Bought with the income of the Society of the Cincinnati Fund Gov. Nathaniel S. Bhrry HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF BRISTOL GRAFTON COUNTY NEW HAMPSHIRE IN TWO VOLUMES VOLUME II - GENEALOGIES BY RICHARD W. MUSGROVE BRISTOL, N, H. Printed by R. W. Musgrovc 1904 Copyright, 1904 By R. W. MUSGROVE 'As wave follows wave o'er the ocean's dark breast. So the races of men press on to their rest ; They spring in life's morn in the freshness of bloom. At eve are cut down and consigned to the tomb." INTRODUCTION In this volume are presented the genealogies of Bristol. The author has sought to include every family that ever resided within the limits of the town ; and while this has not been possible the result has been that the following pages contain the records of 368 family names ; more than 1,500 families and over 12,000 individual names. The statistics here presented have been gathered from every availa ble source — from family records, printed genealogies, tombstones, records of deeds and wills, church records, and records of clergymen offi ciating at funerals and marriages ; a few from the meagre vital statistics of the town, and many by extensive correspondence with widely scat tered former residents, and by personal interviews. The difiiculties of its compilation makes the value of the work more apparent. In all cases the aim has been to give the line of descent from the earliest known ancestor to the fi.rst settlement of the family in the terri tory now known as Bristol, and from that time to give a full record to the present, if the family continues to reside in town. In case of removal the children and in many cases the grandchildren of natives and residents are given after having left town. In but few cases has more than this been attempted. From the nature of the case these records must be imperfect and errors will appear. They are not complete for the work of the genealo gist is never finished ; changes are constantly occurring. In the appen dix is given the records of births, marriages and deaths that occurred while this volume was in press, in order to bring the volume up to date, but even while the index was in preparation several deaths occurred of which no record could be made. This work is intended to be strictly genealogical and in no sense biographical. All the genealogical data obtainable has been given in each case, with very brief additional information. Only in the case of a few distinguished public men has anything more than this been given. EXPLANATIONS The genealogical arrangement in the following pages is self-explana tory. All members of each family are numbered consecutively to the latest descendant. In the case of children who became heads of families, a star is placed at the commencement of the line, which indicates that the name with the same number (in parenthesis) occurs again where the family is given in full. VI HISTORY OF BRISTOL Where no state is given. New Hampshire is to be understood ; excep tions may occur in the case of large cities where in would seem super fluous to name the state. A mark of interrogation (?) implies uncer tainty. Figures after "ae." indicate the age in years, months and days, thus, 50-10-20. Abbreviations are those usually found in works of this character, as "b." for "born"; "m." for "married"; "d " for "died"; "ae." for "aged"; "dau." for "daughter"; "res." for "rtsides" or "resided"; "rem." for "removed." CONTENTS List of Portraits The Abbott Families . The Ackerman Families The Adams Families . The Alden Family The Alexander Family The Ames Family The Annis Family The Aspinwall Family The Atwood Family . The Badger Family The Bailey Families . The Ballou Families . The Barney Family The Barrett Family . The Bartlett Family . The Batchelder Family The Bean Families The Beckford Family The Beede Families The Bennett Families . The Benton Family The Berry Families The Bickford Family . The Bingham Family . The Bishop Family The Blackstone Family The Blaisdell Family . The Blake Family The Blodgett Families The Boardman Families The Bohonon Family . The Bond Family The Bowers Families . The Bowler Family The Bradley Family The Bragg Family The Braley Family The Breck Family PAGE XV II 2 4 5 677 8 lo12 12l8 1919 24 27 30 3234 3536 40 4041 4242 43. 476 44 46 48484850 5151 51 52 VllI HISTORY OF BRISTOL The Briggs Family The Brown Families . The Bryant Family The Bryar Family The Bryson Family The Bucklin Family The Bunker Family The Burleigh Family The Burpee Family The Butrick Family The Buxton Family The Call Family The Calley Families The Carleton Family The Cass Families The Cate Family The Cavis Family The Chandler Families The Chase Families The Cheney Families The Cilley Family The Clark Families The Clay Family The Clement Family The Cleveland Family The Clifford Family The Clough Families The Colby Family The Cole Families The Conner Family The Connor Family The Coolidge Family The Corliss Family The Corser Family The Cox Family The Crawford Families The Crockett Family . The Crosby Family The Cross Family The Culver Family The Cummings Families The Currier Family The Curtice Family The Cutler Family The Cyr Family The Dalton Family The Damon Family CONTENTS The Danforth Families The Darling Family The Davis Families The Day Family The Dearborn Family The Decato Family The Dicey Family The Dickinson Family The Dodge Families The Dolloff Families The Doud Family The Dow Families The Downing Family The Drake Families The Draper Families The Drew Families The Durgin Families The Durrell Family The Dustin Families The Eastman Families The Eaton Families The Edgerly Family The Edwards Family The Emerson Family The Emmons Families The Everett Family The Everleth Family The Fall Family The Farrar Family The Favor Families The Fellows Families The Felt Family The Fernald Family The Ferrin Family The Fields Family The Fitzpatrick Family The Flanders Families The Fleer Family The Fling Family The Fogg Families The Follansbee Families The Forrest Family The Foss Family The Foster Family The Fowler Families . The French Family The Fuller Families . page 128 131132 134 135 136 137 138 140142146 146 149 149 i.Si 153157158 159 ^59 160 162 162 163 165 173174174 174 175178 185185 186 187 187 187 189 189190191 193193194196 201 HISTORY OF BRISTOL The Gage Family The Gale Families The Gardner Family The Gates Family The George Families The Oilman Families The Gleason Family The Golden Family The Goodhue Family The Goodnoe Family The Gordon Families The Gould Family The Gove Family The Graham Family The Gray Families The Green Family The Greenough Family The Griffith Family The Gurdy Family The Hadley Family The Haley Family The Hall Family The Hammond Families The Hanaford Family The Harlow Family The Harriman Family The Harris Familj' The Hastings Family The Haynes Family The Hayward Family The Heath Families The Hemphill Family The Hen tall Family The Hight Family The Hilands Family The Hill Family The Holden Family The Holman Family The Holmes Family The Homans Family The Home Family The Horner Family The Howe Family The Hoyt or Hoit Family The Hubbard or Herbert Family The Huckins Family . The Huntington Family PAGE 203 203 205 207 207 209 209 2ro 211 211 211 212213 213 214 215 216 216 217 220221 221 222 223 223 223224 225 229 229 230 237 238 238 238 239 239240240241 241 242 242 242243 245 245 CONTENTS xi PAGE The Huse Family ....... 246 The Hutchins Family . 247 The Hutchinson Family 247 The Ingalls Family 249 The Jefferson Family . 255 The Jeffroy Family 255 The Jesseman Family . 2,S5 The Jewell Family 256 The Jewett Family 256 The Johnson Families . 257 The Jones Family 260 The Judkins Family 261 The Kelly or Kelley Families 261 The Keezer Family 266 The Kemp Family 267 The Kendall Family . 267 The Kenney Families . 270 The Ketchum Family . 271 The Kidder Families . 272 The Kimball Families 279 The King Families 280 The Kirk Families 280 The Kittrell Family 281 The Knight Family . 281 The Ladd Families 282 The Lamprey Family . 283 The Laney Family 284 The Lewis Family 284 The Locke Families . 287 The Lothrop Family . 291 The Lougee Family . 291 The Lovejoy Families . 292 The Loverin Family . 293 The Lowell Family 293 The Lucas Family 294 The McClary Family . 294 The McCurdy Family . 295 The McDaniel Family 295 The Mclntire Family . 296 The Maclinn Family . 296 The Malvern Family . 297 The Manchester Family 297 The Manson Family . 297 The Marden Family 297 The Marshall Family . 298 The Marston Family . 298 The Martin Families . 298 HISTORY OF BRISTOL The Mason Family The Mayhew Family . The Meng Family The Merrill Families . The Minot Family The Mitchell Family . The Moore Families The Morse Family The Morton Family . The Moshier Family . The Mossman Family . The Moulton Family . The Mudgett Family . The Musgrove Family The Muzzey Family . The Nealy Family The Nelson Families . The Nichols Family . The Norris Family The Noyes Family The Nudd Family The Oakley Family The O'Leary Family . The Ordway Family . The Osgood Family The Paddleford Family The Page Families The Paige Family The Pattee Families . The Patten Families . The Pearson Family . The Peaslee Family The Perkins Families . The Philbrook Family The Phillips Family . The Phipps Family The Pike Families The Pillsbury Family . The Plankey Family . The Pollard Family . The Pope Family The Powell Families . The Powers Family The Pray Families The Prescott Families The Preston Family The Price Family CONTENTS XIU The Proctor Family The Putney Families The Quimby Families The Quint Families The Randolph Families The Ray Family The Reed Family The Reid Family The Remick Family The Rice Families The Robbins Family The Robie Families The Robinson Families The Roby Family The Rollins Family The Rounds Family The Rowe Family The Sanborn Families The Sanders Family The Sarsons Family The Saunders Families The Savage Family The Sawyer Family The Scribner Family The Seaver Family The Seavey Families The Shattuck Family The Shaw Family The Simonds Families The Simmonds Family The Sinclair Family . The Sleeper Families . The Smiley Families . The Smith Families . The Southard Family . The Spencer Families . The Spiller Family The Stevens Family . The Stolworthy Family The Sullivan Family . The Sumner Family . The Swett Families . The Taylor Families . The Tenney Family The Thomas Family . The Thurston Family . The Tibbetts Family . PAGE 351351352353 353 354 355 355 356 356 358 358359 360362 365 365366 38X 381 38 r 382 383 38s 385385 386 387 387388 388389 411412416 417 418418419419419420421 424424 425425 XIV HISTORY OF BRISTOL The Tilton Families . The Tirrell or Tyrrell Family The Tolford Families . The Town or Towns Families The Townsend Family The Train Family The Truell Family The Truesdell Family The Trumbull Family The Tukey Family The Valla Family The Varney Family The Veasey Family The Vose Family The Wadleigh Family The Webber Family . The Webster Family . The Weeks Family The Welch Family The Wells Families The Wentworth Family The Weymouth Family The Wheet Families . The Whipple Families The Whitcomb Family The White Family The Whitney Family . The Whittemore Family The Whittier Family . The Wicom Family The Wiggin Family . The Wilbur Family . The Willard Family . The Willey Family The Williams Family . The Wilson Family The Wolcott Family . The Woodman Family The Woodward Family The Woolson Family . The Wooster Family . The Worthen or Worthing Family The Worthley Families The Wright Families . The Wyatt Family The Yeaton Family The Yeatter Family PAGE 425432 436 437 438439439442 442 443 443 443 444444 445 445445 446 446447452 453454 454455455 458458 460460 460 460 461 462 463463 463 464 464 465 465 465 474474 475475 475 PORTRAITS Gov. Nathaniel S. Berry Fred H. Ackerman Sergt. Charles F. Alexander Burley M. Ames Lucian A. Ballou Zara Marshall Ballou . Ichabod C. Bartlett Gustavus Bartlett Rev. Caleb S. Beede . Moses W. Beede Capt. William A. Beckford Frank W. Bingham Hon. John C. Blaisdell Rev. Amos Brown > Gen. John H. Brown . Otis K. Bucklin Francis W Calley Karl G. Cavis . George B. Cavis Mary J. (Cheney) Wolcott Stillman Clark, Esq. . George C. Currier Charles H. Dickinson . Horace M. Emmons Horace N. Emmons John M. R. Emmons . Hon. Gardner B. Emmons Isaac Favor John A. Favor . Milo Fellows Smith D. Fellows Charles W. Fling, Esq. Sam Follansbee Herbert H. Follansbee Hon Oscar F. Fowler . Rev. Charles J. Fowler George H. Fowler Christopher C. Gardner Joseph G. Gardner PAGE Frontispiece 2 46 14 i62022 32 3238 40 426068 74 8288 90 102104 124 140 170170172172174176182 184190192192196 198 200204 204 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Charles A. Gardner George W. Gardner Robert S. Hastings Hiram T. Heath Ebenezer Kelly Luther Kelly . George H. Kendall, Esq. Benjamin Kidder Levi B. Laney . Charles A. Lucas David Mason Charles E. Mason Clarence N. Merrill . James G. Moore Hon. Levi P. Morton . William I. Musgrove . John H. Musgrove Charles M. Musgrove . Sara M. C. Musgrove . Henrietta (Guild) Musgrove Stephen Nelson Rev. Lucian W. Prescott Harry W. Proctor Austin H. Roby Maude (Gordon) Roby Clarence A. Smith Henry A. Taylor Green L. Tilton Col. Samuel P. Train . Henry C. Whipple Warren White . Marshall W. White Charles H. White, D.D.S. Edward W. White, D.D.S. William C. White Karl M. White . PAGE 206 206228 232262 264 270 276 284 294 300 302 308 312 316 322322322 322322 326346350 360360 414422430 438454456456 456456456 456 HISTORY OF BRISTOL GENEALOGIES THE ABBOTT FAMINES Rev. Charles Frederick Abbott, son of Walter Stewart and Dorcas (I^add) Abbott, was b. Lemington, Vt., Nov. 27, 1831. Mr. Abbott came to Bristol in 1 861, as acting pastor of the Con gregational church. Sept. 6, 1863, he m. Harriet Minot, dau. of Solomon Cavis. (See.) After a service of a little more than five years, he was compelled by failing health to resign his pas torate, and he d. of consumption, Sept. 20, 1866, ae. 34-9-23. During his residence here he held a warm place in the hearts of the people. He served two years as superintending school committee. His death was a great loss to the town. (See Congregational church.) Mrs. Abbott resides on Pleasant street. I. Rev. George J. Abbott, the son of Isaac Abbott, was b. in Jackson, Mich., in 1830. In September, 1861, he m. Mary Elizabeth, dau. Jefferson Bartlett, b. in 1839, in Unity, Me. He was pastor of the Free Baptist church in Bristol from June, 1870, till September, 1873. He d. at Oakland, Me., Nov. 3, 1883, ae. 54. CHILDREN 2. Elmir, b. Dover, Me., 1865 ; m. in 1892, Susie Seavey ; now in provision business in Lynn, Mass. 3. Charles, b. Rochester; d. in infancy. 4. Winifred, b. B., August, 1878; res. Lynn. 5. Maud Elizabeth, b.'Apponaug, R. I., in May, 1881 ; a student at Boston University, class of 1904. THE ACKERMAN FAMII.IES I. Fred Hale Ackerman, son of Shem G. and Joanna (Clark) Ackerman, was b. Sept. 13, i860, in Alexandria, under the shadow of Mount Cardigan. He came here about 1882, and entered the printing-office of the Bristol Enterprise, of which he was for many years foreman. Here he remained, with the exception of about one year in Pennsylvania, till July r, 1899, when he became postmaster at Bristol, which office he now fills. HISTORY OF BRISTOL He has been for several years chairman of the Republican town committee and is a past master of Union Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; has been a member of the board of education. (See Town Officers.) He m. Dec. 27, 1883, Mary Ellen, dau. I/Orenzo D. Day. (See.) In 1895, he purchased the Wm. L. Chase resi dence on Pleasant street where he now resides. CHILDREN Helen M., b. Bristol, July 14, 1884, Laurence Day, b. B., Aug. 8, 1886. I. Jacob Hanson Ackerman, son of Jacob and Sarah (Hall) Ackerman, was b. Farmington, Dec. 12, 1835. He removed to Alexandria with his parents when young and there m. May 15, 1862, Mary D., dau. Heman J. and Abigail (Gray) Welton, b. Alexandria, Nov. 29, 1841. In the spring of 1891, he purchased the J. Martin Sleeper farm in Bristol where he resided till he d. Oct. 22', 1902, ae. 66-9-10. CHILDREN 2. Annette Mary, b. Alexandria, Apr. 14, 1863; unm.; keeping a boarding-house in Winchester, Mass. 3. Frank Leslie, b. A._, May 14, 1865 ; res. Burlington, Vt., where he was manager of the Hygienic Milk company. Unm. THE ADAMS FAMILIES I. Joel Coolidge Adams, son of Guy- and Sarah (Cross) Adams, was b. Charlestown, Vt., Oct. 15, 1819 (Oct. 16, 1820). Hem. Apr. 30, 1846, Sarah Ann, dau, Levi Cross. He came here in 1854, and was in the employ of Warren White. He d. May 22, 1879, ae. 59-7-7. She d. Bristol, Nov. 1, 1885, ae. 6 1 -7-10. Republican, Congregationalist. CHILDREN 2. Frances Ann, b. Nashua, Apr. 26, 1849 ; m. Joseph McClary. Res. Gilmanton Corner. Six children. 3. Ella Jane, b. Nashua, Aug. 5, 1851 ; d. Oct. 11, 1851, ae. 0-2-6 4. Sara Ella, b. Bristol, Feb. 24, 1853 ; d. Aug. 16, 1854, ae. 1-5-22. 5. Ida Lizzie, b. B., Oct. 13, 1854; m. Arthur O'Leary. (See.) 6. Levi Guy, b. B., Nov. 7, 1856 ; m. Hattie Gray ; res. B. till 1900, now Nashua. Child : a. Georgia Edwin, d. diphtheria, Aug. 20, 1895, ae. 9-0-5. 7. Lela Ivanette, b. B., June 13, 1858; m. Frank P. Haley. (See.) 8. Carrie Jane, b. B., Sept. 19, 1859 ; d. Oct. 24, 1859, ae. 0-1-5. I. Felix Adams was b. Gaspe Basin, Province of Quebec, Mays, 1819. Hem. June 16, 1840, Rosanna Crunier, b. Gaspe Basin, Aug. 3, 1821. They removed to Haverhill, in 1873, and there he d. in 1874, ae. 65. She removed to Bristol, and Fred H. Ackerman GENEALOGIES — ADAMS 3 here d. Oct. lo, 1894, ae. 73-2-7. In 1903, five farmhouses on the west side of Newfound lake, on Fowler's river, were all owned and occupied by the Adams's, and the neighborhood is now known as Adamsville. All Catholics. Children all born Gaspe Basin. CHILDREN *2. Felix, b. Aug. 19, 1842. »3. Benard James, b. Oct. 8, 1844. 4. Rosanna, b. Aug. 8, 1846; m. Alexander Adams. (See.) 5. Nicholas, b. Sept. 13, 1848; m. Alma Blake, and res. East Hebron. Child : a. Ellen. 6. Agnes, b. July 26, 1851 ; m. Patrick M. Kenney. (See.) 7. Thomas, b. Nov. 8, 1853 ; m. Phebe Johnston, and removed to Manchester. Five children. 8. Eliza, b. Dec. 6, 1855 ; m. three times ; now res. Tamworth. 9. William, b. Apr. 18, 1857 ; m. Mary Ann Johnston and removed to Manchester, where he d. Five or six children. #10. Joseph, b. Aug. 5, 1859. II. Alfred, b. Feb. 3, 1862 ; res. Hebron; unm. 12. John Battise, b. Apr. 3, 1867; has been twice m.; res. Laconia. No children. *I3. Ambrose S., b. Apr. 11, 1871. At a public gathering in Bristol six of the above sons stood in a row- Each was over six feet in height and each weighed over 200 pounds. (2) Felix Adams, b. Aug. 19, 1842, m. Nov. 5, 1864, Mary Crawford, b. Ireland. Is a farmer in Adamsville. CHILDREN 14. Emily, b. Gaspe Basin, Aug. 17, 1865 ; m. Oscar S. Roby. (See.) 15. Melissa, b. G. B., June 9, 1866 ; d. Feb. 11, 1867. 16. Nicholas, b. Feb. x, 1869 ; d. at about 13 years of age. 17. Alice, b. Nov. 8, 1872; m. (i) Charles P. Rice; (2) Wm. H. Welch. (See.) 18. Patrick, b. Haverhill, Feb. 7, 1874 ; m. Leona Ackerman, dau. of Enoch ; res. Bristol. No children. 19. Maggie W., b. Bristol, 1885. (3) Benard J. Adams, b. Oct. 8, 1844, m. Mary Jane, dau. of William and Sophia Stanley, b. May 12, 1848. He went from Haverhill, in 1873, to Hill; came to Bristol in June, 1880, and is a farmer in Adamsville. CHILDREN 20. William Felix, b. Gaspe Basin, Oct. 25, 1865; m. June 11, 1887, Agnes Adams, dau. of Alexander. Came to Bristol with his parents ; is a farmer in Adamsville. No children. 21. Benard Ernest, b. G. B., Nov. 16, i858 ; m. Florence Ethel Dus tin, b'. E. Concord, June 21, 1875 ; res. East Hebron. 22. Albert, b. G. B., Sept. 20, 1871 ; m. Ellen, dau. Nicholas Adams. 23! Edward, b. Haverhill, Sept. 16, 1873 ; m. Nov. 27, 1892, Lena Bell Emery, b. Lebanon. Came to Bristol 1880; returned to No. Haverhill, now farmer in Adamsville. No children. 24. Isaac Joseph, b. Hill, Aug. 28, 1875 ; d. Apr. 10, 1877. 4 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 25. Frank Joseph, b. H., Oct. 31, 1877; m. Dec. 25, 1900, Katherine Ahern. Farmer in Adamsville. Child : a. Leon Buddington, b. Tilton, Apr. 17, 1902. ^ t 1. 26. Mary Ann, b. H., Nov. 22, 1879 ; m. Nov. 7. 1897, James J. John son, b. Boston, Mass., May 9, 1876; res. Whitman, Mass. Three children. 27. Emily Julia, b. Bristol, Feb. 3, 1881. 28. Leon Alfred, b. B., Apr. 23, 1885 ; d. June 5, 1899, ae. 14-1-12. 29. Ethel Isabel, b. B., July 17, 1888. (10) Joseph Adams, b. Aug. 5, 1859, m. Nov., 1889, Mary, dau. Hiram Gordon, b. Alexandria. He came here from Haverhill, about 1877. He res. in Bristol about five years ; in Hill, five years ; Laconia, two, and since 1890 in Hebron. CHILDREN 30. Wilson Joseph, b. Hebron, Oct. 2, 1893. 31. Vera May, b. H., Nov. 9, 1898. (13) Ambrose S. Adams, b. Apr. 11, 1871, m. June 15, 1891, Katie A., dau. Robert Stanley, b. Gaspe Basin, Mar. 3, 1867. They removed from Bristol to Hebron in April, 1892, where he is a farmer. He is also owner and captain of steamer Stella Marion, on Newfound lake. CHILDREN 32. Stella Marion, b. Hebron, July 19, 1894. 33. Marion Annet, b. H., June 8, 1896. 34. Rodney Stanley, b. H., Mar. 6, 1898. 35. Alexander Adams, son of Abram and Lucy (Simpson) Adams, and a cousin of Felix Adams, 2nd., was b. Gaspe Basin, 1836. In 1861, hem. Rosanna, dau. Felix Adams, b. Aug. 8, 1846. (See.) He came to Bristol in 1872, and is a farmer in Adamsville. Catholics. CHILDREN 36. Agnes, b. Gaspe Basin, Feb. i, i865 ; m. William F. Adams. (See.) 37. Alexander F., b. G. B., Dec. 16, 1872 ; m. June 8, 1901, Rose, dau. John and Philena CNaddo) Charland, b. St. Johns, Province of Quebec, May 12, 1876. Farmer in Adamsville. No children. 38. George, b. No. Haverhill, Mar. 8, 1879 ; unm. 39. Ernest, b. No. H., July 4, 1882 ; unm. 40. Arthur, b. G. B., 1883 (?); m. Stella, dau. Daniel Rowen and res. Plymouth. No children. 41. Joseph, b. Bristol, Dec. — , 1884 (?); unm. 42. Henry, b. B., 1886 (?). 43. Wilson, b. B., Dec. 29, 1889. 44. Anna Jane, b. B., May 11, 1891. THE ALDEN FAMILY I. George Martin Alden, son of Hosea and Martha (Howard) Alden, is a descendant of John Alden and Priscilla Sergt. Charles Francis Alexander Hospital Corps, U. S. Army (Died Apr. i6, 1904) GENEALOGIES — ALEXANDER 5 Molines of Puritan fame. He was b. in Randolph, Mass., Sept. 30, 1823. He came to Bristol in 1854, and m., Dec. 31, 1854, Jane, dau. of Alexander Hutchinson. (See.) He served dur ing the Civil war as a private in the 12th Regt. Conn. Vols.; shoemaker; was a salesman some years for David P. Pres cott, and later in business as a repairer of shoes. CHILDREN *2. George Francis, b. Bristol, Apr. 23, 1856. *3. Charles A., b. High Ridge, Conn., Jan. 5, 1861. (2) George F. Alden, b. Apr. 23, 1856, m. Dec. 24', 1878, Abbie E. Call, dau. John Q. and Abigail Twombly, b. Loudon, Sept. — , 1851, and d. Bristol, Sept. 27, 1884, ae. 33 years. He m., Jan. 23, 1886, Mary E., dau. of George M. Breck. (See.) She d. June 24, 1900, ae. 38-6-12. He was for many years an operative in Train-Smith company's paper-mill. CHILD 4. Eleanor Maud, b. Bristol, Sept. 12, 1888. (3) Charles Adrian, b. Jan. 5, 1861 ; brick mason ; m. Sept. 28,1882, Emma M., dau. Henry A., and Ellen M. Alden, b. Randolph, Mass., Jan. 23, 1856. He d. Bristol, July 2, 1898, ae. 37-5-17. She res. Pleasant street. CHILDREN 5. Marion Ellen, b. Randolph, May 27, 1883, m. Charles H. Decato. (See.) 6. Frank Adrian, b. R., Feb. 16, 1885. 7. Georgia Averell, b. Bristol, July 7, 1890. 8. Jennie Louise, b. Quincy, Mass., June 21, 1892; d. May 28, 1894. 9, Charles Theodore, b. Bristol, June 13, 1895. THE ALEXANDER FAMILY I. Lucius Gary Alexander, son of Thaddeus and Mary (Cary) Alexander, was b. at Athens, Vt., Nov. 21, 1794. He m., in 1825, Sarah Hill, dau. Abraham, who d. in Grafton, Vt., about 1837, and he m. (2) Sophia Goodnoe, who d. Nashua, about 1885, ae. about 82. He was a manufacturer at No. Bris tol, i860-' 64. He d. Medford, Mass., Nov. 9, 1872, ae. 77-11-18. CHILDREN 2. Sarah, b. Grafton, Vt., June 10, 1826 ; res. Nashua. 3 George Cary, b. G., Sept. 9, 1829 ; m. March, 1874, Adeline Corey ; ^- '^."^Kr H«K rd:%H:'^: .S,. ¦, d. m Nashua in 1856, of yellow fever contracted in Virginia. *5 Don Pedro, b. G., Sept. 5> 1834- #6. Horace Taylor, b. G., Aug. i, 1836. (5) Don P. Alexander, b. Sept. 5, 1834, m. Martha Jane, 6 HISTORY OF BRISTOL dau. of David Clement, b. Hudson in 1834, and d. Bristol, June 16, 1874, ae. 40. He m. June 22, 1875, Emily George. He was a manufacturer in No. Bristol, i86o-'64; and till 1874, a machinist on Water street. He res. Nashua. CHILDREN 7. Charles Herbert, b. Bristol, Mar. 23, 1863 ; m. Oct. 10, 1883, Delia F. Wheelock, and d. Chester, Vt., Oct. 23, 1884, ae. 21-7-0. 8. Lillian Mabel, b. B., June 23, 1866 ; m. Jan. i, 1889, George F. Parkson. 9. Will George, b. B., Jan. 31, 1871 ; m. July 11, 1894, Clara Freeman Crowell. 10. Fanny Taylor, b. B., May 24, 1874; d. September, 1874. II. Emily George, b. June 22, 1875. 12. Kathrena, b. Dec. 19, 1876; d. Mar. i, 1879. 13. Harvey Lucius, b. Oct. 17, 1878. (6) Horace T. Alexander, b. Aug. i, 1836, m. Jan. r, i860, Martha, dau. of Nathan and Hannah (Parker) Dane, b. Amherst, Mass., May 24, 1840, and d. Bristol, Apr. 15, 1885, ae. 44-10-21. They came here in 1870. He was a clerk in store of George M. Cavis ten years, and later a clerk in store of C. Taylor two years. He was in trade in Cavis's block six years and in trade in Robie!s block twelve years, first in company with Charles A. George and after five years, with Charles E. Davis. Odd Fellow. Congregationalist. CHILDREN 14. Mary Lizzie, b. Nashua, July 13, 1861 ; m. Nov. 23, 1886, John Moses Cheney, son of Joseph Y. Cheney, b. Jan. 6, 1859, in Milwaukee, Wis. He is a lawyer in Orlando, Fla., where they have resided since m Children : a. Glen Alexander, b. Oct. 6, 1887. d. Donald Alexander, b. Jan. 23, 1889. c. Joseph Young, b. Aug. 4, 1891. 15. Charles Francis, b. N., June 24, 1866; was a salesman in carpet department of Jordan-Marsh Co.'s store in Boston, and at Birming ham, Ala.; enlisted in U. S. army in March, 1901, and has served as hospital steward in the Philippine Islands. 16. Jessie Dane, b. Bristol, Dec. i, 1878 ; graduated New Hampton Institution in 1897, and Concord Normal school. Teacher. THE AMES FAMILY I. James Marston Ames, son of Caleb and Sarah (Burley) Ames, was b. New Hampton, July 13, 1817, and m. Feb. 17,- 1845, Abigail F. Batchelder, dau. of Benjamin, b. Bridgewater' June 8, 1824. (See.) They came to Bristol in 1866, and set tled at the North End on the farm now owned and occupied by their son, where they spent the remainder of their lives. He d Dec. 28, 1881, ae. 64-5-15 ; she d. Jan. 10, 1886, ae. 61-7-2. CHILDREN Laurin C^Tritor'rSee'; ""'^ "^"P*°"' J^"" '¦ '''' ' ^- J^" ^' '«7., *3. Burley Marston, b. N. H., Mar. 8, 1848. Burley M. Ames GENEALOGIES — ANNIS 7 (3) Burley M. Ames, b. Mar. 8, 1848, m. Feb. 14, 1869, Mary Ann, dau. Orren Locke. (See.) He was a manu facturer of straw-board for six or seven years from fall of 1867, and in 1875 was manufacturer of gloves; since a farmer and dealer in wood, coal, ice, etc. He is a trustee and vice-president of the Bristol Savings bank, and a director of the First National Bank of Bristol. Democrat, Mason, Odd Fellow, Free Baptist. CHILDREN 4. Aletea Elfra, b. Bristol, Feb. 27, 1872 ; m. Nathan P. Smith. (See.) 5. Ethel Winnifred, b. B., Nov. 17, 1879; m. Charles E. Spencer. (See.) THE ANNIS FAMILY I. Royal Bradley Annis, son of John B. and Sophronia (Buell) Annis, was b. Groton, Oct. 26, 1842. He m. Aug. 15, 1 86 1, Sarah M., dau. Cyrus and Olive (Jesseman) Gordon, b. Lyme, Mar. 21, 1845, and d. Dorchester, Mar. — , 1864. He m, Aug. 18, 1867, Nancy R., dau. William and Clarissa (Smith) Braley, b. Grafton, Oct. 17, 1845. They came to Bristol from Haverhill in 1882. He has been teamster and paper-mill work man. In 1887, purchased the Luther J. Wadleigh residence on Cedar street where he now resides ; Free Baptist ; Democrat. CHILDREN 2. Carlos Royal, b. Dorchester, July 27, 1863 ; d. February, 1865. 3. Ernest Royal, b. Natick, Mass., Dec. 3, 1868; unm. *4. Robert Leslie, b. Danbury, Oct. 26, 1871. (4) Robert L. Annis, b. Oct. 26, 1871, ra. Jan. 15, 1899, Jessie May, dau. William H. and Almira (Preston) Welch, b. Canaan ; spinner at Penacook ; Democrat. CHILDREN 5. Clifton, b. Bristol, July 28, 1899. 6. Vern Leslie, b. B , Sept. 19, 1901. THE ASPENWALL FAMILY Rev. Nathaniel W. Aspenwall, the son of John H. and Hannah (White) Aspenwall, was b, Bradford, Vt., Jan. 26, 1801. Nov. 19, 1826, he m. Laura, dau. of Philip and Mary (Babb) McGaffey, b. Lyndon, Vt., Aug. 7, 1802. He was pas tor of the Methodist Episcopal church in Bristol m 1843 and '44. He united with the New England conference in 1823, and for 41 years took effective work in that conference and in the New Hampshire and Vermont conference. His conference mem bership lacked but four months of half a century. They removed to Chicago, 111., in 1868, where he d. Nov. 17, 1873, ae. 72-9-21. She d. Mar. 3, 1886, ae. 84-6-26. 8 HISTORY OF BRISTOL CHILDREN 2. Samuel Augustus, b. Feb. 4, 1828 ; d. Jan. 5, 1831. , 3. Amy, b. July 20, 1829; m. Oct. 12, 1856, Lester L. Bona, res. Chicago, 111. 4. Laura Diantha, b. Aug. 5, 1833 ; m. Henry C. Ayres. 5. Mary White, b. Nov. 14, 1835. 6. John, b. Mar. 29, 1838; d. May 5, 1841. • 7. Sarah Caroline, b. Apr. 2, 1843 ; m. Alonzo Wygant. THE ATWOOD FAMILY I. John Atwood, the progenitor of the Atwoods of Bristol and Alexandria, was b. in England. In 1749, he was in Hamp- stead and was named as one of the incorporators of the town. A son, 2. Moses, b. Hampstead, was a Revolutionary soldier from that town. He m. Judith Wadleigh, and after two or three children were b. removed to Alexandria, where he was a farmer and miller. He d. in the family of his son, John, ae. 86-7-0. CHILDREN 3. Nancy, b. Hampstead, Aug. 17, 1786; m. Jonas Hastings. (See.) 4. Thomas, b. H. ; d. Bristol, while on a visit to the family of David M. Chase, about 1869, ae. about 80 years. *5. Moses, b. H., June 2, 1790. 6. Joseph, m. Sabrina Corless. Children : a. Joseph, d. at 17. b. John, m. Eliza Cawley. c. Sabrina, b. Alexandria, May 3, 1820; m. Samuel Dix Farrar. (See.) *7- Jonathan, b. A., 1800. *8. John, b. A., Oct. 15, 1802. 9. Sophia, m. Patten. 10. Judith, b. A., Aug. 26, 1805; m. David C. Ladd. (See.) She m. (2) Abel Ford, Orange. (5) Moses Atwood, b. June 2, 1790, m. Mar. 26, 1818, Mary Sanborn, dau. Josiah, b. Alexandria, Aug. 29, 1796; d. Hill, Apr. 12, 1853. He was a farmer and miller; first settler on the C. H. Mudgett farm, west side of lake. He built the farmhouse now standing there. He d. Bristol, Nov. 30, 1872, ae. 82-5-28. CHILDREN II. Moses Eli, b. Bristol, Aug. 4, 1820 ; m. Feb. 27, 1845, Sabrina J., dau. Daniel Clough ; b. Alexandria, 1823 ; d. Hooksett, Nov. 30, 1873. He m. May 12, 1876, Lydia L. Elliott, Manchester. He was a farmer in Alexan dria, and later in Hooksett, where he d. Jan. 27, 1887, ae. 66-5-23. Child : a. Moses W., b. Alexandria, Nov. 25, 1847; res. E. Concord. 12. Mary E., b. Bristol, Apr. 21, 1823 ; d. Alexandria, June 9, 1832. 13. Sally Emeline, b. B., Oct. 18, 1825 ; m.'George W. Clifford. (See.) 14. Josiah S., b. B., Jan. 14, 1828; d. Alexandria, June 25, 1840, ae. 12-5-11. 15. Hannah E., b. B., Sept. 8, 1830 ; d. unm. Sanbornton, Oct. 30, 1851, ae. 21-1-32. 16. Dorothy A., b. Alexandria, July 31, 1832 ; d. May 13, 1841, ae. 8-9-12. 17. Eliza A., b. A., Aug. 24, 1834; m. May 12, 1859, Henry D. Haynes, Epsom. Children : GENEALOGIES — ATWOOD 9 a, Charles W., b. Feb. 7, 1862 ; d. Apr. 9, 1872, ae. 10-2-2. b. Ada H., b. Apr. 25, 1875 ; d. Apr. 25, 1875. c. George H., b. Dec. 15, 1878. 18. John R., b. A., Aug. 14, 1837 ; m. Jan. 20, i860, Diantha Holt, and d. Hooksett, June 6, 1864, ae. 26-9-22. No children. 19. Mary F., b. A., Mar. 5, 1840; m. Nov. 18, i860, William N. Bare- ley, Danbury. He d. Jan. 8, 1869, ae. 28-10-3. She m. Oct. 26, 1881, James Carr, Hooksett. (7) Jonathan Atwood, b. 1800, m. Mar. 18, 1826, Huldah, dau. of Jacob Gurdy. (See.) He was a farmer in the Locke neighborhood and there d. Nov. 9, 1834, ae. 34-7-0. His widow d. at Cape Elizabeth, Me., June 14, 1873, ae. 76-9-2. CHILDREN *2o. Luther, b. Bristol, Nov. 7, 1826. 21. Daughter, d. in infancy. 22. Son, d. in infancy. 23. William, b. B., Nov. 6, 1830. He was a chemist and was asso ciated with his brother, Luther, in many ventures ; was long the superin tendent of the Portland Oil Refinery and subsequently of one in New York ; member of Maine legislature. He m. Mrs. Julia A. Steeper, nee Norton, and d. Cape Elizabeth, Me., about 1873. She res. with her son in California. Child : a. Edward Norton, m.; three children ; res. Oakland, Cal. 24. Augustus, b. B., Feb. 19, 1833 ; d. B,, June 19, 1856, ae. 23-4-0. (8) John Atwood, b. Oct. 15, 1802, m. Elizabeth Corless, b. Mar. 16, 1806, who d. "Mar. 18, 1883, ae. 77-0-1." He was a farmer in Alexandria ; lost both eyes by a premature dis charge of a blast at the lead mine in Bristol. CHILDREN 25. Elizabeth, d. at l8. 26. John Wadleigh, b. Alexandria, Aug. 22, 1832 ; m. about 1857, Susan, dau. Daniel Bailey; b. A., Apr. 5, 1838; d. May 12, 1892, ae. 54-1-7. He m. (2) Mrs. Sarah Ann Williams. Four children by first wife. 27. Mary, m. Charles Keezer, Francestown. 28. George W., b. A., Aug. 17, 1843; m. Nov. 28, 1868, Emily A., dau. David F. Tilton. (See.) He is a farmer in Bridgewater. Children: a. Harry G., b. Chicago, 111., Aug. 16, 1869. b. David T., b. C, Nov. 14, 1872. c. Everett E., b. Woodstock, Dec. 17, 1883. (20) Luther Atwood, b. Bristol, Nov. 7, 1826, m. Jan. i, 1857, Katherine Lucy, dau. of Thomas Jefferson and Nancy F. (Lewis) Marsh, b. Lynn, Mass., Feb. 13, 1&37. He d. of consumption. Cape Elizabeth, Me., Nov. 5, 1868, ae. 41-11-28. She removed to Exeter. Luther Atwood received only such education as the limited schools of Bristol afforded. When quite a lad he commenced the study of medicine with Dr. Moody C. Sawyer, but he cared more to experiment with chemicals than study the effect of drugs. In 1849, following an explosion of chemicals that aroused the family at night. Dr. Sawyer suggested that he was not cut out lO HISTORY OF BRISTOL for a doctor, and young Atwood went to Boston and entered upon the manufacture of chemicals for Philbrick & Trafton. Two years later he became a member of the firm. About this time Mr. Atwood took out a patent for a process of purifying alcohol, and the U. S. Dispensary is authority for the statement that the best alcohol used in the arts is that made by his pro cess. He took out several patents for the manufacture of vari ous products from coal tar, and for purifying kerosene oil. He spent the winter of i854-'5 in France and Germany, and made a long sojourn in Glasgow, Scotland, where he superintended the erection of works for the manufacture of "coup" oil by one of his patents. In 1857, he took charge of coal oil works at Brook lyn, N. Y., and took out other patents for the distillation of coal oil by the "pipe" process. In his latter years he was superin tendent and chemist of petroleum refineries at Boston, Mass., and Maysville, Ky. The Scientific American said of him : "He was a natural chemist ; and component parts, under his manipu lation, seemed to assume their proper correlation, almost by magic The high standard of purity which has been reached by the oils, known under the trade mark of 'kerosene,' is owing in a very large degree to the original, scientific far sightedness and laborious efforts'of Luther Atwood." CHILDREN 29. Charles Edward, b. Waltham, Mass., Jan. 11, 1858 ; was graduated from Harvard in 1880 ; since 1869, resident of Exeter, where he has been an editor on Exeter News-Letter. Unm. 30. Luther, b. New York City, Nov. i, 1859; was graduated from Harvard, 1883 ; submaster in classical high school, Lynn, Mass. He m. Nov. 27, 1889, Nellie Josephine, only child of Joseph M. Taylor, Lynn. 31. Isabel Louise, b. Waltham, Mass., Nov. 22, 1861 ; a teacher in public schools of Melrose, Mass. THE BADGER FAMILIES I. Leander Badger, son of Thomas, was b. in Gilmanton May 26, 1789. He came to Bristol in 1836. He was a black smith and farmer, but for many years had charge of the Central bridge toll-gate, and resided in the toll-gate house, still stand ing. He m. Abigail, dau. of Noah Connor, b. New Hampton, June 19, 1788, andd. in Bristol, June 14, 1836, ae. 47-11-25. He m. (2) Ruth Knights, of Portsmouth, who was b. June, 1800 Newburyport, Mass., andd. in Lowell, Mass., Sept. 13, 1887' ae. 87-3-0. He d. in Bristol, Nov. 24, 1861, ae. 82-5-28. CHILDREN 2. Irene Carter b. Epping, Mar. 30, 1816 ; m. John S Shores in 1842. He was the son of Peter and was b. New Hampton, in 1820 and d N H Dec. 5, 1852, ae. 32-3-13 She m. Nov. 1855, Parker Perry, a descendant GENEALOGIES — BADGER II of Commodore Perry. He d. Worcester, Mass., in 1876; she d. May 30, 1872, ae. 56-2-0. Children : a. Martha Ann, b. No. Chelmsford, Mass., Sept. 2, 1845 ; m. Sidney A. Brown. (See.) b. John Wayland, b. New Hampton, July 10, 1848 ; d. Sept. 14, 185 1, ae. 2-2-4. c. Parker Wayland, b. Sept. 29, 1856; m. Dec. 9, 1880, Amy Cath erine Vawter. Two children : Wayland, b. Sept. 18, 1883, and Junia Geniveo, b. Apr. 10, 1895. 3. Benjamin, b. in Epping, Apr. 18, i8r8; m. Abigail, dau. James Gordon ; located in Laconia where he d.; had six children. *4. Leander, b. E., Feb. 4, 1820. 5. James, b. E., July 25, 1824 ; m Aseneth Stempson in Lowell, Mass.; went to Fond du Lac, Wis., where he res. many years, thence to Milwau kee, Wis., where he d. May, 1889 ; had three dau. and one son. 6. Abbie Preston, b. Meredith, Nov. 14, 1827; m. Israel T. Rice. (See.) 7. Mary A., b. M., Aug. 15, 1829; d. Nov. 11, 1858, ae. 29-2-26. 8. Jane, b. Bridgewater, July 25, 1834, She m.. Mar. 21, 1852, John Everleth, who was b. in Amherst, Mass., Jan. i, 1821. In the Civil war he was a soldier in the 15th Mass. Battery and served 22 months. He d. at Holyoke, Mass., Mar. 16, 1880. She res. in Bristol. Child : a. George Parker Everleth, b. Lowell, Mass., July 23, 1853. (See in alphabetical position.) *9. Frank Sherburne, b. Bristol, Oct. 13, 1839. 10. Hester Ann, b. B., Nov. 8, 1843; has been a saleswoman for many years in Lowell, Mass ; unm. (4) Leander Badger, b. Feb. 4, 1820, came to Bristol with his parents; carpenter; he m. Aug. 8, 1845, Sephronia H., dau. Benjamin Emmons. (See.) He d. Bristol, Nov. 17, 1864, ae. 44-9-13. She m. (2) William Tibbetts. She res. during her last years in Lowell, Mass., where she d. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol II. Ellen Maria, b. June 7, 1847 ; d. Sept. 11, 1848. 12. Myron Curtis, b. Apr. 16, 1850; d. May 17, 1850. 13. Warren Silas, b. Apr. 16, 1850 ; d. Apr. 28, 1850. 14. Pvdward Frank, b. Sept. 16, i860; m. Nov. 7, 1883, Lillie M. Small, at Lowell, Mass. He was head clerk in advertising department of the firm of J. C. Ayer & Co. He d. in Lowell, Oct. 13, 1887, ae. 27-0-27. She was b. in China, Me., Feb. i, i860. Child: a. Carl Vaughan, b. July 24, 1886. (9) Frank Sherburne Badger, b. Oct. 13, 1839, m. Oct. 16, i860, S. Jennie, dau. Rowland T. Pomroy, who was b. Jan. 23, 1839, in Levant, Me. He settled in Lowell, Mass., in 1858, and in 1861 enlisted in the 12th Mass. Infantry. (See Roll of Honor.) He was in business in Lowell for many years after the war as a wood worker; later res. in Hiawatha, Kan., now in Lynn, Mass. CHILDREN 15. Genieve Frances, b. Lowell, Mass., Oct. 9, 1861 ; m. Geo. F. Bar ron, Lowell. o^ J , 16. Leander Boardman, b. L., Dec. 3, 1865 ; d. at Lowell, August, 1866. 12 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 17. Ralph Parker, b. Groton, Mass., Jan. 9, 1869 ; m. Mymie Wal lace ; res. Lynn, Mass. 000 rr-^^- 18. Harry Orlando, b. G., Mar. 23, 1872; m. May 8, 1898, Kittie Bowers, of Kansas, now res. Lynn. 19. Allyn Studley, b. Lowell, Mass., June 22, 1876; m. June—, 1900, Annie M. Pardy, Horton, Kan.; res. Lynn. THE BAILEY FAMILIES I. .. Abel Bailey, son of Abel and Elizabeth (Swain) Bailey, was b. Groton, July 9, 1845. He m. (i) Martha J. Willough- by; (2) Feb. 17, 1889, Josie M. Fellows, b. Dorchester, Mar. 3, 1870. He was a farmer in Groton and Dorchester till October, 1902, when he took possession of the Levi Locke farm on Sum mer street. He d. in hospital in Concord, Feb. 27, 1903, ae. 57-7-18- CHILDREN 2. Nellie M., m. Frank Ford. 3. Charles Gordon, b. Groton, July 20, 1873 ; m. Apr. 13, 1895, Sarah Lizzie, dau. of Lafayette and Emma F. ( Colburn) Bailey, b. Groton, Apr. 14, 1878. They removed to Bristol in September, 1894. Finisher in woolen-mill and farmer. No children. 4. Efae Ardella, b. G., May 5, 1876 ; m. Ervin H. Reed. (See.) 5. Alice Corinne, b. Dorchester, Aug. i, 1889. 6. Elizabeth Sarah, b. D., Jan. 25, 1897. I. George Harold Bailey is a son of George Ozro and Mary Ann (Woods) Bailey. George O. served four years in the 84th Regt., Ohio Vols., in the Civil war, including the seige of Vicksburg. George H. was b. in Groton, Nov. 24, 1852, and m. Nov. 27, 1877, Ada Frances, dau. of E. Bradley and Aurilla E. Butterfield, b. Apr. 20, 1855, in Natick, Mass. They came to Bristol in March, 1891. For four years he was an employee of Dodge-Davis Manufacturing Co., later at the Mason-Perkins Paper Co.'s mill. In 1896, he built a residence on Hillside avenue, where they have since resided. CHILD 2. Annie Eliza, b. Groton, Aug. 19, 1879; is a member of the Con gregational choir and a soprano singer and organist. THE BALLOU FAMILIES I . The Ballous of Bristol and vicinity are the descendants of Maturin Ballou, the progenitor of the Ballous of New Eng land. Maturin was a descendant of the Norman French, and was a co-worker with Roger Williams in Rhode Island, as early as 1645. He was one of the proprietors of the Providence Plan tation of the Colony of Rhode Island. Of his children the second was GENEALOGIES — BALLOU 13 2. John, b. probably in Providence, R. I., 1650, m. Han nah Garrett, and was the father of six children, of whom the third was 3. Peter, b. Aug. i, 1689. He m. Rebecca Asten, or Esten, May 13, 1714, and had eleven children. The tenth was 4. Peter, b. 1730; m. Elce Bucklin, and had seven chil dren. The second was 5. Oliver, b. Springfield, R. I., in 1759. He m. Tif fany, and settled in Hanover. After the death of his first wife, he m. Mary Simonds, and removed to Enfield, and thence to the Borough, in Hill, where he d. June 19, 1818, ae. 59. His widow d. in Hill, about 1863, ae. 89. CHILDREN #6. Oliver, b. Hanover, Mar. 6, 1789. 7. Nathaniel, d. at Enfield, ae. 19. 8. Sarah, m. Jan. 31, 1791, David Sawyer, and settled in Mt. Tabor, Vt. 9. Achsah, m. Dudley Davis, and settled in Grafton. 10. Jane, m. (i) Blodgett ; (2) Morgan, and removed to the West. By second wife »ii. Hosea, b. Hanover, Oct. i, 1800. *I2. Horace, b. H., Nov. 8, i8oi. »I3. Zara, b. Enfield, Dec. 10, 1802. *I4. John W., b. Hanover, Mar. 4, 1807. 15. Mary, b. Enfield, June, 1808; m. Aaron Kidder. (See.) »i6. Elijah, b. probably in Enfield. 17. Elisha, twin brother of Elijah ; m. Lucinda Watts and res. Alex andria, where seven children were b. *i8. William P., b. probably Enfield, Oct. 20, 1816. 19. Eliza, b. Hill ; m. Mar. 13, 1832, George W. Corless ; they res. Hill, where he d. December, 1846. Children : 14. Philinda B., b. H., Dec. 13, 1832 ; m. George A. White; she res. many years in Boston, Mass., and last years in Bristol, where she d. May 25, 1896, ae. 63-23-12. b. Rhoda, b. H., Apr. i, 1837. c. George W., b. Bristol, May 29, 1839; d. in the army, unm., Feb. 20, 1862, ae. 22-8-21. (See Roll of Honor.) d. Mary, b. Apr. 23, 1840 ; m. Horace Dufer, and d. in Hill. e. James, b. May 25, 1844 ; d. in H., unm., about 1899. /. Alvin, b. Aug. 5, 1846 ; farmer, res. in H., unm. 20. Cynthia, b. Alexandria ; m. John Peaslee. (See.) 21. Philinda, b. A.; m. Quimby. He went to sea and there d. ; shed. 1873 (?). (6) Oliver Ballou, b. Mar. 6, 1789, m. Oct. 12, 1813, Elizabeth, dau. Samuel Heath. (See.) She d. Dec. 30, 1818, and he m., Nov. — , 1819, Dorothy, dau. Benjamin Kidder. (See.) Oliver res. on south road in Alexandria, where his children were b. He was a tanner and shoemaker. He d. Alexandria, May 30, 1872, ae. 83-2-24. CHILDREN 22. Sarah H., b. June 21, 1814 ; m. Apr. 16, 1845, Samuel A. Howard. 23. Laura, b. Jan. i8, 1816 ; m. ( i ) Joseph Johnson ; (2) Silas Rhoades 14 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 24. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 21, 1818; m. Oct. 25, 1839, Alexander W. TTT^ ~.t_ J. 25 Nancy, b. Mar. 25, 1822; m. Apr. 11, 1842, Varus Stearns, b. Landaff, Oct. 9, 1818. They res. Passaic, N. J. Six children. " 26. Jane, b. Feb. 14, 1824; m. William Long, Feb. 8, 1846. He d. and she m. ("2) Ira Morgan. She res. Lowell, Mass. 27. Dorothy, b. Sept. 19, 1825 ; m. July 14, 1849, Sylvester B. Leonard, and res. Lowell, Mass. Two children. »28. Oliver, b. Sept. 3, 1828. 29. Nathaniel, b. June 14, 1830 ; m. Mar. 24, 1855, Eda Ann, dau. Fos ter Averill, b. Londonderry, Dec. 22, 1834. In 1876, they remcJved to Iowa, and res. Sanborn, Iowa. Children : a. Edgar Nathaniel, b. Alexandria, Apr. 10, 1863 ; m. Mary Horner, Apr. 10, 1892 ; farmer in Sanborn, Iowa. b. Dora Belle, b. A., Dec. 25, 1866 ; m. July 4, 1886, John Holmes, a banker at Archer, Iowa. c. Frank Henry, b. A., Jan. 11, 1872; a farmer at Sanborn, Iowa. 30. Benjamin Kidder, b. Mar. 14, 1832 ; m. Mar. 14, 1858, Lavinia Elder, and res. Anoka, Minn. 31. Achsah, b. Feb.' 11, 1833; m. James Bartlett, Sept. 14, 1853; res. Detroit, Mich. (11) Hosea Ballou, b. Oct. i, 1800, m. Apr. 6, 1822, Cynthia P., dau. Joseph Sanborn (See.), b. Jan. 19, 1807. He came to Bristol in 1834. He built the house next beyond the cemetery on same side of highway, and res. there ; was a specu lator and farmer ; was one of the contractors for the construction of the Franklin and Bristol railroad. He went West April, 1855, and d. at Beaver Dam, Wis., Oct. 18, 1855, ae. 55-0-17. She d. Alexandria, Nov. 13, 1892, ae. 85-9-24. CHILDREN 32. Ira Persons, b. Hill, Sept. 10, 1823; kept hotel for a time where is now Hotel Bristol ; went West in 1846 ; thence to Cuba, where he was a railroad contractor and builder. He m. in 1853, Ellen Compton, and d. of yellow fever at Matansas, Cuba, Sept. 5, i860, ae. 36-11-25. 33. Mary Jane, b. H., Mar. 8, 1827 ; d. Oct. 24, 1829. 34. Sarah Jane, b. H., Nov. 28, 1829; d. Nov. 11, 1831. 35. Charlotte Augusta, b. Alexandria, Sept. 7, 1833 ; m. July 22, 1853, George F. Preston. He was in the U. S. army, and d. at Fort Bridger, Utah, Dec. 17, i860. She res. many years in Alexandria, till 1898 ; now in New Hampton. 36. Ellen Maria, b. Bristol, July 23, 1837 ; m. Andrew F. Burpee. (See.) 37. Luisde Leon, b. B., Dec. 4, 1842. (See Roll of Honor. ) Was a farmer in Alexandria till 1898, now New Hampton ; unm. 38. Anna Belle, b. B., Aug. 24, 1852; d. Oct. 14, 1854. (12) Horace Ballou, b. Nov. 8, 1801, m. May 27, 1827, Mary Bean, dau. Caleb and Lois (Phelps) Simonds. She was b. Alexandria, Apr. 12, 1809. They came to Bristol in 1869, where he d. Feb. 6, 1891, ae. 89-3-29; she d. Bristol, June 30, 1894 ae. 85-2-18. CHILDREN, all born in Alexandria 39. Caleb, b. Dec. 10, 1828 ; d. Sept. 4, 1832, ae. 3-9-24. 40. Horace Selden, b. June 27, 1833 ; d. Apr. 22, 1854, ae. 20-9-25. Lucian A. Ballou GENEALOGIES — BALLOU 1 5 41. Levi Bartlett, b. July 17, 1839; d. Mar. 2, 1841, ae. 1-7-15. *42. Lucian Augustus, b. May 4, 1844. (13) Zara Ballou, b. Dec. lo, 1802, m. Jan. 19, 1834, Car oline Tenney, b. Nov. 10, 1810. They were farmers in Hill, where he d. Sept. 7, 1866, ae. 63-8-27 ; she d. Alexandria, Dec. 17, 1886, ae. 76-1-7. CHILDREN, all born in Hill 43. Warren, b. Oct. 29, 1834 ; d. unm. at Manchester, Feb. 15, 1859, ae. 24-3-16. 44. Mary Jane, b. Mar. 21, 1837 ; m. William Saltmarsh. He d. Law rence, Mass.; she res. Waltham, Mass. 45. Persis Garland, b. Apr. 10, 1839 ; d. Jan 31, 1,852, ae. 12-9-21. 46. Silas, b. July 28, 1841 ; m. Abbie Simonds ; res. So. Alexandria. 47. James T., b. Dec 12, 1843 ; was a laborer in Bristol ; unm. He d. Apr. 2, 1893, of accidental gunshot wound received while hunting, ae. 49-3-14. *48. Zara Marshall, b. Aug. 28, 1845. 49. Ada K., b. July 24, 1847 ; res. Lawrence, Mass.; unm. 50. Hiland, b. Apr. 25, 1850. 51. Eveline, b. Nov. 8, 1852 ; m. Alexander Healey, and d. Waltham, Mass., leaving two children. (14) John W. Ballou, b. Mar. 4, 1807, m. Mar. 24, 1833, Thirza, dau. of Gardner and Lavina (Wells) Evans, b. Hill, Apr. 25, 1813. He was a farmer; d. Bristol, Aug. 25, 1887, ae. 80-5-21. She d. Bristol, Apr. 3, 1895, ae. 82-0-8. CHILDREN *52. Hiram P., b. Alexandria, Oct. 25, 1833. 53. Frederick W., b. Jan. 21, 1835 ; m. Mary A. Holmes, widow of Silas, and dau. David and Lucy A. Huntoon, b. Lempster, Mass., May, 1835. He was a jeweler in Bristol, i868-'74 ; later in Salisbury, where he d. in February, 1892, ae. 57. She d. while on a visit in Contoocook, in December, 1892, ae. 57. No children. 54. John Wesley, b. Hill, Oct. 21, 1837 ; m. May 12, i860, Helen E., dau. Henry and Mary L (Locke) Nye, b. Gaysville, Vt., May 29, 1837. He is a knitter, and inventor of knitting machinery at Bristol, Pa. Child : a. Minnie F., b. Gonic, May 29, 1861 ; d. Aug. i, 1863. 55. Horace Augustus, b. H., Feb. 4, 1840; m. Jan. 4, 1876, Sula A., dau. Rice and Sarah (Page) Courser, b. Weljster, 1849; she d. Apr. 13, 1880, and he m. (2) Carrie J. Atwood, dau. Stephen T. and Catherine (Hutchinson) Atwood. He is a policeman in Nashua. No children. 56. Isaac Clark, b. H., Apr. 25, 1842 ; m. Mar. 2, 1873, Ida I. Hast ings, dau. of Robert S. (See.) He is a farmer in H. Children : a. Herman U., b. H., Aug. 29, 1874. b. Fred C, b. H., July 15, 1876. c. Edgar R., b. H., June 15, 1882. 57. Rufus M., b. Sept. 21, 1847, drowned in Franklin, Aug. ii, 1859. *58. George Winslow, b. H., Mar. 31, 1851. (16) Elijah Ballou m., Aug. 24, 1834, Elizabeth Peaslee, who d. childless, and he m., Mar. i, 1840, Nancy, dau. of Samuel Tirrell. (See.) She d. Franklin, Sept. 14, 1880. He d. Hill. 1 6 HISTORY OF BRISTOL CHILDREN 59. Maria A., b. Bristol, Apr. 5, 1841 ; m. Martin M. Nelson, and res. Franklin Falls. 60. Weston, b. B., June 5, 1843; m. Mary Boswell of Hill, who d. Aug. 3, 1872, ae. 32. (See Roll pf Honor.) He removed to the West. 61. Wayland, b. B., Oct. 16, 1844; m. Emma, dau. James W. Grifiith. He was a workman in paper-mill, and d. July 4, 1883, ae. 38-8-18. A Mason. (See Roll of Honor.) She m. (2) Amos Tirrell and res. Nashua. 62. Nellie, b. B., Sept. i, 1848; m. Napoleon Burleigh, res. Concord. 63. Alfred N., b. B., June 12, 1850; m. Zilpha White and res. Frank lin. 64. Emma J., b. B., Jan. 12, 1852; d. Franklin, June 2, 1875, ae. 23-4-20. 65. Clara, b. Hill, May 28, 1855; m. Carlos S. Morey ; res. Boscawen. (18) William P. Ballou, b. Oct. 20, 1816, m. May 15, 1847, Mrs. Sophronia M. Sanborn, dau. of Moses M. Smith (See), and widow of Gustavus B. Sanborn. (See.) William P. was a farmer and shoemaker in Alexandria, and Bristol from 1867. He d. Bristol, Dec. 7, 1879, ae. 63-1-17. She was a milliner here many years ; now res. Church street. CHILDREN *66. LaForest Scott, b. Alexandria, Feb. 9, 1849. *67. Quincy Arthur, b. A., Jan. 23, 1852. (28) Oliver, b. Alexandria, Sept. 3, 1828, m. Sept. 20, 1855, Emily W. Heath, dau. of Robert. (See.) She d. Sept. 2, 1890, ae. 54-9-18, and he m. Mar. i, 1892, Ida Gertrude, dau. of Levi N. Heath. (See.) He was a manufacturer of organs in Concord for ten years, and later was engaged in the art busi ness. He d. Concord, Oct. 5, 1902, ae. 74-1-2. She res. Concord. CHILDREN 68. Hattie Annette, b. July 27, 1858; m. Jan. 18, 1881, Robert Allen Ray. Child : a. Agnes Ellen, b. Mar. 18, 1883. 69. Helen Emogene, b. May 21, i860 ; m. Dec. 24, 1891, Albert Edward Bodwell. (42) Lucian A. Ballou, b. May 4, 1844, came here in 1868, and was a trader on Lake street. He m. Aug 20 1864 Mary Ellen, dau. Ansel and Mary (Mills) Fish, b. Lowell' Mass., Feb. 16, 1846. Shed. Bristol, Aug. 23, 1880 ae ^4-6-7 He removed to the West in 1881, and m. (2) Annie Maria Pierce, who d. at Colorado Springs, Col., in 1889. He d at Grinnell, Iowa, July 13, 1890, ae. 46-2-9. Republican ; Mason. CHILDREN, all but first born in Bristol Zara Marshall Ballou GENEALOGIES — BALLOU 1 7 73. Harry Burchard, b. Nov. 5, 1876. Graduated Dartmouth college, 1902 ; rn. Dec. 31, 1902, Ada R. Eaton, of Minneapolis, Minn. Is now, 1904, attending Medical school. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. 74. Susie Gertrude, b. Apr. 6, 1878 ; m. Fred H. Bean. (See.) (48) Zara Marshall Ballou, b. Aug. 28, 1845, m. May 8, 1877, Hannah Frances, dau. Thomas W. and Mary (Cheney) Shattuck, b. Waterville, Vt., Nov. 14, 1845. He is a manu facturer of picker-sticks. Represented Bristol in the legislature of 1889. She d. Bristol, Aug. i, 1902, ae. 56-8-17. children 75. Frank Marshall, b. Bristol, Nov. 9, 1881. 76. Walter Thomas, b. B., Dec. 13, 1885. (52) Hiram P. Ballou, b. Oct. 25, 1833, m. Oct. 4, 1857, Sarah Augusta, dau. of Jacob and Nancy (Sanborn) Heath, b. New Hampton, Mar. 25, 1836. He was a workman on knit goods and an inventor, and d. Bristol, Dec. 28, 1899, ae. 66- 2-3. She res. New Hampton. CHILDREN 77. Arthur William, b. New Hampton, Apr. 21, 1861 ; was a druggist clerk; went to Pueblo, Col., for his health, and there m. Mar. 15, 1887, Emma Davis, of Laconia. He d. of consumption, Bristol, Apr. 17, 1887, a few days after his return. She d. Dec. — , 1895, at Laconia. 78. Minnie Ella, b. Needham, Mass., Dec. 18, 1876; m. Arthur W. Seavey. (See.) (58) George W. Ballou, b. Mar. 31, 1851, m. May 6, 1874, Emma H., dau. Wilson Foster. (See.) She d. Apr. 27, 1887, ae. 34-1-26, and he m. Aug. 28, 1893, Florence L.,dau. Horace L. and Mary (Corless) Dufer, b. Hill, Jan. 22, 1872. He is a farmer at Profile Falls. CHILDREN 79. Oscar F., b. Hill, June 30, 1876. He is janitor of city library, Nashua ; unm. 80. Grace M., b. H., Oct. 27, 1878; m. Burton E. Foss. (See.) 81. Herbert Hadley, b. Bristol, Feb. 13, 1884 ; is an employee in shoe factory, Nashua. 82. Harriet E., b. B., Mar. 6, 1885. 83. Lula May, b. B., Dec, 10, 1893. 84. Daughter, b. B., Jan. 8, 1895 ; d. Apr. 9, 1895. 85. Daughter, b. B., Feb. 4, 1896; d. May 8, 1896, 86. Pearl Lou, b. B., May 2^, 1897. 87. John Wesley, d. B. Dec. 13, 1898. 88. Son, b. B., Sept. 18, 1900 ; d. in infancy. (66) LaForest S. Ballou, b. Feb. 9, 1849, m. Feb. 6, 1870, Elvira B., dau. Hiram and, Elvira (Simonds) Gale, b. Dan bury, Jan. 14, 1848, and d. Oct. 14, 1882, ae. 34-9-0- He m. Sept. 8, 1886, Mary E. Kennedy, Concord. He came to Bris tol about 1870; blacksmith; liveryman; deputy sheriff, i89i-'3; now farmer on farm at outlet of Newfound lake ; Democrat. 1 8 HISTORY OP BRISTOL CHILD 89. Lola M., b. Alexandria, Apr. i, 1873 ; d. Nov. 28, 1883, ae. 10-7-28. (67) Quincy A. Ballou, b. Jan. 23, 1852, m. Oct. 19, i88r, Lisette Sophronia, dau. Stephen N. Colby. (See.) He has practiced dentistry in Bristol since spring of 1880 ; is member of New Hampshire Dental Society ; Odd Fellow; K. of P.; Demo crat. She is a milliner ; a member of Methodist choir. CHILDREN 90. Hazel Rae, b. Bristol, Dec. 22, 1891. 91. Elizabeth Belle, b. B., Dec. 25, 1894. I. Jamin Ballou, son of William Jirah and Sarah Jane (Hazelton) Ballou, was b. Dorset, Vt., Feb. 22, 1842. He m. Florence Lenora, dau. William F. Town, b. Dorset, July 28, 1 85 1. Laborer in Bristol, now farmer in Alexandria. CHILDREN 2. Celia, b. Dorset, Vt., Apr. 4, 1867 ; m. Feb. 16, 1884, Benjamin F. Hemenway. 3. George W., b. Goshen, Nov. 3, 1869. Is a farmer in Alexandria. 4. Jerome, b. Chester, Vt., Nov. 22, 1871 ; m. Nov. 21, 1891, Amy Ann, dau. of Charles R. Hammond. Laborer in Bristol. 5. Clarence Jamin, b. Lempster, July 3i,"i879; d. Bristol, Dec. 6, 1884, ae. 5-4-5- 6. Edgar, b. Bristol, June 10, 1890. 7. Florence, b. B., Feb. 8, 1892. I. Frederick Jirah Ballou, son of William Jirah and Sarah Jane (Hazelton) Ballou, was b. Pawlet, Vt , Apr. i, 1852. He m. Aug. 20, 1873, Janey A., dau. of Joseph Reid, b. Chester field, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1857. They came to Bristol, Nov., 1887. Laborer ; res. Lake street. CHILDREN 2. Edgar, b. Clintonville, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1874; d. in Keene N Y Sept. II, 1878, ae. 3-9-6. ' ' „r i- ^^^'°? May b. Keene, N. Y., May 12, 1876; m. Jan. 21, 1893, Weston J. Braley. (See.) 4-„ , 4. Phebe E., b. Dec. 25, 1834; d. Oct. 14, 1852, ae. 17-9-19. 5. Mary Ann, b. Nov. i, 1837 ; d. July 29, 1855, ae. 17-8-28. 6. Benjamin P., b. May 27, 1839; d. Bristol, Jan. 21, 1867, ae. 27-7-24. 7. Sarah E., b. June 19, 1841 ; d. Haverhill, Mass., Nov. 17, 1883, ae. 42-4-28. ' -^ *8. William Augustus, b. May 15, 1843. 9- Martha M.,b. Dec. 27, 1847; d. Aug. 27, 1848, ae. 8 mos. •.;no. Frank Mahlon, b. Oct. 13, 1851. Capt. William A. Beckford GENEALOGIES — BECKFORD 31 (8) Capt. William A. Beckford, b. May 15, 1843, ran away from home before he was eighteen years of age and enlisted, Mar. 29, 1861, as a private in Co. B, 3rd U. S. Infantry. When serving in this organization, he was present at the first Bull Run fight. He was discharged for disability Sept. 5, i86i, and Nov. 8, 1861, enlisted as a private in Co. F, 8th Regt., N. H. Vols., and was mustered in as a sergeant ; was appointed first sergeant June I, 1863, and commissioned first lieutenant Dec. 16, 1863, • and was mustered out Jan., 1865. Capt. Beckford served with the 8th Regt. in the Department of the Gulf in Louisiana and Mississippi. He was with his regiment in six general engage ments, including the seige of Port Hudson, May 23, to July 9, 1863, besides many shirmishes. June 14, 1863, while serving as a first sergeant, he took command of his company, and was in command when commissioned. In March, 1864, in a .skirmish at Plackerman, La., was wounded in the leg with a minie ball. At Bayou deGlaize, La.,May 17, 1864, he was severely wounded, a minie ball passing through his right lung and shattering the shoulder blade, causing a running sore that still troubles him. He came to Bristol in 1865, and engaged in manufacturing stock ing yarn a few years at No. Bristol. He organized the Head Rifles in Bristol in 1866, and was made its captain ; was deputy sheriff four years ; postmaster one term ; represented Bristol in constitutional convention of 1876, and legislature of 1880. He has been an active Republican politician and a member of the Republican State Central committee ; G. A. R. ; K. of P. He m. (i) Mary J. Nowell, of Derry, who d. Bristol, Jan. 5, 1879, ae. 41. He m. (2) Feb. 18, 1880, Bessie, dau. of Dea. Gardner J. Bowers, b. Alexandria, July 28, 1840. She d. Bristol, Dec. 20, 1899, ae. 59-4-22. He m. (3) July 9, 1902, Grace Anna, dau. B. Smith and Mary E. (Eastman) Stevens, b. Hill, June 6, 1868. They res. Lake street. CHILD II. Nellie A., b. Derry, Aug. i4, 1862; m. Moses Southard. (See.) (10) Judge Frank M. Beckford, b. Oct. 13, 1851. He m. (i) Kittie Mooers Buswell, of Haverhill, Mass. ; divorced May term of court at Plymouth, 1884, and m. (2) Mrs. Elvira A. Sanborn, of Bristol. He came to Bristol with his father, read law in office of Hon. Lewis W. Fling, removed to Laconia in 1884, and continued his studies in the office of Hon. Thomas J. Whipple, and was admitted to the bar in 1889 ; was a member of the state constitutional convention in 1888, from Laconia; was appointed judge of the Laconia police court, 1892 ; resigned May 21, 1895. Is now practicing law in Laconia. CHILD 12. Henry Shedd, b. Haverhill, Mass., Oct. 5, 1874; m. May 15, 1900, Eleanor R., dau. John H. and Hannah Robinson, b. Laconia, Apr. 12, 32 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 1878. Was educated at Tilton Seminary and at Dartmouth Medical school ; is a practicing physician at Belmont, and medical referee of Bel knap county. Child : a. Hortense Robinson, b. Mar. 15, 1901. THE BEEDE FAMILIES I. Rev. Caleb S. Beede, son of John and Olive (Tuttle) Beede, was b. in Vermont, July 26, 1805. He first came to Bristol, in 1829, as a Methodist circuit preacher, being sent here by the New England conference, with which he united that year. He remained on this circuit one year, and July i, 1830, m. Mary, dau. of Moses Worthen. (See.) He continued a member of the New Englanji conference five years and then located, and in 1838 settled in Bristol. Here he was a contractor and builder. He built the Methodist church on Spring street and other buildings. In 1850, he removed with his family to Lenox, Ohio, where he engaged in lumbering. Twice his mills were consumed by fire, but he built the third. He served in the Civil war as a private in the 29th Ohio Infantry. He d. at Lenox, Apr. 17, 1877, ae. 71-8-21 ; she d. same place, June 2, 1889, ae. 80-0-27. CHILDREN -y;2. John Wesley, b. New Hampton, June 2, 1831. 3. Wilbur Fisk, b. Loudon, Oct. 30, 1832; m. June 13, 1855, Weltba A., dau. Ephraim Ward. She was b. Green River, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1831- and d. Jefferson, O., Mar. 7, 1876, ae. 39-5-21. He m. (2) Aug. 2, 187;-- Jennie S., dau. Orren Smith. She was b. Trumbull, O., Mar. 15, 18/ ' They res. Gregg's Corner, O. No children, but adopted two. He d. Austinburg, O., Jan. 29, 1897, ae. 64-3-9. 4. Charles Worthing-, b. Chichester, Aug. 31, 1834. He went to Ohio three years before his parents and Oct. 6, 1858, m. Phebe Jane, dau. Erastus Norton. ShQ was b. Lenox, O., Sept. 19, 1835. They res. Dor set, O. No children. 5. Ann Orrilla, b. Pembroke, Sept. 16, 1836; d. May 13, i8w, at. 0-7-27. -»6. Moses Worthing, b. Bristol, Aug. 28, 1839. 7. Frances Ann, b. B., July 20, 1841 ; d., unm., Lenox, O., Aug. 10, 1877, ae. 36-0-20. 8. Laura Hulda, b. B., Dec. 5, 1844. She m. July 18, 1866, David Darrow, b. Coitsville, O., Oct. 4, 1841. They res. Lowellville, O. Chil dren : a. Charles Reuben, b. Poland, O., June 13, 1867. b. Vernice May, b. P., Feb. 16, 1870; m. Sept. 29, 1879, Charles F. Wilkins. Res. Youngstown, O., 134 Carroll street. c. George Caleb, b. P., Dec. 29, 1874; d. Oct. 22, 1876, ae. i-q-2i. d. Grace Cora, b. P., Mar. 27, 1878. ' ^ 3 e. Ralph Hayes, b. P., Sept. 13, 1879; m. Jan. 12, 1900, Helen Bryson, Lowellville. 9. Mary Maria, b. Bristol, Aug. 25, 1846; m. Mar 4, 1875 George Henderson, son of Cook Henderson, who d. Apr. 18, i888 Res ^iq W Chestnut street, Leadville, Col. Children : ¦ J y - Rev. Caleb s. Beede M05-I \\ i: 1] GENEALOGIES — BEEDE 33 a. Wilbur Wesley, b. Oro, Col., Jan. 4, 1877. b. George Beede, b. O., Mar. i, 1878. c. Mary Eliza, b. Leadville, Col., Sept. 20, 1880. d. Beulah Bernice, b. L., Nov. 4, 1884; d. Nov. 9, 1886, ae. 2-0-5. 10. Sarah Jane Manson, b. Bristol, Dec. 11, 1848. Unm. Res. 1309 Hillmau street, Youngstown, O. (2) John W. Beede, b. June 2, 1831, m. Feb. 12, 1857, Parmelia Maria Darrow, b. Aug. 10, 1836, Ellington, N. Y. They res. Youngstown, O., where she d. May 24, 1899, ae. 62-9-14. He served four months in 29th Ohio Infty. and 100 days in 155th Ohio Infty. during Civil war. CHILDREN II. Henry Darrow, b. Youngstown, May 10, 1858; m. Polly Richter. Three children. 12. George Moses, b. Y., Oct. 10, i860; m. Emma Phillips. Four children. 13. Mary Elizabeth, b. Y., Jan. 5, 1863 ; m. Charles Osborn, killed on railroad in 1893. Four children. 14. Hattie Caroline, b. Lenox, O., June 8, 1867; m. George Blunt. Four children. 15. Theodatus Giles, b. Youngstown, Mar. 21, 1871 ; m. Mary Pfundt. Three children. 16. John Wesley, b. Y., Oct. 5, 1873 ; m. in 1893, Mary Jenkins. 17. Bates Worthing, b. Lenox, Feb. 23, 1876. (6) Moses W. Beede, b. Aug. 28, 1839, m. Jan. i, 1863, Eliza, dau. Grove and Mary (Webster) Henderson, b. Austin burg, O., July 21, 1835, and d. Sept. 14, 1874, at Lenox, O., ae. 39-1-23. He m., July 5, 1876, Mrs. Frances L. Watson, widow of Harlow Watson, and dau. Amos Curtis, b. Feb. 27, 1843. Res. Lenox, O. All Congregationalists. (See Roll of Honor.) CHILDREN 18. George Owen, b. Lenox, O., Feb. 28, 1865. He was one of the discoverers of the great iron deposits of Colorado, and is now interested in mining at Leadville, Col. 19. Bernice Gertrude, b. L., June 14, 1868; m. May 23, 1889, Leonard Worcester, Jr., a teacher in public schools of Leadville, Col. She is a music teacher. 20. Martha Frances, b. L., May 20, 1878. 21. Lulu Edith, b. L., Nov. 10, 1879. I. William Penn Beede, son of William Taylor and Irene Quimby (Smith) Beede, was b. Fremont, Apr. 17, 1839. He m. in May, 1892, May Etta, dau. Augustus Remick, b. Oct. 17, 1867. He was a merchant, lumber dealer, farmer and hotel keeper before coming to Bristol about 1894, since which time has been liveryman and stage driver. CHILD 2. Eva Maud, b. Mar. 28, 1891, and d. Bristol, Dec. 31, 1899, ae. 8-9-3. 34 HISTORY OF BRISTOL THE BENNETT FAMILIES. I. Daniel Bennett, son of William and Olive (Merrick) Bennett, b. in New Hampton, Jan. 28, 1802, m. Mar. 27, 1823, Rhoda, dau. of Samuel and Mary Connor (Fuller) Clifford. He was a farmer and laborer and came to Bristol in 1841, and resided one year near Moore's Mills, then in Bridgewater, and after five years returned to Bristol, and res. in the village, where he d. Mar. 26, 1865, ae. 63-1-28. She was b. in Alexandria, Feb. 23, 1803, and d. in Bristol in the family of Charles P. George, Apr. 5, 1886, ae. 83-1-12. CHILDREN, all born in New Hampton 2. Mary Clifford, b. Oct. 5, 1824; m. John W. Sanborn. (See.) «3. William Leavitt, b. Dec. 16, 1827. 4. Samuel Clifford, b. Oct. 18, 1828 ; m. Nov. 15, 1858, Mary, dau. Alexander Hutchinson. (See.) Res. on Lake street. Has been a stage driver, and for 32 years a teamster in employ of the Mason-Perkins Paper company. No children. 5. Olive Jane, b. May 28, 1831 ; m. Charles P. George. (See.) -»6. Cyrus Magoon, b. Aug. 12, 1834. (3) William L. Bennett, b. Dec. 16, 1827, m. Nov. — , 1847, Lauretta Jane Dolloff, of Meredith. She d. and he m. in Dec, 1863, at Manchester, Martha Thorn, who d. about 1881, in Bos ton. William L. enlisted at Manchester, Aug. 9, 1861, in Co. A, 3rd Regt., N. H. Vols., Civil war, and served as wagoner till mustered out at Morris Island, S. C, Nov. 23, 1863. Was wagoner in ammunition train at battles of Morris Island and Fort Wagner and under fire. After the war res. Manchester and Boston till about 1883, when he came to Bristol and made his home with his sister, Mrs. John W. Sanborn. Farmer. CHILDREN 7. George, b. Bristol, Sept. 7, 1848. In 1865, went from home with a menagerie and never heard from. 8. Jonathan Robinson, b. Meredith, June 6, 1850 ; m. Jennie, dau. Thomas E. Osgood. (See.) He is a hairdresser in Milford, Mass. *9. William Joseph, b. Laconia, Nov. 28, 1852. (6) Cyrus M. Bennett, b. Aug. 12, 1834, m. Nov. 15, 1858, Lydia Ann, dau. Smith Emmons. (See.) He was a farmer and laborer, and d. Bristol, Oct. 17, 1883, ae. 49-2-5. CHILDREN 10. Evora, b. Bristol, Aug. 17, 1863 ; m. July 8, 1891, Walter M. Wot- ton, son of Warren and Cordelia (Morton) Wotton. Shoemaker. They res. Dover, Mass. Child : a. Arland Merl, b. Sept. 26, 1894. (9 William J. Bennett, b. Nov. 28, 1852, m. (i) Mary Noyes, who d. Mar. 14, 1874. He m. (2) Caroline Augusta, dau. Henry Plumer, b. Manchester, Jan. 31, 1851. Hem. (3) GENEALOGIES — BENTON 35 Sept. 20, 1880, Jemima LaCourt, dau. Joshua M., and Eliza beth (Jedlen) LaCourt, b. Dec. 20, i860, in Windsor Mills, P. Q., and d. Bristol, Jan. 31, 1897, of consumption, ae. 36-1-11. He committed suicide June i, 1894, ae. 41-6-4. CHILDREN II. Alice Maud, b. Franklin, Nov. 30, 1874; m. Alphonzo G. Wallace. 12. Hattie Belle, b. Hill, Nov. 26, 1876. 13. William Joshua, b. Whitefield, Feb. 9, 1881 ; d. July i, 1890. 14. John Thomas, b. W., June 13, 1884. 15. Frank Leavitt, b. Wells River, Vt., Jan. 13, 1886. 16. Irving, b. Woodsville, Feb. 17, 1888. 17. Mary Elizabeth, b. W., Sept. 8, 1890. 18. Grace, b. Bristol, Oct. 26, 1892. After death of the mother was adopted by E. L. March, Lowell, Mass. I . Robert Winthrop Bennett is the son of Rev. Robert and Ruth (Beless) Bennett. He was b. in Thompson, Conn., Oct. 21, 1875, and m. June 19, 1899, Louise Haines, dau. of Charles E. and Martha Annette (Haines) Doying, b. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Apr. 12, 1883. He came to Bristol in October, 1898. Had a fish market in 1899 ; now in employ of George A. Dow, as a meat cutter. CHILD 2. Robert Gordon, b. New Hampton, July 18, 1900. I. Fred Joseph Bennett, son of Joseph and Excelia (Viey) Bennett, was b. Waldon, Vt., June 28, 1877. He m. Sept. 10, 1900, Nellie Rose, dau. Frank and Ellen (Goodard) Hill, b. Canaan, June —, 1877. He came to Bristol in October, 1895, and was an employee of C. N. Merrill; now at pulp-mill of the Train-Smith company. CHILD 2. Florenoe Ellen, b. Bristol, June 11, 1901. THE BENTON FAMILY r. William Wesley Benton was the son of Hiram and Jan- nette (Wallace) Benton. He was b. Compton, P: Q., in 1851, and in 1871, m. Etta, dau. of John and Julia (Barton) Knights, b. Concord, 1853. He was a wood turner. Since 1894, has res. Danbury. CHILDREN 2. Annie, b. Eliot, Me., 1871 ; m. 1894, in Cincinnati, O., Dr. Frank X. Kern, who died May, 1903. Res. C. , , . . 3. Lucy, b. Hebron, 1873; m. Jan. 28, 1896, Edward R. Stebbins, b. Newburyf Vt., son of E. H. and Martha (Townsend) Stebbins. Res. Danbury. 36 HISTORY OP BRISTOL 4. Elizabeth White, b. Bristol, 1875 ; m. Jan. 2, 1895, William J Webster, b. 1876, Boston, Mass., son of John W. and Sarah E. (Fox) Webster. 5; William Perrin, b. B., 1877; d. B., 1882. 6. Angle, b. B., 1879; ™- Apr. 15, 1900, Myron M. Moshier, b. Groton, 1882, son of Ira and Mary (Phelps) Moshier. (See.) THE BERRY FAMILIES I. Hon. Nathaniel Springer Berry was b. in Bath, Me., Sept. I, 1796. His father was Abner, son of Capt. John, who served in the Revolutionary war ; one of three brothers who came from Scotland and settled in Bath, Me. His mother was Betsey, dau. of Capt. Nathaniel Springer, who commanded a company of artillery in the Revolutionary war and was killed in action. His father was a ship builder at Bath, Me., and was killed by the careening of a vessel on which he was at work, when Nathaniel was about six years of age. Nathaniel was one of four children. Mrs. Berry m. (2) in 1808, Benjamin Morse, a ship joiner, who went to Bath, Me., from Lisbon, N. H., and they removed to Lisbon, in March, 1810, where Nathaniel remained a few months and then went to Bath, N. H., and became an apprentice of a Mr. Morrison to learn the saddle and harness maker's trade. This situation soon failed him and he became the apprentice of Eben Carlton, to learn the tanner's trade. He was now 16 years of age, and he bound himself to work during his minority for $40 a year and his board. He was to find his own clothes, but to have six months of schooling each year during this time. This contract was carried out by both parties. He worked as a journeyman two years after learn ing his trade, and in March, 1818, when 22 years of age, he came to Bristol and worked one year for Robert Brown for $200 and then worked at his trade one year at Littleton. In 1820. he bought the tannery on Central St., Bristol, for $800, paying $300 down and giving his note for the remainder. His purchase included not only the tan yard but a large tract of land embrac ing nearly the whole of Spring street, and including the resi dence recently occupied by Clarence N. Merrill and removed by him to make way for a new one. In this residence he commenced to keep house, his sister, later Mrs. Teresha Ladd, being his housekeeper. Jan. 26, 1821, he m. Ruth, dau. James and Ruth Smith, b. Bath, Jan. i, 1800. In March, 1823, both Mr. Berry and his wife professed religion and in September fol lowing united with the Methodist church in full membership. During all his long life he was a liberal supporter and active worker in the church of his choice, and noted for his devoted piety and humble spirit. He was a delegate to the Methodist General Conference in 1872. Mr. Berry continued business at his tannery in Bristol till GENEALOGIES — BERRY 37 1836, when he sold to Warren White and removed to Hebron in 1840. (See Manufacturing Industries.) At Hebron he con tinued in the tanning business with his son and was twice burned out. The last fire occurred in 1857, and he did not rebuild, or engage in active business thereafter. Politically Mr. Berry was highly honored. He represented Bristol in the legislature of 1828, 1833, 1834, and 1837, and Hebron in 1854. He was elected senator from the i ith district in 1835 and 1836. He was a delegate to the Democratic National convention at Baltimore in 1840, which nominated Martin Van Buren for president. He was appointed associate justice for the court of common pleas in 1841, and served nine years. He served five years as judge of probate for Grafton county, ending June 5, 1861, when he was inaugurated governor. He served as lieutenant, captain, and lieutenant-colonel of the old 34th regiment of militia. He was for 23 years justice of the peace and quorum in New Hampshire, and five years in Massachusetts. He acted with the Democratic party till the convention at Baltimore, when the action of the convention on the subject of slavery caused him to break his party ties, and he became one of the organizers of the Freesoil party. At the first state con vention of this party, in October, 1845, Mr. Berry was nominated for governor. The Liberty party also nominated him, and at the election in March following, he received enough votes to prevent a choice by the people, and he was nominated at the four succeeding conventions of his party. At the Republi can convention in January, 1861, he was nominated for gov ernor, and in March was elected by a majority of 3,000. He was re-elected in March, 1862. During his term of office as governor, he enlisted, armed, clothed and equipped 15 regi ments of troops, and issued over 700 commissions. In the spring of 1862, Gov. Berry was one of 22 Northern governors who held a consultation at Altoona, on the state of the Union. At this conference an address was prepared to the president and taken to Washington, and Gov. Berry was selected to present it, which he did in a characteristic way, asking if they, as gov ernors, were doing all that they could do to further the Union cause. He was noted for the same scrupulous honesty in public affairs as in his private business. When the state voted $1,000,- 000 for war expenses, he was urged by influential men to place the bonds with them at a discount of five per cent. This he refused to do, and, finally, with the aid of John E- Lyon, he sold the whole at par, thereby saving a large sum and preserving the credit of the state. In an address before the state Prohibi tion convention, June 19, 1888, he stated he had never asked a man to vote for him, nor written a letter to secure the influence of any man in his behalf. 3« 38 HISTORY OF BRISTOL His wife d. July 26, 1857, ae. 57-7-0, and he m. January, i860, Mrs. Louise Farley, of Andover, Mass. In April, 1864, he removed to Andover, and in 1872, to Worcester, Mass., where his second wife d., Apr. 6, 1878. He then spent six years with his daughter, in Milwaukee, Wis., but the last twelve years of his life he passed in the family of his son in Bristol, where he d. Apr. 27, 1894, ae. 97-7-26. His last years were sunny and happy and exceptionally free from the infirmities of old age ; his mind clear and active to the last. On Tuesday, Apr. 17, while taking a walk, he con tracted a cold which settled on his lungs, and he gradually failed till the end came. The funeral services were held at the Methodist church Monday afternoon, Apr. 30, and were attended by a large con course of people. The services opened with prayer by Rev. J. M. Durrell, Scriptures were read by Presiding Elder J. E. Robins. Rev. J. D. LeGro, pastor of the church, gave a review of his life as a Christian man ; Presiding Elder S. C. Keeler spoke of him as a public man; Rev. J. W. Merrill, D.D., read an original poem, and Rev. J. M. Durrell gave a summary of his life. Among those present were Gov. John B. Smith, ex-Govs. Frederick Smythe, P. C. Cheney, and Hiram A. Tuttle, and many other public men. Nelson Post, G. A. R., and Train Rifles did escort duty. The remains were laid to rest in the Pleasant Street cemetery. CHILDREN i!!2. William Augustus, b. Bristol, Oct. 23, 1824. 3. Emeline Smith, b. B., June 17, 1823 ; m. in June, 1852, Charles E. Morse, of Indiana, formerly of Lisbon. They removed to Fort Wayne, Ind., where Mr. Morse was road master of the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago railroad five years, then moved to Milwaukee, where he held same position on Northern Division of Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad till his death, which occurred in June, 1S76, at Horricon, Wis. She d. Milwaukee, Wis., Apr. 23, 1888, ae. 64-10-0. (2) William A. Berry, b. Oct. 23, 1824, m. in Hebron, Oct. 7, 1851, Laura Ann, dau. of Varnum and Elizabeth (Love- joy) Pratt, b. Hebron, Oct. 22; 1831. She is the great-grand daughter of Thomas Pratt, a captain in the Revolutionary war. Mr. Berry was a manufacturer of leather in Hebron with his father till 1858, when he returned to Bristol and engaged in the manufacture of buckskin gloves and mittens with J. C. Draper. This continued for 10 years. He was later in the same business nine years with Milton A. Kent of Boston. He was a manufac turer of pulp from 1 88 1 to 1891 with David Mason, and suc ceeded Wm. T. Taylor in the manufacture of picker-sticks. He represented Hebron in the legislatures of 1855, '57, and '58. In Bristol has served 17 years as moderator of the annual town meeting, and seven years as selectman ; has been a director of GENEALOGIES — BERRY 39 the Bristol Savings bank from its organization, and a member of its committee on investments. He was assistant assessor of internal revenue from 1862-72, and has been justice of the peace and quorum since 1858, sitting as justice at many hear ings, and has been administrator of many estates. He has been an official member of the Methodist Episcopal church since 1853. Republican, Mason, and Odd Fellow. Now retired from business, residing on South Main street. CHILD 4. Emma Pratt, b. Bristol, June 17, 1866 ; pursued studies at Tilton Seminary ; has been librarian of Minot-Sleeper library eleven years. I. Samuel Berry was b. in Strafford, June 10, 1810, and d. in Watertown, Mass., Oct. 10, 1874, ae. 64-4-0. He m. Oct, II, 1836, Mahala Huckins, b. New Hampton, Feb. 23, 1809, and d. Bristol, Apr. 29, 1871, ae. 62-2-6. He was a shoe maker and came to Bristol, about 1835, and res. here till 1871, when he went to Watertown, Mass. Methodist. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 2. Sarah Ann, b. Aug. 18, 1837 ; d. Dec. 20, 1856, ae. 19-4-2. 3. Ellen Frances, b. Jan. i, 1840; m., 1865, Charles Henry, son of Francis Kimball, b. Exeter, 1840. Children : a. Frank Wesley, b. Brighton, Mass., 1868 ; m., 1889, Mary Etta Wyman, Boothbay, Me. Res. Natick, Mass. b. George Arthur, b. Watertown, Mass., 1871 ; d. Watertown, 1890. 4. Charles Wesley, b. Sept. 30, 1842 ; m. Mar. 18, 1868, Mary Abby, dau. Luther and Mary (Eaton) Gleason, b. Wayland, Mass., July i, 1838. He removed to Watertown, Mass., 1861, and was in trade there some years. In 1891, went to HoUiston, Mass., where he now res. (See Roll of Honor.) Children : a. Guy Staples, b. Watertown, Mass., Sept. 4, 1869 ; d. Aug. 9, 1870. b. Florence Emeline, b. W., May 23, 1872. c. Adelaide Brevard, b. W., Apr. 28, 1876. 5. Mary Emily, b. Sept. 23, 1844 ; d. Nov. 15, 1856, ae. 12-1-22. 6. George Henry, b. May 5, 1847 ; d. Jan. 5, 1898, Naval Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., ae. 50-7-0. (See Roll of Honor.) I . Freeman Enoch Berry, son of Levi and Abigail (Page) Berry, was b. Oct. 7, 1831, in Alexandria. Oct. 26, 1854, he m. Betsey Aiken, dau. of Reuben and Irena G. (Healey) Locke, b. Alexandria, Mar. 28, 1836. Freeman E. Berry res. on a farm in Alexandria till 1890, when he came to Bristol, making his home in the old Fisk block, where he d. Jan. 3, 1902, ae. 70-3-26. His widow res. Bristol. Free Baptist. CHILD 2. Martha Etta, b. Alexandria, May 24, 1856, m. Rev. Frank E. Briggs. (See.) 40 HISTORY OF BRISTOL I. John Page Berry, son of Levi and Abigail (Page) Berry, was b. in Alexandria, Aug. 20, 1833. He m. in 1861, Rosetta, dau. of Isaac P. and Nancy (Page) Greenleaf, b. in Groton, in 1834, and d. in Alexandria, Aug. 18, 1880, ae. 46 years. He m., Nov. 2, 1882, Emma R., dau. of John W. Atwood (See.), b. Apr. 15, 1858, in Alexandria. He was a farmer and lumber dealer in Alexandria for 25 years ; came to Bristol in Feb., 1899, and here d. Oct. 12, 1901, ae. 68-1-22. She res. Bristol. CHILDREN, by first wife z. Ardella Angeline, b. Alexandria, Apr. 20, 1862 ; res. Boston ; unm. 3. Oscar Everett, b. A., July 3, 1865; m. Florence J. Allen; dry goods merchant in Boston ; res. Brighton, Mass. No children. 4. Alma Lunette, b. A., May 7, 1872; m. Lester M. Slocum. He d.; she res. Boston. No children. THE BICKFORD FAMILY I . Elbridge Sherman Bickford, son of Joseph A. and Mary E. (Dow) Bickford, was b. Dorchester, Aug. 6, 1867. He m. Sept. 2, 1895, Mabel N., dau. of William A. Rice. (See.) She studied painting at the New England Conservatory, Boston, and is an oil painter of local note. He is an employee of Dodge- Davis Manufacturing Co. Methodist, Odd Fellow, Republican. No children. THE BINGHAM FAMILY I. Allen Wardner Bingham, son of Theron and Almeda (Guillow) Bingham, was b. Lempster, Feb. 28, 1825. Hem. Apr. 18, 1849, Elvira F., dau. of Moses and Hannah (True) Thompson, b. Newport, Dec. 19, 1826. He was a currier in Newport, Portville, N. Y., Lebanon, Sunapee, and came to Bristol in 1866, where he worked at his trade for a while and then became a dealer in stoves and tinware till 1880, when he went to Manchester, Mass., thence to Newport, where he remained 19 years and then returned to Bristol, where he now resides. Republican, Free Mason, Congregationalist. Was five years town clerk of Bristol. CHILDREN 2. Edward Allen, b. Newport, Jan. 26, 1850, served three years in U. S. Navy ; m. Belle Underbill, and res. in Cambridge, Mass. Is salesman for steam heating apparatus. Has six children. -»3. Fred Walter, b. Newport, July 7, 1852. »4. Frank Wallace,' b. N., July 7, 1852. 5. Hattie Jane, b. Portville, N. Y., Jan. 17, i860; d. Nov. 29, 1882, of consumption, ae. 22-10-12. Frank W. Bingham GENEALOGIES — BISHOP 41 ^00 "^i°l^"^ ^^^d' b. Lebanon, Oct. 2, 1864 ; d. of consumption, Nov. 17, 1887, ae. 23-1-15. 7. , Mary Elvira, b. Bristol, May 25, i868 ; d. Nov. 8, 1888, of con sumption, ae. 20-5-13. (3) Fred W., b. July 7, 1852, m. Sept. i, 1874, Lizzie E., dau. Oscar F. Morse. (See.) Was a dealer for some years in stoves and tinware ; in the livery business, grain business, now agent American Express company. Republican, Mason. children 8. Myrtie Morse, b. Nov. 29, 1875. 9. Fred Walter, b. Sept. 27, 1877 ; is a clerk in counting-room of the Dodge-Davis Manufacturing Company. Republican, Mason. 10. Oscar Allen, b. Dec. 23, 1880; is a clerk in employ of Boston & Maine railroad, Boston. 11. Harriet May, b. Feb. 7, 1882 ; was graduated June, 1903, from Concord High school. (4) Frank W., b. July 7, 1852, m. May 6, 1879, Aldonna, dau. Wilham C. Lovejoy. (See.) She is a teacher of the piano. He has been in trade as a harness maker since January, 1878. Republican. CHILD 12. Lucile, b. Bristol, Sept. 15, 1884 ; d. Jan. 20, 1890, ae. 5-4-5. THE BISHOP FAMILY I . Dr. James Monroe Bishop was the son of John and Abigail (Parker) Bishop. He was b. in Hanover, May 14, 1821. Nov. II, 1852, he m. Margaret Ayer, dau. of Samuel B. and Betsey (Philbrick) Locke, b. Concord, Aug. 13, 1832. He was a prac ticing physician in Bristol 43 years. (See Physicians.) He d. in Stamford, Conn., June 16, 1891, while on the train en route to attend the International Medical Association at Atlantic City, N. J., ae. 70-1-2. CHILDREN 2. Mary Abbie, b. Bristol, Aug. 11, 1854; graduated classical depart ment of Tilton Seminary, 1877 ; was a. teacher in the graded schools of Bristol one year. (See.) Graduated New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, 1892, and has taught instrumental music at Bristol and at Lynn, Mass., where she now res. 3. Daniel Locke, b. B., May 15, 1856; d. Aug. 26, 1856. 4. Lizzie Belle, b. B., Aug. 27, 1857; graduated from Chelsea, Mass., High school in 1877 ; and from classical department Tilton Seminary, 1878. She was a teacher four years in the Bristol graded school and one year in the Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa. She m. Aug. 23, 1893, Edwin H. Johnson, Lynn, Mass., who d. Mar. 22, 1894. She res. Lynn. 5. Channing, b. B., July 26, 1864; m. May 15, 1893, Lena B., dau. Richard W. and Nancy Jane (Emery) Cragin, b. Dec. 24. 1866. She pursued the classical course of Tilton Seminary, class of 1884. He has been a practicing physician in Bristol since 1889. (See Physicians.) 42 HISTORY OF BRISTOL THE BLACKSTONE FAMILY I. Benjamin Edward Blackstone, son of Daniel, was b. St. Albans, Vt., May 23, 1829. Oct. 30, 1852, he m. Nancy Jane, dau. Joseph Kidder. (See.) She d. Bristol, Nov. 27, 1893, ae. 58-6-20. He m. (2) Susan, dau. of Stephen Brock. For some years he carried on the old saw-mill on south side of New found river in Bristol village. Served in the 12th Regt. in Civil war on quota of Sanbornton ; discharged after three months' service. He is now a farmer. CHILDREN *2. Orren Edward, b. Manchester, Aug. 27, 1853. 3. Henry Joshua, b. Bristol, Mar. 30, 1855 ; d. Dec. 19, 1856, ae. 1-8-19. . .,. , 4. Charles Henry, b. B., Dec. 24, 1856; d. of consumption, July i, 1894, Everett, Mass. Unm. 5. Emily Jane, b. B., Apr. 15, i860; m. June 2, 1897, Herbert Dexter Rice, son of James B. and Sarah (Weeden) Rice, b. Jan. 6, 1850. No children. Res. Melrose, Mass. 6. Irvin Kidder, b. B., Mar. 18, 1863. Unm. Res. Manchester. 7. Anna Mabel, b. B., June 29, 1867; m. June i, 1890, Bruce Vali- quet, son of Thomas, b. Chicago, Apr. 16, 1864. Res. 19 Everett St., Melrose, Mass. No children. 8. Delia Vera, b. B., Jan. 8, 1871 ; m. Henry E. Holbrook, Jan. i, 1891. Res. Stoughton, Mass. (2) Orren E. Blackstone, b. Aug. 27, 1853, m. Nov. i, 1887, Wilhelmine, dau, John and Louisa (Bradlau) Shroedter, b. Bagniten, Germany, Mar. 31, 1864. They res. 48 Eighth street, Norwich, Conn. CHILDREN 9. Henry Edward, b. Aug. 8, 1888. 10. Hedwig Louisa, b. Apr. 3, 1890. II. Helen Emily, b. June 20, 1901. THE BLAISDELL FAMILY I . John C. Blaisdell was the son of Elijah and Mary (Fogg) Blaisdell and the grandson of Hon. Daniel Blaisdell. Daniel Blaisdell was a native and a resident of Canaan. He was a member of the governor's council five years from 1803, and represented New Hampshire in Congress two years from 1809. Elijah was a prominent lawyer. He resided and d. in Leba non. John C. Blaisdell was b. in Pittsfield, May 13, 1805. He m. Jan. 15, 1829, Ruth S., dau. Dr. Sethus B. and Ruth (Wells) Forbes, b. Hill, Oct. 6, 1808. They came to Bristol in 1848, and resided where the bank block now stands. There Mrs. Blaisdell opened the first millinery store in town. Mr. Blais dell was a farmer and served two terms as commissioner of Grafton county. They removed to Laconia in 1862, where he was internal revenue collector from July, 1863, till September, Hon. John C. Blaisdell GENEALOGIES — BLAKE 43 1865. In 1866, they removed to Vineland, N. J., where he d. Mar. I, 1893, after 64 years of wedded life, ae. 87-9-18. He was a Republican in politics, and was a Mason for 65 years. Mrs. Blaisdell was a great sufferer for more than 30 years as the result of a railroad accident. She d. at the home of her son, in Camden, N. J., May 14, 1896, ae. 87-7-8. CHILDREN 2. Arlond, b. Mar. 20, 1831 ; d. Jan. 21, 1833. *3. Arlond Henry, b. Feb. 13, 1836. *4. Elijah Galond, b. Hill, May 4, 1847. (3) Arlond H. Blaisdell, b. Feb. 13, 1836, m. (i) Mary Pattee, of Bristol ; (2) Belle Cooper. He opened the first machine shop in town on Water street in 1859. He removed to Vineland, N. J., 1872, where he now has the largest machine shop in New Jersey. CHILD 5. Ida May, b. Bristol, Oct. 23, 1858 ; m. May 5, 1879, Charles S. Brown. They res. Vineland. Child: a. Alice Virginia, b. i88o. (4) E. Galond Blaisdell, b. May 4, 1847, m. May 24, 1875, Julie E., daughter of Elisha C. and Ellen P. Fellows, b. Jan. 21, 1847. He was graduated from Dartmouth college 1868 ; editor Vitieland Weekly for several years ; went to Cam den, N. J., in 1879, and entered the employment of the West Jersey railroad. Is now special claim agent West Jersey & Seashore railroad, and Pennsylvania railroad, at Camden. CHILDREN 6. Viola Margaret, b. Vineland, Apr. 4, 1876 ; student Bryn Mawr college, Bryn Mawr, Pa. 7. Clara Elizabeth, b. V., Feb. 10, 1879 ; d. Oct. 20, 1883, ae. 4-8-10. THE BLAKE FAMILY I. Paine Blake m. Polly Leach in Hampton and settled in Sanbornton, where she d. Feb. 11, 1795 ¦ He removed to Maine and there d. They had eight children of whom the 6th was 2. Greenleaf. He m. July 17, 1808, Charlotte, dau. of Dr. Timothy Kelly. (See.) He was a farmer in Hill, where he d. Sept. 17, 1869, ae. 61-2-0; she d. Hill, Aug. 20, 1879, ae. 94-9-21. CHILDREN 3. Horatio Kelly, b. Sept. 3, i8o8; m. (i) Jane T., who d. Hill, May 16, 1837, ae. 26-8-26. He m. (2) ... «4- Albert was b. Aug. 19, 1810, in Canada, while his parents were there temporarily. _ ..,,.. „.,. 5. Tirzah, b. Apr. 8, 1812 ; res. with her brother, Curtis N., in Hill. 6. Sarah L., b. Jan. 29, 1814; m. Stephen A. Oakley. (See.) 44 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 7. Rosilla S., b. May 5, 1818; m. (i) Godding; (2) Snow, Pomfret, Vt. 8. Curtis C, b. Oct. 10, 1820 ; d. young. 9. Curtis N., b. Feb. 11, 1826; m. Jane S. Piper, dau. Nathaniel, Apr. 20, 1865. He d. July 20, 1893, ae. 67-5-9. Children : a. Bertie Lancelet, b. Feb. 3, 1S70. b. Clyde A., b. Dec. 17, 1876. 10. Oilman K., Jan. 18, 1828; d. Jan. 19, 1853. Unm. (4) Albert Blake, b. Aug. 19, 18 10, m. Adaline Sylvia, dau. Jonathan and Sylvia Smith, b. Oct. 11, 1811, and d. Bris tol, Dec. 19, 1879, ae. 68-2-8. He was a trader in Hill and at one time (1855) made friction matches there. He came to Bris tol, 1868, and was a large owner of real estate. He d. Bristol, June 17, 1892, ae. 81-9-28. Republican. CHILDREN «ii. Roswell, b. Hill, Mar. 14, 1838. 12. Clinton, b. H., Aug. 2, 1839; m. Josephine L. Wadleigh, dau. of Jonathan T. and Betsey (Thomas) Wadleigh, of Sanbornton. She d. in Franklin, and he m. (2) Hattie Call. He was in trade for some years in Bristol, and was postmaster at Franklin four years, where he now res. ; speculator. Republican. *i3. Albert, b. H., June 13, 1845. (11) Roswell Blake, b. Mar. 14, 1838, m., Apr. 28, 1863, Sarah Emery Dickinson, dau. of Amos. (See.) He was a farmer and speculator. Came to Bristol in 1863 and here d. Dec. 14, 1894, ae. 56-9-. She res. Bristol, South Main street. CHILDREN 14. Alma L., b. Bristol, May 28, 1864; m. (i) Oscar F. Sleeper. (See.) she m. (2) Albion A. Veasey. (See.) 15. Edward Arthur, b. B., Oct. 21, i856. Was a clerk in grocery store of Alexander & Davis 11 years ; now letter carrier on FVee Rural Delivery Route No. i. 16. Amos Albert, b. B., Oct. 23, 1868 ; has been a salesman in cloth ing and shoe store of C. H. Dickinson since 1890. He in. Feb. 4, 1903, Sarah A., dau. of James Fitzpatrick. (See.) 17. Lawrence, b. B., Feb. 22, 1883. (13) Albert Blake, b. June 13, 1845, m. Apr. 23, 1873, Louise Angelina, dau. Daniel S. Mason. (See.) He was post master in Bristol seven years ; for 18 years has been railway postal clerk. Res. Pleasant street, Bristol. CHILD 18. Edith Mason, b. Bristol, Apr. 10, 1878 ; m. May 2, 1901, George Ernest Tyler, b. Weston, Mass., Dec. 12, 1876, son of Sidney and Sarah (Hanscomb) Tyler. He is a railway postal clerk. THE BLODGETT FAMILIES I. Rev. Ebenezer Blodgett was b. in Plymouth, Feb. 9, 1777, and d. in Bristol, Sept. 28, 1854. He was the son of Dea. GENEALOGIES — BLODGETT 45 James Blodgett, an officer in the French and Indian wars, who settled in Plymouth in 1764, being one of the first settlers in that town. He m. (i) Nancy A. Penniman, of Moultonboro', who d. in Bristol, Feb. 16, 1826, ae. 45 years. He m. (2) Apr. 3, 1830, Lydia E. Barnard, of Warner, b. Feb. 5, 1787; d. in Bristol, Sept. 29, 1856, ae. 69-7-24. He came to Bristol in 1835 ; was a local preacher of the Methodist church, and res. at Profile Falls. He was the presiding officer at an anti-slavery meeting in the old Methodist chapel, in 1837, when Rev. George Storrs spoke and was mobbed. He is said to have preached several years in West Hill meeting-house. CHILDREN 2. Alice, m. Bardett, and settled in Woodstock. 3. Atossa, m. John H. Gill ; lived and d. in Plymouth. 4. Katherine, m. Leonard Felch, of Weare. -»5. Ebenezer Kellum, b. Plymouth, Mar. 4, 1831. (5) Ebenezer K. Blodgett, b. Mar. 4, i§3i, m. Oct. 11, 1850, Rose W., dau. of Clark Merrill (See.), b. Apr. 13, 1834. He was a farmer in Hill, Plymouth and in Bristol at Profile Falls i835-'55, i882-'85. They now res. Suncook. CHILDREN 6. Fred Clark, b. Hill, Nov. 19, 1854 ; m. Mar. 24, 1880, Serena L., dau. of Lemuel L. and Submit C. Draper, b. Roxbury, Mass., Dec. 6, 1857. He is chief clerk, motive power department, South Division, Bos ton & Maine railroad. Res. 26 School St., Melrose, Mass. Children : a. Lilla Lucina, b. Plymouth, Feb. 21, 1881. b. Serena Rose, Id. P., Aug. 9, 1883. ¦ c. Ernest Frank, b. Somerville, Mass., May 4, 1885. 7. Frank Edwards, b. Lowell, Mass., Nov. 20, 1858; m. Feb. 11, 1886, Jennie E., dau. of Hon. William Hazeltine, of Suncook, b. June 27, 1859. He is a dealer in coal and wholesale dealer in wood in Suncook. Children : a. Harriet Rose, b. Fitchburg, Mass., Dec. 24, 1888. b. Philip Hazeltine, b. Suncook, Sept. 5, 1893. I. William Riley Blodgett was the son of Thomas and Deborah (Rowell) Blodgett. He was b. Orford, June 21, 1805, and m., Oct. 11, 1828, Deborah, dau. of Lemuel and Harriet (Crowell) Hedge, b. Chatham, Conn., Dec. 6, 1806. They came to Bristol from Kalamazoo, Mich., in 1850. He was a black smith. She d. Bristol, Dec. 11, 1857, ae. 51-0-5, and he m., Dec. 31, 1859, Mary Clay. He d. Bristol, Nov. 2, 1880, ae. 75-4-1 1- CHILDREN 2. Thomas Lemuel, b. Naples, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1832 ; was in Bristol a few years when a young man ; m. Charlotte Crawford, of New York City, and has res. Los Angeles, Cal. 3. William Blidore, b. Naples, May 26, 1835 ; res. in Michigan. 46 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 4. Susan A., b. Kalamazoo, Mich., Nov. 9, 1837 ; m. Sylvanus W. Swett. (See.) _^ , ^ ^ ..c, ^ 5. Marv, b. K., July 5, 1842 ; m. Edward P. Sawyer. (See.) »6. Frederick Eugene, b. Jackson, Mich., Jan. 5, 1846. (6) Frederick E. Blodgett, b. Jan. 5, 1846, left Bristol for New York before the Civil war, and was learning bank check engraving when he enlisted, Sept. i, 1864, in Co. K, 2nd New York Cavalry. He served under Gen. Custer in Gen. Sheri dan's Cavalry division, in the Shenandoah valley and partici pated in several cavalry engagements, including the capture of Gen. Lee's last supply trains. He was discharged June 5, 1865, and returned to New York, where he was for twelve years an expert engraver with Tiffany & Co., and ten years with Stein Bros., 23d street. He engraved his name and the letters of the alphabet on the head of a pin. He m., June 28, 1873, Lena, dau. Morris Bessunger, b. New York City, June 27, 1854. He is now with Tiffany Bros., and res. 445 4th Ave. ; is captain First Mounted Veterans of New York City. CHILDREN 7. Eugene, b. Bristol, May 23, 1874. 8. Estelle, b. Boston, Sept. 4, 1879. An actress. 9. Chester, b. May 17, 1882 "Is an unrivaled trick cyclist." 10. Dorothy, b. New York city, July 12, 1884. Is an actress. THE BOARDMAN FAMILIES I. Benjamin and Elias Boardman, twin brothers, settled in Bridgewater, in May, 1790, going from Reading, .Mass. Their log cabin was where was later the cemetery near the meeting-house. Where was the doorway of their cabin was later the spot where Benjamin and his wife were buried. They paid for their land by raising grain in the summer aiid working at shoemaking winters at Reading. They moved their families to Bridgewater in the spring of the eighth season. Elias built on the Alonzo Wheeler place, which house was destroyed by fire in 1883. Benjamin was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and had at least six children. 2. Elias Boardman and his wife, Hannah, were the j^arents of CHILDREN 3. Elias, b. Nov. 24, 1786. 4. Hannah, b. Mar. 21, 1788. 5. Amos, b. Feb. 25, 1791. *6. Benjamin Lewis, b. Bridgewater, Apr. 5, 1793. 7. Moses, b. Sept. 29, 1794. 8. Elizabeth Smith, b. Oct. 18, 1796. 9. Mary Lewis, b. July 10, 1799. lo. William, b. May 6, 1804. II. Nancy, b. Nov. 23, 1805. GENEALOGIES — BOARDMAN 47 T>T ^ V ^^"]^™in L. Boardman, b. Apr. 5, 1793, m. Susan R. Moses, b. Alexandria (Pembroke). They came to Bristol from Massachusetts and occupied the Edwards farm on High street Here he d. July i, 1862, ae. 69-2-26. She d. same place, Dec 9, 1876, ae. 78. They had at least seven children. CHILDREN «I2. William L. P., b. Mar. 24, 1827. 13. Lydia, E. C, b. Pembroke ; d. Bristol, Jan. 6, 1892, ae. 63-0-16 Unm. 14. Mary L., b. Reading, Mass. ; d. Bristol, June 24, 1894, ae. 57-3-10. J^\ ^^^^^^ ^•' ^- ^°- Reading, Mass., Mar. 3, 1840; d. Bristol, Feb. 20(22), 1887, ae. 46-11-17 l6. Susan M., d. Bristol, Apr. 12, 1863, ae. 28-5-. (12) William L. P. Boardman, b. Mar. 14, 1827, m. Oct. 18, 1865, Mary G. (May) White, dau. Samuel and Mary May. He was for 35 years master of Lewis school, Boston. He d. Boston, Mar. 18, 1901, ae. 74-0-4. CHILD 17. Samuel May, b. Dec. 27, 1869. I. Edmund Boardman, the son of Stephen, was b. Ports mouth, June 30, 1806. He m., Nov. 30, 1831, Sally Phippen, b. Salem, Mass., Mar. 23, 1806. He was a soap maker in Cam- bridgeport, Mass., and a farmer in Alexandria. He came to Bristol about 1874. She d. Bristol, Dec. i, 1875, ae. 69-8-8. He d. Bristol, Oct. 16, 1888, ae. 82-3-16. CHILDREN 2. Sarah Lufkin, b. Cambridgeport, Mass., July 19, 1832 ; m. Sept. 8, 1866, Lucian C. Abbott, and d. Apr. 16, 1885, ae. 52-8-27. 3. Charles, b. C, Nov. 26, 1833 ; m. Mar. 27, 1872, Eliza Ann, dau. of Benjamin Q. Fellows (See.), b. Nov. 17, 1843. He spent five years in California, i860-' 65 ; was in trade in Rollins' block with Samuel D. Farrar five years previous to the fire of Dec. 7, 1871 ; in trade in basement of Abel's block six months ; built the Robie block on Pleasant street in 1872, and in trade there till Oct. i, 1888; dealer in furniture in basement of this block till the block was gutted by fire, Apr. 2, 1889 ; continued same in Blake block till 1890. Has served as town treasurer and tax- collector. Congregationalist, Republican, Mason. No children. 4. George Phippen, b. C, Mar. 15, 1835 ; d. Apr. 6, 1859, ae. 24-0-21. 5. Gideon, b. C, Dec. 15, 1836; m. Aug. 31, 1862, Sarah Jane, dau. of Nathan and Ruth C. Blake. She d. in Alexandria, Sept. 4, 1864, ae. 26-6-22. He m. Oct. 5, 1872, Ella A., dau. Ansel and Mahala Chandler, b. Bristol, Aug. 7, 1849. He was a carriage maker and repairer. She d. Bristol, Mar. 29, 1900, ae. 50-7-22 ; he d. two days later, ae. 63-3-16 ; both buried in one grave. Child : a. Emma Jane, b. Alexandria, Aug. 15, 1863 ; m. Mar. 23, 1885, Scott Spencer of Plymouth and res. Sloane, Iowa. Three children. 6. Helen Smith, b. Alexandria, Dec. 30, 1842 ; m. George M. Tewks- bury and res. Westboro, Mass. Four children. 48 HISTORY OF BRISTOL THE BOHONON FAMILY I . Stephen Bohonon was the son of Jacob and Sarah (Jud kins) Bohonon. Jacob was a cousin to Daniel Webster. Stephen was b. Boscawen, Feb. i, 1790. He came here in 1812, and became a soldier, from Bridgewater, in the war then in progress with England. He had previously served one term of five years in the Navy. He m., May i, 1827, Rebecca, dau. of John Wil lard (See.), b. June 5, 1802. He was a carpenter and farmer and res. south of Danforth brook on the Nelson road, where she d. July 27, 1851, ae. 49-1-22 ; he d. Oct. 13, 1878, ae. 88-8-12. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 2. Malinda Ruth, b. Mar. 31, 1828; d. Bristol, June 23, 1846, ae. 18-2-22. 3. John Willard, b. Oct. 15, 1830; d. Feb. — , 1832, ae. 1-4-. W^i^g 4. Lucy Maria, b. Oct. 15, 1830; m. Moses Emmons. (See.) / 5. Leonard Willard, b. July 16, 1835 ; m. Mary A. Dicey, Alexan dria ; m. (2) Oct. 3, 1879, Mrs. Mary A. Danforth, Danbury. 6. Daniel Webster, b. Mar. 25, 1842 ; served in Co. C, 12th Regt. N. H. Vols., and d. Richmond, Va., July 26, 1880, ae. 38-4-1 ; unm. (See Roll of Honor.) THE BOND FAMILY I. Charles G. M. Bond was the son of Alfred Bond, and was b. Greenwich, Mass., Mar. 10, 1850. He m. Hattie Alice, dau. of Jonathan and Harriet A. (Gregg) Taylor, b. Boston, Mass., Dec. i, 1846. He was in trade with Hon. Cyrus Taylor, one year from May, 1890; removed to Stoughton, Mass., in May, 1891 ; now in business in Hudson, Mass. CHILDREN 2. Herbert T., b. Detroit, Mich., Mar. 13, 1873. 3. Gertrude M., b. D., June 23, 1876 ; m. Harry Moore of Hudson, Mass. One son. 4. Howard C, b. D., Sept. 2, 1880. 5. Alfred M., b. D., May 21, 1883. 6. Harold A., b. D., Mar. 29, 1887. THE BOWERS FAMILIES I. Jerahmeel Bowers, the son of Jerahmeel, was b. in Townsend, Mass., Nov. i, 1773. When he was a boy, his father moved to that part of Salisbury now Franklin. At the age of 15 he commenced to teach school, and among his pupils was Daniel Webster. Teaching was his chief occupation for many years, though a cripple. "His form would have produced a fortune for his parents had they seen fit to have exhibited him for money." His ancestors came from Bath, England. He m. GENEALOGIES — BOWERS 49 Dorothy Gale, dau. Stephen, b. July 27, 1783, on Isle of Man. They settled in Hebron, where their first child was b., and then removed to Bristol, where their other children were b. During a residence in Bristol of 25 years, he was a justice of the peace, and resided in a house that stood in the lot directly in front of the present schoolhouse in Union district. She d. Boston, Mass., May 5, 1847, ^^- 63-9-8; he d. Natick, Mass., Sept. 7, 1847, ae. 73-10-6. CHILDREN 2. James, b. Hebron, Aug. 10, 1804; killed at Charlestown, Mass., May 13, 1831, ae. 26-9-3. Unm. ¦»3. Rufus Lewis, b. Bristol, Jan. 27, 1807. 4. Alsa Gale, b. B., Dec. 24, 1808; m. June 5, 1836, James M. Bar nard, Hebron. Died a widow at Natick, Mass., Jan. 23, 1881, ae. 72-0-29. Children : a. James B., b. Hebron, Mar. 3, 1837 ; d. Mar. 4, 1837. b. Isaac Henry, b. H., May 22, 1839 ; d. Aug. 9, 1840. c. Julia Grace, b. H., June 24, 1842 ; d. Aug. 13, 1843. 5. Caroline Carter, b. Bristol, July 8, 1813 ; a deaf mute, educated at Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Hartford, Conn. She m. Benjamin Clough. (See.) *6. Cyrus Russell, b. B., June 18, 1811. 7. Harriet Newell, b. B., Apr. 8, 1815 ; d. Dec. 26, 1815. 8. Laura Farnham, b. B., Feb. 3, 1817 ; m. Dec. 31, 1846, Sparrock Barney, of Boston, Mass., and d. Southboro, Mass., Aug., 1850, ae. 34-3- Child : a. Laura Frances, b. Aug. 1850; m. Herbert Carpenter, Marl boro, Mass. 9. Jerahmeel Lombard, b. B., Feb. 26, 1819; m. Jane Odell, Lowell, Mass., 1844, and d. Natick, Mass., Jan. 26, 1866, ae.46-11-. 10. Benjamin Franklin, b. B., May 30, 1821 ; m. Sept. 7, 1847, Abba C, dau. Timothy and Sarah Martin, b. Bremen, Me. She d. Natick, Mass., Nov. 26, 1855, and he m., Apr., 1856, Maria Coleman of Wrentham, Mass., who d. Medfield, Mass., Apr., 1872. He was a photographer at 491 Fulton street, Brooklyn, N. Y., where he was in business m 1900. By first wife had one son and one daughter. i'cii. William Tenney, b. B., June 2, 1823. 12. Dorothy Ann, b. B., Nov. 23, 1825 ; d. B., Oct. 3, 1827, ae. i-io-io. (3) Rufus L. Bowers, b. Jan. 27, 1807, m. October, 1837, Eliza, dau. Levi Hutchins, b. Gilmanton, Feb. 12, 181 1. He was a farmer in Bridgewater, Gilmanton, Alexandria, and San bornton. He d. Laconia, May 23, 1867, ae. 60-1-26. CHILDREN 13. Charles Lewis, b. Bridgewater, Oct. 25, 1839 ; m. Jan. i, 1863, Car rie Augusta Eaton. Six children. „ ^ o o o »„„^1 w 14. Caroline Elizabeth, b. Gilmanton, Sept. 8, 1841 ; m. Samuel H. Lawrence. She d. Meredith, July 5, i875, ae. 33-9-27- ^^° 'JVa ^N^H IS. George Franklin, b. Alexandria, June 5, 1845. Served m Co. H, 15th Regt. N H. Vols., and d. of typhoid fever at Carrolton, La., May 9, "'?6.''Lauralnn, b. A., June 8, 1848 : m. William H. H Rollins a farmer at East Tilton, where she d. of consumption, Mar. i, 1878, ae. 29-8-23. Both were teachers before m. Child : a. Clara Alice, b. May 9, 1873. 50 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 17. Mary Jane, b. A.-, Oct. 8, 1850; m. Samuel H. Lawrence, April, 1876. (6) Cyrus R. Bowers, b. June 18, 1811 ; m. Catherine Brown, of Concord, and d. Houlton, Me., Dec. 23, 1890, ae. 78-1 1-. In 1837, he built the brick house on Lake street, where Kiah Wells lived and died, and he set out a row of maple trees from his home to Central square. CHILDREN 18. Daughter, d. in Bristol, aged about one year. 19. Charles, res. Natick, Mass. (11) William T. Bowers, b. June 2. 1823, m. Apr. 21, 1847, Mary Corney, Foxboro, Mass., and d. Hyde Park, Mass., in (October, 1871, ae. 48-4-. CHILDREN 20. William, res. Boston, Mass. 21. Julia Grace. I. Dea. Gardner J. Bowers was born July 8, 1793. He m. (i) Betsey , who d. Nov. 8, 1836, ae. 39 years ; he m. (2), Mar. 28, 1837, Mrs. Sarah Colby, widow of Ebenezer Colby, of Salisbury, and dau. of Dea. John Abrams, who res. in Sanborn ton, near Hill village. Gardner J. Bowers was a deacon in the Congregational church in Franklin. While filling this office he settled in South Alexandria on the Kendrick Dickerson farm. While residing here, in 1842, he was elected deacon of the Con gregational church in Bristol, and filled this office till his death. He res. in Bristol in the house next north of the Methodist church from 1855 till his death, Mar. 28, 1868. His age was 74-8-20. Mrs. Bowers d. Oct. 13, 1868, in her 72d year. She had six children by her first husband, and two by Dea. Bowers. CHILDREN 2. Gardner J., d. Feb. 22, 1839, ae. 17-7-11. 3. George Brown, b. Alexandria, Mar. 11, 1838 ; m. in Jan. 1868, Mary Bowers, a relative. He was a dentist in Bristol for a time after his m. ; res. most of his life in Iowa, and returned East a few years since, and settled on the farm in South Alexandria where he was born. Child : a. Ned Orville, b. Jan. 30, 1877 ; res. with his parents. 4. Betsey, b. Alexandria, July 28, 1840 ; m. Capt. William A. Beck ford. '(See.) THE BOWLER FAMILY I. Rev. John Atwood Bowler, son of Rev. George and Ann Creamer (Alley) Bowler, was b. Watertown, Mass., Oct. 25, 1852. May 19, 1879, he m. Sarah Josephine, dau. of Cjtus and Sarah W. (Tileston) Coburn, b. Allenstown, July 7, 1853. He was pastor of the Methodist church in Bristol three years from GENEALOGIES — BRADLEY 5 X Spring of 1884, coming from Hillsboro Bridge. He was a mem ber of the New Hampshire Conference from 1881 till 1900, when he was transferred to the New England Conference. He is at present stationed at Bondville, Mass. CHILD 2. Bertram Evan, b. Hillsboro, Jan. 26, 1882. Is a watchmaker and optician at Manchester. THE BRADLEY FAMILY I. Moses Hazen Bradley, son of John and Hannah (Ayer) Bradley, was b. Concord, May 15, 1782. He m., Dec. 26, 1817, Mary Green, dau. of Dr. Peter Green, and sister of William, b. Concord, Dec. 26, 1784. They resided in the Green house. Cen tral square, 181 2 to 1834, when they removed to Concord, where he d., June 22, 1834, ae. 52-1-7; she d. Concord, about 1865. (See Lawyers.) THE BRAGG FAMILY I. Rev. Lyman Daniel Bragg, the son of Rev. Daniel Pit kin and Laura C. (Church) Bragg, was b. Hinesburgh, Vt., Feb. 24, 1850. His father traces his descent on his mother's side from William de la Grande, who went from Normandy to Englan4 in 1066 with William the Conqueror. John Porter, a descendant in the i6th generation from William de la Grande, was in this country as early as 1637. Mr. Bragg is also a descendant from William Pitkin, who settled in Hartford, Conn., in 1659. Rev. L. D. Bragg, was graduated from Middlebury (Vt.) college, 1875, and from Boston University, School of Theology, in 1878. He united with the New England Methodist Confer ence in 1880, and was transferred to the New Hampshire Con ference in 1892. He was professor in Rust University, Holly Springs, Miss., two years, and with this exception, has filled various pastorates including two years in Bristol from April 1901. He m., June 16, r88o, Sarah Julia, dau. of Abram and Mary Ann (Apgar) Klotz, b. German Valley, N. J., Jan. 13, 1855. She is a graduate of Centenary College Institute at Hackettstown, N. J., with degree of M. L. A. CHILDREN 2. Laura Mary, b. Northbridge, Mass., Oct. 9, 1881. 3. Ernest Lyman, b. Spencer, Mass., Apr. i, 1885. 4. Barbara Klotz, b. Medford, Mass., July 7, i886. THE BRALEY FAMILY I. Herbert Braley, son of Elbridge J. and Lovina (Wal- dron) Braley, was b. Alexandria, July 2, 1868. He m., Nov. 6, 52 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 1889, Flora M., dau. Nicholas R. and Frances (Ray) Gardner, b. Hebronsville, Mass., Nov. 6, 1866. He came to Bristol in 1884; was three years an operative in the woolen-mill; since 1890, a teamster. No children. Mason, Odd Fellow, Repub lican. I. Weston James Braley, son of Elbridge J. and Lovina (Waldron) Braley, was b. Alexandria, Jan. 20, 1874. He m., Jan. 21, 1893, Marion M., dau. of Frederick J. Ballou. (See.) She was b. May 12, 1876, and d. in Bristol, Sept. 25, 1902, ae. 26-4-13. He came to Bristol in 1889, and is a teamster in the employ of the Mason-Perkins Paper company. Republican. CHILDREN 2. Bertha Julia, b. Bristol, Aug. 6, 1895. 3. Clyde Edward, b. B., Mar. 16, 1898. THE BRECK FAMILY I. George Coolidge Breck, son of Marshall H. H. Breck, was b. Sherburn, Mass., Nov. 15, 1831, and d. in Bristol, Jan. 6, 1885, ae. 53-1-21. Feb. 20, 1856, he m. Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of William and Elizabeth (Vaughn) Wesson, b. .Boston, Mass., Mar. i, 1834. He enlisted Aug. 28, 1862, on the quota of Wentworth, in Co. G, 12th Regt. N. H. Vols. At the battle of Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863, he was twice wounded, being struck by minie balls in the calf of the leg and hip. Nov. 17, 1863, by reason of his wounds, he was transferred to the i8tli Co., 2d Bat. Invalid Corps, and discharged at Albany, N. Y., Apr. II, 1865. After the war he was a coal burner at Rumney till 1870, when he came to Bristol, and was an employee in the Mason-Perkins paper-mill. Mrs. Breck res. Bristol. CHILDREN *2. Joseph Henry, b. Wentworth, Feb. 20, i860. 3. George Marshall, b. Rumney, Oct. 11, 1869 ; m. July 2, 1892, Alice May, dau. Hiram S. Tilton. (See.) Divorced. He went to Gardner, Me., in 1895, and there m.. Mar. 26, 1898, Mrs. Katherine Kenniston. 4. Mary E., b. Wentworth, Dec. 12, 1861 ; m. George F. Alden. (See.) 5. Addie Gertrude, b. Bristol, Feb. 3, 1877 ; drowned Sept. 23, 1880, ae. 3-8-20. 6. Jennie May, b. B., Apr. 5, 1875 ; d. Aug. 22, 1875, ae. 0-4-4. (2) Joseph H. Breck, b. Feb. 20, i860, m. May 18, 1881, Nellie M., dau. Philip Jones, b. Loudon, July 22, 1862. He has been an employee of the Mason-Perkins paper-mill since 1874. GENEALOGIES — BRIGGS 53 CHILDREN 7. Willie Henry, b. Bristol', Aug. 9, 1883; d. Oct. 20, 1884, ae. l-2-ii. 8. Lois May, b. B., Jan. 19, 1892. 9. Leslie Joseph, b. B., Aug. 20, 1896. THE BRIGGS FAMILY I. Sherman Shattuck Briggs, son of Amasa and Mary (Shattuck) Briggs, was b. Oct. i, 1828. Sept. 19, 1848, he m. Abby Jane, dau. of Moses and Jane (Morse) Trussell, b. Aug. 10, 1829. He was a shoemaker, came to Bristol in i860, and res. High street. He d. suddenly of heart disease while visiting in Methuen, Mass., Nov. 21, 1868, ae. 40-1-20. Shortly before her death she removed to Franklin, where she d. Dec. 4, 1894, ae. 65-3-24. CHILDREN -»2. Frank Edwin, b. Boscawen, Dec. 2, 1849. 3. George Nason, b. Oct. 31, 1851 ; d. at Bristol, June 7, 1870, of con sumption, ae. 18-7-6. 4. Alice Adelaide, b. Nov. 24, 1854 ; d. at Bristol, May 27, 1872, of consumption, ae. 17-6-3. 5. Ida Anna, b. Dec. 28, 1855 ; m. Edward Martin of Richmond, Va. She d. Aug. 5, 1876, of consumption, ae. 20-7-7. »6. Fred Herman, b. Dunbarton, Oct. i, 1858. 7. Jennie Eva., b. D., Mar. 12, i860; m. Nov. 29, i88i, Leroy L. Thompson. She d. Franklin Falls, Mar. i8, 1902, of consumption, ae. 42-0-6. He is a machinist at Lakeport. Child : a. Sherman E. (2) Frank E. Briggs, b. Dec. 2, 1849, m. Dec. 24, 1873, Martha Etta, dau. of Freeman E. Berry. (See.) Is a clergyman of the Free Baptist denomination ; was graduated at New Hamp ton Literary Institution, 1879; Cobb's Divinity School, Lewis- ton, Me., 1882; licensed to preach. May 27, 1879; ordained, July 7, 1882, by a council of the Sebec (Me.) Quarterly Meeting. He served as pastor the Abbott, Parkman, and No. Guilford, Me., church, two years from June i, 1882; at West Lebanon, Me., two years from June i, 1884 ; at No. Berwick, Me., from May, 1886, till 1889; Center Strafford, i889-'9i ; Barrington, 1891-96; Washington, Vt., 1896-1902; is now serving the church at So. Lemington, Me. CHILDREN 8. Edward Mortimer, b. Alexandria, Oct. 23, 1878. He was grad uated from New Hampton Institution, 1902 ; now a teacher. 9. Ena, b. A., Nov. 18, 1883. lo. Berneice, b. No. Berwick, Me., Apr. 21, 1888. (6) Fred H. Briggs, b. Oct. i, 1858, m. Dec. 29, 1885, Delia Alice, dau. Elbridge Tilton. (See.) He is a photog rapher, and has been in business in Bristol ; in Demorest and Harriman, Ga. ; in Connecticut ; now in Amesbury, Mass. 4« 54 HISTORY OF BRISTOL CHILDREN II. Harold Herman, b. No. Berwick, Me., Apr. 23, 1888. 12. Bertha Lenona, b. Bristol, June 25, 1898. THE BROWN FAMILIES I. Samuel Browne, the progenitor of Stephen Thurston Brown and his descendants, was b. in Rowley, Mass., July 20, 1686. He m., May 17, 1716, Elizabeth Wheeler, b. July 12, 1695, dau. of Josiah Wheeler, of Salisbury, ]\Iass. He was prominent in church and town affairs in Rowley till about 1728, when he removed to Littleton, Mass., and there resided till 1742, when he removed to West Dunstable, now HoUis, N. H., where he was one of the founders of the church. Among his children was 2. John. He was b. in Rowley, and was there baptized in Byfield church, Mar, 29, 1724. He went to HoUis with his father and m., Oct. 9, 1744, Kezia Wheeler, who d. Oct. 31, 1760. He m. Feb. 18, 1761, Martha, dau. of Ezekiel and Martha (Thurston) Jewett. He res. some years in Monson, near the HoUis line, and was selectman of the town. In 1762, in company with his brother, Josiah, who had been a lieutenant in the French and Indian war, and five others, he traveled north along the Merrimack and Pemigewasset rivers, till they reached what is now Plymouth. Here they selected land, erected log cabins, and commenced to clear the land for farms. In the spring of 1764, they took their families to their homes in the wilderness. The names of John Brown and Josiah Brown appear among the grantees or proprietors of the town. John Brown was a physician. He dropped the final letter from his name, and his orthography has been followed by all his descendants. He d. May 6, 1776; she d. in the family of her son, Stephen Thurston Brown, in Bristol, Mar. 5, 1797. Of his nine children, one was 3. Stephen Thurston, b. Plymouth, Apr. 18, 1766. He purchased 65 acres of land in what was afterward known as the Locke neighborhood in Bristol. His land now constitutes a part of the Damon Y. Emmons farm, and his log cabin stood where now stands the ell of Mr. Emmons' farmhouse. He was first taxed for this land in 1788. Dec. 18, 1788, he in. Anna Davis, of Goffstown, and here were born to them twelve chil dren, all but one living to maturity. Mr. Brown was a man of sterling integrity — a Quaker, and he brought up his children according to the tenets of his religion. He d. in family of his dau., Martha, in South Alexandria, May 4, 1839, ae. 73-0-16. Mrs. Brown d. in the family of her son, Samuel, in Bridgewater, May 23, 1851. GENEALOGIES — BROWN 55 CHILDREN, all born in Bristol ¦JS4. John, b. Sept. 15, 1789. 5. Anne, b. May 27, 1791; m. Isaac Swett. (See.) *6. Samuel, b. Oct. 28, 1793. *7. Joseph, b. Mar. 3, 1796. -*8. Bnos, b. Mar. 3, 1798. 9. Martha, b. May 15, 1800; m. Daniel Simonds. (See.) 10. Sally, b. 1802 ; m. Jacob Colby of Weare, in Oct., 1823 ; she d. Weare, 1878, ae. 76 years. He d. in W., 1884. Children: a. Stephen B., b. Weare, 1824; m. June r, 1847, Mary Ann Beard ; res. Quincy, Mass. Five children. b. John B., m. Mary J. Cochrane. Served in 14th Regt. N. H. Vols. One son. c. Amanda, m. Lewis Tuttle. d. Calvin, b. 1840. Res. So. Weare. e. Henry, m. Brown, of Maine. 1 t^,. y. Ella, res. Henniker ; unm. / -i^^^s. g. Helen, m. (1) Fred Merrill, Goffstown, two children; (2) Aaron Y. Hacket, two children; (3) Hosea B. Corless, one child. II. Hannah Locke, b. Sept. 24, 1803 ; m. Dec. 5, 1826, William Colby, of Bow, b. July 31, 1803. He was a shoemaker in Bow till 1850, when they removed to Michigan. She d. Van Buren, Ind., Aug. 10, 1863, ae. 59-10-16. He d. Three Rivers, Mich., Feb. 26, 1875, ae. 71-6-25. Chil dren : a. Hazen, b. Bow, July 17, 1827. About 1850 he changed his name to Ion Vernon. He m., June 19, 1848, Hannah M. Butter- field; (2) Dec. 10, 1859, Agnes Wood. He was a practicing physi cian at Three Rivers, Mich., where he d. Apr. 16, 1893, ae. 65-8-29. She res. Three Rivers. Four children. b. Mary Ann Brown, b. Bow, Oct. 27, 1829; m. June 24, 1853, Thomas Bonnett, b. England, i8io. They removed to Michigan, in 1852. He d. Salem, Mich., Feb. 27, 1892, and she m., July 14, 1894, William Alx. Address, Burnips Corner, Allegan Co., Mich. One child, Martha F. E., b. Mar. 31, i86r, m. Ralph Pomeroy. Res. Dutton, Mich. c. Samuel Murray, b. Oct. 10, 1832 ; d. June 26, 1834, ae. 1-8-16. d. Samuel Augustus, b. Feb. 26, 1835 ; went to Michigan in 1852, and m., Jan. 17, 1864, Martha A. Henry. Address, Neenah, Wis. e. Hannah Jane, b. Bow, May 3, 1839; m. Sept. 10, 1854, John Glidden, went to Michigan, 1854, and res. 541 No. Front street. Grand Rapids, Mich. Five children. /. Martha Ellen, b. Concord, Jan. 14, 1843; m. Apr. 21, 1861, William H. Sprague, b. Michigan, Mar. 31, 1837. They res. 213 Fourth street, Oakland, Cal. Three children. g. William Warren, b. Bristol, Aug. 17, 1845; m. Aug. 10, 1868, Rosetta Jane Lovejoy, b. Oct. 31, 1853, in Indiana. They res. David City, Neb. (See Roll of Honor.) Children: ( i ) Warner Willis, b. Feb. 17, 1874; (2) Emma May, b. May 7, 1876; d. Feb. 29, 1877; (3) Clara Belle, b. Apr. 13, 1878; (4) Hannah Mabel, b. July 17, 1885 ; d. Sept. 4, 1885. 12. Stephen, -d. about 1824, aged 18. 13. Mary Ann, m. Jerry B. Warner, Oct. 2, 1836. He d. 1874. Child : a. J. E. Warner, b. July 21, 1845 ; m. Daisy Ramsden, 1883. 14. Michael, d. in infancy. 15. Aseneth, b. May 20, 1814 ; m. Calvin Fuller, Mar. 15, 1838. He was b. Mar i, 1812, and d. New Boston, Jan. 11, 1869, ae. 56-10-10. She d. Alexandria. Children : 56 HISTORY OF BRISTOL a. Henry Calvin, b. Wilton, Dec. 18, 1839; m. (i) Susan C. Plagg, Nashua; (2) Martha M. Sias, Boston. b. Edwin Stiles, b. W., Feb. 24, 1841 ; m. Emily Wilcox, of Flint, Mich. c. Mary Elizabeth, b. Mason, Mar. 16, 1847 ; m. Walter S. Rob inson, Haverhill, Mass. d. George Burnham, b. New Boston, Aug. 16, 1849; m. Helen A. Kelso of N. B. e. Elbridge Brown, b. N. B., Dec. 9, 1851 ; d. July 4, 1859, ae. 7-6-25. (4) John Brown, b. Sept. 15, 1789, m. Sally, dau. of Jonathan Ingalls, b. July 17, 1793. (See.) He was a soldier in the War of 1812 from Bristol, went to Vermont soon after the war, and to Michigan in 1839, where he was an extensive farmer. He united with the Bristol Methodist church about 1809 and "was a Methodist of positive tpye 75 years and a day." He d. in Portland, Mich., Feb. 11, 1885, ae. 95-4-26. She d. in Derby, Mich., June 14, 1867, ae. 73-10-27. CHILDREN 16. Sophia, b. Bristol, Mar. 4, 1813 ; m. Oct. 18, 1828, Nathan Wyman, St. Albans, Vt. She res. Danby, Mich., post-office address, Sebawa, lona Co., Mich. Children : a. William W., b. Dec. 29, 1831. b. Julia S., b. Apr. 22, 1833 ; d. Oct. 15, 1852, ae. 19-5-23. c. George W., b. Mar. 29, 1837. d. Charles W., b. Aug. 29, 1840; d. Oct. 1889, ae. 49-2-. e. Elliot O., b. July 20, 1843. 17. Benjamin Hazelton, b. Bristol ; went West and m. Rebecca Van Horn in Indiana, removed to Nebraska and there d. The family then removed to California. Children : a. William. b. George. c. Mary Jane. 18. Jonathan S., b. Grand Isle, Vt.; m. Jane Reed, Danby, lona Co., Mich. Said to be a wealthy farmer. 19. Henry H., b. Colchester, Vt., m. Almira Cahoon, Bangor, Me., and d. in army. No children. 20. Charlotte, b. Grand Isle, Vt., Mar. 20, 1823 ; m. Samuel S. Haight, Apr. 12, 1840. He was a well-to-do farmer and justice of the peace at Woodland, Parry Co., Mich. He d. Nov. 12, 1865, and she m. Rev. Amos Wakefield, Methodist, Aug. 29, 1874. He was b. Wheelock, Vt., Mar. 31, 1813, She res. Middleville, Perry Co., Mich. Children : a. George, b. July 3, 1841 ; d. Nov. 30, 1849, ae. 8-4-27. b. Sophia, b. Mar. 25, 1843 ; m. Henry Hinkly, Mar. 24, 1S61, of Howard City, Mich. Children: (i) Henry, m. Ola Norton. (2) Frank, an engineer, m. Edie Goodrich, of Kalamazoo, and res. at Parmelee, Mich. (3) Burt, b. Mar. 8, 1869. (4) Merritt. c. Sarah, b. Aug. 26, 1844; d. July 15, 1867, ae. 22-10-19. ¦*¦ dau. survives, who m. L. S. Gibbs, Grand Rapids. d. Watson, b. Oct. 3, 1849; m. Elnora Lapham. Is a large stock dealer in Ludden, Dickey Co., Dak. Three sons : Samuel, Ernest, Alonzo. (6) Samuel Brown, b. Oct. 28, 1793, m. Nov. 9, 1819 (Bridgewater records 1820), Susanna S., dau. Abraham Dolloff GENEALOGIES — BROWN 57 (See), b. Dec. 9, 1800. They settled on the Horace Brown farm in Bridgewater, where he d. in Oct., 1868, ae.. 75 ; she d. Bristol, in family of John Roby, Mar. 14, 1879, ae. 78-3-5. CHILDREN, all born in Bridgewater 21. Solomon, b. June 28, 1823 ; graduated Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, 1847; m., in 1847, Matilda Sidney Hughes, Philadelphia; practiced medicine in P. till Sept., 1862, when he d., ae. 39-3-. She d. Mar., 1868. Had three children. -;!:22. Horace, b. Aug. 15, 1825. *23. Levi Dolloff, b. Apr. 28, 1833. #24. Warren Smith, b. Sept. 11, 1839. (7) Joseph Brown, b. Mar. 3, 1796, m., in 1825, Relief, dau. of Stephen and Mary (Brown) Ordway. She was b. 1803, and d. in Campton, May, 1867, ae. 64. He was a lumber manu facturer and dealer. He erected the first saw-mill at Moore's Mills, so called, and continued business there 14 years. He removed to Campton in 1843, and later to Whitefield, where he d. Mar. 26, 1884, ae. 88-0-23. CHILDREN *25. Alson Landon, b. Bristol, Apr. 9, 1827. 26. Stephen, b. B., 1829 ; served in 40th Mass. Vols., and d. in service at Folly Island, S. C, Nov., 1863, ae. 34. Unm. (See Roll of Honor.) 27. Mary Ann, b. B., Nov. 10, 1830; m. May 23, 1850, Hanson S. Chase, son of Jonathan and Abiah, b. Portsmouth, Apr. 8, 1823. They settled in Plymouth about 1873, where she d. Oct. 21, 1898, ae. 67-11-11. She was a member of the Universalist church. Children : a. James Whitcher, b. Campton, July 6, 1851 ; d. in Plymouth, Aug. 30, 1874, ae. 23-1-24. b. Warren Green, b. C, Mar. 30, 1854; m. (i) June 20, 1881, KateB. Farr, who d. Feb. 10, 1894. He m. (2) Mar. 12, 1896, Lil lian M. Heath. c. Irving Hanson, b. C, Nov. 18, 1858 ; m. Dec. 7, 1881, Minnie Elliott. d. Edward Averill, b. C, May 15, 1869 ; m. Ruth McClure, July 12, 1894. -»28. Amos, b. Bristol, June 29, 1832. -»29. Warren G., b. B., July 27, 1834. 30. Relief, b. B., Aug., 1839 ; m. Elijah Averill, Jr., in 1858. He was b. in Merrimack, Oct., 1833. Child : a. Maretta Frances, b. Campton, June 21, 1859 ; m. Oct. 16, 1877, Rutherford Byrne, of So. Durham, P. Q. Address, Seattle, Wash. 31. John O., b. Bristol, 1841 ; d. 1841. 32. Joseph, b. B., 1842. He served in 15th Regt. N. H. Vols., andd. Aug. 11, 1863, ae. 21. (See Roll of Honor.) 33. Laura Augusta, b. Campton, 1845 ; m. George W. Merrill in 1865, and d. in Campton, in May, 1882, ae. 37. (8) Enos Brown, b. Mar. 3, 1798, m. Lavinia, dau. James Heath. She was b. Stewartstown, and d. New Hampton, Sept. 6, 1885. He was a farmer in Bridgewater, an eccentric man, commonly caUed Doctor. He d. previous to 1890. 58 HISTORY OF BRISTOL CHILDREN 34. Stephen Salveteus, b. 1833 ; d. about 1890. 35. Julia, b. Aug. 10, 1838; d. Oct. 10, 1849, ae. 11-2-0. 36. Edwin E., b. Bridgewater; served in Co. E, 12th Regt. N. H. Vols. Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. He enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, at which time his age is given as 22. 37. Simeon C, b. B., June 7, 1835. Lived on a farm that lies partly in Bridgewater and partly in Bristol. Was formerly a voter in Bridge- water. Recently erected a dwelling on that part of his farm in Bristol and is consequently now a voter in Bristol. Never m. 38. Ellen Angenette, b. Bristol, July 27, 1846. She m. Oct. 30, 1864, Warren Wesley Dalton, son of John, b. New Hampton, 1843, where he d. Oct. 29, 1870. She d. same place, Oct., 1894, ae. 48. Children : a. John E. Dalton, b. Alexandria, Mar. 19, 1865 ; m. Apr. 29, 1891, Ida Weilbranner. Res. Ishpeming, Mich. b. Frank B. Dalton, b. New Hampton, Oct. 15, 1867 ; m. Dec. 7, I892, Hattie Merrill. Res. Ashland. c. Julia May Dalton, b. N. H., 1869 ; d. Feb., 1873, ae. 4 years. d. Nellie W. Dalton, b. N. H., Oct. 3, 1870 ; m. Dec. 16, 1896, C. O. Hopkins. Res. Lakeport. (22) Horace Brown, b. Aug. 15, 1825, m. June 23, 1847, Mary Augusta, dau. of Jesse and Patience (Hobart) Fletcher, and was b. Groton, Oct. 25, 1828. They res. on the farm where he was born, and here he d. July 23, 1874, ae. 48-11-8. She res. in Ashland. CHILDREN 39. Horace Burdett, b. Bridgewater, May 13, 1851 ; m. Annie Rebecca Cass, Mar. 17, 1873. Salesman. Res. Ashland.' 40. Sarah Augusta, b. B., Jan. 24, 1853 ; d. May 17, 1854. 41. Wilfred Fletcher, b. B., May 3, 1862 ; m. Sept. 25, 1885, Minnie E. Reed. Graduated from Mass. College of Pharmacy in 1888, and received degree of Ph. G. Is prescription clerk in drug store in Ashland. 42. Ora Aldru, b. B., Mar. 4, 1864; m. June i, 1893, Sarah Adder, dau. Col. Thomas P. Cheney, and is in trade in Ashland. Elected treas urer of Grafton county in 1902. (23) Levi D. Brown, b. Apr. 28, 1833, m. Oct. 11, 1855, Eliza Ann Phinney. She was the dau. of Jabez and Jane Fisher Phinney, and was b. Oct. 30, 1829, in Sandwich, Mass., and d. in Philadelphia, Penn., Jan. 6, 1882, ae. 52-2-6. He settled in New York soon after he m., and a few years later removed to Philadelphia ; was 15 years in the tea and spice business, from which he retired in 1878, with a competency. He is now presi dent of a national bank and of an electric light company in Philadelphia. CHILDREN 43. Susannah Jane, b. Philadelphia, Feb. 5, 1870; graduated at Lasell Seminary, Auburndale, Mass., class of 1888.- (24) Warren S. Brown, b. Sept. 11, 1839, m. Oct. 29 1871, Mrs. Wilhelmina Fredricka (Popplar) Gilmore. She was b. West Brighton, N. Y., Mar. 3, 1844. He served in Co. i, 19th Mass. Infty., and in Co. B, Heavy Artillery, serving 16 GENEALOGIES — BROWN 59 months in all. Res. in Bridgewater till Oct., 1874, since then in Center Harbor ; farmer. CHILDREN 44. Warren Smith, b. Bridgewater, Oct. 10, 1872. 45. Lucinda Jane, b. Center Harbor, June 18, 1875; d. Jan. 17, 1890, ae. 14-7-29. 46. Phebe Amelia, b. C. H., May'22, 1881. (25) Alson L. Brown, b. Apr. 9, 1827, m. Mary A. Cur rier, Sept. II, 1849. She was the dau. of William and Sophia Currier, and was b. in Ashland, June 27, 1832. He removed from Bristol to Campton with his father in 1843 ; was engaged in the lumber business with his father till 1864, when his brother, Warren G., purchased the father's interest and the new firm removed to Whitefield, in 1872, and organized the Brown Lumber company which was largely engaged in manufacturing lumber, railroading, and other business. Mr. Brown was presi dent of the company, and to him was largely due the growth of the company and the prosperity of the town. He was a Repub lican in politics and was a member of the State Constitutional Convention of 1876, and a delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1880, which nominated James A. Garfield for president. He represented Whitefield in the legislature of i88i-'82. He d. at Whitefield, Jan. 24, 1891, ae. 63-9-15. CHILDREN, all born in Campton 47. A daughter, b. Nov. 11, 1850; d. same day. 48. William Wallace, b. Feb. 22, 1852 ; m. (i) Louisa Veasey, (2) Belle Follansbee. Res. in Wentworth. 49. Oscar Alson, b. Jan. 21, 1854 ; m. Ada Page, and res. in White- field. 50. Charles Fremont, b. Sept. 7, 1856 ; d. Aug. 23, 1863, ae. 6-11-16. 51. George Landon, b. May 5, i860 ; d. Sept. 5, i860. 52. Alice Sophia, b. Nov. 14, 1861 ; m. Edward Ray, July 20, 1881, and res. Whitefield. Children : a. Edith Alice, b. Dec. 8, 1883. b. Richard Alson, b. Sept. 3, 1887. c. Mary Etta, b. Apr. 27, 1890. 53. Joseph Walter, b. May 3, 1864 ; m. (l) Katie Howland, (2) Annie Martin. Res. Whitefield. 54. Etta Condelle, b. May 17, 1869 ; m. Oct. 20, 1887, Emery Appleton Sanborn. Res. 14 Arlington street, Boston. (28) Amos Brown, b. June 29, 1832, m., 1868, Annie M. Peebles, b. Lake Nevers, N. Y. He went to the Pacific coast in 1858, and engaged in the lumber business till 1885. Later speculated in real estate successfully. He settled in Seattle, Wash., when it had but a dozen houses, now a population of 75,000 or more. He d. in San Francisco in spring of 1899, ae. 67. CHILDREN 55. Alson Lemer, b. Seattle, Mar. 14, 1869. Is a practicing lawyer in Seattle. 6o HISTORY OF BRISTOL 56. Emma, b. S., Feb. 27, 1871 ; m. Sept. 18, 1893, Hon. Ritchey M. Kennear, a leading attorney of Seattle. Res. 4th and Bell streets. 57. Ora, b. Olympia, July 20, 1878; a graduate of Stanford University, Cal. 58. Anna, b. Aug. 19, 1880. Graduate of University, at Seattle, Wash. 59. Helen Hazel, b. Seattle, Mar. 24, 1887. (29) Warren G. Brown, b. July 27, 1834, m. Ruth B. Avery, Mar. 1861. She was the dau. of Stephen and Hannah (MitcheU) Avery, and was b. in Campton, and d. in Thornton, Sept., 1863. He m. (2) in 1865, Charlotte, dau. of Ephriam and Eliza (Broad) Elliot, b. Brownfield, Me., Jan. 11, 1848. He left Bristol in 1843, and res. in Campton and Thornton till 1857. Spent three years in California and Washington terri tory. From i860 to 1869 farming in Thornton and lumbering in Bellows FaUs, Vt. Settled in Whitefield 1869, where he has been engaged in lumbering, as superintendent of the Brown Lumber company. He shipped the first cargo of lumber from Washington territory, around Cape Horn, to eastern ports in 1876, and has since shipped many. CHILDREN, by second wife 60. Josephine Ruth, b. Campton, June 22, 1867. 6i. Dasie A., b. Whitefield, Sept. 22, 1870. 62. Carl F;iliott, b. W., Sept. 10, 1878. 63. Kenneth Warren, b. W., Sept. 8, 1883. I. Edmond Brown was b. in Kingston, Jan. i, 1771. He came to Bristol as early as 1797, and built on the site of the Cavis Brothers' store the first blacksmith shop in Bristol vil lage. He boarded at the tavern of Moses Sleeper, but soon after built the first house on the site of Hotel Bristol, and here a sister kept house for him till his marriage. In 1808, he removed to North Bristol to what was later known as the Rol lins farm, and here he continued the blacksmith business. He was a large owner of real estate and, in 1832, purchased what is still known as the Brown farm on the west side of the lake ; in 1833 he moved there and there passed the balance of his life. ' He was a liberal Calvinist Baptist. He m. Nov. 12, 1799, Han nah (Merrill) Swett, widow of Benjamin Swett, b. May 24, 1765, in Hanover (?). She d. Bristol, Nov. 16, 1853, ae. 88-5-22. He d. Bristol, Mar. 12, 1857, ae. 86-2-11. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol *2. Amos, b. Sept. 4, 1800. 3. Hannah, b. July 16, 1802 ; d. Bristol, May 23, 1887, unm., ae. 84-10-7. 4. Dana, b. Feb. 9, 1804 ; m. July 28, 1832, Sarah Cheney, of Brad ford, b. Apr. 2, 1810. Soon after his m. he was ordained as a Calvinist Baptist minister, and served the church in Bradford, and later labored in Vermont. About 1840, on account of ill health, he located in Nashua, and united with the First Calvinist Baptist church in that city. He d. in Rev. Amos Brown GENEALOGIES — BROWN 6 1 Nashua, Jan. 25, i868, ae. 63-11-16. She d. Wilton, Dec. 15, 1879, ae. 69-8-13. No children. 5. Joanna, b. Jan. 12, 1806; m. Robert Patten, of Alexandria, Nov. 1848, and d. Alexandria, Dec. 28, 1867, ae. 61-11-16. No children. (2) Rev. Amos Brown, b. Sept. 4, 1800, m. Jan. 13, 1819, Abigail, dau. David Cheney (See), b. Jan. 24, 1799. They commenced life on what has been known as the Thomas H. Wicom place, east of Newfound lake ; lived for a time on the Gurdy farm in the Locke neighborhood, and, in 1825, purchased the Thomas Dimond farm, later known as the Moses Cheney farm, on the west shore of the lake next to Newfound river, and there he resided till 1830, when he moved farther north to near where Amasa Hilands now resides. In 1833, he went with his father to the Brown farm, now occupied by Silas S. Brown, and here he passed the greater part of his life. Mrs. Brown d. Dec. 14, 1845, ae. 46-10-20, and he m. Feb. 9, 1847, Lovilla, dau. of Stephen and Abiah (Putney) Collins, b. Weare, Dec. 15, 1823. Amos Brown was licensed to preach by the Sand wich Quarterly Meeting, of the Free Baptist denomination Dec. 16, 1829, and was ordained at Alexandria, Sept. 30, 1832, by a council of elders of the Sandwich Quarterly Meeting, composed of Rev. John Hill, of Alexandria, Rev. Simeon Dana, M.D., Rev. Thomas Perkins, of New Hampton, and Rev. Levi Smith. He labored one-half the time at Alexandria from 1837 till 1853, and had pastoral oversight of the church for thirty- seven years. During his labors there, 160 were added to the church. He also labored successfully in Nashua, Orange, Center Harbor, New Hampton, Hill, and Bridgewater. He represented Bristol in the legislature of 1847 and 1848. In May, 1867, he accepted a call to the pastorate of the Free Bap tist church at Eaton, where a revival of religion was very general. In the midst of his success he d. of apoplexy, Dec. 7, 1867, ae. 67-3-3. Burial from the Free Baptist church at Bristol and the remains were laid to rest in the village ceme tery. Rev. Ebenezer Fisk officiated at the funeral, assisted by four other clergymen. Mr. Brown was a man of great native ability. He had a heart quick to respond to the joys and sor rows of others. He was always calm, forbearing and loving, a pleasant and cheerful companion, and a great lover of God and man. Mrs. Brown d. at Bristol, Jan. 28, 1888, ae. 64-1-13. CHILDREN all born Bristol ¦>!:6. James Harvey, b. July 3, 1819. 7. Cynthia Fellows, b. Apr. 22, 1822 ; m. Henry Dermis Towle, Oct. 5, 1854; d. Iowa, Nov. 6, 1890, ae. 68-6-14. No children. 8. Webster Cheney, b. Sept. 27, 1829; m. July 12, 1859, Sarah Ann, dau. William and Sarah (Bond) English,, b. Boston, Mass., Oct. 4, 1818. Mr. Brown was educated in the district schools of his native town and at the academies at Andover Center, Wentworth, and East Andover. He remained on the home farm till 1854, when he went to Nashua, where he 62 HISTORY OF BRISTOL was traveling salesman for J. C. Kempton, confectioner, six or seven years, and eleven years proprietor and manager of an eating house. Mr. Brown served Ward 6 three years as selectman, represented it in the legislature in 1867 and 1868, and as inspector of the check-list four years. He served the city three years on the board of assessors. In 1875, he was appointed assistant city marshal, which position he held three years. In 1884, he was elected county commissioner and served by re-election till Apr. i, 1901. The county farm buildings at Goffstown were erected during his term of service, and he was accorded much credit for the prudent and economical manner in which this work was dotie. Mr. Brown ranks among the most popular men of that county. Republican, Free Bap tist. Mrs. Brown d. at Nashua, Jan. 10, 1902, ae. 83-3-6. No chil dren. *9. Silas S., b. Feb. 4, 1832. 10. Sarah Ann, b. Nov. 12, 1833. She was a teacher 25 years in California ; now res. with her brother, Silas S. Brown, in Bristol. (6) James H. Brown, b. July 3, 1819, m. Nov. 3, 1843, Mary Mooney Smith Mudgett, who d. Concord, Dec. 10, 1893, ae. 77-9-20. He was a farmer in Hill, a number of years, and represented that town in the legislature. He was a deacon in the Free Baptist church in Alexandria. He d. Bristol, Sept. 28, 1875, ae. 56-2-25. CHILDREN 11. Arthur Noyes, adopted. Killed by lightning July 9, 1851, ae. 8 years. 12. Edward A., adopted ; was clerk in the store of C. Taylor ; went West ; was yard master of a railroad in Davenport, Iowa. (9) Silas S. Brown, b. Feb. 4, 1832, m. Feb. 2, 1854, Kate, dau. of George and Margaret Sivright Howie, b. Keith, Scotland, Apr. 3, 1827. He was a farmer in Bristol, tiU 1858, when he removed to Lisbon, where he remained till about 1876 ; then returned to the old homestead where he still lives. He has served six years as selectman of Bristol, and four years as super visor of the check-list. In 1884, he was elected county com missioner and served four years. During this time he was resident superintendent of the County farm at Haverhill. CHILDREN 13. Fred Howie, b. Bristol, Jan. 10, 1855 ; d. in Lisbon, Dec. 2, 1874, ae. 19-10-22. '^ 14. Anna Belle, b. B., Sept. 25, 1856; m. Feb. 17, 1877, William Henry Weston, and res. Lisbon. Children, all b. Lisbon : a. Susan Catharine, b. Oct. 12, 1878. b. Charles Cheney, b. May 19, 1881. c. Corena Isabella, b. Mar. 8, 1883. d. Carlie Mae, b. May 15, 1885 e. Jane Walker, b. Aug. 29, 1887. /. Margaret Howie, b. Dec. 18, 1889. g. Helen Brown, b. May 18, 1893. h. Fred Webster, b. Dec. 4, 1895. 15. Cheney Clarence, b. pisbon, Apr. 6, i860; m. Mar. 18, 1890, Annie Granville Sides, of Portsmouth. He res. Auburn, Me General manager Carman-Thompson Co. , Steam Engineers, Lewiston, Me. Child : a. Stanley Sides, b. Nov. 8, 1892. GENEALOGIES — BROWN 63 I. Robert Brown was b. Jan. 25, 1778, and came to Bristol from Bow. First taxed here in 1818. He built and operated a tannery and shoe shop on south side of Pleasant street next to the river where is now the Riverside house. He m. Apr. 24, 1799, Sarah Clement. She was b. Oct. 16, 1771, and d. Bristol, July 24, 1844, ae. 72-9-8. He d. Bristol, July 6, 1854, ae. 76-4- II. Both members of Methodist church. CHILDREN 2. John, b. Jan. 23, 1800; d. Mar. 17, 1811. *3. Samuel Clement, b. Mar. 13, 1802. 4. Relief, b. Aug. 11, 1804; m. Richard H. Sawyer. (See.) 5. Carleton, b. Apr. 24, 1807; drowned July 27, 1811. 6. Sarah, b. Landaff, Nov. i, 1809 ; m. Dr. Moody C. Sawyer. (See.) 7. Mary, b. June 29, 1811 ; d. June 4, 1812. 8. Squires C, b. Nov. 13, 1813. He was in trade in this village ; was married and had one child which was killed by falling down stairs. He d. in Illinois, Aug. 4, 1884, ae. 70-8-21. (3) Samuel C. Brown, b. Mar. 13, 1802, m. Apr. 10, 1823, Martha A. Johnson. He succeeded his father as tanner and currier, and erected, in 1840, the dwelling that now stands between Lake and Pleasant streets. In 1849, he purchased the saw-mill on Lake street and converted it into a tannery. He twice represented Bristol in the legislature ; served as selectman six years ; ten times as moderator at the annuail town meeting, and four years afe town clerk. He emigrated to the West in 1854. She d. in Waukesha, Wis., Oct. 28, 1859. He d. at the home of his son, Charles, in Jackson, Mich., Mar. 19, 1887, ae. 85-0-6. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 9. Martha Ann, b. June 23, 1823 ; m. Mar. 2, 1848, Moses Colcord Hoyt, M.D., for some years a practicing physician in Bristol. She d. in Bristol, Dec. 8, 1851, ae. 28-5-15. Children : a. Leston L. b. Laura. 10. Charles, b. Mar. 28, 1825, d. May 14, 1826. *ii. Charles, b. June 24, 1828. *i2. Edwin Carleton, b. Feb. 15, 1831. 13. John Henry, b. Mar. 15, 1839. No family. (11) Charles Brown, b. June 24, 1828, m. Jane Wilson, Apr. 28, 1859. See was the dau. of Robert and Phebe (Bettey) Wilson, and was b. Orange, Mar. i, 1828. He went West soon after his father ; gave his attention to railroading and became paymaster of the Michigan Central Railroad. He d. Jan. 28, 1889, ae. 60-7-4, in Jackson, Mich. CHILDREN 14. Kate Matilda, b. Waukasha, Sept. 9, i860 ; m. Julian J. Bennett, Sept. 21, 1881. 15. Anna Martha, b. W., Mar. 7, 1862 ; m. Harry R. Hall, Apr. 5, 1882. 64 HISTORY OP BRISTOL i6. Willis Harvey, b. Jan. 7, 1866, at W.; m. Rose Beach, May 6, 1891. 17. Harry C, b. Dec. 3, 1867, at Brookfield, Wis. (12) Edwin C. Brown, b. Feb. 15, 1831, m. Jan. 4, 1859, Sarah P. Blake, at Milwaukee, Wis., and now res. 859 Cass Ave., Detroit, Wis. He has been for many years superintend ent of the Michigan Central railway. CHILDREN 18. Marion Denison. 19. Frank Sherburne 20. Saidee Carleton. I. Joseph Henry Brown, son of Labon, was b. in Salis bury, Dec. 13, 1795. He was in Bristol as early as 1820, and m. Feb. 29, 1822, Sally, dau. of Rowell Straw. He succeeded her father on the Home farm just above the schoolhouse near Solon DoUoff's, and near where the schoolhouse now is, he had a cabinet shop. Mrs. Brown d., and he m., Sept. 16, 1824, Jane, dau. of Benjamin Kidder (See), b. July 30, 1797. He removed to Danbury in 1835. He was a contractor in constructing a section of the F'ranklin and Bristol railroad. A partner drew $1,700 from the company to pay the workmen and decamped, and Mr. Brown yvas obliged to mortgage his farm to make good the loss. She d. Danbury, Aug. 26, 1880, ae. 82-0-26 ; he d. Dec. 15, 1886, ae. 91-0-2. CHILDREN *2. Amos P. H., b. Bristol, Apr. 21, 1823. 3. Mary A., b. B., Feb. 8, 1827 ; unm.; res. Danbury. 4. David Wiggin, b. B., June 18, 1829. Res. Danbury. He m. Malinda Flanders, Wilmot. She d. Nov. 1890. Children : a. Charles Henry, d. in Wilmot, aged 3 years. b. Nellie M., m. Edward Braley, Hebron. Two children. 5. Chastina, b. B., Oct., 7, 1831 ; m. Jan. 11, 1855, Charles P. Wells, son of Josiah and Eunice (Whittemore) Wells, b. July 4, 1829. Res. New London. Children : a. Ella M., b. Wilmot, Oct. 7, 1855; m. Apr. 15, 1891, John Colby, New London. b. Augusta A., b. Danbury, Nov. 28, 1857. Res. N. L. c. Frank E., b. D., Apr. 23, i860; m. Aug. 10, 1895, Sarah A. Fifield, Webster. d. John E., b. D., July 15, 1862 ; res. N. L. e. Mary C, b. D., Oct. 4, 1864, m. Frank Roberts, Aug. 15, 1882. /. Addie J., b. D., Dec. 29, 1867 ; m. Dec. 22, 1885, Horatio E. Luce, Woodstock, Vt. g. Anna L., b. Springfield, Mar. 7, 1869; m. June 20, 1895, Elmer A. Luce. Res. Prosper, Vt. h. Sarah A., b. S., July 8, 1871. Res. N. L. i. Lillie G., b. S., July 2, 1873 ; res. N. L. .;. Martha E., b. S., Jan. 24, 1877. Res. N. L. T, ^;,,*^f°/^? '^- b- Wilmot, Sept. 26, 1837; m. Mary Ann Goodhue. Res. West Andover. Two children, both deceased 7. Melissa J., b. W., Apr. 23, 1842. Unm. Res. Danbury. GENEALOGIES — BROWN 65 (2) Amos P. H. Brown, b. Apr. 21, 1823, m. (i) Jane, dau. John Clay, (2) Lydia A., dau. Ralph Coburn. He has res. in Pelham since 1875. (See Roll of Honor.) CHILDREN 8. Frank M., b. Wilmot, 1861 ; m. June 4, 1879, Mirah H ,, dau. Louis Little. Manufacturer boots, Haverhill, Mass. She d. Haverhill, Aug. 29, 1892. Child : a. Henry Gibbon, b. June 20, 1880. Shoe cutter, Haverhill. 9. George A., b. Thetford, Vt.; res. Pelham. 10. Phebe Jane, m. Messer ; res. New London. II. Cynthia A., d. at 30, unm. I. In 1771, Enoch Brown went from Seabrook to Weare and there settled. The name of his wife was Betty. They had nine children, the second of whom was 2. Enoch, b. Seabrook, June 10, 1756. He m. Sarah Davis, of Gosport. He was in Weare as late as 1803, and re moved to Bridgewater with his family, where he was a farmer. CHILDREN 3. Benjamin. 4. John. 5. Mary. *6. Dexter, b. Weare, Oct. 23, 1803. 7. Squires. He bought land for a farm one-fourth mile north of the Bristol town farm, and went to Boston to earn money to pay for it and was never heard from later. His brother. Dexter, succeeded to the farm. (6) Dexter Brown, b. Oct. 23, 1803, m. May -, 1819, Deborah, dau. of Benjamin and Abigail (Morgan) Smith, b. Bridgewater, June 20, 1800. He was a farmer in Bridgewater, but about 1850 removed to what is now known as the George D. Cross place near foot of the lake, and in 1852 to Willow street, Bristol village, where he d. June 7, 1858, ae. 54-7-14. She d. Bristol, July 6, 1883, ae. 83-0-16. CHILDREN 8. David Davis, b. Bridgewater, May 29, 1821 ; d. August, 1825, ae. 4-3-- 9. Rufus, b. B., Apr. 16, 1823 ; d. Apr. 27, 1824, ae. l-o-ii. *io. Charles Smith, b. B , Jan. 22, 1825. II. John D. Brown, b B., Feb. 25, 1827; m. Jan i, 1850, Eliza W., widow of Peter Tirrell, and dau. of Jeremiah Bean. (See.) He was a farmer in Hudson, where he d. Sept. 29, 1900, ae. 73-7-4. She res. Hud son Center with her adopted son : a. Henry C, b. Delton, Wis., Feb. 25, 1859, son of Darwin R., and Rhoda M. (Bryant) Woodward. His father d. when he was three years old and he was adopted by John D. Brown. He m. Oct. 9, 1883, Clara Jane, dau. of George R. and Betsey M. (Kidder) Bryant, b. Irasburg, Vt., May 2, i860. He is station agent at Hud son Center. Children: (i) Freddie, LeRoy, b. Nashua, Mar. 20, 1886 ; d. in Irasburg, Vt., Sept. 27, 1888. (2) Ina Louise, b. Hud son Center, Oct. 6, 1889. 12. Squires Smith, b. B., Jan. 6, 1829; m. Jan. 29, 1852, Elizabeth 66 HISTORY OF BRISTOL W., dau. of Peter M. Bean. (See.) They removed to Berea, Ohio. He was a jeweler by trade ; served as a lieutenant in the 177th Regt. Ohio Vols., in the Civil war ; was mayor of Berea in 1868, and again in 1874 ; was publisher of the Berea Grit, and a trustee of the Methodist Episcopal church. He d. Berea, June 5, 1901, ae. 72-4-29. She res. Berea. Children : a. Frank, b. Berea, Dec. 13, 1856 ; d. Aug. 27, 1865, ae. 8-8-14. b. Fred Clarence, b. Berea, Oct. 23, 1869 ; m. Nov. 5, 1892, Delia Cottier. Res. Berea. 13. Deborah Locke, b. B., Feb. 26, 1831 ; m. Samuel H. Tilton. (See.) 14. David Lyman, b. B., Jan. 27, 1835 ; d. Bristol, Apr. 30, i860, ae. 25-3-3. unm. 15. Sarah Marinda, b. B., Jan. 4, 1837 ; m. James W. Griffith. (See.) 16. Francena, b. B., Nov. 22, 1839; d. Dec. — , 1840. *I7. Rufus Dearborn, b. B., May 25, 1842. (10) Charles S. Brown, b. Jan. 22, 1825, m. Sept. 26, 1850; Orinda Carpenter, dau. of Henry and Elizabeth (Buck) Tilton, b. Sept. 16, 1823, in Hebron. They came to Bristol from Bridgewater about 1852, and he became an employee in paper-mill. He served in 12th Regt. N. H. Vols. (See Roll of Honor.) She d. Bristol, Mar. 8, 1869, ae. 45-5-22, and he m. Sept. II, 1869, Ruth P., widow of Merrill P. Simonds. (See.) He d. Mar. 8, 1886, ae 6r-i-i6. She resides Bristol. CHILDREN 18. Ellen Frances, b. Bridgewater, Oct. 17, 1851 ; m. Hiram T. Heath. (See.) 19. Frank Eugene, b. Bristol, Aug. 5, 1853; m. July 4, 1888, Mrs. Nellie M. (Gove) Jameson. He was a teamster in Bristol and was killed by being thrown from his team, Dec. 13, 1888. A wheel passed over his neck breaking it. His age was 35-4-8. His widow removed to Concord. No children. 20. John Henry, b. B., Feb. 19, 1855; m. in Boston, Mass., Sept. 22, 1892, Ellen Elizabeth Noble. Is a dealer in groceries in Boston. (17) Rufus D. Brown, b. May 25, 1842, m. (i) Dec. 2, 1862, Lydia Ann, dau. Ozias and Lydia (Patten) Walker, b. Alexandria, 1841 ; (2) in 1880, Mary Jane Calley, b. New Hampton. He was an employee at Dow & Mason's paper-miU; went to California in January, 1869, and returned in October, 1870. Was a spinner at woolen-mill of Holden & Co., and of the Dodge-Davis Manf. company, and since Dec, 1897, at Franklin Falls. Bass singer, Democrat, Odd Fellow, Fireward 10 years. CHILD 21. George Francis, b. Bristol, Oct. 24, 1865 ; m. June 10, 1899, Mrs. Cora M. Kimball, dau. of Reuben K. and Mary Blanchard, b. Franklin June 12, 1869. He is a spinner at Franklin Falls. ' I . John Browne, said by tradition to have been a Scotch man, was b. in England between 1589 and 1595. He was a baker in London. Apr. 17, 1635, he embarked on the Elizabeth, GENEALOGIES — BROWN 67 landed at Boston, and went to Salem, Mass. In 1638, he became one of the first settlers in Hampton, w'here he was a farmer and stock raiser, but engaged in ship building. He was one of the largest land owners in the town and the third man in wealth on the oldest tax list of the town. He m., in 1640, Sarah Walker, who also came from London, in ship Elizabeth. She was b. 1618, and d. in Hampton, July 6, 1672, ae. 54. On the- town records of Hampton is recorded : ' 'John Browne, Aged about ninetie years. Died upon the 28h Day february 1686." Of his many children, one was 2. Jacob, b. 1658, m. Sarah, dau. of William and Mary Brook, of Portsmouth; d. Hampton, Feb. 13, 1740, ae. 82. Of their children, 3. Samuel was b. September, 1686. He m. Elizabeth Maloon, about 1708, and d. Hampton, Jan. 14, 1772, ae. 85-4-. She d. Feb. 9, 1764. A son, or grandson, of Samuel was 4. Joseph, b. Hampton, moved to what is now Danville, and in Oct., 1781, to Andover, and there d. a little later than 1800. He had seven children, of whom the fourth was 5. Henry, b. in Danville, 1775. He m. Lovey Ladd of Gilmanton, moved to Bridgewater in 18 17, and settled on what is now known as the Woodman farm, on the River road. There he d. 1834, ae. 59. CHILDREN 6. Hannah, b. Andover, 1797 (?) ; d. Bridgewater, 1862, ae. about 65. »7. James, b. A., July 3, 1805. 8. Mary Potter, b. A., Sept. 12, 1816 ; m. Seth Spencer. (See.) (7) James Brown, b. July 3, 1805, m. Nov. 18, 1830, Judith Blaisdell, dau. of John and Nancy (Pressey) Harron, b. Bridgewater, Jan. 12, 1807. He was a farmer in New Hamp ton and Bridgewater. Was deacon of the Second Free Baptist church in Bridgewater. They removed to Bristol in 1867, where she d. June 12, 1883, ae. 76-5-0. He made his home for 20 years previous to 1895, in the family of his son, John Henry, at Bristol, but spent his last days with his son, Manson S., at Ply mouth, where he d. Jan! 17, 1898, ae. 92-6-14. CHILDREN 9. Mary Elizabeth, b. Bridgewater, Dec. 5, 1831 ; m. Nov. 30, 1852, Dudley Marshall. 10. Joseph Harron, b. New Hampton, Dec. 19, 1833 ; m. May i, 1862, Harriet Newell, dau. Joseph and Harriet Newell (Frye) Huse, b. Dan ville, Vt., Aug. 18, 1837. He d. Concord, Mar. 16, 1900, ae. 66-2-27. From 1862, till 1869, he was a preacher of the Free Baptist denomination. In 1870, he united with the New Hampshire Conference of the Methodist Episcopal church and filled various pastorates till 1892. The remaining years of his life were mainly devoted to Bible distribution for the New Hampshire Bible society. Mrs. Brown res. Lancaster. Child : a. Orlana Jane, b. Stafford Bow Lake, Sept. 10, 1863 ; m. June 16, 1895, John Merritt Morse, Lancaster. 68 HISTORY OF BRISTOL II. Manson S., b. Bridgewater, Nov. 29, 1835; m. Apr. 19, 1859, Ann P. E., dau. Kimball Whitney, b. May 24, 1835. (See.) During the Civil war he served as principal musician in the 13th Regt. N. H. Vols, from Aug. 15, 1862, till June 21, 1865. Is a farmer in Plymouth. Has served several terms as sheriff of Grafton County. Was a member of New Hampshire senate in i885-'6. She d. Plymouth, May 28, 1903, ae. 68-0-4. 12. John Henry, d. in infancy. 13. Hester Ann, b. B., Jan. 25, 1839; m. Mar. i, 1865, Melvin A. Dame. She d. at Stafford, Mar. 14, 1866, ae. 27-1-19. 14. Hannah Angeline, b. B., July 31, 1841 ; m. Oct. 5, 1875, John D. Harris. Shed, at Ipswich, Mass., Apr. 5, 1893, ae. 51-8-4. 15. Josephine G., b. B., Feb. 5, 1844; m. Dec. 16, 1865, William H. Abel, and d. June 20, 1869, ae. 25-4-15. 16. Lovinia G., b. B., Apr. 13, 1847; m. July 20, 1870, William H. Abel, and d. Aug. 7, 1870, ae. 23-3-24. 17. John Henry, b. B., May 20, 1850. He came to Bristol with his parents in 1867, and m. June 10, 1872, Marietta S., dau. of Joseph and Sally C. (Cram) Lougee, b. Sanbornton, Sept. 22, 1849. He was in trade in Abel's block some years ; was in the lumber business and a land sur veyor ; railway mail clerk on the Boston, Concord and Montreal railroad i88i-'82 ; postmaster at Bristol i882-'85 ; selectman at Bristol eight years ; was deputy sheriff i887-'9i ; represented his town in the legislature of 1891. He was traveling freight and claim agent for the Boston, Concord and Montreal railroad from May, 1891, till its lease to the Boston & Maine, and since July i, 1895, has been claim agent for New Hampshire for the Boston & Maine railroad, with office in Concord. He is a promi nent Republican politician, and has served as a member of the Republi can state central committee nearly 25 years. He was commissary general on the staff of Gov. Charles E. Busiel ; was a delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1896, that nominated William McKinley for president, and served as presidential elector in Jan., igoi. He is a Mason and has been a justice of the peace since 1871. He removed from Bristol to Concord in 1895. No children. I. Abraham Brown was b. Franklin, Mar. 17, 1818. He m. Mar. 11, 1841, Lucinda, dau. of Jacob Batchelder of Frank lin, b. Oct. 13, 18 18. He learned the wheelwright trade in Franklin and soon after came to Bristol and worked at his trade ; removed to Bridgewater in 1845 ; thence to Plymouth, where he d. Apr. 14, 1853, ae. 35-0-27- Mrs. Brown m. Feb. 26, 1857, Samuel Currier of Plymouth, where she d. Aug. 21, 1895, ae. 76-10-8. CHILDREN -»2. Sidney Allison, b. Bristol, Apr. 22, 1843. *3. George Augustus, b. B., Apr. 23, 1844. 4. Dora Ann, b. Bridgewater, Jan. 31, 1847; m. Nov. 29, 1882, Edgar Merrill, b. Campton, Mar. 9, 1841. No children. Res. Plymouth. •»5. Clark Jacob, b. B., May 3, 1848. (2) Sidney A. Brown, b. Apr. 22, 1843, m. Jan. 27, 1864, Martha Ann, dau. of John S. and Irena C. (Badger) Shores, b. No. Chelmsford, Mass., Sept. 2, 1845. He is a carriage maker; worked several years for Lovejoy & Kelley in Bristol, and has since worked in Amesbury, Mass., and other places ; now res. 7 Abbott street, Medford, Mass. Gen. John H. Brown GENEALOGIES — BROWN 69 CHILDREN 6. Eva May, b. New Hampton, June 6, 1866; d. Plymouth, Sept. 2, 1867, ae. 1-2-26. 7. Everett Currier, b. N. H., Jan. 5, 1869. In Boston Art School. 8. Fred Clark, b. N. H., Apr. 5, 1871 ; d. Plymouth, Feb. 12, 1873, ae. 1-10-7. (3) George A. Brown, b. Apr. 23, 1844, m. Nov. 18, 1869, Augusta S., dau. Thomas and Mary (Emerson) Shute, b. Bridgewater, Mar. 2, 1847. Have res. Nebraska, now in Hud son, Mass. CHILDREN lo. Mora E^ttua} ^- Palmyra, Neb., Aug. 24, 1875. Flora E., m. Herbert F. Carter, Oct. 12, 1898. Child: a. Laura Mabel, b. June 21, 1900, in Quincy, Mass. II. Melzana Frances, b. Dec. 12, 1880, in Red Cloud, Neb. (5) Clark J. Brown, b. May 3, 1848, m. July i, 1877, Emma Azuba, dau. of John G. and Diana (Heath) Jack, b. Meadville, Pa., Jan. 18, 1852. Res. 5 Court St., White Plains, N. Y. CHILDREN 12. Blanche Effie, b. Randolph, N. Y., June 25, 1878. 13. Ethel Dorothy, b. R., June 12, 1880. 14. Fred Clark, b. R., July 6, 1881. 15. Reba Alice, b. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 25, 1886. 16. Florence May, b. A., Oct. 10, 1887. 17. Carl Batchelder, b. Jamestown, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1890. I. Lieut. Daniel Brown, son of Jonathan, was b. in Candia, May 10, 1 77 1. He m. Elizabeth French, b. Kingston, Dec. 11, 1774. They settled in Bridgewater after two of their children were b. and here they passed the remainder of their lives. She d. Feb. II, 1831, from taking a dose of tartar emetic, put up by a druggist for cream of tartar, ae. 56-2-0. He d. Mar. 14, i860, ae. 88-10-4. CHILDREN 2. Betsey, b. Candia, Feb. 14, 1791, m. Paul Perkins, Mar. 16, 1813. Children : a. Daniel. b. Mehitable. c. David. d. Betsey. 3. Jonathan, b. C, Oct. 23, 1793 ; m. Pope, and lived in Bridge- water, Mass. Children : a. Henry. b. Mary. 4. Nancy, b. Bridgewater, May 6, 1798 ; m. Daniel Cummings ; d. in Ashland, in Feb., 1895, ae. 96-9- 5. Joshua French, b. B., July 16, 1800. 6. Daniel, b. B., July 11, 1802; d. Jan. 10, 1803. 7. Daniel, b. B., Feb. 14, 1805 ; d. in the South of yellow fever. *8! Richard, b. B., Sept. 4, 1807. 9. Simeon Batchelder, b. B., Mar. i, 1812. 10. Parker Merrill, b. B., July 6, 1816. 5« 70 HISTORY OF BRISTOL (8) Richard Brown, b. Sept. 4, 1807, m. Nov. 2, 1833, Mary (Cynthia, dau. of Charles and Margaret Mitchell, b. Bridge- water, July 28, 1809. She d. in Bridgewater, Aug. 15, i88r, ae. 72-0-17. He was a farmer in Bridgewater, but late in life removed to Bristol, res. on Lake street. He d. in family of his son, George, at New Hampton, Sept. 27, 1896, ae. 89-0-23. CHILDREN II. George, b. Bridgewater, Jan. i, 1835 ; m. Apr. 2, 1857, Susan Jane Mitchell. They res. New Hampton. Child : a. Ora John, b. Oct. 15, 1865. *I2. Daniel Mitchell, b. B., Apr. 12, 1842. #13. Curtis, b. B., Jan. 12, 1847. 14. John Smith, b. B., Aug. 11, 1848 ; d. Feb. i, 1866, ae. 17-5-20. *i5. Herman Richard, b. B., Jan. 25, 1850. (12) Daniel M. Brown, b. Apr. 12, 1842, m. Nov. 10, 1869, Frances Emma, dau. John G. and Eliza A. (Dow) Mars ton, b. Bristol, Jan. 30, 1847. They res. Bristol, 1872 to 1876, since in Plymouth. Laborer. CHILDREN 16. Alberta, b. Bristol, Dec. 23, 1872. 17. Margaret, b. Plymouth, July i, 1876. (13) Curtis Brown, b. Jan. 12, 1847, m. Nov. 29, 1866, Lucy A., dau. of Isaac C. Tilton. (See.) He came to Bristol in May, 1866, was clerk in store of Geo.'M. Cavis, and' later in store of Lucius W. Hammond. He d. of typhoid fever, Nov. 9, 1871, ae. 24-9-27. His widow res. Webster. CHILDREN 18. Lora Edith, b. Bristol, May 29, 1S68. Was graduated from New Hampton Literary Institution, 1888. Taught school. Bookkeeper in Con cord ; m. Apr. 30, 1901, Fred Corser and res. Webster. 19. Arthur Curtis, b. B., Apr. 13, 1870; m. Apr. 12, 1893, Eva Jane, dau. Stillman Clark. (See. ) Salesman dry goods store, Franklin Falls. a. Stuart Arthur, b. Pittsfield, Aug. 8, 1895. b. Floyd Merlin, b. Laconia, July 4, 1901. (15) Herman R. Brown, b. Jan. 25, 1850, m. Jan. 23, 1872, Mary Addie, dau. of John McCutcheon and Mary Ann (Oilman) Fogg, b. Bridgewater, Feb. 9, 1853. He d. Bridge- water, Jan. 3, 1889, ae. 38-11-8, and his family came to Bristol with his father in AprU, 1S89. Mrs. Brown res. Franklin. CHILDREN 20. Annie Cynthia, b. Bridgewater, Dec. 29, 1875. Res. Franklin- unm. , ' 21. Claude Herman, b. B., Sept. 10, 1878. Res. Newton Center, Mass. I. George Gale Brown, son of Benjamin Butler and Phebe (Gale) Brown, was b. Northfield, Oct. 20, 1837. He located in Bristol in 1862. Was a merchant tailor, blacksmith, hotel GENEALOGIES — BROWN 71 keeper, had a meat market two or three years ; and was in the grain business six or eight years. He was a lover and owner of good horses. He removed to Tilton in the faU of 1888, where he now resides. In grain business at TUton, Ashland, and Con toocook. He m. Nov., 1863, Ada Byron, dau. of PhUip and Lydia Reed, b. Claremont, June 17, 1836; d. Bristol, Nov. 3, 1865, ae. 29-4-16. He m. July 16, 1867, Ellen Elizabeth, dau. Josiah D. Prescott. (See.) She d. Bristol, Nov. 7, 1874, ae. 30-9-8. He m.. May 30, 1901, Mrs. Etta Frances Shaw, dau. of John W. and Ann (Dearborn) Johnson, of East Tilton. CHILDREN 2. George Henry, b. Bristol, Sept. 15, 1865 ; d. May 21, 1866. 3. Ada May, b. B., Sept. 27, 1869; m. George B. Cavis. (See.) 4. Nellie Prescott, b. B., Oct. 31, 1874; m. Mar. 21, 1901, George Henry Davis, Tilton. Child : a. Mary Elizabeth, b. Tilton, Dec. 20, 1902. I. Charles Gale Brown, a brother of above, was b. North- field, Dec. II, 1835. He went to sea at the age of 14 years, and spent most of his life on the water, visiting many of the princi pal ports of the world. Served in the United States navy 20 years. Came to Bristol in 1880, and made his home with his brother, George G., where he d. Apr. 2, 1885, ae. 49-3-21 ; unm. I. Stewart I. Brown is the son of John S. and Sophia C. Brown, and was b. Penacook, Nov. 6, 1848. He is a lineal descendant of Peter Brown, who landed from the Mayflower at Plymouth, in 1620. Nov. 21, 1893, he m. Mary Ella, dau. of John F. and Eliza J. Danforth, b. Penacook, Apr. 11, 1869. He was in trade in Penacook, from 1886 till 1897, when he came to Bristol and became a member of the firm of Weymouth, Brown & Co., who still keep a country store in the stand formerly occupied by Cyrus Taylor. CHILD 2. Donald, b. May 26, 1897. I. William I. Brown is the son of Iddo S. and Roxana (Pingree) Brown. He was b. Wilmot, Feb. 24, 1846, and m. Dec. 20, 1874, Sarah F., dau. of Daniel and Armida J. (Pres cott) Sanborn, b. Danbury, July 9, 1854. He came to Bristol from West Lebanon, in June, 1898, and is express messenger between Bristol and Concord. Iddo S. Brown was a soldier of the War of [812. CHILD 2. Grace F., b. Concord, June 15, 1878 ; m. Dec. 19, 1900, Joseph H. Folsom. 72 HISTORY OF BRISTOL I. Clarissa Brown, dau. of Amos and Nancy Brown, b. Concord, July i8, 1800, was an operative in mill at Lowell for 22 years. She made her home with her sister, Mrs. Jacob N. Darling from 1855. Insane. She d. Bristol, June 20, 1881, ae. 80-11-2. 2. Salome E. Brown, a sister of the above, was b. Wheel ock, Vt., Mar. 4, 1806 ; made her home for some years with her sister, Mrs. Darling ; d. Centennial Home, Concord, Dec. 2, 1890, ae. 84-8-28. THE BRYANT FAMILY I. Col. John Stephens Bryant, son of John and Eleanor (Bickford) Bryant, was b. Laconia, Apr. 11, 1800. He m., Sept. 22, 1822, Hannah P. Edwards, dau. of John (See), b. May 20, 1801. His father served in the War of 1812 ; was wounded, and afterward a prisoner. John S. commenced life as a busi ness man in Hill, in 1820, and in summer of 1826, removed to Bristol and built "a large colonial house" on the site of the Bristol Savings bank. Here he kept hotel for a time and had a cabinet shop in the second story of the ell. The buildings were destroyed by fire Oct. 15, 1829. Though crippled financially, in less than three years he was living in another fine residence on the same site. In 1837, he built the brick house on Pleasant street recently owned by Ezekiel Follansbee, and occupied it two years, when he sold to Gustavus Bartlett, and removed to Haverhill, in 1839. Col. Bryant was a public spirited man. He was colonel of the 34th Regt. militia, and deputy sheriff several years. After removing to Haverhill, he was admitted to the bar and practiced law from 1845 till 1873. He lived to celebrate his golden wedding. He d. at Haverhill, Sept. 6, 1873, ae. 73-4-25 ; she d. same place, June 7, 1893, ae. 92-0-17. CHILDREN 2. Ann, b. Hill, July 3, 1823; m. Gardner Elliott, Sept. 23, 1845. He was b. Jan. 20, 1814, at Thornton, and d. Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 14, 1876. At marriage removed from Bristol to-Eutah, Ala., and here their children were born. Later resided in Brooklyn, N. Y. After death of her husband she resided with her children at Perth Amboy, N. J. Chil dren : a. George Frank, a captain in the United States Marine Corps. His duties have taken him from Spitzbergen on the north to the extreme south, and around the world more than once. He was cap tain of marines at Japan during the Chinese-Japanese war. He m. Anna Mansfield, dau. of Commodore Oscar C. Badger, U. S. Navy. One dau., Daisy Sinclair. b. Helen Gardner, m. Augustus E. Marston, Brooklyn, N. Y., a professor of chemistry. One child, Maria Louise. He d. in early life and she m. (2) Dr. Augustus H. Buckmaster, of New York, in 1888. Children: (i) Elliott. (2) Helen. GENEALOGIES — BRYAR 73 c. Anna Bessie, m. Eugene J. Higgins, Walpole, Va. Two chil dren : (i) Eugene Elliott. (2) John de B. He d. and she m. (2) Charles C. Hommann, a lawyer of Perth Amboy, N. J. Child : Charles Chauncey. d. Louise Burleigh, d. Haverhill, 1870, aged nearly 6 years. 3. George Franklin, b. Bristol ; d. at 17, while a student at Dart mouth college. He was a young man of great promise. 4. Hannah Louise, b. B., Mar. 7, 1833 ; m. in September, 1854, Hon. George W. Burleigh of Somersworth, a. prominent lawyer, and agent of Great Falls Manufacturing Co. for 15 years. He d. Apr. 26, 1878 ; she d. Mar. 26, 1894, at New Rochelle, N. Y., ae. 61-0-19. Children : a. Helen Louise, m. Lieut. G. A. Merriam, U. S. Navy. b. Sarah Noble, m. William B. Greeley, a lawyer. Res. New Rochelle, N. Y. c. George William, a lawyer, m. 1894, Iris Yturbide Stockton. Res. New York city. THE BRYAR FAMILY I. Charles Albert Bryar, the son of Jonathan K., and Maria Ann (Annis) Bryar, was b. No. Groton, Feb. 12, 1862. He m., Dec. 18, 1882, Denelda May, dau. Daniel S. and Mary Ann (Pierce) Putney, b. Hebron, Dec. 5, 1861. He has been a farmer, carpenter, wood turner, blacksmith, machinist, and is now a millwright in the employ of the Dodge-Davis Manf. Co. He came to Bristol in May, 1900, and res. Crescent street. CHILDREN 2. Ernest Kilburn, b. Hebron, July 9, 1883. 3. Merton Kitteridge, b. No. Groton, July 26, 1884. 4. Arlena May, b. Hebron, Sept. 22, 1886. 5. John Silver, b. H., June 21, 1891. 6. Harold Keith, b. H., Aug. 27, 1893. 7. Hazel Maria, b. H., July 7, 1896. THE BRYSON FAMILY I. John Bryson, son of James, was b. Londonderry, Ire land, in 1834. He m. Mary Ann Kelley, b. 1835, in Dublin, Ireland. Machinist. He served as a private in a Maine regi ment in the CivU war. He came to Bristol about 1872, and worked at his trade, and here d. Oct. 22, 1890, ae. 56 years. She d. Bristol, May 9, 1898, ae. 63. CHILDREN 2. Thomas Dorathy, b. Portland, Me., June 13, 1857. Came to Bris tol with his parents and has been an operative in the Train-Smith Co.'s paper-mill. Unm. 3. John James, b. Portland, Me., Apr. 11, 1866; came to Bristol m 1872, and m., Sept. 21, 1884, Myrtie, dau. George C. and Hattie (Heath) Flanders, b. Danbury, Sept. 21, 1870. She is a dressmaker. He has operated hair dressing rooms in Bristol for 20 years. »4. William Matthews, b. Portland, Me., May 16, 1869. 74 HISTORY OF BRISTOL (4) William M. Bryson, b. May i6,- 1869, m. May 12, 1892, Mary EUa, dau. of Joseph A. Decato (See.), b. Apr. 13, 1875. Has been for several years operative in paper-mill. Catholic. CHILDREN 5. Villa EUa, b. Bristol, June 23, 1893. 6. Earl Edward, b. B., Oct. 27, 1897; d. Dec. 24, 1897. 7. Esther Agnes, b. B., Apr. 6, 1901. THE BUCKLIN FAMILY I. Moses Bucklin was b. in Enfield, Jan. 13, 1795. He m. Delight, dau. of Otis Kilton, b. Grafton Center, in 1803. He was a man of more than ordinary intelligence and ability. Before the days of railroads, he was a dealer in grain, which he purchased in Enfield, and drew to Boston or Providence with his own two-horse team, and there disposed of it. He was wide ly known as an inventor. He invented an improved pump, which supplanted the old wooden pump. The Ford harrow, which was extensively used throughout the United States, was his invention, and from it he derived at one time a large income. He made several trips to Washington concerning his inventions, and on one trip he rode on the first passenger train between Baltimore and Washington. His wife d, in 1865, ae. 62 years, and he subsequently made his home with his son, Otis K., in Bristol, till the death of the latter, when he went to reside with his son, Frank K., at East Tilton, where he d. Sept. 28, 1889, ae. 94-8-15. He was the father of ten children. 2. Otis Kilton Bucklin, son of Moses, was b. Woburn, Mass., July 9, 1829. When a boy his father removed to Graf ton, and there he resided till 1852, when he went to California. After four years he returned to Grafton, and m., Oct. 16, 1856, Elizabeth, dau. of Henry and Dorothy Gray, b. Sheffield, Vt., Apr. 7, 1838. He was engaged in the hotel business at Graf ton till December, 1867, when he purchased the Bristol House and removed to Bristol. The next season he built the present hotel and was its proprietor and landlord, with the exception of a brief interval, tiU Oct., 1886. (See Taverns.) He was for some years the owner of the carriage factory on Central street, and there engaged in the manufacture of carriages. (See Manu facturing Industries.) He d. May 11, 1887, ae. 57-10-2. Mrs. BuckUn makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. Frank H. Lovejoy, on Beech street. CHILDREN 3. Addie Jane, b. Grafton, Dec. 11, 1857 ; m. Edgar O. Fowler, M. D. (See.) 4. Etta Belle, b. G., Apr. i, 1859; m. Dr. Charles H. White. (See.) 5. Hattie Louise, b. G., Oct. 2, i860; m. Frank H. Lovejoy (See ) 6. Son, b. Bristol, July 24, 1868; d. B., Aug. 4, 1868. ¦k Otis K. Bucklin GENEALOGIES — BUNKER 75 THE BUNKER FAMILY I. Karl F. Bunker, son of Charles, was b. Rumney, July 8, 1874. He m., Mar. 2, 1895, Edna Isabel, dau. of George Scott Tilton. (See.) He was a teamster in Bristol for a few years, and removed to Rumney. CHILD 2. Charles F., b. Bristol, Oct. 9, 1895. THE BURLEIGH FAMILY I . James Warren Burleigh is the son of James and Nancy (Leavitt) Burleigh. He was b. Stratham, Dec. 10, 1838. Aug. 19, i86i, he enlisted in Co. D, 3rd Regt. N. H. Vols., from Brentwood, and served till Aug. 23, 1864. In the assault on Fort Wagner, S. C, July, 1863, he was wounded. A piece of spent shell struck his knee. Hem. Nov. 13, 1865, Jane B., dau. of David Ham, b. Strafford, Dec. 14, 1836. He came to Bristol 1868, and carried on the John F. Merrow stock farm for fourteen years, when he bought the Oilman farm adjoining where he still lives. CHILD 2. Sadie Viola, b. Bristol, June 29, 1869. Graduated from New Hampton Literary Institution. She m. Charles F. Huckins. (See.) THE BURPEE FAMILY Andrew Fales Burpee, son of Samuel and Sally (Fales) Burpee, was b. New London, Oct. 23, 1836. He. m. Aug. 19, 1857, Ellen Maria, dau. Hosea Ballou. (See.) He served in Co. C, 12th Regt. N. H. Vols, in Civil war on quota of Alexan dria. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862, and was discharged for disability at Concord, Apr. 25, 1863. In July, 1863, he settled in Bristol, Summer street. Blacksmith. He d. Bristol, Oct. 4, 1877, ae. 40-11-11, from a gunshot wound in the back received by the accidental discharge of a gun in the hands of his son while hunting. His widow d. Bristol, Apr. 10, 1899, ae. 61-8-17. children *2. Ira Ballou, b. Lakeland, Minn., May 11, 1858. 43. Don Alphonso, b. Bristol, Dec. 29, 1864. 4. Minnie Ula, b. B., June 21, 1869; d. Sept. 7, 1869. 5. Nellie Maria, b. Alexandria, Aug. 3, 1872 ; m. Warren F. Keyser. (See.) (2) Ira B. Burpee, b. May 11, 1858, m. Jan. 10, 1880, Hattie Belle, dau. Israel Tukey." (See.) He has been, since 1886, foreman of the Train-Smith company's pulp-miU, and 76 HISTORY OF BRISTOL has served four years as fireward of the Fire Precinct. Repub lican. CHILDREN 6. Annie Lora, b. Bristol, Apr. 4, 1881 ; d. Sept. 2, 1881. 7. Frank Ira, b. B., Apr. 5, 1882. Is an employee at pulp-mill. (3) Don A. Burpee, b. Dec. 29, 1864, m. July 9, 1887. Ida Frances, dau. Elbridge Braley, who d. Bristol, Sept. 10, 1896, ae. 26-4-8. He m. Mar. 15, 1899, Aldonna Louise, dau. Fremont A. Grey, b. New Hampton, 1879. He is an employee at Calley & Currier's crutch factory. Odd Fellow. Mason. K. of P. Republican. CHILDREN 8. Lena Maud, b. Bristol, Nov. 30, 1887. 9. Lottie Lola, b. B., June 12, 1889. 10. Darius George, b. B., Jan. 5, 1891. II. Harry Don, b. B., Mar. 12, 1893. 12. Lewis Lampson, b. B., Sept. 22, 1899. 13. Claude Basil, b. B., Nov. 28, 1901. THE BUTTRICK FAMILY The founder of the Buttrick family in America was William Buttrick, b. in England about 1617. He settled in Concord, Mass., in 1635, on a farm embracing the spot where the Minute- men stood when they received the first shot fired in the Revolu tionary war. Maj. John Buttrick, who led the company of Minutemen on that memorable occasion was a great-grandson of William. The farm still remains in the possession of the But trick family. The line of descent is as follows : I. William Buttrick, named above, b. in England about 16 17. He had eight children of whom the fourth was 2. Samuel. Of his six children, one was 3. Jonathan. He was the father of fourteen children. One of them was Maj. John Buttrick mentioned above, and another, the fifth, was 4. Nathan. He was the father of six children, of whom the fourth was 5. Eli, b. Concord. He m. Sarah Parker. They settled in Concord, Mass., but in the early years of the 19th century, removed to South Alexandria and settled on what is still known as the Buttrick farm. He removed to Bristol as early as 1824, and was toll gatherer for the Central Bridge corporation occu pying the toll house from 1824 till 1828, or later. CHILDREN 6. William Parker, b. Jan. 25, 1792; d. Feb. 4, 1815, ae. 23-0-9. 7. Sarah, b. Oct. 17, 1793 ; d. May 20, 1866, ae. 72-7-3. *8. Nathan, b. Oct. 14, 1795. GENEALOGIES — BUTTRICK 7 7 9. Fvlijah, b. Apr. 5, 1797. He was a tax-payer in Bristol, i825-'27 ; d. July I, 1827, ae. 30-2-26. 10. Lydia, b. Dec. 8, 179S ; d. Apr. 25, 1869, ae. 70-4-17. II. John Bateman, b. Oct. 29, iSoo ; d. Jan. 25, 1861, ae. 60-2-26. 12. Ann R. B. Aug. 25, 1802 ; d. Sept. 19, 1876, ae. 74-0-24. 13. Eli, b. Oct. 9, 1804; d. Oct. 24, 1823, ae. 19-0-15. 14. Susan W., b. Feb. 10, 1807 ; d. Mar. 28, 1874, ae. 67-1-18. 15. Emily, b. May 14, 1809; d. June 12, 1863, ae. 54-0-28. 16. Hiram, b. Dec. 17, 1811 ; d. Dec. i, 1886, ae. 74-11-14. 17. Horace, b. June 3, 1814; d. May 6, 1869, ae. 54-11-3. 18. William P., b. Dec. i, 1817; d. Feb. 3, 1851, ae. 33-2-2. (8) Nathan Buttrick, b. Oct. 14, 1795, m. Mary Clifford, dau. of Ebenezer, of Alexandria, b. Mar. 29, 1793. He suc ceeded his father on the home farm, and here his children were b. He d. Oct. 8, 1881, ae. 85-11-24; she d. Dec. 10, 1875, ae. 82-8-1 I. CHILDREN •S-19. Nathan Bateman, b. Alexandria, Jan. 1, 1822. 20. John Adams, b. A., Feb. 13, 1828. 21. Charles Wesley, b. A., Oct. 16, 1830. -»22. George Francis, b. A., Nov. 7, 1835. (19) Dea. Nathan B. Buttrick, b. Jan. i, 1822, m. Nov. 25, 1847, Elizabeth Pingree, dau. Samuel and Lydia (Pills- bury) Taylor, b. Sept. 27, 1825, in Danbury. He is a car penter and farmer. They removed to Bristol in March, 1855, and res. on Lake street. He is deacon of the Congregational church. Democrat. CHILDREN 23. Adelaide Augustine, b. Danbury, Aug. 23, 1849; m. Sept. 30, 1884, Angus Dunkason, son of Henry, b. Pictore, Nova Scotia, Dec. 15, 1848. They res. Fitchburg, Mass. Children : a. Raymond Bateman, b. Fitchburg, Mass , Jan. 30, 1888. b. Alice Elisabeth, b. F., Oct. 27, 1890. 24. Frank Willis, b. Grafton, July 29, 1854; d. B., Oct. 13, 1857, ae. 3-2-14. (22) George F. Buttrick, b. Nov. 7, 1835, m. Oct. 18, i860, Laura Ann, dau. of Benjamin and Mehitable (Huckins) Cass, b. Bristol, Oct. 25, 1836. He was a teamster in Boston five years ; in trade in Rollins 's block in Bristol three years from spring of 1864 ; was a glove-cutter for 18 years for Kent & Berry and Milton A. Kent ; was a salesman in Tilton three years and then returned to Bristol. Since the organization of the Electric Light company, in 1889, has been its electrician. He was an official member of the Methodist church, and super intendent of the Sunday-school, and has been for many years a leader of the choir. Democrat. Odd Fellow. CHILDREN *25. Frank Clifton, b. Boston, Mass., July 2, 1861. 26. Infant, b. Nov. 7, 1867 ; d. Nov. 8, 1867. 27. Edgar Roscoe, b. Feb. 12, 1869 ; d. July 20, 1870. ae. 1-5-8. 78 HISTORY OF BRISTOL (25) Frank C. Buttrick, b. July 2, 1861, m. Apr. 10, 1883, Laurette H., dau. of Arial H. George. (See.) He graduated from Boston Dental college ; practiced dentistry a few months in Iowa and several years in Bristol, where he d. Feb. 9, 1892, ae. 30-7-7. She res. Bristol. He was an Odd Fellow. Democrat. CHILD 28. Charles Francis, b. Bristol, Dec. 28, 1884. THE BUXTON FAMILY I. Anson Buxton, son of Simeon Bentley and Caroline E. (BuUard) Buxton, was b. Worcester, Mass., Mar. 18, 1848. Hem. Apr. 25, 1870, Adellah, dau. Josiah and Rosalinda (Cham- berlin) Clough, b. Strafford, Vt., Mar. 13, 1851. He served in Co. F, 2nd Regt. Vt. Infty, enlisting Aug. i, 1862, when but little over 14 years of age; was discharged Feb. 21, 1863, Apr. I, 1863, he enlisted in Co. E, 17th Regt. Vt. Infty. and was discharged July 25, 1865. He came to Bristol in Dec. 1879, res. on Merrimack street, where he has been a blacksmith. CHILDREN 2. Edith, b. Thetford, Vt., Mar. 25, 1871; d. Feb. 21, 1876, ae. 4-10-26. 3. Ulysses Grant, b. Tunbridge, Vt., Feb. i, 1873. He m. Marguerite McKellop, b. Springfield, Mass., 1876. Children: a. Mae. b. Lester. 4. Fred Harris, b. Franklin, May i, 1875; m. Nov. — , 1897, Bell Call, b. Richmond, Vt. They res. Newport. 5. Willie Bradbury, b. Franklin, May 9, 1879. 6. Clarence Edward, b. Bristol, Sept. 25, 1889. 7. Bernice Isadore, b. B., Feb. 14, 1894. THE CALL FAMILY I. Jonas Call was b. in Boscawen, Jan. 8, 1808. He was the son of Silas Call, a captain in the war of 18 12 from Bos cawen, and grandson of Mrs. PhiUp CaU, who was kiUed and scalped by the Indians at what is now known as the Webster place, Franklin, in August, 1754. In 1844, Jonas m. Harriet Newels, dau. of WiUiam and Hannah (Jackson) Bond, b. Jefferson, Me., Sept. 4, 18 14. He was a farmer and mechanic. He came to Bristol from Andover, in October, 1865, and res on Merrimack street, where he d. Jan. 7, 1881, ae. 72-11-29- she d. same place Jan. 8, 1882, ae. 67-4-4. " ' CHILDREN 2. Eva_, b. Jefferson Me., Mar. 26, 1846 ; m. May i, 1869, Charles H. Clay, Farmington and d. m Omaha, Neb., Oct. i, 1901, ae. 55-6-5. He d. Cambridge, Neb., Mar. 4, 1892. Four daughters. 00 0 GENEALOGIES — CALLEY 79 3. Justin Bond, b. J., May 16, 1847. Hem. Emma Brown, Colum bus, Ohio, and res. Denver, Col. *4. Silas William, b. J., Apr. 3, 1849. 5. Amanda Richardson, b. J., June 9, 1850 ; m. George H. Knights. (See.) -»6. Harry Manly, b. J., Oct. 19, 1851. (4) Silas W. Call, b. Apr. 3, 1849, was a dealer in stoves and tinware in Bristol for some years. He m. May 3, 1874, EUa Isabelle, dau. Stephen F. and Sophronia A. Shirley, b. Milford, Nov. 9, 1851. He left Bristol in October, 1883, res. Dover till spring of 1884, when he went to Malvern, Kansas. In fall of 1885, returned to New Hampshire, and has since res. in Manchester. CHILDREN 7. Grace Ella, b. Bristol, Nov. 15, 1875. 8. William Bond, b. B., June 30, 1877. In 1894, entered office of Youth's Companion, Boston. Since 1901, foreman folding department of the " Brown Book of Boston." 9. Anabelle, b. B., May ri, 1880. 10. Justin Mauley, b. B., Dec. 4, 1881 ; is an employee in Youth's Companion office, Boston. II. Shirley Silas, b. B., Sept. 12, 1883. Is with his brother, William B. Call. 12. Ada Augusta, b. Manchester, Mar. 27, 1890; d. Oct. 3, 1890. 13. Ralph Harvey, b. M., May 22, 1891. 14. Ernest Jonas, b. M., May i, 1894. (6) Harry M. CaU, b. Oct. 19, 1851, m. June 25, 1884, Laura EUen, dau. Charles H. and EUen M. Legg, b. LoweU, Mass., Dec. 12, 1861. He is a job printer, doing business at 8 Pratt street, AUston, Mass. CHILDREN 15. Laura Ellen, b. Cambridge, Mass., July 29, 1887. 16. Leella Smith | ^^ po^tland. Me., Feb. 5, 1889. 17. Lalia Blanche/ THE CALLEY FAMILIES I. X. WiUiam CaUey and William CaUey, Jr., were both residents of Stratham at the commencement of the Revolutionary war, and both signed the "Association Test " in that town. 2. WiUiam Calley, Jr., served in the Revolutionary army. He was at Winter HiU, as a private in Capt. Coffin's company in December, 1775, and he served in the Saratoga campaign from Sept. 8, to Dec. 15, i777. as a private in Capt. RoUins's company. Col. Drake's regiment. He m. Stevens and removed to Sanbornton, and there d. Feb. 16, 1809 ; she d. at a later date, at the home of her son, David, m Ashland, ae. over go. They had at least five children : Benjamin, Comfort, Patty, Andrew, and 8o HISTORY OP BRISTOL 3. Capt. David, b. Nov. 15, 1774. He m. June 25, 1797, Sally Folsome, and they settled in New Hampton near the Dana meeting-house, and in 1814, moved to that part of Holderness now Ashland. She d. and he m. (2) Martha Marston, dau. of Jeremiah Marston, b. Feb. 29, 1785. He d. in April, 1847, ae. 72-4-. He had two children by his first wife and twelve by his second. One of the latter was 4. Rev. David Calley, b. in Ashland, Nov. 8, 1815. He m. Sept. 4, 1845, Dorcas Doubleday, dau. John and Lydia (Shepard) Shepard, b. Holderness, Mar. 8, 1814, and d. Tun bridge, Vt., Aug. 29, 1846, ae. 32-5-21. He m. Mar. 23, 1848, Mary Mooney, dau. Obediah and Eliza (Moody) Smith, b. New Hampton, July 12, 1821. She was a woman of superior gifts and endowments, and a veritable helpmeet to her husband in all his positions in life. She d. Bristol, Oct. 26, 1896, ae. 75-3-14. The father of Mrs. Calley, Obediah Smith, was a prominent .man and an extensive trader in Ashland. He was the son of Stephen Smith who served in the Revolutionary war as a private in Capt. Benjamin Whittier's company in Col. Nichols's regi ment. His enlistment was from July 6 to Oct. 24, 1780, and his field of service was at West Point, N. Y. Obediah was b. May 21, 1787. He m. (i) Nov. 14, 1814, Mary Mooney, who was b. Apr. 19, 1792, andd. Dec. 28, 1815. Hem. (2) Aug. 30, 1820, Eliza Moody, the mother of Mrs. Calley. She was b. Apr. 21, 1797, and d. in Manchester, Sept. 21, 1888, ae. 91-5-0. Obediah d. June 2, 1853, ae. 66-0-11. Mr. Calley became a Free Baptist clergyman in 1837, and, with the exception of three years, when he was laid aside with a throat difficulty, he was continuously in the active work of the pastorate till 1892. His labors included two terms at No. Tunbridge, Vt., three terms at Bristol ; Alexandria, No. Sandwich, Center Sandwich, South Tamworth, and Meredith Center. In 1892, he retired to his home in Bristol, and is enjoying a sunny old age. Even now, at 88 years of age, he occasionally preaches and officiates at funerals. (See FreewiU Baptist church.) He is a Mason ; in politics a Republican. He had a seat in the legislature from Holderness in 1853 ; from Bristol in 1872 and 1873 ; and from Sandwich in 1885. CHILDREN 5. Son, b. Tunbridge, Vt., Aug. 27, 1846; d. Sept. 7, 1846. 6. Dorcas Doubleday, b. Bristol, Jan. 28, 1849; m. June 26, 1870, Charles Henry Gordon. He was a farmer in Alexandria, where he d. May 17, 1897, as the result of a fall from the scaffold in his barn, ae. 58-1 i-i 7. Children : a. Arthur Moody, b. Alexandria, May 29, 1871 ; d. Jan. 10, 1873, ae. 1-7-1 1. b. Karl Albert, b. A., June 16, 1878. c. Helen Mary, b. A., July 27, 1883. *7. David Moody, b. Ashland, Mar. 12, 1850. GENEALOGIES — CALLEY 8l 8. Eliza Marston, b. A., July i2, 1851 ; d. Bristol, June 8, 1876, ae. 24-10-26. 9. Ella Belle, b. A., Apr. 4, 1853. She was a teacher in the Bristol graded schools nine years from 1878 ; in Merrimack Grammar school. Concord, ten years, and has been principal of the High school in Bristol since 1899. 10. George Hoyt, b. Bristol, Dec. ii, 1854; m. Aug. 4, 1892, Mrs. Addie J. Fowler, widow of Edgar O. Fowler, M.D., and dau. Otis K. Bucklin. (See.) He has been a practicing physician in Bristol since 1880. (See Physicians.) II. Mary Frances, b. B., June 12, 1857; d. Aug. 7, 1873, ae. 16-1-25. 12. Charles Henry, b. B., May 15, 1859; m. Nov. 29, 1887, Ella E., dau. Lucius W. Hammond. (See.) He was four years town clerk, and was in trade in the Abel block from 1882 till 1887, when he went to Den ver, Colo., where he has since been a grocer. No children. 13. Martha Bartlett, b. Tunbridge, Vt., Dec. 21, i85i ; m. Anson B. Pray. (See.) (7) David M. Calley, b. Mar. 12, 1850, m. in January, 1874, Ida Abby, dau. Russell and Abby (Jenness) Moore, b. Alexandria, Mar. 2, 1856. He has been in trade in the Abel block since 1887. Is a I^Iason and Odd Fellow; in politics a Republican; has served as town clerk since 1891, and repre sented Bristol in the legislature of 1903. CHILDREN 14. Elfleda Maud, b. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Jan. 22, 1875; m. Nov. 28, 1894, Ernest E. Pike. He is a concreter in Burlington, Vt. Children : a. Mildred Eunice, b. Bristol, Dec. 26, 1895. b. Helen Elizabeth, b. Burlington, Vt., May 23, 1900. 15. Grace Lillian, b. St. J., Ausf. tS, 1877 ; d. Sept. 11, 1886, ae. 9-0-23. 16. George Frank, b. St. J., May 8, 1880. 17. Mary Abby, b. Wells River, Vt., Feb. 14, 1883. 18. Ralph M., b. Bristol, Jan, 4, 1885 ; d. Sept. 15, i885, ae. 0-8-11. 19. Russell David, b. B., Jul}' r, 1890. 20. Edgar M., b. B., June 29, 1892. 21. Margaret Pearl, b. B., Dec. 29, 1893. I. Thomas Calley was the earliest known ancestor of Francis W. Calley. Thomas and his wife, Mary, were residents of Epping and emigrated to Sanbornton in the early years of the town. Of three known sons, one was 2. Jonathan, b. May 19, 1756. He m. Elizabeth Cole, Aug. 15, 1781, probably in Epping, and moved about that time to Sanbornton. He was the first settler near Cawley pond, named for him. Of his six children, one was 3. Rev. Benjamin, b. Jan. 5, 1785. He m. Polly, dau. of John Shaw. He organized the Christian Baptist churches in Sanbornton, Franklin, Hill Center, Danbury, Andover, and War ner. He is said to have baptized 1,000 persons during various powerful revivals. The History of Sanbornton says "he was one of the marked men of his day, both in and out of his native 82 HISTORY OF BRISTOL town." He d., May 29, 1854, ae. 69-4-24. Of his three chil dren, one was 4. Rev. Benjamin, b. Sept. 3, 1813. He m. Nancy E. Thomas, dau. of Joseph, Mar. 11, 1830. He was a farmer, and a Christian Baptist clergyman for 18 years, preaching at the "Chapel" in Sanbornton, at Danbury, Hill, Wilmot, and other places. He had 1 1 children, of whom the gth was 5. Francis Willard, b. Sanbornton, May 11, 1851. He m. May 7, 1870, Jerutia, dau. of Dea. Levi Carter, b. New Hamp ton, Apr. 26, 1847. She graduated from New Hampton Literary Institution in 1868. Francis W. came to Bristol in November, 1871, and was a blacksmith in the employ of Otis K. Bucklin till Sept. I, 1876, when he purchased the business, which he continued till Nov. i, 1879, when he sold and went to Colorado. One year later he returned, and Dec. i, 1880, commenced the manufacture of crutches in company with Jefferson A. Simonds. A short time later George C. Currier purchased Mr. Simonds's interest and the firm became Calley & Currier, and Mr. Calley has been the senior member of this firm till now. They do a large and prosperous business, shipping their goods to various parts of the world. (See Manufacturing Industries.) Mr. Cal ley is a member of Union Lodge, A. F. and A. M., and a Knight Tem-plar. In politics he is an Independent. He res. on South Main street. ^No children. THE CARLETON FAMILY I. Ebenezer Carleton, son of Eleazer, was b. Lynde- borough, Apr. 2, 1754. His descendants claim that he was Gen. Washington's purveyor, and this claim appears to be well taken. By the Revolutionary War Rolls it appears that he first enlisted Aug. r, 1775, in Capt. Benjamin Mann's company. Col. James Reed's regiment. He was in Col. Scammel's regiment from 1777 to 1781, and his company was selected by Gen. Washington as his body guard, Jan. i, 1779, and was known as "Washington's Life Guard." That Washington should select one of this company for his purveyor was but natural. He was discharged for disability occasioned by being thrown from his horse. At his discharge Gen. Washington presented him with a pair of pistols and Mrs. Washington with a gold watch, as tokens of regard. Ebenezer Carleton m., June 3, 1784, Rebecca Farrar, b. May 29, 1754, and d. in HiU, Sept. 7, 1832, ae. 78-3-8. They res. at Danbury Four Corners, Fisk place in New Hampton ; on north bank Smith's river, and in 1799 were the first settlers on a farm in the Borough, and here he d. Dec. 8, 1836, ae. 82-8-6. Francis W. C.^lley GENEALOGIES — CARLETON 83 CHILDREN 2. Timothy, b. Apr. 9, 1785 ; d. unm. in Hill, ae. about 70. 3. Ebenezer, b. Mar. 9, 1787; d. Burlington, Vt., about 1848 ; m. ; no children. 4. Rebecca, b. Aug. 25, 1789 ; m. Samuel Wells (Published Jan. 13, i8io). She d. Waterford, Penn., Sept., 1855. Children : u. Charles, d. Seattle, Washington, Apr. 13, 1896, leaving four or five children. b. . Son, d. infancy. -X-5. Jeremiah, b. Danbury, Feb. 7, 1792. 6. John Montgomery, b. Oct. 12, 1795 ; m. Lovina, dau. Ebenezer Wells, and d. in Hill, in 1828. Children : a. Osgood, d. young. b. Rebecca, m. a Livingston, and d. in Minnesota. (5) Jeremiah Carleton, b. Feb. 7, 1792, m. Jan., 1820, Betsey Tenney. She was b. HiU, Apr. 10, 1799, and d. Feb. 8, 1888, ae. 88-9-28. He was a farmer, and d. in Hill, Oct. 19, 1878, ae. 86-8-12. CHILDREN *7. Pettingill Garland, b. Hill, Dec. 23, 1821. 8. Julia Ann, b. H., Apr. 13, 1825 ; m. Robert S. Hastings. (See.) •Sg. Samuel Wells, b. H., Nov. 19, 1828. lo. Philinda, b. H., May 25, 1830; d. Aug. 17, 1832, ae. 2-2-22. Fell into a tub of scalding water. II. Sarah Philinda, b. Oct. 3, 1833 ; m. Samuel Yates. He was a soldier in Co. G, loth Me. Vols., in Civil war and d. in Gorham, Mar. 3, 1876, ae. 46-9-. She d. Apr. 12, 1878, ae. 44-6-9. 12. Elizabeth M., b. H., Oct. 23, 1835; m. Sept. 28, 1861, John Albert Day, Bradford, Mass. Children : a. Mary Lizzie, b. Dec. 20, 1868. b. Bessie Mabel, b. Nov. 7, 1872. c. John Carleton, b. Dec. 30, 1873. (7) Pettingill G. Carleton, b. Dec. 23, 182 1, m. Dec. 26, 1844, Mary Elizabeth, dau. John Hastings. (See.) She d. in Waterford, Pa., Oct. 3, 1855, ae. 34-10-, and he m. Dec. 14, 1856, Sarah Philinda, sister of first wife, b. Nov. 30, 1831. He removed to Bristol in August, 1864. Painter, Republican, Odd Fellow, class leader of the M. E. church, and superintendent of the Sunday-school. He removed to Melrose, Mass., about 1880, where he d. of smallpox, July i, 1902, ae. 80-6-8. CHILDREN 13. Ida W., b. Merrimac, Mass., Apr. 4, 1847; d. in Haverhill, Mass., Dec. 4, 1850, ae. 3-8-0. 14. Theodore LaForest, b. Nov. 19, 1852 ; m. Nov. 13, 1872, Mary E., dau. of George W. Clifford, b. Mar. 6, 1852. She d. Maiden, Mass., Feb. 25, 1896, as result of carriage accident a month previous, ae. 43-11-19. He m., Nov. 15, 1899, Margaret Matthews Pineo, b. New Brunswick, Aug. 15. 1875. Children : a. Mary Adna (.adopted), b. Haverhill, Mass., Oct. 24, 1885 ; m. July 25, i8o2, C. W. Cleveland; res. Everett, Mass. * b. Harold Everard (adopted), b. Bradford, Mass., May 8, 1891. c. Gladys, b. Aug. 8, 1900. 84 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 15. Eugene C, b. June 13, 1855 ; d. Mar. 4, 1878, ae. 22-8-21. He was a Junior at Dartmouth college, a civil engineer, and a brilliant young man. t6. Ardella, b. May 17, 1858; d. Sept. 10, 1859, ae. 1-3-23. 17. Eva Almertia, b. Dec. 5, i860; m. Dec. 5, 1881, William N. Dawes. Res. Melrose, Mass. No children. (9) Samuel W. Carleton, b. Nov. 19, 1828, m. Jan. i, 1857, Mary E., dau. Alfred Kelley, b. Aug. 16, 1832. They res. on the Clark Merrill farm in the Borough, Hill. Metho dists, Republican. CHILDREN 18. Addie May, b. Hill, Jan. 18, 1858 ; m. Willis Fisk Calley. Child : a. John C, b. May i, 1893. 19. Ella Jane, b. H., May 26, 1862; m. Frank Pray. Child: a. Roy, b. Aug. 16, 1889. 20. Elmer Hanson, b.H., Jan. r, 1869; m. Mabel Patten. No children. THE CASS FAMILIES r. Daniel Cass, b. Candia, Aug. 8, 1789, m. Feb. 25, 1813, Lydia Clay. They settled on the James Cross place in Bridge- water soon after they were m. and later near the meeting-house. They passed their last years in the home of their son, Dea. John F., in Bridgewater. He d. Feb. 3, 1865, ae. 75-5-25 ; she d. Mar. 23, 1865, ae. 72-5-10. CHILDREN, all born in Bridgewater 2. Caroline W., b. Dec. 9, 1813 ; d. Sept. 9, 1835, ae. 21-9-0. *3. Calvin, b. May 21, 1815. 4. Julia Ann, b. July 26, 1817 ; d. Sept. 21, 1838, ae. 21-1-25. *5. John Franklin, b. Nov. 29, 181 8. 6. Melinda, b. Sept. 23, 1822; m.. Mar. 27, 1843, Horace Perkins, and d. Rumney, Apr. — , 1868, ae. 44. *7. Daniel, b. Aug. 9, 1824. 8. Lydia R., b. Jan. 8, 1829 ; d. Apr. 22, 1857, ae. 28-3-14. 9. Samuel N., b. May 2, 1830; d. Feb., 1898, ae. 67-9-. 10. Cyrus Alvin, b. Dec. 8, 1833 ; m. Jan. 3, 1857, Jane A. Hibbard. (3) Dea. Calvin Cass, b. May 21, 1815, m. Mar. 4, 1841, Almira Richardson, b. Woburn, Mass., Feb. 28, 1812. He came to Bristol in 1851. A farmer and mechanic. Republican, dea con Congregational church. Res. Merrimack street. He d. Bristol, May 24, 1871, ae. 56-0-3; she d. Bristol, Aug. 11, 1874, ae. 62-5-13. CHILD II. Almira Frances, b. Bridgewater, July 11, 1842. Res. Stoneham, Mass. Unm. (5) Dea. John F. Cass, b. Nov. 29, 1818, m. Dec. 26, 1843, Jane Locke, dau. Favor (See), b. Aug. 22, 1823 He was a farmer in District No. 7, i847-'59, when he settled on farm GENEALOGIES — CASS 85 now occupied by Simeon H. Cross at North End. He was dea con of Congregational church. Republican. He d. June 6, 1876, ae. 57-6-7 ; she d. Sept. 10, 1890, ae. 67-0-18. CHILDREN 12. Ellen, b. Nov. 26, 1845 ; m. Henry Griffith. (See.) 13. Julia Ann, b. Bristol, Mar. 9, 1849; m. Simeon H. Cross. (See.) 14. George F., b. Bristol, July 4, 1851 ; m. Apr. 13, 1871, Nellie A. Keezer, dau. of Geo. W. (See), b. Apr. 9, 1852. He has been for many years an overseer in woolen-mill. No children. Republican, Odd Fel low. 15. Sarah Augusta, b. B., Dec. 30, 1855; m. Otis F. Cross. (See.) l6. William F., b. July 5, 1857; m. May i, 1880, Roxy Dolloff, dau. Solon. (See.) He d. of consumption, Apr. 3, 1881, ae. 23-8-28. She m. (2) Charles H. Dickinson. (See.) 17. Mary Martha, b. B., June 16, 1861 ; m. Dec. 22, 1885, Edmund Fairfield Peckham, son of Rev. Cyrus B., b. July 21, 1862. Res. 20 Dodge street. Providence, R. I. Child : a. Earle Winfield, b. Providence, Oct. 11, 1886. (7) Daniel Cass, b. Aug. 9, 1824, m. Feb. 26, i860, Fran cena D., dau. Joshua Kidder, b. Apr. 22, 1841. (See.) He was a farmer in District No. 7, till about 1865, when he located on Summer street, where she d. July 26, 1876, ae. 35-3-4 ; he d. same Oct. 17, 1881, ae. 57-2-8. CHILD 18. Flora Dell, b. Bristol, Aug. 4, 1869 ; m. June 20, 1892, Luther H. Bailey, b. Jan. 27, 1870, and res. Alexandria. Child : a. Harry Hobart, b. Alexandria, Apr. 4, 1893. I. Nason Cass, b. 1751, m. Hoyt, and settled on the Kendrick Dickerson farm in South Alexandria, where he d. in 181 9, ae. 68. He had at least the following named CHILDREN 2. John. 3. Cyrus. 4- Jesse. 5. Beniah. 6. Nason. #7. Joseph, b. Alexandria, Apr. 3, 1785. (7) Joseph Cass, b. Apr. 3, 1785, m- Feb. 23, 1809, Bet sey Glidden, b. May 28, 1787. In 1807, he settled at what is stiU known as Cass's mills in South Alexandria, and there he was a farmer and had a saw-mill, grist-mUl, carding machine, and clothing-miU, and a cabinet shop. He was a shrewd busi ness man and accumulated a good property. In 1870, being then 85 years of age and his wife 83, he sold aU his property here and emigrated to GrinneU, Iowa. There she d. Sept. — , 1871, ae. 84-4- and he d. Sept. 7, 1879, ae. 94-5-4- CHILDREN, all born in Alexandria 8 Emeline, b. Feb. 21, 1810 ; m. Darwin Forbes, who d. Grinnell, Iowa,' Apr. 26, 1892, ae. 85-10-27 ; she d. Aug. 29, 1900, ae. 90-6-8. 6a 86 HISTORY OF BRISTOL ¦:!!(). Seth, b. Mar. 7, 1812. 10. Jane, b. Apr. 9, 1814 ; m. Jeremiah Flanders, b. May 27, 1814. II. Sophia, b. May 11, 1816 ; d. Sept. 20, 1882, ae. 66-4-9. Unm. *I2. Calvin D., b. 1820. 13. Harriet, b. July I, 1822 ; m. Abram Goodrich. She d. June 26, 1882, at Grinnell, Iowa, ae. 59-11-25. He d. same place. Mar. 20, 1881, ae. 58-5-19- *I4. Nason W., b. June i, 1829. 15. Lewis, b. May 5, 1833 ; m. Mary Jane Simonds, b. Apr. i, 1832. They res. Grinnell. (9) Seth Cass, b. Mar. 7, 1812, m. Belinda B., dau. of Jonathan Ladd. They settled in Bristol about 1863, succeed ing to the Rev. Walter Sleeper homestead on No. Main street. He served as selectman and tax collector of Bristol. Farmer, Republican. He d. in Illinois while on his way home from a visit to Grinnell, Iowa, Oct. 31, 1880, ae. 68-7-24. Mrs. Cass d. Bristol, Mar. 10, 1883, ae. 70-1-. CHILDREN *i6. Orrison Gustine, b. Alexandria, Aug. 26, 1843. -»I7. Cyrus Newell, b. A., June, 1845. 18. Christie, d. young. (12) Calvin D. Cass, b. 1820, m. Oct. — , 1844, Theresa Jane, dau. Sethus B. and Ruth (Wells) Forbes, b. HiU, 1818, d. Alexandria, July 24, 1851, ae. 33. He m. (2) July, 1852, Frances Adaline, sister of first wife, b. Hill, Mar. 6, 1823, and d. Vine- land, N. J., Mar. 7, 1880, ae. 57-0-1. He settled in Bristol in 1852, was wool carder and clothier and miller, where C. N. Mer rill & Son now have a grist-mill on Central street, and later operated saw-mill on south side of river. He res. on Spring street next west of old M. E. church. In 1867, he removed to Laconia, where he remained four years ; then started for the West for his health, reached Manchester, and there d. Aug. 18, 1 87 1, ae. 51. Methodist, Republican. CHILDREN 19. Lizzie F., b. Alexandria, Dec, 1845; d. Dec. t8, 1853, ae. 8 years. 20. Frank H., b. A., Mar., 1847. Res. 131 Adams street, Chicago, 21. Arthur B., b. Bristol, 1856 ; d. Mar. 6, 1864, ae. 7-9-11. (14) Nason W. Cass, b. June i. 1829, m. in AprU, 1853, Augusta H., dau. of Abram and Hannah (Fifield) Shaw, b. Salisbury, 1835, and d. HiU, May 15, 1856, ae. 21 years. He m., Nov. 17, 1856, Abbie E., dau. Henry and Susan (Rowe) Emery, b. Andover, Apr. 13, 1825, and d. Bristol, May 13, 1897, ae. 72-1-0. He .settled in Bristol about 1864 ; has res. on Summer street ; a traveUng optician. RepubUcan, Mason. CHILDREN 22. Josephine Augusta, b. Hill, Jan. 15, 1855; d. Boston, Nov. 12, 2' ''f,V^4-9-27- She was a brilliant scholar and poetess. See sketch under "Literature." GENEALOGIES — CASS 87 (16) Orrison G. Cass, b. Aug. 26, 1843, was a farmer, and succeeded to his father's homestead. He m. (i) Simonds ; (2) Dorinda Bullock, b. Alexandria, Apr. 1, 1839, and d. Oct. 26, 1884, ae. 45-6-25. He m. (3) Mary Keniston ; (4) May 22, 1893, Emily Lucy, dau. Salmon H. Tilton, b. New Hamp ton, Nov. 27, 1844. He d. Bristol, Apr. 29, 1903, ae. 59-8-3. Republican. CHILD 23. Ella B., b. Alexandria, Apr. 23, 1866; d. Mar. 30, 1881, ae. 14-11-7. (17) C. Newell Cass, b. June, 1845, m. Sept. 15, 1867. Emma H., dau. Abram Dolloff. (See.) He res. in Illinois some years ; now in Spangle, Wash. Mrs. Cass returned East in 1873, and entered the office of the Cottage Hearth in Boston, remain ing till 1875. While continuing to write for the magazine, she resumed her vocation of music teaching, having classes in Franklin, Bristol, New Hampton Institution, and Proctor Acad emy, Andover. In 1887, she accepted a position with the Red- path Lyceum bureau, Boston, and for a term of years had charge of the bureau's interest in New England, and has since been identified with lyceuni work, making her home in Bristol. CHILD ^24. Harland Howard, b. Manchester, 111., Oct. i, 1868. (24) H. Howard Cass, b. Oct. i, 1868, m. Jan. 29, 1896, Libbie Abbie, dau. of Dr. David P. and Abbie Jane Goodhue, b. West Springfield, Feb. 10, 1875. After leaving the schools of Bristol he spent three years in Boston, taking special courses of study. He fitted for an optician and began practice at Rut land, Vt., in 1896. Two years later he removed to Claremont where he is still in practice. CHILDREN 25. Marion Elizabeth, b. Rutland, Vt., Sept. 25, 1896. 26. Ralph Goodhue, b. Claremont, Vt., Dec. 16, 1899; d. Oct. 12, 1900. I . Nason Cass, probably a cousin of the Nason Cass who settled in Alexandria, and Hannah, his wife, settled in New Chester, about 1773. The ceUar, south of Wilson Fo.ster's farm near the raUroad, marks the place where their log house stood. He served one term in the Revolutionary war from New Ches ter. The following, as far as known, were his CHILDREN 2. John, drowned while rolling logs into the Pemigewasset river, near his home. He was a voter at the time, but unm. *3. Jacob, b. 1768. 4. Sarah, b. New Chester, Sept. 14, 1778; m. Dec. 20, 1798, Moses Stevens, Enfield. 88 HISTORY OF BRISTOL (3) Jacob Cass, b. 1768, m. Apr. 9, 1795, Betsey Bean. They were farmers on old homestead in Hill ; in Canada, and on New Chester mountain, in Bristol. He d. in HiU, Mar. 23, 1853, ae. 85, and she made her home in the family of her son, Jacob, in Bristol, but d. while on a visit in Hill, Dec. 23, 1870, ae. 85. CHILDREN 5. Betsey, m. Blaisdell ; res. in Hill. He was a peddler ; disap peared while on the road, and never heard from ; supposed to have been murdered. 6. Jane, m. (r) John Tilton, Bridgewater. (See.) 7. Nason, m. Mary Tilton, and lived in Borough. Children : a. Edward. b. Rosan, m. Frank York. c. Dolly, never m. 8. Mary, b. Stanstead, Canada, m. (i) Benj. Gould, m. (2) George Brown, Hill. *9. Jacob, b. S., June 16, i8ii. 10. Ann, m. Jonas Abbott, lived in Hill. II. Lovina, m. Alvin Gerry, (2) B. Q. Fellows; d. Dec. i, 1894, ae. 79- (See.) 12. Hannah, d. unm. (9) Jacob Cass, b. June 16, 1811, m.. Mar. 13, 1836, Emily, dau. of James and Hannah (Parker) Yalding, b. Con cord, Dec. 18, 1812. He was a farmer in the Borough,- till about 1865, when he moved to Bristol viUage, Lake street, where he d. Oct. 14, 1890, ae. 79-3-28. She stiU lives, a hard work ing woman at 91 years of age. Both members M. E. church. CHILDREN 13. Mary Ann, b. Hill, Aug. 15, 1837; m. Benjamin G. Durgin. (See.) 14. Sarah Emily, b. H., July 12, 1840 ; d. Jan. 6, 1846, ae. 5-5-24. 15. Lewis George, b. H., Nov. 13, 1842 ; d. Apr. 19, 1864, ae. 21-5-6: unm. • 16. Charles Herman, b. Hillsboro, Sept. 9, 1844 ; d. Lawrence, Mass., Oct. 2, 1895, ae. 51-0-23; m. Dec. 24, 1871, Margaret, dau. Robert Light- body, b. Westville, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1851. 17. Clementina A., b. H., Apr. ii, 1848; d. Apr. 29, 1863, ae. 15-0-18. THE CATE FAMILY I. Albert Frank Cate, son of Ammon T. and Edna P. (Clark) Cate, was b. in Franklin, Sept. 9, 1858. He m.. May 5, 1883, Flora E., dau. of MerriU P. Simonds. (See.) He came to Bristol 1880. Is a machinist and painter. CHILDREN 2. Daisy Belle, b. Bristol, Feb. 12, 1884. 3. Harry Garfield, b. B., July 20, 1886. 4. Karl Elroy, b. B., Aug. 30, 1889. THE CAVIS FAMILY I. Solomon Cavis, the son of Nathaniel, was b. in Bow, Nov. 22, 1800. His maternal grandmother was Dorcas Abbott, Karl G. Cavis GENEALOGIES — CAVIS " 89 the first white female b. in Concord. She m. Ed. Hall, and his dau., Lydia, m. Nathaniel Cavis. Solomon Cavis came to Bris tol in 1820,. and served as clerk in the store of Ichabod C. Bart lett three years. His compensation the first year was $30 and board ; the second year, $140. This was thought at that time to be great pay. In May, 1823, Mr. Cavis associated himself with Philip Webster, and they opened a general store, under the firm name of Webster & Cavis, where is now White's block, with a capital of $500. For board they paid $1.25 each per week. Mr. Cavis used to drive his own team to Boston for goods. Once, on his return, his horse ran away and scattered his goods along Boscawen street. He regained his horse and then gathered up his goods. Mr. Cavis spent his long life in the mercantile busi ness and secured a competence. (See Mercantile Industries.) He was closely identified with the material prosperity of the town ; he was the first in town to discontinue the sale of spiritu ous liquors, and he became an active worker in the temperance cause. He was above reproach in all the relations of life and honored in the community. . He was through life a liberal sup porter of the Congregational church, but did not become a mem ber till 71 years of age. In politics he was a Democrat. He served three years as town clerk and seven years as town treas urer; and was postmaster 1830 to 1841. • He erected the resi dence on Pleasant street now occupied by his daughter, Mrs. Abbott. He m., Oct. 16, 1828, Almira, dau. of Hon. James Minot, b. Nov. 23, 1804. (See.) He d. Feb. 2, 1884, ae. 83-2-10. Mrs. Cavis was a lifelong member of the Congrega tional church, and active in church and benevolent work . She d. Sept. 13, 1884, ae. 79-9-20. CHILDREN »2. George Minot, b. Bristol, Mar. 5, 1830. 3. Harriet Minot, b. B., Dec. 13, 1831 ; m. Rev. Charles F. Abbott. (See.) (2) George M. Cavis, b. Mar. 5, 1830, m. July 28, 1856, Abby Mansur, b. May 2, 1830. She d. in Bristol, Aug. 16, 1858, ae. 28-3-14, and he m. Oct. 18, 1866, Harriet Amelia, dau. of Daniel M., and Mary Jane (Gordon) Dearborn, b. Sanborn ton, Jan. I, 1841. At 16 years of age, Mr. Cavis commenced a mercantile career in his father's store, and continued till his death. In 1875, he was elected treasurer of the Bristol Savings bank and, in 1884, he disposed of most of his mercantile interests to Horace T. Alexander, that he might devote his time to the duties of the bank. He served the bank as vice-president three years, and as treasurer from the date of his first election tiU his death — 16 years. He was considered a superior financier, and enjoyed the confidence of the community. He was a Mason and a Democrat, and sensed three years as town clerk. He go HISTORY OF BRISTOL erected and occupied a residence on Pleasant street, where he d. Dec. 21, 1891, ae. 61 -9-16. Mrs. Cavis was an estimable woman, a member of the Congregational church, a teacher in the Sunday-school, and active in all church work. She d. Jan. 15, 1892, ae. 51-0-14. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol *4. Harry Minot, b. May 29, 1857. -»5. Karl Gordon, b. Sept. 12, 1867. *6. George Bertrand, b. Feb. 28, 1869. 7. Raymond, b. Jan. 13, 1871 ; m. Sept. 22, 1897, Nettie Ellen, dau. of John C. Wheet, M.D. (See. ) He was for some years clerk in the Bristol Savings bank. Res. Summer street. No children. 8. Lawrence, b. Aug. 26, 1872 ; d. Feb. 11, 1883, ae. 10-5-15. 9. Henry Taylor, b. Mar. 28, 1878 ; d. May. 16, 1878, ae. 0-1-18. 10. Almira Belle, b. Mar. 22, 1881 ; d. Jan. 30, 1882, ae. 0-10-8. (4) Harry M. Cavis, b. May 29, 1857, m. May 12, 1897, at Washington, D. C, Kate, dau. of Maj. (George H. Chandler, and niece of Senator William E. Chandler, b. Baltimore, Oct. 21, 1871. He read law with Hon. H. W. Parker, at Claremont, and with Hon. John Y. Mugridge, at Concord, and was admit ted to the bar in 188 1. Is a practicing lawyer in Concord. CHILD II. George Chandler, b. Feb. 14, 1898. (5) Karl G. Cavis, b. Sept. 12, 1867, m. June 27, 1894, Bella D., dau. of Levi C. Gurdy. (See.) He is a member of the firm of Cavis Brothers, merchants. (See Mercantile Indus tries.) Is president of the Bristol Aqueduct company, a Con gregationalist, Democrat, Mason. He res. in the parental home stead on Pleasant street. CHILDREN 12. George Minot, b. Bristol, Dec. 7, 1895. 13. Sarah Hortense, b. B., June 28, 1897. 14. Harriet, b. B., Sept. 19, 1901. (6) George B. Cavis, b. Feb. 28, 1869, m. Oct. 15, 1896, Ada May, dau. of George G. Brown. (See.) He is a member of the firm of Cavis Brothers, a director of the First National Bank of Bristol, Democrat, Congregationalist, and a past master of Union Lodge, No. 79, A. F. and A. M. CHILD 15. Myla Brown, b. Bristol, Sept. 2, 1900. THE CHANDLER FAMILIES I. Capt. Abiel Chandler was the son of Timothy and Eliza beth (Copp) Chandler, b. Sanbornton, Oct. 20, 1765. At 16 years of age he enlisted in the Continental army and served two George B. Cavis GENEALOGIES — CHANDLER 91 years. He was at White Plain, West Point, and Saratoga, and was a pensioner. Dec. 25, 1788, he m. Abigail, dau. of Jona than Thomas, of Sanbornton, a drummer in the Continental army. He settled in Bristol in 1793 or '94, on what is now the James W. Burleigh farm, in the northeast part of the town. The buildings were some distance from the highway and long since disappeared. In Bristol he was a captain in the militia. About 1 819, he removed to Stewartstown, where his wife d., and he returned and made his home in the family of his son, Timothy, where he d.. May 5, 1855, ae. 89-6-15. CHILDREN 2. Elizabeth, b. Sanbornton, July 28, 1789 ; m. Daniel Kidder. (See.) 3. Abigail, b. S., Apr. 4, 1791 ; d. Aug. 17, 1791. *4. Timothy, b. S., June 4, 1792. * 5. Tabitha, b. Bristol, Apr. 18, 1794 ; m. Stephen Caswell, b. July 17, 1799; went to Stewartstown, thence to Brompton, Canada, where they both d. Children : a. Abigail Sarah, b. Stewartstown, Nov. 22, 1822 ; m. Mar. 15, 1838, Joseph Sleeper, Stanstead, C. E., son of Hezekiah. He was a mechanic ; in United States service as a sharp shooter three years. Removed to Hartland, Wis. b. Susan Mary, b. Brompton, Aug. 15, 1824 ; m. Mar. 19, 1846, David Sloan, farmer, Brompton, who was killed by a horse, Apr. 3, 1849 ; m. (2) Andrew Lamb, farmer, Brompton. Seven children. c. Ruth Ann, b. May 19, 1826 ; m., at Lowell, Mass., 1848, Wm. Straw, (2) at Manchester, Wm. Reynolds, b. England. Four chil dren. d. Berengera Dalton, b. at Brompton, Feb. 17, 1828; d. Dec, 1849, at Saco, Me., ae. 21-10-. e. Thais Elizabeth, b. Feb. 10, 1830 ; m. Dec. -, 1852, at Manches ter, Ortes Tyler, dyer. He d. May 15, 1853, ae. 22-9-. She m. {2) Joshua B. Page, and removed to Salisbury. He d. m Maine. Three children. /. Stephen Abiel, b. Dec. 7, 1833; d. Mar. 20, 1846, ae. 12-3-13. g. Tabitha Almira, b. Mar. 26, 1836 ; d. Apr. 23, 1845, ae. 9-0-27. h. Isaac Washington, b. Apr. 7, 1838 ; m. Dec. 3, 18—, Matilda Reynolds, Windsor, C. E. Farmer, settled Brompton. Two chil dren. i. Abiel Walker (adopted), b. Sept. 23, 1846. »6. Jonathan, b. Bristol, May 14, 1795- 9?n. George Washington, b. B., June 30, 1797. , . , 8. Azuba, b. B., Sept. 29, 1800; m. Seth Tirrell, b. Nov. I2, 1798. He d. Stewartstown, Sept. 4, 1872, ae. 73-9-22 ; she d. same place, Jan. 19, 1891, ae. 90-3-20. He was a farmer and lumber manufacturer. Chil dren : a. Mary Adrith, b. Stewartstown; m. Thos. Farrar, d. Wal worth, Wis. Four children. b. Hezekiah Fellows, b. Feb. 16, 1826 ; carpenter, Jamestown, Cal <,." Christiana Sophia, b. Jan. 2, 1828 ; m. Charles L. Morse ; farmer, Stewartstown. Three children. d. Lafayette, b. May 15, 1830. e. Infant, b. Mar. 13, 1832; d. Mar. 31, 1832. ^. ^ „ ^, /. George Washington, b. Feb. 5, 1833 ; served m Co. E, 12th 92 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Mass. Vol. Wounded at 2nd battle of Bull Run. Hatter, Natick, g. Allen A., b. Feb. 27, 1835. Res. Brighton, Mass. h. Helen Marr, b. Sept. 6, 1837 ; m. Apr. 6, 1865, Charles C. Tir rell, Stewartstown, farmer. i. Seth Walker, b. May 15, 1840. In Civil war served m 6th Me. Battery ; wounded Cedar Creek. 9. Salome, b. Bristol, Aug. 6, 1802 ; d. Nov. 7, 1802. 10. Luzetta, b. B., Sept. 30, 1803 ; m. Aug. 27, 1823, Caleb L. Dalton, b. June 12, 1796. They res. Stewartstown, where he was town clerk ten years. He d. Mar. 28, 1847, ae. 50-9-16 ; she d. Aug. 13, 1864, ae. 60-10-13. Children : a. Cassandra, m. Harvey Gould. b. Berengea, b. July 10, 1825 ; d Aug. i, 1827, ae. 2-0-21. c. Lucian Rawson, b. Sept. 10, 1827 ; d. at about 20. d. Althea, b. Nov. 10, 1829. e. Almeda Augusta, b. Jan. 15, 1832 ; d. at about 20. • f. Ruhamah, m. Cyrus Young, Littleton. g. Flavins Josephus, printer; U. S. service 1862. h. Florentius, farmer, Colebrook. i. Florentia. y. Caleb S., in Civil war, 13th Regt. N. H. Vols., as corporal and sergeant ; wounded at Cold Harbor, Va. II. Matilda D., b. Bristol, Jan. 7, 1805 ; m. Sept. 28, 1828 ; Joshua, Tirrell, of Stewartstown, b. Canterbury, July 29, 1800. He d. of small pox. Mar. 18, i860, ae. 59-7-19; shed. May 28, 1871, ae. 66-4-21. Chil dren : a. Enoch T., b. Stewartown, Aug. 9, 1830, m. Apr. 10, , Chloe T. Harriman. Two children. b. Abiel W., b. May 5, 1834. Farmer in Stewartstown. c. Hannah, b. May 15, 1837; d. Nov. 20, 1862, ae. 25-6-5. Unm. d. Hiram Madison, b. Oct. 14, 1840. Farmer in Stewartstown. e. John A., b. Sept. 16, 1847. 12. Abiel Walker, b. Bristol, Nov. 26, 1807, m. Feb. 8, 1855, Marinda Jane Pierce, of Haverhill. He went to Bow Creek, Knox Co., Ohio, with his brother, Jonathan, about 1853, where he d. Child: a. Anson, b. Bow Creek, O. (4). Timothy Chandler, b. June 4, 1792, m. Apr. 6, 1821, Lois, dau. of Jacob Gurdy (See), b. June 20, 1794. He settled on farm now occupied by Damon Y. Emmons, and here he d. Mar. 18, 1881, ae. 88-9-14. She d. same place May 9, 1872, ae. 77-9-19. Democrat. CHILDREN, all born Bristol. 13. Samantha, b. July 4, 1820 ; m. Frederick Kidder. (See.) 14. Huldah Atwood, b. Nov. 14, 1823 ; m. Damon Y. Emmons. (See.) 15. Hiram Peabody, b. Dec. 29, 1828; m. (i) Angeline Morse, of Friendship, Me. No children. (2) Jan. 25, 1862, Susan T. Roberts, of Goffstown. He was an edge-tool maker at CoUinsville, Conn. Child : a. Belle Dewey, b. July — , 1866. *i6. Meshech Gurdy, b. Mar. 9, 1830. 17. Ann Maria, b. Mar. 29, 1834. Has made her home with her sister, Mrs. Damon Y. Emmons. Unm. 18. Mary Augusta, d. Aug. 21, 1846, ae. 5-8-0. GENEALOGIES — CHASE 93 (6) Jonathan Chandler, b. May 14, 1795, m. 1824, Sarah SmaU, of Northfield. He went to Stewartstown, where he owned a saw-miU ; from there to Missouri; thence to Ohio, and Kansas, where he d. CHILDREN 19. John L. Jefferson, b. Stewartstown. 20. Charles Wesley. 21. Timothy. 22. Frank. 23. Sarah Ann. (7) George W. Chandler, b. June 30, 1797, m. Apr. 7, 1825, Harriet Ladd, of Stewartstown. He was a farmer in Stewartstown and in Ohio. He d. in Ohio, Jan. 25, 1832, ae. 34-6-25. She m. (2) Joseph Taylor. CHILDREN 24. Asa G., m. in Stewartstown, Emily Roswell, of Pittsburg. 25. Hannah. An operative in Lowell, Mass. (16) Meshech G. Chandler, b. Mar. 9, 1830, m. May 19, 1861, Mary Lovinia, dau. Jewell and Mary (Blodgett) Jesseman, b. in Hudson, Mar. 19, 1842. He is a stone-cutter, and res. on Chandler street, named for him. Democrat. Odd Fellow. CHILDREN 26. Willis Dana, b. Bristol, Jan. 4, 1864; m. Sept. 8, 1882, Nancy A., dau. George W. and Elizabeth F. (Fletcher) Small, b. Unity, Me., Apr. I, 1859. Child : a. George Willis, b. B., Mar. 4, 1885. ' 27. Addie Etta, b. B., Aug. 8, 1866, m. Dennis Haley. (See.) THE CHASE FAMILIES I. William Little Chase, son of Moses and Abigail (Little) Chase, was b. in South Newbury, Mass., Apr. i, 1804. He located in Bristol in 1826 and opened a shoe store in a little building that stood where the west-side drug store now stands ; later was in the same business at corner of Central square and Pleasant street, where he was also postmaster. Oct. 29, 1829, he m. Sally, dau. Capt. James Minot, b. June 19, 1809. (See.) They resided where Rev. David Calley now lives on Summer street, where their children were b. In March, 1844, he re moved to Lyme, but returned to Bristol about 1867, residing on Pleasant street, where he d. June 26, 1875, ae. 71-2-25. She spent her last years in the family of her son, Hannibal, in Lyme, and there d. June 17, 1893, ae. 83-11-28. Mr. Chase was one of the early members of the Congregational church, uniting in 1827 ; Mrs. Chase united in 1831. In politics he was a Repub lican ; was five years town treasurer. g4 HISTORY OF BRISTOL CHILDREN *2. William Minot, b. Aug. 13, 1830. *3. Hannibal, b. May 14, 1832. *4. Josiah Brown, b. Jan. 24, 1834. *5. Charles Wilson, b. Aug. 29, 1836. *6. Henry Melville, b. June 13, 1838. o^ r^ 1 7. Julia Maria Minot, b. Jan. 6, 1841 ; m. Sept. 9, 1863, Col. now Gen. Thomas Francis Barr, U. S. Army, He was the son of Thomas and Jean (McAuslane) Barr, and was b. West Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 18, 1837. Children : a. Harry Perkins, b. Carbon, Pa., July 25, 1864; m. Clara C. Jencks, Manchester, July 6, 1887. ^ • .. b. Alice Gertrude, b. New York City, Oct. 12, 1870; m. Lieut. Frank Tompkins, U. S. Army, Jan. 4, 1893. 8. George Francis, b. Feb. 18, 1843, d. Lyme, Jan. 4, 1864, ae. 20-10-16. ( See Roll of Honor. ) (2) William M. Chase, b. Aug. 13, 1830, m. Jan. i, 1853, EUen Florence, dau. Nicholas and Annette (LeCain) Choate, b. Canada, Aug. 29, 1830. He removed to Lyme with his parents in 1844. He was seven years employed by the Passumpsic rail road, residing at St. Johnsbury, Vt. He was manager of a coal mine for some years at Broad Top City, Pa.; 1868 to 1876 res. Virginia ; then returned to Philadelphia, in coal business. He d. Burmont, Pa., June 22, 1895, ae. 64-10-9; interment at Bristol. His widow res. Burmont. CHILDREN #9. Frank Wilson, b. Lyme, Oct. 7, 1853. 10. Gorge Minot, b. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Aug. 3, 1855 ; m. April, 1881, Minnie Allen, West Newton, Mass. He was connected with United States Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pa. II. Carrie Deane, b. St. J., May 10, i860. 12. Fred Melville, b. Broad Top City, Pa., Jan. 24, 1865 ; m. Feb. 22, 1872, Ellen Stark, Spring Brook, Pa.; res. Wilkesbarre, Pa. 13. Edward Berwind, b. B. T. C, Feb. 15, 1868; m. June 2, 1890, Jane Melone, Germantown, Pa. Address, Burmont, Pa. (3) Hannibal Chase, b. May 14, 1832, m. Oct. 27, 1856, Marinda H., dau. Alvah and Mary (Hall) Jeffers, b. Lyme, July 10, 1835. He is an extensive farmer in Lyme. CHILDREN 14. William Little, b. New Haven, Conn., Sept. 21, i860; m. Dec. 18, 1901, Mary A. Place, Highgate, Vt. Res. Lyme; commercial traveler. 15. Sally Minot, b. Lyme, Mar. 8, 1870; m. Mar. 11, 1896, Charles E. Palmer, farmer, Lyme. Child : a. Sally Marinda. 16. Mary Marinda Jeffers, b. L., Mar. 17, 1872 ; m. Sept. 4, 1898, Fred R. Graham; res. Stoneham, Mass. Agent American Express company. (4) Josiah B. Chase, b. Jan. 24, 1834, m. Nov. 15, 1865, Elizabeth Ann, dau. of Daniel H., and Elizabeth Belknap, b. Boston, Mass., July 2, 1840. He was for many years the senior member of the firm of Porter Brothers & Co., Boston, wholesale GENEALOGIES — CHASE 95 dealers in small wares. He d. at his home in West Newton, Mass., Sept. 16, 1899, ae. 65-7-22. CHILDREN 17. Agnes Greenwood, b. Catonsville, Md., Feb. 16, 1867. l8. Porter Belknap, b. Boston, Mass., Feb. 20, 1872. 19. Josiah Brown, b. West Newton, Mass., Oct. 5, 1875. 20. Ralph Minot, b. W. N., Feb. 14, 1878. (5) Charles W. Chase, b. Aug. 29, 1836, m. Feb. — , 1855, Rosan Emily, dau. of Micah and Emily (Wells) Hoyt (See), b, Bristol, Apr. 24, 1835. He d. at Lynchburg, Va., June 10, 1876, ae. 39-9-n. Mrs. Chase res. Bristol. CHILD 21. William Henry, b. Bristol, Nov. 6, 1858; d. Bristol, June 15, 1865, ae. 6-7-9. (6) Henry M. Chase, b. June 13, 1838, served in the First Regt. Vermont Vols., in the Civil war in 1861. He graduated at the Dartmouth Medical school in 1863, and in December, 1863, was appointed assistant surgeon U. S. Navy. (See Roll of Honor.) He graduated in medicine again at Medical College, University of Pennsylvania, in 1866, and same year settled in Lawrence, Mass., where he has since been in practice. He m., June 22, 1869, Mary Esther, dau. Irenus and Mary Esther Hamilton, b. Lyme, June 13, 1845. He was a member of the Military Order Loyal Legion of United States, Commandery of Massachusetts. He d. Lawrence, June 15, 1903, ae. 65-0-2. CHILDREN 22. Mabel Hamilton, b. Lawrence, June 24, 1870 ; d. Aug. 24, 1870. 23. Mary Hamilton, b. L., Aug. 31, 1872. 24. He.nry Melville, b. L., July 28, 1874; graduated Dartmouth, 1897, and from Harvard Medical school, 1901. Is house surgeon, Massachu setts General Hospital, Boston ; member Boston Medical Library and Massachusetts Medical Society, and member of the Military Order Loyal Legion. Is a physician and surgeon, 308 Marlborough street, Boston. May 20, 1903, he m. Miss Blanche Knox of Andover, Mass. 25. Philip Minot, b. L., May 11, 1885. (g) Frank W. Chase, b. Oct. 7, 1853, m. Jan. 3, 1877, Susie Blanch, dau. of Dr. Ludwel Lee, b. Lynchburg, Va., Jan. 12, 1855. He is a farmer at Sunny Side, Garrett Co., Md. CHILDREN 26. Martha Ellen, b. Lynchburg, Va., June 20, 1879. 27. William Minot, b. L., June 15, 1881 ; res. Windber, Somerset Co., Pa. '28. Julia Lee, b. Philadelphia, Pa.. Apr. 8, 1885 ; d. July 7, 1885. 29. Charles, b. P., Nov. 23, 1886 ; d. Nov. 23, 1886. 30. Frank Lee, b. P., Nov. 30, 1888. 31. Lucie Dean, b. P., July 8, 1892. 32. Margarett Barr, b. P., July 16, . 9 6 HISTORY OF BRISTOL r. David Chase, son of WiUiam and Phebe (Piper) Chase, b. probably in Sanbornton, June ig, 1766, m. Anna Taylor, dau. of Jonathan, Sept. ig, 1786. She was b. Sanbornton, May 7, 1770, and d. in Bristol, Apr. 12, 1853, ae. 82-11-5. They set tled in Bristol about 1826, purchasing the Chase farm in Dist. No. g. He suffered amputation of leg as the result of a fever sore, from which he d. Dec. ig, 1835, ae. 6g-6-o. He had eight children, b. in Sanbornton and New Hampton, of which the third was 2. Deacon David Chase, b. Sanbornton, Mar. 31, 1792. He m., Feb. 24, 1816, Annie Russell, of Meredith, and came to Bristol with his parents. He was a farmer and d. Bristol, Aug. 3, 1871, ae. 79-4-2. She d. Bristol, Mar. 31, 1875, ae. 82-g-. CHILDREN 3. Mary Ann, b. New Hampton, Dec. 2x, 1816 ; m. Hanson Beede, Dec. 17, 1839, and res. Meredith. She d. Mar. 27, 1857, ae. 40-3-6. Five daughters. He m. (2) 1858, Miss Sarah E. Hackett. He d. Jan. 26, 1903. *4. Daniel S., b. New Hampton, Nov. 14, 1818. 5. Nathaniel Russell, b. N. H., Feb. 14, 1821 ; d. Nov. 29, 1845, ae. 24-9-5 ; "1^™- »6. Nicholas Taylor, b. N. H., May 14, 1823. 7. Lovina Maria, b. N. H., Dec. 23, 1826 ; m. Jonas Nickelson, Feb. 24, 1859. They res. till 1893, in Tennessee, when they removed to South Lake Weir, where he d. May 2, 1896, and where she now res. *8. David M., b. Bristol, Mar. 31, 1828. 9. Jonathan, b. B., July 17, 1830; d. Dec. 27, 1832, ae. 2-5-10. 10. Emeline Hill, b. B., Mar. 26, 1833. She was a graduate of Thet ford (Vt. ) Seminary, class of 1858, and taught school in Illinois. She m. Oct. 19, 1861, Capt. Joseph T. Brown. He was captain in the 52nd Illi nois Vols, in Civil war, and later judge of Rone Co., 111. He d. Sept., 1866, in Donder, 111. She d. Gallatin, Tenn., May, 1874, ae. 41-2-. Child : a. Charles, b. Sept., 1865 ; d. Apr. 1866. II. John Franklin, b. B., Mar. 5, 1837 ; d. May 7, 1842, ae. 5-2-2. 12. Matilda Jennie, b. B., Mar. 7, 1841 ; m. Charles Lovel Porter, Oct. 29. 1868. She graduated at New Hampton in i860, and taught in the North and South several years before marriage. They res. Tennessee and Mississippi, and in 1874 removed to South Lake Weir, Fla. Chil dren : a. Annie Mabel, b. Columbus, Miss., Oct. 7, 1870; m. Frank W. Chase, of Providence, R. I., June 29, 1890. He d. July 7, 1890, ae. 19-9-0. b. Florence Chase, b. Dec. 29, 1876. c. Maria Nicholson, b. Nov. 20, 1880. (4) Daniel S. Chase, b. Nov. 14, 18 18, was educated in schools of Bristol and the high schools of Hebron and Plymouth. He taught one year in Virginia ; studied medicine with Dr. Jacob S. Eaton in Bristol, and attended medical lectures at Dartmouth College in 1843 and 1844, and at the University of New York in '45 and '46, and graduated from Dartmouth Medi cal school in 1846. He also studied dentistry and practiced in Augusta, Ga. Given honorary degree of D.D.S. by Baltimore GENEALOGIES — CHASE g7 College of Dental Surgery. He manufactured gold foil and plate for the market and when the war commenced was the only one in this business in the South. He left Georgia after the battle of Bull Run and returned to Bristol in 1862, where he practiced dentistry five or six years, went to Nebraska in 1868, returning in 1869. He m. Oct. 2, i86g, EUen Fisher, a teacher in the High school in Bristol, dau. of John E. Fisher, of Franklin, and removed to Fremont, Neb., where he practiced dentistry and superintended the city schools, and laid out the Chase addition to the city. Went to South Lake Weir, Fla., in 1876, took up a homestead in the woods, made brick for his chimneys and lime for plastering on his own land, and planted 20 acres of orange trees. After 24 years in Florida, removed to Medford, Mass. CHILDREN 13. Annie Maria, b. Nebraska, July, 1870; d. Apr. 30, 1892, ae. 21-9-. 14. Edward William, b. N., Feb., 1872. 15. Daniel Walter, b. N., Sept., 1874. (6) Nicholas T. Chase, b. May 14, 1823, m. Olive A. Huckins, Aug. 30, 1854. She was the dau. of Ira and Olive A. (Abbott) Huckins, b. Oct. 16, 1833, in Tamworth. He was a farmer on the family homestead, but a few years before his death removed to Laconia, where he d. Nov. 25, i8g3, ae. 70-6-1 1. His widow returned to Bristol, where she d. May 12, 1902, ae. 68-6-26. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol *i6. Frank Huckins, b. June 22, 1856. 17. Addie M., b. July 2, 1858; m. Leston L. Rollins. (See.) 18. Emma M., b. July 6, 1861 ; m. John Olin Tilton, Apr. 25, 1882 ; (2) June I, — , Fred B. Huckins of Hebron. 19. Ira D., b. Sept. 16, 1863 ; m. Carrie Jennie Bailey, dau. Henry H., of Alexandria. She was b. Aug. 28, 1864, and d. May 6, 1887, ae. 22-8-8 ; m. Dec. 12, 1888, Mary, dau. Hiram L. Gordon, b. Alexandria. He d. Apr. 2, 1889, ae. 25-6-16. 20. Arthur T., b. Apr. 5, 1873. Is a printer. He m. Oct. i, 1892, Clara J., dau. William T. Oakley (See); m. (2) July 23, 1899, Monica Mahar, of Franklin. (8) David M. Chase, b. Mar. 31, 1828, m. Jan. i, 1849, Mary Jane, dau. of Jonas Hastings. (See.) She was b. Apr. ig, i82g, and d. Mar. 7, i8g7, ae. 67-10-18. He is a farmer and with the exception of a year or two in Florida, has always res. in Bristol. CHILDREN 21. Jennie M. (adopted), m. Frost N. Perkins. (See.) 22 George Francis Leavitt (adopted), b. 1850 ; m. June 9, 1870, Nellie A., dau. James R. and Emily (Young) Adams, b. Hill, 1850. They res. St. Louis, Mo. (16) Frank H. Chase, b. June 22, 1856, m. Nov. 24, 1887, gS HISTORY OF BRISTOL Mabel A., dau. Jonathan T. Batchelder, b. Wentworth, Aug. 1 6, 1869. He is a cabinet maker at Campton Village. CHILDREN 23. Lewis Taylor, b. Bristol, Aug. 27, 1890. 24. Bertha Mae, b. Laconia, May 17, 1892. 25. Gladys Pearl, b. L., Sept. 3, 1894. 26. Arthur Taylor, b. L., Apr. 21, 1897. I . Stephen Chase settled in the wilderness of Gilmanton at some time previous to 1788, and here he cleared for himself a farm. He was residing here as late as 1822. He sold his farm for $1,700, put his money in a basket, and loaded the basket with his family and a few household goods into a hayrack, and traveled to northern New York where he settled. He had three sons and three daughters. The sons were Stephen, John, and David. 2. David, was b. Gilmanton, Feb. 7, 1788, and there, like his father, he cleared for himself a farm. Mar. 29, 18 14, he m. Deborah, dau. of David and Elizabeth (James) Sanborn, b. July 23, 1789. In 1831, he removed to Loudon, thence to Bris tol in 1838. He bought the saw- and grist-mill at North Bristol, for $600, and added a rye bolt at a cost of $300, and then sold about 1846, at a sacrifice, and removed to Danbury, where his wife d. Mar. 20, 1847, ae. 57-7-27. After one year he returned and made his home in the family of his son, Joseph S., for a few years, but later with his daughter, where he d. Nov. 8, 1856, ae. 68-9-1. CHILDREN -»3. Joseph Sanborn, b. Gilmanton, Dec. 31, 1814. *4. Ira Stephen, b. G., Nov. 21, 1816. 5. Eliza Sanborn, b. G., Jan. 18, 1820; m. John M. R. Emmons. (See.) 6. David Lawrence, b. G., July 28, 1822, m. (i) Oct. 6, 1844, Mary Kendall, b. July i, 1820; (2) Jan. 28, 1867, Salome B. Potter. He was a merchant in Boston, and d. Dec. 17, 1884, ae. 62-4-19. Five children. (3) Joseph S. Chase, b. Dec. 31, 1814, m. Dec. 20, 1844, Charlotte Harriman, dau. of John, b. Mar. 2, 1815. He was a clothier at North Bristol tiU about 1847, when he built and resided in a house on North Main street, later owned and occupied by John H. Durgin. He was a workman at clothing- miU on Central street ; deputy sheriff in 1855. He d. Dec. 15, 1871, ae. 56-11-14. Mrs. Chase removed to FrankUn Falls and there d. May 27 (28), 1894, ae. 7g-2-25. ' CHILDREN *7. John F., b. Bristol, June 5, 1845. ^u-^\ ?\^^^^^ ^^"^7' }"¦ ?•' ^^y ^7, 1852. A conductor on railroad at Philadelphia, where he d. about 1887. He left a widow '^''"roaa ax 9. Ida H., b. B., Mar. 31, 1855. Res. Franklin Falls, now in Boston. GENEALOGIES — CHENEY gg (4) Ira Stephen Chase, b. Nov. 21, 1816; m. Mar. 22, 1849, Cordelia Page, dau. Caleb and Lois (Phelps) Simonds, b'. Alexandria, Mar. 7, 1824, and d. Bristol, July 17, 1893, ae. 69-4-10. He d. Bristol, Jan. 19, 1892, ae. 75-1-28. (See Phy sicians.) CHILDREN 10. Ira Arthur, b.B., Mar. 25, 1854; m. July 6, 1881, Abby Maria, dau. Hon. Cyrus Taylor. (See.) He has been a practicing lawyer in Bristol since 1881. (See Lawyers.) II. Son, b. Bristol, Nov. 16, 1855 ; d- Nov. i8, 1855. 12. Mary Alice, b. B., Apr. 9, 1857; m. Seymour H. Dodge. (See.) 13. Daughter, d. Mar. — , 1867. a v / (7) John F. Chase, b. June 5, 1845, served in Co. D, 12th Regt. N. H. Vols., in the CivU war. (See RoU of Honor.) V/as for some years on the Boston Police force. He m. Dec. 20, 1865, Elizabeth Finn, dau. of John and Mary (Wilkes) Finn b. England, Apr. 2, 1836. He d. Boston, June 25, igoi, ae. 56-0-20. She res. 113 Porter street, West SomerviUe, Mass. CHILDREN 14. Charlotte, b. So. Boston, Nov. 6, 1866. 15. Frank, b. Boston, June 3, 1868 ; m. Nov. 3, 1895, Etta Fitzgerald. He d. Charlestown, Mass., Dec. 10, 1895, ae. 27-6-7. 16. Maud, b. Boston, May 11, 1879. THE CHENEY FAMILIES I . The Cheneys of Bristol are descendants of John Cheney, who was in Newbury, Mass., as early as 1635, with his wife and four children, Mary, Martha, John, and Daniel, all born in England. Later six more children came to their home. The fourth child 2. Daniel, b. England, about 1633, m. Oct. 8, 1665, in Newbury, Sarah Bayley. They had eight children, of whom the third was 3. Daniel, b. Dec. 31, 1670. He married Hannah Dustin. Her father was Thomas Dustin and her mother Hannah Dustin, the heroine of Contoocook Island, and thus the Cheneys of this town are the descendants of this famous woman. To them were b. eight children, of whom the second was 4. John, b. Mar. 10, 1701, who had four children, the third of whom was 5. Daniel, b. Newbury, Mar. 10, 1737, m. Feb. 17, 1757, Elizabeth, dau. Samuel Davis, of Newbury. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary war and was one of those who responded to the "Lexington Alarm" Apr. 19, 1775, and marched that night to Cambridge, and is supposed to have been the Daniel Cheney who res. in Lancaster, in 1780, and signed a petition to lOO HISTORY OF BRISTOL the state that year. He purchased land in New Chester, June 20, 1796, and came here about i79g, and made his home in the family of his son, Daniel, and there d. CHILDREN 6. Moses, b. Jan. 9, 1758; d. Bristol in family of his brother, Daniel, about 1814, unm. ¦>!:¦/. Daniel, b. Apr. 17, 1761. 8. John, b. July 7, 1764, in Newbury, where he d. July, 1833 ae. 69. »9. David, b. Newbury, Mass., July 5, 1767. 10. Sarah, b. Nov. 15, 1770. II. Elizabeth, b. May 20, 1773, m. Ebenezer Kelly. (See.) -»12. Enoch. (7) Daniel Cheney, b. Apr. 17, 1761, m. Nov. 16, 1788, in Chelsea, Mass., Hannah Payne, of Chelsea; (2) Dec, i78g, Susannah Badger. He was in Concord in 1788, and is supposed to have come to Bristol about 1798, though his name is not on the tax-list for that year. He was a soldier in the Revolution ary war, having served two months in Capt. Silas Adams's company, in Col. Titcomb's regiment, 1777, and several other terms, and was a pensioner as late as 1833, His home was the dwelling-house recently owned by Prof. W. L. P. Boardman, on High street. His name last appears on the tax-list of Bristol in 1830, and he was in Lowell, Mass., in 1836. CHILDREN 13. Joanna, b. Jan. 27, 1797 ; m. Apr. 15, 1812, Hazen Colby. Went to Lowell. Had two sons : Rufus, who m. and d. soon after, and Hazen, who d. young. *I4. Daniel, b. Bristol, Apr. 18, i8oi. 15. Hannah, "m. a German, was a cook in U. S. Marine hospital about twenty years. Died about 1856, or '57, and was buried at Lowell, Mass." The Cheney Genealogy says " d. unm. at Chelsea, Mass., Tan. 10, 1857." 16. Susanna, m. Sept. 4, 1811, Edward Eastman, and removed to Springfield, Vt. (9) David Cheney, b. July 5, 1767, m. Nov. 28, 1792, Anna, dau. of Edmond Worth, of Newbury, Mass., where she was b., Jan. 21, 1773. Soon after their marriage they settled in Hebron, and here two chUdren were b., when they moved to Bristol. In 1799, he purchased of Dr. Timothy Kelly, his home place on Summer street, and the same year built the one- story house that stood till recently where Henry C. Whipple has lately erected a residence. WhUe doing this, Mr. Cheney occu pied Dr. KeUy's old home on the site of the Wm. G Kelley residence. He remained here tiU 18 12, when he moved into a house at North Bristol in January that was commenced Novem ber before, from lumber then cut in the woods. Here he spent the remainder of his life. She d. Nov. 4, 1847 ae 74- g-13; he d. Jan. i, 1855, ae. 87-5-26. GENEALOGIES — CHENEY 10 1 CHILDREN _ 17. Anna, b. Hebron, Aug. 27, 1795. She lived with her sister Mary m Bristol, where she d., num., Sept. 8, 1859, ae. 64-0-11. 18. David, b. H., May 6, 1797; m. Dec. 31, 1826, Hannah Taylor of Bridgewater. Four years later moved to Haverhill, and lived there and at Lisbon for fifty years. His wife d. at Lisbon, Jan. 10, 1878, ae. 80 years. He spent his last years in the family of his sister, Mary, in Bristol, and here he d. Apr. 28, 1884, ae. 86-11-22. No children. 19. Abigail, b. Bristol, Jan. 24, 1799 ; m. Amos Brown. (See.) #20. Moses, b. May 8, 1801. 21. Joseph, \, o f d. Mar. 29, 1803. 22. Benjamin, r' ^''- ^' ^"°3'ld. Mar. 26, 1803. 23. Mary, b. July 24, 1804; m. William Mudgett. (See.) 24. John Webster, b. July 9, 1806 ; d., unm., Apr. 9, 1828, ae. 21-9-0. -S25. Leonard, b. Oct. 25, 1808. 26. Elizabeth, b. June 12, 1811 ; m. Mar. 7, 1844, George Locke and removed to Alexandria, where she d., Jan. 30, 1890, ae. 78-7-18. He d. Feb. 20, 1883, ae. 71-8-8. Farmer. Children : a. Mary Anna, b. Apr. 23, 1845; d. Mar. 16, 1869, unm., ae. 23-10-23. b. Edmond Webster, b. Feb. 13, 1847 I m- Mar. 31, 1870, Susan Webber, of Orange. He d. Nov. 30, 1892, ae. 45-9-17. No children. 27. Edmund W., b. Feb. 5, 1814; m. (i) Nov. 30, 1841, Sarah John son, b. Apr. 18, 1810; d. Nov. 3, 1848, ae. 38-6-15; (2) m. Mar. 5, 1850, Hannah U. Johnson, b. Aug. 31, 1802; d. Apr. 7, 1881, ae. 78-7-6; m. (3) Sept. 6, 1882, Laura C. Rhoades, widow of Silas and dau. of Oliver Bal lou, d. June 15, 1884, ae. 68-4-26. No children. He d. in Bridgewater, Feb. lo, 1898, ae. 84-0-5. 28. Sarah, b. Dec. 25, 1815 ; d. in Alexandria at home of E. W. Locke, Jan. 27, 1892, ae. 76-1-2. Unm. (12) Enoch Cheney, son of Daniel, was b. Newburyport, Mass. He came to Bristol about the same time as his brother Daniel, 1798, and settled on what is now known as the Briggs place, adjoining his brother. He m. in Bristol, Dec. 20, 1803, Betsey, dau. of John Kidder, b. May 25, 1781. (See.) She d. in Hebron, about 1817, the children were given homes by relatives. He m. (2) Widow Hoyt, and removed to Concord, where he d. about 1825. CHILDREN 29. Elizabeth, b. Bristol, Aug. 11, 1804; d. Nov. 26, 1804. 30. Hiram, b. B., Feb. 24, 1806 ; d. Jan. 28, 1807. #31. Alonzo, b. B., Nov. 14, 1807. 32. Elvira, b. B., Apr. 18, 1809 ; m. in Plymouth, Jan., 1834, David George, b. Plymouth, Apr. 18, 1808; d. in Wentworth, June 6, 1883, ae. 75-i_i6. She d. Concord, Sept. 2, 1890, ae. 81-4-14. Children : a. Elizabeth Kidder, b. May 8, 1836 ; m. Henry H. Lovejoy, Lit tleton, Dec. II, 1858. Child, Lorena Sue, b. Dec. 29, 1869. b. Frank Henry, b. July 12, 1840. (See.) c. Sarah Augusta, b. Aug. 12, 1848. Res. Concord. Unm. 33. Hannah, b. June, 1811 ; m. George Dearborn, Plymouth, and d. Plymouth, Nov. 17, 1880, ae. 69-5-. Children : a. Edwin, drowned when young. b. Georgianna, b. Oct., 1847; ™- Charles L. Sanborn, Holder ness. c. Mary, b. Sept., 1849 ; d. unm., Apr., 1878, ae. 28-7-. 7« I02 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 34. Alvin, b. Pembroke, Aug. 16, 1S13 ; m. May 16, 1850, Mary Smith Murphy. Went to Illinois and was living in Parker, Turner Co., South Dakota, in 1893, aged 80. Children : a. Charles Sumner, b. Winchester, Mass., Dec. 22, 1851 ; d. Apr 2, 1857, ae. 5-3-10. b. Walter Gardner, b. W., Feb. 20, 1854. c. William, b. W., Sept. 28, 1855. d. Howard, b. Dundee, 111., Oct. 2, 1857. e. Jennie W., b. Sept. 24, 1859, in Dundee. 35. Mary Jane, b. Bristol, May 2, 1815. When she was four years of age she went to Boston to live with relatives. In 1839, she went from Boston to Oberlin, Ohio, to obtain an education. She obtained a scholar ship and worked four hours a day for her board, and continued this for five years, until completing the Ladies' course. In the winter of 1842, she taught the first school for colored children in town of Waverly, Pike Co., Ohio, in a log house. After having taught two weeks, a mob destroyed her schoolhouse by fire. ' At the end of two weeks more she had obtained another log house and again her school was in operation, and the term of three months was finished, although she was in frequent receipt of threatening letters, some of which threatened her with a coat of tar and feathers if she did not desist from teaching the blacks. Aug. 29, 1844, she married Rev. Seth T. Wolcott of the Theological School»at Oberlin. Having completed his labors there, he was sent as a missionary to Jamaica, West Indies, by the American Board of Foreign Missions. They left New York in a sailing vessel in Nov., 1846. On the passage the vessel was wrecked and after drifting one week, reached Charles town, S. C, where they remained eight weeks, while the vessel was undergoing repairs. They arrived in Jamaica in Feb., 1847, ^-^d were sent to Union Station Hermitage, in. the mountains. Mr. Wolcott preached half the time there and half the time at an out-station, Mrs. Wol cott conducting services at home when her husband was away. In 1855, they left Hermitage, and went to Richmond, Jamaica, W. I., to a sugar estate of 1,000 acres, and formed an Industrial school to teach children to become useful men and women. Both sexes were admitted to the day and boarding school, the girls being taught sewing and housework, and the boys working on the estate when not in school. A church was also organized at Richmond at this time. The school was continued till 1869, and during its continuance 3,000 pupils attended. After closing the school they continued to do what they could for the good of the colored people until the death of Mr. Wolcott, which occurred in Dec, 1873. Mrs. Wol cott was postmaster ten years at Richmond, where she was still living in the summer of 1903, vigorous at 88 years of age. Children : w. Henry B., b. June 12, 1848. He graduated from Oberlin col lege in 1870, was principal of a colored school in Chattanooga, Tenn., i872-'74 ; returned to Jamaica and was ordained as a United Presbyterian missionary at Rosehill, under the Presbyterian Board of Scotland. b. George L., b. Dec. 10, 1850; d. Oct. 25, 1856, ea. 5-10-15. (14) Daniel Cheney, b. Apr. 18, 1801, m. Nov. 24, 1825 Mahala, dau. Solomon and Phebe Copp, b. Sanbornton, July', 1803, and d. Wakefield, Mass., June, 1886, ae. 83 years'. He d. in 1837, ae. 36 years. She m. (2) Moses Loverin. CHILDREN *36. Charles Henry Rogers, b. Bristol, Jan. 13, 1827. 37. Sarah Hannah, d. in infancy. 38. George Fitzgerald, d. 39. Susan Hannah, d. 40. George Mowe d Mary J. (Cheney) Wolcott GENEALOGIES — CHENEY 103 (20) Moses Cheney, b. May 8, 1801, m. May 15 (13), 1828, Rebecca, dau. of Abner and Lydia Colby, of Bridge- water. He lived on farm at outlet of Newfound lake, and here he d. Feb. i, 1869, ae. 67-8-23 ; she d. June 15, 1867, ae. 74-3-- CHILDREN, all born in Bristol #41. John L., b. Sept. 19, 1831. 42. Charles W., b. June 28, 1834; m. Abby Spaulding. He served in Co. C, I2th Regt. N. H. Vols., and was killed at the battle of Chancel lorsville, May 3, 1863, ae. 28-10-5. No children. (See Roll of Honor.) 43. Lydia Ann, b. May 30, 1837 ; d. June 4, 1837. *44. Moody S., b. May 31, 1S40. 45- Joseph M., b. Feb. 13, 1843 ; d. Jan. 22, 1845, ae. 1-11-9. *46. Henry Dennis, b. Apr. 28, 1846. (25) Leonard Cheney, b. Oct. 25, 1808, was a farmer in Alexandria. He m. Feb. 26, 1838, Rebecca B., dau. of Dea. David and Rebecca (Bailey) Haynes, b. Alexandria, Feb. 27, 1813; d. Alexandria, Apr. i, 1892, ae. 79-1-4. He d. Alexan dria, July g, 1877, ae. 68-8-14. CHILDREN 47. Christianna Melissa, b. Alexandria, Apr. 29, 1841 ; m. Aug. 28, 1862, William Porter Seavey. He d. Dover, May 22, 1880. Children : a. Willis Ambrose, b. Alexandria, July 17, 1863 ; d. Feb. 16, 1868, ae. 4-6-29. b. Weldon Worth, b. Hereford, Canada, Sept. 17, 1865. c. Clinton, b. Dover, Apr. 27, 1867. d. Leonard, b. D., Jan. 18, 1869. e. Minnie May, b. D., Dec. 13, 1871 ; d. Jan. 19, 1872. f. Christianna Blanch, b. D., June 15, 1873. g. Fred Heyward, b. D., May 24, 1876. k. Hale Norwood, b. D., Feb. 7, 1878. i. Nelson Stanley, b. D., June 28, 1879. j. William Sawyer, b. D., Sept. 24, 1880. 48. Augustus Ferrin, b. Alexandria, Aug. 7, 1849 ; m. Aug. 25, 1872, Laura Young, dau. David, b. Loudon, Jan. 25, 1851. No children. (31) Alonzo Cheney, b. Nov. 14, 1807, on the death of his mother, was given a home by his uncle, Reuben Kidder, where he lived till his m., Dec. 25, 1833, to Theodate PoweU. She was the dau. of David Powell, and was b. Nov. 25, 1814 ; d. in Bristol, Sept. 23, 1864, ae. 4g-9-28. He m. May 20, 1866, Lydia H. Powell, widow of Rev. David, and dau. Jonathan Fel lows. (See.) Shed. Oct. 21, 1884, ae. 75-7- He succeeded Reuben Kidder on a farm at the base of Bristol Peak. He early united with the Methodist church and was for some years a class leader. He d. at the home of his daughter, Olive Jane, Apr. ig, 1886, ae. 78-5-5. CHILDREN 49. Olive Jane, b. Bristol, Jan. i, 1835 ; m. Joseph M. Mason. (See.) 50. Anna Betsey, b. B., June i, 1840; m. Mar. 17, 1870, Daniel H. I04 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Mass. 52. 53- field. 54 Ames, and removed to Ashland, where he d. She res. Manchester. Children : a. Harold D., b. Ashland, May 22, 1880; d. Jan. 26, 1882, ae. 1-8-4. b. Austin Cheney, b. A., June 20, 1883. (36) Charles H. R. Cheney, b. Jan. 13, 1827, m. Jan. 18, 1846, Sarah A. E. Willey, of Lynn, Mass. He left Bristol before his marriage, and res. Wakefield, Mass. CHILDREN 51. Sarah Adelaide, b. Lynn, Mass., Apr. 20, 1847. Res. Wakefield, George Henry, b. L., Feb. 14, 1849. Res. Wakefield. Charles Augustus, b. Lowell, Mass., Jan. 3, 1852. Res. Wake- j^. Emma Susan, b. L., Dec. 7, 1853. Res. Wakefield. 55. Clara Annetta, b. Wakefield, Mass., Jan. 19, 1856; d. Dec. 5, 1856. (41) John L. Cheney, b. Sept. ig 1831, m. July 7, 1853, Susan Hardy Jaquith, b. May 2, i83g ; d. in Bristol, May 6, 1874, ae. 35-0-4. He was a farmer and lived at No. Bristol; d. Lake street, Sept. 17, 1884, ae. 52-11-28. CHILDREN 56. Eugene Jerome, b. Hebron, Feb. 10, 1856; m., 1878, Abbie J. Colby of Hill ; (2) Mar. 6, 1891, Georgia A. Peaslee of Concord. 57. David Oscar, b. Bristol, July 11, 1858 ; m. Feb. 20, 1895, Cora Ida Dana of Franklin. Res. West Concord. 58. Henrietta Ermina, b. B., May 20, 1863; m. Quincy S. Dustin. (See.) 59. Georgianna Grace, b. B., Mar. 3, 1868 ; m. Quincy S. Dustin. (See.) (44) Moody S. Cheney, b. May 31, 1840, m. July 22, 1866, Martha E., dau. of Uriel R. and Ann (Conner) Rollins, b. Andover, Aug. 13, 1844, and.d. Franklin, Aug. 6, i8gi, ae. 46-11-23. Was for many years an employee in Train-Smith company's paper-mill. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 60. Bertha E., b. June 16, 1874 ; m. Aug. 8, 1893, Bradbury M. Pres cott, Jr., and lives in Franklin. 61. A. Mamie, b. June 16, 1876 ; m. July 26, 1896, George W. Ham mond, and removed to Brockton, Mass. 62. Frank, b. Dec. 22, 1879 ; d. diphtheria, Dec. 30, 1883, ae. 4-0-8. (46) Henry D. Cheney, b. Apr. 28, 1846, m. Sarah Eliza beth, dau. of John B. and Hannah Kimball, b. Meredith, 1851. He has been an employee at the Mason-Perkins paper-mill nearly 30 years. CHILDREN 63. Emma Frances, b. Bristol, Feb. ii, 1870; m. William Hunt. Three children. 64. Anna Belle, b. B., May 19, 1873 ; d. Sept. 29, 1873. Stillman Clark, Esq. GENEALOGIES — CILLEY 1 05 65. George Wesley, b. B., Jan. 11, 1876; m. Nov. 23, 1895, Lena B., dau. of Hiram M. Worthley. (See.) 66. Charles Henry, b. B., June 28, 1879. 67. Sylvania Maud, b. B., Mar. 6, 1882. 68. Austin Leon, b. B., Apr., 1886. THE CILLEY FAMILY I . John Mowe Cilley was the son of Charles and Betsey (Mowe) Cilley. He was b. in Andover, Feb. 2g, 1824, and m. in 1862, Susan Cilley, dau. of Saunders Herbert, b. Nov. 18, 1833. (See.) He d. in Bristol, Aug., 1865, ae. 41-6-. He was a druggist in east-side drug store for ten years previous to his death. She m. (2) Aug. 7, 1880, Ebenezer W. Mason. He was b. in Hill, in i8ig, where he spent his life as a farmer and where he d. Feb. 12, i8g8, ae. 79 years; she d. Hill, May 15, i88g, ae. 55-5-27- CHILD 2. George Herbert, b. Bristol, May 15, 1864 ; m. Dec. 13, 1886, Ida A., dau. of Charles E. Currier, b. Andover, Sept. 29, 1864. He was a farmer in Hill till 1901, since then a farmer in Concord. Children : a. Roy Currier, b. Hill, July 3, 1892. b. Leon David, b. H., Jan. 13, 1895. THE CLARK FAMILIES I. Stillman Clark is the son of Jonathan and Matilda (Gale) Clark, and a grandson of Jonathan Clark, one of the first settlers of Danbury, and a soldier in the Revolutionary war. He was b. Nov. 20, 1833, in Dickinson, N. Y. School teacher 10 years. He m., July 4, 1866, Frances H., dau. of Richard W. and Eleanor (Currier) Stuart, b. Danbury, July 11, 1841. He read law with Hon. Samuel K. Mason in Bristol, 1 862-' 64, and was assistant postmaster. Served on quota of Bristol in Civil war. (See Roll of Honor.) Admitted to bar, May, '66. Removed to Danbury, where he was postmaster 16 years from July, '66, and merchant. Now insurance agent and farmer. Mason, Granger, G. A. R. CHILDREN 2. Mabel Florence, b. Danbury, Mar. 3, 1867 ; d. Nov. 27, 1872, ae. 5-8-24. 3. Eva Jane, b. D., July 14, 1868 ; m. Arthur C. Brown. (See.) 4. Helen Ervilla, b. D., Dec. 29, 1871 ; d. Nov. 22, 1873, ae. 1-10-23. 5. Ida May, b. D., Nov. 8, 1878. 6. Annie Garfield, b. D., July 22, 1881. I. Samuel MarshaU Clark, son of Samuel and Mrs. Mary Ann (Arms) (Fleer) Clark, was b. Alexandria, Oct. 24, 1855. Io6 HISTORY OF BRISTOL He m., May 6, 1891, May F., dau. of John C. Heath, b. Mar. 23, 1868, in Andover. (See.) A resident of Bristol since 1897. Woodworker, Odd FeUow, Republican. No chUdren. I. Irvin M. Clark is the son of Mrs. Mary Etta Thurston. He was b. May 26, 1875, in Alexandria, and m., Aug. i, 1896, Harriet A., dau. of Charles H. and Mary A. (Phillips) Tenney, b. Alexandria, Feb. 3, 1878. He is a laborer in Bristol. Odd Fellow, K. of P. CHILDREN 2. Mary Beatrice, b. Bristol, Dec. 17, 1896. 3. Cora Nettie, b. B., Nov. 21, 1898. THE CLAY -FAMILY I. Caleb Long Clay, son of William and Betsey (Long) Clay, was b. Salisbury, Mar. 26, 1824. Jan. 15, 1851, he m. Mary Emery, dau. of Joseph, b. Andover, Jan. 18, 1822, and d. Plymouth, Nov. 20, 1854, ae. 32-10-2. He m. Dec. 26, 1855, Jane, dau. of Aaron Stearns, b. Plymouth, June i, 1823 ; d. Bristol, Mar. 11, igoo, ae. 76-g-io. He settled in the Nelson neighborhood, Bristol, in 1855. Buildings struck by lightning and destroyed by fire July, 1884, and in October, following, he removed to a farm on the New Hampton side of Pemigewasset. This farm he sold in April, i8g5, and returned to Bristol, resid ing on No. Main street till death of his wife, when he went to East Andover to reside with his daughter. Official member of Methodist church. Democrat, served as selectman. CHILD 2. Mary Helen, b. Plymouth, Nov. 5, 1854 ; m. Dec. 21, 1880, John G. Bailey, res. East Andover. Amanda Stearns, a sister of Mrs. Clay, made her home in Mr. Clay's family and there d. Dec. 6, 1894, ae. 63-9-0. THE CLEMENT FAMILY I. Alphonso Clement, the son of Joseph and Mehitable (Evans) Clement was b. Moultonboro, July 8, 1835. He m., Nov. 26, 1857, Clara A., dau. of John A. and Polly (Adams) Berry, b. Moultonboro, Apr. 8, 1832. Res. in Meredith till spring of 1868, when he came to Bristol. He built and resided in residence now owned and occupied by Chas. W. Fling on Union street. Removed to Plymouth in 1878; to Somerville, Mass., in 1884 ; was blacksmith. He d. Nov. ig, 1900, ae. 65- 4-11. Family res. Somerville, Mass. GENEALOGIES — CLEVELAND 107 CHILDREN 2. Elizabeth Frances, is a teacher in Somerville. 3. • Laura May, m. in 1893, Walter H. Russell, of Boston. Res. Blue Hill, Maine. THE CLEVELAND FAMILY I. John Cleveland was in Bristol as early as 1779. He settled next above the Hall farm, his cabin being on the west side of the highway. He was deputy sheriff for some years. He was of Scotch descent, the son of John and Betsey (Downer) Cleveland, and was b. Aug. 13 (19), 1764. Tradition says he came from Connecticut with his sister who m. Jonathan Ingalls. Hem., Oct. 10, 1786, Sarah, dau. of John Kidder. (See.) He d. June 6, 1809, ae. 44-9-23, and his wife made her home in the family of Reuben Kidder, and with her dau., Betsey, at No. Bristol. Methodists. CHILDREN, all born Bristol 2. Betsey, b. Nov. 9, 1787. Unm. -»3. Downer, b. Aug. 25, 1792. 4. John, b. Mar. 20, 1795, went to Cleveland, Ohio. *5. Smith, b. Apr. 5, 1798. 6. Moses, b. July 9, 1802, removed to Bath, where he m. Mary Hunt. In 1836, removed to Littleton where he d. Four children. 7. Sally, b. Apr. 3, 1805 ; m. — Fisk, and d. in Bath. (3) Downer Cleveland, b. Aug. 25, 1792, m. Ruth Par ker, b. Jan. 30, 1802. They removed to Alden, N. Y., where he d., Oct. 24, 1851, ae. 59-1-29. She d. Lake Mills, Wis., Mar. 24, 1892, ae. go-i-24. CHILDREN 8. Ruth Lorette, b. Lester, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1821 ; m. Whitney. 9. John Downer, b. L., Feb. 11, 1824; m. Oct. 17, 1853, Cornelia Ferguson, b. May 11, 1834; d. Feb. 12, 1857, ae. 22-9-1. He m. (2) July 20, 1859, Nancy Jarvis, b. Dec. 14, 1835. 10. Sarah Sophia, b. Apr. 15. 1826, at Clarence, N. Y.; m. Tows- ley. II. Washburn Parker, b. C, Apr. 8, 1828; d. Oct. 19, 1872, at Lake Mills, Wis., ae. 44-6-1 1. „ -, ^^ „ 12. , Rhodes Mortimer, b. C, Feb. 8, 1831 ; d. Nov. 20, 1891, at Osage, Iowa, ae. 60-9-12. 13. Josephine Betsey, b. Alden, N. Y., Mar. 12, 1835 ; d. Monroe, Mich., Feb. 24, 1861, ae. 25-11-12. 14. Mary Frances, b. A., Dec. 22, 1838 ; m. Hoyt. (5) Smith Cleveland, b. Apr. 5, i7g8, m. Oct. 27, 1822, Hannah, dau. of WiUiam and Mary CampbeU, b. New York city, Dec. 25, 1806; d. Hailesboro, N. Y., May 4, 1872, ae. 65- 4-g' He d. Spragueville, N. Y., July 6, 1877, ae. 7g-3-i- CHILDREN 15. Sally Ann, b. Jan. 5, 1824 ; m. Jehial Carpenter ; d. Mar., 1858, ae. 34-2-. I08 HISTORY OF BRISTOL i6. Mary Jane, b. Feb. i, 1827 ; m. Oct. 27, 1848, Benjamin Cross ; d. June, 1884, ae. 57-4- 17. William Downer, b. July 3, 1829 ; m. Oct., 1855, Louise Rolph. P. O., Gouverneur, N. Y. 18. Smith Darius, b. Mar. 22, 1832 ; d. Oct. 15, 1857, ae. 25-6-23. 19. Margaret Maria, b. Oct. 10, 1834 ; m Mar. 3, 1858, Victory Kitts ; d. Oct. 17, 1878, ae. 44-0-7- 20. Caroline Eliza, b. Mar. 9, 1837 ; m. July 3, 1858, Louis Collins. P. O., Hailesboro, N. Y, 21. Benjamin Dwane, b. Apr. 21, 1841 ; d. Oct. — , 1846, ae. 5-6-. 22. Delia Amelia, b. F'eb. 15, 1847 ; m. Mar. 28, 1871, Jay F. Hodg- kins. P. O., Gouverneur, N. Y. Children : a. Nora May, b. Jan. 10, 1872 ; d. Mar. 29, 1897, ae. 25-3-19. b. Blanche Adeen, b. Apr. 3, 1875. THE CLIFFORD FAMILY I. George Washington Clifford, son of Isaac and Sally (Somes) Clifford, was b. Alexandria, Feb. 22, 1823. He m.. Mar. 8, 1845, Sally E-, dau. of Moses Atwood, b. Oct. 18, 1825. (See.) He was a carpenter and farmer in Bristol, 1864- '82, most of this time residing on farm on New Chester mountain, where she d. June 8, 1880, ae. 54-7-20. He d. Melrose, Mass., July 27, i8go, ae. 67-5-5. Methodists. CHILDREN 2. Ida F., b. Alexandria, June i, 1846; d. Sept. 22, 1864, ae. 18-3-21. 3. Ellen F., b. A., Dec. 9, 1848; m. Scott C. Rowell. He d. Dec. 8, 1868, ae. 24-6-24; she d. Apr. i, 1869, ae. 20-3-22. 4. Clara Frances, b. A., Mar. 24, 1851 ; m. Albert C. Wescott. 5. Mary Etta, b. A., July 6, 1852 ; m. Theodore L. Carleton. (See.) 6. Emma Eliza, b. A., Jan. 11, 1854 ; m. Oct. 12, 1872, Hosea L. Hil liard, son of George R. and Harriet G. Hilliard, b. New Hampton, Sept. 6, 1849. They res. Deering Center. Children : a. Son, b. Bristol, May 11, 1873 ; d. May 12, 1873. b. Millie Leona, b. Epsom, Sept. 22, 1879 ; m. Frank R. Hil liard, Jan. 4, 1897, and d. Oct. 13, 1901, ae. 22-0-21. He res. Pitts field. c. Ruth Clifford, b. E., Mar. 27, 1892. d. Merton Brown, b. E., Oct. 30, 1896; d. Feb. 22, 1902, ae. 5-3-22. 7. Daughter, b. and d. June i, 1857. 8. Frank Edwin, b. A., May 5, 1859; m. July 4, 1882, Dora M., dau. of Oilman D. Laney. (See.) She res. Maiden, Mass. Children : a. Frank Eldridge, d. 1^. Karl Eugene, b. Manchester, Jan. 11, 1886. c. Helen M., b. Maiden, Aug. 13, 1891. 9. Sarah Jane, b. A., Feb. i, 1862 ; d. Mar. 12, 1862. 10. Minnie Lee, b. Bristol, Mar. 13, 1865 ; m. June 13, 1888, Fratk E. Keniston, son of Joseph F., b. July 31, 1863 ; d. Apr. 6, 1889, in Andover, ae. 25-8-5. Dec. 15, 1891, she m. George Linton Atwood, son of JoeL Res. Maiden, Mass. Children : a. Joel Clifford, b. Nov. 6, 1894. b. Louis Linton, b. Sept. 21, 1900. II. Hattie Ida, b. Bristol, Mar. 25, 1867 ; d. Bristol, Sept., 1867. GENEALOGIES — CLOUGH lOg THE CLOUGH FAMILIES I . John Clough came from Sandown in the early years of the I gth century and settled on the farm later known as the town farm. He m. Mehitable Ingalls, probably a relative of Jonathan Ingalls, of whom he purchased the farm. The family were zealous Methodists. He was a trustee of the church in 1814. He was a drover and bought cattle for Ichabod C. Bartlett and drove them to market. His name last appears on the inventory of Bristol in 1822. Tradition says he went to East Concord, and from there, back to Sandown, where he d. CHILDREN 2. Moses, was a merchant in Concord. 3. Phebe Muzzey, b. Sandown, Sept. 18, 1794 ; m, Amos Sleeper. (See.) 4. Mehitable, m. Rev. J. C. Cromack, a Methodist clergyman. 5. Betsey, m Samuel Ingalls, and removed to South Newmarket. 6. Polly. 7. Sally. A John Clough, Jr., was taxed in 1821. I. Benjamin Clough, b. Gilmanton, Dec. 2, 1809, m. Oct. 13, 1833, Caroline Carter, dau. of Jerahmeel Bowers. (See.) They were both deaf and dumb. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. John S. Winter, of Bristol, being repeated in the sign language by her sister, Alsa. After a short resi dence in Tilton, they located at No. Bristol, where he became a manufacturer of furniture. His place of business was on the north side of the highway, east of the bridge over the west channel of the river, and his residence on the south side of the road. They left town about 1845 ; he went to the gold fields of California and later to Australia. He d. Natick, Mass., Oct. 31, 1871, ae. 6i-io-2g. CHILDREN 2. Laura Maria, b. Tilton, Nov. 25, 1834. Res. Natick. Unm. *3. James McQuestion, b. Bristol, Aug. 19, 1836. 4. Martha Ann, b. B., Feb. 6, 1839; m. Feb. 6, 1866, Henry F. Felch, b. Natick, Mar. 18, 1839, who served as captain in Co. I, 39th Mass. Vols. in the Civil war. Res. Natick. Children : a. Harry, b. Mar. 3, 1867. b. Mattie K., b. Nov. 12, 1869 ; m. Feb., 1898, William B. Pratt. «5. William Henry Harrison, b. B., Jan. 27, 1841. 6 George Franklin, b. Manchester, Oct. 3, 1846; d. 1847. 7. Clarence Bradford, b. Natick, Aug. 28, 1855 ; d. 1856. (3) James M. Clough, b. Aug. ig, 1836, m. May 15, 1858, Mary, dau. of Francis C. and Bridget (Carrol) Conlin, b. 'Ireland, May 15- 1837- They reside Natick. no HISTORY OF BRISTOL CHILDREN 8. James Ellsworth, b. July 6, 1861. 9. Harry Wasson, b. Dec. 24, 1863. 10. George McClellan, b. Mar. 14, 1866. II. Frederick Howard, b. July 21, 1868. 12. Mary Elizabeth, b. Aug. 26, 1870; d. Mar. 26, 1892, ae. 21-7-0. 13. Benjamin Franklin, b. Aug. 11, 1872. 14. Clarence Bradford, b. Jan. 26, 1875 ; d. June 20, 1879, ae. 4-4-24- 15. Walter Henry, b. May 9, 1878. 16. Lester Irvin, b. Mar. 13, 1881. (5) William H. H. Clough, b. Jan. 27, 1841, m. in 1862, Rebecca Stearns, dau. of Thomas, b. Sudbury, Mass., Feb. 6, 1 84 1. They live in Natick. CHILDREN 17. Annie Laurie, b. Saxonville, Mass., Dec. 25, 1862; d. Feb. 4, 1863. 18. Alice Florence, b. Natick, Sept. 6, 1868; m. William S. Willis, June 28, 1888. Res. 6,216 Madison Ave., Chicago, 111. 19. Sidney Stearns, b. N., Oct. 24, 1869; d. Feb. 2, 1870. 20. Jessie Marion, b. N., Dec. i, 1872; d. Apr., 1873. 21. William Irving, b. N., Apr. 15, 1877. Is a carpet designer in Natick. THE COLBY FAMILY I . Stephen Nelson Colby is the son of Moody and Sarah (Arnold) Colby, and wash. Hampstead, Apr. 18, 1823. Dec. 26, 1854, he m. Adeline Marie, dau. of Thomas and Dorothy (Hoyt) Robie, b. Sept. 26, 1835, in Raymond. They have been resi dents of Bristol since 1865. Laborer, Democrat, Methodist. CHILD 2. Lisette Sophronia, b. Fremont, Mar. 9, 1856 ; m. Quincy A. Ballou. (See.) THE COLE FAMILIES I. Rev. Otis Cole is the son of Joshua and Amanda (Hinds) Cole. He was b. Stark, Dec. 25, 1832, and m. Sept. 22, 1858, Lucy Jane, dau. Henry B.. and Harriet (Brown) Skin ner, b. East Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 26, 1838. He is a clergy man of the Methodist Episcopal church ; was pastor of the Bristol M. E. church four years from spring of 1887. He united with the New Hampshire Conference in 1865, and has continued a member till now, with the exception of two years, when he was a member of the Tennessee Conference and a teacher in the Central Tennessee College. He has filled nine appointments in the New Hampshire Conference. He is a man of superior attainments, unusual devotion to his work and an eloquent divine. GENEALOGIES — CONNER 1 1 1 CHILDREN 2. Harry Joshua, b. Spencer, Mass., Aug. 15, 1859; m. Apr. 20, 1887, Bessie P Garland, who d. Aug. 3, 1897. He is a practicing lawyer in Haverhill, Mass. Children : raj a. Margaret Frances, deceased. b. Arthur Harrison. c. Luella Winnifred. d. Helen Edith, deceased. 3. Mary Helena, b. Spencer, Mass., Nov. 12, i860 ; unm. House keeper for her brother. I. Samuel Cole, b. in Methuen, Mass., m. Sarah Phelps, and was a farmer in Alexandria. She d. Feb. 26, 1861, ae. 67, after which he res. in Bristol, where he d. Dec. 20, 1873, ae! 83-4-. He was a Methodist of the olden type. He had a family of several children. One CHILD was 2. Sylvanus, b. Alexandria, May i8, 1836 ; m. Lucretia Elizabeth, dau. of Nathan and Sarah (Crosby) Moore, b. Hebron, Dec. 22, 1839. He was a farmer in Alexandria; a teamster in Bristol, i867-'75, and in St. Johnsbury, Vt., i875-'88; since which time has res. Stoneham, Mass. Night watchman and clerk. Children : a. Onie Etta (adopted), d. Mar. 29, 1902, ae. 34. b. Frank Raymond (adopted), b. Boston, Oct. 10, 1888 ; d. Aug. 14, 1902, ae. 13-10-4. c. Adrian Foster Moore (given a home), b. Groton, Nov. 20, 1872. d. Willie Cole Moore (given a home), b. G., July 16, 1874. THE CONNER FAMILY I. John Smith Conner, son of Charles E. and Louise A. (Chessman) Conner, was b. Lancaster, Feb. 19, 1856. He m., July. 6, 1881, Ann Minot, dau. of Gustavus Bartlett. (See.) She d. Bristol, June 6, 1893, ae. 43-9-29. He m., Nov. 13, 1895, Martha R., dau. of Ichabod C. Bartlett. (See.) He was a clerk in Cyrus Taylor's store, i878-'79; in clothing business with Mr. Taylor, in White's block, for three years, under the firm name of Conner & Co., and again clerk for Mr. Taylor one year, when he purchased the country store on Lake street and did a large business till June i, 1900, when he sold to Fred E. Noyes. No children. Now lives in Bristol. THE CONNOR FAMILY I . John Rollins Connor is the son of James and Hannah (Beale) Connor, b. Andover, Oct. 13, 1840. He is a descendant of the fourth generation from Simeon Connor, the third settler in the town of Andover. He is descended on his mother's side from Dea. Enoch Robinson, who was captain of a company of 112 HISTORY OF BRISTOL militia in Attleboro, Mass., and marched his company to Bos ton, on receiving the news of the battle of Lexington. The son of Dea. Enoch was Otis Robinson, the great-grandfather of John R. Connor, who entered the Revolutionary army at the age of 14, and was later the second pastor of the First Baptist church in Salisbury. John R. was a farmer in Illinois three years ; was stone mason and bridge builder for the Northern railroad seven years, and station agent at Andover two years till, 1877, when he became station agent at Bristol; resigned Nov., 1890, and has since been assistant agent. He is a Mason and a Republican. Has served six years as supervisor of the check list and five years as selectman. He m., Mar. i, 1862, Lydia Frances, dau. of Eben P. and Mary (Tucker) Yeaton, b. in Dover, Feb. 15, 1844. CHILDREN 2. Carrie Ellen, b. Kickapoo, 111., June 27, 1862; d. Bristol, Sept. 21, 1900, ae. 38-2-24. 3. Mary Isabel, b. Andover, Sept. 21, 1864; d. July 17, 1866, ae. 1-9-26. 4. John Fred, b. A., July 27, 1866 ; d. Sept. 2, 1868, ae. 2-1-5. 5. Charles Eben, b. A., Nov. 26 1868; d. June 8, 1872, ae. 3-6-12. 6. John Albert, b. A., Nov. 24, 1875. 7. Lou Frances, b. Bristol, June 21, 1879 ; m. May 25, 1901, William H. McKenzie. They res. Natick, Mass. THE COOLIDGE FAMILY I. Charles Wesley Coolidge is the son of Rev. John Wes ley and Nancy (Merriam) Coolidge. He was b. Sept. 14, 1852, in Leominster, Mass. Feb. 7, 1877, he m. Kate Lucy, dau. of Cephus and EUza (Price) Brown, b. Independence, Ohio, Dec. 13, 1857. Her father was in the U. S. Navy previous to the Mexican war, and carried for life the scar of a wound on the neck received from a poisoned arrow fired by a native in South America. He served in Maj. Ringold's battery in the Mexican war and was near him when he was kiUed at Palo Alto. Charles W. studied dentistry in Boston, and one year in Harvard Den tal college. He practiced in Leominster, Mass., two years, i875-'76; was admitted a member of the New Hampshire Den tal Society in June, 1879, being the fourth man to pass an examination. He has practiced in Antrim, Hancock, Hillsboro Bridge, and in Bristol. He res. on the New Hampton side of the Pemigewasset. He served five years in Platoon B of Capt. Piper's Battery at Hancock; and commanded Train Rifles at Bristol. CHILDREN ^. ^-j^Jl^^l^^ Wesley, b. Hancock, Sept. 22, 1877; graduated from Simonds High school at Warner, m June, 1894 ; enlisted May 13, 1898, in GENEALOGIES — CORLISS 1 1 3 meft ^^T^*V,^" ^-Jf^- ^^^ r*^ SP^*"' ^""^ -^ent south with his regi ment. In July, 1898, was on duty at Maj. Tetley's recruiting office Con cord ; returned to his regiment and proiioted co^oral ; Sarged Nov. I, 1898. Is a speculator and broker at No. Londonderry r^J' S'^^'^l ^^?^'*' ^- Hills"boro, June rs, 1879; m. Jan. 14, igo^t Lenora May dau. Leroy C. and Abbie B. (Couch) Stevens, b. Warner Nov. 10, 1876. Assistant dentist. Address, Bristol ' °^' °- w^™", cupbU^fimnfu^onh?;"'"'' ^^^ "' '''' ' ^^11^^ ^^7 ^3. 1881, by a i-io-ir^^ ^^^ (adopted), b. Maine, Oct. 12, 1882 ; d. Sept. 10, 1884, 6. Donna Brown, b. Bristol, Nov. 22, 1884. 7. Dora Gordon, b. New Hampton, Feb. 19, 1888. I. John Wesley Coolidge, a brother of Charles W., above, was b. Leominster, Mass., Dec. 16, 1864. He m., Apr. 22, 1886, Ida Elizabeth, dau. of Warner C. and Lorenzo Viola (Hayward) Goodhue, b. Hancock, May 31, 1868, and d. Han cock, May 6, 1895, ae. 26-11-5. He m., Nov. 12, 1898, Florence Cynthia, dau. of Henry Ward and NeUie (Beckwith) Ware, b. May II, 1877. Since Apr., igoi, has been a practicing physi cian in Bristol. (See Physicians.) CHILDREN 2. Francis Wilbur, b. Dec. 13, 1889 ; d. Dec. 16, 1889. 3. Ruth, b. Nov. 5, d. Nov. 8, 1895. 4. Eleanor, b. Bristol, Jan. 6, 1903. THE CORLISS FAMILY I. Rev. Cyrus LeRoy Corliss is the son of George H. and Eva Gertrude (Harvey) Corliss, and was b. in Plymouth, Mar. 22, 1876. His grandfather was Gen. Cyrus Corliss of Plymouth. June 24, 1903, he m. Gertrude Violet, dau. of Otis W. and Agnes R. Potter, b. Mar. 15, 1883, at Charlestown, Mass. She graduated from the Melrose School of Music, taking a special course on the violin. He graduated from Wesleyan Univer sity in 1900, and was one year in the School of Theology, Bos ton University. He was pastor of the Methodist church at Lakeport, i90i-'o2, and commenced his labors in Bristol as pas tor of the Methodist church in April, 1903. THE CORSER FAMILY I. John Corser was a tax-payer in Bristol, i83g-'45. He m., Mar. 21, 1838, Marianne A., dau. of Brackett L. Greenough (See), b. Apr. 18, 1818. He was associated with his father-in- law in the operation of mills. They had at least one 114 HISTORY OF BRISTOL CHILD 2. Norman D., b. Bristol, Aug. 24, 1843. He served m Co. C, 5th Regt., and was wounded at Fair Oaks and at Cold Harbor. (See Roll of Honor.) He m., Oct. 8, 1866, Emma E., dau. of Horace and Emma (Boothe) Sessions, b. Lebanon, June 7, 1842. Children : a. Lillian G., b. Apr. 9, 1870. b. Harry E., b. Aug. 13, 1871. c. Herbert H., b. July 17, 1872 ; d. Feb. 22, 1887, ae. 14-7-5- d. Mary F., b. June 5, 1880. THE COX FAMILY I. Caleb Cox, son of John and Mary Brown (Smyth) Cox, was b. Holderness, Aug. 21, 1810. He m., July 8, 1841, Caro line, dau. of Capt. Thomas and Miriam (Cox) Cox, b. Holder ness, July 31, 1821. Caleb Cox was a farmer and drover. He represented Holderness in the legislatures of 1851 and '52 ; was selectman twelve years, and was recruiting officer for the town during the Civil war. Both he and his wife were lifelong mem bers of the Free Baptist church. They removed to Bristol about 1883, where he d. Oct. 17, 1887, ae. 77-1-26. Mrs. Cox is living in Meredith. CHILDREN 2. Winfield Scott, b. Holderness, Nov. 20, 1842 ; m. June 5, 1869, Sarah L- Perkins, and res. Center Harbor. Farmer. Has been deputy sheriff and trader. No children. 3. Mary Abbie, b. H., Mar. 28, 1849; d. Jan. 29, 1851, ae. l-io-i. 4. Carrie EUa, b. H., May 31, 1853 ; d. Oct. 28, 1876, ae. 23-4-27. 5. Wilmer Caleb, b. H., June 24, 1858 ; m. Mar. 5, 1882, Emma Maria, dau. John C. and Maria (Mason) Avery, b. Meredith, Dec. 9, 1863. They came to Bristol in Mar., 1883. After working one year in a paper-mill, he entered the store of Hon. Cyrus Taylor as clerk, where he remained six years. He then entered the clothing store of Charles H. Dickinson, where he has remained, with the exception of a year and a half at Mere dith and Newbury, Vt., till the present time. He is a past master of Union Lodge, A. F. and A. M., and a prominent Republican. He repre sented Bristol in the legislature of 1901. No children. THE CRAWFORD FAMILIES I. The Crawfords are of Scottish descent. The name of Thomas Crawford appears in Hampstead as early as Jan. i, 1743, when it was attached to a petition to "His Majesties CouncU and House of Representatives." In a muster roU of Capt. Abraham Parry's company, raised for the Crown Point expedition in 1756, is found the name of Thomas Crawford, of Hampstead. In 1764, his name appears as one of the signers of an agreement "to Settle the Long and unhappy Dispute that has Subsisted under the said freeholders of Hampstead that Set tled under the HaverhiU and Amesbury Titles ; and the Propri etors of Kingston or Clamers under them." This is evidently GENEALOGIES — CRAWFORD 1 15 the " Thomas Crawford, of Hampstead," who settled in what is mow Bridgewater, in 1768. His son, 2. Thomas Crawford, later Colonel, had preceded him and was the first settler within the present limits of that town. June 21, 1766, when only nineteen years of age, he purchased 400 acres of land in Bridgewater, and soon after settled on Lot g, First Division, now the farm of Sherman S. Fletcher. His log cabin stood a few rods west of the buildings now standing. One hundred years ago, and a little later, the Crawfords of Bridge- water were very numerous. Ezra Crawford, Capt. Jonathan Crawford, Robert Crawford, and John Crawford had large fami lies, but the name disappeared from the town records many years ago. Col. Thomas Crawford had a family, but the most persistent efforts, continued through several years, have failed to discover more than fragments of a genealogy. It ap pears from the town records that "Thomas Crawford, Jr., married, Nov. 21, 1811, Mrs. Polly Peaslee." This was prob ably a son of Col. Crawford. Thomas Crawford, Jr., had at least two children : Jane, b. Jan. 5, 1812, and WiUiam, b. June 20, 1813. Tradition says that the Crawfords of Bridgewater settled Crawfordville, Ind.; but all efforts to obtain information from Crawfords now living there have been fruitless. Col. Thomas Crawford, as appears from dates given at the time of his enlistment in the continental army, was b. about i74g, probably in Hampstead. He enlisted from New Chester, July II, 1775, and served as sergeant in Capt. Osgood's com pany of Rangers in the Northern army, and was discharged in December, following. In June, 1776, he was member of the committee of safety of New Chester, and signed a petition to the "Colony Committee" for arms and ammunition for local defense. In the Bennington campaign he served as sergeant major in Col. David Hobart's regiment. After the war he is said to have commanded the regiment of local militia. He served as moderator of the annual town meeting in New Ches ter two years; as selectman of New Chester, 11 years, and subsequently of Bridgewater, 15 years. He served 21 years as town clerk of Bridgewater, and four years as treasurer. He represented his district or town (See Political History) m the legislature 13 times, first in 1787, and last in 1806. In i7gi, he was given a seat contested by "Mr. Shattuck." He rep resented his district in the convention that convened at Exeter, Feb. 13, 1788, to ratify the constitution of the United States ; andin the convention that convened at Concord, Sept. 7, 1791. He served as justice of the peace many years. He was one of the leaders of the house of representatives ; was at the head of some of the most important committees, and frequently served on special committees. He was evidently one of the pro gressive men of his day, and his vote is recorded as in favor 1 16 HISTORY OF BRISTOL of such measures as the establishment of post-routes and liberal pay for the post-riders. He did not hesitate to pro test against allowing the president of the state to fill the office of district judge of the F'ederal court. He voted against lotteries, and against a grant of land to Rev. Jeremy Belknap as compensation for writing the History of New Hampshire, and against allowing each member of the House a copy of the history when printed. Col. Crawford was largely influential in securing the incor poration of the town of Bridgewater, and he was designated to call the first town meeting. In manner. Col. Crawford was a rough diamond even for his day. Tradition says that on one occasion he sold 40 acres of land to procure means to attend the general court. He made his trips to the sessions of the legisla ture on horseback, with food for himself in his saddle-bags, and for his horse in a bundle behind him. I . The earliest known ancestor of the Alexandria Craw fords was William Crawford, who came to America in company with his father-in-law, Robert Graham. Tradition saj'S that his son, Robert, then two years old, came with them. They settled in Chester. This son was 2. Captain Robert Crawford, who was also a resident of Sandown. July 13, 1780, he gave his son, William, a deed of 276 acres of land in what is now the east part of Hebron and west part of Plymouth. Robert m. ( i ) Joanna Sanborn, (2) Jane Templeton, who d. July 10, 1833, ae. 91. He d. Sept. 6, 1791, ae. 68. He had ten children, of whom the second was 3. William, b. Mar. i, i75g. He settled on the land above mentioned in 1782, and about i7g8 exchanged this land with Dea. Zebulon Ferrin for land in Alexandria. In going to his new possessions he moved his goods across the lake in boats, because there were no roads between these two points. He m., in 1786, Joanna Melvin, who d. in 1822 ; he d. Oct. 19, 1837', ae. 78-7-18. He had ten chUdren, among whom were : -»4. William, b. Plymouth, Oct. 25, 1789. 5. Susan C, b. P.; m. Kelly. (Mother of Joseph D. Kelly, 6. Sally, b. Alexandria, July 29, 1801; m. Abbott Lovejoy. (See.) (4) Col. WiUiam Crawford, b. Oct. 25, 1789, m Joanna dau. of Moses Sleeper (See), b. Bristol, Oct. 5, 1801. He was a trader and farmer and accumulated a competence at what is known as Crawford's Corner in Alexandria, where he d Apr 8, 1851, ae. 61-5-13. She d. Alexandria, Apr. 25, 1864 ae'. 62-6-2C. GENEALOGIES — CRAWFORD CHILDREN, all born in Alexandria 117 7. Mary Jane, b. Oct. 10, 1826; m. in October, 1850, George G Hoyt, and d. Meredith, March, 1887, ae. 61. »8. George Templeton, b. Dec. 20, 1828. 9. Charles Wilson, b. Apr. 8, 1831 ; d. in Iowa, July 28, 1855, ae. 24-3-20. 10. Laura Ann, b. Aug. 5, 1833; d. Mar. 31, 1836, ae 2-7-26. II. Luther E., b. July 13, 1835 ; d. Aug. 29, 1836, ae. 1-1-16. 12. Anna, b. May 22, 1837; m. Woodbury Sleeper. (See.) 13. Almira E., b. Dec. 22, 1843; m. Kendrick S. Bullock, and d. Feb. 3, 1889, ae. 45-1-11. (8) George T. Crawford, b. Dec. 20, 1828, was educated at Hebron academy, Tilton seminary, and Proctor academy, Andover. He m. June 29, 185 1, Hannah, the adopted dau. of WiUiam and Mary (Pattee) Simonds, b. Pawtucket, R. I., in January, 1831. He settled in Bristol in 1866, and was for ten years engaged in the flour and grain business on Central street, where are now Clarence N. Merrill & Son. He is an Odd Fellow, and was formerly one of the leading Demo cratic politicians of the state. He was a member of the legislature from Alexandria in 1854 and 1856. In Bristol he served two years as selectman, and three years as super intending school committee. He was two years treasurer of the county and served six years as county commissioner. He removed to Boston in 1880, where he has since resided. He was for some years connected with the New Hampshire Land company in the purchase and control of large tracts of land in New Hampshire and Maine, and for ten years held the position of timber land agent of the Fall Mountain and Winnipesaukee Paper companies. He is now associated with his son under the firm name of G. T. & C. L. Crawford, timber land experts, Bos ton, and in this connection has been engaged in examining and reporting upon large tracts of timber land in the Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, as well as in New York and the New England states. Mr. Crawford has also been somewhat prominent in forestry matters in New Hampshire, and has at various times written articles for publication on the subject. He is a member of the Massachusetts Forestry Association. CHILDREN 14. William George, b. Alexandria, Mar. 12, 1852; m. Nov., 1882, Harriet E. Gurdy, dau. Joel. (See.) They res. in Boston. Child: a. Robert Leslie, b. Aug. 12, 1887. 15. Mary Emma, b. A., Sept. 30, 1854. Res. in Boston. Unm. l6. Charles Louis, b. Sherbrooke, P. Q., Feb. 9, 1862. He m. Shuah Mansfield Towle, dau. Royal Mansfield, b. in Milford, Sept. 22, 1861. No children. He is associated with his father as above. 17. Alice Isabel, b. A., May 7, 1864. Res. in Boston. Unm. 18. Caroline Maud, b. A., July 29, 1866; m. Apr. 26, 1893, George 8/2 Il8 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Henry Trask, son of John Heminway and Mary Trask, b. Rochester, Vt., Sept. 22, 1864. They reside in Rochester, Vt. Children : a. John Crawford, b. Rochester, Vt., Apr. 2, 1896. b. Margaret, b. R., Mar. 4, 1898. 19. Helen Gertrude, b. Bristol, July 13, 1868. Res. in Boston. Unm. 20. Luther, b. B., Aug. 2, 1869 ; d. Nov. 9, 1869. THE CROCKETT FAMILY I. Thomas Crockett was a resident of Kittery, Me., in 1648, and of York, Me., in 1652. 2. John Crockett, a descendant of Thomas, was b. June 28, 1739, m. Mary Lane, Oct. 26, 1762. They lived in Hamp ton or Stratham. He d. Mar. 15, 1817, ae. 77-8-17. She d. Sept. 18, 1792, ae. 48-2-. They had seven children, one of whom was 3. Ephraim, b. Stratham, May 16, 1774 ; m. Eliza Dexter, May, 1806. He was a physician in Sanbornton, 1 802-1 809. Became a Baptist clergyman. In 1816, settled over the Baptist church in Grafton ; removed to Danbury, where he d. June 10, 1842, ae. 68-0-24. He had three sons, one of whom was 4. Andrew James Crockett, b. Sanbornton, May 29, 1811, and d. Bristol, Sept. 3, 1885, ae. 74-3-4. Feb. 20, 1840, he m. Laurinda, dau. of Nathaniel Goss and Hannah (Pillsbury) Haynes, b. Salisbury, June 16, 1815. On the day of their m. they came from Danbury and settled on the farm now occupied by Mrs. John W. Sanborn, on New Chester mountain. Seven years later, removed to Pleasant street, where he d. and where Mrs. Crockett still resides. He was a carpenter and house joiner, and made seraphines in a small building just north of the Con gregational church. Republican. Both were members of the Congregational church. CHILD 5. Ida L. (adopted), dau. of Horace L. Sleeper (See), b. Woburn, Mass., May 25, 1852; m. July 15, 1875, George Woodward, a trader and prominent man in New London for 20 years. He d. Mar. i, 1894, ae. 51-7-2. Mrs. Woodward and dau. res. in Bristol. Children : a. Horace L., b. New London, Mar. 28, 1878 ; d. Jan. 8, 1880, ae. 1-9-10. b. Florence Edna, b. N. L., Apr. 20, 1883. Mrs. Mary Ann Crockett, widow of Dexter Crockett, of Danbury, d. at the residence of Mrs. Laurinda H. Crockett, in Bristol, July 6, 1897, ae. 84-8-16. THE CROSBY FAMILY 1. Capt. Jezeniah Crosby of Billerica, Mass., m. Elizabeth Gilson of Pepperell, Mass., and settled on Tenney hiU, Hebron. They were among the eariy settlers of that town. The oldest GENEALOGIES — CROSBY 1 1 g son. Rev. Jezeniah, was a Unitarian clergyman for 50 years. The fourth son was 2. Isaac Crosby, who m. Betsey, dau. of Joshua Heath (See), b. July 4, 1796, and d. Hebron, Dec. 17, 1861, ae. 65- 5-13. He d. in his 80th year. CHILDREN, all born in Hebron 3. Roswell, d. Haverhill. 4. William Sumner, d. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 5. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 11, 1823; m. Josiah D. Prescott. (See.) «-6. Milo Heath, b. Mar. 7, 1826. 7. Willard H., d. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 8. Caroline, m. Leonard Ferrin ; d. Hebron. 9. Mary, m. B. R. Tenney ; d. Poughkeepsie. 10. Martha, d. infancy. (6) Milo H. Crosby, b. Mar. 7, 1826, m. Sept., 1846, Har riet B., dau. of Ebenezer Heath, b. Canaan, Sept. 22, 1826. She d. Bristol, Jan. 4 (7), 1878, and he m., Nov. 14, 1880, Mrs. Francena Weeks. Mr. Crosby was largely interested in the manufacture of lumber at Hebron, where his steam mills were twice destroyed by fire. In 1862, he became interested in the manufacture of bedsteads in Bristol, and in 1868, became a citi zen of the town. In connection with his son, Edward D., he was a large manufacturer of bedsteads and croquet sets in a building that stood on the east side of Water street, giving employment to 40 hands, till the building was destroyed by fire, Dec. 2g, 1885. The business was continued in town, and in January, i88g, he was in business in what was known as the Pray tannery on Lake street, when he was for the fourth time burned out. He now res. at No. Bristol, engaged in dairy farm ing. Was for some years an official member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Republican, Odd Fellow. CHILDREN *ii. Edward Dudley, b. Hebron, Apr. 25, 1848. 12. Frank Lewis, b. H., May i, 1850; d. at Poughkeepsie, of typhoid fever, while attending Eastman's Commercial College, in Apr., 1871, ae. 21. 13. Son, b. H.; d., ae. 14 weeks. 14. Mary Antoinette, b. H., Mar. 19, 1853 ; m. Orrin B. Ray. (See.) -»15. Willard Everett, b. H., Nov. 13. 1855. (11) Edward D. Crosby, b. Aug. 25, 1848, m. Jan. 4, i86g, EUa Malvena, dau. of Dr. Alvah Cady and Lucia Malvena (Taylor) HaU, b. Rumney, May 7, i84g. She d. in Rumney, Oct. I, 1877, ae. 28-4-24, and he m., Dec. 25, 1878, Mae Lucinda, dau. of John and Martha (Packard) Bickford, b. Orford, Dec. 25, 1853. He was largely engaged in the manu facture of bedsteads and croquet sets with his father. He went to Ontario, Cal., for his health in 1883, and there d. of consump tion, Nov. 21, 1885, ae. 37-2-26. Shem. (2) George G. Shute and res. Woodsville. 1 2a HISTORY OF BRISTOL CHILDREN i6. Kate Frances, b. Bristol, Jan. i8, 1873. Has been a kindergartner in Boston, Mass., since 1892. 17. Fred Bickford, b. B., Jan. 16, 1881. Graduated Boston School of Technology, 1903. (15) Willard E. Crosby, b. Nov. 13, 1855, m. May 25, 1881, Nellie May, dau. B. Frank Brown. She d. Bristol, July 21, 1886, ae. 26. He was an undertaker in Hudson, N. Y., one year, when he returned to Bristol and here d., Sept. 4, 1887, ae. 31-9-21. CHILD 18. Nellie May, b. July 15, 1886 ; res. Concord. THE CROSS FAMILY The Crosses of Bristol trace their ancestry to Charlenge, now Charlinch, Somersetshire, England. The name appears in the Domesday Book of William the Conqueror, also in the wars of the Crusades. Sir Robert Cross, of Charlenge, was knighted by Queen Elizabeth, in 1602, for heroism, as admiral, against the Spanish Armada and at Cadiz. He died without issue. His coat of arms was brought to this country by Gen. Ralph Cross, of Revolutionary fame. From it, it may be seen that the family sprang from Norman stock and belonged to the landed gentry of England. Closely related to Sir Robert were Robert and John, who, in 1637, sailed from Ipswich, Eng., to Ipswich, Mass. Robert settled in Newburyport, Mass. John settled in Methuen, Mass., where eight generations have lived in a house still standing. The latter brother became the founder of the line, as follows : I. John, of Methuen, b. England, m. Dorothy, dau. of Robert Swan of Rowley. CHILDREN 2. John, b. Methuen ; m. Sarah Peacock, 1708. *3. William, b. M. (3) WiUiam Cross, b. Methuen, m. Apr. 9, 1706, Mary Favoli, a French Huguenot. CHILDREN 4. Joseph, b. Methuen. 'Jf^. William, b. M., 1710. (5) Dea. William Cross, b. Methuen, 1710, d. Mar. g, 1803, ae. g3. He m. Mary Corliss, Nov. 5, 1741. She d. Feb'. 17, 1805. CHILDREN, all born in Methuen 6. William, b. Aug. 4, 1742; m. Elizabeth Ladd. He d., ae. 100-7- A soldier of the Revolution. GENEALOGIES — CROSS 1 2 1 7- Jonathan, b. Oct. I, 1743 ; m. Elizabeth Bailey. »8. Simeon, b. Mar. 10, 1745. 9- David, b. Mar. 8, 1746 ; m. Judith Corliss. 10. Stephen, b. July 25, 1749 ; d. Apr. 2, 1758, ae. 8-8-7. 11. Molly, b. July 15, 1751 ; m. Hastings, Alexandria. 12. Ruth, b. June 10, 1753 ; m. Joseph Atwood, Alexandria. 13. Lydia, b. Nov. 6, 1755 ; m. John Harvey, Dracut, Mass. 14. Abijah, b. July 6, 1758; m. (i) Elizabeth Parker; d. Feb. 21, 1848, ae. 89-7-15. A soldier in the Revolution. 15. Deborah, b. Aug. 2, 1760; m. Hazeltine, Hebron. 16. Benjamin, b. Aug. 24, 1763 ; d. Mar. 15, 1766, ae. 2-6-21. (8) Simeon Cross, b. Mar. 10, 1745, m. AbigaU Coriiss, who d. Mar. g, 1834, ae. 87. He d. Feb. 22, 1837, ae. gi-ii-12. He was a soldier of the Revolution, a corporal in Capt. James Jones' Co. of Minute-men that fought at Concord, Apr. ig, 1775. In 1778, came to New Chester and made the first settle ment on what is still called the Cross farm on the river road, in Bridgewater, about three miles above New Hampton bridge. At the first town meeting in Bridgewater (1788) he was elected one of the selectmen, and served in all three years. CHILDREN 17. Mary, called "Polly," b. Methuen, Mar. 28, 1774; m. Elisha Bean. (See.) 18. Chloe, b. M., Nov. 3, 1776 ; m. Feb. 18, 1798, Samuel Harriman. (See.) 19. Stephen, b. M., Feb. 10, 1778, was a soldier of the War of 1812. Settled in Malone, N. Y. 20. George, b. Bridgewater, Apr. 6, 1780 ; d. Jan. 6, 1862, ae. 81-9-0. Soldier of War of 1812 ; m. Dec. 27, 1818, Nancy, dau. James Heath, b. Dec. 15, 1795 ; d. Oct. 30, 1886, ae. 90-10-15. They had 12 children, one of whom was George Darius, b. Bridgewater, July 31, 1834. In the Civil war he served as corporal in Co. E, 12th Regt. N. H. Vols., on the quota of his native town, enlisting Aug. 15, 1862. Was at the battle of Fred ericksburg, and at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863, was severely wounded. Transferred to the 114th Co., 2nd Battalion Invalid Corps Feb. 15, 1865, and discharged at Washington, July 15, 1865. He was unmarried and the last few years of his life lived alone in Bristol, in a farmhouse on the old turnpike near the foot of the lake. Apr. 3, 1898, he was found dead in his home, where he had evidentlj' d. the evening previous of heart disease, and fallen on the hot stove. His age was 63-8-1. An unfinished letter written by him lay on the table, addressed to the Commissioner of Pensions, concerning the disease that caused his death. 21. Abigail, b. Bridgewater, May 31, 1782; m. John Gordon, New Hampton, and had seven children. He d. Mar., 1852. She d. Hebron, May 30, 1855, ae. 72-11-29. 22. Simeon, b. B., Aug. 7, 1784; m. Jan. 29, 1807, Elizabeth Harri man, dau. of John (See), b. Feb. 27, 1786. They settled in Stewarts town. Five children. 23. Lydia, b. B., May 14, 1787. Res. with her sister, Judith, and d. unm. »24. Abijah, b. B., Mar. 14, 1790. 25. Judith F., b. B., Aug. 17, 1791 (Bean record, Aug. 13, 1792) ; m. Peter Bean. (See.) (24) Abijah Cross, b. Mar. 14, 1790, m. Sarah, dau. of 122 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Enos Ferrin, of Hebron (Published June ii, 1815). Was a farmer in Bridgewater, where he d. Apr. 6, 1837, ae. 47-0-22. She d. Stewartstown, Feb. 15, 1872. CHILDREN, all born in Bridgewater »26. Sylvester, b. Apr. 17, 1816. " 27. Lamira, b. Dec, 1817 ; d. Apr., 1823, ae. 6-4-. 28. Susan, b. Sept. 7, 1818 ; m. Otis Cross. 29. Simeon, b. June, 1820 ; d. June, 1823, ae. 3-0-. 30. Jonathan, b. Apr., 1823 ; d. in infancy. 31. Abigail, b. May 5, 1824 ; m. Chas. B. Heath. Living New Hamp ton, 1903. 32. George, b. Apr., 1827 ; d. in infancy. 33. Abijah Ferrin, b. May 23, 1829 ; m. Angenette Brown. Served as Ferrin A. Cross in Co. H, 13th Regt. N. H. Vols., Civil war, and was killed at Cold Harbor, June 4, 1864, ae. 35-0-11. 34. Stephen Franklin, b. May 17, 1830 ; m. Lois Tyler. 35. Alma Maroni, b. Feb. 2, 1836 ; m. Rebecca Poor ; served in Co. H, 13th Regt. N. H. Vols., Civil war. Living in Pittsburg, 1903. (26) Sylvester Cross, b. Apr. 17, 1816, m. Apr. 17, 1843, Clarissa, dau. of Simeon and Polly (Herron) Bean. (See.) She was b. Bridgewater, July 21, 1823, and d. Bridgewater, May 10, 1878, ae. 54-9-ig. Hem., Apr. 17, 1886, Mrs. Cordelia (Bar rett) Clough, dau. of Ezra Barrett. She d. Apr. 14, i8g4. He was a farmer, and succeeded his father on the farm settled by his grandfather. He came to Bristol in i8g7, and has since made his home with his son, Simeon H. Is still vigorous at 87 years of age. Republican. Was a member of the Second Free Baptist church in Bridgewater. CHILDREN, all born in Bridgewater 36. Simeon Henry, b. May 21, 1844 ; m. Sept. i, 1866, Julia Ann, dau. Dea. John F. Cass. (See.) He came to Bristol in July, 1867, and is a farmer on Lake street, succeeding his father-in-law. In the Civil war he served in Co. E, 12th Regt. N. H. Vols., on the quota of Bridgewater. Has served as selectman seven years, road agent two years, and as fire ward one year. Republican. Odd Fellow. G. A. R. No children. 37. Frank Washington, b. Apr. 4, 1846 ; m. Ida F. Knights ; res. Lynn, Mass. 38. Sylvester Warren, b. June 13, 1848; m. Anna Robinson, Newark, N. J. Res. Crawford, Neb. -»39. Otis Ferrin, b. July 15, 1850. 40. Mary Nancy, b. Feb. 8, 1853 ; m. Feb. 7, 1874, Jacob A. Woodman, and d. in Bridgewater, Dec. 9, 1886, ae. 33-1 i-i. 41. Clarissa Mandana, b. Feb. 20, 1855 ; d. in Bristol, unm., Dec. 5, 1897, ae. 42-9-15- (3g) Otis F. Cross, b. July 15, 1850, m. Nov. 2, 1872, Sarah Augusta, dau. of Dea. John F. Cass. (See.) He settled in Bristol in 1878, and has been an operative in woolen-mill ; res. corner of Lake and Chandler streets. Republican, K. of P. CHILDREN 42. Una Estella, b. Bridgewater, Aug. 13, 1873. She was graduated GENEALOGIES — CULVER 1 2 3 from New Hampton Literary Institution in two courses. She m. Nov. 28, 1900, Prof. Henry W. Brown, vice-principal of New Hampton Literary Institution. She is a teacher of music at same institution. Child : a. Marion Doton, b. New Hampton, Apr. 14, 1903. 43. Otis Earle, b. Bridgewater, May 28, 1877. THE CULVER FAMILY I. Rev. Newell Culver was b. Pomfret, Vt., July 13, 1811. June 25, 1837, he m. Caroline, dau. of John H. and Hannah (White) Aspinwall, b. Lancaster, Feb. 8, 1812. He was a Methodist clergyman. United with the New Hampshire Con ference in 1833, retaining his membership till death. He filled six appointments in Vermont and twelve in New Hampshire. Was pastor of M. E. church at Bristol i85g-'6i. In 1868, he built residence corner Summer and Spruce streets, where he spent most of his remaining years. He d. while visiting his dau. at Pittsfield, Mass., Sept. 22, 1882, ae. 71-2-g. She d. Pittsfield, Jan. 14, i8go, as the result of a fall down stairs, ae. 77-11-6. CHILDREN 2. Caroline Sophia, b. Sharon, Vt., May 5, 1841 ; graduated Tilton seminary, 1861 ; m. John H. Musgrove. (See.) 3. Mary Ellen, b. Hanover, Aug. 6, 1845 ; d. Lebanon, Sept. 15, 1865, ae. 20-1-9. THE CUMMINGS FAMILIES I. Daniel Kidder Cummings was the son of Daniel and Lois (Kidder) Cummings, and was b. Groton, Dec. i, 1831. He m., July 4, 1853, Mary Jane, dau. of Joseph Bradbury, b. Gilford, Dec. 15, i82g. She d. Apr. 24, 1862, ae. 32-4-9, and he m. Nov. 7, 1863, EUen M., dau. of John Brown, b. Spring field, Aug. 24, 1830; d. Bristol, Sept. 4, igoo, ae. 70-0-10. He was a farmer, res. Wentworth, Bridgewater, Franklin, and about 1890, came to Bristol. He served in the First N. H. Heavy ArtUlery during the Civil war. Congregationalist, Republican, member G. A. R., and Granger. CHILDREN 2. Mary Lois, b. Groton, Sept. 25, 1854; d. July 3, 1870, ae. 15-9-8. 3. Orville Darius, b. Wentworth, Oct. 29, 1861 ; m. Hannah French. Res. Worcester, Mass. 4. Annie Corinna, b. Groton, Sept. 7, 1865 ; d. Oct. 25, 1865. 5. Emma Mabelle, b. G., Mar. 8, 1867 ; m. Edward F. Kendall. (See.) 6. Fred Wesley, b. Franklin, Dec. 12, 1868; d. Feb. 26, 1870, ae. 1-2-14. 7. Mary Alice, b. F., Sept. 12, 1870; m. Henry C. Varney. (See.) 124 HISTORY OF BRISTOL I . James Alfred Cummings, brother of above, was b. No. Groton, Oct. i, 1843. He m. EUen HiU, of Laconia, 1865 (?). He m., Nov. 24, 1872, Mary Chambers, dau. of William and Eliza Gilbert Chambers, b. Buriington, Vt., 1846. She d. in Plymouth, Dec. i, 1895, and he m. Aug. 30, 1899, Nettie Belle Beatrice, dau. of Stanley and Emma Louise (Chambers) Jacobs, b. Hiland, Kansas, Aug. 25, 1874. He was a farmer; came to Bristol in August, 1897. Here he was a wood worker and baker. By reason of a fever sore, his arm was amputated a few weeks before his death, which occurred in Bristol, Sept. i, 1902. His age was 58-1 i-o. Mrs. Cummings went to California, where she now resides. CHILD 2. Mary Lois, b. Plymouth, Apr. 5, 1885. Res. Bristol. THE CURRIER FAMILY I. Trueworthy Oilman Currier, son of Dr. Edmond Cur rier, an early physician of Hopkinton, and Betsey (Stanley) Cur rier, was b. in Hopkinton, May 13, 1799, and d. in Bristol, July 31, 1874, ae. 75-2-18. He m., Mar. 24, 1825, Nancy Chase, dau. of Moses, b. Leominster, Mass., Mar. 8, 1804, and d. Bris tol, July 21, 1885, ae. 81-4-13. Mr. Currier was a millwright and miller. He came to Bristol in 1836 and built a grist-mill for Brackett L. Greenough — what is now the lower story and basement of the main building owned by Calley & Currier, crutch manufacturers. Jan. 18, 1838, he brought his family here and moved into a small house on site of the Abel block. He later occupied for many years the "mill house" near the grist-mill, still standing. On completion of the mill, Mr. Cur rier operated the same on shares till November, 1849, when he purcha.sed and continued to operate it till 1865. (See Indus tries.) He was a Republican and Free Baptist. CHILDREN 2. Sarah Ann, b. Mar. 12, 1826; m. 1848, William Hannaford, b. Boscawen, Mar. 27, 1822. They res. for 45 years in Lowell, Mass., where she d., June 7, 1897, ae. 71-2-25. He served in 6th Mass. Infantry, and d. Soldiers' Home, Chelsea, Mass., Sept. 23, 1898, ae. 76-5-26. *3. Charles Ransom, b. Hopkinton, July 22, 1828. *4. Theodore Elliott, b. H., June 16, 1830. *5. Cyrus Chase, b. H., Mar. 5, 1834. 6. Lorenzo Merrill, b. H., July 30, 1837; m. Aug. 6, i860, Hattie Susan, dau. of Albert and Emily (Hannaford) Hunt, b. Oct. 12, 1841, in Webster, and d. Penacook, May 19, 1878, ae. 36-7-7. He m. (2) May 30, 1879, Arabella, dau. William Davis ^nd Abigail (Hoyt) Colby, b. Con cord, Oct. 7, 1857. He served in the Civil war as first class musician in 2nd Brigade Band, loth Army Corps, called Post Band, Hilton Head, S. C, from Jan. 13, '63 to July 4, '65. No children. Was for many years leader of a cornet band. Machinist, deacon Congregational church, Republican, Mason, G. A. R. He d. Penacook, Apr. 20, 1903, ae. 65-8-20. George C. Currier GENEALOGIES — CURRIER 125 *7. George Carroll, b. Bristol, Feb. 13, 1841. 8. Martha Jane, b. B., Mar. 3, 1845 ; m. Frank H. George. (See.) (3) Charles R. Currier, b. July 22, 1828, m. Mar. 8, 1852, Abigail, dau. of Moses G. Edgerly (See), b. Dec. 25, 1829, and d. Bristol, May 26, 1871, ae. 41-5-1. He m. (2) July, 1874, Mrs. Eliza Ann Walker, widow of True Walker, and dau. of Josiah M. Healey, b. Alexandria, in 1840, d. June 20, 1882, ae. 42 ; he m. (3) Jennie E. Hoyt, Nov. 12, 1885, dau. of Albert Fifield. She d. Alexandria, July i, 1903, ae. 64. He was for many years a miller in his father's grist-mill, now farmer in Alexandria ; was drum-major of 34th Regt. Republican, musician. CHILDREN 9. . EUa Augusta, b. Bristol, Oct. 28, 1853 ; m. June 5, 1880, William Augustus Sumner, son of Jabez and Fannie (Babcock) Sumner, b. Dor chester, Mass., May 28, 1830; d. Tilton, Feb. 27, 1903, ae. 72-8-29. No children. 10. Clarence Moody, b. B., June 27, 1857; m.; two children. Last known address, Elkhart, Ind. (4) Theodore E. Currier, b. June 16, 1830, m. Oct. 28, 1852, Mary Folsom, dau. of Jonathan and Lucy (Green) San born, b. Concord, Dec. 14, 1827. She d. Auburndale, Mass., Aug. 26, 1880, ae. 52-8-12. He m., Oct. 4, 1883, Mary Arlina, dau. of John and Mary A. Oburg, b. Boston, Mass., Dec, 1 85 1. He left Bristol in 1844 ; was a clerk in Concord 12 years, then in trade there till 1863; an appraiser in custom house. New York, for two years, since then an appraiser in custom house, Boston. Res. 124 Ashmont street, Dorchester, Mass. CHILDREN II. Helen Melville, b. Concord, Jan. 27, 1856 ; d. Jan. 4, 1857. 12. Edward Theodore, b. C, July 29, 1857; d. Boston, Mass., June 25, 1879, ae. 21-10-26. 13. Frank Sanborn, b. C, Apr. 9, i86o ; d. in C, June 23, 1863, ae. ^ 14. Charles Clarke, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., May 6, 1864, 15. Jonathan Sanborn, b. Cambridgeport, Mass., July 2, 1868. (5) Cyrus C. Currier, b. Mar. 5, 1834, m. Apr. 21, 1858, Electa A., dau. of Enoch and Hannah (Prescott) Brown, b. Belmont, June i, 1838. He was a piano-tuner and res. Man chester 'and Belmont. Died at Belmont, July 2, 1892, ae. 58-3-27. His widow res. Belmont. CHILDREN 16 Elmer Brown, b. Feb. 21, 1862, d. Nov. 7, 1866, ae. 4-8-16. 17'. Helen Gertrude, b. Aug. 24, 1868 ; d. May 30, 1875, ae. 6-9-6. (7) George C. Currier, b; Feb. 13, 1841, m. Apr. 26, 1866, Clara Ann, dau. of Samuel and Mary A. (Moulton) 126 HISTORY OP BRISTOL Cox, b. Holderness, July 5, 1838, and d. Bristol, Feb. 5, 1899, ae. 60-7-0. He m. (2) Nov. 18, iSgg, Mrs. Anna A. (Spencer) Fowler, widow of David S. Fowler, and dau. Charles H. Spen cer. (See.) Served as a musician in Co. D, 12th Regt. N. H. Vols., Civil war. (See Roll of Honor.) Was a wheelwright from i85g tUl 1881 when he engaged in the crutch business, which he still continues. Is a Knight Templar. Member of G. A. R. Republican. Served five years as fireward. CHILD 18. Clara Blanche, b. Bristol, Nov. 26, 1871 ; m. Ansel G. Dolloff. (See.) THE CURTICE FAMILY I. Alexander Curtice, the son of Stephen, was b. in Antrim, Oct. 27, 1803. He m.. Sept 25, 1832, Margaret Gam ble, b. Aug. 31, 1798. He was a farmer in Danbury, Hill, Vermont, and in Bristol from about 1867, and here d. Dec. 29, 1873, ae. 70-2-2. She d. Bristol, Feb. 13, 1873, ae. 74-5-12. CHILDREN 2. William Mason, b. Nov. 15, 1833 ; d. July 21, 1838, ae. 4-8-6. 3. Betsey, b. July 8, 1836; d. July 12, 1840, ae. 4-0-4. 4. Margaret Jennie, b. Apr. 10, 1838; d. Bristol, July 10, 1871, ae, 33-3-0- 5. John Warren, b. Dec. 12, 1839. He m. Lydia Woodburn. Was a druggist in Hinsdale, Mass. She d. He d. Washington, D. C, Jan. i, 1901, ae. 61-0-19. No children. *6. James Archibald, b. Danbury, Nov. 8, 1841. (6) James A. Curtice, b. Nov. 8, 1841, wentto Illinois athis majority, and, after six years, to California, where he remained four years. Returned to Bristol to care for his parents. At their death he succeeded to the homestead, the John M. Merrill place, a half mile south of Central square. Here he carried on the meat business till his death. He m. Oct. 5, 1876, Mary Melissa, dau. of William and Mary (Gordon) Eaton, b. New Hampton, Oct. 28, 1843. She d. Bristol, Aug. 27, 1878, ae. 34-9-29, and he m. Nov. 8, 1879, Almeda M., dau. Samuel and Anna (Carter) Emerson, b. New Hampton, Jan. 25, 1848. He d. Feb. 22, igoi, ae. 59-3-14. CHILDREN 7. Mabel Augusta, b. Bristol, Oct. 6, 1877. Res. Bristol. Unm. 8. Abbie Anna, b. B., Oct. 20, 1880. Res. Bristol. Unm. THE CUTLER FAMILY I . RosweU C utler, son of Roswell W . and Marietta (Craig) Cutler, was b. Shefford, P. Q., Nov. 4, 1861. Oct. 4, 1883, he GENEALOGIES — CYR 1 2 7 m. Mary M., dau. of George and Mary A. (Knapp) Jackson, b. Woodford, Vt., Jan. 16, 1862. At 15 years of age he commenced work for the railroad as messenger. He was station agent eight years at No. Troy, Vt., from which place he came to Bristol in May, 1895, and has since been station agent here. He is a Mason, Methodist, and Republican. CHILDREN 2. Raymond William, b. Sweetsburg, P. Q., Aug. 20, 1884. 3. Harrison Roswell, b. North Troy, Vt., Apr. 21, 1888. 4. Charles Wright, b. N. T., Jan. 20, 1890. 5. George Jackson, b. Bristol, Aug. 6, 1895. THE CYR FAMILY I. Joseph Cyr is the son of Samuel and Emily (Marcotte) Cyr. He was b. Warwick, Canada, Mar. 26, 1858, and m. May 28, 1877, Rosy, dau. of Louis L. and Mabel (Rival) LaFlamme, b. Hyacinth, P. Q., Jan. 28, i860. He was an overseer in Washington woolen-mill, Lawrence, Mass., pre vious to July, 1886; since overseer of card-room in Dodge- Davis woolen-miU at Bristol. CHILDREN 2. Oliver Arthur, b. Lawrence, Apr. 21, 1878; d. at 3 mos. 3. Bertha Florence, b. L., July 8, 1879; m. Bert H. Jewell. (See.) 4. William Ernest, b. L., Apr. 26, 1881, m. Oct. 12, 1902, Nellie M. Ballou, dau. of Hiland. Salesman in store of Weymouth, Brown & Co. No children. 5. Arthur Delmore, b. L., Feb. 21, 1884. 6. Laura Blanch, b. L., Nov. 23, 1885. 7. Edward Herbert, b. Bristol, Jan. 13, 1893. THE DALTON FAMILY John Martin VanBuren Dalton, the son of Samuel W. and Mahala S. (Robinson) Dalton, was b. New Hampton, June 11, 1843. He was a farmer in Bridgewater tiU 1894, since then in Bristol, occupying the John M. R. Emmons farm. He m. Aug. 16, 1894, Emma, dau. of John M. R. Emmons. (See.) No children. THE DAMON FAMILY I. Amos Damon, son of Amos and Nancy (Standish) Damon, was b. in Maiden, Mass., May 31, 1814. He is the sixth generation from Miles Standish. He m. Nov. 25, 1841, Clarissa, dau. of David Batchelder, b. No. Reading, Mass., Feb. 27, 1822. In February, 1843, they settled on a farm m the Locke neighborhood, where they remained tiU about 1859, when they removed to the old Worthen farm three-fourths of a 128 HISTORY OF BRISTOL mUe east of Central square. In 1875, they removed to Reading, Mass., where they stiU reside. He was a fife major in the old 34th Regt. miUtia, and in the CivU war served in Co. D, 12th Regt. N. H. Vols. (See RoU of Honor.) Republican. Meth odist. CHILDREN, all but first born in Bristol 2. Hannah Marinda, b. No. Reading, Aug. 22, 1842. Res. Reading. Unm. 3. Clarington, b. Mar. 2, 1844; d. Apr. lo, 1845, ae. 1-1-8. 4. Clarington, b. Jan. 16, 1846 ; d. Aug. 31, 1846, ae. 0-7-15. *5. Otis Standish, b. May 16, 1847. ,^ . 6. Clara Marietta, b. Nov. 16, 1849; m. Samuel D. Rollins. (See.) She res. Reading. 7. Laura Ann, b. Mar. 29, 1852. Res. Reading, unm. (5) Otis S. Damon, b. May 16, 1847, m. Mar. r6, 1869, Carrie B., dau. of Oliver S. HaU. (See.) He is a farmer in Bristol. Republican. Methodist. CHILD 8. Everett Leon, b. Bristol, Oct. 19, 1869 ; d. of heart disease, Nov. 2, 1889, ae. 20-0-13. THE DANFORTH FAMILIES I. Dea. Samuel Danforth was a descendant of Nicholas Danforth who emigrated from England to Boston, in 1634, with three sons and three daughters. His wife had died five years before. He settled in New Towne, now Cambridge, and at once became prominent in public affairs. He was selectman i635-'37, and a deputy to the General Court in 1636 and '37, and was an original member of Thomas Shephard's church. "In 1637 he was one of the twelve appointed ' to take orders for a college at New Towne.' " He died in April, 1638. A son in the line of descent was Rev. Samuel Danforth, a tutor in Har vard College. In 1650, he was ordained as a colleague to John Eliot, the "Apostle to the Indians." In this capacity he labored 24 years, and d. in November, 1674. Another distinguished ancestor of Dea. Samuel was Rev. Samuel Danforth, the 4th minister of the church at Taunton, Mass. Dea. Samuel was b. Norton, Mass., Oct. 16, 1773. He m. Apr. 12, 1808, Mehitable Marshall, b. in Framingham,, Jan. 30, 1787. They came to Bristol in 1844, where most of their children had preceded them. At Norton he was deacon of the Congregational church and he was acting deacon of the church at Bristol 40 years. He brought up his family in the puritan style and was noted for his even and consistent Christian life, and unfaltering faith in God and the Bible. He resided on Spring street, his house standing where George H. White now resides, where he d. Jan. 29, i860, ae. 86-3-13. She d. Feb. 8, 1868 ae. 81-0-8. GENEALOGIES — DANFORTH 1 29 CHILDREN 2. Richard Sears, b. Norton, Mass., Jan. 26, 1809 ; d. from the kick of a horse, Aug. 4, 1818, ae. 9-6-8. 3. Henry M., b. Hopkinton, Mass., Aug. 6, 1810 ; m. Judith Morse, b. "New Hampshire" 1814, He attended the New Hampton Literary Institution and became a Baptist clergyman. He was pastor of the church at Evans, N. Y., from Apr. 4, 1846, till June 11, 1865; and from Feb. I, 1868, till 1883 or '84, over 34 years in all. He d. Aug. 22, 1886, ae. 76-0-16. Mrs. Danforth d. Evans, Feb. 27, 1883, ae. 69. One child, deceased. 4. Abigail S., b. Pelham, Mass., Nov. 12, iSii ; m. Warren White. (See.) 5. Benjamin, b. P., June 24, 1813 ; d. Mar. 9, 1814. 6. Nancy M., b. P., Jan. 24, 1815 ; m. at Dana, Mass., May 5, 1842, Theodore N. Patterson, later a merchant tailor in Bristol. She res. Mon- roeville, Ohio, then in Minonk, 111., where she d. Nov. 1, 1864, ae. 49-9-7. One son deceased. 7. Appleton Howe, b. P., July 8, 181 7 ; m. Aug. 11, 1847, Frances Amelia, dau. of Z. and Almira Studley, b. Worcester, Mass., Apr. 27, 1827. He was a student at New Hampton, graduated from Madison University, Hamilton, N. Y., in August, 1847. The same year he went to Gowhatti, Assam, 1,000 miles north of Calcutta, India, as a missionary of the American Baptist Missionary Union, where he remained ten years. His wife d. at Rangoon, Burmah, Feb. 3, 1874, ae. 46-9-6. In Feb., 1862, he became pastor of the Milestown Baptist church, Philadelphia, Pa. In 1864, labored in the Army of the Potomac. He d. at Milestown, Feb. 14, 1865, ae. 47-7-6. Children : a. Elizabeth Jane, b. Gowhatti, Apr. 22, 1849 ; m. Mar. 5, 1874, Joseph B. Cope ; res. 168 Herman street, Germantown, Pa. b. Nathan Brown, b. G., Apr. 27, 1852 ; m. Oct., 1882, Elizabeth Jones. Res. Wilmington, Del. c. Appleton Howe, b. G., Apr. 14, 1854; res. Florence, Arizona. d. Helena Frances, b. G., Oct. 18, 1857 ; d. at Calcutta, India, Mar. 14, 1858. -»8. Richard Sears, b. Pelham, June 26, 1819. 9. George P., b. Dana, Mass., Oct. 18, 1821 ; was a workman in White's tannery. He m. Apr., 1843, Fidelia P., and d. Oct. 21, 1865, ae. 44-0-3. He m. (2) Mary Wise. Child : a. Fred P., b. Bristol. 10. Almon Hodges, b. Dana, Mass., June 24, 1824 ; m. Hannah, dau. Benjamin Rowe, Nov. 8, 1849. She was b. Gilford, June 15, 1825, and d. Minonk, 111., Jan. 15, 1896, ae. 70-7-0. He is a banker at Minonk. No children. „ -r, r^-,- -r. t,-^ r. 11. Mehitable Jane, b. D., June 12, 1831 ; m. Rev. Oliver P. Pitcher, a Methodist clergyman. Mar. 10, 1852; d. Mar. 13, 1854, ae. 22-9-1. (8) Richard S. Danforth, b. June 26, 1819, m. Jan. 16, 1843 Amanda Melvina, dau. of Josiah and Rachel (Corliss) HiU, b. Alexandria, Jan. 13, 1824. He learned the brick mason's trade at Troy, N. Y., and came to Bristol m 1841, and was for 12 years foreman of Mr. White's tannery here; then part owner in a tannery in Woodstock for 16 years. He returned to Bristol in 1868, and has since resided here. Congrega tionalist, Republican ; has served as selectman three years. 130 HISTORY OF BRISTOL CHILDREN 12. Sarah Jane, b. Bristol, Nov. 16, 1843. Res. Bristol ; unm. 13. Charles Richard, b. B., Feb. 4, 1845. Went to Minonk, 111., in 1869, where he is a banker. He m., Jan. 29, 1885, Lizzie, dau. of Jacob and Phillipena (Monk; Knapp, b. Clayton, 111. Children : a. John Charles, b. Minonk, July 30, 1887. b. Louisa Elizabeth, b. M., July 10, 1890. 14. John Samuel, b. Bristol, Nov. 30, 1847. He was a guide on the Magalloway river. Me., for some years, then established Camp Caribou, Parmachenee lake, a famous fishing and hunting resort of which he was proprietor till 1897, when he sold and went to Florida, where he is proprietor of a hotel at Stewart. He m., Nov. 30, 1885, Sarah, dau. of Enoch B. Knapp, b. Sept. 8, 1865, in Newry, Me., and d. Stewart, Fla., Feb. 2, 1901, ae. 35-4-24. Child : a. Richard Sears, b. Newry, Me., May 8, 1887. 15. Georgiana, b. B., Feb. 24, 1849; d. Feb. 16, 1852, ae. 2-11-22. 16. Harry Vivanna, b. Woodstock, Apr. 21, 1857; d. July 11, 1863, ae. 6-2-20. Rachel Pierce, mother of Mrs. Danforth, d. in her family, Jan. 4, 1880, ae. 78-0-2. She m. (i) Josiah Hill ; (2) Wm. Pierce. I. Abel Danforth, m. Mrs. Rebecca (Hubbard) WUlard, widow of John Willard, and dau. of Jeremiah Hubbard. They settled on the Danforth farm, next east of Danforth brook, about 1822, and there he d. Sept. 5, 1851, ae. 74; she d. Aug. 20, 1867, ae. 89. CHILDREN 2. Esther Rebecca, b. Bristol, Oct. 20, 1820 ; d. in B.; unm. 3. Mary Ann, b. B., Aug. 12, 1822 ; unm.; d. B., Sept. 29, 1891, ae. 69-1-17. *4. Abel Willard, b. B., July 30, 1824. (4) Abel W. DEtnforth, b. July 30, 1824, m. Lucinda Had ley Edgerly, of Gilmanton. (Certificate issued Sept. 11, 1852.) He succeeded his father on the farm, where she d.. May 30, 1886, ae. 64; he d. Sept. 15, 1872, ae. 48-1-15. CHILDREN ,^ 5-._ Ella Frances, b. Bristol, Nov. 21, 1853 ; m- James Calvin Nowell (Certificate issued Apr. r 6, 1870.) Res. Franklin. Children: a. Henry Philip, b. Bristol, Sept. 2, 1871. b. Charles Alfred, b. Franklin. 6. Esther Rebecca, b. Bristol, Feb. 14, 1855; m rn Charlet Frill (2) George Shaw. Both d. She res. Franklin pflls Children a. Mary Leila, b. Andover. b. Edith Luella, b A c. Georgiana Gertrude, b. A. *7. John Wesley, b. Bristol, June 3, 1857. , , ,.7- John W. Danforth, b June 3, 1857, m. Aug. 13, 1881, Addle Leona, dau. of Timothy and Isabel (Curtis) Curtis b ^^- 'hl^^'J ^ J""^^- "' '^^^' ^^- "4-8-29. Hem. Apr'. 5; 1887, Addie Mae Lovering, dau. of David, b. Sanbornton. She GENEALOGIES — DARLING 13 1 d. of malignant diphtheria, Mar. 19, i88g, ae. 23-1-, and he m Aug. 30, i8go, NeUie J. Golding, dau. of Calvin. (See.) He IS a farmer and wood worker. CHILDREN 8. Lena Belle, b. Bristol, May, 1882 ; d. May 12, 1889, ae. 7 years, of consumption resulting from diphtheria. 9. Blanche May, b. B., Apr. i, 1884; d. of malignant diphtheria. Mar. 4, 1889, ae. 4-11-3. ^ ^ 10. Daisy Maud, b. B., July 15, 1888; d. of malignant diphtheria. Mar. 12, 1889, ae. 0-7-27. I. Benaiah Danforth, son of Benaiah and Patience (Hoyt) Danforth, was b. Danbury, May 6, 1809. Apr. 13, 1834, he m. AbigaU, dau. of Caleb and Rhoda (Currier) Sargent. She was b. in HUl, June 23, 1808. They res. Danbury and Wil mot till 1865, when they removed to Bristol. He was a farmer and tanner. He d. Bristol, Jan. 27, 1879, ae. 69-8-21. She was living in Hill in July, 1903, ae. 95. CHILD 2. Mary E., b. Danbury, Apr. 10, 1837; m. Aug., 1859, Thomas War ren Sawyer. He was drowned at Laconia, Feb. 4, 1873. She d. Feb. 7, 1863, ae. 25-9-27. Child : a. Charles Harvey Sawyer, b. Hill, June, 1862. (See in alpha betical position. ) THE DARLING FAMILY I. Dea. Benjamin Darling is said to have been born in England, and to have moved from Hawke to Sanbornton where he carried on the first mill, and was an original member and deacon of the Congregational church at the Square i77i-'72. He m. Mar. 8, 1758, Hannah, and d. Apr, 16, 1795. He had six children, among them 2. Ebenezer, b. Jan. 11, 1765; m. Abigail Morrison, dau. of Ebenezer, June 26, 1782. He was a miller at what is now Tilton, and d. of consumption, Dec. 14, 1826, ae. 61-11-3. She d. Sept. 15, 1840, ae. 76-4-. Of his twelve children, three set tled in Bristol : -»3. Ebenezer, b. Mar. 16, 1790. *4. Daniel, b. Dec. 2, 1802. *5. Jacob Newman, b. Aug. 10, 1808. (3) Ebenezer Darling, b. Mar. 16, 1790, m. (i) Sally Clough, of Northfield; (2) Dec. 5, 1820, AbigaU TirreU, dau. of Jonah (See), b. Bristol, Aug. 27, 1790. He came to Bristol in 1835 and was a farmer in the Kidder neighborhood. He d. of lung fever, Apr. 5, 1875, ae. 85-0-1 g ; she d. Sept. 5, 1881, ae. gi-o-8. 132 HISTORY OF BRISTOL CHILDREN 6. Jonathan C, b. Northfield, May 13, 1813, m. Caroline Richard son, and d. Sept. 9, 1864, ae. 51-3-26. Never resided in Bristol. No children. 7. Sally C, b. Sanbornton, Aug. 13, 1822 ; m. Osman Powell. (See.) 8. Joanna Lincoln, b. S., July 20, 1825 ; m. Benjamin F. Sanborn. (See.) . 9. Harriet S., b. S., July 7, 1830, Res. Bristol, unm. (4) Daniel Darling, b. Dec. 2, 1802, m. June 28, 1826, Harriet, dau. of Andrew Sanborn. He was a clothier at No. Bristol, i826-'36. He d. Lowell, Mass., May 28, 1857, ae. 54-5-26. She d. in Franklin, Oct. 8, 1867, ae. 64. CHILDREN 10. Eliza Ann, m. 1870, Henry C. Greene ; res. New York City. Two children, both deceased. II. Harriet E., b. 1834; d. in Bristol, Sept. 30, 1835, being fatally burned. 12. Mary E., b. 1838 ; d. Mar. 6, 1841, ae. 3 years. (5) Jacob N. Darling, b. Aug. 10, 1808, m. Sept. 13, 1 83 1, Abigail Tappan Brown, dau. of Amos and Nancy Brown, of FrankUn, b. Wheelock, Vt., Mar. 28, 1808. He had a clothing-mill at No. Bristol, i830-'35; removed to Whitefield ; in 1 84 1, returned to Bristol. Was a druggist and merchant tailor where is now the west-side drug store. He was for many years a prominent member of the Methodist church. She was ever present at the bedside of the afflicted. He resided on Lake street, where he d. June 8, 1859, ae. 50-9-28 ; she d. Apr. 6, 1880, ae. 72-0-8. CHILDREN 13 Harriet Elizabeth, b. Whitefield, July 24, 1838; m. Moody O. Edgerly. (See.) 14. Charles Walker, b. W., and d., ae. 8 months. 15. Mary Minot, b. B., 1842, and d. Feb. 1, 1844, ae. 1-6-. 16. George Ambrose, b. Bristol, July 6, 1846. Merchant in Boston many years. Unm. THE DAVIS FAMILIES I. Rev. Hezekiah Davis, b. Stafford, Conn., June 4, 1785, was an itinerant preacher of the Methodist Episcopal church. Jan. 29, 1816, he m. Sally, dau. of Maj. TheophUous Sanborn, b. Sept. 17, 1793. (See.) He remained in Bristol tiU i8ig, when he located in Stafford, Conn.; in 1832, went to Spring field, Mass., and, in 1835, emigrated to Hartsgrove, O., where he was one of the first settlers in the woods of that section. Both he and his wife were highly esteemed for their many virtues. He d. Hartsgrove, O., Jan. 8, 1861, ae. 75-7-4 ; she d. same place, Apr, 26, 1858, ae, 64-7-9. GENEALOGIES — DAVIS 1 33 CHILDREN 2. William, b. Bristol, Jan. 25, 1817; d. Trumbull, O., Nov. 14, 1875, ae. 58-9-19. He m. Martha Cook, who d. 1877, leaving a dau. who d. four years later. He m. (2) Charlotte Clark, who d. twelve years later, leaving a dau. He m. (3) Sarah Ann Andrus, who d. five years later leaving a_ son, who survived a few months. He m. (4) Martha Doneley, who survived him. 3. Adeline, b. B., July 7, 1818 ; d. from eating choke cherries, while on a visit to Bristol, Aug. 30, 1821, ae. 3-1-23. 4. Otis Sanborn, b. Stafford, Conn., Jan'. 30, 1820; m. Martha Mead, and d. in Austinburg, O., Feb. 18, 1890, ae. 70-0-18, leaving two sons and two daughters. 5. Fidelia, b. S., Oct. 23, 1822, m. Jan. i, 1844, George W. Andrus, of Trumbull, O. One dau., one son. 6. Betsey Orcott, b. Oct. 6, 1825 ; m. Sept. 9, 1859, Epaphras Chap man Bill, b. in Conn., Nov. 18, 1821. She d. Reelsville, Ind., Nov. 23, 1857, ae. 32-1-17. Child : a. Fred Adelbert, b. at Hartsgrove, O., Aug. 12, 1850 ; m. Sept. i, 1877, Clara M. McMaster. He is general passenger and freight agent of the Hot Springs Railroad Company. Res. Hot Springs, Ark. Children: (i) Jesse May, b. Reed's Landing, Oct. 10, 1878. (2) Earl McMaster, b. Dubuque, Iowa, July 14, 1888. I. Orren Bean Davis, son of Timothy and Hannah (Bean) Davis, was b. Springfield, Mar. 20. 1821. He left home with a half penny and a small bundle of clothes, and became a farmer's boy in Andover. Later he was a peddler with two tin trunks, till he came to Bristol in 1847. Was in trade in the Rollins block, 1 847-' 52, then went to Franklin, where he was livery man, landlord of Franklin house and for many years of the Web ster house, where he d. Sept. 12, 1882, ae. 61-5-22. He m., in August, 1847, Eliza Ann, dau. of Dea. Joseph and Huldah Weeks (Morrill) Fellows, b. East Andover, Dec. 2, 1829. She d. Hampton Falls, Aug. 22, 1854, ae. 24-8-20, and he m. (2) Lucinda F. Shaw, widow of Sylvester H., b. in Wilmot, and d. in Franklin. CHILDREN 2. Charles Evans Fellows, b. Bristol, May 21, 1848; m. Feb. 8, 1868, Emma Frances, dau. Jesse and Hannah (Bliss) Baker, b. New London, Feb. 9, 1849. He is a farmer and seller of granite and marble for ceme tery work at Andover. Children : a. Harry Fellows, b. Franklin, Oct. 13, 1869 ; m. Mina Louretta Connor, May 29, 1893. Overseer in finishing room in SuUoway's mill at Franklin. Two children. b. Oscar Baker, b. May 30, 1871. Res. Andover, unm. c. Carrie, b. Mar. 10, 1873 ; d. Sept. 12, 1873. d. Ethel May, b. Feb. i, 1874, m. July 6, 1896, Martin Cunning ham, furniture dealer and undertaker, Franklin Falls. 3. Lucinda Ann, b. Franklin, Nov. 22, 1857; m. Fred F. Long, of Franklin. No children. 4 Orren Bean, b. F., Dec. 11, 1861 ; d. Mar. 12, 1862. 5. Jennie Louise, b. F., Sept. 13, 1864; m. George D. Mayo, Frank lin. Three children. 134 HISTORY OF BRISTOL I. Charles Edwin Davis, son of Martin and Lydia (Al- drich) Davis, was b. Grafton, Sept. 4, 1854 ; m. Aug. 28, 1875, EUa J., dau. of Charles P. George, b. Sept. 4, 1855. (See.) Mr. Davis was a farmer and served seven years on the board of selectmen in Alexandria ; came to Bristol in 1888, and was four vears engaged in the livery business and eight years a member of the firm of Alexander & Davis, merchants. He has served four years as selectman of Bristol ; is a past master of Union Lodge ; Methodist ; Democrat. CHILD 2. Edwin Martin, b. Alexandria, Oct. 13, 1877. Is a clerk in First National Bank of Bristol. J. Byron Edgar Davis, son of Levi W. and Abby H. (Piper) Davis, was b. in Wentworth, June 23, 1876. He m.. May 22, igoo, Florence L. Stewart, b. Wales, Mass., Aug. g, 1882. Has res. in Bristol three years. Paper maker. CHILD 2. Hazel Edgarine, b. Bristol, July 15, 1902. THE DAY FAMILY I. Lorenzo Dow Day was the son of Isaac and Polly (Davis) Day. He was b. in Mercer, Me., May 17, 1814. He m. Harriet Newell, dau. of Manley and Lovina (Davis) Stevens, b. Orford, Oct. 31, 1821. He was a marble worker in Orford, Rochester, and Concord, till 1863, when he came to Bristol, and continued same business till age compelled him to retire. He represented Rochester in the constitutional convention of 1850, and the legislatures of 1851 and '52. In politics he was a Demo crat, and he was a Mason for forty years. He d. in Bristol, Feb. 26, 1887, ae. 72-9-9. Mrs. Day d. in Concord, Dec. 31, igor, ae. 80-2-0. Lovina D. Stevens, mother of Mrs. Day, d. at the home of her dau., in Bristol, Aug. 11, 1884, ae. 83. CHILDREN 2. Elmina H., b. Orford ; m. (i) Daniel W. Steele, of Lyme, who d. El Paso, Texas, July 23, 1877. She m. (2) John S. Keaghey. They res. Jasper, Jasper Co., Texas. Children : a. Hattie, m. Thomas H. Nilms. Address, Pennington, Trinity Co., Texas. b. Daniel C, m. and res. Beaumont, Texas. Four children d. in infancy. 3. Eliza Jane, b. Orford ; m. July 30, 1887, Col. Charles H. Roberts, son of John and Polly (Davis) Roberts, and grandson of George Roberts, who served under Paul Jones. He res. Washington, D. C, and Concord. 4. Harriet Ann, b. Orford, Feb. 4, 1842; m. Sept. 19, 1865, William Henry Niles, son of Samuel W. and Eunice C. (Newell) Niles b Orford Dec. 22, 1839. Children : GENEALOGIES — DEARBORN I35 a. Florence, b. Reading, Mass., Dec. 7, 1867 ; m. George W. Moulton, of Lynn, Jan. 31, 1889. Children : (1) Gladys Niles, b. Mar. 18, 1890. (2) Pauline H., b. May 4, 1893 ; d. July 14, 1894, ae. 1-2-10. b. Grace, b. Lynn, June 6, 1871 ; m. June 2, 1896, Dr. Charles R. Henderson, Reading, Mass. Child : Helen, b. Feb. 18, 1898. c. Mary Ethel, b. Oct. 31, 1883. 5. Emma, b. Orford, Aug. 23, 1845 ; m. Mar. 13, 1865, Thomas Abbot, son of John C. and Elizabeth (Abbot) Pilsbury, b. Derry, Dec. 4, 1845, and d. Concord, Jan. 12, 1893, ae. 47-1-8. She m. (2) George W. Colbath, Jan. 22, 1895. Child : a. John Abbot Pilsbury. 6. _ Sarah Lavina, b. Rochester, Feb. 6, 1846. She was a teacher in the Bristol graded school for three years from 1867, and was a member of the choir at the Methodist church. She m. Josiah E. Prescott. (See.) »7. Charles Herbert, b. Rochester, Mar. 13, 1848. 8. Mary Helen, b. Rochester, Jan. 31, 1854 ; m. Fred H. Ackerman. (See.) 9. Frank, b. Bristol, Jan. 12, 1865 ; m. Jan. 17, 1894, Nancy Frye, dau. of L. A. and Addie (Johnson) Babcock, b. Littleton, June 5, 1874. They res. 271 State street. Concord. Child : a. Marguerite, b. Concord, Jan. 22, 1895. (7) Charles H. Day, b. Mar. 13, 1848, m. Hattie A., dau. of Horace M. Emmons. (See.) He came to Bristol with his father and was associated with him in the marble business. He was town clerk in 1874 ; was deputy sheriff, 1 875-' 76 ; register of deeds of Grafton county, i877-'8i. ]He removed to Haver hill on assuming the duties of register of deeds, and to Concord in January, 1887. For ten years from 1881 was a large shipper of pressed hay from Canada to all parts of New England ; was senior partner of Concord Coal company 1 888-1 902 ; now senior partner Concord Ice company. Owns residence in Concord, and at HaverhiU, one of the finest summer homes in Grafton county. A Democrat and a Mason. CHILDREN 10. Arthur Newell, b. Bristol, Jan. 7, 1868. Is associated with his father in the ice business. Concord ; unm. II. Minnie Maria, b. B., Jan. 7, 1872 ; m. Charles L. Jackman, Esq., Concord, and d. Sept. 13, 1898, ae. 26-8-6. To her memory Mr. Jackman constituted the Minnie Maria Day-Jackman fund of the Minot-Sleeper Library. (See Libraries.) 12. Hattie Eva, b. Haverhill, July 15, 1877. THE DEARBORN FAMILY I . The Dearborns of Bristol and HiU are the descendants of Godfrey Dearborn, who emigrated from Exeter, England, to Exeter, in 1639 ; settled in Hampton in 1650, and d. 1686. Of his descendants, 34 have been physicians. A granite monument 46 feet in height now stands in the cemetery in Exeter to his memory. He had three sons, Henry, Thomas, and John. 1 35 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 2. Thomas was b. England, about 1634. He resided in Hampton. Among his chUdren was 3. Ebenezer. One of his sons was 4. Ebenezer. He was the father of 5. Jonathan, b. 1746. He m. DeUa, dau. of John Robie. They res. in Chester, where five sons were b. One of these was 6. Richard, who settled in HiU. He m. Dolly, dau. of Samuel UnderhiU, of Chester. He was the father of 7. Selwyn C, b. HiU, Oct., 1816. He m., Apr. 24, 1840, Emor J., dau. of David TrumbuU, b. Warner, Jan. 7, 1822. They were farmers in HiU, where he d. Mar. 22, 1880, ae. 63-5-. She res. HiU. CHILDREN 8. Sarah A., b. Hill, July 25, 1842 ; m. James A. Garland, who d- Nov. 26, 1883 ; (2) Robert S. Johnson. Res. in Sanbornton. -»9. Kenson Eliphalet, b. H., Apr. 22, 1844. ,,. „ „ 10. Lyman T., b. H., Apr. 11, 1846 ; m. Nov., 1876, Addie G. Russell ; res. in Hill. « „ t^, j II. Emor J., b. H., Mar. 13, 1852 ; m. Rev. Hiram Stratton. She d. July 8, 1887, in Pennsylvania. 12. Ina May, b. H., Apr. 21, 1865. Unm. (9) Kenson E. Dearborn, b. Apr. 22, 1844, m. Mar. i, 1868, Mary, dau. of WiUiam and Mary (Smith) Tibbetts, b. Brookfield, Nov. 13, 1846, and d. Bristol, Aug. 4, 1882, ae. 35-8-21. July 18, 1885, he m. Carrie C, dau. of Moses and Diana VanBuren Ferrin, b. Cherry Creek, N. Y., Mar. 23, 1843. She was a teacher at the Normal School, Fredonia, N. Y., and at the institution at Jamestown, N. Y. In Bristol she was a member of the board of education. She d. May 27, igoi, ae. 58-2-4. He m. (3) Nov. 18, igo2, Mina, dau. of Thomas Hill, b. Mass., July 21, 1862. He came to Bristol in 1869, and has been a practicing lawyer here. (See Lawyers.) CHILDREN 13. Daisy May, b. Bristol, Apr. 6, 1871 ; m. Mar. 21, 1896, Joseph Hale Merrill, son of Charles, b. Aug. 12, 1873. Res. Wentworth. 14. Leonie Laura, b. B., Nov. 22, 1872; d. June 25, 1885, ae. 12-7-3. 15. Grace Marion, b. B., April 17, 1876. 16. Selwyn Kenson, b. B., Sept. 10, 1879; graduated Dartmouth Col lege 1901 ; m. Sept. 4, 1901, Eda F., dau. of George H. Mann, of Woods ville. He is studying medicine at Dartmouth, class of 1905. THE DECATO FAMILY I. Charles Decato was the son of Charles Decato Bean, who dropped the last name and thereafter was known simply as Charles Decato. He m. Tiotis Bushway. Three children were b. to them in Three Rivers, Canada, and nine in Canaan. At the time of his death in March, 1901, he had 120 descendants. Of his children, three located in Bristol in 1885, viz : GENEALOGIES — DICEY 1 37 *2. Joseph Allen, b. Canaan, Sept. 8, 1849. *3. Henry, b. C, Jan. 4, 1852. *4. John, b. C, Jan. 13, 1856. (2) Joseph A. Decato, b. Sept. 8, i84g, m., Feb. 13, 1873, Agnes, dau. Frank and Derosha (Hedel) HiU, b. Mar. 4, 1857, in Stanstead, Canada. He is a blacksmith on Willow street. Catholic. Res. Lake street. CHILDREN, all born Canaan 5. Alice, b. Feb. 14, 1874; m. Joseph Gage. (See.) 6. Ella, b. Apr. 13, 1875; m. William M. Bryson. (See.) 7. Walter J., b. Sept. 30, 1876; m. Apr. 29, 1899, Ellen, dau. C. H. Stockbridge, b. Haverhill, Mass., 1879. 8. Charles O., b. Sept. 29, 1878. 9. William J., b. May 29, 1880; m. May 29, 1902, Mrs. Catherine, widow of Charles E. Mason. (See.) Res. South Main street. 10. Otto, b. May 15, 1883. (3) Henry Decato, b. Jan. 4, 1852, m. Oct. 12, 1874, Mrs. Virginia (Martin) Young, widow of Joseph, b. Canaan, 1848. He is a mill operative. Res. corner Crescent and Willow streets. CHILDREN II. Hattie, b. Canaan, Sept. 2, 1875 ; m. Charles E. Kimball. (See.) 12. Charles H., b. C, Aug. 13, 1879; m. Jan. 22, 1901, Marion E., dau. of Charles A. Alden. (See.) They res. Penacook. Child : a. Emma Marion, b. Bristol, Apr. 10, 1901. 13. Otis, b. C, Aug. 20, 1881. Operative in woolen-mill. 14. Hervey, b. C, Sept. 14, 1883. Res. Penacook. 15. Melvina, b. C, July 28, 1877; d. ae. 1-2-7. 16. Almie, b. Bristol, Oct. 6, 1887 ; an operative in woolen-mill. George Adolphus Young, son of Mrs. Decato by first husband, was b. Feb., 1873, Lawrence, Mass. Now res. Franklin. Was hostler. (4) John Decato, b. Jan. 13, 1856, m. Jan. 6, 1876, Alice, dau. of Frank Hill, b. Lebanon, May 17, 1857. A paper-mill employee. Res. Willow street. CHILD 17. George, b. Bristol, Mar. 7, 1886. THE DICEY FAMILY I. Wesley Hiram Dicey, son of Hiram and Isabel (Ben ton) Dicey, was b. Alexandria, Nov. 22, i86g. He m. Eva A., dau. Green L- Tilton (See), b. Mar. 17, 1870. With the exception of two years on a farm in New Hampton, has been a teamster in Bristol since 1884. Republican. Free Baptist. CHILDREN 2. Eliza Maud, b. Bristol, Aug. 19, 1888. 3. Delia Bernice, b. B., Sept. i, 1890. 4. Mildred Joanna, b. B., Nov. 11, 1893. 138 HISTORY OF BRISTOL THE DICKERSON OR DICKINSON FAMILY In 1638, about sixty families came to America from York shire, England, under the leadership of Rev. Ezekiel Rogers. In April, i63g, they settled in Rowley, Mass. One of these emigrants was I. Thomas Dickerson. He d. in 1661. The name of his wife was Janet. They had two sons and four daughters. One was 2. James, b. 164-. He m. Rebecca, and had five sons and four daughters. One son was 3. Joseph, who m. Elizabeth Platts. One of his sons was 4. Joseph, b. 1707. His wife was Sarah. They had five sons and two daughters, of whom the fifth was 5. Moses, b. 1744. He settled on the Harry M. Dickerson farm in the west part of Hill, about i7go. He m. Eunice Wood, and d. Dec. 3, 1814, ae. 70-7-0. She d. Aug. 30, 1814, ae. 66. CHILDREN 6. Thomas, b. 1770 ; settled in west part of Hill about 1793, and there d. Jan. 3, 1848, ae. 78-5- His wife, Lydia, d. Aug. 12, 1803. He evidently m. (2) Tabitha. Eight children. 7. Jonathan, b. 1771, settled in west part of Hill in 1792, and d. Mar. 16, 1857, ae. 86. He m. (1) Hepsey, who d. May 21, 1797, ae. 28; (2) Hannah, d. June 17, 1817, ae. 45 ; (3) Jane, d. Sept. 30, 1845, ae. 64. Seven children. 8. John, b. 1773, d. in Hill, Mar. 3, 1842, ae. 69. He m., Dec. 29, 1801, Theodora, b. Sept. 16, 1772, d. Nov. 17, 1805, ae. 33-2-1. He m. (2) Comfort, who d. Mar. 24, 1850, ae. 64-10-. Four children. *9. Moses, b. June 12, 1775. 10. Amos, b. 1782, d. HilL (9) Moses Dickerson, son of Moses, b. June 12, 1775, m. Sally Kinsman, b. June 23, 1781. She d. Feb. 8, 1842, ae. 60-7-15. He d. HiU, July 12, 1852, ae. 77-1-0. He was a farmer in west part of the town. CHILDREN, all born in Hill II. Sewell, b. Oct. 7, 1799; m. Hannah, dau. of Jonathan Dickerson. Farmer in Hill ; d Oct. 4, 1872, ae. 72-11-27; she d. Apr. 25, 1880, ae. 76-1-. Three children. 12. Watson, b. Feb. 5, 1801. *i3. John, b. Aug. 17 i8o^ *I4. Arial, b. Aug. 20, 1805. o " o- 15. Polly, b. Oct. 13, 1807 ; d. Oct. 2, 1848, ae. 40-11-19 16. Amos, b. Apr. 3, 1811 ; d. Nov. 15, 1811. *I7. Amos, b. Mar. 8, 1815. 18 Sabra, b. Oct. 25, 1817 ; m. John Clement, and d. at Penacook, at about 75. ' 19. Sally K., b. Jan. 4, 1820; m. Julius Kinsman; res. Brookline Mass. ' (13) John Dickerson, son of Moses, b. Aug 17 180^ m Adeline M. Taylor, and d. Sept. 20, 1867, ae. 64-1-3.' GENEALOGIES — DICKINSON CHILDREN 139 «20. Willis Kinsman, b. Hill, Jan. 21, 1829. 21. Elkanah, res. Philadelphia, Pa. 22. Eveline, d. (14) Arial Dickinson, son of Moses, b. Aug. 20, 1805, m. Feb. 8, 1832, AbigaU H., dau. Nathaniel and Nancy (Chase) Norris, b. Hardwick, Vt., June 21, 1801, and d. Bristol, Feb. 28, 1847, ae. 45-8-7. He m., June 16, 1847, Betsey W., dau. Daniel and Betsey (HaU) Patch, b. Warner, Jan. 29, 1816. Farmer. Came from HiU to Profile FaUs in 1841, and d. Bris tol village, July 21, 1886, ae. 80-11-1. She d. in home of her son, Jan. I, 1900, ae. 83-11-2. CHILD *23. Joseph Norris, b. Bristol, Oct. 26, 1841. (17) Amos Dickinson, son of Moses, b. Mar. 8, 1815, d. Jan. 23, 1864, ae. 48-10-15. He m. Huldah Southwick, dau. of Daniel and Ruth Bartlett, b. in HiU, Feb. 2, 18 14, and d. Bristol, Feb. 20, 1895, ae. 81-0-18. He was a farmer in Hill; a justice of the peace ; represented Hill in the legislature two years. Last 20 years of. her life she made her home with her son, Charles H. CHILDREN 24. Ellen Frances, b. Hill, Apr. 7, 1839 ; m. Oramel E. Eastman, and res. E. Andover. Two children. 25. Sarah Emery, b. H., Aug. 23, 1840; m. Roswell Blake. (See.) 26. Watson Augustus, b. H., Aug. 13, 1842 ; m. Ella, dau. of Benj. F. Sargent; is a dealer in hay and grain, and mill supplies, Lowell, Mass. *27. Charles Henry, b. H., Apr. 7, 1844. (20) Willis K. Dickerson, son of John, b. Jan. 21, 1829, m. Nov. 30, 1856, Sarah J., dau. of Martin and Susan (Rich mond) Perkins, b. Plympton, Mass., July 9, 1837. He resided in Plymouth; in Bristol, i869-'87, manufacturer of buckskin gloves and mittens, then in West Bridgewater, Mass., where he d. Jan. 21, 1898, ae. 69-0-0. She res. West Bridgewater. CHILDREN 28. Addie Jane, b. Hill, Sept. 22, 1861 ; m. Oct. 19, 1884, William Abram Fowler, West Bridgewater, Mass. 29. Charles Willis, b. Rumney, Dec. 25, 1864; m. Nov. 6, 1895, Lizzie Frances Doten ; res. WoUaston, Mass. 30. Lizzie Rebecca, b. R., Jan. 24, 1867 ; d. Nov. 10, 1868, ae. 1-9-16. 31. Alice Edena, b. R., Oct. 30, 1868. 32. Bertha Helen, b. Bristol, Apr. 30, 1878. (23) Joseph N. Dickinson, son of Arial, b. Oct. 26, 1841, m. Aug. 25, 1866, Clara Albertina, dau. of Eldred Roby (See), b. LoweU, Mass., Feb. 19, 1847. and d. in Bristol, June 11, i8gi, ae. 44-3-22. He was merchant tailor 15 years; for many years foreman of Taylor & Gordon's shop in manufacture of 140 HISTORY OF BRISTOL picker-Sticks; now solicitor for Masonic home, Manchester. Methodist. Is a past master Union Lodge. Democrat. CHILDREN 33. Lillian Norris, b. Bristol, Oct. 13, 1867 ; m. Newell A. Bailey, Sept. 15, 1888. Children : a. Pearl Lillian, b. Bristol, Apr. 17, 1890. b. Elwin Newell, b. Alexandria, July 29, 1893. c. Eldred Joseph, b. A., Apr. 30, 1895. d. Arial William, b. A., June 30, 1899; d. Sept. 23, 1899. 34. Elbert Eldred, b. B., June 23, 1869; employee of American Ex press company. Concord. Methodist. Mason. Unm. 35. Dora Albertine, b. B., Dec. 26, 1871 ; m. Frank W. Towns. (See.) 36. lonel Arial, b. B., Mar. 30, 1876; dealer in ice, job teamster, Bris tol. Methodist, Mason. (27) Charles H. Dickinson, son of Amos, b. Apr. 7, 1844, m. Oct. 28 1876, Ida May, dau. of John B. and Elizabeth Gor don ; b. New Hampton, May — , 1857, and d. Bristol, Mar. 18, 1881, ae. 23-5-. He m. (2) Nellie M. Jesseman. She d. Dec. 7, i88g, ae. 22-4-ig, and he m. (3) Nov. r8, i8g3, Mrs. Roxy Maud Cass, widow of William Cass, and dau. of Solon Dolloff. (See.) Since 1871, he has been a prosperous merchant in Bristol, a dealer in clothing, gents' furnishing goods, boots and shoes. Telegraph agent 25 years. Has held office of town treasurer for 17 years, and represented Bristol in legislature of i8g5. Republican; is a 32° Mason. CHILDREN 37. Charles Perkins, b. Bristol, Nov. 5, 1877. Graduated from New Hampton Institution, 1898. Salesman in his father's store. Mason. 38. Amos Gordon, b. B., Oct. 11, 1880. Graduated from New Hamp ton Institution, 1902. THE DODGE FAMILIES Seymour H. Dodge, son of Elias B. Dodge, was b. Bath, Feb. 17, 1846. Hem. Dec. 31, i87g, Mary Alice, dau. of Dr. Ira S. Chase. (See.) He came to Bristol in 1872, and was for many years a salesman in the store of Hon. Cyrus Taylor ; is now a carpenter. Res. School street. Mason. Republican'. No children. I. John Wright Dodge was the son of Daniel and Sally (Wright) Dodge. He was b. in Hanover, Sept. 4, 1815, and m. July I, 1S55, Clementine (Chandler) Whipple, dau. of Henry H. and Anna (Wright) Chandler, b. Hanover, Nov. 12, 1818. She d. in Enfield, Mar. 6, 1893, ae. 74-3-24, and he m. (2) Mrs. Helen A. (Bridgman) Morgan, widow of Converse G. Morgan, of Enfield, and dau. of John and Augusta (Chand ler) Bridgman, of Hanover. He d. at Enfield, Feb 13 1897 Charles H. Dickinson GENEALOGIES — DODGE 141 ae. 81-5-9. Mr. Dodge and his first wife are interred in Pleas ant Street cemetery at Bristol. John W. Dodge was born on a farm and was the youngest of 10 children. At the age of 17 he became manager of the farm and main support of the large family, in which there were several invalids and incapacitated persons, but by rigid econ omy and untiring industry, he carried the load for many years with only a few dollars' aid from the town when an unfortunate brother necessarily became an inmate of an asylum. This slight assistance he early resolved to make good to the town which he did many fold by endowing a free bed in Hitchcock hospital at Hanover for the use of the poor and unfortunate of the town. His substantial aid to several members of the family less fortu nate than himself continued through his entire life and through his wise forethought and generous provision, succeeding gener ations are enjoying his munificence. The worthy poor and un fortunate ever found in him a generous and unostentatious friend. Mr. Dodge's school advantages were, necessarily, very limited, but having a great fondness for reading and a very retentive memory, he became well-informed and an entertaining conversationalist on almost any subject. Being an independent thinker and naturally skeptical, he investigated every subject of importance to his own satisfaction and then was ready to give reasons for his conclusions. As a strong Democrat, his faith was based upon conclusions after deep study of the political history of our country and formation of the government. Though his family were of the " old school " Baptist faith, Mr. Dodge's religious views were very broad and liberal and he affiliated with the Universalists. In social, as well as business life, his high moral character and strict integrity was never questioned. His word was as good as his bond. It was his firm belief that every man should endeavor to make the world better for having lived in it, and, unquestionably, his efforts in that direction were successful. When about 32 years of age, Mr. Dodge became interested in a country store in Hanover and continued the business with different partners till about 1865, when he moved to Enfield and was employed by A. Conant, as assistant manager of Shaker Mills, manufacturing hosiery and flannels. When Mr. Conant retired, two years later, Mr. Dodge formed a partnership with D. L. Davis and Samuel WiUiams, the firm running the miUs till 1873, when Mr. WiUiams retired, and Dodge, Davis & Co. succeeded, Henry C. Whipple becoming a member. This firm continued to run the mUls tiU 1885, when the machinery and business were moved to Bristol. CHILDREN 2. Infant son, b. Hanover, Jan. 21, 1857 ; d. Oct. 12, 1857, ae. 0-8-21. 142 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 3. Fannie Louisa, b. H., Apr. 30, 1859; m. Rev. Walter Dole, in Enfield, Jan. 13, 1886. He is a Universalist clergyman. I . George H . Dodge, son of John and Sarah J . ( McVennon ) Dodge, was b. Antrim, Mar. 3, 1863. He m., June 30, 1887, Alice Roxanna, dau. of Samuel K. and Hannah (Leach) Pike, b. New London, Mar. 18, 186 1. He was in the shoe trade in Milford and in Bristol three years from November, iSgg. Emi grated to state of Washington. CHILD 2. Avis, b. Milford, Feb. 7, 1899. THE DOLLOFF FAMILIES I . The DoUoffs are supposed to be of Russian stock, as the name indicates. Abraham Dolloff, who settled in Bristol, was b. Aug. 27, 1768, in Rye as is supposed. He was the son of Nicholas and Sally (Clough) Dolloff. His father d. when he was about ten months old, and he was given a home by Abram Hook, Esq., a wealthy farmer in Kingston, who is said to have overworked and abused him. When 16 years of age an uncle called to "see him on his way from Portsmouth to his home in Andover, and Abraham took the opportunity to accompany him home. Here he met Rachel Locke, of Sandown, who was b. in Rye, Oct. 15, 1772, and they were married Nov. 28, i7g3. She was the dau. of Levi. A brother, Benjamin, had already made his home in Bridgewater. Abraham and his bride settled in the Locke neighborhood. He was a carpenter as well as farmer and built the house that was afterward the home of Benjamin Locke. The first child of Abraham and the first of Benjamin were b. in the same room, became man and wife, and both d. in the same room though in another home, at the close of a long life. After the birth of his first child, Abraham moved to near the Prescott farm in Bridgewater, where he remained about 16 years and then returned to the Locke neighborhood, where he built, on the Dolloff farm, the large two-story farmhouse still standing, the best set of buildings in town when completed. The material for this building he cut on the farm, drew the logs to the saw-mUl at Profile Falls, had them sawed into lumber, and then drew it back. On this farm he passed the remainder of his Ufe and here d. May 15, 1855, after nearly 62 years of wedded life, ae. 86-8-18; she d. May 11, i860, ae. 87-6-26. He was a man of strong and unique personality. When nearly 70 years of age, he discarded the use of cider and united with the Methodist church, and at 80 discarded tobacco. GENEALOGIES — DOLLOFF 143 CHILDREN *2. Levi Locke, b. Bristol, Nov. 9, 1795. 3- Sally Clough, b. Bridgewater, May 30, 1798; m. Favor Locke. (.see.) 4. Susanna Sanborn, b. B., Dec. 9, 1800; m. Samuel Brown. (See ) *5. Nicholas Blaisdell, b. B., Feb. 6, 1803. 6. Mary, b. B., June 9, 1805 ; m. Joseph Moore. (See.) 7. Margaret Sanborn, b. B., Nov. 28, 1807; m. Jonathan Emmons. (See.) 8. Elmira Smith, b. B., Dec. 14, 1810 ; m. John Roby. (See ) 9. Rachel Locke, b. B., Apr. 24, 1814; m. Calvin Swett. (See ) *io. Abram, b. Bristol, Mar. 20, 1818. (2) Levi L. Dolloff, b. Nov. 9, 1795, m. Roxy, dau. of Benjamin Locke (See), b. Dec. 3, 1798. He lived for a time on the home farm, then purchased the Abram Hook farm, in Bridgewater, on the lake "Point," and here he passed his life. He had what was called the best farm in town, delightfuUy situated. He was a Methodist and Republican. He d. Apr. 6, 1880, ae. 84-4-27 ; she d. July 7, 1884, ae. 85-7-4. CHILDREN II. Infant son, d. Dec. 24, 1820. 12. Infant daughter, d. Apr. 28, 1825. -y;i3. Solon, b. Bridgewater, Oct. 3, 1827. 14. Hannah, b. B., Jan. 6, 1831 ; m. Abner Fowler. (See.) 5"jVi5. Orrin Locke, b. B., July 26, 1833. »i6. Gilbert Bruce, b. B., Dec. 7, 1835. Emily Jane Eaton, dau. of Cyrus W. (See), was given a home from childhood in this family. (5) Nicholas B. Dolloff, b. Feb. 6, 1803, m. Jan. 29, 1851, Mrs. Harriet (Mason) Locke, widow of Benjamin and dau. of David Mason. (See.) She d. Nov. 16, 1856, ae. 42-3-24, and he m. (2) Rhoda Aldrich, dau. of Dr. Aldrich, of Sugar Hill, b. Mar. 16, 1813, d. Sept. 29, 1885, ae. 72-6-13. He was a farmer and also a school teacher and surveyor, and ranked high as a mathematician. In 1830, he purchased an interest in the saw-mill at Moore's Mills and continued the manufacture of lum ber here for 20 years. He frequently run the river with rafts of lumber, masts, and spars to market. He sold his interest in the lumber business in 1850, and removed to Franconia, where he resumed farming, and here he lived till the death of his wife, when he made his home with his son, Mason, and with friends in Bristol. He d. in Woodstock, July 13, 1892, ae. 89-5-7. CHILDREN 17. Mason D., b. Franconia, Nov. 10, 1852; m. Dec. 14, 1876, Emma E. Hanson. She d. Mar. 12, 1902, at St. Elizabeth's hospital, Boston, as the result of a surgical operation. He res. Lincoln. 18. Loren, b. F., Dec. 17, 1854 ; d. (10) Abram DoUoff, b. Mar. 20, 1818, m. Feb. 22, 1838, Lydia, dau. of Levi Nelson (See), b. Dec. 4, 1818. He has 144 HISTORY OF BRISTOL been a farmer, drover, and dealer in meats. He commenced at 17 years of age to buy and sell cattle, and continued this for many years. He bought largely in Vermont, New Hamp shire, and Canada, and drove his herds to market. In 1865, the tariff being unfavorable for importing live stock, he shipped dressed beef to the .states. In 1862, he opened the first meat market in Bristol, and later had markets also in Franklin and Tilton. He continued in the meat business in Bristol till June, i8gg, his business career covering a period of 64 years. He has been a member of the Methodist church in Bristol for 75 years, and was a class leader for 25 years, and is still a member of the official board of that church, having filled this position for nearly 62 years. Mrs. Dolloff was a woman of superior ability and attainments, active in church and society work. After nearly 63 years of wedded life, the wife d. Dec. 20, igoo, ae. 82-0-16. CHILDREN, all born Bristol. 19. Almira Smith, b. Dec. 12, 1838 ; graduated Tilton seminary, class of i860; m. Rev. George J. Judkins. (See.) 20. Otis Ayer, b. Nov. 25, 1843 ! d. Sept. 15, 1845, ae. 1-9-20. 21. Emma Hannah, b. Feb. 14, 1846; was educated at Kingston academy and at Music Vale Seminary, Salem, Conn. She m. C. Newell Cass. (See.) 22. Lynthia Nelson, b. Jan. 20, 1850 ; d. Nov. 16, 1855, ae. 5-9-26. 23. Harlan Howard, b. June 29, 1852 ; d. Oct. 4, 1855, ae. 3-3-5. 24. Viola Leone, b. Jan. 3, 1854; d. Oct. 10, 1855, ae. 1-9-7. 25. Amna Maria, b. Apr. 8, 1858. She studied oil painting and crayon drawing in Boston and New York, and was an artist of great promise. She excelled in crayon portraits. She m. Ervin T. Drake, M.D. (See.) 26. Alma Kate, b. Apr. 8, 1858 ; d. of consumption, June 16, 1875, ae. 17-2-8. (13) Solon Dolloff, b. Oct. 3, 1827, m.. May i, 1850, Nancy, dau. of Daniel and Martha (Brown) Simonds, b. Alex andria, Mar. I, i82g. He was a school teacher in early man hood. After his m. he lived in Bristol, then Franklin ; returned to Bristol and purchased the old Tom Locke farm, a mile or more east of Central square, where he has since res. He also kept a meat market in Bristol village for many years till igo2. He is a RepubUcan and has served on the board of selectmen. He is active in Grange circles! CHILDREN 27. Wilbur, b. Bristol, Apr. 1, 1854 ; d. Dec. 24, 1854. 28. Ida May, b. Franklin, Oct. 3, 1856 ; she graduated from New Hampton Literary Institution, and was a school teacher She m May I, 1879, Fred A. Whittemore, of Bridgewater. He graduated from Dartmouth College, class of 1888. He has been a school teacher ¦ now farming at Whitinsville, Mass. Children : ' a Wilfred, b. Bristol, Jan. 12, 1882 ; is a student at Dartmouth College, class of 1904. b. Leila May, b. B., July 21, 1884. c. Aurioc Maria, b. Lonsdale, R. I., Sept. 27, 1892. GENEALOGIES — DOLLOFF 145 d. Fred Dolloff, b. L., Jan., 1896 ; d. from the effects of a scald, Nov. 21, 1897, ae. 1-10-. Two daughters d. in infancy. 29. Roxy, b. Franklin, Jan. 5, 1859 ; m. William F. Cass. (See.) He d. Apr. 5, 1881, and she m. (2) Charles H. Dickinson. (See.) 30. Levi Manson, b. F., Sept. 24, i860; m. Nov. 14, 1894, Mary R., dau. of Daniel J. and Abbie (Persis) Worthley, b. Bradford, Nov. 15, 1867. Is the owner of a milk route in Arlington, Mass. No children. 31. Frank Daniel, b. Bristol, Sept. 7, 1862 ; m. Feb. 9, 1889, Nellie Florence, dau. of Levi D. Johnson. (See.) He is manager of his father's farm. Child : a. Frank Neil, b. B., Apr. 11, 1892. 32. Luey Solon, b. B., Aug. 8, 1870; m. May i, 1897, Minnie Obrien, of Newport. He had charge of his father's meat market for a time ; now res. in Newport, in the meat business. (15) Orrin L- Dolloff, b. July 26, 1833, m. May 26, 1859, Clarinda A., dau. of Daniel and Dorcas (Baker) EUiott, b. Rumney, Sept. 5, 1839. He is a farmer at the Hoyt tavern stand in Bridgewater, where for several years Mrs. Dolloff has kept a summer boarding-house — Elm Lawn. CHILDREN 33. Alba O., b. Bridgewater, Mar. 10, i85o ; m. Nellie Vose, dau. of John F. Vose, b. Alexandria, Apr. 17, 1856; and d. Dec. 10, 1886, ae. 30-7-23. He m. Jan. 12, 1889, Jennie Maud Dewar, of Manchester, b. Jan. 13, 1865. He is a letter-carrier in Manchester. 34. Myra Etta, b. B., Apr. 7, 1864; m. Dec. 25, 1882, Frank H. Elliott. They res. Concord. Child : a. Clarice Mae, b. Concord, May 24, 1888. 35. Mabel M., b. B., Nov. I, 1868 ; m. Sept. 15, 1897, Harry P. Hath- orne. Is a bookkeeper in Boston. Res. Chelsea, Mass. 36. Maud M., b. Nov. i, 1868, a twin sister, is a milliner. (16) Gilbert B. Dolloff, b. Dec. 7, 1835, m. Apr. 22, 1857, Margaret H., dau. of Isaac C. TUton. (See.) She was b. Oct. 15, 1834, and d. June i, 1867, ae. 32-7-16. He m. in July, 1868, Mary E. Vose, who d. Dec. 28, 1869, and he m. May 8, 1870, Emily Jane, widow of Charles H. Spencer, and dau. of Cyrus W. Eaton. (See.) He has represented his town in the general court, and has served as selectman. He succeeded his father on the home farm. CHILDREN 37. Abner F., B. Bristol, July 3, 1863. *-38. Ansel G., b. Bridgewater, Dec. 24, 1869. 39. Agnes M., b. B., Apr. 3, 1872 ; m. Harris W. Hammond. (38) Ansel G. Dolloff, b. Dec. 24, 1869, m. June 6, 1891, Blanche C, dau. George C. Currier (See), b. Nov. 26, 1871. He was a dealer of stoves and tinware in the basement of Blake's block, for some years previous to 1902, when he became a member of the firm of Emmons & Dolloff, in same business, at stand next north of Newfound river, on west side of Central 10 14.6 HISTORY OP BRISTOL square. He is a Republican, an Odd Fellow, and a member of the K. of P. Is now serving as fireward. CHILD 40. Helen Mary, b. Bristol, Oct. 30, 1893. I. Samuel Dolloff, the son of Samuel and Mary DoUoff, was b. in Meredith, and d. in Waterville, October, 1895. He m. Mary, dau. of Isaac Webster, b. in Meredith, d. Waterville. Was a resident of District No. 5, in Bristol, i842-'46. CHILDREN 2. Charles W., b. Meredith, Mar. 20, 1833 ; m. Laura A., dau. of John L. Davis, b. Gilford, June 19, 1841. Served in Co. G, 12th N. H. Vols. Wounded Mar. 3, 1863, at battle of Chancellorsville ; gunshot wound in right forearm. Res. Concord. 3. Levi, b. M., Mar. 2, 1835. Was a corporal Co. H, 14th N. H. Vols., enlisting Aug. 11, 1862 ; wounded Sept. 19, 1864, at Opequan, Va. Res. Campton Village. 4. Benjamin, b. M., 1840 (?). Served in Co. K, i6th Mass. Vols., from July 2, 1862, till July 27, 1864. Res. Everett, Mass. 5. John E., b. Bristol, July 13, 1842 , m. Rowena M., dau. Nathan and Lorinda Holbrook, Aug. 2, 1866. She was b. Milford, Mass., Aug. 31, 1848. (See Roll of Honor.) Res. Passumpsic, Vt. Children : a. Eugene Malcolm, b. Lebanon, Sept. 9, 1867 ; m. Mary Grow, Lynn, Mass., Sept. 25, 1889 ; is a physician at Rockport, Mass. b. George Warren, b. Danville, Sept. 25, 1869; d. Barnet, Vt., Sept. 3, 1877, ae. 7-11-8. c. Etta B., b. Barnet, Vt., Sept. 27, 1871 ; m. Nov. 19, 1887, Willie E. Demas. He d. Sept. 19, 1890. d. Inez Bertha, b. Glover, Vt., Dec. 22, 1873. 6. Eunice, m. Steele; d. Lakeport, March, 1901. 7. George F., b. Thornton. DOUD Arthur V. Doud, M.D., is the son of Sylvester S. and Mary R. (GoodeU) Doud, b. New Haven, Vt., Oct. 23, 1867. His ancestors were of English stock. On his mother's side they set tled in New England previous to the Revolutionary war ; on his father's side, they have resided in New England since 1636. Dr. Doud practiced medicine one year in Hill and came to Bris tol in July, 1897, and has since been in practice here, occupying a suite of rooms corner of Central square and Spring street. Unm. (See Physicians.) THE DOW FAMILIES I. Jonathan Dow was b. in Hampton, May 21, 1734. He m. Comfort Brown, b. Oct. 10, 1730. He d. in New Hampton, Nov. 6, 1816, ae. 82-5-15. A son was GENEALOGIES — DOW 147 2. Levi, b. New Hampton, Mar. 31, 1763, and d. same place in March, 1849, ae. 86. He m. in 1784, AbigaU Godfrey, b. in Poplin, Oct. 10, 1758, and d. Dec. 17, 1822, ae. 64-2-7. Of his children, one was 3. Joseph Godfrey, b. New Hampton, Aug. 30, 1789. He m. Polly Boynton, Dec. 8, 1811. She was b. Mar. 22, 1791. He d. in New Hampton, Dec. 3, 1830 (tombstone says 1831), ae. 41-3-3. She m. (2) Robert Heath. (See.) CHILDREN, all born in New Hampton 4. Mary Jane Boynton, b. Feb. 8, 1813 ; m. John C. Downing. (See.) 5. Wm. Boynton, b. Apr. 10, 1815. -»6. George Washington, b. May 6, 1817. 7. Eliza Ann, b. Dec. 2, 1819 ; m. Jan. 2, 1840, John B. Marston. 8. John Mooney, b. Mar. 10, 1822 ; d. Dec. 20, 1845, ae. 23-9-10. 9. Joseph Godfrey, b. Mar. 22, 1825 ; res. in California ; d. June 19, 1885, in Washington Ter., ae. 60-2-27. 10. Martha Curtis, b. Dec. 20, 1827 ; m. Charles B. Heath. (See.) (6) George W. Dow, b. May 6, 1817, m. Adeline C, dau. of Elisha Gurdy. (See.) She was b. Dec. 8, 1816, and d. Bristol, Sept. 10, 1865, ae. 48-9-2. He m. (2) Amanda Jane, widow of Joseph F. Rollins. (See.) He d. in Bristol, May 9, 1891, ae. 74-0-3. Mrs. Dow res. on School street. He was a farmer at Moore's Mills, 1844-' 47. In 1852, in company with David Mason, he engaged in the manufacture of strawboard on Willow street, and continued this and the manufacture of paper for ten years. He was superintendent of strawboard-mills at Contoocook and in the West. CHILDREN II. Charles B., b. Bristol, 1842; m. Addie, dau. James and Eliza Blake. Certificate issued Sept. 26, 1863. He res. Bristol, Chicago, and for several years in California; now in Honolulu. He m. (2). Changed his name to Charles D. Stone. 12. John Mooney, b. B., 1846; m. Dec. 21,1880, Elizabeth Flude. (See Randolph Family.) I . William Lawton Dow, son of True Perkins and Eunice Canney (Brown) Dow, was b. Moultonboro, June 23, 1852. He m. Feb. 9, 1879, Sadie, dau. of Ivory and Rhoda (Philpot) Furgeson, b. Waterbury, Me. He was for 16 years a foreman in finishing department of a shoe factory at Dover. Came to Bristol in April, 1895 ; was interested for a time in the manu facture of shoes. In June, 1899, succeeded Abram Dolloff in meat business. Free Baptist. Odd Fellow. No chUdren. I. George Albert Dow, son of Cyrus Benjamin and EUen M. (Couch) Dow, was b. Warner, May 4, 1870. Was farmer 148 HISTORY OF BRISTOL in Warner; was eight years an employee of Deerfoot Farm Creamery company in Contoocook ; assumed charge of its creamery in Bristol in April, igoo, which position he still holds. He operates a meat market and a milk route. Unm. Republican. Free Baptist. Flora P. Dow, a sister and housekeeper for above, was b. August, 1872 ; m. Joseph W. Johnson. Mary Ann Dow, an aunt of above, dau. of Isaac and PoUy (Watson) Dow, b. Boscawen, Aug. 27, 1821, res. with George A. Dow, above. I. Jacob H. Dow was b. in Sunapee, Aug. 15, 1821. He m. (i) Irene Angel, of Sunapee, where she d. He m. (2) Mary Ann Stevens, of Wilmot; (3) Oct. 22, 1858, Charlotte L. Hol den, dau. Ira Holden, b. Addison, Vt., Oct. 22, 1827. He came to Bristol about 1856, and was a laborer. (See Roll of Honor. ) After the war, he settled in Hill, and there d. Apr. 20, 1884, ae. 62-8-5. CHILDREN 2. Irene, b. Sunapee ; m. Mark Towle, of Haverhill, Mass. Res. Hammond, Ind. 3. Sarah, b. S.; m. Charles E. Smith, New Hampton. Res. Ham mond, Ind. 4. John. 5. Luella, b. S.; m., and d. in New Hampton. 6. Mary A., b. S.; m. Cheney; res. Newport. 7. Arthur A., b. Bristol, Sept. 1, 1859; m. June 4, 1881, Belle Wad leigh. Child : a. Mabel E., b. July 18, 1883 ; m. Leston Maclinn. (See.) 8. Horace E., b. B., Dec. 18, 1861 ; went to Chicago, and there m. Feb. 15, 1885, Rosa Eagan. In 1899, located in So. Omaha, Neb. 9. Edward Everett, b. B., Oct. 20, 1864. At 16 went to Hammond, Ind., thence to Lakin, Kansas, there m. in Jan., 1890, Kate Carneys. In 1901, went to Redlands, Cal. 10. Alice A., b. Hill, Nov. 22, 1867; m. June, 1894, Charles P. Sargent of Gilmanton. Res. Lower Gilmanton. II. Donna E., b. H., July 8, 1870 ; m. Mar. 20, 1897, Walter L. Smith of Buxton, Me. Res. Gleasondale, Mass. I. Abram S. Dow, son of Philip, b. Nov. 10, 1816, m. Mary Jane Moore, dau. of Joseph, b. New Hampton, Jan. 8, 1822. He was a farmer in District No. 4, from 1874 tiU he d.. Mar. 15, 1881, ae. 64-4-5. She d. Apr. 18, 1877, ae. 55-3-10. CHILDREN 2. Charles G., b. Meredith, July 22, 1850. He came to Bristol with his father and succeeded him on the farm. He m. (i) Sept 2 1877, Martha M. Clifford, dau. of Sylvester, (2) July 5, 1900, Katie' A ' dau. of Allen and Sarah (Barrett) Keyser. Children : a. Lewis Sylvester, b. Bristol, Aug. 16, 1880; m. Aug. 13, 1902, Ethel Maud, dau. of Lyman B. and Ellen J. (Gordon) Wells *. Leon Chester, b. B., Nov. 53, 1882. c. Alfred, b. B., Dec. 3, 1884. GENEALOGIES — DOWNING I4g d. Von Karl, b. B., Jan. i6, 1887. e. Richard, b. B., Apr. 12, 1890. 3- Anna M., b. Meredith, Sept. 10, 1852 ; d. July 26, 1871, ae. 18-10-16. J J > / , 4. John G., b. Alexandria, June 2, 1854 ; d. Sept. 24, 1884, ae. 30- 5. George H., b. Meredith, May 7, 1859; d. Bristol, Apr. 22, 1880, ae. 20-11-15. 6. Ellie M., b. Aug. 2, 1865 ; m. Edwin Smith. THE DOWNING FAMILY I. John Cook Downing, son of Henry and Abigail (Ellen- wood) Downing was b. Londonderry, Mar. 2g, i8og. He m. Mar. ig, 1834, Mary Jane Boynton Dow, dau. of Joseph G., b. Feb. 8, 1813. (See.) He was a carpenter. Res. Alexandria, later No. Bristol, and stiU later buUt and res. in the Cass house on Merrimack street. He also buUt the house first occupied by Charles E. Mason on South Main street. Moved to Lowell, Mass., 1841, a pattern maker. In 1857, went to Healdsburg, Cal., undertaker; he d. Dec. 22, 1875, ae. 66-8-23 ." she d. same place. Mar. 10, i8g4, ae. 81-1-2. CHILDREN 2. Ellen Antoinette, b. Bristol, Dec. 22, 1838 ; m. Nov. 14, 1858, John Washington Bagley, son of David, b. Cayuga Co., N. Y., Oct. 2, 1827. They res. Guerneville, Sonoma Co., Cal. Children : a. Josephine Antoinette, b. Healdsburg, Cal., Oct. 15, 1859. b. Mary Louise, b. H., June 18, 1863. c. Herbert Lincoln, b. H., July 7, 1865. d. Frank John, b. H., Sept. 9, 1871. e. Alice Clare, b. Guerneville, Nov. 19, 1874. /. Carl Elmer, b. G., Sept. 21, 1877. 3, Joseph Henry, b. Bristol, Nov. 28, 1840 ; m. Dec. 3, 1873, at Healdsburg, Cal., Mrs. Matilda (Prince) Burlingame, dau. Thomas R. and Abigail S. (Oakes) Prince, b. Portland, Me., Nov. 29, 1842. Res. 709 loth street, Oakland, Cal. a. Annette Roby, b. Oakland, Cal., Dec. 16, 1882. 4. Clarence Victor Blossom, b. Lowell, Mass., May 22, 1850 ; m. May 22, 1878, Mary Ann Frances Smith, b. Sonoma Co., Cal. He d. Vallejo Sonoma Co., Cal., Nov. 30, 1882, ae. 32-6-8. Children : a. Fred Parsons, b. San Francisco, Cal., May I, 1879. b. Lucille Antoinette, b. S. F., Sept. 27, 1880. c. Clare Victor, b. Vallejo, Cal., Aug. i, 1882. Family res. 1,031 Valencia street, San Francisco, Cal. THE DRAKE FAMILIES I. Jacob Burnham Drake was b. in New Hampton about I7g4. He was the son of Nathaniel, b. in New Hampton, and grandson of Nathaniel, of Northwood, one of the first settlers in New Hampton. Jacob B. m. Polly Smith. In 1835, he settled loa I50 HISTORY OF BRISTOL in the Locke neighborhood; in 1843, removed to No. Bristol, where he d., Oct. 2g, i86g, ae. 75 ; she d. July 3, 1867, ae. 73. CHILDREN 2. Nancy, b. New Hampton, 1817 ; m. John Spencer ; lived and d. in Berwick, Me. *3. Philip Smith, b. N. H., Apr. 14, 1819. 4. Emily Jane, b. N. H., 1834 ; d. Bristol, Nov. 9, 1855, ae. 21-4-. (3) Philip S. Drake, b. Apr. 14, i8ig, m. Apr. 11, i83g, Harriet, dau. of Benjamin Locke (See), b. Jan. 14, 1822. They settled on the Muzzey farm in the Locke neighborhood ; in 1843, removed to the silver mine farm in No. Bristol with his father ; about 1876, sold to Abner Fowler and removed to a farm near the cemetery in No. Bristol, where he d. Sept. 15, 1882, ae. 63-5-1, and where she res. CHILDREN *5. Charles Norton, b. Bristol, Sept. 30, 1839. *6. Henry Wells, b. B., May 30, 1846. 7. Abra Ann, b. B., Jan. 13, 1851 ; m. Andrew T. Nudd. (See.) 8. Frank LaForest, b. B., Jan. 10, 1855 ; m. Nov. 17, 1883, Mary Ann Webster and res. Laconia. (5) Charles N. Drake, b. Sept. 30, 1839, m. Sept. 9, 1862, Harriet Augusta, dau. of Col. Samuel H. Rollins. (See.) At battle of Gettysburg he lost a leg and was shot through the body. (See Roll of Honor.) Farmer and carpenter. Served- as selectman. He d. suddenly Sept. i, i8g6, while officiating as manager at the funeral of a neighbor — fell from his carriage while en route to the grave and expired from heart failure ; ae. 56-11-1. Republican, G. A. R. She d. Bristol, Mar. 18, igoo, ae. 57-ii-g. CHILDREN 9. Irene Maud, b. Bristol, May 8, 1868 ; d. Nov. 4, 1879, ae. 1 1-5-26. 10. William Harrison, b. B., Jan. 18, 1871 ; d. Mar. 29, 1872, ae. 1-2-1 I . II. Daughter, b. B.; d. Dec. 2, 1878, ae. 4 weeks. (6) Henry W. Drake, b. May 30, 1846, m. Sept. 25, i86g, Lavinia S. Page, dau. of Mitchel H. (See.) Divorced. (See Roll of Honor.) He is a locomotive engineer at Harrisburg, Pa. Shem. (2) Oscar F. Morse. (See.) CHILDREN 12. Minnie Eva, b. Bristol, Oct. 8, 1870 ; m. Frank E. Keezer. (See ) 13. Charles Mitchell, b. B., Apr. 6, 1873 ; m. in Boston, Sept., 1895, Ida M. Lukes. He is an electric car motorman, Somerville, Mass. I. Thomas Thayer Drake, son of Ebenezer T. and Abigail (Berry) Drake, was b. Pittsfield, July 21, 1827. Hem., Jan. 27, 1853, Emily Ann, dau. of Samuel and Betsey (Swett) GENEALOGIES — DRAPER 15 1 Jenness, b. Pittsfield, Nov. 13, 1832. In 1873, he settled in Bris tol. He is a farmer, mechanic, and mover of buildings. Is a Republican, Calvinist Baptist. She d. in Bristol, Mar. 2, 1902, ae. 69-3-ig. CHILDREN, all born in Pittsfield *2. Edward Malcom, b. Junes, 1855. *3. Ervin Thayer, b. May, 21, 1857. 4. Herbert Elmer, b. Dec. 30, 1859; m. Aug. 25, 1886, Mary Eloise Johnson. Graduated Wesleyan University in 1886, taught six years in East Greenwich academy in East Greenwich, R. I.; studied two years in Europe, returning in 1894, and has since been teacher of Latin in the classical High school in Providence, R. I. 5. Annie Isabel, b. Dec. 5, 1861 ; d. July 27, 1864, ae. 2-7-22. 6. Addie May, b. June 8, 1865. Graduated Tilton Seminary 1886, studied in Europe, taught French and German in Tilton Seminary ; after wards in Drew Seminary, Carmel, N. Y. 7. John Payson, b. May 26, 1867; m. June 22, 1899, Hattie Pearl Krum, Stevens's Point, Wis. He graduated Wesleyan University, Mid- dletown. Conn., 1894; taught the sciences three years in High school, Stevens's Point, Wis.; in Moline, 111., High school ; now in Western Illi nois State Normal school. Child : a. Russell Payson, b. Malone, Feb. 27, 1901. 8. Amy Belle, b. June 3, 1869 ; graduated Tilton Seminary, 1892, and Nornal school, Lowell, Mass. Is principal graded school, St. Johns bury, Vt. 9. Arthur Knowlton, b. Mar. 11, 1872; graduated Harvard Medical school, 1898. Pathologist and assistant superintendent in State Hospital, Tewksbury, Mass. (2) Edward M. Drake, b. June 5, 1855, m. June 5, 1883, Almira Helen Haskins, of Danbury. He was a lumber manu facturer. Removed to Tilton, r8g2, where he is a carpenter. Was deputy sheriff at Tilton six years. CHILDREN 10. Mabel Helen, b. Bristol, Feb. 16, 1886. II. Raymond Haskins, b. B., Nov. 17, iSgo. (3) Ervin T. Drake, b. May 21, 1857, m. Nov. 5, 1884, Amna Maria, dau. Abram Dolloff. (See.) She d. of consump tion, June I, 1885, ae. 27-1-23. He m. (2) Mary Louise, dau. Jonas B. and Addie Proctor Aiken, of Franklin. He is a phy sician of large practice in Franklin, where he settled in 1885. CHILDREN 12. Ruth Bradley, b. Franklin, June 4, 1890. 13. Mary Louise, b. F., Aug. 20, 1892. 14. Ervin Thayer, b. F., Nov. 3, 1894. 15. Robert Aiken, b. F., Dec. 6, 1896. THE DRAPER FAMILIES I. Jason Currier Draper, son of Nathaniel and Mary (GUI) Draper, was b. in Plymouth, Dec. 7, 1816. He m. Dec. 152 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 22, 1843, Hannah True, dau. of Benjamin F. and Sarah (True) Cass, b. Andover, Nov. 9, 1819. He was a glove manufacturer in Plymouth ; settled in Bristol, 1858, and continued this busi ness, first on Lake street, and later on site of present saw-miU in Bristol village tiU his death. He erected the residence on School street, opposite the schoolhouse grounds, and there d. Apr. 24. 1868, ae. 51-4-17. He was a successful businessman, a Republican, Mason, official member of the Methodist church, and superintendent of the Sunday-school. Mrs. Draper d. Bris tol, Nov. 26, 1890, ae. 71-0-17. CHILDREN 2. Sarah G., d. Aug. 20, 1850, ae. 1-2-18. 3. Luzetta Sarah, b. Plymouth, Dec. 29, 1852 ; m. George A. Emer son. (See.) 4. Jason True, b. Bristol, Dec. 30, 1859; graduated Boston Univer sity, 1884, receiving degree of A.B. Received from same institution, in 1889, degree of A.M. He has taught at Lyndon Institute, Lyndon, Vt.; at Berea College, Berea, Ky.; high school, Pueblo, Colo.; high school at Oakland, Cal., and is now at the head of the department of Natural Science in the high school at Holyoke, Mass. He m. June 23, 1886, Cath erine EUa, dau. of Nathaniel and Philinda Morrison, b. Somerville, Mass., Jan. 15, i860. No children. I. Alvah McQuesten Draper, the son of William and Sarah (Lacy) Draper, was b. Plymouth, Nov. 20, 1828. Mar. 30, 1853, he m. Rosella Euphremie, dau. of Joseph and Mary (Hoit) Pike, b. Chateaugay, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1832. They came to Bristol in November, 1868, and he was manufacturer of buckskin gloves and mittens. Returned to Plymouth in Nov ember, 1884, and in April, i8go, emigrated to Iowa. He d. Boone, Iowa, Mar. 20, 1899, ae. 70-4-0. She res. Pilot Mound, Iowa. CHILDREN #2. Albert William, b. Plymouth, Feb. 14, 1854. 3. Eugene Cochran, b. P., May i, 1856; m. June 11, 1887, Sarah E. Roby, dau. Lowell R. (See.) Was a workman in Taylor & Gordon's mill ; d. in Bristol, Sept. 11, 1888, ae. 32-4-10. She res. Hebron. No Children : *4. Alvah Everett, b. P., Nov. 21, 1864. 5. Leslie Binford, b. P., May 24, 1867 ; m. Jan. i, 1888, Abbie Dear born. No children. He again m., and res. Pilot Mound, Boone Co., Iowa. Child : a. Alvah Leslie, b. Feb., 1900. 6. Elsie Mary, b. Bristol, Apr. 2, 1871 ; went West with her parents, and m. July 30, 1892, Rev. Harris Norton Lawrence, Congregational clergyman. They res. at Boone, Iowa. Child: a. Gertrude May, b. Laurens, Iowa, Dec. 12, 1893. (2) Albert W. Draper, b. Feb. 14, 1854, m. Lovinia A. Bayley, July 10, 1875. He m. (2) and res. Manchester. GENEALOGIES — DREW 1 53 CHILDREN, by first wife 7. Ethelyn, b. Oct. 3, 1876. 8. George Albert, b. Mar. 13, 1879 ; d. Aug. 29, 1888, ae. 9-5-16. 9. Edgar, b. Sept. 11, 1880; d. Oct. i, 1881, ae. 1-0-20. 10. Inez, b. Oct. 20, 1882 ; d. Aug. 25, 1885, ae. 2-10-5. (4) Alvah E. Draper, b. Nov. 12, 1864, m. June 11, 1887, Mary Alma, dau. Mark G. and Eliza A. (Sanborn) Duston, b. Salisbury, Mass., Dec. 3, 1861. He is a clergyman, a member of New Hampshire Methodist Conference since 1892. Graduated from Tilton Seminary and from Boston University, College of Liberal Arts. CHILDREN II. Stacy Arthur, b. June 28, 1888. 12. Helen Pike, b. Feb. 8, 1891. 13. Marion Elsie, b. Apr. 2, 1893. 14. Jason Sanborn, b. Nov. 3, 1894. 15. Ralph Lemuel, b. Aug. 23, 1896. 16. Norman Everett, b. May 2, 1898. George Albert Draper, a brother of Alvah M., above, was b. Plymouth, Mar. 15, 1822. He came to Bristol about 1866, and was a manufacturer of buckskin gloves here a few years previous to his death which occurred Aug. 7, 1874. His age was 52-4-22, and he was unm. (See Fatal Accidents.) THE DREW FAMILIES I. Samuel Drew, b. Shapleigh, Me., was a Revolutionary soldier from Plymouth. His first enlistment was July 11, 1775, at which time his age was given as ig. He m. Betsey Webber, b. Methuen, Mass. In 1785, they settled a mile north of the Locke neighborhood, in Bristol, on the old road to the Bridge- water meeting-house, long since abandoned. He was the first settler on this farm, and here the first town meeting of Bridge- water was held, in 1788. He spent his last days in the family of his son, Samuel, in Northern New York. She d. in family of son John, in New Hampton. CHILDREN »2. Amos Webster, b. Plymouth, Dec. 20, 1783. »3. Benjamin, b. P., Apr. 17, 1785. 4. Betty, b. Bristol, Apr. 20, 1787 ; m. Jacob Swain and removed to Gilmanton, where he d. She d. New Hampton. No children. 5. Samuel, b. B., Aug. 24, 1789. Had a family and removed to Northern New York. 6. Sally, b. B., Sept. 28, 1791 ; m. Ephraim Merrill. (See.) 7. Polly, b. B., Apr. 2, 1794 ; m. Roby, and removed to Stew artstown. 8. John, b. B., June 9, 1797. He m. a dau. of Esq. Simpson, of New Hampton, and lived and d. there. She d. in the West in family of dau. Louise. Children : 154 HISTORY OP BRISTOL a. William, b. James, who went to California when 20 years old. c. Harriet. d. Louise. e. Sarah. /. Elijah, and perhaps others. (2) Amos W. Drew, b. Dec. 20, 1783, m. Dorothy, dau. Jacob Gurdy. (See.) Published Sept., 1803. He m. (2) Ruth, dau. Samuel Gurdy. (See.) He was a farmer in Bris tol, New Hampton, and for 20 years at Goffs Falls, where he d. Jan. 15, 1873, in family of daughter Susan, ae. 8g-o-25. CHILDREN, all supposed to have been born in Bristol 9. Sally, b. Dec. I, 1803; m. George B. Gordon, May 20, 1827. Res. Alexandria. Three children. Family all deceased. 10. Betsey, b. Nov. 2, 1805 ; m. Thomas R. Emmons. (See.) II. Aaron, b. Apr. 27, 1808; m. Mary Colby. He d, in Manchester, she in CoUinsville, Conn. 12. Mary, m. Solomon French, a farmer in Bristol. He d. Sept. 4, 1882, ae. 69-6-3 ; she d. Jan. 14, 1887, ae. 76-8-27. No children. -»I3. Asa, b. Apr. 24, 1812. 14. Ann, m. George Burns, and d. in Boston, Mass. 15. Louise, b. 1816; m. Moses Hemmingway in 1842. She d. in Stoneham, Mass. He m. (2) 1877, Etta Paine, and res. Stoneham, Mass. No children. iiVi6. Alvin, S., b. Nov. 3, 1818. 17. Susan Hoyt, b. June 21, 1820; m. William H. Perkins. (See.) *i8. Amasa Worthen, b. Dec. 20, 1822. *I9. Alfred R., b. Apr. 6, 1824. 20. Lydia, m. Enoch Nicholson. She d., and he went to Nebraska, where he was killed by lightning. 21. Lucy, m. (1) Jesse Cross; (2) George B. McQuesten, No. Lon donderry. Children : a. Amos Webster. b. Rufus. c. Webster Cross, drowned. d. Sarah, e. Charles. /. Melvina, m. John Hadley. 22. Dorothy, d. young. 23. Melissa, d. young. (3) Benjamin Drew, b. Apr. 17, 1785, m. Sept. 3, 1807, Sally, dau. of John Harriman (See), b. July 6, 1788. He was a farmer in Bristol, New Hampton, and in Stewartstown, where he d. Oct. 5, i86g, ae. 84-5-18; she d. Dec. 10, 1870, ae. 82- 5-4- CHILDREN *24. Amos Webster, b. Bristol, Apr. 5, 1808. 25. Mary Harriman, b. May 4, 1810. 26. Lucy, b. Apr. 11, 1815 ; d. Dec. 9, 1842, ae. 27-7-28. 27. Sally, b. Sept. 21, 1820; d. Apr. i6, 1839, ae. 18-6-25. 28. Benjamin, b. Aug. 4, 1822 ; d. Sept. 10, 1822. 29. Benjamin, b. Jan. 20, 1826. 30. Edwin W., b. Dec. 10, 1828. (13) Asa Drew, b. Apr, 24, 1812, m. Nov. 11, 1834. Sarah C, dau. of Peter Wells (See), b. Sept. 25, 1808. He was a farmer for many years in the Locke neighborhood, then in Hebron, and later res. some years on Lake street. She d. Sept. 7, i8go, ae. 81-11-12, in the family of her son, Harvey, in Alexandria; he d. in the family of his dau., Mrs. Samuel O. MorriU, Bridgewater, Jan. 23, igoo, ae. 87-8-2g. GENEALOGIES — DREW 1 55 CHILDREN «3i. Harvey W., b. Bristol, Sept. 2, 1835. 32. Augustus B., b. B., Feb. 2,1837; d. in Bridgewater, June 28, 1863, ae. 26-4-26, of disease contracted in the army. (See Roll of Honor. ) 33. Emily, \, „ Op„t ,- ,o,„. J m. Samuel O.Morrill, Bridewater. 34. Charles, i°-^-' ^^^^- ^^' ^^^^' \ d. Bridgewater, Oct. 18, 1850, ae. I 1-0-23. 35. Peter Wells, b. Hebron, Feb. 25, 1843. Served in Company C, 12th Regt. N. H. Vols., and d. in the service Jan. 21, 1863, ae. 19-10-26. While on the march this soldier was taken sick and fell out of the ranks, was arrested by the provost guard, and soon after died of the measles. He was reported a deserter and this record so stood till 1880, when it was amended. 36. Hannah W., b. Hebron, Apr. 8, 1845 ; m. Lorenzo Flanders, Bridge- water. He. d. Jan. 22, 1902. 37. Mary Ann, b. Bridgewater, Oct. 31, 1849 ! ™- George F. Follans bee. (See.) (16) Alvin S. Drew, b. Nov. 3, 1818, m. Sept. 25, 1840, Anstrice Caroline, dau. of Russell and Polly (Flanders) Raj', b. Manchester, May 4, 1825. He was many years on the Boston police force and d. East Boston, Oct. 31, 1891, ae. 72-11-28. CHILDREN 38. Frances Ellen, b. Dec. 21, 1843 ; d. Jan. 4, 1885, ae. 41-0-13. She m. Howard Woodbury, June i, 1862, who d. Jan. 21, 1888. Children : a. Mabelle Frances Augusta, b. Nov. 7, 1866 ; m. Benjamin H. Douglass, Apr. 29, 1891. b. Frank Woodbury, d. in infancy. c Herbert Granville, b. Nov. 10, 1868. d. Ethel Ward, b. Nov. 6, 1870. e. Franklin Howard, b. Sept. 28, 1875. 39. Manilus Mortimer, b. Jan. 21, 1845 ; d. May, 1845, ae. 4 mos. 40. George Granville, b. Aug. 16, 1847; m. Dec. 25, 1870, Elta T. Bean. He m. (2) June 17, 1883, Emily B. Baker, who d. Apr. i, 1890. He m. (3). He is a lawyer in Boston. Children : a. Effie Belle, b. 1871, d. 1871. b. Blanche Telula, b. Sept 30, 1872. 41. Ella, b. Jan. 23, 1849 ; d. July 1849. 42. Emma Jane, b. Nov. 28, 1851 ; m. Osro A. Scovell. Children : a. Edith Ward, b. Mar. 16, 1876. b. Clifford, b. Feb., 1877 ; d. July, 1889, ae. 12-5-. (18) Amasa W. Drew, b. Dec. 20, 1822, m. Oct. 23, 1850, Julia Ann, dau. of Josiah Fuller (See), b. Aug. 5, 1831, and d. Boston, Mass., Sept. 24, 1888, ae. 57-1-19- He was on Boston poUce force ; shipping clerk for large shoe firm ; gate keeper and ticket agent, East Boston ferry. Res. East Boston. CHILDREN, all born East Boston 43. Harriet Eliza, b. June 28, 1852 ; d. Mar. 16, 1855, ae. 2-8-18. 44. Charles Fuller, b. Feb. 24, 1856; m. Georgia E. Golden, March, 1880. She d. November, 1882, in East Boston. He m. Sept., 1899, Alice Lambert Rumney, of East Boston. Child : 156 HISTORY OF BRISTOL a. Henry C, b. Nov., 1882, d. May, 1886, ae. 3-6-. 45. Hattie Ermina, b. June 6, 1858 ; m. Dec. 12, 1883, Henry H. Rich. Two children, d. in infancy. 46. Henry Webster, b. Aug. 17, 1864. Has been in British Columbia, mining, since about 1885. (ig) Alfred R. Drew, b. Apr. 6, 1824, m. May, 1847, Mary Gannon, dau. John. She d. in Boston in April, 185 1, or '52, and he m. (2) Lucretia Jordan, of Portland, Me., who d. in Boston. He m. (3) Mary Jane Sanborn, b. Northfield. In i84g, Mr. Drew assumed the position of patrolman on the police force of Boston; was made special officer in 1870; in October, 1878, was made Chief Inspector, and therefore ranked third on the force which embraced over 800 men. He retired about 1888, and res. for a time in Canaan. In 1893, he returned to his native place and here d. Nov. 8, 1893, ae. 69-7-2 ; she d. Bristol, Apr. 22, i8gg, ae. 68 years. CHILDREN 47. Henrietta Frances, b. Nov. 22, 1848; m. Sept. 5, 1887, Charles W. Holmes. (See.) 48. Albert R., b. 1850, d. 1854, ae. 4 years. 49. Emma R., b. 1854. Unm. Res. Boston. 50. Frank Herbert, b. 1856, killed on cars in 1878, ae. 22. (24) Amos W. Drew, b. Apr. 5, 1808, m. Julia Esther, dau. Hubbard and Abigail (Rumford) Lovering, b. June 4, 1815, Loudon. They res. Colebrook and Lancaster. He rep resented his town in the legislature of 1847 and 1848 ; was state senator in 1862 and 1863; treasurer of Coos county in 1852 and 1853, and coroner of the county for nearly twenty years. He d. Mar. 22, 1888, in Colebrook, ae. 79-11-17 ; she d. Stratford, Apr. 22, 1890, ae. 74-10-18. CHILDREN 51. Lucy Abigail, b. May 4, 1843 ; d. in Colebrook, Oct. 23, 1887, ae. 44-5-19. 52. Irving Webster, b. Colebrook, Jan. 8, 1845 ; m. Carrie H., dau. Dan S. and Sarah Merrill, b. Woodstock, Aug. 14, 1845. He is one of the prominent lawyers of the state. Was a member of the state senate in 1883 ; a delegate to the Democratic National convention in 1880, 1892, add 1896, and one of the commissioners for the erection of the state libra ry building. Children : a. Paul, b. Feb. 20, 1872; d. Oct. i, 1872. b. Neil B., b. Sept. 9, 1873. c. Pitt F., b. Aug. 27, 1875. d. Sarah Maynard, b. Dec. 19, 1876. 53. Benjamin Franklin, b. June 28, 1848 ; m.; one child, Josephine 54. Warren Edwm, b. Stewartstown, June 29, 1850 ; m. Abby Craw ford, of Colebrook. Children : a. Jennie. b. George. c. Ellen. 55. JuliaEllen, b. Aug. 21,1855; m. F.N. Dat, Stratford. Children: a. Esther. b. Frederick. 56. Holman Arthur, b. Aug. 28, 1857 ; m. Mary Bedell, Colebrook. GENEALOGIES — DURGIN I157 57. Edward Everett, b. Sept. 24, 1859. Six sons d. in infancy. (31) Harvey W. Drew. b. Sept. 2, 1835, m. in i860 (?) Lizzie A., dau. of Mitchel H. Page (See), b. May 21, 1841. He served in Co. C, 12th Regt. N. H. Vols, in the CivU war. (See Roll of Honor.) He was a blacksmith in Bristol, Bridge- water, Groton, and Alexandria. Mrs. Drew d. Alexandria, Mar. 23, 1888, ae. 46-10-2. He m. (2) Mrs. Ruhama Alexan der, of Alexandria, where he d. Aug. 5, i8g5, ae. 59-11-3. CHILDREN 58. Elmer Elswortli, b. Dec. 17, 1861 ; m. Alberta Avery, of Ply mouth. Has been a policeman in Somerville, Mass., since 1895. 59. Nellie Eva, b. Bridgewater, May 7, 1865 ; m. Jan. i, 1880, Edwin W. Farnum, and res. Lebanon. Children : a. James Perley, b'. Mar. 13, 18S5. b. Harry Gould, b. July 14, 1890. c. Helen Mary, b. Mar. 14, 1894. 60. Perley Asa, b. Jan. 14, 1867 ; m. Delia L. Emery, dau. Peter, b. Canada, July 15, 1869. Res. Cornish Center. Children : a. Franklin Perley, b. Aug. 16, 1886. b. Clarence Emery, b. Oct. 26, 1888. 61. Ethel Dollie, b. Sept. 14, 1882. Res. Alexandria. I. Rev. Alfred E. Drew, son of Aaron and Mari.a, was b. Fairfax, Vt., Sept. 13, 1841. He m. July 17, 1867, Anna E., dau. of Benjamin Atwood, b. Newbury, Vt., Aug. 21, 1848. He is a Methodist clergyman, and was pastor of the Methodist church in Bristol two years from April, 1869. Has labored in New Hampshire, Connecticut, and California ; now pastor at Tarpon Springs, Fla. CHILD 2. Kate, b. Littleton, Jan. 30, 1869 ; m. Dec. 6, 1895, W. C. Evans ; res. New York city. THE DURGIN FAMILIES I . William Durgin is said to have come from England in i6go and settled in Massachusetts. Of his five children 2. William, b. 1717, settled in Epping and removed to Sanbornton in 1768, where he d., in 1789, ae. 72. He had 13 children, one of whom was 3. William, b. Sept. 5, 1750. He m. (i) Elizabeth Mor rison, (2) Mrs. Hannah Clement, Nov. 4, 1798. He d. May 11, 1822, ae. 71-8-6. Of his 15 children, one by second wife was 4. John Hill, b. Sanbornton, Nov. 2, 1800. He was a teacher, storekeeper, farmer and drover. A Whig and an aboli tionist. He came to Bristol in 1870, and purchased a home on I 58 HISTORY OF BRISTOL North Main street where he d. Sept. 20, 1882, ae. 8r-io-i8. He m. Lucretia, dau. of Amos and Nancy Brown, b. Wheelock, Vt., and d. Bristol, June 7, 1875, ae. 72. CHILDREN 5. Nancy Ambrose, b. Sept. 24, 1825 ; d. July 4, 1826, ae. 0-9-10. 6. Nancy Ambrose, b. Oct. 15, 1827. She was educated at Tilton Seminary; taught school many years, including three years in graded schools of Bristol ; was three years superintending school committee of Bristol. Res. at the family homestead. Unm. 7. Laura Blodgett, b. Nov. 30, 1830 ; m. Nov- 24, 1850, Charles D. McDuffee, b. Rochester, Mar. 4, 1829. He was agent of the Everett mills, Lawrence, and later of the Manchester mills, Manchester. He d. July 5, 1902, ae. 73-4-1. She res. Manchester. Four children. 8. Lucretia Clement, b. July 10, 1833 ; m. Eusebe F. Manseau, and res. Wolton, P. Q. Six children. 9. Clement Thayer, b. Sept. 4, 1835; m. Nov. 23, i860, Mary E. McGonigal, (2) Maria Chickering. Two children. Res. Bridgeport, Conn. 10. Louise Maria R., b. June i, 1837 ; m. Frank L. Prince, of Am herst, Nov. 4, 1855. Four children. II. Horace Webster, b. Sept. 4, 1839 ; m. Irene Calvert, of Louisville, Ky., June 15, 1871 ; he m. (2) Dora H. Hibbard, who d. Feb. 10, 1888, and he m. (3) Ella F. Lee, of Manchester, Mass. He was a merchant in Taunton, Mass.; now treasurer and general manager of Granite City Soap company, Newburg, N. Y. 12. Clara Kendrick, b. May i, 1843 ; m. John M. Prince, Jan. i, 1861 ; a farmer in Amherst. Five children. 13. George Arthur, b. Sept. 24, 1844; d. Aug. 11, 1855, ae. 0-10-17. 14. Charles Eastman, b. Feb. 24, 1847; a merchant in Taunton, Mass., now res. Cambridgeport, Mass.; agent Granite City Soap company. He m., Aug. 16, 1871, Abbie H. Pettingill of Salem, Mass., who d. at Cam bridgeport, June 23, 1901, ae. 52-4-22. Child : a. Arthur Kemble, b. Sept. 11, 1873. I. Benjamin George Durgin was first taxed in Bristol in 1868. He m., Sept. 26, 1862, Mary A., dau. of Jacob Cass. He was a carpenter, and a resident of Bristol much of the time till his death, which occurred at Goffstown, Dec. i, igci. She res. Bristol. CHILD 2. Arthur Cass, b. Bristol, Sept. 19, 1868; m. Dec. 23, 1889, Maud M. Smith. He is an electrician. Children : a. Howard W., b. May 5, 1893. b. Fred, b. May 3, 1895. THE DURRELL FAMILY I. Rev. Jesse Muiton Durrell was the son of WiUiam Henry and Sarah (AverUl) Durrell. He was b. in Boston, Mass., and m. July 23, 1878, Irene Sarah, dau. of Hiram and Betsey Clark, b. Plymouth, May 17, 1852. He is a Methodist clergyman, and has been a member of the New Hampshire GENEALOGIES — DUSTIN ISg Annual Conference since i86g. He has filled eleven pastorates, including three years at Bristol, i874-'77; was president of Tilton Seminary i8gi-'g5 ; now presiding elder of Dover district, and res. Dover. THE DUSTIN FAMILIES I. Samuel Dustin, son of Samuel and Rachel (Sanborn) Dustin, was a descendant of Hannah Dustin. He was b. San bornton, Aug. 21, 1811, and m. Jan. 9, 1837, Polly D., dau. of John and Betsey (Rundlett) Morrison, b. Sept. 24, 18 14, in Sanbornton. He res. in Sanbornton, Bristol, i857-'72, and in Franklin ; was engaged in buying and selling bark, etc. She d. Franklin, July 30, 1897, ae. 82-10-6. He d. Franklin. CHILDREN 2. James Prescott, b. Dec. i, 1843 ; m. Mary Bean, dau. of Reuben, June 21, 1864. She d. Nov. 24, 1865, ae. 20, and he m. Alice D. French, of Andover, Jan. 14, 1870. He was station agent for some years ; removed to Plymouth about 1876, where he was a farmer. She d. Plymouth, and he d. same place. May 12, 1900, ae. 56-5-11. Child : a. James Morrison, b. Plymouth. 3. Florence Emily, b. Oct. 18, 1847. Res. Beardsley, Minn ; unm. 4. Samuel Perry, b. Mar. 6, 1850; m. Feb., 1874, Lydia Kelley, and res. Franklin ; for some years a bookkeeper. He d. at the Margaret Pillsbury hospital. Concord, Feb. 23, 1903, ae. 52-1 1-17. Children : a. Carl E., d. Franklin, June 4, 1903, ae. 26. b. C. Eugene. c. Winonah. I . Quincy Stephen Dustin is the son of Daniel Flanders and Sarah Jane (Pickering) Dustin, b. HiU, Jan. 29, 1857. He m., Oct. 31, 1878, Henrietta E., dau. of John L- Cheney (See), b. May 20, 1863, and d. in Bristol, Jan. 6, 1892, ae. 28-7-16. He m., Feb. i, 1893, Georgianna G., sister of his first wife, b. Mar. 3, 1868. They res. in Bristol and Hill. Farmers. CHILDREN 2. Ida May, b. Hill, Dec. 25, 1879 ; m. Charles R. Seavey. (See.) 3. Gerald Leonard, b. New Hampton, Oct. 10, 1881. 4. Grace Etta Maud, b. Bristol, Aug. 16, 1884 ; m. Frank E. Wood ward, May 5, 1902. 5. Pearl Augustus, b. B., Oct. 16, 1887 ; d. B., Feb. 6, 1889, ae. 1^3-20. 6. Henrietta Pearl, b. B., Jan. 4, 1892. 7. Stephen Cheney, b. B., Dec. 11, 1893. 8. Harold Quincy. THE EASTMAN FAMILIES I. Capt. EUas Maybee Eastman, the son of Thomas Fol lansbee and Sarah (Maybee) Eastman, was b. Eastport, Me-.. l6t) HISTORY OF BRISTOL Apr. 7, 1821. When ten years old he ran away from home and shipped as a cabin boy on ship "Samuel"; followed the sea till 1 864 ; was then pilot four years in Portland harbor. He came to Bristol in 1871; teamster. At 82 he is still a hard working man. In November, 1842, he m. Elizabeth Harrison, dau. of Abraham, b. Belfast, Ire. She d. in 1875, ae. 40. I. Horace Weston Eastman, son of Henry Hoyt and Caro line (Preston) Eastman, was b. Groton, Oct. g, 1867. He m., Oct. 23, i88g, Martha Mcintosh, b. Boston, Mass., May, 1873. He came from Plymouth i8g6 ; blacksmith. CHILDREN 2. Haven Sylvan, b. Plymouth, May 31, 1891. 3. Clifton Kenneth, b. Bristol, Oct. 26, 1896. 4. Roy Linwood, b. B., Apr. 20, 1903. Susan Eastman, b. Bath, Apr. 25, 1822, made her home in the family of her sister, Mrs. Solon S. Southard, for many years. She d. June 2g, igoo, ae. 78-2-4. THE EATON FAMILIES I . David Eaton came from Candia and settled in the Hall neighborhood about 18 12. He m. Abigail Rowe, dau. of Isaac Smythe. She d. Dec. 21, 1835, ae. 48; and he m. Dec. 8, 1841, Mrs. Anne (Peaslee) Ash. He d. Mar. 22, 1857, ae. 7g ; she m. Joseph Sanborn, Sanbornton. He was a cooper and farmer. CHILDREN 2. John, b. Candia, Oct., 1811; m. Judith Johnson, of Hopkinton. Seven children. He d. and she removed to Concord. 3. Ebenezer, b. Bristol, Jan., 1S16 ; m. Mary J., dau. of Moses San born. (See.) He was a farmer and trader on Summer street; d. Mar. 31, 1865, ae. 49-2-. She m. (2) David S. Fowler. (See.) Child: a. Henry F., d. Aug. 27, 1849, ae. 4-8-. 4. Sally, b. B., d. Apr., 1819, ae. 6 mos. 5. Sally, b. B., d. Oct., 1822 ; ae. 2 years. 6. Rufus, b. B., June 30, 1822 ; m. Sept. 19, 1848, Mary Jane Jewell, dau. of John, b. Northfield, Feb. 19, 1826. A cooper and farmer on Sum mer street. Republican. Children : a. Frank, b. Bristol, Oct. 8, 1849; d. Oct. 25, 1870, ae. 21-0-17. b. George H., b. B., June 30, 1852; d. Sept. i, 1870, ae. 18-2-1. 7. Frank, b. B., 1828 ; d. of smallpox in Manchester, Feb. 21, 1848, I. Jacob Sawyer Eaton, M.D., was the son of Nathaniel and Mary (Kimball) Eaton, b. in Warner, Jan, 4, 1805. Sept. GENEALOGIES — EATON l6l 20, 1830, he m. Mrs. Harriet (Bean) Kimball, dau. of Daniel and Salley (Pattee) Bean, b. Warner, Apr. 22, 18 10. He removed from Alexandria to Bristol in 1832. (See Physicians.) His wife d. Dec. 5, 1837, ae. 27-7-13. He m. Sept. 2, i84g. Alma EUery, dau. of Edward and Alma (Holden) Tyler, b. Jan. 5, 1815 ; d. Harvard, Mass., Nov. 21, i8gg, ae. 84-10-16. He d. Harvard, Sept. 5, 1888, from the shock of a carriage accident four months previous. His age was 83-8-1. CHILDREN 2. John Marshall, b. Bristol, May 12, 1832 ; m. Oct. 27, 1858, Maria, dau. of Louis Wetherby, b. Concord, Mass., Mar. 9, 1837. He studied medicine with his father and at the Harvard Medical school, where he graduated in 1856. He practiced in Stow, Mass., and later in Milford, Mass. Is now retired at Harvard, Mass. (See Roll of Honor.) No children. Congregationalist. 3. Frances Amelia, b. B., June 10, 1835 ; d. Sept. 8, 1838, ae. 3-2-28. 4. Horace Augustus, b. Nov. 5, 1837 ; d. Mar. 4, 1839, ae. 1-3-29. 5. Lucian Kimball, b. B., Nov. 7, 1850 ; d. Fort Wayne, Ind., Mar. 16, 1888, ae. 37-4-9. 6. Harriet Frances, b. B., Mar., 1853 ; d. July 7, 1863, ae. 10-4-. 7. James Ellery, b. Stow, Mass., July 10, 1855; m. July 27, 1889, Flora Kate, dau. of Dr. Robert H. Timpany, b. Toledo, O., Oct. 27, 1858. A merchant in Toledo. Children : a. Ellery Timpany, b. Toledo, Dec. 23, 1894. b. Albert Tyler, b. T.,' Nov. 17, 1898. 8. Alma Tyler, b. Nov. 12, 1857, was a teacher in public schools of Harvard. She m. June 19, 1889, H. B. Royal, M,D,, of Harvard. Child ; «. Kent Tyler, b, Oct. 25, 1891. I. William Eaton, son of Thomas, was b. Feb. 2g, 1754, removed from Seabrook, Mass., to Sanbornton, in 1800. He was a Revolutionary soldier. He m. Betsey Eaton. He d. Oct. II, 1837, ae. 83-7-12. She d. Dec. 14, i83g. They were the parents of 13 children, of whom one was 2. Wheeler, b. Sept. 2, 1787. He m. (i) AbigaU Per kins, (2) Mrs. Nancy (Burley) Sleeper. He was a farmer two miles below Hill village. Six children, one of whom was 3. Cyrus Wheeler, b. Weare, May 23, 1813. He m. Phebe Whitcher Goodwin, of Weare. Located in Bristol in 1 841 ; was a carpenter and manufacturer of seraphines. He d. Rockport, Mass., Aug. 13, i84g, ae. 36-2-20. She d. in Ply mouth, Oct. 15, 1863, ae. 44-1- CHILDREN 4. Cyrus Perkins, b. Franklin, Jan. 19, 1839 ; m. Oct. 19 1865 Henri etta Vander Woerd, dau. of Charles and Jacoba J. (Pfeiffer) Vander Woerd, Waltham, Mass. She was b. Leyden, Holland, Sept. 7, 1844, and d. Waltham, .May 28, 1901, ae. 56-8-21. He has been for many years an inspector of timing in the factory of the Waltham Watch company. Child : l62 HISTORY OF BRISTOL a. Louis Gill, b. Waltham, Feb. 24, 1872 ; m. June 6, 1899, Jessie Mabelle Downer, b. Middlebury, Vt., Nov. 17, 1872. Teacher of violin in Boston. 5. Emily Jane, b. Mar. ir, 1841; m. Charles H. Spencer. (See.) 6. George W., b. Bristol ; res. in Chicago and has four children. 7. Clara Jane, b. B., May 30, 1848; m. Jan., 1866, Jonathan Hoag, a grocer in Stoneham, Mass. I. William Eaton, son of Caleb and Sarah (Cass) Eaton, was b. Sanbornton, Mar. 28, 1811. He m., Apr. ig, i83g, Mary Ann Gordon, who d. May 5, 1855, ae. 42. He m. May ig, 1856, Susan Smith, of Meredith, who d. Franklin, Apr. 6, 1877, and he m., Oct. 8, 1878, Mrs. Mary Edgerly, widow of Jonathan. He res. on the Levi Locke farm, on Summer street, i848-'52 ; was a deacon of the Free Baptist church. CHILDREN 2. Mary Melissa, b. Meredith, Oct., 1842 ; m. James A. Curtice. (See.) 3. Sarah Ann, b. Jan. 14, 1845 ; d. in New Hampton, Oct. 8, 1854, ae. 9-8-24. 4. Emma Harriet, b. Apr. 29, 1854 ; d. June 16, 1872, ae. 18-1-17. THE EDGERLY FAMILY I. Moses Oilman Edgerly, son of Jonathan and Abigail (Oilman) Edgerly, was b. in Sanbornton, Nov. 23, 1798. He m., Nov. II, 1824, Mahala Rollins, dau. of Reuben and Anna C. (Clifford) Osgood, b. Sanbornton, Sept. 21, 1805. He was a machinist in Sanbornton and Nashua, and came to Bristol about 1838 from Amoskeag. Res. Lake street, where he d. Dec. 5, 1870, ae. 72-0-12. She d. May 23, 1866, ae. 60-8-2. CHILDREN 2. Salathiel, b. Sanbornton, Feb. 9, 1826 ; d. Apr. 30, 1827, ae. 1-2-21. 3. Abigail Ann, b. S., Dec. 25, 1829 ; m. Charles R. Currier. (See.) 4. Moody Osgood, b. S., Aug. 15, 1832 ; m. Sept. 29, 1856, Evelyn S., dau. of Sias and Harriet (Batchelder) Scott, b. in Vermont, and d. Den mark, Me., Nov. 22, 1864. He m. May 15, 1866, Harriet E., dau. of Jacob N. Darling (See), b. July 24, 1838, and d. Aug. 19, 1897, ae. 59-0-25. He went to Nashua, 1858, served on quota of Nashua in Co. F, ist Regt., in Civil war ; returned to Bristol in 1864 ; was several years in business as a machinist ; now a brass worker. Republican, Methodist, G. A. R. 5. Mahala, b. S., Oct. 31, 1834; and d. Jan. 31, 1835. 6. Mary Howard, b. Amoskeag, July 26, 1839 ; and d. of consump tion in Bristol, Mar. 4, 1858, ae. 18-7-8. 7. Ellen Frances, b. Bristol, Dec. 9, 1841 ; and d. of consumption, Oct. 8, i860, ae. 18-9-29. THE EDWARDS FAMILY I. John Edwards was the son of John and Jemima (Wal- lingford) Edwards. He was b. in Bradford, Mass., Apr. 14, GENEALOGIES — EMERSON 1 63 1764, and m. Feb. 17, 1785, Betsey Holden, b. Aug. 29, 1767, in Pepperell, Mass. They were farmers in Gilmanton previous to 1830, when they settled in Bristol on the Boardman farm on High street, where, after 64 years of wedded life, he d. Jan. 2, 1849, ae. 84-8-18. Mrs. Edwards d. in Concord, July 11, 1855, ae. 87-10-12. CHILDREN 2. Betsey, b. Pepperell, Mass., Aug. 23, 1786; m. Timothy Frisbee, came to Bristol in 1838, went to New York in 1839, and d. there Nov. 30, 1861, ae. 75-3-7. Child: a. John L., an eminent chemist, d. in Covington, Ky. 3. Hephzibath P., b. May 22, 1788 ; m. Jeremiah P. Sawyer, and res. in Bristol some years ; went to Minnesota, where she d. Dec. 27, 1865, ae. 77-7-5. Children : a. Emeline. b. John. c. Jeremiah. d. Daniel. e. Hephzibath. /. Olive. 4. Ruth, b. Gilmanton, May 10, 1790; m. Richard P. Bennett, and d. Haverhill, Mass., Nov. 20, 1852, ae. 62-6-10. 5. John, b. G., May 15, 1792 ; m. Margaret Ross, and d. in Pennsyl vania,' May 22, 1824, ae. 32-0-7, leaving a family. 6. James, b. G., Apr. 23, 1794; m. Alcemena Frisbee, and d. Mar. 8, 1817, ae. 22-11-15. 7. David, b. G., Aug. 2, 1796 ; m. Alcemena (Frisbee) Edwards ; res. in Bristol for a time and removed to Newbury, Vt., and there d. Oct. 9, 1883, ae. 87-2-7. 8. Jemima Wallingford, b. G., Apr. 29, 1799 ; m. (i) John C. Blake. He d. in Bristol, and she m. (2) Daniel Sanborn. (See.) Child: a. Ann Maria Blake, m. William C. Lovejoy. (See.) 9. Hannah Powers, b. G., May 20 (21), 1801 ; m. Col. John S. Bry ant. (See.) 10. Samuel, b. July 20 (21), 1803 ; d. Sept. 30, 1805, ae. 2-2-10. II. Mary M., b. Mar. 28, 1806; m. Elias T. Colby. Were early pioneers to Oregon and both d. there. 12. Piermont, b. Sept. i, 1808; d. Sept. 20, 1808. 13. Melinda M., b. Nov. 21, 1809; m. James S. Blodgett; res. in Bristol some years ; went to Concord where she d. Feb. 10, 1873, ae. 63-2-19. No children. 14. Sarah W., b. Mar. i, 1812; m. Lewis Heath. (See.) THE EMERSON FAMILY Several by the name of Emerson went from Newbury port, Mass., to Weare, in the eariy part of the 18th century. Among the number was I Daniel. He had six chUdren. Among them was 2 Jonathan, who m. Susanna Dodge. Both d. in Weare. She lost her life in their burning house. They had four chil dren, of whom the second was 3 Isaiah, b. Dec. 24, 1800. He was a resident of Bristol, i824-''28 Aug. 26, 1824, he m. Sarah (Sally), dau. of Moses West Sleeper (See), b. Feb. 28, 1807. He d. in Manchester, 164 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Mar. 30, iSsg, ae. 58-3-6. She m. (2) Jonathan Emmons, and d. in Bristol, Aug. 2, 1886, ae. 79-5-4- CHILDRBN 4. James A. B., b. Bristol, Feb. 7, 1826. Was a job teamster. He d. in Manchester, Aug. 1881, ae. 55-6-. 5. Nehemiah L., b. B., Sept. 4, 1827; d. in California. 6. Marcia L., b. B., May 8, 1829; m. S Warren, and d. Hudson, Me., Nov. 15, 1865, ae. 36-6-7. 7. Moses W., b. Jan. 19, 1831. He served in the 47th Regt. Mass. Vols., in Civil war. Res. Lowell, Mass. 8. Mary L., b. Nov. 3, 1833 ; res. East Saugus, Mass., tinm. 9. Elizabeth A., b. Oct. 6, 1834; m. Otis E. White, and res. East Saugus. 10. Julia A., b. Sept. i, 1836; m. Lucius B. Clogston, and d. at Bridgewater, Aug. 9, 1901, ae. 64-1 1-8. II. John Dodge, b. Hermon, Me., Nov. 10, 1837; m. (i) about 1857, Almira Currier, who d. a year or two later. He m. (2) Angeline Smith, 1861 (?), and he m. (3) Apr. 5, 1877, Annie F., dau. of Alonzo and Mary Ann (Tanner) Andrews, b. Boston, Mass., Nov. 28, 1856, and d. Nashua, Oct. 25, 1880, ae. 23-10-27. He served in the 6th Regt. Mass. Vols. Was railroad conductor and hotel keeper. He d. about 1897. Three children. 12. Lucian W., b. H., Sept. 11, 1840; served in a New York regiment in Civil war ; was a hotel keeper. He d. in Kansas, Feb. 3, 1875, ae. 34-4-22. 13. Joseph A., b. H., May 31, 1842 ; served in loth Regt. Mass. Vols. Is yard master for Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad at La. Crosse, Wis. 14. Orrin F., b. H., July 7, 1844; m. Dec. 11, 1781, Octavia Roberts, of Hill. Was a dentist in Bristol, i877-'8i ; now Franklin Falls. *I5. George Addison, b. H., Aug. 24, 1846. 16. Arthur L., b. H., Apr. 2, 1849; taxpayer in Bristol, 1877-78; a physician in Chester. Was surgeon general on staff of Gov. Sawyer ; was treasurer of Rockingham county four years ; was a Knight Templar Mason, and Odd Fellow. He m. a dau. of Charles Fisk, Manchester. He d. Aug. 16, 1901, ae. 52-4-14. (15) George A. Emerson, b. Aug. 24, 1846; m. Jan. 22, 1873, Luzetta Sarah, dau. Jason C. Draper (See), b. Dec. 29, 1852. He served four months in the 42nd Regt. Mass. Vols., in the CivU war ; taught in the Bristol High school, 1 872-' 73; was town treasurer one year ; supervisor of the check-list two years ; moderator two years, and selectman three years. Removed to Everett, Mass., 1892, where he still res., though stiU retaining interest in Bristol real estate, and in the Bristol Electric Light company, of which he is manager. (See Lawyers.) CHILDREN 17. Ernest Benjamin, b. Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 25, 1874. He gradua ted from the Everett High school, and from the School of Medicine, Harvard University in 1898. He has since served at the Mass. State hos pital, at Tewksbury, one year as interne, and later on the medical staff. He has charge of the department of Women and Children, and super vision of the department for the insane. 18. Jason Draper, b. Tilton, Sept. 16, 1877 ; graduated at Everett High school ; was two years at Tufts college, and graduated at the College of Liberal Arts, of Boston University, class of 1902, and from the Law School GENEALOGIES — EMMONS 1 65 of this University in 1903, cum. laude. He m. June 19, 1901, Edith Henry, dau. Henry A. Taylor. (See.) 19. George Edward, b. New Hampton, Nov. 6, 1880 ; attended Everett High school and Tilton Seminary, and graduated at Medical School of Harvard University in 1903. THE EMMONS FAMILIES I. Lieut. Benjamin Emmons, son of Samuel and Maria (Norton) Emmons, was b. Feb. 29, 1743. He was the first permanent settler withi-n the limits of Bristol. In the spring of 1766, he came to New Chester from Chester, and commenced a clearing on what is still the Emmons farm, on the river about three miles from the village. Apr. 6, 1769, he m. Elizabeth, dau. of Abner Fellows, of Sandown, b. Sept. 25, 1746. (See.) She d. May 19, 1783, ae. 36-7-24 (Fellows record says d. May 13, 1782), and he m. Nov. 11, 1783, Dolly Stevens, who d. Jan. II, 1827. He d. Dec. 30, 1835, ae. g2-io-i. Benjamin Emmons was a prominent man in his day. He was a Revolutionary soldier from New Chester, and after the war was active in the militia. When 79 years of age he united with the Methodist church, but all his children, born many years before this event, were scrupulously baptized in infancy and a record duly made in the family Bible. About 1788, Mr. Emmons erected the two-story frame house that now stands on this farm — the oldest house in town. Here he kept tavern for some years, and here his descendants have lived for three gener ations, his great-grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. John M. V. Dalton, being the present occupants. (See Chapter on First Settlements in New Chester. ) CHILDREN, all born Bristol 2. Samuel, b. Feb. 20 (28), 1770. He was the first white child b. in Bristol, and was killed while logging on Hoyt hill, Nov. 3 (13), 1806, unm., ae. 36-8-13. «3. Abner, b. Aug. 8, 1771. *4. Moses, b. May 13, 1773. 5. Ruth, b. June 8, 1775 ; m. Sherburn Tilton. (See. ) #6. Reuben, b. Apr. 30, 1777. *7. Joseph, b. May, 13, 1779. 8. Mary, b. May 28, 1781 ; m. John Dolloff, of New Hampton. 9. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 2, 1784, d. unm., 1850. (m. Sherburn Tilton 3d) *io. Benjamin, b. May 14, 1786. II. Sally, b. June 2, 1787; m. Stephen Eastman (Published Dec. 23, 1809), resided in Bridgewater ; d. Dec. 10, 1824, ae. 37-6-8. 12. John, b. Oct. 2, 1789 ; d. num., Apr. 23, 1820, ae. 30-6-21. (3) Abner Emmons, b. Aug. 8, 1771, m. Mar. 15 (14), 1799, Betsey Robinson, who d. May 6 (26), 1832. He was a farmer on east side of the lake in Bristol, and later went to Vermont. iia 1 66 HISTORY OF BRISTOL CHILDREN 13. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 8, 1800. 14. Philena, b. July 30, 1801. 15. Ruth, b. July 10, 1S03. 16. Moses, b. Nov. 9, 1805. (A Moses Emmons m. May 30, 1832, Sarah W. Glover. ) 17. Judith, b. Mar. 28, i8o8. (4) Moses Emmons, b. May 13, 1773, m. Feb. 21, 1799, Sally (Sarah) Thomas. He was a farmer in the Locke neigh borhood. He d. Oct. 6, 1845, ae. 72-4-23 ; she d. Dec. 30, 1855, ae. 73-10-. CHILDREN, all born Bristol *i8. Benjamin, b. Dec. 16, 1799. -»I9. Jonathan, b. Jan. 25, 1802. *20. Thomas Robert, b. Oct. 28, 1803. 21. Merrill, b. 1804 (?) ; m. Rhoda Ann Cross, of Bridgewater, Mar. 9, 1831. She d. Nov. 7, 1854, ae. 52 years. He d in the army at Carroll- ton, La., Aug. 14, 1862, ae. 58. No children. (See Roll of Honor.) *22. Smith, b. 1807. (6) Reuben Emmons, b. Apr. 30, 1777, m. Betsey, dau. of Moses Sleeper (See), b. Mar. 6, 1780. Farmer near Pemige wasset bridge; d. Dec. 4, 1865, ae. 88-7-4. ; she d. May 23, 1872, ae. 92-2-17. CHILDREN, all born Bristol 23. Merrill, d. in infancy. 24. Merrill, b. Apr. 8, 1801 ; d. May 19, 1804, ae. 3-1-11. 25. Josiah, b. Nov. 28, 1803; d. num., Oct. 17, 1842, ae. 38-10-19. *25. Samuel, b. Sept. 25, 1805. 27. Betsey, b. Sept. 22, 1807 ; m. July 30, 1833, Rev. Richard Newhall, a Methodist circuit-rider ; on Bridgewater circuit in 1827. He was b. July 18, 1800, and d. Dec, 1872; she d. Feb. 25, 1895, at Ocean Grove, N. J., ae. 87-5-3. Children : a. Mary Elizabeth, b. May 19, 1835. b. Richard Watson, b. Apr. 17, 1841, a lawyer in New York. c. George Smith, b. Aug. 19, 1856. d. Ellen Lewis, b. Mar. i, 1865. 28. Pliney Swan, b. Sept. 10, 1809. Went to Illinois previous to the Civil war and has not been heard from since. -»29. Horace Merrill, b. July 30, 181 1. *30. David Atwood, b. July 10, 1814. 31. Reuben Peterson, b. Feb. 15, 1817. Kept an eating saloon in Boston, Mass. Died at home, unm., Apr. 20, 1845, ae. 28-2-5. 32. Adeline, b. July 4, 1819 ; m. May 7, 1842, John H. Higbee, and removed to Newport, where they res. many years. She now res. with her children, Newport, R. I. Children : a. Isa Matilda, b. Nov. 29, 1844. b. Charles Reuben, b. Feb. 24, 1847. c. John W., b. Mar. 11, 1848. d. Carrie Maria, b. May 29, 1852. e. Edward Wyman, b. Dec. 26, 1853. GENEALOGIES — EMMONS 167 33. Mary Ann Atwood, b. June 6, 1821 ; m. May 31, 1848, David B. Mason, b. Meredith, Dec. 6, 1820. They settled in Lebanon, where he d. July 18, 1889, ae. 68-7-12, and where she was living in July, 1903. Chil dren : a. Addie Minerva, b. L., Oct. 30, 1850. Unm. b. Arthur Smith, b. Lebanon, May 28, 1854 ; m. Sept. 16, 1890, Otilla Helgeson, and res. Alexandria, Minn. c. Julius Higbee, b. L., June 25, 1858; d. Sept. 12, 1861, ae. 3-2-17. -»34. Gustavus, b. Nov. 5, 1823. (7) Joseph Emmons, b. May 13, i77g, m. (pub. Feb. 22, 1801), Ruth Sleeper, dau. of Moses (See), b. Dec. 6, 1782. Farmer ; next east of Horace N. Emmons's. He d. in Ohio, about 1852 ; she d. Orange, Sept. 5, 1868, ae. 85-8-2g. 35. Polly, b. Bristol, Mar. 4, 1802 ; m. Samuel Hartshorn, and removed to Hebron, where they d. Children : a. Sarah Emmons, b. Hebron, Apr. i, 1824 ; m. Henry Magee, Lynn, Mass. She d. Lynn, Jan. 3, 1899, ae. 74-9-2. Four children. b. Wellington P., b. H., 1826. Res. Lynn, Mass. 36. Moses, b. B., Mar. 6, 1804; m. Sally Glover, and d. Apr., 1873, in Orange, ae. 69-1-. Child : a. Jerusha Morse, b. Aug. 23, 1832 ; m. Levi Lamphrey ; d. Con cord, Apr. 24, 1888, ae. 55-8-1. He res. Lawrence, Mass. 37. Thomas Jefferson, b. B., Jan. 19, 1806; m. Marinda Culver; d. in Lyme, 1877, ae. 71. She d. Lynn, Mass. No children. 38. Sarah (christened Kezia), b. B., Feb. 8, 1808 ; m. Asa H. Ken dall. (See.) (10) Benjamin Emmons, b. May 14, 1786, m. Mar. 7, i8n, Sally Sleeper, dau. of Samuel (See), b. Mar. 13, 1791. He succeeded his father on the home farm and there d. Aug. 21, 1827, ae. 41-3-7; she d. in Ashland, July 31, 1872, ae. 81- 4-18. She was blind for years before her death. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol. *^9. John Martin Ruter, b. Nov. 17, 1811. 40. Dorothy Stevens, b. July 13, 1813 ; m. John Hastings. (See.) 41. Elizabeth Sanborn, b. July 15, 1816 ; m. Feb. 14, 1843, Albert Kimball, b Holderness, Aug. 24, 1816, and d. Plymouth, Feb. i, 1892, ae. 75_5_7. She d. Laconia, Feb. 27, 1887, ae. 70-7-12. Children: a. William Russell, b. Holderness, July 7, 1844; m. Apr. 17, 1867, Lydia A. Morse, Campton. b. Albert Myron, b. H., Feb. 8, 1846; m. Feb., 1870, Sarah A. Plummer, Campton. c. Marshall Emmons, b. H., Oct. 10, 1848; d. Nov. 3, 1848. d. Sarah Jane, b. H., Aug 25, 1849 ; d. in infancy. e. Ellen Maria, b. H., Aug. i, 1850 ; d. Aug. 11, 1856, ae. 6-0-10. /. Mary Lizzie, b. H., Mar. 13, 1852 ; d. Aug. 5, 1856, ae. 4-4-22. g. Ida Male, b. Concord, Aug. 22, 1857 ; m. May 28, 1878, Elias W. French, b. Thetford Center, Vt., Oct. 2, 1856. 42. Sally Sleeper, b. Nov. 28, 1819; d. Mar. II, 1835, ae. 15-3-13. 43. Sophronia Huckins, b. Mar. 11, 1822 ; m. Leander Badger. (See.) 44. Maria Norton, b. Mar. 31, 1824; m. Apr. 13, 1849, John A. Quimby, Sharon, Vt. 1 68 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 45. Huldah Tilton, b. Nov. 23, 1826 ; m. Charles W. Batchelder. (See.) (18) Benjamin Emmons, b. Dec. 16, i79g, m. Sept. 25, 1822, Mary, dau. of David PoweU (See), b. Aug. 2, 1802. Farmer. He d. LoweU, Mass., Dec. 16, 1855, ae. 56-0-0; she d. Alexandria, Mar. 12, 1850, ae. 47-7-10. CHILDREN 46. Sarah Ann, b. Stewartstown, Oct. 27, 1823 ; m. Luther Ingalls. (See.) 47. Theodate Smith, b. Bristol, Dec. 30, 1825 ; m. Louis Fernald, and res. Boston. ^ ^ r 48. Elisha Gurdy, twin brother of Theodate ; m. Mary Jane Cook, of Ellsworth, Me., and removed to San Francisco, Cal., where he d. in July, 1877, ae. 51-7-. Four children. 49. Samuel Smith, b. Bridgewater, Jan. 18, 1829; m. (i) Susanna Goldsmith, (2) Eliza EHerson. He d. Jan., 1874, in Lawrence, Mass., ae. '50. Mahala Jane, b. Bristol, Feb. 28, 1834 ; m, June 25, 1856, Samuel P. Downs. He d. Lowell, Mass., Sept. 15, 1866. She d. about 1895, ae. about 61. Child : a. Albert Elroy, b. Lowell, Dec. 25, 1857. An artist in So. Bos ton, Mass. 51. Alonzo Cheney, b. Alexandria, Aug. 20, 1840 ; m. 1866, Annie Mc- Elroy ; res. Dorchester, Mass. (ig) Jonathan Emmons, b. Jan. 25, 1802, m. Feb. 11, i82g, Margaret S., dau. of Abraham Dolloff (See), b. Nov. 28, 1807. He was a farmer on the John F. Merrow farm till 1876, when he removed to the Worthen farm, east of the village. She d. Aug. 17, 1868, ae. 60-8-ig, and he m. Mar. 16, i86g, Mrs. Sarah Emerson, widow of Isaiah. (See.) He d. Oct. 19, 1880, ae. 78-8-24 ; she d. Aug. 2, i886, ae. 79-5-5. He was for half a century prominent in religious and political circles. He thought for himself and his position on any subject was always clearly defined. His educational advantages were confined to a few weeks of the district school each year, and two years at the New Hampton Institution. He taught school 18 consecutive winters. In 1824, in company with Nathaniel S. Berry and William Lewis, he opened Sunday-schools in town and was for many years superintendent of one in the Locke neighborhood. He was also a Methodist class leader. CHILDREN 52. Sylvester, m., and d. in Franconia at age of 32. Family all deceased. 53. Lavinia, d. young. 54. Gilbert B., d. Bristol, Jan. 31, 1835, ae. 0-4-8. 55. Leroy S., b. B., d. unm., in Franconia, about 1864, ae. 28 years. ^7: cSs} , 00 e. Harry ]-b. B., Apr. 17, 1884. 4. Francis Legro, b. Mar. 11, 1828. Res. Natick, Mass. 5. Abralona Viana, b. Feb. 15, 1829 ; m. Pope, Aug. 31, 1856, and res. Medford, Mass. 6. Morris Tucker, b. Apr. 29, 1830 ; m. Apr. 29, i860, Helen A. Gerry, b. Billerica, Mass., Feb. 5, 1834. He served three months in 6th Mass. Vols., and d. New Hampton, Jan. 20, 1876, ae. 45-8-21. She d. Natick, Mass., Apr. 11, 1871, ae. 37-2-6. Children: a. Nellie A., b. Lowell, Mass., Sept. 22, 1861 ; d. Dec. 7, 1861. *. Nellie A., b. Natick, June 29, 1865 ; m. George D. Judkins. (See.) c. Charles A., b. N., Mar. 30, 1868 ; d. June 7, 1868. d. Laura F., b. N., June 30, 1870 ; d. Sept. 9, 1870. 7. Enos, b. Oct. 25, 1831. Never m.; has lived in Bristol with his brother, Augustus J., and in family of Uriah H. Kidder. Is a farmer. Mason, Democrat. Served on quota of Bristol in Civil war. (See Roll of Honor.) 8. Judith Melissa, b. Jan. 25, 1833; d. Dec. 30, 1853, ae. 20-11-5. 9. Benjamin Franklin, b. Feb. 19, 1834. 10. Hiram Woodbury, b. Apr. 3, 1835, lives in Concord. Was cor poral m Co. D, i2th Regt., serving on quota of Groton. Was severely wounded at Cold Harbor. GENEALOGIES — FIELDS 1 8 7 II. Levi Edwin, b. Apr. 25, 1836. Res. Lynn, Mass. 12. Harriet Arvilla, b. June 3, 1837 ; d. Maine, Mar. 28, 1849, ae. I 1-9-25. 13. Mary Elizabeth, b. Dec. 5, 1838. 14. Abigail Dolloff, b. Bristol, Feb. 6, 1840. 15. Moses Albert, b. Alexandria, Aug. i, 1841 ; res. Plymouth. 16. Laura Jane, b. A., June 15, 1844 ; m. Rockwood, and res. in Temple. 17. Ira Polk, b. A., July 29, 1845 ; res. in Minn. THE FIELDS FAMILY I. Frank Pierce Fields is the son of Smith and Mary (Moses) Fields. He was b. in Merrimack, Nov. 5, 1852, and m., Nov. 24, 1877, Clara Jane, dau. of Nathan H. and Harriet (Hackett) Weeks, b. Thornton, June 2, 1857. He was two years in the meat business in Plymouth ; came to Bristol, July, 1877, and has been connected with the Mason-Perkins Paper company, since i8g7 as treasurer and general manager. He is a Democrat and a Mason. CHILDREN 2. Mary Belle, b. Bristol, Sept. 24, 1880. 3. Charles Weeks, b. B., Dec. 14, 1883. THE FITZPATRICK FAMILY I. James Fitzpatrick, son of Martin and Mary (Warren) Fitzpatrick, was b. Leeds, England, Apr. 11, 1834. He m. in August, 1858, Bridget, dau. of Robert Caplis, b. Ireland, May, 1835, and d. Enfield, Oct 15, 1877, ae. 42-4-. Has res. in Bris tol since i8go, and is an employee of woolen-miU. Catholic. CHILDREN 2. Mary Hannah, b. Burlington, Vt., Sept. 10, i860. 3. Robert William, b. B., Dec. 16, 1862; m. M. C. Nickerson, Sept. 6, 1897. 4. William, b. Enfield, Mar. 31, 1865. 5. Martin, b. E., Aug. 10, 1867 ; d. May 17, 1875, ae. 7-9-7. 6. Sarah Agnes, b. E., Jan. 26, 1871 ; m. Amos A. Blake. (See.) 7. Anna Elizabeth, b. E., May 20, 1873. THE FLANDERS FAMILIES I. Capt. Joseph Flanders came to Bristol from Landaff. His wife was Relief Brown, a sister to Robert Brown. They res. where Solomon Cavis lived, later, on Pleasant street. He was a captain in the War of 181 2, a deputy sheriff in Bridge- water, and a prominent man in the community. He left Bristol for Cambridge, Mass., about 1824, where he was a glass worker. 1 88 HISTORY OF BRISTOL CHILDREN 2. Wardwell, was a sea captain ; m. and d. in New Orleans, La. 3. Benjamin Franklin, b. Bristol, Jan. 26, 1816 ; m. Aug. 24, 1847, Susan Hall, dau. .of Alvah Sawyer. (See.) He fitted for college at New Hampton Institution, and graduated from Dartmouth in 1842, support ing himself by teaching while obtaining an education. In 1843, he went to New Orleans, where he studied law and was admitted to the bar. He became part proprietor and one of the editors of the New Orleans Tropic. At the commencement of the Civil war, with his wife and children, the youngest only seven days old, he fled to the North, leaving behind prop erty valued at $40,000. Upon the fall of New Orleans, he returned and was made treasurer of the city by the military authorities, but a few months later resigned, having been elected representative to Congress. He took his seat in that body in March, 1863. That same year Secretary Chase appointed him supervising special agent of the treasury depart ment for Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas, which office he filled till 1866, when he resigned. In 1867, he was appointed military governor of Louisiana. In May, 1870, he became mayor of New Orleans, and from 1873 to 1885, he was, by appointment of President Grant, United States assistant treasurer at New Orleans. The New Orleans Times Democrat said of him at the time of his death : "He was not one of the carpet bag politicians, for he won and retained the respect of the people. He was well liked for the very consistency with which he held his convictions, and the truthfulness and honor by which all his actions were governed.-' He was possessed of a fine physique, and was hale and hearty at 76 years of age. He d. at his plantation, Youngsville, La., Mar. 13, 1896, ae. 80- ir-17. His wife survived him. Children : a. Katherine Anna, b. New Orleans, La., Sept. 11, 1848 ; m. Edward R. Pelton, publisher and owner of the Eclectic Magazine, New York city. b. Susan Elizabeth, b. N. O., Mar. 11, 1852 ; m. Alexander L. Ridden, of New Orleans. c. Mary Brown, b. N. O., Apr. 22, 1856, and res. at Youngsville, La. d. Joseph Alva, b. N. O., June 14, 1859. Res. Youngsville. e. Benjamin Franklin, b. N. O., Dec. 29, 1861. Res. Yoiings- ville. /. Rufus John, b. N. O., Sept. 10, 1865; d. Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan., 1869, ae. 3-5-. 4. Rufus, went to New Orleans. 5. John, went to New Orleans. I. Charles Stephen Flanders, son of James and Lucy (Whitney) Flanders, was b. Chelsea, Vt., Dec. 4, 1845. He came to Bristol in 1862, and m. Apr. 2, 1868, Amanda W., dau. Kiah Wells. (See.) Was a job teamster ; deputy sheriff two years ; tax collector two years. Went to Boston in 1886, where he owns a billiard hall, and where he m. (2) Oct. 23, 1891, Augusta White, dau. of William and Phebe (Covert) White, b. Nova Scotia, Apr. 14, 1865. Republican. Odd Fellow. CHILD 2. Owen L., b. Bristol, Dec. 17, 1869. Res. Bristol. GENEALOGIES — FLEER 1 89 THE FLEER FAMILY I. George Henry Fleer, son of George and Mary Ann (Arms) Fleer, was b. Watertown, Mass., July 5, 1835. He m., Dec. 24, i860, Antoinette Lambert, dau. of Ruel Lambert, b. Lincolnville, Me., July 11, 1839. Served nine months in the 6th Mass. Infty in Civil war. After discharge, settled in Vine- land, N. J.; in 1871, came to Bristol; was 12 years a workman on engines in paper-miU. Member of G. A. R. Republican. Res. Crescent street. CHILDREN 2. Annie Belle, b. Alexandria, Jan. 23, 1862; m. Sept. 4, 1883, Frank H. Junkins, and res. Lebanon, Me. Farmer. Children: a. Ola, b. Somersworth, Dec. 3, 1884. b. Edna, b. Newfields, Feb. 22, 1889. c. Elmer Hall, b. N., May 21, 1890. d. Annie Fleer, b. Somerville, Mass., Nov. 27, 1893. 3. Frank Henry, b. Vineland, Feb. 15, 1868; m. Sept. 3, 1887, in Dover, Zenna May, dau. of George K., and Ann (Allaway) Willand, b. Berwick, Me., Feb. 12, 1869. He was engaged in shoe manufacturing for a few years ; in trade on Lake street July, 1898, till Jan., 1904. Children : a. Austin Elbert, b. Dover, June 13, 1889. b. Helen Blanche, b. D., Dec. 22, 1891. THE FLING FAMILY r. Abel Fling was a resident of Pomfret, Conn., and served three years in the Revolutionary army. He m., June 10, 1793, Susan Alvord, who was 87 years old at the time of her death. He d. at Winsor, Vt., at the age of 80 years. They were the parents of 2. Abel, b. Springfield, Vt., Mar. 4, 1795. He m. (i) Abigail Harlow, who bore him one child. She d. and he m. (2) Hopestill Harlow, an aunt of his first wife, and dau. of Levi Harlow, of Springfield, Vt. She d. July 19, 1865, and he passed the last 15 years of his life in the family of his son in Bristol, and here d. Aug. 8, 1880, ae. 85-5-5. CHILDREN 3. Abbie, b. 1818 ; m. Stephen Hastings, of Windsor, Vt. «4. Lewis Wells, b. Windsor, Vt., Dec. 6, 1824. (4) Hon. Lewis W. Fling, b. Dec. 6, 1824, m. (i) Apr. 20, 1853, Maria Currier, of Wentworth, who d. in Bristol, Aug. ig, 1854, ae. 31. He m. (2) Dec. 18, 1855, Margaret, dau. of Rev. Walter Sleeper (See), b. Nov. 20, 1828. He entered the office of Chief Justice J. E. Sargent, at Canaan, in the spring of 1847. Soon after Judge Sargent removed to Wentworth and he went with him, and continued in his office there. In Nov., 1 85 1, he was admitted to the bar, and became a partner with Judge Sargent, and so continued untU Feb. 13, 1853, when he I go HISTORY OF BRISTOL located in Bristol. Since that date, he has been in the practice of his profession here, and during all this time — over 50 years — has occupied the same office in White's block. (See Lawyers.) He is a Mason and Democrat ; has served as superintending school committee, and was eight years a member of the board of education. He was a member of the state senate in 1871 and 1872, and was given the honorary degree of A.M., by Dart mouth College in 1872. Many years leader of Methodist choir, CHILDREN 5. Charles Willis, b. Bristol, Aug. 27, 1856 ; m. June 18, 1878, Abbie Etta, dau. Amos and Jane (Grey) Seavey, b. Alexandria, Oct. 12, 1858. He was clerk and assistant treasurer of Bristol Savings bank, i884-'9o; has been justice of the peace and notary public since 1885. Insurance and legal business. Served on board of education seven years ; was town clerk two years ; several years a member of the board of health, and is serving his fourth year as fireward. Is a past master of Union Lodge, A. F. and A. M. Democrat. (vSee under Lawyers.) Children: a. Lewis Seavey, b. Bristol, Mar. 8, 1880. Piano salesman in Lowell, Mass. Unm. b. Eva, b. B., Feb. 10, 1888. 6. Harry Sleeper, b. B., Feb. 2, 1859; d. Feb. 27, 1861, ae. 2-0-25. 7. Eva Maria, b. B., May it, 1863 ; m. Oscar F, Fellows. (See.) 8. Anna Sleeper, b. B., Nov. 4, 1866. She studied music at the New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, and was a teacher of music at Southern Female College, La Grange, Ga., where she m., Aug. 22, 1889, James H. Pitman, a lawyer, of that place. She d. Feb. 18, 1892, ae. 25- 3-14. She was a beautiful and talented young woman. Children : a. Jim Fling, b. June 14, 1890. b. Anna May, b. Jan. 30, 1892. THE FOGG FAMILIES I. OUver B. Fogg, son of Thomas, b. Holderness, Dec. g, 1825, m. Lucy G. Moore, dau. of Nathan and Sarah (Crosby) Moore, b. Jan. 14, 1821, and d. Koxford, Mass., Dec. 21, 1882, ae. 61-11-7. He d. Pittsfield, Mass., Jan. 15, 1887, ae. 61- 1-6. Carriage maker and farmer. CHILDREN 2. Sarah Maria, b. Alexandria, Jan. 27, 1848; m. Charles M. Mus grove. (See.) 3. Ada Florence, b. A., Mar. 7, 1852 ; d. Bristol, Apr. 29, 1862, ae 10-1-22. Two children d. in infancy! Franklin Fogg was b. Hebron, Nov. 2, 1831. He is the son of Dearborn and Mary (Lovejoy) Fogg, and grandson of Samuel Lovejoy, who fought at Bunker HiU. In 1852, he went to California where he remained a year and returned with some of the gold of that state. After spending about twenty Charles W. Fling, Eso. GENEALOGIES — FOLLANSBEE igi years in his native town, he came to Bristol in 1874. For 25 years he has been a guest at Hotel Bristol. Unm. Repub lican. THE FOLLANSBEE FAMILIES I. The FoUansbees of Bristol are the descendants of Thomas Follansbee, who came from England with his wife, Abigail, and children, as early as 1677 and settled in Massachu setts. Among his children was 2. Thomas, b. England, 1674(5). He was the father of 3. William, who was the father of 4. Thomas, b. about 1736. He moved from Hampstead to Weare about 1775. He was twice m. He d. in Hill, Apr. 5, 1818, ae. 82. CHILDREN 5. Daniel. 6. Abigail. 7. Hannah. 8. Mehitable. *9. Samuel, b. 1772. 10. William, b. Dec. 20, 1773; was twice m., the second wife being Dolly Colby. He was in Hill as early as 1810. His farmhouse was destroyed by fire on the evening of Dec. 20, 1820, while he and his wife were visiting a neighbor, and in it perished his six children. Four chil dren were b. later. II. Benjamin, b. June 4, 1775, was in Hill in 1812. He m. (i) Ruth Quimby; (2) Sally Stevens; (3) Lucy Rand. He d. in Hill, Mar. 1835, ae. 59-9-. The History of Weare says he had seven children by each wife, and one wife had seven children by a previous husband, so that his home contained 28 children. Among them were a. Benjamin, b. Feb. 14, 1799; m. Rowell. A dau., Ruth, m. Benjamin Wooster, an engineer on the Bristol branch railroad. Benjamin Follansbee was killed while coupling cars at Bristol station, June 14, 1854, ae. 55-4-0- b. Sally, m. Reuben C. Bean. (See.) c. David S., b. Hill, Mar. 3, 1818; m. July 14, 1839, Sarah Tir rell, dau. of Samuel (See), b. May 5, 1823. They settled in Bristol in 1852. He was a carpenter and farmer. She d. Feb. 19, 1893, ae. 69-9-14. He d. June 8, 1894, ae. 76-3-5- Republican, Free Bap tist. No children. »I2. Jacob M., b. Sept. 17, 1787. (g) Samuel Follansbee, b. 1772, removed from Weare to HiU about I7g9. A soldier in the War of 1812. He m. (i) Shuah Lufkin, b. 1773, and d. July i, 1797, ae. 24. He m. (2) (Published Nov. 6, 1800) Abigail Hoit, of Salisbury, b. 1771 ; d. May 28, 1803, ae. 32. He m. (3) Anna Taylor, b. I76g ; d. Mar. 10, 1845, ae. 76. He d. Apr. 18, 1847, ae. 75. CHILDREN 13. Levi, b. Feb. 19, 1794; was a soldier in 1812 from Hill. Hem., June 25, 1815, Aseneth Gooding; removed to Dorchester, and there d. Five children. 14. Shuah, b. Sept. 9, 1796 ; m. Moses Tenney. -»I5. John H., b. May 14, 1803. ig2 HISTORY OF BRISTOL (12) Jacob M. Follansbee, b. Sept. 17, 1787, m. Sept. 15, 1808, Dorcas Colby, dau. of Jacob A., d. Bristol, Apr. 26, i860, ae. 80-2-5. He d. Bristol, Dec. 18, 1863, ae. 76-3-1. A sol dier in the War of 1812. He succeeded John. Ladd in 1846, on the Ezekiel Follansbee farm on west side of lake. CHILD *i6. Ezekiel, b. Farmington, Me., Apr. 26, 1819. (15) John H. Follansbee, b. May 14, 1803, m. Mar. 17, i82g, AbigaU, dau. of Col. Samuel Martin, b. Alexandria, Jan. 28, 1804 ; d. HiU, Aug. 17, i860, ae. 56-6-ig. He d. HiU, Feb. ig, 1867, ae. 63-g-5. CHILDREN 17. Abbie Hoyt, b. Hill, May 6, 1832 ; m. Mar. 7, 1858, Amos D. Cas well. Lived in Hill till Oct., 1870, when removed to Afton, N. Y., where he d. Aug. I, 1897, ae. 71-7-21. *i8. Sam, b. H., Mar. 23, 1837. 19. John Martin, b. H., Sept. 19, 1842; d. June 19, 1864, ae. 21-9-0. (16) Ezekiel Follansbee, b. Apr. 26, 1819, m. Sept., 1841, Sarah M. Howard, dau. of Daniel, b. Manchester, Mar. 18, 1819. He res. on the home farm, i846-'74, when he removed to the Gustavus Bartlett house on Pleasant street, and here she d. July II, i8gi, ae. 72-3-23. He d. in the family of his daughter, Apr. 13, i8g8, ae. 78-11-17. He was a Democrat, farmer, and dealer in furs; an original character, with little education he was shrewd in business, saving, and accumulated a competency. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 20. Helen Moore, b. Mar. 15, 1843; d. Sept. 11, 1847, ae. 4-5-26. 21. James Dallas, b. Jan. 15, 1847 ; m. (i) Dec. 13, 1882, Etta P., dau. of David H. Sleeper. (See.) Divorced. He m. (2) Mrs. Ella J. Loverin. He is a fur dealer and speculator. Children : a. Emma, b. Bristol, 1884 ; res. in Lowell. b. Ada, res. in Lowell, m. c. Edgar, b. B., 1896. 22. George Frank, b. Dec. 30, 1848; m. Mary Ann, dau. of Asa Drew (See), b. Oct. 31, 1849. ^''or 33 years was an employee and overseer in woolen-mill. Since 1898, farmer in Bridgewater. Democrat, Mason. Children : a. Bert George, b. Bristol, Nov. 2, 1871. b. Amy L., b. B., July 2, 1873 ; d. May 4, 1894, ae. 20-10-2. c. Sarah M., b. B., Jan. 21, 1875. d. Rose E.,b. B., Aug. 8, 1877; m. June 22, 1898, Harry W. T. Norris. (See.) 23. Commodore Perry, b. May 26, 1851. Was for many years meat cook at Hotel Bristol. Unrh. Democrat. 24. Martha Etta, b. June 8, 1854 ; m. Charles H. Putney. (See.) 25. Charles Lane, b. Apr. 8, 1857 ; m Aug. i, i886, Dora Maud, dau. Sylvester and Anna (Prescott) Bennett (See Prescott Family), b. Nov. 29, 1867. He was for many years barber in Bristol ; landlord Hotel Bris tol, i898-'99, and at Stafford Springs, Conn. Returned to Bristol, Dec, 1901 ; barber. Children : Sam Follansbee ¦ ¦ •¦ 't.yp, '¦'-ail; Herbert H. Follansbee GENEALOGIES — FORREST rg3 a. Karl Lawrence, b. Bristol, July 17, 1887. b. Edna Pearl, b. B., Jan. 4, 1889. c. Lucille, b. B., June 19, 1891. d. Ruth, b. B., Oct. 18, 1893. e. Ermantrude Clytoria, b. Stafford Springs, Conn., Aug. 20, 1899. /. Reginald Clyde, b. Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1901. (18) Sam Follansbee, b. Mar. 23, 1837, m. May 20, i860, Gemima S., dau. of Huron and Jerusha (Stevens) Williams, b. Grafton, June 16, 1840. He was in trade in Danbury. Since 1870, has res. in Bristol on Beech street. For many years, traveled through New England and New York as optician. Is a farmer and has a wide reputation as an auctioneer. Demo crat. CHILD 26. Herbert Huron, b. Grafton, Aug. 26, 1862 ; m. Apr. 20, 1895, Belle C, dau. of Alonzo B. Gale (See), b. Oct. 25, 1861. He is a speculator and dealer in wool, hides, and furs. A Democrat ; has served one year as selectman ; was postmaster, i885-'90, and is a Knight Templar Mason. Child : a. Reba, b. Bristol, Aug. i, 1901. THE FORREST FAMILY I. Charles Forrest, son of Sidney, was b. in Portsmouth, Ohio, Apr. 8, 1838. He located in Bristol about 1866, and was for a time in company with James T. Sanborn, as carpenter and builder. He erected several buildings in town, including Hotel Bristol. He m., Jan. 6, i86g, Addie H., dau. of Horace M. Emmons. (See.) In 1877, he removed to Lowell, Mass., where he was a dealer in lumber, and where he d. Aug. 2, i8gi, ae. 53-3-24- children .L. Gertrude Emmons, b. Bristol, Oct. 4, 1869. 3. Charles Marshall, b. B., Sept. i, 1873; m. Oct. 12, 1897, Ada Ethelyn Buckland, dau. of Gardner, b. Coaticook, P. Q., Oct. 2, 1876 ; dealer in lumber, Lowell. Child : a. Charles Gardner, b. Lowell, Oct. 8, 1900. 4. Mabel Flora, b. Bristol, Dec. 25, 1875 ; m. June 26, 1902, Dr. John H. Lambert, Lowell. THE FOSS FAMILY I. Burton Elwin Foss, son of Frank Elwin and EUa (Bingham) Foss, was b. HiU, May 21, 1875. He m., Sept. 3, i8g6, Grace M., dau. of George W. Ballou. (See.) He has been, since i8gg, salesman in store of Weymouth, Brown & Co. 13 194 HISTORY OF BRISTOL THE FOSTER FAMILIES I . David Foster, son of David, an early settler in Alexan dria from Maine, was b. Nov. 21, 1781. He m., July 14, 1813, Sarah, dau. of Jonathan Huntington (See), b. Dec. i, 1792. Soon after his m. he succeeded to his father-in-law's farm in the Nelson neighborhood. He removed to Alexandria, where he d. Dec. 8, 1862, ae. 81-0-17 ; she d. Boston, Mass., Jan. 18, 1878, ae. 85-1-17. CHILDREN 2. Tryphena, b. Bristol, Dec. 5, 1814 ; m. West, and res. Haver hill, Mass., and Providence, R. I. No children. 3. George W., b. B., Apr. 16, 1816 ; m. June 12, 1844, Martha Wiggin, b. Durham, Mar. 24, 1817. He lived on one farm in Lebanon for over fifty years, where he d. June 10, 1891, ae. 75-1-24; she d. Lebanon, Aug. 30, 1893, ae. 76-5-6. Child : a. George W., b. Lebanon, June 16, 1855 ; m. Oct. 1, 1863, Pauline B. Daniels. Farmer in Lebanon. 4. James C, b. Bristol, Mar. 7, 1818; m. Almira Boothby, of Booth- bay, Me. He went to Boston, in 1846, and engaged in teaming. Served on the Boston Watch and, in 1854, was appointed on the police force ; retired Oct. 31, 1885. He d. at Mass. General Hospital, Nov. i, 1886, ae. 68-7-24. Children : a. Fanny, d. at age of 35. b. Minnie, d. at age of 26. 5. Joshua, b. B., Jan. 8, 1820; m. Oct. 13, 1842, Eliza Sage, dau. Henry Tilton, b. Alexandria, Jan., 1821. A farmer in Bridgewater till 1851, when he went to Boston ; served on the police force till 1881, when retired. His last days were passed on a farm in South Alexandria, where he d. Oct. 25, 1882, ae. 62-9-17. She d. same place, May 24, 1894, ae. 73-2-11. Children : a. Warren Francis, b. Bridgewater, Sept. ri, 1843 ; m. Maria Ann Kimball, dau. of Samuel, b. Hillsboro, Jan., 1842, and d. Winchester, Mass., May 19, 1883, ae. 41-4-. He m. (2) Sept. 8, 1885, Adelia Weeks, dau. of Washington, b. Jefferson, Me., June i, 1848. A grocer in Winchester. b. Cordelia V., b. Bridgewater, May 21, 1845 ; d. Dec. 10 (i), 1850, ae. 5-6-19. c. Charles H. S., b. Boston, Dec. 11, 1854; m. June 14, 1876, Florence W. Lawton. Res. Somerville, Mass. d. Maretta (adopted), b. Sept. 9, 1850 ; m. Farland. Res. Maiden, Mass. 6. Daniel, b. Bristol, May 15, 1823 ; d. young. 7. Solomon S., b. B., Apr. 23, 1825 ; m. Aug. 9, 1842, Susan C, dau. John Pattee, b. Alexandria, 1823, d. Boston, Mar. 16, 1B76, ae. 53. He was appointed on Boston Watch, 1849, and later, on the police force. At the time of death was sergeant and had been on duty at the city hall since 1878. He d. Boston, Feb. 14, 1882, ae. 56-9-21. Children : a. Ira C, b. Alexandria, Dec. 6, 1843 ; a captain on Boston police. b._ Frank M., b. Bristol, Nov. 15, 1846; in wholesale provision business, Boston. c. Helen M., b. Boston, May 20, 1852 ; m. Joseph S. Parker, Boston. 8. David M., b. Alexandria, Feb. 3, 1827; m. Aug. 27, 1847, Lucretia Simonds, b. Alexandria, Dec. 26, 1829, and d. Plympton, Mass., Jan. 22, GENEALOGIES — FOSTER 1 95 1892, ae. 62-0-26. He d. South Boston, Sept. 29, 1881, ae. 54-7-26 ; was a member of the Boston police force 27 years. Seven children. 9. Sarah, b. A., Jan. 10, 1829; m. Mar. 13, 1855, George Lafayette Wilson, b. Hudson, Nov. 6, 1831. They res. Minneapolis, Minn. Two children. 10. Laura C, b. A., Mar. 29, 1831 ; m. Feb. 12, 1853, Joseph Verrill. He d. Lebanon, Minn., Mar. 31, 1865. She m. (2) Feb. 19, 1867, James Beatty Oilman. Res. S. E. Minneapolis, Minn. II. Celestia, b. Alexandria, June 13, 1833 ; d. July 31, 1851, ae. 18- 0-18 ; unm. I. Wilson Foster is the son of Joseph, one of the first set tlers on Foster hill, in Alexandria, and Tryphena (Cawley) Fos ter. Wilson Foster was b. in Alexandria, Aug. 2, 1822. He m., Oct. 3, 1849, Harriet A., dau. of Alfred Kelley. He res. 12 years on the Calvin H. Martin farm in South Alexandria ; since then on the farm originally settled by Cutting Favor, in Hill. A prosperous farmer. Odd Fellow. CHILDREN 2. Ann M., b. Bristol, Nov. 4, 1851 ; m. Clarence N. Merrill. (See.) 3. Harriet Emma, b. B., Mar. i, 1853 ; m. George W. Ballou. (See.) 4. Ellen F., b. B., Nov. 5, 1856; m. Errol W. Morse, May n, 1884; res. Concord, Mass. 5. Frank W., b. B., Sept. 20, 1858 ; m. Cora Bell Call, of Franklin, Oct. 29, 1882. Res. home farm. 6. Hadley J., b. Hill, July 6, 1864 ; m. Annie Little, of Hill, Sept., i888. Res. Hill. I. Edwin Scott Foster, M.D., is the son of Jeremiah and Adaline (Rice) Foster. He was b. Henniker, Mar. 22, 1845, and m., Sept. 20, 1868, Elvira Webster, dau. of Col. Walter Favor. (See. ) She was a member of the Congregational church and a leading soprano singer in the choir. He located in Bris tol in 1865 ; was clerk in Marshall W. White's drug store two years, in drug store of C. M. Cilley & Co. one year, and suc ceeded this firm in 1868, continuing the business tUl AprU, 1873. Republican ; represented Bristol in the legislatures of 1876 and '77. Read law in the office of George A. Emerson, 1 877-' 79 ; in the drug business at HaverhiU, Mass., seven years from Dec, 1879. Graduated, M.D., from College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York city, in 1887 ; took course in Post Graduate College and Hospital, New York city. Is a physician at 120 Tremont street, Boston, Mass., making diseases of the eye a specialty. Res. Hyde Park, Mass. No children. I. James Rice Foster, son of James Newton and Sarah EUa (Rice) Foster, wash. Wentworth, Nov. 2g, 1851 ; m. Nov. 23, 1871, EUen CordeUa, dau. of Ezra W. and Mary M. (Weeks) 196 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Cleasby, b. Warren, Oct. 18, 1854. Came to Bristol from Ver mont, 1888 ; farmer at Profile Falls. Affiliates with a sect called the First Fruit Harvesters and occasionaUy preaches. CHILDREN 2. Guy Owen, b. Groton, Aug. 19, 1872 ; m. Aug. 19, 1896, Mary, dau. Ephraim S. Drake. Res. Rumney. 3. Virgil Henry, b. G., Sept. 24, 1874, unm. 4. Ivie Viena, b. Piermont, Jan. 17, 1880. 5. Nellie Grace, b. P., Sept. 25, 1881 ; d. Wentworth, Oct. 14, 1884, ae. 3-0-19. THE FOWLER FAMILIES I. Joseph Fowler, the son of David and Susan (Piper) Fowler, was b. in Hopkinton. He m. (published Dec. 21, 1806), Nancy Robinson Leavitt, dau. of Jonathan, of Meredith, who served in the Revolutionary war as private, lieutenant, and captain. Joseph was a harness-maker and learned his trade of John Nash, in New Hampton. He was in Bristol as early as 1808, and resided in the residence on Summer street now owned by Rev. David Calley. His shop was a small building close to Central Square bridge, where is still a harness shop. He was in Bristol as late as 1825. Removed to Andover. Were early Methodists. He d. in Lowell, Mass. ; she in West Boxford, Mass., at the age of gi years. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol *2. Oscar Fitzalen, b. Sept. 3, 1808. 3. Amanda M. F., m. (i) Capt. Davis ; (2) Edwin Adams, Boxford, Mass.; d. 1888 (?). *4. Worthen Jonathan,' b. 1817. 5. Nancy Leavitt, m. Moses Kelley, of Bristol, and d. DeWitt, Mich., 1877. No children. 6. Joseph Mortimer, b. Sept. 30, 1824 (6) ; d. Madison, Wis., May 13, 1888. He m. Charity Lincoln Winslow, who d. Lowell, Mass., 1865. He m. (2) Apr. 22, 1868, Martha M. Daun, b. in Kent, Eng. He went to Madison, Wis., in 1865. She res. in Madison. Children : a. Harry Mortimer, b. Nov. 9, 1850; d. Aug. 23, 1854, ae. 3-9^14. b. Frank Alexander, b. Jan. 27, 1856 ; d. Oct. 9, 1857, ae. 1-8-12. c. Joseph Haydn, b. Dec. 19, 1869 ; res. Chicago, 111. d. Maud Mary, b. Apr. 10, 1872 ; d. Oct. 16, 1872. e. Maria Louise, b. Nov. 12, 1873. Res. Madison, Wis. 7. Caroline Matilda Thayer, m. 1848, in Andover, John B. Norton, a native of Georgia. Children : a. Claude Richard, b. Lowell, Mass., Jan. 23, 1851 ; a practicing physician in Philadelphia, Pa.; m. Constanza L. Partz. Children : (i) Ray, b. Dec. 12, 1880. (2) Elsa, b. June 4, 1884. b. John Jacob, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1854. c. Carrie Fowler, b. Madison, Wis., 1856; m. 1877, Dr. Charles H. Hall, Madison. " d. David Atwood, b. M., Feb. 23, 1869 ; was a D.D.S. ; d, Aug. 20, 1892, in Philadelphia, ae. 23-5-27. ^KMIir ^tSS^r^ Hon. Oscar F. Fowler GENEALOGIES — FOWLER ig7 (2) Col. Oscar F. Fowler, b. Sept. 3, 1808, m. July, 1832, Abigail, dau. of James and Ruth Smith, of Bath. She d. Bris tol, June I, 1833, ae. 27, and he m. Sept., 1834, Louisa M., dau. of Thomas Waterman, b. Lebanon, Feb. 3, 1808. He removed to Andover with his father but returned to Bristol when 18 years of age, and was a harness-maker for many years where his father was in business before him. His fame as an auction eer extended beyond the borders of the state. He was a gentle man of the old school and was a prominent figure at any gathering, was always a leader in any public enterprise. He was lieut. -colonel of the 34th regiment; was postmaster 17 years, and served as associate justice of the Court of Common Pleas ; was prominent in the councils of the Democratic party. Both Col. and Mrs. Fowler were active workers and chief burden bearers of the Methodist church. Their home was always open for the itenerant preachers, and their kitchen was a vestry for social meetings. In the early months of 1874, both were stricken with paralysis, and a year later went to Plymouth •and made their home in the family of their daughter, Mrs. John Mason. He d. suddenly while on a visit in Bristol, Aug. 6, 1876, ae. 67-1 1-3 ; she d. Plymouth, Sept. 2, 1878, ae. 70-6-2g. CHILDREN, all born Bristol 8. Abby Smith, b. Aug. 12, 1835 ; m. Jan. i, 1856, Tristram Rogers, M.D. He has been a practicing physician in Plymouth, where they still reside. Children : a. Oscar Fowler, b. New Hampton, Oct. 27, 1856 ; d. Dec. 10, 1857, ae. 1-1-13. b. Hattie Waterman, b. N. H., Mar. 27, 1859 ; d. Mar. 2, 1881, ae. 21-11-5. 9. Harriet Waterman, b. Oct. 25, 1837 ; m. May 5, 1858, Prof. Henry Lummis. He is a prominent educator. Taught in the Lynn (Mass.) High school ; for five years principal of Tilton Seminary ; taught two years at Lasell Seminary, Auburndale, Mass., and since 1886, has been a professor in Lawrence University, Appleton, Wis. She d. Apr. 27, 1861, ae. 23-6-2. Children : a. Charles Fletcher, b. Lynn, Mass., Mar. i, 1859 ; m. Dorothy Rhoades, at Chilocothe, Ohio, in 1879. Is an author of national fame. (See chapter under Literature.) He now res. Los Angeles, Cal b. Louise Elma, b. L., Dec. 15, i860. Made her home with Mrs. John Mason, Plymouth. A teacher in Tilton Seminary. 10. Susan Waterman, b. Dec. 9, 1839 ; m. John Mason. (See.) II. George Storrs, b. Oct. 11, 1843. In Mar., 1864, located at Fort Wayne Ind. Dec. 31, 1867, he m. Esther Louise, dau. Joseph Starr and Haddassah (McCullough) Updegraff, b. May 2, 1844, m Sidney, Ohio. He was in the clothing business at Fort Wayne, where he res. Now traveling salesman. Children : a. Flay Russell, b. Fort Wayne, Jan. 25. 1869; m. June 20, 1889, Peter Edger Pickard, Fort Wayne. Children: (i) Louise Cather ine, b. F. W., May 2, 1890. (2) Margery Esther, b. F. W., Feb. 28, 1893. 13a ig8 HISTORY OP BRISTOL b. Harriette Waterman, b, F. W., June 17, 1874. c. Clara, b. F. W., Jan. 25, 1883 ; d. Dec. 29, 1884, ae. 1-11-4. 12. Rev. Charles J., b. Feb. 6, 1845; m. Feb. 12, 1874, Emily Pea- vey, dau. Hon. John G. and Tamar (Clark) Sinclair, b. Bethlehem, Aug. 20, 1851. He is a member of the N. H. Methodist conference and a successful evangelist. He was licensed to preach by the Bristol church in 1871 ; labored as an evangelist, i872-'83 ; admitted to N. H. Confer ence, 1883, and ordained elder by Bishop Simpson at Concord, Apr. 15, 1883 ; served as pastor at Exeter, 1883 ; Grace church, Haverhill, Mass., i884-'86 ; Great Falls, 1887, and since 1888, has been engaged in evangel istic work. He has labored in many of the large cities from Maine to California with remarkable success, the converts being numbered by the thousands. He is the author of a book — Back to Pentecost, published in 1901. Since 1901, he has been editor of the Christian Witness published at Boston, Mass., while continuing his evangelistic work. He res. in Haverhill, Mass. Children : a. Martha Sinclair, b. Manchester, Oct., 1874; m. Oct. 6, 1898, Andrew S. Woods, of Bath. Child : Margaret Louise, b. Dec. 27, 1900. b. Oscar Sinclair, b. Bethlehem, Aug., 1877; d. Sept. 1877. c. Louise Waterman, b. B., Feb., 1880; m. Edward Howard Allen, Walpole, Mass., Oct. 6, 1901. d. Harriet Rogers, b. B., Apr., 1883. (4) Worthen J. Fowler, b. 1817, m. Elizabeth , b. Haverhill, Mass., about 1818. She d. Worcester, Mass.', 1864; he d. Tilsonburg, Ontario, Canada, 1881, ae. 64. CHILDREN 13. Alonzo Constantine, b. Lowell, Mass., Jan., 1837; d. Tewksbury, Mass., 1862, ae. 25. 14. Frederick Augustus, b. L., 1839; d. Lowell, Mass., 1847, ae. 8 years. 15. Thadeus Mortimer, b. L., Dec. 21, 1842; m. Mar. 22, 1875, Libbie A. Daun, b. England, Mar. 15, 1851. Served in 21st Regt. N. Y. Vol. Infty., Civil war. Was wounded at Bull Run, Va., Aug. 30, i86i. Res. Morrisville, Pa. Children : a. Carrie Mabel, b. Madison, Wis., May 26, 1878. *. Gertrude Elizabeth, b. Asbury Park, N. J., Nov. 11, 1881. c. Mattie Sadie, b. Lewisburg, Pa., Jan. 3, 1884. d. Thaddeus Bertrand, b. Morrisville, Pa., Apr. 28, 188-. e. Clarence Paul, b. M., June 15, 1888. 16. Gustavus Adolphus, b. L., 1844; d. 1847, ae. 3. I. David Fowler, son of Abner, was b. Sanbornton, June 24, 1783. He m. June 16, 1803, Deborah Blake, b. New Hamp ton, Jan. 4, 1785. He was a soldier in the War of 1812 ; went from Sanbornton to Hebron and, about 1846, succeeded his son, Blake, in the lumber business at North Bristol, where he operated a saw-mill. From North Bristol, he removed to Alex andria. He d. Sept. 14, 1866, ae. 83-2-20 ; she d. Sept. 5, 1871, ae. 86-8-1. ^ ^ ' CHILDREN •»2. Blake, b. Sanbornton, July 29, 1804. 3. Betsey, b. S., July 17, 1806 ; d. i8io, ae. 4 years. Rev. Charles J. Fowler GENEALOGIES — FOWLER igg , . 4- ^.Abner, b. S., Jan. ii, 1809; m. Hannah Sanborn, Alexandria, and d. in Minnesota, Mar., i860; he d. Minn., Oct. 16, 1862, ae. 53-q-s. Thev had 12 or 13 children. "'^ '' ^ 5. Joseph, b. S., Oct. 2, 181 1; d. Jan. 2, 1812. 6. Mary, b. Nov. 15, 1812 ; m. Hiram Taylor, Oct., 1835, and d. in Warren, Apr. 27, 1874, ae. 61-5-12. Three children. 7. Deborah Jane, b. Hebron, May 7, 1815 ; m. Rev. Ashley C. Dut ton, a Methodist clergyman, and d. Jan. 30, 1869, ae. 53-8-23. He d Vineland, N. J., Dec. 16, 1897. Two children. 8. Thomas Lord, b. Hebron, Oct. 10, 1823 ; m. Aug. 20, 1844, Mary Hazelton, who d. Jan. 16, 1848. He m. May 10, 1848, Nancy M. Giles, who d. 1895, and he m. (3) Mrs. Esther Prince. He was a Methodist clergyman. Died at Westport, July 12, 1898, ae. 74-9-2. (2) Capt. Blake Fowler, b. July 29, 1804, m. Mar. 4, 1824, Ruth, dau. of Daniel Sleeper (See), b. Feb. 10, 1797. Farmer in Bridgewater ; in 1835, was operating a saw-miU at No. Bristol ; farmer in what is now Adamsville, on the Bristol side of the town line. He recruited 71 men for the Union army in Aug., 1862, and was made captain of Co. C, 12th Regt., and served tiU May 16, 1863. (See RoU of Honor.) ' After the war he lived in the residence next south of the Post-office block and there he d. Apr. 28, 1884, ae. 79-8-29. Mrs. Fowler d. Oct. 4, 1889, ae. 92-7-24. Republican, Odd Fellow. CHILDREN -»9. Hadley Bradley, b. Bridgewater, Mar. 20, 1825. 10. David Sleeper, b. B., Nov. 21, 1827, m. Nov. 25, 1870, Mrs. Mary J. (Sanborn) Eaton, widow of Ebenezer Eaton (See), and dau. of Capt. Moses Sanborn. (See.) She was b. Apr. i, 1821, and d. July 26, 1887, ae. 66-3-25. He m. Sept. 4, 1891, Anna A., dau. Charles H. Spencer. (See.) He was a druggist in Bristol village for 36 years till his death, Oct. 28, 1894. His age was 66-1 1-7. No children. She m. (2) George C. Currier. (See.) II. Hial Lee, b. Alexandria, Nov. 14, 1829; d. in California in 1849. (g) Hadley B. Fowler, M.D., b. Mar. 20, 1825, m. Nov. 25, 1847, Caroline L. Smith, of Nashua, who d. Apr. 17, 1875. He m. Feb. ig, 1884, Sarah Locke, dau. of Orrin. (See.) He located in Bristol in 1854, coming from Alexandria. He was a distinguished physician and surgeon (See Physicians); served in the Civil war as surgeon of 12th Regt., N. H. Vols., and had charge of hospital at Point of Rocks, Va., for the army of the James, containing 3,500 beds. (See Roll of Honor.) In politics he affiliated with the Democrats and was the Democratic nominee one year for railroad commissioner. He served two years as town clerk and six years on the board of education. He was a man of marked individuality, prominent in society and in Odd Fellow circles. He d. in Bristol, Jan. 13, 1893, ae. 67-9-23. CHILDREN 12. George Henry, b. Mar. 5, 1849; m. Apr. 24, 1870, Orra Ann, dau. Samuel H. Rollins. (See.) She d. Oct. 26, 1896, ae 51-2-26, and he m. 20O HISTORY OF BRISTOL July 20, 1897, Lauretta D., widow of Elmer V. Pike and dau. Winthrop R. Fellows. (See.) He first engaged in the drug business in Bristol in 1869, and with the exception of a brief time in New Hampton and Plymouth, has continued the business in Bristol village till now and for several years past has had two stores, one on the east side and one on the west side of Central square. He is an Odd Fellow and a member of the Knights of Pythias. Children : a. George E., b. Bristol, Nov. 14, 1876; m. Apr. 28, 1897, Amelia M. Johnson, dau. of Oliver. He is a druggist's clerk. Children : (i) Margaret Ora, b. Bristol, June 24, 1899. (2) Caroline Amelia, b. Feb. 6, 1901. b. Caroline Phoebe, adopted. (Dau. of Charles E. Fowler.) 14. Charles Edwin, b. Mar. 18, 1850; m. Mar. 22, 1873, Abbie Louise, dau. David P. Prescott. (See.) She d. Bristol, Sept. 27, 1875, ae. 21- 11-17. He va.., Jan. 18, 1879, Ella M. Blaisdell, dau. of Pettingill. She d. in Franklin, Apr. 19, 1881, ae. 30-8-. He m., Jan. 28, 1884, Addie C, dau. of B. Frank Brown. He was a dentist at Bristol, Franklin, and Concord, and a farmer at Lancaster. He d. at Concord, June 20, 1889, ae. 39-3-2- a. Nina Abbie, b. Bristol, and d. Sept. 22, 1878, ae. 3 years ; fell into a pail of scalding water. b. Frank Hadley, b. Concord, Oct. 21, 1885. c. Edgar Omera, b. Lancaster, Sept. 15, 1886. d. Caroline Phoebe, b. L., Sept. 18, 1888. 15. Edgar Omera, M.D., b. May 7, 1853; m- May 16, 1876, Addie J., dau. of Otis K. Bucklin. (See.) He graduated at the New Hampton Literary Institution in 1869 ; took a medical course at Hanover in 1870 ; at Bellevue, New York city, in i872-'73, and graduated from Dartmouth Medical College in 1873. He settled in Danvers, Mass., in 1874, and acquired a large practice. He was of pleasing address, very popular with all classes, and gave promise of a long life of great usefulness. He dropped dead in a ballroom from heart disease. May i, 1884, only three days after the death of his grandfather, aged 30-11-24. The remains were interred at Bristol. Masonic services were held at the Methodist church on Sunday following, and were attended by a large concourse of people, including 175, who came by special train from Danvers. Mrs. Fowler m. George H. Calley, M.D. (See.) Children: a. Maria Belle, b. June 21, 1882 ; d. Sept. 16, 1882. b. Edgar Maude, b. Aug. 28, 1883. She graduated at Tilton Seminary in June, 1900 ; and at the Greeley School of Elocution and Dramatic Art, Boston, in 1903. Is an elocutionist. I. Abner Fowler, son of Abraham, was b. HiU, Mar. 7, 1827. (Abraham was a brother of David above, b. 1783.) He m., Dec. 3, 1850, Hannah Favor Dolloff, dau. of Levi L. (See), b. Jan. 6, 1831. He was a farmer in Bristol from about 1867, and resided on the silver mine farm at No. Bristol, and later in the vUlage, where he d. Mar. 31, 1889, ae. 62-0-24. Republi can, and an official member of the Methodist church. No children. Gave a home to a nephew, Ansel G. Dolloff, son of Gilbert B. She d. Bristol, Mar. g, igo2, ae. 71-2-3. o?o^" ?• ^"^l^'^' son of Handel L. and Elizabeth Kimball, d. Feb. 5, 1888, in family of Abner, ae. 14-9-20. George H. Fowler GENEALOGIES — FRENCH 2GI THE FRENCH FAMILY I. Orlando Brooks French, son of Samuel and Anna P. (Stevens) French, was b. in Rumney, July 3, 1850. He m., Feb. 15, 1879, Sarah Evangeline, dau. of Rev. Thomas and Sarah A. (Clark) Wyatt, b. Rumney, Sept. 30, 1853. After five or six years in the tin and stove business in Rumney, he came to Bristol in April, 1885, and continued this business here till his death, Oct. 9, 1902. His age was 52-3-6. Mason, Odd Fellow, Congregationalist, Republican. Represented Bristol in legislature of 1899. No children. THE FULLER FAMILIES I . Chase Fuller was a settler in that part of New Chester, now Bristol, as early as August, 1771. At that time he had a cabin just east of the Heath burying-ground, though probably as a young man clearing the land for a home. His wife's name was Lora. In this humble home Chase Fuller and his wife were living with one child when the Revolutionary war commenced. In July, 1776, he first entered the army, leaving his wife and child in the wilderness. Soon after, his wife started on horse back for her old home in Sandown, carrying her two-year-old child in her arms. On reaching Pembroke she gave birth to her second child. The length of his first enlistment is not known, but the family were back to their home here in Feb., 1778, at which time he again enlisted for the expedition against Canada. After the war he resided at what is now known as Moore's Mills, his cabin being nearly opposite the site of the saw-mill. CHILDREN 2. Hannah, b. Bristol, Apr. 10, 1774; m. Shute, and removed to Littleton. 3. MaryConnor,b. Pembroke, July 3, 1776; m. Samuel Clifford. He d. New Hampton, Sept. 24, 1841 ; she d. Bridgewater, May 17, 1845, ae. 68-10-14. Four children. 4. Anna, b. Bristol, Jan. 13, 1778. Never m. ; d. in Littleton. 5. Joseph, b. B., June 14, 1779. 6. Peter, b. B., Oct. 18, 1782. Went to Littleton in 1805; briek- maker. Nine children. 7. Thomas, b. B., May 13, 1787, removed to Littleton 1812, where he d.. Mar. 11, 1878, ae. 90-9-28. Brickmaker ; m. Jan. 15, 1809, Mary, dau. Sanborn Clay, who d. Jan. 19, 1829. He m. (2) Sept. 10, 1829, Lydia, dau. Sanborn Clay, b. July 15, 1793 ; d. Dalton, Apr. 10, 1881, ae. 87-8-25. Children, all b. in Littleton : a. Luther W., b. Oct. 14, 1810; d. Dec. 15, 1840, ae. 30-2-1. b. Edward R., b. Aug. 7, 1812. c. Chase C, b. Nov. 2, 18-14. d. Robie C, b. Sept. 2, 1817 ; d. May 15, 1875, ae. 57-8-13- e. Lovina A., b. Mar. 2, 1820; d. Feb. 31, 1855, ae. 34-11-29, at Salem, Vt. /. Mary G., b. May 2, 1823. g. Mary Jane, b. May, 1830. 202 HISTORY OF BRISTOL h. George Washington, b, Oct. 23, 1832 ; m. Sept. 19, 1852, Lucy Ann Fisk. Res. Littleton. i. Annie Jane, b. Sept. 26, 1838. 8. Dolly, b. Bristol, July 14, 1789- ^^ ^ „, ^. ^, 9. Chase, b. B., Oct. 15, 1792 ; m- Hannah Worthen. They res. Bridgewater, where she d. He removed to Danville, and m. (2) Bartlett. Children : a. Eliza, m. David Sargent. Five children. b. Worthen, m. (i) Mary Sawyer, Danville; (2) Sanborn. c. Harriet, m. Meservey. 10. Reuben, b. Bristol, Mar. 9, 1795 ; d. young. II. Hulda, b. B. ; m. Heath, and removed to Littleton. I. Josiah Fuller came from Sandown and settled on south slope of Bristol Peak, in 1812. Later, he removed to the east shore of Newfound lake, near foot, to what was afterwards known as the Clark FuUer farm. His first house on this farm was between the shore and the highway. He m. Abigail Locke, dau. of Levi, and sister of Benjamin, b. in Sandown. He d. about 1843. He was a tailor. CHILDREN 2. Polly, b. Mar. 21, 1791 ; m. Smith, and removed to Boston. 3. Levi, b. Jan. 6, 1893 ; removed to Exeter when young, m. and d. there. 4. Rachel, b. Mar. 10, 1795 ; m. Nathan Tirrell. (See.) 5. Josiah, b. 1802 ; d. Mar. 2, 1849, ae. 47. He m. Pike, of San bornton. Children: a. Merrill. b. Julia, b. Bristol, Aug. 5, 1831 ; m. Amasa Drew. (See.) 6. Clark, m. Comfort Moses, of Bridgewater. He d. May 4, 1875, in Bristol, ae. 67 ; she d. Bristol, Apr. 27, 1875, ae. 77. He succeeded his father on the farm. 7. Abigail, m. Robert Emmons. (See.) 8. Russell, d. at about 14. 9. Dorothy, d. unm. ; insane. Thomas Fuller served several terms in the Revolutionary war from Sandown. He enlisted as early as June 12, 1775, in Capt. Philip Tilton's company, Col. Enoch Poor's regiment. In 1776, he was in Capt. David Quimby's company, Col. Joshua Wingate's regiment. In 1777, he enlisted for three years. He was in the service as late as 1 782 . He was a brother of Chase Fuller, above. He came to Bristol soon after the war, and in keeping with the customs of the times, was warned out of town for fear he might become a public charge. He lived on the old road on the south side of New Chester mountain. He was familiarly known as "Maj." Fuller. He was a peddler and had a pension. His wife, Sarah, was a great weaver. In 1854, the town, after much opposition on account of the intemperate habits of the old veteran, erected a tablet at their graves in the GENEALOGIES — GAGE 203 Sleeper graveyard on New Chester mountain on which is the following inscription : Thomas D. Fuller, A soldier of the Revolution, died Nov. 25, 1819, ae. 73. His widow, Sarah, died Dec. 13, 1824, ae. 102. Erected by the town of Bristol. THE GAGE FAMILY I. Joseph Gage, son of John, was b. in Manchester, June 7, 1868. He m. Feb. 14, i8g3, Alice, dau. of Joseph Decato (See), b. Canaan, Feb. 14, 1874. Res. in Bristol since 1888 ; a workman in paper-mill for 13 years. CHILD 2. Earl Joseph, b. Bristol, Aug. 18, 1900. THE GALE FAMILIES I. Stephen Gale, m. (Published Oct. 18, 1797) Margaret, dau. of Maj. Theophilus Sanborn (See), b. Sept. 30, 1779. He was a farmer in Alexandria and d. about 1836 ; she d. Apr., 1855, ae. 75-7-- CHILDREN •»2. Sanborn, b. May 19, 1799. 3. Polly, b. Sept. 22, 1800 ; m. May 27, 1819, Nathaniel Woodbury, b. May 4, 1792, d. Nov. i, 1878, ae. 86-6-27; she d. Jan. 31, 1839, ae. 38- 7-27. Ten children. 4. Margaret, b. Oct. 20, 1801 ; d. young. 5. Stephen, b. June 24, 1803, m. Phebe Ingalls, dau. of Lieut. Oilman (See), b. Feb. 8, 1806. Lived and d. in Natick, Mass. Eight children. 6. Ruth, b. Mar. 2, 1805 ; d. young. 7. Hannah, b. Mar. 28, 1806 ; m. Franklin Keezer, Woodsville. Three children. 8. Hiram, b. May 27, 1808 ; m. Elvira Simonds. Nine children. 9. Theophilus, b. Sept. 6, 1809, m. Mary Chase. Nine children. 10. Nancy, b. Jan. 10, 181 1 ; m. Calvin Colby. Two children. 11. Luke, b. Apr. 2, 1812 ; m. Louisa A. Perkins, Nov. 19, 1840. She d. Sept. 4, 1886; he d. Oct. 19, 1888, ae. 76-6-17. Six children. 12. Lavinia, b. Dec. 25, 1813 ; m. (i) Bradford Bullock; (2) Elisha Bullock. Nine children. 13. Durinda, b. Apr. 5, 1815 ; d. ae. about 20. 14. Sally, b. Sept. 28, 1818 ; m. David Haines. Two children. 15. Frank, b. Nov. 26, 1819; m. (i) Abigail Carleton; (2) Susannah, Nine children. 16. Hezekiah Davis, b. Feb. 28, 1823 ; m. June 18, 1844, Sarah, dau. Samuel Cole, b. Feb. 9, 1824. He d. May 29, 1877, ae. 54-2-1. Five children. (2) Sanborn Gale, b. May 19, 1799, m. Nancy, dau. of Col. Samuel Sleepeir (See), b. Nov. 30, 1800, and d. Bristol, 204 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Dec I, 1877, ae. 77-0-r. He was a farmer on Hemp hill. He was killed June 20, 1862, by a flying piece of rock whUe witness ing a blast in the construction of Sugar Loaf road, ae. 63-1-1. CHILDREN, all born Bristol «I7. John Sleeper, b. Sept. 8, 1826. 18. Solon, b. Feb. 8, 1829 ; d. Aug. 30, 1834, ae. 5-6-24. 19. Miles E., b. July 10, 1832 ; d. of smallpox, Dec. 21, 1849, ae. 20. Emily Lucretia, b. Apr. 9, 1837 ; m. Mar. 8, 1857, Paschal D. Fitts, of West Upton, Mass. He d. June 16. 1877. Children : a. Emma Estella, b. Bristol, Nov. 26, 1857. b. Addie Etola, b. B., Aug. 31, 1859; d. Nov. 20, 1871, ae. 12-2-19. c. Lillian Gale, b. B., May 28, 1861. d. Annie Lois, b. Manchester, Oct. 17, 1864 ; m. Oct. 28, 1887, Walter E. Sadler. e. Camillo Urso, b. East Douglas, Mass., June 8, 1874. /. Charles Henry, b. E. D., Nov. 7, 1875. *2i. Charles G. Atherton, b. May 18, 1840. (17) John S. Gale, b. Sept. 8, 1826, m. Apr. 7, 1846, Isabella J., dau. Daniel and Martha (Brown) Simonds, b. Alex andria, Mar. 13, 1824, d. Dec. 29, 1893, in Bristol, while visit ing her sister, Mrs. Solon Dolloff, ae. 69-g-i6. Blacksmith; d. Jan. 23, 1866, ae. 3g-4-i5. CHILDREN 22. Emma J., b. Bristol, Oct. — , 1856 ; d. Apr. 7, 1857. 23. John Sanborn, b. B., July 12, 1858; m. Nov. 23, 1886, Eva J. Jacobs, Manchester. Res. Boston, Mass. (21) Charles G, A. Gale, b. May 18, 1840, m. Nov. 27, 1862, Addie A., dau. of Samuel T. W. Sleeper (See), b. Aug. 20, 1841. He succeeded his father on the home farm. Demo crat. She d. Dec. 15, 1901, ae. 60-3-25. CHILDREN 24. Burt Sleeper, b. Bristol, Dec. 4, 1863 ; m. June 27, 1888, Hattie Nellie, dau. of Ethan F. and Laura (Hastings) Stickney, b. Lyman, July 12,1862. Mason. Children: a. Pauline Stickney, b. Manchester, Dec. 3, 1890 ; d. Mar. 19, 1899, ae. 8-3-16. b. Waldo Wilbur, b. M., July it, 1893. 25. Wilbur Fisk, b. B., Feb. 9, 1865; res. at parental home, unm. Democrat. Mason. I. Pattee Gale, son of Jacob, was b. in Alexandria. He m. Lydia Ingalls, dau. of Oilman. (See.) He was for 28 years driver of the stage from Bristol to Alexandria. He res, in Alexandria where he d. in 1881 ; she d. in Bristol, Dec. 24, 1884, ae. 80-11-0. Of their twelve children, three settled in Bristol : Christopher C. Gardner Joseph G. Gardner, A. M., LL. B. GENEALOGIES — GARDNER 205 *2. Alonzo Bowman, b. Alexandria, Oct. 21, 1836. 3. Mary Jane, b. A., Aug. 24, 1841 ; m. Stephen P. Sanborn. (See.) 4. Abbie Frances, b. A., July 10, 1844 ; m. Alvah Grey. (See.) (2) Alonzo B. Gale, b. Oct. 21, 1836, m. June 19, 1858, Harriet Jane, dau. of Daniel F. Wells. (See.) He has been a shoemaker and laborer in Goffstown, Manchester, and since 1870 in Bristol. Was for some years leader of choir at Free Baptist church. CHILDREN 5. Nellie Augusta, b. Goffstown, Nov. 6, 1858; m. May 25, 1892, John O'Neil, of Plymouth, Mass. He d. Boston, Mass., July 14, 1899. She res. Bristol. 6. Belle Cora, b. Manchester, Oct. 25, 1861 ; m. Herbert H. Follans bee. (See. ) 7. Minnie Emma, b. M., Feb. 20, 1866. Unm. Res. Pittsfield. THE GARDNER FAMILY I. Thomas Gardner, the first of the name in America, came from Dorsetshire, England, where the name had flourished for more than three hundred years. He settled in Gloucester, Mass., where he was overseer of the plantation. In 1626, he removed to Newbury and Salem, Mass., where some of his descendants still live. Of his children one was 2. Thomas, b. England, 1592. He probably came to America with his father. He was a prominent merchant in Salem, and, in 1637, was a member of the general court. He m. Damaris Shattuck. They were the parents of 3. Samuel, b. about 1627. He was a member of the general court, i68i-'85. He had a son or nephew 4. Samuel. One of his grandchildren was 5. Samuel, b. Mar. 6, 1770. He m. (i) Hannah Walker, (2) Mary Walker, a sister of his first wife. He lived in Haver hiU and Bradford, Mass. Samuel and Hannah were the parents of 6. Samuel Walker, b. Bradford, Apr. 14, 1797. He was a drummer boy in the War of 1812, and later a captain in the militia. He m. Apr. 16, 1818, Sophia, dau. of Joseph and Dor othy (Sargent) Greeley, of HaverhiU, Mass., b. Nov. 7, i7g8. She was noted for her marked strength of character. They res. for a time in Sutton, for many years in New London, in Dan bury, and in Bristol. She d. in Bristol, Aug. 20, 1872, ae. 73- 9-13; he. d. in Somersworth, Feb. 28, 1884, ae. 86-10-14. CHILDREN 7. Dolly, b. Sutton, June 14, 1819 ; m. Jan. 6, 1839, Hezekiah Chase, of Danbury, and d. Jan. 26, 1854, ae. 34-7-12. Four children. 8. Joseph Greeley, b. S., Dec. 20, 1822; d. Haverhill, Mass., July 9, 1842, ae. 19-6-19. 9. Sophia Greeley, b. Troy, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1825 ; m. Mar. 8, 1846, Rev. Asa Randlett, New London. 2o6 HISTORY OF BRISTOL lo. George Warren, b. Pomfret, Vt., Oct. 8, 1828; m. Nov. 18, 1852, Celia Lull Hubbard. He was an eminent divine ; d. New London, Apr. 27, 1895, ae. 66-6-19. *ii. Christopher Columbus, b. Hudson, May 8, 1833. (11) Christopher C. Gardner, b. May 8, 1833; m. Apr. 13, 1859, Susan E., dau. of Ezekiel G. and Nancy (Fifield) Bartlett, b. HiU, Nov. 12, 1837. Mr. Gardner res. in New London and HiU and came to Bristol in 1854; was employed by Warren White, making ladies' shoes. He settled in Bristol in 1867, purchasing the residence on School street, where Sey mour H. Dodge now res., and succeeded Levi D. Johnson, as photographer. In Nov., 1874, he removed to Somersworth, where he continued the same business, and from there to Bidde- ford, Me., tiU Mar., 1893, when he returned to New London, where he now res. He ranks high as a photographer. A Democrat, Baptist, and an Odd Fellow. CHILDREN 12. Joseph G., b. Mar. 11, i860; graduated, A.B., Dartmouth Col lege in 1883, receiving later the degree of A.M. He became professor of mathematics and English literature in the Burlington (Iowa) College, and graduated from the Law School of the Iowa State University, at Iowa City, la., in 1886, and practiced law at Omaha, Neb. He was later audi tor and examiner of titles for the Iowa Deposit and Loan Company, at Des Moines, la., and is now comptroller of the Royal Union Mutual Life Insurance Company, at Des Moines. He has been a very successful business man. He is a member of the Episcopal church, a Mason, and a Son of the American Revolution. Politically, he acts with the Republi can party. Aug. 8, 1894, he m. Callie Kasson Smith ; she d. Mar. 17, 1896. He m. (2) Sept. 27, 1899, Matilda, only dau. of judge Josiah and Elizabeth A. Given, b. Coshocton, Ohio, Nov. 28, i860. Judge Given has been for 12 years on the District bench and 13 years on the Supreme bench of Iowa. Child : a. Edmond, b. and d. Mar. 17, 1896. 13. Charles C, b. Feb. 28, 1866 ; received a primary education in the schools of Bristol, and fitted for college in the public schools of Somers worth. He graduated, A.B., from Dartmouth College in 1887, and also fitted for a civil engineer, and later received the degree of A.M. Imme diately after graduation he became constructing engineer for the Bur lington railroad. In 1888, he accepted the position of cashier of the Cus ter County bank, at Sargent, Neb., which position he held 14 years. In 1902, having sold his interest in the bank, he removed to Kirkville, Mo., and purchased a half interest in the Farm & Loan business of W. S. Hicks, and the firm became Hicks & Gardner, dealers in farm mortgages and securities. He is a member of the Congregational church, a Mason, and a very popular and influential citizen and business man. Politically, he is a Republican. He m., Dec. 29, 1891, Jennie G., dau. of Henry C. and Mary J. Gilpatrick, cashier of the Somersworth National bank, b. Somersworth, Nov. 24, 1864. Children : a. Marion, b. Sargent, Neb., Oct. 30, 1892. b. Henry C, b. S., Sept. 30, 1894. c. Helen A., b. S., Aug. 6, 1898. d. Charles F., b. S., Sept. i, igoo. 14. George W., b. Nov. 5, 1872 ; fitted for college in the public Charles C. Gardner, A. M. George W. Gardner, A. B., M. D. GENEALOGIES — GATES 207 schools of Biddeford, Me., and graduated from Brown University, A.B., class of 1894. Six years later he graduated from Harvard Medical school, spending two years in Carney hospital, in Boston, and a year in the Bos ton Lying-in hospital, receiving a diploma from each of these institu tions. He also spent six months in the Children's hospital in Boston. He is now practicing medicine in Providence, R I., popular, and meeting with very flattering success. A member of the First Baptist church, a Democrat. Unm. THE GATES FAMILY I. Fred Elton Gates, son of Freedom and Lovina (Luce) Gates, was b. Westmore, Vt., Nov. 13, 1862. He m., Dec. 25, 1882, Lilla, dau. of Peter Rash, b. Holland, Vt., May 7, 186^. He is a mason by trade ; came to Bristol Apr., 1900. CHILDREN 2. Preston Elton, b. Barton, Vt., Mar. 4, 1887. 3. Homer Harrison, b. B., Oct. 6, 1888. 4. Maynard Henry, b. B., Mar. 6, 1892 ; d. June 10, 1902, ae. 10-3-4. 5. Ethel Lilla, b. B., June 19, 1894. 6. Fred Eugene, b. Cedar Rapids, Neb., Mar. 14, 1897. 7. Julia Ann, b. Bangor, Mich., Oct. 18, 1899. 8. Mary Betsey, b. West Derby, Vt., Mar. 15, 1900. 9. Marguerite Elizabeth, b. Buchanan, Mich., Oct. 16, 1902. THE GEORGE FAMILIES I . Arial Huntoon George, son of James and Jane (Fugart) George, was b. Wentworth, Aug. 11, 18 14. He m. Louisa, dau. of Daniel and Mary (Walker) Hazelton, b. Hebron, July 17, 1818. He was a miller, in Haverhill ; two years at Moore's Mills ; 20 years in Alexandria grist- and saw-miU ; then in Bris tol, till old age compelled him to retire. Res. School street ; he d. Mar. 22, 1895, ae. 80-7-11. Democrat, Odd Fellow. She d. May 25, 1903, ae. 84-10-8. CHILDREN 2. Adeline Louisa, b. Haverhill, Dec. 14, 1840; m. Feb. 19, i860, Hudson Gove, and d. Concord, Jan. i, 1885, ae. 44-0-17. Three children. 3. Mary Hazelton, b. H., Jan. 9, 1843 ; d. June 9, 1846, ae. 3-5-0. 4. Charles Henry, b. H., July i, 1844; m. Ella D. Mahan. He and his brother were in trade in New York city as paper hangers and decora tors. He d. June 14, 1889, ae. 44-1 1-13. 5. Katherine Ferrin, b. Bristol, Mar. 4, 1847. Was teacher in graded school in Bristol 14 years ; later milliner, now in Concord ; unm. 6. Annie Whitmore, b. Alexandria, May 28, 1851 ; m. (1) Henry P. Gale, son of Hezekiah, b. Alexandria, July 6, 1851 ; d. Bristol, Feb. 21, 1881, ae. 29-7-15 ; she m. (2) George H. Hammond. (See.) 7. Wilson Hazelton, b. A., Feb. 8, 1856; m. Alice, dau. of Major Lambert, of Boston. Was in trade with his brother in New York, where he d. Nov. 5, 1888, ae. 32-8-27. She d. Jan. 31, 1903. Children : 2o8 HISTORY OF BRISTOL a. Arial Wellington, b. New York city, Nov. 5, 1882. Res. in Bristol. b. Katherine Eveline, b. N. Y., Nov. 24, 1884. Res. Bristol. 8. Laurette Hazelton, b. Alexandria, Feb. 23, 1861 ; m. Frank C. Buttrick. (See.) I. Charles Parker George, son of Theodore, a soldier in the War of 1812, was b. in Franklin, July 23, 1829. He came to Bristol in 1852, and Apr. 11, 1854, m. Olive Jane, dau. of Daniel Bennett. (See.) After their m. they res. in LoweU, Mass., and Holderness, returning to Bristol in 1856, and have res. on Merrimack street. She d. Feb. 28, 1897, ae. 65-9-0. Hem., Dec. 6, 1899, Alice L., dau. of Thomas H. Wicom. He is a carpenter ; a prominent Democrat, and official member of Methodist church. CHILDREN 2. EUa Jane, b. Holderness, Sept. 4, 1855 ; m. Charles E. Davis. (See.) 3. Flora May, b. Bristol, Dec. 10, 1859 ; m. Jan. 29, 1879, Hubbard W. Aldrich, son of William, b. Grafton, Dec. 22, 1854. No children. Res. Concord. 4. Charles Arthur, b. B., Oct. 10, 1867; m. Aug. 15, 1894, Ellen C, dau. of Benjamin L. Wells. (See.) Is a manufacturer of lumber. Chil dren : a. Margaret, b. B., July 25, 1896. b. Olive Anna, b. B., Apr. 14, 1900; d. Sept. 7, 1900. Abbie S. George made her home in the family of her brother, Charles^ P., and there d. May 2, 1900, ae. 82. Unm. I . William George is the son of Thomas and Lydia George. He was b. Colombia, Canada, May 29, i83g. He m. Weltha R., dau. of Joseph Braley, b. Northfield, Vt., Sept. 27, 1840. He was 17 years a clerk in millinery store in Manchester; came to Bristol in 1871, succeeding George H. Moore, in the Emerson block, as a dealer in dry goods, boots and shoes ; l^ter, he removed to the Rollins block, where he is still in trade. Repub Ucan, Mason, Odd Fellow, K. of P. CHILD 2. Frank W., b. Bristol, Feb. 27, 1878 ; was educated at Tilton Semi nary, at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., and graduated from Harvard Medical School. Is now in the City Hospital, Worcester, Mass. I . Frank Henry George, son of David and Elvira (Cheney) George, was b. Plymouth, July 12, 1840. He served in Co. D, 15th N. H. Vols., in the Civil war; res. in Bristol, 1865-72, a dealer in stoves and tinware. He m., Nov. 5, 1865, Martha Jane, dau. of Trueworthy G. Currier. (See.) They removed to Con cord, where he continued same business, and where they now res. GENEALOGIES — OILMAN 209 CHILDREN 2. Lena Vira, b. Bristol, Jan. 11, 1870; m. Oct. 2, 1895, Eben M. Willis, Concord. Child : a. Mary Elisabeth, b. Concord, July 2-, 1899. 3. Roy Elmer, b. B., Sept. 7, 1871 ; m. Jan. 12, 1898, Mabel Florence, dau. of Ira C, and Helen G. (Rowe) Evans, b. Concord, July 13, 1872. He is manager of the Ira C. Evans Printing Company. Child : a. Robert Arthur, b. Sept. 13, 1899. 4. Hattie Belle, b. Concord, Dec. 20, 1879; m. Oct.-23, 1901, Daniel B. Donovan. Res. Manchester. Child : a. Harold, b. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Apr. 2-, 1902. 5. Lawrence Blanchard, b. C, Dec. 15, 1881 ; d. Feb. 8, 1882. 6. Edward King, b. C, Sept. 7, 1883. THE OILMAN FAMILIES I. Edward Stephen Oilman was b. Winchendon, Mass., July 30, 1862. He m.. Mar. 18, 1885, Lilla A., dau. of Levi Nelson. (See.) He was a painter ; served on the Bristol police force. CHILD 2. Bertha L., b. Sanbornton, Apr. 2, 1890. I. Frank. Nathan Oilman, son of Thomas J. and Lenora E. (Weeks) Oilman, was b. Boscawen, Apr. 28, 1865. He m., Aug. 25, 1887, Melvina Lizzie, dau. of Orrin F. and Dora (Dur gin) James, b. Thornton, Feb. 14, 1865. He removed from Woodstock to Bristol in May, 1900 ; is bookkeeper for Mason- Perkins Paper Company. CHILDREN 2. Bessie Etta, b. Woodstock, Aug. 30, 1888. t Sadl^ weeks, }b- W- ^ec- ir, 1890; {,. p,,. ,,, ,^„,. I. John T. Oilman, m. Betsey B., dau. of Jonathan Clark. She was b. Danbury, June 5, 1824. He d. Danbury, Nov. 15, 1851, and she m. Sept. 31, 1854, Ezekiel S. Reed, stone-cutter, who d. soon after. Mrs. Reed removed to Bristol in 1855, and here d. Aug. 15, iSgg, ae. 75-2-10, CHILDREN 2. John Wayland Oilman, b. Danbury, May 8, 1844. Located in Bristol, 1865 ; machinist and millright. Unm. 3. Maria Betsey, b. D., 1846; m. Charles M. Boyce. THE GLEASON FAMILY I. Rev. Salmon Gleason, son of Winsor and Martha (Fol- lett) Gleason, was b. July g, 1804, and was kUled at railroad 14 2IO HISTORY OF BRISTOL crossing in Warren, Sept. g, i88g, ae. 85-2-0. He m. Dec. 24, 1828, Jerusha Willard, b. July 26, 1803, and d. Jan. g, 1876, ae. 72-5-13. He was a Methodist minister ; served on the Bridge- water circuit, 1 833-' 35. CHILDREN 2. William, b. Oct. 29, 1829; d. Dec. 24, 1831, ae. 2-1-25. 3. Charles, b. Dec. 25, 1830; d. Dec. 21, 1831. 4. Salmon W., b. Dec. 31, 1832 ; m. Feb. 26, 1855, Martha E. Hoit. Six children.5. George Leroy, b. Bristol, Feb. 25, 1835; m. Oct. 4, 1864, Char lotte Augusta, dau. of Daniel and Charlotte Town Perkins, b. Apr. 27, 1841, at Topsfield, Mass. He is a Congregational clergyman. He gradu ated at Andover Theological Seminary in 1864. Was ordained at Bristol, Vt., Feb. I, 1866. Has filled pastorates at Bristol, Vt., i864-'67; West Rutland, Vt., i867-'69 ; Manchester, Mass., i869-'8i ; Andover Theologi cal Seminary, i88i-'82 ; South Byfield, Mass., Sept. 20, i882-'88; Haver hiU, Mass., 1888. Now res. Haverhill. Children: a. Chauncey, b. Bristol, Vt., Jan. 4, 1866 ; graduated from Dart mouth College, 1888 ; m. Oct. 4, 1894, Florence Nichols. Res. Haverhill, Mass. Three children. b. Alice, b. West Rutland, Vt., Oct. 23, 1868. Educated Boston University, and is a teacher under the American Board in Guadala jara, Mexico. c. Charlotte Lenesa, b. Manchester, Mass., May 5, 1870 ; m. Sept. 25, 1901, Fred Windle, and res. Haverhill, Mass. d. Annie Perkins, b. M., Oct. 12, 1872. e. George, b. Mar^ 8, 1875 ; graduated Harvard University, 1897. Is secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association at Osaka, Japan. /. Leroy Willard, b. Andover, Mass., Dec. 18, 1881. In busi ness at Haverhill, Mass. 6. Orange Scott, b. July 8, 1837 ; m. Dec. 7, 1858, Ruth Clifford. Three children. 7. Horace W., b. May 2, 1845. THE GOLDEN FAMILY I. Calvin Golden was b. in Sanbornton, May 30, 18 14, and d. Bristol, Sept. 22, 1900, ae. 86-3-22. He m. Nov., 1840, Elizabeth E., dau. of Osmond and AbigaU (IngaUs) Gale, b. Alexandria, Sept. 30, 1820, and d. Bristol, Dec. 26, 1892, ae. 72-2-26. He was brought up by Dea. Samuel Gurdy. Shoe maker and farmer. In Civil war served in gth Regt., N. H. Vols., June, 1862, tiU Mar. 15, 1863 ; and in 24th Regt. Vet erans Reserve Corps, Sept. 6, 1864, tiU June i, 1865. CHILDREN T, K,^^^^^^^^'^^^' ^- Alexandria, Sept. 23, 1842; m. Oct. 31, 1858, Rev. Moses P. Favor. Res. HUl. Four children. 3. Phedora Elizabeth, b. Oct. 3, 1845 ; m. Harrison Sanborn. 4. Georgia, b. 1846 ; d. young. 5- Sarah Lucy, b. Feb. 22, 1848; m. Orrin B. Ray (See); m. (2) Ephraim Rand, of Maine. 6. Nellie Josephine, b. Nov. 21, 1856; m. John W. Danforth. (See.) 7. Osmond Gale, b. June, i860 ; d. May, i86r. GENEALOGIES — GOODHUE 2 1 1 THE GOODHUE FAMILY I. Alfred Goodhue, son of Jonathan and Eliza (GoodeU) Goodhue, was b. Groton, Aug. 28, 1846. He m. Sept. 8. 1875, Mary Osgood, dau. of Osgood Dale, b. Boxford, Mass., Sept. 28, 1857. Laborer. Came to Bristol from Groton, 1889. CHILDREN 2. Emma Blanche, b. Groton, Dec. 29, 1876; res. Worcester, Mass. 3. Angle Elizabeth, b. G., Dec. 25, i88r. Alvin Goodhue, a twin brother of Alfred, above, m. Feb. 16, 1871, Eva E., dau. of Ebenezer B. Butterfield, b. Groton, Nov. 26, 1852. A laborer in Bristol since 1891. Res. Lake street. No children. THE GOODNOE FAMILY I. Almon Sylvester Goodnoe, son of George W., was b. Newport, Vt., May 10, 1857. He m. Jan. 12, 1877, Mary EUen, dau. of Joshua and Sarah Pryor Knight, b. Burlington, Vt., Apr. 5, i860. Is a mill operative. CHILDREN 2. Bessie Mae, b. Burlington, Vt., Dec. 6, 1878. 3. Sarah Archer, b. B., July 18, 1881. 4. Almon v., b. Bristol, Nov. 5, 1887. 5. Edwin Ray, b'. B., Oct. 9, 1889. THE GORDON FAMILIES Stephen Chase Gordon, son of Clark and Susanna (Gordon) Gordon, was b. Sanbornton, Mar. 20, 181 1. In 1842, he m. Belinda Knowlton, dau. of Ezekiel, b. Sanbornton, Oct. 19, 1811. They settled in Bristol in 1848; removed to Mansfield, Mass., about 1885, and after ten years returned. She d. Jan. 18, 1898, ae. 86-2-29. He d. Mar. 31, igoo, ae. 89-0-1 1. No children. He was an expert in laying water pipe and was supposed to be gifted in locating springs by means of the witch- hazel. George Washington Sherburn Smith Gordon, son of Almon Kimball and Mrs. Hannah (Prescott) (Sanborn) Gordon, was b. New Hampton, Mar. 20, 1824. He m. Dec. 27, 1848, Mary Jane, dau. of John and Polly (Gordon) Kelley, b. New Hamp ton, July 17, 1824. He was a farmer and blacksmith in his native town. In 1868, he came to Bristol and has since made his home on Summer street. No children. Republican. 212 HISTORY OF BRISTOL I. Stephen Ladd Gordon, son of William, was b. New Hampton, Mar. 8, 1806. In April, 1841, he m. Betsey Ann, dau. of John H. Sanborn (See), b. June 27, i8ig. He was a farmer opposite Pleasant Street cemetery ; later in South Alexan dria, where he d., Jan. 24, 1881, ae. 74-10-16; she d. Bristol, Dec. 24, 1882, ae. 63-5-27. CHILDREN 2. Fraiik Augustus, b. Bristol, Aug. 9, 1843 ; m. Dec. 10, 1863, EUen Marantha, dau. of Sanders and Susan (Gordon) Simonds, b. Alexandria, Apr. I, 1845. He is a carpenter and builder, and manufacturer of mill supplies ; is a Congregationalist, superintendent of the Sunday-school, and leader of the choir. Republican ; served in 6th Mass. Vol. Infty. (See Roll of Honor.) Member of the G. A. R., a Mason, and an Odd FeUow. Child : a. Ola Maude, b. Bristol, Jan. 22, 1868; m. Austin H. Roby. (See.) 3. Martha Bartlett, b. B., Jan. 2, 1849; d. 1865, ae. 16. I. George B. Gordon, son of James and Sally (Smith) Gordon, was b. New Hampton, Oct. 27, i8ig. He m.. Mar. 7, 1850, Hannah, dau. of Charles and Dolly (Gordon) Flanders, b. New Hampton, Mar. 30, i82g. She d. Bristol, Dec. 31, i8g6, ae. 67-9-1. Farmer in New Hampton. Has res. in Bris tol with his son since May, i8g6, retaining a legal residence in New Hampton. CHILDREN 2. Marilla Sarah, b. New Hanipton, Jan. 14, 1854 ; m. June 4, 1874, Edwin M. Huckins, New Hampton. 3. Charles Elmer, 1. Merfditli Ar,^ -,, tRRt . /d. at 9 mos. 4. James Everett, r-^^^'i^th, Apr. 22,1861, 1 ^ ^^^^ ^^_ ^g^^_ Mrs. Georgianna, widow of Jonas F. Patten. He succeeded to the Oren Nelson farm in May, 1896. Child : a. Annabelle Hannah, b. Bristol, Aug. 30, 1898; d. June 7, 1899. I. Warren Blake Gordon, son of Benjamin S. and Harriet (Kelley) Gordon, was b. New Hampton, Sept. 10, 1833. He m., Feb. 20, 1851, Mary Ann, dau. of Benjamin and Hannah (Avery) Kelley. Was a farmer in New Hampton till Sept., i8gg ; since in Bristol. CHILDREN 2. Clara A., b. Jan. 29, 1855 ; d. May 20, 1876, ae. 21-3-21. 3. Medora A., b. May 23, 1857 ; d. Apr. 22, 1881, ae. 23-10-20. 4. Annie J., b. July 19, 1866 ; d. Aug. 16, 1867, ae. i-ci-27 5. Ada M., b. Jan. 30, 1871 ; d. Apr. 7, 1871, ae. 0-2-7. THE GOULD FAMILY I. William Gardner Gould, son of James and Rebecca (Gardner) Gould, was b. in 1820, in Vassalboro, Me. He m., GENEALOGIES — GOVE 2 1 3 in i84g, Martha Ann, dau. of Sherburn Wells (See), b. Bristol, Aug. 10, i82g. She d. in Bristol, Sept. 4, 1857, ae. 28-0-24. He was a resident of Bristol, i847-i85g ; was in the livery busi ness at St. Paul, Minn., where he d., Feb. 12, i8g3, ae. 73 years. CHILDREN 2. Francis LeRoy, b. Bristol, Jan. 27, 1850. Left Bristol when a young man and res. 811 Washburn Ave., Chicago, 111., where he is assistant gardener at Douglass Park. He m., Sept. 25, 1876, Mary B., dau. of John and Catherine (McGraw) Slattery, b. Chicago, 111., Jan. 25, 1858. Chil dren : a. John Francis, b. Chicago, 111., Jan. 3, 1878; m. Apr. 11, 1899, Catherine G. Kennedy. b. Martha Ann, b. C, July 27, 1880; d. Jan. 14, 1890, ae. 9-5-17. c. James Walter, b. C, Sept. 26, 1881. d. George Sylvester, b. C, June 22, 1883. e. Lucy Loretta, b. C, Mar. 22, 1886. /. William Joseph, b. C, Feb. 20, 1889. g. Charles Richard, b. C, Jan. 14, 1895; d. Aug. 17, 1896, ae. 1-7-3- h. Mary Catherine, b. C, Sept. 4, 1896. i. Helen, b. C, Dec. 7, 1898. 3. George Henry, b. Bristol, Dec. 9, 1853 ; d. Bristol, Jan. 14, 1857, ae. 3-1-5- THE GOVE FAMILY I. Edgar H. Gove was a farmer in Plymouth. He m., Nov., 1855, Mary A. Rogers, b. Oct. 27, 1836. He d. Mar., 1899, ae. 65. She has res. in Bristol since 1900. CHILDREN 2. Nellie May, b. Plymouth, Dec. 31, 1856 ; m. George H. Robinson ; res. Plymouth. 3. Garrie E., b. P., Oct. 25, 1859; m. Horace H. Kirk. (See.) 4. Charles Warren, b. P., Feb. 27, 1866 ; m. June, 1890, Martha Web ster, who d. Mar., 1898. He m., Dec. 7, 1901, Edith Lucy, dau. of George D. Maclinn. (See.) He has res. in Bristol five years ; a machine tender in paper-mill. Child : a. Marguerite, b. Ashland, Dec. 19, 1892. GRAHAM I. Rev. Hugh Finlay Graham, son of James and Mary (MacDonald) Graham, was b. Earltown, Nova Scotia, Mar. 26, 1865. He is a graduate of Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me., and of Bangor Theological Seminary, Bangor, Me., and studied one year at Andover Theological Seminary, Andover, Mass. Unm. He became acting pastor of the Congregational church in Bristol, in August, igo2. 14a 214 HISTORY OF BRISTOL THE GRAY OR GREY FAMILIES I. Alvah Gray, son of Jeremiah, was b. Farmington, June 7, 1835. He m., Feb. 27, i86r, Abbie Frances, dau. of Pattee and Lydia (Ingalls) Gale, b. July 10, 1844. He was a farmer in Alexandria, and served in Co. C, 12th Regt., N. H. Vols., in Civil war. He d. in Bristol, Dec. 30, i8g7, ae. 62-6-23. She res. Bristol. CHILDREN 2. Benjamin Clark, b. Alexandria, Jan. 8, 1862 ; m. Oct. 30, 1894, Mar garet Jane, dau. of Lucius L., and Sophia A. (Patten) Thomas, b. A., July 4, 1873. No children. He has been a barber in Bristol since 1895. 3. Charles Sepwinner, b. Groton, May 12, 1865; m. Oct. 8, 1891, Jennie May, dau. Aaron and Mary E. (Marston) Clark, b. May 3, 1868. Came to Bristol 1899. Employee in pulp-mill. Children : a. Donald ClarkJ b. Alexandria, July 15, 1892. b. Josephine Elizabeth, b. Bristol, Mar. 12, 1902. 4. Albert Hale, b. Bristol, June 5, 1869. Unm. 5. Emma Frances, b. Alexandria, Apr. 16, 1872; d. Jan., 1881, ae. 8-9-. 6. Addie Fidelia, b. A., Dec. 9, 1874; d. Feb. 3, 1881, ae. 6-1-24. 7. Lucius Fred B., b. A., May 19, 1876. Barber in Bristol ; paper- mill operative. 8. Clara Isabelle, b. A., Jan. 23, 1878. Unm. I. Shem Gray was a farmer in Dist. No. 9, from 1844 till his death. He m. Hannah W. Edgerly. He d. Sept. 15, 1871, ae. 66-3-; she d. Feb. 13, 1898, ae. 8g-8-i. They had at least the following CHILDREN 2. Samuel D., b. Sept. 8, 1828; d. Mar. 16, 1886, ae. 57-6-8. 3. Jenness, m. Jennie Weeks. *4. Dearborn, b. Aug. 24, 1841. 5. John Augustus, b. Nov. 9, 1840. Died in the army Jan. 28, 186^. (See RoU of Honor.) "* (4) Dearborn Gray, b. Alexandria, Aug. 24, 1841, m. Nov., 1855, Eleanor, dau. of Asa KendaU. (See.) She d. Alexandria, Feb. 27, igoi, and he m. Oct. 6, igoi, Kate Lucas. He served in Co. C, 12th Regt., N. H. Vols.; was wounded at Chancellorsville. He d. Alexandria, May 28, igo3, ae. 61-9-4. CHILDREN _ 6. Asa Edgar, b. 1856, m. Ellen Bliss ; res. Gilmanton Iron Works. Five children. 7. Nellie Maud, b. 1859 ; m. Warren Wescott ; now res. Franklin. Eleven children. 8. Willie K., b. i860 ; d. 1874, ae. 14 years. 9. Carrie Lillian, b. May, 1863 ; m. John A. Jones, Grafton. Five children. 10. Hannah Tamson, b. 1867 ; m. David Ford, Grafton. Four chil dren. II. Jennie Bell, b. 1869 ; m. Frank C. Patten. 12. Minnie Myrtle, b. 1871 ; m. Elwin Hazeltine. GENEALOGIES — GREEN 215 13. Mabel Blanch, b. Mar., 1877 ; m. Charles Wright, Jr.; res. Con cord. I. Benjamin Gray, son of Benjamin and Lydia (SuUoway) Gray, was b. Sheffield, Vt., Nov. 10, 1838. He served two terms in the Union army: three months in the ist Regt., and from Apr. 11, 1862, tiU May 14, 1865, in Co. E, gth Regt., N. H. Vols. He located in Bristol in Nov., 1866, and Dec. 24, 1868, m. Mary E., widow of Augustus B, Drew. Mrs. Gray d. Sept 24, 1895, ae. 54-8- and he m. Apr. 21, i8g7, Henrietta Gray, dau. of William Bispham. CHILDREN 2. Daniel Hadley, b. Bristol, Sept. 15, 1879. Res. Cambridgeport, Mass. 3. Oscar Robinson, b. B., Jan. 16, 1883; m. June 3, 1903, Evelyn, dau. of Albert Chase. THE GREEN FAMILY I. Dr. Peter Green, son of Peter, of Lancaster, Mass., was b. Oct. I, 1745; graduated from Harvard College in 1766; set tled in Concord, 1772, where he was in practice over 50 years. He was a surgeon in the Revolutionary army. He m. Ruth Ayer, had 13 children, and d. Mar. 31, 1828, ae. 82-6-0. His eighth child was 2. William, b. Concord, Dec. ig, 1788. He m., Aug. 10, i8i6, Clarissa, dau. of Walter Harris, and widow of Jerrimah Stinson, of Dunbarton, b. June 17, i7go. She d. Apr. 18, 1817, ae. 26-10-1. He m.. Mar. ig, 1828, Harriet Kimball, dau. of Benjamin, of Concord, b. Mar. 16, i7gg, d. Bristol, Dec 21, 1881, ae. 82-g-5. He was cashier of Pemigewasset bank at Plymouth, i828-'45 ; came to Bristol, 1847, and here d. Aug. 8, i86g, ae. 80-7-ig. He was an elegant penman and accurate accountant ; was a prominent member of the Congregational church and active in church and temperance work. They suc ceeded to the Moses Sleeper tavern stand, erected about i7g5. CHILDREN, all born in Plymouth 2. Harriet Eliza, b. Aug. 28, 1830; d. Aug. 9, 1903, ae. 72-11-11; unm. She was active in church and temperance work. 3. Benjamin Kimball, b. Aug. 14, 1832 ; d. June 16, 1835, ae. 2-10-2. 4. Clarissa Harris, b. July 31, 1834 ; d. June 19, 1835. 5. Mary, b. May 3, 1836 ; m. Oct. 19, i860, Joseph Charles Augustus Wingate, b. Stratham, Nov. 16, 1630; d. Nov. 3, 1876, ae. 40-6-0. No chil dren. He was consul at Swatow, China, for some years. 6. Martha, b. June 7, 1838. Res. Bristol, unm. ; d. July 15, 1897, ae. 59-1-8. 7. Annie Douglas, b. Jan. 12, 1842; m. Apr. 11, 1877, Frank W. Robinson ; res. Bristol. She is an authoress of note under the non-de- plume of Marian Douglas. (See Literature.) 8. Clarissa Harris, b. Feb. 21, 1845 ; d. May 16, 1846, ae. 1-2-25. 2l6 HISTORY OF BRISTOL THE GREENOUGH FAMILY I. Brackett L. Greenough was b. Apr. 22, 1777. He m., 1799. Ruth Stevens, b. i77g, and d. Sept. 16, 1804, ae. 25. He m. (2) Oct. 14, 1808, Abigail Cummings, b. Dec. 17, 1779, and d. Feb. 6, 1846, ae. 66-i-ig. He was a resident of Bristol i82g-'46, and the owner of mills and privileges on Newfound river in Bristol village, and the residence corner of Central square and Spring street, which he occupied. He held a promi nent place in the affairs of the town, during his stay here. CHILDREN 2. Brackett L., b. Jan. 15, 1800; m. Amanda Frary, Dec. 23, 1821. 3. Betsey, b. Sept. 18, 1802 ; m. June i, 1817, Silas Barrows. 4. Mariah Jane, b. July 9, 1810 ; d. Sept. 28, 1831, ae. 21-2-19. 5. Louisa Ruth, b. Oct. 20, 1812 ; m. Jan. 23, 1833, William S. Ela. 6. Abigail, b. Nov. 30, 1813 ; d. Dec. 18, 1813. 7. Solomon C, b. Sept. i, 1815 ; d. Sept. 22, 1815. 8. Marianne A., b. Apr. 18, 1818 ; m. John Corser. (See.) 9. Norman Cummings, b. Feb. 24, 1820; m. Nov. 23, 1846, Frances D. DeFord, b. Oct. 7, 1816. He d. Aug. 11, 1866, ae. 46-5-17. She d. Feb., 1884, ae. 67-4-. THE GRIFFITH FAMILY I. James Wallingford Griffith, son of WiUiam, was b. Groveland, Mass., Dec. 2g, 1821, and d. Jan. 16, 1891, ae. 69-0-17. He m. July 12, 1843, AdeUne Ordway, dau. of Stephen, b. Newburyport, Mass., Apr. 4, 1824. She d. Nov. II, i860, ae. 36-7-7, and he m. Jan. 10, 1865, Sarah M., dau. of Dexter Brown. (See.) She d. Jan. ,23, 189 1, ae. 54-0-18. He was a resident of Bristol from 1854 till his death, with the exception of a few years in Groton. Shoemaker. CHILDREISU.---- •»2. Henry, b. Groveland, Mass., Sept. i, 1844. 3. George, b. G., Mar. 20, 1847; d. Bristol, July 27, 1862, ae. 15 4-7. 4. Emma, b. G., Sept. i, 1848; m. (i) Wayland Ballou (See); (2) Amos Truell, Aug., 1887, and res. Nashua. (2) Henry Griffith, b. Sept. i, 1844, m. May 27, 1865. Ellen J., dau. Dea. John F. Cass. (See.) She d. June i, 1893, ae. 48-6-8. He m. Nov. 29, i8gg, Mary, widow of Wen- deU P. MarshaU, b. Norwood, Mass., Aug. i, 1853. He is a miller. Republican. CHILDREN 5. Linnie Maude, b. Bristol, July 9, 1867; m. Clarence A. Smith. (See.) 6. Nora Viola, b. B., Jan. 31, 1870; m. John A. Favor. (See.) GENEALOGIES — GURDY 21 7 THE GURDY FAMILY I. Meshech Gurdy was a resident of Kingston and named as one of the incorporators of Sandown when that town was set off from Kingston in 1756. He was in New Chester as early as 1780, his log cabin being near where the railroad now is, just north of Smith's river. His family consisted of his wife, Judith Eaton, and six children. The wife and three youngest chil dren d. of throat distemper and were buried near their humble home. Some years since, workmen plowed up what was sup posed to be an Indian skeleton there, but probably that of one of this family. While living there, the sons cleared land for a farm in the Locke neighborhood, where Meshech Gurdy d. CHILDREN 2. Mary, b. Sandown, Apr. 20, 1752, was generally known as "Aunt Polly." She was a great weaver and spinner and d., unm., in the Locke neighborhood, Dec. 31, 1846, ae. 94-8-11. »3. Jacob, b. S. *4. Samuel, b. S. 5. 6. 7. Judith and two younger as stated. (3) Jacob Gurdy was an early settler in the Locke neigh borhood. He m. May 27, 1782, Mary, dau. Cutting Favor (See), b. Jan. 21, 1764. She d. Apr. 15, 1844, ae. 80-2-24; he d. Mar. 12, 1808. The town clerk of Bridgewater, in record ing the death, added these words : "And a great loss to Bridge- water." CHILDREN, all born Bristol -»8. Jacob, b. Dec. 22, 1782. 9. Dorothy, b. Oct. 7, 1785 ; m. Amos Drew. (See.) 10. Anne, b. Mar. 11, 1788; m. Benj. Locke. (See.) II. Joel, b. Mar. 12, 1790; d. Mar. 23, 1790. •»i2. Elisha, b. Dec. 2, 1791. 13. Lois, b. June 20, 1794 ; m. Timothy Chandler. (See.) 14. Huldah, b. Sept. 12, 1796; m. Jonathan Atwood. (See.) 15. Aaron, b. Dec. 15, 1798; d. young. (4) Samuel Gurdy m., July 12, 1791, Lydia Sanborn, b. Brentwood, Oct. 23, 1762. They were the first settlers on the Otis Sanborn farm in the Locke neighborhood, but later res. on the John F. Merrow farm for many years. He was a man of great physical strength and endurance. He was deacon of the Baptist church in New Hampton. They removed to New Hampton later in life, where they d. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 16. Ruth, b. Jan. 9, 1792 ; m. Amos Drew. (See.) 17. Sophronia; m. and removed to Vermont. 18. Susan, b. Nov. 12, 1794; m. Jacob Hoyt. (See.) 19. Lucy, b. Nov. 12, 1795; m. Moses Morgan Smith. (See.) She was a school teacher and a woman of rare intelligence. *2o. John, b. 1796. 2x8 HISTORY OF BRISTOL (8) Jacob Gurdy, b. Dec. 22, 1782, m. Susannah Doton, a descendant of Edward Doton of the Mayflower, b. in Moulton boro, Aug. 30, 1795. Her father, Ephraim Doton, was a Revo lutionary soldier. About 1837, Jacob Gurdy settled in Moul tonboro, where he d. May 21, 1855, ae. 72-4-29; she d. Apr. 30, 1842, ae. 46-8-0. CHILDREN 21. Reuben, b. Bristol, Aug. 23, 1827; d. Aug. 26, 1831, ae. 4-0-3. 22. Almira, b. B., May 30, 1829 ; m. Sept. 29, 1850, Charles L. Glines, Moultonboro. She d. in Laconia, June 9, 1892, ae. 63-0-9. Children : a. Sarah L., b. Moultonboro, Mar. 4, 1853 ; m. W. H. Penniman. Res. Center Sandwich. b. Maria A., b. M., Sept. 2, 1855 ; m. C. H. Peavey, Laconia. c. Charles W., b. M., May 25, 1864. d. Vesta A., b. M., Jan. 4, 1866. e. Lilla O., b. M., Oct. 14, 1869 ; m. W. A. Clark, Laconia. 23. George, b. Bristol, Mar. 24, 1831; m. Mar. 18, 1859, Sarah E. Dale, dau. of Ebenezer, b. Sept., 1836, and d. Feb. 15, 1891, ae. 54-5-- He m., Nov. I, 1893, Emily Kimball, b. Sandwich, 1825. Child : a. Fred G., b. Sandwich, June 16, i85o ; m. Mar. 19, 1883, Mary E. Davis. 24. Eliza, b. Bristol, Mar. 2, 1833; she m. June 21, 1855, Hazen M. Senter, who d. Center Harbor, 1891. She res. Tilton. 25. Susan Doton, b. B., June 25, 1834; m. July 10, 1858, Alonzo S. Philbrick. He was a member of 12th Regt., N. H. Vols., and d. of dis ease at Falmouth, Va., Dec. 21, 1862. She m. (2) Dec. 15, 1865, Alva B. Dockham, Lakeport. Children : - a. Albert Addison, b. Center Harbor, Jan. 11, i860; d. Meredith, July 29, 1861, ae. 1-6-18. b. Edwin Alonzo, b. Meredith, Nov. 5, i85i ; m. Lucretia Cole, dau. of Samuel, June 2, 1883. One child. 26. William Prescott, b. Bristol, Feb. 12, 1836 ; m. Dec. 24, 1859, Adeline H. Caswell, of Everett, Mass. Child : a. William Caswell, b. Lowell, Mass., Nov. 12, i860; m. May 12, 1886, Flora Burnham, dau. of Charles. Child : Charles Wil liam, b. Ashburnham, Mass., Feb. 25, 1887. 27. Aramenta D., b. Moultonboro, Aug. 22, 1838; m. Charles L. Cook, May 19, 1855. He d. in Sandwich, 111., Mar. 26, 1868. She m. (2) Anson Loomis, Sept. 5, 1883, and res. in Peotone, 111. Children : a. Charles Lyman, b. Sandwich, 111., Apr. 6, 1862 ; d. Mar. 30, 1888, ae. 25-11-24. b. William Gurdy, b. S., Apr. 5, 1864; m. Gladious Young, in 1887. (12) Elisha Gurdy, b. Dec. 2, 1791 ; m. Mar. (Nov.) 10, 1814, Abigail Powell, dau. of David (See), b. Jan. 2, i7g2. Was the first settler on his farm in the Locke neighborhood ; removed to Lake street about 1854, to the home of his son, Levi C. Here she d. Mar. 6, 1871, ae. 7g-2-4 ; he d. Apr. 25, same year, ae. 79-4-23- CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 28. Cyrus, b. Jan. 8, 1814 ; m. (i) Sally Gordon. She d. of consump tion and he m. (2) Mar. 28, 1843, Mary, dau. of Seth and Gemima (Batchelder) Glover, b. Plymouth, Dec. 14, 1812. Was a miller in New GENEALOGIES — GURDY 2 1 g Hampton ; in 1855, removed West. He d. West Union, Iowa, Aug. 11, 1881, ae. 67-7-3. She d. W. Union, June 7, 1900, ae. 87-5-23. a. Seth G., b. New Hampton, Sept. 20, 1845 ; served three years in Union army ; Apr. 10, 1873, m. Miss R. J. Patterson, who d. July 21, 1893. He res. in W. Union. Seven children. b. Mary Augusta, b. N. H., May 24, 1852 ; m. Mar. 21, 1879, George Swale. One child, b. 1894. They res. W. Union. 29. Adeline Senter, b. Dec. 8, 1816 ; m. George W. Dow. (See.) 30. Joel, b. Apr. 27, 1818 ; m. Nov. 18, 1848, Mary Bean, dau. Sewell Sanborn (See), b. Nov. 18, 1830. She d. Alexandria, Apr. 19, 1868, ae. 37-5-1. He m. (2) Maria Hanson, b. St. Stephen, N. B. Farmer and paper-mill employee in Bristol ; d. in Boston, Mass., Dec. 29, 1894, ae. 76-8-2. Children : a. Harriette Eliza, b. Bristol, May 25, 1857 ; m. William G. Craw ford. (See.) b. Leslie Norris, b. B., Mar. i, 1859 ; m. Florence Tryder, and d. Waltham, Mass., Apr. 27, 1887, ae. 28-1-26. c. Abbie May, b. B., Aug. 23, i860; m. Charles L. Jeffroy. (See.) 31. Benaiah Powell, b. Jan. 13, 1821 ; m. Dec. 25, 1851, Martha M., dau. of David S. Spaulding, b. Hebron. They went to Hebron, thence to Fairview, Iowa, in 1854, where he d. Apr. 18, 1868, ae. 47-3-5. She returned to Bristol, and here d. Dec. 18, 1896, ae. 69-0-5. Children : a. Leonidas Spaulding, b. Hebron, Dec. 30, 1852 ; m. (i) Sarah Anderson ; (2) Mary Hall. Res. Pelham. b. Lizzie Lucinda, b. Fairview, Iowa, Apr. 3, 1858 ; d. Lawrence, Mass., Mar. 22, 1876, ae. 17-11-19. c. James Norris, b. Dec. 16, 1861 ; m. Hattie Olive Colcord, of Lawrence, Mass., June 22, 1881. He is a baker and confectioner in Lawrence. Children: (i) Hattie J., b. July 10, 1882. (2) Myr tie Jane, b. Nov. I, 1887. d. Edward Everett, b. Jan. 9, 1866 ; d. in Iowa, May 24, 1867, ae. 1-4-15. 32. Levi Carter, b. Dec. 16, 1824; m. Nov. 24, 1852, Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph and Sally (Cook) Hastings, b. Waltham, Me., June 10, 1834. He was a moulder and founder in Bristol, i863-'8i, removed to Lawrence, Mass., where he d. Feb. 26, 1889, ae. 64-2-10. Mrs. Gurdy res. Bristol. Children : a. Arno Everard, b. Waltham, Me., July 12, 1855 ; m. Lillian Slagle, at Westfield, Wis. ; res. Waupeca, Wis. b. Bella Dana, b. Bristol, Sept. 6, 1869 ; m. Karl G. Cavis. (See.) 33. Elvira C, b. Sept. 19, 1827 ; m. David Mason. (See.) 34. James Norris, b. Dec. 19 (14), 1830. Never married. Killed in mines of California, June 16, i860, ae. 29-5-27. 35. Orrin P., b. Mar. 28, 1833 ; went to Lawrence, Mass., about 1853 ; m. Dec. 25, 1865, Delia Poole, dau. of Charles. She d. Lawrence, Mar. i6, 1873. He d. in Bristol at residence of David Mason, June 26, 1896, ae. 63-2-28. (20) John Gurdy, b. I7g6, m. June 23, 1824, Betsey Hoyt, dau. of Samuel (See), b. 1801. He was a farmer next east of the Heath burying-ground. She d. in New Hanipton, Aug. 28, 1843, ae. 42 ; he d. in Burlington, Vt., in 1875, ae. 7g. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol. 36. Samuel Hoyt, b. Mar. 20, 1825 ; m. Oct. 7, 1846, Cassandra, dau. of Benjamin Marden, b. Palermo, Me., Nov. 18, 1821. For 25 years or 220 HISTORY OF BRISTOL more he had charge of extensive lime kilns in Rockland, Me., where he d. Nov. IS, 1895, ae. 70-7-25. Children : a. Oscar True, b. Aug. 8, 1847 ; d. May 16, 1852, ae. 4-9-8. b. Harry Osgood, b. Duxbury, Mass., Jan. i, i860; res. in Rockland ; manufacturer of lime and dealer in general merchan dise. He m., Jan. i, 1884, Effie S. Gregory, of Rockland, who d. Jan. 9, 1885, and he m. (2) Apr. 11, 1888, Julia M. Smith, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Children: (i) Ruth C, b. Feb. 6, 1889. (2) Marie W., b. Dec. 25, 1890. c. Louise Marden, b. D., Dec. 16, 1865 ; m. Charles F. Ingraham Rockland, May 22, 1889. Children: (i) Hoyt Woods, b. Sept. 4, 1890. (2) Oscar Gurdy, b. Mar. 29, 1892. (3) Edith Louise, b. June I, 1894. 37. Harriet, b. about 1829; m. Amasa Witherell, of Duxbury, Mass. 38. Sophronia Emmons, b. July 6, 1830; m. John P. Flanders, Oct. 25, 1851. He d. in Omaha, Neb., July 29, 1893, ae. 66-4-23. She res. Omaha. Children : a. Oscar D., b. Nashua, Sept. 5, 1853 ; m. Dec. 21, 1876, Alice Burns. *. Hattie Frances, b. Burlington, Vt., May 28, 1856 ; m. May 28, 1875, George Philemon Tuttle. c. John Burton,' b. Bristol, Feb 21, 1859 ; m. May 7, 1881, Nettie Beatrice Smith. d. Edward Page, b. B., Aug. 3, 1861 ; m. Feb. 10, 1881, Ella Jane Smith. e. Frank Emmons, b. B., July 14, 1863 ; m. Aug. 20, 1882, Carrie Utrecht. /. Arthur Lansing, b. B., Oct. 31, 1864; d. Sept. 10, 1865. g. Lillie May, b. B., Dec. 2, 1866 ; m. Nov. 21, 1885, Maitland S. Durfee. h. Charles Augustus, b. Vergennes, Vt., Mar, 18, 1869; m. Sept. 23, 1891, Nellie Mabel Lyons. 39. Moses Newell,' b. about 1833 ; a sailor, last heard from in Liver pool, Eng., in i86i. THE HADLEY FAMILY I. Charles Sumner Hadley was a resident of Bristol for a term of years previous to 1888. Painter. He m. Fannie Hasey of Lowell, Mass. He res. in Everett, Mass. CHILDREN 2. Charles Addison, b. LoweU, Mass. ; butcher in Everett, Mass. 3. Herbert Edward, b. L., June 25, 1876; m. Nov. 1, 1899, Blanche E., dau. of Wilham H. and Almira A. (Preston) Welch, b. Canaan, Sept. I, 1880. He is an employee at the woolen-miU. Child : a. Earl William, b. Bristol, Oct. 6, 1900. 4. Arthur Parker, b. L., Sept. 30, 1877 ; spinner in the woolen-mill. 5- Edith Amantha Eveline, b. Bristol; m. Edward W. Sanders. (See.) 6. Nina Belle, b. B. ; m. Edward Andrews ; res. Bridgeport, Conn. One child. " ^ ' 7. Fannie Edwina,b. B. 8. George Henry, b. Lowell. 9. Una May, b. Bristol. 10. Lillian Leota.b. B. GENEALOGIES — HALEY 221 THE HALEY FAMILY I . Frank Patrick Haley, son of Patrick and Julia ( 0 ' Brien ) Haley, was b. Peterboro, Nov. 15, 1857. He came to Bristol about 1874, and here m. June 17, 1877, Lela Ivanette, dau. of Joel C. Adams. (See.) Laborer", Republican. CHILDREN 2. Frank Joel, b. Bristol, Nov. 9, 1880 ; d. May 4, 1881. 3. Alice May, (adopted) b. Franklin, May 26, 1885. 4. Myrtie Belle, b. Bristol, Sept. 16, 1887. 5. Timmie Elmer, b. B., May 11, 1890; d. Sept. ii, 1890. I. John Haley, a brother of Frank P., above, was b. Brookline, Oct. 4, 1853. Came to Bristol in 1875. Laborer. Unm. I. Dennis Haley, a brother of above, b. Newport, Nov. 25, i860, m. Dec. 25, 1882, Addie Etta, dau. of Meshech G. Chandler. (See.) Res. in Bristol since 1880; for 20 years has been a machine tender in paper-mills. CHILD I. Bernice Margaret, b. Bristol, June i, 1895. THE HALL FAMILY I. Benjamin Hall was b. Jan. 22, 1790. He m. Nancy Brown, b. Apr. 28, 1791, and d. Bristol, Nov. 2, 1863, ae. 72- 6-4. He came to Bristol about 181 2, and settled on the Hall farm where he and his son, Oliver S., lived and d. in the Hall neighborhood. He d. May 15, 1855, ae. 65-3-23. CHILDREN 2. Rufus, b. Candia, Apr. 28, 1809 ; d. Dec. 4, 1882, ae. 73-7-6. 3. Lyman, b. Mar. 27, 1811 ; never m.; d. May i, 1884, ae. 73-1-4. *4. Oliver Smith, b. Bristol, Apr. 9, 1815. 5. Albon Reuben, b. B., Nov. 28, 1828 ; d. Dec. 27, 1832, ae. 4-0-29. (4) Oliver S. Hall, b. Apr. g, 1815, m. Isabel Chamberlain Morrison. She was b. June 30, 1821, and d. July 8, 1886, ae. 65-0-8. He d. Aug. 10, i8g5, ae. 80-4-1. Farmer, Democrat. CHILDREN 6. Jennie N., b. Bristol, Aug. 16, 1839, m. Uriah H. Kidder. (See.) 7. Adna Morrison, b. B., July 4, 1841 ; d. in the army Sept. 15, 1863, ae. 22-2-11. (See Roll of Honor.) 8. Oliver Porter, b. B., May 18, 1843. (See RoU of Honor.) Hem. Dec. 21, 1889, Delia Dicey, dau. James A. Cloutman. Resided on home farm till after his m., then removed to Alexandria, thence to the West. 9. Carrie Brown, b. B., May 13, 1847; m. Otis S. Damon. (See.) 222 HISTORY OF BRISTOL I. Joseph Hall, son of Horatio N. and Mahala (Lee) Hall, was b. Groton, Mar. 2, 1848. He m. Jan. 2g, 1868, Myra C, dau. of John C. and Betsey (HaU) Lang, b. Groton, Oct. 6, 1845. They settled in Bristol about 1875. He is a woodworker. Methodist, Republican. THE HAMMOND FAMILIES I. Lucius Wilson Hammond, son of John C. and Lydfa (Ladd) Hammond, was b. Thetford, Vt., Dec. 21, 1824. He m. June 21, 1847, Elizabeth Jane, dau. of Rev. Liba Conant, b. Nov. 13, 1821. He was a trader in Wentworth, and in Bristol from 1871 tiU he d., July 23, 1882, ae. 57-7-2- He represented Hebron in legislature of 1856. Democrat. Justice of the peace. She d. Bristol, May 25, 1885, ae. 63-6-12. CHILDREN 2. Ella Elizabeth, b. Hebron, Mar. 5, 1853 ; m. Charles H. Calley. (See.) 3. George Henry, b. H., Feb. 7, 1855; m. Mar. 10, 1883, Mrs. Annie W. (George) Gale, dau. Arial H. (See.) He succeeded his father in tirade, and d. Apr. 25, 1903, ae. 48-2-18. Child : a. Louise Wilson, b. Bristol, Mar. 10, 1885. I. Stephen Frost Hammond is the son of Rodney and Abigail (Frost) Hammond, b. in Bridgewater, Mar. 15, 1852. He m. Apr. 20, 1876, Annie Judson, dau. of Walter H., and Serena Lane (Farrington) Sargent, b. Boscawen, Mar. 21, 1857. (See Literature.) He came to Bristol from Bridgewater, Oct., 1883. Has been salesman for 17 years at the store now owned by Weymouth, Brown & Co. CHILDREN 2. Arthur Frost, b. Bridgewater, Apr. 27, 1877 ; m. Aug. 27, 1902, Ella F., dau. Charles F. Dow, b. Londonderry, Apr. 22, 1882. Is a book keeper for Standard Oil Co., East Boston, Mass. 3. George Walter, b. B., Nov. 26, 1878 ; m. July 26, 1896, Mamie, dau. Moody S. Cheney. (See.) In boot and shoe business, Bridgewater, Mass. Child : a. Cleon C, b. Nov. 9, 1898. 4. Grace Elfleda, b. B., Mar. 6, i88i ; m. Sept. 24, 1900, George Hammond Wingate. He is a printer at Beverly, Mass. 5. Serena Belle, b. Bristol, Aug. 14, 1884; m. May 11, 1902, James Barclay Lidstone. He is clerk at Hotel Bristol. I. Elmer Herbert Hammond, son of Nathan D. and Clara (Pike) Hammond, was b. Bridgewater, Sept. 17, 1870. Hem. Nov. 4, i8g3, Mrs. Lucy Jane Proctor, dau. George W. Keezer. He came to Bristol i8g2. Teamster. No children. GENEALOGIES — HANAFORD 223 THE HANAFORD FAMILY I. William Foster Hanaford, son of Alfred and Lorana (Smith) Hanaford, was b. Plymouth, Feb. 22, 1841. He enlisted Oct. 4, 1861, from Sanbornton in Co. F, 8th Regt., N. H. Vols., as a private, and served in the department of the Gulf; reenlisted Jan. 4, 1864; appointed corporal Feb. 14, 1864, sergeant Sept. i, 1864, first sergeant Nov., 1864. He was a volunteer for a forlorn-hope charge on the enemy's works at Port Hudson, in 1863. Was discharged Jan. i, 1865, at Natchez, Miss. He m. Aug. 11, 1867, Amanda G., dau. of Jeremiah Ward. (See.) He was a farmer in Hill till 1884, when he came to Bristol ; here has been a farmer and has operated a milk route. No children. Republican. G. A. R. Oliver Hanaford, a brother of above, was b. Sanbornton in i84g. He m. Aug. 3, i8g4, Julia, dau. James M. Lake, b. Eng land, Aug. 29, 1849. No children. Has been a laborer here. THE HARLOW FAMILY William P. Harlow was in Bristol in 1861. He m. Jan. i, 1862, Octavia, dau. of Nathaniel Moulton, b. Concord, May 21, 1843. Aug. 12, 1862, he enlisted in the 12th Regt.,' N. H. Vols., and d. of disease at Washington, D. C, Oct. 16, 1862, ae. 23. (See Roll of Honor.) Mrs. Harlow m. (2) John W. Wilbur. (See.) THE HARRIMAN FAMILY ,1. John Harriman, son of John, m. Sally Heath, of Plais- tow. They came from Hampstead and settled on the River road in Bridgewater. He was a Free Baptist preacher ; d. in Bridgewater; she d. in Stewartstown. Of his nine child reft, three were as follows : 2. Samuel, b. Feb. 3, 1776 ; m. Feb. 19, 1798, Chloe, dau. of Simeon Cross. (See.) He is supposed to have been the Samuel Harriman who was post-rider in 1816. They removed to Stewartstown. •»3. John, b. Hampstead, Feb. 11, 1778. 4. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 27, 1786; m. Simeon Cross. (See.) (3) John Harriman, b. Feb. 11, 1778, lived in what is now the Smith pasture, north of the Locke neighborhood. In 1826, he removed to Plymouth purchasing large farm on Baker's river. He m. in March, 1802, Betsey, dau. of James and Mary (Craig) Aiken, b. Dec. 20, 1785. He d. Plymouth, Jan. 4, 2 24 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 1865, ae. 86-10-23; she d. Mar. 29, 1872, ae. 86-3-g. Of his 13 children, two were 5. Eliza, b. Bridgewater, Aug. 27, 1803 ; m. Jesse Prescott. (See.) »6. Hiram, b. B., Dec. 25, 1819. (6) Hiram Harriman, b. Dec. 25, 1819, was a graduate of the New Hampton Literary Institution. Apr. i, 1847, hem. AbigaU Silvea (or Silver) Preston, b. Rumney, Mar. 6, 1821. Hiram was a prominent man in Plymouth ; was selectman and represented his town in the legislature. In April, 1867, removed to Bristol, engaging in thS manufacture of buckskin gloves and mittens with Jason C. Draper. He d. Dec. ig, 1871, ae. 51- 11-24; shed. Aug. 22, 1887, ae. 66-5-16. CHILDREN, all born in Plymouth 7. William Edward, b. July i, 1848 ; d. B., Nov. 21, 1884, ae. 36-4-20. 8. Alfred Preston, b. Jan. 9, 1850; m. Mar. 14, 1891, Mrs. Minetta M. Norris, widow of William T. Norris, Esq., and dau. of Rufus L. Martin, b. Apr. 30, 1853, in Andover. Was a glove manufacturer and shoe dealer. After his m. res. five years in Danbury, returning to Bristol in 1896, since which time he has been a painter and nurse. Children : I: jrnTorris"''"' }^- ^-'^-^' °'^*- ^7' ^891. c. Fred Rufus, b. Danbury. 9. Moses Franklin, b. Feb. 20, 1855; m- May 3, 1876, Laura Matilda, dau. of Dr. John and Mary Ann Whitmore, b. Hebron, Apr. 2, 1856, and d. Akron, Colo., Apr. 10, 1893, ae. 37-0-8. He m. Dec, 15, 1894, Emily L. Colby, of Warner. He has been connected with glove manufacturing at Warner, Akron, Colo., and at Littleton, where he now res. Children: a. Grace Elinor, b. Littleton, Feb. 20, 1881 ; m. Dec. 25, 1901, Ellsworth Hawkins, of Littleton. b. Louise Preston, b. L., Sept. 27, 1884 ; d. Dec 6, 1884. c. Frederick Whitmore, b. Oskaloosa, Iowa, June 2, 1888. d. Laurie, b. Akron, Colo., Mar. 24, 1893 ; died in infancy. 10. John Fremont, b. May f i, 1857 ; m. Sept. 9, 1879, Ellen Louise, dau. of Robert L. and Lydia Jane Nelson, b. Bath, and d. Chicago, 111., Feb. 8, 1894. He m. Dec. 16, 1896, Clara B. Hibbard, b. Piermont, Sept. II, 1863. No children. Res. Concord. THE HARRIS FAMILY I. Simon Harris, son of Job and Helena Harris, was b. in 1770. He was a resident of Bridgewater, and the mail-carrier between Haverhill and Concord, i8i7-'2o. He was deputy sheriff from 1807 tiU 1818. He d. in Bridgewater Jan. 13, 1821, ae. 51 years. He m. Sept. 17, 1790, Susanna, dau. of Capt. Jonathan Crawford. She d. July 19, 1850, ae. 77-10-8. They had 13 children, of whom two were -yc2. Rufus, b. Bridgewater, Aug. 3, 1805. 3. Phebe, b. B., Jan. 2, 1807; m. (i) Thomas Fogg ; (2) Sewell San- ' born. GENEALOGIES — HASTINGS 225 (2) Rufus Harris, b. Aug. 3, 1805, m., in 1831, Violet Lucy, dau. Solomon Sanborn, b. Rumney, Aug. 30, 1807. He came from Plymouth in 1842 ; was an employee at Moore's Mills till 1850, when he removed to Ashland. Mrs. Harris d. in Bristol, May 24, 1848, ae. 40-8-24, and he m. in 1853, Elvira Webster. He d. Ashland, Apr. 17, 1886, ae. 80-8-14. CHILDREN 4. Amanda Melvina, b. Holderness, Jan. 21, 1832 ; m. 1852, Lucius S. Gordon. She d. New Hampton, June 3, 1865, ae. 33-4-12. 5. Frances Maria, b. Lowell, Mass., Mar. 28, 1834 ; m. July 30, 1854, Capt. Stephen B. Dow. He followed the sea 38 years visiting nearly all parts of the globe. They res. New Hampton, where he d. Mar. 17, 1871, ae. 52-2-10. Children : a. Charles Warren, b. June 22, 1855. At 16 went to Zanzibar, Africa. Was eight years in Africa, India, and Auckland, New Zea land; was U. S. consul at Zanzibar. He m. (i) May i, 1882, Paul ine Avery Whitton ; (2) Louise Caldwell, June 6, 1900. Res. LaCrosse, Wis. b. William Henry, b. Jan. 23, 1858 ; m. Mar. i, 1893, Mrs. Ellen (Hall) Ellis. Res. New Hampton. c. Harriette Simpson, b. June 28, i86o ; m. (i) Frank E. Tucker, Dec. 9, 1890; (2) Russell A. Carver, Mar. 26, 1896. d. Stephen Webster, b. June 24, 1864; m. Apr. i, 1888, Carrie Fletcher. Was killed at Newport, Vt., July 31, 1889, while making up a train, ae. 25-1-7. e. Walter Raleigh, b. Nov. 11, 1868; m. Sarah M. Curtis, Dec. 25, 1893. Was postmaster at New Hampton. /. Edward Everett, b. Dec. 4, 1871 ; m. Amy M. Tappan, Oct. 19, 1900 ; res. LaCrosse, Wis. 6. William Franklin, b. Sept. 23, 1836; m. July 19, 1870, Mrs. Electa T., widow of Gustavus Emmons. (See.) Served as musician in Union army ; he res. Ashland. Two children. 7. Martha Currier, b. Plymouth, July 27, 1839 ! ™- Sept. — , 1859, James L. Cox. She d. Westcla, Kan., July 20, 1900, ae. 60-11-23. 8. Angelina Webster, b. P., Aug. — , 1842 ; d. Aug. — , 1847, in Bris tol, ae. 5-0-. 9. Louisa Jane, b. Bristol, Mar. 28, 1844 ; d. New Hampton, Feb. 27, 1861, ae. 16-10-29. 10. Harriet Lucy, b. B., June 28, 1847 ; m. in 1865, Newton B. Plum mer, who served as private in 12th Regt., N. H. Vols., and as captain 32nd U. S. Colored Infty. Res. Meredith Center. THE HASTINGS FAMILY I. Asa Hastings was b. Dec. 28, 1752. He m., Mar. 22, 1775, in Mason, Molly Lowell, b. Dec. 30, 1752. They removed from Salem to Alexandria, and about i77g, settled on the Hast ings farm in Bristol, where she d. ae. 85. He went to Canada to visit his children and there d., ae. 85. He was a Revolution ary soldier from Alexandria. CHILDREN 2. Lydia, b. Alexandria, Dec 3, I775 I m- Daniel McMurphy, Alexan dria. 15 226 HISTORY OF BRISTOL «i3. Joseph, b. A., May 7, 1777. »4. Jonas, b. A., Jan. 19, 1779. 5. Asa, b. Bristol ; d. 1781, ae. 16 months. 6. Phebe, b. B., Dec. 18, 1782 ; m. Robert Simonds ; lived and d. in Alexandria. 7. Amos, b. B., Mar. 19, 1785; lived and d. in Canada. 8. Adnah, b. B., July 7, 1787 ; m. Blynn (or Ingalls) and removed to Kentucky. (Bridgewater records say Adnah Hastings m. Jonathan In galls, Nov. 25, 1813.) 9. Simeon, b. B., Mar. 7, 1790; removed to Indiana. 10. Asa, b. B., Oct. 15, 1792 ; removed to New York. II. Moses, b. B., May 15, 1795 ; removed to Stewartstown. (3) Joseph Hastings, b. May 7, 1777, m. Mary (Polly) Sanborn, dau. of Joseph (See), b. May 4, 1778. They resided just south of Smith's river in the Borough, and here a family of children were b. The father and all the children, except John, went to Canada and there d. The mother d. in Hill, Nov., 1812, ae. 34 years. CHILD -»i2. John, b. Hill, June 17, 1799. (4) Jonas Hastings, b. Jan. ig, 1779, m. Nov. 28, 1805, Polly Ordway, of Hebron, who d. Mar. 17, 1811. He m. (2) Apr. 2, 1812, Nancy Atwood, dau. Moses, b. Aug. 17, 1786, d. Jan. 18, 1864, ae. 77-5-1. Jonas succeeded his father on the farm, where he d. Jan. 13, i86g, ae. 8g-ii-24. CHILDREN, all born Bristol *i3. John, b. Dec. 19, 1806. 14. Hannah, b. Jan. 24, 1808 ; m. Nov. 19, 1828, Joseph Wallace, of Alexandria, b. Jan. 22, 1808. He was killed by blasting, while at work building railroad between Lowell and Boston. She m. (2) Caleb Sawyer. (See.) Children : a. Charles, b. Aug. 14, 1829 ; res. Roxbury, Mass. b. Benjamin, b. Nov. 19, 1830; adopted by his uncle, John Hastings ; went to California. 15. Asa, b. Feb. 20, 1809 ; d. July 13, 1834, ae. 25-4-23. 16. Infant, b. Mar. 25, 1810 ; d. Mar. 28, 1810. 17. Infant, b. Feb. 27, 1811 ; d. Feb. 28, 1811. 18. Polly, b. May 9, 1813 ; m. Nov. 28, 1837, Benjamin Patten. She d. B., June 21, 1851, ae. 38-1-12; he d. Alexandria, Oct. 2, 1876, ae. 62- 11-23. Children, all b. in Alexandria : a. Emily, b. Aug. 28, 1838; m. Humphrey Pettingill, Alexan dria. No children. b. Seth G., b. Nov. 16, 1840. Res. unm. in Alexandria. c. Amanda, b. Sept. 16, 1843 ; m. George Martin. d. Jonas F., b. Mar. 4, 1845 I m- Georgianna, dau. Charles H. Dicey, b. Alton, Aug. 4, 1864. He d. Bristol, Oct. 8, 1893, ae. 48- 7-4. She m. (2) James E. Gordon. (See.) e. Manson B., b. Nov. 4, 1848. (See.) /. PoUy, b. May 21, 1851 ; d. June 20, 1851. 19. Jonas, b. May 28, 1815 ; m. Oct. 22, 1837, Betsey, dau. Thomas and Mary (Hemphill) Bailey, b. Bow, Aug. 16, 1813, d. Natick, Mass., June II, i886, ae. 72-9-25- He d. Natick, June 11, 1888, ae. 73-0-13. He. was a farmer in Bristol till 1840. Children : GENEALOGIES — HASTINGS 227 a. Asa, b. Bristol, Oct. 10, 1838. Hap lived for many years in Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. Unm. b. Jerome, b. Sanbornton, July 8, 1840; m. May 22, 1867, Lizzie Entwistle, b. England, Oct. 20, 1840; d. Natick, Mass., Nov. 15, 1879, ae. 39-0-25. He res. Natick ; is conductor on B. & A. rail road. 20. Nancy, b. Oct. 23, 1817 ; m. Nov. 24, 1842, Samuel C. Harrington. He d. Nov. 19, 1879, in Manchester, ae. 63-0-16. Five children. 21. Sophia, b. Feb. 6, 1820; m. Nov. 25, 1847, Nathaniel Whittier, of Orange, b. June 21, 1825. Child : a. Julia S., b. Orange, Nov. 17, 1857; m- Nov. 17, 1874, Samuel L. Hoyt, of Orange. 22. Susan, b. Aug. 28, 1823 ; m. Feb. 13, 1849, Abel Ford, of Orange. Children : a. Mary Emma, b. Oct. 17, 1853 ; m. Oct. 17, 1871, Frank H. Dexter, of Danbury. b. Alice Luella, b. Dec. 31, 1863; m. May i, i88o, John T. Morrison, of Danbury. 23. Lucy Ann, b. Nov. 30, 1826 ; m. Sept. 19, 1847, Edwin G. Har rington, b. Jan. 21, 1826. Res. Manchester. Children: a. Evelyn, b. Manchester, Mar. 7, 1849. Unm. b. Susan Maria, b. M., Aug. 24, 1850; m. Oct. 24, 1872, Henry Clark. c. Luther M., b. M., May 8, 1853 ; unm. d. Edward Henry, b. M., Sept. 2, 1855; d. Feb. 11, 1875, ae. 19-5-9- e. Mary Emma Hastings, b. M., July 29, 1859; d. Feb. 18, 1864, ae. 4-6-19. /. William Squires, b. M., Oct. 30, i860 ; m. Sept. 27, 1884, Lois Mclntire ; res. Goffstown. g. James Hastings, b. M., June i, 1864; m. Nov. 2, 1885, May Hunt. h. Mary Einma, b. M., Mar. 20, 1866. Unm. i. Lucy Ann, b. M., Apr. 14, 1868; d. May 26, 1873, ae. 5-1-12. 24. Mary Jane, b. Apr. 19, 1829; m. David M. Chase. (See.) (12) John Hastings, b. June 17, 1799, m. Sarah, dau. of Robert MorriU. She d. HiU, Sept. 23, 1882, ae. 7g-2-6 ; he d. same place, Sept. 20, 1882, ae. 83-3-3. Farmer on south bank of Smith's river in the Borough ; later res. at Profile Falls. CHILDREN 25. Mary Elizabeth, b. Hill, Dec. — , 1820; m. Pettingill G. Carleton. (See.) -»26. Robert Smith, b. H., Apr. 14, 1825. 27. Rufus, b. H.; d. at 3 years of age from falling into a tub of scald ing water. 28. Sarah Philinda, b. Bristol, Nov. 30, 1831 ; m. Pettingill G. Carle ton. (See. ) 29. Artemissia, b. Hill, m. Alonzo Addison. Six children. Res. Hill. (13) Col. John Hastings, b. Dec. ig, 1806, m. Apr. 18, 1833, Dorothy S., dau. of Benjamin Emmons. (See.) He spent his life on the farm where his father and grandfather had lived. He was colonel of the 34th Regt., state militia. He d. 228 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Dec 12, i8go, ae. 83-11-23 ; she d. Apr. 8, i8gi, ae. 77-8-26. Both lifelong Methodists. Republican. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 30. Gustavus Adolphus, b. Jan. 25, 1834. He went to Iowa when a young man and never returned. Oct. 31, 1866, he m. Helen, dau. of George and Amanda (Peal) Mentzer, b. Chambersburg, Pa., Mar. 22, 1848. For many years overseer in the iron department of the railroad shops at Oxford Junction, Iowa. Children : a. George, b. Davenport, Iowa, Feb. 26, 1869. b. Helen Gertrude, b. D., Dec. 31, 1871. c. Flora Bell, b. D., Oct. 15, 1873. 31. Eliza Ann, b. July 18, 1836; m. David Batchelder. (See.) 32. Clarinda Jane, b. Jan. 16, 1839 ; m. Carroll Sanborn. (See.) 33. Laura Maria, b. Apr. 20, 1841 ; m. Oct. 30, 1880, George Taylor, son of William, b. Derry, June 22, 1839. Res. Franklin Falls. Child : a. Grace Hastings, b. Derry, Aug. 6, 1881. 34. John Franklin, b. Aug. 9, 1843 ; m. Jan. i, 1867, Helen Marzetta, dau. George and Caroline (Danforth) Webster, h\ Laconia, June 10, 1843. Since 1875, a harness maker and undertaker at Penacook. Chil dren : a. Arthur Grant, b. Penacook, Aug. i, 1868 ; d. Sept. 26, 1869, ae. 1-1-25. b. Frank Irving, b. P., Mar. 30, 1871 ; m. Sept. 14, 1893, Maude May Huggins. Res. Concord. 35. George Henry, b. Jan. 9, 1847; m. Aug. i, 1872, Laura Jane, dau. Samuel C, and Susan F. Bartlett, b. Campton, June 5, 1847. Is a Metho dist clergyman; member of Vermont conference, i873-'79; New Hampshire conference, i879-'82 ; Detroit (Mich.) conference i882-'87 ; Northwest Iowa conference, i887-'9i ; New England Southern conference since 1891 ; now at Everett, Mass. 36. Charles Albert, b. Mar. 4, 1849. His last known address was Minneapolis, Minn. 37. Levi W., b. Sept. i, 1852; m. Apr. 23, 1884, Tillie Esther, dau. of John and Elizabeth McClelland, b. Allegheny, Pa., July 21, 1863. They res. Des Moines, Iowa. No children. 38. Holman Kelley, b. Oct. 15, 1853 ; m. Apr. 29, 1879, Mary Sophia Rowell, Tunbridge Vt. Graduated Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloom- ington. 111., in 1885. A Methodist clergyman. Member of Vermont con ference, i875-'85 ; Iowa conference, 1885-. Last known address, Ireton, Iowa. He represented Hancock, Vt., in the state legislature, and was superintendent of schools at Hancock. 39. Myron L., b. Sept. i, 1855. Was living in 1898, at Oxford Junction, Iowa. 40. Almon C, b. Dec. 3, 1859; m. Aug. 21, 1883, Addie M., dau. Lucius L. and Sophia A. Thomas, b. Alexandria, Aug. 5, 1864. He suc ceeded his father on the home farm. Child : a. Viola A., b. Aug. 29, 1884. (26) Robert Smith Hastings, b. Apr. 14, 1825, m. Feb. 17, 1848, Priscilla Straw, of HiU, b. June 30, 1825. She d. Jan. 2, 1854, and he m. June 13, 1855, Julia Ann, dau. of Jeremiah and Betsey (Tenney) Carleton, b. HiU, Apr. 13, 1825. He came to Bristol in 1867; is a surveyor, millwright, and builder, and a man of superior judgment in his lines. Has Robe;rt S. Hastings GENEALOGIES — HAYNES 229 served four years as selectman and two years as supervisor of the checklist. Republican, Odd Fellow. CHILDREN 41. Ida I., b. Hill, Feb. 27, 1852; m. Isaac C. Ballon. (See.) 42. Cora Agnes, b. H., June 13, 1862; m. Sept. 28, 1884, Lowell I. Hanson. He was b. No. Conway, Dec. 13, 1857 ; is a farmer in Sanborn ton. Children : a. Carl Eugene, b. Northfield, Nov. 20, 1885. b. Clarissa, b. Sanbornton, Apr. ii, 1888. c. Lowell Perley, b. S., Nov. 10, 1890. d. Susan Julia, b. S., Mar. 11, 1894. e. Robert Louis, b. S., May 7, 1900. THE HAYNES FAMILY I. Jeremiah Austin Haynes, son of Stephen and Mary (Foss) Haynes, was b. Northfield, May 4, 1819, and d. in Bris tol, Mar. 12, 1893, ae. 73-10-8. He m., Feb. 21, 1843, Sarah C, dau. of Stephen and Hannah (Chase) Long. She d. Bris tol, Apr. 10, 1861 ; he m., Apr. 10, 1868, Mrs. Hattie A. Weaver, of Penacook, widow of William. She d. Bristol, Feb. 28, 1888, ae. 60-10-15, and he m., Jan. 22, 1889, Mrs. Samantha J., widow of Thomas B. Ross, of Hebron. He was one of the founders of the Baptist church at Penacook, and retained his membership there till death. He came to Bristol in 1855 ; was an active worker in the Congregational church and superin tendent of its Sunday-school. A zealous Odd Fellow ; a frequent manager of funerals ; Republican, represented Bristol in the legislature in 1862 and '63. A blacksmith ; in trade a few years. CHILD 2. Emma Frances, b. Penacook, Mar. 21, 1850; m. Nov. 23, 1871, Frank G. Blake, b. New Hampton, Nov. 2, 1849. He d, Aug. 16, 1891, . ae. 41-9-14. She has since res. in Bristol. Children : a. Ina Sarah, b. New Hampton, Aug. 2, 1874. b. Elwin Austin, b. N. H., Aug. 30, 1879. c. Charles Frank, b. N. H., Dec. 18, 1884. Is a printer. d. Mary Alice, b. N. H., July 16, 1890. THE HAYWARD FAMILY I . Jonas Reed Hayward, son of Josiah and Rebecca, was b. Antrim, Apr. 25, 1805, and d. Alexandria, Jan. 9, 1873, ae. 67-8-14. He m., Oct. 30, 1832, Marcia, dau. of Moses West Sleeper. (See.) She d. Pembroke, Oct. 25, 1854, ae. 44-9-29. He m. (2) Aug., 1855, Mary W. Bodwell. He was a farmer. Res. in Bristol, 1 864-' 69. Methodist. 15a 230 HISTORY OF BRISTOL CHILDREN 2 Ruth A., b. Oct. 24, 1833. Unm. Res. Norwood Junction, N. Y. 3. Emma J., b. Oct. 27, 1835 ; m. John F. Vose, a farmer in Alexan dria, where she d., Oct. 4, 1888, ae. 52-11-7. , ^ ^^ T? ,1- J 4. Augusta S., b. May 22, 1840 ; m. Charles F. Noyes, Franklin, and d. Mar. 5, 1889, ae. 48-9-13. -d 1, /o n 5 Mary M., b. Alexandria, Mar. 2, 1842 ; m. Gustavus Roby. (See.) 6. Hattie L., b. A., Oct. 31, 1846; m. Oct. 31, 1867, Lorenzo L. Frost. He is a paper manufacturer, Norwood Junction, N. Y. Children : a. Frederic Worthen, b. Franklin, Jan. 8, 1870; graduated from Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., 1894. A lawyer in New York city. b. Lorena May, b. F., Dec. 21, 1873. c. Luther Hayward, b. F., Jan. 17, 1878. Graduated from Wes leyan University, 1903. THE HEATH FAMILIES I . The Heaths of Bristol are the descendants of William I., who came from England with his wife, Mary, and five chil dren, on frigate Lyon, landing Sept. 16, 1632. All his children were b. in London. They settled in Roxbury, Mass. He was a member of the first assembly of deputies. May 14, 1634, and for some years subsequently. He d. May 29, 1652 ; his wife, Mary, d. Dec. 16, 1659. One of his children was 2. Peleg, who m. Susanna. He res. in Roxbury; was freeman in 1652, and d. of wounds Nov. 18, 1671. He had nine children, of whom the sixth was 3. William, b. Jan. 30, 1664. He m. Hannah Weld, Nov. II, 1685 ; settled in Roxbury, and d. Nov. 3, 1738, ae. 74-9-3. He had nine children, of whom the seventh was 4. Samuel, b. Dec. 27, 1701. He was a well-to-do farmer in Plaistow. He was probably living with his son, Samuel, in that part of Bridgewater now Bristol, in 1794, as this year it was voted to allow Samuel Heath, Jr., "ten shillings for his father on account of his carrying Molly Clark out of town." He was the father of at least five CHILDREN 5. Stephen. "Stephen Heath m. Anna Peaslee, Nov. 28, 1799." — Bridgewater records. -»6. Samuel, b. Plaistow, 1754. -»7. Joshua, b. Sept. 7, 1760. 8. John. 9. Daniel. He was evidently in that part of New Chester now Bris tol as early as 1779, as his name appears on the tax-list of that year. In 1785, he was taxed for three acres of tillage land, twelve acres of mowing and twelve of pasturage. The amount of land under cultivation was more than that of any other resident of New Chester, except Cutting Favor and Benjamin Emmons, who had about the same. At the first meeting of the new town of Bridgewater (1788), he served as modera tor and was then elected as constable for the collection of taxes. He served as moderator at meetings held Nov. 3 and Dec. 15 of the same GENEALOGIES — HEATH 23 1 year. At a meeting held Apr. 2, 1789, Samuel Worthen was chosen a collector "to complete the collection of taxes for 1788, committed to Daniel Heath, deceased." By this it would seem that Daniel Heath died between Dec. 15, 1788, and Apr. 2, 1789. He probably d. after the annual meeting in March or the election of a successor would have taken place at that time. He d. "while on a business trip to Coos county." His farm was that now owned by Hiram T. Heath, three miles east of Central square. The buildings were on the opposite side of the road from the present farmhouse. That he had a family is apparent. He had among his children a. Daniel. He enlisted in the Revolutionary army from New Chester in June, 1780, when his age was given as 16 years. The marriage of Daniel Heath, Jr., and Joanna IngaUs was recorded as solemnized by Elder Ward, Mar. 8, 1785. A Daniel Heath m. Abigail Ingalls, dau. of Jonathan (See), Nov. 12, 1795, and a Daniel Heath m. Judith George, of Sandwich, June i, 1797. These three may be identical, but there is nothing to establish the fact. (6) Samuel Heath, b. 1754, was a Revolutionary soldier from Plaistow. He was a resident of Plymouth i77g to 1785, when he removed to Bristol. He m., Apr. 11, 1782, Sarah Webster, of Plymouth. Mrs. Lewis Heath, a daughter-in-law, said he bought the Heath farm, in 1794, of his brother, Stephen. If so, it would seem that Stephen succeeded Daniel in the ownership. Samuel was a teamster as well as farmer and made trips to Boston for freight, occupying two weeks for each trip. He d. in Bristol, June 13, 1833, ae. 79. She d. Bristol, July 7, 1839, ae. 76-2-7. CHILDREN 10. Sarah, b. Plymouth, Sept. 3, 1783. Lived and d. on her father's farm in Bristol. Never m. *ii. Samuel, b. P., Mar. 22, 1785. *I2. Robert, b. Bristol, Nov. 14, 1788. 13. Moses, b. B., Sept. 19, 1791 ; m. Nancy Norris, Chelsea, Vt., lived and d. in Haverhill. 14. Elizabeth, b. B., Mar. 15, 1795 (Ballou record says 1793) ; m. Oct. 12, 1813, Oliver Ballou. (See.) 15. Hannah, b. B., May i, 1796 ; m. Samuel R. Worthen. (See.) 16. Lucy, b. B., Nov. 3, 1799 1 d. Aug. 19, 1828, ae. 28-9-16. 17. Webster, b. B., Dec. 3, 1801 ; d. Feb. 18, 1830, ae. 28-2-15. «i8. Lewis, b. B., Aug. 15, 1803. (7) Joshua Heath, b. Sept. 7, 1760, m. Nov. 7, 1785, Hannah Webster, a sister of the wife of his brother Samuel. He d. Jan. 25, 1832, ae. 71-4-18 ; she d. Mar. i, 1842, ae. 75. He was taxed in Plymouth, 1 783-' 87; removed to Groton. There were among his fourteen CHILDREN 19. Betsey, b. July 4, 1796; m. Isaac Crosby. (See.) 20. Willard, b. Groton, Sept. 7, 1807; m. Abigail Spaulding. She was b. Oct. 12, 1812, and d. Apr. 21, 1862, ae. 49-6-9- He m. Nov. 15, 1862, Adeline C, dau. of John C. and Nancy (Ladd) Hammond, b. Hebron, July 6, 1839 He was a farmer and trader. He res. in Bristol from 1874 tiU he d. Dec. 7, 1884, ae. 77-3-0. Mrs. Heath res. Concord. Children : 232 HISTORY OF BRISTOL a. Willard Russell, b. Groton, Jan. 13, 1868 ; m. Feb. 7, 1894, Gertrude M., dau. Dr. Alfred and Mary (Moore) Dearborn, b. No. Weare, Mar. 5, 1870. Is a salesman in Fitchburg, Mass. b. Helen Celia, b. Bristol, Feb. 22, 1880. Is a graduate of Vas- sar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Is a teacher. (11) Samuel Heath, b. Mar. 22, 1785, m. Margaret Fel lows, who d. Nov. 22, 1856, ae. 64-4-; he d. June 23, 1874, ae. 89-3-1. He succeeded his father on the home farm. CHILDREN, all bom in Bristol 21. Lydia Jane, b. Dec. 30, 1812 ; m. Isaac C. Tilton. (See.) 22. Minerva T., b. May 6, 1817; d. in family of her brother, Hiram, Jan. 28, 1892, ae. 74-8-22 ; unm. *23. Hiram, b. Nov. 18, 1820. 24. David M., b. Aug. 24, 1823; m. Jan. 11, 1853, Susan Emily, dau. Merrill and Ruth (Mooney) Cox, b. Holderness, Oct. 31, 1832 ; d. Bristol, Oct. 25, 1854, ae. 21-11-24. He m., Dec. 6, i860, Mary A. Plummer. He was a farmer in Ashland, and there d. Mar. 18, 1865, ae. 41-6-24. Child : a. Emma Sarah, b. Holderness, Jan. 29, 1854 ; m. Arthur B. Flanders, Feb. 26, 1874. 25. Samuel Worthen, b. Aug. 31, 1825 ; m. May 7, 1850, Hannah N., dau. Eliphalet and Mehitable (Prescott) Lord, b. Northfield, Jan. 9, 1833. He was a shoemaker and removed from Bristol to New Hampton, in 1869, where he d. Mar. 23, i88g, ae. 63-6-22. She res. New Hampton. Children : a. Annie, b. Bristol, Dec. 4, 1854; m. Charles G. Robinson. (See.) b. True A., b. B., May, 1856 ; m., 1882, Rose Willis, of Enfield. Res. Concord. *26. Pliney Emmons, b. Aug. 2, 1828. 27. Webster, b. May 29, 1831 ; m. Mar. 11, 1866, Angle M., dau. of Levi and Mary (Mathews) Yeaton, b. Epsom, May 20, 1842. Res. Wake field, Mass. She d. Wakefield, Oct. 20, 1896, ae. 54-5-0. (See Roll of Honor.) Children: a. Maud Inez, b. Bristol, July 18, 1867 ; was teacher in Bristol graded schools 4 years; m. Oct. 31, 1893, Lewis E. Carter, M.D., of Wakefield. b. Myrtland Webster, b. B., May 12, 1872 ; d. May 17, 1873, ae. 1-0-5. (12) Robert Heath, b. Nov. 14, 1788, m. Hannah, dau. of Stephen Nelson (See), b. Feb. 21, i7g2. She d. in Bristol, Jan. 6, 1841, ae. 48-10-15, and he m. (2) Mrs. Polly B., widow of Joseph G. Dow. (See.) She d. July 31, 1863, ae. 72-4-9. He d. Oct. 8, 1853, ae. 64-10-24. He was a farmer a hah mile from the main highway north of Hiram T. Heath's farmhouse. The buildings long since disappeared and the road has been discontinued. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol *28. Stephen Nelson, b. Feb. 14, 1816. 29. Sarah Ann, b. Feb. 5, 1817. Married Luther S. Fellows. (See.) *30. Samuel P., b. June 18, 1819. 31. John S., b. July 31, 1821. He went to Vermont, where he m. Abigail Ayer. Two children. He d. Bristol, Sept. 28, 1854, ae. 33-1-27. itm. /ji Hiram T. Heath GENEALOGIES — HEATH 233 -»32. Charles B., b. Nov. 5, 1823. -:it33. Horace Webster, b. Nov. 14, 1826. «34. Levi Nelson, b. Mar. 3, 1829. 35. William P., b. Jan. 23, 1831 ; d. B., Dec. 31, 1847, ae. i6-ii-8. 36. Harriet J., b. Aug. 20, 1833 ; m. John F. Peters, Nov. 3, 1857 ; res. Concord. Children : a. Fiverett F., b. Mar. 12, 1863 ; d. July 28, 1863. b. Arthur W., b. Oct. 29, 1867 ; d. Oct. 14, 1872, ae. 4-1 1-15. 37. Emily Wells, b. Dec. 14, 1835 ; m. Oliver Ballou. (See.) (18) Lewis Heath, b. Aug. 15, 1803, m. May 15, 1832, Sarah W., dau. of John Edwards. (See.) A year or two after their m. they removed to HaverhiU, Mass., thence to Andover, where he d., Apr. 15, 1858, ae. 54-8-0. Mrs. Heath returned to Haverhill and was there living in 1897, at the age of gs years. CHILDREN 38. Rufus George, b. Bristol, July 11, 1833 ; d. Jan. 2, 184-1, ae. 7-5-21. 39. Charles Edwards, b. Haverhill, Mass., Oct. 16, 1837 ; m. ; res. San Diego, Cal. Child : a. Albert Herman, b. Apr. 9, 1867. 40. Sarah Josephine, b. East Andover, Nov. 25, 1840; m. Miller. Res. Haverhill, Mass. Children : a. Ray. b. Mabel. 41. Frank Pierce, b. Andover, July 15, 1846; d. San Diego, Cal., Apr. 14, 1897, ae. 50-8-29. 42. Martha EUen, b. E. Andover, Oct. 23, 1848 ; m. Chandler. Res. Lawrence, Mass. 43. George Lewis, b. Oct. 6, 1851 ; d. Feb. 15, 1858, ae. 6-4-9. (23) Hiram Heath, b. Nov. 18, 1820, m. Dorcas Whitte more, dau. of Caleb. She was b. in Bridgewater, July 30, 1826, and d. in Bristol, Sept. 11, i8gi, ae. 65-1-11. He d. Feb. 27, i8g2, ae. 71-3-9. Farmer; succeeded his father on the home farm. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 44. Cinda Whittemore, b. Oct. 6, 1850 ; m. Jan. 25, 1876, Thomas O. Taylor, son of Andrew J., b. Sanbornton, July 28, 1851. They res. San bornton. Farmers. No children. 45. Mary E., b. Mar. 1, 1854; d. May 22, 1854. 46. Hiram T., b. Sept. 21, 1856 ; m. July 27, 1881, Ella, dau. of John F. Phillips, b. Alexandria, Aug. 10, 1861, and d. Bristol, Feb. 4, 1892, ae. 30-5-24. He succeeded his father on the home farm. Has served six years as selectman. Is a Republican, Mason, and prominent in Grange circles. Child : a. Nellie May, b. Bristol, Apr. 5, 1885 ; d. three days later. 47. Lilla, b. Nov. 5, 1865 ; m. Jan. 25, 1883, Warren E. Locke. He was a manufacturer of wooden ware in Bristol, i883-'85 ; since res. in Somerville, Mass., a dealer in real estate, Boston. Children : a. Clarence Blaine, b. Somerville, Nov. 27, 1887. b. Lilla Marian, b. S., Feb. 26, 1891. (26) PUney E. Heath, b. Aug. 2, 1828, m. Jan., 1853, Martha Elizabeth, dau. of Stephen and Abigail Moore (Dimond) 234 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Wells, b. Groton, July 23, 1834. He d. Dec. 30, 1880, in Groton, ae. 52-4-28; she d. Wakefield, Mass., June 22, 1886, ae. 51-10-29. They spent most of their lives in Bristol. Shoe maker. CHILDREN 48. Joseph Webster, b. Bristol, Mar. 16, 1854 ; m. Nov. 17, 1879, Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of Frederick E. C. and Elizabeth Hannah (Heath) Greene, b. Boston, Mass., Apr. 4, 1858. He graduated at New Hampton Literary Institution ; from Bowdoin Medical College, Brunswick, Me., in 1877, and same year commenced the practice of medicine in Rumney ; in 1881, removed to Wakefield, Mass., where he has since been in practice. Children : a. Charles Pliney, b. West Rumney, Sept. 7, 1881. Graduated from Harvard College, June, 1903. b. Joseph Greene, b. Wakefield, Jan. 6, 1885 ; d. Mar. 3, 1886, ae. 1-1-27. c. Harold Luther, b. W., May 14, 1887; d. Aug. 23, 1888, ae. 1-3-9-' d. Stanley Webster, b. W., Aug. 10, 1892. (28) Stephen N. Heath, b. Feb. 14, 1816, d. in Bristol, May 9, 1872, ae. 56-2-25. He m. June, 1836, Nancy Taplin, dau. of Jacob and Nancy Farnham, b. Salisbury, June 8, i8i6, and d. Bristol, July 16, 1864, ae. 48-1-8. He m. (2) Mary Spencer Brown, Feb., 1871. He was a farmer next east of H. N. Emmons's farm. The buildings have disappeared. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 49. Charles Roland, b. Aug. 20, 1837; m. Eliza Spencer, Sept., 1861. He was drowned in Bridgewater, July 7, 1862, ae. 24-10-17 ; she d. Mar. 6, 1876. 50. Ann Maria, b. Aug. 15, 1839; d. Dec. 15, 1856, ae. 17-4-0. 51. Clara Estelle, b. Mar. 8, 1843 ; m. Jeremiah G. Atwood, in 1864. He d. 1867, Andover, ae. 29. She m. (2) in 1887, John H. Webster. Res. Franklin. Children : a. Hattie Belle, b. Dec. 30, 1864, in Canada. Address Franklin. b. Lemuel Greenough, b. Andover, Jan. 7, 1867 ; m. Nov. 9, 1892, Lilla S. Davenport, b. Apr. 5, 1867. Address, Franklin. 52. Lydia Jane, b. July 23, 1845 ; ™- Silas M. Spencer. (See.) 53. Lucy Hannah, b. Sept. 24, 1847. Unm. Res. Concord. 54. George Mansfield, b. Dec. 16, 1850 ; m. Eliza Page, 1879. 55. Emma Augusta, b. Apr. 24, 1853 ; m. Horace N. Emmons. (See.) 56. Isabelle Eldora, b. Feb. 23, 1855 ; m. George S. Tilton. (See.) (30) Samuel P. Heath, b. June 18, 1819, m. Apr. 13, 1841, Mary Ann, dau. of John and Elizabeth Dunlap, b. Salis bury, May 16, 1820. Farmer in Salisbury; killed by falling from high beam in his barn, Mar. 25, 1847, ae. i-j-cj-'j. She m. (2) Zachariah Scribner, and d. Feb. 7, 1850, ae. 2g-8-2i. CHILDREN 58: J^ohn C., }b- Salisbury, Aug. 8, 1845 ; { ^ ^^^_ ^_ ^367, Jennie N. Mornll. They res. five years previous to 1876 in California. He d. Laconia, Aug. 12, 1898, ae. 53-0-4. She res. Penacook. Children : GENEALOGIES —- HEATH 235 a. Mary Frances, b. Andover, Mar. 23, 1868; m. Samuel M. Clark. (See.) b. Will Elmer, b. Woodland, Cal., Dec. 23, 1871. Res. Pena cook. c. Ernest S., b. Danbury, Aug. 25, 1881 ; d. Mar. 18, 1897, ae. 15-6-23- (32) Charles B. Heath, b. Nov. 5, 1823, m. Apr. 6, 1843, Martha C, dau. Joseph G. Dow. (See.) She was b. Dec 20, 1827. He d. in June, i87g, ae. 55-7-. She res. New Hampton. CHILDREN 59. Henry Ayers, b. Bristol, Apr. 16, 1844 ; m. Feb. 16, 1874, Barbara McEachern, dau. John. She was b. 1849, Prince Edwards Island, and d. Sept. 27, 1885, Healdsburg, Cal. He d. Healdsburg, Cal., Feb. 28, 1900, ae. 55-10-12. (See RoU of Honor.) Child : a. Herbert M., b. Maiden, Mass., Sept. 15, 1876. 5o. Hannah Mary, b. B., Apr., 1847 ; d. in New Hampton. 61. William Augustus, b. B., Mar. 7, 1849 ; m. Mary Caroline, dau. of John U. and Caroline (Parker) Dame, b. Oct. 15, 1847, Togus Springs, Me. They res. Shags Springs, Sonoma Co., Cal. Children: a. Maud Mary, b. Lynn, Mass., Aug. 8, 1869. b. Ethel Josephine, b. L., June 25, 1871 ; d. Aug. 21, 1871. c. Julian Barnard, b. L., Nov. 30, 1874 ; d. Healdsburg, Feb. 13, 1877, ae. 2-2-13. d. Leslie Blanchard, b. Healdsburg, Feb. 16, 1877. e. Charles Barnard, b. H., Feb. 14, 1880; d. Apr. i, 1880. y. Roy Wilfred, b. H., June 6, 1881. 62. Olive Jane, b. B., July, 1852 ; d. unm. 63. Josephine Annette, b. B., Oct., 1854 ; d. unm. (33) Horace W. Heath, b. Nov. 14, 1826, m. Nov. 14, 1850, Unana, dau. Augustus and Sarah Towle (Gove) At wood, b. Wilmot, Aug. 20, 1832. He was a farmer 34 years in Danbury, where he d.. May 10, i8gg, ae. 72-5-26. Member of Christian church 38 years. CHILDREN 64. Lorenzo Merrill, b. Wilmot, Nov. 4, 1851 ; m. Dec. 25, 1872, Emma Ardella Simons, of Alexandria. Res. Danbury. 65. Leland Edgar, b. W., Mar. 8, 1854; m. June 5, 1901, Emma A. Joy, of Georgetown, 6. Res. in Bristol some years on Pleasant street. Residence destroyed by fire. 66. John Henry, b. W., Sept. 5, 1857; m. Apr. — , 1882, Mary E. Thomas, of Barton, Vt. 67. Lurance Jeanette, b. W., Nov. 4, 1862 ; m. Oct. 15, 1878, Fred K. Flanders, of Alexandria. Res. Danbury. (34) Levi N. Heath, b. Mar. 3, i82g, m. Feb. 20, 1851, Susanna C, dau. of John Gordon, b. New Hampton, June 29, 1832, and d. Bristol, June 11, 1875, ae. 42-11-12. Hem. (2) Oct. II, 1875, Mrs. Julia Scales, dau. Augustus Atwood, Dan bury. Farmer on hill near the Locke neighborhood. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 68. Annie Abbie, b. Dec. 17, 1851 ; m. 1873, Henry C. Brown, and res. Lancaster, Mass. He is an inmate insane asylum, Worcester, Mass. Children : 236 HISTORY OF BRISTOL a. Mabel Susanna, b. Concord, May 3, 1874. b. Annie Maud, b. C, Dec. 18, 1876; m. June 22, 1897, Elba M. Carpenter. Children : (i) Earl, b. Lancaster, June, 1899. (2) Ruth Jeauette, b. June 7, 1903. 69. Ida Gertrude, b. Dec. 4, 1853 ; m. Oliver Ballou. (See.) 70. Jennie Naomi, b. May 31, 1856. For 25 years has been connected with Best & Co., New York, dealers in clothing. She is one of the buyers for the firm, her duties occasionally taking her to Europe. In business ability she stands very high and she commands a large salary. 71. Edwin Gordon, b. Jan. 31, 1858 ; m. Anna Eliza, dau. John C. and Laura A. (Cogswell) Sanborn, b. Canterbury, May 7, 1S51. He is a farmer and trader in live stock, Canterbury. Child : a. Chester Earl, b. Mar. 18, 1887. 72. Alfred H., b. Mar. 29, i860; m. Apr. 5, 1888, Elizabeth Herber, dau. of Christopher John, b. Germany, Feb. 18, 1853. He is a farmer on the Moore farm near Pemigewasset bridge. Children : a. Mary Elizabeth, b. Bristol, Sept. 8, 1889. b. Willie Herber, b. B., Sept. 6, 1891. 73. Nellie Emogene, b. May 26, 1863 ; m. July 4, 1884, Alfred B. Har vey, and d. Aug., 1898, ae. 35-3-. Children : a. Ralph Gordon, b. New York city, June 19, 1885. b. Harold Rolfe, b. N. Y. city. Mar. 5, 1891. 74. Carrie Emma, b. June 19, 1865 ; m. July 16, 1887, Frank A. Holmes, Sutton, Vt., and d. May 11, 1895, ae. 30-0-27. No children. 75. Levi Bartlett, b. Feb. 23, 1880. Farmer, Bristol. I. Nathaniel (Nathan) W. Heath, the son of James, was b. Bridgewater, Oct. 7, 1800. He m., 1822, Esther M. Thomas, dau. of Jacob. (See.) Farmer. Their last years were passed in Bristol, where she d. June 16, 1846 ; he dropped dead in the woods, Dec. 12, 1850, ae. 50-2-5. CHILDREN 2. George W., b. Bridgewater, July 26, 1823. Served in 6th Vt. Heavy Artillery, and was a Confederate prisoner. He d. unm, Stewarts town, Apr. 8, 1896, ae. 72-8-12. 3. Ruth Perkins, b. B., Nov. 5, 1825 ; m. Merrill P. Simonds. (See.) 4. Levi Dolloff, b. B., Aug. 13, 1827 ; m. Augusta Harriman, Amos keag. No children. 5. Moses Cross, b. B., May 22, 1829 ; m. Nov. -29, 1851, Susan Pettin- giU. Served in 5th Regt., N. H. Vols. (See RoU of Honor.) Res. Franklin Falls. Children : a. Sarah Frances, b. Mar. 24, 1853; d. Apr. 5, 1877, ae. 24-0-11. b. George Washington, b. Aug. 3, 1861 ; m. Sept. 21, 1884, Char lotte Knight, Stewartstown. c. Esther Mahala, b. Mar. 6, 1866 ; m. Nov. 24, 1881, Thomas H. Holden, Franklin Falls. d. Hiram Taylor, b. Nov. 7, 1868 ; m. June 26, 1889, Etta Clif ford. Res. Franklin Falls. e. Hattie Belle, b. Feb. i6, 1870 ; m. Wilbur Greenleaf, Belmont. 6. Nancy Dolloff, b. B., July 11, 1831 ; m. John F. Rowe, Barrington, who served in the 7tli Regt., N. H. Vols., and d. disease, Nov. 6, 1862, at St. Augustine, Fla. Eight children. 7. Mary Ann, b. B., July 13, 1833 ; m. Wesley Haynes. GENEALOGIES — HEMPHILL 237 8. Lovina WeUs, b. B., July 22, 1835 ; m. Horace G. Kirk. He d. Nov. 9, 1856, and she m. his brother, Stephen P. (See.) 9. Emily Jane, b. B., July 6, 1837; m. Edwin O. Marden. (See.) 10. Hiram Taylor, b. Bristol, Aug. 30, 1839; m. Nov. 28, 1867, Ellen F., dau. Charles S. Brown. (See.) He served in the 12th Regt., N. H. Vols. (See Roll of Honor.) She d. Stewartstown, July 13, 1899. He res. Stewartstown. Children : t'. George'w., J^" Stewartstown, Sept. 8, 1871. c. John F., b. S., Aug. 30, 1875. John F. and George W., were drowned Aug. 8, 1883. II. Laurilla Perkins, b. B., May 13, 1843 ; m- Frank Cross, of Bridge- water. He d. and she m. (2) Otis A. Wade, Dec. 18, 1885. Res. New Hampton. I. Charles Brown Heath, son of Ebenezer and Ruth (Aiken) Heath, was b. Canaan, Aug. 25, 1833. He m. June 22, 186 1, Mary Josephine Adams. He made two whaling voy ages of two years each ; served two years in 42nd Regt., Mass. Vols., Civil war; came to Bristol, 1868; was foreman in bed stead factory. He d. Mar. 15, 1889, ae. 55-6-20. Methodist, Odd Fellow, G. A. R. Mrs. Heath res. Bristol. CHILDREN z. Winnifred May, b. Brookfield, Mass., Feb. 12, 1866 ; m. Oct. 4, 1900, Harry B. Lufkin. Res. Manchester. 3. Flora Adams, b. Manchester, Apr. 8, 1868 ; d. Bristol, Oct. 14, 1898, ae. 30-6-6. 4. Grace Blanche, b. Bristol, May 6, 1870 ; d. Nov. 12, 1881, ae. 11-6-6. THE HEMPHILL FAMILY I. Peter Hemphill, son of James and Ruth (Harthon) Hemphill, was b. in Henniker, Feb. 12, 1800. His mother d. Sept., i86g, ae. 100-3 ¦ Farmer. Came to Bristol from Spring field, about 1872, and here d. Sept. 10, 1888, ae. 88-6-28. He m. (i) Abigail T. Oilman, b. Nov. 19, 1803 ; (2) Lucy M. Kirk, dau. of John, b. Aug. 16, 18 ig. She d. Ashland, Nov. 27, 1900, ae. 81-3-11. CHILDREN 2. John, b. Deering, Apr. 14, 1839. Served in nth Regt., N. H. Vols., wounded at Spottsylvania, Va., May 16, 1864, and d. of wounds, May 25, ae. 25-1-11. 3. Horace, b. New London, Dec. 28, .1840; m. (i) Julia, dau. of Calvin D. Sanborn (See.) She d. Apr. 8, 1873, ae. 25-11-24, and he m. Nov. 28, 1875, Esther F., dau. of Joseph and Sarah (Kimball) Powers, b. Groton, June 20, 1838. He came to Bristol about 1872 ; was a carpenter, and here d. July 17, 1895, ae. 54-6-19. She res. on Spring street. Her mother, Mrs. Sarah K. Powers, spent her last years with her, and here d. Mar. 31, 1895, ae. 92-6-19. In her last sickness she gave $300 to the Methodist church of Bristol. 238 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 4. Betsey, b. Springfield, Sept. 11, 1842 ; d. Aug. 6, 1845, ae. 2-10-25. 5. Silas, b. S., Dec. 15, 1844 ; d. Mar. 23, 1845. 6. Lottie, b. S., Oct.13, 1846 ; m. Dec. 24, 1881, George W. Miller. He was proprietor for a time of Hotel Bristol livery stable; removed to Henniker, where he d. Jan. 23, 1895. 7. Laura Ann, b. S., Mar. 30, 1849 ; d. Sept. 21, 1850, ae. 1-5-21. 8. Betsey Ann, b. S.. Aug. 3, 1851 ; d. Sept. 26, 1870, ae. 19-1-23. 9, Joshua Darling, b. S., Feb. 12, 1854; m. Apr. 2, 1878, Finette Eva, dau. Stephen Nelson. (See.) He was in business in Bristol a short time as a machinist, now a hosiery manufacturer and inventor and manufacturer of knitting machines at Central Falls, R. I. Child : a. Lucy Louisa, b. Bristol, Sept. 9, 1879; m. Sept. 8, 1897, John Lawson, a machinist in Central Falls. Child : Robert Hemphill, b. Sept. 28, 1900. 10. Robert, b. S., Sept. 6, 1856 ; d. Sept. 6, 1856. HENTALL I. Samuel Hentall, son of Henry and Rebecca (Ewing) Hentall, was b. Uxbridge, England, Dec. 11, 1854. He came to America when 1 7 years of age and operated a restaurant in Boston 23 years. He came to Bristol in 1895, and has since resided at the foot of the lake on the Luther C. Bailey place. Farmer, and proprietor of two steam launches. He m. Martha EUis. THE HIGHT FAMILY I. Frank Pierce Hight, son of Merrick B. and Hannah (Calley) Hight, was b. New Hampton, Mar. 26, 1853. He m. May I, 1879, Mary Isabelle, dau. of Rufus B. Hazelton, b. Gro ton, Oct. g, 1858. He came to Bristol in 1879 ; has been a paper- mill workman; foreman of the Train-Smith company's pulp-mill; shoemaker. He enjoys the distinction of being the heaviest man in town, at one time tipping the scales at 330 pounds. No children. Odd Fellow, Democrat. THE HILANDS FAMILY I. Samuel Hilands, m. Harriet Harwood. He was a farmer in District No. 8, from 1852 till he d., Feb. g, i87g, ae. 67. She m. (2) Luther C. Bailey, and d. Aug. 17, 1894, ae. 8 1-2-2 1. CHILD 2. Amasa Smith, (adopted) b. So. Situate, R. I., Dec. 23, 1849; m. July 31, 1869, Laura Elizabeth, dau. of John and Rosetta (Harriman) Nason, b. Bartlett, Dec. 15, 1849. Was an overseer for many years in a mill in Manchester ; since 1892, a farmer in District No. 8. Children : a. Charles Amasa, b. Manchester, Apr., 1871 ; d. of cholera infantum, July, 1871. b. Willie Henry, b. M., 1875 ('76), d. of cholera infantum. c. WiUiam, b. M., Apr., 1879 ; d. of cholera infantum. d. Willie Harry (adopted), b. Haverhill, Mass., Feb. 12, 1879. GENEALOGIES — HILL 239 THE HILL FAMILY I. Joseph Playston Hill, son of Gideon and Rhoda Hill, of Rumney, was b. Apr. 28, 1841. He m., Jan. i, 1873, Demis Dale, dau. of Matthias and Priscilla (Davidson) Stone, b. Cabot, Vt., Sept. 29, 1854. A laborer in Bristol since Nov., 1899. CHILDREN 2. Myrtie Belle, b. Cabot, Vt., Mar. 6, 1874; m. Sept. 8, 1894, George B. Simmons. (See.) 3. Jessie Maud, b. Danville, Vt., Apr. 28, 1877 ; d. July 12, 1880, ae. 3-2-14. 4. Richard Melverton, b. D., June 27, 1879. Res. Bristol ; laborer. 5. Earnest Playston, b. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Mar. 15, 1881. Res. Bristol; laborer. 6. Lottie Blanche, b. Warren, July 6, 1883 ; m. Willis E. Pray. (See.) 7. Van Clarence, b. Wentworth, June 29, 1886. 8. Leifa Dell, b. West Rumney, Apr. 15, 1894. THE HOLDEN FAMILY I. Benjamin Franklin Holden, son of Benjamin Franklin and Harriet (Morse) Holden, was b. West Concord, in 1842. He m-., in 1864, Amelia Augusta Crockett. He was the active partner of Dow & Holden and of Holden & Co., manufacturers of shaker flannels, where now is the Dodge-Davis Manufacturing company's mill, 1 865-' 83, when he went to California, where he was manager of the Napa woolen-miU, and interested in the Sawyer Tanning company. He d. Napa, Cal., Dec. 31, 1899, ae. 57. He was a Republican, represented Bristol in the legis lature ; official member of the Methodist church. CHILDREN 2. Mary Genevieve, b. Bristol, Nov. 16, 1866. 3. Clarence, b. B., Nov. 28, 1873. I . Samuel Emery Holden, a brother of Benjamin F. , above, was b. West Concord, Feb. 3, ,1845. He graduated from Wes leyan University, Middletown, Conn., i86g. Served in Co. D, i6th Regt., N. H. Vols., read law and was admitted to the bar. Res. in Bristol i867-'75; treasurer of the Bristol Savings bank, a law partner with Judge Samuel K. Mason (See Law yers), and a member of the firm of Holden & Co. Official mem ber of the Methodist church and superintendent of the Sunday- school. He removed to Napa, Cal., where he was a member of the Sawyer Tanning company, the Napa Woolen-miU company, and acquired a good property. He m., Nov. 18, i86g, Mary Ellen, dau. of Jonathan Taylor, b. Sanbornton, June 6, 1846, and d. Napa, May 4, 1875, ae. 28-10-28. He m., Jan. 8, i87g, 240 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Anna Smyth of Mount Vernon, Iowa. He d. Napa, Dec. 31, 1900, ae. 55-10-28. The family res. in Napa. CHILDREN 2. Hattie M., b. Concord, Aug. 28, 1870 ; d. Sept. 25, 1870. 3. Robert Smyth, b. Napa, May 13, 1880. 4. Harold Emery, b. N., Apr. 23, 1882. 5. Grace Edith, b. N., Jan. 8, 1884; d. Oct. 11, 1887, ae. 3-9-3. 6. Philip .Sawyer, b. N., Sept. 25, 1889. THE HOLMAN FAMILY I. Rev. Calvin Holman, son of Calvin and Esther Putney (Bailey) Holman, was b. in Hopkinton, July 17, 1823. He m., Apr. 5, 1842, Lucy T., dau. of Timothy and Lucy Underwood, b. Putney, Vt., Dec. 19, 1816. He commenced his ministerial labors in 1841, and was a member of the New Hampshire con ference about 21 years. In 1851 and '52 he was pastor of the Bristol church. Failing health compelled a change of climate, and he went to Kansas and soon after resumed active work, and served six years as presiding elder. Was one year in Tennes see, connected with the Christian Commission during the Civil war. He was a faithful and devoted minister, and occupied a warm place in the hearts of all who knew him. He d. at Topeka, Kan., Feb. 20, 1902, ae. 78-7-3. CHILDREN 2. Clara, b. Hopkinton, Apr. 11, 1843; res. Topeka, Kansas; unm. 3. Hattie Lorraine, b. Putney, Vt., May 26, 1849 ; res. Topeka ; unm. 4. Merton Calvin, b. Bristol, May 5, 1852 ; m. June 6, 1878, M. Emma, dau. of J. S. and Celia A. (Olmsted) Wright, b. West Barre, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1857. He is a dealer in furniture, carpets, and wall paper at 837-839 No. Kansas Ave., No. Topeka, Kan., and president of the Western Woolen-miU company, Topeka. Children : a. Celia Evelyn, b. Blue Rapids, Kan., Apr. 25, 1879. b. Stella Geneive, b. Topeka, Nov. 12, 1887. c. Leon Wright, b. T., Feb. 16, 1894. 5. Lura Ella, b. Great Falls, Sept. 26, 1854 ; res. T. ; unm. 6. Edward Arthur, b. Lawrence, Mass., Sept. 16, 1857 ; m. and has three children. THE HOLMES FAMILY I . Charles Warren Holmes, son of Charles and Caroline E. (Smith) Holmes, was b. Sharon, Mass., Jan. g, 1841. His parents were of Revolutionary stock. He m., June 10, 1863, Sarah, dau. of James and Mary (LaBounty) Douglass, b. Col- ton, N. Y., 1840, and d. at Colton, Mar. 17, 1887, ae. 47. He m., Sept. 5, i88g, Mrs. Henrietta Frances, widow of Benjamin F. Johmston, and dau. of Alfred R. Drew (See), b. Nov. 22, GENEALOGIES — HOMANS 24 1 1848. Has res. Bristol since i8go, proprietor of machine shop. Republican, official member of Methodist church ; Mason, Odd Fellow, member of Grange. CHILDREN 2. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Cambridge, Mass., Jan., 1865; m. Alberton B. Howe ; res. Canaan. Children : a. Reginald. b. Ralph. c. Jessie. 3. Helen Drew, b. Bristol, Aug. 14, 1891. CHILD of Mrs. Holmes by first marriage I. Mabel Frances, b. Boston, Mass., Dec. 5, 1875; m. William C. White. (See.) THE HOMANS FAMILY I. Henry Clay Homans, the son of James and Ann (Flan ders) Homans, was b. Wentworth, Nov. 24, 1830. His grand father lost a leg in the Revolutionary war. He m., Nov. 6, 1861, Nancy C, dau. of Aaron and Clarissa (George) Stearns, b. Plymouth, Nov. i, 1828. They removed from Plymouth to the town farm about 1872, thence to Summer street, i88g, where they now res. He is a carpenter and farmer. Republican. CHILDREN 2. Aimer Willis, b. Plymouth, Apr. 13, 1863. A jeweler in Franklin Falls ; unm. 3. Loren Wilbur, b. P., May 22, 1866; d. Bristol, Nov. 4, 1893, ae. 27-5-12. A machinist. THE HORNE FAMILY I. Noah Home, the son of Paul, a soldier in the French and Indian war, was b. in Farmington, Jan. 14, 1814. In 1836, he m. Tressa Ann Bellows, b. Sanbornton, March, 1814. They res. in Alexandria till 1853 ; in Bristol till 1871, on farm just below Frederick Kidder's, where she d. 1871. He d. Alex andria, Oct., 1897, ae. 83-g-. CHILDREN 2. Charles Henry, b. Rochester, July 18, 1838 ; served on quota of Bristol in Civil war. (See Roll of Honor.) He m., 1862, Lizzie, dau. of William Smith, b. Concord, Apr., 1842. Res. Water Village. Nine children. 3. Sarah Ann, b. Alexandria, 1841 ; m. Sylvester Webber ; d. in 1862, ae. 21. 4. Augustus Paul, b. A., Aug. 3, 1845; m. July 30, 1867, Frances D. Ricker, dau. Isaiah, b. Monroe, Me., Aug. 2, 1850; d. Manches ter, Jan. 5, 1897, ae. 46-5-3. He m., Feb. 8, 1899, Marie Allen Fitz- patric, dau. Col. Charles E., b. London, Eng., Apr. 15, 1855. He served in gth Regt., N. H. Vols. (See Roll of Honor.) After the war, was for many years an overseer in a mill in Manchester. Two children. 5. Clarence Archer, res. Exeter. 16 242 HISTORY OF BRISTOL THE HORNER FAMILY I. Robert A. Horner, son of John, was b. Apr. 13, 1845, in Thornton. Hem. Frances J. Oilman, who was b. in Thorn ton, Sept. 5, 1848, and d. in Bristol, June 12, 1885, ae. 36-9-7. He m., Jan. 10, i88g, Belle G., dau. of Russell S. and Elizabeth (Seavey) Gray, b. Hereford, P. Q., Sept. 4, 1866. Mr. Horner settled in Bristol in 1875, and was for some years in trade in Abel block, later a member of the firm of Dickinson & Horner, dealers in clothing, boots, and shoes. He was a Mason, a promi nent Democrat, and served as selectman of Bristol three years ; as county commissioner four years, and as county treasurer four years. He removed to V/oodsville, i8go, where he was treas urer of the Woodsville Guarantee Savings bank and of the Woodsville Loan and Banking Co., and there d. Apr. 16, i8g5, ae. 50-0-3. Mrs. Horner res. Woodsville. CHILD 2. Edna Frances, b. in Woodsville, Apr. — , 1893. THE HOWE FAMILY I. Moses B. Howe, son of Lyman C. and Sophronia (Bartlett). Howe, was b. in Bradford, Nov. 16, 1833. Hem., Jan. 31, 1858, Susan E. Boardman, b. Bridgewater, Dec. 4, 1835. Was the first barber in Bristol. (See Roll of Honor.) He d. Bristol, Oct. 16, 1877, ae. 43-11-0; she d. Sept. 17, 1881, ae. 45-9-13. CHILDREN 2. Frank, d. in infancy. 3. Elva May, m. in May, 1885, Prank W. Whittier. 4. Jennie H. THE HOYT OR HOIT FAMILIES I. Samuel Hoyt was b. Aug. 17, 1768, in Newtown or Newbury. He m. Judith BlaisdeU. They came from Gilford and soon after settled next east of the Heath burying-ground. He d. Feb. 3, 1833, ae. 64-5-16, and she removed to Warren, and there d., Nov., 1858, ae. 85. CHILDREN 2. Jacob, m. June 28, 1825, Susan, dau. of Samuel Gurdy (See), b. Nov. 12, 1794. He went to Alabama, where he d., 1843. She res for some years m New Hampton ; d. in Laconia, 1888 or 1890. Five children. 3. Betsey, b. Gilford, Nov. 7, 1794 ; drowned, ae. 4. 4. Mariam, b. G., Dec. 27, 1796; m. Benjamin Fellows. (See.) 5. Betsey, b. G., 1801 ; m. John Gurdy. (See.) 6. John, b. G., Nov., 1804; m. Abigail,, dau. of Samuel and Martha GENEALOGIES — HUBBARD OR HERBERT 243 (Cleveland) Titus, of Colebrook. He came to Bristol from Lowell, Mass., and was here taxed i848-'53. A stone mason and farmer. He d. War ren, Mar., 1875, ae. 70-4-. She d. Mar., 1874. They had 14 children. 7. Sargent, b. Gilford, 1810 ; m. Sally Veasey. He was a farmer in Dist. No. 3, where he d. June 19, 1845, ae. 35. She d. June, 1844. Chil dren: a. Mariam, m. Gault. b. Daniel, killed on railroad ; unm. c. Anna. 8. Osgood, m. Nancy, dau. of Seth and Elizabeth Dillingham, b. 1812. He d. Charlestown, Mass., Dec. 24, 1841 ; she d. same place, Aug. 3, 1853, ae. 41. 9. Michael, b. Feb. 20, 1813; m. Nov. ir, 1834, Emily, dau. of Peter Wells. (See.) She d. Bristol, Aug. 23, 1835, ae. 19-5-24. He m. (2) July 2, 1839, Sally M., dau. Hugh and Mary Blaisdell, b. Gilford, May 30, 1817. He d. Bristol, Nov. 9, 1848, ae. 35-8-19. She d. Wilmot Flat, July 27, 1893, ae. 76-1-27. He was a farmer in Dist. No. 4, till his death. Children : a. Rosan E., b. Bristol, Apr. 24, 1835 ; m. Charles W. Chase. (Sec) b. John B., b. B., Apr. 11, 1840. c. Betsey Ann, b. New Hampton, Dec. 9, 1844 ; m. June i, 1867, James F. Tilton, b. Wilmot, Apr. 2, 1842. She d. Oct. 23, 1885, ae. 40-10-14. He res. Wilmot. No children. d. Frank M., "d. Oct. 23, 1848, ae. 7 mos." e. George M., b. Bristol, Mar., 1849 ; d. Oct., 1849. I. David P. Hoyt is the son of Philip J. and Fannie (Put ney) Hoyt. He was b. Wilmot, Aug. 4, 1838, and m. Aug. 5, 1 86 1, Eliza Jane, dau. of Jewell and Mary (Blodgett) Jesseman, b. Hudson, Apr. 5, 1842. Aug. 28, 1862, he enlisted in Co. K, 1 2th Regt., and served till after the battle of Gettysburg, when he was transferred to Co. D, ist Regt., Veteran Reserve Corps; discharged at Elmira, N. Y., July 14, 1865. Since October, 1881, has res. on the Solomon French farm at base of Alexandria hill. Farmer. CHILDREN 2. Fannie Etta, b. Wentworth, Aug. 12, 1866; m. Albon M. Simonds. (Sec) 3. Frank Henry, b. W., Apr. 5, i858 ; m. Helen M., dau. of Phineas B. Smith, b. Bridgewater, Aug. 8, 1867. Farmer. Res. Bristol. Child : a. Vena M., b. Bridgewater, Aug. 23, 1886. 4. David Harvey, b. Wentworth, May 10, 1870 ; m. July 24 (31), 1888, Abbie C, dau. of Edwin T. Pike. (See.) She d. Bristol, Jan. 31, 1901, ae. 31-8-21. Farmer in Bristol. Children : a. Nellie Beatrice, b. Bristol, Apr. 27, 1889; d. Aug. 5, 1894, ae. 5-3-8. b. Irving Harvey, b. Bridgewater, Nov. 3, 1891. c. Ned Eugene, b. Danbury, Dec. 17, 1892. THE HUBBARD OR HERBERT FAMILY I. Jeremiah Hubbard lived on Summer street, near resi dence of Rufus Eaton. He was a Revolutionary soldier. His 244 HISTORY OF BRISTOL wife was a very decrepit but hard working woman, "bent nearly double." He was a shoemaker and d. in this home. She d. some years later in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Rebecca Danforth. CHILDREN iiV2. Jeremiah. 3. Rebecca, m. (i) John Willard, (2) Abel Danforth. (2) Jeremiah Hubbard, son of Jeremiah, m. (i) PoUy TrueU, dau. of David (See), (2) Mrs. Nancy Smart. They lived near Worthen burying-ground. He had nine chUdren by each wife. CHILDREN 4. Sarah, m. Samuel Eastman. 5. Levi. 6. John. 7. Maria, m. Joshua Stevens. 8. Elizabeth, m. Gordon. »9. Sanders, b. Oct. 10, 1802. 10. Angeline, m. John Jones. II. Cynthia F., b. Nov. 19, 181 1 ; m. Jeremiah N. Hersey ; d. winter i895-'96. 12. Susan Cilley, twin sister of Cynthia, was the 2d wife of Joab Patterson, Concord. She d. Concord, Jan. 19, 1900, ae. 88-2-0. 13. Sarah Ann. 14. Emeline. 15. Harriet, m. Dearborn Hunt. 16. Almira,"!, . j m. Stephen Huse. (See.) 17. Alvira, J^'^^' I m. William Smith. 18. Josiah, m. Almira Caverly. 19. Jeremiah, m. Mrs. Abbie P. Worthen. Certificate issued May 14, 1869 ; d. Alexandria, Mar. i, 1893. (See Roll of Honor.) 20. Hannah, m. (3) Isaac Rigg. 21. Died in Maine. (9) Sanders Herbert, b. Oct. 10, 1802, m. Apr. 2, 1825, Judith Cilley, b. Feb. 14, 1800, d. Dec. 22, 1828, ae. 28-10-8. He m. (2) Jan. 25, 1830, Dorothy Ash, b. May 10, 1804, d. Aug. 30, 1830, ae. 26-3-20. He m. (3) Mar. 3, 1831, Betsey Cilley, b. Sept. 20, 1804, d. Mar. 20, 1838, ae. 33-6-p. He m. (4) July 4, i83g, Mary Gordon Fisk, dau. of Rev. David and Lydia (Morse) Fisk, b. Apr. 6, 1810, d. Nov. 3, 1873, ae. 63- 6-27. He was a shoemaker in Bristol. Free Baptist. Died in Hill, June 11, 1880, ae. 77-8-1. CHILDREN 22. Joseph Cilley, b. Bristol, May 2, 1827; m. Jan., 1853, Mary M. Johnson, dau. of Henry, b. July 24, 1829. Farmer in Bristol and New Hampton; d. New Hampton, May 26, 1878, ae. 51-0-24. She m. (2) Oct. 2, 1884, Joseph A. Swett, and d. Mar. 28, 1903, ae. 73-8-4. Child : a. Henry S., b. Bristol; d.,May 11, i86i, ae. 5-4-11. 23. Judith W., b. New Hampton, Mar. 2, 1832; d. Bristol, June 29, 1867, ae. 35-3-27. 24. Susan Cilley, b. N. H., Nov. 18, 1833 ; m. John M. CiUey. (See.) 25. Hiram S., b. N. H., Nov. 13, 1835 ; d. June i, 1837, ae. 1-6-18. 26. Hiram S., b. N. H., Oct. 25, 1837 ; d. Mar. 4, 1842, ae. 4-4-9. 27. Ebenezer Fisk, b. N. H., 1840 ; d. Nov. 21, 1853, ae. 13. 28. Sarah Frances, b. N. H., Feb. 24, 1842; m. May i, 1867, Sullivan Ingalls. (See.) 29. Clara Jane, b. Sept. 9, 1845 I d. Feb. 2, 1874, ae. 28-4-23. GENEALOGIES — HUCKINS 245 THE HUCKINS FAMILY I. James Henry Huckins, son of Ferdinand A. and Nancy (Jewell) Huckins, was b. Tamworth, Dec. 6, 1843. Sept., 1865, he m. Laura Ann, dau. of Sampson and Sally Pettingill, b. Sandwich, May i, 1845. Was a farmer in Tamworth. In July, 1900, he removed to Bristol, having purchased the Sylvanus W. Swett farm, where he now lives. CHILDREN 2. Charles F., b. Tamworth, Apr. 19, 1868. Farmer. Came_to Bris tol with his father. He m. Jan. 26, 1898, Sadie V. Burleigh, dau. James W. (Sec) Child: a. Bessie L., b. Bristol, Aug. 26, 1899. THE HUNTINGTON FAMILY I. Jonathan Huntington, was b. Hopkinton, Feb. 4, 1767. He m. Jan. 27, 1791, Jane Abbott. They came from Hawke to the Nelson neighborhood, his farmhouse being some distance from the highway, just east of the site of the house occupied by Caleb L. Clay. He was noted in early life as a profane, intemperate man, and in later life as very religious though superstitious. His wife was from Chester, and was b. Dec. 17, 1763, and d. Bristol, July ig, 1834, 3-6- 70-7-2 ; he d. in the family of David Foster, in South Alexandria, Nov. 25, 1842, ae. 75-g-2i. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 2. Betsey, b. Bristol, July I, 1791 ; m. Daniel McMurphy, the son of Alexander, a Revolutionary soldier from Warner. They were farmers in Alexandria, where he d. July 2, 1845, ae. 56-10-17. She d. Mar. 6, 1887, ae. 95-8-5. Children : a. Jane H., b. Mar. 6, 1811; m. Carlos Swetland ; d. Lebanon, Oct. 10, 1853, ae. 42-7-4. Seven children. b. Mary, b. Oct. 15, 1812; m. Timothy Tilton. (See.) c. Ursula P., b. Aug. 10, 1814 ; m. Mar. 23, 1841, Caleb Wells. She d. Warner, Nov. 13, 1866, ae. 52-3-3- ^o^r children. d. Betsey, b. July 5, 1816; d. Mar. 7, 1859, ae. 42-8-2. e. Hannah J., b. Aug. 20, 1818; m. Artemas Simonds. /. Sarah Frances, b. Dec. 11, 1820; d. Mar. 9, 1822, ae. 1-2-28. g. Daniel, b. Dec. 31, 1822 ; m. Sarah E., dau. Silas Rhoades, b. Antrim, June 7, 1822 ; d. Mar. 19, 1902, ae. 79-9-12. Two children. h. Almira Palmer, b. Mar. 27, 1825 ; d. Dec. 16, 1857, ae. 32-8-19. Unm. i. Sarah F., b. Apr. 27, 1827 ; d. July 24, 1851, ae. 24-2-27. j. Alexander, b. Jan. 16, 1830; m. (i) Nov. 25, 1851, Mary, dau. of Reuben Kidder, b. Hebron, Oct. 25, 1827 ; d. Feb. 16, 1854, ae. 26-3-21. He m. (2) Dec. I, 1855, Martha Darling. She d. Feb. 19, 1903, ae. 66-8-11. One child. Res. Plymouth. Farmer. k. Caroline K., b. Aug. 11, 1832; m. George Downing; d. Aug. 5, 1859, ae. 26-11-24. 3. Sarah, b. Dec. I, 1792; m. David Foster. (See.) 4. Hannah, b. July i, 1795 ; m. Moses Johnson. (See.) 1 6a 246 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 5. Jane, b. May 3, 1797 ; m. Mar. 12, 1840, Ebenezer Flint, and res. Alexandria, then Franconia, where he d.; she d. Winchester, Mass. In Feb., 1835, eight of this family had the smallpox. No fatalities. THE HUSE FAMILIES Carr Huse was b. in England in 1740. He emigrated to Amer ica, landing in Newburyport, Mass., in 1764. The summer of 1767 and the two succeeding summers, he spent in New Chester clearing land for a farm. His camp was near the Pemigewasset river in what is now the village of Hill. Jonas Minot, who visited New Chester in July, 1 771, for the Masonian proprietors, reported that at that time Carr Huse and family had been living in a house in the town one year and four months. (See page 40, Vol. I.) By this it seems he made the second permanent settlement in the town, and at as early a date as the spring of 1770. His cabin stood not far from the cemetery east of the railroad. In 1790, he built a frame house just back of the buildings now occupied by George M. Huse, and in 1824, the present buildings. Neither Carr Huse nor any of his descendants ever resided within the limits of Bristol but he was so long and so intimately identified with the old town of New Chester, of which the terri tory of Bristol was a part, that this history would be incomplete without a sketch of this worthy man. At the first town meeting in New Chester, in 1773, Carr Huse was elected selectman, and he filled this office 18 years; at the second annual town meeting he was elected clerk and served 33 years. In his old age, realizing the importance of a record of the first meeting, he recorded a statement of what was then done, the clerk of that meeting, Joshua Tolford, having failed to make a record. During the Revolutionary war, he was a member of the town committee of safety, and he served as ser geant of a company that marched from Plymouth in September, 1777, to the relief of the northern army under Gen. Gates. He was for many years a justice of the peace ; also served as cor oner. He was largely influential in the organization of the First Congregational church of Hill, in 1815, and was elected one of its first deacons. He was a broad-minded, progressive man and his influence is still felt, though he long since ceased to have a voice in the affairs of his town. Carr Huse m. (i ) Sarah Wells, presumed to be the daughter of Lieut. Thomas WeUs, four of whose sons were among the earliest settlers in New Chester. She d. July 8, 1773, ae. 33- 3-24. He m. (2) in 1775, Joanna Buswell, who d. June 12, 1823, ae. 77. He d. Apr. 10, 1833, ae. 92-9-. He had five children by his first wife and four by his second. The home stead still remains in the family, Carr Huse was succeeded by GENEALOGIES — HUTCHINS 247 his son, John, b. 1784, He m. twice, had six children, and d. Feb. 26, 1859, ae. 74. John Huse was succeeded by his son, Carr, b. 1814. He m. (i) Feb. 10, 1842, Arvilla K. Harper, of New Hampton. She d. Oct. 12, 1843, and he m. (2) Dec. ig, 1843, Charlotte W., dau. of Ezekiel Eastman. He d. July 26, 1869, and Mrs. Charlotte W. Huse is the successor to the estate. She is the mother of five children, one of whom, George M., is a resident on the homestead, as is also her grandson, Carr Huse, a son of George M. Huse, and a great-great-grandson of the original settler on this estate. I. Stephen D. Huse, son of Dennison and Mary (Hough ton) Huse, was b. Harvard, Mass., July 2, 1823. He m. Almira Hubbard, dau. of Jeremiah. (See.) He was a currier in White's tannery for some years before the Civil war. (See Roll of Honor.) After the war was a whitewasher and paper hanger. Shed. Aug. 22, i88i, ae. 51 years; he m. (2); he d. Jan. 12, 1902, ae. 78-6-10. 2. Lizzie M., b. Feb. i, 1849; m. John Colby; d. Bristol, Jan. 11, 1894, ae. 44-11-10. THE HUTCHINS FAMILY I. Erastus Thomas Hutchins, son of Thomas and Sarah (Dadman) Hutchins, was. b. Westford, Mass., Apr. 29, 1846. He m. Nov. 27, 1870, Annie, dau. Caleb and Hannah (Kenes- ton) Robie, b. Andover, May 30, 1846. He was a farmer and lumber dealer in Alexandria; came to Bristol, Jan. i, 1899, and was elected selectman, 1902 and igo3. Republican. CHILDREN 2. Mabel Augusta, b. Alexandria, Mar. 22, 1872 ; m. Hial F. Seavey and res. Alexandria. 3. Josie Lila, b. A., Mar. 25, 1874 ; m. Elmer H. Gordon, of Alexan- 4. Bert Clarence, b. A., Sept. 14, 1875; m. Ethel, dau. Nathaniel J. Ackerman. Res. Alexandria. 5. Ella May, b. A., Jan. 3, 1878; d. Feb. 13, 1879, ac i-i-io. 6. Earl Leon, b. A., July 6, 1882. 7. Allen Erastus, b. A., July 7, 1884. 8. George Chandos, b. A., Jan. 20, 1886. 9. Myrtie Annie, b. A., Jan. 21, 18S8. THE HUTCHINSON FAMILY I. Alexander Hutchinson, son of Alexander, was b. in Edinburgh, Scotland, June 12, i7go. He came to Bristol 248 HISTORY OF BRISTOL about 1828, and soon after m. Betsey Smith TrueU, dau. David (See), b. May 12, 1801. He was farmer and res. just west of river on Pleasant street. She d. Oct. 16, i86g, ae. 68-5-4 ; he d. May 12, 1870, ae. 79-11-0. CHILDREN 2. Solomon Jackson, b. Franklin. Left home at 18; was not heard from till he returned 21 years later. Was a soldier in Mexican war. He m. Susan O. Hicky. Certificate issued Sept. 9, 1869. No children. Died at home of his sister, Jane, ae. about 59. „ „ , „ ..^ , 3. Almira Wilson, b. Aug. 27, 1830 ; m. Feb. 5, 1855, Samuel S. Gale. Children : a. Burleigh Alvin, b. Groton, Apr. 14, 1861. b. Flora A., b. Bristol, July 29, 1863 ; m. Barrett. c. Alice M., b. Manchester, July 19, 1871, m. Dinsmore. d. A son died in infancy. 4. Mary, b. Franklin, Nov. 25, 1832; m. Samuel C.Bennett. (See.) 5. Jane, b. Bristol, Mar. 23, 1834; m. George M. Alden. (See.) 6. Alexander, b. B., July 5, 1836 ; m. Jane Clark, 1862. KiUed June 28, 1864, seige of Petersburg. (See Roll of Honor.) Child : a. Fred Orlando. 7. Caroline Matilda, b. B., Feb. 28, 1839; m. May i, 1866, Josiah Healey ; d. Nov. 28, 1882, ae. 43-9-- ^ „ 8. Susan M., b. B. ; m. (i) Jan. i, 1863, Sumner R. Truell, two children ; m. (2) Bryant E. Crawford, two children. 9. Betsey Ann, b. B., Aug. 5, 1841 ; m. Oct. 3, i860, Fred G. Stark, Manchester. Children : a. Charles Alvin, b. Oct. 19, 1861 ; graduated Dartmouth Medi cal school, 1884; m. Oct. 19, 1886, Harriet O. Walker. Was in practice at Asylum, Concord ; in an asylum at Winchendon, Mass.; and in Louisiana ; in Marshfield, Mass., 1887, till he d. 1897, ae. 36. His widow and one son, Gillis Walker, survive. b. Gillis, b. Feb. 9, 1865 ; graduated at Dartmouth Medical school, 1889; m. Apr. 9, 1893, Gertrude M. Hall. Is a physician in Manchester. c. Frederick Russell, b. Apr. 21, 1867; m. June 20, 1893, Cora B. Simmons. Is a dealer in real estate, loans, and insurance, Man chester. Children: (i) Marion Elizabeth. (2) Frederick Norman. d. Susan Augusta, b. Sept. i, 1868 ; m. Oct. 14, 1896, Charles F. Smyth, Manchester. Children: (l) Dorothy. (2) Marion Eliza beth. e. Maurice Albert, b. July 30, 1874 ; graduated Dartmouth Med ical school, 1896 ; m. Weltha Ford, June 14, 1900. Is a physician in Goffstown. 10. Daniel Smith, b. B., Sept. 6, 1842 ; d. Franklin, Dec. 7, 1891, ae. 49-3-1. Served in 12th Regt., N. H. Vols. (See Roll of Honor.) He m. Jennie Phelps, dau. Andrew and Johanna. She d. Mar., 1878, and he m. (2) Oct. 13, 1879, Anna M. Fay, of Spencer, Mass. Shed. West Derry, ae. 46-4-0. Children : a. Rose Anna, b. Danbury, Nov. 14, 1867 ; m. Lariener E. Fay. Res. Danbury. b. Byron Willie, b. Bristol, Nov. 24, 1870. c. Charles A., b. Danbury, Apr. 19, 1872. d. Elmer E., b. D., June 19, 1874. e. Edgbert, b. D., Oct. 14, 1876. /. Elias, b. Shirley, Mass., Mar. 12, 1878. g. Georgie Hoyt, b. Bristol, Jan. 27, 1881 ; d. Mar. 9, 1881. GENEALOGIES — INGALLS 249 h. Arthur Everett, b. Franklin, May 13, 1886. i. Flora Bell, b. F., Aug. 30, 1891. Willie, b. B., Sept. 5, 1841 ; d. May, 1847, ae. 5-8-. I. Sullivan Hutchinson, son of Galen and Olive (Flint) Hutchinson, was b. Albany, Me., June 10, 1826. He m. Jan. 2, 1850, Elzina, dau. of Thomas and Naomi (Guernsey) East man, b. Whitefield, Nov. 4, 1831. He was a farmer and station ery peddler; res. in Bristol, 1870-73, andd. New Hampton, Mar. 4, 1889, ae. 62-8-24. Mason. She res. Bristol. CHILDREN 2. Orrin, b. Milan, Feb. 13, 185 1 ; m. MaryE. Calley, July 4, 1871. Children : a. Leon Vado, b. Northfield, May 8, 1872 ; m. Aug. 17, 1896, Etta S. Walker, dau. of Walter W. Walker. Res. New Hampton. One son, three dau. b. Walter Fiske, b. New Hampton, Aug. 7, 1877. c. Viola Edith b. N. H., Oct. 7, 1881. Res. Tilton. 3. Olive, b. M., Feb. 24, 1853 ; m. George Wells. Children : a. Carrie Elzina, b. Bristol, Sept. 11, 1873 ! oi- Everett C. Cloud- man, of Alexandria. Res. Reading, Mass. IPour children. b. Tellis Ruez, b. New Hampton, Dec. 5, 1876. Res. Windham Junction. c. Frank Bernard, b. Franklin, Mar. 17, 1880. 4. Arthur, b. Contoocook, Feb. 5, i860. Settled in Bristol, 1879, and m. Jan. 25, 1880, Margaret H., dau. of Merrick B. and Hannah S. (Calley) Hight, b. New Hampton, Feb. 7, 1861. He was a manufacturer and dealer in lumber; d. Mar. 3, 1898, ae. 38-0-28. She m. (2) Nov. 26, 1902, George A. Gates. He was a mason, b. Westmore, Vt., Oct. 4, 1853, and was drowned in Newfound lake, Apr. 15, 1903, ae. 49-6-11. 5. Homer Harden, b. C, Apr. 13, 1863 ; m. Aug. 27, 1900, Clara J., dau. of William T. Oakley. (See.) He is a manufacturer of lumber in Bristol. No children. Methodist, Republican, Odd Fellow, Mason. 6. Edith S., b. New Hampton, Apr. 13, 1874; d. Sept. 22, 1881, ae. 7-5-9- THE INGALLS FAMILY I . Those bearing the name of Ingalls in Bristol are evident ly the descendants of Capt. Samuel IngaUs, b. Andover, Mass., May 7, 1683. He settled in Haverhill, Mass., but removed, in 1720, to Chester, where, in 1721, he was granted a mill privi lege on agreement to erect a saw-miU within one year. He was a selectman in Chester three years, was one of a committee to erect a church, and, in 1732, erected the first frame house in that town. He d. Oct. 6, 1747, ae. G^-^-ig. He had nine children, of whom one was 2. Samuel, b. Sept. 15, 1712. He is supposed to be iden tical with Samuel, the father of Jonathan and Ebenezer, men tioned below. He was a resident of Sandown and evidently 250 HISTORY OF BRISTOL spent his last days in New Chester. In March, 1782, New Chester voted to exempt him from a poll-tax. Of his children, Ebenezer (No. 3) and Jonathan (No. 4 following) settled in New Chester. 3. Ebenezer was a settler on the Oren Nelson farm west of Danforth brook, whUe Jonathan settled on the east side of the brook. Both were here as early as 1771, and each served one term in the Revolutionary army from New Chester. Eben ezer served as selectman in 1776, and soon after removed to New Hampton (See p. 252), and Jonathan succeeded to his farm. 4. Jonathan m. Martha Locke, a sister of Thomas Locke (See), probably his second m. The town records say Jonathan Ingalls m. Edna Hastings, Nov. 25, 1813, probably his third m. He removed to Canada with a portion of his family. CHILDREN *5- Jonathan, supposed to have been b. about 1765. 6. Joanna, who m. Daniel Heath, Mar. 8, 1785, a dau. probably. 7. Samuel, m. Betsey, dau. of John Clough. (See.) 8. James, b. Bristol, July, 3, 1772; m. Ruth, dau. of David Sleeper (See), b. Mar. 4, 1774. In 1807, they removed to Durham, Lower Canada, where they were farmers. Methodists. Children : a. David, b. Bristol, May 31, 1796. Settled in Bristol, Mich. b. Jonathan, b. B., Sept. 23, 1798. c. Jethro, b. B., Oct. 17, 1801. d. Mary, b. B., Nov. 23, 1803. e. Edmond, b. Mar. 26, 1809. Was a Methodist minister. f. Orpha, b. June 5, i8ri. g. James, b. May 4, 1813. h. Elvira, b. Apr. 10, 1815. i. Betsey L., b. FelD. — , 1818. 9. Abigail, b. B., Nov. 26, 1774; m. Daniel Heath, Nov. 12, 1795. 10. Olive, b. B., Aug. 4, 1780; m. WiUiam Holt, June 23, 1795. II. Nanna, b. B., May 2, 1782. 12. Daniel, b. B., June 19, 1784. (5) Jonathan Ingalls, b. 1765, m. Mar. 8, 17S5, Abigail Cleveland, a sister to John Cleveland. They were the first set tlers on what was afterward known as the town farm. He became involved financially through the dishonesty of another, and lost his farm. He then purchased what is now the Edwin T. Pike farm, his buildings being on the east side of the high way. Jonathan Ingalls and his wife were of deep Eeligious convictions and were members of the first Methodist class organ ized in Bristol in 1801. She d. Jan. 10, 1833 ; he went to Michigan with his son, Charles, in 1836, and there d. in 1843, ae. 78. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 13. Betsey, b. Oct. 12, 1785 ; m. Aaron Nelson. (See.) 14. Hannah, b. Apr. 3, 1787; m. Ezekiel Smith. 15. Dolly, b. Mar. 12, 1789. 16. Patty, b. Apr. 16, 1791 ; d. at five years of age. 17. Sally, b. July 17, 1793 ; m. John Brown. (See.) 18. Polly, b. Oct. 6, 1795 ; m. John Tirrell. (See.) 19. John, b. Mar. 21, 1798; m. Laura Allen, a niece of Col. Ethan GENEALOGIES — INGALLS 25 1 Allen, removed to Iowa. A son, Timothy, emigrated to California, and became wealthy. 20. Irena, b. Mar. 22, 1800. 21. Susan, b. B., May 19, 1802 ; m. Nov. 6, 1823, John Fowler, son of Abner, b. Sanbornton, Aug. 3, 1800. He d. 1833, in Hill ; she d. in War ner, Apr. 6, 1864, ae. 61-10-17. Children : a. Lizzie Ann, b. Sanbornton, July 30, 1825 ; m. Samuel H. Minard. She d. Mar. lo, 1859, ae. 33-7-10. Four children, all d. He went to California. b. Mary Abigail, b. S., Aug. 3, 1826 ; m. (i) Luther A. Shedd, Penacook. Child : Harriet, d. ; he d., she went West and m. (2) Clark. She d. Feb. 6, 1880 or '81. Child . Oscar M. Clark, res. Michigan. c. Susan Augusta, b. Hill, May 24, 1836 ; m. Daniel G. S. Davis, and d. Canaan, June 25, 1872, ae. 36-1-1. d. Harriet Adeline, b. H., Feb. 19, 1844; m. Jan. 5, i860, Oscar F. Washburn. He was a corporal 4th Regt., N. H. Vols., and d. Aug. 13, 1864, at Fort Monroe, Va. She m. (2) John D. Webber. (Sec) e. John Wesley, b. Bristol, Mar. 6, 1848; m. (i) Clara Goodwin, of Warren. Three children ; m. (2) Susan Elliott. He d. Warren, Sept. 14, 1888, ae. 40-6-8. She res. No. Woodstock. Three chil dren. 22. Jonathan, b. B., June 23, 1804; m. Nov. 13, 1828, Eliza M. Har rington, b. Westboro, Mass., Jan. 9, 1806, and d. Aug. 3, 1831, in Water ford, N. Y., ae. 25-6-24. He m., Jan. i, 1835, Eliza Shepherd, dau. of Harvey and Temperance (Worthington) Spalding, b. Worthington, Mass., Nov. 24, 1808, and d. Green Bay, Wis., Apr. 27, 1877, ae. 68-5-3. He d. Green Bay, Feb. 27, 1875, ae. 70-8-4. He left Bristol about 1830. Res. Waterford ; Lockport, N. Y. ; in 1850 settled in Green Bay, Wis., where he had first shingle-mill in that section ; later operated a large carriage factory. Children : a. Frances Augusta, b. Waterford, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1831. She m. Nov. 16, 1853, Myron P. Lindsley. Children: (i) Thales, b. Green Bay, Feb. 23, 1853. (2) EHza Lelia, b. G. B., Mar. 15, 1859, m. Feb. 9, 1883, Frank B. Desnoyers. (3) Myron P., d. in Madi son, Wis., Jan. 16, 1883. She res. Green Bay. b. Charles Edward, b. Lockport, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1836. Served through the Civil war as paymaster; was 20 years in New Orleans custom-house. In 1771, he m. Mrs. Maygie Peters, of New York ; d. Aug. 18, 1893, ae. 57-7-12. c. George Albert, b. L., Jan. 24, 1840, and d. July 22, 1840. d. George Henry, b. L., Oct. 23, 1841 ; m. July 6, 1876, Jose phine Mojer, of New York. No children. e. Mary Eliza, b. L., Oct. 27, 1845 ; m. Feb. 20, 1867, Thomas L. Best. Child : Lavis Freeman, b. Sept 13, 1877. Res. Green Bay. 23. Sherburn Sanborn, b. B., June 2, 1807. He m. at Westville, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1833, Mary Jane Schoff. She was b. in Guildhall, Vt., Feb. 4, 1812, and d. Aug. 4, 1876, at Constable, N. Y., ae. 64-6-0. He d. June 3, 1879, in Chateaugay, N. Y., ae. 72-o-r. Farmer. "They had eight of the handsomest girls in the state." Children: a. Charles W., b. Godmanchester, L. C, Nov. 25, 1833; m. Nov. 29, 1859, Lizzie A. Bowers. Res. Boston, Mass. b. Marian F., b. G., Apr. 5, 1835; m. Curtis Stevens, Concord, Mass., Nov. 29, 1856. 6. Sophia S., b. Brasher, N. Y., Jan. i, 1837 ; m. Hiram D. Shepherd at Chateaugay, Nov. 29, 1866, and d. Apr. 18, 1872, ae. 35-3-17. d. Alzina S., b. B., Jan. 29, 1839; m. Nathan D. Roberts, Feb. 252 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 27, 1859, in Huntington, L. C. ; m. Feb. 13, 1873, at Bradford, Vt., James C. Stevens. e. Susan F., b. Bombay, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1841 ; m. Bradford S. Wright, May 5, 1861, at Chateaugay. /. Lucy J., b. Brasher, May 15, 1842 ; m. Senaca Marks, May 25, 1862, at Messena, N. Y. g. Oscar F., b. B., Mar. 9, 1844 ; m. Susie C. Dolby, Dec. 3, 1863, at Lowell, Mass., and d. Boston, Mass., Dec. 13, 1865, ae. 21-9-4. h. James A., b. Constable, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1846 ; d. in C, Sept. 27, 1849, ae. 2-10-16. i. Martha M., b. C, Apr. 30, 1849; m. Hiram D. Shepherd, Jan. 3, 1874, at Malone, N. Y. j. Maria H., b. C, Apr. 10, 1851 ; m. I. Newton Perkins, at Brad ford, Vt., Sept. 3, 1874. k. Clara V., b. C, Jan. 11, 1853 ; m. Julius C. Dennis, Nov. 30, 1871, Malone ; m. Jan., 1889, Hyman Carpenter, at Middlebury, Vt. I. George A., b. C, Jan. 22, 1858; d. Sept. 9, 1858. 24. Keziah, b. B., 1810; m. Milton Sawyer. (See.) 25. Charles Wesley, b. B., Apr. 21, 1812 ; m. 1834, Catherine, dau. of HaU J. Hamm, b. B., Mar. 21, 1811; d. Harbor Springs, Mich., June 22, 1882, ae. 71-3-1. He d. same place, Feb. 9, 1889, ae. 76-9-18. He went to Boston ; about 1836, to Ionia Co., Mich., with his wife, two children, and aged father, where he was one of the first settlers. Went to California by the overland route in 1850. Returned and elected member of the Michi gan legislature in 1852. (See Roll of Honor.) I. Ebenezer Ingalls (No. 3, of p. 250) was in Bristol as early as 1771. He is supposed to have removed to New Hamp ton about 1777. One child was 2. Oilman, b. Bristol, Feb. 4, 1775. He m. Abigail, dau. of Timothy Emerson, b. Alexandria, Apr. 18, 1778. About 1 8 10, he returned to Bristol and settled on the Chase farm in Dist. No. 8 ; later res. on Cross street, and still later on the farm first settled by his father, where he d.. May. 23, 1855, ae. 80- 3-ig ; she d. Oct. g, i860, ae. 82-5-21. CHILDREN Vf},. Oilman, b. New Hampton, Jan. 29, 1798. 4. Abigail, b. N. H., Nov. 3, 1799; m. Osman Gale, b. Alexandria, Feb. 13, 1799. Both d. in family of Calvin Golden, Bristol, He d. Aug. 22, 1877, ae. 78-6-9 ; she d. Aug. 12, 1876, ae. 76-9-9. Children : a. Elizabeth F., b. Sept. 30, 1820; m. Calvin Golden. (See.) b. Matilda J., b. May 7, 1822 ; m. Isaac Follansbee ; res. Hill. c. Emeline H., b. Dec. 15, 1823; m. Hiram Esterbrook, Hill. He d. Bedford, where she res. d. Mary M. A., b. Sept. 8, 1825 ; m. Wells Sargent. He d. Man chester, where she res. e. Sarah M., b. July 7, 1827 ; d. Jan. 27, 1858, ae. 30-6-20; unm. /. Oilman E., b. Sept. 12, 1829; m. (i) Heath. Res. Man chester. iiV5. Josiah Emerson, b. N. H., Sept. 6, 1802. 6. Lydia, b. N. H., Jan. 28, 1804; m. Pattee Gale. (See.) 7. Phebe, b. N. H., Feb. 8, 1806; m. Stephen Gale. (See.) 8. Mary Jane, b. N. H., July 18, 1807; d. num.. Mar. 6, 1845, ac 37-3^i8- GENEALOGIES — INGALLS 253 9. Harvey Nichols, b. N. H., Oct. i, 1808; m. Sept., 1832, Sarah, dau. of Abigail (Swain) Weeks, b. Sanbornton, Oct. 10, i8n ; d. Frank lin, Jan. 8, 1864, ae. 52-2-28. He m., Dec. 8, 1865, Betsey Gilman Ayer, dau. of Joim. ' Was a cabinet maker in Bristol ; in 1847, went to Frank lin, and, in 1867, to Manchester, returning to Franklin, April, 1886, where he d., Dec 22, 1890, ae. 82-2-21. After leaving Bristol, was a farmer. Children : a. Horace Sanborn, b. New Hampton, Aug. 29, 1834 ; m. Sarah Ann Hill, Standish Plain, P. Q., Nov. 27, 1859; d. Franklin, Dec. 18, 1863, ae. 29-3-19. b. Amanda Melvina, b. Sanbornton, July 4, 1836; m. Feb. 14, 1876, Alphonso Crosby, China, Me. Res. on her father's farm at Franklin. c. Hiram Berry, b. Bristol, Dec. 29, 1840 ; m. Aug., i860, Helen Carleton, a.nd d. Manchester, May 5, 1881, ae. 40-4-6. Child : Daughter, b. Aug. 27, 1862 ; m. Oliver F. George, Pittsfield. d. Helen Ann, b. B., Jan. 14, 1844 ; d. Franklin, Nov. 29, i860, ae. 16-10-15. e. Narcia Elmira, b. B., Jan. 20, 1847 ; d. num., Feb. 8, 1870, ae. 23-0-18. 10. Timothy, b. Jan. 19, 1810 ; d. young. II. Luther, b. Bristol, Nov. 13, 1815 ; m. Eliza Ann Jewell, dau. of John. Succeeded his father on farm. She d. Mar. 6, 1848, ae. 24-0-22. He m., Nov., 1849, Sarah Ann, dau. of Benjamin Emmons, b. Stewarts town, Oct. 27, 1823, and d. in Boston, Mass., Oct. 23, 1891, ae. 67-11-26. He d. Feb. 11, 1852, ae. 36-2-28. Child : a. Charles Luther, b. Bristol, Sept. 12, 1851 ; m. Sept 17, 1870. Children: (i) Lillian Maud, b. Lowell, Mass., Feb. 9, 1871 ; m. Perkins. (2) Arthur Forrest, b. L., Jan. 19, 1873. (3) Clarence Leland, b. L., Nov. 15, 1881. (4) Milo Luther, b. L., Mar. 21, 1887. 12. George Washington, b. B., Aug. 17, 1817 ; m. Oct. 28, 1840, Mary, dau. of Robert and Betsey (Currier) Lane, a resident of the Borough, b. Aug. 20, 1818, in Crownport, N. Y. He lived on Merrimack street, where he d. Aug. 11, 1853, of cancer, ae. 35-11-24. His widow m. June 9, 1873, Nathaniel Miner, and d. Jerseyville, 111., May 10, 1894, ae. 75-8-20. Children : a. Ellen Maria, b. Bristol, Aug. 6, 1841 ; m. Nov. 6, 1859, Edward Quinn, of Laconia. One child. b. Lucy Augusta, b. B., Nov. 30, 1843; m. c. Rose Jane, b B., Jan. 11, 1847 ; m. Apr. 3, 1861, Webster Max- field. 13. Nancy B., b. B., Oct. 25, 1819 ; m. Jan. 10, 1839, John L. Colby, and res. Franklin, where she d. Apr. 3, 1844, ae. 24-5-8. He d. Franklin, i888. Children : a. Georgia Anna, b. Franklin, 1840 ; m. Dec. 14, 1862, Dr. John F. Dodge. She d. Franklin, Mar. 26, 1866, ae. 26. He res. Provi dence, R. I. Child : (i) Lenora G., b. Aug. 19, 1864; m. Mar. 22, 1887, Charles F. Burnham. b. Charles Gilman, b. F., Apr. 8, 1842. c. Nancy B., b. F., 1844 ; d. ae. 6. months. (3) Oilman Ingalls, b. Jan. 2g, 1798, m. (i) Nancy Bowen, (2) Oct. g, 1823, Sarah, dau. of Dr. Thomas Roberts, of Alexandria, b. Nov. 3, 1801. They lived west side of high way on Hemp hill ; house destroyed by fire. They removed to Oren Nelson farm to care for his parents, and there he d. July 6, 1862, ae. 64-5-7 ; she d. Jan. 24, 1862, ae. 60-2-21. 254 HISTORY OF BRISTOL CHILDREN »I4. Gustavus Washington, b. Bristol, May 21, 1824. 15. Amanda Jane, b. B., June 11, 1826; m. (i) Joseph Rollins, (2) George W. Dow. (See.) 16. Lucinda Hibbard, b. B., Mar. 6, 1828 ; m. Andrew J. Waite, a tin smith in Bristol. No children. She d. Bristol, Feb. 26, 1854, ae. 25- 11-20. He d. Lowell, Mass., July 26, 1855, ae. 36. 17. Mahala Plumer, b. B., Feb. 8, 1830 ; m. Oren Nelson. (See.) 18. George Harvey, b. B., Feb. 5, 1832 ; m. Helen Louise, dau. of John R. Edmonds, b. Warner, Mar. 25, 1833. He was a superior musi cian. It is claimed that he was the leader of the Methodist choir at 12 years of age. Was a member of Hilton Head (S. C.) Post band during the Civil war. Res. Concord i849-'63, when he returned to Bristol ; kept restaurant in Abel block and was leader of a cornet band here. He d. Warner, Feb. 8, 1899, ae. 67-0-3. Children : a. Alphonso Daniel, b. Dec. 3, 1855 ; m. Dec. 9, 1882, Mary F. Hardy ; she d. and he m., Jan. i, 1889, Mary Elizabeth Sawyer. b. Susie Angle, b. Mar. 8, 1858 ; m. Dec. 29, 1885, Charles H. Osgood, Warner. 19. Mary Philbrick, b. B., Jan. 3, 1834 ; m. Lewis F. Pattee. (See.) 20. Ann Maria, b. B., Feb. 16, 1836 ; d. Sept. i, 1856, ae. 20-6-15. 21. Horace Langdon, b. B., Aug. 31, 1838; m. Mar. 9, 1869, Mary Pauline, dau. Abel L. and Pauline (Phelps) Crosby, b. Groton, Apr. 21, 1844. They res. Concord, where he is janitor of the state house. Served several terms as door-keeper of house of representatives. (See Roll of Honor.) Is a Republican, Mason, G. A. R. Children: a. Linna Augusta, b. Hill, May 13, 1873. b. Delia Leona, b. Groton, Mar. 22, 1877. 22. John Henry, b. B., Apr. 16, 1841 ; d. Dec. 5, 1863, of disease con tracted in the army, ae. 22-7-19. (See RoU of Honor.) 23. Frances Amelia, b. B., Aug. 13, 1843 ; m. Capt. George F. Pres cott. (See.) 24. Alferetta Augusta, b. B., Oct. 12, 1846; d. Oct. 19, 1868, ae. 22-0-7. (5) Josiah E. Ingalls, b. Sept. 6, 1802, m. Oct. 23, 1825, Dorothy, dau. of Josiah and Sally (Ladd) Sanborn, b. Alexan dria, Sept. ig, 1805. She d. Bristol, Nov. 14, 1831, ae. 26-1-25, and he m., Oct. 18, 1832, Lucy Ferrin, dau. of Jonathan and Hannah (Ball) Ladd, b. Hebron, Mar. 3, 1803, and d. Alexan dria, Nov. 24, i8go, ae. 87-8-21. He d. Alexandria, Oct. 28, i860, ae. 58-1-22. Was a farmer in Alexandria. CHILDREN 25. Josiah Sanborn, b. Alexandria, Dec. 13, 1827 ; m July 16, 1851, Laura L., dau. William Mudgett. (See.) They res. Concord, where he is a manufacturer of essences. No children. 26. Sullivan, b. A., Jan. 15, 1831 ; m. Sept. 19, 1854, Caroline M., dau. of James and Lorana (Fellows) Berry, b. A., July 31, 1835. She d. Jan. 26, 1866, ae. 30-5-25, and he m.. May i, 1867, Sarah F., dau. of Sanders Herbert. (See.) He was a wheelwright in Alexandria and Bristol, where he d., Sept. 14, 1876, ae. 45-7-29. His widow d. Bristol, Oct. 4, 1898, ae. 56-7-10. Children : a. Emma Angenette, b. Nov. 7, 1855 ; d. Feb. 7, 1857, ae. 1-3-0. b. Ida Nellie, b. July 4, 1858 ; d. July 10, 1863, ae. 5-0-6. c. Clara Maynette, b. Bristol, Oct. 31, 1868. Has been for three years a teacher in the graded school. GENEALOGIES — JEFFERSON 255 d. Ardena Lougardie, b. B., Aug. 21, 1871. Is a private school teacher. 27. Harriet Elizabeth Brooks, b. Alexandria, Apr. 13, 1837 ; m. Mar. 17, 1870, Charles L. Dalton, a farmer in Alexandria. (14) Gustavus W. Ingalls, b. Bristol, May 21, 1824, m. June 20, 1847, Mary C. Sleeper, dau. of David (See), b. Sept. 7, 1827. He was a superior musician. Manufacturer of organ reed boards at Worcester, Mass., where he now res., retired. (See Roll of Honor.) She d. Apr. 21, igo3, ae. 75-7-14. CHILDREN 28. Mary Susie, b. Concord, Oct. 2, 1849; d. Aug. 3, 1855, ae. 5-10-1. 29. Walter Gustavus, b. C, Aug. 10, 1856 ; m. Jan. 20, 1879, Mary Gertrude Leland, who d. Worcester, Mass., May 21, 1883, and he m., Oct. 12, 1885, Nettie M. Dunbar. Children : a. Lottie Mildred, b. Jan. 31, 1880. b. Francis Dunbar, b. Mar. 4, 1887. THE JEFFERSON FAMILY I. Rev. Albert Willis Jefferson, son of Rev. Benjamin F. and Anna (Barber) Jefferson, was b. Parishville, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1872. He graduated from Whitefield High school ; attended New Hampton Institution, i8g3-'g4 ; graduated from Cobb Divinity school, Lewiston, Me., i8g7 ; ordained at Whitefield, June 6, i8g7. Was pastor of Free Baptist church, June, i8g7- Mar. I, igco; since, serving a church in Pawtucket, R. I. He m., June g, 1897, Lenona L., dau. of Nathan W. Libbey, b. Whitefield, Apr. 9, 1873. THE JEFFROY FAMILY t. Charles L. Jeffroy, son of John and Harriet Sherwood Jeffroy, was b. West Chelmsford, Mass., Aug. 13, 1856. He m., Sept. 22, i8g2, Abbie May, dau. of Joel Gurdy. (See.) He came to Bristol about 1888, and is employed in weave-room at the woolen-miU. CHILD 2. Dorothy, b. Bristol, June 22, 1894 ; d. Oct. 18, 1898, ae. 4-3-26. THE JESSEMAN FAMILY I. George Edward Jesseman, son of Jewell and Mary (Blodgett) Jesseman, was b. Dorchester, Feb. 17, 1852. He was one of 16 children. He m., June 30, 1872, Abbie Frances Waldron, one of 13 children, a dau. of Nathaniel and Betsey (Davis) Waldron, b. Dorchester, Nov. 30, 1855. A farmer and lumberman in Bristol since i^ 256 HISTORY OF BRISTOL CHILDREN 2. Bert Henry, b. Dorchester, May 27, 1875 ; m. Sept. 26, 1896, Alice Marion Remick, dau. of Augustus. Farmer and lumberman. Children : a. Bertha Alice, b. Bristol, Dec. 27, 1897 ; d. Nov. 16, 1899, ae. 1-10-19. b. Clarence Everett, b. B., Dec. 23, 1900. 3. Eva Lillian, b. D., July 19, 1877 ; m. Sept. 16, 1896, Thomas E. O'Brien, b. Natick, Mass. Shoemaker. Child : a. Helen May, b. Natick, Apr. 13, 1903. 4. Edith Maud, b. D., May 21, 1882 ; m. Nov. 8, 1898, Fred A. Bean, of Plymouth. Children : a. Morris Fred, b. Bristol, Oct. 26, 1899. b. Hattie Mildred, b. Laconia, Jan. 29, 1902. 5. Edna Gertrude, b. D., Jan. 29, 1887. THE JEWELL FAMILY I. Newton Isaac Jewell, son of WiUiam A. and Sarah T. (Kemp) JeweU, was b. Salisbury, Vt., Dec. 22, 1846. Hem., Mar. 8, 1871, Lucia A., dau. Samuel W. and Mary A. (Batchel der) Dunbar, b. Orange, Dec. 25, 1852. He came to Bristol from Groton, in 1888, and here d. Mar. 28, i8g3, ae. 46-3-6. Car penter. Mrs. Jewell res. North Bristol. CHILDREN 2. Arthur William, b. Groton, Aug. 25, 1872. Employee in woolen- miU. Member of K. of P. 3. Harry Bert, b. G., Feb. 10, 1878 ; m. Aug. 21, 1897, Bertha F., dau. Joseph Cyr. (See.) An employee in woolen-miU. K. of P. Child : a. Maurice Bert, b. Bristol, Dec. 5, 1898 ; d. Apr. i, 1899. 4. Clarence Edward, b. G., Mar. 4, 1882. K. of P. 5. Dana Grover, b. G., Apr. 28, 1886. 6. Ernest, b. Bristol, Sept. 16, 1889. 7. Walter Bartlett, b. B., July 24, 1893. THE JEWETT FAMILY I. Aaron Jewett, son of Aaron, was b. Dracut, Mass., Mar. 29, 1797. He m., Jan. 27, i8ig, Hannah, dau. of Job and Hannah Eaton, b. Dracut, Mar. 15, I7g8, and d. Nov. 14, 1849, ae. 5i-7-2g. He m. (2) Jan. i, 1852, Lucy J. Hill, and about this time came to Bristol. For a few years was engaged in the manufacture of bedsteads. He d. Feb. 20, 1882, ae. 84-10-21. She d. in Alexandria, Apr. 8, 1898, ae. almost 85 years. Republican. CHILDREN 2. Phebe L., m. Frankie Coburn, May 19, 1844. Res. Westfield, Mass. 3. Hannah M., m. Theodore Hamblet, Feb. 19, 1846. Res. Dracut, Mass. 4. Moses F., served in Union army from Lowell, Mass. ; d. Jan. 23, 1865, ae. 37. GENEALOGIES — JOHNSON 257 I. Alpha C. Jewett, a brother of above, was b. Wentworth, Feb. 28, 1808, and d. Laconia in the home of his son, Alonzo W., Apr. 29, 1887, ae. 79-2-1. He m. Hannah, dau. of Peter Flanders, b. Plymouth, and d. Bristol, Apr. 11, 1877, ae. 57. Carpenter. Republican. Came to Bristol about 1859. CHILDREN 2. Alonzo W., b. Wentworth, Sept. 27, 1839, came to Bristol with his parents and m. Apr. 23, 1861, Annette Locke, dau. of Levi (See), b. June 27, 1842. (See Roll of Honor.) Was in the meat business in Bristol; a carriage manufacturer in Lowell, Mass., where Mrs. Jewett d. Apr. 29, 1878, ae. 35-10-2. He m. Aug. 5, 1879, Mrs. Celestia Davis Angell, Lowell. Returned to Bristol, and, since about 1882, has been in ice and milk business, Laconia. Republican, Methodist, Mason. Children : a. Katie Blanche, b. Bristol, June 5, 1866; d. Nov. 11, 1890, at Laconia, ae. 24-5-6. b. Henry Charles, b. B., May 24, 1874 ; d. Lowell, June 22, 1875, ae. 1-0-28. c. Arthur Alonzo W., b. Apr. 18, 1878. 3. Charles Aaron, carriage manufacturer, LoweU, Mass., and Laco nia ; now living Gilmanton. 4. Martha Woodbury, b. Wentworth, Apr. 8, 1845 ; m. Timothy Tilton. (See.) I. Jeremiah Jewett, a brother of above, was b. in Went worth. He m. Mrs. Mary A. (Flanders) Fames, dau. of Moses and Sarah (Bean) Flanders. He was a carpenter and farmer; came to Bristol about 1858 ; res. Summer street. She d. Nov. 5, 1889, ae. 66-1-5 ; he d. Feb. 3, 1896, ae. 84-2-. CHILD 2. Etta, b. Lowell, Apr. 25, 1857; m. Smith D. Fellows. (See.) THE JOHNSON FAMILIES I. Moses Johnson, son of Moses and Anna (Morse) John son, was b. in Hudson, Dec. 17, 1769. He m. June 6, 1793, Polly, dau. of Rev. William Elliott, b. Mason, Aug. 2, 1773. They settled on a farm in the Nelson neighborhood, as early as 1815. He d. in the family of his son, Jonathan, in Bridgewater, Aug. 5, i860, ae. go-7-18 ; she d. in Plymouth in same family. May 22, 1866, ae. g2-9-20. CHILDREN ^. William, b. July 7, 1794 ; killed at Salisbury, May 22, 1802, ae. 7-10-15. 3. Moses, b. Aug. 11, 1796 ; m. Hannah, dau. of Jonathan Hunting ton, Jan. 21, 1816. (See.) He d. Apr. 26, 1881, ae. 84-8-15. Had eight children. 4. Polly, b. Aug. 16, 1798 ; d. of spotted fever, Nov. 22, 1815, ae. 17-3-6. 5. Dolly M., b. Warner, Mar. 23, 1800; m. May 11, 1822, John Fletcher, b. Chelmsford, Mass., Dec. 11, 1794; d. May i, 1842, ae. 47-4-20. 17 7 *8 9 lo.II 258 HISTORY OF' BRISTOL She m. (2) Mar. 28, 1846, Maj. Jesse Colburn, who d. i860. She d. Tyngsboro, Mass., Jan. 4, 1883, ae. 82-9-11. Children : a. Laura M., b. Lowell, Mass., Apr. I, 1823 ; m. July 3, 1847, James Harris. He d. Tyngsboro, Apr. 20, 1883. She res. Tyngsr boro. b. John E., b. L., Oct. i, 1824; _m., Oct. i, 1847, Ruth Stearns, and d. California, in 1851, without issue. c. Josiah M., b. Halifax, Mass., Jan. 14, 1828; m. Jan. 23, 1851. Adaline J. Eastman, of Rumney. Res. Nashua. Six children, all deceased. 6. Hannah U., b. Aug. 31, 1802 ; m. Edmond Cheney. (See.) Moody,|,.^,^,3.,3,,^|d.i8i5.Eliza, b. Jan. i, 1808 ; m. Kimball Whitney. (See.) Sarah, b. Apr. 18, 1810; m. Edmond Cheney. (See.) Jonathan Huntington, b. June 25, 1812 ; m. Eliza A., dau. Rufus and Eliza (Murray) Wiggin, b. Wolfeboro, Nov. 4, 1816; d. Lynn, Mass., Dec. 23, 1895, ae. 79-1-19. Jonathan H. Johnson was a farmer, a member of the Congregational church, a great worker in the Sunday-school, and a lover of debate. He was for many summers superintendent of a Sunday-school held in a schoolhouse near Ariel Pike's in Bridgewater. He settled, in 1843, on the farm which embraced site of the state fish hatchery in 1862, removed to Plymouth, returning to Bridgewater, in 1873, where he d. Jan. 28, 1887, ae. 74-7-3. No children. He was emphat ically a peacemaker. 12. Elliott Andrew, b. Bristol, Feb. 15, 1815 ; m. Apr., 1840, Mary S. Caneley, dau. of Samuel and Phebe Howe, b. New Hampton, and d. Abing- ton, Mass., Jan. (Apr.) 14, 1891. In 1836, went to Haverhill, Mass., and' to Lowell, Mass., in 1863; in 1879, to Bridgewater, thence to Chelmsford, Mass., where he has since been in the mercantile business. Children- a. Laura, b. Bridgewater ; m. Sept. 25, 1858, George S. Adams. b. Caroline H., b. Haverhill, Mass.; m. Apr., 1861, John Hobbs. c. Jennie S., b. H.; m. George Sinclair. d. Medora, b. H.; m. Eldorus Smith, Bridgewater. 13. Joseph Varnum, b. Jan. 8, 1819 ; d. young. (8) Merrill Johnson, b. May 23, 1805, m. Hannah, dau. of Melvin and Hannah (Wade) Holmes, in 1828. She was b. Bridgewater, Mass., 1803, and d. Dec. 11, 1835, ae. 32; he d. Dec. I, 1835, ae. 30-6-8, both in Goffstown of typhus fever. CHILDREN 14. Eliza Ann, b. Sept. 28, 1828 ; m. James Monroe. 15. Daughter, d. in infancy. 16. Melvin, b. Campton, Jan. 14, 1833; m. Aug. 7, 1856, Maria H. Elliott. She was the dau. of Daniel, and was b. Rumney, Jan. 23, 1836. Was a blacksmith and livery keeper in Bristol for some years. Children : a. Perley "Melvin, b. Bridgewater, Sept. 30, 1857; m. Mary A. Bayley, b. Plymouth, Apr. 23, 1857. He res. Bristol, i88o-'90. now Plymouth. Child : Harry Perley, b. Holderness, Dec. 7, 1877. b. Erank Merrill, b. Bristol, May 12, 1862; m. Mar. 22, 1891, Elsie M., dau. Joshua Rowen, b. Dorchester, Jan. 4, 1870. Chil dren : (i) Ernest Melvin, b. Bridgewater, Mar. 14, 1892. (2) Hattie Maria, b. B., July i, 1897. (3) Charles Karl, b. Bristol, May 20, 1899. 17. Israel Franklin, b. Goffstown, May, 1835. At 21 years of age went West. No further information. GENEALOGIES — JOHNSON 259 I. Jeremiah Johnson, son of Jeremiah and Olive (Shepard) Johnson, was b. Epping, May g, i7g7. He m. (i) Polly Edgerly, of Northwood; (2) Sept. i, 1830, Elizabeth, dau. of Daniel Sleeper. (See.) He was a farmer, in District No. 7, i832-'35, when he removed to Bridgewater, where he d. Dec. 21, 1867, ae. 70-7-12. She d. Everett, Mass., Jan. 8, i8g3, ae. 87-5-20. Methodists. CHILDREN 2. Melinda Morgan ; m. Charles M. Barnard. 3. Elizabeth Olive, m. Morrison P. Haynes, Tilton. 4. Levi Dolloff, b. Bridgewater, Jan. 19, 1832 ; m. i860, Ellen Caro line, dau. Samuel H. Rollins. (See.) She d. Dec. 31, 1864, ae. 24-6- and he m. Aug. 3, 1865, Abbie J. Hanchett. He was a photographer in Bristol ; town clerk, i864-'66 ; removed to Vineland, N. J., where he has been a photographer. Children : a. Nellie Florence, b. Bristol, Feb. 2, 1863 ; m. Frank D. Dolloff. (Sec) b. Alice R., b. Vineland, June 21, 1876. 5. John Edgerly, b. Bristol, Mar. 24, 1834; m. June 8, 1858, Ellen Maria, dau. of Eben and Betsey Cummings, b. Thetford, Vt., Aug. 26, 1833. He d. in Everett, Mass., Nov. 25, 1896, ae. 62-8-1. He was a Methodist, active in church work. Mrs. Johnson res. Everett. Chil dren : a. Mary Elizabeth, b. Hodgdon, Me., Apr. 26, 1861 ; m. Charles M. Scoville, June 19, 1888. b. Alice Luella, b. Vineland, N. J., June i, 1869; d. July 19, 1869. c. Ellen Louise, b. V., Sept. 5, 1870. d. Gertrude Florence, b. Glassboro, N. J., Jan. 6, 1872. 6. Daniel Sleeper, b. Bridgewater, Mar. 28, 1836; m. Mary Noyes, dau. of Rodney Hammond, b. Bridgewater, Mar. 14, 1840. He d. in Boston as the result of a surgical operation, Dec. 21, 1875, ae. 39-8-23. He was a farmer in Bridgewater. Methodist. Children : a. Ora Paul, b. Hartford, Vt., Feb. 5, 1863. b. Ula May, b. Bridgewater, Jan. 8, 1865 ; d. young. c. Herman Fisher, b. B., July 12, 1870. 7. Warren Marshall, b. B., July 9, 1838. He emigrated to Utah, and became an elder of the Mormon church. He was a good man — evidently a devoted and sincere adherent of that church. In sending the geneal ogy of his families for this history, he wrote : "I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and I fully believe in every principle of this church." He was for many years postmaster at Lee's Ferry, Arizona. He d. at Byron, Wyoming, in Mar., 1902, ae. 63-8-. He had two families : He m. Oct. 4, 1869, Permelia Jane, dau. of Jonathan Smith, b. July 12, 1850, in Farmington, Utah. Children : a. Mary Eveleth, b. Glendale, Utah, May 6, 1872. b. Warren Marshall, b. G., Oct. 5, 1874 ; d. Oct. 5, 1874. c. Melinda, b. G., Dec. 3, 1875 ; d. July 5, 1891, ae. 15-7-2. d. Polly Abigail, b. Harrisville, Utah, Oct. 27, 1877. e. Nancy, b. Lees Ferry, Arizona, Nov. 8, 1879. /. Permelia, b. L. F., July 18, 1881 ; d. June 15, 1891, ae. 9-10-27. g. Laura Alice, b. L. F., Sept. 25, 1883; d. June 11, 1891, ae. 7-8-16. h. Jonathan Smith, b. L. F., Oct. 30, 1885; d. May 19, 1891, ae. 5-6-19- 26o HISTORY OF BRISTOL i. Leroy Sunderland, b. L. F., June 12, 1888. y. Joseph Smith, b. L. F., Mar. 28, 1891. Oct. 28, 1872, he m. Samantha, dau. of Price W. Nelson, b. Oct. 28, 1853, at San Bernardino, Cal. Children : a. Elizabeth, b. Glendale, Apr. 26, 1874. b. Jeremiah, b. G., Feb. 24, 1876. c. Frank Tilton, b. Lees Ferry, Aug. 3, 1878. d. Lydia Ann, b. L. F., Apr. 3, 1880. e. Samantha, b. L. F., Apr. 5, 1882. /. Lucy, b. L. F., Mar. 30, 1884. g. Price Williams, b. L. F., Feb. 2, 1886. h. Estella, b. L. F., Dec. 25, 1887. i. Warren Elmer, b. L. F., Apr. 27, 1890. 8. Leroy Sunderland, b. B., Jan. ii, 1841 ; m. Apr. 14, 1868, Jerusha Dyer, dau. Seth N. Covell, b. Wellfleet, Mass., June 21, 1844. He is a manufacturer of lumber and veneers, Boston, Mass. Res. Maiden, Mass. Children : a. Everett Leroy, b. Boston, Mass., Mar. 28, 1869; m. Oct. 19, 1898, Mabel Annie Hayes. Two children. b. Frank Wallace, b. Maiden, Mar. 28, 1872. c. Gilbert Haven, b. M., Mar. 5, 1876. d. Ethel May, b. M., Oct. 30, 1878 ; m. June 3, 1902, Richard B. Hopkins, Jamaica, W. I. 9. Charles Wesley, b. B., Nov. l8, 1843; m. Nov. 18, 1869, Ellen Eunice, dau. of William G. and Clarissa H. Fisher, b. Brookfield, Vt., Mar. 2, 1843. Since a young man, has been engaged in the fancy woods business in Boston, with exception of a few years in Grand Rapids, Mich., in same business. Methodist ; many years superintendent of Sunday- schools in Everett and WoUaston, Mass. ; in 1894, president of Boston Methodist Social Union. Now res. Dorchester, Mass. Children : a. Grace Elizabeth, 1 . ,-, ^^ xt o b. Helen Clara, ' jb- Everett, Nov. 29, 1875. 10. Mary Ann, b. B., Apr. 22, 1846 ; m. Herman B. Fisher; d. Everett, Jan. 24, 1871, ae. 24-9-2. I. Joseph William Johnson, son of Charles White and Lizzie L. (Wheet) Johnson, was b. Campton, Jan. 7, 1876. He m., Nov. 8, igoi. Flora Polly, dau. of Cyrus B. and EUen M. (Couch) Dow, b. Warner, Aug. i, 1872. He has res. in Bris tol since October, i8g8; a machinist, Republican, Methodist, Granger. THE JONES FAMILY I. John Jones was b. in Enfield, Nov. 23, 1812. He m., Dec. 28, 1839, Susan B. Greeley, b. Canaan, Mar. 15, 1815. He d., Apr. 22, 1880, ae. 67-4-29. In 1885, Mrs. Jones made her home in Bristol, where she d., Dec. 26, i8gg, ae. 84-9-11. CHILD 2. Lizzie Arabell, b. Enfield, Sept. 25, i860. She came to Bristol in 1885. Has been an employee in woolen-miU ; taught one year in Union district. GENEALOGIES — JUDKINS 261 THE JUDKINS FAMILY I. Rev. George Janvrin Judkins, the son of William and Anne Judkins, was b. Kingston, Dec. 21, 1830.' He was edu cated at Kingston Academy, Tilton Seminary, and Wesleyan University, where he graduated i86o. He taught at Kingston Academy five years, and was principal of Tilton Seminary six years. Was ordained as a Methodist Episcopal clergyman at Bristol in 1872, and was stationed at Methuen, Mass., i872-'75 ; Newmarket, iSj^-'j'j ; was presiding elder of Claremont dis trict, i877-'8i ; of Dover district, i88i-'85, when his health failed and he settled on a farm in Bristol village. He was a dairy farmer for several years and then operated a milk route. He has been for a long term of years treasurer of the board of trustees of the New Hampshire Methodist Conference. Repub lican. He m., Aug. 16, i860, Almira S. Dolloff, dau. of Abram. (See.) After her m., she was teacher at the Kingston Academy. She has been prominent in the Woman's Foreign Missionary society and church work. CHILDREN 2. George Dolloff, b. Kingston, Dec. 24, 1864 ; m. Sept. 4, 1886, Helen A. Ferrin, adopted daughter of Augustus J. Ferrin. (See.) He was associated with his father in business, and d. May 26, 1899, ae. 34- 5-2. Methodist, Republican, Granger. Children : a. Morris Ferrin, b. Mar. 28,. 1888. b. A twin brother, d. same day as born. 3. Charles Otis, b. Bristol, Oct. 2, 1868. Is a Methodist clergyman. Educated at Tilton Seminary, East Greenwich Academy, Wesleyan Uni versity, Boston University Theological School, graduating in 1895. Ordained deacon, Springfield, Vt., 1898, bv Bishop Vincent; elder, at Bellows Palls, Vt., 1900, by Bishop Merrill. Has filled pastorates at Windsor, Vt., Montpelier, Vt., and now at Glens Falls, N. Y. He m.. Mar. 30, 1898, Eva Viola, dau. of Abram and Mary (Odell) Austin, b. Yonkers, N. Y., Feb. 26- 1874. Child : a. Ruth Elizabeth, b. Jan. 5, 1899. 4. Anne Lydia, b. Methuen, Mass., Sept. 16, 1873 ; graduated from Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass. ; m. Jan. 17, 1901, Rev. Leon K. Willman, a Methodist clergyman, now pastor M. E. church at Montpe lier, Vt. THE KELLY OR KELLEY FAMILIES I. John KeUy, the son of Richard, of Exeter, Devon, Eng land, who arrived in Boston on the ship "Hector" in 1633, was the progenitor of the Kellys of Bristol and vicinity. In 1634, he and his associates settled Newbury, Mass. He d. Dec. 28, 1644. He was the father of two children, of whom the second was 17a 262 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 2. John, b. Newbury, 1642 ; m. Sarah, dau. of Dea. Rich ard Knight, May 20, 1663. He d. Mar. 21, 1718, ac 76. He had 1 1 children, one of whom was 3. Jonathan, b. Newbury, Mar. 20, 1687. He m., July 6, 1702, Esther Morse, dau. of Dea. Benjamin, of Newbury. He removed to Merrimac, Mass., in 1727. He had eight children, the third being , . j „ 4. Jonathan, b. Oct. 10, 1709. He m. Hannah BlaisdeU, dau. of John, of Amesbury, Mass., May 22, 1733, and removed to Hampstead, where he d. Jan., 1780, ae. 70-3-. Of his nine children, the third was 5. Jonathan, b. Amesbury, Dec. 24, 1736; m. Nov. 22, 1760, Sarah Foote Whicher, dau. of Capt. John Foote ; m. (2) Judith Eastman, of Hopkinton, Sept. 12, 1778, Jonathan Kel ly served in the Colonial wars, and was one of 24 from Ames bury who "went in the alarm when Fort WiUiam and Henry was taken." In 1796, he was in Rochester, Vt., and later in Bristol, probably being a member of Dr. Timothy Kelly's family. CHILDREN *6. Timothy, b. Dec. 12, 1761. (1762— tombstone.) 7. Enoch, b. June 25, 1764; m. Betsey Kidder and res. Wolfeboro. 8. Abigail, b. Apr. 11, 1766 ; m. Bowen, Dunbarton ; d. 1854, ae. 88. *9. Ebenezer, b. Amesbury, Sept. 9, 1768. (6) Timothy Kelly, M.D., was b. Amesbury, Mass., Dec. 12, 1761. Dec. 28, 1783, he m. Joanna Newcomb, b. Cape Ann, Mass., in June, 1762. Dr. Kelly was a soldier of the Revolutionary war, and removed from Amesbury to Candia, where he practiced medicine a few years. He was in Bristol as early as 1790, and was the first settler on Lot 60, First Division, a part of which was recently owned and occupied by William G. Kelley, on Summer street. Here he res. till 1799, practic ing medicine (See Physicians), and teaching school. He was a prominent member of Rev. David Fisk's Free Baptist church on the New Hampton side of the Pemigewasset river, and occa sionally preached. In 1799, he sold to David Cheney, and removed to the base of Alexandria hill, thence to the George Price farm, a mile south of Bristol village, and later to Hill vil lage, where he d. Feb. 12 (ig — tombstone), 1845, ae. 83-2-0. She d. HiU, Oct. 14, 1845, ae. 83-4-. CHILDREN 10. Charlotte, b. Oct. 29, 1784; m. Greenleaf Blake. (See.) II. Horatio, b. Candia, Feb. 5, 1787 ; m. Dec. 3, 1818, Priscilla Doton, of Moultonboro. He learned the blacksmith's trade of Edmond Brown, the first blacksmith of the town, and removed to Boscawen, but returned and opened a shop at North Bristol. He was a lieutenant in the 34th Regt., state militia. He d. Grafton, June 26, 1865, ae. 78-4-21. Shed. July 18, 1877. Children : Ebenezer Kellv GENEALOGIES — KELLEY 263 a. Elizabeth Hardy, b. Hill, Dec. 11, 1819 ; m. June 4, 1842, True Healy, of Raymond. He d. Feb. 29, 1852, and she m. (2) 1852, James Dearborn, of Danville, who d. June 10, 1876, in Raymond. b. John Solon, b. H., Sept. 15, 1821 ; served in Co. C, loth Regt., N. H. Vols., in the Civil war. Res. Sandown. c. Joanna, b. June 30, 1823. d. Alfred S., b. Pembroke, Mar. 20, 1825; m. Mary Jane, dau. Jonathan Sargent, Apr. 4, 1849. e. Laura Angelina, b. May 21, 1827 ; m. Thomas Holt, Penacook. /. Edward Doton, b. June 8, 1829; m. Nov. 22, 1851, Mary A. Keen; d. Apr. 23, 1879, ae. 49-10-15. Children: (i) Edward Lowell, b. Mar. 28, 1854. (2) Elmer Frederick, b. Nov. 6, 1862. g. Mary Charlotte, b. May i, 1831 ; m. Josiah Blaisdell, New buryport, Mass. h. Ellen Mariah, b. June 9, 1833 ; d. Aug. 15, 1835, ae. 2-2-6. 12. Clarissa, b. Feb. 17, 1789; lived in the family of Albert Blake, and d. in Hill, num., Feb. 26, 1846, ae. 57-0-9. 13; Amelia, b. Bristol, Apr. 1, 1791 ; d. Feb. 26, 1792. 14. Drucilla, twin sister of Amelia, b. B., Apr. i, 1791 ; lived in the family of William C. Kelley, and there d. Sept. 16, 1882, unm., ae. 91-5-15- 15. Amelia, b. B., Aug. 18, 1793; d. Dec, 1796, ae. 3-4-. *i6. Alfred, b. B., Nov. 13, 1795. 17. Launcellot, b. B., Apr. 9, 1797; went to Louisiana and never heard from afterward ; unm. 18. Joanna, b. B., May 3, 1800; m. J. L. Haines and went to New York. She was living in Morrisana, N. J., 1878. 19. Mary Ann, b. B., Jan. 7, 1803; d. in Hill, May 27, 1853, unm., ae, 50-4-20. 20. Harriet, b. B., Apr. 27, 1807 ; d. Sept., 1809, ae. 2-5-. (g) Ebenezer Kelly, b. Amesbury, Mass., Sept. g, 1768, m. Apr. 16, 1789, Elizabeth Cheney. She was the dau. of Daniel, of West Newbury, Mass. He was a farmer in Newbury, and came to Bristol about I7g3. A little later, he built what is now known as the Fisk house, corner of Central square and Summer street. Here he kept tavern for some years, and later kept a store. He was also associated with Col. Moses Lewis in the manufacture of custom cloth on Central street, probably the first to engage in this industry where is now the grist-mill. The last five years of his residence here, he served as selectman of Bridgewater. He removed to Haverhill about 1809, and to Geneva, N. Y., about 1810. He d. Marion, N. Y., Mar. 13, 1829, ae. 60-6-4. She d. Marion, in 1858, ae. 85. CHILDREN 21. Elizabeth, b. Newbury, Mass., June 12, 1791 ; m. 1809, Joseph Ives. He d. in 1812, and she m. (2) Caleb Jackson, 1814. She d. Feb. 5, 1850, ae. 58-7-23. 22. Sally, b. Bristol, Mar. 6, 1794 ; m. Apr. ^, 1810, Capt. Francis J. Tay, of Bristol. He d. Concord, Jan. 23, 1826 ; she d. in Charlestown, Mass., Apr. 26, 1855, ae. 61-1-20. Children: a. Hiram K., b. 1810; d. Mar. 17, 1841, ae. 31. b. Albert J., U. 1814. c. Rufus Lewis, J d. Harriet Elizabeth, b. 1822 ; m. Thomas F. Johnson. 264 HISTORY OF BRISTOL e. Noah Hinkley, b. Farmington, N. Y., 1824. Now living (1903) in Shortsville, N. Y. A successful farmer. 23. Harriet, b. B., Aug. 26, 1797; d. Geneva, N. Y., 1817, ae. 20. 24. Sophronia, b. B., Mar. i, 1800 (Bridgewater records say Aug. 29, 1796), m. Jeremiah Mooers, 1820 ; d. Apr. 30, 1881, ae. 81-1-29. Children : a. Cyrus F., b. 1821. b. Henry C, b. 1828. c. Laura F., b. 1831. *25. Luther, b. B., Oct. 13, 1803. (Bridgewater records say 1802.) 26. Caroline, b. B., Nov. 6, 1805; d. Aug. 30, 182 1, ae. 15-9-24. 27. Almira, b. B., Apr. 21, 1808 (Bridgewater records, Apr. 27, 1807); m. Joseph Jackson, West Ogden, Mich ; d. July 2, 1832, ae. 24-2-11. One dau. a. Elizabeth. 28. Louise, b. June 9, 1810; m. 1837, John W. Frye, West Ogden Mich. Children : a. James H., b. 1838. b. Elizabeth A., b. 1841 ; m. Edward W. Lapham; now resides in Clayton, Del. Two sons. c. Luther E., b. 1843. d. Carrie, b. 1847. 29. Laura, b. Mar. 28, 1813 ; m. Dec. 17, 1840, William R. Hawley ; (2) Apr. I, 1858, James Requa. One child, d. 1867. 30. Susan, b. May 29, 1816; m. 1841, Lewis H. Danford, in Williams town, Mich. Six children. (16) Alfred Kelly, b. Bristol, Nov. 13, 1795, m. June 30, 1829, Mary, dau. of Daniel and Molly (Smith) Currier, b. Aug. 27, 1805, in Plymouth, and d. in Hill, Nov. 20, 1893, ae. 88- 2-23. He was a farmer in Hill, where he d. Sept. 28, 1845, ae. 49-9-15- CHILDREN, all born in Hill 31. Harriet Augusta, b. Apr. 19, 1830 ; m. Oct. 3, 1849, Wilson Foster. (Sec) 32. Mary Emeline, b. Aug. 16, 1832 ; m. Samuel Carleton. (See.) 33. William Currier, b. June 6, 1834 ; m. May 28, 1867, Anna Ruth, dau. of Clark Merrill. (See.) He served in Co. D, 12th Regt., N. H. Vols., Civil war, and was present at all its engagements, except Cold Harbor. Is a farmer in Hill. Children : a. Alfred Merrill, b. Jan. 29, 1869. b. Minie Jane, b. Jan. 4, 1873 ; m. Harry F. Prescott. (See.) c. Elizabeth Mary, b. Apr. 20, 1881 ; m. George H. Ballou. (Sec) d. Arthur William, b. Apr. ii, 1883 ; killed Jan. 19, 1901, at a road crossing in Franklin — struck by an engine, ae. 17-9-8. 34. Martha Jane, b. May 22, 1841 ; d. Nov. 12, 1858, ae. 17-5-20. (25) Luther Kelly was b. in Bristol, Oct. 13, 1803. He m., Apr. 26, 1842, Jeannette Eliza, dau. of Col. Hezekiah Sage, of Madison County, N. Y. He was for many years a merchant at Geneva, N. Y.; was president of the board of trustees of the village and filled other positions of public trust. Was prominent in the Methodist church and Masonic circles, a man of high character, positive in his convictions. He d. Geneva, Feb. 14, 1857, ae. 53-4-1. Luther Kelly GENEALOGIES — KELLEY 265 CHILDREN 35. Luther Sage, b. Geneva, N. Y., July 27, 1849; m. Sept. 23, 1885, Alice M. Morrison, Detroit, Mich. He served in the loth U. S. Infty., in the Army of the Potomac, during the Civil war, and later on the north western frontier. He was chief of scouts under General Miles in the Yellowstone district during the campaign of i876-'78, after Sitting Bull and Bull Eagle. He was chief scout at the catonment on White river, Colo., l88o-'83, captain of the 7th U. S. Vols, in the Spanish war, and captain in 40th M. S. V. in Philippine Islands. Is now (1903) treasurer of Province of Sarigao, Island of Mindaneo, Philippines ; a man of cul ture and frequent contributor to journals of the day. 36. William Dunham, b. G., June 14, 1852 ; m. Oct. 9, 1877, Charlotte L., dau. of George Cook, of Waterloo, N. Y. He res. Germantown, Pa., and is a railroad director ; president of the Clearfield Bituminous Coal corporation, of Philadelphia, Pa., and Tygarts River Coal company; member of Union League of Philadelphia, Historical Society of Pennsyl vania, Sons of American Revolution, New England Society, etc. Chil dren : a. Gregory Cook, b. Aug. 27, 1879. b. Jeanette Sage, b. May 28, 1882. c. Anna Louise, b. July 12, 1884 ; d. Nov. 30, 1890, ae. 6-4-18. d. William Dunham, ) ,, T,,r .0 e. Cornelia Clarke, [^' ^^^ ^7, 1891. f. Luther Wrentmore, b. Apr. 14, 1896. 37. Anna J., b. Dec. 24, 1855. Res. in Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Is a writer and Browning scholar. 38. Albert F., b. Oct. 29, 1857; m. Mary King, Stauchfield, Pa., Oct. 27, 1896. Is treasurer and manager of Empire Coal Mining company, of Philadelphia ; member of New England Society in Pennsylvania ; Acad emy of Social and Political Science, and is interested in hospital work. I. Eliphalet Gordon Kelley, son of Jonathan D. and Polly C. (Gordon) Kelley, was b. in New Hampton, Aug. 24, 1833. He m. in California, Nov. 10, 1857, Sarah, dau. of Robert and Harriet (Fisher) Noble, b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 4, 1841. He was 16 years a resident of California, three years of which time he was postmaster at Dutch Flat. He was salesman four years in New Hampton ; for Hon. Cyrus Taylor, in Bristol, 1876 tiU he d., Oct. 24, 1886, ae. 53-2-0. Mrs. Kelley res. Bristol. CHILDREN 2. Florence Dustin, b. California, Sept. 17, 1861 ; m. Harry W. Til ton. (See.) 3. Alvah Bugbee, b. New Hampton, Sept. 22, 1865. He m., Sept. 29, 1888, Maria Ida Bishop, dau. of John, b. Presque Isle, Me., May 14, 1865. Was shipper for LoweU Machine company, Lowell, Mass., 1882 till June, 1902 ; since, a farmer at Presque Isle. Children : a. Lloyd Bishop, b. Lowell, Mass., Aug. 7, 1890. *. Sarah Hazel, b. Presque Isle, June 20, 1894. c. Alvah Bugbee, b. P. I., Apr. 13, 1903. I. WUliam Gordon KeUey, son of John and PoUy (Gor don) Kelley, was b. New Hampton, Nov. 12, 1820. He m. in 266 HISTORY OF BRISTOL June, 1844, Eliza Ann, dau. David Dearborn, b. New Hampton, Aug. 26, 1824. They were farmers in New Hampton tiU 1871, when they removed to Bristol and took possession of a residence on Summer street that he erected the year before, where she d. May 21, 1888, ae. 63-8-25. He d. Oct. 3, igo2, ae. 81-10-21. His will made the town of Bristol residuary legatee of his estate, from which about $15,000 is expected to be realized for the pur chase of a public park as stipulated in the will. I. Daniel Kelley, brother of William G., above, was b. New Hampton, June 26, i8i6. He m. June ig, 1842, Julia M., dau. of Gen. David Sanborn, b. Mar. 3, 1822. They were farmers in their native town till 1874, when they located on Summer street in Bristol, where he d. Oct. 18, 1885, ae. 6g-3-22. She d. New Hampton, Feb. 11, i8g6,, ae. 73-11-8. No children. I. Joseph Dearborn Kelley, son of Joseph and Mary (Craw ford) Kelley, wash. Rumney, May 28, 1826 (May 30, 1828 — Crawford record). His mother d. when he was young and he was given a home in the family of Abbott Lovejoy. He was for 18 years a member of the firm of Lovejoy & Kelley, carriage makers. He m. (i) Dec. 17, 1855, Sarah E., dau. of Jacob and Sally Tilton, b. New Hampton, Apr. 8, 1835. She d. Aug. 29, iSsg, ae. 24-4-21, and he m. Dec. 17, 1862, Laurana, widow of Nathaniel Keniston, b. July, 1815. She d. Jan. 21, 1888, ae. 72-6-; lied. Odd Fellows' Home, Concord, Nov. 2, i8g2, ae. 66-5-4. Democrat. Served as captain of the fire company several years, and seven years as fireward. CHILDREN 2. Charles Roscoe, b. Bristol, Apr. i, 1858. 3. Sarah S., d. Sept. 8, 1859, ae. i month. Laura Augusta Keniston, dau. of Mrs. Kelley, b. Jan. i, 1853, made her home in Mr. Kelley's family. THE KEEZER FAMILY I. William Keezer was a resident of Bristol viUage for about 20 years, previous to 1836. He res. on the B. Q. Fellows place on No. Main street and a part of the time was an employee of Reuben Hosmer, hatter. He came to Bristol from Salisbury. Of his ten children, eight are said to have been born in Bristol. CHILDREN »2. Joseph. 3. Sally, m. Joshua Harriman. 4. Clarissa, m. John Gage. 5. Samuel, m. Esther Brown. 6. William, m. Hannah Bray. 7. John, m. Abigail Holt. 8. Eliza, m. Joseph Johnson. 9. Susan, m. Rufus Abbott. 10. Cynthia, m. Daniel Davis. 11. Amos. GENEALOGIES — KEMP 267 (2) Joseph Keezer, m. Betsey Kemp. He was a farmer in Alexandria, and d. in Groton. He had ten children, among whom were : 12. Nathaniel Plumer, b. Alexandria, May 9, 1824.' Hem., Dec. 30, 1844, Lucy Buck Tilton, and she d. Dec. i-, 1890, ae. 64-8-3. He is a farmer in Alexandria. Seven children, one of whom is a. Warren Foster, b. Alexandria, Feb. 18, 1863 ; is a farmer in A. Has served as selectman of his town. He m., Apr. 28, 1894, Nellie M., dau. of Andrew J. Burpee. (See.) Child: Neil, b. A., Apr. 10, 1898. ¦»i3. George Washington, b. A., Apr. 27, 1826. (13) George W. Keezer, b. Apr. 27, 1826. He m., in i84g, Mary, dau. of Nathan and Sallie C. Moore, b. Hanover, 1824, and d. in Bristol, Mar. 23, igoi, ae. 77. He was a farmer in Groton; in Bristol since 1888.CHILDREN 14. Mary E., b. Groton ; m. Alonzo Cross, Groton. 15. Nellie Adelaide, b. G., Apr. 9, 1852 ; m. George F. Cass. (See.) 16. Charles Russell, b. G., June 9, 1859; m. May 8, 1886, Sarah Abbie, dau. Taylor and Laura (Butterfield) Reed, b. Dorchester, Oct. 31, 1855. Teamster. Res. Bristol since 1878. Republican, Odd FeUow, Free Baptist. Children : a. Lewis Merville, b. Bristol, Mar. 30, 1887. b. Carl Russell, b. B., Jan. 8, 1891. c. Edna Marguerite, b. B., June 23, 1894. 17. Lucy Jane, b. G., m. (1) Holt; (2) Fred H. Proctor. (3) Elmer H. Hammond. (See.) 18. Frank Edwin, b. G., Apr. 2, 1864; m. Feb. 3, 1895, Minnie Eva, dau. Henry W. Drake (See), b. Bristol, Oct. 8, 1870. 19. Addie Caroline, d. young. 20. Everett, res. Montpelier, Vt., m. Annie Herbert. THE KEMP FAMILY I. Charles Edward Kemp, son of Asa and Catherine (West) Kemp, was b. Hooksett, Sept. 5, 1848. He m.. May 8, 1871. Clara Eudora, dau. of William H. Perkins (See), b. Aug. 10, 1853. Res. in Bristol since 1882; overseer in spinning-room of the woolen-miU. CHILDREN 2. Mabel Frances, b. Londonderry, Dec. 17, 1872 ; m. Everett Wicom . (See.) 3. Grace May, b. L., June 20, 1874 ; d. June 24, 1895, ae. 21-0-4. 4. Nettie Maud, b. Orange, July 5, 1879. 5. Edmond Cheney, 1, -o-et,.! <;pr,t ,8 ,00, / d.. Oct. 11, 1886. 6. Edwin Worth, T' ^"^*°^' ^^P*' ^^' '^^5. | a. oct. 19, 1886. THE KENDALL FAMILIES I. The Kendalls of Bristol were the descendants of Francis KendaU, who settled in Woburn, Mass., about 1640. Hem., 268 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Dec 24, 1644, Mary, dau. of John Tidd, and had a large family. He was selectman of Woburn for nineteen years. His eighth child was 2. Jacob, b. Jan. 25, 1661. He m., Jan. 2, 1684, Persis Hayward. She d. and he m., Jan. 10, i6g5, Alice Temple. He d. Billerica, Mass. He had children by both wives, one being 3. Ebenezer, b. Woburn, Apr. 5, 1710; m. in 1733, Han nah Hasey, of Rumney Marsh, Boston, b. Dec. 11, 1716, and d. Dunstable, Mass., Feb. 10, 1761, ae. 44-i-2g. He probably m., Nov. 14, 1761, Lucy Cummings, of Dunstable. He d. Dec. 20, 1774, ae. 64-8-15. Hannah Hasey was dau. of Asa and Mary (Walton) Hasey. Asa was son of Lieut. John Hasey, and grandson of Lieut. William Hasey, an ensign in the Ancient and Honorable Artillery company of Boston in 1652, and later a lieutenant in King Philip's war. Ebenezer was the father of 4. Ebenezer, b. Oct. 5, 1736, in Revere or Dunstable. He m , Feb. 23, 1762, Martha, dau. of John Walton, b. Reading, Mass., Nov. 16, 1735. Ebenezer settled in HoUis, but later removed to that part of Plymouth, now Hebron, where he d. Nov. 2, 1802, ae. 66-0-27. She d. Oct. 13, 1817, ae. 81-10-27. They had four or more children, two of whom were *5. Ebenezer, b. HoUis, May 11, 1765. i":6. Hasey, b. June 2, 1772. (5) Ebenezer Kendall, b. May 11, 1765, m. Jan. 20, 1793, Susanna Dow, of Hanover, b. Coventry, Conn., Apr. 10, 1759. She was a dau. of Samuel and Anna (Mellington) Dow, and a cousin of Rev. Lorenzo Dow. Ebenezer lived in Hebron, and here d. Feb. 15 (16), 1837, ae. 71-9 4. She d. at the home of her dau., Mary Morse, in Haverhill, Nov. 28, 1837, ae. 78-7-18. CHILDREN Anna, b. Hebron, Apr. 12, 1794; m. Jonathan Powers. (See.) Ebenezer, b. H., Dec. 10, 1795. Lydia, b. H., Oct. 22, 1797; d. Sept. 22, 1800, ae. 2-11-0. Lemuel, b. H., Mar. 3, 1799; d. Sept. 18, 1800, ae. 1-6-15. Mary, b. H., Oct. 4, 1800 ; m. Isaac Morse, of Haverhill. Lemuel, b. H., Mar. 6, 1803 ; m. Aug. 31, 1824, PhiUnda Hastings. Children : a. Aurilla, m. Ebenezer B. Butterfield, res. Groton, where he d. She removed to Bristol and here d. b. Oscar Rensselaer, b. Hebron, Dec. 1, 1827; m. Dec. 19, 1868, Rachel Elmira, dau. Josiah R. Plumer. He d. Groton, Feb. 21, 1893, ae. 65-2-20. She res. Bristol. Children : (i) Oscar Prescott, b. Groton, Sept. 6, 1872 ; d. G., Dec. 20, 1899, ae. 27-3-14. (2) Josiah Chester, b. Groton, June 7, 1881. c. Caroline Eliza, b. Hebron, May 12, 1836; m. Nathaniel Bart lett. (See.) d. Lemuel C, res. East Boston, Mass. (6) Hasey KendaU, b. June 2, 1772, res. Hebron. He m. Elsa Flanders. GENEALOGIES — KENDALL 269 CHILDREN *i3. Asa, b. Hebron, Jan. — , 1803. -»i4. Jesise F., b. H., Feb. 15, 1809. 15. Joshua T., b. H., 1819 ; came to Bristol when a boy; m. Oct. 9, 1839, Mary Ann, dau. of Dr. Daniel Favor (See), b. Apr. 18, 1817. He was a dealer in lumber here till 1857, when he removed to Concord, where he d. Jan. 4, 1882, ae. 63 ; she d. June 9, 1899, ae. 82-1-21. No children. 16. Joseph, b. H., June 20, 1817, killed by lightning on his 21st birth day. 17. Elsie. (8) Ebenezer Kendall, b. Dec. 10, 1795, m. Dec. 16, 1821, Susan A., dau. of Reuben Allen, of Ellsworth, b. Sept. 9, 1804. He removed from Hebron to North Bristol in 182 1, and there built saw-miU, grist-mill, and woolen-miU. Removed to Bristol village in 1846 or '47. He was a millwright and manufacturer, and was considered a genius in that he could do anything and do it well. Republican. He believed in an overruling power, but not in creeds ; and yet he was active in the construction of the Congregational church, and purchased eight pews, while no other person purchased more than three. He d. May 9, 1867, ae. 7i-4-2g. She d. Bristol, Oct. 15, 1871, ae. 67-1-6. CHILD -S-18. Hiram Woods, b. Bristol, June 21, 1828. (13) Asa Kendall, b. Jan., 1803, m. Mar. 23, 1830, Sarah Emmons, dau. of Joseph. (See.) He d. Alexandria, Dec. 3, 1854, ae. 51-11-; she d. Orange, 1875, ae. 67. CHILDREN 19. Lenora, b. Hebron, 1832 ; m. 1849, David Morse, Francestown. Lived in Alexandria, and there she d. May, i860. Four children. 20. Eleanor, b. H., May 7, 1836; m. Dearborn Gray. (See.) 21. Marinda, b. H., 1840; d. Nov., 1854, ae. 14. 22. Elsie Mariah, b. H., Aug. 23, 1842 ; m. George Ebenezer Place, and d. Newmarket, 1885. Three children. 23. Asa Wayland, b. Alexandria, Aug. 26, 1845 ; m. in Ohio, Mary M. Reed, and res. Santa Cruz, Cal. No children. 24. Henry Clay, b. A., Dec. 25, 1851 ; m. May 25, 1877, Francelia Medora Hoyt, dau. of Enos. Four children. Res. 30 Prescott street, Hyde Park," Mass. (14) Jesse F. Kendall, b. Feb. 15, 1809, m. Jan. 11, 1832, Louisa F., dau. of Josiah Fellows. (See.) He removed from Hebron to the silver mine farm, and later operated grist- and saw-mill at No. Bristol. Removed to Woodstock in 1851, and in the 6o's to Thornton, thence to Campton, where he d. from the effects of a fall, Oct. i, 1877, ae. 68-7-16. Mrs. Kendall d. Thornton, May 11, 1888, ae. 76-10-15. CHILDREN 25. Albon H., b. Hebron, Mar. 1, 1833; m. Nov. 28, 1861, Elizabeth N., dau. of Walter H. and Sarah A. (Fifield) Sawyer, b. Woodstock, July 270 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 28, 1840. He is now a station agent at West Thornton. Children: a. Milton Howard, b. Woodstock, Jan. 26, 1865 ; m. July 28, 1888, Charlotte Smith. b. Joseph Morey, b. Thornton, Jan. 21, 1868; m. Jan. 26, 1897, Ada W. Wilkinson. c. Gertrude Elsie, b. T., Jan. 2, 1873. d. Jesse Albon, b. T., June 8, 1874 ; m. June 19, 1897, Mabel R. Willey. e. Anna Lizzie, b. T., Mar. 4, 1884. 26. Elsey Susan, b. Bristol, Apr. 8, 1838; m. Sept., 1866, Alfred Web ster, and d. Campton, Oct. 9, 1868, ae. 30-6-1. 27. Josiah Fellows, b. B., Nov. 23, 1844 ; m. Eliza Smith, and res. Chicago, 111. (18) Hiram W. Kendall, b. June 21, 1828, was a tinsmith and manufacturer of bedsteads in Bristol. He m., June 6, 1852, Lydia Morse, of Francestown, b. Whitefield, Apr. 26, 1831, and d. Bristol, Apr. 24, 1853, ae. 21-11-28. Hem., Dec 17, 1853, Lucy A., dau. Timothy D. Hinman, of Dorset, Vt., b. Oct. 4, 1 83 1. He was an invalid for many years before his death, which occurred in Bristol, Feb. 29, i8g6, ae. 67-8-8. She res. Woodsville. CHILDREN 28. Edward Frank, b. Bristol, Dec. 30, 1858 ; m. Sept. 28, 1885, Emma M., dau. of Daniel K. Cummings. (See.) He has been a wood-worker and mechanic at Bristol, Lisbon, and now at Woodsville. Child : a. Fred Edward, b. Bristol, Aug. 15, 1889. 29. George Henry, b. B., June 23, 1865, m. Kate I., dau. George W. Hadley, b. Manchester, Sept. 9, 1869, and d. Nov. i, 1894, ae. 25-1-22. He m.. May 16, 1896, at Woodsville, Louise Amelia, dau. Joseph and Abbey (Stevens) Willis, b. June 16, 1874. He commenced trade in Bristol when 13 years of age and continued till elected register of deeds in 1894. He served as register eight years, retiring in 1903. While in Bristol, served two years as deputy sheriff. Now res. in Woodsville. Children : a. Nellie Alice, b. Bristol, Oct. 13, 1887. b. Georgia Isabel, b. B., Oct. 14, 1889. c. Rupert Hiram, b. B., Sept. 4, 1891 ; d. Woodsville, June 29, 1898, from the effects of a fall from a wagon, ae. 6-9-25. THE KENNEY FAMILIES I. James Kenney was b. in Ireland in 1836. Hem., 1854, Mary Ellen McPard, b. Ireland, 1834. Res. in Quebec and Gaspe Basin till 1882, when they came to Bristol. Farmers; removed to Franklin Falls, 1890. CHILDREN, all born in Canada. 2. George, b. Nov. 15, 1855 ; m. Catherine Gonie, Nov. i, 1881 ; res. Lowell, Mass. 3. James, b. Nov. 1, 1857 ; m. Mary Ann Kenney, 1882 ; res. Hill. Children : a. Minnie, b. July, 1884. b. Harold, b. 1891. George H. Kendall, Eso. GENEALOGIES — KETCHUM 27 1 4. Patrick Henry, b. Nov. 29, 1859 ; m. Nov. 27, 1884, Mattie Belle Veasey, of HiU. Res. Franklin Falls. 5. Michael John, b. Feb. 28, 1861 ; m. 1885, Abbie Evans, of Hill ; res. New Hampton. 6. Margaret Ellen, b. Feb. 29, 1863 ; m. Charles T. Smith. (See.) 7. Mary, b. May 4, 1865 ; m. 1883, Hiland Ballou ; res. Bristol. 8. Christina, b. June 4, 1867 ; m. William Smith ; res. Hebron. *9. Frank Parker, b. Nov. 11, 1870. 10. William, b. Oct. 29, 1871 ; m. 1896, Jennie Hanaford ; res. Frank lin Falls. II. Louise, b. Aug. 12, 1873 ; d. 1881, ae. 8. 12. Rebecca, b. Mar. 4, 1875 ; d. 1881, ae. 6. 13. Thomas Edmond, b. 1880 ; res. Franklin FaUs. (9) Frank P. Kenney, b. Nov. 11, 1870, m. Nov. 28, 1894, Lizzie A., dau. of James P. and Mary (Charwood) Dugdale, b. Providence, R. I., June 28, 1876. Has been a resident of Bris tol since 1880. Blacksmith, Republican, Methodist. CHILDREN 14. Hulda Mary, b. Bristol, Apr. 22, 1896. 15. Helen Gertrude, b. B., Aug. 23, 1898. 16. Mae, b. B., Oct. i, 1900 ; d. same day. 17. Frank Proctor, b. B., Nov. 30, 1901. I. Patrick M. Kenney, son of Oney McKenney, was b. County Waxley, Ireland, Mar. 16, 1843. Hem., Feb. 15, 1866, Agnes, dau. of Felix Adams. (See.) He came to Bristol about 1872, and has res. Profile Falls. Mill operative. CHILDREN 2. Mary Ann, b. Gaspe, P. Q., Sept. 28, 1868 ; m. James Kenney. (Sec) 3. Arthur L., b. G., Feb. 25, 1871. A mill operative in Bristol ; unm. 4. Katherine, b. Haverhill, Apr. 15, 1873 ; m. 1889, WiUiam G. Til ton ; res. Alexandria. Child : a. Fremont, b. 1891. 5. Oney, b. Bristol, June 6, 1875. A wood-worker in Bristol. 6. Lawrence, b. Hill, Sept. 30, 1877 ; m. Mary Handerson. An employee at crutch factory. Child : a. Arline May, b. Bristol, Aug. 30, 1902. 7. Felix, b. H., Nov. 22, 1883 ; is an operative in paper-mill ; unm. THE KETCHUM FAMILY I. Rev. Silas Ketchum was the son of Silas and Cynthia (Doty) Ketchum. He was b. Barre, Vt., Dec. 4, 1835, and m. Apr. 4, i860, Georgia Cenitia, dau. of Elbridge and Sarah (Stickney) Hardy, b. Amherst, July i, 1843. He was pastor of the Congregational church in Bristol, Nov., 1866-May, 1875. (See Congregational Church.) He d. at Boston, Mass., Apr. 24, 1880, ae. 44-4-20, and his remains were intetred at Contoo cook. Mrs. Ketchum res. Brookline, Mass. 272 HISTORY OF BRISTOL CHILDREN 2. George Crowell, b. Bangor, Me., May 16, 1862 ; m. Oct. 29, 1890, Annie, dau. of Dexter Taylor, of Woburn, Mass. He is a druggist at Brookline, Mass. 3. Edmond, b. Bristol, Sept. 17, 1871. He is a graduate of the Nor mal Art School of Boston, in art and nature studies. Res. 677 Washing ton street, Brookline, Mass. Unm. He is a talented painter in oil and water colors. His marine views especially have attracted much attention. THE KIDDER FAMILIES I. The Kidders are of ancient British, Danish, and Saxon stock. The name as first written was Kyddwr ; in 1500, it was written Kydder. James Kidder, b. East Grinstead, Sussex, England, in 1626, was the ancestor of the Kidders of New Eng land. He was in Cambridge, Mass., as early as 1650. 2. John Kidder, a descendant of James, was b. in Bedford, Mass., in 1736. He m. Jenny Lynn, b. Bedford, Aug. 2, 1740 (1737), and came to Bristol in i76g, for the purpose of tending the rist-mill just erected for the proprietors of the township by Maj. John Tolford, where the Train-Smith Co. pulp-mill now stands. He moved into a log house at the corner of Central square and Spring street, where now stands Emerson's block. After tending this mill three years he bought the farm now owned by Fred Kidder, and moved his family into a log house he erected on the east side of the highway, a little distance above the schoolhouse near Solon DoUoff's. In time, a frame house succeeded the log structure, but both have succumbed to the ravages of time, and the site is now marked only by the par tially filled cellar and the lilac and rose bushes that stand sen tries over the spot. Here he cleared the land that gave him and several succeeding generations a home. He was a Revolution ary soldier. (See.) At one time when out of provisions he walked to Haverhill corner, bought a bushel of corn, had it ground at Bristol, and got back home on the evening of the second day. The family were entirely out of food when he reached home. He d. in Bristol, Sept. 7 (3), 1828, ae. 92. She d. Aug. 3, 1833, ae. g3-o-i. CHILDREN 3. Sarah, b. Bedford, Aug. 16, 1764 ; m. Moses Cleveland. (See.) «-4. Benjamin, b. B., Mar. 27, 1766. 5. Mary, b. June 6, 1768 ; d. at Albion, N. Y.; unm. *6. James, b. Bristol, Apr. 30, 1771. *7. John, b. B., May 29, 1773. 8. Hannah, b. B., May 9, 1775 ; m. James Fuller, who came to Bris tol when a young man. They removed to Albion, N. Y. Children, all b. in Bristol : a. Daniel Dean, b. Mar. 6, 1796. b. Holland, b. Feb. 10, 179S. c. Hibbard, b. May 30, 1800. d. Joel, b. Sept. 23, 1802. e. Amelia, b. Feb. 2, 1805. /. John, b. Apr. 6, 1807. g. James, b. Oct. 8, 1809. h. Mary, b. Feb. 8, 1812. GENEALOGIES — KIDDER 273 9. Reuben, b. B., Nov. 21, 1777. He m., June 13, 1805, Sally, dau. of David and Mary Straw, b. Dec. 24, 1779, and d. Bristol, Feb. i, 1852, ae. 72-1-7- He was a farmer at the base of Bristol Peak ; house destroyed by fire, Dec. 14, 1857. He d. in New Hampton, Feb. 16, 1856, ae. 78-2-25. They had no children but brought up Alonzo Cheney. 10. Betsey, b. B., May 25, 1781 ; m. Enoch Cheney. (See.) (4) Lieut. Benjamin Kidder, b. Mar. 27, 1766, came to Bristol i76g, with his father's famUy. Feb. 14, 1788, he m. MoUy Heath, b. i76g, and d. in Bristol, Mar. 15, 1804, ae. 35. (Feb. 16, 1803 — tombstone.) He m. (2) Sally, dau. of John Wiggin, of Candia, b. 1777, and d. May 22, 1839, ae. 62. Hem. (3) Nov. 10, 1839, Widow Sarah (Cross) Willey, of Northfield. She d. of maUgnant smallpox, July 6, i860, ae. 74. He settled on the farm next above his father, where Fred Kidder now lives, where he d. Mar. 11, 1853, ae. 86-11-14. A member of the Methodist church more than 50 years before his death. CHILDREN, all born Bristol -y;ii. Daniel Heath, b. Aug. 22, 1788. 12. Dorothy, b. Aug. 17, 1790; m. Oliver Ballou. (See.) *I3. John, b. Jan. 7, 1793. ^14. Benjamin, b. June 13, 1795. 15. Jane, b. July 30, 1797 ; m. Joseph H. Brown. (See.) 16. Mary, b. Sept. 3, 1799; d. at 20. 17. Hannah, b. Nov. 29, 1801 ; m. Benjamin Q. Fellows. (See.) *18. Joshua, b. June 8, 1805. 19. Aaron, b. Sept. 3, 1806 ; m. (i) Dec. 31, 1832, Mary, dau. of Oliver Ballou (See), b. June, 1808. She d. May 4, 1846, in Alexandria, ae. 37-11-. He m. (2) July, 1847, Mary Jane, dau. of Samuel Cole, b. Alexandria, Jan. II, 1815, and d. Jan. 26, 1855, ae. 40-0-15. He m. (3) Jan. i, 1856, Mariam, dau. of James Eastman, b. Enfield, June 24, 1811, and d. Apr. 24, 1865, ae. 53-10-0. Aug. 28, 1870, (?) he m. (4) Rhoda S., dau. of John and Rhoda Tucker, b. Hill, Nov. 10, 1822. He res. in Bristol, Plainfield, Hanover, where he lived seven or eight years, and then returned to Bris tol, and a year later removed to Hill, where he d. Nov. 10, 1898, ae. 92- 2-7. She d. Hill, Mar. 21, 1901, ae. 78-4-11. He was for years a member of the Methodist church and a class leader. Republican. Children : a. Sarah, b. Hill, Mar. 21, 1833 ; d. Apr. 10, 1841, ae. 8-0-19. b. Jephthah P., b. Bristol, Feb. 18, 1837 ; m. Mar., 1863, Melvina, dau. Levi Cary. Was superintendent of knitting-mill at Philmont, N. Y., where he d. July, 1898, ae. 61-5-. c. Hannah, b. Alexandria, Sept. 17, 1839 ; d. Aug. 24, 1840. «-2o. Joseph, b. Aug. 2, 1809. 21. Nancy, b. June 24, 1812 ; d. at nine years of age. 22. Polly, d. young. (6) James Kidder, b. Apr. 30, 1771, m. Mary, dau. of Oliver Smith and Deborah (Ingalls) Blake, b. Aug. 16, 1775, and d. May 10, 1843, in Enosburgh, Vt., ae. 67-8-24. He was a farmer in Hebron ; removed to Enosburgh, where they resided in the family of his son, James. He d. Oct. 30, 1833, ae. 62-6-0. CHILDREN 23. Oliver Blake, b. Hebron, Aug. 19, 1796; d. in Plymouth, July 2, 1854, ae. 57-10-13. He m. Betsey Dodge, dau. of John, b. Nov. 6, 1794, and d. Orland, Me., Jan. 9, 1875, ae. 80-2-3. 18 274 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 24. Reuben, b. H., Aug. 9, 1798; m. Nov. 6, 1825, Sally Powell, dau. of David (See), b. Mar. 3, 1800 ; d. Plymouth, Apr., 1859, ae. 59-1-. He d. in Montague, Mass., Apr. 30, 1875, ae. 76-8-21. Children: a. Mary, b. Hebron, Oct. 25, 1827; m. Alexander McMurphy, of So. -Alexandria, and d. in Jan., 1852, ae. 24-3-. b. Almira, b. H., Apr. 27, 1830; m. Warren Glover of Bridge- water, and emigrated to California, where he d. Jan. 16, 1891. c. Orpha, b. H., Dec. 30, 1834 ; d. July 18, 1835. d. David Smith, b. H., Dec. 9, 1838. He m., Sept. 3, 1861, Augusta Anne, dau. of John and Phoebe (Batchelder) Boynton, b. Bridgewater, Apr. 25, 1836. He was for a time in trade in Bristol, as dealer in stoves and tinware, left Bristol 1868, and now res. in Vineland, N. J. Children: (i) Fred Smith, b. Bristol, Mar. 4, 1863. (2) Cora Augusta, b. Turners FaUs, Mass., Mar. 23, 1873. (3) Minnie Belle, b. Feb. 13, 1876; unm. Res. Chicopee Falls. (4) Infant son, b. Aug. 13, 1871 ; d. Sept. 22, 1871. 25. Mary, b. H., June 20, 1800; m. her cousin, Moses Kidder, son of John, Jan. 16, 1823. Res. Enosburgh and Montgomery, Vt., and Norfolk, Neb., where she d. Mar. 22, 1886, ae. 85-9-2. 26. James, b. H., Oct. 9, 1802, and d. in Enosburgh, Vt., Oct. 13, 1852, ae. 50-0-4. He m., Oct. 31, 1831, Lura, dau. Allen Adams, who was b. May 8, 1807, in Charlotte, Vt., and d. Dec. i, 1891, in Enosburgh, ae. 84-6-23. Nine children. 27. Sherburn, b. Dec. 21, 1804; m., and d. in Canada, Jan. 15, 1857. ae. 52-0-24. (7) John Kidder, son of John, b. Bristol, May 29, 1773, m. Nov. 17, 1796, Mehitable Blake, dau. of Oliver Smith and Deborah (Ingalls) Blake, b. in Sandown, Jan. 17, 1773, and d. in Holland, Vt., Mar. 24, 1863, ae. 90-2-7. He settled on the John Smith farm in Bridgewater, and here he res. till 1811, when his property was swept away through signing a note with Moses Lewis, and he removed to Hebron. In March, 1815, he purchased a farm in Enosburg, Vt., and removed his family thither on an ox sled, and there he resided till his death, Feb. 8, 1856, ae. 82-8-g. He was a strong man physically and spiritually ; a member of the Congregational church. CHILDREN 28. Lynn, b. Feb. 8, 1798; m. widow Abigail Pease, and d. in Michi gan. Was a Congregational minister. 29. Moses, b. Bridgewater, Mar. 5, 1800 ; m. his cousin, Mary Kidder. Res. in Enosburg and Montgomery, Vt., then near Pawpaw, Mich., and Norfolk, Neb., where he d. Aug. 21, 1888, ae. 88-5-16. 30. Sarah, b. B., Mar. 31, 1802; d. unm., in Holland, Vt., Nov. 6, 1861, ae. 59-7-5- 31. John, b. B., Apr. 6, 1804 ; was twice m., and d. in West Kendall, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1850, ae. 46-4-0. 32. Mehitable, b. B., July 5, 1806, and d. unm., in Enosburg, Vt., Apr. 5, 1855, ae. 48-9-0. 33. Lucy, b. B., Mar. 22, 1809; m. Luke Gilbert, and res. Vermont, New York, Michigan, and Nebraska, and d. at Oakdale, Neb., Dec. 18, 1894, ae. 85-8-26. 34. Amasa, b. B., Sept. 24, 1811 ; m. Feb. 19, 1835, Esther Brewer, b. Sept. 3, 1815. She d. Holland, Vt., Dec. 16, 1889, ae. 74-3-13. He d. Holland, Feb. 7, 1888, ae. 76-4-13. Five children. GENEALOGIES — KIDDER 275 35. Mary, b. Enosburg, Vt., June 17, 1815 ; m. Sept. 24, 1861, Enoch Huggins. Res. Holland. (11) Daniel H. Kidder, son of Benjamin, b. Aug. 22, 1788, m. Nov. 22, 1810, Eliza Chandler, dau. of Abial. (See.) In the fall of 1822, they removed to Stewartstown, where he d. Oct. 16, 1864, ae. 76-1-24; she d. same place, Sept. 10, i8gi, at the advanced age of 102-1-12. They both d. in famUy of their son, James Monroe. Their children were all b. in Bristol, except the last. CHILDREN 36. Leonard Cummings, b. June 22, i8ii ; m. Aug. 5, 1832, in Clarks- ville, Susanna Fellows, dau. of Isaiah, b. Lisbon, Aug. 13, 1811, and d. Stewartstown, June 18, 1881, ae. 69-10-5. He res. in Clarksvillc Chil dren : a. Benjamin W., b. Jan. 11, 1834; d. Sept. 21, 1876, ae. 42-8-10. b. Eben Perry, b. Dec. 26, 1835 ; m. Sarah Chase, Mar. 26, i86i. She was b. Jan. 24, 1840. Two children. c. Alvin, b. Nov. 16, 1837 ; unm. d. Malona, b. Nov. 8, 1839 ; unm. e. Bertha, b. Mar. 4, 1842 ; d. Aug. 5, i860, ae. 18-5-1. /. Martha, b. Mar. 6, 1844; d. Nov. 11, 1861, ae. 17-8-5. g. Persis, b. Nov. i6, 1848 ; unm. h. Noah F., b. Feb. 20, 1851 ; m. Una Brooks, Apr. 24, 1878. Child: (i) Susan E., b. Jan. 24, 1884. 37. Almira Jane, b. Feb. 4, 1813 ; m. Mar. 13, 1837, Noah Cummings and d. Dec. 16, 1896, ae. 83-10-12. He d. Colebrook, Feb. 6, i860. They res. Colebrook. Children : a. Daniel E., b. Colebrook, July i, 1840 ; m. July 13, 1874, Lucy A. Egleston. Res. Colebrook. b. Elvira, b. C, June 1841 ; m. Nov. 9, 1882, Milton Harriman, of Colebrook. 38. Abial Chandler, b. Sept. 10, 1814 ; m. Jan. 28, 1839, Julia A. John son, dau. of Moses, b. Apr. 25, 1818 ; d. in Colebrook, July 18, 1865, ae. 47-2-23. He d. in Colebrook, June 23, 1866, ae. 51-9-13. Abial was a farmer, and operated a saw-mill. Children : a. Aurilla, b. July 6, 1840 ; m. July 18. 1866, Martin B. Noyes, of Colebrook. One child. b. Lee M., b. Dec. 4, 1858; d. Sept. 7, 1863, ae. 4-9-3- 39. Daniel Erskine, b. June 15, 1815. He m. (i) 1843, Jane Bonney, in Lowell ; m. (2) 1857, Mary E. EUas, in Nebraska. Was a soldier in Co. A, 1st Neb. Inf. (See Roll of Honor.) He d. in Nebraska, June 17, 1864, ae. 49-0-2. Children : a. Albert Edward, b. Jan. 12, 1844. Was a soldier in Union army, Co. A, ist Neb. Regt. He m. Sept. 14, 1867, Mary S. Powers, b. Jan. 15, 1849. Res. Norton, Kansas. Ten children, all b. in Kansas. b. Thomas O., b. 1858. c. Amanda, b. i860. 40. Julia Ann Locke, b. July 2, 1816 ; m. Feb. 15, 1844, Orrin Covell, Farmer. He d. Stewartstown, Dec 18, 1891, ae. 73-5-15 ; she d. June 2. 1883, ae. 66-1 i-o. Children: a. Murcilva, b. Jan. 26, 1846 ; m. Aug. 4, 1862, Benjamin F. Crawford. b. Miranda, b. Mar. 25, 1849 ; m. Benjamin C. Young. c. Celon E., b. June 28, 1852 ; m. Nov. 10, 1880, Susie Brooks, and d. Apr. 23, 1889, ae. 36-9-25. 276 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 41. Lydia Ann Barnard, twin sister of Julia Ann Locke, d. young. 42. Jonathan Thomas, b. Feb. 6, 1820 ; m. Polly Carter. (See Roll of Honor.) He d. Carleton, Vt. Family res. there. 43. James Monroe, b. Aug. 22, 1822; m. Jan. i, 1848, Mary Ann, dau. of Thomas R. Holden, b. in Stewartstown, Aug. 17, 1827. (See Roll of Honor.) Was selectman of Stewartstown, i857-'58, and represented his town in the legislature i883-'84. They res. Stewartstown. Children : a. Murrilla, b. July 24, 1848 ; d. Mar. 10, 1864, ae. 15-7-16. b. Almira, b. June 6, 1850; m. Josiah Young, and d. Sept. 16, 1877, ae. 27-3-10. Children : (i) Eleanor S., b. July, 24, 1868. (2) Murrilla K., b. Sept. 11, 1870. (3) John F., b. Dec. 22, 1872; d. Dec. 28, 1872. (4) James A., b. Feb. 28, 1874. (5) Bessie I., b. Apr. 3, 1876. c. Augusta A., b. May 12, 1853; m. 1870, Charles D. Young, at Stewartstown. d. Eliza A., b. Jan. 4, 1857 ; m. Jan. I, 1874, John H. Haynes at Stewartstown. Child: (i) Chloe, b. Jan. 29, 1880. 44. Benjamin Wiggin, b. Stewartstown, Dec. 3, 1827; d. at 3 years of age. (13) John Kidder, son of Benjamin, b. Jan. 7. i7g3, m. Dec. 25, 1820, Ruth, dau. of Josiah Fellows (See), b. Feb. 9, i7g5, and d. Apr. g, i87g, ae. 84-2-0. He was a farmer in the Kidder neighborhood. He d. Mar. 25, 1848, ae. 55-2-18. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 45. Frederick Kidder, b. Apr. 8, 1822 ; m. Jan. 15, 1845, Samantha, dau. of Timothy Chandler (See), b. July 4, 1822. He is a farmer where his great-gandfather settled. Children, all born in Bristol : a. Ellen Georgianna, b. May 29, 1849. Unm. b. Dennis Herman, b. June 8, 185 1 ; d. Sept. 4, 1854, ae. 3-2-26. c. Cora Augusta, b. Mar. 5, 1857; m. Orrin j. Muzzey. (See.) d. Hiram Dana, b. Jan. 5, i85i. Farmer on home farm. Uhm. 46. John W., b. Apr. 15, 1831 ; d. unm., Nov. 19, 1855, ac 24-7-4. 47. Charles, b. May 25, 1836; m. Mar. 13, 1862, Susan E., dau. of Moses and Mary (Putney) Johnson, of Weare, b. Feb. 14, 1839. He lived on the Kidder farm till about middle life then removed to the village, where he now res. Democrat, laborer, Methodist. Children, all b. in Bristol : a. Hattie A., b. Dec. 22, 1863 ; mill operative. b. John H., b. May 6, 1867. IJnm. Official member Methodist church. Odd Fellow. Democrat. c. Lurie A., b. July 9, 1869. d. EUen I., b. May 7, 1872 ; m. June 2, 1897, David H. Goodhue, locomotive fireman. (His second wife.) She d. Oct. 7, 1900, ae. 28-5-. Children: (i) Son, b. Nov. 3, 1898; d. same day. (2) Lucia May, b. Jan. 6, 1900. 48. Arianna, b. Aug. 29, 1838 ; m. Richard K. Sawyer, and d. Bris tol, Jan. 12, 1863, ae. 24-3-13. He d. diphtheria. Mar. 20, 1869, ae. 29-5-. Child : a. Lurie Ann, b. Bristol, Dec. 12, 1862 ; d. Plymouth, diphthe ria, Mar. 15, 1869, ae. 6-3-3. (14) Benjamin Kidder, son of Benjamin, b. June 13, 1795, first settled on the Frank Sanborn farm. About 1827, he moved Benjamin Kidder GENEALOGIES — KIDDER 277 to farm now owned and occupied by Levi N. Heath. Jan., 1856, he removed to Illinois. He m. Mar. 4, 1824, Sarah Dodge, b. in Irasburg, Vt., Nov. 24, 1801, and d. in Bristol, Oct. 15, 1831, ae. 29-10-21. He m. June 5, 1832, Mary Doton, b. Moultonboro', Jan. 16, 1807, dau. of Ephraim and Susanna Doton, and sister of Dr. Isaac Doton, of New Hampton. She d. at Woosung, 111., Apr. 3, 1S92, ae. 85-2-17. He d. same place, Aug. 6, 1883, ae. 88-1-23. children, all born in Bristol 49. Adoniram, b. May 8, 1825. He m. Apr. 10, 1846 (June 13, 1846 — Records Cong, church), Lydia Ann, dau. Smith Powell (See), b. June 29, 1830. Res. Bristol, New Hampton, Dixon, 111.; Helena, Mont.; Utah; Evanston, Wyoming ; thence to Sanborn, Iowa, in 1882, where she d. Mar. 19, 1894, ae. 63-8-20. He res. Sanborn. Children : a. Malvenah S., b. Bristol, Feb. i, 1847; m. Nov. 30, 1869, William C. Green, of Dixon, 111. Res. Sanborn, Iowa. Children : (1) Lulu, m. Charles Anderson, at Sanborn, Nov. 30, 1894. (2) Edna. b. Ella D., b. B., May 5, 1854; m. Dec. 9, 1872, Allen E. Brad bury, of South Pass, Wyo. Res. Red Canon, Wyo. Children: (1) Silas N. (2) Velorus. (3) Earl. c. Jennie L., b. New Hampton, May 5, 1856 ; m. July 21, 1873, Peter A. McPhee, of Green River, Wyo. Res. Kaslo, B. C. 50. Levi Nelson, b. Mar. 13, 1827. Left Bristol in 1851 ; was in Georgia two years and in the West ; was a railroad contractor in Pennsyl vania, and d. of consumption at Dixon, 111., July 17, 1865, unm., ae. 38-4-4. 51. Sarah Ann, b. May 18, 1829; m. Apr. 6, 1856, James W. Tay lor, Sandwich; she d. Jordan, 111., Aug. i, 1861, ae. 32-2-13. Children : a. GeorgeAlmond,b. Jordan, 111., Dec. 30, 1857. Res. in Pueblo, Colo. ,fi b. Nellie Dodge, b. Mar. 15, 1859 ; m. Dec. 21, 1875, S. H. Todd; res. Millidgeville, 111. c. Lizzie Florence, b. Jordan, July 15, i860. 52. Nelson B., b. Jan. 16, 1834; m. Dec. 30, 1862, Amanda Mingle, dau. of Joseph H. and Catherine Mingle, b. Dec. 26, 1841, in Bradford, Co., Penn. He left Bristol for Illinois in Jan., 1855 ; res. in Polo, 111. Children : a. Aldanah C, b. Jordan, 111., Oct. 12, 1863; d. June 29, 1868, ae. 4-8-17. b. Irvin M., b. J., July 18, 1869 ; m. Feb. 11, 1891, Maggie Max- weU, who d. Feb. 28, 1895 ; he m. (2) Janette Allison, of Chickasaw Co., Iowa. c. Fred J., b. J., Feb. 11, 1874. Res. Polo. 53. Electa H., b. Nov. 15, 1837; m. Jan. i, 1855, Harrison J. Taylor, of Sandwich ; d. in Iowa, June 9, 1878, ae. 40-6-24. Children : a. WiUiam. b. Merrow. c. Charles. d. Frank. e. Emma. /. Sherman. g. Levi. 54. Marcellus, b. Sept. 8, 1840; m. Apr. 22, 1871, Ella J. Annan, dau. John G. and Hannah Annan, b. Sept. 2, 1849. He went West m 1854, and res. Penrose, 111. Children : a. Ida Luella, b. Jordan, 111., May 9, 1875. b. Royce Annan, b. J., July 8, 1878. l8« 278 HISTORY OF BRISTOL (18) Joshua Kidder, son of Benjamin, b. June 8, 1805, m. Dec. 28 (31), 1832, Mary Jane, dau. Ezekiel and Sarah (Cross) Willey, b. Dec ig, 1808, in Canterbury, and d. in Bristol, May II, i88g, ae. 80-4-22. He was a farmer and settled on his grandfather's farm but in middle life removed to Merrimack street, and conducted the saw-mill on the south side of the river. He d. Apr. 20,^1863, ae. 57-10-12. children, all born in Bristol 55. Nancy Jane, b. May 7, 1835; m. Benjamin E. Blackstone. (See.) 56. Helen Augusta, b. Aug. 13, 1837; m. (1) Apr. i, 1854, Lyman R. Roberts, of Orford. .She m. (2) Thomas Ryan, of Franklin. Children: a. Mary Jane, b. Sept. 18, 1855 ; m. Oct., 1S78, George W. Ryan, of Franklin. b. Nellie, b. Feb. 23, 1858 ; d. Mar. 16, 1859, ae. 1-0-23. c. Joshua, b. Mar. ii, i860; m. Mary E. Williams, Boston, 1882, d. Ira Lyman, b. Nov. 28, 1862 ; m. Mary Gilman, Portsmouth, 1884. e. Nellie Etta, b. July 19, 1865 ; m. Dec. 3, 1885, Bert Orton, of Fairfax, Vt. /. Minnie Bell, b. Nov. 14, 1868 ; m. Sept., 19, 1889, Frank C. Kittridge. 57. Francena, b. Apr. 22, 1841 ; m. Daniel Cass. (See.) 58. Laura Augusta, b. Aug. 11, 1842; m. Etna A. Ferrin Concord. She d. May 31, 1900, ae. 57-9-20. 59. Cornelia, b. Jan. 2, 1849 ; m. Nov., 1866, Charles A. Bond, a cap tain in the Union army. She d. in Concord, Nov. 17, 1889, from a surgi cal operation the day previous, ae. 40-10-15. (20) Joseph Kidder, son of Benjamin, b. Aug. 2, 1809, m. Dec. 25, 1834, Dorcas, dau. of Levi Nelson (See), b. Nov. 6, 1814. Divorced. She d. in Bristol, Apr. 7, 1878, ae. 63-5-1. He m. (2) Louisa Lavina, widow of Orrin Gordon, and dau. of David Batchelder. (See.) She d. Concord, Oct. 3, i8gi, ae. 69-0-13. He was a farmer on North Main street, at the base of Sugar hiU. He carried on his farm and at odd hours with one horse did all the job teaming required in the village at that time. He d. Nov. 17, 1873, ae. 64-3-15. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 60. Jessie M., b. Nov. 16, 1835 ; d. Jan. 27, 1837 ae. 1-2-11. 61. Uriah H., b. June 26, 1836 ; m. Mar. 29, 1881, Nancy Jane, dau. of Oliver S. HaU. (See.) He was a carpenter and farmer, res. on Hall farm. (See Roll of Honor.) He d. Mar. 29, 1903, ae. 66-9-3. No chil dren. 62. Albert Harvey, b. July 16, 1838; m. Aug. 26, i86i, Emeline, dau. Josiah M. Healey, b. Alexandria, Oct. 15, 1837. He has res. 359 Pearl street, Manchester, since Mar., 1871. Carpenter. Children : a. Rosetta, b. Bristol, Feb. 27, 1862. b. Annie M., b. B., July 25, 1869; m. May 20, 1896, Rufus H. Perkins. He d. Mar. 11, 1900. She res. Manchester. c. Alma Dean, b. Manchester, Mar. 3, 1873; m. Oct. 8, 1894, George A. Hoyt, res. North Londonderry. 63. Henry R., b. Apr. 13, 1841. KiUed at battle of Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863, ae. 22-0-20. (See Roll of Honor.) GENEALOGIES — KIMBALL 279 64. Frank M., was a salesman in St. Louis, Mo.; m. Feb. 10, 1885, Ann McDonald. Present residence unknown. I. Francis Kidder, son of Francis and Abigail (Russell) Kidder, was b. Littleton, Mass., Feb. ii, 1785. He. m. Jan. 18, 1810, Nancy Hartwell, of Littleton. Francis Kidder was a merchant in Andover, Mass. He was taxed in Bristol, i83g- '52, and d. in Bristol, Nov. 7, 1852, ae. 67-8-26. Mrs. Kidder removed to Cambridge, Mass., and there d. CHILDREN 2. Frances Ann, b. June 18, 181 1 ; d. Apr. 11, 1830, ae. 18-9-23. 3. Martha Jane, b. Feb. i, 1813 ; m. Oct. 10, 1832, Nathaniel Swift, of Andover, Mass., merchant, partner of Francis Kidder. Was Presi dent Andover Savings bank 25 years. She d. Nov. 28, 1843, ae. 30-9-27. Four children. 4. Mary Elizabeth, b. Feb. 4, 1815 ; m. Sept. 2, 1835, Samuel Pren tiss Cobb, Andover; d. Sept. 30, 1836, ae. 21-7-26. No children. 5. William, b. Mar. 29, 1817, settled in Newburyport, Mass., and never res. in Bristol. 6. Franci,"! Henry, b. July 20, 1819, merchant, came to Bristol, 1840. Was identified with first woolen-miU near railroad station ; was first con ductor on Franklin & Bristol railroad ; was badly injured on road ; resigned, and engaged in horse trade ; d. from kick of horse in old stable once connected with tavern on South Main street in May, 1853, ae. 43-10-. 7. Ellen Caroline, b. Andover, Mass., Mar. 20, 1823 ; m. Solomon S. Sleeper. (See.) 8. Sarah Dix, b. Andover, July 6, 1825; m. Sherburn S. Merrill. (Sec) 9. Susan Hayward, b. Nov. 3, 1829; m. Nov. 7, 1848, Israel Lom bard, of Boston ; d. Oct. 29, 1851, ac 21-11-26. One dau. d. THE KIMBALL FAMILIES I. Arthur Lamprey Kimball, son of John A. and Sarah (Nudd) KimbaU, was b. Gilford, Apr. ii, 1875. He m. Sept. I, i8g4, Ida May, dau. of Francis L. and Elmira Blake, b. New Hampton, Oct. 4, 1877. Employee of pulp-miU most of the time for past 12 years. CHILDREN 2. Minnie Maria, b. New Hampton, Jan. 13, 1895. 3. Eva Maud, b. Bristol, Aug. 8, 1898 ; d. Sanbornton, Oct. 20, 1901. I. Charles Edward KimbaU is the son of Daniel S. and Martha A. (Bennett) Kimball. He was b. Franklin June 10, 1867, and m. May 2, i8gi, Hattie Etta, dau. Henry Decato. (See.) He is a farmer in the Kidder neighborhood. A Catho lic, and a member of the grange. 28o HISTORY OP BRISTOL CHILDREN 2. Sadie Belle, b. Bristol, Mar. 20, 1892. 3. Hervie Charles, b. B., Nov. 26, 1895. 4. Florence Delia, b. B., June 24, 1901. THE KING FAMILIES I. Edward Franklin King is the son of Benjamin Franklin and Mary Ann (Waterman) King. He was b. White River Junction, Vt., Jan. ig, 1847, and m. Oct. 10, 1885, Adelaide Victoria, dau. of Joseph and Matilda (Burnham) Huntoon, b. at Enfield, July 5, 1848. He came from Enfield in 1885, and has had charge of the finishing room of the woolen-miU 17 years. No children. I. Fred Louis King, son of Oliver A. and Lucy A. (Hall) King, was b. in New York city, June 9, 1865. Hem. Belle N., dau. of George H. and Jane Simonds, b. Alexandria, Mar. 15, 1868. He has been a laborer in Bristol since Mar., 1885. CHILDREN 2. Perley G., b. Bristol, June 3, 1889. 3. Fred Louis, b. B., Nov. li, 1892. THE KIRK FAMILIES I. Robert Moore Kirk was the son of John D. Kirk, of Alexandria. He was b. in Alexandria, May 26, 1824; m. Sarah Jane, dau. of John B. Straw, b. Feb. i, 1819. Farmer in Alexandria tiU 1866; then a laborer in Bristol tiU he d., May 2, 1883, ae. 58-11-6. Shed. Mar. 11, i8g6, ae. 77-1-10. CHILDREN 2. John D b. Alexandria, Aug. 20, 1843; m. Oct. 5, 1871, Frances, dau. of Jacob S. Hall, b. Georgetown, Mass., June 12, 1847 He was station agent at Franklin ; later in trade there ; d. Sept. 24, 1900 ae S7- 1-4. Deacon Congregational church. Mason, Odd Fellow. Child : _«• ^S^?'^^^® Almont, b. Oct. 22, 1873; m. June ii, 1902, Minnie Dell Jellison. > 7 , 3. Lizzie A., b. A Apr. 25, 1845 ; m. George H. Spiller. (See.) 4- Frank Samuel, b A., Jan. 18, 1849; m. May 7, 1866, Julia Ann, dau. of Benjamin and Adeline (Roberts) Spiller, b. Bridgewater, Mays, 1842 ; d. Bristol, Nov. 25, 1901, ae. 59-6-20. She was two years a member of the board of education He m. (2) Apr. 22, 1902, Emma Frances, dau. of Joseph A. and Lois A. (Cummings) Judkins. Has res. in Bristol since Jan., 1869. Was an employee at woolen-mill three years; since 1872, salesman at the grist-mill on Central street. Served one year as select man. Republican, Free Baptist, Odd Fellow, K. of P., Granger. Chil- GENEALOGIES — KITTRELL 28 1 a. Ellis Leslie, b. Bridgewater, June 20, 1867 ; graduated in the classical and commercial courses at New Hampton, 1885. Res. in Melrose, Mass., since Sept., 1886. Is a cutter in a manufactory of gent's furnishing goods, Boston. He m., Mar. 7, 1895, Alice M., dau. of Solomon L. Howes, b. Melrose, Mass., May 5, 1872, and d. June 7, 1896, ae. 24-1-2. He m., Sept. 19, 1899, Lillian Frances, dau. of Enoch and Naomi (Moore) Bird, b. Maiden, Mass., June 24, 1872. Child : Alice May, b. May 25, 1896. b. Harry Raymond, b. Bristol, June 13, 1876 ; d. Sept. 11, 1876. c. Harland Frank, b. B., Sept. 4, 1883; drowned July i, 1896, ae. 12-9-27. 5. Daniel G., b. A., Jan. 6, 1851 ; d. Bristol, Oct. 24, 1869, ae. 18-9-18. 6. Horace Herbert, b. A., Aug. 10, 1855; m. Aug. 17, 1903, Garrie E., dau. of Edwin H. Gove. (See.) He has been for 23 years superin tendent of the pulp-miU near railroad station. Republican, Odd Fellow, K. of P. 7. Mary Jane, b. A., Aug. lo, 1856; d. scarlet fever, July 10, 1861, ae. 4-11-0. 8. George Elmont, b. A., Jan. 16, 1861 ; d. scarlet fever, July 20, 1861. I. Stephen Peaslee Kirk, son of Daniel, and grandson of John D. Kirk, was b. Alexandria, Dec. 5, 1836. He m., Jan. 27, 1857, Mrs. Lovina Wells (Heath) Kirk (See), widow of his brother, Horace G. He located in Bristol, 1873. Is a carpen ter. Republican. Has been janitor of town hall 20 years. CHILDREN 2. Cora Eva, b. Alexandria, Feb. 16, i860 ; d. Mar. 28, i860. 3. Addie Lunette, b. A., Apr. 19, 1861 ; d. Mar. 29, 1863, ae. i-ii-io. 4. Frank Newell Cross, b. Bristol, Jan. 9, 1881 ; m. Mar. 25, 1901, Anna, dau. Eddie and Delia (Bennett) Billivao, b. Canaan. Is a wood worker. Republican. THE KITTRELL FAMUY I. William H. Kittrell is the son of Solomon H. and Har riet A. (Orcutt) Kittrell. He was b. Randolph, Mass., Oct. 16, 1851. He m., Nov. 21, 1885, Georgiana P., dau. of Newell and Elizabeth A. (Pease) Avery, b. Ellsworth, Aug. 2, 1861. They have res. in Bristol since October, 1886. He is an employee of Mason-Perkins Paper Co. THE KNIGHT FAMILY I. George Henry Knight, son of John and Juliette Knight, was b. Concord, Apr. 14, 1850. Sept. ig, 1874, he m. Amanda R., dau. of Jonas Call. (See.) He was a painter in Bristol, 1872, till he emigrated to Cambridge, Neb., 1886, where they now reside. CHILD 2. William Call, b. June 5, 1888. 282 HISTORY OF BRISTOL THE LADD FAMILIES I. The Ladds of Bristol were the descendants of Daniel Ladd, who came from England in ship "Mary and John" in 1633 or '34. He settled in Ipswich, Mass., and was one of the original settlers of Haverhill, Mass. 2. Peter Ladd, son of Jeremiah, was a descendant of Daniel, of the fifth generation. He was a farmer in Bristol in 1801, and probably for some years previous. In 1804, he was town clerk of Alexandria. He m., May 27, i78g, Rhoda Quimby, and d. Jan. ig, 1818. CHILDREN 3. Nancy, b. Nov. 22, 1790; m. Samuel Tay. 4. Lydia, b. Nov. 2, 1791 ; m. Peter Fellows. (See.) 5. Priscilla, b. July 14, 1793; never m. 6. Polly, b. July 4, 1795 ; m. John Simonds. 7. Betsey Sleeper, b. July 9, 1797 ; d. unm.. May 12, 1889, ae. 91-10-3. 8. Peter, b. May 21, 1799 ; d. Sept. 9, 1800, ae. 1-3-18. «9. David Chandler, b. Bristol, Aug. 6, 1801. 10. Ruth, b. Dec. 13, 1803; m. Eben Corliss, Concord. II. Jeremiah Quimby, b. July 25, 1805. He m. Abigail Collins. He was a tax-payer in District No. 9, i828-'32. He res. in a house that stood 20 or more rods east of the highway opposite the Ezekiel Follansbee farmhouse. (g) David C. Ladd, b. Aug. 6, 1801, m. Aug. i, 1823, Judith Atwood, dau. of Moses (See), b. Aug. 26, 1805. .He was a farmer and hewer of ship timber on the Ezekiel Follans bee farm, near Sugar Loaf mountain, from 1829 till he d., June 17, 1840, ae. 38-10-11. She m. (2) Abel Ford, and res. in Orange. CHILDREN 12. James Minard, b. May 24, 1824 ; d. June 14, 1839, ae. 15-0-20. 13. Gustavus Bartlett, b. Jan. 29, 1829 ; d. May 12, 1854, ae. 25-3-13. 14. Rhoda F., b. Bristol, Apr. 2, 1831 ; m. Feb. 26, 1849, Elisha Whit tier, and d. Sept. 24, 1852, ae. 21-5-22. 15. David Newell, b. B., Mar. 17, 1834; m. Apr. i, 1857, Sarah B. Poole. He served in the 6th Regt., N. H. Vols., Civil war. (See Roll of Honor.) Res. Enfield. Children : a. David Marshall, b. Enfield, Nov. 5, 1859. b. Mabel Jennie, b. E., Feb. 5, 1867. 16. Melissa Jane, b. B., Aug. 7, 1836; m. Elisha Whittier, Apr. 24, 1853 ; d. Jan. 1854, ae. 17.-5-. 17. Leroy Sunderland, b. B., Dec. 7, 1839. Died of wounds July i, 1862, ae. 22-6-24. (See Roll of Honor.) I. John Ladd, son of Jeremiah, was b. Alexandria, Mar. 26, 1804. Hem. (i) June, 1828 (Mays, 1828 — town records), Fannie G., dau. of Nathaniel Collins, b. Sanbornton, Feb. 27. GENEALOGIES — LAMPREY 283 1807. She d. in Bristol, Feb. 29, 1851, ae. 44-0-2. He m. (2) June 26, 1852, Sarah Fellows Collins, a sister of his first wife, who d. Apr. 22, 1892. John Ladd was a farmer in what is now called Adamsville, near the lake, till 1842, when he removed to Alexandria. A year later returned to his old farm, where he remained till spring of 1850, when he went to California. After two years he returned and settled in Alexandria village, where he d. Mar. 28, 1876, ae. 72-0-2. CHILDREN 2. George Lovering, b. Bristol, Aug. 29, 1829 ; d. Feb. i, 1830. 3. Mahala Williams, b. B., Dec. 7, 1830 ; m. Jeremiah F. Dow, Oct. 21, 1858, and res. Shirley, Mass. He d. and she ni. (2) Henry Orange. She d. Jan. 29, 1901, ae. 70-1-22. 4. Emily Jane, b. B., Sept. 28, 1832; m. Dugal H. Barr, Lawrence, Mass., and d. Sept. 25, 1850, ae. 17-11-27. 5. Esther Ann,b. B., Nov. 30, 1834 ; m. 1866, Dr. John Pray, Roches ter. He d. 1871. She d. Franklin, Mar. 7, 1895, ae. 60-3-7. 6. Tirzah Harvey, b. B., Aug. 29, 1836; m. Walter F. Simonds in 1858. She d. May 26, i860, ae. 23-8-27. He d. Campton. 7.^ Sylvester Sleeper, b. B., July, 25, 1838 ; d. Dec. 9, 1839, ae. 1-4-14. 8.~ Charles Wesley, b. B., July i, 1840; d. Aug. 18, 1843, ae.'3-i-i7. 9. Mary Augusta, b. Alexandria, May 12, 1842; m. Jan. 4, 1865, Edwin Judkins. He d. in Franklin, 1888, ae. 55. She res. Franklin. 10. Luther Crawford, b. Bristol, Dec. 22, 1843. This man was the first to fall in defense of the Union in the Civil war, being killed by the mob in Baltimore, Md., Apr. 19, 1861, at the age of 17-3-27. (See Roll of Honor.) II. Ella Frances, b. Oct. 2, 1850 ; m. William H. Stevens ; d. Dec. 5, 1893, ae. 43-2-3- I. Joseph Warren Ladd, son of James M. and Emily T. (Clough) Ladd, was b. Gilford, Aug. 16, 1871. He m. Feb. i, 1895, Mabel D., dau. of Albert M. and Dorothy J. (Moses) Marden, b. July 28, 1872. Both graduated from New Hampton Literary Institution, 1894. Came to Bristol and erected resi dence in 1897. Piano tuner and musician. Odd Fellow, K. of P. CHILDREN ¦z. Harold Marden, b. New Hampton, Oct. I, 1896. 3. Bernard Gordon, b. Bristol, Jan. 31, 1903. LAMPREY I. Frank Lamprey is the son of Daniel Lamprey, who served in the 8th Regt., N. H. Vols., and d. of wounds received at the battle of Port Hudson. His mother was Mary M. (Coffin) Lamprey. He was b. Lyman, May 3, 1852, and became a resi dent of Bristol, 1882. Is a workman at crutch factory. Is a Republican, Odd Fellow, and K. of P. ; unm. 284 HISTORY OF BRISTOL THE LANEY FAMILY I. John Laney was b. in Rumney, Mar. 12, 1791, and m. Oct. 18, 1816, Nancy, dau. of Daniel Sleeper (See), b. Mar. 12, i7g4. He was a farmer in Alexandria and Bridgewater, and d. June 8, i860, ae. 6g-2-26-; she d. Aug. 23, 1881, ae. 87-5-11. CHILDREN 2. Daniel, b. Alexandria, Sept. 16, 1817 ; d. Feb. 21, 1818. 3. Louise P., b. A., Dec. 3, 1818 ; m. May 29, 1847, Harrison P. Nel son. He d. in Mitchell, Iowa, Sept. i, 1859, ae. 39-5-4- Later she res. for some years in Bristol ; now in Franklin. Children : a. Luella Lucy, b. Antioch, 111., Apr. 28, 1848; d. Apr. 17, 1849. b. Luella Louisa, b. A., Apr. 2, 1851. Res. Franklin. c. Elizabeth Ann, b. A., Jan. 30, 1854. She was two years a teacher in Union district in Bristol. Is a proof-reader in Concord. d. Lucy Nancy, b. Mitchell, Iowa, Nov. 13, 1856. Res. Frank lin. Taught one year in Union district in Bristol. Is a teacher of art in Franklin and Tilton. e. William Harrison, b. M., May 25, 1859. Is a merchant in Franklin. 4. John, b. A., Aug. 17, 1820 ; d. in California. 5. Gilman Dodge, b. A., Mar. I, 1823; m. Apr. 11, 1852, Eliza Ann, dau. of Nathan and Caroline (Bryant) Burnham, b. Corinth, Me., Nov. 14, 1830. He was a farmer at Profile Falls, i86i-'66 ; thence moved to Hill, where he d. Sept. 3, 1877, ae. 54-6-2. She m. (2) James Patten. (See.) Children:a. Kate Madora, b. Antioch, 111., Apr. 15, 1855 ; d. Oct. 18, 1856, ae. 1-6-3. b. Dora Mae, b. A., Oct. 8, 1857 ; m. Frank E. Clifford. (See.) 6. Isaac H., b. A., Oct. 6, 1825, res. Methuen, Mass. He m. (i) Betsey Sargent, Methuen, who d. 1882. He m. (2) Sarah Dowen, who d. 1898. He d. Maiden, Mass., June 10, 1903, ae. 77-8-4. No children. 7. Levi Bartlett, b. Bridgewater, Aug. 16, 1828; m. Oct. 8, 1851, Elizabeth Brown, dau. of Moses Smith, b. Bridgewater, June 20, 1825, and d. in Alexandria, May 8, 1852, ae. 26-10-18. He m. (2) Nov. 3, 1858, Margaret A., dau. of Benjamin Huntington, of Weare, b. Feb. 11, 1831. She d. July 22, 1893, ae. 62-5-11. He was a resident of Bristol i86l-'67 ; removed to East Weare and still res. there. He served in 12th Regt., N. H. Vols. (See Roll of Honor. ) Democrat, Methodist, Granger. Child: a. Infant son, "given and taken June 3, 1873." 8. Francis E., b. Hebron, May 29, 1831. Went to California in 1852. Was last heard from directly in i860, when he was a teacher in a Catholic school ; is supposed to be a Catholic priest on the Pacific coast. THE LEWIS FAMILY I. Col. Moses Lewis, son of Benjamin and Mary (Brown) Lewis, was b. Billerica, Mass., Apr. 17, 1770. He settled in Bridgewater village as early as 1794, and Aug. 15, of that year, he m. in Alexandria, Sally, dau. of William and Jane (Mc Donald) Martin, b. Pembroke, July 21, 1776. (Records of Rev. Enoch Whipple, pastor of the First Congregational church in Levi B. Laney GENEALOGIES — LEWIS 285 Alexandria, say that he married this couple Dec. 10, 1795.) He was the first merchant in what is now Bristol village, open ing a store soon after he came here in a building that stood where is now Fowler's block. He did a large business for those times, and all his goods, including a liberal supply of West India rum, was brought from Boston by teams. In 1795, he built at the corner of Central square and Spring street a two- story frame house which was remodeled in i87g by George G. Brown into the present four-story structure and used for a hotel. Col. Lewis owned Lot No. 61, First Division, containing the grist-mill and saw-miU, and all the privileges on the falls of the river. He converted the mills named into a tannery, and erected a saw-miU and a grist-mUl on the south side of the river. The depression of business previous to the War of 1812 caused his failure. He was owing largely through the community, and the distress caused by his failure was widespread. Suits were bought for as small sums as one dollar, after the custom of those days, and the sheriff levied on all the household goods. In the Fisk block, at the corner of Central square and Summer street, lived friends who watched for the coming to town of the sheriff, and notified the family of his arrival, when some of the cooking utensils were hid, and in this way such articles were saved from his relentless grasp. The "Lewis Letter" printed in Connecticut, says Col. Lewis was imprisoned for debts he could not pay. Col. Lewis was a prominent man in this section in the days of his prosperity. He served four years as select man, represented Bridgewater nine times in the general court, and was the commanding officer in the 34th Regt., state militia. He removed to Alabama, being last taxed here in 1815. He d. in Gainesville, Ala., Oct. 7, 1836, ae. 66-5-20. His widow d. same place, Jan. 10, 1853, ae. 76-5-ig. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 2. Mary, b. Oct. 14, 1796 ; d. of consumption, Nov. 6, 1827 ; ae. 31- 0-22. *3. William Martin, b. Aug. 29, 1798. »4. Rufus Graves, b. Sept. 14, 1800. 5. Hiram, b. Aug. 14. 1802 ; d. Mar. 14, 1803. 6. Eliza Webster, b. June 26, 1804; d. Kemper Springs, Miss., Oct. 1, 1843, ae. 39-3-5 ; unm. 7. Sarah, b. Sept. i, 1807 ; m. May 28, 1835, in Springfield, Ala., Dr. Samuel Smith, a former practicing physician in Bridgewater, and d. Loudonville, Ohio, Aug. 29, 1844, ae. 36-11-28. (3) WiUiam M. Lewis, b. Aug. 2g, 1798, was a school teacher. He was associated with Nathaniel S. Berry and Jona than Emmons, in 1824, in establishing Sunday-schools in Bris tol. He followed his father to the South, being last taxed here in 1824. Four years later, however, he made a trip to Bristol, and m., Sept. 25, 1828, Mary, dau. of Ichabod C. Bartlett (See), b. June 7, 1802. She d. Gainesville, May 28, 1831, ae. 286 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 28-11-21. He m. (2) May 2, 1836, at Columbus, Miss., Aure- lia Hiley AxteU, b. Windsor, Mass., Oct. 6, 1811, and d. at Gainesville, July 15, 1861, ae. 49-9-9- He d. Feb. 13, 1881, ae. 82-5-14. He was a Presbyterian elder ; a merchant, and a man of large means tUl the Civil war swept most of his property away. CHILDREN 8. William Frederick, b. May 2, 1831 ; d. Hickory, Miss., about 1891. His widow res. Hickory. Several children. 9. Eliza Jane, b. Aug. 10, 1837 ; m. 1858, Croget C. Converse, LL.D., Res. Highwood, Bergen Co., N. J. Children : a. Charles Henry, b. 1863 ; d. Elmira N. Y., 1864. b. Clarence, b. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; m. June 8, 1897, Mary Elisa beth Manard. 10. Sylvester Creswell, b. Aug. 8, 1839; res. Webster Grove, St. Louis Co., Mo. He has a family. II. Moses Boardman, b. Apr. 6, 1842 ; d. Jan. 15, 1844, ae. 1-9-9. 12. Laura Aurelia, b. Apr. 6, 1844 ; d. Apr. 16, 1847, ae. 3-0-10. 13. Maria Creswell, b. May 14, 1846; d. Oct. 29, 1862, ae. 16-5-15. 14. Mary Russell, b, Oct. 30, 1848 ; d. Aug. 16, 1850, ae. 1-9-16. 15. Charles Carrington, b. Sept. 26, 1850; d. Feb. 11, 1873, at Brook lyn, N. Y., ae. 22-4-15. 16. Sally Martin, b. Mar. 28, 1854 ; d. 1887, at Tuscaloosa, Ala., ae.33. (4) Col. Rufus G. Lewis, b. Sept. 14, 1800, m. Oct. 29, 1828, Sally, dau. of Daniel Smith, b. in New Hampton, Apr. 4, 1806. Col. Lewis res. in New Hampton, in what is now called the Mansion. In connection with his residence he supported a fine conservatory and grounds. He also had large estates in Alabama and Mississippi. He was a liberal sup porter of New Hampton Literary Institution. Dartmouth col lege conferred upon him the degree of Master of Arts. He d. Sept. 27, i86g, ae. 6g-o-i3 ; she d. Oct. 15, 1878, ae. 72-6-11. CHILDREN 17. Son, b. New Hampton, June, 1831 ; d. in infancy. 18. Rufus Smith, b. N. H., June 14, 1833 ; married July 14, 1856, Eliza Bean Hilton. He was in business in Lowell, Mass.; was register of deeds of Belknap county for some years. He d. Laconia, May 22, 1887, ae. 53-1 1-8. His widow m. his brother, Edwin C. Lewis. Child : a. Winnifreda Wallace, b. Feb. 3, 1858 ; m. Chas. H. Turner. 19. Edwin Creswell, b. N. H., Nov. 28, 1836. Graduated from New Hampton Institution, 1854 ; Harvard college, 1859 ; read law in Lowell, Mass., and settled in New Hampton, where he was trustee of the literary institution, secretary and member of the executive committee ; was town treasurer and moderator. Removed to Laconia where he was editor and part proprietor of the Laconia Democrat, i878-'97 ; was county treas urer two years, and member of the governor's council, i89i-'93. He m. July 24, 1890, Mrs. Eliza Bean (Hilton) Lewis. She d. Apr. 15, 1899. 20. Sarah Eliza, b. Sept. 4, 1839: m. F. C. Jordan, June 12, 1866; res. Biddeford, Me. Children : a. Ellen Bell. b. Benjamin. c. Sally. 21. James Pickering, b. Feb. 10, 1842; m. Molly Winne. He was a clerk in the post-office department at Washington, D. C. He d. at Wash ington, Dec. 22, 1901, ae. 59-10-12. Child : a. James. GENEALOGIES — LOCKE 287 THE LOCKE FAMILIES The Lockes of Bristol are the descendants of John Locke, b. England, Sept. 16, 1627. He settled in Portsmouth or Rye about 1640, m. Elizabeth Berry in 1652, and was a prosperous farmer and noted Indian fighter. While at work in his field, Aug. 26, 1696, he was ambushed and killed by the Indians. The line of descent appears to have been as follows : I. Capt. John Locke, b. England, Sept. 16, 1627, was the father of 2. Edward. He was the father of 3. Thomas Locke, b. Rye, 1713. He was the father of 4. Benjamin. *5. Levi, b. Kingston, 1745. *6. Thomas, b. Oct. 14, 1751. (5) Levi Locke, b. 1745, m. Rachel Fuller. CHILDREN ¦»7. Benjamin, b. Sandown, Apr. 10, 1770. 8. Rachel, b. Rye, Oct. 15, 1772 ; m. Abraham Dolloff. (See.) 9. Abigail, b. Sandown ; m. Josiah Fuller. (See.) (6) Thomas Locke was b. Oct. 14, 1751. He m. Martha Worthen, b. 1745. She is supposed to have been a sister of Lieut. Samuel Worthen. They were in Bristol as early as the summer of 1771, on the farm where Solon Dolloff now lives. The road or path in those days was higher up on the hillside than now and their log cabin was beside this road directly back of the present farmhouse. "Tom" Locke was a great bear hunter, and one fall trapped or killed sixteen bears on Briar hill, near by. This family removed to Stanstead, Canada, some time previous to 1800, where he d. Apr. 14, 1816, ae. 64-6-0. She d. same place, Mar. 17, 1826, ae. 81. CHILDREN, all born Bristol 10. Moses, b. May 3, 1773 ; m. Margaret Durgan. 11. Sarah, b. Jan. 28, 1776 ; m. Converse; lived and d. in Wilmot. 12. Abigail, b. Sept. 22, 1778; m. Obadiah Belknap; settled in Barn- ston, Canada, 1807. He was b. Lisbon, 1774, and d. 1834, ae. 60. She d. Apr. 3, 1861, ae. 82-6-11. Children : a. Mitchell, b. Jan. 21, 1800. b. Sally, b. Dec. 21, 1801 ; m. Nicholas Davis. c. Thomas, b. Aug. 10, 1803 ; m. Sally Dearborn. d. William, b. Sept. 20, 1805 ; m. Roxanna Taylor. e. Martha, b. Apr. — , 1807; m. James Felden. /. Hannah, b. 1810 ; m. Joseph Bailey. 13. Levi, b. Dec. 22, 1780 ; m. SaUy Clement, Sept. 30, 1804. She was b. Penacook, Feb. 27, 1787. Settled in Barnston, Canada. Children : a. Betsey, b. Nov. 23, 1805 ; m. John M. Mosher. b. Levi, b. Jan. 19, 1814 ; d. unm. c. Chloe, b. Jan. 16, 1816; m. Guy Aldrich, b. Barston, Can., Apr. 30, 1813. Had nine children. 288 HISTORY OF BRISTOL d. Louisa, b. Nov. 8, 1819 ; m. William Burroughs. e. Amanda, b. Feb. 13, 1822 ; m. Thomas Cooper. /, Thomas, b. June 16, 1824 ; m. Lydia E. Howard, b. Lisbon, Feb. 22, 1825. Res. Barnston. Five children. • g. Sally, b. Apr. 20, 1826 ; m. Walter S. Baldwin ; d. Jan. 15, 1855, ae. 28-8-25. h. Lucy, b. May 27, 1829 ; m. John Sheerar. 14. Ward, b. Aug. 12, 1784. 15. Mary, b. Mar. 28, 1787 ; m. Levi Hill, b. Portsmouth. (7) Benjamin Locke, b. Apr. 10, 1770, came to Bristol in 1785, when he was 15 years of age, and made his home with his uncle, Thomas Locke. Three years later, he shouldered a pack of provisions, and with ax in hand penetrated the wilderness seven miles on Bridgewater hill, built a hut and cleared land for a home. After spending a year or two in this lonely retreat, during which time he was constantly annoyed by bears and other wild animals, he sold, and located in the neighborhood that was destined to take his name. He m. (i) Mar. 17, 1796, Hannah, dau. Cutting Favor (See), b. Aug. 6, 1776. They commenced life in a log cabin of two rooms near where the schoolhouse now stands. Later, he erected a more commodious house near where Stephen Staples lately resided, and here nearly all of his children were born. May 27, 1822, during the absence of the family, this home, with all the comforts and conveniences of the day, was destroyed by fire. With characteristic energy, he erected another house, though comparatively poor, for the shelter of his family. Mr. Locke was a man of marked individ uality, a leader in thought and influence in the town. He and his wives were prominent Methodists, and their home was always open to the itinerant preacher. He was a man of great piety and great .strength of lungs, and at a meeting in the school- house when thirteen were converted his shouts were heard more than a mile distant. His wife, Hannah, d. Nov. 15, 1825, ae. 4'9-3-9, and he m. (2) July 23, 1826, Nancy, dau. of Jacob Gurdy (See), b. Mar. 11, 1788, and d. Apr. 15, 1866, ae. 78-1-4. He. d. Apr. 9, 1858, ae. 87-11-29. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol *i6. Favor, b. Aug. 21, 1797. 17. Roxy, b. Dec. 3, 1798; m. Levi Dolloff. (See.) #18. Sherburn, b. Apr. 10, 1801. 19. Lavina, b. June 29, 1805 ; m. Henry Wells. (See.) 20. Joanna, b. Apr. 6, 1807. She m.. Mar. 23, 1825, Jacob Webster, b. New Hampton, Aug. 29, 1805. They removed to New York, and, in 1853, to Caledonia, Minn., where he d. Oct. 26, 1873, ae. 68-1-27 ! she d. same place Nov. i, 1892, ae. 85-6-25. Children : a. Hannah, b. Bristol, Oct. 25, 1826 ; d. Lowell, Mass., Sept. 19, 1842, ae 15-10-24. b. Elizabeth Amanda, b. New Hampton, July 13, 1828 ; m. Washington F. Robinson. She d. Caledonia, Feb. 15, 1855, ae. 26- 7-2 ; he d. Redwood Falls, Minn. GENEALOGIES — LOCKE 289 c. Benjamin Bailey, b. Alexandria, Apr. 22, 1841 ; m. Sally Ann Wheaton, Dec. 25, 1864. They res. Caledonia. 21. Philena, b. Mar. i, 1809 ; m. May 20, 1857, Timothy Wiggin, Bridgewater, b. Mar. i, 1809. He d. Bridgewater, Mar. 31, 1890, ae. 81- 0-30 ; she d. Bristol, May 20, 1898, ae. 89-2-19. No children. 22. Benjamin, b. Apr. 17, i8io. He m. Apr. 18, 1835, Harriet, dau. David and Esther (Moore) Mason. He d. May 30, 1840, ae. 30-1-13, and she m. (2) Nicholas Dolloff. (See.) Children : a. Mary, b. Bristol, July 19, 1837; m. Oct. 11, 1855, Thomas Knight, b. Franconia, Sept. 28, 1828, and removed to St. Johnsbury, Vt. One child, Grace. b. Esther M., b. B., Apr. 28, 1839 ; m. Warner Huntoon, Jan. 8, 1858; d. Boston, Mass., Dec 9, i88o, ac 41-7-11. 23. Hannah, b. June 2, 1812 ; m. Kiah Wells. (See.) 24. Sally D., b. Sept. 4, 1814; m. Winthrop R. Fellows. (See.) -»25. Levi, b. May 15, 1817. 26. Dorothy Sargent, b. Mar. 25, 1819 ; m. Mitchel H.Page. (See.) 27. Harriet, b. Jan. 14, 1822; m. Philip S. Drake. (See.) 28. Susan, b. Feb. ii, 1828; m. Milo Fellows. (See.) (16) Favor Locke, b. Aug. 21, 1797, m. Jan. 30, 1821, Sally Clough, dau. Abraham Dolloff (See), b. May 30, 1798. He commenced life on the Abraham Dolloff farm, thence moved to the Edwin T. Pike farm. Here he res. till 1852, when he removed to North Main street. He d. July 10, 1882, ae. 84-10-19. She d. in family of her son. Favor, May 2g, 1894, ae. 96, lacking one day. He was a deacon of the Free Baptist church. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 29. Jane, b. Aug. 22, 1823; m. John F. Cass. (See.) 30. Orrin, b. Jan. 13, 1826; d. Bristol, Feb. 5, 1898, ae. 72-0-22. He m. Apr. 19, 1849, Nancy Jane, dau. Daniel Favor, M.D., b. Hill, Feb. 26, 1825. He was a carpenter and, workman in paper-mill, and res. Lake street. Odd Fellow, Free Baptist, Republican. She d. Bristol, May i6, 1900, ae. 75-2-20. Children, all born Bristol . a. Mary Ann, b. Sept. 21, 1850; m. Burley M. Ames. (See.) b. Sarah, b. Dec. 31, 1857 ; m. Hadley B. Fowler, M.D. (See.) 3't. Abram Dolloff, b. May 21, 1828; m. Jan. 16, 1853, Sarah A., dau. of Daniel Sleeper. (See.) She d. June i, 1901, ae. 71-0-4. Hem. (2) Jan. 16, 1902, Augusta A. Locke, of Concord. They res. Concord. No children. 32. Favor, b. July 5, 1831. Was a boot^maker for some years, later a farmer west of New Chester mountain. He m. Nov. 27, 1862, Adeline White, dau. of Andrew Crocket and Eliza (Perkins) Thompson, b. Frank lin, June II, 1838. Child: a. Ada Maria, b. Bristol, Aug. 13, 1869 ; m. Jan. i, 1891, Rev. Frank D. George, a Free Baptist clergyman, now at Ashland. (18) Sherburn Locke, b. Apr. 10, 1801, m. 1820, Sally, dau. of Daniel and Sally (Young) HiU, b. Northfield, Nov. 26, 1800. He d. Mar. 23, 1874, in Faribault, Minn., ae. 72-1 1-13 ; she d. Mar. 19, 1863, ae. 62-3-23. 19 290 HISTORY OF BRISTOL CHILDREN 33. Hannah Favor, b. Bristol, June 26, 1826 ; m. Samuel Little, May 7, 1854. He d. Austin, Minn., Nov. 23, 1881. She res. Austin. 34. Sarah Jane, b. Cayuga, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1833; m. Oct. 30, 1855, Henry Roberts, b. Cambridge, Eng., July 19, 1832. They res. Austin, Minn. . 35. Levi, b. Chautauqua, N. Y., Mar. 23, 1835, and d. in Des Moines, Iowa, Apr. 3, 1892, ae. 57-0-10. He m., Jan. 8, 1863, Elizabeth, dau. of Andrew Hodges, b. Aug. 2, 1841. Res. Des Moines. Children: a. Wilfred D., b. Cedar Falls, la.. Mar. 4, 1865; m. June 30, 1891, Mary McLeon. b. Fred Leroy, b. C. F., Mar. 27, 1868; d. at Des Moines, May 10, 1891, ae. 23-1-13. c. John Earl, b. C. F., Apr. 23, 1870. d. Walter, b. Des Moines, Aug. 23, 1875. e. Carl, b. D. M., Mar. 14, 1881 ; d. Apr. 14, 1890, ae. 9-1-0. (25) Levi Locke, b. May 15, 1817, m. July 18, 1839, Susan Gilman, b. in Dorchester, Oct. 10, 1819. She d. Jan. 7, 1881, ae. 61-2-27, and he m. Feb. 13, 1884, Mrs. Sarah P., widow of Andrew J. Robinson, of New Hampton. He d. May 14, i8g8, ae. 81, lacking one day. She d. May 31, igoi, ae. 79-9-10. He was a farmer on Summer street, and kept a meat market for many years in the village. For nearly 50 years an official member of the Methodist church. Mason, Republican. Member of legislature 1866 and 1867. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 36. Roxy Dolloff, b. Apr. 19, 1840 ; m. George H. White. (See.) 37. Annette, b. June 27, 1842; m. Alonzo W. Jewett. (See.) 38. Benjamin, b. June 23, 1847; ™- Mrs. Mattie J. Colbath, dau. of Smith C. Place, b. Gilmanton. He d. Stratham, Nov. 24, 1879, ae. 32-5-1. She res. Exeter. 39. Levi Manson, b. Dec. 9, 1854 ; m. Fannie Martha, dau. of Henry Anson and Sarah (Pike) Smith, b. Haverhill, Apr. 8, 1858. In meat business at East Weymouth, Mass., now in Lebanon. Odd Fellow. Children : a. Ethel Maude, b. Bristol, Nov. 13, 1877. b. Hazel Maria, b. E. Weymouth, Mass., Aug. 12, 1892. 40. Charles E., b. July 5, 1858. Unm. Is a painter in Bristol. I. Reuben Blake Locke, son of Samuel B. and Betsey (Philbrick) Locke, was b. Concord, May 23, 1821. He was the sixth generation from John Locke, of Rye, b. England, Sept. 16, 1627-. Jan. 9, 1848, he m. Sarah H., dau. of Benjamin Cass, b. Andover, Aug. 24, 1828. He was a blacksmith in Bristol in 1851 ; and later a miller and dealer in grain and flour. Removed to Tilton, Mar., 1884, where he d. Feb. 3, 1903, ae. 81-8-10. CHILDREN 2. Martha E., b. Alexandria, Oct. 14, 1848 ; d. Concord, Dec. 5, 1865, ae. 17-1-21. GENEALOGIES — LOTHROP 29 1 3. Hannah Lucina, b. Bristol, May 5, 185 1 ; d. Plymouth, May 31 , 1854, ae. 3-0-26. 4. Francis Asbury, b. Concord, Mar. 3, 1855 ; d. Concord, Feb. 7, 1866, ae. 10-11-4. 5. Helen Sarah, b. C, Jan. 10, 1859; d. B., Jan. 10, 1877, ae. 18-0-0. 6. George Reuben, b. East Concord, Jan. i, 1864; m. June 23, 1887, Fannie S., dau. of Savory and Margaret (Cobleigh) Gordon, b. Landaff, Jan. 11, 1864. Educated in schools of Bristol and at Tilton Seminary. Is a Methodist clergyman, member of N. H. conference. Ordained dea con at Rochester by Bishop Goodsell, Apr. 23, 1893 ; ordained elder at Concord, by Bishop Merrill, Apr. 14, 1895. Has filled pastorates at Chichester, Moultonboro, East Haverhill, East Colebrook, Henniker and Sanbornville ; now res. at Tilton. Children : a. Margaret Sarah, b. Tilton, Aug. 10, i888. b. Helen Frances, b. T., Apr. 8, 1893. 7. William Benjamin, b. Bristol, Oct. 10, 1867; m. Aug. i6, 1893, Mary Frances, dau. of Charles E. and Judith (Gile) Rowell, b. Merrimac, Mass., June 16, 1870. Is a Methodist clergyman, and member of N. H. conference. Educated in public schools of Bristol, at Tilton Seminary, and at Boston University, receiving degrees of A.B. from latter institu tion, June 4, 1890. Ordained deacon at Rochester, Apr. 23, 1893, by Bishop Goodsell; and elder at Concord, Apr. 14, 1895, by Bishop Merrill. He has filled pastorates at Landaff, Merrimacport, Mass., Rumney, Smithtown, Newfields, and now, 1903, at Colebrook. Children: a. Judith May, b. Seabrook, May 24, 1896. b. Mildred Sarah, b. S., June 10, 1897; d. at S., Sept. 27, 1897. THE LOTHROP FAMILY I. Rev. Nathan C. Lothrop, son of Solomon and Fanny (Chase) Lothrop, wash, in Norton, Mass., June 19, 1839. He m., Nov. 16, 1865, Sarah J., dau. of Stephen and Belinda (Fogg) Lovejoy, b. Meredith, Nov. 19, 1843. He is a clergy man of the Free Baptist denomination. Was pastor of Free Baptist church in Bristol, i877-'8i. (See Free Baptist church.) He now res. Contoocook. CHILDREN 2. Ormsby A., b. Milton, Sept. 17, 1867 ; m. Nov. 4, 1886, Delia A., dau. of Green L. Tilton (See), b. June 21, 1867. He was clerk in store at Center Harbor and Concord, later messenger for American Express com pany with residence at Concord. She d. of consumption at Bristol, Mar. 6, 1889, ae. 21-8-15. He was killed by falling from train at Tyngsboro, Mass., Jan. i, 1890, ae. 22-3-14. Interment at Bristol. No children. He was a young man of much promise. 3. Fannie B., b. Strafford, May 29, 1870. Teacher. Res. Concord. THE LOUGEE FAMILY I. Elwood Simpson Lougee, son of Rev. Samuel F. and Hattie S. (Robinson) Lougee, was b. in Chichester, May 8, 1867. He m. (i) Dec. 25, 1888, Julia Ann Atwood, dau. of George Keniston. She d. in Alexandria, and he m. (2) Apr. 25, 1897, Mrs. Fannie Etta Simonds, dau. of David P. Hoyt. (See.) 292 HISTORY OF BRISTOL CHILDREN 2. Bernice Maud, b. Hill, Dec. 24, 1889 ; d. Bristol, Sept. 13, i8go. 3. Donald Elwood, b. Bristol, Nov. 8, 1891. THE' LOVEJOY FAMILIES I. Abbott Lovejoy was b. in Milford, July 17, 1800. He was the son of Samuel, who fought at Bunker Hill at the age of 15, and the grandson of Nathan, who came from Scotland and settled in Pepperell, Mass. When Abbott was 1 7 years old he went to Hebron and learned the blacksmith's trade of his brother. In 1821, he commenced business for himself in Alex- • andria, and two years later succeeded to the ownership of the blacksmith shop that stood where Cavis Brothers' store now is. After doing business there a few years he erected a shop near the west end of the carriage shop, corner of Central and Water streets, and here he continued his trade for nearly or quite 40 years. In 1826, he erected the residence on Pleasant street now owned by Mrs. Aldonna Bingham. Nov. 29, 1824, he m. Sarah, dau. of William Crawford (See), b. Alexandria, July 2g, 1801. He d. Aug. 14 1879, ae. 79-0-27. Mrs. Lovejoy lived alone for 20 years previous to her death, which occurred Feb. g, 1900, at the age of g8-6-io. She was a great lover of birds and flowers and every room in her home was adorned with curios from all parts of the world. CHILDREN 2. William Crawford, b. Bristol, Sept. 28, 1828 ; m. Oct., 1850, EUen Preston, dau. of Michael, b. in Hill, and d. in Bristol, Oct. 3, 1852, ae. 21. He m. (2) May 12, 1853, Ann Maria, dau. of John L. Blake, b. Mar. 12, 1828. From 1849 till 1872 he was in the carriage business on Central street, most of the time with Joseph D. Kelley. He d. May 6, 1901, ae. 72-7-8. Democrat. Children : a. Aldonna, b. Bristol, Nov. 29, 1854 ; m. Frank W. Bingham. (See.) b. Mary Ellen, b. B., Dec. 9, 1863 ; d. unm., Nov. 8, 1898, ae. 34-10-29. 3. James, b. B., Aug. 19, 1831. He was a jeweler in Manchester for many years. Retiring from business, he removed to Kansas, where he has children and grandchildren living. Abbott Lovejoy adopted or gave homes to : 4. Joseph D. Kelley, b. May 30, 1828. (See.) 5. William Bruce, went to sea and was never heard from. 6. Sarah Jane, dau. of Benjamin Tilton, of Plymouth. She m. a Prescott, went West, and soon after d. of consumption. 7. Sarah Wyatt, dau. of Richard and Lavina Merrill, was adopted when eight years old. She d. Jan. 7, 1865, ae. 23 years. I . John Lovejoy, the son of Artemas and Mehitable ( Weth- erbee) Lovejoy, was b. in Lancaster, Nov. 11, 1828. He m. GENEALOGIES — LOVERIN , 2g3 Helen Maria, dau. of Larkin Dodge and Sarah (Sheldon) Her- rick, b. Nashua, Sept. 7, i82g. He was a locomotive engineer on the Northern road from the age of 20. He took the first pas senger train into Bristol ; was engineer of the free train that was run from Bristol to Concord, July 4, 1848, and operated the first engine that was run from New Hampshire into Vermont. He continued as engineer 20 years ; was foreman of the round house at West Lebanon 28 years ; retired from business and located in Bristol in 1895, and erected a residence on Beech street where he now res. A Democrat, Mason, and Congregationalist. CHILD 2. Frank Herrick, b. West Lebanon, Mar. 11, 1856; m. Feb. 13, 1884, Hattie Louise, dau. of Otis K. Bucklin. (See.) He has been con ductor on trains between Bristol and Concord since July, 1882. Children : a. John Otis, b. Bristol, July 3, 1887. b. Clifton Royal, b. B., Aug. 27, 1893. LOVERIN I. Ora Howard Loverin is the son of Prescott and Betsey (Sawyer) Loverin. He was b. in Springfield, July 3, 1853. Since about 1871, has been an employee at Hotel Bristol. Unm. THE LOWELL FAMILIES I. Wayland Ervin Lowell, son of Daniel Greeley and Louise Helen (Wescott) LoweU, b. Canaan, Sept. 24, 1869. He m., July i, 1893, Nora Agnes, dau. of Nathan E. and Mary Elsie (Gray) Hopkins, b. Bristol, Nov. 11, 1873. They came to Bristol in September, 1894. He is a laborer in Mason- Perkins Co.'s pulp-miU. Built a house one-haU mUe south of Central square. CHILD 2. Elnora Elsie, b. Boston, Mass., Aug. 9, 1894. Allen LoweU, brother of above, b. Canaan, Apr. 18, 1867. Came to Bristol in September, 1900. Unm. Laborer m pulp- miU. I. Burton Winford LoweU, a brother of above, was b. Canada, Jan. 29, 1873. He m. Etta, dau. of Charles G. and AureHa (Wood) Lord, b. Canada, July 8, 1877. He has been a laborer in Bristol since January, 1898. iga 2g4 . HISTORY OF BRISTOL CHILDREN 2. Ernest James, b. Canada, Dec. lo, 1895. 3. Charles Burton, b. Feb. 15, 1899. 4. Raymond Ervin, b. Bristol, May 2, 1903. I . Wallace Harry Lowell, brother of above, was b. Canaan, Aug. 29, 1877. He m.. May 11, igor, Isabel Addie, dau. of Jonathan J. and Cora B. (Ford) Smith. He came to Bristol, September, igoo. Is a laborer in Train-Smith Co.'s pulp-miU. CHILD 2. Helen Cora, b. Bristol, Aug. 16, 1902. THE LUCAS FAMILY I. Charles Alvin Lucas, son of Henry and Jane (Hender son) Lucas, was b. Westminster, Mass., Sept. 12, 1849. He m., June 7, 1876, Ida May, dau. of H. J. and Mary M. Leland, b. Westminster, 1856, and d. Boston, Mass., Apr. 7, 1891, ae. 35. Hem., Apr. I, igoi, Mrs. Lizzie Etta (Gray) Webster. He has been superintendent of the Train-Smith Co.'s mills in Bris tol since they were put in operation in 1885. Democrat, a Knight Templar Mason. CHILDREN 2. Maude Katharine Clark, b. Westminster, June 7, 1877; m. Nov., 1898, George Merrick Bigelow. Res. Worcester, Mass. 3. Bernice Leotine, b. Pepperell, Mass., Jan. 4, 1879. Res. Boston, Mass. THE McCLARY FAMILY I. John McClary came to Bristol in 1821 or '22, and became a partner of N. S. Berry in the tanning business. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, serving as sergeant-major, 45th Regt., through the war and was wounded. He was b. New buryport, Mass., June 12, i7g2, and in i8ig, m. Rebecca Dodge, dau. of Thomas, b. Ipswich, Mass., June 10, 1795; d. Bris tol, Mar. 8, 1828, ae. 32-8-28. He m. (2) Nov. 30, 1830, Hannah, sister of first wife, who d. Haverhill, July 23, 1867. He removed to HaverhiU in 1832 ; represented town in legisla tures 1 834-' 36, register of deeds five years, selectman and town clerk. Died HaverhiU, Sept. 24, 1868, ae. 76-3-12. CHILDREN 2. EUen Dodge, b. Lisbon, Apr. 5, 1820 ; m. Apr. 5, 1842, Sylvester Redding, of Portsmouth. She d. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 17, 1893, ac 73-7-12 ; he d. July, 1882. Children : a. Mary Rebecca, b. Apr. 4, 1843 ; m. G. F. Putnam ; res. Kan sas City. Charles A. Lucas GENEALOGIES — MCCURDY 295 b. John, b. Apr. 12, 1845 ; wholesale hat dealer in Boston, Mass. c. Ellen McClary, b. Mar. 12, 1848; m. G. W. Butler, Ports mouth. d. William, b. Dec. 12, 1850 ; res. Boston. 3. Julia Minot, b. Bristol, Mar. 18, 1824 ; d. unm., Jan. 16, 1862 (1865), ae. 37-9-28. 4. Caroline D., b. B. ; d. Sept. 2, 1826, ae. 17 months. THE McCURDY FAMILY I. Rev. Converse Lilly McCurdy was b. Hallowell, Me., in i8og. He m., in 1828, Elizabeth, dau. of Stephen Reynolds, who d. in Bristol, Oct. 12, 1848, ae. 38. He m. (2) in i84g, Eveline Bradford. He was a Methodist clergyman 42 years and was pastor of the Bristol church two years from the spring of 1847. He d. at Wakefield, Mass., Nov. 22, 1876, ae. 67 years. She d. in 1877. CHILDREN 2. Elizabeth Reynolds, b. Somersworth, Mar. 14, 1830; m. Marshall W.White. (Sec) 3. George Sumner, b. S., 1831. 4. Charles Wesley, b. S., Feb. 26, 1835; m. Sept. 30, 1866, Eva Sabrina, dau. of John and Mary Ann Hall, b. Dowagiac, Mich., May 6, 1844, and d. in Ogden, Utah, Feb. 6, 1876, ae. 31-9-0. He m.. Mar. 4, 1877, Laura, dau. of John and Bertha Berg, b. Norway, 111., Feb. 25, 1855. Res. Basalt, Idaho. Children : a. Ray Weston, b. Yorkville, 111., Aug. 2, 1870. Res. Ulysses, Idaho. Unm. b. Bert Marshall, b. Ogden, Utah, Apr. 9, 1878. He m., June 3, 1902, Belle, dau. Charles and Mary Cockrell. Res. Basalt. c. Winn Ward, b. Ovid, Idaho, Dec. 12, 1880. Res. Basalt. d. Nellie Louise, b. O., June 27, 1882. e. Maud Fidelia, b. O., Oct. 12, 1883 ; d. in lona, Idaho, Oct. lo, 1893, ae. 9-1 1-28. /. Gena Emeline, b. O., Aug. 7, 1885. g. Earl Edward, b. O., July 18, 1887. h. Frank Logan, b. O., Mar. 9, 1889. i. Mabel Edith, b. O., Aug. 11, 1891. j. Charles Berg, b. lona, Idaho, Feb. 9, 1894. k. Fred Duboise, b. Basalt, July 15, 1896. 5. Harriet Newell, b. Kingston, May 8, 1836. 6. Hannah Nason, b. May 6, 1838; m. Edward B. Kinsley. He d. She res. 36 CVinal Ave, Somerville, Mass. Two children. 7. Mariamne, b. Lebanon, Nov. 13, 1844 ; d. Dec. 20, 1852, ae. 8-1-7 • 8. Eva Griggs, b. Palmer, Mass., 1849; m. Dr. George H. Pierce, andd. Aug., 1900, ae. 51. Five children. THE McDANIEL FAMILY I. Charles W. McDaniel, son of Charles S. and Sarah F. (Frost) McDaniel, was b. South Berwick, Me., May 5, 1852. He m., June 26, 1879, Ida Frances, dau. of Benjamin Saunders (See), b. in LoweU, Mass., June 30, 1854. He was a machinist 296 HISTORY OF BRISTOL in Bristol, June, 1878, tiU Oct., 1888, when he removed to Lake- port ; inspector of steamboats, i896-'gg ; now in equipment department, Portsmouth navy yard. CHILDREN 2. Harry Sewal, b. Bristol, Apr. 18, 1880. Is a druggist's clerk in Laconia. 3. Jessa Saunders, b. B., May 23, 1881 ; graduated from Laconia High school. 4. Charles Stanley, b. Lakeport, Jan. 17, 1890. THE McINTlRE FAMILY I . John WUliam Mclntire, son of Amos and Harriet Mc lntire, was b. Berwick, Me., Mar. 6, 1861. He is of the 6th generation from Micum Mclntire, a settler on the Maine coast in 1640. He m. Mar. 6, i88g, Minnie Adelaide, dau. of John H. Ferguson, b. Eliot, Me., Aug. 25, 1862. He was a mer chant tailor in Bristol, i8g6-igo2, when he removed to Somers worth. Methodist, Republican, Mason. CHILDREN 2. Pauline, b. Somersworth, June 20, 1890. 3. Scott Ferguson, b. S., June 9, 1892. 4. Lenora, b. No. Berwick, Me., May 24, 1894. 5. Son, b. Somersworth, Aug., 1903. THE MACLINN FAMILY I. George Darling Maclinn is the son of Alexander and Hannah (Darling) Maclinn. He was b. in Danville, Vt., Mar. 25, 1839. At six years of age he came to Bristol and made his home with his great-uncle, Ebenezeir Darling. (See Roll of Honor.) Oct. i, 1865, he m. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Daniel and Mary (Frye) Hobart, b. Hebron, July 4, 1842. He was a farmer and engineer in Hebron and Groton till 1894, when he returned to Bristol. Republican, Methodist, G. A. R. CHILDREN 2. Daniel Horace, b. Groton, July 29, 1868 ; m. June 5, 1893, Emily Belle, dau. Hiram B. Farnum, b. Plymouth. No children. Res. Woods ville. 3. Etta Mina, b. Hebron, Mar. 7, 1871 ; m. Aug. — 1890, Will Woodward. Res. Amesbury, Mass. Two children. 4. Walter Edward, b. Concord, Oct. 28, 1873 ; d. Mar. 22, 1892, in Groton, ae. 18-4-24. 5. Edith Lucy, b. Groton, Sept. 19, 1876 ; m. Dec. 7, 1901, Charles W. Gove. (See.) 6, Lilla Hannah, b. G., Feb. 13, 1880; m. June 25, 1902, George E. Randell. Res. Amesbury, Mass. No children. 7. Leston Hobart, b. G., Aug. 3, 1883; m. June 7, 1902, Mabel E., dau. Arthur and Belle (Wadleigh) Dow, b. Sanbornton, July 18, 1883. Res. Bristol. GENEALOGIES — MALVERN 297 THE MALVERN FAMILY I . Rev. Lewis Malvern is the son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Lewis) Malvern. He was b. in Cheltenham, Eng., June 9, 1846. He m. Aug. 13, 1874, Mary, dau. of William Brindley, b. Derby, Eng., May 8, 1840. He was pastor of the Free Bap tist church, i873-'76. (See Ecclesiastical History.) Is now pastor of a church in Portland, Me. CHILD 2. Mary Elizabeth Adelaide, b. Bristol, Apr. 6, 1876. THE MANCHESTER FAMILY I. Elijah C. Manchester, son of Timothy and Maria (Saw yer) Manchester, was b. Charlestown, Vt., Apr., 1835. He m. Nov. 12, 1865, Olive Ann, dau. of James and Lorana (Fellows) Berry, b. Alexandria, Feb. i, 1846. He located in Bristol in 1863, and here d. of typhoid fever, Sept. 16, 187 1, ae. 36-5-. She m. (2) Apr. 28, 1874, Milton G. Bailey, and res. Concord. CHILDREN 2. Wilbur Berry, b. Bristol, Apr. 25, 1867. 3. Amy Lunette, b. B., May 4, 1869. 4. Lorana Fellows, b. B., Apr. 29, 1872 ; d. Mar. 28, 1880, ae. 7-10-29. THE MANSON FAMILY I. Rev. Albert Charles Manson, son of Capt. William and Katherine Manson, was b. in Limerick, Me., Mar. 12, 1802. He m. Apr. 15, 1831, Mary Jane, dau. of John and Hannah Brown, b. Ipswich, Mass., Sept. 27, 1812. He was in the active work of the Methodist ministry 1 845-' 84, and pastor of the Methodist church in Bristol 1 849-' 50. Mrs. Manson was distinguished for her robust form, her great personal beauty, her cheerful spirit, her sympathetic interest in the welfare of others, and her melodious voice. He d. Suncook, June 2, 1886, ae. 84-2-20. She d. New York, June 14, i8gi, ae. 78-8-17. CHILDREN 2. Charles Albert, m. Helen F. Wadleigh. He was a physician ; d. Apr. 14, 1883. 3. Maria Lucretia, m. Is now Mrs. O. B. Douglas, Concord. THE MARDEN FAMILY I. Edwin Oscar Marden is the son of Albert Alonzo and Phebe (Wright) Marden. He was b. Grafton, Dec. 11, 1833, and m. Jan. 31, 1854, Emily Jane, dau. of Nathaniel Heath 2g8 HISTORY OF BRISTOL (See), b. July 6, 1837; m. (2) Feb. 26, 1880, Jennie (Hawes) Cornock, b. WiUiston, Vt., Mar. 20. 1848. He has been a lum ber manufacturer and farmer in Bristol since 1854. In 1863, was drafted into the army and served in the 5th Regt., N. H. Vols. (See RoU of Honor.) CHILDREN 2. Walter, b. Hill, Jan. 31, 1855 ; d. ae. 2 weeks. 3. Nellie L., b. H., Oct. 5, 1857 ; m. (i) Orrison Ballou, of Alexan dria; m. (2) Oct., 1888, WiUiam Gormon ; d. Oct. 19, 1897, ae. 40-0-14. 4. Elvie, b. H., Aug. 25, 1859; m. George Patten and res. Fitch burg, Mass. 5. Carrie Belle, b. Bristol, July 31, 1861 ; m.; res. California. 6. Lurie Clyde, b. B., Sept. 14, 1863; res. Fitchburg. THE MARSHALL FAMILY I. Rev. Moody P. Marshall, the son of Abel and Mar tha (Pierce) Marshall, was b. Alexandria, Mar. 2, 1812. He m. May 6, 1841, Liberty, dau. of Samuel and Judith (Lewis) Smith, b. Sandwich, Feb. 11, 1817. Shed. Sandwich, Apr. 10, 1845, ae. 28-i-2g. He m. Mar. 15, 1846, kebecca L., dau. of Benjamin Adams, b. Lancaster, Sept. 17, 1813, and d. Lancas ter, Jan. 24, 1887, ae. 73-4-7. He was pastor of the Methodist church i838-'3g. He located and passed his last years in Lan caster, where he d., May 3, 1902, ae. 90-2-1. CHILDREN 2. EUen L., b. Sandwich, Apr. 9, 1845; m. 1867, John W. Savage. 3. Ruth A., b. Apr. 15, 1848 ; d. 4. Martha J., b. Cornish, Dec. 12, 1849; m- Mar., 1870, Edson Hart ford. 5. Gilbert A., b. Columbia, June 27, 1851 ; m. Jan. 21, 1879, Myrtie L. Griswold. 6. Charles M., b. C, Mar. 26, 1853 ; m. Dec. 25, 1880, Mary E. Gris wold. MARSTON I. William H. Marston is the son of Charles H. and Nellie E. (Elmer) Marston. He was b. in Oakland, Me., Aug. 18, 1876. Since 1898, has been teller of the Bristol Savings bank and of the First National Bank of Bristol. Republican, Mason. THE MARTIN FAMILIES I. Calvin H. Martin is the son of Jonathan H. and Mary Ann (Richards) Martin. He was b. Grafton, June 6, i83g, and m., June 2g, 1870, Addie R., dau. of Ezra P. and Almira K. (KimbaU) Gifford, b. Grafton, May 4, 1847, and d. Bristol, Dec. 14, i8g8, ae. 51-7-10. Is a dairy farmer in the southwestern part of the town. Has res. in Bristol since 1866. No children. GENEALOGIES — MARTIN 2gg 2. Addie L., dau. of Ezra Lewis and Helen L. (Braley) Gifford, b. Alexandria, Nov. i, 1881, has made her home in the family since girl hood. Parents both d. I. Calvin Martin, son of Francis B. and Betsey B. (Had ley) Martin, was b. Goffstown, Aug. 15, 1833. Hem. Nov. ig, 1857, Minda J., dau. of George and Lucinda (Gile) Tucker, b. Grafton, Nov. 20, 1836. He is a laborer in Bristol. CHILDREN 2. Walter C, b. Grafton, Aug. 20, 1858; m. June 16, 1883, Cora E., dau. of James Garland and Amy Tenney, b. Sept. 17, 1862. He was a laborer in Bristol ; res. Franklin Falls and again m Bristol. 3. Ida A., b. G., Apr. 10, i860; m. Dec. 24, 1880, John Haien ; res. Mont Vernon. 4. Emily A., b. Dunbarton, May 2, 1862 ; m. Apr., 1884, Alonzo J. Gove. She d. Apr. 22, 1887, ae. 24-11-20. 5. Mortimer, b. D., July 29, 1869. Res. Burlington, Vt. I. Asa Martin, son of Sylvester, was b. Grafton, Mar. 14, 1803. About 1821, he m. Amy Flag, dau. of Jacob (?) and Hannah Flag, b. Grafton, Feb. 11, 1800. He removed to Bris tol with his family in i84g. He was a painter in Bristol till about 1853, when he removed to Haverhill, and in i860, returned to Grafton, where he d. Apr. 11, 1876, ae. 73-0-27. She d. Grafton, Jan. 8, i8g2, ae. gi-io-27. CHILDREN, all born in Grafton 2. Richard W., b. Nov. 21, 1823 ; m. Mamie H. Crow, and d. Man chester, Aug. 17, 1885, ae. 61-8-26. *3. Jacob W., b. Apr. 27, 1825. 4. Hannah, b. Nov. 25, 1826 ; m. Edwin Litchfield, and d. Danbury, June 23, 1882, ae. 55-6-28. 5. Gilford, b. Apr. 15, 1828 ; m. Judith, dau. of John Hoyt, b. Beth lehem, Sept. 24, 1834. He d. Grafton, Feb. 9, 1869, ae. 40-9-24. She d. Danbury, June 2, 1901, ae. 66-8-8. He had at least one son : a. Charles Albie, b. Manchester, Apr. 5, 1861 ; m. Nov. 26, 1881, Ella V. Bates, b. Sanbornton, Mar. 3, 1864. They res. Danbury. 6. Alba, b. June 26, 1830 ; d. Haverhill, Oct. 15, 1858, ae. 28-3-19. He m. Rispah Kimball, Grafton. 7. Mary E., b. Oct. 22, 1832 ; d. Grafton, Nov. 17, 1834, ae. 2-0-25. 8. Sylvester, b. Sept. 30, 1838 (1837) ; m. Apr. 7, 1861, Mary Emily, dau. Isaac and Ann Clark, b. Newbury, Vt., June 3, 1843 ; d. Manchester, Dec. 13, 1872, ae. 29-6-10. He m. (2) Elvira Jane Goss and d. Grafton, Jan. 2, 1879, ae. 40-3-2. His widow res. W. Manchester. He served as first lieutenant in Co. F, 15th N. H. Vols., on quota of Grafton. Children : a. Ida Ann, b. Grafton, Sept. 6, 1862 ; m. Sept. 6, 1883, Charles P. Nelson. b. Gertrude Maud, b. Manchester, May 19, 1875 ; m. Lewis W. Crockett. Res. 475 Amherst street, Manchester. 9. Charles H., b. Mar. 10, 1842; m. May 16, 1867, Lida C, dau. John W. Clark, b. Allen, N. Y., July 17, 1844 ; d. Concord, Mar. 2, 1891, ae. 46-7-15. He has been in the drug business. Concord, since 1863. Chil dren. 30O HISTORY OF BRISTOL a. Amy C, b. Concord, June lo, 1871 ; m. Feb. 22, 1899, Richard C. GoodeU, Antrim. b. Charles E-, b. C, Sept. 14, 1877. (3) Jacob W. Martin, was b. Grafton, Apr. 27, 1825. He was a carriage painter and came to Bristol in 1847, and Nov. 25, 1848, m. Jane Moffet Sanborn, dau. of Maj. Daniel. (See.) In 1853, he left his family in Bristol and went to California, but re turned previous to the death of his wife, which occurred at HaverhiU, Aug. 7, 1859. He m. (2) and res. Yreka, Cal., where he d. Feb. 4, 1898, ae. 72-g-7. CHILDREN 10. Clara Jane, b. Bristol, Aug., 1850; m. Charles H. O'Neil, June 6, 1872, who d. Chicago, 111., Feb., 1892. She res. 3,500 Grand Ave, Mil waukee, Wis. Children : a. George Edwin, b. Milwaukee, Mar. 29, 1873 ; m. Nov. 28, 1900, Ethel Virgin, Plattsville, Wis. Res. 374 33d street, Milwaukee. b. Charles Houston, b. M., Aug. 21, 1875. c. Harry Martin, b. M., Mar. 19, 1877. d. Robert Layfield, b. M., Dec. 7, 1879. e. Stanley Sanborn, b. M., Mar. 22, 1881. /. Frederick, b. M., Nov. 6, 1886 ; d. Nov. 27, 1886. II. Luther Edwin, b. B., July 30, 1852 ; m. Sept. 28, 1876, Cora Louise, dau. of Wicom and Louise Savory, b. Georgetown, Mass., June 2, 1855. They res. many years Haverhill, Mass. ; later Langdon Hotel, Boston, Mass. No children. I. Ira Martin is the son of James. He was b. Grafton, Aug. 15, 1832, and m. Hannah Elizabeth, dau. of Hoyt Martin, b. Grafton, Oct. 6, 1841, and d. New Hampton, Nov. 26, 1900, ae. 59-1-20. He was a farmer in Alexandria till 1875 ; farmer and watchman in Bristol till 1882, since in New Hampton. CHILDREN 2. Ara Hoyt, b. Alexandria, Nov. 17, 1868; m. Aug. 11, 1893, Rose May, dau. of Edward Kirk, b. Grafton, May 11, 1873. A jeweler in Enfield, and since 1902, in Bristol. Child : a. Doris May, b. Wilton, May 7, 1897. 3. Hadley Bert, b. A., Dec. 11, 1873. THE MASON FAMILY I . The earliest known ancestor of the Masons of Bristol was Edward Mason, an early resident of Stratham. Ward Mason, a son, m. Jerusha Burley and settled in Sanbornton soon after 1786. There his wife d. Jan. 2, 1795. He returned to Stratham and there d. Of his eight children, one was 2. David, b. Sanbornton, Nov. 13, 1788. When about 21 he settled in the Moore's Mills neighborhood. There he m., 1808, Esther Moore, dau, of Robert (See), b. Oct. 5, 1790. David Mason GENEALOGIES — MASON 301 Farmer. He d. Aug. 20, 1853, ae. 64-9-7; she d. Dec. 11, 1852, ae. 62-2-6. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol »3. Daniel Smith, b. Apr. 2, 1809. 4. Mary Jane, b. Sept., i8n ; m. Dea. Levi Carter (his third wife) and d. New Hampton, Apr. 19, 1890, ae. 78-7. 5. Harriet, b. July 22, 1814; m. (i) Benjamin Locke. (See.) (2) Nicholas Dolloff. (See.) 6. Jerusha, b. Apr. 3, 1817 ; m. Joseph D. Robinson, Apr., 1854. He was b. New Hampton, May 12, 1816. Farmer in New Hampton till 1882 ; res. in Bristol, i882-'90 ; returned to New Hampton, where he d. Dec 16, 1896, ae. 80-7-4. She d. New Hampton, Oct. 10, 1890, ae. 73-6-7. Chil dren : a. Child, d. in infancy. b. Antha Emerson (adopted or brought up), b. Oct. 29, 1855 ; m. Lincoln A. Gray. c. Jerome Giles Wells (brought up), b. Sanbornton, Jan. 27, 1859. 7. David, b. June 27, 1820; m. Nov. 7, 1854, Elvira C, dau. of Elisha Gurdy (See), b. Sept. 9, 1827. In early life he was engaged in farming, at work in the mills at Moore's Mills, or running spars and lumber down the river in rafts to market. In his first trip down the river and subse quently, he was pilot. He "run" the river 17 years, twice with logs. In 1852, he came to Bristol village and engaged in the manufacture of straw- board in company with George W. Dow, on the site of the pulp-miU on Willow street, under the firm name of Dow & Mason. Mr. Dow retired during the Civil war and Mr. Mason continued the business. He was later interested in a paper-mill, where is now the woolen-miU of the Dodge-Davis Manufacturing company, under the name of D. & D. S. Mason & Co. In January, 1871, he became the head of a new firm — Mason, Perkins & Co., which erected the brick paper-mill, now at the North End, and absorbed the strawboard-mill. He continued in this position till his death, assuming the presidency of the Mason-Perkins Paper company, when the above named company was incorporated, July 7, j886. He was also engaged in the manufacture of pulp, near the rail road station with R. D. Mossman and William A. Berry, from 1878 till this business was also absorbed by the Mason-Perkins Paper company in February, 1891. In his business transactions he was sagacious and suc cessful and at his death was considered the wealthiest man in town. By his will he left $1,000 to the Methodist church and $1,000 to the Bristol Cemetery association. He was for ten years vice-president of Bristol Sav ings bank, and represented his town three years in the legislature. Republican ; an official member of the Methodist church. He resided on Lake street till about 1884, when he erected a residence on South Main street, where he d. June 26, 1899, ae. 78-11-29. Child : a. Addie Jane (adopted), b. Mar. 18, 1867 ; m. Charles E. Mason. (Sec) 8. Robert Moore, b. May 21, 1823 ; m. Jan. 8, 1856, Hennie, dau. of Samuel and Eliza (Warren) Emmons, b. Newport, Feb. 25, 1839. Resided on the Mason farm, and "run" the river 17 years. In Apr., 1872, removed to the village and engaged in the manufacture of strawboard with George M. Wooster on site of the Train-Smith Co.'s paper-miU. He d. Feb. 6, 1894, ae. 70-8-15. She d. Bristol, Jan. 9, 1899, ae. 59-10-14. Children : a. Charles Emmons, b. Bristol, June 13, 1862 ; m. Nov. i, 1894, Addie J., adopted dau. of David Mason (See), b. Mar. 18, 1867. She d. Jan. 20, 1899, ae. 31-10-2. He m. (2) Feb. 15, 1900, Catherine A., dau. of Charles Handerson, b. Sept. 11, 1878. He d. Nov. 20, 1900, ae. 38-5-7. She m. (2) May 29, 1902, William J. Decato. 302 HISTORY OF BRISTOL (See.) Charles E. Mason was a Knight Templar Mason, a past master of Union Lodge, No. 79, A. P. and A. M.; was a Democrat, and served two years as selectman. Was agent at the Bristol rail road station, Dec, 1890 to Apr., 1893. He succeeded David Mason as a stockholder of the Mason-Perkins Paper company. By his will he left the income of this stock to his widow during her life ; at her decease the stock is to be sold and the avails thereof paid to the town of Bristol for a town halL b. Elsie, b. B., June 13, 1869; d. Nov. 22, 1871, ae. 2-5-9. 9. Joseph Moore, b. Feb. i, 1828; m. Dec. 23, 1862, Olive Jane Cheney, dau. Alonzo (See), b. Jan. i, 1835. No children. He d. Mar. 31, 1891, ae. 63-2-0. Farmer. She res. Bristol. 10. John A., b. June, 1831 ; d. Sept. 15, 1834, ae. 3-3- (3) Capt. Daniel S. Mason, son of David, b. Apr. 2, 1809, m. Dec. I, 1835, Angelina W., dau. Walter and Elizabeth (Pin gree) Webster, b. Bridgewater. She d. Plymouth, 1848, and he m. (2) Jan. 31, 1849, Anna C, dau. Nicholas M. and Sally (Eastman) Taylor, b. New Hampton, Apr. 27, 1817. He was a farmer and lumber manufacturer in early manhood. In com pany with Nicholas Dolloff and Joseph Moore, he run the first raft of lumber down the Pemigewasset. On this occasion the raft was wrecked on Worthen's rock and he was swept down stream and narrowly escaped drowning. In 1835, he purchased the saw-miU at Moore's Mills and manufactured lumber some years. In 1858, he removed to Bristol village and engaged in the manufacture of paper with David Mason, Calvin Swett, and George W. Dow, at the site of Dodge-Davis Manufacturing Co. till 1863, when the mill was destroyed by fire. He served ten years as selectman. Republican, Congregationalist. He d. Oct. 15, 1885, ae. 76-6-13. Shed. Sept. 13, 1859, ae. 78-4-16. CHILDREN II. John Mason, b. Bristol, Oct. 22, 1836; m. June 16, 1864, Susan Waterman, dau. of Oscar F. Fowler (See), b. Dec. 9, 1839. He was elected town clerk in 1859, but resigned and removed to Plymouth, where he spent his life. She d. June 21, 1895, ae. 55-6-12. He d. Sept. 9, 1898, ae. 61-10-17. He was an extensive merchant ; a prominent Republican, Mason, official member of the Methodist church. She was active in church work and a leading soprano in the choir. Children, all born in Plymouth : a. Harry, b. June 22, 1865 ; m. Dec. 31, 1889, Arabella L. Roberts, of Dover. b. Walter Webster, b. July 25, 1867; unm. Is now serving as postmaster of Plymouth. c. Susie Elizabeth, b. Nov. 7, 1869 ; d. July 30, 1888, ae. 18-8-23. 12. Elizabeth Webster, b. Nov. 20, 1838. She was a brilliant young ' lady. Graduated at New Hampton Literary Institution with high honors before she was 18; taught the classics at Port Atkinson, Wis., several years; m. Dec. 6, 1865, Rev. J. K. Warner, a Congregational clergyman of Wyoming Co., N. Y., and d. June 19, 1870, at Jacksonville, Fla., ae. 31-6-29. He d. Burdett, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1885. No children. 13. Ann Maria, b. Nov., 1840; d. Feb. 19, 1871, ae. 30-3-. 14. Louisa Angelina, b. Bristol, Mar. 30, 1845 ; m. Albert Blake. (See.) Charles E. Mason GENEALOGIES — MAYHEW 303 I. Hon. Samuel K. Mason, son of David B. and Eunice R. (Kelley) Mason, was b. New Hampton, May 17, 1832. He m. Sept. 27, 1858, Helen Mar, dau. of Andrew J. Smith (See), b. July 22, 1838. He was a practicing lawyer in Bristol. (See Lawyers. ) He represented Bristol in the legislature three years ; was postmaster seven years ; judge of probate two years ; coun ty commissioner, three years ; and was the candidate for gov ernor of the Liberal RepubUcans in 1874. He was a trustee and president of the Bristol Savings bank ten years. He d. June 13, 1882, ae. 50-0-26. Mrs. Mason and dau. res. Second street. CHILDREN 2. Smith Weston, b. Bristol, May 30, 1859 ; d. Oct. 2, 1859. 3. Helen Alice Maud, b. B., Oct. 15, i860; d. July 17, 1861. 4. Ethel Sophia, b. B., Sept. 7, 1867. Res. B., unm. 5. Hattie, b. B., 1869 ; d. ae. 4 days. THE MAYHEW FAMILY I. Lieut. William Mayhew was a son of Peter Mayhew, one of the moving spirits in the construction of the Mayhew turnpike. During its construction, Lieut. William resided on the east side of the turnpike opposite the present farmhouse of Edwin T. Pike. The following CHILDREN, were evidently born in Bristol 2. Orpha, b. Apr. 30, 1804. 3. Thompson, b. Sept. 23, 1805. 4. Franklin, b. Jan. 17, 1807. 5. St. laliar, b. Nov. 14, 1808. THE MENG FAMILY I. Christian Meng is the son of D. Sebastian and Annie Maria (Weenmen) Meng. He was b. Trimmis, Switzerland, Apr. 23, 1858. He m. Jan. g, 1888, Etta Pierce, dau. of David H. Sleeper. (See.) Since 1890, has been a farmer and em ployee at the woolen-miU. No children. THE MERRILL FAMILIES I. The Merrills are of French origin. Being Huguenots they fled to England at the time of the massacre of St. Barthol omew in 1552, and settled in Salisbury, County of Wiltshire. Sir Peter Merrill, of the British army, was knighted in 1634. John and Nathaniel, brothers, came to this country in 1635 and settled in Newbury, Mass. John had no son but one daughter. Nathaniel is the father of the Merrills of New England. Of his five sons, one 304 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 2. Nathaniel, was b. in England about 16 10, settled in Newbury, 1635, and d. 1655. He had five sons, of whom the second was 3. Nathaniel, b. Newbury, 1635, and d. 1683. Of his chil dren 4. John was b. Newbury, 1663, andd. Haverhill, Mass., 1705. Of his children 5. John was b. Haverhill, Mass., Apr. 3, 1696, settled in Concord about 1728, where he was a deacon of the Congrega tional church, and where he d. He was the father of 6. Jonathan, b. Concord, Feb. 10, 1733, and m. Mary Farnham, b. Concord, Aug. 8, 1737. He settled on the Harvey Locke farm in Alexandria, and was said to have been the first man in that town to own a cow. About 1782, he removed to New Chester to the Meshech Gurdy farm north of Smith's river at Profile Falls. He d. Apr. 2, 1794, ae. 61-1-22. She d. Feb. 14, 1805, ae. 67-6-6. CHILDREN »7. John, b. Mar. 9, 1769. 8. PoUy, settled in Vermont. 9. Susan, settled in Vermont. 10. Lydia, d. ae. 20. II. Stephen Merrill, b. Apr. 25, 1776, removed from Concord about 1795, to that part of Sanbornton now Tilton, where he did a large busi ness as a tanner, currier, and shoemaker. He m. June 3, 1803, Ruth, dau. of Dea. Benjamin Darling, b. July 4, 1774. She d. Dec. 29, 1835, ae. 61-5-25. He removed to Bristol and made his home with his son-in-law, Jonathan, about one mile south of Central square, where he d. Jan. 5, i860, ae. 83-8-10. Children : a. AnnaS., b. Apr. 15, 1804; m. Jonathan Merrill. (See.) b. Farnham, b. Mar. 25, 1806; m. Elizabeth Remington; d. Lowell, Mass., Mar. 27, 1872, ae. 66-0-2. Five children. c. Abigail, b. Aug. 29, 1811 ; m. Samuel Condon. He was b. Dec. 15, 1795. Was a printer in Boston, Mass.; served in Warof 1812, and was a prisoner of war at Dartmoor prison, England, several months. He d. Boston, May 23, 1881, ae. 85-5-8 ; she d. Tilton, Jan. 17, 1900, ae. 88-4-18. Child : Samuel, b. Nov. 26, 1843 ; m. Nov. 17, 1869, Mary C. Lang. Res. Tilton. d. Mary Ann, b. July 8, 1814 ; d. Boston, unm. e. Stephen, b. Feb. 20, 1817; m. July, 1840. Res. Charlestown, Mass. F'ive children. /. Jonathan, b. Jan. i, 1820; d. Sept. 30, 1826, ae. 6-8-29. 12. Jonathan, b. 1777; m. Mary Barnard, dau. of Ezekiel, b. Warner, Dec. 30, 1779. He succeeded his father on the farm and there d. Jan. 20, 1820, in his 43rd year. She m. (2) Ezekiel Moore, who res. at Profile Falls, and d. in the family of George M. Wooster, Oct. i, 1875, ae. 95-9-1. Children : a. Rosanna, b. Bristol, Dec. 6, 1812 ; m. Nov. 13, 1832, Eleazer Wooster, and res. in Campton. She d. Jan. 29, 1834, in Campton, ae. 21-1-23. Child: George M. Wooster. (See.) b. Chauncey, b. B.; d. Mar. 11, 1818, ae. 2 years. 13. Sally, b. Apr. 14, 1778; m. Harding and removed to Ohio. -»i4. Epbraim, b. Concord, Oct. 26, 1779. 15. Abigail, b. Mar. 13, 1782 ; d. ae. 24, unm. * 16. Moses W. GENEALOGIES — MERRILL 305 (7) John MerriU, son of Jonathan, b. Mar. g, i76g, m. Nov. 12, 1794, Betsey, dau. of Benjamin Darling, b. Sanbornton, Apr. 27, 1771. He was a tanner and shoemaker in Sanbornton; removed to Bristol to the Peaslee farm at Profile Falls about 1801. He had a tannery west of the road below the falls which was first taxed 18 10. What is now a very small brook furnished power to grind the bark. He operated this mill till he d.. May 18, 183c, ae. 61-2-9. She d. Oct. 8, 1834, ae. 63-5-1 1. CHILDREN •my. Jonathan, b. Dec. 5, 1795. 18. Susanna, b. Dec. 24, 1797, res. on Lake street, and d. in family of Jonathan Merrill, unm.. Mar. 25, 1869, ae. 71-3-1. 19. Mary Ann, b. Jan. 23, 1800; m. Apr. 20, 1851, Joseph Chadwick, Boscawen. He d. and she returned to Bristol ; res. Lake street ; d. in family of Clark Merrill, Mar. 19, 1873, ae. 73-1-26. (Jan. 20, 1874 — Cong. church record. ) 20. John, b. Bristol, Apr. 10, 1802 ; m. 1824, Rhoda Cilley, dau. of Nathan B., b. Hill, June 12, 1807. They settled on Periwig mountain; moved to Andover; thence to Dorchester in 1840, and to Wisconsin in 1867. He spent his summers for nearly forty years at the Franconia mountains, where he was on duty at the Pool. He was termed the "Mountain Philosopher." He was in great demand among tourists, never tiring of talking and lecturing on what he termed the scientific construction of the earth, arguing that the earth was hollow and inhab ited inside and that the sun shone half the time inside, and explaining the relation of this state of affairs with the tides. With the exception of this delusion he was a well balanced man. She d. Pardeeville, Wis., May, 1883, ae. 75-11-. He d. Wisconsin, Jan. 13, 1892, ae. 89-9-3. Chil dren : a. Abby B., m. (i) Luther J. Elliott, Dorchester. He d. and she m. (2) Oct. 17, 1858, Quintus Sanborn, and res. Pardeeville, Wis. Three children. b. Charles C, killed in Civil war. c. Willard C. d. William C. e. John, res. Cheever. (See Roll of Honor.) y. Peter H., res. Pardeeville, Wis. -?;2i. Clark, b. B., Dec. 16, 1804. 22. Moses, b. Apr. 13, 1807; m. SaUy Bennett, and d. Mar. 4, 1868, ae. 60-10-21. She d. Dec. 15, 1881, ae. 70-8-. Farmer, one mile south of Central square, east side of highway. Free Baptist. Child : a. John William, d. May 21, 1862, ae. 22-6-. (14) Ephraim MerriU, son of Jonathan, b. Oct. 26, 1779, settled on the river north of Pemigewasset bridge. He m. Apr., 1808, Sally, dau. of Samuel Drew (See), b. Sept. 28, 1791. He d. Oct. 16, 1844, ae. 64-11-20. She d. Lawrence, Mass., Sept. 21, 1885, ae. 93-11-23. He was a farmer and tanner. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 23. Rufus, b. Apr. 27, 1809; m. July 4, 1839, Betsey J. Bartlett, Tun bridge, Vt.; d. Lowell, Mass., Jan., 1847, ae. 37-9-. Children : a. George W., served in 4th Mass. Battery; d. Ship Island, 1863. d. Carrie Elizabeth. 20 3o6 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 24. Calvin Clark, b. June 24, 1814; m. Oct., 1845, Eliza Parker; d. Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 16, 1853, ae. 39-5-22. No children. 25. Eliza Webber, b. June 22, 1816; m. Apr. 10, 1838, Dudley Leavitt Stokes, son of Jeremiah, b. Northwood, Mar. 13, 1812, They res. Law rence, Mass., where she d. Mar. 15, 1863, ae. 46-8-23. Children : a. Stephen D., b. Bristol, Mar. 15, 1839 ; m. Oct. 16, i860, Martha Ellen Rowe, b. Plymouth, July 15, 1839. He d. Utah, Nov. 21, 1866, ae. 27-8-6. Children: (i) Carrie May, b. Dubuque, Iowa, Sept. 26, 1864. (2) George Warren, b. Chicago, 111., Oct. 20, 1866. b. Mary Ellen, b. B., May 18, 1841 ; m. Jan. i, 1866, Augustine R. Hardy. He d. Lawrence, Mass., Feb. 19, 1889, ae. 54-3-18. She res. Lawrence. Child : Georgia Etta, b. Nov. 21, 1866. c. Sarah Ann, b. Freedom, Sept. 5, 1843; m. Dec. 10, i860, Wil liam W. Wallace. He d. June 29, 1864, ae. 27-10-. She m. (2) July 15, 1874, Francis E. Towle, b. Feb. 27, 1834. Res. Worcester, Mass. No children. d. George Walter, b. Aug. 20, 1856 ; d. Dec. 10, 1856. 26. David Mason, b. Nov. 21, 1819 ; m. Dec. 17, 1845, Clarissa Cass, dau. of John, b. Bridgewater, Jan. 16, 1829, and d. Bristol, Aug. 4, 1870, ae. 41-6-18. He m. (2) June 11, 1871, Mrs. Belinda Donavan, of North Sandwich, who d. Sandwich, June, 1893. He was farmer in Bridgewater, Bristol, and Sandwich. Methodist. His last years were passed in Ash land in home of his daughter and granddaughter, where he d. May 21, 1901, ae. 81-6-0. Children : a. Sarah Jane, b. Bridgewater, Sept. 11, 1848; m. Louis Rowe. (See.) b. Laura Etta, b. B., Jan. 31, 1852, and d. Bristol, Mar. 15, 1869, ae. 17-1-14. c. Augusta M., b. Nov. 11, 1859; d. June, i860. 27. Sarah Hardy, b. Jan. 10, 1821 ; m. Nov., 1845, Levi J. Gilbert, Lowell, Mass., and d. Lawrence, Mass., July 28, 1874, ae. 53-6-18. Chil dren : a. Chandler, d. Lawrence. b. Charles, d. L. 28. Judith Cross, b. Sept. 11, 1823; m. Mar., 1848, Levi B. Owen, and d. Leeds, Me., May 24, 1864, ae. 40-8-13. Children : a. Sarah, b. Leeds, Me. ; d. Monmouth, Me. b. Etta, b. L. 29. Mary Lucia, b. July 21, 1825 ; m. Apr., 1843, Timothy Foster, and d. Curtis Corner, Me., Apr. 2, 1892, ae. 66-8-11. No children. 30. Almira E., b. Nov. 27, 1827 ; m. Sept., 1848, Samuel Edgerly, Lowell, Mass., and d. East Otisfield, Me., Jan. 28, 1859, ae. 31-2-1. Chil dren : a. Emma. b. Lucia. c. Annie. 31. John Farnham, b. Nov. 19, 1829; d. Dec, 1844, ae. 15-1-. 32. Stephen M., b. Sept. 5, 1831 ; d. Sept., 1836, ae. 5-0-. (16) Moses W. Merrill, son of Jonathan, m. Mariam Bar nard, sister to wife of his brother, Jonathan. She d., and he m. (2) Mrs. Sally (Worthen) Sanborn, widow of Sherburn. (See.) He was a farmer at South Alexandria. Methodist. CHILDREN, all born in Alexandria 33. Harum, b. Feb. 3, 1811. Was general ticket agent of Milwaukee & Mississippi railroad, Milwaukee, Wis.; m., had a large family, and d. Boston, Oct. 29, 1890, ae. 79-8-26. 34. Sherburn Sanborn, b. July 28, 1818 ; m. Nov. 14, 1847, Sarah Dix Kidder, dau. of Francis (See), b. July 6, 1825, and d. in Milwaukee, Mar. GENEALOGIES — MERRILL 307 26, 1855, ae. 29-8-20. He m. (2) May 6, 1858, Mary Ellen Freeman. She was b. Knox. Albany Co., N. Y., Mar. 13, 1831. He d. Milwaukee, Feb. 8, 1885, ae. 66-6-10. Mr. Merrill received only the meager education of the district school at South Alexandria. At sixteen years of age he went to Concord and worked one year in a hotel ; then was clerk in a store in Boston for six years. At the end of this time he came to Bristol and took charge of the Bristol House, and in November, 1850, went to Milwaukee. When he reached that place he had but five dollars in his pocket. He obtained a position as foreman of a gang of graders for the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul railroad. His ability marked him for promotion and he was soon made brakeman, then conductor of a freight train, then of a passenger train. Soon after, he became paymaster, then assistant gen eral manager, and finally, in 1865, general manager. Under his manage ment the road increased in mileage till it embraced 6,000 miles, and had in its employ over 30,000 men. He was also largely interested in the Milwaukee street railway and other enterprises. Children : a. Sarah Worthing, b. Bristol, June 7, 1850; m. Washington Becker, June 22, 1875. Res. Milwaukee, where he is largely inter ested in street railways. Child: (i) Sherburn Merrill, b. Milwau kee. b. Susan Kidder, b. Milwaukee, Dec. 3, 1854; d. Aug. 3, 1871, ae. r6-8-o. c. Sherburn Freeman, b. July 17, 1859 ; d. Feb. 8, 1861, ae. 1-5-2 I. d. Marion, b. Dec. 19, 1861 ; m. Dec. 31, 1884, Grant A. Smith, who d. May 23, 1887. She m. July 22, 1889, Rev. William Chester. Children: (i) Sherburn Merrill, b. Jan. ii, 1886. (2) William Merrill, b. Nov. 4, 1890. e. Frederick Freeman, b. Aug. i, 1864. /. Richard, b. Dec. 27, 1868. 35. Mariam, b. Oct. 9, 1820 ; d. Apr. 17, 1822, ae. 1-6-8. 36. Narcissa S., b. Aug. 8, 1822 ; m. Galustia Heath ; res. Concord, Mass. No children. 37. Chastina, b. June 18, 1827 ; m. Bradley Walker ; d. Concord, Mass. 38. Moses Worthing, b. Jan. 6, 1829 ; m. Ann Elizabeth Blackmore, b. Nov. 28, 1832. Both are living (1903) in Newton Center, Mass. Chil dren : a. Sarah Letitia, b. Mar. 26, 1856; d. Aug 9, 1856. b. Emma Elizabeth, b. Nov. 7, 1857 ; m. Philip H. Butler; res. Newton Center, Mass. c. Alice Chastina, b. Oct. 20, i860 ; m. W. F. Pillsbury, and res. Chicago, 111. d. WiUiam Blackmore, b. Aug. 8, 1862; m. Jessie Muer, Mil waukee. Is a manufacturer of metalic packing. Res. Newton Center, Mass. e. Mabel Worthing, b. Dec. 22, 1866 ; m. Dr. George L. West. Res. Newton Center. , , , /. Sherburn Moses, b. Dec. 12, 1871. Graduated from Harvard College ; is treasurer and manager of the Morley Button company. Res. Newton Center. (17) Jonathan Mer-riU, son of John, b. Dec. 5, 1795, m. Nov. 11, 1824, Anna S. MerriU, dau. of Stephen, b. Apr. 15, 1804. (See.) He was a tanner and farmer one mUe south of Central square. His tan yard was in ravine on west side of road. She d. Nov. 17, 1862, ae. 58-7-2; bed. Feb. 19, 1868, ae. 72-2-14. 308 HISTORY OF BRISTOL CHILD 39. John Morris, b. Bristol, Oct. 3, 1825 ; m. Aug. 21, 1849, Mary F., dau. Jeremeak C. and Ruth (Fifield) Martin, b. Bridgewater, Aug. 11, 1827. He was a farmer and manufacturer of pocket-books and wallets, on Curtice place, opposite his father's. He d. Penacook, July i, 1871, ae. 45-8-28; she d. Rochester, N. Y., Apr. 28, 1897, ae. 69-8-17. Children : a. Annie Maria, b. Bristol, June 5, 1851 ; m. June 5, 1869, George Henry Royce, and res. Boscawen. Child : Lillian May, b. Bos cawen, Feb. 23, 1871; res. Boston, Mass. ; unm. b. Frank S., b. B., Nov. 28, 1857; d. Jan. 2, 1858. (21) Clark Merrill, son of John, b. Dec. 16, 1804, m. Mar. 26, 1827, Elizabeth Crowell, dau. of Newman and Harriet Crowell, b. in Andover, May 31, 1808. They commenced life on the Elijah Sanborn place at Profile Falls ; a few years later purchased a farm in the Borough where they resided till he was 80 years of age, when he made his home with his daughter, Mrs. Kelley, in Hill, where he d. Apr. 2, 1887, ae. 82-3-16. She d. in family of her son, Edwin C. Merrill, Mar. 26, 1893, ae. 84-9-25. He was a life-long Methodist ; a class leader. Republican. CHILDREN 40. Hannah C, b. Bristol, Oct. 23, 1827; m. Mar. 16, 1854, Benjamin B. Southmayd, son of Levi, b. Campton, June I2, 1820 ; d. Campton, June 6, 1893, ae. 72-11-24. She d. Rumney, Mar. 4, 1903, ae. 75-4-11. Chil dren : a. Benjamin Franklin, b. May 17, 1855 ; d. Aug. i, 1856, ae. 1-2-14. b. Merrill Clark, b. Nov. 25, 1856 ; m. Nov. 25, 1877, Augusta A., dau. of Joseph H. Moulton, b. Ellsworth, Feb. I, i860. They res. West Campton. Children: (i) Leon Frank, b. Dec. i, 1878. (2) Joseph Benjamin, b. Aug. 11, 1881. (3) William Baker, b. July 20, 1894. (4) Raymond, b. and d. July 17, 1901. 41. Mary Elizabeth, b. Hill, Oct. 19, 1831 ; m. Nov. 10, 1864, Merrill Greeley, son of Nathaniel, b. Waterville, July 2, 1832, and d. Plymouth, Oct. 6, 1894, ae. 62-3-4. He had a summer hotel in Waterville ; was in livery business in Plymouth. She res. Plymouth. Children : a. Nannie Wyman, b. Waterville, May 4, 1868 ; d. Aug. 6, 1869, ae. 1-3-2. b. Mabel Lillian, b. W., Feb. 3, 1871 ; unm. c. George Henry, b. W., Nov. 3, 1872. 42. Rose W., b. H., Apr. 13, 1834 ; m. Eben K. Blodgett. (See.) 43. Moses W., b. H., Oct. 19, 1837 ; m. June 15, 1865, Almira H., dau. of Levi and Mercy (Smith) Southmayd, b. Campton, Aug. 2, 1835. Res. Campton. No children. 44. George S., b. H., Nov. 28, 1839 ; m. May 5, 1861, Agnes J. Sleeper, dau. of Nathan. (See.) They went West in November, 1864. He was for more than 20 years baggage master at Portage City, Wis. Now farmer at Clear Lake, Iowa. No children. 45. Edwin C, b. H., Mar. 27, 1842; m. June 13, 1864, Sophronia C. Abbott, who d. Jan. 28, 1867, ae. 23. He m. (2) Mrs. Lydia Davis, of Grafton. Is a farmer in Alexandria. 46. Anna Ruth, b. H., July 9, 1844; m. WiUiam C. Kelley. (See.) 47. Albert L., b. H., June 17, 1847; m. Oct. 7, 1865, Mary, dau. of Clarence N. Merrill GENEALOGIES — MINOT 30g Hiram and Hannah C. (Elliott) Webster, b. Nov. 25, 1845. He is a farmer in Rumney. Children : a. Marietta, b. Mar. 18, 1867 ; m. J. Warren Pulsifer, Holderness. b. Jennie Edna, b. Mar. 9, 1885. 48. Clarence N., b. H., Dec. 31, 1850; m. Mar. 14, 1872, Ann M., dau. of Wilson Foster (See), b. Nov. 15, 1851. In 1869, he went West and was a brakeman on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad for a year ; returned ; spent a year on his father's farm, and was an employee for a year in a bedstead shop in Bristol. In 1872, he entered the employ of Taylor & Shaw at their grist-mill on Central street, and in July, 1884, purchased Mr. Shaw's interest, the firm becoming Taylor & Merrill. In 1896, Mr. Taylor retired, and the business was conducted by Mr. Merrill till May 7, 1903, when the firm name became C. N. Merrill & Son. Besides doing a large business in grain, Mr. Merrill has been an extensive dealer in farming machinery, coal, and fertilizers, and a large manufac turer of lumber. He has a saw-miU at Groton that he operates most of the year, giving employment at the mill and in the woods to from 25 to 50 hands. He is also a large holder of real estate, owning in Bristol and neighboring towns over 2,000 acres of land. He is a Democrat ; an official member of the Methodist church ; a Knight Templar Mason, and a director of the First National Bank of Bristol. Child : a. Everett Clarence, b. Bristol, Nov. 11, 1876; m. Nov. 12, 1900, Ethel M., dau. of Sylvester and Mary Elizabeth (Merrill) Wheet, b. 1881, and d. Sept. 29, 1901, of consumption, ae. 20. He m. (2) Oct. 26, 1902, Ella, dau. of Wallace Smith, of Hill. He is asso ciated with his father in business. Mason, Republican. THE MINOT FAMILY I. All by the name of Minot in New England are supposed to be the descendants of George Minot, Esq., son of Thomas, of Seffron, Essex, England, b. 1592. George emigrated to Amer ica in 1630, and settled in Dorchester, Mass. 2. Capt. Jonas Minot, b. Apr. 25, 1735, was fourth in descent from George Minot, Esq. He m. Mary, dau. of Rev. WiUard Hall, of Westford, Mass., and settled in Concord, Mass. He was a soldier of the Revolutionary war, and a prominent man in his day. That vast tract of land now embraced in the towns of Alexandria, Danbury, and New London was granted to him and his associates, and he was interested in other large land transactions in this state. He was the father of 3. Capt. James Minot, b. Concord, Mass., July 4, 1779. He m., Feb. 9, 1804, Sally, dau. of Archelaus and Sarah (Morse) Wilson, b. Nelson, July 19, 1783. At the time of his m. he was a resident of New London, having taken possession of a part of his father's estate in that town three years before. In 1807, he removed to South Sutton, and engaged in trade. Feb. 13, 1813, while residing at South Sutton, he enlisted in Capt. Thomas Currier's company, War of 1812, and was made adjutant of the regiment, with the rank of first lieutenant. Six of his grand sons served in the Union army during the Civil war. He set tled in that part of Bridgewater now Bristol, in 1813, and here 20(2 3IO HISTORY OF BRISTOL he Spent the remainder of his life, with the exception of one year (1836) in Newport, and 14 years in Lebanon, returning to Bristol in 1851. He was a man of means, of superior intelli gence and ability, and easily ranked among the most influen tial in this section of the state. He represented Bridgewater in the legislature of i8ig, and Bristol in 1820 and 1826, and the senatorial district in 1827. He resided, on coming to town, in a house that stood on the site of Hotel Bristol. He d. Feb. 29, 1864, ae. 84-7-25. She d. Aug. 19, 1853, ae. 70-1-0. CHILDREN 4. Almira, b. New London, Nov. 23, 1804 ; m. Solomon Cavis. (See.) 5. George, b. N. L., Aug. 10, 1806; m. May i, 1838, Selina Walker, dau. of George Lewis and Charlotte (Turner) Clark, b. Portsmouth, Dec. 22, 1817. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1828 ; was admitted to the bar in 1831, and practiced in Bristol till 1834, when he was chosen cashier of the Mechanick's bank at Concord, and removed to that city, remaining with that ins,titution till his death. He was chosen its president in 1854. He was a member of the state constitutional conven tion of 1850; was U. S. pension agent, and was treasurer of the Boston, Concord & Montreal railroad. (See under Lawyers.) He d. at Concord, Mar. 8, 1861, ae. 54-6-28. Children, all b. in Concord : a. Julia Maria Barrett, b. June 13, 1842 ; m. Aug. 10, 1871, George Henry Twiss, and res. 108 Hamilton Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Three children. b. Henry Carroll, b. Oct. 30, 1845. c. George Edward, b. Feb. 16, 1851 ; m. Apr. 8, 1872, Mary J. Floyd, who d. Feb. 7, 1881. Three children. d. Edith Parker, b. Oct: 14, 1853. 6. Julia Maria, b. Sutton, Jan. i, 1808 ; d. Bristol during the typhoid fever epidemic, Dec. 28, 1822, ae. 14-11-27. 7. Sally, b. S., June 19, 1809; m. William M. Chase. (See.) 8. Abigail, b. S., May 17, 1811 ; d. Oct. 18, 1811. *9. Jonas, b. S., Sept. 17, 1812. *io. Charles, b. Bristol, Sept. 19, 1814. II. James Miller, b. B., May 23, 1816 ; m. 1856, EUzabeth Hoit, who d. in Concord, Oct. 31, 1865. He d. Concord, Aug. 8, 1872, ae. 56-2-15. *I2. Josiah, b. B., Sept. 17, i8i8. 13. Abigail, b. B., Apr. 7, 1821. She res. at Bristol and Concord; d. at Concord, while on the train to Bristol, Oct. i, 1888, ae. 67-5-24. Unm. 14. Martha, b. B., Sept. 29, 1822 ; m. Cyrus Taylor. (See.) 15. Harriet Maria, b. B., Apr. 27, 1825. She m., Aug. i, 1848, Arthur Fletcher. He was the son of Nathan Fletcher, and was b. in Bridge- water, Oct. I, i8n. He graduated from Yale College in 1837, read law with his uncle, Samuel Fletcher, and practiced his profession in Con cord till within a few years of his death. He d. Concord, Feb. 19, 1885, ae. 73-4-18. She d. Apr. 9, 1900, ae. 74-11-12. Children: a. Sarah M., b. Aug. 31, 1851 ; d. Aug. 7, 1853, ae. 1-11-6. b. Juha Mmot, b. Mar. 13, 1855 ; d. May 12, 1870, ae. 15-1-29. c. Almira Minot, b. June 16, 1859. (9) Jonas Minot, b. Sept. 17, 1812, m. Oct. 12, 1835, Anne, dau. of Ichabod C. Bartlett (See), b. Dec. 14, 1813. She d. Clarkson, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1848, ae. 34-11-4, and he m. (2) May 7, 1849, Electa Frary, dau. of Rev. Daniel O. Morton GENEALOGIES — MINOT 3 1 1 (See), b. May 28, 1820. He d. Oct. 27, 1891, ae. 79-1-10. She d. Brockport, N. Y., July 13, 1897, ae. 77-1-15. CHILDREN 16. Mary Maria, b. Aug. i, 1840; d. Feb. i, 1841. 17. James, b. Clarkson, N. Y., Apr. 12, 1843 ; m. May 13, 1874, Fanny E., dau. of Hazen Pickering, of Concord, b. Barnstead, Sept. 27, 1847. In August, 1862, he enlisted in the 140th N. Y. Vols, and served in the same regiment with Gen. Otis, of Philippine Islands fame. Was wounded at the Battle of the Wilderness, May 5, 1864 — foot shattered. Was cap tured and held a prisoner four months at Lynchburg, Va. After the war was for many years cashier of the Mechanicks National bank. Con cord, where he res. Both Mr. and Mrs. Minot have been prominent in Grand Army circles. He served four years as adjutant general of the department of New Hampshire, and one year as department commander. She has served as department president of the Woman's Relief Corps. 18. Bartlett, b. Oct. 2, 1845 I served in the Union army ; m. about 1867, Harriet Murphy. She d. and he m. (2) Orpha O. Hill. Children : a. Harriet A., b. Feb. 2, 1875. b. Jonas J. E., b. Nov. 14, 1879. 19. Ann Bartlett, b. Mar. 22, 1850 ; d. Apr. 29, 1895, ae. 45-1-7. 20. Electa Morton, b. July 23, 1851. 21. Jonas, b. June 18, 1853. 22. Morton, b. Dec. 5, 1855. 23. Mary Maria, b. Nov. 16, 1859. (10) Charles Minot, b. Sept. 19, 1814, m. May 11, 1841, Sarah, dau. of Samuel and Myra (Ames) Tilton, b. Sanborn ton, Oct. 23, i8ig. He was a merchant in New York, cashier of Citizen's bank, Tilton, and of Mechanick's bank. Concord, and when state banks went out of existence, he formed with his brother, Josiah, the private banking house of Minot & Co., Concord, where he remained till he d., Aug. 25, 1879, at the age of 64- II -6. She d. Feb. 25, 1882, ae. 62-4-2. CHILDREN 24. Charles Alfred, b. Clarkson, N. Y., June 16, 1842 ; m. at Rockfort, 111., Feb. 14, 1870, Christianna Vanston, and d. at New York city, June 18, 1889, ae. 47-0-2. He served in the Union army during the Civil war. Children : a. Sarah Tilton, b. Marion, 111., May 28, 1871. b. Charles, b. M., Aug. 27, 1876; d. Nov. 13, 1876. 25. Sarah Louise, b. Tilton, Dec. 25, 1855 ; m. June 8, 1880, at Con cord, Thomas C. Bethune. Children : a. Maud Eastman, b. Mar. 13, 1881. b. Minot Chauncey, b. July 28, 1882. 26. Anne Bartlett, b. Concord, Feb. 13, i860; m. Oct. 30, 1883, Harry H. Dudley. Children : a. Dorothea Minot, b. Mar. 7, 1889 ; d. Dec. 17, 1902, ae. 13- 9-10. b. Charles Hubbard, b. June 26, 1892. c. Thomas Minot, b. Nov. 29, 1897. (12) Judge Josiah Minot, b. Sept. 17, 1818, m. Aug. 24, 1843, Abbie Pickering, dau. of Stephen and Mary (Pickering) Haines, b. Canterbury, July 6, i8ig. He graduated from 312 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Dartmouth CoUege in 1837, and was a lawyer of high standing (See Lawyers) and a superior financier. He was one of the donors of the Minot-Sleeper library to the town. (See Libra ries.) He d. Concord, Dec. 14, 1891, ae. 73-2-27. She d. Sept. 2, igo2, ae. 83-1-26. CHILDREN 27. Isabel, b. Concord, Sept. 24, 1846 ; m. Apr. 24, 1873, Judge George R. Fowler, son of Judge Asa Fowler.' He was a practicing lawyer in Boston, and at time of his death was senior justice of the West Roxbury district court. He d. suddenly at Philadelphia, Apr. 11, 1897. Children: a. Ethel Walker, b. Dec. 24, 1875 ; d. b. Mary Pickering, b. Jan. 25, 1877. C. Josiah Minot, b. May 17, 1880. d. Robert, b. July 11, 1884. 28. Grace Melville, b. Concord, Apr. 28, 1851 ; m. Oct. 14, 1878, Ferdi nand A. Stillings, M.D., a practicing physician of Concord. Children : a. Mary Walker, \ , a„„ , .,o„„ b. Charlotte MelviUe, f^- ^"S" 3' ^879- 29. Frances, b. Concord, Nov. 7, 1855. Res. Concord. THE MITCHELL FAMILY I. Alpheus C. Mitchell, son of Daniel M. Mitchell, was b. June 30, 1835. He m., Apr. 2, 1856, Laura R., dau. of Samuel and Sally (Beede) Smith, b. Bridgewater, Jan. 8, 1835. After three years' residence with her parents, they settled on the Seth Spencer farm in Dist. No. 7, Bristol, and there he d. Feb. 5, 1865, ae. 29-7-5. Mrs. Mitchell carried on the farm till May, 1895, when she m. Stephen S. Brock, son of John, b. Alexan dria, 1835. They removed to the Moses Worthley farm in Hebron, where they now reside. CHILDREN 2. Beede Morse, b. Bristol, June 22, 1857 ; d. June 18, 1864, ae. 6-1 1-26. 3. Sarah Beede, b. B., July 23, 1862 ; m. William T. Woodward. (See.) THE MOORE FAMILIES I . The Moores of Bristol are descendants of John and Janet Moore, Scotch Irish emigrants to Londonderry in 1723. He d. Jan. 24, 1774; she d. Mar. 8, 1776. Of their four children, one was Col. Robert Moore, b. Londonderry, 1727. He was a member of Capt. John Mitchell's troopers in 1744, in the French and Indian war, and he was a conspicuous commander at the battle of Bunker Hill. He d. 1778. Of his children, one was 2. Capt. Robert Moore, b. Londonderry, Sept. 20, 1769. He m. Jenny (Jane) Rolfe, b. Newburyport, Mass., Sept. 22, ''t/'M' r'' James G. Moore GENEALOGIES — MOORE 313 1771. They res. on Shirley hUl in Goffstown, where five chil dren were b., and their buildings destroyed by fire. They removed to Bristol in 1805, and settled near Pemigewasset bridge. He erected a large two-story house where he kept tavern for some years, and where he d. Aug. lo, 1813, ae. 43-10-20. She d. Feb. 6, 1852, ae. 80-4-14. He was called the strongest man in the county and was a man of great intelligence. CHILDREN 3. Esther, b. Goffstown, Oct. 5, 1790; m. David Mason. (See.) 4. Jane W., b. G., Sept. 20, 1792 ; d. Mar. 1, 1794, ae. 1-5-11. 5. Robert W., b. G., Feb. 3, 1795 ; m. June 29, 1826, Abigail, dau. of Levi and Abigail (Godfrey) Dow, b. New Hampton, Nov. 26, 1799. He succeeded his father on the farm. He was a man of intelligence, an advocate of temperance and anti-slavery ; when a mere boy united with the Methodist church. Represented Bristol in the legislature and served as selectman six years. He d. Oct. 15, 1848, ae. 53-8-12. She d. New Hampton, Apr. 21, 1884, ae. 84-4-25. No children. 6. Jane, b. G., July 16(15), 1797! tn. Daniel Shirley of Goffstown, and d. Apr., 1881, ae. 83-9-. ay. Joseph R., b. G., Jan. 16, 1800. »8. Jonathan H., b. G., June 18, 1802. -»9. William, b. Bristol, Apr. 6, 1806. 10. Mary, b. B., Sept., 1808; m. (i) Ovid Dearborn, Plymouth; (2) Washington Mooney, New Hampton. (7) Joseph R. Moore, son of Robert, b. Ooffstown, Jan. 16, 1800, m. Dec. 15, 1825, Mary, dau. of Abraham Dolloff. (See.) He succeeded his brother Robert on the farm. He was a great lover of fruit culture and fine gardening, and bordered his farm with fruit and shade trees. Was interested in the manufacture of lumber at Moore's MiUs, and furnished the floor beams for the first factory in Lawrence, Mass. He was a man of great energy of character, of literary and scientific taste, and an upright man. Served as selectman ten years and represented Bristol in the legislature three terms. He d. Bristol, Apr. 30 (28), 1880, ae. 80-3-14. She d. New Hampton, Feb. 15, 1887, ae. 81-8-6. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol II. Jane Ralph, b. Aug. 8, 1826 ; d., unm., June 4, 1884, ae. 57-9-26. 12. James G., b. Jan. 27, 1828; m. Nov. 4, 1856, Christiana C., dau. of Rev. Isaiah H. and Charlotte R. Shipman, b. North Springfield, Vt., Sept. 25, 1836. Moved to Franconia, 1849, to Lisbon, 1870, where he now res. ; manufacturer of lumber, bobbins, shoe pegs and pulp. He has invented machines for grinding pulp and making excelsior. Is a great mathematician. 13. Ovid D., b. Aug. 6, 1829 ; m. Aug. 28, 1854, Harriet Irene, dau. of Russel and Lorena (Spooner) Howland, b. Franconia, Aug. 31, 1832 ; d. Franconia, Mar. 20, 1871, ae. 38-6-19 ; m. (2) Feb. i, 1877, Hattie A., dau. of Steven and Elsie (Drury) Howland, b. Oct. 10, 1850. He left Bristol 1859, lived in Littleton and Franconia, and located in Lisbon, 1875, manu facturer of wood pulp and shoe pegs. Children : a. Genevieve, b. Bristol, Nov. to, 1856 ; m. July 3, 1886, William S. Nelson, a peg manufacturer, Lisbon. 314 HISTORY OF BRISTOL b. Fred Joseph, b. Mar. lo, 1865 ; m. Dec. 18, 1886, Jennie E. Harris, of Warren. Associated with his father, Lisbon. Child: Hattie Irena, b. May 31, 1889. 14. Rachel Locke, b. Aug. i, 1831 ; m. Oct. 25, 1854, Denison Taft, b. Barre, Vt., June 6, 1819 ; d. Montpelier, Vt., Sept. 22, 1897, ae. 78-3-16. She res. Montpelier. Children : a. Alice Rachella, b. Montpelier, Sept. 22, 1866. b. Edna Moore, b. M., June 30, 1870; m. June 9, 1892, Charles A. Gay, of Boston. 15. Mary, b. July 14, 1836 ; m. Dec. 22, 1862, John Daily, of Lebanon, Pa., b. Cornwall, "Pa., July 7, 1832 ; d. Philadelphia, Pa., Aug., 1897, ae. 65. She was a teacher ; is now a successful landscape painter. Children -. a. Grace Moore, b. Lebanon, Pa., Dec. 16, 1863. A music teacher in Philadelphia. b. Claude Lorraine, b. L., Jan. 9, 1866. Was an expert pistol shot in Buffalo Bill's Wild West show. Went to Europe in 1889, and gave exhibitions of his skill before the nobility and received many gifts and medals of honor. "Acknowledged to be the best shot in the world." Died of cholera in Brussels, Nov. 29, 1892, ae. 26-10-20. ; c. Lillian Blanch, b. L., Oct. 7, 1869. An actress. Has played in Europe and through the states ; since 1901, an osteopath physi cian in Rochester, N. Y. d. Paul Maurice, b. Altoona, Pa., Aug. II, 1871. Clerk in employ of the Pennsylvania railroad, Philadelphia, Pa. 16. Sarah Clough, b. Dec. 26, 1837; was a teacher in Pennsylvania; d. num., Feb. 8, 1873, ae. 35-1-12. 17. Josephine, b. May 22, 1841 ; was a teacher in New York state ; m. Oct. 15, 1872, Methusalem DuBois, of New York ; d. Aug. 28, 1874, ae. 33-3-6. Child : a. Rachel, b. Oct., 1873. Is a stenographer in Boston, Mass. 18. Joseph West, b. May 22, 1841 ; m. Nov. 8, 1863, Harriet EUen, dau. of John M. and Harriet Lincoln (Kelley) Flanders, b. New Hampton, Apr. 9, 1844. Res. New Hampton and Bristol. For many years owned stage route from New Hampton to Bristol and was brakeman on trains between Bristol and Concord 13 years, till Feb., 1883. He d. Bristol, June 20, 1892', ae. 51-0-28 ; sbe res. No. Main street. Children : a. Eugene Flanders, b. Bristol, May 8, 1866 ; m. Mar. 4, 1888, Alice Blanch Howard, dau. Samuel A., b. New Hamptoii, Nov. 6, 1869. Concrete contractor at Burlington, Vt. Children : (i) James Howard, b. Burlington, May 15, 1892. (2) Arthur Howard, b. B., May 16, 1900. b. Robert Flanders, b. B., May 24, 1867 ; m. June 27, 1894, Annie B. Rice, dau. of Isreal T. (See.) Veterinary surgeon, Laconia. Children: (i) Otis Rice, b. Laconia, June 18, 1895. (2) Nellie Josephine, b. L., Jan. 4, 1899. c. Mary Dolloff, b. B., Oct. 27, 1868; d. New Hampton, Jan. 8, 1879, ae. 10-2-11. d. Harriet Kelley, b. New Hampton, Oct. 22, 1870 ; m. May 2, 1889, Charles H. Gordon, a horse trainer. Children: (i) Ida May; b. New Hampton, July 2, 1891. (2) Maud Moore, b. N. H., Nov. 29, 1892. (3) John B., b. Manchester, July 21, 1895; d. Jan. 12, 1896. (4) Eugene Robert, b. Bristol, Mar. 16, 1899; d. Feb. 25, 1903, ae. 3-H-9. e. Joseph Flanders, b. N. H., Oct. 22, 1881 ; a machinist in Hyde Park, Mass.; unm. /. Josephine DuBois, b. N. H., Sept. 8, 1883. GENEALOGIES — MOORE 3 1 5 (8) Jonathan H. Moore, son of Robert, b. Goffstown, June i8, i8o2, m. Hannah Van, dau. of Capt. Moses W. Sleeper (See), b. July 26, 1805. She d. Manchester, Aug. 3, 1858, ae. 53-0-7. He d. Nov. 12, 1869, ae. 67-4-24. CHILDREN 19. Frederic Adolphus, b. Bristol, Feb. 11, 1826 ; m. Aug. 12, 1855, Cornelia Heiywin, of Springfield, 111.; (2) Emily Hewith Bugbee, La Cross, Wis.; (3) Nellie Warner, of Michigan. He read law at Manchester, but gave his attention to journalism. (See chapter on Literature, Vol. i.) He d. Nashua, Dec. 7, 1888, ae. 62-9-26. Son : a. Leland, res. Brooklyn, N. Y. 20. William Hart, b. Apr. 17, 1827 ; d. Dec, 1858, ae. 31-8-. 21. Lucie Van, b. Sept. 10, 1829 ; m. Feb. i, 1854, George W. Mitchell ; and d. July 21, 1855, ae. 25-10-11. 22. Jonathan B., b. Feb. 8, 1831 ; m. (i) Abbie F. Brown ; (2) Eliza Humphrey. He d. Manchester, 1S88, ae. 57. 23. Hannah Jane, b. Jan. 20, 1832 ; m. Feb. 22, 1872, Merritt Parsons, Buckfield, Me. 24. Robert Frames, b. Dec. 12, 1833 ; m. Susan E. Dinsmore, of Derry, and d. Apr. 29, 1876, ae. 42-4-17. 25. Orren Augustus, b. Oct. 25, 1835 ; d. 1837, ae. 2. 26. Joseph Rolfe, b. Feb. 17, 1837. Killed at Battle of Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864, ae. 27-3-16. 27. Orren Cheney, b. Aug. 10, 1839; m. Nov. 29, i860, Nancy W. Thompson, of Ashland; d. at Nashua, May 12, 1893, ae. 53-9-2. He was a leader in the Republican party of the state ; represented his ward in the legislature; his district in the N. H. senate was railroad commissioner ; member of congress from the 2d N. H. District, editor of the Nashua Telegraph, and a popular and eloquent platform political speaker. 28. James Mendon, b. Hebron, Aug. 24, 1841; m. Nov. 20, 1867, Mary O. Preston. Children : a. Myron Van, b. Manchester, May 21, 1875. b. Mendon Preston, b. M., Aug. 31, 1877. 29. Julia Fletcher, b. Dec. 3, 1844; m. Jan. 16, 1868, WiUiam O. Clough, of Meredith. (9) WiUiam Moore, son of Robert, b. Bristol, Apr. 6, 1806, m. Jan. 18, 1831, Abigail D., dau. of Josiah and Susannah (Dow) Robinson, b. New Hampton, Aug. 12, 1808; d. New Hampton, Feb. 11, 1898, ae. 89-5-29. He d. Bristol, Oct. 28, 1868, ae. 62-6-22. In 1835, he settled on the John F. Merrow farm; from 184410 1861, kept hotel at New Hampton vUlage, and the last named year returned to his farm. CHILDREN 30. Harriet R., b. Bristol, Dec. 17, 1831 ; d. Feb. 29, 1852, ae. 20-2-12. 31. Emily M., b. B., Sept. 22, 1834 ; m. June 20, 1858, George B. Mac- Lellan, and emigrated to Mississippi ; after ten years returned. She d. Feb. 12, 1892, ae. 57-4-20. 32. Laura D., b. B., Oct. 11, 1839. Res. in New Hampton. 33. William Andrew, b. New Hampton, May 28, 1845 ; d- New Hamp ton, Feb. 10, 1855, ae. 9-8-12. 3X6 HISTORY OF BRISTOL THE MORSE FAMILY I. The Morses of Bristol and vicinity are the descendants of Anthony Morse, b. in England, settled in Newbury, Mass., in 1635, and d. Oct. 12, 1686. The line of descent is through 2. Benjamin, b. Mar. 28, 1640, m. Ruth Sawyer, and lived in West Newbury. 3. Benjamin, b. Aug. 24, 1668, m. Susannah Merrill, res. Newbury. 4. Capt. Abel, b. Oct. 5, 1692, m. Grace Parker, and res. Chester. 5. Stephen, b. Feb. 15, 1733 or '34, m. AbigaU, dau. of Capt. Samuel Ingalls, of Chester, supposed to be identical with Capt. Samuel Ingalls mentioned on page 249, a descendant of Edmond Ingalls, of Lynn, Mass. 6. Dea. Jonathan, b. Mar. 3, 1757, m. in Chester, June 8, 1786, Abiah, dau. of Edmond Worth. He was a Revolutionary soldier, settled in Hebron, and d. in Haverhill, Mar. 3, 1840, ae. 83. They had nine children, of whom the fourth was 7. Jonathan, b. Hebron, Feb. 21, 1793. He m., Feb. 24, 1820, Jerusha Gilson, of Dunstable, Mass. One son was 8. Oscar Fitzallen, b. Hebron, June 12, 1826. He m. (i) Sept. 17,' 1848, Eliza Ann, dau. of Capt. Moses Sanborn (See), b. June 14, 1831. She d. Bristol, Mar. 18, 1886, ae. 54-9-4, and he m. (2) Dec. 28, 1886, Mrs. Lavinia S. Drake. He located in Bristol when 21 years of age (1847). In 1849, he became a brakeman on the old Northern railroad ; in, 1855, conductor, continuing 21 years. In 1858, he also assumed the duties of express messenger, and on retiring as conductor, became local express agent and completed 41 years continuous service for the Express company, Oct. I, 1899, when he was retired on a pension. He is a Demo crat and a Mason. a. Elizabeth Lucy, b. Bristol, Apr. 12, 1853; m. Fred W. Bing ham. (See.) b. Irvin DeWitt, b. B., Oct. 7, 1856 ; d. Sept. 4, i88i, ae. 24-10-27. c. Ona Amelia, b. B., Sept., 1862 ; d. June 14, 1869, ae. 6-9-. THE MORTON FAMILY I. Rev. Daniel Oliver Morton, A.M., was the eldest son of Livy and Hannah (Dailey) Morton, and was b. in Winthrop, Me., Dec 21, 1788. He was a descendant of George Morton, who came to this country in the ship Ann, in 1623. He m., Aug. 30, 1814, Lucretia Parsons, b. at Goshen, July 26, 1789, dau. of Rev. Justin and Electa (Frary) Parsons. She d. at Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 11, 1862, ae. 72-5-15 ; he d. at Bristol, Mar. 25, 1852, ac, 63-3-4, and both are interred in the Bristol cemetery. Was pastor of Congregational church 1842 tiU his death. (See Ecclesiastical History.) .Hon. Levi P. Morton GENEALOGIES — MOSHIER 317 CHILDREN, all born in Shoreham, Vt. 2. Daniel Oliver, b. Nov. 8, 1815 ; m. 1839, Elizabeth A. Tyler ; d. at Toledo, Ohio, Dec. 5, 1859, ae. 44-0-27. 3. Lucretia Parsons, b. Jan. 20, 1817 ; m. Sept. 7, 1842, Rev. Myron W. Safford. ' 4. Electa Frary, b. May 28, 1820; m. Jonas Minot. (See.) 5. Levi Parsons, b. May 16, 1824 ; m. Oct. 15, 1856, at Flatlands, Long Island, Lucy Kimball, dau. of Elijah H. and Sarah Wetmore (Hinsdale) Kimball, of Flatlands, b. July 22, 1836. She d. July 11, 1871, ae. 34-11-19, and he m., Feb. 12, 1873, Anna Livingston Read, dau. of William Ingraham Street, Esq., b. May 18, 1836. He began life as a clerk in a country store at Enfield, Mass., when 14 years of age, but soon after was a clerk in Hanover. From Hanover he came to Bristol, where he remained a few months, and then went to Concord as a clerk ina dry goods store, but at the age of 21 commenced business there for himself. In 1849, he entered the house of James M. Beede & Co., in Boston, Mass., and three years later became a member of the firm. In 1854, he went to New York and founded the dry goods commission house of Morton & Grinnell. In 1863, he engaged in the banking business in Wall street as L. P. Morton & Co., which later became Morton, Bliss & Co., with a branch office in London. This firm took part in some of the largest transactions in the history of American finance. It headed the syndicate in 1871 to float a five per cent. loan to aid in the resumption of specie payments and saved the govern ment f7o,ooo,ooo in interest. The payments of the Geneva award of f 15,- 500,000, and of the Fishery award of $5,500,000, were through his house. In 1878, he was elected a member of Congress ; President Garfield appointed him minister to France, and in 1888, he was elected vice-presi dent of the United States, and in 1894, elected governor of the state of New York. Children : a. Edith Livingston, b. Newport, R. I., June 20, 1874. b. Lena Kearney, b. N., May 20, 1875. c. Helen Stuyvesant, b. N., Aug. 2, 1876. She m. in London, Eng., Oct. 5, 1901, Talleyand de Perigord, Valencay, France. d. Lewis Parsons, b. London, Eng., Sept. 21, 1877 ; d. there Jan. *o, 1878. e. Alice, b. New York, Mar. 23, 1879. f. Mary, b. June 11, 1881. 6. Mary, b. May 5, 1829 ; m. Feb. 27, 1856, Hon. William F. Grin nell. 7. Martha, b. May 5, 1829 ; m. Aug. 8, 1852, Rev. Alanson Hartpence. THE MOSHIER FAMILY I. Ira Cornelius Moshier is the son of Harvey and Mary Jane (Merrill) Moshier. He was b. Barnston, P. Q., Feb. 22, 1857, and m. May 16, 1877, Mary Frances, dau. of Nathan O. and Harriet (Lucas) Phelps, b. Groton, Dec. 30, i860. He was a farmer in Groton and Dorchester till 1895 ; since, a laborer in Bristol. CHILDREN 2. Mary Grace, b. Groton, Aug. 22, 1878; m. Aug. 20, 1898, Frank W. Morrison, and res. Penacook. 3. Harvey Chester, b. G., Aug. 4, 1880; laborer in Bristol. 4. Myron Herbert, b. G., Oct. 29, 1882 ; m. Apr. 15, 1900, Angle, dau. of William W. Benton. (See.) A teamster. Children: 3l8 HISTORY OF BRISTOL a. Unice Velnia, b. Bristol, Dec. 13, 1900. b. Verne Benton, b. B., Dec. 5, 1901. 5. Harold Earl, b. Dorchester, Nov. 29, 1886. 6. Ray Otis, b. D., Mar. 11, 1890. 7. Sarah Ethel, b. D., Apr. 10, 1892. THE MOSSMAN FAMILY I. Robert D. Mossman is the son of William and Janet Mossman. He was b. Edinburgh, Scotland, Jan. 25, 1841. He m., 1866, Sarah, dau. of Mark and Emily Jane (Hobbs) Knight,' b. Windham, Me., July ig, 1841. He was superintendent of the Mason-Perkins Paper company i873-'7g; since, a member of the firm of Tileston & HoUingsworth Paper company, Matta- pan, Mass. He is a Mason; a member of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics Association, and a director of the Dor chester Co-operative bank. Res. 1,616 Blue Hill Ave., Boston, Mass. CHILDREN z. Mary. 3. William, b. Westbrook, Me. ; graduated at the Mass. Institute of Technology ; is assistant superintendent of the Tileston & HoUingsworth Paper company. THE MOULTON FAMILY I . Jonathan Moulton was the sou of Edward Brown Moul ton, a Revolutionary soldier, and Ann Smith Moulton, his wife. Jonathan was b. Apr. i, 178c, and m. (2) Mary Morse. He was first taxed in Bristol in 1839. He res. on Central street and operated the clothing-mill opposite his residence. He removed to Meredith about 1850, where he d. in i860, ae. about 79.' CHILDREN 2. Ann, b. 1823 ; d. 1901, ae. 78. 3. Albert A., b. Oct. 6, 1829 ; studied medicine with Dr. Moody C. Savpyer. He m., in May, 1850, Ann Maria, dau. of Richard H. Sawyer (See), b. June 23, 1823. He practiced medicine in Laconia ; was surgeon of the 3d Regt., N. H. Vols. After war, practiced in Tilton. She d. Con cord, June, 1872, ae. 49. He d. Soldiers' Home, Tilton, Apr. 26, 1890, ae. 60-6-20. Children : a. Harry, infant, d. Apr. 16, 1851. b. Arthur Channing, b. Meredith, Apr. 24, 1855; m. Nov. 30, 1887, Ada, dau. David R. and Mahala Castiday, b. Canada, Dec. 30, 1863. He has res. Colorado since 1876, now in trade in Meeker, Colo. Children: (i) Victor Channing, .b. Rawlins, Wyo., Mar. 14, 1889. (2) Ada Katharine, b. Sept. 27, 1890; d. Nov. I, 1894. (3) Mary Sawyer, b. Meeker, May 9, 1896. THE MUDGETT FAMILY I. William Mudgett, b. Nov. 29, 1786, was the son of Joseph, who settled in New Hampton previous to 1790, going GENEALOGIES — MUDGETT 3 1 9 there from Poplin. William came to Bristol in March, 1815, and settled on the Mudgett farm on Fowler's river near the lake, and here he spent his life. He m., Mar. 9, 1815, Eunice Huckins, dau. of Joseph, b. Parsonsfield, Me., Dec. 31, 1792 ; d. Bristol, Aug. 30, 1S47, ae. 54-7-29. He m. (2) Mar. 20, 1850, Mary Cheney, dau. of David (See), b. July 24, 1804. He d. Bristol, Nov. 13, 1876, ae. 89-1 1-14. His widow d. in family of E. W. Locke, in Alexandria, Jan. 22, 1892, ae. 87-5-28. CHILDREN 2 Mary Mooney Smith, b. Bristol, Feb. 20, 1816; m. James H. Brown. (See.) 3. Hannah Huckins, b. B., Apr. 21, 1819; d. Mar. 10, 1836, ae. 16-10-19. 4. John Philander, b. B., Sept. 15, 1821 ; d. Oct. 17, 1842, ae. 21-1-2. 5. Calvin Huckins, b. B., Aug. i, 1823; m. (i)July 15, 1851, Julia, dau. of Ellis and Hannah (Noyes) Fisher, b. Northfield, Vt., Apr. 19, 1827, and d. Bristol, Dec. 18, 1886, ae. 59-7-29. He m. (2) Oct. 29, 1887, Mrs. Clara Lamprey, sister of his first wife, and widow of Reuben Lamp rey, of New Hampton, b. Canada, July 11, 1824, d. at Hopkinton, Sept. 12, 1891, ae. 67-2-1. He m. (3) Sept. 7, 1892, Mary Jane (Perry) Dow, widow of J. French Dow of Hopkinton. He res. on the home farm till 1853 ; in Northfield till 1S58 ; returned to Bristol ; removed to Hopkinton 1887. Republican. Represented Bristol in the legislature. Children : a. William EUis, b. Northfield, Vt., Sept. 16, 1854; m. Saloma B. Chase. A farmer in Contoocook. b. Amy Florence, b. Bristol ; d. in infancy. c. Ellen Fisher, b. B., Feb. 26, 1866; m. Henry Chase Eastman, of Hopkinton. He d. a few months after their m. and she m. (2) George Blood. They res. Contoocook. No children. 6. Orinda Mehitable, b. B., Apr. 17, 1827 ; m. June 29, 1848, Curtis Smith, b. Nov. 8, 1822. She d. Ashland, June 19, 1884, ae. 57-2-2 ; he d. Ashland, Dec. 9, 1872, ae. 50-1-1. Children : a. Clara Ella, b. New Hampton, Apr. 7, 1856 ; d. Apr. 11, 1856. b. Albert Linvill, b. N. H., Apr. 17, 1858 ; m. Oct. 25, 1886, EUa M. Smith, of New Hampton. Res. Ashland. c. Mary Alice, b. N. H., Nov. 6, i860; m. Apr. 30, 1891, Henry E. Fones. Res. Warwick, R. I. d. Ederic Oregon, b. N. H., Oct. 30, 1863 ; m. May 30, 1889, Kate G. Eastman. He d. Plymouth, Apr. 28, 1893, ae. 29-5-28. e. Martha Susan, b. N. H., Oct. 26, 1865 ; m. Oct. 26, 1886, Dana W. Carey. Res. .Ashland. /. William Leonett, b. Ashland, Dec. 8, 1869; m. Feb. 29, 1892, Mabelle Maud Steele, of Fall River, Mass. Res. Boston, Mass. 7. Laura Lettice, b. B., Jan. 21, 1829; m. Josiah S. Ingalls. (See.) 8. Sarah Ann Baker, b. B., Julv 22, 1833 ; m. Jan. 20, 1855, Hosea F. Hawkins, Meredith. She d. while visiting in Ashland, Sept. 13, 1874, ae. 41-1-21. He res. Meredith. Children, all born in Meredith : a. Laura E., b. Nov. 29, 1856; m. Fred Rollins, Meredith, and res. East Concord. b. Arthur Stanley, b. Mar. 7, 1859 ; d. Dec. 16, 1880, ae. 21-9-9. c. Fred AUiston, b. Apr. 11, 1862 ; m. Ella Atwood, Alexandria. Res. Meredith. d. Amy Eunice, b. Oct. 30, 1868; d. June 6, 1885, ae. 16-7-6. e. Herman Curtis, b. Sept. 26, 1872. Res. Meredith. 320 HISTORY OF BRISTOL THE MUSGROVE FAMILY I. James Musgrove, a son of James and Sarah (Hacket) Musgrove, was b. in London, Eng., Dec. 13, i7g8. His father was a custom house officer of the East India company at Cal cutta, India. From eight till seventeen years of age, he was a cabin boy in the British navy ; served four years as tailor's apprentice at St. John's, N. B., whence he sailed for Boston, Mass. Was shipwrecked at the mouth of the Penobscot river, from which point he walked to Boston ; there he finished a seven years' apprenticeship, then required to learn most trades, and returned to London. He was m. in Bethnel Green church, London, Dec. 2g, 1827, to Ann, dau. of Isaac and Mary (Ship) Donker, b. in Spittalsfield, London, Sept. 3, 1802. They emi grated to America in September, 1832, and res. Boston, Charles town, and Lynn, Mass. In the financial panic of 1837, he was thrown out of work and advertised for a place in which to establish himself in business. Replies came from Hon. Nathaniel S. Berry, of Bristol, and other places. To visit the places where he was asked to locate he walked from Lynn to Vermont, thence to Haverhill Corner and Bristol. Here he located and conducted the tailoring business till incapacitated by age. He was a great reader and a well informed man, an abolitionist, and both were lifelong active workers in the Metho dist church. He d. May 13, 1878, ae. 79-5-0; she d. Mar. 20, 1879, ae. 76-6^17. CHILDREN 2. James, b. London, Dec. 24, 1828 ; d. Nov. 13, 1829. 3. Ann, b. L., Nov. 10, 1830 ; d. Bristol, of scarlet fever. Mar. 21, 1846, ae. 15-4-11. 4. Susan, b. L., Nov. 24, 1831. Res. Concord. Unm. 5. Mary Donker, b. Charlestown, Mass., Sept. 5, 1833 ; d. Nov. 23, 1851, ae. 18-2-18. 6. William Isaac, b. Lynn, Mass., July 13, 1835 ; m. May 29, 1859, at Cohoes, N. Y., Cornelia Emma, dau. of Miron and Elvira Potter, b. Troy, N. Y., June 27, 1840; d. Cohoes, Dec. 7, 1872, ae. 32-5-10. He was for several years an overseer in a knitting-mill at Cohoes ; in trade 20 years at Cohoes; superintendent of the Medlecott-Morgan knitting-mill at Springfield, Mass., till he d., Dec. 26, 1900, ae. 65-5-13. Republican, Methodist. Children : a. Charles Watson, b. Cohoes, Oct. 3, 1865 ; m. May 17, 1886, Mary EUen, dau. of Martin Lewis and Mary Elizabeth Pattee, b. New York city, Apr. 12, 1865. He is a letter carrier in Spring field, Mass. Children: (1) Mary Clara, b. Cohoes, Mar. 25, 1887. (2) Charles William, b. C, Oct. 12, 1888. (3) Grace Frances, b. Springfield, Sept. 10, 1890. b. Clara Belle, b. C, Aug. 27, 1867. Res. Springfield! Unm. 7. John Henry, b. L., May 7, 1837 ; m. Apr. 8, 1866, Carrie Sophia, dau. of Rev. Newell Culver (See), b. May 5, 1841. She d. Pittsfield, Mass., Oct. 27, 1883, ae. 42-5-22. He m. (2) Juiie ii, 1888, Mary L., dau. of Rev. James C. and Sarah Ann (Chase) Aspinwall, b. Weathersfield, Vt., Nov. 10, 1848. She graduated from Tilton Seminary 1871, and was a school GENEALOGIES — MUSGROVE 32 1 teacher. He has been a knit goods manufacturer at Bristol, Enosburg Falls, Vt., Cohoes, N. Y., Stillwater, N. Y., and for 16 years superin tendent of the Berkshire Knitting-mills at Pittsfield, Mass. Now presi dent and manager of the Musgrove Knitting-mills, at Pittsfield. Chil dren: a. Nellie Mabel, b. Bristol, Mar. 18, 1868 ; m. Apr. 27, 1889 Charles W. Mink, of Pittsfield. He d. Jan. 12, 1896, and she m. (2) Sept. 18, 1896, George Corwin, of Glenfield, N. Y. Children- (l) Caroline Elizabeth, b. Pittsfield, June ii, 1890 ; d. Aug. 26, 1891, ae. 1-2-15. (2) Reuben Raymond, b. Aug. 26, 1891. (3) John Harold, b. June 22, 1897. (4) Charles Lester, b. Aug. 21, 1898. (5) Laura Gertrude, b. Sept. 13, 1900; d. Oct., 1900. b. Carrie Gertrude, b. B., Apr. 7, 1870. Is a school teacher in Edgerton, Wis. c. Newell Culver, b. B., Feb. 7, 1873 ; d. Cohoes, N. Y., July 26, 1873- d. John Culver, b. Cohoes, Mar. 7, 1880; graduated as electrical engineer at Cornel University, Ithaca, N. Y., 1903. e. Sophie Donker, b. Pittsfield, Mass., Oct. 26, 1890. 8. Sara Minot Chase, b. Bristol, Mar. 10, 1839. Graduated from Til ton Seminary, 1865. Was teacher in the public schools, and at Poultney, (Vt.) Seminary; was in city missionary work at Troy, N. Y., for the Second Street Presbyterian church ; and, since 1887, has maintained a mission home at 3,337 6th Ave, Troy. Was formerly a Methodist, now connected with the Christian Alliance. Unm. 9. Richard Watson, b. B., Nov. 21, 1840. Served nearly four years in the Union army. (See Roll of Honor.) Was two or three years in the wool business, and in December, 1870, opened a printing-office in town, and in June, 1878, established the Bristol Weekly Enterprise, which are continued by him. Was six years on board of education of Union School district, six years town clerk, represented the town in legislature of 1885 ; was author of the bill to provide for the publication of the Register of New Hampshire Soldiers and Sailors, War of the Rebellion; represented the Fourth Senatorial district in the senate of l89i-'92, aijd has been for 33 years recording steward of the official board of the Methodist church, and chairman of trustees of Minot-Sleeper library since its organization. Republican, Mason, Odd Fellow, G. A. R. He m., Dec. 23, 1869, Henrietta Maria, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah Maria (Brown) Guild, b. Walpole, Sept. 14, 1843. She has been from girlhood a music teacher and church organist ; successful in training children for chorus singing; with her children has given concerts throughout the state as the "Musgrove Family." Active in church and temperance work. Children, all born in Bristol : a. Isadore Maria, b. Dec. 24, 1870 ; graduated from New Hamp ton Literary Inititution 1893 ; was a public reader ; m. Nov. 17, 1896, Prof. Charles W. Cutts, a teacher at New Hampton Institution, now principal of High school and superintendent of schools at Merrimac, Mass. She d. Merrimac, Sept. 22, 1902, ae. 31-8-28. Child : Mary Elisabeth, b. Bristol, Oct. 4, 1897.. b. Frank Abbott, b. July 19, 1872. Graduated from New Hamp ton Literary Institution, 1892 ; Dartmouth College, 1899 ; now pro prietor Dartmouth Press, and editor Hanover Gazette, Hanover. c. Carrie Etta, b. Jan. 24, 1874 ; pursued classical course at New Hampton Literary Institution ; m. Sept. 11, 1900, Pierce J. Littlej foreman in shoe factory at Exeter. Child : Margaret Musgrove, b. Exeter, Jan. 23, 1903. d. Mary Donker, b. Oct. 22, 1875 ; graduated at New Hampton, 1896 ; is associate editor of Bristol Enterprise; member of Metho dist choir. 21 322 HISTORY OF BRISTOL e. Anna Belle, b. Jan. 7, 1878. Since 1898, a student and teacher of music in Boston. /. Eugene Richard, b. Aug. 20, 1879. Graduated from Tilton Seminary, 1900 ; now a student at Dartmouth College. 10. Adam Clark, b. B., Aug. 22, 1842. In 1862, was employed in a knitting-mill at Cohoes, N. Y., where he changed his first name to Abbott, and under this name enlished in Co. H, 115th Regt., N. Y. Vols. Killed in action at Deep Bottom, Va., Aug. 16, 1864, ae. 21-11-24. (See Roll of Honor.) II. George Gustavus Sanborn, b. B., Dec. 27, 1845^; d. Apr. 15, 1846. 12. Charles Marston, b. B., Feb. 2, 1848; m. Dec. 21, 1867, Sarah Maria, dau. of Oliver B. Fogg. (See.) A farmer in Bristol till about 1880 ; an overseer in knitting-mills in Cohoes, N. Y., and Pittsfield, Mass., for 19 years. Has taken out several patents for improvements in knit ting machinery ; now manufacturer of knit goods, Pittsfield. Children : a. Addie Viola, b. Bristol, May 24, 1868 ; m. Feb. 5, 1891, Perry E. Miller, of Pittsfield. They res. Pawtucket, R. I., where he is a knit goods manufacturer. Children: (i) Florence, b. Coventry, R. I., Nov. 3, 1891. (2) Clarence McArthur, b. Pittsfield, Nov. 15, 1893. (3) Lester Arthur, b. Pawtucket, Nov. 23, 1896. b. William Abbott, b. B., Sept. 11, 1871 ; m. Nov. 23, 1892, Nellie W., dau. of Nelson and Nettie (Tayer) Parker, b. Pittsfield, Mass., Nov. 23, 1872. He is in the meat business at Pittsfield. Child : Nelson Parker, b. Dec. 12, 1894. c. Clara Elizabeth, b. B., Mar. 11, 1874; m. Dec. 2, 1896, Elmon R. Johnson, M.D., an ear, nose and throat specialist in Boston, Mass. Children: (i) Charles Musgrove, b. WoUaston, Feb. 2, 1898. (2) Elmon Reuben, b. W., Aug. 16, 1901. d. George Egbert, b. B., Sept. 26, 1876; took a three years' scientific course at Dartmouth College, i899-'o2 ; now electrical engineer at Schenectady, N. Y. e. Arthur Sylvanus, b. B., Mar. 3, 1879. /. Grace Cole, b. Pittsfield, Jan. 7, 1883. g. Alberta, b. P., Nov. 13, 1885. THE MUZZEY FAMILY I. Samuel Muzzey, son of Joseph and Jane (Bartlett) Muzzey, was b. Boscawen, Jan. 28, 1810. He m. Sept. 13, 1834, Sally G., dau. of WiUiam and Nancy (Gove) Blake, b. Andover, June 28, 1815. They came to Bristol from Northfield in March, 1844, and settled in the Locke neighborhood, where he d. July 5, 1886, ae. 76-5-7; she d. same place, Dec. 17, i8g8, ae. 83-5-ig. Farmer, Methodist, Republican. CHILDREN 2. Ann A., b. Canterbury, Nov. 6, 1835. Res. on home farm. Unm. 3. John B., b. Northfield, Feb. 5, 1838. Was machinist in Penacook. Served in 2nd Regt., N. H. Vols., private, Co. E ; killed at battle of Bull Run, Va., Aug. 29, 1862, ae. 24-6-24. 4. Hannah H., b. N., Mar. 13, 1840; m. Charles H. Phipps. (See.) 5. Sarah, b. N., June 30, 1842; d. May 19, 1903, ae. 60-10-19. 6. William Joseph, b. Bristol, June 6, 1844; m. Oct. 15, 1872, Helen Ann.dau. of Thomas T. and Nancy B. (Clesby) Moore, b. Concord, Mar. 10, 1855. Was a machinist in Concord till 1892 ; a farmer in Bristol ; now '^So TUton. Mrs. Nancy B. Moore d. in this family in Bristol, Oct. 4, 1888, ae. 70-0-24. Children : William I. Musgrove John H. Musgrove Charles M. Musgrove Sara M. C. Musgrove Henrietta (Guild) Musgrove GENEALOGIES — NEALY 323 o. Frankie William, b. Bristol, Jan. 31, 1880 ; d. Sept. 16, 1881, ae. 1-7-15. b. Bertha Helen, b. Penacook, July 18, 1890. 7. Orrin Jacob, b. B., Oct. 21, i&;6 ; m. Dec. 30, 1875, Emma Jane Avery, dau. John P., b. Apr. 6, 1854; d. Bristol, July 2, 1880, ae. 26-2-26. He m. (2) Oct. 18, 1882, Cora Augusta, dau. Frederick Kidder. (See.) They res. Warner. Children : a. Fred Charles, b. Franklin, Feb. 27, 1877. Res. Bristol. b. Ralph Kidder, b. Bristol, Mar. 5, 1884. c. Roy Chandler, b. Concord, June 22, 1890. d. Carl, b. C, Aug. 9, 1892. e. Marion E., b. Warner, Apr. 20, 1899. /. Son, b. Warner, Apr. 20, 1899 ; d. May 3, 1899. 8. Walter Scott, b. B., July 13, 1849; m. Nov. 26, 1873, Ellen Cath erine, dau. of David Abbott, Concord, b. Sept. 17, 1852. In meat business at Tilton. Children: a. Harry Walter, b. Franklin, Apr. 20, 1876 ; m. Oct. 17, 1898, Emma Jennie, dau. of Frank Lovell, b. Lawrence, Mass., July 3, i§77. In meat business, Tilton. Children: (i) Merle EUen, b. Apr. 25, 1899. (2) Miriam Lovell, b. Dec. 13, 1900. b. Arthur Phipps, b. July 23, 1883 ; d. Apr. 17, 1884. 9. Albert CoUis, b. B., July 6, 1851 ; m. July 20, 1880, Mary A., dau. Richard Thomas, b. Lawrence, Mass. In the meat business, Tilton. Child : a. Herbert Thomas, b. Tilton, Jan. 2, 1887. THE NEALY FAMILY I. Rev. William Alson Nealy was the son of John and Sarah (Cooper) Nealy. He was b. West Bolton, Vt., Nov. 3, 1845, and m. Sept. 3, 1873, Martha M., dau. of Thomas and Roxy (Shaw) BriU, b. St. Armands, P. Q., Jan. g, 1850. He was pastor of the Free Baptist church in Bristol, i888-'go, and here d. June 28, 1890, ae. 44-7-25. She res. 3g Church street, Maiden, Mass. CHILDREN 2. Walter Alson, b. Putnam, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1876. Is a chemist in Norwood, Mass. 3. Milo Arthur, b. Tiverton, R. I., Oct. 26, 1879; m. June 3, 1903, Harriet O., dau. of Charles B. and Harriet M. (Dale) Glover, b. Chelsea, Mass., Sept. 3, 1881. He is clerk in freight office, Maiden, Mass. 4. Martha Alice, b. Adamsville, R. I., Dec. 9, 1886. THE NELSON FAMILIES I . The Nelsons of Bristol are descendants of Thomas Nel son, the ancestor of most of the Nelsons of New England. Thomas and his wife, Joan, emigrated to this country with twenty families from Rowley, Yorkshire, England, in 1638. They arrived in Salem, Mass., in December, and in the spring following removed to a place named, a year later, Rowley, after their old town in England. Thomas d. in England, August 324 HISTORY OP BRISTOL 1648, where he had gone on business. They had five children, of whom the eldest, was 2. Philip, b. England, 1636. He graduated from Harvard college in 1654, the only one in that class. He was a captain in Sir WiUiam Phipps's expedition against Quebec in 1690. He d. Aug. 19, i6gi, ae. 55. He m. (i) Sarah Jewett, June 24, 1657. She had two children and d. Feb. 14, 1665. He m. (2) Nov. I, 1666, Elizabeth, dau. John Lowell, by whom he had eleven children. The ninth child was 3. Joseph, b. Nov. 28, 1682. He m. in 1706, Hannah, dau. of Capt. Samuel Brocklebank. She d. June 5, 1732, ae. 48. They had ten children, the second of whom was 4. Joseph, b. Mar. 10, i7og, and res. in Rowley. He m. Lydia, dau. of Aaron and Elizabeth (Pearson) Pingree, Nov. 7, 1734. Joseph, d. Mar. 6, i76g, ae. 59-11-26; she d. Mar. 8, 1786. They had eight children, of whom the youngest was 5. Stephen, b. Apr. 5, 1752. He was a farmer in Sutton, and sold his farm during the Revolutionary war for $800 in Con tinental scrip. A year or two later he purchased another farm in Salisbury, when he found his $800 had depreciated to $8. He m. Abigail Page in Salisbury. He spent the last 12 years of his life in the family of his son, Levi, in Bristol, where he d. Dec. 15, 1847, ae. 95-8-10. He was the father of 11 children, four of whom were : 6. Aaron, m. Jan. 20, 1807, Betsey, dan. of Jonathan Ingalls (See), b. Bristol, Oct. 12, 1785. They erected a farmhouse near where is now Ray mond Cavis's cottage on east shore of lake, and there res. till they removed to No. Faystown, Vt. Later in life, they removed to Massena, N. Y., where they d. Children : a. Charles, m. Sophronia Ingalls. b. Luther W. c. Betsey, m. Walter Wheeler and d. at Raymondville, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1881; he d. Apr. 15, 1903. d. Eliza, m. Horace Ingalls. 7. Affa, b. Aug., 1779; made her home in the family of her brother, Levi, in Bristol, and d. Oct. 25, 1838, ae. 59-2-. -»8. Levi, b. Sutton, Aug. 12, 1789. 9. Hannah, b. Salisbury, Feb. 21, 1792 ; m. Robert Heath. (See.) (8) Levi Nelson, son of Stephen, b. Aug. 12, 1789, m. May 28, 1809, Sara Evans, b. Salisbury, June 3, 1788. They re moved to Bristol in 181 2, and purchased the Nelson farm. The first dwelling on this farm stood higher up on the hillside and some distance west of the present highway, near the schoolhouse destroyed by fire in 18 16. Here he resided for some years, and then built a house just above the present farmhouse on this farm. He d. Jan. 18, 1875, ae. 85-5-6 ; she d. Dec. 14, 1877, ae. 89- 6-1 1. The Nelsons of Bristol have been noted for their sterling character, physically and mentally. GENEALOGIES — NELSON 325 CHILDREN, all except first born Bristol 10. Cyrus, b. Salisbury, Oct. 3, 1810 ; d. Nov. 30, 1820, ae. 10-1-27. »ii. Stephen, b. Aug. 2, 1812. 12. Dorcas, b. Nov. 6, 1814 ; m. Joseph Kidder. (See.) *i3. Levi, b. Dec. 7, 1816. 14. Lydia, b. Dec. 4, 1818; m. Abram Dolloff. (See.) 15. Hannah, b. July 26, 1820; d. June 23, 1829, ae. 8-10-27. 16. Hiram, b. Jan. 24, 1822; m. Oct. 15, 1843, Sally M., dau. James and Lydia Randall, b. Barnstead, Feb. 15, 1820. When a young man he went to Texas ; returned and settled in Meredith in 1833. Heservedin the 12th Regt., N. H. Vols. (See Roll of Honor.) His last years were passed on a farm in Belmont, where he d. Sept. i, 1894, ae. 72-7-7. Children : a. Ann R., b. Bristol, Nov. 9, 1844; m. Sept. 6, 1865, Charles E. Whitney, Lake ViUage, d. June 25, 1891, ae. 46-7-16. b. Electa M., b. B., Feb. 20, 1847 ; m. Oct. 28, 1865, John F. Davis, b. Lakeport, Apr. 22, 1843. No children. c. Clara Belle, b. B., Dec. 15, 1850; d. Meredith, Aug. 22, 1855, ae. 4-8-7. 17. John S., b. Sept. 16, 1823; m. Nov. 23, 1843, Belinda, dau. of Silas B. and Abbie (Sanborn) Tilton, b. Andover, Aug. 6, 1820, and d. Canterbury, Jan. 2, 1855, ae. 34-4-26. He m. (2) Jan. 21, 1886, Jennie B., dau. John L. and Julia A. (Grant) Clement, b. Groton, Feb. 9, 1846. He was in California three years in the fifties, and was wagon master of the 2nd Regt., N. H. Vols., in the Civil war, the first year of its service. Res. Canterbury. Children : a. Son, d. Aug. 13, 1844. b. Winfield Scott, b. Rumney, May 11, 1846; m. July 4, 1865, Hattie S. Glidden. c. Clara P., b. Hebron, Nov. 20, 1848 ; m. Mar. 6, 1878, Charles H. Lovejoy. d. Clora E., b. Groton, Nov. 28, 1850 ; m. Oct. 23, 1877, Solon S. Southard. (See.) e. Nellie B., b. Bristol, Jan. 31, i860 ; d. Jan. 21, 1881, in Canter bury, ae. 20-11-20. 18. Henry Darius, b. Sept. 30, 1825 ; m. July 4, 1847, EUzabeth G. Merrill, of Gilmanton. He was a blacksmith. Was killed in Lawrence, Mass., Oct. 5, 1852, while firing a salute in the political campaign of that year, ae. 27-0-5. Children : a. Emma, b. Manchester. b. Ellen E., b. Lawrence; d. Feb. 12, 1855, ae. 4-9-0. 19. Cyrus Weeks, b. July 10, 1827 ; m. Jan. 31, 1852, Mary Augusta b. Gilmanton, Mar. 18, 1830, dau. of John and Hannah (Osborne) Mer rill. He left Bristol 1850; was watchman in Stark mills at Manches ter ; located on a farm on the turnpike in Plymouth in 1855, where he StiU continues. His wife d. Oct. 3, 1900, ae. 70-6-15. He m. (2) Oct. 7, 1901, Sarah A. (Leavitt) Hartford, who d. Jan. 30, 1902, ae. 67; he m. (3) Nov. 26, 1902, Lucretia C. (Lufkin) Flanders. Children : a. Ina Affa, b. Manchester, July 26, 1853 ; m. Oscar J. Piper, and res. Meredith Center. b. Ida Augusta, b. Plymouth, Apr. 27, 1856 ; m. Feb. 24, 1873, Robert Dustin, of Hebron ; (2) Dec. 26, 1891, Sherman Woodbury. Res. Plymouth. «... c. Ai Henry, b. P., July 19, 1857 ; m. Jennie L. Couch, Salisbury ; merchant, Littleton Center, Mass. ^. , d. May EUen, b. P., Jan. 4, 1859 ; m. Marcus T. Day, Pittsburg, Oct. 25, 1893. Res. Pittsburg. e. Carrie Helen, b. P., Oct. 2, 1863 ; m. Bennie A. Cass, Ply mouth. 21(7. 326 HISTORY OF BRISTOL /. Minnie Georgiana, b. P., May 19, 1865 ; m. Alfred E. Hartford, Hebron. Res. 12 Monument street, Somerville, Mass. g. Marcia LiUian, b. P. Apr. 6, 1868 ; m. Aug. 17, 1887, C. W. Prescott, Tilton. „ „ „. „ h. Miles Grant, b. P., July 29, 1870 ; m. Jan. 11, 1892, Nellie G. Tucker, Penacook. He is a clergyman and pastor of a chureh at Springfield, Mass. 20. Relief, b. May 10, 1829 ; m. Jan. 6, 1853, Benjamin F. Shaw, b. Salisbury, Feb. 3, 1826, and d. Salisbury, Mar. 4, 1890, ae. 64-1-1. She and her children res. Salisbury. Children : a. Adoniram J., b. Dec. 9, 1853 ; d. Jan. 15, 1857, ae. 3-1-6. b. Charles, b, June 22, 1855. c. Naomi A., b. Nov. 8, 1858. d. Oscar P., b. Dec 20, 1862. e. Sarah E., b. Dec. 16, 1864. 21. Oren, b. Apr. 25, 1831 ; m. Dec. i, 1853, Mahala P., dau. of Gilman Ingalls (See), b. Feb. 8, 1830. He was a farmer and res. on a farm near Danforth brook, on road to New Hampton, where he d. Nov. 8, 1887, ae. 56-6-13. Republican. Free Baptist. She d. Bristol, Jan. 2f, 1902, ae. 71-11-21. Children : a. Arthur Vale, b. Bristol, Aug. 21, 1854 ; m. Eva Adeline Hall, and d. Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 27, 1884, ae. 30-2-6. b. Alvin Sumner, b. B., Apr. 4, 1859; d. Sept. 29, 1859. c. Winnie Augusta, b. B., Dec. 21, 1864; d. Mar. 15, 1865. d. Augusta Ingalls, b. B., Apr. 20, 1869; m. (1) Everett H. Emmons. (See.) She m. (2) Scott Tirrell. (See.) 22. Norman G., b. Dec. 4, 1832 ; m. May 20, 1854, Frances, dau. of Ansel and Elisabeth (Vickery) Weeks, b. Merrimack, Feb. 22, 1831. Was a blacksmith and millwright. Went to Lawrence, Mass., in 1851. Has been for many years superintendent of the U. S. Tubular Bell com pany's works at Methuen, Mass. Res. Lawrence. She d. Aug. 23, 1900, ae. 69-6-1, and he m. Sept. 16, 1902, Mrs. Martha (George) Baxter. Chil dren : a. Lindsey A., b. Meredith, Apr. 29, 1857; m. Nov., 1885, Lonie W. Chandler, and res. Lawrence. b. Leo G., b. M., July 6, 1859. Res. Lawrence. Unm. (11) Stephen Nelson, son of Levi, b. Bristol, Aug. 2, 1812, m. Mar. 15, 1838, Louisa, dau. of Joseph and Lydia (Worthen) Prescott, b. Bridgewater, Feb. 5, 1813, and d. Bristol, Mar. 16, i8g3, ae. 80-1-1 1 . He was a farmer on the home farm and a teamster, making frequent trips to Boston with a six-horse freight wagon, carrying country produce and returning with goods for the farmers or country traders. He was a Repub lican, and member of the Free Baptist church. He d. Feb. 17, i8g2, ae. 79-6-15. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 23. Dan Prescott, b. Nov. 12, 1838 ; killed at battle of Chancellors ville, May 3, 1863, ae. 24-5-21. (See Roll of Honor.) 24. Albert Day, b. Jan. 28, 1840 ; d. Feb. 10, 1865, of disease contracted in the army, ae. 25-0-12. (See Roll of Honor.) 25. Major Jesse, b. Mar. 14, 1841 ; m. July 19, 1867, Susie Mary, dau. William H. and Susan Samler, b. Albany, N. Y., Jan. 21, 1850. He served in Co. D, i2th Regt., N. H. Vols. (See Roll of Honor.) Farmer; has res. in Norwood, Mass., since about 1880. Children : Stephen Nelson GENEALOGIES — NICHOLS ' 327 a. William Samler, b. Hammonton, N. J., Apr. 15, 1868. b. Flora Louise, b. Salem, Mass., Nov. 15, 1870; d. Aug. 14, 1871. c. Albert Stephen, b. S., June 22, 1872 ; d. Oct. 21, 1872. d. Jesse Edwin, b. S., Apr. 11, 1875 ; d. Apr. 23, 1881, ae. 6-0-12. 26. Daughter, b. 1843. 27. Harriet M., b. June 9, 1845 ; d. May i6, 1867, ae. 21-11-17. 28. Sarah E., b. Nov. 18, 1846; m. George A. Robie. (See.) 29. Martha Smith, b. Aug. 8, 1850; m. (i) Jan. 3, 1871, George Car rol Mason, who d. Hill, Nov. 4, 1875. She m. (2) May 15, 1877, Luther L. Mason, and res. Hill. Children : a. Harry Ruric, b. Hill, Apr. 20, 1872 ; m. June 22, 1892, Sadie J. Lindsey. Res. Dorchester, Mass. Child: (i) Harold Lind sey, b. Mar. 3, 1894. i. Lillian Blanch, b. Feb. 28, 1878. c. Martha Belle, b. Aug. ir, 1879. 30. Finette Eva, b. Apr. 6, 1853 ; m. Joshua D. Hemphill. (See.) 31. Levi Joseph, b. Nov. 19, 1856; m. Sept. 28, 1881, Mrs. Zoa O. Dow, dau. Stephen P. and Elizabeth (Roberts) Wiggin, b. Ashland, June 10, 1858. He is a farmer on the farm occupied by his father and grandfather. Republican. Children : a. Ralph Waldo, b. Mar. 27, 1883. b. Orea Prescott, 1 , t 00 c. Oral Stephen! r^--f^''"°' ^^^5- (13) Levi Nelson, son of Levi, b. Bristol, Dec. 7, 1816, ra. Apr. 21, 1846, Lucinda Thompson, dau. of David Batchel der (See), b. Bridgewater, Apr. 5, 1826, and d. Bristol, Apr. 7, 1895, ae. 6g-o-2. He was a farmer and shoemaker. He built a farmhouse on the site of the Huntington house, on east side of highway from the Clay farmhouse, which he removed later to Summer street, the house now occupied by Charles H. Phipps. He d. Bristol, May 18, 1899, ae. 82-5-1 1. CHILDREN 32. Cynthia, d. in infancy. 33. Hattie, b. Hebron, May 7, 1856; m. Nov. 4, 1872, Clark O. Braley. Res. Alexandria. Children : a. Christie Allen. b. George Edmonds. c, lola. 34. Lilla Arrimetta, b. Hill, June 8, 1858; m. Edward S. Gilman. (See.) 35. Stephen, b. Nov. 3, 1859 ; d. May 21, 1869, ae. 9-6-18. THE NICHOLS FAMILY I. Charles Frederick Barron Darrell Nichols, the son of Luther Washington and Sarah Jane Talbot (Darrell) Nichols, was b. Boston, Mass., May 26, 1846. He m., Sept. ig, 1872, Alice L., dau. of John Adams and Jane Woodbury (Roberts) Lang, b. Meredith, Oct. 20, 1852., He early entered the employ of the Northern railroad, serving as clerk, and passenger con ductor for 20 years. In July, 1875, he succeeded Oscar F. Morse as conductor on the Bristol branch, continuing tiU Sep tember, 1883, when he resigned. On leaving Bristol, he engaged 328 HISTORY OP BRISTOL with his father-in-law in the manufacture of piano cases at Meredith ; was proprietor of cafe at Nashua Junction railroad station. In March, igo2, purchased the "Corner Book and Art store," Concord, where he is now in trade. CHILD 2. Joseph Percival, b. Concord, Apr. 22, 1885. THE NORRIS FAMILIES I. Rev. George Washington Norris is the son of Benja min and Zaphira (Ross) Norris, b. Dorchester, July 7, 1837. He m., Sept. 26, 1863, Martha F., dau. of Henry and Martha (French) Sanders, b. Wilmot, May g, 1835, and d. Dover, Mar. 6, 1895, ae. 59-9-27. He m. (2) Nov. 23, 1896, Mary Augusta Hamilton, who had been for 26 years a teacher in the public schools of Lawrence, Mass.; b. Lawrence, Sept. 21, 1848, dau. of Oliver B. and Mary Hamilton. He has been a Methodist clergyman and member of the New Hampshire conference since 1864, 14 years as presiding elder. Was pastor of the M. E. church in Bristol three years from 1871. Res. in Lawrence. CHILD 2. George Channing (adopted), b. about Sept., 1866. Was eight months on a whaling cruise on the Atlantic; served in the ist N. H. Regt., Spanish war. Now employed by Concord Axle company at Pena cook. He m., in Concord, Mary Abbie Plummer, of Boscawen. Children : a. Irving F. b. Howard C. c. Charlotte Abbie, b. June 30, 1902. I. Harry William Taylor Norris is the son of William T. and Mennetta (Martin) Norris. He was b. Danbury, Mar. 9, 1877, and m. June 22, 1898, Rose E., dau. of George F. Follans bee. (See.) He was a boot and shoe dealer in Emerson block for five years, till Oct., i8gg. Is now head waiter Hotel Rock ingham, Portsmouth. THE NOYES FAMILY I . Fred Eugene Noyes is a son of Fred Page and Anna (Johnson) Noyes. He was b. in Landaff, Oct. 17, i86g, and m. Jan. ig, i8g7, LiU Ethel, dau. of WiU A. Shaw (See), b. Brook lyn, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1872. Since June i, igoo, has been pro prietor of the North End store. CHILDREN 2. Helen Ardele, b. Tilton, Mar. 12, 1900 ; d. Bristol, Nov. 21, 1901, ae. 1-8-9. 3. Harold Arthur, b. Bristol, Mar. 12, 1902. GENEALOGIES — NUDD 32g THE NUDD FAMILY I. Andrew Taylor Nudd, son of Benjamin, was b. in Lou don, May 8, i84g. He served as a private in Co. H, i8th Regt., N. H. Vols., Civil war, and came to Bristol soon after the war. He m., Aug. 8, i86g, Abra Ann, dau. of Philip S. Drake (See) , b. Jan. 13, 1851. He d. in- Bristol, Jan. 10, 1882, ae. 32-8-2. She d. Laconia, Sept. 4, 1892, ae. 41-7-21. THE OAKLEY FAMILIES I. Stephen A. Oakley was a son of David and Charity Oakley. He was b. Yonkers, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1813, and m. Sarah Louise, dau. of Greenleaf Blake (See), b. Jan. 2g, 1814. He spent the greater portion of his life in New York, and came to Bristol about 1873. Here he d., June 26, 1880, ae. 66-9-7. She d. Randolph, Vt., in Jan., 1897, ae. 83. No children. I. William Thatcher Oakley, a brother of the above, was b. Yonkers, N. Y., Dec. 30, 1828. He m. Mar. 22, 1865, A. Elizabeth, dau. of Robert and Elizabeth (Hardham) Tharp, b. New York city, Jan. 8, 1836. He was an expressman in New York; located in Bristol, 1875, and here d. Mar. 13, 1884, ae, 55-2-13. She res. Bristol. Methodists. CHILDREN 2. Minnie L., b. New York city, Dec. 24, 1865 ; d. Mar. 29, 1876, ae. 10-3-5- 3. Clara J., b. N. Y., Mar. 9, 1873; m. (i) Arthur T. Chase; (2) Homer H. Hutchinson. (Sec) Methodist, member of choir. 4. Charles T., b. Bristol, May 29, 1880 ; d. Mar. 6, 1881. THE O'LEARY FAMILY I. Arthur O'Leary, son of Arthur and Julia (O'Brien) O'Leary, was b. Nashua, Nov. 19, 1847. He m. Oct. 13, 1872, Ida Lizzie, dau. of Joel C. Adams. (See.) She d. July 12, 1888, ae. 33-9- and he m. July 12, 1889, EUa A., dau. of Henry W., and Margaret (Frizzell) Stoddard, b. Canaan, Vt., Nov. 24, 1851. He came to Bristol 1869. Laborer. Repub lican. 2. Arthur, b. Bristol, Aug. 15, 1874 ; d. Oct. 19, 1874. 3. Bert Elmer, b. B., Aug. 9, 1876. Res. Montpelier, Vt. 4. Arthur Leslie, b. B., July 27, 1892. 5. Elbon Stoddard, b. B., Mar. 7, 1895. THE ORDWAY FAMILY I. Col. Giles W. Ordway, the son of Giles and Elizabeth (Webster) Ordway, was b. in HaverhiU, Mass., Aug. 27, 181 1. 330 HISTORY OF BRISTOL He was of the fifth generation from James Ordway, who came to this country from England or Wales between 1635 and 1640 ; settled in Dover in 1641, and m. Anne Emery in 1648. The grandfather of Col. Giles was Edward, Jr., who served in the Colonial wars and was with Wolfe at the capture of Quebec. He settled in Sutton and there d. at great age ; his wife d. the same day. Col. Ordway went to Concord with his parents in 1 82 1. He was a brick and stone mason and had charge of lay ing the stone work for the extension of the U.S. General Post- office building, and of the brick work for the extension of the U. S. Patent Office building, Washington. He superintended the stone work for six bridges on the river between Manchester and Bridgewater. He was captain of a company of infantry in the militia in Concord, 1 834-' 39, and Division inspector general on Gen. Wm. R. Parker's staff in 1849, with rank of colonel. In 1853, was member of common council, of Concord. He m. (i) Feb. 22, 1837, Jane Morrison, of Pembroke. She was b. Mar. 24, 1807, and d. Mar. 18, 1852, ae. 44-11-24. He m. (2) Nov. 29, 1853, Betsey Abbott, of Hooksett, b. Jan. 12, 1824, and now res. in Manchester. He came to Bristol, Dec. 27, 1864, and lived on the David H. Sleeper farm near foot of the lake, where he d. Mar. 26, 1873, ae. 6i-6-2g. CHILDREN 2. Isaac Henry, b. Dec. 2, 1838 ; a stone mason, res. Concord, unm. 3. George Renton, d. in infancy. 4. Jennie, b. Washington, D. C, Aug. 2, 1858; m. Nov. 25, 1886, Joshua F. Martin, of Weare. Res. Manchester. Children: a. Giles Ordway, b. Oct. 19, 1894. b. Richard Hadley, b. Oct. 3, 1896. c. Philip Abbott, b. June 2, 1899. THE OSGOOD • FAMILIES I. Thomas Emerton Osgood was a son of Timothy and Deborah (Pierce) Osgood. He was b. in Hebron, June 26, 1814, and m. Nov. 16, 1846, Sylvia, dau. of Jacob and Betsey (Scales) Lovejoy, b. Rehoboth, Mass., Oct. 16, 1828. He was a carpenter and joiner in Hebron tiU faU of 1856 or '57; after which his legal home was in Bristol. She d. Bristol, Dec. 13, 1858, ae. 30-1-27. He served in the 12th Regt., N. H. Vols. (See Roll of Honor.) After the war, spent a portion of his time at Woonsocket, R. I., and Hopedale, Mass. Republican, Odd Fellow, Universalist. • He d. Bristol, Oct. 16, i8g6, ae. 82-3-20; death was hastened by his being struck by a runaway horse. The sunshine of his life was conspicuous in his old age, and he died in perfect contentment and in a firm trust in God. CHILDREN 2. Timothy, b. Hebron, Sept. 8, 1849 ; tn- Sept. 28, 1876, Sarah E., dau. of Dearborn and Margaret (Haines) French, b. Barnstead, Dec. 29, 1848- GENEALOGIES — PADDLEFORD 331 She d. Hopedale, Mass., Jan. 17, 1895, ae. 46-0-18. He res. Hopedale. Machinist. Children : a. Paul, b. and d. July 4, 1878. b. Harry, b. and d. May 24, 1879. 3. Betsey Jane, b. H., Feb. 3, 1851 ; m. John R. Bennett. Res. Medfield. 4. Clara Sylvia, b. H., Oct. 28, 1854 ; m. July 2, 1876, Frank H. French. 5. Deborah Pierce, b. H., Nov. 28, 1856 ; m. Dec. 2, 1899, Charles A. Palmer. 6. Joseph Lovejoy, b. Bristol, Dec. 8, 1858 ; m. Aug. 30, 1879, Mary E. Cline. Res. Ansonia, Conn. Four children. I. Reuben Osgood was b. in Sanbornton June 7, 1778. He m. Ann Clifford, Sept. 30, 1783. They settled in Bristol about 1838, and here he d., Jan. 17, 1865, ae. 86-7-10. She d. Mar. I, 1854, ae. 70-5-1. He was a tailor and res. Lake street. CHILDREN 2. Mahala Rollins, b. Sanbornton, Sept. 21, 1805 ; m. Moses G. Ed gerly. (See.) 3. Edward Mudgett, b. June 29, 1813 ; m. Susan A. Taylor and came to Bristol about 1840 from Amoskeag, and here theyd.: she. May i, 1848; he, July 6, 1849, ae. 36-0-7. Children : a. Edward P., b. Mar., 1835 ; d. Bristol, Sept. 29, 1853, ae. 18-6-. b. Lydia, b. Bristol, res. Boston, Mass. c. Frank, b. B.; was a merchant tailor in Boston. THE PADDLEFORD FAMILY I. John Blake Paddleford is a son of Joseph B. and Mehit able (Walker) Paddleford. He was b. Hanover, Feb. i, i860, and m. Sept. i, i8g2, Edith Josephine, dau. of Robert B. and Josephine (Kellogg) LiUie, b. Yellow Springs, Ohio, Oct. 21, 1872. He was a farmer in Hanover till 1892 ; since then, a job teamster in Bristol. Odd Fellow, Republican. CHILDREN 2. Robert Dean, b. Bristol, Apr. 4, 1894. 3. John Clifton, b. B., Oct. 9, 1896. THE PAGE FAMILIES I. Onesiphorus Page was a resident of that part of New Chester now HUl as early as 1808 ; in the early twenties, he occupied the Fisk block in Bristol village. He was evidently a prominent man in his day, being one of the incorporators of the New Chester and Danbury pike in 1808 and of the Central bridge in 1820. He d. Jan. 27, 1827, ae. 50. The name of his wife was Jane. CHILDREN 2. Onesiphorus J., b. 1815 ; d. Dec. 11, 1824, ae. 9 years. 3. Mary Ann, b. Nov., 1818 ; d. Aug. 16, 1821, ae. 2-9. 332 HISTORY OF BRISTOL I. Isaac Page and his wife, Dolly Cilley, were residents of Bristol for some years previous to their death, their home being on Merrimack street, and there she d. Aug. ig, 1856, ae. 72-7- He d. July g, 1865, ae. 7g-6-. A son, 2. Samuel, wash. Andover, June 16, 1818. Hem.(i)Mary Wells who d. in Bristol, Jan. 15, 1858, ae. 3g. Hem. (2) Aug. 23, 1858, Abby E., dau. of Nathaniel and AbigaU M. (Wil liams) Moulton, b. Emden, Me., Dec. 25, 1833. He settled in Bristol, 1847, was a cabinet maker, and here d. Dec. 22, 1879, ae. 61-6-6. She res. Lawrence, Mass. CHILDREN 3. Mamie E., b. Bristol, Aug. 23, i860; d. Nov. 7, 1862, ae. 2-2-14. 4. John Wadleigh, b. B., Jan. 23, 1862 ; m. July 28, 1894, May Flor- ena Witham, b. Rockport, Mass., June 9, 1862. He is a conductor on Western Division of Boston & Maine railroad. Res. Lawrence, Mass. Children : a. Emma Witham, b. Lawrence, Aug. 12, 1895. b. Kenneth Allen, b. L., Mar. 28, 1902. I. Mitchell Hibbard Page, son of John and Dorcas (Hib bard) Page, was b. in Ryegate, Vt., Apr. 11, 1810. He settled in Bristol about 1834, and m. July 18, 1837, Dorothy S., dau. of Benjamin Locke (See), b. Mar. 25, 1819. Later he res. in San bornton, Hebron, Groton, Bridgewater, and again in Bristol, where he d. Aug. 16, 1890, ae. 80-4-5. Carpenter. Methodist. She res. Bristol. CHILDREN 2. Martin Van Buren, b. Bristol, Jan. 15; 1838. Went West in 1856; has res. many years in Eau Claire, Wis. He m. (i) Katherine Kendricks; (2) Lavina Thompson. Four children ; two d. 3. Levi Locke, b. B., Sept. 6, 1839 ; m. Dec, 1861, Hannah W., dau. of Asa Drew. (See.) He served in the 7th Regt., N. H. Vols., and d. at Fort Jefferson, Fla., Mar. 21, 1862, ae. 22-6-15. (See Roll of Honor.) She m. (2) Lorenzo Flanders, Bridgewater. 4. Lizzie A., b. Hebron, May 21, 1841 ; m. Harvey W. Drew. (See.) 5. John C, b. Groton, May 28, 1843 ; m. Georgianna Hall. Served in 7th Regt., N. H. Vols., and d. at ITort Jefferson, Fla., Apr. 16, 1862, ae. 18-10-18. 6. Andrew J., b. Hebron, June 2, 1845. He served as private in Co. B, 9th Regt., N. H. Vols. ; was captured at Poplar Grove Church, Va., Sept. 30, 1864, and was confined in Salisbury (N. C.) prison; escaped therefrom ; re-captured, and d. in prison, Dec. 25, 1864, ae. 19-6-23. 7. Nathaniel Springer, b. H., Sept. 6, 1846; m. July 4, 1866, Mary Jane, dau. of Samuel HoUon. He served in the 9th and 6th Regts., N. H. Vols. Res. Leominster, Mass. Child : a. Lillian A., b. Bridgewater, Apr. 15, 1867; m. (i) Feb. 26, 1885, Arthur L. Adams ; (2) Jan. 11, 1894, Lewis O. Hawkins. Three children. Res. Meredith. 8. Ruth B., b. H., Sept. 8, 1849 ; m. Nov. 22, 1866, John Smith. 9. James H., b. Bristol, May 8, 1851 ; d. Oct. 4, 1870, ae. 19-4-26. 10. Lavina J., b. B., Sept. 20, 1854; m. (i) Henry W. Drake; m. (2) Oscar P. Morse. (See.) GENEALOGIES — PAIGE 333 THE PAIGE FAMILY I. Cyrus Paige, son of Jonathan and Judith (Coburn) Paige, was b. in Deering, in 1811. He m. Maribah, dau. of Josiah Mason, b. Hill, in i8og. He was of the gth generation from John Paige, of Dedham, who came to this country in 163-. He came to Bristol from Hill in 1840 ; res. Profile Falls ; built a house near base of Alexandria hill, about opposite David P. Hoyt's residence, moved in while in process of building and d. before it was completed, Aug. 11, 1848, ae. 37. He was a car penter. She res. later on Summer street, till fall of 1859, then removed to So. Boston, where she d. May 16, 1866, ae. 57. CHILDREN 2. Hiram Lemuel, b. Hill, Feb. 22, 1836 ; m. 1870, Leavie Rebecca, dau. of Joseph Paget, b. South Boston, Mass., Mar. 12, 1848. He left Bristol when 21 years of age and has been for many years a machinist in the employ of the Michigan Central railroad at Jackson, Mich. Chil dren : a. Albert, b. Mar. 7, 1873 ; d. Aug. 24, 1873. b. Cora EUa, b. Dec. 27, 1874. 3. Susan Marium, b. H., Sept. 9, 1842. Res. Lowell, Mass.; unm. 4. Mary Barnard, b. Bristol, Aug. 28, 1844 ; m. July 30, 1881, Wil liam Gelston, and res. 200 Hale street, Lowell, Mass. Child : a. George S., b. Manchester, Oct. 30, 1885 ; d.-Dec 19, 1889, ae. 4-1-19. THE PATTEE FAMILIES I. Lewis F. Pattee is a son of Moses and Jane (Gordon) Pattee. He was b. Alexandria, Mar. 23, 1834. He m., Jan. 25, 1861, Mary Philbrick Ingalls, dau. of Gilman (See), b. Jan. 3, 1834. He has been a farmer and stone mason in Alexandria and Bristol. Is a Republican and a Methodist. CHILDREN 2. Fred Lewis, b. Bristol, Mar. 22, 1863 ; m. Mar. 9, 1889, Anna L., dau. of Charles N. and Louisa (Simons) Plumer, b. in Alexandria, Dec. 9, 1859. He graduated from New Hampton Literary Institution, 1884 ; Dartmouth CoUege, 1888. Is professor of English and rhetoric at Penn sylvania State College. (See Chapter on Literature, Vol. I.) Child: a. Sara Lewis, b. State College, Pa., May 13, 1895. 3. Charles Henry, b. B., Oct. 26, 1864; graduated from New Hamp ton Literary Institution, 1886 ; m. Dec. 25, 1889, Sadie W. Morey, b. Wil mot ; res. Ashland. Child : a. Charles Walter, b. Dec. 12, 1890. 4. Mary Lou, b. Alexandria, Mar. 4, 1872. I. Henry H. Pattee is a son of Moses and Jane (Gordon) 334 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Pattee. He was b. Alexandria, June 12, 1839. He m., Feb. i, 1868, EUen Frances, dau. of Hezekiah D. and Sarah (Cole) Gale, b. Alexandria, Mar. 3, 1846. She d. Bristol, Feb. 13, i8g6, ae. 4g-ii-io. Farmer and stone mason in Alexandria; and since 1885, in Bristol. Methodist, Republican, G. A. R. CHILDREN 2. Ida Florence, b. Alexandria, Sept. 27, 1875. Was graduated from State Normal School, Plymouth. Is a school teacher in Minnesota. 3. George Kynett, b. A., Sept. 5, 1879. Graduated from New Hamp ton Literary Institution, 1898; Dartmouth College, 1902; took one year post-graduate course, receiving the degree of A.M. in 1903. Teacher of Latin and Greek at Pensacola, Fla. I. James Monroe Pattee, is a son of Moses and Jane (Gor don) Pattee. He was b. Alexandria, Dec. i, 1845, and has been a laborer in Bristol since 1888. Unm. Republican, Meth odist. THE PATTEN FAMILIES I. James Patten, son of John and Jane (Abbott) Patten was b. Alexandria, July 7, 1817. He m.. Mar. 8, 1840, Emeline, dau. of Daniel Mills, b. Corinth, Vt.; d. Alexandria, Sept. 5, 1865* He m.. Mar. 8, 1866, Phebe, dau. of Moses Burns. She d. Alexandria, Nov. 11, 1877. He m. May 25, 1878, Mrs. Eliza Ann, widow of Gilman D. Laney. (See.) James Patten was a carpenter and farmer. Came to Bristol about 1854, later lived on Burns's hill in Alexandria ; back to Bristol about 1882, on the Levi Locke farm. Summer street. Republican. No chil dren. Has been confined to his bed for nearly 1 1 years. I. Manson B. Patten is a son of Benjamin and -Polly (Hastings) Patten, b. Alexandria, Nov. 4, 1848, m. June 22, 1870, NeUie, dau. of Uriah and Laura (BaUey) Pearson. He is a farmer just north of Smith's river. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 2. Mabel, b. Feb. 3, 1872. 3. Fred B., b. June 27, 1874 ; d. Aug. 14, 1875, ae. 1-1-17. 4. Fred H., b. May 6, 1877. 5. Anna L., b. Oct. 21, 1887. I. Frank C. Patten, a son of Hadley B. and Nellie E. Patten, was b. Alexandria, Apr. 2g, 1874, and m. June 16, 1894, Mrs. Jennie B. Doe, dau. of Dearborn Gray (See), b. Apr. 3, 1870. He is a farmer near Alexandria line, and stage driver. GENEALOGIES — PEARSON 335 THE PEARSON FAMILY I. WUlard J. Pearson, son of WiUiam and Mary (Jones) Pearson, was b. Tewksbury, Mass., July 2g, i7gg, and d. Dan bury, Jan. 22, 1875, ae. 75-5-23- In i8ig, he m. Harriet Avery, dau. of Ebenezer, b. Gilmanton, Feb. 16, 1802, and d. Danbury, July 22, 1874, ae. 72-5-6. He was a carpenter and stone mason ; came from Hill, 1836 ; res. in Bristol on north bank of Smith's river. After six years removed to Alexandria. CHILDREN 2. Mary J., b. Hill, Jan. 25, 1820; d. 1862, ae. 42. 3. John, b. H., Oct. 29, 1822 ; d. when 2 years old. 4. Sherburn, b. H., Aug. 13, 1824; twice m.; d. in Orange, 1877, ae. 53. 5. Cyrus J., b. H., Feb. 2, 1826; m. FreeloveKing; d. Attleboro, Mass., 1893, ae. 67. Widow res. Attleboro. Two children. 6. Esther B., b. H., Aug. 11, 1828 ; m. William Currier, res. Iowa. 7. Horace B., b. H., Apr. 27, 1830; m. Lovey J. Gray, Alexandria. Res. Farmington. Five children. 8. Joseph S., b. H., Jan. 19, 1832. Unm. 9. Eliza J., b. H., Mar. 6, 1835; m. Samuel A. Patten; res. Alexan dria. Five children. 10. Arvilla A., b. Bristol, Jan. 12, 1838 ; m. William H. Currier. He d. Warren, 1894. She d. II. Willard A., b. B., Aug. 12, 1840; m. Sarah Gray; d. Alexandria, May 15, 1876, ae. 35-9-3. His widow res. Hill. Two children. , 12. Harriet M., b. Hill, Jan. 8, 1845; m. Josiah H. Welton and res. Central Falls, R. I. One child, m. John Danforth. ¦SI3. Charles Avery, b. Alexandria, May 27, 1847. 14. George W., b. A., Aug. 25, 1850; m. (i) Augusta Braley; (2) Mary Whitcher. Res. Bristol. No children. (13) Charles A. Pearson, b. May 27, 1847, m. Sept. 25, 1867, Irena G., dau. of Heman J. Welton, b. Alexandria, 1845, d. Grafton, July 25, 1874, ae. 2g. He m. Dec. 5, 1875, Ella A., dau. Lorenzo and Elizabeth (Briggs) Braley, b. Danbury, 1856, d. Bristol, Feb. 15, 1884, ae. 28. He m., Dec. 12, 1884, Fran celia, dau. of Cyrus and Rectyna (Roe) Ladd and widow of Charles M. Rollins, b. Mar. — , 1839. He was a blacksmith in Alexandria ; in Bristol from Nov., 1879, till Oct., 1891 ; in Hins dale and now a farmer in Winchester. CHILDREN 15. Bert Haskins, b. Grafton, July 4, 1868. Was clerk for some years at Revere House, Boston, Mass.; now keeping a riding school at North Hanipton, Mass. Unm. 16. Will Leston, b. G., June 27, 1873. Now employed in Winter Place hotel, Boston. 17. Edith Elizabeth, b. G., May 27, 1881. Ruby Mable Rollins, dau. of Mrs. Pearson, was b. in Alexandria, Apr. 20, 1867 ; m. Oct. 13, 1892, Charles H. Pearson, of Hinsdale. 336 HISTORY OF BRISTOL THE PEASLEE FAMILY I. "Dr." Peter Peaslee and his wife, Hannah, were set tlers south of Smith's river as early as 1810. They came from Epsom. He d. 1839, ae. 89 years. CHILDREN 2. Anne, b. Nov. 10, 1800; m. Oct. 10, 1826, Ira Ash, of New Ches ter ; (2) David Eaton. (See.) 3. Rachel, b. Nov. 11, 1801. 4. Peter, b. Feb. 24, 1803. Hung himself on the Peaslee place in Bristol. 5. Hannah, b. Nov. 3, 1806 ; m. May 3, 1836, John Austin. 6. Fllizabeth, b. July 10, 1808 ; m. Elijah Ballou. (See.) 7. Samuel, b. Sept. 10, 1809 ; m. and d. in Dorchester. *8. John P., b. July 31, 1812. 9. James, b. June 8, 1814; m. Batchelder and res. Alexandria. (8) John P. Peaslee, b. July 31, 1812, m. Nov., 1833, Cynthia, dau. of Oliver Ballou. (See.) He was a farmer in Hill and at Profile Falls. Committed suicide in Bristol, Sept. 19, 1873, ae. 61-1-18. She d. Aug. 7, 1870, ae. 77-11-. CHILDREN 10. Sarah Jane, b. June 9, 1837; d. Aug. 23, 1862, unm., ae. 25-2-14. II. Aaron, a twin brother of Sarah Jane, is a farmer at Profile Falls. Unm. 12. Cynthia A., b. Jan. 28, 1848; d. Feb. 6, 1868, ae. 20-0-8. THE PERKINS FAMILIES I. Benjamin Franklin Perkins was b. in Center Harbor, Jan. 7, 1831. His father was Benjamin, b. HaverhiU, Mass., July 13, 1791, and d. New Hampton, Jan. 24, 1862, ae. 70-6-11. His mother was Mary (Drake) Perkins, b. New Hampton, June 24, 1800, and educated at the old institution in that town and res. in Bristol from 1865, till she d., Jan. 30, i8go, ae. 8g-7-6. Benjamin F. attended the high school at Ashland ; left home when 16 years of age and learned the bricklayer's trade in Bos ton, Mass. He worked at his trade summers and attended a commercial school at Lowell, Mass., winters, and in this way com pleted his education. In Sept., 1854, he m. Susan M., dau. of Otis and Mary (Magoon) Perry, b. Mar. 7, 1831. Hem. (2) Jan. 13, 1890, Mrs. Flora A. Ford. In 1856, he removed to New Hampton, where he was selectman six years and town treasurer. As first selectman, he was town agent to fiU the town's quota for the army during the Civil war, and at the same time acted as government agent for the enlistment of men. He was drafted for the army; rejected on examination, but put in a substitute at the cost of $200. He represented New Hamp ton in the legislature two years. He came to Bristol in 1866, GENEALOGIES — PERKINS 337 and, in company with George Z. Collins, of Boston, bought the saw-miU where is now the paper-mill of the Train-Smith com pany, and engaged in the matiufacture of strawboard under the firm name of B. F. Perkins & Co. One year later he and Burley M. Ames purchased Mr. Collins' s interest, and the business was continued under the old name. In Jan., 1872, the firm of Mason, Perkins & Co. was formed. Mr. Ames sold his interest to the new firm and they erected the present brick mill in 1872, and sold the old mill to Mason & Ames. The brick • mill was completed and the manufacture of paper commenced about Jan., 1873. (See Manufacturing Industries in Vol. I.) Mr. Perkins was the managing member of the firm. The com pany was incorporated July 7, 1886, under the name of the Mason-Perkins Paper Company, and Mr. Perkins continued as manager and treasurer till 1897, when ill health compelled him to retire from active service. Mr. Perkins is a Mason, an Odd Fellow, and a Free Baptist, an influential member of society and an active Republican. He has served six years as moderator at the annual town meetings, and, in 1883, was elected senator from the fourth senatorial district. Since 1875, has been a trustee of the Bristol Savings bank, and served as its president six years ; is a director and the vice-president of the First National Bank of Bristol. CHILD 2. Clara Bean, b. Bristol, May 14, 1858. She graduated in both Classical and English courses at New Hampton Literary Institution ; d. Bristol, May 22, 1879, ae. 21-0-8. I. William Harrison Perkins, a son of Abel and Jane (Miller) Perkins, was b. in New Lisbon, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1817, and m. June 19, 1839, Susan Hoyt, dau. of Amos W. Drew (See), b. June 21, 1820. He was a shoemaker and farmer at Bartlett, Londonderry, Manchester, and many years at Goffs FaUs and Orange. He spent his last years in Bristol in the famUy of Charles E. Kemp, where he d., Aug. 30, 1896, ae. 78- 9-9; she d. Sept. 11, 1896, ae. 76-2-20. CHILDREN 2. Susan Jane, d. young. 3. William Henry, b. Bartlett, July 25, 1852 ; was a machinist at Goffs Falls. Three children. 4. Clara Eudora, b. Londonderry, Aug. 10, 1853 ; m. Charles E. Kemp! (See.) 5. Frank Herbert, b. Manchester, Sept. 17, 1859. He is a clergyman; m. Fanny Sanborn. I.- Daniel Perkins, b. in Boston, Mass., Sept. 8, 1751, m. (i) Lois Adams, b. Rowley, Mass., Nov. 1755 ; (2) Mehitable, 22 338 HISTORY OF BRISTOL b. Rowley, Feb. 23, 1750. He had four children by 1, his first wife and one by his second. The youngest child was ', 2. Paul, b. Rowley, Jan. 31, 1790. He m. Betsey Brown, b. Candia, Feb. 14, 1791, and settled in Bridgewater; was an ordained elder of the Free Baptist denomination and for many years at the head of the First Free Baptist church of Bridge- water. She d. and he. m. (2) Aug. 20, 1835, Sally Thompson, dau. of Moses T. Willard and widow of Dea. David Batchelder. (See.) He d. Apr. 3, 1843, ae. 53-2-2. He was the father of four children, one of whom was 3. David Brocklebank, b. Bridgewater, July 8, 1816, m. Apr. 13, 1838, Mehitable Chandler, b. May 29, 1818. He was a farmer in Hebron, and there d. Jan. 29, 1894, ae. 77-6-21. Since his death she has made her home in the family of her son, David, in Bristol. Of their three children, one was 4. David, b. Hebron, Sept. 21, 1840. He m. July 12, 1862, Ann Elisa, dau. of Lyman G. and Elisabeth Cummings Huckins, b. New Hampton, Aug. 13, 1840. He was a carpen ter in Hebron till 1889 ; since in Bristol. Served several years as selectman of Hebron. Is a Democrat, Odd Fellow, Free Baptist. CHILDREN 5. Norman Frost, b. Hebron, Oct. 7, 1871 ; m. Oct. 3, 1894, Jennie M., dau. of David M. Chase. (See.) He is a carpenter in Greenwood, Mass. Children : a. David Norman, b. Worcester, Mass., Aug. 8, 1897. b. Donald Frost, b. W., July 13, 1898. c. Dorris Eliza, b. W., Apr. 27, 1900. d. Norma Emmaetta, b. Dorchester, Mass., Dec. 30, 1901. 6. Fred Lyman, b. H., Dec. 22, 1875; m. June 6, 1897, Emma Eliza beth, dau. of John I. Brown, b. Sept. 7, 1876. He is a carpenter in Holderness. No children. THE PHILBROOK FAMILY I. Fred Aubrey Philbrook is the son of Thomas P. and Minnie R. (Jones) Philbrook. He was b. Sandown, Feb. 3, 1859, and m. June 27, 1889, Emma Haunah, dau. of Benjamin S. and Sarah Ann (Smith) Gordon, b. New Hampton, May 26, 1859. He came to Bristol from New Hampton in i8go, and is a teamster. Democrat, Odd Fellow, Methodist. CHILDREN 2. Walter Aubrey, b. Bristol, May 13, 1891. 3. Arthur Fred, b. B., Sept. 20, 1893. 4. Roy Smith, b. B., Apr. 25, 1899. THE PHILLIPS FAMILY I. Dexter Fairbanks PhiUips, son of Ebenezer and- Han nah (Hagar) Phillips, was b. in Henniker, July 16, 1819. He GENEALOGIES — PHIPPS 339 m., about 1850, Catherine Joselyn, dau. of Mead Case, b. Groton, 1820, and d.- Groton, fall of 1869, ae. 49. He settled on the Philip Bean farm in Dist. No. 7, in 1870, and there d. June, 1897, ae. 77-1 1-. CHILDREN 2. Ebenezer Mead, b. Dorchester, Apr. 2, 1851 ; a farmer in Bristol, i87o-'82 ; since, in Hebron. Unm. 3. Betsey, b. D. ; d. ae. 5-6- 4. Mary Ann, b. D., Apr. 5, 1857; m. Charles H. Tenney. Res. New Hampton. Four children. THE PHIPPS FAMILY I. Charles Henry Phipps, son of William and Abia Swan Phipps, was b. Charlestown, Mass., Jan. 18, 1829. He m., Nov. 29, 1866, Hannah H. Muzzey, dau. of Samuel. (See.) He was an expert jig sawyer, at Charlestown, and 17 years at Concord. Since 1883, has been a farmer in Bristol. Republican, Metho dist. CHILDREN 2. Albert Charles, b. Bristol, Apr. 19, 1871. Graduated from New Hampton Literary Institution, class, of '92. In trade gents' furnishing goods, Bristol. Member official board M. E. church. Republican. 3. Willie Muzzey, b. Conpord, Oct. 24, 1875 ; d. July 23, 1877, ae. 1-8-29. THE PIKE FAMILIES I, Edwin Trull Pike, the son of Moses and Clara (Phelps) Pike, was b. Groton, Oct. 27, 1842. Apr. 27, 1866, he m. Sarah Jane, dau. of Bradford and Lavina (Gale) Bullock, b. Alexandria, Nov. 30, 1844, d. Bristol, Feb. 27, 1888, ae. 43- 2-27. He m. (2) Mary Rj'an, May 15, 1892. He has been a farmer on east side of Newfound lake near foot, since 1882. Served in Co. D, 12th N. H. Vols., on quota of Groton. Repub lican. CHILDREN 2. Abbie Clara, b. Groton, May 10, 1869 ; m. David H. Hoyt. (See.) 3. Harry Otis, b. Hebron, Mar. 11, 1874; m. July i, 1902, Margaret J., dau. of George Price. (See.) A farmer in Bridgewater. 4. Alonzo Clinton, b. Bristol, Oct. 9, 1885. I. Rev. James Pike, D.D., was a son of Caleb and Mary Pike. He was b. in Salisbury, Mass., Nov. 10, 1818. He m., Apr. 19, 1840, Mary Rebecca, dau. of John and Mary (Dodge) Brodhead, b. Newfields, Sept. 11, 1816. He d. Newfields, July 26, 1895, ae. 76-8-16. She res. Newfields. He was a Metho dist clergyman, and pastor of the Bristol church i882-'83. 340 HISTORY OF BRISTOL CHILDREN 2. James Thurston, m. Oct. 29, 1867, Augusta M, White. Res. Newfields. One child. 3. Anna G., m. Nov. 18, 1868, Charles B. Kendall. Res. Boston, Mass. Three children. THE PILLSBURY FAMILY I. Rev. Hervey Gorham Pillsbury is a son of Gorham and Fannie Knapp (Cutter) Pillsbury. He was b. Newbury port, Mass., Oct. 9, 1851, and m. Oct. 21, 1872, Hannah, dau. of George and Sophia Hargrave, b. Geneva, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1850. He is a Congregational clergyman. Was graduated from Andover Theological Seminary, 1882 ; ordained pastor of the Congregational church Bristol, Sept. 28, 1882, where he served till 1887 ; Vergennes, Vt., i887-'gi ; Chicopee Falls, Mass., since i8g5. CHILDREN 2. Berton Hargrave, b. June 17, 1875 ; d. of accidental gunshot wounds, 1892, ae. 17. 3. Fannie Belle, b. May 21, 1882 ; d. June 29, 1884, ae. 2-1-8. 4. Maude Alice, b. Oct. 15, 1888. THE PLANKEY FAMILY I. Chris Plankey is the son Of John and Zoe (Roberts) Plankey. He was b. Redford, N. Y., May 16, 1852, and m. Jan. ig, 1885, Adell F., dau. of Clark A. and Lucy Hilliard Gray, b. Holderness, Aug. 6, 1866. He has been a mica miner in Bristol and neighboring towns for 30 years ; res. last seven years in Bristol. Republican. CHILDREN 2. Ivy Ethelyn, b. Alexandria, July 30, 1886. 3. Charles Morton, b. A., Oct. 20, 1888. 4. Leo Chandos, b. A., Oct. 26, 1891. 5. Elmer Clark, b. A., Aug. 16, 1893. THE POLLARD FAMILY I. Arthur Clarence PoUard was a son of Horace and Elsa (Dunham) Pollard. He was b. Lyme, Dec. 26, 1853, and m. Nov. 21, 1882, Mrs. Josephine Strickford, widow of Joseph, and dau. of John D. and Mehitable (Fisk) Wheeler, b. Hebron, Jan. 16, 1858, He was a laborer in Bristol from igoo tiU he d., Aug. 28, igo3, ae. 4g-8-2, She res. Lake street. CHILDREN 2, Sidney Strickford, son of Mrs. PoUard by her first husband b Groton, Mar. 18, 1880 ; res. Barre, Vt. ' 3. Elsa May, b. G., Feb. 22, 1885. 4. Lee Adrian, b. G., May 13, 1893. GENEALOGIES — POPE 341 THE POPE FAMILY I. The Popes of Bristol trace their descent from John Pope, who was in Dorchester, Mass., as early as 1634. Albert Pope, of the seventh generation from John, was a son of David and Susanna (Emerson) Pope. He was b. Sept. 13, 1822, in Henniker, and m. Feb. 12, 1856, Alma, dau. of Dr. SeweU and Judith Stearns Seavey, b. Tunbridge, Vt., Dec. i, 1825. He was a painter in Bristol from 1867 tiU he d. Sept. 10, 1887, ae. 64-11-27. Shed. Apr. 7, 1902, ae. 76-4-6. CHILDREN 2. Bert David, b. Bradford, Jan. 20, 1859 ; m. Jan. 10, 1882, Eliza, dau. of Joseph and Mary D. (Leeman) Brown, b. Franklin, May 31, 1862. He was a jeweler in Tilton, and d. of blood poison, June 17, i8qs" ae xd- 4-27- She m. (2) Charles H. Thomas. ChUdren: a. Bernice Alma, b. Mar. 8, 1887. b. Edith May, b. Oct. 15, 1894. 3. Charles William WUson, b. Hebron, Nov. 10, 1864. Located in Bristol, 1869. Painter till 1892 ; since, a salesman in store of Cavis Brothers. He m. Dec. 25, 1888, Alice Maria, dau. of Joseph P. and Flora A. (Hadley) Ford, b. Gloucester, Mass., Mar. 14, 1870, and d. Bristol, Dec. 8, 1895, ae. 25-8-24. He m. (2) Jan. 5, 1897, Mary Jane, dau. of Lyman G. and Sarah J. Thompson, b. Franklin, Mar. 10, 1872, and d. Bristol, Mar. 31, 1900, ae. 28-0-21. Children: a. Ralph Perkins, b. Bristol, Sept. 17, 1890. b. Florence Alma, b. B., June 15, 1893. c. Alice May, b. B., Dec. 31, 1898. THE POWELL FAMILIES I. David Powell, the son of Jonathan, was b. Mar. 12, 1768. He m. Theodate Smith, b. New Hampton, Aug. 3, 1771, and d. Bristol, Sept. 28, 1852, ae. 81-1-25. He d. (found dead in his bed) Mar. 12, 1828, aged exactly 60 years. He was a farmer, resided most of his life north of the Locke neighborhood, but was in Stewartstown a few years. CHILDREN, all probably born in Bristol 2. Abigail, b, Jan. 2, 1792 ; m. Elisha Gurdy. (See.) 3. Smith, b. Oct. 12, 1794 ; m. Nov. 30, 1815, Anna, dau. of Benia Sanborn, b. 1791. He went to Alabama in company with Jacob Hoyt, Damon Y. Emmons, and Thomas R. Emmons, and there d. of yellow fever. His name was last on the tax-list in 1833. She d. in the family of her dau., Mrs. Andoniram Kidder, in Illinois, in 1862, ae. 71. Children : a. Osmond, b. Bristol; m. Dec. 5, 1845, Sally C, dau. Ebenezer Darling (See), b. Aug. 13, 1822. He d. B., Mar. 16, 1883, ae. 65-9-. She res. Summer street. b. Lydia Ann, b. B., June 29, 1830; m. Andoniram Kidder. (See.) Was a student at the Baptist school in New Hampton. c. Comfort. d. Rufus, d. Nov. 30, 1819, ae. 7 weeks. e. Susan, d. Jan. 25, 1820, ae. 4 months. 22(7. 342 HISTORY OF BRISTOL /. Lavina, d. Sept. 15, 1825, ae. 2-6-. g. Rufus, d. Sept. 5, 1826, ae. 2-3-. h. Comfort, d. June 3 (8), 1832, ae. 4-6-. 4. Betsey, b. June 24, 1797 ; m. Dec, 1835, Joshua WiUard. Child: a. Elvira Ann, b. Bristol, Sept., 1836; res. Bristol, unm. 5. SaUy, b. Mar. 3, 1800; m. Reuben Kidder. (See.) 6. Mary, b. Aug. 2, 1802; m. Benjamin Emmons. (See.) 7. Benaiah, b. May 20, 1806; d. at Stewartstown, of lockjaw at about 16 years of age. 8. David, b. Aug. n, i8o8. He was a farmer and a Methodist local preacher. He m. Apr. 9, 1828, Lydia H., dau.. Jonathan Fellows. (See.) He res. Bristol, Danbury where he was in trade, and in Alexan dria, where he d. Oct. 6, 1865, ae. 577I-25. His widow m. (2) Alonzo Cheney. (See.) Children : a. Jonathan G., d. May 22, 1830, ae. i-o-io. b. Olive J., d. Sept. 19, 1832, ae. 2-2-. c. Levi S., d. Nov. 14, 1856, ae. 24. 9. Orpha, b. May 26, 181 1 ; m. Jonathan B. Sawyer and res. Alexan dria. He d. Mar. 20, 1848, ae. 43, and she returned to Bristol where she m. (2) Capt. Daniel Sleeper. (.See.) She m. (3) Perrin Prescott, who removed to Minnesota. She d. Bristol, Apr. 20, 1888, ae. 76-10-24. Chil dren : a. Lois Ann (Sawyer), d. Aug. 28, 1843, ae. 1-3-. b. Richard K. (Sawyer), m. Arianna Kidder, dau. of John. (See.) 10. Theodate, b. Nov. 25, 1814 ; m. Alonzo Cheney. (See.) I . William Powell was a settler on south siie of Bristol Peak in the Locke neighborhood as early as 1780. How long he remained there is unknown. CHILDREN 2. Benjamin, b. Apr. 26, 1771. 3. Anne, b. Mar. 25, 1773. 4. Daniel, b. Mar. 23, 1775. 5. William, b. Sept. 24, 1777. 6. Comfort, b. Apr. 19, 1781 ; m. Theophilus Tilton. (See.) I . Joseph PoweU was a farmer in the Locke neighborhood about 1800. His wife was Ruth TrumbuU, whom he m. Jan. 30, 1798. CHILDREN 2. Jared, b. Feb. 11, 1799. 3. Betsey, b. Oct. 29, 1800. THE POWERS FAMILY I. Jonathan Powers, son of V/illiam and Mary (Thomp son) Powers, was b. Groton, June 30, 1795. He m. Oct. 3, 1819, Anna, dau. of Ebenezer KendaU (See), b. Apr. 12, 1794. In 181 7, Jonathan was a clothier on Central street. GENEALOGIES — POWERS 343 About 1827, he removed to Lansingburg, N. Y., where Mrs. Powers d. Aug. 16, 1833, ae. 39-4-14. He m. (2) Feb. 4, 1841, Esther Jane Heath, b. Exeter, Nov. g, 1817, d. Grand Rapids, Mich., July 26, 1881, ae. 63-8-17. He d. Grand Rapids, Oct. 16, 1864, ae. 6g-3-i6. CHILDREN 2. William Thompson, b. Bristol, July 8, 1820; m. Dec. 11, 1838, Louisa, dau. of Charles J. and Sara (Gaskin) Hall, b. London, England, Dec. 3, 1823. At 27 years of age he went to Grand Rapids, Mich., where he became largely interested in timber lands and manufacturing lumber and furniture. He put in operation the first circular saw-mill in Michigan and the first furniture factory in Grand Rapids, and helped largely to make that city a noted furniture center. He built the canal on the west side of Grand river and the larger part of the manufacturing buildings in that district and also on the east side, and erected some of the best business blocks, including the opera house block. "There is no one man more identified with the growth and prosperity of the city than Mr. Powers." 3. Mary Ann, b. B., Dec. 12, 1821 ; m. Sept. i, 1851, Edward Augus tus Filley, b. Lansingburg, N. Y., Mar. 14, 1818. He was an importing merchant in St. Louis; res. Hebron some years ; d. Haverhill, Sept. 12, 1901, ae. 83-5-28. Mrs. Filley has been identified with the Woman's Suf frage movement and other reforms. In 1879, she purchased the farm of her deceased uncle, Joseph Powers, at North Haverhill, stocked it with a choice herd of Jerseys and has since been engaged in farming. In one year she made with her own hands 4,000 pounds of butter. Children : a. Frances Amelia, b. St. Louis, Aug. 4, 1852 ; m. Oct. 29, 1878, Darwin E. Kithredge, of St. Louis. b. Chloe, b. St. L., Feb. 26, 1856 ; d. July 5, 1858, ae. 2-4-9. c. Augustus, b. St. L., July 26, 1858. d. Anna Kendall, b. St. L., Aug. 22, 1861. 4. Deborah Ball, b. B., Apr. 2, 1823 ; m. May i, 1843, in Troy, N. Y., Alfred Osgood Currier, son Sylvanus, b. Haverhill, Apr. 9, 1817, and d. Grand Rapids, Mich., May 24, 1881, ae. 64-1-15. She d. same place Apr. 21, 1881, ae. 58-0-19. Children : a. Arthur Webster, b. Troy, N. Y., Apr. 11, 1844 ; m. Oct. 30, 1867, Amelia Mary Snyder, of Grand Rapids. Children: (i) Maggie Amelia, b. Grand Rapids, May 24, 1869; m. Horace V. Ward, June 30, 1892. (2) Julia Deborah, b. G. R., Aug. 24, 1873. (3) Edith Anna, b. G. R., Sept. 20, 1882. (4) Arthur Webster, b. G. R., Nov. 24, 1884. (5) George Leonard, b. G. R., Mar. 3, 1887. b. Anna, b. T., June 27, 1847 ; m. Mar. 4, 1868, Theodore Chand ler Putnam, of Grand Rapids, b. Nov. 4, 1840, at Warwick, Mass. Children: (i) Theodore Franklin, b. Grand Rapids, June 26, 1869. (2) William Powers, b. G. R., Oct. 23, 1873. c. Alfred, b. Grand Rapids, May 29, 1851. d. Adeline, b. G. R., Aug. 5, 1858. 5. Susan Dow, b. Hebron, Nov. 3, 1826 ; m. May 24, 1843, Caleb C. Heath, son of Daniel, b. Springfield, Feb. 14, 1822 ; d. Plainfield, Mich., Jan. 8, 1867, ae. 44-10-24. She res. Mill Creek, Mich. Children : a. Jonathan, b. Rensselaer Co., N. Y., Apr. 27, 1844; m. Sept. 14, 1872, Ellen Minerva Zareba, b. Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, July 27, 1848. Res. Bijou Hills, Brule Co., South Dakota. Two children. b. Daniel, b. Troy, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1846 ; m. June 21, 1873, Eliza beth Obrion, b. Ireland, Jan. 27, 1855 ; d. Sept. 26, 1876, ae. 21-7-29. He m. (2) Apr. 20, 1886, Sarah Kate Brown, b. England, June 7, 1854. Six children. , . ^ , . ,,, c. Phebe Ann, b. T., Dec. 5, 1847; m. m Plainfield, Mar. 20, 344 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 1868, Augustus Richmyre, b. Cleveland, June 25, 1838. She d. Mack's Creek, Camden Co., Mo., May 18, 1891, ae. 43-5-13. Six children. d- Caleb, b. T., July 18, 1850; m. Oct. 21, 1871, Euphema Isa belle Norton, b. Grand Rapids, Dec. 16, 1850. Seven children. 6. Eben, d. 7. Jonathan, d. 8. Daniel. THE PRAY FAMILIES I. Ebenezer K. Pray, son of Ira and Nancy P, (Keezer) Pray, was b. Parsonsfield, Me., Nov. ig, i82g, and m. Aug. i, 1852, Ruth F., dau. of SewaU and Mary S. (Goss) Smith, b. Wentworth, Nov. 5, 1833. He- was a blacksmith and hosiery manufacturer in Ashland ; located in Bristol in 1868, and engaged in the manufacture of leather at tannery then on Lake street. Later in the cultivation of oranges in Florida. Residence, No. Main street, near Union. Was selectman four years and a trus tee of the Bristol Savings Bank eighteen years. Republican, Mason. He d. Bristol, Feb. 16, igo2, ae. 72-2-27 ; she d. Ash land, May 2, 1903, ae. 69-5-27. CHILD 2. Anson Burlingame (adopted), son of Aaron Burnham and Harriet (Gordon) Cate, b. Holderness, Nov. 7, 1S57. He came to Bristol in 1868. He m. July 3, 1890, Martha B., dau. of Rev. David Calley. (See.) He was a jeweler and assistant postmaster in Bristol 1879-1902. Res. Sum mer street. Child : a. Frances Mary, b. Bristol, July 15, 1891. I. Martin Bradeen Pray, brother of Ebenezer K., above, was b. South Tamworth, Nov. i, 1845. He m. Marcia Ann, dau. of Jeremiah M. CaUey, b. Holderness, July 3, 1840. They came to Bristol in March, 1878, and own and occupy the George T. Crawford residence, Winter street. He is a job teamster. Has served as road agent. Republican. CHILDREN 2. Bertha, b. Ashland, Aug. 7, 1870 ; d. Bristol, Jan. 18, 1889, ae. 18- 5-1 1- 3. Lela Mae, b. A., Aug. 14, 1872; m. June 28, 1899, William A. Moore, son of Robert, b. Canada, May 30, 1869. He was in trade at Hard wick, Vt., in Pomona, Cal., and now at Ludlow, Vt. Child : a. George Anthony, b. Hardwick, Vt., May 9, 1901. 4. WiUis Everett, b. A., Feb. 29, 1876; m. Nov. 9, 1902, Lottie B., dau. of Joseph P. HUL (See.) Child: y, y- , .m a. Son, b. Sept. 28, 1903. 5. Elwyn Lawrence, b. Nov. 10, 1884. THE PRESCOTT FAMILIES 1. James Prescott, the ancestor of the Bristol Prescotts, came from Dryby, in the county of Lincolnshire, England, in GENEALOGIES — PRESCOTT 345 1665, and settled in Hampton. In 1668, he m. Mary, dau. of Nathaniel and Grace Boulter, b. Exeter, May 15, 1648. In 1694, the town of Kingston was granted to James Prescott and others, and in 1725 he settled there, and there d. Nov. 25, 1728, aged about 85 ; Mary, his widow, d. Kingston, Oct. 4, 1735, ae. 87-4-19. They were the parents of nine children, of whom the first was 2. Joshua Prescott, b. Mar. i, 1669; removed to Kings ton as early as 1725. He was the father of eleven children, of whom the second was 3. Joshua Prescott, b. about 1713, m. (i) Abigail Ambrose. They had four sons and two daughters. She d. and he m. (2) Mary Moulton, about 1763, and removed to Chester, where he d. July 12, 1785, ae. about 72. By his second wife he had five sons. He served six months in the expedition against Crown Point in 1758, and signed the association test in Chester in 1776. One son was 4. Joseph Prescott, b. June 8, 1767; m. in 1790, Lydia Worthen, b. Aug. 28, 1772. After the birth of their first child in Chester, they removed to Bridgewater and first settled near the site of the meeting-house, but soon after located on what is still known as the Prescott farm, and here he d. Nov. 7, 1861, ae. 94-4-29. She d. Apr. 25, 1852, ae. 79-7-27. He was one of seven who organized the first Methodist class in Bristol. Was a prominent and respected man in the community ; repre sented Bridgewater several years in the legislature. CHILDREN 5. Elizabeth, b. Chester, Feb. 23, 1791. She m. (i) Abner Fellows. (See.) She m. (2) July 15, 1834, Joseph Goss, of New Hampton. 6. Josiah Worthen, b. Bridgewater, Feb. 9, 1793; m. 1817, Dorothy Leavitt, and settled in Hooksett. 7. Abigail Bartlett, b. B., Oct. 11, 1795 ; m. July 29, 1821, Elisha Worthen, and d. Oct. i, 1851, ae. 55-11-20. Two children. 8. Jesse, b. B., Nov. 29, 1797; d. Sept. 6, 1799, ae. 1-9-7. 4*9. Jesse, b. B., Apr. 24, 1800. 10. Mary, b. B., Apr. 20, 1802; m. Nov. 24, 1825, Samuel Worthen. (See.) II. Lydia, b. B., Apr. 4, 1804; m. Gilman Fletcher, b. Aug. 27, 1804. She d. Feb. 18, 1828, ae. 23-10-14. 12. Dorothy, b. B., Mar. 9, 1806 ; m. June 21, 1830, Gilman Fletcher (his second wife). She d. Nov. 10, 1853, ae. 47-8-1. 13. Joseph, b. B., Mar. 23, 1808; m. Oct. 2, 1833, Harriet Marshall, b. July 16, 1810, and d. Sept. 15, 1848, ae. 38-1-29. He m. (2) Mar. 14, 1850, Lucy Frost, b. Feb. 13, 1833. He was a shoe manufacturer in Natick, Mass., where he d. July 26, 1852, ae. 44-4-3- 14. Almira, b. B., Mays, 1810 ; m. Jan. 12, 1836, Joseph Huckins. 15. Louisa, b. B., Feb. 5, 1813; m. Stephen Nelson. (See.) 16. Ruth Ann, b. B., Oct. 7, 1815 ; m. Apr. 12, 1853, Simon Batchel der, b. Aug. 29, 1797. 17. Harriet Newell, b. B., Feb. 23, 1819; d. June, 1821, ae. 2-4-. (9) Jesse Prescott, b. Apr. 24, 1800; m. Jan. 8, 1827, 346 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Eliza Harriman, dau. of John (See), b. Aug. 27, 1803. He succeeded his father on the home farm, where he d. Mar. 17, 1871, ae. 70-10-23 ; she res. some years in Bristol and here d., Nov. 24, i88g, ae. 86-2-27. Members of the Bristol Methodist church. CHILDREN 18. Aaron Charles, b. Bridgewater, June 18, 1829 ; m. Mar. 17, 1858, Marinda, dau. of William and Laura (Harriman) Webster, b. Plymouth, Dec. 20, 1836. He was a farmer on the Prescott farm till 1874 ; res. Bris tol, 1874-1901, since in Montpelier, Vt., employee in pulp-mill, and a meat-cutter. Republican, Odd Fellow, official member of Methodist church. Child : a. Arthur Webster, b. Bridgewater, May 4, 1861 ; m. Nov. i, 1882, Helen M. White, dau. Marshall W. (See), b. Bristol, Oct. 12, 1863. He m. (2). Was auditor in railroad offices at Plymouth and Concord ; now cashier Montpelier & Wells River railroad, at Mont pelier, Vt. Child : Lawrence Hayward, b. Bristol, Dec. 14, 1883. 19. Lucian William, b. Sept. 23, 1831 ; m. Aug. 12, 1857, Julia Piatt French, dau. Abijah, b. Stratford, June i, 1832. He was granted a license to preach by the Bristol Methodist church; graduated from the Metho dist Biblical Institute, Concord, in 1855, joined N. H. Methodist Confer- • ence same year, and filled pastorates till i88i ; has since res. in Warren. Children : a. Willie Andrew, b. Stratford, Aug. 28, 1858; d. Nov. 13, i86i, ae. 3-2-15- b. Ettie Lucia, b. Haverhill, Oct. 9, 1865 ; m. Sept. i, 1892, Fred C. Gleason. Res. Warren. Child : Kenneth Prescott, b. July 19, 1900. c. Frank Jesse, b. Somersworth, May 9, 1869 ; d. Sept., i86g. d. Grade Bell, b. Rumney, July 13, 1874 ; graduated from Bates College, Lewiston, Me., 1896. Teacher in High school. South Portland, Me. 20. Amanda Ann, b. Apr. 11, 1837 ; m. Mar. 23, 1868, Daniel W. Spen cer, a lawyer, Berwick, Me. Two children. 21. Orpha Jane, b. May 4, 1839 ; m. May 4, 1861, Herbert A. Shaw, who d. May, 1874. She d. Feb. 9, 1875, ae. 35-9-5. Children : a. Jessie Amanda, b. June 4, 1864 ; burned to death 1883, ae. 19. b. Hattie Jane, b. Aug. 15, 1866; m. Benjamin Jones, 221 Lowell street, Arlington Heights, Mass. Two children. c. Ruth Belle, "I i, ^ .. o d. Susie Dell, |b. Sept. 11, 1871. Another branch of the Prescott family is as follows : I. James Prescott, who came from England in 1665. (See p. 344.) His second child was 2. James Prescott, b. Sept. i, 1671. He m. Mar. i, 1695, Maria Marston, dau. of William, b. May 16, 1672. She d. and he m. June 17, 1746, AbigaU, widow of Dea. Benjamin Sanborn. He had eight children, of whom the second was 3. Samuel Prescott, b. Mar. 14, 1697, ni. Dec. 17, 1717, Mary, dau. of Joseph Sanborn, b. July 28, 1697. He was a farmer at Hampton Falls, where he d. June 12, 1759, ae. 62- 2-28. He had five sons, the youngest of whom was Rev. Lucian W. Prescott GENEALOGIES — PRESCOTT 347 4. Jeremiah Prescott, b. Sept. 29, 1718, m. Jan. 15, 1741, Mary Hayes. Served in the French war 1 755-' 56. She d. and hem., Feb. 10, 1780, Mary, widow of Lemuel Towle. Of his nine children, the first was 5. Jeremiah Prescott, b. Dec. 22, 1741, m. Jan., 1764, Jane Sherburne, b. Oct., 1745. Served in Revolutionary war as lieutenant. Was a farmer in Epsom; d. Apr. 25, 1817, ae. 75- 4-3 ; she d. Sept., 1828, ae. 82-1 1-. The first of his eight chil dren was 6. John Prescott, b. Dec. 17, 1764, m. June 11, 1792, Deb orah, dau. of Benjamin and Betsey (Dudley) Hill, of Northwood, b. June 17, 1757. She d. Bristol at the home of her son, Jere miah, Nov. 25, 1843, ae. 86-5-8. He was a carpenter and mill wright in Epsom. He spent his last years in Bristol and cele brated his 92nd birthday by walking from Bristol village to New Hampton village, and the next day continued his walk to New Hampton Center. He d. Bristol, May 20, 1857, ae. 92-5-3. He was the father of thirteen children. Of these, two settled in Bristol, viz.: »7. Jeremiah Hill, b. Epsom, Feb. 24, 1800. «8. Jonathan Leavitt, b. E., May 29, 1806. (7) Jeremiah H. Prescott, b. Feb. 24, 1800, m. Nov. 25, 1820, Sally Drake, b. May 23, 1803. Res. Chichester and Wentworth till 1834, when he settled in Bristol. She d. Nov. 20, 1832, ae. 29-5-27, and he m., June, 1833, Lucinda Berry, b. Feb. 26, 1812. In Bristol, at intervals for seventeen years, he kept the tavern on east side of South Main street. He was deputy sheriff for ten years, and served as selectman two years. In 1851, he removed to Babcock's Grove, 111., where he kept a restaurant, and where he d. Feb. 6, 1852, ae. 51-11-12. She returned to Bristol and here d. Dec. 12, 1896, ae. 84-9-16. CHILDREN -»9. Josiah Drake, b. Wentworth, June 15, 1822. 10. James Harriman, b. W., Aug. 6, 1824; m. May 2, 1851, Catherine Webster, b. Mar. 13, 1829, and d. Freeport, 111., Dec. 26, 1868, ae. 39- 9-1.3. He kept hotel a few years at Newmarket ; taught music and was proprietor of a dining saloon at Freeport, where he res. Children : a. Frank Pierce, b. Laconia, May 17, 1852. b. Hetta May, b. Freeport, 111., Dec. 12, 1858; d. Oct. 8, 1859. c. Willie Walker, b. P., Mar. 29, 1862 ; d. May, 1869, ae. 7-2-. d. Carrie Francena, b. P., Mar. 28, 1865. II. Francena M., b. W., Aug. 16, 1826; m. Aug. 17, 1847, Samuel F. Taylor, b. June 5, 1821. They res. Freeport, 111., where he had a livery stable. Children : a. NeUie P., b. Haverhill, Mass., July 28, 1848. b. GeorgeE.,b. Amesbury, Mass., May 11, 1850; d. Mays, 1851- c. Julia M., b. Rockport, Dec. 31, 1852. 12. David Porter, b. Chichester, July 14, 1828 ; m. July 22, 1852, Anna Maria, dau. of Warren White (See), b. June 22, 1833. She d. Aug. 28, 348 , HISTORY OF BRISTOL 1869, ae. 36-2-6. He was for several years in the boot and shoe trade in White's block and res. on Beech street. Was ten years deputy sheriff. He was a sweet singer, having a tenor voice of great purity, compass, and strength, and he ranked high as a musician. Was leader of the Metho dist choir and of the Congregational choir for twenty-five years before his death, which occurred Jan. 3, 1895, ae. 66-5-19. a. Abbie Louise, b. Bristol, Oct. 10, 1853 ; m. Charles E. Fow ler. (See.) b. Ida May, b. B., Nov. 2, 1855 ; d. Mar. 15, 1856. c. Katherine White, b. B., Aug. 19, 1865 ; m. June 17, 1895, Wil liam H. Crafts, son of William G., b. Melrose, Mass., Oct. 10, 1866. She received a musical education in Boston and New York and ranks high as soprano singer and teacher of vocal music in Boston. 13. Sarah M., b. W., Oct. 27, 1830 ; m. Feb. 5, 1852, Rev. Samuel Mc- Keen, b. Saratoga, N. Y., May 19, 1826. He was a leading member of the Troy (Methodist) Conference. "Mrs. McKeen was an amiable and lovely woman, distinguished for her acquirements and many virtues." Shed. Aug. 23, 1867, ae. 36-9-26. Children : a. Carrie, b. Vergennes, Vt., Apr. 18, 1854. b. Willard Prescott, b. Saratoga, N. Y., Apr. 29, 1862. 14. Mary P., b. W., Aug. 8, 1832 ; d. Mar. 13, 1833. 15. Jeremiah Hill, b. Bristol, Dec 5, 1834 ; m. in 1852, Hannah Sar gent, of Franklin. He d. in Texas, 1879, ae. 45 ; she d. Bristol. Children : a. Frank H., b. 1853; m. 1881, Lizzie Shields, of Jamestown, N. Y. Res. 122 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. Children : (i) Es telle. (2) Ethel. (3) Ruth. b. Ida, d. unm., at HaverhiU, Dec. 18, 1888. c. Nettie. d. Fred, b. 1864; res. New York. e. George, d. 16. Charles Henry, b. B., Sept. 12, 1836 ; m. 1865, Laura Da-vis Pink- ham, of Mayville, N. Y., and d. Meadville, Pa., 1882, ae. 46. 17. Anna, b. B., June 3, 1839 ; m. July 28, 1866, Sylvester Bennett, b. Jan. 4, 1842. He was a machinist in Concord, and d. Meadville, Pa., May 15, 1885, ae. 43-4-11. She res. Bristol. Child : a. Dora Maud, b. Hartford, Conn., Nov. 29, 1867 ; m. Charles L. Follansbee. (See.) 18. Horace M., b. B., Apr. 11, 1841. Served in Union Army. (See Roll of Honor.) 19. Frederick William, b. B., Aug. 10, 1844. Served in Union army. (See Roll of Honor.) He m. June 6, 1868, Eldora A., dau. of Samuel H. RoUins. (See.) Kept hotel at Pit Hole, Pa., till 1869; since then, at 210 Upper ist street, Evansville, Ind. Child : a. DoraM.,b. Bristol, Mar. 10, 1869 ; m. Edward E. Wheet. (See.) 20. George P., b. B., Nov. 5, 1845; m. Feb., 1869, Frances Amelia Ingalls, dau. of Gilman Ingalls (See) b. Aug. 13, 1843; She d. Franklin, May 21, 1898, ae. 54-9-8. He was a captain in the militia. Is a superior house carpenter at Franklin. Child : a. Lillian Blanche, d. Franklin, Nov. 12, 1878, ae. 5-18-9. f: Berth^M'ay, }b. Franklin, Nov., 1882. 21. Hattie Louise, b. B., Dec. 15, 1847; d. Sept., 1851, ae. 3-9-. 22. Susan M., b. B., May 15, 1850. Unm. Legal home, Bristol. (8) Jonathan L- Prescott, b. May 29, 1806, m. May i, 1834, Helen M. Mansur, b. Aug. 11, 1809. He came to Bris tol, about 1840, from Claremont. Kept hotel on South Main street four years, removed to Wentworth and after four years GENEALOGIES — PRESCOTT 349 returned and took charge of Bristol House ; removed to Milwau kee, Wis., about 1855, and d. Palatine, 111., in Aug., 1865, ae. 59-3-. CHILDREN 23. George Crombie, b. Nashua, Mar. 14, 1835. Was a conductor on the Milwaukee and Prairie du Chien railroad. 24. Helen Frances, b. Claremont, Apr. 9, 1836. Res., unm., 539 63rd street, West Chicago, 111. 25. Ann Maria, b. C, Aug. 19, 1837; m. Moody A. Sawyer. (See.) 26. Abby Emma, b. Bristol, Dec 14, 1843 ; m. Dec. 19, 1863, Joseph Strong, b. Wheeling, 111., Oct. 20, 1842, and d. Wheeling, Nov. 20, 1869, ae. 27-r-. She res. 539 63rd street. West Chicago. Children : a. George William, b. Athens, Pa., Jan. 28, 1865 ; m. May 24, 1888, Hattie B. Allen, of Chicago, who d. June 6, 1891, and he m. Mar. 10, 1894, Fannie E. Allen, of Chicago. Child: (i) Ethel. b. Helen Maria, b. Sept. 13, 1866. Res. Chicago, unin. c. Joseph Leavitt, b. May 20, 1869 ; m. Sept. i, 1891, Estella W. Cresap, of Uhrichsville, Ohio. Res. Chicago. Child: (i) Don ald Cresap. (9) Josiah D. Prescott, b. June 15, 1822, m. Jan. 11, 1843, Elizabeth, dau. of Col. Isaac Crosby, b. Hebron, Dec. 11, 1823, and d. Bristol, May 23, 1854, ae. 30-5-12. Hem. Dec. 5, 1864, Mary Frances, dau. of Samuel S. Fellows (See), b. Aug. 26, 1842. He was landlord of the Bristol House for twenty-two years, and there d. Dec. 12, 1866, ae. 44-5-27. His widow d. Apr. 9, 1900, ae. 57-7-13- CHILDREN 27. EUen Elizabeth, b. Bristol, Jan. 29, 1844 ; m. George G. Brown. (Sec) 28. Josiah Everett, b. B., Apr. 10, 1846; m. July 28, 1869, Sarah Lavina, dau. of Lorenzo D. Day (See), b. Feb. 6, 1846, and d. Merrimac, Mass., Aug. 18, 1887, ae. 41-6-12. He was associated -with his father in hotel business ; a traveling optician ; landlord of hotel in Merrimac. He d. at home of his dau. at Amesbury, Mass., Apr. i, 1903, ae. 56-11-21. Child : a. Donna Elizabeth, b. Bristol, Feb. 20, 1873 ; m. Nov. 27, 1894, G. L. Batchelder, 54 Sparhawk street, Amesbury, Mass. 29. Anna Donna, b. B., Mar. 5, 1852 ; d. Bristol. 30. Harry Fellows, b. B., Aug. 14, 1865 ; m. Feb. 15, 1898, Mime Jane, dau. William C. Kelley. (See.) Farmer. Republican. Chil dren : a. Frances Anna, b. Bristol, Jan. 10, 1899. b. Harry WiUiam, b. B., Aug. 24, 1900. I. Charles Henry Prescott is a son of Joseph and Persis Felton (Thompson) Prescott, and was b. Newfame, Vt., Jan. 21, 1853. Is of the 8th generation from John Prescott, who landed in Boston from England in 1640. Hem., June 18, 1901, Mrs. Alice Ann Knight, widow of Frank, and dau. of Nelson and Elizabeth (Miller) Willard, b. Dummerstown, Vt. He was a dry goods merchant in Brattleboro, Vt., tiU spring of 1901, when he became proprietor of Hotel Bristol and has since been its landlord. Republican. No children. 350 HISTORY OF BRISTOL THE PRESTON FAMILY I. Nelson Sylvanus Preston is the son of Alpheus and Almira (Tucker) Preston, and was b. Tunbridge, Vt., Dec. 14, 1834. July 4, 1857, he m. Paulina, dau. of Daniel and Abbie (Reed) LoweU, b. No. Hatley, P. Q., Apr. 27, 1838. Shed. Bristol, June 29, 1897, ae. 59-2-2. He m., Oct. 26, i8gg, Mrs. Annie Jones, b. Ireland, Feb. 26, 1852, dau. of John Doren and widow (i) of Charles Green, (2) of Carleton Jones. He has been a paper-mill employee most of the time since coming to town about 1882. Democrat, Free Baptist, G. A. R. He served as corporal in Co. B, 6th Regt., N. H. Vols., from Aug. 6, 1862, to June 4, 1865. On his discharge is the following endorsement : He was engaged in the following battles : Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862 ; Seige of Vicksburg and Battle of Jackson, Miss., June and July, 1863 ; Wilderness, May 6, 1864 ; Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864; North Anna, May 24; Totopotomy Creek, May 31; Bethesda Church, June 3 ; Cold Harbor, June 9 ; Petersburg, June 16-18 ; Cemetery Hill, July 30 ; Weldon R.ailroad, Aug. 22 ; Poplar Grove Church, Sept. 30, 1864 ; Capture of Petersburg, Apr. 2, 1865. He has ever been a brave and faithful soldier. Charles L. Clark, Lt. Com'd'g Co. B. CHILDREN 2. Florence J., b. North Hatley, P. Q., May 19, 1858 ; d. Aug. 7, 1858. 3. Almira A., b. Orange, Oct. 8, 1859; m. Nov. 18, 1876, William H. Welch. She d. Feb. 22, 1897, ae. 37-4-14. He m. (2) Mrs. Alice (Adams) Rice. Child : a. Jessie May, b. Canaan; m. Robert L. Annis. (See.) b. Blanche E., b. C, Sept. i, 1880 ; m. Herbert E. Hadley. (See.) 4. George Nelson, b. West Lebanon, June 12, 1862 ; m. Aug. 10, 1881, Emma Wescott. Was brakeman on railroad and was killed by falling from a moving train at East Andover, Feb. 19, 1888, ae. 25-8-7. 5. Wesley Monroe, b. Canaan, Nov. 20, 1866 ; m. Nov. 15, 1892, Julia O'Leary. He is a shoemaker at Berlin. 6. Prank Martin, b. C, Sept. r, 1875. A painter in Somerville, Mass. 7. William, b. Grafton, Oct. 12, 1877 ; d. Grafton, Mar. 23, 1878. THE PRICE FAMILY I. George Price, the son of Frederick and Katherine (MacKenzie) Price, was b. in Little Gaspe, P. Q., Jan. i, 1840. He m., Nov. ig, 1866, Jane, dau. of Alexander and Jane (Por ter Simpson, b. Little (>aspe, June 3, 1847. They emigrated to Bristol in October, 1888 ; he has been a farmer and laborer; res. a mile south of Central square. Methodists. CHILDREN, all except last born in Little Gaspe. 2. Elizabeth Amelia, b. July 4, 1868 ; d. Bristol, Mar. 29, 1894, of consumption, ae. 25-8-25. 3. WiUiam Henry, b. Aug. 19, 1870 ; m. Dec. 4, 1900, Lura Patten, of Alexandria. Child : a. Cleora, b. Jan. 14, 1902. Harry W. Proctor (Died May 17, 1904) , GENEALOGIES — PROCTOR 35 1 4. Alfred Alexander, b. Nov. 19, 1872. He went to Granite Creek, British Columbia, in February, 1897, where he now res. 5. Margaret Jane, b. Apr. 15, 1875; m. Harry O. Pike. (See.) 6. George Edwin, b. Sept. 5, 1877 ; a laborer in Bristol. 7. Emma Reta, b. Dec. 28, 1879 ; res. Boston, Mass. 8. Laura Mary, b. Jan. 19, 1882 ; m. June 24, 1903, Chester S. Pat ten, of Alexandria. He is a carpenter and builder in WoUaston, Mass. 9. Florence Maud, b. Apr. 15, 1884. A compositor in Enterprise of&ce. 10. Robert Sydney, b. June 24, 1886. II. Ethel Kate, b. Bristol, Feb. 24, 1889. THE PROCTOR FAMILY I . Charles Hall Proctor is the son of Amos Batchelder and Liddy Jane (Edwards) Proctor. He was b. in Enfield, Apr. 9, 1838, and m. (i) Abbie Hayes, dau. of William and Rhoda Meade. She d. in Bristol, Dec. 12, 1874, ae. 34-2-. He m. (2) Feb. 24, 1876, Abbie F., dau. of Israel T. Rice. (See.) He enlisted in Co. C, 15th Regt., N. H. Vols., Sept. 13, 1862, and served with his regiment on the lower Mississippi, participating in the seige of Port Hudson. Discharged Aug. 13, 1863. He came to Bristol in May, 1869, and worked two years in E. K. Pray's tannery. Has been for twenty-five years in North End woolen-miU as overseer and superintendent. Was postmaster at Bristol four years. Democrat, Mason, Odd Fellow, G. A. R. Official member of the Methodist church. CHILDREN 2. Fred Lewis, b. May 25, 1861 ; m. (i) Mar. 27, 1886, Mrs. Lucy Holt ; (2) Sept. 27, 1894, Isabel, dau. of William and Margaret (Sinclair) Ward, b. St. Margaret's Hope, Scotland, Sept. 22, 1869. A machinist in Bristol, Chicago, and Alabama, now in Philadelphia. No children. 3. Harry Weston, b. Dec. 5, 1874. Is a jeweler in Bristol. THE PUTNEY FAMILIES I. Charles Henry Putney, son of Alfred S. and Hannah (Hobart) Putney, was b. in Hebron, May 26, 1844. He m., Apr. II, 1875, Martha Etta, dau. of Ezekiel Follansbee (See), b. June 8, 1854. He was a wood turner in Bristol from 1885, and here d. Apr. ig, igoo, ae. 55-10-23. CHILDREN 2. Josephine M., b. Aug. 24, 1876. 3. WiUiam Everett, b. Dec. 26, 1879. I. Rufus Wright Putney is a son of Alfred S. and Hannah (Hobart) Putney. He was b. Hebron, May 18, 1847, and m. Dec. 2, 1872, Emma F., dau. of Eldridge F. and Samantha 352 HISTORY OFBRISTOL Farrington Perry. Res. Natick, Mass., i87o-'84 ; Bristol, 1884- 'g6, where he was a wood worker ; returned to Natick, where he has since been an electrical engineer. CHILDREN 2. Arthur Farrington, b. Natick, Oct. 8, 1875. In Bristol, was clerk in George H. Hammond's store; while studying pharmacy in Natick, lost his eyesight, was partially blind five years till 1900 ; since, totally blind ; devotes his time to the poultry industry. 3. Harry Elbridge, b. N. ; d. Jan. 25, 1879, ae. 22 months. THE QUIMBY FAMILIES I. Jacob Quimby, son of Jeremiah and Olive (Saunders) Quimby, was b. Hill, Feb. 28, 1796. He m. Martha Orr Smith, dau. of John, b. Chelmsford, Mass., May 12, 1797. He was a farmer in Hill, and in Bristol, i824-'27. He d. HiU, Dec. g, i860, ae. 64-9-1 1. She d. Sanbornton, Feb. 11, 1868, ae. 70- 8-2 g. CHILDREN 2. Martha J., b. Hill, Nov. 20, 1820. 3. Daniel, b. H., Mar. 17, 1823. 4. Jacob, b. H., Mar. 5, 1825 ; d. Apr. 8, 1894, ae. 69-1-3. 5. Frederic W., b. Bristol, Jan. 17, 1827 ; m. (i) Almira M. Wiggin, dau. Jesse, b. Hill, May 13, 1833, and d. Apr. 15, 1852^*833^, ac i«-il-2. He m. (2) Mary Josephine, dau. Eliphalet and Mary (TrumbuU) Ken son, b. East Boston, Mass., May 29, 1843. He has been a farmer in Hill, Sanbornton, and in Bristol, near the engine-house of the B. & M. rail road since 1868. Is a noted fox and bee hunter. Republican. Children : a. Asceneath, b. Hill, Dec. 20, 1850; m. John B. Sanborn, Apr. 5, 1877, and d. Sanbornton, 1896 (?). He res. East Tilton. Child : Maynard Ray, b. July 6, 1878. b. Fred Herbert, b. Sanbornton, Jan. 6, 1867. Unm. c. Maurice Burden, b. Bristol, Apr. 10, 1870. Unm. d. Charles Russell, b. B., June 24, 1876; m. July 13, 1899, Inez, dau. Edwin and Lucy (King) Rogers, b. Milton, Vt., Jan. 10, 1884. Children: (i) Leslie Charles, b. Bristol, Feb. 19, 1900. (2) Ray Russell, b. B., Dec. 25, 1901. 6. Parker C, b. Hill, Nov. 25, 1828 ; m. May 25, 1862, Mary, dau. of Charles and Sarah (Calley) Emerson, b. Sanbornton, May 10, 1836. Farmer and blacksmith in Sanbornton. Child : George Emerson, b. July I, 1865. Res. Gaza. 7. Hannah A., b. H., Dec. 26, 1830 ; d. New Whatcom, Wash., Mar. 17, 1 901, ae. 70-2-21. I. Ephraim Quimby, b. Hill, Sept. 28, 1773; supposed to be the son of Jeremiah, m. Hannah, dau. of Reuben Wells (See), b. Jan. 16, 1777. They were farmers west part of HiU. CHILDREN 2. Sarah, b. Sept. 19, 1796; m. Daniel F. Rowell. 3. Reuben, b. Sept. 6, 1800; taken sick 11 a. m., Jan. 19; d. Jan. 20, 1816, I a. m., ae. 15-4-14. 4. John, b. Sept. 16, 1802; taken sick 9 a. m., Jan. 21; d. Jan. 25, 1816, at II a. m., ae. 13-4-9. GENEALOGIES — QUINT 353 5. Henry, b. Oct. 4, 1804 ; taken sick Jan. 20, 3 p. m.; d. Jan. 21, 1816, at 3 p. m., ae. 11-3-17. 6. Ephraim, b. Sept. 9, 1808 ; stricken 10 a. m., Jan. 20; d. 7. a. m., Jan. 22, 1816, ae. 7-4-13. 7. Polly, b. Oct. 16, 1810 ; stricken 6 a. m., Jan. 21 ; d. 10 a. m., Jan. 22, 1816, ae. 5-3-6. 8. Joanna, b. Nov. 26, 1812; stricken 6 p. m., Jan. 19; d. 10 a. m., Jan. 20, 1816, ae. 3-1-24. 9. Reuben, b. Feb. 22, 1818. The above-named six children all d. of spotted fever and were buried in two graves. THE QUINT FAMILIES I . Sebastian Streeter Quint, son of Silas and Rhoda (Gray) Quint, was b. in Grafton, Jan. 8, 1857. He m. Jan. 7, 1877, Ida, dau. of Alanson and Laura (Straw) Blake, b. Plymouth, Aug. 9, 1859. Has been a painter and paper-hanger in Bristol since 1872. Democrat, K. of P. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 2. Beulah Florence, b. Jan. 8, 1878 ; m. Arthur Robie. (See.) 3. George Marvin, b. Mar. 20, 1880 ; d. Oct. 23, 1883, ae. 3-7-3. 4. Silas Alanson, b. Aug. 20, 1882 ; a painter in Bristol. 5. Linnell Jasper, b. Nov. 18, 1884. 6. Lorin Blake, b. Jan. 12, 1887. 7. Glade Marguerite, b. May 17, 1895. 8. O'Rilla Gertrude, b. Dec. 3, 1897. 9. Franka, b. Mar. 12, 1899 ; d. June 23, 1899. I. Hosea B. Quint, a brother of above, was a painter in Bristol, i874-'8i, when he removed to Concord, where he now res. He m. Jan. 13, 1872, Ida F. Haines, b. Oct. 8, 1854, dau. of J. Wesley Haines. CHILDREN 2. Edgar M., b. Bristol, May 7, 1873. 3. Erdine M., b. B., Aug. 3, 1874. 4. Ida v., b. B., Sept. 16, 1876 ; d. Oct. i, 1881, ae. 5-0-15. THE RANDOLPH FAMILIES I. Henry A. Randolph was a son of Samuel and Anna Flude, and was b. Northampton, Eng., June g (ii), 1821. He changed his name from Flude to Randolph. At 17 he enlisted in the British army, served in the West Indies four years, and in Canada, where he deserted and came to the United States. He m. Martha J. French, b. Feb. 27, 1823, and settled in Bris tol about i85g. Was a merchant tailor on west side of Central square; burned out by the fire of July 4, 1861. (See RoU of Honor.) After the war re-entered business. Last four years of 23 354 HISTORY OF BRISTOL his life was reading law and a pension agent ; committed suicide Aug. 17, 1884, ae. 63-2-8. Was a Methodist, Odd Fellow, G. A. R. She d. Nov. 18, 1891, ae. 68-1-21. In her will she made the Methodist church of Bristol residuary legatee, from which the church received $700. CHILD 2. Annie May, b. Bristol, Oct. 29, i860 ; d. Mar. 14, 1879, ae. 18-4-15. Anna French, an insane sister of Mrs. Randolph, made her home with Mrs. Randolph. She was b. Dec. 31, 1810, and d. Feb. 25, 1885, ae. 74-1-24. I. William F. Randolph was a son of Samuel and Anna Flude. He was b. Northampton, Eng., Aug. 14, 1817, and m. May 28, 1844, Lucia Sharp, dau. of William and Martha Sharp, b. (iranford, England, Dec. 22, 1818. He came from England to Bristol in August, i86g, and changed his name from Flude to Randolph after reaching Bristol. His family followed in April, 1870. He was an expert landscape gardener. A Metho dist. She d. Bristol, May 10, 1878, ae. 5g-4-i8 ; he d. Aug. 14, i8g8, ae. 81 years. CHILDREN, all born in England 2. Anna E., b. June 22, 1849; d. ae. 28 months. 3. Martha Marie, b. June 30, 1851 ; m. Aug. 9, 1873, Charles W. Casely. He was b. Northamptonshire, Eng., Nov. 18, 1853, ^^^ came to Bristol from England with the Randolph family. He is a Methodist clergyman, a member of the Illinois conference. Children : a. Herbert William, b. Bristol, Jan. -6, 1875. b. Lucy Elizabeth, b. Bristow, Kansas, Jan. 13, i88o. c. Cyrus Warren, b. Minneapolis, Kansas, Oct. 13, 1885. d. Charlotte Willard, b. Lincoln, Kansas, Aug. 16, 1888. 4. John R., b. Sept. 4, 1864; d. ae. 3 months. 5. Lizzie M., b. Oct. 29, 1855 ; m. John M. Dow. (See.) 6. John, b. Aug. 3, 1857 ; d. ae. 5 years. 7. William John, b. June 15, 1859 ; m. Nov. 30, 1885, Lizzie A., dau. of Timothy E. and Susan (Cochran) Bayley, b. Plymouth, June 18, 1861. He res. Plymouth, where he is clerk, and correspondent Boston Globe. Two children, d. in infancy. THE RAY FAMILY I. John Ray, son of Nathaniel, was b. Apr. 16, 1805. He m. (i) Ann, dau. of Josiah and Sally (Ladd) Sanborn, b. Alexan dria, June 2g, 1803, and d. Apr. i, 1848, ae. 44-9-2. Hem. (2) Dec. 9, 1851, Eliza Ann (Sanborn) Roby, sister of first wife, b. Jan. 5, 1816. He was a carpenter and builder in LoweU, Mass., Alex andria and Bristol. He d. Concord, Dec. 3, 1878, ae. 73-7-17, (75— tombstone); shed, in Bristol, in the family of her dau., Mrs. Sarah A. (Roby) Taylor, Mar. 17, 1903, ae. 87-2-12. GENEALOGIES — REED 355 CHILDREN 2. Orrin B., b. Lowell, Mass., Sept. 22, 1846; m. (i) (certificate June 27, 1868) Lucy Sarah, dau. of Calvin Golden (See), b. Feb. 22, 1848. He m. (2) Mar. 7, 1882, Mary Antoinette, dau. of Milo H. Crosby (See), b. Mar. 19, 1853. He was a merchant tailor in Bristol, now farmer. Republican. Was captain of Train Rifles. Children : a. Walter, b. Bristol, Apr. 17, 1869 ; m. Mar. 14, 1892, Mary E. Irving, dau. of William and Julia Irving, b. Plymouth. They res. Worcester, Mass. Child : Florence Gertrude, b. Franklin Falls, July 22, 1893. b. Everett, b. B. Set fire to his father's buildings while play ing with matches in the barn, and perished in the flames, Mar. 31, 1875, ae. 4 years. c. Malvern, b. B., Dec. 10, 1874; m. May 30, 1901, Sarah Etta, dau. of Richard and Sarah Marsden, b. Wrentham, Mass., Sept. 10, 1881. They res. Worcester, Mass. Children: (i) Eva Elizabeth, b. Burrillville, R. I., Apr. 6, 1902 ; d. Jan. 21, 1903. (2) Walter, b. July, 1903. d. Florence Putnam, b. B., June 16, 1883 ; d. Aug. 3, 1892, ae. 9-1-17. e. John Crosby, b. B., Apr. 6, 1891. 3. Eudora Marcelia, b. L., Dec. 9, 1840 ; m. Israel Putnam ; res. Minneapolis, Minn.; he d. and she m. (2) his brother, William, fall of 1881. She res. Lesueur, Minn.; d. Bristol, Feb. 14, 1895, ae. 54-2-5. 4. Mary Etta, b. Alexandria, Feb. 24, 1855 ; m. 1881, Frank W. Fel lows ; res. CoUinsville, Conn. Child : a. Ethel, b. Scytheville, May 6, 1883. THE REED FAMILY I. Ervin Huntoon Reed, son of Hiram and Hannah (Moore) Reed, was b. Dorchester, Sept. 6, 1869. He m. Dec. 25, i8g4, Effie A., dau. of Abel Bailey, Jr. (See.) He came to Bristol in Apr., i8g5, and is a finisher of flannel at mill of Dodge-Davis Manufacturing company. CHILDREN 2. Maud Bailey, b. Bristol, Mar. 17, 1896. 3. Ethel Dewey, b. B., June 3, 1898. 4. Ralph Ervin, b. B., Oct. 12, 1900. THE REID FAMILY I. Samuel Reid is a son of Joseph Nelson and Mary Ann (Smith) Reid. He was b. AuSable, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1870, and m. Nov. 23, i8g2, Alice May, dau. of Ira F. and Jane L. (Hutchins) Varney, b. Rumney, July 8, 1876. A farmer in Bristol, from Nov., i8go. CHILDREN 2. Pearl Ira, b. Groton, Apr. 24, 1893. 3. Eva May, b. Bristol, Dec. 8, 1896. 4. Dora Maud, b. B., Dec. 15, 1898. 5. Norman Nelson, b. Alexandria, June 22, 1901. 356 HISTORY OF BRISTOL THE REMICK FAMILY I. WiUard Spaulding Heath Remick is a son of Augus tus and Eliza Ann (Prior) Remick. He was b. Natick, Mass., July 20, 1861, and m. (i) May 9, 1881, Ida A., dau. of Edson and Elizabeth Drake. She d. in Groton, Dec. i, 1886. He m. (2) June 26, 1887, Isabel, dau. of Isaac B. and Martha J. Gove, who d. in Groton, Feb. 15, 1888. He m. (3) Dec. 21, 1895, Lucy M., dau. of John Seavey (See), b. Aug. 19, 1877. He has been a carpenter in Groton, and in Bristol since Dec, 1892, res. on Turnpike. CHILDREN 2. Edwin S., b. Groton, July 27, 1882. 3. Lewis P., b. G., Mar. 22, 1886. 4. Eleanor Charlotte, b. Bristol, June 28, 1902. THE RICE FAMILIES I . Israel Thomas Rice, son of Israel Thomas and Jemima (Osgood) Rice, was b. in Eaton, P. Q., Apr. 23, 1822. Hem. in Nov., 1848, Abbie P., dau. of Leander Badger (See), b. Nov. 14, 1827. He came to Bristol about 1857, and was an employee at tannery and paper-mill; d. June 4, 1889, ae. 67-1-11. She d. Jan. 26, i8g6, ae. 68-2-12. CHILDREN 2. Abbie Frances, b. Nashua, Oct. 28, 1849 ;~m. Charles H. Proctor. (See.) 3. Martha Jane, b. Ham, Canada, Sept. 6, 1851 ; m. A. Sylvester Smith, Apr. 5, 1871 ; res. in Hubbardton, Vt. Two daughters. 4. Lock Willard, b. H., Aug. 7, 1853 ; m. Nov. 25, 1882, Emma Wal lace ; d. Nov. 10, 1891, ae. 38-3-3. Was an auctioneer. Republican. 5. Edgar Augustus, b. H., May 18, 1856; d. June 20, 1872, ae. 16-1-2. 6. Albertine Lora, b. Bristol, May 29, 1859 ; res. Boston, Mass. 7. Oscar Warren, b. B., July 6, 1862 ; m. May 11, 1887, Inez Flor ence, dau. Horace and Hannah (Chellis) Saunders, b. Alexandria, 1866. He was for some years a salesman in store of Charles H. Dickinson. One year in California, now bookkeeper in Chelsea, Mass. 8. Nellie Florence, b. B., Oct. 26, 1865; m. Sept. 16, 1897, Clinton A. Borden, West Somerville, Mass.; d. Apr. i, 1898, ae. 32-5-5. Child, b. andd. Apr. i, 1898. 9. Eva Mabel, b. B., Feb. 19, 1867 ; d. Apr. 21, 1868, ae. 1-2-2. 10. Annie Blandena,b. B., Aug. 31, 1869; m. Robert F. Moore. (See.) II. Charles Proctor, b. B., May 9, 1872 ; m. Alice Adams, dau. of Felix. (See.) She m. (2) William H. Welch. Child : a. Edgar Harold, b. Bristol, Dec. i, 1895. I. David Henry Rice, son of Col. David and Maria (Gar- ron) Rice, was b. Andover, Mass., Sept. g, 1825, and m., Apr. 16, 1852, Laura A., dau. of John F. Coleman, b. Gilford, Aug. 5, 1833. He went to CaUfornia in i84g ; was in stove business GENEALOGIES — RICE 357 in Lynn, Mass., i855-'6o ; in the hosiery business at South Canton, Mass. ; came to Bristol in 1865, as superintendent of the Merrimack Hosiery company, which did business for a few years in the mill near the railroad station. In 1891, was super intendent of a mining company at Cannon City, Colo., where he d., Apr. 6, 1892, ae. 66-6-27. Interment at Bristol. Mrs. Rice was engaged for some years in the millinery business in Bristol. She now res. with her son, Cecil C, in Concord. CHILDREN 2. Edward Henry, b. July 16, 1853 ; m. Apr. 10, 1871, Mary A., dau. Henry C. Dubia, b. Warner, Feb. i8, 1853. He was a machinist in Bel mont ; since May, 1885, in Laconia. Children : a. Laura Bessie, b. Bristol, Aug. 2, 1872 ; m. Dec. 25, 1888, Joseph N. Neal, and d. Oct. 10, 1890, ae. 18-2-8. b. Harry David, b. Belmont, Jan. 10, 1877 ; machinist in Shel- ton. Conn. c. Edith May, b. B., Mar. 2, 1883. Graduated from Laconia High school. Is a stenographer, Laconia. d. Charles Edward, b. Laconia, Julys, 1885; d. Aug. 10, 1885. e. Pearl Lucile, b. L., Apr. 22, 1894. 3. John Blaisdell, b. Lynn, May, 1855 ; d. Aug., 1855. 4. Cecil Coleman, b. South Canton, Mass., Mar. 22, 1865; m. Dec. 18, 1897, Jennie Gertrude, dau. Charles M. and Maria (Davis) Colby, b. in Warner, Aug. 30, 1873. Since December, 1897, he has been baggage- master Boston & Maine railroad, running between Concord and White River Junction. Res. Concord. Mason, Republican. I. William A. Rice, son of Col. David and Maria (Gar- ron) Rice, was b. Andover, Mass., July 16, 1828. He m. Jan. 13, 1852, Margaret A., dau. of Abiel and Betsey (Rogers) Mes ser, b. LoweU, Vt., May 29, 1833. He came to Bristol 1865, was a manufacturer of hosiery, and later a speculator in mines and mining lands. He d. Bristol, Oct. 8, 1891, ae. 63-2-22. His widow res. Bristol. CHILD 2. Mabel Nellie, b. Dedham, Mass., July 23, 1864; m. Elbridge S. Bickford. (See.) I. WiUiam Rice is the son of Andrew and Ann (Good) Rice. He was b. in Province of New Brunswick, Mar. 5, 1850, and m. Oct., 1873, Mary, dau. of Thomas MitcheU. She d. July, 1882, and he m. (2) Oct. 14, 1885, Harriet Clark. He located in Bristol, July, 1900, and is an employee at the Mason- Perkins paper-mill. CHILDREN 2. William A., b. Sept. i, 1874. 3. Sarah, b. Feb. 3, 1879; m. June 4, 1902, Roscoe Tenney. (See.) 4. Andrew, b. Jan., 1881 ; m. May, 1903, Alice Maude Mitchell, removed to New Brunswick. 5. PearL b. 1887. 6. Charlie, b. 1890. 23« 358 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 7. Nellie, b. 1894. 8. Frank, b. 1896. 9. Grace, b. 1898. 10. Robert, b. Bristol, Aug. 2, 1900, II. Leona May, b. B., May 14, 1903. THE ROBBINS FAMILY I. William Gilbert Robbins, son of Benjamin Franklin Curtis and Sarah (Hazelton) Robbins, was b. HUl, Dec. 7, 1869. He m., 1887, Elvira Ruth, dau. of Jonathan S. and Mary Eliza beth (Marden) Chapman, b. Alexandria, July 14, 1869. He has been a paper-mill and woolen-miU employee and laborer in town for fifteen years. CHILDREN 2. Lizzie Lena, b. Dover, Sept. 26, 1888. 3. Shirley Rex, b. Bristol, Sept. 22, 1891. THE ROBIE FAMILIES I. George Alvin Robie is the son of Jeremiah S. and Mary (Green) Robie, b. Plymouth, Sept. 3, 1842. He came to Bris tol in fall of 1861, and m., July 31, 1864, Sarah E. Nelson, dau. of Stephen (See), b. Nov. 18, 1846. He was a carpenter, man ufacturer of bedsteads, machinist, carriage-maker, and for for ty-two years, has been undertaker and dealer in furniture. Is also owner of telephone exchange. Republican, Odd FeUow, Mason ; business in Robie's block of which he is the owner. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 2. Albert George, b. Sept. 14, 1865 ; m. Mar. 10, 1886, Georgia Nel lie, dau. of William Evans and Abbie Hannah (Staples) Roberts, b. Lynn, Mass., Aug. 3, 1869. Farmer. Children : a. Frank Albert, b. July 2, 18S8. b. Warren George, b. June 23, 1890. c. Ervin William, b. Oct. 14, 1892. d. Harold Bernard, b. Oct. 6, 1903. 3. Harriet Ann, b. May 12, 1867 ; m. Albro Wells. (See.) 4. William Green, b. Jan. 29, 1869 ; m. Dec. i, 1897, Lottie Belle, dau. of Orrin W. and Mary Ann (Ray) Shattuck, b. Canaan, Aug. 14, 1877. Farmer in Bristol. Children : a. Isabel Mary, b. Bristol, Oct. 20, 1898. b. Lawrence William, b. B., Mar. 24, 1901. 5. Louis Stephen, b. Jan. 30, 1870; m. Feb. 12, 1894, Lettie E., dau. Isaac N. and Etta E. (McGrath) Ford, b. Groton, June 23, 1873. Was in grain business. North End grist-mill, July, 1895, till fall, 1903, when he removed to Hardwick, Vt. Children : a. Gladys, b. Bristol, July 8, 1897. b. Ethel Marguerite, b. B., Sept. 22, 1899. 6. Mabelle, b. Mar. 25, 1873 ; m. June 17, 1896, William S. Lougee. They res. Rochester, where he is superintendent of Bell telephone lines. Children : ^ a. Katherine Robie, b. Rochester, Dec. 23, 1900. b. Robert William, b. R., Aug. 20, 1903. GENEALOGIES — ROBINSON 359 ov. 22, 1875 ; m. Feb. i, 1894, Bei 5.) Child: Marian Prances, b. Bristol, Mar. 20, 1895. 7. Arthur, b. Nov. 22, 1875 ; m. Feb. i, 1894, Beulah P. Quint, dau of Sebastian S. (See.) Child: I. Frank Robie, son of John W. L. and CaroUne W. (Tit- comb) Robie, was b. Raymond, July 20, 1872. He m., Apr. 9, 1896, Minnie L., dau. of Alfred A. and Mary J. (Austin) Lewis, b. Meriden, Conn., Aug. 12, 1872. He came to Bristol from Ray mond in 1887. Electrician. CHILDREN 2. Raymond L-, b. Bristol, Sept. 2i, 1898. 3. Harry A., b. B., Apr. 28, 1901. THE ROBINSON FAMILIES I. Luther Robinson, son of Benjamin and Polly (Glines) Robinson, was b. New Hampton, Nov. 9, 1806, and m. Bet sey, dau. of Daniel and Polly (Nichols) Kelley, b. New Hamp ton, Sept. 4, i8og. He was a farmer in New Hampton and Bristol, where he d., Oct. 7, 1880, ae. 73-10-28. She d. New Hampton, Aug. 2g, 1880, ae. 70-11-25. CHILDREN 2. Elizabeth, b. Jan., 1833 ; m. John B. Gordon, and d. Oct. 30, 1875, ae. 42-9-. 3. Frank Warren, b. Bristol, Aug. 20, 1839 ; m. Apr. 11, 1877, Annie Douglas, dau. of William Green (See), b. Jan. 12, 1842. They res. Bris tol. He is a farmer. Republican. No children. I. George Howe Robinson, son of Andrew J. and Sally Piper (Carter) Robinson, was b. in Allenstown, Dec. 8, 1851. He m. Dec. 20, 1883, Lizzie Kathleen, dau. John Roby (See), b. Apr. II, 1853. For many years he resided at New Hamp ton, drove stage to Bristol and then run to Concord as brake- man each day. Sold his stage line, and removed to Bristol, Nov., i8g6, and continues as brakeman. CHILDREN, all born in New Hampton 2. Son, b. Jan. 24, 1885 ; d. Jan. 26, 1885. 3. Myra Kathleen, b. Apr. i, 1886. 4. John Gustavus, b. Sept. 8, 1889; d. Dec. 3, 1898, ae. 9-2-25. 5. Levi Carter, b. Sept. 23, 1891. 6. Fred Carl, b. Dec. 4, 1894 ; d. Nov. 15, 1899, ac 4-11-11. I. Charles Green Robinson, brother of George H., above, was b. Nov. 12, 1852. He m. Dec. 25, 1875, Annie, dau. of Samuel W. Heath (See), b. Dec. 4, 1854. He was a stone cutter in New Hampton; has res. since i8g6 in Bristol; is a laborer at railroad station. 360 HISTORY OF BRISTOL CHILDREN, all born in New Hampton 2. Arthur Jackson, b. Nov. 11, 1876; brakeman on railroad. Res. Concord. 3. Sarah Hannah, b. Oct. 31, 1878. Res. New Hampton. 4. Mabel Perkins, b. Mar. 10, 1880. 5. Nellie Carter, b. Aug. 26, 1882. 6. George Eugene, b. Sept. 22, 1885. 7. Maud Alice, b. Mar. 9, 1887. 8. Ruth Louise, b. Sept. 8, 1893. THE ROBY FAMILY I. Ichabod Roby came from Scotland about 1727, and set tled in that part of Chester now Candia. 2. Lowell Roby, a descendant of Ichabod, was in Weare, evidently, as late as 1807. He removed to Fifield hill in Bridge- water, and, about 1823, to Alexandria. He was a great bear hunter and trapper. He used a steel trap that Ichabod brought from Scotland, which is now in the possession of the family. At one time he set his trap on Tenney hill, in Hebron, and caught a troublesome bear that weighed 450 pounds. At another time he caught a bear near where is now the stable of John W. Wilbur & Co. in Bristol village. In all, he killed or trapped 4g bears. He m. Margaret Kinson, and d. Alexandria, Sept. 28,1858. Shed. May II, 1861. CHILDREN 3. Sarah, b. Weare, Mar. 10, 1806 ; d. young. 4. Olive, b. W., July 20, 1807; m. Timothy Taylor. *5- John, b. Bridgewater, June 20, 1809. «6. Le-vi, b. B., Sept. 28, 1813. 7. Eldred, b. B., 1818 ; m. July 13, 1844, Eliza A., dau. of Josiah Sanborn, b. Alexandria, Jan. 5, 1816. He d. "Nov. 9, 1847, ae. 29.'' She m. (2) John Ray. (See.) Children: a. Sarah Alma, b. Alexandria, June 12, 1845 ; m. William T. Taylor. (See.) b. Clara Albertine, b. Lowell, Mass., Feb. 19, 1847 ; m. Joseph N. Dickinson. (See.) 8. Lowell Rufus, b. B., Aug. 28, 1821 ; m.Jan. 29, 1848, Nancy Stick ney Flanders. He d. Hebron, Jan. 2, 1902, ae. 80-4-4. She res. Hebron. Eight children. 9. Charles. (5) John Roby, b. June 20, i8og, m. Feb. 14, 1832, Elmira Smith, dau. of Abraham DoUoff (See), b. Dec. 14, 1810. He was a farmer in Alexandria, New Hampton, MoOre's MiUs. in Bristol, where he d. Feb. 23, i8g2, ae. 82-8-3. She d. in in the family of Augustus J. Ferrin, New Hampton, Feb. 24, 1902, ae. gi-2-io. CHILDREN *io. Gustavus, b. Bristol, Dec. i, 1832. II. Olive, b. B., Feb. 8, 1835 ; m. Augustus J. Ferrin. (See.) Maude (Gordon) Roby Austin H. Roby GENEALOGIES — ROBY 361 12. Nicholas Dolloff, b. B., Nov. 6, 1838 ; d. June 26, 1846, ae. 7-7-20. 13. Sarah M., b. B., Apr. 15, 1843 ; m. Augustus J. Ferrin. (See.) 14. Lizzie Kathleen, b, B., Apr. 11, 1853; was a school teacher ; m. George H. Robinson. (See.) (6) Levi Roby, b. Sept. 28, 1813, m. Susan Sumner, dau. of Capt. Ebenezer and Mehitable (Lawrence) Thompson, b. Thomaston, Me., Feb. 22, 1817. He res. Concord, Manches ter, Nashua, LoweU, Mass., and Bristol. He was for 20 years connected with the Mass. Cotton Corp., Lowell, having charge of its buildings, grounds, and the construction of foundations for new mills. He d. Bristol, Feb. g, 1889, ae. 75-4-11 ; she d. Boston, Mass., Dec. 20, 1891, ae. 74-g-28. CHILDREN 15. Solon, b. Alexandria, Nov. 2, 1843 ; d. Concord, Dec. 13, 1875, ae. 32-1-11. 16. Homer, b. Lowell, Mass., Oct. 5, 1848; m. Sept. 10, 1870, Clara DeAlba, dau. Marshall W. White (See), b. Aug. 21, 1850. She d. Bristol, Apr. 7, 1872, ae. 21-7-16. He m. Oct. 5, 1875, Sarah Comfort, dau. O. k! and Mary J. (Ackerman) Gray, b. Alexandria, Dec. 28, 1854. He was an employee at Calley & Currier's crutch factory for some years. Served as fireward 6 yeEjrs ; as selectman two years. In 1899, removed to HoUis, where he is in trade. Democrat, Odd Fellow. Children : a. Bertie, b. Bristol, Feb. 11, 1872 ; d. Oct. 31, 1872. b. Levi Bertrand, b. B., Sept. 24, 1877; m- Dec. 13, 1898, Mabelle L., dau. Moses P. Wilbur. (See.) He was a hotel clerk, Bristol. Now res. HoUis. Child : Wilbur Homer, b. Lexington, Mass., Oct. 27, 1902. c. Ralph Homer, b. B., July 26, 1887. 17. Fred Forrest, b. Nashua, Sept. 17, 1855; m. Dec. 8, 1881, EUa, dau. Capt. Ahira and Sabra (Rogers) Kelley, b. South Dennis, Mass., Dec. 28, 1855, and d. Boston, Mass., Feb. 20, 1895, ae. 39-1-22. Prom Apr., 1881, till 1901, practiced dentistry in Boston ; then became member firm of John S. Doane & Co., wholesale liquor dealers, Boston. 18. Frank Lowell, b. Bridgewater, Dec. 26, i860; d. Concord, Apr. 25, 1880, ae. 19-3-29. (10) Gustavus Roby, b. Dec. i, 1832, m. Nov. 21, 1861, Mary Marcia, dau. of Jonas R. Hayward, b. Alexandria, Mar. I, 1842, and d. Bristol, June 20, i8g4, ae. 52-3-ig. Has spent most of his life as a paper maker ; has been for 24 years super intendent of Mason-Perkins Paper company's mill. Republican. Represented Bristol in constitutional convention of i88g. CHILDREN 19. Austin Hayward, b. Bristol, June 17, 1867 ; m. July 28, 1888, Ola Maude, dau. of Frank A. Gordon (See), b. Jan. 22, 1868. He was in the shoe trade in Bristol ; town clerk two years till 1891, when he removed to Boston where he was actuary in a banking house ; was for a few years secretary of Y. M. C. A., in Nashua ; state secretary for New Hampshire and Vermont ; since 1900, in wholesale coal business ; now connected with the Anderson Coal Mining company as director and secretary, -with office in Boston. Republican. Methodist. Res. Maiden, Mass. Mrs. Roby is a superior vocalist. Child : a. Donald Gordon, b. Bristol, Oct. 22, 1889. 362 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 20. John Elwyn, b. B., Jan. 3, 1876; m. Oct. 16, 1897, Mary Annie, dau. Frank and EUen Maria George, b. Chester, Vt., June 10, 1877. Child : a. Leslie Milton, b. Bristol, May 16, 1898. I. Oscar Samuel Roby is a son of LoweU Rufus (See), b. Alexandria, Mar. 27, 1862. He m. Apr. 22, igo3, Emily, dau. of Felix Adams. (See.) He has been a hostler in Bristol since about i8g6. THE ROLLINS FAMILY I . Reuben Rollins was of the sixth generation from James Rawlins, who migrated to America, in 1632, with the settlers of Ip,swich, Mass., and afterwards settled in Dover. Reuben was b. in Epping, Nov. 15, 1751 ; was a soldier in the Revolution ary army, serving two years in Col. Stark's regiment, and was at the battles of Trenton and Princeton. In 1778, he m. Eliza beth, dau. of Reuben Smith, and in 1784, removed to Sanbornton. He d. in Sanbornton, June 18, 1808, ae. 56-7-3 ; she d. after a long widowhood, Aug. 28, 1853, ae. g3-7-. They had thirteen children, of whom two removed to Bridgewater. *2. Joshua, b. Mar. 19, 1779. •»3. Joseph, b. Sanbornton, Apr. 8, 1789. (2) Joshua, b. Mar. ig, i77g, m. Lydia, dau. Simeon Rollins, of Andover. He removed to Bridgewater about 1810, where he d. Dec. g, 1858, ae. 79-8-20. She was living in Bridgewater in 1868, ae. 85. CHILDREN -»4. Reuben, b. Sanbornton, Feb. 10, 1809. 5. Mary, b. Bridgewater, June 5, 1811; m. June 5, 1837, David B. Clement, of Thornton, who afterward res. in Bridgewater. 6. Harriet, b. B., Jan. 31, 1821 ; d. Aug. 19, 1825, ae. 4-6-18. (3) Joseph Rollins, b. Apr. 8, 1789 ; in early life removed to the Richard Brown farm in Bridgewater, where he had made for himself a home. He m., Dec. 6, 1812, Mary, dau. Samuel Huckins, of New Hampton. She d. Mar. 23, 1876, ae. 75, and he m. (2) the .widow of Rev. Paul Perkins. He was ordained a ' 'ruling elder' ' in the Free Baptist church in Bridge- water, in 1829. About 1832, he located at No. Bristol. In company with Ebenezer Kendall, he built the saw-miU where is now the electric light plant, and in company with his son, Samuel, operated this mill for twenty-eight years. Was dea con of Free Baptist church in Bristol. He d. in Bristol village, Aug. 9, 1877, ae. 88-4-1. She d. in Bristol. GENEALOGIES — ROLLINS 363 CHILDREN 7. Eliza, b. Bridgewater, Sept. 13, 1813 ; m. May 5, 1833, Putnam Spaulding, of Bridgewater, later a merchant in Chelsea, Mass. She d. Sept. 28, 1848, ae. 35-0-15. He m. (2) Mary Cutler. Children : a. Putnam Frost, d. young. b. Joseph, d. young. *8. Samuel H., b. B., June 30, 1815. 9. Sarah J., b. B., Oct. 14, 1817 ; m. John P. Tilton. (See.) 10. Mary S., b. B., Apr. 20, 1821 ; m. Samuel S. Fellows. (See.) ¦Sii. Joseph Flanders, b. B., Nov. 6, 1824. »12. Richard B., b. B., Jan. 13, 1829. 13. Harriet, b. B., Feb. 16, 1831 ; d. May 9, 1842, ae. 11-2-23. -»14. Lyman, b. Bristol, Nov. 22, 1832. (4) Reuben Rollins, b. Feb. 10, i8og, m. (i) Apr. 27, 1834, Laura, dau. of Samuel Sleeper (See), b. Feb. 24, 1808, andd. Jan. 24, 1835, in Bristol, ae. 26-1 1-. He m. (2) Aug. 31, 1835, Lavinia, sister of his first wife, b. June 2g, 1803, and d. Jan. 27, 1859, ae. 55-6-28. He m. (3) Mrs. Rosilla D. Evans, Oct. 23, 1864. He removed from Bridgewater to Bris tol about 1836, owned and operated the woolen-miU on Willow street. Farmer and school teacher. In 1855, removed to Cale donia, Minn., where he d. in the family of his son, Henry M., May 9, 1903, ae. g4-2-2g. CHILDREN -»I5. Samuel Sleeper, b. Bridgewater, May i, 1836. *i6. Joshua, b. B., May 21, 1838. 17. Henry Morse, b. B., Feb. 4, 1844; m. EUen Lenora, dau. Lyman B. and Rosilla D. Evans, b. Jan. 13, 1850, in Tilton. He is a railway postal clerk ; res. Caledonia. Children : a. Fred Herbert, b. Caledonia, Sept. 30, 1867. b. George Lee, b. C, Jan. 3, 1870. c. Charles Albert, b. C, Mar. 29, 1872. d. Lulu Mabel, b. C, Jan. 19, 1883. (8) Col. Samuel H. Rollins, b. June 30, 1815, came to Bristol with his parents when a young man. Was a farmer and manufacturer of lumber, and res. near No. Bristol cemetery, west side of highway. He m., Oct. 17, 1838, Irene Whipple, of Hebron, who d. Oct. 30, 1875, ae. 57-10-. He m. (2) Feb. 27, 1876, Mrs. Huldah D. Walker, and d. May 12, iSgs, ae. 7g- 10-12. Republican. Served four years as selectman ; was col onel of 34th Regiment militia. Odd Fellow, Free Baptist. CHILDREN, all supposed to have been born in Bristol 18. Ellen Caroline, b. Mar. 6, 1840 ; m. Levi D. Johnson. (See.) 19. Harriet Augusta, b. Sept. 9, 1842 ; m. Charles N. Drake. (See.) 20. William Henry Harrison, b. Nov. 29, 1843 ; d. June 8, 1863, ae. 19-6-9. 21. Ora A., b. July 28, 1845 ; m. George H. Fowler. (See.) 22. Eldora A., b. June 10, 1848 ; m. Fred W. Prescott. (See.) 23. Samuel Dinsmore, b. Aug. 17, 1849; m. Mar. 20, 1871, Clara M., 364 HISTORY OF BRISTOL dau. of Amos Damon. (See.) Divorced. He m. (2) Mary Bartlett. Children : a. Willie Weston, b. Bristol, Jan. 16, 1872. Res. Hyde Park, Mass. b. Harold Bertrand, b. B., May 21, 1875. (11) Joseph F. Rollins, b. Nov. 6, 1824, m. Oct. 29, 1848, Amanda J. Ingalls, dau. of Gilman. (See.) Was the first fireman and later engineer on Bristol branch railroad for ten years, and subsequently in trade where is now RoUins's block. Represented town in legislature. Republican, Free Baptist. He d. July 13, 1864, ae. 39-8-7. She m. (2) Capt. George W. Dow. (See.) CHILDREN 24. Leston Laforest, b. Bristol, Feb. 3, 1850; m. Dec. i, 1878, Addie M., dau. Nicholas T. Chase (See), b. July 2, 1858. He built RoUins's block in Central square. Mill operative. Republican, Mason. Child : a. Edith Mae, b. Bristol, May 24, 1882. Is a compositor in Enterprise office. 25. Daniel Webster, b. B., Dec. 8, 1852 ; d. Dec. 21, 1855, ae. 3-0-13. (12) Richard B. Rollins, b. Jan. 13, 1829, m. Martha Gray, b. Sheffield, Vt., Nov. 22, 1829. He was a farmer at No. Bristol, where he d. Apr. 2, 1886, ae. 57-2-ig. She res. Lake- port. CHILDREN 26. Franklin Leroy, b. Bristol, Oct. 31, 1853 ; m. Dec. 16, 1875, Mary E. Colby, dau. of Wilson, b. HiU, Dec. 27, 1851. Was a stone mason and contractor at Bristol, and after 1887, at Lakeport, where he d. Aug. 2, 1896, ae. 42-9-1. Children : a. Charles Albert, b. Bristol, Sept. 21, 1877 ; d. 1878. b. Bert Wilson, b. B., Jan. 12, 1879. c. George Parker, b. B., Apr. 21, 1882. 27. George Gray, b. B., Dec. 11, 1854; m. Nov. 26, 1890, Nellie M., dau. of Abel H. and Emily M. (Coburn) Stone, b. Lowell, Mass., Apr. 3, 1861. No children. He left Bristol 1871 ; since 1879, has been foreman for "Lake company," Lakeport. 28. Mary Eliza, b. B., Feb. 28, 1859; m. Oct. 28, 1878, Orvis Thomas Muzzey, b. Hebron, Mar. 18, 1854. Res. Lakeport. Children : a. Gertrude Estelle, b. Lakeport, Sept. 17, 1879 ; d. Nov. 9, 1885, ae. 6-1-22. b. Victor Gray, b. L., July 10, 1897. (14) Lyman Rollins, b. Nov. 22, 1832, m. July 4, 1854, Caroline Augusta, dau. Timothy P., and Mary Jane Flanders, b. Hopkinton, Apr. 5, 1837. Was engineer on Northern road, and for four years previous to May, i85g, engineer on road from Milwaukee to LaCrosse, Wis. Served in 6th Regt., N. H. Vols. (See Roll of Honor.) Went to California in 1866, where he was engineer. Died in New Orleans, Sept., 1885, ae. 52-10-. Mrs. Rollins was divorced in June, 1867, and is now Mrs. A. A. Young, 4 Fuller street, Concord. She is the founder of the Pythian Sisterhood. GENEALOGIES — ROUNDS 365 CHILD 29. Lyman J. T., b. Concord, July 6, 1855 ; m. Oct. 13, 1880, Ellen Lucy Carter. He d. Concord, Nov. II, 1892, ae. 37-4-5. Mrs. Rollins res. Concord. Children : a. Lyman, b. Apr. 21, 1881. b. Harry Lewis, b. Apr. 27, 1883. c. 'William Manly, b. Jan. 26, 1885. (15) Samuel S. Rollins, b. Bridgewater, May i, 1836. He removed to Minnesota with his father in 1855, and m., Nov. 8, i860, Martha Melissa Elmore, b. Farmington, Me., Oct. 31, 1843. Res. Alma City, Minn. CHILDREN 30. Martha Lavina, b. Aug. 16, 1861 ; d. Caledonia, Minn., Jan. 18, 1864, ae. 2-5-2. 31. Edith Augusta, b. May 22, 1865 ; m. Mar. 24, 1887, John Harmon. Henry C, b. Dec. i, 1866 ; m. July 28, 1892, EUa A. Runnels. Lilian Grace, b. Dec 5, 1871 ; m. Mar. 18, 1890, Prank Vander- 3233' waka, 34 35 Nora May, b. July 21, 1876. Ruby, b. Mar. 25, 1889. (16) Joshua Rollins, b. May 21, 1838, went West with his father, and m., Nov. 5, 1876, Emma J., dau. of William R. and Charlotte (Crow) Reynolds, b. Clarington, Pa., Feb. 17, i860. They res. Caledonia, Minn., where he d., Apr. 2, 1884, ae. 45-10-11. CHILDREN 36. William Sleeper, b. Caledonia, Nov. 21, 1877. 37. Reuben, b. C, June 4, 1879. 38. Pearl, b. C, Sept. 10, 1881. 39. Ruby, b. C, Apr. 18, 1885. 40. Ralph Harold, b. C, Nov. 7, 1888. THE ROUNDS FAMILY I . Charles Edgar Rounds is the son of William and Lucre tia (Manchester) Rounds. He was b. West Buxton, Me., Oct. 25, 1864, and m. July 11, i8g5, Katherine Belle Wilbur, dau. of George H. and Elizabeth Augusta Spiller, b. HiU, May 27, 1866. He was in the wholesale dry goods business as traveling salesman, 1880 tiU Dec, i8g4 ; since in retaU dry goods trade in Bristol. Republican, Mason. THE ROWE FAMILY r. Louis Rowe (spelled Rhault in Canada) was b. Gen- tilly, Canada, Feb. 14, 1838 ; came to Bristol in 1858,, and by his good nature, abUity, and desire to learn, made many friends. He served in Co. D, 12th Regt., N. H. Vols. (See RoU of 366 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Honor.) He m., 1867, Phebe, dau. of SeweU Sanborn (See), b. May 21, 1851, and d. of consumption, June 30, i86g, ae. 18- i-g. He m. (2) Aug. 31, 1872, Sarah Jane, dau. of David M. MerriU (See), b. Sept. 11, 1848. He was a carriage-maker in the employ of Lovejoy & Kelley. He d. of wounds received in the service, June 27, 1882, ae. 44-4-13- Methodist, Republi can, She removed to Ashland, and d. in Boston, Oct. 27, 1894, as the result of a surgical operation, ae. 46-1-16. CHILDREN 2. Nellie p;dwidge, b. Bristol, Mar. 2, 1869 ; d. June 5, 1869. 3. Ellie Etta, b. B., June 6, 1873 ; res. Ashland. Unm. 4. Louis Elmer, b. B., Nov. 5, 1874; concreter; res. Malone, N. Y. 5. Annie Leoza, b. B., July 9, 1877 ; d. Aug. 25, 1879, ae. 2-1-16. 6. Charles David, b. B., May 21, 1879 ; employed in tram dispatcher's office at Woodsville. THE SANBORN FAMILIES The Sanborns of America are the descendants of the Sam- bornes or Sambournes of England. These names appear on the records of England from the middle of the 12th century. The ancestor of a large part at least of the Sanborns of New Eng land was John Samborne, b. in England, a few years previous to 1600. He m. a dau. of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, and d. in England in 1632, leaving three sons : John, b. 1620 ; William, b. 1622 ; Stephen, b. 1624. Rev. Stephen Bachiler came to Amer ica in the ship William and Francis, and landed in Boston June 5, 1632, in company with the three sons named above. They all settled in Lynn, and here Mr. Bachiler, though over seventy years of age, was pastor of a church. Difficulties arose and he removed to Ipswich, and, in 1638, to Hampton, where he was installed as first pastor of the Congregational church there. The Sanborns of Bristol are the descendants of the first two of the three sons named. In the early years of New Chester all spelled the name Sandborn. I. Lieut. John Samborne, b. England, 1620, m. (i) Mary Tuck, dau. of Robert. She d. Dec. 30, 1668, and he m. (2) Margaret Moulton, a widow, dau. of Robert Page. She d. July 13, 1699. He d. Oct. 20, 1692, ae. 72. He was the father of twelve children, of whom the sixth was 2. Joseph, b. Mar. 13, 1659. He m., Dec. 28, 1682, Mary Gove, dau. of Capt. Edward, of Hampton.. He was a farmer at Hampton, and there d. between 1722 and 1724. He had eight children of whom the fifth was 3. Abraham, b. Mar. 10, 1696. He m., Jan. 22, 1718, Dorothy, dau. of John Smith, who d. Jan. 11, 1788. He d. Sept. 2, 1757, ae. 61-5-22. He had ten children, of whom the fifth was GENEALOGIES — SANBORN 367 4. Daniel, b. Kensington, May 28, 1728. He m. (i) July 27, 1748, Anna, dau. of Sherburne Tilton. She d. June 8, 1759, and he rn. (2) July 9, 1760, Mary Collins. He res. Kensington, Chester, and Franklin, where he d.. May 25, 1812, ae. 83-11-27. His remains rest in the old, neglected burying-ground near the track of the Bristol branch railroad in Franklin. He had nine children. Of these, Abraham, b. 1762, m. Deborah Scrib ner, and removed to Bridgewater. Daniel, b. Nov. 21, 1763, m. Molly Smith, and settled in Hill. The following settled in Bris tol: 5. Mary, b. Kensington, Sept. 24, 1751 ; m. Peter Sleeper. (See.) ¦S6. Theophilus, b. Oct. 24, 1753. Hiy. Sherburn, b. July 10, 1756. *8. Elijah, b. Sept. 22, 1761. THEOPHILUS SANBORN AND HIS DESCENDANTS (6) Theophilus Sanborn, son of Daniel, b. Oct. 24, 1753, m. in 1779, Mary Sleeper, dau. of David (See), b. Sept. 22, 1758. Before he m. he came to Bristol, and built a log cabin just above the present residence of Mrs. J. W. Sanborn, on the east side of the highway, on north slope of New Chester mountain. In the spring of 1779, he brought his young wife here and such household goods as could be brought on a pack horse. They occupied the cabin for some years, when a two- story frame house took its place. Mr. Sanborn was the first shoemaker and tanner in town and had his tan pits near his house. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary army, being a sergeant in Capt. Page's company, and served in Rhode Island in Sept., 1777. He was also a member of Capt. Moses Leavitt' s company and Col. Moses Nichols's regiment in expe dition to Rhode Island, Aug., 1778. Another account says he was a drum-major. He d. in the family of his son, Daniel, in Bristol, Mar. 4, 1839, ae. 85-4-10. She d. in Bristol, May 2, 1845, ae. 86-7-10. Methodists, Democrat. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 9. Margaret, b. Sept. 30, 1779 ; m. Stephen Gale. (See.) *io. ¦ Sherburn, b. Dec. 8, 1780. II. Daniel, b. Feb. 10, 1783 ; d. 1783. 12. Polly, b. Mar. 30, 1785. Lived in the family of her brother, Daniel, where she d. unm., Sept. 19, 1851, ae. 66-5-19. 13. Ruth, b. Mar. 6, 1786; m. Aaron Favor. (See.) 14. Nancy, b. Nov. 18, 1788; m. Moses Worthen. (See.) •X-15. Theophilus, b. Jan. 8, 1791. 16. Sally, b. Sept. if, 1793 ; m. Rev. Hezekiah Davis. (See.) 17. Catherine, b. Nov. n, i795 ; d. Apr. 2, 1797, ae. 1-4-21. -»i8. Daniel, b. Aug. 23, 1797. 19. David, b. July 21, 1800 ; d. July 10, 1802, ae. i-li-ig. 20. Catherine, b. Aug. 6, 1803; m. Sept. 5, 1827, Nathan Davis, of Canaan. They res. Canaan till three children were b., and then removed to Ohio. She d. East Trumbull, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, Jan. 9, 1863, ae. 59-5-3 ; he d. same place, June 27, 1882. Children : 368 HISTORY OF BRISTOL a. Mary Jane, b. Aug. 30, 1828 ; d., unm., in Ohio, Mar. 4, 1894, ae. 65-6—4. b. Almira, b. July 7, 1831 ; m. Feb. 16, 1846, William Young, Hartsgrove, O., where he d. Jan. 10, 1881, ae. 61-1-10. Two chil dren : (i) Elbert William, b. June 20, 1849 ; m. Lucy Fenton and res. Hartsgrove. (2) Irena E., b. Sept. 28, 1850; m. William Rice, Dec. 19, 1871. Three children. Res. Hartsgrove. c. El-dra, twin sister of Almira; m. June 2, 1852, Elhanan W. Adams. Res. East Trumbull, O. Children: (i) Edmond U., b. June 26, 1854 ; m. 1878, Ella Brown. (2) Laura O., b. July 11, 1857; d. May 4, 1862, ae. 4-9-23- (3) Georgia S., b. Aug. 14, 1871. d. Sarah, b. Mar. 25, 1836 ; m. Jan. 17, 1853, Samuel T. Adams. Child : Lucy C, b. Apr. 5, 1857; m. Arthur J. White. Res. Boist- fort, Louis Co., Wash. e. George Washington, b. May 25, 1838 ; m. Mar. 20, 1863, Mary Elizabeth Brooks. Res. Piper City, Ford Co., 111. (10) Sherburn Sanborn, son of Maj. TheophUus, b. Dec. 8, 1780, m. June 24, 1802, Sarah Worthen, dau. of Samuel. (See.) He was a farmer and was drowned while driving logs down the Newfound river, June 29, 1807, ae. 26-6-21. She m. (2) Moses W. MerriU. (See.) CHILDREN -»2i. Martin Luther, b. Bristol, Jan. i, 1803. 22. Laura Worthen, b. B., Sept. 5, 1804; m. Rev. William D. Cass, Mar. II, 1824, and d. Plymouth, Dec. 5, 1830, ae. 26-3-0. (15) Theophilus Sanborn, son of Maj. Theophilus, b. Jan. 8, 1791, m. Sept. 15, 1815, Fanny Cross, dau. of Jonathan, b. New Salem, Mar. 6, i7g4, and d. Hartsgrove, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, Aug. 23, 1866, ae. 72-5-17. He d. Ford Co., lU., Aug. 25, 1872, ae. 8X-7-17. CHILDREN 23. Hannah Dustin, b. Bristol, Oct. 5, 1816 ; m. Joseph Brooks in 1840, and d. Mar. 16, 1890, ae. 73-5-11. Children : a. Mary Elizabeth, m. Rev. George Davis. b. Emily Phebe, m. John Baer, and had two children. c. Caroline Rebecca, m. Henry Pepper. d. Olive Estella, m. John Baer. 24. Jonathan Cross, b. B., Feb. 13, 1819 ; went to Indiana when 20 years of age, and m. Ophelia Porter. They res. in Michigan City, Ind. They had one daughter who d. of consumption at 22. The mother d. of same disease four years before. He d. Dec. 3, 1892, ae. 73-9-20. 25. Rebecca Dustin, b. Canaan, July 30, 1824 ; m. June 8, 1848, Pitch Andrews, of Trumbull, Ohio. 26. Mary, b. Bristol, Dec. 13, 1825 ; d. Apr. 14, 1836, in Bath, ae. 10-4-1. 27. Lorain H., b. B., Oct. 6, 1829 ; d. unm., in Trumbull, Ohio, Feb. II, 1865, ae. 35-4-5- # (18) Maj. Daniel Sanborn, son of Maj. TheophUus, b. Aug. 23, i7g7, m. Oct. 22, 1818, Hannah Worthen, dau. Lieut. Samuel (See), b. July 17, 1796. She d. Mar. 9, 1831, ae. 34- 7-22, and he m. (2) Jemima (Edwards) Blake, widow of John, and dau. of John Edwards (See), b. Apr. 29, i7gg, and d. Dec. GENEALOGIES — SANBORN 369 24, 1882, ae. 83-7-25. He was a farmer on the Favor Locke farm, west of New Chester mountain, where he d. July ig, 1854, ae. 56-10-26. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 28. Plummer Worthing, b. Feb. 15, 1821 ; m. May 30, 1844, Sarah P., dau. of Jonathan Dearborn, b. North Danville, Feb. 9, 1819, and d. in Candia, May 28, 1880, ae. 61-3-19. He d. in Hartford, Wis., Jan. 24, 1893, ae. 71-11-9. He was postmaster of Candia many years, and justice of the peace. He removed to Wisconsin eight years before his death. Child . a. Clarence, b. Bristol, May 27, 1847; d. Mar. 5, 1850, ae. 2-9-8. b. Abbie Lowell (adopted), m. William H. Benson. -»29. Charles Heading, b. Feb. 23, 1824. 30. Jane Moffet, b. Dec. 10, 1826 ; m. Jacob W, Martin. (See.) ¦Jii3i. Luther B., b. Mar. i6, 1829. 32. Hannah Worthing, b. Mar. i, 1831 ; m. Dec. 3, 1854, Lewis Burn ham Rock, b. Drummondville, Canada, Aug. 13, 1825. In March, 1844, being then nineteen years of age, he left his home with $2.50 in his pocket, and his wardrobe in a small bundle, and walked 200 miles to Bristol. Here he met one with whom his fortune was to be closely linked, Sherburn S. Merrill, then proprietor of the village hotel, but later, general superintendent of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad. He was given employment at the hotel by Mr. Merrill, remaining four years, then went to Lowell, Mass., and one year later to California, sailing December, 1849. In July, 1854, he went to Milwau kee, and became train baggagemaster on the Milwaukee and Prairie du Chien railroad. In 1856, was made passenger conductor, and in 1865, assistant superintendent, and in November, 1867, superintendent of the Northern Division of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad, which position he held till his death. May 28, 1888. His age was 62-9-15. His -widow res. in Milwaukee. Children : a. Lewis E., b. Milwaukee, July 29, 1857 ; m. Nov. 17, 1885, Min nie Johnson, at Aberdeen, So. Dakota. b. Charles Frederick, b. M., Dec. 18, 1867. Res. Milwaukee. c. Frank Daniel, b. M., Mar. 24, 1871. Res. Milwaukee. (21) Martin Luther Sanborn, son of Sherburn, b. Jan. i, 1803, m. Dec. 17, i82g, Emeline S., dau. of James and Ruth (Weeks) Smith, b. Oct. 23, 1811, in Bath. He was a farmer in Bath, but late in life removed to the West and d. Waukesha, Wis., June 19, 18S5, ae. 82-5-18. She d. Milwaukee, Oct. 8, 1900, ae. 88-1 1-15. CHILDREN 33. George Washington, b. Bath, Sept. 25, 1832; m. Eliza Etta Rich ards, Oct. 2, 1859, at Monroe, Wis. He commenced his life work as "yard man" at Boston, for the Fitchburg railroad. In September, 1854, with his brother Sherburn, he located at Milwaukee, Wis., and became brake- man on the Milwaukee & Mississippi railroad ; soon after, passenger con ductor. From 1868 to 1870, he was assistant superintendent of the North ern division of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad. Was super intendent of the Iowa and Dakota division till 1885, when impaired health compelled him to rest for two years. He then accepted the super- intendency of the Southern California railroad. In 1889, he settled in Mason City, Iowa, where he still res. Children : a. Harry Richards, b. July 6, 1862; res. Huron, S. D. b. George L., b. Jan. 21, 1865 ; res. Edgemont, S. D. 24 370 HISTORY OF BRISTOL c. James S., b. Mar. 21, 1867; res. Pukwana, S. D. d. Bonnie Anna, b. Dec. i, 1869 ; res. Mason City. 34. Sherburn, b. B., Sept. 15, 1834; m. (i)Nov. 10, 1864, Laura L. Moss, of Fort AiVayne, Ind., b. July 8, 1840, and d. May 6, 1866, ae. 25-9-28. He m. (2) June i, 1870, Eliza V. Cary, of Milwaukee, b. May 10, 1845. Sherburn went to Milwaukee in 1854 with his brother, and secured a position with the American Express company on the Milwaukee & Mis sissippi railroad. In 1863, he entered the employ of the Chicago and Northwestern railroad, and was for many years general superintendent of this great corporation, with its 6,000 miles of track, ranking among the best railroad men in the country. Now retired. Res. Milwaukee. Children : a. Edwin Cary, b. June 25, 1873 ; d. 1874. b. Mabel, b. July 17, 1875. c. Jesse E., b. June 15, 1877 . 35. James Smith, b. B., Nov. 14, 1837 ; m. June 12, 1872, Anna E. Esterbrook, of Portage, Wis., b. Aug. 13, 1847. He was a resident of Bristol for some years previous to 1870, being in the employ of Draper & Berry, glove manufacturers. Soon after this he went to Milwaukee, Wis., where he has accumulated a competency in the ice business. Chil dren : a. Ellen Dunlap, b. May 7, 1873. b. Dwight Alexander, b. Sept. 12, 1874; a chemist in Milwaukee. c. Anna Louise, b. July 6, 1876. d. Ralph Sherburn, b. Sept. 8, 1882. 36. Frank Luther, b. B., Aug 27, 1848; m. EUen Barker, of Lifsbon, Mar. 10, 1875. A successful manufacturer at Portage, Wis. Children : a. Edith Emeline, b. Apr. 14, 1876. b. Elizabeth Turner, b. Nov. 6, 1877. c. Raymond Parker, b. Nov. 22, 1884. 37. Frederick Augustus, b. Apr. 12, 1852 ; m. Ida Baker. No chil dren. Res. South Bend, Ind. (29) Charles H. Sanborn, son of Maj. Daniel, b. Feb. 23, 1824, m. (i) May, 1850, ParmeHa O., b. Mai", i, 1832; d. Feb. 27, 1857, ae. 24-11-26; (2) Sarah Jane, b. Feb. ir, 1830, d. July 24, 1885, ae. 55-5-13; both were daughters of John M. Bowen. He went to Milwaukee in 1835 ; was engineer on the Milwaukee & LaCrosse railroad, and later on the MUwau- kee & Watertown railroad. In 1863, he was promoted to pas senger cbnductor on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rail road, and was killed while coupling cars at Oconomowoc, Wis., Sept. 7, 1865, ae. 41-6-14. CHILDREN 38. Charles H., b. Aug. 5, 1851 ; d. Bristol, Sept. 3, 1854, ae. 3-0-28! 39. Hannah J., b. Nov. 30, 1853 ; d. B., Sept. 7, 1854. 40. Lewis Henry, b. Sept. 26, 1856 ; d. at San Bernardino, Cal., Feb. i, 1890, ae. 33-4-5- 41. Sarah Parmelia, b. Watertown, Wis., Feb. 6, i860; d. San Ber nardino, Apr. 17, 1879, ae. 19-2-n. (31) Luther B. Sanborn, son of Maj. Daniel, b. Mar. 16, i82g, m. Aug. 17, 1856, Sarah E., dau. of Joshua and Polly Nor ris, b. Wayne, Me., Aug. 16, 1829. They res. Freeport, LL, where he is foreman of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul shops. GENEALOGIES — SANBORN 371 CHILDREN 42. Joshua Norris, b. Milwaukee, Wis., July 19, 1858; m. Sept. 7, 1885, Charlie Talley. He is master mechanic of the Brainard & Northern Minn, railway. Children : a. Minnie, b. 1886. b. Sarah, b. 1889. 43. Laura Bell, b. Mar. 4, i860 ; d. Apr. 25, i860. 44. Alice Jane, b. Nov. 22, i86i; m. Jan. 30, 1889, George Irving Brown. Res. Watertown, Wis. 45. Anna Maude, b. Nov. 25, 1868 ; m. Sept. 9, 1891, Frank A. Stoltzc SHERBURN SANBORN AND HIS DESCENDANTS (7) Sherburn Sanborn, son of Daniel, was b. July lo, 1756. He was a soldier of the Revolutionary army, from Ken sington. In 1775, he was serving at Portsmouth, in company with Moses Sleeper, who later settled in Bristol, and Abram Hook, who settled on the Gilbert B. Dolloff farm in Bridge- water. In 1777, he served in Rhode Island, and, in 1780, was in Colonel Bartlett's regiment at West Point. In one enlist ment his occupation is given as a cordwainer. He m. Molly Hoyt, dau. of John, of South Hampton, b. Jan. 26, 1764. He came to Bristol about 1 780, and built a log cabin on the site of the present farmhouse of Mrs. J. W. Sanborn, and to this hum ble home he brought his bride. Besides his household goods he brought a pig and cow, but the bears carried off his pig and nearly killed his cow. Some years later he built a frame house where he kept tavern. He removed to Chester to care for his father-in-law, and there d. May 8, 1836, ae. 79-9-28. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol *46. Moses Hoyt, b. Sept. 22; 1783. «47. John Hoyt, b. Apr. 2, 1789. 48. Dolly, b. Aug. 17, 1791 ; m. Ebenezer Poor, and was the mother of eight children : Climena, Boardman, Sarah Ann, Hannah, Polly, Sherburn, Octave, Orren B. 49. Nancy, b. Oct. 17, 1793 ; m. Nathaniel Brown, of Fremont. 50. Lucretia, d. in Bristol. «5r. Simon Merrill, b. Dec. 15, 1796. (46) Moses H. Sanborn, son of Sherburn, b. Sept. 22, 1783, m. in Fremont, Sept. 20, 1801, Susanna, dau. of Jonathan and Sarah (Moulton) Brown, b. Fremont, Feb. 10, 1785, and there d. May 15, 1850, ae. 65-3-5. He was a farmer in Fre mont tiU about 1807, when he returned to Bristol, occupied his father's farm for a few years, and here a part of his children were b., when he again went to Fremont to care for his wife's parents, and there d., Apr. 21, 1867, ae. 83-6-29. CHILDREN 52. Sarah, b. Oct. 14, 1801 ; m. Ariel Sanborn. 53. Asa, b. Jan. 30, 1803 ; m. (i) Dec. 31, 1825, Farrena Oilman, who d. Mar. 20, 1841, (2) Oct. 27,^ 1841, AbigaU Sanborn. Res. and d. in Fre mont. 372 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 54. Rena, b. July 15, 1804 ; m. James Sawyer, of Danville ; d. June 13, 1887, ae. 82-10-28. 55. Moses Nelson, b. Jan. 9, 1806; m. Dec. 13, 1827, Cyrene Tucker, dau. Benjamin, b. 1806. He d. June 4, 1873, ae. 67-4-25. She d. 56. True Glidden, b. Bristol, Jan. 8, 1808; m. Nov. 25, 1830, Rachel, dau. David Sleeper, of Sandown, b. July 12, 1811 ; d. July 20, 1885, ae. 74- 0-8. He d. Apr. 19, 1886, ae. 78-3-1 1. Farmer in Sandown. Children: a. Charles, b. July 27, 1832 ; m.; no issue ; res. Fremont. b. Harrison, b. Oct. 12, 1836; m. Nov. 24, i88i, Sylvia H. Beede, of Fremont. He was a. lumber merchant in Epping. Daughter, Sylvia, b. May 26, 1883. c. Francellus Burton, b. Apr. 3, 1844 ; unm.; res. Sandown. 57. John L., b. B., Mar. 8, 1810 ; m. 1828, Hannah, dau. of Da-rid Sanborn (See), b. Jan. 31, 1809. He was a farmer in Fremont, where he d. Mar. 8, 1845, ae. 35-0-0. She m. (2) Oren Poore, of Fremont, and d. Fremont, Mar. 4, 1897, ae. 88-1-3. Children: a. David, b. Sept. 25, 1828; m. Nov., 1847, Elizabeth Branscomb. Children: (i) Elizabeth Ann, b. June, 1848. (2) John, b. Nov., 1850. (3) Arabella, b. Sept., 1852. (4) b. 1856. b. Sarah Ann, b. Fremont, June 26, 1832 ; m. Warren W. Wilbur. (See.) c. Otis Frank, b. Aug. 4, 1835 ; d. unm., about 1886, ae. 51. d. William Foote, b. May 11, 1839; m. (i) Frank Morey, d. 1864; (2) Emma Smith, d. 1871; (3) Kate Flanders. He d. ; she res. in Massachusetts. 58. Jonathan Brown, b. Oct. 12, iSii ; m., Sept. 17, 1837, Rachel S. Tilton. He was a farmer in Sandown ; d. Aug. 30, 1884, ae. 72-io-iS. She d. Dec, 1887. Seven children. 59. Nancy, b. July 13, 1813 ; d. Mar. 5, 1814. 60. Sherburn, b. Dec. 18, 1814; m. Dec. 12, 1839, Elizabeth Sanborn, and d. Apr. 27, 1889, ae. 74-4-9. She d. May 29, 1880. 61. Nancy, b. May 2, 1816 ; d. Sept. 20, 1824, ae. 8-4-18. 62. Lewis, b. July 18, 1819 ; m. Oct. 18, 1842, Abigail P. York. He d. in Fremont, April, 1891, ae. 71-9-. She d. ~^ 63. Alvah, b. Mar. 6, 1822; d. June 3, 1823, ae. 1-2-27. 64. Alvah, b. Dec. 31, 1823 ; a prosperous farmer in Fremont. He m., Sept. 26, 1843, Nancy, dau. John Page, of Sandown. Children: a. John Page. b. Susan Emily. c. Alden F. d. Eugene Dana. 65. Nancy, b. Sept. 14, 1825 ; d. Jan. 27, 1843, unm., ae. 17-4-13. (47) John H. Sanborn, son of Sherburn, b. Apr. 2, 1789, went to Fremont, where he m., MaT. 21, 1810, Olive Saw yer, of Danville, b. Hawke, Nov. 25, (790. He was a farmer and brick mason in Fremont till about 181 7, when he returned to Bristol and took possession of his father's farm. He erected the farmhouse now standing, and there he res. till 1832, when he removed to the farm now occupied by George Price, on the road to Hill, where he d. May 17, 1849, ae. 60-1-15. She d. in Fremont. CHILDREN 66. Adeline, b. Fremont, Oct. 22, 1812 ; m. Sept. 19, 1833, Parker P. Roberts, and d. in Lawrence, Mass. 67. Luella Bartlett, b. P., Sept. 30, 1814 ; d. num., Jan. 22, 1836, ac 21-3-22. 68. John Washington, b. P., Apr. 21, 1816 ; m. June 24, 1841, Mary C, GENEALOGIES — SANBORN 373 dau. Daniel Bennett (See), b. Oct. 5, 1824. He spent his life in Bristol. He built and occupied for years the farmhouse now occupied by Benja min Gray, on the Hill road. Was a brick mason as well as a farmer. He d. Jan. 9, 1885, ae. 68-8-18. She res. on the farm originally settled by Sherburn Sanborn on north slope of New Chester mountain. No children. 69. Sherburn Sawyer, b. Bristol, Mar. 31, i8i8 ; d. Apr. 21, 1818. 70. Betsey Ann, b. B., June 27, 1819; m. Stephen L. Gordon. (See.) *7I. Sherburn Sawyer, b. B., Mar. 29, 1821. 72. Mary H., b. B., July 6, 1823; m. (i) Oct. 24, 1844, Daniel M. Elliott. He went to California in 1849, and was never heard from later. She m. (2) June i, 1857, Capt. Isaiah Sanborn. Child : a. Helen Elliott, m. Colston ; res. Fremont. 73. James Templeton, b. B., June 28, 1825; m. Sarah W., dau. of Nathaniel and Abigail M. (Williams) Moulton, b. Oct. 24, 1818. He was a carpenter and builder. Was selectman five years, deputy sheriff three years, and served as town recruiting agent during Civil war. He d. Bristol, Sept. 26, 1884, ae. 59-2-28. She res. with her daughter, Mrs. M. P. Wilbur, in Lexington, Mass. Children, all b. in Bristol : a. John Hoyt, b. May 10, 1846 ; d. F'eb. 16, 185 1, ae. 4-9-6. b. John Hoyt, b. Oct. 16, 1851 ; d. July 14, 1852. c. Kate E., b. Nov. 16, 1855 ; m. Moses P. Wilbur. (See.) d. Alia Betsey, b. Feb. 9, 1858 ; m. June 23, 1877, James S. Rob erts, b. Barton, Vt., Jan. 26, 1836, his second wife. Res. Medford, Mass. Children: (i) Alia Bessie, b. Exeter, May 24, 1878. (2) James Levi, b. E., May 4, 1880. (3) Ivaloo, b. Medford, Apr. 12, 1887. 74. Sarah Jane, b. B., July 12, 1827; m. Feb. 3, 1846, Augustus S. Bunker, Durham; d. Lawrence, Mass., Apr. 24, 1850, ae. 22-9-12. Chil dren : a. Franz, b. Lawrence, Jan. 4, 1847 ; d. Oct. ii, 1848, ae. 1-9-7. b. Dion Cammillo, b. L., Mar. 9, 1850. Res. Lawrence. 75. Abram Jackson, b. B., Aug. 6, 1829 ; d. Bristol, Aug. i, 1846, ae. 16-11-25. 76. Caroline Matilda, b. B., Aug. 27, 1831 ; m. Sept. 21, 1850, Augus tus S. Bunker, his second wife. She d. Lawrence, Mass., Oct. 17, i868, ae. 37-1-20; he d. L., Aug. 19, 1896, ae. 73-0-28. Children : a. Flora Annielka, b. Gilford, June 30, 1851; m. Jesse Moulton, Oct. 3, 1876. Res. Dorchester, Mass. b. George Augustus, b. Lawrence, Apr. 12, 1853 ; d. July 16, 1853. c. Fred Clinton, b. L., June 18, 1854 ; d. Oct. 19, 1893, ae. 39-4-1. d. Arthur Lovell, b. L., Aug. 15, 1857; d. June 2, 1858. e. Carrie Addie, b. L., Aug. 20, i860 ; d. Sept. 11, i860. 77. George W. L., b. B., Apr. 13, 1834 ; d. Bristol, Nov. 3, 1853, ae. 19- 6-20. (51) Simon M. Sanborn, son of Sherburn, b. Dec. 15, 1796, m. Roxana Mills, b. Oct. ii, 1796, d. Aug. 20, 1846 ; divorced, and m. (2) Belinda West, b. Oct. 20, 1817, and d. Aug. 11, 1857, ae. 3g-g-2i; m, (3) Mary West. He was a cooper and farmer in Chester, where he d. CHILDREN 78. Mary A., b. Dec. 10, 1819 ; d. 1824, ae. 5. . 79. Isaiah, b. Jan. 24, 1821 ; m. (i) May 21, 1848, Lydia A. Swam, of Candia ; (2) June i, 1857, Mary H. (Sanborn) Elliott. Children : a. Madison M.b. Nov. 7. i849- 6- Loretta E., b. Nov. 21, 1853. 24(7 374 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 80. Horace, b. Nov. 9, 1822; m. Mar. 19, 1850, Chastina M. Sanborn, res. in Chester, and there d. -without issue, June 19, 1852, ae. 29-7-10. 81. Luther M., b. Jan. 15, 1824; m. Dec. 16, 1845, Nancy J. Sanborn. He d. Oct. 27, 1851, ae. 27-9-12. His widow m. Henry W. Quimby. 82. Mary A., b. Oct. 10, 1825 ; m. Sept. 23, 1846, David T. Sleeper, of Sandown. 83. Sarah J., b. Jan. 16, 1827 ; d. May 7, 1847, ae. 20-3-21. 84. John Collins, b. Apr. 20, 1828 ; m. 1863, Mary A. B. Hook, of Fre mont. He is a house carpenter in Fremont. Children : a. Bert S., b. Sept. 30, 1863 ; m. and res. No. Uxbridge, Mass. b. Ruth Grace, b. Mar. 10, 1865 ; m. Bartlett, of Kingston. 85. Sylvester, b. July 13, 1829; a wheelwright in Amesbury, Mass.; m. June 5, 1855, Mrs. Chastina M. Sanborn, widow of Horace, above; she d. Jan. 23, 1856; m. (2) Nov. i6, 1856, Almira Fassett, of Kingston. No issue. 86. Alvira, b. Apr. 23, 1831 ; m. 1851, Elijah Sanborn. She d. Sept., 1855, ae. 24-5-. 87. Clarissa, b. Dec. 18, 1832 ; m. Aug., 1856, Elijah Sanborn. 88. Laura, b; Sept. 4, 1834 ; d. 1838, ae. 4. 89. Harriet, b. Mar. 26, 1836 ; m. John S. Kelly, of Sandown. 90. Mark, b. Oct. 21, 1839 ; m. June 20, 1889, Martha J. Marden, of Chester. 91. Harrison, b. July 2, 1843 ; d. New York, a member of Co. D, 7tli Regt., N. H. Vols., Feb. 19, 1862, ae. 18-7-17. 92. Frank, b. Nov. 17, 1846 ; d. 1852, ae. 6. 93. Laura J., b. Mar. 14, 1848 ; m. John M. Haines, of Sandown. 94. Daniel, b. Jan. 12, 1850; m. Jan. i, 1876, Abigail C. Elkins, of Kingston. A carpenter at Danville. Children ; a. Eva C, b. Sept. 26, 1877. b. Herman Elkins, b. May 11, 1879. c. Lillian Louise, b. Oct. 19, 1882 ; d. 1886, ae. 4. d. Clifton, b. Aug. 24, 1885 ; d. 1889, ae. 4. 95. Maria Ellen, b. July 27, 1851 ; m. S. S. West, Raymond. 96. Lucinda, b, Feb. 13, 1853; d. 1854. 97. Prank, b. Aug. 8, 1854; d. 1854. (71) Sherburn S. Sanborn, son of John H., b. Mar. 29, 1 82 1, m. Aug. 22, 1843, Nancy K., dau. of Jonathan Fellows: (See), b. Apr. 26, 182 1. He was a farmer and brick mason, and d. Bristol, Mar. 24, 1891, ae. 6g-ii-25. She res. vrith her daughter, in Waltham, Mass. CHILDREN 98. Malina J., b. Wentworth, Oct. 8, 1844 ; m,, Jan. 6, 1861, John W. Marden. He is master car builder for the Fitchburg railroad, at Wal tham, Mass. 99. Charles W., b. Thornton, Jan. 20, 1846; m. Aug. 12, 1875, Abbie M., dau. of Moses Emmons. (See), b. Apr. 20, 1851. He is a mason and woodworker in Bristol. Mason, Odd FeUow. 100. Frank S., b. Bristol, Feb. 21, 1853; m. Nov. 29, 1876, Ella J. Swallow. Res. 45 Columbus Ave, Somerville, Mass. Since 1881, in the employ of Fitchburg railroad, now general foreman and general wrecker of that road. loi. Maron J., b. B., Apr. 23, 1857 ; m. Dec. 25, 1880, Helen M. Nowell'. Res. Cambridge, Mass. GENEALOGIES — SANBORN 375 ELIJAH SANBORN AND HIS DESCENDANTS (8) Elijah Sanborn, son of Daniel, b. Sept. 22, 1761, m. Sept. 7, i77g, Elizabeth Tilton, of Danville. He saw service in the Revolutionary army ; came to Bristol with his family as early as I7g4, and was a farmer and miller. At one time he lived on High street and had charge of the first grist-mill in town. At another time he res. on the Solon Dolloff farm. After the death of his first wife he m., Apr. 21, 1799, Sarah Gordon, and removed to Burroak, Mich., where he d. He had two children by his second wife, whose names are unknown. CHILDREN 102. Elijah, went West with his father. 103. Eben, b. Jan. 20, 1780; d. June 20, 1780. *io4. David, b. Danville, July 26, 1783. 105. Mercy, b, Sept. i, 1785 ; m. Sherburn Tilton, of Sandown ; d. Sept. 20, 1855, ae. 70-0-19. io6. Elizabeth T., b. Dec. 27, 1787; m. Caleb Atwood, of Enfield. (104) David Sanborn, son of Elijah, b. July 26, 1783, was a resident of Bristol from the time his father came here till about 18 1 2, when he removed to the Sanborn farm on the New Hampton side of the Pemigewasset river. He had charge of Ichabod C. Bartlett's potash for some years. He m., Feb. II, 1806, Sally Foot, dau. of Samuel and Sally (Lowell) Foot, b. Amesbury, Mass., May 14, 1784; d. in New Hampton, Oct. 3, 1864, ae. 80-4-ig. He d. New Hampton, Apr. 24, 1862, ae. 78-8-28. CHILDREN 107. Elizabeth, b. Bristol, Mar. 16, 1807 ; m. Oct. 28, 1856, Morrill Dickerson, of Hill, who d. spring of 1882. She d. at home of her brother David, Oct. i6, i88i, ae. 74-7-0. 108. Haunah, b. B., Jan. 31, 1809; m. John L. Sanborn. (See.) 109. William Foot, b. B., Mar. 23, 1811; drowned June 3, 1837, while rafting lumber down the Pemigewasset, ae. 26-2-10. (See Stories and Incidents. ) no. Nancy, b. New Hampton, Jan! 29, 1814; m. July 12, 1832, Jacob Heath, of Franklin. They settled in New Hampton, where he was a farmer, and d. Dec. 14, 1872 ; she d. New Hampton, May i8, 1885, ae. 71- 3-19. Children : a. Sarah A., b. Mar. 25, 1836; m. Hiram P. Ballou. (See.) b. Annette, b. Jan. 4, 1839; m. Edgar A. F. Hammond, Jan. lo, 1858; d. Aug. 5, 1893, ae. 54-7-1. He res. New Hampton. Chil dren: (l) Frank W., b. Oct. 10, 1859; res. New Hampton. (2) Edgar A. F., b. June 11, 1865; d. Nov. 16, 1866, ae. 1-5-5. (3) Henry A., b. Aug. 4, 1871. c. Maria S., b. June 7, 1842 ; m. John R. Swain, Apr. 5, i860 ; d. Sept. 14, 1879, ae. 37-3-7. Seven children. d. Gustavus S., b Jan. 2, 1848 ; d. Nov. i, 1871, ae. 23-9-29. e. Julia K., b. June i, 1852 ; res. num.. New Hampton. ¦»iii. Otis, b. N. H., Aug. 20, 1816. 112. Gustavus Bartlett, b. N. H., Jan. 12, 1819; m. July 4, 1842, Sophronia Maria,- dau. of Moses M. Smith (See), b. May 9, 1822. He 376 HISTORY OF BRISTOL was a farmer in Hill, and there d. May lo, 1845, ae. 26-3-28. She m. (2) William P. Ballou. (See.) Child: a. Henrietta Newell, b. Hill, Oct. 10, 1843 ; m. Everett Chandler, and d. Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 2, 1899, ae. 55-2-22. Child: George Brinton, m.; one child ; res. 922 Ave. D, Bayonne, N.J. 113. Julia M. M., b. N. H., Mar. 3, 1822 ; m. Daniel Kelley. (Sec) 114. Elijah, b. N. H., June 21, 1824; m. Nov. 15, 1849, Mahala K., dau. of James and SaUy (Gordon) Hight, b. New Hampton, Apr. i, 1824. He was a farmer, lumber manufacturer, and brick maker at Profile Falls ; d. No. Main street, Dec. 16, 1900, ae. 76-5-25. She res. No. Main street. No children. 115. David, b. N. H., Nov. 11, 1829 ; m. June i, 1852, Aramentha, dau. of Benjamin and Harnel (Kelley) Gordon, b. New Hampton, Nov. 6, 1830, and d. June 10, 1883, ae. 52-7-4. He succeeded his father on the home farm. Children : a. Sarah Hattie, b. New Hampton, Dec. 2, 1855. Res. with her father, unm. Two sisters d. in infancy. (ill) Otis Sanborn, son of David, b. Aug. 20, 1816, m. Aug. 22, 1840, Lucy Ann Tilton, dau. of Jonathan, b. San down, Nov. II, 1822, and d. Laconia, June 15, i8g8, ae. 75- 7-4. He was a farmer and brick mason, and spent most of his life in Bristol. For thirty-eight years he res. in the Locke neighborhood, where he d. Oct. 19, 1895, ae. 79-1-29. When a young man, for ten years he run rafts of lumber down the river from Moore's Mills to market.-CHILDREN 116. William Jewett, b. Fremont, Mar. 11, 1841 ; m. (i)in 1865, Maria, dau. of Isaac Healey. He m. (2) Cornelia Arabella Grant. In company with his father-in-law, he kept the hotel known as Boars Head on Lake street in the sixties, and res. many years in Plymouth. He served in the 5th Regt., N. H. Vols., in the Civil war and was twice wounded. Dis charged for disability, and later served in 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery. He d. at Soldiers' Home, Tilton, Dec. 25, 1901, ae. 60-9-14. Children, all born in Plymouth : a. Jewett Perley. b. George Tilden. f. Edna. d. Frank. e. Lewis. 117. Julia Maria, b. New Hampton, July 17, 1842 ; d. 1844, ae. 2. 118. Lizzie Harriet, b. N. H., Dec. 4, 1846; m. Oct. 25, 1871, Joseph C. N. Davis. Res. i6 Spring street, Laconia. 119. Daniel Kelley, b. N. H., Dec. 31, 1849; m. Ada Shaddock, b. Canaan. He was for 30 years steward at Eagle Hotel in Concord. He d. Concord, Jan. 3, 1903, ae. 53-0-2. 120. Frank E., b. Plymouth, Sept. 23, 1852 ; m. 1898, Jennie Jay Cox. Is a brick mason in Hartford, Vt. Child : a. Harry June, b. Hartford, Vt., Mar. 17, 1900. 121. Roscoe Elijah, b. Bristol, June 2, i860; m. June 3, 1886, Mary Susan, dau. Joseph and Harriet (Beckford) Clough, b. Dorchester, Jan. 7, 1863. He is a brick mason. Res. Hanover. Child : a. Channing, b. Laconia, Jan. 25, 1890. 122. Elmer Tilton, b. B., Nov. 9, 1862 ; m. Jan. 14, 1887, Emma Archi- baiilt, dau. of John, b. Enosburg Falls, Vt. He is a farmer in Bristol. Child : a. Otis, b. New Hampton, Nov. 21, 1898. GENEALOGIES — SANBORN 377 I. Joseph Sanborn, b. Kensington, Sept. 9, 1 751, was of the fourth generation from Lieut. John, b. England, 1620; through Nathaniel, b. Hampton, Jan. 27, 1766; Richard, b. Hampton Falls, Feb. 27, 1793 ; Moses, b. Kensington, July 12, 1717. Joseph, m. Mary Clough, of DanvUle. They came from Sandown and settled on lot 75 in New Chester, about one mile south of Smith's river, in 1773, and here they rounded out seventy years of wedded life. He d. Mar. 14, 1841, ae. 89-6-5. CHILDREN, all born in Hill 2. Priscilla, b. Jan. 11, 1772 ; m. Corless, and d. in Alexandria. 3. Sarah, b. Feb. 18, 1773. 4. Obediah, b. Mar. 7, 1775 ; m. Sally Moore ; lived in Hill a farmer, and there d.. Mar. 31, 1805, ae. 30-0-24. He was the father of .Tappan, Moses, and Obediah. 5. Polly, b. May 4, 1778 ; m. Joseph Hastings. (See.) 6. Judith, b. Nov. 16, 1780; m. Nathaniel Collins ; d. Webster. -»7. Joseph, b. May 24, 1784. 8. Elizabeth, b. July 29, 1786 ; d. 1797, ae. 11. 9. Reuben, b. June 27, 1791 ; d. Hill, Apr., 1812, ae. 20-10-. »io. Moses, b. July 24, 1795. (7) Joseph Sanborn, son of Joseph, b. May 24, 1784, m. Sally Pearson, dau. of William and Sarah (Jones) Pearson, of Tewksbury, Mass.; b. Sept. 7, 1784, and d. in Bristol, at the residence of her son Gilman, Feb. 9, 1864, ae. 79-5-2. He d. same place, Mar. 24, 1861, ae. 76-10-0. At m., they settled on a farm in the Borough, about one-half mile south of Smith's river, and here their children were b. CHILDREN II. Cynthia, b. Hill, June 19, 1807 ; m. Hosea Ballou. (See.) 12. Mary, b. New Hampton, Apr. 10, 1809; m. (i) Alexander Simon Wolcott, who d. New York city, Nov. 10, 1844. She iri. (2) James Meeker, who d. 1886; she d. at her home on the New Hampton side of the Pemi gewasset river, July 20, 1895, ae. 86-3-10. 13. William, b. Hill, Mar. 20, 1811 ; m. Aug., 1833, Joanna Wells. He d. in Bristol, June 10, 1865, ae. 54-2-20. She d. Mar. 15, 1877. Two children. 14. Reuben, b. H., Dec. 29, 1813 ; lived in Bristol, unm., where he d. Jan. 3, 1840, ae. 26-0-4. *I5. Gilman, b. H., Apr. 5, 1816. (10) Moses Sanborn, son of Joseph, b. July 24, 1795, m. Mar. 2, 1815, Lucy Wells, dau. of Reuben and Priscilla, b. Nov. 8, 1797, and d. Oct. 3, 1843, ae. 45-10-25. He m. (2) Betsey Stevens. He was a carpenter and farmer and spent his last years in the family of his daughter, Mrs. O. F. Morse, in Bristol, where he d. Nov. 27, 1888, ae. 93-4-3- He was a cap tain in the artillery, state militia. CHILDREN 16. Cyrus, b. Sept. 20, 1816 ; d. Nov. 22, 1822, ae. 6-2-2. 17. Mary Jane, b. Hill, Apr. I, 1821 ; m. Eben Eaton. (See.) 378 HISTORY OF BRISTOL i8. Rozilla, b. Mar. 2, 1825 ; d. May, 1839, ae. 14-3-- 19. Eliza Ann, b. June 14, 1831 ; m. Oscar P. Morse. (See.) 20. Catherine, b. Mar. 17, 1834; d. in the family of Eben Eaton in Bristol, Mar., 1848, ae. 14-0-. (15) Oilman Sanborn, .son of Joseph, b. Apr. 5, 1816, m. (i) Apr. 9, 1835, Mary Elizabeth Badger, dau. of Daniel, b. Mai den, Mass., Mar. 8, 1816, andd. Mayg, i85g, ae. 43-2-1. Hem. (2) Widow MorriU, of Bridgewater. She d. Apr. 30, 1866, and he m. (3) Dec. 14, 1868, Ruble Hayward. He was a carpenter and farmer in Alexandria, and, for many years before his death, on the west side of the lake in Bristol, where he d., Mar. 20, 1883, as the result of having one leg nearly severed from his body three days before. He walked on a revolving saw in a saw-miU while snow blind. His age was 66-11-15. CHILDREN 21. Carroll, b. Alexandria, Mar. 5, 1836; m. Clarinda J. Hastings, July 5, 1859. She was dau. of John Hastings (See), b. Jan. 16, 1839. He was a soldier in the 9th Regt., N. H. Vols., and was wounded afAntietam and again at Fredericksburg. Died at Lowell, Mass., of gunshot wound. Children : a. Fred, d. b. Lola, b. before war. c. Ada E., b. during war. 22. James, b. A. ; killed when 18, by accidental discharge of gun while hunting in Lowell, Mass. 23. Mary Elizabeth, killed while young, by the accidental discharge of a gun in the hands of a brother. 24. Charles, d. in infancy. 25. John Gilman, d. in infancy. 26. Henry Augustus, b. Alexandria, Apr. 16, 1847 ; m. 1872, Elvira Straw; divorced ; m. (2) Dec. 12, 1887, Ida May, dau. of Capt. James W. Saunders. (See.) Child: a. Elmer Earl, b. Franklin Falls, May 12, 1896. 27. Julia, b. Bristol, Oct. 26, 1849. Res. Tilton. Unm. 28. Henrietta, b. Alexandria, Sept. 25, 1854 ; m. Samuel Scott Fel lows. (See.) 29. A daughter, b. Bristol ; d. infancy. 30. Anna Donna, b. B., Feb. 16, 1857 ; d. Feb. 26, 1873, ae. 16-0-10. I. Benia Sanborn, son of Zadok, b. Brentwood, Jan. 14, 1759, was of the fourth generation from William, b. England, 1622, through Stephen, b. Hampton, 1671 ; Zadok, b. Hampton, 1707; and Zadok, his father, b. Brentwood, 1733. Benia, m. Lydia Powell and settled in New Hampton, but later came to Bristol and settled in the Locke neighborhood, on the farm where Otis Sanborn lived for many years. She d., Aug. 18, 1845, ae. 7g. CHILDREN 2. William, b. New Hampton, about 1786; m., and had one daugh ter. He was a school teacher for many years. 3. Susanna, b. 1789 ; m. Josiah Fellows. (See.) 4. Anna, b. 1791 ; m. Smith Powell. (See.) GENEALOGIES — SANBORN 379 5. Ruth, b. 1793 ; m. Nathaniel Smith-. She came in possession of her father's farm well stocked ; signed notes to cover her husband's debts contracted before marriage, and d. in poor-house at New Hampton. I. Benjamin Franklin Sanborn, son of Jacob B., was of the sixth generation from William, b. England, 1622, through Stephen, b. Hampton, 1671 ; Zadok, b. Hampton, 1707 ; Zadok, b. Brentwood, 1733; Nathaniel, b. Brentwood, 1768, who lived in New Hampton and Alexandria, and Jacob B., b. New Hamp ton, Feb. 19, 1801. Benjamin F. is supposed to have been born in Alexandria, Oct. 11, 1826. He m., Feb. 20, 1850, Joanna L. Darling, dau. of Ebenezer (See), b. July 20, 1825, and d. Bris tol, Sept. ig, 1891, ae. 66-1-29. He was a farmer on the road to the Locke neighborhood, till after the death of his wife. He d. Alexandria, Apr. 8, 1898, ae. 71-5-27. CHILDREN 2. Infant son, d. Oct. 5, 1851, ae. 6 weeks. 3. Charles E., d. Sept. 24, 1853, ae. 14 months. 4. Orrin D., b. Bristol, 1854. 5. George Selden, b. B., Aug. 2, 1861 ; is a farmer on his father's farm ;• unm. I. SeweU Sanborn was b. in Salisbury, Oct. 16, 1801. He was of the sixth generation from John, b. England, 1620, through John, b. about 1649 ; Tristram, b. 1684; Abraham, b. Kingston, 1717 ; John, b. Kingston, 1741, and Capt. Abraham, his father, b. Sandown, 1759. SeweU m. (i) Nov., 1829, Har riet Bean, who d. Mar. 17, 1847 ; (2) Dec. 5, 1847, Mrs. Phebe Fogg, widow of Thomas, who d. May 7, 1882, ae. 75-4-5- He came to Bristol, 1863, and d. Oct. 30, 1866, ae. 65-0-14. CHILDREN 2. Mary Bean, b. Salisbury, Nov. 18, 1830; m. Joel Gurdy. (See.) 3. Harriet, b. May 19, 1833 ; m. Eben Trask, Salem, Mass.; d. Apr. 21, 1868, ae. 34-11-2. 4. George W., d. at Alexandria, July 28, 1858, ae. 21. 5. William Henry Harrison, b. Sept. 15, 1839 ; m. Apr. 21, 1869, Phedora Elizabeth, dau. of Calvin' Golden; d; she res. New Hampton. (See. ) Children : a. Herman H., b. Alexandria, July 25, 1874 ; res. New Hampton. b. Raymond, b. Hill, Apr. 29, 1876 ; m. Alice Hammond. One child : Katherine. 6. Ira Chase, b. July 29, 1841 ; m. Alberta S. Crowell, and d. in Albany, Vt. 7. Sylvanus, b. June 12, 1843 ; d. unm. 8. Horace, b. May 10, 1845; m.; res. at Franklin; one son. _ 9. Gustavus B., b. Sept. 4. 1848 ; m. Susan Ford, Groton. Divorced. He was a manufacturer of waterproof blacking, babbit metal and rules in Bristol, removed to Ballard, Wash., where he accumulated a property through the rise of real estate, and d. in Dec, 1902, ae. 54-3-- They had two children. . /c> ^ 10. Phebe, b. May 21, 1851 ; m. Louis Rowe. (bee. )- 380 HISTORY OF BRISTOL I. Daniel H. Sanborn, son of Jonathan, was b. Andover, Aug. 7, 1825. He m. (i) Amanda, dau. of Elijah Prescott, of Danbury. He m. (2) Nov. 30, 1871, Mrs. Eliza Ellen Weeks, widow of George W. Weeks and dau. of Joseph Farnham, of Sanbornton, b. Oct. 7, 1837. He was a farmer in Danbury, came to Bristol, October, 1880, and here d. Sept. 28, 1891, ae. 66-1-2 1. I. Calvin D. Sanborn, son of Nathaniel, was of the sixth generation from William, b. in England, 1622, through Stephen, b. Hampton, 1671 ; Zadok, b. Hampton, 1707 ; Zadok, b. Brent wood, 1733 ; Nathaniel, b. Brentwood, 1768. Calvin D. was b. in New Hampton, Sept. 30, 1814. He m. (i) July 15, 1838, Maria Flint, who d. June 19, 1856. He m. (2) Mar. 3, i860, Octavia F. Pattee. He was a farmer in Alexandria till 1884, when he purchased the Samuel Page residence on Pleasant street, and there res. till he d. Aug. 15, i8gi, ae. 76-10-15. CHILDREN 2. Mary E., b. Alexandria, Sept. 15, 1841 ; m. May 31, 1863, Calvin Brown, Alexandria. 3. George Francis, b. A., Oct. 7, 1844; m. Aug. 29, 1868, Ellen A., dau. of James and Octavia P. (Townsend) Pattee, b. Alexandria, Feb. 16, 1848. Came from Alexandria, Jan., 1884. Laborer. Child: a. Julia Octavia, b. Alexandria, July 9, 1876. 4. Julia M., b. A., Apr. 14, 1847; m- Horace Hemphill. (See.) I. William .Sanborn was b. Meredith, Apr. 8, i7gg. He was of the fifth generation from Lieut. John, b. England, 1620, through Nathaniel, b. Hampton, 1666 ; Nathan, b. Hampton Falls, i7og; Nathaniel, b. Hampton Falls, 1737; Stephen, b. Epping, 1772. William m. (i) Rachel Swain, who d. in Bris tol about 1844. He m. (2) Mary Gordon; (3) ¦ Brown, dau. of Josiah. He res. Meredith, New Hampton, in the Locke neighborhood, and in Hill, where he d. about 1875. His last wife d. in Hill. CHILDREN 2. William C, b. 1825 (?); d. in Errol. 3. Noah R., b. 1827 (?) ; left home before the Civil war and was never heard from. 4. Betsey Jane. 5. Stephen Frank, b. Meredith, Nov. 25, 1834; m. Oct. 30, 1859, Mary Jane, dau. of Pattee Gale (See), b. Aug. 24, 1841. They settled in Bristol about 1870 ; farmer on Lake street and Profile Falls. No children. 6. Emeline C, m. Richard Calley. 7. Abby, m. Horatio Chase. I. George Weston Sanborn, son of Laurentine and Laura GENEALOGIES — SANDERS 38 1 (Robinson) Sanborn, was b. Belmont, Nov. 27, 1870. He m., Feb. 5, 1887, Mertie Colby, dau. of John H. and Lizzie M. (Huse) Colby, b. Bristol, Dec. i, 1870. He came to Bristol in 1887, and is an employee at CaUey & Currier's crutch manu factory. No children. THE SANDERS FAMILY I. Warren Albert Sanders, son of Charles G. and Abigail (Ayer) Sanders, was b. Chichester, July 5, 1852. He m., June 4, 1870, Mary Ida, dau. of Edward and Nancy L. (Goss) Edmonds, b. (Chichester, Apr. 27, 1853. They came to Bristol from Franklin, in July, 1887. He was master mechanic in the employ of the Train-Smith company twelve years ; at Middle- town, Ohio, till Apr., igoi ; now employed by Champion Coated Paper company, Hamilton, Ohio. Republican, Mason. CHILDREN 2. Olin Bert, b. Epsom, Oct. 20, 1871 ; m. Jan., 1893, Florence J. Gray. Was an employee at paper-mill. Left Bristol Sept., 1896. Now at Ham ilton, O. 3. Minnie E., b. Chichester, Nov. 30, 1873; m. Jan. 18, 1895, Robert H. Butterworth. He was clerk in Hotel Bristol ; removed to Pinehurst, N. C. 4. Edward Warren, b. Chichester, Dec. 4, 1875 ; m. Sept. 5, 1896, Edith A. E. Hadley, dau. of Charles S. (See), b. July 13, 1879. He is a paper-mill employee, Hamilton, O. Children : a. Edward Warren, b. Chichester, Jan. 25, 1897 ; d. Jan. 30, 1897. b. Robert Arthur, b. Bristol, June 18, 1900. c. Frank Ed-win, b. Hamilton, June 14, 1903. 5. Rena, b. Franklin, June 30, 1881 ; m. Oct. 15, 1899, Benjamin Davis, and res. Sound Beach, Conn. • THE SARSONS FAMILY I. Adelbert E. Sarsons, son of Eleazer L. and Emeline (CampbeU) Sarsons, was b. Nashua, Sept. 30, 1859, and m. LiUer, dau. of Frank W. Mathews, b. Natick, Mass., Jan. 3, 1865. He was a tinsmith in Bristol, Apr., 1898, tiU Aug., 1903, when he removed to Swampscott, Mass. THE SAUNDERS FAMILIES I. Benjamin Saunders was b. in Lisbon, Feb., 1822. He m., June i8, 1851, Priscilla R., dau. of Royal and Mary (Pres cott) Blake, b. Sanbornton, July 29, 1818. He settled in Bris tol 1858, and was a workman in tannery. He served in 12th Regt., N. H. Vols., and ist N. H. Cavalry; was wounded and 382 HISTORY OF BRISTOL captured, and d. in prison at Florence, S. C, Nov. i, 1864, ae. 42-9-. (See RoU of Honor.) She d. Bristol, Dec. 21, 1885, ae. 67-4-22. Methodist, Republican. CHILDREN 2. Emma Jane, b. Lowell, Mass., Nov. I, 1852 ; d. Bristol, Sept. 14, 1875, ae. 22-10-13. 3. Ida Frances, b. L., June 30, 1854 ; m. Charles W. McDaniel. (See.) I. Capt. James William Saunders, son of Joel and Phebe (Scott) Saunders, was b. in Strafford, Jan. 17, 1833, and m. Nov. 7, 1857, Mary Jane, dau. of John and Abigail (Gray) Ackerman, b. .\lexandria, Nov. 30, 1834. She d. Bristol, Jan. 29, 1903, ae. 68-i-2g. Capt. Saunders was a farmer and lum ber manufacturer in Alexandria till i88g, when he purchased the saw-miU where is now the Electric Light plant, and removed to Bristol, and operated same till i8g6.. He has served six years as supervisor of the checklist, and is now serving his third year as first selectman. Capt. Saunders served in the 12th Regt., N. H. Vols., from Aug. 11, 1862, till May 19, 1865,' as sergeant, first sergeant, second lieutenant, first lieutenant and ca'ptain, and was a brave and capable officer. He was in every engagement in which his regiment took part and escaped unscathed, and was never in a hospital a day. At the battle of Drury's Bluff, a Rhode Island battery that had position near the 1 2th Regt. was silenced by the sharpshooters of the enemy. Lieut. Saunders, seeing the situation, took a half dozen of his men, and, assisted by Lieut. E. E. Beede, worked one of the guns and did good execution till the ammunition was exhausted. Two of Lieut. Saunders's men were wounded. For this bravery Capt. Saunders was complimented in General Orders by Gen. B. F. Butler. CHILDREN 2. Alice, b. Methuen, Mass., Feb. 7, 1859; m. Edward M. Perkins; res. Franklin Falls. Child : a. Fred, b. Aug. 18, 1887. 3. Horace William, b. Alexandria, Nov. 18, 1862; m., 1892, Estella, dau. of Alonzo H. and Emeline (Wescott) Twombly, b. Rumney, Dec. 14, 1874. Children : a. Beatrice Florence, b. Bristol, Nov. 30, 1893. b. Mildred Therease, b. Danbury, May 11, 1896. 4. Ida May, b. A., Mar. i, 1866 ; m. Henry A. Sanborn. (See.) THE SAVAGE FAMILY I. Rev. John W. Savage, son of Lorenzo D. and Lucretia Ann (Bates) Savage, was b. Somers, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1837. He m. Georgine Adelaide, dau. of Capt. Tristram and Abigail GENEALOGIES — SAWYER 383 (Lambert) Luce, b. Vineyard Haven, Mass., Oct. 25, 1847. He was pastor of the Congregational church in Bristol, Nov., 1890, tiU Aug. 2, 1902, since which date he has been pastor of a church at Greenfield. (See sketch under Congregational church.) CHILD 2. Ross Eliot, b. Dover, Apr. 6, 1874. He graduated from Bowdoin Medical College in June, 1897. He was three years on medical staff of the Connecticut General Hospital at Middletown, Conn.; six months at Strong's Sanitarium, Saratoga Springs, N. Y., and since, in general prac tice at Attleboro, Mass. THE SAWYER FAMILIES I. Caleb Sawyer came to Bristol from Boscawen in 1816, and res. for many years in the Andrew J. Crocket house on Pleasant street. He was b. June i, 1767, and d. Bristol, Aug. 13, 1837, ae. 70-2-12. He m., Jan. 27, 1790, Susanna HaU, dau. Lieut. Richard Hall. She was b. May 25, 1773, and d. Bristol, Jan. 26, 1843, ae. 69-8-1. She was one of the first members of the Congregational church. CHILDREN 2. Sarah Hall, b. Dracut, Mass., Aug. 7, 1790; m. Robert Smith. (Sec) 3. Richard HaU, b. Pelham, Mass., Nov. i, 1792 ; m. in 1819, Relief, dau. Robert Brown (See), b. Aug. 11, 1804, and d. in Bristol, Dec. 17, i86i, ae. 57-4-6. He was a blacksmith for many years where is now Post-office block, and a farmer on New Chester mountain. Was a prominent man in town and a member of the Congregational church. He d. Bristol, Feb. 26, 1877, ae. 84-3-25. Children : a. Ann Maria, b. Bristol, June 24, 1829 ; m. Albert A. Moulton, M.D. (See.) b. Edward Payson, b. B., July 15, 1840; m. Feb. 2, 1859, Mary, dau. of William R. Blodgett (See), b. July 5, 1842. They res. Bris tol. Child: (i) Harry Edward, b. Feb. 22, 1866; d. Oct. 19, 1874, ae. 8-7-27. c. Susan Hall (adopted), dau. of Alvah Sawyer. She m. Benja min F. Flanders. (See.) 4. Alvah, b. Feb. 7, 1795. He m., Feb. 13, 1826, Elizabeth McMur phy. They removed to Bergen, New York. During a prevailing epidemic the father, mother, and one child died and were all buried in one grave. Two children survived, Susan, b. Buffalo, N. Y., and Catherine. Robert Smith made a journey to New York state by carriage and brought the surviving children to Bristol, and adopted Catherine. She never m.; d. in the family of Robert S. Hastings, in Bristol, Nov. 5, 1884. Susan Hall was adopted by Richard H. Sawyer, as above. 5. Caleb, b. Dracut, Mass., Feb. 12, 1797 ; m. Nov. 5, 1843, Hannah, widow of Joseph Wallace, and dau. Jonas Hastings (See), b. Jan. 24, 1808. He d. Alexandria, July 11, 1871, ae. 74-4-29; she d. same place, Sept. 5, 1853, ae. 45-7-1 1. Child: a. Mary Frances, b. Alexandria, Apr. 11, 1845; m. George M. Bean. (See.) 6. Putnam, b. May 4, 1799. He settled in Canada, where he d. unm. 384 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 7. Henry I., b. May 13, 1801 ; d. Boscawen, July 18, 1817, ae. 16-2-5. 8. Mary, b. July 2, 1803 ; d. at Cambridge, Mass., unm.. May 17, 1832, ae. 28-10-15. 9. Milton, b. Hopkinton, July 27, 1805, and d. Portland, Mich., Aug. 4, 1884, ae. 79-0-7. He m., July 8, 1832, Kesiah Ingalls, dau. of Jonathan (See), b. 1810. She d. Portland, Mich., 1882, ae. 72. No children. 10. Moody Currier, b. H., Oct. 2, 1807. He m., June 15, 1835, Sarah, dau. Robert Brown (See), b. Nov. i, 1809, and d. in Bristol, Feb. 10, 1853, ae. 43-3-9. He practiced medicine in Bristol for a time and then opened a drug store where is now Fowler's east-side drug store. He was a pub lic spirited citizen. He d. Bristol, July 24, 1854, ae. 46-9-22. (See Phy sicians.) Children: a. Moody A., b. Concord, Vt., Apr. 30, 1836. He succeeded his father in the drug business. Served one year as hospital steward in the 3rd Regt., N. H. Vols., at Hilton Head, S. C. He m., at Milwaukee, Wis., July 2, 1865, Annie Maria, dau. of Jonathan L. Prescott (See), b. Aug. 19, 1837. He located at Boscobel, Wis., where he was in the drug business till his death. Mar. 26, 1895, ae. 58-10-26. His wife preceded him only three weeks, dying Feb. 3, 1895, ae. 57-5-14. He was for many years connected -with the public schools, was treasurer of school board at time of death. Child : Annie Ellen, b. Dec. 19, 1869. b. Helen Augusta, b. Bristol, Oct. 20, 1843 ! tn. Ichabod C. Bart lett. (See.) II. Emily, b. Feb. 2, 1810; m. Peter A. Sleeper. (See.) 12. Charlotte Augusta, b. Boscawen, Apr. 5, 1812 ; d. Boscawen, Oct. 2, 1813, ae. 1-5-27. I. Frank Ropes Sawyer is a son of Walter Harris and Sarah Ann (Fifield) Sawyer. He was b. in Woodstock, Jan. 19, 1842, and m., Jan. i, 1870, Olive Melinda, dau. of Albert W. and Hannah Dodge (Felch) Browne, b. Newport, Jan. 22, 1850. He was a foreman in tannery, at Bristol, i868-'8i ; Enfield, i88i-'87, and Salem, Mass., till 1902. Now res. West Somerville, Mass. Republican, Odd Fellow. Official member of Methodist church. CHILDREN 2. Myra Clair, b. Bristol, Apr. 16, 1871 ; a school teacher in Salem ; m. Sept. 4, 1895, Everett W. Durgin, paying teller North End Savings bank, Boston, and president of Lynn District Epworth League. He d. Dec 26, 1901, ae. 30-4-1. Children: a. Dorothy, b. Oct. 31, 1896. b. Eleanor, "I , ,, „ c. Olive, r- ^'''^- ^9' 1899- d. Lura, b. Jan. i, 190^. 3. Mae Frances, b. B., Dec. 7, 1873; m. Nov. 15, 1894, Eugene L. Pack. Children : a. E. Paul, b. Sept. 23, 1897. b. Norman Sawyer, b. Aug. 29, 1900. 4. Prank Roy, b. B., May 25, 1878 ; is discount clerk and note teller in United States Trust Co., 28 Court street, Boston, Mass. 5. Olive Maud, b. Enfield, June 8, 1885; is a music teacher and soprano soloist. GENEALOGIES — SCRIBNER 385 I, Charles H. Sawyer, son of Thomas W. and Mary (Dan forth) Sawyer (See page 131) was b. HiU, June 4, 1862 ; m. Feb. g, 1882, Cora Estelle, dau. of Lieut. George W. Hall, b. Tilton, Sept. 6, 1858. Left an orphan, he made his home with his grandfather, Benaiah Danforth. (See.) He learned the prin ter's art in the office of the Bristol Enterprise, and has worked at his trade at Concord, and in the Government printing-office at Washington, D. C, where he has been for twelve years, four as compositor and eight as proof-reader. Is a Royal Arch Mason and Knight Templar. CHILD 2. Estelle May, b. Concord, Nov. 7, 1884. THE SCRIBNER FAMILY I, George Henry Scribner, son of Lowell and Charlotte (Bean) Scribner, was b, Salisbury, Sept. 17, 1843. He m. Feb. 7, 1873, Olive, dau. of Samuel and Caroline (Sanborn) Sanborn, b. Apr. 10, 1853. Res, in Salisbury, where he was a farmer; a woolen-mill operative in Franklin seventeen years ; paper maker in Newport five years, and since 1893 in Bristol. Methodist, Republican. CHILD 2. George Lowell, b. Jan. 7, 1874 ; d. Nov., 1877, ae. 3-10-. THE SEAVER FAMILY I, Eben Seaver, son of John L. and Fannie (Cone) Seaver, was b. Cornish, July 2, 1849. He m., Dec. 26, 1874, Sarah, dau. of Job A. and Mary E. (Knowles) Gray, b. Jan. 5, 1848, in Alexandria. They came from FrankUn in May, 1883. He was a manufacturer and repairer of carriages. He d. Mar. 6, i8g8, ae. 48-8-4. Served ten years on Bristol police force. CHILDREN 2. Edgar Eben, b. Franklin, Oct. 21, 1875 ; m. Dec. 5, 1898, Eva Rebecca, dau. of Frank D. Sanborn, b. New Hampton, Aug. 6, 1877. Child : a. William Harrington, b. Jan. 13, 1900. 3. Fred Eugene, b. P., July i, 1877 ; m. Jan. i, 1899, EUa May, dau. of Samuel A. and AbigaU H. (Pike) Howard, b. New Hampton, Oct. 4, 1878. Was salesman in store of Weymouth, Brown & Co., now in insur ance business in Burlington, Vt. Child : a. Ruth.Ernstone, b. Bristol, Feb. 9, 1902. Clarence Leon, b. Alexandria, June 10, 1870 ; is a spinner in woolen- mill- ^^ THE SEAVEY FAMILIES I. John Seavey, son of Samuel P. and Judith (Jenness) Seavey, was b. Farmington, Jan. 15, 1832, and m. Feb. 11, 25 386 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 1856, Rebecca J., dau. of Stephen and Betsey (Jenness) Nutter, b. Sandwich, July 8, 1833. He was a farmer in Alexandria till 1881 ; since in Bristol ; in trade on Lake street till 1884. She d. Mar. 5, igoo, ae. 66-g-27. CHILDREN 2. Charles R., b. Alexandria, June 15, 1858; m. Feb. 19, 1896, Ida May, dau. Quincy S. Dustin (See), b. Dec. 25, 1879 ! clerk in his father's store, operative in woolen-mill 15 years ; in North Carolina six months ; laborer in Bristol. Children. a. Clinton Herbert, b. Bristol, Dec. 17, 1896. b. Leslie Walter, b. B., Nov. 13, 1899. c. Agnes Mildred, b. B., Jan. 21, 1902. 3. Edgar A., b. A., May 9, 1862 ; m. Jan. 6, 1883, May E. Nash ; res. Rochester. 4. Arthur W., b. Penacook, vSept. i, 1870; m. June 26, 1895, Minnie Ella, dau. of Hiram P. Ballou (See), b. Dec. 18, 1876. He is an electri cian in Providence, R. I. Children : a. Mona, b. Bristol, Jan. 25, 1896. b. M arian, b. B., May 12, 1897. 5. S. Pvmma, b. Alexandria, Dec. 22, 1874; m. William J. Sullivan. (See.) 6. Lucy M., b. A., Aug. 19, 1877; m. Willard S. H. Remick. (See.) I. Roscoe J. Seavey, son of Amos and Jane (Gray) Seavey, was b. Alexandria, Mar. 27, 1856; m. July ig, 1877, Esther H., dau. Job and Mary E. Gray, b. Alexandria, June 4, 1857; d. Bristol, Apr. 25, 1897, ae. 39-10-21. He was clerk in employ of Charles Boardman, later of Cyrus Taylor, afterwards in office of Dodge Davis Manufacturing Company, and d. Jan. 4, 1890, ae. 33-9-7- I . Allen Jenness Seavey is a son of Andrew Jackson and Aurilla Lovina (Pierce) Seavey. ' He was b. Andover, July 9, 1857, and m. June 27, 1880, Mary Hannah, dau. of Silas H. and Anna B. Chase, b. Groton, Oct. 16, 1862. He was a laborer in saw-mill in Andover ; since 1884, in Bristol, a printer and laborer. CHILDREN 2. Eva Blanche, b. Andover, June 30, 1881 ; m. May 5, 1902, Ethan A. Day. Child : a. Harry Ralph, b. Bristol, May 11, 1903. 3. Vivia I., b. Bristol, Sept. 29, 1885 ; d. Jan. 29, 1887, ae. 1-4-0. 4. Howard Lawrence, b. B., Dec. 28, 1887. 5. Infant, b. and d. July 13, 1890. THE SHATTUCK FAMILY I. Orrin Varnum Shattuck, son of EUab Bennett and Indiana (Spaulding) Shattuck, was b. Brookline, June 30, 1845. He m., Jan. 6, 1872, Mary Ann, dau. of Benjamin and Isabella GENEALOGIES — SHAW 387 (Miller) Ray, b. Canada, May 31, 1843. He was a farmer in Canaan ; from 1886, an operative in woolen-miU in Bristol till he d., Dec. 26, i8go, ae. 45-5-26. She res. Bristol. CHILDREN 2. Charles, b. Canaan, July 9, 1874 ; d. July 18, 1875, ae. 1-0-9. 3. Arthur, b. C, Jan. 23, 1876; d. Enfield, July 14, 1880, ae. 4-5-21. 4. Lottie Belle, b. C, Aug. 14, 1877 ! '^- William G. Robie. (See.) THE SHAW FAMILY I. Ebenezer Gerry Shaw, son of John and Edna (Straw) Shaw, was b. in Sanbornton, Jan. 3, 1830. His grandfather was John, b. 1764, and his great-grandfather, Edward Shaw, one of the original grantees of the town of Hampton, where he was liv ing in 1748. Ebenezer G. m. Dec. 6, 1849, Mary Ann, dau. of Jedediah and Permelia Cole, b. Hill, June 3,- 1827. He was a resident of Bristol, i850-'54; was station agent. He d. San bornton, Jan. 21, 1859, ae. 29-0-18. She res. Tilton. CHILDREN 2. Willis Arthur, b. Bristol, Oct. 22, 1850; m. Dec. 23, 1871, Alice M., dau. of John C. Leavitt, b. Andover, June 22, 1853. He res. East Andover. Children : a. LiU Ethel, b. Manchester, Dec. 23, 1872 ; m. Fred E. Noyes. (Sec) b. Gladys Abbie, b. Andover, Sept. 12, 1889. 3. Edward Everett, b. B., Mar. 24, 1853. A traveling optician ; m. Dec. 2, 1878, Etta Prances, dau. of J. William Johnson. She m. (2) George G. Brown. (See.) He m. (2), and res. East Tilton. THE SIMONDS FAMILIES I. Daniel Simonds, son of John, m. Martha Brown, dau. of Stephen T. (See.) He was a farmer in Bristol and Alex andria, and d. Alexandria, of smallpox, Feb. 16, 1850. She made her home for many years in the family of her daughter, Nancy, in Bristol, and there d. Nov. 14, i8g4, ae. g4-5-2g. CHILDREN 2. Isabella J., b. Alexandria, Mar. 13, 1824; m.John S. Gale. (See.) 3. John Wesley, d. in infancy. 4. Nancy, b. A., Mar. i, 1829 ; m. Solon Dolloff. (See.) 5. Frank L., res. in Tilton. 6. Rebecca, m. Thomas P. Frost, and d. in Manchester. 7. Parker, res. in Tilton. I. Artemas Simonds, b. Alexandria, May 14, 1817 ; m. Hannah McMurphy, dau. of Daniel, b. Alexandria, Aug. 20, 1818. He was a farmer in Bristol and Alexandria, and d. latter place, June 25, 1867, ae. 50-1-11- She has res. many years with her son, Fred W., on Central street. 388 HISTORY OF BRISTOL CHILDREN 2. George Hannibal, b. Alexandria, Dec. 17, 1842 ; res. in Hill. 3. Charles Henry, b. A., June 4, 1844; res. Saint Francis, Minn. 4. Fred Warren, b. Bristol, July 5, 1846. Has been a painter and! paper-hanger in Bristol for many years. Unm. 5. EUen Augusta, b. Alexandria, Mar. 13, 1851; d. unm., Apr. 14, 1875, ae. 24-1-1. 6. Laura Belle, b. A., June 17, 1859 ; d. Nov. 14, 1863, ae. 4-4-27- I, Merrill P. Simonds, son of Thomas and Rhoda (Mer riU) Simonds, was b. in Alexandria, July 16, 1822. He m. July 21, 1846, Ruth P., dau. of Nathaniel Heath (See), b. Nov. 5, 1825, He d. June 26, 1864, in the army, ae. 41-11-10. (See RoU of Honor.) Shem. (2) Charles S. Brown. (See.) CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 2. Annette A., b. May 23, 1847; d. Aug. 29, 1848, ae. 1-3-6. 3. Charies P., b. Mar. 29, 1849. Since 1871, has res. Gold, Cal., where he m., Dec. 15, 1890. Ooe child. 4. Lucina P., b. Sept. 19, 1850; m. Nathaniel N. Walker, and d. Concord, May 5, 1893, ae. 42-7-16. 5. George O., b. Nov. 9, 1856. Since 1876 has res. Gold, Cal. 6. Orrin Alba, b. July 10, 1859; <1. Oct. 5, 1863, ae. 4-2-25. 7. Flora E., b. Nov. 9, 1861 ; m. Albert P. Cate. (See.) 8. Albon M., b. Apr. 24, 1864; m. Aug. 8, 1883, Fannie Etta, dau. of David P. Hoyt. (See.) He res. Bristol. She m. (2) Elwood S. Lou gee. (See.) Children : a. Ora Frank, b. Bristol, May 3, 1885. b. Ethel Estella, b. B., Dec. 24, 1888. THE SIMMONS FAMILY I . George Burton Simmons is the son of George A. and Abby (Piper) Simmons. He wash. Lyme, Apr. 22, 1863, and m. Alice L. (Whicher) Robbins, dau. of John A. Whicher, b. Wentworth, 1854, and d. Wentworth, Aug. 2, 1891, ae. 37. He m. (2) Mertie Belle, dau. of Joseph P. HiU (See), b. Mar. 6, 1874. Came to Bristol from Plymouth in Nov., 1895 ; fireman and watchman at paper-mill of Train-Smith company. Removed to Lincoln, 1902. THE SINCLAIR FAMILY I. Noah L. Sinclair is a son of Noah and Hannah (Cot ton) Sinclair. He was b. Meredith, Nov. 2, 1842, and m. Nov. 16, 1867, Etta, dau. of James S. and Hannah Lawrence, b. Tam worth, Mar. ig, 1845. He has been in Bristol since May, 1894; a teamster. Deacon Free Baptist church. Republican. CHILD 2. Minnie Iva, b. Meredith, Jan. 21, 1875 ; d. in Bristol, July 18, 189S, ae. 23-5-27. GENEALOGIES — SLEEPER 389 THE SLEEPER FAMILIES The Sleepers made the first settlements within the limits of Bristol village, and in the early days of the town were very numerous here. Though the name is not as common now as formerly. Sleeper blood flows in the veins of a very large num ber of her people, and the sons and daughters of Bristol bear ing this name and their descendants are now worthy citizens of many states in the Union. I . The Sleepers of Bristol are the descendants of Thomas Sleeper, b. in England about 1607. He emigrated to this coun try when a young man, and was in Hampton in 1640, where he probably resided till his death, which occurred July 30, 1696, at the age of 89 years. His widow, Joanna, d. in Kingston, Feb. 5, 1703, ae. 80. They had eight children, of whom the sixth was 2, Aaron, b. Hampton, Feb. 20, 1661. He m. (i) Eliza beth Shaw, May 23, 1682 ; (2) Sarah. He d. in Kingston, May 9, 1732, ae. 71-2-ig. He had seventeen children by his first wife and two by his second, of whom the second was 3. Moses, b. Kingston, Feb. 22, 1685. He m., Jan. 9, 1714, Margaret, dau. Capt. Jonathan Sanborn. She was b. Mar. 20, 1698. He d. in Kingston, Jan. 13, 1754, ae. 68-10-21. They had fifteen children, of whom the fourth was 4. David, b. Kingston, Nov. 16, 1721. He m. (i) Nov. 24, 1743, Margaret Scribner, and soon after became one of the first settlers in Sandown. He was a farmer and amassed a large fortune for those days, dividing it among his children as they commenced life for themselves. Though not one of the proprietors of New Chester, he became a large owner of real estate in the town, much of which he deeded to his children as they settled here. "His firm and unshaken government over his numerous family, and his established principle in educating them in virtuous and useful habits was not surpassed by anj^ of his age." He was a prominent member of the Baptist church, and held numerous town offices. "As a military officer he was bold and enterprising, and when the news of the battle of Lex ington reached Sandown he called his company of militia and the cavalry to arms and immediately repaired to Boston to defend his country." He m. (2) Ruth Jenness (James), who was b. Mar. 29, 1735, and d. July 6, 1823, ae. 88-3-7. He d. Oct. 18, 1780, ae. 58-1 1-2. CHILDREN, all supposed to have been born in Sandown »5. Gideon, b. July 25, 1744. -»6. Peter, b. May 28, 1746. (Another record says May 27; another April.) [For (6) see p. 394.] 7. David, b. Sept. 8, 1748 ; took charge of his father's estate, and gave a home to his mother. Removed to Vershire, Vt., where he res. 250: 390 HISTORY OF BRISTOL till the death of his mother, then returned to Sandown. He m. Rachel Tilton, and had four children. 8. Edmond, b. Mar. 17, 1753 ; was" a tailor, m. (i) Mrs. Lydia Colby, (2) Elizabeth Worthen. Res. Chester, and d. June 10, 1838, ae. 85-2-23. One child. 9. Nathan, b. Apr. 12, 1754. Supposed to have commenced a home in Bristol, and d. Sept. 11, 1775, ae. 21-4-29. (See chapter on "First Set tlements in New Chester.") »io. Moses, b. Sept. 4, 1755. [For (10) see p. 401.] II. Margaret, b. Feb. 5, 1757; d. Jan. 13, 1777, ae. 19-11-8. 12. Mary, b. Sept. 22 (29), 1758; m. Theophilus Sanborn. (See.) -»I3. John, b. Apr. 15, 1760. [For (13) see p. 402.] *i4. Daniel, b. Feb. 22, 1762. [For (14) see p. 405.] *I5. Samuel, b. Feb. 14, 1764. [For (15) see p. 407.] 16. David, Nov. 23, 1766 ; d. Aug. 25, 1846, ae. 79-9-2, 17. Jethro, b. Sept. 18, 1767; shoemaker, lived in Corinth, Vt. ; d. Oct. 4, 1843, ae. 76-0-16. 18. Jonathan, b. Feb. 6, 1769; d. Nov. 20, 1775, ae. 6-9-14. 19. Benjamin, b. Jan. 17, 1771 ; m. Betsey HiU, and removed to Comp ton, Lower Canada, where she d., and he m. Anna Harriman, of Ply mouth. He d. Apr. 7, 1838, ae. 67-2-20. 20. Josiah, b. July 14, 1772 ; d.,Apr. 22, 1835, ae. 62-9-8. 21. Ruth, b. Mar. 4(14), 1774; m. James IngaUs. (See.) 22. Nathan, b. Aug. 13, 1777. Carpenter ; settled in Maine. Twelve children. 23. Jonathan, b. Aug. 8, 1780 ; d. May 29, 1805, ae. 24-9-21. Of the above, Gideon, Peter, Nathan (probably), Moses, John, Daniel, Samuel, Mary, and Ruth settled in Bristol. GIDEON SLEEPER AND HIS DESCENDANTS (5) Gideon Sleeper, son of David, b. July 25, 1744, settled in Bristol in 1769, next north of his brother Peter. His log cabin was near where is now the dwelling of F. H. Briggs on High street, and there he remained till 1784, when he moved to Grafton; thence to Kirk hill in Alexandria, where he d. P'eb. 27, 1829, ae. 84-7-2. He m. Sarah Hoyt, of Grafton. An inscription on a tombstone in the Burns cemetery, near his home in Alexandria, reads "Elizabeth, wife of Gideon Sleeper, died Feb. 3, 1815, aged about 65 years." This may have been his second wife ; he m. Aug. 22, 1815, Anna Phillips. CHILDREN 24. Sarah, b. Bristol, Apr. 10, 1770 ; m. Stevens, in Grafton. »25. David, b. B., Dec. 28, 1771. *26. Jonathan, b. B., Oct. 10, 1776. 27. Joseph Hoyt, b. B., Jan. 12, 1778, settled in Grafton, where all his children were b. and where he d. in 1850, ae. 72. Children : a. Benjamin. b. Joseph. e. Dexter. /. Molly. i. Lizzie. j. Diantha. 28. Molly, b. B., Mar. 5, 1781. *30. Gideon, b. Grafton, 1786. (25) David, son of Gideon, b. Dec. 28, 1771, m. Mary WiUiams, of Grafton, (2) Mar. ig, 1815, Elizabeth Simonds, c. 1 John. Matilda. Lettier. d. h. Arnold. Amy. »29 . Peter, b, . B.; , Mar. 7, 1784. GENEALOGIES — SLEEPER 39 1 widow of Jonathan Simonds, who was killed at Battle of Lundys Lane, War of 1812. She was dau. of John Bailey, and was b. Apr. 8, 1 791. CHILDREN 31. Lydia, b. in Grafton and d. in Woburn, Mass., Nov 23 1853 She m. William Prince, Oct. 18, 1827. He was b. in Woburn, Mass., and there d. Jan. 10, 1880. Children : a. Sullivan, b. June 18, 1828, d. at 31. b. Lydia J., b. Sept. 26, 1829 ; d. May 10, 1831, ae. 1-7-14. c. Anna U., b. June 10, 1831 ; d. May 31, 1890, ae. 58-11-21. d. WiUiam H., b. Dec. 10, 1832 ; d. in infancy. e. Eliza J., b. Mar. 4, 1835; nj. May 29, 1872, Lowell W. Cham- berlin, Charlestown, Mass. /. Ellen P., b. May i, 1836; m. George Ware, Waltham, Mass. g. Mariette Williams, b. Nov. 18, 1843 I m- John H. Simonds, Boston. She is a writer of ability. h. William E., b. Dec. 17, 1847, and d. in infancy. 32. Eliza, b. Jan. 18, i8i6, and d. Nov. 25, 1819, ae. 3-10-7. 33. John B., b. Oct. i, 1818, and d. Oct. 22, 1846, ae. 28-0-21, unm. A stonecutter. 34. Jane Caroline, b. Grafton, Jan. 21, 1821 ; m. Aug. 22, 1839, Luther C. Bailey, b. Alexandria, Apr. 13, i8ii. He was a. farmer in Alexandria till 1871, when he removed to Bristol and res. foot of the lake, and here d.^Mar. 4, 1892, ae. 80-10-21. She d. Bristol, Sept. 8, 1874, ae. 53-7-17. Children, all b. in Alexandria : a. Rosilla Simonds, b. Sept. 6, 1841 ; m. Oct. 8, 1859, Charles W. Gould, Manchester, who d. Plymouth, 1886. She m. (2) Jphn BVeck; (3) Apr. 5, 1888, Henry J. Young. She res. Bristol. Child: (l) Florence Julia, b. Manchester, Nov. 26, 1861 ; m. Nov. 26, 1890, Norman L. Hobart ; res. Medford, Mass. b. Caroline Elizabeth, b. July 19, 1844; m. Jan. 22, 1861, Henry H. Bailey, of Alexandria. Children: (i) Carrie Jennie, d. May 6, 1887. (2) Luther Henry, b. Jan. 27, 1870 ; m. June 20, 1892, Flora D. Cass, dau. Daniel. (See.) Farmer in Alexandria. Child: Harry Hobart, b. Apr. 4, 1893. c. Mary Jane, b. May 25, 1846 ; d. June 9, 1857, ae. 11-0-14. d. Martha Ann, b. Oct. 23, 1848 ; m. 1868, Marcellus Bailey ; d. Manchester, Jan. 23, 1881, ae. 32-3-0. *35. David H., b. Alexandria, Mar. 18, 1823. 36. Mary Elizabeth, b. Feb. 25, 1826 ; m. Sept. 24, 1843, Charles Williams, Pepperell, Mass. 37. Gideon C, b. Aug. 3, 1828 ; m. June 21, 1850. He m. (2). Killed by a fall down stairs, breaking his neck. Children : a. John Cummings, b. Concord, Mass., June 13, 1851. b. Henry Lovell, b. C. , Feb. 14, 1853. c. Rosilla EUzabeth, b. Roxbury, Mass., July 18, 1855. *38. Jonathan Randall, b. Jan. 2, 1833. (26) Jonathan Sleeper, son of Gideon, b. Oct. 10, 1776, removed with his parents to Grafton, where he ra. Mary Weare, b. Dec. 5, 1785. She d. Grafton, Mar. 26, 1864, ae. 78-3-21. He is reported to have d. same month. CHILDREN 39. Jonathan Weare, b. Grafton, Mar. 6, 1805 ; m. Hannah Hoyt Mc Murphy, dau. of John T., b. Alexandria, Mar. 7, 1803 ; d. in Alexandria, 392 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Mar. 22, 1874, ae. 71-0-15. He d. No. Chelmsford, Mass., Oct. 10, 1886, ae. 81-7-4. Child : a. Daniel W., b. Ipswich, Mass., Feb. 16, 1838; m. Nov., 1862, Hannah H. Johnson, of Alexandria. She wasib. Pennsylvania, Nov.' 22, 1842-; d. Boston, Apr. 19, 1869, ae. 26-4-27. He ra. (2) Nov., 1872, Sophia Douglass, b. New Brunswick, Nov. 12, 1848. He was a policeman in Boston sixteen years. Res. in No. Chelms ford, Mass., twenty-two years, where he d. Aug. 2, igoi, ae. 65-5-16. Children : ( 1 ) Arthur T., b. Boston, -Apr. 20, 1864 ; d. Apr. 28, 1869, ae. 5-0-8. (2) Laura A., b. B., Nov. 23, 1865. (3) Abbie P., b. B., June 24, 1867 (4) May D., b. Alexandria, May 24, 1874. (5) Hannah H., b. No. Chelmsford, Mass., Apr. 15, 1879. 40. Solomon Sayles, b. Grafton, Aug. 23, 181 1; m. Dec. 27, 1832, Abbie Hoyt McMurphy, dau. John T., b. Alexandria, and d. No. Chelms ford, Mass., Feb. 14, 1898. He d. same place, Dec. 24, 1892, ae. 81-4-1. Children : a. James Foster, b. Alexandria, Sept. 18, 1837; d. Danvers, Mass., June 6, 1893, ae 55-8-18. He m., Jan., 1859, Betsey S. Per- ham, who d. June 6, 1881. Children: (i) Irving Poster, b. Aug. 27, i860; m. Anna S. Gilman, Exeter, May, 1885. (2) Kate, b. Haverhill, Mass., Aug. 28, 1865. b. Hannah Foster, b. Sept. 20, 1841 ; m. Jan. i, 1869, John H. Butterfield, Tyngsboro, Mass., b. July 27, 1847; d. Apr. 18, 1897, ae. 49-8-21. Res. No. Chelmsford, Mass. Children: (i) Abbie Blanche, b. Feb. 18, 1879. (2) May Grace, b. Jan. 27, 1882 ; d. Mar. 13, 1882. (29) Peter Sleeper, son of Gideon, b. Mar. 7, 1784, m. Apr. 24, 1806, Sally Atwood, dau. David, b. Alexandria, Dec, 1788, d. in Alexandria, Dec, 1885, ae. 97-0-. He d. Apr. 9, 1870, ae. 86-1-2. A farmer in Alexandria. CHILDREN, all born in Alexandria »4i. Caleb, b. Jan. 10, 1807. 42. Ruth, h. Feb. 3, 1809 ; m. Alva Phillips ; d. July 29, 1885, ae. 76-5-26. 43. Peter, b. Aug. 22, 1811 ; m. Weltha Bowen Corliss, dau. John, b. Alexandria, Aug. 17, 1817. He d. Alexandria, May 11, 1883, ae. 71-8-19. Was selectman and twice represented his town in legislature. Children : a. James M., m. Lettie A. Harriman ; res. in Chicago, 111. b. John Marshall, m. Clara S. Merrill, and res. Newbury, Vt. c. Marcus Olando ; m. Minnie E. Vose ; res. Norwood Junction, N. Y. 44. James M., b. July 3, 1815 ; d. Lowell, Mass., Mar. 10, 1838, ae. 22- 8-7- 45. Joanna C, b. Aug. 14, 1818; d. Jan. 27, 1832, ae. 13-5-13. 46. Isaac N., b. Mar. 6, 1822, enlisted in the United States array about 1852, and supposed to have been killed by Indians in Oregon. 47. Sarah B., b. Dec. 8, 1825 ; m. Apr. 7, 1852, Miles Hodgdon. She d. June 26, 1885, ae. 59-6-18. Children : a. Charles G., b. Apr. 7, 1853; m. Mar. 10, 1878, Abbie N. Sparks, b. Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 17, 1859. Res. Council Bluffs, Iowa. He is general agent Walter A. Woods M. & R. M. Co. Two children. b. George S., b. Nov. 20, 1854 ; settled in Boise City, Idaho. 48. Sylvester B., b. July 28, 1828; m. Oct. 10, 1858, Mary L. VerriU, dau. Joseph, b. Alexandria, Sept. 28, 1832, and d. Aug. 12, 1889, ae. 56- 10-14. No children. GENEALOGIES — SLEEPER 393 (30) Gideon Sleeper, son of Gideon, b. 1786, m. in 1823 (1824), Mrs. Margaret StribUng, b. Georgia, Jan. 2, 1793, d. Liberty, Miss., Jan. 21, 1864. He was a trader and farmer in Liberty, where he d. Sept. 17, 1838, ae. 52. CHILDREN 49. Martha, b. Liberty, Nov. 23, 1825 ; m. Van F. Swearingen, and d. Dec. 27, 1883, ae. 58-1-4. Two children. 50. Cloriuda B., b. L., Aug. 27, 1827 ; m. Robert Torrence, by whom she had three children. He d. and she m. (2) John Morgan, by whom she had four children. He d. ; she res. in Waco, Texas. 51. Gardner Southworth, b. L., Jan. 17, 1829; m. Nancy Daniels. Children : Gideon, Emma and Hoyt. He m. (2) Isadore Cansey. He d. She and children res. Waco. 52. Pabens Hoyt, b. L., May 20. 1830 ; m. 1850 or '51, Clara, dau. Rev. J. C. Chamberlainn, president of Oakland College. She d. 1856, leaving three children, and he m. (2) 1858, Pattie Markham, by whom he had three children. He graduated with distinction from Oakland College in 1848 ; at the age of twenty-one was elected to the Mississippi legislature, and there distinguished himself. An old line Whig he opposed vigorousl)' the secession of his state, but when she voted to go with her sister states, all his means and talents were used in the service of the South. In 1868, he removed to Waco, Texas, where he was elected judge, and where he d. June 19, 1881, ae. 51-0-29. His family res. Waco. Children : a. Jerry C, b. Jan. 24, 1853; a farmer in Waco; m. 1881, Shaw. Six children. 1^. John, b. Dec. 12, 1854; in boot and shoe trade, Waco, for twenty-five years ; m. 1881, McMuUer. No children. c. Clara, b. 1856; m. 1881, John Norris, and d. 1886, ae. 30. No children. d. Susie M., a teacher in city schools, Waco. e. William Markham, b. Liberty, Oct. 9, 1859 ; m. Apr. 26, 1892, Laura Risher. Children: (i) Benjamin Risher, b. Waco, Dec II, 1894. (2) Martha Margaret, b. W., May, 1896. (3) Alethia Holbert, b. W., Nov. 26, 1898. (4) William Markham, b. W., Nov. 30, igoo. /. Lucy, m. R. P. Gribble, cashier First National Bank, Waco. Three children. g. Thomas M., m. Miss Lockard,of Clarksville, Tenn. He is a grain merchant in Waxahachie, Texas. Four children. h. Van, d. young. 53. Julia, b. Nazoo Co., Miss., Aug. 18, 1832 ; m. Dec. 25, 1851, Wil liam P. Anderson. Res. Liberty, Miss., till 1885, then removed to Glos- ter, Miss. Nine children, three deceased. 54. Lewis Gideon, b. Liberty, May 16, 1835 ; m. Imogene Eggleston. He served in Southern army, and was wounded in head. After his return home had a minie-ball and a piece of his hat taken from the wound. He d. three years later, Dec. 2, 1866, ae. 31-6-16. No children. 55. Arminda, b. Jan. 8, 1837 ; m. Stephen Barbie. She d. Jan., 1870, ac 43-0-. He deceased. Children, living in Merrick, La. : Mrs. W. T. Coyle, Mrs. Frank Tessier, Eugene Henry. (35) David H. Sleeper, son of David, b. Mar. 18, 1823, m. May 20, 1850, Sarah Cloutman, b. Alexandria, Oct. 26, 1832. He res. in Alexandria tUl about 1870, when he purchased 3g4 HISTORY OF BRISTOL a farm on the old Turnpike near the foot of the lake. Farmer and speculator. Now res. No. Bristol. CHILDREN 56. Etta Pierce, b. Mar. 31, 1851 ; m. (i) James D. Follansbee, (2) Wm. H. Folsom, (3) Chris Meng. (See.) 57. John FrankUn, b. Dec. 3, 1852 ; d. Nov. 8, 1863, ae. 10-11-5. (38) Jonathan R. Sleeper, son of David, b. Jan. 2, 1833, m. Jan. 20, 1858, Emma Bailey, dau. Daniel, b. Alexandria, Nov. 2, 1843, and d. Bristol, Mar. 17, i88g, ae. 45-4-15. He was foreman of tannery many years ; a farmer and had charge of the Bristol Water Power Company's dam at outlet of the lake, residing in its house, and had charge of the state fish hatchery ; now farmer in Bridgewater. CHILDREN 58. Oscar Fowler, b. Alexandria, Apr. 25, i860; m. Oct., 1883, Alma, dau. Roswell Blake. (See.) Farmer in Bridgewater. She m. (2) Albion A. Veasey. (See.) Child: a. Oscar Blake, b. Sept. t8, 1884 ; d. Dec. 23, 1884. 59. Susan Ivanette, b. Bristol, Mar. 6, 1868 ; m. Dec. 24, 1896, Orrin S. Gray. She was school teacher ten years. Res. Bridgewater. Chil dren : a. Sarah Emeline, b. Bristol, June 16, 1899. b. Helen Belle, b. Bridgewater, Aug. 6, 1901. (41) Caleb Sleeper, son of Peter, b. Jan. 10, 1807, m. Oct. 26, 1828, Eliza Smith, dau. Christopher, b. in Grafton. Farmer in Alexandria, where he d. July 13, 1854, ae. 47-6-3. CHILDREN 60. George W., b. Alexandria, Mar. 12, 1831; m. Sept. 6, 1848, Eme line, dau. Roby Prescott, b. Grafton, Mar. 4, 1829. He went to California about 1855, was there two or three years, and then started for home across the plains with a few companions, and never was heard of after. Supposed to have been killed, by Indians. Children : a. Isabelle, b. Danbury, Nov. 22, 1849 ; m. Mar. 19, 1865, Augus tus G. Russell, b. Springfield, Feb. 11, 1842. Three children. b. Francis M., b. Danbury, May 10, 1852; m. Aug. 18, 1873, Flotila, dau. Alonzo Barden, b. Springfield, Dec. 14, 1858. Res. Grafton. Four children : PETER SLEEPER AND HIS DESCENDANTS (6) Col. Peter Sleeper, son of David, b. May 28, 1746, evidently first came to Bristol in 1768, and commenced to clear land for a farm. On the 29th day of May, 1769, his father gave him a deed of Lot 63, First Division, where he had been mak ing improvements. He built a log cabin directly in front of the present residence of Mrs. Solon S. Southard on High street, on the west side of the highway. Tradition says he was m. about 1770, and in the fall of 1771, brought his wife here who rode from Sandown, horseback, carrying in her arms her firstborn. GENEALOGIES — SLEEPER 395 He was the first settler within the limits of Bristol viUage. He was a justice of the peace, and for fifty years was prominent in town affairs. In 1800, he was in command of the 14th Regiment of militia, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. At some time previous to 1800, he erected a commodious frame house and here for many years he kept tavern. At his house, during the Revolutionary war, were held several town meetings, to act on matters of importance connected with that struggle. Col. Sleeper served at least one enlistment in the Continental army. (See New Chester in the Revolutionary War.) He was a man of fine presence, stout, erect and every inch a gentleman. He m. Mary, dau. of Daniel Sanborn, b. Kensington, Sept. 23, 1751, and d. Bristol, Oct. 27, 1834, ae. 83-1-4. He d. Bristol, Sept. II, 1826, ae. 80-3-13. CHILDREN, all except first born in Bristol «6i. Peter, b. Sandown, July 29, 1771. 62. Daniel, b. Mar. 17, 1773; m. Ruth Tilton, and settled in Vermont. §63. Nathan, b. Sept. 27, 1775. »64. Moses West, b. Dec. 24, 1777. 65. Sherburn Tilton, b. Oct. 11, 1779; m. Elizabeth Cummings, of Hebron, Pub. July 3, 1802. He was last taxed in New Chester in 1809. Tradition says that he had a family, but deserted them and went South ; was supposed to have d. in Louisiana. The family had name changed to Montgomery, and res. in New York state. One son, Romanzo War wick, went to New Orleans. A daughter m. Evans, and lived in Belmont. She had two children ; one, a son, was adopted by Romanzo on condition that he change his name to Sleeper, which he did. »66. Sanborn, b. Dec. i, 1781. 67. Anna, b. Aug. 12, 1783; m. Ichabod C. Bartlett. (See.) ¦S68. David, b. June. 16, 1785. 69. Abraham, b. June 16,1787 ; m. Tolford ; removed to Elba, N. Y., and there d. No children. -JV70. Jonathan E., b. Aug. 6, 1789. 71. Mary, b. Mar. 25, 1793 ; m. Dr. Daniel Favor. (See.) (61) Peter Sleeper, son of Col. Peter, b. July 29, 1771, m. Molly Burpee. He was a farmer on Bridgewater hiU, in Orford, and in Bristol. CHILDREN 72. Jonathan, b. Mar. 11, 1800; d. young. 73. Molly, b. June 2, 1802 ; d. at Orford, unm. 74. Hannah, b. May 2, 1805 ; d. Bristol, July 9, 1837, unm., ae. 32-2-7- 75. Thomas Christie, went to Millport, N. Y., where he m. and had a family, and where he and his wife both d. „ . , / c^ ^ 76. Nancy, b. Bristol, May 10, 1809; m. Sherburn S. Worthen (See.) 77. Peter A., b. Apr. 20, 1811 ; m. Oct. 14, 1834, Emily S. Sawyer dau. Caleb. (See.) He was in business as a blacksmith, with Richard H. Sawyer in building standing on site of Post-office block ; in Oct , i»50, emigrated to Grand Rapids, Mich. He d. Apr. 21, 1880, at Sparta, Mich., ae. 69-0-1, and she made her home with her only Imng dau., Mrs. Wylie. Children : a. Emily Henrietta, b. Itjeredith, Apr. 18, 1836 ; m. Nov. 27, i860, Kent Seaman, Newaygo, Mich.; d. Sparta, Mich., Sept. 27, 1873, ae. 37-5-9. 396 HISTORY OP BRISTOL b. Clara Belle, b. Piermont, Apr. 9, 1840; d. Piermont, May 4, 1842, ae. 2-0-25. c. Susan Claribel, b. Bristol, May 5, 1844 ; d. Feb. 10, 1846, ae. 1-9-5- d. Annie Maria, b. B., Feb. 14, 1846; m. Mar. 4, 1866, William Delancy Wylie, b. Madison Co., N. Y., Sept. 30, 1845. They res. Elmira, Otsego Co., Mich. Children: (i) Ernest Sleeper, b. Sparta, June i, 1867. (2) Ira Clark, b. S., June 29, 1872. (3) Clyde Avery, b. S., Sept. 10, 1876. (4) Mary Emily, b. S., Apr. 21, 1879. e. Milton Henrie, b. B., Oct. 21, 1849; m. in Sparta, 1876, Fidelia Snyder, and settled in Grand Rapids, Mich. 78. Benjamin, m. and settled in Orford. 79. Jonathan, m. and settled in Orford. 80. Nathan, m. and settled in Nashua. (63) Nathan Sleeper, son of Col. Peter, b. Sept. 27, 1775, m. 1799, Fanny or Frances Jones, of Portsmouth. They res. on New Chester mountain, where he d. July 22, 1855, ae. 79- g-25. She d. Feb. 28 (18), 1848, ae. 74-3-5. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 81. Sherburn Tilton, b. Sept. 27, 1799 ; d. Nov. 11, 1841, unm., ae. 42-1-14. -yc82. Sanborn, b. Aug. 13, 1801. -»83. Nathan, b. June 18, 1803. 84. Elizabeth, b. July 6, 1805 ; m. Jan. 13, 1825, Gideon D. Wheeler. She d. Boston and was interred in Sleeper burying-ground on New Ches ter mountain. Children given a home in family of Nathan Sleeper : a. Harriet D., b. June 5, 1825; d. Lowell, Mass., Aug. 17, 1850, ae. 25-2-12. b. Ai, d. in Boston. 85. Son, b. Oct. I, 1807 ; d. same day. 86. Olive, d. Aug. 9, 1809, ae. seven months. 87. Polly, b. Nov. 10, i8u ; d. Sept. 14, 1818, ae. 6-10-4. *88. Jonathan Emerson, b. Feb. 16, 1813 (14). 89. Daughter, b. May 16, 1816 ; d. May 17, 1816. 90. Mary, b. June i, 1819; m. Oct. 16, 1842, Thomas Shepard Shaw, b. Holderness, Apr. 3, 1821, and res. LoweU, Mass. Shed. Manchester, May 31, 1896, in family of Sherburn Sleeper, ae. 76-11-30. Children : a. Thomas Pierpont, b. Holderness, Sept. 27, 1843; m. Apr. 5, 1876, Carrie Maria Stephenson, dau. Rev. William S., b. Montville, Me., Sept. 20, 1850; d. Sept. 11, 1895, in Lowell, where he is a practicing physician. Children: (i) Frederick Pierpont, b. Lowell, June 13, 1877. (2) Annie, b. L., Feb. 23, 1880. b. Harriet Letina, d. Aug. 29, 1848, ae. o-5-2i. c. Mary Lizzie, d. Sept. 4, 1850, ae. 1-4-21. (64) Moses W. Sleeper, son of Col. Peter, b. Dec. 24, 1777, m. Mar. 16, 1802, Ruth, dau. Lieut. Samuel Worthen (See), b. Feb. 14, 1783. He .settled on a farm near the Dan forth brook in the Hall neighborhood ; was a soldier in the War of 1812; resided a short time in Alexandria and about 1832, removed to Hermon, Me., where he d. Dec. 25, 1845, ae. 68- o-i. She d. Nov. 17, 1840, ae. 57-9-3. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol *9i. Levi H., b. Mar. 10, 1803. 92. Hannah Van, b. July 26, 1805 ; m. Jonathan H. Moore. (See. ) GENEALOGIES — SLEEPER 397 93. Sally, b. Feb. 27, 1807; m. (i) Isaiah Emerson, (2) Jonathan Emmons. (See.) 94. Marcia, b. Dec. 26, 1809 ; m. Jonas R. Hayward. (See.) 95. Mary Lucia, b. May 5, 1812 ; m. (i) Dec. 4, 1835, Cyrus Fletcher, (2) --- Fletcher, both of Bridgewater, and d. in Bridgewater, Apr. 11, 1878, ae. 65-11-6. 96. Francis M., b. June 24, 1815 ; m. Jane Clark, of Hermon, Me., and had five sons and two daughters. He d. in Bangor, Me., 1885, ae. 70. 97. Anna B., b. Dec. 26, 1819; m. (i) James Clark, of Hermon, Me. One son, Lauren. She m. (2) Nathaniel Eaton, of Hermon. Three chil dren, one son and two daughters. She d. in Hermon, May 13, 1854, ae. 34-4-17- 98. Augusta Jane, b. Oct. 27, 1823. She m. Capt. William Gordon, Oct. 5, 1843. He was b. in Holderness, Apr. 11, 1821, and was the son of Simeon L. and Ruth (Cheney) Gordon, and grandson of Capt. William Gordon of the Revolutionary army. He served as captain in the 14th Regt., N. H. Vols., Civil war. She d. Canaan, Mar. 21, 1897, ae. 73-4-24. He res. with his son, Hon. George H. Gordon, Canaan. Children : a. Charles Sleeper, b. Holderness, Nov. 8, 1844. b. Frank L., b. H., Jan. 3, 1846; d. Aug. 9, 1847, ae. 1-7-6. c. Clemma A., b. Suncook, Oct. 5, 1847. d. Frank L., b. Holderness, May 10, 1849. e. Willie, b. H., Mar. 10, 1853. /. Mary PiUa, b. H., Oct. 27, 1855; d. Apr. 8. 1876, ae. 20-5-11. g. Ella A., b. H., May 2, 1857 ; d. Aug. 28, 1859, ae. 2-3-26. h. George H., b. Sept. 27, 1859; res. Canaan; was member of N. H. senate in 1899. (66) Sanborn Sleeper, son of Col. Peter, b. Dec. i, 1781, m. (i) Sally McKean, pub. June i, 1802. She d. Nov. 6, 1803, and he m. (2) Polly McKean, who d. Oct. 7, 1807. CHILDREN 99. Hiram, b. Bristol, Feb. 17, 1803 ; m. June 16, 1831, Mary, dau. of Dudley Leavitt, b. Grantham, July 12, 1804; d. Plainfield, June 20, i88i, ae. 76-11-8. He d. Plainfield, Dec. 2, 1870, ae. 67-9-15. Children : a. Hiram Lewis, b. Grantham, July i, 1832. He graduated from Dartmouth College, 1857, read law and settled in New York city ; d. May 31, 1864, ae. 31-10-30. b. Hubert, b. G., Jan. 13, 1835; graduated from Dartmouth Medical School in 1859, and located Grantham. Was assistant sur geon in i6th Regt., N. H. Vols. After the war removed to Meri den, where he practiced till 1890, when he retired. Never m. c. Hannah Leavitt, b. Aug. 31, 1839 ; m. Aug. 26, 1873, Edgar A. Cohant, son of Nathan, and res. Dorchester. d. Mary Elizabeth, b. G., June 22, 1844. Unm. 100. John McKean, b. B., Jan. 8, 1805. Res. Elba, N. Y. One son, set tled in Kansas. (68) David Sleeper, son of Col. Peter, b. June 16, 1785, m. Susan Harriman, who d. Bristol, May 11, 1849, ae. 61-7-21. He was last taxed in Bristol, 1818; d. Canaan, Sept. 12, 1863, ae. 78-2-26. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol loi Walter Harriman, b. Feb. 10, 1808. He went South, was in trade in Mississippi in 1836. During the war lost all his property by a Union raid. Was m., had several children, and d. during the war. 398 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 102. Nehemiah Snow, b. June i8, 1810 ; m. in 1835, Julia McConnell, dau. of Hon. David Moulton, b. Floyd, N. Y., May 15, i8i8. He d. Floyd, F'eb. 3, 1886, ae. 75-7-15. Children : a. Cesarine Metz, b. Feb. 5, 1837 ; m. Hon. Eaton J. Richard son, a lawyer of Utica, N. Y.; d. July 28, 1869, ae. 32-5-23. A son, Everett Sleeper Richardson, res. New Orleans, La. b. Da-vid Moulton, b. May 12, 1839; m. Apr., 1871, Annie Thayer, of Amsterdam, N. Y. Children: (i) Walter Thayer, b. Amsterdam, May 12, 1872. (2) William Ernest, b. Aug., 1875. (3) Mary Ingalls, b. June, 1882. c. Prudence Moulton, b. Rome, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1843 ! "n- Nov. 24, 1870, William A. Davies, merchant, now of New York. Child : (l) William Everett, b. Jan. 11, 1872. 103. Jane Bartlett, b. July 30, 1813 ; m. Simeon H. Wadleigh. (See.) 104. John Weston, b. Feb. 10, 1815 ; went to New York state and m. Charlotte Spriggs, dau. of John, b. England. Children : a. WiUiam, was drowned in the Tennessee river during the Civil war. b. Hannibal, is supposed to be living in the South. c. Maria. 105. Charlotte Pearson, b. Sept. 8, 1820; ni. June 29, 1840, James M. Davis, b. Concord, Jan. 31, 1820, and d. Canaan, ' Sept. 28, 1872, ae. 52- 7-27. She d. Canaan, Feb. 24, 1901, ae. 80-5-16. a. Horace Lyman, b. Holderness, Feb. 16, 1841. b. Walter Sleeper, b. Bristol, Feb. 2, 1843 I res. Canaan Street. c. Frank Weston, b. Sanbornton, Dec. 27, 1844. Res. Minneapo lis, Minn. d. James Scott, b. Boscawen, Mar. 11, 1847. Res. Providence, R. I. e. Charles Edward, b. Concord, Apr. 27, 1849, and res. Canaan Street. f. George Henry, b. Nov. 9, 1851. g. Ellen Caroline, b. Hartford, Vt., May 5, 1854. 106. Jonathan Knight, b. Apr. 20, 1823 ; went to New York, thence to Canada, where he d., leaving one son, David. 107. Mary Crawford, b. Sept. 7, 1827 ; m. Gustavus W. Ingalls. (See.) (70) Jonathan E. Sleeper, son of Col. Peter, b. Aug. 6, 1789, m. Adelia Aurelia Sweep, Apr. 24, 1826, in Bellville, C. W., whither he went at the age of 17. He d. in the famUy of his son, William, in Concord, Jan. 24, 1873, ae. 83-5-18 ; she d. in New Jersey, July, 1887. CHILDREN 108. Mary Ann, b. Bellville, Jan. 10, 1828. 109. Jonathan W.,b. B., Jan. 7, 1831 ; d. Nov. 11, 1834, ae. 3-10-4. 110. Abraham P., b. Apr. 22, 1833 ; res. in Partello, Mich. III. Adelia A., b. Jan. 31, 1835; m. Charles Littlefield. Res. Eaton- town, N. J. 112. William A., b. Bellville, Mar. 31, 1837; m. Nov. 22, i860, Laura E., dau. of Ephraim and Sarah Lamprey, b. Alexandria, June 19, 1843. Res. in Concord. Children : a. Carrie Idella, b. in Concord, Aug. 20, 1862 ; m. Dec. 2, iSSs, Fred N. Ladd. b. Etta Frances, b. C, Mar. 18, 1869. 113. Letitia M., b. B., June 19, 1839; d. young. GENEALOGIES — SLEEPER 3gg 114. Josephine Victoria, b. June 4, 1841; m. Griffith, and res. Three Rivers, Mich. 115. Jonathan W., b. Oct. 14, 1842 ; m. Anna T. Hurd, and d. in Wolfe boro. 116. Charles Wellington, b. Feb. 28, 1846; m Oct. 20, 1868, Clemen tine Thompson, b. Ashland, June 14, 1846. Res. Franklin. Children : a. Alvah Guy, b. Oct. 23, 1872. b. Fred Asa, b. May 14, 1876. 117. Andrew A., b. Bellville, Jan. 12, 1848. Res. Nickerson, Kan. 118. Peter, b. B., Oct. 10, 1851 ; d. June 26, 1852. (82) Sanborn Sleeper, son of Nathan, b. Aug. 13, 1801, d. in Manchester, Mar. 17, 1866, ae. 64-7-4. Hem. Hannah Gillis, Jan. 17, 1833, She was b. in Bedford, Apr. 25, 1810, and d. in Merrimack, Mar. 15, i8g2, ae. 81-10-20. CHILDREN 119. Son, b. and d. Oct. 18, 1834, Nashua. 120. EUen, b. N., Jan. 26, 1836 ; m. John P. Wheeler, and res. at Reeds Ferry. 121. Cornelia, b. Hudson, Jan. 3, 1838; d. Apr. 26, 1842, ae. 4-3-23. 122. Edwin, b. H., Jan. 12, 1840; m. and res. in Chester, Pa. Chil dren : a. Lottie. b. Josiah. c. Elmer. 123. Josiah Graves, b. H., Jan. 26, 1842 ; d. Manchester, Jan. 25, 1862, from swallowing a cent 12 or 15 years before, ae. 19-11-29. 124. Nathaniel B., b. Hooksett, Apr. 13, 1844; m. Fannie Allen, of Lowell. Child : a. Gertie. Res. in Fitchburg, Mass. 125. Sherburn Tilton, b. H., May 7, 1846; m. EUen M. Taber, Alle ghany City, Pa. Child : a. Lillian M. Res. Manchester. 126. Nathan Allen, b. H., Dec. 9, 1850; m. Helen Chase, of Vermont. Children : a. Flora. b. Fanny. c. Edna. Res. Manchester. 127. Arthur L., b. H., Jan. 3, 1852 ; d. Manchester, Sept. 10, 1855, ae. 3-8-7. (83) Nathan Sleeper, son of Nathan, b. June 18, 1803, m. Jane W., dau of John and Hannah (Wheeler) Evans, of HiU, b. Unity, July r, 1816. He settled in Alexandria and carried on the George mills tiU about 1845, when he removed to Bristol and settled on a farm on New Chester mountain, where he d. Feb. 28, 1854, ae. 50-8-10 ; she spent her last years with her daughter, Mrs. George S. Merrill, in Iowa, and d. June 27, i8g2, ae. 75-11-26. CHILDREN 128. Twin daughters, b. Alexandria, Jan. 15, 1840 ; d. Feb. 1840. 129. Mary Prances, b. A., Feb. 15, 1841 ; d. in Bristol, May 17, i860, ae. 19-3-2. 130. Agnes J., b. A., Sept. 21, 1844; m. George S. MerrUl. (See.) 131. Eri, d. Aug. 15, 1846. 132. Curtis, b. Jan. i, 1847; d. Feb. 12, 1847. 133. Sylvanus I., b. Bristol, May 22, 1848; m. Mar. 29, 1869, Lilla 400 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Viola, dau. of Anson H. and Jane H. Sutton, of Chickasaw Co., Iowa, who was b. Sept. 15, 1852, in Ontario, N. Y. He went to Iowa in 1863, and engaged in the sale of farming implements and now res. Canova, South Dakota. Child : a. Daisy Alice, b. Watertown, Wis., Sept. 9, 1875 ; d. Aug. 28, 1894, ae. 18-H-19. 134. Eugene W., b. B., Mar. 10, 1850.' He went to Iowa in 1864, and Feb. 19, 1880, m. Belle, dau. of William and Catherine Ijams, b. Mar. 7, 1859, in Logan, Iowa. Locomotive engineer on St. Paul and Sault St. Marie Ry. Res. Minneapolis, Minn. Child : a. George Merrill, b. Minneapolis, Dec. 6, 1884. 135. Milan E., b. B., Feb. 20, 1852 ; m. June 15, 1879, Jennie L. Hatcher, dau. George and Amelia I. (Phillips) Hatcher, b. Oct. 15, 1855, in Portage, Minn. He left Bristol in June, 1868; has been for 19 years superintendent of sewers in Minneapolis, Minn. Res. 2,205 i7tb Ave, A. L. Children: a. Paul Emmons, b. Nov. 30, i888. b. Agnes Jane, b. Aug. 31, 1889. (88) Jonathan E. Sleeper, son of Nathan, b. Feb. 16, 1813 (14), m. Hannah O., dau. of Peter and Bessie (Cate) Ackerman, b. Dover, May 28, 1824, who d. in Bristol, May 12, 1855, ae. 30-1 1-14. He m. (2) Rachel C. Ackerman, sister of first wife. He d. in Bristol, May 10, 1868, ae. 55-2-24. She m. (2) Dimond G. Wells, of Rumney. CHILDREN 136. Loring Curtis, b. Apr. 9, 1847. He m. Emma Hadley, and d. in Lowell, Sept. 6, 1876, ae. 29-4-27. Children : a. Ethel Enna. b. Grace. 137. Enna Annette, b Bristol, Nov. 5, 1849 ; m. Nov. 5, 1868, Joseph Emery Hastings, and res. in Boston, Mass. She d. Boston, Mar. 23, 1898, ae. 48-4-18. 138. Hannah Otis, d. July 18, 1855, ae. 2 mos., 24 days. (91) Levi H. Sleeper, son of Moses W., b. Mar. 10, 1803. He m., Oct. 4, 1827, Lydia A., dau. of Nathaniel and Anna (Wilkins) Merrill, b. Deering, Oct. 13, 1809. At m. he set tled in Alexandria ; was in Bristol i839-'4o; returned to Alex andria ; removed to Manchester in 1843, where he had charge of a department on a corporation ; was member of city coun cil two years and of the legislature two years ; was a class-leader in Methodist church thirty years. "He was an exemplary man and had the respect and esteem of the people." He d. Jan. 30, 1877, ae. 73-10-20. She d. Dec. 4, igoo, ae. gi-i-21. "Her long life was a continuous career of usefulness." CHILDREN 139. Mary L., b. Alexandria, July 2, 1828; was 24 years a teacher in the public schools of Manchester, where she now res. 140. Harriet K., b. A., Dec. 8, 1829 ; m. 1854, Edward Prime, of Man chester, who d. in 1870. Children : a. George E., b. 1857; res. Manchester. b. Arthur M., b. 1880; res. Watertown, Wis. GENEALOGIES — SLEEPER 401 141. William P., b. A., May 20, 1832. He m. Nov. 15, 1855, Hannah Stark, dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Stevens) Pollard. She wash. Man chester, in 1834, and there d. Nov. 20, 1890, ae. 56. Was in the grocery business thirty years. Was member legislature in 1870 and '71, and served two terms in city council. He d. Mar. 10, 1899, ae. 66-9-20. Chil dren : a. Frank S., b. Manchester, Apr. 6, 1857; in mercantile busi ness in Duluth, Minn. b. Walter J., b. M., June 15, i860; m. 1886, Emma Chadwich, of Manchester. Graduate of Dartmouth Medical College ; since 1887, a physician in Westford, Mass. 142. Levi H., b. Plymouth, 1837 ; m. 1870, Susan Sampson, of White- field. Is an iron monger in Manchester. 143. Jonas H., b. Bristol, 1839; went to Watertown, Wis., in i860, where he m., Sept. 3, 1863, Sally Ann, dau. of Joseph and Mary Hamlin. She was b. Middletown, Vt., Oct. 12, 1843. He d. in Watertown, July 16, 1888. He was station agent of the C, M. & St. Paul Ry., president of a gas company, and connected with other business interests. Children: a. Mamie, d. at 6 years. b. Veina. 144. Silas R., b. Alexandria, Mar. 21, 1840; m. (i) Oct. 8, 1874, Asineth Anderson. She was b. Jan. 19, 1856, and d. in Watertown, Wis., Nov. 15, 1884, ae. 28-9-26. He m. (2) Mrs. Carrie Taylor, Mar. 10, 1886. He was in the elevator business with his brother, Jonas H., and proprie tor of stone works. He d. in Biloxi, Miss., Mar. 3, 1895, ae. 54-11-12. She res. Watertown. Children : a. Lydia May, b. Manchester, July 19, 1875. b. Fred Levi, b. M., Feb. 4, 1878, and d. Watertown, Nov. 20, 1884, ae. 6-9-16. MOSES SLEEPER AND HIS DESCENDANTS (10) Moses Sleeper, son of David, b. Sept. 4, 1755, m. Dec. 17, 1778, Mrs. Betty Colby, b. Mar. 8, i75g. Moses Sleeper was a Revolutionary soldier from Sandown. In September, 1775, he was at Portsmouth, and had among his companions Sherburn Sanborn, who afterward settled in Bristol, and Abra ham Hook, who later settled on the Gilbert B. Dolloff farm in Bridgewater. In August, 1776, his brother John enlisted for one year and served till fall, when his company received orders to prepare to go to Ticonderoga. John was reported as unable to make the march, and Moses took his place, going to Ticon deroga, where he remained till the evacuation of that post. Moses again enlisted in a company that marched from Sandown , in September, 1777, and joined the northern army at Saratoga. In this company he ranked as corporal. In 1818, he was granted a pension of $96 a year. Moses Sleeper and his bride arrived in Bristol, Mar. 2, 1779, and spent a .short time with his brothers, Peter and Gideon. He went to the north side of Newfound river on snow shoes, and first occupied the miU-house at the corner of Central square and Spring street, while build ing a log cabin where the town house now stands. This m readiness, they commenced to clear the land; his wife, Betsey, assisting in all the laborious work of those days. After a few yeats they built the frame house occupied for many years by 26 402 HISTORY OF BRISTOL WiUiam Green, and now by his daughter, Mrs. Frank W. Robinson, and here for 22 years he kept tavern. In 1816, he returned to Sandown and eleven years later settled in Alexan dria, where he d., May 14, 1838, ae. 82-8-10. She came to her death, same place, by falling into the open fireplace, Nov. 25, 1846, ae. 87-8-17. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 145. Betsey, b. Mar. 6, 1780; m. Reuben Emmons. (See.) 146. Ruth, b. Dec. 6, 1782; m. Joseph Emmons. (See.) 147. Mary Merrill, b. July 18, 1786; m. (Pub. Oct. 25, 1809), David Atwood, Esq., and d., ae. 30. 148. Benjamin Colby, b. Jan. 25 (29), 1795. He m. Sally Sanborn, dau. of Josiah, Alexandria ; (2) Mary Pickering. He res. in Alexandria, where he d. Feb. 10, 1881, ae. 86-0-15. He had one child. 149. Moses, b. Sept. 25, 1798. He went to sea at the age of 17, and was never heard from afterward. 150. Joanna, b. Oct. 5, 1801 ; m. Mar. 24, 1824, Col. WiUiam Crawford. (Sec) JOHN SLEEPER AND HIS DESCENDANTS (13) John Sleeper, son of David, b. Apr. 15, 1760, served in the Revolutionary army from Sandown. He settled in Bris tol when about twenty years old, and erected a log cabin near where the Uriah H. Kidder farmhouse stands on North Main street, on the west slope of Sugar hill. His farm included a strip of land extending from top of Sugar hill across Newfound river to the Alexandria line. He m., Mayg, 1785, Elizabeth Tilton, dau. of Sherburn, b. June 26, 1765. In i8co, he erected the frame house at the junction of Lake and Willow streets, called for many years the "tannery house," and here she d. Dec. 10, 1814, ae. 49-5-14 ; he d. F'eb. 4, 1818, ae. 57-9-19- CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 151. Dorothy, b. Aug., 1786 ; d. at 26 years. ¦»i52. Edmond, b. Feb. 3, 1788. *153. Walter, b. Jan. 20, 1790. 154. Sherburn, b. Aug. 31 (3), 1792; m. Betsey Towle, pub. Aug. 13, 1815, and settled on that part of his father's land now constituting the farm of Zerah E. Tilton. He came to his death by having a fit and fall ing into a spring of water and thus drowning, his head only being in the water. They had at least one child, Sylvester Bradley, who res. Charles town, and there Betsey T. d. Aug., 1865. 155. Rebecca, b. Mar. 12, 1797 ; d. yaung. 156. Nancy, b. Feb. 22, 1802; m. Dec. 31, 1838, Alexander Marshall, b. Hudson, Dec. 3, 1805. (His second wife.) He d. Hudson, Mar. 11, 1844, ae. 38-3-8. She d. Warner, Apr. 28, 1873, ae. 71-2-6. Child : a. Mary Alcinda, b. Hudson, Feb. 10, 1844; m. June 13, 1861, Joseph P. Keniston, Andover. He d. Jan. 18, 1890. Mrs. Kenis ton m. (2) Sept. 9, 1891, John R. Farnum, of Salisbury. Child: (i) Frank Elbridge, b. July 30, 1S63 ; d. Apr. 5, 1889, ae. 25-8-5. *I57- John, b. Oct. 3, 1804. 158. Eliza, b. Jan. 13, 1811; m. Dec. 25, 1835, Alexander Marshall. GENEALOGIES — SLEEPER 403 She d. Dec. 12, 1837, ae. 26-10-29, and he m. her sister, Nancy, as above. Child : a. EHza Ann, b. Hudson, Dec. 6, 1837 ; d. Andover, July 2, 1888, unm., ae. 50-6-26. (152) Edmond Sleeper, son of John, b. Feb. 2, 1788, m. (Pub. Feb. 21, 1813) Betsey, dau. of Archippus W. and Polly (Sanborn) Wheelock, of Sanbornton. They evidently removed to Littleton, immediately after their m., where they took up eighty acres of wild land. In 1825, they removed to Newport, Vt., where they passed the remainder of their days. He d. July 4, 1866, ae. 78-5-2 ; she d. in June, 1871. CHILDREN 159. Dorothy, b. Littleton, Apr., 1814; m. Baker, and settled in Newport Center, Vt. 160. Sarah, b. L., i8r7 ; m. Loren Cutts, and d. i858, ae. 51. A dau., Mrs. Briggs Waite, res. Boynton, P. Q. i6i. George L., b. L., 1819; m. Eliza G. Blake. He went to Newport with his parents. Is called the father of Newport Center. He built a hotel here of which he was landlord for 16 years ; had a grocery store for 12 years ; was selectman five years ; was founder of the Methodist church and served as a steward for 40 years. Mrs. Sleeper was proprietor of a millinery store for 23 years. Both were livingin summer of 1903, retired from business. Children : a. Carlos G., is a manufacturer of ladies' straw and felt hats, 90 Blackstone street, Boston, Mass. b. William E., in same business as Carlos ; res. Boston. c. George L., res. Boston. d. Nye T., in a wholesale house, Cincinnati, O. e. EUa, m. Dr. C. L. Erwin, and res. Newport Center. f. Nettie, m. Rev. C. W. Morse, Newport Center. g. Carrie, m. J. P. Buzzell, and res. Topeka, Kan., 113 West loth street. 162. Elizabeth, b. L., 1821 ; m. Eyery Sias, res. Newport Center. 163. Alice, b. Newport, Vt., 1829; m. Lewis Harris; d. 1872, ae. 43. A son, A. C. Harris, res. Barton Landing, Vt. 164. Mary, b. N., 1831 ; m. Fred Shaw ; d. 1875, ae. 44. 165. Asa C, b. N., 1839 ; m. Harriet Corse, and res. Newport, Vt. (153) Rev. Walter Sleeper, son of John, b. Jan. 20, 1790, m. in Apr., 18 14, Nancy Plaisted, of New Hampton, b. July 3, 1790. He was one of the very early members of the Methodist Episcopal church in Bristol, and became an ordained clergyman of this denomination. He was admitted to the New England Conference on trial in 18 12; was ordained deacon by Bishops McKendricks and Roberts at Bristol, R. I., June 25, 1816 ; and elder, by Bishop George at Barre, Vt., June 24, 182 1. He served on the Tuftonboro circuit in 1812; Bridgewater circuit, 1813; Canaan circuit, 1814-15; Landaff, 1816, and located in 1817 to care for his father. After his father's death, he occu pied for a time what later became the town farm ; operated a grist-mill at North Bristol ; was gate-keeper at the Mayhew Turnpike toUgate on North Main street, and in 1841 erected 404 HISTORY OF BRISTOL the house on North Main street, lately owned by Orrison G. Cass. He was seven years selectman of the town, and twice represented his town in the legislature. She d. Jan. 3, 1862, ae. 71-6-0. He d. in the home of Robert S. Hastings, May i, 1875, respected and beloved by all, having rounded out a long and useful life, ae. 85-3-1 1. CHILDREN »i66. Solomon Sias, b. Bristol, Mar. 18, 1815. 167. Horace Lyman, b. B., Apr. 7, 1820; m. Jan. 5, 1851, Martha W. Haynes, of Danbury. He m. (2) Susan A. Burnham, of Winchester, Mass. He res. in Winchester, and was in the wholesale grocery business in Boston, in company with his brother, Solomon S., for more than twenty years. He d, Nov. 23, 1884, ae. 64-7-16. Children: a. Ida L., b. Woburn, Mass., May 25, 1852 ; m. July 15, 1875, George Woodward, a merchant in New London, b. July 31, 1843 \ d- Mar. I, 1894, ae. 50-7-. She res. Bristol. Child: Florence Edna, b. New London, Apr. 20, 1883. Graduated from Colby Academy, 1900, m. Nov. 18, 1903, Leo J. Richardson, of Worcester, Mass. b. Charles H., b. Mar., l86o, res. Winchesler. 168. Margaret Hall, b. B., Nov. 20, 1828; m. Hon. Lewis W. Fling. (Sec) (157) John Sleeper, son of John, was b. Oct. 3, 1804. When a young man, he went to Union Springs, N. Y., and became a clerk in the dry goods store of Philip Winegar, and in 1835 became his partner. Sept. 14, 1836, he m. Sarah Mosher Winegar, a dau. of his partner, b. Galway, N. Y., Apr. 16, 181 3. While a resident of Union Springs, he filled many offices of trust and honor. In 1842, he and his father-in-law emigrated to Comstock, Mich., where he became supervisor of the town and filled other offices. In 1848, he was elected probate judge and removed to Kalamazoo where he was trustee of the village and served twelve years as judge. Returned to Comstock became county superintendent of the poor, county drain commis sioner, and again supervisor. "He was a man of large expe rience in the affairs of the world, of decided ability and great industry ; in social life refined, unselfish and courteous, attract ing the warm friendship of the intelligent and cultivated ; in business just and honorable." He d. Comstock, May 19, 1865, ae. 60-7-16. She d. Kalamazoo, Mar. 9, 1888, ae. 74-10-23. CHILDREN 169. Lewis Philip, b. Union Springs, N. Y., July 14, 1837 ; was killed by a run-away horse at Kalamazoo, May 19, 1855, ae. 17-10-5. 170. Eliza, b. U. S.i Sept. 8, 1839; m. July 20, 1876, Charles Le-wis Rounds, of Kalamazoo. Children . a. Mary Elmira, b. Kalamazoo, May 30, 1877. b. Walter, b. K., Oct. 31, 1878, and res. K. 171. Henry Sias, b. U. S., Aug. 8, 1841 ; m. Dec. 26, 1872, Jennie Con rad. He was a farmer and real estate agent; was assistant secretary and secretary of state senate, i863-'7i ; clerk of county, i872-'78 ; deputy GENEALOGIES — SLEEPER 405 commissioner, state land office, i879-'9i. He. d. Lansing, Mich., June 15, 1892, ae. 50-10-7. Children : a. Lewis Conrad, b. Kalamazoo, Mar. 31, 1874; graduated Mich igan University, 1897, teacher in Portland, Mich. b. Alice, b. Lansing, Mich., Nov. 3, 1879. 172. Esek Winegar, b. Comstock, Nov. 6, 1843; m- June 5 ,1872, Emma Conrad, a sister to Jennie. He res. in Milwaukee, Oregon. Children: a. John Story, b. Kalamazoo, Mar. 22, 1875 ; a printer in Port land, Mich. b. Sarah, b. K., Nov. 14, 1876 ; a teacher in Portland. 173. Frank Story, b. C, June 5, 1847 ; d. Mar. 25, 1884, ae. 36-9-20. (166) Hon. Solomon S. Sleeper, son of Rev. Walter, b. Bristol, Mar. 18, 1815, m. July 30, 1844, EUen Caroline, dau. of Francis Kidder. (See.) He was commonly addressed as colonel, having attained this rank in the 34th Regiment of N. H. militia when a young man. When a boy he entered the store of Icha bod C. Bartlett, as a clerk, and later became a partner. In April, 1842, he sold his interest to Cyrus Taylor, and went to Boston and purchased an interest in the firm of E. Raymond & Co., wholesale grocers. Fifteen years later the firm became Sleeper & Dickinson. In 1861, he formed the firm of S. S. Sleeper & Co., his brother, Horace h-, being his partner, where he continued till his death. He did an extensive business and accumulated a fortune. He served on the board of aldermen of Cambridge six years, and was fouf years in the Massachu setts legislature. The S. S. Sleeper Camp, Sons of Veterans, Cambridge, was named in his honor. He was interested in charitable Work and was a liberal giver. Was one of the donors of the Minot-Sleeper Library to Bristol. (See.) His home was in Cambridge, where he d. Jan. 6, 1895, ae. 79-9-18. CHILDREN 174. Ella Frances, b. Dec. 1, 1850 ; d. Jan. 23, 1861, ae. 10-1-22. 175. Prank Henry, b.Oct. 11, 1853 ; m. July 30, 1878, Carrie. M. Hyde. He was a member of the firm of S. S. Sleeper & Co., residing m Cam bridge, where he d. Feb. 25, 1898, ae. 44-4-14, lea-ring a widow and two daughters. 176. Fldrence, b. Aug. 18, 1859 ; d. Feb. 6, 1867, ae. 7^5-18. DANIEL SLEEPER AND HIS DESCENDANTS (14) Daniel Sleeper, son of David, was b. Sandown, Feb. 22, 1762, where he was selectman soon after coming to his majority, He probably came to Bristol in 1790, and, in Decem ber of thatyear, m. Anna, dau. of Sherburn Tilton (See), b. Aug. II, 1763. They resided for a time in the family of her father on the east side of South Main street, where their first child was b. He settled on the farm on the hUlside to the east of Newfound lake, recently occupied by Mrs. Laura R. MitcheU. At that ' time the route to Bristol viUage was by a path over the base of Bristol Peak to the Locke neighborhood, where a road leading to the village was reached. He was a shoemaker, probably the 26a. 406 HISTORY OF BRISTOL first in town. He taught his sons this trade and they used to go from house to house to work. He was one of the movers in the erection of the church on Bridgewater hill. Mr. Sleeper passed his life on this farm, and here he d. Feb. 28, 1838, ae. 76-0-6. His widow d. in the family of her son, Capt. Daniel, in May, 1856, ae. 92-9-. CHILDREN #177. Amos, b. July 24, 1791. 178. Nancy, b. Mar. 12, 1794; m. John Laney. (See.) 179. Ruth, b. Feb. 10, 1797; m. Capt. Blake Fowler. (See.) -ii 180. Daniel, b. June 10, 1799. 181. Odlin, b. Oct. 18, 1801. He was a shoemaker, carpenter and builder, and erected a great many buildings in Bridgewater and adjoining towns. When a young man, he spent four or five years in New York state surveying and one year in Michigan. He d. unm. in Bridgewater, Mar. 22, 1894, ae. 92-5-4. 182. Elizabeth, b. July 19, 1905 ; m. Jeremiah Johnson. (See.) (177) Amos Sleeper, son of Capt. Daniel, b. July 24, 1791, m. Sept., 1812, Phebe Mussey Clough, dau. of John (See), b. Sept. 18, 1794. He was a farmer in Bristol, moved to Bridge- water in 1823, and to East Concord in 1836, where he d. June 9, 1871, ae. 79-10-15. She d. East Concord, July 3, 1842, ae. 47-9-15- CHILDREN 183. Mary Ann, b. Bristol, Mar. 23, 1814 ; d. Dec. 9, 1846, unm., ae. 32-8-16. 184. Charlotte Wood, b. B., June 21, 1816, and res. Maiden, Mass. Never m. She d. Nov. — ¦ 1901 , ae. 85-5-. 185. Oren Clough, b. B., Mar. 26, i8i8 ; m. Jane Vittum, Concord, Me., and d. Maiden Mass., June 28, 1887, ae. 69-3-2. He was a milliner and later in the real estate business in Boston, Mass. Nine children. »i86. Jonathan Clough, b. B., Jan. 3, 1820. 187. John Kilburn Clough, b. Bridgewater, Feb. 7, 1S28 ; m. Hannah M. Shaw, of Exeter, Me., dau. Asa and Mary T. Shaw, b. Exeter, Dec. 9, 1824. He was wholesale milliner of firm of John K. C. Sleeper & Co., Boston. He was twice a member of Massachusetts house of representa tives. He res. Maiden, Mass., where he d. Apr. 18, 1893, ae. 65-2-11. Children : a. Charles Frederick, b. Somerville, Mass., June 25, 1852; m. Jan., 1875, Ella P. Fogue, and d. Maiden, Apr. 9, 1886, ae. 33-9-14. b. Mary Emma, b. Exeter, Me., Dec. 5, 1859; m. Dec. 12, 1893, Sidney S. Horton. Res. Maiden. (180) Capt. Daniel Sleeper, son of Daniel, b. June 10, 1799, m. Apr. 18, 1824, Dorothy R. Tilton, dau. of Jonathan (See), b. Oct. 7, 1802. She d. June 3, 1854, ae. 51-7-26, and he m., Apr. 2, 1855, Orpha (Powell) Sawyer, widow of Jona than. He was a farmer and shoemaker, and succeeded his father on the home farm, later res. on east shore of lake, where Edwin T. Pike now lives, but spent his last years in Bristol village, where he d. Mar. 13, 1872, ae. 72-5-3; she m. (3) Perrin Pres cott, and d. Bristol, Apr. 20, 1888, ae. 76-10-24. He was a cap tain in the militia. Methodist. GENEALOGIES — SLEEPER 407 CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 188. Soloman Cavis, b. June 20, 1825 ; m. Feb. 28, 1850, Fanny A. Leach. He went to Lowell, Mass., in 1850, where he was a mill opera tive eight years, was a railroad employee in the West fifteen years, then an officer in the New Hampshire state prison. In the Civil war served in the ist Massachusetts Sharp-shooters. (See Roll of Honor.) He d. Concord, Feb. 2, 1900, ae. 74-7-12. 189. Sarah A., b. May 10, 1830; m. Abram D. Locke. (See.) 190. Isaac T., b. July 10, 1832 ; d. May 21, 1833. 191. Ellen P., b. Apr. 12, 1846 ; m. Mar. 21, 1872, John Coffin, and lived in Mason City, Iowa, where she d. May 24, 1890, ae. 44-1-12. Children : a. Lura, b. Mar. 25, 1873. b. George Henry, b. Dec. 10, 1875 ; res. Mason City. c. Prank Joseph, b. Dec. 27, 1879 ; res. Mason City. (186) Jonathan C. Sleeper, son of Amos, b. Jan. 3, 1820, m. Oct. ig, 1842, Sally, dau. James and Elsie (Bailey) Martin, b. Epsom, Dec. 25, 1822. They res. No. Acton, Mass. CHILDREN 192. James Amos, b. Chelsea, Mass., June 22, 1845 ; m. May 16, 1867, Flora Lillian, dau. Ivory White and Abigail (Greely) Richardson, b. Chester, Vt., June 4, 1846. Res. HoUis. Children : a. Charles Henry, b. Maiden, Mass., May 3, 1868; m. June 8, 1892, Charlotte Matilda Reeves, of Chicago, 111. They res. Pueblo, Colo. Child : Harold Reeves, b. Pueblo, Mar. 18, 1893. b. Janies Edwin, b. M., Aug. 30, 1869 ; m. Sept. 12, 1891, Annie Lucinda Fowler, of Epsom. Res. West Somerville, Mass. Child : Arthur, b. Oct. 9, 1894. c. Herbert Alwyn, b. Chelsea, Jan. 28, 1873. d. Lila Ethel, b. C, Dec. 23, 1875 ; d. Nov. 13, 1883, ae. 7-10-20. e. Lillie Martin, b. Maiden, May 3, 1877. 193. John Wesley, b. Boston, Mass., Oct. 19, 1849; m. Dec, 1873, Caroline Harwood Cox, of Maiden, and res. Denver, Colo. Children : a. Elsie Elizabeth, b. Maiden, Apr. 19, 1875 ; m. June 6, 1894, A. Herbert Johnson, Denver. b. John Harold, b. M., July 4, 1883. 194. George Albert, b. Maiden, June 25, 1855 ; m. Sept., 1883, Emma L. Pettengill. Res. No. Acton, Mass. 195. Samuel Martin, b. M., Aug. 12, 1857. Res. Salida, Colo. SAMUEL SLEEPER AND HIS DESCENDANTS '(15) Samuel Sleeper, son of David, b. Feb. 14, 1764, m. Elizabeth Sanborn, of Chester. They were in Bristol as early as i7go, and settled on the Aaron Sleeper farm on the hiU west of this village, when there was only a path beyond Lake street. He built a log cabin in which he lived seven years, when he erected the present frame house, and here he spent his life and here d. Jan. 23, 1837, ae. 72-1 i-g; she d. May 14, 1846, ae. 77-g-. Samuel owned two lots of land of 144 acres each. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 196. SaUy, b. Mar. 13, 1791 ;»- Benjamin Emmons. (See.) #197. Moses, b. Apr. 24, 1793. 408 HISTORY OF BRISTOL #198. John, b. Jan. 23, 1795. #199. Samuel, b. June 20, 1796. Name afterwards changed to Samuel Thomas Worthington Sleeper. 200. EUzabeth, b. Nov. 23, 1798; m. Nov. 6, 1823, Elder Moses Wal lace. He was b. Feb. 12, 1803, in Fairfield, Vt., and d. in Waterbury, Vt., May 16, 1880, ae. 77-3-4. She d. in Waterbury, Feb. 6, 1885, ae. 86-2-13. Children : a. William Clinton, b. Alexandria, May 16, 1824, and d. Nov. 14, 1825, ae. 1-5-28. b. Elizabeth Sleeper, b. A., May 9, 1829 ; m. July 27, 1848, Myron Francis Morse, who d. July 4, 1852, in Boston, Mass. She m. (2) Jonathan Church, Vershire, Vt. Four children. c. Lavinia Sleeper, b. Thetford, Vt., July i, 1832. She m.. Mar. 19, 1848, Sidney Wallace. They had three sons and three dau. who lived to maturity, two dau. who d. young of consumption. One son was burned to death in Everett, Mass., Dec. 21, 1892. d. Samuel Sleeper, b. West Fairlee, Vt., Apr. 13, 1837; d. Mar. 13, 1838. e. Son, b. W. P., Oct., 1839; d. in infancy. -Vc20i. Aaron, b. Apr. 6, 1801. 202. Lavinia, b. June 29, 1803 ; m. Reuben Rollins. (See.) 203. Laura, b. Feb. 24, 1808 ; m. Reuben RoUins. (See.) 204. David v., b. May 3, 1810 ; m. Jan. 22, 1835; Maria Perrin, of Alexandria, and went to Vermont, where he d. No children. (ig7) Moses Sleeper, son of Samuel, b. Apr. 24, I7g3, m. Dec, 1817, Mary, dau. of John Harriman, of Plymouth, b. 1 799. He joined the Osgoodites and moved to Moultonboro. He later "went West and was never heard of after." The family removed to Ashland, thence to Springfield, Mass., "while the children were young." The mother d. Springfield, June, 1876, ae. 77. CHILDREN 205. Augustus Merrill, b. Hebron, Oct. 6, 1818. He m. May, 1848, Maribah Humphrey, dau. of Bela, b. Sept., 1826, in Sutton, Vt. He d. Springfield, May 26, 1895, ae. 76-7-20. Children : a. Prank Augustus, b. 1849; d. 1850. b. Ida Rebecca, b. 1852-; d. 1858, ae. 6. 206. Mary Bartlett, b. Bristol, 1832; res. Springfield. 207. Valeria McQuestion, b. B., 1832 ; d. Ashland, 1848, ae. 16. 208. Joseph Dean, b. B., 1836; d. unm., Springfield, 1865, ae. 29. 209. Marcellus Dearborn, b. B.', 1838 ; dealer in real estate, Spring field. Unm. (198) John Sleeper, son of Samuel, b. Jan. 23, 1795, m. June 3, 1824, Sally, dau. Jeremiah Bean (See), b. May 6, 1805. She d. Bristol, Apr. 19, 1828, ae. 22-11-13, and he m. Apr. i, 1829, Polly Huckins, b. Parsonsfield, Me., Jan. 5, 1797; d. Alexandria, Jan. 30, 1883, ae. 86-0-25. He was the first set tler on the John Olin Tilton farm, west of Newfound lake, and buUt the house now standing there, and there he d. Sept. 10, 1862, ae. 67-7-17. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 210. Belinda, b. Mar. 3, 1825 ; m. Samuel Worthen. (See.) 211. Lucinda, b. Mar. 3, 1825 ; d. June 4, 1828, ae. 3-3-1. ^ GENEALOGIES — SLEEPER 409 212. Matilda, b. Mar. 19, 1827; m. Thomas H. Marston, and res. Bel mont, Mass. 213. Daughter, d in infancy, Feb . 1830. 214. Son, d. in infancy, June, 1832. 215. John Franklin, b. July 13, 1834; d. Sept. 27, 1841. ae. 7-2-14. 216. David CaMn, b. Mar. 23, 1837; m. Nov. 30, 1864, Jane Eliza Batherick, dau. Thomas K., b. Nov. 4, 1836, at Leominster, Mass. He left Bristol in 1864, and res. Fitchburg, Mass. Children : a. Althea Villa, b. Westminster, Mass., May 20, i866. Res. Fitchburg, Mass. b. Flora Etta, b. Fitchburg, Dec. 20, i868, where she now res. 217. Woodbury, b. June i, 1839; m. May 17, 1863, Annie, dau. of Wil liam Crawford (See), b. May 22, 1837. He was a farmer; served two years as selectman ; was for a time in the grain business ; removed to Alexandria about 1878, where he d. Nov. 24, 1900, ae. 61-5-23. Republi can, Odd Fellow. She res. Manchester. Children : a. Lura Mabel, b. Bristol, June 3, 1864 ; m. June i, 1893, George G. Hoitt, an extensive farmer in Durham. Children : (1) Carrie Elizabeth, b. Mar. 17, 1894. (2) Alice Joanna, b. Apr. 28, 1895. (3) Martha Luena, b. Sept. 2, 1896. (4) Ellen Crawford, b. Sept. I, 1898. b, Perley- Howell, b B., Dec. i, 1866; m. May 30, 1896, Annie Bertha, dau. Timothy P. and Mary (Murphy) Collins, b. Cork, Ireland, July 29, 1869. A farmer in Alexandria. c. Harry Lubert, b. B., Dec. 15, 1870 ; a farmer in Alexandria. d. Wilbert Artelle, b. B., Sept. 20, 1874. Is a carpenter in Man chester ; res 196 Sagamore street. (igg) Samuel T. W. Sleeper, son of Samuel, b. June 20, 1796, was a school teacher and farmer and a man of supe rior intelligence. He was a justice of the peace for forty years and hundreds of cases were heard by him, but not in one case was his decision reversed by the higher court. He was three years selectman and five years superintending school com mittee. He represented his town in the state legislature two years and was the nominee of his party for member of congress. He m. Bethana Seavey, and settled on the farm later occupied by his son, Justin Martin Sleeper, in Dist. No. 9, and there he d. Jan. 15, 1868, ae. 71-6-25. She d. Dec. 28, 1876, ae. 80-6-. Democrat, Methodist. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 218. Albertus, b. Dec. 9, 1817 ; d. unm., July 16, 1839, ae. 21-7-7. 219. Jane P., b. Mar. 25, 1819 ; m. Albert Simpson, and d. Sept. 24, 1S93, ae. 74-5-29- 220. -Julia Maria Minot, b. Dec. 24, 1820; d. Mar. 7, 1843, ae. 22-2-13, 221. Lucina, b. Sept. 9, 1822 ; m. Silas Rhodes, and d. Mar. 7, 1847, ae. 24-5-28. No children. 222. Philotes, b. Sept. i, 1824; d. Oct. 23, 1825, ae. 1-1-22. 223. Hanson Murray, b. Jan. 21, 1827, was twice m,, and d. in Cali fornia. 224. Laura Lovertia, b. Nov. 18, 1828; m. Sept. 18, 1856, Asa Woodbury Berry, b. Moultonboro, Sept. 4, 1826. They res. Somerville, Mass. She d. Aug^ 27, 1900, ae. 71-9-9. He d. Dec. 22, 1901, ae. 75-3-18. Children : a. Mary Estelle, b. SomerviUe, May 16, 1858. Res. 29 Kidder street. West Somerville. *. WiUis Woodbury, b. S., May 24, 1869, and d. June 2, 1869. 4IO HISTORY OP BRISTOL 225. Justin Martin, b. Mar. 4, 1831 ; m. Nov. 27, 1857, Louisa Berry, dau. John, b. Moultonboro, Nov. 2, 1830. He succeeded his father on the home farm. Was a Democrat, and for many years a trustee of the Methodist Episcopal church. Removed with his children to Hudson about 1890, where he is still a farmer. Child : a. Eve Ducille, b. Bristol, Sept. 24, 1858; m. Nov. 13, 1883, Joseph H. LeGalle. 226. Wilbur Fisk, b. Mar. 5, 1833 ; m. May 8, 1855, Sarah Strate, dan. Asa, b. Enfield, Apr. 25, 1831, and d. Aug. 2, 1876, ae. 45-3-7- He res. Fitchburg, Mass. ; a car builder. 227. Timothy DeMerritt, b. May 18, 1837; m. Mar. 7, 1869, Cynthia A., dau. Nathan and Ann (Robinson) Gove, b. Bridgewater, Feb. 2, 1845. They res. East Cambridge, Mass. Was in grocery business; now retired. Children : a. Fred Woodbury, b. Rumney, Sept. 4, 1870. Res. East Cam bridge. b. Frank Nathan, b. Rumney, Aug. 11, 1871 ; d. Sept. 2, 1871. c. Mary Lena (Rogers), adopted, b. in Ashland, Apr. 4, 1873. Res. East Cambridge. d. Wilbur Fisk, b. R., Nov. 18, 1873; d. Oct. 9, 1874. e. Bertha Ann, b. Lexington, Mass., July 23, 1877 ; d. Nov. 8, 1878, ae. 1-3-15- 228. Addie A., b. Aug. 20, 1841 ; m. Charles A. Gale. (See.) (201) Aaron Sleeper, son of Samuel, b. Apr. 6, 1801, m. Polly P., dau. of Nathaniel Plumer, of Meredith, b. June 11, 1800, and d. in Bristol, Nov. 3, 1859, ae. 59-4-22. He suc ceeded to his father's farm, and there d. Oct. 28, 1888, ae. 87- 6-22. CHILDREN 229. Mary Ann, dau. of Matilda Pike, was adopted. She was b. Oct. II, 1831 ; m. Charles Stewart, had five sons and two daughters, and d. Jan. 23, 1894, at Durand, Wis., ae. 62-3-12. , 230. George Washington, b. Bristol, Aug. 21, 1833. Was a member of Co. G, T6th Mass. Vols.; severely wounded at battle of Fair Oaks, May 31, 1862, and d. of his wounds June 25, 1862; ae. 28-10-4. (See Roll of Honor.) I. Col. Samuel Sleeper came to Bristol from Sandown about 1790 (?) and settled on the hill nearly opposite the residence of Charles A. Gale. His relation to the other Sleepers of the town was not known. The story is told that, to make a distinction between the two Samuel Sleepers in town, it was proposed that the one who would furnish the most rum on a certain occasion should be called colonel, and the other captain. Samuel Sleeper, 2nd, furnished the largest quantity and thereafter ranked as colonel. Col. Samuel d. Nov. 27, 1838, ae. 73-7-; his wife, Phebe, d. Jan. 20, 1850, ae. 85 years. CHILDREN 2. Reuben, d. Mar. 16, 1791, ae. 8 mos., 13 days. 3. "John, d. Nov. 6, 1798, in the 6th year of his age." — Tombstone. 4. "Hannah, d. Aug. 18, 1796, ae. 2 mos., 23 days." — Tombstone. 5. Nancy, b. Nov. 30, 1800; m. Sanborn Gale. (See.) GENEALOGIES — SMILEY 411 6. "Moses, d. Feb. 11, 1824, in 21st year of his age." — Tombstone. 7. Polly, m. James Martin, went to Lowell, Mass. Children : a. Sarah, d. about 1890. b. dementia, d. c. Eastman. 8. A dau., m. Dimond, and removed to New York state. THE SMILEY FAMILIES I. David Smiley, son of William and Sarah (Robinson) Smiley, was b. Jaffrey, Mar. 26, 1769. He m., Dec. 23, 1802, Mary, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth (Putnam) Harkness, b. Lunenburg, Mass., Oct. 25, 1771, and d. Grafton, Jan. 25, 1858, ae. 86-3-0. He settled in Bristol in 1807, and was the first prac ticing lawyer in town. (See Lawyers.) He removed to Ply mouth about 1818, and two years later to Grafton. He d. at Plymouth of lung fever while attending court May 19, 1845, ae. 76-1-23. CHILDREN 2. Sarah, b. Jaffrey, June 7, 1804 ; d. June 16, 1804. 3. Mary Harkness, b. J., July 5, 1806; m. Oct 9, 1834, Dea. David Fosdick, Charlestown, Mass. ; d. June 25, 1864, in Groton, Mass., ae. 57- 11-20. Children : a. Parmelia Tarbelle, d. in infancy. b. James Smiley. c. Elizabeth Harkness. d. Adelaide Lane. e. James Smiley. •»4. James Robinson, b. Bristol, June 17, 1808. 5. Daughter, b. and d. B., Jan. 21, 1811. 6. Elizabeth H., b. B., Apr. 30, 1813 ; d. June 28, 1813. (4) James R. Smiley, M.D., b. June 17, 1808, m. Jan. 26, 1837, Elizabeth, dau. Robert and Mary (Kelsey) Lane, b. Newport, Nov. 14, 1807; d. Sutton, Dec. 20, i8gi, ae. 84- 1-6. He removed from town with his father's family about 1818 ; graduated from Dartmouth Medical School in 1833 ; set tled in Grafton, where he practiced for nearly thirty years and had a large and lucrative practice. Was also justice of the peace and superintendent of schools. He was a skilful physician, a broad-minded man, consistent Christian, and active worker in the temperance cause. Removed to Sutton where he spent the rest of his life in practice and farming, and there he d. Oct. 15, 1886, ae. 78-3-28. CHILDREN, all born in Grafton 7. Adelaide Lane, b. Oct. 10, 1837. Res. No. Sutton. 8. Mary Elizabeth, b. Nov. 9, 1839 ; d. Sept. 9, 1856, ae. 16-10-0. 9. Frances Farley, b. July 8, 1841. Res. No. Sutton. 10. Susan Ela, b. Aug. 11, 1843 I ni. July 30, 1885, Chas. LeRoy Pul sifer ; d. Apr. 2, 1890, at Lakeport, ae. 46-7-21. . . n, Parmelia Tarbelle, b. Jan. 19, 1846 ; m. Aug. 18, 1874, Benjamin O. True. Res. 7 Portsmouth Terrace, Rochester, N. Y. Children : a. Susan E., d. in infancy. b. Edward Harold. c. Helen Elizabeth. d. Ruth. 12. Robert Lane, b. Apr. 10, 1849 ; m. Feb. 29, 1892, Hattie E. Key ser, Sutton. Child, b. Feb. 10, 1894. Res. Harriman, Tenn. 412 HISTORY OF BRISTOL THE SMITH FAMILIES I . John Smith was of Scottish birth or descent. He was b. about 1746, and in 1778 was a resident of Bedford. That year he purchased lot No. 58 in the 4th Div. in New Chester, containing 105 acres. In 1780, he was the owner of the mills on Smith's river, and res. in a small 4-roofed house on the north bank of this stream at the head of the falls opposite the mills as they then were. He continued to own and operate these mills through life. He d. Mar. 25, 1826, ae. 80. His wife, Mar garet Dinsmore, d. May 27, i82g, ae. 7g. CongregationaUsts. CHILDREN 2. Kate, b. Dec. 11, 1778; m. Robert McMurphy, of Alexandria, pub. June 18, 1796; d. Apr. i, i8[2, ae. 33-3-20. 3. Daniel D., b. Bristol, Aug. 30, 1782. He Was a saddler, had shop in his father's house. He went to Illinois and acquired large tracts of land, and was killed by his partner in a business dispute. 4. John Dinsmore, b. B., July 30, 1784 ; went to Pennsylvania. 5. Samuel, b. B., July 16, 1788 ; was Indian agent in Tennessee. 6. James, b. B., Feb. 16, 1790; went to Canada; m., and had a large family. «7. Robert, b. B., June 11, 1791. 8. "Elizabeth, d. Apr. 23, 1801, ae. 21." — Tombstone. (7) Robert Smith, b. June 11, 1791, m. Oct. 14, 1823, Sarah Hall, dau. of Caleb Sawyer (See), b, Aug. 7, 1790. She d. Dec. 29, 1838, ae. 48-4^-22, and he m. (2) Hannah S., dau. of Rev. Christopher Sargent, who "d. May 10, 1868, ae. 73." He succeeded his father in the ownership of the mills and other real estate on Smith's river. He erected a new dwelling on the site of the old. The new house was destroyed by fife about 1875. His home was the abode of culture and one of the focal points of Bristol society. He possessed original and Well defined traits of character, an unbending will being prominent. He was a school teacher and for many years a justice of the peace and a land surveyor. He had political aspirations but his opinions vigorously expressed did not make votes, though his abilities secured him an election six times as moderator of the annual town meeting. ' When 50 years of age he United with the Congregational church and continued the practice of stand ing during the opening prayer long after all others had aban doned the practice. 'On one occasion he was nominated for representative. When about to leave home for town meeting, feeling sure of election, he said to his wife, "You will have the privilege of sleeping with the representative to-night." He was defeated by Joseph Moore. That night, in ill humor, he retired early, but not to sleep. Ifinally he said to Mrs. Smith, "Why don't you come to bed ?" "Oh," said she, "I am waiting for Pisq. Moore to come." GENEALOGIES — SMITH 41 3 CHILD 9. Catherine Sawyer (adopted), was dau. of Alvah Sawyer. (Seep. 383.) She d. in the family of Robert S. Hastings, Nov. 5, 1884, ae. about 57. I. Moses Morgan Smith, son of Benjamin, was b. in Pop lin, Feb. 18, 1794. When he was three years old his father set tled in Bridgewater. He m., Nov. 29, 1819, Lucy, dau. of Dea. Samuel Gurdy (See), b. Nov. 12, 1795. She d. Bridgewater, Oct. 28, 1851, ae. 55-1 1-16, and he m. Oct. 17, 1855, Mary Bus- well, of Grantham. He d. Bridgewater, Sept. 30, 1864, ae. 70- 7-12. CHILDREN, all born m Bridgewater 2. Eveline Hall, b. Aug. 13, 1820; m. Dec. 21, 1852, Joshua P.Smith. Res. Grantham, Bristol i858-'70, Warren. He d. Warren, June 29, 1891, ae. 74-3-16. Shed. Warren, Mar. 2, 1901, ae. 80-6-19. 3. Sophronia Maria, b. May 9, 1822 ; m. Gustavus B. Sanborn. (See.) (2) William P. Ballou. (See.) 4. Lucy, b. June 12, 1823 ; d. Aug. 26, 1825, ae. 2-2-14. 5. Elizabeth Brown, b. June 20, 1825 ; m. Levi B. Laney. (See.) 6. Moses Newell, b. May 4, 1831 ; d. Apr. 11, 1832. 7. Sylvester Jameson, b. and d. Apr. 24, 1834. I. Ezekiel Smith was b. Andover, July. 20, 1770, and m. Jan. 16, 1807, Hannah Ingalls, dau. of Jonathan (See), b. Apr. 3, 1787. He was a farmer in Bristol, as early as the date of his m. He removed to Peacham, Vt., where he remained twenty years; thence to Piermont, where he d. Dec 17, 1857, ae. 87- 4-27; she d. Jan. 3, 1877, ae. 89-9-0. CHILDREN, all except last born in Bristol 2. Daniel, b. Oct. 16, 1807 ; m. May 17, 1829, Mary Jane Dearborn, of Plymouth, and emigrated to Illinois, where he d. Oct. 28, 1865, ae. 58- 0-12. Four children. 3. Anson Coult, b. Dec. 20, 1810 ; was a Methodist clergyman ; admitted to the New Hampshire conference 1835; ordained deacon by Bishop Hedding at Great FaUs, July 9, 1837, and elder by same at Sand wich, July 7, 1839. He labored chiefly in Vermont till he d. at Hard wick, Apr. 23, 1862, ae. 51-4-3- He m. July 20, 1838, Mary Bartlett, of Sutton. Two children. , .. . ^r^ 4. Ezekiel D., b. July 23, 1813 ; m. Mehitable Pike, Bradford, Vt. Both d. 1885, in Waterbury, Vt., same hour, of pneumonia, and both buried in same grave. Six children. 5. John C, b. Oct. 3, 1815 ; m. May 7, 1838, Mary Jane, dau. John TirreU b May, 1819. They emigrated to Portland, Mich., where he d. May, 1883, ae. 67-5-. She d. WestviUe, Mich., Oct. 4, ¦ Children : a. Hial W., b. Jamestown, N. Y., Nov. 7. 1839 ; m. July, i860, Maria Sutherland, of Portland, Mich. He served m ist Mich. Engineers in Civil war ; d. June 17, 1875, ae. 37-7-1°- „ ^ ^^ ^^. b Devine B., b. Portland, Jan. 16, 1847; m. Mar., 1876, Hattie Culver. Served in Civil war, in 2nd Mich. Infty. Res. North Evanston, 111. 414 HISTORY OF BRISTOL c. W. R., b. P., July 24, 1850; m. July 4, 1876, Julia Dunning. Res. Lake View, Mich. d. Adelman, b. P., Mar. 4, 1857; m. Clara Westfall. ^ Res. Alle gan, Mich. e. J. C, b. P., Sept. 30, i860; m. Kittie Fisher. Res. Mecosta, Mich. 6. James D., b. Oct. 21, 1818; d. Oct., 1822, ae. 4. 7. Luther, b. May 18, 1821 ; d. Nov. 14, 1882, ae. 61-5-26. 8. Cvrus P., b. Oct. 12, 1825 ; m. Abbie Harris, of Mattapoiset, Mass. He was connected with the C, R. I., and P. railroad, and d. in Chicago, 111., July 16, 1895, ae. 69-9-4. Children : a. Elgin C. b. Edwin. c. Marcellus E., m. Sheldon Lea-vitt; ires. 148 37th street, Chicago. d. Abbie R., d. e. Clara A., d. 9. Charles W., b. Oct. 28, 1827 ; m. Cordelia Durgin, Cabot, Vt., and d. at St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 16, 1895, ae. 67-3-18. 10. George H., b. Peacham, Vt., Sept. lo, 1830 ; m. June, 1851, Arvilla Hill, dau. Samuel, b. Canada, Mar. 19, 1828. Res. Piermont. Children: a. Anson C, b. May 6, 1853; m. Apr., 1873, Annie Colby, of Warren, and d. Milford, May, 1893, ae. 40-0-. b. Loren G., b. Piermont, Nov. 11, 1855. Unm. c. Willie B., b. Sept. 2, 1862; m. Mar., 1886, Rose Farrell. Res. Hartford, Conn. I. Daniel S. Smith, a son of Jonathan and Seraphina (Putnam) Smith, was b. Oct. 27, 1800, in Lancaster. Hem., Jan. 30, 1823, Nancy, dau. of Col. Aaron Hibbard, b. Bath, June 27, 1804. She d. Hill, Sept. 13, 1857, ae. 53-2-16; and he m., 1858, Mary Pinkham, of New York city. He d. Thorn ton, June 8, 1877, ae. 76-7-1 1. He came to Bristol from Went worth in 1829 ; was landlord of hotel on South Main street for two years or more, when he sold to Jeremiah Prescott. The hall and shed connected with hotel he moved across the street and remodeled into a dwelling, now the double tenement house owned by Frank W. Calley, and later kept a store in the building at the corner of South Main and Beech streets. His farm con sisted of the territory between the river and Prospect street. He removed to Woodstock about 1840, where he was in trade till 1847, when he returned to Bristol and removed to Hill, 1856, thence to Franklin and Thornton. CHILDREN 2. Jane Eliza Southerland, b. Orford, Mar. 12, 1824 ; m. I^rederick Bartlett, Esq. (See.) 3. Martha Amelia, b. Wentworth, Mar. 5, 1826 ; d. Hill, Aug. 8, 1859, num., ae. 33-5-3. She was a superior school teacher. 4. George P., b. Dec. 5, 1828; m. Jan. 1, 1852, Laura Elizabeth A. Taylor, dau. of Nicholas M. (See), b. Sanbornton, Aug. 31, 1830. He was freight agent of Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad company, at St. Paul, Minn., where he d. Feb. 25, 1895, ae. 66-2-20. Five children. 5. Angeline D., b. Bristol, Apr. 7, 1832 ; m. Jan. 2. 1853, Joseph M. Fellows, b. Andover, Nov. 2, 1831, a farmer and mill man at Franklin, where she d. Dec. 3, 1898, ae. 66-7-26. Four children : Clarence A. Smith GENEALOGIES — SMITH 415 I. Andrew Jackson Smith, son of Jonathan and Seraphina (Putnam) Smith, was b. Oct. 8, 1816, and d. in Bristol, June 9, 1880, ae. 63-8-1 In 1837, he m. Sophia Weston, dau. of Went worth Downes, of Bath, b. Dec. 30, 1817, and d. Bristol, Aug. 24, 1863, ae. 45-7-24. He m. (2), Dec. 15, 1864, Mary J. Hight, whod. June 17, 1875, ae 37. He m. (3) Elizabeth Taylor, of Woodstock, who d. in Georgia. He came to Bristol about 1838, and here he spent his life. He was a watchmaker and jeweler, and gathered a competency. CHILDREN 2. Helen Mar, b. Bristol, July 22, 1838 ; m. Samuel K. Mason. (See.) 3. Howard M., b. B., May 24, 1866; m. Oct. i, 1887, Ellen A. Drake ; d. St. Paul, Minn., Mar. i, 1892, ae. 25-9-7. 4. Homer Van Ness, b. B., May 22, 1872 ; drowned at Franklin, June 20, 1896, ae. 24-0-28. I . Clarence Alvin Smith, son of Richard Ransom and Sarah Emeline (Eastman) Smith, was b. Orange, Feb. 18, 1861. He m., Jan. 20, 1884, Linnie Maude, dau. of Henry Griffith, (See), b. Bristol, July 9, 1867. He learned the blacksmith trade at Canaan; settled in Bristol in June, 1880, and had charge for one year of repairs of depots and bridges for Northern railroad; has carried on since Sept., 1880, the blacksmith shop on Lake street, near Willow, and since 1897, one on Water street. Is a Republican ; has served as health officer over twenty years; as supervisor of the checklist since 1898; seven years as fireward, one j^ear as selectman, and has been deputy sheriff since 1895. CHILD 2. Roy Raymond, b. Bristol, Oct. 24, 1884. Graduated Tilton Semi nary, 1903 ; now student in engineer course. Brown University. I. Nathan P. Smith, son of Phineas B. and Sophronia P. (CoveU) Smith, was b. July 5, 1863. He m., Aug. 30, 1888, Aletea Elfra, dau. of Burley M. Ames (See), b. Feb. 27, 1872. Farmer in Bridgewater tiU 1892 ; in Bristol tiU April, 1903 ; now in Plymouth. CHILD 2. Abbie Sophronia, b. Bridgewater, May 12, 1889. I. Ai Bowen Smith is the son of Isaiah and Caroline P. (Bowen) Smith. He was b. in Ashland, Oct. 30, 1853, and m. Feb. 16, 1890, Flora I., dau. of Bainbridge W. Richardson, b. Mount Desert, Me., 1871. Divorced May 14, 1896. Has been a resident of Bristol since 1881 ; employee at crutch factory. 41 6 HISTORY OF BRISTOL I . Willie Herbert Smith is a son of Daniel T. and Sarah Elizabeth (Drake) Smith. He was b. New Hampton, Feb. 24, 1856, and m. Oct. 11, 1879, Mary Emma, dau. of John H. and Polly (Dow) Harper, b. New Hampton, Oct. 17, 1858. Has res. Bristol since July, i8g3, millwright and machinist. I. Charles Thomas Smith is the son of Jonathan J. and Diantha R. (Cross) Smith. He was b. Orange, Apr. g, 1853, and m. Dec. 23, 1883, Margaret Ellen, dau. of James Kenney (See), b. Feb. 29, 1863. He came to Bristol from Orange, 1887, and is a section hand on the railroad. CHILDREN 2. Angle Abbie, b. Orange, Nov. 10, 1885. 3. Otis James, b. Bristol, Oct. 25, 1887. 4. Earle Frank, b. New Hampton, May 24, 1890. 5. Grover Colby, b. Bristol, Mar. 23, 1893. 6. Alice Maude, b. B., July 9, 1894. 7. Wesley Charies, b. B., Jan. 30, 1900. I. Mrs. Cora Bell (Ford) Smith was b. Dec. 12, 1865. She m., Nov. 12, 1881, Jonathan C. Smith, b. Apr., 1855, and d. Mar. 5, i89g, ae. 43-11-. She settled in Bristol, Apr., 1900. CHILDREN 2. Sumner P., b. Orange, Mar. 16, 1883. 3. Isabel Addie, b. O., July 17, 1888; m. Wallace W. Lowell. (See.) 4. Nellie Augusta, b. Groton, Sept. 16, 1889. 5. Julia Ford, b. Orange, Apr. 20, 1894. 6. Violet Gladys, b. O., May 18, 1896. 1. Albie E. Smith, son of Samuel Newell and Sally (Rich ardson) Smith, was b. No. Charleston, Vt., Feb. 25, 1853. He m. (i) Mary Driver, who d. No. Charleston, Oct., 1886. He m., July 15, 1888, Oracle A., dau. of David and Ruth Bartlett (Nutting) Royce, b. West Charleston, Vt., Oct. 14, 1861. He has been a farmer on the Homans or town farm in Bristol since Nov., igoo. CHILD 2. Ruth May, b. Deland, Fla., Aug. 28, 1892. THE SOUTHARD FAMILY I . Solon S. Southard was a son of Moses and Nancy (King) Southard, of Acworth. He was b. May 28, 1813 ; m. Dec. 22, 1841, Berentha, dau. of David Morrill, b. Mar. 4, 1817, andd. HaverhiU, Jan. 17, 1854, ae. 36-10-13. He m. (2) Sept. 14, 1854, Melissa, dau. of Moses and Sally (Smith) Eastman, b. GENEALOGIES — SPENCER 417 July 25, 1817. He was an extensive farmer in Haverhill till 1867, when he located on a farm on High street, Bristol, where he d. Dec. 21, 1870, ae. 57-6-23. CHILDREN 2. George, b. HaverhiU, May 14, 1843. Served in Co. G, nth Regt. N. H. Vols., and d. of disease at Cincinnati, Apr. 17, 1863, ae. 19-H-3. 3. Frank, b. H., Apr. 21, 1845; d. Apr. 13, 1879, unm.,ae. 33-11-22. 4. Solon Sumner, b. H., Sept. 17, 1855; m. Oct. 23, 1877, Clora E., dau. of John S. Nelson (See), b. Nov. 28, 1850, and d. Canterbury, Apr. 1, 1894, ae. 43-4-3- He m. (2) Ellen M. Parshley, b. Canterbury, Apr. 7, 1855. He was a farmer in Haverhill ; since Nov., 1898, a manufacturer of excelsior at Profile p'alls. 5. Moses Eastman, b. H., June 26, 1857 ; m. Feb. 16, 1880, Nellie A., dau. of William A. Beckford. (See.) He m. (2) Aug. 27, 1893, Clara, dau. of Russell Tirrell, b. Hebron, Sept. 11, 1864. He is a farmer at the parental home. Republican. Odd Fellow. Children : a. William, b. Bristol, Oct. 15, i88[. b. Vera Belle, b. B., Nov. 19, 1894; d. Dec. 9, 1894. c. Ethel, b. B., May 26, 1897. 6. Charles Aaron, b. H., Feb. 14, 1861 ; m. Dec. 12, 1887, Cora, dau. of Stephen W. and Maria (Chapman) Knowles. Carpenter and farmer in Bristol till 1902, when he removed to F'ranklin ; killed in a paper-mill at Bellows Falls, Vt., Oct. 28, 1903, ae. 42-8-14. Republican, Odd Fellow, K. of P. Children : a. Zilla, b. July 17, 1889. b. Harry, b. May 29, 1892. c. Abbie Maria, b. July 31, 1896. Sally (Smith) Eastman passed her last years in the family of her daughter, Mrs. Solon S. Southard. She was b. Bath, Feb. 18, 1795, and ra. Moses Eastman. She was the sister of Hannah, who m. John Wool- son ; Abigail, who m. Oscar F. Prowler, and Ruth, who m. Nathaniel S. Berry, all of whom became residents of Bristol. She d. Dec. 1, 1886, ae. 91-9-13- THE SPENCER FAMILIES I . Seth Spencer was an early resident of Bridgewater. He m. Nancy Crawford. CHILDREN 2. Lydia, b. Nov. 5, 1793. 3- Charles, b. Feb. 11, 1796. 4. John, b. Apr. 19, 1798. *5. Seth, b. Nov. i, 1800. 6. Simeon Dana, b. July 30, 1805. (5) Seth Spencer, b. Nov. i, 1800, m. in 1832, Mary Pot ter, dau. of Henry Brown (See), b. Sept. 12, 1816. He was a farmer in Bridgewater; in Bristol in Dist. No. 7, i853-'59, and in Plymouth, where he d. F'eb. i, 1876, ae. 75-3-0- She d. Plymouth, Jan. 14, 1892, ae. 75-4-2. 7. Charles Heniy, b. Bridgewater, May 20, 1834; m. Mar., 1857, Emily Jane, dau. of Cyrus W. Eaton. (See.) He was a farmer in Bndge- ¦water; in Bri.stol, i856-'58, and Plymouth, where he d. Oct. 5, 1865, ac. 31-4-15. She m. (2) Gilbert B. Dolloff. (Sec) Children: a. Fred E., b. Plymouth, Jan. 30, 1858 ; res. Sioux City, Iowa. b. Anna A., b. P., Apr. 29, i860; m. Sept. 4, 1891, David S. Fowler. (See.) (2) George C. Currier. (See.) 27 41 8 HISTORY OF BRISTOL c. Charles E., h. P., Sept. 20, 1865 ; m. Jan. 19, 1895, Ethel W., dau. Burley M. Ames. (See.) He was engaged in ice business in Bristol ; now farmer in Bridgewater. 8. Silas Montgomery, b. B., Jan. 20, 1836; m. Dec. 11, 1862, Lydia Jane, dau. of Stephen N. Heath (See), b. Bristol, July 23, 1845. Chil dren : a. Fannie Maria, b.-" Plymouth, Dec. 25, 1863; m. Nov. I, 1890, Henry Greeley ; res. Rumney. Four children : Mildred B., Win nifred B., Freida E., and Zena B. b. Louis Allen, b. P., Sept. 13, 1867; m. Nov. 6, 1895, Mabel A. McQuesten ; res. Plymouth. Three children : Archie M., Marion E., and Harry H. c. Harry Wesley, b. P., Oct. 30, 1871 ; d. Apr. 13, 1876, ae. 4-5-13. d. Eva Lillian, b. P., Feb. 6, 1878; m. Sept. 27, 1897, Jerry W. Tewksbury ; res. Plymouth. Child : Bethrenee D. 9. Hannah Eliza, b. B., Jan. 30, 1839; m. 1861, Charles R. Heath; d. Mar. 6, 1876, ae. 37-1-6. Child : Cora L. 10. Laura Ann, b. B., Jan. 31, 1844; m. Eugene Harriman; d. Feb. 6, 1869, ae. 25-0-5. No children. II. Sarah Louisa, b. B., 1847 ; d. 1865, ae. 18. 12. Lucian Scott, b. Bristol, Nov. 4, 1856; m. Mar. 23, 1885, Emma J., dau. of Gideon Boardman. (See.) Res. Sloane, Iowa, dealer in lumber. Three children. I . Fred Ashton Spencer is a son of Joseph Gates and Ange line Boynton (Clough) Spencer. He was b. in Enfield, May 25, 1862. He m., Feb. g, 1887, Grace Leone, dau. of Hor ace Burns and Emeline Almeda (Gates) Stanley, b. Enfield, Jan. 27, 1862. He came to Bristol in April, 1885; is assistant treasurer and salesman of the Dodge-Davis Manufacturing com pany, and a director of the First National Bank of Bristol. A Democrat, past master of Union Lodge, A. F. and A. M., and a Knight Templar. CHILD 2. Stanley Ashton, b. Bristol, May 11, 1891. THE SPILLER FAMILY I. George H. Spiller is the son of Benjamin SpiUer, and was b. Bridgewater. He m., May, 1865, Lizzie, dau. of Robert M. Kirk. (See.) He was clerk at the Bristol house ; has been for many years traveling optician. CHILD 2. Katherine Belle, b. Bristol, May 27, 1866, m. (i) Frank W. Wil bur, (2) Charles E. Rounds. (See.) THE STEVENS FAMILY I. Samuel Hubbard Stevens, Esq., was a son of John and Rhuhamah (Fifield) Stevens. He was b. in Kingston, Nov. 20, 1802, and m. July 27, 1840, Seraphina, dau. of Moses GENEALOGIES — STOLWORTHY 4 1 g and Seraphina (Stevens) Sanborn. He graduated from Dart mouth college in 1830 ; read law with Stephen C. Lyford, Mere dith Bridge, now Laconia ; was admitted to the bar and opened an office in Bristol about 1834. He represented Bristol in the leg islature 1845 and 1846, and served eight years as superintending school committee. He removed 1846 to Lawrence, thence to Exeter, where he was cashier of the Granite State bank. From Exeter he removed to Kingston, thence to Concord, where he d. in 1876, ae. 74. She d. Concord. CHILD 2. Seraphina Elizabeth, b. Bristol, about 1842 ; supposed to be living in Washington, D. C, unm., in 1903. THE STOLWORTHY FAMILY I. Charles Stolworthy is a son of Walter and EUen (Hil- loury) Stolworthy. He was b. Franklin July 11, 1866, and m. Mar. 15, 1890, Celia Riel, dau. of George and Delia (Lamp- ron) Riel, b. Penacook, July g, 1874. He has been a wool sorter at the Dodge-Davis Manufacturing company's mill since about i8g3. CHILDREN 2. Ralph, b. Franklin, Mar. 20, 1891. 3. Arthur, b. Laconia, June 27, 1893. THE SULLIVAN FAMILY I. William J. Sullivan was b. St. Johns, N. B., in 1872. He came to Bristol in 1887 and was for ten years wet finisher in the woolen-mill. Aug. i, i8gi, hem. S. Emma, dau. of John Seavey. (See.) In Dec, igo2, he removed to Charlestown, Mass., where he is freight brakeman. K. of P. CHILDREN 2. Bertha May, b. Bristol, Jan. 14, 1892. 3. Ella Beatrice, b. B., July 25, 1893. 4. Karl Rupert, b. B., May 22, 1898. THE SUMNER FAMILY I Luke Sumner was a son of George ; was b. in Antrim, Mar. 5, 1805, and m. Sarah Ross. He came from HiUsboro to Bristol in 1837, and was a farmer here tUl he d. Feb. 10, 1872, ae. 66-1 1-5. She d. Alexandria, Aug. 14, i860, ae. 55-5-9- They united with the Congregational church in 1843. CHILDREN 2. George Washington, b. Alexandria, Aug. 31, 1833 ; m. Mar. 17 1858, EvaN., dau. of Edward and Lydia Haselton,b. Manchester, Oct., 1833. ^20 HISTORY OF BRISTOL and d. Alexandria, Jan. 3, 1861, ae. 27-3-. He m. (2) June 13, 1861, Mary N a sister of his first wife, b. Aug. 28, 1828. and d. Bristol, June 14, 1900, ae 71-9-16. He came to Bristol, 1864; was a farmer m the northeast part of the town five years, since then 011 High street ; Democrat, deacon of Congregational church since April, ]879. Child : a. Frank R., b. B. Dec 22, 185^1 ; d. July 10, 1879, ae. 20-6-18. 3. John Ro«s, b. A., Jan 15, 1837; m. Sept. 22, 1864, Harriet, dau. of Simon and Lucinda Cunningham, b. Boston, Mass., Sept. 22, 1837, and d. Boston, Mar., 1873, ae. 35-5-9. He m. (2) Dec. 16, 1876,, Lucy, dau. Aaron Hawthorne, I). Cushiug, Me., Jan. 1, 1844. He was in trade in RoUins's block with George F. Buttrick, i864-'67 ; m Boston, boarding and sale stables, till 1902, when he returned to Bristol. Res. High street. Methodist. Children : a. Edith Houghton, b. Bristol, Oct. 9, 1866; d. Sept. 2, 1887, ae. 20-10-23. b. Clara Davis, b. Concord, Mass., Aug. 13, 1868; m. Sept. 11, 1888, Thomas C. Newcomb, res. South Boston. Nine children. c. Walter Dickerson, b. East Weymouth, Mass., Aug. 1, 1870; d. Feb. II, 1875, ae. 4-6-10. d. Herbert Ross, b. E. W., Dec. 9, 1871 ; m. Sept. 13, 1900, Grace Wilson, Boston. e. George, b. and d. Aug. 13, 1877. /. Alice Faith, b. June 9, 1879. 4. Lydia, b. Apr. 24, 1829 ; m. Jan. 28, 1852, James Dickerson. 5. Mary Ann, d. ae. 2 years. THE SWETT FAMILIES I. Isaac Swett was a son of Benjamin and Hannah (Mer riU) Swett. He was b. in Orange, Dec 22, 1784, and m. in Oct., 1817, Nancy (Anne), dau. of Stephen T. Brown (See), b. May 27 (28), 1791. They commenced life on the Thomas H. Wicom farm in Bristol, east of the lake and here he d. Jan. 19, 1873, ae. 88-0-27. She d. June 7, 1887, ae. 96-0-10. CHILDREN, all born in Bristol 2. Lucinda, b. Nov. 13, 1818 ; d. an infant. 3. Benjamin, b. Nov. 9, 1820 (1819), m. in Manchester, Mar. 13, 1854, Sarah E., dau. of Henry and Sarah (Russ) Todd, b. Pembroke, Oct. 2, 1829. He served in the 15th Regt. N. H. Vols. (See Roll of Honor.) Was a farmer and d. at Soldiers' Home, Tilton-, Sept. 12, 1901, ae. 80- 10-3. She has been unable to walk for 2i years by reason of a fall; given a home by the Shakers at Canterbury, where she still resides, 1903. She is an expert in making toy animals for sale. Children : a. Ida Jane, b. Bristol, Dec. 18, 1859 ; d. Aug. 13, 1874, ae. 14- 7-25- b. Henry Todd, b. B., June 25, 1862 ; res. Clarksville, unm. c. Ella Anne, b. B., Nov. 5, 1867 ; d. Nov. 17, 1867. 4. RosweU D., b. Oct. 12, 1823; d. at Boston, while en route home from the army, Oct. 12, 1863 ae. 40-0-. (See Roll of Honor.) 5. Mary, b. Feb. 16, 1826 ; d. Haverhill. 6. Sylvester, b. Apr. 29, 1831. He m. (i) Ermine E., dau. of John Jaqueth. She d. while he was in the army, leaving one dau. two years old. He m. (2) Sept. 24, 1865, Marcia Ann, dau. of Benjamin H. Smith, of Rumney. He is a farmer in Plymouth, nearly incapacitated GENEALOGIES — TAYLOR 42*1 from labor by reason of wounds received at the battle of Gettysburg. (See RoU of Honor.) Children: a. Mynetta Jane, b. Bristol, July 23, i860. b. George Francis, b. B., Jan. 20, 1867; d. Mar. 26, 1867. c. Elinor Josephine, b. Plymouth, Feb. 20, 1868. d. Andrew Francis, b. P., Dec. 22, 1872. e. Elvira Mabel, b. P., July 5, 1874 ; d. Sept. 20, 1881, ae. 7-2-15. /. Wesley Sylvester, b. P., Mar. 3, 1876. 7. Marinda Nelson, b. July 4, 1836; m. Thomas H. Wicom. (See.) I. Calvin Swett was b. in Warner in 1812, and came to Bristol about 1832. He was a school teacher and farmer in the Moore's Mills neighborhood. He m. Mar. 11, 1834, Rachel L., dau. of Abraham Dolloff (See), b. Apr. 24, 1814. She d. Bris tol, Aug 2, 1865, ae. 51-3-8. After 1866, he res. in Campton and Ashland. He m. (2) Mrs. Shepherd, of Ashland. He was a Republican and twice represented Bristol in the legislature, and served five years as selectman of the town. He was a farmer, a dealer in lumber, and for a time interested in the manufacture of paper. He served one year as selectman of Campton, and was filling the same office in Ashland when he d. Oct. 28, 1882, ae. 70-10-. CHILDREN 2. Sylvanus W., b. Wentworth, Dec. 4, 1834; m. Dec. 17, 1857, Susan A., dau. of William R. Blodgett (See), b. Nov. 9, 1837. He was an extensive and well-to-do farmer on the Peraigewasset river in district No. 5. Was a Republican, Odd Fellow, and a Granger. He d. Apr. 23, 1900, ae. 65-4-19. Children : a. Sara Moore, b. Bristol, Apr. 27, iS6i ; graduated from New Hampton Institution. b. Son, b. Feb. 11, 1873; d. in infancy. 3. Orrison, b. Bristol ; drowned May i, 1847, ae. 5-9-22. THE TAYLOR FAMILIES I. Edward Taylor, of Stratham, was one of the first settlers of Sanbornton, and there he d. Mar. 11, 1784, ae. 88. He had four children, one of whom was 2. Jonathan, b. Oct. 2, 1739; hem. Oct. 16, 1760, Rachel Moore and d. Mar. 2, 1816, ae. 76-5-. Of his eight children one was 3. Nicholas Mason, b. Oct. 4, 1783, m. Apr. 5, 1803, Sally Eastman, of Gilmanton, dau. of Ebenezer and Mary (Butler) Eastman, b. June 22, 1784. He was a blacksmith in New Hampton for 52 years. Hed. instantly, Jan. 13, 1861, ae. 77-3- 9. She d. Bristol, Dec. 29, 1864, ae. 80-6-7. They were the parents of thirteen children, among whom were 4. Sarah Robinson, b. New Hampton, Jan. 18, 1810; m. Oct. 17, 1833, Dea. Abraham Bodwell Sanborn, of New Hampton and Sanbornton. 2"] a 422 HISTORY OF BRISTOL b. Nov. 8, 1806. He was for some years acting deacon of the Bristol Congregational church, and d. Apr. i, 1878, ae. 71-4-23. She d. in Bris tol, Feb. 5, 1899, ae. 89-0-17. No children. 5. Clarinda Jane, b. Mar. 9, 1815; m. Gustavus Bartlett. (See.) 6. Anna C, b. Apr. 27, 1817; m. Daniel S. Mason. (See.) -»7. Cyrus, b. New Hampton, Dec. 18, 1818. 8. Martha G., b. June 17, 1820; m. Gustavus Bartlett. (See.) 9. Laura Elizabeth A., b. Aug. 31, 1830; m. George P. Smith. (See.) (7) Hon. Cyrus Taylor, b. Dec. 18, 1818, m. July i, 1845, Martha, dau. of Capt. James Minot (See), b. Sept. 29, 1822.^ They res. on Pleasant street. Congregationalists. She was for many years a member of the choir and an active worker in the church. She d. Sept. 30, i8g4, ae. 72-0-1. He d. May 16, 1898, ae. 79-4-28. When 16 years of age he entered the store of George W. Smith in New Hampton, and a year later a store in Meredith. Here he remained till Oct., 1836, when he came to Bristol and entered the store of I. C. Bartlett & Co., as clerk, where he remained as clerk and proprietor for 56 years. In April, 1842, Mr. Taylor bought out Sias S. Sleeper, one of the partners, and in i860 purchased the interest of Ichabod Bartlett and became the sole proprietor. He also purchased the real estate, and continued in trade here till he sold to Kemp & Johnson in December, i8g2. During all these years, Mr. Taylor did a very extensive business in this store and was also largely interested in other enterprises. He was the senior partner of Taylor & Shaw and of Taylor & Merrill, miUers, who did an extensive business in flour and grain. He was one of the pro moters in the organization of the Franklin & Bristol railroad, and was a passenger on the first passenger train that left Con cord for Boston, Sept. 10, 1842. The first freight train that reached Concord contained freight for him and the first freight train that reached Bristol contained two car loads of freight for his store, and from this time for 45 years not a week passed that did not bring him more or less freight. During all these years, Mr. Taylor gave his entire personal attention to his business and confined himself more closely to its cares than any clerk in his employ. In politics he was a Repub lican. In i86g, he was elected state senator from this district by the joint convention of the senate and house, and in 1870 was re-elected by the people. He was a charter member of Union Lodge, No. 79, A. F. and A.M., and a prominent member and liberal supporter of the Congregational church. Mr. Taylor was universally respected for his many high qualities. He was a public spirited man and had the best interests of the community at heart and was a liberal supporter of all the benevolent institutions of the town. He was honest, honorable, and upright — a model citizen, and his death was a great loss to the community. Henry A. Taylor GENEALOGIES — TAYLOR 423 CHILDREN 10. Henry Arthu,r, b. Bristol, June i8, 1848 ; m. Sept. 28, 1869, Helen Abby, dan. of Warren While (See), b. Jan. 16, 1847. He d. Bristol, of typhoid iever, Sept. 25, 1877, ae. 29-3-7, and was buried with Masonic honors by M.t. Horeb Commandery of Knights Templar, of Concord, of which Commandery he was a member. His widow m. (2) Marcus O. Farrar. ( Henry A. Taylor was interested with his father in mer- fcantile pursuits till about three years before his death, when he became .connected with the Mechanicks bank. Concord. Child : a. Edith Henry, b. Bristol, Apr. 29, 1878 ; m. Jason D. Emerson. (See.) II. Abby Maria, b. B., Dec 11, 1851 ; m. Ira A. Chase, Esq. (See.) I. James Taylor, son of Mark and Betsey Chase Taylor, was of the third generation from Edward of Stratham, one of the first settlers of Sanbornton (Seep. 421) through Jonathan, b. Oct. 2, 1739, and Mark, b. June 19, 1773. James was b. Sept. I, 1800. He m. Apr. 14, 1825, Eliza Morrison, dau. of John. He was a blacksmith ; both were members of the F'ree Baptist church in Sanbornton. They spent their last years in Bristol, where she d. " after years of terrible suffering," Nov. 20, 1874, ae. 67-2-. He d. Feb. 26, 1884, ae. 83-5-25. CHILDREN 2. John Perry, b. Sanbornton, May 3, 1826 ; m. Aug. 23, 1848, Char lotte A., dau. Jacob Smith, b. Sanbornton, Feb. 27, 1826(1827). He was a trader in Danbury and in Sanbornton. From 1S62, was in Bristol ; sales man for many years in store of Hon. Cyrus Taylor ; was postmaster seven years ; fire aud life insurance agent ; town clerk five years ; served on the Republican state central committee ; was a Congregationalist and a Mason. He d. suddenly of heart disease occasioned by excitement on account of a small fire in the viUage, Apr. 8, 1875, ae. 48-11-5. She d. Dec 2, 1877, ae. 51-9-5. Children : a. Eva Eliza, b. Sanbornton, May 3, 1853 ; m. William Bartlett. (See.) b. Annie Lizzie, b. June 6, 1857; d. Bristol, May 15, 1874, ae. 16-11-9. 3. Emily E., b. Apr. 18, 1829; m. Rev. WiUiam T. Sleeper. . I . John Taylor, son of John and Judith (CogsweU) Tay lor, was b. Bethlehem, Nov. 3, 1819. He m. Nov. 28, 1841, AbigaU, dau. of Joseph and Mary Thresher, b. Sandwich, July 12, 1817, and d. Bristol, Aug. 16, 1881, ae. 64-1-4. He was a carpenter and wood-worker in Bristol, i875-'95 ; since in West Andover and Franklin P'alls. CHILDREN *3: ^wHukm Thomas,}^- ^-^^«. ^^^^ ^^' ^«- ^ I '^ '^'^^- 4. James Austin, b. Easton, Ja:n. 9, 1845 ; served in Co. M, ist Regt. N. H. Vols., Heavy Artillery, in the CivU war, Feb. 15 to June 9, 1865 ; d. Haverhill, Feb. 28, 1880, ae. 35-1-19. 424 HISTORY OF BRISTOL 5. Royal Herman, b. Concord, May 17, 1847; d. Sept. 20, 1847, ae- 1-4-3- 6. Charles Cogswell, b. Franconia, Apr. 27, 1851 ; d. ae. about two years. 7. Mary Hackett, b. P., June 7, 1854 ; removed from Bristol to West Andover, 1895 ; thence to Franklin Falls, where now resides. Is insti tuting lodges for N. E. Order of Protection. 8. Sarah Abigail, b. P., June 7, 1858; has been a school teacher; res. Franklin FaUs. 9. Clara Emma, b. P., Sept. 22, i860 ; d. Bristol, Mar. i, 1875, of con sumption, ae. 14-5-9. (3) WiUiam T. Taylor, b. Sept. 25, 1842, m. (i) Adelaide, dau. Priest and Lydia Young, who d. Franconia, 1864. He came to Bristol, 1865, and here m. Dec. 31, 1865, Sarah Alma, dau. Eldred Roby (See), b. June 12, 1845. He was a skilful pattern maker and wood-worker, and a manufacturer of picker-sticks. A Methodist and Republican. Died suddenly of heart disease, Sept. 17, 1893, ae. 50-11-22. She res. Bristol. CHILDREN 10. Addie May, b. Bristol, Mar. 31, 1870 ; d. Bristol, June 22, 1881, ae. 1 1-2-2 1. II. Grace Marion, b. B., Sept. 7, 1873; graduated Simonds High school, Warner ; was teacher, now stenographer and typewriter, Man chester. 12. LeRoy Clifton, b. B., Aug. 15, 1878. Professional baseball. 13. Annie May, b. B., July i, 1884; m. Oct. 24, 1903, Ralph Gray, of Alexandria. THE TENNEY FAMILY I. Roscoe Carleton Tenney, son of Charles Herbert and Mary (Phillips) Tenney, was b. Alexandria, Oct. 28, 1879. He m. June 4, 1902, Sarah, dau. of WilUam Rice (See), b. Feb. 3, 1879. He is a laborer in Bristol. No children. THE THOMAS FAMILY I. Jacob Thomas, the son of Jonathan, was b. Hamp ton, Jan. 31, 1763. He went to Sanbornton with his father when three years old. At fifteen enlisted in Continental army as a fifer and served four years. Oct. 13, 1785, hem. Ruth, dau. of Abram Perkins, b. Sanbornton, July 21, 1764. He removed to New Hampton where his children were b. and about 1 8 10 came to Bristol settling in the Locke neighborhood, where he remained ten years or more. In 1829, he was again in Sanbornton, and later went to Avon, N. Y., where he d. in the family of his son, Matthew, Dec. 20, 1835, ae. 72-10-19; .she d. Nov. 22, 1852, ae. 88-4-1. GENEALOGIES — THURSTON 425 CHILDREN 2. Joseph, b. June 17, 1786; d. June 17, 1807, ae. 21-0-0. 3. Abigail, b. May 11, 1789; m. Feb. 23, 1809, Joseph Morse, Bridge- water; res. Salem, Vt., and d. Oct. 8, 1872, ae. 83-4-27. Ten children. 4. Polly, _b. Aug. 29, 1791 ; m. May 22, 1811, Mayhew Sanborn, and removed to Michigan. 5. Elizabeth, b. June 27, 1793; m. 1814, Benjamin Morse, and re moved to Avon, N. Y., where she d. Feb. 27, 1885, ae. 91-8-. 6. Jacob, b. May 29, 1795 ; served in War of 1812; in 1818, wentto New York, and in 1836 to Michigan ; m. PoUy Brown and had three chil dren. He d. Mar. 16, 1892, ae. 96-9-17. 7. Stephen, b. Feb. 5, 1797; d. May 18, 1797. 8. Nancy, b. July 22, 1798; m. 1814, John Dolloff, and d. Apr. 9, 1875, ae. 76-8-17. They had 12 children. Lived in New Hampton, Ver mont, Sanbornton. 9. Matthew Perkins, b. July 3, 1800. Went to Avon, N. Y., and in 1821, m. Rachel Harrington, who d. Mar. 23, 1867; he m. (2) Nov. 19, 18681 Mary N. Stone, and d. June 22, 1895, ae. 94-11-19. 10. Esther, b. Oct. 10, 1803 ; m. Nathaniel Heath. (See.) II. Jonathan M., b. Aug. 19, 1805 ; removed to Georgia and had sons in the Confederate army. THE THURSTON FAMILY I. John Henry Thurston was b. in Freedom, June 5, 1861. He was a son of Stephen D. and Hannah (Whitton) Thurston. He came to Bristol about 1880, and m. Sept. 20, 1881, Mary Etta, dau. of Samuel and Mary N. (Fleer) Clark, b. Alexan dria,' June 9, 1853. Was for several years a policeman; d. ¦Bristol, Aug. 15, 1900, ae. 39-2-10. CHILD 2. Mabelle Etta, b. May 24, 1882 ; m. Aug. 15, 1903, Thomas H. Da-vis, Portsmouth. THE TIBBETTS FAMILY I. Alfred Henry Tibbetts, son of Wentworth B., was b. Wolfeboro, Mar. 23, i860. He m. Nora Bell, dau. of Stephen P. Wiggin, b. Sanbornton, Mar. 20, 1865. Divorced. Hem. (2) Jessie Blanche, dau. of Reuben C. Dodge, b. Tunbridge, Vt., Aug. 22, i87g. He is a sawyer and carpenter; came to Bristol from Danbury, Dec, iSgg. CHILDREN 2. Lizzie, m. Charles Covey, res. HiU. 3. Hervie, res. Hill. 4- Prank, res. Hill. 5. Alice May, b. Franklin Falls, Apr. 15, 1895. 6. Georgia, b. Danbury, Nov. 4, 1898. 7. Bernard Bishop, b. Bristol, Mar. 5, 1900. THE TILTON FAMILIES 1 . Sherburn Tilton, son of Sherburn, was b. in Kensing ton, July 31, 1735. Papers left by the late Odlin Sleeper state 426 HISTORY OF BRISTOL that he was with Gen. Wolfe, at the seige of Quebec. In July, 1776, he enlisted in Capt. David Quimby's company, of Col. Josiah Bartlett's regiment, raised for the invasion of Canada ; and in 1777, he marched from Sandown in Capt. Robert CoUins's company to join the Northern army at Saratoga. He m, Huld.ah Prescott, b. Ken.sington, Nov. 14, 1738,, and settled in Sandown. About 1780 they removed to Bristol and he built a log cabin otj east side of South Main street, where later stood a hotel and where now is Frank W. Bingham's harness shop. He bought of John Tolford the mill lot. No, 61, First Division, and operated the saw-miU and grist-mill where is now the Train-Smith com pany pulp-miU. In May, 1794, he sold to Moses Lewis and removed to what has later been known as the Chase farm on north side of Hemp hill, where he had a potash. Later he removed to Wheelock, Vt., where he d. Sept. 20, 1813, ae. 78- 1-19. She d. St. Albans, Vt., Apr. 11, 1823, ae. 84-4-27. CHILDREN, all except last born in Sandown -yr2. John, b. Sept. 24, 1761. ^- n^'^'fi. |b. Aug. II, I763;|°^-?^"'^1S^^'^P"- (See.) 4. Dorothy, ( =¦ ' / ot ^ worked many years in Lowell, Mass.; d. unm., 1857, ae. 94. 5. Elizabeth, b. June 26, 1765 ; m. John Sleeper. (See.) -»6. Sherburn, b. May 12, 1768. 7. Daniel, \^j ^ ^^ . f removed to Vermont. 8. Sarah, / ' ^' ' '' ' \ m. Joseph Ingalls ; res. northern Ver mont. 9. Rebecca, b. July 29, 1772; d. July 11, 1773. 10. Benjamin, b. Sept. 12, 1774; lived and d. Swanton, Vt. II. Theophilus, b. Jan. 15, 1777; m. (pub. Feb. 2, 1801), Comfort Powell ; lived and d. Vershire, Vt. #12. Jonathan, b. Aug. 22, 1779. 13. Timothy, b. Bristol, Apr. 30, 1783 ; settled in the northern part of Vermont, where he d. (2) John Tilton, son of Sherburn, b. Sept. 24, 1761, came to Bristol with his parents, and m. Jane, dau. of Jacob Cass. (See.) He was a farmer in Plymouth iSog-'io, and 1825-33 ; on the Jeremiah Johnson road near the turnpike in Bridgewater and in South Alexandria, where he d. .Sept. 2, 1853, ae. gi-ii-8. CHILDREN 14. John, was a farmer in Plymouth, i826-'33. 15. Henry, b. Nov. 13, 1788; m. Elizabeth Buck. Was a farmer in Alexandria, Hebron, and Plymouth, and d. in family of his dau., Mrs. Charles S. Brown, in Bristol. Children : a. Eliza Sage, b. Alexandria, Jan., 182 1 ; m. Joshua Foster, (See.) b. Orinda Carpenter, b. Hebron, Sept. 16, 1823 ; m. Charles S. Brown. (See.) c. Ella (Lucy) Buck, b. Plymouth (?), Apr. 28, 1826 ; m. Nathan iel P. Keezer. (See.) d. Charles, went to sea and never heard from afterward. 16. Sherburn, b. Jan. 30, 1791. 17. Sally, b. Apr. 8, 1794. GENEALOGIES — TILTON 427 18. Benjamin, taxed in Plymouth, i823-'35. A dau., Sarah Jane, adopted by Abbott Lovejoy. (See.) 19. Putman, d. unm., about 1840. 20. Dorothy, unm. 21. Huldah. (6) Sherburn Tilton. son of Sherburn, b. May 12, 1768, m. Ruth, dau. of Lieut. Benjamin Emmons (See), b. June 8, 1775. They were the first settlers on the Tilton farm in Dist. No. 7, east of the lake. For years he drove a four-ox team to Boston for supplies for Moses Lewis ; removed to what was later the Jonathan H. Johnson farm in Bridgewater. He d. Dec. 27, 1852, ae. 84-7-15 ; she d. at about go years of age. CHILDREN 22. Huldah, b. Bristol, Feb. 12, 1794; d. unm., Dec. 7, 1821, ae. 27- 9-25- 23. Elizabeth, b. B., Jan. 3, 1796; m. Moses Smith, and d. Alexan dria, May 6, 1829, ae. 33-4-3. 24. Benjamin Emmons, b. B., Apr. 11 1798 ; m. Betsey, dau. of Simeon Batchelder (See), b. Mar. 18, 1803. He was a farmer in Bridgewater, where his son Harvey res. He d. Dec. 24, 1871, ae. 73-8-13; she d. July 12, 1889, ae. 86-3-24. Children, all b. in Bridgewater. a. Eliza S., b. June 4, 1830; m. Dec. 9, 1858, Lorenzo Flanders (his first wife), and d. in Bridgewater, Oct. 11, i86i, ae. 31-4-7. Child : Anna Eliza, b. Nov. 22, i86o; d. Sept. 10, 1876, ae. 15-9-18. b. Harvey W., b. June 11, 1837; m. June 20, 1874, Esther 1)., dau. of Rodney and Abigail (Spaulding) Hammond, b. Aug. 30, 1838. He was a farmer and a most estimable man. Held nearly all the offices in the gift of the town. He d. Oct. 3, 1898, ae. 61-3-22. No children. c. Frank B., b. Mar 6, 1842. Unm. He went to Lowell in 1862, where he res. ten years ; thence to Lawrence, where he now res. 25. Sherburn Webster, b. Bridgewater, July 8, 1800; m. Nancy Batch- elder, dau. of Simeon. (See.) He was a farmer in Bridgewater, where he d. May 16, 1885, ae. 84-10-8. She d. Jan. 27, 1884. Child : a. Lauten C, b. Bridgewater, Aug. 3, 1849 ; m. Jan. i, 1872, Mary Comfort, dau. James M. Ames (See), b. Jan. 7, 1852. He was a farmer and a prominent man in the town ; filled nearly all the offi ces in the gift of the town ; was town treasurer at time of his death, which occurred Juue 7, 1897, ae. 47-10-4. She res. in Bristol. No children. 26. Ruth, b. B., Nov. 13, 1802 ; d. May 25, 1837, of consumption, ae. 34-6-12. For forty days previous to her death she took no nourishment except hot water. 27. John P., b. B., Apr. 19, 1806; m. May 29, 1836, Sarah Jane, dau. John Rollins, b. Oct. 18, 1816. He was a farmer in Alexandria till 1871 ; then settled on the Tilton farm in District No. 9, west of the lake, and there d. July 11, 1888, ae. 82-2-22. She d. Aug. 25, 1894, ae. 77-10-7. Children : a. Eliza S., b. Alexandria, Oct. 27, 1839 ; m. May 29, 1862, John Sanborn. b. John Olin, b. A., July 4, 1849; m. Apr. 25, 1882, Emma M., dau. of Nicholas T. Chase. Divorced. No children. Res. on his father's farm till about 1896, when he removed to Concord. 28. David P., twin brother of John F., was a farmer in Bridgewater. He m. (i) Sarah Rowe, of Vermont; (2) Louise Chase, dau. of Dea. 428 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Timothy, of Campton, who d. Nov. 25, 1892, ae. 68-6-0; he d. Aug. 3, 1888, ae. 82-3-14. Children : a. Emily A., b. Bristol, Aug. 7, 1845 ! ™- George W. Atwood. (See.) b. MarshaU W., d. Apr. 17, 1854, ae. 1-8-. *29. Samuel H., b. Sept. 18, 1816. (12) Jonathan Tilton, son of Sherburn, b. Aug. 22, 1779, m. Sally Clifford, b. Jan. 21, 1784, and d. Oct. 7, 1833, ae. 49- 8-16. Farmer and carpenter (called great barn buUder) in Bris tol, where Charles A. Gale now res. ; Bridgewater, Wheelock, Vt., Bridgewater again, thence to South Alexandria, where he res. about forty years, and where he d. Nov. 27, 1870, ae. 91- 3-5- CHILDREN 30. Dorothy Roby, b. Oct. 7, 1802 ; m. Capt. Daniel Sleeper. (See.) 31. Huldah, b. May 7, 1804 ; d. in family of Daniel Sleeper, Jan. 8, 1838, ae. 33-8-1- 32. Timothy, b. Apr. 18, 1806 ; m. June 30, 1835, Mary, dau. Daniel McMurphy, b. Oct. 15, 1812. He was a farmer in So. Alexandria, where he d. May 12, 1865, ae. 59-0-24. She d. July 29, 1899, ae. 86-9-14. Chil dren : a. Jeriah S., b. Mar. 23, 1836 ; d. Feb. 17, 1841, ae. 4-10-24. b. Sarah Elizabeth McMurphy, b. July 22, 1840; m. Isaac Em mons, Hill, and d. June 8, 1878, ae. 37-10-16. c. Horace Francis, b. Jan. 19, 1843; m. (i)Jan. 13, 1872, Jennie E., dau. Emmons Lewis, b. Mar. 23, 1852 ; d. Nov. 30, 1876, ae. 24- 8-7. He m. (2) Jan. i, 1878, Flora S., dau. Moses Noyes, b. Feb. 18, 1854 ;d. Jan. i, 1887, ae. 32-10-13. Farmer in So. Alexandria. Several times selectman of his town. Children : (i) Bertha M., b. Nov. 29, 1879. (2) Edith M., b. Sept. 10, 1884. 33. Isaac Clifford, b. Wheelock, Vt., Nov. 18, 1808; m. Oct. 29, 1833, Lydia J. Heath, dau. Samuel (See), b. Dec. 30, 1812. She d. Bridgewater, Feb. 22, 1881, ae. 68-1-22. He was a farmer on the Point in Bridgewater; d. Feb. 12, 1885, ae. 76-2-24. Children, all b. Bridgewater. a. Margaret H., b. Oct. 15, 1834; m. Gilbert B. Dolloff. (See.) b. Son, d. infancy, Dec. 19, 1835. c. Daughter, d. infancy, July 9, 1838. d. Hiram S., b. Oct. 22, 1839; m. Lydia P., dau. Samuel and Mary M. (Prescott) Worthen, b. Jan. 30, 1839. Succeeded his father on the farm. Children : (i) Lura Delia, b. May 2, 1864. (2) Isaac Sarnie, b. May 8, 1866; d. June 11, 1877, ^e. 11-1-3. (3) Alfred Hiram, b. May 22, 1870. (4) Alice May, b. May 22, 1870; m. George M. Breck. (See.) (5) Frank Hermon, b. Apr. 4, 1877. e. Lucy A., b. Oct. 7, 1845 \ m. Nov. 29, 1866, Curtis Brown. (Sec) /. Ella M., b. May 11, 1851 ; m. Oct. 2, 1875, Charles Smith ; d. Tilton, Mar. 22, 1889, ae. 37-10-11. g. Lora Jane, b. May 10, 1855; d. Apr. 14, 1864, ae. 8-11-4. 34. Walter, b. Mar. 21, 1811 ; m. Ruth Webster, Lowell, Mass.; res. many years in Alexandria, where he d. Dec. 24, 1855, ae. 44-9-3. 35. Rebecca, b. Aug. 24, 1813 ; d. Sept. 25, 1815, ae. 2-1-1. 36. William Sanborn, b. Feb. i, 1820; m. and settled in Maine where he d. Dec. 31, 1848, ae. 28-10-30. 37. Sherburn Sleeper, b. Bridgewater, Apr. 16, 1822 ; m. Abbie, dau. Amos Flanders, of Wilmot, and d. about 1884 in South Alexandria. In GENEALOGIES — TILTON 429 1852, _ be made the trip across the isthmus to California, where he remained nearly twelve years. Res. Danbury. Children : a. John Flanders, b. Wilmot, Nov. 25, 1845 I ™- Grace I. Hazel ton. Res. South Alexandria, Wilmot. b. Mary, b. W., 1853 ; d. 1883, ae. 30 years. c. Frances Ellen, b. W. ; d. about 1857, ae. about six years. d. Charles, b. W,, 1854 ; d. about 1859, ae. about five years. A l^ll^lC } -^^ -«^--' ^-- ^^' '«^4; { L^-d^or^rH^aines, res. Bristol. She d. July 25, 1898, ae. 33-8-9. 38. Jonathan Lyman, b. July 3, 1827; m. the widow of William S. Tilton. She d. Concord, ae. about 88 ; he d. Concord. (2g) Samuel H. Tilton, son of Sherburn, b. Sept. 18, 1816, m. Feb. 16, 184S, Deborah L., dau. Dexter Brown (See), b. Feb. 26, 1831. Farmer, four years stage driver on (iroton route ; removed from Bridgewater to Bristol, 1S68 ; laborer, res. on Willow street, where he d. Feb. 20, 1885, ae. 68-5-2, and where she still res. CHILDREN 39. Charles Lee, b. Bridgewater, Aug. 2, 1850. An operative in the woolen-mill ; unm. 40. George Scott, b. B., Dec. 27, 1852 ; m. June 16, 1875. Isabel Eldora Heath, dau. of Stephen N. (See), b. Feb. 23, 1855. Miill opera tive and trader. Now res. North Carolina. Children : a. Edna Isabel, b. Bristol, Jan. 16, 1876; m. Karl F. Bunker. (See.) b. Ada Lisette, b. B., Mar. 6, 1878; m. Leon A. Woodman. (See.) c. Chester Scott, b. B., Nov. 2, 1880. d. Fred Wyman, b. B., Apr. — , 1883 ; d. Dec, 1883. e. Foster Cleveland, b. B., Mar. 11, 1885. J. Newell Emmons, b. B., Aug. 10, 1889. g. Shirley Floyd, b, B., Apr. 30, 1894. 41. Sarah Emma, b. Hebron, Nov. 15, 1858 ; m. July 19, 1877, Silas A. McMurphy, a farmer in So. .\lexandria. Children : a. Lizzie Ina, b. Nov. 28, 1884. b. Ella Viola, b. May 3, 1890. c. Alvah Edison, b. July 13, 1891. 42. Jennie N., b. Bristol, Aug. 15, 1861 ; m. May 22, 1879, Alvertus Norman McMurphy, a farmer in South Alexandria. Child : a. Helen Aletia, b. Aug. 5, 1882. I . Dr. Timothy Tilton was a tax-payer in that part of New Chester now Bristol as early as 1806, apparently residing on the west side of Newfound river. In 18 10, he was residing on the east side of that river on what is now Pleasant street, and consequently, in Bridgewater. That year he served as select man of Bridgewater. In 1823, he was on Bridgewater hiU and was then a member of the District Medical society. The loss of the Inventory books of both New Chester and Bridgewater cov ering the early years of these towns, prevents a more exact state ment in this case as in many others. 430 HISTORY OF BRISTOL CHILDREN 2. William Brackett, b. Feb. 20, 1810. 3. Joseph Chase, b. Dec. 25, 1811. I. David Tilton and Rebecca Green were m. Feb. 8, i74g. They were among the first settlers of New Hampton, and were the parents of 13 children, among whom were : 2. Elizabeth, b. June 10, 1756 ; m. Sept. 7, 1779, Elijah Sanborn. (See.) In the Sanborn family records, she is said to be of Danville. -»3. David, b. Jan. 27, 1755. *4. Green, b. Kingston, Sept. 9, 1759. (3) David, b. Jan. 27, 1755, m. Quimby; was a farmer in New Hampton, had several children, among them *5. Josiah, b. New Hampton, Feb. 12, 1786. (4) Green Tilton, son of David, b. Sept. g, i75g, m. in 1787, Judith, dau. of Cutting Favor (See), b. Sept. 17, 1770. They settled in New Hampton, where he d. Mar. 8, 1810, ae. 50-5-2g. She d. June 15, 1850, ae. 7g-8-28. Of their 14 chil dren, one was *6. David, b. New Hampton, Jan. 6, 1810. (5) Josiah, b. Feb. 12, 1786, m. Sally Keniston, b. Allens town, May 5, 1781,'' and d. New Hampton, Apr. 25, 1882, ae. 100-11-20. He d. Mar. i, 1866. They were farmers in New Hampton. Of their seven chUdren, two were ay. Salmon Hibbard, b. May 5, 1813. 8. Daniel B., m. Louise E. Cushman. Among their children one was a. Harry Warren, b. Lebanon, July 18, 1861. He m. Mar. 28, 1882, Florence D., dau. of Eliphalet G. Kelley (See), b. Sept. 17, 1861. He was a woodworker in Bristol, Apr., i88i-'96, when he removed to Everett, Mass., where she d., Jan. 12, 1903, ae. 41-3-25. Child : EUphalet Kelley, b. Bristol, May 22, 1886. (6) David Tilton, b. Jan. 6, 1810, m. Sept. 12, 1843, Polly, dau. of Dea. Levi and Polly (Mason) Carter, b. New- Hampton, July II, 18 1 8, and d. Bristol, Feb. 2, iSgs, ae. 76-6- 21. He was a farmer in New Hampton ; last few years of his life resided on Merrimack street in Bristol, where he d. Feb. 13, 1882, ae. 72-1-7. CHILDREN 9. Mary Elizabeth, b. New Hampton, Feb. 12, 1845. Res. Bristol. 10. Jane Helen, b. N. H., Aug. 6, 1847; d. Bristol, Aug. ii, 1880, ae. 33-0-5. II. Ruth Anna, b. N. H., Jan. 31, 1850; d. Bristol, May 28, 1890, ae. 40-3-27. (7) Salmon H. Tilton, son of Josiah, b. Mays, 1813, m. Sept. 1, 1835, Joanna J. Hight, b. Feb. 14, 1817. He was a Green L. Tilton GENEALOGIES — TILTON 43 1 fanner in New Hampton, d. Bristol, Oct. 8, i8g3, ae. 80-5-3. She d. in the family of her son, Green L., in Bristol, Jan. 28, 1896, ae. 78-1 1-14. CHILDREN 12. John Favor, b. New Hampton, Feb. 13, 1838; was 20 years an engineer on Northern road, 8 years in Indiana ; since in Bristol ; farmer; unm. 13. Green L., b. N. H., Feb. 13, 1840; m. May 21, 1864, Sarah Jane, dau. of Benjamin Q. Fellows (See), b. Feb. 8, 1841. He came to Bristol in 1858, and was a currier and tanner for some years ; was for five years making boots aud shoes in company with Elijah Sanborn ; a job teamster the balance of his life, keeping several teams. He served six years as selectman, many years as highway surveyor, and after the law created the office of road agent, he was twice elected to this ofBce. In 1899 and 1900, he expended the f 15,000 raised by the town for macadam road. He was justice of the peace, a trustee of Minot-Sleeper library, a Republican, an Odd FeUow; a prominent member and liberal supporter of the Free Baptist church. He d. Mar. 29, 1901, ae. 61-1-16. Children : a. Willie, b. Bristol, Apr. 22, 1866; d. Aug. 30, 1866. b. Ardella Ann, b. B., June 21, 1867; m. Omsby A. Lothrop. (See.) c. Eva AUana, b. B., Mar. 17, 1870 ; m. Wesley H. Dicey. (See.) d. Grace Hannah, b. B., Oct. 11, 1877 ; m. May 21, 1895, George Frank Trussell, of Orfordville, where they now res. He is a superior mechanic and wood-turner. Child : Marion Emma, b. Orfordville, July 17, 1898. 14. Emily Lucy, b. N. H., Nov. 27, 1844; m. Orrison G. Cass. (See.) 15. George Hibbard, b. Jan. 14, 1852; m. June 2, 1880, Nellie G., dau. James Proctor and Eliza Ann (Gill) Gordon, b. New Hampton, Oct. 24, i860. She d. Bristol, May 9, 1903, ae. 42-6-15. He was a stone mason in Bristol for 10 years, later in New Hampton and Franklin. 16. Sarah Ann, d. ae. 3-10-26. I. Silas Barnett Tilton, son of Samuel, wash. Andover, Aug. 25, 1795. In Dec, 1819, he m. Abigail Sanborn, dau. of Peter, b. Andover. They were farmers in Bristol, i836-'44, when they removed to Groton, thence to Franklin. In 1853, with his three sons, he went to California where he remained four years, and then settled in Canaan, where he d. Jan. 13, 1862, ae. 66-4-18. She d. same day. CHILDREN 2. BeUnda, b. Andover, Aug. 25, 1820 ; m. John Nelson. (See.) 3. Elbridge, b. A., Apr. 10, 1822 ; m. Mar. 25, 1847, Alice, dau. of Daniel and Lois (Kidder) Cummings, b. Groton, Nov. 26, 1827. He was in Bristol with his parents i836-'44 ; in CaUfornia, i853-'55 ; res. Canaan and Laconia. In Dec, 1871, returned to Bristol, settling on the farm now owned by his son, Zerah E., where he d. May 6, 1889, ae. 67-0-26. She res. Bristol. Children : a. Zerah Elbridge, b. Groton, May 23, 1858; m. May 22, 1887, Georgianna, dau. of Charles L. and Franceina Weeks, b. Gilmanton, Mar. 5, 1866. He is an extensive dairy farmer west of Newfound river ; has absorbed the Aaron Sleeper farm and now owns 600 acres of land ; his farm ranks as the best in town and his tax is 432 .HISTORY OF BRISTOL the largest of any farmer. Is also a manufacturer of lumber. Is a Democrat and prominent in Grange circles. No children. b. Delia Alice, b. Gilford, Dec. 8, 1867 ; m. Fred H. Briggs. (See.) 4. George, b. A., Nov. 21, 1831 ; m. Aug., 1857, (i) Elizabeth E., dau. Levi Brooks, b. Landaff, Jan. 24, 1832 ; d. Alton, July 17, 1876, ae. 44_2_23. He m. (2) Mar. 8, 1877, Mary S. Langley, who d. Jan. 19, 1900. He res. California. 5. Smilie, b. A., Dec. 14, 1833 ; m. Jan. 12, 1859, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of James M. Bancroft, b. Haverhill, Nov. 24, 1840, and d. St. Helena, Cal., Nov. 13, 1886, ae. 45-11-19. Children : a. LaForest Eugene, b. Haverhill, Sept. 13, 1859 ; d. Oct. i, 1859. b. Villazena Melissa, b. Canaan, Sept. 22, i860; d. Apr. 4, 1864, 3-6-12. c. Katie Abbie, b. C, July i, 1862; d. Lakewood, N. J., Dec 4, 1867, ae. 5-5-3. d. William Bancroft, b. C, June 12, 1865; d. Lakewood, Nov. 30, 1867, ae. 2-5-18. e. George Elbridge, b. Atlatitic, Is., Mar. 20, 1870. /. Blanch Arvilla, b. A., Mar. 20, 1872. g. Ruby Emma, b. A., Mar. 20, 1875. h. Twins, both d. June 9, 1877. i. Elizabeth Ambie, b.,A., July 9, 1879. 6. Melissa Ann, b. Bristol, .\pr. 21, 1839; m. 1867, Henry Greenough, and d. Lakeport, July 8, 1870, ae. 31-2-17. I. Lieut. Timothy Tilton, son of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Foster) Tilton, was b. Fremont, May 27, 1836. He served in Co. C, i2th Regt., N. H. Vols. (See RoU of Honor.) He m., Jan. 2, i86g, Martha W., dau. of Alpha C. Jewett (See), b, Apr. 8, 1845. He was a soap manufacturer in Bristol till 1880; a mason and plasterer in Laconia till he d. May 25, 1890, ae. 53-11-28. Republican. No children. She res. Laconia. THE TIRRELL OR TYRRELL FAMILY I. Jonah Tirrell and his brother, Abel, were in Bristol as early as 1787. Jonah had served in the Revolutionary war from Bedford. He settled on the farm now owned and occupied by Samuel K. Worthen, in the Locke neighborhood, and there he d. about 1840, ae. 84. He m. Joanna Lincoln. CHILDREN 2. Sally, b. Dec. 11, 1780; res. in Bristol aud d. at advanced age, unin. 3. Whitcomb, b. Jan. 7, 1783; m. Nov. 27, 1806, Susanna Peasley, of Bridgewater, and removed to Stewartstown. «4. Samuel, b. May 9, 1784. ; -»5. John, b. Bristol, Feb. 27, 1788. 6. Abigail, b. B., Aug. 27, 1790; m. Ebenezer Darling. (See.) 7. Daniel, b. B., Oct. 17, 1797. He was in trade some years at Moore's Mills ; d. in family of David S. Follansbee, Sept. 3, 1878, ae. 80- 10-16, unm. 8. Emily, b. Oct. 9, 1803; m. Mar. 23, 1826, Jacob B. Sanborn, father of Benjamin P., and d. in Haverhill. GENEALOGIES — TIRRELL 433 (4) Samuel TirreU, son of Jonah, b. May 9, 1784, m. 1806, Polly Pressey, b. June 16, 1788, and d. HiU, Mar. 30, 1841, ae. 52-9-14. He was a farmer in the Locke neighborhood ; drowned at Parker's eddy in the Pemigewasset, HiU, May 17, 1836, ae. 52-0-8. CHILDREN 9. Emily, b. Bristol, Nov. 21, i8o6~; m. HoUis H. Tirrell, and res. in Plymouth. Children : a. Moses D., b. Bristol, 1827; served in 6th Regt. N. H. Vols. (See Roll of Honor.) Eight children. b. Mercy A. c. Samuel. d. Mary. e. Emily, d. Oct. 27, 1880. 10. Eliza, b. B., Feb. 7, 1809; m. Jan., 1832, Jerry Ward; d. Hill, Sept. 12, 1859, ae. 50-7-5. Children, all b. Hill. a. Luther A., b. Nov. 10, 1832; m. Mary A. Douglass. Both d. b. Anna J., b. July 14, 1834; m. Arab W. Prescott; res. South Hooksett. c. Joanna D., b. Apr. 12, 1841 ; m. Frank M. Morrill, Manches ter, and d. Hooksett, Oct. 26, 1873, ae. 32-6-14. d. Amanda Grace, b. Feb. 22, 1851 ; m. William P. Hanaford. (Sec) II. Parker Plummer, b. B., Feb. 3, i8ii ; m. Rosella Jordan, of Thom aston, Me. They res. Lexington, Mass., where he d. Dec 11, 1893, ae. 82-10-8. Children : a. Mary Elizabeth, b. June 20, 1836 ; m. Prank Whitman, and d. Danvers, Mass., June 29, 1899, ae. 63-0-9. Child . Frank Allen Whitman, b. Wejiham, Mass., June 2, i860 ; m. June 20, 1886, Lizzie Rackliffe, Danvers, Mass. b. Georgianija, m. E. Prank Keach. c. Willie, di unm. 12. Nancy, b. B., May 12, 1813 ; m. Elijah Ballou. (See.) 13. Rufus, b. B., Apr. 21, 1815 ; m. Susan Avery, Hill ; killed on rail road between Franklin and Andover, July 15, 1862, ae. 47-2-24. Chil dren : a. Mary, b. Hijl, Sept. 20, 1835 ; d. East Andover, Aug. 25, 1859, ae. 23-11-5. b. Harriet, b. H., Sept. 12, 1841 ; m. (i) Moses Kimball, (2) Daniel Flanders, and res. Cpncord. c. Josephine, b. Bristol, Oct. 16, 1845 ; m. (i) Gilman McAlpine, (2) PJdwin Bro£tdley, Tilton. d. Lovina, b. Alexandria, Mar. 12, 1848; m. William Flanders ; d. Tilton, Dec. 14, 1885, ae. 37-9-2. 14. Salome, b. B., Aug. 26, 1817; m. Joshua Hanscom ; d-. Campton, Sept. 9, 1889, ae. 72-0-13. Children : u. Samuel T., b. Plymouth, 1837. Served in Co. H, 8th Regt., N. H. Vols., and d. of wounds, May 29, 1863, at Port Hudson, La., ae. 26. b. Melissa, m. Horace Sanborn ; res. W. Plymouth. c. Anna, b. June 7, ; d. d. Heber, b. May 28, 1853 ; m. Hattie Tirrell ; res. Bristol. e. Ami C, b. Dec. 28, 1854 ; m. Ralph Arms, Highgate, Vt. ; res. Franklin Falls. 15. Jonas, b. B., Apr. 24, 1819; m. Dorcas Adams, dau. of Richard, b. Feb. 1, 1821. He m. (2) Helen Whittemore; res. Manchester. Children; 28 434 HISTORY OF BRISTOL a. Henry, b. Hill, Apr. 25, 1843 ; d. Dec. 29, 1865, ae. 22-8-4. b. Abby, b. H., Dec. 26, 1844; m. Harvey Huntoon, and res. ia Danbury. c. Victoria, b. H., July 16, 1850; m. Frank E. Mason, HiU, and res. Franklin Falls. d. George, b. Bristol, July 12, 1856; d. Dec, i860, ae. 4-5-. e. Nellie, b. B., Oct. 22, 1859; m. John Allen, of .Vlanchester, and res. Danbury. 16. Daniel, b. B., Apr. 28, 1821 ; m. Elizabeth Adams, dau. of Richard, b. Hill, Aug. II, 1824. They res. Hill. Children : a. Alvin P., b. Hill, May 14, 1845. Enlisted in 8th Regt., N. H. Vols., Civil war; d. of measles, at Manchester, Jan. 26, 1862, ae. 16- 8-12. b. Stephen A., b. H., July 10, i860 ; m. Idella A. Couch, and, res. HiU. Child : Leona B., b. H., Oct. 21, 1891. c. Hattie, b. H., Nov. 20, 1861 ; m. John W. Bartlett; res. Hill. 17. Sarah, b. Hill, May 5, 1823; m. David S. Follansbee. (See.) 18. Ma:rtin Luther, b. H., Aug. 23, 1826; m. Emily Tibbetts, of Bel grade, Me. Served in Co. D, ist Regt., Mass. Infty., Mexican war; d. Belgrade, Feb. 23, 1884, ae. 57-6-0. No children. 19. Levi L., b. H., June 27, 1829 ; m. Maria ; served on quota of Bethlehem in Co. C, 15th Regt., N. H. Vols., in Department of the Gulf. Discharged Aug. 13, 1863 ; d. at Buffalo, N. Y., three days later, while en route home, aged 34-1-19. (5) John Tirrell, son of Jonah, b. Feb. 27, 1788, m. Oct. 10, 1812, Polly Ingalls, dau. of Jonathan (See), b.Oct. 6, 1795. He was a farmer in the Locke neighborhood ; removed to Michi gan in summer of 1837. She d. Portland, Mich., Nov. 21, 1883, ae. 88-1-15 ; he d. Sept. 9, 1867, ae. 7g-6-i2. CHILDREN 20. Luther, b. Bristol, Feb., 1814; d. 1820, ae. 6. 21. Abigail, b. B., Aug., 1815; d. Michigan, 1845, ae. 30; m., no chil dren. 22. John Fletcher, b. B., July 24, 1817 ; wentto Michigan, 1837; m. Oct. 28, 1841, Sarah Ann Leavitt, of Paris, Mich., who d. Mar. 15, 1845, aud he m. (2) Oct. 25, 1845, Mrs. Mary Featherstone, who d. in Aug., 1851. He m. (3) Oct. 30, 1851, Maria Robinson, who d. Mar. 18, 1895. He res. Charlotte, Mich., where he d. Nov. 29, 1902, ae. 85-4-5. "He was a lifelong Methodist, and an ardent Prohibitionist." Children : a. Olive Mallette, b.-Mar. i, 1843 ; ra. ; res. Eugene, Oregon. b. Sarah Elida, b. Dec. 7, 1844 ; 1898, Benjamin Davis. No children. Res. Eugene. c. Judson E., b. Sept. 15, 1852; m. Apr. 3, 1878. Res. Char lotte Children: (i) Myrtie, b. June 6, i88[. (2) Edith, b. Dec. 3, 1882. (3) Nellie, b. May 20, 1884. (4) Howard W., b. Oct. 18, 1885. d. Frank I., b. Aug. 28, 1854; ni. Oct. 31, 1877, Viola Hall, and res. Charlotte. Children: (i) Elsie, b. July 17, 1881. (2) Clara, b. June 15, 1883. (3) Alice, b. June 29, 1885. e. Alice S., b. Jan. 4, 1857 ! d- Aug. 27, 1879, ae. 22-7-23. /. Mary E., b. May 31, 1859; m. Sept. 21, 1887, Harvey Cole, and res. Chewelah, Wash. Children: (1) Eunice, b. July, 1895. (2) Lois, b. Aug., 1897. g. Frederick C, b. Nov. 18, 1862 ; m. Nov. 24, 1885, Lena File Shed. He res. Charlotte. Children : (i) Clarence. (2) Kenneth GENEALOGIES — TIRRELL 435 23. Mary Jane, b. B., May, 1819 ; m. John C. Smith. 24. Laura, b. B., Feb. 15, 1822; ni. Jan., 1839, William Hogle, son of Moses, b. Apr. 17, 1818. who d. Sandstone, Mich., Nov. 18, 1883, ae. 65- 7-1. She d. Sandstone, Feb. 27, 1887, ae. 65-0-12. Children : a. Gilbert Bruce, b. Sept. 21, 1839; m. Dec. 27, 1866, Malindie Laighton. Res. Parma, Mich. Children: (i) Homer. (2) Alice. (3) Jessie. b. Marshall, b. Dec. 23, 1840; d. Feb., 1884, ae. 43-2-. c. Josephine, b. Aug. 7, 1842. Res. Parma, Mich. d. Emily, d. at two years of age. e. Dallas, b. Sept. 22, 1845 ; d. 1862, ae. 17. y. Erwin, b. Apr. 21, 1848. Res. Garden Plain, Kan. g. Emma, b. Apr. 17, 1850; m. Raymond; res. Jackson, Mich. h. Augusta, b. Sept. 9, ; m. Robinson ; res. Lamesa, Cal. i. Cora, m. Howe ; d. June 12, 1887. j. L. Belle, m. Watts ; res. Spring Harbor, Mich. k. Dora, m. Perry; res. Jackson, Mich. /. Carrie, m. Wellman ; res. Parma, Mich. 25. Martha Ann, b. B., May 24, 1824; m. May 24, 1841, David S. Leavitt, son of David, b. Bridgeport, Conn., Oct. 11, 1814, and d. Long Hill, Conn,, Mar. 19, 1887, ae. 72-5-8. She went to Michigan with her parents in 1837, spent her life in Grand Rapids, and there d. Feb. 18, 1898, ae. 73-8-24. Children : a. Frances Isabella, b. Sebewa, Mich., Nov. 2, 1842 ; m. Oct. 31, i86i, Levi Shultus. Res. 302 E. Bridge street, Grand Rapids. b. Sylvia Elmira, b. Grand Rapids, Aug. 2, 1844; m. June 7, 1867, Lyman Hizer, and res. Lyons, Ionia Co.-, Mich. c. Sheldon, b. G. R., Apr. 9, 1847. Is a physician at 4,564 Lake Ave, Chicago, 111. d. Martha, b. G. R., Oct. 22, 1850; m. Dec. 27, 1870, Rev. W. I. Cogshall. Res. 116 Jefferson street, Benton Harbor, Mich. e. David, b. G. R., May 20, 1853 ; d. Oct. 26, 1862, ae. 9-5-6. /. Adelman, b. G. R., Mar. 9, 1856; d. Langston, Mich., May 20, 1872, ae. 16-2-11. g. Frederick, b. G. R., Nov. 10, 1861; m. Sept. 3, 1882, Eva Avery. He is a physician, 544 Selby Ave, St. Paul, Minn. 26. Keziah, b. B., Nov., 1833; m. Child; res. Grand Rapids, Mich. 27. Martin V., b. Portland, Mich., Nov. 13, 1838; m. Oct. 14, 1863, Rebecca H. Buck, dau. of Hart, b. Avon, Ohio, Aug. 11, 1840. He is a farmer in Portland. I. Abel TirreU, a brother of Jonah, was first taxed in New Chester in 1787. He was the first settler on the Oliver S. Hall farm where he appears to have res. till about 181 2 ; later, in the northeast part of the town. CHILDREN 2. Alexander, m. Apr. 12, 1808, Mrs. Sarah Chase, and d. in Haver hill. *3. Nathan. (3) Nathan TirreU, m. Nov. 12, 1812, Rachel Fuller, dau. of Josiah (See), b. Mar. 10, 1795. He res. southeast shore of Newfound lake, near where is now B. F. Lamb's cottage, as 436 HISTORY OF BRISTOL late as 1822. He d. Hebron, 1855; she d. Mar. 31, 1871, ae. 76-0-21. CHILDREN 4. Wooster, b. Andover ; m. Judith Veasey. He was killed in Massa chusetts, by falling from his team, a wheel passing over his neck. Chil dren : a. Charles. b. Melissa. 5. Lodema, b. A., Nov. 9, 1813 ; m. July 4, 1836, Aaron H. Fogg ; res. Bristol and Hebron ; d. June 22, 1883, ae. 69-7-13. Children : a. Jefferson, b. Bristol b. Minot, b. B. c. Milo, b. Hebron. d. Albert. 6. Hazen, b. A., 1818 ; m. Arvilla Varnum. (2) Adeline H. Wise He d. May, 1901, ae. 83. She res. Cochituate, Mass. Nine children. 7. Russell Plummpr, b. Bristol, Mar. 30, 1830; m. Aug. 16, 1855, Emeline Pretts, dau. of Jacob, b Hebron, Oct. 5, 1839. He has been a farmer in Hebron, Groton, and now in Bristol. Children : a. Harriet Rhodema, b. Hebron. Aug. 12, 1857 ; m. Heber L- Hanscom. Res. Bristol. Three children : Nettie, Henry, Homer. b. Leona Grace, b. H., Dec. 5, 1859 ; m. Frank A. Plagg; res. E- Concord. Six children. c. Frank Ezra, b. H., Jan. 6, 1861; m. Carrie Harriman, Ash land. Child : Stephen B. d. Dorothy Ann, b. H., May 11, 1863 ; m. Edwin Hearson. Res. Concord. Six children. e. Clara Elizabeth, b. H., Sept. 11, 1864; m. Moses E. Southard. (Sec) /. Emma Josephine, b. H., Dec. II, 1867; m. Charles Leslie; res. Grasmere. Three children. g. Georgia Augusta, b. H., Feb. 7, 1873; m. G«orge Drew; res. E. Concord. Pour children. h. Emma Rebecca, b. Groton, Dec. 6, 1876 ; d. May 27, 1880, ae. 3-5-21. I . HoUis Tyrrell, son of Nathan, was b. in Bridgewater. Nathan was a brother of Abel and Jonah above. HoUis m. Mil lie, and d. Hebron. She d. Haverhill. CHILDREN 2. Samuel, m. (i) Martha Wescott, (2) Ruth Wescott, by whom he had ten children, one of whom was a. Scott C, b. Plymouth, May 4, 1873; farmer, settled in Bris tol, 1889 ; m. June 25, 1891, Mrs. Augusta A. Emmons, dau. Oren Nelson. (See.) She d. Bristol, Dec. 16, 1899, ae. 30-7-26. He removed to Meredith 1900. Child : Lynna Mahala, b. Bristol, Feb. II, 1892 ; d. B., Dec. 17, 1899, ae. 7-10-6. 3. Mary, d. Haverhill, unm. 4. Mercy Ann, m., d. Newbury, Vt. 5. Moses D., b. Bristol, 1827 ; m. Peaslee, and res. Bridgewater. He served in Co. A, 6th Regt., N. H. Vols., Civil war, and d. on hospital boat "Tycoon" at Cannelton, Ind., Aug. 9, 1863, ae. 36. (See Roll of Honor.) THE TOLFORD FAMILIES I. Maj. John Tolford was b. in Ireland, July, 1701 ; came to America and was in Bradford, Mass., in 1724, and settled in GENEALOGIES — TOWN 437 Londonderry. He built the first saw-miU in Hooksett. In 1727, he removed to Chester. He m., Jan. 8, 1734, Jean McMurphy, of Londonderry. In 1736, he was committed to jail for refusing to pay a tax for the support of the settled minister. In March, 1753, he was major of a party sent to survey a route up the valley of the Merrimack from Concord to the Connecticut river at HaverhiU. (See p. 24, Vol. I.) At this time he had an opportunity to see the attractions of the territory along the Pemi gewasset, and a few months later was a moving spirit in the organization of the syndicate that purchased the town of New Chester. He was one of the proprietors of the town, owning four shares, of four lots each. He was also deeded the mill lot on Newfound river, in consideration of which he erected and set in operation the first grist-mill and saw-mills in what is now Bristol village (See p. 366, Vol. I) ; but he was never a resi dent of the town. He was a justice of the peace, a land surveyor, and a man of more than ordinary ability. He d. July, i7gi, ae. 90 years ; she d. Dec. 29, I7g2. Of his nine children, three were 2. Joshua, b. Feb., 1739. He was a surveyor; was one of a party who made a re-survey of the New Chester grant in 1765. (.See Appendix E, p. 522, Vol. I.) His map is shown in Vol. i. He settled at Profile Falls in 1769, and had the first saw-miU on that stream in operation in 1773. About 1780 he removed to what is now known as Clark's Corner in South Alexandria, where he was the first settler and where he passed the remainder of his years. He was a prominent man of his day. In the Burns graveyard stands a tablet which reads : "Joshua Tolford died Mar. 4, 1826. Elizabeth Tolford died Mar. 9, 1801." 3. Hugh, b. Dec. 22, 1747 ; m. Elizabeth Patten, of Bedford. Chil dren: a. Isaac, b. 1786. b. William, b. 1795 ; res. Bedford. 1 Sbeth,}. Weymouth, Dec. 17, 1893, \ d. Apr. 8, 1895. c. Alfred Reed, J I 10. Samuel Everett, b. B., June i, 1868; graduated from New Hamp ton Literary Institution, 1889 ; Boston University Law School, 1894 cum laude, with degree of LL- B.; admitted to the bar of Massachusetts same year, and commenced practice with his brother, Albert P. After four years of sickness, d. at Bristol, Feb. 27, 1903, ae. 34-8-26. II. Hadley Bradley, b. B., Mar. 19, 1871 ; graduated from New Hamp ton Literary Institution ; is a farmer on the parental home. 474 HISTORY OF BRISTOL THE WORTHLEY FAMILIES I. Alonzo Henry Worthley, son of Moses and Cynthia (Marshall) Worthley, was b. Weare, Apr. 14, i83g. He m., Dec. g, 1865, Ruth, dau. of David B. and Mehitable (Chandler) Perkins, b. Hebron, Apr. 2, 1843. He enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, in Co. C, i2th Regt., N. H. Vols., and served till June 21, 1865; was appointed corporal Mar. 11, 1863, and sergeant, Feb. 5, 1864; was wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. He was a farmer in Hebron till November, i8go, when he came to Bris tol, having purchased the Benjamin Q. Fellows estate on No. Main street. Republican, Odd Fellow, member of G. A. R. CHILD 2. Alonzo Howard, b. Hebron, Aug. i, 1867; m. Apr. 15, 1893, Eleanor P., dau. Augustus and Eliza (Prior) Remick, b. Hebron, 1873; d. Bristol, Apr. i, 1895, ae. 21-6-24. Child : a. Harry C, b. Bristol, July 31, 1893 ; d. Sept. 27, 1893. I. Hiram Moses Worthley, son of Moses and Cynthia (Marshall) Worthley, was b. in Weare, Dec. 17, 1848, and m. Aug. 28, 1871, Sarah G., dau. of Gilman and Wealthy C. Leavitt, b. Gilford, June 11, 1848. She d. Bri.stol, Mar. 25, i8gg, ae. 5o-g-i4. He m. (2) Apr. 25, igoo, Linnie Maud, dau. of Edward C. and EUa A. (Prescott) Payne, b. HiU, Jan. I, 1880. He was a farmer in Hebron; an employee in Train- Smith pulp-null, Bristol. Republican, Odd Fellow, K. of P. CHILDREN 2. Lena Blanche, b. Hebron, July 4, 1881 ; m. George W. Cheney. (See.) 3. Louis Edward, b. Bristol, Aug. i, 1900. 1 THE WRIGHT FAMILY I. Andrew Jackson Wright was b. in 1817, in Dunstable, Mass. He m., July 4, 1842, Almira Wright, b. Medfprd, Mass., 1822. He located in Bristol in 1848 ; was a conductor on the Bristol branch railroad, 1848- '54. They removed to Chicago, and in igo2 were both living in Passadena, Cal., with their son, Charles A. CHILDREN 2. Charles Augustus, b. Dunstable, Nov. 29, 1844 ; m. Dec. 19, 1867, Sarah Jane, dau. of Da-vid Brown and Mary Elizabeth McMaster, b. Buel, N. Y., July II, 1848. Is a bookkeeper in Passadena. Child : a. Mabel Almira, b. Chicago, 111., July 30, 1871 ; m. Nov. 28, 1894, Horace J. Prince. 3. George E., b. Bristol, 1852 ; m. Nora Carter, 1895. Res. 2,590 No. Ashland Ave, Chicago, 111. 4- Harriet A., b. Chicago, 111., 1858; m. 1885, C. H. Mears. Res. Evanston, 111.; since 1900, on a seven-acre fruit ranch, Los Angeles, Cal. GENEALOGIES — WYATT 475 THE WYATT FAMILY I. Rev. Thomas Wyatt, son of Thomas and Martha (Wil son) Wyatt, was b. Campton, Sept. 5, 1818. He m., Mar. 4, 1836, Sarah Ann, widow of Sylvester Sawyer, and dau. of Joshua Clark, b. Candia, Jan. 18, 1814, and d. Rumney, Mar. 2g, 1S76, ae. 62-2-1 1. He m. (2) Mrs. Mary Ann, widow of Daniel S. Johnson (See), and dau. of Rodney Hammond. He was a farmer and- Freewill Baptist clergyman ; res. Campton, Thornton Gore, Rumney, Bridgewater, and, from 1887, in Bris tol, where he d. Oct. 24, 1895, ae. 77-1-19. She res. CHILDREN, all born in Thornton 2. George G., drowned at Campton, May 15, 1867, ae. 26. 3. Ellen A., m. B. F. Smith, Hebron. Res. Amesotta, Iowa. 4. Nathaniel B., freight conductor Boston & Maine railroad. Killed at Woodsville, Aug. 13, 1877. 5. Martha L., b. Aug. 1 , 1848 ; m. Baxter P. Hardy, and res. Rumney. 6. Sarah E., b. Sept. 30, 1853 ; m. Orlando B. French. (See.) 7. Horace P., is a druggist in Adrian, Mich. THE YEATON FAMILY I. Horace Clay Yeaton, son of Eben P. and Mary Tucker Yeaton, was b. Salisbury, July 18, 1858. He m. Hattie M dau. of Calvin Pattee, b. Enfield, July 21, 1864. He was paper-miU employee in Bristol, 1885 till 1902, when he removed to Franklin. Republican, K. of P. THE YEATTER FAMILY I. George Albert Yeatter, son of George and Lydia (Sim mons) Yeatter, was b. Manchester, Nov. 15, 1872, andm. Aug. 3, 1898, Izole G., dau. of Willard B, and Augusta Cawley, b. HiU, Nov. 22, 1877. He is a fellow of the Dental Society ; regis tered in 1896. Is a dentist in Bri.stol. a CHILD 2. Donald Cawley, b. Hill, Sept. 2, iS APPENDIX A This appendix contains additional records received too late to appear in alphabetical order in the preceding pages ; a record of births, marriages and deaths that have occurred during the time this book has been in press, and some corrections. ADDITIONS THE BLAKE FAMILY I. Oliver Smith Blake was probably a descendant of Jasper Blake, of Hampton. He was b. Nov. 6, 1742. Nov. 6, 1764, he m. Deborah Ingalls, a sister of Jonathan. (See.) Deborah was b. Apr. 18, 1746. In 1775, Oliver S. served eight months in Col. Enoch Poor's regiment, and was on the rolls as a resident of Sandown. In 1776, he signed the Associa tion-Test in Sandown, and the same year served in Col. Joshua Wingate's regiment. He was an early settler on the Caleb L. Clay farm in the Nel son neighborhood, being first taxed in New Chester, in Apr., 1777. One of the early schools of New Chester was taught by Mrs. Blake in their cabin. He subsequently res. several years in New Hampton, and d. in Hebron, Feb. 16, 1823, ae. 80-3-10. She d. Hebron, Mar. 29, 1829, ae. 82-1 i-i I. CHILDREN 2. Sarah, b. Aug. 26, 1765 ; was unm. in 1808. 3. Ruth, b. Dec. 22, 1767, m. James. 4. Hannah, b. June 30, 1770; m. Peter Wells. (See.) 5. Mehitable, b. Sandown, Jan. 17, 1773 ; m. John Kidder. (See.) 6. Mary, b. Aug. 16, 1775 ; m. James Kidder. (See.) 7. Oliver, b. Nov. i, 1777. He was for a time landlord of the Dodge tavern on South Main street. 8. Dolly, b. Mar. 16, 1780. 9. Lucy, b. Jan. 9, 1783 ; m. Sept. 29, 1810, Daniel Emerson, son of Judge Samuel Emerson. Res. in Plymouth and there d. Apr. 10, 1856, ae. 73-3-1. He d. June ir, 1866. 10. Deborah, b. New Hampton, Jan. 4, 1785 ; m. David Fowler. (See.) II. Abigail, b. May 15, 1787 ; m. a Ferrin. Add to record of Ada Maria Locke, who m. Rev. Frank D. George, (p. 289, 32 a) the following children : a. Edith Adeline, b. Worcester, Mass., Oct. 23, 1891. b. Helen Louise, b. Lowell, Mass., Dec. 28, 1892. c. Frances Maria, b. Gardiner, Me., Nov. 21, 1895. d. Carolyn Emma, b. G., Apr. 21, 1899. APPENDIX 477 Clara Sylvia Osgood (p. 331), who m. Frank H. French, had children : a. Carl Herbert, b. Hopedale, Mass., Nov. 6, 1878; m. Oct. 7, 1899, Mary E. Gardner. He served in Co. IM, 6th Mass. Vol. Infty. Spanish war, in P.orto Rico ; in action at Guanica. Is an expert pattern maker at Milford, Mass. b. Paul Thomas, b. H., Aug. 10, 1880. Served in same company with his brother, as above ; d. Oct. 24, 1898, ae. i8-r2-i4, while en route home and was buried at sea. Betsey Jane Osgood (p. 331, 3). Add : She ra. John R. Bennett Dec. 30, 1871. Ras. Medfield, Mass. Children : a. Edwin Jonathan Robinson, b. Franklin, Mass., May 14, 1876. b. Clarence Raymond, b. Milford, Mass., Jan. 16, i888. c. Beulah Lauretta, b. M., Feb. 14, 1890. d. Florence Vivian, b. M., Feb. 23, 1894. e. Nelson Appleton, b. M., Sept. 20, 1898. Fred H. Patten (p. 334, 4). To his record add : He m. Apr. 16, 1898, Annie Belle, dau. of B. Frank and Mahala (Rowe) Robinson, b. Ashland, June 4, 1878. Children : a. Fred Seth, b. Apr. 10, 1899. b. Prank Louis, b. Dec. 15, 1903 John Page Sanborn, son of Alvah (p. 372, 64), was b. Fremont, Sept. 9, 1844, and m. Apr. 7, 1870, Isa Matilda Higbee (p. 166, 32 a). Children . a. Frank Mosher, b. Newport, R. I., Sept. 25, 1871 ; d. Apr. 26, 1875, ae. 3-7-1. b Susan Florence, b. N., Oct. i, 1873; m. June 4, igor, Albert Sidney Howard ; res. Providence, R. I. c. Alvah Howard, b. N., Mar. 28, 1876. Res. Newport. d. John Royal, b. N., July 26, 1883. Student at Mass. School of Technology, Boston, Mass. BIRTHS William M. Bryson (p. 74)- To his children add : Ida Katharine, b. Bristol, Aug 16, 1903. Karl G. Cavis (p. 90, 6). To his children add : Morton Hastings, b. Bristol, Dec. 31, 1903. WiUiam E. Cyr (p. 127, 4)- Add child : Louise Beatrice Joseph, b. Bristol, July 31, 1903. Herbert E. Hadley (p. 220, 3). To Ust of his chUdren add MervUle Harold, b. Bristol, May 23, 1903. FrankN. C. Kirk(p. 281). Add a child : Aldice Warren, b. Bristol, Nov. 15, 1903- Daisy M. (Dearborn) MerrUl (p. 136, 13) add child : Selwyn Dearborn, b. Wentworth, Mar. 9, 1904. William G. Robie (p. 385. 4)- To his chUdren add : Ernest Shattuck, b. Bristol, Mar. 15, 1904- Leon H. Varney (p. 444)- ¦A-'^d : A son, b. Bristol, Oct. 19, 1903. 31 478 HISTORY OF BRISTOL MARRIAGES Otis E. Cross (p. 123) m. Apr. 29, 1903, Eva M.,dau. of Amos E. Bar rett. (See.) lonel A. Dickinson (p. 140, 36) m. Oct. 9, 1903, Sadie E., dau. of Charles and Sadie (Reynolds) Colburn, b. Stonington, Conn. Arthur W. JeweU (p. 256, 2) m. Nov. 14, 1903, Edith Mae, dau. of Leston L- Rollins. (See.) George W. Gardner (p. 206, 14) m. Apr. 17, 1904, Jessie Loring, dau. of Henry R. and Annie (Tripp) Barker, b. Providence, R. I., Nov. 3, 1873. Florence Edna Woodward (p. 118, 63) ra. Nov. 18, 1903 Leo J. Richard son, 45 Chathan street, Worcester, Mass. DEATHS George M. Alden (p. 4) d. Bristol, June 9, 1903, ae. 79-8-9. Jane Alden (p. 4) d. Bristol, Mar. 6, 1904, ae. 69-1 1-13. Ichabod C. Bartlett (p. 23) d. Bristol, Jan. 2, 1904, ae. 62-3-22. Lydia A. Bennett (p. 34) d. Bristol, July 21, 1903, ae. 67-0-14. William L. Bennett (p. 34) d. Bristol, Dec. 5, 1903, ae. 75-11-29. Silas S. Brown (p. 62) d. Bristol, Dec. 8, 1903, ae. 71-10-4. Betsey Jane Burleigh (p. 75) d. Bristol, Oct. 8, 1903, ae. 66-9-24. Laurinda Crockett (p. 118, 4) d. Bristol, Mar. 10, 1904, ae. 88-8-24. Dorcas D. (CaUey) Gordon (p. 80) d. Bristol, Aug. 7, 1903, ae. 54-6-9. Hannibal Chase (p. 94) d. Lyme, July 24, 1903, ae. 71-2-10. Oscar B. Davis (p. 133) d. Andover, Mar. 2, 1904, ae. 32-9-2. Abram Dolloff (p. 143) d. Bristol, Mar. 3, 1904, ae. 85-11-13. Solon Dolloff (p. 144) d. Bristol, Oct. 28, 1903, ae. 76-0-25. Nancy A. Durgin (p. 158) d. Bristol, Dec. 29, 1903, ae. 76-2-14. Judith (Johnson) Eaton (p. 160, 2) d. Jan. 11, 1904. Rufus Eaton (p. 160) d. Bristol, Aug. 19, 1903, ae. 81-1-19. Jane (Badger) Everleth (p. 11) d. Bristol, Sept. 11, 1903, ae. 69-1-16. James D. Follansbee (p. 192) d. in hospital. Concord, Jan. 29, 1904, ae. 57-0-14. Adeline (Emmons) Higbee (p. 166) d. Newport, R. I., ae 84-4-3. Helen Louise IngaUs (p. 254) d. Warner, Dec, 1903, ae. 70-9-. Gustavus W. Ingalls (p 255) d. Worcester, Mass., Nov. 6. 1903, ae 79-5-15- Joseph W. Johnson (p 260) d. Alexandria Feb. 5, 1904, ae 28-0-28. William J. Muzzey (p 322) d. Tilton, Mar. i, 1904, ae 59-8-25. Sally (Sarah) C. Po-nell (p 341) d. Bristol Dec. 14, 1903, ae 81-4-1. APPENDIX 479 CORRECTIONS William Mudgett (p. 319) first settled on north slope of Hemp hill ; later res. Fowler's river farm as there stated. For William Leonett .Smith (p. 319, 6/) read William Leavitt Smith. For Sarah Adder Cheney (p. 58, 42) read Sarah Addie Cheney. For Nathaniel W. Aspenwall (p. 7) read Nathaniel W. Aspinwall. For Cephus Brown Coolidge (p. 112) read Cephas Brown Coolidge. For Joanna Melvin (p. 116, 3) read Susanna Melvin. For Orra Ann Rollins (p. 199,) read Ora Ann Rollins. For Walter W. Walker (p. 249, 2) read Walter B. Walker. For Frank W. Towns (p. 438. 3) m. May 30, 1802, read 1902. For Nancy P. (Lewis) Marsh (p. 9, 20) read Nancy F. (Davis) Marsh. For William Atwood d. about 1873 (p. 9, 23) read 1874. INDEX This index contains the names of all persons numbered consecutively with the Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3, or Roman letter a, b, c, and all whom they married. The only names omitted are the parents of persons marrying into families here enum erated, but haviug no other connection with the^e genealogies. With rare exceptions a name is indexed but once — at birth or its first appearance. If the name is preceded with a star or is accompanied with the word (See), its position elsewhere is thus designated and makes a second reference to it in the index unneces sary. The first number following a name refers to the page ; the second, to a paragraph on that page. The letters a, b, c, if any, refer to a paragraph ujider the paragraph num bered. Exceptions to the latter will be found where no second number is given, in which ease the letters a, b, c, will be found near the top of the page. Adams, Felix Frances A. Frank J. GeorgeGeorge S. Georgia E. Georgia S. Gordon HattieHenryIdaL.Isaac J. Joel C. JohnJohn B. JosephJosephJoseph S. Laura O. Lela I. Leon A. Leijn B. Levi G. Lois Lucy C. Lura Maggie W. Marion A. Mary A. Mary J. MelissaNelUe A. Nicholas Nicholas Patrick Rebecca L. Rodney S. Rosanna Samuel T. Sara B. Stella M. Thomas WilliamWiUiam F. Wilson Wilson J. Vera M. Addison, Alonzo Ahern, Katherine Ailcen, Betsey Mary L. Albee, Frank Alden, Betsey Charles A. Charles T. Eleanor M. Abbott, Betsey 830 Charles 1, 3 Charles F. 1,1 Dorcas 88,1 EUen 0. 323,8 Elmir 1, 2 George J. 1,1 ,Tane 245,1 Jonas 88,10 Lucian C. 47,2 Maud B. 1,6 Bufus 266,9 Sophronia C. 308,45 Winifred 1,4 Abel, WilUam H. 28, 19; 68, 15,16 Aclcerman, Annette M. 2,3 Ethel 247,4 Frank L. 2,3 Fred H. 1,1 Hannah 0. 400,88 Helen M. 2,2 .Tacob H. 2,1 Laiirence D. <3 Leona A. 8,18 Mary J. Rachel C. 382,1 400.88 Adams, Abby J. 174,2 Agnes 3,6 Agnes Albert 4,36 3,22 Alexander F. 4,87 Alfred 3,11 AUoe 3; 17 Ambrose S. 3,13 Anna J. 4,44 Arthur 4,40 Arthur L. 332,7 a Benard B. 3,21 Benard J. 8,3 Carrie J. 2,8 Dorcas 433,15 Edmond U. 368 0 Edward 8,23 Bdwin 198,8 Elhanan W. 368 c Eliza 3,8 EUzabeth 434,18 BUa J. 2,3 EUen 8,5a EUen 3,22 Bmily 3,14 1 mily J. 4,27 Ernest 4,39 I thel I. 4,29 PeUx 2,1 3,2 Alden, Emma M. 5,3 3,2 Prank A. 5,6 4,25 Georgia A. 5,7 4,38 'George F. 62 258, 12 a George M. 4, 1 ; 478 2,6 a Jennie L. 5,8 368c Marion E. 5,6 4,4 Aldrich, Guy Hubbard W. 287,130 443,5 208,3 4,43 Rhoda 143.5 3,5 Alexander, Charles F. 6, 15 8,34 Charles H. 5,4 3,1 Charles H. 6,7 175, 12 Don P. 5,5 3,12 Bmily G. 6,11 8,10 Famiie T. 6,10 4,41 George C. h,3 449,36 Harvey L. 6,13 368 c Horace T. 5,6 2,7 .lessie D. 6,16 4,38 Kathrena 6,12 4,35 a LilUan M. 6,8 3,6 Lucius C. ii 837,1 Mary L. 8,14 368 d Rnhama. 157, 31 274, 38 Sarah Kz 8,19 WiUG. 619 4,33 AUen, Edward H. 198,12 c 4.26 Faiinle 399,124 237,1 Fannie B. 349, 26 a 8,15 Florence J. 40,3 97,22 Hattie B. 349, 26 a 3,5 John 434 e 8,16 Laura 250,19 3,18 Minnie 94,10 298, 1 Susan A. 269,8 4,34 AlUson, Janette 277,52 b 3,4 Alvord, Susan 189.1 55, lib 868d Alx, WilUam 2,4 Ambrose, Abigail Ames, Aletea B. 345, 3 4,82 7,4 3,7 Austin 0. 104 b 3,9 Burley M. Daniel H. 6,3 3,20 103,50 4,43 Ethel W. 7,5 4,30 Harold D. 104 a 4,81 James M. 6,1 227, 29 Mary C. 6.2 4,25 Anderson, Asineth 401,144 223,3 Charles 277, 49 a 151,8 SaraJi 219, 31 a 470, 35 b WilUam P. 393, .53 460,1 Andrews. Annie P, . 164. 11 5,3 Edward 220,6 5,9 Andrus, Charles B. 471, 43d 5 4 Fitch 368,25 INDBX 481 Andrus, Frank S. 471, 43 a Atwood, Moses W. 8, 11 a George W. 183,5 Nancy 8,3 Jessie M. 471, 43 e Nancy 226,4 Nettie M. 471,43 b Sabrina 8,60 Sarah A. 133,2 Sally 392,29 WilUam P. 471, 43 c SaUy B. 8,13 WiUiam H. 471, 43 Sallv B. Sophia 108,1 AngeU, Celestia D. 257,2 8,9 Irene 148,1 Thomas 8,4 Annis, Carlos R. 7,2 Unana 235,33 CUfton 7,5 WilUam 9, 33 ; 479 Ernest R. 7,3 WilUam 443,4 a Eobert L. 7,4 Austin, Bert 174,2 Koyal B. 7,1 BvaV. 261,3 Tern L. 7,6 John 388,5 Annon, Ella J. 277,54 AveriU, Eda A. 14,29 Arohibault, Emma - 376, 122 EUjah 57,80 Arms, Ralph 483, 14 e Maretta F. 57, 30 a 157,58 Armstrong, Mary B. 440, 20 Avery, Alberta Ash, Anne 160,1 Edgar 469,32 Dorothy 244,9 Edward E. 469, 32 a 323,7 Ira 336,2 Emma J. Ashley, Laura 470, 35 a Emma M. 114,5 436, 26g Leona 470, 35 d Eva Martin 470, 35 c FrankUn C. 469,32 b Orpha 470, 35 b George P. 469, 32 d Orson, 470, 36 Georgianna P. 281,1 Aspinwall, Amy CaroUne 8, 3 ; 479 Harriet 836,1 123,1 Ruth B. 60,29 John 8,6 Sarah L. 469, 82 c Laura D. 8,4 Susan 438,13 Mary L. 820,7 WiUiam H. 469, 32 e Mary W. Nathaniel W. 8,5 AxteU, AureUa H. 286 7, 1 ; 479 Ayer, Abigail Betsy G. 232,31 Samuel A. 8,2 268,9 Sarah C. 8,7 Ruth 216,1 Asten, Rebecca 18,3 Ayres, Henry C. 8,4 Atwood, Anna B. 157,1 Mary 178 Augustus 9,24 Nancy F. 135,9 Caleb 375,106 Charles E. 10,29 Badger, Abbie P. AUyn S. 11,6 Carrie J. 15,55 12,19 David 402, 147 Anna M. 72,2 a David T. 9,28 b Benjamin Carl V. 11,3 11, 14 a Dorothy A. Edward N. 8,16 9,28a Edward F. 11,14 Eliza A. 8,17 EUen M. 11,11 Elizabeth 9,25 Franks. 11,9 EUa 319,80 Genieve F. 11,15 Everett B. 9, 28o Harry O. 12,18 George L. 108,10 Hester A. 11, 10 George W. 9,28 Irene 0. 10,2 Hannah B. 8,15 James 11, 6 Harry G. 9,28 a Jane 11,8 Hattie B. 284, 51 a Leander 10, 1 Isabel L. 10,31 Leander 11, 4 Jeremiah G. 284,51 Leander B. 11,16 Joel C. 108, 10 a Mary A. 11,7 John 8,1 Mary B. 878, 15 John 8,6 b Myron C. 11, 12 John 8,8 Ralph P. 12, 17 John R. 9,18 Susannah 100,7 John W. 9,26 Warren S. 11,13 Jonathan 8,7 Baer, John 368, 23 bj d Joseph JosephJosephJosiah S. 8,6 8,6 a ^^irTE^""''- 149, 2 e 149, 2 f 121, 12 Frank J. 149, 2 d 8,14 Herbert L. 149, 2 c Judith 8,10 JohnW. 149, 2 JuUaA. 291,1 Josephine A. Judith 149, 2 a Lemuel G. 234,51b 175, 1 Louis L. 108,10 b MaryL. 149, 2 b Luther 9,20 Bailey, Abel 12, 1 Luther 10,30 AUceC. 12, 5 MaryMary B. Mary F. Moses 9,27 8,12 9,19 8,2 Annie E. Ariel W. BetseyCaroUne B. 12, 2 140,33 d 226,19 391,34 b Moses 8,5 Carrie J. 97, 19 Moses B. 8,11 Carrie J. 39], 84 b Bailey, Charles G. EflieA,Eldred J. BUzabeth EUzabeth S. Elwin Emma George H. Harry H. Harry H. Henry H. JohnG.JosephLuther C. 391, Luther H. Luther H. MarceUusMartha A. Martha J. Mary J. Milton G. NeUie M. NeweU A. Pearl L. BoslUa. S. Sarah L. Susan Baker, Annie L. ElizabethBmily B. Emma F. Grant B. Ida Baldwin, Walter S, Ballard, Geo. A. Frances E. BaUou, Achsah AchsahAdaK. Agnes B. Alfred N. AnnaB.Arthur W. Benjamin K. CalebCeUaCharlotte A. ClaraClarence J, Cynthia Dora B. DorothyEdgarEdgarEdgar N. Edgar E. ElijahBUsha BUzaElizabethEUzabeth B. EUen M. Emma J. EveUneFrank H. Frank M. FredC.Frederick J. Frederick W. Florence George A. George H. George W. George W. Grace M. Harriet B. Harry B. Hattie A. Hazel E. Helen B. 12,312,4 140,33 c 121,7 12,6 140,33 b 394, 38 12,1 85,18 a 391,34 b 391, 84 b 108,2 287, 12 f 34; 238, 1 85,18 391, 34 b 891, 34 d 891, 34 d 174,8 391,34 c 297,1 12,2 140,33 140,83 a 391, 34 a 12,3 9,26 471, 45 a 459,5 165,40 188,2 471, 45 370,37 - 288g 24, 3§ 24,36 a 13,9 14,31 15,49 18,6 18,8314,3817,7714,3014,89 18,2 14,35 18,65 18, 5 13,20 14, 29 b 14,27 18,2 18,6 14, 29 a 15, 56o 13,16 13,17 13,19 14,24 18,91 14,36 16,64 16, 51 14, 29 c 17,75 15,56 b 18,1 15,53 18,7 18,71 18,4 15,58 18,3 17,80 17,82 17,7816,8818,9016,69 482 HISTORY OF BRISTOL BaUou, Herbert H. Herman U. Hiland HUandHiram P. HoraceHorace A. Horace S. Hosea Ira P. Isaac C. James T. Jamin Jane JaneJerome JohnJohnW.JohnW. JohnW.LaForest S. Laura LevlB. LolaLucian A. Luisde L. Lula M. Maria A. Marion M. Martha G. MaryMayE.Mary J. Mary J. Maturin Minnie E. Minnie F. Nancy NathanielNathanielNelUeNeUle M. OUverOHver OUverOrrisonOscar F. Pearl L. Persis G. PeterPeter Philinda Quincy A. EufusM. SarahSarah H. Sarah J. SilasSusie G. Walter T. WarrenWaylandWestonWlUlam P. ZeraZera M. Bancroft, Mary B. Bangs, Louise T. Barbie, Eugene H. Stephen Barcley, WilUam N. Barden, Flotila Barker, EUen Barnard, Charles M. Isaac H. James B. Janies M. JuUa G. Lydia E. Mariam 17,81 15, 56 a 15,50 271,7 15,5213,12 15,66 14,4013,11 14,32 15,58 .16, 47 18,1 18,10 14,26 18,4 18, 2 13, 14 15,64 17,8716,68 18,23 16,4118,8915,4214,3717,88 16,59 18,3 16,7218,15 16,7014,33 15,44 12,1 17,78 15, 54 a 14,25 13,7 14,29 16,62 127,4 13,513,6 14,28 298,3 17,7917,86 15,45 18,818,4 18,21 18,67 16,57 13,8 13,22 14,8415,48 17,7417,76 15,43 16,6116,6013,1813,13 15,48 432,5 182, 61 398, 55 893, 55 9 19 394, ebb 870, 86 259,2 49,4b 49,4 a 49,4 49,4 c 45 306,16 Barnard, Mary 304,21 Bartlett, Richard 20,2 Barney, Ahira 1^,1 Richard 20,3 Laura F. 49,8 a Sarah E. 22,22 Leona M. 19,2 Stephen 20,4 Sparrock 49,8 Stephen W. 24,6 Barr, AUce G. 94,7 b Susan B. 206,11 Dugal H. 283,4 WilUam 23,27 Harry P. 94,7 a Bartley, Charles 169, 83 a Thomas F. 94,7 Batchelder. Abbie F. 26 o Barrett, AmosE. 19,1 Abigail F. 25,16 David L. 19,1 Addie A. 26b Elsie M. 19,4 Annabel 28a Emery F. EvaM. 19,4 Ben amin 24,1 19,3 Ben amin Ben amin 25,8 FredM. 19, 2 25,20 Grace M. L. 468,2 Benjamin S. 25,13 Harry E. 19,3 Benjamin S. 25,23 Hattie E. 19,5 Betsey 26,10 Howard B. 19,2 Caleb 25,6 Lena A. 19,9 Charles F. 26,87 Lester A. 19,7 Charles W. 26,31 Mildred A. 19,8 Charles W. 27,42 Eena M. 19.6 Clarissa 127,1 Barron, George F. 11, 15 Daniel 25,14 Esther A. 470, 88 Daniel S. 467,18 Barrows, Silas 216,3 David 25,9 Bartlett, Adam 19 David 26,33 Abigail 20,2 David S. 25,26 AmosF. 171, 93 David W. 26' 30 AmiM. 22,24 EUzabeth 471,1 Anna 21,18 Frank B. 26,36 Anna 23,33 Fred P. 27,38 Anna F. 24,3 G. L. 349,28 a Annie P. 22,17 Grace B. 37,40 Betsey 305,23 John B. 25,18 Charles H. 22,26 Louisa L. 26,29 Charles O. 24,7 Louise L. 27,41 Clara A. 22,23 Lucinda 68,1 David 179, 21 a 23,26 Lucinda T. 26,32 Etta J. Mabel A. 98 Ernest G. 171, 93 a Maria 170, 29 Frank G. 24,1 Mary 25,19 Frekerick 21,14 Mary A. 26,86 Frederick H. 22,15 Mary E. 26 d Frederick K. 21,11 Mary H. < 27,39 George N. 24,2 Mary M. 25,24 George S. 23,28 Minor 25,4 Georgia 24,4 a Nancy 25,12 Gustavus 21,12 Nancy C. 25,13 Gustavus 23,30 Nathan H. 26,34 25,5 Hattie 24,38 Patty Hulda S. 139, 17 Phebe 25,11 Ichabod 0. 20,7 PoUy 25,7 Ichabod C. 22,20:478 23,34 Putnam 26,17 Ichabod R. Sadie H. 26e Irvin W. 171, 98 b Sarah A. 26,27 James 14,31 Sarah A. 26,28- Jane 21,9 Simeon 25,2 John W. 434,16 Simeon 26,8 Joseph 20,5 Simeon 25,15 Laura J. 228,86 Simeon D. 25,25 Levi 20,6 Simon 345,16 Levi 21,10 Solomon 25,21 Levis. 22,18 Solomon 25,23 Levis. 23,29 Bates, Ella V. 299,5 a Martha 23,81 Batherick, Jane E :, 409,216 Martha E. 23,32 Battis, Clyde 172, 104 a Mary 21,8 George 172, 104 Mary 864 Baxter, Martha 326,22 Mary 418,3 Bayley, Mary A. 258, 18 a Mary C. 22,21 Lizzie A. 354,7 Mary E. 1,1 Lovinia A. 152,2 Mary B. 22,18 Sarah 99,2 Mary L. i 22,19 Beach, Rose 64,16 Nancy 438,1 Bean, Abigail C. Albert S. 27,5 Nathaniel 24,1 29,40 Nathaniel C. 24,5 AUce G. 462,5 b Oscar S. 24,4 Alta T. 15^,40 Philip G. 28,35 Alvin G. 29,36 Richard 20,1 Ann M. 30,5 INDEX 483 Bean, Arthur P. 29,35 Betsey 88, 3 Betty 449, 23 Charles D. 29,37 a Charles H. 30,6 Clarence A. 29, 32 a Clarence I. 29,32 Clarissa 28,16 Dearborn 28,18 Derwin 469,29 Elisha 27,1 Elisha 27,2 EUsha 121, 17 BUza W. 28,14 BUzabeth W. 28,28 Frank M. 29,88 Frank P. 29,39 Fred A. 256,4 FredH. 30,1 Fred P. 29,34 George 469, 29 a George F. 30,4 George M. 28,15 George M. 29,26 Hannah F. 27,7 Harriet 379,1 Harrison P. 29,29 Harry O. 29, .37 Hattie M. 268,4b Helen 469, 29 c Howard S. 29,42 Huldah W. 27,6 InaF. 29,38 Jeremiah 27,3 Jeremiah 28,9 Jeremiah 29,27 John H. S. 29,25 Lydia A. C. Mandana 28,24 28,17 Mary 159,2 Mary S. 30,2 MUton 28,20 Moody M. 29,28 Morris F. 266, 4 a Nancy 28,19 Norman R. 29,38 a Oretta N. 29,81 Orrisa A. 29,30 Orrisa W. 28,12 Peter 121, 26 Peter M. 27,8 PhiUp C. 28,11 Reuben C. 29,1 Ruth 28,13 Sa,lly 28,10 Sally M. 28,21 Sarah 469, 29 b Sarah E. 30,3 Simeon C. 27,4 Simeon C. 28,22 Sophronia 451,1 Warren M. 29,41 Beard, Mary A. 65, 10 a Becker, Sherburn M. 307 a Washington 807a Beckford, Benjamin P. 30,6 Frank M. ^Sf,^? Henry S. 30,1 Henry S. 31, 12 Henry P. 30, 8 Hortense R. 32 a Jacob 0. 30,2 Martha M, 30,9 Mary A. 80,5 NeUle A. %4 Phebe B. 30, 4 Sarah B. 30,7 WiUiam A. 30,8 BedeU, Mary 156, 58 Beede, Ann O. 32, 6 Beed e. Bates W. 88,17 Bernice G. 38,19 Caleb S. 32,1 Charles W. 32,4 EvaM. 33,2 Frances A. 32,7 George M. 33,12 George O. 33,18 Hanson 98,3 Hattie 0. 33, 14 Henry D. 33, 11 John W. 32,2 JohnW. 33,16 Laura H. 32,8 Lulu E. 83,31 Martha F. 33,20 Mary B. 33,13 Mary M. 32, 9 Mary R. 177,4 Moses W. 32,8 Sarah J. M. 83,10 Sylvia H. 372, 66 b Theodatus G. 33,16 Wilbur F. 32,3 WiUiam P. 33 1 Belden, Lillian B. 181, 49 a Belknap, EUzabeth Hannah L 94,4 287, 12 f Obediah 287,12 Martha 287, 12 e MitcheU 287, 12 a SaUy 287, 12 b Thomas 287, 12 c WilUam 287, 12 d BeU, Orpheus E. 16,70 Samuel H. 170, 70 d Bellows, Tressa A. 241,1 Bennett, Alice M. 35,11 Cyrus M. 34,6 Daniel 34,1 Dora M. 848, 17 a Evora 34, 10 Frank L. 35,15 35,3 Florence B. Fred J. 36,1 George 34,7 Grace 86,18 Hattie B. 85,12 IrvingJohn R. 85,16 331,3 JohnT. 35,14 Jonathan R. 34,8 Julian J. 63,14 Mary C. 34,2 Mary E. 85,17 OUve J. 84,5 Peter 449,35 Richard P. 163,4 Robert G. 35,2 Robert W. 85,1 SaUy 805,22 Samuel 0. 34,4 Sylvester WiUiam J. 348,17 34,9 WiUiam J. 35,13 WiUiam L. 34,3; 478 Benson, WilUam H ,369,28 b Benton, Angie 86,6 Annie 85, 2 BUzabeth W. 36,4 LucyWilUam P. 35,336,5 WiUiam W. 35,1 Berg, Laura 295,4 Berry, Adelaide B. AlmaL. 40, 4 Ardella A. 40,2 Asa W. 409,224 CaroUne M. 180,43 a Caroline M. 264, 26 Berry, Charles W, 39,4 Clara A. 106,1 EUzabeth 287 EUen F. 39,3 Emeline S. 38,3 Emma P. 39,4 Florence E. 39,4 b Freeman B. 39,1 George H. 39,6 180, 43 c Gilbert H. GuyS. 39,4 a 180,43 James John P. 40,1 Louisa 410, 225 Lucinda 347,7 Martha B. 39,2 Mary B. 89,6 Marv E Nathaniel S. 409, 224 a 86,1 OUve A. 180, 48 b OUve A. 297,1 Oscar B. 40,8 Samuel 39,1 Sarah A. 39,2 WilUam A. 88,2 WiUls W. 409, 224 b Bessunger, Lena 46,6 Best, Lavis F. 251, 22 e Thomas L. 251, 22 e Bethune, Maud E. 311, 25 a Minot C. 311,25 b Thomas C. 811, 26 Bickford, Elbridge S. 40, 1 MaeL. 119, 11 Bigelow, George M Bill, Earl M. :. 294, 2 138,6 a Epaphras C. Fred A. 133,8 133,6 a Jessie M. 138,6 a BilUvao, Anna 281,4 Bingham, Allen W, Edward A. 40,1 40,2 Frank W. 40,4 Fred W. 40,3 FredW. 41,9 Harriet M. 41,11 Hattie J. 40,5 Lucile 41,12 Mary B. 41,7 Myrtie M. 41,8 Oscar A. 41,10 Violetta M. 41,6 Bird, LilUan P. 281a Bishop, Channing 41,5 Daniel L. 41,3 James M. 41,1 Lizzie B. 41,4 Maria I. 285,3 Mary A. 41,2 Bispham, Henrietta G. 215, 1 Blackmore, Ann B. 307,38 Blackstone, Anna M. 42, 7 Benjamin B. 42,1 Charles H. 42,4 Delia V. 42,8 Emma J. 42,5 Hedwig L. Helen B. 42,10 42,11 Henry E. 42,9 Henry J. 42,3 Irvin K. 42,6 Orrin E. 42,2 BlackweU, Pearl 177, 17 BlaisdeU, Arlond 43,2 Arlond H. 43,3 Clara E. 43,7 BUjah G. 43,4 Ella M. 200,14 Hannah 262,4 IdaM. 43,6 484 HISTORY OF BRISTOL BlaisdeU, John C. 42, 1 Boardman, Amos 27,6 Josiah 263 g Amos 48,5 Judith 243,1 Ben;jamln 46,1 SaUy M. Viola M. 343,9 Benjamin L. 46,6 43,6 Charles 47,3 Blake, Abigail 476, 11 Edmond 47,1 Addle 147, 11 EUas 46,2 Albert 48,4 EUas 46, 3 Albert 44,13 EUzabeth S. 46,8 Alma 3,5 Emma J. 47,6 a Alma L. 44,14 George P. 47,4 Amos A. 44,16 Gideon 47,5 Ann M. 163, 8 a Hannah 46,4 AnnM. 392,2 Helen S. 47,8 Bertie L. 44,9 a Joanna 178,1 Charles F. 229, 2 c Lydia E. C. MTartha B. 47,13 Clinton 44, 12 47,15 Clyde A. 44,9 b Mary L. 48,9 Curtis C. 44,8 Mary L. 47,14 Curtis N. 44,9 Moses 46,7 Deborah 198, 1 ; 476, 11 Nancy 46,11 DollyEdith M. 476,8 Samuel M. 47,17 44,18 Sarah L. 47,2 Edward A. 44,15 Susan B. 242,1 EUza G. 403, 181 Susan M. 47,16 Elwm A. 229, 2 b WiUiam 40,10 Fra.Tik G. 229,2 WlUlam L. P. 47,12 Gihnan K. 44,10 BodweU, Albert E. 16,69 Greenleaf 43,2 Mary W. 229,1 Hannah 449, 20; 476, 4 Bohonon, Daniel W . 48,6 Horatio K. 43,3 JohnW. 48,3 Ida 353,1 Leonard W. 48,5 IdaM. 279,1 Lucy M. 48,4 InaS. 229, 2 a Mahnda R. 48,2 JohnC. 163, 8 Stephen 48,1 Lawrence 44,17 Bond, Alfred M. 48,5 Lucy 476,9 Charles A. 278,59 Mary 273, 6; 476, 6 Charles G. M. 48,1 Mary 480,1 Gertrude M. 48,3 Mary A. 229, 2 d Harold A. 48,6 Mehitable 274, 7; 476, 5 Harriet N. 78,1 OUver 476,7 Herbert T. 48,2 OUver S. 476,1 Howard C. 48,4 Paine 48,1 Lester L. 8 8 PrisciUa R. 381,1 Bonnett, Thomas 55, 11 b RoslUa S. 44,7 Bonney, Jane 276,39 RosweU 44,11 Martha F. B. 65,11b Ruth 476,3 Boothby, Almira 194,4 SaUy G. 322,1 Borden, CUnton A. Kate B. 356,8 Sarah 476, 2 463,1 Sarah J. 47,5 BosweU, Mary 16,60 Sarah L. 43, 8 Rose H. 450, 51 Sarah P. 64,12 Boulter, Mary Bowen, Charles 345 Tirzah 48,5 169, 87 BUss, EUen 214,6 Nancy 253,8 Blodgett, Alice 45, 2 ParmeUa O. 370,29 Atossa 45, 3 Sarah J. 370,29 Chester 46,9 Bowers, Alsa G. 49,4 Dorothy 46,10 Benjamin F. 49,10 Ebenezer 44,1 Betsey 50,4 Ebenezer K. 46,5 46,6 c CaroUne C. 49,5 Ernest F. CaroUne L. 49,14 EsteUe 46,8 Charles 60,19 Eugene 40,7 Charles L. 49,18 Franks. 45,7 Cyrus R. 49,6 FredC. 45,8 Dorothy A. 49,12 Frederick E. 48,8 Gardner J. 60,1 Harriet E. 45,7 a 163,18 45,4 Gardner J. 50, 2 James S. George B. 50,8 Katherine George F. Harriet N. 49, 15 Lilla L. 45,6 a 49,7 Mary 46,5 James 49,2 PhlUp H. 45,7 b Jerahmeel 48,1 Serena R. 45,6 b Jerahmeel L. 49,9 Susan A. 40,4 JuUa G. 50,21 Thorn a,s L. 45,2 Kittie 12,18 William B. 46,3 Laura A. 49,18 WilUam R. 45,1 Laura F. 49,8 Blood, George 319, 5 c Lizzie A. 251, 23 a Blunt, George 33,14 Mary 50,8 Bowers, Mary J. 5D, 17 NedO. 50,3 a Rufus L. 49, 3 WilUam 50, 20 WiUiam T. . 49, 11 Bowler, Bertram E. 51, 2 John A. 50, 1 Boyce, Charles M. 209, 3 Boynton, Augusta A, 25, 11 b AugustaA. ¦ 274, 24 d George O. Gertrude JohnPoUy Brackett, Clara A. 25, 11 a 442, i 26,11147,3 171, 93 Bradbury, AUen E. 277, 49 b Earl Mary J, Silas N. Velorus Bradford, Eveline Bradley, Moses H. Bragg, Barbara K. Ernest L. Laura M. Lyman D. Brainard, Samuel Braley, Augusta Bertha J. Christia A. Clark O. Clyde E. Edward Ella A. George E. Herbert IdaF.lolaNancy R. Weltha R. Weston J. Branscomb, EUzabeth 57 a Bray, Hannah Breck, Addle G. George O. George M. Jennie M. JohnJoseph H. Leshe J. Lois M. Mary E. Mercy E. WilUe H. Brewer, Esther Briggs, AUce A. Berneice Bertha L. Edward M. Ena Frank E. FredH. George N. Harold H. Ida A. Jennie E. Sherman S. BriU, Martha M. Brindley, Mary Broadley, Edwin Brock, Susan Stephen S. . . Brocklebank, Hannah 824, 3 Brodhead, Betsey 452, 1 Mary R. 389, 1 Brook, Sarah 67, 2 Brooks, CaroUne R. 368, 23 c BUzabeth B, 432, 4 Emily P. 388, 23 b 277, 49 b 123,1 277, 49 b 277, 49 b 295,1 51,1 51,4 51,3 51,251,1 467, 12 o 335,14 52,2 327,83 a 327,33 62, 3 64,4 b 335,13 327,33 b 51,1 76,3 327,38 c 7,1 !08, 1 52,1 373, 62,652,1 52,3 52,6 391, 34 a 52,253,963,852,4 447,1 53,7 274,34 53,4 58,1064,12 63,853,9 53,2 53,6 53,3 54,11 53,553,753,1 823,1 297,1 433, 13 c 42,1 312,1 INDEX 485 Brooks, Emma 448,8 b Esther 468,3 Joseph 368,23 Mary B. 368 e Mary B. 368, 23 a OUve E. 368, 23 d Philip 443,8 Susie 275, 40 c Una 275, 36 h Brown, Abbie F. 315, 22 Abigail T. 132,5 Abraham 68,1 AdaM. 71,3 Addie C. 200, 14 Alberta 70,16 AUceS. 59,52 AUce V. 43,5 a Alson L. 57,25 Alson L. 59,55 Amos 67,28 Amos 60,2 Amos 101, 19 Amos P. H. 64,2 Angenette 122, 33 Anna 60,68 Anna B. 62,14 AnnaM. 63,15 Anne 66,5 Annie C. 70,20 Annie M. 2.36 b Arthur C. 70,19 Arthur N. 62,11 Aseneth 55,15 Benjamin 65,3 Benjamin H. 56,17 Betsey 69,2 BetseyBlanche E. a38, 2 69,12 Calvin 380,2 Carl B. 69,17 Carl E. 60,62 Carleton 6.3,5 Catherine 50,6 Charles 63, 10 Charles 63, 11 Charles 96, 10 a Charles F. 59,50 Charles G. 7i, 1 64,4 a Charles H. Charles S. 43,5 Charles S. 65,10 Charlotte 56,20 Chastina 64,5 Cheney C. 62,15 Clarissa 72,1 Clark J. 68,5 Claude H. 70,21 Comfort 146,1 Curtis 70,18 Cynthia A. 65,11 Cynthia F. 61,7 Dana 60,4 Daniel 69,1 Daniel 69,6 Daniel 69,7 Daniel M. 70,12 Dasie 60,61 David D. 65,8 David L. 66,14 David W. 64,4 Deborah L. 66,13 Dexter 65,6 Donald 71,2 Dora A. 68,4 Dora E. 69,9 Edmond 60, 1 Edward A. 62,12 Edwin C. 83,12 Edwin E. 58,36 Electa A. 125,5 Brown, EUza 341,2 Brown, Joseph 67, 32 EUa 368 c Joseph 67,4 EUen A, 53,38 Joseph 179, 21 EUen F, 66,18 Joseph H. 64, 1 Ellen M, 123,1 Joseph H. 67, 10 Emma 60,66 Joseph T. 96, 10 Emma 79,3 Joseph W. 69, 53 Emma B. 338,6 Josephine G. 68, 15 Enoch 65,1 Josephine R. 60,60 Enoch 65,2 Joshua F. 69, 5 Enos 55,8 JuUa 58, .35 Esther 266,5 Kate L. 112, 1 Ethel D. 69,18 Kate M. 63,14 Etta C. 59,54 Kenneth W. 60, 68 EvaM. 69,6 Laura A. 67, 33 Everett C. 69,7 LeviD. 57, 23 Flora E. 69,10 Lois 179, 21 a Florence M. 69,16 Lora E. 70, 18 Floyd M. 70, 19 b Lovinia G. 68, 16 Francena 66, 16 Lucinda J. 59, 45 Frank 66 a Lucretia 158 Fi-ank E. 66,19 Mabel S. 236 a Franli M. 65,8 Manson S. 68, 11 Frank S. 64,19 Margaret 70, 17 FredC. 66 b Marion D. 64, 18 Fred G. 69,8 Marion D. 128 a Fred C. 69,14 Martha 55,9 Fi-ed H. 62, 13 Martha A. 63, 9 Freddie L. 65, 11 a Mary 63,7 George 56,17 b Mary 65,5 George 70, 11 Mary 69,3 b George 88,8 Mary A. 55,13 George A. 65,9 Mary A. 57,27 George A. 68,8 Mary A. 64,3 George F. 66,21 Mary E. 67,9 George G. 64,6 Mary J. 56, 17 c George G. 70,1 Mary J. 297,1 George H. 71,2 Mary P. 67,8 George I. 371, 44 Mary S. 234, 28 George L. 59,61 MeUssa J. 64,7 Grace F. 71,2 Melzana F. 69,11 Hannah 60,3 Michael 55,14 Hannah 67,6 Nancy 69,4 Hannah A. 68,14 Nancy 221,1 Hannah L. 55,11 Nathaniel 371, 49 Harry C. 64,17 NelUe M. 64,4 b 120, 15 Helen H. 60,59 NelUe M. Henry 67,5 NelUe M. 120. 18 Henry 69,3 a NeUie P. 7l,4 Henry C. 65, 11 a Ora 60,57 Henry C. 236,68 Ora A. 58,42 Henry G. 65,8 a Ora J. 70, 11 a Henry H. 58,19 Orlana J. 67, 10 a Henry W. 123 Oscar A. 59,49 Herman R. 70,15 Parker M. 69,10 Hester S. 68,13 Phebe A. 59,46 Horace 57,22 Phebe J. 65,10 Horace B. 58,39 Polly 425,6 Horatio 179, 21 c Reba A. 69,15 InaL. 65, 11 a ReUef 57,30 Jacob 67,2 ReUef 63,4 James 67,7 ReUef 187,1 James H. 61,6 Richard 69,8 Joanna 61,5 Robert 63,1 John 54, 2 Rufus 65,9 John 55, 4 Eufus D. 66,17 John 63, 2 Saidee C. 64,20 John 65,4 SaUy 55,10 John 66,1 Salome E. 72,2 JolmD. 65,11 Samuel 54,1 JohnH. 63,13 Samuel 55,6 JohnH. 66,20 Samuel 67,3 John H. 68,12 Samuel C. 63,3 JohnH. 68,17 Sarah 63,6 John 0. 57,31 Sarah A. 58,40 JohnS. 70,14 Sarah A. 62,10 Jonathan 69,8 Sarah K. 343,5 b Jonathan 179.21b Sarah M. 66,15 Jonathan S. 56,18 Sidney A. 68,2 Joseph 55,7 Silas S. 62, 9; 478 32 486 HISTORY OP BRISTOL Brown, Simeon B. Simeon C. Solomon SophiaSquires Squires 0. Squires S. Stanley S. StephenStephen Stephen S. Stephen T. Stewart I. Stuart A. SusannahSusannah J. Theodore Warren G. Warren S. Warren S. Webster C. Wilfred F. WiUiamWilUam I. WiUiam W. WiUis H. Browne, OUve M. Bruce, WilUam Bryant, Ann Clara J. George F. Hannah L. Johns. Bryar, Arlena M. Charles A. Ernest K. Harold Hazel M. Johns.Merton K Bryson, Earl B. Esther A. HelenJohnJohn J. Thomas D. WilUam M. VlUa E. Buck, EUzabeth Rebecca H. Buckland, Ada E. BuckUn, Addie J. ElceEtta B. George Hattie L. MosesOtis K. Buckmaster, Augustus H. 73,3 b Bffiott Helen Bugby, Edwin Emily H. BuUock, Bradford DorindaEUshaKendrick S. Sara J. _ _ Bunker, Arthur L. 378, 76 d Augustus S. 378, 74, 78 58, 37 57,31 58,18 65,768,8 65,12 62, 15 a 55,1267,26 58,34 54,3 71,1 70, 19 a 371,46 58,43 179, 21 d 57,29 57,24 59,44 81,8 58,41 66,17 a 71,1 69,48 64,16384,1292,5 72,2 65, 11 a 78,3 78,472,173,4 78,173,273,6 73,7 73,5 73,374,674,7 32, 8 e 73, 1 73,373,2 73, 4; 477 74,5 426, 15 436,27 193,8 74,8 13,4 74,4 18,4 74,6 74,1 74,2 72,2 b 72,2 b 468,25 815, 19 203, 12 87,16 203, 12 117, 13 ,1 Burleigh, Daniel B. 461, 8 Esther A. 450, 52 FredE. 461,3 a George W. 78, 4 George W. 73, 4 c Helen L. 73, 4 a James W. 75, 1 Napoleon 16, 62 Sarah N. 73, 4 b Sadie V. 75, 2 Burley, Beniah P. 26, 19 Jerusha 300, 1 BurUngame, Matilda 149, 3 Burnham, Charles F. 258, 13 a Eliza A. Flora Ira SarahSilasSusan A. Burns, Alice EUzabeth P. George KatePhebe Burpee, Andrew F. Annie L. Claude B. Darius G. Don A. Frank I. Harry D. IraB.Lena M. Lewis L. Lottie L. Minnie U. MollyNellie M. Burroughs, WilUam Burt, John WilUe Bushway, Tiotis BusweU, Joanna Kittie M. Mary Butler, Albert E. G. W. PhiUp H. Butterfield, Abbie B. 392, 40b AdaF.Ebenezer B. EvaE.JohnH. Hannah M. MayG. Butterworth, Robert H. 381,3 Buttrick, Adelaide A, Ann R. B. 284,6 218,26 a 181,48 177, 2 442, 24 404, 167 220, 38 a 459,22 154, 14 458, 18 334,1 75,176,6 76,1376,10 75,3 76,7 76,11 75,276,8 76,12 76,975,4 395, 61 75,5 288 d 173, 6 a 178, 6 a 136,1 246 81,10 413, 1 441b 295 c 307,38 b 12, 1 288, 13 a 211 392, 40 b 65, 11 a 392,40 b Carrie A. Charles P. Dion C. Flora A. FranzFredC.George A. KarlF. 3, ^6( 75,2 373, 74 b 373, 76 a 873, 74 a 873, 76 c 373, 76 b 75,1 Burleigh, Betsey Jane 478 Charles F. Charles W. Edgar R. EUEU EUjah Emily Frank 0. Frank W. George F. HiramHoreice John John A. JohnB.Jonathan IjydiaNathan 77,23 77,1278,2877,2177,27 76,5 77,18 77,9 77,15 77,25 77,2477,22 77,16 77,17 76, 3 77,20 77, 11 76,3 77, 10 76,4 Buttrick, Nathan Nathan B. SamuelSarah Susan W. WilUamWilham P. WilUam P. Buxton, Anson Bernice I. Clarence E. Edith FredH. Lester MaeUlysses G. WiUie B. BuzzeU, J. F. 4 Lizzie A. Byrne, Rutherford Cahoon, Almira Caldon, Maude B. Caldwell, Louise CaU, Abbie E. Ada A. Amanda R. AnnabelleBeUCora B. Ernest J. Eva Grace E. Harry M. HattieJonasJustin B. Justin M. LaUa B. Laura B. Leella S. Mary T. Ealph H. Shirley S. Silas W. WiUiam B. OaUey, Andrew BenjaminBenjaminBenjaminCharles H. Comfort David DavidDavid M. Dorcas D. Edgar M. EUleda M. EUza M. EUa B. Francis W. George F. George H. Grace L. JohnC.JonathanMarcia A. Margaret P. Martha B. Mary A. Mary B. Mary F. Mary J. PattyRalph M. RichardEussell D. Thomas WiUiamWiUiam 76,8 77,19 78,2 76,7 77, 14 76,176,6 77,18 78,1 78,7 78,678,278,4 78,3 b 78,8 a 78,3 78,5 13, 161 g 441, 22 57, 30 a 58,19 170, 84 226, 5 a 5,2 79,12 79,5 79,978,4 195,5 79,14 78,2 79,7 79,6 44,12 78,1 79,3 79,1079,17 79,15 79,16 438,4 79,1379,11 79,4 79,8 79,279,281,382,4 81,12 79, 2 8 80,4 80,7 80,8; 478 81,2081,14 81,8 81, 9 82,5 81,16 81,1081,15 84, 18 a 81,2 844,1 81,21 81,13 81,17 249,2 81,11 66,17 79,2 81,18380,6 81,19 81,1 79,1 79,2 INDEX 487 Calley, WUUs F. Calvert, Irene Campbell, Hannah Cansey, Isadore Caplis, Bridget Carey, Dana W. Melvina Carleton, Abigail Addie M. ArdeUaEbenezerEbenezer EUa J. EUzabeth M. Bhner H. Eugene C. Eva A. Gladys Harold B. HelenIdaW.Jeremiah John M. JuUa A. Julia A. Mary A. OsgoodPettengiU G. PhilindaEebeccaEebeccaSamuel W. Sarah P. Theodore L. Timothy Carneys, Kate Carpenter, Earl ElbaM. Herbei:t HymanJenlalEuth J. Carr, James Carter, EUen L. Herbert F. JerutiaLaura M. Lewis B. Levi Nora PoUy PoUy SaUy E. Cary, EUza V. Carver, RusseU A. Case, Catherine J. Casely, Charles W. Charlotte W. Cyi-us W. Herbert W. Lucy E. Casey, Mary J. Cass, Almira F. Ann Annie R. Arthur B. BeniahBennie A. BetseyCalvuiCalvin D. CaroUne W. Charies H. Christie Clarissa Clementine A. Cyrus CyrusCyrus A. Cyrus N. 84,18 158,11 107,5 893, 51 187,1 319, 6 e 273, 19 b 208, 15 84,18 84, 16 82,183,3 84,1983,1284,2084,1684,17 83, 14 c 88, 14 b 253, 9 c 88, 13 83,583,683,8 228,26 83, 14 a 83,6 a 83,7 83,10 83,4 83,6 b 88,9 83,11 83,14 88,2 148,9 286 b 236 b 49,8 a 252 k 107,15 286 b 9, 19 865,29 69,10 82,6 69, 10 a 232, 27 a 301,4474,3 276,43 430, 6 468,9 870,34 225, 5d33.) 354,3 354, 8 d 354,3 c 854,8 a 354, 3 b 176, 6 a 84,1188,10 68,39 86,21 85,5 325, 19 e 88, 5 84,3 88,12 84,2 88,16 86, 18 806, 26 88, 17 85,3 487,12 84,10 86, 17 Cass, Daniel DanielDollyEdwardEUa B, EUenEraeUneFlora D. Frank H. George P. HannahHannah T. Harland H. HarrietJacobJacobJaneJaneJesseJohn JohnJohnF..TosephJosephine A. .Tulia A. JuUa A. JuUa A. Laura A. Lewis Lewis G. Lizzie F. LovinaLydia R. MarciaMarion E. MaryMary A. Mary A. Mary A. Mary M. MeUndaNasonNasonNasonNasonNason W. Orrison G. Ralph G. RosanSamuel N. SarahSarah A. Sarah E. Sarah H. Seth SophiaTirzahWiUiam D. WilUam F. Castiday, Ada Caswell, Abiel W. AbigaU S. AdeUne H. Amos D. Berengera D. Isaac W. Euth A. Stephen Stephen A. Susan M. Tabitha A. Thais E. Cate, Albert F. Daisy B. Harry G. Karl B. Caverly, Almira Cavis, Almira B. George B. George C. 84,1 84,7 88,7 c 87,7 a 87,2385,12 85,8 85, 18 86,20 85,14 88,12 152 87,24 86, 13 87,388,9 86,10 88,6 86,4 85,2 87, 2 84,6 85,7 86,22 84,4 85, 18 122, 86 77,22 86, 15 88, 15 86,1988,11 84,8 467, 12 c 87,25 88,8 88,13 158, 1 467, 12 a 85, 17 84,8 85,1 86,6 87,1 88,7 86,14 86,1687,26 88,7 b 84,987,4 85,15 88, 14 290,1 86,9 86, 11 467, 12 b 368,22 85, 16 318, 3 b 91, 5 i 91,5 a 218, 26 192, 17 91, 5 d 91, 5 h 91,6 c 91,5 91, 5 f 91,5 b 91, 5 g 91, 5 e 88, 1 88,2 88,3 88,4 244, 18 90,10 90,6 90,11 Cavis, George M. 89, 2 George M. Harriet 90,12 90 14 Harriet M. 89, 3 Harry M. 90, 4 Henry T. 90, 9 Karl G. 90, 5 ; 477 Lawrence 90, 8 Myla B. 90, 15 Nathaniel 89 Eaymond 90 7 Sarah H. 90, 13 Solomon 88 1 CawlcT , Izola G. 476,' 1 EUza 8 6b Cliadvnck, Emma 401, 14] b Joseph 305, 19 Chamberlainn, Clara 393, 52 ChamberUn, D. Lang 441, LoweU W. 891, 31 e Chambers, Mary 124, 1 Champney, EUa J, Chandler, Abiel 24,2 90 1 Abiel W. 92, 12 AbigaUAdcfie B. 91,3 93, 27 Ann M. 92, 17 Ansel 181, 46 Anson 92, 12 a AsaG. 93, 24 Azuba 91,8 BeUe D. 92, 15 a Charles W. 98, 20 EUzabeth 91,2 BUa A. 181, 46 a Everett 376 a Frank 93, 22 George B. 376 a George W. 91,7 George W. 93, 26 a Hannah 98, 25 Hiram P. 92, 15 Hulda A. 92, 14 John L. J. 93, 19 Jonathan 91,6 Kate 90, 4 Lonie W. 326, 22 a Luzetta 92,10 Mary A. 92,18 Matilda D. 92, 11 Mehitable 838,8 Meshech G. 92, 16 Salome 92,9 Samantha 92, 13 Sarah A. 93,28 Tabitha 91,5 Timothy 91,4 Timothy 93,21 Willis D. 93,26 Chapman, Elvira E, . 358,1 Charland, Rose 4,37 Charron, Joseph P. Chase, Addie M. 464,1 97,17 Agnes G. 95,17 Annie M. 97,18 Arthur T. 97,20 Arthur T. 98,26 Bertha M. 98,24 Carrie D. 94,11 Charles 95, 29 Charles H. 98,8 Charles W. 94,5 Charlotte 99,14 Daniel S. 96,4 Daniel W. 97,15 David 96,1 David 96,2 David 98,2 David L. 98,6 488 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Chase, David M. Edward A. Edward B. Edward W. EUza S. EmeUne H. Emma M. Evelyn FrankFrank H. Frank L. Frank W. Frank W. FredM.George G. George P. George F. L. George M. Gladys P. HannibalHanson S. HelenHenry M. Henry M. HezekiahHoratio IdaH. Ira A. IraD.IraS. Irving H. Jennie M. James W. JohnF.JohnF.JonathanJoseph S. Joseph W. Josiah B. Jonah B. Julia L. JuUa M. M. Lewis T. LouiseLovina M. Lucie D. Mabel H. Margaret B. Mar&a B. MaryMary A. Mary A. Mary H. Mary H. Mary M. J. Martha W. Matilda J. Maud NancyNathaniel E. Nicholas T. Phebe PhUip M. Porter B. Ealph M. SaUy M. Saloma B. Sarah SarahStephen Warren G. WUUam H. WiUiam L. WilUam L. WiUiam M. William M. Cheney, Abigail AlonzoAlvin A. Mamie 96,8 Cheney, Anna 57, 27d AnnaB. 94,13 AnnaB. 97,14 Augustus F. 98,5 Austin L. 96, 10 Benjamin 97,18 Bertha B. 216,8 Charles A. 99,15 Charles H. 97,16 Charles H. E. 95,30 Charles S. 94,9 Charles W. 96, 12 a Christianna M. 94,12 Clara A. 442,28 Daniel 94,8 Daniel 97,22 Daniel 94,10 Daniel 98,26 Daniel 94, 3; 478 David 67, 27 David 399, 126 David O. 94,6 Donald A. 95,24 Edmund W. 205,7 EUzabeth 880,7 Elizabeth 98,9 BUzabeth 99,10 Elvira 97,19 Emma F. 98,4 Emma S. 67, 27 c Enoch 97,21 Eugene J. 57,27 a Frank 96,11 George F. 98,7 George H. 96,9 George M. 98,3 George W. 57,27 a Georgianna C. 94,4 Georgianna G. 95,19 Glen A. 95,28 Hannah 94,7 Hannah 98,23 Henrietta B. 427, 28 Henrietta E. 96,7 Henry D. 95,81 Hiram 95,22 Howard 95,82 Jennie W. 95,26 Joanna 203,9 John 96,3 John 99,12 John 95,23 John L. 386,1 JohnM. 94,16 John W. 461,48 Joseph 96,12 Joseph M. 99,16 Joseph Y. 124,1 JuUaB. 96,5 Leonard 96,6 Lydia A. Mary 469,6 95,25 Mary J. 95,18 Moody S. 95,20 Moses 94,16 Moses 319, 5 a OUve J. 275, 88 b 435, 2 Sarah Sarah 98,1 Sarah 57,27 b Sarah A. 95,21 Sarah A. 93,1 Sarah H. 94,14 Susan H. 94,2 Susanna 95,27 ^Ivania M. Walter G. 101, 19 101, 31 WiUiam 102,34 Chester, WiUiam 104, 61 WilUam M. 101, 17 103,50104, 64 108,48 105, 68 101, 22 104, 60 104,58 105, 66 102, 38 102, 84 a 108, 42 103, 47 104,55 99,299,8 99,6 100,7 100,14 100,9 101, 18 104, 67 6, 14 b 101,27 100,11 101, 26 101, 29 101, 82 104, 63 104, 64 100,12104,66 104, 62 102,38 104, 52 102,40 105, 65 159,1 104, 59 6,14 a 100,15101,33 104, ,58 159,1 103,46 101, 30 102, 34 d 102, 84 e 100,13 99,1 99, 4 100,8 103, 41 6,14 101, 24 101, 21 103,45 6,14 c 185,1 101, 26 108, 43 101, 23 102, 35 103, 44 100,6 101, 20 103, 49 60,4 100,10 101,28 58, 42 ; 479 104, 51 102, 37 102, .39 100,16105, 67 102, 84 b 102,84 c 307 d 307 Chickering, Maria 158, 9 Choate, Bllen F. 94, 2 Church, Jonathan 408, 200 b CiUey, Betsey 244, 9 Dolly 332, 1 George H. 105, 2 John M. 105, 1 Judith 244, 9 Leon D. 105, 2 b Ehoda 305, 20 Roy C. 105, 2 a Clark Annie G. 105, 6 Betsey B. 209, 1 Charlotte 138, 2 Cora N. 106, 3 Edwin E. 26, 36 Bva J. 105, 3 Harriet 867, 1 Helen B. 105, 4 Henry 227, 23 b Ida M. 106, 5 Irene S. 158, 1 Irving M. 106, 1 James 397, 97 Jane 248, 6 Jane 897, 96 Jennie M. 214, 3 Lida C. 299, 9 Louise 467, 12 a Mabel F. 106, 2 Mary B. 106, 2 Mary B. 425, 1 Mary B. 299, 8 Oscar M. 251, 21 b Samuel M. 105, 1 SeUna W. 810, 5 Stilhnan 105, 1 W. A. 218, 22 e Clay, Caleb L. 106, 1 Charles H. 78, 2 Jane 65, 2 Lydia 84, 1 Lydia 201, 7 Mary 45, 1 Mary 201, 7 Mary H. 106, 2 Cleasby, EUen C. 196, 1 Cleaveland, Annie L. 181, 63d Helen L. 181, 53 e Joseph 181, 53 Joseph L. 181, 53 c Sylvester I. 181, 53 b WlUis M. 181, 63 a Clement, Alphonso 106, 1 David B. 362, 5 EUzabeth F. 107, 2 Hannah 157, 8 Jennie 461, 9 Jennie B. 826, 17 John 188, 18 Laura M. 107, 3 Martha J. 5, 5 Sally 287, 13 Sarah 63, 1 Cleveland, AbigaU 260, 5 Benjamin D. 108, 21 Betsey 107, 2 Carohne E. 108, 20 C. W. 88,14 a Delia A. 108, 22 Downer 107, 3 John 107, 1 John 107, 4 John D. 107, 9 Josephine B. 107, 13 Margaret M. 108, 19 Mary F. 107, 14 Mary J. 108, 16 107,6 INDEX 489 Cleveland, Rhodes M. 107, 12 Ruth L. 107, 8 Sally 107, 7 SaUy A. 107, 15 Sarah S. 107, 10 Smith 107, 5 Smith D. 108, 18 Washburn P. lOT, 11 WilUam D. 108, 17 CUfford, Ann 331, 1 Clara F. 108, 4 EUen F. 108, 3 Emma E. 108, 6 Etta 236, 5 d Frank E. 108, 8 Fi-ank E. 108, 8 a George W. 108, 1 Hattie I. 108, 11 Helen M. 108, 8 o Ida F. 108, 2 Karl B. 108, 8 b Martha M. 148, 2 Mary 77, 8 Mary E. 108 5 Minnie L. 108, 10 Rhoda 34, 1 Ruth 210, 6 Sally 428, 12 Samuel 201, 3 Sarah J. 108, 9 CUne, Mary B. 331, 6 Clogston, Lucius B. 164, 10 Cloudman, Everett C. 249, 3a Clough, AdeUah 78, 1 Alice F. 110, 18 Annie L. HO, 17 Benjamin 109, 1 Benjamin F, 110, 13 Betsey 109, 6 Clarence B, 109, 7 Clarence B. 110, 14 Cordelia 122, 26 EUa 182, 58 Frederick H. 110, 11 George F. 109,6 George M. 110, 10 Harry W. 110, 9 James B. 110, 8 James M. 109, 3 Jessie M. 110, 20 John 109, 1 Laura M. 109, 2 Lester I. 110, 16 Martha A. 109, 4 Mary 377, 1 Mary E. 110, 12 Mary S. 376, 121 Mehitable 109, 4 Moses 109, 2 Phebe M. 109, 3 Polly 109, 6 Sabrina J. 8, 11 SaUy 109, 7 SaUy 181, 3 Sidney S. HO, 19 Walter H. HO, 15 WilUam H. H. 109, 5 WiUiam I. HO, 21 WiUiam O. 815, 29 Cloutman, DeUa D. 221, 8 Sarah 393, 35 Cobb, Samuel P. 279, 4 Coburn, Enoch 462, 3 Franlde 256, 2 Lydia A. 65,2 Sarah J. 60, 1 Cochrane, Mary J. 65, 10 b CockreU, BeUe 295, 4 b Coifin, Abigail 458,4 Coffin, Frank J. 407, 191 c George H. 407,191b John 407, 191 Lura 407, 191 a Cogshall, W. I. 435, 25 d Colbath, George W. 135, 5 Mattie J. 290, 38 Colcord, Hattie O. 219, 31 c Colburn, Enoch 179, 23 Jesse 258 Colby, Abbie J. 104, 56 Amanda 65, 10 c Annie 414, 10 a Arabella 124, 6 Betty 401, 10 Calvin 56, 10 d Calvin 203, 10 Charles G. 253, 13 b Clara B. 56, 11 g Dolly 191, ID Dorcas 192, 12 EUas T. 163, 11 EUza H. 25, 15 EUa 55, 10 f Emily L. 224, 9 Emma M. 55, 11 g Georgia A. 258, 18 a Hannah J. 55, 11 e Hannah M. 55, 11 g Hazen 55, 11 a Hazen 100, 13 Hazen 100, 13 Helen 65, 10 g Henry 55, 10 e Jacob 55, 10 Jane 20, 5 Jennie G. 357, 4 John 64, 5 a John 247, 2 John B. 55, 10 b John L. '253, 13 Judith 449, 23 Lizette S. 110, 2 Lydia 390, 8 Martha E. 55, 11 f Mary 154, 11 Mary A. B. 65, 11 b Mary B. 364, 26 Mertie 381 Nancy B. 253,18 c Rebecca 103, 20 Rufus 100, 13 Samuel A. 55, 11 d Samuel M. 55, 11 c Sarah 25, 18 Sarah 50, 1 Sarah 448, 4 Stephen N. 110, 1 Stephen B. 55, 10 a Warner W. 55, 11 g WiUiam 56, 11 WilUam W. 55, 11 g Cole, Arthur H. Ill, 2 b BUzabeth 81, 2 Eunice 434, 22 f Frank R. HI, 2 b Harry J. HI,' 2 Harvey 434, 22 f Helens. Ill, 2d Lois 434, 22 f Lucretia 218, 25 b LueUa W. HI, 2 c Margaret F. Ill, 2 a Mary A. 387,1 Mary H. HI, 3 Mary J. 373,19 Onie E. HI, 2 a Otis 110, 1 Samuel m, 1 Sarah 203, 16 Cole, Sylvanus 111, 3 Coleman, Laura A. 356, 1 Maria 49, 10 Collins, AbigaU 283, 11 Annie B. 409, 217 b Cyrus C. 467, 12 c Fannie G. 282, 1 Frank 467, 12 e Henry 467, 12 c Louis 108, 20 LovlUa 61, 2 Nathaniel 377, 6 NeUie 467, 12 c Mary 367, 4 Samuel 467, 12 c Sarah F. 283 Vicia 468, 27 g Compton, EUen 14, 32 Conant, BUzabeth J. 222, 1 Edgar A. 897, 99 c Condon, Samuel 304, 11 c Samuel 304, 11 c ConUn, Mary 109, 3 Conner, Jolm S. Ill, 1 Connor, Abigail 10, 1 Carrie E. 112, 2 Charles E. 112, 5 John A. 112, 6 John F. 112, 4 John R. Ill, 1 Lou F. 112, 7 Mary I. 112, 8 Mina L. 133, 2 a Conrad, Emma 405, 172 Jennie 404, 171 Constable, Richard 470, 35 a Converse, Charles H. 286, 9 a Clarence 286, 9 b Croget C. 286, 9 Cook, Charlotte L. 265, 86 Charles L. 218, 27 Charles L. 218, 27 a Martha 133, 2 Mary J. 168, 48 WiUiam G. 218,27 b Coolidge, Charles W. 112, 1 Charles W. 112, 2 Donna B. 113, 6 Dora G. 113, 7 Eleanor 113, 4 Eugene L. 118, 8 Francis W. 113, 2 Helen K. 113, 4 Jessie M. 113, 5 John W. 113, 1 Ruth 118, 8 Coombs, Florence A. 27, 37 Cooper, BeUe 43, 3 Clara E. 471, 49 Thomas 288 e Cope, Joseph B. 129, 7 a Copp, Mahala 102, 14 Corey, Adeline 5, 8 Corless, Alvin 18, 19 f EUzabeth 9, 8 George W. 13,19 George W. 13, 19 c Hosea B. 55, 10 g James 13, 19 e Mary 13, 19 d PhlUndaB. 13, 19 a Rhoda 13, 19 b Sabrina 8, 8 Corliss, Abigail 121, 8 Cyrus L. 113, 1 Eben 282, 10 Judith 121, 9 Mary 120, 5 Weltha B. 393, 43 490 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Corney, Mary Cornock, Jennie Corse, Harriet Corser, Harry B. Mary F. Herbert H, Fred JohnLiUian G. Norman D. Corwin, Charles L, Geoi-ge JohnH. Laura G. Cottier, DeUa Couch, IdeUa A. Jennie L. Courser, Liila A. Covell, Celon E. Jerusha D. MirandaMurcUva Orrin Cox, Caleb CarolineCaroUne H. Carrie E. Clara A. James L. Jennie J. Mary A. Susan E. Wilmer 0. Winfield S. Coyle, W. T. Crabtree, Ethel M. FrankRaymond Crafts, WlUlam H. Cragin, Lena B. Crawford, Abby Alice I. Almira B. Anna Benjamin F. Bryant B. CaroUne M. Charles L. Charles W. Charlotte George T. Helen G. Jane Laura A. Luther Luther E. MaryMary E. Mary J. NancyRobertRobert L. Sally Susan C. Susanna ThomasThomas WilUamWilliam WiUiamWiUiamWilUam G. Cresap, Estella W. Crockett, Amelia A, Andrew J. Ephraim IdaL.JohnLaurinda Lewis W. 60,11 298 403, 165 114, 2 b 114, 2 d 114, 2 0 70,18 113,1 114, 2 a 114,2 321a321a 821a 321a 66 b 434, 16 b 325, 19 c 15,55 275, 40 c 260,8 276, 40 b 276, 40 a 276,40 114,1114,1 407,193 114,4 125,7225,7 376, 120 114,3 282,24 114,5114,2 393,65 470, 36 b 470, 36 b 470, 36 b 348 c 41,5 156,54 117, 17 117, 18 117, 12 275, 40 a 248,8 117, 18 117, 16 117,9 45,2 117,8 118, 19 115,2 117, 10 118,20 117, 11 3,2 117, 16 117,7 417,1116,2 117, 14 a 116, 6 116,6 224,1 114,1116,2116,2 116,1116,3116,4 117, 14 349,26 c . 239, 1 118,4118,8118,5118,2 478 299,8 b Crockett, Mary A. 118 Crowell, BUzabeth 308,21 Thomas 118,1 Crunier, Rosaima 2,1 Cromack, J. C. Crosby, Alphonso 109,4 Culver, Caroline S. 123,2 253, 9 b Hattie 413,5 b CaroUne 119,8 Marinda 167, 37 Edward D. 119, 11 Mary B. 123,3 Elizabeth 119,5 Newell 123,1 Fred B. 120, 17 Cummings, AbigaU . 218, 1 Frank L. 119, 12 AUce 431,3 Isaac 119,2 Annie C. 123,4 Jezeniah 118,1 Daniel 69,4 Kate F. 120, 16 Daniel B. 275, 37 a Martha 119, 10 Daniel K. 123,1 Mary 119,9 BUzabeth 395,65 Mary A. 119, 14 EUen M. 259,5 Mary P. 254, 21 Elvira 275, 37' b Milo H. 119,6 Emma M. 123,6 NelUe M. 120, 18 FredW. 128,6 RosweU 119,8 James A. 124,1 Willard E. 119, 15 Lucy 268,8 Willard H. 119,7 Mary A. 123,7 WUUam S. 119,4 Mary L. 123,2 Cross, Abigail 121, 21 Mary L. Martha 124,2 Abigail 122, 81 25,5 a Abijah 121, 14 Noah 275,37 123. 3 Abijah 121, 24 Orville D. Abijah F. 122, 33 Cunningbam, Harriet 4S0', 8 Alice 461,3 a Martin 188, 2d AJmaM. 122, 35 Currier, Adeline 843, 4 d Alonzo 267, 14 Alfred 343,4c Benjamin 108,16 Alfred O. 348,4 Benjamin 121, 16 Almira 164, 11 Chloe 121, 18 Anna 343,4 b Clarissa M . 122, 41 Arthur W. 348,4 a David 121,9 Arthur W. 348,4 a Deborah 121, 15 Charles C. 125, 14 Fanny 368,15 Charles R. 124,3 Frank 237, 11 Clara B. 126, 18 Frank W. 122, 37 Clarence M. 125, 10 George 121, 20 Cyrus C. 124,5 344,4 a George 122, 32 Edith A. George D. 121, 20 Edward T. 125, 12 Jesse 154, 21 EUa A. 125,9 Jonathan 121,7 Elmer B. 125, 16 Jonathan 122, 80 Fra.nk S. 126, 13 John 120,1 George C. 126,7 John 120,2 George L. 344,4 a JosephJudith F. 120,4 Helen G. 125, 17 28,8 Helen M. 125, 11 Judith F. 121, 26 Henry K. W. 445, 3 Lamira 122,27 Ida A. 105,2 Lydia 121, 18 Jonathan S. 126, 16 LydiaMary 121, 28 Julia D. 344,4 a 121, 17 Lorenzo M. 124,6 Mary N. 122,40 Maggie A. 348,4 a 189,4 Molly 121, 11 Maria Otis 122, 28 Martha J. 125,8 OtisE. 123, 43; 478 Mary 264,16 Otis F. 122, 39 Mary A. Nathaniel 69,25 Rhoda A. 166, 21 445, 3 a Ruth 121, 12 Samuel 68,1 Sarah A. 2,1 Sarah A. 124,2 Susan A. 3,1 Theodore B. 124,4 Simeon 131,8 Trueworthy G. 124,1 Simeon 131, 32 WiUiam 335,6 Simeon 122, 29 WilUam H. 335,10 Simeon H. 122,36 Curtice, Abbie A. 126,8 Stephen 121, 10 Alexander 126,1 Stephen 121, 19 Betsey 126,8 Stephen F. 122, 84 James A. 126,6 Susan 122,28 John W. 126,5 Sylvester 122,26 Mabel A. 126,7 Sylvester W. Una E. 122,38 Margaret J. 126,4 122,42 WilUam M. 126,2 WilUam 120 3 Curtis, Addle L. 130,7 WiUiam 12015 Sarah M. 225, 6 e WilUam 120,6 Cushman, Louise B, , 430,8 Crow, Mamie H. 299,2 Cutler, Charles W. 127,4 CroweU, Alberta S. 379,6 George J. Harrison R. 127,6 Clara F. 6,9 127,3 INDEX 491 Cutler, Mary 363,7 Danforth, John C. Raymond W. 127,2 Johns. Eoswell 126,1 JohnW. Outts, Charles W. 821, 9 a Lena B. Loren 41)3,160 Louisa E. Mary Elisabeth 321, 9 a Mary A. Cyr, Arthur D. 127,5 Mary A. Bertha F. 127,3 Mary E. Edward H. 127,7 Mary E. Joseph 127,1 Maud E. Laura B. 127,6 Mehitable J. OUver A. 127,2 Micajah WilUam E. 127, 4; 477 Nancy M. Nathan B. Daft, Jemima 27,2 Nicholas Dailey, Claude L. 314, 15 b Richard S. Grace M. 314, 15 a Elchard S. John 314, 15 Richard S. LUUan B. 314, 15 0 Rufus PaulM. 314, 15 d Samuel Dale, Howard B. 172, 102 a Samuel Mary 0. 211,1 Samuel Osgood 172, 102 Sarah J. Sarah E, 218, 28 William Dalton, Almeda A . 92,10e Daniels, Nancy Althea 92, 10 d Pauline B. BerengeaCalebs. 92, 10 b Darling, Benjamin 92, 10 j 92,10 Betsey Caleb L. Charles W. Carsandra 92, 10 a Daniel Charles L. 255, 27 Ebenezer Flavins J. 92, 10 g Ebenezer Florentia 92, 10 1 EUza A. Florentius 92, 10 h George A. Frank B. 68,38 b Harriet B. JohnB, 68,38 a Harriet E. John M. V, 127 Harriet S. JuUa M. 58,38 c Jacob N. Lucian R. 92, 10 c Joanna L. NeUie W. 58, 38d Jonathan C. Ruhamah 92, 10 f Martha Warren W. 58,38 Mary E. Dame, Mary C. 236, 61 Mary M. Melvin A. 68,13 Ruth Damon, Amos - 127, 1 Sally C. Clara M. 128,6 Darrow, Charles R. Clarington 128,3 David Clarington 128,4 George C. Everett L. 128,8 Grace C. Hannah M. 128,2 Parmelia M. Laura A. 128,7 Ealph H. OtisS. 128,5 Vernice M. Dana, Cora J. 104, 57 Daun, Libby A. Martha M. Dane, Martha 6,6 Danford, Lewis H. , 264, 80 Davenport, Lilla S. Danforth, Abel 180,1 Davies, WiUiam A. Abel 244,3 WilUam E. Abel W. 130,4 Davis, AdeUne Abigail S. 129,4 Almira Almon H. 129,10 Anna Appleton H. 129,7 Benjamin Appleton H. 129, 7 c Benjamin Benaiah 131,1 Betsey O. Benjamin 129,5 Byron E. Blanche M. 131,9 Capt. CaroUne 445,1 Carrie Charles R. 130, 18 Charles B. Daisy M. EUa P. 181, 10 Charles B. 130,5 Charles E. F. BUzabeth J. 129, 7 a Daniel Esther R. 130,2 Daniel G. S. Esther R. 130,6 Dudley Fred P. , George P. Georgiana 129,9 a E- V. ,, 129,9 130, 15 Bdwin M. BUzabeth Harry V. 130,16 Bllen C. i Helena F. 129, 7 d Elvira Henry M. John 129,3 335, 12 Emma Ethel M. John 461,2 a FldeUa 180, 13 a 130, 14 130,7 131, 8 130, 13 b 48,5 130,3 71,1 131,2 172, 108 129, 11 461,3 139,6 129 7 b 128,1 129,3129,8 130, 14 a 461,2 c 128,1128,1128,1 180, 12 461, 2 b 898, 51 194, 3 a 131,1 305,7 132, 14 131,4 131, 2 131, 3 132, 10 132, 16 132, 11 132, 18 132,9 131,6132,8182,6 245, 2 j 132,12132, 15 304, 11 132,7 . 32, 8 a 82,8 32,8c 82, 8 d 33,2 32, 8 e 32,8 b 198, 15 196,6 234,51b 398,1020 398, 102 c 133,3 368 b 54,8 381,5 434,22 b 138, 6 134,1 198,3 138,2 c 134,1 898, 105 e 183,2 266,10 251, 21 c 13,9 471, 46 a 184,2 99,5 398, 105 g 368 0 17,77 133, 2d 183,5 Davis, Frank W. 398, 105 c George 868, 23 a George H. 71,4 George H. 398, 105 f George W. 868 e Harriet R. 178,1 Harry F. Hazel B. 133,2 a 134,3 Hezekiah 132,1 Horace L. 898, 105 a James M. 398, 106 James S. 898, 105 d Jennie L. 133,5 JohnF. 325, 16 b Joseph C. N. 878, 118 Laura A. 146,2 Lucinda A. 183,3 LydiaMaryE. 308,45 71,4 a Mary E. 218, 23 a Mary G. 177,8 Ma.ry J. 868 a Nathan 367, 20 Nicholas 287, 12 b Orren B. 133,1 Orren B. 183,4 Oscar B. 183, 2 b ; 478 Otis S. 138, 4 Sadie 443,8 a Sarah 65,2 Sarah 868 d Thomas H. 425,2 Walter S. 398, 105 b William 133,2 William J. 443,8 Dawes, William N. 84, 17 Day, Arthur N. 135, 10 Bessie M. 83, 12 b Charles H. 135,7 BUza J. 134,3 Elmira H. 184,2 Emma 135,5 156,55 a Esther Ethan A. 386,2 F.N. 158, 55 Frank 185,9 Frank W. 398, 105 c Frederick 156, 55 b Harriet A. 134,4 Harry R. 386,2 Hattie B. 135, 12 John A. 88,12 JohnC. 83, 12 0 Lorenzo D. 134,1 Marcus T. 825, 19 d Marguerite 135, 9 a Mary H. 185,8 Mary L. 83, 12 a Minnie M. 135,11 Sarah 178, 2 Sarah L. 135,6 Dearborn, Abbie Daisy M!. 152,5 186, 13 Ebenezer 186,3 Ebenezer 136,4 Edwin 101, 83 a EUza A. 266 Emor J. 186, 11 George 101,33 George P. 28,24 a George W. 28,24 Georgianna 101, 33 b Gertrude M. 282 a Godfrey 185,1 Grace M. 136, 15 Harriet A. 89,2 InaM. 186, 12 James 268 a Jonathan 186,5 Kenson E. 186,9 492 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Dearborn, Leonie L. 136, 14 Lyman T. 186, 10 Mary 101, 33 c Mary J. 413, 2 MeUna B. 462, 1 Ovid 313, 10 Richard 186, 6 SaUy 287, 12 c Sarah A. 136, 8 Sarah P. 869, 28 Selwyn C. 136, 7 Selwyn K. 136, 16 Thomas 186, 2 Decato, Alice 187, 5 Almie 137, 16 Charles 136, 1 Charles H. 137, 12 Charles O. 137, 8 Ella 137, 6 Emma M. 137, 12 a George 187, 17 Hattie 187, 11 Henry 137, 3 Hervey 137, 14 John 137, 4 Joseph A. 137, 2 Malvina 137, 15 Otis 137, 18 Otto 187, 10 Walter J. 137, 7 WiUiam J. 137, 9 DeFord, Frances D. 216, 9 Demas, WUUe E. 146, 6 c Dennett, Clara I. 24, 4 Dennis, Julius C. 252 k Desnoyers, Fi-ank B. 251, 22 a De VoU, Pardon 470, 40 Dewar, Jennie M. 145, 33 Dexter, BUza 118, 3 Frank H. 227, 22 a Dicey, Carrie I. 447, 2 Delia B. 187, 3 EUza M. 187, 2 Georgianna 226, 18 d Mary A. 48, 5 Mildred J. 137, 4 Wesley H. 187, 1 Dickerson and Dickinson ; Addle J. 139, 28 AUce B. 139, 31 Amos 188, 10 Amos 138, 16 Amos 138, 17 Amos G. 140, 38 Arial 138, 14 Bertha H. 139, 32 Charles H. 139, 27 Charles P. 140, 87 Charles W. 139, 29 Dora A. 140, 35 Elbert E. 140, 34 Elkanah 139, 21 EUen F. 139, 24 Eveline 139, 22 Hannah 138, 11 lonel A. 140, 36 ; 478 James 188, 2 James 420, 4 Joseph 138, 3 Joseph 138, 4 Joseph N. 1.39, 28 John 138, 8 John 138, 13 .Tonathan 188, 7 Kinsman 188, 9 LiUian N. 140, 88 Lizzie R. 139, 80 MorriU 375, 107 Moses 188, 5 Dickerson and Dickinson : Moses PoUySabraSally K. Sarah E. SeweU ThomasThomas Watson Watson A. Willis K. DilUngham, Nancy Dimond, Mary M. S. Dinsmore, Margaret RobertSusan B. Dixon, Cora Dockham, Alva B. Dodge, Avis BetseyFannie L. George H. Hannah Jessie B. JohnF.JohnW.Lenora G. RebeccaSarahSeymour H. Susanna Dolby, Susie 0. Dole, Walter DoUoff, Abner F. AbrahamAbramAgnes M. AlbaO.Alma K. Almira S. Amna M. Ansel G. Benjamin Charles W. Blmira S. Emma H. Etta B. Eugene M. EuniceFrank D. Frank N. George F. George W. Gilbert B. HannahHarlan H. Helen M. IdaM.Inez B. JohnJohnJohn B. LeviLevi L. Levi M. LorenLuey S. Lynthia N. Lauretta J. Mabel M. Margaret S. MaryMason D. Maud M. Myra E. Nicholas B. Orrin L. Otis A. Rachel L. 188,9 138,15 138,18138,19 189, 25 138,11 138,1138,6 138,12 139, 26 139,20 243,8 444,4 412,1178,4 315, 24 447,4 218, 25 142,2 273, 23 142,3 142,1294,1425,1 253, 13 a 140, 1 253, 18 a 294,1 277 140,1163,2 252 g 142,3 145, 37 142,1 143, 10 ; 478 145,89 145,83 144,26 144,19144,26 145,38 148,4148,2 148,8 144,21 146,5 c 146,5 a 145, 31 145, 31 a 146,7 146,6 b 143, 16 143,14144,23 146,40 144,28 146, 5 d 165,8425,8146,5 146,3143,2 145, 30 143,18 145,32144, 22 84,3 145,35 143,7 148,6 143,17 145, 36 145,34 143,5 143,15 144,20 DoUoff, Roxy 145, 29 Sally C. 143, 3 Samuel 146, 1 Solon 143, IS; 478 Susanna S. 143, 4 Viola L. 144, 24 Wilbur 144, 27 Donahue, Nettie 178, 7 Donovan, Belinda 306, 26 Donely, Martha 133, 3 Donovan, Daniel B. 209, 4 Harold 209, 4 a Donker, Ann 820, 1 Doten, Hattie M. 448 Lizzie F. 139, 29 Doton, Mary 277 PrisciUa 262, 11 Susannah 218, 8 Doud, Arthur V. 146, 1 Douglass, Benjamin H. 155, 38 a Mary A. 433, 10 a Sarah 240, 1 Sophia 892 a Dow, Abigail 313, 5 Abram S. 148, 1 Alfred 148, 2 c Alice A. 148, 10 Anna M. 149, 3 Arthur A. 148, 7 Charles B. 147, 11 Charles G. 148, 2 Charles W. 225, 36 a Donna E. 148, 11 Edward B. 148, 9 Edward B. 226, 5 1 EUza A. 147, 7 EUa F. 225, 2 Ellie M. 149, 6 Flora P. 148 George A. 147, 1 George H. 149, 6 George W. 147, 6 Harriette S. 126, 5 c Horace E. 148, 8 Irene 148, 2 Jacob H. 148, 1 Jeremiah F. 283, 3 John 148, 4 John G. 149, 4 John M. 147, 8 John M. 147, 12 Jonathan 146, 1 Joseph G. 147, 3 Joseph G. 147, 9 LeonC. 148,2 b Levi 147, 2 Lewis S. 148, 2 a Luella 148, 5 Mable B. 148, 7 a Mable B. 296, 7 Martha C. 147, 10 Mary A. 148 Mary A. 148, 6 Mary J. 319, 5 Mary J. B. 147, 4 Richard 149 c Sarah 148, 3 Stephen B. 225,5 Stephen W. 226, 5 d Susanna 268, 5 Von K. 149 d Walter R. . 225, 5 e WiUiam B. 147, 5 WilUam H. 226,5 b WiUiam L. 147, 1 Zoa O. 327, 31 Dowen, Sarah 284, 6 Doying, Louise H. 35, 1 Downer, Jessie M. 162 a INDEX 493 Downes, Sophia W, Downing, Annette 3a Clara V. Clarence V. B. EUen A. Fred P. GeorgeJohnC. Joseph H. Lucille A. Downs, Albert E. Samuel P. Drake, Abra A. Addie M. AmyB. Annie I. Arthur K. Charles M. Charles N. Edward M. EUen A. Emily J. Ervin T. Ervin T. Frank L. Henry W. Herbert B. Ida A. Irene M. Jacob B. John P. Mabel H. Mary MaryL.Minnie B. NancyPhlUp S. Raymond H. Robert A. RusseU P. Ruth B. SaUy Sarah S. Thomas T. WiUiam H. Draper, Albert W. Alvah B. Alvah L. Alvah M. Edgar Elsie M. Ethelyn Eugene C. George A. George A. Helen P. InezJason 0. Jason S. Jason T. LesUe B. Luzetta S. Marlon E. Norman E. Ralph L. Sarah G. Serena L. Stacy A. Drew, Aaron Alfred E. Alfred R. Albert R. Alvin S. Amasa W. Amasa W. Amos W. Ann Asa Augustus B. 33 . 415, 1 B. 149, 149, 4 0 149,4 149,2 149, 4 a 245, 2 k 149,1 149,3 149, 4 b 168, 50 a 168, 60 150,7 151,6 151,8 161,5 151,9 150,18 150,5 151,2415,8150,4 151,3 151, 14 150,8 150,6 151,4 856,1 150,9 149,1 151,7 151, 10 196,2 151, 13 150, 12 150,2150,3 151, 11 151, 15 151, 7 a 161, 12 347,7 451,55 150,1 150, 10 162,2 162,4 162, 5 a 152,1 153,9 162,6 153,7 152,3 153 163,8 153, 12 153, 10 151,1 153,14 152,4152,5152,3 158, 13 158, 16 153, 15 152,2 45,6 163,11 154, 11 157,1 154,19 156, 4S 154,16154,18154,24 153,2 154, 14 154, 13 155, 82 Drew, Benjamin 153,3 Benjamin 164,28 Benjamin 154,29 Benjamin F, 156,53 Betsey 154, 10 Betty 153,4 Blanche T, 155, 40 b Charles 155, 34 Charles F. 156,44 Clara M. 453,5 Clarence B. 157,60 b DorothyEdward B. 154,22 157, 67 Edwin W. 154,30 Effie E. 155, 40 a BUjah 154 f BUa 155, 41 Ellen 166, 54 c Elmer B. 157,58 Emily 155,38 Emma J. 155, 42 Emma R. 156, 49 Ethel D. 157, 61 Frances E. 165,38 Frank H. 156,60 Franklin P. 157, 60 a George 156, 54 b GeorgeGeorge G. 486, 7 g 155, ffl Hannah W. 155,36 Harriet 154 c Harriet B. 155,43 Harvey W. 155, 31 Hattie E. 156,45 Henrietta F. 158,47 Henry C. 158 a Henry W. 166,48 Holman A. 166,56 Irving W. 156, 62 James 154 b Jennie 156,54 a John 153,8 Josephine 156, 53 Julia E. 166, 65 Kate 167,2 Louise 154,15 Louise 154 d Lucy 154,26 Lucy 154,21 Lucy A. 156,61 LydiaManilus M. 154,20 155,39 Mary 154,12 Ma,ry A. 155,87 215,1 Mary E. Mary H. 154,25 Melissa 164,23 NeU B. 156. 52 b NeUie E. 157, 59 Paul 156, 52 a Perly A. 157,60 Peter W. 155, 35 Pitt F. 156, 52 c PoUy 153,7 SaUy 153,6 SaUy 154,9 Sally 154,27 Sarah 154 e Sarah M. 158, 52 d Samuel 153,1 Samuel 153,6 Susan H. 154, 17 Warren B. 156,54 William 154 a Driver, Mary 416,1 Dubia, Mary A. 357,2 DuBois, Methusalem 314, 17 Rachel 314, 17 a Dudley, Charles H . 311,26 b Dorothea M. 311, 28 a Dudley, Harry H. 311, 28 Thomas M, 311, 26 c Dufer, Florence L, 17, 58 Horace 13, 19 d Dunbar, Lucia A. 256, 1 Nettle M. 255, 29 Duncan, Fannie 447, 2 Dugdale, Lizzie A. 271, 9 Dunkason, Alice E. 77, 23 b Angus 77, 23 Raymond B. 77, 23 a Dunlap, Mary A, 234, 30 Dunning, Julia 414 c Durfee, Maitland S. 220, 38 g Durgan, Margaret '287, 10 Durgin, Arthur C, Arthur K. Benjamin G. Charles E. Clara K. Clement T. Cordelia Dorothy EleanorEverett W. Fred George A. Horace W. Howard W. JohnH. Laura B. Louise M. Lucretia C. LucyLuraNancy A. Nancy A. OUve WilliamWilUamWilliam Durrell, Jesse M. Dustin, Carl B. C. Eugene Florence E. Florence B. Gerald L. Grace B. M. HannahHarold Q. Henrietta P. IdaM. James M. James P. Pearl A. Quincy S. RobertSamuelSamuel P. Stephen C. Winona Duston, Mary A. Dutch, Hannah Dutton, Ashley C .^,2 158, 14 a 158,1 158,14158,12 158,9 414,9 384,2 a 384,2 b 384,2 158,2 b 158, 13 158,11 158,2 a 157,4 158,7 158, 10 158,8 154,26 384, 2d 158, 6; 478 158, 6 384,2 c 157,1 157,2 157,3 158,1 159, 4 a 159,4 b 3,21 159, 8 159,3 159,4 99,3 159,8169,6 159,2 159, 2 a 159,2 159,5 159,1 325,19 b 159,1169,4 159,7 157, 4 c 158,4 178,2 199, 7 Eagan, Rosa Fames, Mary A. Eastman, Adaline J. Amos Charlotte W. Clarinda J. Clifton K. Edward EUasM.Elzina HannahHaven S. Henry C. Horace W. Judith 148,8 257,1 268 c 440,4 247 22,12 160,3 100,16 159,1 249,1 180, 18 160,2 819, 5 c 180,1262,5 494 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Eastman, Kate 319, 6 d MeUssa 416,1 Mariam 278, 19 Martha 22,12 Oramel B. 139, 24 RoyL. Sally 160,4 417 SaUy 421,3 Samuel 244,4 Stephen 185, 11 Susan 160 Baton, Ada R. 17,78 Albert T. 161, 7 b AhnaT. 16L8 Betsey 161,1 Carrie A. 49,18 Clara J. 162,7 Cyrus P. 161,4 Cyrus W. 161,8 David 160,1 Ebenezer 160,3 EUery T. 161, 7 a Bmily J. 162, 5 Emma H. 162,4 Frank 160,6 a Frank 160,7 Frances A. 161,3 George H. 160, 8 b 441a George H. George W. 162,6 Hannah 256,1 Harriet F. 161,6 Henry F. 160,3 a Horace A. 161,4 Jacob S. 160,1 James E. 161,7 John 180,2 John M. 181,2 Judith 217,1 Judith J. 478 Louis G. 182 a Lucian K. 161,5 LyleMary M. 454,4 126,6 Mary M. 162,2 Moses 459,11 Nathaniel 897,97 Rufus 160, 6 ; 478 Sally 160,4 SaUy 180,5 Sarah A. 162,8 Wheeler 161,2 WiUiam 161,1 WilUam 182,1 Edgerly, Abigail 125,3 162,3 Annie 306, 30 c EUen F. 162,7 Emma 306,30 a Hannah W. 214,1 Lucia 306,30 b Lucinda H. 130,4 Mahala 162,5 Mary 162,1 Mary H. 162,8 Moody O. 162,4 Moody O. 132, 13 Moses G. 162,1 PoUy 259,1 Sahithiel 162,2 Samuel 306,30 Edmonds, Mary I. 381,1 Edmunds, Helen I ,. 254, 18 Ida A. 458,1 Edwards, Alcemenda 183, 7 Betsey David 168,2 163,7 Hannah P. 163,9 Hephslbath P. 163,3 James 163,6 Edwards, Jemima W. 163, 8 John 182, 1 John 163, 5 Mary M. 163, 11 Melinda M. 163, 13 Piermont 168, 12 Ruth 163, 4 Samuel 163, 10 Sarah W. 188, 14 Eggleston, Imogene 893, 54 Egleston, Lucy A. 275, 37 a Eia, WilUam 8. "'" "¦ Blder, Lavinia Eldridge, Frank Elkins, Abigail C. Perry P. Sadie W. EUas, Mary K EUerson, BUza Elliott, Anna B. Charlotte Clarinda A. Clarice M. Daisy S. Daniel M. Frank H. GardnerGeorge F. Helen Helen G. Louise B. Luther J. Lydia L. Maria H. MaryMary H. MinniePoUySusan EUis, BUen Martha Elmore, Martha M. Emerson, Abigail Almeda M. Arthur L. DanielEUzabeth A. Ernest B. George A. George E. George H. IsaiahIsaiahJames A. B. Jason D. JonathanJohnD.Joseph A. Julia A. Lucian W. MamieMarcia L. MaryMary L. Moses W. Nehemiah L. Orrin F. Emery, Abbie B. AnneDelia L HannahLena B. Mary Emmons, Aaron Abbie AbbieAbbie M. AbnerAddieAdeline 216,5 14,80 468, 27 e 374, 9tt 469, 22 a 459, 22 a 275,89 168,49 73 c 60,29 145,15 145,34 a 72,2 a 373, 72 145,34 72,2 72,2 a 278, 72 a 72,2 b 73 d 805, 20 a 8,11 258.16 177, IS 373, 79 57, 27 c 257,1 251, 21 e 225, 5 b 238,1 366,15 262,2128,6 184,16 163,1184,9 164, 17 164, 15 165, 19 455,3163,3 397,93 164,4 164, 18 188,2 164, 11 164, 13 164, 10 164, 12 461,7 164,6352,6 164,8 164, 7 164, 5 164,14 86,14 880 157,60 20,33,23 108,1 178,2 169, 67 173,7 172, 101 165,3 172, 100 166,32 Emmons, Adeline Addison S. AlmiraAlonzo C. Alvira ArabelleAugustaBenjaminBenjaminBenjaminBetseyCharlesCharles G. Charles L. Cora D. Damon Y. Darius David A. Dorothy S. BUsha G. EUza A. Elizabeth EUzabethEUzabeth S. EUa Ellen M. ElUsEmmaBmmaBmma M. EthelBtta Everett H. Gardner G. Gardner B. George W. Gilbert B. Grace L. Gustavus Gustavus R. Harriet A. HarrisonHarry G. Hattie S. HelenHelen F. HennieHorace M. Horace N. Hulda T. IsaacJennieJerusha M. JonathanJohnJohnJohn M. R. Johns.JosephJosephineJosiahJudith Lavinia Leroy S. Linda B. Louise M. Lovertia B. Lydia A. LyfordMahala J. MarceUus C. Marcus L. MargaretMaria N. Martha P. MaryMary A. Mary A. A. MaryL. Merrill H. 170,80 169, 65 169, 66 168, 61 188,56170, 78 170, 73 165,1 166, 10 166, 18 166,27 168, 57 168,58170, 76 171, 89 169, 59 169, 62 166,30 167,40 168,48 170, 70 165,9 166, 13 167, 41 172,97 170, 79 171, 86 127 172,98 171a 172, 105 171,88 172,99 172, 106 a 170, 82 170, 74 168,54 173, 107 167, 84 171, 92 170, 83 170, 81 172, 106 173, 109 172, 106 b 171, 85 170, 75 166, 29 170, 84 168,45 428,32 b 172,103 167,36 a 166, 19 166, 12 173,1 167, 39 173,3 165,7 172, 102 166,25 166, 17 168,53 188,55171,91 173,3 171,93 169, 64 169, 61 168,50 169,68171, 94 172, 106 c 167,44171, 95 165,8 169, 69 167,33 178,6 166, 21 INDEX 495 Emmons, MerriU 166,23 Farrar, Samuel D. 174,1 MerriU 166, 24 Thomas 91,8 a Morris J. 170, 71 Farrell, Rose 414, 10 c Moses 165,4 Fassett, Almira 374,85 Moses 166, 16 FavoU, Mary 120, 3 Moses 167, 86 Favor, Aaron 175, 12 Moses 169. 60 Albert M. 177, 11 NelUe E. 171, 90 Alice B. 177, 16 b Nettie 173 104 Almon M. 177,4 Oscar F. 178, 108 Alvira W, 177, 14 Philena 188, 14 Ambrosia 175, 6 a PUney S. 166, 28 Anson L. 178,7 PoUyReuben 167,35 Cora A. 177, 18 165,6 Corinne 177, 5 a Eeuben 171, 87 Cutting 175, 1 Reuben P. 166,31 Cutting 178 a Eose W. 169,63 Daniel 176,2 Euth 165,5 Daniel B. 176, 6 a Buth 166, 15 Dorothy 175,9 Euth C. 173,5 Elizabeth 175,8 SaUy 165, 11 Ernest H. 177, 16 a SaUy S. 167,42 Frank H. 177, 17 Samuel 166,2 Frederick 176,4 Samuel 166,26 Frederick H. 177, 13 Samuel S. 188,49 Frederick K. 176, 6 b Samuel W. 170, 72 Hannah 175, 10 Sarah 167,88 Hiram W. 176,9 Sarah A. 168,46 Isaac 175,6 Sarah A. 178,4 Jacob 175,5 Sarah A. 253, 11 Jersine B. 178,6 Sarah J. 172, 96 John 175,3 Smith 166,22 John 176 d Sophronia H. Sylvester Theodate S. 167,43 John ^ 177,1 168,52 John A. 177,5 168,47 Judith 175, 3 a Thomas J. 167,37 Judith 449,26 Thomas E. 166,20 Judith 175,7 WUUam 170, 77 Laura 176 f WilUe 178,8 Lucy M, 178,9 WiUle B. 178,1 Mary 175, 4 EngUsh, Sarah A. Bntwestle, Lizzie 61,8 Mary 178 b 227 b Mary A. 176,5 Erwin, C. L. 403, 161 e Mary W. 177, 15 Esterbrook, AnnaB. 370,35 Moses 176, 11 Hiram 252,4 c 271,5 Moses 176 g Evans, Abbie Moses P. 210,2 Augustus W. 23,26 Moses W. 178,8 EUen L. 363, 17 Nancy J. 178,7 Jane W. 899, 83 Nancy J. 289,80 Josiah 449,21 Nina G. 177, 19 Mabel F. 209,3 Oreste G. 177,6 EosiUa D. 363,4 Rebecca W. 177, 10 Sara 324,8 Ruth 176 c Thirza 15,14 Sally 176 e W. C. 157,2 Sarah 175,2 Everett, David E. 173,1 Susan D. 177, 12 DeWitt C. 174,3 Susie 176, 9 a DeVolney 174,2 Sylvia A. Thomas 178, 10 Eobert G. 174, 2 a 176, 1 Everleth, Chester 174,8 Walter 176,3 George P. 174,1 Walter W. ^Ih^^ Jane 478 WilUe B. 178,8 John 11,8 WiUiam 177,3 Minnie S. 174,2 Zebediah 177,2 Fay, Anna M. 248,10 PaU, Fred S. 174 Lariener E. 248, 10 a Farley, Louise 38 Featherstone, Mary 484, 22 Farnham, Edwin W. 157, 59 Felch, Harry 109, 4 a EUen M. 157, 59 e Henry F. 109, 4 Bmily B. 296,2 Leonard 45,4 Harry G. 157, 59 b Mattie K. 109, 4 b Helen M. 157, 59 e Felden, James 287, 12 e James P. 167, 59 a Fellows, Abbie 182, 57 Mary Nancy T. 304,6 Abner 178,3 234,28 Abner 179, 10 Farnum, John R. 402, 156 a Abner 179, 20 Farr, Kate B. 57,27 b Albert 182, 78 Farrar, Lucy 175,5 AUce A. 184, 79 Marcus O. 175,2 AlmaL. 183, 64 Rebecca 82,1 AnnaM. 183, 58 b rellows, Anna M. 188,66 Annie 182, 59 Beliyda 181, 51 Benjamin 179, 19 Benjamin Q, 181, 45 Bertha B. 182, 58 a Calvin P. 184, 80 Calvin P. 180, 28 Charles D. 181, 54 a Chauncey A. 183, 67 Clementine B. 183, 69 Cynthia 180, 26 Cynthia 181,48 Daniel T. 179, 20 b David 179, 22 Dorothy 184, 80 a Edith 182, 58 d Edward S. 184, 82 Edward T. 184, 82 b Eliza A. 138, 1 EUza A. las, 72 EUzabeth 178, 5 EUzabeth 179, 14 Ethel 8,t5, 4 a Eunice 184, 82 a Florence A. 183, 70 Francis B. 181, 47 Frank 184, 75 b Frank M. 185, 84 Frank W. 181,54 Frank W. 183, 65 Frank W. 855,4 FredW. 182, 61 a George F. 185, 83 George M, 181, 52 George M. 184, 80 b Hannah E. 180,38 Henry A. 185,3 Hester 182, 58 e Horace E. 184, 81 Horace W. 184, 81 a Isaac 178,1 James P. 180,84 Jemima 179, 18 Jeremiah 179, 11 John 179,8 John 179, 25 Jonathan 179, 13 Jonathan 180,41 Jonathan 178,2 Jonathan A. 183, 61 Joseph M. 414,5 Joseph P. 185,2 Joseph W. 182,60 a Josiah 179,7 Josiah 179, 12 Josie M. 12,1 JuUe E. 48,4 Laura A. 181,58 Lauretta D. 183, 63 LesUe H. 184, 77 Lois 179,24 LoisG. 182, 56 b Lois T. 179, 20 a Lorana 180,48 Louise 180,27 Louise M. 185,4 Lucinda 180,40 Lucinda 180,89 Luther S. 180,44 Lydia A. 181, 49 Lydia H. 180,82 LyleMahala 1S3, 67 c 181,46 MaUna 180,42 Marian L. 183, 67 b Margaret 282, 11 Mary 179, 21 MaryE. 181, 54 b Mary F. 182, 55 496 HISTORY OF BRISTOL FeUows, Mary F. MaudMehitableMiloMilo A. MoUyMosesNancy K. NinaE.Oscar F. Peter RaymondRoselma J. RufusRuthEuth K. SaUy S. Samuel S. Samuel S. SarahSarahSarah J. Smith D. Smith D. StephenSusannaSusie M. Thomas E. Timothy G. Warren G. WilUamWiUiam H. H. WiUis M. Winthrop E. Victor MT. Felt, Joseph L. Fenton, Lucy Ferguson, ComeUa Minnie A. Fernald, Aroline M. LewisOrlando M. Samuel P. Ferrin, Abigail D. AbralonaV.Arthur A. Augustus J. Bailey W. Benjamin F. Carrie C. Charles A. David C. EnosEtna A. Francis L. FredE. Harriet A. HarryHeimanHiram W. Ira P. JonathanJudith M. Laura F. Laura J. LeonardLevlB.MariaMary B. Morris T. Moses A. NeUle A. NeUie A. SarahSarah C. W. S. Walter G. Ferryman, Hosea B. Fields, Charles W. Frank P. 182, 56 a 183, 67 a 178,4 181,50 184, 76 179, 15 179,9 180, 37 182, 58 c 184, 76 179, 16 184, 75 a 183,68 180,30179, 17 180,31 180, 36 180, 29 182, 56 178,6 179, 23 188, 71 182, 62 184, 74 179, 25 276, 38 184, 78 180, 35 184 a 182,60 178 185,1 182,68180,33 183, 67 b 186,1 368 b 107,9 298,1 . 186, 3 187,48 186,2 185,1 187, 14 186,6 186, 3 b 186,8 186,2186,9 136,9 186, 6 c 27,5 186,7 278,58 188,4 186, 8 a 187, 12 188, 3 e 186, 3 d 186, 10 187,17 186,1186,8 186, 6 d 187, 18 119,8 187, 11 408, 204 187, 13 186,6 187, 15 186,6 a 186, 6 b 121, 24 450,62 443,4 a 186, 3 o 468,27 a 187,3187,1 Fields, Mary B. Fifleld, Sarah A. File, Lena Files, George B. Filley, Anna K. AugustusChloe Edward A. Frances A. Finn, EUzabeth Fish, Mary B. Fisher, BUen BUen E. Herman B. JuUaKittie Fisk, Lucy A. Mary G. Fitts, Addle E. Annie L. Camillo U. Charles H. Bmma E. LiUian G. Paschel D. Fitzgerald, Etta Fitzpatrick, Anna JamesMarie A. MartinMary H. Eobert W. Sarah A* WilUam Flagg, Frank A. Amy Susan C. Flanders, Abbie Anna B. Arthur B. Arthur L. Benjamin F. Benjamin F. CaroUne A. Charles A. Charles B. Charles S. DanielEdward P. ElsaFrank E. Fred K. Hannah Hannah Harriet E. Hattie F. Jeremiah JohnJohnB.John P. JosephJoseph A. KateKatherine A. LilUe M. Lorenzo Lorenzo LorenzoLucretia C. Malinda Mary B. MyrtieNancy S. Oscar D. Owen L. EufusEufus J. Buth M. Sarah J. Susan E. B. 187,2 64,5 c 484, 22 g 186,3 843,3 d 348, 8 c 343,3 b 343,3 843,8 a 99,7 16,42 97 260,9 260,10 319,5 414 e 202 h 244,9 204, 20 b 204, 20 d 204, 20 e 204, 20 f 204, 20 a 204, 20 c 204, 20 99,15 187,7 187,1 241,4 187,5187,2 187,3 187,6 187,4 486, T'b 299,1 56 a 428,37 427, 24 a 232, 24 a 220, 38 f 188,3 188, 8 e 364, 14 220, 38 h 465,2188,1 438, 13 b 220, 38 d 268,6 220, 38 e 235,87 212,1257,1 314, 18 220,88 b 86,10 188,5 220, 38 c 220,38 187,1 188,3 d 372, 57 d 188,8 a 220, 38 g 155,^ 332,3 427,24 a 325,19 64,4 188,3 c 73,3 360,8 220, 38 a 188,2188,4 188, 3 f 465,2 a 172, 82 188, 3 h Flanders, WardweU 188, 2 WilUam 433, 13 d Fleer, Annie B. 189,2 Austin E. 189, 3 a George H. 189,1 Frank H. 189,3 Helen B. 189, 3 b Fleming, Eobert 170. 78 Fletcher, Almira M. 310, 16 c Alvin 438,4 Arthur 810, 15 Carrie 225, 5 d Clarence W. 180,88 a Cyrus 397,95 Gilman 345, H, 13 John 267,6 JohnB. 258 b Josiah M. 258c Jnlia M. 310,15 b Laura M. 268 a Mary A. Sarah M. 58,23 310, 15 a Warren 180,38 FUng, Abbie 189,3 Abel 189,1 Abel 189,2 Annas. 190,8 Charles W. 190,5 Bva 190, 5 b EvaM. 190,7 Harry S. 190,6 LevrisS. 190,6 a Lewis W. 189,4 Flint, Ebenezer 246,5 Maria 380,1 Floyd, Mary J. 310, 5 c Flude, BUzabeth 147, 12 Fogg, Aaron H. 436,5190,3 436, 5d Albert FrankUn 190 Jefferson 436,5 a 70,15 Mary A. Milo 436,5 0 Mmot 436,5 b OUver B. 190,1 Phebe 379,1 Sarah M. 190,2 Thomas 224,3 Fogue, BUa P. 406, 187 a Follansbee, Abbie H. 192, 17 AbigaU 191,6 Ada 192, 21 b Amy L. 192,22 b BeUe 59,48 Benjamin 191, 11 Benjamin 191, 11 a Bert G. 192, 22 a Charles L. 192, 25 Commodore P. 192,23 Daniel 191,5 David S. 191, 11 c Edgar 192, 21 0 Edna P. 193 b Bmma 192, 21 a Ermantrude C. 193 e Ezekiel 192, 16 George F. 192,22 191,7 Hannah Helen M. 192, 20 Herbert H. 193,26 Isaac 252, 4 b Jacob M. 191, 12 James D. 192, 21 ; 478 JohnH. 191, 15 JohnM. 192, 19 Karl L. 193 a Levi 191, 13 Lucille 193 c M. Emeline 170, 74 INDEX 497 Mehitable 191,8 Eeba 193, 26 a Beginald C. 193 f Eose B. 192, 22 d Euth 191, 11 a Euth 193 d SaUy 191, 11 b Sam 192, 18 Samuel 191,9 ' Sarah M. 192, 22 c Shuah 191, 14 Thomas 191,1 Thomas 191,2 Thomas 191,4 WiUiam 191,8 WUliam 191, 10 Folsom, Joseph H. 71,2 William H. 894,56 Folsome, SaUy 80,8 Fones, Henry B, 819, 6 c Foot, SaUy 376, 104 Forbes, Darwin 85,8 Frances A. 86,12 Euth S. 42,1 Sethus 448,17 Theresa J. 86,12 Ford, Abel 8,10:227,22 AUce L. 227, 22 b AUce M. 341,3 Dan 26 David 214, 10 Flora A. 336,1 Fra.nk 12,3 Lettie E. 368,5 Mary E. 227,22 a Susan 879,9 Weltha 248, 9 e 198,1 Forrest, Charles Charles G. 198, 3 a Charles M. 193,8 Gertrude B. 193,2 Mabel F. 198,4 Fosdick, Adelaide L. 411, 8d David 411,3 Elizabeth H. 411, 8 o James S. 411, 3 b James S. 411, 8e ParmeUa 411, 8 a 193,1 Foss, Burton E. Mary P. 467, 11 Foster, Ann M. . 195, 2 Celestia 195, 11 Charles H. S. 194, 5 e Cordelia V. 194, 5 b Daniel 194,6 David 194,1 David M. 194,8 Edwin S. 195,1 BUenF. 195,4 194, 4 a Fanny Frank M. 194, 7 b Fra,rk W. 195,5 George W. 194,3 George W. GuyO.Hadley J. 194, 8 a 198,2 195,6 Harriet E. 195, 3 194, 7 c Helen M. IraC. 194, 7 a Ivie V. 196,4 James C. 194,4 James R. 195,1 Joshua 194,5 Laura C. 195, 10 Maretta 194, 5 d Minnie 194, 4 b NeUle G. 198,5 Sarah 195, 9 Solomon S. 194,7 Foster, Timothy 306,29 Tryphena 194,2 VirgU H. 196,3 194,5 a Warren F. Wilson 195,1 Fowler, Abby S. 197,8 Abner 199,4 Abner 200,1 Alonzo C. 198, 13 Amanda M. F. 196,3 Annie L. 407, 192 b Betsey 198,3 Blake 198,2 CaroUne A. 200a CaroUne M. T. 196,7 CaroUne P. 200 b Carrie M. 198, 15 a Charles B. 200,14 Charles J. 198, 12 Clara 198 0 Clarence P. 198, 15 e David 198,1 David S. 199, 10 Deborah J. 199,7 Edgar H. 200,1 Edgar M. 200,15 b Edgar O. 200,15 Edgar 0. 200, 14 c Ethel W. 312, 27 a Flay R. 197, 11 a Frank A. 196,6 b Frank H. 200,14 b Frederick A. 198, 14 George B. 200a George H. 199, 12 George R. 812,27 George S. 197, 11 Gertrude E. 198, 16 b Gustavus A. 198, 16 Hadley B. 199,9 Harriet A. 251, 21 d Harriet A. 445,1 Harriet R. 198, 12 d Harriet W. 197,9 Harriette W, 198 b Harry M. Hial L. 196, 6 a 199,11 John 251, 21 JohnW. 251, 21 e Joseph l96, 1 Joseph 199,5 Joseph H. 196, 6 c Joseph M. 196,8 312, 27 c Josiah M. Lizzie A. 251, 21 a Louise W. 198, 12 c Margaret 0. 200a Maria B. 200,15 a Maria L. 196, 6 e Martha S. 198, 12 a Mary 199,6 Mary A. 251, 21 b Mary P. Mattie S. 312, 27 b 198, 15 c Maud M. 196, 6 d Nancy L. 196,5 Nina A. 200, 14 a Oscar F. 196,2 Oscar S. 198, 12 b Robert 312, 27 d Susan A. 251, 21 c Susan W. 197, 10 Thaddeus B. 198, 15 d Thaddeus M. 198, 15 199,8 Thomas L. WilUam A. 139,28 Worthen J. 196,4 Fox, Sarah C. 460,1 Frary, Amanda 216,2 Freeman, Mary B, 307 French, Alice D. AnnaBertinaCarl H. EUas W. EUzabeth Frank H. HannahJuUa P. Martha J. Orlando B. Paul T. Sarah B. SolomonWarren Fretts, Emeline Frisbee, Alcemena John L. Timothy Frost, Frederick W. Lorena M. Lorenzo L. LucyLuther H. Thomas P. Frye, Carrie Elizabeth A. James H. John W. Luther E. FuUer, Abigail AmeUaAnnaAnnie J. CalvinChase Chase Chase C. ClarkDaniel D. Dolly DorothyEdward B. Edwin S. Elbridge B. Eliza George B. George W. HannahHarrietHenry C. HibbardHollandHulda JamesJamesJoel John John JosephJosiah Josiah JuUaLevi Lovina A. Luther W. MaryMary C. Mary B. Mary G. Mary J. Merrill PeterPolly EacnelBachelEeubenBobie C. EussellThomas 159,2 354 177, 6 477 a 167, 41 g 69,1 831,4123,3 346,19 858,1 201,1 477 b 330,2 154, 12 171,88 436,7 168, 6, 7 168,2 a 168,2 . 230, 6 a 230,6 b 230,6 845, 13 280, 8 c 887,6 264, 28 d 264,28 b 264,28 a 264,28 264,28 c 202,7 272, 8 e 201,4 2021 55,15 201, 1 202, 9 201,7 c 202,6 272,8 a 202,8202,9 201, 7 b 58b 66 e 202,9 a 56d 202 h 201,2 202,9 c 56a 273, 8 c 272, 8 b 202, 11 272,8 272, 8 g 272, 8 d 28,17 272, 8 f 201,5 202,1 202,5 202, 5 b 202,8 201, 7 e 201,7 a 272, 8 h 201,3 56c 201, 7 f 201, 7 g 202, 6 a 201,6 202,2 202,4287,5 202, 10 201, 7 d 202,8 201,7 498 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Fuller, Thomas Worthen Furgeson, Sadie Furguson, Lieut. Futvoye, I. B. 202 202,9 b 147,1 468,27 c 441, 21 d Gage, Earle J. 203, 2 John 266, 4 Joseph 203, 1 Thankful H. 176, 9 GaiUow, Josephine R. Gale, Abbie ¥. Abbie F. AUce M. Alonzo B. Belle C. Burleigh A. BurtS.Charles G. A. DorothyDurindaBUzabeth B. BUzabeth F. BUen F. Elvira B. Emeline H. Emily L. Emma J. Flora A. Florence L. Frank Gihnan B. HannahHenry P. Hezekiah D. Hiram Johns.Johns.LaviniaLukeMargaret Mary J. Mary M. Matilda J. Miles E. Minnie B. Nancy NeUie A. Osman PatteePauUne S. PoUyRuth SaUySamuel S. SanbornSarah M. SolonStephenStephenTheophilusWaldi) W. Wilbur F. Gamble, Margaret Gannon, Mary Gardner, Charles C Charles F. Christopher C. DoUyEdmond Flora M. George W. George W. Helen A. Henry C. JosephJoseph G. Joseph G. . Marion Mary B. 205,4 214,1 248,3 c 205,2 205,6 248,3 a 304,24304, 21 49 308, 13 210,1 252, 4 a 334 17,66 252, 4 c 204,20 204, 22 248,8 b 448,1 203, 15 262, 4 f 203,7 207,6 203,16 203,8 204, 17 204, 23 203, 12 208, 11 203,4205,3 252, 4 d 252, 4 b 204, 19 205,7 203,10 205, 5 252,4204,1 204,24 a 203,3203,6 203,14 248,3 203,2 262, 4 e 204,18 203, 1 203,5 203,9 204,24 b 204, 26 126,1 156, 19 206,13 208, 13 d 206, 11 205,7 206,12 a 52 206,10 206, 14; 478 208, 18 c 206, 13 b 443,2205,8 206,13 206, 13 a 477 Gardner, Samuel SamuelSamuelSamuel W. Sophia G. ThomasThomas Garland, Bessie P. James A. Garrett, Hannah Gates, Ethel L. George A. FredE.FredE. Homer H. JuUa A. Marguerite E. Mary B. Maynard H. Preston B. Gay, Charles A. Gaylord, Cass Charles C. ChastinaClinton G. Gilbert tfohn L. Lovina Gelston, George S. WilUam George, Abbie S. AdeUne L. Annie W. Arial H. Arial W. CaroUne E. Charles A. Charles H. Charles P. DavidEdith A. Edward K. BUa J. Bmily BUzabeth K. F. J., Mrs. Flora M. Frances M. Frank D. Frank H. Frank H. Frank W. Hattie B. Helen L. Judith Katherine E. Katherine F. Laurette H. Lawrence B. Lena V. MargaretMary A. Mary E. Mary H. OUnA.OUver F. Robert A. RoyB. Sarah A. WilUamWilson H. Gerry, Alvin Helen A. Lovina Gibbs, L. S. Gifford, Addie L. Addie R. Gilbert, Chandler Charles Levi J. 205,3 Gilbert, Luke 274,88 205,4 Giles, Nancy M. 199,8 205,5 GiU, John H. 45,3 205,8 GilUs, Hannah 399, 82 206,9 Gihnan, Abigail T 237,1 205,1 Anna S. 392,40 a 205,2 Bertha L. 209,3 111,2 Bessie E. 209,2 136,8 Edward S. 209,1 13,2 Farrena 371, 53 207,5 Prances J. 242,1 249,4 Frank N. 209,1 207,1 Hattie I. 209,3 207,6 James B. 195, 10 207,3 JohnT. 209,1 207,7 John W. 209,2 207,9 Maria B. 209, 8 207,8 Mary 278, 56 d 207,4 Sadie W. 209,4 207,2 Susan 290. 25 314, 14 b Gilmore, Wilhelmina F. 58, 467, 12 a 24 467, 12 a Gilpatrick, Clarence I. 447, 4 467, 12 a Jennie G. 206,13 467, 12 a Winnifred W. 447,5 467, 12 a Gilson. BUzabeth 118,1 467, 12 a Jerusha 816,7 467, 12 a Given, Matilda 206,12 333, 4 a Gleason, Alice 210, 5 b 338,4 Annie P. 210, 5 d 208 Charles 210,3 207,2 Charlotte L. 210,5 c 207,6 Chauncey 210, 5 a 207,1 FredC. 346,19 b 208 a George 210, 5 e 476 George L. 210,5 208,4 Horace W. 210,7 207,4 Kenneth P. 346,19 b 208,1 Leroy W. 210, 5 f 101, 32 Mary A. 39,4 476 Orange S. 210,6 209,6 Salmon 209,1 208,2 Salmon W. 210,4 6 WUUam 210,2 101, 32 a Glidden, Betsey 85,7 450, 51 a Hattie S. 326, 17 b 208,8 John 55, 11 e 476 GUnes, Charles L. 218, 23 289, 32 a Charles W. 218, 22 c 101, 32 b Lilla O. 218, 23 e 208,1 Maria A. 218, 22 b 208,2 Sarah L. 218, 22 a 209,4 Vesta A. 218, 22 d 476 Glover, Harriet 0. 328,3 231a Johns. 462,6 208 b Mary 218,28 207,5 Robert 449,34 208,8 Sally 187, 36 209,5 Sarah W. 186,18 209,2 208,4 a 362, 20 Seth 25,4 Warren 274,24 b Godfrey, Abigail 147,2 465,1 Golden, Calvin 210,1 207,3 Georgia 210,4 208,4 b Georgie E. 155,44 258,9 c Mary F. 210,2 209, 3 a NelUe J. 210,6 209,3 Osmond G. 210,7 101, 82 c Phedora E. 210,3 208,1 Sarah L. 210,5 207,7 Goldsmith, Susanna 168, 49 88, H Gonge, Harry 448,7 a 188,6 Gonie, Catherine 270,2 183,45 GoodeU, Richard C !. 300 a 66, 20 c Goodhue, Alfred 2H,1 299,2 Alvin 211,1 298,1 806,27 a Angie E. 311,3 Emma B. 311,3 306,27 b David H. 276, 47 d 806,27 IdaB. 113,1 INDEX 499 Goodhue, Libbie A. Lucia M. Mary A. Gooding, Aseneth Goodnoe, Almon S. Almon V. Bessie M. Edwin R. Sarah A. Sophia Goodrich, Abram Edie Goodwin, Clara Phebe W. Gordon. Abigail AdaM.AnnabeUe H. Annie J. ArmenthaArthur M. BartlettCharles B. Charles H. Charles H. Charles S. Clara A. Clemma A. Curtis A. EUa A. Elmer H. Emma H. Bnoeh Eugene R. Fannie S. Frank A. Frank L. Frank L. George B. George B. George H. George W. S. S. Helen M. Hiram H. IdaM.IdaM.James B. JohnJohnB.John B. Karl A. Lucius S. MarUla S. Martha B. Mary MaryMaryMary A. Mary E. Mary J. Maud M. Medora A. NeUle G. OlaM.Orrin SallySarahSarah M. Stephen C. Stephen L. Susanna C. Warren B. WilUamWilUe Gormon, WiUiam Goss, Elvira J. Gould, Benjamin Charles R. Charles W. Florence J. 87,24 276, 47 d 64,6 191, 18 211, 1 311,4 311,3311,5311,3 5,1 88,13 56, 30 b 351, 31 e 161,3 11,3 212,5 212, 4 a 212,4 376, 115 80, 6 a 449,38 212,3 80,6 314, 18 d 397, 98 a 212,2 397, 98 c 26 b 897, 98 g 247,1338,128,17 314, 18 d 291,6212,2 397, 98 b 397, 98 d 154,9 212,1 397, 98 h 211 80,6 c 183, 70 140,27 814, 18 d 212,4 121, 21 314, 18 d 859,2 80,6 b 225,4212,2212,8 4,10 97,19 380,1 162,1 397, 98 f 446,1 314, 18 d 212,8 431,15 212, 2 a 26,29 218,28 375,8 7,1 211 212,1 235,34 212,1 397, 98 397, 98 e 298,3 299,8 345,5 88,8 213, 2 g 891,34 a 891, 34 a Gould, Francis L. George H. George S. HarveyHelenJames W. JohnF,Lucy L, Martha A, Mary 0. Sadie E, WiUiam G. WUliam J. Gove, Abbie P. Alonzo J. Charles W, Charles W, Cynthia A, Edgar H, Garrie B. Hudson Isabel MargueriteMaryMary J. NelUe M. Graham, Fred R. Hugh F. Grant, Cornelia A. Evelean T. Gray or Grey : AdeU F, Addie F. Albert H. Aldonna L. AlvahAsaB. BeUe G. Benjamin Benjamin C. Carrie L. Charles S. Clara I. Daniel H. DearbornDonald C. Elizabeth Emma F. Esther H. Florence J. Hannah T. HattieHelen B. JennessJohn A. Jennie B. Josephine B. Lincoln A. Lovey J. Lucius F. Mabel B. MarthaMinnie M. NelUe M. Orrin S. Oscar R. RalphSamuel D. SarahSarahSarah C. Sarah B. ShemWiUle K. Gregory, Effie S. Greeley, Freida E. George H. HenryMabel L. Merrill 213,2213,3 213, 2 d 92, 10 a 213, 2 i 213, 2 o 213, 2 a 213, 2 e 213, 2 b 213, 2 h 185, 83 212,1 213, 3 f 472, 15 299,4213,4296,5 410, 227 213,1 213,3207,2 856,1 218,4 a 366,2 185, 1 218,294,16213,1 876, 116 183,73 840,1214,8214,4 76,3 214,1 214,6242,1 215,1 214,2 214,9214,3 214,8 215,2214,4 214, 3 a 74,2 214,5 386,1 381,2 214, 10 3,6 894, 59 b 314,8 314,5 314, 11 214, 3 b 301,6 b 385,7314,7 315, 13 864,13 314, 12 214,7 394, 59 215,3 424, 13 214,2 835,11 885,1 361,16 394, 59 a 214,1 314,8 320 b 418, 8 a 808,41c 418, 8 a 308,41b 308,41 Greeley, Mildred B. 418, 8 a Nannie W. SoplilaSusan B. Wilham B. Winnifred B. Zena B. Green, Annie D. Benjamin K. Clarissa H. Clarissa H. Edna Harriet E. Henry C. Lula Martha Mary MaryPeterRebeccaSarah B. WiUiamWiUiam C. Greenleaf, Rosetta Wilbur Greenough, Abigail Brackett L. Brackett L. HenryLouise B. Mariah J. Marianne A. Norman C. Solomon C. Gribble, E. F. Griffith, Emma George HenryJames W. Linnie M. Nora V. GrinneU, WUUam F. Griswold, Mary E. Myrtle L. Grow, Mary Guild, Henrietta M. Gurdy, Aaron Abbie M. Adeline S. AlmiraAnneAramenta D. Arno B. BeUa D. Benaiah P. Charles W. CyrusDorothyEdward E. BUsha BUza Elvira C. FredG. George HarrietHarriette B. Harry O. Hattie J. Huldah JacobJacobJames N. James N. JoelJoel JohnJudith Leonidas S. LesUe N. ,41a 805,6 260,1 78,4 b 418 8 a 418, 8 a 215,7 215,3 215,4215,8 277, 49 a 215,2 132, 10 277, 49 a 215,8 51,1 215,5 215,1480,1 284,48 216,2 277,49 a 40, 1 286, 5 e 216,8 216,8 218,1 216,2 432,6 216,5 216,4 216,8216,9216,7 393, 52 f 216,4 218,3 216,2218,1 216,5 216,6 317,6 298,6 298,5 146,6 a 321,9 217, 15 219, 30 c 219, 29 218, 22 217, 10 218, 27 219, 32 a 219, 32 b 219, 31 218, 26 a 218,28 217,9 219, 31 d 217, 12 218, 24 219,33 218, 23 a 218,28220,37 219. 30 a 220 b 219, 81 c 217, 14 217,3 217,8 219, 31 c 219, 34 217, 11 219,30 217, 20 217,6 219, 81 a 219, 80 b 500 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Gurdy, Levi O. Lizzie L. Lois Louise M. LucyMaria W. Mary Mary A. Meshech Moses N. Myrtie J. Orrin P. Oscar T. Reuben ButhRuth C. Samuel Samuel H. SethG. Sophronia Sophronia K SusanSusan D. WiUiam C. WiUiam P. Hacket, Aaron Y. Betsey Hadley, Arthur P. Charles A. Charles S. Earl W. Edith A. Emma Fannie E. George H. Herbert E. JohnKate I. LilUan L. Merville H. NinaB.Sarah E. UnaM. Haight, Alonzo Ernest George SamuelSamuel S. Sarah SophiaWatson Haines, Abbie P. David George IdaF.J. L. JohnM. Martha P. Haley, AUce M. Bernice M. Daniel N. Dennis Dennis Frank J. Frank P. John Myrtie B. Thomas.Timmie E. HaU, Adna M. Albon R. BenjaminBetsey .1. Carrie B. Charles H. Cora E. Ed. Ella M. Eva A. 219,82 219, 31 b 217, 13 220 c 217, 19 220 b 217,2 219 b 217,1 220, 39 219, 31 c 219,35 220 a 218, 21 217, 18 220, b 217,4 219, 36 219 a 217, 17 220,88 217, 18 218, 25 218, 26 a 218,26 56,10g 468,9 220, 4 220,3220,1 230, 3 a 230,5 400,136 220,7 220,8 220, 8; 477 154, 21 f 270,29 220, 10 477 220,6 96,3 220,9 56, 20d 56, 20d 66, 20 a 56, 20d 56,20 56,20 c 66,20 b 56, 20 d 311, 12 203, 14 429 f 853,1 263, 18 374, 93 21,10221,3 221,2 459, 16 93,27221,1 221,2 221,1 221,1 221,4 459, 16 221,6221,7 221,5 221,1 181, 54 221,9 196, 7 c 385,1 89 119, 11 826, 21 a HaU, Eva S. 296, 4 Frances 280, 2 Frances B. 178, 1 Georgianna 332, 5 Gertrude M. 248, 9 h Harry R. 68, 15 Jennie N. 221, 6 Joseph 222, 1 Louise 843, 2 Lydia 89 Lyman 221, 3 Mary 319, 31 a Mary 309, 3 OUver P. 331,8 Oliver S. 321, 4 Rufus 321, 3 Susannah 888, 1 Viola 434, 33 d Ham, Jane B. 75, 1 Hamblet, Theodore 266, 3 Hamilton, Mary A. 328, 1 Mary B. 95, 6 HamUn, Sally A. 401, 143 Hamm, Catherine 252, 25 Hammond, Abbie A. 26, 26 Adeluie C. 231, 20 Alice 379, 5 b Amy A. 18, 4 Arthur F. 222, 2 Charles R. 460, 2 Cleon C. 222,3 a Edgar A. 376,110 b Edgar A. F. 875, 110 b Ella E. 222, 2 Elmer H. 222, 1 Esther 427, 24 b Frank W. 875,110 b George H. 222, 3 George W. 222, 8 Grace B. 222, 4 Harris W. 145, 89 Henry A. 375, 110 b Louise W. 222,3 a Lucius W. 222, 1 Mary N. 259, 6 Serena B. 222, 5 Stephen F. 222, 1 Hanaford, Jennie 271, 10 Oliver 223 WUUam 124, 3 WiUiam F. 223, 1 Hanchett, Abbie J. 269, 4 Henderson, Catherine 801, 8a Mary 271, 6 Hanscom, Ami 0. 433, 14 e Anna 438, 14 c Heber 488, 14 d Heber L. 436,7 Henry 436, 7 a Homer 436, 7 a Joshua 483, 14 Melissa 438, 14 b Nettie 486, 7 a Samuel F. 488, 14 a Hanson, Carl B. 229, 42 a Clarissa 229, 42 b Bmma B. 143, 17 Lowell J. 339, 43 LoweU P. 339, 43 c Maria 219, 80 Robert L. 329, 42 e Susan J. 229, 42 d Har^y, Augustine B. 306, Baxter P. 475, 5 BUen B. 454, 1 Georgia E. 306,25 b Georgie C. 271, 1 Mary F. 254, 18 a Hargrave, Annah Harkness, Mary Harlow, Abigail HopestillWiUiam P. Harmon, John Harper, Arvilla K. Mary B. Harriman, Alfred P. Anna AugustaCarrieCharlotteChloe T. ElizaEUzabeth EUzabeth EugeneFred E. Frederick W. Grace E. Hiram John JohnJohnF.JohnN. JoshuaLaurie Lettie A. Louise P. MaryMiltonMoses F. SamuelSusanWiUiam E. WiUiam M, 340,1411,1189,2189,2 223 365,31 247 416,1 224,8 390,19 286,4 436,7c 98,3 92,11a 224,5 121,22 223, 4 418, 10 224, 8 e 224, 9 c 224, 9 a 224,6 223,1 223,3 224, 10 224,8 b 266,3 224, 9 d 392, 48 a 224, 9 b 408,197 275, 37 b 224,9 223,2 397,68 224,7 224,8 a Harrington, Edwin G. 227, 23 Edward H. 227,284 EUza M. 251, 22 Evelyn 227, 23 a James H. 227, 23 g Lucy A. 227,281 Luther M. 227, 28 c Mary B. 227, 23 h MaryE. H. 227, 23 e Bachel 425, 9 Samuel G. 227, 20 Susan M. 227, 23 h WiUiam S. 227, 28 f Harris, A. C. 403, 163 Abbie 414, 8 Amanda M. 225, 4 Angelina W. 226, 8 Frances M. 225, 5 Harriet L. 225, 10 James 258 a Jennie B. 314 b John D. 68, 14 Lewis 408, 163 Louisa J. 225, 9 Martha C. 226, 7 Phebe 224, 3 Eufus 224, 2 Simon 224, 1 WilUam F. 226, 6 Harrison, BUzabeth 160 Harron, Judith B. 67, 7 Nancy 28, 11 PoUy 28, 4 Hartford, Alfred E. 326 f Edson 298, 4 Sarah A. 826, 19 Hartpence, Alanson 817, 7 Hartshorn, Sarah B. 167, 35a Samuel 167, 35 WeUlngton P. 187,35 b Hartwell, Nancy 279, 1 Harvey, Alfred B. 236, 73 INDEX 501 Harvey, Harold E. 236, 73 b John 121. 18 Ealph G. 286,78 a Harwood, Harriet 288,1 Haselton, Mary N. 420 EvaN. 419,2 Hasey, Fannie 220,1 Hannah 268,3 Haskins, Ahnira B ;. 151, 2 Edith M. 447,4 a WilUam H. 447,4 Hastings, Adnah 228,8 Almon C. 228,40 Amos 226,7 Arthur G. 228,34 a Artemissia 227,29 Asa 225,1 Asa 226,5 Asa 226, 10 Asa 226, 15 Asa 227 a Charles A. 228,36 Clarinda J. 228,32 Cora A. 229,42 Edna 250,4 EUza A. 228,31 Flora B. 228,30 c Frank I. 228,34 b George 238,80 a George H. 228,35 Gustavus A. 238,30 Hannah 336, 14 Helen G. 228,30 b Hohnan K. 338,38 IdaL 339, 41 Jerome 237 b John 226, 12 John 228, 13 John F. 228,34 Jonas 226,4 Jonas 228, 19 Joseph 226,3 Joseph E. 400,187 Laura M. 228,38 LeviW. 228,37 Lucy A. 227,23 Lvdla 225,2 MaryE. 227,26 Mary J. 227, 24 Moses 228,11 Myron L. 228,39 Nancy 227,20 Phebe 226,8 PhUinda 268, 12 Polly 226, 18 Eobert S. 227,26 Eufus 227,27 Sarah E. 219,32 Sarah P. 227,28 Simeon 226,9 Sophia 227,21 Stephen 189,3 Susan 227,22 228,40 a Viola A. Hatcher, Jennie L. 400,135 Hawkins, Amy B. 319, 8 d AngeliaArthur S. 467,12 a 319, 8 b Ellsworth 224, 9 a Fred A. 319, 8 c Hermon C. 819, 8 e Hosea F. 319,8 Laura B. 319, 8 a Lewis 0. 382,7 a Hawley, Williain E :. 264,29 Hawthorne, Harry P. 145,35 Lucy 420, 3 Hayes, Mabel A. 280, 8 a Mary 847, 4 Hayford, Philena J. 180, 43 c 34 Haynes, Ada H. 9b Charles W. 9a Chloe 276, 43 d Emma F. 229,2 George H. 9c Henry D. 8,17 Jeremiah A. 229,1 JohnH. 276,43 d Laurinda 118,4 Martlia W. 404, 167 Morrison P. 259,3 Eebecca B. 103,26 Wesley 236.7 Hayward, Augusta S. 230,' 4 Emma J. 230,3 Hattie L. 230,6 Jonas E. 229,1 Mary M. 230,6 Mary M. 861,10 268,2 Persis Ruble 378, 15 Buth 230,2 Hazeltine, Elwin 214,12 Jennie E. ikn Hazelton, Grace I. 429 a Louisa 207,1 Mary 199,8 Mary I. 238,1 NelUe 444,2 Hazeii, John 299,3 Lura A. 444,6 Healey, Alexandei - 15, 51 EmeUne 278, 62 James 29,30 Josiah 248,7 Maria 378, 116 True 263 a Hearson, Edwin 436, 7 d Heath, Albert H. 238,39 a Alfred H. 288,72 AnnM. 234,50 Annette 375,110 b Annie 232, 26 a Annie A. 235,68 Betsey 281,19 Caleb 844 d Caleb C. 848,5 Carrie E. 236,74 Charles B. 122, 31 Charles B. 233,32 Charles B. 235, 61 e Charles B. 237,1 Charles E. 238.89 Charles P. 234,48 a Charles B. 234,49 Chai-les E. 418,9 Chester B. 236, 71 a Cinda W. 233, 44 Clara E. 284,61 Cora L. 418,9 Daniel 280,9 Daniel 281a Daniel 250,8,9 Daniel 843, 5b David M. 232,24 DeUverance 468,3 Edvrin G. 236,71 EUza 234,57 EUzabeth 231, 14 Emily J. 237,9 Emily W. 288,37 Emma A. 234, 65 Bmma S. 232, 24 a Ernest S. 285 c Ervilla H. 455,1 Esther J. 343 Esther M. 288, 5 c Bthel J. 235,81b Flora 237,8 Frank P. 238,41 leath, Galustia 307,36 Grace B. 237,4 George L. 233,43 George M. 234,54 George W. 236,2 George W. 236,5b George W. 237,10 b Gustavus S. 375, 110 d Hannah 231, 15 Hannah M. 286,60 Harold L. 234, 48 c Harriet B. 119,6 Harriet J. 283,38 Hattie B. 288, 5 e Helen C. 232 b Henry A. 235,59 Herbert M. 286, 59 a Hiram 232,23 Hiram T. 233, 46 Hiram T. 236, 5d Hiram T. 287, 10 Horace W. 233,33 IdaG. 286,69 IsabeUe E. 284,56 Jacob 375, HO Jennie N. 236,70 John 230,8 JohnC. 234,68 JohnF. 287, 10 c JohnH. 285,66 Johns. 282, 81 Jonathan 343,5 a Joseph G. 234, 48 b Joseph W. 284, 48 Josephine A. 235,63 Joshua 280,7 Julia K. 875, 110 e Julian B. 285, 61 c Laurilla P. 2b7, 11 Lavinia 57,8 Leland B. 236,65 LesUe B. 285, 61 d LeviB. 286,76 LeviD. 236,4 LevlN. 233,34 LevlN. 287, 10 a Lewis 281,18 LiUa 283,47 LilUan M. 67, 27 b Lorenzo M. 235,64 Lovina W. 287,8 Lucy 231,16 Lucy H. 234,53 Lurance J. 236,67 Lydia J. 232,21 Lydia J. MTaria S. 234,53 375, 110 c Martha B. 333,42 Mary A. 236,7 Mary E. 233,45 Mary B. 236, 73 a MaryF. 385 a MayF. 108 Maud I. 232,27 a Maud M. 235,61a Minerva T. 282,22 Molly 273,4 Moses 231,18 Moses C. 286,5 Myrtland W. 232,27 b Nancy 121,20 Nancy D. 236,6 Nathaniel W. 286,1 Nellie E. 288, 78 233,46 a NelUe M. Olive J. 235, 62 Peleg 230,2 Phebe A. 343, 5 c Pliney B. 232,28 Eobert 231,12 502 HISTORY OP BRISTOL [eath, Roy W. 285, 61 f Rufus G. 238,88 Ruth P. 236,3 SaUy 223,1 Samuel 280,4 Samuel 280,6 Samuel 231, H Samuel P. 232,30 Samuel W. 232, 25 Sarah 231, 10 Sarah A. 180,44 Sarah A. 232, 29 Sarah A. 375, 110 a Sarah F. 286, 5 a Sarah J. 288,40 Stanley W. 234, 48 d Stephen 230,6 Stephen N. 282, 28 True A. 282, 25 b Webster 281, 17 Webster 232,27 WiUE. 235 b WiUard 231, 20 Willard B. 232 a William 230,3 WiUiam A. 235, 61 WilUam I. 230,1 WiUiam P. 233,36 WiUie H. 236, 72 b Winnifred M, 237, 2 Hedge, Deborah 45, 1 Heiywinn, ComeUa 315, 19 Helgeson, Otilla 167, 33 b Hemenway, Benjamin F, 18,2 Hemmingway, Moses 154, 15 Hemphill, Betsey 238, 4 Betsey A. 238, 8 Horace 237, 3 John 237, 2 Joshua D. 238, 9 Laura A. 238, 7 Lottie 288,6 Lucy L. 288, 9 a Peter 287, 1 Eobert 288, 10 Silas 288, 5 Henderson, Beulah B. 33 d Charles B. 185 b EUza 83, 6 George 82, 9 George B. 88 b Helen 185 b Mary E. 88 c Wilbur W. 88 a Henry, Martha A. 55, 11 d HentaU, Samuel 288, 1 Herber, EUzabeth 286, 72 Herbert, Annie 267, 20 Clara J. 244, 29 Ebenezer F. 244, 27 Henry S. 244, 22 a Hiram S. 244, 25 Hiram S. 244, 26 Joseph C. 244, 22 Judith W. 244, 28 Sanders 244, 9 Sarah F. 244, 28 Susan C. 244, 24 Herrick, Helen M. 298 Hersey, Jeremiah N. 244, 11 Hibbard, Clara B. 224, 10 Dora H. 158, 11 Jane A. 84, 10 Nancy 414, 1 Hicky, Susan O. 248, 2 Higbee, Adeline 478 Carrie M. 166, 32 d Charles E. 166, 32 b Edward W. 168, 82 e Higbee, Isa M. 166, 32 a John H. 166, 32 John W. 166, 82 c Higgins, Eugene B. 78 c Eugene J. 78 c John de B. 73 c Hight, Frank P. 288, 1 Joanna J. 430, 7 Mahala K. 376, 114 Margaret H. 249, 4 Mary J. 415, 1 Hilands, Amasa S. 288, 2 Charles A. 238, 2 a Samuel 238, 1 WiUiam 288, 2 c WiUie H. 238, 2 b WlUie H. 238, 2 d Hildreth, Carrie P. 440, 16 HiU, Agnes 137, 2 AUce 137, 4 Amanda M. 129, 8 Arvilla 414, 10 Betsey 390, 19 Charles 130, 6 Deborah 347, 6 EUen 124, 1 Ernest P. 239, 5 Josiah 130 Leifa D. 289, 8 Levi 288, 16 Lottie B. 239, 6 Lucy J. 256, 1 Mina 136, 9 Myrtie B. 289, 2 NelUe E. 85, 1 Jessie M. 289, 8 Joseph P. 289, 1 Orpha O. 311, 18 Elchard M. 239, 4 Sally 289, 18 Sarah 5, 1 Sarah A. 263, 9 a Van C. 239, 7 HUUard, Frank B. 108, 6 b Hosea L. 108, 6 Merton B. 108, 6 d MiUie L. 108, 6 b Euth C. 108, 6 c HiUs, John J. 186, 3 Hilton, EUza B. 386, 18 Hinkley, Burt 56, 20 b Frank 56, 30 b Henry 56, 30 b Henry 56, 30 b Merritt 56, 30 b Hinman, Lucy A. 370, 18 Hizer, Lyman 485, 26 b Hoag, Jonathan 162, 7 Hobart, Mary E. 396, 1 Norman L. 891,34 a Hobbs, John 358, 13 b Hodgdon, Charles G. 392, 47 a George 392, 47 b Miles 892, 47 ; 446, 1 Hodges, Elizabeth 290, 85 Solomon 449, 87 Hodgkins, Blanche A. 108, 22 a Jay F. 108, 22 Nora M. 108, 22 a Hogle, AUce 435, 24 a Augusta 436, 24 h Carrie 435, 24 I Cora 435, 24 i DaUas 435, 24 e Dora 435, 24 k Emily 435, 24 d Bmma Erwin Hogle, Gilbert B. 435, 24 a Homer 435, 24 a Jessie 435, 24 a Josephine 435, 24 c L. BeUe . 435, 24 j MarshaU 485, 24 b William 436, 24 Hoit, Abigail 191, 9 EUzabeth 810, 11 Martha B. 210, 4 Hoitt, Alice J. 409, 217 a Carrie E. 409, 217 a Bllen C. 409, 217 a George G. 409, 217 a Martha L. 409, 217 a Holbrook, Henry C. 42, 8 Bowena M. 146, 5 Holden, Benjamin P. 239, 1 Betsey 163 Charlotte L. 148, 1 Clarence 239, 3 Grace B. 240, 5 Harold B. 240, 4 Hattie M. 240, 2 Mary A. 276, 43 Mary G. 239, 2 PhUip S. 240, 6 Eobert S. 240, 3 Samuel B. 239, 1 Thomas H. 236, 5 c HoUister, CaroUne Y. 441, 21 HoUon, Mary J. 382, 7 Holman, Calvin 240, 1 CeUa E. 240, 4 a Clara 240, 3 Edward A. 240, 6 Hattie L. 240, 3 Leon W. 240, 4 c Lura B. 240, 5 Merton C. 240, 4 SteUaG. 240,4 b Holmes, Charles W. 240, 1 Frank A. 236, 74 Hannah 258, 8 Helen D. 241, 3 John 14, 29 b Mary A. 15, 53 Sarah E. 241, 2 Holt, AbigaU 266, 7 Diantha 9, 18 Lucy 351, 2 Thomas 368 e WiUiam 250, 10 Homans, Aimer 241, 2 Henry C, 241, 1 Loren W. 241, 3 Hommann, Charles 73 c Charles 0. 73 c Honngon, John 442, 27 Hoogs, Margaret I. 184, 81 Hook, Mary A. B. 374, 84 Hopkins, of. O. 68, 38d Nora A. 293, 1 Elchard B. 260, 8,d Home, Augustus P. 241, 4 Charles H. 241, 2 Clarence A. 241, 5 Noah 241, 1 Boy C. 178, 9 Sarah A. 241, 3 Horner, Edna F. 242, 2 Mary 14, 29 a Eobert A. 242, 1 Horton, Sidney S, 406, 187 h Simon 442, 26 Hovey, IsabeUe B. 27 Howard, AUce B. 314, 18 a EUa M. 385, 3 Lydia E. 288 f INDEX 503 Howard, Samuel A. 13,22 Sarah M. 192, 18 Howe, Alberton B. 241, 2 Elva M. 242, 3 Frank 242, 2 Jennie H. 242, 4 Jessie 241, 2 c Mary S. 258, 12 Moses B. 242. 1 Ealph 241, 2 b Eeginal 241, 2 a Howes, AUce M. 281 a Howie, Kate 62, 9 Howland, Charlotte M. 472, 20 KatieHarriet I. Hattie A. Hoyt, Anna Betsey Betsey A. Daniel David H. David P. Fannie B. FranceUa M. Frank H. Frank M. George A. George G. George M. Irving H. JacobJennie E. John John B. Judith Laura Leston L. Lydia MariamMariam Michael Miriam Molly Moses C. NedB.NelUe B. Osgood Bosan B. Samuel Sainuel Samuel L. SarahSargent Vena M. Hoyune, Susie Hubbard, Ahnira AlviraAngeUneCelia L. Cynthia F. ElizabethEmeUneHannah Harriet JeremiahJeremiah Jeremiah John JosiahLeviMaria Sarah Sarah A. Susan C. Eebecca Huckins, Ann E. Bessie L. 59,63 318, 13 318, 13 243, 7 o 242,3 243,5 348,9 c 248,7 b 248,4243,1 243,2 269, 24 243,3 243, 9 d 278, 62 c 117,7 248, 9 e 248, 4 b 242,2 125,3242,6 243,9 b 299,5 63,9 b 63, 9 a 177, 1 242,4 243,7 a " ", 9 Hucldns, Charles F, Bdwin M, EuniceFredB.James H. JosephLaura C. Mahala MaryOUve A. PoUy Huggins, Enoch Maude M. Hughes, Arthur E, Brainard B. Howard H. James B. James B. Matilda S. Humphrey, Eliza Mai'ibah Hunt, Dearborn Hattie S. MaryMay Wilbur L. B. WUUam Huntington, Betsey HannahJaneJonathanMargaret A. Sara^ 245,2212,2 319 97,18 245,1 845, 14 488,4 a 89,1 362,3 97,6 408, 198 276,36 228,34 b 171, 91 c 471, 43 b 171, 91 a 171, 91 171, 91 b 67,21 315,22 408, 205 244, 15 124,6107,6 227, 28 g 172, 98 104, 68 245,2245,4246,6246,1284,7 245, 3 Huntoon, Adelaide V. 280, 1 HarveyPhilip Warner Hurd, Anna T. BUza Hurlburt, Clara Henry C. Henry B. JohnW.Lizzie 434 b 178,6 289, 22 b 399, 115 170, 26 468,26 a 468,26 468, 26 d 468, 26 b 181, 19, Carr 246 371, 7 Carr 247 63, 9 Carr 247 248, 4 c George M. 247 243, 4 a Harriet N. 67,10 248,8 John 247 248, 9 a Lizzie M. 247,2 242,1 Stephen D. 247,1 449,82 Hussey, Sadie M. 24,1 !27, 21 a Hutchins, AUen E. 247,7 390, 5 Bert C. 247,4 243,7 Earl L. 247,6 243, 8 a EUza 49, 8 171, 47 c Ella M. 247,5 244,16 Erastus T. 247,1 244,17 George C. Jane L. 247,8 244, 10 443,1 206, 10 Josie L. 247, 3 244, 11 Mabel A. 247,2 244, 8 Myrtie A. 247,9 244,14 Hutchinson, Alexander 244,20 247, 1 244, 15 Alexander 248,6 248,1 Almira W. 248,3 244,3 Arthur 249,4 344,19 Arthur B. 249 h 244,6 Betsey A. 248,9 244, 18 Byron W. 248, 10 b 244, 5 CaroUne M. 248,7 244,7 Charles A. 248, 10 c 244,4 Daniel S. 248,10 244,13 Edgbert 248, 10 e 244, 12 Edith S. 249, 6 244, 3 BUas 248, 10 f 838,4 Elmer E. 248, 10 d 245,2 a Flora B. 249 i Hntchlnson, Fred O. 248, 6 a George H, 248, 10 g Homer H, 249, 5 Jane 248,5 Leon 249, 2 a Mary 248,4 Olive 249,3 Orrin 249, 2 Eose A, 248, 10 a Solomon J, 248,2 SulUvan 249, 1 Susan M. 248,8 Viola E. 249, 2 c Walter F. 249, 2 b WUUe 249, 11 Hyde, Carrie M. 405, 175 Ijams, Belle 400,134 Ingalls, Abigail Abigail 250,9 252,4 Abigail 816,5 Alferetta A. 254, 24 Alphonso D. 254. 18 a Alzina S. 251, 23 d Amanda J. 254, 15 Amanda M. 253, 9 b AnnM, 254,20 Ardena L. 256 d Arthur F. 253,11a Betsey L. 250,81 Betsy 250,18 Charles B. 251, 22 b Charles L. 253, 11 a Charles W. 251, 23 a Charles W. 252, 25 Clara M. 254, 26 c Clara V. 252 Clarence L. 253, 11 a Daniel 250, 13 David 250, 8 a David 250,12 Delia L. 254, 21 b Dolly 260, 15 Ebenezer 250,3 Ebenezer 252,1 Edmond 260, 8 e EUzabeth 447, 1 EUen M. 253, 12 a Emma A. 254, 26 a Elvira 250, 8 h Frances A. 251, 22 a Frances A. 254, 23 Francis D. 255, 29 b George A. 251, 22 c George A. 2521 George H. 251, 22 d George H. 254, 18 George W. 2.58, 12 Gihnan 252,2 Gilman 252, 3 Gustavus W. 254, 14; 478 Hannah 250,14 Hannah 466,5 Harriet E. B. 255, 27 Harvey N. 253,9 Helen A. 253, 9 d Helen L. 478 Hiram B. 253, 9 c Horace 824, 6 d Horace L. 254, 21 ¦ Horace S. 258, 9 a IdaN. 254, 26 b Irena 251,20 James 250,8 James 250, 8 g James A. 253 h Jethro 260,8 c Joanna 250,6 John 250, 19 John H. 254, 22 504 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Ingalls, Jonathan Jonathan 226,8 250,4 Jonathan 250,5 Jonathan 250,8 b Jonathan 261, 22 Joseph 426,8 Josiah E. 252,5 Josiah S. 254,25 Keziah 262, 24 LilUan M. 253, 11 a liinna A. 254, 21 a Lottie M. 255, 29 a Lucinda H. 254 16 Lucy A. 253, 12 b Lucy J. Luther 252 f LydiaMTahala P. 264, 'l7 Maria H. 262 j Marian F. 261, 23 b Martha M. 2521 Mary 250, 8 d Mary 448,15 Mary E. 261, 22 e Mary J. 252,8 Mary P. 254, 19 Mary S. 255,28 Mehitable 109,1 Milo L. 253,11a Nancy B. 253, 13 Nanna 250,11 Narcia E. 263, 9 e OUve 250,10 Orpha 250, 8f Oscar F. 252 g Patty 250,18 Phebe 252,7 Polly 250,18 Rose J. 258, 12 c SaUy 250,17 Samuel 109,5 Samuel 249,1 Samuel 249,2 Samuel 250,7 Sherburn S. 251, 23 Sophia S. 251, 23 c SophroniaSullivan 324, 6 a 254,26 Susan 261, 21 Susan F. 262 e Susie A. 254,18 b Timothy 253,10 Walter G. 265.29 Ingraham, Charles F. 220 c Edith L. 220 c Hoyt W. 220 c Oscar G. 220 c Irving, Mary E. 366,2 a 263, 21 Ives, Joseph Jack, Emma A. 69, 5 Jackman, Charles L. 135, 11 Jackson, Caleb 263, 21 EUzabeth 264, 27 a Joseph 264, 27 Mary M. 127 Jacobs, Bva J. 204, 23 Laura 470, 14 Nettie B. B. 124, 1 James, Hattie P. 454, 1 Melvina L. 209, 1 Jameson, NelUe M. 66, 19 Jaquith, Ermine B. 420, 6 Susan H. 104, 41 Jardine, Janet 462, 2 Jarvis, Nancy 107, 9 Jeffers, Marinda H. 94, 3 Jefferson, Albert W. 255, 1 Jeffroy, Charles L. 255, 1 Dorothy 255, 2 JelUson, Minnie D. 280, 2 a Jencks, Clara C. 94, 7 a Jenkins, George 184, 78 Mary 88, 16 Jenness, Bmily A. 150, 1 Ruth 389, 4 Jesseman, Bert H. 256, 2 Bertha A. 258,- 2 a Clarence B. 266, 2 b Edith M. 266, 4 Edna G. 256, 5 Eliza J. 248, 1 Bva L. 256, 8 George E. 265, 1 Mary L. 98, 16 NeUle M. 140, 27 JeweU, Arthur W. 256, 2 ; 478 Clarence E. 256, 4 Dana G. 256, 6 BUza A. 268,11 Ernest 258, 6 Harry B. 256,3 Mary J. 160, 6 Maurice B. 266, 3 a Newton I. 256,1 Walter B. 266, 7 Jewett, Aaron 256, 1 Alonzo W. 257, 2 Alpha C. 257, 1 Arthur A. 257, 2 e Charles A. 257, 3 Etta 257, 2 Hannah M. 266, 3 Henry C. 257, 2 b Jeremiah 267, 1 Katie B. 257, 2 a Martha 54, 2 Martha W. 257, 4 Moses F. 266, 4 Phebe L. 266, 2 Sarah 324, 2 Johnson, A. Herbert 407, 193 a AUce L. 259, 5 b Alice R. 259, 4 b AineUa M. 200 a Caroline H. 258, 12 b Charles K. 268, 16 b Charles M. 322, 12 c Charles W. 260, 9 Daniel S. 269, 6 DoUy M. 267, 5 Edwin H. 41, 4 Eliza 258, 9 BUza A. 258, 14 Elizabeth 260 a Elizabeth 466, 3 EUzabeth O. 269, 3 Ellen L. 259, 5 c ElUott A. 258, 12 • Elmon R. 322, 12 c Ehnon R. 322, 12 c Ernest M. 258, 16 b EsteUa 260 h Ethel M. 260, 8 d Etta F. 387, 8 Everett L. 260, 8 a Frank M. 258,16 b Frank T. 260 c Frank W. 280, 8 b Gertrade F. 259, 5 d Gilbert H. 260, 8 c Grace B. 260, 9 a Hannah 258, 6 Hannah H. 392 a Hannah U. 101, 27 Harry P. 268, 16 a Hattie M. 258, 16 b Helen C. 260, 9 b Johnson, Herman P. 359, 6 c Israel F. 258,17 James J. 4,26 Jennie S. 258, 12 c Jeremiah 259,1 Jeremiah 260 b JohnB. 269, 5 Jonathan H. 268, H Jonathan S. 259, 7 h Joseph 13,23 Joseph 148 Joseph 266,8 Joseph S. 260i 268,13 Joseph V. Joseph W. ; Judith 260, 1 ; 478 160,2 JuUa A. 276,38 Laura 258, 12 a Laura A. 369, 7 g Leroy S. 3601 Leroy S. LevlD. 380,8 359,4 Lucy 360 f Lydia A. 260 d Martha A. 68,8 Mary A. 260,10 475,1 Mary A. Mary E. 151,4 MaryE. 259,5 a Ma.ry E. 259, 7 a Mary M. 244,22 Medora 258, 12 d MeUnda 259, 7 c MeUnda M. 259,2 Melvin 258,16 MerriU 258,8 Minnie 269, 32 a Moody 258,7 Moses 257,1 Moses 257,8 Nancy 259, 7 e NeUle F. 259, 4 a Ora P. 259, 6 a Perley M. 268,16 a PermeUa 269, 7 f PoUy 257,4 PoUy A. 259, 7 d Price W. 260 g Robert S. 186,8 Samantha 260 e Sarah 101, 27 Sarah 258,10 Susan B. 276,47 Thomas F. 263, 22 d UlaM. 259, 6 b Warren E. 2601 Warren M. 269,7 Warren M. 269, 7'b WiUiam 257,2 Johnston, Mabel F . 241, 1 Mary A. 3,9 Phebe 3,7 Jones, Alice B. 451 Annie 350,1 Benjamin 346, 21 b BUzabeth 129, 7 b Fanny 396,63 Gertrude B. 23 Jane 467,22 a John 244, 10 John 260,1 John A. 214,9 Lizzie A. 260,2 NelUe M. 52,2 Jordan, Benjamin 286,20 b EUen B. 286,20 a F. C. 286,20 Lucretia 156,19 Rosella 433, H Sally 286, 20 e INDEX 505 Joy, Emma A. Judkins, Anne L. 235, 65 261,4 Charles O. 261,3 George D. 261,2 George J. 261,1 Bdwin 283,9 Emma F. 280,4 Morris F. 261, 2 a Euth B. 361, 3 a Judson, Ella 470, 85 c Junkins, Annie F. 189,3 d Edna 189, 3 b Elma H. 189, 2 c Frank H. 189,2 Ola 189, 2 a Keach, FrR.nk 483, lib Keaghey, John S. Keen, Mary A. Keezer, Addie C. 134,2 263 f 267, 19 , Amos 266, 11 Carl B. 267, 16 b Charles E. 267, 16 Clarissa 266,4 Cynthia BdnaM. 266, 10 267, 16 c BUza 268,8 Everett 267,20 Frank E. 287, 18 FrankUn 203,7 George W. 267, 13 John 268,7 Joseph 286,2 Lewis M. 267, 16 a Lucy J. 267, 17 Nathaniel P. 287, 14 287, 12 NeU 267, 12 a NelUe A. 267, 15 SaUy 266, 3 Samuel 266,5 Susan 266,9 Warren F. 287, 12 a 266,1 WiUiam WilUam 266,6 KeUey or Kelly : Abigail 262,8 Albert F. 265,38 Alfred 263, 16 Alfred M. 264, 33 a Alfreds. 263 d Almira. 264,27 Alvah B. 266,3 Alvah B. 266, 3 c AmeUa 263, 13 AmeUa 263, 15 Anna J. 265, 37 AnnaL. 265, 36 c Arthur W. 264, 33 d BetseyCarohne 859,1 264, 26 Charles R. 268,2 Charlotte 262, 10 Clarissa 268, 12 Cornelia C. 265, 86 e 266,1 Daniel Drucilla 263, 14 Ebenezer 100,11 Ebenezer 262,9 Edward D. 263 f Edward L. 263 f EUa 361, 17 EUen M. 268 h EUphalet G. 265,1 263 f Elmer F. BUzabeth 263, 21 EUzabeth H. 263 a EUzabeth M. 264, 33 c Enoch 262,7 Florence D. 265,2 Kelley or Kelly : Gregory C. HarrietHarriet Harriet A. Harriet A. Horatio Jeanette S. JoannaJoannaJohn JohnJohns.Johns.JonathanJonathanJonathanJoseph D. Latmcellot LauraLaura A. Lloyd B. Louise LutherLuther S. Luther W. Lydia Martha J. Mary A. Mary A. Mai^ A. Mary C. Mary B. Mary J. Minie J. MosesNathanielPolly C. SaUySarah H. Sarah S. SophroniaSusanTimothyWiUiam C. WilUam D. WilUam D. WiUiam G. Kellogg, Augustus Boyd V. Grace G. Grey H. Fred A. Kelso, Helen A. Kemp, Betsey Charles B. Edmond C. Edwin W. Grace M. Mabel F. Nettie M. Kendall, Albon H. AnnaAnna L. AsaAsa W. Aurilla CaroUne E. CaroUne E. Charles B. EbenezerEbenezerEbenezerEbenezerEdward F. EleanorElsey S. Elsie Elsie M. 265,36 a 263, 20 264,23 195,1 264, 81 262, 11 265,86 b 268 c 268, 18 261,1 262,2 208 b 374, 89 262,8 262,4262,5 266,1 263, 17 264,29 263 e 265, 3 a 264,28 264, 25 265, 35 265, 36 f 159,4 264,34 73,1 212,1 263. 19 263 g 264, 82 211 264, 38 b 198,5 447,6265, 1 263, 22 265,3 b 286,3 264, 24 264,30 262,6 264,83 265, 86 265, 38 d 265,1 H. 471, 471, 45 d 471, 45 c 471, 45 e 471, 45 b 56 d 267,2267,1 267,5267,6267,3 267,2 267,4 269, 25 268,7 270 e 269, 18 269, 23 268, 12 a 24,1 268, 12 c 340,3268,3268,4 268,5268,8 270,28 269, 20 270, 26 269, 17 269, 22 iendall Francis FredB. 267,1 270,28 a George H. 270,29 Georgia I. 270,29 b Gertrude E. 270 c Hasey 288,6 Henry C. 289,24 Hiram W. 269, 18 Jacob 268,2 Jesse A. 270 d Jesse F. 269, 14 Joshua T. 269, 15 Joseph 2£9, 16 Joseph M. 270 b Josiah C. 268,12 b Josiah F. 270, 27 Lemuel 268,10 ¦Lemuel 268,12 Lemuel C. 268, 12 d Lenora 269, 19 Lydia Marinda 268,9 269,21 Mary 98,6 Mary 268,11 Milton H. 270 a NelUe A. 270, 29 a Oscar P. 268, 12 b Oscar R. 268, 12 b Rupert H. 270, 29 c Kendricks, Katherine 3.82, 2 Keniston, Frank B. 402, 156 a ' George 443, 4 Joseph F. 402, 156 a JuUa A. 443, 4 a Laura A. 266 Laurana 286, 1 Mary 87, 16 SaUy 430, 5 Kennear, Ritchey M. 60, 58 Kennedy, Catherine G. 213, 2a Mary E. Kenney, ArUne M. Arthur L. Christina FeUxFrank P. Frank P. George Harold Helen G. Huldah M. JamesJamesKatherine LauranaLouise MaeMargaret B. MaryMary A. Mary A. Michael J. MinnieOneyPatrick H. Patrick M. RebeccaThomas E. WilUam 17,66 271, 6 a 271,3 271,8 271,7 271,9 271,17 270,2 270,3 b 271, 15 271, 14 270,1270,3 271,4 271,6 271, 11 271, 16 271,6271,7 270,8271,2 271,6 270, 3 a 271,5 271,4 271,1 271,12271,18271,10 Kenniston, Frank E. 108, 10 Katherine Kenson, Mary J. Kern, Frank X. Kerr, Elizabeth Ketchum, George C. Edmond Silas Keyes, Jessie 52,3 352,6 35,2 184, 77 272,2 272,3271,1 462,5 a Keyser, Hattie B. 411, 12 5o6 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Keyser, Katie A. Kidder, Aaron Abial O. AdoniramAlbert E. Albert H. Aldanah C. AlmaD.Almira AlmiraAlmira J. AlvinAmandaAmasaAnnie M. AriannaAugusta A. Aurilla BenjaminBenjaminBenjamin W. Benjamin W. BerthaBetseyBetseyCharles Cora A. Cora A. ComeUa Daniel E. Daniel H. David S. Dennis H. Dorothy Eben P. Electa H. EUza A. Ella D. EUen C. Ellen G. EUen I. Frances A. Frances H. FrancenaFrancis Frank M. Fred J. FredS. FrederickHannah HannahHannah Hattie A. Helen A. Henry R. Hiram D. IdaL.Irvin M. JamesJames James James M. JaneJennie L. JephthahJessie M. JohnJohnJohnJohnJohn H. JohnW.Jonathan T. JosephJoshuaJulia A. L. Laura A. Lee M. Leonard C. LeviN. 148,2 273,19 275,38277.49 276, 89 a 378,62 277, 62 a 278, 62 c 274, 34 b 376, 48 b 275, 37 275, 36 c 275, 39 c 274,34 278, 63 h 276,48 376, 43 c 375, 38 a 272,4 273,14 275, 86 a 278,44 276, 86 e 262,7 278,10276, 47 274, 24 d 276, 45 c 278,59275,39273,11 274, 24 d 276, 45 b 273, 12 275, 86 b 277,63 276, 43 d 277, 49 b 279,7 278, 45 a 276, 47 d 279,2 279,6 278,57 279,1 279, 64 277, 52 c 274, 24d 276, 45 272,8 273, 17 273, 19 c 276, 47 a 278, 66 278,63 278, 46 d 277,64 a 277, 52 b 272,1 272,6 274, 26 276, 48 278, 15 277, 49 c 273,19 b 378,60 373,2273,7 378, 18 374, 81 376, 47 b 276,46276,42 273, 20 273,18275,40278,58 275, 38 b 275, 36 277,50 Kidder, Lucy 274,33 Lurie A. 276, 47 0 Lydia A. B. 276, 41 Lynn Malona 274,28 275, 86 d Malvenah S. 277, 49 a Marcelhis 277, 54 Martha 275, 36 f Martha I. 279,3 Mary 245,2] Mary 272,5 Mary 278, 16 Mary 274, 24 a Mary 274, 25 Mary 274, 29 Mary 275,35 Mary E. 279,4 Mehitable 274, 82 Minnie B. 274. 24 d Moses 274, 25 Moses 274,29 MurriUa 276, 43 a Nancy 273, 21 Nancy J. 278, 55 Nelson B. 277,52 Noah F. 275, 36 h OUver B. 273, 23 Orpha 274, 24 c Persis 275, 36 g 273, 22 PollyReuben • 273,9 Reuben 274,24 Rosetta 278, 62 a Royce A. 277,54 b Sarah 272,3 Sarah 273, 19 a Sarah 274,80 Sarah A. 277,51 Sarah D. 279,8 Sherburn 274,27 Susan E. 275, 36 h Susan H. 279,9 Thomas O. 275, 89 b Uriah H. 278,61 WilUam 279,5 Kilton, DeUght 74,1 KimbaU, Addle J. 185,2 Albert 167, 41 Albert M. 167, 41 b Arthur L. 279,1 Charles B. 137, 11 Charles B. 279,1 Charles H. 39,8 Clara A. P. 185,1 Cora M. 66,21 Edith H. 185,3 EUen M. 187, 41 e Emily 218,23 465,5 Eudora B. EvaM. 279,3 Florence D. 280,4 Frank W. 39,3 a George A. 89,3 b Harriet 161 Harriet 215, 2 Hervie C. 280,3 IdaM. 167, 41 g Lucy 317,6 194, 5 a Maria A. MarshaU E. 167, 41 c Mary L. 167, 41 f Mary L. 185,2 Minnie M. 279,2 Moses 438, 18 b Rispah SadreB. 299,6 280,2 Sarah E. 104,48 Sarah J. 187, 41 d WilUam B. 167, 41 a King, Edward F. 280,1 King, Fred L. 280, 1 Fred L. 280, 8 Freelove 835, 5 Mary 266, 38 Perley G. 280, 2 Kinsley, Edward B. 295, 6 Kinsman, JuUus 138, 19 Sally 138, 9 Kinson, Margaret 360, 2 Kirk, Addie L. 281, 8 Aldice W. 477 AUce M. 281 a Charles A. 280, 2 a Cora E. 281, 2 Daniel G. 281, 5 BUls L. 281 a FrankN. C. 281,4:477 Frank S. 280, 4 George B. 281, 8 Harland F. 281 c Harry B. 281 h Horace G. 237,8 Horace H. 281, 8 John D. 280, 2 Lizzie A, 280, 3 Lucy M. 237, 1 Mary J. 281, 7 Eobert M. 280, 1 Rose M. 300, 2 Stephen P. 281, 1 Kithredge, Darwin E. 343, 3d KlttreU, WilUam H Kittridge, Frank C. Kitts, Victory Klotz, Sarah J. Knapp, Lizzie Sarah Knight, Alice A. CharlotteGeorge H. Grace Mary E. SareihSarahThomasWilUam C. Knights, Btta IdaF.Buth Knowles, Cora Knowlton, BeUnda Knox, Blanche Krum, Hattie P. LaCourt, Jemima Ladd, Belinda B. Bernard G. Betsey S. Charles W. DanielDavid C. David M. David N. Ella F. ElizabethBmily J. Esther A. FranceUaFredN. George L. Gustavus .B. Harold M. HarrietJaanes M. Jeremiah Q. JohnJoseph W. Leroy S. Lovey 281,1 278, 66 f 108,19 51,1 130,13 130,14 349,1 236, 5 b 281,1 289, 22 a 211,1 262, 2 318, 1 289, 22 a 281,2 85,1 122,37 10,1 417,6 211 95,24151,7 35 86,9 283,3282,7288,8282,1 282,9 282, 15 a 282, 15 288,11 120,6 283,4 288,5 335,13 J98, 112 a 283,2 282, 13 283,2 93,7 282,12282,11 282,1283,1 282,17 67,5 INDEX 507 Ladd, Lucy P. 254, 5 Luther 0. 283, 10 Lydia 180, 16 Lydia 282, 4 Mabel J. 282, 15 b Mahala W. 283, 3 Mary A. 283, 9 MeUssa J. 282, 16 Nancy 282, 8 Peter 282, 2 Peter 282, 8 Polly 282, 6 Priscilla 282, 5 Rhoda F. 282, 14 Ruth 283, 10 Sylvester S. 388, 7 Tirzah H. 283, 6 LaFlamme, Rosy 127, 1 Laighton, Malindie 435, 24 a Lake, JuUa 228 Lamb, Andrew 91, 5 b Lambert, AUce 207, 7 Antionette 189, i John H. 193, 4 Lamphrey, Levi 167, 36 a Lamprey, Clara 319, 5 Frank 283, 1 Laura E. 398, 112 Landers, Thomas 178, 6 Lane, EUzabeth 411, 4 Mary 118, 2 Mary 253, 12 Laney, Daniel 284, 2 DoraM. 284, 5, b Francis E. 284, 8 Gilman D. 284, 5 Isaac H. 284, 8 John 284, 1 John 284, 4 Kate M. 284, 5 a Levi B. 284, 7 Louise P. 284, 3 Lang, Alice L. 327, 1 Mary C. 304, 11 c Myra C. • 222, 1 Langley, Mary S. 432, 4 Lapham, Edward W. 264, 28b Bbiora 56, 20 d Lathrop, Mary 188, 3 Lawrence, Etta 388, 1 Gertrude M. 152, 8 a Harris N. 153, 6 Samuel H. 49, 14; 50, 17 Lawson, John 388, 9 a Eobert H. 338, 9 a Lawton, Florence W. 194, 5c Leach, Fanny A. Polly Leasune, Jerry Leavitt, Adelman AUceM. Da-pidDavid S. DorothyFrances I. FrederickGeorge MarthaMaryNancy B. Sarah A. Sarah G . SheldonSheldon Sylvia B. Lee, EUa F. Susie B. 407,188 43,1 468, 27 d 435, 35 f 887; 3 485, 35 e 485,35 845,8 435, 35 a 435, 25 g 442,80 a 436, 25 d 379,99 196,1 434,22 474,1 414, 8 c 485, 25 c 485, 26 b 158, 11 LeGaUe, Joseph H. 410, 226 a Legg, Laura B. ' 79, 8 Leland, Ida M. 294, 1 Mary G. 256, 29 Leonard, Sylvester B. 14, 27 LesUe, Charles 486, 7 f Mary B. 183, 67 b Lewis, Charles 0. 286, 15 Edwin C. 286, 19 EUza B. 286, 19 BUza J. 286, 9 EUza W. 285, 6 Hiram 286, 5 James 286, 21 a James P. 286,21 Jennie E. 428,32 c Laura A. 286, 12 Maria C. 286, 18 Mary 285, 2 Mary J. 182, 60 Mary E. 286, 14 Minnie L. 359, 1 Moses 284, 1 Moses B. 288, 11 Eufus G. 285, 4 Eufus S. 286, 18 SaUy M. 286, 16 Sarah 286, 7 Sarah E. 286, 20 Sylvester C. 286, 10 WilUam F. 21, 8 a WilUam F. 288, 8 WilUam M. 285, 3 Winnifreda W. 286, 18 a Libby, Lenora L. 265, 1 Lidstone, James B. 233, 5 Lightbody, Margaret 88, 16 Lillie, Edith J. 331, 1 Lincoln, Joanna 433, 1 Lindsley, Sadie J. 337, 29 a EUza L. 251, 22 a Myron P. 251,22 a Myron P. 251,22 a Thales 251, 22 a Litchfield, Edwin 299, 4 Little, Annie 196, 6 Margaret M. 321, 9 c Mirah H. 65, 8 Pierce J. 831,9 c Samuel 290, 83 Littlefield, Charles 398, 111 Lockard, Miss 393, 52 g Locke, Abigail 202, 1 AbigaU 287, 9 AbigaU 287, 12 Abram D. 289, 31 Ada M. 289, 32 a Amanda 288 e Annette 290, 37 Augusta A. 289, 31 Benjamin 287, 4 Benjamin 287, 7 Benjamin 289, 22 Benjamin 290, 38 Betsey 287, 13 a Betsey A. 89, 1 Carl 290, 85 e Charles E. 290, 40 Chloe 287, 13 c Clarence B. 233, 47 a Dorothy S. 289, 26 Edward 287, 2 Edmond W. 101, 26 b Esther M. 289, 22 b Ethel M. 290, 39 a Favor 143, 3 Favor 288, 16 Favor 289, 82 Francis A. 291, 4 Fred L. 290, 35 b Locke, George George E. HannahHannah F. Hannah L. HarrietHazel M. Helen P. Helen S. JaneJoannaJohn John E. Judith M. LavinaLevi LeviLeviLeviLevi Levi M. LiUa M. LouisaLucy Margaret A. Margaret S. Martha E. MaryMary Mary A. Mary A. Mildred S. MosesOrrinPhilenaBachelBachelEeuben B. BoxyBoxy D. SaUy SaUy D. SarahSarahSarah J. Sherburn SusanThomasThomasThomasWalterWardWarren E. Wilfred D. WiUiam B. Lombard, Israel Long, Fred F. Sarah C. StephenWilUam Loomis, Anson Lord, Edward O. BttaHannah N. Loring, Jessie Lothrop, Fannie B. Nathan C. Ormsby A. Loucks, Catherine Lougee, Bernice M. Donald E. Elwood S. Katherine R. Marietta S. Robert W. WilUam S. Lovejoy, Abbott AldonnaCharles H. Clifton R. 101, 26 291,6 289,23290,33 291,8 289,27 290, 39 b 291, 6 b 291,5 289, 29 288, 20 287,1 290, 35 c 291,7 a 288, 19 287,5 287,13 287, 13 b 289,26290,85 290, 89 238,47 b 288d 288h 41,1 291, 6 a 290,2 288,15 289, 22 a 101, 26 a 289,30 a 291, 7 b 287,10 289,30 289, 21 142,1287,8290,1 288,17 290,86 288g 289,24287,11 289,80 b 290,84 288,18 289,28 287,8 287,6 288f 290, 85 d 288,14 238,47 290, 35 a 291,7 279,9188,3 229,1 176 f 14,26 218, 27 18,5 293, 1 282,25 478 291,3291,1291,2 467, 12 a 292,3 292,8291,1 358,6 a 68,17 358,6 b 358,6292,1 292, 2 a 325, 17 c 293, 2 b 5o8 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Lovejoy, Frank H. 293,2 Henry H. 101, 32 a James 292,3 John 292,1 John O. 293, 2 a Lorena S. 101, 32 a Mary E. 292, 2 b Rosetta J. 65,llg Sarah J. 291,1 Sylvia 330,1 WilUam C. 292,2 LoveU, Bmma J. 828, 8 a Loverin, Ella J. 192, 21 Moses 102, 14 OraH. 293 1 Lovering, Addie M, 180, 7 Julia E. 156,24 LoweU, AUen 293 Burton W. 293,1 Charles B. 294,3 EUzabeth 324, 2 Ehiora B. 293,2 Ernest J. 294,2 Helen C. 294,2 MoUy 336,1 Paulina 350,1 Raymond B. 394,4 WaUace W. 394,1 Wayland E. 393,1 Lucas, Bernice L. 294,3 Charles A. 294,1 Kate 214,4 Maud K. C. 294,2 64, ^g Luce, Bhner A. Georgine A. Horatio E. 882,1 64, 5 f Lufkin, Harry B. 237,2 Shuah 191,9 Lukes, Ida M. 160,13 Lummis, Charles F . 197, 9 a Henry 197,9 Louise E. 197, 9 b Lyford, EUza J. 183, 67 Lyons, NelUe M. 220, 38 h Lynn, Jenny 272,2 McAlpine, Gilman 433,13 c McClary, CaroUne D. 295. 4 BUenD. 294,2 John 294,1 Joseph 2,2 JuUa M. 295,3 McClelland, TilUe E :, 228,37 McClure, Buth 57, 27 d McCuUum, Hannah McCurdy, Bert M. 442,31 295, 4 b Charles B. 295, 4 j Charles W. 295,1 Converse L. 295,1 Earl E. 295, 4 g Elizabeth E. 295,1 EvaG. 295,8 Frank L. 296, 4 h FredD. 295, 4 k Gena E. 295, 4 f George S. 295,3 Hannah N. 295,6 Harriet N. 295,5 Mabel E. 295, 4 i Mariamne 295,7 Maud F. 295, 4 e NelUe L. 295, 4 d Bay W. 295, 4 a Winn W. 296, 4 c McDaniel, Charles S. 298, 4 Charles W. 296,- 1 Harry S. 296, 2 Jessa S. 296, 3 McDonald, Ann 279, 64 McDuffee, Charles D. 158, 7 McEachern, Barbara 235, 59 McBlroy, Annie 168, 51 McFadden, Anna 462, 3 McGaffey, Laura 7, 1 McGonigal, May B. 158, 9 Mclntire, John W. 296, 1 Lois 227, 23 f Lenora 298, 4 Scott F. 298, 3 PauUne 296, 2 Mcintosh, Martha 160, 1 McKean, Polly 397, 66 SaUy 397, 66 McKeen, Carrie 348, 13 a Samuel 348, 18 Willard P. 348, 13 b McKellop, Marguerite 78, 3 McKenzie, WiUiam H. 112, 7 McKewin, Fred W. 462, 2 c MacLellan, George B. 315, 81 McLeon, Mary 290, 35 a MacUnn, Daniel H. 296, 3 Edith L. 398, 5 Etta M. 398, 3 George D. 296, 1 Leston H. 298,7 LiUa H. 296, 6 Walter B. 298, 4 McMaster, Clara M. 138, 6 a Sarah J. 474, 2 McMurphy, Abbie H. 392, 40 Alexander 274, 24 a Alexander 245, 2 j Almira P. 245, 2 h Alvah B. 429, 41 c Alvertus N. 429, 42 Betsey 245, 2 d CaroUne K. 246; 2 k Daniel 226, 2 Daniel 245, 2 Daniel 245, 2 g EUzabeth 388, 4 Ella V. 429, 41 b Hannah 387, 1 Hannah H. 391, 39 Hannah J. 246, 2 e Helen A. 429, 42 a Jane H. 245, 2 a Jean 487 Lizzie I. 429, 41 a Mary 245, 2 b Mary 428, 32 Eobert 412, 2 Sarah F. 246, 2 f Sarah F. 246, 2 i Silas A. 429, 41 Ursula P. 245, 2 c Macomber, Lydia S. 446 McPard, Mary B. 270, 1 McPhee, Peter A. 277, 49 c McQuesten, Amos W. 154, 21a Charles 154, 21 e George B. 154, 21 Kate V. 457, 8 Mabel A. 418, 8 b Melvina 154, 21 f Eufus 154, 21 b Sarah 154, 21 d Webster C. 154, 21 o Magee, Henry 167, 35 a Mahan, EUa D. 207, 4 Mahar, Monica 97, 20 Maloon, Elizabeth 67, 3 Malvern, Lewis 297, 1 Mary E. A. 297, 2 Manard, Mary B. 286, 9 b Manchester, Amy L. 297. 3 EUjah C. 297, 1 Manchester, Lorana F. 297, 4 Wilbur B. 297, 2 Mann, Eda F. 136, 16 Manseau, Busebe F. 158, 8 Mansfield, Shuah 117, 18 Manson, Albert 0. 297, 1 Charles A. 297, 2 Maria L. 297, 3 Mansur, Abby 89, 2 Helen M. 348, 8 Marble, Sarah P. 471, 47 Marden, Carrie B. 298, 5 Cassandra 219, 86 Edwin O. 297, 1 Elvie 298, 4 Fred 180, 36 John W. 374, 98 Lurie C. 298, 6 Mabel D. 283, 1 Martha J. 374, 90 Nancy J. 188, 34 NelUe L. 298, 3 Walter 298, 2 Markham, Pattie 393, 52 Marks, Senaca 252 f Marsden, Sarah E. 355, 2 c Marsh, Katherine L. 9, 20 Marshall, Alexander 402, 156,158 Charles M. 298, 8 Dudley 67, 9 BUza A. 403 a EUen L. 298, 2 Gilbert A. 393, 5 Harriet 345, 13 Martha J. 398, 4 Mary 318, 3 Mary A. 403,158 a Mehitable 138, 1 ' Moody P. 398, 1 Euth A. 293, 3 Marston, Augustus B. 73, 3b Frances E. 70, 13 John B. 147, 7 Maria 346, 3 Maria L. 72, 2 b Martha 80, 3 Mary 25, 2 Thomas H. 409, 212 William H. 298, 1 Martin, Abba C. 49, 10 Alba 299, 6 Abigail 192, 15 Amy G. 800 a Annie 59, 53 Ara H. 300, 2 Asa 299, 1 Calvin 299, 1 Calvin H. 298, 1 Charles A. 299, 6 a Charles B. 800 b Charles H. 299, 9 Clara J. 800,10 Clementine 411, 7 b Doris M. 300, 2 a Eastman 411, 7 o Edward 53, 6 Emily A. 299, 4 Eva 28, 24 a George 226, 18 c Gertrude M. 299, 8 b GUes O. 880, 4 a Gilford 299, 5 Hadley B. 300, 3 1 Hannai 299, 4 Hanliah 466, 2 Hannah B. 300, 1 Ida A. 299, 3 Ida A. 299,8 a INDEX 509 Martin, Ira Jacob W. James Joshua F. Judith K. ¦ Luther E. ' Mary B. Mary F. ' Mortimer 'PhlUp A. Elchard H. ¦ EicTiard W. ..Sally SaUy "Sarah 'Sylvester Walter C. Mason, Addle J. Addie M. vAnnM. .Arthurs. 'Catherine .Charles B. David DavidDayid B. Daniel S. Ebenezer W. Edward BUzabeth W. Elsie Bthel S. Frank E. George 0. Harold L. Harriet 'Harriet Harry Harry R. Hattie ¦Helen A. M. ¦Jei-usha JohnJohn A. .Joseph M. JuUus H. LilUan B. Louisa A. Luther L. Maribah Martha B. Mary J. Eobert M. Samuel K. Smith W. ;Susie E. Walter W. Ward Mathews, Ira O. LiUer Mayhew, FrankUn Orpha St. laUar Thompson WilUam Mayo, George D. Maxfield, Webster Maxwell, Kate Maggie Mead, Martha Meade, Abbie H. Mears, 0. H. Meeker, James Melone, Jane Melvin, Joanna Meng, Christian Mentzer, Helen Merriam, G. A. MerrUl, Abbie B. Abigail 300,1 299,8 411,7 830,4 470, 13 300,11 299,7 308,39 299,5 330,4 c 330,4 b 299,2284,1 407,186 411, 7 a 299, 8 399,3 301,7 a 167,38 b 303,13 167,33 b 137,9 30L8a 300,2301,7 ¦ 167,33 301,3106,1300,1 302,12 803 b 303,4 434 c 337,39 337,39 a 389,32 801, 5 302,11a327,29a 303,5303,3301,6 302,11302,10 302,9 167, 33 c 327,29 b 302,14 327,29 333,1 327, 29 c 301,4301,8 303,1303,2 303,11c303,11b 300, 1 177, 18 381,1 308,4 308,3 308,5303,3 308,1 133,5 363,12 c 169,62 277, 52 b 133,4 361,1 474,4 377,12 94,13 116,3:479 303,1 228y30 73,4 a 305, 20 a 304,11c MerriU, AbigaU Albert L. AUceG.Almira E. Anna B. Anna S. Annie M. Augusta M. Calvin C. Carrie B. Carrie H. Charles C. ChastinaChaunceyClara S. Clarence N. Clark David M. EdgarEdwin C. EUza W. EUzabeth G. Bmma B. EphraimEverett C. Farnham Frank S. Fred Frederick F. George S. George W. George W. Hannah C. Harum Hattie Jennie B. JohnJohnJohnJohnJohnJohnJohnF.JohnM.John W. JonathanJonathanJonathan Jonathan Joseph H. Judith C. Laura B. LydiaLydia A. IMabel W. Mariam Marietta MarionMary A. Mary A. Mary A. Mary E. Mary H. Mary L. MosesMoses W. Moses W. Moses W. Narcissa S. NathanielNathanielNathanielNathaniel Peter H. PoUyElchard EosannaEose W. EufusSally ¦304, 15 308,47 307,38 0 306,80308,48 804, 11 a 808,39 a 308, 28 c 306,24 305,23 b 156,52 305, 20 b 307,37 304, 12 b 392,43 b 309,48 305, 21 308,26 68,4 308,45 306,25 825, 18 307,38 b 304,14 309, 48 a 304,11b308,39 b 65, lOg 3OTe 308,44 57,33 305, 23 a 308,40 306,33 58,38 b 309 b 803,1 304,4 304,5304,7 805,20 305, 20 e 808,31 308,39 806,22 a 304, 6 304, 11 f 804,13805,17 136,13 306,28 308,26 b 304,10400,91 307, 38 e 307,35 809 a 807d 304, 11 d 805,19 826,19308,41 464,1 806,29805,32 804,16 807,38 308,43 307,86 175,8 803,1804,3304,3 305, 20 f 304,8 307f 304,12 a 308,42305,23 304,13 Merrill, Sarah H. Sarah J. Sarah L. Sarah W. Sarah W. Selwyn D. Sherburn F. Sherburn M. Sherburn S. Stephen StephenStephen M. SusanSusan K. SusannaSusannah Willard C. WilUam B. WiUiam C. Messenger, Mary Maria F. Messer, Margaret Miller, Clarence M. Florence George W. Lester A. ' Mabel Perry E. Bay Millhouse, George 45a MiUs, Boxana Sarah E. Minard, Henry Samuel H. W. H. Miner, Nathaniel Mingle, Amanda Mink, CaroUne B. Charles W. Eeuben B. Minot, Abigail Abigail AlmiraAnnB.Anne B. BartlettCharlesCharlesCharles A. Edith P. Electa M. Frances GeorgeGeorge George E. Grace M. Harriet A. Harriet M. Henry C. IsabelJamesJames James M. JonasJonas JonasJonas J. E. JosiahJulia M. JuUa M. B. MarthaMary M. Mary M. MortonSallySarah L. Sarah T. MitcheU, AUce M. Alpheus C. 306,27 806,26 a 307,38 a 292,7 307a 477 307c 307, 3Sf 306,34304, 11 804, 11 e 306,32 304,9 307 b 305, 18 316,8 805, 20 c 807, 38d 805, 20 d 468,27468,28 357,1 322,12 a 322, 12 a 238,6 322,12 a 233,40 b 332,12 a 233,40 a W. 471, 373,61 442,1 467, 12 b 251, 21 a 470, 37 263,12 277,52 321, a 331a 321a 810,8 310, 18 310,4 311, 19 311, 36 311, 18 310, 10 311, 34 b 311,34 310, 5 d 811,30813,29 309,1810,5 310,5 c 312,28 311, 18 a 310 15 310, 5 b 312, 27 309,3 311, 17 810, 11 309,3 310,9 311, 21 311, 18 b 810, 13 310,6 310,5 a 310, 14 311, 16 311,38 311, 33 310,7 811, 36 811, 34 a 357,4 312,1 35 5IO HISTORY OF BRISTOL MitcheU, Beede M. Bertie L. Charles B. George M. JohnB. Marion A. MaryMary C. Sarah B. Susan J. WiUie B. Mojer, Josephine Monroe, James Moody, Eliza Mooers, Cyrus F. Henry O. JeremiahLaura F. Mooney, Mary Washington Moore, Adrian F. Arthur H. Emily M. EstherEugene P. EzekielFred J. Frederic A. Genevieve George A. Hannah J. Harriet K. Harriet E. HarryHattie I. Helen A. Ida A. James G. James H. James M. Jane Jane E. Jane W. John.Tonathan B. Jonathan H. Joseph F. Joseph E. Joseph E. Joseph W. JosephineJosephine D. JuUaF.Laura D. Leland Letitia Lucie V. Lucretia E. Lucy G. Lucy M. MaryMary Mary Mary D. Mary J. Mendon P. Myron V. NelUe J. Orren A. Orren C. Otis E. OvldD. Bachel Bachel L. Eobert Eobert F. Eobert F. Bobert W. Sally Sarah C. 312,2 462,5 c ¦462, 6 a 315, 31 463,5 443,39 367,1 70,8 312,870,11 483,6 b 251, 33 d 258,14 80,4 264, 24 a 264, 24 b 284, 34 264, 34 c 80,4 318, 10 HI, 2 c 814, 18 a 316, 31 313,3 314, 18 a 804,13 314 b 815, 19 818,18 a 344,8 a 815, 38 314, 18 d 315,30 48,8 814 b 333,6 81,7 813, 13 814,18 a 315,28 318,6 313, II 813,4312,1 316, 22 313,8 314, 18 e 313,7 816, 26 314, 18 314, 17 314, 18 f 315, 29 315,82 315, 19 a 470, 38 a 315, 21 111,2190,1 185, 1 287, 13 313, 10 814, 15 314, 18 c 148,1 315, 28 b 315, 28 a 314, 18 b 316, 25 315, 27 314, 18 b 818, 13 421,2 314, 14 312,2 314, 18 b 315, 24 313,5 377,4 314, 16 Moore, WiUiam William A. William A. WiUiam H. WiUie C. Morey, Carlos S. Frank Sadie W. Morgan, Helen A. IraJohn MorriU, Berentha Frank M. Frank M. Frank P. , Jennie N. Jonathan F. Mary A. Samuel O. Sarah Sarah W. Morrison, Abigail AUce M. Catherine E. EUzaEUzabethFrank W. Isabel C. JaneJohnT.Polly D. Morse, Abel AngeUneAnthonyBenjaminBenjaminBenjaminBenjamin Charles Ei Charles L. C. W. DavidEUzabeth L. Errol W. EstherIrvin D. Isaac JohnM. JonathanJonathanJoshuaJudithLydiaI^dia A. MaryMyron F. Ona A. Oscar F. Stephen Morton, Alice Daniel O. Daniel O. Edith L. Electa F. Helen S. Lena K. Levi P. Lewis P. Lucretia P. Martha Mary Mary Moses, Comfort HannahSusan E. Mosher, John M. Moshier, Eunice V. Harold B. Harvey G. IraC. 813,9 315,33 344, 3 815, 20 in, 2d 16,65 872, 57 d 888,3 140,1 14,26 398,60 416,1 433,10 c 473,3 a 478,3 a 284,58 473,3 473,3 b 156, 33 227,12 292,7 131 2 265, 35 162,4 423,1 167, 3 317,2 221,4 380 227, 22 b 159,1 316,4 92,15 318,1 38,1 316,3 816,3 435,5 88,3 91,8 c 403, 161 f 269, 19 316, 8 a 195,4 362,3 318, 8 b 268, n 67, 10 a 316,8 316, 7 425,3 129,3 270,18 167, 41 a 318,1 408,200 b 316, 8 c 316,8 816,5 317, 5 e 316,1 317,2 317, 5 a 817,4 317, 6 c 317, 5 b 317,6 317, 5 d 317,3 317,7 317,6 317, 5 f 202,6 25,6 47,6 287, 13 a 318 a 318,5 317,3 317, 1 Moshier, Mary G. Myron H. BayO.Sarah B. Verne B. Moss, Laura L. Mossman, Mary Eobert D. WUUam Moulton, Abbie E. AdaK. Albert A. AnnArthur C. Augusta A. FredM. George W. Gladys N. Harry JonathanJulia M. MargaretMary Mary S. OctaviaOctavia W. PauUne H. Sarah W. Victor C. Mudgett, Amy F. Calvin H. EUen F. Hannah H. John P. Laura L. Laura L. Mary M. S. Orinda M. Sara A. B. WilUamWilliam E. Muer, Jessie Murphy, Harriet Mary S. Murray, James WilhamWilUam Musgrove, Abbott C. 322, 10 317,2 317,4 818,6818,7 318 b 370, 34 318,2 818,1 818, 3. 332,2 318, 3 b 818, S 818,2 318,3 b 308,40 b 185,4 135 a 135 a 318,3 a 373, 76 a 318,1 398, 102 368,1 345,3 318,3 b 223: 461,4 135 a 373,73 318, 3 h 319, 5h 819,5 319, 5 o 319,3319,4 254,25 319,7 319,2 319,6319,8 318, 1 ; 479 319, 5 a 307, 88 d 811, 18 102, 34 448,16 440,8 440,6 b Addie V. AlbertaAnnAnnaB.Arthur S. Carrie E. Carrie G. Charles M. Charles W. Clara B. Clara E. Eugene B. Frank A. George E. George G. S Grace C. Grace F. Isadore M. JamesJames ¦John C. JohnH.Mary C. Mary D. Mary D. Nellie M. Nelson P. Newell C. Elchard W, Sara M. C. Sophie D. 322, 12 a 322, 12 g 820,3 322 e 322, 12 e 321, 9 a 821b 322,12 320, 6 a 320,6 b 322, 12 e 322 f 321,9 b 322, 12 d 822,11 322, 12 f 320,6 a 321, 9 a 320,1 320,2 321 d 320,7 320,6 a 820,5 321, 9 d 821 » 822, 12 b 321c 321,9 321,8 321 e INDEX 511 Mu-sgrove, Susan 320,4 Nelson, Levi 324, 8 WilUam A. 822, 12 b Levi 325,13 WilUam I. 320,6 Levi J. 327, 31 Muzzey, Albert C. 328,9 LiUa A. 327, 34 Ann A. 322,2 Lindsay A. Luella L. Sa6, 22 a Arthur P. 823, 8 b 284,8 a Bertha H. 823 b Luella L. 284,3 b Carl 823, 7 d Lucy N. Luther W. 284,3 d Frank P. 460,3 334,6 b Frankie W. 8-23 a LydiaMajor J. 825, 14 FredC. 328,7 a 326,26 Gertrude E. 364, 28 a Marcia L. 326 g Hannah H. 322,4 Martha S. 327,29 Harry W. 323,8 a Martin M. 16,59 Herbert T. 323,9 a Mary E. 325, 19 d John B. 3-22,3 Miles G. 326 h Marion B. 323, 7 e Minnie G. 326 f Merle E. 323,8 a NelUe B. 335, 17 e Miriam L. 323,8 a Norman G. 326,23 Orrin J. 323,7 Oral S. 827, 31 e Orvis T. 364,28 Orea P. 327,81b Ralph K. 323, 7 b Oren 326, 21 RoyC. 328,7 c PhiUpRalph W. 824,3 Samuel 322,1 337, 31 a Sarah 322, 5 Relief 838,30 Walter S. 828,8 Samantha 260 William J. 322, 6; 478 Sarah E. 327,28 Victor G. 384, 28 b Stephen 324,5 Stephen 325,11 Nash, May E. 386,3 Stephen 327,35 Nason, Laura E. Neal, Joseph N. 238,2 Thomas 323,1 357,2 a WilUam H. 284, 3 e Nealy, Martha A. Milo A. 323,4 WilUam S. 318, 13 a 823,3 WiUiam S. 327 a Walter A. 328,2 Winfield S. 326, 17 b WiUiam A. 328,1 Winnie A. 326, 21 c Nelson, Aaron 824,6 Newcomb, Joanna 262,6 Affa 324,7 Thomas C. 420,3 b AlH. 325, 19 0 Newell, Mary J, Newhall, EUen L. 19 Albert D. 826,24 168, 27 d Albert S. 827 c George S. 166, 27 0 Alvin S. 326, 21 b MaryE. 166,27 a Ann R. 325,16 a Richard 166,27 Arthur .V. 326, 21 a Richard W. 166,27 b Augusta I. 326, 21 d Nickerson, Jennie L. 461, 8 Betsey 324, 6 c Nicholas, Susan A. 22,12 Carrie H. 325, 19 e Nichols, Charles F .B.D. Charles 324,6 a 827,1 Charles P. 299,8 a Florence 210, 5 a Clara B. 325, 16 c Joseph P. Nicholson, Enoch 328,2 Clara P. 825, 17 c 164,20 Clora E. 325, 17 d Jonas 96,7 Cynthia 327,32 Nickerson, M. C. 187,3 Cyrus 325,10 Niles, Florence 135 a Cyrus W. 325,19 Grace 185 b Dan P. 326,23 Mary B. 185 c Dorcas 325,12 WilUam H. 134,4 Electa M. 325,16 b Nilms, Thomas H. 134,2 a EUza 324, 8 d Nims, George 468b EUzabeth 182,30 0. G. 468d EUzabeth A. 284, 3 e Nise, Charles E. 170, 70 b BUenE. 825,18 b Etta 170, 70 d Bllen L. 224, 10 Florence J. 170, 70 c Emma 325,18 a John M. 170, 70 Finette B. 327,30 Sarah B. 170,70 a Flora L. 827 b Noble, Bllen B. 66,20 Hannah 324,9 Sarah 265, 1 Hannah 326,15 Norris, AbigaU H. Charlotte A. 189, 14 Harriet M. 327,27 828,2 c Harrison P. 284,8 George G. 828, 2 Hattie 327,33 George W. 828, 1 Henry D. 325, 18 Harry W. T. 328, 1 Hiram 325, 16 Howard C. 328,2 b Ida A. 325 19, b Irving F. 328,2 a Ina A. 326,19 a John 393, 53 c Jesse E. 327 d Minetta M. 334,8 John S. 325,17 Nancy 231, 13 Joseph 324,8 Sarah B. 370, 31 Joseph LeoG. 324,4 Vira 461,6 326, 22 b Norton, Carrie F. 196,7 c Norton, Claude R. 198, 7 a David A. 196, 7 d Elsa 198, 7 a Euphema I. 344 d John B. 196, 7 John J. 196, 7 b Ola 56, 30 b Phebe J. 33, 4 Ray 196, 7 a Nowell, Charles A. 180, 5 b Helen M. 374, 101 Henry P. 130, 5 a James C. 130, 5 Mary J. 31, 8 Noyes, Carl E. 444, 4 Charles F. 330, 4 Ervilla B. 444, 4 a Floras. 428,32 c Fred E. 328, 1 Harold A. 328, 8 Helen A. 328, 2 Lulu 186, 3 a Martin B. 275, 88 a Mary 34, 9 Nudd, Andrew T. 329, 1 Nutter, Eebecca J. 386 Nutting, CaroUne L. 182, 60 Nye, Helen B. 15, 54 Oakley, Charles T. 329, 4 Clara J. 329, 3 Minnie L. 329, 2 Stephen A. 829, 1 WiUiam T. 829, 1 O'Brien, Helen M. 256, 3 a Minnie 145, 32 Thomas B. 266, 3 Obrion, BUzabeth 343, 5 b Oburg, Mary A. 126, 4 OdeU, Jane 49, 9 O'Leary, Arthur 329, 1 Arthur 329, 2 Arthur L. 329,4 Bert E. 329, 8 Elbon S. 829, 5 JuUa 350, 5 O'Neil, Charles H. 300, 10 Charles H. 800, 10 b Frederick 800, 10 f George B. 800, 10 a Henry M. 800, 10 0 John 205, 5 Bobert L. 300, 10 d Stanley S. 300, 10 e Orange, Henry 283, 3 Ordway, Adeline 216, 1 George E. 330, 3 GUes W. 329, 1 Isaac H. 330, 2 Jennie 330, 4 PoUy 226, 4 BeUef 57, 7 Orton, Bert 287, 58 e Osborn, Charles 33, 13 Osgood, Betsey J. 831, 3 ; 477 Charles H. 264, 18 b Clara S. 831, 4 Deborah P. 331, 5 Edward F. 331, 3 a Edward M. 331, 3 Frank 331, 3 c Harry 331 b Joseph L. 881, 6 Lydia 831, 3 b MTahala E. 331, 2 Paul 331 a Beuben 331, 1 Thomas B. 330, 1 Timothy 330, 2 512 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Owen, Etta LeviB. Sarah 306,28 b 306,28 306,28 a Pack, E. Paul Eugene L. Norman S. Paddleford, John B, John C. Robert D. Page, Abigail AdaAndrew J. EdmondEUzaEmma W. Fannie Isaac James H. JohnG. JohnW. Joshua B. Kenneth A. Lavina J. LevlL. LiUian A. Lizzie A. Mamie E. Martin V.B. Mary A. MitcheU H. Nancy Nathaniel S. OnesiphorusOnesiphorus J. RuthB. Samuel Paget, Leavie B. Paige, Albert Cora E. CyrusB^am L. MaryB. Susan M. Paine, Etta Pahner, Charles A. Charles E. Hannah B. SaUy M. Pardy, Annie M. Parker, EUza EUza W. BUzabeth Grace Joseph S. NeUie W. Buth SarahSarah F. Parkson, George F. Parnell, Clara L. Parshley, EUen M. Parsons, Lucretia Merritt Partz, Constanza L, Patch, Betsey W. Pattee, Charles H. Charles W. Ellen A. FredL. George K. Hattie M. Henry H. IdaF.James M. Laura J. Lewis F. MaryMaryE. Mary L. 384,8 a 384,3 384,3b 331,1331,3 331,2 324,5 443,6 234,54 332,4 a 442,8 332,1332,9 332, 6 832,4 91, 5 e 882,4 b 382,10 382,3 832,7 a 832,4382,8882,2831,3382,1 372, 64 882,7881,1831,2832,8332,3 838,3 383,3 a 338,3b 333,1338,3833,4 388,3 154,15 831,594,15 185,1 94,15 a 13,19 806,34 39,35 131, 14 316,4 194,7 c 322, 12 b 107,3 76,5 473,6 6,8 445,2 417,4 318,1 815, 23 -. 196, 7 a 139, 14 333,3 383,8a 380,8 383,2834,8 475,1383,1 334,2 334,1 178,6 883,1 43,3 320.6 a 333,4 Pattee, Octavia F. 380, 1 SaraL. 333,2 a Susan C. 194, 7 Patten, Amanda 226, 18 c Anna L. 834, 5 Benjamin 226, 18 Chester F. 351, 8 EUzabeth 437, 3 Emily 226, 18 a Frank C. 214, 11 Frank C. 334,1 Frank L. 477 FredB. 334,3 FredH. 334, 4; 477 Fred S. 477 ¦ George 298, 4 Georgianna 212, 3 James 334, 1 Jonas F. 226, 18 d Lura 350, 3 Mabel 84, 20 Mabel ' 334,2 Manson B. 336, 18 e Polly 226, 18 f Eobert 61, 6 Samuel A. 335, 9 Seth G. 226, 18 b Patterson, Joab 244, 12 E. J. 219 a Theodore N. 129, 6 Payne, Hannah 100,7 Linnie M. 474, 1 Peacock, Sarah 120, 2 Pearson, Arvilla A. 835, 10 Bert H. 335, 15 Charles A. 335, 18 Charles H. 335 Cyrus J. 385, 6 Edith B. 335, 17 Eliza J. 336, 9 Esther B. 335, 8 George W. 335, 14 Harriet M. 385, 12 Horace B. 385, 7 John 885, 3 Joseph S. 385, 8 Mary J. 835, 2 NeUie 334, 1 Sally ¦ 377,7 Sherburn 335, 4 WiU L. 335, 16 WiUard A. 335,11 WiUard J. 335, 1 Pease, Abigail 274, 28 Peaslee, Aaron 3.S6, 11 Anna 230, 5 Anne 336, 2 Cynthia A. 336,12 EUzabeth 336, 8 Georgia A. 104, 58 Hannah 336, 5 James 836, 9 John P. 336, 8 Peter 836, 1 Peter 336, 4 PoUy 116, 2 Bachel 338, 8 Samuel . 336, 7 Sarah J. 336, 10 Peasley, Susanna 432, 3 WiUiam 179, 20 a Peavey, C. H. 218, 22 b Peck, OrvlUe H. 171, 30 Peckham, Earl W. 85, 17 a Edmund F. 85, 17 Peebles,Annie M. 69, 28 Pelton, Edward E. 188, 3 a Penniman, Nancy A. 45 W. H. 218, 22 a Pepper, Henry 368, 23 c Perham, Betsey S. 392, 40 a Perice, WiU 469, 29 o Perigord, de Talleyand 317, 6 c Perkins, Abigail Benjamin F. Betsey Charlotte A. Clara B. Olara E. DanielDaniel DavidDavidDavid B. David N. Donald F. Dorris B. Edward M. Frank H. FredFred L. Horace I. Newton Louisa A. MehitableNorma B. Norman F. PaulPaulEufus H. Euth ButhEuthSarah J. Sarah L. Susan J. WiUiam H. William H. Perry, Bmma F. Junia G. Lucy B. Martha A. Mary A. ParkerParker W. Susan M. Wayhtnd 161,2 338,1 69, 2d 210,5 337,2 387,4 69,3 a 337,1 69,2 c 338,4 838,3 338,5a338,5 b 388, 5o 883, 2 337,5 383,3 a 388,6 84,6 262} 203, 11 69,2 b 338, 5 d 388,5 26,9 338,2 278, 62 b ¦ 26,9 424,1474,1 139,20 114,2 337,2337,1 387,3 851,1 lie 442,1 Ha . 30,110,2 lie 386,1 lie Peters, Arthur W. 233,36 b Everett F, JohnF. Maygie 283, 86 a 283,36 251, 22 b PettingUl, Abbie H. 1^,14 Bmma I. HumphreyLaura A. MosesSusan Pevear, Benjamin Pfundt, Mary Phelps, Delia M. Jennie Mary F. Sarcth Philbrick, Albert A. 26 a Alonzo S. Arthur B. Carl F. Edwin A, John F. Ealph C. Philbrook, Arthur P. Fred A. EoyS. Walter A. PhlUips, Abigail Alva Anna Betsey 407,194 226,18 a 245,1 453,6236,5 440,13 33,15 . 473, 19 248,10 317,1 lU, 1 218, 218, 25 172 b 173 a 218, 25 b 171, 95 172 o !, 3 338,1 338,4 338,2 440,3 392, 42 890,5 389,3 INDEX 513 PhilUps, Dexter F. Ebenezer M. EUaEmma Mary A. Phinney, EUza A. Phippen, SaUy Phipps, Albert C. Charles H. WiUie M. Pichard, Louise C. Margery E. Peter E. 338,1 339,2 283,46 33,12 339,458,23 47,1 389,2 339,1 389,3 197 a 197 a 197, 11 a Pickering, Fannie E. 311, 17 Mary 402, 148 Pierce, Annie M. 16, 42 Elizabeth A. 470, 16 George H. 295, 8 Marinda J. 92, 12 Bachel 130 WilUam 130 Pike, Abbie 0. 889, 2 Alice E. 142, 1 Alonzo C. 389, 4 Anna G. 840, 3 Edwin T. 339, 1 Elmer V. 183,68 Ernest E. 81, 14 Harry O. 839, 8 Helen E. 81, 14 b James 389, 1 James T. 340, 2 Mehitable 413, 4 Mildred B. 81,14 a EoseUa E. 152, 1 PUlsbury, Burton H. 340,2 Fannie B. 340, 8 Hervey Q. 340, 1 Maude A. 340, 4 SaUy 472 W. F. * . "307,38c Pilsbury, John A. 185, 5 a Thomas A. 135, 5 Pineo, Margaret M. 83, 14 Pingree, Lydia 324, 4 Pinkham, Laura D. 848, 16 Mary 414, 1 Piper, Jane S, . 44, 9 Irene 460, 61 a Oscar J. 326, 19 a ' Pitcher, OUver P. 129, 11 Pitman, Anna M. 190, 8 b James H. 190, 8 Jim F. 190, 8 a Viola A. 172,09 Place, George E. 269, 22- Mary A. 94', 14 Plaisted, Nancy 403, 153 ' Plankey, Charles M. 34fr, 3 Chris 340, 1 , Bhner G. 340, 5 ' Ivy E. 340, 2 Leo C. 840, 4, Platts, BUzabeth 188, 3 Plumer, Anna L. 333, 2 CaroUne -E. 34,9 Mary J. 25, 14 Rachel E. 268, 12 h PoUy P. 410, 201 Plummer, Lilla J. 455, 1 Mary A. 328, 2 Mary A. 232, 24 Newton B. 225, 10 Sarah A. 167, 41 b Pollard, Arthur G. 840, 1 Elsa M. 340, 3 Hannah S. 401, 141 Lee A. 340, 4 Sidney S. 340, 2 Pomroy, Ralph 55, 11 b Pomroy, S. Jennie Poole, Delia Sarah B. Poor, Climena BoardmanEbenezerHannah OctaveOren Orren B. Polly Rebecca Sarah A. Sherburn Pope, Albert Alice M. Bernice A. Bert D. Charles W.W. Edith M. Florence A. John Ralph P. Porter, Annie M. Burtis A. ¦ Charles L. Frances O. Florence C. GeorgeGeorge S. Maria N. Susan G. OpheUa Potter, Cornelia B. Gertrude V. Salome B. PoweU, Abigail Anne Benaiah BenjaminBetseyBetsey Comfort Comfort Comfort DanielDavid"DavidDavid JaredJonathan G. JosephLavinaLevis.LydiaLydia A. Lydia H. Mary OUve J. OrphaOsmondBufusBufus Sally Sally C. SarahSmithSusanTheodateTheodate WiUiamWilUam Powers, Daniel Deborah B. Eben Esther F. Jonathan.TonathanMary A. , Mary S. 11,9 219,85 282, 15 371,48 371, 48 371,48 371, 48- 371,48 372, 57 871, 48 371,48 122,35371,48 871, 48 341,1 341,3 c 341, 2 a 341,2341,3' 341, 2 b 341, 8 b 341, P 841,3 a 98, 12 a 469, 31 d 96, 12' 469, 31 a 96, 12 b 469,81 489, 81 c 98, 12 c 1 469,31b 368,24 320,8 118,1 ' 98,6 341,2 342,3342,7342,2842,3343,4 341,3 c 343 h 342,6342,4 180,33 341,1343,8. . 342, 3 ' 343, 8 a ; 843,1 ,343f 342,8 c 378,1' 341,8 b 103,, 31 842,6 342, 8 b ¦ 342,9 341,3 a 341, 8 d-' 842 g 842,5 478 449,24 341. 3- 841, 3e 108, 31 342, 10, 342,1342, 5 . 844,8 348,4 8J4, 6 237,3 342, 1 344,7343,3 275, 89 a Povirers,.Susan D. "WllUani T. Pratt, Laura A. WilUam B. Pray, Anson B. BerthaEbenezer K. Elwyn L. Frances M. Frank 'John Lela M. Martin B. Boy Willis B. Prescott, Aaron C. AbbieAbbie L. AbigailAbigail B. Abby E. Almira ¦ AmandaAmanda A. AnnaAnnaD.AnnM.ArahArthur W. Bertha M. Bradbury M. Carl H. Carrie F. Chairles H. Charles H: G. W. David P. Donna E. Dora M. DorothyElizabethEUzabethEllen E. EmeUne Estelle Ethel EstherEttie L. Francena M. Frances A. Frank H. Frank J. Frank P. FredFi^ederick W. GeorgeGeorge C. George P. Gracie B. Harriet N. Harry F. Harry W. Hattie L. Helen F. HfenryHetta M. HiramHorace JM. Huldah. Ida ') IdaM.James JamesJamesJames H. Jeremiah JeremiahJeremiah H. Jeremiah H. Jesse 343,5 343, 2 38,2 109, 4 b 344, 2 844,2 344, 1 344, 6 ' 344,2 a 84, 19 283,5 344,3344, 1 84,19 a 344, 4 846,18440-, 11 848 a 472,2 345,7 349,26 345; 14 380,1 346,20348,17 349,29 349:25 433,10 b 846, is a ' 848 . 20 b, 348, ^Ob 347, 10 d 348, 16 349;' 1 326 g 347, 13 349,28 a 348, 19 a 345,13 179, 30 ¦345,8 349, 27 8d4;60 348, ISa 348, 15 a 440,11 346,19 b 347,11 349, 30 a 348, 15 a 846, 19 c 847, 10 a 348, 15 d 348,19 848, 16 e 349,28848,20 346, 19 d 346, J7 "349,30 I 849,30b' Is, 21 .349. 24 •'440, 11 ' 347, 10 b 44b, 11 848,18 426 348,15 b 348 b 344,1346,1 846,2 347,10 347,4 347, 6 847,7 348,15 346,8 SH HISTORY OF BRISTOL Prescott, Jesse John .TohnJonathan L. JosephJosephJoseph H. JoshuaJoshuaJosiah D. Josiah B. Josiah W. Katherine W. Lawrence H. LilUan B. Louisa LouisaLucian W. LydiaMaryMaryMary P. Nettie Orpha J. PerrinRobyRuthButh A. SamuelSarah M. Susan M. WlUie A. WiUie W. Pressey, Polly Preston, Abigail i Almira A. Carrie Ellen Florence J. Frank M. George F. George N. James W. Mary O. Nelson S. Wesley M. WilUam Price, Alfred A. cleora EUzabeth A. Emma B. Bthel K. Florence M. GeorgeGeorge E. Laura M. Margaret J. Robert S. WiUiam H. Prime, Arthur M Edward George E. Prince, Anna M. EUza I. EUen F. EstherFrank L. Prank W. Helen L. Horace J. John M. Lydia J. Mariette W. Marion SulUvanWalter F. WilUam WilUam B. WiUiam H. Proctor, Charles 345,9 Proctor, Charles 0. 33, 33 b Eandolph, Anna E. Annie M. ^.'l 440, 11 Charles M. 32,33 354,2 347,6 BUzabeth M. 22, 22 a Henry A. §5?' J 347,8 FredL. 361,2 John 354,6 345,4 Harry W. 351,3 Eandolph, John E. 354,4 845, 13 Lucy J. Thorndike 222,1 Lizzie M. 354,5 176, 6 a 448,14 Martha M. 354,3 345,2 Walter B. 22, 22 c WilUam F. 354,1 345,8 Pulsifer, Charles L. 411,10 William J. 364, 7 847,9 J. Warren 309a Bash, LiUa 207, 1 349,28 Putnam, G. F. 294, 2 a Bay, Agnes B. 16,68 a 345,6 Israel 355,3 Anstrice C. 156, 16 348 c Theodore G. 343,4 b Edith A. 59, 52 a 346,18a Theodore F. 343,4 b Edward 59,53 348, 20 a WiUiam 355,3 Eudora M. o^h ^ 345, 16 WiUiam P. 343, 4 b EvaE. 355,2 c 826, 11 Putney, Arthur F. 853,2 Everett 355,2 b 846, 19 Charles H. 351,1 Florence G. 855,2 a Denelda 78,1 Florence P. 356, 2d 245, 10 Harry E. 363,3 John Jfi 1 440,11 Josephine M. - 351,3 John G. il^^ 348,14 Rufus W. 351,1 Malvern 365,2 c 348, 15 c WilUam E. 351,3 Mary A. 386,1 846, 21 Mary E. 59, 52 c 406, 180 Quimby, Aaron 449,21 Mary E. 855,4 440, 11 Asceneath 352, 5 a Orrin B. 855,2 348, 16 a Charles R. 353, 5 d Eichard A. 59, 62 b 345, 16 Daniel 853,8 Bobert A. 16,68 346,8 Ephraim 353,1 Walter 855,2 a 348, 13 Ephraim 358,6 Walter 355,2 c 348,22 FredH. 353,5 b Bedding, Ellen M. 295 c 346, 19 a Frederick W. 353,5 John 295 b 347, 10 c George E. 853,6 Mary E. 294, 2 a 488,4 Hannah A. 853,7 SylvesterWiUiam 294,2 S. 224, 6 Henry 353,6 295 d 360,3 Henry W. 874, 81 Reed, Ada B. 71 173, 5 a Jacob 853,1 Edith 181, 53 0 292,2 Jacob 852,4 Ervin H. 366,1 350,2 Jemima 179,7 Bthel D. 355,3 360,6 Joanna 358,8 Ezekiel S. 209,1 14,35 John 352,4 Harriet L. 473,9 360,4 John A. 167,44 Jane 56,18 173,5 Leslie C. 352, 5 d Mary M. 269.23 355,2 315,28 Martha J. 352,2 Maud B. 350,1 Maurice B. 852, 6 c Minnie B. 58,41 850,5 Parker C. 352,6 Ealph B. 855,4 350,7 PoUy 358,7 362, 5 d Sarah A. 267,16 351,4 Ray R. Reeves, Charlotte M. 407, 350,3 a Reuben 352,3 192 a 350,2 Reuben 353,9 Reid, Dora M. 855,4 361,7 Rhoda 283,2 EvaM. 355,3 361,11 Ruth 191, 11 EvaM. 444,6b 351,9 Sarah 352,3 Janey A. 18,1 360,1 Quinn, Edward 253, 12 a 3^,2 Jennie M. 39,36 361,6 Quint, Beulah F. Maud D. 444,5 c 851,8 Beulah F. 359,7 Norman N. 355,5 351,5 Edgar M. Erdine M. 353,2 Norman N. 444, 6 d 356,3 351,10 353,3 Pearl I. 850,3 Franka 358,9 Pearl I. 444,5 a . 400,140b George M. 35.3,3 Samuel 355,1 400,140 Glacie M. 353,7 Sa,muel M. 444,5 400,140 a Hosea B. 363,1 Remick, Alice M. 356,3 891, 31 c IdaV. 363,4 Edwin S. 858,3 391, 31 e Linnell J. 353,5 Eleanor C. 356,4 391, 31 f Lorin B. 853,6 Eleanor P. 474,2 199,8 , Nicholas I. 177, 19 Lewis F. 366,3 158,10 O'Rilla G. 363,8 MayE.Willard S. H. 88,1 458b Sabastian S. 363,1 356,1 458 a Silas A. 353,4 Remington, BUzabeth 304, 474, 2 a Hb 158,12 BackUffe, Lizzie 483, 11 a Requa, James 364,29 391, 81b Bamsden, Daisy Eamsey , CeUnda B Band, Ephraim 55,13 a Reynolds, EUzabeth 295, 1 391, 31 g . 171,30 Emma J. 365,16 458c 310,5 Matilda 91, 5h 391, 31 a Lucy 191, 11 William 91,5 c 457, 12 NeUie I. 176, 6 b Rhoades, Dorothy 197,9 a 391,31 EandaU, Sallie M. 326, 16 Laura C. 101, 27 391, 31 h BandeU, George B. 298,6 Sarah B. 246, 2 g 391, 31 d Bandlett, Asa 205,9 Silas 13,^ H, 361, 1 Caroline P. 174,1 Rhodes, Silas 409, 221 INDEX 515 Rice, Abbie F. 858,2 Robertson, Sara J. 1S.5. 1 Albertine L. 856,6 Robie, Adeline M. 110, 1 Alice 850,3 Albert G. 368 2 Andrew^ 857,4 Annie 247' 1 Annie B. 356, 10 Arthur 369 7 CecU G. 357,4 DeUa 136' 6 Charles E. 357, 2d Ernest S. 477 Charles P. 356, 11 Ervin W. 858, 2 c Charlie 357,6 Ethel M. 858, 5 b David H. 856,1 Frank 859, 1 Edgar A. 856,5 Frank A. 358,2 a Edgar H. 358,11a George A. 858, 1 Edith M. 357, 2 c Gladys 353, 5 a Edward H. 357,2 Harold B. 36S, 2d EvaM. 856,9 Harriet A. 358,3 Frank 368,8 Harry A. Isabel M. 359,3 358,4 a Grace 368,9 Harry D. 857,2 b Lawrence W. 368,4 b Herbert D. 42,5 Louis S. 358,5 Israel T. 356,1 MabeUe 358, 6 John B. 357,8 Marian F. 859,7 a Laura B. 357,2 a Raymond L. 359, 2 Leona M. 368,11 Warren G. 358, 2 b Lock W. 366,4 William G. 358, 4 : 477 Mabel N. 367,3 Robinson, Abigail D. ' SiS. 9 Martha I. 356,8 Addle 181, 51 c NelUe 358,7 Anna 132, 38 NelUe F. 356,8 Antha E. 301, 8 b Oscar W. 366,7 Arthur J. 360, 2 Pearl 357,5 Benjamin F. 181, 51 Pearl L. 357, 3 e Betsey If 6, 3 Robert 358,10 Charles G. 359, 1 Sarah 357,3 DolUe I. 180,38 a WUUam 367,1 Eleanor R. 31, 12 WiUiam 368 b Elizabeth 359,2 WilUam A. 357,1 Frank W. 359, 3 WilUam A. 357,3 Fred C. 859,8 Rich, Henry H. 156, 45 George E. 860, 6 Richards, EUza E. 369,38 George H. 218,2 Richardson, Almira 84, 3 George H. IdaM. 359,1 Caroline 133,6 181, 53 a Eaton J. 398, 103 a John G. 359,4 Everett S. 398, 103 a Joseph D. 301,6 Flora I. 416,1 LeviC. 359,5 Flora L. 407,193 Luther 859,1 Leo J. 404, 167 a Mabel P. 360,4 Richmyre, Augustus 844 Maria 434,22 Richter, PoUy ,33,11 Maud A. 360,7 Ridden, Alexander L. 188, Millard F. 181, 51 a 3b Milo 181, 51 d Riel, Celia 419,1 Myra K. 859,3 Eifbrd, Winnie A. Eigg, Isaac 445,5 a NelUe G. 860,5 344,20 RoxyRuth L. 181,51b Eisher, Laura 893, 53 e 360,8 Bobbins, AUce L. 388,1 Sarah H. 360,3 Lizzie L. 358,2 Sarah P. 290, 25 Shirley E. 358,3 Walter S. 56 c WilUam G. 368,1 Washington F. 288, 20 b Eoberts, Alia B. Arabella L. 373, 73 d Roby, Austm H. 361, 19 303, 11 a Bertie 361, 16 a Charles H. 184,3 Charles 360,9 Frank 64, 5 e Clara A. 360, 7 b Georgia N. 358,3 Donald G. 361, 19 a Henry 390,34 Eldred 360,7 IraL. 278, 56 d EUza A. 364,1 Ivaloo 373, 73 d Frank L. ¦361, 18 James L. 373, 73 d FredF. 361, 17 James S. 373, 78 d Gustavus 360, 10 Joshua 378,66 c Homer 361,16 Lyman E. , Mary J. ' 278,56 Ichabod 360,1 378, 66 a .Tohn 860,5 Minnie B. 378, 66 f JohnB. 362,20 Nathan D. 251, 23 d LesUe M. 882,20 a NelUe 278, 56 b Levi 360,6 NeUle E. 278, 56 e Devi B. 361, 16 b Octavia 164, 14 Lizzie K. 361, 14 Parker P. 372, 66 Lowell 360,2 Plina 27,7 LoweU R. 360,8 Sarah 253,3 Nicholas D. 361,12 Susan T. 92,15 Olive 360,4 Roby, OUve Oscar S. Ralph H. SarahSarah A. Sarah M. SolonWilbur H. Rock, Charles F. Frank D. Lewis B. Lewis E. Rogers, Emily J, Hattie W. Inez Mary A. Oscar F. Tristram Rolfe, Jenny RolUns, Bert W. Charles A. Charles A. Clara A. Daniel W. Edith A. Edith M. Eldora A. EUzaEUen C. Fi-ankUn L. FredFredH. George G. George L. George P. HannahHarold B. Harriet HarrietHarriet A. Harry L. Henry C. Henry M. Joseph JosephJoseph F. JoshuaJoshuaLeston L. Lilian G. LuluM. Lydia Lyman LymanLyman J. T. Martha E. Martha L. Mary MaryMary B. Mary S. Nora M. Ora A. 3( PearlRalph H. ReubenReuben ReubenRichard B. Ruby RubyRuby M. Sainuel D. Samuel H. Samuel S. Sarah J. Sarah J. fiUlam H. H. iUiam H. H. WilUam M. 860, 11 362,1 361, 16 c 360,3 360,7 a 881,13 361,15 861, 16 b 369, 32 b 369, 32 c 869, 32 369,82 a 29,29 197,8 b 862, 5 d 213,1 197, 8 a 197,8 312,2 364, 26 b 388, 17 c 364, 28 a 49, 16 a 384,25 865, 31 864, 24 a 863, 22 363, 7 368, 18 864,26 319, 8 a 363, 17 a 364,27 363, 17 b 364,26 c 451, 50 364 b 362,6 863, 13 368, 19 366, 29 b 365,82303, 17 254, 15 362,3 363,11 382,2 388, 16 364, 24 865,83 368, 17 d 862,2 368, 14 885,29 a 865, 29 104, 44 865,30 25,6 362,5 864,28 868, 10 365, 34 3, 21 ; 479 365,88366,40 862,1 862,4 365, 37 368,12 365, 35 365, 89 385 863,23 863,8 363,15 863,9 427, 27 49,16 363, 20 5i6 HISTORY OF BRISTOL RoUins, WiUiam S. WiUie W. RoIphJL.ouiseRoot, H. Ross, Margaret Samantha J. ¦ Sarah RosweU, Emily Rounds, Charles E, Charles L. ' ilary E. Walter Rowe, Annie L. ¦ Charles D. ¦BUie E. ¦BUzabeth ¦Hannah John F. LouisLouisE. Martha E. 'Mary E. 'MOses Nathaniel ¦'NeUle,E. Sarah" Rowell, Daniel P. ¦MaryF. Mary S. Scott C. Rowen, Blslfe M. Stella Boy, Stilhnan Royal, H. B. '^Kent T. Royce, Gracie A. George H. 'LiUian M. Bumney, AUce L, Rundlett, Jacob Eunnels, Ella A. EkisseU, Addie G. '¦'Annie ' Augustus G, KateE. Nancy Walter H. Rust, Sarah Ruttenbur, Bllen JlveHne Mary S. P. •'Wilham Worthing M. Evan, George W. MaryThomas 865, 36 - 864 a 108,7 469, 39 b 168,5 229, 1 ¦ 419,1 93,24 865,1 404, 170 404, 170 a 404, 170 b 368,5366,6366,3 178,8 129, 10 286,6365,1366,4 306,26 a 177, '16 179, 24 177; 10 • 366,, 3 ¦> ,437, 38 ' 362', 2 391,7 328,38 103,, 3 258,16'b 4,40 440,16 161,8 161, 8 a 416,1 308,39 a 308,39 a 156,44 449,37365,33 136,10 96,2 394,60 a 171,94 178,3468b 468c 468d 467,33 487, 22 a 378,66 a 339,1 378,56 Saddler, Walter E. 204, 20 d Safford, Myron W. 317, 3 Sage, Jeannette E. 264, 35 Saltmarsh, WiUiam 15, 44 ;Samler, Susie M, 326, 25 Sampson, Susan 40i, 143 Sanborn, Abbie L. 369, 38 b Abby AbigaUAbigailAbigailAbrahamAbraham B. Abram J. Ada B. AddleAddie E. AdelineAlden F. Alice J. AlhiB.Alvah Alvah 0,7 846,3 371,53 431,1 368,3 431,4 373,75 378, 21 c 173, 100 a 448,1 873,66 , 373, 64 c ¦ ¦ 371, 44 ¦ 373, 73.d ', 3?3, 63 372, 64 Sanborn,' Alvah H. T r- 477 Sanborn, Francellus B. 373, Alvira 374, 86 56 c ; Anh ¦' 354;1 Frank 374, 93 Anna 378,4 Frank , -. 374„97 Anna D. 378,' 30 FrSik 376, 116 d AnnaE. 236, 71 Fra;iik B. 376, 120 AnnaL. 370, 35 c Frank L. 370,^36 Anna M. 371,46 Frank M. 477 Arabella 372, 57 a Frank S. ' 374,100 Ariel 371, 52 Fred ' 378, 21 a Asa 371,63 Frederick A. 370,37 Benjamin P. 379,1 George F. , 380,' 3 Benjamin F. 132,8 George L. 869,33 b 378,1 George S. . ' 379,5 Bert S. 374, 84 a George T. 376,116,b ,369, 33 Betsey A. 378, 70 George W. Betsey J. 380,4 George W. 379,.4 Bonnie A. 370 d George W. 380,1 Calvin D. 380,1 George W. L. 373, 77 CaroUne M. 873, 76 Gilman 377,16 GarroU 378, 21 Gusta-vus B. 875, 113 Catherine 367,17 Gusta^vus B. 379,9 Catherine 367, 20 ' Hannah 199,4 Catherine 378, 20 Hannah 375,108 (Channing 376, 121 a Ha,nnah D. 368,23 Charles 373, 56 a Hannah J. 370,39 Oharles 378, 34 Hannah W. 369, 83 Charles B. 379,3 Harriet 133,4 (Charles H. 369, 29 Harriet 374,89 'Charles H. 370,38 Harriet 379,3 .Charles L. 101, 88 b Harriet B. 453 a Qharles W. ', Chastina M. 374,99 Harrison 210,3 374, 80, 85 Harrison 372,58 b Clarence 369,28 a Harrison 374,91 Clarissa 374, 87 Ha,rry J. 376, 120 a 'CUfton .374, 94 d Harry R. 367,83 a Cynthia 377,11 Henrietta 378,28 .Cyrus 377,16 Henrietta N. 376 a Daniel .. 367,4 Henry A. 378,26 Daniel Daniel ¦ 367, 11 Herman E. 374, 94 b . 367,18 Herman H. 379,5 a Daniel 374,94 Hors^ce 374,80 Daniel H. 380,1 Horace 379,8 Daniel K. 376, 119 Horace 433,14 b David .887,19 372, 67^a IraC. 379,6 Da-vid Isaiah 373, 72 David 375, 104 Isaiah 873, 79 David 376, 115 Jacob B. 432,8 Deborah . 98,3 James 378, 22 DoUy 371,48 .James S. 370 e Dorothy , ., 254,,5 James S. 370,85 Dwight A. 370,85b 375, 103 James T. 373, 73 Eben Jane M. 369,30 Edith E. 370,36 a Jeremiah P. 452,3 Edna 378, 116 c Jes^e B. 370,34 c Edwin C. 370,34 a 367,8 Jew,ett P. 376, 118 a Elijah Jqanna 1,116.2 Elijah 374, 86 John , 366,1 EUjah 374,87 John ,- 372, 67 a Elijah 375,102 John " ¦427, 27 a BUza A. 376, 114 J6hn B. 352, 5.a 360,7 JohnG. 374,84 Eliza A. 378, 19 JohnG. 378,26 ¦BUzabeth 373,60 JohnH. ¦871, 47 873,.73,a Elizabeth 375, 107 JohnH. Elizabeth 377,8 John H. 373,73 b EUzabeth 407,15 JohnL. ¦372; 67, EUzabeth A. 373, 57 a John p. 372,64 a EUzabeth T. 370, 86 b JohnR. ' 477 EUzabeth T. 375,106 JohnW. 372,68 EUen D. 370,35 a John'V?'. . 453 c Elmer E. 378, 36 a Jonathan B. 372, .58 Elmer T. 370, 122 Jonathan C. 368,24 Elvira A. EmeUne C. 31,10 r 380, 6 JosephJoseph- 160,1 866,2 Emery A. 59,54 Joseph 377,1 Eugene D. 372, 64 d Joseph 377,7 JlvaC 374, 94 a 385,3 Joshua N. 371,42 EvaR. Josiah, Mrs.' 186,1 Fanny 387,5 Judith 377,6 INDEX 517 Sanborn, JuUa 378, 37 JuUa M. 266,1 Julia, M. 376, 117 JuUa M. 380,4 JuUa M. M. 376, 113 JuUa 0. 380,3 a Kate B. 378, 78 c Katherine 879, 5 b Laura 874,88 Laura B. 371, 43 Laura J. 374, 93 Laura W. 368,22 Lems 372, 62 Lewis 376, 116 e Lewis H. 370,40 LilUan L. 374, 94 c liizzie H. 376, 118 Lola 378, 21 b Lorain H. 368,27 Loretta B. 373, 79 h Lucinda 374, 96 Lucretia 371,50 LueUa B. 372, 67 Luther B. 369,31 Luther M. 374,81 Lydia 217, 4 Mabel 870,84 b Madison 172, 100 Madison M. 378, 79 a MaUna J. 874,98 Margaret 887,9 Margaret 389,3 Maria E. 874, 95 Mark 374, 90 Maron J. 374, 101 Martin L. 868,21 8,5 Mary Mary 846,8 Mary 367,5 Mary 368, 28 Mary 377,12 Mary 895 Mary A. 373, 78 Mary A. 374, 82 Mary B. 379,2 Mary B. 378,23 380,2 MaryE. Mary F. 125,4 Mary H. 373, 72 Mary J. 166,19 Mary J. Mayhew 877,17 425,4 Maynard R. 352,5 a Mercy 375, 106 Minnie 371,43 a Moses 877,10 Moses H. 371,46 Moses N. 373,55 Nancy 867,14 Nancy 371,49 Nancy 373,59 Nancy 373, 81 Nancy 372, 65 Nancy 876, 110 Nancy J. 874, 81 Noah R. 380,3 Obediah 377,4 OUve 385,1 Orrin D. 379,4 Otis 875, 111 Otis 376, 122 a OtisF. 873, 57 c Phebe 379, 10 Polly 367, 12 PoUy 377,6 Plummer W. 369,28 Priscilla 377,2 PrisciUa 450, 22 Qmntus 305, 20 a Ralph S. 370, 35 d Sanborn, Raymond 879, 5Jb Eaymond P. 370, 36 c Rebecca D. Rena ReubenReubenRoscoe B. RozillaButhEuthRuth G. SallySallySallySarahSarahSarahSarah A. Sarah B. Sarah F. Sarah H. Sarah J. Sarah J. Sarah J. Sarah P. SeraphinaSeweUSherburnSherburnSherburnSherburnSherburn S. Sherburn S. Simon M. Stephen F. Susan E. Susan P. SusannaSusanna SylvanusSylvester SylviaTheophilusTheophilus True G. Violet L. WilUamWilUamWilUam WiUiam C. WlUlam F. WilUam F. WiUiam J. WlUlam H. H. 8, 25 372, 54 377,9 377, 14 376, 121 378, 18 867, 18 379,5 374,84 b 132,1 387, 16 402, 148 371, 42 b 371,63 377, 3 872, 57 b 453 b 71,1 876, 115 a 873, 74 374, 83 443,8 370, 41 418,1379,1 367,7 367, 10 370,34 373, 60 373,69373,71371, 51 380,5 373,64 b 477 180, 13 378,8 379, 7 374, 86 372,56 b 367,6 367, 15 373,56 335,3 377, 13 378,2380,1 380,2 372, 57 d 376, 109 376, 116 379,5 Sanders, Edward W. 881, 4 Edward W. Frank E. Grove Martha F. Minnie B. OUnB.Rena Robert A. Warren A. Sargent, Abigail AmosD. Annie J. BetseyCharles P. DavidEllaHannahHannah S. JamesMary J. Susan F. WeUs Sarsons, Adelbert E, Saunders, Alice Beatrice F. 881, 4i 881,4 c 471, 41 328,1 381,3881,2381,6 381,4 b 381,1 131,1 467,31 333,1384,6 148,10 202,9 a 139, 26 348,15 412,7 175,9 263 d 24 252, 4 d 381,1382,2 382,8 a Saunders, Benjamin Emma J. Horace W. IdaF. IdaM.Inez F. James W. MUdred T. Savage, John W. JohnW.Ross E. Savory, Cora L. Sawyer, Alvah AnnM. Annie E. Caleb CalebCatherineCharles H. Charles H. Charlotte A. DavidDanielEdward P. EUzabeth N. EmelineEmilyEstelle M. Frank R. Frank R. Harry E. Helen A. Henry I. HephzibathJamesJeremiahJeremiah P. JohnJonathan B. Lois A. Lurie A. MaeF.MaryMary Mary E. Mary F. MEtonMoody A. Moody C. Myra C. OUveOUve OUve M. Orpha PutnamRichard H. Richard K. RuthSarah A. Sarah H. Susan H. Thomas W. Schoff, Mary J. Scales, JuUa Scott, Evelyn S. ScoveU, CUfford Edith W. Osro A. 381,1 382,3383,3 383,3 383,4 356,7 882,1 382,3 b 298,2 382,1388,2 300, 11 883,4 388,3 a 384,10 a 383,1 383,5883,4 131, 2 a 885,1 384,12 13,8 188,3 d 383,3 b 269, 25 163, 3 a 884,11 385,2384,1884,4 383,8 b 384,10 b 384,7 168, 3 e 872, 54 188, 8 c 168,8 163,3 b 342,9 342, 9 a 278, 48 a 384,8 202, 9 b 384,8 254,18 a 883, 5 a 384,9 884, 10 a 384,10 384,2 168, 8 f 872, 47 884,5 406, 180 388,6 383,3 342,9 b 316,2 475,1 388,2 383, 8 0, 4 131,2 251, 23 285,34 162,4 165, 42 b 165, 42 a 155, 42 ScovlUe, Charles M. 259, 6 a Scribner, Deborah George H. George L. Margaret Zachariah Seaman, Kent 367,4385,1385,2 389,4 234, 30 396, 77 a Seaver, Clarence L. Eben 885, 1 Edgar E. 385, 2 Fred B. 386, 3 Ruth E. 385, 3 a 36 5i8 history OP BRISTOL Seaver, WiUiam H. Seavey, Abbie B. Agnes M. iJlen I. AlmaArthur W. BethanaCharles R. Christianna B. ClintonClinton H. Edgar A. EvaB.Fred H. Hale N. Hial F. Howard L. JohnLeonardLeslie W. Lucy M. MarianMinnie M. Mona Nelson S. Roscoe J. S. Emma Susie Vivia I. Weldon W. WUliam P. WiUiam S. WiUis A. Senter, Hazen M. Syrene Sessions, EmmaE. Shaddock, Ada Sharp, Lucia Shattuck, Arthur CharlesDamarisHannah F. Lottie B. Orrin V. Shaw, Adoniram J. 20 a Annie Augusta H. Benjamin F. CharlesEbenezer G. Edward E. EUzabethEtta F. FredFrederick P'. GeorgeGladys A. Hannah M. Harriet L. Hattie J. Herbert A. Jessie A. LiU B. LiUE. Lucinda F. Mary L. Naomi A. Oscar F. PoUy Ruth B. Sarah E. Susie D. Thomas P. Thomas S. WUUs A. Shedd, Harriet Luther A. Sheerar, John Shepard, Dorcas D. 885,3 a 190,5 386,2 c 886,1841,1386,4 409,199 888,2 103, 47 f 103,47 c 386,2 a 886,3888,2 103, 47 g 103, 47 h 247,2386,4 385,1 108, 47 d 886,2 b 886,6 886,4 b 103, 47 e 386, 4 a 103, 47 i 386,1 386,5 1,2 386,3 103,47 b 103, 47 103, 47 j 103, 47 a 218,24441, 10 114,2 376, 119 354,1 387,8387,2205,2 17,48 387,4886,1 828, 396, 90 a 86,14 326,20 326, 20 b 387,1387,3389,2 71 403, 164 396,90 a 130,6 887,2 b 406, 187 896,90 b 346, 21 b 346, 21 346, 21 a 328,1 387,2 a 133,1 396, 90 c 326, 30 c 336, 30 d 81,3 346, 21 c 326, 30 e 846, 31 d 396, 90 a 896,90 387,3 351, 31 b 251, 31 b 388h 80,4 Shepherd, Hiram D. 361 c ; 2531 Mrs. 431, 1 Sherburne, Jane 347, 5 Sherman, Gertie E. 437, 1 Shields, Lizzie , 348, 16 a Shipman, Christiana G. 813, 13 Shirley, Daniel 813, 6 Ella I. 79, 4 Shores, John S. 10, 3 John W. 11 b Martha A. 11 a Shroedter, Wilhelmine 43, 2 Shultus, Levi 436, 25 a Shute, Augustus S. 69, 3 George G. 119, 11 Sias, Eyery 403, 162 Martha M. 56, 15 a Sides, Annie G. 82, 15 Simmons, Cora B. 248, 9 c George B. 388, 1 Simonds, Abbie 16, 46 Albon M. Annette A. ArtemasArtemasBeUeN.Charles F. Charles H. CordeUa P. DanielEUen A. Ellen M. BUzabethElvira Emma A. Bthel B. Eva I. Flora E. Frank L. Fred W. George H. George O. HannahIsabella J. JohnJohnH.JohnW. Laura B. LiUian W. Lucina F. LucretiaMary MaryB.Mary J. Merrill P. NancyOraF.Orrin A. ParkerRebeccaRobertWalter F. Simpson, Albert .lane Sinclair, Emily P. George Minnie I. Noah L. Sinkler, Anna L. Azro Charles Ida A. Nina Skinner, Lucy J. Slagle, LilUan Slattery, Mary B. Sleeper, Aaron Aaron 388,2 245, 2 e 387,1 280,1388,3388,3 99,4 387,1388,5212,2 390, 26 203,8 236,64 388,8 b 488,2888,7387,5388,4 388,2 388,5 117,8 387,2282,6 391, 81 g 887,3888,6 450, 51 b 388,4194,8 13,5 14,1288,15 388,1387,4 388,8 a 388,6387,7387,6226,6283,6 409, 219 350,1 198,12 268,12 c 888,2388,1 471, 46 b 471, 46 471, 46 c 471, 48 a 471, 48 d 110,1 219, 32 a 213,2389,2 408,201 Sleeper, Abbie F. AbrahamAbraham F. Addie A. Adelia A. Agnes J. Agnes J. AlbertusAlethia H. AliceAliceAlthea V. Alvah G. Amos Amy Andrew A. AnnaAnna B. Annie M. ArmindaArnoldArthurArthur L. Arthur T. Asa O. Augusta J. Augusta M. BehndaBenjaminBenjaminBenjaminBenjamin G. Benjamin B. Bertha A. CalebCarlos G. CarrieGarrie I. Cesarine M. Charles F. Charles H. Charles H. Charles W. Charlotte P. Charlotte W. ClaraClara B. Clorinda B. CorneUaCurtis Daisy A. DanielDaniel DanielDaniel W. Da'vidDa^vidDavidDavid DavidDa'vldDavid G. David H. Da-vid M. David T. David V. DexterDianthaDorothyDorothyEdmondEdmondEdnaEdwinEliza EUzaElizaBUzabeth Elizabeth 398, 110 410, 228 898, 111 399,130 400,135 b 409, 218 393, 52 e 403, 163 405,6 409, 216 a 899, 116 a 406, 177 390, 27 h 899, 117 395,67 397, 97 896 d 893, 55 890, 27 d 407,192 b 399, 127 392 a 403, 165 397, 98 408, 205 408,210 390, 19 390, 27 a 396, 78 402,148 898, 62 e 410, 227 e 402, 145 392, 41 403, 161 a 408, 161 g 898, 112 a 398, 102 a 406,187 a 404, 167 b 407, 192 a 399, 116 398, 105 406, 184 393, 52 c 896 b 393,50 399, 121 399, 132 400 a 390, 14 895, 62 406,180 392 a 389,4 889,7 390, 18 390,25 395, 68 398,108 409, 216 391,35 398, 102 b 374,82 408,204 390, 27 e 390, 27 j 402, 151 408, 159 390,8 402, 152 399, 128 e 399, 122 404, 170 898, 84 INDEX 519 Sleeper, BUzabeth Elizabeth EllaElla F. EllenEUen F. EhnerElsie E. EmUy H. EmmaEnna A. Esek W. Ethel E. Btta F. Btta P. Eugene W. EriEvaD.Fabens H. Fanny FloraFlora E. Florence Francis M. Francis M. Frank A. Frank H. Frank N. Franks.Frank S. Fred A. FredL. FredW. Gardner S. George A. George L. George L. George M. George W. George W. GertieGideonGideonGideonGideon C. Grace HannahHannahHannah F. Hannah H. Hannah L. Hannah O. Hannah V. Hannibal Hanson M. Harold B. Harriet K. Harry L. Henry L. Henry S. Herbert A. HiramHiram L. Horace L. HoytHubertIdaL. IdaB. Irving F. Isaac N. Isaac T. IsabelleJames A. James E. James F. James M. James M. Jane B. Jane C. Jane F. 406, 182 408, 200 403, 161 e 405, 174 399,120 407, 191 399, 122 c 407, 193 a 395, 77 a 393, 61 400,137 406, 172 400, 136 a 398, 112 b 394,56 400,184 399, 181 410, 225 a 893,52 399, 126 b 399, 126 a 409, 218 b 405, 178 394,80 b 397, 96 408,205 a 405, 175 410, 227 b 401, 141 a 405, 173 399, 116 b 401, 144 b 410, 227 a 398,31 407, 194 408, 161 408, 161 c 400, 134 a 394, 60 410, 230 399, 124 a 889,5 890, 80 398, 51 891,37 400, 138 b 895, 74 410,4 302,40 b 392 a 397,99 c 400,138 396, 92 398, 104 b 409, 223 407, 192 a 400,140 409 217 o 391, 37 b 404, 171 407, 192 c 397,99 897, 99 a 404, 167 393, 51 397,99 b 404, 167 a 408,205 b 892, 40 a 392,48 407,190 394, 60 a 407,192 407, 192 b 392,40 a 392,43 a 392, 44 398, 103 391, 34 409,219 Sleeper, Jerry C. JethroJoanna 116, Joanna G. JohnJohnJohnJohnJohnJohnJohnB.JohnC, JohnF.JohnF.JohnH. John K. C. John M. John M. Johns.JohnW. JohnW.Jonas H. JonathanJonathanJonathanJonathanJonathan Jonathan C. Jonathan B. Jonathan B. Jonathan K. Jonathan E. Jonathan W. Jonathan W. Jonathan W. JosephJoseph Joseph D. Joseph H. Josephine V. JosiahJosiahJosiah G. JuliaJuUa M. M. Justin M. KateLauraLaura A. Laura L. La^viniaLetitia M. Lettier LeviH.LevlH. Lewis C. Lewis G. Lewis P. Lila B. LilUan M. LilUe M. LizzieLoring G. LottieLucinaLucindaLucyLura M. Lydia Lydia M. MamieMarceUus D. Marcia Marcus O. MargaretMargaret H. Maria MarthaMartha M. Mary 893, 52 a 390, 17 i ; 402, 160 893, 45 890, 13 890, 27 c 398, 52 b 402, 167 408,198 410,3 391,33 391, 37 a 394, 57 409, 215 407, 193 b 406, 187 392, 43 b 397, 100 405, 172 a 398,104407, 193 401, 143 390, 18 390, 28 390,26 395, 72 396, 79 406, 186 395,70 396,88 398, 108 391,38 391, 39 398, 109 899, 115 91,5 a 390, 27 b 408, 208 390, 27 899, 114 890, 20 399, 122 b ' 399, 123 893, 63 409,220 410, 225 392, 40 a 408,203 392 a 409,224 408, 203 398, 113 390, 37 k 398,91 401,143 406 a 393, 54 404, 169 407, 193 d 399, 135 a 407, 192 e 890,271 400, 136 399, 133 a 409,221408,311 393, 53 f 409, 317 a 891,81 401, 144 a 401, 143 a 408,309 897,94 892, 43 c 390, 11 404, 168 898, 104 c 393, 49 393, 52 e mi2 Sleeper, Mary 396, 71 Mary 396,90 Mary 403,164 Mary A. 398, 108 Mary A. 406, 188 Mary A. 410, 229 Mary B, 408,206 Mary B. 451,50 Mary C. 398, 107 Mary B. 406, 187 b Mary B. 391,36 Mary B. 397, 99 d Mary F. 899, 129 Mary I. 398, 102 b Mary L. 897, 96 Mary L. 400,189 Mary L. 410, 227 c Mary M. 403, 147 Matilda 390, 27 g 409,212 MatUda MayD. 392 a Mila,u E. 400,135 Milton H. 396 e MoUy 390, 27 f MoUy 390,28 Molly 395, 73 Moses 389,3 Moses 890, 10 Moses 402, 149 Moses 407, 197 Moses 411,6 Moses W. 895, 64 Nancy 161,2 Nancy 395, 76 Nancy 402, 156 Nancy 408, 178 Nancy 410,5 Nathan 390,9 Nathan 390, 22 Nathan 395, 63 Nathan 396, 80 Nathan 396, 83 Nathan A. 899, 126 Nathaniel B. 399, 124 Nehemiah S. 398, 102 Nettle 403, 161 f NyeT. 403, 161 d OdUn 406,181 OUve 396,88 Oren C. 406, 185 Oscar B. 394, 58 a Oscar F. 394,58 Paul E. 400,135 a Perley H. 409, 217 b Peter 389,6 Peter 390,29 Peter 892,43 Peter 895, 61 Pete? 399, 118 Peter A. 395,77 Pbllotes 409,222 PoUy 396,87 PoUy Prudence M. 4H,7 398, 102 c Bachel 372,56 Eebecca 402, 155 Beuben 410,2 Bomanzo W. 895,65 Bosnia E. 391, 37 c Buth • 890, 21 Buth 892,42 Euth 402,146 Buth 406,179 Sally 397, 93 SaUy 407,196 Samuel 890, 15 Samuel 408,199 Samuel 410,1 Samuel M. 407,195 Sanborn 395, 68 520 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Sleeper, Sanborn 396,82 Sarah 390,24 Sarah 403, 160 405, 172 b Sarah Sarah A. 407,189 Sarah B. 392, 47 Sherburn 402, 154 Sherburn T. 395,65 Sherburn T. 399,126 Sherburn T. 396, 81 Silas R. 401, 144 Solomon G. 407,188 Solomon S. 892, 40 Solomon S. 404,168 Susan C. 398 0 Susan I. 394,59 Susie M. 393, 62 d Sylvanus I. 399, 133 Sylvester B. 892,48 Sylvester B. 402,154 Thomas 889,1 Thomas C. 395,75 Thomas M. 393, 52 g 410, 227 Timothy D. Valeria M. 408,207 Van 893, 52 h Veina 401, 143 b Walter 402, 153 Walter H. 897, 101 Walter J. 401, 141 b Walter T. 398, 102 b Wilbert A. 409, 217 d Wilbur F. 410, 226 Wilbur F. 410, 227 d WilUam 398, 104 a WlUlam A. 398, 113 WlUlam E. 398, 102 b WilUam E. 403, 161 b WiUiam F. 401, 141 WilUam M. 393, 52 e WilUam M. 393, 52 e WiUiam T. 423,3 Woodbury 409, 217 Sloan, Da'vid 91,5 b Sloat, Silas 487,20 Slocum, Lester M 40,4 SmaU, LilUe M. 11,14 Nancy A. 93,28 Sarah 93,6 Smart, Nancy 244.2 Smiley, Adelaide L. 41i; 7 David 411,1 EUzabeth H. 411,6 Prances F. 411,9 James R. 411,4 Mary E. 411,8 Mary H. 411,3 Parmelia T. 411, 11 Robert L. ,„4H, 12 Sarah * 411,2 Susan B. 411, 10 Smith, Abbie R. 414, 8 d Abbie S. 416,2 Abigail Adaline S. 197,2 44,4 Adelman 414 d AlB. 415,1 Albert L. 319, 6 b Albie E. 416, 1 Alice M. 416,6 Andrew J. 415,1 AngeUne 164, 11 Angeline D. 414,5 Angle A. 416,2 Anson C. 413,3 Anson C. 414, 10 a A. Sylvester 356,3 B. F. 476,3 Callie K. 206, 12 Caroline L. 199,9 Smith, Catherine S 1. 413, 9 Charles 428, 33 f Charles B. 148,3 Charles T. 416,1 Charles W. 414,9 Charlotte 270 a Charlotte A. 423,2 Clara A. 514, 8 c Clara E. 319, 6 a Clarene A. 415,1 Cora B. 416,1 Curtis 319,6 Cyrus F. 414,8 Daniel 178 0 Daniel 413,2 Daniel D. 412,3 Daniel S. 414,1 Deborah 65,6 De-vine B. 418,5 b Dorothy 366,8 Earle F. 416,4 Ederic O. 319, 6 d Edwin 149,6 Edwin 414, 8 b Eldorus 258, 12 d Eldorus 460,4 Electa T. 171, 34 Elgin C. 414, 8 a Eliza 270,27 BUza 894, 41 EUzabeth 862,1 BUzabeth 412,8 Elizabeth B. 284,7 EUzabeth B. 413,6 Ella 309,48 a Ella J. 230, 38 d Ella M. 319, 8 b EmeUne S. 369, 31 Emma 873, 57 d Eveline H. 413,3 Ezekiel 250, 14 Ezekiel 413,1 Ezekiel D. 413,4 Fannie M. 390, 39 George H. 414, 10 George P. 414,4 Grant A. 307 d Grover 0. 416,6 H. W. 468c Hannah P. 465,1 Helen M. 415,2 Helen M. 243,3 Hial W. 413, 5 a Homer V. N. 416,4 Howard M. 415,3 Isabel A. 294, 1 Isabel A. 418,3 J. C. 414 e James 412 b James D. 414,6 Jane B. S. 414, 2 Jennie S. 32,3 John 332,8 John 412, 1 JohnC. 413,5 JohnC. 436,28 JohnD. 412,4 Jonathan C. 416, 1 Joshua P. 413,2 JuUa F. 416,5 Julia M. 220 b Kate 29,32 Kate 412, 2 Laura B. 312,1 La-vinia W. 19,1 Liberty 298,1 Lizzie 241,2 Loren G 414, 10 b Lucy Luther 413,4 414,7 Smith, Marcellus E. 414, 8 c Marcia A, Martha A. Martha O. Martha S. Mary A. Mary A. F. Mary M. Maud M. MollyMosesMoses M. Moses N. Nathan P. Nathaniel NeUie A. Nettie B. ObediahOtis J. PermeUa J. PollyRobertRoyB.Euth Euth F. Euth M. SallySamuelSamuel Sherburn M. Sophronia M Sumner P. Susan -Sylvester J. TheodateViolet G. W. E. Walter L. Wesley O. WilUamWilliamWiUiam L. WiUle B. WilUe H. Smythe, Abigail B. Anna Charles F. DorothyMarion E. Snyder, AmeUa M. Fidelia Somes, Betsey Southard, Abbie M Charles A. Ethel Frank George HarryMoses E. Solon S. Solon S. Vera B. WilUam ZiUa Southmayd, Almira H. 43 Benjamin B. 308, 40 Benjamin F. 308, 40 a Joseph B. 308, 40 b Leon F. 808, 40 b MerriU C. 308, 40 b Eaymond 308, 40 b William B. 808, 40 b Spangler, Mary 467, 12 a Sparks, Abbie N. 392, 47 a Spaulding, Abby 103, 42 Abigail 231, 20 EUza S. 251, 22 Joseph 368, 7 b Martha M. 219, 31 420,6414,3352,1 319, 6 e 319, 6 c 149,4 80,4 158,2 367,4 427,23 413,1 413,6 415,1379,6416,4 220,38 c 80,4 418,3 259,7 149,1 412,7 415,2 36,1 344,1418,2286,4285,7 412,5 307d 413,3 416,2162,1413,7341,1416,6 414, c 148, 11 416,7 244,17 271,8 319, 6f; 479 414, 10 c 416,1160,1 240 248, 9 d 248, 9 d 248, 9 d 843,4 a 396 e 173,2 417,6 c 417,6 417, 5 c 417,3 417,2 417,8 b 417,5 416,1417,4 417, 5 b 417, 5 a 417,6 a INDEX 521 Spaulding, Mary PutnamPutnam F. Sarah . Spencer, Anna A. Archie M. CharlesCharles E. Charles H. Charles H. Daniel W. ElizaEvaL.Fannie M. Fred A. FredE.Hannah E. Harry H. Harry W. JohnJohnLaura A. Louis A. Lucian S. LydiaMarion E. Sarah L. ScottSethSethSilas M. Simeon D. Stanley A. SpiUer, George H. JuUa A. Katherine B. Sprague, Helen L. William H. Spriggs, Charlotte Stanley, Grace L. Katie A. Mary .1. Stark, Charles A. EllenFred G. Frederick E. Frederick N. GilUs Maurice A. Marion B. Susan A. Steams, Amanda A. W. Jane Nancy C. EebeccaEuth Varus Stebbins, Edward B. LilUan M. Steele, Daniel W. MabeUe M. Steeper, JuUa A. Stempson, Aseneth Stephens, Hannah Stephenson, Carrie M 90a Stevens, Betsey Curtis Dolly Grace A. Harriet N. James G. Joshua .lulia E. J. Lenora M. Lovina D. Mary A. MosesEuth 25,3 Stevens, SaUy 191, 11 863,7 363,7 a Samuel H. 418, 1 Seraphina B. Waite 419,3 25,8 449,31 417, 7 b WiUiam H. 388,11 418,8 b Stewart, Charles 410, 329 417,3 Florence L. 134,1 418 c Sticlmey, Hattie N . 204,24 162,5 StUes, Mary L. StiU, Eose L. 445,5 417,7 29. 37 348, 20 StiUings, Charlotte M. 813. 234, 49 ^i 418, 8 d Ferdinand A. 813,38 418, 8 a Mary W. 313, 38 a 418,1 Stinson, Clarissa 315,3 417, 7 a Stockbridge, Bllen Stockton, Iris Y. 137,7 418,9 73,4 c 418, 8 b Stoddard, EUa A. 329,1 418, 8 c Stokes, Carrie M. 306,25 a 150,2 Dudley L. 306,25 417,4 George W. 806, 26 a 418, 10 George W. 806, 25 d 418, 8 b Mary E. 306, 25 b 418, 12 Sarah A. 806, 25 c 417,2 Stephen D. 306, 25 a 418, 8 b Stolworthy, Arthur 419, 3 418, 11 Charies 419,1 47,5 a Ealph 419,2 417,1 Stoltze, Frank A. 371, 46 417,6 Stone, Demis D. 239,1 418,8 Lucetta 467,19 417,6 MaryN. 425,9 418,2 NeUie M. 364, 27 418,1 Strate, Sarah 410, 226 280,4 Stratton, Hiram 136, 11 418,2 Straw, Alvira 378, 26 173, 108 Priscilla 228,26 55, 11 f Sally 64, 1 398, 104 Sally 273,9 418,1 Sarah J. 280,1 4,13 WilUam 91,6 c ^,3 Street, AnnaL. E. 817,5 248,9 a StribUng, Margaret 898, 30 94,12 Strickford, Josephme 840, 1' 248,9 Strong, Donald C. 349, 26 c 248,9 c Ethel 349, 26 a 248,9 c George W. 349, 26 a 248,9 b Helen M. 349,26 b 349, 28 248, 9 e Joseph 248,9 c Joseph L. 349, 28 c 248, 9 d Stuart, Frances H. 106,1 106 Studley, Frances A .. 129, 7 440, 6 a SulUvan, Bertha M . 419, 2 108,1 Ella B. 419,8 241,1 Karl E. 419,4 110,5 WiUiam 171, 86 258 b WiUiam I. 419, 1. 14,25 Sumner, AUoe F. 420, 3 f t. 35, 3 Clara D. 420,3 b 462,5 c Edith H. 420,8 a 134,2 Frank E. 420 a 319, 8 f George 430, 3 e 9,23 George W. 419,2 11,5 Herbert E. 420,3 d 175,3 John E. 420,3 M. 398, Luke 419,1 LydiaMlary A. 420,4 377,10 420,5 251, 28 b Walter D. 420,3 c 165, 1 William A. 126,9 31,8 Sutherland, Maria 413,5 a 134,1 Sutton, Ada 441, 21 252 Lilla V. 399, 183 244,7 Swain, Folsom 25,7 442, 30 Jacob 158,4 113, 3 John E. 375,110 c 134,1 Lydia A. 373, 79 148,1 Bachel 380, 1 87, 4 Eebecca G. 26,31 218,1 Sadie D. 463,1 Swale, George Swallow, Ella J. Swan, Dorothy Swearingen, 'Van 1 Sweep, AdeUa A. Swetland, Carlos Swett, Andrew F. BenjaminCalvin EUnor J. EUa A. EMra M. George F. Hannah M. Henry T. Ida J. IsaacJoseph A. LucindaMarinda N. Mary Mynetta J. OrrisonEoswell D. Sara M. Sylvanus W. SylvesterWesley S. Swift, Nathaniel Taber, BUen M. Taft, AUce B. EdnaM. Denison Talley, GharUe Tappan, Amy M. Tay, Albert J. Francis J. Harriet E. Hiram K. Noah H. Eufus L. Samuel Taylor, Abby M. Addie M. AdeUne M. Anna AnnaAnnaC.AnnieAnnie L. Annie M. CarrieCharlesCharles G. Clara B. Clarinda J. ClarkCyrus DorcasEdith H. EdwardEUzabethEUzabeth P. Emily B. Emma EvaE. Frank George George A. George E. Grace H. Grace M. Hannah Harrison J. Hattie A. Henry A. BUramJamesJames A. 219, 28 b 874, 100 120,1 '. 393,49898, 70 245, 2 a 421 d 420,3 421,1 421c 420 3 c 421 e 421b 60,1 420,3 b 420,3 a 420,1 244,22 420,2 421,7420,5 421a 421, 3 420,4 431, 2 a 421,2 420,6 421 f 279,3 399, 125 314, 14 a 814, 14 b 314, 14 371, 42 225, 5 f 268, 22 b 268,22 263, 22 d 263, 22 a 264 e 263, 22 c 282,3 423,11424,10138,13 96,1 191,9 423,8 373,2 423,2 b 424, 13 401,144 277, 53 c 424,6 424,9 422,5 470, 35 d 422,7459,6 428, 10 a 421,1 415, 1 77,19 423,3 277, 53 e 423,2 a 277,53 d 228,33 277, 51 a 347, 11 b 228, 33 a 424, 11 101, 18 277,63 48,1 423, 10 199,6 423,1 428,4 522 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Taylor, James W. John 277, 51 Tibbetts, Alfred H. 425, 1 423,1 Alice M. 425,6 John 423,3 Bernard B. 425,7 John P. 423,2 BmilyFrant 434,18 425,4 Jonathan 421,2 Joseph 93,7 Georgia 425,6 Julia, M. 347, 11 c Hervie 425,3 Laura E. 422,9 Lizzie 426,2 LeRoy C. 424,12 Mary 136,9 Levi 277, 53 g WiUiam 11,4 Lizzie F. 277, 51 c Tidd, Mary 288 Martha G. 432,8 Tilton, Ada L. 429,40 b Mary E. 289,1 Alfred H. 428,33 d Mary H. 434,7 AUce M. 428,83 d Merrow 377, 63 b AUoeS. 429 f NelUe D. 277, 51 b Ann 426,3 NeUle F. 347', 11 a AiiTin. 367,4 NeUle J. 10,30 ArdeUa A. 431, 13 b Nicholas M. 431,3 BeUnda 431,2 Boxanna 387, 12 d Benjamin 426,10 Boyal H. 434,5 Benjamin 427,18 Samuel F. 347,11 Benjamin B. 427,24 Sarah A. 424,8 Bertha M. 428,32 c Sarah E. 431,4 Blanche A. 432, 5 f Sherman 277, 63 f Charles 428, 15 d Susan A. 331,3 Charles 429 d Thomas 0. 238,44 Charles L. 429, 39 Timothy 860,4 Chester S. 429,40 c WiUiam 277, 58 a Daniel 426,7 WUliam T. 428,3 Daniel B. 430,8 Temple, AUce 268,2 David 430,1 Templeton, Jane 116,2 David 480,8 Tenney, B. E. 119,9 David 430,6 Betsey 83,6 David F. 427,28 178,2 Caroline 15,13 Deborah Charles H. 339,4 Deborah 179,9 Cora E. 399,3 DeUa A. 432 b Harriet A. 106,1 Dorothy 428,4 Moses 191, 14 Dorothy 427,20 Eoscoe C. 434,1 Dorothy E. 428,30 Tessier, Mrs. Frank 393, 55 Edith M. 428,82 c Tewksbury, Bthrence D. EdnaL 429, 40 a 418, 8 d , ElbridgeEUphalet K. 431,3 George M. 47,6 430,8 a Jerry W. 418, 8 d EUza S. 194,5 Tharp, A. BUzabeth 329, 1 EUza S. 426,15 a Thayer, Annie 398, 103 b Eliza S. 427,24 a Thomas, Abigail 91 EUza S. 427, 27 a AbigailAd(fie M. 435,3 Elizabeth 376,8 228,40 BUzabeth 402,13 Charles H. 341,2 BUzabeth 426,5 EUzabeth 426,5 BUzabeth 427,33 Esther 425,10 Elizabeth 480,3 Jacob 424,1 EUzabeth A. 433,51 Jacob 425,6 EUaB. 426, 15 c Jonathan M. 426,11 EUaM. 428, 33 f Joseph 425,2 Emily A. 428 a Mary A. 323,9 EmUy L. Eva A. 431,14 Mary E. 285,66 431, 13 c Margaret J. Matthew P. 214,2 Foster C. 429,40 c 425,9 FredW. 429, 40 d Nancy 426,8 Frances B. 429 c Nancy E. 82,4 Frank B. 427,24 0 PoUy 425,4 Frank H. 428,33 d SaUy 168,4 Fremont 371,4 a Stephen 425,7 George 432,4 Thompson, Adeline W. 289, George E. 482, 6 e 32 George H. 431,15 Clementine 399,116 George S. 429,40 Elvira F. 40,1 Grace H. 431,13 d Leroy L. 63,7 Green 430,4 La^vlna 332,2 Green L. 431,13 Mary J. 341,3 Harry W. 430,8 a Nancy W. 315, 27 Harvey W. 427,24 b Sherman B. 53,7 a Henry 426,15 Susan S. 361,6 Henry A. 429 e Thorn, Martha 34,3 Hiram S. 428,33 d Thresher, Abigail 423,1 Horace F. 428, 32 0 Thurston, John H. 425,1 Huldah 427,21 MabeUe E. 425,2 Huldah 427,23 Tilton, Huldah Isaac C. Isaac S. James F. Jane H. Jennie N. Jeriah S. John JohnJohnF. JohnF.JohnF.John O. Jonathan Jonathan L. Joseph C. JosiahKatie A. LaForest E. Lauren C. Lois Lora J. Lucy A. Lucy A. Lucy B. LuraD. 428,33 d Margaret H. MarshaU W. MaryMary Mary E. Melissa A. NeweU B. Orinda G. PutnamBachelBachel S. EebeccaEebeccaBuby B. EuthButhButh A. SaUySalmon H. Samuel fl. SarahSarahSarah A. Sarah E. Sarah B. Sarah B. M. Sarah J. SherburnSherburnSherburn SherburnSherburn S. Sherburn 'W. Shirley F. Silas B. SmilieTheophilusTimothyTimothyTimothyTimothyVlUagena M. WalterWilUam B. WilUam B. WilUam G. WiUiam S. WilUeZerah B. Timpany, Flora K. TirreU, Abby Abial W. Abigail Abigail 428,31 428,83 428, 88 d 243, 9 0 430, 10 429,43 428, 83 a 436,2 426,14 437,27 429 a 431, 12 427,27 b 426, 12 429,88 430,3 430,5 432,5 c 482,5 a 427,25 a 179,8 428, 33 g 376, 111 428, 38 e 267, 13 ; 459, 22 c 428,33 a 428b 88,7 429b 430,9 432,6 429, 40 f 426,15 b 427,19 390 372,58 436,9 438,35 433, 5 g 396, 62 427,26 430,11438,17 430,7 438,29 311, 10 426, 8 431, 16 268,1 429,41 428,33 b 292,6 375, 106 425, 1 426,6 426,16 428,37 427,25 429, 40 g 431,1 432,5 426, 11 426,13428,32 439,1433,1 432,5 b 438,34 430,3 432, 5 d 371,4 428,38 431, 13 a 431,3 a 181,7 434, b 92, H b 432,6 434,31 INDEX 523 TirreU, Abel 485,1 TirreU, NelUe 434 e Alexander 485,2 Olive M. 434, 22 a AUce 434, 22 d Parker P. 488,11 Alice S. 434, 22 e Peter 28,14 Allen A. 92 g Eufus 488, 13 Alvin F. 434, 16 a EusseUP. 486,7 Amos 16,61 Sally 28,9 Christiana S. 91,8 c Sally 432,2 Charles 436, 4 a Salome Charles G. 92 h Samuel 432 4 Clara 417,5 Samuel 483,9 c Clara 434, 23 d Sarah 484,17 Clara E. 436, 7 e Sarah E. 434, 22 b Clarence 434, 22 g Seth 91,8 Daniel 432,7 Seth W. 921 Daniel 434, 16 Stephen A. 434,16 b Dorothy A. 436, 7 d Stephen B. Victoria 436,7 c Edith 434, 22 c 434 0 EUza 438, 10 Whitcomb 482,8 Elsie 484, 22 d WllUe 438,11c Emily 432,8 Wooster 436,4 Emily 433,9 Titus, AbigaU 242,6 Emily 483,9 c Todd, Addie F. 169, 63 a Emma J. 438, 7 f Charles H. 189,63 b Emma B. 438, 7 h S. H. 277, 51 b Enoch T. 92, 11 a Sarah E. 420,3 Frank B. 488, 7 c WUUam 169, 63 Frank I. 434, 22 d Tolford, EUzabeth 437.3 d Frederick C. 434, 22 g Hugh 487,3 George 434 d Isaac 487,8 a George W. 91, 8 f Jane 437,3 c Georgia A. 436, 7 g 433,11b John 436,1 Georgianna John 437,4 Hannah 92, 11 c John 437,4 a Harriet 433, 13 b Joshua 487,2 Harriet E. 436, 7 a WilUam 437, 3 b Hattie 438, 14 d Tompkins, Frank 94,7 b Hattie 484, 18 c Torrence, Eobert 393, 50 Hazen 486,8 Tower, Harrison 181, 53 d Helen M. 92 h Towle, Betsey 402, 154 Henry 434 a Frances E. 306,25 c Hezekiah F. 91,8 b Henry D. 61,7 Hiram M. 92, 11 d Mark 148,2 HoUis H. 433,9 Mary 347,4 Howard W. 434, 22 c To-wn, Florence L. 18,1 John 432,6 Henry 487,1 John A. 92, 11 e Towns, Arthur H. 488,4 JohnF. 434, 22 Edwin W. 488,2 Jonah 432,1 Frank W. '. 138, 3; 479 Jonas 433, 15 Joseph W. 437,1 Jonas 434 a Townsend, Agnes B. 489 Josephine 433,13 c 92,11 Fannie F. 439 Joshua Helen W. 439 Judson E. 434,22 c Luther K. 438,4 Kenneth 484, 22 g Luther T. 488,4 a 180, 16 Keziah 485,26 Mary Lafayette 91, 8 d Ziba 438,1 Laura 435,24 Train, Samuel P. 439,1 Leona B. 484, 16 b Trask, Eben 379,3 Leona G. 436,7 b George H. 117, 18 Levi L. 484,19 Margaret 118 b Lodema 436,5 JohnC. 118 a Lovina 433,13 d True, Benjamin O. 411, 11 Luther 434,30 Edward H. 411,11b Martha A. 485,25 Helen E. 411, 11 c Martin L. 484,18 Euth 411, 11 d Martin V. 435,27 Susan E. 411, 11 a MaryMaryMary A. 433, 9 d TrueU, Abbie 440,3 a 433, 13 a Abbie L. 442,31a 91,8 a AbigaU 442,24 Mnry B. 433, 11 a Amos 216, 4 Mary B. Mary J. 434, 22 f Benjamin F. 440, 17 485,23 Betsey A. 442,26 MeUssa 436,4 b Betsey S. 440,13 Mercy A. 433,9 b Bryon 440, 20 Moses D. 433, 9 a David 439, 1 Myrtie NancyNathan 484, 22 c David 440, 3 433, 12 Elbridge W. 442, 31 c 435 3 EUas *flA^i NeUie 434, 22 c Elijah 440,8 Truell, Ellen A. Esther F. Fannie J. George A. George B. George W. George W. Gertrude B. Grace L. HannahHarry V. Henry "W. Herbert G. HiramHiram W. Ira W. JaneJaneJonathan W. Laura LauraLydiaMabel B. MarthaMary A. Mary W. Newton T. PoUyEoyM.SaUySamuel SilviaSumner B. Sumner B. Susanna ValorusWalter W. Wealthy J. Wiseman C. Zenas B. Truesdell, Eugene Gertrude M. Leon H. Louise M. Lucius B. Lucius E. Lucius B. Eichard E. TrumbuU, Emor J. Prank A. Euth Trussell, Abby J. George F. Marion E. Tryder, Florence Tuck, Mary Tucker, Gyrene Btta Frank E. Minda J. NeUle G. Ehoda S. Tiikey, Ahneda Anne D, Charles H. OlaraEUzaFrankHattie B. IsraelJosephJulia Mary Tupper, Lydia H. Turner, Charles H. 18 a Tuttle, George P. Lewis Twiss, George H. 441,23 442,28 441, 31 a 442,29 441,22 a 440,9 440,19 441b441a 440,14 441,21c 442,30 442,30b 440,3 a 442,81440,18 440,3 a 440,6440,5 442,27 442,80 a 440, 11 441, 21 e 440,3 a 441, 21 b 442,25 441, 21 d 489,2 442,30 c 440,12 440,7 440,3 a 248,8 440,8 a 440,4 441,21 442,31b 440,15 440,10 440,16 E. P. 442,8 442,5442,4 442,4 a 442,4 b 442,1 442,2 442,4 c 186,7 442,1843,1 63,1 431,13 d 431, 13 d 219, 30 b 866,1 373,55 463 335, 5 c 399,1 336 h 273, 19 443,8 443,11 448,3443,6443,7 443,10 443,9 443,1 443,6 443,4443,2 469,80 220, 38 b 65,10 c 310, 5 a 524 HISTORY OP BRISTOL Twombly, Estella George E. 383,3 Wadleigh, Mary B . 445,3 19,3 Simeon H. 445,1 Tyler, Ahna B. EUzabeth A. 161 Waite, Andrew J. 254,16 317,2 Briggs, Mrs. Wakefield, Amos 403,160 George B. 44,18 56,20 Lois 133,34 Waldron, Abbie F 255, 1 Ortes 91, 5 e Walker, Bradley 307,37 TyrreU, HoUis Lynna M. Mary 486,1 BUza A. 125,3 436,3 a Btta S. 249, 2 a 436,3 Hannah 205,5 Mercy A. 436,4 Harriet O. 248,9 a Moses D. 488,5 Huldah D. 888,8 Samuel 486,3 Lydia A. MaryNathaniel N. 68,17 205,5 Scott 0. 436,2 a Underbill, BeUe 40,2 388,4 DoUy 186,8 Sarah 67 Underwood, Lucy T. 240, 1 WaUace, Alphonzo G. 35, 11 Updegraff, Esther L. 197, 11 Benjamin 226, 14 b Upham, Mary Utrecht, Carrie 468,3 Charles 226, 14 a 220, 38 e Elizabeth S. 408,200b Bmma 856,4 VaUquet, Bruce 43,7 Joseph 226, 14 Valla, Stephen 443,1 Lavinia S. 408,200 c Vanderwaka, Frank 865, 33 Moses 408,200 VanderWoerd, Henrietta Mymie 12,17 161,4 Samuel S. 408, 200d Van Horn, Rebecca 56, 17 Vanston, Christianna 811, 24 Sidney 408, 200 c WilUam C. 408, 200 a Varney, Albert I. AUceM. 444,3 William W. 806, 25 c 855,1 Walton, AUce M. 464 AUceM. 444,5 Martha 268,4 Arthur I. 444,3 c Ward, Amanda G. 433, 10 d Harry C. 444,3 d Anna J. 433,10 b Henry C. 444,3 Horace V. 343,4 a Herbert P. 444,3 b Isabel 351,2 IraF. 443,31 Jerry 488,10 Leon H. '. 144, 4; 477 Joanna D. 488, 10 c NeUle A. 444,3 a Lizzie M. 460,1 Perley H. 444,8 Luther A. 433, 10 a Varnum, Arvilla 438,6 Lydia A. 169, 22 Vaughan, Albert C. 441, 38 a Weltha A. 32,3 Arthur E. 441, 23 d Ware, Florence C. 113,1 Charles W. 441,23 George 391, 31 f Franklin T. 441, 23 e Warner, J. B. 55,13 a Frederick W. 441, 23 b J. K. 302,12 Vawter, Amy C. lie Jerry B. Nellie 65,13 Veasey, Albion A. Judith 444,1 315, 19 436,4 Warren, Eliza 170, 26 Louisa 69,48 S. 164.6 Mattie B. 271,4 Washburn, Oscar F. 261. Sally Verrill, Joseph 343,7 21 d 196, 10 Waterman, AUce E. 438. 3 Mary L. 392,48 Louisa M. 197,2 Virgin, Ethel 300,10 a Watson, Frances I 1. 33,6 Vittum, Jane Vose, Alfred H. 406,185 Mary 468, 27 f 444,5 a 445,6 Sadie 488, 27 f Christie G. Southwell W. 468,27 c Donald T. 445,6 a Watt, James S. 470, 36 c Frank R. 444,5 OraL. 470, 36 0 Hattie A. 444,4 Watts, Esther 440,5 John F. 444,1 444,5b Lucinda 13, 17 JohnR. Weare, Mary Weaver, Hattie A. 391, 26 Mary B. 145,18 229,1 Minnie E. 444,3 Webb, Phebe A. 471, 43 c NeUle 146,33 Webber, Abbott F. 445,2 a NeUie M. 444,2 Betsey 163,1 Burtis M. 445,2 Wade, Otis A. 337,11 Dudley P. JohnD. 445, 2 c Wadleigh, Achsah 176,1 445,1 AnnaT. 445,4 Julian T. 445,2 b BeUe 148,7 445,5 a Myrtle A. 445,3 Carroll R. Susan 101, 26 b Frank W. 446,5 a Sylvester 241. 3 George W. 445,3 Webster, Angelina W. 302, 3 Helen F. 397,3 445,5b Alfred 270,26 Jane B. Benjamin B. 289 c JohnH. 445,5 Betsey 153,1 Josephine L. Judith 44,12 Catherine 347, 10 8,2 Elizabeth A. 288,20 b Mabel E. 446,5 c Elvira 176,3 Webster, Elvira Ephraim GeorgeGeorge A. HannahHannahHannahHarriet Helen M. Helen M. IraJacobJohnH.Lizzie E. Marinda MarthaMaryMaryMary A. RuthSarahSarahWilliam J. Weeks, AdeUa Clara J. EUza B. Frances Francena Georgianna James W. Sarah Weilbranner, Ida Welch, Ada E. BenjaminBlanche E. ClaribelCora B. Eddie G. Florence I. FredL.Henry A. Jessie M. Josephine A. Leston L. MarshaU E. NeUie M. Norman A. Robert E. WilUam B. WiUiam H. WilUam S. Weld, Hannah Wells, Addie J. AffaAlbroAmanda W. AnnaL.Augusta A. Benjamin L. Betsey CalebCarrie E. Carrie M. Charles Charles P. Charles W. Charlotte E. C. Corinne A. Daniel F. Deborah Dimond G. Dorothy A. EbenezerEbenezerEbenezerEUaM.EUen G. EUzabeth EmilyEthel M. 225,2 448,4 445,1 446,3 20,4 231,7 288, 20 a 186,1 288,34 446,2 449,35 288,20 234,51 294,1 346,18 213,4 146,1 308, 47 160,8 428,34 175,6 231,8 36,4 194, 5 a 187,1 880,1 326, 23 119, 8 431,8 a 446,1 353,9 58,38a 447,4 b 447,1 350,3 b 447,6 447,5 447,3 447,4447,3447,2 350,3 a 447, 4 a 447,5 447,4 447, 4 d 447,2 a 447, 4 0 446,1350,8 447,2 230,3 64, 5f 449,37 451,58451,5364, 5 g 64, 6 h 450,50 449,84 246,2 c 249, 3 a 451a 83,4a 64,5 460,52 452,7452,3461,1 449,38 400,88 462,4 175,2448,8 449,30 64,6 a 451,57448,16 449,43 148,2 a INDEX 525 WelLs, Fletcher G. Frank B. Frank B. Prank E. Frank F. Prank F. George George W. Hannah HannahHannah Hannah Harry D. Hattie J. Henry HenryHenryHenry C. Howard E. Jason H. Jerome G. 301, JoannaJoanna John John E. JohnW.KiahLilUe G. LovinaLucyLucyMartha A. Martha A. Martha E. Martha E. Mary MaryMaryB.Mary G. MollyMolly Molly MosesMoses PeterPeter PeterPeterPeterPeter Phebe PhiUp ReubenReubenReubenRichard H. ButhSally Samuel SamuelSamuel A. Sanborn Sara E. SarahSarah SarahSarahSarah A. SherburnSophronia A. TeUis E. Timothy ThomasThomas ThomasThomas F. WiUiam Welton, Irena G. JohnD. Josiah H. 37 451, 55 249, 3 c 452,1 64,5 c 461, 55 a 452,8 249,8 452, 3 448,14448,19449,25449, 36 451,56 b 452,3448,4 449,38 449, 39 450, 51 a 450, 51 b 453,3 6 c ; 453, 1 377, 13 449,83 44g, 36 64, 5 d 450,51 449,43 64, 5 i 83,6 377, 10 450, 46 451, 54 451, 55 b 64, 6 j 333, 36 383,2 449,85 451, 56 a 64, 5 e 448, 13 449,31 449, 39 449,34 450,44 448,7 448,10 448,20449,31449,40 450,49 448,9 448,15 448, 5 449,23 450, 45 450,51b 448,17449,41 448,6 449,27 452,6 450, 47 451, 56 c 246 448,2 448,18 449,33 84, 5 h 460.48 452,5 249, 3 b 448, 11 447 448,3 449,23 452,9 448, 12 335,13335,12335,12 Welton, Mary D. 2 1 Wentworth, Abby J. 453, 5 a Whitcomb, Fannie B. 468, 8 Clara H. David W. ElizabethHarriet N. Harriet O. Hiram B. John B. JohnB.Julia D. LilUe B. MehitableOlive C. EichardEichard B. Stephenia D. Wescott, Albert C. EmmaMarthaEuth Warren Wesson, Sarah E. West, BeUnda EUzabeth George L. MaryS. S. WestfaU, Clara Weston, CarUe M. Charles C. Corena I. FredW. Helen B. Jane W. Margaret H. NeUTe G. Susan C. WilUam H. Wetherby, Maria 453, 5 d 453, 5 g 452,1 453,6 458, 5 c 453,7458,5 453, 5 h 453, 5 1 458, 6 b 453,4 452,3 452,1 458, 5 f 453, 5 e 108,4 350,4 436,3486,2214,7 52,1 373, 61 27,3 307, 38 e 378, 51 ¦ 374, 95 414 d 62, 14 d 62, 14 b 62, 14 c 62, 14 h 62, 14 g 62, 14 e 62, 14 f 19,1 62, 14 a 62,14 181,2 Weymouth, Daniel B. 453, 1 Wheaton, SaUy A. Wheeler, Ai Alonzo F. EUza A. EUzabeth Gideon D. Harriet D. John P. KeziaWalter ¦Wheelock, Betsey Delia F. Wheet, Alice C. Dorothy K. Edward E. Bthel M. Frances FredB. Geneva A. John C. Mildred G. Nettie B. VonC. Whicher, Sarah F. Whipple, Alexander H. 289 c 896,84 b 473,6 462,2 a 54,1 396,84 896, 84 a 899, 120 54,2 324, 6 c 403, 162 6,7 464,5454,4 464,2 309, 48 a 454,2454,1 464, 2 a 454,1 454,3454,8454,4282,5 Anna C. Ashley P. CarrieClementine Fay George W. Harry D. Henry G. Inez M. Irene John P. Whitcomb, Cynthia 14 c 454,1455,4455,8 455,4140,1455,3 454,2455,2456, 1 465,5363,8 454,3 440, Fanny FannyFred D. Grace E. Joseph G. LovitiaMary F. Orrin Whitcher, Mary White, Ann M. AreciaArthur J. AugustaAugusta M. Charles H. Clara D. Cleon B. Edgar F. Ed%vard W. EUzabeth D. George A. George H. FredG.Harry G. Helen A. Helen M. Karl M. Mark C. Marshall W. Mary G. Nettie M. OUve A. Otis B. Walter H. Warren WarrenWilUam C. Zelpha Whitman, Frank Frank A. Laura M. Whitney, Ann P. E. 440,9 440, 14 b 455,4 455,2455,1 440, 14 a 455,3 440, 14 335,14 456,8452,1 888d 188,1 340,2 467,7456,6 457, 7 b 467, 7 a 457,8 457, 10 a 13, 19 a 456,4 458, 15 458, 14 466,5 457,9 467, 11 177, 10 456,2 47,13 457, 12 26,31164,9 458, 16 455, 1 458,13457,10 16,63 433, 11 a 433,11a 224,9 2 Charles E. 325, 16 a Emma J. 458, 4 KimbaU 458, 1 Sarah 458, 3 Whittemore, Aaron 458, 4 Aurioc M. 144, 28 c BeUnda 469,18 Benjamin 458,8 Betsey 459,9 Caleb 459,6 Caleb 459, 22 Daniel C. 459,22 c Dorcas 460,24 Bdwin B. 459, 22 d EUzabeth 469,7 EUzabeth P. 459, 22 b Florence A. 459, 22 e Fred A. 144,28 Fred D. 145 d Hannah 459, 12 Helen 488, 15 Joel 459, 18 Joel 459, 15 John 458,2 JohnT. 459, 21 Laura A. 459, 22 a Leila M. 144, 28 b Lucinda 469, 19 Luther B. 460,23 Peter 469,6 Peter 459,8 Peter 459, 20 Polly 459, 11 Belief 459, 16 Susan 459, 10 Thomas 458,1 Wilfred 144, 28 a 526 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Whittier, Edwm E. 460, 1 EUsha 282, 14, 16 Frank W. 242, 3 Julia S. 227, 21 a Mabel E. 480, 2 Nathaniel 227, 21 Whitton, PauUne A. 226, 5 a Wicom, AUce L. Arzella B. 480,6 460,4 Emma E. 460,2 Evelyn A. 460,3 EverettThoftias H. 460,5 460,1 Wiggin, Almira M. 352,5 Avelyn O. 460,5 Clarence W. 460,3 Eliza A. 258, 11 Ernest B. 460,4 George O. 460,1 Martha 194,8 Nora B. 425,1 SaUy 278,4 Timothy 239, 21 Velna M. 460,3 Wilbur, Charles E. 461,8 Frank W. 461,7 George M. 461,9 Harriet B. 461, 10 Harry J. 461,4 a Hulda L. 461,3 John W. 481,4 Mabelle L. 461, 5 a Moses F. 461,5 Osman 461,6 Warren 460,1 Warren W. 461,2 Wilcox, Bmily 58 b Wilkins, Charles F. 82,8 b Wilkinson, Ada W. 270 b Willand, Zenna M. 189,8 Willard, Betsey 461,2 EMra A. 842,4 a Jerusha 210 John 244,8 John 461,1 John 482,4 Joshua 342,4 Eebecca 180,1 Eebecca 482,5 Sally 482,3 Sally T. 26,9 WiUey, Albert 462,3 a AUceM. 463 c Annie A. 462, 3 e Aseneth A. 462,6 Charles E. 462, 3 f Charles E. 463 b Charles H. 462,7 David A. 462,3 David C. 462,1 Dearborn 462,2 George W. 462,4 Grace B. 463 a Elsie J. 462,2 b Frank D. 463,8 a Frank G. 462, 3 b Frank K. 463,8 Frederick D. 482,2 a Harry P. Lilla B. 462,3 d 462, 2 c Mabel B. 270 d Mary B. 468,9 Mary J. Sarah 278, 18 273,4 Sarah A. E. 104, 38 Sarah J. 462,5 Truman 462,3 c Williams, Amos J. 463,1 Charies 391, 86 Gemima S. 193, 18 WilUams, Mary 390, 25 Mary B. 278, 56 c Sarah A. 9, 28 WiUis, Eben M. 209, 2 Louise A. 270, 29 Mary E. 209, 2 a Eose 232, 25 b William S. 110, 18 WUlman, Leon K. 261, 4 WiUoughby, Martha J. 12, 1 Wilson, Annie 445, 8 George L. 196, 9 Grace 420, 3 d Helen M. 463, 3 Horatio B. 463, 1 Jane 63, 11 Mary 439, 1 Myra B. 463, 2 Sally 309, 3 Windle, Fred 210, 5 c Winegar, Sarah M. 404, 157 Wingate, Joseph G. A. 216, 5 George H. 222, 4 Winne, Molly 238, 21 Winslow, Charity L. 196, 6 Wise, AdeUne H. 436, 6 Mary 129, 9 Witham, Laura M. 463, 8 a May F. 332, 4 WlthereU, Amasa 220, 37 Withington, Horace H. 181, 49 WaUace H. 181, 49 a Wolcott, Alexander S. 387, 12 George L. 102, 36 b Henry B. 102, 85 a Eobert H. 464, 2 Eobert T. 463, 1 Seth T. 102, 35 Wood, Agnes 66, 11 a Carrie E. 473, 3 a Eunice 138, 5 Woodburn, Lydia 126, 5 Woodbury, Ethel W. 155, 88d Frank W. 155,88 b Franklin H. 155, 88 e Herbert G. 165, 38 c Howard 156, 38 MabeUe F. A. 166, 38 a Nathaniel 203, 3 Sherman 325, 19 b Woodman, Arthur A. 464, 3 Donald L. 464, 5 Gladys A. 464, 4 Jacob A. 122, 40 Leon A. 464, 1 OUve E. 464, 2 Sarah 178, 1 Woodruff, Edwin 468, 24 Woods, Andrew S. 198, 12 a Margaret L. 198, 12 a Woodward, Bessie J. 465, 4 Collins H. 464, 1 Florence E. 118, 5 b Florence E. 404, 187 a Frank E. 159, 4 Frank W. 464, 3 George 404, 187 a Henry G. 65, 11 a Horace L. 118, 5 a Leon C. 464, 3 Mary A. 464, 3 Boy M. 465, 3 Will 396, 3 WiUiam T. 464, 1 Woolson, John 465, 1 Mary A. 466, 3 Wooster, Benjamin 191, 11 a Wooster, Eleazer 304, 12 a George A. 465, 6 George B. 466,5 b George M. 465, 1 Lloyd K. 465,6 c Mary D. 465, 4 Mary E. 465, 5 a Eose J. 466, 2 Worcester, Leonard 33, 19 Worth, Abiah 316, 8 Anna 100, 9 Harry 468, 27 a Worthen or Worthing : Abbie P. 244, 19 Albert P. 473, 9 Albert P. 473, 9 b Alfred E. 473, 9 o Amos H. 467, 14 Ann O. 471, 43 Arthur L. 472, 19 Augustus C. 468, 27 Augustine E. 470, 36 a Augustine S. 470, 36 Bertha 470, 36 a Betsey H. 469, 29 Carl B. 473, 19 a Carrie 471, 47 d Carrie S. 471, 46 Charles A. 471, 47 c Charles H. 471, 43 Chester A. 473, 19 b DoUy B. 473, 7 Edward C. 469, 30 d Edward J. 469 e Edwin A. 470, 36 a Elisha 473, 3 EUsha 345, 7 Eliza T. 467, 31 BUzabeth 890, 8 EUzabeth 472, 6 EUzabeth K. 469, 32 Ella 468, 27 e EsteUa P. 470, 36 b Ezekiel 466, 2 Ezekiel 471, 1 Ezekiel 472, 5 Ezekiel B. 472, 14 Ezekiel N. 472,16 Ezekiel S. 467, 13 Fannie 468, 27 d Florence A. 472, 20 a Frances S. 469, 31 Frances W. B. 469, 30 g Frank D. 471, 47 Frank O. 469 f Fred H. 471, 49 Fred P. 468, 27 g George 466, 1 George B. 472, 20 George S. 469 b Georgia A. 472, 19 c Hadley B. 473, 11 Hannah 202, 9 Hannah 467, 11 Hannah 467, 15 Hannah 470, 40 Hannah I. ' 467, 18 Hannah M. 470, 37 Harriet N. 473, 3 Harry P. 469, 30 e Helen 470, 39 James H. 471, 44 Jerusha S. 472, 17 John F. 469, 30 a John H. 467, 19 John H. 471, 48 John P. 469, 30 John P. 469, 30 h Jonathan 466, 9 Jonathan 473, 3 INDEX 527 Worthen or Worthing : Jonathan E. 472, 18 Jonathan F. 472, 16 Joseph H. 470, 88 JuUa C. 489, 80 c Laura 472, 12 Laura C. 468, 26 Laura M. 471, 45 Libbie 468, 27 c Louis T. 469, 30 b Louisa N. 473, 6 Lydia 345, 4 Lydia P. 473, 7 Martha « 287, 6 Martha 468, 24 Martha A. 469, 34 Martha E. 468, 27 a Martm 468, 24 Mary 467, 17 Mary 471, 41 Mary A. 473, 8 Mary J. 469, 83 Mary L. 470, 36 c Moses 465 Moses 466, 4 Moses 466, 8 Moses P. 472, 13 Nancy 467, 22 Nancy A. 472, 8 Orastus 468, 27 b Orpha N. 471, 47 a Orrilla 467, 20 Polly 467, 12 Ealph S. 471, 47 b Eufus L. 473, 4 Bush B. 469 c Euth 466, 6 Euth 468, 25 SaUy 466, 7 SaUy 472, 9 Samuel 466, 3 Samuel 466, 5 Samuel 472, 1 Samuel 473, 2 Samuel E. 473, 10 Worthen or Worthing : Samuel K. 473, 5 Samuel E; 468, 10 Samuel T. 168, 38 Sarah M. 470, 85 Sarah W. E. 489, 80 f Sherburn S. 467, 16 Solon 468, 38 Solon A. 1* 469 d Sophronia 472, 11 Sumner A. 468, 27 f Theodate S. 472, 4 Ursula S. 467, 19 a Walter 473, 10 William A. 469 a WilUam F. 469, 9 Worthley, Alonzo H. 474, 1 Alonzo H. 474, 3 Betsey 177, 8 Harry G. 474, 3 a Hiram M. 474, 1 Lena B. 474, 2 Louis E. 474, 3 Mary B. 145, 80 Wotton, Arland M. 84, 10 a Walter M. 84, 10 Wright, Alexander W. 14, 24 Almira 474, 1 Andrew J. 474, 1 Bradford S. 252 e Charles 215, 13 Charles A. 474, 2 George B. 474, 3 Harriet A. 474, 4 M. Emma 240, 4 Mabel A, 474, 2 a Wyatt, BUen A. 475, 3 George G. 475, 3 Horace F. 475, 7 Martha L. 475, 5 Nathaniel B. 475, 4 Sarah E. 475, 8 Thomas 475, 1 Wygant, Alonzo 8, 7 WyUe, Clyde A. 898 d Ernest S. 898 d Ira C. 396 d Mary E. 396 d WilUam D. 396 d Wyman, Charles W. 56, 16 d illliot O. 58, 18 e George W. 56, 16 c Julia S. 56, 16 b Mary B. 39, 8 a Nathan 56, 16 WilUam W. 66, 16 a Yalding, Bmily Yates, Samuel Yeaton, Angle M. Horace C. Lydia P. Yeatter, Donald G. George A, York, Abigail F, Alice M, GarrieFrank Young, Adelaide Benjamin G, Bessie I. Charles D. CyrusElbert W, Eleanor S, George A. GladiousHenry J. , Irena B. James A. JohnF. JosiahLaura LouiseMurrilla K. VirginiaWilliam 88,9 83,11 333, 37 475,1 113 475,3 475,1 373, 63 184, 83 184, 80 88,7 a 434,3 375, 40 b 376,43 b 276, 43 c 93, 10 f 368 b 376, 43 b 137 318, 27 b 391, 34 a 368 b 276, 48 b 276, 48 b 276.43 b 108,48 453,1 276, 43 b 137,3 368 b Zareba, Ellen M. 343, 5 a 3 9002 00478 2992