter, and of its having temporarUy been the occasion of party animadversions. When, under the town government, the School Committee was established, there was no individual elected by the vote of all the inhabitants as chief officer or head of the town. The Selectmen, as the Executive Board, was 1 See page 269. 226 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. accustomed to elect annuaUy a chairman ; but his authority and official character Avere derived solely from their election. The School Committee, therefore, considering, justly, that the power of electing a chairman of the Selectmen did not include the power of electing a chairman of tfie School Committee, not withstanding the Selectmen were component parts of that Board, provided, in their first organization, "that, at the first meeting in each year, the Board shoffid organize itself by choosing a chanman." And this was the uniform practice, until the adoption of the city charter. It was manifest that the rela tion of things was materially changed by this charter. Like the Selectmen, the Mayor and Aldermen were made a component part of the School Committee ; but the Mayor was not chosen by the Board of Aldermen, but elected head of the city by the body of its citizens; and, by the force of that relation, it was the opinion of many, and, at the commencement of the new government, apparently of all, that, ex officio, he had the right, and that it was his duty to claim the station of chanman of all the boards of which, ex officio, he was a component part. This opinion was so stt-ong and so general, that it does not appear that, during the first seven years after the organization of the city government, that any question was raised, or any doubt expressed on the subject. John PhilUps, the first Mayor, with the Aldermen met, on the sixth of May, 1822, the other mem bers of the School Committee, and took the chair, as Mayor of the city, and the School Committee proceeded immediately to organize themselves by the choice of a secretary. Neither the record nor any document indicates that the proposition to choo.'' \ him or any one chairman was either made or thought of by aii_, member of the School Committee. The same was the case with his successor, during the nearly six years to which his ad ministration extended. The first intimation of any ffiscontent existing in the Committee, for theu- omission to elect a chair man, occurred on the twelfth of February, 1828, more than a month after the School Committee had been that yeai- organ ized in the usual course. On that day, the record states, that " it was suggested by Mr. Bowdoin," (the Secretary of the Committee,) " that, in examin ing the rules of the Board now in force, with a view to his duties as secretary, he had found a provision requning, as a part of the CITY GOVERNMENT. 227 organization of the Board, the annual choice of a chairman, at its ffist meeting in January; that the organization, by such choice, was not completed at the late meeting ; and, advert ing to the words of the preamble to the rules, that the School Committee is a constituent branch of the city government, by the charter, added that, as it was a part of the duty required of those elected by the several branches, he doubted whether they coffid dispense with the responsibiUty of that part of the organ ization. "After some debate on the subject, in which it was said by the Mayor, who disclaimed all personal motives, that ' he con sidered the person holding the office of Mayor as being chair man by force of the city charter,' it was voted that a committee of five be appointed to take into consideration a revision of the rffies; and the Mayor, accordingly, appointed Messrs. James Bowdoin, John Pickering, Samuel T. Armstrong, Joseph Head, the Rev. C. P. Grosvenor, for the purpose." The course and conduct of the Mayor, on this subject, having been animadverted upon in pamphlet and newspaper, as " as suming " and " selfish," in order that no obscurity might rest on his opinions and motives, he immediately adffiessed a letter to the Board, in the following terms : — TO THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE OP THE CITY OP BOSTON. Gentlemen, — At your last meeting, Mr. Bowdoin called the attention of. the Committee to its organization, by the choice of a chairman, and stating " the doubts he entertained if, when meeting as a Board, they could dispense with the responsibility of that part of the organization." As this suggestion and these doubts have reference to the relations of the office which the subscriber has now the honor to hold, and are in repugnance to the uniform practice and course of proceedings ever since the organization of the city government, the subscriber deems it his duty to that office, and to aU who may be his successors in it, to state openly his views, resulting, as they do, from the terms of the city charter, now, for the first time, authoritatively ques tioned, to the end, that no obscurity may rest upon their nature and foundation. The School Committee is constituted by the last clause in the nineteenth section of the city charter, which is in these words: — "And the said citizens shaU, at the same time, and in like manner, elect one person in each ward to be a member of the School Committee for the said city ; and the persons so chosen shall JOINTLT, -WITH THE Mator AND AXDERMBN, Constitute the School Committee for the said city, and have the care and superintendence of the public schools." From the terms of this section it is' apparent, — 228 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. 1. That the Mayor and Aldermen are part of the School Committee, ex officio. 2. That the term, " Mayor and Aldermen," is not a designation of the indivi duals, but of their office and relation. Had that term been intended to designate the individuals, to whom the persons so elected were to be joined, the expression would have been different, namely, — " and the persons so chosen shall, jointly, with the persons who shall be chosen Mayor and Aldermen," &c. As the expression of the charter now is, the per sons so chosen are joined to the office and relation, and not to the persons as such. In corroboration of which reasoning, it is apprehended that it wiU not be questioned, that an Alderman resigning his seat at that Board, or the Mayor resigning his office, would, by that act, vacate his seat in the School Committee. From the above reasoning, it follows, necessarUy, that the Mayor and Alder men compose a part of the School Committee, when it meets, ex officiis ; that is, as " Mayor and Aldermen," and in no other capacity, right, or relation. By the tenth section of the city charter, it is declared, " that the Mayor and Aldermen, thus chosen and quaUfied, shall compose one board, and SHALL SIT and ACT TOGETHER AS ONE BODY, AT ALL MEETINGS 01 "WHICH THE MAYOR, IP PRESENT, SHALL PRESIDE. From both these sections the conclusion is, in the opinion of the subscriber, unavoidable, that the Mayor and Aldermen cannot meet, ex officiis, but as one hoard ; at all meetings of which the Mayor, if present, must preside. If to the Mayor and Aldermen, for a particular purpose, as in this case of schools, other citizens are joined, they are, by force of the terms of the charter, so joined, as all citizens are joined, when they are connected with the Chief Executive Board of the Corporation ; that is, modified by the organization of that Supreme Executive Board, as established in the charter. The subscriber requests, that this claim of official right may be put on file and on record, to the end that the nature and foundation of it may be understood, and that those who may hold this office hereafter, may have none of their just official claims compromitted, by any neglect or want of vigilance on his part. Very respectfully, Gentiemen, I am your obedient servant, Josiah Quincy, Mayor. Boston, 21 February, 1828. No report appears by the records to have been made by the Committee thus appointed ; but the records of the next succeed ing year state, " that the Board proceeded to elect a chairman by ballot, and the Mayor was unanimously chosen ; a practice which has continued to the present day ; notwithstanding, in the year 1835, by act of the Legislature, the Board of Aldermen were excluded, and the Mayor of the city constituted a component part of the School Committee. The course thus adopted being probably deemed important to maintain the independence of that board of the city government. CHAPTER XVI. CITY GOVERNMOLNT. 1828. Josiah Quincy, Mayor.^ General Relations of the City in respect of Debt — Health — Protection against Fire — Its Duty iu respect of Education — Effect on its Prosperity by the Principle of Arbitrary Valuation without Relief — Principles of Proceeding relative to the Voting Lists — Indemnity of City Officers for Acts of Official Duty — Sale of Spirituous Liquors prohibited on the Common — Inexpe diency of Selling the Flats to the Eastward of the New Market House, and the Result of the Measures taken on that Subject. The mufficipal prosperity of the city, and the decisive evi dences of the content of the citizens with the conduct of their affairs, were noticed in the inaugural address of the Mayor,^ and the cMef causes of these results were recapitulated. The appre hensions of a city debt had been allayed by the rigid economy enforced, and by the fact, that none of the appropriations made at the beginning of the year had been exceeded. Success had attended the measures adopted for the reduction of the city- debt, and at the close of the current financial year one hundred thousand doUars of it would be discharged. The general order of the city had been well maintained, and the number of com plaints in every branch of the police diminished. The advan tageous eff'ect of the new arrangements in the Health Depart ment were apparent. The general vaccination adopted under the authority of former city councUs, and the vigilance of the Health Physician and police officers had been so effectual, that only one case of the smallpox, within the city, had been known or suspected, although it had spread Avith activity in towns in the immediate vicinity. Tables, founded on the biUs of mortal ity, showed that, from 1824 to 1827 inclusive, the annual ave- 1 The whole number of votes cast, were 2629, of which Josiah Quincy had 2189. The Aldermen elected were, — ¦ John T. Loring, Robert Fennelly, James Savage, Thomas KendaU, James HaU, John Pickering, Phineas Upham, Samuel T. Armstrong. 2 See Appendix G. 20 230 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. rage proportion of deaths to population had not only been less than that in any antecedent year, but it was beUeved to be less than that of any other city of equal popffiation on record. These facts and calculations were stated, to show the Avisdom of persevering in that systematic cleansing of the city from noxious animal and vegetable substances, which was com menced in 1823, and had been since regffiarly pursued. The occasion was taken to press upon the minds of the citizens the duty of holding the executive officers of the city directiy respon sible for the right conduct of this branch of police, more than for any other, and the certainty that it can never, for any great length of time, be executed well, except by agents, whose labors it can command at aU times and apply to all exigencies, and to the ever-varying reqffisitions of a city. The estabUshment of a &-e department had created a sense of security, and reduced the rates of insurance against fire on the real property Avithin the city twenty per cent. This reduction, the Presidents of several insurance offices had authorized it to be stated, was solely the effect of the efficiency of that department The duty and interest of society, with regard to public educa tion, was stated to be best fulfiUed by establisMng such public schools as woffid elevate as highly as possible the inteUectual and moral condition of the mass of the community. To this end, every necessary branch of elementary insttuction should be put within the reach of every citizen. If other and higher branches of insttuction are to be added to these, it shoffid be to our common schools, and enjoyed on the same equal principles of common right, and as common property. Every school, the admission to Avhich is based upon the principle of requuing higher attainments, at a specified age, than the mass of chUdren in the ordinary course of school insttuction, at that age, can attain, is, in ttuth, a school for the benefit of the few, and not of the many. In form, it may be general ; but in fact, it wUl be exclusive. The Mayor closed this address, by presenting views concerning the effect upon the prosperity of the city, of " assess ing taxes on the principle of an arbitt-aiy valuation without reUef." To these views, the attention of the city government was early caUed, by a petition of Jesse Putnam and a number of other citizens of wealth and respectabUity, stating that the inequality CITY GOVERNMENT. 231 produced by the present system of taxation, was apparently unwise and unjust and disadvantageous to the prosperity of Boston, in comparison with the effects of the system pursued in other cities. The Mayor, having been previously informed of an intention to bring this subject under the consideration of the City Coun cil, had, in the December preceding, addressed letters to the Mayors of New York, Baltimore, and Philadelphia, where modes of assessment were practised more generaUy satisfactory than those adopted in Massachusetts ; from each of whom a reply was received. The Mayor of New York^ stated that " the mode of assessing taxes in that city was considered the best that can be adopted." Lists from every individual of the amount of his estate are not required. To many persons engaged in mercantile business, a fair exhibit is impossible, and might be injurious. Two assess ors are chosen by the people in each ward at the annual elec tion in November. They are under oath to make a fair and equitable assessment of aU estates, real and personal, in their respective wards, excepting such lands and buUdings as are exempted by law from taxation. The Assessors commence busi ness early in May, and complete it by the ffi-st of July. They then advertise to hear appeals. For ten days, any one may apply and view the assessment. If they consider the amount too Mgh, they may make oath to the Assessors of the value of their property, Avhich is conclusive. The books are afterwards returned to the Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen, who examine whether the wards are assessed in a just proportion to each other, and they have power to lessen one ward and augment another, so as to produce an equitable apportionment. The Mayor of Baltimore ^ stated that " although their system of taxation was not free from objection, he was perfectly free to say that it gives general satisfaction." The Assessors, who are under oath to make a just valuation of all assessable property, apply together to the residence of each taxable person, and obtain a statement of their property, and assess or value the same to the best of their judgment; where they have reason to sus pect deception or imposition in rendering an account of then- property, they have the power of requirmg an oath. A biU 1 WUUam Paulding. ^ Jacob SmaU. 232 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. of particulars is required to be made out by the CoUector, and delivered to each person assessed, on or before the first of July in each year, which, if not paid within three months, the Col lector is authorized to enforce. The Mayor of the city of Philadelphia ^ stated that "the assessments were made by fifteen assessors, annuaUy elected, one for each ward. Triennially, two assessors are elected in each ward to make a new assessment ; but every year the assessment is examined and corrected by each assessor in his own ward ; and the new assessments are compared and equal ized by a general meeting of the Assessors. These returns are made subsequently to county commissioners, who, under the law, are bound to fix certain days of appeal, before whom any citizen, who is aggrieved or injured in the valuation of his real estate, may appear, and have the valuation altered. No Usts of valuation of property or estate are demanded of owners or occu pants. The Assessors affix the value of the premises and own er's name, as they pass from door to door, and if they err in obtaining the proper owner's names, the CoUector gets it right on a duplicate. There never has been, to my knowledge, Avith a view to taxation, any estimate of the personal property of an individual or corporation. I am not aware of any dissatisfac tion as to the manner of assessment, or of inequaUty in the affixed valuation." The petition of Jesse Putnam, with the accompanying docu ments, was referred to the Mayor, Aldermen Pickering, Up ham, and Armstrong, and to Messrs. E. Wffiiams, Simonds, Appleton, Gibbons, Dyer, Gray, and Ward, of the Common Council, who referred the subject to a sub-committee, of wMch John C. Gray Avas chanman, with insti-uctions, in conformity Avith the petition of Jesse Putnam, to " investigate the system of apportioning the taxes as now pursued in the city, and to con sider of a modification of them." This Sub- Committee reported in March following, that " by the laws estabUshing this system, every individual is compelled to exhibit an exact statement of his property, personal as weU as real, or in default thereof, to be doomed by assessors, according to the best of then knowledge and judgment. In a community so active and wealthy as ours, 1 Joseph Watson. CITY GOVERNMENT. 233 there must be obviously serious embarrassments in carrying such a system into complete execution. In such a community there must be great and manifest objections on the part of numerous individuals to the first branch of the alternative offered by our laws, namely, — a complete disclosure of their property. In the first place, such a disclosure is often impracticable. The capital of an individual may be employed, for instance, in foreign trade, and may be materially affected by events which are unknown to the possessor at the time of his making his statement. Seconffiy, there are very many who cannot expose the state of their affairs Avithout embarrassment or ruin. These circumstances, and others of equal importance, which have frequently been stated to the public, have produced a general unwiUingness among the inhabitants of this city, and it is believed of other toAvns in the Commonwealth, to exhibit accurate lists of theu- possessions. Nor, perhaps, is this fact to be greatly regretted. By demanding such Usts, we invite each individual to become a witness in a case in lohich he has the most immediate and direct pecuniary con cern. Can it be questioned, that if the practice of exhibiting lists should become general, that the minds of individuals must, in many cases, be biased by their interest ; that statements of very ffifferent degrees of exactness and fairness might be ren dered by persons possessing an equal amount of property ; that a strong temptation would be offered, if not to falsehood and perjury, at least to dangerous prevarication ; and that the Assessors might, in the end, be far from arriving at the exact truth, which it was the object of this provision to secure ? This general omission of our fellow-citizens, to give accurate state ments of their property, however Uttle to be regretted in a moral, or even an economical point of view, renders it the duty of the Assessors to doom aU property to the best of their knowledge ; and this is a task which is attended Avith much difficulty and embarrassment, so far as respects personal property. Their means of knowledge must be, in many cases, exceedingly limited, and their opinions founded merely on report or conjecture. Their power, therefore, no matter how wisely or conscientiously exercised, is, to a great degree, an arbitrary power ; and such it must always be under our actual system of taxation. Hence we find that a tax on personal property in general, is considered by the best Avriters on poUtical economy, as one which can never 20* 234 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. be imposed without serious disadvantage, except in commuffities of very smaU size and very limited capital These circumstan ces have led many of om fellow-citizens to inquire, whether some radical change coffid not be made in our present system of taxa tion." Having stated these vicAvs on this subject, the Sub-Com mittee forbore to pursue further the questions arising at that time, as whatever change was effected must be made by the Legislature of the Commonwealth, and confined their attention to a change in the number and to varying the compensation of the Assessors, which they recommended in the form of an ordi nance, which was, on the fourteenth of AprU, passed by the City Council ; Avho, in accepting this report of the Sub-Committee, in vicAV of the extent and importance of the resulting questions, postponed them for future deliberation, and, finaUy, in December foUoAving, referred them, with aU the documents, to the next City CouncU, in which they were not revived. The state of the voting lists and the repeated applications of citizens to have their names inserted in them on the day of elec tion, and after they had been deUvered to the Inspectors, having been frequent topics of discussion during the course of the second administtation of the city government, and the subject being of annual occurrence and permanent interest, it has been deemed usefffi, in addition to the statements aUeady made in this history, that the chief principles and measures, successively adopted in relation to it, should be recapitffiated and brought into one vicAV. In March, 1824, a question arose, concerning the mode of admitting the name of voters to be placed upon the votuig Usts, the inspectors, in some of the wards, having taken upon them selves to place names on those lists after they had been deUvered to them by the Mayor and Aldermen. It was deemed import ant to put an early stop to practices so irregffiar and conti-ary to the charter. And a committee was appointed, consisting of the Mayor, Aldermen ChUd and Hooper, and Messrs. E. WUUams, WUkinson, Wright, and Davis, to inquire into "the propriety and expediency of adopting some uniform mode of admitting the names of voters to be placed on the voting Usts." This Committee reported that the duty of makmg out the lists of the citizens quaUfied to vote in each ward, was, by the twenty-fourth section of the city charter, expressly devolved upon the Mayor CITY GOVERNMENT. 235 and Aldermen; that the Ust they had prepared, it was their duty to deliver to the City Clerk, to be used by the Warden and Inspectors ; and the charter was express, that " no person shaU be entitled to vote at such election, whose name is not borne on such list ;" and that it was the special duty of the inspectors " to take care that no person should vote whose name is not borne on such list ; " and a resolve was accordingly passed, declaring that the inspectors had no right to admit any person to vote who was not on the list deUvered to the City Clerk by the Mayor and Aldermen, and also a resolve, that ten days previous to any elec tion, three copies of the lists made out by the Mayor and Alder men should be deposited in three public places in each ward, so as to give full opportunity for every citizen, if he saw fit, to ascertain if Ms name was borne thereon, and have the mistake rectffied. In April of the same year (1824) a person who had not been taxed the preceding year, and Avhose name was, of consequence, not upon the voting lists, voluntarily procured himself to be assessed, and brought a certificate of the fact to the Mayor and Aldermen, demanding that Ms name should then be inserted in the voting lists. They refused to insert his name, and passed a vote, declaring that they had no authority so to do, under those circumstances. In April, 1826, the errors which had occurred in the voting Usts, as deUvered to the Mayor and Aldermen by the Assessors, had been so numerous, that the Mayor made a special recom mendation to the City Council for a more specific provision against such occurrences in future. The Committee raised on this recommendation, reported that, owing to the great press of business and the sickness of one of the Assessors, a greater num ber of errors had occurred in the voting lists than was usual ; that this temporary cause of inaccuracy might, and would be prevented, by increasing the number of assessors ; but that there were causes of a permanent nature, for which the remedy lies whoUy with the citizens themselves, and consists in their own vigilance. Mistakes in the voting lists, being for the most part detected in the heat, and under the excitement of an election, give rise to suspicions of intentional omissions utterly unfounded. The citizens should remember that, from the complexity and inttinsic ffifficffities, perfect accm-acy is unattainable. Citizens 236 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. who change their residence from one ward to another, and Avho have recently come of age, are pecuUarly subjects of such errors. E-ven fixed inhabitants may sometimes be omitted, either in copying or printing the voting Usts, including eight or ten thou sand voters. It is true, such errors seldom occur ; but the safe principle for every citizen to adopt is, that there is no absolute certainty that his name is on the lists, except it be ascertained by previous personal inspection. The Assessors' Usts, wMch they are obliged by law annually to make out and deUver to the Mayor and Aldermen, are, substantiaUy, the evidence of the right of the citizen to vote at any election. Their correctness depends upon their coincidence with the books of the Assessors. Of this coincidence, the Assessors are the legal certifying officers. The revision and correction of those lists by the Mayor and Aldermen must depend upon the evidence adduced by the inffividual citi zens Avhose names have been omitted. Without such evidence, the Mayor and Aldermen have no authority to correct them. Between the lists and books of the Assessors, there is no reason to anticipate important variance ; nor yet between the written and printed Usts of the Assessors. In both respects, comparison is the duty of the Assessors, who are responsible for their accu racy. The chief sources of error are in the books of the Assessors, and are attributable to various circumstances incident to the subject, and not AvhoUy to be prevented by any vigUance. Of these the following are the most common : — 1. In the manner in Avhich the inquiries, on which the books of the Assessors are founded, are unavoidably made in famihes, where, when the head is absent, the information given by domestics is often incorrect, the Christian name mistaken, or surnames misspelt, particffiarly in the case of temporary resi dents in boarffing-houses, or boarders or domestics. 2. Changes of residence after the Assessors have finished their perambulation. 3. Persons moving into the city, or, who coming of age, after such perambffiation is finished. Such persons, if their names are not on the lists, have none to blame but themselves. 4. A very common source of error is the Avithholffing at boarding-houses, through ignorance or wUfffiness, the Christian names of the boarders ; so that only their surnames are mserted CITY GOVERNMENT. 237 in the books of the Assessors; and although, when the tax is collected, the Collectors ascertain the Christian names, it is often too late for entry on the voting lists. The remedy proposed for correcting these errors, and which received the sanction of both branches of the City CouncU were, — 1st. The increase of the number of the Assessors. 2d. A systematic preparation and printing of the voting Usts, as early as the first of March, so that the intermediate time before election should be employed in their rcAision and correction. 3d. A more general and impressive sense, on the part of the citi zens, of the duty of inspectmg each for himself the voting lists previous to elections, particularly previous to that in April, when the lists being new, inaccuracies are more Ukely to occur. In December, 1826, the duty of superintending the voting Usts was devolved by the City CouncU on the Mayor, with the aid of the Assessors, subject to the revision of the Board of Aldermen ; to whom, on the nineteenth of March, 1827, he reported the revised lists, and recommended that public notice should be given to the following persons, concerning whom errors in the lists were most ffiiely to occur ; — those doing business in other wards than those in which they Uve ; those taxed without then- Christian names ; those taxed Avithin two years, who had become inhabitants since the first of May ; those who have come of age, or changed their place of residence since the same period. Notice Avas at this time given, that aU who had not paid taxes within two years woffid have their names stricken from the voting lists. In April, 1828, complaints were made by the Warden and Inspectors of one of the wards, of the imperfection in the voting lists, and suggesting the expediency of investing the Warden and Inspectors with power to insert names in those lists. The City CouncU, desirous that the nature and causes of the obsta cles to obtaining correct voting lists should be well understood, postponed any report until the new lists, taken under the know ledge of the previously existing complaints, should be tested by ' some sttongly conttoverted election. This occurred on that of mayor on the eighth and fifteenth of December of this year ; and the Mayor, on the twenty-second of the same month, as Chairman of a Committee of the City Council, made a report, which was accepted in the Board of Aldermen, and printed by 238 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. the Common CouncU, but ultimately referred in that branch to the next City Council. In this report, the Committee stated, that " at no previous election had the satisfaction with the voting lists been more general ; that few errors had occurred, although the names on the lists amounted to twelve thousand. The Com mittee then proceeded to state " minutely the errors for which the officers making out the voting lists were responsible : — 1st. Such as neglecting to place the name of an inhabitant on the tax books, so that it does not appear on the voting lists. These errors, when they occur, are often the effect of accident, the inha bitant not being at home, or his house shut up, or Avrong name given, when the Assessors called. These accidents most fre quently occur to boarders, or men not heads of famUies, con cerning whom Avrong names are often given at the boarffing- houses ; for these errors the Assessors are without blame. 2d. Neglect to transfer members' of firms from the ward where they do business to the wards ivhere they reside. This, when it occurs, often results from misinformation. 3d. Erasing the name ly accident from the tax-books, so that it is not inserted in the voting Usts. This is so rare as scarcely to deserve notice. 4th. Eirors in printing the voting lists. These are more likely to happen in printing the voting lists than in printing any other Avork, from mistakes in chirography, as it respects names, and there being no connection of sense, whereby the intention of the Avriter can be ascertained. The above are generaUy aU the errors for which the Assessors are responsible. Those errors, for which the Assessors are not, and cannot be responsible, are the most numerous. Such are, — 1. Ignorance of the voter himself of the ward in which he resides. 2. Remo val after the ffist of May, without taking care to have his name inserted on the lists of the Avard to which he has removed. 3. Absences in May from the city, of consequence not taxed, and thus the name not entered on the lists. 4. Having one's name ttansferred to a Avrong ward, or by a Avrong name, by officious friends. 5. Not having paid a tax, neither for the preceding nor for the current year, the narne of such person having no right to be borne on the voting list. 6. Impracticability to obtain the Christian name of the person taxed, and the name, in such case, being not usuaUy inserted in the voting Usts. 7. Aliens taxed, but not natmaUzed, and so not entitled to vote. 8. Aliens natu- CITY GOVERNMENT. 239 raUzed, and their naturalization not made known to the Assess ors. 9. Persons coming of age subsequently to the first of May, or to the perambulation of the Assessors. 10. Persons Uving m boarding-houses, or young persons not heads of famUies, whose names are not given to the Assessors by the families in which they reside. 11. Names of tenants or taxable inmates, whose names are given wrongly by domestics. From experience, it appears that four out of five of the errors which occur, are of the nature of those last enumerated, for which the Assessors are not responsible, and for which there is no practicable remedy, except by personal inspection of the voting lists previous to the day of election. In order to throw light on a subject of some complexity, and to guard voters against mistakes, they were reminded " that new voting lists are made out every year from the tax books of the Assessors ; that these tax books have reference to the state of resi dence on the first of May ; and that a voter, not found in any ivard in May by the Assessors, will not be taxed, and will not be upon the voting list of that year." An ignorance of this fact is one of the principal causes of discontent. Men shun taxes and seek the poUs ; but he who has received no tax bffi has no right to expect that his name is on the voting Usts. Old inhabitants are apt to imagine that, because their names are on the list of the preceding year, they must be on the new lists ; but it should be remembered that the only foundation of the voting lists in any year is the tax books of that year. The unavoidable ffifference between the Usts of any former and any present year, from changes of residence, death, coming of age, and the Uke general causes, probably amounts every year to a difference of more than one half of all the names on the voting lists. No facts can more impressively urge upon every voter the duty of ascertaining for himself, whether his name is inserted on the voting lists. As to the suggestion of the expediency of investing the Warden and Inspectors with power to insert names on the voting Usts, the Committee stated that it was not consistent Avith the laws of the Commonwealth ; that if attempted, it woffid be calcffiated to introduce errors into the voting lists, con fusion at the poUs, and charges of favoritism and corruption against the Inspectors. These officers have now but one single 240 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. and simple duty ; that is, to the admitting all to vote whose names are borne on the lists and to the EXCLUDING OF ALL others. Should the Warden and Inspectors be allowed the right to insert names on the voting lists, every mducement, and even necessity, of making the lists accurate, previously to election day, Avould be taken away. It had been urged, that inspectors might be authorized to insert names of those who produced their tax biUs ; but nothing would prevent the same tax bUl from being presented in more than one ward at the same elec tion ; the ligh-t to vote being often in a ward different from that specified in the tax bUl. The questions arising, relative to tMs right, are often very complex, depending on various circumstan ces ; when made before the Mayor and Aldermen, Avith great clamor and sense of right, they are often ascertained to be of a dubious character, and sometimes wholly unfounded. If made in' the heat of an election, and in the midst of impassioned elect ors, it would give rise to much excitement and charges of favor itism. The possession of such a power by the Wardens and Inspectors would also cause the selection of these officers to be made Avith reference to party spirit, rather than to general cha racter. In some wards the Inspectors are changed every year ; and the mistakes made by them, amidst the occasional confusion of the election, notwithstanding the exceeding singleness and simplicity of their present duties, sufficiently infficate that no greater poAA^er ought to be inttusted to them. Thus, names have been checked off by mistake ; men, uncon sciously by the Assessors, have been admitted to vote by an assumed name ; and often voters have been turned from the poUs, and denied the right to vote, whose names were actually borne on the voting lists, being overlooked by the Inspectors in the haste and hurry of a contested election. From this cause alone, there loere, at one election, more cases of rejection, than from all the other causes taken together ; there having occurred more than thirty instances of rejection, from this cause alone, of persons Avhose names Avere borne on the lists. Notwithstand ing the general good intentions and fidelity of the Warden and Inspectors, the above errors to Avhich they are iiOAV exposed are sufficient to shoAV that their duties should not be augmented. So long as no person's name can be placed on the votmg CITY GOVERNMENT. 241 list, except by the Mayor and Aldermen, no one can lose his vote, unless he has been so indifferent as to neglect the inspec tion of the voting lists once in each year. It is surely better, that the citizen who will not take so small a trouble for so great a privilege, should lose his vote, than that a system should be adopted, which, by establishing twelve distinct tribunals, shoffid introduce controversies and party spuit, leading to confusion and to all the difficffities above stated at the poUs. The Committee concluded, by stating the course adopted, previous to the last election, had produced such an approximation to coiTCctness, that, during it, not more than four errors in the lists had occurred which it was possible for the Assessors to have cor rected. Considering the great interest and importance of the subject, the above absttact of this report, being the resffit of several years experience and careful observation of facts by the Mayor, has been deemed imiDortant enough to be here distinctly preserved ; and the more so, because early under the succeeffing city administtation, a similar attempt was made to enlarge the power of the Inspectors, and Mr. Otis, as Mayor and Chairman of a Committee on this subject, in a report made to the City Council, expressly referred to the report, of which the above is an abstract, as an " elaborate exposition of facts and principles on the subject." ^ On the fourteenth of AprU, 1828, Charles P. Curtis, the City SoUcitor, stated to the Board of Aldermen that an application had been made to him to defend a watchman for an aUeged assault and battery, who, justified under color of his office. The Solicitor requested that he might receive insttuctions in this and similar cases ; and that a general rffie might be estabUshed also in regard to advancing fees and expenses of witnesses. The communication was referred to Aldermen James Savage and John Pickering, to consider and report, who accorffingly reported that it Avas expedient to instruct the SoUcitor to defend the watchmen at the expense of the city, and to make aU necessary advances during the progress of the action. With respect to other simUar cases, it was difficult to lay down any invariable rffie for the government of the Solicitor, in respect of actions brought against any officer of the city. From the gi-eat number 1 Seep. 290. 21 242 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. of those officers, of various degrees of inteUigence and ffiscretion, of various dispositions and temperaments, and selected from dif ferent classes of citizens, it is obvious that occasions for ground less suits will be as likely to occur among them as among indi viduals of a simUar character, who are not city officers ; and if a spirit of litigation shoffid be encouraged, as it woffid be by indemnifying the officers in all cases, the consequence woffid be extremely injurious to the peace and welfare of the city. But, on the other hand, it is the duty of the city to protect faithful officers in the proper execution of their duty, and to indemnify them when they are compeUed to defend themselves in the dis charge of their official duties. The Committee, therefore, re ported the foUowing order for the government of the City SoU citor, namely, — " That in all the actions and sffits described in the ordinance passed on the eighteenth of June, 1827, against any officer of the city, such officer shaU, in the ffist instance, pro secute and defend, at his own expense, and, if it shall be fomid, either by verdict or otherwise, in the opinion of the Solicitor, that such officer did so prosecute or defend for good cause, and that he ought to be indemnified for his expenses in such suit, then the City Solicitor shall certify accordingly, and such officer shaU be so indemnified ; otherwise, such expenses shaU be borne by the officer himself. This report was read and accepted accordingly. In May, 1828, a few weeks before the general election day of the State, which, at that period, occui-red annuaUy on the last Wednesday of this month, a petition signed by Isaac Parker, Chief Justice of the Commonwealth, and about fourteen hun ffied citizens, was presented to the City CouncU, praying that the seUing of spirituous Uquors on the Common, on pubhc holi days, shoffid be prevented. An order accordingly was issued, directing the Constables to prosecute any person, who, in the Common, or in the maUs and stteets in its vicinity, should seU any spirituous or mixed Uquors, of which part was spirit uous, or who should in any of those places play cards, dice, or with any implements of gaming, on the days of general election, artiUery election, and the fourth of July. Notice of this order was published immediately in the city newspapers, and the Con stables directed to make it known to all who should have per mission to erect booth, tent, or table on those days.' CITY GOVERNMENT. 243 The expediency of seUing by auction or otherwise the right which the FaneuU HaU Market Committee had secured for the city to the eastAvard of that HaU, Avas, in the autumn of this year (1828) brought before the City CouncU. This right em braced an extent of flats equal to three hundred and fifteen feet in length, and on the west line one hundred and ninety-eight feet, and on the east one hundred and sixty-eight feet, and included fifty-seven thousand six hundred and forty-five feet square of wharf, besides the right of dockage on three sides of the said proposed wharf. The subject was referred to a Committee of the City Council, consisting of the Mayor, Aldermen Loring and Upham, and Messrs. Moody, E. Williams, Means, Pickman, and Pratt, of the Common Council, who, on the sixth of October, reported at large, stating the importance of this space to the city as a possession, its prospective, increasing value, and that its local relations were such, that there seemed to be no possible state of things in which it could be wise for the city to abandon the control of it, which it now possesses by its right of property. Lying at the head or junction of five of the most thronged and busy stteets of the city, now called Commercial, Clinton, North and South Market, and Chatham Streets, the efficient and per manent control of that space was deemed peculiarly important to be retained in the city government, from its very location, with reference to the general business of that part of the city ; but when, in addition to this, the fact is considered that it con tains the whole space lying between the New City Market and the Channel, and that this is the only space within which the market itself can be extended, or the accommodations of those doing business in it enlarged, should the increasing greatness of the city render it necessary, it seemed to the Committee, that on this account alone, the city could not, in any state of things, be justified in divesting itself of the fee it had acquired in this property. The idea of seUing these wharf rights coffid not, therefore, be entertained. The expediency of leasing them to others, rather than to undertake fiUing them up on the account of the city, having been urged upon the Committee, they declared that, in their opinion, the relation of this property Avas such, that its value and importance, either as a property or a posses sion, coffid not be well understood previously to its being filled up and actually occupied ; and the control of it, in their judg- 244 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. ment, ought not, even temporarily, to be put out of the power of the city, untU its value and importance should be tested by act ual experience. They, therefore, recommended that measures should be adopted without delay by the city, for fiUing up the space on its OAvn account, before entering upon any considera tion of the subject of leasing it ; and they entered into state ments and reasonings, shoAving that the post of fiUing up the proposed space of wharf in the most substantial manner, could not exceed twenty thousand dollars, and that when fiUed up, the annual receipt would probably be at least eight thousand dollars, and could not be less than six thousand. The Committee there fore recommended two resolutions, — the first authorizing the fiUing up the wharf rights, with authority to borrow, not exceed ing twenty thousand doUars, for that purpose ; and the second, ffirecting that the income hereafter derived from these wharf rights should be placed in the hands of the Committee for the reduction of the city debt, untU the said income should equal the amount of debt created under the first resolution. This report was accepted, and the resolutions passed unanimously in both branches of the City CouncU ; and the Committee who reported the resolutions were authorized to carry them into effect. There were at this time active influences without doors at work to induce the City CouncU to make sale of these wharf and dockage rights. CapitaUsts see early and clearly the value of choice locations for business and investment. And, in rela tion to city property, if the City Council can be prevaUed upon by temptations of a higher price than, at the time the average rate of land in the vicinity commands, by the desire to diminish the amount of taxation for the passing year, or to reduce the city debt, the more important consideration of the permanent value of precious localities to the general interests of the city is apt to be disregarded, when weighed in the scale against tem porary advantage or popularity. In this case, the sale of these flats was pressed upon the Mayor and other members of the Committee Avith urgency. The idea of ever obtaining an income from them of eight thousand dollars was rifficuled. The popularity to be obtained by an immediate large reduction of the debt incurred by erecting the New Market was set forth in sttong lights. The actual result will be the best comment on the CITY GOVERNMENT. 245 Avisdom and firmness of the City Council. The flats Avere filled up at an expense of less than nineteen thousand dollars ; and in September, 1832, the then City Council leased the Avharf and dock rights for twenty years on an annual rent of ten thousand dollars, on condition that ten substantial brick stores, to the acceptance of the City Council, should be built thereon, and kept insured and in good order, and shoffid revert to the city in fee simple at the end of the lease. In September, 1852, this wharf, dock rights, and stores will consequently revert to the city, and thus a property, which, in 1826, the City Council did not venture to estimate higher than one hundred thousand dollars, has, by the wisdom and foresight of successive City CouncUs, risen, at this day, to the value of at least four hundred thousand dollars.'^ 1 See page 203. 21' CHAPTER XVII. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1828. Josiah Quimcy, Mayor. Tlie Annexation of South Boston to the Ancient City, and the Difficulties attending it — Project of Semi- Annual Sales of Domestic Manufactures in the City — The Hall over the New Market appropriated for the Object — Question concerning the EUgibiUty of Members of the City CouncU to City Offices — State and Progress of the Fire Department — Resignation of the Chief Engineer — His Gratuitous Services — Vote of Thanks to him by the City Council — Prosperous State of City Affairs — The Mayor decUnes being a Candidate for Reelection — Harrison Gray Otis chosen Mayor. At the commencement of the present century, the tract of land, now called South Boston, was a part of the toAvn of Dorchester, and inhabited by a fcAV famiUes, chiefly engaged in agricffiture. At that period, it was purchased by a number of enterprising citizens, most of whom were capitalists, who ob tained from the inhabitants of Boston a vote authorizing an application to the Legislature of the State for its annexation to that town. As the original project contemplated the erection of a bridge from South Sti-eet, or Sea Stteet, to South Boston,, a violent opposition to the plan arose among the proprietors of wharves lying above the proposed site. After warm discus sions in the public newspapers and town meetings, the propo sition resulted in a compromise, fixing the locality of the bridge above most of the Avharves, whose proprietors were thus reUeved from the apprehended obstruction of the channel; but, at the same time, the expectations of immediate profit formed by the original associates in the project were materiaUy diminished. To carry into effect the compromise, tM-ee acts were passed by the Legislature of the State on the same day (sixth of March, 1804.) By the first, the part of Dorchester now called South Boston was annexed to Boston. By the second, the proprietors of the purchased lands Avere constituted a corporation, with authority to erect a bridge from the southwesterly part of Boston to Dor- CITY GOVERNMENT. 247 Chester Neck. By the third, the proprietors of certain lands at the south part of Boston were authoiized to open a street from Ramsford Lane to the proposed site of the new bridge. The several powers granted by these acts were executed, in conformity Avith the compromise. The population of South Boston gradually increased untU the year 1822, when the pro ject of buUding a bridge from South or Sea Street revived, and constituted one of the most important and exciting topics of discussion during the two first administrations of the city go vernment. AU the bitter animosities and apprehensions were renewed, which the compromise of 1804 had allayed. No effi cient support was, however, obtained for the measure untU March, 1824. A petition from the inhabitants of South Boston was then presented to a general meeting of the inhabitants of the city, and a vote was passed, after several days debate, by a gi-eat majority — 2,487 in the affirmative, 779 in the negative — requesting the City Government to petition the Legislature for liberty to erect the proposed bridge. The City CouncU pre pared and presented a petition, in conformity with the vote of the citizens ; but the conflicting passions and interests the sub ject excited succeeded in postponing any conclusive measure until the twenty-fifth of February, 1825. A biU then passed the Legislature, authorizing the city to build a bridge, to be free of toll from or near Sea or South Street to South Boston. TMs act was referred in the City Council to the Mayor, Aldermen Bax ter, Odiorne, and ChUd, and to S. K. WUUams, Russell, BaUard, Lodge, and Lincoln of the Common CouncU. They reported, that the City ought not to erect the bridge, but recommended that a committee should be appointed to advertise for proposals to buUd it, indemnify the City from all expenses, and compen sation for damages, and to comply Avith all the requisitions of the act of the Legislature. The Committee who made this report were authorized by the City CouncU to issue such pro posals. On the sixteenth of May, they stated to that body, that they had issued and advertised for proposals, but no application of any kind had been received in reference to the object ; and, therefore, recommended to the City Council to take no farther measmes on the subject. This report was accepted in both branches. Other attempts to harmonize these conflicting interests, such as 248 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. appointing commissioners, and endeavoring to pmchase South Boston Bridge by means of subscriptions, were whoUy unsuc cessfffi. The friends of the original project, therefore, appUed to the Legislature, and, by an act passed in March, 1826, obtained a repeal of the act of February, 1825, and an authority for the petitioners, with others, to build the proposed bridge, provided it should be done in such manner as the city of Boston should approve ; — the corporation, thus constituted, to be subject to all damages resulting from its erection, light it, keep it in repah, and provide facilities for raising the ffiaw, until the city of Boston should assume the care of it, when the corporation was to be relieved from all these obligations. The act contamed also a provision granting to the city of Boston the right to build the bridge, if they availed themselves of the privilege within three months. As the corporation coffid not proceed until the decision of the city was known, they immeffiately submitted the act to the City CouncU, and asked a conference on the subject. This application was referred to the Mayor, Aldermen BelloAvs, Mar shall, and Loring, who, after deUberation and conference with the applicants, reported, that it was inexpedient for the City Coun cil to take any order in relation to the right and Uberty to build the bridge conferred on the city by the act. The subject remained in this state untU January, 1827, when the corporation communicated to the city government their intention to build the bridge ; and, after stating the material of which they proposed to construct it, submitted the mode and the manner of consttucting it to the decision of the City Coun cU, and inquired whether the city would assume the care of the bridge and the obligation to keep it in repair, light it, and pro vide facUities for raising the draw, after it should be constructed. This application was referred to the Mayor, Aldermen Bel lows, Welsh, and Boies, and to Messrs. James, Morey, Russell, Phillips, HaUett, Howe, and Dyer, of the Common Council. In this committee Avere discussed aU the questions growing out of the inquiries of the corporation ; also, whether it shoffid proceed from South Stt-eet or Sea Street, and how the expense attending the enlargement of it, AAffiich was contemplated, shoffid be dis bursed ; and whether it should be accepted by the city even after it shoffid be built in the manner prescribed by the City Council. AU these questions were debated with great zeal by the respect- CITY GOVERNMENT. 249 ive parties. Several meetings were held, — times and places were appointed, at which all persons interested might appear before the Committee ; and upon most of them the Committee were nearly equally divided. A sub-committee had made a report at large, and concluded in favor of the bridge's proceeding from South Street, by a majority of three out oi five. This report the ' Committee rejected, and substituted Sea Street for South Stteet, by a majority of seven out of twelve. And on the twenty-second of February they reported, by a like majority, that the bridge should be built from Sea Street ; and that, if made and finished in such manner as the City Council should direct, it would be expedient to accept the bridge, light, keep it in repair, and provide facilities for the draw, so long as South Boston shoffid remain a part of the city of Boston. This report was accepted in both branches of the City Council, and a series of resolutions passed, in conformity with the recommendation of the Committee, specifying the mode in which the bridge should be built, and the terms on which it would be accepted, and a committee of the City CouncU and a competent engineer to superintend building the bridge, and to see that the terms were complied with, were appointed. Notwithstanffing these precautions, when, in June, 1828, the bridge was offered to the City Council for their acceptance, opposition to the measure revived, and remonstrances against its acceptance were presented. The City CouncU, however, early in July, discharged the Superintendent, and the Common Coun cU voted to accept the bridge. In this, however, the Mayor and Aldermen did not concur, and appointed a committee, who made a report, accepted by the Board of Aldermen, and non- concurred in the Common Council. The ffisagreement between the two branches was finaUy brought to a close by the appoint ment of a joint-committee, consisting of the Mayor, Aldermen Loring, FenneUy, Pickering, Upham and Armstrong, and of Messrs. Betton, Seaver, Paine, Howe and Pickman of the Com mon Council, with fuU powers, to accept the free bridge, and to submit aU differences to the arbitration of three persons mutu ally to be chosen, with powers also m the Committee to carry their award into effect, and report the result to the City CouncU. Loammi Baldwin, Samuel Hubbard, and WiUard PhilUps were appointed referees, in conformity with this authority ; and 250 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. on the seventh of October, 1 828, the Committee reported to the City Council the aAvard of these referees, which was, in effect, that " the public convenience required that the city should forth- Avith accept the said bridge, and, in consequence of its unfinished state, that the corporation should pay to the city sixteen hun dred and seven dollars, and deliver to it certain enumerated deeds." The Committee recommended, that a vote shoffid be passed by both branches of the City Council, authoyzing a ful filment of the conditions of the aAvard. A vote Avas passed in conformity Avith this recommendation ; and this long, perplexing, and exciting contt-oversy was thus brought to a final conclusion. The apparent intimate connection between the prosperity of the city and of that of the manufacturing interests of the State and vicinity, led to the expression of a general desne, that an attempt shoffid be made to foster those interests, by an exhibi tion and sale of domestic manufactures annually within the city. The Mayor, coinciding Avith these vIcaa^s, in October, 1825, recommended, by special message, the subject to the attention of the City Council, and suggested the adaptation of the hall over the New Market to this project, and the poUcy of appro priating it in whole or in part to carry it into effect. This com munication was referred to the Mayor, Aldermen BeUoAVS, Mar shaU, and Bryant, and to Messrs. WiUiams, HaUett, Parker, Ban-y, and Boies, of the Common CounciL In consequence of this movement, various plans and propo sitions were made and discussed between the Committee or its members, and persons interested in manufactm-es ; and in Jan uary, 1826, on the petition of Patrick T. Jackson, in behalf of an association, for the public exhibition or sale of domestic manu factures, the Committee reported that the petitioners should have, for the purposes of such exhibition and sale, the use of so much of the upper story of the New Market House as they might require for the present year, not exceeding twenty days in the spring and twenty days in the autumn. Their report -was accepted in both branches. And in the ensuing July, on the petition of the Society for the promotion of Manufactures and the Mechanic Arts, the entire haU over the New Market, or as much as might be necessary or convenient for them, was devoted to then use, during the months of September and October, for the purposes of exhibition and CITY GOVERNMENT. 251 sales of domestic goods and mechanic inventions, free of all charges ; and, on the twelfth of September, the first auction sale under this grant Avas holden. In January and July, 1827, the New England Society for the promotion of Manufactures and Mechanic Arts petitioned for the same privilege, and the City Council granted the use of the hall for the exhibition and sale of domestic manufactures and wool, for twenty days in March and twenty days in August. The success of these exhibitions and sales led to a petition, in the ensuing November, having for its object to place the accom modation they had received from the use of the haU on a more permanent footing, which, being referred to the Mayor, Alder men Loring and Savage, and Messrs. Dorr, Russell, Parker, and Ward, a report was made by them, stating that the sole ob ject of this Society was to effect, through the means of semi annual auction sales of domestic manufactures a change in the course of business, by bringing foreign pm-chasers to the domes tic market, and thus relieving our manufacturers from the neces sity of seeking a market in other States and countries ; that the Society had few funds, and derived no emolument what ever from its labors ; that the efiect of such semi-annual sales could not but be highly advantageous to the progressive pros perity of the city, and the advantage, in the opinion of the Committee, was a sufficient justification and inducement to the City Council for such an appropriation of the haU over the Market as the petitioners solicit. Thus far, the experiment of these auction sales had been as successful as could reasonably have been expected ; the gross proceeds of all the three semi annual sales had amounted to upwards of $956,000. The tendency of them to bring foreign purchasers, at the season of these sales, to this mettopolis, and the eftect on its prosperity, direct and incidental, were so obvious and unquestionable, that the Committee could not hesitate to recommend such an acqffi- escence in the prayer of the petition as will place the subject, at aU times, under the control of the City CouncU, and yet give the petitioners the' assurance of the permanent patronage of the institution by the City Government, untU a future City CouncU should take a different view of the interests of the city. The Committee recommended that the New England Society for the promotion of Manufactures and Mechanic Arts should have 252 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. the hall for the purpose of their annual sales from the fifteenth of March to the fifteenth of AprU, and from the fifteenth of August untU the fifteenth of September, until the further order of the City Council, and that six months notice shoffid be given to the Society of the rescinding of this privilege. This report was accepted in both branches of the City Council. These semi-annual sales not only produced those advantages to the city, which had been anticipated, but proved highly bene ficial to the manufacturing interests ; aU the various classes of which were weU represented m them. They were numerously attended by traders from aU parts of the United States. Some of the best purchasers from the South and West were attracted by them to the city, some of whom became subsequently regular customers. The prices obtained were generally quite satisfac tory to the owners of the goods, and advantageous to all parties. Between September, 1826, and March, 1832, there were twelve of such sales. The total amount of the proceeds cannot be at this .day (1851) exactly ascertained; but they cannot be esti mated at less than from five to six mUlions of dollars ; since two only of the auctioneers ^ employed in those sales, disposed of more than $4,645,000 in value. Notwithstanding this success, these semi-annual sales were discontinued in 1832 ; for reasons never, it is believed, officiaUy stated, but generally attributed to the influence of certain large commission merchants and jobbers, AA'ho imagined that these sales interfered AAith their particular interests. This discontinuance was, however, in dnect oppo sition to the opinion of many of our most intelligent merchants and manufactm-ers, AAiio regarded these sales as among the most effective means of advancing and prospectively giving a great impulse to the prosperity of the city, as AveU as promoting the manufacturing interests of the State. In these views the late Patrick T. Jackson zealously concurred ; and no citizen, at that period, watched over the interest of both with a more practical, philosophic, and patiiotic spirit. In June, 1827, a question was raised in the Common Coun cil, whether a member of the City CouncU could be legally appointed by them a surveyor of boards and lumber. The sub ject was refei-red to the Mayor and Alderman Savage, and to 1 WhitweU, Bond & Co. ; CooUdge, Poor & Head. CITY GOVERNMENT. 253 Messrs. Gray, James, and Morey, of the Common Council, who reported, — That there are two clauses of the city charter, which restrict the eUgibUity to office of members of the City Council ; the one contained in the twenty-first, and the other in the twenty-second section of that instrument. The former is in these words: " Provided, however, that no person shaU be eligible to any office, the salary of which is payable out of the city treasmy, who, at the time of his appointment, shall be a member either of the Board of Aldermen or Common Council." As the salary, or compensation of a sm-veyor of boards and lumber, is not pay able out of the city treasury, the eligibility to this office of a member of either branch of the City Council is not affected by the proviso. The remaining clause is in these words : — " And neither the Mayor, nor any Alderman, or member of the Com mon Council, shall, at the same time, hold any office under the City Government." The Committee Avere of opinion, that the office of surveyor of boards and lumber, not being created by the City Government, nor the officer responsible to it, is not such an office as a member of the City Council is prohibited from holffing under the above recited clause of the twenty-second article of the City Charter. The Report was accepted by both branches of the City Council. During the years 1827 and 1828, the spirit in which the Fire Department had been in the preceffing year instituted was sus tained and invigorated. Mr. Harris had been in each year suc cessively reelected to the office of chief engineer, unanimously, in both branches of the City CouncU. The ffiscipUne of the de partment had been maintained by him and the other officers and members. In 1826, one company of enginemen had been ffis- missed for insubordination ; and in 1827, another discharged for remissness in their duty as enginemen. In both instances, new companies were readily formed. Engine-houses were enlarged; the accommodation of the engine companies increased. The great deficiencies of the old engines, in respect of active service, were supplied. These improvements, and the almost entire change of apparatus, in order to adapt it to effective operations under the new system, led unavoidably, as has already been stated, to great expenditures, whoUy without precedent in the 22 254 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. previous system of protection against fire.^ In a report, made by a committee of the City Council, the nature and causes of these expenffitures were detailed and explained. Under other circum stances, the amount would have probably given rise to severe popular animadversions ; but the efficiency of the new system, and the general satisfaction with its success, sUenced complaint The requisite appropriations were always passed, in both branches of the City Council, without difficulty, and almost Avithout cavU, At this period, the number of active members of the department, officers of all ranks included, amounted to twelve hunffied strong, chiefly young men, under the command of one chief, and twelve assistant engineers ; aU selected, with great care, from men of suitable age and characteristic activity. The whole Fire Department being in this state of Mgh ffisci pUne and preparation, on the eighth of October, 1828, the CMef Engineer addressed a letter to the Mayor resignmg his office, on account of the inadequacy of Ms health to its duties ; and, after expressing " his obUgations to the officers and members of it, for their prompt and wUUng cooperation in bringing the new system into efficiency," added, " that the department was adequate to all the purposes of its establishment, and possessed a body of men, whose alacrity, zeal, and devotedness. coffid not be sur passed." The Mayor postponed communicating this resigna tion to the City CouncU, and made various endeavors to mduce Mr. Harris to Avithdraw it, aU of which proved fruitless. On the eighth of December, therefore, having communicated the resigna tion of the Chief Engineer to the Board of Aldermen, and it having been accepted by them, the Mayor ttansmitted to the City Council a message stating that " it was now nearly three years since Colonel Hams had been appointed to that office, and that during this period an entire renovation had been effected in that department, the number of its members greatly increased, and a spirit of harmony, subordination, and efficiency inttoduced into it highly honorable to those Avho compose it, as weU as to the city, and, it was believed, universaUy satisfactory to our fellow-citizens. " In aU the arrangements connected with these improvements, the zeal, inteffigence, and ffi-mness of Samuel Devens Hanis, in 1 See page 205. CITY GOVERNMENT. 255 the office of Chief Engineer, had been conspicuous, and emi nently contributed to their adoption and success. At the time of his appointment, the expectation was generaUy entertained, that a salary would be annexed to that office, and the prin ciple on which the new organization of that department was advocated and adopted, in both- branches of the City CouncU, amounted to an assurance that an adequate compensation would be fixed for his services. He had, however, held the office but a short time,i before he particularly requested the Mayor not to bring the subject of his compensation before the City CouncU, assigning as a reason, that, having the command of a depart ment consisting wholly of volunteers, he was of opinion that his influence and usefffiness woffid be ffisadvantageously affected by his acceptance of a salary. The conduct of this officer, in every thing relative to the discipUne, orderly arrangement, and efficiency of the department, had been so exemplary and ffisinterested, that the Mayor deemed it his duty to recommend the subject to the consideration of the City Council, that such an expression of their sense of his services may be made, as they should deem just and sffitable." This message was referred to a joint committee, consisting of Aldermen Loring and Hall, and Messrs. OUver, Everett, Means, and AspinwaU, of the Common CouncU. On the twenty-second of December, this Committee reported the foUowing order for the adoption of the City CouncU : — " Whereas, the City CouncU hold in high estimation the services rendered this city by Samuel Devens Harris, late Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, and are convinced that the general spirit of harmony, of subordination, and efficiency, which characterize that department, and render it highly honorable to those who compose it, and useful to the city, is to be attributed, in a great degree, to the intelligence, the zeal, and active exertions of its late chief, — • . It is therefore Ordered, That the thanks of the City CouncU be, and they hereby are, presented to Samuel Devens Harris, for the faithful, arduous, and highly useful services, gratuitously rendered by him for nearly three years, in the office of Chief Engineer of the Fire Department." This Report, being read and accepted, the Order was passed, by a unanimous vote, in both branches of the City CouncU. The seventh year of the city government (1828) had passed 1 See page 209. 256 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. with great apparent unanimity and general satisfaction. The measures, Avhich had been devised and commenced by the several succeeding City Councils, during the preceding years, were either completed or in successful progress. The New Market had been finished, and all the accounts connected with that improvement were settled ; provision for the gradual pay ment, by instalments, of the debt it had created, had been made; and also for the final discharge of that debt and its accruing interest out of the proceeds of the real estate, consisting of land and wharf rights, and other funds, which the Avisdom of those City Councils had acquired. During these years, besides the expenditures connected with the purchases and improvements about the New Market, many stteets, which were great thorough fares in various parts of the city, had been Avidened. The Fke Department had been put into efficient operation, to the appa rent satisfaction of aU. A House of Correction, and a House of Reformation of Juvenile Offenders had been estabUshed; the House of Industty had been completed and the poor ttans fen-ed to it, to the acknowledged improvement of their condition, and the manifest benefit of the city. The title to the lands lying west of Charles Street, caUed the Ropewalk Lands, had also been obtained and secured. Deer Island had been effectu aUy protected by a sea-waU from the action of the elements; appropriations for that object having been soUcited by the city and granted by Congress. George's and LoveU's Islands had been purchased, and the title to them ttansferred by the city to the United States ; for whom also the jurisdiction of those islands had been obtained from the Commonwealth. These prospective measures led, in subsequent years, to the erection of those efficient fortifications which now command and protect the outer harbor of Boston. And in relation to the incomes and expenditures of the City for the preceding financial year, WUUam Hayden, the City Auffitor, in his official report, dated the fifteenth of May, 1838, stated that " the aggregate amount of the incomes of the city had exceeded the aggregate amount of its expenditmes; and that the results afforded a practical Ulusttation of the Avisdom and spirit of economy, which characterized the proceedings of the last City Council, and led to the adoption of a system of self- restriction in regard to appropriations, and of confining the ordi- CITY GOVERNMENT. 257 nary expenditures of the year within the limits of its ordinary annual income." And the City Auditor closed this report by the following remarks : — "It is beUeved, that the resffits of the financial operations of the last year, while they must be highly satisfactory to those, in whose hands the citizens have placed the control of their public funds, wffil have a tendency to sustam that confidence, which the people of this city have reposed in its government ; for they show conclusively, that whUe those great improvements which the public interest seemed most obviously to demand, have been originated and matured, the city govern ment had not lost sight of that point, at which a system of eco nomical restriction shoffid commence." In this state of general prosperity and satisfaction with the affairs of the city, the municipal year drew towards its close. No other than those general objects of attention, which Eire incident to every condition of municipal relation, appeared, at the moment, to be subjects of general anticipation or desire. No special cause of public discontent had occurred within the year. To apply wisely and faithfuUy the resources of the city to those exigencies which time must produce, and a rapidly increasing population rendered unavoidable, embraced appa rently the whole sphere of duty for the ensuing City Coun cUs. The office of Mayor had now been sustained almost six years, by the same individual. The novelty of the office, the diversity of opinions relative to its powers, extensive public improvements, and many new institutions, had rendered his administtation one of pecuUar trial and difficulty. It had been, however, power- fuUy supported, and to general satisfaction, as the results of six successive elections evidenced. At the usual period of municipal election, in 1828, after two ttials, on the eighth ^ and fifteenth ^ of December, it appeared that the Mayor had not received the majority of votes, which the law required for his reelection, although in both the number • The whole number of votes cast on this trial was . . 4,082 Requisite to a choice, . . . 2,042 Of which Josiah Quincy had .... 1,959 3 The whole number of votes cast on this trial was . 5,253 Requisite to a choice, . . • 2,627 Of which Josiah Quincy had . • . 2,561 22* 258 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. closely approximated to it. As soon, therefore, as the last result was known, he sent to the press the following note : — TO THE CITIZENS OP BOSTON. After the result of the recent elections, I deem myself at Uberty to decUne, — as I now do, — being any longer a canffidate for the office of Mayor. To the end, that no future canffidate may be deprived of votes, cast in my favor, I deem it proper to state, that no consi deration wiU induce me again to accept that office. Very respectfully, I am your feUow citizen, Josiah Quincy. Boston, 16th December, 1828. On the ensuing twenty-second of December, Harrison Gray Otis was chosen Mayor Avithout opposition. CHAPTER XVIII. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1828. Josiah Quincy, Mayor. Address of the Mayor on taking final Leave of the Office — His Acknowledg ments to the Members of the Board of Aldernien, Common CouncU, and his Fellow-Citizens — Measures and Results of the Past Administration : for Protection of the City against Fire ; and of the Islands against Storms ; for the Health of the Inhabitants ; for Public Education ; in Favor of Public Morals ; for increasing the Financial Resources of the City and reducing its Debt — Principles on which his Conduct in Office had been guided. Tribute to his Successor. The circumstances which caused the Mayor to decUne being again a candidate, led him to consider it due to his associates and himself to state pubUcly the views and principles which, during nearly six years, had guided the administtation of the city government. Having given intimation of this intention to the Board of Aldermen, they passed an order to the City Clerk " to give notice to the President of the Common Council, that the Board of Aldermen stood adjom-ned to Saturday, the third of Janu ary, 1829, at one o'clock, at which time and place it is expected t.hat the Mayor will adffi-ess the Board, previous to his leaving the Chair, in order that any gentlemen of the Common Council may attend if they see fit." Accorffingly, on that day, tin the chamber of the Common CouncU, in the presence of its members and of other citizens, the Mayor delivered the foUowing address to the Board of Aldermen, who, after retiring to their room. Voted, " To request a copy of it for the press, and that the whole Board Avait upon him for that purpose." 260 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. GENTLEMEN OP THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN : Having been called, nearly six years since, by my fellow-citi zens, to the office of their chief magisttate, and having, during that period, been six times honored by their suffrages for that station, I have endeavored, uniformly, to perform its duties to the best of my abffity, with unremitting zeffi and fideUty. At the late election it was twice indicated, by a majority of those who thought the subject important enough to attend the polls, that they were wiffing to dispense Avith my. services. According to the sound principles of a republican constitution, by which the will of a majority, distinctly expressed, concerning the con tinuance in office of pubUc servants, is, to them the rule of duty, I withdrew from being any longer a cause of ffivision to my fel low-citizens ; declaring that "no consideration woffid mduce me again to accept that office." These were not words of pas sion, or of wounded pride, or temporary disgust ; but of deep conviction, concerning future duty, in attaining which, my obU gations to my felloAv-citizens were weighed as carefuUy as those which I owe to my own happiness and self-respect. I stand, then, to this office, in a relation final and forever closed. There are rights and duties which resffit from this con dition. It is an occasion on which acknowledgments ought to be made, feelings to be expressed, justice to be done, obUgations to be performed. To fulfil these duties, I have thought proper to seek and avaU myself of this opportunity. And first, gentlemen, permit me to express to you that deep and lasting sense of gratitude Avhich is felt for all the kindness, support, and encouragement with which you have lightened and strengthened official labors. In bearing testimony to the intelli gence, activity, and fidelity with which you have fffifffied the duties of your station, I but join the common voice of yom feUow- citizens. With me, your intercourse has been uniformly charac terized by a wiUing and affectionate zeal ; leaving, in this respect, nothing to be desired ; and resffiting, on my part, in an esteem which will make the recoUection of our association in these duties among the most grateful of my Ufe. Accept my thanks for the interest and assiduity with which you have ffided and sustained endeavors to advance the prosperity of this city. CITY GOVERNMENT. 261 I owe also to the gentlemen of the Common Council a pubUc expression of my obligations for the candor and urbanity Avith which they have received and canvassed all my communications. It is a happy omen for our city, that, for so many successive years, the intercourse between the branches and members of its government has been distinguished for gentlemanly character, not less than for official respect. The coUisions which are natu rally to be expected in a community where rival interests and passions exist, have never disturbed the harmony of either coun cU. When diversity of opinion has arisen, a spirit of mutual concession has presided over the controversy. Happy ! if in this respect, past years shaU be prototypes of those which are to come. To my fellow-citizens who, for so many years have supported or endured an administration conducted on none of the princi ples by which popffiarity is ordinarily sought and acqffired, I have no language to express my respect or my gratitude. I know weU that recent events have given rise, in some minds, to reflections on the fickleness of the popular wUl, and on the ingra titude of republics. As if the right to change was not as inhe rent as the right to continue ; for the just exercise of this right, the people being responsible, and to bear the consequences. As if permission to serve a people at all, and the opportunity thus afforded to be useful to the community to which we belong and owe so many obligations, were not ample recompense for any labors or any sacrffices made or endured in its behalf. Is it wonderful, or a subject of reproach, that, in a populous city, where infinitely varying passions and prejudices and interests and motives must necessarily exist, an individual who had enjoyed the favor of its citizens for six years should be deprived of it on the seventh ? Is it not more a matter of surprise, that it has been enjoyed so long, than that it is lost at last ? At no one moment have I concealed from myself or my feUow- citizens, that the experiment of a new government was one very dubious in its effects on continuance in office. Who that knows the nature of man, and the combinations which, for particular ends, at times take place in society, could hesitate to beUeve that an administration which should neither court the few, nor stand in awe of the many, which shoffid identify itself exclusively with the rights of the city, maintaining them not merely with the 262 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. zeal of official station, but with the pertinacious spirit of private interest ; which, in executing the laAVS, should hunt vice in its recesses, turn light upon the darkness of its haunts, and Avrest the poisonous cup from the hand of the unlicensed pander; Avhich should dare to resist private cupiffity, seeking to corrupt; personal influence, sttiving to sway ; party rancor, slandering to intimidate ; — would, in time, become obnoxious to aU whom it prosecuted or punished ; aU whose passions it thwarted ; whose projects it detected; whose interests it crossed? "Who could doubt that, from these causes, there woffid in time come an accumulation of discontent ; that, sooner or later, the ground swell would rise above the landmarks with a tide which would sweep it from its foundations ? In the first address which, nearly six years ago, I had the honor to make to the City CouncU, the operation of these causes was distinctly stated, almost in the terms just used ; and the event which has now occurred was anticipated. Nothing Avas then promised except " a laborious fffifflment of every known duty ; a prudent exercise of every invested power ; a disposition shrinMng from no official responsibffity ; and an absolute self- devotion to the interest of the city." I stand this day in the midst of the multitude of my brethren, and ask, without pride, yet Avithout fear. Have I faded in fulfill ing this promise ? Let your hearts ansAver. Other obligations remain. A connection which has subsisted long and happUy is about to be dissolved, and forever. To look back on the past, and consider the present, is natural and pro per on the occasion. I stand indebted to my feUow-citizens for a length and uniformity of support seldom exempUfied in cities where the executive office depends upon popular election. They have stood by me nobly, and Avith effect, in 'six trials ; in the seventh, though successless, I Avas not forsaken. To such men I OAve more than silent gratitude. Their friend ship, their favor, the honors they have so liberaUy bestowed, demand return, not in words, but in acts. I owe it to such goodness to show that their confidence has not been misplaced; their favor not been abused ; and that their friendship and sup port, so often given in advance, have been justified by the event. What then has the departing city administtation done ? what CITY GOVERNMENT. 263 good has it effected ? what evil averted ? Avhat monuments exist of its faithfulness and efficiency ? If, in the recapitulation I am about to make, I shall speak in general terms, and sometimes in language of apparent personal reference, let it be understood, once for all, that this will be owing to the particular relation in which I stand at this moment to the subject and to my feUow-citizens ; and by no means to any disposition to claim more than a common share of what ever credit belongs to that administration. This, I delight to acknoAvledge, is chiefly due to those excellent and faithful men, who, during successive years have, in both branches of the City Council, been the Ught and support of the government ; by whose intelligence and practical skffi I have conducted its affairs fuU as often as by my own. The obUgations I owe to these men I mean neither to deny nor to conceal. SpeedUy, and as soon as other duties permit, it is my purpose, in another way and in a more permanent form, to do justice to their gratuitous labors and unobttusive fidelity. Touching the measures and resffits of the administtation which wffi soon be past, I necessarily corffine myself to a few particular topics ; and those, either the most vital to our safety and prosperity, or, in my apprehension, the most necessary to be understood. Time will not permit, nor, on this occasion, would it be proper to speak of all the various objects of a prudential, economical, restrictive, or ornamental character, which, in adapt ing a new organization of government to the actual state of things, have been attempted or executed. I ghaU chiefly refer to what has been done by way of protec tion against the elements ; in favor of the general health ; in support of pubUc education ; and in advancement of public morals. The element which chiefly endangers cities is that of Fire. It caijnot at this day be forgotten by my fellow-citizens with what labor and hazard of popularity the old department was aboUshed, and the new established. From the visible and active energy which members of a &e department take in the protec tion of the city against that element, they always have been, and always must be, objects of general regard. Great as is the just popularity at present enjoyed by that department, the same pubUc favor was largely enjoyed by their predecessors. Those 264 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. who at that time composed it were a hardy, industrious, effect ive body of men, who had been long inured to the service, and Avho, having the merit of veterans, naturaUy inabibed the errors into which old soldiers in a regffiar service are accustomed to fall. They were prejufficed in favor of old modes and old wea pons. They had little or no confidence in a hose system ; and above all they were beset Avith the opinion that the continuance of their corps AA^as essential to the safety of the city. More than once it was said distinctly to the executive of the city, that " if they threw down the engines, none else could be found capable of taldng them up." Under the influence of such opinions, they demanded of the city a specified annual sum for each company. It was refused. And in one day aU the engines in the city were Surrendered by their respective companies ; and on the same day every engine was suppUed with a new company by the voluntary association of public-spirited individuals. From that time, a regular, systematic organization of the Fire Department was begun and graduaUy effected. The best models of engines were sought. The best experience consffited which our own or other cities possessed. New engines were obtained ; old ones repaired. Proper sites for engine houses sought; when sffitable locations Avere found, purchased; and those built upon ; Avhen such were not found, they were hired. No requisite preparation for efficiency was omitted ; and every reasonable inducement to enter and remam in the service was extended. The efficient force and state of preparation of this department now consists of twelve hunffied men and officers ; twSnty engines ; one hook and ladder company ; eight hundred buck ets ; seven thousand feet of hose ; twenty -five hose carriages ; and every species of apparatus necessary for strength of the department, or for the accommodation of its members. In this estimate, also, ought to be included fifteen reservoirs, containing three hundred and fifty thousand gallons of water, located in different parts of the city, besides those sunk in the Mill Creek, and the command of water obtained by those con nected with the pipes belonging to the aqueduct. Of all the expenditures of the city government, none perhaps have been so often denominated exttavagant as those connected. Avith this department. But when the voluntary natm-e of the. CITY GOVERNMENT.. 265 service, its importance, and the security and confidence actuaUy attained are considered, it is believed they can be justified. In four years, all the objects enumerated, including the reser- vons, have cost a sum not exceeding sixty thousand dollars, which is about forty-eight thousand dollars more than the old department, in a like series of years, AA'as accustomed to cost. The value of the fixed and permanent property noAV existing in engine houses and their sites, engines and apparatus, and reser- vons, cannot be estimated at less than twenty thousand dollars. So that the actual expenditure of the new department beyond the old, for these four years, cannot be stated at more than five thousand dollars a year, or twenty thousand doUars. Now it wffi be found that, in consequence solely of the efficiency of this department, there has been a reduction of twenty per cent, on the rate of insurance within the period above specified. By this reduction of premiums alone, there is an annual gain to the city on its insurable real estate of ten thousand doUars ; the whole cost remunerated in two years. In this connection, let it be remembered how great is the security, in this .respect, noAV enjoyed by the city ; and that, previously to its establishment, two fires, — that in Central, KUby, and Broad Streets ; and that in Beacon Stteet, — occasioned a loss to it, at the least estimate, of eight hundred thousand dollars I Unquestionably, greater economy may be intt-oduced hereafter into this department, in modes which were impracticable at its commencement and in its earUer progress. Measures having that tendency have been suggested. These, doubtless, future city councUs wffi adopt, or substitute in their stead such as are wiser and better. AU the chief great expenses, necessary to perfect efficiency, have been incuiTed ; and little more remains to be done than to maintain the present state of completeness in its appointments. Under this head of protection against the elements, may be justly included the preservation of our harbor from the effects of waves and tempests. By the vigilance and successive applica tion of the city government, the protection of the two great islands, on Avhich depend the safety of our internal and external roadsteads, has been undertaken by the General Government; and works are finished, or in progress, of a magnitude and sttength exceeding aU antecedent hope or expectation. 23 266 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. In relation to what has been done in favor of general health, when this administtation came into power, of the two great branches on which depend the health of a city, the removal of street dirt, and of that which accumffiates in and about the houses of private families, the former was almost entirely neg lected, and the latter was conducted in a manner exceed ingly offensive to the citizens. So great was the clamor and urgency of the citizens, and so imperious was deemed the duty, that the records of the Mayor and Aldermen Avill show that the present executive, on the ffist day of his office, indeed before he had been inducted into it an hour, made a recommendation to the City CouncU on the subject. From that time to the present, the arrangement of those subjects has been an object of inces sant attention and labor. It Avas, until early in the present year, a subject of perpetual sttuggle and conttoversy, — ffist, Avith the old Board of Health, who claimed the jurisdiction of it ; then with contractors, whose interests the new arrangements thwart ed ; then Avith the citizens, with whose habits, or prejudices, or interest thej^ sometimes interfered. The inhabitants of the country AA'ere indignant that they could not enjoy their ancient priAilege of carrying away the street dirt when they pleased, and the offal of famffies as they pleased. The inhabitants of the city, forgetting the nature of the material, and the necessity of its being subjected to general regffiations, were also inffignant, because they "coffid not, as they did formerly, do what they would with their own." For three years the right of ihe city to conttol this subject was contested in courts of law ; and it was not untU last AprU, that the city authority overcame all opposi tion, and acquired, by a jufficial decision, complete jurisffiction in the case. Since that time, the satisfaction of the citizens with the con duct of this ttoublesome concern, indicated not only by direct acknowledgment, but also by evidence stffi more uneqffivocal, has equaUed every reasonable wish, and exceeded aU previous anticipation. I state as a fact, that in a city containing probably sixty-five thousand inhabitants, and under an administtation inviting and soUciting complaints against its agents, — during seven months, from May to November, both inclusive, amidst a hot season, in which a local alarm of infectious fever naturally excited great anxiety, concerning the causes tenffing to produce CITY GOVERNMENT. 267 it, — the whole number of complaints from citizens, whose fami Ues were neglected by the agents of the city, made, or known to the Mayor or to any officers of the city, amounted only to the number of eight in a month, or two in a week, for the whole city ! and four fifths of these, it is asserted by the inteUigent and faith ful superintendent of the streets, were owing to the faults of domestics rather than to his agents, — a degree of efficient action on a most difficult subject, which it is the interest of the citizens never to forget, as it shows what may be done, and, therefore, what they have a right to require. I refer to this topic with the more distinctness, because it is one of vital interest, not only to this, but to aU populous cities. I know not that the practicability of establishing an efficient system for the removal from populous cities of these common and unavoidable nuisances has anywhere been more satisfacto rUy put to the test. Nor has the evidence of the direct effects of such efficiency, upon the general health of the population, been anywhere more distinctly exhibited by facts. I speak before citizens who have enjoyed the benefits of these arrange ments ; who noAV enjoy them ; Avho see what can be effected ; and what is reasonable, therefore, for them in this respect to claim at the hands of their public agents. I cannot close this head without referring to the tables con nected with, and the facts stated in, the address I had the honor to make to the City CouncU at the commencement of the present year. It is there stated that the city authorities commenced a system atic cleansing of the city, and removal of noxious animffi and vegetable substances, Avith reference to the improvement of the general health and comfort, in the year 1823. " That the biUs of mortaUty of this city, and calculations made on them for the eleven years, from 1813 to 1823 inclusive, show that the annual average proportion of deaths to the popu lation was about one in forty-two." " SimUar estimates on the bUls of mortality of this city, since 1823, show that this annual average proportion was, for the fom years, from 1824 to 1827 inclusive, less than one in fifty ; for the two years, from 1826 to 1827 inclusive, less than one in fifty- five." It now appears, that, on the principles stated in these tables, 268 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. for the three years just terminated, 1826, 1827, 1828, the annual average proportion of deaths to population was less than one in fifty-seven. Upon the usual estimates of this nature, a city of equal popu lation, in which this annual average should not exceed one in forty-seven, would be considered as enjoying an extraorffinary degree of health. From the facts thus stated, it is maintained that this city does enjoy an uncommon and graduaUy increasing state of general health ; and that for the four last years it has been unexampled. And although the AAffiole of this important im provement in the general health of the city is not attributed to the measures of the police, yet since, in the year 1823, a system was adopted expressly for the purpose of preventing disease, by an efficient and timely removal of nuisances, it is just and rea sonable to claim for that system a portion of the creffit for that freedom from disease, which, subsequently to their adoption, has resulted in a degree so extraordinary. The residue of what AAms then said upon tMs topic, I repeat, as being important enough to be reiterated. " I am thus distinct in alluding to this subject, because the removal of the nuisances of a city is a laborious, difficult, and repulsive service, requiring much previous arrangement and con stant vigilance, and is attended Avith frequent disappointment of endeavors, whence it happens there is a perpetual natural tendency in those inti-usted Avith municipal affairs, to throw the ttouble and responsibility of it upon subordinate agents and contractors ; and very plausible arguments of economy may be adduced in favor of such a system. But if experience and reflec tion have given certainty to my mind upon any subject, it is upon this ; that upon the right conduct of this branch of the police, the executive powers of a city should be made dnectly responsible, more than for any other ; and that it can never, for any great length of time, be executed well, except by agents under its immediate control ; and whose labors it may command at all times, in any way Avhich the necessities, continuaUy vary- mg, and often impossible to be anticipated, of a city, in this respect require." " In the whole sphere of municipal duties, there are none more important than those which relate to the removal of those CITY GOVERNMENT. 269 substances Avhose exhalations injmiously affect the air. A pure atmosphere is to a city what a good conscience is to an indivi dual, — a perpetual source of comfort, tranquiUity, and self- respect." In relation to what has been done for the support of pubhc education, considering the multiplied and pressing objects of attention, necessarily occurring in the first years of a new organ ization of government, I know not that a greater degree of sup port of this branch of public service coffid have been justly given or reasonably expected than has occurred. Under our ancient institutions, the scale of appropriations for this object was, of aU others, the most liberal and complete. It Avas found, in 1823, with an annual expenditure of forty-four thousand five hundred dollars. It is left, at this day, Avith one of fifty-six thousand dollars. In the interval, tAvo schoolhouses have been built and sites purchased at an additional direct expenditure of upwards of fifty-five thousand dollars. In addition to which the House of Reformation of JuvenUe Offenders, which is, in fact, a school of most important character, has been estabUshed and supported at an expense already incurred of upwards of sixteen thousand doUars. But the High School for Girls has been suspended. As, on tMs topic, I have reason to think very gross misrepresentations and falsehoods have been circulated in every form of the tongue and the press, I shall speak plainly. It being in fact a subject on which my opinion has at no time been concealed. This school was adopted declaredly as " an experiment." It was placed under the immediate care of its known authors. It may be ttuly said that its impracticability was proved before it went into operation. The pressme for admission at the first examination of candidates, the discontent of the parents of those rejected, the certainty of far greater pressure and discontent which must occur in futme years, satisfied every reflecting mind that, however desirable the scheme of giving a high classi cal education, equal about to a coUege education, to all the gnls of a city, Avhose parents would wish them to be thus educated at the expense of the city, was just as impracticable as to give such an one to all the boys of it at the city's expense. Indeed, more so, because giris not being drawn away from the coUege by preparation for a profession or ttade, would have nothing 23* 270 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. except their maniage to prevent their parents from avaUing of it No funds of any city could endure the expense. The next project was so to model the school as that, although professedly established for the benefit of all, it might be kept and maintained at the expense of the city for the benefit of the few. The School Committee were divided equally on the resulting questions. The subject Avas finally postponed by the casting vote of the Chairman. As all agreed, that if the school was to be maintained according to its original conception, new and great appropriations were necessary, the Chairman was directed to make a report on the whole subject to the City CouncU. The report indicated that, in such case, appropriations were indispensably necessary, but did not recommend them, because a majority of the Committee Avere not favorable to the project. That report was printed and circulated throughout the city. A year has elapsed, and not an individual in either branch of the City Council has brought forAvard the question of its revi val by moving the necessary appropriations. No shield has ever before been protruded by the individual principaUy assailed as a defence against the calumnies Avhich have been circulated on this subject. It has now been aUuded to, more for the sake of other honorable men, who have, for a like cause, been assaUed by evil tongues and evU pens, than for his own. In all this there is nothing uncommon or unprecedented. The public officer who, from a sense of public duty, dares to cross strong interests in their way to gi-atifi.cation at the pubUc expense, always has had, and ever AAill have, meted to him the same measure. The beaten course is, first, to slander, in order to intimidate ; and if that fail, then to slander, in order to sacri fice. He who loves his office better than his duty wiU yield and be flattered as long as he is looI. He Avho loves his duty bet ter than his office Avill stand erect and take his fate. All schools requiring high qualifications as the condition of admission, are essentially schools for the benefit, comparatively, of a very fcAV. The higher the qualification, the greater the exclusion. Those whose fortunes permit them to avail them selves of private instruction for their children, during their eariy years, — men highly educated themselves, who have leisure and abUity to attend to the education of their own chUdren, and thus CITY GOVERNMENT. 271 rffise them at the prescribed age to the required quaUfication, — wiU chiefly enjoy the privUege. To the rest of the community, consisting of parents not possessing these advantages, admission to them is a lottery, in which there is a hundred blanks to a prize. The scheme to reduce the school to an attendance of one year, seems to be a needless multiplication of schools and of expense ; as it is plainly far better that a year should be added to the continuance in the common schools, and then comse of instruction proportionably elevated. The great interest of society is identffied with her common schools. These belong to the mass of the people. Let the peo ple take care, lest the funds which ought to be devoted exclu sively to the improvement and elevation of these common schools, thus essentiaUy theirs, be diverted to schools of high qualffication. Under whatever pretence established, their neces sary tendency is to draw away, not only funds, but also interest and attention from the common schools. The sound principle upon this subject seems to be, that the standard of public education should be raised to the greatest desirable and practicable height; but that it should be effected by raising the standard of the com mon schools. In respect of what has been done, in support of public morals, when this administration first came into power, the police had no comparative effect. The city possessed no house of con-ec- tion, and the natural inmates of that establishment were in our streets, on our " hills " or on our commons, disgusting the deli cate, offending the good, and intimidating the fearful. There were parts of the city over which no honest man dared to pass in the night time ; so proud there and uncontroUed Avas the dominion of crime. The executive of the city Avas seriously advised not to meddle with those haunts, their reformation being a task altogether impracticable. It was attempted. The success is known. Who at this day sees begging in our streets ? I speak generaUy ; a transient case may occm. But there is none systematic. At this day, I speak it confidently, there is no part of the city through which the most timid may not walk, by day or by night, without cause of fear of personal violence. What streets present more stiUness in the night time ? Where, in a city of equal popffiation, are there fewer instances of those crimes to which aU popffious places are subject ? 272 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. Doubtless much of this condition of things is owing to the orderly habits of our citizens, but much also is attributable to the vigilance which has made vice ttemble in its haunts and fly to cities Avhere the air is more congenial to it ; which, by pursu ing the lawless vender of spirituous liquor, denying licenses to the Avorst of that class, or revoking them as soon as found in improper hands, has checked crime in its ffist stages, and intto duced into these establishments a salutary fear. By the effect of this system, notwithstanding in these six years the popffiation of the city has been increased at least fifteen thousand, the num ber of licensed houses has been ffiminished from six hunffied and seventy-nine to five hundred and fifty-four. Let it be remembered that this state of things has been effected Avithout the adffition of one man to the ancient arm of the police. The name of poUce officer has indeed been changed to city marshal. The venerable old charter number of twenty- four constables stffi continue the entire array of city poUce ; and eighty Avatchmen, of whom never more than eighteen are out at a time, constitute the whole nocturnal host of poUce mffitant, to maintain the peace and vindicate the Avrongs of upwards of sixty thousand citizens. If it be asked Avhy more haA'^e not been provided, I answer, it has frequently been under consideration. But, on a view of all circumstances, and experience having hitherto proved the pre sent number enough, there seemed no occasion to increase it, from any general theory of its Av^ant of proportion to the popula tion, seeing that practically there seemed to be as many as were necessary. The good Avhich has been attained, and no man can deny it is great, has been effected by directing unremittingly the force of the executive power to the haunts of vice in its first stages, and to the favorite resorts of crime in its last. To diminish the number of licensed ffiam-shops and tippUng- houses ; to keep a vigUant eye over those which are licensed ; to revoke without fear or favor the licenses of those who were found violating the law ; to break up public dances in the brothels ; to keep the Ught and terrors of the law directed upon the resorts of the lawless, thereby preventing any place becoming dangerous by their congi-egation ; or they and their associates becoming insolent through sense of stt-ength and numbers ; — CITY GOVERNMENT. 273 these have been the means ; and these means, faithfuUy applied, are better than armies of constables and watchmen. They have been applied with as much fearlessness as though the executive office was not elective ; without regarding the fact, that the numerous class thus offended, then landlords, dependants, and coadjutors, had votes and voices in city elections. So far as these classes had any influence on a recent event, and it must have been smaU, the cause is not a matter of regret, but of pride. Without pressing these topics further into detail, and without stating how the condition of things was found at the coming in of this administration, — because the faithful men who executed the ancient town government did as much as the form of organ ization under which they acted permitted, — I shall simply state, m one view, how the city affairs, in respects not yet alluded to, have been left. Every interest of the city, so far as has come to the know ledge of the city government, has been considered, maintained, and, as far as practicable, arranged. AU the real estate of the city surveyed and estimated ; plans of it prepared ; the whole analyzed and presented in one view for the benefit of those Avho come after. The difficulties of the voting lists laboriously inves tigated, and the sources of error ascertained, and in a great degree remedied. The streets widened, the crooked sti-aightened, the great avenues paved and enlarged. They and other public places ornamented. Heights levelled. Declivities smoothed or diminished. The common sewers regulated and made more capacious. New streets of great Avidth and utiUty, in the cen tte of population, obtained Avithout cost to the city. Its mar kets made commoffious. New public edifices, in the old city and at South Boston, erected ; the old repaned and orna mented. These things have been done, not indeed to the extent AAffiich might be desired, but to a degree as great, considering the time, as could reasonably be anticipated. But then, — " the city debt," « the taxes," — " we are on the eve of bankruptcy." " The citizens are oppressed by the weight of assessments produced by these burdens." Such are the hol low sounds which come up from the halls of caucusing discon tent! 274 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. The state of the city debt has recently been ffisplayed by offi- cial authority ; by which it appears, that, after deducting funds in the hands of the Committee for the reduction of the city debt, and also the amount of bonds, weU secured by mortgages, paya ble to the city, the exact city debt amounts to $637,256.66; concerning which subject, I undertake to maintain two posi tions : — 1st. It has not been, and never can be, a burden ; that is, it has not been, and never wiU be, felt in the taxes. 2d. So far from city bankruptcy, the state of its resom-ces is one of enviable prosperity. It may be stated, with sufficient accuracy, that the present city debt is entirely the result of operations which obtamed for the city the New FaneuU HaU Market, the City Wharf, and land north of the block of stores on North Market Street ; and of those which gave it, free of incumbrance, the lands west of Charles and Pleasant Streets. Now, this property thus newly acquired by these operations, for which the city debt was incurred, may be exchanged, no intelligent man can doubt, at any hour, in the market, for an amount equal to the entire city debt. The property thus acquired, now in actual, uffincumbered, undisputed possession of the city, consists, — 1. Of the New Market and its site, estimated by its annual incomes, ($26,000,) which are in their nature permanent, and must increase rather than diminish, at . . $500,000 2. City Wharf, estimated by some at |100,000 ; on this occasion it is put down at ... 75,000 3. Eight thousand five hunffi-ed and twenty-eight feet of land on both sides of the MiU Creek, and the new stteets now completing in that vicinity; on this occasion estimated at, as an unquestion able price, although its real value probably gi-eatly exceeds 12,000 4. Twenty-eight acres and a half of land west of Charles and Pleasant Streets, exceeding 1,200,000 square feet, estimated only at ten cents ; which, how far it is exceeded by the fact, my fellow-citi zens understand, is set down at . . . 120,000 $707,000 CITY GOVERNMENT. 275 Thus it appears the city is possessed of a real estate, of an unquestionable value, exceeding seven hundred thousand dollars, as an offset for a debt of six hundred and thirty-seven thousand dollars. It may confidently be said, that no capitaUst of inteUigence and resomces, equal to the purchase, would hesitate an hour to contract, on condition of a transfer of that property, to assume the whole city debt. Should I say, he would give a hundred thousand doUars as a bonus for the bargain, I should probably come nearer the truth. Am I not justified, then, in my position, that the marketable value of the real estate acquired and left to the city by that administtation, greatly exceeds the amount of debt it has left ? The scales are not simply even ; they greatly preponderate in favor of the value of the property above the debt. It is no ansAver to this, to say, that the property thus newly acquired is of a nature or value so important to the city, that it ought never to be disposed of. This is probably ti-ue ; at least of a very great part of it. But what of this ? Does not the fact show, that greatly as the marketable value of the pro perty exceeds the debt, the value of it, in its interest or import ance to the city, greatly exceeds even that marketable value? After this, have I not a right to assert, according to the usual and justifiable forms of expression, under cUcumstances of this kind, that, so far as respects the operations of the administration, now passing away, they have left the city incumbered ivith no DEBT ; because they have left it possessed of a ncAvly acquired real property, far greater in marketable value than the whole debt it has incmTcd ? Again, it has not only done this ; but when this subject is considered with reference to annual income received, and annual interest to be paid, it wiU be found that tMs administration leaves the city with a property, in real estate and bonds and mortgages, the income and interest of which amounts to fifty- two thousand dollars, whUe the annual interest of the debt wffich it leaves is only forty-seven thousand dollars. If, then, the annual income of the property left be now, and ever must be, far greater than the annual interest of the debt mcurred ; if the newly acquired real estate is, and always must be, far greater in marketable value than the whole amount of that debt, has not this administration a right to say, that, so far as respects its financial operations, it has left the city incumbered with no BURDEN AND NO DEBT. 276 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. If there is no debt, then there is no bankruptcy. Whatever estate the city noAV has, over and above that which is above specified, is so much clear and unincumbered property, to be used or improved for its advancement or relief in all future times and emergencies, according to the wisdom and fidelity of suc ceeding administrations. Unless, indeed, that wisdom direct, as it probably wUl, that the property above specified, obtained for the city by this administration, shall be kept as the best possible investment of city capital, and the proceeds of the other lands applied to the discharge of the debt incurred for the pmchase of the property thus acquired. Now, what is that clear, unincumbered city property which remains, after deducting that thus newly acquired ? It consists of nothing less, as appears by the official report of the Commit tee on Public Lands, than upwards of five million three hundred thousand feet of land on the Neck and in different parts of the city, — capable of being sold, Avithout any possible objection; — lands belonging to the House of Industty, amounting to sixty acres; and a township of land in the state of Maine, being neither of them included in this estimate. Without taking into consideration, then, the encouragement given to our mechanic interests ; to the influx of capital and population, Avhich have been necessarUy the effect of the activity of capital induced by the measures of the city government ; and confining myself to the single consideration of the amount and unincumbered state of the real property of the city, am I not justffied in the assertion, that it is, in respect op its financial RESOURCES, ONE OF ENVIABLE PROSPERITY ? But " the taxes," " the taxes " are heavy beyond all prece dent! In answer to which, I state, that the taxes have not increased in a ratio equal to the actual increase of property and population. The Assessors' books wUl show, that the ratio of taxation has been less in every year of the seven years in which the city government has had existence, than was the ratio of any year in the next preceding seven years of the town government, one year only excepted ; and even in this it was less than in one of those next preceding seven years above-mentioned. Compar ing the average of the ratios of these two periods of seven years together, it wUl be found, that whUe the average of the ratios of these seven years of the town government was eight dollars and CITY GOVERNMENT. 277 fifteen cents, the average of the ratios of the seven years of the city government has been only seven dollars and twenty-seven cents. I might here close. But there have been objections made pubUcly to this executive, which, although apparently of a per sonal nature, are, in fact, objections to the principles on which he has conducted his office. Noav, in the particffiar relation in which that executive stood to his office, it Avas his duty weU to consider those principles, since they might become precedents, and give a character and tone to succeeding administrations. He has uniformly acted under a sense of this relation, and of the obUgations resulting from it ; and intentionally has done nothing, or omitted nothing, without contemplating it. On this account, it may be useful to state those objections, and answer them. And ffist, it has been said, " The Mayor assumes too much upon himself. He places himself at the head of aU committees. He prepares all reports. He permits nothing to be done but by his agency. He does not sit solemn and dignffied in his chair, and leave general superintendence to others ; but he is everyAvhere, and about every thing, — in the street ; at the docks ; among the common sewers ; — no place but Avhat is vexed by his pre sence." In reply to this objection, I lay my hand first on the city char ter, which is in these words : — "It shall be the duty of the Mayor to be vigilant and active at aU times, in causing the laws for the government of said city to be duly executed and put in force ; to inspect the conduct of all subordinate officers, in the government thereof, and, as far as in his power, to cause aU negligence, carelessness, and positive violations of duty to be duly prosecuted and punished. It shaU be his duty, from time to time, to communicate to both branches of the City Cou.ncU aU such information, and recommend aU such measures as may tend to the improvement of the finances, the police, health, cleanUness, comfort, and ornament of the city." Now let it be remembered, that to the performance of these duties he was sworn ; and that he is wUUng to admit that he , considers an oath taken before God as a serious affair ; and that "having taken an oath to do such services, he is not of a spirit which can go to sleep or to rest after shifting the performance of them upon others. •24 278 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. As to his " seeing to every thing," who has a better right than he, Avho, at least by popular opinion, if not by the city charter, is made responsible for every thing ? Besides, why is it not as ti-ue, in affairs of poUce as of agri cffiture, that " the eye of the master does more work than both his hands." If those who made these objections intended "by doing every thing," that he has been obstinate, wUful, or overbearmg in respect of those with whom he has been associated, I cheerfully appeal to you, gentlemen, how wiUingly, on all occasions, he has yielded his opinion to yours ; and how readily he has sub mitted whatever he has Avritten to your corrections. If he took upon himself generally the character of ffiaughtsman of reports, it Avas because your labors were grattiitous, and for his a salary was received. It Avas because he deemed it but just, that the "hireling" should bear the heat and burden, both of the day and the labor. Great assiduity and labor ffid appear to him essential reqm- sites to the well performance of duty in that office. He could not persuade himself that the intelligent and industtious com munity Avhich possess this mett-opolis could ever be satisfied in that station with an indolent, seffish, or timid temper, or Avith any one possessed of a vffigar and criminal ambition. I cannot refrain, on the present occasion, from expressing the happiness Avith which I now yield this place to a gentleman^ possessing so many eminent qualifications ; whose talents wUl enable him to appreciate so readily the actual state of things ; who Avill be so capable of correcting Avhat has been amiss; changing Avhat has been Avi-ong ; and of maintainmg what has been right. May he be happy ! and long enjoy the honors and the confidence his fellow-citizens have bestowed ! And now, gentlemen, standing as I do in this relation for the last time, in your presence and that of my fellow-citizens, — about to surrender forever a station fuU of difficulty, of labor, and temptation, in Avhich I have been caUed to very arduous duties, affecting the rights, property, and at times, the Uberty of others, concerning Avhich, the perfect Une of rectitude, though desned, Avas not always to be clearly ffiscerned, — in which great 1 Harrison Gray Otis. CITY GOVERNMENT. 279 interests have been placed within my conttol, under circumstan ces in which it Avould have been easy to advance private ends and sinister projects ; under these circumstances, I inquire, as I have a right to inquire, — for, in the course of the recent contest, insinuations have been cast against my integrity, in this long management of your affairs, whatever errors have been commit ted, and, doubtless, there have been many, — have you found in me any thing seffish, any tMng personal, any thmg mercenary ? In the simple language of an ancient seer, I say, " Behold, here I am. Witness against me. Whom have I defrauded? Whom have I oppressed ? At whose hands have I received any bribe ? " Six years ago, when I had the honor first to adffiess the City CouncU, in anticipation of the event which has now occurred, the foUowing expressions Avere used : — "In administering the poUce, in executing the laws, in protecting, the rights and pro moting the prosperity of the city, its ffist officer AvUl be necessa rUy beset and assaUed by individual interests ; by rival projects ; by personal influences ; by party passions. The more ffim and inflexible he is in maintaining the rights and in pursuing the interests of the city, the greater is the probabiUty of his becom ing obnoxious to the censure of aU whom he causes to be prose cuted or punished; of aU whose passions he thwarts; of aU whose interests he opposes." The day and the event have come. I retire, — as in that first address I told my feUow-citizens, "if, in conformity with the experience of other republics, faithfffi exertions should be fol lowed by loss of favor and confidence," I should retne, — "rejoic ing, not indeed with a pubUc and patriotic, but with a private and individual joy ; for I shaU retire with a consciousness, weighed against which aU human suffrages are but as the Ught dust of the balance." CHAPTER XIX. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1829. Hakrison Gray Otis, Mayors Circumstances recalUng the Mayor from Private Life — Tribute to his Prede cessors — Views concerning the City Debt — On the Supply of Pure Water — The Importance of Railroads — Political Relations of the State and Union — Flats to the Eastward of the New Market — Attempts to authorize Inspectors to place Names on the Voting Lists — Tribute to the Directors of the House of Industry — Chief Engineer of the Fire Department appointed — Resigna tion of all the Assistant Engineers — Petitions to extend Wharves to the Channel — Relief to Sufferers by Fire in Georgia — Petitions for a General Meeting of Citizens on RaUroads, and for a Grant of Land for their Accom modation. On the fifth of January, 1829, the organization of the city government was this year transferred from the chamber of the Common CouncU to Faneuil Hall ; it being the era of a new administration of its affairs. After the usual solemnities, the Mayor delivered, in the presence of a large assembly of citizens coUected on the occasion, the foUowing inaugural adffiess : — GENTLEMEN OF THE CITY COUNCIL : Nothing coffid be more unexpected by me than the circum stances by the result of which I find myself in this place. After nearly thirty years of occupation in public affairs, Avith but short intermissions, I resigned my seat in the National Legislature with an intense desire, and, as I thought, unalterable purpose of passing the few years that might remain for me, in a private sta tion. The objects for which I became a humble actor in the political scene were attained. The tempest wMch uprooted the 1 The whole number of votes cast were 4,546, of which Mr. Otis received 2,977. The Aldermen were, — Henry J. Oliver, John T. Loring, Samuel T. Arm strong, Benjamin RusseU, Thomas Kendall, James Hall, Winslow Lewis, and Charles WeUs. EUphalet Williams was President of the Common CouncU. CITY GOVERNMENT. 281 institutions of the Old Worid had subsided. The broils which had agitated and endangered our own counti-y, and kept the minds of all who took part in them in a state of discomfort were extinguished. The constitution was preserved, the government wise, and the people happy. Opportunity had been afforded of supporting, by my feeble aid, an administration which, under a ffifierent aspect of affairs, I had opposed. The public favor and confidence, both in measure and duration, had exceeded my esti mate of ray own pretensions ; and though it was not to be dis sembled that this favor was in the wane, learned into retnement the consolation that if my services had not been valuable, neither had they been expensive to my country ; as I had never sought nor fingered long in any office of emolument. And I indulged the hope that, having done nothing to forfeit the approbation of my friends, the rigorous judgment formed of my conduct by those from whose poUtical system I. had formerly the misfortune to dissent, would not follow me beyond the tomb, and that tfie candid and charitable, portion of them would not finally withhold from my motives and intentions the justice A\ffiich I have never been con sciously backAvard to render to theirs. From this retirement I have been caUed by my fellow-citizens for a short season, under circumstances which make it a duty to obey their will. Their invitation was the more grateful as it Avas spontaneous. And great indeed will be my gratification, if, by cooperating with you, I shaU be considered as having, in any reasonable measure, requited a demonstration of good-wffi from my feUow-citizens so flattering and honorable to me. • It is now my province, and it wiU soon become my duty to communicate to you such information as may be requisite, and to recommend such measures as may seem to be conducive to the best interest of our city. But I stand merely upon the thresh old , of an office, with the interior of which most of you are morefamiUar than myself. I can touch only upon general topics, assuring you, however, that I wiU apply my entire time and. attention to master the business of this department, and to apprise you of such detaUs as you have a right to expect. And the utmost exertion of my faculties shaU not be wanting in con stant and united eflbrt to cherish and extend the prosperity of the interesting concerns committed to our charge. It is indeed fortunate for us all, that the administtation of this department 24* 282 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. has hitherto been conducted under the auspices of those, whose different quaUfications were eminently adapted to the varying exigencies of the station which they successively occupied. The novel experiment of city government was commenced by your first lamented Mayor with the circumspection and delicacy which belonged to his character, and which were entirely judicious and opportune. He felt and respected the force of ancient and honest prejudices. His aim was to allure, not to compel ; to reconcUe by gentle reform, not to revolt by startling innovation ; so that whUe he led us into a new and fairer creation, we felt ourselves surrounded by the scenes and comforts of home. His successor entered upon office with the characteristic energy of his distinguished talents. He felt that the hour had arrived for more radical reformation, and that the minds of the citizens were ripe for greater change and more permanent improvements, and he devoted an assiduity that can never be surpassed, to a deve lopment and application of the resources of the city, which have materiaUy contributed to its ornament, comfort, health, accom modation, and in aU respects lasting advantage. We are sur rounded on all sides with the monuments of this enterprising, disinterested zeal. But they could not be consummated without expense. This affords to some a serious subject of speculation on the future, and to others of complaint. But, after such cur sory examination of the state of om- finances, as time and oppor tunity have enabled me to make, since I found it to be a duty, I perceive indeed the necessity of strict economy, but no just cause for uneasiness or complaint. Documents just made pub lic, show the outstanding, funded debt (after deducting the amount of good and convertible securities) is about six hundi-ed and thirty-seven thousand doUars. For the gradual extinguish ment of this debt, provision is made by standing regulations, appropriating fifteen thousand dollars annuaUy from the- city tax ; the balances in the treasury at the end of the year, moneys arising from the sales of real estate, and payments made on account of the principal of bonds and notes. This process may be accelerated at yom pleasure, by providing for a more rapid sale of the city lands. A subject on Avhich I wiU be better pre pared than I am at this moment to give an opinion. The appro priation for the expense of the current financial year, which begins in May, was three hundred and twenty-eight thousands CITY GOVERNMENT. 283 six hundred and twenty-five doUars, of which the assessed taxes constitute an amount of two hundred and thirty-five thousand doUars. It is not perceived, at present, that this sum can be diminished. But whUe unceasing attention is due to the devis ing of ways and means for aUeviating taxes, there is encourage ment to presume, that if this cannot be effected by lessening the nominal amount, an increasing popffiation and resources, by bringing to the support of the burden a greater contribution of sttength, wUl ffiminish its pressme on the individual. In relation to the debt itself, it should be remembered that we retain, in a great measure at least, the value received. Our money has not evaporated in airy speculations, or been lavished ki corrupt expenditmes. Works of permanent utUity have been estabUshed. The Market House, House of Industry, Prison, Schools, and other substantial monuments have been erected. Om crooked paths have been made strait, and widened, and new avenues have been opened. The benefit of these and of some other improvements wffi extend to many generations yet to come, and those which immediately succeed should be con tent to share a fair apportionment of the eqffivalent paid, should it be necessary or convenient to procrastinate a total redemption of the debt. It is possible that the scale on which some of these improvements were projected is somewhat in anticipation of future exigencies. But it is doubtful whether great plans, with out this ingredient, would deserve to be regarded as improve ments, supposing the city destined to advance in prosperity. On the other supposition, no great plan would, in fact, be an improvement, for none such should be undertaken. If a market would barely accommodate those who resort to it this year, inconvenience would arise the next year. The same remark is appUcable to school houses, streets, and, in a degree, to aU pub Uc buildings. We must proceed (certainly Avith discretion) on the presumption that popffiation and wealth have not come to a stand ; and if none of us would now be ready to surrender these appendages in retmn for the price of the pmchase, that consideration should go far towards reconcUing us to the conffi tions on which we have obtained them. From the great improvements which were requned by the necessities of the city, two inconveniences have arisen which were unavoidable, and wiU, it is beUeved, be temporai-y. First, 284 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. a sudden ttansfer of value from some parts of the city to others, by which the proprietors of old estates have been injured, whUe, by the increase of accommodation beyond the demand, the pur chasers of the new have failed to realize the fair profits of their investments. Secondly, the city became a purchaser of lands to sell again, and thus far a competitor with individuals in private enterprise. Probably, therefore, the time has come when pru-; dence may recommend a pause from great and expensive attempts, and it may be incumbent on us Avho are intrusted with this year's administtation, to look rather to the preserva tion and completion of what has been finished or commenced, than to new undertaMngs. There is, however, .wantmg to .the city a convenience of which, it is ventured to assert, it should never lose sight, — an abundant supply of wholesome water. The object has been placed before the City Councilon a former occasion by my predecessor in stt-iking relief; and I am free to avow my conviction of the correctness of the views by him exhibited in relation to it. Another object, however, is lately brought into view by the spirit of the age we live in, the importance of which, if Avithin the reach of the city, it would not be easy to. exaggerate, — a communication with the countt-y by railway. This city," from its earliest foundation, has been advancing in a regular progression of populousness and wealth; And though, in both these respects, it has not kept pace with other cities, yet the population has increased in a ratio sufficiently. indicative of its prosperous tend encies, and wealth continues to bear a greater proportion to population than is perhaps elsewhere to be. seen. So, long as these advantages shall continue, the growth of our sister cities will furnish no cause of envy or regret... The time which has elapsed since the ti-eaty of Ghent,' enables us to form a suffi ciently correct estimate of the. probable operation of cncum stances on the interests of this city in any .other period of peace of the same duration. We have experienced aU the vicissitudes of business which arise from a transition from war to peace, and the efforts made by commerce, . both , external and internal, to adjust themselves to new positions, and to surmount the embar rassments and consequences . inseparable from such change. Among these, may be reckoned the fluctuation of ti-ade with foreign countries, the perplexities groAving out of their commer- CITY GOVERNMENT. 285 cial regulations, and, on the Avhole, its sensible diminution. The effects of excessive exports and imports ; the occasional drains and refluxes of specie ; the corresponding increase of the coasting ttade; the alternation of scarcity and surplus in the money market, by the operation of the banking system ; the rise and progress of the manufacturing interests, and the variations in the employment afforded to the middUng and laboring classes of our feUow-citizens. The result of these mutations proves the condition of our city to be sound and vigorous. Great fortunes are no longer accumulated ; but judicious enterprise and honest industry are generally rewarded by competent gain. The me chanic is employed, and the laborer receives his hire. This state of things demands our highest gratitude to the Giver of aU good, and justifies the inference, that if Ave can maintain our natural resom-ces and connections, we shaU find no cause for despond ence. But it is not to be ffisguised, that these connections are menaced Avith interruptions and diversions, requiring exertion and vigilance to obviate their effects. AU parts of the Union but New England are aUve to the importance of establishing and perfecting the means of communication by land and Avater. The magic of raising states and cities in our country to sudden greatness, seems mainly to consist in the instituting of canals and railroads. The choice, therefore, is not left to us of reaping the frffits of our natural resources, and from abstaining from all part in these enterprises. The state and city must be up and doing, or the streams of our prosperity wiU seek new channels. We must preserve our intercommunication Avith each other and with our sister States by the methods which they adopt, or we shaU be left insffiated. Our planet cannot stand stUl, but may go backward without a miracle. The question wUl arise, and we must prepare to meet it, not whether raUroads are sub jects of lucrative speculation, but whether they be not indispen sable to save this State and city from insignfficance and decay. It would be quite premature to enlarge in a dissertation on par ticulars connected Avith this subject. Unless the smveys and calcffiation of skUful persons employed in this business are faUa- cious, there is no doubt that a raiUoad from this city to the Hudson may be made with no greater elevation in any part than is found between the head of Long Wharf and the Old State House ; and that the income woffid pay the interest of & 286 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. the capital employed. Reports and documents from commis sioners appointed by the Legislature, may, it is beUeved, be expected at an early day. Should they be as favorable as is anticipated, to the practicability of the undertaking, they will present to our citizens and to us materials for more grave consi deration than can arise from any other subject. I wUl not tmst myself to express the joy I should feel in ascertaining that the undertaking is not only feasible, but within the compass of the resources of the State or city, or of enterprising individuals, or of all united, and that they would be so applied. These feel ings, however, will never, I trust, stimffiate me to recommend measm-es that shaU not have undergone and been found equal to sustain the closest scrutiny. It is now intended, merely by general allusion, to invite you to turn your thoughts to the sub ject, and to famUiarize yourselves to reflect upon the probable (I may say) certain effects of a communication which, by connect ing this city Avith the Hudson, would open a market to the regions beyond it, and be reaUzed in their immeffiate influence in every house, wharf, store, and workshop. Nor woffid the con sequences be less propitious to the country through Avhich it Avould pass ; converting its wastes into villages, its forests into fields, its fields into gardens, and the timber and granite of its mountains into gold. WhUe, on the one side, pubUc attention wiU be attracted towards facilitating intercourse by land, gi-eat advantages would result on the other, from an extended plan of steam navigation to Maine and to the British Provinces and to the Island of Nantucket. The apathy hitherto prevaiUng, in relation to this scheme, is unaccountable. But as the success of it can be expected only from inffividual enterprise, it is men tioned merely for the sake of respectfully commending it to the pattonage of your separate opinions and influence out of doors. Gentlemen, I wUl now bespeak your indulgence for a fe-W moments upon a matter which, though not ffirectly appertaining to the municipal sphere, may not, Avhen canffidly weighed, be regarded as misplaced and unseasonable on this occasion. It is quite apparent to aU our feUow-citizens, that the honor of the chair which I now occupy, is not the frffit of any party struggle. With the friends of former days, whose constancy can never be forgotten, others have been pleased to unite (and to honor me with then suffrages) who hold in high disapprobation the part I CITY GOVERNMENT. 287 formeriy took in poUtical affans. Their support of me on this occasion is no symptom of a change of their sentiments in that particffiar. I presume not to infer from it even a mitigation of the rigor with which my pubUc conduct has been judged. But it is not presumptuous to take it for gi-anted, that those who have favored me with their countenance on this occasion, confide in my sense of the obUgation of veracity, and of the aggravated profligacy that Avoffid attend a violation of it, stand ing here in the presence of God and my country. On this faith, I feel myself justffied by circumstances to avaU myself of this occasion, the first, and probably the last, so appropriate, that wffi be in my poAver, distinctly and solemnly to assert, that, at no time in the course of my life, have I been present at any meet ing of individuals, public or private, of the many or the few, or privy to correspondence, of Avhatever description, in which any proposition, having for its object the dissolution of the Union, or its dismemberment in any shape, or a separate confederacy, or a forcible resistance to the government or laws, was ever made or debated ; that I have no reason to believe, that any such scheme was ever meffitated by ffistinguished individuals of the old fede ral party. But, on the other hand, every reason which habits of intimacy and communion of sentiments AAith most of them afforded, for the persuasion that they looked to the remote possibiUty of such events as the most to be deprecated of aU calamities, and that they woffid have received any serious proposal, calculated for those ends, as a paroxysm of political delirium. This statement wffi bear internal evidence of ttuth to aU who reflect that among those men were some by the firesides of whose ancestors the principles of the Union and independence of these States were first asserted and digested ; from which was taken the coal that kinffied the hallowed flame of the Revolution ; from whose ashes the American eagle rose into life. Others who had conducted the measures and the armies of that Revolution, — Solomons in councU, and Samsons in combat. Others who assisted at the bnth of the federal constitution, and watched over its infancy .with paternal anxiety. And I may add, to the best of my knowledge and beUef, that aU of them regarded its safety and success as the best hope of this people, and the last hope of the friends of Uberty throughout the worid. Are treasonable, or dis- MUNICIPAL HISTORY. loyal plots or purposes, consistent with these relations ? It woffid seem to be hardly conceivable ; yet it is possible. The lost archangels cabaUed and revolted against the government of heaven ; favorites, rioting in the sunshine of royal favor, have turned traitors to their king ; and republicans, sickeffing with the Mgher glory of the love and confidence of the people, have enslaved them to factions and sold them to tyrants. Such foul conspira cies may have been in our time. But should they be credited without evidence proportioned to their probable enormity ? with out doings as well as sayings ? without any evidence whatever? Secret cabals and plots are the constant theme of suspicion and accusation in times of political excitement ; and they can be dis affirmed only by the simple negation of the parties accused, until the proofs are adduced. Are unguarded sUps of the tongue, or passionate invectives, proofs Avhich ought to satisfy impaffial minds ? Surely, it is not for the honor or prosperity of this city or of any party, that it should be stigmatized as the head-quar ters, not of good principles, but of treasonable machinations. The ffiscredit of the malaria once fixed would affect the reputa tion of all. The ffistinction between leaders and led, so insult ing to freemen who are supposed to come under the latter deno mination, will not be recognized ; and if you are known to come from the infected disttiet, those who hold their nosttils and avoid you will not stop to inquire, whether the plague were in your own family. I again express my hope, that these remarks wUl not be con sidered iU-timed. They are a testimony offered in defence of the memory of the honored dead, and of patiiotic survivors who have not the same opportunity of speaking for themselves. Their object is not personal favor, though I am free to admit, that I am not indifferent to the desire of removing doubts and giving satisfaction to the minds of any who, by a magnanimous pledge of Mnd feeUngs towards me, have a claim upon me for every canffid explanation and assurance in my power to afford. Moreover, the harmony of our fellow-citizens may be promot ed by a right understanffing of these matters. The history of republican states and cities is soon told. Parties grow up from honest ffifference of opinion on the policy of measures. In pro cess of time, the subject of controversy dies a natural death ; and if personal animosities coffid be bmied in the same grave all woffid be weU. CITY GOVERNMENT. 289 In that event, the people would have a respite from party struggle, and when new contests and dissensions should arise, they woffid again choose sides from principle, and take a ucav departure from each other, free from the fetters and irritation of former affiances. The virulent humors of the body poUtic woffid not coUect in the old wounds, but be again ffispersed and cured by the comse of natme. But this happy termination of poUtical sttife, with its original causes, seems not to accord with experi ence. The names and badges and attitude of parties are pre served ; antipathies become habits. Men resolve to ffiffer eter- naUy, without cause, for the mere reason of haAing once differed for good cause. One portion of the people is excluded by the other from the public service. Parties become factions. The torch of ffiscord blazes while the ffi-e of pattiotism expires, and the fierce and unholy passions which have rent the Republic sur vive its ruin. May our beloved city prove an exception to these sad examples. Gentlemen, the duties on which we are about to enter are not classed with those of high political dignity ; but if they are less fascinating to the ambitious, they are not without attrac tion to the benevolent. We are intrusted with the care of institutions which have a daUy bearing upon the morals, education, health, and comfort of our feUow-citizens. Om- population exceeds that of more than one State at the time of admission into the Union. Its interests are not the less precious, because they are condensed in one spot. While the political government are occupied with counsels Avhich look to the wealth and safety and glory of the nation, what better cau we do than to consult together for the happiness of those among AAiiom many of us were born and all of us live, and which is indissolubly Unked to our own. On you, gentlemen, I shall rely for concurrence, in whatever may tend to this object, and I will refer by messages to your inteUigence and consideration aU matters that, by the charter, require that direction. On the twelfth of January, the subject of the flats lying to the eastward of Faneuil HaU Market came under the consideration of the City CouncU, and a committee was raised and invested with fffil authority to fill them up; and to borrow money for 25 290 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. that object, on the terms and on the conditions and resttictions contained in the vote on that subject of the preceffing City Council. In October, the superintendent of these operations reported them to be finished, and the cost of fffiing the flats up as having been seventeen thousand three hundred dollars. On the nineteenth of the same month, a petition from a number of citizens was presented, praying for such an alteration in the city charter, that the warden and inspectors in the respect ive wards may have the right to receive the vote of any person duly qualified, though his name be not borne on the votmg Ust. The subject was referred to a committee of both branches of the City Council, of wMch the Mayor Avas chairman, who, on the second of February, reported that " it woffid not be expedient to grant the right prayed for, to the warden and inspectors, as it would be giving them the power of deciding upon the quaUfica tions of voters amid the urgent business of an election ; that such a power would be Uable to great interruption in its exer cise, under such unfavorable circumstances ; would produce dis putes and delay, and give rise to different decisions in different wards under similar circumstances and evidence, tending also to render the Usts of the voters imperfect, and in the end useless, as the citizens would be remiss in procuring then names to be entered, knowing that the remedy could be done at the poUs. On the whole subject, the Committee refer to a report made December twenty-second, 1828,^ to the last City CouncU, (Avhich was then printed and distributed,) " for an elaborate exposition of facts and principles relative to this subject." It is on the whole beUeved, that whatever improvement can be made in the means of enabUng the citizen to ascertain whether his name be inserted on the Ust of voters, and to enable him to have it thus placed, prior to the election, ought to be adopted ; but that no government is bound to protect its citizens against wUfffi negli gence and inattention to their own privileges. By this report two resolutions were submitted, the first requesting and direct ing the Assessors to take proper measures for making out the voting lists, in each ward, by noting the names of the quaUfied voters at the time of making out the tax lists, so that the voting Usts may be completed in each ward as near as may be at the 1 See page 237. CITY GOVERNMENT. 291 same time A\ith the tax lists of such ward ; and that they prepare and transmit to the Mayor and Aldermen, corrected voting Usts of all the wards, on or before the first day of October, in each year. The second, declaring it to be the duty of the Mayor and Aldermen, as soon as they shaU have received a certffied tran script of the voting lists, pm-suant to the preceding resolution, to cause a copy thereof to be posted in some pubUc place in each Avard, and to give public notice, in one or more newspapers of the several places in AvMch such lists shall be posted. The above report was accepted, and the resolutions passed, in the City CouncU. On the second of February, 1829, a committee of the City CouncU was appointed on the memorial of the Directors of the House of Juvenile Offenders, of Avhich the Mayor was Chair man, who reported, that " they had repaired to the site of the institution for the purpose of inspection, and examining into the state of its ffiscipUne, government, and general condition, and had a fffil conference and comparison of views with the Direct ors and Superintendents of said House and of the House of Industry, with which the same is in some measure connected ; and after due examination into the premises, the Committee are gratified in expressing their approbation of the fidelity, industry, and ability, which are manifested in the administtation of the affairs of the institution, by the Directors and other officers, and their persuasion of the real advantages resulting and promised to the City and Commonwealth from the system established and enforced by those who have the management of it, in aU the departments ; and that the thanks of the community are spe ciaUy due to those individuals who have devoted, and persevere m devoting, their time and attention to the advancement of its interests, with no other reward but that of conscious benevo lence, and a regard to the cause of humanity." The Report concluded Avith a recommendation to the City Council to carry into view the measmes suggested by those Directors, which were presented in the form of a biU, defining more precisely the powers and duties of those Directors, and of the other officers of the institution. On the ninth of February, the Mayor nominated Thomas C. Amory, Chief Engineer of the Fne Department, which was 292 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. concurred in by the City CouncU ; and on the same day all the Assistant Engineers of the last year were nominated, and appointed by unanimous vote of that body. And on the twenty-ninth of the same month the Assistant Engineers all presented a memorial to the City Council, " requesting that measures may be taken, as soon as consistent with the con venience of the city authorities, to elect others to supply their places ; and that in the mean time they AviU act as heretofore, and give all the aid and assistance in their power in subduing the common enemy." On the twenty-fifth of March ensuing, a vote passed the Board of Aldermen, giving their thanks to the late Assistant Engineers of the Fire Department, for the fideUty and alacrity uniformly manifested by them in the discharge of their arduous duties, with an assurance of the sense entertained by the Board of the value of their services and example, in pro moting the efficient organization of that department. On the same day, the vacancies thus created were fiUed by electing twelve other citizens to constitute a ncAV board of Assistant Engineers. And on the first of April ensuing, the salary of one thousand doUars for the Chief Engineer was estabUshed by the city authorities, to be computed from the sixteenth of the pre ceding February, and paid quarterly. Until this time the ser vices of the Chief Engineer had been gratuitously rendered. In February, 1828, petitions having been presented to the Legislature of the State by the proprietors of Avharves at the northerly part of the city, for permission to extend them into the channel of the harbor, the Mayor, apprehensive that such a permission might injuriously affect the free navigation of the channel, requested the Legislature to suspend its proceedings, and by special message brought the subject before the City Council, as being obviously of great importance ; stating that, although it is quite conceivable, that, in certain situations, wharves may be extended to some reasonable length into the channel without dettiment to the harbor, yet it may be expected, that privUeges granted to one set of proprietors, wiU be claimed with great importunity by others ; and that embarrassment may arise to the city government from precedents, established with out due consideration ; that it by no means foUows of course, that, because a license may be granted to extend a wharf in a place where the channel is wide, and Avhere the current would CITY GOVERNMENT. 293 not be injuriously affected, a similar permission should be given in other cases, to which the dimensions of the channel and the effect on the current would present serious objections. Caution and deliberate examination by impartial judges, seemed to him requisite to make proper discrimination, to preserve limits and terms to every such Ucense, as well as to the mode of carrying it into effect. In some positions, wharves erected on pUes might be tolerated, which, if of solid consttuction, woffid be formidable nuisances. The Mayor, therefore, suggested the expediency of appointing commissioners, composed of merchants and others acquainted Avith the circumstances of the harbor, to examine and report upon every such application, such facts and opinions as may gffide the city government in deciding on its merits; and that every permission granted by the Legislature shoffid be on condition, that the Avork be executed in a mode satisfactory to the agents of the city government. This recommendation resffited at first in the passing, by the Board of Aldermen, of two resolutions, requesting the Mayor to present a remonstrance on the subject, in behalf of the City Council, and suggesting the expediency of having the entire power over the whole subject delegated to the city authorities. These resolutions Avere, how ever, non-concun-ed in the Common Council, and an order passed proposing a joint committee of the City Council, to take such measures as they may deem proper to protect the rights and interests of the city, in the extension of wharves into the chan nel of the harbor, Avith power to appear before the Committee of the Legislature that had the subject in hearmg ; and, if neces sary, to employ the City Solicitor to maintain the rights of the city in the premises. In this resolution the Mayor and Alder men concurred. In AprU, 1829, the Mayor communicated a letter from a com mittee appointed by the citizens of Augusta, in the State of Georgia, stating "that that city had recentiy suffered greatiy in consequence of a ttemendous conflagration," which had con sumed about two hunffied houses, and deprived more than fifteen hundred persons of a house, and praying reUef. The City Coun cU accordingly ordered, that a copy of the letter shoffid be sent to each of the pastors of the several churches in Boston, and authorized the Mayor to recommend, in behalf of the Board, a contribution thereon for the relief of those sufferers. On the 25* 294 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. twenty-fifth of May, Alderman Armsttong, as Treasurer of the contributions of the several churches in the city for the reUef of the sufferers of Augusta, stated, that the amount coUected was two thousand tAVO hundred and forty-seven dollars and fifty- eight cents, which the City Council authorized the Mayor to transmit to the Committee appointed by the sufferers to receive conttibutions, which was immediately done, and in June foUow ing, the receipt of that amount was acknowledged by the Committee, in a letter to the Mayor, " expressing the grateful feelings with which so acceptable a benefaction had been re ceived, heightened by the reflection, that neither .ffistance nor the absence of intimate relations could repress an exercise of libe rality so honorable to his fellow-citizens." This letter was ordered by the City Council to be entered at large on their records, and be published. In May, 1829, it having been represented to the Mayor, that causes were slowly but certainly operating unfavorable effects upon the navigable waters of the inner harbor, and that the part of the channel extending from the Long Wharf, or thereabouts, southerly to the new bridge at South Boston, is gradually becoming more shallow from various causes ; that vessels lying at the Avharves in that space are endangered by easterly and northeasterly storms ; and that there is no position, in that quarter, which can safely be occupied by steamboats, owing to the pecuUarity of their construction, he presented the subject by special message to the attention and care of the city govern ment, stating that if the flats, lying in the channel, (beyond the reach of individual claims,) were the property of the city, im provements might be made upon them by means of breakwaters or island AAffiarves, that would afford effectual protection to the Avharves and harbor in that quarter, and obviate the increasing shallowness of the channel ; that such improvements might be made without expense to the city, and possibly on contracts that AAJ-ould afford some ffitimate revenue; that the flats are manifestly not, and can never become, of value to the Common wealth, except indnectly, as they may be subservient to the safeguard and navigation of the harbor ; and that it could not be doubted, that upon suitable application on behalf of the city to the Legislature, a cession might be obtffined of the flats above-mentioned, and which, being in possession of the city, CITY GOVERNMENT. 295 might, under their direction and authority, be converted to the public benefit ; that it would seem more proper and necessary, .that these flats should become the property of the city, inas much as memorials are frequently presented to the Legislatme for private grants and immunities, by the proprietors of wharves and estates lying in that neighborhood, (and others may be anticipated,) of the reasonableness or injurious tendency of which, as well as of the limitations and regulations to which, if gi-anted, they ought to be subjected, the city government would possess the most competent means of deciding, the premises being constantly under their observation. The Mayor, therefore, suggested the appointment of a committee, with fuU powers to apply to and endeavor to obtain from the Legisla tm-e a grant of the premises, or of a portion thereof, sufficient for the purposes above expressed. These views of the Mayor were immeffiately carried into effect in the City Council, by appointment of a committee for the purposes expressed in the message. In June foUowing, the Committee reported, that the views presented by the Mayor were correct, and confirmed by the opinion of the Boston Marine Society, who had investigated the subject at their request ; and resolutions were reported and passed by the City Council, authorizing the Mayor to apply to the Legislature for a grant of the flats specified, and the Sena tors and Representatives of the city were requested to aid in obtaining the grant. In February, 1829, on a petition signed by the requisite number of quaUfied voters, a warrant was issued by the City CouncU for a general meeting of citizens, on a day appointed for that purpose, to give in their baUots, by yea and nay, on the following resolutions : — 1. Resolved, That in our opinion it is expedient for the Com- moiiAvealth to construct a railroad, on the most eligible route from Boston to the western line of the county of Berkshire, so that, in conjunction with the authorities of the State of New York, it may be extended to the most desirable point on the Hudson River, near Albany or Troy ; and also from Boston to the Pawtucket River, at or near Providence, in the State of Rhode Island. 2. Resolved, That in case the Legislature should deem it 296 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. expedient to consttuct said raffi-oads, whoUy at the expense of the State, that the city government be authorized and requested to apply to the Legislature for an act to enable any cities, towns, or bodies corporate, or individuals, to subscribe for such portion of said stock as may not be taken by the State, on such terms and conffitions as may be deemed expeffient. On the day appointed, a general meeting of the citizens of Boston was holden in Fanueil HaU, and both resolutions were passed by upwards of three thousand votes in the affirmative to less than sixty in the negative. An application to that effect was immeffiately made by the City CouncU to the Legislature, in conformity with those reso lutions. In November, a number of citizens petitioned the City Coun cil, praying them to appropriate a suitable piece of land on the flats betAv^en the Western Avenue and Boylston Stteet, in aid of, and as a convenient terminus for warehouses, and a depot for a raffioad, then proposed from the city to Brattleborough, in Vermont. This petition was referred to the Mayor and Alder man Loring, and to Messrs. Everett, Effis, and Rayner, of the Common Council. This Committee, in December foUowing, reported, "that the establishment of raUroads connecting the city with the interior country, is of such vital importance to the prosperity of the former, as to leave no room to doubt, that the city government wUl ever be actuated by a disposition to promote the success of these ope rations, (when plans for them shaU be matured,) by Ml reason able aid and means within the Umits of their constitutional authority. The location of land for the termination of such raiUoads in the city, appears to the Committee to involve many important considerations, which, in the present incipient stage of the business, the City CouncU are not competent to examine and weigh. It is a measure, also, upon which any company obtaining a charter would reserve the right of deciding for itself; and a premature assignment of lands for the proposed object might not only be rejected by such company, but prevent sub scriptions to the stock by individuals, who woffid be dissatisfied in perceiving the adoption of views, which might preclude them from an entire freedom of voting and deciding upon what might be deemed a very essential feature in any enterprise of this CITY GOVERNMENT. 297 kind." The Committee, therefore, recommended the passage of a resolve : — " That it is not expedient for the City Council to make any grant or assignment of land for the accommodation of railroads, until one or more charters of incorporation shall be obtained for the consti-uction of such railroads, and the City Council shaU thus be enabled to act upon distinct information of all circumstances, in reference as well to the provisions of such charters, and as to their authority to make such grants under the charter of the city and the laws of the Common wealth." This resolve was passed in concurrence by both branches of the City CouncU. CHAPTER XX. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1830. Harrison Geat Otis, Mayor^ Prosperous State of the City — Embarrassment of the Manufacturing Interests, and its Causes — Completion of the City Wharf — State of the City Debt — Sale of Public Lands — Condition of the Flats to the West of the Neck — State of the Court-Houses — Protection of our Outer Haj-bor — Centennial Celebration resolved upon — Grant of the City Hall for Sales of Domestic Manufactures Rescinded — Sale of Spirituous Liquors , on the Common Pro hibited. — Old State House to be called "The City HaU" — Centennial Cele bration of the Settiement of Boston. The records of the Mayor and Aldermen on the fourth of Jan uary, 1830, state, that " a message was received from the Mayor, expressing his regrets that indisposition prevented his having the honor of meeting the gentlemen of the Board of Aldermen and Common CouncU in their own chambers ; and, therefore, he respectfully requested then presence at his house, at such hour as might be agreeable to them, to qualify for their respective functions. The members of both branches of the City Council then proceeded to the mansion-house of the Mayor, where the . government was organized Avith the usual solemnities ; after which, the Mayor delivered the foUowing inaugural adffiess : — GENTLEMEN OP THE CITY COUNCIL: The season has returned, in which we Avho are chosen by our feUow-citizens to administer their municipal concerns for the current year, are expected to enter upon the ffischarge of our respective functions. Our acknowledgments are due to the Great Disposer of all events for having preserved to our constituents, tffioughout the 1 The whole number of votes were 1,966 ; of which the Mayor received 1,844. The Aldermen Avere Henry J. OUver, John F. Loring, Samuel T. Ai-mstrong, Benjamin Russell, Winslow Lewis, Charles WeUs, Moses WiUiams, John B. M'Cleary. CITY GOVERNMENT. 299 past year, the possession of the principal blessings, on Avhich depend the welfare and comfort of populous cities. The health- mess of the city, always umivaUed, has been preserved at least to its usual standard. With the advantages of health have been united those of plenty. Our markets and magazines are fiUed to exuberance Avith aU that is needful for sustenance, or condu cive to comfort and luxury, at reasonable and reduced prices. We live also in a state of peace, Avhich seems not to be threat ened with approaching interruption. The public concerns of ¦the State and nation are thus far Avell-administered, and no indication is manifested, in the communications of the executive government of the United States, of plans or schemes of poUcy calculated to inspire apprehensions of measures unfavorable to the interests of this community. These circumstances seem to embrace aU that is requisite for the prosperity of an industtious and enterprising people. They have, however, for the last two years, been counteracted by others, which have opposed se rious impediments to om advancement. The capitalists and merchants of this city, influenced by the strong demonstrations manifested in other parts of the Union in favor of the manufac turing poUcy and by the patronage of government, and allured by faUacious estimates of great profits made by others, in vio lence of their natural predUections and habits, have invested an undue portion of capital in manufacturing establishments. Their example was followed by those Avhose capital consisted whoUy in their spirit of enterprise. Hence ensued a disasttous competition. The establishments bottomed on substantial funds were stimulated to launch forth beyond the natural and reason able limits of those funds. They coffid not renounce the market without ruin, and their rivals could not maintain themselves in it without sacrifices, that must end in, ruin. This crisis Avas eagerly seized by the British manufacturers as furnishing an occasion to extinguish, perhaps forever, the manufacturing spirit in this countty ; and they inundated our market with the redun dancy of their own. Hence resiUted an excessive plethora, and consequent depreciation of value, loss, and sacrifice by forced sales. Owing to these incidents, combined with the unwise and improvident system of our legislation as respects manufac- tming corporations, and AAith the uncertainty of the future poUcy of the government, disturbed by the vehemence of opposition to 300 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. the protecting system originating here, hence extending to other States, and brought back by violent reaction — add to these the panic which always aggravates calamitous events — it h-as hap pened, as might be foreseen, that property vested in manufac tures has for a time become valueless as a medium of exchange, or a foundation for credit or accommodation in any form. By these means, many of our Avorthy citizens are rffined, others cramped and embaiTassed, and our whole community become less able to embark in other enterprises, which would augment the wealth and resources of the city. There is, however, a cheering prospect that the fierceness of this storm has over blown ; that our affairs, in common with those of other parts of the world, Avill graduaUy find their level, with less of injmy to the city than our fears would seem to justify ; and that, after the stt-uggle of half a century, in peace and in war, our nation wiU have secured the privUege and the faculty of manufacturing for itself Neither the state of public sentiment, nor the condition of our treasury at the close of the year, authorized the expectation that appropriations Avould be made for expensive public build ings, or improvements of any description. Accorffingly, nothing in this line has been attempted. The City Wharf has been completed, and promises a revenue, which, after a few years, AvUl reimburse its cost, and be then appUcable to other objects. Two new engine-houses, tAvo school-houses, and a cottage for the resident Physician on Hospital Island, are the only new bffildings erected the past year. Five new reservoirs have also been completed. The amount of the city debt, on the fost of May last, was $9] 1,850. Of which the sum paid by the Committee on the reduction of the public debt, beyond the amount of moneys borrowed to be applied to that object, is $54,100. There was also borrowed for the payment of debt to the MercantUe Wharf Corporation, and for the completion of Faneuil Hall Market, the sum of $25,880.75. So that the true deduction from the amount of the debt as it stood in May last, up to this day, is $28,219.25. Thus leaving the aggregate amount of the city debt at this time, $883,630. The only personal assets on which reliance can be placed, as a partial offset against this debt, are bonds and securities due to the city, of $257,341.42. Apart from these, the only fund available for the reduction or CITY GOVERNMENT. 301 extinguishment of this debt, must be found in the city's lands ; and it follows, of course, that in the judicious management and disposal of these lands can be found the only resources for pubUc credit, and for the ultimate improvement of the city, Avithout resort to direct taxation, and that no object can be more worthy of om- constant vigilance. I have great faith in the intrinsic value of these lands, which, owing to the vestm-e in which they are permitted to remain, is not sufficiently appreciated. They certainly wUl not take care of themselves. It is essential to any project for the lucrative sale of them, that a prospective plan shoffid be adopted and estabUshed, so that purchasers may calculate Avith reasonable certainty upon future, as AveU as present advantages. It is also inffispensable to the success of such project, that moderate appropriations should be made, from time to time, to enable the commissioner, under instructions from the Mayor and Aldermen, at the sole expense of the city, or by cooperating Avith other proprietors, (as the case may be,) to make such ffiains, dikes, and canals, as may put certain parts of the land in a marketable conffition. I am far from recommenffing the expenditure of large amounts upon uncertain speculation ; but am also satisfied, that, without some disbursement, nothing valuable can be effected. For this purpose, the needful sums might be bor rowed as wanted, reimbursable from the first sales ; thus mak ing a nominal temporary adffition to the debt, for the sake of its sure, effective, and ultimate payment. There could be little danger of serious aberration in this procedure. These lands are in some places contiguous to those of individual proprietors, whose AvfeU-directed sagacity and enterprise have converted pre mises possessing no supereminent advantages into populous stteets and squares, and at rates, Avhich, realized by the city, would not only extingffish its debt, but contribute an ample fund for future improvements, and relief from our annual burden. Nothing is perceived to inhibit those intrusted with the sale of your lands from looking over the shoulders of these wise stew ards and profitmg by then experience, but funds necessary for occasional advances. In this connection it is my duty to state, that the conffition of the flats west of the neck is regarded by eminent physicians as becoming pregnant with danger to the health of the city. It is an umvelcome truth, that the inter- 26 302 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. mittent fever is no longer confined to those regions, to which it Avas until lately regarded as endemial, but occasionaUy appears in more northerly latitudes, Avhich Avere thought to be happily exempted from that scourge. Our own State, (so far as I am informed,) and certainly our own city, are, under Providence, strangers to tMs afflicting and enervating ffisease, wMch is rarely dislodged from positions which it once occupies. But, if such be the predisposition of the atmosphere of the country around us, we are admonished by it not to set danger at defi ance, by fostering upon our borders an immense morass, circum vented Avith soUd dikes, and from its position a receptacle of the seeds of disease. The state of our principal court-houses and of the land con nected Avith them, and of other county property, demands seri ous investigation, and is not free from embarrassing circum stances. This land, lying in the centte of the city, is of great value in itself; but, cut off from streets by the public buildings, it could not be sold for a fair equivalent. These buUdings are not only altogether ill adapted to the exigencies of the city, but the principal court-house is of a construction so defective as to have been condemned upon a regffiar survey as unsafe. It is noAV shored up in some parts by butttesses. It is believed, that no alternative will remain to the city but to seU aU the land and buildings, and to apply the proceeds, as far as they will go, to the purchase of another site, suitable for the accom modation of all our courts, and city government, and officers. It is not my intention to recommend this measme defini tively at this time. But, under a deep conviction that it will bear examination, and be found at no distant period consistent AAith true economy, and essential to the public accommodation, I shall crave your permission, in due time, to submit to your inspection the details of a plan for this piu-pose, not yet quite matured. To some share in these lands and buUdings, the town of Chelsea, as a portion of the county, is understood to have a claim. The best interest of the city requires that this claim should, on some equitable principles, be adjusted and extinguished ; and that with it should terminate the existing connection betAveen Chelsea and this city. It seems, at first blush, preposterous, that this city should be compeUed to main-. tain the organization and formalities of a county jurisdiction, in CITY GOVERNIMENT. 303 consequence merely of this connection. It is attended with great additional embarrassment, and the expense of it is not subject to the ordinary revision and control of the city government. Its dissolution must be preliminary to any substantial and salutary reform in the organization of our comts, and the administration of justice. The affans of the Houses of Industty, Reformation, Correc tion, and the JaU, have been conducted in the most merito rious manner by their respective Overseers, and Superintend ents, accorffing to their means. But so much is wanted to place them on a footing commensurate with the claims of humanity and the feelings of the age — so much beyond om present resomces — that I refrain from enlargmg on the subject; expressing merely the hope, that some cheap provision may be made, by temporary buUffings for the more effectual separa tion of the insane from the chilffien of vice, and the least atro cious of those from hardened offenders ; and that the time is approaching, when the unfortunate debtor wiU not be domicffi- ated or confounded Avith either of these classes. From undoubted information it is ascertained, that the danger of om harbor, from the aUuvion of some of the islands, and the breach of the sea over the beaches, is constantly increasing. A confidence is felt, that the national government Avffi contmue its aid, to secure us against the more formidable inroads of the sea in our lower harbor. But adffitional protection is wanted for the interior positions, and for the existing whsurves. A large surface of flats in the southeasterly quarter of the city, beyond the Umits of those appendant to the upland, and entirely useless for any but the proposed object, would serve as a foundation for break waters ; and, if owned by the city, might be ceded for that purpose to compames who woffid erect them. AppUcation has been made to the Commonwealth for a release of any claim they may have to the premises, and no objection is foreseen to then granting what is of no value in its present circumstances, but in the benefit of which the State would participate, when made useful to its metropolis. A copious supply of fresh water is a convenience, the want of which becomes constantly more imperative. If, upon due consideration, it should not be determined expedient for the- city to erect hyffiants on its own account, the propriety of 304 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. granting that immunity to a company wffi naturaUy engage and command the attention of the city government. ; The transcendent success of the raUroad system in England, as well as the encouraging resffit, so far as it has been attempted in this country, support the hope, that Massachusetts AviU not linger in the rear of that enterprise, from the issue of which no other State has more to expect than herself. Gentlemen of the Common Council, — It is pecuUarly your province to devise all practicable means for aUeviating the weight of taxation, and rettenching the expenses of the city government. I have anxiously reviewed the ordinary heads of expenffiture, Avith a desire to suggest to you any savings that may be made, conr sistently with the accustomed wants, habits, and expectations of our feUow-citizens. I regret to say, that I can discern none of much importance. The population of the city is increasing. The support of the School and Fire estabUshment is expected to be maintained in fuU energy. The city is at present defectively lighted, though additions are constantly making to the number of lamps and quantity of oU. Many stteets are unpaved, the claims of whose inhabitants to equal accommodations with thek neighbors, are exttemely importunate. Occasions constantly present themselves for the Avidening of stteets, which, if not improved, wiU not recur for many years. It is my own. opinion, that the cleaning and the sweeping of the stteets are practised to a needless and pernicious extreme ; but such Mtherto seems to be the pleasm-e of our feUow-citizens, to which I have conse quently instructed the Superintendent of Stteets to conform. Of the sums appropriated for the cm-rent expenses of this year, more than nineteen thousand dollars have been pffid to meet the arrearages of the last financial year, arising from outstand ing conttacts and demands. It is confidently believed, that no such items will appear to trench upon the appropriations for the cmrent service ; stiU, it is apprehended that no very important reduction can be made in our annual expenffiture. On the subject of salaries, I have but a single remark, that can be made with decorum. Shoffid a general reduction of the salaries of your city officers be decided on, I shall not avail myself of the protection provided by charter for the Mayor's salai-y during the period for which he is elected ; but shaU con form to what I may discern to be thepublicsentiment. CITY GOVERNMENT.- 305 Nothing remains for me but to renew to you all my sincere expression of the good wishes inspued by the associations of the season, and to assure you of the gi-eat pleasure I shaU derive in my humble attempts to give effect to your ordinances. H. G. Otis. January 4, 1830. On the eighth of February, 1830, the Mayor communicated a letter from the Hon. John Davis, Thomas L. Winthrop, James Savage, and the Rev. Dr. Thaddeus M. Hams, a Committee of the Massachusetts Historical Society, "respecting the expe diency of celebrating the second century of the foundation of Boston, which happens the present year," which, being read, was referred to a committee, consisting of the Mayor, Aldermen Rus seU and Lewis, and Messrs. Bigelow, Minns, James, Eveleth, and Gregg, of the Common Council, to consider and report. On the fost of March ensuing, this Committee reported, that the seventeenth of September next wffi be the commencement of the third century, since the name of Boston was fost con ferred upon this city by the Court of Assistants then held at Charlestown, and that there would be a propriety in the public celebration of that day by the citizens of Boston and their government ; that a pubUc adffiess commemorative of that event and its aU-important consequences be, on that day, deUvered at some suitable place in tMs city ; that a committee of arrange ments be authorized to engage an orator for that day, and to make such other dispositions for the honorable notice of it as they may deem proper. The report being accepted in both branches, the Mayor and Benjamin T. Pickman, President of the Common CouncU, and the other members who constituted the Committee that made the above report, were appointed a Committee of Arrangements to carry the same into effect. This Committee invited Josiah Quincy, then President of Harvard University, to deUver the oration, and Charies Sprague, Esq., a distinguished citizen of Boston, to deliver a poem on that occasion, both of whom accepted the appointment. On the eighth of March, 1830, an order was passed by the Board of Aldermen, " that notice be given to the New England Society for the promotion of Manufactures and the Mechanic 26* 306 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. Arts, that, after the expiration of six months, the vote which passed the City CouncU on the nineteenth of November, 1827,1 granting the exclusive use of the hall over the Market for the purpose of their semi-annual sales, from the fifteenth day of March to the fifteenth day of April, and from the fifteenth day of August to the fifteenth day of September, free of rent, until the further order of the City CouncU, and that six months' notice should be given to the said Society of the rescinffing of this privilege, be and the same is hereby rescinded." This being passed by the Board of Aldermen, was, on the twenty-second of March, non-concurred by the Common CouncU ; and on the twenty-ninth, a committee of conference was appointed, con sisting of the Mayor, and Alderman Armsttong, and Messrs. Waters and Winslow Wright, of the Common CouncU, on the subject of the difference between the two Boards. On the tMrd day of May, this Committee reported, that the privUege granted to the New England Society was experimental and a temporary accommodation ; that a diversity of opinion ex isted among those mterested in manufactures, as to the advan tage of persevering in these semi-annual sales ; that whatever course the manufacturers might adopt on the subject, the " ttue inquiry of the city government was, whether the advantage indirectly accruing to the city itself, from their continuance, was equivalent to the emolument which may reasonably be antici pated directly to result from another mode of disposing of the premises. Your Committee are unable 'to discern that that is the case. The manufactures of this part of the country have now attained so good a standard, and to such celebrity, that whenever the supply tMoughout the United States does not exceed the demand, they avUI be sought for by customers, whe ther to be .had at private or public sales. The use of the buUd ing is of little or no value to those who fabricate the goods. The amount of the storage thus saved (if in fact it be saved) averaged on the whole quantity of goods sold, cannot be felt in the price of the goods, either by the inffividual seUer or the pur chaser ; nor can the accommodation be very important to the auctioneers, aU of whom have capacious warehouses. On the other hand, the state of the city and its finances impose upon its 1 See p. 251. CITY GOVERNMENT. 307 government the duty to avail themselves of every fan source of revenue in its occupation of its property." The Committee declared their beUef that a fair rent might be obtained for the use of the haU ; and that if the New England Society should be incUned to persevere in then: public sales, there might be a dis position to aUow them the use of FaneuU HaU in Ueu of that in then present occupation. The Committee, therefore, recom mended that the Common CouncU recede from their vote of the twenty-second of March, non-concurring with the order of the Board of Aldermen, passed on the eighth of March, and that they concm in passing the same ; and that' the Mayor and Aldermen be authorized to lease the haU over the Market, here tofore used by the New England Society, upon the best terms they can obtain. . This report was accepted, and the order passed in both branches of the City CouncU. In May of this year, a Committee of the Society for the Sup pression of Intemperance petitioned the Mayor and Aldermen to cause a band of music to be stationed on the Common on the afternoons and evenings of the General Election and Fourth of July, such a practice having, in their judgment, a tendency to promote order and suppress an inclination to riot and intempe rance, which, on the report of a committee, was ordered, and an adequate appropriation was voted. Orders at the same meeting were passed simUar to those issued in 1828, directing the constables of the city to prosecute any person who should seU on the Common, in the maUs, or in any of the stteets contiguous thereto, spirituous Uquors or any mixed liquors ; or avUo should, upon any of said places, play at cards, or ffice, or with any implements used in gaming, on the day of General Election, ArtiUery Election, and the Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence ; and before granting per mission to any person to erect booths, notice to the above effect should be given, and also by publishing copies of this order in the newspapers and in suitable pubUc places. On the twenty-fifth of June, the Mayor, by special message, after referring to the relations and interests of the city, in respect of the public buUdings at its command, for public purppses, recommended the giving to the Committee charged with the alteration and repairs of the Old State House, fuU power to pre- 308 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. pare in that builffing chambers for the accommodation of the Mayor and Aldermen and Common CouncU and such of the city officers as could be conveniently provided for in those pre mises. This recommendation was immeffiately sanctioned by the City CouncU, and the arrangements having been made as suggested in that message, the City CouncU first met in the chambers prepared for their accommodation on the seventeenth of September, 1830, the day assigned for the centennial celebra tion of the foundation of the city, and the two branches being assembled m Convention, the Mayor announced to them the name " by which the effifice " (caUed the Old State House) " shaU hereafter be caUed, namely, — City Hall," — and then made to the Convention an adffiess ; " after which," the records state, " the two branches went in procession to the Old South Church, escorted by the Ancient and Honorable ArtUlery Company, where an adffiess was deUvered by the Honorable Josiah Quincy, President of Harvard University, and a poem by Charles Sprague, Esq., and other serAices were performed in commemoration of the close of the second century from the first settlement of Boston." On the tAventieth of September, votes were passed by both branches of the City CouncU, with customary expressions of interest and respect to Mr. Otis and Mr. Qffincy for their respective addresses, and to Mr. Sprague for his poem ; and copies of each Avere requested for the press. They Avere pubUshed accordingly, and constitute the remaining and final chapters of this history. CHAPTER XXI. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1830. Harrison Grat Otis, Mayor. .Address of the Mayor to the Members of the City CouneU, on the Removal of , the Municipal Government to the Old State House, on the Morning of the 17th of September, r830. Gentlemen of the Common Council : — I have the honor to announce to you, that the Mayor and Aldermen have concurred with your request to change the name of this buUding, and to order that it be henceforth caUed and known by the name of the City Hall. Gentlemen of the City Council: — The mtimations which I have received from many mdividuals of your body, have left me no room to doubt of your general expectation, that this fost occasion of om- meeting in this chamber should not be permitted to pass away Avithout something more than a brief record of the event upon your journals. The spot on which we are convened is patriot ground. It was consecrated by our pious ancestors to the duties of providmg- for the welfare of their infant settlementj and for a long series of years was occupied in succession by the great and good men, whom Providence raised up to establish the institutions and liberties of their country. There are none, who have paid even a superficial attention to the process of their perceptions, who are not conscious that a proUfic somce of intellectual pleasures and pains is found in our faculty of associating the remembrance of characters and events, which have most interested our affections and passions, with the spot whereon the first have lived and the latter have occurred. It is to the magic of this local influence that we are indebted for the charm which recaUs the sports and pastimes of om chUd- hood, the joyous days of youth, when buoyant spnits invested aU surrounffing objects with the color of the rose. It is this which brings before us, as we look back tMough the vista of 310 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. riper years, past enjoyments and afflictions, aspiring hopes and bitter disappointments, the temptations we have encountered, the snares which have entangled us, the dangers we have escaped, the fidelity or tt-eachery of friends. It is this which enables us to surround ourselves with the images of those who weire asso ciates in the scenes we contemplate, and to hold sweet converse with the spirits, of the departed, whom we have loved or hon ored in the places which shaU know them no more. But the potency of these local associations is not Umited to the sphere of our personal experience. We are quaUfied by it to derive gratification from what we have heard and read of other times, to bring forth forgotten treasures from the recesses of memory, and recreate fancy in the fields of imagmation. The regions which have been famed in sacred or fabulous history; the mountains, plains, isles, rivers, celebrated in the classic page ; the seas ttaversed by the ffiscoverers of new worlds ; the fields in which empires have been lost and won, are scenes of enchant ment for the visitor who indulges the ttains of perception, wMch either rush unbidden on his mind, or are courted by its volun tary efforts. This faculty it is, which, united with a disposition to use it to advantage, alone gives dignity to the passion for visit ing foreign countries, and distingffishes the phUosopher, who moralizes on the turf that covers the mouldering dust of ambi tion, valor, or patriotism, from the fashionable vagabond, who flutters among the flowers which bloom over their graves. Among all the objects of mental association, ancient buUdings and ruins affect us Avith the deepest and most vivid emotions* They were the works of beings like ourselves. WhUe a mist impervious to mortal view hangs over the future, aU our fond imaginings of the things which " eye hath not seen nor ear heard," in the eterffity to come, are inevitably associated with the men, the events and things, wffich have gone to join the eternity that is past. When imagination has in vain essayed to rise beyond the stars which " proclaim the story of their birth," inquisitive to know the occupations and condition of the sages and heroes whom we hope to join in a higher empyrean, she drops her weary wing, and is compelled to alight among the fragments of " gorgeous palaces and cloud-capp'd towers," which cover then human ruins ; and, by aid of these localities, to rumi nate upon their virtues and their faffits, on their deeds m the CITY GOVERNMENT. 311 cabinet and in the field, and upon the revolutions of the suc cessive ages in which they Uved. To this propensity may be ttaced the sublimated feeUngs of the man, who, familiar with the stories of Sesostris, the Pharaohs, and the Ptolemies, sm-- veys the pyramids, not merely as stupendous fabrics of mecha nical skiU, but as monuments of the pride and ambitious foUy of kings, and of the debasement and oppression of the wretched ijfiyriads, by whose labors they were raised to the skies. To this must be referred the awe and contrition Avhich solemnize and melt the heart of the Christian who looks into the Holy Sepulchre, and beUeves he sees the place where the Lord was laid. From this originate the musings of the scholar, who, amid the ruins of the Parthenon and the AcropoUs, ttansports his imagination to the age of Pericles and Phiffias ; — the reflec tions of aU not dead to sentiment,' who descend to the subterra nean habitation of PompeU, — handle the utensils that once ministered to the wants, and the ornaments subservient to the luxm-y of a poUshed city, — behold the rut of wheels upon the pavement hidden for ages from human sight, — and realize the aAvfffi hour when the hum of industty and the song of joy, the waffing of the infant and the garruUty of age, were suddenly and forever sUenced by the fiery deluge which bm-ied the city, UntU accident and industry, after the lapse of nearly eighteen centuries, revealed its ruins to the curiosity and cupiffity of the passing age. These remarks, in which you may think there is more of ttuth than of novelty, have been suggested by the experiment, which, a few days since, I attempted, to condense in the compass of a short address a few ideas appropriate to this occasion. Begin ning to think upon matters connected with the old Town House, I found my mind confused, and overwhelmed Avith the multi tudinous associations of our early history which it naturally induced. To indulge them to a great extent, woffid ttehch upon the province and the hour assigned to another, whose eloquence wUl furnish the principal gratification of the day. It is, therefore, indispensable, to confine myself to a few observa tions, and consequently to' do but imperfect justice to my feel ings and the subject. The history of the Town House, considered merely as a com- pages of brick and wood, is short and simple. It was erected 312 MUNICIPAL mSTORY. between the years 1657 and 1659, and was principaUy of wood, as far as can be ascertffined. The conttactor received six hun dred and eighty pounds, on a final settlement in fuU of aU con tracts. This was probably the whole amount of the cost, being double that of the estimate — a ratio pretty regffiarly kept up in om- times. The popffiation of the town, sixty years afterwards, was about ten thousand ; and it is allowing an increase beyond the criterion of its actual numbers at subsequent periods, to pre sume that at the time of the fo-st erection of the Town House, it numbered three thousand souls. In 1711, the buUding was burnt to the ground, and soon afterwards built Avith brick. Irl 1747, the interior was again consumed by fire, and soon repaired in the form wMch it retained until the present improvement, Avith the exception of some alterations in the apartments made upon the removal of the Legislature to the new State House. The eastern chamber was originaUy occupied by the CouncU, afterwards by the Senate. The Representatives constantly held their sittings in the western chamber. The floor of these was supported by pUlars, and terminated at each end by doors, and at one end by a flight of steps leading into State Sti-eet. In the day time, the doors were kept open, and the floor served as a walk for the inhabitants, always much frequented, and during the sessions of the courts, thronged. On the north side, were offices for the clerks of the supreme and inferior comts. In these the judges robed themselves, and walked in procession, followed by the bar, at the opening of the courts. Committee- rooms were provided in the upper story. Since the removal of the Legislature, it has been internaUy divided into apartments and leased for various uses in a mode familiar to you all, and it has now undergone great repairs. TMs floor being adapted to the accommodation of the city government, and principal officers, while the fost floor is aUotted to the post-office, newsroom, and private warehouses. In this brief account of the natm-al body of the building, which it is beUeved comprehends whatever is material, there is nothing certainly dazzling or extraordinary. It exhibits no pomp of architectural grandeur or refined taste, and has no pretensions to vie Avith the magnificent structures of other coun tties or even of our OAvn. Yet it is a goodly and venerable pile ; and, with its recent improvements, is an ornament of the place. CITY GOVERNMENT. 3I3 of whose Uberty it was once the citadel. And it has an interest for Bostonians who enter it this day, lUie that wMch is felt by grown children for an ancient matt-on by whom they were reared, and whom, visiting after years of absence, they find her ^n her neat, chaste, old-fashioned attne, spruced up to receive them, with her comforts about her, and the same Mnd, hospi table, and exceUent creature, whom they left in less flourishing circumstances. But to this edffice there is not only a natmal but « a spnitual body," which is the immortal soul of Independ ence. Nor is there, on the face of the earth, another building, however venerable for its antiqffity or stately in its magnifi cence, however decorated by columns and porticos, and car toons, and statues, and altars, and outshining " the wealth of Ormus or of Ind," entitled in history to more honorable men tion, or whose spires and tmrets are sun-ounded with a more glorious halo, than this unpretending building. This assertion nught be justified by a review of the parts per formed by those who have made laws for a centmy after the first settlement of Boston ; of their early contention for their chartered rights ; of their perils and difficffities with the natives ; of their costly and heroic exertions in favor of the mother country in the common cause. But I pass over them aU, replete as they are with interest, Avith wonder, and with moral. Events posterior to those gro-wing out of them indeed, and taking from them their complexion, are considered by reflecting men as having pro duced more raffical changes in the character, relations, prospects, and (so far as it becomes us to prophesy) in the destinies of the human famUy, than all other events and revolutions that have transpired since the Christian era. I do not say that the princi ples which have led to these events originated here. But I veur ture to assert that" here, within these waUs, they were first prac- ticaUy appUed to a well-regulated machinery of human passions, conscious rights, and steady movements, which, forcing these Uffited States to the summit of prosperity, has been adopted as a model by which other nations have been, and wiU yet be pro- peUed on the raihoad which leads to universal freedom. The power of these engines is self-moving, and the motion is perpe- tiial. Sages and philosophers had discovered that the world Avas made for the people who inhabit it ; and that kings were less entitled in then own right to its government than Uons, whose 27 314 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. claims to be lords of the forest are supported by physical prow ess. But the books and tteatises which maintained these doc- ttines were read by the admirers of the Lockes and Sidneys and Miltons and Harringtons, and replaced on their shelves as brU- Uant theories. Or, if they impeUed to occasional action, it ended in bringing new tyrants to the throne and sincere pattiots to the scaffold. But your progenitors who occupied these seats fost taught a whole people systematicaUy to combine the united force of their moral and physical energies ; to learn the rights of insurrection, not as Avritten in the language of the passions, but in codes and digests of its justifiable cases ; to enforce them under the resttaints of ffiscipUne ; to define and Umit its objects ; to be content with success, and to make sure of its advantages. All this they ffid ; and when the propitious hour had arrived, they caUed on their counttymen as the angel caUed upon the apostles, — " Come, rise up quickly, and the chains feU from their hands." The inspiring voice echoed through the welkin in Europe and America, and awakened nations. He who would learn the effects of it, must read the history of the world for the last half century. He who would anticipate the consequences must ponder well the probabiUties with which time is pregnant for the next. The memoi-y of these men is entitled to a full share of aU the honor arising from the advantage derived to mankind from this change of condition, but yet is not charge able Avith the crimes and misfortunes, more than is the memory of Fulton with the occasional bursting of a boUer. Shall I then glance rapidly at some of the scenes and the actors who figm-ed in them withm these waUs ? ShaU I carry you back to the conttoversies between Governor Barnard and the House of Representatives, commencing nearly seventy years ago, respecting the claims of the mother countt-y to tax the Colo- ffies without their consent ? To the stand made agamst writs of assistance in the chamber now intended for your Mayor and Aldermen, where and when, according to John Adams, " Inde pendence was born ? " and whose star was then seen in the East by Avise men. To the memorable vinffication of the House of Representatives by one of its members ? To the " Rights of the Colonies," adopted by the Legislatm-e as a text book, and transmitted by their order to the British Ministty ? To the series of pattiotic resolutions, protests, and State papers, teeming CITY GOVERNMENT. 315 with mdignant eloquence and irresistible argument in opposi-. tion to the stamp and other tax acts? To the landmg and quar tering of ttoops in the town ? To the rescinffing of resolutions in obeffience to royal mandates ? To the removal of the seat of government, and the untiring struggle in which the Legisla tme was engaged for fourteen or fifteen years, supported by the Adamses, the Thachers, the Hawleys, the Hancocks, the Bow- doins, the Qffincys, and then- ffiusttious coUeagues ? In fact, the most important measures which led to the emancipation of the Colonies, accorffing to Hutchinson, a competent judge, origin ated in tMs house, in this apartment, with those men, who, put ting Ufe and fortune on the issue, adopted for their motto, — " Let such, such only tread this sacred floor Who dare to love their country and be poor." Events of a ffifferent complexion are also associated Avith the Boston Town House. At one time it was desecrated by the King's tt'oops, quartered in the Representatives' chamber, and on the lower floor. At another time, cannon were stationed and pointed toward its doors. Below the balcony m King Street, on the dolefffi night of the fifth of March, the blood of the fost vic tims to the mffitary executioners was shed. On the appearance of the Governor in the stteet, he was surrounded by an immense throng, who, to prevent mischief to his person, though he had lost their confidence, forced him into this buUding, with the cry " to the Town House ! to the Town House ! " He then went forth into the bafcony, and promising to use his endeavors to bring the offenders to justice, and advising the people to retire, they dispersed, vociferating " home ! home ! " The Governor and Council remained aU night deliberating in dismal conclave, while the friends of their country bedewed their pffiows Avith tears, — " such tears as patriots shed for dying laws." But I woffid not wish, under any circumstances, to dweU upon inci dents Uke these, thankfffi as I am that time, which has secured our freedom, has extinguished our resentments. I therefore tmn from these painfffi reminiscences, and refer you to the day when Independence, matme in age and lovehness, advanced Avith angelic grace from the chamber in which she was born into the same balcony, and holding in her hand the immortal scroU on which her name and character and claims to her inheritance 316 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. were inscribed, received from the street, fiUed with an impene- trable phalanx, and windows glittering with a blaze of beauty, the heartfelt homage and electtifying peals of the men, wonieri, and chUdren of the whole city. The splendor of that glorious vision of my chUdhood seems to be now present to my view, and the harmony of that universal concert to vibrate in my ear. Such, gentlemen, is the cursory and meagre chronicle of the men and the occurrences which have given celebrity to this bffilffing. And if it be true, that we are now before the altar, whence the coals were taken which have kinffied the flame of Uberty in two hemispheres, you AviU reaUze with me the senti ment already expressed, that the most interesting associations of the eventfffi history of the age might rise in natmal ttains, and be indffiged and presented on this occasion without violence to propriety. We, gentlemen, have now become, for a short period, occu pants of this temple of Liberty. Henceforth, for many years, the city government will probably be here administered. The duties of its members are less arduous, painful, and dignified than those of the eminent persons who once graced these seats, and procured for us the privilege of admission to them. Yet, let not these duties be undervalued. They are of sufficient weight and importance to excite a conscientious desire in good minds, to cffitivate a public spirit, and imitate Avith reverence great examples. There is ample scope for ffispositions to serve our fellow-citizens in the department of the city government. It is charged with concerns affecting the daUy comfort and prosperity of sixty thousand persons, a number exceeding that of several of these United States at the time of then admission into the Union. The resffits of their deliberations have an immediate bearing upon the morals, health, education, and purse of this community, and are generally of more interest to their feelings and welfare than the ordinary acts of State legis lation. It is a community, which any man may regard as a subject of just pride to represent, rivalled by none in orderly and moral habits, general inteUigence, commercial and mechaiuc skUl, a spirit of national enterprise, and above aU a vigUance for the interest of posterity manifested in the provision made for pubUc education. No state of society can be found more happy and attractive than yours. Many of those who are in its first CITY GOVERNMENT. 317 ranks rose from humble beginnings, and hold out encourage ment to others to foUow their steps. There is, so far as I can judge, more real equality, and a more general acquaintance and intercourse among the different vocations, than is elsewhere to be found in a populous city. Those of the middling class as respects wealth, the mechanics and the workingmen, are not only eUgible, but constantly elected to all offices in state and city, in such proportion as they (constituting the great majority) see fit to assign. We enjoy the blessings of a healthy cUmate, delightfffi position, and ample resources for prosperity in com merce, manufactures, and the mechanic arts, all of which, I am persuaded, are at this moment gradually reviving, after some vicissitude from time and chance, which happen to aU things. May we, and those who will succeed us, appreciate the respon- sibleness attached to our places by the merit of our predeces sors ; and, though we cannot serve our country to the same advantage, may we love it Avith equal fidelity. And may the Guardian Genius of our beloved city forever delight to dweU in these renovated waUs ! 27' CHAPTER XXIL CITY GOVERNMENT. 1830. Harrison Gray Otis, Mayor. Address to the Citizens of Boston, on the 17th of September, 1830, the Close-of the Second Century from the First Settlement of the City. By Josiah Quincy, President of Harvard University. Of all the affections of man, those which connect him with ancestry are among the most natural and generous. They enlarge the sphere of his interests ; multiply his motives to virtue ; and give intensity to his sense of duty to generations to come, by the perception of obligation to those which are pasi In Avhatever mode of existence man finds himself, be it savage or civilized, he perceives that he is indebted for the far greater part of his possessions and enjoyments, to events over which he had no conttol ; to individuals, whose names, perhaps, never reached his ear; to sacrifices, in which he never shared; and to sufferings, awakening in Ms bosom few and very ti-ansient sympathies. Cities and empires, not less than individuals, are chiefly indebted for their fortunes to circumstances and influences inde pendent of the labors and wisdom of the passing generation. Is om- lot cast in a happy soil, beneath a favored sky, and under the shelter of free institutions? How few of aU these blessings do we owe to oar own power, or our own prudence! How few, on which Ave cannot discern the impress of long past generations ! It is natmal, that reflections of this kind should awaken curi osity concerning the men of past ages. It is suitable', and characteristic of noble natures, to love to trace in venerated institutions the evidences of ancestral worth and Avisdom ; and to cherish that mmgled sentiment of awe and admiration, which takes possession of the soffi, in the presence of ancient, deep- laid, and massy monuments of intellectual and moral power. CITY GOVERNMENT. 319 Under impulses thus natmal and generous, at the invitation of your municipal authorities, you have assembled. Citizens of Boston, on this day, in commemoration of the era of the found ation of your city, bearing in fond recollection the virtues of your fathers, to pass in review the circumstances which formed their character, and the institutions which bear its stamp ; to take a rapid survey of that broad horizon, which is resplendent with their glories ; to compress, within the narrow circle of an hour, the resffits of memory, perception, and hope ; combining honor to the past, gratitude for the present, and fidelity to the future. Stanffing, after the lapse of two centuries, on the very spot selected for us by our fathers, and surrounded by social, moral, and reUgious blessings greater than paternal love, in its fondest visions, ever dared to fancy, we naturaUy turn our eyes back ward, on the descending current of years ; seeking the causes of that prosperity, which has given this city so distingffished a name and rank among simUar associations of men. Happily its foundations were not laid in dark ages, nor is its origin to be sought among loose and obscure traditions. The age of our early ancestors was, in many respects, eminent for learning and civUization. Our ancestors themselves were deeply versed in the knowledge and attainments of their period. Not only their motives and acts appear in the general histories of their time, but they are unfolded in then own Avritings, with a simpUcity and boldness, at once commanding admiration and not permitting mistake. If this condition of things resttict the imagination in its natural tendency to exaggerate, it assists the judgment rightly to analyze, and justiy to appreciate. If it deny the power, enjoyed by ancient cities and states, to elevate om ancestors above the condition of humanity, it confers a much more precious privilege, that of estimating by unequivocal stand ards the inteUectual and moral greatness of the eariy, interven ing, and passing periods ; and thus of judging concerning com parative attainment and progress in those qualities which con stitute the dignity of our species. Instead of looking back, as antiquity was accustomed to do, on fabling legends of giants and heroes, — of men exceeding in size, in sttength, and in labor, aU experience and history, and consequentiy, being obliged to contemplate the races of men, dAvindUng with time, and 320 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. growing less amid increasing stimulants and advantages ; we are thus enabled to view things in Ughts more conformed to the natural suggestions of reason, and the actual results of observa tion ; — to witness improvement in its slow but sure progress ; in a general advance, constant and unquestionable ; — to pay due honors to the greatness and virtues of our early ancestors, and be, at the same time, just to the not inferior greatness and virtues of succeeding generations of men, their descendants and our progenitors. Thus we substantiate the cheering conviction, that the virtues of ancient times have not been lost, or debased, in the course of their descent, but, in many respects, have been refined and elevated ; and so, standing faithful to the generations which are past, and fearless in the presence of the generations to come, we accumulate on our own times the responsibility, that an inheritance, which has descended to us enlarged and im^* proved, shall not be ttansmitted by us diminished or deteriorated. As our thoughts course along the events of past times, from the hour of the first settlement of Boston to that in which we are now assembled, they ttace the sttong features of its charac ter, indelibly impressed upon its acts and in its history, — clear conceptions of duty ; bold vindications of right ; reaffiness to incur dangers and meet sacrffices, in the maintenance of Uberty, civU and religious. Early selected as the place of the chief settiement of New England, it has, through every subsequent period, maintained its relative ascendency. In the arts of peace and in the energies of war, in the virtues of prosperity and adversity, in wisdom to plan and vigor to execute, in extensiw- ness of enterprise, success in accumulating wealth, and Uberahty in its distribution, its inhabitants, if not unrivalled, have not been surpassed, by any similar society of men. Through good report and evil report, its influence has at all times been so dis tinctly seen and acknowledged in events, and been so decisive on the destinies of the region of which it was the head, that the inhabitants of the adjoining colonies of a foreign nation early gave the name of this place to the whole country ; and at this day, among their descendants, the people of the whole United States! a^yg distingffished by the name of " Bostonians." 1 Bostonais. The name is thus appUed, at this day, by the Canadian French. During our Revolutionary War, Americans from the United States were thus designated in France. Nor was the custom wholly discontinued even as late as CITY GOVERNMENT. 321 Amidst perils and obstructions, on the bleak side of the mountain on which it was fost cast, the seedling oak, self- rooted, shot upward with a determined vigor. Now slighted and now assailed ; amidst alternating sunshine and storm ; with the axe of a native foe at its root, and the lightning of a foreign power, at times, scathing its top, or withering its branches, it grew, it flourished, it stands — may it forever stand! — the honor of the field. On this occasion, it is proper to speak of the founders of our city, and of their glory. Now in its true acceptation, the term glory expresses the splendor, which emanates from virtue in the act of producing general and permanent good. Right concep tions, then, of the glory of our ancestors, are alone to be attained by analyzing their virtues. These virtues, indeed, are not seen Charactered in breathing bronze, or in Uving marble. Our ances tors have left no Corinthian temples on our hills, no Gothic iathedrals on our plains, no proud pyramid, no storied obelisk, in our cities. But mind is there. Sagacious enterprise is there. An active, vigorous, inteUigent, moral popffiation throng our cities, and predominate in our fields ; men, patient of labor, submissive to law, respecttffi to authority, regardfffi of right, faithfffi to liberty. These are the monuments of our ancestors. They stand immutable and immortal, in the social, moral, and inteUectual condition of their descendants. They exist in the spirit which their precepts instiUed, and their example implanted. Let no man think, that, to analyze and place in a just light the virtues of the first settlers of New England, is a departure from the purpose of this celebration ; or deem so meanly of our duties, as to conceive that merely local relations, the circum stances which have given celebrity and character to this single city, are the only, or the most appropriate topics for the occa sion. It was to this spot, during twelve successive years, that the great body of those fost settlers emigrated. In this place, they either fixed permanently their abode, or took then depart ure from it for the coast, or the interior. Whatever honor devolves on this metropoUs from the events connected Avith its the year 1795. "We may remark," says a writer in the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, (Vol. vi., First Series, p. 69,) "that Boston was not only the capital of Massachusetts, but the town most celebrated of any in North America. Its trade was extensive ; and the name often stands for the country in old authors." 322 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. first settlement, is not solitary or exclusive ; it is shared with Massachusetts ; with New England ; in some sense, A\ith the whole United States. For what part of this wide empire, be it sea or shore, lake or river, mountain or valley, have the descend ants of the first settlers of New England not ttaversed ? what depth of forest, not penetrated ? what danger of nature or man, not defied ? Where is the cffitivated field, in redeeming which from the wilderness, their vigor has not been displayed ? Where, amid unsubdued nature, by the side of the fost log hut of the settler, does the school-house stand and the church spire rise, unless the sons of New England are there ? Where does im provement advance, under the active energy of wffiing hearts and ready hands, prostrating the moss-covered monarchs of the wood, and from their ashes, amid their charred roots, bidding the greensward and the waving harvest to upspring, and the spirit of the fathers of New England is not seen, hovering, and shed- ffing around the benign influences of sound, social, moral, and reU gious institutions, stronger and more enduring than knotted oak, or tempered steel ? The sweUing tide of their descendants has spread upon our coasts ; ascended our rivers ; taken possession of our plains. Already it encircles our lakes. At this hour the rusMng noise of the advancing wave startles the wUd beast in his lair among the prairies of the West. Soon it shaU be seen climbing the Rocky Mountains ; and, as it dashes over their cliffs, shall be haUed by the dwellers on the Pacific, as the har binger of the coming blessings of safety, liberty, and truth. The glory, which belongs to the vntues of our ancestors, is seen radiating from the nature of their design ; from the spirit in which it was executed ; and from the character of their insti tutions. That emigration of Englishmen, which, two centuries ago, resulted in the settlement, on this day, of this metropolis, was distinguished by the comparative greatness of the means em ployed, and the number, rank, fortune, and intellectual endow ments of those engaged in it, as leaders, or associates. Twelve ships, transporting somewhat less than nine hundred souls, constituted the physical strength of the first enterprise. In the course of the twelve succeeding years, tAventy-two thousand souls emigrated in one hundred and ninety-two ships, at a cost, incluffing the private expenses of the adventurers, which cannot CITY GOVERNMENT. 323 be estimated in our currency, at less than one mUlion of dollars. At that time the tide of emigration was stayed. Intelligent writers of the last century assert, that more persons had subse quently gone from New England to Europe, than had come to it during the same period from that quarter of the globe. A cotemporary historian ^ represents the leaders of the first emigra tion, as " gentlemen of good estate and reputation, descended from, or connected by marriage with, noble famffies; having large means, and great yearly revenue sufficient in all reason to content ; their tables abundant in food, their coffers in coin ; possessing beautiful houses, fffied Avith rich furniture ; gainfffi m their business, and growing rich daily ; weU provided for them selves, and having a sure competence for their chUffien ; want ing nothing of a worlffiy nature to complete the prospects of ease and enjoyment, or which could contribute to the pleasures, the prospects, or the splendors of life." The question forces itself on the mind. Why did such men emigrate ? Why ffid men of their condition exchange a plea sant and prosperous home for a repffisive and cheerless wUder- ness; a civUized for a barbarous vicinity? Why, qffitting peaceful and happy dweffings, dare the dangers of tempestuous and unexplored seas, the rigors of untried and severe cUmates, the ffifficffities of a hard soU, and the inhuman warfare of a savage foe ? An answer must be sought in the character of the times; and in the spirit, which the condition of their native country and age had a direct tendency to excite and cherish. The general civU and reUgious aspect of the EngUsh nation, m the age of om ancestors, and in that immeffiately preceffing their emigration, was singularly hatefffi and repulsive. A foreign hierarchy, contending with a domestic despotism for infaffibiUty and supremacy, in matters of faith. Confiscation, imprison ment, the axe and the stake, approved and customary means of making proselytes and promoting uniformity. The fires of Smithfield, now Ughted by the corrupt and seffish zeal of Roman pontiffs ; and now rekindled, by the no less corrupt and seffish zeal of EngUsh sovereigns. AU men clamorous for the rights of conscience, when in subjection; aU actively persecuting, when in authority. Everywhere religion considered as a state 1 Johnson's " Wonder-Working Providence of Sion's Saviour in New Eng land," eh. 12. 324 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. entity, and having apparently no real existence, except in asso? ciations in support of established power, or in opposition to it. The moral aspect of the age was not less odious than its civil. Every benign and characteristic virtue of Christianity was pubUcly conjoined, in close aUiance Avith its most offensive opposite. HumiUty wearing the tiara, and branffisMng the keys, in the excess of the pride of temporal and spiritual power, The Roman pontiff, under the title of " the servant of servants,'' Avith his foot on the neck of every monarch in Christendom : and under the seal of the fisherman of GalUee, detMoning kings and giving away Mngdoms. Purity, content, and self-denial preached by men, who held the wealth of Europe tributary to their luxury, sensuality, and spiritual pride. Brotherly love in the mouth, whUe the hand applied the instrument of torture, Charity, mutual forbearance, and forgiveness chanted in umson Avith clanMng chains and crackling fagots. Nor was the inteUectual aspect of the age less repulsive than its civil and moral. The native charm of the religious feeling lost, or disfigured amidst forms, and ceremonies, and discipUnes, By one class, piety was identified with copes, and crosiers, and tippets, and genuflexions. By another class, aU these were abhorred as the tticks and conjuring garments of popery, or at best, in the language of Calvin, as " tolerable fooleries ; " while they, on their part, identified piety Avith looks, and language, and gestures, extracted or typified from Scripture, and fashioned according to the newest " pattern of the mount." By none were the rights of private judgment acknoAvledged. By all, creeds, and dogmas, and confessions, and catechisms, collected from Scripture with metaphysical skill, arranged with reference to temporal power and influence, and erected into standards of faith, were made the flags and raUying points of the spiritual swordsmen of the church miUtant. The fost emotion, which this vieAV of that period excites, at the present day, is contempt or ffisgust. But the men of that age are no more responsible for the mistakes into which they fell, under the circumstances in which the inteUectual eye was then placed, than we, at this day, for those optical ffiusions to which the natural eye is subject, before time and experience have corrected the judgment, and insttucted it in the true laws of nature and vision. It was their fate to Uve in the crepuscular CITY GOVERNMENT. 325 state of the intellectual day, and by the law of their nature they were compelled to see things darkly, through false and shifting mediums, and in lights at once dubious and deceptive. For centuries, a night of Egyptian darkness had overspread Europe, in the " palpable obscure " of which, priests and monarchs and nobles had not only found means to inthral the minds of the multitude, but absolutely to lose and bewilder their own. When the Ught of learning began to dawn, the first rays of the rising splendor dazzled and confused, rather than dnected -the mind. As the coming light penetrated the thick darkness, the ancient cumulative cloud severed into new forms. Its broken masses became tinged with an uncertain and shifting raffiance. Sha dows assumed the aspect of substances ; the evanescent sugges tions of fancy, the look of fixed reaUties. TUe wise were at a loss what to beUeve, or what to ffiscreffit; how to quit, and where to hold. On aU sides sprang up sects and parties, infiffite in number, incomprehensible in doctrine ; often imperceptible in difference ; yet each claiming for itself infalUbUity, and, in the sphere it affected to influence, supremacy; each violent and hosffie to the others, haughty and hating its non-adhering brother, in a spirit whoUy repugnant to the humiUty and love incfficated by that religion, by which each pretended to be actu ated ; and ready to resort, when it had power, to corporal penal ties, even to death itself, as aUowed modes of self-defence and proselytism. It was the fate of the ancestors of New England to have their lot cast m a state of society thus unprecedented. They were- of that class of the EngUsh nation, m whom the systematic per secutions of a concenttated, civU, and ecclesiastical despotismi had enkindled an intense interest concerning man's social and reUgious rights. Their sufferings had created in their minds a vivid and inextinguishable love of civU and religious liberty ; a fixed resolve, at every perU, to assert and maintain their natural rights. Among the boldest and most intelligent of this class of men, chiefly known by the name of Puritans, were the founders of this mettopolis. To a superficial view, their zeal seems directed to forms and ceremonies and discipUnes which have become at this day obsolete or moffified, and so seems mistaken or misplaced. But the wisdom of zeal for any object is not to be measmed by the particffiar natme of that object, but by the 28 326 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. natm-e of the principle, which the circumstances of the times or of society have identified with such object. Liberty, whether civil or reUgious, is among the noblest objects of human regard. Yet, to a being constituted like man, abstract liberty has no existence, and over him no practical influence. To be for him an efficient principle of action, it must be embodied in some sensible object. Thus, the form of a cap, the color of a surpUce, ship-money, a tax on tea or on stamped paper, objects in them selves indifferent, have been so inseparably identffied with the principle temporarUy connected with them, that martyrs have ffied at the stake, and patriots have faUen in the field, and tMs Avisely and nobly for the sake of the principle, made by the cir cumstances of the time to inhere in them. Now, in the age of our fathers, the principle of civU and reU gious Uberty became identified Avith forms, ffisciplines, and modes of worship. The zeal of our fathers was graduated by the importance of the inhering principle. This gave elevation to that zeal. This creates interest in their sufferings. This entitles them to rank among pattiots and martyrs who have voluntarily sacrfficed themselves to the cause of conscience and their countty. Inffignant at being denied the enjoyment of the rights of conscience, Avhich Avere in that age identified with those sensible objects, and resolute to vindicate them, they quitted counti-y and home, crossed the Atlantic, and, Avithout other auspices than their own strength and their confidence in heaven, they proceeded to lay the foundation of a commonwealth, under the principles, and by the stamina of which, their posterity have established an actual and unconttoverted independence, not less happy than glorious. To their enthusiastic vision aU the com forts of life and aU the pleasures of society were light and worth less in comparison Avith the liberty they sought. The tempest uous sea was less ffieadful than the tt-oubled waves of civil dis cord ; the quicksands, the ufficnown shoals, and unexplored shores of a savage coast, less fearfffi than the metaphysical abysses and perpetuaUy shifting whirlpools of despotic ambi tion and ecclesiastical policy and inttigue; the bow and the tomahawk of the toansatlantic barbarian, less terrible than the flame and fagot of the civilized European. In the calm of our present peace and prosperity, it is difficffit for us to reaUze or appreciate their sorrows and sacrifices. They sought a new CITY GOVERNMENT. 327 world, lying far off in space, destitute of aU the atti-actions which make home and native land dear and venerable. Instead of cultivated fields and a civilized neighborhood, the prospect before them presented nothing but dreary wastes, cheerless cUmates, •and repulsive wildernesses possessed by A\ild beasts and sava ges ; the intervening ocean unexplored and intersected by the fleets of a hostUe nation ; its usual dangers multiplied to the fancy, and, in fact, by ignorance of real hazards and natural fears of such as the event proved to be imaginary. " Pass on," exclaims one of these adventurers,^ " and attend, while these soldiers of faith ship for this western world ; whUe they and their Avives and their little ones take an eternal leave of their countty and kindred. With Avhat heart-breaking affec tion did they press loved friends to their bosoms whom they were never to see again ! their voices broken by grief, till tears stteaming eased their hearts to recovered speech again ; natural affections clamorous, as they take a perpetual banishment from their native soil ; their enterprise scorned; their motives derided; and they counted but madmen and fools. But time shall dis cover the wisdom Avith which they were endued, and the sequel shall show how their policy overtopped aU the human poUcy of this world." Winthrop, their leader and historian, in his simple narrative of the voyage, exhibits them, when in severe sufferings, resigned ; in instant expectation of battle, fearless ; amid storm, sickness, and death, calm, confident, and undismayed. " Our trust," says he, " was in the Lord of hosts." For years, Winthrop, the leader of the fost great enterprise, was the Chief Magistrate of the infant mettopolis. His prudence guided its councUs. His . valor directed its stt-ength. His life and fortune were spent in fixing its character, or in improving its destinies. A bolder spnit never dwelt, a truer heart never beat in any bosom. Had Boston, Uke Rome, a consecrated calendar, there is no name better entitied than that of Winthrop to be registered as its "patron saint." From Salem and Chariestown, the places of their first land mg, they ranged the Bay of Massachusetts to fix the head of the settiement. After much deliberation, and not Avithout opposi- 1 Johnson, in his Wonder-Workiiig Providences of Sion's Saviour in New England, ch. xU. 328 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. tion, they selected this spot, known to the natives by the name of Shawmut, and to the adjoining settlers by that of Trimoimt- ain ; the former indicating the abundance and sweetness of its waters ; the latter, the pecuUar character of its MUs. Accustomed as we are to the beauties of the place and its vicinity, and in the daily perception of the charms of its almost umivaUed scenery, — in the centte of a natural amphitheatte, whose sloping descents the riches of a laborious and inteUectuial cultivation adorn, — where hffi and vale, river and ocean, island and continent, simple nature and unobtrusive art, with con trasted and interchanging harmonies, form a rich and gorgeous landscape, we are Uttle able to realize the almost repffisive aspect of its original state. We wonder at the bUndness of those who, at one time, constituted the majority, and had well- nigh fixed elsewhere the chief seat of the settlement. Nor are we easUy just to Winthrop, Johnson, and their associates, whose skill and judgment selected this spot, and whose firmness settled the wavering minds of the mffititude upon it, as the place for their metropolis ; a decision which the experience of two centu ries has irrevocably justified, and which there is no reason to apprehend that the events or opiffions of any centmy to come wiU reverse. To the eyes of the fo-st emigrants, however, where now exists a dense and aggregated mass of living beings and material' things, amid aU the accommodations of life, the splendors of wealth, the deUghts of taste, and whatever can gratify the culti vated intellect, there were then only a few hUls, which, when the ocean receded, were intersected by Avide marshes, and when its tide returned, appeared a group of lofty islands, abruptly rising from the surrounffing waters. Thick forests concealed the neighboring hiUs, and the deep silence of nature was broken only by the voice of the wild beast or bird and the warwhoop of the savage. The advantages of the place were, however, clearly marked' by the hand of nature ; combining at once present convenience, future security, and an ample basis for permanent groAvth and prosperity. Towards the continent it possessed but a single avenue, and that easUy fortified. Its hiUs then commanded, not only its own waters, but the hUls of the vicinity. At the bottom of a deep bay, its harbor was capable of containing the proudest. CITY GOVERNMENT. 329 navy of Emope ; yet, locked by islands, and guarded by wind ing channels, it presented great ffifficffity of access to sttangers, and to the mhabitants great faciUty of protection against mari time invasion ; while to those acquainted with its waters, it was both easy and accessible. To these advantages were added goodness and plenteousness of water, and the security afforded by that once commanding height, now, alas! obUterated and almost forgotten, since art and industty have levelled the predo minating mountain of the place ; from whose lofty and impos- ffig top the beacon fire was accustomed to raUy the neighboring popffiation on any tMeatened danger to the metropoUs. A sin gle cottage, from which ascended the smoke of the hospitable hearth of Blackstone, who had occupied the peffinsffia several years, was the sole civffized mansion in the soUtude ; the kind master of Avhich, at fost, AA'^elcomed the coming emigrants ; but soon, disliking the sternness of their manners and the severity of their ffiscipUne, abandoned the settlement. His rights, as first occupant, were recognized by our ancestors ; and, in November, 1634, Edmund Qffincy, Samuel WUdbore, and others, were authorized to assess a rate of thirty pounds for Mr. Blackstone,^ on the payment of which all local rights m'the peninsula became vested in its inhabitants. The same bold spirit wMch thus led our ancestors across the Atlantic, and made them prefer a Avilderness where Uberty might be enjoyed, to civilized Europe Avhere it was denied, wUl be found characterizing aU their institutions. Of these, the limits of the time permit me to speak only in general terms. The scope of their poUcy has been usuaUy regarded as though it Avere restricted to the acquisition of religious Uberty in the relation of colonial dependence. No man, however, can truly understand their institutions and the poUcy on which they were founded, Avithout taMng as the basis of aU reasonings concerning them, that civil independence was as truly their object as religious liberty;^ m other words, that the possession of the former was, 1 Winthrop, vol. i. p. 45 ; note by J. Savage. _ 2 The testimony of Chalmers, in his Political Annals of the United Colonies, to the early and undeviating spirit of independence which actuated the first emigrants to Massachusetts, is constant, unequivocal, and conclusive. Those annals were written during the American Revolution, and pubhshed in the year 1780, in the heat of that controversy, and under the auspices of the British government. A few extracts from that work, tending to show the pertinacious 28* in en 33a MUNICIPAL .HISTORY. their opinion, the essential means, indispensable to the secure ijoyment of the latter, which was their great end. The master-passion of our early ancestors was dread of the spirit of independence which characterized our ancestors, and corroborative of the position maintained in the text, cannot fail to be interesting. "The charter of Charles I., obtained in March, 1628-9, was the only one which Massachusetts possessed prior to the Revolution of 1688, and contained its most ancient privUeges. On this was most dexterously engrafted, not only the ori ginal government of that colony, hut even independence itself." Book I. c. vi. p. 136. "The nature of their government was now (1634) changed by a variety of regulations, the legality of which cannot easily be supported by any other than those principles of independence which sprang up among them, and have at aU times governed their actions." Book I. p. 158. Concerning the confederation entered into by the United Colonies of New England in 1643, Chalmers thus expresses himself. " The most inattentive must perceive the exact resemblance that confedera tion bears to a similar junction of the Colonies, more recent, [that of 1775] extensive, and powerful. Both originated from Massachusetts, always fruitful in projects of independence. Wise men at the era of both remarked, that those ¦memorable associations established a complete system of absolute sovereignty, because the principles upon which it was erected necessarily led to what IT WAS NOT THE POLICY OF THE PRINCIPAL AGENTS AT EITHER PERIOD TO AVOAV! " The principles upon which this famous association [that of 1643] was formed, were altogether those of independency, and it cannot easUy be supported on any other. The consent of the governing powers in England was never applied for, and was never given." Book I. c. viU. pp. 177, 178. " Principles of aggrandisement seem constantly to have been had in view by Massachusetts, as the only rule of its conduct." Book I. p. 180. " Massachusetts, in conformity to its accustomed principles, acted, during the civU wars, almost altogether as an independent state. It formed leagues, not only with the neighboring colonies, but with foreign nations, -without the con sent or knowledge of the government of England. It permitted no appeals from its courts to the judicatories of the sovereign State, without which a depend ence cannot be preserved or enforced ; and it refused to exercise its jurisdic tion in the name of the Commonwealth of England. It assumed the government of that part of New England which is now called New Hampshire, and even .extended its power farther eastward over the Province of Maine ; and, by force •of arms, it compelled those who had fled from its persecutions beyond its bound- .aries into the wilderness to submit to its authority. It erected a mint at Boston, impressing the year 1652 on the coin, as the era of independence. Though, as we are assured, the coining of money is the prerogative of the sovereign, and not ¦the privUege of a colony. -" The practice was continued till the dissolutien of its government ; thiis evincing to all what had been foreseen by the wise, that a people of such principles, religious and political, settling at so great a distance from control, would necessarUy form an independent State." Book I. c. viu. p. 181. " The Committee of State of the Long Parliament having resolved to oblige Massachusetts to acknowledge their authority, by taking a new patent from them, and by keeping its courts in their name, that Colony, according to its wonted poUcy, by petition and remonstrance, declaring the love they bore the Parliar ment, the sufferings they had endured in their cause, and tiieir readiness to stand or fall with them, and by flattering Cromwell, prevaUed so far as that the CITY GOVERNMENT. 331 English hierarchy. To place themselves locally beyond the reach of its power, they resolved to emigrate. To secure them selves, after their emigration, from the arm of this their ancient requisitions above-mentioned were never complied with, and the General Court consequently gained the point in the controversy." Book I. c. viii. pp. 184, 185. " But Massachusetts did not only thus artfully foil the ParUament, but it out- fawned and outwitted Cromwell. They decUned his invitation to assist his fleet and army, destined to attack the Dutch at Manhattan, in 1653, and acknowledg ing the continued series of his favors to the Colonies, told him, that, " having been exercised with serious thoughts of its duty at that juncture, which were, that it was most agreeable to the gospel of peace, and safest for the plantations to forbear the use of the sword, if it had been misled, it humbly craved his pardon." Book I. c. vUi. p. 185. " The address of Massachusetts above-mentioned, it should seem, gave perfect satisfaction to Cromwell. Its winning courtship seems to have captivated his rugged heart, and, notwithstanding a variety of complaints were made to him against that Colony, so strong were his attachments, that all attempts, either to obtain redress, or to prejudice it in his esteem, were to no purpose. Thus did Massachusetts, by the prudence or vigor of its councUs, triumph over its oppo nents abroad." Book I. c. viu. p. 188. "After the death of CromweU, Massachusetts acted -with a cautious neutrality. She refused to acknowledge the authority of Richard anymore than that of the Par liament or Protector, because all submission would have been incon sistent WITH HEB independence." " She heard the tidings of the restoration with that scrupulous incredulity, with which men Usten to news which they wish not to be true." Book I. c. x. p. 249. " Prince Charles TL. had received so many proofs of the attachment of the Colonies, during the season of trial, New England only excepted, that he judged rightly, when he presumed they would listen to the news of his restoration with pleasure, and submit to his just authority with alacrity. Nor was he in the least deceived. They proclaimed his accession with a joy in proportion to their recol lection of their late sufferings, and to their hope of future blessings. Of the recent conduct of Massachusetts, he was well instructed ; he foresaw what really happened, that it would receive the tidings of his good fortune with extreme coMness ; he was informed of the proceedings of a society which assembled at Coqper's HaU in order to promote its interests, and with them, the good old cause of enmity to regal power. And in May, 1661, he appointed the great officers of state a committee, ' touching the aflfairs of New England.' That Prince and Colony mutually hated and contemned and feared each other, during his reign, because the one suspected its principles of attachment, and the other dreaded an invasion of its privUeges." Book I. p. 243. " The same vessel which brought King Charles's proclamation to Boston, m 1G60, brought also WhaUey and Goffe, two of the regicides. Far from conceal ing themselves, they were received very courteously by Governor Endicott, and with universal regard by the people of New England. Of this conduct, Charles H. was perfectly informed, and with it he afterwards reproached Massar chusetts." Book I. c. x. pp. 249, 250. "The General Court soon turned its attention to a subject of higher concern ment,— the present condition of affairs. In order rightly to understand that duty which the people owed to themselves, and that obedience which was due to the authority of England, a committee at length reported a declaration of rights and duties, which at once shows the extent of their claims, and their dex terity at involving what they wished to conceal. The General Court resolved, ' That the patent (under God) was the first and main foundation of the cml poUty of that Colony ; that the Governor and Company are, by the patent, a 332 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. oppressor, they devised a plan, which, as they thought, would enable them to establish, under a nominal subjection, an actual independence. The bold and original conception wffich they had the spirit to form and successfully to execute, was the attainment and perpetuation of religious Uberty, under the auspices of a free commonwealth.^ This is the master key to aU their policy ; this the glorious spirit which breathes in all then institutions. Whatever in them is stern, exclusive, or at this day seems questionable, may be accounted for, if not justi fied, by its connection with this great purpose. body politic, which is vested with power to make freemen ; that they have authority to choose a governor, deputy-governor, assistants, and select represent atives ; that this govei-nment hath ability to set up aU kinds of offices ; that the governor, deputy-governor, assistants, and select deputies, have fuU juris diction, both legislative and executive, for the government of the people here, without appeals, ' excepting law or laws repugnant to the laws of Ens- land ; ' that this Company is privileged to defend itself against all who shjJl attempt its annoyance ; that any imposition, prejudicial to the country, contrary to any of its just ordinances (not repugnant to the laws of England) is an infringement of its rights.' Having thus, with a genuine air of sovereignty, by its own act, established its own privUeges, it decided ' concerning its duties and aUegiance ; ' and these were declared to consist in upholding that Colony as of right belonging to his Majesty, and not subject to any foreign potentate ; in pre serving his person and dominions ; iu settling the peace and prosperity of the king and nation, by punishing crimes and by propagating the gospel It was at the same time determined, that the royal warrant for apprehending WhaUey and Goffe ought to be faithfully executed ; that if any legally obnoxious, and fleeing from the eivU justice of the state of England, shall come over to these parts, they may not expect shelter.' What a picture do these resolutions display of the embarrassments of the General Court, between its principles of independence on the one hand, and its apprehension of giving offence to the state of England on the other." Book 1 p. 252. " During the whole reign of Charles H. ^Massachusetts continued to act at she always had done, as an independent state. " Disregarding equally her charter and the laws of England, Massachusetts established for herself an independent government, similar to tJiose of the Grecian republics." Book I. c. xvi. p. 400 ; also o. xxii. p. 682. It is not easy to perceive on wbat ground Chalmers supports the charge against our ancestors of " concealment " of their real intentions by the General Court, in their declaration of rights above quoted, from page 252 of his Annals, On the contrary, it seems to have been conceived iu a spirit of boldness, which, considering the weakness of the Colony, might be much better denominated imprudently explicit than evasive. It is difficult to conceive what the General Court could have added to that declaration of their right to independent self- government, unless they had been prepared to draw the sword against the King, and throw away the scabbard. 1 This is apparent from the fact, that they did form and maintain such a com- monv/ealth, and from the further fact, that in no other way could they, in that age, have had any hope successfuUy to maintain and transmit to their posterity religious liberty, according to their conception of that blessing. Those who rea son practically concerning the motives of mankind, must take their data from their master-passions and the necessities of their situation. Acts best develop CITY GOVERNMENT. 333 The question has often been raised, when and by whom the idea of independence of the parent state was first conceived, and by whose act a settled purpose to effect it was first indicated. History does not permit the people of Massachusetts to make a question of tMs kind. The honor of that thought, and of as efficient a declaration of it as in their circumstances was pos sible, belongs to Winthrop, and Dudley, and SaltonstaU, and their associates, and was included in the declaration, that " the only condition on which they with their families would remove to this country, was, that the patent and charter should remove with them." ^ intentions. Official language takes its modification from circumstances, and is often necessarily a very equivocal indication of motives. To escape from the dominion of the English hierarchy, was our ancestors lead ing design and firm purpose. They took refuge in the forms and principles of a commonwealth ; trusting to their own inteUectual skiU and physical power for its support. They were well apprised of the fixed determination of the EngUsh hierarchy, from the earliest times of their emigration, to subject them to its supremacy, if possible ; and this design is distinctly avowed by Chalmers. " The enjoyment of Uberty of conscience, the free worship of the Supreme Being in the manner most agreeable to themselves, were the great objects of the colomsts, which they often declared was the principal end of their emigration. Nevertheless, though their historians assert the contrary, the charter did not grant spontaneously to them a freedom, which had been denied to the soUcitations of the Brownists ; and it is extremely probable that so essential an omission arose, not from accident, hut design. " In conformity to his intentions of estabUshing the Church of England in the plantations, James had refused to grant to that sect the privUege of exercising its own peculiar modes, though soUcited by the powerful interest of the Virginia Company. His successor adopted and pursued tlie same policy, under the direction of Laud, ' who, we are assured, kept a jealous eye over New England.' And this reasoning is confirmed by the present patent, which required, with peculiar caution, that ' THE OATH OP SUPREMACY sholl he administered to every one, who shall pass to the Colony and inhabit there.' " Book I. c. -vi. p. 141. 1 The consentaneousness of the views entertained by Chalmers, with those presented in the text, respecting the motives of our ancestors in making the removal of the charter the condition of their emigration, is remarkable. " Several persons, of considerable consequence in the nation, who had adopted the principles of the Puritans, and who wished to enjoy their own mode of wor ship, formed the resolution of emigrating to Massachusetts. But they felt them selves inferior, neither to the governor nor assistants of the company. They saw and dreaded the inconvenience of being governed by laws made for them without their consent ; and it appeared more rational to them, that the colony should he ruled by those who made it the place of their residence, than hy men dwelling at the distance of three thousand miles, over whom they had no control. At the same time, therefore, that they proposed to transport themselves, their famiUes, and their estates, to that country, they insisted that the charter should be trans mitted with them, and that the corporate powers, which were conferred by it, should be executed, in future, in New England." " A transaction, simUar to this, in all its circumstances, la not to be easily met with in storv." — Book I. c. vi. pp. 150, 151. It is very' plain, from the above extract, that Chahners understood the transfer 334 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. This simple declaration and resolve included, as they had the sagacity to perceive, aU the consequences of an effectual inde pendence, under a nominal subjection. For protection against foreign powers, a charter from the parent state was necessary. Its transfer to New England vested, effectuaUy, independence, Those wise leaders foresaw,^ that, among the troubles in Europe, of the charter to this country in the Ught in which it is represented in the text; — that the object was self-government; an intention "not to be governed by laws made for them, without their consent;" — a determination that those " should rule in New England, who made it the place of their residence ; " and " not those who dwelt at the distance of three thousand miles, over whom they had no control." Two causes have concurred to keep the motives of our ancestors in that mea sure, from the direct development which its nature deserves. The first was, that their motives could not be avowed consistently with that nominal depend ence, which, in the weakness of the early emigrants, was unavoidable. The other was, that almost all the impressions left concerning our early history, have been derived through the medium of the clergy, who naturally gave an exclu sive attention to the predominating motive, which was, unquestionably, religious liberty, and paid less regard to what the colonial statesmen of that day as unquestionably considered to be the essential means to that end. The men who said " they would not go to New England unless the patent went with them," were not clergymen, but high-minded statesmen, who knew what was included in that transfer. Their conduct and that of their immediate descendants, speak a language of determined civil independence, not, at this day, to be gainsaid. Winthrop gives, incidentally, a remarkable evidence of his o-wn sensibility, on the subject of the right of self-government, in the very earUest period after their emigration. "Mr. Winslow, the late Governor of Plymouth," Winthrop relates, " being this year (1635) in England, petitioned the councU for a commission to with stand the intrusions of the Dutch and French. Now this," Winthrop remarks, "was undertaken ivith ill advice ; for such precedents endanger our liberty, that WE SHOULD DO NOTHING HEREAFTER BUT BY COMMISSION OUT OF ENG LAND." — Winthrop, voL i. p. 172. 1 That the early emigrants foresaw that the b-ansfer of the charter would effectually vest independence, may be deduced, not only from the whole tenor of their conduct after their emigration, which was an effectual exercise of inde pendence, but from the fact of the secrecy, with tchich this intention to transfer the charter was maintained, until it was actually on this side of the Atlantic. Our ancestors readUy anticipated with what jealousy this transfer would be viewed by the EngUsh government ; and were accordingly soUcitous to keep it from being known until they and the original charter were beyond their power. The original records of the General Court, in which the topic of this transfer of the charter was first agitated, speak a language on this subject, not to be mistaken. The terms of this record are as foUows : — " At a General Court holden at London, for the Company of the Massa chusetts Bay in New England, in Mr. Deputy's house, on Tuesday, the 28th of July, 1629. Present, Mr. Mathbw Cradock, Governor, Mr. Goff, Deputy Governor." Here follow the names of the " assistants " and " generaUty," who were present. " Mr. Governor read certain propositions conceived by himself, namely, that CITY GOVERNMENT. 335 incident to the age, and then obviously impending over their parent state, their settlement, from its distance and eariy insig nfficance, woffid probably escape notice. They trusted to events, and doubtiess anticipated, that, with its increasing strength, even nominal subjection would be abrogated. They knew that weakness was the law of nature, in the relation between parent states and their distant and detached coloffies. Nothing else can be inferred, not only from their maMng the tiansfer of the charter the essential conffition of their emigration, thereby sever ing themselves from all responsibffity to persons abroad, but also fi-om their mstant and undeviating comse of poUcy after their emigration ; in boldly assuming whatever powers were neces sary to their condition, or suitable to theu ends, whether attri butes of sovereignty or not, without regard to the natme of the consequences resulting from the exercise of those powers. Nor was this assumption Umited to powers which might be deduced from the charter, but was extended to such as no act of incorpo ration, lUce that which they possessed, could, by any possibility of legal construction, be deemed to include. By the magic of for the advancement of the plantation, the inducing and encouraging persons of worth and quaUty to transplant themselves and famUies thither, aud for other weighty reasons therein contained, to transfer the government of the plantation to those that shall inhabit there, and not to continue the same in subordination to the company here, as now it is. This business occasioned some debate ; but hy reason of the many great and considerable consequences thereupon depending, it was not now resolved upon, but those present are privately and seriqusly to con sider hereof, and to set down their particular reasons in writing, pro and contra, and to produce the same at the next General Court, where they being reduced to heads and maturely considered of, the company may then proceed to a final resolution therein, and in the mean time they are desired to carry this BUSINESS secretly, THAT THE SAME BE NOT DIVULGED." — See Original Records of Massachusetts, p. 19. What our ancestors thought they had gained, or what practical consequences they intended to deduce from this transfer of the patent, and from their posses sion of. it in this country, is apparent from the reasons, given by Winthrop, for not obeying the court mandate, to send the patent to England. Winthrop's account is as foUows : — "The General Court was assembled, [1638,] in which it was agreed, that whereas a very strict order was sent from the Lords Commissioners for Planta tions, for sending home our patent, upon pretence that judgment had passed against it upon a quo warranto, a letter should be -Hritten by the Governor in the name of the Court, to excuse our not sending it ; for it was resolved to be best, not to send it, because then such of our friends and others in England would conceive it to he. surrendered, and that thereupon, we should be bound to receive such a Governor and such orders, as should be sent to us, and many bad minds, yea, and some weak ones, among ourselves, would think it lawful, if NOT necessary, TO ACCEPT A GENERAL GOVERNOR."— Winthrop, vol. i. p. 269. 336 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. their daring, a private act of incorporation was transmuted into a civU constitution of state ; under the authority of which they made peace and declared war ; erected judicatures ; coined money ; raised armies ; buUt fleets ; laid taxes and imposts ; inflicted fines, penalties, and death ; and, in imitation of the British constitution, by the consent of aU its own branches, without asMng leave of any other, their legislature moffified its own powers and relations, prescribed the quaUfications of those who should conduct its authority, and enjoy, or be excluded from its privileges. The administiation of the civU affairs of Massa chusetts, for the sixty years next succeeding the settlement of tMs metropoUs, was a phenomenon in the Mstory of civU govern ment. Under a theoretic colonial relation, an efficient and independent Commonwealth was erected, claiming and exer cising attributes of sovereignty, higher and far more extensive than, at the present day, in consequence of its connection with the general government, Massachusetts pretends either to exer cise or possess. WeU might Chalmers assert, as in his PoUtical Annals of the Coloffies he does, that " Massachusetts, with a peculiar dexterity, aboUshed her charter ; " ^ that she was always " fruitful in projects of independence, the principles of which, at aU times, governed her actions." ^ In this point of view, it is glory enough for our early ancestors, that, under manifold dis advantages, in the midst of internal ffiscontent and external violence and intrigue, of wars with the savages and Avith the neighboring colonies of France, they effected their pmpose, and for two generations of men, from 1630 to 1692, enjoyed Uberty of conscience, accordmg to their view of that subject, under the auspices of a free commonwealth. The three objects, which our ancestors proposed to attain and perpetuate by aU their institutions, were the noblest within the grasp of the human mind, and those on which, more than on any other, depend human happiness and hope ; — religious liberty, — civil liberty, — and, as essential to the attainment and maintenance of both, — intellectual power. On the subject of religious liberty, their mtolerance of other sects has been reprobated as an inconsistency, and as violating the very rights of conscience for which they emigrated. The 1 Vol. i. p. 200. S Vol. i. pp. 158, 177. CITY GOVERNMENT. 337 inconsistency, if it exist, is altogether constructive, and the charge proceeds on a false assumption. The necessity of the policy,! considered in connection with their great design of independence, is apparent. They had abandoned house and home, had sacrificed the comforts of kindred and cultivated life, had dared the dangers of the sea, and were then braving the still more appalUng terrors of the wilderness; for what? — to acquire Uberty for all sorts of consciences ? Not so ; but to vindicate and maintain the liberty of their own consciences. They did not cross the Atlantic, on a crusade, in behalf of the rights of 1 The object of this poUcy was perceived by Chalmers. Thus he reprobates the law, that " none should be admitted to the freedom of the company but such as were church members, and that none but freemen should vote at elections or act as magistrates and jurymen," because it excluded /rom all participation in the government, those who could not comply with the necessary requisites. He understood weU, that it was a means of^ defence against the EngUsh hierarchy, and intended to exclude from influence aU who were of the English church ; and complains of it as being " made in the true spirit of retaliation," (Book I. p. 153,) and adds, that " this severe law, notwithstanding the vigorous exertions of Charles H., continued in force tiU the quo warranto laid in ruins the structure of the government that had estabUshed it." To prove the necessity of this exclusive poUcy of our ancestors, and that it was strictly a measure of " self-defence," it is proper to remark, that as early as AprU, 1635, a commission was issued for the government of the Plantations, granting absolute power to the Archbishop of Canterbury and to otliers, " TO make^laws AND CONSTITUTIONS, CONCBKNING EITHER THEIR STATE PUBLIC OR THE UTILITY OP INDIVIDUALS, AND FOR THE RELIEF OF THE CLERGY TO CONSIGN CONVENIENT MAINTENANCE UNTO THEM BY TITHES AND OBLATIONS AND OTHER PROFITS ACCORDING TO THEIR DISCRETION," AND THEY WERE EM POWERED TO INFLICT PUNISHMENTS, EITHER BY IMPRISONMENT OR BY LOSS OF LIFE AND MEMBERS. A broader charter of hierarchical despotism was never conceived. The only means of protection against it, to which our ancestors could resort, was that which they adopted. By the principle of making church-membership a qualifi cation for the enjoyment of the rights of a freeman, they excluded from all poU tical influence the friends of the hierarchy. To the same motive may be referred: that other principle, that "no churches should be gathered but such as were approved by the magistrate." Notwithstanding that the direct tendency of these principles was to destroy the influence of the crown and the hierarchy in the colony, the obviousness of the motive is unnoticed by Chalmers, for the sake of repeating the gross charge of bigotry ; and this too at the very time when he is urging their design of independence against our ancestors as their great crune. Our ancestors could not avow their ruUng motive ; and they seem at aU times to be actuated by the noble principle of being content to submit in their own cha racters to the obloquy of bigotry, as a less evU than that their chUdren should become subject to the hierarchy of the Stuarts. It is difficult to perceive how the principles of this commission could have been otherwise resisted by our ancestors, than by putting at once out of influ ence aU those disposed to yield submission to it. Nor was it possible for them to apply their disquaUfication directiy to the adherents of the English hierarchy. They were compeUed, if it were adopted at all, to make it general, and to acquiesce iu the charge of bigotry in order to give efficacy to theu- policy. 29 338 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. •manMnd in general, but in support of their own rights and fiber- ties. Tolerate ! Tolerate Avhom ? The legate of the Roman Pontiff, or the emissary of Charles I. and Archbishop Laud? How consummate would have been their folly and madness, to have fled into the wUderness to escape the horrible persecu tions of those hierarchies, and at once have admitted into the bosom of then society, men brandishing, and ready to apply, the very flames and fetters from which they had fled ! Those who are disposed to condemn them on this account, neither realize the necessities of their condition, nor the prevailing character of the times. Under the stern discipUne of Elizabeth and James, the stupid bigoti-y of the First Charles, and the spiritual pride of Archbishop Laud, the spirit of the English hierarchy was very different from that which it assumed, when, after having been tamed and humanized under the Avholesome discipUne of Cromwell and his Commonwealth, it yielded itself to the mild influence of the principles of 1688, and to the Uberal spmt of TiUotson. But it is said, if they did not tolerate their ancient persecutors, they might, at least, have tolerated rival sects. That is, they ought to have tolerated sects, imbued with the same principles of intolerance as the transatlantic hierarchies ; sects, whose first use of power would have been to endeavor to uproot the Uberty of our fathers, and persecute them, according to the known principles of sectarian action, with a virffience in the inverse ratio of their reciprocal ffiteness and proximity. Those, who thus reason and thus condemn, have considered but very super- ficiaUy the nature of the human mmd and its actual conffition in the time of our ancestors. The great doctrine, now so universally recognized, that liberty of conscience is the right of the individual, — a concern between every man and his Maker, with which the civU magistrate is not authorized to mterfere, — was scarcely, m their day, known, except in private theory and solitary specffiation; as a practical truth, to be acted upon by the civU power, it was absolutely and universaUy rejected by all men, all parties, and aU sects, as totally subversive, not only of the peace of the chmch, but of the peace of society. ^ That great tenth, now deemed so simple 1 Hume's History of England, vol. y\. p. 168. CITY GOVERmiENT. 339 and plain, was so far from being an easy discovery of the human intellect, that it may be doubted whether it would ever have been discovered by human reason at all, had it not been for the miseries in which man was involved in consequence of his igno rance of it. That truth Avas not evolved by the calm exertion of the human faculties, but was stricken out by the colUsion of the human passions. It was not the result of phUosophic re search, but was a hard lesson, taught under the lash of a severe discipUne, provided for the gradual instruction of a being Iffie man, not easUy brought into subjection to virtue, and with natural propensities to pride, ambition, avarice, and selfishness. Previously to that time, in aU modifications of society, ancient or modern, reUgion had been seen only in close connection with the state. It was the universal instrument by which worldly ambition shaped and moulded the multitude to its ends. To have attempted the establishment of a state on the basis of a perfect freedom of religious opinion, and the perfect right of every man to express his opinion, Avould then have been consi dered as much a solecism, and an experiment quite as Avild and visionary, as it would be, at this day, to attempt the establish ment of a state on the principle of a perfect liberty of individual action, and the perfect right of every man to conduct himself according to his private will. Had our early ancestors adopted the course we, at this day, are apt to deem so easy and obvious, and placed their government on the basis of Uberty for aU sorts of consciences, it would have been, in that age, a certain intro duction of anarchy. It cannot be questioned, that all the fond hopes they had cherished from emigration would have been lost. The agents of Charles and James would have planted here the standard of the tiansatlantie monarchy and hierarchy. Divided and broken, without practical energy, subject to court influences and court favorites. New England at this day woffid have been a colony of the parent state,^ her character yet to be formed and her independence yet to be vindicated. 1 Lest the consequences of an opposite poUcy, had it been adopted by our ancestors, may seem to be exaggerated, as here represented, it is proper to state, that upon the strength and united spirit of New England mainly depended (under Heaven) the success of our revolutionary struggle. Had New England been divided, or even less unanunous, independence would have scarcely been attempted, or, if attempted, acquired. It wUl give additional strength to this 340 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. The non-toleration, which characterized our early ancestors, from whatever source it may have originated, had undoubtedly the effect they intended and wished. It excluded from influence in their infant settlement all the friends and adherents of the ancient monarchy and hierarchy ; all who, from any motive, ecclesiastical or civil, were disposed to disturb their peace or then churches. They considered it a measure of " self-defence!'' And it is unquestionable, that it was chiefly insteumental in forming the homogeneous and exclusively republican character for Avhich the people of Ncav England have, iu all times, been distinguished; and, above all, that it fixed irrevocably in the country that noble security for religious liberty, the independent system of church government. The principle of the independence of the churches, including the right of every individual to unite Avith what church he pleases, under whatever sectarian auspices it may have been fostered, has, through the influence of time and experience, lost altogether its exclusive character. It has become the universal guaranty of religious liberty to all sects Avithout discrimination, and is as much the protector of the Roman Catholic, the Epis copalian, and the Presbyterian, as of the Independent form of worship. The security, Avhich results from this principle, does not depend upon charters and constitutions, but on what is stronger than either, the nature of the principle in connection with the nature of man. So long as this intellectual, moral, and religious being, man, is constituted as he is, the unrestricted liberty of associating for public Avorship, and the independence of those associations of external conti-ol, wiU necessarily lead to a most happy number and variety of them. In the principle of the independence of each, the liberty of individual conscience is safe under the panoply of the common interest of aU. No other perfect security for liberty of conscience was ever devised by man, except this independence of the churches. This pos sessed, liberty of conscience has no danger. This denied, it has argument to observe, that the number of troops, regular and miUtia, furnished by all the States during the war of the Revolution, was . . . 288,134 Of these. New England furnished more than half, namely, . 147,674 And Massachusetts alone furnished nearly one third, namely, . 83,162 See the Collections of the New Hampshire Historical Society, vol. i. p. 236. CITY GOVERNMENT. 34I no safety. There can be no greater human secmity than com mon right, placed under the protection of common interest. It is the exceUence and beauty of this simple principle, that, Avhile it secures aU, it restricts none. They, Avho delight in lofty and splendid monuments of ecclesiastical architecture, may raise the pyramid of church power, with its aspiring steps and grada tions, untU it terminate in the despotism of one, or a few ; the humble dweUers at the base of the proud edifice may wonder, and admire the ingenuity of the contrivance and the splendor of its massive dimensions, bu.t it is without envy and without fear. Safe in the principle of independence, they worship, be it in tent, or tabernacle, or in the open air, as securely as though standing on the topmost pinnacle of the loftiest fabric ambition ever devised. The glory of discovering and putting this principle to the test, on a scale capable of teying its efficacy, belongs to the fathers of Massachusetts,^ who are entitled to a fffil share of that acknow ledgment made by Hume, when he asserts, "that for all the liberty of the EngUsh constitution that nation is indebted to the Puritans." The glory of our ancestors radiates from no point more strongly than from their institutions of learning. The people of New England are the first known to history, who provided, in the original constitution of their society, for the education of the whole population out of the general fund. In other coun tries, provisions have been made of this character in favor of certain particular classes, or for the poor by way of charity. But here first were the children of the whole community invested Avith the right of being educated at the expense of the whole society ; and not only this, the obligation to take advantage of that right Avas enforced by severe supervision and penalties. By simple laws they founded their commonwealth on the only basis on which a repubUc has any hope of happiness or continu ance, the general information of the people. They denominated it " barbarism " not to be able " perfectly to read the English tongue and to know the general laws." ^ In soliciting a gene ral conttibution for the support of the neighboring University, they declare that " skiU in the tongues and liberal arts, is not 1 Neal's History of the Puritans, vol. i- p. 438 and 490. 8 Old Colony Laws, p. 26. 29* 342 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. only laudable, but necessary for the well-being of the common wealth." ^ And in requiring every town, having one hunffied householders, to set up a grammar school, provided Avith a master able to fit youth for the University, the object avowed is, " to enable men to obtain a knoAvledge of the Scriptmes, and by acquaintance with the ancient tongues to quaUfy them to dis cern the true sense and meaning of the original, however cor rupted by false glosses." Thus Uberal and thus elevated, in respect of learning, were the views of our ancestors." To the same master-passion, dread of the English hierarchy, and the same main purpose, civil independence, may be attri buted, in a great degree, the nature of the government which the principal ciAil and spiritual influences of the time estabUshed, and, notwithstanding its many objectionable features, the wilUng submission to it of the people. It cannot be questioned, that the constitution of the state, as sketched in the first laws of our ancestors, was a skUful combi nation of both civil and ecclesiastical powers. Chmch and state were very curiously and efficiently interwoven with each other. It is usual to atteibute to reUgious bigotry the submis sion of the mass of the people to a system thus stern and exclu sive. It may, however, with qffite as much justice, be resolved into love of independence and poUtical sagacity. The great body of the first emigrants doubtless coincided in general religious views with those whose influence predominated in their church and state. They had, consequently, no personal objection to the stern discipline their poUtical system estabUshed. They had also the sagacity to foresee that a system, which by its rigor shoffid exclude from power all Avho did not concur with their religious views, would have a ffirect tendency to deter those in other countties from emigrating to their settlement, who did not agree with the general plan of policy they had adopted, and of consequence to increase the probabiUty of thek escape from the interference of their ancient oppressors, and the chance of success in laying the foundation of the free common wealth they contemplated. They also doubtless perceived, that, with the unquaUfied possession of the elective franchise, they had Uttle reason to apprehend that they could not easUy control 1 Records of (lie Colony, p. 117 ; 19th Oct. 1652. CITY GOVERNMENT. 343 ¦» or annihUate any UI effect upon then political system, arising from the union of church and state, should it become insup portable. There is abundant evidence, that the submission of the people to this new form of church and state combination was not owing to ignorance, or to indifference to the true principles of civU and reUgious liberty. Notwithstanding the strong attachment of the early emigrants to their civU, and their almost bUnd devotion to their ecclesiastical leaders, Avhen, presuming on their influence, either attempted any thing inconsistent Avith general liberty, a corrective is seen almost immediately appUed by the spirit and inteffigence of the people. In this respect, the character of the people of Boston has been at aU times ffistinguished. In every period of our history, they have been second to none in quickness to discern or in readiness to meet every exigency, fearlessly hazarding life and fortune in support of the Uberties of the commonwealth. It would be easy to maintain these positions by a recurrence to the annals of each successive age, and particularly to facts connected with our revo lutionary struggle. A few instances only wffi be noticed, and those selected from the earliest times. A natural jealousy soon sprung up in the mettopolis as to the intentions of their civU and ecclesiastical leaders.^ In 1634 the people began to fear, lest, by reelecting Winthrop, they " should make way for a Governor for Ufe." They accordingly gave some inffications of a design to elect another person. Upon which John Cotton, their great ecclesiastical head, then at the height of his popffiarity, preached a ffiscourse to the General Court, and deUvered this docttine, — " that a magistrate ought not to be tmned out, without just cause, no more than a magis trate might turn out a private man from his freehold, without ttial." 2 To show then dislike of the doctrine by the most prac tical of evidences, our ancestors gave the poUtical divine and his adherents a succession of lessons, for Avhich they Avere probably the wiser all the rest of their Uves. They turned out Winthrop at the very same election, and put in Dudley. The year after, they turned out Duffiey and put in Haynes. The year after, they turned out Haynes, and put in Vane. So much for the I Winthrop, vol. i. p. 299. ^ IKd. vol. i. p. 132. 344 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. • first broaching, in Boston, of the doctrine, that pubUc office is of the natme of freehold. In 1635, an attempt was made by the General Court, to elect a certain number of magisttates as counseUors for life?- Al though Cotton was the author also of tMs project, and notwith standing his influence, yet such was the spirit ffisplayed by our ancestors on the occasion, that within tMee years the General Court 2 Avas compeUed to pass a vote, denying any such intent, and declaring that the persons so chosen should not be accounted magistrates, or have any authority in consequence of such elec tion. In 1636, the great Antinomian conttoversy ffivided the country. Boston was for the covenant of grace; the General Court, for the covenant of works. Under pretence of the apprehension of a riot, the General Court adjourned to Newtown, and expelled the Boston deputies for daring to remonsttate. Boston, mdig- nai^ at this infringement of its Uberties, Avas about electing the same deputies a second time. At the earnest soUcitation of Cotton, however, they chose others. One of these was also expeUed by the Court; and a writ having been issued to the town ordering a new election, they refused making any return to the warrant, — a contempt which the General Court did not think it wise to resent. In 1639, there being vacancies in the Board of Assistants, the Governor and magistrates met and nommated three persons, " not with intent," as they sffid, " to lead the people's choice of these, nor to divert them from any other, but only to propound for consideration (which any freeman may do) and so leave the people to use their Uberties accordmg to their consciences." The result Avas, that the people did use their liberties accorffing to their consciences. They chose not a man of them.^ So much for the ffi-st legislative caucus in our history. It probably would have been happy for their posterity, if the people had always treated like nominations Avith as Uttle ceremony. About this time, also, the General Court took exception at the length of the " lectures" then the great delight of the people, and at the UI effects resulting from their frequency ; whereby poor people were led greatly to neglect their affairs, to the great 1 Ibid. p. 186. 2 Ibid. p. 302. 3 lUd. vol. ii. p. 343. CITY GOVERNMENT. 345 hazard also of their health, owing to their long continuance in the night. Boston expressed strong disUke 1 at this interference, •'fearing that the precedent might inthral them to'the civil power, and, besides, be a blemish upon them Avith their posterity, as though they needed to be regulated by the civil magisfi-ate, and raise an Ul-savor of their coldness, as if it were possible for the people of Boston to complain of too, much preaching." The magisttates, fearful lest the people shoffid break then- bonds, were content to apologize, to abandon the scheme of shortening lectmes or ffiminishing their number, and to rest satis fied with a general understanding, that assembUes shoffid break up in such season, as that people, dA\relling a mUe or two off, might get home by daylight. Winthrop, on this occasion, passes the following effiogium on the people of Boston, which every period of then history amply confcms : " They were gene rally of that understanding and moderation, as that they Avould be easily guided in their way by any rffie from Scripture or sound reason." It is curious and insttuctive to ttace the principles of our con stitution as they were successively suggested by circumstances, and graduaUy gained by the inteffigence and daring spirit of the people. For the first four years after their emigi-ation, the free men, Uke other corporations, met and transacted business in a body. At this time the people attained a representation under the name of deputies, who sat in the same room with the magis trates, to whose negative aU their proceedings were subjected. Next arose the struggle about the negative, which lasted for ten years, and eventuated in the separation of the General Court into two branches, with each a negative on the other.^ Then came the jealousy of the deputies concerning the magistrates,^ as proceeding too much by their discretion for want of positive laws, and the demand by the deputies, that persons should be appointed to frame a body of fundamental laws in resemblance of the EngUsh Magna Charta. After this occurred the conttoversy * relative to the powers of the magisttates, during the recess of the General Court; con cerning which, when the deputies found that no compromise could be made, and the magistrates declared that, " if occasion 1 Winthrop, vol. i. p. 325. 3 Ibid. p. 322. 2 Ibid. vol. i. p. 160. * ibid. vol. u. p. 169. 346 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. required, they should act according to the power and trust com mitted to them," the Speaker of the House in his place repUed, — " Then, c^intlemen, you will not be obeyed." In every period of our early history, the friends of the ancient hierarchy and monarchy were assiduous in their endeavors to inttoduce a form of government on the principle of an efficient colonial relation. Our ancestors were no less vigUant to avaU themselves of their local situation and of the difficffities of the parent state to defeat those attempts ; or, in their language, " to avoid and prott-act." They Uved, however, under a perpetual apprehension, that a royal governor would be imposed upon them by the law of force. Their resolution never faltered on the point of resistance to the extent of their power. Notwithstand ing Boston would have been the scene of the struggle and the ffist victim to it, yet its inhabitants never shrunk from their duty through fear of danger, and were always among the fore most to prepare for every exigency. Castle Island was fortified chiefly, and the battery at the north end of the town, and that caUed the " Sconce," whoUy by the volunteiry contributions of its inhabitants. After the restoration of Charles IL, their instruc tions to their representatives in the General Court breathe one uniform spirit, — " not to recede fi-om their just rights and privi leges as secured by the patent." When, in 1662, the King's Commissioners came to Boston, the inhabitants, to show their spirit in support of their own laws, took measures to have them aU arrested for a breach of the Saturday evening law, and actu aUy brought them before the magistrate for riotous and abusive carriage. When Randolph, in 1684, came with his quo warranto against their charter, on the question being taken in town meet ing, " whether the freemen were minded that the General Court should make full submission and entne resignation of then charter, and of the privUeges therein granted, to his Majesty's pleasure," Boston resolved in the negative, without a dissentient. In 1689, the tyranny of Anffios, the Governor appointed by James IL, having become insupportable to the Avhole country, Boston rose, like one man ; took the battery on Fort Hill by assault in open day ; made prisoners of the King's Governor and the Captain of the King's frigate, then 'lying in the harbor ; and restored, with the concmrence of the country, the authority of the old charter leaders. CITY GOVERNMENT. 347 By accepting the charter of WiUiam and Mary, in 1692, the people of Massachusetts first yielded theu claims of independ ence to the Crown. It is only reqffisite to read the official account of the agents of the colony, to perceive both the resist ance they made to that charter, and the necessity which com peUed then acceptance of it.i Those agents Avere told by the Kmg's ministers, that they " must take that or none ; " that "their consent to it was not asked;" that if " they woffid not submit to the King's pleasure they must take what would fol low." " The opinion of our lawyers," say the agents, " was, that a passive submission to the new was not a surrender of the old charter ; and that then taking up with this ffid not make the people of Massachusetts, in law, uncapable of obtaining all their old privileges, whenever a favorable opportunity should present itself." In the year 1776, neariy a century afterwards, that "favorable opportunity ffid present itself," and the people of Massachusetts, in conformity with the opinion of their learned counsel and faithful agents, did vinfficate and obtain aU their " old privUeges " of self-government. Under, the new colonial government, thus authoritatively imposed upon them, arose new parties and new sttuggles, — prerogative men, earnest for a permanent salary for the King's Governor ; pattiots resisting such an estabUshment, and inffig nant at the negative exercised by that officer. At the end of the ffist centmy after the settlement, three gene rations of men had passed away. For Augor, boldness, enter prise, and a self-sacrificing spirit, Massachusetts stood unri- vaUed.2 She had added wealth and extensive dominion to the English Crown. She had turned a barren wUderness into a cffi tivated field, and instead of barbarous ttibes had planted civU ized communities. She had prevented France from taMng pos session of the whole of North America ; conquered Port Royal and Acadia ; and attempted the conquest of Canada with a fleet of thirty-two sail and tAVO thousand men. At one time, a fifth of her whole effective male population was in arms. When Nevis was plundered by Iberville, she voluntarUy ttansmitted 1 See A Brief Account concerning the Agents of New England and their Negotiation with the Cmrt of England. By Increase Mather. London, 1691. 3 See A Defence of the Neio England Charters, by Jeremiah Hummer, printed in 1721. 348 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. tAVO thousand pounds sterUng for the relief of the inhabitants of that island. By these exertions her resources were exhausted, her tteasury was impoverished, and she stood bereft and " alone with her glory." Boston shared in the embarrassments of the Commonwealth. Her commerce was crippled by severe revenue laws and by a depreciated currency. Her population ffid not exceed fifteen thousand. In September, 1730, she was prevented from all notice of this anniversary by the desolations of the smallpox. Notwithstanding the darkness of these clouds which overhung Massachusetts and its mettopoUs at the close of the ffist century, in other aspects the dawn of a brighter day may be ffiscerned. The exclusive policy in matters of reUgion, to which the State had been subjected, began graduaUy to give place to a more per fect liberty. Literature Avas exchanging subtle metaphysics, quaint conceits, and unwieldy lore for inartfficial reasoning, sim ple taste, and natural thought. Dummer defended the colony in language polished in the society of Pope and of Bolingbroke. Coleman, Cooper, Chauncy, Bowdoin, and others of that con stellation, AA^ere on the horizon. By their side shone the star of Franklin ; its early brightness giving promise of its meridian splendors. Even now began to appear signs of revolution. Voices of complaint and murmur were heard in the air. " Spi rits finely touched and to fine issues," — wffiing and fearless, — breathing unutterable things, flashed along the darkness. In the sky were seen streaming lights, indicating the approach of lumi naries yet beloAV the horizon, — Adams, Hancock, Otis, War ren, — leaders of a glorious host, precursors of eventtffi times, " Avith fear of change perplexing monarchs." It would be appropriate, did time permit, to speak of these luminaries, in connection with our Revolution ; to trace the prin ciples, which dictated the ffist emigration of the founders of this metropolis, through the several stages of their development ; and to shoAV that the declaration of independence, in 1776, itself, and all the struggles which preceded it, and aU the voluntary sacri fices, the self-devotion, and the sufferings, to which the people of that day submitted, for the attainment of independence, Avere, so far as respects Massachusetts, but the natural and inevitable consequences of the terms of that noble engagement, made by our ancestors, in August, 1629, the year before their emigration; CITY GOVERNMENT. 349 which may weU be denominated, , from its eariy and later results, the first and original declaration of independence by Massachusetts. ^'¦By God's assistance, we will be ready in our persons, and with such of our families as are to go with us, to embark for the said plantation by the first of March next, to pass the seas {under God's protection) to inhabit and continue in New England. Pro vided always, that before the last of September next, the whole GOVERNMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE PATENT, BE FIRST LEGALLY TRANSFERRED AND ESTABLISHED, TO REMAIN AVITH US AND OTHERS, WHICH SHALL INHABIT THE SAID PLANTATION." ^ GeueiOUS rCSO- lution ! Noble foresight ! Sublime self-devotion ; chastened and directed by a wisdom, faithfffi and prospective of distant conse quences ! WeU may Ave exclaim, — " This poUcy overtopped aU the poUcy of this world." For the advancement of the three great objects which were the scope of the policy of our ancestors, — intellectual power, religious Uberty, and civU liberty, — Boston has in no period been surpassed, either in readiness to incur, or in energy to make useful, personal or pecuniary sacrffices. She provided for the education of her citizens out of the general fund, antece dently to the law of the Commonwealth making such provision imperative. Nor can it be questioned, that her example and mfluence had a decisive effect in producing that law. An intel- Ugent generosity has been conspicuous among her inhabitants on this subject, from the day when, in 1635, they " entreated our brother PhUemon Pormont to become schoolmaster, for the teaching and nurturing chUdren with us," to this hour, when what is equivalent to a capital of two hundred and fifty thou sand doUars is invested in school-houses, eighty schools are maintained, and seven thousand and five hundred children edu cated at an expense exceeding annuaUy sixty-five thousand doUai-s. No city in the world, in proportion to its means and population, ever gave more uniform and unequivocal evidences ' See "A true coppie of the agreement at Cambridge, 1629," in Hutchinson's Collection of Original Papers relative to the History of the Colony of Massachu setts Bay, p. 25, signed by Richard SaltonstaU, John Winthrop, Thomas Sharp, Thomas Dudley, KeUam Browne, Increase Nowell, WiUiam Vassal, Isaac Johnson, William Pynchon,, Nicko : West, John Humfrey, WUUam Colbron. 30 350 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. of its desne to ffiffuse mteUectual power and moral cffiture through the whole mass of the community. The resffit is every day witnessed, at home and abroad, in private intercomse and in the public assembly ; in a quiet and orderly demeanor, in the self-respect and mutual harmony prevalent among its citizens; in the general comfort which characterizes their conffition; in their submission to the laws ; and in that wonderfffi capacity for self-government, which postponed for almost two centuries a city orgaffization ; — and this, even then, was adopted more with reference to anticipated, than from experience of existing evils. During the whole of that period, and even after its popffiation exceeded fifty thousand, its financial, economical, and municipal interests were managed, either by general vote, or by men appointed by the whole multitude ; and with a regularity, Avis dom, and success, which it wUl be happy if future adminis- ttations shaU equal, and which certainly they wffi find it diffi cult to exceed. The influence of the institutions of our fathers is also appa rent in that munificence towards objects of public interest or charity, for which, in every period of its history, the citizens of Boston have been distingffished, and Avhich, by universal con sent, is recognized to be a prominent feature in their character. To no city has Boston ever been second in its spirit of UberaUty. From the ffist settlement of the countty to tMs day, it has been a point to which have tended applications for assistance or reUef, on account of suffering or misfortune ; for the patronage of coUeges, the endowment of schools, the erection of chmches, and the spreading of learning and reUgion, from almost every section of the United States. Seldom have the hopes of any worthy appUcant been ffisappointed. The benevolent and pub Uc spirit of its inhabitants is also evidenced by its hospitals, its asylums, pubUc Ubraries, almshouses, charitable associations — in its patronage of the neighboring University, and in its sub scriptions for general charities. It is obviously impracticable to give any just idea of the amount of these charities. They flow from virtues which seek the shade and shun record. They are sUent and secret out- weffings of grateful hearts, desirous unostentatiously to acknow ledge the bounty of Heaven in their prosperity and abundance. The resffit of inquuies, necessarily imperfect, however, authorize CITY GOVERNMENT. 35^ the statement, that, in the records of societies havin<^ for their objects either learning or some public charity, or in documents in the hands of individuals relative to contributions for the relief of suffering, or the patronage of distinguished merit or talent, there exists evidence of the liberality of the citizens of tMs metropoUs, and that chiefly within the last thirty years, of an amount, by voluntary donation or bequest, exceeding one milUon and eight hunffied thousand dollars. Far short as this sum faUs of the real amount obtained within that period from the liberality of om citizens, it is yet enough to make evident, that the best spirit of the institutions of our ancestors survives in the hearts, and is exhibited in the Uves, of the citizens of Boston ; inspiring love of countty and duty ; stimulating to the active virtues of benevolence and charity ; exciting wealth and power to their best exercises ; counteracting what is seffish in our natme ; and elevating the moral and social vntues to wise sacrffices and noble energies. With respect to religious liberty, where does it exist in a more perfect state, than in this metropolis ? Or where has it ever been enjoyed in a pm-er spirit, or with happier consequences? In what city of equal population are all classes of society more distingffished for obedience to the institutions of reUgion, for regffiar attendance on its worship, for more happy intercourse with its ministers, or more uniformly honorable support of them ? In aU sttuggles connected with religious liberty, and these are inseparable from its possession, it may be said of the inhabitants of this city, as ttffiy as of any simUar association of men, that they have ever maintained the freedom of the Gospel in the spirit of Christianity. Divided into various sects, their mutual intercourse has, almost without exception, been harmonious and respectfffi. The labors of intemperate zealots, with which, occa sionaUy, every age has been troubled, have seldom, in this metro poUs, been attended with their natural and usual consequences. Its sects have never been made to fear or hate one another. The genius of its inhabitants, through the influence of the intel lectual power which pervades their mass, has ever been quick to detect " close ambition varnished o'er with zeal." The modes, the forms, the discipline, the opinions, which our ancestors held to be essential, have, in many respects, been changed or oblite rated Avith the progress of time, or been countervaUed or super- 352 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. seded by rival forms and opinions. But veneration for the Sacred Scriptures and attachment to the right of free inquiry, which were the substantial motives of their emigration and of aU their institutions, remain, and are maintained in a Christian spirit, (judging by life and language,) certainly not exceeded in the times of any of our ancestors. The right to read those Scriptures is universaUy recognized. The means to acquire the possession and to attain the knowledge of them are multipUed by the inteffigence and liberality of the age, and extended to every class of society. AU men are invited to search for them selves concerning the grounds of their hopes of future happiness and acceptance. All are permitted to hear from the lips of our Saviour himself, that " the meek," " the merciful," " the pure in heart," " the persecuted for righteousness' sake," are those who shall receive the blessing, and be admitted to the presence, of the Eternal Father ; and to be assured from those sacred records, that, " in every nation, he who feareth God and worketh right eousness, is accepted of him." Elevated by the power of these sublime assurances, as conformable to reason as to Revelation, man's inteUectual principle rises " above the smoke and stir of this dim spot," and, like an eagle soaring above the Andes, looks down on the cloudy cliffs, the narrow, separating points, and flaming craters, wffich ffivide and terrify men below. It is scarcely necessary, on this occasion, to speak of civU liberty, or to teU of our constitutions of government ; of the freedom they maintain and are cfficulated to preserve ; of the equality they estabUsh; the self-respect they encourage; the private and domestic virtues they cherish ; the love of country they inspire; the self-devotion and self-sacrifice they enjoin; — all these are but the filUng up of the great outline sketched by our fathers, the parts in which, through the darkness and per versity of their times, they were defective, being corrected ; all are but endeavors, conformed to their great, original conception, to group together the strength of society and the reUgious and civil rights of the individual, in a living and breathing spirit of efficient power, by forms of civU government, adapted to our conffition, and adjusted to social relations of unexampled great ness and extent, unparaUeled in their resffits, and connected by principles elevated as the nature of man, and immortal as his destinies. CITY GOVERNMENT. 353 It is not, however, from local position, nor from general cn cumstances of Ufe and fortune, that the pecuUar felicity of this mettopolis is to be deduced. Her enviable distinction is, that she is among the chiefest of that happy New England family, which claims descent from the eariy emigrants. If Ave take a survey of that famUy, and, excluding from our view the unnum bered multitudes of its members who have occupied the vacant wUdernesses of other States, we restrict our thoughts to the local sphere of New England, what scenes open upon our sight! How AvUd and visionary would seem our prospects, did we indulge only natural anticipations of the future ! Aheady, on an area of seventy thousand square mUes, a population of two mUUons ; aU, but comparatively a few, descendants of the early emigrants! Six independent Commonwealths, with constitu tions varying in the relations and proportions of power, yet uniform in all their general principles ; diverse in theu political an-angements, yet each sufficient for its own necessities ; aU harmonious with those without, and peaceful within ; embrac ing, under the denomination of toivns, upwards of twelve hun dred effective repubUcs, with qualffied powers, indeed, but pos sessing potent influences; — subject themselves to the respective State sovereignties, yet directing aU then operations, and shaping then poUcy by constitutional agencies; swayed, no less than the greater repubUcs, by passions, interests, and affections ; like them, exciting competitions which rouse into action the latent energies of mind, and infuse into the mass of each society a knowledge of the nature of its interests, and a capacity to under stand and share in the defence of those of the Commonwealth. The effect of these minor republics is daUy seen in the existence of practical talents, and in the readiness Avith which those talents can be caUed into the public service of the State. If,' after this general survey of the surface of New England, we cast our eyes on its cities and great towns, with what won der should we behold, did not famiUarity render the phenomenon almost unnoticed, men, combined in great mffititudes, possessing freedom and the consciousness of sttength, — the comparative physical power of the ruler less than that of a cobweb across a Uon's path, — yet orderly, obedient, and respectfffi to authority; a people, but no populace ; every class in reaUty existing, which the general law of society acknowledges, except one, — and this 30" 354 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. exception characterizing the whole countty. The soil of New England is trodden by no slave. In our streets, in om assem blies, in the halls of election and legislation, men of every rank and condition meet, and unite or divide on other principles, and are actuated by other motives, than those growing out of such distinctions. The fears and jealousies, which in other countries separate classes of men and make them hostile to each other, have here no influence, or a very Umited one. Each individual, of whatever condition, has the consciousness of Uving under known laws, which secure equal rights, and guarantee to each whatever portion of the goods of life, be it great or smaU, chance, or talent, or industty may have bestowed. AU perceive, that the honors and rewards of society are open equally to the fair competition of aU ; that the distinctions of Avealth, or of power, are not fixed in famffies ; that whatever of this natme exists to-day, may be changed to-morrow, or, in a coming generation, be absolutely reversed. Common principles, interests, hopes, and affections, are the result of universal education. Such are the consequences of the equality of rights, and of the provisions for the general diffusion of knowledge and the ffisttibution of intestate estates, established by the laws framed by the earUest emigrants to New England. If from our cities we turn to survey the Avide expanse of the interior, how do the effects of the institutions and example of our early ancestors appear, in aU the local comfort and accom modation which mark the general condition of the whole coun tty ; — unobtrusive indeed, but substantial ; in nothing splenffid, but in every thing sufficient and satisfactory. Indications of active talent and practical energy exist everywhere. With a soil comparatively little luxuriant, and in great proportion either rock, or hUl, or sand, the skill and industty of man are seen triumphing over the obstacles of nature ; making the rock the guardian of the field ; moulding the granite, as though it were clay ; leading cultivation to the hffi-top, and spreading over the arid plain, hitherto unknown and unanticipated harvests. The lofty mansion of the prosperous adjoins the lowly dwelling of the husbandman ; their respective inmates are in the daUy inter change of civffity, sympathy, and respect. Enterprise and skiU, which once held chief affinity with the ocean or the sea-board, noAv begin to deUght the mterior, haunting our rivers, where the CITY GOVERNMENT. 355 music of the waterfaU, with powers more atttactive than those of the fabled hai-p of Orpheus, coUects around it inteUectual man and material nature. Towns and cities, civUized and happy communities, rise, like exhalations, on rocks and in forests, tiU the deep and far-resounding voice of the neighboring torrent is itself lost and unheard, amid the predominating noise of success- fffi and rejoicing labor. What lessons has New England, in every period of her his tory, given to the worid ! What lessons do her condition and example stiU give! How unprecedented; yet how practicffi! How simple ; yet how powerfffi ! She has proved, that all the variety of Christian sects may Uve together in harmony, under a government, which aUows equal privUeges to all, — exclusive preeminence to none. She has proved, that ignorance among ffie mffititude is not necessary to order, but that the surest basis of perfect order is the information of the people. She has proved the old maxim, that " no government, except a despotism Avith a standing army, can subsist where the people have arms," is false. Ever smce the first settlement of the country, arms have been reqffired to be in the hands of the whole multitude of New England ; yet the use of them in a private quarrel, if it have ever happened, is so rare, that a late writer, of great inteffigence, who had passed his whole Ufe in New England, and possessed exten sive means of information, declares, " I know not a single instance of it." ^ She has proved, that a people, of a character essentiaUy military, may subsist Avithout duelUng. New Eng land has, at all times, been distingffished, both on the land and on the ocean, for a daring, fearless, and enterprising spirit ; yet the same Avriter^ asserts, that during the whole period of her existence, her soU has beefl disgraced but ^J five duels, and that only two of these were fought by her native inhabitants ! Per haps this assertion is not minutely correct. There can, however, be no question, that it is sufficientiy near the truth to justify the position for which it is here adduced, and which the history of New England, as weU as the experience of her inhabitants, abundantiy confirms ; that, in the present and in every past age, the spirit of om institutions has, to every important practical pmpose, annihUated the spnit of dueUing. 1 See Travels in New England and New York, by Timothy Dwight, S. T. D., LL. D., late President of Yale College, vol. iv. p. 334. 2 Ihid. p. 336. 356 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. Such are the ttue glories of the institutions of om fathers! Such the natural frffits of that patience in toU, that frugaUty of disposition, that temperance of habit, that general ffiffusion of knowledge, and that sense of reUgious responsibffity, incfficated by the precepts, and exhibited in the example of every genera tion of our ancestors ! And noAv, stanffing at this hour on the dividing Une which separates the ages that are past from those which are to come, how solemn is the thought, that not one of this vast assembly, not one of that great mffititude who now tMong om streets, rejoice in our fields, and make our hUls echo Avith their gratula- tions, shaU Uve to witness the next return of the era we this day celebrate ! The dark veU of futurity conceals from human sight the fate of cities and nations as weU as of individuals. Man passes away ; generations are but shadows ; there is nothing stable but ttuth ; principles only are immortal. What then, in conclusion of this great topic, are the elements of the Uberty, prosperity, and safety wMch the inhabitants of New England at this day enjoy ? In what language, and con cerning what comprehensive ttuths does the Avisdom of former times adffiess the inexperience of the future ? Those elements are simple, obvious, and famffiar. Every civil and religious blessing of New England, aU that here gives happiness to human life or security to human virtue is alone to be perpetuated in the forms and under the auspices of a free commonwealth. The Commonwealth itself has no other sti-ength or hope than the inteUigence and virtue of the inffividuals that compose it. For the intelligence and vu-tue of individuals, there is no other human assurance than laAvs, providing for the education of the whole people. These laws themselves have no sttength or efficient sanction, except in the moral and accountable nature of man, disclosed in the records of the Christian's faith ; the right to read, to constrae, and to judge concerning which, belongs to no class or caste of men, but exclusively to the individual, who must stand or fall by his own acts and his OAvn faith, and not by those of another. The great comprehensive ttuths, written in letters of living Ught on every page of our history, the language addressed by every past age of New England to aU futme ages is this, — CITY GOVERNMENT. 357 Humam happiness has no perfect security but freedom ; freedom none but virtue ; virtue none but knowledge ; and neither free dom, nor virtue, nor knowledge has any vigor or inwiortal hope, except in the principles of the Christian faith and in the sanctions of the Christian religion. Men of Massachusetts ! Citizens of Boston ! Descendants of the early emigrants ! consider your blessings ; consider your duties. You have an inheritance acquired by the labors and sufferings of six successive generations of ancestors. They founded the fabric of your prosperity in a severe and masculine moraUty ; having inteUigence for its cement and reUgion for its groundwork. Continue to build on the same foundation and by the same principles ; let the extending temple of your coun- tty's freedom rise in the spirit of ancient times, in proportions of inteUectual and moral arcMtecture, — just, simple, and subUme. As from the first to tMs day, let New England continue to be an example to the world of the blessings of a free government, and of the means and capacity of man to maintain it. And, in aU times to come as in aU times past, may Boston be among the foremost and the boldest to exempUfy and uphold whatever con stitutes the prosperity, the happiness, and the glory of Ncav England. CHAPTER XXIIL CITY GOVERNMENT. 1830. Harrison Gray Otis, Mayor. An Ode, pronounced before the Inhabitants of Boston, on the 17th of Septem ber, 1830, at the Centennial Celebration of the Settlement of the City. By Cheirles Sprague. Not to the Pagan's mount I turn. For inspiration now ; Olympus and its gods I spurn — Pure One, be with me. Thou! Thou, in whose awfffi name. From, suffering and from shame. Our Fathers fled, and braved a pathless sea ; Thou, in whose holy fear. They fixed an empire here. And gave it to their ChUffien and to Thee. H. And You ! ye bright ascended Dead, Who scorned the bigot's yoke. Come, round this place your influence shed ; Your spirits I invoke. Come, as ye came of yore. When on an unknown shore. Your daring hands the flag of faith unfmled. To float sublime. Through future time. The beacon-banner of another world. m. Behold ! they come — those sainted forms, Unshaken through the strife of storms ; Heaven's winter cloud hangs coldly down, And earth puts on its rudest frown ; CITY GOVERNMENT. 359 But colder, ruder was the hand. That drove them from then own fair land ; Then own fan land — refinement's chosen seat. Art's ttophied dwelUng, learning's green retteat ; By valor guarded, and by victory crowned, For aU, but gentle charity, renowned. • With streaming eye, yet steadfast heart. Even from that land they dared to part. And burst each tender tie ; Haunts, where their sunny youth was passed, Homes, where they fondly hoped at last In peacefffi age to die ; Friends, kmdred, comfort, aU they spurned — Their fathers' haUowed graves ; And to a world of darkness turned, Beyond a world of waves. IV. When Israel's race from bondage fled, Signs from on high the wanderers led ; But here — Heaven hung no symbol here, Their steps to g^de, their souls to cheer ; They saw, tMo' sorrow's lengthening night, Nought but the fagot's guUty Ught ; The cloud they gazed at was the smoke. That round their murdered bretMen broke. Nor power above, nor power below. Sustained them in their hom of woe ; A fearful path they teod. And dared a fearfffi doom ; To bffild an altar to their God, And find a qffiet tomb. V. But not alone, not all unblessed. The exUe sought a place of rest ; One dared with him to burst the knot. That bound her to her native spot ; Her low sweet voice in comfort spoke, As round their bark the bUlows broke ; 360 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. She through the midnight watch was there. With him to bend her knees in prayer ; She tt-od the shore with girded heart. Through good and UI to claim her part ; In Ufe, in death, with him to seal Hfer Mnffied love, her kinffied zeal. VL They come — that coming who shaU teU ? The eye may weep, the heart may sweU, But the poor tongue in vain essays A fitting note for tliem to raise. We hear the after-shout that rings For them who smote the power of kmgs ; The swelling ttiumph aU woffid share. But who the dark defeat woffid dare, And boldly meet the Avrath and woe. That wait the unsuccessfffi blow ? It were an envied fate, we deem. To Uve a land's recorded theme. When we are in the tomb ; We, too, might yield the joys of home. And waves of Avmter darkness roam. And tread a shore of gloom — Knew we those waves, through coming time, Shoffid roU our names to every cUme ; Felt we that mUUons on that shore Shoffid stand, om memory to adore — But no glad vision burst in Ught, Upon the PUgrims' aching sight Their hearts no proud hereafter swelled ; Deep shadows veUed the way they held ; The yell of vengeance was their ttump of fame. Their monument, a gi-ave without a name. VH. Yet, sttong in weakness, there they stand. On yonder ice-bound rock. Stern and resolved, that faithfffi band, To meet fate's rudest shock. CITY GOVERNMENT. 361 Though angffish rends the father's breast. For them, his dearest and his best, With him the waste who trod — Though tears that freeze, the mother sheds Upon her chUdren's houseless heads — The Christian tmns to God ! vm. In gratefffi adoration noAV, Upon the barren sands they bow. What tongue of joy e'er woke such prayer. As bursts in desolation there ? What arm of strength e'er Avrought such power. As waits to crown that feeble hour ? There mto life an infant empire springs ! There faUs the non from the soffi ; There Uberty's young accents roU, Up to the King of kings ! To fair creations farthest bound. That thrffiing summons yet shall sound ; The ffieaming nations shaU awake. And to their centte earth's old Mngdoms shake. Pontiff and prince, your sway Must crumble from that day ; Before the loftier throne of Heaven, The hand is raised, the pledge is given — One monarch to obey, one creed to own. That monarch, God, that creed. His word alone. IX. Spread out earth's hoUest records here. Of days and deeds to reverence dear ; A zeal Uke this what pious legends teU ? On kingdoms buUt In blood and guilt. The worshippers of vulgar triumph dweU — But what exploit Avith thens shall page. Who rose to bless their Mnd ; Who left then nation and then age, Man's spirit to unbind ? 31 362 MLTnCIPAL HISTORY. Who boundless seas passed o'er. And boldly met, in every path. Famine and frost and heathen Avrath, To defficate a shore. Where piety's meek ttain might breathe their vow. And seek their Maker Avith an unshamed brow ; Where liberty's glad race might proudly come. And set up there an everlasting home ? 0 many a time it hath been told, The story of those men of old : For this fair poetty hath Avreathed Her sweetest, purest flower ; For this proud eloquence hath breathed His strain of loftiest power ; Devotion, too, hath fingered round Each spot of consecrated ground, And hiU and valley blessed ; There, where our banished Fathers strayed, There, where they loved and wept and prayed, There, where then ashes rest. XI. And never may they rest unsung, WhUe Uberty can find a tongue. TAvine, Gratitude, a Avreath for thpm, More deathless than the ffiadem. Who to fife's noblest end. Gave up life's noblest powers, And bade the legacy descend, Down, down to us and ours. XH. By centuries now the glorious hour we mark. When to these shores they steered then shattered bark ; And stUl, as other centuries melt away, ShaU other ages come to keep the day. When we are dust, who gather round this spot, Our joys, our griefs, our very names forgot. CITY GOVERNMENT. 353 Here shaU the dweUers of the land be seen. To keep the memory of the Pilgrims gi-een. Nor here alone their praises shaU go round. Nor here alone theu virtues shaU abound — Broad as the empire of the free shaU spread. Far as the foot of man shall dare to tt-ead. Where oar hath never dipped, where human tongue Hath never through the woods of ages rung. There, where the eagle's scream and wUd wolf's cry Keep ceaseless day and night through earth and sky. Even there, in after time, as toil and taste Go forth in gladness to redeem the waste. Even there shall rise, as gratefffi myriads throng. Faith's holy prayer and freedom's joyfffi song ; There shall the flame that flashed from yonder Rock, Light up the land tffi nature's final shock. xm. Yet whUe by life's endearments crowned, To mark this day we gather round. And to our nation's founders raise The voice of gratitude and praise. Shall not one line lament that lion race. For us sttuck out from sweet creation's face ? Alas ! alas ! for them — those fated bands. Whose monarch tread Avas on these broad, green lands ; Om' fathers galled them savage — them, whose bread. In the dark hour, those famished fathers fed : We caU them savage, we. Who hail the sttuggling free, Of every cUme and hue ; We, who would save The branded slave. And give him Uberty he never knew : We, who but now have caught the tale. That turns each Ustening tyrant pale. And blessed the winds and waves that bore The tidings to our kindred shore ; The triumph-tidings pealing from that land. Where up in arms insffited legions stand ; 364 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. There, gathering round his bold compeers. Where He, om own, our welcomed One, Riper m glory than in years, Down from his forfeit throne, A craven monarch hurled. And spurned him forth, a proverb to the world ! XIV. We caU them savage — O be just ! Their outtaged feeUngs scan ; A voice comes forth, 'tis from the du^t — The savage was a man ! Think ye he loved not ? who stood by. And in his toUs took part ? Woman was there to bless his eye — The savage had a heart ! TMiik ye he prayed not ? when on Mgh He heard the thunders roU, What bade him look beyond the sky ? The savage had a soul ! XV. I venerate the PUgrim's cause. Yet for the red man dare to plead — We bow to Heaven's recorded laws,. He turned to nature for a creed ; Beneath the pffiared dome. We seek our God in prayer ; Through bounffiess woods he loved to roam, And the Great Spnit worshipped there : But one, one feUow-throb with us he felt ; To one divinity with us he knelt ; Freedom, the self-same freedom we adore. Bade him defend his violated shore ; He saw the cloud, ordained to grow. And bm-st upon his hiUs in woe ; He saw his people withering by. Beneath the invader's evU eye ; CITY GOVERNMENT. 365 Sttange feet were ttampling on his fathers' bones ; At midnight hour he woke to gaze Upon his happy cabin's blaze. And Usten to his children's dying groans : He saw — and maddening at the sight. Gave his bold bosom to the fight ; To tiger rage his soul was ffiiven, Mercy was not — nor sought nor given ; The pale man from his lands must fly ; He would be free — or he would die. XVI. And was this savage ? say. Ye ancient fcAV, Who sttuggled through Young freedom's ttial-day — What first your sleeping wrath awoke ? On your own shores Avar's larum broke : What turned to gaU even Mndred blood ? Round your own homes the oppressor stood : This every warm affection chffied. This every heart Avith vengeance thrilled. And sttengthened every hand ; From mound to mound. The word went round — " Death for our native land ! " XVH. Ye mothers, too, breathe ye no sigh. For them who thus could dare to ffie ? Are aU your own dark hours forgot. Of soul-sick suffering here ? Your pangs, as from yon mountain spot. Death spoke in every booming shot, That knelled upon your ear ? How oft that gloomy, glorious tale ye teU, As round your knees your chUffien's children hang. Of them, the gaUant Ones, ye loved so well. Who to the conflict for then countty sprang. 31* 366 MUNICHfAL HISTORY. In pride, in aU the pride of woe. Ye tell of them, the brave laid low. Who for their birthplace bled ; In pride, the pride of triumph then. Ye teU of them, the matchless men, From whom the invaders fled ! xvm. And ye, this holy place Avho throng. The annual theme to hear. And bid the exffiting song Sound their great names from year to year ; Ye, who invoke the chisel's breathing grace, In marble majesty their forms to ttace ; Ye, who the sleeping rocks would raise. To guard then dust and speak then praise ; Ye, who, should some other band With hostile foot deffie the land. Feel that ye like them woffid wake. Like them the yoke of bondage break. Nor leave a battle-blade undrawn. Though every MU a sepffichre shoffid yawn — Say, have not ye one Une for those. One brother-line to spare. Who rose but as your Fathers rose, And dared as ye Avould dare ? XIX. Alas ! for them — their day is o'er, Their fires are out from hill and shore ; No more for them the wild deer bounds, The plough is on their hunting grounds ; The pale man's axe rings through their AA^oods, The pale man's sail skims o'er their floods. Their pleasant springs are ffiy ; Their chilffien — look, by power oppressed. Beyond the mountains of the west, Then children go — to die. CITY GOVERNMENT. 367 XX. O doubly lost ! oblivion's shadoAVs close Around their triumphs and their woes. On other realms, whose suns have set. Reflected raffiance lingers yet ; There sage and bard have shed a Ught That never shall go down in night ; There time-crowned columns stand on high. To teU of them who cannot die ; Even we, who then were nothmg, kneel In homage there, and join earth's general peal. But the doomed Indian leaves behmd no trace. To save his own, or serve another race ; With his fraU breath his power has passed away. His deeds, his thoughts are bmied AAith his clay ; Nor lofty pile, nor gloAving page ShaU ffiik him to a future age. Or give him with the past a rank : His heraldry is but a broken bow. His history but a tale of Avrong and woe. His very name must be a blank. XXI. Cold, Avith the beast he slew, he sleeps ; O'er Mm no fiUal spirit weeps ; No crowds throng round, no anthem-notes ascend. To bless his coming and embalm his end ; Even that he lived, is for his conqueror's tongue, By foes alone his death-song must be sung ; No chronicles but theirs shaU teU His mournful doom to future times ; May these upon his virtues dweU, And in his fate forget his crimes. xxn. Peace to the mingUng dead ! Beneath the turf we tread. 368 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. Chief, Pilgrim, Patriot sleep — AU gone ! how changed ! and yet the same, As when faith's herald bark ffist came In sorrow o'er the deep. Stffi from his noonday height. The sun looks doAvn in Ught ; Along the trackless realms of space. The stars stffi run their midnight race ; The same green vaUeys smUe, the same rough shore Stffi echoes to the same wUd ocean's roar : — But where the bristUng night-wolf sprang Upon his startled prey. Where the fierce Indian's war-cry rang Through many a bloody fray ; And where the stern old Pilgrim prayed In solitude and gloom. Where the bold Patriot ffiew his blade. And dared a pattiot's doom — Behold ! in Uberty's unclouded blaze. We Uft our heads, a race of other days. XXIH. All gone ! the wild beast's lair is ttodden out ; Proud temples stand in beauty there ; Our children raise their merry shout. Where once the death-whoop vexed the an : The Pilgrim — seek yon ancient place of gi-aves. Beneath that chapel's holy shade ; Ask, where the breeze the long grass Avaves, Who, Avho AAithin that spot are laid : The Patriot — go, to fame's proud mount repan. The tardy pUe, slow rising there. With tongueless eloquence shall tell Of them Avho for their counti-y feU. XXIV. AU gone ! 't is ours, the gooffiy land — Look round — the heritage behold ; Go forth — upon the mountains stand. Then, if ye can, be cold. CITY GOVERNMENT. 369 See Uving vales by Uving waters blessed. Their wealth see earth's dark caverns yield. See ocean roU, in ,glory dressed. For aU a tteasure, and round aU a shield : Hark to the shouts of praise Rejoicing millions raise ; Gaze on the spires that rise. To point them to the skies, Unfearing and unfeared ; Then, if ye can, O then forget To whom ye owe the sacred debt — The PUgrim race revered ! The men who set faith's bmning lights Upon these everlasting heights. To gffide their chUdren through the years of time The men that glorious law who taught. Unshrinking Uberty of thought. And roused the nations Asith the ttuth subUme. XXV. Forget ? no, never — ne'er shaU ffie. Those names to memory dear ; I read the promise in each eye That beams upon me here. Descendants of a tAvice-recorded race. Long may ye here your lofty lineage grace ; 'Tis not for you home's tender tie To rend, and brave the waste of waves ; 'Tis not for you to rouse and die. Or yield and live a line of slaves ; The deeds of danger and of death are done : Upheld by inward power alone, Unhonored by the world's loud tongue, 'Tis yours to do unknown. And then to die unsung. To other days, to other men belong The penman's plaudit and the poet's song ; Enough for glory has been Avrought, By you be humbler praises sought ; In peace and truth life's jomney run. And keep unsuUied what your Fathers won. 370 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. XXVI. Take then my prayer. Ye dweUers of this spot - Be yours a noiseless and a guiltless lot. I plead not that ye bask In the rank beams of vulgar fame ; To Ught your steps I ask A purer and a holier flame. No bloated growth I supplicate for you. No pining multitude, no pampered few ; 'Tis not alone to coffer gold. Nor spreaffing borders to behold ; 'Tis not fast-swelling crowds to win. The refuse-ranks of Avant and sin — This be the kind decree : Be ye by goodness crowned. Revered, though not renowned ; Poor, if Heaven Avffi, but Free ! Free from the tyrants of the hour. The clans of wealth, the clans of power. The coarse, cold scorners of their God ; Free from the taint of sin, The leprosy that feeds withm. And free, in mercy, from the bigot's rod. XX VH. The sceptic's might, the crosier's pride. Ye do not fear ; No conquest blade, in Ufe-blood dyed. Drops terror here — Let there not lurk a subtler snare, For wisdom's footsteps to beware ; The shacMe and the stake, Om Fathers fled ; Ne'er may their children Avake A foffier Avrath, a deeper ffi-ead ; Ne'er may the craft that fears the flesh to bind. Lock its hard fetters on the mind ; Quenched be the fiercer flame That kindles with a name : CITY GOVERNMENT. 37I The pilgrim's faith, the pilgrim's zeal. Let more than pUgrim kindness seal ; Be purity of Ufe the test. Leave to the heart, to Heaven, the rest. XXVHI. So, when our chUdren turn the page. To ask what triumphs marked our age. What we achieved to chaUenge praise. Through the long Une of future days. This let them read, and hence instruction draw : " Here Avere the Many blessed, " Here found the virtues rest, " Faith Unked Avith love and Uberty with law; " Here industty to comfort led, " Her book of light here learning spread ; " Here the warm heart of youth " Was wooed to temperance and to truth ; " Here hoary age was found, " By Avisdom and by reverence crowned. " No great, but guUty fame " Here kindled pride, that should have kinffied shame ; " These chose the better, happier part, " That poured its sunlight o'er the heart ; " That crowned their homes Avith peace and health, " And weighed Heaven's smUe beyond earth's wealth ; " Far from the thorny paths of sttife " They stood, a living lesson to their race, " Rich in the charities of life, " Man in his sttength, and Woman in her grace ; In purity and love their pilgrim road they trod. And when they served their neighbor felt they served their God." XXIX This may not wake the poet's verse. This souls of fire may ne'er rehearse In crowd deUghting voice ; Yet o'er the record shaU the patriot bend. His quiet praise the moraUst shall lend. And aU the good rejoice. 372 MUNICIPAL HISTORY. XXX. This be om story then, in that far day. When others come their kinffied debt to pay : In that far day ? — O what shaU be, In this dominion of the free. When we and ours have rendered up our ttust. And men unborn shaU ttead above our dust ? O what shaU be ? — He, He alone, The dread response can make. Who sitteth on the only throne. That time shall never shake ; Before whose aU-beholding eyes Ages sweep on, and empires sink and rise. Then let the song to Him begun. To Him in reverence end : Look down in love. Eternal One, And Thy good cause defend ; Here, late and long, put forth thy hand, To guard and guide the PUgrim's land. APPENDIX. (A. Page 43.) THE mayor's INAUGURAL ADDRESS, MAT, 1822. Gentlemen of the City Council : — The experience of nearly two centuries has borne ample testimony to the ¦wisdom of those institutions which our ancestors established for the manage ment of their municipal concerns. Most of the towns in this Commonwealth may, probably, continue to enjoy the benefit of those salutary regulations for an unUmited series of years. But the great increase of population in the town of Boston has made it necessary for the Legislature frequently to enact statutes of local appUcation, to enable the inhabitants successfully to conduct their aifairs; and at the last session, with a promptness which claims our gratitude, on the application of the town, they granted the charter which invests it -mth the powers and inununities of a city. Those who have attended to the inconveniences under which we have labored, wiU not attribute this innovation to an eager thirst for novelty, or restless desire of innovation. The most intel hgent and experienced of our citizens have for a long period meditated a change, and exerted their influence to effect it. Difference of opinion must be expected, and mutual concessions made, in all cases where the interests of a large commu nity is to be accommodated. The precise form in which the charter is to be presented, may not be acceptable to all ; but its provisions have met with the approbation of a large majority, and it wiU receive the support of every good citizen. Mr. Chairman, and Gentlemen of the Board of Selectmen : — The members of the City CouncU acknowledge their obUgations to you, for the attention and care which you have bestowed in all the arrangements for their accommodation. They tender their thanks for the friendly and respectful senti ments expressed in the address which accompanied the delivery of the ancient act of incorporation of the town, and the recent charter of the city. During the short period which has elapsed since I was elected to the office, the duties of which I have now solemnly undertaken to discharge to the best of my abUity, I have devoted such portion of my time as I could command to exar mine the records of your proceedings, with the able assistance which your Chair- 32 374 APPENDIX. man most readily afforded me ; and they furnish full evidence of the abihty, diligence, and integrity of those who have been justiy denominated the Fathers of the town. Gentlemen, you will now be relieved from labors, the weight of which can only be diUy estimated by those exceUent citizens who have preceded you in office. You retire with the consciousness of important duties faithfuUy and honorably discharged. Our best wishes attend you, whether engaged in public employments or in private pursuits. May you be useful and prosperous, and long continue your exertions to advance the interest and honor of our city. Those who encourage hopes that can never be reaUzed, and those who indulge unreasonable apprehensions because this instrument is not framed agreeably to their wishes, -ffiU be benefited by reflecting, how much more our social happiness depends upon other causes than the provisions of a charter. Purity of manners, general diffusion of knowledge, and strict attention to the education of the young, above aU a firm, practical belief of that Divine revelation which has affixed the penalty of unceasing anguish to rice, and promised to virtue rewards of inter minable duration, wiU counteract the evils of any form of government. While the love of order, benevolent affections, and Christian piety distinguish, as they have done, the inhabitants of this city, they may enjoy the highest blessings under a charter with so few imperfections as that which the wisdom of our Legislatm-e has sanctioned. To enter upon the administration of this government by the inritation of our feUow-citizens, we are this day assembled. When I look around and observe gentlemen of the highest standing and most active employments, devoting their talents and experience to assist in the commencement of this arduous business, in common with my feUow-citizens, I appreciate most highly their elevated and patriotic motives. I weU know, Gentiemen, the great sacrifice of time, of care, and of emolument, which you make in assuming this burden. It shall be my constant study to tighten it by every means in my power. In my official inteiv course, I shaU not encumber you with unnecessary forms, or encroach on your time with prolix dissertations. In all the communications which the charter requires me to make, conciseness and brevity wiU be carefuUy studied. I will detain you no longer from the discbarge of the important duties which now devolve upon you, than to invite you to unite in beseeching the Father of Light, without whose blessing aU exertion is fruitless, and whose grace alone can give efficacy to the councUs of human wisdom, to enlighten and guide our delibera tions with the influence of his Holy Spirit, and then we cannot fciil to promote the best interests of our feUow-citizens. APPENDIX. 375 (B. Page 59.) THE mayor's INAUGURAL ADDRESS, MAT, 1823. Gentlemen of the Board of Aldermen, and Gentlemen of the Common Council: — • Itf accepting the office, to which the suffrages of my fellow-citizens have called me, I have not concealed from myself the labors and responsibUities of the station. Comparing my own powers with the nature and exigencies of the pre sent relations of the city, I should have shrunk instinctively from the task, did I not derive, from the inteUigence and rirtues of my feUow-oitizens, a confidence which no qualifications of my own are capable of inspiring. In entering upon the duties of this office, and after examining and considering the records of the proceedings of the city authorities the past year, it is impos sible for me to refrain from expressing the sense I entertain of the services of that high and honorable indiridual who fiUed the Chair of this city, as weU as of the wise, prudent, and faithful citizens, who composed, during that period, the City CouncU. Their labors have been, indeed, in a measure, unobtrusive ; but they have been various, useful, and well considered. They have laid the found ations of the prosperity of our city deep, and on right principles ; and, whatever success may attend those who come after them, they wUl be largely indebted for it to the wisdom and fideUty of their predecessors. A task was committed to the first administration to perform, in no common degree arduous and deUcate. The change from a town to a city had not been effected -without a considerable oppo sition. On that subject many fears existed, which it was difficult to aUay ; many jealousies, hard to overcome. In the outset of a new form of government, among variously affected passions and interests, and among indistinct expecta tions impossible to reaUze, it was apparently wise to shape the course of the first administration, rather by the spirit of the long-experienced constitution of the town, than by that of the unsettled charter of the city. It was natural for pru dent men, first intrusted with city authorities, to apprehend that measures par taking of the mild, domestic character of our ancient institutions, might be as useful, and would be likely to be more acceptable, than those which should develop the entire powers of the new government. It is yet to be proved, whether, in these measures, our predecessors were not right. In aU times the inhabitants of this metropolis have been distinguished, preeminentiy, for a free, elastic repubUcan spirit. Heaven grant, that they forever may be thus distin guished ! It is yet to be decided, whether such a spirit can, for the sake of the peace, order, health, and convenience of a great and rapidly-increasing popula tion, endure without distrust and discontent, the appUcation of necessary city powers to all the exigencies which arise in such a community. In executing the trust which my fellow-citizens have confided to me, I shaU yield entirely to the influences, and be guided exclusively by the principles of the city charter ; striving to give prudent efficiency to aU its powers ; endeavor ing to perform aU its duties, in forms and modes at once the most useful and most acceptable to my fellow-citizens. If at any time, however, through any intrinsic incompatibiUty, it is impracticable to unite both these objects, I shaU, in 376 APPENDIX such case, foUow duty ; aud leave the event to the decision of a just, and wise, and generous people. In every exigency, it -wUl be my endeavor to imbibe and to exhibit, in purpose and act, the spirit of the city charter. What that spirit is, so far as relates to the office of Mayor ; what duties it enjoins ; and by what principles those duties -sviU, in the eoui-se of the ensuing administration, be attempted to be performed, it is suitable to the occasion, and I shall now, very briefly, explain. The spirit of the city charter, so far as relates to the office of Mayor, is charac terized by the powers and duties it devolves upon that officer. By him, " the laws of the city are to be executed ; the conduct of aU subordi nate officers inspected; aU negligence, carelessness, and positive violations of duty prosecuted and punished." In addition to this, he is enjoined to " coUect and communicate aU information, and recommend aU such measures as may tend to improve the city finances, poUce, health, security, cleanliness, comfort, and ornament." The spirit of the city charter in this relation may also be coUected, by consi dering these powers and duties in connection with the preceding form of govern ment. One great defect in the ancient organization of to-fvn government was, the dirision of the executive power among many ; the consequent Uttie respon sibUity, and the faciUty with which that Uttle was shifted from one department, board, or indiridual, to another ; so as to leave the inhabitants, in a great mea sure, at a loss whom to blame for the deficiency in the nature or execution of the provisions for their safety and poUee. The duty, also, of general superintend ence over aU the boards and pubUc institutions, being specificaUy vested no where, no indiridual member of either of them could take upon himself that office, without being obnoxious to the charge of a busy, meddlesome disposition. The consequence was, that the great duty of considering aU the pubhc institu tions, in their relations to one another and to the pubUc serrice, was either necessarUy neglected, or, if performed at aU, could only be executed occasion aUy, and in a very general manner. The remedy attempted by the city charter is, to proride for the fulfilment of aU these duties, by specificaUy investing the chief officer of the city with the necessary powers ; and thus to render him responsible, both in character and by station, for their efficient exercise. By placing this officer under the constant control of both branches of the City CouncU, aU errors, in judgment and pur pose, were intended to be checked or corrected ; and, by his annual election, security is attained against insufficiency or abuse, in the exercise of his authority. The duties, enjoined by the charter on the executive authority, are concurrent with its powers and coincident -with its spirit. If, in making a sketch of them, I shall be thought to present an outUne, difficult for any man completely to fill, and absolutely impracticable for the individual who now occupies the station, let it be remembered, that it is always wise in man to work after models more per fect than his capacity can execute. Perfect duty, it is not in the power of man to perform. But it is the right of the people, that every man in public ' office should know and attempt it. Let it also be considered, that it wUl be advanta geous, both for the individual who may hold, and for the people who judge and select, that both should form elevated conceptions of the nature of the station. The one wUl be thus more likely to aim at something higher than mediocrity, in APPENDIX. 377 execution ; and the other, forming just notions of its difficulty, deUcacy, and importance, wUl select with discrimination, and receive more readily faithful and laborious endeavor in lieu of perfect performance. The great duty of the Mayor of such a city as this, is to identify himself, abso lutely and exclusively, with its character and interests. All its unportant rela tions he should diUgently study, and strive thoroughly to understand. AU its rights, whether aflfecting property, or Uberty, or power, it is his duty, as occa sions occur, to analyze and maintain. If possible, he should leave no founda tions of either unsettled or dubious. Towards them, he should teach hunself to feel, not merely the zeal of official station, but the pertinacious spirit of private interest. Of local, sectional, party, or personal divisions, he should know nothing, except for the purpose of heaUng the wounds they inffict ; softening the animo sities they engender ; and exciting, by his example and influence, bands, hostUe to one another in every other respect, to march one way, when the interests of the city are iu danger. Its honor, happiness, dignity, safety, and prosperity, the development of its resources, its expenditures and poUce, should be the perpetual object of his purpose and labor of his thought. AU its public institutions, its edifices, hospitals, almshouses, jails, should be made the subject of his frequent in spection, to the end that wants may be suppUed, errors corrected, abuses exposed. Above aU, its schools, those choice depositaries of the hope of a free people, should engage his utmost soUcitude and unremitting superintendence. Justly are these institutions the pride and the boast of the inhabitants of this city. For these, Boston has, at all times, stood preeminent. Let there exist, elsewhere, a greater population, a richer commerce, wider streets, more splendid ave nues, statelier palaces. Be it the endeavor of this metropolis to educate better men, happier citizens, more enUghtened statesmen ; to elevate a people, tho roughly instructed in their social rights, deeply imbued with a sense of their moral duties ; mild, flexible to every breath of legitimate authority ; unyielding as fate to unconstitutional impositions. In administering the police, in executing the laws, in protecting the rights, and promoting the prosperity of the city, its first officer wiU be necessarily beset and assaUed by individual interests, by rival projects, by personal influences, by party passions. The more firm and inflexible he is, in maintaining the rights, and in pursuing the interests of the city, the greater is the probabiUty of his becoming obnoxious to all, whom he causes to be prosecuted, or punished ; to aU, whose passions he thwarts ; to aU, whose interests he opposes. It wUl remain for the citizens to decide, whether he who shaU attempt to fulfil these duties, and thus to uphold their interests, in a firm, honest, and unpartial spirit, shaU find countenance and support, in the intelUgence and virtue of the com munity. Touching the principles, by which the ensuing administration wiU endeavor to regulate and conduct the aff'airs of the city, nothing is promised, except a labo rious fulfihnent of every known duty ; a prudent exercise of every invested power ; and a disposition, shrinking from no official responsibility. The outUne of the duties, just sketched, wUl be placed before the executive officer, -without any expectation of approximating towards its extent, much less of fflling it up, according to that enlarged conception. By making, in the constitution of our 32* 378 APPENDIX. nature, the power to pm-pose greater than the power to perform, Proridence hsa indicated to man, that true duty and wisdom consists in combining high efforts with humble expectations. If the powers vested seem too great for any indiridual, let it be remembered, that they are necessary to attain the great objects of health, comfort, and safety to the city. To those whose fortunes are restricted, these powei-s, in their just exercise, ought to be peculiarly precious. The rich can fly from the generated pestilence. In the season of danger, the sons of fortune can seek refuge in purer atmospheres. But necessity condemns the poor to remain and inhale the noxious effluvia. To aU classes who reside permanentiy in a city, these powers are a privilege and a blessing. In relation to city poUce, it is not sufficient that the law, in its due process, wUl ultimately remedy every injury, and remove every nuisance. WhUe the law delays, the injury is done. While judges are doubting, and la-wyers debating, the nuisance ia exhaling and the atmosphere corrupting. In these cases, prevention should be the object of soUcitude, not remedy. It is not enough, that the obstacle which impedes the citizen's way, or the nuisance which oflfends his sense should be removed on complaint, or by complaint. The true criterion of an efficient city government is, that it should be removed before complaint and without complaint. The true glory of a city consists, not in palaces, temples, columns, the vain boast of art, or the proud magnificence of luxury, but in a happy, secure, and contented people ; feeling the advantage of a rigorous and faithful administra tion, not merely in the wide street and splendid avenue, but in every lane, in every court, and in every aUey. The poorest and humblest citizen should be made instinctively to bless that paternal government, which he daUy perceives Avatching over his comfort and convenience, and securing for him that surest pledge of health, a pure atmosphere. The indiridual, now intrusted with the executive power by his feUow-citizens, repeats, that he promises nothing, except an absolute self-devotion to theh interests. To understand, maintain, and improve them, he dedicates whatever humble intellectual or physical power he may possess. Gentlemen of the City Council: — In all the relations which the constitution has established between the depart ments, it AviU be bis endeavor, by punctuaUty and despatch in public business, by executing every duty and taking every responsibiUty which belongs to his office, to shorten and lighten your disinterested and patriotic labors. Should his and your faithful, though necessarUy imperfect exertions, give satisfaction to our feUow-citizens, we shaU have reason to rejoice, — not -with a private and personal, but with a public and patriotic joy ; for next to the consciousness of fulfiUed duty, is the grateful conviction, that our lot is cast in a community, ready justiy to appreciate, and wiUing actively to support, faithful ajid laborious efforts in their service. Should, however, the contrary happen, and, in conformity with the experience of other republics, faithful exertions be followed by loss of favor and confidence, stlUhe will have reason to rejoice, — not, indeed, -with a pubhc and patriotic, but with a private and individual joy, — for he will retire -with a consciousness, weighed against which, aU human suffrages are but as the light dust of the balance. APPENDIX. 379 (C. Page 121.) THE mayor's INAUGURAL ADDRESS, MAY, 1824. Gentlemen of the City Council : — The first impulse of my heart, on thus entering a second time upon the duties of chief magistrate of this city, is to express my deep sense of gra-titude for the distinguished support I have received from the suffrages of my feUow-citizens. It has been, I am conscious, as much beyond my deserts, as beyond my hopes. May these marks of pubUc confidence produce their genuine fruits, truer zeal, greater activity, and more entire self-devotion to the interests of the city ! ¦ To you, gentlemen of the Board of Aldermen, who have received such gratify ing proofs of the approbation of your feUow-citizens, permit me thus publicly to express the greatness of my own obUgations. You have shunned no labor. You have evaded no responsibUity. You have sought, with a single eye, and a firm, undeviating purpose, the best interests of the city. It is my honor and happi ness to have been associated with such men. Whatsoever success has attended the administration of the past year, may justly be attributed to the spirit and inteUigence which characterized your labors and councUs. The gentlemen of the last Common CouncU are also entitied to a pubUo expression of my gratitude, for their undeviating personal support, as weU as the zeal and fideUty which distinguished their pubhc serrioes. It is proper, on the present occasion, to speak of the administration of the past year, -with reference to the principles by which it was actuated. If, in doing this, I enter more into detail than may seem suitable in a general discourse, it is because I deem such an elucidation conformable to the nature of the city govern ment, and connected with its success. Whatever there is peculiar in the charac ter of the inhabitants of Boston, is chiefly owing to the freedom of its ancient form of government, which had planted and fostered among its people a keen, active, inquisitive spirit ; taking an interest in aU pubUc affairs, and exacting a strict and frequent account from all who have the charge of their concerns. This is a healthy condition of a community, be it a city, state, or nation. It indi cates the existence of the only true foundation of public prosperity, the inteUi gence and virtue of the people, and their consequent capacity to govern them selves. Such a people have a right to expect a particular elucidation of conduct from public functionaries ; whose incumbent duty it is to foster, on aU occasions, among their feUow-citizens, a faithful and inquisitive spirit touching pubUc con cerns. The acts of the administration of the past year had reference to morals, to comfort, and convenience and ornament. A very brief statement of the chief of these, which had any thmg novel in their character, -vriU be made with reference to principle and to expense. If more prominence be given to this last than may be thought necessary, it is because in relation to this, discontent is most Ukely to appear. In the organizing of new systems, and in the early stages of beneficial and even economical arrangements outlays must occur. These expenditures are inseparable from the first years. The resulting benefit must be expected and 380 APPENDIX. averaged among many future years. No obscurity ought to be permitted, con cerning conduct and riews in this respect. In a repubUc, the strength of every administration, in public opinion, ought to be in proportion to the wUUngness ¦vrith which it submits to a rigorous accountabUity. With respect to morals, there existed at the commencement of last year, in one section of the city, an auda cious obtrusiveness of rice, notorious and lamentable ; setting at defiance, not only the decencies of Ufe, but the authority of the laws. Repeated attempts to subdue this combination had faUed. An opinion was entertained by some that it was invincible. There were those who recommended a tampering and palliative, rather than eradicating course of measures. Those intrusted ¦with the affairs of the city were of a different temper. The evU was met in the face. In spite of clamor, of threat, of insult, of the certificates of those who were interested to maintain, or -wilUng to countenance vice, in this quarter, a determined course was pursued. The whole section was put under the ban of authority. AU Ucenses in it were denied ; a rigorous police was organized, which, aided by the courts of justice and the House of Correction, effected its purpose. For three months past, the daUy reports of our city officers have represented that section as peaceable as any other. Those connected -with courts of justice, both as ministers and officers, assert that the effect has been plainly discernible in the registers of the jaU and of prosecution. These measures did not originate in any theories or risions of ideal purity, attainable in the existing state of human society, but in a single sense of duty and respect for the character of the city ; proceeding upon the principle, that if in great cities the existence of rice is ineritable, that its course should be in secret, Uke other filth, in drains and in darkness ; not obtrusive, not powerful, not prowUng publicly in the streets for the innocent and unwary. The expense by which this effect has been produced, has been somewhat less than one thousand doUai-s. An amount already perhaps saved to the community in the diminution of those prosecutions and of their costs, which the continuance of the former unobstructed course of predominating vice in that section would have occasioned. The next object of attention of the city government was cleansing the streets. In cities, £is well as among individuals, cleanUness has reference to morals as well as to comfort. Sense of dignity and self-respect are essentially connected -with purity, physical and moral. And a city is as much elevated as an individual by self-respect. To remove from our sti-eets whatever might offend the sense or endanger the health, was the first duty. To do it as economicaUy as was consistent with doing it weU, was the second. How it has been done, whether satisfactorily as could be expected in the first year, and by incipient operations, our feUow-citizens are the judges. As far as the knowledge of the Mayor and Aldermen has extended, the com-se pui-sued has met with unquaUfied approbation, and given entire content. In respect to economy, there were but two modes, — by contract, or by teams and laborers provided and employed by the city. The latter course was adopted ; and for several reasons. The value of what was annuaUy taken from the surface of the streets of the city, as weU as the quantity, was wholly unkno-wn. There were no data on which to estimate either, and of course no measure by APPENDIX. 381 which the amount of contract could be regulated. The streets of the city had been almost from time immemorial the revenue of the farmers in the vicinity, who came at will, took what siuted their purposes, and left the rest to accumulate. It was thought important that the city should undertake the operation neces sary to cleansing the streets itself, not because this mode was certainly the most economical, but because it would be certainly the most effectual ; and because, by this means, the city government would acquaint themselves with the subject in detaU, and be the better enabled to meet the farmers hereafter on the ground of contract, should this mode be found expedient. In order, however, to leave no means of information unsought, contracts were pubhcly inrited by the city government. Of the proposals made, one only included aU the operations of scraping, sweeping, and carrying away. This per son offered to do the whole for one year for seven thousand dollars. AU the other proposals expressly decUned having any thing to do ¦with scraping and sweep ing, and confined their offer to the mere carrying away. The lowest of these was eighteen hundred dollars. When it was found that the city was about to per form the operation on its own account, the same persons fell in their offers from eighteen to eight hundred doUars ; and when this was rejected, they offered to do it for nothing. And since the city operations have commenced, the inquiry now is, at what price they can enjoy the privilege. These facts are stated, because they strikingly Ulustrate how important it is to the city that its administration should take subjects of this kind into their own hands, until by experience they shaU have so become acquainted ¦with them as to render their ultimate measures the result of knowledge, and not of general surmise or opinion. The general result of the operations may be thus stated. At an expense of about four thousand doUars, between six and seven thousand tons weight of filth and dirt have been removed from the surface of the streets. AU of which have been advantageously used in improving the city property, under circumstances and in situations in which these coUections were much wanted, ¦ — on the Com mon, on the Neck lands, and at South Boston. There can be no question, that, in these improvements, the city "wiU receive the fuU value of the whole expense; to say nothing of what is reaUy the chief object of the system, that the streets have been kept in a general state of cleanUness satisfactory to the inhabitants. By sale of the coUections the next year, it is expected that we shaU be able to compare directly the cash receipt with the cash expenditure. The ¦widening of our streets, as occasions offered, was the next object to which the attention of the city administration was directed, and the one involving the greatest expense. The circumstances of the times, and the enterprise of private mdividuals, opened opportunities, in this respect, unexampled in point of number and importance. If lost, they might never occur again, at least not within the Ufetime of the youngest of our chUdren. The administration availed themselves of those opportunities, as a matter of duty, in the actual condition of a city so extremely irregular and inconvenient as is Boston in the original plan and pro jection of its streets. Important knprovements have been made in Lynn, Ship, Thacher, and MiU Pond Streets ; in Hanover, Elm, Brattie, Court, and Union Streets; in Temple, Lynde, Sumner, and Milk Streets; in Federal, Orange, Eliot, and Warren Streets. The expense has been somewhat less than twelve thousand doUars. A considerable cost in comparison with the extent of the land, 382 APPENDIX. taken ; but reasonable, and not more than might be expected, when considered with reference to the nature of the improvements, for the most part in thick-set- tied parts of the city, where the land taken was very valuable, and the unprove- ment proportionably important. Another object of attention during the past year has been the drains. The ancient system, by which these were placed on the footing of private right, was expensive and troublesome to individuals, involring proprietors in perpetual dis putes with those making new entries, and was particularly objectionable, as it respects the city, as that in a degree it made our streets the subjects of private right, and as such placed them out of the control of the city authorities. The principle adopted was, to take aU new drains into the hands of the city; to divide the expense as equally as possible among those, estates immediately benefited, upon principles appUcable to the particular nature of this subject, and retain in the city the whole property, both as it respects control and assessment In its first stages, such a system must necessarUy be expensive ; but the result cannot faU to be beneficial, and, in a course of years, profitable. During the past year, the city has buUt about five thousand feet of di-ain, one thousand feet of which is twenty inch barrel drain ; of this the city is now sole proprietor. It has already received more than one half the whole cost from persons whose estates were particularly benefited ; and the balance, amounting to about four thousand five hundred doUars, is in a course of gradual, and, as it respects the far greater part, certain, ultimate collection. Considering the effect which well- constructed drains must have upon the city expenditure, in respect of the single article of paring, there can be but one opinion upon the wisdom and economy of this system. A new mall has been nearly completed on Charles Street, and aU the missing and dead trees of the old malls, the Common, and Fort HiU, have been replaced ¦with a care and protection which almost insure success to these ornaments of the city. The proceedings of the Directors of the House of Industry, aud the flattering hopes connected ¦with that estabUshment, would require a minuteness of detaU, not compatible ¦with the present occasion. They wUl doubtless be made the subject of an early and distinct examination and report of the City CouncU. Two objects of very great interest, to which the proceedings of last year have reference, remain to be elucidated. The purchase of the interest of the proprie tors of the ropewalks west of the Common, aud the projected improvements about FaneuU HaU Market. The citizens of Boston, in a moment of sympathy and feeling for the sufferings of particular individuals, and without sufficient prospective regard for the future exigencies of the city, had voluntarUy given the right of using the land occupied by the ropewalks to certain grantees for that use. In consequence of the exclu sion of the water by the MUl-dam, a tract of land has been opened either for sale, as an object of profit, or for use, as an object of ornament, -with which the rights of these proprietors absolutely interfered. It was thought that no moment could be more favorable than the present to secure a reUnquishment of those rights. An agreement of reference has been entered into with those proprietors, and the amount to be paid by the city for such reUnquishment, has been left to the deci sion of five of our most inteUigent, independent, and confidential citizens, -with APPENDIX. 383 ¦whose decision it cannot be questioned that both parties ¦will have reason to be satisfied, notwithstanding it may happen that their award on the one side may be less, or, on the other, more than their respective previous anticipations. Touching the projected improvements in the vicinity of FaneuU HaU Market, not only the extreme necessities of the city, in relation to space for a market, have led to this project, but also the particular relations of that vicinity have indicated the wisdom and policy, even at some risk and sacrifice, of bringing together in one compact, efficient, and commodious connection, the northern and central sections of our city, so as to facUitate the intercourse of business and enterprise between them, and bring into market, and into use, and into improve ment parts of the city, at present old, sightless, inconvenient, and in comparison •with that competency which must result from a judicious arrangement, at present absolutely useless. Both these measures of the city government, relative to the Ropewalks and to Faneuil HaU Market, -wiU necessarily lead to what, to many of our citizens, is an object of great dread, — a city debt. As this is a subject of considerable importance, and touches a nerve of great sensibUity, it ought to be weU considered and rightiy understood by our fellow- citizens. I shall, therefore, not apologize for making, on this occasion, some observations upon it. The right to create a debt, is a power vested by our charter in the City Coun cU. Now this, like every other power, is to be characterized by its use. This may be ¦wise and prudent, or the opposite, according to the objects to which it is appUed, and the manner and degree of that appUcation. Abstractedly, a debt is no more an object of terror than a sword. Both are vei-y dangerous in the hands of fools or madmen. Both are very safe, innocent, and useful in the hands of the ¦wise and prudent. A debt created for a purpose, Uke that which probably ¦wiU be necessai-y in the case of the ropewalks, that of reUeving a great property from an accidental embarrassment, is no more a just object of dread to a 'city than a debt created for seed wheat is to a farmer ; or than a debt for any object of certain return is to a merchant. So in the case of Faneuil HaU Market; what possible object of rational apprehension can there be in a debt created for the purpose of purchasing a ¦tract of territory, whose value must be increased by the purchase, which, if sold, cannot faU to excite a great competition, and if retained, the incomes of which, so far as respects the market, are whoUy within the control of the city author ities? It is possible, indeed, that more may be paid for some estates than abstractedly they may be worth. It is possible that great changes may take place in the value of real estate between the tune of the commencement and the time of completing such a project. But the reverse is also quite as^ possible. Proridence does not permit man to act upon certainties. The constitution of our nature obUges hun, in every condition and connection, to shape his course of conduct by probabiUties. His duty is to weigh maturely, prerious to decision, to consider anxiously both the wisdom of his ends and the proportion of his means. Once decided, in execution he should be as firm and rapid as in coun cU he has been slow and deUberate ; cultivating in his own breast and in the breasts of others just confidence in the continuance of the usual analogies and relations of things. 384 APPENDIX. The destinies of the city of Boston are of a nature too plain fo be denied or misconceived. The prognostics of its future greatness are ¦written on the face of nature too legibly and too indeUbly to be mistaken. These indications are apparent from the location of our city, from its harbor, and its relative position among rival towns and cities ; above all, from the character of its inhabitants, and the singular degree of enterprise and inteUigence which are diffused through every class of its citizens. Already capital and population is determined towards it from other places, by a certain and irresistible power of attraction. It remains then for the citizens of Boston to be true to their own destinies ; to be wiUing to meet wise expenditures and temporary sacrifices, and thus to cooperate with nature and Providence in their apparent tendencies to promote their greatness and prosperity ; thereby not only improving the general condition of the city, elevating its character, multiplying its accommodations, and strengthening the predilections which exist already in its favor, but also patronizing and finding employment for its laborers and mechanics. It is true the power of credit, like every other power, is subject to abuse. But to improve the general convenience of the city, to augment its facUities for busi ness, to add to the comfort of its inhabitants, and in this way to augment its resources, are among the most obvious and legitimate uses of that power, which, doubtless, for these purposes, was intrusted to the City Council. Having thus explained some of the principal proceedings and sources of extra ordinary expense occurring during the past year, I feel myself bound to make some general remarks on the nature of the office I have had the honor to hold, and to which the suffrages of my feUow-citizens have recalled me. It is import- ant_that a right apprehension should be formed concerning its duties, its respon sibUities, the powers it ought to possess, and what the people have a right to expect, and what they ought to exact from the possessor of it. And I do this the rather, because I am sensible that very different opinions exist upon this subject. There are those who consider the office very much in the light of a pageant;, destined merely to superintend and direct the general course of administration, to maintain the dignity, and to " dispense the hospitaUties " of the city, and who deem the office in some measure degraded, by having any thing of a laborious or working condition connected with it ; aud I am well aware that the practice in other cities justifies such an opinion. I have not thought, however, gentiemen, that a young and healthy republic, for such the city of Boston is, should seek its precedents, or encourage its officers in looking for models among the corrupt and superannuated forms of ancient despotisms. ^On the contrary, it seemed to me incumbent on the early possessor of this office, in a state of society Uke that which exists in Massachusetts, and for which this city is preeminent, to look at the real character of that office, as it is indicated by the expressions of the char ter, and exists in the nature of things, with little or no regard to the practice of other places, or to opinions founded on those practices. In this view, therefore, my attempt has been to attain a deep and thorough acquaintance with the interests of the inhabitants and of the city ; and this not by general surveys, but by a minute, particular, and active inspection of their public concerns, in all their details. Although this course has been the occasion of much trouble, and perhaps made me obnoxious to some censure, as being busy, and perhaps meddling, ¦with APPENDIX. 385 matters out of my sphere, yet I have thought it better to expose myself to those imputations, than to forego the opportunities such a course of conduct afforded of obtaining a deep and thorough acquaintance with the business and interests of the city, which the charter plainly presupposed, and indeed was ncec-sary to fulfil the duties in a very huhible degree which it made incumbent. And the more experience I have had in the duties of this office, the more I feel obliged, both by precept and example, to press upon my feUow-citizens tiie necossity of considering this as a business office, combining as indispensable requisites, — great zeal, great activity, great self-devotion, and, as far as possible, a thorough acquaintance with the relations of the people. Nor is it only necessary that tiicse qualities should at aU times be exacted of the chief magistrate, and that he should be held to a rigid exhibition of them, in his official conduct ; but, on the other hand, it is also necessary that aU the departments should' be so arranged as to throw upon him the fuU weight of all the responsibility which the charter attaches to his office. Whatever has a tend ency to weaken that sense of responsibiUtj-, above aU, whatever enabl^ the exe cutive officer to cast the blame of weak plans or inefficient execution upon others. has a direct tendency to corrupt the executive, and to deprive the citizens of a chief benefit, contemplated in the charter. If there be any advantage in the form of a city over that of a town govern ment, it lies in one single word, — efficiency. In this point of view, all the powers of the City Council may be considered as comprehending also the execu tive power, of which the Mayor is but a branch. For they enact the laws which enable his department to possess that efficiency the charter contemplates. Now, efficiency means nothing more than capacity to carry into effect. Whatever form of organization of any department tends to deprive the executive of the city of the power to carry into effect the laws, or transfers that power to others, dis connected from his responsibility, has a direct tendency to encourage the execu tive in ignorance, inactivity, or imbecility, which will inevitably, sooner or later, result just in proportion as the organization enables him to throw the blame of mismanagement upon others, or not to hold himself accountable for it. Within the narrow limits and in relation to the humble objects to which the executive power extends, its responsibUity should be clear, undivided, and inca pable of being evaded. On the executive should ultimately devolve the account ability for tiie efficiency of aU tiie departments ; and every organization is defect ive which enables him to escape from it. Every citizen, in making complaints to this officer, should be certain of finding redress, or of being pointed to the path to obtain it. And as to those general nuisances which off'cnd sense, endan ger health, or interfere with comfort, his power should enable liiin to apply a remedy upon the instant, or at least as readily as the nature of the particular subject-matter permits ; and to effect this, not by reference, not by writing sup plicatory letters to independent boards, but personally, by appUcation of means in his own hands, or by agents under his control, and for whom he is responsible. The true theory of the form of government which our feUow-citizens have chosen, results in a severe responsibility of the executive power, and with it are identified the true interests of the citizens and the real advantages of a city organization. But responsibUity implies a coextensive power as its basis. The one cannot, and ought not to exist without the other. The charter makes it the 33 386 APPENDIX. duty of the Mayor " to be vigilant and active at aU times, in causing the laws for the government of the city to be duly executed and put in force." Now, how can vigilance and activity be expected in an officer, in relation to a great mass of laws, and those of the most critical and important character, the execution of which is formaUy and expressly transferred to othArs, -with whose execution, if he directly interferes, he takes the risk of giving offence to the nice sense of honor and right of an independent board ? The charter makes it his duty " to inspect the conduct of aU subordinate officers in the government thereof, and as far as in his power to cause all negUgence, carelessness, and positive violations of duty to be prosecuted and punished." Now, how can he do this, when those who execute your laws do not consider themselves as subordinate, and are justi fied in that opinion by the form and circumstances of their organization ? Again, the charter plainly implies that the Mayor of this city should make him self acquainted thoroughly and intimately with all its great interests, " with its finances, its poUce, its health, security, cleanUness, comfort, and ornament." Now, whjt encouragement is there to endeavor to fulfil these duties, when any of its great interests are so constituted or vested, that he has no control over them, nor any power of making any inquisition into their state or conduct, except by personal solicitation and request ; not denied, indeed, out of politeness and respect, but perhaps granted, not because he has a right from his official relation to claim, but because, on the present occasion, there exists a wiUingness to give the desired information ? The organization of the executive power, by division among independent boards, has a direct tendency to corrupt a weak executive officer, and to embarrass one of opposite character. The study of the former will naturally be to get along easUy ; for this purpose he wUl yield whatever power another department is disposed to take, for thus his responsibility is diminished ; and instead of a single definite, decided, official action, on every occasion giving security to the citizen, regardless of personal consequences, his course will be timid, shuffling, and compromising, begmning with the vain design of pleasing everybody, and ending with the stiU vainer, of expecting in this way long to maintain either influence or character. An executive, on the contrary, who is firm and faithful to the constitution of the city, wiU exercise the powers it confers. He wiU claim the right to inspect all subordinate officers ; he will consider every branch of executive power, ema nating from the City Council, as subordinate by the charter to the city executive. He wiU claim of aU such an accountabiUty that wiU enable him to understand every interest of the city in detail. Such a course would, probably, sooner or later, lead to controversies concerning the rights and dignities of independent boards ; to heart-burnings and jealousies ; perhaps to pamphlets and newspaper attacks, which, if he does not answer, it will be said, that it is because he cannot; and which, if he does answer, will lead to a reply, and that to a rejoinder ; and thus the executive of the city, instead of a simple aud plain exercise of power, hiunble and limited in its sphere, yet important to be both efficient and unem barrassed, may be harassed with disputes about the pretensions, authorities, and dignities of rival powers, vexatious and unprofitable, terminating in nothing but divisions in the city, and inefficiency iu the execution of the laws. 1 have deemed it my duty to express myself thus distinctly, and in a most APPENDIX. 387 unqualified manner, upon this point ; and the rather, thus publicly, because opi nions in this respect are liable to be misrepresented or misunderstood. On such occasions, therefore, I choose to throw myself on the intelligence and virtues of the mass of my fellow-citizens, whose interests, as I understand them, it is my single desire steadUy to pursue, and who, whether they coincide or differ with me, in relation to the particular mode of pursuing those interests, wUl, I have a perfect confidence, justly appreciate my motives. The result of my experience, during the past year, on this subject, is this, — that the interests of the city are most deeply connected with such an organiza tion of every branch of executive power, as that the ultimate responsibility for the execution should rest upon the Mayor ; and which he should, therefore, be incapable of denying or evading ; — that, at all times, the blame should rest upon him, without the power of throwing it off upon others, in case of any defect of plan, or any inefficiency in execution. In making these remarks, I trust I shall not be understood as not appreciating as I ought, in common with my fellow-citizens, the exertions and the sacrifices of those excellent, intelligent, and faithful men, who, in present and in past times, with so much honor to themselves and advantage to the community, have admi nistered the concerns of independent departments. I yield to none of my fellow- citizens, in my sense of gratitude and respect to them, both as officers and indi viduals. But the organization of a city is, in the nature of things, essentially different from that of a town. The relation to the city, in which I have been placed, has compelled me to contemplate, and prospectively to reaUze, the cer tain embarrassments which must result from an organization of the executive department, varying from that simplicity which the charter establishes, as Ukely deeply to affect the efficiency of the system now upon trial, and to encourage, and sooner or later to introduce both imbecility and inactivity into an office which can alone be beneficial to the city when it is possessed by directly oppo site qualities. I have no apprehension that my fellow-citizens wiU attribute these suggestions to a vulgar and vain wish to extend the powers of an office holden but for a year on the most precarious of all tenures. The efficiency of this new form of govern ment is mainly dependent on its simplicity, and on the fact that its responsibUity is undivided, and cannot be evaded if the departments be organized on charter principles. Much of the benefit of the new system wUl depend on the spirit which characterizes its conunencement. On this account, the individual now possessing the executive power is anxious, on the one hand, that none of its essential advantages should be lost through any timidity on his part, in expressing opinions, the result of his experience, or through any unwiUingness to incur any labor, or meet any just responsibility. On the other, he has no higher ambition than by a diUgent, faithful, and laborious fulfilment of every known duty, and exercise of every charter right, to set such an example, and establish such pre cedents as wUl give to this new government a fair impulse, aud a permanent and happy influence upon the destinies of the inhabitants of this city. Gentlemen of the City Council: — It is the feUcity of aU who are caUed to tiie government of this city, that they serve a people capable of appreciating, and wUUng actively to support faithful 388 APPENDIX. and laborious efforts in their service; — a people in all times distinguished for uniting love of freedom with respect for authority. May it be your happiness, as it will be your endeavor, to maintain those institutions, under which such a people have been elevated to so high a degree of prosperity ! Under your auspices, may the foundations of the fabric of their greatness be strengthened, its proportions enlarged, its Internal accommodations improved ! May the spirit of liberty and the spirit of good government continue to walk hand in hand within these venerable walls, consecrated by so many precious recoUections. And when we shall have passed away, and the places which now know us shaU know us no more, may those who come after us be compelled to say, that the men of this age were as true to the past and the future as to tiieir own times; that while they had preserved and enjoyed the noble inheritance which had descended t(i them from their ancestors, they had transmitted it not only unim paired, but improved to their posterit}-. (D. Page 1G7.) the mayor's inaugural ADDRESS, MAT, 1825. Gentlemen of the City Council: — I HATE again to acknowledge my grateful sense of the confidence of my fellow-citizens, expressed by their suffrages ; and to renew assurances of my endeavors to evince my gratitude, by increased zeal, activity, and devotion to their Interests. Whatever success has attended the administration of city affairs, is chiefly to be attributed to those excellent and faithful men, who for the two yeai-s past have composed the Board of Aldermen. It is Impossible for me to speak too highly of their disinterested and laborious services ; or to separate from them, in official relations, "without expressing my personal obligations for the uniform respect, confidence, and urbanity, "with which all their proceeding's have been characterized, both as it respects myself and each other. Their persevering and firm pursuit of the interests of the cit}-, often under circumstances of great deli cacy and difficulty, entitle them to be ranked among Its distinguished benefactors. Nor ought I to permit the occasion to pass, without paring a similar tribute to the labors and fideUty of the last Common Council. It wIU be expected, perhaps, that, on this occasion, I should speak of the measures of the last year, and of the success which has attended them ; such as the cstal)lishment of an auditor's department; the new organization of that of health ; the connecting the system of scavengers with that of the House of Indus try ; the farther extension of Faneuil Hall Market, and others of a less obtru sive character. All these have been conducted, as far as I have been informed, generally to the sat'isfaction of our fellow-citizens ; and I know that the detail of results would stiU farther justify that satisfaction. I prefer, however, to occupy the present moment with inquiries concerning APPENDIX. 389 future duty, rather than with illustrations of past success. The charter of the city has made it incumbent on its executive officer to inform himself on aU sub jects connected with its prosperity and happiness, and to recommend measures for the advancement of both to the City Council. This injunction it has sanc tioned with the solemnity of an oath. In obedience to these obligations, thus sacredly enforced, I hasten to a topic, deeply Interesting to the prosperity, safety, and character of this city, which events and experience press upon the mind with an intense and absorbing interest. I do this the rather because the subject is of high responsibility ; touches some interests and more prejudices ; and is also of a nature easily to be mistaken and misrepresented. This subject, therefore, is one on which it is the incumbent duty of him, who Is intrusted with the chief office in this city, to form and to express a decided opinion, and to leave no doubt concerning his own path, in relation to it ; and none concerning Ins opinion of the duty of others. What though the development of this opinion may affect that evanescent splendor, which is caUed popularity ? Of what value Is any popularity, which wUl not bear the hazard of fulfilled duty ? Precious as Is the possession of the confidence of feUow-citizens, yet even this is more worthless than " the light dust of the balance," in comparison with the infinite consequence of possessing the consciousness of deserving it. The topic to which I aUude, relates to the effect, under a city organization, of the existence of independent executive boards, and the consequences of the particular form of constituting those which exist in this city. The existence of such boards is an anomaly under a city organization; is inconsistent with the theory of, or any known practice under, such a form of government ; and seems also incompatible with the attainment of the objects which the people propose to themselves in establishing It. In every other city the representative body, chosen by the people, as their city councU, has the control of every relation of a municipal character, whether it affect economy, protection, or general superintendence. If, In any case, it act through the instrumentality of boards, the members of such boards are selected by it, and responsible to It, in Uke manner as the members of the City CouncU are, in tiieir turn, responsible for such selection, as weU as for aU their other acts, to the people. In aU this there is a manifest simplicity, calculated to produce harmony and energy. The people, who look only to their City CouncU, know who to blame, if there be fault The City Council, on the other hand, when any good Is to be effected, is not embarrassed by fears of trenching upon rival authorities, of awakening jealousies, or of being troubled with contests about jurisdictions. The objects a people propose to themselves in forming a city government are, efficiency and responsibllltv. Now, can any have a more obvious tendency to obstruct, or defeat both, than an organization which severs from each other naturaUy aUied portions of municipal power, and divides them out by very indis tinct Umits among independent boards ? Can any thing be better calculated to create discord, jealousies, and controversies In a community ? The form of constituting • these boards, under our city charter, is stiU more exceptionable ; and, what is very extraordinary, is just as inconsistent with the 33 ' 390 APPENDIX. practice of the ancient town government, as it is with the theory of city organ ization. Under the town government aU the boards, of Firewards, Overseers of the Poor, and School Committee, were chosen by the votes of all the inhabitants, in a general ticket The theory and practice of the town government was, that those officers, in whose character and adaptation to their office, all the citizens had an interest, should be chosen by the major voice of all the citizens. Two consequences obviously flowed from this mode of election. 1st A con currence of a majority of all the citizens being requisite for a choice, the candi dates were, for the most part, selected from men of high, general character, and from no local or sectional considerations ; whereby a very fair proportion of the general talent and respectabiUty of the town was necessarily infused into those boards. 2d. The form of election being by general ticket, previous consultation was had, not only in relation to the adaptation of the candidate for the office, but also of the adaptation of candidates to one another ; so that the board might be composed of men agreeable to each other, and thus capable by consentane ousness of views and feelings, to produce a simUar consentaneousness of system and action. The necessary effect of this form of election was to enlarge the sphere out of which candidates could be obtained. Men being always more wilKng to under take an office of a laborious and responsible character, when they know, pre viously to their election, with whom they are Ukelj' to be associated. These consequences are obvious, and were among the causes of the long and happy organization of those boards, under the town government. These advantages are in a great measure, and some of them wholly, lost under the provisions of our city charter. Instead of being chosen by all the citizens, by a general ticket, the members are divided among the wards, each choosing its proportion. The fundamental principle of the ancient town government, — that officers, in whose character and adaptation all the citizens had an interest, should be chosen by the major voice of all, — has thus been abandoned. All the Inhabitants of the city have consented to barter the common right they formerly enjoyed, of having a voice in choosing the whole, for the sake of an exclusive right, in wards, of choosing a twelfth part. And the power the whole people of the city once possessed of attaining a certain result, conformably to the general will, has thus been exchanged for the chance of attaining an uncertain result of twelve particular wills, coexisting in that number of wards. I speak of these consequences with the more freedom, because I know they are felt and acknowledged by very many of our most intelligent and patriotic citizens ; and because I have been made officiaUy acquainted with the fact, that the effect produced by the present mode of electing these officers has been, in many instances, the openly avowed reason of decUning to become candidates by some, and of the resignation of these offices by others. The nature and extent of this evU is not to be appreciated by any estimate, since every form of organization, which tends to render wise, faithful, and business men unwilUng to serve a community, is productive of mischiefs alto gether incalculable. APPENDIX. 391 Touching the remedy for these evils, the obligations of the city charter compel me to speak distinctly and unequivocally. Under a city organization there is no mode of selecting such boards, consistent with harmony, efficiency, and responsibility, except, their election hy the City Council. Every other mode establishes, or gives to such board a color to assume the character of independence. And wherever this quality exists, or is assumed, jealousies, rivalries, claims of jurisdiction, and contests for authority between it and the City Council, are inevitable. The station I have had the honor for the last two years to hold, has compeUed me to witness past embarrassments, and to reaUze those which are to come, in consequence of this unprecedented organization of city power. Between the City Council, the Overseers of the Poor, and the School C^ommlttee, very serious and difficult questions have already arisen, and are yet unsettied. Nor Is It possible. In the nature of things, that such controversies should not arise and be productive of bitterness and discord, so long as In the great Interests of protec tion against fire, of education, and of support of the poor, the right to manage and expend money is claimed by one board, and the right to regulate, appropriate, and call to account is vested In another. As I have no question concerning the remedy, so also I have none concerning the mode In which it ought to be sought. 1st. By an arrangement of the details by the City Council relative to each board, conformably to the subject-matter of Its power, predicated on the principle of election by that body. 2d. By an appUcation to the legislature for its sanction of those detaUs and of that prin ciple. 3d. By an ultimate reference of the whole, for the approbation, by general ballot, of our feUow-citizens. Let it not be objected to such an attempt, that it wUl be construed into " a grasp after more power," by the City Council, and be opposed from jealousy, or prejudice. Those who thus object, do but little justice to the thoughtful and prescient character of the citizens of this metropoUs ; at all times as distin guished for justly appreciating the necessities of legitimate power, and for a wil lingness to yield whatever Is plainly requisite for a vigorous and responsible action of constituted authorities, as for a keen perception and quick resistance to tyrannical control. Grant, however, the attempt should faU, what then ? The City Council stand before the pubUc and before heaven, with the proud consciousness of ful filled duty; discharged from all accountabiUty for the inconveniences and embarrassments, which cannot faU to flow from the present organization so long as it exists. For myself whatever may be the event, I shall have the satisfaction of that internal assurance, which is better than all human approbation, that none of the evUs which may occur, can be attributed either to the want of anxious precau tion, or to the shrinking from just responsibility, in the executive officer. Nor have I any apprehension that these remarks will be construed into any reflec tion upon the gentiemen who now hold, or who recently have held seats in either of those boards. Many of them are among the most intelligent and patriotic of our feUow-cItizens. Some of them, I know, concur in the general opinions above expressed. The subject has reference to the necessary aud obvious effects of a 392 APPENDIX. particular organization of our city government, of which I am bound to speak, according to the state of my convictions, with a plainness authorized by the charter and required by the oath it has imposed. These obligations fulfilled, I leave every thing else to the candor, the intelligence, and -virtue of my feUow- citizens, In which I repose an entire confidence. Gentlemen of the City Council : — The events of the past years of our city organization are full of satisfaction and encouragement. Between the branches and between the members of the City CouncU there has uniformly existed a harmonious, urbane, and conciliatory intercourse. The interests of the city have been studied and pursued with an exclusive eye, and a firm, unhesitating step. Neither the spirit of selfishness, nor the spirit of party, has ever dared to mingle its unhallowed voice in the debates of either branch of the City CounciL These are proud recoUections, as it respects the past ; and happy auguries, as it respects the future. May they continue and be multiplied ! May the members of the present, like those of former City Councils, close their labors with the approb^ion aud applause of the multitude of their brethren ; as those, who have sought with singleness, sincerity, and success, the interest and honor of the city ; the im provement of its accommodations, the enlargement of its resources, and the advancement of aU the means which constitute a prosperous, happy, and virtuous community. (E. Page 197.) THE mayor's inaugural ADDRESS, .TANUARY, 1826. Gentlemen of the City Council :- To express gratitude for this renewed Instance of the confidence of my feUow- citlzens, and to repeat assurances of a zeal and fideUty in their service, in some degree proportionate to that confidence, are natural and suitable on the present occasion. It cannot be expected that he, who sustains the complicated relation of chief magistrate of this city, let his endeavors be what they may, should at aU times satisfy the often-conflicting passions and Interests always necessarily exist ing in so great a community. Much less can it be expected from the individual, who, through the indulgence of his fellow-citizens, is now permitted to enjoy that distinction. In all cases, however, of doubt and difficulty, that individual wUl rest oonfidentiy for support, even with those who differ with him in opinion, on the consciousness, which he trusts his general course of conduct wUl impress, that every act of his official conduct, whether acceptable or otherwise, proceeds from a single regard to the honor of the city, and to the happiness and best interests of its inhabitants. It is with great delight. Gentlemen, that I must here pay a tribute, justiy due to the wisdom and pubhc spirit of aU our former City CouncUs. Their harmony. In APPENDIX. 393 relation to objects of public improvement, tiieir vigUance in maintaining the checks of our city charter, and the reciprocal cooperation of the branches and members in advancing the general interests of the city, without local, party, or selfish considerations, are facts at once exemplary and encouraging ; the results of which are apparent in our streets, in our public bvuldliigs, *n the augmented value of our city lands, and in the increasing satisfaction of our feUow-citizcn^, with their new form of government. The unquestionable evidence derived from our recent census, has fulfiUed the expectations of the most sanguine ; and has put beyond question, that the Increase of this city, during the five years past, has been, to say the least, not inferior to that of any of our maritime cities, on the prerious actual basis of its population. This fact may be considered as conclusive on its future prospects. For if, at a time when universal peace among European nations has changed and Umited the field of commercial enterprise, on which the greatness of this city was once supposed, in a manner, altogether to depend, it appears that, notwithstanding this change and limitation, its growth, instead of being diminished, is Increasing with a rapidity equal to that of the most favored of our commercial cities, it follows conclusively, that our greatness Is not altogether dependent upon foreign commerce ; and also, that the enterprise, capital, and intelligence of our citizens, determined inwards, and active upon agriculture, manufactures, and in our coasting trade, are producing results even more auspicious than our foreign commerce, in its most prosperous state, ever effected; — than whicli, to the patriot's heart and hope, no facts of a mere physical character, can be more encouraging or delightful. SimUar grounds for satisfaction will be found in comparing the increasing results of the aggregates of our valuation, and the decreasing results of the ratio of our taxes. During the five years from 1821 to 1825, inclusive, it appears by the Assessors' records, that the whole aggregate of real and personal property in this city increased from twenty mUUons three hundred thousand dollars, to twenty-six miUions two hundred thousand; making a regular annual Increase of about one miUIon two hundred thousand dollars. Of which Increased capital, it wUl appear, by comparing the aggregate of 1821 with that of 1825, that four mUUons five hundred thousand have been invested in real, and one million fivi-, hundred thousand in personal estate. During this period, it is true, as is inevitable in a progressive state of society, increasing daUy, not only in numbers, but In municipal exigencies and requisi tions for expenditures, on account of Improvements, the amount of -our taxes have increased in the aggregate. Yet, at the same time, owing to the Increased aggregates of our valuation, the ratio of assessment has diminished.- Thus, If the ratios of assessment of the five years immediately preceding 1820, be compared with the five years from 1820, inclusive, it will be found that the average of the annual ratios of the former was eight dollars and twenty-five cents on the thousand doUars, and that the average of the annual ratios of the latter was only seven dollars and eighty cents. The ratio of the present year will be seven dollars. A farther illustration of our general prosperity Is deduclble from the fact, that, notwithstanding the amount of our taxes has increased, with the increasing wealth and population^of the city ; yet the ratio of uncollected taxes has, in every suc cessive year, since the existence of our city government, been dinuuishlng. 394 APPENDIX. I have been thus precise and distinct upon this point, because discontent at any existing state of things is most likely to appear in the form of complaints relative to taxes. Now, it is obviously impossible, in the nature of things, that the assessment of taxes, in any great community, should exactly proportion the burden to the ability of each individual to bear it Some wUl unavoidably be taxed more and others less than their precise proportion. It cannot, therefore, but happen, even under the best form and ratio of taxation, that there must be some, who can complain with reason, as there will always be many, who -will complain without reason. With respect to the community itseff, however, as the best criterion It can possibly have of Its progressive prosperity is a regular increase of its population, accompanied by a regular increase of its wealth, so when the aggregate of its wealth increases, and at the same time the ratio of its assessments actually diminishes, it has the best evidence, the nature of things admits, that its general expenditures are not greater than the actual state of its condition and progre'ss requires. But in such case, however, as particular ex penditures may be unwise or extravagant, it is stIU its duty even under such circumstances, to exact from its agents a rigid accountability. Touching the expenditures of the past year, it is not known that any of them require a particular explanation on the present occasion. In general, I appre hend, they have been satisfactory to our fellow-citizens, so far as respects their objects. And they well understand that it is, probably. In the nature of things, impossible to conduct all the details of public expenditure with that precise economy which an individual applies to bis private concerns. I am not, how ever, aware, that there have been any such, during the past year, which cannot, under the circumstances of each case, be satisfactorily explained by the parti cular agents. In connection with this subject, it is impossible for me not to notice the happy effects produced by the establishment of the office of Auditor of Accounts, which, carried into operation by the exemplary industry and abUity of that officer, and by the Indefatigable fidelity of the Committee of Accounts, has introduced an order, simplicity, and correctness into that department, not only highly credit able to the city, but also facilitating, in the highest possible degree, particular inquiries and general knowledge relative to the state of our financial concerns. Among the objects to which the attention of the City Council will be drawn the ensuing year, is that of a sufficient and never-faiUng supply for our city of pure river or pond water, which shall be adequate for aU purposes of protection against fire, and for all culinary and other domestic purposes, and capable of being introduced into every house in the city. I deem it my duty to state un equivocally, -that this object ought never to be lost sight of by the City Council, until effected upon a scale proportionate to its convenience and our urgent neces sities. Physicians of the first respectability have urged this topic upon me, in my official capacit}', on the ground of health, in addition to aU the other obrious comforts and advantages to be anticipated from an adequate supply of such water. " The spring water of Boston, they assert to be generally harsh, owing to its being impregnated with various saline substances.; and that this impregnation impairs its excellence as an article of drink, and essentiaUy diminishes its salu brity. In the course of their practice, they say they have noticed many diseases to be relieved and cured by an exchange of the common spring water for soft APPENDIX. 395 water of the aqueduct, or dIstiUed water. Honre, they have been led to the opinion, that many complaints of obscure origin, owe their existence to the qualities of the common spring water of Boston." . . " The introduction of an ample supply of pure water, would, therefore, they apprehend, contribute much to the health of the place, and prove one of the greatest blessings, which could be bestowed on this city.'" I am induced to bring this subject before the City CouncU on the present occasion, thus distinctly, from having been informed that citizens among us of the highest respectabUity, both in point of talents and property, seriously contem plate an association for the purpose of supplying this city with water, and of making application to the Legislature for an act of incorporation for that object An attempt, which, if made, I trust wiU be met by the City Council with the most decided and strenuous opposition ; and with a corresponding spirit and determination to effect this great object, solely on the account and with the resources of the city. On tills topic, I deem it my duty to declare expllcltiy my opinion, that.in such a project the city ought to consent to no copartnership. If there be any privilege, which a city ought to reserve, exclusively, in its own hands and under its own control, it is that of supplying Itself with water. No private capitaUsts will engage In such an enterprise, without at least a rational expectation of profit To this, either an exclusive right, or a privilege of the nature of, or equivalent to, an exclusive right is essential. There are so many ways, in which water may be desirable, and In such a variety of quan tities, for use, comfort, and pleasure, that it is impossible to provide, by any prospective provisions, in any charter granted to individuals for all the cases, uses, and quantities, which flie ever-increasing wants of the population of a great city in the course of years may require. Besides, it being an article of the first necessity, and on its free use so much of health, as well of comfort, depends, every city should reserve in Its own power the means, unrestrained, of encourag ing its use, by reducing as fast as possible the cost of obtaining it, not only to the poor, but to all classes of the community. This can never be the case, when the right is in the hands of indlriduals, with any thing like the facility and speed, as when it is under the entire control of the city. In addition to these considerations, the right to break up the streets which that of supplying the city with water Implies, ought never to be intrusted to private hands, who through cupidity, or regard to a false economy, may ha-ve an Interest not to execute the works upon a sufficientiy extensive scale, with permanent materials, thereby Increasing the Inconvenience and expense which the exercise of the power of breaking up the streets, necessarUy induces. A letter to me from the Superintendent of the Philadelphia Water Works, (Joseph S. Lewis, Esq.,) a gentieman among those chiefly employed In their original construction, dated tiie 21st of December last, is so fuU upon this point, that I cannot refrain from quoting a considerable portion of it. " Your object should be to have enough and to spare, and the calculation should be formed on one hundred and fifty gaUons for each famUy, which wiU afford a supply for washing the streets, waste by leakage, &c. ; and the expe rience of this city (PhUadelphia) fully justifies in saying, that it is not too much, although in London, a less quantity is made to answer; and owing to rivalships amongst the several companies, the inhabitants have enough for drink, and for 396 APPENDIX. culinary and other famUy purposes. Yet none is to be seen in use in cleaning the gutters, washing the pavements, and various methods of consumption, abso lutely essential to existence and comfort, in our cUmate, in three or four hot months of the year. Scarcely a fire happens of any magnitude in London, with out complaints of a deficiency of water, and I have In my possession a paper, containing an account of a meeting of the Common Council of London, convened for the express purpose of inquiring into the cause, which it does not require much consideration to discover. "It is from the fatal error of suffering interested individuals to have the supply of an article of the most indispensable nature, and without which health and com fort cannot be enjoyed. Expense is not to be regarded. If a company can supply your city, they will expect to profit by it ; and this profit might as weU be saved by your corporation. On the other hand, if it be a losing business, individuals should not suffer by forwarding a great public object; and If they do, the citizens will feel it by a pinched and partial supply. " This city (Philadelphia) has expended vast sums of money out of Its own resources ; and if more were required, more would be cheerfuUy accorded. There Is no one thing, in which all are so much united ; and I firmly believe, that, if a question was submitted to the citizens, to sell to a company who would pay back the whole cost, with Interest, that not a tenth of the population would agree to it. The increased security from fire, the abundant supply for washing the streets, the copious streams afforded for baths, for cleanliness, and, in short, many other advantages are such, and so weU appreciated, that no money could purchase the surrender of the works. " The whole cost of the water-works, including the pipes for distribution, previous to the erection of the new water-works, was $1,138,857, without adding interest Yet, such was the eagerness for a more abundant supply, that a unani mous sanction was given to the new plan, which has happily succeeded, of raising the water by water power ; the cost of which may be put down, including the river rights, at . $450,000 And in addition to this, iron pipes are substituted for those of wood, the cost of which, thus far, may be called 150,000 Amounting, in the whole, to $600,000 " This sum, added to that before mentioned, with the interest paid, -wiU amount to more than two mUlions of dollars. " I have said thus much to hold out an Inducement to your city to persevere in obtaining a supply, and have held out our example to show, that cost is not to be regarded by us in so essential a matter. We have been pioneers for our sister cities, who may now practically obtain a supply of water, without paying for the cost of our experiments." Other facts and documents connected with this subject wUl be hereafter com municated, should the City Council deem it expedient to take it seriously into consideration. Two occasions have occurred, during the past year, which made it necessary for the Mayor to examine, with great attention, the powers conferred on him by the city charter, in relation to the suppression of riots, and sImUar unlawful assembUes ; so as to be enabled to justify, before a legal tribunal, the extreme APPENDIX. 397 resort, which, in such cases, he might possibly think requisite. After consultation with the best legal advisers, it was deemed most safe for the Mayor to act in the capacity of justice of the peace throughout the Commonwealth, which he hap pened to hold ; inasmuch as the powers of the lMayor,'as expressed in the city charter, are of the most general character, and no legislative or judicial construc tion has ever occurred in relation to them. The duty of the Mayor, as expressed in the city charter, is, to take care that all laws for the government of the city are executed. Riots, routs, and unlaivful assemblies, are cognizable only under the laws of the Commonwealth. By these laws, the course of proceedings, and the persons intrusted with their execution, are expressly pointed out ; and among them the Mayor of the city is not included. In general, it may be observed, that an undefined and exaggerated notion of - the powers of the Mayor has led our feUow-oitizens to expect a much greater exercise of authority, in many cases, than the terms of the city charter justifies. It is, however, certain, that in respect of riots, the Mayor, by the mere virtue of his office, does not possess even the power of a justice of the peace. It was solely, therefore, and avowedly, in virtue of a commission of the peace, and not in virtue of his office of Mayor, that the first riotous assembly was met and dispersed by that officer. . Such being the relations of his power, it is obriously, in every occurring case, his duty to decide upon his responsibUity, whether the particular disturbance is of a nature to justify him in compromitting the unquestionable rights and duties of his office, in a case of a doubtful character, by his personal presence ; or whether, in the free exercise of his discretion, he should leave their remedy to the prescribed executive agents of the Commonwealth, who can act without any censure from an apprehended illegal assumption of power. If a case has occurred, or should hereafter occur, in which any persons should, in defiance of the moral sense and general feeling of the pubhc, adopt any measures, which would naturaUy and almost unavoidably lead to disorder and disturbances, they could not reasonably invoke the aid of the authorities of the city, so long. as the invited evU was confined to themselves only; but it is a question of very serious moment ¦with the inhabitants of a city so distinguished for its religious and moral character, whether further cheeks ought not to be prorided to prevent that, which has been merely tolerated, from becoming the source of disturbances, of danger and of disgrace to the citizens, and their government. It is my duty, only, to caU your attention to the subject, and I shaU cheerfuUy acquiesce in your decision. If the Mayor is to be made responsible to act, in aU such cases, his powers- ought to be accurately defined and his duties prescribed by law. The powers of the Mayor are sufficient for aU municipal purposes ; and it is as much his duty to abstain from assuming to exercise powers not vested in hun by his office, as it is to exercise those powers ¦with which he is intrusted. Gentlemen of the City Council : — The harmony which hitherto has, without interruption, been maintained between the departments, members, and branches of our city government, is among the auspicious auguries of the future greatness and happiness of this 34 398 APPEIJDIX. community. It wiU be your, and my, endeavor to maintain and Increase this happy mutual understanding and respect. But difficult questions concerninri duties, made complex and uncertain by the Interfering passions, interests, and prejudices existiug in aU great combinations of men, must necessarily occur. On occasions of this character, those ¦will be most sure to find the correct rule of truth and duty, who seek it with a sense of strict subordination to those moral and religious sanctions, under which the wisdom of our fathers laid the found ations of the prosperity of this people. (F. Page 210.) THE mayor's inaugural ADDRESS, JANUARY, 1827. Gendemen of the City Council : — It is proper, on occasions of this kind, to survey the general relations of our city, and, from the measures of preceding City CouncUs and their results, to gain Ught and strength for future duties. The condition of every city must be estimated from general circumstances, and particular facts. Among the former are the state of its population, whether increasing, or diminishing ; the state of its improvements, whether progressive, or stationary ; above all, the state of public opinion concerning the conduct of its affairs. Among the latter, are the condition of its finances, -with reference to debt and resources ; and the condition of its poUce, ¦with reference to order, har mony, and morals. The advance of our city, in population and improvements, requires no illustration. In respect of both, it has been as rapid as there was any just reason to expect ; perhaps, to desire. The satisfaction of our feUow- citizens with the general conduct of their affairs, has been indicated by recent events ; the language of which cannot be mistaken, and which is at once conso latory and encouraging. The state of the finances of our city is not less a subject of congi-atulation. Their condition has been, of late, very fuUy developed by reports of Committees of both branches of the City CouncU. Nothing more -wUl be necessary, therefore, on this occasion, than to present some general views on the subject. The character of every financial condition depends upon comparison of debt with resources. The mere fact of the existence or non-existence of a city debt, is in itself neither a matter of praise or blame. The right to create such debt is a power granted by the city charter to the City Council. Powers, granted to public bodies, are like talents, bestowed on individuals. Both are respectively responsible for the neglect, or exercise, of them. To neglect to use the power to create a debt, or any other power, on proper occasions, and for the purposes for which it was granted, is as truly an abuse, as it is to use either on improper occasions, and for purposes for which it was not granted. Has a debt been created, by public agents, having authority to that effect ? Their merit, or demerit, in this respect, depends upon the fact of its being created APPENDIX. 399 _ for proper objects, or on a just necessity. If the objects be of a nature, for which it is proper to create a debt, then merit, or demerit, depends upon the unportance of the objects attained, compared with the amount of the debt created. If, by creating a debt for such objects, resources adequate to its ulti mate discharge be also created, there is no case, in which the power to create a debt can he more unexceptionably exercised ; nor can there be any, more indicative of the wisdom and financial skill of public agents ; except it be, when the resources, thus created, shaU be adequate, not only to the ultimate discharge of such debt, but also to add a considerable surplus to the pubUc treasury. The present city debt may be stated to be, in round numbers, one milUou of doUars. Of which, one hundred thousand was incurred under the town govern ment, and nine hundred thousand under the city. Of this last amount, there was incurred, for objects of general improvement, . . . $234,000 For the purchase of land west of Charles Street, . . . 58,000 For the extension of FaneuU HaU Market, .... 608,000 Constituting the debt stated above as incurred by the city govern ment, of $900,000 With respect to the above portion of the increased debt, which has been appUed to purposes of general improvement, it would, perhaps, be sufficient to remark, that the circumstances of the time, and the nature of the objects, ren dered the expenditures of this class peculiarly expedient ; that the concurrence of our feUow-citlzens in the measures adopted on this subject by the City Coun cU, has been indicated by unequivocal tokens ; and those measures have, subse quently, been sanctioned by distinct marks of general approbation. It cannot, however, but be satisfactory to know the amount of the expenditures for these objects, which has been already paid out of the funds accruing within the years in which they were authorized, and the comparative proportion which has been cast, in the form of debt, on future years. During the four last years, from 1823 to 1826, inclusive, there has been expended For schoolhouses and land, $80,000 " engines, engine-houses, land, and aU expenses of the Fire Department, 34,000 " common sewers, beyond what they have as yet produced, . 15,000 " ward-rooms and buUdings at Deer Island, .... 5,000 " -widening streets, (exclusive of the operations of the Committee for the extension of FaneuU HaU Market,) . . . 106,698 " paving and repair of streets, 119,900 " buildings, and improvements connected with the House of In dustry, and Correction, 90,451 " reservoirs, 9,000 Making a gross aggregate of $460,049 In the above enumeration, no notice has been taken of expenditures, on account of general instruction of schools, health, cleanUness of streets, general police, or support of the poor, either by the Overseers, or the Directors of the House of Industry. The objects selected are those of a permanent character 400 APPENDIX. and prospective usefulness, and which, from their nature, have a direct influence on the convenience and hopes of future times. When, for such objects, four hundred and sixty thousand dollars have been expended in a course of four years, of which two hundred and thirty thousand have been paid out of funds accruing within those four years, it seems altogether unexceptionable, that a like amount of two hundred and thirty thousand dollars should be distributed, for reimburse ment, on the years which are to come. The remaining objects, for which this increased debt has been incurred, are the lands at the bottom of the Common, west of Charles Street, and the exten sion of Faneuil HaU Market. In the report of the Committee on the last men tioned subject, which was printed and distributed through the city by order of the last City Council, it is, I apprehend, satisfactorily shown, that the fair esti mated value of the property transferred to or vested In the city by that Commit tee is. In point of amount, not far short of the whole debt of the city. If to this be added the fair estimated value of the lands west of Charles Street, no man can reasonably question that both descriptions of property are, of themselves, alone sufficient to discharge the whole debt of the city, and also to add no incon siderable, probably a large, surplus to the City Treasury. Both, as avaUable resources, have been attained by the operations of former City CouncUs. Both have been chief causes of the greatness of the increase of the city debt To this it is no answer to say, that the property, both in the Market and in the land west of Charles Street, has very intimate relations to the ornament, comfort, and health of the city, and ought never to be sold. Grant such to be the fact ; it only shows, that, whUe the marketable value of this property is demonstrably more than the whole city debt, its value to the city is still greater than its marketable value. Whereby the wisdom and fidelity of former Git)' Councils is still more apparent ; being evidenced, not only by the excess of the marketable value of this property beyond the city debt, but also by the great excess of its value to the city, considered as a property to be retained, over its value, considered as a property to be sold. It seems scarcely possible, that any public debt can be justified on stronger grounds, than can the whole which the city government has incurred. It has been for proper objects. It has been faithfully appUed. It has created resources sufficient, if the City Council choose so to use them, to discharge forthwith not only the whole debt of which they have been the cause, but also the whole antecedently existing debt of the city. If the City CouncU do not choose so to use them, it is because, in their sound discre tion, they believe them to be more valuable as a possession than as a resource. No better evidence can be given of financial skiU and representative fidelity. In relation to our police, it is not to be expected, that a city vrith a population equal to ours can exist, with fewer interruptions of its peace, or riolations of its municipal rules. Complaints, under every branch of poUce, have diminished in a very extraordinary degree during the past year. Those parts of the city most characterized by tendency to vice and disorder, have, by the rigilance of the public officers, been kept in a state of comparative order, satisfactory to the good citizens in their ricinity. Looking forward to the duties of the coming year, it is a subject of congratil- latlon, that the foresight and enterprise of past years have Umited to compara tively a narrow sphere the necessity of future expenditures. Those great. APPENDIX. 401 obvious, and expensive knprovements, paving the Neck, reducing Pemberton's HiU, -widening Court Street, the Roebuck Passage, and Merchants' Row; above aU those, reUeving the embarrassments resulting from the narrowness of the great central Market of the city, are finished. The City CouncUs of former years have taken the responsibUity of exercising the powers intrusted to them, ¦with a fearless and independent spirit ; exhibiting a confidence in the virtue and intelUgence of their feUow-citizens, which events have shown not to have been misplaced. I do not perceive that the City CouncU of the present year wUl be caUed, by the pubUc interest, to take the lead in any new and expensive project Parti cular local improvements wiU be suggested, from time to time, by those interested in their success, and ¦wUl receive from the City CouncU that attention they may respectively merit Circumstances indicate, that our chief duty wiU be to finish what we have begun ; to make productive the property we have acquired ; to improve and correct existing establishments, rather than to devise new ones ; above aU, to arrange our resources on the principle of a distinct and permanent pro-vision for the gradual extinction of the existing city debt Circumstances seem favorable to such a system. At present, the proceeds of the city lands, when sold, ¦with the addition of fifteen thousand doUars to be applied annually to the redemption of the capital, and another sum of fifteen thousand dollars to be appUed annuaUy to the payment of the interest of the city debt, constitute the general appropriations for those objects. The specific appropriation for the same objects, of the whole property and Incomes transferred to the city by the Com mittee for the extension of FaneuU Hall Market is, in my judgment, a measure of great propriety and expediency ; and I recommend it Upon general prin ciples, it is proper, not to consider property obtained by debt as property ; that is, as a subject of complete ownership, and applicable to general objects of expenditure, until the debt for which it was incurred is paid. It is expedient, because such a measure would, I know, give great satisfaction to many of our very judicious fellow-citizens. Should a measure such as I suggest be adopted, it would be right, perhaps, fo ¦withdraw one of the sums of fifteen thousand dollars at present appropriated for the debt, by way of offset for the old market revenues. The remaining fifteen thousand doUars, with the present FaneuU HaU Market and wharf revenues, •wUl constitute an annual amount of fifty-eight thousand dollars, applicable to the discharge of the principal and interest of the debt ; and, ¦with the proceeds of the Neck lands and of the lands now to be sold, transferred to the city by the FaneuU HaU Market Committee, ¦wiU make a sufficient provision for the city debt, and reUeve the annual resources of the city from fiiture burden on that account. Should these funds be placed under the supervision of commissioners, com posed of public officers, ex officio, appointed by the City CouncU, it would give a more permanent and efficient character to the system, ¦without creating any new office or expense. Where funds are vested in a board, exclusively charged with these duties, it Is found, by experience, to introduce order and distinctness into financial relations. Their general state is more easily comprehended by the community, and the productive efficiency of the funds is less Ukely to be dis turbed or diverted, by general and extraneous financial exigencies. 34* 402 APPENDIX. Among the objects to which I aUude, under the heads of finishing what we have begun, and of making productive the property we have acquired, are the making sale of the lands above-mentioned, invested in the city by the Committee for the extension of Faneuil HaU Market, and which, to whatever objects the proceeds are appropriated, ought not long to be delayed ; and the putting to use parts of Faneuil HaU, formerly occupied as a market. In this connection, I am irresistibly impeUed to express opinions, which I would wUIingly avoid, inasmuch as I have reason to fear they may be at variance with those of men, whose judgments I respect, and cross interests or riews, with which I have certainly no wish to interfere. But the city charter, by making it the duty of the Mayor, from time to time, to recommend " aU such measures as may tend to improve the finances, the police, health, security, cleanUness, com fort, and ornament of the city," intended that, in fulfiUing this duty, he should foUow the deliberate conrictions of his own judgment. To him who holds this office, and who acts in relation to it upon right principles, it ought to be of no consequence whatever, so far as respects himseff, whether any particular measure he recommends be or be not adopted. But, it wUl always be of infinite moment to his sense of well-performed duty, that his deUberate views of the interests of the city should be known ; and, fearlessly of all personal consequences, made manifest Under these sanctions, I recommend that the subject of the uses, to which the vacated portions of FaneuU HaU and of the space on its western end shaU be applied, should be considered in connection with the sale and uses, proposed to be made of the land, lying in the rear of this (the county) court-house, and between it and Court Street. This last-mentioned tract of land is a most valuable property. It cannot, however, be made to produce its market worth, -without preriously providing for the accommodation of the courts, which occupy the buUding at present in front of that land. This subject has hitherto been considered as a distinct concern ; and, as such, it has been proposed to erect another court-house on that part of the land which lies most distant from Court Street, at an estimated expense of certainly not less than thirty thousand doUars, exclusive of the value of the land to be occupied by the building, which, at the least fair estimate, cannot also be worth less than ten thousand dollars. The vacated parts of FaneuU HaU have also been considered as a distinct subject ; and as such it has been proposed, that they should be fitted up for shops and stores also, at a very considerable expense. Should these plans be carried into effect, the consequence -wiU be, that the city wiU possess two expensive court-houses, in the ricinity of each other ; and the city authorities wIU be left as occupants of an inconvenient and insufficient portion of one of them, under circumstances, with which it is impossible they can be for many years content If the present opportunity be lost, of making a simple and economical arrangement, both of the pubhc offices and of the courts, such as the nature and relations of this property seem unequivocaUy to indicate, I cannot question, that, before a very few years elapse, the City Council wiU find themselves compelled to erect, at a great expense, a City HaU; which expense, by taking advantage of the present occasion, may be saved. APPENDIX. 403 Nothing can be more inconvenient, for facUitating business, than the location of our pubUc offices. The Mayor and Aldermen, CUy Clerk, Auditor, and Officer of PoUce, are iu one buUding. The Assistant City Clerk in another. The Treasurer, in a third. The Assessors, Overseers of the Poor, and Directors of the House of Industry, in a fourth. Neither buUding convenient as it respects the other. Now the interest of the city plainly dictates, that the intercourse between these different departments of public service should be made easy by every possible local accommodation. By concentrating them under one roof, they would always be in a position mutuaUy to derive and communicate inform ation ; and occasionaUy to aid each other, in case of pressure of public business in either department ; thereby greatly increasing power, knowledge, and faciUty in conducting it Besides, not one of our pubUc city offices is possessed of a fire-proof place of deposit. AU the records of the city are exposed without any except the most common security, against the most destructive of aU elements. These circumstances strongly impress my mind with the duty of recommend ing that aU these unportant subjects should be considered in one general, con nected view. With respect to the location of the City CouncU and city offices, I conceive there can be no place more suitable than Faneuil Hall. Since the removal of tiie Market and the -widening of Merchants' Row and the Roebuck Passage, the objection on account of noise in the ricinity of that building is greatly obviated ; and will be more, if not whoUy, as soon as by cariying into effect the proposed Marginal Street, the hea-vy city and country travel from Long Wharf and State Street to the northern parts of the city, shall be determined through that avenue. Besides, the meetings of the Board of Aldermen being chiefly, and those of the Common CouncU, with few exceptions, whoUy in the evening, they would be but Uttie exposed to interruption from that cause. I say nothing, concerning the natural and proud associations inseparable from that ancient and far-famed temple of American liberty, because, should other considerations justify, it is impossible there can be, on this subject, more than one sentiment and feeling among citizens of Boston, and that deeply favorable to the connecting, by an intimate and perpetual union, aU future municipal labors and character, with a place, consecrated by the patriotic serrices of our chiefest statesmen, and endeared by recollections of talents and virtues, which have identified the name of this city with the earliest, the purest, and the most impe rishable honors of our revolution. In reo-ard to economy, this consideration wUl favor the course I suggest. A building, capable of accommodating aU the city offices, with suitable and separate rooms and fire-proofs, the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common CouncU, with their respective halls and committee-rooms, may, I have reason to beUeve, be erected, on the western end of FaneuU HaU, at probably a less expense, but certainly for a sum not materially greater, than the proposed new Court House ; and, at a com paratively smaU expense, probably not more than the value of the land necessary to be occupied % the proposed new Court House, a room, as extensive in point of size as that at present occupied by the Supreme Judicial Court, might be prepared in this buUding, (the county Court House,) for the courts of the United States ; and the present room, occupied by the Common Council, might be 404 APPENDIX. reserved for the Common Pleas. At any rate, when it is considered, that this is the only mode in which the public offices can be concentrated under one roof, except at the expense of a new City Hall, the evidence in favor of its economy is decisive. By a plan of this kind, the higher courts of the State, and those of the United States, wiU be located in one buUding; the city authorities, with the public offices, in another ; and the whole land in the rear of this (the county) Court House, and between it and Court Street wUl be left, without incumbrance or diminution, at the disposal of the City CouncU. I have been thus particular in detaUing my views on this subject, because I deem the result of the deliberations of the City CouncU upon it, to be very important, in its character and consequences. Ha ring conscientiously discharged my own duty, I cheerfully leave the subject to the City CouncU, ¦with a certainty that they will do theirs ; and give as much weight to these suggestions as their nature deserves, and no more. Whether they coincide or differ ¦with me in opinion, I shall equally respect and support their decision. It is known to the City CouncU, that great complaints have lately existed, concerning the state of the voting hsts. In relation to the duty of preparing those lists, and of responsibiUty for their correctness, the general opinion was understood to be, that the provisions of the city charter had made no change, but that, as under the town government, that duty and responsibUity rested on the Assessors. The Mayor and Aldermen have, accordingly, heretofore acted under that impression; and considered their duty to be only that of rerising and amending errors which might occur in the voting lists furnished by the Assessors. Antecedent to the last election, in consequence of a communication from the Assessors, the tenor and precise bearing of the terms of the city charter on this subject, were brought under the distinct consideration of the Mayor and Alder men. By that communication it appeared that, in the opinion of the Assessors, " the duty of making out the voting Usts," was devolved by the city charter on the Mayor and Aldermen ; and that the duty of the " Assessors, Assistant Assessors, and other officers of the city,'' was to aid the Mayor and Aldermen in the per formance of their duty, as they might direct. Although this construction did not coincide ¦with former practice, or pre conceptions, the Board of Aldermen immediately adjourned to the Assessors' room, and proceeded, by a committee, to execute the duty, according to the literal construction given to the charter by the Assessors ; and, calling in aid some of the Assistant Assessors and other officers of the city, in addition to the aid given by the Assessors themselves, they caused Usts, additional to the printed lists, to be made out and transmitted to the wards; a course of proceeding which has, as far as has come to my knowledge, given general satisfaction, and obviated every difficulty which had been the source of complaint at former elections. The view taken by the Assessors, of the city charter, is, as I understand, as follows. The responsibUity, that correct lists are made out, rests upon the Mayor and Aldermen. As incident to this responsibiUty, it is incumbent on them to direct the time, manner, and form of making out the voting lists. By the pro visions of the city charter, they have a right to require the aidwf the Assessors, which aid it Is their duty to give. By this construction, it is not understood that the Assessors claim to be exempted from the actual labor of making out the voting Usts, nor yet from the duty of comparing them with their books, and APPENDIX. 405 certifying their correctness ; but only that, so far as respects their fellow-citizens, the Mayor and Aldermen are responsible that it shall be done, and in proper time, form, and manner ; and that the Assessors are responsible to them and to the City Council, that whatever aid they shaU, on this subject, be required to give, shall be faithfully yielded. Although I know, that there is not an universal assent to this construction of the city charter, yet, as above expressed and explained, I deem it my duty not to conceal my own concurrence -with it It seems to me not only just, as a matter of construction, but that such ought to be the provisions of the city charter, is wise and expedient, as a matter of principle. It is vital to the rights of election, that the voting lists should be correct. The duty of seeing, that so essential an interest is secured, should be intrusted only with the highest executive author ities of the city ; and those who are responsible cUreotly to their feUow-citizens, through the process of election. In conformity to the obligation resulting from this opinion, the Board of Aldermen have constituted the Mayor a committee to superintend the making out the voting Usts, antecedent to the ensuing spring elections. Under that authority, voting lists are now making out, by the Assessors, in a new, and, it is hoped, a more convenient form. By this construction of the city charter it is not apprehended, that the labors of the Board of Aldermen wUl be, in any material degree. Increased. The gratuitous labors of that important body of men, who have hitherto fulfiUed their duties in a manner so exemplary, ought by every possible precautionary mea sure to be diminished, in order to remove objections to the acceptance of that laborious and responsible office. But the duty of general superintendence and direction, the exercise of a sound judgment concerning aU the great municipal relations of the city, and particularly concerning those which most immediately affect the elective franchise, naturally belongs to that board ; and, in this case, seems to result from the ex!press terms of the city charter. Considering the importance of the subject, and knowing that misapprehen sions existed in relation to it in the community, I have deemed the preceding development due to aU concerned ; to the Assessors, as well as to our feUow- citizens. I cannot close this address, without expressing my gratitude for the support yielded to me, by the recent suffrages of my fellow-citizens, under circum stances, which put to a severe trial their justice and their confidence. The right to canvass the character and conduct of aU tenants of public office and candidates for it, is essential to the existence of a republic, and inseparable from its nature. So long as such animadversions are conducted In a spirit of can dor and decorum, so long as care is taken to assert nothing but what is true, and to insinuate nothing which circumstances do not justify ; in a word, so long as they proceed in subordination to that sublime rule of Christian charity of doing to others, as, in exchange of circumstances, we would wish and think right, that others should do faj us, they are not only to be justified, but to be encouraged and applauded. If, in any respect, this just measure of animadversion has been exceeded in times past, or shall bo in times future, so far as the present incumbent of this office is concerned, it wiU be, as it has been, left to the free decision of the 406 APPENDIX. virtue, inteUigence, and high sense of justice of the inhabitants of this city, without interposition, by him, directly or indirectly, of reply or defence. He, who rightiy appreciates the nature of this office, wiU consider it neither as a place for pageantry and display, nor yet as a vantage-ground for the vaulting of unsatisfied ambition, stiU less as a station for seeking private ends, for advanc ing personal or local interests, or for the distributing party favors ; but as a con dition of laborious service, including the performance of very difficult, and often very dubious duties, chiefly to be valued for the opportunity it affords of useful ness, and no longer to be desired than he shall be able to deserve and attain the confidence of his fellow-citizens, by a diligent and faithful upholding of the true interests of the city, and by a fearless maintaining of every essential principle of pubUo virtue and honor in the conduct of its affairs. (G. Page 229.) ' THE mayor's inaugural ADDRESS, JANUARY, 1828. Gentlemen of the City Council : — "We assemble under circumstances of great municipal prosperity, and with very decisive evidences of the content of our fellow-citizens with the general conduct of their affairs. A brief recurrence to a few of the principal relations of our city, will, however, be useful, and tend to strengthen pubhc satisfaction and confidence. During the first years of the city government, its attention was naturally directed to Important local improvements, and to the enlarging of our means of protection against the dangers to which all great cities are subject, and which the form of the ancient government was not weU calculated to effect The number and gxeatness of these improvements and preparations, together ¦with the short period in which they were executed, led necessarUy to the creation of debt, on a scale which excited, in some minds, apprehensions ; cautious men began to fear lest an increase of debt would become the habit of the city govern ment. The experience of the past year has shown, that it is no less ¦wUlrng to adopt and enforce a rigid system of economy, than the practice of preceding years had shown it to be capable of using, on proper occasions, the public credit The appropriations made at the commencement of the last year have been respected, with an exemplary strictness. None have as yet been exceeded. To one or two, additions will be required ; but in every instance, it is believed, it ¦wUl be found that they have been occasioned by circumstances, accidental in their nature, and not within the control of the expending authority ; and that they can be supplied by the transfer of the surplus, existing in other appropriar tions. There can scarcely be expected, in any future year, a greater exactness in this respect than the past has exhibited. The measures adopted by the last City Council to give a permanent and efficient character to the reduction of the city debt, have been attended with aU APPENDIX. 407 the success which was anticipated. Before the current financial year closes, more than one hundred thousand doUars of the preexisting city debt will be discharged. It requires only a steady perseverance in the same system, to place the resources of the city on an enviable and satisfactory foundation. The diminution of the number of complaints in every branch of poUce, indi cates a very general content with its administration. In no preceding year has the general order been better maintained. Nor, in a population so great, and rapidly increasing, can it be expected that vice and crime should be less obtru sive, or more restrained. It is a subject of congratulation, that the new arrangements in our health department, whereby responsibUity and efficiency have been endeavored to be obtained by the concentration of its powers iu the Board of Aldermen, the health physician and poUce officer, should have resulted in such apparent advantage. Notwithstanding a constant and increasing intercourse with Halifax, a city suffering under the most maUgn form of the smaUpox, — notwithstanding the same disorder has been brought to this city in repeated instances, from that and from other cities, — and notwithstanding it has appeared -with some activity in to^wns in our immediate ricinity, yet by the vigilance of the health department every occurring case has been detected, insulated, or removed. Until the last week, no instance of its having been communicated within this city, is known or suspected. The circumstances of that week have been the subject of a pubUo official statement Since that pubUcation, only one case has occurred, and that has been promptly removed to the island. Nor is any case now known, or beUeved to exist within the city. Although great credit is due to the health physician and police officer, for their vigUance and activity, yet it cannot be questioned that their labors have been diminished and their success faciUtated by the general vaccination, which took place under the authority of former City Councils. The state of the hospital at Rainsford's Island, and its general police, so far as depends on the health physician and island keeper, is very satisfactory. AppU- cations from the local authority of several towns in this vicinity, to transfer their infected citizens to that establishment, have been promptly granted. The wU Ungness -with which those citizens have permitted themselves to be thus trans ferred, and even the desire, exhibited by some of them, who were individuals of great respectabUity in their respective to-wns, to avaU of this privilege, in preference to remaining insulated in their own vicinity, strongly indicates the satisfaction of the pubUc ¦with that estabUshment, and their confidence in the professional abiUty ¦with which it is conducted. The general state of the health of the city is not only a subject of devout thankfulness, but is also a circumstance not to be omitted, in estimating the effects of the general arrangements of its poUce. Tables, founded on the bills of mortality of this city, and constructed on the usual principles, show that for the four years past, from 1824 to 1827 inclusive, the annual average proportion of deaths to population has not only been less than that in any antecedent year, but it is beUeved less than that of any other city of equal population on record. The bUls of mortaUty of this place, and calculations made on them for the eleven years, from 1813 to 1823, inclusive, show, that the annual average pro portion of deaths to population was about one m forty-two. 408 APPENDIX. Similar estimates on the biUs of mortality of this city since 1823, show, that this annual average proportion was for the four years, from 1824 to 1827 inclu sive, less than one in forty-eight ; for the three years from 1825 to 1827 inclusive, less than one in fifty ; for the two years from 1826 to 1827 inclusive, less than one iu fifty-five; and for the last year, 1827, scarcely one in sixty-three. Upon the usual estimates of this nature, a city of equal population, in which this annual average should not exceed one in forty-seven would be considered as enjoying an extraordinary degree of health. Calculations of this kind are necessarily general, and exactness in precise results, owing to the uncertainty in the annual increase of population, cannot be expected. Enough appears, however, from unquestionable data, to justify the position, that, since the year 1823, this city has enjoyed an uncommon and gradually increasing state of general health, and that for the last two years it has been unexampled. It wUl be recoUeeted by the City CouncU, that, in the year 1823, a systematic cleansing of the city, and removal of noxious animal and vegetable substances was adopted under their auspices, and have been persevered in to this period, with no inconsiderable trouble and expense. Now, although it would be too much to attribute the whole of this important improvement in the general health of this city to these measures, yet when a new system was at that period adopted, having for Its express object this very effect, — the prevention of disease, by an efficient and timely removal of nuisances, it is just and reasonable to claim for those preventive measures, and credit to them, a portion of that freedom from disease, which has, subsequently to their adoption, resulted, in a degree, so veij extraordinary. It is proper to adduce this state of things, by way of encourage ment to persevere iu a system, which has its foundation in the plainest principles of nature and reason, and which is so apparently justified by effects. I am thus distinct in aUuding to this subject, because the removal of the nuisances of a city is a laborious, difficult, and repulsive service, requiring much previous arrangement, and constant rigilance, and is attended -with frequent disappointment of endeavors ; whence it happens, that there is a pei-petual natural tendency, in those intrusted with municipal affairs, to throw the trouble and responsibUity of it upon subordinate agents and contractors, and very plau sible arguments of economy may be adduced in favor of such a system. But, if experience and reflection have given certainty to my mind upon any subject, it is upon this : that upon the right conduct of this branch of police, the executive powers of a city should be made directly responsible, more than for any other ; and that it can never, for any great length of time, be executed weU, except by agents under Its Immediate control, and whose labors it may command, at aU times, in any way, which the necessities continuaUy varring, and often impossible to be anticipated, of a city, in this respect, require. In the whole sphere of municipal duties, there are none more important than those which relate to the removal of those substances, whose exhalations inju riously affect the air. A pure atmosphere is to a city, what a good conscience is to an individual ; a perpetual source of comfort, tranquiUity, and self-respect The general confidence resulting from our Fire Department is an ample justi fication of the great expenditures which have been made, in bringing it to that state of preparation and efficiency, in which it now exists. Besides the sense APPENDIX. 409 of security it has induced, the direct pecuniary gain to the community is capable of being very satisfactorily estimated. Since the renovation of that department, and its establishment on its present footing, the rates of Insurance on real pro perty within this city have been reduced twenty per cent. I am authorized by several presidents of our principal Insurance offices to state, that this reduction has been solely owing to confidence In the present efficiency of that department. The saving in this reduction of premium alone is stated by them not to be less on the insurable real estate of this city than ten thousand dollars annuaUy ; in other words, it is equal to a remuneration, in three years, for the whole cost of the department. It is now distinguished not only for the efficiency of its engines and apparatus, but by its exemplary spirit of discipline. The utmost harmony also exists among its members, officers, and companies. The expediency and mode of stUl farther extending our present system of pubhc schools, so as to embrace higher branches than those at present taught in them -will, probably. In some form, be brought before the City Council. In a city, which already expends sixty thousand dollars annuaUy on its pubUc schools, which has a capital of certainly not less than two hundred thousand doUars invested in schoolhouses alone, and whose expenses under this head must, from the increasing nature of its population, unavoidably increase every year, attempts to extend the existing system of instruction must necessarily give oocar sion to much solicitude and reflection. The great interest and duty of society, and its great object in establishing public schools, is, to elevate as highly as possible the inteUectual and moral condition of the mass of the community. To this end, our institutions are so constituted as to put every necessary branch of elementary instruction within the reach of every citizen, and to infuse, by the books read and branches taught in them, similar general views of duty and morals ; and similar general principles, relative to social order, happiness, and obligation, throughout the whole society. Such is the present general character of our common schools ; so called, because they are the common right and com mon property of every citizen. If other and higher branches of instruction are to be added to those embraced by our present system of pubUe education, it deserves serious consideration, whether the duty and interest of society does not require, that they should be added to our common schools, and enjoyed on the same equal principles of common right and common property. In other words, whether the new branches shaU not be for the benefit of the chUdren of the whole community, and not for the benefit of the chUdren of comparatively a few. Every school, the admission to which is predicated upon the principles of requiring higher attainments, at a specified age or period of Ufe, than the mass of chUdren in the ordinary course of school instruction at that age or period can attain, is in fact a school for the benefit of the few, and not for the benefit of the many. Parents, who, having been highly educated themselves are, therefore, capable of forcing the education of their own chUdren ; parents, whose pecuniary ability enables them to educate their children at private schools, or who by domestic instruction are able to aid their advancement in the public schools,, wUl for the most part enjoy the whole privUege. In form it may be general, but it wUl be in fact exclusive. The sound principle upon this subject seems to be, that the standard of public education should be raised to the greatest desirable 35 410 APPENDIX. and practicable height ; but that it should be effected by raising the standard of our common schools. Among the general principles of public policy, by which the prosperity of cities is effected, there is one, which, by many of our citizens, and those of great wealth and respeotablllty, is considered to be onerous and oppressive, and which, it is thought, has a material and injurious influence on the advancement of a city like ours, engaged in an active mercantile competition with inteUigent and enter prising rival cities, in which no such principle of public policy exists. Although the subject properly belongs to the sphere of State legislation, yet as the mis chief is thought chiefly to affect this city, it seems desirable, and would give satisfaction to a very great class of our fellow-citizens, to have the practicabiUty of a change in this principle submitted to the test of a public examination. I allude to the system of assessing taxes on the principle of an arbitrary valuation, without relief. Although the formal provisions of the law are so framed as to conceal the character of the principle, yet it is practically that which I have stated. It is a valuation arbitrary in its nature, and, in point of fact, without relief. The character of the principle is concealed by the opportunity which is form aUy given to every individual, if he pleases, to exhibit previous to assessment, perfect lists of his estate. On his neglect of this opportunity the right to doom, that is, arbitrarily to value and assess, is assumed and justified. Now, it is notorious, that, in every great mercantile city, such an exhibit would, if made truly, as it respects many, be -ruinous ; that, as it respects very many, it is absolutely impracticable, and that a pubUc annual development of the exact relation of his resources, would disastrously affect almost every man of property in society, either by embarrassing his operations, or by needlessly exposing his condition to the curious, the enrious, or the inimical. When, therefore, the law offers an opportunity to exhibit true Usts of their property, as a privilege of which multitudes cannot avail themselves, and which it is the inte rest of every man in society to reject, it offers a shadow and not a substance ; it is only a formal and not a real privUege. And, when it founds the right arbitrarily to assess, on the neglect of an opportunity of such a character, it exercises in effect a despotic power, not the less objectionable on account of its being veiled under the pretence of being justified by faUure to perform an impracticable or ruinous condition. To show that such is the practical character of this principle, it -wiU be sufficient simply to state, that the last year an uncommon number of per sons and a greater amount of property was exhibited in previous Usts than in any antecedent year in this city, yet that out of more than twelve thousand tax able persons only twenty-six gave in such Usts, and in a city the valuation of which exceeded sixty-five thousand of doUars, the amount exhibited in these Usts was only /our hundred and three thousand. A more direct proof, how nomi nal and faUacious this privilege to exhibit is universally deemed, could not be adduced. It is, in effect, an arbitrary valuation, and it is -without reUef For if this fallacious privUege be neglected, the Courts are by statute provision prohibited from making a-batements ; and in our convention of Assessors, in all cases above sixteen dollars, it is practieally a settied principle, that such neglect precludes the appUcant from the privilege of abatement. Did the effect of these principles terminate -with the indiridual, it would be of APPENDIX. . 411 less importance ; but it reacts upon society, and especially on a mercantile com munity, whose prosperity must necessarUy be affected by it, in a greater or less degree. It should be the settled poUey of mercantile cities to allure and detain capital ists. Of aU classes of men, these are the quickest to discern, and are in a situa tion the most favorable to take advantage of, the relative principles which the laws aud policy of different cities apply to their condition. Their activity, enter prise, and capital, give life and support to the industry of the laboring and mechanic classes. Whatever drives capitaUsts from a city, or makes them discontented vrith it, has a direct tendency to deprive those classes of their best hopes. Now, what can have a more direct and natural tendency to such an effect than the certainty that there is no escape from an arbitrary valuation and assessment, except compUance with a condition which is ruinous to some, imprac ticable to others, and repulsive to all ? Unless indeed it be a further certainty, which in this case also exists, that from sueh an assessment, once made, there is absolutely no hope of reUef ! That this city has lost important and valuable citizens and great capitaUsts, in consequence of the operation of this principle, is a known fact. How many more have been deterred from uniting their destinies with ours, and have been led by it to place their capital in employ in other cities, It Is not possible to estimate ; but that there have been such is also positively known. Other great cities, our neighbors and honorable rivals, have no such arbitrary principle connected with their system of assessment Haring opened a corre spondence -with the respective Mayors of New York, PhUadelplua, and Balti more on the subject, they have each of them, with great promptitude and pohte- ness, transmitted a transcript of the principles and course of proceedings of their respective cities in relation to assessments. In all of these cities there seems to exist a general content -with the principle on which assessment Is made, whatever discontent may individuaUy exist in the appUcation of it In neither of them is any exhibit of personal property required antecedent to assessment In aU of them, previously to finaUy closing the assess ment, an opportunity is given to those who deem themselves aggrieved, to be heard, and to have the assessment modified, according to the truth of their case. The subject has great relations. I refer to it out of respect to an opinion, very general in this city, that our principles of taxation are injurious to its pros- ¦perity. It is a subject worthy of deliberate consideration, and an examination into it would give to many good citizens great satisfaction, even should the result be, that a change was impracticable or inexpedient For the renewed evidences I have recently received of the confidence of my feUow-citizens, I can only renew the assurance of a Ufe and thoughts exclusively devoted to understand and pursue then- best interests. 412 APPENDIX. (H. Page 132.) MESSAGE OF THE MAYOR TO THE CITY COUNCIL, RECOMMENDING THE EXTENSION OF THE PLAN OP IMPROVEMENT TO SUTLER'S ROW, AND EXPLAINING THE MOTIVES OP THE COMMITTEE FOR THIS RECOMMEND ATION. Gentlemen of the City Council: — At a meeting of the Joint Committee on the subject of the extension of FanemI Hall Market, on the 22d instant, the foUowing vote was passed ; and the Mayor was requested to caU a special meeting of the City CouncU, for the purpose of communicating to them the subject and proposition contained in that vote. In obedience to that request, the present meeting has been caUed. The vote above aUuded to is expressed in the foUo^wing terms : — " 'Whereas counter propositions have been made to this Committee, relative to the purchase of lands adjoining the present improvements, now progressing in the vicinity of FaneuU HaU Market ; and whereas this Committee are unanimously of opinion, that it wiU be for the Interest of the city that this Committee should be enabled to meet and close on behalf of the city with one or other of those propositions, thereupon voted, unanimously, — " That the Chairman communicate the above fact to the City Council, and state to them, that by the power to make further purchases of land to an amount not exceeding two hundred and twenty thousand dollars, great and permanently useful improvements and additions may be made to the proposed market accommodations, without any ultimate cost, and with certain ultimate gain to the city." In communicating this vote to the City CouneU, I deem it my duty to make such a development of the objects of that vote as the nature of the subject per mits, and as the nature also of the power suggested requires. A suspension of the sales of the sites for the south block of store lots now remaining to be sold by the city, according to the former plan exhibited to the City Council, has taken place, partly by reason of the unsettled state of that part of the city property which is contracted for vrith the Long Wharf proprietary, and partiy on account of the opportunity which the general state of the property lying immediately south of the site of the proposed block of stores presented for most advantageous improvements in the plan, and increase of the accommoda tions of the New Market-House and streets, as well as for a most convenient and useful general arrangement of the land, included between Butler's Row, and the land leading to Bray's Wharf. In contemplating the plan of the New Market and streets adjacent, as formerly presented, and on considering it in connection -with its other relations, your Committee were of opinion, that, although the improvements effected by that plan were of a great and very satisfactory character, yet, that when considered in connection vrith the concentration of business which must result to this part of the city in consequence of the location of the New Market there, and of the creation of a new wharf on the city flats to the eastward, which at no distant period could not faU to take place, as well as from the opening of that great APPENDIX. 413 sixty-five feet avenue from Long Wharf- eastward to the New Market, about to form the principal route of the business between the north part of the city and State, India, and Broad Streets. They were also of opinion, that the street to tiie southward of the New Market, called on the plan " South Market Street," was much b)o narrow for that great influx of city trucks and carts, and of country teams and wagons, which the union of commerce and the market would occasion in that street and ricinity. Upon the plan above-mentioned, " South Market Street " was only " sixty feet " wide. It was obrious to your Committee, that if this street could be widened to tiie extent of at least one hundred feet, the contemplated accommodation of our country brethren in their attendance on the market, as weU as of our citizens, would be greatiy increased ; and that whenever the new wharf at the eastward on the city flats should be built, the space thus obtained in streets would be highly desirable, if not absolutely necessary, for the great concentration of busi ness above stated, which would be effected in that street and ricinity. In addi tion to these considerations, others of a prospective and more general character presented themselves. It was found by calculation, made on the present demand of meat and vege table stalls, that those contained in the New Market House were no more than sufficient for the actual existing state of the city, with its present population ; and that, if any extension of the market accommodation should by the progress of society become necessary, the city authorities would have no other means to effect it than by trenching in upon the ¦width of a " sixty feet street," which, it. was agreed on all sides, was sufficientiy narrow for the business for which it was about to be the scene, and to form the sphere. By effecting an augmentation of that street to at least one hundred feet, this inconvenience would be obviated. Those, who should come after us, might at any time add to the Market House now buUding,! should the gro-wth of the city require, a width of thirty or forty feet through its whole length, and a street sixty or seventy feet wide would remain entire for the accommodation of the pubUc. Other considerations of a more general character presented themselves to the Committee. It was obvious to their reflection and observation, that there were reasons and opportunities in the progress of societies, and cities, as weU as of indlriduals, by which, according as they were seized and improved, or suffered to escape and be neglected, their character and destinies were shaped and esta bUshed. It also could not but be perceived by them, that among the circum stances which had a tendency to incommode and restrict the apparent tendencies to the growth of the city of Boston, was the narrowness and crookedness of its streets, and its want of great squares and wide pubUo spaces for the accommoda tion of the business of citizens. It was plain to your Committee, that no oppor tunity should be suffered to pass, without being avaUed of, for the purpose of reUering the city from this discredit and these disadvantages. And they could not but be struck with the singular coincidence of season, places, and opportunity, which the new improvements and the general state of the real property about FaneuU HaU Market offered for these purposes. 1 This street, having been subsequently laid out by the Surveyors of Highways, the use of it here suggested is probably precluded. 35* 414 APPENDIX. At the moment when a new organization of the government has given to the authorities of Boston a greater efficiency, the state of the capital and enterprise, as weU as the prevaiUng harmony and union in relation to pubUe improvements among the citizens, has given a wUUngness to cooperate in them, altogether unexampled. The present, therefore, it is very apparent, is one of those seasons and opportunities in the progress of this city, on the neglect or improvement of which materiaUy depends its character and destiny. The place, also, on which the proposed improvements were carrying on, was, in the opinion of the Committee, peculiarly favorable to excite interest and union of sentiment among the citizens, as weU as to stimulate to a further extension of similar improvements, on a scale highly honorable to the character of the city, and beneficial as it respects its future prospects. Faneuil HaU Market is so located with respect to the general interests of Boston, that it may well be considered, as it were, the heart of the city. The new improvements have been planned, and are executing on a scale, calculated to connect the northern and southern sections -vrith this great centre by a noble avenue, and to bring into a sphere of profitable use, lands or flats hitherto com paratively of Uttie use or value. It must be apparent to every one who considers the subject, that, if the present opportunity be suffered to pass unimproved, that it -wiU for that vicinity be lost forever. After the final location of the southern block of stores now about to be sold, aU hope of a more extensive and accommo dating plan must be abandoned. Posterity cannot without great sacrifices, if at aU, effect an arrangement of streets and spaces for the business of the city, which now can be obtained with Uttle sacrifice ; and in fact ¦with none, when compared with the greatness of the increased improvements and resulting advantages. ) With these general views, the Chairman, by direction of the Committee, opened a negotiation with the different proprietors of the land and stores in the ricinity of Butler's Row, and Bray's Wharf and dock. It Is very apparent, that this negotiation must be carried on under many disadvantages, not only on account of the number of proprietors, whose good--wiU was to be conciUated, but also from the high price at which the city sales in that ricinity had countenanced those proprietors in claiming for their lands. A conditional arrangement has, however, at length been made with aU the proprietors, whose lands are necessary to be included in this plan, dependent on the -wUl of the Faneuil HaU Market Committee. They are, therefore, now enabled to state with precision the parti cular plan which they deem it most for the interest of the city to adopt, consider ing all the relations of the property in that ricinity, and also to state the extreme possible cost and pecuniary results of that plan, should it be deemed advisable to adopt it.i Upon the whole, the interest of the city is, in my opinion, so great, so obrious, and so certain, that I deem it my duty earnestly to recommend it to the City CouncU. The result of this improvement, when carried into effect, according to all the greatness and utiUty which the relations of the property in that ricinity permits, 1 As the plan here detailed was adopted and carried into effect by the City Council, and its advantages are at this day (1851) understood and acknow ledged, the statements here made relative to the cost and anticipated result are ¦omitted. APPENDIX. 425 cannot fa,U to reflect great honor on the citizens of this metropoUs, nofonly with foreigners, but with om- posterity, inasmuch as it wiU eridence the exist ence of a spmt m tiie citizens of the present thne, capable of derismg and wilhng to meet the expenditures necessary to effect improvements on a scale calculated not merely to provide for the exigencies of a passing day, but to extend to aU future generations of the inhabitants of this city by present wise prospective arrangements, the blessings of that exceeding great prosperity, which Providence in its bounty permits us to enjoy. (L Page 137.) PROCEEDINGS ON LAYING THE CORNER STONE OF FANEUIL HALL MARKET. On Wednesday, the twenty-seventh of AprU, 1825, the Corner Stone of the New FaneuU HaU Market was laid by the Mayor of the city, in the presence of the members of the City CouncU, the Superintendent and workmen of the buUding, and a large number of citizens. The City Government assembled in Faneuil HaU at eleven o'clock, and moved to the site of the new edifice, in the foUowing order, preceded and flanked by peace officers: — The Mayor. The City Marshal, bearing the chest containing the deposits. The other Members of the BuUding Committee. Aldermen. Members of the Common Council. Clerks of the two Boards. Principal Architect, &c. The Comer Stone, (a large block of Chehnsford granite,) was suspended by a puUey over the foundation stone, in a cavity of which a leaden box, or chest, was deposited, and which contained, — 1. A colored Map of the City, recently executed. 2. Plan of the Lands, Stores, Dock, &c., on which the new Improvement is located, as they existed before the Improvement was contemplated. The sites of the New Market, Streets, Ranges of Stores, &c., being designated by dotted Unes. ' 3. A Book, containing the Charter of the City, with the Amendments there to ; the Constitutions of the United States and of Massachusetts ; and sundry Laws, p8issed in relation to the City. 4. Copies of the Rules and Regulations of the City CouncU, with a list of the Officers of the City, and the Wards, for 1824 -'25. 416 APPENDIX. 5. Twenty-two Newspapers pubUshed during the preceding -week, including aU the weekly, semi-weekly, and daUy papers, the Price Current, and Masonic Magazine. 6. Eight numbers of Bowen's " History of Boston," in course of pubUcation, containing a number of riews of edifices, &c. in the city. 7. A case, containing the foUowing Coins, &c. : — An Eagle, Half Eagle, and Quarter Eagle, of gold ; a DoUar, Haff DoUar, Quarter DoUar, Dime, and Half Dime, of silver ; and a Cent and Half Cent of the most recent coinage of the United States; a Silver (Pine-Tree) ShiUing, of Massachusetts, coined in 1652, presented by Nathaniel G. SneUing, Esq. ; and a Cent and Half Cent of the coinage of Massachusetts, of 1787. The latter presented by Mr. Jeremiah Kehler. Together with the foUowing Old Continental BUls (of paper money) issued during the Revolution, to -wit, — One of Eight DoUars, issued in 1776, and one of Forty DoUars, issued in 1779, presented by Mr. John Fuller; one of Four Dollars, and two of Sis DoUars, (one guaranteed by Rhode Island,) presented by Isaac Winslow, Esq. ; one of Two DoUars, issued iu 1776 ; one of Five, one of Twenty, and one of Thirty Dollars, issued in 1778 ; one of Five Dollars, (guaranteed by New Hampshire,) and one New Hampshire Colony Bill, for Ten Pounds, issued in 1775, presented by Ebenezer Farley, Esq.; and a Rhode Island New Emission BiU, issued in 1780, for Three Dollars, presented by Stephen Codman, Esq. It has been a subject of regret,! that the emblems, mottoes, and derices of the old continental paper money, have not, in our recollection, been permanentiy recorded. We remember to have read a glo-wing description of them given by a celebrated Whig Peer of England, in the British ParUament, during the Revolution, in answer to a remark of a MinisteriaUst, that the Americans were destitute of sound learning and science ; and which was adduced by him in proof of the existence in America of classical learning, taste, and genius, not exceUed by any thing of the kind of which the Uterati of England could boast. He then attributed the mottoes and designs to Franklin, Adams, Rittenhousb, Livingston, and others, which, he said, bore equal eridence of scholarship and patriotism. The bills were extremely well engraved, and printed by Hall and Sellers, the then Baskervilles and Didots of America. Every denomina tion of bills bore distinct derices, ¦with significant and appropriate Latin mottoes. We shall only notice those on the denominations deposited. The Two Dollar Bills bore the emblem of a hand making a circle vrith com passes. Motto, Trihulatio Ditat. Translation, " Trouble enriches," or, " The sufferings of the present time are not worthy to be compared ¦with the glory which shaU be." — Rom. viii. 18. The derice of the Three DoUar Bills was " an eagle pouncing on a crane, whose beak annoyed the eagle's throat" Motto, Exitus in dubio est. Translar tion, " The issue is doubtful," or, " The race is not to the s^wift, nor the battie to the strong." — Eccl. ix. 11. On the Five DoUar BiUs was a hand grasping at a thorn-bush. Motto, Sustine vel abstine. Translation, " Hold fast or touch not," or, "Be not overcome of evU, but overcome evil with good." — Rom. xu. 21. The Six DoUar BiUs represented a beaver feUing a tree. Motto, Perseverando. Translation, " By perseverance we prosper," or, " Let us run with patience the race set before us." — Heb. xu. 1. Another emission bore an anchor. Motto, 1 The whole of this note is taken from the Columbian Centinel of the thirtieth of AprU, 1825, edited by Benjamin RusseU, an active and efficient member of the Faneuil Hall Committee. APPENDIX. 417 In te Domine speramus. Translation, " In God have I put my trust" — Psahn bcvi. 11. r j ¦ The Eight DoUar BiUs bore the Irish harp. Motto, Majora Minoribus conso nant. Translation, " United we stand," or, " Let there be no divisions amon^ you ; but be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same iuds- ment" — 1 Cor. i. 10. •' ^ The Thirty Dollar BUls bore a wi-eath on an altar. Motto, Si recte fades. Translation, " If you do right you wiU succeed," or, " Do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same." — Heb. xUi. 3. 8. A Plate of sUver, weighing fifteen ounces, eleven inches by seven, -with the foUowing INSCRIPTION. Faneuil Hall Market, EstabUshed by the City of Boston. This Stone was laid April 27, Anno Do mini MDCCCXX"V., in the forty-ninth year of American Independence, and in the third of the Incorporation of the city. Josiah Quincy, Mayor. Aldermen. — Daniel Baxter, George Odiorne, David W. Child, Joseph Hawley Dorr, Asher Benjamin, Enoch Patterson, Caleb Eddy, Stephen Hooper. MEMBERS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. Francis J. Oliver, President. Ward No. 1. — WUliam Barre, John Elliot, Michael Tombs, Joseph "Wheel er.— 2. WUUam Little, Jr., Thaddeus Page, OUver Reed, Joseph Stone. — 3. John R. Adan, John D. Dyer, Edward Page, WiUiam Sprague. — 4. Joseph Coolidge, Jerenuah Fitch, Robert G. Shaw, WilUam R. P. Washburn. — 5. EU phalet P. Hartshorn, EUas HaskeU, George W. Otis, Winslow Wright — 6. Joseph S. Hastings, Joel Prouty, Thomas WUey, WilUam Wright — 7. Charles P. Curtis, WilUam Goddard, Elijah Morse, Isaac Parker. — 8. John BaUard, Jonathan Daris, John C. Gray, Hawkes Lincoln. — 9. Benjamin RusseU, Eli phalet WiUiams, Samuel K. WiUiams, Benjamin WUUs. ¦ — 10. Francis J. OUver, James Savage, Phineas Upham, Thomas B. Wales. — 11. Samuel Frothingham, GUes Lodge, Charles Sprague, Josiah Stedman. — 12. Charles Bemis, Samuel Bradlee, Francis Jackson, Isaac Thom. BUILDING COMMITTEE. Josiah Quincy, Chairman. David W. ChUd, Asher Benjanun, Enoch Patterson, Francis J. OUver, Ben jamin RusseU, Charles P. Curtis, Thaddeus Page, EUphalet WUUams, Joseph CooUdge, WilUam Wright. Alexander Parris, Principal Architect. John Quincy Adams, President of the United States. Marcus Morton, Lieutenant-Governor, and Commander-in-Chief of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Memoranda. — The population of the City, estimated at fifty thousand. That of the United States, eleven miUions. [Engraved ly Hazen Morse.] 418 APPENDIX. The Stone haring been placed in its proper position and cemented, the Mayor announced that the Corner Stone was now erected of an edifice, which would be a proud memorial of the pubUc spirit and unanimity of the City CouncU, and of the liberality of their feUow-citizens ; an edifice which, he anticipated, would be an ornament to the city, a convenience for its inhabitants, a blessing to the poor, an accommodation to the rich, and an object of pleasure to the whole community. Three cheers foUowed the annunciation, and the ceremony closed. The execution of the Inscription on the Plate deposited has been admired by aU who have viewed it, as an excellent sample of the progress made in the graphic art, and the ornamental and scrip chirography of the day. (K. Page 145.) statements relative to the irresponsibility claimed by the OVER SEERS OF THE poor for PUBLIC MONEYS. The Report here referred to, embodied aU the facts relative to the irrespon sibUity of the Board of Overseers of the Poor for the great sums they annuaUy receive from the City Treasury, and also for the great amount of eleemosynary funds in their hands. It was signed by every member of the Committee, (see p. 144,) men most faithful to the interests of the city, and soUcitous to promote those of the poor. It was accepted unanimously by both branches of the City Council, and its recommendations were, in a general meeting of more than eight hundred inhabitants, rejected by a majority of only thirty-one ; a result showing, that the views presented in that report were approved by nearly half of those present, and those among the most inteUigent, and possessing as great a stake as any in the city. After the result of the struggle made in 1824 to effect a change in this claim of the Overseeis for irresponsibUity, a perfect sUence was maintained on the nature and consequences of these pretensions, untU March, 1837, when Samuel A. EUot, Mayor of the city, in a communication to the City Council relative to the eleemosynary fund, " exclusively under the control of the Overseers of the Poor," and the expenditures, concerning which they disavowed aU accountabiUty, took occasion to make the foUo^wing remarks : — " Whether this is a state of things which should exist, or whether it would be better that all the modes of charity should be under one general supervision, and under the usual responsibiUty to the City CouncU, is for the CouncU and the citizens to determine. I cannot perceive, that any advantage, arising from the present system, is a counterbalance to the evU which ensues from the compUca- tion of the business in so many hands, the danger of coUIsion between independ ent boards, and the tendency natural to aU irresponsible bodies, to conceal their transactions. PubUcity is generaUy and justiy regarded as the best security against abuse, and the convenience of having a system of charity adopted by the city, and pursued under the direction of one board, is too manifest to require urging. In what manner this can be effected, I must leave to the deUberations of the City CouncU, -with the conriction, that their proceedings wiU be marked by regard to the pubUc good, and a just deference to enUghtened pubKo opinion." APPENDIX. 419 Notwithstanding the directness and -wisdom of these suggestions, no attempt- was then made, or has been subsequently, to effect a change in a state of things so undeniably incorrect in point of principle, and so unquestionably Uable to secret abuse. A board of twelve men, chosen not by the citizens at large, but indiriduaUy, in wards, continue to be permitted to expend from twenty-eight to thirty thousand dollars annuaUy of money received out of the City Treasury, and to manage a capital of upwards of one hundred thousand dollars of eleemosynary funds, distributing its incomes at their discretion, without accountability to any one, except to one another, which, in effect, is no accountabiUty at aU. The cause of this apparent apathy is obvious. There is no body now existing in the city, authorized to eaU the Overseers of the Poor to account for their expenditures ; and, should the City Council make any movement to exercise or obtain that power, a clamor would be raised, as it was In 1824, in the different wards, by those interested in maintaining the present system, and they would be denounced as attempting to interfere -with an independent board, and with a desire to get under their control funds placed in other hands by the donors them selves, — a reproach aud odium which few administrations are ¦wUUng to meet, and perhaps fewer would be able to sustain. In the mean time, by the increase of our population and the Infusion of foreigners, the necessity of public expend itures for the poor continuaUy augments, and with it, unavoidably, the temptation and danger of secret abuse of great funds, when intrusted to irresponsible agents. It seems important, therefore, that some historical facts should be stated and preserved, especiaUy such as relate to the eleemosynary funds, now holden and distributed by the present Board of Overseers, claiming to be successors of the former Board of Overseers, which existed under the to^wn. First, then, the Board of Overseers of the Poor of the to^wn of Boston were very differentiy constituted than are the Board of Overseers of the Poor of the city of Boston, and consequently possessed far more elements of general con fidence. Had the Board of Overseers of the Poor been then constituted as It is now, it would never have been selected as the trustees of those eleemosy nary funds. Under the town government the members of the Board of Overseers of the Poor were elected by the votes of the whole body of the inhabitants. They were consequently always men of a high general character, kno-wn to a majority of the inhabitants, and chosen by them for their integrity, capacity, and adapt ation to the serrice. Among them were always men distinguished for their wealth, their business talents, and charities. The uniformity of this result for many years, created that general confidence, which caused them to be chosen as trustees of these eleemosynary funds. Now the Board of Overseers of the Poor, under the city government, are chosen in wards, and consequently are seldom known to the inhabitants generally, and are also often not selected for any special quaUfication for this great trust, but because they are popular and avaU able candidates, or wUUng to accept an office which is deemed irksome, and to which no emolument is thought to be attached. A board thus constituted could never have acquired that general confidence, which the donations of those elee mosynary funds indicate. What capitaUst, at this day, would select that board as trustees of such donations ? There was another element of confidence in the Board of Overseers, under 420 APPENDIX. the town, winch is wholly wanting in that board under the City, — every vacancy in the hoard was always in fact filled by the nomination of the members of the board themselves. Hence, the new members were always well quaUfied for the office, and acceptable to the old members remaining as associates. "When a vacancy was about to occur, it was the practice of the board to consult together, and to select the indiridual whose name was to be inserted in the general ticket with those of the members of the board about to remain. This course was known, and acceptable to the inhabitants. The individual thus selected, beino' alwaj's one whose quaUties and adaptation were by them weU known and approved, he was accordingly uniformly chosen, it is believed, without objection or opposition, during the whole period of the to^wn government. This course of proceeding gave that board, under the town, a fixed and staid character, inriting confidence and sustaining it. Concerning these eleemosynary funds, the Board of Overseers wrap them selves up in the dignity of irresponsible trustees, and deny to every one, even to the Ma}"or of the city, the right of raising any question concerning the manage ment and distribution of them. Yet, they have no other ground of claim to the control of those funds than a general declaration in the city charter, that they shaU have " aU the powers and be subject to all the duties which appertain to the Board of Overseers of the Poor of the to-wn of Boston." "Whether such general expressions as these, which contain no words pui-porting a transfer of property, or implying a grant of any succession to trusts, are sufficient in law t» pass funds of a great amount preriously vested in a corporation " by the name of the Overseers of the Poor of the town of Boston, and their successors," is a question of law, which, if the heirs or representatives of the original donors of those funds should seriously raise in a court of justice, the result, perhaps, might be dubious. Fortunately, however, the Legislature has reserved to itself, in the very charter of the city, the right " to alter and quaUfy " the powers of that board. And it is believed, that the time cannot be far distant, when the Legis' lature, either self-moved, or on the appUcation either of indiridual citizens or of the City Council, -wiU recognize it as their duty to do justice to the charitable donors of those eleemosynary funds, and bring the Board of Overseers of the Poor under the city to as near an approximation to the character of that under the town as is now possible, by enacting a law, by which the members of that board shall be chosen by that body, which now in every thing else acts for the whole body of the citizens, that is, by the City CouneU ; and thereby restore that board more nearly to the same elements of general confidence it possessed under the to-wn. An act of this kind would also reUeve the city of Boston from the effect of that monstrous financial anomaly, whereby twelve men, chosen individuaUy in wards, with little consideration by the voters of the great amounts of money placed at their disposal, and of their adaptation to distribute it, are invested annuaUy with power to expend from twenty-eight to thirty thousand doUars out of the Jiubllc treasury, at their discretion, -with no other accountabiUty than to one another. The annual publication of their receipts and expenditures, which they call accounting to their feUow-oitizens, has, in fact, no one element of effective accountabiUty. ' ' Under the town government, it was otherwise. There every inhabitant had APPENDIX. 421 the right and the power, iu pubhc town-meeting, to demand explanations and specifications, concerning the modes and principles of expenditure. Under the city, no human being has such right or power, it being denied even to the City CouncU ; and, although it naturaUy belongs to them, they have hitherto been deterred from attempting to obtain it, from causes weU known and already intimated. (L. Page 206.) AN address 1 DELIVERED AT THE UNANIMOUS REQUEST OF BOTH BRANCHES OF THE CITY COUNCIL ON THE FOURTH OP JULY, 1826, IT BEtNG THE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE, BY JOSIAH QUINCY, MAYOR OF THE CITY. On the fiftieth anniversary of the independence of our country, — on the great day of our fathers' glory, — we assemble to speak concerning their virtues, and to tell of labors and sacrifices by which they gave existence to our nation. More than half the term allotted in the ordinary course of Proridence to the longest human Ufe has elapsed since that event. Those whose age or experience guide the aff'airs of the present time were then chUdren or youths ; -witnesses, without being partakers of that struggle. How natural and suitable Is it, on such an anniversary, for the fathers of the present day to speak concerning the fathers of former days to one another and to their children, who are destined to be the fathers of the age which is to come ! We are, then, feUow-citizens, assembled, not to take part in a Ught and vain show, but to perform a solemn and somewhat a religious duty. Parents and chUdren, we have come to the altar of our common faith, not like the Carthagi nian, to swear enmity to another nation, but, in the spirit of obedience and under a sense of moral and reUgious obUgation, to inquire what it is to fulfil weU our duty to ourselves and our posterity. And while we pass before our eyes in long array the outspread images of our fathers' rirtues, let us strive to excite in our own bosoms and enkindle in each other's that intense and sacred zeal by which their patriotism was animated and refined. Fifty years after the occurrence of' the greatest of our national events, we gather -with our chUdren around the tombs of our fathers, as we trust, — and may Heaven so grant! — fifty years- henee, those chUdren wUl gather around ours, in the spirit of gratitude and- honor, to contemplate their glory ; to seek the lessons suggested by their exam ple ; and to examine the principles on which they laid the foundations of their - country's prosperity and greatness. 1 This work haring been substituted, under circumstances the text explains, for one of the orations annuaUy deUvered by the appointment of the Mayor and Aldermen on the fourth of July, has been naturally pubUshed with that name, and usuaUy regarded in that light „. „ ., j . , , . It was, however, solicited as an address to the City CouncU and inhabitants of the city, accepted as an official duty, and executed in a style adapted to the relation in which the writer stijod, and in confornUty -with the vote of the City CouncU. 36 422 APPENDIX. But if, as Americans, it be natural and suitable to consecrate this day in our affections, how much more as citizens of Boston, — inhabitants of that city known tnrough the world as the cradle of American liberty, — standing as we do under the canopy of that sacred temple,' which was honored, in the most try ing times of our Revolution, by the boldest breathings of our chiefest patriots ; which was poUuted iu the most disastrous times by the war horse, which neighed and stabled in this sanctuary ; surrounded as we are by the direct descendants of those who were first and most fearless in the day of severest trial ! Where shaU the memory of the great men of our Revolution be honored, if it be not in this city, in this temple, and in this assembly ? What future age, what distant region, hearing of the American Revolution, shall not also hear of " Faneuil HaU " and of the " Old South," where the early spirit of American Uberty stood in dignity, fidelity, and fearlessness, while sen tries, with fixed bayonets, were at our State House doors ; whUe Boston was but a garrison — its islands and harbors possessed by a vindictive and indignant foe ; its trade suspended by British cruisers ; famine threatened by British edicts ; and the blood of its slaughtered citizens fiowed in its streets ! In what land, where the American name is kno-wn, are not, and shall not for ever be, known, the names of those citizens of Boston, who were the strength and lights of their o-wn time, and the eternal glory of their country, — Adams and Hancock, and Otis, and Warren, and others of scarcely less celebrity ? EspeciaUy shaU he not be forgotten, now or ever, that ancient citizen of Bos ton, that patriarch of American independence, of all New England's worthies, on this great day the sole survivor.2 He, indeed, oppressed by years, sinking under the burdens of decaring nature, hears not our pubhc song or voice of praise or ascending prayer. But the sounds of a nation's joy, rushing from our cities, ringing from our vaUeys, echoing from our hUls, shall break the sUence of his aged ear ; the rising blessings of grateful mUUons shaU visit, with a glad Ught, his fading rision, and flush the last shades of his evening sky -with the reflected splendors of his meridian brightness. How pecuUarly and imperiously incumbent, then, is it on us on this day, in this place and in this assembly, to speak together concerning the glory of our ancestors ; to analyze that glory ; and to inquire what it is to deserve, and what it is to disgrace those ancestors I When we speak of the glory of our fathers, we mean not that -vulgar renown to be attained by physical strength, nor yet that higher fame to be acquired by intellectual power. Both often exist without lofty thought or pure intent or 1 The Old South Church. 2 John Adams, the patriot here aUuded to, expired at about five o'clock on this day ; and Thomas Jefferson, another patriot of the same period, also expired at about one o'clock on the same afternoon. Thus two of the most distinguished statesmen of the United States, both mem bers of the Committee of Congress who drafted the Declaration of American Independence, and who both signed that instrument ; both of whom had been for many years Ministers of the United States at several European courts ; both of whom had held successively the offices of "7ioe-President and President of the United States, finished their mortal career on the fourth of July, 1826; it being the fiftieth anniversary of that most glorious and happy event for them selves and their country, — the Declaration of American Independence. APPENDIX. 423 generous purpose. The glory which we celebrate was strictiy of a moral and reUgious character, — righteous as to its ends, just as to its means. The Ameri can revolution had its origin, neither in ambition, nor avarice, nor envy, nor in any gross passion ; but in the nature and relation of things, and in the thence resulting necessity of separation from the parent State. Its progress was limited by that necessity. During the struggle, our fathers displayed great strength and great moderation of purpose. In difficult times they conducted -with wisdom. In doubtful times, -with firmness. In perilous, -with courage. Under oppressive trials, erect Amidst great temptations, unseduced. In the dark hour of dan ger,' fearless. In the bright hour of prosperity, faithful. It was not the instant feeling and pressure of the arm of despotism that roused them to resist, but the principle on which that ai-m was extended. They could have paid the stamp-taix and the tea-tax, and the other impositions of the British government, had they been increased a thousand-fold. But payment acknowledged the right; and they spurned the consequences of that acknowledgment. In spite of those acts they could have Uved and happUy, and bought and sold, and got gain, and been at ease. But they would have held those blessings on the tenure of dependence on a foreign and distant power, at the mercy of a king or his minions, or of coun cils in which they had no voice, and where their interests could not be repre sented, and were Uttle likely to be heard. They saw that their prosperity in such case would be precarious ; their possessions uncertain ; their ease inglorious. But above aU they reaUzed that those burdens, though Ught to them, would, to the coming age, — to us, their posterity, — be heavy, aud, probably, insupport able. Reasoning on the ineritable increase of interested Imposition upon those who are -without power and have none to help, they foresaw that, sooner or later, desperate struggles must come. They preferred to meet the trial In their o-wn times, and to make the sacrifices in their o-wn persons. They were -willing themselves to endure the toU and to incur the hazard, that we and our descend ants, — their posterity, — might reap the harvest, and enjoy the increase. Generous men ! exalted patriots ! immortal statesmen ! For this deep, moral, and social affection, for this elevated seff-devotion, this noble purpose, this bold daring, the multiplying myriads of your posterity, as they thicken along the Atkntic coast, from the St. Croix to the Mississippi, as they spread backwards to the lakes, and from the hikes to the mountains, and from the moimtains to the western waters, shaU, on this day, annuaUy, in aU future tune, as we at this hour, come up to the temple of the Most High, with song and anthem and thanksgiv ing and choral symphony and hallelujah, to repeat your names, to look stead fastly on the brightness of your glory ; to trace its spreading rays to the points fi-om which they emanate ; and to seek. In your character and conduct, a prac tical Ulustration of public duty, in every occurring, social exigence. In the rapid view I am compelled to take of the genius and character of our revolution, I shaU chiefly fix my eye on this State, town, and ricinity. Let other States and cities celebrate mth due honors the great men whose Ughts cluster in their peculiar sky. Massachusetts has a consteUation of her own, exceeded by none in brightness, yielding to none in power, surpassed by none m influence, dm-in^ the first stages of the Revolutionary struggle. In this State and in this metropoUs were exhibited, among the earUest, those generous virtues and that noble daring which electrified the Continent 424 APPENDIX. If it be asked in what the peculiar glory of our fathers iu that day consisted, this is my answer. It consisted in perfectiy-performed duty, according to the measure of that perfection which is attributable to things human. Now, real glory, when strictiy analyzed and reduced to its constituent principle, -with aU its tinsel and dross separated, wiU be found to consist, and to consist only in truth. The glory of contemplation is truth to nature. The glory of action is truth to the relations in which man is placed, — perfect fulfilment of aU the obligations which result from the condition of things aUotted to him by Proridence. In this point of view, the glory of our fathers at the revolution may be stated in detail to consist in being true to their ancestors, true to themselves, true to their posterity, and, above all, iu being true to virtue and liberty. Our fathers, at the Revolution, were true to their ancestors ; maintaining then- principles, obeying their precepts, coppng their example. The Revolution of 1776 is caUed, and justly, a mighty struggle for independ ence. But it was neither greater, bolder, nor more arduous, than the emigrar tion of the first settlers to New England ; nor was there incurred iu it more hazard, nor displayed in any of its events, a more determined spirit of independ ence, than were incurred and displayed by the immediate descendants of those settlers, — the direct progenitors of the authors of our revolution. Time would faU me, were I to attempt to maintain this position by historical references. One or two striking evidences of fact and opinion must suffice. The emigration itseff of our ancestors was, in truth, only a mighty struggle for independence. According to the genius of the age, and the particular bias of our ancestors' minds, their motive took the aspect of a strong desire for a higher religious freedom and a purer form of religious worship. It is impossible, how ever, not to perceive that even this desire was only a mode, under which existed an intense and aU-absorbiiig spirit of civU freedom. In the nature of things, it could not possibly have been otherwise. They fled from the persecutions of the British hierarchy. Now the strength of the hierarchy was In the nerve of the secular arm. It was that odious centaur, not fabulous, church and state, which drove them for refuge into the -wilderness. This monster, -with a poUtical head and an ecclesiastical body, they hated and feared ; representing their emigration and sufferings under the famlUar type of the woman of the Apocalypse, who fled " into the -wilderness, to a place prepared of God, from the face of the beast." We are apt to view our ancestors of the first and second generations in the light of enthusiasts. Now, if by this term is meant, according to its usual import, " men, who through a vain confidence in heaven, neglect the use of human means," there never existed a class of men less entitied to that appellation than our fathers. Of all men, they were the most practical. Their whole history, the coUeges, schools, churches, aU the institutions they founded, constitute one unbroken series of examples of the wise and happy use of human means. -As to their opinions, take, instead of a multitude which might be adduced, a single example. In that famous work entitied " Faithful Advice to the Churches of New England,'.' sent out into the world under the auspices of our fathers, haring the signatures of both the Mathers, Davenport, Colman, and others, there is the following remarkable rindication of the use of human learning in reUgion, urged -with their characteristic acuteness. " No man ever decried learning -without being an enemv to reUgion, whether APPENDIX. 425 he knew it or no. "When our Lord chose fishermen to be ministers, he would not send them forth until they had been several years under his tuition ; (a bet ter than the best in any coUege under heaven) and then, also, he miraculously furnished them with more learning than any of us, by seven years hard study, can attain unto." It would be easy also to adduce abundant evidence of the free opinions enter tained by the first settiers, relative to the right of resistance to kings and to per sonal and colonial freedom, by quotations from approved authors of that period. A single extract from the writings of Nathaniel Ward, the first clergyman of the town of Ips-wich, in this ricinit)-, -wiU sufficiently manifest the temper and spirit of our ancestors in that age on those points. This writer was so highly esteemed by our ancestors, that he was employed in 1639 by the General Court of Massa chusetts to draft that code, consisting of one hundred laws, caUed " the body of liberties " of the Colony. In an eccentric, but highly popular work in that day, pubUshed by him in 1647, entitied "The Simple Cobbler of Agawam in Ame rica," the contest, then carrying on between the King and ParUament, is repre sented under the simiUtude of a controversy between royal prerogative (majestas imperii) and popular Uberty (salus populi) and is thus stated in the quaint lan guage of that day : — We hear that Majestas Imperii hath chaUenged Salus Populi into the field ; the one fighting for prerogatives, the other defending liberties. If Salus Populi began, surely it was not that Salus Populi I left in England. That Salus Populi was as mannerly a Salus Populi as need be. If I be not much deceived, that Salus Populi suft'ered its nose to be held to the grindstone till it was ground to the gristie ; and yet grew never the sharper, for aught I could discern. I think that since the world began, it was never storied that Salus Populi began ¦with Majestas Imperii, unless Majestas Imperii first unharbored it and hunted it to a stand, and then it must turn head and Uve, or turn taU and die. Common wealths cost as much in the makmg as crowns ; and if they be weU made, woifld yet outsel an Ul-fashioned crown in any market overt, if they be weU-vouehed.^ « But preces and lachrymm are the people's weapons ; so are swords and pis tols, when God and ParUament bid them arm. Prayers and tears are good weapons for them that have nothing but knees and eyes ; but most men have teeth and naUs. If subjects must fight for their kings against other kingdoms when their kings -wUl, I know no reason but they may fight against their kings for their own kingdoms when ParUament say they may and must But ParUar ment must not say they must until God says they may." „„., ^ The bold spirit of liberty which characterized the first settiers of New Eng land cannot be too highly appreciated by their posterity. Neither are then: wisdom and prudence in maintaining their liberties, less subjects of admiration and applause. What state paper exists more solemn or comprehensive than that memorable order, by which the General Court of Massachusetts, in 1660, caused a committee to be raised to consider the consequences to then- liberties to be anticipated from the restoration of Charies H. ? , ,t, i,- ,, , "Forasmuch as the present condition of our affairs, m matters of tiie highest concernment, caUs for dUigent and speedy use of the best means, seriously to discuss and ri<.htly to understand our liberty and duty ; thereby to beget unity ^mol ourseWes i the due observance of obedience to the authority of England 36* 426 APPENDIX. and our o-wn just privUeges, for the effecting whereof it is ordered that Simon Bradstreet, &c. be a comroittee to consider and debate such matter or thing of pubUc concernment, touching our patent, laws, privUeges, and duty to his Majesty, as they may judge expedient, that so {if the -wUl of God be) we may speak and act the same thing, becoming prudent, honest, conscientious, and faithful men'." Now what their notion of these "just pririleges" was, may be gathered from " their refusing to make the oath of aUegiance necessary ; " " refusing to cause proceedings at law to be in the name of the King." " Maintaining that Uberty of conscience justified their removal to this quarter of the world; that -with removal their subjection to England ceased ; and that the sovereignty of the soU was in them, because purchased by them of the native princes." l That these were doctrines holden and avowed by "persons of influence," among the early emigrants to New England we know from history. Their patent, or old charter itself, was in fact only an incorporation for trade, turned by the dexterity of the first settiers into a ciril sovereignty. And the real cause of their extreme attachment to it was, that, under color of that instrument, they chose their o-wn rulers and judges, made laws, and in effect were an independ ent state. How this theory of the ancient leaders of Massachusetts was seconded by the spirit of the people, wUl be apparent from a single transaction of a somewhat later period. During the reign of King James H., our fathers had been insulted by the dissolution of their charter, and oppressed by the proceedings of the King's Commissioners. The leaders of the Colony were indignant The people were stung to madness. On the eighteenth of April, 1689, — the eighteenth and nineteenth of Api-il are red-letter days in the calendar of American Uberty, — on the eighteenth of AprU, 1689, say our historians, there came up from North Boston, — that north ern hive has been famous In all times for a hardy, industrious, aud intrepid race of men, — : there came up from North Boston a multitude of men and boys run ning. The drums beat The people ran to their arms. They rushed to Fort HUl, where was then a formidable fortification, " standing so thick that one gun from the fort would have kiUed a hundred of them; but God prevented I "2 They scaled the sconce, and, seizing the lower battery, they turned the guns " on the red coats in the fort," who surrendering at discretion, they took the King's CouncU prisoners, and put the King's Governor under guard ; they sent the captain of the King's frigate to jaU ; and turned the batteries on the King's frigate herself; and the country people coming in, the elders and fathers took possession of the liing's government ; and thus was effected a glorious revolution here in Massachusetts thirty days before it was kno-wn that King WiUiam of glorious memory had just effected a similar glorious revolution on the other side of the Atlantic. It is very obrious that the fate of New England was suspended on the fate of the Prince of Orange. Had he failed, our ancestors of that day would have had to expiate the guUt of treason in exile, or confiscation, or on the scaffold. How ! Hutchinson's Hist, of Mass. vol. i. ch. 2. 2 Hutehinson's Hist. v. I. ch. 3. APPENDIX 427 truly then may it be said that the spirit of our ancestors of the first age was emu lated by the immediate authors of our independence, and that these descendants were true to the example and glory of their predecessors ! If we descend from the era of the English Revolution to the middle of the last century, we find the same daring spirit of liberty promulgated, not by irresponsi ble scribblers, in anonymous pamphlets, but by the highest colonial lawyers on the floor of state, and by the most learned colonial clergy from their pulpits. Take, for example, an extract from a sei-mon, entitled " A Discourse concerning Unlimited Submission to the Higher Powers, with some Reflections on the Resist ance to King Charles 1., and on the Anniversary of his Death, in which the Myste rious Doctrine of that Prince's Saintship and Martyrdom is unriddled. Preached by Jonathan Mayhew, Pastor of the West Church in Boston. Among other doctrines, not less bold and decisive, he lays down the foUowing : — " A people really oppressed to a great degree by their sovereign, cannot weU be insensible when they are so oppressed. And such a people, if I may aUude to an ancient fable, have, Uke the Hesperian fruit, a dragon for their protector and guardian. Nor would they have any reason to mourn, if some Hercules should appear to despatch him. For a nation thus abused, to arise unanimously aud to resist their prince, even to the dethroning him, is not criminal ; but a rea sonable way of rindioating their Uberties and just rights.'' Now it must be remembered that this discourse was preached six-and-twenty years before the era of our Revolution, by the most learned and popular preacher of his day ; that it was pubUshed " at the request of his hearers ; " that the thing was not done in a corner, nor circiUated in a whisper, but as the titie-page has it,, Anno, 1750. Boston: New England. "Printed and sold by D. Fowle, in Queen Street, and by D. Gookin, over against the Old South Meeting House." There is no need of further proof that the fathers of our Revolution were true to their ancestors, both distant and immediate ; obering their precepts, copring their examples, and acting up to their characters. It remains for us to observe, that the fathers of our Revolution were also true to themselves and true to posterity ; and in this, above aU, that they were true to rirtue and Uberty. There were three great principles, which, in the opinion of our ancestors, in every age, constituted the essence of colonial Uberty ; and with which, in their minds, it was identified. 1. That their rulers and judges should be chosen by, and responsible to them selves. 2. That the right of laying taxes on the inhabitants of the Colonies should belong exclusively to their own representatives. 3. That their religious rights should depend whoUy on their colonial laws and constitutions. The first of these principles was the object of the struggles of the first settiers of New England and their immediate descendants. They exercised this Uberty between fifty and sixty years. They lost it by the dissolution of their old char ter. That of WiUiam and Mary did not restore it. Among otiier obnoxious prorisions in this last charter, the appointment of the Governor, Lieutenant- Governor, and Secretary, witii a quaUfied, appeUate, judicial jurisdiction, was reserved to the Crown. 428 APPENDIX The loss of this branch of Uberty was submitted to -with reluctance, and endured vrith great impatience. The deep yearning of our fathers' hearts after their ancient Uberty is to be seen in every subsequent page of their poUtical his tory, and was one of the active, though hidden causes of our Revolution. On the second great principle of colonial Uberty, that taxation and represent ation are inseparable, the American Revolution turned. Now, the just estimate made by our fathers of the importance of that princi ple, — the self-devotion with which they maintained it, the boldness with which they put in jeopardy life, liberty, property, reputation, whatever man holds dear in hope or in possession to rindicate it, — are the great central points from which radiates their glory at the Revolution. At a superficial riew, we are inclined to wonder at the inflexible firmness of our fathers, in opposition to the stamp and tea taxes, and the other British impor sitions at that period. The amount smaU ; comparatively Uttie burdensome ; for the most part affecting articles of luxury or of occasional use. We are tempted to exclaim, what grievous oppression in all this ? A single year of war would exceed in expense the loss in fifty years from such taxes. And when we look at the subject in point of principle, their condition would not have been a whit worse than immense classes of British subjects who pay taxes without haring any voice in the choice of their rulers. Arguments and facts of this kind were urged on our fathers in every form of reason and eloquence ; enforced by appeals to their hopes from the smUes of royal favor ; by appeals to their fears from the terrors of royal power. But they stood as the mountain rock, which alike mocks the melting heat of the summer's sun, and the uprooting blasts of the winter's storm. By such considerations, the flame of their enkindled zeal was neither quenched nor aUayed. Their unyielding fixedness of principle in this respect does infinite credit to their sagacitj' and virtue. For when we consider more carefully this principle, so earnestiy asserted by Great Britain, and so resolutely resisted by our fathers, we shaU find that, to human view, it contained the whole hope of American independence for the then present and aU future times. The possibUity of American independence at any time depended upon the union of the Colonies in some common principle of opposition to the pretensions of Great Britain. Now, this right being con ceded, it was scarce possible that any such common principle should exist ; much less become a bond of union among the Colonies. This right admitted, everjf thing else was but mode and measure, — an affair of discretion. What hope that they, who could not unite in resistance to the whole right, could be eve:? brought to combine in resistance to a particularly oppressive degree in the exer cise of it ? Besides, how easy would it have been for Great Britain, by settling any obnoxious degree, in mode or measure, differently in different colonies, to take from some aU motive to cooperate in the resistance of others ! This princi ple, therefore, being yielded, there was to human view no subsequent hope of independence for the Colonies. That principle was worthy, therefore, of aU the importance attached to it by our fathers ; worthy of aU the sacrifices they made in its defence. Their foresight, their energy and inflexible spirit on this point; are among the brightest beams in the glory of that day. Of a simUar type is the self-denial to which they submitted, and the hazards which they voluntarUy incurred for the sake of that principle. By submission, APPENDIX. 429 they would, in their own time, have enjoyed peace, secured plenty, attained external protection under the shield of Great Britain, and in the gradual advance of society, they had reason to expect to arrive, even in the colonial state, at a very elevated and enriable condition of prosperity. On the other hand, what were the hazards of resistance ? — The untried, and not to be esti mated perils of civU war ; — "a people in the gristle, and not yet hardened into the bone of manhood," to rush on the thick bosses of the buckler of the most powerful State in Europe, the one most capable of annoying them, — without arms or resources, to enter the Usts -with the best appointed nation on the globe ; — desti tute of a sloop' of war, to wage hostiUties ¦with a country whose navies com manded every sea and even their own harbors. In case of success, — the chance of anarchy and the unknown casualties attending a new organization of society. In case of faUure, — ¦ exile, confiscation, the scaffold, the fate of some ; to bear the opprobrious names of rebel and traitor, and to transmit them to a disgraced posterity, the fate of aU. What appeals to selfishness ! what to cupidity ! what to love of ease, to fear, and to pusiUanimity ! But our fathers took counsel of a different spirit, — of the pure ethereal spirit which glowed and burned in their own bosoms. In spite of the greatness of the temptation and the certainty of the hazard, they resisted ; and the front ranks of opposition were fiUed, not by a needy, promiscuous, unknown, and irresponsible crowd, but by the heart and mind and strength of the Colony ; by the calm and calculating merchant ; by the cautious capi talist ; by the sedate and pious divine ; by the far-looking, deep-read lawyer ; by the laborious and inteUigent mechanic. We have no need to repeat names. The entire soul and sense and sinew of society were In action. The spirit of our Revolution is not to be sought in this or that individual, nor in this or that order of men. It was the mighty energy of the whole mass. It was the momentous heaving of the troubled ocean, roused indeed by the coining tempest, but propeUed onward by the lashing of its o-wn waters, and by the a-wful, irresistible impulse of deep-seated passion and power. In this movement, those who were foremost were not always those of most influence ; nor were the exciting causes always the most obtrusive to the eye. All were pressed forward by the spirit inherent in the community ; by force of pubUc opinion and sense of duty, which never feU behind, but was often in advance of those who were caUed leaders. The event has shown that our fathers judged rightly in this movement ; that their conception was just concerning their means and their duties ; that they were equal to the crisis in which Providence had placed them ; that, daring to be free their power was equal to their daring. They rindicated Uberty for them selves ; they transmitted it to us, their posterity. There is no truer glory, no hio-her fame known or to be acquired among men. How different would have been our lot at this day, both as men and citizens, had the Revolution failed of success, or had the great principle of liberty on which it 'turned been yielded. Instead of a people free, enUghtened, rejoicing in their strength, possessing a- just consciousness of being the authors and arbiters of their own and their country's destinies, we should have been a multitude with out pride of independence, without sense of state or national sovereignty, looking across the ocean for our rulers ; watehing the Atiantic sky, as the cloud of court 430 APPENDIX. locusts, tempted by our greenness, came warping on the eastern breeze ; waiting on the strand to catch the first glimpse of our descending master, — some trans- atiantio chieftain, some royal favorite, some court sycophant, — sent to govern a country, without knowing its interests, without sympathy in its prospects ; resting in another hemisphere the hopes of his fame and fortune. Our judges coming from afar ; our merchants denied all commerce except with the parent state ; our clergy sent us, Uke our clothes, ready made, and cut in the newest court fashion. None but conformists allowed to vote ; none but churchmen eligible. Our ciril rights subject to crown officers ; our religious, to a foreign hierarchy, cold, selfish, vindictive, distant, soUcitous about glebes and tith-es, but reckless among us of the spread of the Ught of learning or the influence of the gospel. How different also would have been the fate and aspect of the present age, had the American Revolution never commenced, or had it failed ! Under Pro ridence, this Revolution has been the chief, if not the sole cause of that impulse to the human mind, which, during the last half century, has changed the face of Europe, and elevated the hope of man. The Ught of truth and reason reflected across the Atiantic from the mighty mirror of American liberty, penetrated the cottages of peasants and the cabinets of kings. The multitude were propelled upon thrones. Kings have consequently been induced to soften the rigors of ancient serritude. In every part of Europe the chains of subjects are lightened. Sovereigns daily reaUze, more and more, the necessity of admitting the people to a voice in their councUs, and to a qualified weight in state affairs. Under the influence of this condition of things, knowledge has been increased and diS'used ; the rights of man vindicated ; a free intercourse of commerce, science, and arts introduced on both sides of the Atlantic, unparalleled in human history, and giving promise of an advancement in freedom, morals, and refinement, exceed ing the hope or conception of former times. Under these auspices, the patriotic theories and visions of MUton, Harrington, Algernon Sidney, and Locke, are beginning to be reaUzed ; the capacity of man to govern himself to be demon strated ; the great truth promulgated and carried home to the bosoms of all sove reigns, even the most arbitrary, that they who would govern man long must govern him justly, and treat him as a rational, accountable, and moral being; that they must respect his essential rights, and even towards servitude itself, recognize the principles of a substantial freedom. Such was the genius and character, and such the proud results of the Ameri can Revolution ; such the glory of our fathers ; such the glowing points from which that glory radiates. It is suitable, and it is our duty on this occasion to Inquire, what it is to main tain that genius and character ? what it is to deserve, and what to disgrace those ancestors ? In listening to the preceding development, fellow-citizens, it is impossible that each of you should not have reaUzed, individually, your interest in the character and conduct of our fathers. It is a law of nature. The virtue and glory of fathers is the most precious inheritance of their posterity. By this law, Ian India- soluble, moral union, connects times past and future with times present. With out that law, man would be a creature of the day, grovelling in selfishness, wal lowing in the mire of sense, with eye and taste and thought all downward, with no backward regard, with no forward hope, with no upward aim. But this eter- APPENDIX. 431 nal, moral connection, which is established by Proridence in his nature, gives him, as It were, existence in the days of old, and existence in the times which are to come ; and instead of a being destined, as the term of his natural Ufe seems to ind._cate,_ to exist only a few short years, bestows upon him, even in this world, a glorious immortality. _ By this law it is made the duty of man in every age, in gratitude for the inhe ritance he receives, to transmit it faithfully to those who succeed; not dhni- mshed, not corrupted, not soiled, but if possible enlarged, strengthened, purified, increased both m splendor and usefulness. The occurring circumstances of every age make indeed the duties of each suc ceeding generation different But in consulting concerning those duties, it wUl not be difficult for this or any future age to determine in what they consist, pro vided, according to the example, and in the language of our fathers, we endea vor "so to understand our liberty and duty as to beget unity among ourselves, and to act and speak as becomes prudent, honest, conscientious, and faithful men." ^ It is true, that we in this age are not called as our fathers were, to take our Uves in our hands, and bare our breasts to the tempest and shock of war. But such dangers and sacrifices are not essential to the existence of true glory. This, as I have endeavored to illustrate, consists not in the particular part we are eaUed to aet, but iu the manner in which we perform the part to which we are caUed. The essence of true glory is principle. Our fathers endured the hard ships and despised the dangers of the field of battie, not for the sake of the spe cies of glory there to be acquired, but because battie was the mode appointed by Proridence for them to rindicate their truth to the relations of things in which it had placed them. They could, in no other mode, have fulfiUed their duty to those relations. Now this glory is just as appUcable to us as to them. The labors and sacrifices of our fathers have indeed left us a noble inheritance. But our tenure of that inheritance is not absolute, but conditional. If we would maintain it and trans mit it unimpaired to our posterity, we must, like our fathers, be true to the rela tion of things in which we stand ; and particularly to those in which we stand to that very inheritance. Now, truth to those relations, as it respects us, con sists in our fulfiUing the conditions on which the continuance of that inheritance depends. These conditions are, — that we understand our Uberties; that we value them as we ought ; that we are wUling to make the sacrffices of time, labor, - and attention necessary for the preserving them, and are rigUant in defending them, not against external foes, to which, in aU probabUity, we shall never be caUed, but against a much more insidious foe, — the passion, corruption, and weakness of our o-wn hearts. The great principle for which our fathers contended, and the maintaining of which constituted their glory was, in fact, the right of self-government, — the right of choosing their own rulers ; in other words, the right of possessing them selves, and of transmitting to posterity the elective franchise in its most pure and perfect state. Now, this great privUege it belongs to us to maintain by a right and wise use of it ; and to transmit it to posterity the purer by our example, the safer by our use, and the more precious from the obvious blessings resulting from this our fideUty. This is our duty. In this consists our gloiy. 432 APPENDIX. Let every man, therefore, who inquires what it is to deserve, and what it is to disgrace our ancestors, consider his conduct in this respect. Let him ask him self, whether he truly appreciates the nature and greatness of that privUege; whether he is faithful to liberty, to morals, and religion, in the exercise of it; whether he is indifferent about It, or neglects it, or sports with it And so let every man answer for himself; his own conscience being his judge. And let aU remember that, in the ways of Providence to nations, as well as to individuals, there is retribution as well as favor. No people ever did, or ever can, long enjoy any privUege, and, least of all, the elective franchise, who systematically unde> value It, or abuse it, or are even indUFerent about it. Again, truth to liberty, to virtue, to our ancestors, and to the relation of things in which we stand, has respect also to the manner in which we conduct towards those on whom the elective lot has fallen, and iu whose favor it has been declared. It is the nature of man, under a free constitution, to divide into parties, according to that diversity of riews, interest, opinions, passions, and even fancies, which are inseparable from his constitution. This condition of things is not to be deprecated or condemned. It is to be understood and acted upon. Now, the duty which each individual in a free republic owes to rulers is just the same, whether they do or do not belong to the particular sect or party he happens to prefer. Truth to the relations of things in which we stand, requires that our rulers should be judged, not by any previous prejudice or theory, but by their conduct while in power ; by the measures they recommend and counte nance. These measures are to be received in a candid, generous spirit, and with fair and manly construction. Those, therefore, wIU be false to the genius and character of our Revolution, who, regardless of the measures of rulers, shaU wage war upon them, merely because they do not belong to their own particular sect or party, or who shall decry wise measures or misrepresent the motives of just ones, with the sole view of pulling down one indiridual or of biulding up another ; or who, making the liberty of debate or of the press a cloak for Ucen- tiousness, shall pervert both or either to purposes of malevolence or slander. Above all, those will be false to the genius and character of our Revolution who shall associate themselves with political leaders without reference to princi ples ; who shall deny rulers the chance to show their real projects by the course of their administration, but shall wage war upon them from the very beginning, on the principle of political extermination. There can be no surer sign that the liberties of a people are hastening to a dissolution than their countenancing those who form parties on men and not upon principles. AATienever the only question is, whether Caesar or Pompey, Lepldus or Mark Anthony shall rule, and the people are corrupt or debased enough, from mere personal affection or preference to flock to either standard, such a people are not far distant from a revolution which wiU not leave them even the poor pririlege of choosing their own masters. Thus you perceive, fellow-citizens, that the glory of our fathers which we this day celebrate, was not of a temporary or individual character ; that there is nothing exclusive in its nature ; that it may be shared and emulated by the truly noble of our race in every age ; that it essentiaUy consists in possessing and exhi biting in aU our pubUc relations a pure, just, elevated, and manly spirit APPENDIX. 433 And now, feUow-citizens, consider your privUeges ; consider your duties. By the rirtues of your fathers, you have been preserved from colonial bondage. Beware lest you become subjected to a more grievous bondage of base, igno ble passions. As they subdued their enenues in the field, do you subdue those enemies which have their strongholds iu the human heart, and which have laid low in the dust the proud hopes of aU former repubUcs, — " ambition, ava rice, love of riches, and the corruptions of prosperity." 1 Be as just, as tempe rate, as moderate in preserring your Uberty, as your fathers were bold and dar ing in repelUng the chains of serritude. Be penetrated -with " a love of Uberty, of reU^on, of justice and virtue, aud inflamed -with a sacred zeal and affection for your country." l Thus it may be hoped, that through the combined and strenu ous endeavors of true and faithful men in all times, there shaU be graduaUy infused into the mass of mankind loftier thoughts, higher aims, more generous motives, whereby tho. human character being elevated and refined, shaU become more worthy, and thus more capable of perfect freedom. And so this temple of Uberty, the foundations of which were laid on the fourth of July, 1776, in blood and peril by our fathers, shall, by the labors, councUs, and rirtues of all the good and great of present and future times, be enlarged and extended in true propor tions of moral architecture, tiU its pUlars embrace the universe, and its dome vault upwards -with a more than human skiU, — with glorious archings of celes tial -wisdom, resplendent vrith purest faith, radiant -with immortal truth, cro-wned with revealed hope, — to the joy and rest of man on the promise and in the pre sence of the Eternal. 1 Milton's Defensio pro Populo Anglicano, contra Claudii Salmasii Defensionem Regiam. 37 434 APPENDIX. (M. Page 57.) THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT, PROM 1822 TO 1830, INCLUSIVE. 1822. MATOB, JOHN PHILLIPS. ALDERMEN. Samuel BiUings, Ephraim EUot, Jacob HaU, Joseph Head, Joseph Jenkins, Joseph Lovering, Nathaniel Pope RusseU, Bi-yant Parrott TUden. COMMON COUNCIL. WILLIAM PRESCOTT, President. Ward 1. WiUiam Barry, Thaddeus Page, Charles WeUs, Simon WUkinson. Ward 2. Martin Bates, Benjamin Lamson, Henry Ome, Joseph Stodder. Ward 3. Theodore Dexter, Joshua Emmons, Samuel Jones. Ward 4. Joseph Cooledge, Samuel Perkins, Robert Gould Shaw, Joel Thayer. Ward 5. George Washington Coffin, Thomas Kendall, Horatio Gates Ware, Isaac Winslow. Ward 6. Samuel Appleton, Thomas Motley, Jesse Shaw, WUliam SuUivan. Ward 7. Jonathan Amory, Patrick Tracy Jackson, Augustus Peabody, Enoch SUsby. Ward 8. Da-rid Watts Bradlee, Peter Chardon Brooks, James Perkins, Benjamin Russell, Ward 9. Jonathan Davis, Hawkes Lincoln, WUliam Prescott, John WeUes. Ward 10. Andrew Drake, Daniel Lewis Gibbens, David CoUsou Moseley, Isaac Stevens. Ward 11. G«o. Watson Brimmer, Asa BuUard, BarziUai Holmes, Winslow Le-wis. Ward 12. Cyrus Alger, John !French, John Howe, Moses WiUiams. APPENDIX. 435 1823. MAYOR, JOSIAH QurisrcY. Daniel Baxter, George Odiorne, David Weld ChUd, Joseph Hawley Dorr, ALDERMEN. Ashm- Benjamin, Enoch Patterson, Caleb Eddy, Stephen Hooper. COMMON COUNCIL. JOHN "WELLES, President. Ward 1. Thaddeus Page, Simon Wilkinson, John EUiot, Joseph "WTieeler. Ward 2. Martin Bates, Benjamin Lamson, Joseph Stodder, John Parker Boyd. Ward 3. Theodore Dexter, Samuel Jones, John Eichardson Adan, John Damarisque Dyer. Ward 4. Joseph Cooledge, Samuel Perkins, Eobert Gould Shaw, Heni-y Pamam. Ward 5. Thomas KendaU, Isaac Winslow, Elias Haskell, John Sullivan Perkins. Ward 6. Joseph Stacy Hastings, Joel Prouty, John Stevens, WUUam Wright. Ward 7. Jonathan Amory, Enoch SUsby, Samuel Swett, Charles Pelham Curtis Ward 8. Benjamin Eussell, James Savage, EUphalet Williams, Samuel King WiUiams. Ward 9. Jonathan Davis, Hawkes Lincoln, John WeUes, Lewis Tappan. Ward 10. Aaron Baldwin, Darid Francis, Francis Johonnot OUver, Thomas Beale Wales. Ward 11. Asa BuUard, Charles Howard, Josiah Stedman, Joseph Wfflett Ward 12. Samuel Bradlee, Noah Brooks, Francis Jackson, Charles Sprague. 436 APPENDIX. 1824. MAYOR, JOSIAH QUn^CY. ALDERMEN, Daniel Baxter, George Odioi-ne, David Weld Child, Joseph Hawley Doit, Ashur Benjamin, Enoch Patterson, Caleb Eddy, Stephen Hooper, (died September,) Cyrus Alger, (November.) COMMON COUNCIL. FRANCIS JOHONNOT OLI"\rER, President. Ward 1. WiUiam Barry, John Elliot, Joseph "WTieeler, Michael Tombs. Ward 2. William Little, Jr., Oliver Eeed, Joseph Stone, Thaddeus Page. Ward 3. John Eichardson Adan, John Damarisque Dyer, Edward Page, WilUam Sprague. Ward 4. Joseph Cooledge, Eobert Gould Shaw, Jeremiah Fitch, Wm. EouusviUe Pierce Washbm-n. Ward 5. Elias HaskeU, Eliphalet Porter Hartshorn, George Washington Otis, Winslow Wright. Ward 6. Joseph Stacy Hastings, Joel Prouty, WiUiam "Wright, Thomas Wiley. Ward 7. Charles Pelham Curtis, WiUiam Goddai-d, Elijah Morse, Isaac Parker. Ward 8. Benjamin EusseU, Eliphalet WiUiams, Samuel King WilUams, Benjamin Willis. Ward 9. Jonathan Da-ris, Hawkes Lincoln, John BaUard, John Chipman Gray. Ward 10. Thomas Beale Wales, James Savage, Phineas IJpham, Francis Johonnot Oliver, Ward 11. Josiah Stedman, Samuel Frothingham, Giles Lodge, Charles Sprague. Ward 12. Samuel Bradlee, Francis Jackson, Isaac Thom, Charles Bemis. APPENDIX. 437 1825. MAYOR, JOSIAH QUmCY. ALDERMEN. Daniel Carney, John Bellows, Josiah'MarshaU,John Damarisque Dyer, Thomas Welsh, Jr., George Blake, Henry Jackson OUver, John Bryant, COMMON COUNCIL. FRANCIS JOHONNOT OLI"raE, President. Ward 1. WiUiam Barry, John EUiot, Robert FenneUy, Le^wis Lerow. Ward 2. Oliver Eeed, Scammel Penniman, Benjamin Clark, John Fenno. Ward 3. John Eichardson Adan, Thomas WeUs, Abraham WilUams Fuller, Amos Farnsworth. Ward 4. Joseph Cooledge, Wm. EouusviUe Pierce Washburn, George HaUett, Theodore Dexter. Ward 5. John SidUvan Perkins, Ezra Dyer, Charles Tracy, WilUam Simonds. Ward 6. Joseph Stacy Hastings, Thomas Wiley, Isaac Waters, Samuel Thaxter. 37' Ward 7. Charles Pelham Curtis, WilUam Goddard, EUjah Morse, Isaac Parker. Ward 8. EUphalet WUliams, Benjamin WUUs, Jeifirey Eichardson, Josiah Bradlee. Ward 9. John Chipman Gray, FrankUn Dexter, Jeremiah Smith Boies, Levi Meriam. Ward 10. Francis Johonnot OUver, James Savage, Jonathan Simonds, John Parker Eice. Ward 11. Samuel Frothingham, GUes Lodge, George Morey, Jr., Joshua "Vose. Ward 12. John Stevens, Adam Bent, OUver Fisher, Ephraim Groves Ware. 438 APPENDIX. - 1826. MATOE, JOSIAH QUINCY. Da,niel Carney, John BeUows, Josiah Marshall, Thomas Welsh, Jr., ALDERMEN. Henry Jackson OUver, John Foster Loring, Francis Jackson, Edw. Hutchinson Eobbins. COMMON COUNCIL. JOHN EICHARDSON ADAN, President. Ward 1. Ward 7. WilUam Barry, Lewis Lerow, Lemuel P. Grosvenor, Samuel AspinwaU. Ward 2. Scammel Penniman, Benjamin Clark, John Eenno, Nathaniel Faxon. Ward 3. John Richardson Adan, WiUiam Sprague, Amos Farnsworth, Asa Adams. Ward 4. George HaUett, WiUiam Howe, John Warren James, Joseph Eveleth. Ward 5. Ezra Dyer, Charles Tracy, Jonathan Thaxter, WiUiam Parker. Ward 6. Joseph Stacy Hastings, Thomas Wiley, Isaac Waters, Samuel Thaxter. Augustus Peabody, Charles Pelham Curtis. Isaac Parker, Edward Brooks. Ward 8. Francis Bassett, Joseph Helger Thayer, Joseph Hawley Dorr, John Baker. Ward 9. John Chipman Gray, Jeremiah Smith Boies, Levi Meriam, Chailes Torrey. Ward 10. Aaron Baldwin, John Parker Eice, Solomon Piper, Charles Barnard. Ward 11. GUes Lodge, George Morey, Jr., Joshua Vose, Thomas Brewer. Ward 12. John Stevens, Adam Bent, OUver Fisher, Henry Hatch. APPENDIX. 439 1827. MAYOR, JOSIAH QUmCY. Cyrus Alger, John Bellows, Thomas Welsh, Jr., John Foster Loring, ALDERMEN. Jeremiah Smith Boies, Eobert Fennelly, Thomas Beale "Wales, James Savage. COMMON COUNCIL. JOHN EICHARDSON ADAN, President. Ward 1. Ward 7. WUUam Barry, Simon WUkinson. John ElUot, Samuel AspinwaU. Ward 2. Benjamin Clark, Scammel Penniman, John Warren James, John Floyd Truman. Ward 3. John Eichardson Adan, John Damarisque Dyer, Asa Adams, Thomas Gould. Ward 4. Wm. EouusviUe Pierce Washburn, George HaUett, "William Howe, Joseph Eveleth. Ward 5. Jonathan Thaxter, WUliam Parker, Lewis Glover Pray, George Lane. Ward 6. Isaac Waters, Samuel Thaxter, Jonathan Loring, Joseph Warren Lewis. Samuel Dorr, Samuel Dexter Ward, John Amo Bacon, Thomas WaUey PhiUips. Ward 8. Da-rid Watts Bradlee, Benjamin EusseU, Eliphalet WiUiams, Joshua Sears. Ward 9. John Chipman Gray, Levi Meriam, Gamaliel Bradford, John Prescott Bigelow. Ward 10. Jonathan Simonds, George Brinley, WilUam Parker, Charles Sprague. Ward 11. Giles Lodge, George Morey, Jr., Joshua "V"ose, Josiah Vose. Ward 12. Adam Bent, William Wright, "WUUam Little, Jr., George Gay. 440 APPENDIX. 1828. MAYOR, JOSIAH QHINCT. John Foster Loring, Eobert Fennelly, James Savage, Thomas KendaU, ALDERMEN. James HaU, Phineas Upham, John Pickering, Samuel TureU Armstrong. COMMON COUNCIL. JOHN EICHARDSON ADAN, President. Ward 1. Samuel AspinwaU, Ninian Clark Betton, Horace Fox, Eleazer Pratt. Ward 2. John Warren James, Frederick Gould, Henry Fowle, Jr., George Washington Johnson. Ward 3. John Eichardson Adan, John D. Dyer, (res. AprU.) Thomas Gould, Le-vi Eoberts Lincoln, James L. P. Orrok, (from May.) Ward 4. Joseph Eveleth. Quincy Tufts, Andrew Cunningham, Jr., James Means. Ward 5. George Washington Otis, WUUam Parker, Le^wis Glover Pray, George Lane. Ward 6. Isaac Waters, Francis Johonnot Oliver, Ebenezer Appleton, Darid Moody. Ward 7. John Amo Bacon, John Belknap, George W. Adams, (from May.) Thomas Wren Ward, (res. July.) Waldo Flint, (res. February.) Benj. T. Pickman, (from Augnst.) Ward 8. Benjamin RusseU, EUphalet WiUiams, Samuel King WiUiams, Thomas Lamb. Ward 9. John Chipman Gray, John Prescott Bigelow, Noi-man Seaver, Daniel Lewis Gibbens. Ward 10. Jonathan Simonds, WUUam Parker, Eobert Treat Paine, (from May.) John LoweU, Jr., Geo. Bethtme, (res. AprU.) Ward 11. Otis Everett, Otis Turner, Perez GUI, Payson Perrin. Ward 12. Alpheus Cary, Walter ComeU, Joseph Neale Howe, Benjamin Stevens. APPENDIX. 441 1829. MATOR, HAEEISON GRAY OTIS. ALDERMEN. Henry Jackson Oliver, John Foster Loring, Thomas Kendall, James HaU, Samuel TureU Armstrong, Benjamin Russell, Winslow Lewis, Charles WeUs, COMMON COUNCIL. ELIPHALET WILLIAMS, President. Ward 1. Ninian Clark Betton, Eleazer Pratt, John WeUs, Christopher Gore. Ward 2. John Warren James, Henry SewaU Kent, Samuel Ellis, Thomas Reed, (died February.) Daniel BaUard, (from March.) Ward 3. Thomas Gould, Leri Eoberts Lincoln, Joseph Bradley, Amos Bradley Parker. Ward 4. Quincy Tufts, Andrew Cunningham, John Eayuer, Samuel Davenport Torrey. Ward 5. Jonathan Thaxter, William Parker, George Lane, Joseph Eveleth. Ward e. Isaac Waters, Samuel Austin, Jr., Jared Lincoln, Samuel Goodhue. Ward 7. Geo. W. Adams, (died May.) Benjamin Toppau Pickman, Thomas Wetmore, Walter Frost, Isaac Danforth, (from May.) Ward 8. John Prescott Bigelow, Jacob Amee, Levi Brigham, Daniel Lewis Gibbens. Ward 9. Eliphalet Williams, Samuel King WiUiams, Thomas Minns, James Brackett Eichardson. Ward 10. Jonathan Simonds, John LoweU, Jr., Samuel Leonard Abbott, Charles Casey Starbuck. Ward 11. Otis Everett, Otis Turner, Perez GiU, Payson Perrin. Ward 12. Oliver Fisher, Walter Cornell, Aaron Willard, Jr., Isaac Parker Townsend. 442 APPENDIX. 1830. MAYOR, HAEEISON GRAY OTIS. ALDEKMBN, Henry Jackson Oliver, John Foster Loring, Samuel TureU Ai-mstrong, Benjamin EusseU, Winslow Le-wis, Charies WeUs, John Burbeck McCleary, Moses WiUiams. COMMON COUNCIL. BENJAMIN TOPPAN PICKMAN, President. Ward 1. Ward 7. Ninian Clark Betton, Eleazer Pratt, Christopher Gore, Simon Wiggin Eobinson. Ward 2. John Warren James, Samuel Ellis, Daniel BaUard, John B. Wells. Ward 3. Thomas Gould, Levi Eoberts Lincoln, Larra Crane, Michael LoveU. Ward 4. Quincy Tufts, John Eayner, Samuel Davenport Torrey, Washington Parker Gregg. Ward Winslow Wright, Joseph Eveleth, Leri Boynton Haskell, Charles Leighton. Ward 6. Isaac Waters, Samuel Austin, Jr., Jared Lincoln, Joshua Seaver, Benj. Parker, (seat vacated in Feb.) Benjamin Toppan Pickman, Thomas Wetmore, Isaac Danforth, EUas Hasket Derby. Ward 8. Thomas Minns, James Brackett Eichardson, Joseph Eeynolds Newell, Leach Harris. Ward 9. John Prescott Bigelow, Jacob Amee, Levi Brigham, Edw. Goldsborough Prescott. Ward 10. John Parker Eice, John LoweU, Jr., Samuel Leonard Abbott, Leri BUss. Ward 11. Otis Everett, Perez GiU, Jabez EUis, Joseph Hay. Ward 12. Henry Hatch, Aaron Willard, Jr., Thomas Melville "Vinson, James Wright. INDEX. Adams, John, his death, 207. Eulogy, 208, Aldermen, elected, 42, 58, 121, 167, 197, 210, 229, 280, 298. , proposal to increase the num ber of, 110, 178. Almshouse, 8, 18, 19, 34, 50, 88. Sale of, 138, 146. Anniversai-y, Fiftieth, of the Declaration of Independence, 200. Assessors, 28, 211, 231, 236, 276, 290. Auditor, City, 165, 256, 394. Boston, City of, municipal government estabUshed, 30, 40. , , first organization of, 42. , , finances of, 44, 46, 48. Ill, 163, 202, 229, 265, 394, 398, 401. , , population of, 109, 178, -, average of deaths in, 407, Boston, South, annexation of, 246. , , bridge to, 247. Boston, To-wn of, proceedings of the, 2, 13, 15, 17, 22, 33, 40. , finances of, 17, 29, 40, 46 274, 282. , population of, 17, 40. BrideweU, 9, 37, 103. BuUinch, Charles, 26, 34. Burial grounds, 73, 100. Centennial celebration, 305, 308, 309, 318 Churches, independence of, 340. City Charter, 40, 41, 42, 58, 62, 179, 253, 277 290 376 Debt' 46, 112, 121, 166, 202, 210, 229, 243, 274, 300, 383, 406. Expenditures, 163, 256, 265, 274. Government, first organization of, 42. , time of, changed, 179. Officers, election of, 41, 44, 253. Common Council, President of, elected, 44, 58, 280, 305. Common, The questions concerning, 114, 116. Constables, 4, 109, 272, 307. Cotton, John, 343. Court Houses, 40, 211, 302, 402. Court of Sessions, aboUshed, 33. Drains, laws respecting, 119, 120, 121, 127, 382. Engineer, Chief, 162, 203, 253, 291. Engine Companies, proceedings respeet- mg, 154, 205, 264. Engine Houses, 191, 192, 253, 264, 306. FaneuU HaU, 11, 13, 15, 28, 42, 75, 80. Question concerning, 147. FaneuU, Peter, 11, 201. Fu-e Department, proceedings relative to, 155, 159, 181, 193, 203, 230, 253, 263, 292, 408. Fire Engines, 44, 154, 161, 163, 192, 205, 253, 264. Fire, petitions of sufferers by, 200, 293. Fii-e, protection against, under the town government, 5, 6, 153. Firewards, 28, 44, 60, 153, 155, 205, 390. Finances. See Boston. Flats, east of the Market, 243, 245, 289. , west of the Common, 115. General Court, proceedings of, 1, 2. See Legislature of Massachusetts. HaU, City, 211, 308, 309. Harbor, protection of, 265, 292, 294, 303. Health, Board of, 29, 60, 64, 66, 71, 147, 266. department of, 54,72, 148, 229,407. High School for boys, 216. for ghls, proceedings con cerning, 216, 269. Highways, Surveyors of, 44, 60, 63, 111, 194. Hospitals, 350, 407. House of Correction, 9, 37, 52, 102, 256, 303. House of Industry, 35, 37, 46, 62, 70, 72, 80, 88, 105, 108, 121, 138, 256, 303. House of Juvenile Offenders, 53, 106, 256, 269, 291, 303. Islands in the harbor, protection of, 116, 256. 265. 444 APPENDIX. Independence, Declaration of, Fiftieth An niversary, 200. Institutions, charitable, 350. , religious, 350, 351. Intemperance, efforts to suppress, 109, 242, 272, 307. JaU, 40, 103, 105, 283, 303. Jefferson, Thomas, his death, 207. Eu logy, 208. , Johnson, Isaac, 328. Lafayette, General, 19, 149, 192. Lands, city, 54, 113, 274, 301. Legislature of Massachusetts, 4, 13, 29, 31, 33,35,40, 85, 180,292,343. Licenses, terms of, 112, 272. Theatrical, 112. Liquors, spirituous, sale of, on the Com mon, prevented, 242. MaUs, improved, 121, 382. Manufactm-es, Domestic, Exhibition of, 250, 305. Market, public, 10. , under FaneuU Hall, 11, 12, 40, 54, 74, 85, 121, 124. Discontinued, 201. Market-House, erected, 1826. Proceed ings relative to, 74, 124, 137, 201, 243, 245, 256, 289, 383, 412. Comer Stone laid, 415. Marshal, City, 73, 101, 272. Mayor, official responsibiUty of, 8, 122, 277, 376, 384, 389. , power to suppress riots, 199, 396. Municipal Court, 103. Nuisances, removal of, 64, 70, 266, 408. Otis, Harrison Gray, 41. Mayor, 258. Inaugural Addresses, 280, 298. Address on the seventeenth September, 1830, 309. Overseers of the Poor, 19, 28, 31, 40. Pro ceedings of, relative to the House of Industry, 47, 88, 138, 140, 167. How elected, 390. IrresponsibiUty of, 418. Pauperism, proceedings relative to, 34, 88, 139, 142. PhUlips, John, Mayor, 41, 58, 89. Inau gm-al Addi-ess, 373. PoUce, 25, 73, 104, 109, 229, 271. Police Court estabUshed, 33. Puritans, the character and influence of, 325, 341. Quarantine Eegulations, 147. Quincy, Josiah, 35, 38, 41. Mayor, 58. Address, July 4, 1826, 206, 421. Final Address as Mayor, 260. Centennial Address, 305, 308. Inaugural Address es, 375, 379, 388, 392, 398, 405. Railroads, 284, 295, 305. Eeservoirs, constructed, 192, 264. Eiots, suppression of, 199. Eopewalk lauds, 54, 113, 256, 382, 400. School Committee, 21, 28, 60, 212, 225, 270, 390. School Houses, 212, 269. Schools, public, 4, 9, 10, 20, 212, 230, 249, 269, 341, 349, 409. Seal, City, 44. Selectmen, 2, 3, 6, 16, 28, 40, 42. Sewers. See Drains. Sha-wmut, 2, 328. Sprag-ue, Charles, 305, 308. Centennial Ode by, 358. SoUcitor, City, 241. State House, Old, 307 Sti-eets, arrangements for cleansing, 65, 380. Improvements in, 133, 194. Pro spective plan of, 196, 200, 204, 230, 256, 266, 273, 304. Surveyor of Boards and Lumber, 252. Taxes, 197, 231, 276, 393, 410. Theatrical disturbances, suppression of, 199. Tombs imder churches, 54, 96. To-wn House, 311. Town Government estabUshed, 1, 2. Pro-- posal to change it, 16, 23, 27. Defects of, 58, 60. To^wn lands, 40. Town meetings, 6, 7, 23, 28, 40 Town Eecords, 3, 5, 10, 13, 17. Trimountain, 2, 328. Vane, Henry, 4, 343. Vice and Crime, measm-es to suppress, 39, 102, 109, 271, 380. Votuig Lists, questions concerning, 211, 234, 290. Wards, meetings in, 110, 178. Watch, to-wn, instructions to, 7. ; Watchmen, 109, 272. Water, measures for supplying the city ¦with, 176, 303, 394. Winthrop, John, 1, 3, 4, 327, 328, 333, 343, 345. Williams, EUphalet, 42. "Wliarf, City, 243, 300. Wharves, petition to extend, 292. 3 9002 00453 0011 ' ' " ^ '- .'i'MfiiiiMlili |p. f 'till ¦I ,'i J Jill If ) r ¦'^^^'j'M \ P.'^Uilfl » 'i.J i \ \^ , ,' -uilr n',n'i> iWHi v.v. >;'.-¥, ill