lT^'??^?-i?f2S£^^^ YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY K.S. rovvl IN^SOmi^TlOISJ s TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. " The first ground occupied for a harying place in the town, was a part of Mr. Prudden's home lot, being the east end of his garden. On the north side of it was a road called Prud den's or burying yard lane, which has long been shut up. Tlie first English person who died in Milford, was a son of William East aged a year: he died Juno 18th, 1044. The first adult, wjis Sarah, wife of Nicholas Camp. The recoi'ds state that ' she had twins on the 2d of September, 1645, and was doing Avell till the night of the 4th, when she was taken very iU with cold — she died on the 6th (being the last day of the week) in the morning, and was buried the evening after, in the garden of Mr. Peter Pruddcn Pastour.' Here were buried all who died in the town previous to about 1675, and among these was Mr. Prudden himself in 1656. The present burying ground was at first laid out small, but the town since, at live different times, have purchased land adjoining and added to it. The original part is the southeast side." Thus far wrote Lambert in 1838, but since then, great additions have been made to the area, principally by the pur chase of private lots, and it is now one of the largest "Burying Grounds " in the State, that has in it graves of those born in England previous to 1640. A few old stones on which but a few letters are legible, are not recorded in this book. YALE i- INSCIUPTIONS ON T0M15ST0NES IN MILFOltD. The writer is confident that many stones are missing. Did not the comforting old senthnent that — " As I am now, so you must be," come from the tomb of Edward, the Black Prince, buried at Canterbury in 1630 % Whereon the following is said to be foimd : Whoso thou be that passeth by Wliere these corps entombed lie, Understand what I shall say As at this time speak I may. Such as thou art sometime was I Such as I am, such shalt thou be ; I little thought, on th' hour of Death So long as I enjoyed breath. Great riches here I did j^ossess, Whereof I made great Nobleness, I had gold, silver, Wardrobes, and Great treasure, Horses, Houses, Land, But now a Caitiff, poor am I, Deep in the ground, Lo here I lie, My beauty great is all quite gone, My Hesh is wasted to the bone, Notluug but Truth comes from my tongue, And if ye should see me this day I do not think but ye would say That I had never been a man. So much altered now I am. For God sake pray to the Heavenly King That he my soul to Heaven will bring. And all they that pray and make accord For me unto my God and Lord God place there in his Paradise Wherein no wretched Caitiff lies. The engravings are furnished by William Miles Fowler (whose ancestors for seven generations are buried in Milford), copied from photographs taken by E. A. Lawrence of New York, also of Milford descent. INSCRIPTIONS. [A Table.] Hero lies interred the Body of Cap' George AUen who dec" Oct' y" 7"' Anno Doni. 1734, in the 57"' year of his age. A table adjoining, probably the tomb of his wife. Here lyes Buried the Body of Abigail Andrew wife to y° Rev'"' Mr Samuel Andrew who dec'' Decern'"' 5"' Anno Dom 1727 in y" 68"' year of her age. 4 Here lyes ye body of ye Rev" & Learned Mr Samuel Andrew Pastor of ye Church of Christ in this place for above 50 years formerly y>//i?z» of Harvard College & more lately Rector of Yale College a singular orna ment & Blessing in every Capacity & Relation. of exemplary Holiness & unwearied Labors Modest, Courteous and Beneficent, never fond of this world, earnestly pursuing and reccomend ing a better, greatly esteemed in Life & La mented at death, which was Jan'J' 24"' 1737/8 lacking 5 days to complete 82 years of Life. \ ^' ' .~- cr:?3^^7^-^ ' Son of Gideon and Sarah Q-^ — ) Allen; m. Frances Arnold, dau. of Josiah and Mary (Ward) Arnold, Nov. ib, 1707. ' Dau. of Gov' Robert Treat. ^ Son of Samuel and Elizabeth (White) Andrew; b. in Cambridge, Mass. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. He lyes ye body of Mrs Abigail Andrew wife to the Rev' Mr Samuel Andrew Died Sept ye 9"' 1742 In y" 77"' year of her Age. G Here lyes buried the body of Mr Samuel Andrew Jun' who dec' April 26"' Anno Dom 1728 in ye 40"' year of his age. Samuel Andrew A. M. juris, perites, integer Vilae scelerisque purus. Obiit Oct''' 13 mo. A.D. 1760 /Etalis Sua; 38. John Andrew aged 4 days Died March y" 27 ; 1728. « Andrews d. April ye 13"' 1733 in ye 49 year of his age. 10 Andrew John Died 1733 year of . . age. 11 In memory of Mrs Esther Andrew the amiable consort of Mr William Andrew who departed this Life Feb 17 A.D. 1787 in the 43"' year of her Age. 12 Here lyes the body of Mr Jonathan Andrew Died Sept y" i"' 1739, in the 29"" year uf his age. 13 In Memory of John Arnold who departed this Life August 15"' A.D. 1783. In the 50"" year of his age. 11 Joseph Ashbun died March y* i»' 1728/9 aged 4 years " Eldest son of Samuel and Abigail, Y. C. 1711. m. Eunice, only dau. of Hon. John Hall of Wallingford, Dec. 9, 1719. His widow m. Gov. Jonathan Law, as 5th wife. ' Only son of Samuel and Eunice (Hall) Andrew, in. Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Dr. John and Mary (Camp) Herpin, Nov. 3, 1748 (219). * Probably son of ( ). ' Probably John, son of Thomas Andrew; b. 1686. " Husband, was son of Jonalhaii and Elizabeih (Smith) Andrew. " Son of Samuel, the Pastor. '* Children of Joseph and Thankful (Wheelor) Ashbun. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. Thomas Ashbun aged one year, i mo. & 26 ds. d. March y" g"" 1728/9. 15 Mary Ashbun aged 3 years, i mo. & 17 days died March Timothy Baldwin Died Dec 8' 1703 in the 49"" year of his Age. 16 In Memory of Deacon William Atwater who departed this Life August 8"' 1816 in the 70"" year of his age. Blessed are the dead who die in the [Lord. IT In Memory of Mrs. Mehetable Atwater the Amiable and Virtuous Consort of Mr William Atwater who departed this Life Nov 30"' 1784 in the 31"' year of her age. "Firm & unmoved are they Who rest their Souls on God." 18 Here lyeth the body of Mr 10 Here Lyeth ye body of Mrs Mary Baldwin Died y' 29"" day of Nov' 1703 in y 45"' year of her age Wife to Mr Timothy Baldwin. 20 Mr Obediah Baldwin died Jan 8. 1738 in y" 78"> year of his age. 21 Mrs Abigail wife to Mr Obediah Baldwin, Died Sept ye ... . 1744 in y' 7C'"' year of her age. 32 Mr Ebenezer Baldwin died Aug 26 1740 in y' 41'' year of his age. " Child of Joseph and Thankful (Wheeler) Ashbun. " b. in New Haven, son of David and Hannah (Talmage) Atwater. " b. in Bristol, R. I., March 15, 1754, dau. of Gamaliel and Elizabeth (Gary) Clark. " b. June 12, 1658; son of Timothy, the Settler, 1639. " b. Nov., 1658, dau. of John and Anna Beard, and sister to 20. '" Son of John (the settler, 1639), and Mary (Bruen) Baldwin. He "looked after the boys in the gallery." " Son of Obediah and Abigail. 2 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 23 Here lyes y" body of Ebenezer Baldwin son (remainder lost) 24 Here lies ye body of Mrs Jerusha Baldwin wife to Mr Thomas Baldwin Aged .... rs & 10 mos Died April I7?8. 25 Thomas Baldwin died March y° 2"'^ 174- in y" 54"' year of his age. 2C Here lyes buried ye body of Mrs Arney Baldwin wife to Mr Richard Baldwin who dec'' May 28"' 1728 in ye 62°'' year of her age. 27 Here lyes y' body of Mr Jonathan Baldwin Died Dec ye 13"' 1739 in ye gi' year of his Age. 2§ Here lyes the body of Serj' Samuel Baldwin Dec'' Jany S"" l737/g in the 63"* year of his age. 29 Here lyes buried y" body of Mrs Eunice Baldwin wife to Mr Stephen Baldwin who departed this life Oct' y» 18'" A D 1740 in ye 48"" year of her Age. 30 Here lyes y" body of Eunice Baldwin dau' of Mr Noah & Mrs Thankful Baldwin who died March 22""' 1737/8 aged 4 years & 2 months. 31 Here lyes buried the body of Mr Joshua Baldwin who departed this Life April 20"' 1758 in ye 67'^ year of his age. ''^ Probably son of Jonathan and Thankful (Strong) Baldwin. — 24 0au. of George Clark, baptised June, 1692; m. Jan. 17, 1712. ^ Son of Richard and ; m. in 1725, Abigail Baldwin; dau. of Joseph. ''' Her husband was son of John (the settler of 1639) and brother to 27. " He was son of Joseph and Hannah Baldwin, settlers 1639; m. ist, Han nah, dau. of John Ward ; 2d, Thankful Strong, dau. of Elder John Strong, of Windsor, Ct. ^^ b. March 14, 1674/5, son of Josiah and Mary (Camp) Baldwin ; m. Rebecca Wilkinson; dau. of Edward and Rebecca (Smith) Wilkinson. '" By birth, Eunice Hays, and m. ist, Wm. Fowler, Jr., Sept. 15, 1730. '' An only child, father 'was deacon in Plymouth Church. *' Son of Jonathan and Hannah (Ward) Baldwin, baptised Jan. 24, 1691, INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 32 Here lyes ye body of Mrs Elizabeth Baldwin wife to Mr Joshua Baldwin who died Nov y« 20, 1753, in ye 52"'i year of her age. 33 Here lyes y" body of Mrs Sarah Baldwin wife to Mr. Stephen Baldwin who departed this Life Sept the 30"' 1758 in y" 46 year of her age. ' Vanity of Vanities all is vanity.' who was born Oct 30"" 1772 The small and great are there. 36 In Memory of Comfort the daughter of Mr Hiel & Mrs Ann Baldwin, who dec'' December 14"' 1785, in the 7"" year of her age. 34 Sacred to the memory of Mr Stephen Baldwin ' who departed this Life March 30"' 1788. in the 89"" year of his age. 35 Sacred to the Memory of Mrs Philena Baldwin wife of Solomon Baldwin who departed this Life April 23 1785 Aged 45 years also her infant daughter 3? In Memory of Mrs. Abigail Baldwin wife of Mr Elihii Baldwin who died October g"" 1784 in the 47"" year of her age, Our Life is .... on the wing and death is ever nigh The moment when our lives begin We all begin to die. 38 In Memory of Mr Noah Baldwin Deacon & ruling elder in the Second Church in Milford who departed this Life March 5"" A.D. 1784. in the 83"* year of his age. The Memory of the just is blessed. " Was his 2d wife. ** m. 1st, Sept. 15, 1730, Eunice Fowler, widow of William, Jr., son of Zackariah and Elizabeth Baldwin; baptised Dec. 31, i6g9. '° Her husband was son of 34 and 29; d. July 4, 1798, she was probably dau. of Peleg and Abigal (Camp) Baldwin; bajjtised Oct. 21, 1739. '* Her mother was Ann, dau. of Theophilus Miles. " b. March, 1737; Abigail, dau. of Samuel and Sarah (Clark) Gunn. Her husband was son of Nathan and Elizabeth (Rogers) Baldwin. *' Son of Jonathan and Thankful (Strong) Baldwin ; baptized Nov. 30, 1701; m. March 27, 1733, Thankful Johnson, of Stratford. See 30. Half brother to 31. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 39 Here lyes y" body of Mrs Mary Basset wife to Mr. John Basset who died Oct y" 23"i AD. 1752 aged 64 years. 40 Here lyes buried y" body of Mr Samuel Beach who died Sept y' g"" 1728 in ye 69"" year of his age. 41 Mr John Bard died August 24"' in the 54"" year of his age 1708. 42 Here lyes the body of Mr Joseph Beard aged about 66 years. Dec" Nov 1732. 43 Here lyes ye body of Mrs Sarah Beard wife to Mr Joseph Beard Aged 61 years Dec'' October 30 1732. 44 Here lyes buried ye body of Mr Jeremiah Beard who departed this life Nov 2"^ Anno Dom 1744 in y' 72°'' year of his age. 45 Here lyes ye body of Mrs Marcy Beard wife to Mr Jeremiah Beard who departed this Life Feby 21 1761 in ye 88"' year of her age. 46 John Beard son of Mr John & Mrs Abigail Beard Died Aug 14 1756 Aged I year & 11 months. 47 Here lyes Buried the body of Mr John Beard. who departed this Life *" b. June. 1660 ; son of Thomas Beach. " b. June, 1654; eldest son Capt. John Beard. ¦** b. July, 1666; m. 1st, Sarah Sanford, in 1703 ; 2d, Sarah Smith, in 1706, see 43; son of Capt. John and bro. to 41. ^* Dau. of Benjamin and Mary (Baldwin) Smith; b. Oct., 1671; m. 42, June 27, 1706. '* Twin bro. to Ebenezer (who d. in 1674), sons of Capt. John and bro. to 41. and 42; b. April, 1672. see 45. *' b. Martha (say records) Pettit, and m. 44, May 26, 1697. *' Mother was Abigail Hnilingftuumh, by birth. " Son of Joseph and Sarah (Sanford) Beard; b. March, 1702, see 42; m. Martha Burwell, dau. of Ephraim, Jan. 30, 1729. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. Feb" y" I4"' 1774 in y 72'"i year of his Age. 48 Here lyes y« body of Mr John Beard only son of Mr John & Mrs Martha Beard who departed this Life July y« 7"' 1761 in y» 32"'' year of his age. 49 In memory of Mr Joseph Beard who died February ig 1779 in the 72"'' year of his age. 50 Here lyes ye body of Mrs Sarah Beard wife to Mr Joseph Beard died August yB golh jyjj )[, yg jg th year of her age. Joseph Beard son of Mr Joseph & Mrs Sarah Beard died August ye so"" 1751 in ye 2"'' month of his age. 51 John son to Jeremiah & Thankful Blague aged 17 days died Feb 10. 1 741. 52 Here lyes interred ye body of Mr John Brinsmead who departed this Life Jany y" ig"" AD. 1753 in y= 71'' year of his age. 53 In memory of Mrs Mary Bristol wife of Capt Richard Bristol who departed this Life Nov"" lo"" A.D. 1781 in the 68"" year of her age. 54 ' Heth Son to Heth & Ann Botsford aged 7 years & [6 mos. Died Oct y' 28"" 1748. 55 Here lyes y" body of Ann daugh' of Mr Heth & Mrs Ann Botsford. who .... Sept y' 22"'' 1750 aged 4 years & 10 mo. 56 Here lyes ye body of Mrs Sarah Botsford. " Son of 47. *' Son of Joseph and Sarah (Smith) Beard; b. May, 1707. See 42. "» Wife of 4g; dau. of Josiah and Sarah (Burwell) Piatt; b. March, 1713. " The mother was Thankful Roach. "' Dau. of Nathan and Elizabeth (Rogers) Baldwin. '• Probably the wife of Nathan Botsford who m. Sarah, dau. David Collins _ 10 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 57 In memory of Mr Timo Botsford who departed this life Feb' 28. 1774 in his 65"^ year. Life how short Eternity how long. 58 In memory of Ruth wife of Nathan Briscoe who dec'* Nov' A.D. i8p6. aged 87 years. 59 Here lyes ye body of Mr Ebenezer Bryan Dec"" Sept y' 20 1728 in ye 38"' year of his age. 60 Here lyes ye body of Mr Richard Bryan Died Jan : y° 18. 1734. in ye 6g"' year of his age. 61 Here lyes buried ye body of Mr Joseph Bryan who departed this Life August the I'' 1742. in the 57"" year of his age. 62 Here lyes interred y' body of Mr Joseph Bryan, who departed this Life, April y* 3"' Anno Domni 1751 in ye 30 year of his age. 63 Mehitable dau to Mr Richard & Mrs Sarah Bryan aged I year & 4 months Died Sept 4"' 1746. Sarah dau' to Mr Richard & Mrs Sarah Bryan aged 2 years & 21 days Died June 17"' 1746. 64 Sarah Bryan dau' to Mr Richard & Sarah Bryan died Oct y" 26"' I73g. in y' 17"" year of her age. 65 In Memory of Mrs Sarah y" wife' of Richard Bryan " Son of Timothy and Mary (Peck) Botsford; m. Lydia Smith, dau. of Timo thy and Elizabeth, Jan. 6, 1735. '' Son of Alexander and Sybella (Whiting) Bryan ; m. Esthfer Goodyear of N. H., July 15, 1713. His widovv m. Thomas Gibb, Aug. 20, I72g. '" Son of Richard (ihe merchant and settler, l63g) ; m. Sarah Piatt, dau. of Josiah and Sarah (Canfield) Piatt. " Son of Richard, the merchant, and Elizabeth ; m. Mary Newton, dau. of Rev. Roger and Abigail. «' Son of (61) ; m. Mehitable Clark, dau. of Samuel. '* Dau. of Joseph and Sarah (Bryan) Treat. Was his 2d wife. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 11 died November 12"' 1748 in ye 4g"' year of her age. 66 Here lyes buried the body of Mr Nathan Bryan who departed this Life Feb'y the 28"' 1766 in y" 52'"i year of his age. 67 In memory of Mrs Elizabeth wife of Mr Nathain Bryan who died Oct 12. 1802 in the 87 year of her age. 68 Here lies buried the Body of Capt. Joseph Bryan who Died August y' ij"" 1783 Aged 38 years. Let not the dead forgotten be Lest men forget that they must die. 69 Here lyes buried y' body of Mr Daniel Buckingham aged 75 years Dec* May y" 2°'' 1712. 70 Mr John Buckingh am died Novemb the 17 in the 31" year of his age anno domni 1703. 71 Here lyes the body of Capt Samuel Buckingham who Decs" ihis Life Dec ye 29"" anno dom I74g in ye 56 years of his age. 72 Here lyes ye body of Samuel son to Capt Samuel & Mrs Silence Buckingham who de""" this Life February y' 3"' Anno Oomoni i74g/co in the 25"" years of his age. '• Son of Richard and Sarah (Piatt) Bryan, see 60; m. Elizabeth Whitman, dau. of Zachariah and Hannah (Allen) Whitman. " Dau. of Zachariah and Hannah (Allen) Whitman; b. July, 1716. "' Son of Joseph and Mehitable ( ) Bryan. " b. in England in 1636, was one of the seven pillars of the "Church of Christ;" oldest son of Daniel Buckingham, the settler. " Son of 6g and Alice Newton, his 2d wife; his widow Sarah m. George Clark.- ¦" Son of Samuel and Sarah (Baldwin) Buckingham; m. Silence, dau. of Ensign George Clark, May 20, 1714. Years should perhaps be read yeare. 12 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 73 Here Lyes ye body of Gideon Buckingham died June i»' 1719 Aged 44 years. 74 Here lyes buried ye body of Mr Gideon Buckingham son to Gideon & Sarah Buckingham who died June 24"" Anno Domini 1733 in y" 29"* year of his age. 75 Here lyes ye body of George Buckingham son of Jared and Sarah Buckingham died Aug y" 20"* 1757 in ye 2°'' month of his age. 76 Here lyes buried ye body of Mr Josiah Buckingham who departed this Life August ye 28"' A.D. 1749. in y" 71'' year of his age. 77 In memory of Mrs Anne Buckingham dau'' of Capt Josiah & Mrs , Anne Buckingham who died March la"" 1766 aged 19 years. 5 months & 13 days. Mature from Heaven the fateful mandate came With it a chariot of jEtherial Flame. In which Elijahlike she passed the spheres Brought joy to Heaven, but left the world in tears. 78 Capt Josiah Buckingham died Oct '18. 1784 JEt 66 to whose memory This Monument is erected. Time how short. Eternity how long. 79 In memory of Mrs. Anne Buckingham relict of Capt Josiah Buckingham who died Jan 21 1806. aged 83. " Son of (6g) and Alice Newton, his 2d wife; m. Sarah Hunt Feb. 3, 1703, his widow m. Joseph Piatt. ¦" Son of Elder Daniel (6g) and Alice Newton, his 2d wife. " Her mother was Ann Brinsmade, dau. of John and Abigail; b. Feb., 1723. 1' Was captain in the French Wars. " b. Feb., 1723; dau. of John and Abigail Brinsmade. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 13 80 In memory of Deacon Nathaniel Buckingham who departed this Life Oct 26 AD 1780 in the So"" year of his age. 81 In memory of Mrs Sarah the wife of Deacon Nathaniel Buckingham who departed this Life April 22"'' A.D. 1771 in the 68th year of her age. 82 In Memory of Miss Sarah Buckingham who departed this Life February ig"" A.D. 1772. in the 38"' year of her age. 83 This Monument is erected in memory of. Gideon Buckingham E'l' who died Dec' 8. i8og ^165 Judge of the County Court. Justice of the Peace Town Clerk &c And was improved in almost every kind of publick Business for 35 years in which he sustained a good Character. 84 Benjamin Son to Benjamin & Martha Burn aged 3 years & 2 '">' Died Nov y" 2i''r746. 85 Here lieth bu ried the body of M ' Susanna Buril died July, the 20"' 1703 in , 52 ye r of her age. 86 Here lyes interred ye body of Mrs Esther Bull wife to Mr Benjamin Bull. Died March y" 26"" Anno Dom 1750 Aged 22 years. 87 Here lyes intomb''' the body of Frederick Bull son to Henry & Harriet Bull who was killed by a fall from a Horse Sept 11"' 1798 aged 13 years. Oh I what is man, poor feeble man Born just to bloom & die Like as the glass his courses run His fleeting moments fly. ** Son of Thomas and Mary (Briscoe) Buckingham; m. Sarah, dau. of Joseph and Martha (Bryan) Smith, May 30, 1728. " Dau. of Joseph and Martha (Bryan) Smith, sister to 82. '" Dau. (80 and 81), b. Feb. 29, 1734. " b. June 22, 1744; son of Josiah and Rebecca (Brinsmade) Buckingham, and 1788, Delegate to Convention for Ratification of State Constitution; m. a widow Brian, but had no issue. " Dau.of Solomon Baldwin and m.son of Benedict and Sybella (Bryan) Bull. " His mother was Harriet, dau.of John and Mary (Read) Herpin. 14 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 88 Died August y° 28 Here lyes ye body of Stream Burwell died September y' 5* 1729 172- in ye 23"* year of his age. in ye 30"" year 91 of his age. Here lyes ye body of Mary Burwell died August y' 7"' 80 1729. Here lyes ye body of Mrs Sarah Burwell wife to Mr Ephriam Burwell Died August 1729 in y' 62"'' year of her age. in ye 23"" year of her age. 92 Mrs Marcy Burwell wife to Mr Ephriam Burwell. who died 90 Aug 31 1748 Here lyes ye body of in y" 69"" year of Ephriam Burwell her age. 93 /^ Here lyes ye body Here lyes ye body of Daniel Burwell who of John Burwill who died Oct y« 21" died Nov' y« S"- AD 1751 in AD 1751 in ye 51I1 year of ye joik year of his age his Age children of Mr John & Mrs Sarah Burwell. 94 Here lyes ye body of Benj" Bunnell Died June ye . . . 95 Margaret dau' to Gershom & Margaret Bunnel aged 17 days 1753 aged 21. Died July y" 2"'' 1729. "' Son of Ephriam and Sarah (Stream) Burwell. *' b. Feb., 1667, dau. of John and Martha (Beard) Stream. '" Bro. to 88 and son of 89; b. July, 1707. "' Sister of 88 and 90, and dau. of 89. " Son of Benjamin and Mehetable (Baldwin) Bunnel. " b. twin with sister Hannah. CM ^ ^ 'GO INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 15 96 Abigail Bunnel aged I year 5 mo & II days died March ye I2 1728. 97 In Memory of Mrs Abigail Burns, Wife of Mr David Burns, who departed this Life November 8 1797 in the 44"" year of her age. Blessed are the dead, who die in the Lord, even so saith y' spirit that they may rest from their labors And their works do follow them. 98 Charles Burrough son of Mr Charles & Mrs Mary Burrough of Charleston Died Nov 26 1778. 99 Here lyes the Body of Mr Thomas Clark Dec'' Oct' y' 23"* 1719 in y» 82"'' year of his age. Rebeckah Clark wife to Mr George Clark aged about 54 years Dec'' Oct' y" 17. 1712. 101 Here lyes the body of Mrs Mehetabe Clark wile to Mr Samuel Clark Dec" Dec y" 15"" 1721 in the 54"" year of her age. 102 Here lyes buried the body of Samuel Clark Esq' who Dec" May y' 2g. 1725 in y" 59"' year of his age. 103 Here lyes buried v the body of Deacon Thomas Clark who dec" Feb'y y" 12"" 1727/3 in y* 60"" Year of his age. 100 Here lyes buried the body of Mrs 104 Thomas Clark son to Thomas & Susannah Clark aged to days died October the 4"' 1728. " Sister to g4. " By birth, Abigail Jones. " b. before the town was settled; son of Deacon George Clark, carpenter; m. May 20, 1663, Hannah, dau. of William fiiHrert. . ¦- ', ,,"> "" Son of Thomas and Hannah (Gilbert) Clark. "" Son of Thomas and Hannah (Gilbert) Clark, bro. to 102; m. Martha Clark, dau. of John, of Hartford, Nov., 1703. 16 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 105 Here lyes buried y« Body of Mr Nathan Clark who died Sept' yo jrd Anno Domoni I72g in y* 43"* year of his age. 106 Here lyes ye body of Jonathan Clark son of Mr Nathan & Mrs Elizabeth Clark, who died Aug ig. I72g in ye 5"" year of his age. 107 Elizabeth Clark daugh'' to Mr// Gamaliel & Mrs Elizabeth Clark aged 7 months Died August ye 24 1742. 108 Here lyes buried the body of Ensign George Clark departed this Life July the ig"" 1734 in the 87"' year of his age. 109 Here lyes ye Body of Eld"' George Clark who departed this Life Sept"' y" 28"" A.D. 1754 in ye 47"' year of his age. Here lyes ye Body of Richard Clark who died August 1750 in ye lo"" year of his age. 110 Here lyes ye Body of Hezakiah Clark who died August 1750 in y' 6"" year of his age. Children of Mr George and Mrs Abigail Clark. Ill Susanna ye wife of Thomas Clark died December ye ii"" 1742 in ye 36"' year of her age. 112 Here lyes ye body of Andrew Clark son of Mr Samuel & Mrs Mary Clark Died August ye 28"' 1750 aged 12 years ¦& 3 months "" Son of George Clark; m. Elizabeth, dau. of William and Ann (Beard) Fowler, June 29, 1710. «i6 Son of 105. "" The mother was Eli/.abeth, dau. of Benjamin and Susanna Cary, and sister to No. 17. '"* Son of Deacon George, the carpenter, and bro. to 99; m. Deborah, dau. of Nathan Gold of Fairfield. ""• Son of George and Mary Clark; m. Abigail Law, dau. of Gov. Jonathan. "" Soe 109. '" See 123, dau. of John and Mary (Plait) Woodruff; b. May. 1707. "' His mother was dau. of Rev. Samuel and Abigail (Treat) Andrew. P^^r- I , -y^ * >tH £^>^ SKC ¦»^*' INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 17 113 Here lyes the body of Job Clark son of Mr Job & Mrs Jean Clark. who departed this Life March y' 15"" 1757 in ye 7"" year of his age. 114 Here lyes buried the body of Mr Job Clark who departed this Life Oc'° is"" 1766 aged 40 years 5 months & 24 days. Memento Mori. 117 Here lyes buried the body of Mr Joseph Clark who departed this Life May the 17"' in the year o( our Lord 1763 in ye 57"" year of his age. 118 Here lyes buried the body of Deacon Joseph Clark who departed this Life Feb'y y« g"- 1758 aged -- J .._ 5 .„ ^^j^. 115 Here 119 lyes the body of Capt Isaac Clark. who departed this Life July 12 1787 in the 61'' year of his age. Here lyes buried ye body of Mrs Mary Clark wile to Deacon Joseph Clark who departed this Life The sweet remembrance of the Just Oct' y« 28"' 1755 aged Shall flourish when he sleeps in dust. 81 years wanting 20 days. 116 120 In memory of Mrs Hannah Clark the consort of Capt [A Foot Stone.] Bethuel Clark. Isaac Clark who departed this Life March 11 1786 in 121 Sacred the 57"' year of her age. to the Memory of "' Mother was Jane, dau. of Joseph and Ruth (Allen) Northrup. "* Son of Ensign George and Mary Clark. '" Son of Thomas and Suanna (Woodruff) Clark; b. Feb., 1727. '" Dau. of Jonathan and Hannah (Clark) Fowler; b. I72g. '" Son of Joseph and Mary ( ) Clark. See 118 and iig; dau. of Andrew and Margaret Sanford. '" Son of Thomas and Hannah (Gilbert) Clark. See gg. "» Dau. of Deacon Josiah and Sarah (Canfield) Piatt. '" Son of 118 and iig; his wife Abigail d. August, 1805, aged 85. See 116. m. Mary, 18 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. Deacon Daniel Clark who died March 24 1787 aged 71 years. In hopes of a blessed immortality For the just live by Faith and they die in the Lord and their Memory is blessed. 122 Sacred to the memory of Mrs Sarah Clark the amiable consort of Mr Enoch Clark who departed this Life July zg"" I7g7 aged 51 years & 7 days. Death thou hast conquered me I by thy dart am slain But Christ will conquer you And I shall rise again. 123 In memory of Capt Thomas Clark who departed this Life 6"" 1774 June 6"' in the 75"" year of his age. 124 In memory of Mrs Hannah Clark wife of Mr Isaac Clark who died Decemb' 2g. 1800 M 42. 125 MR NICHOLAS CAMP DIED JUNE THE lO'^" 1706 IN THE 77 YEAR OF HIS AGE. 126 Here lyes buried ye body of Mrs > Hannah Camji wife to Mr Joseph Camp who departed this Life January g. AD. 1739/40 in ye 76"* year of her age. 127 Me. Memo. Mori. Here lyes ye body of Mr Joseph Camp who departed this Life May ye 20"" Anno Dom 1750 in ye gs"* year of his age. 128 Here lyes interred the body of Mr Caleb Camp who died Oct' y" 3"* I74g in the 44"^ year of his age. '" Enoch, her husband; d. 181 1, aged 65. "* m. Susanna, dau.of John and Mary (Piatt) Woodruff, Dec. 15, 1725; son of Samuel. Seem. '2* Probably dau. of Thaddeus and Hannah (Camp) Nettleton. "' Son of Nicholas, the settler, and b. before the town was purchased; m. 1652, Kattern, widow of Anthony Thompson. '"Son of Nicholas the settler, 125. '** Son of Joseph, 127 and 126; probably m. Mary Northrup, dau. of Amos; b. 1705. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 19 129 Here lyes ye body of Joseph Camp son of Mr Caleb & Mrs Mary Camp who departed this Life Sept y' 30"" AD. 1750 in ye y^ year ol his age. 130 Here lyes buried the body of Lieut Ezra Camp. who departed this Life August 30"' 1758 in ye 66"' year of his age. 131 This is in Memory of Mr John Camp who Departed this Life Sept' y' 12"' AD. 1752 in y« ss"" year of his age. 132 Here lyes the Body of Deacon John Camp Departed this Life August the 2"'' 1731 in the eg"" year of his age. 133 Here lyes the body of Mr Samuel Camp Sen' Died March y" 13"' 1743/^ in y" 69"' year of his age. 134 Here lyes the body of Mrs Mary Camp. wife to Mr Samuel Camp Died Oct the 29"' 173(?). 135 Here lyes y° body of Mrs Mary Camp wife to Mr Samuel Camp who dec''' Sep' ye 12U, A.D. 1750 in ye 40"" year of her age. 136 Here lyes ye body Mrs Sarah Camp wife to Mr Jonah Camp who departed this Life Nov y" 28"' AD 1752 in ye 22"'' year of her age. Here lyes Interred a blooming youth Who lived in Love. Died in the Trust. '" See 128. "" Son of Joseph; m. Mary Rogers, dau. of Joseph. '" Son of John and Mary Camp; b. Dec, 1697. '" Son of Nicholas and Kattern (Thompson) Camp, 125; b. 1662. '" Son of Samuel and Hannah (Belts) Camp; b. May, 1675. "' Probably dau. of Timothy and Mary Baldwin; baptised Nov., 1684. '" Dau. of Timothy and Eliza (Wilkinson) Smith. "* Her husband was son of 137 and 138. 20 INSCRIPITONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 137 Here lyes buried the body of Mr Enos Camp who departed this Life June y" 20"' 1768 in ye 81" j'ear of his age. 138 Here lyes ye body of Mrs Martha Camp wife to Mr Enos Camp aged 50 years & 13 days. Died September y" 14"' 1740. 139 Here lyes y' body of Lucy dauB of Phineas & Rebecca Camp dec'' Aug" y° 7"' 1750 aged 3 years & 8 mos. 140 Here lyes interred the body of Mr Samuel Camp who departed this Life on the 17"' day of Feb'y A.D. 1773 in the 68"' year of his age. 141 In memory of Mr Amos Camp who departed this Life 30"" Sept 1775 in the 42'"' year of his age. 142 Here lyes buried the body of Deacon Samuel Camp died . . < . . 143 In memory of Mr David Camp who died Feb ig"" AD 1798 ^60 The Living should think of the dead As of me,(^ — so of you will be said. 144 Elizabeth daughter to Jeremiah and Judah Canfield died Oct y" 24"" in the g"" year other age. '" Son of Samuel, 142, and m. 138, Sept. 28, 1710; he m. 2d, Elizabeth Clark, dau. of Samuel, June ig, 1744. '38 By birth Martha Baldwin, dau. of Theophilus and Elizabeth (Canfield) Baldwin. 139 Mother was Rebecca Clark, dau. of Thomas. '*" Son of Samuel and Mary (Baldwin) Camp. '" Son of John and Mary Camp, and bro. to 143. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 21 145 Jeremiah son to Jeremiah & Judah Canfield died Jany y" 20"' 1726 in y' is"" year of his age. 146 Here lyes y' body of Moses son of Mr Thomas & Mrs Abigail Canfield who dec"''. Sept'' y" g"" 1750 in y" s"" year of his age. Mary dau of Mr David & Mrs Mary Canfield died Jany 25 AD 1757 in ye S"" year of his age. 147 Abel son of Mr David & Mrs Mary Canfield died Jany y" 23'^ 1751 in ye 6"" month of his age. 148 In memory of Dr Elias Carrington who departed this Life Aug 6"" AD 1800 in the 66"' year of his age. For more than 40 years he served his generation As a faithful, candid, skilful & approved Physician Nor was he taken off from the duties of his Profession 'til within a few days of his Death. In him his mourning confort has lost an afTectionate friend, the bereaved children a tender & benevolent Parent, the Church of Christ an Exemplary member the Community a general & faithful servant Stranger I as you pass this Monument remember that neither usefulness nor esteem will protect thee from the Shaft of Death. Tho worth & high Esteem, thy useful life attend Or friends or wealth their many comforts blend Yet Death must soon o'er cast thy brightest day. And make thy bed beside this mouldering clay. '" The mother was Judith Mallory, and m. July 24, 1711. '¦" Mother was dau. of John Smith ol Derby. "¦¦ Father was bro. to 144 and 145, and settled in New Milford; mother was Mary Northrup, dau. of Joseph and Ruth (Allen) Northrup. '<' Son of Noahdiah Carrington of New Haven; m. Feb. 23, 1763, Esther, dau. of Ephriam and Sarah (Gunn) Northrup. 22 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 148 a In memory of Mr Freegift Coggeshall who departed this Life August y' 5"' 1767 in y" 78"' year of his age. 1481l> Here lies Buried the body of Capt William Coggeshal who departed this Life September 21" 1773 aged 40 years and 10 months. 149 Here lyes ye body of Mrs Martha Coley Died O"" y" i"' 1737 in ye 74"' year of her age. ISO Here lyes ye body of Mrs Ruth Collins wife to Sarg' Daniel Collins Aged 64 years died Dec' y' 3"* 1747. 151 Samuel son to Jacob & Mary Collins aged 8 days died March y" 30"" I74g. 152 Here lyes y" body of Elijah son of Mr Jacob & Mrs Mary Collins died Decem'" yo gth 1^52 in y" 2'"' year of his age. 153 In memory of Mrs Eunice wife of Capt William Davison who departed this Life May 15 1776. being 23 years & 10 days old. See there, all pale and dead she lies Forever flowing from my streaming eyes Eunice is fled, the lovliest mind Faith, sweetness, witt, together joined Dwell faith & wit & sweetness there O view the change and drop a tear. '*'» b. in Rhode Island; he m. Martha, dau. of Samuel and Martha (Bald win) Nettleton, June 28, 1726. ""¦ Son of 148a; m. Mehitable Smith, dau.of John. '" Dau. of Ensign John and Martha (Beard) Stream, settlers i63g. "''• Dau. of Edward and Rebecca (Smith) Wilkinson; m. Dec. 7, i6gg, Daniel Collins a grandson of Thomas Tibbals, settler; sister to 45g. '" Mother was Mary Canfield, sister to 144 and 145. "= See 151. "' b. Eunice Baldwin, m. Nov. 30, 1775. Her husband m. 2d, May 20, 1778, Mary Fenn, and 3d, Feb. 28, 1782, Anna Treat. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 23 154 Pause & reflect That as I am, you soon must be. Entombed is here deposited the dear remains of Mr Garrit V. H. DeWitt who bid a vain world adieu Febry 23'''' 1793 aged 58. Happy the woman who called him her husband, happy the child who called him Father but his character requires not the panigerick of a tombstone to perpetuate it to posterity. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord Even so saith the Spirit for they rest from their labors. 155 Here the wicked cease from troubling & here the weary are at rest. Entombed is here deposited the Dear remains of Mrs Margaret DeWitt who closed her eyes upon a vain world Feby 11 1794 aged 54. Her exemplary conduct in Life her unparralled patience when wrecked with pains the most excruciating & her perfect resignation in her last illness disarmed the King of Terrors of his Sting & softened him to a Prince of Peace. 156 Be ye also ready Entombed is here deposited the dear remains of Mrs Martha DeWitt the amiable consort of Mr Ab"° V. H. DeWitt & daughter of Capt Charles Pond, who in sure & certain hope of the resurrection, closed her eyes upon a vain transitory world Sept 30. l7go aged 20. "¦• b. in Holland, came when a child to America; m. Margaret Van Horn. '" By birth Margaret Van Horn, dau. Abraham. "" Dau. of 335 and 336; m. Jan. 3, 1790, and her husband m. 2d, Martha Belden of Weathersfield, Aug. 22, 1792. 24 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFOBD. She was Charitable, Humane, Benevolent & of a truly sympathetic Disposition Could real virtue have added to the number of het months Patty had yet been living, her Husband her Parents and her friends had yet been happy but A- las, she languished, she sickened, & she died Heaven is the reward of Vertue. She's gone and I shall see that face no more But pine in absence and till death adore When with cold dew my fainting eyebrows hung My eyeballs darken, with my faltering tongue Her name shall tremble with a feeble moan And love with fate— divide my dying groan. 157 Here lyes ye body of Mrs Rebecca Downs wife to Mr Deliverance Downs Died Feby ye 2'"' 1740 . in ye 64"' year of her age. 158 Here lies buried y" Body of Mrs Margaret Ernes wife to Mr Joseph Emes who departed this Life Juney" 2"* AD 1756 in y' 38"" year of her age. The body was opened to let her file To build her happiness on high. 159 Abigail Farrand dau' to Mr Nathaniel & Mrs Anna Farrand died June the 28"' 1729 in the 12"' year of her age. 160 Here lyes ye body of Esther Farrand daugh' of Mr Jonathan & Mrs Abigail Farrand who Died Decern' y' 15"" 1757 aged 3 years Beneath these clods my body lyes. To cruel death a sacrifice No age nor sex from death is free O think of death then think of me. 161 Here lyes ye body . of Mrs Sarah Fenn wife to Deacon Benjamin Fenn|| who dec'' May y' 26"" 1727 in the 64"' year of her age. '" Dau. of Simon and Persis Lobdell, of Springfield. "8 Dau. of Samuel and Margaret (Fowler) Smith; m. Joseph Emes, May, 1754; sister to 384. "9 Her mother was dau. of Timothy and Mary (Baird) Baldwin. See 16 and 17. '" Dau. of Thomas and Hannah (Gilbert) Clark, see gg; b. March, 1664. iC- ;i- W =;guf '-'¦' 7SS fJry;\\..)n, i.^ ^ — l;-^(/3--,. O s z, : ro ;>C* 'rO- = ^- i 111 ;x^ = ¦% .- f-^ -- ^^ ^- =' " - • fi, no ' >-ii^ -* 111 -' ^--^ ."c " ^^Tiii ¦QM- 5"5i,4r INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 25 162 Here lyes buried y» body of Deacon Benjamin Fenn\l who departed this Life August 2g"' anno Dom"' 1732 in ye 71"' year of his age. 163 Here lyes the body of Capt Benjamin Fenn \ll for many years a ruling Elder of the Second Church in this town— who departed this Life January the lo"" Anno Domini 1770 aged 80 years. The memory of the just is blessed. 164 Deposited under these clods is the body of Mrs Sarah the amiable consort of Elder Benjamin Fenn \\Y who was removed from this, into the eternal world May the g"" A.D. 1773 aged 86 years. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. 165 In this grave is deposited the body of Colonel Benjamin Fenn \V who was removed from this into the invisible State February the 20"" Anno Domni 1778. in the 58"' year of his age. It is appointed unto men once to die. 166 Here lyes y" body of Nathan Fenn son of Mr Benjamin & Mary Fenn died Novemi" ye 9"' 1750 in ye 6"" year of his age. 167 Here lyes buried the body of Lieut Benjamin Fenn^ who departed this Life Oc'o 27"" 1780 in y" 3g"' year of his age. Happy are they who rest their Souls on God. '^- Son of Benjamin and Mehitable (Gunn, dau. of Jasper) Fenn; m. 161. '*' Son of 161 and 162, husband of 164. '" Probably dau. of Gamaliel Prince. '*'¦ Son of 163 and 164; m. Sarah Mary Peck, dau. of Samuel and Martha (Clark) Peck. '^8 See 165. >w '" Son of Benjamin and Mary (Peck) Fenn; m. Sarah, dau. of Joseph and Clemence Treat, Oct. 31, 1765. 26 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 168 Mrs Mary Fenn wife to Mr Aron Fenn aged 28 years Died March y" 28"" 1746. 169 Here lyes ye body of Mary Fenn daugh' of Mr Joseph & Mrs Sarah Fenn died Aug"' ye 13"' in ye 4"" year of her age. 1750. 170 Here lyes y° body of James Fenn Died December y" 28"' 1746. in ye 47"' year of his age. 171 Here lyes buried y" body of Mrs Joanna Fenn wife to Lieu' James Fenn who died June 2""* 1740 in y" 64"' year of her age. 172 Here sleeps in death the body Lieu' Dan Fenn whose mortal existence ended Febry 23"' I78g aged 36 years. 173 Come view the ground where lie"' the remains of Mrs Sarah the beloved wife of Lieut Dan Fenn who yeilded to death May y" g"" A.D. 1784 aged 27 years. O ! Death where is thy sting? 174 In memory of Miranda Fenn Daugh" to Mr Peck & Mrs Urania Fenn whp died March 11"' AD. I7g6 .iE' 1 year and 4 months. Rest lovely babe, thy toils are at an end Returned to God, thy Saviour, & thy Friend. 175 Benjamin Fiske son to Ebenezer & Mrs Mehitable Fiske aged 18 days Died Feb y" 5"! 1729/30. 176 Here lyes Buried ye body of Mr William Fowler Jun who dec* March y 7"' 1726/7 in y» 26 year of his age. '¦"" For wife, see 171; son of Benjamin and Susanna (Ward) Fenn. '¦" Dau. of Samuel and Grace (Judson) Prudden. "" Son of Benjamin^and Mary (Peck) Fenn, 165. "* Father was son of Benjamin/ see 167; mother, dau. of Lemuel and Catherine (Smith) Durand. '" Son of 177 and 178, ist husband to 29. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 27 177 Here lyes buried y" Body of Mr William Fowler who dec* Feb'y the 23"' 1728 in ye 65"" year of his age. 178 Here lyes buried y" body of Mrs Anna Fowler wife to Mr Wm Fowler who died June 25"" Anno Dom 1740 in ye 76"" year of her age. 179 Here lyes ye body of Susanna Fowler Daughter of Mr John & Mrs Susanna Fowler who died Sept y» 13. 1727 in y" is"" year of her age. 180 Here lyes y" body of Fletcher Fowler Son of Ensign John & Mrs Mary Fowler who dec" March ye 8"' AD. 1751/2 in ye !¦' day of his age. 181 Here lies Buried the body of Mr Jonathan Fowler who departed this Life May the 5"" 1773 in y" 70"' year of his age. The hopes we have, the better part is now above the Skies. 182 Here lyes interr'd under this earth, the body of Mr Jonathan Fowler who departed this Life on the 21 day of Sept' AD. 1789 in the 54"" year of his age. In his Life he sustained the chara cter of a kind husband and indul gent parent — , a beloved brother in the '" Son of Wm. (the settler) and Mary (Tapp) Fowler; m. Anna, dau. of Capt. John Beard. '" Dau. of Capt. John Beard, who came with his mother, Martha — a child at the settlement of the town. "' Drowned in Long Island Sound; mother was dau. of Lt. Samuel and Sarah (Fenn) Burwell. '8° Mother was dau. of Fletcher and Hannah (Piatt) Newton. '" Son of 177 and 178, bro. to 176; m. Hannah, dau. of Joseph and Mary (Piatt) Clark, Jan. g, 1728. See 118 and iig. '*' Son of Jonathan and Hannah (Clark) Fowler, see i8i; m. Content, dau.^ of Nathan and Elizabeth (Rogers) Baldwin. 28 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. church of Christ & a viforthy mem ber in community. In his last distress ing illness was patient an'' submiffive until death conquored. Ye living men come view the ground where you must shortly lie. 183 Here lyes the body of Elihu the son of Jonathan Fowler who departed this Life Oct g"" AD. 1784. aged 3 years & g months. His Life a Span — the Mournful loll Declares the exit of his Soul Grim death is come His life is called To take its flight The means a Scald. Ye who are young come learn your end By deep repentance make Christ your friend. 184 In memory of Mr William Fowler Jun' only son of Mr William and Mrs Eunice Fowler who departed this Life Dec' g"' 1785 in y" 23"^ year of his age. William is dead. Death's closed his eyes Here in this Grave his body lies While living, lived in love of all When dead was mourned by great & small. 185 Sacred to Memory William only son of Mr Nathan & Mrs Sarah Fowler who died Sept 3 I7g9 ^t 3 years 7 months. Stop children dear as you pass by and see you'r not too young to die. "^ Son of 182. '** His mother was dau. of Nathan and Elizabeth (Rogers) Baldwin; sister to his brother's wife, 182. '*' Mother was Sarah Piatt. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 29 186 Here lies the Body of Mrs Susanna Fowler the amiable consort of Mr Nathan Fowler who Departed this Life Sept' 2 1798 in the 55"' year of her age. For this the end of all mankind How swift we hasten to the grave See all the living must be joined Unto the dust from whence they came. 187 Sacred to the memory of Miss Mary Fowler daughter to Mr Wil liam & Mrs Eunice Fowler who died Feb I AD I7g2 in the 24"' year of her age. Molly tho pleasant in her day Was suddenly seized and fent away. How foon fhe's ripe. How foon fhe's rotten Sent to her grave & soon forgotten. 188 In memory of Lieu' John Fowler who departed this Life Aug"' 17"' AD. 1787 Aged 39 years. All gracious heaven is this the end of man A dreadful thought, a melancholy plan. 1^9 Beneath these clods are deposited the remains of Mrs Mary Ann Fowler who made her exit on the 25"" Nov. 1798. JE\. 47 years. This kind relief the social passions crave Jesus himself, wept at a good mans grave. '*" By birth, Susan Miles, dau. of Theophilus; her husband, son of 181. "" Dau. of William and Eunice (Baldwin) Fowler. "8 Spn of John and Mary (Newtown) Fowler; m. Mary Ann Harpin l8g. '89 Dau. of Dr. Jeari and Mary (Read) Harpi'n. See 219; wife of 18 mother of igo. 30 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 190 In memory of Mr John Fowler who departed this Life Oct' 13"' AD 1790 Aged 21 years & 6 days. Mysterious Heaven why nip'' this charming flower The yrost of Death before the Evening hour. 191 Mary Ford dau' to Thomas & Mary Ford Died Dec y" 2'"'/i737 in the 7"' year of her age. Here lies buried the body of Lieu' John Ford who departed this Life Nov y' 10"' 1760 in y' 56"' year of his age. 192 Here lies buried the body of Mrs Mary Ford wife to Lieu' John Ford who departed this Life Nov y« 10"' 1760 in ye 48"' year of her Age. 193 Me Memo, More Here lyeth interred ye body of Capt" Samuel Gunn Esq' who departed this Life Sept*" ye 10 Anno Domni 1749 in ye So"" year of his age. 194 Memento mori Here lyes interrd ye body of Mrs Mercy Gunn wife / to Mr Samuel Gunn Esq' who departed this Life August ye 11"' Anno Domni 1750 aged 76 years. 195 Here lyes Buried ' the body of Lieut Samuel Gunn who departed this Life Jan'y 8"' 1756-aged 55. years 4 months & ii days. "" Son of 188 and 189; m. Lucy, dau. of Lewis and Mary (Merwin) Mallett. "' Son of John and Sarah Ford; wife was dau. of Samuel and Mercy (Smith) Gunn. See 193. "' Son ol Jebomah and Sarah (Lane) Gunn; m. Mercy dau.of Ephriam Smith. "* Wife to ig3, mother of Mary ig2 and 311. "^ Son of ig3 and ig4; m. Sarah, dau. of George and Sarah ( ) Clark. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 31 196 Sarah dau' to Mr Samuel & Mrs Sarah Gunn died Feb'y y» 18"' 1743 in ye is"" year of her age. 197 Memento Mori Here lyest interr"! the body of Mr Lazarus Gunn who departed this Life March y" 27"' Anno Dom" 1751 in ye 44 year of his age. 198 [A Foot Stone*] Isiah Gunn. 199 Here lyes ye body of Abel Gunn son of Lieu' Samuel & Mrs Sarah Gunn Died Sept"" ye 7"' 1750 in y" 4"' year of his age. 200 In memory of Mr Isaac Gunn who departed this Life Jan 25"' AD 1776 aged 32 years. 201 Here lyes the body of Mr John Gaud. who died Septe'' y" 15 1750 in y" 58"' year of his age. 202 Here lyes y° body of Mr Joseph Garnsey died March y" 3"' 1730 in the 80"' year of his age. 203 Here lyes ye body of Gamaliel Gibson Died July 31"' 1740 in y" 43"' year of his age. 204 In memory of Abigail ye daugh' of David & Abigail Gibson dec" June ye 23"' 1746 in ye 20"' year of her age. 205 Here lyes buried ye body of Mrs Esther Gibb wife to Mr Thom's Gibb who departed this Life Jan 24"' 1 740/1 aged 46 years. "« Dau. of igs. '" Son of 193 and 194; bro. to 198. '" Son of 193 and 194, and bro. to 197 and 198. "' Son of 195. ""> Son of 195 and bro. to igg; m. Susanna Nettleton; dau. of Nathan. '"? The mother by birth was dau. of John Brinsmead. See 51. "" By birth Esther Goodyear; m. ist, Ebenezer Bryan. See 58, and 207. 32 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 206 Here lyes buried the body of Mr Thomas Gibb Jr who departed this Life Dec' y" lo"' 1776 in y" 26"' year of his age. 207 Here lyes buried the body of Mr Thomas Gibb who departed this Life Nov 12"' 1768 in y" 61"' year of his age. 209 ' Here lyes ye body of Mrs Mary Gibb wife to Mr John Gibb who departed this Life Oct y" 21'' 1769 aged 38 years & 4 months. 210 Capt John Gibbs Born 1731. Died i8og. His wife Eunice ^J^a.A.Ar' Born 1738 Died 1826. John Gibbs born 1762 Died 1784. His wife Sarah Born 1761. Died 1782. Esther Gibbs born 1760 Died 1848. wife to Mr Edward Green who died Augy" 12"' 1757 in the 38"' year of her age. Also the daughter that was still born was buried in her arms. 211 Here lyes ye body of Mrs Hannah Green 212 Here lyes ye body of Jonathan Gillit Deces'' Sept the s"" 1732 in the 29"" year of his age. 213 Here lyes buried Jeremiah Gillit D""'"' Sept y« 24"' 1732 in ye 32 year of his age. 214 Here lyes ye body of Mary Gilit wife to Mr Eliphel Gilit aged 53 years Dec""* Jan ye 31"' 1730. 215 Here lyes the body of Mrs Elizabeth Gillet wife to Mr Eliphel Gillet aged 76 years Died July 17. 1732. ™' Son of 207 and his second wife Hannah. ^ ™' See 205. ™ Dau. of John and Mary (Beard) Smith. See 392. oif«^ *"' John, ist son of 205 and 207; m. ist 2og, 2d Eunice; John, 2d son of 209, m. Sarah Jones, dau. of John and Sarah (Hawley) ; Esther dau. of 209. 4i« Son of Eliphal and Mary (Wheeler) Gillit; b. 1703. '" Bro. to 212; m. Frances. Bryan, dau. of Richard, his widow m. Stephen Miles. '"^ Dau. of Ephriam and Mary (Holbrook) Wheeler, mother o( 212 and 213, *" Probably mother to the husband of 214. LNSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 33 216 Here lyes the body of Mrs Phebe Gillit wife to Mr William Gillit Jun' who died Feby ye lo"' AD. 1756 & 29. Her dying word unto her husband are Refrain your Passions, why so much dispare Its the will of God I hope its for the best For you — -for me & for my motherless To whom adue — to God & you I now commit thare care Pattern of Pationts to the end of Life Now ded she speak to every liveing wife Peti such juells shovld be laid in dust Men are unwarthy & the Lord is just. 217 Here lyes buried ye body of Elisha Gillit son of Mr Elisha Gillit & Mrs Sarah his wife who died May ye 22°'' AD 1750 in ye gnd year of his age. Oh happy babe fo early /led away From this vile earth to realms of endless day What wondrous change dear hast thou known Leaving thy cradle to ascend a Throne. 218 Here lyes the Body of Elizabeth Haise who Dec* Sept' ' 13. 1727. in ye 19" year of her age. 219 In memory of Doci. John Herpin who was born & educated at Rochfort in France, practised Physick & Surgery in this place 50 years with much reputation & success and died Nov 14"' 1765 JEt 74. "« Dau. of Daniel and Zeruiah (Canfield) Terrell; m. son of William and Elizabeth (Welch) Gillet, Sept., 1749- "' Mother was Sarah, dau. of John and Keziah (Clark) Buckingham. For this name see also Jillit. '" m. Mary Camp, dau. of John, 132. 34 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFOBD. 220 Here lyes buried ye 221 Here lyes buried Nicholas Herpin Obiit Jany g"" 1759 ^tat Die 16. Of such is the kingdom of heaven. " Christ." 223 Here lyes ye body of Mrs Susanna Hepburn wife to Mr Peter Hepburn who departed this Life July ye 17"' AD 1762 in y" 27""' year of her age. 224 Rebecca Hine ,,-( wife to Samuel « Hine died Feb y« 4"' 1748. in ye 27"' year of her age. 225 Jane Hine daugh' of Mr Josiah & Mrs ' Mehitable Hine Died May i" 1750 in y' ii"i year of her age. 226 In Memory of Martha Hine Dau'' of Mr Joel & Mrs Martha Hine virho departed this Life July 20"" 1771 in the 6"' year of her age. "» See 219. "' See 219. ''" Children of John and Mary (Read) Herpin, mother was dau. of Col. John Read. '" By birth, dau. of Joel and Abigail (Fenn) Baldwin; b. May 18, 1736; m. Dec. 16, 1763. '" Dau. of Samuel and Rebecca (Pritchard) Oviatt; m. Aug. 9, 1739. "' The mother was dau. of Daniel and Sarah Northrup. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 35 Beneath these Clods my body lies To cruel death a sacrifice No age, nor sex from death is free O think on death, then think on me. 227 Here lies buried the body of Mr Jonathan Ingersoll who dec's" May y" 28"' 1760 in ye 80"' year of his age. 228 Here lyes buried ye body of Mrs Sarah Ingersoll wife to Mr Jonathan Ingersoll who departed this Life April 22 AD. 1748 in ye 62"'' year of her age. 220 Here lyes buried ye body of Mr David Ingersol who died Feb 14"' Anno Dom 1742 in y" 23"' year of his age. 230 In memory of Mrs Mehitable Ingersoll wife of Mr David Ingersoll who dec" June 7"' 1798 in the 77"' year of her age. 231 In Memory of David Ingersoll Esq His Piety was early and unaffected His benevolence pure & universal As a civil officer, a minister of God for good In friendship endearing & faithful A pattern of conjugal & parental affection In prospect of a better state He departed this Life July 10"' AD 1774. in the 34"' year of his age. All All on Earth is shadow, all beyond Is substance the reverse is follys creed. How solid all where change shall be no more. "' Son of John and Mary (Hunt) Ingersol, of Westfield, Mass., and by 228 had Jared. See Center Church Crypt, New Haven. 'Vr 228 „, ist Daniel Miles, son of Ensign John and Mary (Alsop) Miles and by him had John and Daniel. "9 Son of 227 and 228; m. Mehitable, dau. of Richard and Mehitable Bryan, 230. '™ Dau. of Richard and Mehitable (Clark) Bryan, twin sister to Richard Bryan, that d. 1803. "" Son of 229 and 230; m. Clement, dau. of Joseph and Clement (Bucking ham) Treat. ^ s*< ayp*ndi)(. 36 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 232 William Jillit son to William and Elizabeth Jillit aged I year 7 months & II days dec" Oct' y ig"" 1726. 233 Zebulon son to William & Elizabeth Jillit aged I year 7 mo Died March. 234 Sarah dau' to William & Elizabeth Jillit aged 5 years 11 mo & 30 ds Died April y' II 1746. 235 HEAR LIETH BVRED THE BODEY of MARTHA LAMBART Deses ed October 28 1703 in HIR 20 YEAR. 230 In memory of Mr Jesse Lambart who departed this Life Dec 26"' 1773 in the 82'"' year of his age. Come my children see Where you must shortly lie. 237 In memory of . , Mrs Mary the '¦¦'"¦, wife of Mr Jesse Lambert who died June 6"" 1776 in the 80"* year of her age. Remember my children & friend That you must die as well as I. 238 Jonathan Law Govenour of the Colony of Connecticut From 1742 to 1750 He was born at Milford August 6 1672 where he died Nov 6. 1750. 239 Sarah Law dauS' to Hon"" Jonathan Law Esq' & Eunice his wife died Octo' y" 25"' 1736 in y' 6"" year of her Age. ^'^ Mother was dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth Welch. '^' Bro. to 232 and 234. ™ Dau. of Jesse and Deborah (Fowler) Lambert. Sister of 236. "'^ m. 237, Dec. 6, 1717. Ml -Wife of 236. See 214: dau. of Elipiial and Mary (Wheeler) Gillit. ^'^ Son of Jonathan and Sarah (Clark) Law; his mother was dau. of Deacon iGeo. Clark. ^^9 Her mother was Eunice Hall, of Wallingford. See 6. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 37 240 In Memory of Mrs Eunice Wife of Mr Jonathan Law who died May y" 2"'' AD. 1762 in the 42"'' year of her age. 241 In memory of Mrs Sarah Law the wife of Mr Benedict A Law who died November 2g"' 1785 in the 36"" year of her age. Blessed are the dead Who die in the Lord. 242 . . . . AI . LAW DIED THE . . . DAY OF ... . ANNO DOMNI 1704: WHOSE BODY LIETH HERE INTERRED. 243 Daniel Langstaff Died March the , . . 1688 (?) in the of his age. 244 Daniel Langstaff Died March g"! i6g- in the 6"" year of his age. 245 In memory of Elisha Arnold Leewis son of Mr Elisha & Mrs Anne Leewis who departed this Life Feb' y» 6"' 1756 in ye 2"'' year of his age. 246 Mr Louis Liron Marchant departed this Life Septemb' y" 18"' 1738 in y" ' year of his age. 247 Mrs Katherine Liron wife to Mr Louis Liron departed this Life Nov the 26"' 1727 in the 58"' year of her age. "" Dau. of Samuel and Eunice (Hall) Andrew. See 6. ''" Dau. of Richard and Sarah (Fowler) Bryan; husband was son of Jona than and Eunice (Andrew) Law. See 240. ¦'^^ Probably mother of Gov. Jonathan Law, by birth, Sarah dau. of Dea-. con George Clark and sister to gg. '^' Son of Bethuel and Hannah (Buckingham) Langstaff. "* Bro. to 243. "* b. in France. 4 38 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFOBD. 248 In Memory of Mr Lewis Mallett who died Sept' 7"' 1790 in the 82"^ year of his age. 249 In memory of Mrs Eunice Mallett wife of Mr Lewis Mallett who died Oct" ig"" 1789 in the 77"' year of her age. 250 Aaron son of Mr Moses & Mrs Francis Malary who dec'' Novem'' y' II age'' 3 years 1749- 251 In memory of Mr Moses Malary who died Decem 7 AD 1794 aged 70 years. Children weep not, dry up your tears Prepare to meet your God I must ly here til Christ appear Who paid my ransom with his blood. 252 In memory of Mrs Anna Mallory the amiable consort of Capt Daniel Mallory who died Feb 7. A.D. 1800 in the 46"' year of her age. Weep not for me dry up your tears Prepare to meet your God I must ly here til Christ appears He paid my ransom with his blood. 253 Here lyes y' body of Amos son of Mr Samuel & Mrs Sarah Merchant. Dec* Dec' 20"^ 1750 in ye 3"' year of his age. 254 Here lyes ye body of Jedediah Merchant Died Nov""" y" 30"" AD. 1755 in y" 3"* year of his age. Here lyes ye body of Hannah Merchant y" i"' Died Sept y" 13"' AD 1750 in y" 11"' month of her age. ^ Children of Mr Ezra & Mrs Elizabeth Merchant Here lyes y" body of Hannah Merchant ye 2"'' who died March 5"' 1755 in y' 3'" year of her age. '^' Son ol John and Jane (Liron) Mallett; his mother sister to 246. '¦" Dau. of Ezekiel and Abigail (Briscoe) Newton. '"" See 251. "' m. in 1744, Frances, dau. of Samuel and Rebecca (Pritcherd) Oviatt. '^'^ Mother was Sarah, dau. of Joseph Fenn. '" Mother was dau. of Joseph Pritchard. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 39 235 Joseph Marshall son to Mr Joseph & Mrs Abigail Marshall aged 2 years & 3 months Dec Nov y" 11"' 1739. 256 Here lyes y' bod)' of Mrs Elizabeth Moor of Boston dec"* December 29"' 1769(7) in y" 84"' year of her age. 257 Daniel ye son of John & Martha Miles Died June y" 16"' 1746. aged 3 ys II ms & 10 ds. 258 Entombed is here deposited the dear remains of Mrs Martha Miles The amiable consort of Mr John Miles who with a Christian resignation closed her eyes upon a vain world April 26"" 1797 aged 85. 259 Sacred to the memory of Isaac Miles Esqr Distinguished by manly sense Genuine integrity and firmest in Patriotism & in virtue After a life active in commerce and in Public employments A Life very useful to his family and to the Public : worn out by a long & distressing asthma borne with a singular patience He died on the 15"' of Nov 1780 in the 55"" year of his age. 260 In Memory of Miss Susanna Miles daugh' of Mr Isaac Miles Esq' who died January i6"' 1788. j€tat 36. Think what I was Think what I am Ah ! think what you must be. 261 Here lyes y' body of Sarah Miles daugh'' of Lieut Theophilus & Mrs Katherine Miles who died Sept y" 13"" 1750 in ye 21" year of her age. 262 Here lyes y' body of Theophilus son of Lieut Theophilus & Mrs Katherine Miles who dec'' Sept y' 3"* 1750 in y" 9 year of his age. •2B5 Mother, dau. of Joseph and Mary (Newton) Bryan, and sister to 61. ^" Father was son of 228 by ist husband, Daniel Miles; mother was 258. "' Dau. of Joseph and Martha (Bryan) Smith; m. Nov. 3, 1737, John, son of Daniel Miles and 228. "9 Son of Stephen and Susanna (Burwell, b. Baldwin) Miles; m. Catherine, dau. of Phineas and Rebecca Baldwin. Was with Ephriam Strong, repre sentative in first session held under the State Constitution. «» Dau. of 259. , 40 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 263 In Memory of Mrs Sarah Prince wife of Mr Theophilus Miles who departed this Life May 15 AD 1790 in the 28"' year of her age. O Death where is thy sting O Grave where is thy victory. 264 In memory of two children of Mr Theophilus & Mrs Martha Miles Susanna Miles died Septem"" 28"" 1796 aged 3 years 3 months & 12 days. Theophilus Miles Jr died October 2°" 1796 aged I year 6 months & 12 days. Fresh in the morn the Summer rose Lies withered ere tis noon Wee scarce enjoy the Balmy gift But mourn the perfume gone. 263 LEEAR ... T . E THE . ... OF MILES ME . . . IN AGED YEARS DIED OF APRIL 1697. 266 Here lyes the body of Elizabeth onley Daugh" to Mr John & Mrs Elizabeth. Merwin who Dec'' this Life July 24"" Anno Dom 1749 In 18 year of her age. 267 Here lyes y" body of Mr John Merwin Died January the 13"" 17 . . in the of his age. 268 Here lyes ye body of Mrs Elizabeth Merwin wife to Mr John Merwin aged about 69 years Died May the 16"' 1730. 269 Here lyes y' body of M" Anne Merwin wife to Mr Miles Merwin who dec* Decem*" ye 3rd 1^23 in y" 28"" year of her age. 270 Here lyes buried the body of Mr Miles Merwin who departed this Life May the 14"' 1764 in ye 45"" year of his age. ^'2 Dau. of Benjamin and Mary (Peck) Fenn, 165. ^" Mother was dau. of Thomas and Sibyl (Smith) Clark. ^^ • *'* Probably the grave of Miles Merwin, who came here in 1645, d. April 23, 1697. His wife Sarah d. March 5, 1698. ^'^ Mother, was by birth, dau. of Samuel and Martha (Baldwin) Nettleton- father, son of 267 and 268. ""s Dau. of Thomas and Phebe Canfield, the settler; m. Ist, Theophilus Baldwin in 1682, 2d, J. M. 1705; b. Feb., 1660. "9 Dau. of Ensign Joseph and Frances (Bryan) Treat. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 41 271 In Memory of Mrs Mary Merwin Relict of Mr Miles Merwin who departed this life Dec 27"" 1797 in the 75"' year of her age. 272 HERE LYETH BURIED THE BODY OF "^^SARAH NISBETT WIFE TO m'^ MVNGOW NISBETT AGED 41 YEARES DEPARTED THIS LIFE SEPTEMBER Y'^ 16 ANNO DOMNI i6g8. 273 Here lyes the body of Mr Ezekiel Newton Deceased Febry the 12"" 1728 in the 41"' year of his age. 274 Here lyes buried ye body of Mr Thomas Newton who departed this Life June y" 8"' AD 1753 in y" 72'"' year of hisage. 275 Here lyes buried the body of Mrs Mary Newton wife of Mr Thomas Newton who died March the 2g"' 1744 in the 66 year of her age. 276 Here lies buried the body of Mr Samuel Newton who Deed December ye 20"' 1728 in y" 52"'' year of his age. 277 Here lyes y« body of Mrs Phebe Newton wife to Mr Samuel Newton who deci* November y" 12"' 1727 in y" 42"'' year of her age. 278 Here lyes y" body of Joseph Newton son of Mr Samuel & Mrs Phebe Newton who dec" Feb'y 20"' 1727/g aged g years & I month. 9" Probably Mary Allyn of New Haven. 9" Dau. of Richard Bryan, the settler; m. ist, Samuel Fitch, Oct., 1678, 2d, Mvngow Nisbett, i6g6. See 421. ™ m. Abigail, dau. of Nathaniel and Mary (Camp) Briscoe, May 21, 1711. '"* Son of Samuel and Martha (Fenn) Newton. ™ Dau.of Zackariah Baldwin; m. 275, June 20,1704, sister to mother of 259. W-Son of 274 and 275. ... . • 9" Dau. of Joseph and Mary (Kellogg) Piatt, and wife of 276. 9" Son of 276 and 277. 42 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFOBD. 279 Mrs Lydia Newton wife to Mr John Newton died Oct y' 23"* in y' 86"' year of her age. 1747 280 Here lyes y" body of Mrs Martha Newton wife to Mr John Newton who Died July y» 10"' AD 1750 in y" 37"' year of her age. 280a Here lyes ye body of Mrs Phebe Newton wife to Serg'' Jonah Newton who departed this Life April ye 26"" AD 1756 in ye 36"" year of her age. 281 Here lyes the body of Mrs Elizabeth Newton died July the 5"' 1734 in the 31'' year of her age. 282 Here lyes buried ye body of Serg'e Jonah Newton who departed this Life April y" ig"' AD. 1756 in ye 42'"' year of his age. 283 This Monument is erected to the memory of Mr Jonah Newton Jr The only son of Capt Jonah & Mrs Sarah Newton who suddenly departed this mortal Life on the I"' of October I7g4 aged 18 years & one month & three days. 284 Tlie truly honorable & pious Roger Newton Esq' an officer of distinguished note in ye expeditions I70g & 1710 9'9 Dau. of Thomas Ford, the settler, 1646; m. John Newton, son ol Roger, the Pastor, April 14, 1680. *™ Dau. of Samuel and Rachel (Lambert) Smith; husband, son of 279. ¦J8O11 Djm of Joseph and Sarah Piatt ; wife of 282. 9'9 Son of 276 and 277, bro. to 278; m. Phebe, dau. Joseph and Sarah Piatt. 98' Mother was Sarah Woodruff, dau. of John and Sarah (Baldwin). 9*^ Son of Capt. Samuel and Martha (Fenn) Newton; m. 285, April 10, 1712- inscriptions on'^^tombstones in milford. 43 /or many years one ol y='i;ouncll & Col" of the Second Regititent of Militia, Judge of the Courtipf Common Pleas 33 years and he departed this Life Jany 13."' 1771 in the 87"' year of his age. His mind returned to God, intonibed here lies The part the Hero left beneath the Skies Newton as steel inflexible /rom right In Faith, in Law, in Equity, in Fight. 285 Mrs Susanna Newton relict of the Hon": Roger Newton E"i' departed this Life May 15"' AD. 1776 in the 86"' year of her age. If the days of our years Be fourscour years yet It is soon cut off & we fly away. 287 Memento more Here lyes buried the body of Lieut Fletcher Newton (Stone broken remainder lost.) 288 Here lyes the body of Mr Ezekiel Newton aged about 74 years Died May the 4"" 1734. 289 Here lyes y" body of Joseph Nettleton aged 24 years & 11 m" Died January y" 31'' 1724/5- 290 Susanna daught' to Nathan & Susanna Nettleton died Novem' 5"" 1736 in the 11"' year of her age. 291 Susanna dau' to Nathan & Susanna Nettleton aged 3 months died Jan'y y" 8 1737. 292 Benajah son to Silvanus & Mary Nettleton aged 4 months & 7 d" Died Nov' 25"' 1746. 9" Dau. of Samuel and Martha (Whiting) Bryan. See 284. 98'' Son of Roger and Abigail (Fletcher) Newton ; m. Hannah, dau. of Joseph and Mary Piatt, sister to 277. 9S9 Son of Samuel and Martha (Baldwin) Nettleton. "» Her mother 293. 9" See 2go. 992 ^jg mother was Mary, dau. of Josiah Whitmore. 44 inscriptions on tombstones in milford. 293 Here lyes buried ye body of Mrs Susannah Nettleton wife lo Mr Nathan Nettleton who departed this Life June y" 6"" AD. 1754 in y" 53 year of her age. 294 Susanna dau' of Mr Isaac & Mrs Sarah Nettleton died Sept 15"' 1774. in her 5"" year. 295 David son of Mr Isaac & Mrs Sarah Nettleton died Sept 24"' 1774 in the g"" year of his age. 296 In Memory of Isaac Nettleton who died Sept 26"" 1774 in his 12"' year Hezekiah who died Sept 27"" 1774 in his 7"" year. 297 Daniel son of Mr Isaac & Mrs Sarah Nettleton Died Oct 7"' 1774 In his 2"'' year of his age. 298 In Memory of Mr David Nettleton who departed this Life June II. I7g2 in the 2g"' year of his age. 299 In Memory of Mrs Hannah Nettleton wife of Mr Thaddeus Nettleton Died May g"" I7g7 ^61. 300 Here lyes inter" the body of Nathan Netlleton son to Miss Susanna P. Martin who died Dec 2g"' 1780 aged 6 months. Why wantthy months Inlarged toyears To dry a forsaken mothers tears. 301 Here lyes ye body of. Elizabeth Newhall wife to Eliazer Newhall Died Nov' ye 12"" 1743 in ye 37"' ' year of her age. 302 Amos Northrop (died about 1726). 99" Dau. of Joseph and Susan Plumb. 9" Children of Mr. Isaac and Mrs. Sarah Nettleton. 9»9 Dau. of Caleb and ( ) Camp. sou The mother was dau. of Rev. Ebenezer and Susanna (Plumb) Martin of Spencertown, N. Y. 300a, (a foot stone) N. N. 1746. "" No more can be deciphered; he was born in l68g, and his widow mar ried in 1729, Henry Peck; she was Mary Gunn, dau. of Jebomah. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 45 303 Here lyeth the body Joseph Northrop who died in the 50"" year of his age May 1700. 304 Here lyes y" body of Mr Jeremiah Northrop died April y" ii"" 1734 in y" 81"' year of his age. 305 David Northrop son to David & Rebecca Northrup Died ... 9. 1741 in ye I9"'(?) year of his age. 306 Rebecca Northrop dau' to David & Rebecca Northrop Died Oct ye 30"' 1738 in the 5"" year of her age. 307 Here lyes ye body of Mrs Northrop wife to Mr James Northrop aged about 42 years Died May y" 25"" 1739. 308 Here lyes ye body of John Northrop son of Mr Phenihas & Mrs Elizabeth Northrup died August y* 21" 1750 in ye 5"' year of his age. Here lyes ye body of Rachel Northrop da" of Mr Phenihas & Mrs Elizabeth Northrup died August y' 22"^ 1750 in ye 7"" year of her age. 309 Israel Northrvp son of Mr Josiah & Mrs Mary Northrvp ' Died August y' lo"" 1750 in ye 11"' year of his age. 310 In memory of Mr Ephriam Northrop who departed this Life October lo"" AD 1787 aged gi years. Sweet is the memory of the just While dying nature sleeps in dust. "" Son of Joseph and Mary (Norton) Northrop, settlers, b. Aug., 1649. '"* Bro. to 303, b. in 1654. "" and '°° Mother was dau. of Deliverance Downs. "" Husband was son of 303. '»* The mother was dau. of John and Abigail Brinsmead. See 51. Father son of 304. '»' Mother was Mary, dau. of Samuel and Esther (Baldwin) Sanford. "» Son of William and Mary (Peck) Northrop; m. Sarah; dau. of Samuel and Mercy (Smith) Gunn, Nov. 26, 1730. 46 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 311 In memory of Mrs Sarah Northrop wife to Mr Ephriam Northrop who died November i"' 1780 aged 77 years. Blessed are the dead which die in the [Lord. 312 In memory of Miss Abigail Northrup Daugh' of Mr Ephriam & Mrs Sarah Northrop who died March 20 1790 aged 59. Let not the dead forgotten be Lest you forget that you must die. 313 John Oviat Died July 17 1748 in y" 47"' year of his age. 314 Alexander, son to Alexander & Lydia Oviat died March y» 31" in y" lo"" year of his age. 1737- Dec" March the i" 1731 (?) in the 79"' year of his age. 315 Here lyes ye body of Lieut Joseph Peck 316 Content dau' to Joseph & Han . . Peck died July the 16'? 1737 in ye 4"" year of her age. 317 Edward Perit son to Peter & Abigail Perit aged I month & 3 D' Died March y" 10 1738/g. 318 Here lyes ye body of Mrs Mary Perit. wife to Mr Peter Perit who departed this life Janu'y y" I"' Anno Dom 1752 in ye 67"* year of her age. 319 In Memory of Mr Peter Perit who departed this Life April 8"' AD 1791 in the 84"" year of his age. '" Dau. of 193 and 194. *'9 Dau. of 310 and 311. "' Son of Samuel; m. Susanna Hine, dau. of John (prob.), Jan. i6, 1724. , x PVcL*\ce INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 47 320 Here lyes the body of Abner Permele Died July j'" 26"' 173 (?) in the ig"' year of his age. 321 Here lyes the body of Captain Joseph Prime Departed this Life December the 22"'' I72g in the 41" year of his age. 322 Here lyes ye body of Mr Epenetus Piatt who deci* April y» 10. 1723 in y" 27"' year of his age. 323 Here lyes the body of Hester Piatt daugh' to Richard & Hester Piatt Died December 24. 1728 in the 21" year of her age. 324 Here lyes buried ye body of Sarg' Richard Piatt who departed this Life May y' y^ A.D. 1756 in y' 42°^ year of his age. 325 In memory of Mr Richard Piatt who died Jan'y 11"' I7gg in the 57"' year of his age. A loving Husband, a tender Father Left this world to enjoy the other. 326 Sacred to the Memory of Mr Gideon Piatt who departed this Life Sept 24"' A.D. 1796 in the 63"* year of his age. in hopes of a glorious immortality Behold my friend as you pass by Returned to dust — I here do lie As I am now so you must be Prepare for death and follow me. 327 Here lies buried the body of Mrs Rachel Plum wife to Mr John Plum who dec* July y" 21"' 1723 in ye 45"' year of her age. 328 Here lies buried y" body of Mr Zuriel Plum who died March y« 24"" 1728 in y« 21"' year of his age. '99 Son of Joseph and Mary (Kellogg) Piatt. '9' Her mother was Hester, dau. of Samuel and Sarah (Baldwin) Bucking ham. '9< Son of Josiah and Esther (Buckingham) Piatt , m. Mehetable, dau. of Ebenezer Fisk. '9» Son of Richard and Mehetable (Fisk) Piatt, 324. '96 Son of Lt. Gideon and Mary (Buckingham) Piatt. '98. Son of John and Rachel Plum, 327. 48 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 329 MR ROBART PLUM DESESED DESEMBR THE 4 1703 IN THE 56"' YEAR OF HIS AGE. 330 Here lyes ye body of Mr Samuel Plumb aged 68 years died May y" ig"" 1728. 331 Here lyes ye body of Mr Joseph Plum who deceas'"" Nov ye 7"' 1742. 332 This stone is erected in Memory of Mrs Sarah Pomeroy widow of the Revi* Seth Pomeroy former minister of Greenfield she died May 6"' 1783 in the 48"' year of her age. Thou dear departed with no laboured bust Nor panegyric I insult thy dust Yet let a child with duty in arrear Say while he heaves a sigh & drops a tear The tenderest of all parents Slumbers here. 333 M . PETER I . . . D DIN MAY YEAR OF HIS AGE ANNO DOMNL 334 Here lyes y° body of M" Mary Pond, wife to M' Peter Pond, who Died June y" le"" 1761 in y° 37"' year of her Age. 335 In Memory of Charles Pond who died May 18. 1832 aged 88. He was a good Husband; A kind Parent; A pattern of industry; | An actor in the revolution And through Life, Liberty's friend. '9» Son of Robert and Mary (Baldwin) Plumb, settlers 1639; m. Ruth Fitch widow Thomas, by birth Clark. ^'9 Dau. of Gov. Jonathan and Eunice (Hall) Law. See 238 and 8, her husband, son of ( ) Graduate of Yale 1753. "' Probably Peter, son of Samuel and Grace (Judson) Prudden, died May ig, 1705. "* By birth Mary Hubbard. "° Son of 334; m. ist 336, 2d Catherine, sister of 154. * ir^ f^s ^t-T' 2, ^ a ^ ri rr ''^ ^ ^, "- -s^Ti$^-v>w- ir C5 *-' cfl c/N^«* ^ >*5 ^l t ^ ^ . ^> ^*k ^rf> *¦' T*\ r^ ^ ^ ^*^ ¦itT' ?5 «-. »rf^ c a ^ l-> ex ifc^^^Bl^cBmte,SJ 5^\'> ^-"^ - l^&e^^'^^":':^^:. :r^,>*'-^^'.;A^r.^^' 'ri.^Sf®* -111% -••„;»" M^-^'" -^Q^ T" mm -.;5,s«sai INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 49 336 Entombed is here deposited the dear remains of Mrs Martha Pond the amiable consort of Capt Chas Pond who with a Christian resignation closed her eyes upon a vain world May the 2g"' I7g7 aged 57. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord even so saith the Spirit for they rest from their labors & their works shall follow them. 337 In memory of Charlotte Pond Dau" of Mr Charles & Mrs Martha Pond who died July 8 1772 aged ig days. 338 Here lyes buried y' body of William Powell son of Capt William Powell & Mrs Rebecca his wife who dec" April y" 12"" A.D. 1755 in y° 6"" year of his age. 339 Here lyes ye body of Abigail Prince dau" to Mr Josiah Prince & Abigail his wife aged 3 years 6 ¦""' 21 days Died July y" 14 I72g. 340 Here lyes y" body of Capt Josiah Prince who departed this Life December the 22"'' 1729 in the 41"' year of his age. 341 Here lyes interred ye body of Mrs Sarah Prince dau' of Capt Josiah Prince & Mrs Abigail his wife died Oct' y" I'' 1750 in the 23'" year of her age. 342 Here lyes ye body of Howell Prince son of Mr Samuel & Mrs Abigail Prince Died Nov' ye 7"' 1751 in ye 2°'' year of his age. 343 Sibel dau' to Roger & Sarah Pritchard who died Dec . . . in ye 2nd year of her age. 344 Hannah Prichard dau" to Roger & ™ Dau. of John and Martha (Smith) Miles (258), mother of Gov. Charles Hobby Pond. '" See 335 and 336. ™ See 340. ^'' Son of Gamaliel Prince and bro. to 164; m. Abigail, dau. of Samuel and Martha (Whiting) Bryan, sister to 285; his widow m. as 2d wife, John Fowler. '" Dau. of 340. "^^ Father was bro. to 345. 50 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. Hannah Prichard aged ab' 20 years Died Aug 1738. 345 Here lyes y" body of Mr Benjamin Prichard Died April ye g"" 1743 in ye 66'-^ year of his age. 346 Here lyes buried ye body of Mr Samuel Prudden who departed this Life Octo"' 17"' AD 1742. Aged 6g years & 2 mos. 347 Here lyes ye body Grace Prudden Daugh' of Mr Samuel & Mrs Hannah Prudden who died Novi" 18. 1742 aged 20 years & i month. 348 Here lyes buried ye body of John Prudden who departed this Lile Jany 16"' AD 1762 in y' gjiid year of his age. 349 Here lyes intere'd the body of the Rev Mr Job F'rudden late worthy Pastor of the Church of Christ in the second society Milford. He had his education at Yale College in New Haven & continued in the work of the Minist ry almost 27 years. A bountiful benefactor to mankind well belo ved in his Life and much lamented at his death which happened on the 23'" day of June Anno Domni 1774 in the sg"" year of his age. 350 Here lyes ye body of Sibella Prudden daugh' of Mr John & Mrs Mary Prudden who died June 4"' 1740 aged 7 years 10 months & 4 day". »*' Son of Roger (the settler of 1653) and Elizabeth Slough, who was dau. to James, the bro. of Peter Prudden, the pastor. '" Son of Samuel and Grace (Judson) Prudden; m. Hannah, dau. of Thomas and Hannah ( ) Clark. *" Dau. of 346. **' Son of Samuel and Grace (Judson) Prudden, bro. to 346; m. Mary, dau. of Samuel and Mary (Clark) Clark; father of 353 and 349. *" Son of 348; m. Esther, dau. of Nathaniel and Rebecca (Burwell) Sher man, whose sister m. Joseph Bellamy. "° Sister of 349. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFOBD. 51 351 In memory of Samuel Prudden who in prospect of a better world departed this mortal Life August I4"> 1774. in the 67"' year of his age. Unshaken as the Sacred hill And firm as mountains be Firm as a rock the soul shall rise That leans O Lord on thee. in the 7g"' year of his age. 352 In memory of Hannah Prudden wife of John Prudden who died Oct 7"" 1790 aged 73 years. 353 In memory of John Prudden who died Sept 3. 1786 354 This monument is erected to perpetuate the memory of Mr Joseph Prudden who departed this Lile January 16"' 1775 in the 30"' year . of his age. Death is a debt to nature due Which I must pay & so must you. 355 In memory of Sarah Prudden who with a happier world in view depar ted this mortal state July 27"' 1788 in the 80"" year of her age. Our age to seventy years is set How short the term how frail the stale And if to Eighty we arrive We rather sigh & groan than live. 356 In memory of Sarah and Anne Prudden daughters of Mr Samuel & Mrs Anne Prudden They were lovely & pleasant in their lives and in their death they were not divided Seized by a distemper which baffled human eflTorts they suddenly departed this Life on the 26"' of January 1788 the former in the 6"" & the latter in the 4"' year of her age. "" Son of Samuel and Hannah (Clark) Prudden; m. Sarah, dau. of Joseph and Sarah (Smith) Beard. '" Dau. of Fletcher and Hannah (Piatt) Newton, 287. ^- "' Son of John and Mary (Clark) Prudden, 348; m. 352. '" Son of 351 and 355. '" Dau. of Joseph and Sarah (Smith) Beard; m. Samuel Prudden, Feb. 25, 1742. See 351. 52 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 357 Sacred to the memory of Mrs Anne Prudden ihe amiable consort of Mr Samuel Prudden who departed this Life May 15"" 1794 aged 35 years. Death thou hast conquered me I by thy dart am slain But Christ will conquer you & I shall rise again. 358 Katherine dau' to Daniel & Mary Rilum died March 1740 in y" 17"' year of her age. 359 Here lieth the body of William Robarts who departed this Life in the 72°" year of his age August 6 i58g. 3CO Ann Rogers dau' to Lieut Joseph & Sarah Rogers Died Feb y" i8"> 1733 in y" 18"' year of her age. 361 Here lyes interr'd the body of Lieu' Joseph Rogers who departed this Life June y" 6"' AD 1754 in y' 83 year of his age. 362 Here lyes ye body of Mrs Sarah Rogers wife of Lieu' Joseph Rogers who died Sept y» i" 1750 aged 72 years. 363 Here lyes ye body of Joseph son of Mr Joseph & Mrs Elizabeth Rogers who died Sept 21 1750 in y" g"" year of his age. 364 Here lyes ye body of Ann daughter of Mr^Joseph & Mrs Elizabeth Rogers who dec" March 13"' 1746 aged 7 days. 365 Here lyes ye body of Ann daugh' of Mr '«» Child of 361 and 362. ''" Husband of 362, son of Eliazer and Elizabeth Rogers. -s«9 Dau. of Samuel and Mary (Clark) Clark. -363 Mother was Elizabeth, dau. of Nathan and Elizabeth (Fowler) Clark 3" See 363. »«5 See 363. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 53 Joseph & Mrs Elizabeth Rogers who dec'' Sept y" 30"' 1750 in ye jnd year of j^gr age. 366 Here lies the body of Nathan son of Mr Joseph & Mrs Elizabeth Rogers who died May y« 3"! 1745 aged 5 months. 367 Here lies entombed the body of Mrs Sally Rogers the amiable consort of Capt Josiah Rogers who departed this Life Sept 25"" 1799 in the 23"' year of her age. The Rose that flourish in the morn But little knows its doom My Sally is tfiken from my arms and hastened to the Tomb Unto the mighty power of death Its hard to be resigned But Jesus calls & I must go And leave my friends behind. 368 Here lyes ye body of Ephriam Sanford Died April y« 15"' 1728 in y" 52 year ol his age. 369 Here lyes buried ye body of Mrs Hannah Sanford wife to Mr Samuel Sanford who deceased January ye j^th iy26. aged 51 years. 370 Here lyes the body of Thomas Sanford aged about 43 years Died Oct 18. 1731. 371 Here lyes buried ye body of Capt Andrew Sanford who departed this Life April 23'" Anno Dothni 1747. in ye 73'" year of his age. 372 Here lyes ye body of Elijah Sanford son of Mr Andrew & Mrs Andrew Sanford who dec'* March 20"' 1737 in ye ig"" year of his age. '^' See 363. '" Dau. of Samuel and Sarah (Peck) Andrews ; husband was son of Timothy and Eunice (Hammond) Rogers of New London. "' Son of Ephraim and Mary ( ) Sanford. '" Dau. of Nathaniel and Hannah (Botchford) Baldwin, b. July 11, 1674. '™ Son of Samuel and Hannah Bronson. '" Son of Andrew and Mary (Botchford) Sanford; m. Margaret. »" Son of 371. 5 54 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 373 Here lyes ye body of Mary Sanford wife to John Sanford aged 26 years & ig days. Dec'' Julyy" 2g"' 1744. 374 Here lyes interr'd y" body of Cornet David Sanford who departed this Life Jan'y ye 16"" AD 1751 in ye 41"' year of his age. 375 He lyes ye body of Mary Sanford Dau" of Mr Samuel & Mrs Ann Sanford who died July 23 AD 1746 aged 7 months & ig days. 376 Here lyes ye body of Mr John Smith Deses''* Jany 8, 1732 in ye 87'" year of his age. 377 Mrs Ruth Smith wife to Mr John Smith died June y» 16"' 1749 In y" 68"' year of her age. 378 HERE LIES YE BOD . . RUI WIFE TO MR JOHN SMITH . GED . . YEARS DIED .AY y" 31 . 30. 379 Here lyes ye body of Mr John Smith who depart|ed this Life May y« 14"' AD 1751 aged 77 y^ars. 380 Here lyes ye body of Phebe wife to Mr John Smith aged 74 years died May ye jid 1730. 381 Here lyes ye body of Mr Timothy Smith Died March y" 2"'' 1739 '" )•' 71"' year of his age. ''" Dau. of Jesjp and "•• Son of Samuel and .ry (Gijlet) Lambert; m. Sept. 14, 1743, son of 371. rftiV { ) Sanford. '"¦ Mother was dau. of Joseph and Susanna ( ) Plumb. "« Son of John the settler, baptized Sept., 1646; husband of 380. "' Dau. of James and Sarah (Wheeler) Briscoe, wife of 37g. James and Sarah (Wheeler) Briscoe; wife of 37g. "9 Son of John and Phebe (Canfield) Smith, see 380 ; m. Ruth, dau. of "^ Dau.of Thomas and Phebe Canfield, settlers; baptized March, 1656; m. Jan. 23, 1673. to 376. '*' Husband of 386. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFOBD. 55 382 Memento Mori Here lyeth interr'd ye body of Mrs Anna. Smith wife to Mr Ebenezer Smith who died Sept*" y° 27"' AD 1750 in y' 56"" year of her age. 383 Anna Smith daugh'" of Mr Ebenezer Mrs Anna Smith Dec'' December ye 29"' 1726 in y» 4"' year of her, age. 384 Hete lyes infer'ed ye body of Elias Smith only son of Mr Samuel I & Mrs Margaret Smith Died July y' 25"' AD 1749 aged 17 years. 385 Here lyes interr'd ye body of Mrs Margaret Smith wife to Mr Samuel Smith Died Augu" ye 20"' AD 1750 aged 53 years. 386 Memento raori Here lyes y" body of Mrs Elizabeth Smith wife to Mr Timothy Smith who departed this Life August y* 27"" 1750 aged 77 years. 387 Here lyes ye body of Mr Ebenezer Smith who departed this Life August ye 31'' Anno Domni 1750 in the 33'" year of his age. 387 a Phebe dau' to Ebenezer & Phebe Smith aged I year & 5 mos Died March 2"^ 1746. 388 Here lies buried the body of Mr Benjamin Smith Jr who died Sept' y' 22"" 1749 '" ye 3^"" year of his age. '" Dau. of William and Anna (Beard) Fowler; sister to 385; husband, son of Benjamin and Sarah (Haughton) Smith. '" Dau. of 382. '84 His mother, 385; bro. of 158. '" Dau. of William and Anna (Beard) Fowler, see 17 8; husband, son of Benjamin and Mary (Baldwin) Smith. '" Dau. of Edward and Rebecca (Smith) Wilkinson ; Rebecca Smith was dau.of Henry Smith of Stamford. '" Bro. of 388 and m. Phebe Canfield. Aug. 10, 1742. '"» See 387. "' Son of Timothy and Elizabeth (Wilkinson) Smith; m. Mehetable Botch ford, dau. of Samuel, June 16, 1747. 56 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFOBD. 389 Benjamin son of Mr Ebenezer & Mrs Phebe Smith who died Sept ye 7"' I75g aged 8 months. 390 Here lyes ye body of Cumfort Smith daugh" of Mr Benjamin & Mrs Mehetable Smith Died Dec' y' 13 1750 in y" 7"' month of her age. Sleep on my lovely babe and take thy rest For Jesus Christ has called you [hence because he thought it best. 391 Here lyes ye body of Ephriam son of Mr Ephriam & Mrs Sarah Smith who dec'' Sept ye [Stone iroien.] 4 mo Dec* March ye 25"" 1736. 393 of Here lyes ye body of Ammiel Smith who died July 21" 1750 aged 5 years I mo & 21 d' Here lyes ye body Beard Still Smith who died July 28"' 1750 aged 12 years.& 16 days. The children of Mr John & Mrs Mary Smith. 394 Susanna Smith dau to Mr Joseph & Mrs Mary Smith 395 In memory of Mr Nehemiah Smith who departed this Life May y' 23"* I78g in the 70"" year of his age. Let not the dead forgotten be Lest you forget that you must die. 392 Beard Smith son to Mr John & Mrs Mary Smith aged 2 years 396 Here lyes ye body of Mr Samuel Smith Died .... I74g year of his age. 397 This Monument is erected to the memory of Mr James Smith '69 See 387. "" See 388. '99 Mother was dau. of Jeremiah Beard, see 43 and 44. '" 3g2. »»< Stone broken. '^^ Son of Nehemiah and Elizabeth (Piatt) Smith. 39« Probably husband of 385. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 57 son of Mr Joel & Mrs Mary Smith who departed this Life Aug' 31"' AD I7g6 aged 21 years. Stop gentle reader Drop a inournfull tear Over a youth who was like you But now lies buried here Who in his blooming youth was cut down And from his frjends & parents now is gone. 398 M"s CLEMANT SMITH DIED SEPTE MBER THE 20 i6g5 IN THE . 6 YEAR . . HER . . . 399 Here lyes ye body of Ezekiel Stone Son to Mr Ezekiel & Mrs Hannah Stone Died July y» 17"' I728 in y» 17"' year of his age. 400 In memory of Mr Ezekiel Stone who died Novemb' ye 22"'' 1744 in y« 65"" year of his age. 401 John son of Mr John & Mrs Susanna Stone who dec* Augu" 2g AD 1750 in y' 5"' year of his age. 402 Sarah dau' of Mr S. Mansfield & Mrs Sarah Stone died October 18"" 1773 aged 5 years & 2 months. Sleep lovely babe & take thy rest God called thee home Because he saw it best. 403 Here lyes ye body of Mrs Joanna Stone wife to Mr John Stone '99 Mother was dau. of John and Mary (Welch) Merwin. *"' Son of John and Susanna (Newton) Stone. ¦"" See 400. *»9 Mother was dau. of Samuel and Hannah (Jennings) Peck. ¦"" Dau. of James and Joanna (Prudden) Fenn; husband m. 2d, Jan. 14, 1742, Susan Mansfield of New Haven. 58 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFOBD. <;¦¦' J died May y" ig"" 1741 in y" 25"' year of her age. 404 In memory of Mrs Eleanor Stone relict of Mr Joseph Stone who departed this Life August g"" 1798 in the 78"' year of her age. 403 Here lyes ye body of lohn Strong son to Mr Ephriam & Mrs Mary Strong died April y" 14. 1734 in y" ig year of his age. 406 Here lyes ye body of Mr Daniel TERRELL aged 67 years Died June y» lo"" 1727. 407 Memento Mori Here lyes interr'' ye body of Mr Thomas Tibballs who departed this Life Sept'" ye I"' Anno Dom' 1750 aged 71 years. 408 Here lyes ye body of Samuel Tibballs only son of Mr Samuel & Mrs Ruth Tibballs deC" Jan y' l" 1752 in ye 27"' year of his age. 409 Here lyes ye body of Mrs . . . Tibbols wile to Mr Samuel Tibbols who departed this Life March 25 1767 in ye 71" year of her age. 410 Here lyes ye body of Eliakim son of Mr Josiah & Mrs Mary Tibballs died Sept' ye 4"" 1750 in ye id"" year of her age. 411 Here lyes the body of Mary dau" of Mr Josiah & Mrs Mary '~i — 40J By birth Eleanor Beach, dau. of Thomas and Hannah. _ •"" His mother was Mary Briscoe, dau.of Nathaniel, widow of Samuel?' Buckingham. E. S. her second husband. ¦""Son of Roger, the settler; m. ist, Mary, dau. of Thomas and Ruth . (Clark) Filch, ol Norwalk; 2d, Abigail Bristol in 1712. *" Son of Thomas and Abigail (Stream) Tibballs ; m. ist, Sarah, dau. of Nathaniel Briscoe, 2d Ann, dau. of Josiah Arnold. *"' Mother was Ruth Rogers, dau. ol John. *"* Probably Ruth Rogers by birth. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFOBD. Tibballs who died Sept' y' g"" 1750 in y« gtii year of her age. 59 412 In memory of Mrs Mehetable wife of Mr Samuel Tibballs who^died 2"^ March 1774 aged 22 years. Behold & see as you pass by As you are now so once was I As I am now so you must be Prepare for death & follow me Here doth my body rest in dust Till my Redeemer come With him lie live & spend a long Eternity at home. 413 In memory of Mr Josiah Tibbals who died the 2'"' day of February 1790 aged 81 years also Mrs Mary Tibbals his wife who died the aS"" day of November 1798 in the 86". year of her age. 414 Sacred to Mrs Polly Tibballs the amiable consort of Capt Samuel Tibbals who departed this Life March 17. 1790 aged 37 years & 8 mos. Death thou' hast conquered me I by thy dart am slain But Christ will conquer you And I shall rise again. *l6 In memory of Mr Lemuel Tibbals who died the ii"" day of May 1816 aged 76 years. Also Mrs Mary Tibbals his wife who died the 6"" day of October 1798 aged 50 years. 416 HERE LYETH INTERRED THE BODY OF COLt ROBERT TREAT ESr WHO FAITHFULLY SERUD THIS COLONY IN THE POST OF GOVERNOVR AND DEPUTY GOVERNOVR NEAR Y» SPACE OF THIRTY YEARS AND ATT Y» AGE OF FOVR SCORE AND EIGHT YEARS EXCHANGED THIS LIFE FOR A BETTER JULY 12 ANNO DOM : 1710. ^•9 Dau. of Jesse and Anna (Peck) Lambert; husband was son of Arnold and Dorothy (Thompson) Tibballs. *" Husband, son of Josiah and Bethiah (Miles) Tibbals ; wife, dau. of Samuel and Abigail (Baldwin) Terrill. , *'¦' His 2d wife;.dau. of Benjamin and Ann (Piatt) Bull. *" Son of 413; wife was dau. of Aaron and Mary Fenn. *" Son of Richard Treat; m. ist, Jane, dau. of Edmond Tapp, 417; m. 2d, Elizabeth, widow of Richard Bryan. 60 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFOBD. 417 420 1703 Here lyes buried HEERE ye body of LIETH INTERRD Mr Robert Treat MRS JANE TREAT who dec" March 20"' . AGED 75 YEARS Ann" Dom"' 1720 in y AND DIED THE 67 year of his age. LAST .... * 421 417 a Mrs Franceas [Foot Stone.] Treat wile to . BB M Mr Joseph Tret ; TANE Died Septemb' TREATE. the 21 1703. in the 36"' year of her age. 418 HEER LIETH THE BODY 422 OF MRS ELIZABETH Here lyes the TREAT WHO body ol Mrs DIED FEBUWARY Jean Trtat THE 10: 170. who dec" Nov*" AGED 68. ye ,2tli 1723 in y" 22°'' year of her age. 419 Here lyes buried the body of 423 Capt Joseph Treat Here lyes ye who departed this Lile body of Mr ig" g'"" Anno Dom"' 1721 in John Treat ye jgth year of his age. who dec" Novem"" *" By birth, Jane Tapp, dau. of Edmond and Ann ; she died the last of April, 1703, say town records. ^" Born dau. of Elder Michael Powell of Boston; m. ist, Richard HoII- ingsworth, Aug. 23, i65g; 2d, Richard Bryan, the settler and merchant of 1639; 3d, Gov. Robert Treat. *" Son of Gov. Robert and Jane (Tapp) Treat; m. ist, 421; 2d, Nov. 8, 1705, Elizabeth Merwin. ^ '90 Son of Gov. Robert and Jane (Tapp) Treat; m. Abigail Camp, dau. of Nicholas, about 1687, 429. *9' Dau. of Richard and Mary Bryan, settlers 1639, sister to 272. ¦¦99 Dau. of 419 and 421. *9' Son of 419 and 421; bro. 422. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFOBD. 61 the 20"' 1723 in Ihe ad"" year of his age. 424 In memory of Robert Treat Esq' a Gentleman of learning & Integrity who acted his part worthily in private life & in various public employments till he clo sed the Scene Sept' 16"' 1770 in his 75"" year. Useful in Life at death Lamented The small & the great are there. 425 In memory of Mr Robert Treat who died August 10"' 1807 aged 76, Our friend is dead a solemn sound Although we hope In Christ he's found. 426 In memory of Mrs Mary Treat wife of Mr Robert Treat who died Aug 29 I79g ^66. Attend poor mortals grieve no more No more lament thy departed friend Her soul is wafted to a happier shore Where every sorrow every trouble end. 427 Here lyes buried the body of Mr Samuel Treat who departed this Life April 28"' 1753 in ye j^th year of his age. 428 Here Ij'es buried ye body of Mrs Anna Treat wife to Mr Samuel Treat who departed this Life Decem*" 12"" 1731 in y" 23"' year of her age. 429 Here lieth buried the body of Mrs Abigail Treat relict of Mr Robert Treat who departed this Life March 20"' AD 1742 aged 74 years. 430This stone was erected in memory of ¦•9* Son of Robert and Abigail (Camp) Treat; m. Jane, dau. of Bethuel and Hannah (Buckingham) Langstaff. ¦•9* Son of Robert and Jane (Langstaff) Treat; m. 426. «• Dau. of Thomas and Mary (Piatt) Clark *9' Son of Robert and Abigail (Camp) Treat. '98 Probably Ann, dau. of Samuel Clark. ^---' "' Dau. of Nicholas Camp 2d, 125. *" Son of Robert, 420 and Abigail, 42g, Treat; m. ist, Martha 431; 2d, '432. 62 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFOBD. Mr Jonathan Treat , who departed this Life May 31" 1779. aged 78 years. Think mighty, God on feeble man How few his hours, how short his Span. Short from the cradle to the grave Who can secure his vital breath, Against the cold demands of Death With skill to fly or power to save. 431 In Memory of Martha y° wife of Mr Jonathan Treat who dec^ Jany 12"" AD 1752 in y» 46"" year of her age. 432 In memory of Ann wife of Jonathan Treat who died Dec' AD. 1801 aged 82 years. 433 In memory of Samuel Treat Esqr whose piety was early and unaffected His benevolence pure & universal In Serving his generation constant & unweried As a civil oflScer. A Minister of God for good Faithful and endearing in friendship An example of conjugal & paternal affection In prospect of a better state He suddenly departed this Life, August the 17"" 1787 in the sg"" year of his age. All, All, on earth is shadow, all beyond Is substance, the reverse is folly's creed. How solid all where change shall be no more. " I hear the Voice ! ye dead arise And lo the graves obey And wakening Saints with joyful eyes Salute the expected day." 434 Here lyes buried ye body of Mrs ; Hannah Treat wife to Mr Joseph Treat who departed this Life May 25"' Anno Dom"' 1733 in y° 32"" year of her age. "' Dau. of Thomas and Martha (Clark) Clark; b. Jan., 1706. -^ — . "9 Daii. of Samuel and Ruth (Rogers) Tibbals; b. April, 1719. '" Son of Samuel and Anna "rreat, 427 and 428; m. Francis Bryan, dau, of Richard and Sarah, 438, June 27, 1751. *" Dau. of Johrl and Sarah Buckingham; husband was son 4ig, by 1st wife. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 63 435 In memory of Deacon Joseph Treat who departed this Life July 27"' AD I7gi in the 69 year of his age. Blessed are the dead who die in the [Lord. 436 In memory of Mrs Mary Treat wife of Deacon Joseph Treat who died July 2°'' 1803 M 78. Hear what the voice from Heaven proclaim For all the pious dead Sweet is the memory of their name And soft their sleeping bed. 437 Here lyeth buried the body of Mr Jonathan Treat only son & only child of Mr Jonathan & Mrs Martha Treat & great grandson of Gov Treat who departed this life Aug"' y" 22°'' AD. 1746 aged 18 years six months & 6 days. 438 In Memory of Mrs Frances Treat wife of Samuel Treat Esq who died June 13. 1806 JE 80. Behold I lie as you pass by As you are now so once was I As I am now, so you must be And so prepare to follow me. 439 In memory of Tente daughter of Robert & Content Treat who died July 21'' 1794 aged 2 years & 8 months. 440 In memory of Jule Treat daughter of Mr Joseph & Mrs Rebecca Treat who departed this Life De cember 14 1795 in the 8"' year of her age. Christ called at Midnight as 1 lay In thirty hours was turned to clay. '" Son of Joseph and Hannah (Buckingham) Treat; m. 436. *" Dau. of John and Elizabeth (Canfield) Merwin. <" Son of 430 and 431. *" Second wife, dau. of Richard and Sarah (Treat) Bryan. **° Mother was dau. of Joseph arid Rebecca Downs. 64 INSCEIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFOBD. 441 In memory of Mrs Jane Treat Daughter of Capt Joseph & Mrs Clement Treat who died August the 14"" 1785 in the 46"' year of her age. 442 In memory of Mrs Susanna Treat the amiable and virtuous consort of Capt Isaac Treat who departed this Life Feb'y 1772 in the 36"* year of her age. Her flesh shall slumber in the ground Till the last trumpets joyful sound Then burst the band with sweet surprise And in hSr Saviours image rise. 443 Sacred to the memory of Miss Susanna the only child of Capt Isaac Treat who died greatly lamented ig" Nov' 1777 aged 7 years. Her morning sun which rose divinely bright Is quickly covered with 444 In memory of David Treat son of Mr David & Mrs Mehetable Treat , who died Feby y^ I7g7. aged 2 years & 20 days. Rest lovely babe thy toils are at an end Returned to God, thy Saviour & thy friend. ¦"' Mother, dau. of Gideon and Sarah (Hunt) Buckingham, see 73. '•" Dau. of Thomas and Susanna (Woodruff) Clark . *" Mother was Mehetable, dau. of Joseph and Hannah (Buckingham) Piatt. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORd. 66 445 Here lyes ye body of Mrs Macy Treat wife to Mr Philo Treat who deceas'* July y» 31" 1758 iny" 27"' year of her age. Sleep on my dearest and take thy rest Thy maker has called thee home Because he thought it best. 446 Here lyes ye body of Mr Richard Treat son to Capt Joseph & Mrs Clement Treat who died April 8"" 1760 in y« 25 year of his age. 447 Here lyes bried y« body of Gideon y" son of Capt Joseph & Mrs Clement Treat who died October ye lo" 1746 in y» 10"' year of his age. 440 This monument sacred to the memory of Mr John Treat who in hopes of a glorious Immor tality departed this Life Oct*" ig"" AD I7g4 in the 63"' year of his age. Though Earth to Earth & dust to dust return And silent sorrow sits to guard the urn Yet moves the soul through Ether unconfin'd Thrice happy state of the immortal mind While angel guards lead on their shining way To fairer mansions of unclouded day In bliss to dwell till the last trump shall sound Shall cleave the skies, and shake the solid ground The Elect redeemed shall wing their aerial flight To reign forever in the realms of light. 450 This monument erected in reme mbrance of Ephriam Uffott who departed this Life Sept' 4"" A Domoni 1774 jEtat 66. Death great propriator of all tis thine to tread out Empire and to quench the skies. Young. "' By birth, Mercy Hull of Bridgeport ; m. June, 1655; her husband was son of 424. "^ Bro. lo 441 and 447. / ¦"' Son of Samuel and Buelah (Jennings) Treat; m. Ann, dau. of Richard and Sarah (Treat) Bryan, see 438. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFOBD. 451 In memory of Mr Nathaniel Wallace of Litchfield who died in this town on his return home from Virginia October lo"' 1785 in the 33"' year of his age. 452 Ruth Wheeler died September the 27 in the 42°'' YEAR OF HER AGE 1705.453 MR WILLIAM WHEELER DIED NOVEMBER THE . . in THE 4 YEAR OF HIS AGE. 454 THOMAS WH EELER DIED . A . RI THE .... 455 REBECAH WHEELER DIED MARCH THE .... 456 In memory of Dt Elisha Whiting AM who departed this Life March the ii"" 1766* aged 37 years. 457 In memory of Dr Samuel Whittlesy A.M. a young gentle man endowed with good Natural abilities & furn ished by education for public service but (such was the pleasure of righte ous Heaven) he departed this Life in the 31"' year of his age Feb 9 1776. 458 Memoriae sacrum Reverendi Samuelis Whittlesey V D M CoUegii Yalensis et Harvardini Honoribus exornati "9 b. Ruth Smith; m, Wm. Wheeler, April 10, 1682. ¦"' Town records say Wm. Wheeler died Nov. 12, 1705. ¦'" Probably son of Thomas and Joanna Wheeler, b. July, 1650. "' Dau. of 452 and 453. "* Son of Joseph and Hannah (Trowbridge) Whiting; m. Esther, dau. of John and Mary (Camp) Herpin, 2lg. ¦"'¦' m. Mary, dau. of Dr. Hubbard, of New Haven, Ct. ; she m. 2d Rev Lewis, of Rocky Hill, Ct. *" Son of Rev. Samuel and Sarah (Chauncy) Whittlesey, of Y. C. I72g; m. Sept. 21, 1743, Susanna Newton, dau. of 284 and 285. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES LN MILFOBD. 67 cujus Virtutes, Pietas et Res gestae proprio Splendor ubiq enttescunt cujus labor perennis /idufq : de facris per annos Iriginta et supra inter incolas Milfordiensis Honorem jure vendicat Denique ab omnibus lerrenis Amicis oflSciis ac Honoribus Morte abreptus est anno .lEtatis 56'" die Octobris 22''° et anno Domini MDCCLXVIII. 439 Here lyes the body of John Wilkinson aged 37 years Dec" July the lo"" 1729. 460 Here lyes the body of Mrs Hannah Wilkinson wife to Mr John Wilkinson Died January 23"' 1733/4 in the 37"" year of her age. 461 MR THOMAS DIED FEBEWAR THE 20 IN THE 46 YE R OF HIS AGE IN 17 462 Here lyes the body of Mr Thom"" Welch husband M" Sarah Welch who dec'' this Life September the first Anno Domni 1748 in the 58"" year ol his age. 463 Here lyes buried the body of Mrs Sarah Welch wife to Mr Thomas Welch aged near 36 years Departed this life October y« 27"" 1740. 464 John son of Mr Thomas & Mrs Mary Welch to the Smallpox a victim June 6 1774 in his 20"' year. 465 In memory of Mr Fitch Welch '^9 Son of Edward and Rebecca (Smith) Wilkinson ; m. Hannah, dau. of Bethuel Langstaff, Jan., 1717, see 460. ¦"» Dau. of Bethuel and Hannah (Buckingham) Langstaff. *" Son ol Thomas Welch, the settler, and he died 1704; m. Elizabeth. "9 Son of 461, and husband 463. ¦"' Dau. of Zachariah and Sarah (Fitch) Whitman. "» Son of 462 and 463; ra. Martha, dau. of Thomas Clark. - ' 68 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFOBD. who departed this Life Octo' 12"' 1787 aged 52 years. In vain we mourn & drop these friendly tears Death & the grave have neither Eyes nor Ears. 466 Here lyes buried ye body of Capt John Woodruff who dec" July 23 Anno Domni 1726 in ye -3rd year of his age. 467 In memory ol Joseph Woodruff Esq who departed this Life Janu'y y" 20"' 1766 in y" 61" year of his age. 468 In memory of Mr Nehimiah Woodruff who departed this Life May y" 8"' 1769 in y" 33 year of his age. 469 Sacred to the memory of Capt Enoch Woodruff who departed this Life March 5 1786 as' 44. A Gentleman of abilities in the office he sustained ' A Capt of the troop of horse of New Haven Distinguished for his many amiable qualifications In his public devotions he was attentive & devout He was cheerful, kind, affable and obliging In his charity liberal Feeling the misfortunes of others Making a proper distinction between the true objects of compassion and the undeserving In his business & employment in Life He was diligent Honest in his dealings Punctual in the performance of his engagements And faithful in his promises. Who feels a wound the dying friend imparts When the last pang divides two fond hearts. ¦"8 Son of Matthew and Mary (Plumb) Woodruff; m. Mary, dau. of Joseph Piatt, Dec. 22, l6g8. «' Son of 466; m. Phebe, dau. of Samuel Newton, Jan. 22, 1729, see 276 and 277. ' Son of 467, probably never married. *'9 Son of John and Sarah (Baldwin) Woodruff; m. Mary, dau. of Joseph and Mary Treat, see 435; his widow m. Capt. Enoch Newton, of Woodbridge. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MiLFORD. 69 470 In memory of two amiable chil dren of Mr. Matthew & Mrs. Esther Woodruff Benjamin Woodruff who died Novem ber 14 AD 1793 in the 11"' year of his age also David Woodruff who died Novem ber 15 AD 1793 aged 3 years 11 months & 25 days. Swept with an hasty torrent hence Like a vain dream we pass Spring up & grow & wither soon As does the short lived grass. 471 In Memory of ^Mr. David Botsford who departed this Life January 20, I7g6. in the 83"' Year ol his age. 472 Here Lyes Buried the body of M'r SAMUEL BRISCOE who departed this Life April 12 1756 in y" 79"' Year of his age 473 In Memory of Mrs ABIGAIL BRISCOE wife of Mr SAMUEL BRISCOE who departed this Life Aug'' 19"* 1773 in her 86"" Year ' 474 Here lyes Buried the Body of M' NATHAN BRISCOE who departed this Life May the 22"" 1769 in y" 52"" Year of his Age 475 Here lyes the Body of Martha Burwell Daugh" of M' Samuel Burwell & M" Abigail his wife who died Noum"" y« 13"' AD 1750 in y" 20"' Year of her age 476 In Memory of DAVID BURN son of M' DAVID & M" ABIGAIL BURN who, Died July 27"" 1793 in the ii"" year of his age *''" Mother was dau. o£ Benjamin and Esther (Baldwin) Bull. «i Son of Samuel B. <" Son of Nathaniel & Mary (Camp) Briscoe m. i"' Ruth Smith dau. of Ephriam in 1707. *" Dau. of Josiah & Sarah (Canfield) Piatt m. 472, July 3, 1712. "* Son of 472 and 473. ¦"s Mother was Abigail Goodyear of West Haven. *" Son ol 97- 69ffl INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFOBD, 477 In Memory of M' JONATHAN LAW who departed this Life September 24"' 1790 in the 85 Year of his age Sweet is the memory of the life While dying Nature sleeps in Dust • 478 MR ZECHARIAH SANFORD DIED DESEMBR THE 27 YEAR OF HIS AGE ~ 479 Here lyes Buried the body of Cap' JOHN WOODRUFF who departed this Life Febry the 3'" 1768 in y" es"" Year of his Age Add to 283 As a son and a brother, He was dutiful & affectionate As a friend and Companion peculiarly endearing and agreeable But neither his own amiable qualities Nor the ardent affection, nor the raised Expectations of his friends Could secure him from a submission (in early Life) to the stroke of All conquering Death Swept with a hasty torrent hence Like a vain dream we pass Spring up and grow and wither soon As doth the short lived grass Alas its gone and quickly too When blasting winds go o're And then the place on which it grew Shall never know it more *'¦" Son of Gov' Law by 2"" wife Abigail Arnold — Married Eunice dau. Samuel Andrew in 1738. "' Son of Ephriam & Mary (Powell) Sanford Born 1683 Died 1716 says Town record. ¦¦" Son of 466. m. i" Hannah Andrew dau. Rev" Samuel ; m. 2°" Sarah Baldwin dau. Thomas. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. 695 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS TO NOTES. I Son of Gideon and Sarah (Prudden) Allen. 13 Son of Reif'' Jonathan and Abigail (Beard) Arnold and married Abigail Beard dau. Joseph. ig Sister to 41, 42 and 44. 26 Mrs. Amey Baldwin dau' of Thomas Oviatt b. Feb. 10, 1667. 28 Mary Camp read Mercy Camp, 46 Gross out HoUingsworth in note. 52 Son of Paul and Elizabeth Brinsmade of Stratford. 58 Dau' of Sartiuel and Ruth (Rogers) Tibbals. Born 1720. 61 Son of Richard and Mary (Wilmot) Bryan. 68 Son of 62. ¦ . 6g Son of Thomas Buckingham the settler. 70 Cross out Alice Newton. She bore him no children, his wife was Sarah Beard dau' Cap' John. 78 Son of 73. 85 2"^ wife of Lt. Samuel Burwell widow of John Stone and dau' of Rev" Roger Newton.' 97 Read Burn dau' of John and Hannah (Basset) Jones. g8 For Gilbert read Gibbert, born Oct. 1641 in New Haven. 100 Dau' Gamaliel Phippen of Boston, b. Feb. 12, 1657, once wife of Job Prince and 2d wife of 108. loi Dau' Gamaliel Phippen of Boston, once wife of Thomas Ford. 118 For Gilbert read Gibbert. ' 122 Dau' Samuel and Sarah Prudden. 125 Cross out the Thompson marriage. Belongs to his father; 126 Dau' Eleazer and Hannah Rogers. 132 Cross out Kattern Thompson. 135 Cross out entire foot note. 143 Son of John and Mary Camp, mar" Mehetable Peck, dau' John. 153 Dau' of Nathan and Eunice Baldwin. 155 Dau' of Abraham and Catherine (Rutgers) Van Horn. 164 Dau' of Dau' of Job and Rebecca (Phippen) Prince, see 100. 165 Cross out Sarah. 170 For Mother see 171, son of James and Joanna (Prudden) Fenn. 168 Dau' of John and Sarah (V alien) Andrews. 173 Dau' of Samuel and Phebe (Piatt) Miles. 174 Mother was dau' of John and Anna Durand. 179 Cross out Sarah Fenn, insert Susanna (Newton), see 85. 201 Son of John and Elizabeth Gaud or Boston, born Mch. 13 1693. 223 Married Dec. 16, 1753. 228 Dau' of Cap' Samuel and Martha (Fenn) Newton, bap' Sept. 1686, sister of 284. 240 Mother of 332. 251 Son of Stephen and Mary (of Stratford). 252 Dau' of Jonas and Ann (Smith) Green. 69o INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN MILFORD. • 267 Oldest son of Miles the settler. 270 Son of 269. 271 Dau' of Samuel and Ruth Tibbals, see 40g. 273 Son of 279. ; 276 Son of Samuel and Martha (Fenn) Newton and bro. to 274 and 284. 288 Son of Rev" Roger and Mary (Hooker) Newton, born Dec. 1659. 2g8 Son of Thaddeus and Hannah Nettleton. 301 Born? Roberts of Durham. 308 Read see No. 52. ' 315 Son of Joseph and Alice Peck, settlers, mar" Jan. 1680, Mary Camp dau' Nicholas 2""', 318 Dau' of Samuel and Martha (Whiting) Bryan, sister to 285, 324 Son of Richard and Esther Piatt. 327 Died 1728. Dau' of Benjamin Bunnel of West Haven, b, Dec. 16, 1683. 331 Read May 27, 1742. 334 Dau' of Zachariah and Mary (Hobby) Hubbart ol Boston and granddau' of Sir Charles Hobby. 340 Son of Job and Rebecca (Phippen) Prince of Boston, see 100. 344 For brother read son. 357 Dau' of Thomas and Deborah (Buckingham) Clark. 374 Read Hannah for Esther. 381 Son Benjamin and Sarah (Baldwin) Smith. 3gi Mother was Sarah dau' Ezekiel and Abigail (Briscoe) Newton. 398 Dau' of Thomas Hosmer of Hartford, widow of Jonathan Hunt. 401 Read see 403. 402 Read Mother was dau' of Ephriam Smith. 404 Read Hannah (Atwater) Beach. 436 Dau' of John and Hannah (Piatt) Merwin. 450 Son of John and Abigail. 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