4 M J- '^5 f hi ¦ ;? '':^i ii » '5'- YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY WM. F. REED. THE DESCENDANTS OF THOMAS DURFEE OF PORTSMOUTH, R. I. By wm. F. REED. Vol. I. WASHINGTON, D. C. : Gibson Bros., Printers and Bockbindeks, 1902. Copyrighted April 25, 1900, by Wm. F. Reed, in the Library of Congress, at Washington, D. C. INTRODUCTION. When Dr.Ebenezer Alden, who prepared and published the genealogy of the descendants of John Alden, -wrote the introduction to his book, he made use of the follow ing remarks as to genealogy : " Genealogy is family history ; to some a chaos of iso lated facts, very dry ; to others, facts revealing principles, laws, methods of the divine government." " Genealogy has its lessons for such as will study them ; uses for such as can appreciate and interpret them. The family precedes the state. Love of kindred underlies true patriotism." In the compiling of the genealogy and history of the descendants of Thomas Durfee, the first emigrant known by that name who came to America before 1664, I have confined myself to such accepted and authentic statistics as I have found in the Congressional Library and the library of the War Department ; and it is hardly neces sary to state how many volumes were searched in order to gather the data for this record ; but I will say this, that the information obtained required months of careful study and searching volume after volume in the hours not em ployed in official duties. Through correspondence with living descendants of the Durfees in the United States and Europe, I have been greatly aided, especially through the kind assistance of Walter C. Durfee, Esq., of Fall Eiver, Mass., who has done more than anyone else in furnishing me with infor mation for this genealogy, and more especially for the branch descending from Benjamin Durfee, the fifth son of the emigrant Thomas. My aunt, Mrs. Mary A. Manchester, of Tiverton, E. I., has also been wonderfully patient with my perpetual wanting to know this or that. 3 4 INTRODUCTION. I hesitate to record the reason why I became so inter ested in this work, for the reader might not see, after all, any use in so much expended energy ; but at the bottom of all, when I look into my own heart, I believe it was prompted by a love for my dear departed mother, a rev erence for all whose name she bore, as well as the duty I felt encumbent on me to leave for my children, a record of their ancestors. For, without this exhaustive search aud study which I have made, I would have left to them a very difficult problem to solve as to my (or their) gene alogy. In my searching I have found that to all appear ances many of the descendants of the Durfee family, for want of record, bave lost their relationship in lineal de scent from the first person by the name of Durfee, in America, without the loss of the name. The commandment of the Lord, " Honor thy father, and thy mother," etc., has often been in my thoughts while I have passed the time in collecting these records, and I have often regretted that I could not find names written in the records I have examined that would have brought into this record many unknown descendants, all because of the indifference of people who lived one hundred and fifty years ago. It is difficult now to place a family with out record, in a position to be socially benefited, through the honorable record of their Revolutionary ancestors. I have endeavored, as far as possible, to bring into this record an account that will not fail as to the family rela tionship of the Durfees that served in the Ci-vil War of 1861, so that when a hundred years shall have passed away, the descendants of those who took part in saving our Union of States will know that among the men who preserved the best Government the world has ever known were their ancestors ; because their names are given in the genealogy with the history of the service rendered. The record of descendants that served in the Union army, and a few that assisted the Confederacy, will appear for the most part in a succeeding volume. 'yi^T^i.//:^^ L-< ^.^'Oftl./y THE ORIGIN OF THE DURFEE NAME. In Two Parts. By WINTHROP C. DURFEB, OF BOSTON, MASS. PART FIRST. The significance and origin of surnames has always been a matter of great interest, and doubly so is the ori gin of a name to those who bear it. Names indicate locality, occupations, station in life, nationality, and are often the only survivals of ancient titles, or all that is left to indicate some obsolete custom. In themselves, by their significance in some old forgotten dialect, they illumine some obscure page of history. The name Durfee is unique. Very ancient in its ori gin it has to-day its only representatives in America. Previous to the year 1628 it was unknown in England, and ceased to be recorded in 1723. A careful search of all available printed English records fails to show the name of Durfee in any, with the excep tion of those that refer to Thomas D'Urfey, or Durfee, the English dramatist, who was born in 1653 and died in 1723. These English records are of three classes : 1st. The various polls of names connected with army and navy from the earliest times, and with civil govern ment positions ; lists of titled personages from highest title to the minor gentry ; also various court records and proceedings, especially wills and probate. 2d. Parish registers of births, marriages, and deaths. Q ORIGIN OP THE DUKFEE NAME. 3d. Lists which have been made from the first two and possibly other sources by historians and students of names. A number of such lists have been printed from the time of the Domesday Book down to the most recent researches. Probably one of the most complete of these books is a record of native English, Scotch, and Irish names, combined with those derived from French and German or other foreign surnames. The English parish lists, including all of the parishes of London and Canterbury, and about one hundred records of other families have been searched. If the name of Durfee did not appear in London and Canterbury parish records for a period of 350 years, it is safe to assume that the name is not general in Great Brit ain. Aside from Thomas Durfee, the dramatist, 1653- 1723, already mentioned, the following are the only simili tudes to the name of Durfee found in printed English records available for inspection : Parish of St. Martin's in the Fields: April 21, 1556, Isod Urfu baptized. May 27,1554,Margeria Urfu buried. August 25, 1555, Jaanes Peart and Agnete Urfue married. September 9, 1556, Antomus Urfue buried. June 11, 1553, Luthretimus Dudley and Elizah Urfue married. Record of York Wills : January 12,1558, Thomas Dursay (also written Durfay). January 11, 1562, Robert Durssa (or Dursay). May 10, 1605, James Dursey. October 1, 1593, John Dursey. It will here be noted that the will of Thomas Dursay, of 1558, is the only one where spellingis possibly Durfay, and that the later wills are all Dursey, showing that the f was really the long s, and the name is not Durfee, but more probably our modern Dorsey. On August 20, 1683, William Dorfe, mariner, was wit ness to a marriage of Thomas Cliffe and Margariet Harvey, of Deal, at Boston, Lincolnshire, England (see Canterbury marriage licenses). As a search for this name of Durfee has included a conscientious search for all words which sound like Durfee, or of which Durfee might be a variant, without any greater success, it is safe to assume that the name is unique in itself, and the fact that at the time Thomas Durfee, of Portsmouth, R. I., arrived in America, ORIGIN OF THE DUKFEE NAME. 7 at the age of 17, there was residing in England a family named Durfee, who also used the only variation of Durfee, Durfey, which was used by this Thomas Durfee, would in dicate that there was some close connection between the two families. Thomas D'Urfey, the dramatist, of England, born 1653, and died 1723, spelled his name with the D', but Hugue not writers, at about 1680-90, spelled it Durfee. Sometime before 1628, the exact yeatnot being known, a French refugee named d'Urfe, fled from Rochelle, France, to England, bringing with him a son. This son grew up and married Frances Marmion, of Huntingdonshire, and Thomas D'Urfey was born of this marriage in 1653. In the year 1647 one Loerin d'Urfey was assisted at Dover by the Huguenot Church to go on his way. The record is to be found in the publications of the London Huguenot Society. Thomas Durfey, the English dramatist, was born in 1653, at Exeter, Eng., and it was from Exeter, Eng., and its vicinity, that many of the first settlers of Rhode Island came. Thomas Durfee, the ancestor of the Durfee family in America, was born in 1643, just 10 years before the Eng lish dramatist of the same name, and came to America in 1660, when his English namesake was but 7 years old. The absolute identity of name, christian name, and spelling of surname, together with the fact that young Durfee, the emigrant, came directly to a colony where Exeter people lived, that he was well received, and that his children married into the Earle and Freeborn families, shows that he was not entirely without credentials of some sort. Between 1680 and 1690 Thomas Durfee, the English dramatist, wrote a short satirical poem on New England customs, indicating that the dramatist had visited New England, and, not satisfied with conditions here, had re turned to England. This poem may be found in Vol. IX of the N. E. Genealogical Register, and is quite interest ing reading. If Thomas Durfee, the dramatist, visited New England, 8 ORIGIN OP THE DURFEE NAME. it adds to the evidence of some relationship existing between the two Thomas Durfees. To what extent this evidence is decisive, or weighs, each must decide for himself; but the fact remains that in Exeter, England, in the family of a French refugee, is the only record where we find the name of Durfee abso lutely identical with our own. We know that from 1660 to 1901 the name has been spelled Durfee without variation, except occasionally Durfey or Durffee (or Durphej'), but always in a way not affecting the pronunciation, and there is no reason why it should have changed more suddenly in England to an unrecognizable form. Two other facts give weight to the Huguenot origin of the name : 1st. A Mrs. Lathrop, moving from Norwich, Conn., to Providence, R. I., probably about 1830, told Walter C. Durfee, now 85 years of age, then a young lad, that her father's name was Durfey, and that they were of Huguenot descent. It is probable that this Mi-s. Lathrop's father was a direct descendant of Thomas Durfee, of Portsmouth, R. I., through (grand) sons who moved to Connecticut, and that the tradition was understood in that branch of the family moving into a colony more given to aristocratic ideas than among those who remained in the Quaker surroundings of Portsmouth, R. I. 2d. General de Lafayette visited the Hon. Thomas Durfee at Fall River, Mass., and took a great interest in him, sending him, after he returned to France, a gift of two French greyhounds. There appears a reason for this which is not entirely explained by the well-known patriotism and personal worth of the Hon. Thomas Durfee, in the fact that one of Lafayette's aides, Rochefoucauld, was the bearer of the French d'Urfe arms and titles. This all leads to the origin of the d'Urfe name and family in France. ORIGIN OP THE DURFEE NAME. 9 PART SECOND. The Origin of the (Durfee) D'Urfe Name in France. Thomas D'Urfey, the English dramatist, claimed to be nephew of Honor^ d'Urf^, a noted French poet, who lived 1565-1625, and he is also stated to have been a nephew of a minister of the Court of France. It is, how ever, probable that he was a grandnephew, rather than nephew, as we use the term. The fact is interesting, however, as we have a fine bio graphical record of Honor^ d'Urf^, which gives authori tatively a history of the d'Urf6 family in France. In part, the biographer is so lost in the glories of the d'Urf^ family that much of his book is given up to his tory and leaves little room for biography. This biography takes much of its history from a book called " Origin des Urfe," by M. Augusta J. Barnard, custodian of the historical documents of France, and from a d'Urfe genealogy, written about the year 1300, by Anne d'Urfe, count of Forez. The d'Urfe family goes back to a record of about 590, A. D. Its founder was Henry, Duke of Bavaria, and its name of d'Urfe originates in a tradition attached to his family. The tradition is evidently " folk-lore," and that it has become definitely attached to a certain family is evidence of the ancient origin of the family itself. The name d'Urfe, as will be seen later, is but the French variation of Wlph, the early German form of Wolf and Guelph, both famous families in Europe. Judith Wlph married Louis I, of France (Ludwig I, of Germany), son of Charlemagne. Charlotte M. Yonge's History of Germany gives the Wlph tradition in connection with Ludwig I, who mar ried Judith ; but perhaps a more interesting one to those of the Durfee name will be found in a direct translation from the biography of Honor^ d'Urfd, a book in the Bos ton Public Library, as follows : " If we can believe the legends collected by some his torians, the house of d'Urfe would be not only one of the 10 ORIGIN OP THE DURPEE NAME. most honored families of France; it would be also one of the most ancient. "Andre Duchesne tells us in his history of Burgundy that towards the year 610, under the reign of the King of Orleans, Theodoric, grandson of Sigebirt and Brunhaut, a Wlphe, was patrician of Trans-Jurane, Burgundy. "Now, this name of Wlph later became d'Urfe, under going successive modifications, of which history kept the record. About the middle of the 12th century, Wlph, the Valiant, changed it to d'Ulphe, or d'Ulphen, or d'Ulpheur. It was only at the end of the 16th century that Peter the II wrote it with the spelling that has not since varied. (Peter II died 1508, this should be end of 15th century.) " The alterations which this name has undergone are easily explained. They come principally from the un certainty of Latin translations that have been made of them in titles and charters. According to this same Du chesne, the house of d'Urf^ takes its origin from the Count Wlphe, whom the chroniclers of Low Countrie call the Duke of Baviere, and whose daughter Judith became the wife of Louis Debonnaire. It is from this Duke, or Count, that Conrad, Count of Paris, and Bozon, King of Burgoyne, descend. " The d'Urf^s trace back their origin as far as this royal family. They quote with pride a Wlph surname, ' the Robust,' who added to the brilliancy of his nobility the glory of having fought bravely against the Turks at the siege of Antioch, 1098. As a reward for his brave action, Wlph received for himself and for his posterity, from the assembly of Christian Princes, the coat of arms blazoned ' de vair ' au chef Gules, which has since been that of the house of d'Urfe. ********* "According to a charter in the ' Proofs of the History of the Counts of Forez,' this family was already estab lished at the end of the 11th century in the province, of which it became one of the greatest glories. " According to a genealogy written by the orders of Anne d'Urfe and annotated by his hand, Hirmatride, wife of ORIGIN OF THE DURFEE NAME. H Isambert Wlphe, who lived at the end of the 8th century, having given birth at once to twelve children, feared in her ignorance that her husband would accuse her of in fidelity. On this account, keeping one of them, she ordered one of her servants to throw the others into the river. Isambert, who was hunting, meeting the servant, asked him what he was carrying and what he was doing in that place. The latter, frightened, replied that he was carrying a batch of wolf cubs which a wolf which he was caring for at his house had just brought forth, and that he wished to drown part of them. The servant having showed him the eleven new-born babies, Isambert sus pected the fear of his wife, of whose fidelity he was cer tain. He had these eleven children brought up with care, unknown to Hirmatride, and six years after he had them all dressed alike and presented them to his wife, asking her if she recognized these Wlphes, which signifies in German, wolves. Hirmatride, at the sight of these chil dren, threw herself at the knees of her husband asking pardon. The latter hastened to praise her and told her that she had been pardoned long ago. ******** " In the year 1127, Wlphe, surnamed the brave, accom panied Louis the fat in the journey that the king made into Auvergne to calm the troubles excited by the Count of Cleremont. On returning from this expedition, Wlph stopped at Montbrison (in Forez, near Lyons), where he was so taken with the beauty and virtues of a cousin of Guy I, Count of Forez, named Airnie, that he asked her in marriage and obtained the consent of her parents. " Wlph established himself in the country of his wife and had a castle, which he called by his name, built on a high hill, and to give to this name an appearance less German, he curtailed the W and accented the last syllable. Wlph, the Valiant, was thus the first Lord d'Ulphd. " The patronymic name of Wlph appears to have been Raimb6 or Reybi, which one often finds in charters with some variations in spelling. " The family of d'Urf^ was not long in obtaining in the province where it was established all the consideration 12 ORIGIN OP THE DURPEE NAME. that courage, virtue, and noble employment of authority can give. But its glory increased principally when the Count de Forez passed to the house of Borbon. Gurchard d'Ulfhe became the friend and confident of Louis II, Duke of Borbon and Count of Forez, who named him Captain of Roannais, and then bailiff of all the country." It would be too long a history to enumerate all the honors that came to the house of d'Urfe until 1724, when it parted of male issue. Its record was famous in the history of France of the middle ages ; so much so that in 1724, when the name failed of direct heirs, a younger branch of the house of Rochefoucauld, decendants of the d'Urfe on the female line, took up the arms and name of d'Urfe as a great honor, and the last representa tive of this line of Rochefoucauld was an aid to Lafayette in our War of the Revolution. Montbrison is in the south of France, north of Lyons, and the chateau d'Urfe is now standing, or was quite re cently. It is on a very high hill visible for several miles, and two old towers of great massiveness are called Cornu d'Urfe, or Horns of Urf^. The Durfees were first Knights, holding lands and owing fealty to the Count of Forez, later Counts of Forez, and still later, by fortunate marriages, one became a mar quis, and the title became a very complicated affair. Honors and wealth and power of princely nature came to them. The first d'Urfe won his spurs in the first crusade ; another was Grand Master of the Knights Templars at Malta ; another Envoy to Rome ; another commanded the French in war against Italy. But to translate again and quote from the French author : " Nothing was lacking to the glory of the d'Urfe family. The mysterious grandeur of its origin ; the brilliancy of the alliances which it had made ; the immense wealth which it possessed ; the favor which it enjoyed with the kings, all seemed to unite to make it the first family of Forez and one of the most noble houses of France. How ever, Jacques d'Urf6 added still to its celebrity by his marriage with Rene de Savoie, granddaughter of Anne de Lasearis, whose father, Jean Autoine de Lasearis, was the oldest son of Houoret de Lasearis arm Vintimille. THE AUTHORHY FOR THE ABOVE COAT OF ARMS MAY BE FOUND IN RIESTRUP'S ARMORIAL GENERAL, VOL. 2, 1887. THE COAT OF ARMS HERE SHOWN IS THAT OF A MARQUIS d'uRFE, 1612, THE HELMET DESIGNATING BY ITS FACING FRONT THE TITLE OF MARQUIS. THE SHIELD TO THE SAME IS THAT GRANTED OVER 5OO YEARS EARLIER AT ANTIOCH IN THE FIRST CRUSADE BY THE ASSEMBLED CHRISTIAN PRINCES TO THE SON OF THE FOUNDER OF THE NAME AND FAMILY IN FRANCE. IT MAY THEREFORE PROPERLY BE DESIGNATED AS THE DURFEE COAT OF ARMS, BEING THAT CARRIED BY THE HEAD OF THE FAMILY FOR OVER SEVEN CENTURIES. ORIGIN OF THE DURPEE NAME. 13 Thus the d'Urfes could boast of belonging to two imperial houses ; to the house of Saxe G. Wlf h of Germany, and to the house of Lasearis, which, derived from Constanti nople, had just carried to the West the fortune and its ancient splendor. (The de Lasearis coat of arms is now the imperial coat of arms of Russia.) We have already seen the d'Urf6 united in an alliance with a branch of the Bourbon-Vandome. tIt ^ ^ -sp- y^ -^ 7^ " The revolution of 1789, which seems to have taken upon itself the mission of effacing all traces of the past to commence a new era, has hardly left anything remaining which could recall the glory and opulence of .this cele brated family." The d'Urfe coat of arms, de vera au chef gules, is a simple one, as all of the time of the first crusade were. De ver^ is supposed to represent a squirrel skin ( Varus, a squirrel), and in heraldry is drawn and represents squirrel skins united, showing white and gray ; or, as heraldry has it, argent et azure (white and blue). The crest is a mailed hand rising out of a coronet, which may be on a helmet ; the motto is probably " constancy." The effect of the coat of arms is as follows : The red band should be wider, shaded parts blue, un shaded, in white. The coat of arms of William d'Urfe, Grand Master of the Knights Templars at Malta, was a Lion rampant de vere, i. e., drawn as if silhouetted out of a de vere field on a red background. The coat of arms of Marquis d'Urfe was quartered d'Urfe in petence on a quartering of 1 and 4. De La searis and Vintimille 2 and 3. Savoy. The crest 9 ostrich plumes — 5 black, 4 white. This is a very handsome coat of arms when painted, the de Lasearis being gold double-headed crowned eagles on a red field. BIOGRAPHY. The first person by the name of Durfee in America, of whom any record can be found, was Thomas Durfee, who came to Portsmouth in the colony of Rhode Island pre vious to the year 1664, and by traditional information we are led to believe that he came in the year 1660. The recorded evidence of his appearing at the session of the Colonial General Assembly of Rhode Island, in October 1664, carries unmistakable proof of his presence in the Colony many months previous to that session. The following, from page 121, Vol. 4, Historical Maga zine of America, April, 1860, suggests the theory com monly accepted by the descendants of Thomas Durfee as to the manner in which he was transported to this coun try: " In early times emigrants came over frequently as re- demptioners ; that is, the ship took them without prepay ment of passage, and on their arrival sold them by auction, for the lowest term of years for which anyone would take them, and pay the passage money." He was admitted a freeman of the town of Portsmouth, R. I., May 6, 1673. Savage mentions in his genealogy of the early settlers of New England that " Thomas Durfee was thirty-six years old in the year 1679 ;" that he was taxed eight shil lings in 1680. The oath of office as constable was taken by him June 14, 1687, which office he was continued in dur ing the following year (1688). The following statements of the public services of Mr. Durfee were obtained from the books of record in the office of the town clerk of Portsmouth, R. I. April 14, 1677, he was chosen one of the petit jury. April 23, 1679, at town meeting held at the house of John Briggs, the following privilege was granted : " Voted, It is granted to * * * Thomas Durfee -* * * (and five others) to have each of them a license for one year to sell vituals PURCHASES OF REAL ESTATE. 15 and drink to travelers, and to afford them Entertainment as may be needful and convenient ; they first giving bond according to law for the keeping of good order and do also pay into the treasury ten shillings for each license." Voted, " It is ordered that none of the five persons shall be allowed to sell that sort of drink commonly called rum at any higher price than after the rate of two pence the giU." April 2, 1690, at the town meeting held at the house of William Cory, Mr. Durfee was appointed constable. April 4, 1691, at the town meeting held at the same house, he was chosen one of the Overseers of the Poor. December 29, 1691, at the town meeting held at the same place he was chosen deputy. April 4, 1692, and on April 20, 1694, he was chosen as one of the town council, and on December 20 of the later year was again made deputy. Record of Purchases of Real Estate: The following were copied from records found in the rooms of the Newport Historical Society, R. I. "May 29, 1678. " Wrestling Brewster and John Rogers, of Duxbury, for £65, N. E., to Thomas Durfee of Portsmouth, one-half of a freeman's share of land at Taunton River, Plymouth Colony, No. 10, bounded west by said river, extending eastward four miles, south by land of Maj. James Cud- worth, north by land of Richard More, marked on the north side with a chestnut tree near the water side below the path, and a red oak tree above the path, etc. * * * " "Also one-half of a freeman's share of all the meadow at Sipican (or Mattapoiset) former land of Mr. Love Brewster, old freeman of New Plymouth." " Witness. John Gushing. Wrestling Brewster. " Witness. Nathaniel Thomas. John Rogers." "December 13, 1681. " Bought of William Manchester, of Punkatest, by Thomas Durfee. Yoeman, for £34. |- of 3^0 of Pocassett." " June 8, 1683. 16 PURCHASES OP REAL ESTATE. "Peter Tallman, late of P ^^ Og 0 Earthen things os ) Glass bottles Is, Pewter Iron ware 3s, brass 2s. 01 11 0 Looking glass 4s, linen 3£ Id Beds and bedding, 5£ 15 09 00 00 Her deceased husband's clothes 02 00 00 Swine 10s, feathers 12s 1 2 00 Old Saddle and Pillion 5 00 A little sea bod 5 00 On Rools 1 00 £16" Ann Durfee, widow, and Robert (probably brother of Richard), late of Tiverton (deceased), on the 10th day of April, 1700, entered June 14, 1700." WILL OF CHBISTOPHEE ALMY, (Copied from Vol. 3, Newport Historical Magazine). " Signed September 4, 1708, codicil signed September 7, 1711, proved 2d of 12th mo., 1712-13, mentions eldest son William, second son Christopher, third and youngest son Job, wife Elizabeth, daughter Elizabeth, wife of John Leonard, children of deceased Sarah (formerly wife of Richard Oadman and later wife of Jonathan Merrihoo), viz: John and Thomas, grandson Richard Durfee, gi'and- son Thomas Durfee, children of deceased daughter Rebecca Townsend. In Austin's ' Genealogical Dictionary of DURFEE. 23 Rhode Island,^ the above will proved February 9, 1713, has the following entries: " To grandson Richard Durfee, £60. " To grandson Thomas Durfee, £10 at 21. " To granddaughter Mary Wodell, £20. " To granddaughter Amey Durfee, £20 at 21." Will of Hope Almy, the widow of William, son of Chris topher, proved October 4, 1762, has the following items : " To Amey Durfee, wife of Benjamin, and Peace Bor den, wife of Samuel, my best doctor book." 4. Durfee, Thomas (Thomas, 1st). Son of Thomas and first wife, of Portsmouth, R. I.; born in Portsmouth, R. I.; died in Portsmouth, R. I., February 24, 1729; married in Portsmouth, R. I., to Ann Feeeboen, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Gideon and Sarah (Bro wn ell) Freeborn. Born in Portsmouth, R. I., March 28, 1669; died in Portsmouth, R. I., in 1729. Their children were : 22.— Ist. Ann, born August 25, 1691. 23.— 2d. Sarah, born March 1, 1693. 24. — 3d. Freeborn, born December 15, 1695. 25.— 4th. Patience, born June 12, 1697. 26.— 5th. Mary, born January 22, 1701. 27.— 6th. Martha, born February 20, 1702. 28.— 7th. Gideon, born January 15, 1704. 29.— 8th. Thomas, born June 6, 1706. 30.— 9th. Susanna, . 31.— 10th. Job, born in 1710. 32.— 11th. Elizabeth, . BIOGEAPHT OF THOMAS DUBFEE, JE. Thomas Durfee, Jr., was a member of the General As sembly of the Colony of Rhode Island in 1707-1709 and 1713. His wife was Ann Freeborn, and the high estima tion placed upon her father, Gideon Freeborn, by his fel low townsmen, in calling him to represent them in the General Assembly of the Colony, is evidence of his good citizenship ; her brother, Gideon Freeborn, succeeding 24 DURFEE. also to the honors of his father, represented Ports mouth in the General Assembly in the years 1716- 1728 and 1729, and Gideon Freeborn, son of Gideon second, succeeded to the same honors in the years 1745, 1752, 1753 and 1754. The grandfather of Mrs. Durfee (Ann Freeborn) was William Freeborn, who " embarked from Ipswich, Suffolk Co., England, in the Frances, for New England, on the 10th of April, 1634." His family were registered as passengers as follows : " William Freeborn, at the age of 40 years. " Mary Freeborn, his wife, at the age of 33 years ; and three children, Mary 7 years old ; Sarah 2 years old, and John Aldburgh 14 years old." (See page 54, " Founders of New England," by L. G. Drake.) The court records of Massachusetts Bay Colony show that William Freeborne became a freeman September 3, 1634. During the session of court in November, 1637, a record was made of persons prohibited to have arms, one of them being William Freeborne. They were required to turn over their arms to the court by the 30th of the month. On March 12, 1638, the court named him among others to appear before them if they had not left the Colony ; he, having been with others, ordered to leave on account of certain opinions they held as to religion. Wil liam Freeborn and his companions retired from the Massa chusetts Bay Colony as requested, and settled at Ports mouth, on the island of Rhode Island, in March, 1638, for the reasons above stated. The Indian name of the place was " Pocasset," and Island " Aquidneck." The following is a copy of the writing to which Freeborn and his companions subscribed at the be ginning of the settlement : " We, whose names are underwritten, do hereby sol emnly, in the presence of Jehovah, incorporate ourselves into a body politic ; and as he shall help, will submit our persons, lives and estates unto our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and to all those perfect and most absolute laws of His, given us in His Holy Word of Truth to be guided and judged DURFEE. 25 thereby. Exod. xxiv, 3, 4 ; 2 Chron. xi, 3 ; 2 Kings, xi, 17." The history of the time of William Freeborne is well preserved, and his descendants that bear the name of Durfee can proudly refer to this noble ancestor. "June 18, 1717. Thomas Durfee, Jr., petitioned the General Assembly for a good and sufficient highway to be laid out to his farm at Common Fence Point, he having already applied to the Committee of the town of Ports mouth, but had not obtained it." " The Assembly ordered the Committee to lay out within one month's time a good, lawful and passable high way, fit for horses and carts to pass and repass." " October 13, 1720. Mr. Durfee answered to the suit of Stephen Brayton for empounding an ox, saying that said ox was unruly, and broke into his meadow with other cattle." " May 25, 1728. He deeded to his son Gideon, for love, &c., his farm called Common Fence Point, being the most northeasterly part of Rhode Island — 60 acres." " May 29, 1728. He deeded to his son Thomas, for love, etc., 14 acres, and two months later 25 acres." The will of Gideon Freeborn, father-in-law of Thomas Durfee, Jr., made January 27, 1714-15, proven January 14, 1719-20, has the following entries : " To daughters (5) five, 500 acres in Pennsylvania equally divided'' {Anne, wife of Thoinas Durfee, Jr., was one of the five daughters.) " To his grandson, Gideon Durfee {son of Thos. and Anne Durfee) 100 acres in Cowesset purchase, and to his granddaughters Anne Durfee, Sarah Durfee, Patience Durfee, Mary Durfee, Martha Durfee, Susanna Durfee, and Elizabeth Durfee, each to have 40 shillings when 18 years old." " To grandsons Thomas Durfee and Job Durfee, each 50 acres in Cowesset Purchase.''' " To Anne Durfee £20, and also share of Tuovable es tate." What has been said of the father of Thomas Durfee, Jr., could well be repeated in reference to the worthy life of 26 DURFEE. his son ; he left an inheritance as shown by his will, of which the following is a copy. WILL OF THOMAS DUEFEE, 2d. February 9, 1729. Will proved February 24, 1729. Ex. son Gideon. " To son Oideon four parcels of land, viz : " The land where house standeth called the homestead where I now dwell, a piece called Spinks ground, a parcel called the Wind Mill Hill land, and another piece called Jenning's land " .' In consideration of this legacy, Gideon was to give a deed to testator's son Job of the tract called Common Fence Farm, formerly deeded son Gideon by his father ; and if Gideon failed to give deed within a month of testator's decease, the said four parcels were to be for son Job when Job is of age and possesses deed of farm.. "He and my son Thomas, are to come to an equal division of all lands in Common Fence Point, both aforemen tioned farm, and that which I have given already to Thomas by two deeds of gift. The house and rest of lands in Common Fence Farm to be equally shared by sons Thomas and Job." Certain lands were " to be sold by executor and money equally divided to seven daughters, viz : Ann Estes, Sarah Dennis, Patience, Mary, Martha, Susanna and Elizabeth Durfee.''' " To daughters, each, a bed. To five unmarried daugh ters all pewter, brass, iron pots, and rest of household goods undisposed of, and to each a good cow, and to them while unmarried the privilege of eastward chamber to live in. To sons Gideon, Thomas and Job, the }-est of cattle, horses, sheep, and swine, husbandry, gear and other mov ables." " Inventory £550 125, viz : " Wearing apparel £23 10s, pocket-book, razor, specta cles, etc., £13, books £1, money scales, his tailor shears, goose, box-iron, heaters, stillyards, spinning-wheel, half a pair of worsted combs, negro m,an, and bed £40, poultry £3 5s Zd, horse kind £53, neat cattle and hay £158 10s, sheep £62 10s, swine £11 10s, etc.'" DURFEE. 27 " The rooms named in the will were : eastward room, bedroom, kitchen, bed chamber, outward room chamber, garret and cellar" " His son Job, being under age, choose his uncle Gideon Freeborn for guardian, and his daughter Elizabeth choose her Uncle William Anthony" {who was her uncle by marriage to her Aunt Patience Freeborn.) 5. Durfee, William (Thomas 1st). Son of Thomas and first wife ( -), of Portsmouth, R. I.; born in Portsmouth, R. 1., about 1673 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., in 1727 ; married Ann , who died in Tiverton, R. I. Their children were — 33.— 1st. David, born March 1, 1700. 34.— 2d. Samuel, born March 1, 1702. 35. — 3d. Joseph, born about 1705, died in Tiverton, R. I., in 1733, unmarried. Mr. Durfee's second wife, Maey ( ), was probably the mother of his fourth child. 36.— Abigail, born about 1710. During the year 1698, Mr. Durfee had recorded at the office of the town clerk of Tiverton the ear marks of his cattle. WILL OP WILLLiM DUEPEE. At the time he made his will, Tiverton was in Bristol county, Massachusetts Bay, New England. Will was dated February 16, 1726. The following brief of the will was taken from book 5, page 431, Probate Records, Taunton, Mass. It states first that he is a yeoman. "Item. — H'ls debts are to be paid by his two sons, Samuel and Joseph Durfey, whom he appoints as executors of his will. "First. To wife, Mary Durfey, articles as specified, and one negro woman. "Second. To son, Samuel Durfey, land specified, and one negro boy. "Third. To son, Joseph, land as specified, and one negro boy. 28 DURFEE. "Each son is to pay to their sister, Abigail, £50 each first year and £25 each second year. To son, David Dur fey, 5 shillings, he having given him already in the farm whereon he lives £1,000. Probate date June 7, 1727." WILL OF JOSEPH DUEFEE (YEOMAN), son of William and Ann Durfee of Tiverton, Newport county, Rhode Island, a brief taken from book 8, page 37, Probate Records, Taunton, Mass., dated November 14, 1731. "Item. — Gives land in Tiverton and Dartmouth and all other property to his brother Samuel, whom he appoints executor of his estate." " Witnesses : Jonathan Read, William Durphey, and Edward Wanton. Probate date November 20, 1733. 6. Durfee, Ann (Thomas 1st). Daughter of Thomas and first wife, of Portsmouth, R. I.; born in Portsmouth, R. I.; died in Portsmouth about 1731 ; married William PoTTEE, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Nathaniel and Eliza beth (Stokes) Potter. Born in Dartmouth, Mass., about 1671. Their children were (born in Portsmouth, R. I.)— 1. — Nathaniel Pottee, born about 1692. Married in 1712 to Ruth Manchestee, daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth ( ) Manchester. Nathaniel Potter, admitted a freeman at Newport, R. I., April 30, 1798, was perhaps the above-mentioned son of William. 2. — William Pottee, born November 11, 1696. William Potter, Sr., was admitted a freeman of Ports mouth, R. I., in 1697. On the 14th of June, 1697, he and wife sold to William Burrington ten acres of land for £50. May 9, 1720, he deeded for love, etc., " to son William Potter, Jr., all his lands and housing in Portsmouth, R.I. John Fish, of Portsmouth, son of Thomas and Mary, whose will was recorded April 20, 1742, gave to his daughter, Mary, wife of William Potter, £20. Joanna, DURFEE. 29 the wife of John Fish, in her will recorded December 10, 1744, gave to Mary Potter 10s. It is presumed from this record of wills that Mary Fish was the wife of William Potter, Jr.; no further records of descendants of William and Ann (Durfee) Potter have been found. 7. Durfee, Benjamin (Thomas 1st). Son of Thomas and first wife, of Portsmouth, R. I.; born in Portsmouth, R. I., in 1679 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., January 6, 1754 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., in 1699, to Peudence Eaele, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of William and Prudence ( ) Earle. Born in Portsmouth, R. I., in 1681. Died in Tiverton, R. L, March 12, 1733. Their children were — 37.— 1st. James, born August 28, 1701 ; died in 1729 (no issue). 38.— 2d. Ann, born January 17, 1703. 39. — 3d. Hope, born January 7, 1705. 40.— 4th. William, born December 7, 1707; died March 26, 1766 ; unmarried. 41. — 5th. Benjamin, born January 5, 1709. 42. — 6th. Mercy, born January bO, 1711. 43. — 7th. Lusanna, born January 28, 1713. 44._8th. Martha, born July 13,"l719. 45.— 9th. Thomas, born November 5, 1721. 46.— 10th. Richard, born November 9, 1723. Benjamin Durfee inherited, in 1712, 50 acres of land in the then town of Tiverton, R. I., as shown by the will of his father, in addition to what he had previously given him, consisting of large tracts of land within the present limits of the city of Fall River, Mass. He subsequently acquired more by purchase, and became one of the largest land owners in the vicinity of his home. " He was a man of great energy of character, quick of comprehension, intelligent, and held in high estimation in the community in which he lived." "At his death, in 1754, he left a large estate, some of which yet remains in the family ; but, like most large properties, much of it has changed hands, and is owned by others not of the same name. He received by deed 30 DURFEE. of gift from his father, Thomas Durfee, the land from Rodman street on the north, to Osborn street on the south, and extending from the shore to Eight Rod Way," in the city of Fall River. This land was purchased of William Manchester in 1681, and was given to Benjamin Durfee in 1709. "He gave this land to his son, Captain Wm. Durfee, and by will Captain Durfee gave the south half to his nephew, Richard Durfee, son of his brother Richard, and James Durfee, the son of his brother Benjamin. The north half he gave to his relative, William Borden. James Durfee sold his portion to David Durfee, the father of the Hon. David Durfee, of Tiverton, who, in turn, gave it to his son, Captain Wm. Durfee, and he, dying in 1816, left it to his children. They sold it to Oliver Chase, and it has since been laid out and much of it sold for building lots, upon which may now be found some of the finest residences of Fall River. The portion that was left to Captain Richard Durfee is yet held in part by his grand children — the children of his sons Richard and John." (See Fall River Industries, by Peck & Earle.) BENJAMIN DUEPEE'S LAND. The following is a brief statement from book 16, pages 44 and 45, Probate Records, Taunton, Mass.: " Division of lands given by Benjamin Durfee, late of Newport, in County of Newport, in Colony of Rhode Island," etc., yeoman, deceased (order dated May 6, 1755). To his son, Thomas Durfee, and three grandsons, James Durfee, Joseph Hix and William Durfee, by deceased's last will, the land was divided as follows : "To son, Thomas, certain lands described, 138 acres. "To William Durfee, grandsoii of Benjamin Durfee, land, 138 acres. "To heirs of Joseph Hicks {deceased), one of the grand- tons, 220 acres land, etc. " To James Durfee, one of the grandsons, land, 70 acres." TALLMAN. 8. Durfee, Patience (Thomas 1st). Daughter of Thomas and (2d wife) Deliverance (Hall) (Tripp) Durfee, of Portsmouth, R. I.; born in Portsmouth, R. I. ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., in 1723 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., September 23, 1708, to Benjamin Tallman, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Peter and Joan (Briggs) Tail- man. Born in Portsmouth, R. I., January 28, 1684. Died in Warwick, R. I., May 20, 1759. Their children were : 1. — Benjamin Tallman, born June 19, 1710; married at Warwick, R. I., in January, 1735, to Elizabeth Gor ton, of Warwick, R. I., daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Collins) Gorton. Born in Warwick, R. I., September 26, 1709. Their children were : 1st. — Peleg Tallman, born March 25, 1736 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., June 22, 1760, to Saeah Sowle. Their children were: a. — Elizabeth Tallman, born November 21, 1760. b. — Meeibah Tallman, born August 3, 1762. c. — Peleg Tallman, born July 24, 1764. d. — HoLDEE Tallman, born September 3, 1766. The following sketch of Peleg Tallman, born in Tiver ton, R. I., July 24, 1764, was copied from Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography : "Peleg Tallman, merchant, died in Bath, Me., 12th March, 1840. He received a public school education, and at the age of fourteen entered the privateer service against Great Britain. " He served on the Trumbull; lost an arm in the engage ment of this vessel and the Watt in 1780, and was captured and imprisoned in England and Ireland in 1781-3. Sub sequently, he became master of a vessel, and afterwards a merchant at Bath, where he acquired a fortune. "He was elected to Congress as a Democrat; served 32 TALLMAN. from November 4, 1811, to March 3, 1813, but declined re-election, and refused to support the war with England. " His brother, Holder Tallman, married in Tiverton, R. I., October 28, 1787, to Deusilla Taboe, daughter of Jacob and Susannah (Dennis) Tabor, born in Tiverton, R. I., October 31, 1767. Their son, Jonathan Sowle Tallman, was born June 30, 1789." 2d. — Thomas Tallman, born March 28, 1738. 3d.— Patience Tallman, born December 15, 1740; married April 8, 1790, to Samuel Taboe, of Tiverton, R. I., son of Paul and Sarah ( ) Tabor. Born in Tiverton, R. I., March 11, 1741. 4th.— Benjamin Tallman, born September 15, 1743; died in Providence, R. I., June 10, 1836 ; married Rhoda . Their children were : a. — Rhoda Tallman, who was married in the Congrega tional Church, West Providence, R. I., January 17, 1788, to John Pettes, son of John Pettes. b. — Benjamin Tallman, born in 1770, died April 2, 1845; married Elizabeth Smith, born in 1774 ; died Decem ber 31, 1865. Their children were : 1st. — Hareiet Tallman, died unmarried. 2d. — Chaeles Mellton Tallman, died unmarried. 3d. — Heney C. Tallman, born June 6, 1816, died May 7, 1892. Married Robey. Their children were : a. — Isaac Newton Tallman, born in September, 1838 ; died March 14, 1841. b. — Rosa Chuech Tallman, born July 25, 1845 ; died December 25, 1848. c. — Edwaed Tallman, born in 1774 ; died April 1, 1850. Married Ruth , born in 1777, died March 23, 1845. Their son, Edwaed Tallman, Jr., born in 1803 ; died October 15, 1842. The following marriage record was *3opied from Vol. 10, Arnold's Vital Statistics of Rhode Island : Benjamin tallman. 33 Tallman, of Providence, was married at the Congrega tional Church, West Providence, January 20, 1793, to Lucy Harris (probably his second marriage). On the grave the given name of his second wife is Lucretia. The following inscriptions are on the grave stones of the Tallman family, at Providence, R. I.: " Col. Benjamin Tallman, Shipwright and Revolutionary Officer. A Patriot, an honest man." " Builder of 2 frigates, 93 sail of other vessels, one of ¦which 1,000 tons and another of which was first vessel that sailed from Rhode Island to East Indies." " Also in memory of his wife Rhoda, and second wife Lucretia." Most all of the record of Colonel Tallman's descendants was prepared from data found in the cemetery in West Providence. The following is an extract from book 14, page 9, records of the city of Providence, R. I., giving data from the will of Col. Benjamin Tallman, dated October 22, 1833: Proven June 28, 1836. "Item. — To grandson William, son of Edward Tall man, part of lot on Eddy street, etc. "Item. — To grandson Francis, son of late son Moses Tallman, part of lot on Eddy street, etc. "Item. — To grandson Henry Church, son of Benjamin, Jr., lot on Eddy street. "Item. — To Benjamin Gorton, son of Gorton, land and shop. "Item. — To three daughters — Phebe, wife of Jonathan Salesbury; Rhoda, wife of Ezekiel King; and Elizabeth, wife of Oliver Kendall. "Francis is to support his mother Jemima. "Philip Crapo, executor." MILITAEY AND PUBLIC EECOED OF COLONEL BENJAMIN TALLMAN. He was appointed Major of Col. Richmond's Rhode Island Regiment, November 14, 1775, in which he served until January 25, 1776. 34 TALLMAN. At the Session of the General Assembly of the State of Rhode Island in November, 1776, a regiment of eight companies was called for to be enlisted for three months ; he was appointed Lieutenant Colonel of this regiment in December, 1776, and was afterwards Lieutenant Colonel of a regiment raised for 15 months of which John Cook was Colonel. Colonel Cook resigned, and December 12, 1776, Lieutenant Colonel Tallman was appointed Colonel, and served until March 16, 1780. The following is copied from " Oxir French Allies" "The master carpenter of the Warren was Benjamin Tallman * * *. " He established himself in Providence as a shipbuilder and was regarded as one of the most skillful naval archi tects of his time. He built about one hundred sail of merchant vessels, some of them of the largest class of ships constructed in those days ; two of them, the Ann and the Hope, owned by Brown and Ives, and the George Washington, owned by John Brown, attained a distin guished reputation. * * * took an active part in the War of Revolution. While serving in Col. Rich mond's regiment he was engaged in the Battle of Long Island, where he suffered severely. * * * He died * * * universally respected." 5th. — Elizabeth Tallman, born June 27, 1746. 6th. — Huldah Tallman, born September 15, 1749. 7th. — Samuel Tallman, born December 7, 1751. 8th.— Anne Tallman, born January 9, 1753. 9th. — GoETON Tallman, born September 23, 1759. II. — Mary Tallman, born August 2, 1712; married in Portsmouth, R. I., October 22, 1730, to Daniel Fish, of Portsmouth R. I., son of Robeet and Maey (Hall) Fish, born in Portsmouth, R. I., May 17, 1707. Their children were : 1st. — Robeet Fish, born July 28, 1731. 2d.— Geoege Fish, born December 22, 1732. 3d. — Daniel Fish, born July 13, 1735. 4th.— Isaac Fish, born August 4, 1737; married in Little Compton, R. 1., August 30, 1764, to Ruth Gein- NELL, of Little Compton, R. I. tallman. 35 Their children were : a. — David Fish, born in Little Compton, R. I., No vember 11, 176- ; married in Little Compton, R. I., June 16, 1785, to Maey Palmee, daughter of Phebe (?) b. — Peeseeved Fish, born in Freetown, Mass., July 14, 1766. 5th.— Benjamin Fish, born October 4, 1739. Robert Fish, the father of Daniel, died in 1730. He held a commission as lieutenant, and was one of the blacksmiths of the town. He appointed his sons, Daniel and David, executors of his will. A few of the items therein were as follows : " To son Daniel, negro boy Jo, and to son David, 7iegro boy Tony, together with all the rest of his smith-working tools, also the rest of his personal property is given to sons Daniel and David equally. They are to have certain lands also, and the use of one- half of the house, orchard, etc. The following items are from the will of Mrs. Mary Fish, wife of Robert, which was recorded June 11, 1735, Daniel and David being appointed executors. "To son David great chest comm,only called father's chest, silver spoons, called father's spoons, one trammel, candle-box, chafing dish, 1 gr. porringer, warming pan, linnen wheel, grt. settle, feather bed, etc. {see page 98, Allied Families of R. I., by J. O. Austin.)" III. — Deliveeance Tallman, born February 4, 1715 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I.; married in Portsmouth, R. I., July or August 2, 1741, to Richaed Sisson, Jr., of Ports mouth, R. I., son of Richaed and Ann (Caed) Sisson. Born in Portsmouth, R. I., February 28, 1708 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., May 30, 1753. Their children were : 1st. — William Sisson, born November 7, 174-. 2d. — Maey Sisson, born September 10, 1743. 3d. — Ann Sisson, born May 10, 1745. 4th. — Richaed Sisson, born May 11, 1747. 5th. — Job Sisson, born April 5, 1749. 6th. — Isaac Sisson, born June 20, 1751. 36 tallman. The will of Richard Sisson, Sr., father of the husband of Deliverance Tallman, was recorded July 13, 1752, in which he appointed his son George executor. A few items in the will are as follows : "To son Richard and his heirs forever, all the woods and trees on a certain piece of land, bounded partly on land of testator's bro. James, with free egress and regress to cut wood'' " To son Richard also land that my honored father bought of Stephen Cornell, with small addition thereto, together with my dwelling house and houses, orchards, gardens, and fencings, all to come into his possession im mediately upon the marriage or decease of testator's wife; Richard is also to have another piece of land, which de scended to me from, my honored father, George Sisson, and a piece bounded partly on land given by Joseph Cook, Icitely deceased, to daughter Deborah Sisson. Richard and George to have all cattle and utensils not otherwise dis posed of equally." IV. — William Tallman. V. — Patience Tallman, born April 6, 1721; died in Portsmouth, R. 1.; married in Portsmouth, R. I., June 6, 1754 (as second wife) to John Sisson, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Richard and Ann (Card) Sisson ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., January 5, 1716 ; died in Portsmouth, R. L There is no record of any children born to them. By his former wife, Sarah (Woodman) Sisson, Mr. Sisson had two sons : Job, born January 2, 1747, and Joseph, born August 14, 1749. Mr. Sisson's father gave him in his will as follows : " To sons, John and Isaac, all lands owned in Coventry, both divided and undivided equally. " To son, John, a loom and appurtenances'' Benjamin Tallman, Sr., married a second time, June 7, 1724, to Deborah Cook, daughter of John and Mary ( ) Cook. Their children were : 1st. — James Tallman. tallman. 37 2d. — Saeah Tallman. 3d. — John Tallman. Will of Benjamin Tallman, son of Peter. The following items are copied from his will proven August 13, 1759, of which his widow, Deborah (Cook) Tallman, was executrix : "To son, Benjamin, land in Portsmouth, R. I., with buildings. "To daughter, Mary Fish, £5. "To daughter. Deliverance Sisson, £50. "To daughter. Patience Tallman, £45 and new chest. "To sons, William and James, 20s each. "To daughter, Sarah Godfrey, a feather bed. "To granddaughters, Bethiah and Ireelove Tallman, each a half of the bounty money that was their father' son account of the expedition against Cape Brieton. "To wife, homestead in Warwick, R. I, two acres for life, and then equally to grandsons William and Samuel, sons of James, etc." The following items of interest have been secured from various reliable records covering some of the transactions of Peter Tallman, the father of Benjamin, who married Patience Durfee : He had a clearance from Newton, Long Island, N. T., for the South river Delaware, June 27, 1651. In 1655 he was on the roll of Freemen, of Newport, R. I. January 25, 1656, he was complained of for remo-ving tobacco which had been attached by order of the court. December 18, 1658, he bought land in Portsmouth, R. I., of Robert Morris, and on the 20th of the same month and year bought land of William Wilbur, adjoining that obtained of Morris. In 1661 he was solicitor of the colony of Rhode Island. In 1661-62 he was commissioner of Warwick and Ports mouth, R. I. In 1662-65 he was a member of the General Court. June 25, 1662, he bought land in Portsmouth, R. I. June 22, 1664, he sold land to Anthony Emery. In 1665 he was divorced from his wife Ann, and married to his second wife, Joan Briggs. CORY. 9. Durfee, Deliverance (Thomas first) daughter of Thomas and (second wife) Deliverance (Hall) (Tripp) Dur fee, of Portsmouth, R. I.; born in Portsmouth, R. I., about 1690 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., April 23, 1724, to William Coey, of Tiverton, R. I.; son of William and Martha (Cook) Cory, and grandson of William and Mary (Earle) Cory, of Portsmouth, R. I. His grandfather was a car penter and miller. His father died in May, 1704, at Portsmouth, R. I. He was born in Portsmouth, R. I., about 1690. Their children were : I. — Patience Coey, born March 25, 1725 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., April 22, 1750, to Joseph Anthony, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of William and Patience (Free born) Anthony; born in Portsmouth, R. I., September 4, 1715. Their children were (born in Portsmouth, R. I.) : 1st. — William Anthony, born October 12, 1751 ; mar ried in Portsmouth, R. I., June 5, 1783, to Saeah Gipfoed, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of David and (first wife) Sarah ( ) Gifford ; born in Portsmouth, R. I. There children were : a. — David Giffoed Anthony, born November 8, 1783. b. — Patience Anthony, born October 17, 1785 ; died January 11, 1797. c. — Saeah Anthony, born May 4, 1788 ; died January 12, 1797. d. — William Anthony, born September 14, 1790. e.— Amy Anthony, born March 19, 1792 ; died April 27, 1797. /.—Mary Gipfoed Anthony, born June 10, 1794 ; died September 9, 1797. g. — Mart Giffoed Anthony (second), born September 18, 179—. A.— Amy Anthony (second), born November 20, 1798. i. — Joseph W. Anthony, born April 20, 1801. j. — Patience Anthony (second), born August 13, 1803. OORY. 39 2d. — Gideon Anthony, born October 10, 1753; married in Middletown, R. I., November 19, 1786, to Elizabeth Coggeshall. 3d. — Sylvester Anthony, born September 21, 1755. 4th. — Feeeboen Anthony, born February 15, 1757. ' 5th. — Joseph Anthony, born September 19, 1761 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., April 3, 1788, to Susanna Thomas, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Alexander and Ussella (Oldridge) Thomas ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., June 25, 1767. II.— Caleb Coey, born July 13, 1729 ; died in Tiver ton, R. I., March 6, 1793 ; married (for his second wife) in Portsmouth, R. I., December 16, 1756, Maey Slocum, of Tiverton, R. I., daughter of Ebenezer Slocum. Their children were : 1st.— William Coey, born May 16, 1759. 2d. — Ebenezee Coey. 3d. — Bathsheba Cory. 4th. — Maey Coey. 5th. — Abigail Coey, born January 30, 1776. 6th. — Deliverance Coey, born June 22, 1778. 7th. — Seabuey Coey, born November 19, 1779. 8th. — Saeah Coey, born September 22, 1784. The will of Caleb Cory, recorded at Tiverton, R. I., dated December 22, 1792, proven April 1, 1793, ap points his wife Mary executrix, and contains items as fol lows, viz : " To wife, Mary Cory, real estate, <&c. " To son, William Cory, silver spoon marked W. C. " To sons, William, Cory, Ebenezer Cory, a note. " To daughter, Bathsheba Thomas, 3s. " To daughter, Mary Wells, 3s. " To son, Seabury Cory, real essate ; also thirteen silver coat buttons and wearing apparel. " To sons, William Cory and Seabury Cory, 800 acres of land on Otter Creek. " To daughters. Deliverance Cory and Sarah Cory, 2 large silver spoons marked T. D., and six small silver spoons marked C. C, c&c." 40 CORY. III. — John Coey, born September 7, 1731; died in Portsmouth, R. I., July 13, 1818; married in Ports mouth, R. I., June 22, 1748, to Ruth Dennis, of Ports mouth, R. I., daughter of Joseph and (23) Sarah (Durfee) Dennis ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., December 6, 1733 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., March 1, 1817. Their children were : a. — Ann Coey, born November 15, 1758 ; died November 11, 1762. b. — Dennis Coey, born September 11, 1760; died Feb ruary 7, 1761. c. — Susanna Coey, born October 12, 1761 ; died in May, 1763. d. — Elizabeth Coey, born October 26, 1763 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., February 15, 1787, to William Boeden, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Joseph and Catherine (Turner) Borden ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., April 14, 1760 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., September 22, 1798. Their children were : 1st. — Joseph Boeden, born February 11, 1788 ; died in Havana, August 19, 1809. 2d. — Susanna Boeden, born August 8, 1790. 3d. — John Boeden, born March 24, 1793. 4th. — Thomas Boeden, born August 11, 1795. 5th. — Cynthia Boeden, born December 9, 1797. e. — Dennis Cosy, ) born September 11, 1765. _/. — Joseph Coey, 3 born twins ; died February 7, 1766. g. — Cynthia Coey, born October 20, 1766. h. — Joseph Dennis Coey, born June 18, 1768. i. — William Coey, born January 30, 1770. j. — Nancy Coey, born July 28, 1772 ; married in Ports mouth, R. I., April 19, 1804, to Isaac Peckham, of Ports mouth, R. I., son of Richard Peckham, of Foster, R. I. " Mrs. Mary {Earle) Cory, in her will proven April 14, 1718, gave her grandson, William Cory, a piece of money. William Cory, in his loill proven June 4, 1704, gave his son, William Cory, all lands, housing, and orchard except 27 acresofland mentioned as given to other of his children." (The above records were copied from Vol. 4 of Arnold's Vital Statistics of Rhode Island, also from Austin's Rhode Island Genealogical Dictionary.) DURFEE. 10. Durfee, Thomas (Robert 2d, Thomas 1st) ; son of Robeet and Maey (Sanford) Duepee, of Freetown, Mass. Born in Freetown, Mass., January 19, 1690 ; died in Freetown, Mass., February 12, 1772 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., December 20, 1716, to Maey Coey, of Tiverton, R. I., daughter of Thomas Coey ; born in Tiverton, R. I., February 19, 1697 ; died in Freetown, Mass., February 26, 1778. Their children were : 47.— 1st. Thomas, born March 24, 1717. 48.— 2d. Robert, born October 14, 1719. 49.— 3d. Elisha, bcm October 24, 1721. 50.— 4th. Mary, born May 17, 1724. 51.— 5th. Sarah, born September 25, 1726. 52.— 6th. Anna, born September 11, 1728. 53. — 7th. James, born December 30, 1730; died August, 1746. 54.— 8tli. Rebecca, born March 31, 1734. 55.— 9th. Hope, born April 28, 1736 ; died March 24, 1786. 56.— 10th. Cory, born May 6, 1738. 57.— 11th. Infant, born September 23, 1740; died October 25, 1740. Mr. Durfee was a farmer, and in 1721 he held the office of Constable, in Freetown, Mass. Will of Thomas Durfee, son of Robeet and Maey (Sanford) Duepee, of Freetown, Mass. A brief from book 22, page 154, Probate Records, at Taunton, Mass. Will dated February 4, 1772. "Item. — To wife, Mary Durfee, a part of house to live in, etc. "Item. — To son, Thomas Durfee, £10, etc. "Item. — To son, Robert Durfee's children, $1.00. "Item.— To son, Elisha Durfee,$1.00. "Item. — To daughter, Sarah Chase children, $1.00. 42 DURFEE. "Item. — To daughter, Anne Liscome, $1.00. "Item. — To daughter, Hope Durfee, chamber of house. "Item. — To daughters, Mary Hathaway and Rebecca Hathaway, $1.00 each to them. "Item. — To daughter, Hope Dxirfee, lot of land in Dart7nouth, Bristol county, Mass., near George Wood's land, which lot of land was given to my wife by her father, Thomas Cory, of Tiverton (deceased). "Item. — To son, Cory Durfee, watch, and plate, but tons, and other property, and appoints him to be the execu tor of the estate'' WILL of hope DUEFEE, DAUGHTER OF THOMAS AND MARY (coey) DUEFEE, OF FEEETOWN, MASS. A brief from records in the Probate Court office at Taunton, Mass., book 29, page 62, will dated February 18, 1786: "Item, 1. — Gives to brother Elisha Durfee, of Rhode Island, $10.00. "Item 2. — To cousin Robert Durfee, son of brother Elisha Durfee, $20.00/ to cousin Lydia Durfee, daught^fr of brother Elisha, clothing, etc., and $20.00. "To coushi Sarah Durfee, daughter of Elisha Durfee, $10.00. "To cousin Abigail Martin, daughter of my brother, Robert Durfee {deceased), $10.00 ; to cousin Thomas Dur fee, son of Cory Durfee {deceased), $50.00 and pocket- book; to cousin Benjamin Durfee, son of my brother Cory Dufree {deceased), $20.00. "To cousin Cory Durfee, son of brother Cory Durfee, $20.00 ; and my will is that if either of the three sons named, Thomas, Benjamin, and Cory Durfee, sons of Cory Durfee {deceased), should die, etc. * * * "To cousin Sarah Durfee, daughter of brother Cory Durfee {deceased), various articles of clothing and $50.00. "To cousin Mary Durfee, daughter of brother Cory Durfee {deceased), a dress if she live, and if not, to her sister Deborah. Also to cousin Mary Durfee, daughter of brother Cory, other articles, clothing, etc., if she live, if not, to her sister Deborah; also to cousin Mary Durfee, DURFEE. 43 furniture, etc., if she live, if not, to her sister Sarah, and $50.00. "To cousin Deborah Durfee, daughter of Cory Durfee {deceased), a gown, etc., and $20.00. "T> cousin Hope Durfee, daughter of brother Cory Durfee {deceased), $20.00. And if either Sarah, Mary, Deborah, or Hope Durfee die, the money to be divided to the living ones. " To cousin Rhoby Hathaway, daughter of Gideon Hatha way, $30.00, and bedding and other articles. " To cousin Mary Durfee, daughter of brother Thomas Durfee {deceased), $20.00, and articles of clothing men tioned. "To four cousins, named Sarah, Mary, Deborah and Hope, daughters of brother Cory Durfee {late deceased), other portion of estate equally divided. " To cotisins Thomas, Benjamin and Cory Durfee, sons of brother Cory Durfee {deceased), equally any property not specified as given to others. "Appoints cousin Benjamin Durfee and Jonathan Read executors." 11. Durfee, John (Robert 2d, Thomas 1st) ; son of Robeet and Maey (Sanfoed) Dubfeb, of Freetown, Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., May 14, 1691; died in Free town, Mass., December 14, 1744 ; married in Taunton, Mass., January 28, 1716, to Susannah Eddy, of Taunton, Mass. (probably) daughter of John and (2d wife) De liveeance (Owen) Eddy ; born in Taunton, Mass., Sep tember 18, 1692. Their children were (first 10 per records of Freetown, Mass.) : 58.— 1st. Eliakim, born November 17, 1716. 59.— 2d. Barsheba, born August 2T, 1718. 60.— 3d. Preserved, born July 5, 1720. 61.— 4th. Phebe, born September 13, 1722. 62.— 5tb. John, born November 16, 1724. 63.— 6th. Hannah, born October 7, 1726. 64.— 7th. Peleg, born October 7, 1728. 65.— 8th. Elizabeth, born March 25, 1730. 66.— 9th. Zebedee, born March 13, 1732. 44 DURPEE. 67.— 10th. Benjamin, born January 22, 1734. 68.— 11th. David, born June 10, 1736. 69.— 12th. Robert, born May 30, 1738. (Last two per records of Dartmouth, Mass.) 12. Durfee, Benjamin (Robert 2d, Thomas 1st) ; son of Robert and Maey (Sanfoed) Duefee, of Freetown, Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., January 30, 1695; died (probably in Middleborough, Mass.), November 8, 1764. There is record of the marriage of a Benjamin Durfee in the books of the Town Clerk of Freetown, at the clerk's office, in Assonet village, dated January 11, 1763, to Ruth Borden. No further account being given, and in view of the statements made in the will of Benjamin Dur fee on file with the Records of the Probate Court of Plymouth, Mass., book 19, page 192, it is probable that if Ruth Borden became the wife of Benjamin, son, of Robert Durfee, she died soon. It is stated in the " Will of Benjamin Durfee, of Mid dleborough, in the town of Plymouth, dated Novernher 6, in the Mh year of His Majesty's Reign, King George the 1st, A. D. 1764", that he "gives from love and good will to Mary Ashley, of Freetown, Bristol Co., Mass., his whole estate, house and lands * * * and all that he has to give to her heirs and assigns forever, and appoints her ad-- ministratrix. {signed) BENJAMIN DURFEE. Witnesses : Caleb Turner. her Mary 0. x Fry. marb his Moses X Keen. mark Admitted for record April 1, 1765. The following, copied from page 185, Vol. 49, N. E. H. and G. Register, is taken to be a record of the mili tary service of the above Benjamin Durfee. " Muster roll of the Co. in His Majesty's Service under the Command of William Canada (Canedy) Capt." DURFEE. 45 " Benj». Durfey, Corpl." * * * * * * " Mass. Arch. 91 : 178-180." The operations of the military force were in Maine against the French and Indians about the year 1725. 13. Durfee, Peleg (Robert 2d, Thomas 1st) ; son of Robert and Mary (Sanford) Durfee, of Freetown, Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., April 2, 1698 ; died in Ply mouth, Mass., November 17,1730 ; married in Plymouth, Mass., March 21,1721, to Maey Cole, of Plymouth, Mass., daughter of Ephraim and Rebecca (Gray) Cole. Born in 1698. Their children were (born in Plymouth, Mass.) : 70.— 1st. Mary, born in 1722. 71.— 2d. Peleg, born in 1724; died in childhood. 72.— 3d. Peleg, born in 1726. 73.— 4th. Richard, born in 1728. Peleg Durfee was a mariner and commanded a vessel ; and inthe records at Plymouth he is referred to as Captain Durfee. The following was copied from " Tittles and Land Marks of Plymouth Colony," page 167 : " Peleg Durfee married Mary Cole, of Ephraim, of James. Mrs. Durfee owned the house once occupied by William R. Drew, standing on land which was a part of the homestead lot of John Howland of the Mayflower. It was once owned by Edward Gray, who sold it in 1670 to Rev. John Cotton, who sold it in 1680 to James Cole, and it was afterwards owned by Ephraim Cole, son of James ; and was sold in 1743 by Mrs. Mary, wife of Peleg Durfee, who was Ephraim's daughter." Also on page 200 : " Lot bought of Consider Howland in 1723, by Peleg Durfee, sold in 1743 by Mary, daughter of Mr. Durfee, to James Hovey." Files at the Court House, Plymouth, show as follows : " No. 6914. Rebecca Cole, widow, appointed guardian of her granddaughter, Mary Durfey, daughter of Peleg Durfey, late of Plymouth, who is a minor under 14 years." " No. 6913. Ephraim Cole, appointed administrator of the estate of Peleg Durfee, mariner (deceased), March 11, 1731." 46 durfee. Ephraim dies, and Rebecca, his wife, with Samuel Cole, is appointed May 21, 1731. The inventory is endorsed, Capt. Durfey. Amount of inventory, including house and land, £379 5s 2d ; this item appears in the inventory " An Indian girl, £16 0 0 ;" also item " land and house by Isaac Lothrop, Esq., £130 0 0." No. 4673. Contains will of Ephraim Cole, dated March 2, 1731. Filed May 21, 1731. Mentions Mary Durfey as his grandchild and Durfey as his grandson. Amount of inventory £3,333 4 11. One of the items in the inventory is " Pew in meeting house £8." Also the will of Rebecca Cole is recorded in Book 8, on pages 537 and 538, dated May 4, 1737 ; entered for pro bate September 25, 1742. Mentions granddaughter, Mary Durfee, and her heirs to whom she gave : A "silver tankard;" "1 ew ;" "11 sheep;" "great brass kettle," and her " case of bottles," and " bed where she lodges," and all bedding and furniture to it, also other moveables, when divided, Mary is to have a share. GAGE. 14. Durfee, Mary (Robert 2d, Thomas 1st) ; daughter of Robert and Mart (Sanfoed) Duefee, of Freetown, Mass ; born in Freetown, Mass., January 29, 1700 ; died in Freetown, Mass., November 29, 1753 ; married in Freetown, Mass., May 28,1719 (as second wife) to Thomas Gage, of Freetown, Mass. Their children were (born in Freetown, Mass.): I. — Maey Gage, born February 7, 1720 ; married in Freetown, Mass., April 11, 1743, to Geeshom Woodle, of Tiverton, R. I. Their children were (born in Tiverton, R. I.): 1st — Susannah Woodle, born October 25, 1743. 2d. — Geeshom Woodle, born January 15, 1745. 3d. — Maey Woodle, born August 23, 1747. 4th. — Sarah Woodle, born April 14, 1749. 5th. — Elizabeth Woodle, born August 30, 1750. II. — Susanna Gage, born June 29, 1721 ; died in Free town, Mass ; married in Freetown, Mass., January 20, 1743, to James Davis, of Freetown, Mass., son of William, Jr., and Keziah (Cudworth) Davis; born in Freetown, Mass., September 13, 1716 ; died in Freetown, Mass. Their children were (born in Freetown, Mass.): 1. — Maey Davis, born September 24, 1743 ; died May 15, 1754. 2. — Susannah Davis, born January 25, 1745 ; died in Freetown, Mass.; married in Freetown, Mass., February 5, 1767, to Joseph Davis, of Freetown, Mass., son of Jonathan and Sarah (Terry) Davis ; born in Freetown, Mass., September 26, 1738 ; died in Freetown, Mass. Their children were : 1st. — Richaed Davis married Anna Tebey, and their children were : a. — Maeia Davis, who married Joseph Beightman, of Fall Eiver, Mass. 47 48 gage. b. — Joanna Davis, who married Samuel Sanfoed, of Fall River, Mass. c. — Claeissa Davis, who married Wilbue Chase, of Dartmouth, Mass. d. — Almeda Davis, who married William Lawton, of Fall River, Mass. 2d. — Polly Davis. 3d. — Howard Davis, who married Ruth Knight. Their children were : Benjamin, Andeew, and Hannah. Howard Davis married, a second time, to Mahitabel Boswoeth; their child, Ruth A. Davis, married Shef field Bennett. 4th. — Waeden Davis, who married Diadama (Cummings) Knap, daughter of Joel and Chloe (Chase) Cummings (without issue). 5th. — Joseph Davis, who married Lydia Hathaway. Their children were : a. — Jason Davis, who married Matilda Dean, of Free town, Mass. b. — Anson Davis, who married Miss Bliffins, of Fall River, Mass. c. — Harriet Davis. d. — Sally Davis. e. — Susan Davis. Joseph Davis married a second time to Mrs. Pierce, of Fall River, Mass. 6th. — Gilbert Davis, who married Mrs. Sally (Clea-ve- land) Reed, daughter of Ambrose Cleaveland, born De cember 29, 1792, granddaughter of Ambrose and Katarah (Briggs) Cleaveland. She was married twice before she became the wife of Mr. Davis. 7th. — Susannah Davis, who married William Hackett, of Middleborough, Mass. They had no children. III.— Keziah Davis, born April 10, 1747 ; married in Freetown, Mass., to Cornelius Davis, of Freetown, Mass.; son of Jonathan and Sarah (Terry) Davis ; born in Free town, Mass., January 24, 1744. Their children were : GAGE. 49 1st. — Olive Davis, born in February, 1769 ; married Caleb Wardell. Their children were : a. — Delana Wardell, who married Peter Wardell. b. — William Wardell. c. — David Wardell. 2d. — Chloe Davis, born April 1, 1770 ; married Gard ner Chase. Their children were : a. — Nathan Chase, who married Phebe Freelove. b. — Chloe Chase, who married Mr. Sampson, of Dart mouth, Mass. 3d. — David Davis, who married Phebe Duefee (or Phebe Read). Their children were : a. — Betsey Davis, who married Snell. b. — Catherine Davis. c. — Nanot Davis. 4th. — Keziah Davis, who married Gideon Hathaway. Their children were : a. — Betsey Hathaway, who died young. b. — Robert Hathaway, who married Emily Eddy, of Taunton, Mass. c. — Peace Hathaway, who married Isaac King, of Little Compton, R. I. 5th. — Hope Davis, who married August 30, 1795, Edmund Davis, of Freetown, Mass. Their children were : a. — Olive Davis, born in 1801, died November 24, 1866. Married Samuel V. Bliffins, of Fall River, Mass. b. — Rachel Davis, who married Anson Bliffins, of Fall River, Mass.; son of Valentine and Hannah (Evans) Bliffins, who was a grandson of Nathaniel and Mary (Val entine) Bliffins ; he was drowned while working in the flume of a saw-mill in Fall River, Mass. Mrs. Bliffins married a second time in Fall River, Mass., to Oliver Fbeelovb. 50 GAGE. c. — Gardner Davis, who married Ann Bennett, of Fall River, Mass. d. — Willaed Davis. e. — Edmund Davis, who married Nanoy Hathaway, of Fall River, Mass. 6th. — Daniel Davis, who married Elizabeth Butts, of Dartmouth, Mass. Their children were : a. — Thomas Davis, who died young. b. — Louisa Davis, who married Abel Boomer, of Fall River, Mass. Mrs. Davis, when a widow, married Wil liam Coey. IV. — James Davis, born February 15, 1750, died De cember 4, 1754. V.^ — Shadeach Davis, born March 3, 1752. Married in Freetown, Mass., May 18, 1775, to Lydia Davis. Their children were : 1st.— William Davis, born May 29, 1780. 2d. — Shadeach Davis, born July 9, 1782 ; married Saeah Spoonee, of New Bedford, Mass. Their children were : a. — William H. Davis, who lived single ; died in 1837. b. — Hannah Davis, who married Silas P. Smith, of Middleborough, Mass. c. — Stephen Davis, who married in Mexico. d. — Saeah Davis, who married Leonaed Kean, of Fair- haven, Mass. e. — Lynde Davis (lived single). f — Maey Davis. g. — John Davis. h. — Lydia Davis. i.— Shadeach Davis, born March 20, 1802 ; married Nancy Simmons, of Fairhaven, Mass. 3d. — Lynde Davis, who died at sea. 4th. — Lydia Davis, who died young. VI. — Hope Davis, born April 16, 1754. VII.— James Davis, born January 19, 1756 ; married in Freetown, Mass., August 2, 1781, to Saeah Winslow, GAGE. 51 of Freetown, Mass., daughter of George and Phebe (Tisdale) Winslow, born in Freetown, Mass. Their children were : 1st. — Susannah Davis, born November 5, 1781 ; mar ried a Mr. Tinkham. 2d. — Geoege Davis, born March 5, 1783 ; married Terry. They had one child, Thomas Davis, who married Tripp. Their child, Maey Elizabeth Davis, married Wilcox, and had one child. 3d. — Hannah Davis, born June 5, 1785 ; married Thomas Howaed. Their children were : 1st. — Sybil Howard, who married Joseph Stetson (no issue). 2d. — Clarissa Howaed, who became the second wife of Joseph Stetson (no issue). 3d. — James Howaed, who died unmarried. 4th. — Ann Maela. Howaed, who married Ebenezee God- feey. 5th. — Susan Howard, who married Samuel Jenkins, son of John and Amelia ( ) Jenkins, of Nantucket, Mass. 6th. — Betsey Howaed, who married Daniel D. Deeick son, and had several children, among whom was a daugh ter, Phebe Deeickson, who married Capt. John Cheeey. Their P. O. address in 1874 was Fairhaven, Mass. 4th.— James Davis, born May 20, 1788. 5th. — Phebe Davis, born January 20, 1790. 6th.— Saeah Davis, born April 15, 1793. 7th. — Heney Davis. 8th. — Sybil Davis, who married a Mr. Peice, and had several children ; married a second time to a Mr. Mae- shall (no issue). VIII.— WiLLLiM Davis, born March 21, 1758. IX.— David Davis, born March 3, 1761. III.— Thomas Gage, born May 1, 1723. Intentions to marry Cloe Huetlestone, of Dartmouth, Mass., were recorded in Freetown, Mass., May 12, 1750. 52 GAGE. Thomas Gage, Sr., was married first, September 7, 1716, to Remembee (Faeeow) Teeey, of Freetown, Mass., daughter of John Faeeow, of Hingham; she was born February 3, 1682, and died at Freetown, Mass., in 1719. Mr. Gage was a clothier by trade, was often an office holder in Freetown ; he was assessor in 1720, and a Representative to the General Court in 1722, 1727 and 1736. DELANO. 15. Durfee, Elizabeth (Robert 2d, Thomas 1st), daughter of Robeet and Mary (Sanfoed) Duefee, of Free town, Bristol Co., Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., in 1702 ; died in Dartmouth, Mass., February 18, 1784 ; married in Freetown, Mass., January 2, 1721, to Na thaniel Delano of Dartmouth, Mass., son of Jonathan and Mary (Waeeen) Delano ; born in Dartmouth, Mass., October 29, 1695; died in Dartmouth, Mass., April 8, 1770. Their children were (born in Dartmouth, Mass.) : I. — Beidget Delano, born February 6, 1723 ; married in Dartmouth, Mass., July 31, 1746, to Jonathan Hath away, Je. II. — Saeah Delano, born March 18, 1725, died in Oc tober, 1818 ; married December 27, 1749, to JosuH Eldeidge, son of Elnathan and Hannah (Kelly) El- deidge, born October 11, 1724. III. — Infant, born in October, 1727; died October 7, 1727. IV. — Nathaniel Delano, born December 23, 1728. Married in Dartmouth, Mass., September 21, 1751, to Maey Taboe, of Dartmouth, Mass. Their children were (born in Dartmouth, Mass.) : 1st. — Lois Delano, born February 2, 1753; died April 28, 1754. 2d.^ — Maecy W. Delano, born March 3, 1755; died in Fairhaven, Mass., February 14, 1812 ; married in Dartmouth, Mass., January 27, 1782, to Baetholomew Akin of Dartmouth, Mass., son of Benjamin and Eunice (Tabor) Akin; born on April 24, 1750; died March 24, 1825. 3d. — Jonathan Delano, born October, 28, 1756 ; died in Providence, N. T., January 25, 1825; married in Rochester, Mass., October 21, 1780 (before his mar riage he lived in Fairhaven, Mass. At the time of 54 DELANO. the British invasion he moved his goods inland, among which was " the writing desk" owned by George Delano, late of Cooper, Mich.), to Lydia Beiggs, born in Roches ter, Mass., March 17, 1763, died at Eagle Harbor, N. T., March 9, 1860. Their children were : a. — Lois Delano, born October 8, 1782. b. — Jonathan Delano, born December 9, 1784; died in Akron, N. T., April 13, 1843. He was captain of a company at Sackett's Harbor in the War of 1812, a member of the As.sembly of the State of New York, at Albany, in 1820, and colonel of a regiment of New York State Militia, a farmer and mill and wheelwright. Mar ried in Providence, N. Y., March 24, 1805, to Phebe Haet, daughter of Peleg and Hannah (Potter) Hart ; born in Tiverton, R. I., May 27, 1787 ; died in Akron, N. Y., January 7, 1880. Their children were : 1st. — William Delano, born December 31, 1806. 2. — Peleg Delano, born April 25, 1809 ; died August 12, 1827. 3d. — Duefee Haeeison Delano, born February 5, 1812 ; died in Akron, N. Y., May 27, 1893 ; married December 22, 1839, to Amanda S. Hill, daughter of Elisha and Annie (Rowley) Hill ; born in Ogden, N. Y., January 27, 1833 ; died in Akron, N. Y., December 27, 1893. 4th. — Lydia Delano, born June 8, 1816. 5th. — Hannah Eliza Delano, born in Barre, N. Y., May 9, 1824. 6th.— Malentha Coenelia Delano, born in Gaines, N. Y., April 26, 1827. 7th. — Phebe Jane Delano, born September 14, 1829. Married March 30, 1850, to Charles Hibbaed, born in Manlius, N. Y., September 10, 1820 ; she died at Clark- lake, Mich., March 2, 1897, without issue. c. — Lydia Delano, born December 22, 1786. d. — Samuel Beiggs Delano, born August 2, 1789. e. — Duefee Delano, born February 14, 1792 ; died in Eagle Harbor, N. Y., January 8, 1866 ; married in Gal- way, N. Y., February 3, 1818, to Ruth Staekweathee, DELANO. 55 daughter of Avery and Sarah (Meech) Starkweather, born September 22, 1796 ; died in Eagle Harbor, N. Y., November 23, 1866. Their children were : 1st. — Stephen Jonathan Delano, born in Barre, N. Y., November 20, 1818 ; died in Gaines, N. Y., February 21, 1838. 2d. — AvEEY Staekweathee Delano, born August 16, 1820. 3d. — Saeah Melissa Delano, born June 24, 1824 ; died unmarried, in Middleport, N. Y., June 29, 1887. 4th. — Ray Delano, born October 17, 1826 ; died in Gaines, N. Y., November 11, 1843. 5th. — EzEA Beiggs Delano, born March 20, 1829. 6th. — Haeeiet Lucy Delano, born in Gaines, N. Y., October 11, 1839. 7th. — Olivee Duefee Delano, born January 26, 1842. He was manager of the Omaha Shot and Lead Works. Later he removed to New York City and became manager of the Le Roy Shot and Lead Works. Married in St. Louis, Mo., May 12, 1886, to Jennie E. Holmes, daughter of George Pelton and Emma Louisa (Rexford) Holmes. Born in Willoughby, Ohio, August 13, 1862. Their children were : 1st. — Ruth Holmes Delano, born in St. Louis, Mo., February 16, 1887 ; died at Whitestone, L. I., July 7, 1897. 2d. — Geoegia Emma Delano, born at Whitestone, L. I., April 27, 1895. /. — Stephen Beiggs Delano, born September 29, 1795. g. — EzEA Briggs Delano, born March 23, 1798. h. — Mary Delano, born December 25, 1800. i. — Ephraim Beiggs Delano, born January 16, 1803. j. — Geoege Delano, born March 31, 1805. 4th. — Nathaniel Delano, born December 17, 1758. 5th. — Elizabeth Delano, born March 16, 1761. 6th. — DuEPHY Delano, born August 14, 1765 ; died at sea. 7th. — Stephen Delano, born October 13, 1766. 56 DELANO 8th. — Geoege Delano, born ) t q i nno 9th.-DiNAH Delano, bom J -^^"^"^"^y ^' ^^^^- V. — Peleg Delano, born February 11, 1731. VI. — Richaed Delano, born October 29, 1733. VII. — Maey Delano, born March 16, 1736 ; married in Dartmouth, Mass., to Judah Sampson. VIII. — Elizabeth Delano, born September 18, 1738 ; married in Dartmouth, Mass., to Joseph Taboe. IX. — Susannah Delano, born November 21, 1741. ESTES. 22. Durfee, Ann (Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Daugh ter of Thomas and Ann (Freeborn) Durfee, of Ports mouth, R. I. ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., August 25, 1691; died in Dartmouth, Mass., April 27, 1734; married in Portsmouth, R. I., December 22, 1715, to Robert Estes, of Lynn, Mass. ; son of Richard and Eliza beth (Beck) Estes ; born in Salem, Mass., August 27, 1694; died in Portsmouth, R. I., 1780. Richard, the father of Robert, was a son of Robert of Dover, England ; for more complete data see Estes Genea- ology (by Charles E. Estes), from which the principal part of the record that follows was obtained. It is presumed that Richard signed with John Estes an address to Gov. Jos. Dudley, in 1703, as Quakers residing at Lynn, Mass. Their children were : I. — ^Richard Estes, born July 2, 1717. II.— Saeah Estes, born February 13, 1720. III.— Thomas Estes, born April 17, 1725. IV.— Ann Estes, born March 8, 1726. I. — Estes, Richard (Robert 3d, Richard 2d, Robert 1st). Son of Robert and Ann (Durfee) Estes ; born in Ports mouth, R. I., July 2, 1717 ; died November 13, 1793 ; married to Mart Pierce, of East Greenwich, R. I., daughter of Philip and Frances ( •) Pierce ; born June 8, 1724 ; died January 19, 1782. Their children were ; 1st. — Richard Estes, born in East Greenwich, R. I., January 25, 1739 ; married at Warwick, R. I., March 10, 1760, to JoHANNAH Edmunds, and removed to South Carolina. 2d. — Anna Estes, born in East Greenwich, R. I., Au gust 25, 1741 ; died March 3, 1813. 3d. — Thomas Estes, born in East Greenwich, R. I., November 29, 1743 ; died January 25, 1744. 57 58 estes. 4th. — Mart Estes, born in East Greenwich, R. I., November 8, 1744 ; died April 9, 1815. 5th. — Mart Estes, born April 25, 1747. 6th. — Philip Estes, born in Warwick, R. I., February 22, 1749 ; married Gage. Their children were : a. — Robert Estes. b. — Uriah Estes. c. — Thomas P. Estes, born February 28, 1778 ; died September 17, 1 845 ; married in Schoharie, Schoharie Co., N. Y., June 25, 1801, to Mart Burlingham, of Schoharie, N. Y., daughter of Philip and Elizabeth ( ) Burling ham. Mr. Estes was a farmer and a member of Friends Society. Their children were : 1st. — Elizabeth Estes, born March 16, 1803 ; died August 20, 1881 ; married July 24, 1824, to William Ball. 2d. — Charlotte Estes, born April 3, 1806 ; died April 18, 1880. 3d. — Edmund Estes, born July 9, 1808 ; died July 27, 1842 ; married November 10, 1837, to Esther H. Topping. 4th. — Philip Estes, born June 27, 1810 ; died June 20, 1863 ; married June 27, 1833, to Rebecca Ball. 5th. — Rebecca Ann Estes, born September 24, 1815 ; married March 7, 1838, to Moses De Line, son of Frederick and Hannah (Applegate) De Line ; born in Charleston, N. Y., January 20, 1813. He was a farmer, and died July 18, 1883. Their children were : 1st. — Thomas J. De Line, born at Florence, N. Y., January 21, 1839. He entered the Union Army in 1861, in Co. A, 39th 111. Infty. ; re-enlisted in December, 1863 ; was taken prisoner (per official record, near Drurys Bluff, Va., May 16, 1864) June, 1864; was an inmate of Ander- sonville and Florence prisons ; exchanged, December 11, 1864 ; died January 15, 1869, from diseases contracted while in prison. 2d. — William De Line, born in Florence, N. Y., Sep tember 15, 1840 ; married at Fairbury, Neb., September estes. 59 24, 1873, to Ellen Brookover, born February 11, 1843. He was a farmer. Their son Frank was born May 15, 1878. 3d. — Maey Jeaneti'e De Line, born in Florence, N. Y., August 5, 1842 ; died August 15, 1842. 4th. — Mart Jane De Line, born in Florence, N. Y., November 15, 1843 ; married July 20, 1863, to William Ridge, of Somerset Co., England, born August 16, 1830. Their children were : 1st. Harriet M. Ridge. 2d. Thomas Ridge. 3d. Re becca M. Ridge. 4th. Olive J. Ridge. 5th. Lilian E. Ridge. 6th. Arvilla M. Ridge. 7th. Jeanette Ridge. 5th. — Melvin De Line, born in Florence, N. Y., May 5th, 1846 ; died August 30, 1846. 6th. — George De Line, born in Channahon, IU., Decem ber 30, 1848 ; died October 11, 1852. 7th. — Arvilla De Line, born in Channahon, 111., Octo ber 30, 1851 ; died August 30, 1853. 8th. — Sarah M. De Line, born in Jackson, IU., Janu ary 27, 1854. She was sent as a missionary by the W. F. M. Society to Bombay, India, in October, 1884. 9th. — Aezula De Line, born in Jackson, 111., Novem ber 3, 1855; married September 19, 1880, to Isaac Conrad, born in Smoketown, Pa., February 3, 1839. 6th. — Phebe B. Estes, born December 7, 1817 ; died August 7, 1874 ; married October 8, 1845, to James H. Eaele. 7th. — Francis H. Estes, born August 5, 1819 ; married July 19, 1848, to Phoebe Ann Howe, of Charleston, N. Y., daughter of Palmer and Mary (Dunlap) Howe ; born Feb ruary 27, 1829. He was a butcher. Their daughter, Mary Ann Estes, born September 15, 1850 ; married on January 12, 1876, to Angus A. Rockwell. 8th.— Susan Estes, born March 17, 1822 ; died May 18, 1882 ; married April 25, 1863, to John Hoeton. 9th. — Mart B. Estes, born July 5, 1824 ; died Febru ary 16, 1883 ; married February 10, 1862, to G.V. Pulver. 10th. — George D, Estes, born September 28, 1827 ; married December 24, 1851, to Mart E. Moter, daughter of John Moyer, of Root, Montgomery county, N. Y. 60 estes. Their children were (born at Charleston and Florida, N. Y.): 1st. — Mart E. Estes, born October 9, 1852 ; married John S. S-webt. 2d. — Philip Estes, born March 23, 1855; married Sarah A. Metees. 3d. — Ida M. Estes, born April 9, 1856 ; married Silas Nostra NT. 4th. — Ophelia Estes, born August 27, 1868 ; died September 17, 1862. 5th. — Ellen Estes, born November 17, 1860 ; married Jacob I. Dorme. 6th. — John M. Estes, born August 28, 1861. 7th. — Catherine O. Estes, born September 4, 1865. d. — Benjamin Estes (family of PhiUp continued). e. — Richard Estes, married Rebecca Abrams. /. — Philip Estes. g. — -Mart Estes, married 1st Loomis, 2d Gideon Tabor. h. — Eleanor Estes, married Nathaniel Southwick. 7th. — Thomas Estes, born in Warwick, R. I., Septem ber 28, 1752 ; died in 1825 ; married in Dutches county, N. Y., to Sarah Teipp ; born in Rhode Island, April 22, 1752 ; died in Scipio, N. Y. They settled in Duanes- burg, N. Y. Nearly all of this family were members of Duanesburg Monthly Meeting of the Society of Friends. The meeting house was built largely by Thomas Estes and his sons, in 1807. His widow was about 95 years old at her death. Their children were : 1st. — Joseph Estes, born January 10, 1775 ; died in 1854 ; married Lois Sowle. They had no children. 2d. — Rebecca Estes, born July 5, 1776 ; married in Duanesburg, N. Y., to Daniel Gage, and removed to Pennsylvania some 50 years or more ago, where their children (as follows) were born : 1st. Ezekiel Gage. 2d. Elkanah Gage. 3d. Jarvis Gage. 4th. Moetimore Gage. 5th. Daniel Gage. 6th. Phebe Gage. estes. gl 3d. — Anne Estes, born December 30, 1779 ; married Henry Olin, of Florida, N. Y. Their children were : 1st. William Olin. 2d. Van Rbnsalbar Olin. 3d. Giles Olin. 4th. Sarah Olin. 5th. Ruth Olin. 6th. Catherine Olin. 7th. Anna Olin. 4th. — Mart Estes, born November 24, 1782 ; died May 8, 1823. 5th. — Thomas Estes, born January 7, 1784 ; died Sep tember 9, 1812 ; married . Their children were : 1st. — Joseph and Rachel Estes (twins). 3d. — Sarah Estes. 6th. — Jeeusha Estes, born March 20, 1786 ; married James McDonald, of Duanesburg, N. Y. Their children were : 1st. Thomas McDonald. 2d. Nathaniel MoDoNAio. 3d. Margaret McDonald. 4th. Anna McDonald. 5th. Rebecca McDonald. 6th. Edmond McDonald. 7th. Estes McDonald. 7th. — Nathaniel Estes, born May 31, 1788 ; died Sep tember 3, 1819 ; married on July 2, 1807, to Ruth Gage, of Duanesburg, N. Y., daughter of Isaac (a minister of the Society of Friends) and Lydia (Sowle) Gage ; born February 16, 1789 ; died August 17, 1871. Mr. Estes was a farmer. Their children were (born at Duanesburg, N. Y.) : 1.— Lois Estes, born May 6, 1808 ; died AprU 2, 1882 ; married at Utica, N. Y., March 13, 1828, to Foreis Kel logg, of New Hartford, N. Y. Their children were (born in New Hartford, N. Y.) : 1st. — Eliza Kellogg, born October 13, 1830 ; married June 14, 1852, to John Brown, a grandson of Joseph Brown, a noted minister in the Society of Friends. 2d. — Mart D. Kellogg, born November 30, 1832; married AprU 8, 1848, to Elias Thoene. 3d. — Sarah Kellogg, born September 30, 1835 ; mar ried December 1, 1866, to Benjamin Brisooe. 4th.^ — Charles Kellogg, born January 4, 1839 ; died August 4, 1839. 62 estes. 5th. — Feances Kellogg, born July 10, 1840 ; died June 21, 1851. 6th. — Rachel C. Kellogg, born October 21, 1842 ; married October 10, 1863, to William P. Willetts. 7th. — Emma Kellogg, born November 30, 1 844 ; mar ried June 22, 1865, to R. B. Thoene. 2. — Joseph N. Estes, born September 17, 1809 ; died in Missouri, in September, 1858 ; married November 10, 1830, to Mart Sowle, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Harcourt) Sowle, of Scipio, N. Y.; born March 7, 1812 ; died October 12, 1858. Their children were (first 7 born in Scipio, the others in Ledyard, N. Y.) : 1st. — Susan S. Estes, born August 7, 1831 ; died Feb ruary 12, 1856. 2d. — Ltdia G. Estes, born October 26, 1832 ; married ¦ Geat and moved to Pennsylvania. 3d. — ^Rowland Estes, born August 25, 1834. He started for England in 1859 ; since then has not been heard from. 4th.— Ruth N. Estes, born AprU 20, 1836. 5th. — John N. Estes, born March 18, 1838 ; married. 6th. — Sarah Ann Estes, born February 28, 1840 ; mar ried. 7th. — Elizabeth S. Estes, born September 17, 1841. 8th. — Isaac G. Estes, born January 29, 1843 ; married. 9th. — Silas W. Estes, born September 6, 1844. 10th. — Priscilla Estes, born August 26, 1846. 11th. — Elias H. Estes, born November 6, 1848. He was a soldier in the Union Army and died at KnoxviUe, N. Y., November 3, 1865. 12th. — Lois A. Estes, born in Rutland, Pa., February 28, 1854. 3d. — Lydia G. Estes, born April 14, 1812 ; married July 18, 1837, to KiLLSON Lout, of Charleston, N. Y.; son of Matthias and Catherine ( ) Lout ; born March 21, 1809 ; died November 21, 1881. Their children were : 1st. — Patience E. Lout, born December 25, 1837, at Hamilton, N. Y.; died October 14, 1880. estes. 63 2d. — John T. Lout, born in Lebanon, N. Y., August 18. 1840. 3d. — Ruth Lout, born in Lebanon, N. Y., June 23, 1842. 4th. — Cathaeine Lout, born in Milford, N. Y., Febru ary 7, 1846. 5th. — Nathaniel E. Lout, born in MUford, N. Y., Jan uary 21, 1850. 6th. — Matthias Lout, born in Burlington, N. Y., March 31, 1855. 4th. — Isaac Estes, born December 9, 1813 ; married. 5th. — Maey Estes, born January 13, 1816 ; died Sep tember 28, 1833 ; married Thomas Williams, of Charles ton, N. Y.; son of Samuel. Their children were (6) (3 born in Charleston and 3 in MUfotd, N. Y.) : 1st. — Judith Williams, born August 21, 1842 ; married December 31, 1859, to Danford Gaige. 2d. — Ruth A. Williams, born March 12, 1844 ; mar ried March 14, 1867, to David Peeston. 3d. — Samuel J. Williams, born October 5, 1845 ; mar ried November 6, 1868, to Oeulia Bush. 4th.— George R. Williams, born July 29, 1847 ; mar ried March 1, 1872, to Emma Wellman. 5th. — Emerson D. Williams, born November 19, 1850. 6th. — Nathaniel E. Williams, born March 16, 1853. 6th. — Patience G. Estes, born June 27, 1817 ; married March 7, 1843, to Nathaniel Douglas, of New Hartford, N. Y.; son of Benjamin and Polly (Hunt) Douglas ; born October 30, 1804 ; died March 30, 1885. (See page 442 Douglas Gen.) Their children were (born in New Hartford, N. Y.) : 1st. — MoNTGOMEET H. DouGLAs, bom Juuo 1, 1844. He was a resident of the State of California in 1877. 2d. — David Douglas, born August 9, 1851 ; married RoxANNA Peaese, daughter of Howland Pearse (no issue). 7th. — Nathaniel Estes, born August 26, 1819 ; mar ried. h. — Benjamin T. Estes, born August 17, 1791. 64 estes. i. — Stephen Estes, born September 22, 1793. 8th. — Frances Estes, born March 5, 1755. 9th. — Elizabeth Estes, born June 1, 1759. 10th. — Benjamin Estes, born October 3, 1761 ; married in the State of New York to Phebe Borland. He was a farmer, and one among the early settlers of Cape Vincent, N. Y.; removed to Johnston, N. Y., in 1815. Their children were (born in Rinebeck, N. Y.) : a. — Mart Estes, born May 20, 1782 ; died in Canada in 1860 ; married March 27, 1800, to Joel Thomson, of Kent, Conn.; son of John ; born March 19, 1775 ; resided near Kingston, Canada ; died in Canada in 1850. Their children were (born in Palatine, N. Y.) : 1st. — Phebe Thomson, born July 17, 1801 ; died in Can ada in 1870 ; married Alexandee Ruttbr. 2d. — Rebecca Thomson, born March 31, 1803 ; married in 1819 to William F. Diamond. 3d. — Silas Thomson, born April 29, 1805 ; died in 1854 ; married to Jane Ann Canniff. 4th. — Charles B. Thomson, born September 29, 1807 ; married Abigail F. Gilbert. 5th. — Ann Thomson, born February 13, 1810 ; died in 1850 ; married Edward H. Curlette. 6th. — Andrew Thomson, born July 9, 1812 ; died young. 7th. — Horatio N. Thomson, born April 10, 1814 ; mar ried in 1838 to Julia Bussing. 8th. — Angeline Thomson, born November 26, 1816 ; married in 183- to William Dentke. They went South. 9th. — James Estes Thomson, born February 2, 1819, in Adolphustown, Ontario, Canada ; died in 1879 ; married in 184- to Mart Hall. b. — Rebecca Estes, born March 24, 1784 ; married Nich olas Rector. They resided at Palatine, N. Y. c. — Ann Estes, born April 28, 1786 ; married to Alex ander Gage. They resided at Cape Vincent, N. Y. d. — Andrew Estes, born September 5, 1788 ; died Oc tober 27, 1832. e. — James B. Estbs, born July 14, 1791 ; married. f — Deziah Estes, born January 20, 1794 ; married to Solomon Dimmook. They had 17 children, and lived near Sandusky, Ohio. estes. 65 ^.— John Estes, born May 2, 1796 ; was drowned in St. Lawrence river. h. — Horatio N. Estes, born December 29, 1798 ; mar ried Sarah Cummings, and resided in Cape Vincent, N. Y. i. — Betset Estes, born April 6, 1801 ; married in Scho harie Co., N. Y., in 1816, to Alsbeo Barber, son of Als- bro and Patience ( ) Barber ; born in Rhode Island in 1793. Their children were : 1st. — Sarah Barber, born in 1817. 2d. — Eli Barbee, born in Cape Vincent, N. Y., August 19, 1819. 3d. — Lucinda Barber, born August 12, 1821. 4th. — Amanda Barber, born in 1823. 5th. — Lorenzo A. Barber, born in 1826. 6th. — Harriet Barbee, born in 1828. 7th. — Patience Barber, born in 1830 ; died in 1855. 8th. — Calvin Barber, born in 1832 ; died in 1878. 9th. — Elizabeth Barber, born in Hamilton, N. Y., in 1834. j. — William Estes, born September 1, 1803. k. — Lucinda Estes, born October 27, 1805 ; married to Calvin Wright, who died March 9, 1872. She was liv ing in 1888 at Rochester, N. Y. Their children were : 1st. — Minerva WrighT', born in Lyme, N. Y., February 2, 1829. 2d. — Charlotte A. Wright, born in Cape Vincent, N. Y., August 14, 1836 ; died December 27, 1879. 3d. — Frances T. Wright, born at Cape Vincent, N. Y., September 15, 1839. 4th. — VoLNET Wright, born at Cape Vincent, N. Y., August 31, 1841 ; died November 1, 1848. 11th. — Philadelphia Estbs, born November 4, 1763. 12th. — James Estes, born October 16, 1766 ; died Octo ber 11, 1828 ; married Catherine Pearce ; born February 21, 1767 ; died February 25, 1807. Their children were : a. — Maey Estes, born March 4, 1788 ; married to Ros- 66 estes. WELL Herriok. They had one child, Hiram Herrkik. Their home was at Three Mile Bay, N. Y. b. — John Estes, born October 18, 1789 ; married ; had five children. c. — Hannah Estes, born August 17, 1791 ; married Jacob Empey. They resided at Three Mile Bay, N. Y., and had one child, Charles Empey. d. — Benjamin Estes, born February 15, 1793 ; married Sallt Barber (no issue). e. — Peter Estes, born November 14, 1794. f — Richard P. Estes, born November 14, 1794. g. — Charlotte Esteb, born April 6, 1798 ; married William Rowe. h. — Betset Estes, born May 14, 1800 ; married Epbne- Tus Oline. They had one child, John Henry CUne, who resided at Plesis, N. Y. i. — Sarah Ebtes, born September 14, 1 801 ; married Leonard Herriok. j. — Catherine Estes, born March 1, 1803 ; married David Lothrop. k. — Rosina Estes, born September 20, 1805 ; died Jan uary 6, 1844 ; married in Lyme, N. Y., July 5, 1824, to Charles Leonard ; born September 29, 1800 ; died April 26, 1865. He was a mechanic, merchant, wool carder, etc. Their children were (born in Lyme, N. Y.) : 1st. — Rachel Leonard, born March 24, 1825 ; married September 29, 1846, to Rev. Asahel J. Coolet. 2d. — Amasa Leonard, born April 30, 1827 ; died May 30, 1880. 3d. — Sallt M. Leonard, born March 30, 1830 ; married April 23, 1856, to Isaac Norton. 4th. — Edgar Leonard, born August 15, 1832 ; married May 16, 18 — , to Mart A. Huntington ; born September 9, 1829. 5th. — Maey J. Leonard, born March 12, 1835 ; mar ried Daniel B. Rood. 6th. — La Fayette Leonard, born March 18, 1837 ; mar ried Ella J. Conant. 7th. — Caroline Leonard, born August 31, 1839 ; mar ried John C. Beoadbbnt, estes. 67 _ 8th. — Charlotte Leonard, born March 20, 1842 ; mar ried George Cantlet. James Estes married a second time to Rachel Odell, and removed to Lyme, N. Y., in 1816. He was a farmer and hotel keeper ; built one of the first frame dwelling houses at Three Mile Bay, N. Y., and from his farm di vided the lots on which the village of Three Mile Bay now stands. Children by second wife (Rachel) : 1st. — Jane Estbs, born July 3, ; married Janu ary 1, 1843, to Jeremy W. Rogers, of Harrisburg, N. Y., son of Jeremy W. and Caroline (Porter) Rogers ; born AprU 21, 1814. Their children were (born at Pamelia, N. Y.) : 1st. — George N. Rogers, born October 5, 1843 ; mar ried January 24, 1872, to Philena A. Fuller. 2d. — Albeet V. Rogers, born October 9, 1845 ; mar ried March 8, 1869, to Alice Sawyer. 3d. — Oelando N. Rogers, born October 12, 1847 ; mar ried April 26, 1867, Cepha June. 4th. — Henrietta A. Rogers, born November 12, 1849 ; married December 31, 1868, James H. Bieteand. 5th. — Charles O. Rogers, born November 15, 1852 ; married October 21, 1879, Mina M. Hodges. 6th. — John F. Rogers, born February 15, 1856 ; mar ried February 23, 1887, Martha Snydee. 2d. — Emily' Estes, married John C. Klock, of Preble, N. Y., son of Henry and Eliziibeth ( ) Klock. 3d. — Jambs Estes, married Laura Scribner. II. — Estbs, Sarah (Robert 3d, Richard 2d, Robert 1st). Daughter of Robert and Ann (Durfee) Estes ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., February 13, 1720 ; died in Ports mouth, R. I.; married in Portsmouth, R. I., March 15, 1737, to Joseph Thomas, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Joseph and Ruth ( ) Thomas, who died in Ports mouth, R. I., in 1780. Their children were : 1st. — Anne Thomas, born August 26, 1739. 2d. — Joseph Thomas, born January 3, 1742 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., June 14, 1781 ; married in Tiverton, 68 ESTES. R. I., March 9, 1766, to Ruth Tabor, of Tiverton, R. I., (probably) daughter of John and Sarah ( ) Tabor ; born in Tiverton, R. I., June 8, 1748. Their children were (born in Portsmouth, R. I.): a. — Hannah Thomas, born March 20, 1770 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., March 5, 1849 ; married George Den nis, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Robert and Hannah (Coggeshall) Dennis. They had a family of six children (see record of the descendants of Joseph and Sarah (Dur fee) Dennis). Joseph Thomas, Jr., married a second time in Ports mouth, R. I., September 8, 1779, to Dorcas Shearman, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Job and Amy ( ) Shearman; born in Portsmouth, R. I., January 2, 1742; died in Portsmouth, R. I. Their only child. Job Thomas, was born in Portsmouth, R. I., August 20, 1780. 3d. — Alexander Thomas, born November 25, 1743 ; married Ussilla Oldridge, of Bristol, R. I. Their children were (born in Portsmouth, R. I.): a. — Susanna Thomas, born June 25, 1767 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., April 3, 1788, to Joseph Anthony, Jr., of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Joseph and Patience (Cory) Anthony ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., September 19, 1761. For record of children see descendants of Joseph and Patience (Cory) Anthony. b. — Sarah Thomas, born April 14, 1769 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., December 18, 1783, to John Cook, of Portsmouth, R. I. c. — Anne Thomas, born January 22, 1771. d. — Rhoda Thomas, born July 13, 1774. e. — Mary Thomas, born May 18, 1777; married in Portsmouth, R. I., August 6, 1797, to William Haxl, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of George and Hannah (Dennis) Hall; born in Portsmouth, R. L, February 2, 1774. Their son, William Hall, was born May 6, 1798. /. — Arnold Thomas, born June 22, 1781. g. — Phebe Thomas, born July 24, 1784. 4th. — Ruth Thomas, born August 16, 1745 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., December 24, 1778, to Thomas Shaw. ESTES. 69 5th. — LuoiNA Thomas, born March 29, 1747 ; died be fore 1777. 6th. — Elizabeth Thomas, born November 15, 1748. 7th. — Daniel Thomas, born November 3, 1750. 8th. — Richard Thomas, born November 28, 1752 ; mar ried in Portsmouth, R. I., July 18, 1774, to Ann Eliza beth Decotee (Brownell) (see History of Newport County, R. I.). Their children were (born in Portsmouth, R. I.): a. — Philadelphia Thomas, born November 21, 1775 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., October 24, 1794, to Josiah Wood, of Dartmouth, Mass., son of Josiah and Hannah ( ) Wood. b. — David Thomas, born July 18, 1777. c. — Ruth Thomas, born February 7, 1780. d. — Stephen Thomas, born January 17, 1784 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., December 12, 1805, to Henrietta Shearman, of Portsmouth, R. I. Their children were : 1st. — Eliza Ann Thomas, born September 9, 1806. 2d. — Emeline Thomas, born August 1, 1810. 3d. — Ann Thomas, born January 19, 1817. 4th. — William R. Thomas, born July 12, 1822. 5th.— Sally Thomas, born May 28, 1824. f. — Hannah Thomas, born October 6, 1787 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., Ailgust 17, 1809, to Parker Hall, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of George and Hannah (Dennis) HaU ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., July 29, 1784. Their children were : 1st. — Almiea T. Hall, born May 27, 1810. 2d.— Hannah W. Hall, born February 16, 1812. 3d. — Ann Janetta Hall, born January 1, 1816. 4th. — Catherine Sowle Hall, born September 30, 1822. 5th. — William Thomas Hall, born January 9, 1825. 6th. — Benjamin Hall, born March 20, 1827 ; " married Eliza Chase, sister of Hon. John F. Chase " (see History of Newport County, R. I.). Their chUdren were : George P. Hall. Benjamin Hall. Herbert F. Hall. Maey C. Hall. 70 ESTES. Mrs. Hall dying, later Mr. HaU married a lady in Fall River, Mass. He was a farmer. Parker HaU was a member of the legislature of the State of Rhode Island during the Dorr War, and it is said he was a friend of Gov. Dorr. General La Fayette made frequent stops at his father's house during the Revolutionary War. Mr. Hall was a leading man in public matters in the town of Portsmouth, R. I., and was associate judge in the Court of Common Pleas. His son, Hon. Benjamin Hall, was a State senator in 1862-63, and town treasurer two or three years. g. — Gardiner Thomas, born October 21, 1790 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I.; married in Portsmouth, R. I., to Eleanor Boeden, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of John and Sarah (Shearman) Borden ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., January 26, 1791 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., February 12,1846. Their children were : 1st. — Sarah A. Thomas, born in Portsmouth, R. I. 2d. — Mary E.. Thomas, born in and died in Portsmouth, R. I.; married in Portsmouth, R.I., December 4, 1848, to John D. Clark, of Portsmouth, R. I. Their children were : 1st. — Elnoea Claek, who married Bteon Raisdall. 2d. — Fannie F. Claek. 3d. — William B. Clark, who married Edith Cross, of Portsmouth, R. L, daughter of John H. and Mary Ann (Gifford) Cross. They had one son, Charles G. Clark. Gardiner Thomas married a second time, in Ports mouth, R. I., November 2, 1848, to Amt C. Moneoe, daughter of Bateman and Elizabeth Monroe. Mr. Thomas was a merchant for many years. h. — Saeah Thomas, born July 4, 1792. i.- — Anne Thomas, born June 5, 1796. j. — Joseph Thomas, born December 15, 1797 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., to Hannah Anthont, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Seth and Abigail (Clark) Anthony ; born in Portsmouth, R. I. Their son, Chaeles Gaednee Thomas, born in Portsmouth, R. I., in 1835, resided in Portsmouth, and was married there to Ann C. Fish, of ESTES. 11 Portsmouth, daughter of George L. Fish ; born in Ports mouth. Their children were : 1st. SiDNET C. Thomas. 2d. Frank L. Thomas. 3d. George P. Thomas. 4th. Anne A. Thomas. 5th. Wil liam H. Thomas. Mr. Charles G. Thomas was a farmer. 9th. — Jeeemiah Thomas. 10th. — Robeet Thomas, born June 29, 1757 ; married in Newport, R. I., February 7, 1781, to Abigail Thues- TON, daughter of Benjamin and Amy ( ) Thurston ; she died in Portsmouth, R. I., August 28, 1786. Their children were (born in Portsmouth, R. I.): 1st. — Amt Thomas, born November 28, 1781. 2d. — Elizabeth Thomas, born December 5, 1783. Mr. Robert Thomas married a second time, at Ports mouth, R. I., February 8, 1786, to Mart Shearman, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Job and Martha ( ) Shearman. Their son, Thurston Thomas, was born in Portsmouth, R. I., December 30, 1786. 11th. Seth Thomas. 12th. David Thomas. 13th. Jonathan Thomas. The above records have been compiled from data found in the Vital Statistics of Rhode Island (by Arnold); also in the History of Newport County, R. I., and information received through correspondence, &c. III. — Estbs, Thomas (Robert 3d, Richard 2d, Robert 1st). Son of Robert and Ann (Durfee) Estes ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., April 17, 1725 ; died in 1784 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., July 24, 1747, to Elizabeth Thomas, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Joseph and Ruth ( ) Thomas ; born about 1729 ; died May 2, 1808. Their children were (born in Tiverton, R. I.) : 1st. — Robert Estes, born June 28, 1748 ; died in 1826 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., in 1770, to Prudence Bennett, of Tiverton, R. I., daughter of Robert Bennett. Their children were (see records of Tiverton, R. I.) : A. — Maey Estes, born March 29, 1771 ; died young. 72 ESTES. B. — Hannah Estes, born December 26, 1772; died young. C. — ZiLPHA Estbs, born October 17, 1776 ; married Abel Carpenter. D. — Thomas Estes, born August 2, 1780 ; married Catherine Beown, and joined Shakers, in Lebanon, N. Y. E. — David Estes, born June 3, 1783 ; moved in 1817 to Savoy, Mass., and died there April 19, 1842; married in Tiverton, R. L, to (No. 260|) Eliphal Durfee, of Tiver ton, R. I., daughter of Benjamin and Rhoda (Brightman) Durfee ; born in Tiverton, R. I., September 15, 1781 ; died December 25, 1852. Their children were (born in Tiverton, R. I. ): a. — Feedeeick Estes, born June 15, 1806 ; married ; died June 16, 1849. b. — Peter Estes, born August 6, 1807 ; married. c. — Mart A. Estes, born December 16,1809 ; died July 11, 1872 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., August 27, 1826, to Joseph Joslin, of Worthington, Mass.; son of Abram and Susannah (Ring) Joslin ; born June 5, 1801. They had two children born at Savoy, Mass. 1st. — Urial Joslin, born June 27, 1817 ; married Jan uary 14, 1858, to Eliza Downs, daughter of Thomas and Sarah ( ) Downs ; they had five children. 2d. — Maria Joslin, born October 6, 1829 ; married October 28, 1850, to Chaunct D. Cole, son of David and Polly ( ) Cole ; born March 27, 1827. d. — Hannah Estes, born October 13, 1 812 ; unmarried. e. — Emeline Estbs, born June 27, 1822 ; died March, 1854 ; unmarried. 2d. — Ruth Estes, born January 1, 1751 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., December 30, 1767, to Isaac Jennings, of Tiverton, R. I., son of John and Annie ( ) Jen nings ; born in Tiverton, R. I., March 9, 1742. Their children were (born in Tiverton, R. I.) : 1st. — Daniel Jennings, who married Elizabeth Chase. 2d. — Gideon Jennings. 3d. — Elizabeth Jennings, who married Brown ell. ESTES. 73 4th. — Elisha Jennings, who married Ltdia Boeden. 5th. — Isaac Jennings, born May 11, 1782; married October 5, 1805, to Susan D. Cole. 6th. — Peert Jennings, born in May, 1785, married Flor- ANA Peert. 7th. — Annie Jennings. 3d. — Joseph Estes, born November 27, 1754 ; died May 26, 1844 ; married in Dartmouth, Mass., April 2, 1788, to EnrrH Wood, of Dartmouth, Mass., daughter of Josiah and Hannah (Tucker) Wood ; born in Dartmouth, Mass., January 13, 1769 ; died September 13, 1826. Their chUdren were : A. — Elizabeth Estes, born in Dartmouth, Mass., March 12, 1789; died June 19, 1872; married in Dartmouth, Mass., July 28, 1812, to Allen Sisson, of Westport, Mass., son of William and Sylvia (Allen) Sisson ; born Febru ary 15, 1790 ; died October 11, 1860. He was the vU lage blacksmith at Russell Mills, Mass. Their children were (born in Dartmouth, Mass.) : 1st. — Sarah H. Sisson, born July 15, 1813 ; married November 29, 1832, to Joseph Ceapo. 2d. — Hannah H. Sisson, born April 6, 1815 ; died young. 3d. — William Sisson, born April 6, 1817 ; married April 28, 1840, to Susan Russell. 4th. — Sylvia A. Sisson, born November 2, 1819 ; mar ried August 29, 1839, to Elisha Chace. 5th. — Edith C. Sisson, born November 16, 1823 ; died unmarried. 6th. — Elizabeth Estes Sisson, born April 6, 1825 ; mar ried September 20, 1851, to John H. Nickeeson. B. — Saeah Estes, born in Dartmouth, Mass., April 22, 1791 ; died July 5, 1867; married in Dartmouth, Mass., February 13, 1812, to Geoege Smith, of Dartmouth, Mass., son of George and Mary ( ¦) Smith ; born in Dartmouth, Mass., AprU 26, 1790; died May 8, 1870. He was a sailor and farmer. Their children were (born in Dartmouth, Mass.) : 1st. — Almiea Smith, born June 18, 1811 ; married Da"vid Sibson. 74 ESTES. 2d. — George Smith, born November 13, 1813 ; married November 17, 1841 ; Mary R. Wood. 3d.^ — Henry Smith, born November 15, 1815 ; married October 1, 1844; Ruth L. Wilcox. 4th. — Joseph Estes Smith, born October 8, 1817 ; mar ried October 8, 1851, to Sarah Howland ; married a second time, in 1863, to Annie E. Swift. 5th. — Sarah E. Smith, born September 16, 1819 ; mar ried April 10, 1848, to George P. Pottee. 6th. — David Smith, born August 25, 1821 ; married March 18, 1852, to Phebe A. Teipp. 7th. — Son, born January 30, 1824 ; died young. 8th. — Lbander Smith, born April 4, 1825 ; married December 28, 1854 ; Rubie H. Sherman. 9th. — Hannah W. Smith, born November 30, 1827; married June 5, 1849, William H. Cummings. 10th. — Franklin S. Smith, born March 9, 1832 ; died young. 11th. — Emily Smith, born September 5, 1834 ; died young. 12th. — Charles F. Smith, born June 14, 1837 ; married Ella C. Boeden, December 21, 1865. C. — Hannah Estes, born in Dartmouth, Mass., May 10, 1794; died April 21, 1869 ; married in Dartmouth, Mass., October 1, 1810, to Capt. John Hull, of Newport, R. L, a mariner, son of Capt. John and (2d wife) Abigail (Carr) HuU ; born AprU 14, 1786 ; died in Baltimore Md., in May, 1830. Their children were (born in Dartmouth, Mass.) : 1st. — John Hull, born January 8, 1812 ; died April 25, 1875 ; married October 12, 1835, to Lydia Sherman. 2d. — Maey A. Hull, born January 8, 1814 ; married October 19, 1836, to Edwaed Chace. 3d. — Eliza Hull, born October 14, 1819 ; died October 5, 1868; single. 4th. — Hannah Hull, born June 24, 1822 ; married Oc tober 2S, 1845, to Elihu Howland. 5th. — Chaeles F. Hull, born December 27, 1824 ; mar ried November 15, 1852, to Caroline B. Bump as ; married (2d) AprU 8, 1863, to Maeia L. Palmer. ESTES. 75 D. — Edith Estes, born December 25, 1796 ; died Novem ber 7, 1799. E. — Joseph Estes, born October 26, 1801 ; died March 26, 1889 ; married in Dartmouth, Mass., December 9, 1830, to Eunice Chace, of Warren, R. I., daughter of Anthony and Isabel (Buffington) Chace ; born October 2, 1808. Their children were (born in Fall River, Mass.) : a. — Joseph Anthony Estes, born August 29, 1831. b. — James Estes, born January 16, 1833. c. — Daeius B. Estes, born March 28, 1834 ; died May 13, 1845. d. — Thomas G. Estes, born AprU 2, 1839. e. — Nathan C. Estes, born January 1, 1841. f — Sarah Estes, born October 15, 1843 ; died October 11, 1845. g. — Charles Estes, born June 14, 1849. 4. — Elisha Estes, born January 12, 1757; married Saeah Bennett, of Tiverton, R. I., daughter of Daniel Bennett. Their children were (per Tiverton records) : A. — Phebe Estbs, born April 19, 1781 ; died September 1, 1850 ; married Abner MaComber, and moved to New York State. B. — Joseph Estes, born April 3, 1783 ; died August 19, 1858 ; married. C. — Daniel Estes, born June 1, 1785 ; died April 9, 1873 ; married. D. — Ruth Estes, born January 26, 1789 ; died, unmar ried, February 6, 1881. E. — Sarah Estes, born October 27, 1791; died August 28, 1878 ; married March 18, 1825, to Christopher Lake, of Tiverton, R. I., son of David and Susan ( ) Lake ; born March 13, 1782 ; died March 6, 1864. Their children were : Ist. — David H. Lake, born July 12, 1826 ; died young. 2d. — Ltdia B. Lake, born January 18, 1829 ; married January 5, 1852, to John W. Dennis. Elisha Estes married for his second wife Thankful Bennett, the sister of his first wife ; they had no children ; 76 ESTES. his third wife was Nancy Wilcox, of Tiverton, R. I., a daughter of WiUiam and Betsey ( ) WUcox ; born January 6, 1767 ; they had one child, Clark Estes, born May 2, 1808 ; died January 6, 1883. The fourth wife of Elisha Estes was Mrs. Sarah (Butterfield) Baker (a widow). 5th. — Daniel Estes, born May 21, 1759 ; probably he died young. 6th. — Saeah Estbs, born March 31, 1762 ; died July 1, 1836 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., December 7, 1780, to Edmund Teipp, of Dartmouth, Mass., son of PhiUp and Sarah (Wood) Tripp ; born in Westport, Mass., June 1, 1755. Their children were (per records of Westport, Mass.) : 1st. — Abraham Tripp, born August 9, 1782 ; married May 13, 1824, to Mary. 2d. — Philip Tripp, born May 17, 1784 ; married Octo ber 5, 1806, Margaret Kirby ; married (2d) Phila Shore, of Freetown, Mass., daughter of Azariah and Sabina ( ) Shore ; his third wife was Johannah Baker. 3d. — Joseph Tripp, born November 23, 1785 ; married May 30, 1811, to Elizabeth Da-vis, of Westport, Mass.; born at Westport, Mass., April 8, 1787. Their children were (per records of Westport, Mass.) : a. — Deborah Tripp, born May 28, 1812 ; married in Westport, Mass., April 25, 1833, to Abial Gardner, of Stonington, Conn., son of Joshua and Dorcas ( ) Gardner. b. — Nicholas D. Tkipp, born November 5, 1813. c— Sarah D. Tripp, born AprU 30, 1815. d. — James Tripp, born June 23, 1817 ; died August 7, 1818. e.— Hannah W. Teipp, born July 31, 1819. f — Catheeine Tripp, born April 21, 1823. g. — Charles G. Teipp, born June 24, 1830. 4tli. — Benjamin Teipp, born November 24, 1787 ; mar ried September 13, 1810, to Nancy Case. 5th. — Elizabeth Teipp, born November 21, 1789 ; mar ried in Westport, Mass., August 21, 1813, to William ESTES. 77 Davis, of Fairhaven, Mass., son of Nicholas and Sarah ( ) Davis. 6th. — Reuben Tripp, born August 12, 1791 ; married April 11, 1813, to Silvia Teipp ; married (2d) November 29, 1829, to Mart Potter; married (3d) February 6, 1856, to Mart Baker. 7th. — Hannah Teipp, married January 15, 1835, to Pateick Pottee ; (no issue). 8th. — Edmund Teipp, born September 19, 1797 ; mar ried November 13, 1822, to Ctnthia Case ; married (2d) June 17, 1878, to Esther Bartlett. 9th. — Daniel Teipp, born July 19, 1802 ; married Ruth Teipp. 10th. — Thomas Estbs Tripp, born May 11, 1805 ; mar ried February 10, 1833, to Edith Tripp. 7th. — Edmund Estes, born September 8, 1767; died September 14, 1863 ; married October 17, 1793, to Eliza beth Lawton, daughter of William and Sarah ( ) Lawton. She died September 14, 1863. Their children were (born in Tiverton, R. I.) : A. — Edmond Estbs, born October 23, 1794 ; died in 1823 ; unmarried. B. — Job Estbs, born March 24, 1797 ; died December 23, 1872 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., December 23, 1823, to Delilah Orswell, of Tiverton, R. I., daughter of Ben jamin and Amy (Durfee) Orswell ; born February 14, 1800. Mr. Estes was a wheelwright by trade. About 1837, he built the first cotton mill for making cotton sheeting and print goods in Tiverton (now BrookvUle), Fall River, Mass., where from 1840 to 1860 he manufactured cotton yarn ; later this mill was destroyed by fire, and about 1862 he built the present stone mill, which since his death has been conducted by his sons under the firm name of John H. Estes & Bros. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Estes were born in Tiverton, R. I., and with their families are as follows : 1st. — Elizabeth L. Estes, born February 12, 1825 ; married October 13, 1847, Esek M. Beownell (no issue). 2d. — Chales O. Estes, born October 1, 1826; married 78 ESTES. January 20, 1850, Elizabeth Cornell, of Tiverton, daughter of Anthony and Sarah (Grinnell) Cornell. Their children were (born in Tiverton, R. I.) : a. — Alzada a. Estes, born December 4, 1850 ; married January 8, 1882, to Uriah G. Sanfoed, son of Stephen and Suraney (Pettey) Sanford, of Westport, Mass. b. — Geoegb Estes, born April 4, 1852. c. — Feank a. Estes, born March 5, 1854; married January 7, 1876, to Ida J. Baret, of Somerset, Mass.; married(?) August 30, 1884, to Emma Beown. d. — Elizabeth L. Estes, born November 3, 1856 ; mar ried October 28, 1883, to Oscar F. Douglas, of Fall River, Mass. e. — Fidelia L. Estes, born August 14, 1859 ; married January 18, 1885, to Francis Clark, of North Dartmouth, Mass., son of Henry H. and Adeline (Manchester) Clark. f. — Sarah E. Estes, born March 8, 1862 ; married March 18, 1S86, to Agbrnon C. Chase, of Taunton, Mass., son of Robert and Sarah (Perkins) Chase. g.— Ruth Estes, born September 2, 1863. A.— William T. Estes, born May 19, 1866. i. — Harriet L. Estes, born September 30, 1870 ; died young. 3d. — Alzada Estes, born December 12, 1828 ; died May 30, 1844 ; unmarried. 4th. — Lavinett T. Estes, born April 13, 1830 ; died October 23, 1850 ; married October 30, 1847, to Thomas W. Lawton, of Mumford Mills, R. I., son of James C. and Hannah (Miles) Lawton. Their children were : a. — John W. Lawton, born September 15, 1848 ; mar ried November 24, 1879, to Ellen Albeo, daughter of John and Emeline (Sherman) Albro. b. — Geoege T. Lawton, born July 5, 1850 ; died young. 5th. Thomas W. Estbs, born November 4, 1831 ; mar ried ; died August 18, 1864. 6th. — Joseph D. Estes, born October 9, 1833 ; married January 31, 1856, Abbie B. Manchestee, of Tiverton, R. I., daughter of William and Rhoda (Drake) Manchester. Their children were : ESTES. 79 a. — Nathaniel H. Estbs, born October 12, 1857. He resided at Los Angeles, Cal. b. — Annie L. Estes, born August 3, 1872. c. — Robeet T. Estes, born June 14, 1875. 8th. — John H. Estes, born June 19, 1835 ; married De cember 26, 1866, to Caroline A. Ling, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of William B. and Ruth (Healy) Ling ; born October 26, 1841. She was a successful school teacher. Their children were : a. — J. Edmond Estes, born September 15, 1867 ; mar ried December 15, 1892, to Abbie P. Beonson, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of George W. and Sarah C. (Peck ham) Bronson ; born in Fall River, Mass., June 26, 1870 ; granddaughter of Rev. Asa Bronson, first pastor of the Baptist church of Fall River. b. — Jennie L. Estes, born April 6, 1869. Their two children were given excellent advantages to secure an education, and graduated with honor from the High Schools of Fall River, Mass., and colleges elsewhere. c.— Eleanor, ) ^^.^^ ^^^^ October 1, 1872. d. — Everett, ) ' ' 8th. — Benjamin F. Estes, born January 1, 1837 ; mar ried December 24, 1862, to Henrietta Thomas. 9th. — Louisa J. Estes, born October 27, 1837 ; married November 16, 1857, Thomas W. Lawton, her sister's wid ower. Their chUdren were : a. — Edmund T. Lawton, born April 16, 1861 ; married March 17, 1886, to Alice M. Ridlet, of Bowdoin, Me., daughter of Joseph T. and Fannie (Lane) Ridley. 10th. — Anna D. Estes, born AprU 1, 1843 ; died at 230 Ridge street, FaU River, Mass., July 12, 1899 ; mar ried June 3, 1875, to Francis H. Wixon, of Dartmouth, Mass., son of James and Bethiah ( ) Wixon. Their children were : 1st. — George F. Wixon, born January 26, 1876. 2d.— Robert E. Wixon, born June 26, 1877. 3d.— Walter J. Wixon, born July 25, 1879. 80 ESTES. 8th. — Peter Estes, born in Tiverton, R. I., in 1773 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., in 1847 ; married in Tiverton, R. 1., March 31, 1799, to No. 203, Mercy Durfee, of Tiver ton, R. I., daughter of Joseph and Abigail (Borden) Dur fee ; born in Tiverton, R. I., October 11, 1773 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., January 4, 1811. Their children were (born in Tiverton, R. I.) : A. — Elizabeth Estbs, born September 16, 1799 ; mar ried in Tiverton, R. I., September 7, 1817, to Holder Chase (Nathan 6th, Holder 5th, Nathan 4th, Benj. 3d, William 2d, William 1st) of Portsmouth R. I., son of Nathan and Annie (Sherman) Chase ; born in Ports mouth, R. I., March 17, 1797; died in September, 1832. Their children were : 1st. — Jane L. Chase, born July 23, 1818; married April 6, 1842, to Francis Bourn Read. 2d. — Irene A. Chase, born October 30, 1819 ; married May 24, 1843, to James D. Albro. 3d. — Holder W. Chase, born March 11, 1821 ; mar ried November 22, 1842, to Haeeiet Pettey. 4th. — Eliza Estes Chase, born January 26, 1823 ; married March 5, 1845, to Chaeles S. Kjrbt. 5th. — Thomas E. Chase, born December 10, 1824; married May 16, 1848, to Clara G. Douglass. 6th. — Abbt a. Chase, born June 4, 1826 ; married November 12, 1861, to Josiah T. Ellis. 7th. — Obediah D. Chase, born March 30, 1851 ; died young. B. — Thomas Estes, born November 20, 1800 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., August 30, 1865 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., February 2, 1831, to Mart Snell, of Tiverton, R. I. ; born in Tiverton, R, I., February 13, 1808 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., July 25, 1889, without issue, having married a second time to William Robinson, of Tiverton, R. L C. — GoDFRET Estes, born July 15, 1802 ; died in Tiver ton, R. I., March 1, 1871 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., to Polly Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., daughter of AUen and Nancy (Gray) Durfee, born in Tiverton, R. I., March 5, 1807 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., December 14, 1843, with- ESTES. 81 out issue. Mr. Godfrey Estes married a second time in 1845 to Johannah Lake ; she died in 1866. He married a third time September 5, 1867, to Mrs. Laura (Cae- pentcer) Earle, widow of Gibbs Earle. There were no children born to Mr. Estes and his wives. D. — Abigail Estes, born January 3, 1804 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., March 15, 1827, to Benjamin Fish, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Joseph and Amy (Chase) Fish ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., September 5, 1801. They had two children (sons) that died young. E. — Mart Estes, born September 29, 1805 ; died Octo ber 8, 1883 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., August 17, 1825, to Capt. Samuel T. Cook, of Tiverton, R. I., son of Dan iel and Sarah (Bennett) Cook ; born in Tiverton, R. I., March 7, 1799 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., December 1, 1879. Their children were (born in Tiverton, R. I.) : 1st. — Asa Cook, born July 2, 1828 ; married Novem ber 14, 1865, to Maria Coggeshall. No issue. 2d. — Albert J. Cook, born April 17, 1832 ; died Sep tember 7, 1833. 3d. — Stephen J. Cook, born April 17, 1833 ; unmar ried. 4th. — Harriet M. Cook, born April 1, 1835; married in November 1855, to Stephen F. Grinnell ; they lived at Tiverton, R. I. 5th. — Peter Estes Cook, born February 22, 1838 ; married Caroline A. Brownell. 6th. — Henrt V. Cook, born August 21, 1840 ; married (1st) Lucretia Mason, and (2d) July 3, 1882, Nellie T. RiCKERTSON. 7th. — Merct Estes Cook, born January 4, 1843 ; died September 23, 1843. 8th. — Merct Estes Cook, born July 21, 1844; married April 14, 1863, to George H. Fish ; (they had five chil dren). F. — Hope Estes, born March 21, 1807; died in Tiver ton, R. I. ; married Ephraim Pettet. They had no children. G.— Merct Estes, born May 15, 1810 ; died January 4, 1866, unmarried. 82 ESTES. Mr. Peter Estes resided in Tiverton, R. I. near the Stone Bridge. He married a second time, about 1811, to Anna Hicks, of Tiverton, R. I., daughter of Stephen and Catherine (Coggeshall) Hicks ; born in Tiverton, R. I., July 14, 1789 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., in January, 1835. 'Their children were (born in Tiverton, R. I.): a. — Catherine C. Estes, born February 21, 1812 ; died in Toledo, O., August 26, 1861 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., September 16, 1832, to Albbet Swift, of West Fal mouth, Mass., son of Chaeles and Sarah (Parkee) Swift ; died in Toledo, O., October 30, 1865. Their children were : 1st. — Emma R. Swift, born June 19, 1834; died December 31, 1866 ; married August, 1854, to Dajshbl H. Nye. 2d. — Annie Estbs Swift, born November 14, 1835 ; married March 9, 1864, to Noeman Waite. They lived in Toledo, Ohio. b — Lydia Estes, born November 7, 1813 ; was living in 189- on Washington street, in Boston, Mass.; married in Tiverton, R. I., June 9, 1831, to Thomas R. Sisson, of Westport, Mass., son of Peleg and Hannah (BrowneU) Sisson ; born January 30, 1800 ; died June 20, 1848. Their children were : 1st. — Henry W. Sisson, born March 24, 1832 ; died young. 2d. — James F. A. Sisson, born November 9, 1833 ; died March 18, 1888 ; unmarried. 3. — Albert H. Sisson, born August 4, 1836 ; married November 27, 1862, to Louisa J. Ashley. 4th. — Francis B. Sisson, born October 25, 1838 ; mar ried December 22, 1880, to Retta Snow. 5th. — Anna J. Sisson, born January 14, 1841 ; married August 28, 1864, to Joseph Estes, of New Bedford, Mass., son of Joseph and Hannah (Hicks) Estes ; born in New Bedford, Mass., June 16, 1833. See record of family with record of descendants of Joseph Estes, of New Bedford, 6th. — Sarah A. Sisson, born March 28, 1843 ; married December 22, 1880, to George P. Claek. ESTES. 33 7th. — Lydia J. Sisson, born September 7, 1846 ; died young. 8th. — Thomas R. Sisson, born May 4, 1848. c. — Amanda M. Estes, born January 8, 1816 ; married Heney B. Chase. They had no children. d. — Hannah H. Estes, born March 21, 1818 ; died April 27, 1888 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., October 25, 1840, to Joseph T. Chuech, who died July 14, 1841. Their only child, Joseph H. Chuech, born September 11, 1841 ; died January 26, 1848. Mrs. Chuech married a second time, April 11, 1848, to Epheaim Willey, Jr., of Stoneham, Mass., son of Ephraim and Mary (Noble) WiUey. Their chUdren were : 1st. — Joseph H. Willey, born December 31, 1848 ; married June 15, 1876, to Julia Burgess. 2d. — John F. Willey, born September 29, 1832 ; mar ried March 10, 1872, to Jane E. Burbank. 3d. — Hatpie a. Willey, born December 1, 1861 ; died May 9, 1862. e. — Haeeiet Estes, twin of Hannah ; died young. •^ ¦ Tj -Cl ' > twins ; died the year born. g. — Petee Estes, ) ' •' h. — Anna B. Estes, born April 28, 1822; died August 21, 1877 ; married Thomas R. Swift, of West Falmouth, Mass., son of Moses Swift. They had one child, Annie Estes Swift, born November 16, 1840 ; married as second wife of Joseph Estes Smith, of Dartmouth, Mass., son of George and Sarah (Estes) Smith ; born October 8, 1851. i. — Hieam M. Estes, born February 9, 1826 ; died July 10, 1854 ; married February 24, 1848, to Mary A. Jones, of New Bedford, Mass., daughter of John W. and Ruth B. (Welden) Jones. Their children were : 1st. — Maey E. Jones, born November 9, 1848 (de ceased) ; married May 25, 1870, to James G. Case, son of Samuel O. and Sarah (Hicks) Case. They had two chil dren. 2d. — Francis H. Jones, born September 5, 1849 ; died October 20, 1849. 84 ESTES. 3d. — Annie B. Jones, born June 12, 1851 . The third wife of Petee Estes was Matilda, widow of Stephen Geinnell, and daughter of Daniel and Hannah (Pierce) Sherman. She had several children by her former husband. Mr. Estes was treasurer of the town of Tiverton, R. I., several years. He was highly esteemed and re spected by his fellow-townsmen, and he was always active in all that was for the best interest of his town. WILL OP THOMAS ESTES. The following items are from the wiU of Thomas Estes, dated June 8, 1784, recorded at Tiverton, R. I., August 2, 1784 : "Item. — To threesons, Robert, Joseph, and Elisha,books, c&c. " Item. — To wife, Elizabeth Estes, use of house, c&c. Son Peter to live with her until 15 years old. He is to labor for Joseph and Robert. "Item. — To two daughters, Ruth Jennings and Sarah Tripp {sundries). To sons, Edmund and Peter, a piece of land when they become 21 years of age." * * * IV. — Estes, Ann (Robert 3d, Richard 2d, Robert 1st). Daughter of Robert and Ann (Durfee) Estes ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., March 8, 1726 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., July 25, 1752, to Josiah Wiloocks, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of (perhaps) Joseph and Sarah ( ) WU- cocks; born in Portsmouth, R. I., August 31, 1727. Their children were : 1st. — Robeet Wiloocks, born June 15, 1752. 2d. — Saeah Wiloocks, born April 4, 1754. 3d. — Hannah Wiloocks, born June 14, 1757. 4th. — Susannah Wiloocks, born December 1, 1759. 5th. — Martha Wiloocks, born February 5, 1763. DENNIS. 23. Durfee, Sarah (Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Daugh ter of Thomas and Ann (Freeborn) Durfee, of Ports mouth, R. I.; born in Portsmouth, R. I., March 1, 1693 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., April 21, 1759 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., April 20, 1721, to Joseph Dennis, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Robert and Sarah (Howland) Dennis; born in Portsmouth, R. I., May 25, 1689 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., October 24, 1759. Their children were : I. — Saeah Dennis, born July 1, 1723 ; died in infancy. II. — Saeah Dennis, born April 1, 1725. III. — Robert Dennis, born September 12, 1727. IV. — Joseph Dennis, born June 15, 1730. V. — Anna Dennis, born December 19, 1731. VI. — Ruth Dennis, born December 6, 1733. VII. — Lydia Dennis, born October 12, 1735. VIII. — Feeeboen Dennis, born August 18, 1739. Mr. Dennis was admitted a freeman of Portsmouth in 1710. Was a Representative (Deputy) in the Colonial Assembly in 1720-21, and '31. The following record of the families of his descendants was copied from an article written for the N. E. Hist, and G. Soc. by Otis M. Humphrey, M. D., of Minneapolis, and published in their Vol. 49, aud from other records. II. — Dennis, Saeah (Joseph 2d, Robert 1st). Daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Durfee) Dennis; born in Portsmouth, R. I., April 1, 172^ ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., Jan uary 15, 1741, to William Earle, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of William and Mehitable (Brayton) Earle ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., 1719-20. Their children were : Ist. — ^Robeet Eaele, born February 26, 1743. 2d. — William Eaele, born August 27, 1747. Mr. Earle was a Justice of the Peace at Portsmouth, R. I., in 1744. 86 DENNIS. III. — Dennis, Robeet (Joseph 2d, Robert 1st). Son of Joseph and Sarah (Durfee) Dennis ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., September 12, 1727 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., April 12, 1811 ; married in Middletown, R. I., June 21, 1750, to Hannah Coggeshall, of Middletown, R. I., daughter of Thomas and Mercy (Freeborn) Coggeshall ; born in Middletown, R. I., May 3, 1731 ; died in New port, R. I., November 22, 1811. They were farmers and Friends, members of Quaker Hill Meeting, Portsmouth, R. I., where Geo. Fox preached in 1671. Their children were : 1st. — Gideon Dennis, born July 8, 1752, who married Mary Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., September 29, 1786. (See record of descendants of John and Phebe (Gray) Durfee for record of Gideon's children.) 2d. — Hannah Dennis, born May 28, 1756 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I.; married in Portsmouth, R. I., October 22, 1773, to Geoege Hall, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Benjamin and Deliverance (CorneU) Hall ; born in Ports mouth, R. I., November 24, 1749. Their children were (per records of Portsmouth, R. I.): I. — William Hall, born February 2, 1774 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., August 6, 1797, to Maey Thomas, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Alexander and Ursilla (Oldridge) Thomas ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., May 18, 1777. Their son, William Hall, was born in Portsmouth, R. L, May 6, 1798. II. — Hannah Hall, born August 29, 1775 ; married Jeremiah Giffoed, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Captain David and (No. 109) Abigail (Durfee) Gifford ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., January 15, 1771. Their children are recorded with the descendants of Captain David and Abigail (Durfee) Gifford. The following incident in the life of Hannah Hall is found in a history of Newport county, R. I.; "General La Fayette used to frequently stop at the home of Hannah's parents ; she was a child at the time, and the General used to tend her ; one day while in his care at a window, the window fell and in jured her hand ; this was previous to the battle of Rhode Island, which was fought in August, 1778. When Gen- DENNIS. 87 eral La Fayette visited America, in 1825, he called to see Hannah, then Mrs. Gifford." III. — Benjamin Dennis Hall, born February 27, 1777 ; married Ruth M. Rogers, of Middletown, R. I., May 21, 1820. IV.— Ruth Hall, born July 24, 1778. V. — Susannah Hall, born June 24, 1780. VI. — Joseph Hall, born May 16, 1782. VII.— Parker Hall, born July 29, 1784; died in Portsmouth, R. I., August 17, 1809 ; married to Hannah Thomas, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Richard and Elizabeth (Brownell) (or Decotee) Thomas ; born in Ports mouth, R. I., October 6,. 1787 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., October 5, 1871. Their children were : 1st. — Almira T. Hall, born May 27, 1810; married Sowle. 2d.— Hannah W. Hall, born February 16, 1812. 3d. — Ann Janeti'A Hall, born January 1, 1816 ; mar ried Care. 4th. — Catherine Sowle Hall, born September 30, 1822. 5th. — William Thomas Hall, born January 9, 1825. 6th. — Benjamin Hall, born March 20, 1827 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., August 5, 1901 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., January 1, 1852, to Eliza V. Chase, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of David and Hannah (Chase) Chase ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., and died there. Their children were : a. George P. Hall ; b. Benjamin Hall, Jr. c. Herbert F. Hall ; d. Mart C. Hall. Mr. Hall married a second time. Mr. Parker Hall's personal history may be found with the record of the descendants of Robert and Ann (Durfee) Estes. VIII. — Feeeboen Hall, born September 11, 1786. IX. — George Hall, born January 2, 1789. X. — Anne Hall, born March 19, 1791. XI. — Robert Dennis Hall, born February 4, 1793. XII. — Benjamin Hall, born November 20, 1795. 88 DENNIS. 3d. — Joseph Dennis, born May 31, 1759. 4tli. — Robert Dennis, Jr., born"January 1, 1762 ; mar ried in Portsmouth, R. I., October 8, 1783, to Ruth An thont, daughter of Isaac Anthony. Their children were : 1st. — Hannah Dennis, born July 13, 1784 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., January 1, 1807, to David Hall, of Portsmouth R. I., son of George and Charity (Fish) Hall ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., July 16, 1781. Their children were (per records of Portsmouth, R. I.) : I. — Isaac Dennis Hall, born November 11, 1807. II. — Darius Hall, born January 21, 1809. III. — Haeeiet A. Hall, born July 16, 1810. IV. — Jane Hall, born April 4, 1812. V. — Edwaed Hall, born January 27, 1814. VI. — Gardiner Hall, born October 10, 1815 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., January 7, 1841, to Catheeine Sovtlb Hall, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Parker and Hannah (Thomas) Hall ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., Sep tember 30, 1822. ¦ Their children were : 1st. — Gaediner Hall, born in Bristol, R. I., November 16, 1843. 2d. — Anthont Dennis Hall, born in Fall River, Mass., January 13, 1845. VII. — Ruth Dennis Hall, born November 21, 1817. VIII. — Robeet Dennis Hall, born June 18, 1820 ; mar ried in Portsmouth, R. I., June, 1856, to Mart A. Cook, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Albert G. Cook. Their children were : a. — Robert Dennis Hall, born in 1857 ; married Sarah Howland Smith, of New Bedford, Mass. Mr. Dennis was, for a number of years a resident of Boston, where he was with L. G. Burnham & Co., coal dealers. b. David F. Hall. c. Albert C. Hall. d. Hannah C. Hall ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., in 1883, to Alfred Green Sisson, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of William H. Sisson. Mr. Sisson was a farmer ; he owned what was called the " Slocum farm," and operated a farm called the " Bull lot," DENNIS. 89 on which are the remains of an old fort, earthworks and rifle pits, and breastworks, four feet high, overgrown with grass (see Hist, of Newport Co., R. I.) e. Ruth D.Hall, f Emma E.Hall, g. Alice D.Hall. h. Isaac D. Hall. i. William G. Hall. IX. — David Franklin Hall, born February 18, 1828 ; married Abbie T. Chase, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of William Alfred and Sarah C. (Thomas) Chase ; born in Portsmouth, R. I. They had one child, Harold Boeden Hall. 2d.— Saeah Dennis, born March 28, 1786. 3d. Isaac A. Dennis, born April 30, 1788 : married in Middletown, R. I., December 25, 1814, to Sarah Cogge shall, of Middletown, R. I., daughter of Joseph and Eliza beth (Horsewell) Coggeshall ; born in Middletown, R. I., September 18, 1791 ; died in 1860. Their children were : a. — Ruth Ann Dennis, married in Portsmouth, R. I., October 14, 1841, to Joseph W. Chase, of Middletown, R. I., son of John and Susannah (Gould) Chase ; born in Middletown, R. I., November 12, 1815. He was a resi dent of Middletown, R. I., in 1899. Their children were : 1. — Sarah Dennis Chase, born February 5, 1843. II. — Annie Coggeshall Chase, born October 3, 184- ; married November 11, 1844, to Joseph Branston, of Phil adelphia, Pa. III. — Ruth Dennis Chase, born July 5, 1844 ; died November 2, 1863. IV. — Isabella Graham Chase, born May 12, 1854 ; single. V. — Harriet Hale Chase, born March 16, 1856 ; died September 14, 1856. Mr. Chase was a farmer and resided in 1899, and for a number of years before that date, in Middletown, R. I., living in the house celebrated for the scene on the night of July 9, 1777, of the capture of General Prescott, a com manding officer in the British army that occupied the island of Rhode Island for a period during the War of the Revolution. 90 DENNIS. b. — Joseph C. Dennis, married in Middletown, R. I., March 2, 1851, to Mary G. Chase, of Middletown, R. I., daughter of John and Susannah (Gould) Chase ; born in Middletown, R. I., December 27, 1828 ; died in Middle- town, R. I., June 19, 1899. Their children were : I. — a. Eliza G. Dennis, born March 15, 1851 ; married in Middletown, R. I., December 26, 1875, to Heebeet Chase, son of Constant W. and Susan (Slocum) Chase ; born January 25, 1850. Their children were : Beetha W., born March 22, 1878. Anna, born August 21, 1879. II. — b. Ruth Chase Dennis, born February 14, 1853 ; married John Weavee. III. — c. Isaac Newton Dennis, born March 30, 1855. IV. — d. Hannah Dennis, born September 2, 1856 ; married Heney I. Chase, January 23, 1878. V. — e. John Dennis, born October 8, 1857. VI.— /: Saeah C. Dennis, born October 31, 1858 ; married Manchestee. VII. — g. Marshall Dennis, born February 11, 1861. VIIL— A. Jane G. Dennis, born February 13, 1862. IX. — i. Emerson Dennis, born October 22, 1863. X.— ;/. Mary G. Dennis, born February 12, 1865. XI. — k. Walter Dennis, born March 4, 1867. XII.— ^. Melton Dennis, born May 10, 1868. XIII. — m. Benjamin Irving Dennis, born May 5, 1871. 4th. — Robert Dennis, born April 30, 1788. 5th. — Rebecca Dennis, born November 12, 1789. 6th. — Ruth Dennis, born October 16, 1791 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., January 1, 1817, to Isaac Chase, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Isaac and Phebe (Hall) Chase ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., August 4, 1791. Their children were : I. — Mart Chase, who married John H. Butler. II. — Charles Chase, who married Elizabeth Clark. III. — Albert Burr Chase, born October 15, 1824 ; died March 12, 1872; married November 3, 1847, to Emilt Henderson. DENNIS. 91 7. —David Dennis, born August 4, 1793; married Eliza Giffoed, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Jere miah and Hannah (Hall) Gifford ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., July 4, 1801. Their children wore (born in Salem, Ind.): a. Benjamin Dennis, b. Jeeemiah Dennis. c. Hannibal Dennis, d. Darius Dennis. 8th. — Abel Dennis, born April 30, 1795. 9th. — Anthont Dennis, born June 13, 1799. 10th. — Waltee Dennis, born July 18, 1801. 11th. — Darius Dennis, born June 1, 1803 ; died May 12, 1809. 12th — Eliza Dennis, born August 22, 1805; died May 4, 1809. 13tli. — Abraham Dennis, born June 19, 1807. 14th.— Eliza Dennis (2d), born January 28, 1810. It is said of the above family that they removed from Rhode Island to Ohio, and later went farther West. 6th. — Thomas Dennis, born April 23, 1764 ; died, un married, June 1, 1813. 7th. — Jonathan Dennis, born January 15, 1767 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., September 17, 1850 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., July 12, 1791, to Hannah Sherman, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Sampson and Ruth (Fish) Sherman ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., January 27, 1769 ; died in Portsmouth, R. L, July 21, 1852. Their children were : 1st. — Anna Dennis, born September 22, 1792 ; married November 9, 1829, to Paul Wing, of Sandwich, Mass., son of Paul and Abigail ( ) Wing. 2d. — Abigail Dennis, born May 18, 1794 ; married in Newport, R. I., July 28, 1815, to Asa Arnold, of North Providence, R. I., son of Benjamin and Isabel (Greene) Arnold ; born in Providence, R. I., October 4, 1788 ; died in Smithfield, R. I., December 19, 1833. Their children were : 1st. — Maet Arnold, born December 8, 1816. 2d. — Harriet Arnold, born December 29, 1818. 3d. — William W. Aenold, born September 16, 1820. 4th. — Benjamin Arnold, born October 4, 1822. 92 DENNIS. 5th. — James Greene Arnold, born September 22, 1824. 6th. — Samuel Asa Arnold, born January 4, 1827. 7th. — Elizabeth Arnold, born May 17, 1829. 8th. — Saeah Geeene Arnold, born May 24, 1832. 3d. — Samuel Dennis, born February 19, 1796 ; died in Dover, N. H. ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., February 1, 1822, to Diana Gifford, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Gideon and Bridget (Almy) (Cook) Gifford ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., July 23, 1794 ; died in Portsmouth, R. L, February, 5, 1835. Their children were : a. — Gideon Giffoed Dennis, born June 14, 1823 ; did not marry. b. — Samuel Jambs Dennis, born March 22, 1829 ; mar ried Addib Bangs, of Dover, N. H. 4th. — Ruth Dennis, born September 16, 1797 ; died February 10, 1860; buried in Portsmouth, R. I., in Den nis family yard ; married September 5, 1838, to Joshua Shove, of Berkley, Mass., son of Theophilus and Phebe (Wing) Shove, born in Berkley, Mass., November 11, 1801. 5th.— Mart Dennis, born AprU 27, 1799; died in Providence, R. I., September 29, 1871 ; married in Ports mouth, R. I., December 11, 1823, to Welcome Congdon, of Providence, R. I., son of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Arnold) Congdon ; born in Providence, R. I., April 3, 1794 ; died in Providence, R. I., August 13, 1874. Their children were : 1st. — Caleb Congdon, born September 10, 1826 ; mar ried June 27, 1853, to Sarah P. Richardson, of Boston, Mass. He married a second time, January 31, 18 — , to LuoT M. Olney, of Situate, R. I. They had no children. 2d. — Abby Congdon, born January 1, 1828; died Sep tember 14, 1829. 3d. — Abbt Congdon (2d), born October 7, 1829 ; mar ried Wm. H. Philips, of New York City. They had no children. 4th. — Elizabeth Rudd Congdon, born June 8, 1831 ; married ; they had two children. DENNIS. 93 5th. — Ruth Eddt Congdon, born November 12, 1833; married in Providence, R. I., September 18, 1862, to John Sanford. Their children were : 1st. — Edward Congdon Sanfoed, born July 25, 1863. 2d. — Maet Feances Sanfoed, born May 26, 1866. 3d. — Welcome Congdon Sanfoed, born December 2, 1868. 6th. — Geoege Congdon, born February 19, 1836. Living in 1901, at Providence, R. I. ; unmarried. 7th. — Edward Arnold Congdon, born August 18, 1838 ; died in Providence, R. I., November 12, 1859. 6th. — James Dennis, born February 1, 1801 ; died in East Providence, R. I., April 9, 1889 ; married in Provi dence, R. I., September 11, 1828, to Hannah Jackson, of Providence, R. I., daughter of Richard and Nabby (Wheaton) Jackson ; born in Providence, R. I., February 6, 1800 ; died in Providence, R. I., June 26, 1833. Their only child was (born in Cranston, R. I.) : Catheeine Jackson Dennis, born December 7, 1829. Living in Tiverton, R. I., in 1902 ; married in Smith- field, R. I., December 1, 1847, to Benjamin Baekbe, of Tiverton, R. I., son of Abraham and Margaret (Buffum) Barker ; born in Tiverton, R. I., September 24, 1822 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., AprU 14, 1897. Their children were : 1st. — Richaed Jackson Barker, born in Tiverton, R. I., January 27, 1849 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., October 9, 1873, to Eliza Harris Lawton, of Tiverton, R. I.; born June 28, 1856. Their only child, Richaed Jackson Baekee, Jr., was born in Fall River, Mass., May 22, 1875. 2d. — ^ Willie Herbert Barker, born in Fall River, Mass., October 4, 1855 ; died in Fall River, Mass., January 20, 1857. 3d. — Benjamin Barker, Jr., born in Orlean, Cattarau gus Co., N. Y., July 19, 1858. 4th. — Katherine Wheaton Barker, born in Orlean, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., January 25, 1863 ; married April 30, 1891, to Effingham C. Haight, who was born in New York, May 31, 1855. 94 DENNIS. Their children were (born in Fall River, Mass.) : 1st. — Lawrence Effingham Haight, born November 10, 1892. 2d. — Eleanor Haight, born December 11, 1894. 3d.— Infant, born May 8, 1900 ; died May 10, 1900. Mr. James Dennis married a second time, in Providence, R. I., January 31, 1839, to Anna T. Lockwood, of Provi dence, R. I., daughter of Benoni and Phebe (Greene) Lock- wood ; born in Providence, R. I., October 13, 1813 ; died in East Providence, R. I., October 10, 1895. Their children were (born in Pawtucket, R. I.) : 1st. — James Dennis, Jr., born April 24, 1842. Living in 1901 in East Providence, R. I.; married in Pawtucket, R. I., December 12, 1865, to Angeline Loretta Wilcox, from whom he was divorced. They had no children. Mr. Dennis married a second time, in East Providence, R. I., May 23, 1889, to Laura Stanley Curtis. They re sided in 1901 in East Providence, R. I. Their chUd, Anna Lookwood Dennis, was born in East Providence, R. L, October 22, 1891. 2d. — Anna Lockwood Dennis, born August 18, 1843 ; died August 21, 1845. 3d. — Walter Sherman Dennis, born October 26, 1846 ; died August 1, 1893 ; married in Boston, Mass., Novem ber 2, 1870, to Celia Hannah Nettleton. They had two children, one of whom was Walter N. Dennis. 4th. — Maria Lockwood Dennis, born February 20, 1849 ; died September 28, 1850. 5th. — Edward Lockwood Dennis, born June 13, 1853. Living in Houston, Texas, in 1901 ; married in Norfolk, Va., August 13, 1873, to Susan Rebecca Kellet, of Nor folk, Va., daughter of D. D. Kelley ; born in New York, N. Y., June 18, 1853. Living in Houston, Texas, in 1901. Their children were : a. Blanche E. Dennis, b. William Landeum Dennis. c. Walter J. Dennis, d. Grace H. Dennis, e. De For est L. Dennis, f Edward L. Dennis, g. Robert R. Dennis, h. Margarette W. Dennis, i. Francis M. Dennis, and two others. 6th. — Wilton Elwood Dennis, born May 5, 1857 ; died August 7, 1858. DENNIS. 95 7th. — Richard Dennis, born September 6, 1802 ; died in LoweU, Mass., February 19, 1860 ; married in Septem ber, 1826, to LucT Ann Hooper, of Berwick, Me., daugh ter of John 4th (WilHam 3d, John 2d, William 1st) and Jane (Lord) Hooper. (Wm. Hooper came from England in the James in 1635) ; born in Berwick, Me., December 30, 1806 , died in LoweU, Mass., December 30, 1890. Their children were : a.— Anna Maria Dennis, born January 13, 1828. Liv ing (1899) at 121 West 122d street, New York, N. Y.; married in Lowell, Mass., December 15, 1852, to James M. McCoy, of Lowell, Mass., son of John 4th (of John 3d, John 2d, Alexander 1st). (Alexander came from Scot land in 1721, and settled in Windham, N. H.) ; born in Antrim, N. H., June 15, 1817 ; died in Lowell, Mass., Feb ruary 16, 1879. They had one child. Louise Josephine McCoy, M. A., born October 31, 1859; married in Wel- lesley, Mass., December 23, 1885, to Frank Mason North, D. D., of New York, N. Y., son of Charles Carter and EUzabeth (Mason) North; born in New York, N. Y., December 3, 1850 ; living (1899) at 121 West 122d street, New York, N. Y. Their child, Eric McCoy North, born June 22, 1888. b. — Maet Abbt Dennis, born September 11, 1830 ; re sided in 1899 at Lowell, Mass., where she was married, about 1864, to Henry P. Carter, of Lowell, Mass., son of Daniel and Catherine (Phelps) Carter ; born in Lowell, Mass., June 15, 1828 ; died in Lowell, Mass., in July, 1896. Their children were : 1st. — Harry Dennis Carter, born in 1866; married Grace Parsons. They resided at Clinton, Mass., in 1899, with one child, Stanley Paesons Caetee ; born June 26, 1899. c. — William Hoopbe Dennis, born April 29, 1833 ; re sided at 1828 S street N.W., Washington, D. C, in 1901; for many years he was an employee in the office of U. S. Coast Survey ; married in Lowell, Mass., January 23, 1861, to Angie M. Eaton, of Lowell, Mass., daughter of Jeremiah and Louisa (Rollins) Eaton, born in Haverhill, Mass., August 16, 1837 ; Hving in Washington, D. 0. Their 96 DENNIS. daughter and only child, Annie Floeence Dennis, was born in Lowell, Mass., September 9, 1869. d. — Jennie H .Dennis, born in LoweU, Mass., March 17, 1837 ; living (in 1899) at Mt. Hope, Washington ; mar ried in Lowell, Mass., in May, 1869, to Alfeed Metoalf, of Mt. Hope, Washington ; born in Mentor, Ohio, Febru ary 12, 1824 ; died in Mt. Hope, Washington, July 4, 1895. Their children were : 1st. — Alfred Dennis Metoalf, born April 13, 1871 ; died August 4, 1886. 2d. — Lucy Hooper Metoalf, born February 1, 1873. 3d. — Ralph Wentworth Metoalf, born October 15, 1874; died AprU 8, 1886. 4th. — William Dennis Metcalf, born January 26, 1877. 5th. — Edwaed Dennis Metcalf, born December 3, 1878. e. — Sarah Frances Dennis, born February 8, 1840 ; living in 1899 at LoweU, Mass. (homestead in Minneapolis, Minn.); married in Lowell, Mass., August 28, 1862, to Otis M. HuMPHRET, M. D., of Lowell, Mass.; born in Victor, N. Y., AprU 26, 1832 ; Hving in Minneapolis, Minn., 1899. Their children were : 1st. — Otis Milton Humpheet, born July 23, 1864 ; Hv ing in Lowell, Mass.; married to Grace Lamson. They have one child, Dorotht Humpheet, born September 2, 1893. 2d. — Frances Humphret, born December 19, 1873. 3d. — Richard Dennis Humphret, born December 28, 1877. Dr. Otis M. Humphrey was appointed Assistant Sur geon of the 6th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Sep tember 4, 1862. This regiment was enlisted for nine months. Dr. Humphrey was appointed surgeon U. S. Vols. December 4, 1863, and served in the Medical De partment of the Army until 1865. Before leaving the service, he received a commission as Brevet Lieutenant Colonel from President Lincoln. DENNIS. 97 f. — Edward Payson Dennis, born April 8, 1843 ; mar ried in Harvard, Mass., to Emma L. Robinson ; born in 1842. They resided in Lowell, Mass., in 1899, and had no children. 8th. — Jonathan Dennis, born August 21, 1805 ; died at Newport, R. I., March 15, 1806. 9th. — Jonathan Dennis, born May 24, 1809. 10th. — William Dennis, born October 10, 1811. The family of Jonathan and Hannah (Sherman) Dennis were Friends. Jonathan was a farmer, and lived near Newport, R. I., until 1828, when he removed eight miles eastward. "All but one of the children married and lived to be aged." " Both father and sons were tall ; none ever used tobacco or spiritous drinks." 7th. — George Dennis, born January 26, 1769 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., March 10, 1837 ; married in Ports mouth, R. I., November 6, 1793, to Hannah Thomas, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Joseph and Ruth (Tabor) Thomas; born in Portsmouth, R. I., March 20, 1770; died in Portsmouth, R. I., March 5, 1849. Their children were : a. — Joseph Dennis, born September 29, 1794. b. — Amey Dennis, born October 29, 1795 ; died July 21, 1840. c. — ^Nathan Dennis, born March 26, 1798 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., December 7, 1869 ; married, November 2, 1828, to Patience Seabrook Cook, daughter of William Cook. d. — John Dennis, born ; married . e. — Dorcas Dennis, born July 23, 1802. f. — Jonathan Dennis, born October 10, 1808 ; married. Their son, Joseph G. Dennis, had, by his first wife, his only child, Fannt P. Dennis. He married a second time to Claea E. Baeker, daughter of Edmund D. Barker. Joseph G. Dennis was at one time editor of the Ports mouth Chronicle, of Portsmouth, R. I. George Dennis was a farmer and a member of the Society of Friends or Quakers. 98 DENNIS. 8th.— Mart Dennis, born February 14, 1772 ; died in Warwick, R. I., December 27, 1816; buried in Paul Green's graveyard ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., August 15, 1798, to Asa Sisson, son of Joseph and Ruth ( ) Sisson ; died in East Greenwich, R. I. Their children were (per records at Newport, R. I.): 1st. — Mart Sisson, born December 20, 1800. 2. — Isaac Sisson, born November 14, 1802 ; died AprU 22, 1803. 3d. — Joseph Sisson, born December 30, 1803. 4th. — Robert Sisson, born November 16, 1805. 5th. — Isaac Sisson, born May 31, 1807 ; died January 17, 1808. 6th. — Ruth Sisson, born November 20, 1808. 9th. — Moses Dennis, born June 20, 1777 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., September 6, 1798, to Abigail Sher man, of Portsmouth, R. I. Their children were (per records of Portsmouth, R. I.): a. — Job Sherman Dennis, born August 30, 1800. b. — Hannah Coggeshall Dennis, born August 30, 1800. c. — Rowland Hazard Dennis, born May 15, 1804. 10th. Dennis, married in Portsmouth, R.I., to Epheaim Giffoed, of Portsmouth, R. I. IV. — Dennis, Joseph (Joseph 2d, Robert 1st). Son of Joseph and Sarah (Durfee) Dennis ; born in Portsmouth, R. I,, June 15, 1730 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., Septem ber 28, 1758 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., December 14, 1752, to Merct Coggeshall, of Middletown, R. I., daughter of Thomas and Mary (Freeborn) CoggeshaU ; born in Middletown, R. I. They (probably) had no chU dren. Mrs. Dennis married a second time (probably), July 20, 1769, to Samuel Allen. V. — Dennis, Anna (Joseph 2d, Robert 1st). Daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Durfee) Dennis ; born in Ports mouth, R. I., December 19,1731 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., June 2, 1752, as second wife, to Joshua Coggeshall, of Middletown, R. I., son of Thomas and Mary (Freeborn) CoggeshaU; born in Middletown, R. I., May 11, 1722, and died there September 24, 1786. Their children were (born in Middletown): DENNIS. 99 I. — Sarah Coggeshall, born September 25, 1752. II. — Joseph Coggeshall, born August 16, 1754. III. — Elizabeth Coggeshall, born October 14, 1756. IV. — George Coggeshall, born March 17, 1759 ; died young. V. — Mary Coggeshall, born July 14, 1761. VI. — Mercy Coggeshall, born September 14, 1762. VII. — Anna Coggeshall, born June 1, 1764 ; died in December, 1842. VIII. — Geoege Coggeshall, born June 8, 1767. Mr. Coggeshall's first wife was Sarah Bailey, to whom he was married January 12, 1744. Their children were : Thomas, born August 30, 1744 ; died October 9, 1829 ; and Ruth, born June 26, 1747 ; died young. Mr. Coggeshall was chosen a deputy to represent the town of Middletown in the General Assembly of Rhode Island from October, 1751, to May, 1752. As the ancestors of Mr. and Mrs. Coggeshall were prominent members of the Society of Friends or Quakers, it is presumed they were identified with the society though their descendants were connected with other religious societies. The claim of Joshua Coggeshall and son for depredations, &c., of British during the Revolution was for £338 8s. II. — Joseph Coggeshall (Joshua 3d, Thomas 2d, Joshua 1st). Son of Joshua and Anna (Dennis) Cogge shall ; born in Middletown, R. I., August 16, 1754 ; died October 7, 1830 ; married to Elizabeth Horsewell, of Little Compton, R. I. Their chUdren were : IX. — 1st. Noel Coggeshall, born March 31, 1777 ; married ; died in Middletown, R. I., August 4, 1853. X. — 2d. Ruth Coggeshall, born August 27, 1780. XI. — 3d. Joseph Coggeshall, born June 5, 1783 ; died April 30, 1871 ; married to Lydia Cornell. XII. — 4th. Anne Coggeshall, born January 28, 1786 ; died November 4, 1856. XIII. — 5th. Joshua Coggeshall, born December 25, 1788 ; died in Middletown, R. I., AprU 7, 1879 ; married in Middletown, R. I., November 26, 1816, to Deborah 100 DENNIS. Allen, of Middletown, R. I., daughter of John and Hannah ( ) Alien. Their children were (per records of Middletown, R. I.) : XVIII. — 1st. George C. Coggeshall, born October 7, 1816. XIX. — 2d. David Coggeshall, born October 28, 1818. XX. — 3d. Hannah Mary Coggeshall, born January 6, 1820. XXI. — 4th. Anne Elizabeth Coggeshall, born No vember 2, 1822. XXII. — 5th. Saeah Dennis Coggeshall, born Sep tember 21, 1824. Mr. Joshua Coggeshall spent his life in Middletown, and was a farmer ; he was in early life in his poHtical affiliations an old line Whig, but subsequently became a Democrat ; for many years he served in the General Assembly of R. I., and for a long period was president of the council of Middletown, " and for nearly forty years was the efficient clerk of the township." " While Hberal toward all sects, he worshipped with the Friends meet ing " (see Hist. Newport Co., R. I.) XIV. — 6th. Saeah Coggeshall, born September 18, 1791 ; died in 1860 ; married in Middletown, R. I., De cember 25, 1814, to Isaac A. Dennis, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Robert, Jr., and Ruth (Anthony) Dennis ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., AprU 30, 1788 ; died in Ports mouth. Their children were : 1st. Ruth Ann Dennis. 2d. Joseph C. Dennis. XV. — 7th. John P. Coggeshall, born AprU 13, 1794; died in Middletown, R. I., April 30, 1830 ; married Octo ber 9, 1823, to Saeah Anthony. XVI. — 8th. Abeaham C. Coggeshall, born March 15, 1797 ; married Annie Sisson. Their children were : XXIII. — 1st. Abeaham Coggeshall, born in 1820; mar ried Sarah G. Oman, daughter of John W. Oman. Their children were: XLII. — 1st. Kate Coggeshall ; married in Middle- town, R. I., to Joseph P. Bailey, of that town, a son of James E. Bailey. DENNIS. 101 Their children were (per Hist, of Newport Co., R. I.): 1st. A. Howard Bailey. 2d. Herbert C. Bailbt. 3d. Walter P. Bailet. 4th. Perot T. Bailet. XXIV. — 2d. Noel Coggeshall. XXV. — 3d. Jane M. Coggeshall ; married in Middle- town, R. I., August 22, 1841, to William Chase, of Mid dletown, R. I., son of John and Susannah (Gould) Chase ; born in Middletown, R. I., in 1820. They had one chUd, Abram C. Chase. Mr. William Chase married a second time in Middle- town, R. I., October 2, 1845, to Mart C. Coggeshall, sister of his first wife. They had one child, a daughter, that died when eighteen years old. XXVI. — 4th. Joseph Coggeshall, born in 1826. He was a resident of Portsmouth, R. I.; married Mart A. Lawton, daughter of Parker Lawton. Their children were : XLVIII. — 1st. Celia S. Coggeshall. XLIX. — 2d. Chaeles Coggeshall. L. — 3d. Martha Coggeshall. LI. — 4th. John R. Coggeshall. LII. — 5th. Frederick A. Coggeshall. Mr. Joseph Coggeshall was a member of the school board of his town for over twenty years. He was a farmer, also a contractor and builder ; many residences in New port, R. I., were erected by him. XXVII. — 5th. Mary C. Coggeshall ; married William Chase, widower of her sister, Jane M. XXVIII. — 6th. Martha Coggeshall ; married in Mid dletown, R. I., in 1866, to William E. Coggeshall, of Middletown, R. I., son of Thomas Coggeshall; born in 1833. They had one child, Ella M. Coggeshall, who married George Anthony, of Portsmouth, R. I. Mr. William E. Coggeshall married a second time to Susan Huddy, of Newport, R. I., daughter of Henry Huddy, and had other chUdren by his second wife. . XXIX. — 7th. John P. Coggeshall; born in Ports mouth, R. I., in 1836, where he always resided on his farm. He married Elizabeth Roddy. Their chUdren were : 102 DENNIS. LIIL — 1st. Matthew Coggeshall. LIV. — 2d. Annie M. Coggeshall. LV. — 3d. Rosalie Coggeshall. III. — Coggeshall, Elizabeth (Joshua 3d, Joseph 2d, Joshua 1st). Daughter of Joshua and Anna (Dennis) Cog geshall ; born in Middletown, R. I., October 14, 1756 ; died in Middletown, R. I., September 3, 1828 ; married in Middletown, R. I., November 19, 1786, to Gideon An thony, son of Philip and Mary ( ) Anthony ; born June 20, 1766. Their children were : 1st. — Philip Anthont, born in 1789 ; died in 1873 ; married in Middletown, R. I., December 4, 1817, to Mart Manchester, daughter of John Manchester. They had a daughter, Susan A. Anthony. 2d.^ — Joshua Anthony, born in 1798; died in 1877. His son, Abraham Anthony, born in 1 826 ; married in 1850 to Saeah D. Gould, of Middletown, R. L, daughter of Samuel and Ann (Parker) Gould. She died in 1886. Their children were : 1st. — Albeet A. Anthony, married Sarah E. Man chester. 2d. — Abbie C. Anthony, married Ashton C. Barker. 3d. — Sarah Maeia Anthont, married Chaeles Albro, of Portsmouth, R. I. V. — Coggeshall, Mart (Joshua 3d, Thomas 2d, Joshua 1st), daughter of Joshua and Anna (Dennis) Coggeshall ; born in Middletown, R. I., July 14, 1761 ; died Septem ber 15, 1837 ; married Peleg Brown. Their children were (per records of Middletown) : 1st. — Thomas Brown, born January 8, 1779. 2d. — Merct Beown, born November 5, 1780. 3d. — Joseph Beown, born September 7, 1782. 4th. — Judith Brown, born May 21, 1784. 6 th. — Peleg Brown, born March 3, 1786. 6th. — Patience Brown, born December 8, 1787. 7th. — Anne Brown, born May 3, 1790. 8th. — William Coggeshall Brown, born April 11, 1792. 9th. — James Hall Brown, born May 31, 1794. DENNIS. 103 10th. — Geoege Coggeshall Brown, born December 2, 1798. 11th. — Pardon Brown, born December 24, 1801 ; mar ried in Narragansett, R. I., Luct Armstrong, of Narra- gansett, R. I., daughter of Capt. Nathaniel Armstrong. Their children were : a. — Geoege Aemstrong Beown, born October 4, 1822 ; married in Newport, R. I., December 3, 1849, to Eliza beth C. Anthont, of Middleton, R. I. b. — Paedon Beown, born January 5, 1825. c. — Joshua C. Brown, born February 27, 1828 ; mar ried in Middletown, R. I., January 14, 1853, to Jane Smith, of Middletown, R. I., daughter of Capt. William Smith. Their children were : I. — Nebraska Brown, who married A. A. Tilley. II. — California Brown, who married Daniel Chase. III. — Nevada Brown, who married Herbert Tilley. IV. — Esmeralda Brown. V. — Pardon Brown. VI. — Joshua C. Beown. Mr. Brown married a second time in Newport, R. I., May 2, 1872, to Elizabeth A. Waed, of Newport, R. I., daughter of Henry Ward. d. — Maey A. Beown. e. — Nathaniel A. Brown, who married, March 4, 1850, Sarah F. Caee. Mr. Pardon Brown, born in Middletown, R. I., Decem ber 24, 1801 ; married a second time in 1831, to Saeah Sanfoed, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Capt. Peleg Sanford. Their children were : 1. — a. Lucy M. Beown, who married Jambs A. Brown, of Savannah, Ga., August 20, 1853. 2. — b. Peleg Beown, who died in Nevada. 3. — c. Ltdia Beown. 12th. — Joshua Coggeshall Beown, born December 24, 1801. Twin of Paidon. 13th.— Robeet Dennis Beown, born March 22, 1805. 104 DENNIS. VI. — Meecy Coggeshall (Joshua 3d, Thomas 2d, Joshua li3t). Daughter of Joshua and Anna (Dennis) CoggeshaU; born in Middletown, R. I., September 14, 1762 ; died in March, 1844 ; married April 2, 1786, to Thomas Manchestee. Their children were: 1st. — Ltdia Manchestee, born March 31, 1787. 2d. — Saeah Manchester, born May 12, 1789. 3d. — Isaac Manchester, born February 9, 1792 ; mar ried in Portsmouth, R. I., December 31, 1820, to Sally Fish, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of John Fish. Their children were (per records of Middletown, R. I.) : a. — Cook Manchester, born August 21, 1823. b. — Freeborn Manchester, born July 6, 1825. c. — Thomas Manchester, born 1839 ; married Maey Albeo, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Freeborn Albro. 4th. — Freeborn Manchester, born November 14, 1793 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., July 2, 1816, to Ann Slocum, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Stephen Slocum. Their children were (per records of Middletown, R. I.) : 1. — Sarah Ann Manchester, born November 12, 1818. 2. — Stephen Manchester, born March 16, 1820. 3. — George Tew Manchester, born May 23, 1823. 4. — Truman Manchestee, born November 13, 1825. 5. — Peter A. Manchester, born May 19, 1835. 5th. — Anne Manchester, born December 12, 1796. 6th. — Hannah Manchester, born November 8, 1797. 7th. — Meecy Manchestee, born March 19, 1800. 8th. — Geoege Manchestee, born April 22, 1804. VIII. — Geoege Coggeshall (Joshua 3d, Thomas 2d, Joshua 1st). Son of Joshua and Anna (Dennis) Coggeshall ; born in Middletown, R. I., June 8, 1767 ; died in Ports mouth, R. I., August 14, 1843; married in Portsmouth, R. I., to Cynthia Sherman, daughter of Peleg and Eliza beth ( ) Sherman ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., Sep tember 17, 1773. Their children were : XVII. — 1st. Peleg Coggeshall; married in Ports- DENNIS. 105 month, R. I., January 14, 1817, to Beidget Almy, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Peleg Almy; born in Portsmouth, R. 1., in 1796 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., in 1886. Their children were (born in Portsmouth, R. I.) : XXX. — 1st. Cynthia Coggeshall; born August 20, 1818 ; died in Providence, R. I.; married William B. Chase, of Middletown, R. I., son of Robert S. and Sarah Ann (Bailey) Chase. Their children were: 1st. — Peter C. Chase, who lived in Boston, Mass. 2d. — William B. Chase; unmarried; lived in Provi dence, R. I. Mr. Chase lived on Coddington Cove farm in Middle- town, R. I., and at one time represented that town in the General Assembly. XXXI. — 2d. George B. Coggeshall, born January 8, 1820; died June 30, 1828. XXXII. — 3d. Petee A. Coggeshall, born August 10, 1822; married Lucinda Ayleswoeth, of North Kingston, R. I., daughter of Samuel Aylesworth. Their only child was Chaeles P. Coggeshall. Mr. Peter A. Coggeshall was assessor of taxes for several years, and was a farmer. His son resided in Boston, Mass., where he was a salesman. XXXIII. — 4th. George B. Coggeshall, born February 27, 1827. Mr. Peleg Coggeshall was a soldier in the war of 1812. His widow drew a pension. XVIII. — George C. Coggeshall (Joshua, Jr., 6th, Joseph 4th, Joshua 3d, Thomas 2d, Joshua 1st). Son of Joshua, Jr., and Deborah (Allen) Coggeshall; born in Middletown, R. I., October 7, 1816 ; died in Middletown, R. I., January 31, 1873; married in Middletown, R. I., December 19, 1849, to Mart A. Brown, of Middletown, R. I., daughter of Pardon and Lucy (Armstrong) Brown; born in Middletown, R. I. Their children were : XXXIV. — Ist. Joshua Coggeshall, born in 1850; mar ried in Middletown, R. I., to Elizabeth Weaver, of Mid- 106 DENNIS. dletown, R. I., daughter of Stephen P. and EHza (Gibbs) Weaver; born in Middletown. Their children were : LVI. — 1st. Alfred H. Coggeshall. LVII. — 2d. Eliza F. Coggeshall. LVIII. — 3d. Phebe A. Coggeshall. LIX. — 4th. LucT Coggeshall. XXXV. — 2d. George Coggeshall, born in 1852 ; mar ried in Middletown, R. I., in 1873, to Alzada Weaver, of Middletown, R. I., daughter of Stephen P. and Eliza (Gibbs) Weaver; born in Middletown, R. I., and died there. They had three children. Mr. CoggeshaU mar ried a second time, to Sarah G. Weavee, his first wife's sister. XXXVI. — 3d. FiLLMOEE Coggeshall, born in 1856; married Elizabeth M. Brown, daughter of William H. Brown. Their children were: LXIII. — 1st. Mart Julia Coggeshall. LXIV. — 2d. Frederick William Coggeshall. LXV. — 3d. Gertrude A. Coggeshall. LXVI. — 4th. Fillmore Coggeshall, Jr. Mr. Coggeshall was a member of the town council in 1887 ; on general elections he votes with the Democratic party (see Hist. Newport Co., R. I.) XXXVII. — 4th. Francis J. Coggeshall; married in 1881, to Saeah A. Thueston, of Portsmouth, R. I., daugh ter of Peleg L. and Sarah E. (Lawton) Thurston ; born in Portsmouth, R. I. They had one child. LXVIL— 1st. Jeanette Coggeshall. • XXXVIII. — 5th. Luct Coggeshall, who died in Ports mouth, R. I., in 1883; married in Middletown, R. I., to Geoege Anthont, a farmer, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Rev. Gould Anthony ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., in 1856. They had one child, Maet C. Anthont. Mr. Coggeshall married a second time, to Ellie M. Coggeshall, daughter of William E. and Martha (Cogge shall) Coggeshall. They had one child, Gould Anthont. Mr. George C. Coggeshall was a farmer, and spent his DENNIS. 107 life on his farm in Middletown, R. I. He was president of the council of his town seven years. During 1861 to 1865, the period of the War of the RebelHon, he was "Captain of Home Guards." "From its organization until his death he was treasurer of Aquidneck Agricultural Society." " He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Newport, R. I., and was esteemed for his fidelity and constant christian life." (See Hist, of Newport Co., R. I.) XIX. — Coggeshall, David (Joshua, Jr., 5th, Joseph 4th, Joshua 3d, Thomas 2d, Joshua 1st). Son of Joshua, Jr., and Deborah (Allen) Coggeshall ; born in Middletown, R. I., October 28, 1818 ; died in Middletown, R. I.; mar ried in Middletown, R. I., March 20, 1851, to Saeah C. Bailet, of Middletown, R. I., daughter of George I. and Mary S. (Chase) Bailey. Their children were (per records of Middletown) : XXXIX. — 1st. Geoege B. Coggeshall. XL. — 2d. Elizabeth Coggeshall, married John L. Sim mons, of Newport, R. I. XLI. — 3d. Haeeiet B. Coggeshall. XX. — Coggeshall, Hannah Mart (Joshua, Jr., 5th, Joseph 4th, Joshua 3d, Thomas 2d, Joshua 1st). Daugh ter of Joshua, Jr., and Deborah (Allen) Coggeshall ; born in Middletown, R. I., January 6, 1820 ; married in Mid dletown, R. I., March 16, 1843, to Geoege G. Chase, of Middletown, R. I., son of John and Susannah (Gould) Chase ; born in Middletown, R. I., January 20, 1820 ; died in Middletown, R. I. Their children were : 1st. — Elizabeth Coggeshall Chase, born February 24, 1844 ; died February 11, 1852. 2d. — Maet Allen Chase, born February 24, 1846 ; died April 7, 1873 ; was the 1st wife of Robeet R. Caee, born June 7, 1846. They had one child, Maet Allen Carr, born March 27, 1873. 3d. — Joshua Coggeshall Chase, born April 6, 1848 ; died January 4, 1849. 4th. — Anna Hazard Chase, born November 17, 1853. 5th. — Emma Gould Chase, born July 31, 1858. 108 DENNIS. XXII. — Coggeshall, Sarah Dennis (Joshua, Jr., 5th, Joseph 4th, Joshua 3d, Thomas 2d, Joshua 1st). Daughter of Joshua, Jr., and Deborah (Allen) Coggeshall ; born in Middletown, R. I., September 21, 1821 ; married in Mid dletown, R. I., in 1847, to James Chase, of Middletown, R. I., son of John and Susannah (Gould) Chase ; born in Middletown, R. I., November 5, 1817 ; died in Middle- town, R. I. Their children were : 1st. — Deborah Chase, born March 1, 1849 ; married December 10, 1874, as 2d wife of Robert R. Carr. 2d. — Albert Lawton Chase, born August 30, 1851 ; unmarried ; farmer ; was clerk of the town of Middletown, R. I., for a number of years ; is a member of the Prot estant Episcopal Church. 3d. — Elizabeth Coggeshall Chase, born June 5, 1853 ; unmarried. 4th. — Ruth Dennis Chase, born June 20, 1865 ; mar ried John Peckham. XXIV. — Coggeshall, Noel (Abraham C. 5th, Joseph 4th, Joshua 3d, Thomas 2d, Joshua 1st). Son of Abra ham C. and Annie (Sisson) Coggeshall ; married in Ports mouth, R. I., March 11, 1846, to Sarah Ann Rogers, daughter of John and Ann (Manchester) Rogers. Their chilldren were (per records of Portsmouth, R. I.): XLIII. — 1st. John Rogers Coggeshall, born Novem ber 23, 1846. XLIV. — 2d. Charlotte Sisson Coggeshall, born De cember 29, 1847 ; married in Middletown, R. I., in 1869, to James Anthont, son of George and Margaret (Hatha way) Anthony; born in Middletown, R. I., November 6, 1840. Their children were : Arthur R. and Alfred C. Anthont. Mr. Anthony was a farmer, and a member of the Gen eral Assembly of Rhode Island, a number of years; served on the town School Board for three years, and was mod erator of the town meetings ; also was Collector of Taxes several years. (See Hist, of Newport Co., R. I.). XLV. — 3d. Frances Rogers Coggeshall, born August DENNIS. 109 9, 1849 ; married in Middletown. R. I., to Edward Almy, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Edward Almy ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., in 1844, where he resided during life. Their children were : Annie Rebecca Almy and Katie Fales Almy. Mr. Almy was a councilman a number of years, and commissioner of the town asylum for a long period. He was said to have been one of the best farmers of the town of Portsmouth, R. I. (See Hist., Newport Co., R. I.). XLVI. — 4th. Joseph Rogees Coggeshall, born Janu ary 12, 1855. XLVII. — 5th. William S. Coggeshall. VI. — Dennis, Ruth (Joseph 2d, Robert 1st). Daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Durfee) Dennis ; born in Ports mouth, R. I., December 6, 1733; died in Portsmouth, R. I., March 1, 1817 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., June 22, 1748, to John Coey, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of William and Deliverance (Durfee) Cory; born in Portsmouth, R. I., September 7, 1731, and died there July 13, 1818. For record of their children see descendants of William aud Deliverance (Durfee) Cory. VII. — Dennis, Lydia (Joseph 2d, Robert 1st). Daugh ter of Joseph and Sarah (Durfee) Dennis ; born in Ports mouth, R. I., October 12, 1735 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., December 3, 1779 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., Decem ber 16, 1757, to David Fish, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Da-vid and Jemima (Tallman) Fish ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., March 15, 1734. Their children were (born in Portsmouth, R. I.): 1st. — Sarah Fish, born July 26, 1758 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., October 3, 1781, to Robert Hazard, of South Kingston, R. I., son of Thomas and Elizabeth ( ) Hazard. 2d. — Christopher Fish, born December 25, 1759. 3d. — Jemima Fish, born May 6, 1761 ; married in Ports mouth, R. I., December 5, 1787, to Thomas Richardson Robinson, of Newport, R. I., son of Thomas and Sarah ( ) Robinson. 4th. — Maey Fish, born January 23, 1763 ; married in 110 DENNIS. Portsmouth, R. I., June 4, 1794, to Andeew Nichols, of South Kingston, R. I. 5th. — Hannah Fish, born December 14, 1764. 6th.— Hannah Fish 2d, born October 24, 1766. 7th. — Stephen Fish, born October 24, 1768. 8th. — Joseph Fish, born April 13, 1770 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., July 9, 1798, to Amey Chase, of Free town, Mass. Their children were (born in Portsmouth, R. I.): a. — Elizabeth Fish, born October 12, 1799. b. — Benjamin Fish, born September 5, 1801 ; married in 1827, to Abbie Estes, of Tiverton, R. I., daughter of Peter Estes (see record of children of Robert Estes). Their children were (born in Portsmouth, R. I.): I. — A Son, born December 24, 1827 ; died. II. — A Son, born February 24, 1831 ; died. c. — Rachel Fish, born September 11, 1803. 9th.— Lydia Fish, born May 2, 1772. 10th. — Susannah Fish, born February 20, 1773. 11th.— Ruth Fish, born March 7, 1776. 12th.— Rachel Fish, born March 12, 1779. VIII. — Dennis, Feeeboen (Joseph 2d, Robert 1st). Daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Durfee) Dennis ; born in Portsmouth, R. 1., August 18, 1739 ; married in Ports mouth, R. I., February 21, 1760, to Holdee Chase, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Nathan and Elizabeth (Shaw) Chase ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., August 24, 1733 ; died in February, 1820. Their children were : I. — Nathan Chase, who died in childhood. II. — Saeah Chase, born in 1765 ; died January 19, 1848 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., May 14, 1794, to Benjamin Mott, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Jacob, Jr., and Hannah (Weaver) Mott ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., January 1, 1758 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., August 29, 1838 ; he was an Elder in the Society of Friends. Their children were (born in Portsmouth, R. I.) : 1st. — Hannah Mott, born February 24, 1795 ; died August 29, 1839. DENNIS. Ill 2d. —Anna Mott, born June 29, 1797. 3d.— Elizabeth Mott, born November 3, 1799 ; mar ried in Portsmouth, R. I., October 2, 1822, to John A. Wadswoeth, M. D. Their children were : 1st. — Emma Ann Wadswoeth, born November 14, 1824 ; died March 20, 1825. 2d. — John Leon Wadswoeth, born June — , 1828 ; died at his Grandfather Wadsworth's, in Bristol, R. I., Octo ber 13, 1828. 4th. — Jacob Mott, born January 21, 1804 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., April 14, 1825, to Eliza Anthony, of Portsmouth, R. I. Their children were : a. — William P. Mott, born January 27, 1826. b. — Benjamin Mott, born September 7, 1827. The latter was married in Portsmouth, R. I., to Cathe rine Borden, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of William and Mahala (Heitley) Borden. They had one son, William B. Mott, born in 1859 ; who married Annie Louisa Fish. Mr. John C. Mott mar ried a second time to a daughter of Isaac Cory. Their only child was Alfred Mott. 5th. — Edwaed A. 6th. — Alfeed "w." MoS; \ *^^°'' ^°^° ^°^- ^' ^^^^- III. — Nathan Chase, born in 1766 ; died November 12, 1827 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., November 14, 1792, to Anne Sheeman, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Sampson and Ruth (Fish) Sherman ; born in Ports mouth, R. I., November 19, 1770 ; died in Newport, R. I., October 22, 1852. Their children were (born in Tiverton, R. I.) : 1st. — ^Hannah Chase, born November 22, 1793 ; mar ried in Tiverton, R. I., November 3, 1812, to Daniel Chase, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Daniel and Hannah (Lawton) Chase. 2d. — Almy Chase, born July 20, 1795; married in 112 DENNIS. Tiverton, R. I., January 30, 1815, to Job Weeden, son of John and Isabela ( ) Weeden. 3d. — Holdee Chase, born in Tiverton, R. I., March 17, 1797; died in September, 1832; married in Tiverton, R. I., September 7, 1817, to Elizabeth Estes, of Tiverton, R. I., daughter of Peter and Mercy (Durfee) Estes; born in Tiverton, R. I., September 16, 1799. Their children were (see record of descendants of Robert and Ann (Durfee) Estes) : 4th. — Eliza Chase, born February 25, 1799. 5th. — Maey Chase, born September 5, 1800. 6th. — Abbt Chase, born July 25, 1802 ; died February 3, 1803. 7th. — Rowland Chase, born January 23, 1804. 8th. — Obadiah Chase, born March 2, 1806. 9th. — Ruth Ann Chase, born September 21, 1810; died in Tiverton, R. I., December 15, 1811. IV. — Anna Chase, born in 1768 ; died in Smithfield, R. I., " at the residence of her son, H. C. Weeden," February 7, 1849 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., March 8, , to John Weeden, of Jamestown, R. I., son of Daniel and Hannah ( ) Weeden; born in Jamestown, R. I.; died there October 2, 1839. Their children were (born in J amestown, R. I.) : 1st. — Holdee Chase Weeden, born October 12, 1799 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., December 5, 1821, to Abigail Anthony, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Beriah and Anna ( ) Anthony; born in Portsmouth, R. I., August 28, 1796 ; died at home of Avis Mumford, in New port, R. I., July 28, 1828. 2d. — John Hull Weeden, born February 10, 1801. He was a lawyer, and resided in Pawtucket, R. I.; he "gradu ated from Brown University in 1S27, with the highest honors of his class, and was made tutor in 1828." 3d.— Ann Eliza Weeden. " Mr. John Weeden was known as ' Farmer John,' to distinguish him from his cousin of the same name ; he was a man of more than ordinary intelligence and great probity of character." DENNIS. 113 V. — Eliza Chase; did not marry. VI. — Boeden Chase ; married (1st) Sarah Folgbr, of Nantucket, Mass., September 12, 1802 ; married (2d) Ruth Bunker, of Nantucket, Mass., March 8, 1810. VII. — Amey Chase, who died in childhood. VIII. — Abnee Chase, born in Portsmouth, R. I.; mar ried in Portsmouth, R. I., October 5, 1803, to Deborah Chase, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Benjamin and Mary (Almy) Chase. Their children were (per records of Portsmouth, R. I.) : 1st. — William Almy Chase, born September 15, 1804; died in June, 1857. 2d. — George Washington Chase, born October 9, 1805. 3d. — Mary Ann Chase, born June 7, 1807 ; married Peleg Sherman. 4th. — Alexander Hamilton Chase, born September 8, 1808. His son, William Alfred Chase, born in 1834; married in Portsmouth, R. I., to Sarah C. Thomas, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Joseph and Hannah (An thony) Thomas ; born in Portsmouth, R. I. Their children were : a. — Claea M. Chase. b. — Fannie T. Chase, married Edward R. Anthony. c. — Abbie T. Chase, married David Feanklin Hall (see record of Hall family). d. — William A. Chase, Jr. e. — Waltee Bradford Chase. /. — Evelyn B. Chase. 5th. — Jane Eliza Chase, born March 4, 1810. 6th — Benjamin Franklin Chase, born November 30, 1811 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., to Priscilla Anthony, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Abraham Anthony ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., in 1813. Their children were : a. — Ann Eliza Chase, born December 28, 1836. b. — Abner Chase, born December 27, 1842. c. — Ruth Smith Chase, born May 8, 1846. 7th. — Giles Maetinborough Chase, born August 24, 1813; married Elizabeth Hambly, daughter of John Hambly. 114 DENNIS. Their children were : a. — Amanda H. Chase, b. Deboeah Chase, c. Peace Elizabeth Chase. c?.— Fannie S. Chase, married William H. Manchester. e. — Squire Chase. 8th. — Mason Champlin Chase, born November 7, 1814 ; died January 24, 1837. 9th. — James Scott Chase, born May 10, 1816 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., October 5, 1845, to Maey Fish, daughter of Joseph Fish. 10th.— Saeah Ann Chase, born October 15, 1818 ; died September 9, 1819. 11th. — Fannie Smith Chase, born October 25, 1822 ; died March 14, 1853. 12th. — Samuel West Chase, born October 12, 1824 ; died January 18, 1857 ; married Abbie A. Thomas. IX. — Claek Chase, born in Portsmouth, R. I.; married in Tiverton, R. I., December 26, 1811, to Anna Borden, of Tiverton, R. I., daughter of Simeon and Amey (Briggs) Borden ; born in Fall River, Mass., September 14, 1890. Their children were : 1st. — Simeon B. Chase, born October 5, 1812 ; died November 8, 1832. 2d. — Amey A. Chase, born July 9, 1814 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., January 15, 1838, to Humphrey Almy. 3d. — Borden Chase, born April 5, 1816 ; died in Fall River, Mass., in 1897 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., De cember 24, 1838, to Elizabeth A. Thomas, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Joseph and Hannah (Anthony) Thomas ; born in Portsmouth, R. I.; living in Fall River, Mass., in 1899. Their children were : a. — Anne Borden Chase, born January 10, 1840. b. — Frederick Chase, born September 13, 1842. c. — Claek Chase, born January 1, 1846. d. — Simeon Borden Chase, born January 10, 1849. " Mr. Chase began the coal business in Fall River, Mass., in 1871 ; established the Fall River Coal Co., and removed there in 1875. He was also for a period of time later interested in the Globe Coal Co. His son, Simeon DENNIS. 115 B. Chase, went from Portsmouth, R. I., in 1866. He has been connected with a number of the cotton manufacto ries of FaU River, Mass. In 1877 he was treasurer and secretary of the ' Tecumseh ' mUls. After 1885 he was treasurer of the ' King Philip ' mill." 4th. — Philip Boeden Chase, born February 3, 1818 ; living in Portsmouth, R. I., 1902 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., to Sarah Cook, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of WilHam Earl and Eunice (Sherman) Cook ; born in Ports mouth, R. I., and died there. Their children were (born in Portsmouth, R. I.) : a. — William C. Chase. b. — Eunice A. Chase, married in Portsmouth, R. I., November 26, 1860, to Dr. Benjamin Green, of Exeter, R. I., son of Hon. Isaac and Eliza (Kenyon) Green ; born in Exeter, R. I., October 30, 1833. They resided in Portsmouth, R. 1. Their children were : 1st. IvA Eunice Green. 2d. Isaac Philip Green. " Dr. Green graduated from the University Medical Col lege of New York City in 1859, and commenced the practice of medicine at Portsmouth, R. I., soon after he had com pleted his course in college ; he became a member of the Rhode Island Medical Society in 1860. Aside from his practice he has successfully engaged in real estate trans actions in and about the city of Fall River, Mass., which is eight miles from his home." c. Philip S. Chase, d. Rebecca Chase, e. Nancy Chase, f. Constant C. Chase, g. Charles E. Chase. h. Isaac S. Chase, i. Hannah Chase. Mr. P. B. Chase has fiUed the office of Town Clerk of his native town for many years ; the writer is grateful in his remembrance of him, for the favors received in his office in searching the records for data for this work. 5th. — Sarah Freeborn Chase, born February 17, 1820 ; was living in Fall River, Mass., in 1899 ; married in Portsmouth, R. 1., May 18, 1840, to Stephen Davol, of Fall River, Mass., son of Abner and (No. 277) Mary (Durfee) Davol ; born in Freetown, Mass., November 22, 116 DENNIS. 1807; died in FaU River, Mass., November 7, 1888. For record of their children, see record of the descend ants of Abner and Mary (Durfee) Davol. " Stephen Davol began in early life to learn the busi ness of cotton manufacturing, and passed from the foot to the top of the ladder, from apprentice boy to the chief executive officer of a mill company." The statements in the book " FaU River and its Industries," pubHshed in 1877, show him to have been then President of the Me chanics Mills, also President of Fall River Manufacturers' Mutual Insurance Company. 6th. — Eliza Chase, born May 3, 1822 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., October 24, 1842, to Charles Fowler, of Brooklyn, N. Y. 7th. — Chaeles Chase, born February 2, 1824 ; mar ried in Bristol, R. I., October 16, 1855, to Feances C. Peaece, of Bristol, R. I., daughter of George Pearce. 8th. — Nathaniel Borden Chase, born November 1, 1825 ; married Louisa M. Pibrson. 9th. — Alfred Clark Chase, born March 21, 1833 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., to Ruth Anthony, of Ports mouth, R. I., daughter of William Anthony. Their chUdren were : a. Edmund Chase, b. Maud A. Chase. X. — Freeborn Chase, born — ; died unmarried, November 23, 1819. READ. 27. Durfee, Martha (Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Daugh ter of Thomas and Ann Freeborn Durfee, of Portsmouth, R. I.; born in Portsmouth, R. I., Februaiy 20, 1702; married in Portsmouth, R. I., December 27, 1730, to Olivee Read, of Freetown, Mass., son of John and Mary ( ) Read ; born in Freetown, Mass., October 14, 1701. Their children were (born in Freetown, Mass.): I. — Joseph Read, born December 11, 1732 ; died in Freetown, Mass., in 1791 ; married in Swansea, Mass., January 10, 1760, to Maey Knowles, of Swansea, Mass.; died in Freetown, Mass., in 1816. Their children were : 1st. — Joseph Read, born in 1761 ; died in 1791. 2d. — James Read, born in 1768 ; died in 1791. These and the following records of the Read family were obtained from the records of Freetown, Mass., and from the history of the Read family compiled by J. W. Read. " The graves of the family of Joseph Read are marked with appropriate head-stones in the burying ground of the late Joseph E. Read, of Freetown, Mass. II. — Oliver Read, born August 21, 1734 ; died in Freetown, Mass. He was a captain of the military com pany of Freetown, Mass., and was with his company at times on duty in the Revolutionary Army. He married in Swansea, Mass., February 14, 1754, to Patience Bray ton, of Swansea, Mass. Their children were : 1st. — Nancy Read, who married Thomas Freelove. 2d. Ruth Read. 3d. Stephen Read. 4th. Oliver Read. 5th. Thomas Read. 6th. — Deborah Read, who married William Gifford. 7th. — Phebe Read. 8th. — Anne Read, who married George Read, and married a second time, in Fall River, Mass., December 14, 1837, to Perlby Willson. 118 READ. IIL— Maey Read, born March 31, 1736 ; died in Swan sea, Mass., March 12, 1806 ; married in Swansea, Mass., October 9, 1755, to Philip Slade, of Swansea, Mass., son of Edward and Phebe (Chase) Slade; born in Swansea, Mass., AprU 19, 1732 ; died in Pittstown, N. Y., July 31, 1803. Their children were : 1st. — Martha Slade, born September 11, 1756 ; died November 18, 1822. 2d.— Edward Slade, born April 9, 1758 ; died June 22, 1806. 3d. — Oliver Slade, born January 8, 1760. 4th. — Philip Slade, born August 11, 1761. 5th. — Joseph Slade, born March 31, 1763. 6th. — SiBBL Slade, born August 19, 1765 ; died August 24, 1805. 7th. — Sarah Slade, born August 17, 1767. 8th.— Maey Slade, born May 7, 1769. 9th. — Phebe Sladb, born January 18, 1773. 10th. — Deborah Slade, born January 22, 1775. 11th. — Gideon Slade, born June 11, 1777. 12th.— Wait Slade, born February 16, 1781. IV. — Jonathan Read, born November 13, 1737 ; died at Steep Brook, Freetown, Mass.; married in Freetown, Mass., in 175-, to Eunice Weavee. Their chUdren were : 1st. — Feeeman Read, born September 27, 1757. 2d. — IcHABOD Read, born April 26, 1760 ; died Decem ber 5, 1796. He was captain of a military company. His intentions to marry Elizabeth Law have record in Free town, Mass., May 30, 1780. Their graves are at Steep Brook, north of Fall River, Mass. 3d. — James Read, born June 7, 1762. 4th.^ — Lydia Read, born September 7, 1764 ; married in Freetown, Mass., August 23, 1792, to Sheffield Wea-ver, of Somerset, Mass. 5th. — Elizabeth Read, who married Capt. Robert Gibbs. 6th. — Susanna Read, born July 3, 1767; married L dthee Wilson. READ. 119 7th. — Eunice Read. 8th. — Hannah Read, born August 1, 1769 ; married in Freetown, Mass., August 3, 1793, to James Whitewell. 9th. — Jonathan Read, Jr., born September 7, 1771 ; married in Freetown, Mass., March 31, 1792, to Elbanoe Law, of Somerset, Mass. Their child, Betsey Read, married in Freetown, Mass. (as second wife), July 30, 1812, to Ebenezee Spoonee Winslow, of Freetown, Mass. (whose first wife was Candace Weaver, who died June 8, 1810, aged 24 years), son of John and Bethiah (Spooner) Wins low ; born in Freetown, Mass., October 6, 1785 ; died May 9, 1822. Mrs. Winslow married a second time to William Bakee, and her third husband was a Mr. Lob- dell. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Winslow were : 1st. — Ebenezee Winslow, born December 7, 1814; married March 3, 1840, to Cheistiana L. Haetwell, daughter of Alfred and Fanny (Brown) Hartwell ; born December 15, 1819 ; died April 14, 1859. He married a second time, November 10, 1860, to Maey Ann Millee. They resided at Schuyler Falls, N. Y., in 1870. Their children were : a. — Geoege H. Winslow, born June 26, 1845 ; died August 19, 1864. b. — Frank E. Winslow, born August 10, 1850. 2d. — David B. Winslow, born May 24, 1821 ; married Abigail Church, daughter of John and Lucia ( ) Church; born June 5, 1821. They lived in Burlington, Vt. Their children were : a. — Lucy Emma Winslow, born September 21, 1847. b. — Josephine A. Winslow, born February 21, 1849. c. — Charles A. Winslow, born October 3, 1861. d. — Orin E. Winslow, born September 12, 1865. e. — Martha E. Winslow, born September 4, 1868. /.—Mary A. Winslow, born May 12, 1861. V. — Wait Read, born December 6, 1739 ; married in Freetown, Mass., January 9, 1761, to Samuel Weaver, of Somerset, Mass. Their son, " Sheffel Weaver," born in Somerset, Mass., in 1764 ; died in Fall River, Mass., July 120 read. 26, 1839 ; married in FaU River, Mass., February 24, 1834. For his third wife (probably) (Mrs.?) Hannah Durfee. VI. — Nathan Read, born June 16, 1742. VII. — Benjamin Read, born March 28, 1744. VIII. — Gideon Read, Ijorn February 5, 1746. WILL OF OLIVER READ. His will was dated June 3, 1777, and recorded at Bris tol, R. I., November 3, 1778, in book 25, on page 302. The book of records referred to can be seen in the file room of the Probate Court at Taunton, Mass. He men tions his children as follows in the will : Sons, Joseph Read, Oliver Read, Jonathan Read, Na than Read, Benjamin Read ; daughters. Wait Weaver and Mary Slade ; grand-daughter, Elizabeth Read, in- fant to Gideon Read {deceased). DURFEE. 28. Durfee, Gideon (Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Thomas and Ann (Freeborn) Durfee, of Portsmouth, R. I.; born in Portsmouth, R. I., January 15, 1704 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., May 5, 1766 ; married in Ports mouth, R. I., November 11, 1725, to Wait Tripp, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Abiel and Eleanor (Waite) Tripp; born in Portsmouth, R. I., April 19, 1705 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I. Their children were : 74. — 1st. Freeborn, bom December 28, 1726. 75.— 2d. Sarah, born September 22, 1728. 76.— 3d. Eleanor, born November 22, 1730. 77.— 4th. Job, born August 19, 1735. 78.— 5th. Ann, born February 23, 1736. 79.— 6th. Wait, born September 9, 1738 ; died in childhood. Mr. Duefee married Eleanor Tripp, sister of his first wife, for his second wife ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., December 26, 1715 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I. Their children were : 80.— 1st. Wait, born AprU 16, 1741. 81.— 2d. Elizabeth, born March 7, 1743. 82.— 3d. Ruth, born September 20, 1744. 83. — 4th. Susanna, born July 30, 1748. 84. — 5th. Christopher, born April 18, 1753 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., October 28, 1773, to Mary Fisher. There is no record of children born to them, 85.— 6th. Eleanor, born February 18, 1756. Mr. Durfee probably spent his life in the town of Portsmouth, R. I., as a farmer. He was admitted a free man in 1725. He held office a number of years ; was Justice of the Peace from 1738 to 1741. He served in the General Assembly of the Colony of Rhode Island as an assistant (a position in the council of the governor, and in our present form of government, a member of the 121 122 DURFEE. State senate) in 1745-'46-'47, and 1757 as a deputy (or as now called, a representative of the town in the lower house of the State legislature). Abiel Tripp, father-in-law of Mr. Durfee, gave in his will, dated Portsmouth, R. I, Jan-uary 10, 1752, to Job Durfee, son of his eldest daughter, Wait, five pounds. The following is a brief of THE WILL OF GIDEON DURFEE. Dated at Portsmouth, R. I., July 9, 1754, and for probate and record at the office of the town clerk of Portsmouth, R. I, June 9, 1766. "Item. — ' To wife, Elenor Durfee,' detailed statement of what is to be hers, and instructions to his son. Job, to cai'e for her and the things given to her. "Item. — ' To son Christopher, Jennings' land and land given to him by his honored grandfather, Gideon Freeborn.' "Item. — To daughter, Freeborn Durfee, 100 Pounds, bed, etc. "Item. — Todaughter, Ann Durfee, 100 Pounds, bed, etc. She and Freeborn to live with son Job, and if he die aiid they are single, provision to be made for them to remain in the house while unmarried. "Item. — To daughter, Sarah Allen, 50 Pounds. "Item. — To granddaughters, Ruth and Wait Freeborn, 25 Pounds each. "Item. — To four younger daughters. Wait, Elizabeth, Ruth, and Susannah Durfee, 50 Pounds each, beds, etc. "Item. — To three older daughters, Freeborn Durfee, Sarah Allen, and Ann Durfee, napkins to be divided. "Item. — To son. Job, all real estate, but that given Christopher; he is to care for the children and be executor of the will." 29. Durfee, Thomas (Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Thomas and Ann (Freeborn) Durfee, of Portsmouth, R. I. ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., June 6, 1706 ; died in Middletown, R. I., in AprU, 1784 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., June 15, 1729, to Saeah Briggs, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Job and Eleanor ( ) Briggs ; born DURFEE. 123 in Little Compton, R. I.; died in Portsmouth, R. I., May 2, 1737. Their children were : 86. — 1st. Sarah, born in Portsmouth, R. I., March 30, 1730. 87. — 2d. Elizabeth, bom in Portsmouth, R. I., May 11, 1732. 88. — 3d. Joseph, born in Portsmouth, R. I., June 29, 1734. Mr. Durfee married a second time in Portsmouth, R. I., March 16, 1740, to Mary Tripp, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Abiel and Eleanor (Wait) Tripp ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., March 9, 1711 ; died in Middletown, R. L, May 28, 1789. Their children were : 89. — 1st. James, bom in Bristol, R. I., January 11, 1742. 90. — 2d. Benjamin, born in Bristol, R. I., January 6, 1744 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., March 27, 1817, unmar ried. 91. — 3d. Oliver, born in Bristol, R. I., March 19, 1746; died about 1748. 92. — 4th. Oliver, born in Portsmouth, R. I., February 27, 1754. In the will of Job Briggs there is a provision that Sarah {Briggs) Durfee, the first wife of Thomas, is to have £5. The following are copies of original papers which Miss Elizabeth Langley (deceased 1899), of 45 Pelham street, Newport, R. I., had in July, 1897. "Newport, January 5th, 1740. " This Certifies whom it concerns, that the Banns of Marriage between Thomas Durfee and Mary Tripp, have been duely published in Trinity Church, in Newport above, and no objection that I know of offered why they may not be joined in matrimony, for testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand, day and date above." (Signed) " James Honeyman." " These may Testify that Thomas Durfee and Mary * 124 DUEPEE. Tripp were joined together in marriage as the law directs in Portsmouth, in the Co. of Newport, R. L, * * * the 16th day of March, A. Domini 1740." (Signed) " John Coggeshall, Justice of the Peace." Miss Langley had also a commission given by Wm. Wanton, Governor of R. 1., which is in part as follows : "To Thomas Durfee, gent, greeting, you Ensign of the Company or Trained Band of the town of Portsmouth, Co. of Newport, in Name of King George &c. * Office Ensign dated 4th May in the 5th year of reign A. D. 1732." (Signed) "Wm. Wanton, Gov." Benjamin Durfee, No. 90, son of Thomas, had quite an experience as a soldier, about the time of the Revolution. Miss Langley permitted a copy to be made of the peti tion he presented to the Legislature, which covers his record of hardship and imprisonment. Benjamin did not marry, and his memory will be perpetuated through his patriotism, as shown by the copy of the petition which is on the following pages. petition of benjamin durfee. To the Honorable the General Assembly of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations now sitting at Providence : The Petition of Benjamin Durfee humbly sheweth. That on the thirtieth day of September, A. D. 1775, Your Petitioner enlisted himself a Soldier in a Regiment Com manded by Colonel Benedict Arnold, in the Continental Army, for the afores'd State, then encamped at Cam bridge, in the State of Massachusetts Bay, from which place your Petitioner proceeded on a march with said Regiment into the province of Canada. During which march your Petitioner encountered with every fatigue and difficulty, and experienced every want imaginable, after which he arrived in said Regiment to the city of Quebec, where he was engaged in the seige of said city when he was unfortunately captivated a prisoner, and confined in HOMESTEAD OF JOB DURFEE, OF TIVERTON, BUILT BY HIM IN I 736-7. durfee. 125 a Loathsome goal until the eighth day of June, A. D. 1776, when your said Petitioner, by the assistance of Divine Providence, effected an escape and arrived at his wonted home and natural place of abode on Rhode Island, on the Seventh Day of October, A. D. 1776, where he soon feU into the hands of the enemy again and was prevented from seeking his wages for the afores'd Service, and al though was promised at the time of engaging as afores'd, that he should receive three pounds, Lawful money per month and a suit of clothes, has never received one farth ing. Therefore, your Petitioner being conscious that he ever performed the Duties of a good Soldier during the whole time of the aforesaid Service to the satisfaction of all his officers, humbly conceives that he is justly entitled to his wages as aforesaid or such Reward as your honors in your Wisdom may see meet, and therefore prays your honors to take the Premises into your wise consideration, and your Petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray. H. — C. It is stated in Vol. 9, Rhode Island Colonial Record, on page 568, that at the meeting of the General Assembly of Rhode Island at Newport, R. I., in 1782, the petition of Benj. Durfee was granted, and payment of amount due him as found on the pay-roll of the company he served in ordered, and it is also stated that he was a member of Col. John Topham's company. 31. Durfee, Job (Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Thomas and Ann (Freeborn) Durfee ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., in 1710 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., in April, 1774 ; mar ried in Portsmouth, R. I., September 17, 1730, to Eliza beth Chase, of Tiverton, R. I., daughter of Benjamin and Amey (Borden) Chase ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., June 16, 1701 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., about 1734. Their only child : 93. — Thomas, bom March 25, 1732 ; was probably lost at sea when a young man. Mr. Durfee married a second time in Portsmouth, R. I., to Mary Earle, daughter of John and Mary (Wait) Earle ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., February 19, 1703 ; died in Tiverton, R. I. 126 DURPEE. Their children were : 94.— 1st. Elizabeth, born July 12, 1736. 95.— 2d. John, born August 31, 1736. 96.— 3d. Gideon, born February 6, 1738. 97. — 4th. Earle, born September 16, 1740 (lost at sea with brother Thomas). 98.— 6th. Job, born August 26, 1744. Mr. Durfee married a third time in Freetown, Mass., April 8, 1762, to Sarah Brayton, of Freetown, Mass. (who died without issue). He became a freeman of the town of Portsmouth, R. I., in May, 1731. He purchased of Joseph Cook in 1736-37 the nineteenth lot or share of Pocasset purchase on Staf ford Road, in the town of Tiverton, R. I. He buUt a house on this land in 1837, which became his home for life, and it is in a good state of preservation at the pres ent date, and has always been owned by his posterity. He was chosen a Deputy to the General Assembly of Rhode Island in 1761-62 and '64. The following is a complete copy of his will : WILL OF JOB duefee. " The Lastwilland Testament of Job Durfee, of Tiverton, in the County of Newport, in the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantation, in New England, yeoman is as followeth, being sound of mind and perfect memory. Blessed be God therefor, and being desirous to Dispose and Settle that Little Temporal Estate ; it both pleased God to bless me with in this world to and amongst my wife and Children in my following Provisions. I will and order all my Just Debts and Funeral Charges fi.rst paid and satisfied by Executor hereafter named. "Item. — / give and bequeath unto my son, John Durfee, my Dwelling House, where I now live, together with the piece or moiety of land whereon said house stands. Boun ded Easterly on the Highway Southerly on land of David Stafford: Westerly and Northeiiy by the stone wall that encloses the same ; and contains on or about four acres ; Together with all the other buildings standing on said piece or moiety of Land before Described it to be under- DURFEE. 127 stood that the northerly Boundary wall of the above piece of moiety of Land, shall extend the same course as it now stands Easterly to the highway to the Including a small piece of Inclosed land a little to the north of my house ; in this bequest to my son John, together with all the width of'f^y Land on the Easterly side of the highway, and to extend easterly the whole width aforesaid until it comes square with the lines or westerly end of that Land which I purchased of Peter Devol as may appear by Deed to gether with one equal half of all my land Easterly to the Fresh pond including the aforesaid Land that I purchased of said Peter Devol in said Division which said Division to be by a line made paralel with the lines in the alotment of Land where my Land Lyeth all the above piece or moiety of land as they are above Described with all the buildings thereon ; I give to my said son, John Durfee, his heirs, and assigns forever. " But only he, my said son John, his Heirs and assigns, shall allow to his brother, my son Gideon Durfee, his Heirs and assignes, a priveledge of a Driftway to pass and repass as their Occasion may require to and from the Land I shall give to my said son Gideon in some conven ient place to the county road or highway, all which I give to my said son John as above, he, my said son John, Doing and performing as I shall hereafter order. "Item, (2) {mentions). — I give and bequeath unto my son, Gideon Durfee, the northerly equal half of all the Easterly and of my Land adj^dning the Fresh pond to Ex tend so far westerly as the Line or Westerly end of that Land which Ip%irchased of Peter Devol all which said Northerly half whereon my said son Gideon now liveth, so far West erly as above Expressed and easterly to the Fresh pond. In cluding the whole width of my Land in. the Division with all the buildings standing on said Northerly half as afore said, together with the privilege of a Driftway as the same is described in the above bequest to my son John, all which I give to him, my said son Gideon Durfee, his heirs and assigns forever, he doing and performing as I shall herein after order. "Item (3). — I give and bequeath unto my son. Job Dur fee, all the westerly end of my lands that I have not al- 128 durfee. ready Disposed of Bounded westerly on a highway northerly on land of David Stafford southerly partly on lands of the aforesaid David Stafford and partly on land given to my son John easterly partly on the highway and partly on land given to my son John as aforesaid special regard being had to the stone wall and place where the said wall nov) stands for a boxmdary line between my said son Job and my aforesaid S07i John, all the above Described westerly end of my land with all the buildings standing thereon, I ffive unto him, my said son Job Durfee, his heirs and as signs forever*. "Item (4). — I give and beqxieath unto my two sons { Viz), Gideon Durfee and Job Durfee, to be equally divided be tween them, all my righ, title, and interest in land lying in the Township of Hartford near Otter Creek so-called them and heirs, c&c, c&c. "Item. — I give and bequeath u7ito my Daughter Eliza beth Chase, one Feather Bed, with the bed-stead and cord, with two blankets and two sheets, one cover lid, 1 set of calico curtains with all other Furniture to said bed belonging, consisting of bolsters and pillows, with their cases, together with one brass kettle, together with all bed- di7ig either linen or woolen that are marked with the Let ters E. G. "Item. — / give and bequeath unto my two sons { Viz.) Thomas Durfee and Earle Durfee, provided they should ever return from Sea, they having been gone for a number of , the sum of Ten pounds Lawfull money to each of the7n, my said sons. "Item.' — I give unto my Daughter Elizabeth Chase, the sum of Ten pound lawfull money to be paid her in one year after my Decease, by my Executor, part and part alike. I likewise give to my said daughter all my pewter that I may leave at my Decease that is marked with the letters E. C. "I give to my son Job Durfee five Ewes c& five lambs, consisting of Ten sheep kind wi the whole together with one cow. "Item. — / give unto my three sons namely, John, Gideon, c& Job, all my wearing apparel to be equally Divided between them, my said sons. durfee. 129 "Item. — I give and beq7ieath unto Sarah my well be loved wife all the goods that she brought with her when she came to live with me together with 07ie set of white curtains with three blankets marked with the letters I. S. D. together with four sheets of the sa7ne mark with one Larke Trunk with one vihite coverlid with my Blue Side Saddle, together with thirty pounds lawfull 7noney to be paid her in one year after my Decease by my Execxitors pa7't and part alike all which I give to my said wife to her own Disposal forever, what I have here given and shall here after give to my said wife, I give her in lieu of her thirds and 7'ight of Dower which I Desi7'e her to accept of. "Item. — I give 7into my said wife for and During the T'ime she may Re77iain my widow as a p7'iviledge to be en joyed for her own particular 7ise the north east room in my house with a priviledge in the Kitchen for washing or cooking as she may have occasion together with the north east Closet with a priviledge in my cellar. All which said p7'iviledges if my said wife should not have occasion or should be otherways Disposed 7iot to make use of the same in her own person, then and i7i such case. I will the said p7iviledges to be to the use of my Son John, free of charge. I further give the priviledges of keeping a cow Winter and Su7nmer to rny said wife with the run of one swine which said priviledge as to be enjoyed in the tennor as the priviledges above, which said cow to be kept by my two sons {viz) John and Gideon Durfee part and part alike so long as she may remain 7ny widow and be Disposed to en joy the same i7i her own person as aforesaid ; I herewith will and order 7ny said son John Durfee to provide a sufficie7icy of Firewood brought to her door for my said wife During the time she may Enjoy the above priviledges. "Item. — I give unto my four childre7i, viz. John Oideon and Job Durfee and Elizabeth Chase to be equally di vided between them all my household goods and indoor movables that I have not already Disposed of but 07ily my son John shall first take out my Desk before the Di vision is made. "Item. — / will and order that 7ny negro man named Dominie, be a free man Immediately after my Decease. "Item. — I give unto my two sons {viz), John and Gideon 130 DURPEE. Durfee all the remainder of my live stock that I have not already Divided as aforesaid, together with money that I may have by me, or due to 7ne by book Bo7id note or other ways with all the residue of my Estate that I have not already Disposed of be the same of what name or nature so ever to be Equally Divided as aforesaid. I also nomi nate Constitute,a7id appoint my two sonsJoh7i and Gideon Durfee 7ny whole and sole Executors of this my last will a7id Testa7nent, to see this 7ny will Executed according to the true Litent a7id 7neani7ig thereof, I hereby revoke all other and former loills by me made Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my Last will and Testament. "In witness whereof, I the said Job Durfee have here unto set my hand and seal this thirty- first day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty-nine, and in the ninth year of his Majesties reign, George the third. King over Great Brittan, A. D. 1769. " Signed Sealed' published, pronounced, and Declared by the said Job Durfee to be his Last will a7id Testament in the presence of — "John Bowen. "Ann Borden. Job Durfee. "Abraham Borden. " Newport, Ss. At Tiverton on the 16th day of May A. D. 1774, the above and foregoing Instrument was Exhibited in Town Council, was proved and approved, John Bowen and Ann Borden two of the witnesses to the foregoing instrument under engagement. Declare that they saw the before named Job Durfee, the Testator, sign seal and Declare the said histrumeiit of writi7ig to be the last will and Testament, and in his presence and in the presence of each other they set their hands as witnesses the7'eto, and that the he7'e named Abraham Borden did at the same time set to his hand as a witness also, and that the said Job Durfee was at that time in his perfect m,ind and '7nemory according to the best of their understanding." Taken in presence of Council. SAMUEL DURFEE, Esq., President. A true Copy of the original. Witness : Walter Cook, C. G. DURPEE. 131 33.— Durfee, David (WiUiam 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of WilHam and Ann ( ) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. L; born in Tiverton, R. I., March 1, 1700 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., March 1, 1788 ; married April 16, 1726, to Abigail Wing, of Dartmouth, Mass.; born in July 1701 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., July 4, 1792. Their children were : 99.— 1st. David, born AprU 9, 1739. 100.— 2d. William. 101. — 3d. Elizabeth, born in Tiverton, R. I.; married in Tiverton, R. I., July 6, 1761, to George Westgate, Jr. Their children were : I. — Rebecca Westgate, born August 11, 176-. II. — Abigail Westgate, born June 13, 1763. III. — Eliphal Westgate, born September 19, 1764. IV. — Elizabeth Westgate, born October 2, 1766. Abigail married John Durfee, son of John and Phebe (Gray) Durfee (see record of, on one of the pages of this book). 102. — 4th. Mary, born in Tiverton, R. I.; married in Tiverton, R. I., December 21, 1768, to William Carder, of Warwick, R. I., son of John and Mary ( ) Carder ; born in Warwick, R. I., December 26, 1746 ; died in 1788. 103.— 5th. Wing. 104.— oth. Abigail. 105.— 7th. Rebecca. WILL OF DAVID DURFEE (sENIOr). The following is an extract from the records of the town of Tiverton, R. I. WiU dated August 29, 1781. Probate date, AprU 7, 1788. "To wife, Abigail Durfee, $100, and other articles. "To son, Willia7n, $800, Silver or Gold. "To son, David, Farm. "To son, Wing, $200, Silver. " To daughter, Elizabeth Westgate, wife of George West- gate, $2, silver. "To daughter, Mary Carder, wife of William Carder, $50, Silver. 132 DURFEE. "To daughter, Rebecca Brownell, wife of Benja7nin Brownell, %2, Silver. "To daughter, Abigail Gifford, wife of David Gifford, %2, Silver. "To grandsons, Abner Durfee and David Durfee, sons of son Willia7n, $50. 35. Durfee, Samuel (William 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of WiUiam and Ann ( ) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton in 1702 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., Novem ber 8, 1788 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., February 10, 1733, to Mercy Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., daughter of Benjamin and Prudence (Earle) Durfee ; born in Tiver ton, R. I., January 30, 1711 ; died in Tiverton, R. I. Their children were : 106.— 1st. Prudence, born May 28, 1733. 107.— 2d. William, born January 10, 1735. 108.— 3d. Mary, born March 26, 1736 ; died the year born. 109.— 4th. Hope, born May 20, 1738. 110.— 5th. Joseph, born August 31, 1739. 111.— 6th. Susannah, born July 14, 1741. 112.— 7th. Ruth, born October 26, 1742. 113.— 8th. Mercy, born March 11, 1745. 114.— Oth. Samuel, bom August 28, 1747. 115.— 10th. James, born July 14, 1749. 116.— 11th. Mary, 2d, born August 8, 1752. Mr. Durfee was the owner of large tracts of land, and lived on Tiverton Heights, where much of his land was located. "He was a noted deer hunter." WhUe the Revolutionary army was encamped on Tiverton Heights, in 1778, his house was the headquarters of the Command ing General (Sullivan). He was a justice of the peace in 1747, and a representa tive to the General Assembly of Rhode Island in the years 1751-'53-'55-'57-'58-'60-'63-'68-'69 and '70. will of SAMUEL DUEFEE. The following is a synopsis of the will of Mr. Durfee as found in the probate records at Tiverton, R. I, Date DURPEE. 133 of win, December 3, 1780. Probate date, December 1, 1788: "To son James Diirfee certain lots of land, and if he should die the same to grandsons Joseph Durfee and Wil liam Durfee. " To grandson Samuel Dxirfee lots of land. "To grandson William Durfee lots of land. "To grandson Godfrey Durfee alias Bennet, land, c&c, and cattle. " To grandson Joseph Durfee, land described, desk, c&c, c&c "To grandsons Prince Durfee, Ab7^aham Durfee, God frey D7irfee alias Bennet, and Joseph Durfee, lot of land in Pocasset purchase. "To daughter Mercy Manchester, $30. " To daughter Mary Sheldon, $30. "To daughter Prudence Sherjnan. "To grandsons Da7iiel Sher7nan, Prince Durfee, and Abner Sherman, 600 acres of land in Woodstock and Hartford near Otter Creek. " To 6 granddaughters, Ruth Sherman, Elizabeth Sher man, Hope Du7fee, Eliphal Manchester, Abigail Durfee, and Prudence Sheldon, $10 each. "To Mercy Sherman, Bed, etc. To {Mercy) Ann Dur fee, $40. "To gra7iddaughter Mercy Du7fee, $50 and silverware. "To Abner Sherman, $26'. To Perry Sheldon, £6. "To Prince Durfee, %-iO. "To Abigail Durfee, widow of son Joseph Durfee, use of certain 7'ooms, c&c Directs that his son James Durfee find and 'provide for said widow.' " Grandson Samuel Durfee to find and provide for Abigail Durfee, widow of son Joseph Durfee, 10 bushels Winter Apples and 4 bbls. cider yearly. " His negroes, Dorcas and Hagar, to be set at liberty. " To son James' es two daughters, Sarah and Mary, $10 each. "To granddaughter Eliphal Manchester, Bed, c&c "To granddaughter Ann Dxirfee, 3 silver tea spoons. "To granddaughters Mary Bennet, Ruth Bermet, and Hope Bennet, $80, d'lvided equally. 134 DURFEE. "To Mary Bennet and Ruth Bennet, Bedding, c&c. "To Mary Bennet, Ruth Bennet, Mary Diafee, Ann Durfee, Joseph Durfee, Sa7'ah Durfee, a7id Mary Durfee, all ironwares, pots and kettles. "Thomas Durfee, Esq., of Freetown, was named as his executor." VALENTINE. 36. Durfee, Abigail (William 2d, Thomas 1st). Daugh ter of William and Mary ( ) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I. ; bom in Tiverton, R. I. ; died in Freetown, Mass., July 13, 1765 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., June 25, 1729, to Samuel Valentine, of Freetown, Mass., son of John and Mary (Lynde) Valentine. (Thomas, the cousin of John Valentine, was Vicar of Frankfort, in Ireland.) John was married in Boston, Mass., and probably Samuel was born there, December 28, 1702. He died in Freetown, Mass., March 14, 1781. Their children were (born in Freetown, Mass.) : I. — Lynde Valentine, born March 18, 1730. II. — Samuel Valentine, born July 27, 1731. HI. — Joseph Valentine. IV. — Mary Valentine. V. — Lucy Valentine, born February 20, 1740. VI. — William Valentine, born March 17, 1741. VII. — John Valentine, born April 29, 1743. VIII. — David Valentine, born October 2, 1745. IX. — Abigail Valentine, born September 25, 1746. Mr. Valentine married a second time in Swansea, Mass., October, 1766, to Rebecca Hall. I. — Valentine, Lynde (Samuel 3d, John 2d, Francis 1st). Son of Samuel and Abigail (Durfee) Valentine ; born in Freetown, Mass., March 18, 1730 ; died in Free town, Mass., September 10, 1773 ; married in Freetown, Mass., November 28, 1764, to Sarah Evans, of Freetown, Mass., daughter of John and Ruth (Winslow) Evans ; born in Freetown, Mass., October 4, 1736. Their children were (born in Freetown, Mass.) : X. — 1st. James Valentine, born June 15, 1765 ; died September 25, 1765. XI. — 2d. Thomas Valentine, bom September 21, 1766. XII. — 3d. Frances Valentine, born March 18, 1769. 186 136 valentine. XIII. — 4th. James Lynde Valentine, born October 11, 1770. II. — Valentine, Samuel, Jr. (Samuel 3d, John 2d, Fran cis 1st). Son of Samuel and Abigail (Durfee) Valentine ; born in Freetown, Mass., July 27, 1731 ; died in Free town, Mass., July 14, 1768 ; married in Freetown, Mass., February 26, 1756, to Maey Evans, of Freetown, Mass., daughter of John and Ruth (Winslow) Evans ; born in Freetown, Mass., January 4, 1732 ; died in Freetown, Mass., January 8, 1806. Their children were (born in Freetown, Mass.): XIV.— 1st. Ruth Valentine, born May 20, 1756. XV. — 2d. John Valentine, born September 24, 1757. XVI.— 3d. Maey Valentine, born May 25, 1759. XVII. — 4th. Samuel Valentine, born April 19, 1761 ; died June 7, 1812. XVIII. — 5th. Lynde Valentine, born February 12, 1763 ; died 1778. XIX. — 6th. Elizabeth Valentine, born February 3, 1765. XX.— 7th. Lydia Valentine, born May 15, 1767 ; died October 9, 1843 ; unmarried. Samuel Valentine, Jr., was a constable in Freetown, Mass., in 1760. III. — Valentine, Joseph (Samuel 3d, John 2d, Francis 1st). Son of Samuel and Abigail (Durfee) Valentine ; born in Freetown, Mass.; married in Freetown, Mass., to Hannah Steange, of Freetown, Mass., daughter of Lieut. Lot and Hannah (Hathaway) Strange ; born in Freetown, Mass., October 22, 1738. Their children were (born in Freetown, Mass.): XXI. — 1st. Abigail Valentine, born July 14, 1756. XXII. — 2d. William Valentine, born January 21, 1758. XXIII. — 3d. Joseph Valentine, born December 7, 1760. After the death of Mr. Valentine his widow married John Nichols ; he dying, she married James Haet, of Taunton, Mass. IV. — Valentine, Maey (Samuel 3d, John 2d, Francis Ist). Daughter of Samuel and Abigail (Durfee) Valen- THIS FARMHOUSE WAS_^THE HOMESTEAD OF LIEUT. PHILIP HATHAWAY, SITUATED IN FREETOWN, MASS.; BUILT IN 1770. IT HAS REMAINED IN THE EVANS FAMILY SINCE THE DEATH OF HIS DAUGHTER, MARTHA (hATHAWAy) EVANS, IN 1 85 I . valentine. 137 tine ; born in Freetown, Mass.; married in Freetown, Mass., December 29, 1757, to Nathaniel Bliffins, of Swansea, Mass. Their children were : 1st. — Nathaniel Bliffins, born September 17, 175-. 2d. — William Bliffins, born February 15, 17 — . 3d. — Valentine Bliffins, born June 19, 17 — ; married 1st, Hannah Evans, of Freetown, Mass.; married 2d, Mrs. Wilbue, of Fall River, Mass. 4th. — Peiscilla Bliffins, born April 12, 17 — ; died AprU 26, 17—. 5th. — Abigail Bliffins, born August 18, 176- ; married ( ) Miles. 6th. — Anson Bliffins, born October 31, 1768 ; died June 17, 1842 ; married May 26, 1796, to Rachel Read, of Freetown, Mass. V. — Valentine, Lucy (Samuel 3d, John 2d, Francis 1st). Daughter of Samuel and Abigail (Durfee) Valentine, of Freetown, Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., February 20, 1740; died in Freetown, Mass., September 25, 1800; married in Freetown, Mass., September 13, 1764, to Lieut. Philip Hathaway, of Freetown, Mass., son of Philip and Martha (Simmons) Hathaway ; born in Free town, Mass., July 19, 1740 ; died in Freetown, Mass., January 24, 1816. Their children were (born in Freetown, Mass.): I. — Philip Hathaway, born January 4, 1765 ; married at Dighton, Mass., in 1786, to Sarah Dean, of Dighton, Mass. II. — Abigail Hathaway, born October 1, 1767. III. — Guilford Hathaway, born August 31, 1769 ; died July 15, 1802 ; married at Dighton, Mass., in 1796, to Olive Dean, of Dighton, Mass. IV. — Edmund Hathaway, born September 29, 1771. V. — Polly Hathaway, born April 1, 1775. VI. — Martha Hathaway, born June 17, 1776. VII. — Lucy Hathaway, born May 5, 1779. VIII. — Simmons Hathaway, born March 8, 1786. II. — Hathaway Abigail (Lt. Philip 2d, Philip 1st). Daughter of Lieut. Philip and Lucy (Valentine) Hatha- 138 valentine. way, of Freetown, Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., Oc tober 1,1767; died at Assonet Neck, Berkley, Mass., January 29, 1846 ; married in Freetown, Mass., in 1783, lo Benjamin Tew, of Dighton, Mass., son of Henry Tew. He followed the sea in a merchant vessel and was lost homeward bound from Hamburg in 1796 ; the vessel and crew were never heard from. Their children were : 1st. — Benjamin Tew, who died in infancy. 2d. — Philip Tew, who married Silence Mason, of Taunton, Mass. He was lost at sea, or died in one of the Southern States. He was a mariner. They had five children, all of whom are deceased, but they have grand children living. 3d. — Elizabeth Tew, born September 22, 1787 ; died October 14, 1843 ; married in Freetown, Mass., in 1804, to Capt. Joseph Dean, of Berkley, Mass., son of Benja min ; born in 1780 ; died in Berkley, Mass., June 30, 1865. Their children were : 1st. — Elizabeth Tew Dean, born May 31, 1807; died May 30, 1887 ; married David Olney, of Fall River, Mass. They had ten children. 2d. — Abigail Dean, born March 28, 1809 ; died May 29, 1883 ; married Henry Wilbur, of Little Compton, R. I. They had five chUdren. 3d. — Mary Turner Dean, born April 15, 1811 ; mar ried Rhodolphus H. Allen, of Fall River, Mass. 4th. — Joseph Gaednee Dean, born in Berkley, Mass., March 9, 1813 ; died in New Bedford, Mass., February 20, 1890 ; married to Phebe Sawyer ; born in 1810 ; died in 1836. Their son, Joseph T. Dean, was born in 1836, and died in 1836. Mr. Dean married a second time in New Bedford, Mass., January 28, 1838, to Lu cinda Palmer, of Westport, Mass., daughter of Isaac and Rhoda (Sherman) Palmer; born in Westport, Mass., August 2, 1816 ; died in New Bedford, Mass., May 30, 1897. Their children were (born in New Bedford, Mass.) : a. — Phebe Ann Dean, born December 30, 1838 ; mar ried in New Bedford, Mass., December 25, 1861, to valentine. 139 Everett P. Jacobs, of Norwich, Conn. She married a second time in New Bedford, Mass., November 16, 1886, to Enoch Chapman, of Norwich, Conn. She died Sep tember 10, 1893, in Norwich, Conn. b. — Joseph Heney Dean, born September 7, 1840 ; married Maey Hoeton, of New Bedford, Mass. c — Thomas Paine Dean, born July 5, 1845 ; died in 1846. d. — Lizzie Dean, born September 6, 1847 ; married July 20, 1882, to William Lindsey Ricketson, of Pitts burg, Pa. e. — Clara Bell Dean, born April 6, 1S52 ; married in New Bedford, Mass., June 28, 1879, to William Brown Macomber. f — Charles Fremont Dean, bom April 1, 1856 ; mar ried in New Bedford, Mass., August 11, 1877, to Susan Alida Ricketson, of New Bedford, Mass. 5th. — Heney Nemo Dean, born April 13, 1815 ; living (1902) at 202 Purchase st.. New Bedford, Mass. ; married Ellen Wing, of New Bedford, Mass. 6th.— Moses Dean, born May 4, 1818 ; living (1902) at 49 Fourth st.. Fall River, Mass. ; married Hannah Brownell, of Little Compton, R. I. They had no children. 7th. — Rebecca Dean, born May 26, 1821 ; died Decem ber 31, 1836. 8th. — Sarah Jane Dean, born March 29, 1823 ; living in Little Compton, R. I., in 1902 ; married in Fall River, Mass., October 30, 1844, to George Milfoed Tayloe, of Little Compton, R, I., son of Simeon and Mary Ann (Jones) Taylor ; born in Little Compton, R. I., Septem ber 15, 1817 ; died in Little Compton, February 14, 1872. Mrs. Sarah J. Taylor lived with her grandmother, Abi gail (Hathaway) Tew, from 1829 until Mrs. Tew died ; she has one silver tablespoon that was owned by Lieut. Philip and Lucy (Valentine) Hathaway, also three silver teaspoons formerly owned by Abigail (Hathaway) Tew. Their chUdren were : a. — George Francis Tayloe, born at Berkley, Mass., December 2, 1845 ; living in New Bedford, Mass., in 1902. He " went three voyages whaling, from 1864 to 140 valentine. 1871, since then has been a contractor and builder." He was married December 25, 1869, to Saeah Augusta Beownell, of Little Compton, R. I. Their children were : 1st. — Hattie Augusta Tayloe, born in Little Compton, R. I, September 23, 1873; single; teacher in public schools of New Bedford, Mass. 2d. — Mabel Beownell Tayloe, born at Little Comp ton, R. I., October 25, 1882 ; pupil in New Bedford, Mass., High School. b. — Josephine Elizabeth Taylor, born February 17, 1848 ; died July 6, 1864. c — Harriet Milford Taylor, born May 5, 1850 ; married in Little Compton, R. I., September 11, 1872, to Francis Wells Simmons, of Little Compton, R. I. He died March 22, 1884. Their children were : 1st. — Josephine Taylor Simmons, born in Little Comp ton, R. I., June 22, 1873 ; married June 12, 1895, to Lysander W. Manchester, of Westport, Mass. ; they have one child. Philip Manchester, born in Westport, Mass., Decem ber 20, 1900. 2d. — Minnie Church Simmons, born in Little Compton, R. I., October 20, 1875 ; married October 26, 1899, to Alfred Huntington Burnham, of Philadelphia, Pa. ; they have two children. a. — Alfred Huntington Buenham, Jr., born August 7, 1900. b. — Francis Simmons Burnham, born December 27, 1901. 3d. — Hattie Frank Simmons, born September 2, 1 877 ; died May 31, 1879. 4th. — Valentine Simmons, born June 21, 1880; resides in Philadelphia, Pa. 5th. — Helena Antoinette Simmons, born December 12, 1882 ; died May 14, 1886. d. — Mary Jane Taylor, born in Little Compton, R. I., July 29, 1852; married October 20, 1869, to Thomas valentine. 141 Warren Kempton, of Little Compton, R. I. He died November 16, 1899. They had one chUd, Mary Susan Kempton, born September 12, 1876 ; married October 9, 1901, to Edward Lord Claek, of New York City. «.— Elmina Dean Tayloe, bom May 19, 1855, in Little Compton, R. I.; married in Little Compton, R. I., No vember 24, 1875, to Geoege Daeius Hubbard, of Concord, Mass., a market gardener by occupation. Their children were : 1st. — Winfeed Dean Hubbard, born January 18, 1877. He is a graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology, and by occupation civil and sanitary engineer. Is now (1902) superintendent of sewers and waterworks of Concord, Mass. Married in Concord, Mass., June 4, 1901, to Edna Elzina Thatcher, of Concord, Mass. 2d. — Walter Palmer Hubbabd, born November 9, 1883. Pupil at Concord, Mass., high school. 3d. — Frank Simmons Hubbaed, born February 20, 1893. 4th. — Floeence Peiscilla Hubbaed, born July 4, 1895. /. — Andeew Simeon Taylor, born in Little Compton, R. I., July 18, 1859 ; married in Little Compton, R. I., November 26, 1889, to Maey Priscilla White, of Little Compton, R. I. He died January 21, 1892. They had one child, Minnie White Taylor, born October 18, 1890. Mrs A. S. Taylor and daughter resided in Providence, R. L, in 1902. g. — John Bevans Tayloe, born in Little Compton, R. I., August 1, 1863 ; married May 5, 1897, to Susie Maeion Marble, of Providence, R. I., a medical student and graduate nurse of the Rhode Island Homeopathic Hos pital. " He was educated in the public schools of his native town and Holmes Commercial College, Fall River, Mass.; was bookkeper for Lonsdale Co., Lonsdale, R. I., 1884 and 1885 ; was elected Representative to General Assembly from Little Compton, April, 1887, and Senator April, 1888 ; was engaged in the express business in Boston, Mass., from 1889 to 1892 ; on the death of his brother, Andrew, returned to the Homestead Farm, and 142 valentine. engaged extensively in the raising of poultry ; was elected Assessor of Taxes 1897, and has been Clerk of the Town Board from 1899 to present time (1902) ; has been elected to various other offices of his town and county. In 1901 he was elected Town Clerk, which office he continues to hold, and is also Librarian of the Little Compton Free Public Library." All that is good for the advancement of the people of his native town in government, educa tion, etc., has the cheerful support of Mr. Taylor. h. — Albert Joseph Taylor, born in Little Compton, R. I., June 6, 1866 ; unmarried ; a carpenter, and resides in Little Compton, R. I. 9th. — Benjamin Albert Dean, born February 10, 1826; died in 1865 ; married to Nancy Wordell, of FaU River, Mass.; living (1902) at 292 Pine street. Fall River, Mass. 10th. — Susan Eveline Dean, born September 20, 1829; living (1902) at Assonet Neck, Berkley, Mass.; married Benjamin F. Coombs, of Middleljorough, Mass. 4th. — Benjamin Tew, born about 1789 ; died when 7 years old. 5th. — Mary Tew, who married James Marble, of Som erset, Mass. 6th. — Abigail Tew, who married Isaac Sanfoed, of Berkley, Mass. They had ten children, who removed to Illinois. IV.— Hathaway Edmund (Lt. PhUip 2d, PhiHp 1st). Son of Lieut. Philip and Lucy (Valentine) Hathaway, of Freetown, Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., September 29, 1771 ; died in Assonet, Mass., October 5, 1832 ; married in Freetown, Mass., May 19, 1799, to Betsey Hathaway, of Freetown, Mass., daughter of Rev. Philip and Abiah (Ashley) Hathaway ; born in Freetown, Mass., October 12, 1780 ; died in Assonet, Mass., October 11, 1873. Their children were (born in Freetown, Mass.) : 1st. — James Manning Hathaway, born December 25, 1799 ; died July 24, 1832 ; married in Providence, R. I., January 1, 1826, to Sally Hathaway, of Providence, R. I., daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Tew) Hathaway ; born in Providence, R. I.; died in Providence, R. I. They had one child , Elizabeth Hathaway (deceased). valentine. 143 2d. — Lucy Valentine Hathaway, born May 16, 1802 ; died in Lakeville, Mass., January 17, 1859 ; married in Freetown, Mass., November 21, 1837, to Levi Pierce, of Freetown, Mass.; born in 1801. Their children were : 1st. — Jambs Manning Pierce, born August 16, 1838. Living (1901) at 1605 Scott street, San Francisco, Cal.; married in San Francisco, Cal., April 29, 1869, to Mae- GAEBT Cameron. Their children were : a.— Mary Eugenia. Pieecb, born June 22, 1872. b. — Elliott Hathaway Pieece, born July 27, 1874. c — ViEGiNiA Cameeon Pibece, bom May 2, 1882. d. — Lucy Valentine Pierce, born July 27, 1886. 2d. — Betsey Hathaway Pierce, born August 18, 1840 (deceased). 3d. — Philip Philander Pierce, born August 29, 1843 (deceased) ; married Abigail Ashley. 3d. — Betsey Hathaway, born April 6, 1804 ; died in Boston, Mass., August 31, 1876 ; married in Assonet, Mass., October 10, 1824, to John T. Lawton, of Assonet, Mass., son of Job George and Betsey (Terry) Lawton ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., August 6, 1798 ; died in Bos ton, Mass., August 11, 1882. Their children were : 1. — Andrew Lawton, born in Assonet, Mass., April 6, 1825 ; died in Philadelphia, Pa., March 17, 1870 ; married in Washington, D. C, to Annie Augusta King, of Wash ington, D. C, daughter of Hon. Horatio King. They had Mary Lawton, their only child, who is unmarried and resided at 1730 Massachusetts avenue, Washington, D. C. in (1901). Capt. Andrew Lawton entered the U. S. Navy when the engineer corps was young. He was Chief Engi neer at the Navy Yard, League Island, Pa., at the time of his death. 2d. — Elbeidge Lawton, born in Assonet, Mass., August 29, 1826 ; became a Captain in Engineer Corps of the United States Navy. He entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer in 1848, and was continuously in the Navy until 144 valentine. 1881, when he was placed on the retired list, and remained a retired officer until death. He saw service in the war with Mexico. He was Fleet Engineer of the Gulf Squad ron, with Farragut at New Orleans, serving at that time on the U. S. S. " Mississippi." He became a Chief Engineer in 1856, with relative rank of Captain. Capt. Lawton died in Boston, Mass., July 21, 1889 ; married in Baltimore, Md., August 10, 1852, to Matilda Elizabeth Durham, of Baltimore, Md., daughter of Lorenzo and Matilda (Minard) Durham ; born in New York, N. Y., August 21, 1833. Living (1901) in Baldwinsville, N. Y. Their children were : a. — Isabel Canfield Lawton, born July 6, 1853. Living (1901) at No. 64 Leavenworth st., Waterbury, Conn. b. — Elbridge Gerard Lawton, born November 17, 1856; married in Boston, Mass., September 1, 1880, to Annah Louise Phippen, of Boston, Mass., daughter of George and Emily (Smith) Phippen ; born in Boston, Mass., AprU 16, 1857. Living (1901) in Boston, Mass. Their children were : 1st. — Gerard Phippen Lawton, born September 13, 1881. 2d. — Rachel Lawton, born August 25, 1889. 3d. — Lois Lawton, born March 5, 1894. c — Charles Hathaway Lawton, born August 3, 1858 ; died October 12, 1864. 3d.— Irving Lawton, born July 23, 1828 ; died in 1900. 4th. — Orlando Lawton, born July 16, 1830 ; died in 1900. 5th. — Antoinette Lawton, born April 13, 1832 ; died October 30, 1878. The last three children did not marry. 4th. — Noah Hathaway, born January 15, 1806 ; died November 2, 1849 ; married September 25, 1831, to RosELLANA Lee, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of Philip and Remember (Lewis) Lee ; born January 21, 1810 ; died March 6, 1861. Their children were : a. — Maey M. Hathaway, who married Martin Alden. b. — MiNEEVA E. Hathaway, who married B. F. Aiken. valentine. 145 5th. — Guilford H. Hathaway, born May 3, 1808. He attended Norwich University of Vermont (military) ; for a period in early Hfe he taught school, later was a shipbuilder and, with his father, sailed with merchandise to the West Indies. He was a surveyor, and held many official positions in the towns of Freetown and Fall River, Mass.; was officially connected with two banks in Fall River. In religion he was an Unitarian, and in politics a Republican. He died in Freetown, Mass., February 12, 1896 ; married in Fall River, Mass., November 1, 1832, to Betsey Wilson, of Troy (now Fall River), Mass., daugh ter of Edward and Hannah (Gray) Wilson ; born in Fall River, Mass., October 17, 1814 ; died in FaU River, Mass., AprU 9, 1865. Their children were : a. — Edmund Hathaway, died in infancy. b. — Othalia Wilson Hathaway ; did not marry. c — Abiah Hathaway ; did not marry. d. — Edwaed Wilson Hathaway, born November 1, 1843 ; died in Fall River, Mass., May 9, 1869 ; married at Meadville, Pa., in 1867, to Katherine Abbot, who was born in New Hampshire. Living (1901) in Cincin nati, Ohio. e. — Edmund Hathaway 2d, born September 17, 1848 ; living (1901) at 1264 Harrison st., Oakland, Cal.; married in San Lorenzo, Cal., October 20, 1878, to Alice Vose, daughter of George Howe and Katherine (La Rose) Vose ; born in Sacramento, Cal., December 30, 1857. Mr. Hathaway served as a private soldier in the 6th unattached company of Mass. Vols. 90 days, from May 4, 1864, to August, 1864. In religion he is a Uni tarian, but attends the Congregational church, of which his wife is a member. He is a Republican in politics. Their children were : 1st. — Alice Florence Hathaway, born May 4, 1880. 2d. — Bessie Wilson Hathaway, born November 12, 1881. 3(j. — Edmund Guilfoed Hathahay, born April 8, 1889. f — E.Florence Hathaway, bom in Fall River, Mass., May 5, 1866 ; married in Boston, Mass., August 24, 1895 , 146 valentine. to Joshua Freeman Crowell, son of Isaiah and Mercy (Baker) Crowell ; born in South Yarmouth, Mass., where they resided in 1901. Their child, Yelverton Hathaway Crowell, born July 31, 1896 ; died same date. g. — Charles G. Hathaway, died in infancy. 6th. — Persis Hathaway, born April 4, 1810 ; died in San Francisco, Cal., in June, 1900 ; married in Freetown, Mass., September 14, 1834, to William B. Pettis, of Som erset, Mass., son of John and Abigail (Valentine) Pettis ; born in Somerset, Mass.; diedinVallejo, Cal., October 18, 1876. Their children were (born in Massachusetts) : 1st. — Edmund Hathaway Pettis, born October 3, 1836 ; married and has two children. He was living in Califor nia in 1901. 2d. — Eliza Bradford Pettis, born January 10, 1838 ; married Rev. W. S. Uemy, who was pastor of the M. E. Church at Oakland, Cal., in 1901. They had two chil dren. 3d. — John Edson Pettis, born April 4, 1840 ; married. He and his wife were living in California in 1901, and had four children. 4th. — William Henry Pettis, born May 25, 1842 ; mar ried, and with his wife lived in California in 1901. They had six children. 5th. — Virginia Pettis, born April 20, 1844 ; died De cember 31. 1869 ; married and had two children. 6th. — Chaeles Beadfoed Pettis, born in September, 1848; died in 1849. 7th. — Infant son, born in 1850 ; died that year. 8th. — Chaeles Edwaed Pettis, born February 12, 1S54. Pastor of a M. E. Church in California ; married and has six children. In their political affiliations the Pettis descendants are generally Republicans ; the ministers. Rev. Urmy and Rev. Pettis, are Prohibitionists. 7th. — Susan Hathaway, born Januarys, 1812; died in Freetown, Mass., August 20, 1882 ; married in Freetown, Mass., December 17, 1837, to Alden Hathbway, Jr., of valentine. 147 Freetown, Mass., son of Alden and Nancy (Palmer) Hath- eway. Their children were : a. — Alden Leonaed Hathbway, born in Freetown, Mass., March 15, 1839 ; married April 17, 1872, to Feances Beatrice Watson. Their children were (born in Vallejo, Cal.) : 1st. — Alden Leonard Hathbway, born April 10,1875 ; married January 1, 1900, to Annie Fitzmaurice. 2d. — Elbridge Lawton Hathbway, born April 12, 1877. 3d. — Noah Hathbway, bom August 8, 1881. 4th. — Valentine Hathbway, born June 9, 1887. 5th. — Walter Duncan Hathbway, born October 8, 1890. 6th. — Gbeaed Hathbway, bom January 12, 1895. b. — Betsey Hathbway, born October 29, 1840. c — Chaeles Edwaed Hathbway, born January 21, 1842 ; died November 26, 1842. d. — Chaeles Edwaed Hatheway (2d), born September 7, 1843 ; died October 20, 1844. e. — Helen Minbeva Hathbway, born January 30, 1845. Living in Assonet, Mass., in 1902 ; married in Freetown, Mass., April 28, 1869, to Alfeed Beayton Irons, of Prov idence, R. I., son of Samuel and Sarah (Aldrich) Irons. Their children were (born in Providence, R. I.) : 1st. — Edith Aldrich Irons, born June 24, 1870; mar ried October 7, 1895, to Edward Hamilton Kidder, of Lincoln, Mass., son of Moses Warren and Frances Maria (Palmer) Kidder. Their child, Ethel Warren Kidder, was born in Freetown, Mass., June 28, 1897. 2d. — Helen Hatheway Irons, born March 21, 1872. 3d. — Harold Gerard Irons, born May 8, 1876. f. — Abby Palmer Hatheway, born September 30, 1846; died January 30, 1861. g. — Noah Hatheway, born November 7, 1848 ; died July 23, 1882. h. — Anna Atwood Hatheway, born July 30, 1851; died February 25, 1866. i. — A daughter born October 14, 1853 ; died April 4, 1854. 148 valentine. 8th. — Abiah Hathaway, born November 24, 1813 ; died November 5, 1834. 9th. — Rachel Hathaway, born December 14, 1815; died in Freetown, Mass., March 7, 1893 ; married in Freetown, Mass., January 27, 1851, to Rev. Feedeeick Plummee. Their child, Maey Adams Plummee, was born March 21, 1852. 10th. — Edmund Valentine Hathaway, born January 18, 1818; married in Providence, R. I., to Katheeine Buffum. 11th. — Chaeles W. Hathaway, born April 7, 1821 ; died in San Lorenzo, Cal., May 25, 1899 ; married in San Francisco, Cal., July 14, 1862, to Laueilla Moore, of Massachusetts, daughter of Rev. Forris and Rebecca (Smith) Moore, of Putney, Vt. ; born in Putney, Vt. ; living (1901) in San Lorenzo, Cal. Their children were : a. — Laurilla Moore Hathaway. b. — Minbeva Moore Hathaway, living (1901) at 1701 Gough st., San Francisco, Cal. ; married in San Fran cisco, Cal., May 8, 1894, to Mansfield Lovell, of San Francisco, Cal., son of General Mansfield and Emily M. (Plympton) Lovell, of New York. Their children were : 1st. Minerva Moore Lovell. 2d. Mansfield Lovell, Jr. 3d. Charles Hathaway Lovell, 4th. Joseph Jewett Lovell, i c. — Charles Wesley Hathaway, Jr. " Mr. Charles W. Hathaway was a well-known pioneer merchant of San Francisco, Cal. He left his native home in April, 1849, for California, by the way of Panama, stopping on his way at Monterey, where he voted for the admission of California as a State, and at no time there after did he cease to take active interest in politics. While not caring for office himself he never shirked his duty in the effort to have clean government and to secure best men for public positions. He was one of the prime movers for the first Committee of One Hundred," who may be said to have inaugurated the Republican party in valentine. 149 California, to which party he never failed to give his cor dial and active support. In 1856, he was one of the members of the City Council of San Francisco, was one of the incorporators of the first Marine Insurance Co. in California. Later he built warehouses and wharves which bear his name. He purchased land in San Lorenzo, Cal., where, after 1870, he made his home. " He was one of five to give each one thousand dollars to establish the First Unitarian Society of San Francisco. He was a man of high order of rectitude and great personal energy." 12th. — Valentine Hathaway, born September 16, 1824. Living (1901) in Napa City, Cal.; married Helen Dean. VI. — Hathaway, Martha (Philip 2d, Philip 1st). Daughter of Lieut. Philip and Lucy (Valentine) Hatha way, of Freetown, Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., June 17, 1776 ; died in Freetown, Mass., February 21, 1851 ; married in Freetown, Mass., February 11, 1802, to David Evans, of Freetown, Mass., son of Thomas and Hannah (Hathaway) Evans ; born in Freetown, Mass., May 12, 1772 ; died in Freetown, Mass., September 2, 1847. Their children were : 1. — Guilford Hathaway Evans, born October 9, 1802. II. — Lucy Valentine Evans, born January 20,1804; died unmarried September 6, 1854. III. — Hannah Evans, born July 9, 1805. IV. — Betsey Evans, born November 19, 1806. v.- — -Thomas Jefferson Evans, born March 9, 1808 ; died unmarried August 14, 1835. VI. — Polly Evans, born March 7, 1810 ; died unmar ried November 15, 1846. VII. — Daved Evans, Jr., born November, 24, 1811. VIII.— Nancy Evans, born March 2, 1813 ; died No vember 26, 1816. IX.— George W. Evans, born October 10, 1814 ; died in January, 1815. X.— Philip Hathaway Evans, born February 11, 1816. XL — Edson Valentine Evans, born April 12, 1817. XII. — Bailey Winslow Evans, born October 7, 1818. I. — Evans Guilford Hathaway (David 2d, Thomas 150 valentine. 1st). Son of David and Martha (Hathaway) Evans, of Freetown, Mass. ; bom in Freetown, Mass., October 9, 1802 ; died in Freetown, Mass., May 16, 1856 ; married May 25, 1851, to Haeeiet Emily Snell, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of Baylies J. and Sybil V. ( ) SneU ; born October 23, 1825 ; died AprU 5, 1889. Their children were : 1st. Emily Valentine Evans, born January 11, 1853 ; married October 14, 1877, to Andrew Cowan. Their children were : 1st. — Sybil Valentine Cowan, born August 27, 1878 ; died in infancy. 2d. — Herbert Evans Cowan, bom September 8, 1880 ; died in infancy. 2d. — Mary Sybil Evans, born August 19, 1856 ; mar ried July 24, 1878, to George F, Williams, living in East Providence, R. I., in 1901. Their children were : 1st. — Charles Guilfoed Williams, born June 5, 1879. 2d. — Geace Amelia Williams, born January 8, 1883. III. — Evans, Hannah (David 2d, Thomas 1st). Daugh ter of David and Martha (Hathaway) Evans, of Freetown, Mass. ; born in Freetown, Mass., July 9, 1805 ; died in Providence, R. L, September 10, 1848 ; married in Tiver ton, R. I., February 2, 1832, to Benjamin R. Almy, of Portsmouth, R. 1., son of William and Rhoda (Fish) Almy ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., February 22, 1810 ; died in New Bedford, Mass., January 29, 1861. Their children were : 1st. — William Humpheey Almy, born November 22, 1832 ; died February 5, 1875 ; unmarried. 2d. — Benjamin Feanklin Almy, born June 10, 1834 ; married in New Bedford, Mass., September 3, 1856, to Ellen Baylies, of New Bedford, Mass. ; living (1901) at Johnston, R. I. Their children were : 1st. — Howaed Okie Almy, married Doeothy M. M. CUTTS. 2d. — Benjamin Feanklin Almy, Jr. ; married a Miss CuTTs, sister of his brother's wife. valentine. 151 3d. — Thomas Jefpeeson Almy, born April 7, 1836, in Ptovideinee, R. I. ; married in Bureau Co., 111., April 28, 1861, to Maey E. Richaeds, of Macon, Bureau Co., 111., daughter of J)v. John and Eliza Walker (Russell) Mason ; born in Providence, R. I., April 30, 1841 ; living in Salt Lake City, Utah, in 1902. Their children were : 1st. — LizABBTH Emily Almy, born in Macon, ill., Janu ary 28, 1862 ; married in Salt Lake City, Utah, July 17, 1890, to Capt. Montgomery Davis Parker, U. S. A. (8th infantry), son of Montgomery Davis Parker ; born in Cambridge, Mass., June 20, 1861 ; died in the Philippine Islands, December 17, 1900. Their daughter, Mildred Almy Parker, was born at Fort Washakie, Wyoming, May 10, 1891. 2d. — Benjamin Rathbone Almy, born at Princeton, IU., July 13, 1864 ; died at Princeton, IU., November 11, 1864. 3d. — Geace Almy, born at Princeton, 111., June 10, 1866. 4th. — Maetha Feancis Almy, born August 17, 1839 ; married in New Bedford, Mass., November 16, 1865, to Austin Wiswall, of Chicago, 111., Secretary of Mt. Hope Cemetery Association, Chicago, 111., son of Noah and Elizabeth (Lovejoy) Wiswall; bom in Princeton, 111. They were living at Morgan Park, Chicago, 111., in 1902. Their children were : 1st. — Fanny Wiswall, born AprU 19, 1867. 2d. — Alice Wiswall, born June 24, 1868 ; married in Chicago, IU., May 1, 1894, -to Frederick Henry Wiokett, of Chicago, 111. They wereHving in Chicago, 111., in 1902. Their children were : 1st. — Frank Kenneth Wickett, born January 31, 1895. 2d. — DoRETHY Frances Wiokett, born July 23, 1897. 3d. — Elizabeth Wiswall, bQijn January 16, 18,70. 4th. — Edward Wiswall, born June 22, 1872 ; .died June 22, 1872. 5th. — Almy Evans Wiswall, bom December 17, 18,78. 5th. — Annah Evans Almy, born April 22, 1843 ; mar ried in Vienna, Austria, November Q, 1880, to Joseph 152 VALENTINE. AzARiAN, of Constantinople, Turkey ; died in Constanti nople, Turkey, January 8, 1899. They had, Joseph Aza- RiAN, born in the island of Pinkapo, Constantinople, Turkey; a student in 1901, at Harvard College. Oth. — Frederick Steuben Almy, born in Providence, R. I., November 21, 1847 ; died in Providence, R. I., August 7, 1848. IV. — Evans, Betsey (David 2d, Thomas 1st). Daugh ter of David and Martha (Hathaway) Evans, of Freetown, Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., November 19, 1806 ; died in Freetown, Mass., December 17, 1874 ; married in Free town, Mass., January 17, 1828, to Peter Carnob, of Freetown, Mass., son of William and Mary ( ) Carnoe ; born in Osteud, Belgium, November 17, 1802 ; died in San Francisco, Cal., November 13, 1850. Their children were : 1st. — William Mervin Carnoe, born April 26, 1829. 2d. — Maey Elizabeth Carnoe, born August 4, 1833 ; died December 18, 1834. 3d. — Mary Elizabeth Carnoe, born June 8, 1842 ; died January 14, 1852. William Merwin Carnoe married in Freetown, Mass., May 30, 1853, to Joannie P. Hathaway, of Freetown, Mass., daughter of Gideon Palmer and Joanna (Hatha way) Hathaway ; born in Freetown, Mass. Living in Freetown, Mass., in 1902. Their children were : 1st. — Annie Caenoe, born April 15, 1854 ; died. 2d. — Heney Carnoe, born September 14, 1855. 3d. — Charles Carnoe, born November 5, 1859 ; mar ried in Blackstone, Mass., February 2, 1887, to Annie Greenhalgh, of Blackstone, Mass., daughter of Henry and Olivia (Fisher) Greenhalgh ; born in England. Living at Blackstone, Mass., in 1902. Their children were : a. — Maegaret Carnoe, born November 22, 1887 ; died October 6, 1889. b. — Wallace Nelson Carnob, born August 26. 1889 ; died January 16, 1890. VALENTINE. 153 c. — Saxton Waeeen Caenoe, born November 30, 1890. d. — William Heney^ Carnoe, born February 21, 1893. e. — Dorothy Louise Carnoe, born July 17, 1896. /. — Alice Greenhalgh Carnoe, born November 15, 1900. 4th.— M. Louise Caenoe, born March 29, 1864. 5th. — Wm. Hatheway Carnoe, born October 29, 1867. 6th. — Margaret Evans Carnoe, born December 21, 1870 ; died July 13, 1871. VII. — Evans, David, Jr. (David 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of David and Martha (Hathaway) Evans ; born in Free town, Mass., November 24, 1811 ; died in Assonet, Mass., March 23, 1848 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., April 17, 1836, to Fidelia Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., daughter of Charles and Fanny (Stillwell) Durfee ; born in Tiverton, R. I., December 27, 1817 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., Sep tember 24, 1839. Their children were : 1st. — Thomas Jefferson Evans, died in California, March 3, 1893 ; married in California to Sarah . Their children were : 1st.— Fannie M. Evans, married in 1895 to B. D. Sut ton. They had one child, born in 1896, named Harold Barton Sutton. 2d. Birdie S. Evans. 3d. Claude W. Evans. 4th. Bailey Evans. 2d. — Fanny Durfee Evans, born May 4, 1838 ; died March 31, 1839. X. — Evans Philip Hathaway (David 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of David and Martha (Hathaway) Evans, of Free town, Mass.; born in Tiverton, R. I., February 11, 1816 ; died in Freetown, Mass., January 9, 1887 ; married in Pall River, Mass., March 30, 1846, to Harriet Newell Bliffins, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of Thomas and Sarah R. (Thurston) Bliffins ; bom in Fall River, Mass., January 4, 1829 ; died in Freetown, Mass., November 22, 1891. Their children were : Ist. — Philip Thomas Evans, born in Fall River, Mass., February 10, 1847 ; married in Taunton, Mass., June 1, 154 VALENTINE. 1882, to Sallie Hathaway Eldeidge, of Attleboro, Mass., daughter of Joseph and Helen (Hathaway) Eldridge ; born in Taunton, Mass., December 6, 1855. They were Hving in Taunton, Mass., in 1902. Their children were : a. — Richard Laweence Evans, born May 8, 1883. b. — Philip Hathaway Evans, born August 30, 1884. c. — Edwin Thomas Evans, bom April 11, 1886. d. — Joseph Nelson Evans, born July 31, 1887. e. — Leonaed Bailey Evans, born September 8, 1898. 2d. — Haeeiet Emily Evans, born in Tiverton, R. I., October 22, 1848 ; Hving in Mansfield, Mass., 1902 ; mar ried William Thoep, April 11, 1867, son of John and Ellen ( ) Thorp ; born in Albany, N. Y.; died De cember 20, 1867. They had no chUdren. Mr. Thorp was a soldier in the Union Army ; enlisted August 11, 1864, as a private in Capt. John W. Marble's 22d un attached Company of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry ; term of service expired November 25, 1864. Mrs. Thorp married a second time in Freetown, Mass., January 15, 1873, to Octavius Valentine Robinson, son of William and Eliza (Pratt) Robinson ; born in Free town, Mass., January 11, 1847 ; died December 19, 1900. They had no children. Mr. Robinson was a soldier in Company "K," 58th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, during the War of the Rebellion. " He was in the battle of the Wilderness, North Anna, Shady Grove Church, Petersburg (at the explosion of the mine), Poplar Grove Church, and the capture of Petersburg. After the battle of Poplar Grove Church all that remained of the 58th Massachusetts Infantry were two commissioned officers and seventy-five men." Mr. Robinson was honorably discharged July 14, 1865. 3d. — David Bailey Evans, born in Freetown, Mass., September 4, 1854 ; married in New Bedford, Mass., April 17, 1882, to Josephine Estelle Cowen, of Dartmouth, Mass., daughter of Samuel H. and Mary J. ( ) Cowen ; born in Dartmouth, Mass., September 21, 1860. They were living in Freetown, Mass., in 1902. Their chUdren were : VALENTINE. I55 a. — Ethel Floeine Evans, born April 18, 1885. b. — Edna Irene Evans, born June 2, 1889. 4th.— Mary Caenoe Evans, born in Freetown, Mass., October 6, 1858 ; married in Taunton, Mass., December 28, 1886, to Charles Sumner Coombs, of Berkley, Mass., son of Benjamin F. and Susan E. (Dean) Coombs ; born in Berkley, Mass., December 14, 1863. They were living in New Bedford, Mass., in 1902. Their children were : a. — Clifford Evans Coombs, born November 6, 1887 ; died May 9, 1889. b. — Charles Dean Coombs, born April 25, 1889 ; died May 14, 1889. 5th. — Elizabeth Maria Evans, born in Freetown, Mass., September 18, 1861 ; married in Freetown, Mass., November 26, 1885, to Abram Russell Gifford Mosher, of Westport, Mass., son of Benjamin F. and Charity V. (Benson) Mosher ; born in Westport, Mass. They were living in Mansfield, Mass., in 1902. 6th. — William Almy Evans, born in Freetown, Mass., February 10, 1867 ; married in Freetown, Mass., Febru ary 28, 1894, to Delia Baekee Teery, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of George Chace and Mary Maria (Gif ford) Terry, born in FaU River, Mass., August 3, 1873. They were living in Freetown, Mass., in 1902. Their children were : a. — William Bliffins Evans, born March 7, 1896. b. — Earl Valentine Evans, born April 11, 1897. c — Charles Sumner Evans, born February 10, 1899. d. — Clara Frances Evans, born December 30, 1900. 7th. — Ida Christina Evans, born in Freetown, Mass., November 7, 1870 ; died in Freetown, Mass., April 10, 1883. 8th. — Maetha Ellen Evans, born in Freetown, Mass., April 24, 1873 ; married in New Bedford, Mass., Sep tember 23, 1896, to Joseph Smith Eaton, of Meredith, N. H., son of Daniel Brown and Susan Lee (Smith) Eaton, born in Meredith, N. H., June 1, 1868. They were living in Taunton, Mass., in 1902. 156 VALENTINE. Their children were : a. — Maeion Eaton, born June 3, 1898. b. — Spencbe Evans Eaton, born January 1, 1901. Col. Philip Hathaway Evans, son of David and Martha (Hathaway) Evans, of Freetown, Mass., was born in Tiverton, R. I. His parents owned at the same time farms in Freetown, Mass., and Tiverton, R. I., but in 1833 finally settled with their family upon their farm near the Howard Ferry Bridge — so-called, in Tiverton, R. I. The oldest child, Guilford H. Evans, became Colonel of a regiment of militia of Rhode Island. This regiment was composed of all persona in Little Compton and Tiv erton who were liable for mUitary duty, Tiverton at that time embracing a large section of territory now in Fall River, Mass. Col. PhUip H. Evans became a Captain in his brother's regiment and later was promoted Lieut.-Colonel of the regiment, which office he held at the time of the " Dorr War," soon after which he settled in Freetown, Mass., upon what was formerly the homestead of his grandfather, Lieut. Philip Hathaway, Jr. After becoming a resident of Freetown, Mass., Col. Evans was often chosen to fill offices of the town, and served three years as Collector of Taxes, two years as Assessor, one year as Selectman, and repeatedly as Constable. He was also owner of, and as Captain, navigated vessels engaged in the coast trade as far south as Florida. XL — Evans, Edson Valentine (David 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of David and Martha (Hathaway) Evans, of Free town, Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., April 12, 1817 ; died January 31, 1892 ; married to Abby C. Sherman, daughter of Caleb. Their children were : 1st. — Maey Elizabeth Evans, bom October 16, 1843 ; died June 19, 1867 ; married S. B. Spooner ; they had no children. 2d. — Almira B. Evans, born April 5, 1845 ; died June 19, 1880 ; married George A. Howland ; they had no children. 3d. — Abby Jane Evans, married William Davis, of FaU River, Mass. VALENTINE. I57 Their children were : 1st. — Carrie Davis. 2d. — William Davis, Jr., married Bulah Peckham. 4th. — Lucy Valentine Evans, born March 18,1866; died March 17, 1897 ; married John O. Potter. Their children were : 1st. — Osmond Valentine Potter, born January 1, 1878 ; married November 2, 1899, to Edith Hambly, of Tiver ton, daughter of Charles Andrew ; born in Tiverton, R. I. 2d. — Maeion Evans Pottee, born September 18, 1881. XII. — Evans, Bailey Winslow (David 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of David and Martha (Hathaway) Evans, of Free town, Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., October 7, 1818 ; died in Providence, R. I., November 9, 1896 ; married in Providence, R. I., May 2, 1849, to Catheeine M. King, daughter of Gov. Samuel Ward and Catherine (Angell) King. (Samuel Ward King was Governor of Rhode Island from 1840 to 1843) ; born in Johnston, R. I., June 28, 1828. Living in Providence, R. I., in 1902. Their children were : 1st. — Kate Louise Evans, born September 27, 1850. 2d. — -Feed. Bailey Evans, born April 10, 1853 ; mar ried in Providence, R. I., May 10, 1876, to Fannie B. Lewis, of Providence, R. I., daughter of George W. and Mary (Billings) Lewis ; born in Augusta, Ga., February 2, 1856. Living in Providence, R. I., 1902. Their children were : a. — Bailey Winslow Evans, born September 28, 1877. b. — George Waeeen Evans, born May 16, 1880. c — Maeion King Evans, born March 23, 1883. d. — Beetha Lewis Evans, born February 12, 1888. e. — Maegaeet Hathaway Evans, born May 17, 1894. 3d.— Maetha Waed Evans, born May 29, 1855. 4th. — Elizabeth Aenold Evans, born May 16, 1857 ; married in Providence, R. I., April 26, 1881, to Feancis Lawton, Jr., of New York, N. Y., son of Francis and Isa bella (Turner) Lawton ; born in Newport, R. I., June 28, 1848. Living in New York, N. Y., in 1902. Their children were : 158 valentine. 1st. — Francis Lawton (3d), born March 18, 1882. 2d. — Bailey W. Evans Lawton, born May 21, 1886 ; died June 9, 1886. VII.— Hathaway, Lucy (Lt. PhiHp 2d, Philip 1st). Daughter of Lieut. Philip and Lucy (Valentine) Hatha way, of Freetown, Mass. ; born in Freetown, Mass., May 5, 1779; died in FaU River, Mass., September 2, 1800; married in Freetown, Mass., in 1796, to Benjamin Brown, of Freetown, Mass. The only record of their children received is of Benja min W. Brown, who was lost at sea in November, 1831. He married, July 23, 1826, to Ruth Read, daughter of William and Prudence (Valentine) Read. The record of their children may be found in this book, in connection with record of descendants of William Read and Prudence Valentine. VIII. — Hathaway, Simmons (Lt. Philip 2d, Philip 1st). Son of Lieut. Philip and Lucy (Valentine) Hathaway, of Freetown, Mass. ; born in Freetown, Mass., March 8, 1786; married in FaU River, Mass, July 3, 1808, to Harriet Gardner. Their children were : 1st. Lucy Hathaway. 2d. Harriet Hathaway. VI. — Valentine, William (Samuel 3d, John 2d, Fran cis 1st), son of Samuel and Abigail (Durfee) Valentine, of Freetown, Bristol Co., Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., March 17, 1741 ; died in Freetown, Mass., December 2, 1801 ; married in Freetown, Mass., March 8, 1767, to Sybel Winslow, of Freetown, Mass., daughter of George and Phebe (Tisdale) Winslow ; born in Freetown, Mass., September 7, 1748 ; died in FaU River, Mass., May 20, 1816. Mr. Valentine was a farmer. Their chUdren were (born in Freetown, Mass.) : XXV. — 1st. Lucy Valentine, bom May 7, 1767. XXVI. — 2d. Edmund Valentine, born March 22, 1769 ; died September 5, 1800. XXVII. — 3d. Phebe Valentine, born June 16, 1771. XXVIII. — 4th. Lois Valentine, bom April 2, 1773. XXIX.— 5th. Peace Valentine, born May 10, 1775; died September 13, 1777. valentine. 159 XXX. — 6th. Prudence Valentine, born May 8, 1777. XXXI. — 7th. Sybel Valentine, iDom December 19, 1779. XXXIL— 8th. Mercy Valentine, born April 27, 1782. XXXIIL— 9th. Sally Valentine, born May 10, 1784. VII. — Valentine, John (Samuel 3d, John 2d, Francis 1st), son of Samuel and Abigail (Durfee) Valentine ; born in Freetown, Mass., April 29, 1743 ; married in Freetown, Mass., November 21, 1765, to Hannah Winslow, of Free town, Mass., daughter of Jonathan and Sarah (Kirby) Winslow ; born in Freetown, Mass., February 14, 1744. Their children were (born in Freetown, Mass.) : XXXIV.— 1st. Olive Valentine, born August 14, 1766 married Hinds, of Middleboro, Mass. XXXV. — 2d. Sarah Valentine, born May 14, 1768 married Braddock Hoar, of Middleboro, Mass. XXXVI. — 3d. Durfee Valentine, born AprU 15, 1771 died July 9, 1771. XXXVII. — 4th. Stephen Valentine, bom May 13 1772 ; married Polly Claghorn, of New Bedford, Mass XXXVIII. — 5th. Samuel Lynde Valentine, borni Sep tember 14, 1776. XXXIX. — 6th. Jonathan Valentine, born August 16, 1780. VIII. — Valentine, David (Samuel 3d, John 2d, Fran cis 1st). Son of Samuel and Abigail (Durfee) Valentine ; born in Freetown, Mass., October 2, 1745 ; died in Fall River, Mass., in 1816 ; married in Freetown, Mass., August 4, 1771, to Hannah Hathaway, of Freetown, Mass., daughter of Philip and Martha (Simmons) Hatha way ; born in Freetown, Mass., September 12, 1752 ; died in FaU River, Mass., April 26, 1816. Their children were (bom in Freetown, Mass.) : XL. — 1st. Edson Valentine, born December 19, 1771 ; died August 22, 1805 ; married in Freetown, Mass., No vember 23, 1794, to Hannah Hathaway, of Freetown, Mass. Their children were (born in Fall River, Mass.) : 1st. — Samuel L. Valentine, born May 4, 1795. 2d. — Eliza Valentine, born October 7, 1796. 160 valeni'ine. XLI. — 2d. Choice Valentine, born June 19, 1774 ; died in Swansea, Mass., October 22, 1805 ; married in Freetown, Mass., August 22, 1794, to Job Mason, of Swansea, Mass., son of Charles Mason ; bom in Swansea, Mass., February 8, 1765 ; died in Swansea, Mass., Octo ber 14, 1844. Their children were : 1st. — Hannah Mason, born in 1795. 2d. — Valentine Mason, born March 31, 1797. 3d.— Elizabeth H. Mason, born June 24, 1799. 4th. — Benjamin Mason, born May 24, 1801. 6th. — Lemiea Mason, born April 30, 1803. 6th. — Choice Mason, died in childhood. Mr. Mason married a second time, to Mrs. Susannah (Vinnecum) Mason, widow of Gardner Mason, and daugh ter of John and Susannah (Tripp) Vinnecum. They had one child, Gardner Mason ; born August 28, 1810. XLII. — 3d. Abigail Valentinb, born May 12, 1776 ; married in Freetown, Mass., September 20, 1800, to John Pettis (2d), of Somerset, Mass. Their son, William B. Pettis, was born in Somerset, Mass. XLIII. — 4th. Martha Valentine, born June 1, 1778 ; died June 20, 1838 ; married June 26, 1796, to Benjamin Chase. Their children were : 1st. — Benjamin Chase, born September 26, 1796 ; died before 1839. 2d. — Abraham V. Chase, born September 30, 1798 ; died September 30, 1819. 3d. — David B. Chase, born October 20, 1800 ; died January 28, 1827. 4th. — James Simmons Chase, born July 30, 1802; died October 31, 1844. 6th. — William H. Chase, born March 13, 1806 ; died February 6, 1853. 6th. — Edson Valentine Chase, born June 8, 1808 died in 187-. 7th. — Philip Hathaway Chase, born April 30, 1809 died in September, 1850. 8th. — Lucy Valentine Chase, born September 2, 1812 died July 15, 1854. VALENTINE. 161 9th. — Betsey Dunham Chase, born November 29, 1815 ; died May 12, 1842. XLIV. — 6th. Betsey Valentine, born April 23, 1783 ; died unmarried, March 10, 1871. Mr. E. Pierce gives the following in his writings on Freetown, Mass.: " David, the parent, bore the nick-name of General, because he headed the insurgents of Bristol Co. in their attempt to prevent the sitting of the court at Taunton, Mass., during the Shay insurrection. Mr. Val entine fled for fear of losing his life ; went to England, but finally returned and died upon his farm in Fall River, Mass. His remains are said to rest in the Valentine Cemetery, in Fall River, but no stone bearing inscription marks the spot. His wife's grave is respectfully marked. When Mr. Valentine returned from England he took the oath of allegiance. From affluence he became reduced to poverty." IX. — Valentine, Abigail (Samuel 3d, John 2d, Francis 1st). Daughter of Samuel and Abigail (Durfee) Valen tine ; born in Freetown, Mass., September 25, 1746 ; married in Freetown, Mass., June 6, 1770, to Surthey Miles, of Freetown, Mass. Their children were (born in Freetown, Mass.) : 1st. — Surthey Miles, born July 2, 1772. 2d. — Samuel Valentine Miles, born July 11, 1774. 3d. — Rachel Miles, born April 23, 1776 ; married Elbazer Davis, of Freetown, December 4, 1794. XI. — Valbnitne, Thomas (Lynde 4th, Samuel 3d, John 2d, Francis 1st). Son of Lynde and Sarah (Evans) Val entine ; born in Freetown, Mass., September 21, 1766 ; died in Freetown, Mass., November 17, 1808 ; married in Freetown, Mass., November 15, 1795, to Abigail Paine, of Freetown, Mass., daughter of John and Barbara (Rice) Paine ; born in Freetown, Mass., May 12, 1773 ; died in Freetown, Mass., September 17, 1808. "About 1795, Mr. Valentine recovered £1,800 sterling for his right in entailed estate in England, which, since the death of his grandfather, Samuel Valentine, had been claimed by his uncles William and David." Their children were : 162 VALENTINE. XLV. — 1st. Elizabeth Valentine, born February 17, 1796 ; died July 20, 1841 ; married in Freetown, Mass., January 3, 1813, to George Bonum Nye Holmes, son of Abraham and Bithiah (Nye) Holmes. Their children were : 1st. — Amanda Melvina Holmes, born December 19, 1813 ; died March 31, 1816. 2d. — Abraham Holmes, born June 23, 1816 ; died Jan uary 11, 1901 ; married in Whitman, Mass., May 23, 1844, to Susannah Blake, of Whitman, Mass., daughter of Samuel and Susannah (Bates) Blake ; born in South Abington (or Whitman), Mass., January 8, 1814. Their children were (born in Whitman, Mass.) : 1st. — Geoege Nye Holmes, born February 4 1845 ; married in Fall River, Mass., December 24, 1872, to Har riet Sophia Littlefield, of East Stoughton, Mass., daugh ter of Ephraim and Harriet (Monk) Littlefield ; bom in Randolph, Mass., October 27, 1851. Their children were (born in Bradford, Mass.) : a. — Edith Blake Holmes, born December 20,1873; married in Haverhill, Mass., November 11, 1899, to George Dudley Chard, of Haverhill, Mass., son of John Henry and Cordelia Ann (Bobbins) Chard ; born in Albion, N. Y. b. — George Ennis Holmes, born March 27, 1876 ; mar ried in Haverhill, Mass., June 29, 1897, to Lena Marion Thompson, of Haverhill, Mass., daughter of George and Emeline (Ela) Thompson ; born September 21, 1880. Their children were : 1st. — Dorothy Pauline Holmes, born November 1, 1897. 2d. — Robeet William Holmes, born February 6, 1899. 2d. — Samuel Blake Holmes, born July 17, 1846 ; died February 7, 1848. 3d. — Susan Elizabeth Holmes, born July 11, 1848 ; married in Whitman, Mass., June 27, 1872, to Benjamin Jones Handy, M. D., of Marion, Mass., son of Frederick and Silva (Crowell) (Berry) Handy ; born in Marion, Mass., April 6, 1848 ; Hving at 139 Rock st.. Fall River, Mass., in 1902. VALENTINE. 163 Their children were (born in Fall River, Mass.) : 1st. — Benjamin Handy, bom February 5, 1873; died February 5, 1873. 2d. — Feedeeick Osmer Handy, born December 25, 1874; died January 31, 1891. 3d. — Louise Holmes Handy, born October 17, 1876 ; living (1902) at 139 Rock st., FaU River, Mass. 4th. — Sally Blake Holmes, born February 18, 1861. 5th. — Maey Robinson Holmes, born May 21, 1853 ; died November 19, 1856. 6th. — William Ennis Holmes, born June 29, 1855 ; died August 15, 1856. 7th. — Benjamin Blake Holmes, born October 13, 1857 ; married in Winchendon, Mass., September 5, 1895, to Dorothy Lees Dole, of Winchendon, Mass., daughter of George Rockwood and Marthaett (Lees) Dole ; bom in Charlotte, Mich. They had one child (born in Brooklyn, N. Y.) : Theodora Blake Holmes, born June 24, 1896. XLVI. — Lynde Valentine, born June 30, 1797 ; mar ried in Freetown, Mass., to Adeline Pickens, of Free town, Mass., daughter of Samuel and Lydia (Cole) Pickens. Mr. Valentine was Deputy Sheriff of Bristol Co., Mass., from November 26, 1821, to 1824, Constable from 1822 to 1824. Selectman in 1844. Assessor, 1835, 1847, 1848, 1849 and 1855. Their children were : 1st. — Amanda Holmes Valentine, bom September 30, 1825 ; married'to Philo W. King, of Raynham, Mass. 2d. — Thomas Valentine, bom August 31, 1827. XIII. — James Lynde Valentine (Lynde 4th, Samuel 3d, John 2d, Francis 1st). Son of Lynde and Sarah (Evans) Valentine ; born in Freetown, Mass., October 11, 1770 ; died in Freetown, Mass., in December, 1825 ; buried in Fall River, Mass.; married in Freetown, Mass., March 16, 1806, to Sally Porter, of Freetown, Mass., daughter of Capt. Benjamin and Rebecca (Tisdale) Porter ; born in Freetown, Mass., August 23, 1773 ; died in Freetown, Mass., April 30, 1848 ; buried in Freetown, Mass. Mr. Valentine was master of a small coasting vessel. 164 VALENTINE. Their children were : XLVII. — 1st. Rebecca Valentine, born December 3, 1806. XLVIII. — 2d. James Lynde Valentine, born about 1806 ; died in almshouse (was insane 30 years) in 1865, in Freetown. XLIX. — 3d. Ann Eliza Valentine, married May 24, 1831, to HoEATio N. GuNN, of FaU River, Mass. L. — 4th. William Heney Valentine. XIX. — Valentine, Elizabeth (Samuel 4th, Samuel 3d, John 2d, Francis 1st). Daughter of Samuel, Jr., and Mary (Evans) Valentine ; born in Freetown, Mass., Feb ruary 3, 1765 ; married in Freetown, Mass., to Bailey Reed, of Freetown, Mass., son of Capt. Benjamin and Sarah (Evans) Reed, grandson of Joseph and Grace (Pray) Reed, great-grandson of John, and great-great- grandson of John, of Freetown, Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., March 29, 1759. Their children were : 1st. — Sally Reed. 2d.— Apollos Reed, married Abigail Haskins, of Free town, Mass. 3d. — Elizabeth Reed, born May 31, 1789 ; died August 26, 1851 ; married January 14, 1810, to David Robinson, of Somerset, Mass. 4th. — Polly Lydia Reed, married Gilbeet Haskins, of Taunton, Mass. 5th. — Benjamin Reed. 6th. — Paedon Reed. 7th. — Meecy Reed, married Baeney White, of Middle boro, Mass. 8th. — John Reed. 9th. — Geoege Reed. 10th. — Phebe Reed, married Bartlett. XXV. — Valentine, Lucy (William 4th, Samuel 3d, John 2d, Francis 1st). Daughter of WiUiam and SybU (Wins low) Valentine ; born in Freetown, .Mass., May 7, 1767 ; died in Providence, R. I., March 17, 1841, and was buried there; married in Freetown, Mass., June 18, 1797, to Harvey Simmons, of Freetown, Mass., son of Nathan and Lydia (Barnaby) Simmons ; born in Freetown, Mass. Their children were : VALENTINE. 165 1st. — Edmund Simmons, died in infancy. 2d. — Prudence W. Simmons, born January 26, 1798, at Fall River, Mass.; died (while on a visit) in Boston, Mass., December 12, 1866. She was buried in Little Compton, R. I.; married in Providence, R. I., September 7, 1818, to Col. John Church, of Little Compton, R. I., son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Taylor) Church ; born in Little Compton, R. I., March 17, 1794; died in LUtle Compton, R. L, No vember 19, 1882. In 1812 Mr. Church went to Providence, R. I., and be came associated with Mr. John H. Green, an architect and builder. Afterwards the firm of Church & Sweet was established. He was the most prominent master builder and contractor in Providence for many years. He became Colonel of the 2d Regiment of Providence Infantry, and with that rank and official position escorted General La Fayette into and out of Providence in 1824. He was a member of the first City Council of Providence, organized in 1832. In 1840 Col. Church retired from business and returned to his native town and built him a beautiful home on land which had been in the possession of his family since 1687. He was repeatedly elected to represent this town in the legislature, and was a man of unswerving integrity, a kind father, devoted friend, wise counsellor, a lover of peace, and a consistent Christian gentleman. Their children were (born in Providence, R. I.) : 1st. — Elizabeth Taylor Chuech, born March 29, 1820 ; died in Braintree, Mass., April 26, 1888 ; married in Lit tle Compton, R. I., September 23, 1843, to Abel Tomp kins, of Boston, Mass., son of Abel and Mary (Sweet) Tompkins ; born in Boston, Mass., June 22, 1810 ; died in Boston, Mass., April 7, 1862. Resided in Little Comp ton, R. I. Their children were (born in Boston, Mass.) : 1st. — Elizabeth Chuech Tompkins, born July 2, 1845 ; married in Boston, Mass., November 19, 1874, to Alex. G. Bowditch, of Boston, Mass. They had no children. 2d. — Edward Baldwin Tompkins, born February 1, 1852. 166 VALENTINE. 2d. — Edmund Valentine Church, born April 13, 1822 ; died unmarried in New Orleans, La., June 21, 1849. 3d. — William Simmons Church, born September 7, 1823; married in Little Compton, R. I., September 25, 1844, to Hannah S. Wilbur, of Little Compton, R. I., daughter of Thomas and Prudence (Sherman) Wilbur; bom in Little Compton, R. I., August 10, 1824 ; died in Little Compton, R. I., November 27, 1901. Their children were : Ist.^ — Albert T. Chuech, born December 13, 1846 ; died in Cincinnati, O., May 27, 1865. 2d. — Edmund Valentine Chuech, born at Little Comp ton, R. I., July 1, 1856. He was a music dealer in Chi cago, IU., manager of The John Church Co., 200 Wabash avenue, Chicago, HI. 4th. — Lucy Valentine Chuech, born December 8, 1824 ; died January 28, 1826. 5th. — Maey Catheeine Chuech, born January 16, 1827 ; died May 28, 1832. 6th. — Susan Amelia Chuech, born June 10, 1831 ; married in Little Compton, R. I., September 23, 1851, to Edwaed Thomas Russell, of Boston, Mass., son of Ed ward Thomas and Mary Jane (SeagiU) Russell ; born in Portland, Me., AprU 10, 1826 ; died in Boston, Mass., April 28, 1900. They had no children, "but their domes tic and affectionate temperament prompted them to bring into their home life several children of their immediate relatives, who were brought up by them and nurtured as their own until maturity and marriage." He was engaged in business in the city of Boston, Mass., for 62 years, beginning at the age of twelve years in a commission house. He was connected with many societies and clubs, a member also of the Unitarian Church of the Disciples. " Mrs. Russell was a worker under the Sanitary Commis sion during the Civil War," and from that period through out her life was connected with charitable society work. 7th. — John Chuech, born in 1834 ; died in 1890 ; mar ried in Cincinnati, Ohio, December 1, 1864, to Caeeie CoEwiN, of Cincinnati, Ohio, daughter of D. W. and Har riet (Loring) Corwin ; died in 1878. Mr. John Church VALENTINE. 167 was educated in the High School at Providence, R. I.; en tered the store of O. Diston, in Boston, Mass., in 1850 ; went to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1859 ; established the busi ness now carried on as The John Church Co., publishers of music and music books, and as its president and man ager had charge of its interests in Cincinnati and of the branches in Chicago, New York and Boston ; he resided winters in Cincinnati and summers at Little Compton. Their children were : 1st. — CoEwiN Chuech, born January 25, 1866 ; died November 24, 1873. 2d. — Edith Russell Church, born April 17, 1868. 3d. — Alice Church, born July 2, 1870 ; died March 10, 1876. Edith Russell Church, bom in 1868 ; married in Lit tle Compton, R. I., June 26, 1897, to Roswell B. Buech- AED, of New York City, son of Rev. Dr. S. D. Burchard, of New York City. They resided in Boston, Mass., dur ing the winter season and at the ancestral home of Mrs. Burchard, " Old Acre," in Little Compton, R. I., in the summer months. Their children were : 1st. — John Church Burchard, born November 27, 1898. 2d. — Agnes Leeds Burchard, born February 26, 1900. 3d. — Edith Russell Burchard, born February 17, 1902. 3d. — Lydia Barnaby Simmons, born in Freetown, Mass., May 16, 1799 ; died in Providence, R. I., November 14, 1874, and was buried there ; married Francis Osgood, of Bath, Me., who died at sea about 1824 ; married a second time in Providence, R. I., November 27, 1827, to George BucKLiN, of Providence, R. I. (he was a merchant), son of Jabez and Mary (Walker) Bucklin; born at Seekonk, Bristol, Mass., January 12, 1793 ; died in Providence, R. I., May 25, 1845, and was buried there. Their children were (born in Providence, R. I.) : 1st. — Lucretia Bucklin, born August 19, 1828 ; un married. 2d. — Henry O. Bucklin, born August 11, 1831 ; he was a resident of Providence, R. I. 3d. — Harriet L. Bucklin, born February 26, 1833 ; she was a resident of Providence, R. I. 168 VALENTINE. 4th. — Maetha B. Bucklin, born December 11, 1834. Living N. Attleboro, Mass.; married in 1856 to Geoege E. Geant. Their children were : 1st. — Claea B. Grant, born in Providence, R. I., in 1856. Living at N. Attleboro, Mass., in 1901. 2d. — Henry G. Grant, born in Providence, R. I., in 1859. 3d. — Elmer E. Grant, bom in Providence, R. I., in 1861; married at Norfolk, Mass., October 16, 1890, to Alice J. Rockwood. Their children were : 1st. — Russell Rockwood Grant, born in N. Attleboro, Mass., August 14, 1891. 4th. — Frederic C. Grant, born in N. Attleboro, Mass., in 1867. 5th. — Howard R. Grant, born in N. Attleboro, Mass., in 1873; married June 26, 1901, to Ethel W. Grant. 5th. — F. Augustus Bucklin, born September 21, 1836 ; did not marry. Lived in Providence, R. I. 4th. — Sybil Simmons, born in 1802 ; died in Fall River, Mass., June 7, 1864 ; married July 16, 1827, to Abraham B. Carey, of Staten Island, N. Y.; married a second time in 1863, to Jonathan Brownell, of Little Compton, R. I. 5th — Mary Simmons, born in Providence, R. I., in 1809 ; died in Providence, R. I.; unmarried ; insane. XXVII. — Valentine, Phebe (William 4th, Samuel 3d, John 2d, Francis 1st). Daughter of William and SybU (Winslow) Valentine; born in Freetown, Mass., June 16, 1771 ; married in Freetown, Mass., November 15, 1795, to Capt. Luther Winslow, of Freetown, Mass., son of Luther and Lucy (White) Winslow ; born in Freetown, Mass., June 19, 1774 ; died in the West Indies in 1801, and was buried there. Their children were : 1st. — 'Lucy Winslow, born January 26, 1796 ; married Thos. D. Chalonbe, son of Walter and Hope (Durfee) Chaloner (see record of descendants of Hope Durfee). VALENTINE. 169 2d. — William Valentine Winslow, born July 29, 1797 ; died at Oneida, N. Y., December 26, 1854 ; married in Fall River, Mass., November 22, 1842, to Susanna Luther Canedy, daughter of Wm. B. and Susan Hughes (Luther) Canedy. There children were (bom in Oneida, N. Y.) : a. — William Luther Winslow, born June 24, 1849 ; married January 5, 1897, to Elizabeth Crawford Stewart, daughter of David C. and Agnes (Crawford) Stewart ; bom in Greenoch, Scotland, in 1865. Mr. Winslow was a dealer in grain at Fall River, Mass., in 1902. b. — Susie Phebe Winslow, born August 28, 1852. Lives at Fall River, Mass. 3d. — LuTHEE Winslow, born November 18, 1798 ; died in Fall River, Mass., February 2, 1865 ; married in Fall River, Mass., in 1825, to Sally Wilson, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of Hezekiah and Wealthy (Terry) Wil son ; born in Fall River, Mass., July 5, 1804 ; died in Fall River, Mass., March 31, 1859. He was a farmer, was elected to various offices of the town, was Selectman from 1835 to 1839. Their children were (born in Fall River, Mass.): 1st. — Haeeiet Winslow, bom May 14, 1826 ; died in Taunton, Mass., September 2'2, 1858, and was buried there; married in Fall River, Mass., August 15, 1847, to Chaeles Feedeeick Johnson, of Taunton, Mass., son of Charles and Abigail (Codding) Johnson ; bom in Taunton, Mass., March 5, 1823. Their children were (born in Taunton, Mass.): a. — Abbie Elizabeth Johnson, born May 16, 1848. b. — Chaeles Luthee Johnson, born January 1, 1852. c — William Edwaed Johnson, born September 17, 1854. d. — Haeeiet Estelle Johnson, born September 28, 1867; died February 3, 1870. This family resided at Taunton, Mass., in 1874. 2d. — Luther Winslow, born July 27, 1827 ; married and resided in Fall River, Mass., in 1875. 3d. — William Valentine Winslow, born June 11, 1829 ; died in FaU River, Mass., October 2, 1850. 170 VALENTINE. 4th.— Charles Winslow, bom AprU 3, 1831 ; married in Taunton, Mass., September 13, 1860, to Henrietta M. Elsbreb, of FaU River, Mass., daughter of Henry and Mary H. (Davis) Elsbree ; born in FaU River, Mass. Their children were (born in FaU River, Mass.) : a. — Chaeles F. Winslow, born June 29, 1863 ; died August 11, 1864. b. — Henry L. Winslow, born November 22, 1865. 5th. — Wealthy Jane Winslow, born June 5, 1833 ; married at Taunton, Mass., March 18, 1860, to Chaeles Feedeeick Johnson (the widower of her deceased sister). He was a manufacturer of brick, and resided at Taunton, Mass. Was a representative to the general court of Mass.; holding other offices, among them justice of the peace and assessor. 6th. — Phebe E. Winslow, born January 15, 1835 ; died in Fall River, Mass., January 9, 1842. 7th. — Geoege Winslow, bom September 6, 1837 ; died in FaU River, Mass., November 14, 1838. 8th. — Saeah Elizabeth Winslow, born September 23, 1842 ; married in Fall River, Mass., December 23, 1864, to Philip H. Wilbue, of Little Compton, R. I.; born in Little Compton, R. I., January 3, 1843. They resided at Steep Brook, Fall River, Mass. He was a carpenter. Their children were (bom in Fall River, Mass.) : 1st. — Haeey D. Wilbue, born August 9, 1865. 2d. — Annie E. Wilbur, born April 9, 1S67. 4th. — Sybil Winslow, born June 15, 1800 ; died in Lenox, N. Y., May 20, 1827, and was buried there ; mar ried in Lenox, N. Y., to James Graham, of Canastota, N. Y., son of James and Eunice (Gaines) Graham ; born in Conn., March 6, 1799 ; died in Nashville, Tenn., August 6, 1840, and was buried there. He had resided at Canastota and Lenox, N. Y. Their children were (born at Lenox, N. Y.): 1st. — Frances Maecia Graham, born July 16, 1822 ; married at Vernon, N. Y., February 4, 1846, to Geoege Whitfield Bronson, son of Ira and Clarissa (Foote) Bronson ; born at Chatham, Conn., October 16, 1819. They resided in 1874 at Vernon Center, Oneida Co., N. Y. VALENTINE. 171 Their children were (born in Vernon, N. Y.): 1st. — Ira Graham Bronson, born December 3, 1846. 2d. — Clara Frances Bronson, born January 8, 1850; married at Vernon, N. Y., January 8, 1873, to Willard DeHart Mason, son of Charles and Marian (Newell) Mason ; born February 22, 1849. He was a bookkeeper and resided in New York City. 3d. — George Hosmee Beonson, born March 25, 1852. 4th. — James Haevey Beonson, born January 7, 1859. 2d. — Haeeiet Maeia Geaham, born February 3, 1824 ; married at Vernon, N. Y., June 10, 1856, to Waeeen Claek, of Canastota, N. Y., son of Sylvester and Mary (Perkins) Clark, of Haddam, Conn. He was a farmer and resided at Canastota, N. Y., Ann Arbor, Green Oak and South Lyon, Mich., at the latter place in 1874. Their children were : 1st. — Geaham W. Claek, born in Lenox, N. Y., March 23, 1857. 2d. — Agnes J. Claek, born in Green Oak, Mich., De cember 27, 1859. 3d. — Charlotte Phebe Graham, born August 28, 1826, at Canastota, N. Y. ; married at Vernon, N. Y., January 16, 1854, to Edmund Hills, of Vernon, N. Y., son of Edmund and Lois (Holmes) Hills ; born in Sullivan, Madison Co., N. Y., November 9, 1824. He was a dealer in lumber and resided in Canastota, Syracuse and Roches ter, N. Y., at the last place in 1874. Their children were (born in Syracuse, N. Y.) : 1st. — Winslow Holmes Hills, born December 13, 1854. 2d. — Charlotte Maria Hills, born August 19, 1858. XXVIII. — Valentine, Lois (William 4th, Samuel 3d, John 2d, Francis 1st). Daughter of William and Sybil (Winslow) Valentine ; bom in Freetown, Mass., April 2, 1773 ; died in Freetown, Mass., September 11, 1836 ; married in Freetown, Mass., November 2, 1802, to Ben jamin Brown, of Freetown, Mass., who was a farmer. Their children were : 1st.— Josiah Brown, died young. 2d. — William Brown, married and moved to New York City. 172 VALENTINE. 3d. — Lucy Brown, deceased ; married in Fall River, Mass., to George Brightman. Tliey had one child, George Emery Brightman, who was a shoemaker and resident of Fall River, Mass. He married Lydia Adeline Snell, of New Hampshire. Children : Charles E., born July 27, 1868 ; Laura, born August 31, 1877. XXX. — Valentine, Prudence (William 4th, Samuel 3d, John 2d, Francis 1st). Daughter of William and Sybil (Winslow) Valentine ; born in Freetown, Mass., May 8, 1777; died in Freetown, Mass., November 15, 1843 ; mar ried in Freetown, Mass., January 28, 1798, to William Read, of Freetown, Mass., son of William Read ; died in Fall River, Mass. Their children were : 1st. — Edmund Valentine Read, died unmarried. 2d. — Ruth Read, born in Freetown, Mass., October 19, 1799; died February 22, 1879; married July 23, 1826, to Benjamin W. Brown, of Freetown, Mass., son of Ben jamin and Lucy (Hathaway) Brown. Lost at sea in No vember, 1831. Their children were : 1st. — George Emery Brown, born March 16, 1828 ; married January 26, 1865, to Mary Davis Martin ; born in Cook Co., lUinois, May 13, 1837 ; died in Boston, Mass., November 14, 1868. Their children were : a. — Annie Emery Brown, born May 21,1865 ; married Alden White, December 7, 1887. Their chUd, Everett Alden White, was born August 26, 1888. b. — Ruth Emily Brown, bom September 27, 1866. c — Mary Charity Beown, born May 26, 1868 ; mar ried October 29, 1890, to Abeam Boomer. Their children were : 1st. — Abram Boomer, Jr., born December 1, 1891. 2d. — James Maetin Boombe, born November 24, 1892. Mr. Geoege Emeey Beown married a second time, De cember 26, 1877, to Ellen Hurley, and their children were : aa. — Harriett Read Brown, born December 4, 1878 ; married Irving Talbot, February 22, 1898. bb. — George Emery Brown, Jr., born February 6, 1883. VALENTINE. I73 2d. — Louis 'Lafolle Brown, bom October 11, 1829; married at Assonet, Mass., September 28, 1856, to Jose phine E. Hathaway, of Freetown, Mass., daughter of Edmond D. and Hannah (Terry) Hathaway ; born in Freetown, Mass., May 6, 1837. Their children were : 1st. — Benjamin Woodbeidge Beown, born October 2, 1858 ; married in Sacramento, Cal., February 17, 1886, to Esther L. Kelly. Their children were : 1st. — Lester Lee Brown, died in infancy. 2d. — Louis Lafolle Beown, born August 24, 1900. 2d. — Lucy Hathaway Beown, born December 27, 1860; married January 1, 1878, to Robeet B. Sherman. Their children were : 1st. — Louis Lafolle Sherman, born January 10, 1879. 2d. — Alberta Maud Sherman, born October 19, 1880. 3d. — Robeet Stanton Sheeman, born March 14, 1889. 3d. — Maria Louisa Brown, born December 13, 1862 ; married in Fall River, Mass., April 24, 1884, to Charles H. Farnham. Their children were : 1st. — Marion Farnham, born October 27, 1887. 2d. — Dorothy Woodbridge Farnham, born May 28, 1893. 4th. — Edmund Dean Brown, born October 14, 1871 ; died young. 3d. — Rebecca Read, bom May 2, 1802 ; died May 14, 1866 ; unmarried. 4th. — William V. Read, born February 15, 1804 ; mar ried in Providence, R. I., April 10, 1843, to Susan D. RuGGLES, of Providence, R. I., daughter of Spooner and Ruth (Van Doom) Ruggles ; born in Providence, R. I.; died in Fall River, Mass.; they resided in Fall River, Mass. Their children were (born in Fall River, Mass.): 1st. — William V. Read, born December 29, 1845 ; died young. 2d. — William V. Read, bom June 8, 1863 ; married in 174 VALENTINE. FaU River, Mass., June 15, 1888, to Rhoda Hathaway, of FaU River, Mass. He married a second time in North Westport, Mass., to Claea B. Macombee. 3d. — Heney R. Read, bom March 10, 1857 ; married in March, 1887, to Beetha Faenham. 4th. — Samuel S. Read, born February 4, 1859 ; un married. 6th. — Geoege W. Read, born in June, 1808 ; married Eveline Boeden, of Tiverton, R. I. Their children were : 1st. — Edmund V. Read, born December 11, 1842 ; mar ried Haeeiet A. Peckham, October 18, 1870. Their children were : 1st. — Edmund Read, who died young. 2d. — Ada Read, who died young. 3d. — Caroline S. Read, born March 26, 1875 ; married June 27, 1900, to Robert J. Shoemaker ; they resided in FaU River, Mass. 2d. — Susan R. Read, born March 23, 1844 ; unmarried. 3d. — George F. Read, born October 27,1845 ; married Sybil M. Brightman, of FaU River, Mass., April 7, 1879 ; theirson, Geoege F. Read, Jr., was born July 21,1880. Mr. Geo. W. Read married a second time, December 25, 1867, to Elizabeth A. Barney. 6th. — Samuel Read, married Annie Aemsteong, of Bal timore, Md.; resided in California ; died in 1874. 7th. — Haeeiet F. Read, born September 24, 1814 ; died in 1876 ; unmarried. 8th. — Elizabeth Read, born January 1, 1817 ; married John S. Canedy. Their children were : 1st. — Emily F. Canedy, born December 18, 1838 ; married November 6, 1866, to James M. Moeton, Judge of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. Their children were : 1st. — Jambs M. Moeton, Jr., bom August 24, 1869 ; married June 10, 1896, to Nancy J. B. Beayton. Their children were : 1st. — Jambs M. Moeton, 3d, born June 10, 1897. VALENTINE. 175 2d.-^BRAYT0N Morton, born October 24, 1898. 2d. — Margaret Morton, born September 24, 1870 ; married November 10, 1897, to Willaed F. Keeney, of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Their children were : 1st. — Willaed F. Keeney, born January 17, 1899. 2d. —Moeton Keeney, born June 4, 1900. 2d.— Annie K. Canedy, born March 27, 1843; died January 16, 1871. 9th. — John B. Read, born AprU 17, 1820; died August 7, 1900 ; married February 17, 1852, to Sarah Robinson, of Freetown, Mass., daughter of David and Elizabeth (Read) Robinson ; born in Freetown, Mass., August 28, 1825 ; died in FaU River, Mass., July 27, 1859. They had one child, Joseph Porter Read ; born June 17, 1859, who married in March, 1890, to Kate Dean, who died in 1897. He married a second time, in 1900, to Mrs. Jessie Moore. Mr. John B. Read married a second time, No vember 28, 1872, to Mary Eliza Young. Their children were : 1st. — Sarah Rebecca Read, born January 29, 1874. 2d. — John Mason Read, born February 15, 1875. 3d. — Prudence Valentine Read, born April 10, 1876 ; married June 7, 1899, to Alvin Caleb Beaton. 4th. — Harriet Elizabeth Read, born April 21, 1879 ; married July 25, 1900, to Llewellyn R. Lake. 5th.^ — -Mary Brooks Read, born June 10, 1884. 10th. — Joseph P. Read, born June 28, 1821 ; died in California, unmarried, April 20, 1850. XXXI. — Valentine, Sybil (William 4th, Samuel 3d, John 2d, Francis 1st). Daughter of William and Sybil (Winslow) Valentine, of Freetown, Mass.; born in Free town, Mass., December 19, 1779 ; died in Fall River, Mass., July 5, 1857; married in Freetown, Mass., January 17, 1803, to Col. Joseph (Evans) Read, of Freetown, Mass., son of William and Ruth (Evans) Read ; born in Free town, Mass., September 13, 1776 ; died in Fall River, Mass., July 6, 1857. He and his wife were buried at the same time in Fall River. In early life he was engaged in 176 VALENTINE. trade at Assonet Village, Freetown, Mass. He was com missioned Lieutenant of First Foot Company of Infantry, May 27, 1799 ; Captain, August 16, 1806; Major, June 2, 1807 ; and Colonel, in April, 1812. He removed to FaU River, where he was elected Representative to the General Court several years, and was also special commissioner of Bristol Co., Mass. Their children were (born in FaU River, Mass.) : 1st— Saeah Ann Read, born April 17, 1804 ; died in South Somerset, Mass., July 3, 1891 ; married in FaU River, Mass., February 15, 1827, to Abeaham Bowen, of Fall River, Mass., son of Abraham and Ruth (Graves) Bowen ; born in Fall River, Mass., August 26, 1803 ; died in South Somerset, Mass., January 24, 1889. Mr. and Mrs. Bowen resided for more than 50 years in Fall River in a house built by Mr. Bowen, at No. 175 Rock street. He was a teamster ; also printer and editor of a paper called «AU Sorts." Their chUdren were (born in FaU River, Mass.) : 1st. — Ellen Augusta Bowen, born February 13, 1830 ; died May 1, 1900, in So. Somerset ; married in Fall River, Mass., September 17, 1873, to Axel J. Bealkey ; born in Sweden, at Christineham, January 6, 1830. 2d. — Joseph Abraham Bowen, born October 10, 1832. 3d. — Sarah Victoria Bowen, born December 8, 1839. Living 1901 at 175 Rock street, FaU River, Mass. "El len, Joseph, and Sarah all attended the FaU River High School, Ellen and Joseph being among the original pu pils when the school was started in 1849." " Joseph A. Bowen, born October 10, 1832 ; married January 19, 1865, in Fall River, Mass., to Fanny M. Corey, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of Jonathan and Clarissa (Bennett) Corey ; born in Fall River, Mass., August 21, 1840. They reside at 187 Rock street, FaU River, Mass., spending the summer months on their farm in Warren, R. I. Mr. Bowen has been engaged since 1856 in the coal business in Fall River. He is also interested in shipping, being agent for several coasting schooners en gaged in the coal carrying trade." Their children were (bom in Fall River) : 1st. — Joseph Henry Bowen, born March 18, 1866. VALENTINE. I77 2d. — Fanny Corey Bowen, born October 17, 1869, who graduated from Fall River High School in 1886, aud from Smith College in 1890 ; resides with her parents. Joseph H. Bowen, born March 18, 1866 ; married in Cambridge, Mass., June 19, 1890, to Mary S. Whitney, of Cambridge, Mass., daughter of Edward H. and Jennie (Hooper) Whitney ; born in Cambridge, Mass., November 16,1868. They resided at 168 Belmont avenue. Fall River, Mass. in (1902). Mr. Bowen is engaged in the coal busi ness with his father. He was graduated from the Fall River High School in 1883 and Phillips Academy, Exeter, N. H., in 1884, and Harvard CoUege in 1888. Their children were (born in Fall River) : 1st. — Joseph Whitney Bowen, born May 18, 1891. 2d. — Harold Corey Bowen, born May 26, 1896. 3d. — Edward Hooper Bowen, born October 14, 1899. 2d. — Joseph Evans Read, born J 26, 1806 ; mar ried to Catheeine Norris, of New Jersey, who died October 8, 1866. They resided in Fall River, Mass. Their children were : 1st. — Sybil V. Read, born September 13, 1848 ; mar ried in Fall River, Mass., to Albert B. Chaffee. They resided at No. 216 Taunton ave.. East Providence, R. L, in 1902. 2d. — WiLLETT S. Read, born October 15, 1852. 3d. — Paddock Richmond Read, born November 16, 1807 ; died in Taunton, Mass., July 17, 1877, and was buried there; married in Taunton, Mass., March 24, 1834, to Belinda C. Morey, of Taunton, Mass., daughter of George W. and Polly (Leonard) Morey. He was a pho tographer, and held the office of deputy sheriff and clerk. They resided at New Bedford, and later at Taun ton, Mass. Their children were : Ist. — Emily P. Read, born in Taunton, Mass., May 23, 1844 ; married in Taunton, Mass., October 28, 1874, to Heney A. Richardson, of North Attleborough, Mass. Their only child, Linda Richaedson, bom December 23, 1875, graduated from the Womans' College of Brown 178 VALENTINE. University in 1897, and took a second degree in 1899 ; she is now a teacher. 2d.— Haeeiet M. Read, born in FaU River, Mass., October 2, 1846. 3d. — Frances Richmond Read, born in Taunton, Mass., December 7, 1848. 4th. — Rachel Read, born December 5, 1809 ; died in Springfield, Mass., in April, 1876 ; married in Fall River, Mass., December 11, 1834, to Charles Benjamin Weaver, of Fall River, Mass., son of Sheffield and Lydia (Read) Weaver ; born in FaU River, Mass., February 9, 1811 ; died in St. Louis, Mo. They resided in Newport, R. I., New Bedford and Fall River, Mass. Their children were (first three and last two, born in Fall River, Mass.) : 1st. — Lydia Caroline Weaver, born May 17, 1837 ; died September 10, 1860. 2d. — Henry Read Weaver, born May 10, 1840 ; mar ried in Waterbury, Vt., January 10, 1864, to Saeah Peis cilla Boeden, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of Isaac Borden ; born in Fall River, Mass., March 19, 1838. Their children were (bom in Waterbury. Vt.) : 1st. — Hattie Louise Weaver, born November 7, 1864 ; died September 12, 1865. 2d. — Frank Milton Weaver, born July 24, 1866. He is, and has been for several years, a public accountant ; was educated in the common schools; resided (1901) at No. 700 Olive st., Kansas City, Mo. He was married, August 16, 1900, to Lu Holbrook, daughter of Jason S. and Lucinda ( ) Holbrook, formerly of Boston Highlands, Mass. Their child, Henry- Sanfoed Weaver, was born in Kansas City, Mo., December 7, 1901. 3d. — John W. Weaver, bom May 10, 1840 ; died same day. 4th. — Charles Sheffield Weaver, bom at Newport, R. I., August 5, 1842. Was a soldier in the Union Army. A Sergeant in Co. — , 4th Massachusetts Cav. Wounded on Broad river, S. C, from which he recovered and was honorably discharged in December, 1865. 6th. — Frank Baylies Weaver, born in Fall River, Mass., VALENTINE. 179 April 30, 1845 ; died in Fall River, Mass., September 12, 1847. - 6th. — Francis Milton Weaver, born in Fall River, Mass., AprU 3, 1847. Resided at Seattle, Wash. (1901). A merchant; married in 1876, to Jennie Weaver Laflin, daughter of Sylvester H. Laflin. Their children were : 1st. Frank Milton Weaver, Jr. 2d. Sylvebtee Laflin Weaver. 3d. Edith May Weaver. 7th. — Louise Valentine Weaver, born in Fall River, Mass., July 21, 1849 ; died in FaU River, Mass., August 10, 1851. 8th. — George Kendall Weaver, born April 20 ; died May 27, 1853. 5th. — Henry Read, born May 3, 1812 ; died May 20, 1840 ; unmarried. 6th. — William Sullivan Read, born October 28, 1814 ; died December 19, 18 — ; unmarried. 7th. — James Munroe Read, born April 24, 1817 ; died in October, 1863. He was a resident of New York city — a broker ; married to Catherine Gaeness, of New York City. Their children were : 1st. Eveline Read. 2d. Ella Read. 3d. — Geeteude Read, who married a Mr. Kellogg. 4th. — Oscar Read, married. 8th. — Francis Bayles Read, born April 14, 1819 ; mar ried in Fall River, Mass., December 12, 1850, to Angeline Grinnell, of Little Compton, R. I., daughter of Valen tine and Betsey (Pearse) Grinnell. Mr. Read was a farmer, and was a resident of Clement, Clinton Co., 111., from 1854 to 1871, and lived later at Colusa, Cal. Their children were : Ist. — Ella Valentine Read, born in Fall River, Mass., January 17, 1852 ; married in Colusa, Cal., November 5, 1 874, to Jacob Bowers ; born in Collinsville, Lycoming Co., Pa., December 26, 1861. He was a farmer and re sided at Colusa, Cal. 180 VALENTINE. 2d. — Walter Grinnell Read, born in Fall River, Mass., February 21, 1854. 3d. — Lizzie Read, born in Red Bud, Bl., December 19, 1855. 4th. — Henry Read, born in Clement, 111., September 20, 1859. 5th. — Joseph Francis Read, born in Clement, IU., Sep tember 11, 1861. 6th. — Caroline Clyde Read, born in Clement, 111., January 19, 1864. 7th. — Delia Maeia Read, born in Clement, IU., No vember 28, 1868. 8th. — Haeeiet Angeline Read, bom in Clement, IU., June 11, 1871 ; died at Colusa, Cal., AprU 5, 1875, and was buried there. 9th. — Caeoline Valentine Read, born March 20, 1825 ; died in Springfield, Mass., December 27, 1896 ; married to Milton A. Clyde. They resided at Springfield, Mass. Their children were : 1st. — Eveline Louisa Clyde, married in Springfield, Mass., in 1874, to James D. Gill, who kept an art store in Springfield, Mass., and later was collector of internal revenue for Massachusetts. Their only chUd, James Milton Gill, was born in August, 1875. 2d. — Caroline M. Clyde, born in Fall River, Mass., September 8, 1864 ; died when about 17 years old. 3d. — Haeeiet F. Clyde, born in Fall River, Mass., August 29, 1857 ; married in Springfield, Mass., December 15, 1880, to Hon. Chaeles L. Long, a lawyer of Spring field, Mass., son of David W. and Orpha L. ( ) Long; born in Lowell, Mass., September 16, 1851. He was Mayor of Springfield, Mass., one year, and Judge of the Probate and lusolvency Courts for Hampden Co., Mass., in 1901. Their only child, Milton Clyde Long, was born October 19, 1881. XXXIL— Valentine, Meeoy (WiUiam 4th, Samuel 3d, John 2d, Francis 1st). Daughter of William and SybU (Winslow) Valentine, of Freetown, Mass.; born in Free town, Mass., April 27, 1782 ; died in Freetown, Mass., December 21, 1833 ; married at FaU River, Mass., in Oc- VALENTINE. 181 tober, 1804, to Capt. Feedeeic Winslow, of Freetown, Mass. (a sea captain), son of Luther and Lucy (White) Winslow ; born in Freetown, Mass., November 24, 1775 ; died in Freetown, Mass., January 29, 1859. Their children were : 1st. — Rowena Winslow, born February 25, 1806; died in FaU River, Mass., September 17, 1888. 2d. — Geoege Winslow, bom November 14, 1808. He was drowned in Long Island Sound in September, 1841, and was buried at Black Rock, Conn.; later, his body was moved to West Newton, Mass. He was married in Fall River, Mass., in 1839, to Ruth Rickeetson, of Freetown, Mass., who died in West Newton, Mass., January 3, 1901. Their only child, Geoegiana Winslow, born in Fall River, Mass., February 4, 1842 ; married in Fall River, Mass., to Caleb Frank Eddy, of Fall River, Mass., son of Lucius Junius and Louisa M. (Pratt) Eddy ; born in Amherst, Mass., July 20, 1836. Living in West Newton, Mass., 1901. He is a merchant. Their children were : 1st. — George Winslow Eddy, born in Fall River, Mass., May 12, 1862: 2d. — Louisa Maria Eddy, born in Fall River, Mass., December 20, 1863. 3d. — Lillian Eddy, born in Fall River, Mass., Decem ber 17, 1865. 4th. — Clinton Lucius Eddy, born in West Newton, Mass., May 6, 1868. 5th. — Feedeeic Winslow Eddy, born in West Newton, Mass., December 27, 1869. 6th. — Feank Stetson Eddy, bom in West Newton, Mass., September 27, 1871. 7th. — Bertha Eddy, 7 twins ; born in West Newton, 8th. — Bessie Eddy, S Mass., February 22, 1876. 9th. — Clifford Eddy, born in New Newton, Mass., No vember 25, 1877. 10th. — Maeion Eddy, born in West Newton, Mass., September 29, 1879. 11th. — Katheeine Cleaveland Eddy, born in West Newton, Mass., June 4, 1882. 182 VALENTINE. 12th. — Ruth Eddy, born in West Newton, Mass., Octo ber 14, 1883. 3d. — Feedeeic Winslow, born in Fall River, Mass., September 8, 1811 ; died in FaU River, Mass., March 12,1894; married January 12, 1834, to Lydia Pieece, daughter of Elijah Pierce ; born February 10, 1810 ; died in Fall River, Mass., June 6, 1838. Mr. Winslow mar ried a second time in Fall River, Mass., July 20, 1841, to Claeissa Boeden, of Fall River, Mass.; born in Fall River, Mass., May 13, 1813 ; died in Fall River, Mass., December 11, 1900. Their children were : 1st. — Meecy V; Winslow, born November 10, 1843 ; married October 14, 1878, to Chaeles Sylvestee, son of J ames and Charlotte ( ) Sylvester ; born in Ply mouth, Mass., October 27, 1849. 2d. — George Winslow, born April 19, 1846 ; married February 19, 1880, to Jennie Felch, daughter of Charles M. and Almy ( ) Felch ; born in Natick, Mass., December 26, 1866. Their children were (born in Fall River, Mass.) : Isfc. — Charles Winslow, born August 14, 1881. 2d. — Beulah Winslow, born September 11, 1888. 3d. — Isaiah B. Winslow, born January 17, 1846. 4th. — Maey H. Winslow, born October 2, 1849. 4th. — Lucy Winslow, born August 31, 1816, who did not marry ; died March 29, 1893. 5th. — Albeet Winslow, born June 2, 1820 ; married in New York City May 16, 1849, to Permelia Chace, of Assonet, Mass., daughter of George and Amey (Hatha way) Chace ; born in Assonet, Mass., December 18, 1820. Mr. Winslow was a master mariner. He was City Mar shal of FaU River, Mass., in 1867 and 1868. Their children were : 1st. — Hope Winslow, born in Assonet, Mass., February 14, 1850. 2d. — Amelia Winslow, born in FaU River, Mass., De cember 3, 1856. VALENTINE. 183 3d. — Ella Frances Winslow, bom in Fall River, Mass., May 19, 1853. 4th. — Feedeeick Winslow, born in Fall River, Mass., July 22, 1865. 5th. — Albeet Winslow, born in Fall River, Mass., March 2, 1857 ; married in Fall River, Mass., June 8, 1887, to Effie Buffinton, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of Edward P. and Comfort (Taber) Buffinton ; born April 14, 1861. Their children were (bom in Fall River, Mass.) : 1st. — William Valentine Winslow, born August 16, 1888. 2d. — Maeion Buffinton Winslow, born May 25, 1891. 3d.^LESTBE Chase Winslow, born April 18, 1893. 4th. — Ruth Winslow, born January 19, 1895. 5th. — Mildeed Winslow, born March 28, 1896. 6th. — Edwaed Tabor Winslow, born April 10, 1897. 7th. — Charles Churchill Winslow, born June 7, 1899; died August 18, 1899. 8th. — Thomas Chebtham Winslow, bom June 7, 1899; died September 29, 1899. 9th. — Richard Kenelm Winslow, born November 18, 1900. 6th. — William Winslow, born February 7, 1824 ; mar ried in San Francisco, Cal., February 18, 1876, to Anna (Armstrong) Read (widow of Samuel), daughter of James and IsabeUa (Buchanan) Armstrong ; born in Baltimore, Md., January 17, 1839; died in San Francisco, Cal., August 12, 1896. Mr. Winslow was a surveyor of land and stock raiser. He resided in Fall River, and later in San Joaquin, Cal.; and from 1887 he was a resident of San Francisco, Cal. He married a second time to Mrs. Olive W. Eaton, of San Francisco, Cal. XXXIIL — ^Valentine, Sally (William 4th, Samuel 3d, John 2d, Francis 1st). Daughter of William and Sybil (Winslow) Valentine, of Freetown, Mass.; born in Free town, Mass., May 10, 1784 ; died in Freetown, Mass., January 16, 1842 ; married in Freetown, Mass., Decem ber 25, 1806, to Edmund French, of Berkley, Mass. Their children were : 184 VALENTINE. I. — Edmund V. French, born October 21, 1807. II. — Samuel V. Feench, born August 27, 1812. III. — HoEACE Feench, born March 27, 1812. Living, 1901, at Fall River, Mass.; married in FaU River, Mass., June 2, 1839, to Maey C. Ashley, daughter of WiUiam Ashley; born in Middleboro, Mass., March 1,1812 ; died in FaU River, Mass., November 1, 1880. Their children were (born in Fall River, Mass.) : 1st. — William H. Feench, born November 11, 1841 ; married in Fall River, Mass., December 10, 1871, to Har riet E. Hathaway, of Fall River, Mass. 2d. — Woodbeidge C. French, born February 14, 1843 ; died in September, 1843. 3d. — Myron W. French, born December 18, 1849 ; married in Berkley, Mass., July 21, 1874, to Lizzie D. Coombs, of Berkley, Mass. IV. — Antoinette French, born May 23, 1814. V. — Sarah Feench, born AprU 17, 1816. VI. — Prelate French, born December 9, 1818 ; died in childhood. VII. — Electa French, born January 26, 18 — ; died in childhood. VIII. — William Feench, born in April, 1821 ; died in childhood. CORY AND HICKS. 38. Durfee, Anna (Benjamin 2d, Thomas Ist). Daugh ter of Benjamin and Prudence (Earl) Durfee ; born in Tiverton, R. I., January 17, 1703 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., May 5, 1725, to Thomas Coey, Jr., of Tiverton, R. I., son of Thomas and Susanna (Tabor) Cory ; born in Tiver ton, R. I. (probably), January 29, 1700 ; died June 29, 1727. Their only child, Thomas Coey, was born November 2, 1725; married in .Dartmouth, Mass., May 11, 1749, to Abigail Lawton, daughter of Job Lawton. Their children were : I. — Benjamin Coey, born in Dartmouth, Mass., Novem ber 26,1750 ; married Annie Sisson ; born in Dartmouth, Mass., June 10, 1761. Their children were : 1st. — Prudence Coey, born September 19, 1780. 2d.— Nancy Cory, born April 29, 1782. 3d. — Billings Frederick Cory, born January 8, 1785. 4th. — Lawton Hicks Coey, born January 13, 1787. 5th. — Augustus Cory, born March 10, 1789. 6th. — Robert Coey, born March 7, 1791. 7th.— Abigail Cory, born March 27, 1793. 8th.— Eliza Cory, born July 17, 1795. 9th.— Sarah Cory, born October 17, 1797. 10th. — Benjamin Cory, born April 2, 1801; died Sep tember 13, 1803. 11th.— Benjamin Coey, born July 23, 1803. II. — Sarah Cory, born May 19, 1752. III. — Prudence Coey, born April 15, 1754. IV. — Maey Coey, born in Dartmouth, Mass., March 27, 1756 ; married in Dartmouth, Mass., May 12, 1778, to Robeet Eael, born in Dartmouth, Mass., September 4, 1757. Their children were : 1st. — Mary Earl, born August 16, 1778. 2d. — Abigail Eael, born February 6, 1780. 3d. — Maetha Eael, born July 18, 1782. IBS 186 CORY AND HIOKS. 4th. — RuHANNA Eael, born March 20, 1784. 5th.— Sarah Eael, born March 16, 1786 ; died May 11, 1786. 6th.— William Eael, born March 24, 1787. 7th.— Sarah Eael, born February 22, 1789. 8th. — Fanny Eael, born December 23, 1791. V. — William Coey, born January 1, 1758. VI. — Thomas Coey, born December 22, 1766. Mrs. Thomas Cory, Jr., married a second time at Dart mouth, Mass., January 14, 1729, to William Hicks, son of Joseph Hicks ; born October 7, 1705. Their children were : 1st. — Constant Hicks, born May 25, 1730. 2d.— Saeah Hicks, born March 23, 1732. 3d. — Joseph Hicks, born January 21, 1734. 4th. — RuHANNAH Hicks, born February 18, 1736. 6th. — Anna Hicks, born July 18, 1738. 6th. — Duefee Hicks, born August 14, 1740. The following item was copied from the will of Thomas Cory, lather of Thomas Cory, Jr., recorded March 21, 1738. "Item. — To grandson Thomas Cory, son of Thomas, of Dartmouth, {deceased), 200 acres and housi7ig, being ho7nestead farm where my son Thomas livedin Dartmouth, also 40 aci^es joiiiing my b7'other-in-law, Philip Tabor, all to be his at age." Benjamin Durfee provided in his will that " 220 ac7'e» of land " and other articles, should be " given to the heirs of Joseph Hicks, {deceased), one of his grandsons." The records of Dartmouth, Mass., have the following marriage in 1770: " Durfey Hicks married Lucy Potter, daughter of Jonathan and Rebecca (Southward) Potter." The records of the Baptist Church at Tiverton, R. I., show that one " Durfee Hix was baptized and became a member of that church October 29, 1780." The name is spelled in some records " Hix," in others " Hicks." The writer presumes the Durfee Hicks referred to above is the Durfee Hicks or Hix, bom August 14, 1740. DURFEE. 39. Durfee, Hope (Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Benjamin and Prudence (Earle) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I. ; bom in Tiverton, R. I., January 7, 1705 ; died in Freetown, Mass., April 5, 1734; married in Free town, Mass., March 28, 1730, to Jonathan Read, of Free town, Mass., son of John and Mary ( ) Read ; born in Freetown, Mass., January 23, 1705. It is presumed that they had no children. Jonathan was a brother of Oliver Read, whose wife, Martha Dur fee, was an own cousin to Hope, wife of Jonathan. 41. Durfee, Benjamin (Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Benjamin and Prudence (Earle) Durfee, of Tiver ton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I., January 5, 1709 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., March 23, 1793 ; married (1st) in Tiv erton, R. I., February 23, 1734, to Amey Chase, of Tiver ton, R. L, daughter of Benjamin and Amey (Borden) Chase ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., July 21, 1702. Their children were : 117. — 1. James. 117^.-2. Thomas. 118.-3. Ann. 119.— 4. Abner. 120. — 5. Benjamin. Mr. Durfee married a second time to Maey Angell, of South Scituate, R. I., daughter of Jeremiah and Mary (Matthewson) Angell. The farm on which Mr. Durfee lived was in North Tiverton, the second farm below Globe Village, and was owned in 1872 by a Mr. Dodge, of New York. (See Angell Genealogy, by Avery F. Angell, who also states that the monuments have been removed from the family burying ground and the land plowed.) 43. Durfee, Susanna (Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Benjamin and Prudence (Earle) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I., January 28,1713 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., to Matthew Weight. 188 DURFEE. 45. Durfee, Thomas (Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Benjamin and Prudence (Earle) Durfee, of Tiver ton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I., November 5, 1721 ; died in Freetown, Mass., July 19, 1796 ; married in Tiv erton, R. I., August 9, 1747, to Patience Boeden, of Tiv erton, R, I., daughter of Joseph and Abigail (Russell) Borden ; born at Tiverton, R. I., in August, 1731 ; died at Freetown, Mass., in July, 1802. Their children were : 120^.- 1st. Hope, born September 29, 1748. 121.— 2d. Joseph, bom AprU 27, 1750. 122.— 3d. Nathan, bom AprU 5, 1752 ; died when 3 years old. 123. — 4th. Benjamin, born in May, 1754. 124.— 5th. Prudence, born September 26, 1756. 125.— 6th. Abigail, bom August, 1759 ; died in 1833 ; unmarried. 126.— 7th. Charles, bom November 20, 1761. 127. — 8th. Susannah, born in November, 1764. 128.— 9th. Nathan (2d), born March 23, 1766. 129.— 10th. James, born March 26, 1768. 130. — 11th. Thomas, born January 22, 1771 ; died January 2, 1849 ; no issue. 131.— 12th. Samuel, bom August 25, 1773. Mr. Durfee " inherited a large landed estate from his father ;" " and his wife received a portion of the wat«r power of Fall River, Mass., upon the division of her father's estate." " He lived upon the spot where the present county house now stands in Fall River." " His farm extended from Taunton river on the west to the North Watuppa pond on the east, and on the south nearly to the land upon which the Armory building now stands." " He was deservedly conspicuous, active, and influential in his social, political, and public life. He was long a member of the General Court of Massachusetts, in both the House and the Senate, and was for six years a mem ber of the Governor's council, and as such was one of the honorable pall bearers at the funeral of Govemor John Hancock, in 1793." " He had a serious infirmity in one of his limbs, which DURFEB. 189 prevented him from military service in the War of the Revolution, but was commissioned as captain of one of the militia companies of Freetown, in 1776." " He mortgaged his entire farm to raise funds to sup port the General Congress, and when he was paid by the Government, it was in Continental currency, which had become so depreciated it was of little value in comparison to the amount loaned. " Remaining as honorable at the last as he had been patriotic at the first, he refused to pay to his mortgagee the currency he had received from the Government. He said : ' I received good and substantial money on this loan, and the farm itself shall go to restore it.' The farm was therefore turned over to his creditor, and thus Thomas Durfee became comparatively poor." (The above is an extract from an article prepared by S. Angler Chase and published in the Fall River Eveni7ig News, of March 24, 1897.) WILL OF THOMAS DURFEE. The following is a brief taken from book No. 34, and page 173, Probate Records at Taunton, Mass. He states first that he is 74 years, 6 months, and 26 days of age, July 1, 1796. "Item. — Gives to Children, Hope Chaloner, Prudence Gardner, Abigail Durfee, Benjamin Durfee, Charles Durfte, James Durfee, Thomas Durfee, Samuel Durfee, and two grand-children, Abigail Durfee and Lucretia Durfee, children of son Nathan Du7fee $1.00 each. "Item. — All property to wife Patie7ice and she is to be Execut7'ix'' WILL OF patience (boRDEN) DURFEE (WIDOW OF THOMAS). Will dated April 23, 1801 ; entered upon Probate Rec ords, in book 39, page 243, at Taunton, Mass., October 5, 1802. "Item 1st. — To eldest son Joseph Durfee, History of England, stone sledge, and claims against the Gov't in hands of Pardo7i Gray. 190 DURFEE. "T'o son Benjamin Durfee Clothing and three Am. Gazettiers. " To daughter Hope Chaloner ^ lot of la7id in Tiverton to co7npensate her for schooling two grand-children of her son Nathan Durfee {deceased). "To da^tghter Abigail Durfee $100. c& U. S. note for $119.40 etc " To three daughters Hope Chaloner, Prudence Gardner and Abigail Du7fee wearing apparel, " To son Charles Du7fee cross cut saw and law book. "To two grand-daughters Abigail Durfee, and Lucretia Durfee daughters of son Nathan Durfee {deceased) bed ding, spoons, silver shoe buckles, 6. silver tea spoons to Lucretia. " To S071 James Durfee securities against him. " To grandson Thomas Durfee son of her son James Durfee 1 pair silver knee buckles. " To son Thomas Dxirfee bedding c& trunk 7na7'ked T. D. "To son Sa7nuel Durfee l.pr. gold sleeve buttons. "To grand-son Thomas Chaloner 1 pair silver shoe buckles. " To grand-daughter Nancy Durfee daughter of her son Charles Durfee 1 small bed. " To two sons Joseph Durfee, and Sarmiel Durfee, inter est in wharf at Newport R. I. "To son Thomas Durfee lot of land,, he to give sister Abigail lease of house and lot as long as she remains single, or unmarried ; balance of estate to be divided be tween two youngest sons Thomas and Samuel. "Recommends Robe7't Erwin an irish7na7i who has lived with her maiiy years, to the gentle care and attention of all her children, and directs sons Thomas and Samuel to make provision for him. "Appoints her daughter Abigail Executrix and desires that son Joseph assist her." 46. Durfee, Richard (Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Benjamin and Prudence (Earle) Durfee ; born in Tiverton, R. I., November 9, 1723 ; married in Plymouth, Mass. (record at Assonet, Mass.), August 30, 1749 (other record in July, 1750), to Rebecca Cole, of Plymouth, DURPEE. 191 Mass., daughter of Ephraim and Sarah ( ) Cole ; born in Plymouth, Mass., in 1727. (Ephraim Cole (above) was the son of Ephraim and Rebecca (Gray) Cole, and a brother to Mary Cole, the wife of Peleg Durfee, 13.) Their children were : 132. — 1st. Ephraim, died in infancy. 133. — 2d. Sarah, died in infancy. 134.— 3d. Richard, bom September 8, 1758. 135. — 4th. Rebecca, born August 25, 1765. In " Davis Land Marks of Plymouth," the following acct. of land, or house and lot, owned by Mrs. Durfee, may be found : " Mrs. Durfee owned the house built by her father, on the corner of Leyden st., Plymouth, Mass. After her father's death in the year 1752, she sold it to John ChurchiU." 47. Durfee, Thomas (Thomas 3d, Robert 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Thomas and Mary (Cory) Durfee, of Free town, Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., March 24, 1717 ; married. Their chUdren were : 136. Mary. 48. Durfee, Robert (Thomas 3d, Robert 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Thomas and Mary (Cory) Durfee, of Free town, Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., October 14, 1719 ; died in Newport, R. I., September 23, 1750 ; married in Newport, R. I., May 1, 1746, to Amey Bueeoughs, of Newport, R. I., daughter of Ezekiel Burroughs ; born in Newport, R. I., August 26, 1725. Their only child (137) Abigail, was born at Newport, R. I., in 1750. Mrs. Durfee married a second time, August 29, 1762, to Chaeles Easteebeooks. Their only child Maey, born August 13, 1766, died March 10, 1831 ; married March 1, 1789, to Wheelee Maetin, a brother of Gov. Simeon Maetin, who married Abigail Durfee. Mrs. (Durfee) Easterbrooks had a sister (Desire Bur roughs), " who became the wife of Esick Hopkins, the 1st Admiral of the United States Navy." Capt. Robert Durfee was a mariner. He was master of a vessel ; was captain of one of the vessels employed 192 DURFEE. by the British government to transport soldiers to Louis- burg. Was allowed £20 for cabin expenses, July, 1746 (see vol. 5, R. I. Colonial Record, page 180). 49. Durfee, Elisha (Thomas 3d, Robert 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Thomas and Mary (Cory) Durfee, of Free town, Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., October 24, 1721 ; married. Their children were : 138.— 1st. Robert. 139.— 2d. Lydia. 140.— 3d. Sarah. 50. Durfee, Mary (Thomas 3d, Robert 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Thomas and Mary (Cory) Durfee, of Freetown, Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., May 17, 1724; married in Freetown, Mass., February 27, 1745, to Gideon Hathaway, of Freetown, Mass., son of Joseph and Alice (Strange) Hathaway ; born in Freetown, Mass. Their children were : 1st. — Saeah Hathaway, born November 16, 1745; died March 16, 1750. 2d. — Teyfancy Hathaway, born March 20, 1747 ; died March 20, 1754. 3d. — Rhoby Hathaway. The records of Freetown, dated March 20, 1749, show that Gideon Hathaway was paid his bill for keeping Han nah Durfee 8 weeks, at 25s. per week, XIO 0 0 (probably Hannah was his wife's cousin, and daughter of John and Susanna (Eddy) Durfee). 51. Durfee, Sarah (Thomas 3d, Robert 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Thomas and Mary (Cory) Durfee, of Freetown, Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., September 25, 1726 ; died April 21, 1771 ; married in Freetown, Mass. (as 2d wife), November 13, 1747, to Heney Chase, of Assonet, Mass., son of Abraham and Elizabeth ( ) Chase. Their children were : 1st. — Heney Chase, born August 7, 1748. 2d. — Durfee Chase, born July 1, 1750. DURFEE. 193 52. Durfee, Anna (Thomas 3d, Robert 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Thomas and Mary (Cory) Durfee, of Freetown, Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., September 11, 1728; married in Freetown, Mass., April 1, 1771, to Nehemiah LiscoMBE, of TauntoH, Mass.; died in (probably) Taunton, Mass. (about) 1780. It has been suggested that their children (probably) were : 1st. — ^Richaed Liscombe, who married at Taunton, Mass., in 1791. 2d. — Maey Liscombe, who married at Taunton, Mass., in 1792. 3d. — Abigail Liscombe, who married at Taunton, Mass., in 1793. The Vital Records of Taunton, Mass., were lost by a fire, and there is very little of the record that has been regained. The record of births in the colonial period and later were destroyed entirely. Letters of administration were issued to Annie Lis combe on account of the estate of her deceased husband, May 31, 1780, at Taunton, Mass. She filed an inventory on June 6, 1780, the total of which was £1,022 5s. 54. Durfee, Rebecca (Thomas 3d, Robert 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Thomas and Mary (Cory) Durfee, of Freetown, Mass.; bom in Freetown, Mass., March 31, 1734 ; married in Freetown, Mass., December 4, 1755, to Guilford Hathaway, of Freetown, Mass., son of Guil ford and Lydia (Simmons) Hathaway (?) ; born in Free town, Mass., November 25, 1734. 56. Durfee, Cory (Thomas 3d, Robert 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Thomas and Mary (Cory) Durfee, of Free town, Bristol county, Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., May 6, 1738 ; died in Freetown, Mass., January 19, 1786 ; married in Southold, Long Island, N. Y., October 24, 1771, to Deboeah Conklin, of Southold, Long Island, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah ( ) Conklin. Their children were : 141. — Ist. Thomas, born on Long Island, August 17, 1772. 194 DURFEE. 142.— 2d. Sarah, born June 13, 1774. 143.— 3d. Mary, born July 14, 1776. 144.— 4th. Deborah, bom AprU 15, 1778 ; died May 23, 1778. 145.— 5th. Deborah, born March 15, 1779 ; died No vember 28, 1807. 146.— 6th. Benjamin, born June 1, 1781. 147.— 7th. Hope, born February 25, 1783 ; died No vember 15, 1807. 148.- 8th. Cory, born March 1, 1786. Mrs. Durfee married a second time in Freetown, Mass., March 18, 1787, to David Cleaveland, of Freetown, Mass., son of Benjamin and Jerusha (Round) Cleaveland ; born in Freetown, Mass., December 11, 1764. Their children were : 1st. Henry Cleaveland. 2d. David Cleaveland. 3d. Lydia Cleaveland. There is a record at Taunton, Mass., in Book 62, on page 300, of the Probate Court, of the account rendered by Thomas Durfee, " Administrator of the estate of De borah Durfee, of Troy (now Fall River), and eight heirs," viz., " Deborah Cleaveland, Thomas Durfee (admr.), Sally Boomer, Mary Chase, Cory Durfee, Henry Cleaveland (de ceased), David Cleaveland (deceased), Lydia Cleaveland, now Hunt." David Cleaveland was Ensign of the 2d company of militia of Freetown, Mass.; date of appoint ment June 8, 1789. Cory Durfee, Sr., was a soldier in the Revolution ; en listed as a private August 3, 1780, in Capt. Henry Bright- man's (Freetown) Co. of Col. Hathaway's regiment ; dis charged August 7, 1780 ; service 4 days ; company marched to Rhode Island on alarm." 58. Durfee, Eliakim (John 3d, Robert 2d, Thomas Ist). Son of John and Susannah (Eddy) Durfee, of Freetown, Mass.; bom in Freetown, Mass., November 17, 1716 ; married in Providence, R. I., January 9, 1742, to Jerusha Jenokbs, of Providence, R. I., daughter of Jonathan and Mary (Slack) Jenckes. Their children were : 149. — 1st. John Jenkes. DURFEE. 195 150.— 2d. Comfort, born July 25, 1745. Mr. Durfee was admitted a freeman at Scituate, R. I., in May, 1746. 59. Durfee, Barsheba (John 3d, Robert 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of John and Susannah (Eddy) Durfee, of Freetown, Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., August 27, 1718 ; married in Dartmouth, Bristol Co., Mass., Decem ber 29, 1736, to David Easty, of Dartmouth, Mass. 61. Durfee, Phoebe (John 3d, Robert 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of John and Susannah (Eddy) Durfee, of Free town, Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., September 13, 1722 ; married in Dartmouth, Mass., November 22, 1744, to Stoaks Potter, of Dartmouth, Mass., son of Ichabod and Eleanor ( ) Potter ; born in Dartmouth, Mass., December 16, 1720 ; died in 1808. Their children were : I. — Geoege Potter. II. — Zebadee Potter. III. — Susanna Potter. IV. — Rebecca Potter. V. — Phebe Pottee. VI. — Hannah Pottee. VII. — Bathsheba Pottee. VIII. — Ichabod Pottee. The will of Mr. Potter is recorded at Taunton, Mass., in the office of the probate court. Date of will May 31, 1798, recorded May 3, 1808, mentions his children as follows : "Item. — To two sons George and Zebadee Potter each $1.00. "Item. — To daughters Susannah Tripp, Rebecca Hart, Phebe Dwelly, Hannah Hart, and Bathsheba Tripp, moveables. "Item. — To son Ichabod Potter sundries." 62. Durfee, John (John 3d, Robert 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of John and Susannah (Eddy) Durfee, of Freetown, Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., November 16, 1724 ; died in Canterbury, Conn., January 11, 1772 ; married in 196 DURFEE. Norwich, Conn., AprU 16, 1753, to Elizabeth Reed, of Norwich, Conn., daughter of Joseph Reed. Their children were : 151.— 1st. Elizabeth, born February 4, 1754. 152.— 2d. Keziah, bom June 25, 1756. 153.— 3d. Ephraim, born September 28, 1760. 164.— 4th. John, bom June 16, 1762. Mr. Durfee was probably at one time a resident of Lyme, Conn. His son, Ephraim, enlisted April 23, 1777, in the Revolutionary army, for a period of eight months, in Capt. Nathaniel Webb's company, of the Fourth Con necticut Regiment, and died probably at Valley Forge, Pa., December 27, 1777. 64. Durfee, Peleg (John 3d, Robert 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of John and Susannah (Eddy) Durfee, of Freetown, Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., October 7, 1728 ; mar ried in Freetown, Mass., March 21, 1751, to Hannah Chase, daughter of Walter 3d, Benjamin 2d, William 1st. Their children were : 155.— 1st. Walter, bom August 6, 1752. 156. — 2d. Sarah, born December 1, 1754. 1 57.— 3d. Ruth, born February 14, 1757. 158. — 4th. Amey, born September 18, 1769. Mr. Durfee was a nailer by trade ; an occupation which has for many years given way for machinery, and the use of machinery in making nails has made it unnecessary and unprofitable to produce nails by hand. 67. Durfee, Benjamin (John 3d, Robert 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of John and Susannah (Eddy) Durfee, of Free town, Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., January 22, 1734; married in Canterbury, Conn., September 27, 1756, to Elizabeth Downing, who died in Canterbury, Conn., Au gust 8, 1768. Their children were (per recorda of Canterbury, Conn.) : 159. — 1st. Lydia, born January 27, 1757. 160.— 2d. Elizabeth, born July 26, 1759. 161.— 3d. Trypena, born February 17, 1760. 162.— 4th. Asa, born December 27, 1761. 163.— 5th. Elijah, born May 26, 1763. DURFEE. 197 164.— 6th. Benjamin, born May 22, 1765. Mr. Durfee married a second time to Anna . Their children were : 165. — 1st. Nathan, born November 21, 1769. 166.— 2d. Elisha, born September 20, 1771. 167.— 3d. Anna, born September 15, 1773. 168.— 4th. Rufus, born September 21, 1776. 169.— 5th. Alithea, born February 18, 1780. The following military record is believed to belong to Benjamin Durfey : He enlisted May 9, 1775, in Capt. Obadiah Johnson's 4th Co. of General Putnam's 3d Conn. Continental Regt. This regiment was recruited in Windham Co., Conn. They were at the seige of Boston ; a detachment of the regiment was engaged at Bunker Hill. He was discharged December 16, 1775. He enlisted afterwards in Capt. Daniel Clerk's Co. of militia in Col. Latimer's Conn. Regt.; detached in August, 1777, for service in the Northern Department on pay-roll dated Voluntown, June 18, 1778. Discharged October 7, 1778 ; served 52 days ; wages per day Is. 4d.; sum total, £3 9s. 4d. He enlisted July 6, 1780, as a private in Lt. Col. Isaac Sherman's Co. of the 8th Conn. Regt. to serve to December 31, 1780 ; pay per month $6.60 ; employed as wagoner most of his time ; discharged December 3, 1780. His son Asa was one of the crew of the "Confederacy," captured off the Capes of Virginia, by a British " 74," in March or AprU, 1781, and taken to Charleston, S. C. His son Elijah was a private in the 3d Conn. Regt.; enhsted May 13, 1782 ; discharged December 9, 1782. His son Benjamin was in the army also, a record of which will be found in connection with his family record. 68. Durfee, Robert (John 3d, Robert 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of John and Susannah (Eddy) Duefee, of Freetown, Mass.; born in Dartmouth, Mass., May 30, 1738; mar ried in Freetown, Mass., September 30, 17 — , probably to Eleanoe Geipfith, of Rochester, Mass. 70. Durfee, Mary (Peleg 3d, Robert 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Peleg and Maey (Cole) Duefee, of Freetown 198 DURFEE. and Plymouth, Mass.; born in Plymouth, Mass., in 1722 ; died in Plymouth, Mass.; married in Plymouth, Mass., May 7, 1745, to Ezra Allen, of Plymouth, Mass., who died in Plymouth, Mass., before 1785. In a book compiled by Mr. Davis, the title of which is " Davis' Land Marks of Plymouth, Mass," there is a record of the sale at Plymouth of a lot of land by Mr. Sparrows to Ezra Allen, which was formerly owned by his mother- in-law, Mrs. Mfiry Durfee ; on this land Mr. Allen built a house which, after his death, was sold by his heirs to Barnabas Hedge, in 1785. 73. Durfee, Richard (Peleg 3d, Robert 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Peleg and Maey (Cole) Duefee, of Free town and Plymouth, Mass.; born in Plymouth, Mass., in 1728 ; died in 1816 ; married in Plymouth, Mass., Sep tember 11, 1768, to Saeah Bayley, of Plymouth, Mass. Their children were : 170.— 1st. Sarah, born March 23, 1763. 171.— 2d. Thomas, born September 4, 1764. 172.— 3d. Hannah, born April 6, 1767. 173.— 4th. Mary, born September 15, 1769. Mr. Durfee married a second time, November 23, 1770, to Elizabeth West, of Plymouth, Mass.; born in 1730 ; died in 1807. They had one child : 174.— 1st. Richard, born October 8, 1771. WILL OF (73) RICHARD DUEFEE's WIFE. The following is a copy of her will per file No. 6911, Probate Court Records, Plymouth, Mass. " Elizabeth Durfey, wife of Richard Durfey, of Ply mouth, in the County of Plymouth, seafaring man, dated 7th June, 1802. Will consented to by Richard Durfey, after death of wife, January 24, 1808." "Item. — Gives to son Richa7'd Du7fey Jr. i7iterest, right and title in dwelling house where she lives in Plymouth, also same in land adjoining, being what fell to her in the Dower of Estate of her late mother Rebecca Rich, fo7^m- erly Rebecca Morton late of Plymouth {deceased) to DURFEE. 199 Richard forever, not to have posession until decease of her husba7id Richard. "Her son is to pay to each of her daughters viz " To Betsey Wright wife of Levi Wright " Til Lubuen Billingto7i wife of James Billington and "To Bethiah Bagnall, wife of Capt. Richard Bagnall five Spanish dollars each, and tlieir heirs, no more is given to them because of former gifts. " Will filed January 2nd 1808." 75. Durfee Sarah (Gideon 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Gideon and Wait (Tripp) Durfee, of Portsmouth, R. 1.; born in Portsmouth, R. I., September 22, 1728 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., AprU 9, 1747, to John Allen, Jr., of Prudence Island, R. I., son of John and Rebecca ( ) Allen ; born in Prudence Island, R. I., October 26, 1725. Their chUdren were : I. — -Wait Allen, born June 17, 1748 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., March 23, 1767, to Ebenezee Matte- son. II. — Rebecca Allen, born August 14, 1750. III. — Gideon Allen, born November 21, 1752 ; died June 12, 1754. IV. — Duefee Allen, bom May 31, 1755. V. — Saeah Allen, born April 7, 1758. VI. — Susannah Allen, born June 21, 1760. VII. — John Allen, born October 14, 1762. VIIL— Job Allen, born July 20, 1765. IX. — Silvia Allen, born June 12, 1768. X. — Patience Allen, born April 9, 1770. 77. Durfee, Job (Gideon 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Gideon and Wait (Tripp) Durfee, of Portsmouth, R. I.; born in Portsmouth, R. I., August 19, 1733 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., September 10, 1810 ; married Octo ber 25, 1753, to Sarah Easton, of South Kingston, R. I.; died in Portsmouth, R. I. Their children were : 175.— 1st. Gideon, born March 27, 1755. 200 DURFEE. 176.— 2d. Wait, born March 3, 1767. 177.— 3d. Stephen, born May 12, 1759. 178.— 4th. Mary, born September 30, 1761. 179. — 5th. James, born January 29, 1764. 180.— 6th. Sarah, born AprU 26, 1766. 181.— 7th. Thomas, born March 16,1768; unmarried; died November 5, 1845, at Portsmouth, R. I. 182.— 8th. Mercy, born May 2d, 1770. 183.— 9th. Elizabeth, born September 18, 1772. 184.— 10th. Susannah (?) born , 1776. Mr. Durfee passed his life in the town of Portsmouth, R. I., and was a farmer. Admitted a freeman of the town in May, 1757. He represented the town in the General Assembly as a deputy in 1775 and in 1778. His grandfather (Abiel Tripp) in his will dated Ports mouth, R. I., January 10, 1752, gave to his " grandson, Job Durfee, son of his eldest daughter. Wait, £5." The census of the Colony of Rhode Island, taken in 1774, represents the family of Job Durfee to be composed of 2 males, over 16 years old ; 3 males, under 16 years ; 4 females, over 16 years ; 4 females, under 16 years old. WILL. Mr. Durfee's will was recorded in the office of the town clerk of Portsmouth, R. I., October 8, 1810, and was dated AprU 11, 1803. The following is a brief of items mentioned : "Item. — To son Gideon Durfee land specified. "Item. — To son Thomas Durfee and to his mother Sarah Durfee house and land except that given to Gideon. "Item. — To son James Dtorfee lower lot in Spi7iks so called adjoining the land of George Brownell on the west, the same being in the town of Portsmouth, R. I. "Item. — Daughter Sarah to live with her brother Thomas and her mother. " Item. — To daughters Sarah Durfee, Mercy Borden, Elizabeth Earl, and Hannah Goble, $20. each. "Item. — To grand-daughter Sarah Borden, wife of Joseph Borden. $20. and to grand-childi'e7i John, Mercy and Stephen Dyre $20. equally, a7id grand-children Sarah, DURFEE. 201 Elizabeth and Mary Munroe $20. equally, to be paid by son Gideon. " To wife indoor movables, and horse and carriage. " Item. — Son Thomas Diirfee to be executor." 80. Durfee, Wait (Gideon 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Gideon and (2d wife) Eleanor (Tripp), Durfee, of Portsmouth, R. I.; born in Portsmouth, R. I., April 16, 1741 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., March 20, 1760, to Geoege Beownell, Jr., of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Joseph and Ruth (Cornell) Brownell ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., September 27, 1736 ; died in Ports mouth, R. I. They had one child (born in Portsmouth, R. I.): 1st. — Maetha Beownell, born October 5, 1761 ; mar ried in Tiverton, R. I., June 6, 1781, to Dr. Elijah Cobb, of Dartmouth, Mass., son of Elijah. Their children were (born in Portsmouth, R. I.): 1st. — Wait Durfee Cobb, born April 24, 1782. 2d.- — Katherine Danfoeth Cobb, born August 9, 1783. 3d. — Maetha Beownell Cobb, bom August 6, 1785. 4th. — Rachel Cobb, born August 13, 1794. 5th.— Elijah Cobb, born May 3, 1796. Mrs. Brownell married a second time. May 2, 1765, to Benjamin Beownell, of Dartmouth, Mass. The records of Portsmouth, R. I., show that their children were : 1st. — George Brownell, born December 30, 1765 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., March 6, 1783, to Sarah Burrington, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Robert and Sarah (Brown) Burrington ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., March 26, 1759. Their children were : a. — Anne Brownell, born November 2, 1783 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., June 17, 1804, to John Lawton, son of David (of William of Dartmouth, Mass.) and Rhoda (Devol) Lawton. b. — Ruth Brownell, born October 14, 1785. c — George Washington Brownell, born December 6, 1799. 2d. — Gideon Brownell, bom May 22, 1770. 3d. — Elizabeth Brownell, bom September 10, 1773. 202 DURFEE. 81. Durfee, Elizabeth (Gideon 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Gideon and (2d wife) Eleanor (Tripp) Durfee, of Portsmouth, R. I.; born in Portsmouth, R. I., March 7, 1743 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., AprU 19, 1764, to James Albro, son of Samuel and Ruth (Lawton) Albro ; born in Portsmouth, R. I. Their children were : I. — Ruth Albro, born February 28, 1765. II. — Samuel Albro, bom January 4, 1767. III. — Gideon Albeo, born January 20, 1769 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., August 3, 1800, to Saeah Dickson, of North Kingston, R. I., daughter of Robert Dickson. Their children were : 1st. — Rhoda Albeo, born December 24, 1800. 2d.— Hannah Albeo, born May 6, 1802. 3d. — Gideon Albeo, born September 23, 1803. 4th. — Elizabeth Albeo, born September 11, 1805. 5th. — Edwaed Albeo, born October 27, 1808. 6th. — Gardiner Durfee Albro, bom October 6, 1810. 7th. — Charles Albro, born October 21, 1812. 8th. — Saeah Ann Albeo, born February 25, 1816. 9th. — James Durfee Albro, born April 9, 1818. IV. — James Albro, born December 30, 1771 ; married in Little Compton, R. I., December 8, 1793, to Rebecca Taboe, of Little Compton, R. I., daughter of David Tabor. Their children were : a. — Sarah Albro, born May 22, 1797. b. — Cheistopher Albro, born January 21, 1800. c. — Almiea Albeo, born July 16, 1802. d. — Oliver Albro, born April 18, 1805. V. — Christopher Durfee Albro, born May 20, 1775. VI. — Elizabeth Albeo, born July 17, 1780. VII. — Elbanoe Durfee Albro, born October 18, 1783. PEARSE. 82. Durfee, Ruth (Gideon 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Gideon and Eleanor (Tripp) Durfee, of Portsmouth, R. I.; born in Portsmouth, R. I., September 20, 1744 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., December 29, 1765, to Jeeemiah Peaese, of Bristol, R. I., son of Jere miah and Submit (Carpenter) Pearse ; born in Bristol, R. I., June 2, 1738. Their children were : I. — Elizabeth Peaese, born in Portsmouth, R. I., June 13, 1766 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., September 10, 1786, to Heney Lawton, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Job. Their children were (per records of Portsmouth, R. I.) : 1st. — Heney Lawton, born January 13, 1787. 2d. — Saeah Lawton, born October 9, 1788. 3d.— Job H. Lawton, born May 27, 1790. 4th. — Ruth Lawton, born March 3, 1792. 5th. — Elizabeth Lawton, born March 13, 1794. 6th. — Maey Ann Lawton, born February 15, 1796. 7th. — Alice Lawton, born March 27, 1798. 8th. — Geoege P. Lawton, born April 28, 1800. 9th. — Lucy P. Lawton, born March 5, 1802. 10th. — Geoege Lawton, born March 4, 1804. II. — Elbanoe Peaese, born in Barrington, R. I., June 5, 1767 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., August 8, 1790, to William Peaese, of Little Compton, R. I., son of James and Deborah (Hunt) Pearse ; born in Little Compton, R. I., June 7, 1766. Their children were : 1st. — Jonathan Peaese, born May 23, 1791. 2d. — Heney Peaese, born April 30, 1793. 3d. — Bathsheba Peaese, born February 11, 1795. 4th. — Haeeiet Peaese, born January 14, l799. 5th. — Benjamin Feanklin Pearse, born July 2, 1801. III. — Susannah Peaese, born in Rehoboth, Mass., Feb- 204 pearse. uary 8, 1771; married in Portsmouth, R. I., November 7, l790, to Samuel Shearman, son of John Shearman. Their children were : 1st. — John Shearman, bom in Portsmouth, R. I., Sep tember 14, 1791 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., June 9, 1864 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., January 31, 1812, to Mary Albro, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Robert and In nocent (Tabor) Albro ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., January 11, 1789 ; died in Portsmouth, R. L, August 11, 1864. Their children were : a. — Catherine Tew Shearman, born February 5, 1813. b. — Stephen D. Shearman, born November 24, 1814. c — Lydia Maeia Shearman, born December 14, 1819. d. — Robert Albro Shearman, born October 10, 1822. e. — Elizabeth Albeo Sheaeman, born September 22, 1825. /. — Mary Hall Shearman, born August 1, 1828. g. — Susan Pearse Shearman, born November 1, 1831. 2d. — Eleanor Duefee Sheaeman, born January 11, 1793. 3d. — Waite Duefee Sheaeman, born April 4, 1794; married in Portsmouth, R. I., November 20, 1820, to David Sheaeman, of Portsmouth, R. I.; son of Samson and Ruth (Fish) Shearman ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., June 2, 1772. Their children were : 1st. — Almiea Sheaeman, born September 5, 1821. 2d. — Obediah D. Sheaeman, born November 28, 1822. 3d. — Chaeles F. Sheaeman, born February 23, 1824 ; died March 12, 1825. 4th. — Susan P. Sheaeman, born June 2d, 1825. 5th. — Maey A. Sheaeman, born August 30, 1826. 6th. — Abbie W. Sheaeman, born October 13, 1827. 7th. — Chaeles G. Sheaeman, born November 28, 1829 ; died May 11, 1832. 8th. — David S. Sheaeman, born April 18, 1833. 4th — Gideon Sheaeman, born October 1, 1795 ; married in Little Compton, R. I., March 21, 1816, to Betsey Beownell, of Little Compton, R. I., daughter of William and Betsey (Grinnell) Brownell ; born in Little Compton, R. I., December 16, 1795. pearse. 205 5th. — Benjamin Claek Shearman, born January 2, 1797 ; married . Their son, David D. Shearman, bom in 1830; married 31, 1851, to Cynthia Dyer, of Central Falls, R. I., daughter of Stephen ; born in 1831. 6th. — Peace Shearman, born May 27, l798. 7th. — George Scott Shearman, born August 14, 1800. 8th. — Jefferson Shearman, born April 23, 1802. 9th. — Abigail Shearman, born August 26, 1803. 10th. — Charles Shearman, born October 5, 1806. 11th. — Lydia Maria Shearman, born February 12, 1808. 12th. — David Earle Shearman, born September 22, 1809. 13th. — Iea Shearman, bom July 6, 1811 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., November 20, 1835, to Maria Mason Pearse, daughter of Timothy and Elizabeth ( ) Pearse ; born September 6, 1812. Their children were (born in Portsmouth, R. I.) : 1st. — Francis Maeion Sheaeman, bom September 16, 1835. 2d. — Ann Elizabeth Shearman, born September 13, 1838. 3d. — Henry Clay Shearman, born October 10, 1844. IV. — Benjamin Pearse, born in Portsmouth, R. I., February 26, 1775 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., November 22, 1841 ; married in Freetown, Mass., to Primacy Payne, of Freetown, Mass., daughter of Ebenezer and Waite ( ) Payne; born in Freetown, Mass., February 8, 1778 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., December 28, 1842. Their children were : 1st.— Benjamin Pearse, born February 11, 1812. 2d. — Oliver Pearse, born August 19, 1814. DURFEE. 85. Durfee, Eleanor (Gideon 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Gideon and (2d wife) Eleanor (Tripp) Durfee, of Portsmouth, R. I. ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., February 18, 1756 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., March 4, 1783 ; married John Boeden, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Joseph and Catherine (Turner) Borden ; born in Ports mouth, R. I., February 16, 1752 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., AprU 30, 1828. Their children were : I. — Waite Boeden, born in Portsmouth, R. I., June 8, 1776 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., November 5, 1794, to Peter Lawton, of Portsmouth, R. I. Their children were : 1st. — Susannah Lawton, born October 5, 1795 ; mar ried in Portsmouth, R. I., May 11, 1814, to Daeius Perry Lawton, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of GUes and Ann ( ) Lawton ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., April 7, 1788. Their child, Ann Lawton, was born in Swansea, Mass., March 6, 1815. 2d. — Eleanor Lawton, born June 12, 1797. 3d. — ^RuTH Lawton, born June 25, 1800 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., October 5, 1826, to Stephen Chase, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of John and Ruth (Pearse) Chase. Their children were ; 1st. — Alice Chase, born May 1, 1829. 2d. — Ellen Waite Chase, born July 13, 1831. 3d. — Peter Lawton Chase, born May 27, 1833 ; mar ried in Portsmouth, R. I., February 13, 1854, to Ann F. Miller, of Coventry, daughter of John Miller. 4th. — Elizabeth Gould Chase, born April 4, 1835. 5th. — Stephen Gould Chase, born June 17, 1841. 6th. — Anna Lawton Chase, born June 26, 1843. 4th. — Obediah Lawton, born July 3, 1802. 5th. — Hannah Lawton, born June l7, 1804. 206 DURFEE. 207 6th. — Anna Lawton, born August 16, 1806. 7th. — Isaac Lawton, born October 22, 1808. 8th. — Obediah Lawton, born January 24, 1811. 9th. — Catheeine Lawton, born October 15, 1813. II.— Elizabeth Boeden, born November 21, 1778. III. — Ruth Boeden, born September 27, 1780. Mr. John Borden married a second time in Ports mouth, R. I., December 8, 1784, to Sarah Shearman, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Job and Martha ( ) Shearman, and they had ten (10) children. 88. Durfee, Joseph (Thomas 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Thomas and (1st wife) Sarah (Briggs) Dur fee, of Portsmouth, R. I. ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., January 29, 1734 ; died in Shelburne, New Brunswick, in 1801 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., December 29, 1757, to Ann Lawton, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Jeremiah Lawton, deceased ; born in Portsmouth, R. I. Their children were ; 184. — 1st. Robert, born September 2, 1758. 185.— 2d. Hannah, born July 13, 1760. 186.— 3d. Mary, born July 15, 1762. 187.— 4th. Ann, born in 1764. 188.— 5th. Ann, born AprU 9, 1766. 189.— 6th. Elizabeth, born March 15, 1768. Mr. Durfee was admitted a freeman of Middletown, R. I., in May, 1758. He was a member of the Fellowship Club, at Newport, R. I., November 4, 1766 ; he was a resident of Newport, R. I., in L774 ; the census taker at that time showed the number in his family to agree with above record of parents and children. During the period of the War of the Revolution, when Newport, R. L, was occupied by the British army, Mr. Durfee resided on School St., in a house containing eight rooms, and had nine persons in his family ; one stable and two horses — as shown by a list of the inhabitants of Newport prepared by direction of the Commanding Officer of the British army, by three citizens of Newport, one of whom is supposed to have been Mr. Durfee. He was Captain of a company of Loyalists at Newport, known 208 DURFEB. as the " Loyal Newport Associators ;" he received his commission as Captain from the British General, Pigot, January 1, 1778. At the close of the War for Indepen dence he settled on some lots at Shelburne, in New Bruns wick — land given him by the English government. Mr. Durfee was a prosperous merchant in Newport for years before the War of the Revolution — the writer has original letters written by him to his half-brother, Capt. Oliver Durfee, who resided in Middletown, also bills of lading of goods consigned to Oliver to be transported to Conn, and exchanged. The war found the two brothers in arms, Oliver with the Colonists and Joseph with the British. 89. Durfee, James (Thomas 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Thomas and Mary (Tripp) Durfee, of Ports mouth and Middletown, R. I.; born in Bristol, R. I., Jan uary 4, 1742 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., March 27, 1817. married in Middletown, R. I., to Ruth Slocum. Their children were : 190. — 1st. Mary, born September 21, 1763 ; died, un married, September 18, 1827. 191.— 2d. Rebecca, born February 16, 1765 ; died, un married, February 5, 1834. 192.— 3d. Benjamin, born September 20, 1766. 193.— 4th. Elizabeth, bom April 21, 1769. 194.— 5th. James, born August 11, 1777. Mary and Rebecca lived single, and were buried in the cemetery at Newport, R. I. 92. Durfee, Oliver (Thomas 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Thomas and Mary (Tripp) Durfee, of Ports mouth, and Middletown, R. I.; born in Portsmouth, R, I., February 27, 1754 ; died in Middletown, R. I., September 11, 1798 ; married in Newport, R., I., October 13, 1782, to Elizabeth (Lowden) Langley, of Newport, R. I., widow of Peter Langley ; daughter of Richard and PrisciUa (Stafford) Lowden ; born November 5, 1765 ; died in New port Co., R. I., October 6, 1835. Their children were : 195.— 1st. Oliver, born August 7, 1783. 196.— 2d. Mary, died March 20, 1809. DURFEE. 209 197. — 3d. James Lowden, born AprU 11, 1788 ; died in Berkley, Mass., May 24, 1869. 198.— 4th. Priscilla, born August 1, 1790; died in Newport, R. I., AprU 22, 1866. 199.— 5th. Thomas, born June 20, 1793. 200.— 6th. Lucina, bom February 17, 1796 James and Priscilla did not marry. Captain Durfee was active in a business way early in life. His half-brother, Joseph Durfee, who was a son of his father by his father's first wife, was a thriving merchant in the city of Newport, and frequently consigned merchandise to Oliver in Middle- town, as shown by the following copies of letters and in voices, which were kindly given the writer in 1897 by Miss Elizabeth Langley (since deceased), of Newport. Viz: " Newport Sept 21st 1774." "Brother Oliver" " This will be given you by Mr. Tew who Brings your wood the wood is not so good as I could wish but the season is so far advanced think it best to take it he says there is 9 Cord if so you Can spare a Cord to Somebody Else Mr Tew owes me four Dollars after Deducting that pay him the Balance if you have money & Charge the Same to my act. if you have not the money Come to me as he wants the money to Carry home, the wood is two Dollars per Cord I am with &c." " Joseph Durfee." To Oliver Durfee. The paper on which above letter was written was folded and sealed, addressed on outside : " To Oliver Durfee in Middletown" "Middletown September 29th A. D. 1774. " Then received of Oliver Durfee Fourteen Dollars and one half of a Dollar in full pay for Nine Cord and one Quarter of wood. Received By me. Also Deducted out for Dollars which said two Owed Joseph Durfee." The other letter is as follows. Viz : " Newport AprU 10th. 1775." " Brother OHver " " I have Shiped by you 1 bbl. 1 keg. Indigo p Invoice here annexed they are boath good I would have you 210 DURFEE. Dispose of them in Connecticut if you can get Cash let them go at a small advance. But take none of their paper money as it will not pass here you may take in part pay 6 or 8 bbls of good pork provided you Can get it at 9 Dollars it sells for that hear but I would have you take Capt Ingrahams advise in the sale of the Indigo as he is well acquainted, but Trust no man for times are Coming Very Difficult. I wish you a good voige & Safe Return." " Joseph Durfee." No. )ice of 1 bbl 1 kegg Indigo lb lb 4 1 bbl 210 : 36 Tare. 1 Kegg 96i 17f vith 306J 53f 53f 252J N.' Indigo at 7/ L 88' 9' 3 ' lb lb 2 Cask Rice No 60- 547. 55 Tare. 64 581: 55 1128 110 c lb 9:0 10 nt @ 15/-6 : 16 : 4 £ 95: 5: 7" The last letter indicates the conditions which soon fol lowed. The two brothers in a few months had to choose sides in the impending struggle of the colonies for inde pendence. Joseph was loyal to the English government, while Oliver soon took an active part with the Colonists, receiving from the Governor of Rhode Island a commis sion as lieutenant in a company of militia at Middletown, of which the following is a brief : Commission " by Hon Nicholas Cooke Esq, Governor, Captain Gen eral and Commander in Chief of and over the EngHsh DURFEE. 21 1 Colonies of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, New England in America " To Oliver Durfee Gent Greeting You Oliver Durfee * * Lieut Middletown Co. Newport Lieut * * Given 23rd July 1776." " Henry Ward Sec." " Nich« Cooke " Later on Oliver was commissioned a Captain. At the close of the war. May 18, 1782, he was appointed collector of rates at Middletown. In the same year he was mar ried to the widow of Peter Langley (Mrs. Elizabeth (Lowden) Langley). The following is a copy of the certificate of marriage : " These are to certify that Mr. Oliver Durphey of Mid dletown and Mrs. Elizabeth Langley of Newport in the State of Rhode Island were joined together in Marriage on the 13th of October 1782." (signed) Gardner Thurston " Pastor of Baptist Church Christian Newport R. I." The children of Mrs. Durfee, by her first husband (Peter Langley), were Nathaniel Langley, born November 24, 1776 ; died February 21, 1778. born December 17, 1778 ; died July 16, 1854. 'born December 17, 1778 ; died August 13, 1853. Capt. Oliver Durfee was chosen assistant to the Gover nor in 1786 and 1788 ; was commissioned as justice of inferior court May 12, 1788, by Gov. John Collins ; also by Gov. Arthur Fenner, September 13, 1790. He was a deputy from 1781 to 1782 ; also town clerk from 1780 to 1783. Dying in 1798 ; his life was short, but f uU of active usefulness. The foUowing items were found in old copies of the Newport Mercury: May 8, 1794, Oliver Durfee chosen by the General Assembly to be a justice of the peace. Peter Langley, twins; John Langley, 21 2 DURFEE. August 13, 1794, notice is given to creditors of Mrs. Rebecca Worden, of Middletown, to present their claims to the commissioners at the Inn kept by Oliver Durfee. ,c. -IN /S6f*ItrT ^a& ^S d 56 y=» -tr~»^ •^ PMflRYt. DUflFEE^^y j^^ Memory OF sfe sSa ^^ * HON-RfOHASBURfEt ^&1 ^^WON THOMAS DURreEfl €s m '-' m p rr '"'¦ ' '^fe Tf^i Aijed 69 years > Ii TtI i^ hI mr ,M y P m ^ ^ ^.».M SLl ^ ut ifESiiHI ¦hum! ¦ H J ^B-ikC FAMILY BURYING GROUND BACK OH DURFEE HOMESTEAD ON TIVERTON HEIGHTS, R. 1 DUEFEE. 295 Their children were : 1st. — Nathaniel Langley, born November 24, 1776 ; died February 21, 1778. 2d. — Peter Langley, born December 17, 1778 ; ] died July 16, 1854. I rp • 3d.— John Langley, born December 17, 1778; p^^^S- died August 13, 1853. J 4th. — Elizabeth Langley, born November 17, 1780; died April 20, 1871 ; married James Lowden Langley, March 17, 1814; Mrs. Elizabeth (Lowden) Langley, mar ried a second time, October 13, 1782, to Capt. Oliver Durfee (92), who was a cousin of John Durfee (95), the father of Thomas Durfee (201), who married Mary Low den. 4th. — Priscilla Lowden, born ; died March 20, 1823 ; married James Sanford. They had no children. 5th. — Richard Lowden, born October 30, 1757 ; died June 23, 1791. 6th. — James Lowden, born September 7, 1759 ; died in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The foUowing is a part of the report of the address of the Hon. John S. Brayton, delivered before the Rhode Island Historical Society, March 22, 1898, published in the Fall River " Evening News," mentioning the eminent men of the towns of Rhode Island, as follows : "Of * * the eminent and useful men whom the towns of which he had been speaking had produced he named. Gov. Wanton, Col. John Cooke, CoL Wm. Hum phrey, Gen. Benj. Howard, Capt. Robert Gray, Hon. James Fowler Simmons, Hon. Thomas Durfee (201), grandfather of the present Hon. Thomas Durfee, his son Job Durfee, and the present Hon. Thomas Durfee, to the last-named of whom he paid a very high and hearty tribute. * * * " He referred to the high and valuable services which these men had performed, making their towns proud of their records." • * * Obituary Notice. Newport " Mercury," January, 1829. Died at Tiverton, January 17, 1829, Hon. Thomas Dub- 296 DtTEPEE. FEE, aged 69 ; Chief Justice of the Court of Common Ple^s for this county. In all the relations of life, as a man, citizen, and magis trate, Judge DunFEE was distinguished for unimpeached integrity of conduct. During the course of his useful life he had been successively called to fill many responsible public offices, the duties of which he performed to the satisfaction of his fellow citizens. Few have lived more generally esteemed, and he has descended to the grave regretted by all who knew him. 202. Durfee, Abner (John 4th, Job 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of John and Phebe (Gray) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; bom in Tiverton, R. I., September 18, 1761 ; died in Tiverton, R. I.; married to Nanot Coet, of Tiverton, R. I., daughter of Thomas ; born in Tiverton , R. L, in 1762 ; died in Tiverton R. L, July 30, 1847. Their children were : 450.— 1st. Catherine, born October 3, 1787. 451.— 2d. Abigail, bom September 6, 1789. 452.— 3d. Bridget Ann, born September 6, 1793. 453. — 4th. Sarriet, born September 16, 1796 ; died unmarried June 16, 1822. 454.— 5th. Betsey, born August 3, 1798. Will of Nanot, widow of Abnbk Duefee (202), in brief. Probate Records, Tiverton, R. I., date of will June 15, 1838, Probate, October 4, 1847. "Item. — To daughter Sarah Gray widow of Edward Gray residing in Fall River Mass. 50 cts. "Item. — To daughter Catherine Pike wife of Asa Pike residing in Providence R. I. 50 cts. "Item. — To daughter Abigail Thacher widow of Joseph Thacher residing in Ohio 50 cts. "Item. — To daughter Bridget Durfee furniture and apparel. " Bridget Durfee appointed administratrix." 203. Durfee, Williams (John 4th, Job 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of John and Phebe (Gray) Dur fee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I., in 1763 ; «^ HOMESTEAD OF CHARLES MANCHESTER — RESIDENCE OF HIS WIDOW, MRS. SARAH L. (durfee) MANCHESTER, AND HER DAUGHTER, MISS FANNIE MANCHESTER. MRS. MARY A. (durfee) MANCHESTER OCCUPIES A PART OF THE HOUSE, THIS HOUSE IS ON TIVERTON HEIGHTS. VIEW WEST FROM PIAZZA OF MRS. SARAH (DURFEE) MANCHESTER'S RESIDENCE, TIVERTON HEIGHTS. PORTSMOUTH, R. I., ACROSS THE WATER. DENNIS. 297 died in Tiverton, R. I., in 1845 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., February 16, 1800, to Alice Stapfoed, of Tiverton, R. I., daughter of John and Judith ( -) Stafford ; born in Tiverton, R. I.; died in Tiverton, R. I. Their children were: 455. — 1st. Elizabeth, born November 5, 1800. 456.— 2d. Job, born February 22, 1802. 457.— 3d. Judith, born August 20, 1804. 458. — 4th. Isaac T., born December 5, 1806 ; died June 5, 1830. 459.— 5th. John, born June 11, 1812. The following is a brief of the will of Williams Durfee, recorded in Vol. 12 of the Probate Records of Tiverton, R. I., January 6, 1845, dated May 29, 1840 : " Item. — To wife Alice Du7fee $100.00 and farm c&c, use of pew in the First Baptist Church of Fall River, Mass. wife to support grand-children, George Durfee, Mary Durfee, childre7i of son John Durfee, wife to give to two daughters, Elizabeth Grinnell a7id Judith Man chester one cow each. To Amanda M. Durfee $100.00. To son Job Durfee notes c&c Item. — Pew in Baptist church at Fall River to daughters Elizabeth and Judith after death of wife. N. B. Borden A dmi7iistrator " DENNIS. 204. Durfee, Mary (John 4th, Job 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of John and Phebe (Gray) Dur fee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I.; died in Portsmouth, R. I.; married in Tiverton, R. I., September 24, 1786, to Gideon Dennis, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Robert and Hannah (Coggeshall) Dennis ; born in Ports mouth, R. I., July 8, 1752 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I. Their children were (born in Portsmouth, R. I.): I. — John Dennis, born March 31, 1787 ; died in Ports- 298 DENNIS. mouth, R. I.; married in Portsmouth, R. I.; record of the name of his wife not found. Their children were : 1st. — Eliza Dennis, born in Portsmouth, R. I.; mar ried in Portsmouth, R. I., to Loebnzo Kjinnbt, of Bris tol, R. I. Their children were : 1st. — Alonzo Kenney. 2d. — Paedon Kennet, who married and had two chil dren named Leon Kennet and David Kennet. 3d. — Susan Kennet, who married a Mr. Maetin ; they had one child named Helen Maetin. 2d. — Hy Feanklin Dennis, married. 3d. — William R. Dennis, born in Portsmouth, R. I., in 1822 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., January 20, 1850, to Abbt F. Field, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Capt. Richard and Martha (Lawton) Field ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., May 13, 1820 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., August 26, 1886. Their only child, William C. Dennis, was born in Ports mouth, R. I. Living in 1902, in Portsmouth, R. I. ; mar ried in Portsmouth, R. I., to Susan F. Beownell. Their children were (born in Portsmouth, R. I.) : 1st. Albbetib S. Dennis. 2d. Maetha F. Dennis. II. — Robert Dennis, born February 25, 1789. IIL— Phebe Dennis, born November, 1790 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I.; married a Mr. Cornell. They had a daughter, named Almiea Coenell. IV. — Gideon Dennis, born February 27, 1793 ; mar ried Meeibah Manchestee, daughter of John and Mary ( ) Manchester. Their children were : 1st. — Edwaed Dennis. 2d. — Haeeiet Dennis, born in March, 1816 ; married Hieam Sheeman, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Caleb and Elizabeth ( ) Sherman ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., AprU 22, 1808 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I. Their children were : 1st. — Maey S. Sheeman, born March 27, 1837. 2d. — Hieam Sheeman, born August 26, 1838 ; (de ceased). DENNIS. 299 3d. — Haeeiet E. Sheeman, born January 29, 1840. 4th. — Edwaed Sheeman, born October 2, 1841. 5th. — Thomas Sheeman, born in New Bedford, Mass., June 28, 1843 ; living in 1902, at Bristol, R. I.; married Ann Wagnee Sweet, daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth P. (Swain) Sweet. Their only child, Clinton T. Sheeman, born June 12, 1872, was employed (in 1902) at the First National Bank in Bristol, R. I., where he resided with his family. Married in Bristol, R. I., November 4, 1896, to Annie Sbdgewiok Waldeon, daughter of Charles A. and Caroline (Luther) Waldron ; born in Bristol, R. I., June 6, 1869. Their daughter, Maeion Sheeman, was born September 14, 1897. 6th. — Andeew J. Sheeman, born January 29, 1845 ; (deceased). 7th.— Albeet Sheeman, born November 18, 1846. 8th. — Lillian M. Sheeman, bom December 1, 1848 ; (deceased). 9th. — Geoege A. Sheeman, born February 9, 1850. 10th. — William P. Sheeman, born January 12, 1853 ; (deceased). llth. — Benjamin F. Sheeman, born July 31, 1854. 12th. — John W. Sheeman, bom August 26, 1856. V. — Job Duefee Dennis, born April 3, 1795 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., December 13, 1876 ; married in Newport, R. I., May 2, 1820, to Maet Boeden Moshee, of Adams- ville, R. I., daughter of Amos and Mary (Davol) Mosher; born in Tiverton, R. I., March 10, 1802 ; died in Fall River, Mass., October 16, 1882. Mr. Dennis was a farmer, and a soldier in the War of 1812. Their children were (born in Tiverton, R. I.) : 1st. — Patience Seabuey Dennis, born August 18, 1821 ; was in 1899 living in Fall River, Mass. (feeble minded) ; married and had a son, named Robeet S.; born in May 1848, who married Vesta J. Woodcock, November 28, 1869. Their children were : Eenest Vencbl Rot, born April 23, 1873 ; who married Edith Lauka Taboe, of Fall River, Mass. 300 DENNIS. Feanklin Wilfeed, born September 16, 1875 ; died February 3, 1881. Geoege Wilbue, born in May, 1878. Caeeie Mablb, born May 1, 1885. Chaeles Tillinghast, born in August, 1888. (The com piler remarks that surnames were never given him for persons in above record.) 2d. — Eliza Ann Dennis, born October 20, 1823 ; did not marry ; was a resident of Fall River, Mass., in 1899. 3d. — Amanda Fitzallen Dennis, born November 10, 1825 ; living at 350 North Main st.. Fall River, Mass., in 1899 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., September 15, 1849, to Samuel Allen, of Fall River, Mass., son of Sylvester and Hannah (Carpenter) Allen ; born in Fall River, Mass., February 7, 1820 ; died in FaU River, Mass., July 8, 1896. Their child, Samuel Edgae Allen, born June 6, 1851 ; unmarried. He at one time was the travelling agent for an underwear manufacturing company of Boston ; later he resided in New York City. Samuel Allen, Sr., always lived at Fall River, Mass., where, at his death, he was the oldest dry goods merchant in that city, having been in business over forty years. 4th. — Jane Eliza Dennis, born November 20,1827; died in Milford, Mass., June 13, 1897 ; married in FaU River, Mass., August 24, 1848, to Roland Coffin Hussbt, of Nantucket, Mass., son of Joseph W. and Eliza (Coffin) Hussey; born in Nantucket, Mass., July 1, 1824 ; living in 1899 at Milford, Mass. Their children were (born in Milford, Mass.) : 1st. — Joseph Henet Husset, born July 7, 1849 ; mar ried July 29, 1871, to Maey J. Ely. Their child, Maud EsTELLA Hussey, was born January 10, 1873. They re side in Hartford, Conn., where their daughter lives, the wife of a Mr. Cook. 2d. — Chaeles Ainswoeth Hussey, bom January 22, 1852 ; died November 7, 1852. 3d. — Maet Eliza Husset, born May 27, 1865 ; died August 2, 1856. 4th. — Emma Jane Husset, born January 27, 1857; DENNIS. 301 married July 1, 1885, to Richaed Beitton. He is a screw-maker, and was the overseer of the screw manufac tory of Draper & Co. They resided at Hopedale, Mass., and their children were : Ist. — Ethelwtn Beitton, born March 13, 1886. 2d. — Chaeles Allen Beitton, bom September 17, 1887. 3d. — Emma Beitton, bom February 5, 1893. 4th. — Robeet Ned Beitton, born November 30, 1895. 5th. — Albeetus Husset, born July 2, 1863 ; married May 20, 1884, to Effie A. Holmes. He is an architect and surveyor. They lived (1899) at Milford, Mass. Their children were : a. — Claeenoe Lovbeing Hussey, born in 1884. b. — Eunice D. Hussey, born September 28, 1886. 6th. — Edwin Dennis Hussey, born June 14, 1865 ; died March 11, 1866. 7th.— William Alden Husset, born June 14, 1865; married October 3, 1893, to Emeline Hanoook. He was teller in the bank at Milford, Mass., where they resided in 1899. Their children were : a. — Waeeen Hancock Husset, born June 14, 1895. b. — Roland Dennis Husset, born October 13, 1897. 8th. — Robeet Coffin Husset, born February 13, 1867 ; married June 24, 1891, to Lauea B. Madee. He is a pattern-maker for Draper & Co., of Hopedale, Mass. Their children were : a. — Maeion Louise Husset, born September 8, 1893. b. — Feancis W. Husset, born January 16, 1899. 9th. — Feancis Abbuet Husset, bom December 23, 1869 ; died July 28, 1870. 5th. — Edwin Dennis, born February 19, 1830 ; married in Charleston, S. C, November 3, 1859, to Elizabeth Ann Mitchell, of Charleston, S. C. They resided in 1899 at Charleston, S. C, where Mr. Dennis was employed in the Revenue Marine Service. Their children were : a. — Maet Elizabeth Dennis, born August 20, 1860 ; died November 20, 1883 ; married in October, 1882, to 302 DENNIS. Jesse Nelson. Their son. Manning L. Nelson, was born in 1883. b. — Coenelia Ellen Dennis, born in April, 1868 ; mar ried Maeion D. Haeeison. Their son, Maeion Edwaed Haeeison, was born in November, 1889. Mrs. Harrison was divorced, and in 1893 married Judge J. D. Twiggs, of Swainsboro, Ga. 6th. — Heneietta B. Dennis, born June 4, 1845. Liv ing in 1899 at No. 201 Winthrop street, FaU River, Mass.; married in Fall River, Mass., April 21, 1868, to Jonathan Eael, of Tiverton, R. I.; bom in Tiverton, R. I.; died in Fall River, Mass., in November, 1894. Their children were : 1st. — Edwaed De Foeest Eael, born June 2, 1870. 2d. — Maet Dennis Eael, born May 7, 1871 ; died No vember 20, 1879. 3d. — ^Benjamin William Eael, born January 30, 1875. 4th. — Lewis Hammond Eael, born July 23, 1885. VI. — William Dennis, bom January 20, 1797 ; died single ; drowned when 21 years old. VII. — Maet Dennis, born November 18, 1798 ; mar ried Lawton Tayloe. VIII. — Edwaed Dennis, born February 18, 1801 ; mar ried. They had one child, a son. IX. — Richmond Dennis, born February 27, 1803. X. — Chaeles Dennis, born July 5, 1805 ; lost at sea ; killed by a shark ; (?) if married. XI. — Joseph Coenell Dennis, born November 8, 1807. XII. — Saeah Ann Dennis, born October 1, 1814. Gideon Dennis, Sr., was a Justice of the Peace in Ports mouth, R. I. IX. — Dennis, Richmond (Gideon 4th, Robert 3d, Jos eph 2d, Robert 1st). Son of Gideon and Mary (Durfee) Dennis, of Portsmouth, R. I.; born in Portsmouth, R. I., February 27, 1803 ; married Susan E. Peaeoe. In 1899 they resided in Worcester, Mass. Their children were : 1st. — Saeah Ann Dennis, born August 14, 1832 ; mar ried in Portsmouth, R. I., February 15, 1862, to Samuel Lindsey, of Bristol, R. I., son of Joseph and Martha DENNIS. 303 ( ) Lindsey ; born in 1827. They resided in 1899 at Bristol, R. I. Their children were : 1st. Samuel Lindsey. 2d. Joseph Lindsey. 3d. — Saeah Lindset, who married D. C. Baenes, of Bristol, R. I. They had no children. 4th. — Floeence Lindset, who married Feank Ushee. Their only child was Avis Elizabeth Ushee. 5th. — Annie Lindbey. 2d. — William R. Dennib, bom April 10, 1837; mar ried. Resided in 1899 at Worcester, Mass. No children. 3d. — Susan E. Dennis, born July 29, 1839 ; living in 1901 at Warren, R. I.; married in Bristol, R. I., March 27, 1859, to Richaed Fibh Botd, of Bristol, R. I., son of James Tallman and Mary (Lake) Boyd ; born in Ports mouth, R. I., August 10, 1836 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., September 22, 1868. Their children were (born in Bristol, R. I.) : 1st. — SuBAN Feancis Botd, born September 4, 1860 ; married in Warren, R. I., May 27, 1886, to Winfeed Lincoln Cadt, of Norton, Mass., son of James Jerome and Experience (Smith) Cady ; born in Burrington, R. I., AprU 20, 1861. In 1901 they resided at Norton, Mass. Their child, Mildeed Botd Cadt, was born in Norton, Mass., July 31, 1890. 2d. — Minnie Estelle Boyd, born March 7, 1864 ; mar ried William Stone Mills, and resided in 1901 in Minne apolis, Minn. Their children were : 1st. — Abbie Lee Mills. 2d. — Aechbe Mills, born March 16, 1884. 3d. — Maejoeie Mills, born in Minnesota, June 16, 1893. 3d. — Julia Augusta Boyd, born August 9, 1866 ; mar ried Waltee A. Day. In 1901 they resided at Bradley, in South Dakota. Their child, Laied Boyd Day, was born in Bradley, S. D., AprU 20, 1900. Mrs. Boyd mar ried a second time in Warren, R. I., July 12, 1882, to Joy Chapman, of Warren, R. I., son of Matthew and 304 DENNIS. Mary ( ) Chapman ; born in Pawtucket, R. I., Oc tober 29, 1845. They were residents of Warren, R. I., in 1902. 4th. — Chaeles E. Dennis, bom November 20, 1841 ; married in Providence, R. I., May 14, 1863, to Emma Fishee Peootoe, of Providence, R. I., daughter of John R. and Nancy C. (Mason) Proctor ; born in Providence, R. I., August 5, 1841. They resided, in 1901, at No. 184 Web ster ave., Providence, R. I. Their child, Chaeles E. Den nis, born in Providence, R. I., August 17, 1865 ; married in Bristol, Conn., to Eugenia E. Waenee, of Bristol, Conn., daughter of Augustus H. and Mary E. ( ) Warner ; born in Bristol, Conn. They resided at Providence, R. I., in 1901. Their child, Doeothy Waenee Dennis, was born August 24, 1893. 5th. — Maet Ellen Dennis, born April 20, 1845 ; mar ried a Mr. Maetin. They had two children, one of whom was Feedeeick Maetin. They were residents of Wor cester, Mass. 6th. — Haeeiet A. Dennis, born July 19, 1847. 7th. — Catheeine A. Dennis, born July 17, 1850. XI. — Dennis, Joseph Coenell (Gideon 4th, Robert 3dj Joseph 2d, Robert 1st). Son of Gideon and Mary (Dur fee) Dennis, of Portsmouth, R. I.; born in Portsmouth, R. I., November 10, 1807 ; died in Providence, R. I., June 3, 1866 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., May 29, 1832, to Maet Beatton Giffoed, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Jeremiah and Hannah (Hall) Gifford ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., March 4, 1813 ; died in Providence, R. I., July 20, 1865. Their children were : 1st. — William Anthont Dennis, born March 4, 1833 ; died July 14, 1833. 2d. — Geoege Hall Dennis, born May 29, 1834 ; died in August, 1834. 3d. — Maet Jane Dennis, born 1836 ; died in 1877 ; married Nathan B. Capeon. They had two children that died young. 4th. — Claeissa Giffoed Dennis, born in October 1840 ; DENNIS. 305 died in 1876 ; married Cole. They had no chil dren. 5th. — Matilda Anna Dennis, born September 4, 1842 ; married first to Philip D. Gibson, and second to Job Dawley. They reside in Providence, R. I. Have no children. 6th. — Haeeiet Giffoed Dennis, born June 26, 1844 ; married Silas Davol, of Portsmouth, R. I. They had one child, Emily Ann Davol ; married Feedeeick Hol- MAN, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Thomas and (2d wife) Anna B. (Albro) Holman ; born in Portsmouth, R. I. Living in Portsmouth, R. I. Their children were : 1st. — Clifton T. Holman, born November 19, 1882. 2d.^CHAELE8 A. Holman, born August 20, 1885. 3d. — Mbetle Holman, born April 12, 1887. 4th. — Heeman F. Holman, born August 3, 1890. 5th. — Maegueeite D. Holman, born November 7, 1892. 6th. — Geaoe R. Holman, born July 22, 1896. 7th. — Chaeles Edwaed Dennis, born November 13, 1847. He enHsted in Co. — , 7th R. I. Vol. Inf., and served three years ; afterwards he served a term in the regular army. He was married to Annie ; they had one son, Joseph Dennis ; they resided in Selma, Ala bama. 8th. — Joseph Hall Dennib, born December 26, 1848 ; single ; resides in Providence, R. I.; investment broker, 29 Weybosset St., Room 32. In AprU, 1865, he entered the U. S. Navy on the receiving ship U. S. S. " Ohio," at Boston Navy Yard, where he remained until May, 1866, as a yeoman ; also ship's writer on frigate U. S. S. " Franklin." He was on Admiral Farragut's European trip, April, 1867, to December, 1868. Joseph Cornell Dennis, the father of above family, enlisted in Co. — , llth R. I. Vol. Inf., a nine-month regiment, and served until the regiment's time expired ; his patriotism is well attested by his wilHngness to serve his country at an age when a draft or involuntary service could not be required. His people were among the " well-to-do " farmers of Portsmouth, R. I., where he probably spent the period of his Hfe before the War of the Rebellion. 306 DENNIS. XII.— Dennis, Sakah Ann (Gideon 4th, Robert 3d, Joseph 2d, Robert 1st); daughter of Gideon and Mary (Durfee) Dennis, of Portsmouth, R. I., born in Ports mouth, R. I., October 1, 1814; died in Portsmouth, R. I., December 24, 1891; married in Portsmouth, R. I., Sep tember 22, 1832, to Benjamin Tallman, of Portsmouth, R. I.; son of Thales (of Joseph) and Priscilla (Devol) TaUman, born in Portsmouth, R. I., April 21, 1807; died in Portsmouth, R. I., October 9, 1883. Their children were (born in Portsmouth, R. I.): I. — Reuben Ransom Tallman, born September 11, 1833. Living 1901, in Atlantic City, N. J.; married Eliza Smith, daughter of Noah Smith. Their children were : 1st. — Louisa Tallman. 2d. Chaeles Tallman. 3d. Evadbe Tallman. 4th. John Tallman. 5th. Benjamin Tallman. 6th. Allen Tallman. 7th. James Tallman. II. — John Weblet Tallman, born December 31, 1835 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., December 5, 1866, to Al- MiNA E. Tallman, of Portsmouth, R. I.; daughter of Levi and Amy ( ) Tallman; born in Portsmouth, R. I., October 24, 1838. They resided in Portsmouth, R. I., in 1902. Their children were (born in Portsmouth, R. I.): 1st. — Chestee Bliss Tallman, born March 19, 1862. He is employed as fish agent for business houses in New York, Boston and Philadelphia. Married in Portsmouth, R. I., January 26, 1897, to Claea J. Giffoed, of Ports mouth, R. I., daughter of Rev. John E. Gifford, a minis ter of the M. E. Church, and adopted daughter of Lewis J. Munroe, of Portsmouth, R. I. They resided in 1902, at Newport, R. I. Their children were (born in Portsmouth, R. I.): a. — Clifton Lewis Tallman, born January 15, 1888. b. — Meeeil Justin Tallman, born in 1890 ; died in March, 1890. c — Veenon Feanois Tallman, born April 23, 1892. 2d. — Albbetub E. Tallman, born July 12, 1868. Living 1902, in Wakefield, R. I., and is the manager of a bakery. He was married in Wakefield, R. I., in 1887, to Ida Mat Sheaeman, of Wakefield, R. I., who died in 1888. DENNIS. 307 III. — Elijah Lovejot Tallman, born February 13, 1838 ; married Maet J. Devol, daughter of Benjamin and Abby ( ) Devol. They reside in Portsmouth, R. I. Their children were : 1st. Defoeest Apple Tallman (deceased). 2d. Al feed Ellswoeth Tallman (deceased). 3d. Leeot Tall man; living in Portsmouth, R. I. IV. — Maet Ann Tallman, born February 3, 1840. V. — Letitia Ttlee Tallman, born August 20, 1842; married in Portsmouth, R. I., January 2, 1865, to Will iam F. Feeeboen, son of Charles and Ann (Tallman) Freeborn ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., October 24, 1840. They resided in Portsmouth, R. I., in 1902, and had no children. VI. — Saeah Caepentee Tallman, born November 16, 1844; living (1902) in Wakefield, R. I.; married William B. Fibh, son of Lawton Fish. Their child, Beetha Fish, died young. Mrs. Fish married a second time, in Portsmouth, R. I., May 26, 1878, to James E. Baboock, of Wakefield, R. I., son of Edmund Sheffield and Martha Elizabeth (Babcock) Babcock ; born in Charleston ; died in Wakefield, R. I., May 25, 1896. Their child, Aechie Babcook, was born May 29, 1880. Mr. Babcock conducted a bakery, which had been established by his father at Wakefield, R. I., at the time of his marriage, and continued in that business the remainder of his life, honored and respected by all who knew him. The business was in charge of Mrs. Babcock for a few years after the death of her husband. Later she transferred it to her son, who promises to be an honorable successor of his parents. VII. — Benjamin Tallman, born November 7, 1846 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., January 17, 1875, to Elbanoe A. Fish, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of David and Ruth (Pierce) Fish ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., July 22, 1852. They were living in Portsmouth in 1902. 'Their infant son, born September 18, 1882, died 25th same month. Mr. Tallman followed the business of trap and purse net fishing most of his life with good success. He has 308 DENNIS. been master of sailing vessels seven years, and steamers twenty-five years. He is a member of Eureka Lodge, No. 22, A. F. and A. M., and has filled several of its official stations. He has represented his town in the House and Senate of the Legislature of Rhode Island for six years, chosen to office by the Republican party, which he very ably represents. VIII. — William Thales Tallman, born August 19, 1861 ; married in Newport, R. I., December 16, 1875, to Lauea G. Caee, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Job R. and Eleanor (Fish) Carr; born in Portsmouth, R. I., February 12, 1852. They were living in Portsmouth, R. I. in 1902, and had no children. IX. — Feedeeick Upham Tallman, born September 11, 1853 ; married in Edgartown, Mass., to Maet Oeteeson. They resided in Bristol, R. I., in 1902, and had no chU dren. X. — Geoegb Banceoft Tallman, twin of Frederick. The following was written of Mr. Benjamin Tallman by one of his sons in 1901 : "He was a man who was noted for his big heart, always generous and kind, he gave to others to his own inconvenience. But he is remembered by many for these traits, and ' Captain Ben,' as he was called, will never be forgotten by the people now living in this vicinity. " He was the first man in this State and other States, as far as known, to catch what is called scup, on the New England coast by traps, taking thousands of barrels of that kind of fish in the months of April and May of each year. " He was very zealous in good works. " 1st. As a member of the Methodist Church, helping to erect the building. " He founded a lodge of Good Templars, and later a lodge of Odd Fellows, and was about the first Free Mason in this town, and had a great deal to do towards the organization of Eureka Lodge, No. 22, A. F. and A. M. " He held several offices in the town, and was a man who was liked for his kind and hearty manner." TIVERTON, LOOKING FROM GOULU ISLAND. LOOKING EAST UP GREEN LANE IN TIVERTON, FORT BARTON IN THE DISTANCE ON THE HEIGHTS. WATTS. 309 WATTS. 205.— Durfee, Priscilla (John 4th, Job 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of John and Phebe (Gray) Durfee, of Tiverton, Newport Co., R. I.; born in Tiver ton, Newport Co., R. I., in 1780 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., May 14, 1860 ; married in 'Tiverton, R. I., Decem ber 24, 1797, to Ralph Eael, of Dartmouth, Mass., son of William and Edith (Brownell) Earl ; born in Westport, Mass., August 28, 1776 ; brought up by his grandfather William, at Westport. Their children were : 1st. — Thomas Eael, who, when last heard from, was a school teacher at Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Earl married a second time, in Tiverton, R. I., to John Watts, of Lynn, Mass. Their children were : I. — John Watts. II. — Jbffeeson Watts. III. — Peleg Wattb, born July 25, 1811. IV. — Elmina Watts, born June 8, 1813. V. — Loebnzo Watts, born December 8, 1820. I. — Watts, John (John 1st). Son of John and Priscilla (Durfee) (Earl) Watts ; born in Tiverton, R. I.; lost at sea ; married in Tiverton, R. I., May 16, 1827, to Maet Speingee. They had a son who was lost at sea. II. — Watts, Jeffeeson (John 1st). Son of John and Priscilla (Durfee) (Earl) Watts, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I.; died in Smithfield, R. I.; married in Tiverton, R. I., to Abbt Staffoed, daughter of Stephen and Abigail (Durfee) Stafford ; born in Tiverton, R. I.; died in Attleljoro, Mass. Their children were : 1st. — Anna R. Watts, born July 2, 1832 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., November 13, 1854, to Loeing Duefee, of Fall River, Mass., son of Joseph and Amey (Irons) 310 watts. Durfee ; born in FaU River, Mass., January 16, 1832. They were living at Providence, R. I., in March, 1898. Their chUdren have record as the family of Loring Durfee in the consecutive order of enumeration of the Durfee descendants. 2d. Abbet j. Watts. 3d. Patience Wattb. 4th. Es- THEE H. Wattb. III. — Wattb, Peleg (John 1st). Son of John and Pris cUla (Durfee) (Earl) Watts, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. L, July 25, 1811 ; died in Tiverton, R. I.; married in Tiverton, R. I., to Rhoda Macombee, of Tiver ton, R. I. Their children were : 1st. — John Watts, born October 24, 1836 ; died July 15, 1857. 2d. — Simon C. Watts, born October 29, 1838 ; living in Tiverton, R. I., 1900. 3d. — ]3enjamin F. Watts, born November 18, 1840; died July 20, 1841. 4th. — Phebe Ann Watts, born November 19, 1842 ; died June 18, 1890. 5th. — Jambs K. Polk Watts, born May 9, 1844 ; died August 14, 1844. 6th.— Geoege M. Dallas Watts, born May 9, 1844 ; died November 20, 1844. 7th. — Susan B. Wattb, born May 29, 1846 ; died March 21, 1894. 8th. — Aedelia Watts, born November 8, 1850. Living in Providence, R. I., 1900. 9th. — Geoege Watts, born November 22, 1852 ; died July 17, 1853. 10th. — Maet L. Watts, born April 8, 1857. Living 1900. IV. — Watts, Elmina (John 1st). Daughter of John and Priscilla (Durfee) (Earl) Watts, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I., June 8, 1813 ; died in Tiverton, R. I„ February 16, 1899 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., March 25, 1830, to Samuel Manchestee, of Tiverton, R. I., son of Benjamin and Hannah (Borden) Manchester ; born in Tiverton, R. I., July 18, 1811. Living in Tiverton, R. I., in August, 1899. WATTS. 311 Their children were : I. — Emeline Manchestee, born September 29, 1837 ; died June 17, 1840. II. — Samuel N. Manchestee, born December 29, 1839; drowned August 1, 1863. III. — Ann Eliza Manchestee, born April 10, 1842. IV. — Abbt Jane Manchester, born February 24, 1844. V. — Albert Henet Manchester, born December 3, 1845 ; born in FaU River. VI. — Claea S. Manchestee, born August 29, 1847. VII. — Edwaed B. Manohebtee, born February 28, 1849. VIII. — Catheeine B. Manchestee, born April 3, 1851; died October 27, 1856. IX. — Elmina Manohebtee, born December 18, 1852. X. — Robeet T. Manohebtee, born in June, 1854. In 1898 the writer visited Mr. and Mrs. Manchester at their residence in Tiverton, R. 1. They were in excellent health for people of their age. It was very pleasant to meet these dear people for the first time in the 69th year of their married life ; very few have the favor of so long a companionship. T'hey and their descendants have ex cellent musical talent ; in their early years Mr. and Mrs. Manchester, it is said, played the violin well. II. — Manohebtee, Samuel N. (Samuel 2d, Benjamin 1st). Died, by drowning, August 1, 1863 ; married June 10, 1860, to Lizzie Fibh, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Abiel; born in Portsmouth, R. I., June 10, 1839; died in Bristol, R. I., December 29, 1895. They had no children. III. — Manchestee, Ann Eliza (Samuel 2d, Benjamin 1st). Married in Tiverton, R. I., November 28, 1860, to Isaac Fibh, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of Joseph ; born in Bristol, R. I. Their children were : 1st.— Caeeie Fish, born 1862 ; died 1866. 2d.— Louisa Fish, born AprU 22, 1866. 3d. — Feank Fibh, born in 1868. Mrs. Fish married a second time in Tiverton, R. I., to Andeew Dwellt, of New Bedford, Mass. They were 312 WATTS. Hving in New Bedford, Mass., in 1900, and had no chil dren. IV. — Manohebtee, Abbt J. (Samuel 2d, Benjamin 1st). Died in Tiverton, R. I., in January, 1901 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., June 12, 1865, to Chaeles H. Robe, son of Charles Rose ; bom November 4, 1839. Living at Tiverton, R. I., in 1901. Their children were : 1st. — Samuel Rose, born November 12, 1867 ; married Belle Smith, daughter of Edward Smith. 2d. — Alton Henet Robe, born September 18, 1871. 3d. — Chaeles Edwaed Rose, born February 20, 1874; married Mabellb Healet, daughter of John W. Healey. 4th. — Aethue Rose, born May 17, 1877. 5th. — Alonzo Rose, born July 17, 1880. 7th:-ELmNl rTe, ] *^^^"' ^^'¦'^ November 30, 1882. 8th. — Lbstee Rose, born May 17, 1884. J^;> V. — Manohebtee, Albeet Henet (Samuel 2d, Benjamin 1st). Living in Pawtucket, R. I., 1900 ; married to Jen nie Douglas, of Fall River, Mass. They had one child, Elviea. Mr. Manchester married a second time to Lonet Socia, of Pawtucket, R. I. Living in Pawtucket, R. I., in 1900. They had one child, Lonet. Mr. Albert H. Manchester was a soldier during the War of the Rebellion. The Adjt. General's Report of Rhode Island for 1862 shows that he enlisted in a regi ment called out for nine months' service, joining as a resi dent of Newport, R. I.; he was enrolled as a private in Co. C, 12th R. I. Inf., September 25, 1862 ; mustered-in October 13, 1862; borne as sick in hospital from January 24, 1863, until July, 1863 ; mustered out of service, July 29, 1863 ; he afterwards served in a Massachusetts regi ment until the close of the war ; was wounded in his arm. VI.— Manohebtee, Claea S. (Samuel 2d, Benjamin 1st). Married in New Bedford, Mass., to Benjamin Davenpoet, of New Bedford, Mass., son of Andrew. They were living WATTS . 313 in Tiverton, R. I., in 1900, and had one child, Benjamin Davenport, Jr., born December 8, 1874. VII. — Manchestee, Edwaed B. (Samuel 2d, Benjamin 1st). Married in January, 1877, to Anna Manohebtee, of New Bedford, Mass., daughter of John B.; born in New Bedford, Mass., November 3, 1860 ; died in Tiverton, R. 1., in July, 1883. Their children were : Edwaed B. Jr., born February 21, 1878. Samuel S., born August 21, 1879 ; died October 4, 1901. Henrt, born February 28, 1881. Mr. Manchester married a second time to Alice Scar let, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of William Scarlet, of England ; born in England, August 14, 1867. They were living in Tiverton, R. I., in 1900. Their children were : 1st. — William, born February 4, 1889. 2d. — Andeew, born August 4, 1891. IX. — Manohebtee, Elmina (Samuel 2d, Benjamin 1st). Married in Tiverton, R. I., March 4, 1872, to Capt. Will iam R. Rose, of Tiverton, R. I., son of Charles and Abbie (Smith) Rose ; born in Tiverton, R. I., February 5, 1848. ¦They were living in Tiverton, R. I., in October, 1900. Their children were : 1st. — William R. Rose, born March 6, 1873. 2d. — Waltee B. Robe, born July 6, 1876. 3d.— Feank M. Robe, born October 18, 1882. 4th. — Effle L. Robe, born February 15, 1887. The following brief sketch of Capt. Rose is from the History of Newport Co., R. I. : " He began with the Church Brothers, at fifteen years of age, and at twenty- four was a captain with Albert Gray in the trap and purse fisheries"; he "is the inventor of one of the most valuable modern features of the scup trap." X. — Manohebtee, Robert T. (Samuel 2d, Benjamin 1st). Married in Tiverton, R. I., to Ida Geinnell, daugh ter of George ; born in Portsmouth, R. I. They were liv ing in Portsmouth, R. I., in 1900, and had no children. 314 WATTS. V. — Watts, Lorenzo (John 1st). Son of John and PrisciUa (Durfee) Watts, of Tiverton, Newport Co., R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I., December 8, 1820 ; died in Ports mouth, R. I., January 22, 1889 ; married to Almiea (Tol- man) Dennis, who died in Portsmouth, R. I., December 24, 1883. Their son, John W. Watts, born December 23, 1844 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., February 22, 1898 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., December 8, 1867, to Annie M. Boe den, of Westport, Mass., daughter of Elisha and Deborah ( ), Borden ; born in Westport, Mass., in September, 1843 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., March 16, 1881. Their children were : 1st. — Georgiana Watts, born August 17, 1868 ; mar ried George B. Thomas, November 9, 1892. 2d.— Sarah E. Watts, born March 10, 1872. 3d. — Emeline Watts, born February 19, 1874 ; married Frank C. Cory, December 21, 1894. dth. — Annie L. Watts, born August 1, 1876 ; died in infancy. 5th. — Frank D. Watts, born February 24, 1878. 6th. — Walter C. Watts, born April 14, 1880 ; died in infancy. 7th. — Minnie W. Watts, born March 13, 1881 ; died in infancy. Mr. Watts married a second time, November 14, 1882, to Mary E. (Potter) Baten (a widow), of South Scituate, R. I., daughter of George W. and Clarissa Baten, who died November 8, 1896. They had no children. 206.— Durfee, Silvia (John 4th, Job 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of John and Phebe (Gray) Dur fee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I.; married Geoege Teipp, of Westport, Mass. Their children were : 1st. Job Tripp. 2d. Stephen Teipp. 3d. William Teipp. 4th. John Teipp. 5th. Abbie Teipp, married Garner Potter. Their children were : James, Job, Patience, Aedella. 6th. Nanot Teipp. 7th. Maet Teipp. 8th. Peiscilla Teipp, married. 9th. Phebe Teipp. 10th. Emma Teipp. LOOKING WEST FROM TIVERTON HEIGHTS; COMMON FENCE POINT INTHE DISTANCE, LOOKING SOUTHWEST FROM TIVERTON HEIGHTS, THE STONE BRIDGE AND PORTS MOUTH, R. I., IN THE DISTANCE. COGGESHALL. 315 207.— Durfee, John (John 4th, Job 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of John and Phebe (Gray) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I,; born in Tiverton, R. I., in 1771; died in Tiverton, R. I., September 19, 1805; married in 'Tiverton, R. I., December 26, 1792, to Abigail Westgate, of Tiv erton, R. I., daughter of George and Elizabeth (Durfee) Westgate; born in Tiverton, R. I., June 13, 1763 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., in 1846. Their children were : 460.— 1st. Elizabeth, born October 1, 1793. 461.— 2d. Richard Borden, born February 20, 1796. 462.— 3d. Rebecca, born September 9, 1798; died January 9, 1859. Did not marry. 463.-— 4th. Eleanor, born December 9, 1801 ; died November 20, 1875. Did not marry. The will of Abigail (Westgate) Durfee, dated January 7, 1839, was recorded July 6, 1846, in the office of the Town Clerk, of Tiverton, R. I., in Vol. 12, on page 350, Probate Records. "Item. — To son Richard Borden Durfee, six acres and share in the Real Estate of her father, George Westgate. "Item. — To four children, Elizabeth Woodman {wife of Enoch Woodman) Richard Borden Durfee, Rebecca Dur fee and Eleanor Durfee, orchard, c&c Abraham Barker appointed administrator. COGGESHALL. 208. Durfee, Phebe (John 4th, Job 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of John and Phebe (Gray) Dur fee ; born in Tiverton, R. I., in 1779 ; died there in 1851 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., to Daniel Coggeshall, son of John and Elizabeth (Stafford) Coggeshall ; born November 11, 1776 ; died in 1849. Their children were (born in Tiverton, R. I.) : 1st and 2d, Robe and Lizzie Coggeshall, born May 29, 1800 ; died in infancy. 316 COGGESHALL. 3d. — Bethant Coggeshall, born in December, 1802 ; died in 1836 ; married Elias Teipp. She went by the name of " Thaney." 4th. — Maet Coggeshall, born in December, 1802; twin of "Thaney;" married Mosbb Hunt. Their son, William Hunt, was born October 2, 1820. 5th. — Ruth Coggeshall, born August 8, 1804 ; married Caleb Sabinb. Mrs. Sabins married a second time to Job Duefee, a son of George and Sarah (Coggeshall) Durfee, by whom she had four children, who will have record in a second volume of this work. Oth. — Joshua Coggeshall, bom October 30, 1805 ; died insane ; married Mart B. Manchester, daughter of David Manchester. Their children were : 1st. — John Coggeshall, who married Adelaide Albert. 2d. Thomas Coggeshall. 3d. Joshua Coggeshall ; Hved unmarried. 7th. — Arnold Coggeshall, born June 29, 1807; mar ried Tripp, daughter of Isaac Tripp. Their children were : 1st. — Jane Arnold Coggeshall. 2d. — Nellie Coggeshall, married Andrew Borden. 3d. — Daniel Coggeshall. 4th. — Mart Jane Coggeshall, born January 30, 1836. Arnold Coggeshall married a second time to Negus. 8tli. — Admieal Coggeshall, born May, 1810 ; did not marry. 9th. — Nelson Coggeshall, born twin of Admiral ; died December 5, 1893 ; married in Newport, R. I., October 15, 1832, to Alice Bessy, of Newport, R. I., daughter of Martin and Mary ( ) Bessy ; born in 1813 ; died February 24, 1893. Their children were : Emily Coggeshall, who married Lewis SMrrn. Maey Ann Coggeshall, who married Chaeleb Hol- BEOOK. 10th. — Lizzie Coggeshall, born March 29, 1813 ; mar ried Alden Woodle. COGGESHALL. 317 ] 1th. — Haeeiet Coggeshall, born January, 1815 ; was insane at death ; married in Tiverton, R. I., to Isaac Gein nell, son of Abel and Abigail ( ) Grinnell ; born in Tiverton, R. I., September 11, 1815. Their children were: 1st. — Daniel C. Geinnell, born February 3, 1837. 2d. — Nelson C. Grinnell, born April 13, 1838. 3d. — Ibaao Geinnell, bom May 18, 1847. 12th. — Duefee W. Coggeshall, born in 1817 ; mar ried ( ). Their children were : 1st. — Waltee D. Coggeshall, born July, 1850 ; mar ried Josephine Eagan, of New York, about 1885 ; they resided in London, England, and had one child, a daugh ter. 2d. — Alice M. Coggeshall, born in 1852. Lives in London, England. 13th. — Sally Coggeshall, born November 5, 1819 ; married Jeremiah Borden. 14th. — Amy Ann Coggeshall, born in 1820 ; married Welcome Clark. 210. Durfee, Earle (Gideon 4th, Job 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Gideon and Anne (Bowen) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Palmyra, N. Y.; born in 'Tiverton, R. L, October 27, 1757 ; died in So. Cambridge, N. Y., May 24, 1839 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., November 17, 1776, to Patience Lake, of Tiverton, R. 1., daughter of Joseph ; died in So. Cambridge, N. Y., March 27, 1813. Their children were : 464. — 1st. Abraham, born June 10, 1777. 465.— 2d. Mary, born July 2, 1780. 466.— 3d. Gideon, born March 30, 1782. 467.— 4th. Tabitha, born February 14, 1784; died January 10, 1819. 468. — 5th. Joseph, ) twins ; born February 7, 1787 ; 469.— 6th. Benjamin, \ died September 24, 1790. Mr. Durfee married a second time, October 16, 1814, to Phebe Hunt ; born March 9, 1784 ; died in So. Cam bridge, N. Y., September 28, 1839. They had one child. 470. — Anne, born September 13, 1819. 318 COGGESHALL. Mr. Earle Durfee is mentioned in " Phelps and Gorman Purchases" in connection with the Durfee families that removed from Tiverton, R. I., to the State of New York, in which it is stated that Earle Durfee and his younger brother were soldiers in the Revolutionary Army and in the command of General Sullivan at the time of the battle of Rhode Island, and that shortly after the close of the war these two brothers removed from Tiverton and set tled in Cambridge, Washington Co., N. Y. 211. Durfee, Lemuel (Gideon 4th, Job 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Gideon and Anne (Bowen) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Palmyra, N. Y.; born in Tiverton, R. I., April 18, 1759 ; died in Palmyra, N. Y., August 9, 1829 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., August 29, 1784, to Prudence Hathaway, of Tiverton, R. I.; died in Palmyra, N. Y., AprU 13, 1849. Their children were : 471. — 1st. Isaac, born November 21, 1785. 472.— 2d. Phebe, bom June 9, 1788. 473.— 3d. Pardon, born July 30, 1790 ; died August 10, 1814 ; unmarried. 474.— 4:th. Oliver, born August 5, 1792. 475. — 6th. Stephen, bom June 15, 1794. 476. — 6th. Prudence, bom March 29, 1796. 477.— 7th. Mary, born February 10, 1799. 478.— 8th. Lemuel, born March 1, 1801. 479.— Oth. Irene, bom September 30, 1803. 480.— 10th. Lucena, born November 29, 1805. 481.— llth. Bailey, born June 8, 1809. In the military history of Wayne Co., N. Y., it is stated that Mr. Durfee was three years in the Revolutionary army. The following records were obtained at the State House, in Providence, R. I., and show some of his soldier record : " Lemuel Durfee, Private in Capt. Christopher Man chester's Co. of Col. Archibald Crary's regiment of Rhode Island, on duty at Bristol from November 15, 1777, to February 20, 1778. Wages per month £2; on pay-roll of same company from March to April, 1778, two months (see Vol. 1, page 74 ; Vol. 3, pages 36, 44, 66, State House Records, Providence, R. I. SHEEMAN. 319 " He also appears on the roll of Capt. Richard Dur fee's Co. of Col. John Cook's regiment of Rhode Island militia, in August, 1778. Soon after the war he removed to Cambridge, Washington Co., N. Y., with his brother Earle, and from there to Palmyra, N. Y., in 1794. His farm was two miles North of Palmyra, where he died, and was buried in the family graveyard on the farm. " His son. Pardon Durfee, was a lieutenant in Capt. Culver's Co. of Lt. Col. P. Swift's regiment, prior to June, 1812, and was captain during the war that followed. He died in 1814; unmarried. " The farm of Mr. Durfee is now (1897) owned by his grandson, the Hon. Henry R. Durfee, of Palmyra." SHERMAN. 212. Durfee, Mary (Gideon 4th, Job 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Gideon and Anne (Bowen) Durfee, of "riverton, R. I., and Palmyra, N. Y.; bom in Tiverton, R. I., December 2, 1761 ; died in Palmyra, N. Y., in 1794 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., to Humpheet Sheeman, of Tiverton, R. I., son of David ; born in Tiver ton, R. I., in 1760 ; died in East Palmyra, N. Y., in 1812. Their children were : I. Lemuel Sherman. II. Ann Sherman. III. Job Sheeman. IV. Betset Sheeman. V. Gideon Sheeman. VI. — Stephen Sheeman, born in 1789. VII. — Alexandee Sheeman, born at Cambridge, Wash ington Co., N. Y., in 1790. VIII. — Duefee Sheeman. Capt. Humphrey Sherman had other children by a sec ond wife. An interesting statement of the ancestry of Capt. Sherman was furnished Mr. M. D. Osband, of Grand Rapids, Mich., by Miss Marna Ruth Osband, and is as follows : 1st. — Thomas Sherman, of Yoxley, born in Suffolk, England ; died 1564. 320 SHERMAN. 2d.— Henry Sherman, of Deadham, Essex; married Agnes ; died 1589. 3d.— Henry Sherman, married Susan Hills; died 1610. 4th. — Samuel Sherman, born 1573; married PhiUips ; died 1615. 5th.— PhiUip Sherman, of Dedham ; bom 1610 ; mar ried Sarah Odding; died in Portsmouth, R. I., 1687. 6th. — Samuel Sherman, of Portsmouth, R. I.; born 1648 ; married Martha Tripp, in 16»0; died 1717. 7th. — Ebenezer Sherman, born in 1701 ; died in 1791. 8th. — David Sherman, bom about 1730. Oth. — Humphrey Sherman, born in Tiverton, R. I., about 1760 ; married Maet Duefee, No. 212. Mrs. Mary (Durfee) Sherman was the first person buried in East Palmyra, N. Y. In the history of Wayne Co., N. Y., reference is made to a visit of Humphrey Sherman " to the Durfees in their forest home in l791, in company with Isaac Springer, who was at that time 17 years old ;" also that Mr. Sher man sold, in 1792, to his brother-in-law, Gideon Durfee, Jr., two hundred acres of land. Humphrey Sherman was appointed a Captain in Lt.-Col. Swift's regiment of New York State MiHtia, February 10, 1802. (See Military His tory of Wayne Co., N. Y.) I. — Sheeman, Lemuel (Humphrey 9th, David 8th, Eb enezer 7th, Samuel Oth, PhilHp 5th, Samuel 4th, Henry 3d, Henry 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Capt. Humphrey and Mary (Durfee) Sherman, of Tiverton, R. I., and Palmyra, N. Y.; married ( ) Battt. II. — Sheeman, Ann, sister of Lemuel I.; married Will iam CoGSvraiJL. They had ten or twelve children. III. — Sheeman Job, son of Humphrey and Mary (Dur fee) Sherman ; died in Nankin, Mich., in 1840; married Sallt Mooee (a sister of David Moore, of Palmyra, N. Y.) IV. — Sheeman, Betset, sister of Job III ; married 1st, Hoeton ; had several sons and one daughter ; married 2d, Whipple, and had one son. VI. — Sheeman, Stephen, brother of Job III ; died in East Palmyra, N. Y., in 1828 ; married in 1812 to Ruth SHERMAN. 321 Sheeman, daughter of Gideon Cornell and Ruth (Lawton) Sherman. Their children were (born in East Palmyra, N. Y.) : 1st. — Eliza Sheeman, bom February 6, 1814 ; married September 24, 1832, to Ltman Tiffant ; born in Palmyra, N. Y., September 10, 1806. Their children were : a. — Carroll Tiffant, bom October 6, 1833 ; died De cember 3, 1852. b. — Mart Tiffant, born October 27, 1835 ; died April 2, 1871. c. — Emma Tiffant, born August 6, 1838. d. — Bteam Tiffant, born December 25, 1839 ; resides in Washington, D. C. His children, born (probably) at Grand Forks, Dak., are : 1st. Robeet Tiffant, born September 13, 1880. 2d. Ruth Tiffant, born July 2, 1884. e. — Julia Tiffant, born August 5, 1844 ; died June 14, 1849. 2d. — Jane Sheeman, born February 1, 1816 ; married Rev. Thomab Caelton, a well-known Methodist minister. They had one daughter, Jennie Caelton, who died in girlhood. 3d. — Noeman Sheeman, born December 31, 1817 ; died October 25, 1826. 4th. — Bteam Sherman, born June 24, 1820 ; died March 23, 1863 ; married Ctnthia Rogers. 5th. — Chester Sherman, born September 30, 1822 ; married Julia Dunning. Their children were : a. Adella. b. Ida. c Cora. d. Maetha. e. Feed eeick. 6th. — EvELTN Sheeman, born August 25, 1825 ; married Henet Knowles. Their children were born in Palmyra, N. Y. a. H. Caelton Knowles. b. E. Josephine Knowles. Mrs. Stephen Sherman married a second time to Dr. Moore, and reared another family of children. VII. — Sherman, Alexander (Humphrey 9th, etc.) Son of Humphrey and Mary (Durfee) Sherman ; died in East Palmyra, N. Y., August 1, 1828 ; married in East Pal- 322 SHERMAN. myra, N. Y., October 8, 1812, to Amet Sherman, of East Palmyra, N. Y., daughter of Gideon CorneU and Ruth (Lawton) Sherman. Their chUdren were (born at East Palmyra, N. Y. (proba bly) ) : 1st. — Ira Dott Sherman, born September 29, 1813 ; died AprU 2, 1836. 2d. — Duefee Alex. Sherman, born June 24, 1815, at East Palmyra, N. Y.; married at PultneyviUe, N. Y., Feb ruary 9, 1837, to Susan Hineb Fish. Living at Newark, N. Y., in 1897. Their children were (all born at East Palmyra, N. Y.) : a. — Albert Henet Sherman, bom November 27, 1837 ; died September 4, 1839. b. — Helen Abigail Sherman, bom July 20, 1839 ; mar ried in Newark, N. Y., February 23, 1858, to Samuel Bloomer. Their children were : a. — Clinton Mtriok Bloomer, born in Newark, N. Y., April 11, 1865 ; died in Yorkville, Ohio, November 4, 1872. b. — Robert Anson Bloomer, born in YorkviUe, O., June 8, 1871. c — Charles Tallman Bloomee, bom in YorkviUe, O., November 23, 1872. Mrs. Bloomer was living a widow with her parents at Newark, N. Y., in 1897. c— t-Feances Amet Sherman, born November 21, 1841 ; married in Newark, N. Y., January 23, 1861, to A. Eugene Pbok. Their children were : a. — Albert Eugene Pbok, born in Newark, N. Y., June 13, 1862. b. — Helen Maud Peck, born in Madison, N. Y., Janu ary 17, 1866. c — Duefee Sheeman Pbok, born in Rochester, N. Y., November 26, 1867. d. — Elizabeth Annie Sheeman, born October 7, 1843 ; died in Buffalo, N. Y., June 11, 1884 ; married in New ark, N. Y., August 14, 1861, to Edwaed W. Hayes. SHERMAN. 323 Their children were : a. — William Edwaed Hayeb, born in Newark, N. Y., December 5, 1862. b. — Chaeles Day Hayes, bom in Buffalo, N. Y., Octo ber 31, 1864 ; died in Buffalo, N. Y., May 3, 1865. c — Helen Feances Hates, born in Buffalo, N. Y., November 15, 1867. d. — Susannah Bowman Hateb, born in Buffalo, N. Y., July 3, 1871. <;. — Robeet Stewaet Hates, born in Buffalo, N. Y., May 9, 1879. e. — Wilson Henet Sheeman, born August 16, 1845 ; married in Jersey City, N. J., August 26, 1879, to Mrs. Fannt C. Harrison. They have one child, Winifred Susannah Sherman, born in Buffalo, N. Y., October 22, 1881. f. — Julia Louise Sheeman, born April 23, 1847 ; mar ried in Newark, N. Y., October 9, 1873, to Peter Willis Fisk. Their children were : 1st. — Daist Sherman Fibk, born in Newark, N. Y., August 28, 1875. 2d. — Charles Pomeeot Fibk, born in Buffalo, N. Y., March 18, 1882. 3d. — Elizabeth Sheeman Fisk, born in Buffalo, N. Y., AprU 14, 1884. g. — Stephen Fibk Sheeman, born December 15, 1848 ; married in Buffalo, N. Y., December 15, 1870, to Agneb R. Ieibh. Their children were : 1st. — Agnes Ieibh Sheeman, born June 2, 1872. 2d. Stephen Fisk Sheeman. 3d. Geace Sheeman. 3d. — Eeabtub Sheeman, born in East Palmyra, N. Y., July 15, 1817 ; died in East Palmyra, N. Y., September 5, 1838. 4th. — Abigail Sheeman, born May 15, 1819 ; died Au gust 10, 1834. 5th. — WiLBON Obband Sheeman, born in East Palmyra, N. Y., AprU 10, 1821 ; died in Newark, N. Y., March 4, 1870 ; married in Newark, N. Y., to Ltdia Ann Fish ; 324 DURFEE. born in PultneyviUe, N. Y., in March, 1826. They had one child, Chaeles Wilbon Sherman ; born in East Pal myra, N. Y., October 3, 1853 ; died in Newark, N. Y., January 1, 1881. 6th. — Mtron Sherman, born June 2, 1823 ; died Sep tember 3, 1823. VIII. — Sheeman, Duefee (Humphrey 9th, etc.). Son of Humphrey and Mary (Durfee) Sherman; married Betbet Cook. Their children were : 1st.— Andeew Sheeman. 2d. — Alexandee Sheeman, married Luceetia Schutt. They had one child, George, who died in his youth. 3d. Humphret Sheeman. 4th. Aueelia Sheeman. 5th. — Ann Sheeman ; married Geeenwood. DURFEE. 213. Durfee, Job (Gideon 4th, Job 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Gideon and Anne (Bowen) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Palmyra, N. Y.; born in Tiverton, R. I., September 19, 1763 ; died in Palmyra, N. Y., in 1813 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., in July, 1782, to Susan nah Boeden, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I. Their children were : 482.— 1st. Aaron, born November 18, 1784. 483. — 2d. Anna, born August 9, 1786 ; died unmar ried. 484.— 3d. Patience, born September 3, 1788. 485.— 4th. Edward, born August 1, 1790. 486.— 5th. Sally, born February 15, 1794. 487.— 6th. Hannah, born March 6, 1796. 488.— 7th. Betsey, born May 13, 1^99. 489.— 8th. Benjamin B., born AprU 19, 1801. 490.— Oth. Susan, born March 7, 1803. 491.— 10th. Samantha, born May 13, 1805. 492.— llth. Job W., born December 5, 1807. Mr. Durfee came from Tiverton, R. I., to Palmyra, N. Y., in 1791, and purchased, March 7, 1792, 300 acres of land, at 75 cents per acre. OSBAND. 325 214. Durfee, Gideon (Gideon 4th, Job 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Gideon and Anne (Bowen) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Palmyra, N. Y.; born in Tiverton, R. I., February 21, 1765 ; died in Palmyra, N. Y., in 1809 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., February 6, 1791, to Hannah Wood, of Little Compton, R. I., daughter of George and Desire (Gray) Wood ; born in Little Comp ton, R. I., November 21, 1766 ; died in Nankin, Wayne Co., Mich., November 25, 1859. Their children were : 493.— 1st. George, bom September 24, 1792. 494.— 2d. Polly, born June 23, 1794. 495.— 3d. Nathan, born August 21, 1796. 496.— 4th. Barzilla, born November 20, 1798. 497.— 5th. Harvey, born February 1, 1801. 498.— 6th. Austin, born February 12, 1803. 499.— 7th. Elizabeth, born February 10, 1805. 500.— 8th. Matilda, born February 11, 1807. Mr. Durfee, with his brother Edward, came from Tiv erton, R. I., to Farmington, N. Y.,in the summer of 1790. He returned with a favorable report of the country, and came back the following winter with Isaac Springer. He purchased 200 acres of land of his brother-in-law, Hum phrey Sherman, in 1792. He was appointed, in 1804, an Ensign in Lieutenant-Colonel Swift's regiment of New York Militia. OSBAND. 215. — Durfee, Hannah (Gideon 4th, Job 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Gideon and Anne (Bowen) Durfee, of Tiverton, Newport Co., R. I., and Palmyra, Wayne Co., N. Y.; born in Tiverton, R. I., July 27, 1766 ; died in Palmyra, N. Y., September 1, 1820 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., October 16, 1788, to Weavee Obband, of Tiverton, R. I., son of William and Elizabeth (Shrieve) Osband; born in Tiverton, R. I., April 17, 1756 ; died in Palmyra, N. Y., May 21, 1805. 326 osband. Their children were : VIIL— 1st. Phebe Obband, born AprU 12, 1789. IX. — 2d. Wilson Obband, born January 11, 1791. X. — 3d. Anna Osband, born August 7, 1793. XI. — 4th. William Osband, born June 1, 1796. XII.— 5th. Elizabeth Osband, born February 26, 1798. XIII. — 6th. Gideon Osband, | twins; born January 5, XIV.— 7th. Duepee Obband, S 1801. XV. — 8th. Hannah Obband, born February 9, 1803; died July 29, 1813. XVI. — 9th. Patience Obband, born March 20, 1805 ; died July 8, 1805. Through the kindly interest of Mr. Melvin Durfee Osband, of Grand Rapids, Mich., the following record of the Osband and Osborn family has been provided for record here. "The Osband name is probably a variation of the name Osborn which was severed from the more common family name at a time and under conditions that cannot now be traced. The name in our family genealogy has not been traced beyond William Osband, who was born August 16, 1729. It is assumed that he was born in Newport, R. I., because he came from that place when a boy and lived during his minority with Samuel Hicks, of Tiverton. He spelled his name Osband, as appears by his autograph affixed to a deed of conveyance of land, which deed is now (or was recently) in the possession of the family of the late Judge Joseph Osborn, of Tiverton. Of his children Weaver alone spelled his name Osband, the rest spelled it Osborn. I. — William Osband, died in Tiverton, R. I., October 29, 1810. He was married in Tiverton, May 28, 1752, to Elizabeth Shrieve, of Tiverton; daughter of William Shrieve ; she died in Tiverton, about 1814. Their children were : II. — 1st. WUson Osborn, born June 3, 1753 ; died about 1757. III. — 2d. Weaver Osband, born AprU 17, 1756. IV. — 3d. Elizabeth Osborn, born June 8, 1768. osband. 327 V. — 4th. Patience Osborn, born July 17, 1761 ; died quite young. VI.— 5th. Thomas Osborn, born March 31, 1766. VII.— 6th. WilHam Osborn, born July 18, 1769. Weaver, Thomas and WiUiam married Durfee girls. The descendants of William died without issue, while the descendants of Weaver, are all known by the surname Osband. The descendants of Thomas, who married Ann Durfee, are all surnamed Osborn, and claim a com mon ancestry with the Durfees. The record of the de scendants of William and Thomas will be found in the numerical order of their wives in this genealogy. Weaver Osband (whose descendants will immediately follow) worked on his father's farm, in Tiverton, till 20 years of age, when he enlisted in the Revolutionary army for a definite time ; his term of service expired and he was discharged one day before the battle of Rhode Island. He ran a boat on the Seaconnet river in aid of the patriot army. During the battle and the next day he re-enlisted for " during the war," and served till honorably discharged. The record of his services have not been found yet in original documents, but on page 143, Vol. 9, Rhode Island Colonial Records, it is recorded that at the session of the General Assembly of Rhode Island, at Providence, July 17, 1780, Weaver Osborn was appointed ensign of Captain Devol's 2d Company of Tiverton, of the 2d Battalion of Militia of Newport county. The gun he carried during the war came into the pos session of his son-in-law. Rev. Marcus Swift, and by him was brought to Michigan, in 1825. It was a heavy flint lock musket, after the style of those times. The writer of this has seen it, handled it, loaded it, and fired it. It was burned with the house of its owner in 1843. Mr. Osband never applied for a pension. He said he fought for his country, not for a pension. " After the war Mr. Osband followed fowling and fish ing, along the New England coast, and on the Newfound land banks, for some years. After his marriage he settled down to farming, in T'iverton." In the summer of 1791 he emigrated with the Durfee 328 osband. colony to Palmyra, Wayne Co., N. Y., and the remainder of his life he spent on his farm. VIIL— Osband, Phebe (Weaver 2d, WUHam 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I., AprU 12, 1789 ; died in Palmyra, N. Y., AprU 14, 1826 ; married in Palmyra, N. Y., February 20, 1 817, to Welcome Heeendeen, of Palmyra, N. Y., who died near HiUsdale, Mich. They had no children. IX. — Osband, Wilson (Weaver 2d, WilHam 1st) ; born in Tiverton, R. I., January 11, 1791 ; died in Arcadia, Wayne Co., N. Y., March 27, 1855 ; married in Palmyra, N. Y., December 28, 1815, to Susannah Sheeman, of Pal myra, N. Y., daughter of Gideon Cornell and Ruth (Law- ton) Sherman; she died in Newark, N. Y., October 29, 1882. Their children were : XVII. — Alviea Ann Obband, born October 3, 1816 ; died February 14, 1841. XVIIL — Rowena Lacket Osband, born October 31, 1818. XIX. — Marietta Obband, born February 21, 1821. XX. — Orin Wilson Osband, born September 7, 1823 ; died January 14, 1842. XXI. — Phebe Ann Osband, born February 11, 1826. XXII. — Norman Sherman Osband, born August 29, 1828. XXIII. — Eliza Jane Obband, born February 10, 1831. XXIV. — Adeline Minerva Osband, born August 10, 1833 ; died January 22, 1867. XXV. — William Merritt Osband, born June 25, 1836. Mr. Osband was six months old when the family re moved to Palmyra. His education, like that of his brothers and sisters, was limited by the conditions of pioneer life. During his minority he helped develop his father's farm ; In after years he adopted preaching as his profession, and for many years and until death he served the Genesee Conference as Circuit Rider or Station Preacher. In the early 30's he located his family on a farm in Arcadia, Wayne Co., N. Y., and from this home he subsequently rode forth on his Gospel mission." It is said of him that he was an excellent man, and that osband. 329 his Hfe harmonized with his preaching. In person he was small of stature, and weighed less than 130 pounds. X. — Osband, Anna (Weaver 2d, William 1st). Born in Palmyra, N. Y., August 7, 1793 ; died in Nankin, Mich., March 11, 1842 ; married in Palmyra, N. Y., April 16, 1812, to Marcus Swift, of Palmyra, N. Y., son of Gen eral John and (Sawyer) Swift (Rev. soldier of Connecticut, settled in Palmyra, N. Y., 1789 ; Bvt. Brig.- Gen'l N. Y. Vols.; killed near Niagara Falls, in Canada, 1814) ; born in Palmyra, N. Y., June 23, 1793 ; died in Northville, Wayne Co., Mich., February 19, 1865. Their children were : a. — 1st. Obband Duefee Swift, born February 23, 1813. b. — 2d. Hannah Ann Swift, born July 4, 1815. c. — 3d. Geoege Washington Swift, born May 21, 1817. d. — 4th. Oeson Ross Swift, born October 11, 1821. e. — 5th. Henet Wells Andeeson Swift, born February 11, 1829 ; died August 23, 1833. f. — 6th. John Maeous Swift, born February 11, 1832. Rev. Marcus Swift, the husband of Anna Osband, be gan to preach in the M. E. Church in his early manhood in Eastern Michgan, where the family removed in 1825. He became a power in the church, and it was said of him that he was the instrument of more conversions, and that he organized more churches, than perhaps any other man of those times in Michigan. In 1841, during the anti-slavery contest, Mr. Swift, from the conviction that his church in its acts and teach ing sympathized with slavery, and thereby became mor ally responsible for its existence, led a secession from its ranks, that included a large portion of the membership of the Michigan church. His after life was spent in the Wesleyan Methodist connection, that grew out of this secession. Mr. Swift was quite free from sectarianism ; he looked to a man's life rather than his creed to find his religion. Near the close of his life he said : " The great principles for which I have labored and fought, amid reverses and persecutions, are now the ruling sentiments of the people. I have lived in a glorious age, and my eyes have seen the powers of 330 OSBAND. darkness give way before the coming of the glorious reign of liberty." After his death a friend, in a letter to his son, said : " Your father and I differed in politics and religion, but I knew him well throughout the formative years of church and State in Michigan ; and I wish to say to you, as I have said repeatedly during his life, that no man, living or dead, has done so much for Eastern Michi gan in her civil, social, educational and religious well- being and character, as did Marcus Swift." In all his labors his wife proved herself to be a worthy assistant. She labored unceasingly, and patiently shared with him the hardships of pioneer life for 16 years, strug gling with poverty and privation, tiU her physical strength became exhausted. She reared a family of five children, all of whom in after years shed honor upon her name and character. She laid her burdens down before she reached her 49th natal day. The following is a record of their childrens' famiHes : a. — 1st. Swift, Obband Duefee, son of Rev. Marcus and Anna (Osband) Swift, of Palmyra, N. Y., and Nan kin, Mich.; born in Palmyra, N. Y., February 23, 1813; died in Northville, Mich., June 19, 1857 ; married in Nan kin, Mich., September 23, 1835, to Louisa A. Mason, of Nankin, Mich., daughter of Josiah Mason. She died in Nankin, August 31, 1844. Their children were : g. — 1st. Maecus M. Swift, bom July 25, 1836 ; died September 10, 1840. h. — 2d. Henet A. Swift, born April 4, 1840 ; died September 12, 1840. i. — 3d. Ross BiENBT Swift, born August 14, 1841 ; died January 6, 1864. _;. — 4th. Halmbe Emmons Swift, born June 26, 1843. Ross Birney Swift died from accident while in the ser vice of his country, being a member of Company H, 1st Michigan Mechanics and Engineers. Osband Durfee Swift married a second time in Nankin, Mich., April 16, 1845, to Nanot Wightman, of Nankin, Mich., daughter of Hiram Wightman. She died in Nan kin, June 16, 1850. osband. 331 Mr. Swift married a third time in New Hudson, Oak land Co., Mich., November 12, 1851, to Lauea Cowles, of New Hudson, Mich. She was living at Lansing, Mich., in 1897, as Mrs. Abram Wheeler ; died at Willow Springs, Mo., April 29, 1900, while on a visit to her daughter, who resides there. Their children were : k. — 5th. Louisa Nanot Swift, born June 20, 1853 ; married Mr. Teifethbean ; died in Willow Springs, Mo., September 17, 1901. I. — 6th. Anna Lauea Swift, born July 10, 1856 ; died December 16, 1856. m. — 7th. Maet Osband Swift, born January 5, 1858. b. — 2d. Swift, Hannah Ann, daughter of Rev. Marcus and Anna (Osband) Swift; bom in Palmyra, N. Y., July 4, 1815 ; died in Nankin, Mich., October 7, 1863 ; married in Nankin, Mich., September 3, 1834, to Isaac F. Peeein, of Nankin, Mich.; born about 1805 ; died in Nankin, Mich., July 3, 1867. Their children were : 1st. — Helen Ann Peeein, born July 15, 1835. 2d. — Maet Elizabeth Perrin, born July 7, 1837 ; died in December, 1857. 3d. — Sarah Adelaide Perrin, born February 26, 1840. c — 3d. Swift, George Washlngton, son of Rev. Marcus and Anna (Osband) Swift ; born in Palmyra, N. Y., May 21, 1817 ; died in NorthviUe, Mich., AprU 29, 1885 ; mar ried in Northville, Mich., February 3,1841, to Sarah Ann PuDNET, of Northville, Mich.; she died in Nankin, Mich., in 1878. Their children were : 1st. — John Swift, born March 13, 1844 ; graduated in the class of 1868 from Michigan Agricultural College ; received degree of M. S. in 1872. Living, 1902, at Harbor Springs, Mich. He is a "Landscape and Practical Sur veyor; married at Drayton Plains, Mich., April 27, 1869, to Emma Jane Birge. Their children were : a. — George Henrt Swift, born April 18, 1871. 332 OSBAND. b. — Herbert Ivan Swift, born at Nankin, Mich., June 24, 1873. He is a graduate of the Art Institute of Chi cago, IU.; employed in 1902 by "Nickell Magazine," of New York City, as illustrator and writer. c — Albert Thoene Swift, born at Nankin, Mich., Nov ember 18, 1874 ; he was teaching (1902) mathematics in the Michigan Agricultural College, at Lansing, Mich., where he graduated. d. — Birge C. Swift, born in Lansing, Mich., August 24, 1877. e. — Sarah Mat Swift, born in Wayne, Mich, August 1, 1881. /. — Marcus Swift, born in Harbor Springs, Mich., May 17, 1884. 2d. — Anna Melora Swift, born August 31, 1845. 3d. — Emilt Jane Swift, born June 5, 1847. 4th. — Charles Duefee Swift, born September 23, 1849 ; died March 4, 1850. 5th. — Saeah Elizabeth Swift, born October 8, 1851. 6th. — ^Maet Ida Swift, born February 25, 185-. Sub sequently Mr. Swift married Geeteude Dunlap, of North ville, Mich.; they had no children. d. — 4th. Swift, Oeson Ross, son of Rev. Marcus and Anna (Osband) Swift ; born in Palmyra, N. Y., October 11, 1821 ; died in Nankin, Mich., April 3, 1856 ; married in Sharon, Mich., March 11, 1846, to Maet Elizabeth Bae kee, of Sharon, Mich., daughter of Captain George and Maria (Peck) Barker. She died in Detroit, Mich., in De cember, 1864. Their children were : t. — 1st. Marcus Geoegb Baekee Swift, born March 12, 1848 ; died in FaU River, Mass., February 22, 1902. u. — 2d. Camblla Attavene Swift, bom DecemlDer 20, 18.52. Mr. Swift married a second time in Nankin, Mich., Feb ruary 22, 1865, to Jane Elizabeth Brink, of Northville, Mich. In the early " 90's " she was living in Sarnia, On tario. There were no children by this marriage. f. — Swift, John Maeoub, son of Rev. Marcus and Anna (Osband) Swift ; born in Nankin, Mich., February OSBAND. 333 11, 1832 ; died in NorthviUe, Mich., August 29, 1897 ; married in Grand Rapids, Mich., February 11, 1852, to Emilt B. Baekee, of Grand Rapids, Mich., daughter of George and Maria (Peck) Barker ; born in Amenia, Dutchess Co., N. Y., July 6, 1831. Living in Northville, Mich., 1899. They had one child. V. — 1st. Mart Elizabeth Swift, born October 1, 1854 ; died January 5, 1884. The following personal sketches of individuals of the Swift family were overlooked in copying, and are placed here to save labor of rewriting. These should have fol lowed the record of each family : Osband D. Swift {a 1st). Useful labor is worthy of re spect, however humble. The pioneer not only performs useful labor, but his labor in its results descends to bless succeeding generations ; though he be forgotten by those who come after him, he is still an industrial hero and a benefactor of his race. The pioneers of Nankin have no pre-eminence over the great pioneer armies in the world's history, yet with them they are equally worthy of a place among the world's royal stock. The subject of our sketch was one of these ; before his 13th birthday he was busy with ax in hand, battling with the Michigan forests, trying to develop a farm in their stead. His education was confined principally to his phy sical system, supplemented by a very meager attendance on the crude public schools of his locality. In his after years he became a brickmaker and a brick- mason. He was a lover of music, and the winter even ings of his early manhood were given to teaching vocal music to classes in his vicinity. His life was one of hard, unremitting physical labor. He was intelligent, genial in society, an enduring friend, and possessed a character of undoubted integrity. He was not fortunate in business, and his domestic life was saddened by the loss of two wives and four children. He was stalwart in person, being six feet tall and very muscular. He died in his 45th year, loved and mourned. George W. Swift (c 3d) was in his 9th year when he first heard the wolves howl in the Michigan woods. He 334 OSBAND. worked hard in developing his father's farm, while his school opportunities were few. His business through life was miscellaneous. He was a farmer, carpenter and joiner, contractor and builder, merchant, and he filled many places of public trust with credit. In early life he developed a superior ability as a public speaker, and he made good use of this in the anti-slavery discussions that became prominent about the time that he approached manhood. He was intelligent and able in argument, and the advocates of human freedom found in him an able champion. On this subject he was fearless and valiant. On the temperance platform also, his addresses were numbered by the hundreds. His public positions were State Librarian, two years, U. S. Consul at Windsor, Canada, four years under President Grant, and member of the State Legislature, two terms, besides numerous smaller positions. His social faculties were of a high order. There were few who did not covet his society. He was dignified, pleasant, easy of approach, discussed current topics intelligently, and with a tender regard for the feel ings of all present. Orson R. Swift {d 4th) was licensed to preach by the Wesleyan Methodists, at the age of 21 years. He was fluent in speech and his manner was attractive. He threw his whole soul into his work ; his emotional nature was very strong and impelled him to efforts beyond his strength ; after preaching five years his health failed and he began the study of medicine. He practiced in his pro fession quite successfully the remainder of his life. But he never recovered from the terrible effects his public speaking had wrought upon his health, and before he reached 35 years of age he passed over to the Beyond from his father's house. John M. Swift, M. D. (/ 6th), after a hard struggle in early life to secure an education, succeeded in graduat ing from a medical college at the age of 22 years. He located at Northville, a village in Wayne Co., Mich. His energy and skill has won for him honors and an enviable reputation as a man and as a physician. He is promi nent in the society of his locality, with few if any superiors. OSBAND. 335 He speaks well in public ; he served one term in the leg islature and declined a renomination. Beside his first coUege degree he has been honored by a degree from the Rush Medical College, of Chicago. He was an honorary member of the Sydenham Medical Society, of London, England, besides holding a membership in many other medical societies, and a Councillor of the Detroit Medical CoUege. He is a lecturer of ability and on occasions preaches lay sermons as supply in vacant pulpits. His religious life is earnest, and his theology broad and Hberal. He has given much attention to music, and is himself a fine singer. In March, 1895, Dr. Swift suffered a para lytic stroke, since which time his health has been very feeble. XI. — Obband, William (Weaver 2d, William 1st). Son of Weaver and Hannah (Duri'ee) Osband ; born in Pal myra, N. Y., June 1, 1796 ; died in Nankin, Mich., No vember 24,1861 ; married in Palmyra, N.Y., April, 1820, to Martha Reeves, of Palmyra, N. Y., daughter of Daniel and Mary Bowers Reeves ; born in West Hampton, Long Island, N. Y., in 1798 ; died in Nankin, Mich., November 17, 1848. Their children were : XXVI. — 1st. William Henet Osband, born December 12, 1820. XXVII. — 2d. Melvin Duefee Obband, born April 22, 1824. XXVIII. — 3d. Luthee Reeves Osband, born March 14, 1826. XXIX. — 4th. Wilson Geant Obband, born November 24, 1827 ; died October 30, 1848. XXX. — 5th. Edgae Emmet Osband, born February 21, 1832. XXXI. — 6th. Edwin Reeves Osband, born March 20, 1836. Mr. Osband labored on his father's farm till his ma jority, when he served an apprenticeship with a carpenter and joiner. He worked at that trade till October, 1825, when he and his family, together with the family of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Swift, left their ancestral homes and 336 OSBAND. removed to Nankin, Mich. Nankin then consisted of a vast unbroken wilderness of heavy timbered land. In subsequent years Mr. Osband succeeded making a pro ductive farm of his timbered waste, but effort necessary to produce this result secured to him a shattered constitu tion, and to his wife an early grave. Mr. Osband was a born mechanic, and this aided him to adapt himself to the necessities of his environment, for in addition to his trade of carpenter and joiner he, as occasion required, be came a cooper, gunsmith, bricklayer, plasterer, shoe maker, coffin maker, and general tool maker. His life was pure and helpful. He not only had the reputation, but possessed the character of uprightness, industry, hon esty and integrity. He was a temperate man from boy hood. He was an abolitionist at a time when such sen timents ostracised men from society. As a churchman he belonged to the M. E. Church till its position on slavery drove him from it, after which he was a Wesleyan Meth odist till his death. In politics he was a Whig, as were all his brothers. After 1848 he cast his influence with the Free Soil and Republican parties. He held some local offices, but always with reluctance. In his later years he lived in the enjoyment of a competence, as the result of a life of industry and economy. The children of William Osband grew to manhood on the farm, and after their majority all became carpenters and joiners, and all except the second have made farming and mechanical labors the principal business of their Hves. Like all pioneer boys their school education was limited by the necessities of their environment. They have all lived in the quiet of private life, and of them there is lit tle to write. They have maintained a reputation for honesty, intelligence, industry, and respectabUity, and have always received the respect and confidence of their neighbors ; while none of them have become wealthy, aU have accumulated enough of this world's goods to relieve them from fear of want, at least for the near future. In their youth they each united with the Christian church, and they have ever since received Christian recog nition from their associates in life. They have all led OSBAND. 337 lives of sobriety, and in them the saloon and its work have ever found uncompromising enemies. All except Wilson G. and Edwin R. yet live, and their ages at their next birthday will range from 66 to 77 years (1898). XII.— Osband, Elizabeth (Weaver 2d, WiUiam 1st). Daughter of Weaver and Hannah (Durfee) Osband ; born in Palmyra, N. Y., February 26, 1798 ; died in Adrian, Lenawee Co., Mich., August 7, 1865 ; married in Palmyra, N. Y., February 12, 1818, to Luthee Reeves, of Palmyra, N. Y., son of Daniel and Mary (Bowers) Reeves ; born in West Hampton, Long Island, N. Y., August 28, 1795 ; died in Palmyra, N. Y., February 24, 1842. Their children were (born in Palmyra, N. Y.) : a. — Mart Ann Reeves, bom October 17, 1818. b. — Celinda Reeves, born May 22, 1822. c — Eliza Reeves, born June 19, 1825. d. — Maetha Jane Reeves, bom December 6, 1827. a. — Maet Ann Reeves, married in Macedon, N. Y., May 2, 1839, to Benjamin Cole Durfee, of Macedon, N. Y., son of Isaac and Polly (Cole) Durfee ; born in Wayne Co., N. Y., June 8, 1813; died in Detroit, Mich., during the 70's. "They had no children. Mrs. Durfee re sided at No. 3850 Indiana ave., Chicago, 111., in April, 1897. b. — Celinda Reeves, died in Detroit Mich., February 17, 1902; married in Palmyra, N. Y., October 28, 1841, to Joseph Bailet, of Dover, Lenawee Co., Mich., who died in Dover, Mich., November 4, 1844. 'They had one child, Luthee Reeves Bailet, born September 9, 1844; died December 10, 1844. Mrs. Bailey married second on February 21, 1848, to Maevin Cleveland, of Dover, Mich., son of Elijah and Mary (Mason) Cleveland; born in Hannibal, N. Y., December 17, 1821 ; died in Detroit, Mich., March 14, 1901. They had no chUdren. c. — 3d. Eliza Reeves, died in Nankin, Mich., May 13, 1847; married in .Dover, Mich., in September, 1846, to Zaohaeiah Steaight, of Nankin, Mich., son of and Elizabeth (Cobb) Straight; born in Essex Co., N. Y.; died in California about June, 1852. They had no children. d. — 4th. Maetha Jane Reeves, died in Dover, Mich., 338 osband. July 16, 1851; married in Dover, Mich., March 16, 1848, to Stephen P. Pbekinb, of Dover, Mich., son of Moses and Eliza (Blake) Perkins ; born in Oswego Co., N. Y., about 1825 ; died in Adrian, Mich., March 25, 1899, aged 74 years. They had one child, Chaeles Albeet Perkins, born May 24, 1851 ; died February 16, 1853. XIII. — -Obband, Gideon (Weaver 2d, William 1st). Born in Palmyra, Wayne Co., N. Y., January 5, 1801; died in Macedon Centre, Wayne Co., N. Y., June 7, 1856 ; married in HopeweU, N. Y., AprU, 29, 1830, to Mart Ann Noeswell, of HopeweU, N. Y.; born in 1804; died in Macedon, Centre, N. Y., January 14, 1861. Their children were : XXXIL — 1st. Embuet Duefee Osband, born June 6, 1832. XXXIIL — 2d. Maegaeet Elizabeth Osband, born No vember 23, 1834. XXXIV. — 3d. Maey Jane Osband, born October 10, 1837. XXXV.— 4th. Maetha Ann Osband, born April 30, 1840 ; died May 24, 1840. XXXVI. — 5th. Almyea Ann Osband, born in October, 1841. Mr. Osband adopted preaching as his profession at an early age. In the work assigned him by the General Con ference, he wielded a power in the pulpit that few could equal. It was told of him that a reformation accompanied his preaching wherever he went. His pulpit efforts were characterized by great enthusiasm, which taxed his phy sical energies to such an extent that his health broke down, and during the last dozen or more years of his life he was a confirmed invalid. XIV. — Osband, Duefee (Weaver 2d, William 1st). Born in Palmyra, N. Y., January 5, 1801 ; died in Macedon Centre, N. Y., September 9, 1884 ; married in Macedon Centre, N. Y., March 31, 1825, to Maeietta Waed, of Macedon Centre, N. Y., born in Macedon Centre, N. Y., October 25, 1806 ; died there March 10, 1834. Their children were : XXXVII. — 1st. Louisa Jane Osband, born June 19, 1826. osband. 339 XXXVIII. — 2d. Maeietta Elizabeth Osband, born AprU 9, 1829. Mr. Osband married a second time, in Lima, N. Y., November 19, 1835, to Almy r a D. Burchard (nee Godfrey), of Lima, N. Y., born in Lima, N. Y., in 1807; died in Macedon Centre, N. Y., early in 1879, without issue. Durfee Osband was a twin brother to Gideon ; lived most of his life in Macedon Centre, N. Y. He became prominent in his locality for his public spirit, uprightness, integrity, and love of justice. Some years of his early manhood he spent in teaching school. He served as magistrate in his vicinity many years. He was a member of the legis lature of his State one term ; was always a friend of edu cation, and was one of the foremost in organizing and maintaining the Macedon Academy, which was located in his vicinity. He died at the ripe old age of nearly 85 years, honored and respected. XVIIL — Osband, Rowena Lakey (Wilson 3d, Weaver 2d, William 1st). Daughter of Wilson and Susannah (Sherman) Osband ; born in Palmyra, N. Y., October 31, 1818 ; died in Syracuse, N. Y., May 24, 1849 ; married in Arcadia, Wayne Co., N. Y., December 22, 1842, to Addison Buerows. Their children were : a. — 1st. William Taboe Bueeows, born September 3, 1845. b. — 2d. Wilson Obband Burrows, born August 29, 1847. XIX. — Osband Marietta (Wilson 3d, Weaver 2d, William 1st). Daughter of Wilson and Susannah (Sherman) Osband ; born in Palmyra, N. Y., February 21, 1821 ; died in Newark, Wayne Co., N. Y., November 28, 1876 ; mar ried in Arcadia, Wayne Co., N. Y., February 27, 1840, to Albert Aldrich, son of Edmund Tilson and Hannah (Lusk) Aldrich, born in Newark, N. Y., October 3, 1819 ; died in Newark, N. Y., January 24, 1875. They had no chUdren. XXI. — Osband, Phebe Ann (Wilson 3d, Weaver 2d, WilHam 1st). Daughter of Wilson aud Susannah (Sherman) Osband ; born in Marion, Wayne Co., N. Y., February 340 OSBAND. 11, 1826 ; died in Arcadia, Wayne Co., N. Y., October 28, 1854 ; married in Arcadia, N. Y., March 15, 1849, to William Heney Ten Beoeck, who died in Arcadia, N. Y. Their children were : 1st. — Byeon William Ten Beoeok, born December 30, 1849. 2d. — Adeline Susannah Ten Beoeok, born August 28, 1852; died February 14, 1882. XXII. — Osband, Noeman Sheeman (Wilson 3d, Wea ver 2d, William 1st). Son of Wilson and Susannah (Sherman) Osband ; born in Marion, N. Y., August 29, 1828 ; married in October, 1863, to Hattie H. Hill ; he died in Newark, N. Y., June 11, 1874; they had no children. XXIII. — Osband, Eliza Jane (Wilson 3d, Weaver 2d, William 1st). Daughter of Wilson and Susannah (Sher man) Osband ; born in Palmyra, N. Y., February 10, 1831 ; died in Newark, N. Y., AprU 6, 1899 ; married in Arcadia, N. Y., October 17, 1848, to Matthew Van HoESEN, son of George M. and Catherine C. (Whitbeck) Van Hoesen ; born in Stuyvesant FaUs, N. Y., February 13, 1827 ; died in Newark, N. Y., late in the 80's or in early 90's. Their children were : 1st. — Embuet Feanois Van Hoesen, born November 12, 1851. 2d. — Meeeitt Lawson Van Hoesen, born October 3, 1855 ; died December 19, 1879. 3d. — Geoege W. Van Hoesen, born June 14, 1863. XXV. — Osband, William Meeeitt (Wilson 3d, Weaver 2d, William 1st). Son of Wilson and Susannah (Sher man) Osband ; born in Arcadia, N. Y., June 25, 1836 ; married in Newark, N. Y., August 7, 1861, to Luct Al- DEicH, of Newark, N. Y.; daughter of Hiram and Phiantha (Gorsline) Aldrich ; born in Arcadia, N. Y., October 27, 1835. They were living at YpsUanti, Mich., in 1900. Their children were : XXXIX. — 1st. Maena Ruth Obband, bom August 7, 1870. osband. 341 " Mr. Osband graduated in 1861 from Genesee Col lege, Lima, N. Y. (afterwards merged in Syracuse Univer sity), and adopted teaching as his profession, and much of his life has been spent in that capacity. He taught in his native State, in Canada and Michigan. He was a Professor in Olivet College, and afterwards for six years was Professor of Natural Science in Albion College, Al bion, Mich.; while engaged in the latter institution his health failed, and in 1878 he was compelled to retire from the profession. He removed to a small farm, which he owned near YpsUanti, and for several years traveled for the Michigan School and Church Furniture Co., of North ville, Mich., in which he was a stockholder. For the past 10 years he has been engaged in editorial work on ' The Ypsilantian ' of which he is proprietor." (From letter of Mr. Osband, November 9, 1897). His wife, Prof. Lucy A. Osband, is also a graduate of Genesee, and a very competent woman ; she has gener ally held positions as instructor in the schools where her husband was employed. After he ceased to teach she accepted the Chair of Natural Sciences in the Michigan State Normal School. She retained this chair 13 years, and recently retired in poor health. XXVI. — Obband, William Henet (William 3d, Weaver 2d, William 1st). Son of William and Martha (Reeves) Osband ; born in Palmyra, N. Y., December 12, 1820 ; died in FHnt, Genesee Co., Mich., November 13, 1901 ; married in Livonia, Mich., March 29, 1848, to Saeah Mallissa Glass, of Livonia, Mich.; daughter of Reuben; born in Bath, Steuben Co., N. Y., November 28, 1830 ; living in FHnt, Mich., AprU 4, 1898. Their children were : XL. — 1st. Edgae Jambs Obband, born November 2, 1849. XLI. — 2d. Noeman Henet Osband, born December 29, 1853 ; died February 4, 1854. XLII. — 3d. Anna Rowena Osband, born January 25, 1856. XLIII. — 4th. RoSBTTA Ebtella Osband, born June 8, 1859. 342 osband. The following account of the celebration of the Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Osband was published in the " Evening Journal," of FHnt, Mich., AprU 4, 1898 : " Last Tuesday the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Osband, of Flint, was celebrated at the home of C. L. Stringer, of Otisville. A special train left here at 11 A. M. that day, and took many guests to that village. Over 50 were present. Among the guests were : M. D. Osband, of Grand Rapids ; Mrs. E. R. Osband, of Lansing; Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Osband, of YpsUanti; L. R. Osband, Mr. and Mrs. Emory Glass, Mr. and Mrs. CHsbee, Mr. and Mrs. Meldrum, and Mr. and Mrs. David Under wood, of Wayne county ; Rev. and Mrs. Ling, of Davis- burg ; Rev. Hubbell, of Commerce ; Rev. and Mrs. Wright, of Otisville ; Dr. and Mrs. N. Bates, Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Bigelow, Mrs. Elwood, Mrs. Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Chapel, Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Wolfe, Rev. Wasburn, and Mrs. Bancroft, of FHnt." n * * * ijijjg address of welcome was as follows " (by M. D. Osband) : " My Deak Brother and Sister : " We, a few of your friends, have met to celebrate with you an event that occurred fifty years ago. None can now remember that event but those wearing gray hairs, and few that graced that occasion are with us now. Fifty years ago ! As our memory glances back to it it doesn't seem long. But in tracing the events of the intervening years as you traced them, it has taken a half century to compass it. The year 1848 is rich in historic events. Few years in the world's history have left a record of greater commotion. Unrest and insurrection seemed to permeate the very atmosphere like a mental contagion. All Europe was trodden by hostile armies. Every crowned head on the continent was anxious for its own safety. The fabric of political society seemed broken up. The pent-up fires of human freedom were bursting forth with volcanic fuiy. Louis Philippe, of France, dropped his crown and fled to Eugland, followed by the execrations of his people. Emperor Ferdinand, of Austria, fled his country and resigued crown. Pius IX, the religious des- OSBAND. 343 pot, holding down the rickety chair of St. Peter at Rome, was confronted by his infuriated people and fled to Gaeta for safety. The German states were on the verge of rev olution, while Hungary was one boiling, bubbling, seeth ing arena of insurrection. The submerged classes of Europe were intensely aroused, and in desperation striv ing to secure those rights which regal governments had wrested from them. The days of kingly governments seemed to have been numbered. " In our own country 1848 was also a year of unrest. This was the last year of President Polk's administration. The Mexican war had not yet closed, and our army still occupied the Mexican capital. Our country was then dominated by the slave power, and a more cruel despot never governed any people. Both of the great political parties were its subservient tools, and both bowed before its altars. " But the events following this war awakened intense antagonisms at the North that culminated during the next fifteen years in our terrible civil war and the destruc tion of slavery forever. " But we are not here to celebrate war, nor to wave palms of victory over fallen foes. Ours is a much pleas- anter task. " On receipt of those elegant golden wedding bells, entwined by a sprig of olive blossoms, placed upon your card of invitation to this festival, I was reminded that domestic events also make history. And surely the year 1848 gave birth to one event that savors more of peace than of war, when on Wednesday, March 29, William Henry Osband, of Nankin, aged 27 years, was married to Sarah Melissa Glass, aged 17 years, at the residence of her brother, Zenas Glass, of Livonia. With some of us the memory of that event remains fresh. It was a beauti ful spring day. The sun shone warm and bright over head. But, oh, what roads ! You placed a big tax on the loyalty of your friends when you asked them to wade through the miles of almost impassable mud just to see you married. You passed over the same roads yourselves the next day in going to the party given by our father in 344 OSBAND. honor of the occasion. But it is quite supposable that the peculiar excitement of the time rendered you quite oblivious of everything as vulgar as muddy roads, and that you cannot now recall that they were not in the best condition. Life to you then looked beautiful, grand and hopeful. Your later experiences, however, have taught you that life's seas are beset with adverse storms, and that only brave hearts and brawny muscles can safely ride through them. You have proved that it is sometimes possible to conquer in the battles of life and to gather strength while doing it. " You have endured sickness, discouragements, disap pointments and losses. You have suffered bereavements that left wounds that can never be healed tUl you pass over to join the loved ones that escaped from your em brace years ago. Little Norman Henry came to your embrace and stayed with you but thirty-seven days, but long enough to enlist your affections ; then his little life passed out. " More recently came that more terrible blow, when Anna Rowena breathed her last and passed to the unknown. I cannot measure parental love, neither will I attempt to describe the deep sorrow when a loved child departs. " She had received your care and reciprocated your affections twenty-six years. She was bright, loving, enter taining, and was happily married. Then Mary passed away, in whom you shared your son's sorrow. * * * You were both educated in the religion of the Bible. You can both point back to the pure precepts and ex amples of your christian parents. In early life you each accepted the religion of your fathers, and enlisted under the banner of Christ. Your subsequent lives have been replete with efforts to exemplify His teachings. Your good works, exemplary lives, and faithful service give us assurance that the characters you have formed, and will by and by take with you over to the other side, will be ample passports to the better life. * * * "As I glance over this little group of friends, I find but few that graced the former gathering. But a few weeks after your marriage, your brother, James, passed away. MELVIN D. OSBAND. OSBAND. 345 A bright young man of good character and high aspira tions. A year had not passed ere our mother, and brother Wilson, also passed to the spirit world. Each succeeding year has borne from your circle some loved one whose society you cherished. Father Glass, brother and sister Clisby, brother Zenas and Roswell are gone. Our father and brother Edwin are no longer with us. Our uncle, Marcus Swift, and his five chUdren, and our old neighbors are all gone. You were in business when you erected your first domicile. Your three partners and their wives have all passed to the great Beyond, and you alone are left." * * * " But the truer life draws nigher — every year, And Its morning star climbs higher — every year ; Earth's hold on us grows slighter, And the heavy burdens lighter, And the dawn immortal brighter — every year." * * * * » * Your affectionate brother, M. D. Osband. XXVII. — Obband, Melvin Duefee (William 3d, Wea ver 2d, William 1st). Son of WiUiam and Martha (Reeves) Osband ; born in Palmyra, N. Y., April 22, 1824. Living in Grand Rapids, Mich., 1902 ; married in Scio, Washte naw Co., Mich., November 15, 1859, to Helen Maeia HosKiNS, of Scio, Mich., daughter of Dr. Thomas and Lucretia (Bartlett) Hoskins ; born in Luna, Washtenaw Co., Mich., July 18, 1836 ; died in Lansing, Mich., August 3, 1892. Their children were : XLIV. — 1st. Chaeles Hoskins Obband, born June 25, 1861. XLV. — 2d. Nellie Eliza Osband, born May 13, 1865. Mr. Osband became crippled in his youth by the dis location of his hip joint, the bones of which were never ad justed. In his later years this disabled him for physical labor. Nevertheless, in his early manhood, he worked several years at his trade. He taught school several terms, did clerical work in various capacities many years, and once engaged in mercantile pursuits for a few years. 346 OSBAND. In early life he contracted a love for books and study, which in spite of adverse conditions have been Continued through life. This has given him an ease in expressing his ideas by the pen, which he has in his later years by essays contributed to literary societies by occasional newspaper articles, and several articles which have been published in the " Collections of the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society." He has also done much work in his family genealogy. His wife died in 1892, in Lans ing, Mich., which had for many years been their home. Since then he has found a home with his daughter, Mrs. Frank A. Baldwin, at Grand Rapids, Mich. XXVIII. — Osband, Luthee Reeves (William 3d, Wea ver 2d, William 1st). Son of William and Martha (Reeves) Osband ; born in Nankin, Mich., March 14, 1826. Living in Nankin, Mich., in 1897 ; married in Livonia, Mich., December 12, 1847, to Elizabeth Chaelbswoeth, of Red- ford, Mich., daughter of William and Mary (Jackson) Charlesworth ; born in Jerusalem, Steuben Co., N. Y., December 25, 1825 ; died in Nankin, Mich., December 23, 1872. Their children were : XLVI. — 1st. Maetha Ann Osband, born January 8, 1850. XLVII. — 2d. William Albeet Obband, born October 7, 1851 ; died February 10, 1852. XLVIII. — 3d. Ellen Floeilla Osband, born January 6, 1863. XLIX. — 4th. Marvin Henrt Obband, ; , . L. — 6th. Jambs Lovell Osband, ^ w n . Born AprU 29, 1854. The fourth died August 24, 1854, and the fifth died August 18, 1854. LI. — 6th. Jessie Elizabeth Osband, born July 16, 1856. XXX. — Obband, Edgar Emmett (William 3d, Weaver 2d, William 1st). Son of William and Martha (Reeves) Osband ; born in Nankin, Mich., February 21, 1832 ; died at YpsUanti, Mich., December 24, 1899 ; married in Nan kin, Mich., September 28, 1857, to Sarah Elizabeth Fer guson, of Nankin, Mich., daughter of Harcourt and Louisa OSBAND. 347 (Harris) Ferguson ; born in Nankin, Mich., September 28, 1835. Living at YpsUanti, Mich., in 1900. Their children were : LII. — 1st. William Weavee Obband, born May 14, 1861. LIIL — 2d. Meda Louisa Osband, born September 16, 1866. Mr. Osband resided after his marriage in the vicinity of his birth place (Nankin, Mich.) until 1884, when he removed to YpsUanti to give his children the educational advantages of the State Normal School, and he resided there until his death, except for two years that he lived at Ontonogon, Mich. The " Ypsilantian, " their local paper, mentioned him as follows : " Mr. Osband was a devoted and active member of the Presbyterian Church, and his daily life was filled with kindliness and helpfulness. He was deeply interested in public affairs, and was a life-long Republican in politics. It was a privilege to know him well, and his death is deeply mourned by many hearts. The influence of so unostentatious and faithful a life cannot be measured, but it was one of the forces that tried to make the world bet ter." He was educated in the pioneer public schools, and spent a short time in study in the Leoni College. He was a carpenter and joiner by trade and worked at that business all his life. XXXI. — Osband, Edwin Reeves (William 3d, Wea ver 2d, William 1st). Son of William and Martha (Reeves) Osband ; born in Nankin, Mich., March 20, 1836 ; died in Lansing, Ingham Co., Mich., December 8, 1892 ; married in Nankin, Mich., February 3, 1864, to Louisa Fidelia Steaight, of Nankin, Mich., daughter of Daniel and Marcia (Ferris) Straight ; born in Naukin, Mich. Living in Lansing, Mich., in 1900. They have three children : LIV. — Ist. Daniel Geegoet Obband, born March 1, 1867. LV. — 2d. Edith Geetohin Osband, born December 1, 1870. 348 OSBAND. LVL— 3d. Claea Maet Osband, born March 9, 1881. Mr. Osband served four years in the Union army, from October, 1861, to October, 1865. He served in the 1st Regiment Michigan Engineers and Mechanics. His field was Kentucky, Tennessee and Georgia ; after the war he settled on a farm near Lansing, where he died. XXXIL — Osband, Embuet Duefee (Gideon 3d, Wea ver 2d, William 1st). Son of Gideon and Mary Ann (Morsell) Osband; born in HopeweU, Ontario Co., N. Y., June 6, 1832 ; died in Mississippi, October 4, 1866 ; mar ried in JanesviUe, Hillsdale Co., Mich., July 28, 1856, to Caeoline E. Waltees, of Janesville, Mich. They had no children. Mr. Osband entered the Union army from Chicago, Ills., as Captain of Co. A, 4th Illinois Cavalry, September 26, 1861. He was promoted Major, February 16, 1863, and appointed Colonel of the 1st Mississippi Cavalry of A. D. February 29, 1864, by Adjutant General L. Thomas. This colored regiment was recruited at Vicks burg, Haines' Bluff, and Skepworth Landing, Miss., and Memphis, Tenn., October 9, 1863, to March 1, 1864. The name of the organization was changed to 3d United States Colored Cavalry, March 11, 1864. Colonel Osband was promoted to Brevet Brigadier General, October 5, 1864 ; he resigned June 24, 1865. After leaving the army he engaged in business in the State of Mississippi, and died there October 4, 1866, of brain fever. XXXIIL — Obband, Maegaeet Elizabeth (Gideon 3d, Weaver 2d, William 1st). Daughter of Gideon and Mary Ann (Morsell) Osband ; born in West Mendon, N. Y., November 23, 1834; died in San Francisco, Cal., January 31, 1896 ; married in ShelbyviUe, Ills., June 28, 1865, to Albeet Stetson, of Bloomington, Ills., who died at San Francisco, Cal., in 1896. They had no children. Mrs. Stetson was for many years a teacher ; while so employed in the Illinois State Normal School she mar ried Mr. Stetson, one of its Professors. XXXVL — Osband, Almiea Ann (Gideon 3d, Weaver 2d, William 1st). Daughter of Gideon and Mary Ann OSBAND. 349 (Morsell) Osband ; born in Canandaigua, N. Y., October 13, 1841 ; married in Fall River, Mass., September 29, 1873, to Jesse B. Sutton, of Quincy, Branch Co., Mich. They were living in Tacoma, Washington, in the spring of 1896. Their children were : 1st. — Edward Osband Sutton, born July 30, 1875. Mrs. Sutton taught school many years before her mar riage. Mr. Sutton was a banker at Quincy, Mich., and was in the banking business at Tacoma, Washington. XXXVII. — Osband, Louisa Jane (Durfee 3d, Weaver 2d, William 1st). Daughter of Durfee and Marietta (Ward) Osband ; born in Macedon Centre, N. Y., June 19, 1826 ; died at No. 30 Hawthorn street, Rochester, N. Y., February 7, 1899 ; married in Macedon Centre, N. Y., July 20, 1848, to John Wesley Stbbbins, of Roches ter, N.Y.; bom in Winfield, N.Y., October 22, 1819. Liv ing at No. 30 Hawthorn street, Rochester, N. Y. Their children were : 1st. — Sarah Louisa Stbbbins, born August 24, 1849 ; died AprU 23, 1861. 2d. — John Waed Stbbbins, born in 1857. Mrs. Stebbins graduated from the Macedon Academy and married Hon. John W. Stebbins, then a Professor in the Academy from whence she graduated. He has since been a prominent lawyer of Rochester, N. Y., for many years. He has represented his district in the State Leg islature ; has been postmaster of Rochester, and in the year 1895-6 was Grand Sire of the Odd Fellow Frater nity of the World. XXXVIII. — Osband, Marietta Elizabeth (Durfee 3d, Weaver 2d, William 1st). Daughter of Durfee aud Marietta (Ward) Osband; born in Macedon Centre, Wayne Co., N. Y., AprU 9, 1829 ; died in Rochester, N. Y., June 28, 1882 ; married in Macedon Centre, N. Y., October 1, 1857, to Geoege W. Rawson, of Rochester, N. Y., who died in Lyons, N. Y., December 15, 1877. Their children were : a. — Geoege Osband Rawson, born September 13, 1859. b. — Willie Waed Rawson, born March 5, 1861 ; died February 15, 1862. 350 OSBAND. c — KiTTiB Elizabeth Rawson, born November 11, 1865. Mrs. Rawson's husband, Hon. Geo. W. Rawson, of Rochester, N. Y., who became Judge of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, died suddenly in 1877 while holding court at Lyons, N. Y. XL. — Osband, Edgae James (WilHam H. 4th, William 3d, Weaver 2d, William 1st). Son of William Henry and Sarah M. (Glass) Osband ; born in Nankin, Mich., No vember 2, 1849 ; living in Otisville, Genesee Co., Mich., April, 1897 ; married in Dearborn, Mich., November 9, 1871, to Maet Eliza Steingee, of Dearborn, Mich., daughter of John ; born in Dearborn, Mich., November 13, 1848 ; died in OtisviUe, Mich., March 10, 1891. Their children were : LVII. — Eva Ceoile Obband, born September 26, 1887 ; died March 26, 1888. Mr. Osband married a second time, in Lockport, N. Y., September 1,1892, to Anna Snowdon Gordon, of Lockport, N. Y.; born in Winde- mere, Conn., November 27, 1863. Living at Otisville, Mich., in AprU, 1897. Their children were : LVIII. — Vera Sarah Osband, born February 22, 1894. XLII. — Osband, Anna Rowena (William Henry 4th, William 3d, Weaver 2d, William 1st). Daughter of William Henry and Sarah M. (Glass) Osband ; born in Nankin, Mich., June 25,1856; died in Nankin, Mich., May 30, 1882 ; married in Nankin, Mich., November 13, 1873, to Marshall Lee Stringer, of Dearborn, Mich., son of John; born in Dearborn, Mich., October 10, 1852. Living at Otisville, Mich., in November, 1896. They had no children. XLIII. — Osband, Rosbtta Ebtella (William Henry 4th, William 3d, Weaver 2d, William 1st). Daughter of William Henry and Sarah M. (Glass) Osband ; born in Nankin, Mich., June 8, 1859 ; married in Nankin, Mich., Decem ber 10, 1879, to Zaohaeiah L. Steingeb, of Dearborn, Wayne Co., Mich., son of John ; born in Dearborn, Mich., OSBAND. 351 July 15, 1857. They were living at OtisvUle, Mich., in AprU, 1897. They had one child. a. — Cltde William Steingee, born December 23, 1882. XLIV. — Osband, Chaeles Hobkins (Melvin D. 4th, WilHam 3d, Weaver 2d, William 1st). Son of Melvin Durfee and Helen M. (Hoskins) Osband ; born in Lans ing, Mich., June 26, 1861 ; died in Buffalo, N. Y., Janu ary 17, 1902 ; married in Buffalo, N. Y., June 20, 1883, to Mildeed Stocking, of Lansing, Mich., daughter of George Benedict, D. D., and Cornelius A. (Ellis) Stocking ; born in Fabius, N. Y., May 11, 1861. Living in Lansing, Mich., in May, 1897. Their children were : LIX. — 1st. Geoege Benedict Osband, born April 4, 1888. LX. — 2d. James Justin Osband, born June 9, 1894. XLV. — Osband, Nellie Eliza (Melvin D. 4th, WiUiam 3d, Weaver 2d, William 1st). Daughter of Melvin Dur fee and Helen M. (Hoskins) Osband ; born in Lansing, Mich., May 25, 1865 ; married in Frederic, Crawford Co., Mich., March 12, 1885, to Feank Augustus Baldwin, of Gaylord, Mich., son of Eleazer and Harriet (Dana) Baldwin ; born in Fremont, Ohio, August 14, 1853. They were living in Grand Rapids, Mich., in 1902. Their children were : 1st. — Melvin Dana Baldwin, born December 7, 1885. 2d. — Haeold Hoskins Baldwin, bom October 9, 1887 ; died May 26, 1888. 3d. — Ralph Feank Baldwin, born February 4, 1891. XLVI. — Osband, Maetha Ann (Luther R. 4th, William 3d, Weaver 2d, WilHam 1st). Daughter of Luther Reeves and Elizabeth (Charlesworth) Osband ; born in Nankin, Mich., January 8, 1850 ; died in Nankin, Mich., June 14, 1884; married in Nankin, Mich., March 26, 1871, to James A. Hicks, of Naukin, Mich., son of David and Rhoda Ann (Dickerson) Hicks ; born in Nankin, Mich., July 22, 1848. Living at Wayne, Mich., in 1896. Their children were : 1st. — MoEEiB HioKB, born March 25,1876; died Feb ruary 5, 1880. 352 OSBAND. XLVIII. — Osband, Ellen Floeilla (Luther R. 4th, WilHam 3d, Weaver 2d, WilHam 1st). Daughter of Luther Reeves and EHzabeth (Charlesworth) Osband, of Nankin, Mich.; born in Nankin, Mich., January 6, 1853 ; married in Nankin, Mich., October 21, 1879, to Leandee Mel- DEUM, of Livonia, Mich., son of Peter and Sylvia (Fer guson) Meldrum ; born in Livonia, Mich., May 20, 1837. They were living at Livonia, Mich., in AprU, 1897. They had one child, Harvet Meldrum, born September 13, 1880. LI. — Obband, Jessie Elizabeth (Luther R. 4th, Wil liam 3d, Weaver 2d, William 1st). Daughter of Luther Reeves and Elizabeth (Charlesworth) Osband; born in Nankin, Mich., July 16, 1856. Living at Marion, Mich., in May, 1897 ; married in Lansing, Mich., May 20, 1877, to Henrt Eugene Wallbworth, of Lansing, Mich.; born in Jasper, N. Y.; died in Marion, Mich., May 21, 1896. Their chUdren were : a. — Vena Wallsworth, born June 28, 1884. b. — Louisa Wallbworth, born February 18, 1892. LII. — Osband, William Weavee (Edgar E. 4th, WU liam 3d, Weaver 2d, William 1st). Son of Edgar Emmet and Sarah E. (Ferguson) Osband ; bom in Nankin, Mich., May 14, 1861 ; married in Coldwater, Mich., December 26, 1893, to Olive Adele Filkin, of Coldwater, Mich. They were living at Marquette, Mich., in May, 1897. Their children were: LXI. — 1st. Helen Maeib Obband, born October 2, 1896. LIIL — Obband, Meda Louisa (Edgar E. 4th, WUliam 3d, Weaver 2d, William 1st). Daughter of Edgar Emmet and Sarah E. (Ferguson) Osband ; born in Nankin, Mich., September 16, 1866 ; married in YpsUanti, Mich., August 14, 1895, to Kael Schuez Judson, of Grand Rapids, Mich., son of James and Sarah (Scoville) Judson ; born in Rockford, Mich., December 13, 1864. They were liv ing at Grand Rapids, Mich., in May, 1897. They have no (ihildreu. LIV. — Osband, Daniel Geegoet (Edwin R. 4th, WU- OSBAND. 353 Ham 3d, Weaver 2d, William 1st). Son of Edwin Reeves and Louise F. (Straight) Osband ; born in Lansing, Mich., March 1, 1867 ; living at Lansing, Mich., in AprU, 1897 ; married at Millett Station, Mich., June 29, 1888, to Claea Walkee, of Millett, Station, Mich. Divorced. They had one child. LXII. — Lelah Bell Obband, born May 11, 1890. LV. — Osband, Edith Geetchen (Edwin R. 4th, William 3d, Weaver 2d, WiUiam 1st). Daughter of Edwin Reeves and Louise F. (Straight) Osband ; born in Lansing, Mich., December 1, 1870 ; married in Lansing, Mich., October 31, 1894, to John Hiokox Laeeabee, of Lansing, Mich., son of Wesley Charles and Mary Ellen (Hickox) Larra- bee ; born in Niles, Mich., September 14, 1862. They were living in Lansing, Mich., in May, 1897. They had one child, Maet Louise Laeeabee, born May 5, 1897. The foregoing genealogy of the Osband family has been recorded with very few changes, as received from Mr. Os band with the following letter of transmittal : " 326 Scribner st., Grand Rapids, Mich. " August 24, 1897. " My Dear Friend : Pursuant to your request, I have pre pared and herewith transmit, sketches of such members of the Osband family as have occupied prominent posi tions in society. If they possess sufficient merit to entitle them to a place in your Genealogy of the Durfee Family you are at liberty to use them, or such of them, as answers your purpose. And may success attend the consummation of your laudable enterprise." " Ever your friend, "Melvin D. Osband." 354 HEEENDEEN. HERENDEEN. 216. Durfee, Elizabeth (Gideon 4th, Job 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Gideon and Anne (Bowen) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Palmyra, N. Y.; born in Tiverton, R. I., March 29, 1768 ; married in May, 1794, to Welcome Heeendeen, of Farmington, Ontario Co., N. Y., son of Nathan and Huldah (Dillingham) Heren- deen; born in Smithfield, R. I., April 18, 1768. Their children were (born in Farmington, N. Y.) : a. — Edwaed Heeendeen. b. — Gideon Heeendeen. c. — Anne Heeendeen. d. — Huldah Heeendeen, born April 28, 1802. e. — Duefee Heeendeen, born July 5, 1804. f. — Nathan Heeendeen. g. — Wilkinson Heeendeen. Welcome Herendeen removed from Smithfield, R. I., to Farmington, N. Y., with his parents in 1790. The following records of the descendants of Welcome and Elizabeth (Durfee) Herendeen comprises all received : b. — 2d. Gideon Heeendeen, married Beesheba Willets. c. — 3d. Anne Heeendeen, married Asa Smith. d. — 4th. Huldah Heeendeen, married in Farmington, N. Y., April 2, 1822, to William Gatohell, of Farming- ton, N. Y., son of William and Eunice (Graves) Gatchel ; born in Chazy, Clinton Co., N. Y., November 7, 1868 ; died in Farmington, N. Y., November 7, 1868. Their children were : 1st. — William H. Gatchel, born in Manchester, N. Y., November 26, 1823; died unmarried. 2d. — Welcome D. Gatohel, born in Farmington, N. Y., June 28, 1825 ; married Feanoes Teipp, of Wayne Co., N. Y., March 19, 1856. 3d. — Haeeiet A. Gatohel, bom in Manchester, N. Y., October 15, 1827 ; married Theodore E. Laweence, of Sennett, Cayuga Co., N. Y., March 24, 1875. Mr. Law rence died of blood poisoning, October 7, 1888. HEEENDEEN. 355 4th. — Aethue M. Gatohel, born in Farmington, N. Y., August 21, 1833 ; died unmarried. Mr. and Mrs. Gatchel were members of the Quakers or Society of Friends, and followed very closely the customs of their meetings. They were married according to the practice of the Quakers, marrying themselves in a public meeting of relatives and neighbors. 5th. — Durfee Herendeen, was married at Farmington, N. Y., August 4, 1824, to Mart Smith, of Farmington, daughter of Levi and Tabatha ( ) Smith ; born in Farmington, N. Y., August 15, 1802 ; died in Farming- ton, N. Y., January 20, 1892. Mr. Herendeen died in September, 1882. Their children were (born in Farmington, N. Y.) : 1st. — Edwin Heeendeen, born September 18, 1826 ; died October 28, 1828. 2d. — Meecie a. Herendeen, born May 7, 1829 ; married Januaiy 18, 1856, to John Haubee. 3d. — Chaeles Bteon Heeendeen, born September 24, 1831 ; died in November, 1890 ; married in 1864 to Mart E. Lapham. Their daughter, Grace A. Heeendeen, born in Macedon, N. Y., March 5, 1876 ; married in Macedon, N. Y., January 11, 1893, to Charles B,. Durfee, son of Burton S. and Elizabeth (Eves) Durfee. They had two children (see record in 2d vol. of this work). 4th. — Helen M. Heeendeen, born April 29, 1840 ; mar ried in September, 1868, to H. W. Beown. g. — 7th. Wilkinson Heeendeen, was married January 12, 1832, in Farmington, N. Y., to Caeoline C. Aenold, daughter of Pardon and Sarah ( ) Arnold ; born in Farmington, N. Y., September 14, 1809 ; died in Farm ington, N. Y., May 8, 1887. Mr. Herendeen died in Farmington, December 16, 1892. Their children were (born in Farmington, N. Y.): 1st. — William R. Heeendeen, born October 21, 1832 ; died October 25, 1832. 2d. — Chaeles Heeendeen, born June 13, 1840 ; mar ried December 18, 1862, to Julia M. Newton. Mr. Wilkinson Herendeen was at one time Captain of a company of New York State Militia. 356 DUEFEE. DURFEE. 217. Durfee, Pardon (Gideon 4th, Job 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Gideon and Anne (Bowen) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Palmyra, N. Y.; born in Tiverton, R. I., January 24, 1770 ; died in Palmyra, N. Y., AprU 25, 1828 ; married at Palmyra, N. Y., in May, 1794, to Ruth Reeves, of Palmyra, N. Y.; died in Palmyra, N. Y., AprU 29, 1858. Their children were : 501.— 1st. Elias, born March 9, 1796. 502.— 2d. Harriet, bom November 30, 1797. 503.— 3d. Cynthia, born November 6, 1799. 504. — 4th. Maria, iDorn December 14, 1801. 505. — 5th. Sydney Smith, born January 1, 1804. 506.— 6th. Nelson, born March 17, 1806 ; died July 15, 1823 507.— 7th. Charles, born March 22, 1808. 508.— 8th. Philo, born March 27, 1810. Mr. Durfee established a rope walk at Palmyra, N. Y., and carried on the business of making rope until his death in 1828. 218. Durfee, Edward (Gideon 4th, Job 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Gideon and Anne (Bowen) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Palmyra, N. Y.; born in Tiverton, R. 1., December 10, 1771 ; died in Palmyra, N. Y., Sep tember 20, 1823 ; married in Palmyra, N. Y., March 9, 1796, first to Hannah Howell, of Sodus, N. Y.; born September 15, 1775 ; died August 18, 1808. Their chUdren were : 509.— 1st. Abel, born November 11, 1795. 510.— 2d. Seth, born May 16, 1797 ; died July 27, 1801. 511. — 3d. Lucena, born January 31, 1802; died Feb ruary 20, 1806. Mr Durfee married a second time to Susannah Beown, of Palmyra, N. Y., October 24, 1809, daughter of Elijah WILCOX. 357 and Bashua (Kuffield) Brown; born in New London, Conn., in 1776 ; died in Lyons, N. Y., January 11, 1854. Their children were : 512.— 1st. Amanda, born May 27, 1810. 513.— 2d. Anna B., born May 19, 1812. 414. — 3d. Mary E., born January 14, 1814. 515. — 4th. Susan, born December 11, 1815. 516.— 5th. Philena, born July 12, 1819. Major Edward Durfee accompanied his brother, Gideon, in his journey from Rhode Island in 1790, as far as Far mington, N. Y., and in 1791 he came to Palmyra with the Durfee family. He was selected as one of the Commis sioners of Highways of Palmyra, N. Y., in 1796. During the War of 1812, he was 1st Major in Lt. Col. Gilbert Howell's regiment of Light Infantry, New York State MiHtia. The following is a copy of the inscription on his grave stone : " Major Edward Durfee," "who was born at Tiverton, R. I., December 10, 1771. Emigrated to this district in 1790. Died September 20, 1823, in the 52d year of his age. He lived and died an honest man." WILCOX. 219. Durfee, Ruth (Gideon 4th, Job 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Gideon and Anne (Bowen) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Palmyra, N. Y.; born in Tiverton, R. I., March 13, 1774 ; died in Palmyra, N. Y., November 13, 1857 ; married in Palmyra, N. Y., March 7, 1793, to W11.LIAM WiLoox, who died in Palmyra, N. Y., November 17, 1857. Their children were : a.— 1st. Eael Wiloox, born March 30, 1794. b. — 2d. Gideon Wilcox, born January 26, 1796. 358 WILCOX. c — 3d. Geoegb Wiloox, born July 14, 1798. d.—iih. Maet Wiloox, born June 23, 1800 ; died Sep tember 24, 1843. e. — 5th. Meeibah Wilcox, born August 22, 1802. /.—6th. Hieam Wiloox, born October 27, 1804. g. — 7th. Ann Wilcox, born December 17, 1806. A.— 8th. William Wiloox, born June 27, 1808 ; died July 7, 1808. i. — 9th. Duefee Wiloox, born October 29, 1809. j. — 10th. Ruth Wilcox, laorn November 20, 1811 ; died September 6, 1825. k. — llth. Eliza Wncox, born March 7, 1814 ; died March 21, 1814. I. — 12th. Infant, born July 12, 1815 ; died same date. The military history of Wayne Co., N. Y., furnishes the following items of the record of Maj. WiUiam Wilcox : He was appointed captain of a company of cavalry in February, 1809, in Ontario Co., N. Y. He was a sergeant in Capt. Culver's Co. of Lt. Col. Swift's regiment in 1812. He was appointed captain of a company in the 39th Regiment, N. Y. Militia, March 17, 1821, and promoted to be major of the same regiment at its meeting at Pal myra, N. Y., October 3, 1823. He was a farmer, and affiliated with the Society of Friends. Of his descendants it is said that in politics they were all Republicans. The records of their families are as follows : a. — Eael Wiloox was a soldier in the War of 1812. He was a farmer, and in religion a Wesleyan Methodist; married September 22, 1815, to Jane Stewaet. He died in Marion, N. Y. Their children (born in Marion, N. Y.,) were : 1st. — William Wilcox, married Betset Cogswell. 2d. — -Chaeles Wiloox. 3d. Geoegb Wiloox. 4th. — Duefee Wilcox, died in infancy. 5th. — Henet Wiloox, married Maet BErrroN. 6th. — Duefee Wilcox, married Helen Smith. 7th. — Andeew Wiloox. 8th. Maet Jane Wiloox. DUEPEE. 359 h. — 2d. Wilcox, Gideon, married May 12, 1817, to Meect Heeendeen. Their children (born in Palmyra, N. Y.) were : 1st. — Elias Wilcox. 2d. Hannah Wiloox. 3d. Ruth Wiloox. c — 3d. Wiloox, Geoegb, married March 2, 1823, to Julia Stoddaed. He died in Palmyra, N. Y., in Decem ber, 1860. They had no children. e. — 5th. Wiloox, Meribah, married April 25, 1821, to Elbrt Hioks. /. — 6th. Wiloox, Hiram, married October 15, 1824, to Luct Stoddaed ; married second, December 25, 1828, to LuoT Beown ; his third wife was Loebtta Maebh. g. — 7th. Wiloox, Ann, married John Geegg, April 15, 1824. i. — 9th. Wilcox, Duefee, died in Sodus, N. Y., April 15, 1893 ; married at Portage, Livingston Co., N. Y., Sep tember 23, 1829, to Samantha Wells, of Portage, N. Y., daughter of James and Prudence (Burritt) Wells ; born in Johnstown, Fulton Co., N. Y., June 6, 1808; died in Sodus, N. Y., February 15, 1896. Their children were : 1st. — Louisa M. Wiloox, born September 27, 1829 ; died August 27, 1847. 2. — John M. Wilcox, born March 12, 1832 ; married November 7, 1861, to Ellen Babcook. 3d. — William James Wiloox, born August 3, 1836 ; married February 24, 1858, to Phebe C. Penotae. 4th. — Emilt J. Wilcox, born May 5, 1839 ; married January 14, 1862, to Theodore B. Teowbeidge. 5th. — Stephen Duefee Wilcox, born April 20, 1842. DURFEE. 220. Durfee, Stephen (Gideon 4th, Job 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Gideon and Anne (Bowen) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Palmyra, N. Y.; born in Tiverton, R. I., April 4, 1776 ; died in Palmyra, N. Y., 360 DUEFEE. April 14, 1854 ; married in Palmyra, N. Y., January 4, 1798, to Mart Allen, born in Dove, Dutchess Co., N. Y., June 1, 1778. Their children were : 517.— 1st. Elizabeth, born August 23, 1798. 518.— 2d. William, born May 3, 1800. 519.— 3d. Allen, born March 4, 1802. 520.— 4th. Barton, bom March 12, 1804. 521.— 5th. Elihu, born March 27, 1806. 522.— 6th. Chloe, born October 15, 1808. 523.— 7th. Nathaniel, born January 19, 1811. 524.— 8th. Emily, born March 7, 1813 ; died Febru ary 9, 1875. 525.— 9th. Anne, bom July 8, 1815. 526.— 10th. Mary, born October 29, 1817. 528:-lm: imoJy, | t^^' ^om March 27, 1820. Mr. Durfee married a second time January 25, 1822, to Sarah Fuller, and a third time December 30, 1830, to Mart Bristol. There were no children by his second and third wives. He was a farmer and resided near Palmyra, N. Y., un til his death. He was a man of sound thought and ex emplary in his character. In connection with the record of his father's family will be found a quotation from his own writing relative to the social conditions of the com munity of Palmyra, N. Y., at the time he lived. 223. Durfee, Daniel (Job 4th, Job 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Job and Mary (Slocum) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I., November 21, 1767 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., October 28, 1798, to Baesheba Hart, of Tiverton, R. I., daughter of Joseph and Mary (Dwelly) Hart ; born in Tiverton, R. I., Feb ruary 20, 1778 ; died in Michigan, March 21, 1848. Their children were : 529. — 1st. Benjamin Hart, born January 16, 1799. 530.— 2d. Mary, born in 1804. 531.— 3d. Betsey, born in 1807. 532.— 4th. Seth, born March 20, 1810. 533.— 5th. Eleanor, born in 1812. DUEPEE. 361 534.— 6th. Addison, born April 15, 1815. Mr. Durfee removed with his family to the State of New York and later to Michigan. 224. Durfee, David (Job 4th, Job 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Job and Mary (Slocum) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I., September 5, 1770 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., about 1815 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., to Elizabeth Tabor, daughter of George ; born in 1769 ; died at Tiverton Four Corners, R. I., July 16, 1857. Their children were : 535.— 1st. Thomas, born March 18, 1802. 225. Durfee, George (Job 4th, Job 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Job and Mary (Slocum) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I., September 11, 1772; died in Tiverton, R. I., November 12, 1854; mar ried in Tiverton, R. I., in 1793, to Sarah Coggeshall, of Tiverton, R. I., daughter of John and Elizabeth (Stafford) Coggeshall; born in Tiverton, R. I., August 18, 1774; died in Tiverton, R. I., August 31, 1859. Their children were : 536. — 1st. Dwelly, born September 6, 1795. 537.— 2d. Job, born January 25, 1798. 538.— 3d. Gideon C, bom December 28, 1800. 539.— 4th. Elizabeth C, born January 1, 1803. 540.— 5th. Mary, born February 19, 1805. 541.— 6th. Joshua C, born October 11, 1807. 542. — 7th. Susannah, born December 25, 1809. 543.— 8th. Peter, born October 16, 1812. 544.— 9th. David 3d, born May 3, 1815. 545.— 10th. Delana, born, August 3, 1818. Mr. George Durfee was a farmer, and a large owner in the Eagle Mills, located near Fall River. There were two of these mills, one of which burned in 1849. Woolen goods were made by the company that operated the mills. Mr. Durfee began life with very little that he could call his own, having had very limited advantages in education. He, however, came to be very apt in figures, accumulated large tracts of land in the vicinity of Fall River, New 362 DUEPEE. Bedford, and Tiverton. It is said that he owned more than one thousand acres at one time. He gave little of his time or attention to politics. 226. Durfee, Joseph (Job 4th, Job 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Job and Mary (Slocum) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I., May 8, 1780 ; died in Fall River, Mass., December 16, 1865 ; married in Fall River, Mass., January 29, 1804, to Elizabeth (or Betset) Boeden, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of Daniel and Anna (Brightman) Borden; born in Freetown, Mass., in 1786 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., June 27, 1874. They had no children. The following is a brief of the will of Mrs. Betsey (Borden) Durfee, taken from Vol. 14, page 443, Probate Records of Tiverton, R. I., dated May 3, 1870, approved for record, August 3, 1874. "Item. — Gives to Tillinghast Brown, son of John and Susannah Brown, $125.00, also to Sally West and Ann Hunt, daughters of John and Susa7inah Brown, $125.00 each. "Ite7n. — To Daniel A. Durfee, son of Thomas Durfee {deceased), $60.00. "Item. — To Harriet 0. Durfee, wife of Daniel A. Dur fee, $50.00 and wearing apparel. " Item. — To Ma7'y Thomas Durfee, Edgar James Dur fee and Matthew C. Durfee, children of David A . and Harriet 0. Durfee, $50.00 each. "Item. — Balance to Ruth Borden, widow of Thomas Borden, to Laban Borden, Melvin Borden, Philander Borden, Leander Borden, Susan Cummings, Alonzo Borden, E7'astus Borden and Amy Borden, children of Tho7nas and Ruth Bo7'den, to Ha7mah Crocker, widow of George Crocker, and Earl Borden, son of Earl Borden {deceased), ho7isehold goods to be equally divided. {Leander Borden, of Fall River, Mass., Executoi'). 227. Durfee, William (Job 4th, Job 3d, Thomas 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Job and Mary (Slocum) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I., August 5, 1784 ; DUEPEE. 363 died in Tiverton, R. I.; married in Taunton, Mass., about 1807, to Hannah Clark, of Taunton, Mass., daughter of Theophilus ; born in Taunton, Mass., in 1774 ; died in FaU River, Mass., in 1860. Their only child was : 547. — Amey, born October 8, 1808. 228.— Durfee, William (David 4th, David 3d, WiUiam 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of David, Jr., and Mary (Gifford) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I., June 18, 1761 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., January 24, 1815 ; mar ried in Newport Co., R. I., to Orpha Bennett, daughter of John and Susannah ( ) Bennett ; born in New port Co., R. I., September 25, 1772 ; died in Newport, R. L, March 5, 1856. Their children were (born in Tiverton, R. I.): 548. — 1st. Christiana, born January 14, 1799; died March 16, 1806. 549.— 2d. Abby, born August 26, 1800. 560. — 3d. Thomas, born December 1, 1803. 551. — 4th. Christiana, bom May 8, 1806 ; died Janu ary 4, 1808. 552.— 5th. Mary, bom June 22, 1808. 553.— 6th. William, born May 11, 1811. It is presumed from the title Captain given on the stone at the grave of Mr. Durfee that he was a sea captain. His father provides in his will as follows (April 16, 1816, proven June 5, 1824): "That his grand-sons, Thomas and William, sons of William {deceased) shall have the Real Estate bought of James Durfee and $200.00 to be paid them when they are 21 years old; they are to care for their widowed mother Orpha, as long as she remains a widow." 364 WHITE. WHITE. 230.— Durfee, Ruth (David 4th, David 3d, WilHam 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of David, Jr., and Mary (Gifford) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I., Octo ber 23, 1766 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., October 11, 1789, to Thomas White, of Little Compton, R. I.; son of Christopher and Elizabeth (Thurston) White; born in Little Compton, R. I., about 1791 ; died in Little Comp ton, R. I., December 7, 1844. The home of Mr. and Mrs. White was on their farm in Little Compton, R. I. Hon. Thomas White was respected and honored by his fellow-townsmen, and by them chosen as their Represen tative to the Legislature of the State of Rhode Island in 1808. He was also a member of the Council of the Town of Little Compton in 1807, and for eleven years there after. Their children were : I. — 1st. Cheistophee White, born August 13, 1796. II. — 2d. David Duefee White, born October 11, 1799 ; died in Little Compton, R. I., July 20, 1849 ; married May 12, 1826, to Patience Beown; born in Portsmouth, R. I., September 31, 1804; died in Little Compton, R. I., July 3, 184-. Their children were (born in Little Compton, R. I.): III. — 1st. Cheibtophee T. White, born March 22, 1826. IV.— 2d. Ruth D. White, born May 15, 1827; died July 5, 1866. v.— 3d. Haeeiet A. White, born March 10, 1829. VI.— 4th. Maet C. White, born February 8, 1831. VII. — 6th. Benjamin B. White, born January 29, 1833 ; died May 14, 1835. VIIL — 6th. Elizabeth W. White, born January 13, 1836. IX.— 7th. Thomab E. White, born November 5, 1836. COOK. 365 X. — 8th. Benjamin B. White, 2d, born January 22, 1838. XI. — 9th. Martha L. White, born January 8, 1840; died AprU 5, 1852. XII.— 10th. Pardon B. White, born March 9, 1842 ; died October 19, 1865. XIIL— llth. Susan F. White, born March 5, 1843. XIV.— 12th. Chaeles G. White, born May 19, 1846. III. — White, Cheistopher T. (David D. 3d, Thomas 2d, Christopher 1st). Married January 21, 1850, to Mart G. Beownell, of New Bedford, Mass. IV.— White, Ruth (David D. 3d, Thomas 2d, Christo pher 1st). Died in Little Compton, R. I., July 5, 1866 ; married in Little Compton, R. I., March 9, 1847, to Geoege W. Staples, son of George and Eliza ( ) Staples. V. — White, Haeeiet (David D. 3d, Thomas 2d, Chris topher 1st). Married in Little Compton, R. I., October 28, 1849, to Geoege W. Pieeoe, of Little Compton, R. I. IX.— White, Thomas E. (David D. 3d, Thomas 2d, Christopher 1st). Married in Little Compton, R., I., to Maria W. Simmons, of Little Compton, R. I., daughter of Orrin W. and Priscilla (Brownell) Simmons ; born in Little Compton, R. I. They were living in Little Comp ton, R. L, in 1897. Their children were : 1st. Hattie M. White ; 2d. Maey P. White ; 3d. Thomas White ; 4th. Geacib White. COOK. 231. Durfee, Christiana (David 4th, David 3d, WU liam 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of David, Jr., and Mary (Gifford) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I., February 5, 1768 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., about 1795 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., May 8, 1794, to Benjamin Cook, of Tiverton, R. I., son of Jeremiah and Constant (Russell) Cook ; born in Tiverton, R. I., February 7, 1768. 366 GRAY. Their children were : I. — Abigail Durfee Cook, born July 29, 179-. II. — Thomas Cook, born April 15, 1795. Mr. Cook married a second time, July 9, 1797, to Abi gaU Church, of Little Compton, R. I., daughter of Ebe nezer and Hannah ( ) Church. There were other children by this marriage. GRAY. 233. Durfee, Elizabeth (David 4th, David 3d, WiUiam 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of David, Jr., and Mary (Gif ford) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I., May 23, 1773 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., November 2, 1846 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., March 9, 1794, to John Gray, of Tiverton, R. I., son of Col. Pardon and Mary ( ) Gray ; born in Tiverton, R. I., May 20, 1772 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., September 8, 1841. Their children were (born in Tiverton, R. I.) : I. — Asa Geat, born May 28, 1795 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., married in Portsmouth, R. I., March 18, 1818, to Phebe Crandall, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Abner Crandall ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., March 16, 1799 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., August 22, 1833. Their children were (born in Tiverton, R. I.) : 1st. — Elizabeth Grat, born April 19, 1821. 2d. — Henrt Grat, born Juno 30, 1824 ; died Septem ber 8, 1824. 3d. — Aba Grat, born January 24, 1828. 4th. — Abbt Franobs Gray, bom November 1, 1830. 5th. — Phebe Gray, bom June 28, 1833 ; died Septem ber 21, 1833. Mr. Asa Gray married a second time to Mrs. Susan (Seabuey) Allen, widow of Capt. Christopher S. AUen, of Westport, Mass., and daughter of Pearce Seabury. Their children were (born in Tiverton, R. I.) : GRAY. 367 1st. — Heney Geat, born May 29, 1836. 2d. — John Peaeoe Geat, born August 16, 1840. 3d. — Feanklin Sbabuet Geat, born November 29, 1844. 4th. — Aethue Ellon Gray, born November 1, 1846. 5th. — Susan Amelia Gray, born August 31, 1848. 6th. — Mart Ella Geat, born November 17, 1850. Mr. Asa Gray was for many years clerk of the town of Tiverton, R. I. II. — ^Maet Geat, bom August 30, 1797. III. — Abigail Duefee Geat, born October 23, 1799 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., January 9, 1820, to Job Coet, son of William and Hope ( ) Cory ; born January 13, 1797. Their children were : 1st. — Paedon Coet, born December 9, 1820; married in Tiverton, R. I., November 6, 1845, to Abbt Geat. 2d. — William Coey, born October 19, 1825. 3d. — Samuel Coet, born October 19, 1829. 4th. — John G. Coet, bom February 27, 1834. 5th. — Philip Henet Coey, born February 27, 1837. IV. — Hannah Geay, born December 10, 1801. V. — Cheistiana Geay, bom March 7, 1804 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., in October, 1901 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., to Stephen Ceandall, who died in Tiverton, R. I., about 1887. Their children were (born in Tiverton, R. I.) : 1st. — Stephen G. Ceandall, living (1902) in Tiverton, R. I. Mrs. Crandall resided with her son, Stephen G., in the homestead after the death of her husband. In her 97th year she exhibited unusual vigor for one of such advanced years, being able to move about easily and read and sew. 2d. — John G. Ceandall, married in Tiverton, R. I., April 5, 1849, to Amanda M. Reed. They reside (1902) in Tiverton, R. I. Their children were (born in Tiverton, R. I.) : a. — Amanda M. Ceandall, bom June 25, 1850, who married Joshua T, Durfee (see future volume). I. — Feank P. Ceandall, bom April 26, 1852 ; unmar ried. 368 GEAY. c. — Maey C. Ceandall, born August 19, 1853 ; mar ried in Tiverton, R. I., March 23, 1873, to John Wait. Their children were : I. — G;EETEUDE Wait, born September 11, 1873 ; mar ried December 21, 1890, to William Kjrby. Their children were : 1st. — Mabel Kieby, born August 1, 1891. 2d. — Bessie Kieby, born January 27, 1893 ; died in July, 1895. 3d. — William Kieby, born August 20, 1900. II. — Floeence Wait, born May 14, 1876; married January 29, 1892, to Elliott Teipp. Their children were : 1st. — Ruth Teipp, bom September 15, 1893. 2d.— Ida Teipp, born June 3, 1895. 3d.— Myrtle Tripp, born February 28, 1899. IIL— Walter Wait, born June 27, 1878. IV. — Clarence Wait, born September 18, 1881 ; mar ried February 23, 1901. V. — Aethue Wait, born December 15, 1883. VI. — Norman Watt, born August 11, 1887. VII. — Carlton Wait, born June 22, 1890. VIIL— Horace Wait, born May 26, 1894. 3d. — Maey E. Ceandall, married in Tiverton, R. I., to Lysandee Webtgatb. They were residents of Tiver ton, R. I., in 1902. 4th. Ceandall, married in Tiverton, R. I., to Philip Sanfoed. They were residents of Tiverton, R. I., in 1902. VI.— Ruth W. Geay, born August 21, 1807. VII.— David D. Geay, born August 24, 1810. VIIL— Paedon W. Geat, born August 24, 1810. IX. — Gideon Geat, born September 16, 1812 ; married Fanny Hart, daughter of Abel Haet. Their children were : 1st. — John A. Geat. 2d. — Abbie E. Geat ; married Edwaed T. Almt, son of Warren W. Almy. X. — Philip Geat, born April 28, 1815 ; married Celia DUEPEE. 369 Lake, daughter of James Lake, a pensioner of the war of 1812 ; born in Tiverton, R. I. Their children were : a. — Abbie Geat, married Isaiah Geinnel. b. — Gideon F. Geat ; married Haeeiet S. Almt, daughter of Frederick and Melissa B. (Simmons) Almy. c — Philip J. Geat. d. — Sarah A. Grat ; married B. F. Maoomber, son of Benjamin F. Macomber ; born in 1830. e. — Elizabeth D. Grat ; married Albert H. Hambly, son of WUliam H. Hambly ; born in 1846. They had one child, Albert R. Hamblt. DURFEE. 234. — Durfee, Joseph (David 4th, David 3d, William 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of David, Jr., and Mary (Gifford) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I., Janu ary 13, 1776 ; died in Tiverton, R. L, AprU 9, 1851 ; mar ried in Tiverton, R. I., October 28, 1804, to Ruth Almt, of Tiverton, R. I.; daughter of Gideon and Sarah ( ) Almy ; born in 'Tiverton, R. I., November 9, 1779 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., March 15, 1847. Their children were : 552. — 1st. Peleg Almy, born January 28, 1807 ; died November 3, 1822. 553.— 2d. Mary, born April 5, 1808. 554.— 3d. Gideon H., born November 30, 1809. 555.— 4th. David, born November 30, 1811. 235.— Durfee, Mary (David 4th, David 3d, WiUiam 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of David, Jr., and Mary (Gifford) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I., October 11, 1778 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., December 12, 1806 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., March 28, 1802, to Gideon Geay, son of John. 370 DUEFEE. Their children were : Ist. — David D. Gray, born in 1806 ; died December 2, 1816. On the grave stone of David is the foUowing in scription : " David D. Gray, son of Capt, Gideon Gray, and Mary his wife." It is presumed Capt. Gray was a mariner. 236. Dxirfee, David (David 4th, David 3d, WiUiam 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of David, Jr., and Mary (Gifford) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I., March 3, 1781 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., September, 1876 ; mar ried in Tiverton, R. I., October 1, 1807, Mrs. Patience (Cook) Beiggs, widow of Maj. Nathaniel Briggs, of Tiv erton, R. I., daughter of Col. John and Sarah (Gray) Cook ; born in Tiverton, R. I., June 17, 1779 ; died in 'Tiverton, R. L, October 7, 1851. Their chUdren were : 556. Nathaniel Brings, born September 29, 1812. There were five other children that died young. " Hon. David Durfee was much in public life, and represented the town of Tiverton for many years in the General As sembly of Rhode Island, both in the House and Senate. He was a man of sterling worth and unsullied reputation throughout an eventful life of 95 years." 237. Durfee, Wanton Halverson (David 4th, David 3d, Wm. 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of David, Jr., and Mary (Gifford) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I., October 23, 1783 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., March 15, 1864 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., to Clarinda ; died in Tiverton, R. I., October 19, 1826. Their children were : 557.— 1st. Edward G., bom June 28, 1809 ; died July 9, 1851. 558.— 2d. William G., born in March, 1812 ; died Feb ruary 26, 1824. 559.— 3d. Mary. 560.— 4th. Charles. 561.— 5th. Thomas. 562.— 6th. David. 563.— 7th. Elizabeth, born September 2, 1818 ; died unmarried AprU 8, 1899. DUEFEE. 371 564.— 8th. Clarinda A., born in 1825; died in No vember, 1834. Mr. Durfee married a second time to Elephal Tabor ; born September 5, 1790; died October 4, 1863. 238. Durfee, Abner (WiUiam 4th, David 3d, WiUiam 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of WilHam and Eunice (Bowen) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Killingly, Conn.; born in Tiverton, R. I.; died in East Killingly, Conn., about 1851 ; married in Killingly, Conn., February 14, 1813 (Prov. Gazette), to Thankful EasteN; of East Killingly, Conn., daughter of Theophilus; she died in September, 1846. Their children were : 565.— 1st. Horace, born June 18, 1812. 566. — 2d. Daughter. When David Durfee, grandfather of Abner, made his will, he provided that "Abner, son of ' his ' son William," should receive " fifty (50) silver dollars." 240. Durfee, Benjamin (William 4th, David 3d, William 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of William and Eunice (Bowen) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Killingly, Conn.; born in Tiverton, R. I., October 25, 1761 ; died in Kill ingly, Conn., December 1st, 1847 ; married in Killingly, Conn., in 1798, to Lydia Russell, of Killingly, Conn., daughter of John and Lydia ( ) Russell ; born in Killingly, Conn., January 31, 1776; died in Killingly, Conn., October 13, 1864. Their children were : 567.— 1st. Sanford S., born January 21, 1800. 568.— 2d. Henry, born September 1st, 1802. 569.— 3d. William Russell, bom January 21, 1809. 241. Durfee, Joseph, (WUHam 4th, David 3d, WiUiam 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of William and Eunice (Bowen) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and KilHngly, Conn.; born in Tiverton, R. I., in 1760 ; died in Covington, Wyoming Co., N. Y., November 2, 1842, aged 82 ; married Esther Wood ; born in 1771 ; died in 1806. Their children were : 570. — 1st. Thomas, died unmarried at Warwick, R. I., April 29, 1858. 372 DUEPEE. 571.— 2d. Newell, born January 4, 1796. 572. — 3d. William, died unmarried at Exeter, R. 1., March 5 1854. 573.— 4th. Sarah, born April 6, 1799. 574.— 5th. Eunice, born December 21, 1800. 575.— 6th. Joseph, born June 23, 1804. Mr. Durfee married a second time to Elsie Wilcox, daughter of Elijah; born in 1788; died in Covington, Wyoming Co., N. Y., August 27, 1842. Their children were : 576. — 1st. Esther, died ; unmarried, 185-. 577. — 2d. Benjamin, born January 1, 1812. 578.— 3d. Eliza Ann. 579. — 4th. Mariamne, born December 12, 1818, in Kingston, R. I. 580.— 5th. Whipple, born October 16,1822 ; died un married, August 15, 1895. 581.— 6th. Anthony, bom September 17, 1825. 582.— 7th. Charles Warner, born March 8, 1829. The last three were bom in Covington, N. Y. Anthony and Whipple Durfee lived together, Whipple doing the house work while he lived. Whipple was peculiar in his habits — fond of hunting and fishing ; was always pleased with a fine horse, and kept one so carefully that he would walk all about for miles and leave his horse in the stable. He was an expert in making fiddles. It has been said he made eight of them and could play quite well. A Dr. Robert Wadsworth gave him one hundred dollars for one. After Whipple's death his brother Anthony continued to live in the house they made their home in. He was fond of cats, keeping four. 243. Durfee, Philip (William 4th, David 3d, WiUiam 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of William and Eunice (Bowen) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Killingly, Conn ; born in Tiverton, R. I.; married. Their children were : 583.— 1st. Shelburn. 584.— 2d. Anthony. 586.— 3d. Sobina. 586.— 4th. Minerva. CARDEE. 373 245.— Durfee, Ruth (WilHam 4th, David 3d, WilHam 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of William and Eunice (Bowen) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Killingly, Conn.; born in Killingly, Conn.; married Paedon Sfeague, of Foster, R. I. CARDER. 246. Durfee, Hannah (William 4th, David 3d, William 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of William and Eunice (Bowen) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Killingly, Conn.; born in Killingly, Conn., October 30, 1774 ; died in Kil lingly, Conn., April 3, 1854 ; married in Killingly, Conn., to Augustus Caeder, of Killingly, Conn., son of John and Hannah (Carver) Carder (she was a descendant of John and Priscilla Mullens Alden) ; born in Providence, R. I., May 18, 1769; died in KilHngly, Conn., February 24, 1852. Their children were (all born in Killingly, Conn.) : I. — Eliza Carder, born in 1796 ; died March 31, 1838. II. — Barton Caedee, born February 28, 1799 ; died August 14, 1879. III. — Barnice Caeder, born June 5, 1804 ; died May 28, 1892. IV. — Ruth Carder, born (date unknown) ; died (date unknown). V. — Arnold Carder, born (date unknown) ; died at sea (date unknown) ; unmarried. VI.-^Ebther Carder, born November, 1814; died (date unknown). VII. — RoxY Caedee, born September 15, 1815 ; died February 18, 1901. VIIL— Geoege Caeder, born (date unknown); died at sea (date unknown). I. — Caeder, Eliza, born in E. KUlingly, Conn., in 1796 ; died in E. KiUingly, Conn., March 31, 1838 ; married in E. Killingly, Conn, (as second wife), in 1817, to Rev. Calvin Coopee, of E. Killingly, Conn., son of Nathaniel 374 OAEDEE. and Mary (Aldrich) Cooper ; born in Northbridge, Mass., March 31, 1779 ; died in E. KiUingly, Conn., July 21, 1846. Their children were (all born in E. Killingly, Conn.): 1st. — Otis Cooper, born April 8, 1818 ; died at War wick, R. I., 1858. 2d. — Ruth Maria Coopee, born January 4, 1822 ; Hving in Boston, Mass., 1901. 3d. — John May Cooper, born in 1824 ; died May 28, 1890, in Brookfield, Mass. 4th. — Louisiana Cooper, born in 1826 ; died April, 1863, in Manchester, Mass. 5th. — William Barton Cooper, born in 1828 ; died February 4, 1898, in Chicago, IU. 6th. — ^Ann Eliza Cooper, born April 13, 1830 ; died February 15, 1890, in Saxonville, Mass. 7th. — Larkin Amidown Cooper, born September 19, 1833 ; Hving in Boston, Mass., 1901. 8th. — Varnum Augustus Cooper, born July 8, 1835 ; living in Boston, Mass., 1901. The last named is the Rev. V. A. Cooper, who married in Warwick, R. I., AprU 25, 1856, to Elizabeth F. K. BuoKLYN, of Warwick, R. I., daughter of Jeremiah K. and Abby (Potter) Bucklyn, of Foster, R. I. Their children were : 1st. — Angela Cooper, born in Apponaug, R. I., Novem ber 4, 1856 ; died November 17, 1856. 2d. — Georgiana Angelina Cooper, born in South Som erset, Mass., November 22,1857; died in Nashua, N. H., August 31, 1871. 3d. — Emma Green Cooper, born in Colchester, Conn., July 16, 1860; died in Worcester, Mass., September 12, 1876. 4th. — Hattie Bartlett Cooper, born in Colchester, Conn., March 31, 1862 ; living in Boston, Mass., in 1901. Rev. V. A. Cooper " has been a stationed Methodist preacher since 1857. In 1886 he left Park Square Church, Lynn, Mass., to become Superintendent of the Baldwin Place Home for Little Wanderers, since then, incorporated as the New England Home for Little Wan- CARDER. 375 derers," which positioit he occupied in 1901. " He was Chaplain of the 18th Conn. Vol. Infy., from 1862 to April, 1863," returning home from the army oh account of ill- health. II. — Carder, Barton, born in Killingly, Conn., Febru ary 28, 1799 ; died August 14, 1879 ; married February 20, 1827, to Meloea Caepentee. Their children were : 1st. — Ann Eliza Caedee, bom November 14, 1827 ; liv ing, unmarried, 1901. 2d. — Ruth Caedee, born July 3, 1830 ; married Henet Martin. 3d. — Esther Cardee, born May 21, 1832 ; married to Philete Heath, of Putnam, Conn., where they resided in 1901. Their daughter, Alice Heath, maried Rev. A. H. Naza- EEAN, a Methodist minister, who was stationed in 1901 at Roslindale, Mass. They had three children. 4th. — ^Feancis Caedee, born October 24, 1840. III. — Caedee, Baenicb, born in Killingly, Conn., June 5, 1804 ; died May 28, 1892 ; married Almiea Kelly. Their children were : 1st. — James A. Caedee, bom December 3, 1 844 ; died in October, 1877 ; married in June, 1868, to Alice E. Woek, who died in 1900. Their children were : 1st. — Louis J. Caedee, born May 9, 1869. 2d. EvBEETT B. Caedee. 3d. Edith A. Caedee. 2d. — Annie Caedee, born AprU 26, 1847 ; married September 6, 1868, to Chaeles A. White, of Grafton, Mass. They were living, 1901, at Worcester, Mass. Their children were : 1st. — Willie O. Whiie, born August 2, 1869 ; died October 11, 1869. 2d. — James D. White, born June 11, 1881. IV. — Carder, Ruth, married Green, a Quaker, from , R. I. VI. — Caedee, Esthbe, born in Killingly, Conn., in No vember, 1814 ; married in Killingly, Conn., to Calvin Kelly. They had one child, Hannah Kelly, born August 376 CLAPP. 2, 1847 ; married to Geoege Paine, " and soon afterwards died." VII. — Caeder, Roxey, born in KilHngly, Conn., Sep tember 15, 1815 ; married in KilHngly, Conn., to Steret Rounds. Their children were : 1st. — Robey Ann Rounds, born June 14, 1844 ; died May 11, 1864. 2d. — ^RuTH Rounds, bom June 22, 1847 ; married to Henry Hummell. 247. Durfee, Abigail (WiUiam 4th, David 3d, WiUiam 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of William and Eunice (Bowen) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Killingly, Conn.; born in Killingly, Conn.; married a Mr. Buck. CLAPP. 249. Durfee, Eunice (WUliam 4th, David 3d, WiUiam 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of William and Eunice (Bowen) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and KiUingly, Conn.; born in Killingly, Conn., in 1783 ; died in York, Livings ton Co., N. Y., August 30, 1855 ; married in KUHngly, Conn., to Nathan B. Clapp, of Killingly, Conn., son of Joshua and Lucy (Buckminster) Clapp ; born in Massa chusetts, September 16, 1778 ; died January 31, 1861. Their children were : I. — Charles Clapp, born in Connecticut, 1797. II. — Erastus Clapp, born in Connecticut, 1802. HI. — LuoT Clapp, born in Connecticut, May 12, 1810. IV. — Emilt Clapp, born in Connecticut, 1812 ; died at York, N. Y., October 23, 1883 ; unmarried. V. — Caroline Clapp, born in Connecticut, 1812 ; died at York, N. Y., October 25, 1883. VI. — James D. Clapp, born in Connecticut. VII. — Geoegb W. Clapp, born in Connecticut Septem ber 14, 1814. CLAPP. 377 VIIL— Thomas B. Clapp, born in York, N. Y., April 8, 1823. . IX.— Lowell H. Clapp, born in York, N. Y., 1824 ; died in York, N. Y., October 24, 1889; unmarried. Mr. Clapp removed with his family from Killingly, Conn., to York, N. Y., in 1821. He was a farmer ; a de vout man, reading the Bible daily ; a member of the Baptist church. I.-t-Clapp, Charles (Nathan B. 2d, Joshua 1st). Born in Killingly, Conn., in 1797 ; died in Groveland, Livings ton Co., N. Y., May 26, 1853 ; married Mary Smallwood, of Warsaw, N. Y.; born in 1806 ; died July 9, 1832. They had one child. Mr. Clapp married a second time to Pamelia Smith. They had five children ; one of them was named Carlton. II. — Clapp, Erastus (Nathan B. 2d, Joshua 1st). Born in Killingly, Conn., in 1802 ; died in York, N. Y., Decem ber 2, 1853 ; married in York, N. Y., February 14, 1839, to Mart A. Rippey, of York, N. Y., daughter of Hugh and PrisciUa (Bell) Rippey ; born October 13, 1817 ; died Feb ruary 2, 1869. Their children were : XVI. — 1st. Franklin J. Clapp, born December 20, 1840 ; married in York, N. Y., in 1876, to Helen McEl roy, daughter of Samuel McElroy. Living (1901) in Griegsville, N. Y. Their children were : 1st. Minnie Clapp. 2d. Eva Clapp. 3d. Claeenoe E. Clapp. Mr. Clapp is a Republican, and cast his first vote for Lincoln. XVIL— 2d. William H. Clapp, born November 24, 1844. XVIIL— 3d. Hugh Clapp, born AprU 4,1849; died June 2, 1871. Mr. Erastus Clapp was a farmer ; in religion a Baptist, and in politics a Republican. III. — Clapp, Luoy (Nathan B. 2d, Joshua 1st). Born in Killingly, Conn., May 12, 1810; died in York, N. Y., June 10, 1836 ; married in York, N. Y., to Heney Smith, of York, N. Y., son of Allen and Polly (WiUiams) Smith. 378 CLAPP. VL-:-Clapp, James D. (Nathan B. 2d, Joshua Ist). Born in KUlingly, Conn., in 1818 ; died in Riverside, Oal., March 23, 1896 ; married to M. J. Dodge, of York, N. Y. Their children were : XIX. — 1st. Ebtella Clapp. XX. — 2d. Helen Clapp. Mr. James D. Clapp was an excellent penman, and a teacher of penmanship. When he lived in Livingston Co., N. Y., he had large classes during the winter months, which he taught in the viUages near where he Uved. VII.— Clapp, Geoege W. (Nathan B. 2d, Joshua 1st); born in Killingly, Conn., September 14, 1814 ; married in York, N. Y., August 21, 1844, to Saeah M. Wells, of York, N. Y.; daughter of Joseph and Harriet ( ) WeUs ; born in Girard, Pa., March 28, 1825. They were Hving in York, N. Y., 1899. Their children were : XXI. — 1st. Bell E. Clapp, born September 4, 1846. XXII. — 2d. AuzBLLA C. Clapp, born March 11, 1851. XXIII. — 3d. Feances Clapp, born January 7, 1858. At the age of 6 years Geo. W. Clapp, removed with his parents from Killingly, Conn., to York, N. Y.; his daughter mentions him as follows in one of her letters. " My father, (George W. Clapp) was always closely al lied with educational interests. In an early day he was Town School Commissioner ; he taught some sixty terms of school ; he also held the office of Justice of the Peace, also Assessor. In looks he resembled the Durfee side." He was a farmer, and in politics a Republican. VIII. Clapp, Thomas B. (Nathan B. 2d, Joshua Ist). Born in York, N. Y., AprU 8, 1823; died in York, N. Y., February 25, 1868 ; married in York, N. Y., August 29, 1848, to Saeah Maela Geoegb, of York, Livingston Co., N. Y., daughter of Moses S. and Marcia (Curtis) George; died August 11, 1895. Their children were : XXIV.— 1st. Ella M. Clapp, born June 21, 1849. XXV. — 2d. Edson Augustus Clapp, born December 21,1861. Moses S. George, father of Mrs. Clapp, was a veteran of the War of 1812. CLAPP. 379 EUa M. Clapp married November 6, 1876, to Edwin M. Clarke, who died in 1895. They had no children. Ed son A. Clapp married December 20, 1881, to Georgia Swan, daughter of George Swan. Their child, Florence Swan, was born June 12, 1891. Mrs. Clapp died Febru ary 23, 1898. XXL— Clapp, Bell E. (George W. 3d, Nathan B. 2d, Joshua 1st). Born in York, ^. Y., September 4, 1846 ; married in York, N. Y., December 2, 1869, to James A. Dow, of York, N. Y., son of John and Mary (Wooster) Dow ; born in York, N. Y., January 31, 1845. They were Hving in York, N. Y., in AprU, 1898. Their children were : 1st. — M. Estelle Dow, born September 2, 1874. 2d. — Clarence Ward Dow, born in January, 1877. XXII. — Clapp, Auzblla Cornelia (George W. 3d, Nathan B. 2d, Joshua 1st). Born in York, N. Y., March 11, 1851 ; married in York, N. Y., February 1, 1872, to Henet Walkee, of York, N. Y., son of Abram and Mary (McKercher) Walker; born in York, N. Y., March 15, 1843. They were living in AprU, 1898, at York, Their children were : 1st. — Feedeeick Wells Walkee, born January 31, 1873. 2d.^ — Dwight Henrt Walker, born October 19, 1877. XXIIL— Clapp, Feances (George W. 3d, Nathan B. 2d, Joshua 1st). Born in York, N. Y., January 7, 1859 ; married in York, N. Y., August 9, 1883, to Feedeeick F. RoBiNBON, of York, N. Y., son of John and Susan (Barrett) Robinson ; born in Wittering, England, March 18, 1858, They were living in Media, Pa., in 1898. Their children were : 1st. — Edna Robinson, born in Burlington, la., August 23, 1884. Mrs. Robinson, in a letter. May 2, 1898, writes as follows : "Mr. F. Robinson came to this country with his parents when he was a year and a half old ; they set tled on a farm in the town of Leicester, Livingston Co., N. Y. At the age of sixteen he left the district school to attend the Normal at Geneseo, N. Y., where he spent three years. After taking a business course in Rochester under the present consul of the Philippine Islands, he 380 CLAPP. began life as a teacher, first in Burlington, Iowa, then in Trenton, N. J.; from there he came to Media to teach in the Academy, and for the past five years he has been with Henry Hobart Brown in Philadelphia in the De Lancy School for boys. He is a Presbyterian in religion and a Republican in politics." 255.— Durfee, Samuel (Wing 4th, David 3d, WilHam 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Wing and Hannah ( ) Durfee, of Tiverton and Little Compton, R. I.; bom in Little Compton, R. I., AprU 20, 1771 ; died August 22, 1850 ; married in Little Compton, R. I., June 6, 1793, to Anna Beownell, of Little Compton, R. I., daughter of John and Susannah (Bowen) Brownell ; born in Little Compton, R. I., February 3, 1771 ; died January 28, 1843. Their children were : 587.— 1st. Sally, born August 14, 1794. 588.— 2d. Christiana, born May 17, 1796. 589.— 3d. Barton Brownell, born October 17, 1799. 690.— 4th. Lucy B., born October 22, 1801. 591.— 5th. Rodney, born AprU 27, 1804, 592.— 6th. Alien, born July 26, 1807. 593.— 7th. Hannah C, born August 6, 1809. . 594.— 8th. Samuel B., bom January 30, 1813 ; died October 16, 1838 ; unmarried. 256.— Durfee, William (Wing 4th, David 3d, WUHam 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Wing and Hannah ( ) Durfee, of Tiverton and Little Compton, R. I.; born in Little Compton, R. I., April 6, 1773 ; died in Manlius, La Salle Co., 111., February 28, 1857 ; married in Little Compton, R. I., December 1, 1796, to Anna Wilbue, of Little Compton, R. I.; daughter of BrowneU and Esther (Wilbur) Wilbur ; born in Little Compton, R. I., August 31, 1777 ; died in (probably) Henrietta, N. Y., February 4, 1803. Their children were : 595.— 1st. Brownell, Wilbur, born August 6, 1797. 596. — 2d. Addison Glass, bom November 1, 1799. 597.— 3d. Hannah C, born September 14, 1801. WILLIAM DURFEE. BORN 1773 ; DIED 1857. CLAPP. 381 The father of Mrs. Durfee was a son of Isaac and Mary ; her mother was a daughter of William and Han nah (see Vital Statistics of R. I., by Arnold, Vol. 4, Lit tle Compton). Mr. Durfee married a second time, in Lit tle Compton, R. I., May 10, 1804, to Nanot Knight, daughter of John Knight; bom in Westport, Mass., August 14, 1781 ; died in Union, Rock Co., Wis., Sep tember 2, 1867. Their children were : 598.— 1st. William B., born March 7, 1805 ; ran away to sea ; never heard from afterward. 599.— 2d. Nancy W., born May 12, 1807. 600.— 3d. Lydia K., born March 3, 1809. 601. — 4th. Justin, born May 5, 1811. 602.— 5th. Eliza, born July 6, 1813. 603.— 6th. Hiram, born August 14, 1815. 604. — 7th. Amanda, born November 24, 1817 ; died October 14, 1821. 605.— 8th. Chester W., born September 20, 1820. 606.— 9th. Susan Amanda, born May 3, 1823. William Durfee settled in the town of Henrietta, Mon roe Co., N. Y., in 1794. Although his first and second marriages are reported to have been in Little Compton, R. I., the children were probably all born in Henrietta, N. Y. In July, 1856, he removed to the town of Manlius, La Salle Co., 111., where he died in 1857, and was buried in Brumbach cemetery. He was a carpenter by trade, but followed farming most of the time. In politics he was aRepublican. He was a deacon in the Baptist Church, of which his wife was also a member. In letters to his chUdren, he used scriptural texts for the subject of his "theme " as he called it, and in writing his wife was given to the same custom. After Mr. Durfee's death, Mrs, Durfee resided with her daughter, Susan Amanda (Mrs, Stillman Bullard) in the town of Union or Evansville, Wis., and died there. " Their works do follow them," and the Christian life they lived has borne fruit in their descendants, many of 382 OLAPP. whom have lived to " call them blessed ;" two of the sons have been prominent in the church, also many of their grandchildren. 260. Durfee, Wing (Wing 4th, David 3d, WiUiam 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Wing and Hannah ( ) Dur fee, of Tiverton and Little Compton, R, I.; born in Little Compton, R. I., June 14, 1784; died in Eaton, Madison Co., N. Y., in 1863 ; married in Eaton, Madison Co., N. Y., to Sallie Smith, of Eaton, N. Y. Their children were : 607.— 1st. Willard, born in 1832. 608.— 2d. John. 609.— 3d. Huldah. 610.— 4th. Esther. Mr. Durfee was a farmer. 261. Durfee, Hannah (Wing 4th, David 3d, WUHam 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Wing and Hannah ( ) Durfee ; born in Little Compton, R. I., June 29, 1788 ; married in Dartmouth, Mass., October 8, 1808, to John Devol. 266. Durfee, Prince (WUHam 4th, Samuel 3d, WilHam 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of William and Patience (Brown) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I.; mar ried in Tiverton, R. I., June 8, 1780, to Susannah Cook, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Job and Almy (Slocum) Cook ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., December 23, 1759. Their children were : 611 .—1st. James, born July 27, 1780. 612.— 2d. Sarah, born November 3, 1782. 613. — 3d. Susannah (or Lucy), born September 5, 1788 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., March 29, 1859. 614. — 4th. Joseph, born November 8, 1791. 615. — 5th. .^nold, born January 12, . 268. Durfee, Abraham (William 4th, Samuel 3d, WilHam 2d, Thomas 1 st). Son of William and Patience (Brown) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I.; married Pbudenoe — . STAFFORD. 383 Their children were : 616.— 1st. Elizabeth, bom November 19, 1787. 617.— 2d. Hope, born AprU 17, 1790. 618.— 3d. Anne, born September 17, 1792. 619. — 4th. Baley, born October 28, 1794. STAFFORD. 270. Durfee, Abigail (WUHam 4th, Samuel 3d, WilHam 3d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of William and Patience (Brown) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; bom in Tiverton, R. I., in 1762 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., in 1832 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., to Stephen Staffoed, of Tiverton, R. I., son of Abram. Their chUdren were : I. — Hope Staffoed, born February 17, 1787. II. — LiLLA Staffoed, born July 21, 1789. III. — Peleg Staffoed, born May 4, . IV. — Patience Stafford, born December 8, 1792 ; died unmarried. V. — Peudence Staffoed. VI. — Rebeooa Stafford. VII. — Abigail Stafford. VIII. — Stephen Staffoed. IX. — Saeah Ann Staffoed, born August 9, 1811. I. — Staffoed, Hope (Stephen 2d, Abram 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I., February 17, 1787 ; married David Manohebtee. II. — Staffoed, Lilla (Stephen 2d, Abram 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I., July 21, 1789 ; married Haeeiet Lake. V. — Stafford, Peudence (Stephen 2d, Abram 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I.; married John Clegg. VII. — Stafford, Abigail (Stephen 2d, Abram 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I.; died in Attleboro, Mass.; mar ried Jefferson Watts, oi Tiverton, R. I., son of John and PrisciUa (Durfee) (Earl) Watts ; born in Tiverton, R. L; 384 staffoed. died in Smithfield, R. I. They had four children (see record of the family of Jefferson Watts, with record of descendants of John and Priscilla). IX. — Stafford, Saeah Ann (Stephen 2d, Abram 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I., August 9, 1811. Living on Cot tage St., Pawtucket, R. I., April, 1898 ; married in FaU River, Mass., November 30, 1835, to James Bliss, of Fall River, Mass., son of James L. and Nancy ( ) Bliss ; born in Seekonk, Mass., September 7, 1812 ; died in Paw tucket, R. I., May 1, 1882. Their children were : 1st. — Geoege N. Bliss, born July 22, 1837. 2d. — James L. Bliss, born September 12, 1839. 3d. — Charles C. Bliss, born August 29, 1841 ; died un married. 4th. — Jerome D. Blibb, born December 4, 1843. 5th. — Caeoline L. Bliss, born May 11, 1846. 6th. — Maet E. Bliss, born December 11, 1848. 7th. — James M. Bliss, born April 13, 1862. Mr. Bliss was a printer, and later a merchant taUor. Four of his sons were soldiers in the Union Army in the War of 1861 to 1865. The following is the official military record of the sons of James Bliss from reports found in War Department Li brary : Capt. George N. Bliss resided at Pawtucket, R. I., in 1861, when on October 4th of that year he was commis sioned 1st Lieutenant of Co. G, 1st Rhode Island Cavalry. He was on extra duty as Quartermaster from October 14, 1861, to December 21, 1861. In June, 1862, he assumed command of his Company ; mustered in as Captain to date from August 4, 1862, and assigned to Co. C, July 16, 1863 ; detached for service at Conscript Camp until May, 1864. August, 1864, sent to hospital at Annapolis, Md.; Septem ber 28, 1864, wounded and captured at Waynesboro, Va.; transferred to Co. C, new organization December 21, 1864 ; paroled February 5, 1865 ; honorably discharged May 5, 1866. Private Charles C. Bliss, Co. C, 1st R. I. Cav.; mus tered in at Providence, R. I., December 4, 1861, in Co. DUEFEE. 385 A ; transferred to Co. C, October 26, 1862 ; remustered as a Veteran Vol. January 5, 1864 ; transferred to Co. C, new organization, December 21, 1864 ; detached February 3, 1865, for service at Hd. Qrs. Cav. Div., 8th Army Corps, as Orderly ; mustered out of service August 3, 1865. Private Jerome D. Bliss, Co. H, 9th R. I. Inf.; was a resident of Pawtucket, R. I., May 26, 1862, when he en listed ; was mustered out of service September 2, 1862. Capt. George N. Bliss married Frances A. Carpenter. He was a member of the United Congregational Church at Pawtucket, R. I., where he resided in 1889. Jerome D. Bliss married Eliza B. Whipple. DURFEE. 271. Durfee, Joseph (Joseph 4th, Samuel 3d, William 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Joseph and Abigail (Borden) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. L, Jan uary 6, 1771 ; died in Assonet, Bristol Co., Mass., Jan uary 3, 1854 ; married in Assonet, Bristol Co., Mass., October 7, 1798, to Pollt Hathawat, of Assonet, Mass., daughter of Lieut. Philip and Lucy (Valentine) Hatha way ; born in Assonet, Mass., April 1, 1775 ; died in Assonet, Mass., March 29, 1847. Their children were : 620.— 1st. Joseph, born May 10, 1799. 621.— 2d. Benjamin Tew, born March 6, 1801. 622.— 3d. Guilford Hathaway, bom AprU 6, 1803. 623.— 4th. Philip Hathaway, born February 12, 1805. 624.— 5th. James, born March 5, 1807. 625.— 6th. Madison, born March 6, 1809. 626.— 7th. Lucy Hathaway, born AprU 16, 1812. Madison Durfee died in California unmarried. The following is a statement of the lineage of Polly Hathaway, furnished by a correspondent : 1st. — Alfred the Great ; had a daughter. 386 DURFEE. 2d. — Princess Ethelwida ; had a son, 3d.^John de Burgr ; had a son, 4th. — Harloween de Burgr ; had a son, 5th — Robert de Burgr ; had a son, 6th.— William de Burgh ; had a son, 7th. — John de Burgh ; had a son, 8th. — Hubert de Burgh ; had a son, 9th. — Sir John, Baron of Burgh ; had a son, 10th. — John de Burgh, Baron of Lanvalles ; had a daughter named llth. — Lady Hamyse de Burgh ; married Baron de Greslei ; had a daughter named 12th. — Lady Joan de Greslei ; married Sir John de la Warre ; had a daughter, 13th. — Lady Catherine de la Warre ; married Latimer ; had a daughter, 14th. — Elizabeth Latimer ; married Sir Thomas Griffin ; had a son, 15th. — Richard Griffin ; had a son, 16th. — Sir Nicholas Griffin ; had a daughter. 17th. — Lady Catherine Griffin, married Digby ; had a son, 1 8th. — William Digby ; had a son, 19th. — Simeon Digby ; had a son, 20th. — Everard Digby ; had a daughter named 21st. — Elizabeth Digby ; married Enoc Lynde, of Lon don ; had a son named. 22d. — Judge Simeon Lynde, of Boston ; bom 1624; died 1687. Came to New England in 1650 ; married, 1663, Hannah, daughter of John Newdegate (or Newgate). Had for 5th child daughter, Mary Lynde (descend from her.) 23d. — Mary Lynde, bom November 16, 1680 ; married AprU 6, 1702, John Valentine, Vicar of Frankfort, SHgo Co., Ireland; died 1724 ; had son. 24th. — Samuel Valentine, married Abigail (Durfee) ; had daughter, 25th. — Lucy Valentine, bom February 20, 1740 ; died September 25, 1800 ; married Lieut. Philip Hathaway. 26th. — Polly Hathaway, born April 1, 1775 ; married Joseph Durfee, OSBOEN. 387 27th. — Their son, Joseph Durfee, married Joanna Nichols, whose son, 28th. — Philip Henry Durfee, married Jane Eddy Hath away, and had Anna Nichols, Walter, Howard Gorham, and Arthur Joseph Durfee. 272. Durfee, Mercy (Joseph 4th, Samuel 3d, WilHam 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Joseph and Abigail (Bor den) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I., Oc tober 11, 1773 ; died in Tiverton,R. I., January 4, 1811 (?) ; married in Tiverton, R. I., March 31, 1799, to Petee Ebtes, of Tiverton, R. I., son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Thomas) Estes; born in Newport Co., R. I., in 1773 ; died in Tiverton, Newport Co., R. I., in 1 847. Their children were : 1st. — Elizabeth Esteb, born September 16, 1799. 2d. — Thomab Estes, born November 20, 1800. 3d. — GoDFEET Estes, bom July 16, 1802. 4th. — Abigail Ebtes, born January 3, 1804. 5th. — Mart Esteb, born September 29, 1805. 6th.— Hope Esteb, born March 21, 1807. 7th. — Mbrot Ebtes, born May 15, 1810 ; did not marry ; died January 4, 1866. Mr. Estes resided in Tiverton, R. I., near the Stone Bridge, and married a second time (see other record in this volume.) OSBORN. 273. Durfee, Ann (Joseph 4th, Samuel 3d, WilHam 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Joseph and Abigail (Bor den) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I., March 6, 1775 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., May 23, 1845 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., in 1797, to Thomas Osborn, of Tiverton, R. I., son of William and Elizabeth (Shrieve) Osborn (or Osband) ; born in Tiverton, R. I., March 31, 1766 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., October 7, 1833. 388 OSBOEN. Their children were : I. — William Osborn, bom November 26, 1798. II. — Thomas Osborn, born December 30, 1800. III. — Joseph Obboen, born August 20, 1803. IV.— Ann Osboen, born December 4, 1805 ; died in 1812. V. — Wilson Osboen, born April 15, 1808. VI.— Eliza Ann Osboen, born May 25, 1810. VII. — Patience Osborn, born August 29, 1812 ; died in 1817. VIIL— Weaver Obborn, born May 23, 1815. IX. — James Monroe Osboen, born August 26, 1822. Mr. Osborn's occupation was that of a ship cooper, and when not on a voyage his attention was given to farm ing. I. — Osboen, William (Thomas 2d, William 1st). Bom in Tiverton, R. I., November 26, 1798 ; died in "Tiverton, R. I., January 28, 1829 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., Octo ber 23, 1822, to Ruth Hamblt, of Tiverton, R. I., daugh ter of Benjamin and EHzabeth (Fish) Hambly ; born in Tiverton, R. I., August 27, 1794 ; died in Tiverton, R. L, December 8, 1852. Their children were : X. — 1st. William Henet Osboen, born August 20, 1823; died November 24, 1866. XI. — 2d. Benjamin H. Osboen, born February 19, 1825; died March 18, 1864. XII. — 3d. Elizabeth Ann Osboen, born March 8, 1827. XIII. — 4th. Thomas Duefee Osboen, born AprU 6, 1829. II. — Osboen, Thomas (Thomas 2d, William 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I., December 30, 1800 ; died in 'Tiverton, R. I., March 1, 1884; married in Tiverton, R. I., March 18, 1827, to Elizabeth S. Hamblt, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Peleg and Abigail ( ) Hambly ; born in Portsmouth, R. 1., November 25, 1798 ; died in Fair Haven, Mass., May 24, 1833. Their children were : XIV. — 1st. Julia Chaoe Osboen, born April 11, 1828. OSBOEN. 389 XV. — 2d. Abbt Coggeshall Osboen, born October 14, 1829. XVI. — 3d. Ann Eliza Osboen, born October 1, 1831. III. — Osboen, Joseph (Thomas 2d, William 1st); born in Tiverton, R. I., August 20, 1803 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., April 20, 1883 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., May 2, 1830, to Eliza Gaednee, of Tiverton, R. I.; daughter of Samuel and Catherine (Borden) Gardner ; born in Tiver ton, R. I., October 22, 1804 ; died in Tiverton, R. L, AprU 19, 1866. Their children were : XVIL — 1st. Ann Catheeine Osboen, born May 15, 1832. XVIIL — 2d. William Joseph Osboen, born December 3, 1836. XIX. — 3d. Jason Woodwaed Osboen, born March 25, 1838 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., October 26, 1860. XX. — 4th. Eliza Gaednee Osboen, born May 20, 1840. XXI. — 5th. Henet Clat Osboen, born April 15, 1844. The foUowing is copied from the History of Newport Co., R. I.: Hon. Joseph Osboen. "Among the men who have reflected honor upon the place of their birth, few, if any, deserve more honorable mention here than Judge Joseph Osborn, of Tiverton ; born in the third year of the century, he passed his four score years in the town where his father, "rhomas Osborn, and his mother, Ann Durfee, spent the thirty-six years of their married life, which began in 1797." " Mr. Osborn, early attracted and constantly preserved the good opinion of his fellow citizens." "He was a representative of Tiverton in the lower house of the General Assembly, of Rhode Island, from 1844 to 1848, and again in 1860, 1879 and 1880, and in the upper house (Senate) in 1853 and 1863 ; he was for a long period a Justice of the Court of Common Pleas." " The foundation of his fortune was laid in the slow 390 OSBOEN. plodding way of the live stock dealer ; later he became interested in the Cotton Mills at Fall River ; was a direc tor in the Pocasset Bank and President of the Citizens' Savings Bank." " He was through life an advocate of temperance, and a consistent member of the Baptist Church for many years." V. — Osboen, Wilson (Thomas 2d, William 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I., AprU 16, 1808 ; died near FaU River, Mass., August 29, 1873 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., August 19, 1 832, to Maet Allen, of Tiverton, R. I., daugh ter of Sion and Elizabeth (Dresser) AUen ; born in Tiv erton, R. I., May 11, 1810 ; died in FaU River, Mass., January 27, 1886. Their children were : XXII. — Geoege Allen Osboen, born November 3, 1834. XXIIL — Mart Elizabeth Osborn, born June 1, 1837 ; died October 8, 1856. XXIV. — Susan Maria Osborn, born May 9, 1842. VI. — Osborn, Eliza Ann (Thomas 2d, WiUiam 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. L, May 25, 1810 ; died in Tiverton, R. 1., August 18, 1887 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., Jan uary 4, 1837, to Rev. Alexander Milne, of Tiverton, R. I., son of John and Jannetta (Duncan) Milne ; born in Scotland, June 4, 1811 ; died in Fall River, Mass., September 15, 1866. Their children were : I. — John Osborn Milne, born July 1, 1839. II. — Ann Janette Milne, born June 27, 1841. III. — Eliza Jane Milne, bom September 30, 1843. IV. — Abbt Parker Milne, born March 6, 1845, in Halifax, Mass.; died in Schodack, N. Y., September 23, 1847. V. — James Thomas Milne, born October 26, 1846. VI. — Mart Duncan Milne, bom November 22, 1848. VII. — Harriet Newell Milne, bom October 6, 1851, in Schodack, N. Y.; died at Sand Lake, N. Y., January 24, 1854. George Alexander Milne, born May 23, 1853. Rev. Alexander Milne was a Baptist minister, and at OSBOEN. 391 one time was pastor of the Baptist Church in Macedon, Wayne Co., N. Y. The records of the families of his children are as follows : I. — Milne, John Osboen, born in Pocasset, Mass., July 1, 1839 ; married in Fall River, Mass., November 26, 1863, to Minnie E. Beonson, of Fall River, Mass., daugh ter of Rev. Asa and Miranda ( ¦) Bronson ; born in Fall River, Mass., October 15, 1842. They were living in Duluth, Minn., in 1902. Their children were : A. — Minnie Milne, born in Fall River, Mass., March 24, 1866. B. — Melville Beonson Milne, born June 23, 1867. C. — Maet Milne, bom August 2, 1868. D. — Annie Milne, born in Minneapolis, Minn., July 15, 1876. II. — Milne, Ann Janette, born in Middleboro, Mass., June 27, 1841 ; died in Alden, N. Y., November 3, 1864 ; married in Alden, N. Y., January 1, 1862, to Rev. Oein Mungee, of Linden, N. Y., who was a Baptist minister. He died March 1, 1862. III. — Milne, Eliza Jane, born in Halifax, Mass., Sep tember 30, 1843 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., December 18, 1876 ; married in NorthviUe, Mich., December 30, 1868, to Elias A. Tuttle, of Yates, N. Y. Their child, Annie Milne Tuttle, born in Fulton, N. Y., AprU 8, 1871, mar ried in Fall River, Mass., April 15, 1896, to Haeet Bowen, of Providence, R. I. In 1897 they resided in Provi dence, R. I. V. — Milne, James Thomas, of Fall River, Mass.; born in Schodack, N. Y., October 26, 1846 ; married in Somer set, Mass., January 6, 1869, to Abbie Slade, daughter of William and Mary (Sherman) Slade. She died Novem ber 5, 1872. Mr. Milne married a second time, February 16, 1876, to Mattie Gaednee, of New Bedford, Mass., daughter of Samuel and Louisa (Keith) Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Milne resided on French street, Fall River, Mass., in 1902. Their son, Alexandee Keith Milne, was born in Tiverton, R. I., August 4, 1878 ; died in Taunton, Mass., July 3, 1879. 392 OSBOEN. VI. — Milne, Maet Duncan, born in Schodack, N. Y., November 22, 1848 ; married in FaU River, Mass., Decem ber 25, 1872, to Maecus G. B. Swift, of Northville, Mich., son of Orson and Mary (Barker) Swift ; born in Raisin, Lenawee Co., Mich., March 12, 1848. They were living in FaU River, Mass., in March, 1898. Their children were : 1st. — Jambs Maeous Swift, born in Ithaca, Mich., No vember 3, 1873. 2d. — Oeson Alexandee Swift, born in Fall River, Mass., AprU 14, 1876 ; died in Fall River, Mass., January 31, 1894. 3d. — John Tuttle Swift, born in Fall River, Mass., November 16, 1877. 4th. — Milne Baekee Swift, born in FaU River, Mass., May 20, 1879. 5th. — Mabel Antoinette Swift, born in Fall River, Mass., May 31, 1881 ; married AprU, 1902, to David Db- maebst Casbbdt, Jr., of Amsterdam, N. Y. 6th. — Anna Osboen Swift, born in Fall River, Mass., April 14, 1883. VIII. — MiLNE, Geoegb Alexandee, born in Sand Lake, N. Y., May 23, 1853 ; married in Northville, Mich., to Elizabeth Swift, of Northville, daughter of John M. and Emily (Barker) Swift ; born in Northville, Mich., October 1, 1864 ; died in Belton, Texas, January 5, 1884. Their children were : 1st. — Swift Milne, born in FaU River, Mass., Septem ber 20, 1878. 2d. — Alexandee Milne, born in Northville, Mich., Oc tober 5, 1880. B. — Milne, Melville Beonson, born in FaU River, Mass., June 23, 1867 ; married in Crookston, Minn., Feb ruary 19, 1890, to Ann Ritchie Hanna; born in Perth, Ontario, June 7, 1866; died in Crookston, Minn., May 6, 1892. Their child, Rufus Haeold Milne, was born at Crookston, Minn., November 15, 1890. Mr. Milne mar ried a second time at Sauk Centre, Minn., June 17, 1893, to Minnie Mat Claek ; bom in Sauk Centre, Minn., June 24, 1874. OSBOEN. 893 Their children were : a. — James Melville Milne, born in Duluth, Minn., October 7, 1895. b. — Nan Claek Milne, born in Bird Island, June 18, 1897. C. — Milne, Mart, born in Fall River, Mass., August 2, 1868 ; married in Duluth, Minn., November 26, 1890, to William Nathan Hanna ; born in Perth, Ontario, April 29, 1860. Their children were : 1st. — Cardwell Milne Hanna, born in New Duluth, Minn., AprU 27, 1893. 2d. — Aethue Beonson Hanna, born in New Duluth, Minn., January 24, 1896; died March 10, 1898. VIII. — Osboen, Weavee (Thomas 2d, WilHam 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I., May 23, 1815 ; died in FaU River, Mass., February 6, 1894 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., Jan uary 7, 1837, to Patience B. Dwellt, of Tiverton, R. I., daughter of Daniel (2d) and Mary B. (Slade) Dwelly; born in Tiverton, R. I., May 27, 1817; died in FaU River, Mass., June 2, 1901. Their children were : XXV. — 1st. Mart Slade Osborn, born February 23, 1838. XXVI. — 2d. Daniel Weaver Osboen, born June 7, 1840 ; died February 6, 1863. XXVII. — 3d. Thomas Feedeeick Osboen, born March 28, 1849 ; died May 11, 1857. XXVIII. — 4th. Ann James Osboen, born March 3, 1853; died July 11, 1861. The following is a copy of a paragraph in the report of a speech delivered at Providence, R. I., in March, 1898, before the R. I. Historical Society, by the Hon. John S. Brayton : ******* " To show, concretely, the changes which have been made in the municipal administration and jurisdiction of a portion of the territory to which his address was de voted, Mr. Brayton cited the case of the late Hon. Weaver 394 OSBOEN. Osborn, who was born in Tiverton, and also resided within the original territorial limits of that town ; who for 40 years lived in the house in which he died ; who, during that time, was a member of the Town Council of Tiverton, also of the Town Council of the town of FaU River, R. I., which latter town he represented in the Gen eral Assembly of Rhode Island (both branches) ; who was an Alderman of the city of Fall River, and represented that city and his Senatorial District in both branches of the Massachusetts Legislature." IX. — Osboen, James Moneoe (Thomas 2d, William 1st). Bom in Tiverton, R. I., August 22, 1822 ; died in FaU River, Mass., May 13, 1898 ; married in FaU River, Mass., August 9, 1847, to Maet Buffington Chase, daughter of Nathan and Elizabeth (Buffington) Chase ; born in Som erset, Mass., June 11, 1826. Living in Fall River, Mass., March, 1898. Their children were : XXIX. — 1st. Anna Elizabeth Osboen, born April 5, 1860 ; died July 1, 1850. XXX. — 2d. Nathan Chase Osboen, born August 9, 1862 ; died January 28, 1855. XXXI. — 3d. James Edwaed Osboen, born January 24, 1866. " When Mr. James M. Osborn was eleven years old his father died ; for six years thereafter he remained with his mother on the farm, availing himself of such common- school advantages for education as were given by the town schools, after which he learned the blacksmith's trade of his brother Weaver, staying with him three years ; returning to the farm at the age of twenty, he tried seine- fishing, but without success. He then resumed the trade of blacksmithing in Providence R. 1., and worked in other places until 1845, when he came to Fall River, Mass., and obtained employment of John Kilborn, with whom he re mained until Mr. Kilborn's death, which occurred about eighteen months after he began to work for him. Soon after Mr. Kilborn's death his shop was taken by Kilborn and Lincoln, who employed Mr. Osborn until 1865. In February of that year he joined his brother Weaver in OSBOEN. 395 the purchase of a shop on Bedford St. in Fall River, and commenced business under the firm title of W. and J. M. Osborn. In 1869 the incentive of making Fall River a leading manufacturing center of the State was given to the live business men of the city, and W. and J. M. Osborn became interested in and helped build the Union Mill. They afterwards were identified with the Granite Mill, and in 1867 invested largely in the Merchants Manf'g Co., in which corporation Mr. Osborn was a director. With others they were interested in the erection of the Stafford MiUs. "In 1871, Mr. Osborn was elected director and treas urer of the Slade Mills, and devoted himself to the duties of that office ; also superintended the building of the mill. The next corporation in which the brothers were inter ested in was the Osborn Mill. Their copartnership ceased in 1880. They were interested in the Union Belt Co., Fall River Bobbin Mills, Montaup Mills, and other cor porations. Mr. Osborn was a director in the Globe Yarn Mill, and Merchants Manfg. Co., a trustee of the Fall River Five Cent Savings Bank ; in politics, a Whig and a Republican." " He had been from early life a temperance worker in connection with the Order of Sons of Temperance. He has never used tobacco or liquor; has been a member of the city government, serving in both branches. He and his wife have been connected with the 2d Baptist Church of this city as members for many years; a part of the time he was chairman of the committee of the society." " He erected a pleasant residence in 1859, which has been his home ; to those about him his affability and kindly ways won for him true respect, and unfailing friends." (The principal part of the above was copied from the "History of Bristol Co., Mass.") XII. — Osborn, Elizabeth Ann (William 3d, Thomas 2d, WilHam 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I., March 8, 1827 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., May 8, 1877 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., March 24, 1844, to John B. Hamblt, of Tiverton, R. I., son of John and Peace (Bennett) Ham bly. 396 OSBOEN. Their children were : 1st. — John W. Hamblt, born December 26, 1844 ; died October 7, 1855. 2d.— Maria A. Hamblt, born May 10, 1847. 3d.— Abner C. Hamblt, born March 25, 1854 ; died in 1858. 4th. — Abner C. Hamblt, born August 15, 1858. 5th.— Ruth O. Hamblt, born July 28, 1864 ; died two days after. XIIL — Osborn, Thomas Duefee (William 3d, Thomas 2d, WilHam 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I., April 5, 1829 ; married November 25, 1850, to Asenbth Havens, died in March 31, 1857, aged 32 years, 3 months. Their chUd, Ruth A. Obboen, born November 1, 1852, married Will iam Jennt. Mr. Osborn married a second time, January 1, 1858, to Luct R. Williams. XIV. — Osboen, Julia C. (Thomas 3d, Thomas 2d, WiUiam 1st). Bom in Tiverton, R. I., AprU 11, 1828 ; died in Fall River, Mass., November 8, 1899 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., December 17, 1851, to Rev. M. Buediok (Baptist minister), of Tiverton, R. I. He died at Lime Rock, R. I., AprU 28, 1855. Their children were : 1st. — David J. Buediok, bom in Tiverton, R. I., No vember 12, 1852. 2d. — Caurie L. Burdiok, born in Lime Rock, R. I., November 15, 1854. All living in FaU River, Mass., March, 1898. XV.— Osborn, Abbie C. (Thomas 3d, Thomas 2d, WiU iam 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I., October 14, 1829 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., March 20, 1849, to Oboar Trever, of Schodack, N. Y. Their children were : 1st. — Elizabeth Cornelia Trever, born in Fair water, Fond du Lac Co., Wis., January 3, 1851 ; married Septem ber, 1867, to Samuel McDonald. 2d. — Annie Josephine Trever, born in Fairwater, Wis., Marcli 3, 1853 ; married in San Francisco, Cal., in Au gust, 1874, to Benjamin Voorhies, of San Francisco, Cal. 3d. — Frank Trevee, born in Hastings, Minn., Decern- OSBOEN. 397 ber 3, 1855 ; died in San Francisco, Cal., in February, 1865. 4th. — Abbie Almeda Trever, born in Hastings, Minn.; died in infancy. XVI. — Osborn, Ann Eliza (Thomas 3d, Thomas 2d, William 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I., October 1, 1831 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., February 16, 1854, to Henet B. Gaednee, of Tiverton, R. I., son of Joseph and Eliza (Borden) Gardner ; born in Tiverton, R. I., October 20, 1829. Living in Tiverton, R. I., October, 1897. Their children were : 1st. — Abbie E. Gaednee, born November 26, 1854 ; died October 17, 1882; married September 15, 1880, to Isaac T. Haddock. Their child, Isaac T. Haddock, was born August 14, 1882. 2d. — Emma B. Gardner, born March 18, 1859 ; married October 7, 1886, to Herbert Chapin. XVIL— Obborn, Ann C. (Joseph 3d, Thomas 2d, WiU iam 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I., May 15, 1832 ; livingin Fall River, Mass., in October, 1897 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., July 3, 1856, to Samuel B. Allen, of Fall River, Mass., son of Abraham and Rachel (Borden) Allen ; born in Tiverton, R. I., September 3, 1820 ; died in Fall River, Mass., AprU 3, 1886. Their children were : 1st. — Jason Osborn Allen, born February 8, 1861 ; died March 17, 1861. 2d. — Arthur Weaver Allen, born May 24, 1862 ; mar ried in Fall River, Mass., October 12, 1886, to Lizzie Belcher, of Fall River, Mass. Their daughter, Marion W. Allen, was born February 10, 1896. 3d. — Annie Adelia Allen, born December 25, 1866 ; died March 31, 1867. 4th. — William Joseph Allen, born February 17, 1868 ; married July 18, 1889, to Henrietta Slack, of Fall River, 5th. — Robert Davis Allen, born January 20, 1871 ; died March 16, 1890. 6th. — Chaeles Mabon Allen, born December 13, 1874. 398 OSBOEN. XVIIL— Osboen, William J. (Joseph 3d, Thomas 2d, WilHam 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I., December 3, 1836 ; died in New York, N. Y., November 3, 1888 ; married in FaU River, Mass., June 19, 1873, to Hannah H. Feench, of FaU River, Mass., daughter of Stephen L. and Phebe A. (Dwelly) French ; bom in FaU River, Mass., August 19, 1839. Living in FaU River, Mass., October, 1897. Their children were : 1st. — Chaeleb Feench Osboen, born May 2, 1878. Mr. Wm. J. Osborn was a banker and broker in New York City. XXI. — Osboen, Henet Clat (Joseph 3d, Thomas 2d, WiUiam 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I., AprU 15, 1844 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., September 12, 1872, to Saeah Slooum, of Tiverton, R. I., daughter of Aaron and Free love (Simmons) Slocum ; born in Tiverton, R. I., May 14, 1845. They were Hving in Tiverton, R. I., in 1897. Their children were : 1st. — Eliza Geaoe Osboen, born May 20, 1874. 2d. — Joseph Henet Obboen, born July 25, 1876 ; died July 25, 1878. 3d. — Mabel Josephine Osboen, born May 16, 1879. 4th. — Floeence Louise Obboen, born October 23, 1881. 5th. — Joseph Duefee Obboen, born May 19, 3 884. 6th — Henet Clat Osboen, Jr., born August 5, 1889. Hon. H. C. Osborn succeeded his father in business, and in 1887 represented the town of Tiverton, in the State Senate of Rhode Island. XXII. — Osboen, Geoege Allen (WUson 3d, Thomas 2d, William 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I., November 3, 1834 ; married in Wheeling, W. Va., October 31, 1867, to Maet Asbnath Beooket, of Wheeling, W. Va.; born in Wheeling, W. Va., July 15, 1850. Their children were : 1st. — Geoegia V. Obboen, born in Wheeling, W. Va., November 17, 1869 ; married in Wheeling, W. Va., No vember 20, 1888, to William Bowses, of Wheeling, W. Va.; born in Wheeling, W. Va., September 17, 1865. MANCHESTEE. 399 2d. — Mart E. Osborn, born September 5, 1872. 3d. — Carrie B. Osborn, born June 18, 1880. 4th. — Beulah Osboen, laorn December 28, 1888. XXXI. — Obboen, James E. (James M. 3d, Thomas 2d, WilHam 1st). Born in FaU River, Mass., January 24, 1856; married in Fall River, Mass., October 12, 1880, to Delia S. Carr, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of William and Elizabeth V. (Durfee) Carr ; born in Fall River, Mass., December 4, 1856. They were living in Fall River, Mass., in 1897. Their children were : 1st — Marion Osborn, born July 21, 1881. 2d. — Helen Osborn, born September 22, 1882 ; died October 7, 1882. 3d. — Elizabeth Carr Obborn, born January 28, 1839. 4th. — Richard Osborn, born July 22, 1891. MANCHESTER. 274. Durfee, Sarah (James 4th, Samuel 3d, William 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of James and Mary (Burrington) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Madison, Madison Co., N. Y.; born in Tiverton, R. I., May 8,1774; died in Madison, N. Y., May 9, 1855 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., February 17, 1799, to Iohabod Manchester, of Westport, Mass., son of Thomas ; born July 24, 1771 ; died in Madison, N. Y., December 3, 1850. Their children were : I. — Mart Manohebtee, born November 24, 1800. II. — Elizabeth Manohebtee, born November 2, 1804. III. — James D. Manchestee, born May 4, 1806. IV. — Joseph Manohebtee, born March 11, 1808. V. — Thomas J. Manchestee, born May 28, 1815 ; died October 3, 1817. VI. — Hajstnah C. Manohebtee, born September 2, 1818 ; died February 21, 1891 ; probably unmarried. 400 MANCHESTEE. The home of Ichabod and Sarah (Durfee) Manchester after their marriage was probably in Tiverton, R. I., for a few years ; and about 1803 they removed to Madison, Madison Co., N. Y. Mr. Manchester was a carpenter, but in later years he was a farmer. Mrs. Dickerson, a granddaughter, who was a resident of Freedom, Ills., states in her letter of October 7, 1896, that her mother (Elizabeth Manchester) and father (Thomas Brownell) were both born in the State of New York, and from this it is inferred that the family were there previous to 1804. The Durfee ancestors of Mrs. Manchester were Quakers, but few of their descendants retained that faith. In poH tics Mr. Manchester was a Democrat. The records of the marriages of the chUdren of Mr. and Mrs. Manchester and their descendants were obtained through letters re ceived from their grandchildren, and are as foUows, viz : I. — Manchestee, Maet (Ichabod 2d, Thomas 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I., November 24, 1800 ; married February 26, 1824, to Alfeed Thompson, of Oriskany FaUs, N. Y. Their children were : 1st — Saeah Thompson, who married Henet Vaughn, and died without issue. 2d — Cteus Thompson, lived in the State of Iowa. 3. — Aaeon Thompson, died in the Union Army ; he has a daughter, Nina Thompson, who married Lincoln Jones. They lived at Oriskany Falls, N. Y. II. — Manchester, Elizabeth (Ichabod 2d, Thomas 1st). Born in Madison, N. Y., November 2, 1804 ; died in Mid- dleville, Barry Co., Mich., in 1853 ; married in Madison, N. Y., to Thomas Brownell, of the State of New York, son of and Anna (Durfee) Brownell ; born in the State of New York ; died in Middleville, Mich., in 1853. Their children were : 1st. Harriet A. Brownell. 2d. Maria H. Brownell. 3d. Lucinda Beownell. 4th. Diana Beownell. 5th. Alfeed Beownell, died unmarried. Mr. and Mrs. Brownell removed to Michigan from New York in 1851, both dying at Middleville, Mich., in 1853. At their death their daughters, Harriet A. and Maria H., were the only surviving members of the family. They MANCHESTER. 401 soon moved to Memphis, Macomb Co., Mich., where, in 1854, Harriet A. married Louis Granger. Maria H. Brownell married in 1856 to Mahlan A. Dickerson, of Freedom, La Salle Co., Ills., who was formerly from New Jersey. Mr. Dickerson died in 1876. Mrs. Dickerson was still residing at Freedom, 111., in 1896. Their chUdren were : 1st. — Edgae B. Dickerson, bom March 16, 1861 ; married December 7, 1886, to Margaret Skelton. They were living in Texas Co., Mo., in 1896. Their children were (born in Freedom, 111., except the 6th): 1st. — Mahlon B. Diokeeson, born September 1, 1887, 2d. — William Llotd Diokeeson, born August 29,1889. 3d. — MoEEELL Diokeeson, born June 3, 1891. 4th. — Davis Diokeeson, born September 28, 1892. 5th. — Feank Diokeeson, born October 5, 1893. 6th. — Maeia Diokeeson, born in Missouri, February 4, 1895. 2d. — EsTBLLA Diokeeson, born February 19, 1863; married January 27, 1884, to Chaeles A. Wilbt. Their chUdren were : 1st. — Henrt M. Wilbt, born January 29, 1885. 2d. — Robert Wilbt, born February 19, 1887. 3d.— Frank D. Wilet, born August 12, 1890. 4th. — Elbert Wilet, bom September 24, 1894. III. — Haeeiet E. Diokeeson, born June 6, 1867 ; mar ried Feedeeick Wilet (a brother of Charles A.), Novem ber 4, 1891. Their children were : 1st. — Lina M. Wilbt, born September 5, 1892. 2d. — Peael Wilet, born January 11, 1895. IV. — Eloise a. Diokeeson, born September 10, 1870 ; married Aechie K. White, December 9, 1891, and resided in Earlville, La Salle Co., 111. III. — Manohebtee, James D. (Ichabod 2d, Thomas 1st). Born in Madison, N. Y., May 14, 1806 ; died in Seneca, Lenawee Co., Mich., September 18, 1886; married in Madison, N. Y., March 28, 1833, to Deboeah Chuech, of 402 MANCHESTEE. Madison, N. Y., daughter of Israel and Sarah ( ) Church ; born in Madison, N. Y., October 4, 1810 ; died in Seneca, Lenawee Co., Mich., February 27, 1879. Their children were : VII.— 1st. Julia C. Manchestee, born September 6, 1835. VIII. — 2d. Arthur Manchester, born December 1, 1845. In the spring of 1835, Mr. and Mrs. James D. Man chester removed from Madison, N. Y., to Seneca, Mich., where they bought a farm. They were among those who first settled there. The land about them was mostly cov ered with woods. Mr. Manchester built a log house and moved in before there were doors or windows in it. Their daughter, Mrs. Julia C. (Manchester) Richmond, states in her letter that she remembers hearing her par ents tell of the wolves that howled in the forests during the night. Soon after the birth of Julia, her mother faUed in health. In compliance with the advice of the famUy physician they returned to Madison, N. Y., intending to return to Michigan, when Mrs. Manchester had re gained her health ; but they yielded to the earnest desire of their parents and settled on a place adjoining them. In 1866 the family, except Julia, returned to their western home, at Seneca, Mich. Mr. Manchester was a clothier and farmer ; in politics a Democrat. IV. — Manchester, Joseph (Ichabod 2d, Thomas 1st). Born in Madison, N. Y., March 11, 1808 ; died in Madi son, N. Y., August 18, 1839 ; married in Madison, N. Y., September 26, 1832, to Diantha Collins. Their only daughter, Martha A. Manohebtee, married to Giffoed. They Uved in Ionia, Ionia Co., Mich. VII. — Manchestee, Julia C. (James D. 3d, Ichabod 2d, Thomas 1st). Born in Seneca, Mich., September 6, 1835 ; married in Seneca, Mich., July 4, 1861, to Plent F. Rich mond, of Madison, N. Y., son of Merrick and Ruth ( ) Richmond ; born in Madison, N. Y., October 2, 1830. They were living in Madison, N. Y., in 1896. Their children were : 1st. — Edgae B. Richmond, born November 24, 1862 ; married February 20, 1889, to Maet J. Weeks. HALL. 403 2d. — James S. Richmond, born January 13, 1865. 3d. — Jane L. Richmond, born March 2, 1867. 4th. — Maet L. Richmond, born June 17, 1870. 5th. — Oella A. Richmond, born February 9, 1873. 6th. — Aethue M. Richmond, bom April 6, 1876. 7th. — Minnie D. Richmond, born March 9, 1879. VIII. — Manohebtee, Aethue (James D. 3d, Ichabod 2d, Thomas 1st). Born in Madison, N. Y., December 1, 1845. Living in Medina, Lenawee Co., Mich., in 1896 ; married in October, 1866, to Emilt Jones, Their children were : 1st. — Nellie Manohebtee, born in 1867 ; married in 1884 to Feedeeick Lewis. They have two sons. 2d. — Feances Manchester, born 18 6-. 3d. — Julia Manchester, born in 1872. For the foregoing details Mrs. Julia C. Richmond is thanked, who so kindly furnished with her statement a copy of the record of the family of her grandparents from the family Bible of Ichabod Manchester. HALL. 275. Durfee, Mary (James 4th, Samuel 3d, Wm. 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of James and Mary (Burrington) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Madison, N. Y.; born in Tiverton, R. L, June 24, 1776 ; died in Madison, N. Y., January 26, 1816 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., December 6, 1792, to William Hall, of Portsmouth, R. I., son of George and Charity (Fish) Hall ; born in Portsmouth, R. I., March 3, 1767 ; died in Waterville, Oneida Co., N. Y., September 1, 1853. Their children were : I. — James Hall, born August 24, 1793. II.— Ruth Hall, born AprU 28, 1795. III. — Clarissa Hall, born December 2, 1796. IV.— William Hall, born July 21, 1798. 404 HALL. v.— Stephen Hall, bom April 22, 1800 ; died June 28, 1812. KiUed by a faUing tree. VI. — David Hall, born January 7, 1802. VII. — Sarah Hall, born November 15, 1803. VIIL— George Hall, born September 10, 1805. IX. — Joseph Hall, born April 14, 1807. X.— Mart Hall, born May 28. 1810. XI. — Amelia Charitt Hall, born November 18, 1813. Mr. Hall was a farmer and belonged to the Society of Friends, or Quakers. His children were good citizens and sometimes held offices of trust. I. — Hall, James (WiUiam 2d, George 1st). Born in Portsmouth, R. I., August 24, 1793 ; died in Westfield, Hamilton Co., Ind., September 5, 1872 ; married in Brook field. Madison, Co., N. Y., November 10, 1817, to Mart Kenton, of Brookfield, N. Y., daughter of Gideon and Sarah (Larkin) Kenyon ; born in Hopkinton, Washington Co., R. I., November 30, 1793 : died in West Ely, Marion Co., Mo., March 17, 1867. Their children were : XII. — 1st. George Kenton Hall, born March 27, 1819. XIII.^ — 2d. Earl Jermond Hall, born February 13, 1821. XIV. — 3d. Elma Maria Hall, born September 27, 1822 ; died in Madison, N. Y., January 1, 1826. XV. — 4th. TiMOTHT Larkin Hall, born May 12, 1824. XVI. — 5th. Sarah Katherine Hall, born October 21, 1826. XVIL— 6th. Martha Ann Hall, born May 6, 1828. XVIIL— 7th. Mart Jane Hall, born October 7, 1830. XIX. — 8th. Weltha Frances Hall, born December 12, 1832 ; died in Chilicothe, Mo., December 12, 1870. XX. — Oth. James Edward C. Hall, born October 3, 1834. XII. — Hall, George Kenton (James 3d, William 2d, George 1st). Born in Madison, N. Y., March 27, 1819 ; died in Fall River, Mass., August 20, 1847 ; married in Hopkinton, R. I., January 9, 1845, to Caroline C. Ken ton, of Hopkinton, R. I., daughter of Peleg and Thank- HALL. 405 ful (Collins) Kenyon, born in Cranston, R. I., November 19, 1822. Living in Scott, Scott Co., Kansas. Their children were : 1st. — James Marion Hall, born November 30, 1845 ; died in HamiUon, N. Y., November 21, 1862. XIII. — Hall, Earl Jermond (James 3d, William 2d, George 1st). Born in Madison, N. Y., February 2, 1821 ; married in MorrisviUe, Madison Co., N. Y., October 12, 1853, to Sarah C. Larkin, of Brookfield, N. Y., daughter of James Kenyon and Emma (Collins) Larkin, born in Brookfield, N. Y., August 13, 1832. Their children were : 1st. — Claeenoe Eael Hall, born in Indianapolis, Ind., July 29, 1854. 2d. — Frances Emilt Hall, born in Indianapolis, Ind., January 16, 1861. Mr. Hall was a contractor and builder, also a machin ist. Mrs. Hall was a physician. Their children were pharmacists, and resided with their parents at Fort Scott, Kansas, in 1897, when at that time neither were married. XV. — Hall, Timotht Larkin (James 3d, William 2d, George 1st). Born in Madison, N. Y., May 12, 1824. Living in Scott, Kansas, in 1899. Married in Hopkinton, R. I., December 12, 1850, to Caroline C. (Kenton) Hall (widow of his brother, Geo. K. Hall), daughter of Peleg and Thankful (Collins) Hall; bom in Cranston, R. I., November 19, 1822 ; died in Scott, Kansas, in Oc tober, 1899. Their children were : 1st. — Lauea Hall, born July 2, 1852 ; died in West- field, Ind., July 29, 1875. 2d. — Amelia Hall, born April 7, 1862 ; died in In dianapolis, Ind., September 9, 1869. XVI. — Hall, Saeah Katheeine (James 3d, WilHam 2d, George 1st). Born October 21, 1826 ; married John Talcott. Their children were : 1st. Waeeen Talcott. 2d. James C. Talcott. 3. Elizabeth Talcott. 4th. Eemina Talco'it. 5th. Eael Talcott. 6th. Gut Talcott. 7th. Feanoes Talcott. 406 HALL. XVIL— Hall, Martha A. (James 3d, WiUiam 2d, George 1st). Born May 5, 1828 ; living in ChiUicothe, Mo., in 1897 ; married in ChUHcothe, Mo., November 4, 1872, to Henrt W. Botsford. They had no chUdren. XVIIL— Hall, Mart J. (James 3d, WiUiam 2d, George 1st). Born October 7, 1830; living in ConconuUy, Washington, in 1897 ; married in ChiUicothe, Mo., July 24, 1871, to John Sampson, who came to America in 1830 ; born in Yorkshire, England, August 8, 1808 ; died in ChiUicothe, Mo., August 19, 1882. XX. — Hall, James E. C. (James 3d, William 2d, George 1st). Born October 3, 1834 ; married in Brookfield, N. Y., to Basha Foster, of Brookfield, N. Y.; daughter of Charles and Marion ( ) Foster. They were Hving in Gresham, Oregon, in 1901. II. — Hall, Ruth (William 2d, George 1st); born in Portsmouth, R. I., AprU 28, 1795 ; died in North Stoning ton, Conn., January 11, 1875; married in Madison Co., N. Y., October 6, 1817, to Job S. Collins, of Utica, N. Y., son of Joseph ; born in Hopkinton, R. I.; died in Utica, N. Y., December 5, 1870. Their children were : I. — Electa J. Collins, born in MorrisviUe, N. Y., Au gust 22, 1818, and weighed 2J lbs.; died in Great Barring ton, Mass., October 18, 1896 ; married in New Hartford (near Utica), N. Y., January 11, 1844, to Abel Francis Collins, of North Stonington, Conn.; born in North Ston ington, Conn., January 22, 1809 ; died in Great Barring ton, Mass., June 15, 1886. Their children were : 1st. — Feank W. Collins, bom February 6, 1845 ; died December 16, 1887. 2d. — Claekson a. Collins, born December 16, 1853, of New York City. 3d. — A. Chalklet Collins, born March 27, 1857, at Great Barrington, Mass. II. — Claekson T. Collins (M. D.); born January 8, 1821; died in 1881. III. — Chalklet Collins (M. D.); born January 10, 1826 ; died in 1844. HALL. 407 IV. — Hall, William (William 2d, George 1st). Born in Portsmouth, R. I., July 21, 1898 ; died in OrangevUle, Wyoming Co., N. Y., February 14, 1887 ; married in Orangeville, Wyoming Co., N. Y., December 4, 1824, to Anna Butlee, of Orangeville, N. Y., daughter of Phineas and Chloe (Hammond) Butler ; born in Kennebec, Maine, February 22, 1804 ; died in Orangeville, N. Y., AprU 6, 1844. Their children were : XXI. — 1st. Geoege Hall, born October 6, 1825 ; died AprU 26, 1827. XXIL— 2d. Phineas Hall, bom March 1, 1828 ; died January 14, 1848. XXIIL— 3d. Chloe Hall, born May 12, 1831 ; died May 21, 1875. XXIV.— 4th. David Hall, bom February 24, 1834. XXV. — 5th. Anna Hall, bom December 19, 1843. Mr. Hall married a second time, November 10, 1847, to MiETHA Snell, daughter of John and Sarah (Macomber) Snell. She died May 1, 1852. They had one child. XXVI.— Mart A. Hall, born September 2, 1849. The parents of William Hall with their family removed from Portsmouth, R. I., to Madison, N. Y., when he was about four years old. He lived with them until 1823, when he came to reside in Orangeville, Wyoming Co., N. Y., and there spent the remaining years of his life, where all his children were born. His daughter, Chloe Hall, never married. She taught school until her health failed ; after which she resided at the old homestead. Her brother, David Hall, Esq., writes of her as follows : " She was very conscientious in all her doings ; was a member of the Baptist Church, and lived a Hfe consistent with what the professed Christian should be." Mr. Hall writes also of his father : " Father affiliated with the Society of Friends, of which meeting he was a member. He led a quiet life on the farm, and I think his honesty and integrity were never questioned. He took but little interest in politics, voting with the Whigs and Republicans whenever he went to the polls," 408 HALL. His children have been held in high estimation in the communities where they have found homes, inheriting the worthy characteristics of their parents. XXIV.— Hall, David (William 3d, William 2d, George 1st). Born in Orangeville, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Febru ary 24, 1834 ; living in Orangeville, Wyoming Co., N. Y., in 1902 ; married in Orangeville, Wyoming Co., N. Y., November 1, 1860, to Rebecca A. Head, of Orange ville, N. Y., daughter of Joseph and Caroline (BuUard) Head ; born in OrangeviUe, N. Y., May 10, 1836 ; died in OrangevUle, N. Y., October 25, 1882. j^fTheir children were (born in Orangeville, N. Y.): ^Ist. — Caroline R. Hall, born February 24, 1863 ; un married. Living, September, 1901, in OrangeviUe, N. Y., at the home of her birth. She has for many years been a successful teacher in the public schools of OrangeviUe, N. Y. 2d. — Maud M. Hall, born December 5, 1867 ; married March 25, 1888, in Orangeville, N. Y., to Burt Cook, of Orangeville, N. Y. They were living in OrangevUle, N. Y., in 1902. Their children were (bom in Orangeville, N. Y.): 1st. — Jesse Cook, born June 29, 1889. 2d.— Theo. Cook, born December 28, 1893. Mr. Cook is by occupation a farmer. 3d. — Anna G. Hall, born April 22, 1870 ; married in Orangeville, N. Y., February 20, 1900, to John Ramset, of Orangeville, N. Y.; son of Daniel and Verona (Nor ton) Ramsey ; born in OrangevUle, N. Y., April 1, 1878. Mrs. Ramsey was formerly matron of the home for the poor, of Wyoming Co., N. Y. 4th. — BuETON D. Hall, born March 14, 1873 ; resides in Orangeville, N. Y., on his farm joining his father's place ; married March 28, 1893, to Christiana Fisher. Their children were (born in Orangeville, N. Y.): 1st. — Stella Hall, born January 27, 1894. 2d. — Harold Hall, born May 16, 1895. 3d.— Howard Hall, born AprU 23, 1898. Mr. David Hall married a second time in Orangeville, N. Y., September 21, 1892, to Mtrta M. Spink, of Or- HALL. 409 angeville, N. Y., daughter of Jonathan O. and Lavinia A. (Wilcox). Spink ; born in Orangeville, N. Y., and has always resided there. David Hall, Esq., has always resided on the place where he was born, where he has been engaged in agri culture, and for some years past has added apiculture ; thus, during the summer months, his time has been divided be tween the farm and the bees. In politics he is a Republican ; having an official record confined to the town in which he resides, where for nearly twenty-five years he has served the town either as asses sor, justice of the peace or supervisor. He was brought up under the influence of the Society of Friends and though not a member of their meeting, thinks their way religiously. XXV.— Hall, Anna (WiUiam 3d, WiUiam 2d, George 1st). Bom in Orangeville, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Decem ber 19, 1843 ; died in Johnsonburg, Wyoming Co., N. Y., August 22, 1877 ; married in Orangeville, Wyoming Co., N. Y., November 29, 1863, to Daniel Lincoln, of Orange ville, N. Y., son of Ichabod and Melinda (Griffin) Lincoln ; born in Orangeville, N. Y., November 18, 1836 ; died in Orangeville, N. Y., July 11, 1896. Their children were : a. — 1st. Maria Lincoln, born May 4, 1865 ; died Au gust 31, 1896 ; married October 12, 1885, to Feed. Bakee. Their children were : 1st. — Anna Mat Bakee, born August 24, 1886. 2d. — William Bakee, died in infancy. 3d. — Maegueeite Bakee, born August 12, 1894. b. — 2d. Maet Lincoln, born July 5, 1866; married April 23, 1889, to Feed Wagonee. They had Alice Maeia Wagonee, born August 31, 1892. c— 3d. Alice Lincoln, born April 15, 1870 ; married April 4, 1889, to Chaeles Wagonee. Anna Hall Lincoln while an infant was adopted into the family of DanieL Butler, her cousin, who resided in Wyoming Co., N. Y., by whom she was brought up and with whom she lived until her marriage, after which she. 410 HALL. with her husband, settled on a farm in OrangeviUe, near Johnsonburg, where she continued to reside until her death. It is said of her, that she was a regular attend ant at church. As to her membership we are not in formed. XXVL— Hall, Maet A. (William 3d, William 2d, George 1st). Born in Orangeville, N. Y., September 2, 1849 ; married in OrangeviUe, N. Y., October 29, 1873, to Elias Hillikee, of Golden, Erie Co.,N. Y.,son of Stephen and Phebe A. (Macomber) Hilliker ; born in Golden, Erie Co., N. Y., August 27, 1846. They were Hving in Aurora, Erie Co., N. Y., in 1897. They have a son Ed win Hillikee, born May 28, 1877. Mary A. (Hall) HUH- ker was brought up in the family of her brother, David, under the tutelage of her sister Chloe. After her marri age she resided for a few years in OrangeviUe, after which she removed with her husband to Erie Co., N. Y., where they have resided most of the time since, in the vUlage of Aurora, near Buffalo. VI.— Hall, David (WilHam 2d, George 1st). Born in Portsmouth, R. I., January 7, 1802; married March 18, 1824, to Luct Bacon. Their children were : 1st. — Jeemond D. Hall. 2d. Maeietta Hall. 3d. — Claekson A. Hall. 4th. Anson B. Hall. 5th. — Lucius S. Hall. VII. — Hall, Sarah (William 2d, George 1st). Daugh ter of WUliam and Mary (Durfee) Hall, of Portsmouth, R. I., and Waterville, Oneida Co., N. Y.; born in Madi son, N. Y., November 15, 1803 ; died in Iowa, February 2, 1870 ; married March 10, 1825, to Peter Collins, son oJE Joseph and Hannah ( ) CoUins ; died in Iowa, August 8, 1875. 'Their children were : I. — Joseph Collins, bom March 17, 1826. II. — Thomas Elwood Collins, born May 5, 1830 ; mar ried near Bangor, Marshall Co., Iowa, April 26, 1855, to Sarah Williams, daughter of Dr. Dear man and Mary (Farmer) Williams. HALL. 411 Their chUdren were : 1st. — Alcaeus Collins, born October 10, 1856. 2d. — Alice Collins, born November 20, 1858. 3d. — OvELLA S. Collins, born October 4, 1860. 4th. — Olive Collins, born June 29, 1862. 5th. — ^ William Dearman Collins, born April 9, 1864. 6th. — Galen Peter Collins, born January 1, 1867. 7th. — Franklin Edwin Collins, born February 23, 1871. 8th. — Arthur Elwood Collins, born August 10, 1875. III. — Hannah E. Collins, born December 20, 1831; died August 3, 1888 ; married in Salem, Iowa, August 20, 1851, to Isaac B. Palmer, son of Abram and Catherine (Bradshaw) Palmer ; born August 15, 1827. Their children were : a. — Sheffield Palmer, born June 9, 1858. b. — Esthbe Palmee, born February 17, 1866. c. — Elma Palmee, born January 8, 1868 ; died January 6, 1901. d. — Edwaed Palmee, born November 18, 1870. e. — MiEiAM Palmer, born December 10, 1872. IV. — Amelia Jane Collins, born November 25, 1835 ; died January 24, 1867 ; married in Friends Meeting, at Bangor, Marshall Co., Iowa, October 13, 1856, to John F. Williams, son of Dr. Dearman and Mary (Farmer) Williams; born in Pennville, Morgan Co., Ohio, August 17, 1831. Their children were : 1st — Mart I. Williams, born August 22, 1857. 2d. — Fred. H. Williams, born August 28, 1858 ; died August 8, 1882. 3d. — Anna B. Williams, born November 27, 1864. V. — Mahlon D. Collins (Rev.), born August 13,1838 ; living (1901) in Philadelphia, Pa.; married September 24, 1856, to Keturah Ann Williams, daughter of Dr. Dear- man and Mary (Farmer) Williams. Their children were : a. — Ralph P. Collins, born December 26, 1858. 412 HALL. b. — Lillian W. Collins, born September 7, 1862 ; died in 1871. c. — Mart Eliza Collins, born January 6, 1864 ; died in 1865. d. — Edith H. Collins, born December 25, 1866 ; died in 1868. e. — Stella Frances Collins, born December 20, 1869 ; died in 1871. /. — Heebeet Edwin Collins, born March 27, 1872. g. — Mabel W. Collins, born October 18, 1873. A. — Centbnella Collins, bom July 19, 1876. i. — Rot Vinson Collins, born May 22, 1879. VI. — Anna F. Collins, born April 7, 1846 ; died in Clay Co., Mo., April 30, 1874 (" drowned with two daugh ters while crossing a river ") ; married May 1, 1864, to Benine Williams, of Muscatine, la., son of Dr. Dearman and Mary (Farmer) Williams. Their children were : a. Mahlon J. Williams, b. Benjamin F. Williams. VIII. — Hall, Geoege (WilHam 2d, George 1st). Born in Madison, N. Y., September 10, 1805 ; married . Their children were : 1st. — Samuel G. Hall. 2d. — Mart D. Hall, married Brownell, of Portsmouth, R. I. IX. — Hall, Joseph (William 2d, George 1st). Born in Madison, N. Y., AprU 14, 1807 ; married Ltdia M. , of New York. Their children were : 1st. — Alexander M. Hall, born May 13, 1840 ; died in Linn Co., Oregon, June 3, 1899 ; married in Sacra mento, Cal., to Mattie J. Franks, of Placer Co., Cal., daughter of William and Mary ( ) Franks ; born in Missouri. Living in Woodland, Yolo Co., Cal., in 1902. Their children were : a. — Mart M. Hall, born June 27, 1875 ; married to Anderson. Their children were : 1st. — Charles Orlando Anderson, born July 22, 1894. 2d. — Hazle M. Anderson, born August 8, 1896. HALL. 413 h. — William M. Hall, born December 20, 1876. c. — Martha E. Hall, born August 19, 1879. d. — Emma L. Hall, born November 16, 1881. e. — Addie E. Hall, born September 11, 1884. f. — Henrt Hall, born October 4, 1886. g. — Elsie Mat Hall, born January 18, 1889. h. Alice Hall, born July 6, 1892. 2d. Hannah Hall. Living at Blacks, Cal. Married to Pollard. 3d. — LoDAMAN Hall, born February 12, 1837 ; died December'l, 1878 ; married to Gallup. Their children were : a. Youngs A. Gallup, b. Everett E. Gallup. c Mart E. Gallup, d. William Gallup. e. George Gallup. 4th. — Sarah Hall, died September 18, 1869 ; married to Mount. Their children were : a. Arthur S. Mount, b. Frances Mount. 5th. — Ltdia M. Hall, died January 4, 1879 ; married to Cardwell. Their children were : a. Clara Cardwell. b. Lizzie Cardwell. c. William Cardwell. d. Ctrus Cardwell. e. George Cardwell. f. Ada Cardwell. X. — Hall, Mart (William 2d, George 1st). Born in Madison, N. Y., January 28, 1810 ; married to Erastus Lamb. Their children were : Marion L. Lamb. Living in Sherburne, N. Y. Married Beonson. XI. — Hall, Amelia Chaeitt (William 2d, George 1st). Born in Madison, N. Y., November 18, 1813; died in Springdale, Iowa, August 22, 1860 ; married in Salem, Iowa, in August, 1849, to Brinton Darlington, agent of Cheyenne and Arrapahoe Indians, son of Stephen and Rachel ( ) Darlington ; bom in Fayette Co., Pa., December 3, 1804 ; died in Indian Territory, at Indian Agency, May 1, 1872. 414 HALL. Their children were : William T. Darlington ; who was a soldier in the Union army during War of the Rebellion. Sarah A. Darlington, born in Muscatine, la.. May 22, 1853 ; married in Indian Territory, January 27, 1872, to Jacob A. Covington, of West Virginia, sonof Elijah and Catherine ( ) Covington ; born in Wheeling, West Va., May 10, 1844. They were living in 1902 at 3629 Sunset Place, Fremont Station, Seattle, Wash. Their children were (first four were born at Cheyenne Agency, Indian Territory) : 1st. — Katheeine A. Covington, born August 8, 1873 ; married in Fremont, Wash., May 7, 1892, to Edward C. Johnson, of Vermont. They reside at Seattle, Wash. 2d. — William D. Covington, born August 28, 1875 ; liv ing in 1902 at Seattle, Wash., where he is a stenographer in the office of Depot Q. M., U. S. A.; he was a soldier in the Spanish-American War ; serving as Q. M. Sergt. in Co. B, 1st Washington Vol. Infty.; was wounded twice, for which he receives a pension. 3d. — Louise Alice Covington, born August 31, 1879. 4th. — Mabel Electa Covington, born July 28, 1882. 5th. — Saeah Bied Covington, born in CaldweU, Kas., December 19, 1888. 6th. — ^Elizabeth Bell Covington, born in Fremont, Wash., January 1, 1894. Mr. Jacob A. Covington served four years in the Union Army during the War of the Rebellion ; as Sergt. in Co. D, 40th Regt. N. Y. Vols. Infty., and as Lieut, in same Co. and Regt. In 1902, he was a clerk in the County Treasurer's Office at Seattle, Wash. CHUECH. 415 CHURCH. 276. — Durfee, Prudence (James 4th, Samuel 3d, William 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of James and Mary (Burrington) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Madison, N. Y.; born in Tiverton, R. I., November 30, 1781 ; died in Madison Co., N. Y., in 1871 ; married in Madison Co., N. Y., in 1804, to Jeeemiah Chuech; born in 1774 ; died in February, 1839. Their children were : 1st. — Anna Church, born in 1805. 2d. — Charles Church, born in 1811 ; died in 1833. 3d. — Charitt Church. 4th. — Thomas Chuech, born in 1814; died in 1896. Charity Church was married to Geoege Scott, and after two years died, leaving no children. Mr. Scott married for his second wife, Anna Chuech, sister of Charity. Their children were : 1st. George Scott. 2d. Oreina Scott. George Scott, Jr., is married and lives in Hamilton, N. Y.; his sister, Oreina Scott is married, and both have families. Thomas, son of Jeremiah and Prudence (Durfee) Church was a very peculiar man ; eccentric in his ways. When his mother was getting old and feeble, she sent him from home to look up a wife ; he married Miss Nanot Lawton, with whom he lived happily for eighteen years ; after her death he lived by himself as a hermit ; gave Ht tle if any attention to reading or writing ; neither received or wrote any letters ; for the purpose of keeping a record of his presence he used an almanac in which he made a mark each day on rising. In the fall of 1896, he was found dead, lying face down across his bed, on the Wednesday following the Sunday when he made the last mark in his almanac. 416 SIMMONS. SIMMONS. 277. Durfee, Susannah (James 4th, Samuel 3d, WiU iam 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of James and Mary (Bur rington) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Madison, N. Y.; bom in Tiverton, R. I., February 18, 1784 ; died in York, Washtenaw Co., Mich., June 6, 1844; married in Madi son, N. Y., to William Pitt Simmons, of Madison, N. Y., son of Capt. Gideon and Patience (Ellis) Simmons; born in Little Compton, R. I., September 27, 1780 ; died in Richmond, Mich., in October, 1853. Their children were : I. — Durfee Simmons, born October 12, 1805. II. — Leander Simmons, born May 7, 1807. III. — AsHABEL A. Simmons, bom September 29, 1808. IV. — Gideon David Simmons, born August 5, 1810. V. — SoFRONiA Simmons, born May 13, 1813 ; died Feb ruary 24, 1814. VI. — Patience Simmons, born February 20, 1814 ; died October 10, 1815. VII. — Haeeiet P. Simmons, born April 29, 1816. VIII. — Deborah C. Simmons, born July 9, 1818. Gideon Simmons, the father of Wm. Pitt Simmons, was born in Little Compton, R. I.. December 14, 1746, and died at Madison, N. Y., in September, 1844. He was a captain of one of the companies of militia for the town of Little Compton, R. I., during the War of the Revolution. When the census of 1840 was taken he was living with Judson Boothe, in the town of Eaton, Madison Co., N. Y., and was then 95 years old. He was a pensioner. I. — Simmons, Durfee (William Pitt 2d, Gideon 1st). Born in Madison, N. Y., October 12, 1805 ; died in MUan, Washtenaw Co., Mich., November 6, 1881 ; married in York, Mich., October 18, 1837, to Loreneda Davis, of York, Mich., daughter of William and Betsey ( ) Davis. SIMMONS. 417 Their children were : 1st. — William D. Simmons, married in 1862. 2d. — Mart Durfee Simmons, married in 1863, to a Mr. Hanee. They were living in 1897 at Oakville, Mich. Their children were : 1st. Aethue E. Hanee. 2d. Durfee Simmons Haner. 3d. Loreneda S. Wardell Haner. 3d. — George H. Simmons, married and in 1897 lived in Madrid, la. 4th. — Laura Simmons, living in 1897 in an asylum. II. — Simmons, Leandee (William P. 2, Gideon 1st). Bom in Madison, N. Y., May 7, 1807; died in Hamilton, N. Y., May 1, 1837 ; married in Hamilton, N. Y., Sep tember — , , to Electa A. Manchester, daughter of Capt. Joseph ; bom in New York, August 28, 1809 ; died in Davenport, la., March 26, 1899. Their children were : 1st. — Amanda P. Simmons, born at Hamilton, N. Y., July 8, 1836 ; married in Hamilton, N. Y., September 20, 1856, to Cornelius S. Durfee, of Madison, N. Y., son of Samuel and Judith (Simmons) Durfee ; born in Madison, N. Y., November 16, 1831. Living (in 1901) at Daven port, la. They have one child, E. S. Durfee, born in Hamilton, N. Y., August 21, 1858. Mrs. Electa A. Simmons married a second time to Dr. V. H. Van Vleck. For 24 years after Dr. Van Vleck's death she resided with her daughter in Davenport, la., and was one of the most amiable of women. She retained her bright, intellectual faculties to the last. Capt. Joseph Manchester, "her father, was an officer in Col. Bowen's Rhode Island regiment throughout the Revolutionary War. He was in the ranks without furlough from begin ning to the end of the war, participated in many of its battles, and passed the winter at Valley Forge. Mrs. Van Vleck used to tell of his description of the battle of Mon mouth, as she heard it from his own lips, and how, on that hot summer's day, many an American soldier quench ing his thirst, after the fierce fighting and the hard march, died from the excessive draught of water, after escaping 418 SIMMONS. the bullets of the enemy. She had a drinking cup that he carried through the war. A Bible, given to him by Col. Bowen, has been lost trace of. (From Des Moines " Leader," March 28, 1899.) III. — Simmons, Abhabel A. (William P. 2d, Gideon 1st). Bom in Madison, N. Y., September 29, 1808 : died in Detroit, Mich., in 1890 ; married Julia De Witt. Their children were (born in Detroit, Mich.) : 1st — Feedeeick J. Simmons, married and had two chil dren. 1st. Harrt Simmons. 2d. Julia Simmons. IV. — Simmons, Rev. Gideon David (William P. 2d, Gideon 1st). Born in Madison, N. Y., August 5, 1810 ; died in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, March 28, 1888 ; married in Hamilton, N. Y., August 7, 1831, to Peemelia Thomp son, daughter of John ; born in Madison, N. Y., January 10, 1812 ; died in Ontario, N. Y., AprU 21, 1835, and was buried at Bragg Village, in Capt. Lesse's family burying ground. They had one son, William Alonzo Simmons, born in Ontario, N. Y., July 13, 1834 ; died in Boone, Iowa, July 7, 1870 ; married in Iowa City, Iowa, April 1, 1856, to Mart E. McCoemick, daughter of Robert and IsabeUa (Archer) McCormick. Living at 522 N. 19th street, Omaha, Neb. Their children were : 1st. — Millie E. Simmons. 2d. Irene L. Simmons. They resided with their mother in Omaha, Neb., iu 1900; unmarried. Gideon D. Simmons married a second time, at Ypsi- lanti, Mich., AprU 9, 1836, to Mrs. Hestee W. (Rowland) Withbes, widow of Alexander, daughter of William and Mary ( ) Rowland; born in Boston, Mass., July 18, 1809 ; died in Tecumseh, Mich., June 27, 1849, and was buried at York, Mich., by the side of her first husband. Their children were : 1st. — Leandee A. Simmons, born at Adrian, Mich., May 4, 1837 ; died at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, March 24, 1888 ; married in Erie, 111., Janua.ry 1, 1861, to Lettib Under wood. They had one child, Emma Simmons ; residence unknown. SIMMONS. 419 2d. — Charles Rowland Simmons, born in York, Mich., April 1, 1840; died (unmarried) at Plattsmouth, Neb., September 6, 1888, and was buried at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, beside his father. 3d. — Permelia Melissa Simmons, bom in York, Mich., April 7, 1843 ; married at Jeffersonville, Ind., July 15, 1866, to Davdd a. Philips, M. D., of Sheakleyville, Pa., son of T. H. and Jane ( ) Philips ; born in Sheak leyville, Pa., April 29, 1840. 'They were living in Lines- ville, Pa., in 1901. They had one son, Rowland Wells Philips, born in Linesville, Pa., September 23, 1873 ; married in Dunbar, Pa., August 23, 1899, to Elvira Swigart, of Dunbar, Pa., daughter of Rev. D. W. and Emily (Stoughton) Swigart ; born in Strattonville, Pa., June 22, lb77. Living in New York City, in 1901. Resi dence 37 Morningate avenue. 4th. — Mart R. Simmons, born in Richmond, Mich., in 1845 ; died in Richmond, Mich., iu January, 1847. 5th. — Mart Susannah Simmons, born in Richmond, Mich., in 1847 ; died in NorthviUe, Mich., in 1849. Rev. Gideon D. Simmons married a third time, at Zanes- ville, Ohio, May 1, 1851, to Hannah Coebett McCormick, of Zanesville, Ohio, daughter of Robert and Isabella (Archer) McCormick (both of whom were born near Bel fast, Ireland, in 1800 ; Robert died in Zanesville, Ohio, in 1843 ; Isabella, in Le Mars, Iowa, January 7, 1885) ; bom in Zanesville, Ohio, February 26, 1822 ; died in Minneapolis, Minn., February, 1899, and was buried at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, beside her husband. Their children were : 1st. — Robert Oelands Simmons, born in Berwick, IU., December 30, 1853 ; married in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, No vember 19, 1890, to Alice J. Dennt. They were living (1901) at 1217 4th street S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. They had one child, Blanche Simmons, born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, July 19, 1893. 2d. — Frank Archer Simmons, born in Fulton, 111., April 12, 1857. Living in Minneapolis, Minn. In business — a real estate and investment banker (F. A. Simmons Co.) ; married in Rockford, 111., December 21, 1880, to Emma 420 COE. Corintha Weller, daughter of Lorenzo Reed and Corin- tha (Bettes) Weller ; born in Coburg, Canada, February 21, 1858. Living (1901) at 1953 Kenwood Parkway, Minneapolis, Minn. Their chUdren were (born at Cedar Rapids, Iowa) : 1st. — Archer Clifford Simmons, born November 19, 1881. 2d. — William Reed Simmons, born May 24, 1886. 3d. — Frank Herbert Simmons, born February 20, 1889. 4th. — Lucile Simmons, born March 20, 1894. 3d. — Belle Carrie Simmons, born in Cambridge, IU., August 18, 1859 ; unmarried. Address, Atoka Baptist College, Atoka, Indian Ter. Rev. Gideon D. Simmons began preaching when he was 17 years old, going to Michigan when it was a terri tory, and laboring among the Indians and frontiersmen there and in Ohio, for many years. He was one of the best known evangelists in that early period. Vll. — Simmons, Haeeiet P. (William P. 2d, Gideon 1st). Born in Madison, N. Y., AprU 29, 1816. Living in Otsego, Mich.; married to Smith. They had one son, who was killed. Mrs. Smith married a second time ; she married a third time to William P. Blakeman, widower of her sister, Deborah C. They were living in Otsego, Mich. VIIL— Simmons, Deboeah C. (William P. 2d, Gideon 1st). Born in Madison, N. Y., July 9, 1818 ; died in Otsego, Mich., in July, 1885; married at Kalamazoo, Mich., to William P. Blakeman ; they had one child, Alfeed Blakeman. COE. 278. Durfee, Charity (James 4th, Samuel 3d, WiU iam 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of James and Mary (Burrington) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Madison, N. Y. ; born in Tiverton, R. I., AprU 8, 1786 ; died in COE. 421 Madison, N. Y., May 11, 1866 ; married in Madison, N. Y., in 1807, to William Chuech Cob, of Little Compton, R. I., son of Samuel and Deborah (Church) Coe; born in Little Compton, R. I., September 11, 1783 ; died in Madi son, N. Y., July 20, 1833. Their children were : I. — Judith Coe, born .September 3, 1808 ; died Sep tember, 1838. II. — Deboeah Coe, born in 1810 ; died in Westmore land, N. Y., 1848. III. — Maet Coe, born November 5, 1811 ; died March 14, 1872. IV.— William C. Cob, bom June 23, 1814. V. — Edwin Cob, born December 31, 1815. VI. — Ruth Cob, born October 18, 1818 ; died in La ment, Mich., February 7, 1890. VII. — Maetha Coe, born August 31, 1820; died in Volney, N. Y., July 11, 1875. VIII. — Huldah Cob, born February 12, 1833. Living in Oneida, N. Y., in 1897. Mrs. Deborah (Church) Coe was a lineal descendant of a brother of Col. Benj. Church, well-known to historians, and those who have read the history of the Colonial Wars with the Indians of New England, as the conqueror of King Philip, Chief of the Narragansetts. IV.— CoE, William C. (WilHam C. 2d, Samuel 1st). Born in Madison, N. Y., June 23, 1814 ; died in Madi son, N. Y., March 8, 1859 ; married, in 1840, to Abigail Taboe, who died in 1841 without issue. Mr. Coe mar ried a second time in 1845, to Jeannette Cuetib, of Sols- ville, Madison Co., N. Y. Their only child was born at Madison, N. Y., viz : IX. — 1st. Louis E. Cob, born November 9, 1847, who became a merchant at Bouckville, N. Y., where he died February 28, 1897. Mrs. Jeannette (Curtis) Coe died (?) Mr. William C. Coe married a third time in Waterville, N. Y., AprU 12, 1854, to Abigail Fishee, of HamUton, N. Y., daughter of Nathan and Abigail ( ) Fisher ; born in McDonough, Chenango Co., N. Y. Living in Norwich, N. Y., in 1897. They had one chUd. 422 DUEFEE. X. — 2d. William C. Cob, born at Madison, N. Y., No vember 15, 1857. V. — Cob, Edwin (WiUiam 2d, Samuel 1st). Born in Madison, N. Y., December 31, 1815 ; died in Lamont, Ottawa Co., Mich., February 13, 1889 ; married to Maet Taft, of Bennington, Vt.; born March 7, 1833 ; died in Lamont, Mich., February 13, 1890. Their children were : XI. — 1st. Adelbeet j. Cob, born in Waukegan, Mich., March 31, 1851. XII. — 2d. Alfred F. Coe, born in Lamont, Mich., March 23, 1854. XIIL— 3d. Ida Coe, born in Michigan, March 7, 1862. XIV.— 4th. Elgee M. Cob, born May 6, 1865. XV. — 5th. Grace L. Cob, born January 28, 1876. The children resided at Lamont, Mich., in 1897. X.— Cob, William C. (WilHam C. 3d, WiUiam 2d, Sam uel 1st), born in Madison, N. Y., November 15, 1857 ; married in Norwich, N. Y., July 8, 1882, to Addib G. Banton, daughter of David and Joanna ( ) Banton ; born in Gowanda, Cattaraugas Co., N.Y., March 4, 1864. They were living in Norwich, N. Y., in 1897. Their children were (born in Norwich, N. Y.) : 1st. — Hattie Ratborn Coe, born July 13, 1887. 2d. — Carl David Cob, born February 25, 1889. 3d. — Lester Edgar Cob, born August 12, 1892. 4th. — Charles Banton Cob, born April 19, 1897. DURFEE. 297. Durfee, Samuel (James 4th, Samuel 3d, WiUiam 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of James and Mary (Burrington) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Madison, N. Y., born in Tiverton, R. L, March 28, 1789 ; died in Millville, Cum berland Co., N. J., February 11, 1872 ; married May 4, 1810, to Judith Simmons ; bom in 1792 ; died in Madi son, N. Y., June 4, 1864. DUEFEE. 423 Their children were : 627.— 1st. Mary, born March 4, 1813. 628.— 2d. Stephen, born February 12, 1815. 629. — 3d. Lucy or Susanna, born September 21, 1818. 630.— 4th. Abisha, born December 8, 1820. 631.— 5th. Roxanna, bom AprU 23, 1823. 632.— 6th. Benjamin A., born September 3, 1826. 633.— 7th. Samuel G., born February 2, 1829. 634.— 8th. Cornelius S., born November 16, 1831. Mr. C. S. Durfee, of Davenport, la., son of Samuel, stated in his letter of January 7, 1897, that his widowed grandmother came with her family to Madison, N. Y., in 1802 ; that his father was the oldest son, and was at that time about 13 or 14 years old. The family settled on some woodland among neighbors that accompanied them from Rhode Island. Stephen Durfee, of MiUville, N. J., wrote in 1897, that the court authorized his father to return to Tiverton, R. I., and adjust some business relative to the estate of his grandfather, on account of some land that had not been disposed of previous to the removal of the family from Rhode Island. Samuel Durfee lived on the homestead acquired at Madi son, N. Y., and in after years became its owner. His wife dying in 1864, he went to Millville, N. J., and lived with his son Stephen until his death (in 1872). Mr. Durfee was an orthodox Quaker, and his wife a Presbyterian. He was a mason by trade and a farmer. 281. — Durfee, Welcome (James 4th, Samuel 3d, William 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of James and Mary (Bur rington) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Madison, N. Y.; born in Tiverton, R. I., September 17, 1793 ; married to . Their children were : 635. — 1st. James. 636.— 2d. Harriet. 637.— 3d. Goodwin. 638.— 4th. John. 639. — 5th. Burrington. 424 DUEFEE. 640.— 6th. Stephen, 641.— 7th. Judith. 642.— 8th. Melissa. 282. — Durfee, Goodwin (James 4th, Samuel 3d,WUHam 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of James and Mary (Burrington) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Madison, N. Y.; born in Tiverton, R. I., June 27, 1796 ; died in 1882; married in 1850 to Elizabeth Dean, of Kingsbury, Washington Co., N. Y.; daughter of Caleb and Elizabeth ( ) Dean ; born in Kingsbury, N. Y., 1806 ; died March 23, 1889. They had no children. 284. — Durfee, Perry (James 4th, Benjamin 3d, Ben jamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of James and Ann (Borden) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Broadalbin, N.Y.; born in Tiverton, R. I., October 19, 1766 ; died in May, 1800 ; married to Annie Sulsbuet. Their children were : 643.— 1st. Eliza, born 1784. 644.— 2d. Edmund, born 1786. 645.— 3d. Jabez, bom 1789. 646. — 4th. Freeman, born 1791. 647.— 5th. James, born 1793. 648.— 6th. Annie, born 1795. 649.— 7th. Perry, born September 21, 1797. 285. Durfee, William (James 4th, Benjamin 3d, Ben jamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of James and Ann (Bowen) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Broadalbin, N. Y.; born in Tiverton, R. I., March 8, 1767 ; died in 1818 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., to Saeah Sheeman. Their children were : 660.— 1st. Abraham, born July 8, 1789 ; died May 10, 1852. 651.— 2d. Ephraim. 662.— 3d. WUliam. 663.— 4th. Job. 664.— 5th. DanieL 655. — 6th. Innocent. 666.— 7th. Ruth. 657.— 8th. Charlotte. Mr. Durfee married a second time to Elizabeth Eael. SOWLE. 425 SOWLE. 286. Durfee, Mariba (James 4th, Benjamin 3d, Ben jamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of James and Ann (Bowen) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Broadalbin, N. Y.; born in Tiverton, R. I., October 24, 1768 ; died in June, 1817 ; married in Broadalbin, N. Y., to Robeet Sowle. Their children were : I. Gideon Sowle, born October 15, 1809. II. Judith Sowle. III. Chaeitt Sowle. IV. Annie Sowle. V. Phoebe Sowle. VI. Ruth Sowle. I. — Sowle, Gideon (Robert). Born in Broadalbin Fulton Co., N. Y., October 16, 1809 ; died in Broadalbin N. Y., September 13, 1870 ; married in Broadalbin N. Y., January 1, 1830, to Sarah Brower, of Broad albin, N. Y., daughter of Jacob and Polly (Demarest) Brower; bom in Broadalbin, N. Y., February 29, 1812 died in Mayfield, N. Y., November 21, 1878. Their children were : a. — William Jackson Sowle, born August 17, 1831 died July 21, 1833. b. — Charlotte Sowle, born August 25, 1833. c. — Maegaeet Augusta Sowle, born January 2, 1837 died March 23, 1837. d. — Malissa Adelia Sowle, bom November 1, 1838. e. — Emma Sowle, born June 4, 1840. f. — Saeah Sowle, born June 21, 1842. g. — Albeet Sowle, born June 9, 1844 ; died March 10, 1845. h. — HoEACE Sowle, born June 6, 1846 ; died January 24, 1863. i. — Maegaeet Sowle, born June 15, 1849. j. — Ida Sowle, born December 4, 1851 ; died in No vember, 1865. k. — Inez Sowle, born December 4,1851 ; died January 24,1852. b. — Sowle, Chaelotte, born in Broadalbin, N. Y., Au- 426 SOWLE. gust 25, 1833; married at the Fish house, February 3, 1859, to Willard L. Waite, of Broadalbin, N. Y., son of Joseph and Sally (Fox) Waite ; born in Broadalbin, N. Y., March 15, 1820. They were living at 13 Oakland avenue, Jersey City, N. J., in 1898. They had one child, Charles L. Waite, born August 21, 1867, who married in Indiana in 1892. He lived in St. Louis, Mo., and has one child. Mr. W. L. Waite resided in Jersey City a number of years ; a retired policeman, having served officially twenty- two years ; in politics he is a Republican. d. — Sowle, Malissa Adelia, born in Broadalbin, N. Y., November 1, 1838 ; married in Amsterdam, Montgomery Co., N. Y., to William H. Young, of Amsterdam, N. Y., son of William R. and Mary Ann (Black) Young. Living in Schenectady, N. Y., in 1898. Their children were : 1st. — Henrt C. Young, married and Hving at Haga- man, N. Y., in 1898. 2d. — Virginia K. Young. Mr. Young was a railroad conductor ; in his religious belief a Presbyterian ; in politics a Republican. e. — Sowle, Emma. Born in Broadalbin, N. Y., June 4, 1840. Living at GloversviUe, N. Y., in 1898 ; married in Broadalbin, N. Y., March 6, 1869, to Mortimer Brock- WAT, of Broadalbin, N. Y., son of Tiffany and CorneHa (Babcock) Brockway. Their children were : 1st.— Jessie Brookwat, bom November 6, 1861 ; mar ried in GloversviUe, N. Y., July 2, 1885, to Nelson DUTCHER. 2d. — John Wallis Brookwat, born November 27, 1 864 ; died August 10, 1866. 3d. — Emma Brookwat, born February 17, 1872 ; died March 9, 1872. 4th. — Ruth Hubbell Brookwat, born January 12, 1878. 287. — Durfee, Peace (James 4th, Benjamin 3d, Ben jamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of James and Ann (Borden) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Broadalbin, N.Y.; born in Tiverton, R. I., September 21, 1770; died in Broadalbin, N. Y., June 19, 1840 ; married in Broadalbin, N. Y., to Thatcher. MANCHESTEE. 427 MANCHESTER. 288. — Durfee, Charlotte (James 4th, Benjamin 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of James and Ann (Borden) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Broadalbin, N.Y.; born in Tiverton, R. I., June 5, 1772 ; died in Broadalbin, N. Y., November 11, 1848 ; married Abraham Manches tee, of Rhode Island ; born in Rhode Island, September 13, 1770; died in Broadalbin, N. Y., June 25, 1862. Their children were : I. — John Manchestee, born in Tiverton, R. I., Septem ber 25, 1793 ; died in Kinderhook, Branch Co., Mich., March 10, 1875 ; married in Royalton, Niagara Co., N. Y., June 19, 1819, to Phebe Teuman, of Royalton, N. Y.; daughter of David and Sally ( ) Truman ; born September 16, 1802; died in Kinderhook, Mich., May 19, 1876. Their children were : 1st. — Chaelotte Manchestee, born in Royalton, N. Y., December 2, 1821; died in Jackson, Mich., March 11, 1852; married in Royalton, N. Y., September, 1840, to Abeam Lee, of Royalton, N. Y.; son of Daniel and Sally ( ) Lee ; born in Roxbury, N. Y., October 13, 1821 ; died in Jackson, Mich., February 8, 1895. Their children were : lst.-JoHN Manohebtee Lee, ? ^^^^ ^.^^ -^ .^^ 2d. — Chestee Leb, > 2d. — Eliza D. Manchestee, born in Royalton, N. Y., AprU 26, 1825 ; living in 1898 at Royalton, N. Y.; mar ried in Royalton, N. Y., December 11, 1844, to Lewis Follette, of Royalton, N. Y., son of Lewis and Hilie (Ansley) FoUette ; born in Seneca, N. Y., June 26, 1821; died in Royalton, N. Y., May 25, 1887. Their only child, Melissa Follette, born December 1 7, 1848 ; married May 26, 1870, John Edict. 3d.— Helen Claeissa Manchestee, born in Royalton, N. Y., July 17, 1832 ; living in Kinderhook, Mich., in 428 MANCHESTEE. 1898 ; married in Royalton, N. Y., April 18, 1850, to Alvin C. Laweence, of Kinderhook, Mich., son of Levi and Sarah ( ) Lawrence ; born in Oak Orchard, N. Y., November 16, 1825. They had no children. 4th. — John Abeam Manchestee, born in Royalton, N. Y., October 7, 1835 ; married in Royalton, N. Y., in Sep tember, 1862, to Maet Shock, of Royalton, N. Y., daugh ter of Jonas and Anna ( ) Shock ; born in Royalton, N. Y., December 21, 1842. They were living at Lock- port, N. Y., in 1898, and had no children. II — Samuel Manohebtee, bom in Broadalbin, N. Y., June 18, 1796 ; died in Preble, Cortland Co., N. Y., AprU 21, 1875 ; married Sallt Wells, of Truxton, N. Y., daughter of Tunis and Hannah (Peak) WeUs ; died in Preble, N. Y., January 2, 1872. Their children were : 1st. — Abeaham Manchestee, born in Preble, N. Y., February 20, 1825 ; married February 20, 1849, to Rachel BuTTEEFiBLD, daughter of John and Sarah (Dillingham) Butterfield. Their children were : a. — Ella Manohebtee, married to Coetdon Vandbn- BEEG. Their children were : 1st. Floeence Vandenbeeg. 2d. Addie Vandenbeeg. 3d. Chaeleb Vandenbeeg. 4th. Maevin Vandenbeeg. b. — 2d. Saeah Manchestee, born March 22, 18 — . Liv- inginl898at Vesper, Onondaga Co., N. Y., with her husband, Frank Noethup. They had no chUdren. c. — 3d. Mtea Manchestee, bom July 30, 1854. Living in Bromley, Onondaga Co., N. Y., in 1898, with her husband (Feank Pelton) and three children. d. — 4th. Maet Manchestee ; died at the age of 18 years. e. — 5th. Caeeie Manchestee, born April 20, 1861 ; un married and living, 1898, in Preble, N. Y. f. — 6th. Chaeles Manohebtee ; died at the age of 5 years. g. — 7th. Henet Manchestee, born June 10, 1864 ; liv- MANCHESTEE. 429 ing in 1898 with his wife, at Bromley, N. Y.; married February 23, 1898, to Nellie E. Rowland. h. — 8th. Cora Manchester, born June 3, 1867 ; living (1898) with her husband (Aaron Bixbt) and their three children at Preble, N. Y. i. — 9th. Grace Manchester, born July 10, 1871 ; died in August, 1892 ; married Charles Allen. 2d. — Isaac Manchester, born July 31, 1826 ; living (1898) in Northfield, Rice Co., Minn. 3d. — Philander Manchester, born April 16, 1828 ; married Kate Cornine. They had no children, and were residents of Cortland, N. Y., in 1898. 4th. — Eliza J. Manchester, bom August 24, 1829 ; mar ried Williams. They resided in 1898 at Myrtle, Ogle Co., lUs. 5th. — Jambs Harvet Manchester, bom May 20, 1831 ; married December 23, 1858, to Nanct Joceltn. They resided at Preble, N. Y., in 1898. Their children were : a. — Eugene Manchester, born in Preble, N. Y.; mar ried Julia Tuckman. They had four children. b. — Minnie Manchester, born in Preble, N. Y.; married William JlooT. They had two children. c. — Jennie Alice Manchestee, unmarried in 1898, and resided with her parents. 6th. — Julius Manchestee, born in Preble, N. Y., July 27, 1833 ; twin. He was a soldier in the Union army, and died April 2, 1863, of wounds received in battle. 7th. — Juliette Manchestee, born in Preble, N. Y., July 27, 1833 ; twin ; married in Preble, N. Y., February 18, 1858, to Robeet H. Van Buskiek, of Preble, N. Y., son of Isaac and Elizabeth (Cornine) Van Buskirk; born in Preble, N. Y., October 21, 1833. Thev were living in Preble, N. Y., in 1898. Their children were : 1st. — Uebtta Van Buskiek, born January 3, 1859, who was married to Mr, Squieeb, by whom she had one child, Emmett Squiees ; married a second time, November 20, 1878, to Chaeleb Beiggs. 2d. — John H. Van Buskiek, born June 26, 1868 ; mar- 430 MANCHESTEE. ried May 29, 1891, to Claea Mat Noeton. They had no children. Mr. Robert H. Van Buskirk was a farmer, and in his religious affiliations a Methodist. 8th. — Hannah Manchester, born in Preble, N. Y., Feb ruary 1, 1836 ; died in March, 1897 ; married to Samuel Clark. They had no children. Mrs. Clark married a second time to John Ostrander. They were living in Rockford, 111., in 1898, and had no children. 9th. — John H. Manchester, born in Preble, N. Y., August 24, 1838 ; married February 18, 1860, to . Their son, David Manchester, married and had a family of three children. He resided in Rochester, N. Y., in 1898. III. — Clarissa Manchester, born June 28, 1798; died May 20, 1883, unmarried. IV. — Archer Manchester, born December 28, 1799, at Broadalbin, N. Y.; died in Royalton, N. Y., November 26, 1872 ; married in Royalton, N. Y., March 21, 1827, to Delilah Beiggs, of Royalton, N. Y., daughter of Pardon and Betsey (Cook) Briggs ; born in Brutus, N. Y., Janu ary 14, 1810 ; died in Middleport, N.Y., February 9, 1888. Their children were : 1st. — Zilpha Manchester, born October 17, 1829 ; married in Royalton, N. Y., December 21, 1847, to Ira Todd, of Brighton, N. Y., son of Orrin and Caroline (Dennis) Todd ; born in Peekskill, Westchester Co., N. Y., October 11, 1825. They were Hving in Brighton, N. Y., in 1898. Their children were : 1st. — Jerome M. Todd, born March 7, 1850. 2d.— Marshall Todd, born AprU 14, 1852. 3d. — Ella Delilah Todd, born July 15, 1857 ; died November 1, 1857. 4th. — Frank O. Todd, born August 2, 1859. 5th. — Stanley Ira Todd, born August 24, 1862. 2d. — Betsey C. Manchester, born March 31, 1833; unmarried. Living at Middleport, N. Y., in 1898. 3d. — Angeline R. Manchester, born in Royalton, N. Y., MANCHESTEE. 431 September 23, 1835. Living, in 1898, at Rochester,, N. Y.; married in Royalton, N. Y., April 30, 1856, to William A. Todd, of Royalton, N. Y., son of John aud Eliza (Ayer) Todd ; born in Pittsford, Monroe Co., N. Y., March 28, 1838 ; died in Royalton, N. Y., September 18, 1892. Their children were : 1st. — Alzaia L. Todd, born September 24, 1867. 2d.— Leona E. Todd, born September 20, 1870. 3d. — Duane Manchester Todd, born May 31, 1856 ; died October 31, 1865. 4th. — Alzina Manchester, born in Royalton, N. Y., February 7, 1838 ; died in Goshen, Ind., May 26, 1862 ; married iu Royalton, N. Y., May 20, 1861, to James H. Butterfield, of Goshen, Ind.; born in New York State, in 1832 ; died in Elkhart, Ind., in January, 1884. Their only child, Alzina C. Butterfield, born January 31, 1862 ; died June 17, 1879. V. — Elizabeth Manchestee, born in Broadalbin, N. Y., September 29, 1801 ; died in Shelby, Orieans Co., N. Y., June 25, 1835 ; married in Broadalbin, N. Y., May 21, 1831, to Amnon Blaie, of Galway, Saratoga Co., N. Y., sou of John aud Mary ( ) Blair; born at Galway, N. Y., in 1793 ; died in Shelby, N. Y., February 2, 1879. Their children were : 1st. — David A. Blaie, born September 7, 1832. Living in 1898 at Swartz Creek, Genesee Co., Mich., with his wife and family; married in New York City, September 20, 1860, to Saeah E. Emmet, of New York City, daughter of William T. and Julia L. ( ) Emmet ; born in New York City, June 13, 1838. Their children were : a. — AvEET E. Blair, bom November 3, 1864. b. — Clara D. Blaie, born October 17, 1876. c — Benjamin F. Blaie, born May 6, 1881. Mr. Amnon Blair married a second time at Broadalbin, N. Y., October 25, 1836, to Vietue Sheeman, of Broad albin, N. Y., daughter of Stephen and Rebecca ( ) Sherman ; born in Broadalbin, N. Y., December 29, 1796 ; died in Shelby, N. Y., October 17, 1866. 432 MANCHESTEE. The Blair family were among the first settlers of Gal way, Saratoga Co., N. Y. Amnon Blair lived there until 1838, when he removed to Shelby, where he became the owner of a large and highly cultivated farm. He held the office of Justice of the Peace, and filled other town offices. His political associates were of the Democratic party. VI. — Peace Manohebtee, born November 28, 1803. VII. — Ltdia Manchestee, born iu Broadalbin, N. Y., AprU 14, 1806; died in Royalton, N. Y., February 6, 1867; married in Broadalbin, N. Y., December 31, 1829, to Iea Wetheebeb, of Broadalbin, N. Y.; born October 30, 1805; died in West Union, la., October 18, 1884. Their children were : 1st. — James M. Wethbebee, born in Royalton, N. Y., November 4, 1831. Living (1901) at West Union, la.; married at Royalton, N. Y., in 1852, to Louisa Johnson, of Royalton, N. Y., daughter of Samuel and Nancy ( ) Johnson; born August 18, 1838; died in West Union, la., August 18, 1866. Their children were: 1st. — Ellen R. Wethbebee, born November 9, 1853 ; married in West Union, la., September 30, , to E. N. FoRTNET, a farmer; born February 28, 1848. They were living in 1901 at Olin, la. Their children were : 1st. — Harrt E. Fortnet, born January 23, 1873. Liv ing (1901) at Spencer, lowg, ; unmarried. 2d. — Louisa E. Fortnet, born March 24, 1875 ; married to Maevin Dripps, of Morley, Iowa. Living (1901) at Spencer, Iowa. 3d. — Herbert E. Fortnet, born July 6, 1876 ; married to Alice McDaniblb. Living in 1901 at Olin, Iowa. 4th. — LuBLLA P. Fortnet, born February 19, 1878 ; married to Howard Miller ; resided near Olin, Iowa, in 1901. 5th. — George A. Fortnet, born August 22, 1879. 6th. — Meeeit B. Foetnet, born March 13, 1881. 7th. — Leland H. Fortnet, born March 8, 1884. 8th. — Fred. W. Fortney, born November 21, 1886. MANCHESTEE. 433 2d. — George W. Wethbrbee, born January 21, 185- married and resides at Lathrop, Cal. 3d. — Adeline M. Wethbrbee, born September 20, 1857 married to C. Stucket, and resides at Lathrop, Cal. 4th. — Ira J. Wethbrbee, born December 21, 1859 married to Jennie Woodson. They reside at Buffalo Center, Iowa. 5th. — Mart Wetheebeb, born February 3, 1862 ; mar ried to Chaeles Beownmuillee. They resided at Quimby, Cherokee Co., Iowa. James M. Wetherbee married a second time to Cathe eine M. RoBBETS, daughter of Ephraim and ( ) Roberts. Their children were : a. — Ida Mat Wethbebee, married to Claeenoe Augur. They live in Idaho. b. James M. Wethbrbee. c. Charles E. Wethbebee. d. William C. Wethbrbee. e. Cora M. Wethbrbee. 2d. — Harriet Wetherbee, born in Royalton, N. Y., in 1839; died in Royalton, N. Y., July 28, 1868; married in Royalton, N. Y., June 14, 1863, to Daniel Freeman, of Royalton, N. Y., son of Archer and Barsheba (Bassel) Freeman ; born in Cicero, Cayuga Co., N. Y., February 2, 1809 ; died in Royalton, N. Y., October 22, 1891. Their children were : 1st. — Julia Feeeman, born June 1, 1864. 2d. — Haevbt Feeeman, born October 27, 1865. 3d. — Rosa ville Wethbebee, born in Royalton, N. Y., October 13, 1846; married in Holly, Orleans Co., N. Y., May 18, 1869, to Feebland Buenb, son of James and Elizabeth ( ) Burns; born in Clarendon, N. Y., Feb ruary 20, 1846. They resided in Pottsville, Mich., in 1898. Their child, Heebeet Buens, was born February 23, 1874. VIII, — Susie Manchestee, born May 30, 1808; died August 2, 1808. IX. — James Harvet Manchester, born in Broadalbin, N. Y., September 23, 1809 ; died in Hartland, N. Y., 434 MANCHESTEE. August 5, 1894 ; married in Royalton, N. Y., November 26, 1835, to Maegaeet Dbput, of Royalton, N. Y., daugh ter of Martin and Mary (Williams) Depuy ; born in Owasco, Cayuga Co., N. Y., July 31, 1812 ; died in Hart- land, N. Y., October 7, 1843. Their children were : 1st. — Heneietta Amanda Manchestee, born in Hart- land, N. Y.; November 21, 1836 ; married in Hartland, N. Y., December 20, 1860, to William V. Weavee, of Hartland, N. Y., son of Elisha and Anna (Peckham) Weaver. They were living in Hartland, N. Y., in 1898. Their children were : 1st. — Claea A. Weavee, born October 15, 1862. 2d. — Jessie Weavee, } l • . bom January 21, 1866 ; 3d. — Jennie Weavee, j ' both died Sept. 21, 1865. 4th. — Margaret A. Weaver, born January 10, 1874. 2d. — Oscar Dbput Manchester, born February 4, 1840. 3d. — Ltdia Jane Manchester, bom in Hartland, N. Y., October 27, 1841 ; married in Hartland, N. Y., June 27, 1867, to Rathven Kill, of Royalton, N. Y., son of Jasper and Miriam (Jones) Kill. They were living at Royalton, N. Y., in 1898. Their children were : 1st. — Fred M. Kill, born November 5, 1868. 2d. — James R. Kill, born February 26, 1874. 4th. — Jambs Archer Manchester, born in Hartland, N. Y., September 13, 1843 ; died at Bankers, Mich., Oc tober 11, 1866 ; married in Bankers, Mich., February 8, 1865, to Henrietta Veealdi Paige, of Hartland, N. Y., daughter of Jacob and Almira ( ) Paige ; born in Hartland, N. Y.; died in Hartland, N. Y., January 7, 1866. Their child. Jambs A. Manchestee, was born December 28, 1865. Mr. James Harvey Manchester married a second time in Hartland, N. Y., November 13, 1844, to Minbeva King, of Hartland, N. Y., daughter of David and Electa (McKee) King ; born in Henrietta, Monroe Co., N. Y., October 5, 1823. Living in 1898 at' Hartland, N. Y. Their children were : 1st. — Maegaret Electa Manchester, born in Hartland, MANCHESTEE. 435 N. Y., August 7, 1846 ; married in Hartland, N. Y., March 16, 1871, to Fatettb Dat, of Lockport, N. Y., son of Asa and Abigail (Hall) Day ; bom in Royalton, N. Y., July 24, 1839. They were residing in 1898 at Hartland, N. Y. 2d. — Gilbert Henrt Manchester, born in Hartland, N. Y., May 10, 1849 ; died in Waukee, DaUas Co., Iowa, October 7, 1882 ; married in Royalton, N. Y., January 26, 1876, to Della E. Dat, of Royalton, N. Y., daughter of Emerson and Caroline (Lounsberry) Day ; born in Lockport, N. Y., March 27, 1863. Living in 1898 at Gas- port, N. Y. Their only child. Rat D. Manchester, born AprU 4, 1876. 3d. — Harvet King Manchester, born in Hartland, N. Y., September 14, 1853; married in Lockport, N. Y., October 20, 1880, to Viola A. Pease, of Lockport, N. Y.; daughter of Bradford and Ursula (Hathaway) Pease ; born in Lockport, N. Y. In 1898, they resided in Hart land, N. Y. Their children were : 1st. — Arthur P. Manchester, born July 1, 1883. 2d. — Minbeva K. Manohebtee, born December 23, 1884. 3d. — ^Ralph H. Manohebtee, born April 19, 1892. 4th. — Heebeet Alonzo Manchestee, born in Hartland, N. Y., November 2,1859; married in Auburn, N. Y., September 16, 1890, to Geace D. Smith, of Auburn, N. Y.; daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Brooks) Smith ; born in Port Byron, Cayuga Co., N. Y., February 2, 1861. They resided at Syracuse, N. Y., in 1898. 5th. — Baeton Edgae Manchestee, born March 20, 1864. X. — Abeaham Manchestee, born in Broadalbin, N. Y., November 12, 1811; died at Elmwood, Onondaga Co., N. Y., August 17, 1898 ; married September 20, 1837, to Julia A. Sheldon; born May 6, 1806 ; died May 17, 1867. They had no children, but adopted a girl named Laura. Mr. Manchester married a second time. May 17, 1869, in the State of Vermont, to Haeeiet E. McAlibtee, of Ver mont ; daughter of David and Lydia ( ) McAlister ; 436 MANCHESTER. born April 16, 1842 ; died in Broadalbin, N. Y., August 12, 1878. Their children were : 1st. — William Haevbt Manchestee, born in Broad albin, N. Y., AprU 12, 1871; married in Albany, N. Y., December 22, 1894, to Jennie V. Rowland, of Vesper, N. Y.; daughter of Horace aud Alice S. (Strong) Row land; born in Tully, N. Y., September 15, 1876. They reside at Elmwood, N. Y., and have one child, Feancis Alice Manohebtee, born November 8, 1895. Mr. W. H. Manchester, is an Attorney and Counsellor at Law, with offices in Nottingham Building, Syracuse, N. Y. He was a teacher in the public schools three years ; attended Cornell Law School ; admitted to practice in June, 1897. Attends the Presbyterian Church ; in poli tics, he is a Republican. He was a Justice of the Peace. 2d. — Jennie Eva Manchestee, born December 30, 1873. Mr. Manchester married a third time at Balston Springs, N. Y., November 22, 1882, to Ltdia Crooker, born April 5, 1840 ; died in Broadalbin, N. Y., January 27, 1883 . Mr. Manchester was commissioned a captain in the 122d N. Y. MiHtia by Gov. Marcy, July 26, 1838, which appointm ent was continued several years ; he has been an active member of the Baptist church at Broadalbin, N. Y., and took very much interest in the Sunday-school work. Wm. H. Manchester writes of his grandfather, Abra ham Manchester, as follows : " Tradition has it that Grandfather Manchester was bom in Rhode Island ; and being one of a large family was bound out to service when quite j'oung ; that he ran away and went to Tiverton, R. I., where he worked some years ; that he never saw his parents after running away from his master ; and was unable in after years to tell their names, or his birth place ; he came to Broadalbin, N. Y., when a young man, and took up a piece of land, cleared it off and built a house ; he was afterwards mar ried to Charlotte Durfee, and they lived and raised their family on the farm which ho had cleared off, and which taboe. 437 has been in the family until within ten years (1898) and known as the ' Manchester Homestead.' Mr. and Mrs. Manchester and some of the Durfees are buried in the family burying ground at Mills Corner, about two miles from the old farm." 289. Durfee, Abigail (James 4th, Benjamin 3d, Ben jamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of James and Anna (Borden) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Broadalbin, N. Y.; born in Tiverton, R. I., November 21, 1774; died in Broadalbin, N. Y., September 29, 1856 ; married Benja min Simmons. TABOR. 290. Durfee, Rachel (James 4th, Benjamin 3d, Ben jamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of James and Anne (Borden) Durfee, of "Tiverton, R. I., and Broadalbin, N. Y.; born in Tiverton, R. I., July 15, 1776 ; died in Broadalbin, N. Y., November 3, 1853 ; married Gideon Tabor, who died in Broadalbin, N. Y., August 30, 1854. Their children were : I.— Ann Tabor, bom July 6, 1797. II. — Mart Tabor, born December 15, 1798. III. — David Tabor, born December 13, 1800 ; died when four years old from accident ; thrown from wagon. IV. — Jerusha Tabor, born July 10, 1801. V. — Bridget Taboe, born August 18, 1803. VI. — Jemima Taboe, born July 9, 1805. VII.— Eliza Taboe, born March 25, 1807. VIIL— John B. Taboe, bom November 1, 1808. IX. — Hannah Taboe, born June 3, 1812. X. — Keziah Taboe, born June 20, 1814. XL — Constant Taboe, born October 9, 1815 ; married LuRA . They had no children. XII. — Margaret Tabor, born in May, 1820 ; died March 14, 1869 ; unmarried. 438 taboe. I. — Tabor, Ann (Gideon 1st). Born in Broadalbin, N. Y., July 6, 1797 ; died in Earlville, Madison Co., N. Y., June 11, 1835 ; married in Broadalbin, N. Y., July 28, 1822, to Elisha Green, of Broadalbin, N. Y., son of Samuel and Ann (Clark) Green ; born in Broadalbin, N. Y., February 19, 1797 ; died in Fond du Lac, Wis., March 20, 1874. Their children were : a. — 1st. Maria Louisa Green, born December 6, 1824; died August 26, 1825. b. — 2d. Samuel Richard Green, born February 20, 1826. c. — 3d. Emeline Amelia Geben, born August 24, 1828. d. — 4th. Gideon Taboe Green, born March 30, 1830 ; died November 30, 1830. e. — 5th. Rachel Ann Green, born January 15, 1833. /'.—6th. Carlista Hortense Green, born October 29, 1834. b. — Geben, Samuel R., born in Earlville, N. Y., February 20, 1826 ; died in Lincoln Hospital, Washington, D. C, May 11, 1865 ; married in Utica, N, Y., September 20, 1853, to Melvina Rockwell, of Utica, N. Y., daughter of Abraham and Elizabeth ( ) Rockwell ; bom in Rox bury, N. Y., June 8, 1832. Living in Utica, N. Y., in April, 1898. Their children were : 1st. — Mary Ella Green, born in Stratsford, N. Y., February 22, 1856; married in Utica, N. Y., August 25, 1873, to William Campbell Sbmple, of Utica, N. Y., son of Andrew and Catherine (Nichol) Semple ; born in Strathbrengo, Lanarkshire, Scotland, March 31, 1853. They were living in Utica, N. Y., AprU, 1898. Their children were : 1st. — William Andrew Semple, born February 5, 1875 ; living in Utica, N. Y., 1898 ; unmarried. 2d. — Lewis H. Green, born in Utica, N. Y., November 23, 1860 ; married in Whitesboro, Oneida Co., N. Y., Sep tember 17, 1892, to Cora Adella Williams, of Whitesboro, N. Y., daughter of Isaac Newton and Alice (Reynolds) WUHams; born in Whitesboro, N. Y., April 10, 1870. TABOE. 439 They were living in Utica, N. Y., in AprU, 1898. They had one child, Lewis H. Geben, Jr., born September 17, 1894. Mr. Green is a member of the firm of Harris & Green, photographers, Utica, N. Y. In religion he is an Episco palian ; in politics a Republican. Samuel R. Green was a soldier in the Union Army, and belonged to the 14th, 47th, and 146th N. Y. Regiments, and died in the service. Before the war he was a dealer in lumber. He was a Universalist in his religious belief ; in politics a Republican. c. — 3d. Geben, Emeline Amelia, born in Utica, N. Y., August 24, 1828 ; married in St. Johnsville, Montgomery Co., N. Y., AprU 11, 1850, to L H. Johnston, of Rochester, N. Y., son of Stephen and Katie (Fabrique) Johnston ; bom in Danube, Herkimer Co., N. Y., Febru ary 15, 1823. They were Hving in Clinton, Mich., in 1898. Their children were : 1st. — Feed. Henrt Johnston, born in Cleveland, Ohio, January 12, 1852 ; married in Clinton, Mich., September 25, 1878, to Hattie Burton. 2d. — Charlotte Emilt Johnston, bom in Wellsville, Ohio, November 28, 1853 ; died in Cleveland, Ohio, Sep tember 28, 1857. 3d. — Louis Frank Johnston, born in Cleveland, Ohio, March 3, 1855 ; married in Cleveland, Ohio, September 28, 1875, to Mart MoCaulet. 4th. — Charles Woolset Johnston, born in Cleveland, Ohio, October 18, 1860 ; married in Clinton, Mich., Janu ary 4, 1884, to Caroline Muir. Mr. Johnston was a locomotive engineer thirty-four years, and since 1889 he has been a mail carrier. He has resided in the following places : Rochester and Glovers viUe, N. Y.; Cleveland and Wellsville, Ohio, and Pitts burg and Meadville, Pa. He is Republican in politics, and in religion affiliates with the Presbyterian Church. When he was two years old his mother died. He was her only child, and was brought up by his grandmother. e. — 5th. Green, Rachel Ann, born in Utica, N. Y., January 15, 1833 ; living in Byron, Woods Co., Okla- 440 TABOE. homa, in April, 1898 ; married in Cleveland, Ohio, Novem ber 26, 1853, to Allen Johnson, of Cleveland, Ohio, son of Lines and Deborah (Hewitt) Johnson ; born in Hud son, Ohio, in March, 1831 ; died in Fond du Lac, Wis., February 7, 1866. Their children were : 1st. — Charles Henrt Johnson, born in Ravenna, Port age Co., Ohio, December 17, 1854 ; died in Fond du Lac, Wis., February 18, 1867. 2d. — George Ernest Johnson, born in Sheboygan, Wis., August 9, 1856 ; married in Mt. Pleasant, la., in April, 1880, to Sadie Tallt. 3d. — Calista Alice Johnson, born in Sheboygan, Wis., June 6, 1858 ; married in Anthony, Kansas, in February, 1888, to W. L. Stout. 4th. — Elmer Lo Gee Johnson, born in Sheboygan, Wis., March 8, 1862 ; married in Corwin, Kansas, in No vember, 1890, to Grace Tilburt. 5th. — Frank Allen Johnson, born in Fond du Lac, Wis., February 14, 1865. Mr. Allen Johnson served in the Navy during the War of the Rebellion ; was in the Mississippi River Squadron, and was stationed at the mouth of White River, Ark., on the " Exchange " ; at the close of the war was on the " Vol unteer." Died soon after coming home of chronic diarrhoea, contracted in the service. He was a carpenter by trade ; in religion a Baptist; in politics a Republican. f. — 6. Geben, Calista Hoetenbb, born in EarlviUe, N. Y., October 29, 1834. Living at 33 Pine street, Glovers viUe, N. Y., in March, 1898 ; married in Mayfield, N. Y., January 8, 1861, to Abraham Feank, Jr., of Mayfield, N. Y., son of Abraham and Lucy ( ) Frank ; born in Mayfield, N. Y., AprU 13, 1833 ; died November 26, 1895. Their children were : 1st. — Annie J. Feank, born December 31, 1862. 2d. — Emma V. Frank, born January 13, 1866. 3d. — Chancet G. Feank, born February 24, 1872 ; married at Kingston, N. Y., September 19, 1896, to Jen nie Hallet. TABOE. 441 II. — Tabor, Mart, born in Rhode Island, December 15, 1798 ; died in Adrian, Mich., April 5, 1857 ; married Samuel Moshee, son of Samuel and Sally ( ) Mosher ; born March 26, 184- ; died in Victor, De Kalb Co., IU., December 26, 1863. Their children were : a. — 1st. Noeman C. Moshee, born January 12, 1820 ; married Susan Beewee. b. — 2d. Levi D. Moshee, born November 6, 1828 ; liv ing in 1898 ; married Maet Babtlbtt. c. — 3d. Saeah L. Moshee, born June 11, 1832 ; living (1896) ; married Cheibtophee Dickenson. (?.- 4th. David T. Moshee, born June 28, 1836 ; Hv ing in 1898 ; married Mieanda '¦ — . e. — 5th. Rachel A. Moshee, born in Mt. Morris, Liv ingston Co., N. Y., March 2, 1839 ; married in Ridgeway, N. Y., July 18, 1866, to Geoegb Swan, of Medina, N. Y., son of Lorenzo and Sarah (George) Swan ; born in Yates, N. Y., November 27, 1837. They were Hving in W. Som erset, N. Y., in 1898. Their children were : 1st. — Minnie Swan, born February 28, 1868 ; died September 23, 1868. 2d. — Frank Swan, born September 18, 1869. 3d. — Bert Swan, born November 18, 1882. Mr. Swan was, by occupation, a carpenter and farmer. He was an active member of the Methodist Church ; a local preacher, exhorter, and class leader. In politics a Prohibitionist. During the War of the Rebellion he was a soldier in the Union army. Mr. Samuel Mosher was a farmer, and also an exhorter, local preacher and class leader in the M. E. Church. He was an abolitionist, and belonged to the Underground RaUroad, and aided many slaves on their way to Canada, among them Fred. Douglas and Sojourn Truth. IV. — Tabor, Jerusha, born in Broadalbin, N. Y., July 10, 1800 ; died in Chagrin Falls, Ohio, December 5, 1864 ; married in Broadalbin, N. Y., March 30, 1823, to Orange Wait, of Broadalbin, N. Y.; born in Providence, N. Y., March 15, 1798 ; died in Willoughby, Lake Co., Ohio, August 30, 1851. 442 TABOE. Their children were : I. — Matilda Wait, born in Hamilton, October 21, 1829 ; died June 23, 1833. II. — Clinton Wait, born in Hamilton, Madison Co., N. Y., June 29, 1834 ; married in Willoughby, Lake Co., Ohio, June 15, 1863, to Eliza Smart, of Willoughby, Ohio, daughter of Samuel and Mary (Welch) Smart ; born in Willoughby, Ohio, June 7, 1836. They were Hving in WiUonghby, Ohio, in May, 1898. They had only one child, John C. Wait, born June 7, 1864 ; died August 3, 1865. III. — Wait, Caeeoll, born in Tecumseh, Mich., Janu ary 2, 1836 ; married, April 9, 1863, to Salena A. Kittb, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Greenhalgh) Kitts ; born in Bolton, England. They were living in Kirtland, Ohio, in 1898. They had one child, Evangeline Wait, born January 19, 1864, who married February 6, 1895, to T. B. SwARTS. Mr. Carroll Wait enlisted as a private soldier September 9, 1861, in Battery C, 1st Ohio Light Artillery, from which he was discharged at Nashville, Tenn., August 10, 1862, on account of surgeon's certificate of disability. IV. — Wait, Helon, born in Willoughby, Ohio, June 30, 1838 ; married in Willoughby, Ohio, January 5, 1862, to Juliet H. Andrus, of Willoughby, Ohio, daughter of Ja son and Mary ( ) Andrus ; born in GarrettsviUe, Portage Co., Ohio. Living in Willoughby, Ohio, in May, 1898. Their children were : 1st. — Jason O. Wait, born December 30, 1862 ; mar ried August 14, 1894, to Ella Gilson. 2d. — Nellie G. Wait, born June 26, 1865 ; married June 26, 1888, to Edwin M. Hills. 3d. — Dave A. Wait, bom February 18, 1867 ; married February 17, 1898, to Hattie L. Burt. 4th. — Fred C. Wait, born November 20, 1871 ; married March 30, 1892, to Nellie S. Beldbn. 5th.— Henrt H. Wait, born March 14, 1876. Mrs. Orange Wait married a second time at Chagrin Falls, Ohio, in May, 1861, to Harvet White, of that place. TABOE. 443 Mr. Orange Wait resided until 1835 in Madison Co., N. Y., when he removed to Tecumseh, Mich., and re mained a few years, and then settled at Willoughby, Ohio. He was a merchant and landlord ; a farmer in his later years. In religion he was a regular Baptist. In politics a Whig and Free Soiler. V. — Tabor Bridget, born in Broadalbin, N. Y., August 18, 1803 ; died in Amsterdam, N. Y., April 7, 1866 ; mar ried in Broadalbin, N. Y., January 31, 1828, to John M. Benedict, of West Perth, Fulton Co., N. Y., son of Ira and Agnes ( ) Benedict ; born in Ballston, Sara toga Co., N. Y., June 6, 1791 ; died in GloversviUe, N. Y., June 12, 1880. Their children were : a. — Ira Benedict, born November 28, 1828 ; died August 2, 1833. b. — Gideon Tabor Benedict, born March 21, 1830; died September 5, 1868. c. — John M. Benedict, Jr., born September 20, 1831. d. — Thomas Scott Benedict, born March 8, 1833 ; died January 30, 1845. e. — Ann E. Benedict, born July 7, 1835. f. — Ira Benedict (2d), born December 30, 1836 ; died AprU 24, 1858. g. — R. Agnes Benedict, born May 31, 1838. h. — Harriet N. Benedict, born September 9, 1839 ; died October 1, 1839. i. — Jerusha S. Benedict, born October 19, 1840 ; died February 1, 1843. j. — Catherine J. Benedict, born January 17, 1842 ; died AprU 5, 1844. k. — Frances N. Benedict, born March 27, 1844 ; died September 1, 1844. I. — Harriet N. Benedict (2d), born April 24, 1846. m. — Angelica M. Benedict, born January 12, 1848. c. — Benedict, John M., Jr., born September 20, 1831 ; died October 9, 1865 ; married in Portsmouth, Septem ber 15, 1857, to Anna M. Pettigrew. e. — Benedict, Ann Eliza, born in West Perth, N. Y., July 7, 1835 ; married in West Perth, N. Y., February 444 TABOE. 7, 1861, to Charles W. Robe, of GloversviUe, N. Y., son of Charles and Christiana ( ¦) Rose ; born in Glo versviUe, N. Y., January 18, 1833. They were living at 129 S. Main st., GloversviUe, N. Y., in 1898. Their children were: 1st. — Ida Mat Robe, born May 3, 1862 ; died February 20, 1872. 2d. — Charles Benedict Rose, born December 30, 1868 ; died August 30, 1869. 3d. — Harrt Wtatt Robe, born May 30, 1874 ; married January 23, 1897, to Margaretta Edwards. 4th. — Haeeiet Benedict Rose, born June 5, 1878. g. — Benedict, R. Agneb, born May 31, 1838 ; died Au gust 6, 1886 ; married in Amsterdam, N. Y., August 16, 1864, to Z. Botd Smeallie. I. — Benedict, Haeeiet N. (2d), born April 24, 1846; died January 24, 1875 ; married in Independence, N. Y., May 7, 1872, to Alfeed P. Stevenson. m. — Benedict, Angelica M., born January 12, 1848 ; married in GloversviUe, N. Y., September 14, 1892, to Robeet Haet. VI. — Taboe, Jemima, born in Broadalbin, N. Y., July 9, 1805 ; died in Broadalbin, N. Y., March 18, 1854 ; mar ried in Broadalbin, N. Y., to Chancet G. Alvoed. They had no children. They adopted their niece, Carlista Green, daughter of Ann (Tabor) Green. They lived in Broadalbin, N. Y. Mr. Alvord was a tinsmith, and in religion a Baptist. VII. — Taboe, Eliza B., born in Broadalbin, N. Y., March 25, 1807 ; died in Portage, Kalamazoo Co., Mich., January 21, 1860; married in Broadalbin, N. Y., January 13, 1842, to Jat E. Tomlinson, of Broadalbin, N. Y., son of William and Mary (Van Vranken) Tomlinson ; born in Broadalbin, N. Y., January 7, 1815 ; died at Three Rivers, Mich., September 25, 1858. Their children were : 1st. — Jemima P. Tomlinson, born in Broadalbin, N. Y., December 30, 1842. Living in Watkins, N. Y., in 1898 ; unmarried. TABOE. 445 Mr. Tomlinson was a farmer, in religion a Baptist, and in politics a Republican. VIII. — Taboe, John B., born in Broadalbin, N. Y., No vember 1, 1808 ; died in Watkins, N. Y., March 14, 1886 ; and was buried at Broadalbin, N. Y.; married in Broadal bin, N. Y., October 3, 1833, to Adelpha B. Bioknell, of Broadalbin, N. Y., daughter of Thomas and Lois (Brock- way) Bicknell ; born in Broadalbin, N. Y., June 15, 1812. Living in Watkins, N. Y.. in AprU, 1898. Their children were: 1st. — La Gee Taboe, born September 5, 1835; died July 26, 1891 ; married in February, 1866. They had no children. 2d. — RoxiE M. Taboe, born August 31, 1836; died the year born. 3d. — Eugene M. Taboe, born February 11, 1839; died in Detroit, Mich., September 10, 1896; married June 11, 1872. They had no children. 4th. — FiTZELLAND Taboe, bom May 20, 1842; died No vember 7, 1842. 5th. — LoEiNB E. Taboe, born February 8, 1844; died in Mendon, Mich., September 23, 1868 ; unmarried. 6th. — Chaeles B. Taboe, born December 28, 1847; died February 7, 1848. Mr. John B. Tabor was a carpenter. He was a builder of mills. At one time he was a cabinetmaker. Some of his time was spent in farming. He was a member of the Baptist Church, and a deacon for a number of years. In politics he was a Republican. The family resided at Broadalbin, N. Y., at London, Hillsdale, and Portage, Mich., Southington, Hartford Co., Conn., and Watkins, N. Y. IX. — Tabor, Hannah, born in Broadalbin, N. Y., June 3, 1812; married Benjamin Chase. Their children were : 1st. Olive. 2d. Celia. 3d. George. X. — Tabor, Keziah, born in Broadalbin, N. Y., June 20, 1814 ; was living in Madison, Wis., in 1898 ; married in Cleveland, Wis., August 15, 1837, to Richard Gaige, of the State of New York ; son of Alexander and Anna 446 TABOE. ( ) Gaige, who died in Pulaski, Wis., in October, 1847. Their children were : I. — Ann Eliza Gaige, born August 23, 1839. II. — Josephine Gaige, born in Jonesville, Mich., in March, 1841. III. — Marilla Gaige, born in October, 1843. IV. — Luct Gaige, born in Pulaski, Wis., October 6, 1844. Mrs. Gaige married a second time to Joseph Chartin, of Canada, who the family think was killed by Indians in the Black Hills country about 1874. They had no children. I. — Gaige, Ann Eliza, married in Avoca, Wis., April 23, 1869, Thomas Davenport, of (probably Sheffield,) England ; son of Henry and Mary (Goode) Davenport ; born June 21, 1823. They were living in Madison, Wis., in 1898. Their children were (born in Avoca, Wis.): 1st. — Irene Davenport, born in 1860 ; married in Mad ison, Wis., April 1, 1878, to Lewis Luling, of Fond du Lac, Wis.; living (1898) in Madison, Wis. Their children were (born in Madison, Wis.): 1st. — Harrt Luling, born November 24, 1878. 2d. — Frank Luling, born March 8, 1880 ; died in Mad ison, Wis., AprU 12, 1880. 3d. — Fred. Luling, twin of Frank, died at Blackearth, Wis., September 14, 1880. 4th. — Emma Luling, born June 23, 1882. 2d. — Stdnet Davenport, born in 1862 ; married in Madison, Wis., July 16, 1885, Lauea Williams, of Madison, Wis. Their children were : a. — Stlvebtee Robeet Davenpoet, born July 28, 1887 ; died September 23, 1890. b. — Susan Emma Davenport, born September 28, 1892. 3d. — Harry Davenport, born in 1864. TABOE. 447 II, — Gaige, Josephine, died in Aberdeen, S. Dak., December 8, 1887 ; married in Avoca, Wis., January 18, 1862, to John Garland, of Muscoda, Grant Co., Wis.; son of WiUiam and Mary (Johnson) Garland, of DubUn, Ireland ; born in Muscoda, Wis., February 14, 1837. He resided at Aberdeen, S. Dak., in 1902, and was the first Mayor of that city ; subscribed to the Civil War ; in poli tics he is a Republican, and in religion an Episcopalian. Their children were : 1st. — Mart Eudoea Gaeland, born in Pulaski, Wis., January 31, 1863; married in Aberdeen, S. Dak., Febru ary 20, 1884, to Magnus Feedeeick Fischbein, of Mil waukee, Wis.; son of Joseph and Charlotte (Mann) Fisch bein, of Radnitz, Austria ; born in Milwaukee, Wis., Jan uary 10, 1857. They were Hving (1902) in St. Paul, Minn. He was a merchant ; a gold Democrat in politics ; was Treasurer of Aberdeen, S. Dak., two terms. Their children were (born in Aberdeen, S. Dak.) : 1st. — Henet Gaeland Fischbein, born January 20, 1885. 2d. — Joseph Richaed Fischbein, born March 5, 1887 ; died January 10, 1890, at Aberdeen, S. Dak. 3d. — Claeenoe Leo Fischbein, born March 4, 1890. 2d. — Fannt Kezia Gaeland, bom in Pulaski, Wis., November 8, 1866 ; died in Aberdeen, S. Dak., Novem ber 30, 1883. 3d. — Chaeles Richard Garland, born in Muscoda, Wis., September 28, 1869 ; died iu Warner, S. Dak., February 18, 1892. III. — Gaige, Marilla, died in Wyoming, Wis., April 22, 1886 ; married in Avoca, Wis., October 2, 1862, to Robert L. Joiner, of Wyoming, Wis., son of Samuel and Cynthia (Lucas) Joiner, who was living (1898) in Wyo ming, Wis. Their children were (born in Wyoming, Wis.) : 1st. — Beulah Joiner, married December 9, 1890, to Thomas E. Jones. They resided at Wymore, Neb., and had four children. 2d. — Josephine Joiner, married in 1889, to David 448 TABOE. Rogers. They resided at Mexico, Mo., and had five children. 3d. — Ruth Joiner, born in 1869 ; died at Aberdeen, Wis., in 1885. 4th. — Gaige Joiner, married January 1, 1893, to Flora Hand. They resided at Wyoming, Wis., and had two children. 5th. — Lethe Joiner, married February 14, 1889, to HoMEE Levake. They resided in Wyoming, Wis., and had two children. 6th. — Kezia Joinbe, born in 1879. 7th. — Amet Joinbe, bom in 1881. 8th. — ^RoBEETiNE Joinbe, born in 1884. Mr. Robert Joiner was a resident of Wyoming, Wis., a number of years. He was a farmer and surveyor. In religion he was a Liberal Protestant ; in politics a Republican. IV. — Gaige, Luot, born in Pulaski, Wis., October 6, 1844 ; married at Canaan Four Corners, Columbia Co., N. Y., June 3, 1864, to Alonzo Hale, of East Whately, Mass., son of Searin and Betsey ( ) Hale ; born in Pompey, N. Y., December 19, 1837. They were Hving in Marion, S. Dak., in 1898. Their children were : 1st. — David A. Hale, born in North Sunderland, Mass. 2d. — Feank O. Hale, born in Avoca, Wis., January 3, 1867. 3d. — Eunice M. Hale, born in Avoca, Wis., August 27, 1869. Mr. Alonzo Hale was a soldier in the Fifth Mass. Light Artillery during the War of the Rebellion, 1861-65. David A. Hale was married at Aberdeen, S. Dak., Sep tember 1, 1889, to Ella A. Muepht. Eunice M. Hale was married at Linnox, Lincoln Co., S. Dak., November 24, 1895, to Feancis H. Chase. DUEFEE. 449 DURFEE. 291. Durfee, Daniel (James 4th, Benjamin 3d, Benja min 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of James and Anne (Borden) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Broadalbin, N. Y.; born in Tiverton, R. I., January 11, 1779 ; died in Howell, Liv ingston Co., Mich., about October, 1863 ; married Mattie Feeeman, by whom he had ten children. The names of only five of them were given for this record : Their children were : 658.— 1st. Otis Durfee. 659. — 2d. Obed Durfee, born in Montgomery Co., N.Y., March 17,1816. 660.— 3d. Abigail Durfee. 661.— 4th. David Durfee. 662.— 5th. Maribah Durfee. Mr. Durfee married a second time, to Mrs. Ltdia (Fee- gubon) Eael (widow), about 1830 or 1832. Mrs. Earl had a son by her first husband (whom she called Oliver), who was brought up by Mr. Durfee. They had one child. 663. — 1st. Harvey R. Durfee. 293. Durfee, Ephraim (James 4th, Benjamin 3d, Ben jamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of James and Anne (Borden) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Broadalbin, N. Y.; born in Tiverton, R. I., June 12, 1785 ; died in Orangeville, N. Y., January 15, 1879 ; married in Broad albin, N. Y., in 1809, to Polly Closson ; born May 28, 1787 ; died in OrangeviUe, N. Y., November 14, 1858. Their children were : 664.— 1st. Earl, born May 1, 1810; died December 23, 1818. 665.— 2d. Abraham, born October 10, 1812. 666.— 3d. Burden, born May 21, 1814. 667.— 4th. Elpha, born May 27, 1816 ; died June 3, 1829. 450 DUEFEE. 668. — 5th. Earl, born January 25, 1816. 669.— 6th. Lydia, born AprU 18, 1822. 670.— 7th. Eliza, born March 25, 1824. 671.— 8th. William, bom February 18, 1826; died July 29, 1845. 672.— 9th. Elpha, born January 4, 1831. All of the members of this family lived and died in the town of Orangeville, N. Y., except Elpha, the wife of Ben jamin Franklin ; she died in California. 294. Durfee, Allen (Abner 4th, Benjamin 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Abner and Lydia (Allen) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I.; married in Tiverton, R. I., March 31, 1799, to Nanct Geat, of Tiv erton, R. I., daughter of William and Peace (Cook) Gray; born in Tiverton, R. I., May 19, 1774 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., January 27, 1840. Their children were : 673 — 1st. Amey, born January 7, 1800. 674.— 2d. Polly, born March 5, 1807. 675.— 3d. Ann. 676.— 4th. Lydia Allen. Mr. Durfee married a second time to Eliphal H , who was ninety years old at her death in Tiverton, R. I., AprU 13, 1902. 297. Durfee, Mary (Abner 4th, Benjamin 3d, Benja min 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Abner and Lydia (Allen) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I. ; died in Tiverton, R. I.; married in Tiverton, R. I., De cember 16, 1796, to William Obboen, Jr., of Tiverton, R. I., son of William and Elizabeth (Shrieve) Osborn ; born in Tiverton, R. I., July 18, 1769. Their children were : 1st — Ltdia Osboen, died in infancy. 2d. — Abigail Osboen, died in 1822. 295. Durfee, Nicholas E. (Abner 4th, Benjamin 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Abner and Lydia (Allen) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I., March 8, 1777; died in Tiverton, R. I., November 13, 1859 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., to Hope Boeden, of EPHRAIM DURFEE. BORN 1785 ; DIED 1879. DUEFEE. 451 Tiverton, R. I., daughter of Joseph and Ann (Durfee) Borden ; born in Tiverton, R. I., February 26, 1776 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., in 1816. Their children were : 677.— 1st. Nicholas E., born March 22, 1810; died unmarried. 678.— 2d. Abner, born July 14, 1814. Mr. Durfee married a second time to Nanct Lee Mun- ton; born May 3, 1784; died in Tiverton, R. I. Their children were : 679.— 1st. Hope B., born February 26, 1818. 680.— 2d. Fanny H., born November 27, 1819. 681.— 3d. Lydia Ann, born March 4, 1821. 682. — 4th. Peter, bom August 30,1824; died unmar ried in July, 1895. 683.— 5th. Sarah, bom AprU 15, 1828. 298. Durfee, Benjamin (Benjamin 4th, Benjamin 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Benjamin and Sarah (Cook) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I.; died in Tiverton, R. I.; married in Tiverton, R. I., to Charlotte Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., daughter of Col. Joseph and Elizabeth (Turner) Durfee ; born in Tiverton, R. I., July 15, 1773 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., July 9, 1810. Their children were : 684.— 1st. Betsey, born October 29, 1795. 685.— 2d. Amey, born in 1796. 686.-3d. Paul. 687.— 4th. Joseph, born August 3, 1803. 688.— 5th. Robert. 689.— 6th. Sarah. Mr. Durfee married a second time to Sallt Cook, daughter of Caleb and Rebecca (Gifford) Cook ; she died aged 80 years, 9 months, 28 days. Their children were : 690.— Ist. Christiana, born August 19, 1813; died September 28, 1820. 691.— 2d. William A., born in October, 1814 ; died May 26, 1876. 692.— 3d. Harriet,, born in March, 1816. 452 OESWELL. ORSWELL. 299. Durfee, Amey (Benjamin 4th, Benjamin 3d, Benja min 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Benjamin, Jr., and Sarah (Cook) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I., AprU 6, 1770 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., September 27, 1860 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., to Benjamin Oeswell, of Tiverton, R. I.; born May 28, 1768 ; died in Tiverton, R. L, May 20, 1849. Their children were : I. — Petee Oeswell, born January 20, 17 — . II. — Maet Orswell, born January 29, 1790 ; died No vember 19, 1872. III. — Rhoda Orswell, born November 11, 1793 ; died in March, 1888. IV. — Amet Orswell, born July 11, ] 796 ; married John CORT. V. — John Orswell, born January 25, 1799. VI. — Delilah Orswell, born February 14, 1800. VII. — Benjamin Orswell, born August 10, 1802. VIII. — Sallt Orswell, bom May 5, ] 804. IX. — Betset Orswell, born April 22, 1808. X. — Joseph Orswell, born August 27, 1810. The following statement relative to Amey (Durfee) Orswell was furnished by her granddaughter, Mrs. Louisa (Boomer) Dana, of New Bedford, Mass : " She was small in stature and possessed great will power ; she perfectly understood how to handle a gun, and could shoot a wild goose on the wing. It seemed that she had natural ability for curing diseases prevalent while she was living, and was called often to go a long distance to attend the sick, always cheerfuUj'^ responding without any charge for her services. Her education was above the ordinary for the time in which she lived, which was of much assistance to her husband who had less chance to obtain an education," OESWELL. 453 Mrs. Dana has a daguerreotype of Mrs. Amey (Durfee) Orswell, taken when she was ninety years old. II. — Orswell, Mart (Benjamin 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I., January 29, 1790 ; died in New Bedford, Mass., November 19, 1872 ; married in Tiverton, R. 1., October 10, 1809, to Aaron Boomer, of Fall River, Mass., son of Nathaniel; bom in Tiverton, R. I.; died in New Bedford, Mass. Their children were : 1st. — Clarinda Boomee, born in Tiverton, R. I.; mar ried Roswell Bushnell. They had one son and one daughter ; the daughter married Mr. Geoegb T. Melville. They reside at the corner of Spring and Church sts., New port, R. I. 2d. — Louisa Boomee, born in Tiverton, R. I., Septem ber 22, 1814. 3d. — Aaeon Boomee, born in Warwick, R. I.; married Bedaea Sherman, of Portsmouth, R. I. Mrs. Aaron Boomer (senior), married a second time to Uriel Coggeshall, who was born in Newport, R. I., and died at sea. They had a son, Ueiel Coggeshall, who died when he was four years old. 2d. — Boomer, Louisa (Aaron 2d, Nathaniel 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I., September 22, 1814 ; living at No. 10 South Second st., New Bedford, Mass., in 1900 ; married in Fall River, Mass., January 18, 1837, to Chaeles Dana, of Vermont ; born in Vermont, September 2, 1812 ; died in New Bedford, Mass., July 10, 1877. Their children were : 1st. — Chaeles E. Dana, born in Westport, Mass.; liv ing in New Bedford, Mass. (1900) ; unmarried. 2d. — Feanklin R. Dana, born in Westport, Mass., Oc tober 4, 1840 ; died in Minneapolis, Minn., March 23, 1887. 3d. — Caroline M. Dana, born in Dartmouth, Mass.; living in New Bedford, Mass.; unmarried. Franklin R. Dana was married in Westport, Mass., April 12, 1868, to Mtra C. White, of South Wesport, Mass., daughter of John White ; born in Westport, Mass., March 15, 1846 ; died in New Bedford, Mass., March 18, 1882. 454 OESWELL. Their children were : 1st. — Mtra Alice Dana, born in New Bedford, Mass., January 22, 1869 ; unmarried. 2d. — Carrie Louisa Dana, born in New Bedford, Mass., November 22, 1870. 3d. — Grace White Dana, born in Lawrence, Mass., March 19, 1876 ; living in Rockville Center, Queens Co., N. Y. Dana, Carrie Louisa, daughter of FrankHn R. and Myra C. (White) Dana ; married in Aberdeen, South Dakota, January 30, 1895, to Herbert C. Garvin, of Winona, Minn., son of Benjamin and AdeHne A. ( ) Garvin ; born in Oshkosh, Wis., April 23, 1862. They were living (1901) in Winona, Minn., and had no chil dren. III. — Oeswell, Rhoda (Benjamin 1st). Born in Ti verton, R. I., November 11, 1793; died in Fall River, Mass., in March, 1888 ; married Moese. Their only child, Hannah Moese, died soon after her marriage. Mrs. Morse married a second time to Hardin Fibke, of Fiskeville, R. I., son of Daniel and Freelove (Knight) Fiske ; born in Scituate, R. I., March 4, 1795 ; died May 25, 1871. Their children were : 1st. — Amet Fibke, born March 24, 1831 ; died January 8, 1856; married January 13, 1855, to Rev. William T. Anderson. 2d. — Sarah R. Fiske, born January 28, 1834 ; died February 6, 1858 ; married to Horatio Angell, of Provi dence, R. I. V. — Orswell, John (Benjamin 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I., January 25, 1799 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., October 30, 1880 ; married in FaU River, Mass., September 16, 1821, to Caroline Matilda Boeden, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of Abner and Meribah (Earl) Borden ; born in Fall River, Mass., January 28, 1801 ; died in FaU River, Mass., October 31, 1881. Their children were : XI. — 1st. Lemiea Orswell, died March 17, 1823. XII. — 2d. Amasa Orswell, bom February 5, 1826. OESWELL. 455 XIII. — 3d. Caroline Oeswell, born February 29, 1828. XIV. — 4th. Geoegb Oeswell, born February 22, 1830. XV. — 5th. Addie M. Oeswell, born in 1832 ; died May 3, 1837. XVI. — 6th. John W. Oeswell, born in 1837; died June 7, 1837. Mrs. Orswell married a second time to James Beown, born in Smithfield, R. I.; died in Springfield, Mass., in January, 1882. They had no children. VI. — Oeswell, Delilah (Benjamin 1st). Born in Tiver ton, R. I., February 14,1800; died in Tiverton, R. I.; married in Tiverton, R. I., December 23, 1823, to Job Estes, of Tiverton, R. I. Their children are recorded among the descendants of Robert and Ann (Durfee) Estes, in this volume. VII. — Oeswell, Benjamin (Benjamin 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I., August 10, 1802 ; died September 11, 1844 ; married March 3, 1823, to Abiah Cobb, born Octo ber 28, 1881 ; died AprU 28, 1883. Their children were : XVIL — 1st. Hannah Oeswell, born in Tiverton, R. I., February 13, 1825; died in FaU River, Mass., AprU 19, 1897 ; married in FaU River, Mass., September 27, 1870, to Wm. A. Durfee, son of Benjamin and Sarah (Cook) Dur fee, born in Tiverton, R. I., in October, 1814 ; died in Fall River, Mass., in June, 1875. XVIIL— 2d. Mart Amet Oeswell, born AprU 10, 1830 ; died June 28, 1840. XIX. — 3d. Emeline Oeswell, born March 22, 18 — ; died June 17, 1840. XX. — 4th. Clarinda B. Oeswell, born in 1837 ; mar ried September 6, 1857, to Ellery Van Doorn, son of John and Betsey ( ) Van Doorn ; born in Fall River Mass., in 1837. VIII. — Oeswell, Saeah (Benjamin 1st). Born in Tiv erton, R. I., May 5, 1804 ; died in Wyoming, N. Y., May 25, 1883 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., to Thomas Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., son of Capt. William and Orpah (Bennett) Durfee ; born in Tiverton, R. I., in 1802 ; died in Wyoming, N. Y., February 14, 1850. For record of children see record of family of Thomas Durfee. 456 OESWELL. IX. — Orswell, Betset (Benjamin 1st). Born in Tiver ton, R. I., April 22, 1808 ; married (as second wife) to Geoege Cook, son of Thomas and Ann (Perry) Cook. X. — Oeswell, Joseph (Benjamin 1st). Bom in Tiver ton, R. I., August 2, 1810 ; married to Emeline Beatton, daughter of Capt. 'Thomas Brayton. Their children were : 1st. — John Orswell, born 1841 ; married August 28, 1866, to Mart E. Carroll, daughter of Andrew and Mary ( ) Carroll; born in 1846. 2d. — Maet A. Oeswell, born in Fall River, Mass., in 1843; married August 15, 1869, to Oein F. Meeson, son of Edwin and Maria ( ) Meeson ; born in Fall River, Mass. XII. — Oeswell, Amasa (John 2d, Benjamin 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I., February 5, 1826 ; married to Coenelia Fish. Their children were : 1st. — Isaac Henet Oeswell, married Emma Sumnee. 2d. — John F. Oeswell. 3d. — Jambs B. Oebwell, married Malvina Wilbue. 4th. — Annie M. Oeswell, married Claeenoe Niles. XIII. — Oeswell, Caeoline (John 2d, Benjamin 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I., February 29, 1828 ; living in FaU River, Mass., in 1901 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., Janu ary 3, 1855, to Joseph Dunning, son of Joseph and Re becca (Spear) Dunning ; born in Brunswick, Me., Sep tember 13, 1825 ; died in FaU River, Mass., June 3,1886. Their children were : 1st. — Emma M. Dunning, born October 6, 1858 ; mar ried in Fall River, Mass., May 4, 1881, to Albert S. French, son of Stephen S. and Phebe (DweUy) French. Their children were : 1st. — ^ Florence French, born April 16, 1882. 2d. — Ethel Stewart French, born August 16, 1886. 3d. — Luot Osborn French, born May 16, 1892. XIV. — Orswell, George (John 2d, Benjamin 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I., February 22, 1830 ; married Harriet Marchant, of Edgartown. Married a second time to Mrs. Pauline Marchant, widow. DUEFEE. 457 DURFEE. 300. Durfee, Eliphal (Benjamin 4th, Benjamin 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Benjamin and (2d wife) Rhoda (Brightman) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiverton, R. I., September 15, 1781 ; died December 25, 1852 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., to David Estes, of Tiverton, R. I., son of Robert and Pru dence (Bennett) Estes ; born in Tiverton, R. I., June 3, 1783 ; died in Savoy, Berkshire Co., Mass., AprU 19, 1842. 301. Durfee, Charlotte (Joseph 4th, Thomas 3d, Ben jamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Colonel Joseph and Elizabeth (Turner) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Free town, Mass.; born in Tiverton, R. I., July 15, 1773 ; died in Tiverton, R. 1., July 9, 1810 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., to Benjamin Durfee (298), of Tiverton, R. I., son of Benjamin and Sarah (Cook) Durfee. See record of children of Benjamin Durfee (298). 302. Durfee, Gardner (Joseph 4th, Thomas 3d, Ben jamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Col. Joseph and Elizabeth (Turner) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Freetown, Mass.; born in Tiverton, R. 1., April 2, 1775 ; married in Assonet, Mass., June 22, 1800, to Betset Brightman, of Assonet, Mass., daughter of George and Lydia (Barnaby) Bright- man. Both died in Athens, Ohio in 1820. Their children were : 693.— 1st. Abigail, born June 13, 1801. 694.— 2d. Joseph, born February 8, 1803. 695.— 3d. Caroline, bom February 17, 1805. 696.— 4th. Gardner, born February 14, 1807. 697.— 5th. Nathan, bom July 4, 1809. 698. — 6th. Aaron, died in childhood. 699.— 7th. Charles, born February 16, 1815. 700.— 8th. Bradford R., born January 27, 1816. 701.— 9th. Henry B., bom March 26, 1820. Mr. Durfee was a soldier during the War of 1812. 458 DUEFEE. 303. Durfee, George Washington (Col. Joseph 4th, Thomas 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Col. Joseph and Elizabeth (Turner) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Freetown, Mass.; born in Tiverton, R. I., April 27, 1777; died in Belpre, Washington Co., Ohio, in 1824 ; married to Mart Cushman, of Dartmouth, Mass., daugh ter of Obed and Ruth (Barker) Cushman ; born in Dart mouth, Mass., September 3, l782 ; died in Monroe Co., 111., in February, 1859. Their children were : 702.— 1st. George, born October 17, 1800. 703.— 2d. Amelia, born September 14, 1803; died September 24, ] 823. 704.— 3d. Alexander H., born August 10, 1805. 706. — 4th. Adaline, born August 25, 1807; died in July, 1825. 706.— 5th. Eben Cushman, born May 16, 1810 ; died, unmarried, January 10, 1878. 707.— Oth. John, born March 16, 1815. 708.— 7th. Eliza Wilson, born June 4, 1819. 709.— 8th. Mary, born September 4, 1821. 710.— 9th. Sophia, born July 18, 1823. Mrs. Durfee married a second time to Barber Rouse. WILL OF EBEN CUSHMAN DURFEE. The following is an abbreviated statement from book 187, page 337, Probate Records at Taunton, Mass. Will dated FaU River, Mass., October 16, 1877. Probate date February 1, 1878 : "Ite7n. — To sister Eliza W. Dean widow of Nathan D. Dean all property after debts a7id fune7'al expenses are paid. "Item. — To brother George Durfee and John W. Durfee $1.00 each, and to the children of deceased brother Alex ander H. Durfee $1.00 to the children of deceased brother Robert Rouse $1.00 to sisters Mary M. Hawki7is a7id Sophia M. Baker $1.00 each. "Appoints Rev. Wm. N. T. Dean, executor." Robert Rouse, mentioned in the above will, was a half brother of Eben. 0. Durfee, being the son of Mrs. Durfee by her marriage to her second husband, Barber Rouse. BEOWN. 459 BROWN. 304. — Durfee, Phebe (Joseph 4th, Thomas 3d, Benja min 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Col. Joseph and Elizabeth (Turner) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., and Free town, Mass.; born in Tiverton, R. I., September 23, 1779 ; died in Fall River, Mass., April 9, 1866 ; married in Tiv erton, R. I., to Beriah Brown, of Freetown, Mass.; bom in Kingston, R. I., February 29, 1776 ; died in FaU River, Mass., March 29, 1850. Their children were : 1. — Julia A. D. Brown, born September 4, 1804. II. — Joseph D. Brown, born February 27, 1808. IIL— William Brown, born May 30, 1811. IV. — Nathan S. Brown, born AprU 16, 1813. V. — Sarah Brown, born January 6, 1816 ; died in Fall River, unmarried, February 16, 1856. VI. — James H. Brown, born April 24, 1818 ; died in Taunton, Mass., January 24, 1893 ; married Mary T. Handy. VII. — Gardner D. Brown, born October 4, 1820. VIII. — Benjamin B. Brown, born April 5, 1822 ; died August 16, 1823. I. — Brown, Julia A. D., bom in Tiverton, R. I., Sep tember 4, 1804 ; died in Fall River, Mass.; married in Fall River, Mass., June 11, 1820, to Benjamin Sherman, of Tiverton, R. I., son of Carlton and Sarah (Brayton) Sherman. Their children were : 1st. — Charlotte Sherman. 2d. — Rhobe Sherman, born September 19, 1833 ; died April 14, 1893 ; married Joseph Bowers. Their children were : 1st. — Fred. Bowers, born May 9, 1859. 2d. — Mary B. Bowers, born October 5, 1861. 460 BEOWK. II. — Brown, Joseph D., born in Tiverton, R. I., Febru ary 27, 1808; died in Tiverton, R. L, August 31,1890; married in Tiverton, R. I., November 6, 1831, to Melinda D. Tripp, of Westport, Mass. Their children were : 1st. — Susan E. Brown, born December 15, 1832 ; died September 15, 1886 ; married to John A. Lee, who died in New Bedford, Mass., February 23, 1901. 2d. — Charles F. Brown, born January 30, 1836 ; mar ried Caroline Dean, daughter of AppoUos and Perris ( ) Dean. 3d. — Harriet S. Brown, born July 17, 1838 ; died Jan uary 25, 1839. 4th. — Eliphalet S. Brown, born November 9, 1839 ; married April 10, 1860, to Sophla Crozier, of Red Bud, 111. Their daughter, Etta Virginia Brown, married JrUy 18, 1900, to Willis S. Paine, of New York. Mr. Brown married a second time, September 25, 1866, to Anna O. Greene, daughter of Chester W. and Abby L. ( ) Greene. Their children were : 1st. — Fanny Brown. 2d. Ida Brown. 3d. Annie Brown, 4th. Harry Brown. 5th. — Benjamin B. Brown, born December 7,1841, un-. married. 6th. — IsADORE C. Brown, bom April 2, 1846 ; married in Fall River, Mass., May 25, 1875, to Caleb C. Potter, of Fall River, Mass., son of Stephen Lyon and Sarah Child (Morse) Potter ; born in Woodstock, Conn., Sep tember 28, 1846. They were living in Fall River, Mass., in 1901. Their son, Eliphalet Potter, was born in Fall River, Mass., November 28, 1878. Mr. Joseph D. Brown married a second time, May 16, 1850, to Mary T, Lee, of North Dighton, Mass., daughter of Capt. John and Deborah (Hathaway) Lee ; born April 13, 1827. Living in Fall River, Mass., in 1901. Their children were : 1st. — Mary Malintha Lee Brown, born March 6, 1851 ; died October 21, 1851. 2d. — Thomas J. L. Brown, bom December 20, 1864 ; married two times. BEOWN. 461 HI. — Brown, William, born in Tiverton, R. I., May 30, 1811; died in FaU River, Mass., February 8, 1898 ; married in FaU River, Mass., October 28, 1838, to Lydia Ann Gifford ; born in Westport, Mass., September 10, 1818 ; died in FaU River, Mass., June 16, 1883. Their children were : 1st.-— Henry Edgar Brown, bom in Fall River, Mass., in 1839. 2d. — Eugene Francis Brown, born in Pawtucket, R. I., in 1842; died September 8, 1888 ; married March 8, 1875, to Abby Louise Pierce, of New Bedford, Mass. Their child, Elsie Louise Brown, born in New Bedford, Mass., May 8, 1876 ; died June 3, 1882. 3d. — Amelia Sophia Brown, born in Tiverton, R. I., in 1845 ; died in 1848. 4th. — Julia Ellen Brown, born in Tiverton, R. I., May 30, 1848 ; married May 8, 1869, to John Murray Davis ; born in Swansea, Mass., May 8, 1869. Living in Fall River, Mass., in 1900. Their child, Amelia Sophia Davis, was born in FaU River, Mass., March 2, 1870. IV. — Brown, Nathan S., born in Tiverton, R. I., April 16, 1813 ; died in FaU River, Mass., August 23, 1850 ; married in Fall River, Mass., December 12, 1840, to Sarah S. Snell ; died in Fall River, Mass., without issue. VII. — Brown, Gardiner D., born in Tiverton, R. I., October 4, 1820. Living in FaU River, Mass., in 1900 ; married August 10, 1846, to Sally Van Doorn, daughter of Joshua and Philadelphia ( ) Van Doorn; born in FaU River, Mass. Their chUdren were : 1st. — Julia E. Brown, born August 30, 1846 ; died March 30, 1847. 2d. — Anna D.Brown, born July 5, 1853 ; died October 5, 1853. 3d. — Frank B. Brown, born January 10, 1856 ; died August 26, 1856. 462 BENNETT. BENNETT. 305. Durfee. Susannah (Joseph 4th, Thomas 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Col. Joseph and Elizabeth (Turner) Durfee ; born in Tiverton, R. I., March 9, 1783 ; died in FaU River, Mass., December 27, 1865 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., September 24, 1804, to Ben jamin Bennett, of Long Plain, Mass., son of Edward and Elizabeth (Akin) Bennett ; bom in Long Plain, Mass., June 26, 1776 ; died in FaU River, Mass., October 10, 1816. Their children were : I. — Albert Bennett, born March 16, 1806. II. — George L. Benneit, born June 7, 1807 ; died September 29, 1849 ; unmarried. III. — Benjamin Bennett, born March 20, 1809. IV. — Edward Bennett, born January 27, 1811. V. — Henrt Bennett, born November 16, 1814; died October 18, 1861 ; unmarried. VI. — Job Boeden Bennett, born October 9, 1816 ; died at Macon, Ga., July 26, 1837 ; unmarried. I. — Bennett, Albeet (Benjamin 2d, Edward 1st). Born in Tiverton, R. I., March 16, 1806 ; died in FaU River, Mass., June 17, 1876 ; married in Fall River, Mass., Nov ember 21, 1831, to Ruth Geeene Cook, of Tiverton, R. I.; daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth (Borden) Cook ; born in Tiverton, R. I., April 7, 1806 ; died in Providence, R. I., August 26, 1878. Their children were : 1st. — Isaac Cook Bennett, born December 7, 1832 ; died May 7, 1835. 2d. — Susan E. Bennett, born May 8, 1835 ; married in Fall River, Mass., November 23, 1863, to Edwin M. Slade, of Bradford Co., Pa.; son of Mial P. and Roby (Bowers) Slade ; born in Bradford Co., Pa., March 1, 1837 ; died in FaU River, Mass., May 8, 1882. Mrs. Slade was residing at No. 95 Andem street, Providence, R. I., in 1902. BENNETT. 463 Their children were (born in Fall River, Mass.) : 1st. — Abbt M. B. SLADE,born October 24, 1864 ; teacher ; unmarried ; graduate of Smith College, in 1886. 2d. — Albeet Bennett Slade, born January 18, 18T0 ; died September 29, 1871. 3d. — Henet Bennett Slade, born May 23, 1872 ; grad uate of Brown University, 1895 ; Chemist (1902) at Uni versity of Nebraska. 4th. — William Adams Slade, born September 27, 1874; employed in the Department of Bibliography of Con gressional Library, Washington, D. C; graduate of Brown University, Providence, R. I., in 1898. 5th. — Ruth Eleanoe Slade, born May 18, 1878 ; grad uate of Smith College in 1901. 3d. — Henet B. Bennett, born January 1, 1837 ; mar ried in Washington, D. C., June 30, 1867, to Mrs. Maet L. (Haetwell) Seeltb, of Washington, D. C, daughter of David and Joanna (Drew) Hartwell. Mr. Bennett entered the Union Army in 1861 ; was discharged on ac count of disabilities ; remained in Washington, D. C, to accept an appointment as a clerk in the Treasury De partment, which position he continues to hold. 4th. — Abbt Maeia Bennett, born May 6, 1839 ; died in August, 1839. 5th. — Abbt Maria Bennett, born January 18, 1841 ; married in New York City, June 17, 1872, to Charles Hates, M. D., of Berwick, Me., son of Elijah and Jane (Hayes) Hayes ; born in Berwick, Me., March 7, 1840 ; died in Providence, R. L, June 8, 1894. Their children were : 1st.— -Jennie C. Hates, born in Fall River, Mass., July 26, 1873 ; married in Providence, R. I., October 7, 1896, to Arthur Hatward Smith, son of Robert E. and Sarah A. (Hayward) Smith ; born in Providence, R. I., Novem ber 1, 1871. Their son, Robert Hates Smith, was born AprU 14, 1898. 2d. — Ruth B. Hates, born in Chicago, IU., January 8, 1875. 3d. — Charles Hates, born in Providence, R. I., April 2, 1880. 464 DUEFEE. 4th. — Albert B. Hates, born in Providence, R. I., May 23, 1881 ; died in Providence, R. L, December 31, 1881. III. — Bennett, Benjamin (Benjamin 2d, Edward 1st). Born in or near Fall River, Mass., March 20, 1809 ; died in FaU River, Mass., November 9, 1840 ; married in FaU River, Mass., August 28, 1837, to Eliza Wilson Dur fee, of Belpre, Ohio, daughter of (303) George W. and Mary (Cushman) Durfee ; born in Belpre, Ohio, June 4, 1819 ; died in FaU River, Mass., June 27, 1885. They had no children. Mrs. Bennett married a second time to Nathan D. Dean, of Fall River, Mass., son of William and Abby (Durfee) Dean, by whom she had three chil dren (see record of descendants of George W. and Mary (Cushman) Durfee). IV. — Bennett, Edward (Benjamin 2d, Edward 1st). Born in Fall River, Mass., January 27, 1811; died in California ; married in Fall River, Mass., September 4, 1837, to Mart T. Tabor. Their children were : 1st. — Elizabeth Aiken Bennett, married G. Nichols. 2d. — Job Borden Bennett, bom April 1, 1848 ; died September 27, 1866 ; unmarried. 3d. — Luot A. Bennett, born January 12, 1846 ; died AprU 6, 1846. DURFEE. 306. Durfee, Mehitable (Joseph 4th, Thomas 3d, Ben jamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Col. Joseph and EHza beth (Turner) Durfee ; born in Tiverton, R. I., June 15, 1785 ; died in Fall River, Mass., September 4, 1857; married in Tiverton, R. I., in AprU, 1802, to (351) Stephen Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., son of Capt. Richard and Patience (Borden) Durfee ; born in Tiverton, R. I., April 11, 1782 ; died at sea AprU 26, 1812. Their children were : 1st. — William Henry, born November 3, 1804. PULLEE. 465 2d. — Leonard B., born September 8, 1806. 3d.— Hannah C, born May 8, 1808. 4th.— Philip, born July 9, 1810. The members of this family receive their genealogical numbers in a subsequent and duplicate record, as the descendants of (351) Stephen Durfee. Attention is invited to the fact that their children are Hneal descendants of two Revolutionary officers who were first cousins. FULLER. Mrs. Durfee married a second time in Fall River, Mass., March 13, 1813, to Elisha C. Fuller, of FaU River, Mass., son of Jonathan and Mary ( ) Fuller ; born in Sut ton, Worcester Co., Mass., July 17, 1792 ; died in Fall River, Mass., August 17, 1864. Their children were : I. — Meribah E. Fuller, born October 16, 1815. II. — Chaelotte D. Fullee, born in Killingly, Conn., May 17, 1817; married John Simmons, of Providence, R. L III. — ^RuFus F. Fuller, born July 6, 1818. IV. — Elisha C. Fuller, born in Providence, R. I., in August, 1823 ; died in Providence, R. I., in 1823. V. — Elisha Fullee, born August 19, 1824. I. — Fullee, Meribah E., born in Fall River, Mass., October 16, 1815 ; died in Fall River, Mass., December 11, 1900 ; married in Fall River, Mass., December 4, 1841, to Alfred D. Arnold, of Fall River, Mass.; died in FaU River, Mass. Their children were : 1st. — Leonaed D. B. Aenold, born May 25, 1842 ; died August 26, 1847. 2d. — Saeah M. D. Aenold, born May 9, 1844 ; died AprU 20, 1854. 3d. — Stephen H. D. Aenold, born June 14, 1847; died June 24, 1877. 466 FULLEE. 4th. — Elisha C. Aenold. 5th. — Alfeed A. D. Aenold, married Flavilla D. Staples, October 16, 1873. They were living in 1902 in Fall River, Mass. 6th. — Philip B. D. Aenold, married. 7th. — Elisha N. Aenold. III. — Fullee, Rufus T., born in KilHngly, Conn., July 6, 1818 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., February 8, 1900 ; married in Fall River, Mass., July 2, 1843, to Julia A. Beatton, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of Capt. Thomas and Marietta (Perry) (Albert) Brayton ; born in Tiverton, R. I., November 1, 1818 ; died in Portsmouth, R. I., AprU 14,1899. Their children were (born in Fall River, Mass.) : Ist.^ — ^Thomas D. Fuller, born June 19, 1846; married December 24, 1879, to Mart E. Warner ; born in Taun ton, Mass. Their children were (bom in Connecticut) : 1st. — Floea E. Fullee, born AprU 10, 1881. 2d.— Emilt A. Fullee, born AprU 6, 1883. 3d. — Edith L. Fullee, born June 30, 1885. 2d. — Rufus T. Fullee, born October 25, 1850; died October 16, 1854. 3d. — Ella A. Fullee, born November 22, 1855 ; died March 25, 1861. 4th. — Ida T. Fuller, born August 17, 1863. Mr. Fuller was a painter- ; was also a merchant ; an overseer at one time of a spinning and carding room in a cotton mill. He was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows 50 years. V. — Fuller, Elisha, born in Providence, R. I., August 19, 1824. Living iu Fall River, Mass., at 60 Elm st., in 1901. Married in Swansea, Mass., May 17, 1847, to Adeline E. Waning, of Swansea, Mass., daughter of Thomas E. and Patience (Durfee) Waning ; born in Swansea, Mass., June 20, 1825 ; died in Fall River, Mass., January 25, 1901. Their children were : 1st. — Thomas W. Fullee, born July 17, 1849 ; married Adelaide Elizabeth Harrison, May 16, 1882. SIMMONS. 467 2d. — Julius E. Fuller, born February 8, 1860 ; married October 29, 1891, to Ruth Durfee Manchester. 3d. — Adeline Josephine Fullee, born December 4, 1862 ; married in FaU River, Mass., June 23, 1885, to Richaed A. Holman. They have one child, Marion Fuller Holman, born June 20, 1886. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller resided in FaU River, Mass., during the 54 years of their married life. Mrs. Fuller was a member of the Congregational Church 40 years ; her memory is precious to her friends. SIMMONS. 307. Durfee, Amelia (Joseph 4th, Thomas 3d, Ben jamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Col. Joseph and Elizabeth (Turner) Durfee ; born in Tiverton, R. I., July 30, 1787 ; died in FaU River, Mass., March 2, 1844; mar ried in Tiverton, R. I., to Capt. Nathan B. Simmons, of Bristol, R. I., son of Sylvester and Elizabeth (Turner) Simmons ; born in Bristol, R. I., 1788 ; died in Sierra Leone, Africa, February 5, 1820. Their children were : I. — Nanct Simmons, born January 15, 1809. II. — Hieam Simmons, born in 18i2; died at the age of 14 years. IIL— Elizabeth T. Simmons, born in 1814. IV. — Stlvebtee Simmons, born in 1816. V. — Nathan D. Simmons, born February 10, 1818; died January 6, 1897. Did not marry. VI.— Harriet B. Simmons, born March 25, 1820. I. — Simmons, Nanct, bom in Fall River, Mass., January 15, 1809; died in FaU River, Mass., January 1, 1895; married in Fall River, Mass., December 2, 1830, to Ben jamin Earl, of Fall River, Mass., son of Hilliard and Mary (Ware) Earl ; born in Taunton, Mass., August 7, 1809 ; died in FaU River, Mass., AprU 5, 1884. 468 SIMMONS. Their children were (born in Fall River, Mass.): 1st. — Susan A. Earl, born October 1, 1831. 2d. — Hiram H. Earl, born December 13, 1833 ; died February 6, 1836. 3d. — Henrt I. Earl, born December 6, 1836 ; died February 13, 1841. 4th — Newton R. Earl, born November 19, 1838. 5th. — Henrt H. Earl, born November 11, 1842. 6th. — Adeiana W. Eael, born March 2, 1848 ; died July 5, 1901. 4th. — Eael, Newton R., bom in Fall River, Mass., November 19, 1838 ; Hving in FaU River, Mass., in 1901 ; married in Fall River, Mass., October 15, 1862, to Maet J. Hale (Heal), daughter of Samuel and Mary (Good win) Hale ; born in Calais, Me., May 16, 1834 ; died in FaU River, Mass., February 16, 1867. They had one child : 1st. — Jennie H. Eael, born August 11, 1863 ; unmar ried ; resided in Fall River, Mass., in 1901. Mr. Earl married a second time in New York, October 19, 1869, to Saeah J. Betant, daughter of James and Sarah Maria (Avery) Bryant ; born in Chatham, New Brunswick, in 1843 ; died in Fall River, Mass., July 24, 1871. They had one child, Benjamin Betant Eael, born J uly 22, 1871 ; living in FaU River, Mass., in 1901 ; married in Fall River, Mass., September 5, 1894, to Iebne I. Chase, of Fall River, Mass.; born in FaU River, Mass., December 6, 1873. Their daughter, Iebne Stuaet Eael, born in Fall River, Mass., November 14, 1895. Mr. Newton R. Earl married a third time in FaU River, Mass., September 27, 1877, to Annie G. Durfee, of FaU River, Mass.; born in Fall River, Mass., May 6, 1842 ; daughter of Dr. Nathan and Delana (Borden) Durfee. III.— Simmons, Elizabeth, born in FaU River, Mass., in 1814; died in Salem, Va., March 3, 1886; married in FaU River, Mass., May 21, 1832, to Paul Cook, of FaU River, Mass,, son of Isaac and EHzabeth (Borden) Cook ; born in Tiverton, R. I., January 10, 1808 ; died in Baton Rouge, La., February 5, 1893. SIMMONS. 469 Their children were : I. — Amanda M. Cook, born in Fall River, Mass., Oc tober 21, 1833 ; died in Salem, Va., January 3, 1887 ; married in New Orleans, La., in 1853, to Peeet Nugent, who died in GreenvUle, Miss., May 14, 1900. Their children were : 1st. Lizzie Nugent. 2d. Annie Nugent. 3d. Helen Nugent. 4th. Maet Nugent. 5th. Peeet Nugent. 6th. Paul Nugent. II. — Helen F. Cook, born in Fall River, Mass., June 1, 1836 ; died in Dalton, Ga., December 21, 1884 ; mar ried in New Orleans, La., August 1, 1860, to James N. Sheeet. Their only child was Pauline Sheeey, who married William D. White, of Florida. Their children were : 1st. Helen White. 2d. Maeie White. 3d. Minnie White. 4th. William White, Jr. III. — Edwin O. Cook, born in Fall River, Mass., June 4, 1840 ; died in New Orleans, La., November 29, 1900 ; married in New Orleans, La., July 7, 1875, to Rosalie E. HuNTEE, bom in Greenwood, La., April 20, 1848. Their children were : 1st. — Rosalie E. Cook, born in New Orleans, La., Au gust 4, 1877. 2d. — Edwin O. Cook, born in New Orleans, La., March 8, 1880. IV. — Josephine R. Cook, born in Mobile, Ala.; living in Newark, N. J., in 1901 ; married October 1, 1870, to John C. Downing, of New York, N. Y.; born in 1837; died in Newark, N. J., December 29, 1900. Their children were : 1st. Jessie Downing. 2d. Lizzie Downing. 3d. Alice Downing. 4th. Paul Downing. V. — Benjamin W. Cook, born in New Orleans, La., January 10, 1847 ; married Maud M. Brown, of West Baton Rouge, La. Their children were : 1st. Sallie Cook. 2d. Maud Cook. 3d. John Cook. 470 SIMMONS. 4th. Paul Cook. 5th. BENJAMm Cook. 6th. William Cook. VI. — Amelia E. Cook, born in New Orleans, La., Janu ary 15, 1854 ; unmarried. IV. — Simmons, Sylvester, born in Fall River, Mass., in 1816 ; died in New Orleans, La., in 1849 ; married in Waterloo, IU., August 6, 1846, to Sophia Durfee, of Waterloo, IU., daughter of George W. and Mary (Cush man) Durfee ; born in Marietta, Ohio, July 18, 1823. Living in Fort Smith., Ark. (?) Their children were : 1st. — Ralph Sylvester Simmons, born in Providence, R. I., March 26, 1849. The death of Mr. Simmons in 1849 was caused by the explosion of the boilers of the steamer " Louisiana," at New Orleans, La. Mrs. Simmons married a second time to Benjamin B. Bakee. (See record of the descendants of George W. and Mary (Cushman) Durfee.) V. — Simmons, Haeeiet B., born in Fall River, Mass., March 25, 1820 ; died in Lawrence, Mass., June 15, 1888 ; married in Fall River, Mass., November 19, 1840, to Richaed Chatbuen, of Fall River, Mass., son of John and EHzabeth (Hartley) Chatburn ; born in Sabdin, England, June 14, 1814 ; died in Lawrence, Mass., November 30, 1894. Their children were : 1st. — Haeeiet A. Chatbuen, born in Providence, R. I., July 11, 1841 ; died August 6, 1843. 2d. — Haeeiet A. Chatbuen, born in Providence, R. I., August 10, 1845. Living at 100 Haverhill street, Law rence, Mass., in 1901 ; unmarried. 3d. — Hellbn H. Chatbuen, born in Fall River, Mass., May 13, 1847 ; died in FaU River, Mass., January 24, 1895 ; married in Lawrence, Mass., December 8, 1869, to Chaeles L. Russell ; born in Lawrence, Mass., No vember 17, 1838 ; died in FaU River, Mass., March 23, 1895. DUEFEE. 471 DURFEE. 308. Durfee, Aaron (Joseph 4th, Thomas 3d, Benja min 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Col. Joseph and EHzabeth (Turner) Durfee ; born in Tiverton, R. I., December 17, 1789 ; died in Red Bud, Randolph Co., 111., August 1, 1861 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., to Ruth Cook, of Tiver ton, R. I., daughter of Joseph and Anna (Perry) (Negus) Cook ; born in Tiverton, R. I., June 15, 1791 ; died in Red Bud, IU. Their children were (all born in Massachusetts) : 711. — 1st. Almira S,, born in 1814 ; died in Illinois in 1884. 712.— 2d. Richmond D., born in 1815. 713.— 3d. Anna C, born in 1817. 714.— 4th. Amelia S., bom March 15, 1820 ; died in Illinois, January 9, 1875. 715.— 5th. Amanda M., born October 22, 1822. 716.— 6th. Rodolphus W., born October 15, 1826 ; died in Massachusetts, September 8, 1830. 717.— 7th. Ariadne L., bom March 29, 1829 ; died in Iowa, December 24, 1852. 718.— 8th. Adelaide A., bom May 18, 1832. 719.— 9th. Arabella R., born August 16, 1838 ; died in Missouri, January 9, 1866. The following narrative was received from Richmond D. Durfee in January, 1896, who was living at that time at Florence, Los Angelos Co., Cal.: "Aaron Durfee with his wife and children left the hum of spindles at Fall River, Mass., in 1838, and started for the then far distant State of Illinois." " He chose the central part where the prairies were small, and timber for houses, fire-wood and fencing was close at hand ; he entered land in Monroe County, adjoin ing the line of Randolph County, and opened up a farm in the edge of a small prairie, and continued in that occu- 472 WILSON— WANING. pation till 1860, when he sold his farm and moved to Red Bud, in Randolph County, where he died in 1861." " He was a quiet man, well esteemed by his neigh bors." Col. Joseph Durfee provided in his will as follows : " Item. — To son Aaron, great arm chair and cushion, and round mahogany table, and wearing apparel." WILSON. 309. Durfee, Elizabeth (Joseph 4th, Thomas 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Col. Joseph and Elizabeth (Turner) Durfee ; born in Tiverton, R. I., Jan uary 9, 1792 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., December 29, 1814 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., in May, 1813, to John Wilson, of Fall River, Mass., son of Abraham and Sarah ( ) Wilson ; born in New Hampshire, in 1788 ; died in West Virginia, in 1862. Their only child, John Duefee Wilson, born in Tiver ton, R. I., December 19, 1814 ; died in Freetown, Mass., February 8, 1901 ; married in Freetown, Mass., August 15, 1839, to Betset Peirce, of Freetown, Mass., daugh ter of Job and Polly (Allen) Peirce ; born in LakevUle, Mass., July 27, 1818 ; died in Freetown, Mass., June 1, 1896. They had no children. WANING. 310. Durfee, Patience (Joseph 4th, Thomas 3d, Ben jamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Col. Joseph and Elizabeth (Turner) Durfee ; born in Tiverton, R. I., Sep tember 5, 1794 ; died in Swansea, Mass., May 25, 1877 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., April 26, 1814, to Thomas E. Waning, of New York, son of Henry and Ann (Edwards) WANING. 473 Waning; born in New York, June 11, 1795; died in Swansea, Mass., September 19, 1847. Their children were : I. — Betset Durfee Waning, born in Tiverton, R. I., November 4, 1814 ; died January 3, 1892. II. — Saeah Ann Waning, born in Tiverton, R. I., in January, 1817. III. — Henrt Waning, born in Tiverton, R. I., in Feb ruary, 1819. IV. — Susan Bennett Waning, born in Tiverton, R. I., March 10, 1823. V. — Adeline Edwards Waning, born in Swansea, Mass., June 20, 1825. VI. — Angblia Waning, born in Swansea, Mass., June 30, 1827. VII. — Patience Waning, born in Swansea, Mass., De cember 2, 1829 ; died December 9, 1901. VIII. — Abbt Maria Waning, born in Swansea, Mass., in September, 1832. IX. — Thomas Franklin Waning, born in Swansea, Mass. (deceased). II. — Waning, Sarah Ann, born in Tiverton, R. I., in January, 1817 ; died in Taunton, Mass., in 1895 ; married in 1833 to Gardner Jones, of Taunton, Mass.; died in Taunton, Mass. Their children were : 1st. — Charles Henrt Jones, born November 29, 1834. 2d. — Thomas Edwards Jones, born April 12, 1839. 3d. — Flancib Btron Jones, born November 10, 1844. 4th. — Marcus Everett Jones, born March 7, 1849. 5th. — William Stdnet Jones, born May 29, 1852. 6th. — George McClbllen Jones, born FelDruary 10, 1862. III. — Waning, Henrt, born in Tiverton, R. I., in Feb ruary, 1819 ; died in January, 1853 ; married September 3, 1844, to Ann Elizabeth Bosworth, of Bristol, R. I. Their children were : 1st. — Henrt F. Waning, born March 30, 1846 ; mar ried to Hattie Downs, of Connecticut. 474 WANING. Their children were : a.— Grace E. Waning, born March 16, 1871 ; married to Julius Dat. b. Henrt Waning, c. Hattie Waning. d. Frank Waning. 2d.— Clara A. Waning, born May 17, 1848 ; married to Almond S. Allen. They had Roger W. Allen, born AprU 24, 1874. 3d. — Thomas E. Waning, bom June 19, 1850. IV. — Waning, Susan Bennett, born in Tiverton, R. I., March 10, 1823; married in Swansea, Mass., in May, 1849, to Hiram Baker, of Rehoboth, Mass. They were living in Dighton, Mass., in 1900. Their children were : 1st. — Patience W. Baker, who married July 19, 1871, Charles H. Sweet. Their children were : 1st. — Herbert Hiram Sweet, born June 13, 1872; died November 28, 1894. 2d. — Henrt Waning Sweet, born October 24, 1880 ; died January 27, 1893. 3d. — Leicester Sweet, born December 27, 1884. V. — Waning, Adeline Edwards, born in Swansea, Mass., June 20, 1825 ; died at her home, No. 60 Elm street, Fall River, Mass., January 25, 1901 ; married in Swansea, Mass., May 17, 1847, to Elisha Fullee, of Fall River, Mass., son of Elisha C. and Mehitable (Dur fee) Fuller ; born in Providence, R. I., August 19, 1824. Living in Fall River, Mass., in 1900. For record of their children see family record of Mr. Elisha Fuller. VI. — Waning, Angeline, born in Swansea, Mass., June 30, 1827 ; died in Swansea, Mass., September 20, 1889 ; married in Swansea, Mass., in 1858, to James M. La^vton, of Swansea, Mass. They had one child, Henet Feanklin Lawton, who married Fannt Peck. They had one child, Effie Angblia Lawton, born August 31, 1896. WEIGHTINGTON— davol. 475 WRIGHTINGTON. 312. Durfee, Patience (Benjamin 4th, Thomas 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Borden) Durfee ; born in Freetown, Mass., Decem ber 29, 1774 ; died in Fall River, Mass.; married in Free town, Mass., April 17, 1794, to James Weightington, of FaU River, Mass.; born in Freetown, Mass., November 31, 1772 ; died in FaU River, Mass., January 16, 1816. Their children were : I. — Sarah Wrightington, born January 21, 1795 ; married in Fall River, Mass., December 13, 1818, to Ed ward Peert. II. — Eliza Wrightington, born March 24, 1799 ; died October 37, 1813. III. — Fannt Wrightington, born November 20, 1796 ; died July 19, 1813. Mr. Wrightington married a second time, in Fall River, Mass., AprU 22, 1802, to Sarah Reed. DAVOL. 313. Durfee, Mary (Benjamin 4th, Thomas 3d, Ben jamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Borden) Durfee ; born in Freetown, Mass., July 20, 1776 ; died in Fall River, Mass., in July, 1812 ; married in Free town, Mass., in 1800, to Abner Davol, of Fall River, Mass., son of Pardon and Priscilla (Read) Davol ; born in Freetown, Mass., February 27, 1772 ; died in FaU River, Mass., August 5, 1851. Their children were : I. — Benjamin D. Davol, born June 7, 1801 ; died in PaU River, Mass., November 30, 1861 ; married in Fall 476 DAVOL. River, Mass., February 22, 1826, to Almira Warren, of FaU River, Mass., daughter of Joseph and Rhoda (Bor den) Warren ; born in FaU River, Mass., December 17, 1805 ; died in FaU River, Mass., September 1, 1866. Their children were : VII. — 1st. Caroline M. Davol, bom September 18, 1827. Living in Chicago, IU., at No. 1741 York Place, in 1901 ; married in FaU River, Mass., November 13, 1848, to George W. Stevens, of Fall River, Mass., son of Phineas and Hannah (Fairchild) Stevens ; born in Kennebunk, Me., July 2, 1822 ; died in Chicago, IU., March 30, 1886. Their children were : 1st. — Ella M. Stevens, born November 28, 1850 ; mar ried in Chicago, 111., January 25, 1877, to Eugene F. Hen- SHAw, of Chicago, 111., son of Daniel Winthrop and Diana ( ) Henshaw. They were living in Chicago, 111., in 1901. Their children were : a. — Bertha W. Henshaw, born March 14, 1878. b. — Ratmond S. Henshaw, born February 26, 1879. c — Elibe C. Henshaw, born April 20, 1881. d. — Irana F. Henshaw, born September 5, 1884. e. — Daniel Winthrop Henshaw, born July 20, 1888. 2d. — Mart H. Stevens, born December 14, 1857. Liv ing in Chicago, 111., in 1901 ; married in Chicago, HI., June 26, 1889, to Edward Livingston Humpheet, of Chi cago, 111., son of John Endicott and Anna (McVicker) Humphrey. 3d. — Geoegb L. Stevens, born July 29, 1860 ; died May 31, 1873. 4th.-^HBNRT D. Stevens, born December 29, 1866 ; married in Chicago, 111., November 8, 1893, to Edna Clair Towblee, of Chicago, IU., daughter of Edwin C. and Carrie W. ( ) Towslee. Their children were : a. — Edwin Davol Stevens, born in Chicago, IU., July 12, 1896. 5th. — SiDNET W. Stevens, born in Chicago, 111., August 31, 1869. VIIL— 2d. Rhoda W. Davol, born May 29, 1830. DAVOL. 477 Living in Baltimore, Md., in 1901 ; married in Fall River, Mass., September 25, 1856, to Jeeome M. Steobeidge, of San Francisco, Cal., son of William and Charlotte (Ben nett) Strowbridge ; bom in Assonet, Mass., November 22, 1826 ; died in Baltimore, Md., July 4, 1886. Their children were : 1st. — Feank S. Strobridge, borninSan Francisco, Cal., February 17, 1857. Living in Baltimore, Md., in 1902. Married December 5, 1883, to Alice G. Barnes, daughter of Joshua and Catherine (Berry) Barnes. Their children were : a. — 1st. Frank Stanley Steobeidge, Jr., born Sep tember 15, 1884. b. — 2d. Jeeome Howaed Steobeidge, born September, 16, 1886. c — 3d. Alice Adele Steobeidge, born September 1st, 1889. d. — 4th. Ethel Maeie Steobeidge, born August 26, 1891 ; died July 27, 1892. e. — 5th. Elibe Maegueeitta Steobeidge, born January 17, 1893. 2d. — Annie W. Steobeidge, born January 28, 1859. 3d. — Helen D. Steobeidge, born June 8, 1869 ; mar ried in Baltimore, Md., December 23, 1891, to Lee Davis Thompson, son of Dr. Richard H. and Marcella (Gore) Thompson. Their children were : a. — Lee Hamilton Thompson, bom May 27, 1893. IX. — Maet D. Davol, born April 6, 1833 ; died in Leominster, Mass., December 30, 1870; married in Fall River, Mass., October 5, 1859, to Rev. William J. Batt, of Fall River, Mass., son of Richard W. and Laura (BHss) Batt ; born in FaU River, Mass., October 5, 1834. Living in Concord, Mass., in March, 1898. Their children were : 1st. — William M. Batt, born in Fall River, Mass., January 22, 1861 ; married in Fall River, Mass., October 17, 1888, to Sarah Borden Nowell, of Fall River, Mass. Their children were : 478 DAVOL. a. — Lauea Borden Batt, born August 14, 1890. b. — Floeence Davol Batt, born January 25, 1894. c. — Louise Nowell Batt, born May 5, 1896. 2d.— Maet Batt, born May 30, 1863. 3d. — Aethue L. Batt, born June 10, 1865 ; died July 2, 1870. 4th. — Floeence W. Batt, bom Februarv 28, 1867 ; died May 19, 1874. 5th.— Almira L. Batt, born May 6, 1869. X. — Davol, Joseph A., born in Fall River, Mass., Mav 6, 1835 ; died in New York City, November 3, 1893"; married in Chicago, 111., June 9, 1862, to Annie Morris, of Chicago, 111., daughter of William and Elizabeth (Black) Morris ; born in Philadelphia, Pa., April 15, 1839 ; living at 228 Michigan ave., Chicago, 111., in 1901. Their children were : 1st. — Joseph B. Davol, born August 26, 1864. 2d. — George K. Davol, born December 9, 1869. 3d.— Elizabeth M. Davol, born May 24, 1874. XL— Helen M. Davol, born May 1, 1839. Mr. Benjamin D. Davol was interested with his uncle, Bradford Durfee, in granite stone quarries ; they fre quently had large contracts for the works of the govern ment, and for the building of monuments. II. — Harriet G. Davol, born August 27, 1803 ; died the same year. III. — William C. Davol, born January 5, 1806 ; died in Fall River, Mass., January 12, 1892 ; married in Fall River, Mass., October 30, 1828, to Maetha R. Taboe, of New Bedford, Mass., daughter of Gilbert and Mary (Slo cum) Tabor; born in New Bedford, Mass., August 2, 1808 ; died in FaU River, Mass., AprU 13, 1891. Their children were : XII. — Annie Davol, born June 10, 1829 ; died in Fall River, Mass., January 16, 1884 ; married in Fall River, Mass., June 12, 1849, to Chaeles P. Sticknet, of Fall River, Mass.; born in Chester, N. H., March 4, 1824. Liv ing in FaU River, Mass., iu March, 1898. DAVOL. 479 Their children were : 1st. — Chaeleb D. Sticknet, born in Fall River, Mass., February 24, 1852 ; married in Taunton, Mass., October 25, 1876, to Floeence Dean, of Taunton, Mass., daughter of Theodore and Adelaide ( ) Dean. Their children were : a. Harold Sticknet. b. Adelaide Sticknet. 2d. — Annie H. Sticknet, born in Fall River, Mass., February 18, 1857 ; died December 2, 1888 ; married in FaU River, Mass., May 5, 1880, to Charles M. Shore, of Fall River, Mass., son of Charles U. and Rachel E. ( ) Shore. Their children were : a. — Margaebt Shore, born February 11, 1881. b. — Helen Shore, born March 20, 1883. 3d. — William D. Sticknet, born in Fall River, Mass., October 18, 1868. XIII. — 2d. Gilbert Davol, died year born. XIV. — 3d. Abnee B. Davol, died year born. XV.— 4th. William C. Davol, born July 26, 1841 ; married in Fall River, Mass., October 23, 1867, to Eliza beth G. Cotton, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of John S. and Elizabeth (Gray) Cotton ; born in Fall River, Mass., February 13, 1845. They were living in Fall River, Mass., in 1901. Their only child, Maetha Geat Davol, who was born in Fall River, Mass., April 13, 1870, resides with her parents. For the kindly interest of Miss Davol in securing data of the Davol families and their descendants for this rec ord her kindred will ever be grateful. IV. — Steven Davol, born November 22, 1807 ; died in Fall River, Mass., March 7, 1888 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., May 18, 1840, to Saeah F. Chase, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Clark and Anne (Borden) Chase ; bom in Portsmouth, R. I., February 17, 1820 ; died in FaU River, Mass., December 22, 1901. Their children were: XVI. — 1st. Beadfoed Durfee Davol, born March 30, 1841; married in Wareham, Mass., December 1, 1875, to 480 davol. Cornelia W. Lincoln, of Boston, Mass., daughter of Minor S.and MaryA. Manchester (Borden) Lincoln; born in Boston, Mass., December 9, 1840. Living in FaU River, Mass., in March, 1898. XVIL — 2d. Sarah Louisa Davol, born June 11, 1842; married in Fall River, Mass., September 21, 1864, to Joseph L. Buffington, of Fall River, Mass., son of James and Sarah (Perkins) Buffington ; born in FaU River, Mass., August 16, 1842. They were living in Fall River, Mass., in March, 1898. Their children were : 1st. — Louisa D. Buffington, born in FaU River, Mass., February 22, 1866. Living in Fall River, Mass., in March, 1898 ; married in FaU River, Mass., November 22, 1887, to Melvin Borden Horton, of Fall River, Mass., son of Hiram and Catherine A. (Bean) Horton; born in Fall River, Mass., October 15, 1862. Their child, Florence Horton, was born July 29, 1890. 2d. — James Buffington, born in Fall River, Mass., No vember 20, 1867; married in Fall River, Mass., February 23, 1893, to Mart K. Fisher, of Fall River, Mass., daugh ter of Charles E. and Ella (Kilburn) Fisher ; born in FaU River, Mass., August 20, 1871. They were living in Fall River, Mass., in 1901. Their chUdren were : a. — Dorotht Kilburn Buffington, born November 15, 1895. b. — James Buffington, Jr., born July 8, 1897. 3d. — James L. Buffington, born April 29, 1876. 4th. — Clara D. Buffington, born October 26, 1879. 5th. — Stanlet Buffington, born July 30, 1881. XVIIL— 3d. Mart A. Davol, born September 29, 1844. Living in Fall River, Mass., in 1901 ; married in Fall River, Mass., September 27, 1865, to Alexander Dor- EANOE Easton, of Fall River, Mass., son of Norman and Ann (White) Easton ; born in Brooklyn, N.Y., AprU 30, 1837 ; died in FaU River, Mass., January 23, 1900. Their children were : DAVOL. 481 a. — Haeeiet B. Easton, born May 1, 1868 ; died May 23, 1898. b. — Noeman S. Easton, born September 28, 1872 ; mar ried in AprU, 1899, to Lillian M. Phillips, daughter of Arthur S. c — Alice F. Easton, born September 16, 1875 ; died March 9, 1899. XIX. — 4th. James Claek Chase Davol, born in Fall River, Mass., February 27, 1846 ; married in Fall River, Mass., June 1, 1880, to Maet Ellen Beownell, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of James and Ruth Ann (Buffing ton) (Holder) Brownell ; born in Fall River, Mass., March 24, 1849. They were living in FaU River, Mass., in 1898. Their children were (born in Fall River, Mass.) : 1st. — Edwaed Holdee Davol, born July 8, 1881. 2d. — Beadfoed Duefee Davol, born September 2, 1883. XX. — 5th. Geoege Stephen Davol, born in Fall River, Mass., September 15, 1848 ; married in Fall River, Mass., September 3, 1873, to Louisa Dean, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of Charles H. and Louise M. (Pierce) Dean ; born in Fall River, Mass., January 7, 1851. They were living in FaU River, Mass., in 1898. Their children were : 1st. — Stephen B. Davol, born August 27, 1874. 2d. — Louise Dean Davol, born September 19, 1878. 3d. — Chaeles Dean Davol, born February 7, 1883. XXI. — 6th. Haeeiet Remington Davol, born Septem ber 23, 1850 ; died in FaU River, Mass., April 25, 1901 ; married in Fall River, Mass., February 18, 1874, to Stephen Baenabt Ashlet, of Fall River, Mass.; son of William H. and Johannah H. (Barnaby) Ashley; born in FaU River, Mass., December 25, 1850 ; living in FaU River, Mass., in 1898. Their children were : a. — Maet Easton Abhlet, born December 19, 1874. b. — Anna B. Ashlet, born July 21, 1876. c. — William H. Ashlet, born August 16, 1881. d. — Haeeiet Davol Ashlet, born April 10, 1883 ; died AprU 17, 1883. 482 DAVOL. e. — Infant, born July 10, 1884 ; died July 22, 1884. f — Stephen B. Ashlet, born December 30, 1885 ; died March 7, 1893. ^.—Infant, born AprU 4, 1890 ; died AprU 8, 1890. XXIL— 7th. Abner Pardon Davol, born in Fall River, Mass., December 1, 1852 ; married in FaU River, Mass., June 18, 1879, to Harriet Johnson Marvel, of Fall River, Mass.; daughter of Ira and Mary (Tracy) Marvel ; born in Fall River, Mass. Their children were : 1st. — Annie Davol, born August 22, 1880 ; died Jan uary 7, 1882. 2d. — Alice Tract Davol, born March 31, 1884. 3d. — Clara Freeborn Davol, bom January 2, 1890. XXIIL — 8th. Charles M. Ruggles Davol, born Nov ember 20, 1853 ; died September 29, 1883. XXIV.— 9th. Clara Davol, bom November 30, 1866 ; died August 13, 1881. V. — Amort G. Davol, born in Freetown, Mass., July 12, 1810 ; died in California, August 29, 1851 ; married in Fall River, Mass., May 22, 1834, to Asenbth Buttbr- woETH, of Somerset, Mass.; daughter of Caleb and Sarah (Chase) Butterworth ; born in Somerset, Mass., April 9, 1814 ; died in FaU River, Mass., February 23, 1888. Their children were : XXV.— 1st. Jambs A. Davol, born May 16, 1836 ; died same year. XXV I. — 2d. Claeinda D. Davol, born January 31, 1840 ; died AprU 7, 1889. XXVII. — 3d. Amanda Buttbeworth Davol, born in Fall River, Mass., February 4, 1843 ; married in FaU River, Mass., February 20, 1879, to Mtron H. Strong, of New York City ; son of Myron and Jane ( ) Strong ; born in New York. Their children were : a. — Florence Stdnet Davol Strong, born November 27, 1880. b. — Clara Durfee Strong, born October 12, 1884. DAVOL. 483 XXVIII — 4th. James A. Davol, born in Fall River, Mass., December 13, 1844 ; died in Fall River, Mass., May 27, 1887 ; married in Fall River, Mass., November 6, 1867, to Annie E. Willard, of FaU River, Mass., daugh ter of Artemas and Ann (Worth) (Russell) WiUard ; born in Fall River, Mass., July 30, 1841 ; died in Fall River, Mass., May 18, 1893. Their children were : 1st. — Annie R. Davol, born in Fall River, Mass., Au gust 16, 1868 ; living in Fall River, Mass., in 1901 ; mar ried in Fall River, Mass., March 3, 1891, to Orlando W. Hart. Their children were : a. — Annie Davol Hart, died in infancy. b. — Rat Willard Hart, born October 8, 1892. 2d. — Oliver Amort Davol, born March 22, 1881 ; died AprU 20, 1881. It is tradition that Mrs. Mary (Durfee) Davol was a person of unusual beauty. Mr. Abner Davol married a second time to Betset Simmons. Their only child : VI. — Maut Davol, born in Freetown, Mass., May 27, 1816 ; living in Fall River, Mass ; married in Fall River, Mass., October 11, 1848, to Samuel H. Barnard, of Fall River, Mass., son of George E. A. C. and Ann A. ( ) Barnard ; born in Boston, Mass., June 21, 1818 ; died in FaU River, Mass., December 13, 1880, Their only child, Mart L. Barnard, was born in Fall River, Mass., March 3, 1853 ; married in Fall River, Mass., October 22, 1879, to Geoege E. Bamfoed, of Fall River, Mass. Mr. Abner Davol and his first wife were buried in the old Durfee lot. South Main st„ Fall River, Mass., and afterwards removed to Oak Grove Cemetery. 314. Durfee, Hannah (Benjamin 4th, Thomas 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Borden) Durfee ; born in Tiverton, R. I., Febru ary 4, 1779 ; died in Fall River, Mass., December 18, 484 BOEDEN. 1846 ; married in FaU River, Mass., February 24, 1834, to Capt. Sheffel Weaves, of Freetown, Mass., son of Samuel and Wait (Read) Weaver ; born in Somerset, Mass., in 1764; died in FaU River, Mass., July 26, 1839. Mrs. Weaver married a second time, June 18, 1842, to James Ford, Esq.; born in MUton, Mass., August 3,1774; died in FaU River, Mass., July 27, 1873. There were no children from either marriage. BORDEN. 315. Durfee, Susannah (Benjamin 4th, Thomas 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Borden) Durfee ; born in Tiverton, R. I., July 2, 1783 ; died in Tiverton, Coshocton Co., Ohio, September 12, 1862 ; married in Fall River, Mass., December 18, 1800, to Thomas Boeden, of Freetown, Mass., son of Benjamin and Lovice (Cook) Borden ; born in Fall River, Mass.; died in Tiverton, Ohio. Their children were : I. — ^Patibnoe Boeden, died in girlhood (drowned). II. — Benjamin Boeden, died in his youth. III. — Beadfoed Borden, born January 17, 1 804 ; died November 5, 1881. IV. — Sarah Borden, born February 24, 1805 ; died May 16, 1887. V. — Samuel Boeden, born June 4, 1806 ; died Septem ber 4, 1874. VI. — Stephen Boeden, born March 9, 1808 ; died December 10, 1880. VII. — Thomas Boeden, born October 3, 1811 ; died October 3, 1844. VIIL — Henet Boeden, born AprU 11, 1813 ; died August 17, 1887. IX. — Patience Boeden, born July 9, 1815 ; died De cember 10, 1850, BOEDEN. 485 X. — Majoe Boeden, born June 11, 1820 ; died January 10, 1892. XI. — Olivee Boeden, born October 30,1821 ; died Au gust 16, 1882. XII. — Benjamin Boeden, born January 12, 1825 ; died October 14, 1850. The History of the Township of Tiverton, Coshocton Co., Ohio, has the following item relative to the settlement of Mr. Borden in Ohio (which was probably in 1815) : " Thomas Borden settled on 70 acres of land purchased of Isaac Draper, soon after the close of the War of 1812. He was from Rhode Island and had led a life on the ocean." " Farming was his occupation here until his death. For a time he kept tavern on his home place." " Henry Borden was postmaster at Tiverton Centre for awhile." " Bradford Borden, son of Thomas, about 1837 opened a little distillery on his father's place, but continued its operation for a few years only." There were many representative descendants of this family in the Union Army during the War of the Rebel lion. They were courageous and true to the flag of their country. HI. — Boeden, Beadfoed (Thomas 1st). Born in Tiv erton R. I., January 17, 1804 ; died November 5, 1880 ; married in Coshocton, Ohio, November 11, 1837, to Chae lotte Evans, of Coshocton, Ohio, daughter of Nathan and Cassandra ( ) Evans ; bom June 6, 1815 ; died June 30, 1858. Their children were : XIII. — 1st. Artinsa Boeden, born August 23, 1842 ; died August 14, 1890. XIV. — 2d. Casbandea Boeden, born January 17, 1846 ; died July 16, 1863. XV. — 3d. Luct Borden, born June 28, 1844. XVI. — 4th. Louisa Boeden, born September 20, 1848 ; died August 25, 1883. XVIL — 5th. Maet Durfee Boeden, born October 9, 1850 ; died October 9, 1863. 486 BOEDEN. XVIIL— 6th. Beadfoed Boeden, born June 1, 1852 ; died August 21, 1875. IV. — Boeden, Saeah (Thomas 1st). Born in FaU River, Mass., February 24, 1805 ; died in Holmes Co., Ohio, May 16, 1887 ; married in Tiverton, Ohio, in October, 1824, to Jonathan Haeeis, of NashviUe, Holmes Co., Ohio, son of John and Catherine (Cunningham) Harris ; born in Virginia in November, 1802 ; died in Holmes Co., Ohio, January 12, 1873. Their children were : I. — Thomas Boeden Haeeis, born October 2, 1826. II. — Beadfoed Duefee Haeeis, born in 1828. III. — John Wilson Haeeis, born in 1830. IV. — LuciANNA Haeeis, born March 21, 1832. V. — Jonathan Allen Haeeis, born December 1, 1834. VI. — Henet Boeden Haeeis, born November 28, 1836. VII. — Rachel Maegaeet Haeeis, born May 21, 1840. Of the family of Mr. and Mrs. Harris it can be said they did what they could to preserve the Government their ancestors fought to establish. Their military record is as follows, viz : Thomas Borden Harris enlisted December 15, 1861, in Co. H, 23d Ohio Inf. (the regiment that President McKin ley belonged to and returned from the war with as Major.) He was discharged October 15, 1862, on a surgeon's cer tificate of disability. Re-enlisted February 27, 1864, in Co. G, 102d Ohio Inf., for three years. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865, at Louisville, Ky. Bradford Durfee Harris enlisted May 2, 1864, in Co. I, 163d Ohio Inf., for 100 days ; died at Baltimore, Md., September 8, 1864. John Wilson Harris enlisted May 2, 1864, in Co. E, 166th Ohio Inf., for 100 days ; died at Nashville, Ohio, September 9, 1864, the day the regiment was mustered out of service. Jonathan Allen Harris enlisted August 14, 1862, in Co. G, 102d Ohio Inf., for three years; mustered out of ser vice June 29, 1865. Henry Borden Harris enlisted May 2, 1864, in Co. K, 166th Ohio Inf., for 100 davs ; mustered out of service September 9, 1864. BOEDEN. 487 They were all private soldiers. I. — Harris, Thomas Borden (Jonathan 2d, John 1st). Born in NashviUe, Ohio, October 2, 1826 ; married in Holmes Co., Ohio, February 1, 1849, to SabrinaK. Grat, of Holmes Co., Ohio, daughter of Eli and Sally (Batts) Gray ; born in Erie Co., Pa., in August, 1825. They were living in lola, Kansas, in December, 1900. Their children were : 1st. — Laura S. Harris, born October 7, 1855. 2d. — Jonathan E. Harris, born July 22, 1859. 3d. — Lovie E. Harris, born July 19, 1865. Mr. Harris was wounded in an engagement at Flat Top Mountain, West Va., June 15,1862. Mr. Harris's grand father was a Baptist minister. IV. — Harris, Lucianna (Jonathan 2d, John 1st). Born in Nashville, Ohio, March 21, 1832 ; died in Nashville, Ohio, May 11, 1897 ; married in Napoleon, now called Glen- mont, Ohio, October 25, 1849, to Cook Dimock Sill, of Burlington, Otsego Co., N. Y., son of Henry and Abigail (Dimock) Sill ; born in Burlington, N. Y., January 28, 1829 ; died in Red Woods, Cal., December 23, 1853. Their children were : 1st. — Abigail Sill, born December 10, 1850. 2d.— Btron Cook Sill, born May 1, 1852. " Mr. Sill was a teacher and stock buyer, driving horses or sheep overland to New Jersey. In 1852, with five others, he went to CaHfornia, and did not live to return. He was raised an Episcopalian." Mrs. Sill married a second time in Nashville, Ohio, Oc tober, 11, 1869, to Abraham Melott, of Nashville, Ohio, son of Benjamin and Catherine ( ) Melott; born in Berks Co., Pa.; died in Nashville, Ohio, AprU 10, 1890. They had no children. Mr. Melott was a shoemaker when young, but bought a farm on which he raised nur sery stock and small fruit — apples and peaches — for the market. He was a member of the M. E. Church. Both Mr. SiU and Mr. Melott were Republicans. 1st. — Sill, Abigail, born in Napoleon, Ohio, Decem ber 10, 1850; married in Nashville, Ohio, October 21, 1869, to C. D. Remington, of Nashville, Ohio, son of 488 BOEDEN. William and Mary (McKenzie) Remington; born near Nashville, Ohio, October 22, 1846. They were living in NashviUe, Ohio, in 1899. Their children were (born in and near Nashville, Ohio): 1st — Luot Louisa Remington, born April 11, 1873. 2d. — William Btron Remington, born April 5, 1876. 3d. — Mart Genevieve Remington, born December 21, 1882. 4th. — Belva Cook Remington, born March 6, 1885. " Mr. Remington was for years a teacher, and all his life a farmer for a part or all of each year." The family are connected with the M. E. Church, and in politics, to use Mrs. Remington's words, " RepubH- cans of the good old sort." 2d. — Sill, Btron Cook, born in or near NashviUe, Ohio, May 1, 1852 ; living in MiUersburg, Ohio, in 1899 ; married October 14, 1874, to Loreta French, daugh ter of Col. Daniel French, who was in the Mexican War. She died March 28, 1881. Their children were (born in MiUersburg, Ohio) : 1st. — Frances Ellen Sill, born April 14, 1874. 2d. — Ralph Henrt Sill, born March 31, 1880. Mr. Sill married a second time in MUlersburg, Ohio, June 6, 1884, to Sarah J. Dat, of Millersburg, Ohio. They have no children. He was cashier of the Commer cial Bank of Millersburg, Ohio. V. — Harris, Jonathan Allen, born in Holmes Co., Ohio, December 1, 1834 ; married in Holmes Co., Ohio, November 7, 1856, to Mart E. Parcell, of Holmes Co., Ohio ; born August 29, 1836. They were living in Mans field, Ohio, in February, 1899. Their children were : 1st. — Ida C. Haeeib, born August 29, 1857 ; married February 14, 1882, John W. Frederick. 2d. — Abbie S. Harris, bom May 26, 1859 ; married in September, 1894, to George Hiltard. 3d. — Calvin M. Harris, born May 29, 1861 ; married June 20, 1886, Caroline Green Wald. 4th. — Allen T. Harris, born April 7, 1863 ; married in February, 1885, Maggie Smith. BOEDEN. 489 5th. — Chaeleb H. Haeeib, born December 25, 1867 ; married December 26, 1894, Clara Green. 6th. — Jasper D. Harris, born June 10, 1869. A sol dier in U. S. Regular Army in Cuba in 1899. Unmarried. 7th. — Walter S. Harris, born December 1 2, 1872 ; married June 11, 1897, Buenioe Tanee. Mr. Harris was a carpenter by occupation ; in politics a Republican ; in religion a Baptist. V. — Boeden, Samuel (Thomas 1st). Bom in Fall River, Mass., June 4, 1806 ; died September 4, 1874 ; married first to Saeah Church. His second wife was Sarah Workman ; third wife, Rubt Bishop ; fourth wife, Almiea Ketsee. Their children were : 1st. Beadfoed, married Saeah Holt. 2d. Maet Maeia. 3d. Alfeed Paedt. 4th. Joseph, married Alviea Mackbt. 5th. Abeaham, died unmarried. 6th. Samuel. 7th. Saeah Josbphus. 8th. Luot. 9th. Thomas. 10th. Abigail, llth. James Foed. 12th. Sanfoed. 13th. Benjamin. 14th. Abeaham. 15th. Samuel. VI. — Boeden, Stephen (Thomas Ist). Born in Tiver ton, R. I., March 9, 1808 ; died December 10, 1880 ; mar ried to Nanot Barnes. Their children were : 1st.— Reson Borden, died young. 2d. — Lucy Borden, married Benjamin Parsons. She resides at Kahoka, Mo. 3d. — Thomas Borden was a soldier in the Union Army, war 1861 and 1865. 4th. — James Borden was a soldier in Union Army, '61 and '65. 5th. — Nanoy Borden. 6th. — Harriet Borden, married James Leek. 7th. — Sarah Boeden. VII. — Borden, Thomas (Thomas Ist). Bom in Tiver ton, R. I., October 3, 1811 ; died October 3, 1844 ; mar ried to Mart Jane Evans. Their children were (three daughters). 490 BOEDEN. X.— Boeden, Major (Thomas 1st). Born in Tiverton, Ohio, June 11, 1820 ; died January 10, 1892 ; married to Elizabeth Kinset; born in February, 1825; died in Holmes Co., Ohio. Their children were : 1st. — Durfee Borden, born December 1, 1850. 2d. — Kinset Borden, born October 29, 1862. 3d. — Henrt Borden, born May 21, 1855. 4th. — William Borden, born October 10, 1857 ; died September 2, 1861. 1st. — Borden, Durfee (Major 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Major and EHzabeth (Kinsey) Borden ; married Susan nah Coleman in 1874. Their children were : 1st. — Charlet Borden, born in 1876 ; died. 2d. — Kinset Borden, born in 1879. 3d. — Carrie Borden, born in 1881 ; died in 1887. 4th. — Fred. Borden, born in 1884. 5th. — Luot Borden, bom in 1893 ; died in March, 1895. 6th. — Harrt Borden, born in 1896. None of the above children were married before Oc tober, 1900. 2d. — Borden, Kinset (Major 2d, Thomas 1st). Mar ried Huldah Hunter in 1877. Their chUdren were : 1st. — Dora Borden, born in December, 1878. 2d. — Earl Borden; born in October, 1880. '3d. — Harrt Borden, born in March, 1884. 4th. — Dwight Borden, born in May, 1887. 6th. — Flotd Borden, born in December, 1894. All of the above children living in 1901, and none mar ried. 3d. — Borden, Henet (Major 2d, Thomas 1st). Married Hannah Jane Htatt in 1877. Their children were : 1st. — Waltee Boeden, born January 16, 1878. 2d. — Willie Boeden, born February 29, 1880 ; died in 1885. BOEDEN. 491 3d. — Feemont Borden, born October 18, 1881 ; died in 1887. 4th. — Mat Borden, born December 6, 1883. 5th. — Alva Borden, born August 12, 1885. 6th. — Cltde Borden, born June 16, 1887. 7th. — Clatton Borden, born June 1, 1889. 8th. — Vernice Boeden, born March 22, 1893. 9th. — Ralph Boeden, born February 20, 1895. None of the above children were married before Oc tober, 1900. The family were Republican in politics ; Protestant in religion ; attendants of " Disciple Church or Church of Christ." XII. — Boeden, Benjamin (Thomas 1st). Born in Tiv erton, Ohio, January 12, 1825 ; married to Caroline Thatcher, daughter of Samuel. Their children were : 1st. — Frances Borden, married Russell Bell. 2d. — Saeah Jane Boeden. Mr. Borden kept hotel at Nashville, Ohio. His widow removed to Iowa with her oldest daughter, Mrs. Bell. XV. — Boeden, Luct (Bradford 2d, Thomas 1st). Bom in Tiverton, Ohio, June 28, 1844; married AprU 6, 1871, to James Ross, of Holmes Co., Ohio, son of Allen and Nancy ( ) Ross ; born in Holmes Co., Ohio, June 22, 1834. They were Hving in Worth Co., Mo., in 1898. P. O. address, Grant City, Mo. Their children were: 1st. — CuMBiE Ross, born December 18, 1874. 2d. — IsA B. Ross, born December 4, 1876 ; died Janu ary 16, 1898. 3d. — Mart B. Ross, born November 5, 1878. 4th. — Arlinsa Ross, born May 29, 1882. 5th. — Eva Louisa Ross, born November 21, 1884. 6th. — Jambs Pren Ross, born November 13, 1886. 317. Durfee, Clarinda (Benjamin 4th, Thomas 3d, Ben jamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Borden) Durfee ; born in Freetown, Mass., December 4, 1786 ; died in Fall River, Mass., in June, 1815 ; married in Fall River, Mass., July 27, 1812, to Peeet Cook, of Tiv- 492 DUEFEE. erton, R. I., son of Joseph and Ann (Negus) Cook ; born in Tiverton, R. I., March 25, 1793; died in WUmington, N. C, August 29, 1839. Their children were : 1st. — Israel Cook, bom June 19, 1815 ; married Sallt A. Bowen, of Warren, R. L, October 15, 1837. They had two children. 1st. — Clarinda Cook, married Sherman Mosher. 2d. — Hannah Cook, married George Cummings, who resided in 1898 at Berkley, Mass. Mr. Perry Cook mar ried a second time to Ltdia Gifford, by whom he had seven children. DURFEE. 318. Durfee, Bradford (Benjamin 4th, Thomas 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Benjamin and Sarah (Borden) Durfee ; born in Freetown, Mass., October 28, 1788 ; died in FaU River, Mass., July 23, 1843 ; married in Fall River, Mass., September 22, 1809, to Mrs. Phebe (Borden) Borden, widow of George, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of Thomas and Mary (Hathaway) Borden ; born in FaU River, Mass., December 22, 1779 ; died in FaU River, Mass., March 31, 1841. Their children were : 720.— 1st Sarah, born September 8, 1812 ; died Octo ber 9, 1813. 721.— 2d. Mary Maria, born August 17, 1814; died February 19, 1819. Mr. Durfee married a second time, June 6, 1842, to Mart Beatton, daughter of Israel and Kezia (Anthony) Brayton; born in Foxboro, Mass., May 9,. 1814; died March 22, 1891. They had one chUd. 722.— 1st. Bradford, M. C„ born June 15, 1843 ; died September 13, 1872. Mrs. Durfee married a second time in Fall River, Mass., December 11, 1851 , to Hon. Jeeemiah S. Young, of An- dover, Mass., who died in 1861. DUEFEE. 493 The following record of the school committee of Fall River, Mass., was published in one of their annual re ports : «IN MEMORIAM." "Mary Brayton Young." " The announcement of the death of Mrs. Mary Brayton Young has been received by the school committee of this city with sincere sorrow. Few who pass from our sight leave a more beautiful or lasting influence, an influence that must be felt, not only in this community, but through out the world ; for the works of all the good radiate in ever widening circles to every corner of the universe." " Her gentle manner, loving, unselfish disposition, gen erous, kindly, and sympathetic nature, her quiet, unos tentatious life, impressed deeply all who came in contact with her." " She has laid her hand in blessing upon our people in many silent but helpful ways. Her interest in the cause of education, which began when she herself was a teacher in our public schools, continued through her long and useful life, and culminated in the greatest educational benefaction a city ever received." " In the splendid gift of the B. M. C. Durfee High School building, she has blessed not only the present genera tion, but all who are to come. No one can wholly calcu late the advantages of educational privileges in and upon a community. In so nobly perpetuating the memory of one who was most precious to her mother heart, she has done that which will ever keep her own memory fresh and fragrant." " Language is inadequate to express our admiration, esteem, and affection for this sincere friend of humanity whose loss we deplore to-day." " We cannot forget her. Her virtues, her sincerity, her faithfulness, modesty, and true womanliness, her tender sympathy, her devotion to duty, her strict adherence to lofty principle, all her amiable and lovable qualities, en dear her to our hearts." * * *. 494 DUEFEE. "A good memory is the best monument; a noble life is the best epitaph." A Mother's Memorial to Her Son. " The B. M. C. Durfee High School BuUding of Fall River, Mass., was erected in memory of Bradford Mat thew Chaloner Durfee, and given to the city of Fall River by his mother, Mrs. Mary B. Young." " Mr. Durfee during his lifetime had been interested in educational matters, and before his death had expressed a wish that more adequate provision might be made for the advanced education of the youth of his native city. In conformity to this wish his mother, on February 5, 1883, sent a communication to the City Council in which she offered to erect and furnish at her own expense a high school ; to provide philosophical, mechanical, and chemi cal apparatus, and to give the city in trust $50,000, the income of which was to be devoted to the maintenance of the scientific and industrial departments." " The site selected by Mrs. Young was an entire square, which, because of its eminence and central location, was the best in the city for a high school." " Ground was broken August 13, 1883. During the fall the foundation was laid. On June 24, 1884, every thing was in readiness for the laying of the corner-stone, and at 10 o'clock A. M. a few person, relatives of Mr. Durfee, assembled to witness the ceremony. Among those present were Mrs. Mary B. Young, Hon. John S. Brayton, Rev. Rosewell Hitchcock, D. D., LL. D., Presi dent of Union Theological Seminary, N. Y." "Everything in readiness the mother of him whose name the edifice was to bear, placed in a cavity prepared in the southwest corner-stone of the building a copper box containing a copy of the deed, the different city pa pers, coins, etc." " The building was dedicated June 15, 1887." " In the south tower is a chime of 10 bells, on the largest is engraved : " In memory of Bradford Matthew Chaloner Durfee, only child of Bradford and Mary (Brayton) Durfee ; born duefee. 495 in Fall River, June 15, 1843 ; died here September 13, 1872. This building was erected and this Chime of Bells placed in its tower and the same presented to the city of FaU River, A. D. 1887." (The above is from the printed report of the School Board of the city of Fall River.) It has been the practice for years to ring (or strike) the bell 29 times at the hour of assembly of the students ; the number of times indicating the number of years that Mr. Durfeee lived. It is believed this custom was inaugurated by the janitor, who was a friend of Mr. Durfee's. The school building and land on which it was erected is said to have cost between $700,000 and $800,000. The following sketch of Bradford Matthew Chaloner Durfee may be found in Appleton's Cyclopedia of Ameri can Biography. ******* " He entered Yale, but failing health compelled him to leave college during his sophomore year, and he visited Europe in 1865, spending two and a half years in travel. On his return he assumed the management of his affairs, but his health compelled him to be largely on the sea, and he became an ardent yachtsman." " For several years he made long cruises on his yacht ' Josephine,' visiting various countries on the Atlantic Ocean." " Durfee Hall, one of the finest college dormitories in the United States, was the gift to Yale, which honored him with the degree of A. M., in 1871." Major Bradford Durfee was a selectman of Fall River, Mass., from 1815 to 1833. He was interested in granite quarries and steamboat transportation. The following is from a sketch of the mUitary history of Fall River, Mass., by S. Angier Chace, printed in the FaU River " News," of March 24, 1897 : " In 1803 the military companies of Freetown had been reduced to three. The members of one of these compa nies resided in the territory which then became Fall River (or Troy). This company was therefore transferred on the State record to the town of FaU River. The field 496 GLAZIEE. officers subsequently reported from Fall River (or Troy) were Majors Benjamin Brayton, 1803 ; Bradford Durfee, 1815 ; Isaac Borden, 1833." " Lieut. Colonels Joseph E. Reed, 1812 ; Richard Bor den, 1823; WilHam Sisson, 1833; WilHam Winslow, 1835. Colonels Richard Borden, 1828 ; Philip R. Ben nett, 1830; William Sisson, 1835. Brigadier General Philip R. Bennett, 1835." " The names of the captains of the Fall River company transferred from Freetown were Benjamin Brayton, 1797; Robert MiUer, 1804; Hezekiah Winslow, 1809; Job Terry, Jr., 1815 ; John Hathaway, 1823; Luther Wins low, 2d, 1829 ; WilHam Winslow, 1832— promoted to lieut. colonel, 1835 ; Holder Wordell, 1835." " About the time Fall River received the name of Troy, military duty was required by statute from all able-bodied white citizens between the ages of 18 and 45 years. Some idea of the relative number of the population in the towns around us at that time can be arrived at by comparing the military companies of each town. Dighton had three companies, Berkley two, Freetown two, Somerset and Troy one each ; Freetown and Berkley had double the number of Fall River." GLAZIER. 320.— Durfee, Ann C (Charies 4th, Thomas 3d, Ben jamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Charles and Welthe (Hathaway) Durfee; born in Freetown, Mass., June 3, 1793 ; died in FaU River, Mass., May 2, 1846 ; married in Fall River, Mass., June 30, 1811, to Dr. Amort Glazier (M. D.), of Fall River, Mass., son of Calvin and Lydia (Pierce) Glazier ; born in Holland, Hampden Co., Mass., AprU 28, 1873; died in FaU River, Mass., March 2, 1852. Their children were : I. — Eliza A. Glazier, born July 19, 1812 ; died in Roxbury, Mass., March 17, 1892 ; married in FaU River, GLAZIEE. 497 Mass., February 17, 1830, to Henet Hudson Fish, of Providence, R. I., son of Isaac and Sarah ( ) Fish ; born in Providence, R. I., June 5, 1807; died in Fall River, Mass., January 13, 1882. Their children were : 1st. — Geoege Henet Fish, born November 8, 1830 ; married in Evansville, Ind., November 7, 1861, to Helen Madse Gesathmt, of Evansville, Ind, They were living in 1901, at Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Their children were : a. — Charles Henet Fish, born in 1863 ; died in 1864. b. — Jane Leonard Fish, born in 1865 ; married Alfred Elias Tatlor, of Mt. Vernon, N. Y. They had one son, Alfred Lovendge Tatloe. c. — Haevbt Talbot Fish, born in 1870 ; died in 1897. d. — Geoegb Amoet Fish, born in 1877. e. — Julia Mellicbnt Fibh, born in 1880. 2d. — Jane Eliza Fish, born May 19, 1832 ; married in Fall River, Mass., August 11, 1854, to William Henrt Brackett, son of Sewall and Elvira ( ) Brackett ; born in Waterford, Vt. They resided (1898) in Roxbury, Mass. Their children were : 1st. — Sarah Louise Brackett, born January 2, 1856. 2d. — Charles Glazier Beackett, born June 27, 1858 ; married Kate Higgins, of Roxbury, Mass. Their children were : a. — Annie Louise Beackett, born in April, 1885. b. — Chaeles Glazibe Brackett, born in January, 1887. 3d. — Foster Hodges Brackett, born January 9, 1862 ; died in December, 1899 ; married Annie Nason, of De troit, Mich. Their children were : I. — Jennt Nason Beackett, born in July, 1886. II. — FosTENE Beackett, born in April, 1888. III. — Haeold Beackett, born in September, 1894. 4th — Howaed Brackett, born December 11, 1868. 498 glazier. 3d. — Julia Marvin Fish, born January 10, 1834 ; died in FaU River, Mass., AprU 3, 1885 ; married in Roxbury, Mass., December 4, 1867, to Jambs Congdon Eddt, of FaU River, Mass., son of Jesse and Sarah (Paine) Eddy ; born in FaU River, Mass., August 1, 1829 ; died in FaU River, Mass., September 17, 1897. Their children were : 1st. — Jesse Eddt, born September 21,1868; married Annie Eldridge, of Charlestown, Mass. 2d. — Annie Huber Eddt, born in 1870 ; died in 1870. 3d. — Henrt Hudson Eddt, born January 19, 1872 ; married in Fall River, Mass., in 1897, to Mart Alden Baker, of FaU River, Mass., daughter of Joseph and Mary (Alden) Baker. They were residents of Fall River, Mass., in 1901. 4th. — James Congdon Eddt, born in June, 1873 ; died in August, 1873. 5th. — Eliza Glazier Eddt, born in March, 1875 ; died in July, 1879. 4th.— Sarah Ann Fish, born October 23, 1837 ; died July 24, 1855. 5th. — Maria Louisa Fish, born January 19, 1839 ; died May 5, 1840, Oth. — Caroline Frances Fish, born December 29, 1843; unmarried. Living (1901) corner 39th and James st., Roxbury, Mass. 7th. — Frank Leonard Fish, born February 24, 1848 ; married in Portsmouth, R. I., to Sarah Rebecca Chase, of Portsmouth, R. I., daughter of Philip B. and Sarah Earl (Cook) Chase ; born in Portsmouth, R. I. They were residents of Taunton, Mass., in 1902. Their children were : 1st. — Henrt Hudson Fish. 2d. — Anne Maud Fibh, born November 25, 1876. 3d. — Pierce Lovbring Fish, born February 21, 1880. 4th. — Alice Fish. II. — Jane Hudson Glazier, bom July 3, 1817 ; died in Roxbury, Mass., November 3, 1901 ; married in Fall GLAZIEE. 499 River, Mass., January 16, 1839, to Gustavus Leonard, of Taunton, Mass., son of Horatio and Fanny (Washburn) Leonard. They had one child, Jane Frances Leonard, born August 15, 1840 ; died December 31, 1861. Mrs. Leonard married a second time in Fall River, Mass., December 17, 1850, to Col. Almon D. Hodges, of Roxbury, Mass., son of Jonathan and Sarah (Danforth) Hodges; born iu Norton, Mass., January 25, 1301; died in Portsmouth, R. I., September 27, 1878. Their children were (born in Roxbury, Mass.) : 1st. — Amort Glazier Hodges, born December 19, 1852; married in New York City, January 30, 1883, to Alice Woodward, of New York City. Their children were : a. — Amort Hodges, born in April, 1885 ; died in March, 1890. b. — Edward Carroll Hodges, born July 27, 1887 ; died in Groton, Mass., January 26, 1902, while attending school there. One of his classmates was the son of Presi dent Roosevelt. c — John King Hodges, bom February 26, 1891. 2d. — Edward Carroll Hodges, bom December 24, 1855 ; married May 12, 1891, to Ethel Adams Davis, of San Francisco, Cal. They resided at 53 State st., Bos ton, Mass., in 1898. III. — Charles A. Glazier, born March 27, 1824 ; died December 20, 1865 ; married August 27, 1851, to Eliza beth Claflin. They had no children. IV. — George H. Glazier, born November 1, 1828 ; died November 4, 1829. V. — Edward Augustus Glazier, born May 26, 1832 ; died June 5, 1836. 500 BEIGHAM. BRIGHAM. 322. Durfee, Elizabeth H (Charles 4th, Thomas 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Charles and Welthe (Hathaway) Durfee ; born in Freetown, Mass., December 3, 1796 ; died in Bridgewater, Plymouth Co., Mass., January 1, 1886 ; married in Fall River, Mass., Marcli 1, 1820, to Rev. David Brigham, of East Randolph, Norfolk, Mass., son of David and Lucy (Harrington) Brigham ; born in Westboro, Worcester Co., Mass., Sep tember 2, 1794 ; died in Bridgewater, Mass., April 18, 1888. Their children were : I. — Elizabeth Durfee Brigham, born May 11, 1821 ; married November 6, 1851, to Valentine Copeland. II. — David Sewall Brigham, born March 17, 1823 (married). III. — Luct Harrington Brigham, born July 28, 1 827 died August 17, 1853. IV. — Chaeles Duefee Beigham, born July 21, 1831 married November 9, 1851, to Josephine Gibbs. V. — Thomas Russell Beigham, born January 7, 1834 married October 7, 1869, to Delia Laeimoee. VI. — Maetha Ann Beigham, born April 28, 1837 married April 17, 1860, to Geoegb A. King. VII. — Maet Agneb Beigham, born August 21, 1839 died January 11, 1868. Rev. David Brigham was a Congregational minister and served in the churches of the following-named towns as pastor: East Randolph, Mass., from 1819 to 1836 Framingham, Mass., from 1836 to 1846 ; Bridgewater. Mass., from 1845 to 1859. " On account of iU health he was forced to give up active work for some years, but later preached at Waquoit and South Plymouth, Mass." II. — Beigham, David Sewall, born in Randolph, Mass., March 17, 1823 ; died in FaU River, Mass., October 22, BEIGHAM. 501 1893 ; married December 4, 1845, to Eliza G. Chace, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of Samuel and Eunice (Hath away) Chace ; born June 28, 1825 ; died February 3, 1853. Their children were : 1st. — Chaeleb A. Beigham, born September 18, 1846 ; died June 3, 1847. 2d. — Chaeles A. Beigham, born June 12, 1848 ; died February 23, 1850. 3d. — Maetha Chace Beigham, born April 3, 1850 ; married Lucien Heebeet Chase, of Boston, Mass. Their only child was Meeeill Beetram Chase, born in West Newton, Mass., February 22, 1872. 4th. — Infant, born January 10, 1852. Mr. Brigham married a second time, February 15, 1854, to Mart Holland Wadt ; born June 9, 1829 ; died Jan uary 5, 1867. Their children were (born in Delaware, Ohio): 1st. — Elizabeth Gardner Brigham, born March 26, 1856 ; married November 15, 1877, to Chas. F. H. White, of Fall River, Mass.; born June 13, 1864 ; died May 31, 1897. Their children were (born in FaU River, Mass.): 1st. — Mart Brigham White, born January 18, 1884. 2d. — Sanford Brownell White, born May 4, 1888. 2d. — George Sewall Brigham, born July 10, 1858 ; married October 13, 1886, to Mart Ella Sheen, of Fall River, Mass.; born September 5, 1856. Their children were (born in Fall River, Mass.): 1st. — Infant, born January 14, 1892 ; died January 15, 1892. 2d. — Richard Curtis Brigham, born January 7, 1895. 3d. — Jambs Wadt Brigham, born May 9, 1860 ; married September 27, 1887, Mart Elizabeth Kendall, of Fall River, Mass.; born February 17, 1864. Their children were (born in Fall River, Mass.): 1st. — James Kendall Brigham, born April 4, 1889. 2d. — David Sewall Brigham, born September 11, 1891. 3d. — Florence Brigham, born February 11, 1898. 502 DUEFEE. 4th. — Kate S. Brigham, born AprU 5, 1862 ; died March 14, 1863. Mr. Brigham, Sr., married a third time, February 2, 1870, to Elizabeth Williams, daughter of Thomas and Catherine ( ) WiUiams, of Delaware, Ohio ; born October 3, 1835 ; who resided in FaU River, Mass., in 1901. DURFEE. 323. Durfee, Nathan, Dr. (Charles 4th, Thomas 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Charles and Welthe (Hathaway) Durfee ; born in Freetown, Mass., June 18, 1799 ; died in FaU River, Mass., AprU 6, 1876 ; married in FaU River, Mass., April 24, 1827, to Delana Boeden, of Freetown, Mass., daughter of George and Phebe (Borden) Borden ; born in Freetown, Mass., May 5, 1801; died in Fall River, Mass., January 30, 1863. Their children were : 723.— 1st. Mary Maria, bom July 8, 1829. 724.— 2d. Minerva B., born January 24, 1836 ; died May 11, 1837. 725.— 3d. Harriet M., born July 20, 1838. 726.— 4th. Holder B., born September 23, 1840. 727.— 5th. Annie G., bom May 6, 1842. Dr. Durfee married a second time at Providence, R. I., September 30, 1863, to Mrs. Mart D. Gladding, of Provi dence, R. I., daughter of Ebenezer S. and Philena ( ) Day ; born at Killingly, Conn., in 1803. They had no children. Dr. Durfee was a graduate of Brown University in 1824, and of Harvard in 1831. He was a member of the Fall River School Committee from 1832 to 1835. A member of the House of Repre sentatives of Massachusetts in 1841. " While he received an education fitting him for the practice of medicine, he spent but a short period as a DUEFEE. 503 practitioner, after which he was engaged for a few years in the drug business. Later he was interested in many of the industries of Fall River, Mass. " He took an active interest in the moral and spiritual welfare of his native town and city ; was one of the earli est projectors of the Sunday-school, and a member of the Congregational Church." His interest in land as an owner was very extended. It is said that at one time he had one thousand acres. The following is a brief from his will, recorded at Taunton, Mass., in book 187, and on page 65, dated January 1, 1874; probate date, June 18, 1876. Appointed his sons-in-law, S. Angier Chase, Matthew C. D. Borden, and son, Holder B. Durfee, Executors : " To son Holder B. Du7fee Homestead c&c. "To daughter An7iie G. Durfee shares of stock. "To daughter Mary M. Chase shares of stock. "To daughter Harriet M. Borden shares of stock. "To Board of Com. of Foreign Missions $12,500.00 to be invested. "To Am. Home Missionary Society $12,500.00 to be invested^ 324. Durfee, Thomas R., Rev, (Charles 4th, Thomas 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Charles and Welthe (Hathaway) Durfee ; born in Freetown, Mass., May 14, 1801 ; died in St. Charles, Missouri, July 15, 1833 ; married to Ann Glendat, of Missouri. Their children were : 728.— 1st. Jane. 729. — 2d. Margaret L., born January 27, 1834 ; died October 20, 1877 ; married Edwaed P. Boeden, Septem ber 29, 1863, son of Col. Richard and Abby W. (Durfee) Borden. (See record of descendants of Col. Borden for the record of the children by this marriage.) Rev. Thomas R. Durfee graduated at Brown University in 1824, and at Andover, in theology. He was a zealous Christian worker. 325. Durfee, Matthew C (Charies 4th, Thomas 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas Ist). Son of Charles and Welthe 504 HOLBEOOK. (Hathaway) Durfee; born in Freetown, Mass., April 9, 1803 ; died in FaU River, Mass., December 6, 1841 ; mar ried in Fall River, Mass., December 28, 1826, to Fidelia Boeden, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of George and Phebe (Borden) Borden ; born in Fall River, Mass., AprU 7, 1806 ; died in FaU River, Mass., January 12, 1891. Their children were : 730. — 1st. Hannah V., born January 25, 1828. 731.— 2d. Sarah B., born December 14, 1829. 732.— 3d. George B., born August 5, 1832. 733.— 4th. Bradford, born May 7, 1835. 734.— 5th. Phebe B., born October 15, 1841. Mr. Durfee " was a man of fine talents, a cashier of the first bank ever started in the city of Fall River, Mass., and possessed superior business abilities. " He was an editor of the Fall River Monitor from 1828 to 1830 ; a good writer and wielded a trenchant pen. "He was a genial friend, a person of conscientious principles, and his amiable qualities endeared him to a large circle of acquaintances." HOLBROOK. 326. Durfee, Prudence (Charles 4th, Thomas 3d, Ben jamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Charles and Welthe (Hathaway) Durfee ; born in Freetown, Mass., October 3, 1806 ; died in Maiden, Mass., November 11, 1881 ; married in East Randolph, Norfolk Co., Mass., January 5, 1826, to Caleb Strong Holbrook, of East Randolph, Mass., son of Elisha and Sarah (Thayer) Holbrook ; born in Braintree, Mass., April 10, 1804 ; died in Holbrook, Norfolk, Mass., October 6, 1874. Their chUdren were : I. — Ellen Maria Holbrook, born January 31, 1827. II. — Anna Elizabeth Holbrook, born March 25, 1830. III. — Caleb Beadfoed Holbeook, bom January 31, 183C ; died in East Randolph, Mass., December 7, 1841. HOLBEOOK. 505 IV. — Saeah Jane Holbeook, bom August 29, 1837 ; died in Holbrook, Mass., February 14, 1897. I. — Holbeook, Ellen Maeia, born in East Randolph, Mass., January 31, 1827 ; died at No. 117 Summer street. Maiden, Mass., June 24, 1901 ; married in East Randolph, Mass., October 24, 1854, to Rev. Joshua Wtman Wellman, of Derry, N. H., son of James Ripley and Phebe (Wyman) WeUman ; born in Cornish, N. H., November 28, 1821. Living at 117 Summer street. Maiden, Mass., in 1898. Their children were : a. — 1st. Aethue Holbeook Wellman, born in East Ran dolph, Mass., October 30, 1855; married in Maiden, Mass., October 11, 1887, to Jennie Louise Faulknee, of Maiden, Mass. ' Their children were (born in Maiden, Mass.) : 1st. — Saegent Holbeook Wellman, born May 8, 1892. 2d. — Kathaeine Faulknee Wellman, born May 18, 1893. b. — 2d. Edwaed Wtman Wellman, bom in Newton, Mass., March 15, 1857 ; died AprU 17, 1891 ; married in Maiden, Mass., October 1, 1884, to Emma Rebecca Patch, of Maiden, Mass. Their children were (born in Maiden, Mass.) : 1st. — GoEDON Beet Wellman, born March 1, 1887. 2d. — Ruth Wtman Wellman, born June 9, 1891. c. — 3d. Ellen Holbeook Wellman, bom in Newton, Mass., November 8, 1858 ; married in Maiden, Mass., October 24, 1883, to Robeet Cushman King, of Maiden, Mass. Their children were (born in Maiden, Mass.) : 1st. — Heevet Wellman King, born March 18, 1885. 2d. — Helen Cushman King, born August 2, 1888. d. — 4th. Annie Duefee Wellman, born in Newton, Mass., July 5, 1862. II. — Holbeook, Anna Elizabeth, born in East Ran dolph, Mass., March 25, 1830. Living in Maiden, Mass., in 1901 ; married in Maiden, Mass., September 14, 1886, to Moses Pieece, of Norwich, Conn.; died in Norwich, Conn., July 18, 1900. 506 HOLBEOOK. A reporter of the Providence " Journal " visited Mai den, Mass., on the 75th anniversary of the birth of the Rev. J. W. Wellman, and the following is what he wrote in part for the " Journal " on that occasion : " Rev. Joshua W. WeUman, D. D., is to-day celebrat ing his seventy-fifth birthday at his home, 117 Summer street, Maiden, and is receiving congratulations from peo ple all over New England. Rev. Mr. Wellman is a well- known theological historian and author ; is connected offi cially with some of the leading theological institutions and societies of the State, and is the father of ex-Senator Arthur H. Wellman, of Maiden." * * * " He was ordained to the Christian ministry and installed as pastor of the historic First Church, in Derry, N. H., June 18, 1851. * • * " He was strongly opposed to slavery and supported the war as necessary to save the Union." * * * " He is the author of ' The Church PoHty and Pil grims,' ' Review of Sabbath Hymn and Tune Book,' ' Our Nation Under the Government of God.' * * « ' Christianity and Our Civil Institutions,' 'A Review of Dr. A. V. G. Allen's Biography of Jonathan Edwards,' and various sermons, addresses, and magazine articles." HOLBROOK. Hon. Arthur Holbrook Wellman. " He was born in East Randolph (now Holbrook), Mass., October 30, 1855 ; son of Rev. Joshua Wyman WeUman, D.D., aud Ellen Maria (Holbrook) WeUman. On his father's side he is a descendant in the eighth generation of William Bradford, Governor of Plymouth Colony, and is also descended from William Brewster, of Plymouth, and from Abraham Wellman, who perished at the siege of Louisburg, under General Pepperell, in 1745. " He was educated in the public schools of Newton, Mass., and at Amherst College, where he graduated in the class of 1878, delivering the valedictory. He studied law in the Harvard Law School 1879-1880 and 1880 and HOLBEOOK. 507 1881, in the Boston University Law School 1881-1882, graduating from the latter school in 1882, receiving the degree of LL.B., summa cum, la7ide, while in the office of the late Lyman Mason. He was admitted to the Suffolk bar in 1883, and has since practiced his profession in Boston, residing in Maiden. " He served for three years as City Solicitor of Maiden, 1889-1891, having previously been a member of the Com mon Council in that city in 1885. "In 1886 he became an instructor in Boston University Law School, and in 1891 he was made professor in that institution. He succeeded the late Bliss Kerwin as lec turer on Equity Jurisprudence and Equity Pleading, which position he still holds. "He is a Republican in politics, and has served three years in the Lower House of the Legislature, 1892-'4. In 1892 he was a member of the Committee on the Judiciary. In 1893 he was House Chairman of the Committee on Cities, and in 1894 again, also. House Chairman of a Special Committee on the unemployed, and a member of the Committee on Taxation. "He was a member of the Senate in 1895 and 1896. In 1895 he was Chairman of the Committee on Railroads ; also in 1896 ; also on Committee for Roads and Bridges, and on State House. " He is a Trustee of the Maiden Hospital, and of the Maiden Public Library, and of the Maiden Historical Society. He is a member of the Converse Lodge of Masons, of the Boston Congregational Club, of which club he has been president ; of the Boston Bar Association, and the American Bar Association. "He is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Na tional Council of the Congregational Churches of the U. S., and a member of the Prison Commission of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts." 608 DUEFEE. DURFEE. 327. Durfee, Gilbert H, (Charies 4th, Thomas 3d, Ben jamin 2d, Thomas Ist). Son of Charles and Welthe (Hathaway) Durfee ; born in Freetown, Mass., May 7, 1808 ; died in Fall River, Mass., June 9, 1842 ; married in Providence R. 1., December 10, 1832, to Maet S. Ae nold, of Providence, R. I.; born in Providence, R. I., August 22, 1813 ; died in Boston, Mass., November 12, 1884. Their children were : 735.— 1st. Thomas M., born AprU 22, 1835. Hon. Gilbert H. Durfee, was a member of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts in 1836, and a Cus tom House Officer for the port of Fall River, Mass., from 1837 to 1841, holding the appointment of inspector, weigher, and measurer. 329. Durfee, Seth R, (Charles 4th, Thomas 3d, Ben jamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Charles and Welthe (Hathaway) Durfee ; born in Freetown, Mass., September 4, 1812 ; died in FaU River, Mass., November 11, 1876 ; married in Weymouth, Mass., November 27, 1834, to Lucinda T. Blanohaed, of Weymouth, Mass., daughter of Edward and Lucinda (Torrey) Blanchard ; born in Wey mouth, Mass., in December, 1814 ; died in Fall River, Mass., in May, 1877. Their children were : 736.— 1st. Charles, born February 1, 1886. 737.— 2d. Edward B., born AprU 14, 1841. 738. — 3d. Gustavus L., born March 7, 1847 ; died Jan uary 2, 1864. 739.— 4th. Fidelia Borden, born June 11, 1849 ; died in 1862. 740.— 5th. Gilbert, died in 1852. Mr. Durfee was for forty years connected with the company that operated a line of steamboats between FaU dean. 509 River, Mass., and Providence, R. I. He was a Protestant, and in poHtics a Whig, and later a Republican. The following is a brief of the will of Seth R. Durfee from page 169, book No. 187, Probate Records at Taun ton, Mass. Will dated January 15, 1869, recorded Jan uary 5, 1877 : "Item. — To wife Lucinda T. Durfee, $1,000. "Item. — To each grandchild, $200. "Item. — To Lucinda T. Blanchard, mother of wife, $300 per year, if she lives after death of wife, the same as long as she lives. Balance of estate to two sons, Charles Durfee and Edward B. Durfee. "Appoints his wife execut7ix." DEAN. 330. Durfee, Abby (Nathan 4th, Thomas 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Nathan and Ruth (Bor den) Durfee, born in Fall River, Mass., December 15, 1793 ; died in Taunton, Mass., May 6, 1822 ; married in Fall River, Mass., March 15, 1812, to William Dean, of Taunton, Mass.; born August 13, 1787 ; died in Taunton, Mass., September 24, 1826. Their children were : I. — Luceetia Duefee Dean, born June 6, 1813 ; died September 4, 1885 ; unmarried. II. — Nathan Duefee Dean, born October 27, 1814. III. — Eliza Dean, born September 7, 1816. IV. — William Beadfoed Dean, born August 3, 1818 ; died June 3, 1867; unmarried. V. — Loved Tibdalb Dean, born September 6, 1820 ; died October 13, 1894 ; married in 1856 to Ketueah Wil liamson. VI. — Abbt Duefee Dean, born May 3, 1822 ; died April 3, 1895 ; married May 31, 1842, to Lemuel T. Staeket. II. — Dean, Nathan Duefee, bom in Fall River, Mass., 510 WAEEEN. October 27, 1814 ; died in Fall River, Mass., September 4, 1853 ; married August 16, 1843, to Eliza Wilson (Due- fee) Bennett, widow of Benjamin Bennett ; daughter of George W. and Mary (Cushman) Durfee ; born in Belpre, Washington Co., Ohio, June 4, 1819 ; died in Fall River, Mass., June 27, 1885. Their children were : VII.— 1st. Benjamin B. Dean, born December 6, 1844 ; died February 21, 1845. VIII. — 2d. William Nathan Tisdale Dean, born July 18, 1846. IX. — 3d. Chaeles L. Dean, born August 29, 1848. III. — Dean, Eliza, born in Fall River, Mass., Septem ber 7, 1816 ; died December 1, 1888 ; married August 17, 1843, to William H. Nichols ; son of WilHam and Anna (Dean) Nichols. VIII. — Dean, William Nathan Tisdale, Rev., born July 18, 1846; married in Randolph, Mass., August 1, 1876, to Claea F. Copeland, of Holden, Maine ; daughter of Joseph B. and Clarissa ( ) Copeland ; born in Holden, Maine, June 26, 1850. They were Hving in Whately, Mass., in 1901. Their children were : 1st. — Nathan J. Dean, born May 11, 1877 ; died May 12, 1877. 2d. — Eveline L. Dean, born September 24, 1878. 3d.— Eliza W. Dean, bom December 20, 1882. WARREN. 331. — Durfee, Lucretia (Nathan 4th, Thomas 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Nathan and Ruth (Borden) Durfee ; born in Fall River, Mass., in 1794 ; died in FaU River, Mass., June 26, 1840 ; married in FaU River, Mass., February 28, 1814, to Minton War ren, of Tiverton, R. I.; son of Gamaliel and Ruth (Jencks) WAEEEN. 511 Warren ; born in Tiverton, R. I., September 6, 1787 ; died in Fall River, Mass., January 1, 1840. Their children were : I. — Charles Durfee Warren, born February 8, 1815. II. — James H. Warren, born November 9, 1817. III. — Theodore Warren, born May 23, 181 9. IV. — Samuel S. Warren, born March 26, 1821. V. — Loring D.D. Warren, born August 30, 1822. The following history and record of the descendants of Minton and Lucretia (Durfee) Warren, was gleaned from a little booklet published by their son Theodore, and from letters received from him. Mr. Minton Warren was a lineal descendant of Richard Warren, who came to America in the " Mayflower." General James Warren, of the Revolution, was a de scendant also of Richard Warren, through his son Nath aniel. Elizabeth Warren, one of the daughters of Richard married Richard Church, and became the mother of Cap tain Benjamin Church, " the hero of King PhiHp's War." The family of Gamaliel Warren, the father of Minton, were renowned architects and builders; many noted edifices were planned and built by them. Minton ac companied his brother Russell, who was considered " one of the principal builders in New England." He was ac counted an excellent workman, and went with his brother to the South many seasons, but on account of his health was not able to work at his trade in later years, his last employment being in the woolen mill of " J. and J. Eddy, in Fall River, Mass., where he took charge of their repairs." The following was copied from the Fall River " News," of March 24, 1897, being a portion of the historical and military history of Fall River, Mass., and its vicinity pre vious to 1824, prepared by S. Angier Chase : " The echo of the King Philip war had hardly died away before the country was involved in troubles of a different sort. It had been expected that the English government would do something to repair the heavy losses the colonies had sustained. But instead of sending re lief a royal embassy arrived to collect duties and abridge colonial liberties. 512 WAEEEN. "Benjamin Church is compared in history with Andrew Jackson for his genius and skill in conducting this Indian war. And, while he was feared in war as a terrible and triumphant enemy, he was finaUy much respected and be loved by the Indians themselves. He was born in Dux- bury in 1630. After King Philip's war he settled in Bris tol, which then with Warren, Tiverton and Little Comp ton was in the Plymouth colony. He soon removed to Tiverton, and was the purchaser of 26|^ of the 30 shares of the water power of the Pocasset purchase. * • * Here he erected a saw mill, a grist mill and a fulling mill. * * * Here he lived until about 1714, when he sold his interests to Richard Borden, of Tiverton, and •Joseph Borden, of Freetown, and removed to Little Comp ton, where he died and was buried. On his gravestone was placed the following inscription : " Here lies interred the body of the Hon. Col. Benjamin Church, Esq., who departed this life January 17, 1717. High in esteem among the great he stood, His wisdom made him lovely, great and good ; Though he be said to die, he will survive, Through future time his memory shall live." I. — Warren, Charles Durfee, bom in Fall River, Mass., February 8, 1815 ; died in Greenwood Valley, Col., December 26, 1850; unmarried. II. — Warren, James H., born in Fall River, Mass., November 9, 1817 ; died in French Corral, Nevada Co., Col., December 30,1866; married in Cranston, R. I., October 1, 1846, to Ltdia Arnold, of Cranston, R. I. They had no children. III. — Warren, Theodore, born in Fall River, Mass., May 23, 1819 ; died in Warren, R. I., November 9, 1901 ; married in Warren, R. I., June 26, 1843, to LomsA Davol, of Warren, R. I., daughter of Stephen and Mary (Bowen) Davol ; born in Warren, R. I., December 1, 1819. Liv ing in Warren, R. I., in 1901. Their children were : VI. — 1st. Eliza Davol Warren, born September 12, 1844 ; died that day. VII. — 2d. Stephen Minton Warrbn, born January 8, 1846 ; died July 23, 1846. THEODORE WARREN. BORN 1S19; DIED 1901. WAEEEN. 513 VIII. — 3d. Louisa Elizabeth Warren, born June 27, 1853 ; died December 12, 1853. IX. — 4th. Theodore James Warren, born December 3, 1858 ; died July 10, 1859. Mr. Warren was identified for many years with various transportation companies of New England, both land and water. He was the first purser of the " Old Bay State Co.," " Fall River Line," and was on such steamboats as the " Bay State," " Empire State," " MetropoHs," " New port," " Old Colony," and " State of Maine." The " Railroad Age " gives the following sketch of him : " He was Supt. of the Newport and Wickford R.R. and Steamboat Line, with his office in Newport, R. I. He entered transportation service March 26, 1863, as Purser of the ' Fall River Line,' and continued with that company until 1870. From 1870 to 1871 he was General Passenger Agent for the Stonington Line in connection with the Newport and Wickford R.R. and Steamboat Co., with his office in New York City." Mrs. Warren, on her father's side, is a direct descendant of Richard Warren of the " Mayflower," and on her mother's side, a lineal descendant of Roger Williams, the founder of Rhode Island and the " Father of Soul Lib erty;" her father was a member of the Baptist Church of Warren, R. I., and its deacon for forty years. IV. — Warren, Samuel S., born in Fall River, Mass., March 26, 1821. Living in Pawtucket, R. I., in January, 1902 ; married in Wareham, Mass., October 27, 1845, to Ann Elizabeth Caswell, of Taunton, Mass., daughter of Samuel and Nancy (Leonard) Caswell ; born in Taunton, Mass., December 6, 1826 ; died in Pawtucket, R. I., Feb ruary 15, 1894. Their children were : X. — 1st. Minton Warren, born January 29, 1850. XI. — 2d. Annie Louise Warren, born April 23, 1853. XIL — 3d. Emma Loring Warren, born April 28, 1857. V. — ^ Warren, Loring, D. D., born in Fall River, Mass., August 30, 1822 ; died in Germantown, Pa., November, 28, 1847 ; unmarried. 514 waeeen. X. — Warren, Minton, born in Providence, R. I., Janu ary 29, 1860. Living in Cambridge, Mass., in February, 1901 ; married in Salem, Mass., December 29, 1885, to Salome Amelia Machado, of Salem, Mass., daughter of Juan F. and Elizabeth (Jones) Machado ; born in Cuba, December 21, 1861. Living in Cambridge, Mass., in February, 1901. Their children were : XIII. — 1st. Minton Machado Warren, born August 7, 1888. XIV. — 2d. Franoeboa Machado Warren, born AprU 3, 1891. Mr. Warren is a Ph. D., and Professor of Latin in Har vard University of Cambridge, Mass. Acted as Director of the American School of Chemical Studies in Rome for the years 1896 and '97. He graduated from Tuft's Col lege in 1870, studied in Tale in 1871-1872, and in Ger many from 1876 to 1879, taking the degree of Ph. D. at Strasburg in 1879 ; from 1879 to 1899, he was connected with the Johns Hopkins University of Baltimore, Md., since which time he has been Professor of Latin at Har vard University. Mr. Warren's father served three months as a soldier in 1861, in the 10th R. I. Inf. Vols. XI. — Warren, Annie Louise, born in Providence, R. I., AprU 23, 1863 ; died in Pawtucket, R. L, June 6, 1883 ; married in Pawtucket, R. I., October 14, 1875, to Charles W. Geer, of Norwich, Conn. They had no children. XII. — Warren, Emma Loring, daughter of Samuel S. and Ann Elizabeth (Caswell) Warren ; born in Providence, R. I., April 28, 1857 ; married in Pawtucket, R. I., July 28, 1887, to William Horton Hodges, of Pawtucket, R. I., son of William and Harriet (Horton) Hodges ; born in Pawtucket, R. I., April 14, 1852. They were living in Lynn, Mass., in 1901. Their only child, Theodore Wab- ren Hodges, was born February 18, 1890. duefee. 515 DURFEE. 332. Durfee, Joseph. (Nathan 4th, Thomas 3d, Benja min 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Nathan and Ruth (Borden) Durfee; born in FaU River, Mass., October 30, 1800; died in Fall River, Mass., October 3, 1847 ; married in Fall River, Mass., December 28, 1826, to Sylvia Boeden, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of Capt. George and Phebe (Borden) Borden ; born in Fall River, Mass., October 30, 1803 ; died in FaU River, Mass., December 13, 1842. Their children were : 741.— 1st. Elizabeth V., born December 15, 1827. 742.— 2d. William B„ born October 13, 1831. 743.— 3d. Phebe B., died young. Mr. Durfee married a second time, in Fall River, Mass., November 23, 1843, to Minebta Chace, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of Samuel and Eunice (Hathaway) Chace; born in Fall River, Mass., December 26, 1822 ; died in FaU River, Mass., August 31, 1853. They had one child. 744. — 1st. Sylvia Borden, born in September, 1844. Mrs. Durfee married a second time, in Fall River, Mass., May 5, 1849, to John S. Holmes, a lawyer, who resided in Boston, Mass. The following is copied from an article written by Mr. S. Angier Chace, and published in the Fall River " Even ing News," March 24, 1897. Mr. Chace had been writ ing about the military company of Fall River in 1824, and then mentioned the celebration of the 4th of July, 1824 : " On the 4th of July, 1824, Miss Sylvia Borden pre sented a banner to this company, which had been made and prepared by the ladies of the village for that purpose. Miss Sylvia Borden was the second sister of Holder Bor den, one of the few ever to be remembered and honored men who laid the foundation and started the enterprises of this now stirring and thriving city. * * * " Miss Sylvia Borden became in 1826 Mrs. Joseph Dur- 516 duefee. fee. The only child of this marriage now living is Mrs. William Carr. " Mrs. Carr found during the past year among the care fully preserved efl"ects of her mother, who died in 1840, a paper which, upon examination, proved to be the ad dress in her own handwriting and bearing her signature which she had made at the presentation of the banner named. " In 1823 there were in Troy three companies, the Troy Light Infantry, Captain Leonard Garfield, attached to the 5th regiment, second brigade, 5th division, the captain of which (Garfield) was commissioned August 11, 1823, and the company disbanded May 30, 1831. Captain Hath away was commissioned captain of the Troy company November 22, 1823, which company was attached to the same regiment, brigade, and division, with that of Cap tain Garfield. There was also the ' Troy Rifles ' in the same regiment, brigade, and division. The first captain was Philip R. Bennett, who was made colonel in 1830, and succeeded by Stephen Davol as captain of the com pany. " The uniform of the Light Infantry company was white trousers and blue coats, with a white feather tipped with red, rising uprightly from the top of a tin plate ornamented on the front with a gilded spread eagle, and attached to the beaver hat of the soldier. The musicians wore red coats and red feathers. It was to this company Miss Sylvia Borden presented the banner on the 4th of July, 1824, standing on the steps of the mansion house, the residence of her mother and her stepfather, Major Dur fee. " The company was marched to and halted in front of the house and right-faced to the door. The young lady, then about 20 years of age, one of the most brilliant and beloved of the village, dressed entirely in white, with sparkling eyes and radiant face, stepped out of the door of the house with the flag in her hand and presented to Captain Garfield the standard, in the following appro priate address, the spirit and words of which would be an honor to any young lady to-day : duefee. 517 " Gentlemen : This is the anniversary of American freedom. On this day an altar was erected to Liberty, and the blessings of Heaven hallowed the offering. May the principles which produced our Independence long exist to defend it. " Then turning to Capt. Garfield, she continued : " Sir : The ladies of this village have the honor to pre sent through you this standard to the Fall River Light Infantry. Accept it, sir, as a pledge of their esteem, both for your virtues and your valor, happy if they can give one motive to the brave, or add one spark to the glow of patriotic ardor which this day enkindles. " Should our country ever again be invaded and you called upon to unfurl this banner in defense of her liber ties, we are confident you will preserve it untarnished and pure ; you will yield it to no other than the hand of Time, to which alone it can be gracefully surrendered. " The Temples of your God, the tombs of your fathers, and the firesides of your families ; your virtues as citi zens and your courage as soldiers will gallantly defend. " But may the courage on which we so confidently rely glow only in your bosoms. May the sound of war and the clash of arms never call it into action ; and the peace and liberty of our country, like the smooth surface of the ocean, appear still more sublime when we know her great ness in the tempest." Sylvia Boeden. Troy (Fall River). * * * " The only names of the members of Captain Garfield's company at the time of the presentation that we have been able to find upon record, other than Captain Garfield, are Job B. French, Matthew C. Durfee, Benja min Earl, Gardner D. Cook, Isaac Borden, Thomas D. Chaloner, Samuel Chace, George W. Gifford, Philip R. Bennett." * * * "We have traced the loved presenter back to the' May flower,' which is all that appears to us desirable." * * * " Richard Warren, of London, England, with two sons, came over in the ' Mayflower,' and landed at Plymouth, in 518 duefee. 1620. * * * His name is carved upon the monument at Plymouth. * * * He was the father of seven chil dren, all born in England. His wife and five daughters came in the ship ' Ann,' the second ship after the ' May flower,' and landed at Plymouth, in 1623. Land was set off to Richard Warren in Plymouth during that year and the good man then said, ' Please God, my five girls com ing hither soon as I have a roof to shelter them shall be come the mothers of soldiers and statesmen.' " " Standish also says of him : 'A genial, honest gentle man of London, who has thrown his entire patrimony as well as his earnest soul into this enterprise.' "His daughter, Elizabeth Warren, married Richard Church in 1636, a prominent man among the Pilgrims at Plymouth. "Their eldest son was Benjamin Church, the hero of King Philip's war. * * * Their second son was named Joseph. The genealogy is as follows: "Richard Warren, of the ' Mayflower,' in 1620. His daughter, Elizabeth Warren, married Richard Church in 1635. Their son, Joseph Church, married Mary Tucker, in 1665. Their daughter, Mary Church, married John Wood in 1688. Their daughter, Mary Wood, married Thomas Bailey in 1712. Their son, Thomas Bailey, Jr., married Mary Bennett in 1734. Their daughter, Phebe Bailey, married Isaac Hathaway in 1752. Their daughter, Mary Hathaway, married Thomas Borden in 1776. Their daughter, Phebe Borden, married Capt. George Borden in 1797. Their daughter, Sylvia Borden, born in 1803, presented the banner to the Troy Light Infantry Com pany in the village of Fall River, on the 4th of July, 1824." Joseph Durfee, who married Sylvia Borden, was a car penter and shipwright, engaged in the erection of the Mas- sasoit mill. On the committee to build the Central Church ; also interested in building the Wamasetta mills. Was at one time clerk for the Steamboat Co. 334. Durfee, Nathan (James 4th, Thomas 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of James and SaUy (Walker) Durfee ; born September 19, 1791 ; died March 22, 1872 ; married June 2, 1816, to Hattie Delanet, of New Bedford, Mass. duepee. 519 Their children were : 745.— 1st. Lucy, born AprU 17, 1817 ; died April 20, 1821. 746.— 2d. Harriet Harrison, born May 25, 1818. 747.— 3d. James, bom July 30, 1820 ; died May 14, 1822. 748.— 4th. Lucy, born February 13, 1822 ; died Sep tember 23, 1822. 749.— 5th. Lucy, born AprU 28, 1824. Mr. Durfee resided in New Bedford, Mass., and after wards lived in Rochester, Mass. He was a blacksmith and farmer. 336. Durfee, Thomas (James 4th, Thomas 3d, Benja min 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of James and Sally (Walker) Durfee ; born February 21, 1795 ; married December 14, 1818, to Elizabeth Maxfield, of Dartmouth, Mass.; born June 10, 1790 ; died in Fall River, Mass., October 18, 1829. Their children were (born in Fall River, Mass.) : 750.— 1st. Abby Elizabeth, born June 25, 1822. 751.— 2d. Judith Maxfield, born May 22, 1824 ; died in New Bedford, Mass., November 28, 1899. 752.— 3d. Elizabeth, born May 7, 1826 ; died June 30, 1829. 753.— 4th. Elizabeth, born October 10, 1829. Mr. Durfee married a second time. May 22, 1830, to Delight Sherman, of Dartmouth, Mass.; born June 1, 1796 ; died in New Bedford, Mass., in 1878. Their children were : 754.— 1st. Zoheth Sherman, bom April 22, 1831 ; died June 8, 1880. 755.— 2d. Child, died day bom. 756.— 3d. Child, died 11 days after birth. 757. — 4th. Thomas James, born in New Bedford, Mass., October 1, 1837 ; died August 4, 1855. Thomas Durfee was a blacksmith. He removed from FaU River to New Bedford, Mass., in the year 1831. All of his children born previous to that year were born in Fall River. Mr. and Mrs. Durfee were members of the Free Will Baptist Church. His daughter, Judith M. 520 DUEFEE. Durfee, did not marry. Previous to her death she re sided at No. 78 Walden street. New Bedford, Mass. The following sketch of his son, Zoheth Sherman Durfee, was copied from volume 2 of Appleton's Cyclo paedia of American Biography : " He was a manufacturer; born in Fall River, Mass., AprU 22, 1831; died in Providence, R. I., June 8, 1880. " He was graduated at the New Bedford High School and finished at the Friends Academy in that city. On the completion of his studies he learned the blacksmith trade, after which he was associated with his father and uncle in the same business. " In 1858 he was requested by a number of New Bed ford capitalists to report on a new process for the making of steel direct from pig-iron, invented by Joseph Dixon. " This led to a careful study of the entire subject of the manufacture of steel, and especially of the Bessemer process, then recently invented in England. " He discovered that a patent substantially the same as Henry Bessemer's, but claiming priority over it, had been granted in the United States to William Kelley. After satisfying himself of the validity of this patent, he ob tained control of it and visited England for the purpose of buying Bessemer's rights in the United States, but failed. " Meanwhile he accumulated much information rela tive to the practical details of the manufacture of steel, and became convinced that the invention of Robert Mushet was an essential feature on both processes. " On his return to the United States he organized a company of prominent iron makers for protecting and in troducing into practical use the Kelley patent. " In 1863 he again visited England, secured the con trol of the Mushet patent for the United States, and sub sequently experimental steel works were erected by the Kelley process company in Wyandotte, Mich., where the ingots from which the first steel rails ever made in the United States were produced. During the following year Mr. Durfee, after a course of experiments, indicated the desirability of melting the charge in the cupola instead of DUEFEE. 521 in the reverberatory furnace. That feature prevails ex clusively to-day, and demonstrates the correctness of Mr. Durfee's views. " In 1866 the conflicting interests of the rival paten tees were united in the Pneumatic Steel Association, of which he became secretary and treasurer, holding that office till his death. " Later he was called to superintend the steel works at Troy, N. Y., but relinquished that appointment in 1868 and returned to New York, henceforth devoting his ex clusive attention to the steel association, whose business he managed until a short time before his death. " He patented various improvements in machinery for the manufacture of iron and steel, and made the first movement, and probably did more than any other single person toward introducing cheapened steel in the United States." Will of Delight Durfee (wife of Thomas Durfee). Probate Records of Taunton, Mass., book 187, page 443, dated New Bedford, Mass., September 12, 1877, proven August 2, 1878. "Item. — Desires to provide for son Zoheth S. Dxirfee if he should survive her. After his death remaining pi'op- erty to be divided as follows : "To Judith M. Durfee $300.00 To Abby Sherman $150.00 Sophia R. Sheppard $150.00 James L. Sherman $150.00 Willia7n B. Sherman $200.00. "Ite7n. — Gives Real Estate, land and store building on William St. Nevj Bedford to Wm. B. Sherman in trust for support of her husband Thomas Durfee, and if not so used to pay the income to Sophia R. Sheppard while she is single but upon her death or 'marriage to sell and divide as follows : "To Judith M. Z)Mj/ee $1500.00 To Abby W. Sherman $1000.00. "To James L. Sherman $500.00, To James Sherman son of James L. $25.00. "To Abby D. Sherman daughter of James L. $25.00. "To William B. Sherman $500.00. 522 BOEDEN. "To the following nephews and nieces $50.00 each Prince Sher7nan, Delight Haskins, Maria Howland, Grace Collins, Almira Atkins, David Sherma7i, Anna Holmes. "Balance to Judith M. Durfee, a7id Abby Sherman. William B. She7'man, a,ppointed Executor." BORDEN. 337. Durfee, Abby Walker (James 4th, Thomas 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of James and Sally (Walker) Durfee ; born in New Bedford, Mass., March 22, 1798 ; died in Fall River, Mass., November 14, 1884 ; married in Fall River, Mass., February 22, 1828, to Col. Richard Borden, of Fall River, Mass., son of Thomas and Mary (Hathaway) Borden; born in Fall River, Mass., April 12, 1795 ; died in FaU River, Mass., February 25, 1874. Their children were : I. — Caroline Borden, born September 20, 1829. II. — Thomas James Borden, born March 1, 1832. III. — Richard Baxter Borden, born February 21, 1834. IV. — Edward Patson Borden, born February 12, 1836. V. — William Henrt Harrison Borden, born Septem- bed 30, 1840. VI. — Matthew Chaloner D. Borden, born July 18, 1842. VII. — Sarah Walker Borden, born May 13, 1844. Col. Richard Borden and his wife were active members of the Congregational Church, both uniting with the church before their marriage. Mrs. Borden became a member in 1816, and Mr. Borden in 1826; a large part of their family record was copied from " The Walker Memorial" of 1861. Col. Borden's " occupation until 1814, was farming and BOEDEN. 523 lumbering ; upon the death of an elder brother he took charge of the saw and grist mill of his father, and soon commenced trading in grain and flour." About 1818, he, with the late Bradford Durfee, buUt the sloop "Golden Age," the timber having been cut and drawn from the forest by themselves. In 1821, they bought the land which is now the site of the Iron Works extending from the Fall River Cotton Mill to the Taunton river ; the same year a company was organized, of which Mr. Durfee was chosen agent, and Mr. Borden an assistant, and in 1829 Mr. Borden was elected agent, clerk and treasurer of the Iron Works, which place he still occupied in 1861 (when above record was written). He was agent of the Annawan Manufacturing Company, also of the Metacomet Company ; also the originator of the Bay State Steamboat enterprise (a line of steamers between Fall River and New York City). Agent of the building of the boats, and from the first has been presi dent of the company. "As to military distinction, he was chosen Ensign in 1814, and successively Lieutenant and Captain of a Mili tia Company ; the Captain of a Light Infantry Company ; Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel. He has been Constable, Assessor, Selectman, Representative and State Senator." " In 1826 he united with the Congregational Church ; soon became interested in the Sunday-school, and for a series of years sustained a Sunday-school Mission, seven miles from Fall River, engaging also in the Sunday-school at home." " Having accumulated large wealth, not exceeded by any in Fall River, and maintaining with all a character marked for probity and Christian excellence. No man in Fall River has more influence or is more relied upon for sound judgment and sagacity in financial and religious enterprises than he " (the above was written in 1861). II. — Borden, Thomas James (Richard 7th, Thomas 6th, Richard 5th, Thomas 4th, Richard 3d, John 2d, Richard 1st). Born in Fall River, Mass., March 1, 1832 ; married in FaU River, Mass., February 20, 1855, to Mart E. Hill, 524 BOEDEN. daughter of Ebenezer A. and Ruth H. (Slade) Hill ; born in Slatersville, R. I. They were living in FaU River, Mass., iu 1901. Their children were : VIIL — 1st. Harriet Minerva Borden, bom June 5, 1856 ; married to Rufus Waterman Bassett, September 13,1882. Their chUdren were : 1st. — Thomas Borden Bassett, born August 24, 1883. 2d. — Frederick Waterman Bassett, born April 23, 1885. 3d. — Margaret Bassett, born January 26, 1888. 4th. — Charles French Bassett, born April 5, 1891 ; died December 26, 1891. 6th. — Constance Bassett, born January 19, 1896. IX. — 2d. Anna Howland Borden, born March 20, 1868. X. — 3d. Richard Boeden, born January 16,1860 ; died August 25, 1861. Xl. — 4th. Caroline L. Borden, bom September 17, 1864. Mr. Borden was a manufacturer and agent of the Troy Cotton and Woolen Manufacturing Co., of Fall River, Mass. (See extended sketch of his active and useful life in Borden Genealogy.) III. — Boeden, Richaed Baxtee (Richard 7th, Thomas 6th, Richard 5th, Thomas 4th, Richard 3d, John 2d, Richard 1st). Born in Fall River, Mass., February 21, 1834; married in Boston, Mass., October 15, 1863, to Ellen F. Plummee, of Boston, Mass., daughter of Avery and Elizabeth H. (Hodgdon) Plummer ; born in Boston, Mass. They were living in Fall River, Mass., in 1901. Their children were : XII. — 1st. Richaed P. Borden, born April 6, 1865. XIII. — 2d. Charles N. Borden, born December 17, 1867. XIV. — 3d. Lillie M. Borden. XV. — 4th. Nellie I. Borden. Mr. Borden was a manufacturer and superintendent of three cotton mills in Fall River, Mass. IV. — Borden, Edward Patson (Richard 7th, Thomas 6th, Richard 5th, Thomas 4th, Richard 3d, John 2d, BOEDEN. 525 Richard 1st). Born in Fall River, Mass., February 12, 1836. Living in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1901 ; married in FaU River, Mass., September 29, 1863, to Margaret Lind sey Durfee, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of Rev. Thomas R. and Ann (Glenday) Durfee ; born in St. Charles, Mo., January 27, 1834 ; died in Philadelphia, Pa., October 29, 1877. Their only child was E. Shielet Boeden. Mr. Edward P. Borden was at one time a bookkeeper, employed by the American Print Works of Fall River, Mass., and a merchant. V. — Boeden, Capt. William Henet Harrison, mariner (Richard 7th, Thomas 6th, Richard 5th, Thomas 4th, Richard 3d, John 2d, Richard 1st). Born in Fall River, Mass., September 13, 1840 ; died in Mentone, France, January 3, 1872 ; married in Augusta, Me., September 25, 1867, to FiNNT I. Bosworth, of Augusta, Me., daughter of Richard T. and Sarah A. (Hill) Bosworth. They had one child, Mart Ingraham Borden, bom in January, 1871 ; died July 7, 1871. MrJ'Borden married a second time to Loring. " From early boyhood Mr. Borden manifested a great interest in everything relating to navigation, especially steam navigation. He made several voyages to Europe for the purpose of perfecting himself in this branch. " During the Rebellion (war 1861-1865) he was in com mand of the steamers ' Canonicus ' and ' State of Maine,' transporting troops on the Potomac and James rivers, on headquarters boat at Port Royal, and conveying wounded soldiers from City Point to Point Lookout and Washing ton. "After the close of the war, he commanded the ' State of Maine,' on the Stonington Line, and the ' Canonicus,' running between Fall River and Providence, and as an excursion boat on Narragansett Bay." V. — Boeden, Matthew Chalonee D. (Richard 7th, Thomas, 6th, Richard 5th, Thomas 4th, Richard 3d, John 2d, Richard 1st). Born in FaU River, Mass., July 18, 1842. Living at 25 West Fifty-sixth st., New York City, in 1899. Married in Fall River, Mass., September 5, 1865, to Hattie M. Durfee, of Fail River, Mass., daugh- 526 BOEDEN. ter of Dr. Nathan and Delane (Borden) Durfee ; born in FaU River, Mass., July 20, 1838 ; died at 25 West Fifty- sixth St., New York City, February 17, 1902. Their children were : XVIL — 1st. William Owen Boeden, born February 12, 1867 ; died March 4, 1868. XVIIL — 2d. Beeteam H. Boeden, born October 3, 1868. XIX. — 3d. Haeet E. Boeden, born December 19, 1870 ; died January 1, 1872. XX. — 4th. Matthew S. Boeden. XXI. — 5th. Howard Sbtmour Borden. XXIL — Oth. Owen Ives Borden, born in 1881 ; died June 2, 1899. Mr. Borden entered Yale College in September, 1860. He is a merchant. VII. — Boeden, Sarah Walkee (Richard 7th, Thomas Oth, Richard 5th, Thomas 4th, Richard 3d, John 2d, Richard 1st). Born in FaU River, Mass., May 13, 1844 ; married in Fall River, Mass., May 19, 1869, to Alphonso S. CovEL, of Fall River, Mass., son of Benjamin and Angeline (Baker) Covel ; born in Berkley, Mass., Novem ber 22, 1842. Living in Boston, Mass., in 1901. Their children were : 1st. — Richard Boeden Covel, born September 11, 1870 ; died May 20, 1879. 2d. — Abbie Walkee Covel, born February 9, 1873. 3d. — Boeden Covel, born September 19, 1879. 4th. — Geeteude Elliott Covel, born November 29, 1880. 5th. — Floeence Covel, born August 16, 1882. 6th. — Helen Covel, born October 16, 1883. 338. Durfee, Sally (James 4th, Thomas 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of James and Sally (Walker) Durfee ; born in New Bedford, Mass., June 14, 1801 ; died December 3d, 1832 ; married in Dartmouth, Mass., May 6, 1822, to Samuel P. Wood, of New Bedford, Mass. Their children were : DUEFEE. 527 1st.— Maet Hill Wood, born April 14, 1823 ; died December 5, 1843; married Nathan Beightman. 2d. — Sallt Wood, born November 6, 1826; died June 19, 1827. 3d. — Samuel Wood, born October 2, 1826 ; died July 7, 1843. 4th.— James Wood, born August 10, 1828. DURFEE. 339. Durfee, James (James 4th, Thomas 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of James and Sally (Walker) Durfee ; born in New Bedford, Mass., August 3, 1803 ; died in New Bedford, Mass., May 25, 1889 ; married in New Bedford, Mass., June 3, 1824, to Maet Allen; born in 1798; died in New Bedford, Mass., October 4, 1842. Their children were : 758.— 1st. Susan, born December 27, 1827. 759.— 2d. Francis Allen, born AprU 17, 1829. Lost at sea. 760.— 3d. Charles, born January 8, 1832. 761.— 4th. James, born May 22, 1834 ; died October 25, 1858. 762.— 5th. Horatio Nelson, bom February 5, 1837. 76S.— 6th. William Henry, born July 22,1840 ; died June 22, 1842. Mr. Durfee married a second time in New Bedford, Mass., March 23, 1843, to Julia Vinal, of Scituate, Mass., daughter of John ; born in 1822 ; died October 26, 1855. Their children were : 764.— 1st. Mary Walker, bom January 31, 1847; died unmarried, September 20, 1879. 765,— 2d. Ellen Wade, born AprU 16, 1849. Mr. Durfee married a third time, April 24, 1866, to Clarissa Chace Hendrickson ; bom in New Bedford, Mass., in 1814 ; died in New Bedford, Mass., July 27, 1883. They had no chUdren. Mr. Durfee was a blacksmith, and lived in New Bedford, 528 DUEFEE. Mass., all his life. He and his wives were members of the Free Will Baptist Church. 340. Durfee, Judith Russell (James 4th, Thomas 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of James and Sally (Walker) Durfee ; born in New Bedford, Mass., February 22, 1805 ; died September 27, 1832 ; married in New Bed ford, Mass., in March, 1829, to Jetheo Hillman, of New Bedford, Mass.; born in 1789; died in New Bedford, Mass., October 12, 1854. Their children were : 1st. — Saeah Duefee Hillman, born May 24, 1830. 2d. — Zaohaeiah Hillman, born May 18, 1832 ; died September 28, 1832. 1st. — Hillman, Saeah Duefee, married in New Bedford, Mass., December 4, 1854, to William Shocklet, of New Bedford, Mass.; born in 1817. They had one child, William Hillman Shockley, born September 18, 1855. 341. Durfee, William (James 4th, Thomas 3d, Benja min 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of James and SaUy (Walker) Durfee ; born in New Bedford, Mass., December 20, 1807 ; died in New Bedford, Mass., February 12, 1895 ; married in New Bedford, Mass., August 23, 1830, to Alice Shee man Talbott, of Dighton, Mass., daughter of Silas ; born in Dighton, Mass., October 11, 1802 ; died in New Bed ford, Mass., January 6, 1891. Their children were : 766. — 1st. William Franklin, born November 15, 1833. 767.— 2d. Elizabeth Alice, bom January 3, 1837 ; died February 28, 1896. 768. — 3d. Mary Judson, born January 15, 1840 ; died November 9, 1841. Mr. Durfee was a carpenter by trade, and a builder of wide reputation for ability and success in erecting buUd ings of large dimensions. He erected the steel furnace for Anderson and Woods, at Pittsburg, Pa., in 1868. His daughter, Elizabeth Alice Durfee, who resided at New Bedford, Mass., did not marry. She died in Provi dence, R. I., while on a visit, but was buried at New Bed ford. WHITING. 529 WHITING. 342. Durfee, Patience B, (Samuel 4th, Thomas 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Samuel and Hannah (Anthony) Durfee ; born in Newport, R. I., July 26, 1801 ; died in Providence, R. I., July 22, 1883 ; mar ried in Providence, R. I., August 22, 1827, to Joseph C. Whiting, of Providence, R. I., son of Nathaniel Palmer and Elizabeth (Cary) Whiting ; born in Providence, R. I., June 11, 1796 ; died in Providence, R. I., June 24, 1884. Their children were : 1st. — Emma Graves Whiting, bom in 1838 ; died Jan uary 18, 1846. 2d. — Joseph Cart Whiting, born August 2, 1840; mar ried in Providence, R. I., January 27, 1868, to Catheeine Lippett Cadt, of Providence, R. I., daughter of Shubael and Abby (Hanes) Cady; born in Providence, R. I., Oc tober 16, 1847. Living in Providence, R. I., in 1896. Their children were : 1st. — Florence Cadt Whiting, born December 16, 1869. 2d. — Frankldst Cart Whiting, born October 13, 1873. 3d. — Borden Durfee Whiting, born January 3, 1876 ; married in Hamilton, Canada, January 9, 1901, to Emilt Louise Clark, daughter of John Wesley and Emily (Myles) Clark. 4th. — Grace Lippett Whiting, born May 24, 1884. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Whiting, Sr., enjoyed a long and happy married life of 56 years, spent in the city of Providence, R. I. When the Civil War of 1861 came, their only son, Joseph Cary Whiting, enlisted as a private in the 10th Rhode Island Vol. Inf. Was promoted cor poral, and later became a 2d Lieut, in the 12th Rhode Island Inf. The following record of his military service was copied from printed records in the Library of the War Department, in Washington, D. C: " Whiting, Joseph C, Jr., 1st Lieut., Co. B., 14th Rhode 530 DUEFEE. Island H. Arty, (colored) renamed llth U. S. H. Art. (colored) ; residence, Providence, R. I., November 9, 1863. Commissioned and remustered to date September 14, 1863. The Regimental return for December, 1863, re ports him appointed Regimental Adjutant, by order, to rank from date of muster," " and borne on detached ser vice as Regimental Adjutant until AprU 23, 1864, when relieved from duty as Adjutant of Post and assumed duties of Regimental Adjutant October 26, 1864. Ordered on Military Commission and so borne until November 21, 1864. Mustered out of service October 2, 1865. " He was Private Secretary to Mayor Doyle, of Provi dence, R. I., from March to October, 1867. Was one of the two delegates from Rhode Island to the first Conven tion of Soldiers and Sailors at Pittsburg, Pa., in 1866, Delegate to two Conventions (Liberals) in Territory of Utah. DURFEE. 343. Durfee, Elisha A. (Samuel 4th, Thomas 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Samuel and Hannah (Anthony) Durfee ; born in Newport, R. I., October 17, 1802 ; died in Providence, R. I., February 16, 1865 ; married in New Bedford, Mass., October 9, 1850, to Sarah Law Allen, of Nantucket, Mass.; daughter of Thomas and Nancy S. (Marshall) Allen ; born in Nan- taucket, Mass., August 4, 1830 ; died in Providence, R. I., March 22, 1901. Their children were : 769.— 1st. Hannah A., born June 22, 1851; died November 22, 1886. 770.— 2d. Sarah A., born April 10, 1863 ; died March 22, 1855. 771.— 3d. Herbert R., born June 10, 1854. 772.— 4th. Frederick M., born April 12, 1856; died June 5, 1866. 773.— 5th. Walter Hill, born March 23, 1857. DUEFEE. 531 774.— 6th. Elisha P., born December 1, 1859. 775.— 7th. Mabel M., born January 26, 1864; died June 22, 1886. 344. Durfee, Samuel B. (Samuel 4th, Thomas 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Samuel and Hannah (Anthony) Durfee ; born in Newport, R. I., February 27, 1804; died in Providence, R. I., August 10, 1892; mar ried in Providence, R. I., December 27, 1831, to Marinda Mumford, of Eastford, Conn.; daughter of Jeremiah and Elizabeth ( ) Mumford ; born November 9, 1805 ; died July 28, 1877. Their children were : 776. — 1st. William Mumford, bom November 13, 1832. 777.— 2d. Elizabeth, born October 10, 1834; died October 19, 1836. 778.— 3d. Anthony B., born December 27, 1836; died August 5, 1837. 779.— 4th. Emma, born August 25, 1838 ; died Sep tember 6, 1838. 780.— 5th. Charles Samuel, born May 20, 1840. 781.— 6th. Anthony Borden, born June 22, 1846; did not marry. An inmate of Butler Hospital, Provi dence, R. I., in 1897. Mr. Samuel B. Durfee came to Providence, R. I., about 1816. His father locating on what was called Christian Hill ; the house was near the corner of what is now Westminster and Dean streets. In accordance with the idea that prevailed generally in the early part of the century that boys should learn a trade, after a limited education, Mr. Durfee was apprenticed to become a mason; in order to secure labor in a locality where brick was made and used largely, he worked a few years in Philadelphia and other large cities. Returning to Providence as a master in the business, he engaged in contracting for the erection of buildings, miUs, &c. The foUowing are some of the buildings erected by and under his supervision : He erected in 1828 the Atheneum Library building, and afterwards in the years that followed, the Fall River Iron Works Co. building, 532 DUEFEE. Exchange Bank building, Railroad Passenger Station on Exchange Place, "What Cheer" building, chimney of the Chemical Works, Atlantic De Laine Co. miUs, Charles Potter buUding, and his private residence on Waterman street (owned (in 1897) and occupied by Wm. B. Weeden, Esq.); also many if not all the mills owned by the late Crawford Allen, Esq. He was a member of the Common Council of the city of Providence from 1849 to 1851, and from 1868 to 1870. For eight years (1858 to 1866) he had charge of the High way Department of the city. In politics he was a Whig till the Republican party came into power, to which he remained loyal the rest of his life. He, with his wife, united with the Congregational Church in May, 1842, and was a member of the Union Church at his death. 346. Durfee, Frederick P. (Samuel 4th, Thomas 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Samuel and Hannah (Anthony) Durfee ; born in Newport, R. I., February 12, 1809 ; died in Providence, R. I., December 31, 1876 ; married in Providence, R. I., August 28, 1836, to Harriet Curtis; born in 1812; died in Providence, R. I., June 7, 1890. Their children were : 782.— 1st. John F. 783. — 2d. Anthony Freeborn, born in 1845. 784. — 3d. Earl Plummer, born in 1847 ; died Decem ber 3 , 1869, without issue. Mr* Frederick P. Durfee early in life learned the trade of a mason, and ever after remained as such — as a mas ter builder. The Merchant's Bank Building, and Weeden Block on Westminster st., and Harkness Block on Weybosset st., in Providence, R. I., remain to show his work. That noble structure, the Rhode Island Hospital was erected under his charge, and he became a donor thereto. In politics he was a Whig and Republican. His plain clothes evidenced to the world that his relig ious views were those of his mother's father, Elisha An thony, the Quaker merchant of Newport, R. I. GOULD. 533 GOULD. 347. Durfee, Mary A. (Samuel 4th, Thomas 3d, Ben jamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Samuel and Han nah (Anthony) Durfee ; born in Newport, R. I., Decem ber 26, 1811 ; died in Auburn, Worcester Co., Mass., June 27, 1897 ; married in Providence, R. I., December 4, 1834, to William Gould, of Providence, R. I., son of Ebenezer and Anna (Cook) Gould; born in East Douglass, Worcester Co., Mass., August 17, 1809 ; died in Auburn, Mass., May 3, 1887. Their children were : a. — 1st. Infant, born February 14, 1837 ; died that day. I.— 2d. William C. Gould, born December 22,1838; died January 27, 1839. II. — 3d. Hannah Annie Gould, born August 8, 1840. IIL— 4th. Mart J. Gould, born May 22, 1843 ; died August 5, 1845. IV. — 5th. William Edwin Gould, born May 22, 1845 ; died September 6, 1847. V. — 6th. Elisha A. Gould, born July 29, 1847. VI. — 7th. Emma J. Gould, born July 8, 1850. VII. — 8th. Henet Cook Gould, born June 17, 1S53. Mr. Gould was a merchant, and later a farmer. In his religious belief he was a Universalist. In politics he was a Democrat. For a number of years he was a merchant in Providence, R. I.; to improve his health, he engaged in farming, first at Willington, Tolland Co., Conn., for a few years; and later bought a large farm near Auburn, Mass. II. — Gould, Hannah Annie, born in Providence, R. I., August 8, 1840. Living in Rockville, Conn., March, 1901. Married in Auburn, Mass., December 27, 1865, to William H. Skinnee, of Rockville, Conn., son of Nelson and Fannie (Skinner) Skinner ; born in Vernon, Tolland Co., Conn., January 31, 1838 ; died in Rockville, Conn., August 28, 1892. 534 GOULD. Their children were : 1st. — Albeet Gould Skinnbe, born October 8, 1867 ; died November 20, 1869. 2d. — Waltee Henet Skinnee, born September 1, 1871 ; married at Crystal Lake, Conn., December 25, 1894, to Maetha C. Aboen, of Crystal Lake, Conn., daughter of Lucius A. and Caroline (Richardson) Aborn, They have one child, Lucile Anderson Skinner, born October 30, 1898. Mr. Skinner lives on the homestead place ; his mother lives with him. He is a salesman ; in politics, a Democrat ; attends the Congregational Church. 3d. — Feedeeick Dwight Skinnee, born October 21, 1872 ; married at Willington, Tolland Co., Conn., August 4, 1898, to Esthbe Jane Hinchliffe, of Vernon, Conn., daughter of George H. They have one child, Alden Gould Skinnee, born November 3, 1899. Mr. Skinner is in the employ of the Adams Express Co., at Rockville, Conn.; attends the Congregational Church, and in poHtics is a Democrat. 4th. — Infant Daughteb, born November 27, 1875; died November 30, 1875. Mr. William H. Skinner was one of Rockville's most prosperous merchants for over thirty years. He attended the Congregational Church, and was in politics a Demo crat. VI. — Gould, Emma J., born in Providence, R. I., July 8, 1860 ; married in Auburn, Mass., November 30, 1871, to Geoege H. Siblet, of Auburn, Mass., son of Stephen ; born in Auburn, Mass., August 17, 1844. They were living in Auburn, Worcester Co., Mass., in 1897. Their only child, Adblaide Siblet, was born November 24, 1874 ; died March 13, 1893. Mr. Sibley is a real estate and loan broker in Worcester, Mass. Mrs. Sibley is connected with the Congregational Church ; her mother, who was 86 years old, resided with her in 1897. VII.— Gould, Henet Cook, born in Providence, R. I., June 17, 1853 ; married in Auburn, Mass., AprU 26, 1894, to Emilt Staffoed, of Oxford, Mass., daughter of Hiram ; born in Oxford, Mass. They were living at No. 56 Pleasant st., Leicester, Mass. Mr. Gould is a carpenter. DUEFEE. 535 DURFEE. 348. Durfee, Walter, Chaloner (Samuel 4th, Thomas 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Samuel and Han nah (Anthony) Durfee ; born in Providence, R. I., Feb ruary, 24, 1816 ; died in Fall River, Mass., December 8, 1901 ; married in FaU River, Mass., March 23, 1841, to Jane F. Alden, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of Cyrus and Mary M. (Jones) Alden ; born in Roxbury, Mass., October 4, 1821. Living in FaU River, Mass., in 1902. Their children were : 785. — 1st. Frances Eudora,born December 28,1841 ; died January 14, 1844. 786.— 2d. Eliza Chaloner, born January 31, 1845. 787.— 3d. Walter Sherwood, born August 4,1847; died August 20, 1848. 788.— 4th. Mary Hannah, born January 17, 1849 ; died September 16, 1853. 789.— 5th. Caroline Clinton, born July 22, 1852. 790.— 6th. Jenny Farquai, born AprU 13, 1855 ; died in February, 1871. 791.— 7th. Winthrop Carver, born April 23, 1858. 792.— 8th. Annie Marvel, bom June 6, 1860. 793.— 9th. Harriet Alden, born April 4, 1863. 794.— 10th. Randall Nelson, born October 13, 1867. 795.— llth. Margaret Russell, bom November 3, 1871. The following is in part from an article in the Fall River " News," of December 9, 1901, announcing the death of Walter C. Durfee : " His education was very good, and he found his first business situation as assistant in Mr. Ainsworth's private commercial school. Later he entered the counting-house of Mr. Charles Potter, a Providence commission merchant by whose influence and connection with the Globe Print Works of FaU River he secured, at the age of 19, the po sition of book-keeper in that concern, and has since then 536 PUEFEE. resided continuously in this city. During the winter of 1836 he opened and conducted a private evening school. Four years later he became the manager of the Globe Print Works, having served as its book-keeper until that time with the exception of a few months in the office of the Fall River Iron Works. At the end of three years this connection was severed, owing to poor business con ditions. After a year of office work with N. B. Borden & Co., wholesale grocers, he entered into co-partnership with Daniel Brown, as wholesale dealers in provisions and ship's stores, which lasted until 1859. " In August, 1862, he became collector of internal reve nue for the First District of Mass., by appointment of President Lincoln, and held this office until 1866. From this time he was engaged in business pursuits until 1871, when he became treasurer of the Wampanoag mills, serv ing 21 years, and finally retiring from active life in 1892. He was a trustee of the Border City Mfg. Co. in '79 and '80. President and director of the Metacomet National Bank, president and trustee of the Fall River Five Cents Savings Bank, director of the Wampanoag Mills, and in the Fall River Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Co. " He was deeply interested in all that concerned the public welfare, and had a keen sense of the duty which every citizen owes to the community and country in which he Hves. In his early manhood he was appointed lieu tenant in a volunteer company, 10th Regiment Rhode Island militia, being on active duty in the Dorr rebeUion, and ordered to Newport to protect persons and property. " Twice he was representative to the Rhode Island legislature, and as such, chairman of the committee on convict petitions, and member of the committee which drafted the protest against the action of South Carolina in imprisoning negro sailors while in port. He served as alderman of Fall River four years ; as assessor in the years 1870-71, and was at one time fire ward. He was interested in all charities. * * * " In 1862 he received a commission as justice of the peace, from the first war governor of Massachusetts, John A. Andrew. He held this office continuously, and DUEPEE. 537 the commission in effect at his death was signed by the latest war Governor, Roger Wolcott. " His earliest religious associations, through his mother, were with the Friends, and he kept them ever in warm regard. But he was attracted, while still in his youth, to the Episcopal Church, and as a member of the parish of the Church of the Ascension his name may be found in the list of its active members from 1841, when he was elected a vestryman. For nearly 60 years he was dele gate to the Diocesan Convention. His term as superin tendent of the Sunday-school was extended. He was 45 years treasurer of the parish and senior warden during his last years, and at his death. " In personal intercourse he had a ready wit and a sunny humor which freshened the life of others and gave a charm to companionship. With the increase of years he clearly recognized the uncertainty of life, and its dura tion as necessarily brief. He fully recognized his human imperfectness, but he was conscious of integrity and com mitted himself to One whose grace and mercy had been his support for many years. His end was peace, and his memory is blessed." 350. Durfee, William (Richard 4th, Richard 3d, Ben jamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Capt. Richard and Patience (Borden) Durfee ; born in Tiverton, R. I., December 8, 1780 ; lost at sea December 24, 1811 ; married in Tiver ton, R. I., August 1, 1802, to Hannah Cook, of Tiverton, R. I., daughter of Paul and Hannah (Miller) Cook ; born in Tiverton, R. I., AprU 13, 1781 ; died in FaU River, Mass., December 12, 1866. Their children were : 796— 1st. William, bom February 27, 1811 ; died Oc tober 28, 1901 ; married. Mrs. Durfee married a second time in Bristol, R. I., June 16, 1814, to Samuel H. Webtgatb, of Fall River, Mass. 351. Durfee, Stephen (Richard 4th, Richard 3d, Ben jamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Capt. Richard and Patience (Borden) Durfee ; born in Tiverton, R. I., April 11, 1782 ; 538 BOEDEN. died at sea April 25, 1812 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., in April, 1802, to Mehitable Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I., daughter of Col. Joseph and EHzabeth (Turner) Durfee ; born in Tiverton, R. I., June 15, 1785 ; died in Fall River, Mass., September 4, 1857. Their children were : 797.— 1st. William Henry, born November 3, 1804. 798.— 2d. Leonard B., born September 8, 1806. 799.— 3d. Hannah C, born May 8, 1808. 800.— 4th. Philip, born July 9, 1810. Mrs. Durfee married a second time to Elisha C. Fuller, of Fall River, Mass.; born in Sutton, Worcester Co., Mass., July 17, 1792 ; died in Fall River, Mass., August 17, 1864. For record of children see descendants of (306) Mehitable Durfee. BORDEN. 352. Durfee, Sarah (Richard 4th, Richard 3d, Benja min 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Capt. Richard and Patience (Borden) Durfee; born in Tiverton, R. L, April 11, 1785 ; died in FaU River, Mass., AprU 15, 1862 ; mar ried in Fall River, Mass., February 12, 1804, to William Borden, of Fall River, Mass., sou of Thomas and Mary (Hathaway) Bordten ; born in Freetown, Mass., Decem ber 28, 1781 ; died in FaU River, Mass., November 12, 1814. Their children were : 1st. — Malinda B. Borden, born January 15, 1806. 2d. — Mart Ann Borden, born October 14, 1809 ; mar ried Capt. John Reed, son of Elijah A. and Delight (Brown) Reed. Mr. Borden was a miller. Mrs. Borden married a second time in FaU River, Mass., February 10, 1824, to Elijah A. Reed, the father of her two sons-in-law. I. — Borden, Melinda (William, Thomas). Daughter of BOEDEN. 539 WUHam and Sarah (Durfee) Borden ; born in Tiverton, R. I., January 15, 1805 ; died in Westfield, Mass., Decem ber 27, 1893 ; married in Seekonk, Mass., November 17, 1824, to Rev. Augustus B. Reed, of FaU River, Mass. (then Troy), who was a graduate of Brown University in 1824 ; son of Elijah A. and Delight (Brown) Reed ; born in Rehoboth, Mass., November 19, 1798 ; died in Ware, Mass., September 30, 1838. Their children were : I. — 1st. Theodora C. Reed, born July 23, 1825 ; died March 8, 1886 ; married December 6, 1855, as third wife of Eliab Williams, Esq. Their child, bom February 14, 1861, died in infancy. II. — 2d. Delight B. Reed, born June 4, 1828 ; died October 29, 1849. III. — 3d. William A. Reed, born AprU 8, 1830 ; died November 1, 1891 ; married Mart L. Beeckeneidge, Jan uary 30, 1866. She died in Ware, Mass., July 10, 1890. Their children were : 1st. — Maet Delight Reed, born January 17, 1857; died August 22, 1892. 2d. — Alice Sinclair Reed, born May 4, 1858 ; died June 3, 1862. 3d. — William Breceenridge Rbed, born November 6, 1861 ; died August 9, 1862. 4th. — Robert Brown Reed, born December 24, 1862 ; died August 30, 1863. 5th. — Luct Paige Reed, born February 9, 1864 ; died February 12, 1864. 6th. — Theodora Williams Reed, born April 10, 1866 ; graduated from Smith College ; married Jas. W. Drtsdale, June 27, 1892, and resides at Peace Dale, R. I. 7th. — Anne Breckenridge Reed, born May 13, 1867 ; died March 7, 1870. IV.— 4th. John R. Reed, born March 25, 1832. Liv ing at Westfield, Mass., in 1901 ; married at Ware, Mass., May 8, 1861, to Julia P. Breckenridge, who died Decem ber 14, 1874. Their children were : 1st. — RiOHARD Duefee Reed, born February 4, 1862 ; married September 16, 1891, to Ethel Mallort. Their child, Julia Bebokeneidge Reed, was born July 15, 1892. 540 DUEFEE. 2d.— Clara Melinda Reed, born May 21, 1865. Grad uated from Smith College. 3d. — William Breckenridge Reed, born March 3, 1869. 4th. — Elizabeth Borden Reed, born November 12, 1870 ; died September 23, 1887. Mr. Reed married a second time in Westfield, Mass., January 19, 1876, to Martha H. Dudman, of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Their children were : 1st. — Edith Huntington Reed, born May 21, 1878 ; graduate of Mt. Holyoke College. 2d. — Susan Martha Reed, born August 16, 1884. DURFEE, 364. Durfee, Benjamin (Richard 4th, Richard 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Capt. Richard and Patience (Borden) Durfee ; born in Tiverton, R. I., Janu ary 28, 1792 ; died in FaU River, Mass., August 21, 1857 ; married in Tiverton, R. I., to Phebe Borden, of Tiverton, R. I., daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Bowen) Bor den ; born in Tiverton, R. I., September l7, 1794 ; died in FaU River, Mass., September 3, 1861. Their children were : 801.— Ist. Stephen, born December 26, 1812. 802.— 2d. Eliza A., born January 27, 1815. 803.— 3d. William B., born January 29, 1817. 804. — 4th. Alanson, bom February 6, 1819. 805.— 6th. Jonathan B., born May 25, 1821. 806.— 6th. Richard, born October 12, 1823. 807.— 7th. Benjamin, born August 20, 1826. 808.— 8th. Ariadne, born June 19, 1828. 809.— Oth. Isaac B., born July 16, 1832. 810.— 10th. Ephraim Wanton, born October 31, 1835. DUEFEE. 541 WILL OF BENJAMIN DURFEE. The will of Mr. Durfee is recorded in Book 181, on page 584, of the Probate Records at Taunton, Mass., dated July 30, 1857, and proven October 6, 1857, of which the following is a brief extract : "Ite7n. — To wife Phebe Durfee, use of a portion of house on Danforth st. Fall River Mass., and fur7iitu7^e. "Item. — To son Benjamin Durfee, use of \ of dwell ing house on Danforth st., after death of wife. "Item. — To granddaughter Ella Maria Durfee, ^ of said house after decease of her father, Benjamin Durfee. "Item. — To son Ephraim Wanton Durfee, ^ of lot on Danforth st. "Item. — To Benjamin and Ephraim Wa7iton, Durfee, in equal shares, one undivided half of homestead farm and buildings and stock on said farm, in Genoa, Cayuga Co., N. jr., where he formerly lived. "Item. — To sons, Stephen Durfee $250.00, William Dur fee $200.00, Richard Durfee $250.00, Alanson Durfee $260.00, Jonathan Durfee $50.00. "Item. — To daughter Ariadne Borden, wife of Leander Borden, $250.00 and Cottage Bibles. "Item. — To son Ephraim Wanton Durfee, large Bible Desk bed c&c "Item. — To son Benjami7i Durfee, second sized Bible. "Benjamin a7id Ephi'aim Wanton Du7fee, a7id son-in- law Leander Borden, are appoi7ited executors. WILL OF PHEBE DURFEB, WIDOW OF BENJAMIN. Probate Records of Taunton, Mass., page 51, Book 183, dated July 31, 1861, proven October 1, 1861, as fol lows, in brief : Mentions her son, Benjamin Durfee, and her son, Stephen Durfee, and his wife Sarah ; gives Cottage Bibles, after death, to Stephen and his wife Sarah, to their daugh ter, Eliza Ann, and bedding to their daughter, Mary EUzabeth. "Item. — To sons William Durfee $200.00, Alanson Durfee $200.00, Jonathan Durfee $200.00, Richard Durfee shares of stock. 542 BOEDEN. "Item. — To Eliza, wife of Richard, willow basket. "Item. — To son Benjamin Durfee, shares of stock, and to his wife Betsey Carpet c&c "Item. — To daughter, Ariadne Borden, wife of Leander Borden, shares of stock. All her silver spoons to be divided a7nong her daughter's childre7i. "Item. — To g/'a7id-daughter, Julia Maria Durfee, daughter of deceased son Ephraim Wanton Durfee, $100. 00 and ca7pet c&c. "Her sons Benjamin and Richard Durfee are appointed Ex'rs. BORDEN. 355. Durfee, Lydia (Richard 4th, Richard 3d, Ben jamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughteriof Capt. Richard and Patience (Borden) Durfee ; born in Tiverton, R. I., Feb ruary 16, 1794 ; died in FaU River, Mass., June 20, 1834 ; married in Fall River, Mass., November 11, 1811, to Capt. Thomas Borden, of Fall River, Mass., son of Thomas and Mary (Hathaway) Borden ; born in Fall River, Mass., Feb ruary 6, 1786 ; died in FaU River, Mass., June 25, 1855. Their children were : I. — Stephen Borden, born July 8, 1812 ; died in 1812. II. — Andrew Boeden, born February 22, 1814. III. — Philip D. Borden, born May 11, 1816. IV. — Sarah D. Borden, born June 12, 1818. V. — Ltdia D. Borden, born February 12, 1827 ; mar ried in Fall River, Mass., January 11, 1845, to John N. Swan, son of Thomas and Sally ( ) Swan, and re moved from Fall River. They had several children. VI. — Thomas Borden, born June 19, 1834 ; died that year. Capt. Borden married a second time in FaU River, Mass., July 21, 1835, to Mrs. Lucy or Lusannah (Durfee) Borden, widow of his brother, Capt. Isaac H. Borden, and sister of his first wife Lydia ; born in Tiverton, R. I., March BOEDEN. 543 1, 1796 ; died in FaU River, Mass., January 22, 1867 (see record of family of Lucy (Durfee) Borden for their chil dren). II. — Borden, Andrew (Thomas 7th, Thomas 6th, Richard 5th, Thomas 4th, Richard 3d, John 2d, Richard 1st). Born in Fall River, Mass., February 22, 1814; died in Fall River, Mass., December 20, 1844 ; married in Fall River, Mass., October 22, 1835, to Eliza Dean; daughter of Ebenezer and Betsey (Chace) Dean ; died in FaU River, Mass., in 1900. Their children were : 1st. — Ann Eliza Boeden, born September 15, 1836. 2d. — Adelaide Boeden, born June 26, 1839 ; married in Fall River, Mass., February 29, 1861, to Stephen Paine ; son of John S. and Susan W. (Barker) Paine ; born in Plymouth, Mass. 3d. — Andeew Boeden, born in July, 1843 ; married November 25, 1867, to Ellen A. Bliss ; daughter of Hiram and Clarinda D. (Wilbur) Bliss. Mrs. Eliza (Dean) Borden married a second time to Hiram Bliss, of Fall River, Mass.; son of Cromwell and Nancy (Nichols) Bliss; born in Rehoboth, Mass.; died in Fall River, Mass. They had no children. III. — Borden, Philip D. (Thomas 7th, Thomas 6th, Richard 5th, Thomas 4th, Richard 3d, John 2d, Richard 1st) ; born in FaU River, Mass., May 11, 1816 ; died in Fall River, Mass., May 2, 1896 ; married in Fall River, Mass., October 1, 1838, to Sarah F. Bennett, of FaU River, Mass.; daughter of Samuel and Betsey (Wilcox) Bennett : born January 29, 1815 ; died in Fall River, Mass., August 3, 1858. Their children were : 1st.— Abbt Durfee L. Borden, born November 3, 1839 ; died May 24, 1840. 2d. — Abbt Duefee K. Borden, born May 7, 1841 ; died December 14, 1875 ; married in FaU River, Mass., Novem ber 29, 1865, to George H. Borden, of FaU River, Mass.; son of James and Louisa (Sherman) Borden. 3d. — William Borden, born August 15, 1843 ; died May 19, 1864. 544 BOEDEN. 4th. — Edward Borden, born April 18, 1847 ; died June 21, 1847. 5th. — Thomas S. Boeden, bom June 9, 1848. 6th. — Philip D. Borden, born December 23, 1851 ; married Adelaide H. Scoville November 24, 1875 ; she died March 19, 1882. Their child, Addie Borden, was bora March 14, 1882. Mr. Borden married a second time September 10, 1884, to Abbie E. Lincoln. 7th. — Frank Borden, born November 13, 1853 ; mar ried July 16, 1875, to Elizabeth S. Pierce. 8th.— Infant, born July 18, 1858. Mr. Philip D. Borden, Sr., married a second time May 23, 1872, to Caroline Seaburt; she died in Fall River, Mass., May 14, 1900. Mr. Borden was for many years Superintendent of the Fall River Iron Works. IV. — Borden, Sarah D. (Thomas 7th, Thomas 6th, Richard 5th, Thomas 4th, Richard 3d, John 2d, Richard 1st) ; born in Fall River, Mass., June 12, 1818 ; died in Fall River, Mass., April 11, 1864 ; married in Fall River, Mass., September 25, 1843 (as second wife) to Eliab Williams, of Fall River, Mass.; born in Raynham, Mass., May 10, 1803 ; died in FaU River, Mass., AprU 11, 1880. Their children were : 1st. — Sarah A. Williams, born October 21, 1844; died July 22, 1848. 2d. — Infant, born in 1846 ; died August 1, 1846, 3d. — Mart B. Williams, born February 17, 1848 ; died July 26, 184S. 4th. — Charles T. Williams, born June 12, 1849; died July 21, 1869. 5th. — Edwin E. Williams, born October 26, 1850 ; died September 26, 1861. 6th. — Anna M. Williams, born September 4, 1852 ; died April 22, 1863. Mr. Williams married a third time to Theodora C. Reed ; daughter of Rev. Augustus B. and Malinda (Bor den) Reed; born July 23, 1825; died March 8, 1886. Their only child died in infancy. 356. Durfee, Lusannah (Richard 4th, Richard 3d, Benjamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Daughter of Capt. Richard, BOEDEN. 545 and Patience (Borden) Durfee ; born in Tiverton, R. I. March 1, 1796 ; died in FaU River, Mass., January 22, 1867; married in FaU River, Mass., September 13, 1812, to Capt. Isaac H. Borden, of Fall River, Mass.; son of Thomas and Mary (Hathaway) Borden ; bom in FaU River, Mass., March 7, 1784 ; died in FaU River, Mass., AprU 28, 1828. Their children were : I. — 1st. Ariadne Borden, born June 8, 1813. II. — 2d. William Borden, born April 3, 1815 ; died in 1815. III. — 3d. William Borden, born July 19, 1819; mar ried and died in New York City. IV. — 4th. Luct Borden, born October 27, 1821 ; died in 1821. Mrs. Borden married a second time in Fall River, Mass., July 21, 1835, to Capt. Thomas Borden, widower of her sis ter Lydia, and brother of her former husband ; born in Fall River, Mass., February 6, 1786 ; died in Fall River, Mass., June 25, 1855. Their children were : V. — 1st. Thomas R. Borden, born December 17, 1836 ; died February 27, 1841. VI. — 2d. Isaac Borden, born November 11, 1838. Capts. Isaac H. and Thomas Borden were mariners. I. — Borden, Ariadne (Isaac H. 7th, Thomas 6th, Richard 5th, Thomas 4th, Richard 3d, John 2d, Richard 1st). Born in Fall River, Mass., June 8, 1813 ; died in New York City, January 4, 1875 ; married in Fall River, Mass., December 28, 1828, to Leander P. Lovell, of Georgetown, Mass., son of Shubael and Bethia (Perkins) LoveU ; born in Georgetown, Mass., October 28, 1798 ; died in FaU River, Mass., June 10, 1842. Their children were : 1st. — Isaac Borden Lovell, born September 4, 1829 ; died July 24, 1837. 2d. — Lusannah Lovell, bom June 13, 1831 ; died Jan uary 7, 1875 ; married June 13, 1853, in FaU River, Mass., to James M. Anthont, of Fall River, Mass., son of David and Lauretta J. B. (Brayton) Anthony; born March 6, 1818 ; died July 8, 1878. 546 BOEDEN. Their children were: 1st. Ariadne Janette Anthont. 2d. Edward Lovell Anthont. 3d. Lauretta Bishop Wheaton Anthont. 4th. Infant Son. 5th. Ellen De Forest Anthont. 3d. — Ariadne Maria Lovell, bom September 10, 1833; died June 25, 1877 ; married October 1, 1857, as second wife to William Lindset, son of Jonathan W. and Hannah (Easterbrooks) Lindsey ; born September 20, 1816 ; died February 25, 1897. Their children were (bom in Fall River, Mass.) : 1st. — William Lindset, born August 12, 1858. 2d. — Maria Lovell Lindset, born November 30, 1859 ; died in March, 1899. 3d. — Eliza Lindset, born June 25, 1861. 4th. — Anna Borden Lindset, bom April 1, 1866. 5th. — John H. Lindset, born October 23, 1870. 6th. — Daughter, born June 25, 1877 ; died the day born. 4th. — Leander Newton Lovell, born November 16, 1835. His business office is in New York City. Mar ried in Fall River, Mass., January 16, 1867, to (724) Phebe Borden Durfee, of Fall River, Mass., daughter of (325) Matthew C. and FideHa (Borden) Durfee ; 'born in Fall River, Mass., October 15, 1841. They were Hving (1902) in Plainfield, N. J. Their children were : 1st. — Leander Durfee Lovell, born April 19, 1869. 2d. — Aethue Lovell, born March 3, 1871. 3d. — Harrt Borden Lovell, born June 27, 1873. 4th. — Phebe Durfee Lovell, born June 8, 1875. 5th. — Laura Lovell, born May 6, 1877. 6th. — Gilbert Lovell, born June 16, 1879. 7th. — Helen Lovell, born September 4, 1881. 8th. — Richard Learned Lovell, born August 2, 1SS4. 5th. — Shubael Perkins Lovell, born October 1, 1838; died July 14, . 6th. — Laura S. Lovell, born April 20, 1839 ; married June 12, 1867, to Edward Gilbeet, of Huntington, Conn., son of Lucius ; died in New York City, January 21, 1874. DUEFEE. 547 Their children were : 1st. — William Boeden Gilbert, bom December 14, 1868. 2d. — Lucius Lovell Gilbert, born March 10, 1870. 3d. — Edith Lauea Gilbert, born April 19, 1872. 4th. — Aeiadne Gilbert, born November 15, 1873. The children of this family are lineal descendants of Richard Warren, who came over in the "Mayflower." 7th. — Elvira K. Lovell, born April 8, 1841 ; died Sep tember 26, 1842. VI. — Borden, Isaac (Thomas 7th, Thomas 6th, Rich ard 5th, Thomas 4th, Richard 3d, John 2d, Richard 1st). Born in Fall River, Mass., November 11, 1838. Livingin Fall River, Mass., in 1901 ; married in Fall River, Mass., October 21, 1862, to Abbt C. Allen, of FaU River, Mass., daughter of James S. and Mary A. (Rounds) Allen ; born in Fall River, Mass., March 4, 1839 ; died in FaU River, Mass., without issue. Mr. Borden married a second time at Newport, R. I., December 15, 1869, to Laura Mum ford, of Newport, R. I., daughter of Arthur B. and Mary J. (Ailman) Mumford ; born in Newport, R. I. Living in Fall River, Mass., iu 1901. They had no chUdren. DURFEE. 357. Durfee, John (Richard 4th, Richard 3d, Benja min 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Capt. Richard and Patience (Borden) Durfee ; born in Tiverton, R. I., May 6, 1798 ; died in Tiverton, R. I., January 6, 1867 ; married in Fall River, Mass., December 3, 1820, to Nanct Haet, daughter of John and Ruth (Rounds) Hart ; died in Fall River, Mass., December 22, 1871. Their children were : 811.— 1st. Richard, born February 26, 1823. 812.— 2d. Patience, born May 25, 1825 ; died in 1840. 548 DUEFEE. 813.— 3d. Bradford L., born March 31, 1827. 814.— 4th. Octavia H„ born May 8, 1829. 815. — 5th. Jennet, born June 3, 1831. 816.— 6th. Meribah E., born June 28, 1833. 817.— 7th. Lydia B., born July 9, 1835 ; died in 1838. 818.— 8th. Sarah R., born October 15, 1837. 369. Durfee, Richard (Richard 4th, Richard 3d, Ben jamin 2d, Thomas 1st). Son of Capt. Richard and Pa tience (Borden) Durfee, of Tiverton, R. I.; born in Tiver ton, R. I., July 16, 1803 ; died in Fall River, Mass., May 20, 1855 ; married to Mart Ann Pullen. They had one child : 819.— Lucy B. Mr. Durfee married a second time, July, 1831, to Jane Little, daughter of Thomas and Lucy (Irish) Little ; born September 2, 1812 ; died April 8, 1888. Their only child was : 820.— Arvilla L., born in December, 1832. INDEX. Names of all persons given in this book except those shown in a Special Index following this one. Abbott. Katherine, 145. Aborn, Lucius A., 534. Martha C, 534. Adams. Sarah, 274. Ailman. Elizabeth, 289. Fred., 289. Penelope, 289. Mary J., 547. Akin. Bartholomew, 53. Benjamin, 53. B.F., 144. EUzabeth, 462. Albert. Adelaide, 316. Albro. Almira, 202. AnnaB., 305. Charles, 102, 202. Christopher, 202. Christopher D., 202. Edward, 202. Eleanor D., 202. Elizabeth, 202. Ellen, 78. Freeborn, 104. Gardiner D., 202. Gideon, 202. Hannah, 202. Innocent T., 204. James, 202. James D., 80, 202. John, 78. Lydia A., 235. Mary, 104, 204. Oliver, 202. Rhoda, 202. Robert, 204. Ruth, 202. Ruth L., 202. Samuel, 202. Sarah, 202. Sarah A., 202. Susan, 290. Aldburgh. John, 24. Alden. Cyrus, 535. Jane F., 535. John, 373. Martin, 144. Mary, 498. Aldrich. Albert, 339. Edmund T., 339. Hiram, 340. Lucy, 340. Mary, 374. Sarah, 147. Alfred the Great, 385. Allen. Abby C, 547. Abraham, 397. Almonds., 474. Annie A., 397. Arthur W., 397. Charles, 429. Charles M., 397. Christopher S., Capt. 366. Deborah, 100, 107. Durfee, 199. Elisha, 212. Eola, 236. Ezra, 198. Gideon, 199. Hannah, 100. Jason O., 397. Job, 199. James S., 647. John, 100, 199. Joshua, 244. Lydia, 244. Marion W., 397. Mary, 360, 390, 527. Noah H., Capt., 267. Patience, 199. Polly, 472. Rebecca, 199. Rhodolphus H., 138. Robert D., 397. Roger W., 474. Samuel, 98, 300. Samuel B., 397. Sarah, 122, 199. Sarah L., 530. Sion, 390. Silvia, 199. Susan S., 366. Susannah, 199. Sylvester, 300. Sylvia, 73. Thomas, 530. Wait, 199. WiUiam J., 397. Almy. Ann, 245. Annah E., 151. S49 Almt— Continued . Annie R., 109. Benjamin F., 150. Benjamin R., 150, 151. Bridget, 92, 105. Christopher, 21, 22, 23. Edward, 109, 368. EUzabeth, 22. Frederick, 369. Frederick S., 152. Gideon, 369. Grace, 161. Hannah, 240. Harriet S., 369. Hope, 23. Howard O., 150. Humphrey, 114. Job, 22. John, 22. Kate F., 109. Lizabeth E., 151. Lydia, 240. Mary, 113. Martha F., 151. Peleg, 106. Rebecca, 22. Ruth, 369. Sanford, 240. Sarah, 369. Thomas, 22. Thomas J., 151. Warren W., 368. WiUiam, 22, 23, 150. WiUiam H., 150. Alvord. Chancey G., 444. Anderson. Charles O., 412. Hazle M., 412. WilliamT., Rev., 454. Andrew. Charles, 157. John A., Gov., 535. Mary D., 226. Andrus. Jason, 442. Juliet H., 442. Mary, 442. Angell. Avery F., 187. Catherine, 157. Horatio, 454. Jeremiah, 187. John, Capt., 270, 271. Mary, 187. 550 INDEX. Anslet. Hilie, 427. Anthont. Abbie C, 102. Abigail, 112. Abraham, 102. Albert A., 102. Alfred C, 108. Amey, 38. Ann, 21, 22. Anna, 112. Ariadne J., 546. Arthur R., 108. Beriah, 112. David, 545. David G., 38. Deborah, 284. Edward L., 546. Edward R., 113. , EUzabeth C, 103. Eliza, 111. EUsha, 259. Ellen De F., 546. Freeborn, 39, George, 101, 106, 108. George C, 106. fS Gideon, 39, 102. Gould, Rev., 106. Hannah, 70, 113, 114, 259, 529, 535. Isaac, 88. James, 108. James M., 545. Joshua, 102. Joseph, 38, 68. JosephW., 38, 39. Kezia, 492. Lauretta B.W., 546. Mary, 102. Mary C, 106. Mary G., 38. Patience, 38. Philip, 102. PrisciUa, 113. Ruth, 88, 100, 116, 230. Sarah, 38, 100. Sarah M., 102. Seth, 70. Susan A., 102. Sylvester, 39. William, 27, 38, 116, 223, 285. Applegate. Hannah, 58. Archer. IsabeUa, 418, 419. Armstrong. Annie, 174. James, 183. Lucy, 103. Nathaniel, 103. Arnold. AlfredD., 465, 466. Asa 91 . Benedict, Col., 124. Benjamin, 91. Caroline C., 355. Elisha C, 466. Elisha N., 466. Eliza, 431. Elizabeth, 92. Harriet, 91. Arnold — Continued , James G., 92. Leonard D.B., 465. Lydia, 512. Mary, 91 . Mary S., 508. Pardon, 355. Philip B.D., 466. Samuel, 231. Samuel A., 92. Sarah, 355. Sarah G., 92. Sarah M.D., 465. StephenH. D., 465. WiUiam W., 91. Ashley. Abiah, 142. Abigail, 143. Anna, 276. AnnaB., 481. Harriet D., 481. Louisa J., 82. Mary, 44. Mary C, 184. Mary E., 481. Stephens., 481, 482. WiUiam, 184. William H., 481. Atkins. Almira, 522. Augur. Clarence, 433. Avert. Sarah M., 468. Ater. Eliza, 431. Aters. Col., 254, 256. Atles worth. Lucinda, 105. Samuel, 105, Az arian . Joseph, 152. Joseph, Jr., 152. Babcock. Archie, 307. Cornelia, 426. Edmund S., 307. Ellen, 359. James E., 307. Martha E., 307. Bacon. Esther, 273. Luoy, 410. Bagnall, Bethiah, 199. Richard, 199. Bailet. A.Howard, 101. George I., 107. Herbert C, 101. James E., 100. Joseph, 337. Joseph P., 100. Luther R., 337. Percy T., 101. Phebe, 518. Sarah, 99. Sarah A., 105. Sarah C, 107. Thomas, 518. Walter P., 101. Baker. Angeline, 526. AnnaM., 409. Benjamin B., 470. Fred., 409. Hiram, 474. Johannah, 76. Joseph, 498. Marguerite, 409. Mary, 77. Mary A., 498. Mercy, 145. Patience W., 474. Sarah B., 76. Sophia M., 458. WiUiam, 119, 409. Baldwin. Eleazer, 351. Frank A., 346, 351. Harold H., 351. Melvin D., 351. Ralph F., 351. Ball. Rebecca, 58. WiUiam, 58. Bamford. George E., 483. Bangs. Addie, 92. Banton. Addie G., 422. David, 422. Joanna, 422. Barber. Alsbro, 66. Amanda, 65. Calvin, 65. EU, 65. EUzabeth, 65. Harriet, 65. Lorenzo A., 65. Lucinda, 65. Patience, 65. SaUy, 66. Sarah, 65. Barker. Abraham, 93, 315. Bathsheba, 284. Benjamin, 93. Celinda, 288. Clara E., 97. Edmund D., 97. Emily B., 333. George, Capt., 332. George, 333. Isaac, 285. Katherine W., 93. Mary, 392. Mary E., 332. Richard J., 93. Ruth, 468. Sarah, 285. Susan W., 543. WilUeH., 93. Barnabt. Ambrose, 253. Johanna H., 481. Lydia, 164, 457. BARN.ARD. Ann .\., 483. George E. A. C.,48S. M. Augusta J,, 9. INDEX. 551 Barnard— Continued. Mary L., 483. Samuel H., 483. Barnes. Alice G., 477. D. C, 303. Joshua, 477. Nanoy, 489. Barnet. EUzabeth A., 174. Barrett. Susan, 379. Barrt. IdaJ„78. Bartlett. Esther, 77. Lucretia, 345. Mary, 441, Bassel. Barsheba, 433, Bassett, Constance, 524, Charles F,, 524, Frederick W., 524. Margaret, 524. Rufus W., 524. Thomas B., 524. Toman J., 243. Batchelder, Annie, 231. Baten. Clarissa, 314. George W., 314. Mary E. P., 314, Bates, Mrs, N,, 342, Susannah, 162. Batt. Almira L., 478. Arthur L., 478. Florence D„ 478. Florence W., 478. Laura B., 478. Louise N., 478. Mary, 478. Richard W., 477. WiUiam J., Rev., 477. WilUam M., 477. Battb. Sally, 487. Bayley. Sarah, 198. Baylies. EUen, 150. Beagle . Israel, 231. Bealket. Axel J., 176. Bean. Catherine A., 480. Beaton. Alvin C, 175. Elizabeth, 57. Beebe. Daniel, 286. Elizabeth, 286. Belcher. Lizzie, 397. Belden. Nellie S., 442. Bell. PrisciUa, 377. RusseU, 491, Benedict. Agnes, 443, Angelica, M., 443, 444. Ann E,, 443, Catherine J,, 443. Frances N., 443, Gideon T,, 443, Harriet N,, 443, 444. Ira, 443. Jerusha S., 443. John M., 443. R. Agnes, 443, 444. Thomas S., 443. Benjamin, Mary, 235, Bennett, Abby M„ 463, AbigaU, 238. Abner D., 238, Albert, 462, Ann, 50, Anna, 270, Benjamin, 462, 464. Charlotte, 477. Clarissa, 176. Daniel, 75. Edward, 462, 464. Eliza W., 510, EUzabeth A., 464, George L,, 462, Godfrey D„ 238 Henry, 462, Henry B„ 463. Hope, 133, 238. Isaac C, 462. Job B., 462, 464. John, 363. Lucy, 464, Mary, 133, 134, 238, 518, Orpha, 363, 455. Orphrah, 230. Peace, 238, 395. Philip R., 496, 616, 517 Prudence, 71,4 57. Robert, 71, 238, 281. Ruth, 133, 134, 238. Samuel, 543. Sarah, 75, 81, 215, Sarah F., 543. Sheffield, 48. Susan E., 462. Susannah, 363. Thankful, 75. Benson. Charity V., 155. Benton. Amelia, 272. Berrt. Catherine, 477. Bessemer. Henry, 520. Bessy. Alice, 316. Martin, 316. Mary, 316. Bettes. Corintha, 420. Bicknell, Adelpha B., 446, Thomas, 445, Bigelow, A, J., Rev,, 342, Billings, Mary, 157. Billington. James, 199. Lubrun, 199, "Birge , Emma J., 331, BiRTRAND, James H,, 67, Bishop, Ruby, 489. Bixby. Aaron, 429. Black. Elizabeth, 478. Mary A., 426. Blair. Amnon, 431, 432. Avery E., 431. Benjamin F., 431. Clara D., 431. David A., 431. John, 431. Mary, 431. Blake. EUza, 338. Samuel, 162. Sarah, 162, Blakeman, Alfred, 420, William P„ 420, Blanchard, Edward, 508. Lucinda T,, 508, 509, Bliffins, Abigail, 137, Anson, 49, 137, Harriet N,, 153, Nathaniel, 137, Priscilla, 137. Samuel V., 49. Thomas, 153. Valentine, 49, 137. WiUiam, 137. Bliss. Caroline L., 384. Charles C, 384, CromweU, 543, EUen A,, 543, George N„ 384, 385, Hiram, 543, James, 384, James L,, 384, James M., 384, Jerome D., 384, 385, Laura, 477, Mary E„ 384, Nanoy, 384, Bloomer, Charles T., 322, Clinton M,, 322, Robert A„ 322, Samuel, 322, Boardman, Benjamin G,, 267. Eliza D., 263, 267. 552 INDEX. Boardman — Continued. Sarah D., 267. Thomas D., 267. Briscoe, Benjamin, 61, Boomer. Aaron, 463. Abram, 172, Clarinda, 463, Daniel, 269, Hannah, 269, James M,, 172, Louisa, 452, 453, Perry, 269. Sally, 194. Boothe. Judson, 416. Borden. Aaron, 283. Abby D. K., 543. Abby D, L., 643. Abigail, 238, 385, 387, 489. Abner, 454. Abraham, 130, 489. Addie, 644, Adelaide, 643. Adelaide G., 243. Alfred P., 489. Alonzo, 362, Alva, 491, Amey, 126, 187, 243, 362, Andrew, 311,642,643, Ann, 130, Ann E., 243, 643. Anna, 114, AnnaH., 524, Anne, 242, 479, Annie M,, 314. Ariadne, 541, 542, 545. Artinsa, 486, Benjamin, 243, 484, 485,489,491, Bernice, 243, Bertram H,, 526, Bradford, 484, 485, 489. Caroline, 622. Caroline L,, 624, Caroline M,, 454, Carrie, 490, Cassandra, 485, Catherine, 111, 389, Catherine T,, 206, Charley, 490, Charles N,, 524, Clarissa, 182, Clayton, 491, Clyde, 491, Cynthia, 40, Cyrus H., 243, Daniel, 362, David, 283, Deborah, 314, Delana, 468, 502, Delane, 626, Dora, 490, Durfee, 490, Dwight, 490, Earl, 362, 490. Eleanor, 70. Borden— Continued . EUa C, 74. Edward, 644. Edward P„ 503, 522, 524, Elisha, 314, Elizabeth, 207, 243, 362 462, 468, Eliza, 397, 643. Erastus, 362. E. Shirley, 625. Eveline, 174. Fidelia, 504, 546, Floyd, 490. Frances, 491, Frank, 544, Fred,, 490, Fremont, 491, George, 492, 602, 504. George, Capt., 515, 518, George H,, 543. Hannah, 310, Harriet, 489. Harriet M., 503, 624. Harry, 490. Harry E., 626. Henry, 484, 490. Holder, 515. Hope, 244, 255, 460, Howards,, 626, Isaac, 178, 243, 496, 517, 646, 547, Isaac A,, 243, Isaac H,, 542, 545. Isaac J., 243. James, 489, 643. James F., 489. Jeremiah, 319. John, 16, 40, 70, 206, 207. John J., 243. Jonathan, 540. Joseph, 40, 188, 200. 206, 243, 258, 283, 451, 489, 512. Kinsey, 490. Laban, 362. Leander, 362, 541, 542. LiUie M., 524. Louisa, 485. Lucy, 243, 454, 485, 489, 490, 491, 542. Luoy J., 243. Lydia, 73, 262. Lydia D., 542. Major, 485, 490. Malinda, 544. MaUndaB., 538. Mary A., 243, 538. Mary A. M., 480. Mary D., 485. Mary I,, 526, Mary M,, 489. Matthew C. D., 503, 522 Matthews., 526. May, 491. Melinda, 538. Melvin, 362. Mercy, 200. Nanoy, 489. N. B., 297, 536. Borden — Continued . NeUie I., 624. Oliver, 485. Owen 1., 526. Patience, 188, 260, 464, 484, 537, 538, 540, 542, 545, 547, 548. Peace, 23, 242, 258, 283. Phebe, 492, 502, 504, 515, 518, 540. Philadelphia, 283. Philander, 362. PhUip D., 542, 543, 544. Rachel, 397. Ralph, 491. Reson, 489. Rhoda, 243, 476. Richard, 243, 251, 254, 512, 524. Richard B., 522, 524. Richard, Col., 496, 503, 522 Richard P., 624. Ruth, 44, 207, 268, 362, 509, 510, 515. Samuel, 238, 242, 243, 484, 489. Sanford, 489. Sarah, 200, 256, 484, 486 489, 491, 492. Sarah D., 542, 544. Sarah J., 489, 491. SarahP., 178, 243. Sarah W., 522, 526. Simeon, 114. Stephen, 253, 256, 260, 484, 489, 542. Susan M., 283. Susanna, 40, 262. Susannah, 324. Sylvia, 516, 516, 517, 518 Thomas, 40, 251, 362, 484,486,489,492,518, 522, 538, 542, 545. Thomas, Capt., 542, 546. Thomas J., 522, 523. Thomas P., 545. Thomas S., 544. Vernice, 491. Waite, 206. Walter, 490. WUliam, 30, 40, 111, 258, 490, 538, 539, 543, 545 WiUiam H. H., 522, 626. WiUie, 490. Borland. Phebe, 64. Bosworth. Ann E. 473. Fanny I., 525. Mahitabel, 48. Richard T., 525. Botsford. Henry W., 406. Bowditch. Alexander G., 165. Bowen, Abraham, 176. Anna, 215, Anne, 254, 356, 357, 359 Edward H., 177. INDEX. 553 Bowen — Continued . Elizabeth, 640. Ellen A., 176. Eunice, 220, 371, 372, 373, 376. Fanny C, 177. Harold C, 177. Harry, 391. Joseph A., 176. Joseph H., 176, 177 . JosephW., 177. Mary, 335, 512. Remembrance, 220. Richard, 220. Sally A., 492. Sarah V„ 176, Susannah, 380. WiUiam O., 526. Bowers. Fred., 459. Jacob, 179. John, 130. Joseph, 459. Mary, 337. Mary B., 459. Roby, 462. William, 398. Bowman. John A., 272. Botd. James T., 303. Julia A., 303. Minnie E.. 303. Richard F., 303. Susan F., 303. Brackett. Annie L., 497. Charles G., 497. Elvira, 497. Fostene, 497. Foster H., 497. Harold, 497. Howard, 497. Jenny N., 497. Sarah L., 497. SeweU, 497. WiUiam H., 497. Bradford. Abby S., 285. Bradshaw. Catherine, 411. Branston. Joseph, 89. Brayton. Benjamin, 253, 496. Thomas, Capt., 456, 466. Emeline, 466. Israel, 492. John S., Hon., 295, 393, 494. Julia A., 466. Lauretta J. B., 545. Mary, 219, 223, 492, 494 Mehitable, 85. Nanoy J. B., 174. Patience, 117. Sarah, 126, 459. Stephen, 25. Breckenridge. JuUaP., 539. Mary L., 539. Brewer. Susan, 441. Brewster. Love, 15. William, 20, 606. Wrestling, 15. Briggs. Amey, 114 Charles, 429. Delilah, 430. Eleanor, 122. Joan, 31, 37. Job, 122, 123. John, 14. Katarah, 48. Lydia, 54. Nathaniel, 370. Pardon, 430. Patience, 370. Sarah, 122, 123. Sarah P., 213. Brigham. Charles A., 501. Charles D,, 600, David, 500, Davids., 500, 501, Elizabeth D., 500. Elizabeth G., 501. Georges., 501. James K., 501. James W., 501. Kate S., 502. Lucy H., 500. Martha A., 500. Martha C, 501. Mary A., 500. Richard C, 501. Thomas R., 500. Brightman. Anna, 362. Betsey, 457. Charles E., 172, Florence, 501 . George, 172, 457. George E., 172. Henry, 194, 253. Isaac, 284. Joseph, 47. Laura, 172. Nathan, 527. Parthenia, 284. Peleg, 284. Rhoda, 244. SybU M., 174. Brink. Jane E., 332. Bristol. Mary, 360. Britton. Charles A., 301 . Emma, 301. Ethelwyn, 301 . Mary, 358.' Richard, 301. Robert N., 301. Broadbent. John C, 66. Brocket. MaryA., 398. Brockway. Emma, 426. Jessie, 426. Brockway— Continued. John W., 426. Lois, 445. Mortimer, 426. Ruth H., 426. Tiffany, 426. Bronson. Abbie P., 79. Asa, Rev,, 79, 391, Clara F„ 171, George H,, 171. George W., 79, 170. Ira, 170. IraG., 171. James H., 171. Minnie E., 391. Miranda, 391. Brooks. EUzabeth, 435. Brookover. EUen, 59. Brown. Abraham, 237. Amelias., 461. Anna D ., 461 . Anne, 102. Annie, 460. Annie E., 172. Benjamin, 158, 171, 172. Benjamin B.,469, 460. Benjamin W., 158, 172, 173. Beriah, 459. California, 103. Catherine, 72. Charles F., 460. Daniel, 536. David, 234. Delight, 538, 539. Edmund D., 173. Elijah, 357. Eliphalet S,, 460. EUzabeth M., 106. Elsie L., 461. Emma, 78. Esmeralda, 103. Etta v., 460. Eugene F., 461. Fanny, 119, 460. Frank B, 461. Gardiner D., 459, 461. George A., 103. George C, 103. George E., 172. Harriet, 287. Harriet R., 172. Harriet S., 460. Harry, 460. Henry E., 461. Henry H., 380. H.W., 355. Ida, 236, 460. Isadore C, 460. James, 456. James H., 102,459. James A., 103. John, 34, 61, 362. Joseph, 61, 102. Joseph D., 459, 460, Joshua C, 103, Josiah, 171. Judith, 102. 554 INDEX. Brown — Continued . Julia A. D., 459. Julia E., 461. Lester L., 173, Louis L., 173, Luoy,n72, 369. Luoy H., 173. Lucy M., 103. Lydia, 103. Maria L., 173. Mary A.,103, 106, Mary M.L., 460, MaudM., 469, Mercy, 102, NathanS., 459, 461, Nathaniel A,, 103, Nebraska, 103, Nevada, 103, Pardon, 103, Patience, 102, 237, 364, 382, 383 Peleg, 102, 103, Robert D„ 103, Ruth C, 172, Sarah, 201, 240, 459, Susannah, 356, 362. Susan E ., 460. Thomas, 102. Thomas J. L., 460, TiUinghast, 362, WUliam, 171,459,461, William C„ 102, William H„ 106. Brownell, Alfred, 400, Anna, 380, Anne, 201, Benjamin, 132,201, 236 Betsey, 204, Caroline A., 81, Diana, 400, Edith, 309, EUzabeth, 201 , Esek M,, 77, George, 200, 201, 236, George W,, 201, Gideon, 201, Hannah, 82, 139. Harriet A., 400. Jonathan, 168, James, 481. John, 380. Joseph, 201 , Lucinda, 400, Maria H., 400, 401, Martha, 201, 233. Mary E., 481. Mary G., 366, PrisciUa, 365, Rebecca, 132. Ruth, 201, Sarah, 23. Sarah A., 140. Susannah, 232, Susan F,, 298, Thomas, 400, WaitD,, 236, WiUiam, 204, Brownmuiller . Charles, 433, Brower, Jacob, 425. Sarah, 425. Bryant, James, 468, Sarah, 266, Sarah J,, 468, Buchanan. Isabella, 183, Buck, Mr,, 376. Bucklin, F, Augustus, 168. George, 167, Harriet L., 167, Henry O., 167. Jabez, 167. Lucretia, 167. Martha B., 168. BUCKLTN. Elizabeth F. K., 374. Jeremiah K., 374 Buckminster, Lucy, 376, Buffinton. Edward P,, 183, Effie, 183, Buffington. Clara D., 480. Dorothy K., 480, Elizabeth, 394. Isabel, 75, James, 480, James L,, 480, Joseph L„ 480, Louisa D., 480, Stanley, 480. Buffum, Katherine, 148, Margaret, 93. Bulger. Richard, 16, Bullard, Caroline, 408, StiUman, 381, Bullock, Mr,, 265, Bumpas, Caroline B,, 74, Bunker. Ruth, 113, Burbank. Jane E,, 83. Burchard. Agnes L., 167. AlmyraD,, 339 Edith R„ 167, John C„ 167, RosweUB,, 167, S,D„Dr., 167, BURDICK, Carrie L,, 396. David J,, 396, M., Rev., 396, Burgess, Julia, 83, Burgh, Sir John (Baron) 386, Burlingham, Elizabeth, 58, Burlingham — Continued . Mary, 58. PhiUp, 58. Burnham . Alfred H., 140. Francis S., 140. L. G., 88. Burns. Elizabeth, 433. Freeland, 433. Herbert, 433. James, 433. Burrington. Charles B., 285. E. P., 282. Henry H., 285. John, 282, 285. John C, 285. Mary, 240. Patience, 227. Robert, 201, 240. Sarah B., 201. WiUiam, 28. Burritt. Prudence, 359, Burroughs. Amey, 191, 263. Desire, 191. Ezekiel, 191. Burrows. Addison, 339. WilliamT., 339. Wilson O., 339. Burt. Hattie L., 442 Burton. Hattie, 439. Bush. Orulia, 63. Bushnell. John H., 273. Roswell, 453. Bussing, Julia, 64. Butts. Elizabeth, 50. GuseU, 238. James, 213. John, 238. WiUiam, 238. Butterfield. Alzina C, 431. James H„ 431, John, 428, Rachel, 428, Butler, Anna, 407, Daniel, 409. Phineas, 407. Butterttorth. Aseneth, 482 Caleb, 482, Cadman, Richard, 22. Cadt. James J., 303. Catherine L ., 529 Mildred B., 303. Shuebael, 529. Winfred L., 303. INDEX. 555 Cameron. Margaret, 143. Canada. WiUiam, Capt., 44. Canedt. Annie K., 175. Emily F., 174. Susanna L., 169. William B., 169. Cannon. EUzabeth. 282. Cantlet. George, 67. Capron. Nathan B., 304. Card. Ann, 35, 36. Carder. Ann E., 375. Annie, 376. Arnold, 373. Augustus, 373. Barnice, 373, 375. Barton, 373, 375. Edith A., 375, Eliza, 373, Esther, 373, 375, Everett B., 375, Francis, 375 . George, 373, James A,, 375, John, 131, 373, Louis J,, 376. Mary, 131. Roxy, 373, 376. Ruth, 373, 375. WiUiam, 131 . Cardwell. Ada, 413. Clara, 413. Cyrus, 413. George, 413. Lizzie, 413. William, 413. Caret. Abraham B., 168. EUzabeth, 629. Carlton. Jennie, 321. Thomas, Rev., 321. Carnoe. Alice G., 163. Annie, 162. Charles, 152. Dorothy L., 153. Henry, 152. M.Louise, 163. Margaret, 152. Margaret E., 153. Mary, 152. Mary E., 152. Peter, 162. SeytonW., 153. WiUiam, 162. WUliam H., 153. WilUam M., 162. Wallace N., 152. Carpenter. Abel, 72. Laura, 81. Francis A., 385. Hannah, 300. Carpenter — Continued , Melora, 375. Submit, 203. Thomas, Col,, 249. Carr. Abigail, 74. Benjamin M., 290. Caleb, Capt., 278. Caleb, Gov., 291. Delias., 399. Elizabeth D., 290. Francis, 290. Francis F., 290, 291. Francis M., 291. Job R., 308. Laura G., 308, Lucy D,, 291, MaryA,, 107. Mary H., 290. Robert R., 107, 108. Samuel, 290. SarahP., 103. Stephen S., 291. WiUiam, 399, 516, Carroll. Andrew, 466. Mary, 456. Mary E., 456. Carter . Daniel, 95. Henry P., 95. Henry D., 95, Stanley?,, 95, Carver, Hannah, 373, Case, Arthur L,, 236. Cynthia, 77. G, Irving, 236. George H., 236. Ira H., 236, James G., 83, John E,, 236. Mary R., 236. Nancy, 76. Samuel C, 83. Cassedt. David D., 392. Caswell. Ann E., 513, 614. Samuel, 613. Chace. Betsey, 643. Edward, 74. Elisha, 73. Eliza G., 601. Eunice, 76. George, 182. Minerva, 516. Permelia, 182. Samuel, 501, 615, 617. Samuel A., 238, 250, 495, 503, 511,515. Chaffee. Albert B., 177. Chaloner. Abigail, 245. Ann, 246, 246. Ann E., 247. Edith L., 247. EUzabeth, 245. George G., 248. Chaloner — Continued . Hope, 189, 190. Jane, 247. Luoy W., 246. Luther G., 248. Matthew W., 245. Sarah A,, 246. Thomas, 190. Thomas D,, 168, 245, 246, 248, 517, Thomas W,, 248, Walter, 168, 246, 246, Walter L,, 247. WUlet D,, 247, WiUiam, 245, WilUam v., 247, Winefred, 247, Winslow R., 247, Winslow T„ 247, Chapel, Mr,& Mrs., 342, Chapin . Herbert, 397. Chapman. Enoch, 139, Joy, 303, Mary, 304. Matthew, 303, Chard, George D,, 162, JohnH,, 162. Charlesworth , EUzabeth, 346, WiUiam, 346, Chartin , Joseph, 446, Chase, Abbie T„ 89, 113, Abby, 112. Abby A., 80, Able D., 214, Abner, 113, Abraham, 192, Abraham V,, 160, Albert B,, 90. Albert L., 108, Alexander H., 113. Alfred C, 116. Algernon C, 78. AUce, 206, Almy, 111, Amanda, 229, Amanda H,, 114, Amey, 81, 110, 113, 187, 242, 244, Amey A., 114, Ann E„ 113, Ann L,, 206, Anna, 90, 112, Anna H,, 107, Anne B„ 114, Annie C, 89. Asa S., 214, Benjamin, 113, 125, 160, 187, 196, 213, 214, 269, 446, Benjamin F., 113, Betsey D,, 161, Bertha W,, 90, Borden, 113, 114, Celia 446, Charies, 90, 116, 226,269 . 556 INDEX. Ch ASE~Continued . Charles E., 115. Chloe, 48, 49. Clara M., 113. Clark, 114, 213, 479. Conklin, 269. Constant C, 115. Constant W., 90. Cornelius, 214. Daniel, 111. David, 87. David B., 160. Deborah, 108, 113, 114, 269. Dudley, 269. Durfee, 192, 213. Durfee C, 214. Edmund, 116, 214. Edson v., 160. EUza, 69, 112, 113, 116. Eliza A., 269. Eliza E., 80. Eliza v., 87. Elizabeth, 72, 125, 127, 129, 192, 214. Elizabeth C, 107, 108, Elizabeth G,, 206, Ellen W„ 206, Emma G,, 107, Ephraim, 269. Esther B., 213. Eunice A., 115. Evelyn B., 113. Fannie S., 114. Fannie T., 113. Francis H., 448. Frederick, 114. Freeborn, 116. Gardner, 49. George, 445. George G., 107. George W., 113. Gideon, 213. Giles M,, 113, Hannah, 87, 111, 115, 196, 213, 275, Harriet A,, 213, Harriet H,, 89, Henry, 192, 214, Henry B,, 83, Henry I., 90, Hepsibah, 234, Herbert, 90. Holder, 110, 112. Holder W., 80. Irene I., 468, Irene L,, 80, Isaac, 90, Isaac S,, 115, Isabella G., 89, Jackson H,, 213. James, 108, 269. James S., 114, 160. JaneE., 113. Jane L., 80. John, 89, 90, 101, 107, 206, John F,, 69. JosephW., 89, 213, Joshua C, 107. Julia L., 214. Phebe, 118. Chase — Continued. Philip B., 116, 498. Philip H., 160. Philip S., 115. Purley, 214. Rebecca, 115. Lavinia H., 214. Louisa G., 213. Lucien H., 501. Lucinda, 214. Luoy v., 160. Mary, 90, 112, 194, 213, 270. MaryA., 107, 113. Mary B., 394. Mary G., 90. Mary M., 503. Mary S., 107. Mason, 214. Mason C, 114. Maud A., 116. Nancy, 115. MerriUB., 601. Nathan, 49, 80, 110,111, 394. Nathaniel B., 116, Obadiah, 112. Olive, 445, Oliver, 30, Peace E., 114. Peter C, 105. Peter L., 206. Robert, 78. Robert S., 106, Rowland, 112, Ruth A,, 112, RuthD., 89, 108, Ruth P., 206, Ruth S., 113, Samuel A,, 189, Samuel W,, 114, Sarah, 41, 110, 213, 214, 482, Sarah A,, 114. Sarah D., 89. Sarah F,, 115, 232, 479, Sarah R,, 498, Simeon B., 114, 115, Squire, 114, Stephen, 206, 213, 214. Stephen G,, 206, Thomas E,, 80. Walter, 196. Walters., 113, WiUard, 214. Wilbur, 48. WiUiam, 101, 196,231. William A., Jr., 113. WiUiam A., 89, 113. William B., 105. William C„ 115. WiUiam H,, 160, 229. Winfield S„ 213, Chatburn , Harriet A,, 470, HeUen H„ 470. John, 470. Richard, 470, Cherrt, John, Capt,, 51, Childs, Elizabeth, 225, Childs — Continued , Henrietta A„ 229, 230. Joseph, 225, 226. John G., 229. Child. Mary, 286. Church. AbigaU, 119, 366. Albert T. 16 Alice, 167. Ann, 258. Anna, 415. Benjamin, 512, 618. Col.Benj,, 421, 511. Caroline E., 283. Charity, 415. Charles, 283, 415. Corwin, 167. Deborah, 401, 421. Dolly, 258. Edith R., 167, Edmund V,, 166. Ebenezer, 366, EUzabeth T,, 165, George J„ 283, Hannah, 366, Israel, 402, Jeremiah, 415, John, Col,, 165, John, 119, 166,167,283. Joseph, 165, 518, Joseph T., 83, Lucy V,, 166, Lucia, 119, Lydia, 163, Mary, 268, 283, 518. Mary C, 166. Mary M., 283. Richard, 511, 618. Samuel, 258. Sarah, 402, 489. Susan A., 166. Susannah, 283. Thomas, 415. Thomas E,, 283, WiUiam S„ 166. Churchill. John, 191. Clafin. EUzabeth, 499. Claghorn. PoUy, 159, Clapp, AUie, 273, Almira, 272, Art, B,, 273, AuzelhiC., 378, 379. BeU E,, 378, 379, Carlton, 377, Caroline, 376. Celia, 272. Charles, 376, 377. Chloe, 271. Christopher C, 272. Clarence E., 377. Ebenezer, 271. Edson A., 378, 379. EUa M., 378, 379. EmUy, 376. Erastus, 376, 377. EsteUa, 378. Eva, 272, 377. INDEX. 557 Clapp— Continued . Frances, 378, 379, Franklm J„ 377, Fred, C, 273. George W., 376, 378. Hannah, 273 . Harry O., 273. Helen, 378. Horace C, 273. Hugh, 377. Irving F., 273. Isaac H., 273. James D., 376, 378. Jerry A., 272. JohnT., 272. Joshua, 376. LiUie, 273. Louis G., 273. Louisa M., 273. LoweU H., 377, Lucy, 376, 377, Minerva M,, 273, Minnie, 377, Nanoy, 272, Nathan B,, 376, Olive M,, 272, Orson S,, 273, RollinM,, 272, Sally A,, 272, Sarah E,, 272. Simeon W,, 272, Thomas, 271. Thomas B,, 377, 378. Thomas J,, 273, Walter C, 272, William H,, 377, Clark, AbigaU, 70. Agnes J., 171. Ann, 438. Charles G., 70, 229. Edward L., 141. Elizabeth, 90. Elnora, 70. Emily L., 529. Fannie F., 70. Francis, 78. George P., 82. Graham W., 171. Hannah, 363, Henry H,, 78. John D., 70, 229. John W., 529. Minnie M., 392, Samuel, 430, Sylvester, 171, TheophUus, 363, Warren, 171, Welcome, 317, WUliam B,, 70, 229, Zoe L., 229. Clarke. AbigaU, 290, Edwin M., 379, Henry, 290, Nancy, 265, Sarah, 290, Cleaveland, Ambrose, 48. Benjamin, 194. Deborah, 194. Henry, 194. Cleaveland— Continued. Lydia, 194. Sally, 48. Clegg. John, 383. Clerk. Daniel, Capt., 197. Cleveland. David, 253. EUjah, 337. Grover, 289. Henry, 269. Marvin, 337. Cliffe. Thomas, 6. Clipt. Lemuel, Capt., 280. Cline . Epenetus, 66. Clinton, Gen., 254, Closson, Polly, 449. Cltde. Caroline M., 180. Eveline L., 180. Harriet F., 180. Milton A., 180. Cobb. Abiah, 455. Almira, 248. Elijah, 201, Elijah, Dr„ 201, Elizabeth, 337, Katherine D,, 201, Martha B., 201, Nathan, Capt., 248. Rachel, 201. Wait D., 201. Codding. AbigaU, 169. Coe. Adelbert J., 422. Alfred F., 422. Carl D., 422. Charles B., 422. Deborah, 421. Elgee M., 422. Edwin, 421, 422. Grace L., 422. Hattie B,, 422, Huldah, 421, Ida, 422. Judith, 421 . Lester E., 422, Louise E,, 421, Martha, 421, Mary, 421, Ruth, 421. Samuel, 421 . William C, 421, 422. Coffin. Eliza, 300. Coggeshall. Abraham C, 100, 108. Abraham, 100. Alfred H., 106. Anna, 99. Annie M., 102. Anne, 100. Admiral, 316. Alice M., 317. Coggeshall — Continued. Amy A., 317. Arnold, 316. Bethany, 316. Catherine, 82. Celia S., 101. Charlotte, 108. Charles, 101. Charles P., 105, Cynthia, 105, Daniel, 315, 316, David, 100, 107, Durfee W,, 317, Elizabeth, 39, 99, 102, 107, Eliza F,, 106, EUaM,, 101, EUieM., 106, EmUy, 316, Fillmore, 106. Frederick, 106. Frederick A., 106. Francis J., 106. Frances R,, 108, George, 99, 104, 106, George B., 106, 107. George C, 100, 105. George R., 234. Gertrude A., 106, Hannah, 68, 86, 297, Hannah M,, 100, 107. Harriet, 317, Harriet B., 107, Jane A,, 316, JaneM,, 101, Jeanette, 106. John, 124, 316, 316, 361, JohnP,, 100, 101, John R,, 101, 108, Joseph, 89, 99, 101, 109, Joseph R,, 109, Joshua, 98, 99, 100, 102, 104, 105, 107, 316. Kate, 100, Lizzie, 315, 316. Lucy, 106, Maria, 81 . Martha, 101, 106, Mary, 99, 102, 316, Mary A,, 316, Mary C, 101. Mary J,, 106, 316. Matthew, 102. Mercy, 98, 104, NelUe, 316, Nelson, 316, Noel, 99, 101, 108, Peleg, 104, 105, Peter A., 105. Phebe A,, 106, Rosalie, 102, Rose, 315, Ruth, 99, 316. Sarah, 89, 99, 100, 316, 361. Sarah D., 100, 108. Simeon, 233. Thankful, 233. Thomas, 86, 98, 99, 101, 316. Uriel, 463. Walter D., 317. 558 INDEX. Coggeshall— Continued . WiUiam E., 101, 106. WiUiam S., 109. Cogswell. Betsey, 358. WiUiam, 320, Coit, Joseph, 224. Mary, 224. Cole. Amy, 231, Chauncey D., 72. David, 72. Ephraim, 45, 46, 191. James, 45. Lydia, 163. Mary, 45, 191. Polly, 72, 337. Rebecca, 45, 46, 190,260, 262. Samuel, 46. Sarah, 191. Susan D., 73. Coleman. Susannah, 490. Collins. Abel F., 406, A. Chalkley, 406, Alcaeus, 41 1, Alice, 411, Amelia J,, 411, Anna F„ 412, Arthur E,, 411, CcnteneUa, 412, Chalkley, 406. Clarkson A., 406. Clarkson T., 406, Diantha, 402. Edith H., 412. Electa J., 406. Elizabeth, 31. Emma, 405. Frank W,, 406, FrankluiE., 411, Galen P,, 411, Grace, 622. Hannah, 410, 411, Herbert E., 412, Job S,, 406, John, Gov,, 211. Joseph, 406, 410. Lillian W„ 412, Mabel W., 412, Mahlon D,, 411, Mary E,, 412, Olive, 411, OvellaS,, 411. Peter, 410. Ralph P,, 411, Koy v., 412. Stella F,, 412. Thankful, 406. Thomas E., 410. WiUiam D., 411. CoNANT. EUa J., 66. Congdon, Abby, 92. Caleb, 92, EUzabeth R., 92, Edward A,, 93, George, 93. Congdon — Continued . .Jonathan, 92, RuthE,, 93, Welcome, 92, Conklin. Benjamin, 193, Deborah, 193, 268, 269, 270, Sarah, 193. Conrad. Isaac, 59. Cook. AbigaU D., 366. Albert G., 88. Albert J., 81. Asa, 81, Amanda M., 469, Amelia E., 470. Anna, 533. Benjamin, 366, 470. Benjamin W., 469. Betsey, 324, 430, Bridget A,, 224, Burt, 408, Caleb, 461 , Clarinda, 492 Daniel, 81, Deborah, 36, 37. Edwin 0., 469. Elizabeth B., 231, Gardner D., 517, George, 466. Hannah, 492, 537. Harriet M., 81, Helen F,, 469, Henry v., 81. Hope, 81. Isaac, 462, 468, Isabel, 240. Israel, 492. Jeremiah, 366, Jesse, 408. Job, 224, 382, John, Col,, 34, 249, 253, 257, 261, 292, 295, 319, 370, John, 36, 68, 469. Joseph, 36, 126, 471, 492. Josephine R., 469. Lovice, 484. Martha, 38. Mary, 36. Mary A., 88, Maud, 469, Mercy E., 81, Nicholas, Gov,, 210,211, Nelson P., 243, Patience S., 97, Paul, 468, 470, 537, Peace, 450, Perry, 491, Peter E,, 81. Rosalie E., 469, Ruth, 471. Ruth G., 462. Sally, 461, 469. Samuel T., 81, Stephen J., 81, Sarah, 116, 244, 455, 457 Sarah E,, 498. Susannah, 382, Cook — Continued . Theo., 408, Thomas, 220, 240, 366, 456, Walter, 130, WiUiam, 470, WiUiam E,, 115, CoOLET, Asahel J,, 66, Coombs, Benjamin F., 142, 155, Charles D„ 155, Charles S., 156, CUfford E„ 156. Lizzie D., 184. Cooper. Angela, 374. Ann E., 374. Calvin, Rev., 373. Emma G,, 374, Georgiana A,, 374, Hattie B„ 374. John M., 374, Larkin A., 374, Louisiana, 374, Nathaniel, 374, Otis, 374, RuthM., 374. Varnum A., Rev., 374, WiUiam B,, 374, Copeland, Clara F., 510. Clarissa, 510. Joseph B., 510. Valentine, 500, Cornell, Almira, 298, Joseph B,, Dr., 273. Lydia, 99, 272. Stephen, 36. Ruth, 201. Cornine. Elizabeth, 429. Kate, 429. Corwin. Carrie, 166, D. W,, 166, CoRT, AbigaU, 39, 185. Ann, 40. Augustus, ISo. Bathsheba, 39. Benjamin, 186. BiUings F., 185, Caleb, 39. Cj'nthia, 40. Deliverance, 39, Dennis, 40. Ebenezer, 39, Elizabeth, 40, Eliza, 185, Fanny M,, 176. Frank C, 314. Hope, 367. Isaac, 111. Job, 367. John, 40, 109. John G., 367. Jonathan, 176. Joseph, 40. Lawton H., 185. INDEX. 559 CoRT — Continued . Mary, 39, 40, 41, 185, 191. Nancy, 40, 185, 296. Pardon, 367. Patience, 38, 68. Philip H., 367. Prudence, 185. Robert, 185. Samuel, 367. Sarah, 39, 185, 237. Seabury, 39. Susanna, 40. Thomas, 41, 42, 185, 186,283,296. WiUiam, 15, 38, 39, 40, 50, 109, 186, 367. Cotton, EUzabeth G,, 479, John, Rev,, 45, John S,, 479, Covel, Abbie W., 626, Alphonso S,, 626, Benjamin, 526, Borden, 526, Florence, 526, Gertrude E,, 526, Helen, 526, Richard B., 526, Cowan. Andrew, 160. Herbert E., 150. Josephine E,, 164, Mary J., 154. Samuel H., 154. SybU v., 150. Cowles. Laura, 331. Covington. Catherine, 414. Elijah, 414. EUzabeth B., 414. Jacob A., 414. Katherine A., 414. Louise A., 414. Mabel E., 414, Sarah B„ 414. WiUiam D., 414, Cozzens, AnnaL., 288, Clarence S,, 288, Elizabeth S,, 288, James P., 288, John H„ 288, Thomas M,S,, 288, WiUiam J., 288. Crandall. Abner, 366. Amanda, 235. Amanda M,, 367, Frank P,, 367, John G., 367, Phebe, 366, Mary C„ 368, Mary E,, 368. Stephen, 367. Stephen G., 367. Crapo. Joseph, 73. PhUip, 33. Crawford . Agnes, 169. Crocker. George, 362. Hannah, 362. Crooker. Lydia, 436. Cross. Caroline, 229. Diana G,, 229. Edith, 70, 229. JohnH., 70. Emeline, 230. Ernest, 229. Etta A,, 229, Fritz C, 229, Harry, 229, John, 228. John A., 229. John H., 229, 230. Joseph H,, 229. Mary E,, 229, WiUiam H., 229, Crowell, Joshua F., 145, Silva, 162, Yelverton H,, 145. Crozier. Sophia, 460. Cudworth. James, 15. Keziah, 47. Cummings. Diadama, 48. George, 492. Joel, 48. Sarah, 65. Susan, 362. William H,, 74, Cunningham . Catherine, 486, Curlette , Edward H., 64, Curtis. Harriet, 632, Jeannette, 421, Laura S., 94, Marcia, 378, Gushing, John, 15, Cushman, Eben, 468, Mary, 468, 464, 470, 610, Obed, 458. Cutts. Dorothy M.M., 150. Dana, Caroline M,, 453, Carrie L,, 454, Charles, 453, Charles E., 453, Franklin R., 453. Grace W,, 454. Harriet, 361. Louisa B., 452, 453. Myra A., 464, Danford, Sarah, 499. Darlington. Brinton, 413. Rachel, 413. Darlington— Continued . Sarah A., 414. Stephen, 413. WiUiam T., 414. Davenport. Benjamin, 312, 313. Harry, 446. Henry, 446, Irene, 446, Susan E,, 446, Sydney, 446, Sylvester R,, 446, Thomas, 446, Davis, Almeda, 48. Amelias., 461. Andrew, 48. Anson, 48. Benjamin, 48, Betsey, 49, 416, Carrie, 157, Catherine, 49, Clarissa, 48, Chloe, 49. Cornelius, 48. Daniel, 50. David, 49, 51. Edmund, 49, 50. Eleazer, 161. Elizabeth, 76. Ethel A., 499. Gardner, 50. George, 61, Gilbert, 48. Hannah, 48, 50, 61. Harriet, 48, Henry, 51, Hope, 49, .50. Howard, 48. James, 47, 50, 51. Jason, 48. Joanna, 48, John, 50,461, Jonathan, 47, 48. Joseph, 47, 48, 270, Keziah, 48, 49, Loreneda, 416, Louisa, 50, Lydia, 50, Lynde, 60, Maria, 47, Mary, 47, 50, Mary H„ 170, Mary E,, 51, Nancy, 49, Nicholas, 77, Olive, 49, Phebe, 61. Polly, 48, Rachel, 49, Richard, 47, Huth A., 48, Sarah, .50, 61, 77. Sally, 48. Shadrack, 50, Stephen, 50, Susannah, 47, 48, 51, Susan, 48, Sybil, 51, Thomas, 60, 51, Warden, 48, Willard, 50, 560 INDEX. Davis— Continued, WilUam, 47, 60, 61, 77, 156,' 167, 416, WilUam H,, 50, Davol. Abner, 475, 483. Abner B., 479. Abner P., 482. Alice T,, 482. Amanda B., 482. Amory G., 482. Annie, 478, 482. Annie R., 483. Benjamin D., 475, 478. BradfordD., 479, 481. Caroline M., 476. Charles D., 481. CharlesM. R., 482. Clara, 482. Clara F., 482. Clarinda D., 482. Edward H., 481. Elizabeth M., 478. EmUy A., 305. George K., 478. Georges., 481. GUbert, 479. Harriet G., 478. Harriet R., 481. Helen M., 478. James A., 482, 483, James C, C, 481, Joseph A,, 478, Josephs,, 478, Louisa, 512, Louise D,, 481, Martha G,, 479. Mary, 299, 483. Mary A., 480. Mary D., 477. Oliver A., 483. Pardon, 475. Rhoda W., 476, Sarah L,, 480, SUas, 305, Stephen, 479, 512, 516, Stephen B,, 481, WiUiam C, 478, 479, Dawlet, Job, 305, Dat. Asa, 435. Delia E., 435. Ebenezer S., 602. Emerson, 435. Fayette, 436. Julius, 474. Laird B., 303. Philena, 502. Sarah J., 488. Walter A,, 303, Dean, Abby D„ 509. AbigaU, 138, Adelaide, 479, Alonzo, 263, Ansa, 670, AppoUos, 460, Benjamin, 138. Benjamin A., 142. Benjamin B., 510. Caleb, 424. Dean — Continued. Caroline, 460. Charles, 263. Charles F., 139. Charles H., 481. Charles L., 510. Clara B., 139, Ebenezer, 543, Elisha, 262, 263, Eliza, 509, 510, 643, Eliza W., 468, 610. Elizabeth, 424. Elizabeth T., 138. EveUne L., 510. Florence, 479 . Helen, 149. Henry N., 139. Joseph, Capt., 138. Joseph G., 138. Joseph H., 139. Joseph T., 138. Kate, 176. Lettice, 263 . Lizzie, 139. Louisa, 481. Loved T., 509. Lucretia D., 259, 509. Mary, 263. MaryT., 138. Matilda, 48. Moses, 139. NathanSD., 458, 464, 509. Nathan J., 510. Olive, 137. Perris, 460. Phebe A., 138. Polly, 263. Rebecca, 139. Sarah, 137. Sarah J., 139. Susan E., 142, 155. Theodore, 479. Thomas P., 139, WiUiam, 259, 464, 509. WiUiam B,, 509, WUliam N, T,, Rev,, 458, 510, De Burgh, Hamyse, 386, Hubert, 386, John, 386, WiUiam, 386, De Burgr, Harloween, 386. John, 386. Robert, 386. DE LafATETTE. Gen., 8. DE Lasearis. Anne, 12. Honoret, 12. Jean Antoine, 12 . Rene de Savoie, 12. d'Urfe. Anne, 9, 10, Honore, 9, Jacques, 12, Marquis, 13, WiUiam, 13, d'Ulfhe, Gurchard, 12, d'Uefet, Loerin, 7, D'Urfet. Thomas, 5, 7, 9. Debonnaire. Louis, 10, Decotee. Ann E., 69, 285. De Greslei. Baron, 386. Joan, 386. De Haven. Edward B., 267. Delaney. Hattie, 518. Delano . Avery S., 55. Bridget, 63. Dinah, 56. Durfee, 64, Durfee H,, 54, Durphy, 55, Ephraim B,, 55, Elizabeth, 55, 56, EzraB., 55. George, 54, 55, 56. Georgia E., 55. Hannah E,, 54, Harriet L,, 65, Jonathan, 63, 54, Lois, 53, 64, Lydia, 64, Malentha C, 64. Marcy, 63. Mary, 55, 56. Nathaniel, 53, 55. Oliver D,, 56, Peleg, 54, 66. Phebe J., 54. Ray, 55. Richard, 56. Ruth H., 55. . Samuel B., 54. Sarah, 53. Sarah M., 55. Stephen, 55. Stephen J., 65. Stephen B., 55. Susannah, 56. WiUiam, 54. De la Warre. Catherine, 386. John, 386. De Line. Arvilla, 59. Arzula, 59. Frank, 69. Frederick, 68. George, 69, Mary J., 59. Melvin, 69. Moses, 68. Thomas J., 58. Sarah M,, 59. William, 58. Demarest. PoUy, 425. Dennie. James, 266. Joseph, 267. Sarah B., 266, 267. Thomas, 266, 267. INDEX. 561 Dennis. Abel, 91. AbigaU, 91 . Abraham, 91. Albertie S., 298. Almira T., 314. Amanda F., 300. Amey, 97 . Anna, 85, 91, 98, 99, 102, 104. Anna L,, 94. Anna M,, 95, Annie F,, 96, Anthony, 91, Benjamin, 91, Benjamin I,, 90, Blanche E,, 94, Caroline, 430. Catherine A., 304. Catherine J., 93. Charles, 302. Charles E„ 304, 305, Clarissa G., 304, Cornelia E,, 302, David, 91, 230, David F,, 89, Darius, 91, De Forest L,, 94. Dorcas, 97. Dorothy W., 304, Edward, 298, 302, Edward L,, 94, Edward P,, 97. Edwin, 301. EUza, 91, 298. Eliza A., 300. Eliza G., 90. Emerson, 90. Fanny P., 97. Francis M., 94. Freeborn, 85, 110. George, 68, 69,97. George H., 304. Gideon, 86, 232, 297, 298, 302, 304. Gideon G., 92. Grace H., 94, Hannah, 68, 69, 86, 87, 88, 90, 227, Hannah C, 98. Hannibal, 91. Harriet, 298. Harriet A., 88, 304. Harriet G., 305. Henrietta B., 302. Hy F., 298. Isaac A., 89, 100. Isaac N., 90. James, 93, 94. Jane E., 300. Jane G., 90. Jennie H., 96. Job D,, 299, Job S„ 98, John, 90, 97, 297. John W., 75. Jonathan, 91, 97, 228. Joseph, 40, 85, 88, 97, 98, 109, 110, 305. Joseph C, 90, 100, 232, 302, 304, 305. Dennis — Continued. Joseph G., 97. Joseph H., 305. Lydia, 85, 109. Margarette W., 94. Maria L., 94. Marshall, 90. Martha F., 298. Mary, 92, 98, 302. Mary A., 95. Mary D., 302, 304. Mary E,, 301, 304. Mary G., 90. Mary J., 304. Matilda A., 305. Melton, 90. Nathan, 97. Patience S., 299. Phebe, 298. Rebecca, 90. Richard, 96. Richmond, 302. Robert, 68, 85, 86, 88, 90, 230, 284, 297, 298. Robert R., 94. Rowland H,, 98, Ruth, 40, 86, 90, 92, 109, Ruth A,, 89, 100, Ruth C, 90, Samuel, 92, 228, Samuel J,, 92, Sarah, 26, 85, 89, Sarah A,, 302, 306. Sarah C, 90. Sarah F., 96. Susannah, 32. Susan E., 303. Thomas, 91. Walter, 90, 91. Walter J., 94. Walter N., 94. Walters., 94. WiUiam, 97, 302. WiUiam A., 304. WiUiam C, 298. WiUiam E., 94. WUliam H., 95, WUliam L„ 94, WUliamR,, 298, 303, Dennt. Alice J., 419. Dentke. WUliam, 64. Depew. Edward D., 226, Deput. Margaret, 434. Martin, 434. Derickson. Daniel D., 61. Phebe, 51. Devol. Abby, 307. Abner, 115, 116, 240. Benjamin, 307. Edith, 239. Hannah, 239. Isabel, 239. John, 382. Joseph, 239, 240. Devol — Continued. Martha, 240. Mary J., 307. Peter, 127. Phebe, 239. Philip, 239, 240. PrisciUa, 306. Rhoda, 201. Stephen, 115, 116. De Witt. Julia, 418. De Wolf, Elizabeth, 225, Erastus, 224, 225. Mary A., 225. William W., 225, Diamond, Eliza, 268, WilUam F„ 64. Dickenson. Christopher, 441. Dickerson. Davis, 401. Edgar B„ 401, Eloise A,, 401. EsteUa, 401. Frank, 401. Harriet E., 401 Mahlan A., 401. Mahlon B., 401. Maria, 401 . MorreU, 401. Rhoda A., 351. WiUiam L., 401. Dickson. Sarah, 202. DiGBT. Ehzabeth, 386. Everard, 386. Simeon, 386. WiUiam, 386. Dillingham. Huldah, 364. Sarah, 428. Dimock. AbigaU, 487. DiMMOCK. Solomon, 64. DiSTON. Oliver, 167. Dixon. Joseph, 520. Dodge. M.J., 378. Dole. Dorothy L., 163. George R., 163. Dorfe. WiUiam, 6. DoRME. Jacob I., 60. Douglas. Benjamin, 63. Clara G., 80. David, 63. Fred, 441. Jennie, 312. Montgomery H., 63. Nathaniel, 63. Oscar F., 78. Dow. _ Clarence W., 379, 562 INDEX. Dow — Continued. ¦""¦' " ' ' James A., 379. John, 379. M. Estelle, 379. Downs. EUza, 72. Hattie, 473. Sarah, 72. , Thomas, 72. Downing. Alice, 469. EUza, 269, EUzabeth, 196, 279, 280, Jessie, 469. .John C, 469, Lizzie, 469, Paul, 469. Drake. Rhoda, 78. L.G., 24. Draper . Isaac, 486, Dresser, EUzabeth D„ 390. Drew. Joanna, 463, WUliamR,, 45. Dripps. ' Marvin, 432. Drtsdale. James W., 639. Duchesne. Andro, 10. DuDLET. Luthretimus, 6. Mary B., 247. DuDMAN. Martha H., 640, Duncan, ^ '' Jannetta, 390, Dunham, Wesley A,, 273, Dunlap. Gertrude, 332, Mary, 59. Dunning. Deborah, 269. EmmaM., 456. Joseph, 456. Juha, 321. Durfee, Aaron, 248, 250, 324, 457,471, Aaron M„ 276, 279. Abby, 229, 259, 363, 464, 609. Abby E., 519. Abby W., 259, 503, 522. Abel, 366. AbigaU, 27, 131, 133, 136, 188, 189, 190, 191, 219, 221, 222, 223, 237, 242, 248, 263, 296, 309, 376, 383, 386, 437, 449, I 467. Abigail C, 279. Abisha, 423. Abner, 132, 187, 215, 220, 244, 296, 371, 461. Durfee — Continued. Abraham, 133, 237, 317, 382, 424, 449. Adaline, 458. Addison, 361 . Addison G., 380. Adelaide A., 471. Alanson, 540, 641. Alexander H., 458. E Alberto., 286. AUce, 297. Alithea, 197. Allen, 244, 360, 380, 450. Almira S., 471, Amanda, 357, 381, Amanda M,, 297, 471, Amasa, 274, Amelia, 248, 458, 467, Amey, 22, 23, 77, 196, 244, 363, 460, 451, 452, Ann, 18, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 67, 112, 121, 122, 133, 134, 187, 207, 238, 242, 327, 387, 389, 450, 461, 465, AnnC, 258, 471, Anna, 41, 185, 193, 197, 216, 222, 276, 279, 324, 400, Anna B,, 367. Anna N., 387. Anne, 25, 317, 360, 383. Annie, 424. Annie G., 468, 602, 503. Annie M., 536. Anthony, 372. Anthony B., 531. Anthony F., 532. Arabella, 471. Ariadne, 540. Ariadne L., 471. Arnold, 382. Arthur J., 387. Arvilla L., 548. Asa, 196, 197. Austin, 325. Bailey, 318. Baley, 383 . Barsheba, 43, 195. Barton, 360. Barton B,, 380. BarzUla, 325. Benjamin, IS, 19, 21, 29, 30, 42, 43, 44, 46, 123, 124, 125, 132, 186, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 194, 196, 197, 208, 220, 242, 244, 256, 257, 260, 262, 268, 279, 280, 286, 317, 371, 372, 451, 455, 457, 483, 484, 491, 492, 540, 541, 642. Benjamin A., 241, 423. Benjamin B., 324, Benjamin C, 337. Benjamin F,, 268. Benjamin H., 360. Benjamin T,, 386, Durfee — Continued, Betsey, 270, 286, 296, 324, 360, 461, 542, Bradford, 257, 478, 492, 494, 496, 496, 504, 523 Bradford L., 548. Bradford M. C, 492, 494, 495. Bradford R., 457. Bridget, 296. Bridget A., 296. BrowneU W,, 380, Burden, 449, Burrington, 241, 423, Burton S,, 365, Calista, 280. Calvin, 274. Caroline, 457. Caroline C, 535. Catherine, 296. Catherine S,, 286, Charity, 241, 420, Charles, 188, 189, 190, 237, 257, 258, 280, 291, 292, 356, 370, 451, 457, 500, 608, 509, 527, Charles R,, 356, Charles S.j 531, Charles W,, 372, Charlotte, 242, 248, 424, 427, 436, 461, 457. Chester W., 381. Chloe, 360. Christiana, 219, 363, 365, 380, 451 . Christopher, 121, 122. Clarinda, 257, 370, 491. Clarinda A., 370. Clarissa, 280, Comfort, 196, 271, Cornelius S,, 417, 423, Cory, 41, 42, 43, 193, 194, 268, 269, 270, Cynthia, 269, Daniel, 219, 242, 360, 424 449, Daniel A,, 362, Daniels,, 275. Darius, 276. David, 27, 28, 30, 44, 131, 132, 219, 220, 221, 270, 361, 363, 364, 365, 366, 369, 370,371. David A., 362. David B., 232. David H., 275. Deborah, 42, 43, 194, 270. Delana, 361 . Deliverance, 18, 19, 38, 109. Dominie (slave), 129. Dorcas (slave), 133. Hagar (slave), 133. DweUy, 361. Earl, 449, 450. Earl P., 532. Earle, 126, 127, 215, 216, 317, 318. INDEX. 563 Durfee — Continued . Edgar J., 362. Edmund, 242, 424. Edward, 216, 216, 220, 274, 324, 325. Edward B., 508, 509. Edward G., 270. Eleanor, 121, 122, 206, 315, 360. Eliakim, 43, 194, 270, 271. Elias, 356. ElUiu, 360. Elijah, 196, 197, 280. Eliphal, 72, 244, 457. Eliphal H., 460. Elisha, 41, 42, 192, 197, 267, 268. Elisha A., 260, 630. ElishaP., 268, 531. Eliza, 381,424, 450, 542, ElizaA„372, 540, 541, Eliza C, 535, Eliza S,, 289, Eliza W,, 458, 464 Elizabeth, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 43, 53, 121, 122, 123, 126, 131, 196, 198, 200, 202, 207, 208, 213, 215, 219, 248, 250, 258, 262, 284, 285, 286, 291, 297, 315, 326, 354, 360, 366, 370, 383,472, 519, 631. Elizabeth A,, 528, Elizabeth C„ 361, Elizabeth H., 268, 500, Elizabeth V„ 399, 615, EUaM,, 541. Ellen W., 527. Elpha, 449, 450. EmUy, 360. Emma, 531. Emory, 360. Ephraim, 191, 196, 242, 274, 424, 449. Ephraim W,, 640, 541, 642, Esther, 372, 382. E. S., 417. Eunice, 221, 274, 372, 376. Fannie L,, 237, Fanny, 276, Fanny H,, 451, F. E., 261. FideUa, 153. FideUa B., 508. Frances E., 535. Francis A., 527. Freeborn, 23, 121, 122. Frederick M., 630. Frederick P., 260, 532, Freeman, 424, Gardner, 248, 457. George, 219, 297, 316, 325, 361, 458. George B., 504. George W., 248,458, 464, 470, 510. Durfee — Continued. Gideon, 23, 25, 26, 121, 122, 126, 127, 129, 130, 199, 200, 216, 216, 218, 220, 281, 282, 317, 320, 325, 354, 356, 367, 359. Gideon C, 361. Gideon H., 369. Gilbert, 508. Gilbert H., 258, 508. Godfrey, 133. Goodwin, 241, 423, 424. Goodwin H., 291. Guilford H., 385. Gustavus L., 508. Hadassah S., 279. Hannah, 43, 120, 132, 133, 192, 198, 207, 215, 221, 222, 257, 262, 276, 282, 324, 326, 373, 380, 382, 483. Hannah A., 530. Hannah B,, 286, Hannah C, 389, 465, 638, Hannah V,, 604, Harriet, 296, 356, 423, 461, Harriet A„ 535. Harriet H,, 519, Harriet M,, 502, Harriet O,, 362, Harvey, 274, 325, Harvey R,, 449, Hattie M„ 525, Henrietta, 279, Henry, 371, Henry B,, 457, Henry R,, Hon,, 319, Herbert R., 530. Hiram, 381. Holder B., 502, 503. Hope, 22, 29, 41, 42, 43, 168, 187, 188, 194, 237, 238, 245, 270, 383. Hope B., 461. Horace, 371 . Horatio, 274. Horatio N., 527. Howard G., 387. Huldah, 382. Humphrey, 220, 221. Innocent, 424, Irene, 318. Isaac, 318, 337. Isaac B., 540. Isaac P., 289. Isaac T., 297. James, 29, 30, 41, 123, 132, 133, 187, 188, 189, 190, 200, 208, 220, 240, 242, 259, 281, 282, 285, 286, 289, 363, 382, 385, 423, 424, 618, 519, 522, 526, 527, 528. JamesL,, 209, 290, Jane, 603, Jennet, 548. Durfee— Continued. Jenny F., 536. Jessee T., 285, 289. Job, 23, 26, 26, 27, 121, 122, 125, 126, 127, 129, 130, 199, 200, 215, 216, 217, 218, 281, 282, 283, 284, 291, 295, 297, 316, 324, 360, 361, 362, 424. Job W., 324. John, 19, 21, 22, 30, 43, 126, 127, 129, 130, 131, 192, 195, 196, 215, 260, 262, 274, 287, 295, 296, 297, 315, 382, 423, 458, 647. John F„ 532. JohnJ,, 194,270,271. John R,, 274, John W., 458, Jonathan, 281, 541. Jonathan B., 640. Joseph, 27, 28, 123, 132, 133, 134, 188, 189, 190, 207, 208, 209, 219, 220, 238, 248, 249, 259, 280, 281, 309, 317, 362, 369, 371, 372, 382, 385, 386, 387, 451, 457, 615, 518. Josephine L., 290. Joshua C, 361, Joshua T., 367, Judith, 297, 424, Judith M, 519, 621,522. Judith R„ 269, 528. Julia M., 542. Justin, 381. Keziah, 196. Lemuel, 215, 216, 318. Leonard B., 262, 465, 538. Loring, 309, 310. Louisa, 280. Lucena, 318, 366. Lucina, 209, 290, 291. Lucina T., 509. Lucretia, 189, 190, 259, 510,511. Lucy, 241, 280, 423, 519, Lucy B,, 380, 548, Lucy H., 385, Lusannah, 544, Lydia, 42, 192, 196, 260, 268, 270, 450, 542, LydiaA,, 450, 451, Lydia B,, 548. Lydia K,, 381, Lydia S„ 286, Lyman, 274, Mabel M„ 531 Madison, 385, Margaret L,, 603, 526, Margaret R,, 535, Maria, 356, Mariamne, 372, Mariba, 242, 426, 449. 564 INDEX. Durfee — Continued , Martha, 23, 25, 26, 29, 117, 187, Martha A,, 260 Mary, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 26, 27, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 86, 131, 132, 133, 134, 191, 192, 194, 197, 198, 200, 207, 208, 216, 232, 241, 244, 256, 262, 269, 274, 280, 281, 282, 286, 297, 317, 318, 319, 320, 360, 361, 363, 369, 370, 403, 423, 450, 458,476, Mary A., 260, 281, 289, 533 Mary E,, 357, 541, Mary H., 535, Mary J., 528, MaryM., 492, 502, MaryT,, 290, 362, Mary W,, 627. Matilda, 325. Matthew, 221, Matthew C, 268, 362, 503, 517, 546. : Mehitable, 248, 464, 474, 538 Melintha, 276, Melissa, 424, Mercy, 80, 112, 132,200, 220, 238, 240, 241, 283, 387. Meribah E., 548. Minerva, 372. Minerva B., 502. Myra, 279. Nancy, 190, 221, 274, 296. Nanoy W., 381. Nathan, 188, 189, 190, 197, 258, 259, 326, 457, 509, 510, 515, 618. Nathan, Dr., 468, 502, 526. Nathaniel, 360, Nathaniel B., 220, Nelson, 356. NeweU, 372. Nicholas E., 244, 450, 451. Octavia H., 548. Oliver, 123, 208, 209, 211, 212, 290, 318. Orpah, 220. Otis, 449, Pardon, 215, 216, 217, 318, 356, Pardon, Capt,, 319, Patience, 18, 25, 26, 31, 37, 248, 256, 260, 324, 466, 472, 475, 547, Patience B., 260, 529, Paul, 451, Peace, 242, 426, Peleg, 19, 21, 43, 45, 46, 191, 196, 274, Peleg A„ 369, Perry, 242, 424. Durfee— Continued, Peter, 244, 361,461, Phebe, 43, 49, 215, 282, 315,318,469, 641, Phebe B., 504, 515, 646, Philena, 357, Philo, 216, 356. Philip, 220, 260, 262, 372, 465, 538, Philip H., 385, 387, Phoebe, 195, 222, Polly, 80, 275, 279, 282, 326, 450, Preserved, 43, Prince, 133, 237, 382, PrisciUa, 209, 215, 309, Prudence, 132, 189, 236, 241, 257, 258, 318, 382, 416, 604, Rachel, 242, 437, Randall N., 635, Raymond P,, 286, Rebecca, 41, 131, 191, 193, 208, 236, 237, 262, 268, 286, 315, Rhobe, 248, Richard, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 29, 30, 46, 190, 191, 198, 260, 261, 262, 280, 281, 540, 542, 647, 648, Richard B., 315, Richard T„ 281, Richmond D., 471, Robert, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 41, 42, 44, 191, 192, 197, 202, 107, 263,267,451, Robert A., 286, Rodney, 380. Rodolphus W., 471. Roxanna, 423. Rufus, 197, 280. Ruth, 121, 122, 132, 196, 203, 215, 219, 220, 222, 239, 242, 270, 286, 357, 364, 373, 424. RuthS., 290. Sally, 269, 282, 324, 380, 626. Samantha, 324. Samuel, 27, 28, 130, 132, 133, 188, 189, 190, 222, 237, 238, 240, 241, 269, 380, 417, 422, 423, 529, 530, 631, 632, 533, 536 Samuel B., 260, 380, 531. Samuel G., 423. Sanfords,, 371, Sarah, 23, 25, 41, 42, 43, 85, 109, 110, 121, 123, 133, 134, 191, 192, 194, 196, 198, 199, 200, 215, 241, 260, 268, 269, 274, 282, 283, 286, 372, 382, 399, 400, 424, 451, 483, 492, 538, 541, Sarah A., 530. Durfee — Continued , Sarah R., 548. Seth, 366, 360. Seth R., 268, 508. Shelburn, 372. Silvia, 216, 314. Simeon A., 276. Sobina, 372. Sophia, 458, 470. Stephen, 200, 216, 217, 241, 257, 260, 262, 281, 282, 318, 359, 423, 424, 464, 465, 637, 540, 641. Susan, 281, 324, 357, 527 SusanA., 381. Susanna, 23, 26, 26, 29, 121, 122, 132, 187. Susannah, 188, 200, 222, 239, 248, 267, 258, 259, 260, 282, 284, 361, 382, 416, 462, 484. Sydney S,, 356, Tabitha, 317, Thomas, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 29, 30, 41, 42, 43, 122, 123, 124, 125, 127, 134, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 193, 194, 198, 200, 201, 209, 215, 219, 220, 222, 232, 237, 253, 257, 259, 260, 262, 268, 281, 282, 283, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 361, 362, 363, 370, 371, 466,619,521. Thomas, Hon., 295. Thomas J., 519. Thomas M., 508. Thomas R., 258, 262, 603, 525. Thomas R. G., 260. Timothy P., 289. Trypena, 196. Wait, 121, 122, 200, 201. Waity, 282. Walter, 196, 276, 278, 279, 387. Walter C, 8, 16, 20, 260, 535 Walter H., 530. Walter S., 535. Wanton, 220. Wanton H., 219, 370. Welcome, 241, 423. Welthe, 262. Whipple, 372, WUlard, 382, WiUiam, 18, 27, 28, 29, 30, 131, 132, 216, 219, 220, 221, 222, 237, 242, 267, 259, 260, 262, 280, 296, 297, 360, 362, 363, 371, 372, 373, 376, 380, 381, 382, 383, 424, 450, 528, 537, 541. WiUiam A., 451, 455 INDEX. 565 Durfee — Continued. William B., 381, 515, 640. WUliam F., 528. WiUiam G., 370. WUliam H„ 286, 464, 527, 538, William M,, 531, WUliamR,, 371, Wing, 131, 221, 222, 380, 382, Winthrop C, 5, 535, Zebedee, 43, ZohethS,, 519, 520, 621, Durfet, Benjamin, 280, John, 275, Durham, Lorenzo, 144, MatUda E,, 144, Durssa, Robert, 6, DURSAT, Thomas, 6. Durset. James, 6. John, 6. Thomas, 6. DuTCHER. Nelson, 426. Dwellt, Andrew, 311, Daniel, 393, Mary, 360, Patience B., 393, Phebe, 195, 456, Phebe A,, 398, Dyer, Cynthia, 205, Martha, 229, Sarah, 282, Stephen, 206, 282, John, 200, 282. Mercy, 200, 282. Samuel, 282, Stephen, 200, 282, Eagan. Josephine, 317. Earl. AbigaU, 185. AdrianaW,, 468, Benjamin, 467, 468, 517, Benjamin W., 302. Edward DeF., 302. Elizabeth, 200, 424. Fanny, 186. Henry I., 468. HiUiard, 467. Hh-am H., 468. Irene S., 468. Jennie H., 468. Jonathan, 302. Lewis H., 302. Lydia F., 449. Martha, 186. Mary, 185. Mary D., 302. Meribah, 454. Newton R., 468. Oliver, 449. Prisoii/a, 383, 384. Earl— Continued . Prudence, 185. Ralph, 309. Robert, 185. Ruhanna, 186. Sarah, 186. Susan A., 468. Thomas, 309. WiUiam, 309. Earle. Gibbs, 81. James PI,, 59, John, 125, 284, Laura, 81 , Mary, 38, 125, Prudence, 29, 132, 187 Robert, 85, RuthH., 284, WilUam, 29, 85, Fasten, Thankful, 371, Theophilus, 371, Easterbrooks , Charles, 191, Hannah, 546, Mary, 191, Easton. Alexander D , 480. Alice F., 481. Harriet B ,481, Norman, 480, Norman S., 481, Sarah, 199, 281, 282, 283, 284, Easton or Eastman, Rachel, 270. Easty. David, 195. Eaton. Angie M,, 95, Daniel B,, 155, Jeremiah, 95, Joseph S,, 155 Marion, 156, Olive W,, 183, Spencer E,, 166, Eddy, Annie H,, 498, Bertha, 181. Bessie, 181, Caleb F„ 181, CUfford, 181, Clinton L,, 181, Emily, 49, Eliza G,, 498, Franks,, 181, Frederick W„ 181, George W,, 181, Henry H,, 498, James C, 498, Jesse, 498, John, 43, Katherine C, 181. LUlian, 181. Louisa M,, 181, Lucius J,. 181, Marion, 181. Ruth, 182. Susannah, 43, 192. Edict. John, 427 Edmunds. Johannah, 67. Edwards. Abby K., 235. Adelia, 231. Amanda O., 236. Ann, 472. BeUe A„ 236, BeUe C, 236. Charles E,, 236, Charles H„ 235, Clara E„ 236. Daniel, 231. Daniel R„ 231, Delia, 243. E, AUen, 236, Emmett H,, 236, George, 236, Hannah, 231, Harriet E., 236. Jane, 231. Jessie, 236, John, 235, Julia A., 236, Kate, 231, Laura J,, 236. Margaretta, 444, Mary L., 236, Ela, Emeline, 162, Eldridge, Annie, 498. Elnathan, 53, Joseph, 154, Josiah. 53, Sallie H,, 154, Ellis, Cornelius A,, 351, Josiah T„ 80. Patience, 416. Elliott. IsabeUa, 230, Elsbree, Henrietta M,, 170, Hemy, 170, J, R., 256. Thomas, 254. WiUiam, 253. Elwood. Mrs., 342. Ely, Mary J., 300. Emert. Anthony, 37. Emmet. Julia L., 431. Sarah E, 431. WilliamT., 431. Empet, Charles, 66. Jacob, 66 Erwin. Robert, 190. Estbs, Abbie, 110, AbigaU, 81, 387. Alzada, 78. Alzada A., 78. Amanda, 83. Andrew. 64, Ann, 26,t57, 64, 84. Anna,;57, 83. 566 INDEX. Estes— Continued . AnnaD., 79. AnnaB., 83. Anne, 61, Annie L,, 79, Benjamin, 60, 64, 66, Benjamin T,, 63, Benjamin F,, 79, Betsey, 65, 66, Catherine O,, 60. Catherine, 66, 82, Charles, 75, Charles E,, 67, Charles O , 77. Charlotte, 68, 66. David, 72. 457. Daniel, 75, 76. Darius B., 75. Deziah, 64. Edith, 75. Edmund, 77. Edmund, 68, 84. Eleanor, 60, 79. Elias H.. 62, Elisha, 75, 76, 84, Elizabeth, 58, 64, 71, 73, 80, 84, 112, 387. Elizabeth L., 77, 78. Elizabeths., 62. EUen, 60. Emeline, 72. EmUy, 67. Everett, 79. Fidelia L., 78. Frances, 64. Francis H., 59. Frank A., 78. Frederick, 72. George, 78. George D., 59. Godfrey, 80, 81, 387 Hannah, 66, 72, 74. Hannah H., 83. Harriet L., 78. Harriet, 83. Hiram M., 83, Hope, 387. Horatio N., 66 IdaM., 60, Isaac, 63, Isaac G, 62, James, 65, 67, 75, James B,, 64, Jane, 67, J, Edmond, 79, Jerusha, 61, Jennie L,, 79, Job, 77, 456, John, 57, 66, 66, John H., 77, 79. John M., 60, John N,, 62, -Joseph, 60,61,71,73,75 82, 84, .Joseph A,, 75, Joseph D,, 78. Joseph N., 62, Lavinett T., 78. Lois, 61.. Sd *£¦,..,( Lois A., 62 .'11! ' Louisa J., 79. Lucinda, 65. Estes — Continued . Lydia, 82. Lydia G., 62. Mary, 68, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 71, 81, 387. MaryA,, 69, 72. Mary B,, 59 Mary E,, 60, Matilda. 84. Mercy, 387. Nathaniel, 61, 63. Nathaniel H,, 79. Nathan C, 76, Ophelia, 60, Patience G., 63. Peter, 66, 72, 80, 82, 83, 84, 110, 112, 387. Phebe B., 69. Phebe, 75. Philadelphia, 66. Philip, 68, 60. PriscUla, 62, Rachel, 61, 66, Rebecca, 60, 64, Rebecca A,, 58, Richard, 57, 60, Richard P,, 66, Robert, 57, 58, 71, 84, 110, 112, 465, 457, Robert T., 79, Rosina, 66. Rowland, 62, Ruth, 71, 72, 75, 78, RuthN,, 62, Sarah, 67, 61, 66, 67, 73, 75, 76. Sarah A,, 62, Sarah E,, 78. Silas W,, 62, Susan, 59. Susan S., 62, Stephen, 64, Thomas, 67, 60, 61, 71, 72, 80, 84, 387, Thomas G., 75. Thomas P., 58. Thomas W., 78. Uriah, 58, WilUam, 65. WiUiam T., 78. ZUpha, 72. Evans. Abby 1., 156, Almira B., 156, BaUey, 153, Bailey W., 149, 157, Bertha L„ 157, Betsey, 149, 152, Birdie S,, 153, Cassandra, 486, Charles S„ 165, Charlotte, 485, Clara F,, 155. Claude W., 153, David, 149, 153, 154, 156 David B., 164, Earl V„ 166, Edna I,, 166, Edson v., 149, 166, Edwin T., 154, EUzabeth A,, 167, Evans — Continued , Elizabeth M,, 155, Emily V,, 160. Ethel F,, 155, Fannie M,, 153, Fanny D,, 153, Fred. B,, 167. George W., 149, 157. GuiUord H., 149, 156. Hannah, 49, 137, 149, 150. Harriet E., 154. Ida C, 155. John, 135, 136. Joseph N., 164. Kate L., 157. Leonard B., 154. Lucy v., 149, 157 Margaret H., 157. Marion K., 157. Martha E., 166, Martha W„ 157, Mary, 136, Mary C, 156, Mary E,, 166, Mary J., 489. Mary L,, 1.50, Nancy, 149, Nathan, 486, PhUip H,, 149, 163, 154, 156. Philip T„ 153, Polly, 149. Richard L., 154, Ruth, 175, Sarah, 136, 163, 164, Thomas J., 149, 153, WiUiam A,, 155, WiUiam B,, 156. Eves. EUzabeth, 355. Fabrique. Katie, 439. Fairchild . Hannah, 476, Farmer. Mary, 410, 411, 412, Farnham, Bertha, 174. Charles H,, 173. Dorothy W., 173. Marion, 173. Farrow. Remember, 52. John, 52. Faulkner. Jennie L,, 605. Lydia, 231. Fearing. Fred. .\., 266. Harriet, 266. Martin, 266. Felch. Almy, 182. CharlesM., 182. Jennie, 182. Ferguson. Harcourt, 346. Lydia, 449. Sarah E., 346. Sylvia, 352. INDEX. 567 Ferris. Marcia, 347. Field. Abby F., 298. Filkin. Olive A., 362, Fischbein. Clarence L., 447. Henry G., 447. Joseph R., 447. Magnus F., 447. Fish. Abiel, 311. Alice, 498. Ann C, 70. AnneM,, 498, Annie Louisa, 111, Benjamin, 35, 81, 110, Bertha, 307. Carrie, 311, Caroline F., 498, Charity, 88, 403, Charles H,, 497, Christopher, 109. Cornelia, 456. Daniel, 34, 35. David, 35, 109, 307. Eleanor, 308. Eleanor A., 307. Elizabeth, 110, 388. Frank, 311. Frank L., 498. George, 34. George A., 497. George H., 497. George L., 71, Hannah, 110, Harvey T,, 497, Henry H., 497, 498, Horatio N,, 284, Isaac, 34, 311, 497. Jane E., 497. Jane L., 497, Jemima, 109, John, 28, 29, 104, Joanna, 28, Joseph, 81, 110, 114, 311, Julia M„ 497, 498, Lawton, 307. Lizzie, 311. Louisa, 311. Lydia, 110. Lydia A., 323. Maria L., 498. Mary, 28, 37, 109, 114. Pierce L., 498. Preserved, 35. Rachel, 110, Rhoda, 150, Robert, 34, 35, 284. Ruth, 110, 111, 204. SaUy, 104. Sarah, 109, 497. Sarah A., 498. Stephen, 110. Susan H., 322. Susannah, 110. Thomas, 28. WUliam B„ 307 Fisher. AbigaU, 421, Charles E,, 480, Christiana, 408, Lyman M., 243, Mary, 121, Mary K,, 480, Nathan, 421, Olivia, 162, Fisk, Charles P,, 323. Daisys., 323. Elizabeth S,, 322, Peter W,, 323, Stephen F., 323, Fiske, Amey, 454, Daniel, 454, Hardin, 454, Sarah R,, 454, FoLGER, Sarah, 113, Foote, Clarissa, 170, Follette, Lewis, 426, Melissa, 427, Ford, Chole, 272, James, 484 Fortnet, E.N,, 432, Fred, W,, 432, George A., 432, Harry E,, 432, Herbert E., 432, Leland H., 432, Louisa E,, 432, LuellaP„432,Merrit B,, 432, Foster, Basha, 406, Charles, 406, Marion, 406, FOWTLER, Charles, 116, Sarah, 265, Fox, Sally, 426, Frank. Abraham, 440. Annie J., 440. Chancey G., 440. Emma V,, 440. Lucy, 440. Franklin. Benjamin, 450. Franks. Mary, 412, Mattie J,, 412, WUliam, 412, Frederick, John W,, 488, Freeborn, Abbie G„ 233, Ann, 23, 24, 25, Asa, 233, Benjamin, 282. Charles, 307. Gideon, 24, 25, 27, 122. Hannah, 224. Jonathan, 233, 281, 282. Freeborn— Continued . Mary, 24, 25, 98, 259. Mercy, 86. Patience, 27, 38. Ruth, 122. Sarah, 24. Susannah, 281. Wait, 122. WiUiam, 24, 26. William F., 30 '. Freelove. Oliver, 49. Phebe, 49. Thomas, 117, Freeman, Archer, 433. Daniel, 433. Harvey, 433. Julia, 433. Mattie, 449. French. Albert S., 456. Antoinette, 184. Edmund, 183. Edmund V., 184. Electa, 184, Ethel S,, 456. Florence, 466, Hannah H., 398, Horace, 184, Job B„ 517, Loreta, 488. Luoy O., 456. Myron W., 184. Prelate, 184. Samuel V., 184. Sarah, 184. Stephen L., 398. Stephen S., 456. WiUiam, 184. WiUiam H., 184. Woodbridge C, 184, Frt, Mary O., 44. Fuller. Adeline J., 467. Charlotte D., 465. Edith L., 466. Elisha, 465, 466, 474. Elisha C, 465, 474, 638. EUa A., 466, Emily A., 466, Flora E,, 466, Ida T„ 466, Jonathan, 465, Julius E,, 467, Mary, 465, Meribah E,, 465, Philena A,, 67. Rufus F., 466. Rufus T., 466. Sarah, 360. Thomas D., 466. Thomas W., 466. Gage. Alexander, 64. Daniel, 60. Elkanah, 60. Ezekiel, 60. Isaac, 61. Jarvis, 60. Mary, 47. 568 INDEX. Gage — Continued . Montgomery, 60. Phebe, 60. Ruth, 61. Susanna, 47. Thomas, 47, 51, 52, Gaige, Alexander, 445. Ann E,, 446, Anna, 445, Danford, 63, Josephine, 446, 447, Luoy, 446, 448, MariUa, 446, 447, Richard, 445, Gaines, Eunice, 170, Gallup, Everett E„ 413. George, 413. Mary E,, 413, WiUiam, 413, Youngs A„ 413. Gardner. Abbie E,, 397, Abiel, 76, Charles, 225. Dorcas, 76. EUza, 389. EmmaB., 397. Harriet, 158. Henry B., 397. Joseph, 397. Joshua, 76. Louisa K., 391. Mattie, 391, Samuel, 389, 391, Patience, 248, Prudence, 189, 190, Rosanna, 225, Samuel L., 249. Garland. Charles R., 447. Fanny K., 447, John, 447, Mary E,, 447, WiUiam, 447, Garness, Catherine, 179, Garvin, Adeline A,, 454, Benjamin, 454, Herbert C„ 454, Gatchell, Arthur M„ 355, Harriet A„ 354, Welcome D,, 354, William, 364, William H,, 354, Geer. Charles W., 514 George. Moses S., 378. Sarah, 441. Sarah M,, 378, Gesathmt, Helen M., 497. Gibbs. EUza, 106. Robert, Capt,, 118, Josephine, 500. Gibson. Philip D„ 305. Gifford, Abigail, 132, Abigail D„ 223, 227, 233 Adelia M., 234. Albert, 230. Albert W,, 230, Angenetti, 231, Barclay H,, 234. Benjamin F., 231, Berkley, 231. Carrie, 230. Charles, 234. Clara J., 306. Clarissa, 227, 231. David, 38, 86, 132, 223, 227, 229. David D„ 230, Diana, 92, 224, 228, Edith, 231, Eliza, 91, 227, 230, Elizabeth, 223, 224, 227, 232, Elnora, 234, Ephraim, 98, 223, 227. Frances A., 234, George H,, 227, 229, 230, 231. George W., 517, Gideon, 92, 223, 224, 228 Hannah, 227, 231, 234, Harold, 231 Harriet, 227, 236, Henry B,, 230, Hezekiah, 229, 230, Jane, 227, 232, Jeremiah, 86, 91, 223, 226, 234, 304. J. H„ 230. John E., Rev,, 306, Joseph, 219, 223, 227, 231. Josiah C, 234, Lloyd H., 231, Lydia, 492, LydiaA,, 461. Lydia W., 234, Mabel H,, 230, Mary, 219, 223, 227, 231, 363, 364, 365, 366, 369, 370, MaryA,, 70, 224, 228, 235 Mary A. W., 234, MaryB,, 223, 227, 232, 304. MaryM,, 155, Ralph E., 235, Rebecca, 461, Ruth, 227, 231, Sarah, 38, 223, 231, Simeon H., 234, Thomas, 2.30. William, 117, WiUiam G,, 234. WUliam H„ 227, 233, 234, Gilbert, AbigaU F,, 64. Gilbert— Continued , Ariadne, 547. Edith L., 547. Edward, 546. Lucius, 546. Lucius L., 547. WiUiam B., 547. Gill James D,, 180, James M,, 180, Gilson, EUa, 442, George, 271, Gladding, Mary D,, 502, Glass, Emory, 342, Reuben, 341, Sarah M,, 341, 343. Zenas, 343, Glazier, Amory, Dr,, 496, Calvin, 496, Charles A,, 499, Edward A,, 499, Eliza A,, 496, George H., 499, Jane H,, 498, Glendat. Ann, 503, 525. Goble. Hannah, 200. GODFRET. Ebenezer, 51. Sarah, 37. GoODE. Mary, 446. Goodwin. Mary, 468. Gordon. Anna S., 350. Gore. MarceUa, 477. Gorham. Daniel, 225. Gorsline, Phiantha, 340, Gorton, Elizabeth, 31, Mary, 19, Samuel, 20, 31. Gould. Ebenezer, 533, EUsha A., 533 , Emma J„ 533, 534, Hannah A., 533, Hemy C, 633, 534, Mary J,, 633, Samuel, 102, Sarah D., 102, Susannah, 89, 90, 101 107, WiUiam, 533, WUUam C, 533, WiUiam E,, 533, Graham. Charlotte P,, 171. Frances M,, 170. Harriet M,, 171, James, 170, Granger. Louis, 401. INDEX. 569 w-v Grant. Clara B., 168. Elmer E., 168. Ethel W., 168. Frederick C, 168. George E., 168. Henry G,, 168, Horatio N,, 164, Howard R,, 168, President, 334, RusseU R,, 168. Gray, Abbie, 369, Abbie E„ 368, Abby, 367, Abby F„ 366, AbigaU, 220. AbigaU D., 367. Albert, 313. Arthur E., 367. Asa, 366, 367. Christiana, 367. David, 220. David D,, 368, 370 Desire G,, 325, Edward, 45, 296, EU, 487, EUzabeth, 220, 366, 479 Elizabeth D,, 369, Franklins., 367, Gideon, 220, 368, 369, Gideon F,, 369. Hannah, 367. Henry, 366, 367. John, 220, 366, 369. John A., 368. John P., 367. Mary, 256, 260, 366, 367, 370. Mary E., 367. Nancy, 460, Pardon, 189, Pardon W,, 368, Phebe, 131, 215, 366, Philip, 368, PhUip J,, 369, Rebecca, 45, 191, Ruth W,, 368, SabrinaK,, 487. Sarah, 296, 370. Sarah A., 369. Sarah B,, 215, SusanA,, 367, Thomas, 215. WUliam, 450. Graves. Ann, 246. Caroline, 246. Emma, 246. Eunice, 354. George, 246. Juliet E., 246. Ruth, 176. Green, Benjamin, Dr,, 115, Carlista, 444, CaUsta H,, 438, 440. Clara, 489. Elisha, 438. Eliza, 230, Emeline A., 438, 439. EmUy M., 228. G keen— Continued , Gideon T„ 438, Hawkins, 230, JohnH., 165. Lewis H., 438, 439. Maria L., 438. Mary E., 438. Oliver D., 228. Paul, 98. Phebe, 94. Phebe L. L., 228. Rachel A., 438, 439. Samuel, 438. SamuelR., 438, 439. Greene . Abby L., 460. AnnaO., 460. Chester W., 460. Isaac, Hon., 115. Isaac P., 115, Isabel, 91. IvaE., 115. Greenhalgh. Annie, 152. Hemy, 152. Elizabeth, 442. Gregg. John, 359. Lucinda C, 213. Grieves. Margaret, 266. Griffin. Catherine, 386. Melinda, 409. Nicholas, 386. Richard, 386. Thomas, 386. Griffith. Eleanor, 197. Grinnell. Abel, 317, Abigail, 317, Angeline, 179, Betsey, 204, Daniel C, 317, EUzabeth, 297, George, 313. Ida, 313. Isaac, 317. Isaiah, 369. Nelson C, 317. Ruth, 34. Stephen, 84. Stephen F, 81. Valentine, 179. Hackett. WiUiam, 48. Haddock. Isaac T., 397, Hadwin, EUza, 290. Henry, 290. Haight. Effingham C, 93. Eleanor, 93. Lawrence E., 93, Hale, Alonzo, 448, Betsey, 448, David A., 448, Eunice M,, 448, Frank O., 448. Hale — Continued . Mary J., 468. Samuel, 468. Searin, 448. Hall. AbigaU, 435, Addie E,, 413, Albert C, 88, Alexander M,, 412, Alice, 413, Alice D,, 89, Almira T,, 69, 87, Amelia, 405, AmeliaC, 404, 413, Anna, 407, 409, Anna G., 408. Ann J., 69, 87. Anne, 87. Anson B., 410. Anthony D., 88. Benjamin, 69, 70, Burton D,, 408, Caroline R., 408. Catherine S., 69, 87, 88. Chloe, 407. Clarence E., 406, (Clarissa, 403, Clarkson A„ 410. Darius, 88. David, 88, 404, 407, 408, 409, 410. David F., 88, 113. Deliverance, 18. EarlJ., 404, 405. Edward, 88. Elma M,, 404. Elsie M^ 413, Emma E,, 89, EmmaL,, 413, Frances E., 405, Freeborn, 87, Gardiner, 88, George, 68, 69, 87, 88, 227, 403, 404, 407, 412, George K,, 404, 405, George P,, 69, 87, Hannah, 68, 86, 91, 227, 304, 413, Hannah C, 88. Hannah D,, 227, Hannah W,, 69, 87. Harold, 408, Harold B„ 89, Henry, 413, Herbert F„ 69, 87, Howard, 408, Isaac D„ 88, 89, Jane, 88, James, 403, 404, James E, C„ 404, 406, James M,, 406, Jermond D„ 410, Joseph, 87, 404, 412 Lodaman, 413, Laxira, 405, Lucius S,, 410, LydiaM,, 412, 413, Marietta, 410, Martha A., 404, 406. Martha E., 413. Mary, 34, 64, 404, 413. 570 INDEX. Hall— Continued , Mary A,, 407, 410, Mary C, 69, 87. Mary D., 412. Mary J„ 404, 406. Mary M., 412. Maud M., 408. Parker, 69, 70, 87,88. Peleg, 405. Phebe, 90. Phineas, 407. Rebecca, 136. Robert D., 87, 88, Ruth, 87,227, 403, 406, Ruth D,, 88, 89, Samuel G,, 412. Sarah, 404, 410, 413. Sarah K., 404, 405. Stella, 408. Stephen, 404. Susannah, 87. Timothy L., 404,405. Weltha F., 404. WiUiam, 18, 68, 86, 403, 407. William G., 89. WiUiam M,, 413, WiUiam T,, 69, 87, Hallet, Jennie, 440, Halverson, George, 294, Goodman, 294 Lucius, L,, 294, Hamblet, Abigail, 388, Hamblt, Abner C„ 396, Albert H,, 369, Albert R,, 369, Benjamin, 388, Edith, 167, Elizabeth, 113, Elizabeth S,, 388, John, 113, 395. John B., 395. John W,, 396, Maria A,, 396 Peleg, 388 Ruth, 388. Ruth O., 396. WiUiam H., 369. Hamilton. James E,, Rev,, 230. Hammond. Chloe, 407. Mary W., 289. Hancock. Emeline, 301. Hand. Flora, 448. Handy. Benjamin, 163. Benjamin J., 162. Frederick, 162, Frederick O., 163, Louise H,, 163, Mary T,, 459, Haner, Arthur E,, 417, Durfee S., 417, LorenedaS. W., 417. Hanes. Abby, 529, Hanna, Ann R„ 392, Arthur B., 393, CardweUM„393.WUliam N„ 393. Harcourt. Elizabeth, 62, Hargraves, John W,, 229. Harrington. Lucy, 500. Harris. Abbie S., 488. Allen T., 488. Bradford D., 486. Calvin M,, 488, Charles H„ 489, Henry B., 486, Ida C, 488. Jasper D., 489. John, 486, John W„ 486. Jonathan, 486, Jonathan A„ 486, 488. Jonathan E., 487. Laura S., 487. Louisa, 346. Lovie E,, 487, Lucianna, 486, 487, Lucy, 33. Lucretia, 33. Rachel M., 486. Thomas B., 486, 487, Walter S,, 489, Harrison, Adelaide E,, 466. Fanny C, 323, Marion D,, 302, Marion E., 302 Hart, Abel, 368, Annie D,, 483, Barsheba, 360, Fanny, 368, Hannah, 195, James, 136, John, 547, Joseph, 360. Nancy, 287, 547. Orlando W., 483. Phebe, 64. Peleg, 54. Ray W,, 483, Rebecca, 196, Robert, 444, Hartlet. Elizabeth, 470. Hartwell, AUred, 119, Christiana L,, 119, David, 463, Mary L,, 463, Haskins, AbigaU, 164, Gilbert, 164, Harvet. Margariet, 6. Haskins, Delight, 522. Hathawat. AbigaU, 137, 139. Abiah, 145, 148. Alden, 147, Alice F,, 145 Amey, 182. Benjamin, 142. Betsey, 49, 142, 143, 270. Betsey W., 145. Charles G., 146. Charles W,, 148. David, 152. Deborah, 460, E, Florence, 146, Edmund, 142, 145, 137, Edmund D,, 173, Edmund G., 146, Edmund H,, 146, Edmund V., 148. Edward W., 145. Elizabeth, 142. Eunice, 500, 516. Gideon, 43, 49, 192. Gideon P., 152, Gilbert, 267, GuUford, 137, 193, Hannah, 136, 149, 159. Harriet, 158. Harriet E., 184. Helen, 154. Helen M., 149. Huldah, 269. Isaac, 518. James M,, 142, Joanna, 152, Joannie P., 162. Jane E., 387, Joel, 253. Jonathan, 53, Joseph, 192, Josephine E,, 173, LaurUlaM,, 148. Lucy, 158, 172. Lucy v., 143. Lydia, 48. Margaret, 108. Martha, 137, 149, 150, 162, 163, 156, Mary, 42, 492, 518, 522, 638, 542, 545. Mary II., 144. Minerva E,, 144. Minerva M., 148, Nancy, 50. Noah, 144, Othalia W., 145, Peace, 49, Persis, 146, PhUip, 137, 159, 385. PhiUp, Rev., 142. PoUy, 137, 385, 386. Prudence, 318. Rachel, 148. Rebecca, 42, Rhoby, 43, 192. Rhoda, 174. Robert, 49, SaUy, 142, Sarah, 192, Simmons, 137, 158, Susan, 146, INDEX. 571 Hath AW AT— Continued , Thomas, 149, Tryfanoy, 192. Vadentine, 149. Welthe, 257, 500. Hathewat, Abby P., 147. Alden, 147. Alden H., 146. Alden L., 147. Anna A., 147. Betsey, 147. Charles E., 147. , Elbridge L., 147. Gerard, 147. Noah, 147. Ursula, 435. Valentine, 147. Walter D., 147. Hauser. John, 355. Havens. Aseneth, 396. Hawlet. Ina, 236. Hawkins. MaryM., 458. Hates. Albert B., 464. Charles, M. D., 463. Charles D., 323. Edward W., 322. Elijah, 463. Helen F., 323. Jane, 463, Jennie C, 463. Robert S., 323. Ruth B., 463. Susannah B., 323. WUliam E,, 323, Hatward, Sarah A., 463. Hazard. Elizabeth, 109. Robert, 109. Thomas, 109. Head. Joseph, 408. Rebecca A., 408. Healet. John W., 312. MabeUe, 312. Ruth, 79. Heath. Alice, 315. Philete, 375. Samuel, 235. Sarah M., 235. Hedge. Barnabas, 198. Heitlet. Mahala, 111. Henderson. EmUy, 90. Hendrickson. Clarissa C, 527. Henshaw. Bertha W., 475. Daniel W., 476. Diana, 476. Elise C., 476. Eugene F., 476. Henshaw — Continued . Irana F., 476 Raymond S., 476. Herendeen. Anne, 354. Charles, 355. Charles B., 356. Durfee, 354, 355. Edward, 354. Edwin, 355. Gideon, 354. Grace A., 355. Helen M., 355. Huldah, 354. Mercie A., 355. Mercy, 359. Nathan, 354. Welcome, 328, 364. Wilkerson, 354. WiUiam R., 355. Herrick. Hham, 66. Roswell, 66. Hewitt, Deborah, 440, Hibbard, Charles, 54, Hicks, AbigaU G„ 228. Anna, 82, 186. Burrington, 228. Constant, 186. David, 351. David G., 221. Durfee, 186. Durfey, 186, Elery, 359, Elizabeth P,, 228, Emma F,, 228, George R., 228. Gideon, 228. Grace R., 228, Hannah, 82. James A., 351. Joseph, 186, 228. Mary G., 228. Morris, 361. Oliver G., 228, Patience, 227, Robert, 227, 228, Ruhanna, 186, Samuel, 227, 326, Sarah, 83, 186. Stephen, 82. WUliam, 186. Hickox, Mary E., 363. Higgins. Kate, 497. Hill. Amanda S., 64. Ebenezer A., 524, Elisha, 54, Hattie H,, 340, Mary E„ 523, Sarah A,, 525, Hilliker, Edwin, 410, Elias, 410, Stephen, 410, Hills, Charlotte M„ 171. Hills — (Continued , Chloe, 250. David, 250. Edmund, 171. Winslow H,, 171. Hillman. Jethro. 528. Sarah D., 528. Zachariah, 628. Hiltard. George, 488. Hinchcliffe. Esther J., 534. George H., 534 Hinds. Mr., 159. Hitchcock. Rosewell, Rev., 494. Hix. Joseph, 30. Hoar, Braddock, 159, Hodgdon, Elizabeth H,, 624, Hodges, MinaM,, 67, Theodore W,, 514. William, 514, WiUiam H„ 514. Holbrook. Anna E., .504, 505, Caleb B,, 504, Caleb S,, 504, Charles, 316, EUsha, 604. EUenM,, 604, 505, 506, Jason S., 178, Lu, 178. Lucinda, 178. Sarah J., 505. Holder. Ruth A., 481. Hodges. Amory, 499. Amory G., 499, Edward C, 499, John K., 499, Jonathan, 499, Holman, Charles A,, 305, Clifton T., 306, Frederick, 305, Grace R., 305. Herman F,, 305, Marguerite D,, 305, . Marion F„ 467, Mertle, 306, Richard A,, 467, Thomas, 305, Holmes, Abraham, 162, Almira, 213, Amanda M., 162, Anna, 622. Benjamin B,, 163, Dorothy P,, 162. Edith B., 162, Effie A., 301, George JB,N,, 162, George E,, 162, George N„ 162, George P,, 65, 572 INDEX. Holmes — Continued . Jennie E,, 55. John S., 615. Lois, 171. Mary, 280, Mary R., 163, Robert W., 162. Sally B„ 163, Samuel B., 162. Seth, 280, Susan E„ 162, Theodora B,, 163, William E., 163, Holt. Sarah, 489, HONETMAN, James, 123, Hooper, Jennie, 177, John, 95, Lucy Ann, 95, WiUiam, 96, Hopkins. Esick, 191. Sarah E„ 269, Stephen, 269, Horsewell, Elizabeth, 89, 99, Horton, Florence, 480, Plarriet, 614. Hiram, 480. John, 59. Mary, 139, 233. Melvin B., 480. Hoskins. Thomas, Dr., 345. Helen M., 346. Ho VET. James, 45. PIOWARD. Ann Maria, 51. Betsey, 51. Clarissa, 51. .lames, 51. Sybil, 51. Susan, 61, Thomas, 61. Howe. George H„ 145, Palmer, 59. Phcebe A., 59, Howell. Hannah, 356. Howland . Consider, 46. Edith, 240, Elihu, 74, George A,, 156, John, 45, Maria, 522, Sarah, 74, 85, Warren, 281. Hubbard. Florence P., 141, Franks., 141, George D., 141, Walter P,, 141, Winfred D,, 141. Hubbell, Rev,, 342. HUDDT, Henry, 101, Susan, 101, Hull, Charles F,, 74, Eliza, 74, Hannah, 74, John, 74, Mary A„ 74, Joseph, 224, Phebe, 240, Samuel, 224. Hummell. Henry, 376. Humphret. Anna McV., 476. Dorothy, 96, Edward L,, 476, Francis, 96, John E., 476, OtisM., 85, 96, Richard D„ 96, Hunt, Ann, 362, Deborah, 203, Lydia, 194, Moses, 316, Phebe, 317, Polly, 63. William, 316. Hunter, Huldah, 490. Rosalie E., 469, Huntington, MaryA., 66, HuRLET, Ellen, 172. HURTLESTONE . Cloe, 51. Husset. Albertus, 301 . Charles A., 300. Clarence L,, 301. Edwin Dennis, 301. Emma J,, 300. Eunice D., 301. Francis A., 301. Francis W„ 301, Joseph H,, 300, Joseph W,, 300. Marion L., 301. Mary E., 300. Maud E„ 300. Robert C, 301, Roland C, 300. Roland D., 301. Warren H., 301. WiUiam A., 301. Hutchinson. Samuel, 16. Hyatt. Hannah J., 490. Irish. Agnes R., 323. Lucy, 548, Irons. Alfred B., 147, Amey, 309. Edith A,, 147, Harold G., 147. Helen H., 147, Samuel, 147, Jackson . Hannah, 93, Mary, 346, Rebecca, 269, Richard, 93. Jacobs. Everett P,, 139, Jefferson, Benjamin, 22, Jencks, Ruth, 510, Jerusha, 194, 270, 271, Jonathan, 194, Jenkins, Amelia, 51 . .John, 51. Samuel, 51, Jennings. Annie, 72, 73, Daniel, 72, Elisha, 73, Elizabeth. 72. Gideon, 72, Isaac, 72, 73, John, 72, 237. Perry, 73, Phebe, 239, Ruhanna, 258, Ruth, 84, Jennt. WiUiam, 396. Joceltn. Nanoy, 429. Johnson. Abbie E., 169, Allen, 440, CaUsta A„ 440, Charles, 169, Charles F,, 169, 170. Charles H., 440. Charles L., 169. Edward C, 414, Elmer L., 440, Frank A., 440. George E., 440. Harriet E., 169. Lines, 440, Louisa, 432, Marv, 447, Nancy, 432, Samuel, 432. WUliam E., 169, Johnston. Charles W., 439. Charlotte E., 439, Fred, H„ 439. Louis F.. 439. L.H., 439, Stephen, 439. Joiner, Amey, 448. Beulah, 447. G.iige, 44S. Josephine, 447. Kezia, 448. Lethe, 448. Robertine, 448. Robert L., 447, Ruth, 44S. Samuel, 447, Jones, Annie B,, 84, INDEX. 573 Jones — Continued . Charles H,, 473, EUzabeth, 514, Emily, 403, Francis B., 473, Frances H., 83. Gardner, 473. George McC, 473. John W., 83, Lincoln, 400, Marcus E,, 473, MaryA., 139, Mary E., 83, MaryM,, 535, Miriam, 434, Thomas E., 447, 473, WiUiam S,, 473, Joslin, Abram, 72. Joseph, 72. Maria, 72, Urial, 72. Judson, James, 352, Karl S„ 352, June, Cepha, 67, Ke.an, Leonard, 50, Keen, Moses, 44, Keeney. Morton, 175, WiUard F,, 175, Keith, Louis, 391, Kellogg, Charles, 61, Eliza, 61, Emma, 62, Forris, 61, Frances, 62, Mary D,, 61, Rachel C., 62, Sarah, 61, Mr,, 179, Kelton, Clarence O,, 233, Edward G., 233. EUa, 233, Francis H,, 233, Hannah M,, 233. John, 233. JohnH., 233. Josephine, 233. Otis H., 233, Kellet, George H,, 288, Susan, 94, Kellt, Almira, 375. AnnaC, 288, Calvin, 375, D,D,, 94, Esther L,, 173, Hannah, 53, 375, WilUam, 620, Kempton, MaryS,, 141. Thomas W., 141. Kendall. Mary E., 501, Kendall — Continued , Oliver, 33. Kennet. Alonzo, 298, David, 298, Leon, 298, Lorenzo, 298, Pardon, 298, Susan, 298, Kenyon, Caroline C, 404, 405, Eliza, 115, Gideon, 404. Mary, 404. Peleg, 404. Ketser. Almira, 489. Kidder. Edward H., 147, Ethel W,, 147, Kill. Fred, M,, 434, James R., 434. Jasper, 434. Rathven, 434, Kilborn, John, 394, Kilburn, Ella, 480, King, Annie A., 143, Catherine, 167, David, 434, Ezekiel, 33. George A,, 600. Helen C, 605. Hervey W., 506. Isaac, 49. Philo W., 163. Minerva, 434. Robert C, 605, Samuel W,, 157, KiNGSLET, Rufus B., 230, Rufus G., 230. Kinset. Elizabeth, 490, Kirby. Bessie, 368, Charles S,, 80, Mabel, 368, Margaret, 76, Sarah, 159, WiUiam, 368. 'Kitts. Joseph, 442. Salena A,, 442, Klock, Elizabeth, 67, Henry, 67, John C„ 67, Knap, Diadama, (C), 48, Knight, Freelove, 454, John, 381, Nancy, 381, Knowles, E, Josephine, 321, H.Carlton, 321, Henry, 321, Mary, 117, Kuffield. Bashua, 367. Laflin . Jennie W., 179. Sylvester H,, 179, Lake, Celia, 369. Christopher, 75. David, 76. David H., 75, Harriet, 383. James, 369. Johannah, 81. Joseph, 317. Llewellyn R., 175. Lydia B., 76. Mary, 303, Patience, 317, Susan, 75, Laket. Ira, 218, Lamb. Erastus, 413, Marion L,, 413. Lamson, Grace, 96, Lane, Fannie, 79, Langlet, Bethiah, 294, Elizabeth, 123, 209, 211, 293, 294, 295, Elizabeth L,, 208, 294, 296 James L„ 294, 295. John, 211, 295. Lucina L., 294. Mary D., 294. Nathaniel, 211, 294, 295. Peter, 208,211,294, 295. Lapham. Mary E., 366. Larimore. Delia, 600. Larkin. James K., 405. Sarah, 404. Sarah C, 405. Larrabee. John H,, 353, Mary L,, 353, Wesley C„ 353, La Rose. Katherine, 145. Latimer, Elizabeth, 386. Law. Eleanor, 119. Elizabeth, 118. Lawrence. Alvin C, 428, Levi, 428, Sarah, 428, Theodore E,, 354, Lawton, AbigaU, 185. Alice, 203, Andrew, 143, Ann, 206, 207, Anna, 207, Antoinette, 144, BaUeyJW, E,, 158, 574 INDEX. Lawton — Continued , Catherine, 207. Charles H., 144, Darius P,, 206, David, 201, Edmund T,, 79, Effie A„ 474, Elbridge, 143, Elbridge G., 144. Eleanor, 206. Eliza H,, 93, Elizabeth, 77, 203, Evelyn H., 288, Francis. 157, 158, George P,, 203, George T,, 78, Gerard P,, 144, Giles, 206, Hannah, 111, 206, Henry, 203, Henry F,, 474, James C, 78, James M,, 474, Jeremiah, 207, Job, 186, 203, Job G„ 143, Job H,, 203, Irving, 144, Isabel C, 144, Isaac, 207, John, 201, John T„ 143, John W„ 78, Josiah, 253, Lois, 144, Lucy P., 203, Martha L., 298, Mary, 143, MaryA,, 101,203, Moses, 288, Nanoy, 416, Obediah, 206, 207, Orlando, 144, Parker, 101, Peter, 206, Rachel, 144, Rebecca, 288, Rhoda D., 201. Ruth, 202, 203, 206, 321, 322, 328. Sarah, 77, 203. Sarah E., 106. Susannah, 206. Thomas W., 78, 79. William, 48, 77, 201, Lee, Abram, 427, Chester, 427, Daniel, 427. John A„ 460, JohnM., 427, Mary T., 460, PhUip, 144, Roseilana, 144, Sally, 427, Marthaett, 163, Leek. James, 489, Leonard, Amasa, 66, Charles, 66, Leonard— Continued. Caroline, 66. Charlotte, 67. Edgar, 66. Gustavus, 499. Horatio, 499. Jane F., 499, John, 22, La Fayette, 66, Mary J„ 66, Nancy, 613, Polly, 177. Rachel, 66, Sally M„ 66, Levake, Homer, 448, Lewis, Fannie B,, 167, Frederick, 403, George W„ 157, Remember, 144, Lincoln, Abbie E,, 544, Alice, 409, AnnaH., 409, Cornelia W,, 480, Daniel, 409, Ichabod, 409, Maria, 409, Mary, 409, Minors., 480, Lindset, Anna B., 546. Annie, 303. Eliza, 546. Florence, 303. John H., 646. Jonathan W., 646. Joseph, 302, 303. Maria L,, 546, Martha, 303. Samuel, 302, 303. Sarah, 303. WiUiam, 546. Ling, Caroline A,, 79, WUliam B,, 79. Rev,, 342, Liscombe, AbigaU, 193, Annie, 193, Nehemiah, 193, Mary, 193. Richard, 193. Liscome. Anne, 42. Little, Jane, 648, Thomas, 548. Littlefield. Ephraim, 162. Harriet S., 162, LOBDELL. Mr,, 119, Lockwood. Anna T., 94, Benoni, 94, Logan, Mrs,, 265. Long, David W,, 180, Milton C, 180, Long — Continued, Orpha L,, 180, Loomis, Mr,, 60. Phebe, 228. Lord, Jane, 95, Loring, Harriet, 166, Lothrop, David, 66. Isaac, 46. Lout. Catherine, 62, Killson, 62. JohnT,, 63, Matthias, 62, 63, Nathaniel E,, 63. Patience E., 62. Ruth, 63. Lounsberrt. Caroline, 435, Lovejot. Elizabeth, 151, Noah, 151, Lovell. Ariadne M,, 546. Arthur, 546. Charles H., 148. Elvira K., 547. GUbert, 546. Harry B., 546. Helen, 646, Isaac B,, 454, Joseph J,, 148, Laura, 546, Laura S,, 546. Leander D,, 546. Leander N., 546. Leander P., 545, Lusannah, 545. Mansfield, 148, Minerva M., 148. Phebe D., 546, Richard L„ 546, Shubael, 545. Shubael P., 546. Lovie, Caroline A,, 287, Roby, 287, WiUiam, 287, Lowden. Elizbeth, 208, 211, 294. James, 294. 295, Lucina, 294. Mary, 291, 292, 294, 296, PrisciUa, 294, 295, PriscUla S., 208, 294, Richard, 208, 291, 293, 294, 295. Lucas. Cynthia, 447. Luling, Emma, 446, Frank, 446, Fi-ed„ 446, Harry, 446, Lewis, 446, Luther, Caroline L,, 299. Joseph H., 253. INDEX. 575 Luther — CJontinued . Susan H., 169. Lusk, Hannah, 339. Ltnde, Charles, 247. Enoc, 386, Mary, 135, 386, Mary B,, 247, Machado, Juan F,, 514, Salome A., 514, Macket, Alvira, 489. Macomber, Abner, 75 , Benjamin F,, 369, Clara B,, 174, Phebe A,, 410, Rhoda, 310, Sarah, 407, WiUiam B., 139, Mader, Laura B,, 301, Mallort, Ethel, 539, Manchester, Abbie B., 78, AbbyJ,, 311, 312, Abraham, 427, 428, 435, 436, Adeline, 78, Albert H., 311, 312, Alzina, 431, Andrew, 313, Angeline R., 430, Ann, 108, AnnE,, 311. Anna, 313, Anne, 104, Archer, 430. Arthur, 402, 403. Arthur P., 436. Barton E., 435. Benjamin, 310. Betsey C, 430, Carrie, 428, Catherine B,, 311, Charles, 428, Charlotte, 427, Clara S,, 311, 312. Clarissa, 430. Cook, 104, Cora, 429, David, 316, 383, 430, Edward, 239. Edward B., 311, 313. Electa A„ 417, Eliphal, 133, 240, Eliza D,, 427, EUza J,, 429, Elizabeth, 28, 399, 400, 431, Ella, 428, Elmina, 311, 313, Elvira, 312, EmeUne, 311, Eugene, 429, Frances, 403, Francis A,, 436. Freeborn, 104. George, 104. Manchester — Ckintinued . George T,, 104, Gilbert, 240, Gilbert H., 435, Grace, 429, Hannah, 104, 430, Hannah C, 399. Harvey K., 435. Helen C, 427. Henrietta A., 434. Henry, 313, 428, Herbert A., 435, Ichabod, 399, 400, 403, Isaac, 104, 429, James, 240, James D., 399, 401, 402. James H,, 429, 433, 434, Jennie A,, 429, Jennie E,, 436, John, 102, 235, 298, 427, John A., 428, John H., 430, Joseph, 399, 402, Judith, 297, Julia, 403, Julia C, 402. Juliette, 429. Julius, 429. Loney, 312. Lydia, 104, 432, Lydia J,, 434, Lysander W., 140. Margaret E., 434, Martha A., 402, Mary, 102, 239, 298, 399, 400, 428, Mary B,, 316. Mercy, 104, 133. Meribah, 298. Minerva K., 436, Minnie, 429, Mr., 90, Myra, 428, NeUie, 403, Oscar D,, 434. Peace, 432. Peter A,, 104, PhUander, 429, PhUip, 140, Ralph H., 435, Ray D., 435, Rebecca, 235, Rebecca C, 240, Robert T„ 311, 313. Ruth, 28. Ruth D,, 467, Samuel, 310, 311, 428, Samuel N,, 311, Samuel S„ 313, Sarah, 104, 428, Sarah A„ 104, Stephen, 28, 104, Susie, 433, Thomas, 104, 399. Thomas J., 399. Truman, 104. WiUiam, 15, 30, 78, 313. WUliam H., 114, 436. WiUiam M., 240, Zilpha, 430, Mann, Charlotte 447. Marble. John W., 154. James, 142, Susie M,, 141, March. Frances, 287. Marchant, Harriet, 456, PauUne, 456, Marsh, Loretta, 359, Marshall, Mr,, 51. Nanoy S,, 530. Martin . Abby, 265. AbigaU, 42, 263, 266, Abigail B,, 264. Amey, 263, 265. Christopher F., 265. CorneUus F., 266. DaUas B,, 266. Edward, 263, 265, EUza T„ 263, 266, Elizabeth, 265. Frederick, 304, George W,, 263, 266, Harriet, 263, 267, Harriet G„ 266, Helen, 298, Henry, 376. Henry J., 264, Martha L„ 266, Mary A., 265, Mary D,, 172, Mr,, 298, 304, Nancy C, 265. Robert, 263. Sarah K., 266. Silvanus, 263. Simeon, 191, 263. Susan E., 266. Susanna, 263, 265, Virginia G,, 266, Wheeler, 191, Marvel. Harriet J., 482, Ira, 482. Mason, Benjamin, 160, Charles, 160, 171, Choice, 160, Elizabeth, 96, Elizabeth H,, 160, Gardner, 160. Hannah, 160. Job, 160. John, Dr., 151. Josiah, 330. Lemira, 160. Louisa A., 330. Lucretia, 81, Lyman, 607, Mary, 337, Mary C„ 268, Nanoy C, 304, Phebe, 213, Silence, 138. Valentine, 160. WiUard DeH., 171. 576 INDEX. Matteson, Bethia, 214, Ebenezer, 199, Matthewson, Mary, 187, Maxfield, Elizabeth, 619, McAlister. David, 436, Harriet E,, 436, Lydia, 436, McCaulet. Mary, 439, McCormick, Hannah C, 419. Mary E., 418. Robert, 418, 419, McCoT. Alexander, 95, James M., 95. John, 95. Louise J., 95. McDaniels. Alice, 432. McDonald. Anna, 61, Edmond, 61, Estes, 61, James, 61, Margaret, 61, Nathaniel, 61. Rebecca, 61. Samuel, 396, Thomas, 61, McElrot, Helen, 377, Samuel, 377, McKee, Electa, 434, McKenzie, Mary, 488, McKercher, Mary, 379. Mead. Lorenda, 272. Meech. Sarah, 55. Meeson. Edwin, 456 . Maria, 456. Orin F., 456, Meldrum, Harvey, 352, Leander, 352, Mr, & Mrs., 342, Peter, 352, Melott. Abraham, 487, Benjamin, 487. Catherine, 487, Melville, George T., 453. Merihoo, Jonathan, 22, Mecalf. Alfred, 96. AlfredD., 96, Edward D., 96, Lucy H., 96, Ralph W„ 96, WiUiam D,, 96, Meters, Sarah A,, 60. Miller. Ann F., 206. Hannah, 637. Howard, 432. MaryA., 119, 273. John, 206. Robert, 263. Mills. Abbie L., 303. Archer, 303. Marjorie, 303. WiUiam S„ 303, Miles. Hannah, 78, Mrs,, 137. Rachel, 161. Samuel v., 161. Surthey, 161. Milne, Abby P,, 390, Alexander, 390, 392, Alexander K., 391, Ann J., 390, 391. Annie, 391 . Eliza J,, 390, 391, George A., 390, 392, Harriet N,, 390, James M., 393, James T., 390, 391. John, 390. JohnO., 390, 391, Mary, 391, 393. Mary D., 390, 392, MelviUe B,, 391, 392. Minnie, 391, NanC, 393. Rufus H,, 392. Swift, 392, Minard . Matilda, 144, Mitchell, Elizabeth A., 301, Monk, Harriet, 162, Monroe. Amy C, 70, Bateman. 70, Elizabeth, 70, Moore, David, 320, Dr„ 321, Jessie, Mrs,, 175, LauriUa, 148, Sally, 320. More, Richard, 16, Moret, Belinda C, 177, George W,, 177, Morris. Annie, 478, Robert, 37, WiUiam, 478, Morse, Hannah, 464, Mr., 454, Nellie, 226, Sarah C, 460, Morton. I Brayton 175, Morton — Continusd , James M,, 174, Margaret, 175, Rebecca, 198. Mosher. Abram R. G,, 155, Amos, 299, Bejamin F,, 155, David T,, 441, Levi D., 441. MaryB., 299, Miranda, 441 . Norman C, 441, Rachel A., 441. Sally, 441. Samuel, 441. Sarah L,, 441. Sherman, 492. Mott. Alfred, 111. Alfred W„ 111. Ann, 111. Benjamin, 110, 111, Edward A,, 111, Elizabeth, 111. Hannah, 110. Jacob, 110, 111, JohnC, 111, Mary, 281, WUliam B,, 111, WiUiam P,, 111, Mount, Arthurs., 413. Frances, 413, Mr,, 413, Moter, John, 59, Mary E,, 69, Mum Caroline, 439, Mullens. PriscUla, 373, Mumford. Abby A,, 287. Arthur B,, 647, Caleb C„ 287. Elizabeth, 531 Jeremiah, 531. Laura, 547, Marinda, 631. Peace, 238, 243. Munro. Amy C, 285 Bateman, 2S3, 2S4, Eliza P,, 285, Elizabeth, 201. Francis H., 285. Mai-y, 285, Mercy, 286. Sarah, 284, Sarah E,, 284. Susannah, 285. Thomas, 284. Munroe . Lewis J., 306, Mary, 201 , Sarah, 200. Munton. Nancy L., 461, Murphy, EUa A,, 448, INDEX. 577 Myles. Emily, 529 , Nason, Annie, 497, Negus, Ann, 492. Hannah, 240. Nelson, Jesse, 302, Manning L,, 302, Nettleton, Celia H., 94, Newdegate or Newgatb. Hannah, 386, John, 386, Newell, Marian, 171. Newton. Julia M,, 355, Nichol, Catherine, 438, Nichols, Andrew, 110, Eleazer, 250, Elizabeth, 248, Joanna, 387. John, 136, 260. Nancy, 543. WiUiam, 250, 510. WiUiam H,, 570, NiCKERSON, JohnH,, 73, Niles, Clarence, 456, Noble, Mary, 83. Norris. Catherine, 177. NORSWELL. Mary A., 338. North. Charles C, 95, Frank M,, 95, Eric Mo, , 95, NORTHUP, Frank, 428. Norton. Clara, 430, George P„ 293, Henry, 293. Isaac, 66. Verona, 408, Nostrant, SUas, 60, Nowell. Sarah B., 477. Nugent. Annie, 469, Helen, 469, Lizzie, 469. Mary, 469, Paul, 469, Perry, 469, Ntb. Bithiah, 162. Daniel H,, 82. Odding. Sarah, 320. Odell. Rachel, 67. Oldridge. UsaUla, 39, 68, Olin. Anna, 61, Catherine, 61 , Giles, 61, Henry, 61. Ruth, 61. Van Rensalear, 61 . WiUiam, 61. Olnet. David, 138. Lucy M., 92. Oman. John W., 100. Sarah G., 100. Orswell. Addie M., 456. Amasa, 464, 456, Amey, 452, Amey D,, 453, Annie M,, 466, Benjamin, 77, 452, 455, Betsey, 462, 466. Caroline, 455, 466. Clarinda B., 465. Delilah, 77, 452, 455. Emeline, 455. George, 455, 456. Hannah, 465. Isaac H., 466, James B,, 456, John, 462, 464, 456, John F., 456, John W,, 455. Joseph, 462, 456. Lemira, 454. Mary, 452, 453. MaryA., 455, 456, Peter, 452, Rhoda, 452, 454, SaUy, 452, Sarah, 455, Orterson, Mary, 308. Orvis. R. S., 272, Osband, AdeUne M,, 328, Almira A., 348. Almyra A,, 338, Alvira A,, 328. Anna, 326, 329, 330. Anna R., 341, 344, 350. CharlesH., 345, 351. Clara M,, 348. Daniel G., 347, 352, Durfee, 326, 338, 339. Edgar E,, 335, 346, Edgar J„ 341, 360, Edith G,, 347, 353, Edwin R„ 335, 347,353, EUza J., 328, 340, Elizabeth, 326, 337, Ellen F,, 346, 352, Embury D,, 338, 348, EvaC, 350, George B., 351, Gideon, 326, 338, 339, Hannah, 326. Helen U., 352. James J., 351. James L., 346, Jessie E., 346, 352. Osband — Continued , Lelah B., 353, Louisa J,, 338, 349, Luther R,, 335,342,346, Margaret E., 338, 348, Marietta, 328, 339. Marietta E., 339, 349. Marna R,, 319, 340, MarthaA., 338, 346, 351, Marvin H„ 346, Mary J,, 338, MedaL., 347, 352. Melvin D„ 319, 326, 335, 342, 345, 353. E. E., 342, E, R., 342, W, H., 342, Nellie E,, 345,351, Norman H,, 341, 344, Norman S., 328, 340, Orin W,, 328. Patience, 326, Phebe, 326, 328, Phebe A., 328, 339, Rosetta E,, 341, 350, Rowena L,, 328, 339, Weaver, 218, 325, 326, 327 WiUiam, 325, 326, 327, 335, 336, 387, 388, WUliam A., 346. WiUiam H., 335,388, 341, 343 WUliam M,, 328, 340. WiUiam W,, 347, 352, VeraS,, 360, Wilson, 326, 328, Wilson G., 335, Osborn, Abby C„ 389, 396, Abigail, 460, Ann, 388, Ann C, 389, 397, Ann E., 389, 397, Ann J,, 393, Anna E,, 394, Benjamin H., 388, Beulah, 399, Carrie B„ 399, Charles F., 398, Daniel W,, 393, Eliza A,, 388, 390, EUza G,, 389, 39S, EUzabeth A., 388, 395. Elizabeth C„ 399, Florence L„ 398, George A,, 390, 398, Georgia V,, 398, Helen, 399, Henry C, 389, 398, James E,, 394, 399. James M., 388, 394, 395. Jason W., 389. Joseph, 388, 389. Joseph D., 398, Joseph H,, 398, Julia C, 388, 396. Lydia, 450, Mabel J., 398, Marion, 399, Mary E„ 390, 399, MaryS., 393, 578 INDEX. Osborn — Continued, Nathan C, 394, Patience, 327, 388, Richard, 399, Ruth A., 396, Susan M,, 390, Thomas, 327, Thomas, 387, 388, 389, Thomas D,, 388, 396, Thomas F,, 393. Weaver, 388, 393, 394, WiUiam, 460, WUliam J., 389, 398. WUson, 388, 390. Osgood. Francis, 167. Ostrander. John, 430. Owen, Deliverance, 43. Page. Alice, M. D., 276. Daniel, 252, Paige, Almira, 434, Henrietta V,, 434, Jacob, 434, Paine, AbigaU, 161, George, 376, John, 161, John S,, 543, Sarah, 498, Stephen, 543. WUlisS., 460, Palmer, Abram, 411, Edward, 411, Elma, 411, Esther, 411, Frances M,, 147. Isaac, 138, Isaac B., 411, Lucinda, 138, Maria L,, 74, Mary, 35, Miriam, 411. Nancy, 147. Sheffield, 411. Parcell. Mary E., 488. Parker. Ann, 102. Mildred A., 151. Montgomery D., 151, Sarah, 82, Parsons, Benjamin, 489, Col„ 275. Grace, 95. Patch,' Emma R,, 505. Patne. Betsey, 268. Ebenezer, 205, Primacy, 205, SUas, 258, Waite, 205, Peabodt, Lionel H„ 236. WUliam B,, 235. Peak, Hannah, 428, Peart, Jaanes, 6, Pearse, Bathsheba, 203, Benjamin, 205, Benjamin F,, 203. Betsey, 179, Catherine, 65, Deborah H„ 203, Eleanor, 203. Elizabeth, 203, 205, Elizabeth A., 225, EUzabeth C, 225, Elizabeth E., 226, Frances C, 116, 225, George, 116, 224, 225, George G„ 226. George R., 226. Hannah, 224. Hannah C, 226. Harriet, 203. Henry, 203. Howland, 63. James, 203. Jeremiah, 203. Jeremiah N,, 226, Joseph C, 225, 226, Maria M,, 205, Mary, 225, 285, 289, Mary E,, 226, Mary F,, 226, Nancy, 289, Oliver, 206, PoUy, 224, Rebecca C, 225. Roxanna, 63, Ruth, 206. Submit C, 203. Susan E,, 302, Susannah, 203, Timothy, 205, 289, WiUiam, 203, 224, WUliam H,, 225, Pease. Bradford, 435, Viola A., 435, A, Eugene, 322, Albert E,, 322, Durfee S„ 322. Fanny, 474, Helen M., 322. Israel, 274, Loring, Capt., 261. Maria, 322, 333, Mary, 274, 275, Peckham. Amos, 234. Anna, 286, 434. Elizabeth, 285, Harriet A., 174, Isaac, 40, Job A., 285, John, 108, Richard, 40, Sarah C, 79, Pelton, Frank, 428. Penotar, Phebe C, 359. Pepperell, Gen,, 506, Perot, Lord, 264, Perkins, Bethia, 645, Charles A,, 338. Clarissa, 280, Mary, 171. Moses, 338. Sarah, 78, 480. Stephen P., 338. Perrin, Helen A,, 331, Isaac F., 331. Mary E., 331. Sarah A., 331. Perry, Ann, 456, Anna, 471 , Commodore, 281, Edward, 476, Florana, 73, Marietta, 466, Pettey. Ephraim, 81. Harriet, 80. Suraney, 78. Pettigrew, Anna M,, 443. Pettis. Charles E., 146. Eliza B., 146. John, 32, 146, 160. John E., 146. Virginia, 146. WiUiam B,, 146, 160. WUliam H,, 146, Phelps, Catherine, 96. Philips. David A„ 419, Jane, 419, Rowland W,, 419, T, H„419, WUliam H,, 92, Phillips, LUUanM., 481. Phippen . Annah L., 144, George, 144, Pickens, Adelme, 163, Samuel, 163, Pierce, Abby L„ 461, Betsey, 288, 472, Betsey H,, 143, E., 161. Ebenezer W., 249. Elijah, 182. Elizabeths., 644, Elliott H,, 143, Frances, 57, George W., 365, Hannah, 84, James M., 143. Job, 472, Levi, 143. Louisa M., 481. Luoy v., 143. Lydia, 496, INDEX. 579 Pierce — Continued . Lydia, 182, Mary, 57, Mary E,, 143, Moses, 505, PhUip, 57, Philip P,, 143, Ruth, 307, Virginia C, 143, Pierson, Louisa M., 116, Pike, Asa, 296. Catherine, 296. Place, AbigaU, 272, Plummer, Avery, 524, EUen F,, 524. Frederick, Rev., 148. Mary A,, 148. Plympton, Emily M., 148, Pollard, Mr,, 413, Porter, Benjamin, Capt,, 163. Caroline, 67, SaUy, 163, Potter. Abby, 374 AUred W., 269, Ann, 19, Ardella, 314, Bathsheba, 195, Caleb C„ 460, Charles, 535, David, 213. Eleanor, 195. Eliphalet, 460. Garner, 314. George, 195. George P., 74, Hannah, 54, 195, Ichabod, 195, James, 314, James C, 269, Job, 314, John O,, 157, Jonathan, 186. LiUian A., 269. Luoy, 186, Marion E,, 157. Martha B,, 269, Mary, 28, 29, 77, Mary D,, 270, Mary E., 314, Mary W,, 226, Minnie, 228. Nathaniel, 28. Osmond v., 157, Patience, 314, Patrick, 77, Rebeooa, 195, Stephen A,, 269, Stephen L,, 460. Stoaks, 195. Susan E., 270. Susanna, 195. WilUam, 19, 28, 29. WiUiam A., 269. Zebadee, 195. Powell, Abbie P,, 288, James C, 288, Ruth A., 288. Pratt. Eliza, 154, Louisa M,, 181, LydiaM,, 268, Phineas, 268, Sarah, 268, William, 154. Pray, Grace, 164, Preston, David, 63, Proctor. Emma F., 304. John R., 304. PUDNEY. Sarah A,, 331, Pullen, Mary A,, 548, Mary S„ 288, Pulver, G.V„59, Ramsey, John, 408, Daniel, 408, Randall, Alexander F,, 236. Byron, 70. ElfridaP., 236. J. Bryant, 236, Margaret, 236, Onon W,, 236. Rawson. George O., 349. George W., 349, Kittle E., 350, WiUie W,, 349, Read, Ada, 174, Anna A,, 183. Anne, 117, Apollos, 164, Benjamin, 120, Betsey, 119, Betsey P,, 268, Caroline C, 180, Caroline S., 174. Caroline V,, 180, Deborah, 117, Delia M,, 180, Edmund, 174, Edmund V,, 172, 174, EUzabeth, 118, 120, 174, 175, EUa, 179. Emily P„ 177, Eunice, 119, Eveline, 179, Frances R,, 178, Francis B,, 80, 179. Freeman, 118, George, 117, 248, George F,, 174, George W., 174, Gertrude, 179, Gideon, 120. Hannah, 119. Harriet A,, 180. Harriet E., 175. Read — Continued . Harriet F., 174. Harriet M., 178. Henry, 179, 180. Henry R., 174. Ichabod, 118. James, 117, 118. James M., 179. John, 117, 187, John B,, 175, JohnM,, 175, J, W., 117. Jonathan, 28, 43, 118, 119, 120, 187, Joseph, 117, 120, 253, Joseph E,, 117,175, 177, 269, Joseph F,, 180, Joseph P,, 176, Lizzie, 180. Lydia, 118, 178. Mary, 117, 118, 187. Mary B., 176, Nanoy, 117, Nathan, 120, Oliver, Capt., 257, Oliver, 117, 120, 187, Oscar, 179, Paddock R., 177, Phebe, 49, 117, Prudence V,, 175, Rachel, 137, 178, Ruth, 117,158,172, 248. Samuel, 174, 183. Samuel S., 174. Sarah, 262. Sarah Ann, 176. Sarah R., 175. Stephen, 117, Susan R,, 174, Susanna, 118, SybU v., 177, Thomas, 117. Walter G., 180. Wait, 119, 484. WiUett S„ 177, WiUiam, 158, 172, 176, WilUam S,, 179, William v., 173, Rector, Nicholas, 64, Reed, Alice S., 539, Amanda M., 367. Anne B., 539. Augustus B., Rev., 539, 544, Benjamin, 164, Bailey, 164. Caroline, 534. Clara M„ 540, Delight B,, 539, Edith H„ 540, Elijah, 538, 539, EUzabeth, 164, 196, 274. Elizabeth B., 540. George, 164. Ichabod, 263. John, 21, 164, John R,, 539, Joseph, 164, 196. Joseph E„ Col., 496. 580 INDEX. Reed — Continued, JuUa B,, 539, Lucy P,, 539, Mary D„ 639, Mercy, 164, Oliver, 253, Pardon, 164. Phebe, 164, Polly L., 164, Priscilla, 475, Richard D„ 539, Robert B., 539, Sally, 48, 164. Sarah, 475. Susan M,, 540, Theodora C^ 639, 544. Theodora W., 539. WiUiam A., 539, WiUiam B,, 538, 540, Reeves, Celinda, 437, 339, Daniel, 336, EUza, 337, Luther, 337. Martha, 335, Martha J,, 337, Mary A., 337. Ruth, 356, Remington. Belva C, 488, C, D., 487. Luoy L., 488, Mary G., 488, WiUiam, 488, WUliam B,, 488, Rexford , Emma L,, 55, Reynolds, Alexander, 271, Alice, 438, Rice, Barbara, 161, Rich, Rebecca, 198, WiUiam H„ 236, Richards, Charles A,, 232, Cora E,, 232, Mary E,, 151, Mervyn E,, 232, Ruth, 232, Walter R,, 232, WiUiam, 232, WiUiam A,, 232, Richardson, Henry A., 177, Linda, 177, Sarah P,, 92, Richmond, Arthur M., 403. Edgar B., 402. .XamesS., 403. Jane L., 403. Julia C, 403, JuUaC, M,, 402, Mary L., 403. Merrick, 402, Minnie D., 403, Oella A., 403, Pleny F., 402, Ruth, 402, WiUiam A„ 225, Rickard, Eliza C, 272, RiCKERTSON, Nellie T,, 81. Ruth, 181, Susan A., 139, WiUiam L,, 139, Ridge, Arvilla M„ 69, Harriet M., 59. Jeanette, 59. Lillian E., 59. Olive J., 69, Rebecca M,, 69. Thomas, 59, WiUiam, 59, Ridley, Alice M,, 79, Joseph T,, 79, Ring, Susannah, 72, Rippey, Hugh, 377. MaryA., 377. Ripley. Mary A,, 247. ROBBINS. Cordelia A., 162, Roberts, Catherine M,, 433, Ephraim, 433, Robinson, Albert, 226. David, 164, 175, Edna, 379, EmmaL,, 97. Frederick F,, 379. George C, Capt,, 226, John, 379, Mary N,, 226, Mary N, P., 226, Octavius, V,, 154, Susan, 73, Sarah, 109, 175, Thomas R,, 109. WiUiam, 80. Rockwell. Abraham, 438. Angus A., 59, Elizabeth, 438. Melvina, 438. Rockwood, Alice J,, 168, RODDT, Elizabeth, 101, Rogers, Albert V,, 67, Caroline, 67, Charles O., 67, Cynthia, 321, David, 448, George N,, 67, Henrietta A,, 67, John, 15, 20, 108. John F., 67, Jeremy W., 67, Mary, 273, Orlando N„ 67, Ruth M,, 87, Sarah A,, 108, Rollins, Louisa, 95, Rood, Daniel B,, 66. Root, WUliam, 429, Rose, Almira, 273, Alonzo, 312 Alton H,, 312, Arthur, 312, Charles, 312, 313, 444, Charles B,, 444, Charles E,, 312, Charles H,, 312, Charles W,, 444, Christiana, 444. Effie L., 313, Elmina, 312, Frank M,, 313, Harriet B., 444, Harry, 312, Harry W„ 444, IdaM., 444. Lester, 312. Samuel, 312. WaUerB., 313, Ross, Allen, 491, Arlinsa, 491 ! Cumbie, 491, EvaL., 491, IsaB,, 491, James, 491, James P,, 491. Mary B,, 491. Nancy, 491, Round, Jerusha, 194. Rounds, Mary A„ 647. Robey A., 376. Ruth, 376, 647. Sterry, 376. Rouse. Barber, 468. Robert, 458. Rowland, Hester W„ 418, Horace, 436, Jennie V,, 436, Mary, 418, NeUie E,, 429, William, 418, ROWLET, Annie, 64. Ruggles, Spooner, 173. Susan D., 173. R UTTER. Alexander, 64, Russell, AbigaU, 188, Charles L,, 470, Constant, 366, Edward T., 166, EUzaW,, 151, Hannah, 240, John, 371, Lydia, 371, Thomas, 166 Salesburt, Jonathan, 33 , INDEX. 581 Sawyer. Alice, 67. Phebe, 138. Saters, Capt,, 278, Saunders, E. Marguerite, 236, J, A,, 236, Susie Belle, 236. Sarins, Caleb, 316, Samson, Mr,, 49. Sampson. Judah, 56. John, 406. Sanford. Edward C, 93. Isaac, 142, James, 296, John, 16, 19, 20, 21, 93, Mary, 16, 19. Mary F., 93. Peleg, 103, PhUip, 368, Samuel, 48. Sarah, 103, Stephen, 78, Uriah G,, 78, Welcome C, 93. Scribner. Laura, 67, Scott, George, 415, Oreina, 415, Scoville. Adelaide H., 544. Sarah, 352. Scarlet. Alice, 313. WUliam, 313. Seabury. Ann E., 287, Ann M,, 288. Benjamin, 289, Benjamin H,, 288, Bessie W,, 288. Carrie, 287, Caroline, 544, James D,, 287, John E., 289. Pearce, 366. ThomasM., 287, 288. WilUam G., 289. Seagill, Mary J,, 166. Semple, Andrew, 438, WiUiam A,, 438, WiUiam C, 438. Setlers, Caroline F., 243, Seward, Charles, 246, Hattie G,, 247. Jane C, 247. Mary A., 246. WiUiam, 246. WUliam T., 247. Sohctt. Lucretia, 324. Shearman. Abbie W., 204. Abigail, 205, Almira, 204, Amey, 68, Ann E., 206. Benjamin C, 205, Catherine T,, 204, Charles, 205, Charles F„ 204, Charles G,, 204. David, 204, David D,, 205, David E,, 206, David S,, 204. Dorcas, 68. Daniel, 243. Eleanor D., 204, Elizabeth A„ 204, Francis M., 205, Georges,, 205. Gideon, 204. Henrietta, 69. Henry C„ 205, IdaM,, 306, Ira, 205, Jefferson, 205, Job, 68, 71, 207. John, 204, LydiaM., 204,205. Martha, 71, 207. Mary, 71 , Mary A,, 204, Mary H,, 204, Obediah D,, 204, Peace, 205. Peleg, 20. Robert A., 204. Ruth F., 204. Samson, 204, Samuel, 204, Sarah, 70,207, Stephen D„ 204. Susan P,, 204, Waite D,, 204, Sheen, Mary E,, 501, Sheldon, Benjamin, 242, Jonathan, 242, Julia A,, 435, Mary, 133, Perry ,J133, 242, Prudence, 133, 242. Sheppard. Abby W., 621. Sophia R., 521. Sherman. Abbie, 621. Abby, 522. AbbyC, 156. Abby D., 521. Abby W., 521. AbigaU, 98, 323. Abner, 133, 239. AdeUa, 321 . Alexander, 319, 321, 324. Agnes I., 323. Alberta M., 173. Albert, 299. Albert H,, 322. Amey, 322. Sherman — Continued . Annie, 80. Andrew, 324. Andrew J., 299, Ann,!319, 320, 324. Anne, 111, AureUia, 324, Bedara, 453, Benjamin, 469, Benjamin F,, 299. Betsey, 319, 320. Byram, 321. Caleb, 298. Carlton, 459. Charlotte, 469. Clinton T., 299. Cora, 321. Cynthia, 104. Charles W., 324. Chester, 321. Daniel, 84, 133, 237, 319, 320. David, 522, DeUght, 619. Durfee, 319, 324. Durfee A,, 322. Ebenezer, 320. Edward, 239, 299. EUza, 234, 321, Elizabeth, 104, 133, 237, 298, 322, Emeline, 78. Erastus, 323. Eunice, 115, Evelyn, 321, Frances A,, 322. Frederick, 321, George, 324, George A,, 299. Gideon, 319, 328. Gideon C, 321, 322. Grace, 323, Hannah, 97, 228. Harriet E., 299. Helen A,, 322, Henry, 320. Hiram, 298. Humphrey, Capt., 319, 320, 324, 325 Ida, 321, Ira D,, 322, Isaac, Col,, 197, Jane, 321. James L., 521. Job, 319, 320. John W., 299. Julia L., 323. Lemuel, 319, 320. LiUian M., 299. Lot, 239. Louis L., 173. Louisa, 543. Lydia, 74, 239. Marion, 299. Mary, 391. Mary D,, 320, Mary S,, 298, Martha, 321, Meroy, 133, 237. Norman, 321. Myron, 324. Peleg, 104, 113. 582 INDEX. Sherman — Continued , Phillip, 320, Prince, 522, Prudence, 133, 166, Rebecca, 431, Rhobe, 469, Rhoda, 138, Richard, 236, Robert S,, 173. Rubie H., 74, Ruth, 133, 237, 321, Samuel, 320, Sampson, 91, 111. Stephen, 262, 319, 320, 323,431, Stephen F„ 323, Susannah, 237, 239, 328, Thomas, 299, 319, Virtue, 431, Winifred S,, 322, WilUam, 239. WilUam B., 521, 622. WiUiam P., 299. Wilson H,, 323, Wilson O,, 323. Sherrt. James N., 469, Pauline, 469. Sherwood, Delora A., 273, Shaw. EUzabeth, 110, Thomas, 68, Shock, Anna, 428, Jonas, 428, Mary, 428, Shocklet, WiUiam, 628, William H„ 628, Shoemaker, Robert J„ 174. Shore, Azariah, 76, CharlesM,, 479. Charles W,, 479, Helen, 479, Margaret, 479, Phila., 76, Rachel E,, 479. Ralph H., 488. Sabina, 76. Joshua, 92. TheophUus, 92. Shrieve, Elizabeth, 325, 326, 387, 450, WiUiam, 326, Siblet. Adelaide, 534, George H,, 534. Stephen, 534, Sill, Abigail, 487, Byron C, 487, 488. Cook D., 487. Frances E., 488. Henry, 487. Siddell. Rachel E., 232. Simmons, Amanda P,, 417. Archer C., 420, Ashabel A,, 416, 418, Blanche, 419, Belle C, 420, Benjamin, 437. Betsey, 483. Charles R., 419. Deborah C, 416, 420, Durfee, 416. Edmund, 165, Electa A,, 417, Elizabeth, 467, 468, Emma, 418, Frank A., 419, Frank H,, 420, Francis W 140, Frederick J„ 418. Freelove, 398. George H., 417. Gideon, Capt., 416. Gideon D., 416, Gideon D,, Rev,, 418, 419, 420, Harriet B., 467, 470, Harriet P., 416, 420, Harry, 418, Harvey, 164. Hattie F., 140. Helena A., 140. Hiram, 467. Irene L., 418, James, Hon,, 295. John, 21, 465, 467. Josephine T,, 140, Judith, 417, 422, .lulia, 418, Laura, 417, Leander, 416, 417, Leander A,, 418, Lucile, 420, Maria W,, 366, Martha, 137, 160 Mary, 168, 419, Mary D,, 417, Mary R,, 419. Melissa B,, 369, Millie E., 418, Minnie C, 140, Nancy, 50, 467, Nathan, 164. Nathan D,, Capt,, 467. Orrin W., 365, Patience, 416, Peleg, Capt., 218, PermeliaM., 419, Prudence W,, 165, Ralph S., 470, Robert O,, 419, Sofronia, 416. SybU, 168. Sylvester, 467, 470, Valentine, 140. WiUiam A., 418, William D,, 417, WiUiam P,, 416, WiUiam R,, 420, Sisson, Albert H,, 82, Alfred G,, 88. Allen, 73 Sisson — Continued , Ann, 35, Anna J,, 82, Annie, 100, 108, 185. Archie, 229, Asa, 98, Benjamin, 281. David, 73, Deborah, 36, Deliverance, 37. Edith C, 73. Elizabeth E,, 73 Francis B,, 82. George, 36, Hannah, 240, Hannah H., 73. Henry W., 82. Isaac, 35, 36, 98. James, 36, 240. James F. A., 82. Job, 35, 36. John, 36. Joseph, 36, 98. Lydia J,, 83, Mary, 36, 98. Peleg, 82. Richard, 36, 36. Ruth, 98. Sarah A., 82. Sarah H., 73. Sylvia A., 73. Thomas R,, 82, 83, WUliam, 35, 73, WiUiam, Col,, 496. WUUam H., 88. Skelton. Margaret, 401 . Skinner, Albert G„ 634, Alden G., 634, Fannie, 533, Frederick D,, 534. LucUe A., 534. Nelson, 533. Walter H., 534. WUUam H., 633. Slack. Henrietta, 397. MaryS., 194. Slade, Albert B,, 463. Abbie. 391. Abby M.B., 463, Deborah, 118. Edward, 118. Edwin M., 462. Gideon, 118. Henry B., 463. Joseph, 118 Louisa, 213. Martha, 118. Mary, 118, 120. Mary B., 393. Mary S., 391. Mial P., 462. Oliver, 118. Phebe, 118, Philip, 118, Ruth E., 463, Ruth H,. 524. Sarah, 118, Sibel, 118, INDEX. 583 Sladb — Continued. Wait, 118. William, 391. WiUiam A., 463, Slocum , AUny, 224, 382, Ann, 104, Aaron, 398, Ebenezer, 39 . Gardner T,, 234. Julia A. P., 234, Mary, 39, 219, 360, 361, 362, 478. Ruth, 208, 286. Sarah, 398. Thomas, 219. Stephen, 104. Smallwood . Mary, 377. Smart. Eliza, 442. Samuel, 442. Smeallie. Boyd, 444. Smith. Abbie, 313. Allen, 377. Almira, 73, Arthur H,, 463, Asa, 364, BeUe, 312, Charles F„ 74. David, 74. Edward, 312. Eliza, 306. EUzabeth, 32. EmUy, 74, 144, Experience, 303, Franklin S,, 74. George 73, 74, 83. Grace D,, 435, Hannah W,, 74. Helen, 358. Henry, 74, 377. Jane, 103. JosephE,, 74, 83. Leander, 74, Levi, 365, Maggie, 488. Mary, 73, 355. Nabby, 259. Noah, 306. PameUa, 377. Rebeooa, 148. Robert E., 463. Robert H., 463. SalUe, 382. Sarah, 269. Sarah E., 74, Sarah H,, 88, SUas P,, 50. Susan L., 155. Tabatha, 355. Thomas, 435. WiUiam, 103. Snell. Amos, 253, Baylies J., 150, Harriet E,, 150. John, 407. Lydia A., 172. Martha, 407. Snell— Continued . Mary, 80, Sarahs,, 461, SybU v., 150, Snow, Joseph, 247, Lucy, 247. Rebeooa L., 247. Retta, 82. Sntder. Martha, 67. Socia. Loney, 312. Sowle. Albert, 425. Annie, 425. Charity, 425. Charlotte, 425. Emma, 425, 426. Gideon, 425. Horace, 425. Ida, 425. Inez, 425. John, 62. Judith, 425. Lois, 60. Lydia, 61. MaUssa A., 425, 426. Margaret, 425. Margaret A., 425. Mary, 62. Phcebe, 425. Robert, 425. Ruth, 425. Sarah, 31, 425. Sylvia, 213. William J., 425. Southwick. Nathaniel, 60, Southward, Rebecca, 186, Sparrows, Mr,, 198, Spear, Rebecca, 456, Spencer. Gen,, 275, Spink, Jonathan O,, 409, MyrtaM,, 408, Spooner. Bethiah, 119. Sarah, 50. S. B., 156. Springer. Isaac, 216, 320, 325. Matilda, 230. Mary, 309. Sprague. Pardon, 373. Squires. Emmett, 429. Starkweather , Avery, 55. Ruth, 54, Stafford, Abby, 309, AbigaU, 237, 283. Abraham, 293. Abram, 383. Alice, 297. Bersheba, 293, Stafford — Continued. Bethiah, 293. David, 126, 128, 293. Deborah, 239. Elizabeth, 315,361. EmUy, 534. Hannah, 293, Hiram, 534. Hope, 383. John, 297. Josiah, 293. Judith, 297. LiUa, 383. Patience, 383. Peleg, 383. PrisciUa, 208, 291, 293, 294, Prudence, 383. Rebecca, 383, Sarah A,, 383, 384. Stephen, 237, 309, 383, Staples, Eliza, 365, FlaviUa D„ 466, George, 365, George W,, 365. St ARRET. Lemuel T., 509. Stebbens. John W., 349. Sarah L., 349. Stetson. Albert, 348. George B,, D, D,, 351. Joseph, 51, Stevens, Abby, 265. Ann, 265. Edwin D., 476. EUaM., 476. George L., 476. George W,, 476, Henry D,, 476, Joseph B,, 265. Marah, 279. Margaret, 265. Mary, 265, Mary H,, 476, Phineas, 476. Sidney W., 476. Stevenson, Alfred P,, 444. Stewart. David C, 169. EUzabeth C, 169. Jane, 358. Sticknet. Adelaide, 479. Annie H., 479. Charles D., 479, Charles P,, 478, Harold, 479. WiUiam D., 479. Stocking. Mildred, 351. Stoddard, Julia, 269, Luoy, 359, Stokes, EUzabeth, 28, Stoughton , Emily, 419. 584 INDEX. Stout, W, L„ 440, Straight, Daniel, 347, Louisa F,, 347, 353. Zachariah, 337. Strange, Alice, 192, Amey T,, 225, Hannah, 136, Lot, Lieut,, 136. Stringer. C. L., 342. Clyde W., 351. John 350. Marshal L., 360. Mary E., 350. Zachariah L., 360. Strobridge. AUce A„ 477, Annie W,, 477. Elise M., 477. Ethel M,, 477. Frank S., 477, Helen D,, 477, Jerome, 477, WiUiam, 477, Strong, Alice S,, 436, Clara D,, 482, Florence S, D., 482, Jane, 482. Myron, 482. Myron H., 482, Stroud, Emily M,, 272. Stucket, C„433, Sullivan, General, 132, 216, 224, 249, 261, 318, SULSBURT, Annie, 424, Summer, Emma, 456. Sumner, Henry P,, 287, Jennet D,, 287, Sutton, B, D,, 153. Edward O., 349. Harold B,, 153. Jesse B., 349. Swain. Elizabeth P., 299. Swan, Bert, 441, George, 379, 441. Georgia, 379, Florence, 379. Frank, 441, John N,, 542, Lorenzo, 441, Minnie, 441, Sally, 542. Samuel, 227. Thomas, 642. Swarts. T. B., 442, Sweet, Ann W,, 299, Charles H,, 474, Sweet — Continued , Henry W., 474, Herbert, 474, John S,, 60, Jonathan, 299, Leicester, 474. Mary, 165, Swift, Albert, 82, Albert T,, 332, AnnaL., 331. AnnaM., 332. Anna O., 331, 332, 392. Annie, 82. Annie E,, 74, 83. Birge C, 332. CameUa A., 332. Charles, 82. Charles D,, 332, Col, P„ 319, 320, 325. Elizabeth, 392, EmUy B., 392, Emily J,, 332, Emma, 82, George H,, 331, George W„ 329, 331, 333, Halmer E,, 330, Hannah A,, 329,331, Heman, Ck>l., 280, Henry A,, 330. Henry W. A,, 329, Herbert, 332, James M., 392. John, 216, 331. John, Gen,, 329 John M., Dr., 334, 335. John M., 332, 392. John T., 392. Louisa N., 331. Mabel A., 392. ' Marcus, 329, 330, 332, 345. Marcus, Rev., 327, 329, 331, 332, 335. Marcus G, B,, 332, 392. Marcus M„ 330, Mary B,, 392, Mary E,, 333. Mary I,, 332, Mary O., 331, Milne B,, 392, Moses, 83. Osband D,, 329, 330, 333, Orson, 392, Orson R,, 329, 332, 334. Ross B,, 330, Sarah E,, 332, Sarah M,, 332, Thomas R,, 83, Swigart, D, W,, Rev,, 419. Elvira, 419, Stlvester, ' Charles, 182, Charlotte, 182, James, 182, Tabor, AbigaU, 421 , Ann, 437, 438, 444, Bridget, 437, 443,' Tabor— Continued, Charles B., 445. Comfort, 183. Constant, 437. David, 202, 437. Dnisilla, 32. Edith L„ 279. Elephal, 371. Eliza, 437. Eliza B„ 444. Elizabeth, 361. Eugene M., 445. Eunice, 53, FitzeUand, 445. George, 361. Gideon, 60, 437. GUbert, 478. Hannah, 437, 445. Innocent, 204. Jacob, 32. Jemima, 437, 444, Jerusha, 437, 441, John, 68, John B., 437, 445. Joseph, 56, Keziah, 437, 446, La Gee, 445. Lorine E., 445. Lura, 437. Margaret, 437, Martha R,, 478, Mary, 53,437,441, Mary T,, 464. Paul, 32. Phebe, 233, PhUip, 186, Rebecca, 202. Roxie M., 445. Ruth, 68, 97. Samuel, 32, Sarah, 32, 68. Susanna, 185. Taft. Mary, 422, Talbott, Alices., 528. SUas, 528. Talbot. Irving, 172, Talcott. James C, 405, John, 405, Earl, 405, EUzabeth, 405, Ermina, 405, Frances, 405, Guy, 405, Warren, 405. Tallman. Albertus E., 306. Alfred E., 307. Allen, 306. Almina E., 306. Amy, 306. .\nn, 37, 307. Anne, 34, Benjamin, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 306, 307, 308, Benjamin G,, 33. Bethiah, 37. Charles, 306. INDEX. 585 Tallman— Continued. Charles M., 32. Chester B., 306. Clifton L., 306. Deborah, 37. Deforest A., 307. Deliverance, 36, 36, 37, Edward, 32, 33. Edward, 32. EUjah L., 307. Elizabeth, 31, 33, 34. Evader, 306. Francis, 33, Frederick, 308, Frederick, 308, Frederick U,, 308. Freelove', 37, George B,, 308. Gorton, 33, 34. Harriet, 32. Henry C., 32, 33, Holder, 31, 32. Huldah, 34. Isaac N., 32. James, 36, 37, 306. Jemima, 33, 109. John, 37, 306. John W., 306. Jonathan S., 32. Leroy, 307. Letitia T., 307. Levi, 306. Louisa, 306. Mary, 34, 37. Mary A,, 307. Meribah, 31. MerrU J„ 306. Moses, 33. Peleg, 31. Peter, 16, 31, 37, Patience, 18, 19, 32, 36, 37. Phebe, 33. Reuben R., 306. Rhoda, 32, 33. Rosa C, 32. Robey, 32. Ruth, 32. Samuel, 34, 37. Sarah, 37. Sarah C, 307. Thales, 306. Thomas, 32. Vernon F., 306. WUUam, 33, 36, 37. WilliamT., 308. Tallt. Sadie, 440. Taner. Burnice, 489. Tatlor. Albert J., 142, Alfred E,, 497. Alfred L„ 497. Andrew S., 141. EUzabeth, 166. ElmiraD., 141. George F., 139. George M., 139. Harriet M., 140. Hattie A., 140. John B., 141. Tatlor — Continued , Josephine E,, 140. Lawton, 302. Mabel B., 140. Mary J,, 140, Minnie W., 141, Sarah J,, 139, Simeon, 139. Ten Bhoeck. Adeline S,, 340. Byron W„ 340. WilUam H., 340, Terrt. Anna, 47. Betsey, 143. Delia B„ 155. George C, 155. Hannah, 173. Miss, 61. Remember F., 52. Sarah 47, 48. Wealthy, 169. Tew, AbigaU, 142, Abigail H,, 139. Benjamin, 138, 142. Elizabeth, 138, 142. Mary, 142. Mr,, 209, Thacher, Abigail, 296. CaroUne, 491. EdnaE,, 141. Joseph, 296. Samuel, 491. Thayer. Sarah, 504, Thomas, Abbie A., 114. Alexander, 39, 68, 86, Almira, 69, Amy, 71, Ann, 69. Anne, 67, 68, 70. Anne A,, 71. Arnold, 68. Bathsheba, 39. Charles G., 70, 71. Daniel, 69. David, 69, 71. Elizabeth, 69, 71, 387. Elizabeth A., 114. Eliza A., 69, Emeline, 69. Frank L,, 71, Gardiner, 70, 285. George P,, 71, George B., 314, Hannah, 68, 69, 87, 88. 97. Henrietta, 79, Jeremiah, 71. Jonathan, 71. Job, 68. Joseph, 67, 68, 70, 97, 113, 114, Lucina, 69, Mary, 68, 86, Mary E„ 70, 229. Nathaniel, 15. Parker, 69. Phebe, 68. Thom AS— Continued . Philadelphia, 69. Rhoda, 68. Richard, 69, 87, 285. Robert, 71. Ruth, 67, 68, 69. Sally, 69. Sarah, 68, 70. Sarah A., 70. Sarah C, 89, 113. Seth, 71, Sidney, C, 71. Stephen, 69. Susanna, 39, 68. Thurston, 71. William H., 71. WiUiam R., 69. Thompson. Aaron, 400 Alfred, 400. Cyrus, 400, George, 162. John, 418. Lee D,, 477. Lee H., 477. Lena M., 162. Nina, 400. Permelia 418. Richard H., 477. Sarah, 400. Thomson. Andrew, 64. Angeline, 64. Ann, 64. Charles B., 64. Horatio N., 64. James E., 64. Joel, 64. John, 271. Phebe, 64. Rebecca, 64. SUas, 64. Thorne. EUas, 61, R,B., 62. Thorp. Ellen, 154. John, 164. WUliam, 154. Thurston. Abigail, 71, Amy, 71 . Benjamin, 71. Elizabeth, 364. Gardner 211. Mehitable, 214. Peleg L„ 106, Sarah A,, 106. Sarah R., 153. Tiffany, Byram, 321. CarroU, 321, Emma, 321, Julia, 321, Lyman, 321, Mary, 321, Robert, 321, Ruth, 321. Tilbury. Grace, 440. Tillet. Abram H., 288. 586 INDEX. Tinkham. Mr,, 51, Tisdale, Phebe, 51, 158, Rebecca, 163, Todd, Alzaia L,, 431, Duane M,, 431, Ella D,, 430, Frank O,, 430, Ira, 430, Jerome M,, 430, John, 431, Leona E., 431. MarshaU, 430. Orrin, 430. Stanley I., 430. William A., 431. Tomlinson, Jay E,, 444. Jemima P., 444, WiUiam, 444, Tompkins . Abel, 165. Edward B,, 165, Elizabeth C„ 165, Topping, Esther H., 58, Torrey. Lucinda, 508, Townsend. Rebecca, 22, Towslee, Carrie W., 476. Edna C, 476. Edwin C, 476. Tracy. Mary, 482. Trafton. Mary, 246. Trever, Abbie A., 397. Annie J „ 396. Elizabeth C, 396. Frank, 396, Oscar, 396, Trifetheran, Mr,, 331, Tripp, Abbie, 314, Abiel, 16, 18, 19, 121, 122, 123, 200, Abraham, 76, Bathsheba, 195, Benjamin, 76, Catherine, 76. Charles G., 76. Daniel, 77. Deborah, 76. Edith, 77. Edmund, 76, 77. Eleanor, 121. Elias, 316. Elliott, 368. Elizabeth, 76. Emma, 314. Frances, 354. George, 314. Hannah, 77 . Hannah W., 76. Ida, 368. Isaac 316 Tripp- Continued , James, 76, Job, 314, John, 314, Joseph, 76, Martha, 320, Mary, 76, 123, 124, 314, Melinda D,, 460, Myrtle, 368. Nancy, 314. Nicholas D., 76. Phebe, 314. Phebe A„ 74. Philip, 76. PrisciUa, 314. Reuben, 77. Ruth, 368. Sarah, 60, 84. Sarah D., 76. Silvia, 77. Stephen, 314. Susannah, 160, 195. Thomas E., 77. Wait, 121, WiUiam, 314, Trowbridge, Theodore B,, 369, Truman, David, 427, Phebe, 427, Sally, 427, Tucker, Hannah, 73. Mary, 518. Tuckman. JuUa, 429. Turner. Caleb, 44. Catherine, 40, 206. EUzabeth, 248, 461, 467, 638. Isabella, 157. John, 248. Tuttle. Annie M., 391. Ellis A., 391. Underwood, Damaris, 290, David, 342, Harriet E., 290. Lettie, 418. Weeden T., 290. Urfu. Margeria, 6. Urfue, Agnete, 6, Antomus, 6, Elijah, 6, Usher, Avis E„ 303, Frank, 303, Valentine . AbigaU, 135, 136, 146, 160, 161, Amanda H , 163, Ann E,, 164, Betsey, 161, Choice, 160, David, 135, 159, 161. Durfee, 159, Edmund, 158, Edson, 159. Valentine— Continued. EUzabeth, 136, 162, 164, Eliza, 159. Frances, 135. GuiUord H., 146. James, 136. James L„ 136, 163, 164, John,U35, 136, 159, 386. Jonathan, 159. Joseph, 135, 136. Lois, 158, 171. Lucy, 135, 137, 139, 158, 164, 386, 386. Lydia, 136. Lynde, 135, 136, 163. Martha, 160. Mary, 135, 136. Mercy, 169, 180, Olive, 169, Peace, 168, Phebe, 158, 168, 246, Prudence, 158, 159, 172. Rebecca, 164. Ruth, 136, SaUy, 159, 183 Samuel, 136, 136, 161, 386, Samuel L,, 169, 161, Sarah, 159. Stephen, 159. SybU, 159, 175. Thomas, 135, 161, 163. WUliam, 135, 136, 158, 161, 180, 183. WUliam H., 164. Vandenberg. Addie, 428. Charles, 428. Corydon, 428. Florence, 428. Marvin, 428. Van Buskirk. Isaac, 429. John H., 429, Robert H„ 429, 430. Uretta, 429. Van Doorn. Betsey, 456. EUery, 455. John, 465, Joshua, 461, PhUadelphia, 461 , Ruth, 173, Sally, 461. Van Hoesen. Embury F., 340. George M., 340. George W„ 340. Matthew, 340, Merritt L„ 340, Van Slyck, Peter, 231. Van Vr.anken. Mary, 444. Varnum . James M., Col , 264. ViN.AL. John, 527. JuUa, 527. Vincent. Albert, 281. INDEX. 587 Vinnecum. John, 160. Susannah, 160. Voce. Alice, 145, Voorhies, Benjamin, 396, Wadsworth, Eliza M,, 285, Emma A,, 111, James, 285, John A,, 111, JohnL,, 111, Wadt, Mary H„ 501, Wagoner, Alice M,, 409, Charles, 409, Fred,, 409, Wait, Arthur, 368, Carlton, 368. CarroU, 442. Clarence, 368. Clinton, 442. Dave A., 442. Eleanor, 123. Evangeline, 442. Florence, 368. Fred. C, 442. Gertrude, 368. Helon, 442. Henry H., 442. Horace, 368. Jason O., 442, John, 368, John C, 442, Mary, 125, Matilda, 442, NeUie G., 442, Norman, 368, Orange, 441, 443, Walter, 368, Waite, Charles L., 426, Eleanor, 121, Joseph, 426, Norman, 82, WUlard L., 426. Wald. Caroline G., 488. Waldron. Annie S,, 299. Charles A,, 299, Wales, Samuel, 243, Walker, Abram, 379, Capt,, 280, Clara, 353, Dwight H„ 379. Frederick W,, 379. Henry, 379. Mary, 167, Nathaniel, 269. Sally, 269,518, 519, 522, 526, 527, 528. Wallsworth. Henry E., 362. Louisa, 352. Vena, 352. Walters. Caroline E., 348. Caroline M., 243. Waning. Abby M., 473. Adeline E., 466, 473, 474, Angelia, 473, Angeline, 474, Betsey D,, 473, Clara A,, 474, Frank, 474. Grace E., 474. Hattie, 474. Henry, 472, 473, 474. Henry F., 473. Patience, 473 . Sarah A., 473. Susan B., 474, Thomas E„ 466, 472, 474. Thomas F,, 473, Wanton, Edward, 28, WiUiam, Gov,, 124, 295, Ward, EUzabeth, 103, Henry, 103, Marietta, 338, Wardell, Caleb, 49, David, 49, Delana, 49, Peter, 49, WiUiam, 49, Ware, Mary, 467. Warner. Augustus H., 304, Eugenia E., 304, Mary E., 304, 466. Warren, Almira, 476. Annie L., 513, 514. Charles D., 511, 512. Eliza D., 612. Elizabeth, 511, 518. Emma L., 513, 514. Franoesca M,, 614, Gamaliel, 610, James, 511, James H„ 611, 512, Joseph, 476, Loring, D, D,, 511, 513. Louisa E., 513. Mary, 53. Minton, 510, 511, 513, 614. Minton M., 614. Moses, 147. Nathaniel, 511. Richard, 511, 513, 617, 547. Samuel S., 511, 513, 514. Stephen M., 612. Theodore, 511, 512. Theodore J., 513. Washburn.. Fanny, 499. Watson. Frances B., 147. Joseph B., 229. Watts. Abbey J., 310. Anna R., 309. Annie L., 314. Ardella, 310. Benjamin P., 310. Elmira, 309, 310. Emeline. 314. Esther H., 310. Frank D., 314. George, 310. George, M.D,, 310. Georgiana, 314. James K. P., 310. Jefferson, 309, 383, 384. John, 309, 310, 383, 384. John W., 314. Lorenzo, 309, 314. Mary L., 310. Minnie W., 314. Patience, 310. Peleg, 309, 310. Phebe A., 310. Sarah E., 314. Simon C, 310. Susan B., 310. Walter C, 314. Weaver. Alzada, 106. Candace, 119. Charles B., 178. Charles S., 178. Clara A., 434. Edith M., 179. Elisha, 434. Elizabeth, 105. Eunice, 118. Frances M., 179. Frank B., 178. Frank M., 178, 179. George K,, 179, Hannah, 110. Hattie L., 178. Henry R,, 178, Henry S„ 178, Jennie, 434, Jessie, 434, JohnW,, 178, Louise V,, 179, Lydia C, 178, Margaret A., 434. Mary, 257. Samuel, 119, 484. Sarah G,, 106. Sheffel, 119. Sheffield, 118, 178. Stephen P., 106. Sylvester L., 179, Wait, 120, William V„ 434, Webb, Nathaniel, 196. Webster. Benjamin, 287. EUzabeth, 287, Weeden, AnnE,, 112, Daniel, 112, Hannah, 112. 588 INDEX. Weeden — Continued. Holder C, 112. Isabel, 112. Job, 112, John, 112, John H„ 112, Weeks, Mary J,, 402, Welch. Mary, 442, Welden, Ruth B,, 83, Weller, Emma C, 420, Lorenzo R,, 420. Wellman, Abraham, 606, Annie D„ 605, Arthur H,, 505, 506, Edward W., 605, Ellen H„ 605. Emma, 63. Gordons., 505. James R., 505. Joshua W., Rev., 506, 506. Katherine F,, 505, Ruth W,, 505, Sargent H,, 505, Wells, Harriett, 378, James, 359, Joseph, 378, Mary, 39, Sally, 428, St,mantha, 359, Sarah M,, 378. Tunis, 428. West. EUzabeth, 198, 280. Sally, 362. Westgate. AbigaU, 131, 315, Eliphal, 131, Elizabeth, 131, George, Jr,, 131, George, 243, 315, John, 243, Lysander, 368, PrisciUa, 243, Rebecca, 131, Samuel H,, 537, WiUiam, 243, Wetherbee. Adeline M,, 433. Charles E,, 433. Cora M., 433. EUen R., 432, George W,, 433, Harriet, 433. IdaM., 433. Ira, 432, Ira J,, 433, James M,. 432, 433. Mary, 433. Rosaville, 433. WiUiam C, 433. Whe\ton. Nabby, 93. Wheeler. Abram, 331. Mr tha, 263, Whipple, Eliza B,, 385, Whitbeck, Catherine C, 340. White. Alden, 172. Ann, 480. Archie K., 401. Barney, 164. Benjamin B., 364, 365, Charles A,, 375, CharlesF, H„501. Charles G., 365, Christopher, 364, Christopher T,, 364, 365, David D„ 364, Elizabeth W,, 364. Everett A„ 172, Frank E., 231, Gracie, 366. Harriet, 365. Harriet A., 364. Harvey, 442, Hattie M., 365, Helen, 469, James D,, 375, John, 453, Lucy, 168, 181, Marie, 469, Martha L,, 365. MaryB., 501. Mary C, 364. Mary P., 141, 365. Minnie, 469. Myra C, 463. Pardon B., 365. Ruth, 220, 365. Ruth D., 364, Sanford B,, 601, Susan F,, 366, Susannah, 267, Thomas, 364, 365, Thomas E., 364, 365, WiUiam, 469, William D,, 469, WiUie O,, 375, Whiting, Borden D„ 529, Emma G., 529, Florence C,, 529, Franklin C, 529, Grace L,, 529, Joseph C, 529, Nathaniel P,, 529, Whitewell, James, 119, Whitney, Edward H,, 177. Mary S., 177. Wickett. Dorethy F., 151. FranK K., 151. Frederick H.. 151. Wightman. Hiram, 330. Nancy, 330. Wilbur, Anna, 380, Annie E,, 170, BrowneU, 380, Clarinda D,, 643. Daniel, 20. Wi lbuh— Continued . Esther, 380. Hannah, 381, Hannah S., 166. Harry D., 170. Henry, 138. Isaac, 381. Malvina, 456. Mary, 381. Mrs., 137, PhUip H,, 170. Thomas, 166. WiUiam, 37, 381. WiLCOCKS. Hannah, 84. Joseph, 84. Josiah. 84. Martha, 84. Robert, 84. Sarah, 84. f Susannah, 84. Wilcox. Andrew, 358. Ann, 368, 359. Bersey, 76, 543, Charles, 358, Durfee, 358, 359. Earl, 357, 358. EUas, 359. Elijah, 372. Eliza, 368. Elsie, 372, Emily J,, 359, George, 358, 359. Gideon, 357, 359. Hannah, 359. Henry, 358. Hiram, 358, 359. John M., 369. Louisa M,, 359. Mary, 358. Mary J., 358. Meribah, 358, 359. Mr., 51, Nancy, 76, Ruth, 358, 369. Ruth L., 74. Stephen D., 369. WiUiam, 76, 357, 358. WiUiam J., 369. Willard. Annie E., 483. Artemas, 483. Willcox. Lucy, 243. Wiley. Charles A., 401. Elbert, 401. Frank D,, 401. Frederick, 401. Henry M„ 401, LinaM,, 401. Pearl, 401. Robert, 401 . Willets, Bersheba, 354, WiUiam P,, 62. Willey, Ephraim, 83, Hattie A,, 83. John F., 83. Joseph H., 83. INDEX. 589 Williams. AnnaB,, 411. Anna M., 544. Benine, 412. Benjamin F,, 412. Catherme, 502, Charles G., 150. Charles T., 644. Cora A., 438. Edwin E., 544. EUab, 539, 644. EUzabeth, 502. Emerson D., 63. Fred. H., 411. George F,, 150, George R., 63. Grace A., 150. Isaac N., 438, John F,, 411. Judith, 63. Keturah, 411. Laura, 446. vucy R.. 396. Mahlon J„ 412, Mary, 434, Mary B„ 544. Mary J., 411, Nathaniel B,, 63, PoUy, 377. Ruth A., 63, Samuel, 63, Samuel J,, 63, Sarah, 410. Sarah A., 544. Thomas, 63, 502. Williamson. Keturah, 509. Willson. Perley, 117. Wilson. Abraham, 472. Betsey, 145. Edward, 145. Hannah, 145. Hezekiah, 169. John, 472. John D., 250, 472. Luther, 118. SaUy, 169. Sarah, 472. Wing. AbigaU, 91, 131, EUen, 139. Paul, 91. Phebe, 92. Winslow. Albert, 182. 183. Amelia 182. Beulah, 182. Charles, 170, 182. Charles A., 119. Charles C, 183. Charles F., 170. David B., 119. Ebenezer, 119. Ebenezer S., 119. Edward T., 183. EUa F., 183. Frank E., 119. Frede.iok, 182, 183. George, 51, 158, 170, •181, 182, George H., 119. Winslow — Continued . Georgiana, 181. Hannah, 159. Harriet, 169. Henry L., 170. Hope, 182. Isaiah B., 182. John, 119. Jonathan, 159. Josephine A., 119. Lester C, 183, Lucy, 168, 182, 246, Lucy E,, 119. Luther, Capt., 168. Luther, 168, 169, 181, 246, 253. Marion B., 183. Martha E., 119. MaryA., 119. Mary H., 182. Mercy v., 182. MUdred, 183. Orin E., 119. Phebe E., 170. Richard K,, 183, Rowena, 181, Ruth, 135, 136, 183, Sarah, 50. Sarah E., 170, Susie P,, 169, SybU, 158, 170, 180, 183. Thomas C, 183, Wealthy J„ 170, WilUam 183, WiUiam, Lieut,, 169. WiUiam L., 169. WiUiam V., 169, 183. Wiswall, Alice, 161. Almy E,, 151, Austin, 151. Edward, 151, Elizabeth, 151. Fanny, 151, Withers, Alexander, 418. Witler. E. A., 235, EUaL,, 235, Eva, 235, Grace A,, 235. Mary H,, 235. Wixon, Bethiah, 79, Frances H., 79, George F., 79. James, 79. Robert E., 79. Walter J., 79. Wlphe. Hermatride, 10, 11. Isambert, 11. Judith, 9. Saxe G,, 13, Wodell, WiUiam, 16, Woddle. WiUiam, 268. Wood. Edith, 73. Esther, 371, George, 325. Wood — Continued. Hannah, 69, 325, James, 527, John, 518, Josiah, 69, 73. Martha, 265. Mary, 518. Mary H., 627. MaryM., 265. Mary R., 74, Sally, 527, Samuel, 527, Samuel P,, 526. Sarah, 76, Woods, George, 42, Woodcock, Vesta J,, 299. Woodle. Alden, 316. Elizabeth, 47. Gershom, 47. Job, 264. Mary, 47. Nanoy, 142. Sarah, 47. Susannah, 47. Woodman. Elizabeth, 315. Enoch, 315. Sarah, 36. Woodward, Alice, 499. Wooster. Mary, 379, Woodson. Jennie, 433. Worden. Rebecca, 212. Work. Alice E., 375. Workman. Sarah, 489, Worth. Ann, 483, Wright. Betsey, 199. Calvin, 65. Charlotte A., 65. Frances T., 65. Levi, 199. Matthew, 187. Minerva, 65. Volney, 65. Rev., 342. Wrightington. Eliza, 475. Fanny, 475. James, 475. Sarah, 475. Wyman. Phebe, 505. YONGE. Charlotte M., 9. Young, Henry C, 426. MaryB,, 493,494. Mary E,, 175, Virginia K,, 426. WUliam H., 426. WUliam R., 426. SPECIAL INDEX. This index is for reference to the names of persons iu this book, who held official places, both Civil and Military, iu Europe aud America. Andrew. John A., Gov,, 636, Airnie, Count, 11, Ayers, Col,, 254, 256, Babcock. Henry, Col,, 264, Baldwin, Capt., 274. Barton. Col. WiUiam, 262. 254. Bowen. CoI„ 417, Bozon, King, 10, Bradford, WiUiam, Gov,, 606. Brightman. George, Capt., 253. Briggs. Nathaniel, Maj., 370. Canada. WiUiam, Capt., 44. Carpenter. Thomas, Col., 249. Carr. Caleb, Gov., 278, 291. Church. Benjamin, Capt., and Col., 421, 611, John, Col,, 166, Clerk, Daniel, Capt,, 197, Clinton. Gen., 264. Cobb Capt. Nathan, 248. Conrad . Count of Paris, 10. Cook. Col, John, 34, 249, 263, 257, 261, 292, 295, 319, 370, Cooke. Nicholas, Gov., 210 211. Cornell. Gen., 250. Cornwallis. Lord, 262. Crane. Col., 264. Crary. Archibald,Col., 264, 318. Culver, Capt,, 319, Devol. Capt., 327. Dorr. Gov., 70. Doyle. Mayor, 530. Dudley. Joseph, Gov,, 67, d'Ulphe, Lord, 11, Durfee . Benjamin, Capt., 292 Edward, Maj., 356, 357 Joseph, Col., 250, 251, 253, 256, 262, 451, 538, Judge, 296, Oliver, Capt,, 208, 295, Richard, Capt,, 292,319, 464, 537, 538, 640, 542, 644, 647, 548, WiUiam, Capt,, 230, 455. Earle, David, Capt,, 284, Elt, Col,, 274, Ethelwida. Princess, 386, Farragut, Admiral, 144, 305, Fenner, Arthur, Gov,, 211, Ferdinand, Emperor, 342, Field , Richard, Capt,, 298, Fowler, Christopher, Hon,, 265. Fox. George, 86. French. Daniel, Col., 488. Gardner. Joseph, Capt., 257, Garfield. Leonard, Capt., 516. George 1st. King, 44. George 3d, King, 124, 130, 216. Grat. Gideon, Capt., 370. Pardon, Col., 366. Robert, Capt., 295. Guy II. Count of Forez, 11. Hancock. John, Gov., 188. Hathawat. John, Capt,, 496, John, Col,, 194, 249, PhUip, Lieut,, 137, 139, 166, 386, Henrt, Duke of Bavaria, 9, Herendeen . WUkerson, Capt., 355. Hodges. Almon D., Col., 499. Howell. Gilbert, Col,, 357, Howard, Benj., Gen,, 295, Humphret, William, Col,, 295, Hunt, Capt,, 275, Ingraham. Capt., 210, Johnson, Obadiah, Capt,, 197. Jones. W„ Gov,, 266. Kimball. Capt., 268. King. Horatio, Hon., 143. LaFatette. General, 70, 86, 87, 165. Langlet, John, Capt,, 294, Latimer. Col., 197. Lee. Capt. John, 460. Leeds. Capt., 275. Lesse. Capt., 418. Lincoln. Abraham, President, 96, 536. Lippett. Christopher, Col., 261, 264, 268. LOCHR,AN. WUliam, 275, 292. Long. Charles L., Hon., 180. Louis II. French King, 9. Louis II. Duke of Borbon, 12. Ltnde. Simeon, Judge, 386. SPECIAL INDEX. 591 McGowan. George, Capt., 214. Manchester, Christopher, Capt,, 318. Joseph, Capt., 417. Marct. Gov., 436. Martin. Simeon, Gov., 264, 266. Edward, Col., 265, 266. Miller, Robert, Capt., 496. William, Rev., 273, Moore, Forris, Rev,, 148, MUNGER. Rev. Orin, 391. Munroe. Major, 223 MURPHT. D. I., 278. Mushet. Robert, 520. Nazarean. A. H., Rev., 375. Olnet, Christopher, Col,, 218, Osband, Luoy A,, Prof,, 341, Osborn, Judge Joseph, 326. Peck. Loring, Capt., 261, Perry. Commodore, 281. Peter II. King, 10. Pigot. Gen., 208, 254. Philip. (Indian King) . 421. e:._ Phillipe, Louis, King, 218, 342, Pius IX, Pope, 342, Polk, James K,, Pres,, 343. Parsons. Col., 275. Porter. Benjamin, Capt., 163, Prescott. General, 89, 251, 252, 254. Putnam. Gen., 197. Read. Oliver, Capt., 257. Reed. Benjamin, Capt., 164. John, Capt., 638. Joseph E., Col., 496. Richmond. WUliam, Col., 33, 278. ROCHEFOUCALD . Aid to Lafayette, 12. Roosevelt. Theodore, President, 499. Rose. WiUiam R., Capt., 313. Sigebirt. King, 10. Swift. Col.P., 319, 320, Gen, John, 329. Lt. Col., 325. Heman, Col., 280. Sullivan. Gen., 132, 216, 224, 249, 261, 318. Terrt. Job, Capt., 496. Theodoric. King, 10. Thomas. Gen. L., 348. Tiffant. Frank M., Dr., 288. TOPHAM. John, Col., 125. Truth. Sojourn, 441. Twiggs. J. D,, Judge, 302. Ttler. John, Capt., 275. Van Vleck. Dr.V. H., 417. Weaver. Sheffel, Capt,, 484, West, Col,, 253, Whitnet, Col,, 249, Williams, Dearman, Dr,, 410, 411 412, Roger, 513. Winslow. Frederick, Capt., 181. Hezekiah, Capt., 496. Luther, Capt., 496. WiUiam, Col., 496. Witler, Charles H,, Rev,, 235. Wolcott. Roger, Gov., 637. Wolfe. H. E., Rev,, 342, Wood, Joseph, Capt,, 265, Wordell, Holder, Capt,, 496, Young, Jeremiah S,, Hon,, 492 INDEX TO WILLS AND BRIEFS OF WILLS. Almt, Christopher, 22, Briggs, Job, 123, CoRT, Mary E,, 40, Dean, Elisha, 262, Devol, Joseph, 240, Durfee, AbigaU W., 315, Benjamin, 44, 641, Betsey B„ 362, David, 131, 219. Delight, 521. Deliverance, 19 Durfee — Continued . EbenC., 458, Gideon, 122, Hope, 42. Job, 126. Joseph, 28, 250, 473. Nancy, 296. Nathan, 603, Patience B„ 189, 237, Phebe, 641, Richard, 262, Robert, 21, Ruth B,, 259. Samuel, 132, 133. Sarah, 282. Seth R., 509. Thomas, 18, 19, 26, 41, 189, 268. Durfee — Continued . WUUam, 27. WiUiams, 297. Fish. John, 28. Mary, 35. Robert, 35. Freeborn. Gideon, 25. Jonathan, 282. Sherman, Lot, 239, Sisson, Richard, 36, Tallman, Benjamin 33 37 ILLUSTRATIONS. 9. 10.11. 12. 13. 14.15. 16. 17. 18.19. 20. 21. 22. 23.24, William F. Keed, Map of Rhode Island, Prof. Winthrop 0. Durfee, Coat of Arms, Bristol Ferry, .... Homestead of Job Durfee, Homestead of Lieut. Philip Hathaway, Aaron M. Durfee, Hon. Thomas Durfee, Homestead of Hon. Thomas Durfee, Upper Boad in Tiverton, K. I., Family Burying Ground, Homestead of Charles Manchester, View looking west from Tiverton Heights, Tiverton looking from Gould Island, View east up Green Lane, Tiverton, E. I., View from Tiverton Heights west, View from Tiverton Heights southwest, Melvin D. Osband, William Durfee, .... Ephraim Durfee, B. M. C. Durfee High School, Theodore Warren, . Walter C. Durfee, . 693 PAGE. Frontispiece. 3 4 12 16 124 136 278 290 292292294 296 296 308 308314314 344380 450 494512 534 The attention of those who read this book is respect fully directed to the desire of the author to be made ac quainted with all errors and omissions of data in records of the families covered by this work. He would also be pleased to receive from the descendants of these families such data up to date as will be useful in compiling the records of the succeeding generations for the 2d volume. WM. F. REED. P. O. address, 915 F St. N.E., Washington, D. C. 00455 4730 ~. CO