Y^ale University Library ' YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THE AMERICAN CONFLICT: A. HISTORY OP THE GREAT REBELLION IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 1860-'65. ITS CAUSES, INCIDENTS, AND RESULTS: INTENDED TO EXHIBIT ESPECIALLY ITS MORAL AND POLITICAL PHASES, WITH THE * DRIFT AND PROGRESS OF AMERICAN OPINION RESPECTING HUMAN SLAVERY From XT^G to -the Clope of the "War for the Union. By HOEACE GEEELEY. ILLUSTRATED BY PORTRAITS ON STEEL OF GENERALS, STATESMEN, AND OTHER EMINENT MEN! VIEWS OF PLACES OF HISTORIC INTEREST I MAPS, DIAGRAMS OF BATTLE-FIELDS, NATAL ACTIONS, ETC. : FEOM OFFICIAL SOURCES. YOL. II. HARTFORD. PUBLISHED BY O. D. CASE & COMPANY. 1867. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1866, By O. D. CASE & COMPANY, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the District of Connecticut. MAfrUPACTtTEED BY CASE, LOCKWOOD & CO. Printers and Bookbinders, HARTFORD, CONN. TO f THE UNION VOLUNTEERS of 1861-4: WHO FLEW TO THE RESCUE OF THEIR IMPERILED OOUNTRT BECAUSE THEY SO LOVED HER THAT THEY JOYFULLY PROFFERED THEIR OWN LITES TO SAVE HERS; ©ftte ¥ atom*, BEING A RECOBD OF THEIR PRIVATIONS, HARDSHIPS, AND SUFFERINGS, AS ALSO OF THEIB VALOR, FIDELITY, CONSTANCY, AND TRIUMPH, la iltespwtfallg Inscribe BY THE AUTHOR. ADVERTISEMENT. The author had expected to finish this work early in the cur rent year, but he found himself unable to compress it within the limits originally intended. The important events of the War for the Union were so many ; its area was so vast, its duration so con siderable ; the minor collisions and other incidents were so multifa rious, yet often so essential to a clear understanding of its progress and results, that this volume has expanded far beyond his intent, and required for its preparation extra months of assiduous and engrossing labor. Even now, though its contents probably exceed in amount those of any other single volume which the War has called forth, it barely touches some points which may be deemed essential to a clear understanding of the whole matter. Of the War itself, however — that is, of the Military events which made up the physical struggle initiated by Secession — this volume aspires to give a clear though necessarily condensed account, from the open ing of the year 1862 down to the final and complete overthrow of the Confederacy. That all his judgments will be concurred in by every reader, the author has no right to expect ; but his aim has been to set forth events as they occurred, and as they will appear to clear-sighted observers, a century hence ; and he rests in the confident belief that those who dissent from his conclusions will nevertheless respect the sincerity with which they are cherished, and the frankness wherewith they are avowed. EXPLANATORY. The History which this Volume completes was not contemplated by its author till jnst after the Draft Riots by which this Emporium was damaged and disgraced in July, 1863. Up to the occurrence of those Riots, I had not been habitually confident of an auspicious immediate issue from our momentous struggle. Never doubting that the ultimate result would be such as to vindicate emphatically the profoundly wise beneficence of God, it had seemed to me more probable — in view of the protracted and culpable com plicity of the North in whatever of guilt or shame, of immorality or debasement, was inseparable from the existence and growth of American Slavery — that a temporary tri umph might accrue to the Confederates. The real danger of the Republic was not that of permanent division, but of general saturation by and subjugation to the despotic ideas and aims of the Slaveholding Oligarchy. Had the Confederacy proved able to wrest from the Federal authorities an acknowledgment of its Independence, and had Peace been established and ratified on that basis, I believe the Democratic Party in the loyal States would have forthwith taken ground for 'restoration' by the secession of their respective States, whether jointly or severally, from the Union, and their adhesion to the Confederacy under its Montgomery Constitution — making Slavery universal and per petual. And, under the moral influence of Southern triumph and Northern defeat, in full view of the certainty that thus only could reunion be achieved, there can be little doubt that the law of political gravitation, of centripetal force, thus appealed to, must have ultimately prevailed. Commercial and manufacturing thrift would have gradually vanquished moral repugnance. It might have required some years to heal the wounds of War and secure a popular majority in three or four of the Border States in favor of Annexation ; but the geographic and economic incitements to Union are so urgent and palpable, that State after State would have concluded to go to the mountain, since it stubbornly refused to come to Mahomet ; and, all the States that the Confederacy would consent to accept, on conditions of penitence and abjuration, would, in time, have knocked humbly at its grim portals for admission and fellowship. That we have been saved from such a fate is due to the valor of our soldiers, the constancy of our ruling statesmen, the patriotic faith and courage of those citizens who, within a period of three years, loaned more than Two Billions to their Government when it seemed to many just tottering on the brink of ruin ; yet, more than all else, to the favor and bless ing of Almighty God. They who, whether, in Europe or America, from July, 1862, to July, 1863, believed the Union death-stricken, had the balance of material probabilities on their side : they erred only in underrating the potency of those intellectual, moral, and Providential forces, which in our age operate with accelerated power and activity in behalf of Liberty, Intelligence, and Civilization. So long as it seemed probable that our War would result more immediately in a Rebel triumph, I had no wish, no heart, to be one of its historians ; and it was only when — following closely on the heels of the great Union successes of July, 1863, at Gettysburg, Vicksburg, Port Hudson, and Helena — I had seen the Rebellion resisted and defeated in 8 EXPLANATORY. this City of New York (where its ideas and vital aims were more generally cherished than even in South Carolina or Louisiana), that I confidently hoped for an immediate and palpable, rather than a remote and circuitous triumph of the Union, now and evermore blended inseparably with Emancipation — with the legal and National recognition of every man's right to himself. Thenceforward, with momentary intervals of anxiety, depression, and doubt, it has been to me a labor of love to devote every available hour to the history of the American Conflict. This Volume is essentially Military, as the former was Civil : that is, it treats mainly of Armies, Marches, Battles, Sieges, and the alternations of good and ill fortune that, from January, 1862, to May, 1865, befell the contending forces respectively ofthe Union and the Confederacy. But he who reads with attention will discern that I have regarded even these under a moral rather than a purely material aspect. Others have doubtless surpassed me in the vividness, the graphic power, of their delineations of 'the noise of the captains, and the shouting:' I have sought more especially to portray the silent influence of these collisions, with the efforts, burdens, sacrifices, bereavements, they involved, in gradually molding and refining Public Opinion to accept, and ultimately demand, the overthrow and extinction of Human Slavery, as the one vital, implacable enemy of our Nationality and our Peace. Hence, while at least three-fourths of this Volume narrates Military or Naval occurrences, I presume a larger space of it than of any rival is devoted to tracing, with all practicable brevity, the succession of Political events; the sequences of legislation in Congress with regard to Slavery and the War ; the varying phases of Public Sentiment ; the rise, growth, and decline, of hopes that the War would be ended through the accession of its adversaries to power in the Union. I labor under a grave mistake if this be not judged by our grandchildren (should any of them condescend to read it) the most important and interesting feature of my work. I have differed from most annalists, in preferring to follow a campaign or distinct military movement to its close before interrupting its narration "to give accounts of simul taneous movements or campaigns in distant regions, between other armies, led by other commanders. In my historical reading, I have often been perplexed and confused by the facility wherewith chroniclers leap from the Euphrates to the Danube, and from the Ebro to the Vistula. In full view of the necessary inter-dependence of events occurring on widely separated arenas, it has seemed to me preferable to follow one movement to its culmination before dealing with another ; deeming the inconveniences and obscurities involved in this method less serious than those unavoidable (by me, at least) on any dif ferent plan. Others will judge between my method and that which has usually been followed. I have bestowed more attention on marches, and on the minor incidents of a campaign, than is common : historians usually devoting their time and force mainly to the portrayal of great, decisive (or at least destructive) battles. But battles are so often won or lost by sagaciously planned movements, skillful combinations, well-conducted marches, and wise dispositions, that I have extended to these a prominence which seemed to me more clearly justified than usually conceded. He was not aa incapable general who observed that he chose to win battles with his soldiers' legs rather than their muskets. As to dates, I could wish that commanders on all hands were more precise than they usually are ; but, wherever dates were accessible, I have given them, even though in vested with no special or obvious consequence. Printed. mainly as foot-notes, they con sume little space, and do not interrupt the flow of the narrative. The reader who does EXPLANATORY. 9 \not value need .not heed them ; while the critical student will often find them of decided tse. Should any one demur to this, I urge him to examine thoughtfully the dates of the dispatches received and sent by MoClellan between his retreat to Harrison's bar and Pope's defeat at Groveton ; also, those given in my account of his movements from the hour of his arrival at Frederick to that of Lee's retreat from Sharpsburg across the Potomac I trust it will he observed by candid critics that, while I seek not to disguise the fact that I honor and esteem some of our commanders as I do not others, I have been blind neither to the', errors of the former nor to the just claims of the latter — that my high estimation of Grant and Sherman (for instance) has not led me to conceal or soften the lack of reasonable precautions which so nearly involved their country in deplorable if not irremediable disaster at Pittsburg Landing. So with Banks's mishap at Sabine Cross-roads and Butler's failure at Fort Fisher. On the other hand, I trust my lack of faith in such officers as Buell and Fitz John Porter has not led me to represent them as incapable or timorous soldiers. What I believe in regard to these and many more of their school is, that they were misplaced — that they halted between their love of country and their traditional devotion to Slavery — that they clung to the hope of a compromise which should preserve both Slavery and the Union, long after all reasonable ground of hope had vanished ; fighting the Rebellion with gloved hands and relaxed sinews because they mistakenly held that so only was the result they sighed for (deeming it most be neficent) to be attained. If the facts do not justify my conviction, I trust they will be found so fairly presented in the following pages as to furnish the proper corrective for my errors. Without having given much heed to rival issues, I presume this volume will be found to contain accounts (necessarily very brief) of many minor actions and skirmishes which have been passed unheeded hy other historians, on the assumption that, as they did not perceptibly affect the great issue, they are unworthy of record. But the nature and extent of that influence is matter of opinion, while the qualities displayed in these col lisions were frequently deserving of grateful remembrance. And, beside, an affair of out posts or foraging expeditions has often exerted a most signal influence over the spirits of two great antagonist armies, and thus over the issues of a battle, and even of a cam paign. Compressed within the narrowest limits, I have chosen to glance at nearly every conflict of armed forces, and to give time to these which others have devoted to more elaborate and florid descriptions of great battles. It has been my aim to compress within the allotted space the greatest number of notable facts and circumstances; others must judge how fully this end has been achieved. Doubtless, many errors of fact, and some of judgment, are embodied in the following pages : for, as yet, even the official reports, &c, which every historian of this war must desire to study, are but partially accessible. I have missed especially the Confederate reports of the later campaigns ; only a few of which have been made publio, though many more, it is probable, will in time be. Some of these may have been destroyed at the hasty evacuation of Richmond; but many must have been preserved, in manu script if not in print, and will yet see the light. So far as they were attainable, I have used the reports of Confederate officers as freely as those of their antagonists, and have accorded them nearly if not quite equal credit. I judge that the habit of understating or concealing their losses was more prevalent with Confederate than with Union com manders ; in over-estimating the numbers they resisted, I have not been able to perceive 10 EXPLANATORY. any difference. It is simple truth to say that such over-estimates seem to have been quite common on both sides. I shall be personally obliged to any one, no matter on what side he served, who will furnish me with trustworthy data for the correction of any misstatement embodied in this work. If such correction shall dictate a revision of any harsh judgment on friend or foe, it will be received and conformed to with profound gratitude. My convictions touching the origin, incitements, and character, of the War from which we have so happily emerged, are very positive, being the fruits of many years' almost exclusive devotion to National affairs ; but my judgments as to occurrences and persons are held subject to modification upon further and clearer presentments of facts. It is my pur pose to revise and correct the following pages from day to day as new light shall be afforded ; and I ask those who may feel aggrieved by any statement I shall herein have given to the public, to favor me with the proofs of its inaccuracy. Unwilling to be drawn into controversy, I am most anxious to render exact justice to each and all. The subject of Reconstruction (or Restoration) is not within the purview of this work, and I have taken pains to avoid it so far as possible. The time is not yet for treating it exhaustively, or even historically ; its importance, as well as its immaturity, demand for its treatment thoughtful hesitation as well as fullness of knowledge. Should I be living when the work is at length complete, I may submit a survey of its nature, progress, and results : meantime, I will only avow my undoubting faith that the same Divine Benignity which has guided our country through perils more palpable if not more formidable, will pilot her safely, .even though slowly, through those which now yawn before her, and bring her at last into the haven of perfect Peace, genuine Fraternity, and everlasting Union — a Peace grounded on reciprocal esteem ; a Fraternity based on sincere, fervent love of our common country ; and a Union cemented by hearty and general recognition of the truth, that the only abiding security for the cherished rights of any is to be found in a full and hearty recognition of Human Brotherhood as well as State sisterhood — in the establishment and assured maintenance of All Rights for All. TT p Mw York, July 21, 1866. INDEX BY CHAPTERS. I. Texas and New Mexico in 1862 17 Twiggs's Treason — Texas State Convention pasBes Ordinance of Secession— Surrender of tbe Regulars —Their Loyalty and Sufferings— New Mexico re peals Act legalizing Slavery — Can by in command — Prepares to hold New Mexico— Sibley Brigade — Fort Craig— Sibley declines to attack— Battle of Valverde— Heroism and Death of McEtae— Fight at Apache Pass— Rebels occupy Santa F6— They abandon New Mexico. IL Missouri and Arkansas in 1862 26 Price returns to Missouri — Guerrilla Operations — Rains and Stein routed— Capture of Milford— Price retreats to Arkansas— Sigel's Retreat from Benton- ville— Battle of Pea Ridge— Rebels defeated— The War among the Indians — Fight at the Cache — Guerrilla operations— Fight at Newl on ia— Hind- man driven ' into Arkansas — Cooper routed at MaySville — Battle of Prairie Grove, HI. Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama in 1862 — Forts Henry and Donelson — Pittsburg Landing 41 Battle of Mill Springs-Capture of Fort Henry- Naval Bombardment of Fort Donelson — Gen. Pil low's Sortie — Countercharge of Lew Wallace and C. F. Smith— Escape of Floyd and Pillow— Surren der by Buckner— Retreat ot Sidney Johnston from the Cumberland across the Tennessee — Nashville recovered — Columbus, Ky. — New Madrid — Island No. 10 — Fort Pillow— Memphis — First Siege of Vicksburg— Grant moves up the Tennessee to Pitts burg Landing — Sidney Johnston advances from Corinth, Miss.— AsBa^k Grunt's front near Shiloh Church— Sherman andMcClernand driven— Grant borne back— Buell and Lew Wallace arrive— Tbe Rebels driven — Louses — Halleck takes Corinth — Mitchel repossesses Huntsville and most of North Alabama. IY. Burnside's Expedition to N.Carolina. 73 Roanoke Island carried — Elizabeth cily submits — Defenses of Newberu stormed — Newborn surren dered—Fort Macon reduced— Fight at South Mills — Foster advances to Kinston — Fails to carry Goldaboro'. V". Butler's Expedition to the Gulf — Cap ture of New Orleans 81 Gen. B. F. Butler concentrates 15,000 men on Ship Island — Capt. Farragut at tbe mouths of tbe Mis sissippi — Assails and passes Forts Jackson and St. Philip — Destroys the Rebel Flotilla — Pushes on to New Orleans — The Forts surrender to Capt. Porter —Gasconade of Mayor Monroe — New Orleans suc cumbs — Butler convinvs- the Rebels that he is wanted there — General Order No. 28 — Execution of Mumford — Farragut and Gen. Williams ascend the River to Vicksburg — Baffled there — Breckin ridge attacks Baton Rouge — Williams killed — Rebels repubed— Ram Arkansas destroyed— Weifc- zel reduces tbe Lafourche country — Flanders and Hahn chosen to Congress — Butler superseded by Banks — Butler's parting Address— Jeff. Davis dis satisfied with Ilia policy. TL Virginia in '62— McClellan's Advance. 107 Obstinate 'De-lays — The Routes to Richmond — Bat tle cf KernBtown— Raid of the Irou-clad Merrimac or Virginia in Hampton Roads — McClellnn on the Peninsula — Siege of Vorktown — Battle of Williams burg — Fight at west Point — Advance to the Chicka- liominy — Recovery of Norfolk — Strength of our Armies — McClellan's Complaints — Fight at Mc Dowell — Jackson surprises Front Royal — Banks driven through Winchester to the Potomac — Jack son retreats — Fremont strikes Ewell at Cross-Keys —Jackson crosses the South Fork at Fort Repub lic, and beats Tyler — Heth routed by Crook at Lewisburg. VII. MoClellan before Richmond 140 Fitz John Porter worsts Branch at Mechanicsville — 'McClellnn partially across the Chicknhominy — Battle of Fair Oaks or Seven Pines — McClellan reenlorced, but still grumbles and hesitates — Stone wall Jackson joins Lee — A. P. Hill attacks our right at Mechanicsville — Battle of Gaines's Mill — Fitz John Porter worsted — McClellan retreats to tbe James — Fight at Glendale, or White Oak Swamp Bridge— Rebels attack, and are repelled ¦with loss at Malvern Hill— McClellan retreats to Harrison's Bar — Hooker returns to Malvern — McClellan withdraws to Fortress Monroe, and em barks his Army for Alexandria. YIIL Gen. Pope's Virginia Campaign. 172 Pope appointed to command the forces of Fremont, Banks, and McDowell— Advances to the Rapidan — Banks worsted by Jackson at Cedar Mountain — Pope retreats across the Rappahannock— Jackson flanks his right — Strikes tha Railroad in his rear at Bristow— Seizes Manassas Junction— Compelled to retreat — Longstreet hurrying to his rescue — Jackson worsts King— Two Days' Battle of Gaines ville and Groveton, or Second Bull Run — Pope driven back on Centerville — Jackson flanks his right, and attacks Kearny at Chnnti liy— Pope re treats to the defenses ot Washington, and gives place to McClellan— His LosseB— McCIel lan's fail ure to support Pope — His Correspondence with Lincoln, Halleck & Co. IX Lee's Invasion of Maryland in 1862. .193 McClellan crosses the Potomac, and advances to Frederick— Address to Maryland— McClellan fol lows to Frederick— Lee's plans discovered— He is intent on the capture of Harper's Ferry — McClellan tights and beate his rear-guard at Turner's Gap — Franklin drives Howell Cobb out of Crampton's Gap— Miles surrenders Harper's Ferry, with 15,000 men, to Stonewall^Jackson — McClellan follows Lee to the Antietam— Battle of Antietam or Sharps- burg — Losses — Lee retreats across the Potomac — Porter follows — McClellan hesitates to pursue— J. JE. B. Stuart raids around "his Army — McClellan moves down to the Rappahannock— Is relieved by Burnside. X. Tennessee — Kentucky — Mississippi — Bragg's Invasion — Corinth 212 Bragg crosses the Tennessee and Cumberland — Kirby Smith routs M. D. Manson and Nelson at Richmond, Ky. — Bragg captures 4,000 men at Munfordaville — Advances to Frankfort and inau gurates Richard Hawes as Governor of Kentucky — Buell follows him from the Tennessee to Bnrdstown and Springfield — Battle of Perry ville — Bragg re treats out of Kentucky by Cumberland Gap — Rose- crans fights Price at luka — Price retreats to Ripley, Miss. — Van Dom assails Rosecrans at Corinth — Is ' beaten off with great slaughter— Van Dora pursued to Ripley — Losses. XL Slavery in tbe "War — Emancipation... 232 Patrick Henry on Federal Power over Slavery — Edmund Randolph — John Quincy A dame — Joshua R. Giddings — Mr. Lincoln — Gov. Seward — Gen. Butler — Gen. Fremont — Gen. T. W. Sherman — Gen. Wool— Gen. Dix— <3en. Halleck— Gen. Cameron — His Report revised by President Lincoln — Seward to McClellan — Gen. BurnBide — Gen. Buell — Gen. Hooker— Gen. Sickles— Gen. McCook— Gen. Double- day— Gen. Williams— Col. Anthony— Gen. Hunter — Overruled by the President — Gen. McClellan on the Negro — Horace Greeley to Lincoln — The Re sponse — Do. to the Chicago Clergymen — Lincoln's First Proclamation of Freedom — The Elections of 1862— Second Proclamation of Freedom— Edward Everett on its Validity. V XIL Slavery and Emancipation in Congress . 256 E. R. Potter on Emancipation by War— Lincoln for colonizing the Blacks— Congress forbids Mili tary Officers returning Fugitives from Slavery — Abolishes Slavery in the District of Columbia — Lincoln proposes, and Congress enactSj Compen sated Emancipation— Prohibits Slavery in IbeTer- ritories— Confiscates the Slaves of Rebels— Opens Diplomatic Intercourse with Liberia and Hayti — Requires Equality in Education and Punishment between Whites and Blacks— Right of Search on the African CoaBt conceded— Fugitive Slave Act repealed— Confinement of suspected Slaves in Fed eral Jails forbidden — Coastwise Slave-Trade for bidden— Color no Impediment to giving Testimony. TTTT, Rosecrans's "Winter Campaign, 1862-3 . 270 The Army of the Ohio at Bowl ing Green— Reorgan ized by Rosecrans — Morgan's Raids — Surprise of Moore" at Hartsville— Onr Advance from Nash ville—Battle of Stone River, near Mnrfreesboro' — .. Bragg retreats — Cavalry Raids on our rear — Innes's Defense of Lavergne — Losses —Forrest routed by 12 INDEX BY CHAPTERS. Sullivan at Parker's CrosB-Roada— Morgan cap tures Elizabethtown— Gen. H. Carter'B Raid into East Tennessee— Wheeler raids down the Tennes see to Fort Donelson— Beaten off by Col. Hnrding — Van Dorn captures 1,500 Unionists at Spring Hill —Col. A. S. Hall defeats Morgan at Vaught'a Hill — Gordon Granger repulses Van Dorn at Franklin —Col. A. D. Streight raids intaNorthern Georgia — Ib overpowered aud captured near Rome. XTV. Siege and Capture of Yicksburg... .286 Position and Importance of Vicksburg— Grant . moves against it from Lagrange — Advances to Ox ford, Miss.— Van Dorn captures Holly Springs- Murphy's Cowardice— Grant compelled to fall back— Hovey and Washburn on the Coldwater- Gcn. Wm. T. Sherman embarks 30,000 men at Memphis— Debarks on the Yazoo, north of Mem phis— Com. Porter's Gunboats— Sherman storms the Yazoo Bluffs— Repulsed at all pointB with heavy loss— Attempts to flank by Drumgould's Bluff—Is baffled— Superseded by Gen.McClernand —Who invests and captures the Post of Arkansas — Gen. GrantaBsnmes command— Debarks — Digging the Canal — Proves an Abortion — Yazoo Pass Ex pedition—Stopped at Greenwood— Compelled to return — Grant tries the Sunflower route — Baffled again — The Queen of the West raids up Red River — Disabled and abandoned — The Indianola cap tured by the Webb and Queen of the West — The Indianola blown up in a panic — The Webb flees np Red River — Grant moves down the Mississippi — Com. Porter runB the Vicksburg Batteries — Grier- son's Raid to Baton Rouge — Porter attacks the Bat teries at Grand Gulf— Grant crosses at Bruinsburg — Sherman feints on Haines's Bluff— Crosses the Mississippi at Hankinson's Ferry— Fight at Port Gibson — Fight at Raymond — Fight at and capture of Jackson— Battle of Champion Hills— Fight at the Big Black— Haines's Bluff abandoned— Vicks burg invested— General Assault repulsed — The Siege vigorously pressed — Pemberton calls a par ley — Surrenders — Grant drives Jo. Johnston from Jackson — Fight at Milliken's Bend— Holmes as- BailB Helena, and is routed. XT. Texas and Louisiana in 1863 — Cap ture of Port Hudson 322 Galveston — Retaken by Com. Renshnw — Sur prised by Magruder,and carried — Our Fleet dis abled and beaten— Disaster at Sabine PasB— The Alabama captures the Hatteras — Gen. Banks in command at New Orleans — Clearing the Atchafa- laya — Fight at Carney's Bridge — Farragut passes the BatterieB at Port Hudson — Banks returns to Berwick's Buy — Advances to Opelousas and Alex andria, La. — Moves thence to Bayou Sara, and crosses the Mississippi — Invests Port Hudson — Combined Attack ou its Defenses — Repulsed with a loss of 2,000— Bank- presses the Siege — Second i Attack — The Rebel supplies exhausted— Gardner surrenders — Dick Taylor surprises BraBhear City — Fighting at DonaidBonville — Franklin attacks Sabine Pass, and is beaten off — Dana surprised at Morganzia — Burbridge surprised near Opelousas — Gen. Banks embarks for the Rio Grande — De barks at Brazos Santiago, and takes Brownsville — Capture of AransaB Pass and Pass Cavallo — Fort Esperanza abandoned — Indianola in our hands — Banks returns to New Orleans. XYL Army of the Potomac under Burn- side and Hooker — Fredericksburg — Chancellorsville 342 Gen. Burnside in command in Virginia — Crosses the Rappahannock — Attacks Lee's Army.strongly posted on the Southern Heights — Is repulsed with heavy loss — Recrosses the River — A fresh Ad vance arrested by the President — The Mud March — Rebel Raids in Virginia — Burnside gives place to Hooker — Stoneman's Raid on Lee's rear — Hooker crosses the Rappahannock, and advances to Chancellorsville— His right wing turned and shattered by Jackson — Pleasanton checks the Enemy — Jackson mortally wounded — Desperate fighting aronnd Chancellorsville — Hooker stunned — Our Army recoils— Sedgwick storms Marye's Heights— Strikes Lee's Rear— Is driven across the River — Hooter recrosses also — Stoneman's Raid a Failure — Longstreet assails Feck at Suffolk — Is beaten off with loss. XYH. Lee's Army on Free Soil — Gettys burg 367 Lee silently flanks Hooker's right, and move's northward— Cavalry Fight near Fairfax— Mill ov, at Winchester, surprised and driven over the Potomac, with heavy loss — Cavalry encounters along the Blue Ridge— Jenkins raids to Cham- beraburg— Lee crosses the Potomac— Hooker and Halleck at odds — Hooker relieved — Meade in command — Ewell at York — Collision of van guards at Gettysburg— Reynolds killed— Union ists outnumbered and driven — Howard halts on Cemetery Hill— Sickles cornea np— Hancock takes command — Meade arrives — Both Armies concen trated—Sickles driven back with loss— Rebel Ad vance checked— Night falls— Rebel Grand Charge led by Pickett^Terribly repulsed— Lee retreats- Heavy losses— Feeble pursuit by Sedgwick-r-Lee halts at Williamsport— Meade hesitates— Lee gets across the Potomac^-Kilpatrick routs the Rebel rear-guard — Meade crosses at Berlin, and moves down to the Rappahannock— Fight at Manassas Gap — Dix's Advance on Richmond — Pleasanton crosses the Rapidan— Lee flankB Meade, -who re- treatB to Centerville— Warren worsts A. P. HiU Lee retires across the Rappahannock — Irnboden surprises Charlestown — Gen. D. A. Russell storms Rappahannock Station, capturing 1,600 prisoners — Meadn crosses the Rapidan — Affair of Mine Run— Toland's raid to Wytheville— Averill's to •LewiBburg — Fight at Droop Mountain. XVIII. Tbe Chattanooga Campaign 404 Morgan's Raid through Kentucky into Indiana and, Ohio — He is Burrounded,routcd,and captured — His Imprisonment and Escape — Rosecrans ad vances from Murfreesboro' by Shelbyville and Tullahoma, to tho Tennessee at Bridgeport — Bragg flanked out of Chattanooga — Rosecrans eagerly pursues — Bragg concentrates at Lafayette, and turns upon his pursuers — Rosecrans concen trates on theChickamauga — Desperate battle there — Rosecrans, worsted, retreats to Chattanooga — Losses — Rosecrans superseded — Pegram'sraid in to Kentucky — Saunders's into East Tennessee — Burnside ctosscs the Cumberland Mountains — Knoxville liberated — Burnside retakes Cumber land Gap, with 2,000 prisoners — Longstreet impel led by Bragg against nim — Wolford struck at Phil adelphia, Tenn. — Fight at Campbell's Station — Burnside withdraws into Knoxville — Longstreet besieges and assaults — Is repulsed with loss — Raises the Siege and retreats — Gran t rel ievea Rose crans — Hooker and Slocuin hurried to the Tennes see — Wheeler's and Roddy's raids — Grant reaches Chattanooga — Hooker crosses the Tennessee — Fight at Wauhatchie — Sherman arrives from Vicksburg — Grant impels attacks on Bragg hy Granger, Hooker, and Sherman — Hooker carries Lookout Mountain— Bragg, on .Mission Ridge, at tacked from all Bides and routed — His Bulletin — < Hooker pursues to Ringgold — Cleburne checks him In a gap in White Oak Ridge — Sherman and Gran ger dispatched to Knoxville — Losses at Mission Ridge. 0 XIX. The War in Missouri and Arkansas, in 1863 k 446 Marmaduke attacks Springfield, Mo. — Is repulsed — Again at Hartsville— Waring routs him at Bates- ville,Ark. — The Sam Gaty captured — Fayetteville attacked by Cabell — Marmaduke assails Cape Girardeau — McNeil repels him — Coffey assailB Fort Blunt — Standwatie repulsed at Cabin Creek — Coffey repulsed by Catherwood, at Pineville, Mo. — Quantrell's Arson and Butchery at Law rence, Kansas — Gen. Steele moves on Little Rock — Fignt at Bayou Metea — Davidson defeats Mar maduke at Bayou Fourche — Price abandons Little Rock to Steele — Bluet's Escort destroyed by Quan- trell — Col. Clayton defeats Marmaduke at Pine Bluff— Gen. K. ii. Brown defeats Cabell and Coffey at Arrow Rock — McNeil chases tbem to Clarks ville — Standwatie and Quantrell repulsed by Col. Phillips at Fort Gibson— Sioux Butcheries in Min nesota—Gen. Sibley routs Little Crow at Wood Lake — 500 Iodianj captured and tried for mnrder ¦ — Gen. Pope in command — Sibley and Sully pur sue and drive the Savages — Gen! Conner in Utah — Defeats Shoshonees on Bear River — Enemies vanish. XX. The Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida in 1862-3— Siege of Charleston. .455 Siege and Capture of Fort Pulaski hy Gillmore — Sinking of Stono Fleet in Charleston Harbor — Com. Dupont Bweeps down the Coaat to St Au gustine—Union Movement at Jacksonville — Pen- Bacola and Jacksonville abandoned — Edisto Island relinquished— Gen. Hunter attacks Secession vi lie, and is repulsed — Gen. Brannan threatens the Sa vannah Railroad — Fight at Coosawhatchie — De struction of the Nashville — Dupont repulsed at Fort McAllister— The Isaac Smith lost near Lt>- Sareville— Iron-clad Raid from Charleston— The lercedita and Keystone Stato disabled — Beau regard and Ingraham proclaim the Blockade of Charleston raised — Dupont with his Iron-clads at tacks Fort Sumter, and is repulsed — Col. Montgom ery's Raid up the Combahee— The Atlanta cornea out from Savannah — Capt. Rogers, in the Wee- hawken, disables and captures her — Gen. Gillmore seizes half of Morris Island — Gen. Strong assaults Fort Wagner, and is bloodily repulsed— Gillmore opens Trenches — The 'Swamp Angel' talks to Charleston— The Rebels driven out of Fort Wagner —Com. Stephens assaults Fort Sumter— Charles ton bombarded from Wagner— Foundering of the Weehawken-D. H. HiU repelled at Newbern— Attacks Washington, N. C — Is driven off bv Foster— Fight at Gum Swamp. INDEX BY CHAPTERS. 13 VPAGB XXI. The Political History of 1863 484 Lord Lyons on Democratic ' Peace '— SpringElec- tions ofl8B3— Conscription ordered, first by RebeL next by Union Congress — Judge Woodward pronounces the latter unconstitutional — Suspen sion of Habeas Corpus — Military Arrest and Con viction of Vallandigham — Democrats of Albany thereon — President Lincoln's Response — Ohio Democratic Convention's Resolves — Vallandig ham nominated for Governor — Convention de mand his Release— President Lincoln's Reply— The New York Journalists on the Freedom of the Press — Ex-President Pierce'B Fourth of July Ora tion— Gov. Seymour's ditto— The Draft Riots in New York — Arson, Devastation, and Murder — Gov. Seymour's Speech — He demands a stoppage of the Draft — President Lincoln's Reply — The Autumn Elections — The Draft adjudged valid — The Government sustained by the People. XXH. Negro Soldiery .511 Negroes in the Revolutionary Armies — Royal At tempt* to win them to the British side — The War of 1814 — Gen. Jackson at New Orleans — Negro soldiering suppressed in 1861 — Gen. Hunter di rects a recruiting of Blacke — Gov. Wickliffe's In quiry — Gen. Hunter's Response — Saxton author ized to arm Negroes — Gen. Phelps's Black recruit ing in Louisiana — Gen, Butler thereon — Jeff. Davis on fiubler and Phelps together — Congress orders a general enrollment, regardless of Color — Democratic Denunciation thereof— Gov. Andrew, of Mass., raises two Black Regiments — New York, by her Loyal League, follows the Exmnple — Reb el employment of Negroes in War — Beauregard and Jeff. Davis on Federal nrraing of Blacks— The Confederate Congress punishes it with Death — President Lincoln threatens Retaliation — Garrett Davis, S. S. Cox & Co. denounce the arming of Blacks — A'ljt.-Gen. Thomas engages in the work — His Speech at Lake Providence — Gen. Banks's Order — Negro recruiting goes ahead — Efficiency of Black Soldiers. XXIIL The War along the Coast in 1864. . 528 Organization of the XXXVIHth Congress — Lincoln's proffer of Amnesty — Gillmore and Sey mour in Florida — Finoegan defeats Seymour at Olnstee — Rebel Salt-Works in Florida destroyed — Union Convention at Jacksonville — Union Re pulse at Bloody Bridge, S. C, — Pickett assails Newbern, N. C. — Hoke besieges Wessells iu Plymouth — The Rebel ram Albemarle disables ourV easels — Wesaells surrenders — The Albemarle tights our Fleet off the mouth of the Roanoke — Is beaten off by them — Blown up by Lt. Cushing — Plymouth retaken— Wild's Raid into Camden County. XXTV. The "War "beyond the Mississippi in 1864; 536 Banks in New Orleans — Porter's Fleet in the Mississippi — Captures Fort De Rusbv — Our Army and Fleet advance to Alexandria — Both move up Red River — Banks presses on toward Shreve- port — Col. Gooding's Fight — Our Advance routed by Kirby Smith at Sabine CrosB-Roads — Emory checks the Rebel Pursuit at Pleasant Grove- Fierce and indecisive Battle at Pleasant Hill- Banks retreata to Grand Ecore — Porter works and tights his way down the River — Bunks tights and drives Bee at Cane River — Return of Army and Fleet to Alexandria— Lt,- Col. Bailey engi neers our Vessels over the Rapids — Union Losb of three Veesels at Dunn's Bayou — Texas Coast nearly abandoned — Banks retreats to Simmsport — Fight at Mansura — Cotton Operations on Red River — Steele's Advance from Little Rock — Fight at Prairie d'Anne — Steele enters Camden — Union Disaster at MarkB's Mills — Steele re treats—Attacked by Kirby Smith at Jenkins's Ferry — Rebels repulsed — Steele, burning his Trains, escapes- to Little Rock — Gen. Carr worsts Shelby at SL Charles— Col. Brooks fights Dob bins at Big Creek— Shelby captures the 54th Illi nois — Union State Convention in Arkansas — Steele's Inefficiency — Rosecrans in command In Missouri — Arrests the Chiefs of the Sons of Lib erty — Price's last Invasion — Hugh Ewing with stands bim at Pilot Knob— Retreats to Rollo — Rebel uprising — Price threatens St. Louis — Ap pears before Jefferson City— Gen. Mower follows him from Arkansas — Rebels capture Glasgow — Price at Lexington— Fights Bliint on the Little Blue— Fights Curtis on the Big Blue— Escapes southward, by Little Santa Fe— Pleasanton routs him on the Little Osage — Blunt routs him at Newtonia — Curtis chases him to Fayetteville, Ark, XXV. Gen. Grant's Advance on Richmond. 562 Grant made Lieutenant-General — His Concep tion of the War — Assumes command — Army of the Potomac reorganized — Kilpatrick's Raid to Richmond — Col. Dahlgren killed — Grant crosses the Rapidan— Battle of the Wilderness— Grant pushes on to Spottsylvania C. H. — Heavy, inde cisive fighting — Hancock storms the Enemy's Lines, capturing Maj.-Gen. Ed. Johnson and 8,000 Men — Sheridan's Raid to Richmond — Death of J. E. B. Stuart — Butler moves againBt Richmond by the James — W. F. Smith fights D. IL Hill at Port Walthall Junction-r-Besuregard arrives from Charleston — Attacks Butler on the James — Mpre Fighting there — Kautz'a first Raid — Three Union Gunboats blown up — Grant moves by his Left to the North Anna — Hancock and Wright across — Burnside repulsed — Fight ing on both Wings — Lee's Position impregnable' — Grant moves by his Left to theChickahominy — Reenforced by W. F. Smith from Butler^ Po sition — Bloody Repulse at Cold Harbor — Sheri dan's Raid to Louisa C. H. — Grant moves by his Left across the James, below Richmond— Re- crosBeB for his Overland Advance — Butler impels Gillem and Kautz againBt Petersburg — W. F. Smith's Corps follows — Failures to carry it — General Assault repulsed — Meade's costly Ad vance to the Weldon Railroad — Wilson's and Kautz's expensive Raid to Burkesville — Butler pontoonB the JameB — Sheridan fights on the Peninsula — Miles carries an Outpost at Deep ^ Bottom — Burnside's Mine — Hancock on our Left, Gregg on our Right, advance, and are both worsted — Warren seizes and holds the Weldon Railroad — Hill defeats Hancock at Reama's Sta tion — Warren advances to nnd over the Squir rel Level Road — Butler assaults and carries Fort Harrison — Field fails to retake it — Meade ad vances to Hatcher's Run — Egan routs Heth — > Hancock repelB Wade Hampton — Hancock re tires — Losses of the Campaign — Criticisms. XXVI. West Virginia and North of the Rapidan in 1864 598 Sam Jones captures Beera at JoneBville — Roaser takes Petersburg — Averill hits him at Spring field— Sigel's defeat at Newmarket — Averfll ¦worsted at Wytheville — Crook's Fight near Dublin Station — Hunter's victory at Piedmont — He takes Staunton, and advances to Lynchburg — Retreats acrosB the Allegbaniea — Early chases Sigel out of Virginia — Wallace beaten on the Monocacy — Early threatens Washington — Wright repulsed by Early — Avery worsted near Winchester — Early defeats Creole — Cham- bersburg burned by McCausland — Col. Stough routed at Oldtown — Sheridan appointed to command — Beats Early at Opequan — Routs him at Fisher's Hill — Devastates the Valley — The Richmond Whig on Retaliation — Early surprises Crook at Cedar Creek — Sheridan transforms defeat into victory — Losses. XXVII. Between Virginia and the Missis sippi, 1863-4 615 Phillips's Raid to Grenada — McPherson ad vances from Vicksburg — Forrest's Raid to Jack son — W. T. Sherman's Advance to Meridian — Sovy Smith's Failure — Oeband'e Fight at Yazoo City — Palmer's Advance to Dalton — Forrest takes Union City — Repulsed by Hicks at Padn- cah — Assaults and carries Fort Pillow — Butch ery after Surrender — Stu'rgis routed by Forrest at Guntown — A. J. Smith worsts Forrest at Tupelo — ForreBt's Raid into Memphis — Fights at) Bean's Station, Charleston, Mossy Creek, Dandridge. and Maryville, East Tennessee — .Morgan's lost Raid into Kentucky — HobBon's Surrender — Burbridge strikes Morgan at Mt. Sterling, and routs bim near Cynthiana — Mor gan killed — Burbridge beaten at Saltville, Va. — Attempt on Johnson's Island. XXVIII. Sherman's Atlanta Campaign 625 Strength of Sherman's and Jo. Johnston's Ar mies—Sherman flanks Johnston out of Dalton — Hooker takes Resaca — Jeff. C. Davis takes Rome — Fight at Pumpkin-vine Creek — At New Hope Church — At Dallas — Allatoona Pass won — Gen. Polk killed — Rebel Repulse at Kulp House— Sherman assaults Kenesaw, and is repulsed with a loss of 3,000 — Flanks John ston out of it — Passes the Chattahoochee — Hood relieves Johnston — Rousseau defeats Clan- ton — Hood strikes our left heavily, and is repulsed— Strikes more heavily, and is badly worsted — Stoneman's wretched Raid to Macon — He surrenders — Hood strikes our right at Proctor's Creak — la badly beaten by Howard and Logan — Kilpatrick's Raid around Atlanta —Sherman moves by bis right behind Atlanta — Howard beats Hardee at Jonesboro' — J. C. Davis repeats the lesson — Hood abandons At- lanta-7-Sherman enters — Orders it cleared of inhabitants — Pillow raids to Lafayette — Wheeler to Dalton and through Southern Ten nessee— Jeff. Davis at Macon — Hood flanks Sherman — French attacks Allatoona — Corse beats him off— Hood crosses Sand Mountain — Thomas intrusted, with the defense of Tennes see— Sherman turns southward. lfe INDEX BY CHAPTERS. TTTY, The War on the Ocean — Mobile .641 \ The Confederate Navy — Their Torpedoes — British-built Privateers — The Sumter — The Alabama — The Florida — Seizure of the Chesa peake— The Tallahassee — The Olustee — The Cbickamauga — Capt. Collins seizeB the Florida in Bahia Harbor— Gov. Seward on Rebel bel ligerency— The Georgia— Fight ofthe Kearsartfe and Alabama— Criticisms thereon — Farragut before Mobile — Bombards and passes Fort Mor gan—The Rebel ram Tennessee fights our fleets-Is captured— Fort Powell blown up — ' Fort Gaines surrenders— Fort Morgan succumbs — Mobile sealed up.' TTT. Political Mutations and Results — Presidential Canvass of 1864. .654 Slate ElectionB reflect the varying phases of the War — Kentucky .Unionism — Lincoln to Hodges — Lincoln at Gettysburg — Fremont nominated for President — Radical PJatlbim-*- Union National Convention — Its Platform — Lin coln and Johnson nominated — Johnson's Letter — A Season of Gloom — The National Finances during the War — National Dubt — Currency De preciation — Peace Overtures at Niagara and at Richmond — Davis inflexible — Chicago Demo cratic Convention — ' Peace ' Utterances — The Platform — McClellan and Pendleton nominated —National victories stimulate populnr dissent — Gen. McClellan tries to hedge. — Seward's Criticisms — Fremont declines — The Autumn Elections — Maryland free — Death of Roger B. Tansy — Lincoln elected — The Soldiers' Vote — The XXXVIIIlh CongreBS — Lincoln's last Message— Slavery prohibited by Constitutional Amendment — Peace Overtures at Richmond, and Negotiations in Hampton Roads — Lincoln's Second Inaugural. , TTTXT Hood's Tennessee Campaign 6*77 Forrest's last Raid — Captures Athens, Ala. — la chased out of Tennessee by Rousseau — Hood presses Gordon Granger at Decatur — Crosses the Tennessee at Florence — Thomas retires on Nashville — Hood follows — Fighting at Duek River and at Spring Hill — Schofield makes a stand at Franklin — Bloody drawn battle — Heavy Rebel loss — Pat. Cleburne killed — Thomas strong in Nashville — Fights around Murlreesboro' — A Cold Week — Thomas assumes the Offensive — Steedman strikes on our left — A. J. Smith, Johnson, and Wilson on our right — Col. Post storms Montgomery Hill — T. J. Wood and A. J. Smith carry first line of Rebel defenses — OveTton's Hill stormed and taken — Rebels routed and pursued to Franklin — Their losses — Hood chased across the Ten nessee— Lyon'B feeble Raid— Stoneman in East Tennessee — Gillem routs Duke, and then Vaughn — Breckinridge driven into North Carolina — Saltville captured — Thomas's Captures — Mood relieved. x*:xn. Sherman's Great March 689 His Army in Northern Georgia— Concentrated at Atlanta — He moves southward — Fis;ht at Lovejoy'u — Kil patiick before Macon — Slocum at Milledgeville — Howard at SandeTsville — Kilpatrick at Waynesboro' — Fights Wheeler — Blair at Millen — Hazen at Statesboro' — Fight at the Ogoechee — Blair crosses at Fort Argyle — Slocum crosses at Louisville — Sherman ap- {iroaches Savannah — Hazen storms Fort McAl- ister — Sherman hears from Foster and Dahl- tren^-Starts for Hilton Head — Hardee evacuates a van n ah —Sherman's losses and captures in Georgia — Correspondence with Lincoln— Dana's, Davidson's, and Grieraon's Raids — Grierson's Victory at Egypt — Hatch worsted at Honey Hill — Foster occupies Pocotaligo — Sherman en ters South Carolina — Pushes for the Edisto — Horrible Roads — Fight near Branchville — Kil patrick at Aiken — Blair fights and wins near Orangeburg — Fight at the Congaree — Hood'a remnant, under Cheatham, pass our left — Co lumbia surrendered — Great Conflagration — Sherman's and Wade Hampton's accounts of it — Hardee evacuates Charleston and its defenses — Pollard's account of its devastation — Our Flag raised on Forts Sumter, Ripley, and Pinck ney— Sherman's Foraging — His 'Bummers* — Fight at Williston's Station — Atkins's repulsa — Sherman at Winflsboro' — Blair at Cheraw — Occupies Fayetteville, N, C. — Hampton sur prises Kilpatrick — la beaten off — Slocum at tacked by Hardee at Averyiboro" — Rebels recoil ¦ — Jo. Johnston strikes Slocum at Bentonville— Indecisive Fighting-^Johnston decamps — Sher man entere Goldsboro' — Butler and Weitzel's Expedition to Fort Fisher— The Powder Ship — Porter's Bombardment — Butler returns to the James — Grant dissatisfied — Expedition sent back under Terry— Fort FiBher invested— Bom barded bvthe Fleet— The Sailors' assault— Re pulsed — 6en. Ames assaults from the land Bide — Desperate Fighting— The Fort carried— Losses —Explosion ot Magazine — Gen. Schofield ar rives — Advances on Wilmington — Fight at Town Creek — Fort Anderson evacuated — Hoke retreats — Burns Vessels and Stores— Wilming ton given up — Advance to Kinston — TJpham. surprised at Southwest Creek — Jiuke Btrikes out— Is repulsed, and retreats — Schofield enters Goldsboro'. TTTTTT. The Repossession of Alabama. . .T16 Wilson at Eastport, Miss. — Crosses the Tennes see, and moves southward— Routs Roddy at Montevallo — Hurries Forrest from Boyle's Creek — Charges over the defenses of Selma, and takes 2,700 Prisoners — Montgomery surrenders — La grange i outs Buford — Wilson takes Columbus, Ga., by Assault — Lagrange charges and captures Fort Tyler — Wilson in Macon — Cuxton cap tures Tuskalooaa — Zigzags to Macon— Canby in New Orleans — Advances on Mobile — Steele moves up from Pensacola — Routs Clantou at Mitchell's Creek— Spanish Fort besieged — Its garrison driven out — Desperate assault on Blakely— The Works carried, with 3,000 pris oners — Mobile evacuated — Fate of the ram W. H. Webb. XXXIV. Pall of Richmond — End of the War ?24 Grant passive — Rebel attempt to arm Negroes — Warren's advance to the Meherrin — Raid of the Rebel gunboats — Fight at Dabney's Mill — Our left on Hatcher's Run — Rosser's Raid to Beverly — Capture of Kelly and Crook — Sheri dan up the Valley — Annihilates Early at Waynesboro' — Captures Charlottesville — Fails to cross the James above Richmond — Crosses below and reaches Grant — Gordon surprises Fort Sieedman — Is repulsed at Fort Haskell — Surrender of 2,000 Rebels — Meade counter-as saults — Grant directs a General Advance by our left^Griffin's Fight at tho White Oak Road— Sheridan advances to Five Forks — Fulls back to Dinwiddie C. H. — Lee strikes Warren heavi ly — Ib successful, but finally stopped — Sheridan again pushed back to Dinwiddie C. H — Repels his assailants — Warren hurried to his support ,(, — Rebels recoil — SheHdnn again advances to Five Forks, and attackB — Warren's corps or dered to strike Enemy's left flank — Combined Attack completely successful — Pickett routed and driven westward — Witrren superseded by Sheridan — Our guns reopen on Petersburg— General assault along our front — Forts Gregg and Alexander carried — Miles dislodges the enemy at Sutherland's Depot — Longstreet joins Lee— Heth repulsed— A. P. Hill killed— Lee. notifies Davis that Richmond must be evacuated — The Confederacy fires and quits that City — Weitzel enters it unopposed— Captures of pris oners and arms — The news flashed over the loyal States — Universal rejoicings — Connecti cut Election — Petersburg abandoned — Lee con centrates at Chesterfield C. H.— Retreats west ward by Amelia C. H.— Sheridan heads him off" from Danville, at Jetersville — Davies strikes. his train at Paine's Cross-Roads — Lee hasten ing westward— Crook strikes him in flank— Is repulsed— Custer strikes his train at Sailor's Creek, and destroys 400 wagons — Ewell cut off, and, after a fight^ compelled to surrender — Ord Btrikes Lee's van near Farmville— Is re pulsed, and Gen. Read killed— Lee crosses the Appomattox at Farmville — His Desperate Condition — Grant proposes a surrender — Humphreys attacks Lee, and is bloodily re- Julsed — Lee resumes his flight — Sheridan eads him at Appomattox C. H.— Last Charge of the Army of Virgiui a— Correspondence be tween Lee and Grant — Lee Surrenders — Parting with his Soldiers— His Army dissolved. XXXV. DeathofPresidentLincoln — Peace. 146 The President at City Point^He enters Rich mond—Letter to Weilzel— Recruiting stopped —Celebration at Fort Sumter— The President assassinated by J. Wilkes Booth— Gov. Seward murderously assaulted by Payne Powell— Ac cession of Andrew Johnson to the Presidency- Offers rewards for arrest of Jefferson Davis and others— Stoneman's Raid into North Caro lina—Sherman's Arrangement with Jo. John- Bton— Repudiated by the Governments-Reasons therefor— JohnBton surrenders— Dick Tavlor ditto— Dtssolution of tbe Confederacv— Flieht Sfi £aPwre °£ Davi8r£irby Smi"i's voice still for War-Sheridan's Expedition— The Re bellion's final collapse-Career of the Shenan- doah-Grant'B Parting Address to his Soldiers —Dissolution of our Armies. Appended Notes ^5q Analytical Index 7,35 ILLUSTRATIONS OF VOL. II. UNION GENERALS. Fkostispieob. Lieut-Gen. Ulysses S. Grant. Major-Gren. William T. Sherman. Major-Gen. Philip H. Sheridan,, Major-Gren. George G. Meade. Major-Gen. Winfield S. Hancock, 6. MajorGren. Oliver O. Howard. Frohtispieoe. 7. Major-Gen. Alfred H. Terry. 8. Major-Gen. Frank P. Blair. 9. Major-Gen. Nathaniel P. Banks. 10. Major-Gen. Samuel R. Curtis. 11. Major-Gen. Quincy A. Gillmore. 12, Major-Gen. George H Thomas. PAGE Horace Greeley 17 PATRIOTIC GOVERNORS. Edwin D. Morgan, of N. York. 128 "William Sprague, of R. L . " Richard Yates, of Illinois . . " Thos. C. Fletcher, of Missouri. " Charles S. Olden, of N. Jersey " 19. Austin Blair, of Michigan 20. John Brough, of Ohio . . . 21. Wm. A. Buckingham, of Conn. 22. Oliver P. Morton, of Indiana. 23. John A. Andrew, of Mass. 24. Samuel Cony, of Maine . . PAGE128 25. Andrew G. Curtin, of Penn. 128 EMINENT UPHOLDERS IN CONGRESS OE THE THE UNION. WAR FOR 26. Benjamin F. Wade, of Ohio . 256 27. Zachariah Chandler, of Mich. " 28. Henry S. Lane, of Indiana . . " 29. Lyman Trumbull, of Illinois . " 30. Elihu B. Washburne, of Illinois. " 31. William D. Kelley, of Penna. " 32. Henry Winter Davis, of Md. 256 33. Reuben E. Fenton, of N. York. " 34. George W. Julian, of Indiana " 35. John A. Easson, of Iowa . . " 36. John P. Hale, of N. Hampshire. " 3V. Roscoe Conkling, of New York " UNION DEFENDERS. 38. Major-Gen. 39. Major-Gen. 40. Major-Gen. 41. Major-Gen. 42. Major-Gren. 43. Major-Gren. Wm. S. Rosecrans Franz Sigel . . Godfrey Weitzel James B. Steedman. Gordon Granger E. R S. Canby . 272 44. Major-Gen. Judson Kilpatrick. 272 45. Major-Gen. P. J. Osterhaus . " 46. Major-Gren. Alfred Pleasanton. " 47. Major-Gen. Carl Schurz. . . " 48. Brig.-Gen. Thos. F. Meagher . " 49. Com. John A. Winslow ..." OUR HEROIC DEAD. 50. MajorGen. John Sedgwick 51. Major-Gren. Isaac I. Stevens . 52. Brig.-Gren. Edward D. Baker . 53. Brig.-Gren. George D. Bayard. 54. Major-Gren. Philip Kearny 55. MajorGen. John F. Reynolds . 352 56. Major-Gren. Ormsby M. Mitchel. 57. Major-Gen. Jas. S. Wadsworth. 58. Major-Gen. Jas. B. MoPherson. 59. Major-Gen. Edwin V. Sumner. 60. Brig.-Gen. Fred. W. Lander . 61. Brig.-Gen. Nathaniel Lyon . 352 16 ILLUSTRATIONS OF VOL. 1 1 .— Continued. president; new 62. Andrew Johnson, President 63. Lafayette S. Foster, . . Vice-President. 64. Hugh McCulloch, . . . Secretary of the Treasury. 65. James Harlan, Sec. Interior 66. William Dennison, . . . Postmaster-General. 67. James Speed, Attorney-General 68. Schuyler Colfax, . . . Speaker of the House of Representatives. 752 Fight of the Merrimac and Monitor in View of Fredericksburg ..... View of Cumberland Gap Fort Sumter Repossessed by the Union CABINET, &c. PAGE . Thaddeus Stevens, .... 752 Chairman Com. on Ways and Means, House of Reps. . John Sherman, '' Committee on Finance, Senate. Henry Wilson, " Chairman Committee on Military Affairs, Senate. Gen. Robert C. Schenck, . . " Chairman Com. on [Military Affairs, House of Reps. William Pitt Fessenden, . . " Ex-Secretary of the. Treasury. Hampton Roads 112 344 432 736 ILLUSTRATIONS- Continued. Battle-field of Pea Ridge . . 29 Battle-field of Mill Spring . . 44 Forts Henry and Donelson . . 46 New Madrid and Island No. 10 . 55 Pittsburg Landing — Shiloh . . 62 Roanoke Island — Croatan Sound. 75 Newbern and Neuse River . . 77 New Orleans and its Defenses . 86 Forts Jackson and St. Philip . . 88 Richmond and its Approaches . Ill McClellan before Yorktown . 121 Seven Pines, or Fair Oaks . . . 143 Mechanicsville 153 Gaines's Mill 156 Malvern Hill 165 Pope's Virginia and Lee's Mary land Campaigns 174 Cedar Mountain 176 Gainesville, or Second Bull Run 184 South Mountain — Turner's and Crampton's Gaps 197 Harper's Ferry 200 Antietam, or Sharpsburg . . . 205 Perryville, or Chaplin's Creek . 219 Iuka 223 Corinth — Defeat of Van Dorn . 226 Stone River, or Murfreesboro' . 275 The Yazoo Region 297 Vicksburg, Jackson, Yazoo City. 305 Port Hudson besieged by Banks. Fredericksburg — Burnside, Lee . Chancellorsville — Hooker, Lee. Winchester, Va., and Vicinity Gettysburg — First Day's Fight . Gettysburg — Final Assault . . Mine Run and the Rapidan . . . Chattanooga, Chickamauga, &c. . East Tennessee — Knoxville, , &c. Fort Pulaski — Gillmore's Siege . Secessionville, S. C 461 Charleston, S. C, and its Defenses 467 Red River Region, Alexandria, &c. 538 The Wilderness — Grant, Lee Spottsylvania C. H. and Vicinity. Lee at bay on the North Anna . Cold Harbor and its Vicinity . Richmond and Petersburg . . . Defenses of Washington City Sheridan in the Valley of Va. Sherman's Advance to Atlanta . Mobile Bay and its Defenses . Franklin, Tenn. — Hood's Fight Nashville, Tenn. — Thomas, Hood Sherman's March to the Sea Sherman's March through South Carolina ggg Wilmington, N. C— Fort Fisher. 710 Lee's Retreat — Appomattox C. H. 729 332 343 356 371 378 384399 416429 457 567 572 578 580 594 604 609 627650681 685 690 Engrave i "by- J C Buttre KewTark:. THE AIEKICAN CONFLICT. VOLUME II. TEXAS AND NEW MEXICO. The frontiers of Texas, Mexican and savage, were guarded, prior to tbe outbreak of Secession, by a line of forts or military posts stretching from Brownsville, opposite Matamoras, to the Red River. These forts were located at average distances of one hundred miles, and were severally held by detachments of from 50 to 150 of the regular army. San Anto nio, 150 miles inland from Indianola, on Matagorda Bay, was the head quarters of the department, whence the most remote post — Fort Bliss, on the usual route thence to New Mex ico — was distant 675 miles. The whole number of regulars distributed throughout Texas was 2,612, compri sing nearly half the .effective force of our little army. When, soon after Mr. Lincoln's election, but months prior to his in auguration, Gen. David E. Twiggs was dispatched by Secretary Eloyd from New Orleans to San Antonio, and assigned to the command of the department, it was doubtless under stood between them that his business in Texas was to betray this entire force, or so much of it as possible, into the hands of the yet undevel oped traitors with whom Floyd was secretly in league. Twiggs's age and infirmities had for some time excused him from active service, un til this ungracious duty — if duty it can be called — was imposed upon and readily accepted by him. With in 90 days after his arrival ' at Indi anola, he had surrendered2 the entire force at and near San Antonio, with all their arms, munitions, and sup plies, to three persons acting as " Commissioners on behalf of the Committee of Public Safety," se cretly appointed3 by the Convention which had just before assumed to take Texas out of the Union.4 The 1 December 5, 1860. 2 February 18, 1861. He immediately and openly declared that the Union could not last 60 days, and warned officers, if they had pay due them, to draw it at once, as this would be the last. 5 February 5, 1861. 2 4 Feb. 1. The Convention met this day at Austin, and at once passed an ordinance of Secession, subject to a vote of the people at an election to be held on the 23d inst. ; the ordi nance, if approved, to take effect on the 2d of March. Texas was therefore still in the Union, even according to the logic of Secession, 18 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. betrayal was colored, not fairly cloaked, by a slim display of mili tary force in behalf of the sovereign State of Texas, Col. Ben. McCulloch, an original and ardent Secessionist, having undertaken and fulfilled the duty of raising that force and post ing it in and around San Antonio, so as to give countenance to the de mand for capitulation. It was fairly stipulated in writing between the contracting parties, that our troops should simply evacuate Texas, march ing to and embarking at the coast, where their artillery and means of transportation were to be given up, while they, with their small arms, should proceed by water to any point outside of Texas; but these condi tions, though made by a traitor in Federal uniform with fellow-traitors who had cast off all disguise, were shamefully violated. Col. C. A. Waite, who, after the withdrawal of Floyd from the Cabinet, had been sent down to supersede Twiggs in his command, reached San Antonio the morning after the capitulation, when all the material of war had been turned over to the Rebel Commis sioners, and 1,500 armed Texans sur rounded our httle band, in the first flush of exultation over their easy triumph. Unable to resist this rap idly augmenting force, Waite had no alternative but to ratify the surren der, dispatching, by permission, mes sengers to the frontier posts, to ap prise the other commanders that they were included in its terms. Collect ing and dispatching his men as rap idly as he might, he had some 1,200 encamped at Indianola ready for em barkation, when they were visited by Col. E. Van Dorn, of the Confeder ate service, recently a captain in our army, who had been sent from Mont gomery with authority to offer in creased rank and pay to all who would take service with the Rebels. His mission was a confessed failure. A few of the higher officers had par ticipated in Twiggs's treason ; but no more of these, and no private sol diers, could be cajoled or bribed into deserting the flag of their country. Col. Waite was still at San Anto nio, when news reached Indianola" of the reduction6 of Fort Sumter; and Col. Yan Dorn, with three armed steamers from Galveston, arrived with instructions from Montgomery to cap ture and hold as prisoners of war all Federal soldiers and officers remain ing in Texas. Maj. Sibley, in com mand at that port, had chartered two small schooners and embarked there on a part of his force, when he was compelled to surrender again uncon ditionally. Col. Waite was in like manner captured at San Antonio, by order of Maj. Macklin, late an officer in our service, under Twiggs ; Capt. Wilcox, who made the arrest, an swering Waite's protest with the simple words, " I have the force." Waite, and a few officers with him, were compelled to accept paroles not to serve against the Confederacy un less regularly exchanged. Of course, the forces at the several posts protecting the frontiers of Texas, being isolated and cut off from all communication with each other, or with a common head-quarters, fell an easy prey to the Rebels. A part of them were commanded by officers in full sympathy and perfect under standing with the Texas conspirators for Secession, who, by means of the se- ' April 17, 1861. ' April 13. MILITARY TREASON ON THE RIO aRANDB. 19 cret organization known as " Knights of the Golden Circle," having its Texas head-quarters at San Antonio, and its ' castles' or affiliated lodges in every part of the State, had prose cuted its undertaking at immense advantage over the unorganized and often unsuspecting as well as unin formed Unionists. The conspirators had long before made themselves ac quainted with the loyal or disloyal proclivities of the Federal officers; and, wherever an important position was held by an inflexible Unionist, they were able, by secret representa tions at the War Department, to pro cure such a substitution as they de sired ; and thus Col. Loring, a North Carolinian, deep in their counsels, had been sent out by Floyd, in the Spring of 1860, to take command of the de partment of New Mexico, while Col. G. B. Crittenden, a Kentuckian, of like spirit and purposes, was appointed by Loring to command an expedition against the Apaches, to start from Fort Staunton in the Spring of 1861. Lieut. Col. B. S. Roberts, however, who here joined the expedition with two companies of cavalry, soon dis covered that Crittenden was devoting all his sober moments — which were few — to the systematic corruption of his subordinates, with intent to lead his regiment to Texas, and there turn it over to the service and support of the Rebellion. Roberts repelled his solicitations,7 and refused to obey any of his orders which should be prompt ed by the spirit of treason. He finally accepted a furlough, suggested by Loring, and quickly repaired under it to Santa Fe, the head-quarters of the department, making a revelation of Crittenden's treachery to its com mander, Col. Loring, and his adju tant, but only to find them both as thoroughly disloyal as Crittenden. He was rudely rebuked by them as a meddler with other men's business, and ordered directly back to Fort Staunton, but found opportunity to give notice to Capt. Hatch, com manding at Albuquerque, to Capt. Morris, who held Fort Craig, and other loyal officers, of the treachery of their superiors, and the duty in cumbent on them of resisting it.. Meantime, desperate efforts were made by the prominent traitors to bring their men over to their views, by assurances that the Union had ceased to exist — that it had no longer a Government able to pay them or feed them — while, if they would but consent to go to Texas and take ser vice with the Confederacy, they should be paid in full, and more than paid, beside having great chances of pro motion. To their honor be it record ed, not one man listened to the voice of the charmer, though Capt. Clai- born, at Fort Staunton, made several harangues to his company, intended to entice them into the Confederate service. Of the 1,200 regulars in New Mexico, one only deserted during this time of trial, and he, it is be lieved, did not join the enemy. Fi nally, the disloyal officers, headed by Loring and Crittenden, were glad to escape unattended, making their rendezvous at Fort Fillmore, twenty miles from the Texas line, not far from El Paso, where Maj. Lynde commanded. Here they renewed their intrigues and importunities, finding a large portion of the officers equally traitorous with themselves. But Maj. Lynde appeared to hold out ' See his testimony before 'the Committee on the Conduct of the War. — Report, Part 3, pp. 364-72. 20 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. against their solicitations. His forces, however, were so demoralized that, soon afterward,8 when he led 480 of them, out of 700, to the village of Mesilla, some twenty miles distant, he fell into an ambuscade of 200 badly armed Texans, and, after a skirmish, wherein his conduct can only be vin dicated from the imputation of cow ardice by the presumption of treason, he ordered a retreat to the fort, which his men were next day engaged in fortifying, when surprised, at 10£ a. m., by an order to evacuate that night. The commissary was ordered to roll out the whisky, from which the men were allowed to fill their canteens, and drink at discretion. No water was furnished for the weary march before them, over a hot and thirsty desert. They started as ordered ; but, before they had advanced ten miles, men were dropping out of the ranks, and falling to the earth exhausted or dead drunk. At 2 a. m., a Texan force was seen advancing on their flank, whereupon Lynde's Adjutant remarked, " They have nothing to fear from us." Our men were halted, so many of them, at least, as had not already halted of their own accord; and the officers held a long council of war. Many privates of the command likewise took counsel, and decided to fight. Just then, Capt. Gibbs appeared from the officers' council, and ordered a retreat upon the camp, saying, " We will fight them there." Arrived at the camp, our soldiers were ordered to lay down tfieir arms, and inform ed, " You are turned over as prison ers of war." The subordinate offi cers disclaimed any responsibility for this disgraceful surrender, laying the blame wholly upon Lynde. Our men. were paroled, and permitted, as prisoners, to pursue their course northward, after listening to a speech from Col. Baylor, of their captors, intended to win their good-will. Their sufferings, on that forlorn march to Albuquerque and Fort Wise, were protracted and terrible ; some becoming deranged from the agony of their thirst; some seeking to quench it by opening their veins, and drinking their own blood. Maj. Lynde, instead of being court-mar tialed and shot, was simply dropped from the rolls of the army, his dis missal to date from his surrender f and Capt. A. H. Plummer, his com missary, who held $17,000 in drafts, which he might at any moment have destroyed, but which were handed over to and used by the Rebels, was sentenced by court-martial to be rep rimanded in general orders, and sus pended from duty for six months ! New Mexico, thus shamefully be reft, at a blow, of half her defend ers, was now reckoned an easy prey to the gathering forces of the Rebel lion. Her Mexican population, ig norant, timid, and superstitious, had been attached to the Union by con quest, scarcely fifteen years before, and had, meantime, been mainly un der the training of Democratic offi cials of strong pro-Slavery sympathies, who had induced her Territorial Legislature, some two years before, to pass an act recognizing Slavery as legally existing among them, and providing stringent safeguards for its protection and security — an act which was still unrepealed. Her Democratic officials had not yet been 1 July 24, 1861. 8 July 27, 1861. CANBY PREPARES TO HOLD NEW MEXICO. 21 replaced by appointees of President Lincoln. Her Delegate in Congress, Miguel A. Otero, had issued10 and circulated an address to her people, intended to disaffect them toward the Union, and incite them to favor the Rebellion ; but her Democratic Gov ernor, Abraham Rencher, though a North Carolinian, upon receiving news of Lynde's surrender, issued a proclamation calling out the entire militia force of the Territory, to act as a home guard ; which call, though it added inconsiderably to the effec tive force of her defenders, was cal culated to exert a wholesome influ ence upon public opinion, and keep restless spirits out of mischief. Col. E. R. S. Canby, who had succeeded to the command, of the Department, was a loyal and capable soldier, and was surrounded, for the most part, by good and true men. When the new Governor, Henry Connolly, met11 the Territorial Legislature, a very wholesome and earnest loyalty was found well-nigh universal, so that the Governor's cautious recom mendation that the act for the pro tection of slave property be modified, as needlessly severe and rigorous, was promptly responded to by an al most' unanimous repeal of the entire act, leaving the statute-book of New Mexico clean of all complicity with the chattelizing of man. Meantime, Col. Canby was quietly proceeding with the organization of his militia and other forces for the inevitable contest, crippled through out by the want of money, munitions, and supplies of all kinds. Even di rections and orders, so plentifully be stowed on most subordinates, were not vouchsafed him from Washing ton, where the absorption of all ener gies in the more immediate and mo mentous struggle on the Potomac and the Missouri, denied him even an an swer to his frequent and importunate requisitions and representations. An urgent appeal, however, to the Gov ernor of the adjacent Territory of Colorado, had procured him thence a regiment of volunteers, who, though falling far enough short of the effi ciency of trained soldiers, were worth five to ten times their number of his New Mexican levies. Making the best use possible of his scanty or in different materials, he was probably about half ready to take the field when apprised that the Texans were upon him. Gen. H. F. Sibley had encounter ed similar difficulties, save in the qualities of bis men, in organizing and arming, in north-western Texas, the " Sibley Brigade," designed for the conquest of New Mexico. His funds were scanty, and the credit of his Government quite as low as that depended on by Canby; but the settled, productive districts of Texas were not very remote nor inaccessible, while Canby's soldiers were for weeks on short allowance, simply because provisions for their comfortable sub sistence were not to be had in New Mexico, nor nearer than Missouri, then a revolutionary volcano, where production had nearly ceased. Two insignificant collisions had taken place near Fort Craig.12 In the earlier, a company of New Mexican volunteers, Capt. Mink, were routed and pursued by a party of Texans, who, in their turn, were beaten and chased away, with considerable loss, by about 100 regulars from the fort. 10 Feb. 15, 1861. ' Dec. 2, 1861. " In October, 1861. 22 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. The surviving Texans escaped to Mesilla; and Canby occupied the frontier posts so far down as Fort Staunton, leaving Fort Fillmore still in the hands of the Texans. Gen. Sibley, who had hoped to ad vance in the Autumn of 1861, was still at Fort Bliss, within the limits of Texas, on the 1st of January, 1862 ; but moved forward, a few days thereafter, with 2,300 men, many of them trained to efficiency in the Mexi can War and in successive expeditions against Apaches and other savages, wherein they had made the name of " Texan Rangers " a sound of terror to their foes. For Canby's regulars and American volunteers, they had some little respect — for his five or six thousand New Mexicans, none at all. Advancing confidently, but slowly, by way of Fort Thorn, he found Canby in force at Fort Craig, which he confronted about the mid dle of February. A careful recon- noissance convinced him that it was madness, with his light field-guns, to undertake a siege ; while his offer of battle in the open plain, just outside the range of the guns of the fort, was wisely declined. He would not retreat, and could not afford to re main, consuming his scanty supplies ; while to pass the fort without a con test, leaving a superior force unde- moralized in his rear, was an experi ment full of hazard; he therefore resolved to force a battle, and, with that view, forded the Rio Grande to its east bank, passed the fort at a distance of a mile and a half, and encamped nearly opposite, in a posi tion of much strength, but entirely destitute of water, losing 100 of the mules of his baggage-train during the night, by their breaking away, in the frenzy of their thirst, from the weary and sleepy guards appointed to herd them. He was thus compel led to abandon a part of his wagons and baggage next morning, as he started for the river, the smallness of his force not permitting him to di vide it in the_ presence of a capable and vigilant enemy. When his advance, 250 strong, under Maj. Pyron, reached, at Yal- verde, a point, at 8 A. m., where the river bottom was accessible, fully seven miles from the fort, they found themselves confronted by a portion of our regular cavalry, Lt.-Col. Ro berts, with two most efficient batte ries, Capt. McRae and Lt. Hall, supported by a large force of regular and volunteer infantry. Our bat teries opening upon him, Pyron, greatly outnumbered, recoiled, with some loss, and our troops exultingly crossed the river to the east bank, where a thick wood covered a con centration ofthe enemy's entire force. The day wore on, with more noise than execution, until nearly 2 p. m., when Sibley, who had risen from a sick bed that morning, was compelled to dismount and quit the field, turn ing over the command-in-chief to Col. Thomas Green, of the 5th Texas, whose regiment had mean time been ordered to the front. The battle was continued, mainly with artillery, wherein the Federal supe- ljiority, both in guns and in service, was decided, so that the Texans were losing the most men in spite of their comparatively sheltered position. To protract the fight in this manner was to expose his men to constant deci mation without a chance of success. 13 Feb. 19, 1862. OUR DEFEAT AT VALVERDE. 23 Canby, who had reached the field at 1 p. m., considered the day his own, and was about to order a general ad vance, when he found himself antici pated by Green, at whose' command his men, armed mainly with revolv ers, burst from the wooded cover and leaped over the line of low sand-hills behind which they had lain, and made a desperate rush upon McRae's battery confronting them. Volley after volley of grape and canister was poured through .their ranks, cutting them down by scores, but not for an instant checking their advance. They were 1,000 when they started ; a few minutes later, they were but 900 ; but the battery was taken ; while Mc Rae, choosing death rather than flight, Lieut. Michler, and most of their men, lay dead beside their guns. Our supporting infantry, twice or thrice the Texans in number, and in cluding more than man for man of regulars, shamefully withstood every entreaty to charge. They lay grov eling in the sand in the rear of the battery, until the Texans came so near as to make their revolvers dan gerous, when the whole herd ran madly down to and across the river, save those who were overtaken by a cowardly death on the way. The Colorado volunteers vied with the regulars in this infamous flight. Simultaneously with this charge in front, Maj. Raguet, commanding the Texas left, charged our right at the head of his cavalry ; but the dispar ity of numbers was so great that he was easily repulsed. The defeat of our center, however, soon altered the situation ; our admirable guns being quickly turned upon this portion of the field, along with those of the Texans, when a few volleys of small- arms, and the charging shout of the victors, sufficed to complete the dis aster. No part of our army seems to have stopped to breathe until safe under the walls of the fort. Six ex cellent guns, with their entire equi page, and many small-arms, were among the trophies secured by the victors. The losses of men were about equal — 60 killed and 140 wounded on either side. But among the Confederate dead or severely wounded in the decisive charge, were Lt.-Col. Sutton, Maj. Lockridge, Capts. Lang and Heurel, and several lieutenants. Col. W. L. Robards and Maj. Raguet were also wound ed, though not mortally. The celer ity of the flight precluded the taking of more than half-a-dozen prisoners, among them Capt. Rossel, of the regulars, captured while crossing the river. Fort Craig was still invulnerable ; though a flag of truce, dispatched by Canby as he reached its gates, was fondly mistaken for a time by the Texans as bearing a proposition to surrender. It covered an invitation to a truce for the burial of the dead and proper care of the wounded, to which two days were given by both armies ; when a Rebel council of war decided that an assault was not justi fiable, but that they might now safely leave Canby to his meditations, and push on up the river into the heart of the Territory. They did so, as they anticipated, without further opposi tion from the force they had so sig nally beaten. Leaving their wounded at Socorro, 30 miles on the way, they advanced to Albuquerque, 50 miles further, which fell without resistance, and where their scanty stock of pro visions was considerably replenished. 24 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. At Cubero, 60 miles westward, they obtained more provisions and some ammunition. Still advancing on Santa Fe, the Confederates encoun tered," at Canon Glorietta, or Apache Pass, 15 miles from Santa Fe, near Fort Union, a new Federal force of 1,300, composed partly of regulars, but mainly of green Colorado volun teers, the whole commanded by Col. John P. Slough. The Rebel force actually present, under Col. W- R- Scurry,15 was decidedly inferior in numbers,18 but in nothing else. The narrowness of the canon precluded all flanking, enabhng the Rebels to span it with a line of infantry, which instantly charged, with the Texan yell, revolver and knife in either hand. Our forces scarcely waited to be in danger before breaking and flying in the wildest confusion. > In a few mo ments, not a man of them remained in sight of the Rebels. Scurry halted, re-formed his men, brought up his guns, and fired a few shots to ascertain the position (if po sition they still had) of his adversa ries, and then ordered Maj. Shrop shire, with his right, and Maj. Rag uet, with his left, to charge with cav alry and develop the new Federal line, while he would lead forward the center at the first sound of their guns. Delay ensuing, he moved to the right to ascertain its cause, and found that Shropshire had been killed. Imme diately taking command of that wing, he advanced and attacked — the left opening fire, and the center advanc ing, as he did so. Three batteries of 8 guns each opened a deadly fire of grape, canister, and shell, as chey came within range, tearing through their ranks, but not stopping their advance. A short but desperate hand-to-hand conflict ensued, our in fantry interposing to protect their guns, which were saved and brought off, with most of our wagons. But our infantry soon gave way, and the Texan victory was complete. Their loss was reported by Scurry as 36 killed and 60 wounded; but among the former were Majors Shropshire and Raguet, Capt. Buckholt, and Lt. Mills. During the fight, which lasted from noon until about 4 p. M., Maj. Chivington, of Colorado, with four companies, gained the rear of the Rebel position, and destroyed a part of their train, also a cannon, which he spiked ; when, learning that Slough was defeated, he decamped. Our total loss was reported at 23 killed and 50 wounded ; while in a skirmish with Pyron's cavalry, the morning before, Slough took 57 pris oners, with a loss of only 15. Sibley entered Santa Fe in triumph soon afterward, meeting no further resistance. He collected there all that remained of his little army, and confiscated to its use whatever of provisions and clothing, of wagons and animals, he could lay hands on. But he found the population, with few exceptions, indifferent or hostile, the resources of food and forage ex tremely limited, and his hold upon the country bounded by the range of his guns. Never had heroic valor been persistently evinced to less pur pose. Before he had rested a month, he found himself compelled to evacu ate his hard-won conquest, and retreat 14 March 24. 15 Representative from Texas in the XXXIHd Congress. 10 Col. Scurry, in his official report, de clares that he had but 600 men present fit for duty. THE TEXANS ABANDON NEW MEXIGO. 25 by forced marches to Albuquerque, his depot, which Canby, advancing from Fort Craig, was seriously threat ening. He reached it in time to save his supplies, but only to realize more completely the impossibility of attach ing New Mexico to the Confederacy, or even of remaining in it. He evac uated it on the 12th of April, moving down both banks of the river to Los Lunal, thence to Peralto on the east side, where he found Canby looking for him. Some fighting at long range ensued, with no serious results; but Sibley, largely outnumbered, crossed the river during the night, and pur sued his retreat down the west bank next morning, Canby moving almost parallel with him on the east. The two armies encamped at evening in plain sight of each other. Sibley, in his weakened condition, evidently did not like this proximity. "In order," as he says in his re port, " to avoid the contingency of another general action in our then crippled condition," he set his forces silently in motion Soon after night fall, not down the river, but over the trackless mountains, through a des olate, waterless waste, abandoning most of his wagons, but packing seven days' provisions on mules, and thus giving his adversary the slip. Dragging his cannon by hand up and down the sides of most rugged. mountains, he was ten days in ma king his way to a point on the river below, where supplies had been or dered to meet him, leaving his sick and wounded in hospitals at Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and Socorro, to fare as they might. He naively reports that " sufficient funds in Confederate paper was provided them to meet every want, if it oe negotiated;" and honors the brothers Raphael and Manuel Armijo — wealthy native merchants — who, on his arrival at Albuquerque, had boldly avowed their sympathy with the Confederate cause, and placed stores containing $200,000 worth of goods at his dis posal. He states that, when he evac uated Albuquerque, they abandoned luxurious homes to identify their future fortunes with those of the Southern Confederacy, and consid erately adds, " I trust they will not be forgotten in the final settlement." In closing, Gen. Sibley expresses the unflattering conviction that, "ex cept for its political geographical po sition, the Territory of New Mexico is not worth a quarter of the blood expended in its conquest ;" and inti mates that his soldiers would deci dedly object to returning to that inhospitable, undesirable country. These and kindred considerations had induced his return to Fort Bliss, Texas, and now impelled him to meditate a movement without orders still further down the country. Col. Canby wisely declined to run a race of starvation across those des olate mountains, in the rear of the flying foe, but returned to Santa F6, whence his order, of even date " with Sibley's official report, claims that the latter had been "compelled to abandon a country he had en tered to conquer and occupy, leav ing behind him, in dead and wound ed, and in sick and prisoners, one- half of his original force." ' May 4, 1862. THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. II. MISSOURI— ARKANSAS. Geit. Steeling Peice was a good deal less indignant than any Union ist at the unaccountable desertion1 ®f south-western Missouri by the new Union commander, directly on the heels of Fremont's triumphant and unresisted advance, when assured that his scouts were not mistaken in reporting the evacuation of Spring field and retreat to Rolla, by an army which he would not have dared to attack. He gradually retraced his steps from the Arkansas border, en tering Springfield in triumph, and subsequently advancing to Osceola, on the Osage, thence pushing forward his forces unresisted over the greater part of southern and western Mis souri, occupying in force Lexington and other points on the great river, where Slavery and Rebellion were strong, and subsisting his army on the State from which they might and should have been excluded. The village of Warsaw was burned,2 and Platte City partially so,3 by Rebel incendiaries or guerrillas ; and there were insignificant combats at Salem,4 Rogers' Mill,6 near Glasgow, Potosi, Lexington, Mount Zion,0 near Stur geon, and some other points, at which the preponderance of advantage was generally on the side of the Unionists. Even in North Missouri, nearly a hundred miles of the railroad crossing that section was disabled and in good part destroyed T by a concerted night foray of guerrillas. Gen. Halleck 1 Nov. 2-15, 1861. See Vol. I., pages 593-4. ' Nov. 19, 1861. 3 Dec. 16. thereupon issued an order, threaten ing to shoot any Rebel caught bridge- burning within the Union lines — a threat which the guerrillas habitually defied, and President Lincoln declined to make good. Gen. John Pope, commanding the district of Central Missouri, having collected and equipped an adequate force, at length demonstrated 8 against the Rebels occupying Lexington, un der Rains and Stein, compelling them to abandon the line of the Missouri, and retreat southward. Having, by forced marches and his strength in cavalry, gained a position between them and their base at Osceola, he forced them to a hurried flight; with the loss of nearly 300 prisoners and most of their baggage, including 70 wagons laden with clothing and sup plies for Price, who lay at Osceola with 8,000 men. Meantime, a de tachment of Pope's forces, under Col. Jeff. C. Davis, surprised" a Rebel camp at Milford, not far from War- rensburg, and compelled its surrender at discretion. Three colonels, 17 captains, over 1,000 prisoners, 1,000 stand of arms, 1,000 horses, and an abundance of tents, baggage, and supplies, were among the trophies of this easy triumph. Pope's losses in these operations scarcely exceeded 100 men; while his prisoners alone were said to be 2,500. Among them was Col. Magoffin, brother of the late Governor of Kentucky. 4 Dec. 3. 7 Dec. 20. ' Dec. 7. ' Dec. 15. * Dec. 28. ' Dec. 18. SIGEL'S- RETREAT FROM BENTONTILLE. 27 Price, thus roughly handled before he had been able to concentrate his forces, did not choose to risk a general engagement. He retreated rapidly through Springfield and Cassville, closely pursued, and fighting at inter vals, until he had crossed the Arkan sas line, forming a junction, soon afterward, near Boston Mountains, with Gen. Ben McCulloch, command ing a division of Texas and Arkansas Confederates, thus raising his entire force to a number fully equal with that which had so keenly pursued him, which was now commanded by Gen. Samuel R. Curtis, of Iowa, and which, after continuing the pur suit down to Fayetteville, Arkansas, had retraced its steps to and halted at Sugar creek, not far over the State line. Meantime, Price was joined10 and backed by Earl Yan Dorn, late a captain " of U. S. regu lars, now Confederate major-general, commanding the Trans-Mississippi department, and by Gen. Albert Pike, of Arkansas, heading a consid erable brigade of Indians, swelling the numbers of the Rebels to about 20,000. Yan Dorn promptly resolved to give battle, and to fight it in such manner that the defeat of the Union ists should involve their destruction. Advancing rapidly from his camp at Cross Hollows, covering Fayetteville, he struck at ia the division of Gen. Franz Sigel, holding Bentonville, the extreme advance of the Union posi tion, 8 or 10 miles southwest from Gen. Curtis's center, near Mottsville, on the direct road from Fayetteville to Springfield. This attempt to iso late, overwhelm, and crush Sigel was baffled by the coolness and skill of that general. Sending his train ahead under escort, he covered its retreat with his best battery and in fantry, planting his guns on each favorable position, and pouring grape and shell into the pursuing masses, until their advance was arrested and disorganized, when he would limber up and fall back to the next eleva tion or turn in the road, where he would renew the dispensation of grape with like results, then con cede another half-mile, and repeat the operation. Thus fighting and falling back, he wore out the day and the distance, repelling his foes, who at times enveloped his flanks as well as his rear, with a loss of less than 100 men, a good part of these from the 2d Missouri, Col. Schaefer, who, mis taking an order, had left Bentonville considerably in advance, and who fell into an ambuscade by the way. Before 4 p. m., Sigel was met by re- enforcements sent him by Gen. Cur tis, when the pursuit was arrested, and he deliberately encamped near Leetown, across Sugar creek, and in close proximity to General Curtis's center position. Pea Ridge is the designation ofthe elevated table-land, broken by ravines, and filling a large bend of Sugar creek, on which the ensuing battle was fought. Gen. Curtis, knowing himself largely outnumbered by the motley host collected to overwhelm him, had chosen a very strong position on which to concentrate his retreating force, provided the Rebels would at tack it in front, as he expected. The country being generally wooded, he had obstructed most of the lateral roads with fallen trees ; while his ar tillery and infantry, well posted and 1 March 3, 1862. 11 See page 18. 12 March 6. 28 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. strongly intrenched, were prepared to give the foe the warmest kind of re ception as he advanced against them up the main road, leading from Texas through Fayetteville northward to Keytesville and Springfield. But Yan Dorn perceived neither the ne cessity nor the wisdom of running into such a trap. Advancing from Fayetteville obliquely by way of Bentonville, and chasing Sigel off the direct road from the latter to Keytesville upon the cross-road that passes through the little village of Leetown and intersects the Fayette ville road at Elkhorn Tavern, he dili gently improved the night following Sigel's retreat in placing his entire army along the road from Benton ville toward Keytesville, on the flank and in the rear of his foe; so that all Curtis's elaborate preparations to receive him on the Fayetteville road went for nothing. Curtis woke late on the morning of the 7th to a realizing sense of his critical condition, with a far more numerous foe practicably between him and his resources, rendering re treat ruinous, and compelling him to . fight the Rebels on the ground they had chosen, which proffered him no advantage, and with which their guides were far more familiar than his. But every moment's delay must necessarily be improved by Yan Dorn in making matters worse ; so Curtis promptly changed front to rear, mak ing the first and second divisions, un der Sigel and Asboth, his left, the third, under Jeff. C. Davis, his center, and the fourth, Col. Carr, his right. The line thus formed stretched about three miles, from Sugar creek, through Leetown, to Elkhorn Tav ern ; of the Rebel line confronting it, Price, with his Missourians, formed the right ; Mcintosh was in the cen ter, and McCulloch on the left. The dispositions being made, at 10| o'clock, Osterhaus was directed by Curtis to advance, supporting his cavalry and light artillery, and open the ball; while, at nearly the same moment, McCulloch fell with over whelming force upon Carr's division at and near Elkhorn Tavern. A broad, deep ravine, known as Cross- Timber Hollow, but termed in some reports Big Sugar creek, rendered almost impassable by a windfall of heavy timber, crossed the battle-field, severing the lines of either army, but especially those of the Rebels. Osterhaus advanced with great gal lantry from Leetown nearly to the Bentonville road, on which he found the enemy moving rapidly in great force toward Elkhorn Tavern, where McCulloch's attack upon Carr was already in progress. Assailed in turn by greatly superior numbers, he was soon driven back in disorder, with the loss of his battery. Col. Davis, who had been ordered by Curtis to support Carr, was now directed to advance through Leetown to the res cue of Osterhaus, which he did with such vigor and determination that, though largely outnumbered and re peatedly compelled to recoil, his divi sion held the ground assigned them, losing two guns of Davidson's bat tery by the sudden advance of the enemy when their horses were disa bled, but regaining them by a des perate charge of the 18th Indiana, which, with the 22d, was honorably conspicuous throughout the day. Col. Hendricks, of the 22d, was killed while leading a charge of his regi ment Night closed on this division. THE BATTLE OF PEA RIDGE. 29 CREEV- sinking weary but undaunted on the field it had so nobly won — a field red dened by the blood of many of their foes, including Gens. McCulloch and Mcintosh, both mortally wounded. Carr was so fearfully overmatched throughout the day that, though al ways presenting a bold front to the enemy, he was compelled to give ground, sending repeated and urgent representations to Gen. Curtis that he could hold out but little longer unless reenforced. Curtis sent him from time to time a battalion or a few Hght guns, with orders to perse vere ; and at length, at 2 p. m., find ing his left wholly un assailed, ordered Gen. Asboth to move to the right by the Fayetteville road to Elkhorn Tavern, to support Carr, while Gen. Sigel should reenforce Davis at Lee town, pushing on to Elkhorn if not needed in the center. Gen. Curtis, with Asboth's divi sion, reached Elkhorn at 5 p. m. He found Carr still fiercely fighting, hav ing received three or four shots, one of which inflicted a severe wound. Many of his field officers had fallen, with about one-fourth of his entire command. He had been seven hours under fire, during which he had been forced back about half a mile. As Curtis came up, he saw the 4th Iowa faihng back in perfect order, dressing on their colors as if on parade, and ordered it to face about. Col. Dodge explained that it was entirely out of ammunition, and was only retiring to refill its cartridge-boxes. Curtis or dered a bayonet-charge, and the regi ment at once moved steadily back to its former position. Meantime, Gen. Asboth had plant ed his artillery in the road and open ed a heavy fire on the Rebel masses just at hand, while, of his infantry, the 2d Missouri plunged into the fight. The fire on both sides was close and deadly. Gen. Asboth was 30 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. severely wounded, Gen. Curtis's or derly was hit, and one of his body guard fell dead. As the shades of night fell, a messenger from Sigel gave tidings that he was coming up on the left, and would soon open fire. Asboth's batteries fell back, being out of ammunition, and the Rebels were enabled to fire the last shot. A little after dark, both armies sank down on the battle-field, and slept amid the dead and the dying. Curtis, finding that Yan Dorn had concentrated all his forces on this point, directed Davis to withdraw all Ms reserve frojn the center, and move forward to the ground on Carr's left, which was effected by midnight. Sigel, though he had reported him self just at hand at dark, was obliged to make a detour, and did not reach headquarters till 2 a. m. Yan Dorn slept that night at the Elkhorn Tavern, from which he had dislodged Davis by such desperate efforts.13 He had thus far been fight ing a part of our forces with all of his own, and had only gained ground where his preponderance of numbers was overwhelming. Curtis reports his entire command in Arkansas at 10,500, cavalry and infantry — of whom 250 were absent after forage throughout the battle — and 48 pieces of artillery. He estimates the Rebel force in battle at 30,000, including 5,000 Indians.14 Pollard says, " Yan Dorn's whole force was about 16,000 men." But now our whole army was in hand, while at least a third of it had not yet fired a shot. Not a man in our ranks doubted that our vic tory must be speedy as well as de cisive. The sun rose ; Gen. Curtis awaited the completion of his line of battle by Asboth's and Sigel's divisions get ting into position ; but no shot was fired by the enemy. At length, Cur tis ordered Col. Davis, in our center, to begin the day's work. He was instantly replied to from new bat teries and lines which the Rebels had prepared during the night, some of the batteries raking our right wing so that it was constrained to fall back a little, but without slackening its fire. Asboth's and Sigel's divisions were soon in position, completing our line of battle a little to the rear of the first, but without a break, and much of it on open ground, our left wing extended so that it could not be flanked. Gen. Curtis ordered his right to advance to the positions held the night before, and, finding him self an elevation on the extreme right, considerably in advance, which commanded the enemy's center and left, here posted the Dubuque bat tery, directing the right wing to ad vance to its support, while Capt. Hayden opened from it a most gall ing fire. Returning to the center, he directed the 1st Iowa battery, Capt. David, to take position in an open field and commence operations ; and so battery after battery opened 18 Pollard says, " We had taken during the day 1 cannon and about 200 prisoners." 14 The Richmond Whig of April 9th, 1862, has a Rebel letter from one present to Hon. G. G. Vest, which says : " When the enemy left Cove creek, which is south of Boston Mountain, Gens. Price, McCul loch, Pike, and Mcintosh seemed, to think— at least camp-talk amongst officers high in com mand so represented — that our united forces would carry into action nearly 30,000 men, more frequently estimated at 35,000 than a lower figure. I believe Gen. Van Dorn was confident that not a man less than 25,000 were panting to follow his victorious plume to a, field where prouder honors awaited them than any he had yet gathered." • VAN DORN RETIRES FROM PEA RIDGE. 31 fire, the infantry moving steadily to their support, while the left wing was pushed rapidly forward, climb ing a low cliff from which the Rebels had been driven by our guns, and crowding them back into the deep ravines of Cross-Timber Hollow. The 36th Hlinois was prominent in this movement ; while the 12th Mis souri, pushing into the enemy's lines, captured a flag and two guns. The flight ofthe Rebels was so sud den and swift,, and the ravines where in they disappeared so impracticable for cavalry, that our commanders were for some time at fault in the pursuit. Gen. Sigel pushed north on the Keytesville road, where but few of them had gone ; and it was not till afternoon that Gen. Curtis ascer tained that, after entering the Hol low, the main Rebel force had turn ed to the right, following obscure ravines which led into the Hunts- ville road, on which they escaped. Col. Bussey, with our cavalry and howitzers, followed them beyond Bentonville.16 Gen. Curtis reports his entire loss in the battle at 1,351, of whom 701 — more than half — were of Col. Carr's division. The Rebel loss can hardly have been less ; since, in ad dition to Gens. Ben McCulloch and Mcintosh killed, Gens. Price and Slack were wounded. The victory at Pea Ridge was un mistakably ours, but the trophies were not abundant. No cannon, nor caissons, nor prisoners of any account, save a few too severely wounded to hobble off, were taken ; and, though a letter to The New York Herald, written from the battle-field on the 9th, speaks of " a considerable quan tity of wagons, supplies, etc., a load of powder, and nearly a thousand stand of arms," as captured by Sigel during his pursuit of the fugitives upon the Keytesville road, they do not figure in either of Sigel's official reports of the battle, nor yet in those of Curtis. The beaten Confederates, fleeing with celerity in different di rections and by many paths, finally came together in the direction of Bentonville, some 8 miles from the Elkhorn Tavern, whence Yan Dorn dispatched a flag of truce to Curtis, soliciting an arrangement for bury ing the dead, which was accorded. Pollard makes a scarcity of ammu nition a main reason for Yan Dorn's retreat, and it is probable that neither army was well supplied with car tridges at the close of this protracted though desultory struggle. He adds that " Gen. Curtis was forced to fall back into Missouri," and that the " total abandonment of their enter prise of subjugation in Arkansas is the most conclusive evidence in the world that the Federals were worsted by Gen. Yan Dorn;" but fails to 16 Pollard says : " About 91 o'clock, Van Dorn had completed his arrangements to withdraw his forces. Find ing that his right wing was much disorganized, and that the batteries were, one after another, retiring from the field, with every shot expend ed, he had determined to withdraw his forces in the direction of their supplies. This was ac complished with almost perfect success. The ambulances, crowded with the wounded, were sent in advance ; a portion of McCulloch's di vision was placed in position to follow; while Gen. Van Dorn so disposed of his remaining force as best to deceive the enemy as to his in tention, and to hold him in check while execu ting it. An attempt was made by the enemy to follow the retreating column. It was effectually checked, however; and, about 2 p.m., the Con federates encamped about six miles from the field of battle, all the artillery and baggage joining the army in safety. They brought away from the field of battle 300 prisoners, 4 cannon, and 3 baggage-wagons." 82 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. mention the fact that.the Confederate army was also compelled to fall back to a region less wasted and exhaust ed than that which for many miles surrounded the well-fought field of Pea Ridge. As this was the only important battle in which ' Indians ' in consid erable numbers took part, and as they were all found fighting — or, more strictly, yelling — on the side of the Confederacy, a few words of ex planation may be pertinent. We have seen 10 that the important aboriginal tribes known to us as Creeks and Cherokees, holding from time immemorial extensive and de sirable territories, mainly within the States of North Carolina and Georgia, but extending also into Tennessee and Alabama, were constrained to surrender those lands to the lust of the neighboring Whites, and migrate across the Mississippi, at the in stance of the State authorities, re sisted, in obedience to treaties, by President John Quincy Adams, and succumbed to, in defiance of treaties and repeated judgments of the Su preme Court, by President Andrew Jackson. They were located, with some smaller tribes, in a region lying directly westward of Arkansas and north of the Red river, to which the name of Indian Territory was given, and which, lying between the 34th and 37th parallels of North latitude, and well watered by the Arkansas and several affluents of that and of Red river, was probably as genial and inviting as any new region to which they could have been transfer red. Yet, though their removal had been effected nearly a quarter of a century, it is certain that the mass of the Indians there collected still re garded with just indignation the wrongs they had experienced, remem bering fondly the pleasant streams and valleys of the lower Alleghanies, from which they had been forcibly and wrongfully expelled. But their Chiefs had been early corrupted in their old homes, by the example and practice among their White neigh bors of slaveholding — a practice novel indeed, but eminently congenial to the natural indolence and pride of the savage character. They, conse quently, adhered to it in their new location; and, since to hold slaves was a proof of wealth and import ance, nearly every one who by any means obtained property, exchanged a part of it for one or more negroes ; who, if they did not by labor increase his wealth, were certain, by flattery and servility, to magnify his conscious importance. Thus thoroughly satu rated with the virus of slaveholding, the most civilized Indian tribes fell- an easy prey to the arts of the Con federate emissaries. The agents through whom they received their annuities and transacted most of their business with the Federal Govern ment, had nearly always been Demo cratic politicians — of course, pro-Sla very, and generally Southern — and for the last eight years emphatically so. These agents had little difficulty, at the outset of the Rebellion, in per suading their Chiefs that the old Union was irrecoverably destroyed; that' it was scarcely probable that an effort would be made to restore it ; and that, at all events, their interests and their safety dictated an alliance with that Confederacy which was ' See VoL I., pages. 102-6. THE WAR AMONG THE INDIANS. 33 their immediate neighbor, and of which the conservation and perpetu ity of slaveholding was the most cherished idea. Some of those Chiefs have since insisted that they were deceived by the Confederate emissa ries, and especially by Gen. Albert Pike, chief Commissioner for Indian Affairs of the Confederacy, who had led them to confound that concern with the Union. What is certain is, that, directly after tidings reached them of the battles of Bull Run and Wilson's creek — the latter reported to them from that side as a complete discomfiture of the North, which view the undoubted death of Lyon and abandonment of Springfield tend ed strongly to corroborate — the Chiefs of most of the tribes very generally entered into a close offensive and de fensive alliance with the Confeder acy; even so cautious and politic a diplomatist as John Ross throwing his weight into that scale. It is said that, after the death of Lyon, Ben McCulloch's brigade of Texans was marched back to the Indian border, and that the Creeks and Cherokees were impressively required to decide quickly between the North and the South; else, betwixt Texas on the one side and Arkansas on the other, a force of 20,000 Confederates would speedily ravage and lay waste their country. They decided accordingly. Yet a very large minority of both Creeks and Cherokees rallied around the Chief Opothleyolo, made head against the current, and stood firm for the Union. Assembling near the Creek Agency, they tore down the Rebel flag'there flying and replanted the Stars and Stripes; and a letter" from CoL Mcintosh to the True Dem ocrat1* called loudly for reenforce- ments to the Rebel array in the In dian Territory, and expressed appre hension that the Northern party might prove the stronger. A battle between the antagonistic Indian forces took place Dec. 9th, 1861, on Bushy creek, near the Yerdigris river, 180 miles west of Fort Smith, the Confederates being led by CoL Cooper, the Unionists by Opothleyolo. The result was not decisive, but the advantage appears to have been with the Rebel party, the Unionists being constrained soon after to make their way northward to Kansas, where they received the supplies they so much needed, and where a treaty of close alliance was negotiated18 between Opothleyolo and his followers on one side, and CoL Dole, U. S. Commis sioner of Indian Affairs, on the other. The Rebels were thus left in un disputed possession of the Indian Territory, from which they collected the four or five thousand warriors who appeared at Pea Ridge; but, though the ground was mainly bro ken and wooded, affording every fa cility for irregular warfare, they do not seem to have proved of much account, save in the consumption of rations and massacre of the Union wounded, of whom at least a score fell victims to their barbar ities. Their war-whoop was over borne by the roar of our heavy guns ; they were displeased with the frequent falling on their heads of great branches and tops of the trees behind which they had sought shelter; and, in fact, the whole conduct of the battle on our part was, to their ap prehension, disgusting. The amount of effort and of profanity expended " Oct. 17, 186L » Little Rock, Arkansas. " At Leavenworth, Feb. 1, 1862. VOL. n.— 3 34 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. by their White officers in trying to keep them in line at the front, prob ably overbalanced the total value of . their services ; so that, if they chose to depart for their homes soon after the close of the battle, it is not prob able that any strenuous efforts were made to detain them.20 Gen. Curtis, after resting and re fitting his army, finding no enemy in its vicinity, again put his column in motion, proceeding S. S. E. through north-western Arkansas to Bates- ville,21 on White river, near which point he had expected to meet gun boats with supplies from below. He found the river, however, at an un usually low stage for the season — barely four feet ; while the gunboats required six or seven ; beside which, the Mound City, which attempted the ascent, had been resisted and blown up in a fight with the Rebel battery at St. Charles some days be fore. Being compelled, therefore, to depend for all his supplies on wagon- trains from Rolla, Mo., now several hundred miles distant, he did not feel strong enough to advance on Little Rock, the capital of Arkansas, nearly 100 miles S. S. W. from his present position. Having halted seven weeks, wholly unmolested, at Batesville, he again set forth," crossing the Big Black by a pontoon-bridge, and pur suing a southerly course through a generally swampy, wooded, and thin ly settled country, where none but negroes made any professions of Unionism, and, being joined at Jack- sonport23 by Gen. C. C. Washburne, with the 3d Wisconsin cavalry, which had come through from Springfield alone and unassailed, proceeded to Augusta, where he took leave24 of the White, and, assuming a generally S. W. direction, took his way across the cypress swamps and canebrakes of the Cache, where his advance (the 33d Illinois, Col. Hovey), which had been struggling over roads heavily obstructed by fallen trees, was at tacked20 by some 1,500 Rebel cavalry, mainly Texans, led by Gen. Albert Rust, who held him in check for an hour, until he was joined by the 1st Indiana cavalry, Lt.-Col. Wood, with two howitzers, when an impetuous charge was made by the Indianians, whereby the enemy were routed and put to flight. The bodies of 110 dead Rebels were buried by our soldiers, whose loss was but 8 killed and 45 wounded, including Maj. Glenden- nin, who led the charge, receiving a shot in the breast, which proved mor tal. The Rebels were satisfied with this experiment, and gave no further trouble. Gen. Curtis again struck20 White river at Clarendon, just below the mouth of the Cache, only to learn, with intense chagrin, that Col. Fitch, ™ Pollard says: " The Indian regiments, under Gen. Pike, had not come up in time to take any important part in the battle. Some of the red men behaved well, and a portion of them assisted in taking a battery; but they were difficult to manage in the deafening roar of artillery, to which they were unaccustomed, and were naturally amazed at the sight of guns that ran on wheels. They knew what to do with the rifle ; they were ac customed to the sounds of battle as loud as their own war-whoop ; and the amazement of these simple children of the forest may be imagined at the sight of such roaring, deafening, crashing monsters as 12-pounders running around on wheels. Gen. Van Dorn, in his official report of the battle, does not mention that any assist ance was derived from the Indians — an ally that had, perhaps, cost us much more trouble, ex pense, and annoyance than their services in modern warfare could, under any circumstances, be worth." 21 Arriving there May 6. 23 June 25. » July 4, 1 July 1. "June 24. 86 July 9. SCHOFIELD AND MoNEIL HOLD MISSOURI. 35 with the expected gunboats and transports, had gone down the river barely 24 hours previous. Being short of provisions, in a thoroughly inhospitable country, he had no choice but to make his way to the most ac cessible point on the Mississippi. This was Helena, 65 miles S. E., which was made27 by Gen. Wash burne, with 2,500 cavalry and 5 how itzers, in a march of 24 hours, the infantry coming through during the two following days, bringing about half a regiment of white Arkansas volunteers, with a large number of negroes, who, having been employed to block the roads in our front hj felling trees across them, were entitled to hberty and protection under the regnant military policy. A single train of 40 wagons, laden with sup phes, being. wholly unguarded, was captured by Rebel guerrillas in Mis souri, within 30 miles of Rolla, its starting-point. Gen. John M. Schofield had at an early day 2S been placed by Gen. Hal leck in command of all the Missouri militia — a force then visible only to the eye of faith. By the middle of April following, he had an array of ^.3,800 men in the field, mainly cav alry ; to which was intrusted the de fense of the State, while our other troops were drawn away to Arkan sas and the Tennessee. Gen. Curtis's movements eastward toward the Mis sissippi opened the State to incur sions from the Rebels, still in force in western Arkansas ; while consider- ble numbers of Price's men were clandestinely sent home to enlist re cruits and organize guerrilla bands for activity during the summer. Scho field persisted in enrolling and organ izing militia until he had 50,900 men on his lists, of whom about 30,000 were armed. Upon full considera tion, he decided to enroll only loyal men, since passive were often con verted into active Rebels by a re quirement to serve in the Union forces. He had 20,000 men ready for service, when, late in July, 1862, the tidings of McClellan's disastrous failure before Richmond combined with other influences to fill the interior of the State with formid able bands of Rebel partisans. Of these, Col. Porter's, two or three thousand strong, was attacked2' at Kirksville, Adair County, by Col. John McNeil, with 1,000 cavalry and a battery of 6 guns, and, after a desperate fight of four hours, utterly defeated, with a loss of 180 killed and 500 wounded. Several wagon- loads of arms were among the spoils of victory, and Porter's force was by this defeat practically destroyed. McNeil's loss was reported at 28 killed and 60 wounded. Four days thereafter, Col. Poin- dexter's band of about 1,200 Rebels was attacked, while crossing the Chariton river, by Col. Odin Guitar, 9th militia cavalry, 600 men, with 2 guns, and thoroughly routed ; many of the Rebels being driven into the river and drowned. "Many horses and arms, and all their spare ammu nition and other supplies, were cap- tared." 30 Poindexter, with what re mained of his force, fled northward to join Porter ; but was intercepted and driven back by another Union foyce under Gen. Ben. Loan, and again struck by Guitar; ^ho, in a running fight of nearly. 48 hours, 'July 11. ! Nov. 27, 1861. ' Aug 6, 1862. M Gen. Sohofield's official report. 36 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. killed, captured, or dispersed his entire command. Poindexter, after wandering alone through the woods for several days, was made a pris oner ; and Porter, driven back upon McNeil by the same movement of Gen. Loan, was compelled to disperse his band to save it from destruction. This was the last appearance of the Rebels in formidable force northward of the Missouri river ; though small bands of guerrillas continued to plunder and murder there, as else where, for more than a year. Independence, on the western bor der of the State, was about this time attacked31 by a Rebel band of 500 to 800, under Col. Hughes ; and its gar rison, 312 men of the 7th Missouri cavalry, was surrendered by Lt.-Col. Buel, after a short resistance. Gen. Coffey, with 1,500 Rebel cavalry from Arkansas, early in August, invaded south-western Missouri, and, avoid ing Springfield, moved rapidly north ward. Col. Clark Wright, 6th Mis souri cavalry, was sent with 1,200 men in pursuit; Gen. Totten being directed by Schofield to strike the band which had just captured Inde pendence, before it could be joined by Coffey; while Gen. Blunt, com manding in Arkansas, was requested to send a force from Fort Scott, to cooperate in cutting off Coffey's re treat ; and Col. Fitz-Henry Warren, 1st Iowa cavalry, was dispatched from Clinton with 1,500 men to effect a junction with Maj. Foster ; who, with the 7th militia cavalry, 800 strong, had been pushed out from Lexington by Totten, in quest of Hughes. These combinations upon our side failed most signally. Coffey and Hughes united their forces and fought 31 Aug. n. Maj. Foster at Lone Jack, Jackson county, wounded and defeated him, with the loss of his two guns, and compelled him to fall back to Lex ington, upon which place Coffey was advancing with an army now aug mented to 4,500 men ; when, finding that Gen. Blunt was in strong force, threatening his line of retreat, while Loan's and Wright's and other com mands were concentrating upon him from every direction, he relinquished the hope of capturing Lexington and relieving the Rebels north of the river, and turned to fly. Eluding Gen. Blunt in the night, he was hotly pursued to the Arkansas line, but escaped without serious disaster. Gen. Schofield was soon after32 su perseded in the command of the de partment, by Gen. Curtis, but imme diately placed at the head of the forces confronting the enemy in the south-west, where the Rebels, now led by Gen. T. C. Hindman,33 were threatening a fresh invasion. Setting forward from Springfield34 to Sarcoxie to reconnoiter the enemy's position, Gen. Salomon's advance had been overwhelmed at Newtonia by a large body of Rebel cavalry. Salomon had thereupon moved forward to their support, and renewed the battle aft noon; fighting until sunset without serious loss,ultimately retiring in good order from the field. He estimated his strength at 4,500, and the enemy's in his front at 7,000. Gen. Schofield, being reenforced by Gen. Blunt from Arkansas, found himself at the head of 10,000 men ; while the Rebels at Newtonia were estimated at 13,000 to 20,000. He resolved to advance that night and attack at daylight next morning ; Gen. Blunt approach- Sept. 24. 1 Late M. C. from Arkansas. 34 Oct. 1. GEN. SCHOFIELD ADVANCES INTO ARKANSAS. 37 ing Newtonia from the north and west, and Gen. Totten from the east. He found, on coming up, that the enemy had sent their baggage to the rear, and were preparing to retreat. Immediately charging with cavalry and artillery, the Rebels fled without resistance, and were chased 30 miles into Arkansas. It appeared that, though in great numbers, they were badly armed, many of them not at all ; having been sorely disappointed by the capture of a vessel laden with arms for their use on the Mississippi some time previously. Schofield pressed on" to the old battle-ground of Pea Ridge, only to find the ene my's forces divided: a part, under Cooper, having moved westward to ward Maysville, with intent to oper ate on our communications with Fort Scott, while the main body had re treated south-westerly toward Hunts- ville, leaving two or three thousand cavalry in our front to screen these movements. Gen. Blunt was there upon sent after Cooper ; and, after a hard night's march, found him in camp near Maysville, and at once at tacked, capturing his 4 guns and completely routing his command. The Rebels fled in disorder across the Arkansas to Fort Gibson. Their loss in material would have been greater had they had more to lose. Gen. Schofield, with the residue of his army, made a forced march over White River Mountains, to a point 8 miles west of Huntsville, where Rains had encamped the day before. His advance was next morning pushed forward into Huntsville, whence a few Rebel cavalry fled at his ap proach. ' He here learned that Rains was retreating across the mountains to Ozark, resolved not to fight until reenforcements should arrive, and that further pursuit would be useless; so he retraced his steps, via Benton ville, to Cross Hollows and Osage Springs, sending Gen. Herron, with the 1st Iowa and 7th militia cavalry, about 1,000 in all, to attack in the rear some 3,000 or 4,000 Rebel cav alry who were encamped on White river, 8 miles from Fayetteville ; while Gen. Totten, advancing via Fayette ville, was to assail them in front. Gen. Herron reached their camp at early dawn,30 and immediately at tacked with such vigor that the Rebels, though in superior numbers, fled rapidly into the mountains, with the loss of their camp equipage. Gen. Totten did not arrive till after they had vanished. Gen. Schofield found no further enemies within striking distance, until compelled by sickness to resign his command,31 leaving Mis souri substantially pacified. But Gen. Hindman, commanding the Confederate forces in Arkansas, was not disposed to rest satisfied with such a conclusion of the campaign. Having collected, by concentration and conscription, a force estimated by our officers in his front at 25,000 to 30,000 men — while he officially re ports that, for want of stores, etc., he was able to take on this expedition but 9,000 infantry, 2,000 cavalry, and his artillery — he crossed the Arkan sas river at or near Yan Buren, and advanced upon our scattered and nu merically far inferior division, which was watching him from the neigh borhood of the last conflict. It was now December ; but the weather was clear and dry, and the days bright and warm, though the nights were 35 Oct 11. 1 Oct 28. ' Nov. 20. 38 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. chilly ; while the roads were in good condition. Gen. Blunt, commanding the 1st division, in good part of Kan sas troops, numbering about 5,000 men, was at Cane Hill, or Boones- borough, some 10 miles north-west of Yan Buren, and 18 south-west of Fayetteville, when he was apprised of this advance,39 with one of his three brigades (Gen. Salomon's), pro tecting his trains at Rhea's Mills, 8 miles north. Determined not to be driven out of Arkansas, he tele graphed in various directions for Gen. Herron, commanding the 2d and 3d divisions, now in Missouri, and left subject to his orders by Gen. Schofield's departure; and attempted, by showing a bold front and direct ing his cavalry to skirmish sharply with the Rebel vanguard, to delay Hindman's advance until Herron could reach him. Blunt's dispatch found S9 that able and earnest leader at Wilson's creek, some 10 miles south of Springfield, but with most of his command from 10 to 20 miles nearer the Arkansas line. Within three hours, his divisions were in mo tion southerly, making marches of fully 20 miles per day, with all their guns and trains. Having reached Elkhorn,40 he dispatched Col. Wick- ersham, with his 3,000 cavalry, to the more immediate relief of Blunt ; and pushing on to Fayetteville, marching all night, he entered that place at 4 A. m., on Sunday morning, Dec. 7th. Impressed with the peril 88 Dec. 2. MDec. 3. 4° On the evening of the 5th. 41 Gen. Herron, in a private letter to a friend at Dubuque, Iowa, dated Dec. 16, says: "For four miles, we fought their cavalry, dri ving them back to Illinois creek, where I found their whole force strongly posted on a long ridge, with magnificent positions for batteries. For one mile in front, it was clear ground, and my road lay right in the center of their line. of Blunt, he rested his men but an hour or so before putting his column again in motion, and had proceeded but 5 or 6 miles when his advance was met by the 1st Arkansas and 7th Missouri (Union) cavalry, being a part of those he had dispatched from Elkhorn to the aid of Blunt, who had just before been attacked and thrown into great disorder by Marmaduke's Rebel cavalry, forming the vanguard of Hindman's army. Gen. Blunt had been skirmishing for the last two days with what he supposed the advance of the enemy's main body ; but learned, at 8 p. m. of the 6th, that Hindman had turned his left and interposed between him and all of Herron's infantry and ar tillery. Col. Wickersham, with 4 cav alry regiments, reported to Blunt at Cane Hill two hours afterward, with tidings that Herron would be at Fay etteville early next morning. Blunt now attempted to warn Her ron of his danger, but it was too late ; his messengers were intercepted by Marmaduke's cavalry. Hindman was probably reaching for Blunt's trains at Rhea's Mills, when, to their mu tual astonishment, he locked horns with Herron on Illinois creek, near the settlement known as Peaieie Geove. Herron, divested of his cavalry, had but about 4,000 men in hand, and ought to have stood on the de fensive,41 availing himself of every advantage of position and shelter. From a prisoner taken, I learned that Hindman was on the ridge, with his whole force, and in tended to whjr-'ae out before Blunt could get up; in other wo^ds, to take us one at a time. The case looked tough, with Blunt ten miles away, and 25,000 men between us; but I saw at a glance there were just two things that could be done; namely, fight them without delay, and depend on the chance of Blunt's hearing me BATTLE OF PRAIRIE GROVE. 39 Anxious, however, for Blunt's safe ty, and apprehending that he might be at that moment enveloped by an overwhelming Rebel force, he drove the Rebel cavalry impetuously across the creek, only to find their infantry and artillery strongly postea on a high, wooded ridge, three-quarters of a mile distant; their numbers con cealed by the timber and thick un derbrush. Sending across a light battery, which was instantly driven • back, he, while still threatening a fresh advance on the road, cut a path to the creek, half a mile farther down, and pushed across a battery at a point which enabled it to draw the fire of the Rebel artillery. This movement, being unsuspected and unperceived by the enemy, was en tirely successful ; and, before the Reb els had recovered from their surprise and confusion, Herron had pushed three full batteries, backed by three good regiments of infantry, across the regular ford. These batteries were so excellent and so admirably served that they had silenced, in one hour's firing, their Rebel antagonists. Ours were thereupon advanced across an open field, firing volleys of grape and canister, until within a hundred yards of the ridge held by the Rebels, when the 20th Wis consin and 19th Iowa infantry were ordered to charge the Rebel battery in their front. They did so most gallantly, hurling back its supports and taking the battery ; but were un able to hold it, and compelled to fall back. Their charge was at once returned with interest by the Rebel infantry, intent on the capture of our three batteries, and rushing up to within a hundred yards of the guns, when they were likewise repulsed with great slaughter. A fresh bri gade, consisting of the 26th Indiana and 37th Illinois infantry, being now brought up from the right to the relief of our exhausted center, Col. Houston ordered and led a charge against the same Rebel battery which had been fruitlessly charged already. Again it was taken, and again the captors were compelled to abandon it by the overwhelming fire of infan try concentrated upon them. Thus the battle stood, still desper ately contested, neither lost nor won, when, at 2 J p. m., Herron heard the welcome music of a battery opening • at some distance on his right, and was soon assured that Blunt's division was on hand. Blunt had that morning sent Col. Wickersham, with his cavalry, in ad vance, followed by Gen. Salomon's infantry brigade, with directions to move rapidly on the Fayetteville road, and form a junction, if possible, with Herron. Three miles north of Cane Hill, however, Wickersham had taken the left-hand road to Rhea's Mills, instead of the right, leading directly to Fayetteville ; and Blunt, on reach ing the fork, had followed, deeming it imprudent to dislocate his com mand. Coming up aj length with Wickersham, he ordered him to face toward Fayetteville, and endeavor to reach Herron. Wickersham had barely started, when, a little after noon, the boom of artillery was heard in the north-east, and, leaving Gen. Salomon's brigade to guard his trains at Rhea's Mills, Blunt set forward, over a blind, hilly road, with his two others, in the direction of the fire. At 1:45 p. m., Gen. Blunt, in ad- and coming up, or retreat and lose my whole train. It required no time to make, a decision." 40 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. vance of his division, came into full view of the field where the battle was fiercely raging. The Rebels were very strongly posted on high, rolling ground, covered by timber, and only approached from the north over large, open fields, which afforded no cover, save that a part of them bore a crop of ripe corn. Blunt's eccen tric advance had brought him in front of the enemy's left, where they had been massing a large force for the purpose of flanking Herron's position. The flankers found an enemy much nearer than they expected, and were at once hotly engaged with Blunt's division. Its three batteries, firing shell and case-shot at short range, soon proved an overmatch for the two Rebel batteries opposed to them, driving them and their supports back into the woods; where they were charged by Col. Weer, leading the 10th, 13th, and part of the 2d and llth Kansas and 20th Iowa, and a musketry fight of three hours was maintained with equal energy by the contending hosts. Meantime, our batteries were advanced at various points and served with rare efficiency ; Lieut. Tenney, with six 10-pound Parrotts, repelling with shell and can ister, while unsupported, a formidable infantry attack. Here fell the Rebel Gen.- Stein, of Missouri. A battery of 10 guns, well supported, opening upon Tenney, he in ten minutes si lenced its clamor, dismounting two of the guns, and driving off the resi due. An attempt to capture Rabb's and Hopkins's batteries, which were supported by the llth Kansas, Lt.- Col. Moonlight, was defeated with fearful slaughter. 42 Gen. Blunt, in his official report, says : " The enemy's loss in killed and wounded can As darkness came on, the firing gradually slackened and ceased ; the Rebels recoiling into their woody covert, our soldiers sleeping on their arms in the open field where they had so bravely struggled, expecting to renew the combat at daylight. Meanwhile, our wounded were all cared for, the trains of the whole army sent to Fayetteville ; and Gen. Salomon's brigade, relieved from the duty of guarding them, ordered to the field; ammunition brought up and distributed, and everything made ready for proceeding to business at dawn ; but, just before daylight, Gen. Blunt received a flag of truce from Hindman, asking a personal inter view with reference to the burial of the dead and relief of the wounded. Blunt met Hindman accordingly, and was soon satisfied that the meeting so solicited was but a trick; that Hindman had no force present or near but his staff-escort, and a party left to gather up his wounded ; that the bulk of his army had commenced retreating several hours before. Our loss in this battle was 167 killed, 798 wounded, and 183 miss ing — total, 1,148. Most of the miss ing were captured in Marmaduke's initial attack on our cavalry, and were exchanged directly afterward. Of our loss, no less than 953 fell on Herron's command of hardly more than 4,000 men. Lt.-Col. McFar- land, who led the 19th Iowa in its first charge, was killed ; as was Maj. Burdett, of the 7th Missouri cavalry. Lt.-Col. Black, 37th Illinois, and Maj. Thompson, 20th Iowa, were among the wounded. The Rebel loss42 must have been greater, because not fall short of 3,000, and will probably much exceed that number, as many of them, not se- THE TENNESSEE RIVER. 41 of our superiority in artillery, with which the principal execution was done. Hindman's official report makes it, 164 killed, 817 wounded, 336 missing — total, 1,317; and claims to have taken 275 prisoners, 5 flags, 23 wagons, small arms. and over 500 III. KENTUCKY— TENNESSEE— ALABAMA. The river Tennessee, taking rise in the rugged valleys of south-west ern Yirginia, between the Alleghany and the Cumberland ranges of moun tains, but drawing tribute also from western North Carolina and northern Georgia, traverses East Tennessee in a generally W. S. W. direction, en tering Alabama at its N. E. corner ; and, after a detour of some 300 miles, through the northern part of that State, passes out at its N. W. corner ; reentering Tennessee, and, passing again through that State in a course due north, and forming the boundary between what are designated respec tively West and Middle Tennessee, thence flowing N. N. W. till it falls into the Ohio scarcely 70 miles above the mouth of that river, whereof it is the largest tributary, draining an area of over 40,000 square miles. Yery rarely frozen, it is usually navi gable, save in dry summers, from its mouth to the Muscle Shoals, toward the lower end of its course through Alabama, and thence by smaller boats at high stages of water some 500 miles, to Knoxville, the capital of East Tennessee. The Cumberland, draining the opposite slope of the Cumberland Mountains, takes its rise in the heart of eastern Kentucky, and, pursuing a similar but shorter course, runs W. S. W. into Middle Tennes see, which it traverses very much as the Tennessee does northern Alaba ma, passing Nashville, its capital, bending N. W. into Kentucky some 20 miles eastward of the latter river, Verely wounded, were taken to Van Buren. Their loss in killed upon the ground will reach 1,000; the greater number of whom have been buried by my command." Pollard, on the other hand, says of this battle: " Our whole line of infantry were in close con flict nearly the whole day 'with the enemy, who were attempting, with their force of 18,000 men, to drive us from our position. In every instance, they were repulsed, and finally driven back from the field ; Gen. Hindman driving them to within 8 miles of Fayetteville ; when our forces fell back to their supply depot, between Cane Hill and Van Buren. We captured 300 prison ers, and vast quantities of stores. i The enemy's loss in killed and wounded was about 1,000; the Confederate loss, in killed, wounded, and missing, about 300." (Jen. Blunt further says of this Pollard victory : " Their transportation had been left south of the mountains, and their retreat thereby made unincumbered and stealthy. I am assured by my own men who were prisoners with them, as well as by deserters from their ranks, that they tore up the blankets of their men to muffle the wheels of their artillery." Gen. Herron, in a private letter, dated Dec. 15th, says : "The loss of the enemy is terrific. After their burial-parties had been on the ground for three days, we had to turn in and bury 300 for them. The country for 25 miles around is full of their wounded. We have, as captures, 4 caissons full of ammunition, and about 300 stand of arms. Hindman had prepared himself, and risked all on this fight. His movements were shrewdly managed ; and nothing but desperately hard fighting ever carried us through." 42 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. and pursuing a generally parallel course to that stream, to its own re ception by the Ohio, and being navi gable for 250 miles by large steam boats, save in seasons of summer drouth, and by boats of 500 tuns for some 300 miles further. These two — the only rivers, save the Mississippi, navigable southward from the border of the Free into the Slave States — were obviously regarded on both sides, in view of the notorious im practicability of Southern roads in Winter and Spring, as the natural routes of advance for our Western armies collected and drilled on and near the Ohio during the Autumn of 1861 and the Winter following. The close of 1861 left Gen. Hum phrey Marshall, commanding the Con federate forces in south-eastern Ken tucky, intrenched at Paintville, John son county,- intent on gathering sup plies and recruiting. Col. James A. Garfield, of Ohio, commanding a Union brigade consisting of the 42d Ohio, 14th Kentucky, and a squad ron of Ohio cavalry, moved up the Big Sandy early in 1862, occupying Paintville1 without resistance, and pushing on to Prestonburg, Floyd county; near which town, at the forks of Middle creek, he encountered Mar shall, whom he put to flight with little loss on either side. Garfield reported his full strength in this engagement at 1,800, and estimated that of Marshall at 2,500. Marshall was obliged to retreat into Yirginia. Cumberland Gap was abandoned without resistance to the Unionists next month;" and Gen. Garfield, with 600 men, made a rapid excur sion3 to Pound Gap, where he sur prised a Rebel camp, capturing 300 rifles, destroying the camp equipage, and ¦ returning to Pikeville without loss. Gen. Zollicoffer, at the close of 1861, held a position on the Cumber land, near the head of steamboat nav igation on that sinuous stream, which may be regarded as the right of the Rebel army covering Tennessee and holding a small part of southern Ken tucky. His force did not exceed 5,000 men ; but even this was with great difficulty meagerly subsisted by inexorable foraging on that thinly settled and poorly cultivated region. His principal camp was at Mill Speing, in Wayne county, on the south side of the river ; but, finding himself unmolested, he established himself on the opposite bank, in a substantial earthwork, which he named Camp Beach Grove. He had one small steamboat, which had run up with munitions from Nashville, and was employed in gathering sup- ' plies for his hungry men; but the advance of a Union detachment to Columbia, on his left, had rendered his navigation of the river below him precarious, if not entirely obstructed it. On his right front, Gen. Schoepf, with a force of 8,000 men, occupied Somerset ; but was content to occupy it, without attempting or desiring to make trouble. But Gen. George H. Thomas, having _ been ordered4 by Gen. Buell to take command in this quarter, had scarcely reached Lo gan's Cross-Roads ° when Maj. -Gen. George B. Crittenden, who had re cently joined Zollicoffer and super seded him in command, finding him self nearly destitute of subsistence, and apprehending an attack in over- 1 Jan. 7, 1862. a About Feb. 22. a March 16. * Dec. 29, 1861. » Jan. 17 1862. BATTLE OF LOGAN'S CROSS-ROADS. 43 whelming strength from all our forces in that part of Kentucky, resolved to anticipate it ; " and, at midnight after the next day,7 advanced with his en tire available force, consisting of six Tennessee, one Alabama, and one Mississippi regiments of infantry, six cannon, and two battalions of cav alry, to strike and surprise the three or four Union regiments which he was assured were alone posted be tween him and Somerset. He struck them as he had expected, but did not surprise them ; Gen. Thomas having taken the precaution to send out Strong pickets of infantry on the roads leading toward the enemy, with a picket of cavalry still farther in advance. These were encountered by Crittenden's vanguard before day light ; " but, after firing, retired slowly and in good order, and reported to Col. M. D. Mansoh, commanding the advance brigade, who in ten minutes had his two regiments — 10th Indiana and 4th Kentucky, Col. S. S. Fry- in readiness ; and the Rebels, in that hour .of darkness, necessarily pro ceeded with caution, doubling them selves as they advanced. Thomas was of course, at the front, having or dered up his remaining regiments, within ten minutes afterward. The charge of the Rebels was des perate, and the battle raged with great fury for nearly two hours, during which the muskets of the combatants were often fired through the same fence. Barely five Union regiments in all — the 10th Indiana, 2d Minnesota, 9th Ohio, 4th Ken tucky, and 1st Kentucky cavalry, with Kinney's battery — were serious ly engaged ; but the 12th Kentucky, and two or three Tennessee regiments, reached the field just as the day was won by a charge of the 9th Ohio on our left flank with fixed bayonets, supported by a galling fire from the 2d Minnesota in fkmt, under which the Rebels gave way and fled, scarcely halting until they reached their intrenched camp by the river ; leaving one gun on the battle-field and another by the way. In -the heat of the battle, when the combatants were scarcely sepa rated by an open space, Gen. Zolli coffer was shot by Col. Fry, and fell dead on the field, where his body was left by his followers. Col. Fry's horse was shot dead directly after ward. Col. Robert L. McCook, 9th Ohio, was wounded in the leg, and also had his horse shot. The Rebels lost 192 killed, 62 wounded and captured, besides those carried off by them, and 89 taken unhurt. Our loss was 39 killed, and 207 wounded. It rained, as »usual; and the roads were horrible ; but the victors, con siderably reenforced, were, before 4 p. m., in front of the intrenchments at Camp Beech Grove, within which the flying Rebels had taken refuge an hour or two before. Shelling was immediately commenced on our side, feebly responded to on the other ; and this continued until 7 at night, when our soldiers desisted and lay down to rest. Gen. Schoepf's brigade came up that night, and were so disposed by Gen. Thomas as to make sure of the capture of 6 A Rebel letter to the Louisville (Nashville) Cov/rier, says: " The enemy in front occupied Somerset with several regiments, and Columbia with an equal force. On the 17th and 18th, it rained so much that Fishing creek could not be crossed; and so the Somerset force of several thousand could not join the force from Columbia before the 20th." ' Jan. 18-19. 1 Sunday, Jan. 19. 44 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. 7^ yyy\. ««R.0P0BDliaN.CB4'NDlNFANTflrrSAIM the enemy. At daylight, their little steamer was seen lying in the river, and was quickly set on fire by our shells ; cutting off, as was fondly cal culated, all chance of farther Rebel retreat. Fire was then opened on their intrenchments, but there was no response ; and it was soon discov ered that, taking advantage of their MILL SPRING. little boat, they had silently escaped across the river during the night, leaving 10 more guns," with caissons, and many small arms, 1,200 or 1,500 horses and mules, with tents, blankets, and all the material of an army, be hind them. The Rebel engineers had cori- ' A Rebel letter to the Memphis Avalanche, says 11 guns were spiked and thrown into the river. GRANT AND FOOTE AT FORT HENRY. 45 structed — mainly by slave labor — at a point some 80 or 90 miles up the Tennessee and Cumberland, where those rivers first approach within 10 or 12 miles of each other, a few miles south of the Kentucky line, and north of the Louisville and Memphis Railroad, two strong and spacious works; Fobt Henet, commanding the Ten nessee from its eastern bank, and Foet Donelson, controlling the pas sage of the Cumberland from the west, a Httle below the Tennessee village of Dover. A dirt road con nected the two forts, whereof the garrisons were expected to support each other if assailed. Fort Henry, situated on a point or bend of the river, and scarcely above its surface when in flood, menaced the approach by water for a mile on either hand, but was overlooked by three points10 within cannon-shot on either bank of the river. It covered two or three acres of ground, mounted 17 large guns, 11 of them bearing upon any vessels approaching from below, with a spacious intrenched camp in its rear, and a wide abatis encircling alL It was defended by" Gen. Lloyd Tilghman, of Kentucky, with 2,600 men. To Brig.-Gen. U. S. Grant, of Illi nois, was assigned the task of its reduction, with the powerful aid of Commodore A. H. Foote and his fleet of seven gunboats, four of them partially iron-clad. Leaving Cairo" with some 15,000 men on steam transports, he moved up the Ohio to the mouth ofthe Tennessee, then as cended that stream to within ten miles of Fort Henry, where his trans ports halted," while Com. Foote, with his gunboats, proceeded cau tiously up the river, shelling the woods on either side to discover any masked batteries that might there be planted. Having pushed this recon- noissance far enough to receive a 32- pouhd ball through the unprotected side of one of his boats, Gen. Grant decided that the proper landing-place for the troops was about four miles below the fort, where he and they were debarked " accordingly. The next day was spent in preparations, and the next appointed for the at tack : Gen. Grant directing the main body of his forces, under Gen. John A. McClernand, to move diagonally across the country and seize the road leading from the fort to Donelson and Dover, while Gen. C. F. Smith, with his brigade, advanced along the west bank of the river, and Com. Foote, with his gunboats, moved slowly up and attacked the fort from the water. Com. Foote formed his vessels in two lines : the iron-clads Cincinnati (flag-ship), Essex, Carondelet, and St. Louis, in front, while the old wooden Conestoga, Tyler, and Lexington, formed a second line some distance astern, and out of the range of the enemy's fire, throwing shell over the iron-clads into and about the fort. Thus advancing slowly and firing deliberately, the iron-clads steadily neared the fort, using only their bow- guns, because unwilling to expose their weak, unsheltered sides to the heavy guns of the fort, one of them having a caliber of 128 and another of 60 pounds, and but 12 of ours in all of our front line being available. For a moment only was there hesita tion in the attack ; when, after an "So says Gen. Tflghman's official report. "Feb. 2, 1862. BFeb. 4-5. "Feb. 4. 46 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. FORTS HENRY AUD DONELSON. hour's mutual cannonade, a 24-pound shot from the fort pierced the Essex at an unguarded spot, and, .tearing through her thick oak planking as though it had been cheese, penetrated her starboard boiler, instantly filling her from stem to stern with burning steam, killing both her pilots at their post of duty, and severely scalding Capt. W. D. Porter and nearly 40 of his gunners and crew. Thus com pletely disabled, the Essex drifted out of the action, to the great joy of the Rebels, who for a moment thought the victory their own ; but her consorts kept on firing and near- ing for twenty minutes more, when they were within 600 .yards of the Rebel guns, whereof all but four had by this time been silenced : one hav ing burst, disabling every man who served it, while the vent ofthe great 10-inch columbiad had been closed, rendering it useless ; while our fire at short range grew hotter and hotter. Gen. McClernand, as Com. Foote had apprehended, had not yet worked his way through the miry woods and over the difficult trails he was obliged to traverse in order to reach and occupy the main road from Henry to Donelson. Had he been directed to start at o instead of 11 that morning, he would probably have intercepted and captured Tilghman's entire force. As it was, the latter says he ordered all but the hundred or so inside the fort, and employed in working its guns, to take the road to Donelson, under Col. Heiman, his second in command ; and that order was obeyed with great promptness and celerity. Tilghman remained himself with the handful in the fort ; and, at 1:45 p. m., seeing further de fense alike impotent and hopeless, and being urged by his officers to surrender, he, intending to negotiate for terms, raised a flag of truce, which, being unperceived, amid the dense smoke, had no effect on the fire of the fleet. Five minutes later, by the advice of his officers, he, having ceased firing, lowered his flag, thereby surrender- GEN. GRANT BEFORE FORT DONELSON. 47 ing at discretion." Our loss in this conflict, in addition to that on the Essex, was 1 killed and 9 wounded on the Cincinnati ; none on our other vessels. Gen. Tilghman says our total casualties were reported to him at 73, while his own were 21. Com. Foote reports his captures at 60 or 70 men, besides the General and his staff, and a hospital-ship containing 60 invalids, with barracks, tents, &c, sufficient for 15,000 men." Fort Donelson — two miles below Dover, where the Cumberland makes a short bend westward from its northerly course — was a much larger and stronger work than Fort Henry, covering a level plateau of nearly a hundred acres, which surmounts the steep bluff, 100 feet high, with two strong water batteries on the bank at its base, of 9 and 3 guns respect ively, one of them a 10-inch colum- biad, three 64-pounders, and the rest 32-pounders ; all protected by very heavy earthworks, and all bearing on the approach up the river. The fort itself had but 8 heavy guns mounted in addition to the field batteries of its garrison. Gen. Gideon J. Pillow 10 had been in command there " until the arrival 1S of Gen. John B. Floyd,19 when the number of its defenders had been swelled by successive re- enforcements to about 15,000 2° men. Most of them were Tennesseans, with about 2,000 Mississippians, 1,200 Virginians, 1,000 Kentuckians, and a thin regiment each from Alabama, Arkansas, and Texas. The fort was commanded by two or three points farther inland, within cannon-shot; the country rolling to the bluffs of the Tennessee : some of the hills midway having an elevation of about 300 feet. Deep ravines, with steep, rocky sides, especially near the bluffs of the Cumberland, separated these hills, and, with the tall, dense, prim itive forests generally prevailing, af forded admirable positions for defen sive warfare. A heavy and difficult abatis in good part' surrounded the fortress landward, rendering assault at many points all but impracticable. Gen. Grant, bringing Smith's division across the Tennessee, and sending an officer down that river to turn back all vessels ascending it with troops or supplies, crossed from Fort Henry " to the neighborhood of Donelson, gradually extending his lines52 so as to invest the Rebel stronghold nearly from river to river, by a line some three miles long, and 100 to 300 rods distant from the Rebel rifle-pits and batteries, wliich formed an irregular crescent, encir cling their fort at a distance of one M Gen. Grant's official dispatch says: "In a little over one hour, all the batteries were silenced." Com Foote says: "The Rebel flag was hauled down after a very severe and closely contested action of one hour and fifteen minutes." Gen. Tilghman says he surrendered " after an engagement of two hours and ten minutes." The time probably seemed longer on that side than on ours. "Tilghman says he surrendered 66 beside his staff (11), and 16 on the hospital-boat; and adds that his escaping force was overtaken, Borne three miles from Fort Heilry, by our cavalry, who were easily repulsed, but who picked up about 20 of his stragglers, while several of his field-guns were lost on the way, owing to poor teams and bad roads. 16 Of Nashville, Tennessee. " Since Jan. 18. 18 Feb. 13. I9 Of Tirginia. ™ The Richmond Dispatch has a letter' from one ofthe officers, dated Augusta, Ga., Feb. 22, who says: "Our troops number about 18,000." The NashviOe Patriot, of about Feb. 19, gives a list of the regiments present, with the strength of each, which- foots up 13,829, and is evidently incomplete. al Feb. 12. 22 Feb. 13. 48 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. or two miles. Skirmishing by sharp shooters on both sides was maintained with spirit throughout the day, main ly from behind the trees of the great forest, which at most points covered our army and the space between the hostile lines. The weather was thus far hke a clear, bright, Northern Octo ber, and our men in the highest spirits. Com. Foote now arrived23 with his gunboats — four iron-clad, and two wooden — and it was determined that he should attempt to silence and carry the water batteries. He did so at 3 p. m. next day, steadily ad vancing with his iron-clads to within 400 yards of the Rebels' great guns ; when, by an hour's desperate fight ing, he had driven most of the enemy's gunners from their batteries, and seemed on the point of complete success. Just here, however, the wheel of his flag-ship St. Louis and the tiller of its consort, the Louis ville, were shot away, rendering both boats unmanageable, and causing them to drift helplessly down the river. All his iron-clads had endured serious damage : the St. Louis hav ing received 59 shots, and each of the others about half so many, with an aggregate loss of 54 killed and wounde'd. Of his twelve guns, one had burst, while the enemy had brought over 20 — most of them very heavy — to bear upon him from Don elson, as well as the water batteries, to which the gunners returned on observing his predicament, and again poured in their hottest fire. Com. Foote, perceiving victory hopeless, gave up the contest, and retired with his boats down the river, badly crippled. Gen. Grant decided to complete the investment of the fort, at least on that side, while he fortified his weak points, and awaited the return of the gunboats in fighting condition. Floyd, however, not concurring in that view of the matter, decided to assume at once a vigorous offensive, while his men were elated with their defeat of the gunboats. Massing14 heavily on his extreme left, com manded by Pillow, and ordering Buckner,26 in the center, to attack likewise, he made a desperate effort to beat back our investing and aug menting forces, and open for his army a fine of retreat up river toward Nashville. The attack of Pillow on our right, held by Gen. McClernand, was impetuous, daring, and persist ent. After two hours' desperate fighting, McClernand was worsted and fell back on our center, sending urgently for reenforcements, but still contesting every inch of ground. Two or three of his regiments were badly broken, and several more re ported out of ammunition ; which should not have been, since it was not yet noon. Our men, however, had the bad habit generally of using ammunition wastefully, loading and firing as fast as possible, even when there was not one chance in a thou sand of hitting an enemy. The Rebels usually economized their car tridges, firing only when they could do so with effect. Pillow, still successful and slowly advancing, about noon joined hands with Buckner in the center, and took command of their united forces, when a charge was made by Forrest's cav alry on our infantry supporting a "Evening ofthe 13th. 1 At daylight on the morning of the 15th. x Gen. Simon B. Buckner, of Kentucky; for merly commander of her State Guard. THE FIGHTING AT FORT DONELSON. 49 battery of six pieces, which was taken.20 Gen. Grant — not expecting this striking proof of Rebel vitality— was some miles distant on a gunboat, con ferring with Com. Foote, when Mc- Clernand's cry for assistance reached headquarters. Gen. Lew. Wallace, commanding our center, ordered Col. Oruft, with his first brigade, to the rescue. Cruft, misdirected by his guide, took a wrong road ; but it led him nevertheless into the fight, and served to draw off some Rebel atten tion from McClerna.nd's overmatched column. Meantime, Col. Thayer,2' commanding his 3d brigade, was or dered by "Wallace to the further supr port of McClernand; and his fresh troops, admirably handled, uniting with Craft's, succeeded in stopping . and turning back the Rebel advance. Gen. Grant reached the scene of conflict about 3 p. m., and, after a survey of the ground, ordered a gen eral advance ; Gen. ¦-Lew. Wallace leading the attack on the enemy's left, while Gen. C. F. Smith, on our left, should charge his right. This combined effort proved entirely suc cessful. Wallace recovered all the ground lost during the day, resting at 5 p. m. within 150 yards of the intrenchments whence Buqkner had sallied, only to return baffled at night; while Gen. Smith's charge on our left, magnificently led by him against breastworks wherepf the de fense had doubtless been weakened to strengthen Pillow's effort, suc ceeded with little loss. The 2d Iowa went into them on a run, closely fol lowed by the 7th and 14th, with the 25th Indiana, cutting down or chas ing off their defenders; and the po sition thus gained was soon made secure against any effort to retake it. So closed the work of that bloody day. Since the siege began, the weather had suddenly changed to cold, with a light snow, followed by a piercing N- W. wind, rendering the sufferings on either side fearful and almost uni versal. Our men were without tents, and at many points without fires; while the Rebels, worse clad#and lit tle better sheltered, shivered in their fireless trenches through weary day and sleepless, night. Hundreds on either side were frost-bitten ; and it is said that quite a number of the wounded, left uncared for by the shifting tide of battle, were actually frozen to death. The night following the conflict just described was one of anxiety and trouble on the part of the Reb els. Gen. Grant's force had been in creased by the arrival of transport after transport, until it must have amounted to 30,000, if not nearer 40,000 men, and was magnified by their apprehensions to 50,OOO.28 The effort to cut their way out through our right had been gallantly made, and had signally failed. Their out numbered, roughly handled force, had endured 84 hours of alternate fighting and watching, while suffer ing all the hardships of a Winter campaign, and were so outworn as to 36 Col. Hanson, 2d Kentucky, and Col. Cook, 32d Tennessee, as well as Maj. Brown, 20th Mississippi, officially jeport that, after Buckner's defeat of McClernand, on the morning of the 15th, there was no obstacle to the escape of their entire force southward or up the Cumber- vol. n, land. Col. Hanson says the way of escape re mained open till they were ordered back to the trenches, late in the afternoon. " John M., 1st Nebraska. 28 "Eighty-three regiments," says one of their reports. 50 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. fall asleep standing in line of battle, when actually under fire. The posi tion gained by Smith would enable him to take other of their intrench- inents in reverse, or to advance under cover of a ridge directly upon their most important battery and field- work. Buckner declared that his post would certainly be attacked in the morning, and that he could not hold it half an hour ; he thought they might yet fight their way out, with a loss of three-fourths of their number, but did not deem it right to sacrifice so large a proportion. These repre sentations being undisputed, a sur render became inevitable. Yet Floyd, the sunset of whose career as Secre tary of War had not appeared bril liant at the North, at once protested that he would never surrender. Buck ner — who, for obvious reasons, was scarcely more popular with Kentucky Unionists than was Floyd with those ofthe Free States — presented no such obstacle. Floyd, therefore, turned the command over to Pillow, who passed it to Buckner, whose late superiors now devoted their attention to the means of escape. Two Rebel steam boats having arrived a little before daylight from above,Floyd filled them with his soldiers, especially those of his own brigade, and, a httle before sunrise, cast off and steamed up the river, leaving the residue to their fate.29 Col. Forrest, with some 800 cavalry, escaped by the road up the immediate bank of the river, which was partly overflowed, and therefore deemed impracticable for infantry, but which Forrest's troopers appear to have tra versed without difficulty or loss. During the night, a negro had es caped from the Rebel lines, and given our leaders their first clear informa tion of the straits of the enemy. Gen. Grant was therefore not surprised at receiving, about daylight, the follow ing overture : " Headquartees Fort Donelson, " Feb. 16, 1862. "Sie: In consideration of all the circum stances governing the present situation of affairs at this station, I propose to the com manding officer of the Federal forces the appointment of commissioners to agree upon terms of capitulation of the forces at this post under my command. In that view, I suggest an armistice until 12 o'clock to-day. " I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, S. B. Buoknee, "Brig.-Gen. 0. S. Army. "To Brig.-Gen. U. S. Grant, commanding U. S. forces near Fort Donelson." The reply was hardly so diplo matic, but quite lucid — as follows : " Headqtjaetees on the Field, "Foet Donelson, Feb. 16, 1862. "To Gen. S. B. Buoknee: " Sis : Yours of this date, proposing an armistice and the appointment of commis sioners to settle on the terms of capitula tion, is just received. "No terms, except unconditional and im mediate surrender, can be accepted. " I propose to move immediately on your works. "I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, U. S. Geant, " Brig.-General Commanding." Gen. Buckner's response closed the correspondence thus : " Headqttaetees Doves (Tenn.), "Feb. 16, 1862. " Brig.-Gen. TJ. S. Grant, TJ, S. Army : "Sie: The distribution of the forces un der my command incident to an unexpected change of commanders, and tlie overwhelm ing force under your command, compel me, notwithstanding the brilliant success of the Confederate arms, to accept the ungenerous and unchivalrous terms which you propose. •> "I am, sir, your servant, lit. ¦ "®- B- Bd°KNEK, Brig.-General C. S. Army." 29 Maj. W. M. Brown, 20th Miss., in his official report, says one of the boats did not appear to £ave over 50 men on board, and that Floyd took away about 1,500; but this is probably an un- der-estimate. As all would naturally wish to go, it is probable that all went who could. GEN. MITCHEL AT BOWLING GREEN. 51 The Rebel loss by this conflict and capitulation must have been fully 10,000 men, including 2,000 killed and wounded,30 to say nothing of arms and munitions. Our loss in killed and wounded was probably the larger." The blow so well struck at Donel son was swiftly followed by important successes throughout Kentucky and in Tennessee. Gen. Don Carlos Buell had, at the then recent partition of departments, been assigned32 to that of the Ohio, including, besides three Free States, Tennessee, and all of Kentucky east of the Cumberland, with his head quarters at Louisville ; where he still remained when his advance, consist ing of some 16,000 men, led by Gen. O. M. Mitchel, moved," simulta neously with Gen. Grant's demon stration on Donelson, upon Bowling Green, the Rebel sti^nghold in Ken tucky, where Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston had succeeded to the com mand, while Gen. Beauregard had been sent him from the east as a re- enforcement. But Johnston's force, enormously and purposely magnified by currentreport, had never amounted to 25,000 effectives, and had ere this in good part been sent to the defense of Donelson, until it had been re duced to about 7,000 or 8,000 men. As Mitchel advanced across Green river from his camp at Bacon creek, Johnston commenced his retreat on Nashville ; so that, when Mitchel had reached " the north bank of Barren river, and looked across into Bowl ing Green, sending over Col. Tur- chin's brigade during the night, at a ferry a mile and a half below, he found the railroad depot on fire, with 7 locomotives, and a large amount of corn and other provisions, with the bridges of course destroyed, and the last of the Rebel army, consisting of Texas Rangers, just moving off on a railroad train, which had been re tained for the purpose. The river, being wide and at a high stage, could not here be crossed till next day ; so that Mitchel's forced march of 42 miles in 37 horn's, clearing his road of trees which had been felled across it, was rewarded by very moderate captures, including a brass. 6-pounder, and some $5,000 worth of commissary stores ; but it was " Gen. Pillow, in his supplemental report, says: "We sent up from Dover, 1,134 wounded. A Federal surgeon's certificate, which I have seen, says that there were about 400 Confederate pris oners wounded in hospital at Paducah, making 1, 534 wounded. I was satisfied the killed would increase the number to 2,000." Pollard gives what he terms a correct list, by regiments, of the Confederate prisoners taken at Fort Donelson, footing up 5,079 ; but he evi dently does not include in this total the wound ed, of whom many must have been left on the field or in the hospital at the fort, as he says: "The village of Dover, which was within our lines, contained in every room in every house sick, wounded, or dead men. Bloody rags were everywhere, and a door could not be opened without hearing groans." And in his list of regi ments we do not find the 20th Mississippi, whose commander, Maj. W. M. Brown, officially reports that he surrendered 454; nor the 32d Tennes see, CoL Cook, who reports that ie surrendered 538. Gen. Grant's report makes his captures 12.000 to 15,000 prisoners, at least 40 pieces of artil lery, and a large amount of stores, horses, mules, and other public property. M Gen. Grant, speaking of the battle of the 15th, says: "Our loss can not fall far short of 1,200 killed, wounded, and missing," including: 250 taken prisoners. The reports of Col. Cruft, Gen. W. H L. Wallace, and Col. Lauman, show an aggregate loss of 1,306 in their three bri gades, clearly indicating that Gen. Grant under estimated his casualties. * Xov. 9, 1861. H Feb. 11, 1862. M Feb. 11, 52 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. computed that the Rebels had been compelled to destroy not less than half a million dollars' worth of munitions, including many arms. Large quantities of provisions and other stores, industriously collected throughout the preceding Fall and "Winter, had been removed to Nash ville during the last three or four days. Nashville had been electrified, during the 15th (Saturday), with a telegraphic dispatch from Dover, announcing a Rebel victory ; some what tempered by reports from Bowling Green that Johnston would be obliged to evacuate that post. Next morning, however, came news of the capture of Donelson, with most of its defenders; and along with it a first installment of Johnston's army retreating from dismantled Bowling Green. The general aston ishment was only equaled by the general consternation. Churches were closed, or failed to open ; there were hurried consultations and whispered adieus in every quarter, whence bank directors rushed to impel specie and other valuables toward the cars, soon to bear them to Chattanooga, to Columbia, and other points of comparative safety. Gov. Harris and his Legislature, with the State ar chives and treasure, betook them selves swiftly to Memphis; while Confederate officers' devoted then- attention to moving as rapidly as pos sible, the vast stores of provisions and munitions here accumulated. Two fine gunboats, being built at the river-side, were prepared for instant conflagration; and the magnificent and costly railroad and wire suspen* sion-bridges over the Cumberland were likewise made ready for speedy destruction — a fate which overtook them two or three days later. A fortification had in the mean time been commenced on the Cumberland, four miles below the city, calculated to dispute and prevent the passage of our gunboats ; but this was soon abandoned upon information that Gen. Johnston had decided not to fight for Nashville, but to continue his retreat ; which he did, unassailed, to Corinth, Miss>., south of the Ten nessee^ river, and nearly 300 miles from Bowling Green. Six weeks were consumed in that retreat ; which, with a green and undisciplined army, was probably quite as disastrous as a battle.35 Directly after the capture of Fort Henry, Commander Phelps, with the 55 "An Impressed New-Yorker," inhis narra tive of personal adventures, entitled " Thirteen Months in the Rebel Army," says : "The army was not far from 60,000 strong, after Gen. George B. Crittenden's forces were added to it at Murfreesboro'. The season of the year was the worst possible in that latitude. Rain fell — sometimes sleet — four days out of the seven. The roads were bad enough at best ; but, under such a tramping of horses and cutting of wheels as the march produced, soon became horrible. About 100 regiments were numbered in the army. The full complement of wagons to each regiment (24), would give above 2,000 wagons. Imagine such a train of heavily loaded wagons passing along a single mud road, accompanied by 55,000 infantry and 5,000 horsemen, in the midst of rain and sleet, day after day, camping at night in wet fields, or dripping woods, without sufficient food adapted to their wants, and often without any tents ; the men lying down in their wet clothes, and rising chilled through and through. And let this con tinue for six weeks of incessant retreat, and you get a feeble glimpse of what we endured. The army suffered great loss from sickness, and some from desertion ; some regiments leaving Bowling Green with six or seven hundred men, and reaching Corinth with but half of this num ber. The towns through which we passed were left full of sick men ; and many were sent off to hospitals at some distance from our route." Pollard makes Johnston's army at Murfrees boro' but 17,000. NASHTILLE RESTORED TO THE UNION. 53 wooden gunboats Conestoga, Tyler, and Lexington, steamed up the Ten nessee to Florence, Ala., at the foot of the Muscle Shoals, where he cap tured two steamboats, and constrained the Rebels to burn six others ; he hav ing burnt the railroad bridge near Benton on the way. The wholly un expected appearance of the National flag in North Alabama, where slaves were comparatively few, and at least three-fourths of the people hadv stub bornly opposed Secession, was a wel come spectacle to thousands, and was greeted with enthusiastic demonstra tions of loyalty. Com. Foote, with the gunboats Conestoga and Cairo, moved*upss the Cumberland from Donelson, three days after its surrender. At Clarks- .ville, he found the railroad bridge destroyed; while the wealthier citi zens had generally fled, and he en countered no resistance. As it would have been absurd ,to attack a city like Nashville with such* a force, he now returned to Cairo for* addi tional boats ; while Gen. Smith, with the advance of our victorious army, marched up to Clarksville; whence Lieut. Bryant, ofthe Cairo, followed by 7 trans.ports,conveying the brigade of Gen. Nelson, moved up the river to Nashville, where they arrived on the 24th, but found no enemy pre pared to resist them. In fact, the city had virtually surrendered al ready to the 4th Ohio cavalry, Col. John Kennett, being the advance of Buell's army. Col. Kennett had reached Edgefield Junction, 8 or 10 miles from Nashville, and thence sent forward a detachment, under Maj. H. 0. Rodgers, who occupied with out resistance the village of Edgefield, opposite Nashville, on the Cumber land, and communicated with Mayor Cheatham, who surrendered the city to Col. Kennett on his arrival, which was before that of Gen. Nelson's com mand. A small squad of the 4th Ohio crossed over into the city and returned, their orders not contem plating its occupation ; but the bat tery ofthe regiment had been planted where it commanded the heart of the city, and a reasonable fear of shells impelled Mayor Cheatham to proffer and. hasten a surrender, by which he agreed to protect and preserve the public property in Nashville until it could be regularly turned over to the use of the United States. But, in fact, the spoils of victory had already been clutched by the Nashville mob; so that, while the Rebel loss was enormous," the posi tive "Union gain was inconsiderable. " Feb. 19. *7 Pollard says : ' "Gen. Johnston had moved the main body of his command to Murfreesboro' — a rear-guard being left in Nashville under Gen. Floyd, who had arrived from Donelson, to secure the stores and provisions. In the first wild excitement of the panic, the store-houses had been thrown open to the poor. They were besieged by a mob rav enous for spoils, and who had to be dispersed from the commissariat by jets of water from a steam fire-engine. Women and children, even, were seen scudding through the streets under loads of greasy pork, which they had taken as prizes from the store-houses. It is believed that hundreds of families, among the lower orders of he population, secured and secreted Govern ment stores enough to open respectable groce ries. It was with the greatest difficulty that Gen. Floyd could restore order and get his mar tial law into any thing like an effective system. Blacks and Whites had to be chased and cap tured and forced to help the movement of Gov ernment stores. One man, who, after a long chase, was captured, offered fight, and was in consequence shot and badly wounded. Not less than one million of dollars in stores was lost through the acts of the cowardly and ravenous mob of Nashville. Gen. Floyd and Col. Forrest exhibited extraordinary energy and efficiency in getting off Government stores. Col. Forrest re mained in the city about 24 hours, with only 40 men, after the arrival of the enemy at Edge field." 54 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. Gen. Buell soon afterward reached Nashville, and established there his headquarters, while his army was quartered around the city. Col. Stanley Matthews, 51st Ohio, was appointed Provost-Marshal, and soon restored the city to order ; discover ing and reclaiming a considerable amount of Rebel stores which had been appropriated to private use. The bridges and roads northward were speedily repaired, and railroad connection with Louisville reopened. The wealthier classes had in great part left, or remained sullenly dis loyal ; but among the mechanics and laboring poor a good degree of Union feeling was soon developed. By the Union successes recorded in this chapter, the Rebel stronghold at Columbus, Ky., commanding the navigation of the Mississippi, had been rendered untenable. It was held by Maj.-Gen. Polk, Episcopal Bishop of Louisiana, who had ex pended a vast amount of labor in strengthening its defenses, while the adjacent country had been nearly di vested of food and forage to replenish its stores. Its garrison had been re ported at 20,000 men ; but had been reduced by successive detachments to 2,000 or 3,000. Com. Foote, on re turning from Clarksville to Cairo, speedily collected a flotilla of six gunboats, apparently for service at Nashville ; but, when all was ready, dropped down the Mississippi, fol lowed by three transports, conveying some 2,000 or 3,000 soldiers, under Gen. W. T. Sherman, while a sup porting force moved overland from Paducah.38 Arriving opposite Co lumbus, he learned that the last of the Rebels had left some hours be fore, after burning 18,000 bushels of corn, 5,000 tons of hay, their cavalry stables, and much other property; while many of their heavy guns, which they were unable to take away, had been rolled off the bluff, here 150 feet high, into the river. The 2d Illinois cavalry, Col. Hogg, from Paducah, had entered and taken possession the evening before. A massive chain, intended to bar the descent of the Mississippi, had here been* stretched across the great river, but to no purpose ; the Missouri end being loose, and buried in the mud of the river-bed. Island No. 10 lies in a sharp bend in' the Mississippi, 45 miles below Columbus, and a few miles above New Madrid on the Missouri bank. This island had been strongly for tified, its works well supplied with powerful guns and ammunition, under the direction of Gen. Beau regard, so 'that it was confidently counted on to stop the progress of the Union armies down the river. Gen. Pope with a land force of nearly 40,000 men, had previously marched down the Missouri shore of the river, reaching and investing Njgv Madrid, March 3. Finding it defended by stout earthworks, mounting 20 heavy guns, with six strongly armed gun boats anchored along the shore to aid in holding it, he sent back to Cairo for siege-guns ; while he intrenched three regiments and a battery under Col. Plummer, llth Missouri, at Point Pleasant, ten miles below, so as to command the passage of the river directly in the rear of No. 10. The Rebel gunboats attempted to dislodge Col. Plummer, but without 38 March 4. THE REBELS ABANDON NEW MADRID. 55 success. Pope's siege-guns arrived at sunset on the 12th, and, before morning, had been planted within half a mile of the enemy's main work, so as to open fire at daylight, just 34 hours after their embarkation at Cairo. The Rebel garrison had meantime been swelled to 9,000 in fantry, under Maj. -Gen. McCown, and nine gunboats .directed by Com. Hollins, on which our fire was mainly concentrated. A heavy cannonade from both sides was kept up through out the day, with little damage to the Unionists, who, driving in the Rebel pickets, steadily pushed for ward their trenches. A violent thunder-storm raged through most of the following night; and at daylight it was discovered that the Rebels had left, taking very little with them. Thirty-three cannon, several thousand small arms, with ammunition, tents, partridges, wagons, &c, were abandoned by the fugitives, with scarcely an attempt even to destroy them. Our loss during the siege was barely 51 killed and wounded. Com. Foote, with his gunboats, had moved down from Columbus early in March, opening on the Rebel works at No. 10 on the 15th. Two days later, a general attack was made, with five gunboats and four mortar- boats; but, though maintained for nine hours, it did very little damage. Beauregard telegraphed to Rich mond s> that our vessels had thrown 3,000 shells, expended 50 tons of powder, and had killed but one of his men, without damaging his bat teries. He soon left for Corinth,40 ceding the command at No. 10 to CEN. POPl CROSSED APR. 7 18tf MAP SHOWING THE RELATIVE POSITIONS OP ISLAND NO. 10, NEW MADRID, TIPTONVILLE, ETO. Brig.-Gen. Makall, who assumed it in a bombastic proclamation. Mean time, Gen. Pope's engineers were quietly engaged in cutting a canal, 12 miles long, across the Missouri peninsula, opposite No. 10, through which steamboats and barges were safely transferred to the river below the Rebel stronghold ; while two of our heavier gunboats succeeded in passing the island 41 in a heavy fog. Gen. Pope, thus relieved from all peril from the Rebel flotilla, pushed a division " across the river toward the rear of the remaining Rebel stronghold, and was preparing to follow with the rest of his army, when the Rebels under McCown, sinking their gunboat Grampus, and six transports, abandoned No. 10 to its fate, and escaped eastward, leav ing Makall to be driven back upon the swamps, and forced to surrender some thousands of men, several gun- " April 1. 10 April 5. 41 The Carondelet, April 4, and the Pittsburg, April 6. *' April 1. 56 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. boats, and more than a hundred cannon.43 Com. Foote, having refitted, moved down44 the river in %rder of battle, followed by transports conveying part of Gen. Pope's army ; finding his way first impeded at Fort Pillow, or Wright, situated on the first Chickasaw Bluffs, near the Islands Nos. 33 and 34, about 70 miles above Memphis. Landing his mortars on the Arkansas bank, he commenced " a bombardment of the fort at a dis tance of three-fourths of a mile, and was replied to with energy and ac curacy. The high stage of the river prevented cooperation by our army ; so the cannonade was kept up for two weeks with spirit on both sides, but with little effect. A powerful ram having been re ceived by the Rebels from below, they resolved to test its efficiency ; and accordingly made an attack on our fleet,48 the ram leading, backed by three gunboats, and making a rush at the Cincinnati, whose rapid broad sides at short range made no impres sion on her assailant's iron mail. The boats collided with a fearful crash, instantly followed by a broad side from the Cincinnati and a vol ley of musketry ; directly after which, Commander Stembel fired his pistol at the head of the Confederate pilot, killing him instantly. The pilot's mate thereupon shot the Commander through his shoulder and neck, dis abling but not killing him. The Cincinnati, though crippled and sink ing, was able to withdraw from the 43 Gen. Pope, inhis official report, says: "Three Generals, 213 field and company officers, 6,700 prisoners, 123 pieces of heavy artillery — all of the very best character, and of the latest patterns — 7,000 stand of small arms, several wharf-boat loads of provisions, an im- fight, and was run upon a shoal, where she sank ; while the Mallory, which had attempted to crush her, was herself caught by the St. Louis, cut into and sunk, most of her crew going down with her. One of the Confederate gunboats had ere this been burnt ; another had her boiler exploded by a shot; while the rest were so crippled as to render them nearly ineffective ; so they gave up the fight and drifted down the river, under cover of the smoke, to the pro tection of their batteries. The Cin cinnati was our only vessel that had suffered, and she had but 4 wounded. A month later,'" Fort Pillow was evacuated, as was Fort Randolph, twelve miles below. Some damaged guns were left in them, but nothing of much value. Com. Davis dropped down next day to within gun-shot of Memphis^ where he came to anchor ; and next morning, with five gunboats and four rams, slowly approached the city. Soon, a Rebel fleet of eight gunboats was seen approaching . in order of battle, opening fire when within three-fourths of a mile. The Union ram, Queen of the "West, soon struck the Rebel gunboat, Gen. Price, crushing in her wheel-house, and causing her to leak so badly that she was headed at once for the Arkansas shore. The Rebel gun boat, Beauregard, now made at the Queen, which attempted to strike her; but the shock was skillfully evaded by the Beauregard's pilot, who struck the Queen aft so heavily as to disable her. The Union ram mense quantity of ammunition of all kinds, many hundred horses and mules, with wagons and harness, &c, are among the spoils." "April 12. "April 17. 4r'May4. "7 June 4. MEMPHIS SURRENDERED BY THE REBELS. 57 Monarch thereupon made at the Beauregard, and struck her heavily on the bow, causing her to fill rapidly and sink, while the Monarch took the Queen in tow and drew her out of peril. Com. Davis's flag-boat, the Benton, threw a 50-pound ball from a rifled Parrott into the Rebel gunboat Gen. Lovell, striking her aft, just above the water-line, and tearing a great hole, into which the water rushed in a torrent. In four minutes, she had sunk in 75 feet of water, carrying down a part of her crew. There remained but four of the Rebel boats ; and these, which had been for some time drifting, though firing, now turned their bows toward the Arkansas shore, which the Jeff. Thompson soon reached, when her officers and crew leaped off and ran into the woods, while a shell exploding on her deck, set her on fire, and she was burned down to the water. The crew of the Gen. Bragg and the Sumter escaped in hke manner; while the swifter Gen. Yan Dorn fled down the river. The battle had lasted a httle over an hour, and its result was most decisive. No man was killed on board our fleet. Mem phis, whose population had all been interested spectators of the combat, surrendered immediately. An expedition, comprising four gunboats and a steam transport, conveying the 46th Indiana, Col. Fitch, was soon dispatched up the Arkansas and White rivers, to open communication with Gen. Curtis, known to be approaching from the West. Reaching St. Charles, the Mound City, then in advance, was fired on from two concealed batteries, 48 June 24. and replied, while our troops were landed below to take those batteries in the rear. A ball, from a siege- gun on the bluff, pierced the side of the Mound City, and passed through her steam-drum, filling the vessel in stantly with the scalding vapor. Of the 175 persons on board, barely 23 escaped injury. Many jumped over board, frantic with pain, and were drowned ; while the boats sent from the Conestoga to their relief, were fired on by the Rebels with grape and canister, killing most of our scalded and frantic fugitives. In a few minutes, Col. Fitch had carried the works by a charge, capturing 9 guns and about 30 prisoners, inclu ding Col. Frye, the commandant. The expedition failed to effect its purpose. The triumphant Union fleet soon proceeded down the river, encoun tering no serious obstacle till near Yicksburg,48 where it communicated with Com. Farragut, whose fleet from the Gulf- lay below this natural stronghold, accompanied by Gen. Williams, with four regiments of infantry. The Rebel fortifications were bombarded 4° for several hours, without result ; but Lt.-Col. Ellet, with two rams, went that day up the Yazoo river, to capture three Rebel gunboats, which, on his approach, were set on fire and impelled down the current, with intent to envelop our vessels in the flames. The Rebel boats were destroyed. The siege of Yicksburg was con tinued by our fleet, and a determined attack' made on it July 1, but de feated. The Rebel ram Arkansas came down 60 the Yazoo, ran through the astonished Union fleet, and took 49 June 26. '" July 15. 58 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT refuge under the batteries of Yicks burg, unharmed. Repeated attempts to destroy or sink her" were defeated by the shore batteries ; and, on the 24th, the siege was raised; Com. Farragut, with Gen. Williams, re turning down the river ; while Com. Davis, with his fleet, steamed up to the mouth of the Yazoo, thus aban doning, for the time, the reopening of the Mississippi. Gen. Grant's victorious army, after a brief rest at Fort Donelson, re- crossed, considerably strengthened, to the Tennessee, just above Fort Henry, where several gunboats and a large number of transports, passing down the Cumberland into the Ohio, and thence into the Tennessee, took up our soldiers by regiments and started with them on a new move ment up the Tenn'essee. General Charles F. Smith had been desig nated by Gen. Halleck to direct this movement, but was soon disabled by the sickness of which he died not lone after reaching Savannah, Tenn., and Gen. Grant was thus restored to chief command. The rendezvous of the expedition was at a little place called Danville, where the railroad from Memphis to Clarkesville and Louis ville crosses the river. The gunboats Tyler and Lexington had already made a reconnoissance up the Ten nessee, meeting their first resistance at Pittsbueg Lauding, an insignifi cant two-house nucleus of a prospec tive village, 8 miles above Savannah and 20 miles N.N.E. of Corinth, Miss., at the junction of the Memphis and Charleston with the Mobile and Ohio Railroad. The country hence to Corinth is rolling, and generally wooded. Two or three miles south ward is Shiloh Church, and some ten miles farther is the road-crossing known as Monterey, where there were half-a-dozen houses. The re gion is thinly and recently settled ; still mainly covered by the primitive forest; gently rolling, and traversed by a number of inconsiderable creeks, making eastward and northward, to be lost in the Tennessee. At Pittsburg Landing, the Tyler found a Rebel battery of six guns, which it silenced, after a mutual can nonade of two hours; returning thence to Danville and reporting. The movement of the army south ward on transports was continued — the 46th Ohio, Col. Worthington, leading, on the transport B. J. Adams — so far as Savannah, where it was landed, " and proceeded to take military possession. All the transports, 69 in number, conveying nearly 40,000 men, were soon de barking the army, with its material, at and near this place, whence Gen. Lew. Wallace's division was dis patched " to Purdy, a station 16 miles W.S.W., where the railroad was de stroyed. Gen. Sherman's first divi sion was next 54 conveyed up the river to Tyler's Landing, just across the Mississippi State line ; whence the 6th Ohio cavalry was dispatched to Burnsville, on the Memphis and Charleston road, some miles eastward of Corinth, which was likewise de stroyed without resistance. The ex pedition .then returned unmolested to Savannah. These easy successes, and the fact that no enemy came near or seemed to meditate annoyance, must have imbued our leading officers with a 61 July 15-22. w March 10. ' March 12. 64 March 14. GRANT'S ARMY AT PITTSBURG LANDING. 59 contempt for the power or the prowess of their enemy ; sinpe'our regiments, as they arrived, were mainly de barked at Pittsburg Landing, on the side of the Tennessee nearest to and within easy striking distance of the Rebel headquarters at Corinth. One ofthe six divisions, under Gen. Lew. Wallace, was encamped nearly op posite Savannah ; the other five were thrown out in a semicircle southward of Pittsburg Landing, with a front like a Methodist camp-meeting, strag gling from Lick creek on the south or left, to Snake creek on the north or right, a distance of some three or four miles. Gen. Prentiss's division was encamped across the direct road to Corinth, with Gen. McClernand's behind his right, and Gen. Sherman's still further to the right, with Shiloh church in his front, on a road lead ing also, but more circuitously, to Corinth. Gen. Hurlbut's division lay in the rear of Gen. Prentiss. Gen. Smith's division, commanded, because of Smith's sickness, by Gen. W. H. L. Wallace, was on the left of and behind McClernand, with its right near Pittsburg Landing and its front somewhat protected by the ravines of two rivulets running into Snake creek. Though the vicinity of the enemy was notorious, not an intrenchment nor defense of any kind, not even an abatis, here so easily made, covered and protected our front; no recon- noitering parties were thrown for ward to watch for and report an ad vance of the enemy ; and even the pickets were scarcely a musket-shot from the tents of our foremost regi ments ; some of which, it was asserted, had not even feeen provided with ammunition, though it was known that the woods, scarcely a mile away, had suddenly been found swarming with Rebel scouts and sharp-shooters in such strength as to forbid observa- • tion on our part.66 Low but ominous whispers and meaning glances of ex ultation among the Rebel civilians in our rear had already given indi cations that a blow was about to be struck ; and alarmed Unionists had sought the tents of our Generals with monitions of danger, which were re ceived with sneering intimations that every one should stick to his trade. Gen. Grant was at Savannah, super intending the reception of supplies. Such was the condition of our forces on Saturday evening, April 5th. Albert Sidney Johnston was prob ably the ablest commander at any time engaged in the Rebel service. He had braved unpopularity and re proach from the herd of chimney- corner critics who supposed it the duty of a General to run his head against every stone-wall within reach, by refusing to fight losing battles for BowlingGreen and Nashville, and had thus brought off his army intact and undemoralized ; retreating across the Tennessee and into a region at once undevastated and unappalled by war, full of resources, wherein devotion to the Union ha*d been utterly sup pressed, if not eradicated, and whence, by a net-work of railroads and tele- 50 " Agate" [Whitelaw Reid], of the Cincin nati Gazette, in his report of the battle, says : " We had lain three weeks at Pittsburg Land ing, within 20 miles of the Rebels, that were likely to attack us iu superior numbers, with out throwing up a single breastwork or prepar ing a single protection for a battery, and with the brigades of one division [Sherman's] stretched from extreme right to extreme left of our line, while four other divisions had been crowded in between, as they arrived." 60 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. graphs, he communicated easily with Richmond, and with every portion of the Cotton States. The recent evac uation of 'Columbus by Polk was probably ordered by him, in obedi ence to his policy of concentrating around Corinth the greatest possible force, with intent to rush upon and overwhelm the Union army, so care lessly encamped just before him on the hither bank of the Tennessee. Having a spy in nearly every dwell ing in southern Tennessee, he was doubtless aware that the command of that army had just been turned over by Gen. C. F. Smith, an expe rienced and capable soldier, to Gen. Grant, so recently from civil life ; and he had no doubt of his ability to accomplish its destruction. Galling urgently upon the Governors of Ten nessee, Mississippi, and Louisiana, for all the troops they could spare or raise, and being strongly reen- forced by Gen. Braxton Bragg, with a drilled corps from Mobile and Pen- sacola,68 he had, by the 1st of April, collected an army of about 50,000.67 Moving silently out from Corinth, in light marching order and without tents, at 3 A. m., on the 3d, the ad vance of his infantry preceded and masked by cavalry, he confidently expected to attack in full force on the morning of the 5th ; but a heavy rain on the 4th so deepened the mire of the narrow, wretched roads, that his army was by that time but fairly concentrated at Monterey, thence moving with the utmost caution un til within three and a half miles of our pickets, where, unable to advance farther without braving discovery, he halted for the night.68 Here, with double guards along his front, in structed to shoot any man who, upon whatever pretext, should attempt to pass, a council of war was held at 8 p. m., and every preparation made for a stealthy and. desperate assault at daybreak ; while the soldiers, forbid den to make fires, sank on the cold, damp ground, under the open sky, and shivered through a part of the night. Each Colonel had orders to have his regiment under arms and ready to move by 3 a. m. At early dawn, the advance was resumed in fine of battle : Maj .-Gen. Hardee, with the 3d corps, in front, with the 2d, and strongest, under Gen. Bragg, 500 yards behind him ; the 1st, under Gen. Polk, half a mile in the rear of this, with the reserve, 66 About this time abandoned by the Rebels. " Beauregard, in his field return of the ' Ar my of the Mississippi,' before and after the bat tle of Shiloh, makes his effective total, before battle, 40,355 men, of whom 4,382 were cavalry, which he says was useless and could not oper ate at all, the battle-field being so thickly wood ed. But this return includes none of his troops left to guard his base at Corinth, or his trains in the rear of the battle-field, and conceals the fact that his cavalry were usefully employed in guard ing, on their way to Corinth, his prisoners as well as his wounded. Beside, when he comes to sum up his losses, he states the loss of his cavalry at 301 — rather inexplicable, if that cav alry was useless and unemployed. 58 "An Impressed New-Yorker," who was then serving on Beauregard's staff, in his " Thir teen Months in the Rebel Army," says: "While it is no part of my duty, in this narra tive, to criticise military movements, and espe cially those of the Union forces, I may state that the total absence of cavalry pickets from Gen. Grant's, army was a matter of perfect amazement to the Rebel officers. There were absolutely none on Grant's left, where Gen. Breckinridge's division was meeting him; so that we were able to eome up within hearing of their drums en tirely unperceived. The Southern Generals al ways kept cavalry pickets out for miles, £ven when no enemy was supposed to be within a day's march of them. The infantry pickets of Grant's forces were not above three-fourths of a mjle from his advance camps, and they were too few to make any resistance." - THE REBEL ATTACK AT PITTSBURG LANDING. 61 under Gen. John C. Breckinridge, closely following. This order, how ever, was soon sacrificed to the exi gencies of the contest. Rumors of a Rebel advance, and the capture of some of our officers thereby, had reached our camps on Friday;6" and an Ohio brigade had been sent out to reconnoiter, which had a brush with a smaller Rebel force, and pushed it back to a battery which was found in position near our lines. Gen. Lew. Wallace's division was thereupon ordered out, and ad vanced to Adamsville, on the road to Purdy; but, meeting no opponent, after passing a night in drenching rain, it returned to its camp. On Saturday, there was firing along our front, which ought to have incited inquiry, if not alarm, but did not. As day broke,80 our pickets in Prentiss's front came rushing into camp, barely in advance ofthe pursu ing Rebels, whose shells were tearing through our tents a moment after ward. Some of our men were dress ing ; others washing or cooking ; a few eating their breakfasts ; many, especially officers, had not yet risen. The next instant, magnificent lines of battle poured out of the woods in front of our camps, and at double- quick rushed in upon our bewildered, half-dressed, and not yet half-formed men, firing, deadly volleys at close range, then springing upon the help less, coatless, musketless mob with the bayonet. Some fell as they ran ; others as they emerged from their tents, or as they strove to buckle on their accouterments ; some tried to surrender ; but the Rebels could not stop then to take prisoners. Some of these were found, though disabled, still alive, when we recovered those tents next evening. Thus was Prentiss's division routed before it had time to form in line of battle; and Hildebrand's brigade, on Sherman's right, was demolished with equal expedition, in spite of Sherman's best exertions. His ef forts and influence, backed by the most reckless self-exposure, held his remaining brigades, under Buckland and McDowell, steady for a time ; but these were soon compelled to fall back behind the next ravine, leaving their camps, with all their tents and tent equipage, to the enemy. McClernand's division, comprising 10 regiments and 4 batteries, had been astonished with the rest, but not yet directly assailed. Moving up, at 7 A. m., to the support of Sher man, it .found his division mostly gone or going ; its best officers killed or wounded, its batteries either cap tured or badly cut up. Buckland's brigade, which had gone after Hilde brand's, forming our extreme right on the front, had fallen back to avoid certain destruction. To all practical intents, and in spite of its leader's despe'rate and untiring exertions, Sherman's division was out of the fight by 8 o'clock that ominous morn ing. It seemed a miracle that their commander, always in the hottest of the Rebel fire, escaped with a single musket-ball through his hand. Prentiss formed his division as quickly as possible, and not far in the rear of their camps, where his men faced to the front and fought stubbornly for a time ; but they had been strangely drawn up in an open field, leaving to the enemy the cover of a dense scrub-oak thicket in our 69 April 4. 60 On Sunday, April 6. 62 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. PITTSBTTKG LANDING. A Positions of Maj.-Gen. Grant's forces on the morning of April 6th. B Positions of Grant, with the divisions of Nelson and Crittenden, on the evening of April 6th. C Positions of Grant and Bnell on the morning of April Tth. D Positions of Grant and Buell on the evening of April Tth. E Reserve ArtiUery. front, whence they could pour volley after volley in comparative security. Soon, our men were flanked on either side, and fell back, perceiving that they were squandering their lives to no purpose. Thus the division lost all coherence and efficiency ; its lead er became separated from a large 61 This did not occur till about 4 p.m.; but he had long before ceased to form a part of our portion of his command ; and by 10 o'clock it had been virtually demol ished. Prentiss himself, with three regiments, held an unassailed posi tion until, having long since become completely surrounded, he was finally obliged to surrender;" when over 2,000 of our men in one body were line of battle, the Rebels having flanked and passed on beyond him. PRENTISS CAPTURED — MoCLERNAND WORSTED. 63 hurried to the Rebel rear as prisoners, and soon started on the road to Corinth. McClernand for a while stood firm ; but the defection of Sherman's divi sion on one side, and Prentiss's on the other, left the Rebels free to hurl themselves against him in tre mendous force. Two green regi ments, the 15th and 16th Iowa, which he now brought to the front under a heavy, fire, gave way at once in disorder. Changing his front to meet the Rebel onset, he faced along the Corinth road and planted his batteries to command it ; so that the Rebels were for a time foiled in their efforts to advance ; and an effort to come in on his rear, over ground abandoned by Sherman's division, was handsomely repulsed, with heavy mu tual loss, by Dresser's rifled battery. But one division could not sustain the weight of more than half the Rebel army, admirably handled, and constantly advancing fresh regiments to replace those already blown or too badly cut up. After repulsing several determined attacks, some times advancing a httle, but gener ally giving ground, and losing three Colonels of the line and three officers of his staff, with at least half the effective force of his batteries, Mc Clernand, by 11 a. m., found himself pushed back, with Hurlbut's fresh division on his left, and the debris of Sherman's on his right. Meantime, a brigade of Sherman's division, under Col. David Stuart, which had been oddly posted on our extreme left, holding what was known as the Hamburg road, had been sud denly shelled from the opposite bluffs of Lick creek, by a force which the next instant peppered them with grape, and the next rushed across the creek and began pouring in sharp vol leys of musketry, while the Rebel bat teries, firing over the heads of their infantry, soon made our position un tenable. Stuart fell back to the next ridge ; and, finding the Rebels who had followed Prentiss beginning to come in on his right, sent to Gen. W. H. L.Wallace for assistance. Gen. McArth'ur's brigade was promptly dispatched to Stuart's support ; but, bearing too much to the right, was soon sharply engaged with the pur suers of Prentiss. Falling back to a good position, he held it, though wounded, until Wallace came to his aid; but Stuart, receiving no direct support, was driven back from one ridge to another, until by noon, him self wounded, several of his officers fallen, and his command sadly shat tered, he fell in behind McArthur to reorganize. And thus, of our six di visions, three had been thoroughly routed before mid-day. Gen. Grant had arrived on the,bat- tle-field about 8 a. m. ; but, early as was the hour, his army was already beaten. As this, however, is a circum stance* of which he is not easily con vinced, it did not seem to make as vivid an impression on him as on others. Sending word to Lew. Wal lace to hasten up with his division on our right, he devoted his personal attention to reforming his shattered brigades, reestablishing his silenced batteries, and forming new lines of defense to replace those so suddenly demolished. Hurlbut's and W. H. L. Wallace's divisions were still intact ; while of the others the better but not the larger part of those not already disabled fell into line on their flanks, or just behind them-. 64 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. Hurlbut held the direct road to Corinth, with woods at his back and open fields commanded by his batteries in his front; and here he stood, fighting a more numerous, equally gallant, and victory-flushed enemy, for more than five hours. Here he was thrice charged in full force, and thrice he repulsed the foe with terrible slaughter. The close ranks which rushed upon him were first plowed through and through with, grape, then, as they came nearer, with more deadly musketry ; until the shouted orders, entreaties, menaces, of frantic officers no longer availed, and the long lines sank back defeated to the shelter in their rear. Here fell, at %\ o'clock, Albert Sidney Johnston, the Rebel commander-in- chief, struck in the thigh by a frag ment of shell, but sitting silently on his horse for some minutes, and only taken off to die. Beauregard at once assumed command ; but the death of Johnston was concealed, so far as possible, until his army had returned to Corinth. An hour later, Hurl but's division, worn out by incessant fighting against fresh regiments, fell back nearly half a mile, to a position about that distance from the Landing. W. H. L. Wallace's division was in like manner exposed to and attacked by the exultant Rebels about 10 a. m. ; and for six hours was hotly engaged, with scarcely an intermission. Four times was it charged along its whole fine ; and every charge was repulsed with heavy slaughter. Once or twice, our men pursued their retreating foes ; but the disparity of numbers was too great, and they were soon pushed back to their lines. They were still fighting as eagerly and confidently as ever, when Hurlbut's retreat com pelled them to fall back also, or be flanked and surrounded as Prentiss had been. Just now, their leader fell, mortally wounded ; closing in death a day's work which had won for him the admiration of all beholders and the lasting gratitude of his country. The division fell back into line with Hurlbut's nfew position ; losing of its batteries but a single gun, whereof the carriage had been disabled. Lew. Wallace was at Crump's Landing, with his force extended on the road to Purdy, when he received, at 11J a. m., Grant's order to bring his division into the fight. He had been anxiously awaiting that order, listening to the sound of the mutual cannonade since morning; and his column was instantly put in motion. Snake creek, with steep banks and swampy bottom, was in his way ; but his men were eager for the fray, and were soon making good time in the direction indicated. But he was met, near the creek, by messengers from Grant with tidings that our ad vanced divisions had been over powered and beaten back ; so that the road on which he was hastening would now lead him directly into the midst of the enemy, who could easily envelop him with thrice his num bers. He thereupon turned abruptly to the left, moving down the west bank of Snake creek to the river road, which follows the windings of the Tennessee bottom, and crosses the creek at its mouth, close by Pitts burg Landing. This countermarch delayed his junction with our sorely- pressed combatants until after night fall ; and thus 11 regiments of our in fantry, 2 batteries, and 2 battalions of cavalry, remained useless through out that day's bloody struggle. WEBSTER'S GUNS STOP THE REBEL ADYANCE. 65 At 4J p. m., our surprised but otherwise over-matched army, apart from Lew. Wallace's division, had been crowded back into a semicircle of three or four hundred acres imme diately around, but rather to the left of the Landing. It could retreat no farther. A deep, rapid river in its rear could only be crossed with the loss of half its remaining men " and every thing beside. Of its five divi sions, two had been beaten back ; the other three utterly routed. Our ar tillery was half lost or disabled ; our field-hospitals overflowing ; our tents and camp-equipage mainly in the hands of the enemy; our losses in men enormous ; and those who had not fallen were in good part dis heartened ; not less than 5,000 men in uniform, possibly twice that num ber — to say nothing of sutlers, com missaries, and the usual rabble of camp-followers — were huddled under the bank of the river, not all of them privates, but all repeating the stereo typed excuse, " Our regiment is all cut to pieces," and resisting every entreaty of their more zealous officers to bring them again into line. But the Rebels, whose losses had also been heavy, fearing a trap, hesi tated for a few minutes to follow W. H. L. Wallace's division, as it recoiled from the position it had so long and so stoutly defended. Those mo ments were incalculably precious, and were thoroughly improved. Col. J. D. Webster, chief of staff, to Gen. Grant, a believer in artillery, im proved the opportunity to collect our remaining guns — 22 only — and' plant them on the bluff in a semicircle, commanding the roads whereby the Rebels must approach. Gunners proving scarce, Dr. Cornyn, surgeon of the 1st . Missouri artillery, volun teered in that capacity, and proved himself a workman who needed not to be ashamed. There was rare virtue inherent in those 22 guns, and men around them who knew how to evoke it. It was hardly 6 o'clock when the Rebel batteries, once more in posi tion, opened, at a distance of a few hundred yards, on our last possible holding-ground. Our next recoil must be over the bank, into the hideous, helpless massacre of a grand er Ball's Bluff. Promptly and most efficiently, Webster's guns make re ply. Soon, the Rebel infantry was seen crowding up to their guns, open ing fire at rather long range, to find our shattered battalions reformed and giving abundant answer. At this moment, the gunboats Tyler and Lexington, whieh had all day been chafing at their impotence, opened on our left, firing up a deep. ravine that seemed to have been cut through the bluff on purpose. Seven-inch shell and 64-pound shot were hurled by them diagonally across the new Rebel front, decidedly interfering with the regularity of its formation, and preventing that final rush upon our guns and the supporting infantry whose success would have perfected their triumph. So, far into the. even ing of that busy, lurid Sabbath, our 02 Among the apocryphal anecdotes in circular tion, one represents Gen. Buell as remonstrat ing, two or three days afterward, against the soldiership which placed Grant's army on the south rather than on the north bank of the Tennessee. "Where was your line of retreat ?" VOL. II. 5 asked Buell. " Oh, across the river," responded Grant. " But you could not have ferried over more than 10,000 men," persisted Buell. " Well, there would not have been more than that," re plied Grant. Temerity was then so rare among our Generals that it seemed a virtue. 66 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. batteries and boats kept up their thunders, fairly silencing the Rebel guns, and compelling their infantry to take post farther and farther back, in order to be out of the reach of our shells ; and all through the night, at intervals of 10 to 15 minutes, the gunboats continued to send their compliments into the Rebel lines, as if the pouring rain which fell at mid night might not suffice to break the slumbers of the weary thousands who had lain down on their arms wher ever night found them, to gather strength and refreshment for the in evitable struggle of the morrow. Before seeking his couch in the httle church at Shiloh, the surviving Rebel leader dispatched a messenger to Corinth with this exhilarating dis patch for Richmond : " Battle-field of Shiloh, " Via Corinth and Chattanooga, "April 6th, 1862. "Gen. S. Cooper, Adjutant-General: " "We have this morning attacked the enemy in strong position in front of Pitts burg; and, after a severe battle of ten hours, thanks to Almighty God, gained a complete victory, driving the enemy from every position. " The loss on both sides is heavy, includ ing our commander-in-chief, Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston, who fell gallantly leading his troops into the thickest of the fight. i " G. T. Beauregard, " General Commanding." Maj .-Gen. Buell's long-expected ' Army of the Ohio ' had been de layed on its march from Nashville, repairing roads and rebuilding the bridge over Duck river at Columbia ; which place Gen. B. himself left with his rear division on the 2d of April ; reaching Savannah with his advance division, Gen. Nelson's, on the even ing of the 5th: the remaining di visions were strung along the road from Columbia at intervals of six miles. A halt to rest on reaching the Tennessee was generally expect ed ; but, on the morning of the 6th, ominous and persistent reports of musketry as well as cannon in the direction of Pittsburg Landing dis pelled this illusion. Buell hastened to Gen. Grant's headquarters, only to learn that he had just started on a steamboat for the Landing; having left orders for Gen. Nelson, with Buell's advance, to push on up the right bank of the river, leaving his cannon, because of the badness of the roads, to be taken by steamboats. Though it was still believed at Sa vannah that there was nothing going on above more serious than an affair of outposts, Gen. Buell sent orders to his rear divisions to hurry forward, and, taking a steamboat, proceeded to the Landing ; where the multipli city and constant increase of strag glers soon convinced him that the matter in hand was urgent and im portant." Finding Gen. Grant at the Landing, he requested the dis- 03 His official report says : " As we proceeded up the river, groups of soldiers were seen on the west bank; and it soon became evident that they were stragglers from the engaged army. The groups increased in size and frequency, until, as we approached the Landing, they numbered whole companies, and almost regiments; and at the Landing the banks swarmed with a confused mass of men of vari ous regiments. There could not have been less than 4,000 or 5,000. Late in the day, it became much greater. Finding Gen. Grant at the Landing, I requested him to send steamers to Savannah to bring up Gen. Crittenden's division which had arrived during the morning, and then went ashore with him. The throng of disor ganized and demoralized troops increased con tinually by fresh fugitives from the battle, which steadily drew nearer the Landing; and with these were intermingled great numbers of teams, all striving to get as near as possible to the river. With few exceptions, all efforts to form the troops and move them forward to the fight utterly failed. In the mean time, the enemy had made such progress against our troops, that his artillery and musketry began to play into the SECOND DAY'S FIGHT AT PITTSBURG LANDING. 67 patch of steamers to Savannah, for Gen. Crittenden's, his 2d division, while he landed to take part in the fray. Gen. Nelson, starting at 1:30, ar rived at 5 p. m. opposite the Landing with his leading (Col. Ammen's) bri gade, which was immediately crossed and formed in fine, under a fire of Rebel artillery, on the right of Web ster's guns. Ammen's men were just able to put in an appearance before dark, firing a few volleys and repuls ing a Rebel charge on their guns at 6^ p. m., when the enemy desisted and withdrew. By 7, the whole di vision was over, and soon in position ; lying down on their arms, under or ders from Buell to advance and at tack at early daylight ; which were implicitly obeyed. Crittenden's division reached Sa vannah at nightfall of Sunday, and was forwarded by steamboats direct ly to the Landing; where it was rapidly debarked and formed on the right of Nelson. Buell's next division, Gen. A. Mc- D. McCook, was 12 miles from Sa vannah when it received orders, which it made haste to obey, arriving at Savannah at 7 to 8 p. m. ; but, finding there no boats ready for its service, McCook routed up the cap tains of the boats lying at the dock, and embarked Rousseau's brigade, with which he reached the Landing at 5£ a. m. ; his other brigades, Cols. Gibson and Kirk, arriving some time later, on boats which had been press ed into service as they successively reached Savannah. The residue of Buell's army was too far behind on the Columbia road to be even hoped for. Two brigades of Wood's divi sion arrived, however, just at the close of the battle. The fighting reopened along the whole line at daylight of the 7th, and under conditions bravely altered from those of the day preceding. The arrival of part of Buell's and all Lew. Wallace's commands had brought to the field not less than 25,000 troops ; fresh, so far as fighting was con cerned, for this day's action ; while Beauregard, whose men, throughout the 6th, had been on foot 16 hours, and fighting most of the time had barely 3,000 left of his reserve where with to match them. His force had been fearfully reduced by the casual ties of battle, and scarcely less by skulking, or scattering in quest of plunder — faults common to all raw troops, but of which he complains in his report as though they were novel and amazing." He had hith erto been buoyed up, or at least had buoyed up the spirits of his soldiers, by expectations and assurances that Gens. Price and Yan Dorn, with some 30,000 men from across the Mississippi, were close at hand, and would reach him in time for this day's battle. But they did not come, and Buell did. The hot fire of mus ketry and artillery poured in upon vital spot of the position, and some persons were killed on the bank, at the very Landing." " He says : "From this agreeable duty [of praising the meritorious], I turn to one in the highest degree unpleasant— one due, however, to the brave men under me, as a contrast to the behavior of most of the army who fought so heroically. I allude to the fact that some officers, non-commissioned officers, and- men, abandoned their colors, early in the first day, to pillage the captured encamp ments ; others retired shamefully from the field on both days, while the thunder of cannon and the roar and rattle of musketry told' them that their brothers were being slaughtered by the fresh legions of the enemy." 68 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. his entire front before sunrise, gave him ample assurance of this ; while his soldiers, exhausted and stiffened by yesterday's protracted efforts, and chilled, like ours, by the rain of the intervening night, stood to their arms firmly, but without alacrity or enthu siasm. Nelson had quietly aroused his men at 4 a. m. ; and he advanced in parade order at &i ; soon concentrat ing upon himself the fire of half the Rebel army. Not having received his artillery, his infantry, annoyed by two Rebel batteries, began, at 7£, to give ground; when, on applying to Gen. Buell, the battery of Capt. Mendenhall, and at 9 that of Capt. Terrill — both regulars — were sent to his support, and the Rebel batteries in front thereby silenced. Meantime, the Rebel concentration upon this division was continued ; but its beha vior was splendid, especially that of Ammen's brigade, admirably han dled by its chief; while that of Ha- gen, on the right, maintained its po sition with equal gallantry. The loss by this division of 739 out of 4,541 — more than half of it in Hagen's bri gade—attests the tenacity of the Rebel resistance this day. Crittenden's and McCook's divi sions were engaged later, but not less earnestly. Advancing across a ra vine, McCook's right and center were immediately attacked in force; but the steady valor of Rousseau's bri gade prevailed, and their assailants, recoiling, were pursued nearly a mile ; when they were reenforced and ral lied among the tents whence McCler- nand's left had been so hurriedly driven the previous morning. Two of his guns, being now turned against us by the enemy,' were finally cap tured by a charge of Col. Buckley's 5th Kentucky; while McClernand's headquarters were retaken by Rous seau, who, impetuously pursuing across a level field, opened too wide a gap between his right and Gen. Crittenden's division, which was filled by Col. Willich's regiment advancing, under a deadly fire of shell, shot, and musketry, to its support ; rushing up for a bayonet-charge to within 200 yards of the enemy's line, when the latter gave way, and the regiment was deployed in line of battle to give them a hastening volley. Disordered by bad management, which brought its skirmishers under a fire of our own regiments on either side, Col. Willich's 32d Indiana hastily fell back; but was soon reformed and deployed, advancing with the entire division until the retreat of the enemy was decided. Lew. Wallace, on our extreme right, with Sherman and McCler nand between him and Buell's divi sions, had likewise opened fire at day light, dismounting a gun of the Rebel battery before him. Throwing for ward his right, by Gen. Grant's per sonal direction, until his line, which had been parallel, formed a right • angle with the river, he advanced en echelon, preceded by skirmishers, across a ravine to the opposite bluff, where he waited for Sherman to come up ; and meantime, finding his right secured by a swamp, attempted to turn the enemy's left, which was thereupon heavily reenforced, being effectively cannonaded by the bat teries of Thompson and Thurber. An attempt was made to capture Thurber's battery by a dash of cavr airy, which was easily defeated by the skirmishers of the 8th Missouri; BEAUREGARD RETREATS FROM PITTSBURG LANDING. 69 when the battery was charged by in fantry; who were easily repelled by Col. Morgan L. Smith's brigade. Meantime, Gen. Sherman, who had waited for the sound of Buell's guns upon the main Corinth road, advanced at 8 a. m., steadily and slowly, under fire, until he reached the point where the Corinth road crosses the line of McClernand's abandoned camps, and saw Willich's regiment, on his right, fighting gal lantly for the possession of a point of timber some 500 yards east of Shiloh church. Hence the Rebel army could be seen re-forming its lines to the southward, with a bat tery by the church, and another near the Hamburg road, pouring grape and canister into any column of our troops that advanced upon that green point of timber whence Willich's regiment had just been repulsed, but into which one of McCook's brigades (Rousseau's) was now advancing. Directing the fire of two 24-pound howitzers of McAllister's battery upon the Rebel guns, Sherman form ed his two brigades (David Stuart's, now commanded by Col. T. Kilby Smith, and CoL Buekland's) to ad vance in line with Rousseau ; which they did superbly, sweeping every ""An Impressed New-Yorker" says: "No heroism of officers or men could avail to stay the advance of the Federal troops. At 3 p. U., the Confederates decided on a retreat to Corinth; and Gen. Breckinridge, strengthened by three regiments of cavalry — Forrest's, Adams's, and the Texas Rangers, raising his ef fective force to 12,000 men — received orders to protect the rear. By 4 p. it, the Confederates were in full retreat The main body of the army passed silently and swiftly along the road toward Corinth ; our division bringing up the rear, determined to make a desperate stand if pursued. At this time, the Union forces might have closed in upon our retreating columns and cut off Breckinridge's division, and perhaps cap tured it A Federal battery threw some shells, as a feeler, across the road on which we were thing before them. At 4 p. m., our soldiers held the original front line whence we had been so hurriedly driven 34 hours before ; and the whole Rebel army was retreating, unpur- sued, on Corinth." Gen. Sherman, with two brigades and the cavalry, went out a few miles next morning on the Corinth road, and had a smart skirmish with a small Rebel force, mainly of cavalry, which he repuls ed, destroying a camp, and captur ing a hospital, wherein he found 280 Confederate and 50 Union wounded ; returning with the former to his camp near Shiloh next morning. Beauregard, in his official report, states that his effective force had now been reduced, " from exhaustion and other causes, from 40,000 to less than 20,000 men;" and adds: "Hour by hour opposed to an enemy constantly reenforced, our ranks were per ceptibly thinned nnder the increasing, withering fire of the enemy ; and, by 12 m. [of the second day], 18 hours of hard fight ing had sensibly exhausted a large number ; my last reserves had necessarily been dis posed of; and the enemy was evidently re ceiving fresh reenforcements after each repulse; accordingly, about 1 p. m., I deter mined to withdraw from so unequal a con flict ; securing such of the results of the vic tory ofthe day before as were practicable." This is pretty fair, but not strictly accordant with the dispatch which retreating, between our division and the main body ; but no reply was made to them, as this would have betrayed our position. We passed on with little opposition or loss, and by 5 o'clock had reached a point one and a half miles nearer Corinth than the point of attack Sabbath morn ing. Up to this time, the pursuit seemed feeble, and the Confederates were surprised that the victorious Federals made no more of their ad vantage. Nor is ilj yet understood why the pur suit was not pressed. A rapid and persistent pursuit would have created a complete rout of the now broken, weary, and dispirited Rebels. Two hours more of such fighting as Buell's fresh men could have made would have demoralized and destroyed Beauregard's army. For some reason, this was not done; and night dosed the battle." 70 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. he, after sending back from Monterey a request to Gen. Grant for permis sion to send a mounted party to the battle-field under a flag of truce to bury his dead, and being answered that, owing to the warmth of the weather, they had already been buried, transmitted to Richmond, namely : " Coeinth, Tuesday, April 8th, 1862. " To the Secretary of "War, Richmond : _ "We have gained a great and glorious victory. Eight to ten thousand prisoners, and 36 pieces of cannon."6 Buell reenforced Grant, and we retired to our intrenchments at Corinth, which we can hold. Loss heavy on both sides. Bkaueegabd." Beauregard officially reports his loss in this battle at 1,728 killed, 8,012 wounded, 957 missing: total, 10,699, or a httle more than one- fourth of the admitted strength of his army." Gen. Grant, writing on the 9th, gives his losses approxi mately at 1,500 killed and 3,500 wounded, and. says nothing of a loss of prisoners, of whom about 2,200 effectives were marched off the field with Prentiss, with possibly 200 or 300 more of our wounded of Sunday. A later and more circumstantial statement summed up our losses as 1,735 killed, 7,882 wounded, 3,956 prisoners; total, 13,573. Recurring to the reports of subordinates — all we have — we find their losses stated as follows : 1,164 2,4 Killed. Wonn'd. Missing. Total. 8d Division— Sen. W. H. L. Wal lace (2 regt's not reported)... 226 4th Division— Gen. Hurlbut... 818 Sth Division— Gen. Sherman. . . 818 Bnell's army , 266 1,083 1,449 1,215 1,816 441 1,9852,034 2,161 Total 1,128 5,513 1,916 8,609 Add to these our loss in prisoners, 86 These cannon were unquestionably taken on* Sunday; but how many of them were re tained on Monday and carried off in the retreat, does not appear. It is not probable that Beau regard returned to Corinth with so many or so effective guns as he had taken thence when he advanced. " Beauregard's official report enumerates, among the casualties on his side, in addition to the loss of their commander-in-chief, Albert S. Johnston, that Hon. Geo. W. Johnson, " Provi sional Governor of Kentucky," was killed on Monday, having had his horse shot under him on Sunday; Brig.-Gen. Gladding, of Withers's corps, was mortally wounded ; that Gen. Bragg had two horses shot under him; Gen. Hardee was slightly wounded, his coat cut with balls, and his horse disabled ; that Gen. Breckinridge was twice struck by spent balls; that Gen. Cheatham was slightly wounded and had three horses shot under him ; that Brig.-Gens. Clark, Bowen, and B. R. Johnson were severely wounded ; and that Gen. Hindman had his horse shot under him and was severely injured by his falL [He was hoisted ten feet into the air by the explosion of a shell, which tore his horse to shreds, and was himself supposed to be killed; but he rose at once to his feet and called for another horse.] SeveraJ Colonels were killed, and many more severely wounded; among them, Henry W. Allen, 4th Louisiana, who was chosen next Rebel Governor of the State, and whose official report of the second day's fight contains the following: " Having suffered from loss of blood and in tense pain, I placed the regiment under the com mand of Lt.-Col. S. E. Hunter, and rode over to the hospital to get relief. After haying my wound dressed, I was about lying down, in order to take a little rest, when a general stam pede began of wagons, ambulances, and men. I mounted my horse immediately, and rode after the disgraceful refugees. I succeeded in putting a stop to the stampede, and placed cavalry in the rear, with orders to cut down all who at tempted to pass. Here I met an aid of Gen. Bragg, who ordered me to rally all the strag glers and form them in line. This I did. After forming a battalion, Lieut.-CoL Barrow, com manding the llth Louisiana, came to me with the remnant of his regiment, and placed himself and regiment under my com mand. This force, together with the remnants of two Alabama and one Tennessee regiment, made a large body of men, who stood firm in front of the hospitals, ready to receive the ad vancing column of the enemy. " While rallying the stragglers, I came across two batteries that had lost all their commis sioned officers. These I took possession of, sent for ammunition, supplied them with men from my command, and sent one of them to Gen. Beauregard. This battery fired the last shots against the enemy. The other bat tery, and the forces under my command, held their position in the very face of the enemy, until ordered to be retired by command of Gen. Bragg." GEN. HALLECK'S APPROACHES TO CORINTH. 71 and the killed and wounded in Pren tiss's, McClernand's, and Lew. "Wal lace's divisions — the latter known to be very light — and our actual losses in these two days' desperate conflict can hardly have been less than 15,000 men ; and it is probable that Beaure gard's, including the skulkers who here saw enough of fighting and never rejoined their regiments, was barely, if any thing, less than this.'8 The victory was clearly ours ; for we had the field and the dead ; but the losses were fairly equalized, while the Rebels had the spoil of our camps — though they could carry off but little of it — and the prisoners. Maj. Gen. Halleck, commanding the Department of the Mississippi, left St. Louis directly after receiving news of the Shiloh battles," and reached Pittsburg Landing by steam boat two or three days thereafter. Meantime, and for weeks following, no attempt was made against the Rebel army at Corinth ; and, though Gen. Pope arrived from Missouri on the 22d, with' a reenforcement of 25,000 men, even Monterey was not occupied by us till1 the 1st of May, when Gen. Halleek's army had been increased by accessions from various quarters to a little over 100,000 men. All this time, and afterward, Gen. Beauregard industriously strengthen ed his works, covering Corinth with an irregular semicircle of intrench- ments, 15 miles long, and well-mount ed with artillery ; destroying the roads and bridges beyond, and block ing the approaches with abatis. Gen. Halleck saw fit not to flank these for midable defenses, but to overcome them by regular and necessarily slow approaches, involving constant and mutual artillery practice and picket fighting, with very little loss ; three weeks of which brought our near est batteries within three miles of Corinth." A reconnoissance under Gen. Paine to Farmington," five miles N". "W. of Corinth, had brought on a skirmish, in which he took 200 prisoners, striking the Charleston and Memphis Railroad at Glendale, three miles farther, and partially destroying it ; while the Ohio road was in like manner broken at Purdy. Col. Elliott, with two regiments of cavalry, was dispatched on the night ofthe 27th to flank Corinth and cut the railroad south of it, so as to in tercept the enemy's supplies. He M "An Impressed New-Yorker," writing of the retreat from this Rebel victory, says: " I made a detour from the road on which the army was retreating, that I might travel faster and get ahead of the main body. In this ride of twelve miles alongside of the routed army, I saw more of human agony and woe than I trust I wiU ever again be coiled to witness. The re treating host wound along a narrow and almost impassable road, extending some seven or eight miles in length. Here was a long line of wag ons loaded with wouuded, piled in like bags of grain, groaning and cursing ; while the mules plunged on in mud and water belly-deep, the water sometimes coming into the wagons. Next came a straggling regiment of infantry, pressing ou past tho train of wagons; then a stretcher borne upon the shoulders of four men, carrying a wounded officer; then soldiers staggering along, with an arm broken and hanging down, or other fearful wounds, which were enough to destroy life. And, to add to the horrors of the seene, the elements of heaven marshaled their forces — a fitting accompaniment of the tempest of human desolation and passion which was raging. A cold, drizzling rain commenced about nightfall, and soon came harder and fester, then turned to pitiless, blinding hail This storm raged with unrelenting violence for three hours. I passed long wagon-trains filled with wounded and dy ing soldiers, without even a blanket to shield them from the driving sleet and hail, which fell in stones as large as partridge-eggs, until it lay on the ground two inches deep. "Some 300 men died during that awful re treat, and their bodies were thrown out to make room for others who, although wounded, had struggled on through the storm, hoping to find shelter, rest, and medical care," " April 19, 1S62. T0 May 81. " May 21. 72 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. struck it on the 30th, at Booneville, 24 miles from Corinth, in the midst of an unexpected retreat ofthe Rebel army, which had commenced on the 26th. Beauregard had held Corinth so long as possible agamst Halleck's overwhelming force, and had com menced its evacuation by sending off a part of his sick and wounded. El liott captured 20 cars, laden with small arms, ammunition, stores, bag gage, &c, with some hundreds of Confederate sick, whom he paroled, burning the engine and trains. The evacuation was completed during the night of the 29th; the Rebel mus ketry-firing having ceased at 9 a. m. of the preceding day. Explosions and fires during the night gave plain intimations ofthe enemy's departure ; so that some of our officers in the advance rode safely into town at 6£ next morning, and reported no enemy present. Piles of provisions were found in flames, and one ¦ full ware house undamaged ; but never a gun. Beauregard retreated to Tupelo, pur sued by Gen. Pope so far as Baldwin and Guntown, but without material results. Our army was disposed along the line of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad ; which, by the falling of the Tennessee to a Summer stage, had become its line of supply. Gen. 0. M. Mitchel, with a division of Buell's army, had left Nashville simultaneously with his commander, but by a more easterly route, advanc ing through Murfreesboro', Shelby- ville, Fayetteville, to Huntsville, Ala., which he surprised at day light," capturing 17 locomotives and a large number of passenger and freight-cars, beside a train which he had taken, with 159 prisoners, two hours before. Thus provided, he had uncontested possession • of 100 miles of the Memphis and Charleston road before night, or from Stevenson on the east to Decatur on the west ; seizing five more locomotives at Ste venson, and pushing on so far west as Tuscumbia, whence he sent an expedition so far south as Russelville, Ala., capturing and appropriating Confederate property on all hands, without the loss of a life. He took" Bridgeport, Ala., with a force of five regiments, by striking rapidly and- attacking from a quarter whence he was not looked for, driving out a force nearly equal in number to his own, with a ' loss of 72 killed and wounded, 350 prisoners, and 2 guns ; while his own loss was inconsiderable. He was sqpn compelled, by the gath ering of Rebel forces around him, to abandon Tuscumbia and all south ofthe Tennessee, burning the railroad bridges at Decatur and Bridgeport, but holding firmly and peaceably all of Alabama north of that river. Had he been even moderately reenforced, he would have struck and probably could have destroyed the great Rebel armories and founderies in Georgia, or have captured Chattanooga ; which was assailed," under his orders, by Gen. Negley, who was driven off by a Rebel force under Gen. E. Kirby Smith. Mitchel's activity and energy poorly qualified him for a subordinate position under Buell ; so he was trans ferred, in June, to the command at Port Royal, S. 0., where he oied." Gen. Halleck was likewise summon ed70 from the West to serve as Gen eral-in-Chief at Washington, leaving Gen. Grant in command at Corinth. ™ April 9 n April 29. " June 6. " Oct. 20. 1 July 23. GEN. BURNSIDE AT HATTERAS INLET. 73 IV. BURNSIDE IN NORTH CAROLINA. Gen. Ambrose E. Bukbtside and Com. L. M. Goldsborough led an expedition, which had in good part been fitted out in New York, and which left Portress Monroe at the opening of the year ; * and, doub ling Cape Henry, moved southward to Hatteras Inlet, whose defenses had been quietly held by our troops since tlieir capture by Gen. Butler and Com. Stringham five months before.2 The naval part of this expedition con sisted of 31 steam gunboats,_ mount ing 94 guns ; the military of about 11,500 men, mainly from New Eng land, organized in three brigades, un der Gens. Foster, Reno, and Parke, and embarked with their material on some 30 to 40 steam transports. The van of the expedition reached the entrance of the Inlet on the 13th ; when it was found that, though care had been taken to select or obtain gunboats of such draft as could read ily be worked over the bar at high water, yet a large proportion of the transports, through the incompetence or dishonesty of those employed to procure them, were of such draft as rendered them totally unfit for this service. Of these, the propeller City of New York, 600 tons, heavily laden with rifles, ammunition, tents, bed ding, and forage, and drawing 16 feet water, when the greatest depth attain able on the bar was but 13, grounded, of course, in attempting to pass it ;' when the sea broke completely over her stern, every breaker lifting her, and causing her, as it subsided, to set tle still deeper in the sand, until she became a perfect wreck— her masts and smoke-stack cut1 away, her crew, with life-preservers tied about them, lashed to the rigging to save them selves from being washed overboard by each succeeding billow; and at last, after an endurance of 12 to 15 hours, the raging sea began to lift the deck from the hull with every surge. Ere this, her fires had been extinguished, her boats, all but one, filled or Btove, and her men utterly exhausted by long fasting and expo sure to the cold waves which broke over them continually ; while no at tention was paid from the fleet to their Bignal of distress, or even their hail to the S. R. Spaulding, which passed out to sea. • At length, two mechanics, W. H. and Charles A. Beach, of Newark, N. J., launched the yawl, and, aided by engineer Wm. Miller, steward Geo. Mason, and Hugh McCabe, fireman, pulled successfully through the surf, over the bar, to the fleet, whence boats were at once dispatched to take off the re mainder of the crew, who were speed ily rescued. The vessel and cargo were totally lost ; as were the steam gunboat Zouave, the transports Lou isiana and Pocahontas, and two or three others. Col. J. W. Allen and Surgeon S. F. Weller, 9th New Jer sey, were drowned* by the upsetting of their small boat in the breakers, as they returned to the transport Ann E. Thompson from reporting the ar rival of their regiment to Gen. Burn- 1 Jan. 11-12, 1862. * See Vol. I, p. 599. 5 Jan. 13. * Jan. 15. 74 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. side. The National loss in precious time, as well as life and property, by the villainy which palmed off on the Government vessels totally unfit for this service, can hardly be overesti mated. Two or three weeks of des perately hard work were expended on getting over such of the craft as were not wrecked ; giving the alarmed Rebels the amplest time to concen trate and fortify. At length, every thing being in readiness, our fleet moved slowly up Pamlico and Croatan Sounds;" the gunboats in advance and on the flanks of the transports, formed in three columns, each headed by its flag ship, every large steamer having one or two schooners in tow, with the spaces between the columns kept carefully clear, and all moving at the regulated pace of four miles per hour. The fleet consisted in all of 65 ves sels, covering a space about two miles square; some 50 transports, mainly schooners, having been left at the Inlet. The day was beautiful ; the distance made about 28 miles, when they halted, near sunset, still 10 miles from the southern point of Roanoke Island, and lay undisturbed through the bright, moonlit night. At 8 a.m., the signal to weigh an chor was given. At 11, progress was arrested, near the south point, by a storm ; and the fleet again lay at an chor till next morning, when, at 10 a. m., the order was given to move forward, and the gunboats led the way through the narrow passage known as Roanoke Inlet, into Croa tan Sound, driving 7 Rebel gunboats before them. At noon, our gunboats were under fire of the chief Rebel battery on the Island, known as Fort Bartow, when the Rebel gunboats halted and added their fire to that of the fort. A line of piles driven across the channel was evidently ex pected to obstruct our advance, but proved inadequate. Soon, our soldier- crowded transports were seen swarm ing through the Inlet, and prepara tions were made for landing at Ashby's Harbor, two miles below the fort, which had now been set on fire by our shells. The flames were • soon checked, however, and the can nonade on both sides continued; while the Rebel gunboats, which had re treated up the Sound, again appeared and engaged our fleet, till the Cur lew, their flag-ship, was struck by a 100-pound shell from the Southfield, and soon enveloped in flames. The firing was continued on both sides till night, without serious loss in men on either. The Rebel barracks in the reai- of the fort were destroyed by fire, and their remaining gunboats compelled to withdraw from the con test. All our transports had passed through the Inlet and anchored by 4 p. m., when debarkation commenced under the fire of our gunboats ; and 7,500 men were ashore, and most of them in bivouac, before 11 p. m. The Rebel forces in that region were commanded by Brig.-Gen. Henry A. Wise,' whose headquar ters were at Nag's Head, across Roanoke Sound, and whose forces numbered from 3,000 to 4,000 ; but hardly 1,000 of them were on the Island, prior to the approach of our fleet, when reenforcements were hur- ried over, raising the number of its defenders to about 3,000. Col. Shaw, 8th North Carolina, was in immedi- ate command. Fort Bartow, other- ' February 5. " Ex-Go yemor of Virginia. ATTACK ON ROANOKE ISLAND. 75 wise Pork Point battery, was a sub stantial earthwork, strengthened by abatis and a moat, and mounting 10 guns ; battery Huger, on Weir's Point, farther north, had likewise 10 guns; battery Blanchard, mid way, but 4. The swampy nature of the approaches, covered with thick ets of shrubs and bushes, was counted on to bar access to Fort Bartow, save by a causeway road completely com manded by its fire. After crouching through a rainy night, some of them in miry bogs, our soldiers were formed and led on at an early hour of the morning.7 A large portion of the Rebel force was deployed as skirmishers, and contest ed our floundering advance through the bog with spirit and effect until near 10 A. m., when our leading regi ments were close under the fire of the fort. They had by this time found it impossible to obey the orders which KOANOKE ISLAND. ' Saturday, February 8. 76 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. directed them to flank the enemy on either side of the swamp — the abatis proving at most places impassable; and it was resolved to charge over the causeway directly in front. This was done by the 9th New York. (Zouaves), Col. Rush C. Hawkins, the 51st, Col. Edward Ferrero, the 23d Massachusetts, Col. John Kurtz, and 21st, Lt.-Col. A. 0. Maggi. The 25th and 27th Massachusetts, and 10th Connecticut, Col. Russell, were honorably distinguished in the at tack. Col. R. was killed ; as was Lt.- Col. Yiguier de Monteuil, 53d New York, who was serving as a volun teer with Hawkins's Zouaves. Lying down to receive a fire of grape from the Rebel batteries, part of the 51st New York, with Hawkins's Zouaves and the 21st Massachusetts, instantly rose and rushed over the Rebel breast works, chasing' out their defenders and following them in their retreat ; securing, by their impetuosity, the capture of the larger number, as no time was given for their escape from the Island. Their loss in killed and wounded was but 55 ; but among the former were Capt. 0. J. Wise, son of the General, and other valuable offi cers; while their loss in prisoners was not far from 2,700, including Cols. Shaw and Jordan, Lt.-Cols. Fowle and Price, Majors Hill, Yates, and Williamson. Our loss in the bom bardment and assault was about 50 killed and 250 wounded. All the cannon, small arms, munitions, pro visions, etc., on the Island, were among the spoils of victory. Com. Rowan, with 14 gunboats, was dispatched next evening up Albemarle Sound and Pasquotank river in pursuit of the Rebel gun boats. He found them, 7 in number, at Elizabeth City; where, after a smart fight, they were set on fire by their crews and abandoned. • One of them was captured, the others de stroyed. The city itself was likewise get on fire, and in good part de stroyed. Four of the gunboats were sent thence to Edenton, on the west end of Albemarle Sound, where eight cannon and a schooner were de stroyed, and two schooners, with 4,000 bushels of corn, captured. Com. Rowan's flotilla next moved8 five miles up the Chowan river to Winton, Hereford county, upon as surances that its citizens wished to return to and be protected by the Union. Their reception was even warmer than they had expected. On reaching the town, they were saluted by a hailstorm of bullets, which con strained them to fall down the river for the night ; returning next morn ing, the village was shelled by them until abandoned, and then burnt. Gen. Burnside next concentrated his forces at Hatteras Inlet, for an attack on Newbeen, at the junction of the Neuse and Trent rivers, near Pamlico Sound, and the most im portant seaport of North Carolina. Com. Goldsborough having been re lieved, Commander Rowan directed the fleet. Leaving Hatteras in the morning,8 the expedition came to about sunset at Slocum's creek, on the south side of the river, 18 miles below Newbern, where a landing was effected next morning, and the troops pushed forward, so fast as ready, to within a mile and a half of the Rebel defenses; the gunboats moving up the river in advance of the troops, and shelling the road 8 Feb. 19. ' March 12. BURNSIDE ADVANCES UPON NEWBERN. 77 whereon they marched. No resist ance was encountered by land ; but the fleet found the channel of the Neuse obstructed, half way up, by 24 vessels sunk in the channel, sev eral torpedoes, and a number of iron- pointed spars firmly planted in the bed and inclined down stream, under water, after the manner of the snags of the Mississippi. These obstruc tions were speedily removed or sur mounted ; while two or three batteries along the bank were successively silenced by a few shots from our flag ship Delaware. The fleet halted for the night nearly abreast of the army ; which had had a hard day's work, dragging its guns through the deep clay of the roads, sodden with several days' rain ; and the men sank on the ground at night around their pitch- pine fires to enjoy a drenching from the freshly pouring skies. A dense' fog covered land and water next morning,10 as our fleet, having safely passed the obstructions, steamed up past Forts Thompson and Ellis ; which, after firing a few shots, were hastily evacuated, a shell from one of the gunboats having exploded the magazine of the latter. Fort Lane, the last and strongest defense of Newbern on the water, was more carefully approached, in expectation of a sanguinary struggle ; but it had by this time been likewise evacuated, in deference to the successes of our army ; and our fleet steamed directly up to the wharves, shelling the dep6t and track whereby the Rebels were escaping from the eity. The Rebel defenses consisted of a well constructed breastwork, running a mile and a half from the Neuse across the railroad to an impenetra ble swamp which connects Newbern with Morehead. City, with a battery of 13 heavy guns next the river, several redoubts, all of them well mounted, 3 batteries of field artil lery, and 8 regiments of infantry, numbering about 5|000 men, com manded by Gen. Louis O'B. Branch. Our guns were few and hght, be cause of the difficulty of landing and dragging heavier. Gen. Burnside was on the alert at 6 a. m., and by 7 had his forces in motion. Moving up to within short range of the enemy's intrenchments, his men were formed in order of bat tle, and opened fire along their en tire front ; the ground being swampy on the left, and elsewhere cut up by " Sunday, March 14. 78 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. gullies and ravines which opened toward the enemy, affording no pro tection from his fire. The naval bat tery was in our center, Gen. Reno's brigade on the right, Gen. Parke's in the center, and Gen. Foster's on the left ; and the regiments most effective at Roanoke were all honorably dis tinguished here, as were the 4th and 5th Rhode Island, the 8th and llth Connecticut, 9th New Jersey, and 51st Pennsylvania. There was, of course, a great disparity of numbers — probably three to one — but this was in effect a contest wherein infan try were required to charge and carry strong intrenchments, well' provided. with artillery. The loss was naturally much the greater on our side. Af ter an hour's Bharp fighting, the 21st Massachusetts, Col. Clark, accom panied by Gen. Reno, was ordered forward on a double-quick, and went over the Rebel breastworks. It was immediately charged by two Rebel regiments, and repulsed; when Capt. Fraser, being wounded, was taken prisoner, but soon captured his guard and escaped. The 4th Rhode Island, disliking its position in front of a Rebel battery of 5 guns, well backed by a fire from rifle-pits, next at tempted a charge, and carried the battery at double-quick ; finding an entrance between a brick-yard and the parapet. Once inside, the Colonel formed his right wing in line, and charged down upon the guns at full speed, capturing the entire battery, routing its supports, and planting his flag on the parapet. The 5th Rhode Island arid 8th and llth Connecticut immediately rushing up, our triumph at that point was secure. Gen. Reno, on our right, seeing that he was losing heavily from the Rebel battery in his front, called up his reserve regiment, the 51st Penn sylvania, Col. Hartranft, and ordered a charge, in wliich the 21st and 24th Massachusetts, 51st New York, and 9th New Jersey participated. Its success wal complete ; and the whole line of Rebel works was very soon in our hands. The enemy were now in full flight ; and Gen. Burnside ordered an ad vance on their track, which was led by Gen. Foster ; but the speed of the fugitives was inimitable, and, when our van reached the bank of the Trent, opposite Newbern, they found that city on fire in seven different places ; the splendid railroad bridge over the Trent a sheet of flame, hav ing been fired by a scow-load of tur pentine, drifted against it ; and the Rebel troops, with all the locomotives and cars in and about Newbern, on their way inland toward Goldsboro'. The wind suddenly lulling, the fires were soon extinguished by sailors from our fleet ; but the railroad bridge, market-house, and about a dozen other structures, were burned. Our captures at the Rebel intrench ments and in the city included 69 cannon, two steamboats, large quan tities of munitions and stores, with some 500 prisoners. Our total loss was about 100 killed and 500 wound ed: the former including Lt.-Col. Henry Merritt, 23d Massachusetts, Adjt. Frazer A. Stearns, of the 21st, Maj. Charles W. Le Gendre and Capt. D. R. Johnson, of the 51st, and Capt. Charles Tillinghast, ofthe 4th Rhode Island. The Rebel loss, beside prisoners, hardly exceeded 200, including Maj. Carmichael, killed, and Col. Avery, captured. Gen. Burnside, having undisturbed FORT MACON TAKEN — FIGHT NEAR. SOUTH MILLS. 79 possession of Newbern, sent Gen. Parke" with his brigade, 3,500 strong, southwestward to the coast, where he occupied" Morehead City with out resistance ; as also the more im portant village of Beaufort, across the inlet known as Newport river ; and proceeded to invest Foet Macon, a regular fortress of great cost and strength, seized by Gov. Ellis before the secession of the State." This work stands on an island, or rather ocean sand-bank, whence it looks off on the broad Atlantic, and com mands the entrance to the Newport river. It is approached from the laud with much difficulty, but was soon invested, and. a regular siege commenced," its pickets driven in, .and a good position for siege-guns obtained within fair distance, while the fleet menaced it on the side of the ocean. All being at length in readiness, fire was opened" from a breaching battery at 1,100 feet dis tance, with flanking mortars behind sand-banks at 1,400 yards ; the fleet also, consisting of three gunboats and a bark, steamed around in a circle, after the fashion inaugurated by Dupont at Port Royal, and fired a^ they severally came opposite the fort, until the roughness of the sea compelled them to desist. The land batteries were kept at work until late in the afternoon ; when, 7 of the garrison being killed, 18 wounded, and most of the available guns dis mounted, CoL White raised the white flag, and next morning surrendered his garrison of 500 men, with the fort and all it contained. Fort Ma con was among the first of the im portant fortresses of the old Union, which, having been seized by the Rebels, was repossessed by the Re public. Meantime, Washington, Plymouth, and some other towns on the coast, were quietly occupied by our forces, which ascended the Chowan river without serious resistance so far as Wilton. Gen. Reno was dispatched by Gen. Burnside from Newbern to Roanoke Island, whence his brigade was conveyed up Albemarle Sound to within three miles of Elizabeth City, where it was disembarked during the night" and pushed north ward, with intent to intercept a Rebel force known to be about leav ing Elizabeth City for Norfolk ; but Col. Hawkins of the 9th New York (Zouaves), who had the advance, mistook his road, and marched ten miles out of the way ; so that, on retracing his steps, and gaining the right road, his men were intensely fatigued, and he in the rear of the main column. The anticipated sur prise proved a failure ; and, at a point nearly 20 miles inland, within a mile and a half of South Mills, our weary, overmarched men, who had been nearly 24 hours on their feet, were confronted by a less nu merous Rebel force, very strongly posted in woods flanked by swamps, and with a large clearing in their front; upon entering which, they were saluted by a fire of grape, well supported by musketry, whereby a gallant but rashly ordered charge of the Zouaves was repulsed with con siderable loss. The position was soon flanked by our superior num bers, and the Rebels compelled to draw off, leaving nothing on the field but a very few dead and ° March 20. n Maich 23. "See VoL L, p. 411. M April 11. K April 25. » April 19. 80 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. wounded. We lost 15 killed, inclu ding Adjutant Gadsden, of the Zouaves, and 98 wounded, which was probably more than the loss of the Rebels. Gen. Reno gave his men six hours' much needed rest on the battle-field, and then returned to his boats, being under peremptory orders to do so. He was obliged to leave behind 14 of his more severely wounded. As Camden Court House was the only village traversed by Gen. Reno on his advance, this en gagement has been sometimes desig nated the battle of Camden. By this time, Burnside's division, which had at no time exceeded 15,000 men, had become so widely dispersed, and had so many import ant points to guard, that its offensive efficiency was destroyed; and very little more of moment occurred in his department, until he was ordered by telegraph from Washington17 to hasten with all the force he could collect to Fortress Monroe, where he arrived three days afterward. Gen. Foster was left in command of the department of North Caro lina, with a force barely sufficient to hold the important positions left him by Gen. Burnside, until late in the Autumn, when, having been consid erably reenforced by new regiments, mainly from Massachusetts, he re solved to assume the offensive. He led one expedition from Washington,18 through Williamston to Hamilton, on the Roanoke, where he expected to find and destroy some iron-clads in process of construction ; but there were none. Pushing thence inland,10 in the direction of-Tarboro', he ad vanced to within ten miles of that place, expecting to surround and capture three Rebel regiments who had there been stationed; but by this time a far superior Rebel force had, by means of telegraphs and railroads, been concentrated at that point, and he wisely retreated with out molestation or loss, other than that inflicted by the rain, sleet, and deep mud through which the retreat was effected. The liberation of several hundred slaves was the chief result of this expedition. A few weeks later, Gen. Foster, with a considerably larger force — all that he could collect — set out from Newbern80 on a march directly in land, intending to reach and destroy the important railroad junction at Goldsboro'. He encountered no im pediments, save from trees felled • across the road, until he reached South-west creek, where the bridge had been destroyed, and a regiment was found posted on the opposite bank, supporting three pieces of ar tillery. These were driven off by a charge of the 9th New Jersey, and 1 gun captured ; when, after two or three more skirmishes, Foster ad vanced"1 to within a mile of Kinston ; where he encountered a considera ble Rebel force under Gen. Evans, strongly posted between the Neuse and a deep swamp, whence they were driven after a short but sharp fight, and the bridge over the Neuse saved, though it had been fired by the fugitives, of whom 400 were taken prisoners. Evans fled through and abandoned the town; but re formed two miles beyond it, and continued his retreat, before Foster could bring his artillery over the injured bridge and attack him. Gen. Foster, having bewildered the " July 4, 1862. 1 Nov. 3. 10 Nov. 6. ' Deo. 11. " Sunday, uth. GEN. BUTLER ON A SECRET EXPEDITION. SI enemy by feints in different direc tions, advanced" directly on Golds boro' ; but did not reach that point, because of a concentration in his front of more than double his force, under Maj.-Gen. G. W. Smith," with regi ments drawn from Petersburg on the one hand, and Wilmington on the other ; but the Wilmington and Wel don Railroad bridge over the Neuse was fired by Lt. Geo. W. Graham, 23d New York battery, after several who attempted the daring feat had been picked off by the Rebel sharp shooters. The bridge being de stroyed, Gen. Foster commenced a rapid retreat on Newbern, which he effected without difficulty. Hfi total loss in this expedition was 90 killed, (including Col. Gray, 96th New York, while charging at the head of his regiment at TClnston bridge), 478 wounded, and 9 missing. Smith's official report admits a Rebel loss of 71 killed, 268 wounded, and about 400 missing. Gen. Foster paroled 496 prisoners. Thus closed the year 1S62 in North Carolina. NEW ORLEANS AND THE GULF. Gen. Benjamin F. Butler, having, after the capture ' of Fort Hatteras, returned to the North to find him self an officer without soldiers or em ployment, sought and obtained per mission from the War Department to raise, in the New England States, six regiments of volunteers for special and confidential service. This un dertaking involved fitful collisions with the general efforts then being made by the authorities of all the States to raise troops for service un der Gen. McClellan; and Gen. B. was peculiarly unfortunate in thus colliding with Gov. Andrew, of Mas sachusetts, from which State he nat urally expected the larger number of his troops. But his indefatigable en ergy and activity at length triumphed over all impediments; he having meantime been appointed, in facili tation of his enterprise, commander of a new military department com posed of the six New England States, with his headquarters at Boston. When his 6,000 men had been fully raised, and part of them dispatched^ under Gen. J. W. Phelps, to Ship Island,«he was stopped for a season by the lowering aspects of our rela tions with England, consequent on the seizure of Mason and Slidell; whose ultimate surrender ho- pro foundly deprecated, believing that a war waged against us by Great Brit ain would double our effective miH tary strength, while paralyzing that of the Rebellion, by the spectacle of hostilities waged against us in our extremity by that nation, which very many, alike in the North and in the South, regarded as our hereditary foe. The substitution' of Mr: Edwin: M. Stanton for Gen. Simon Cameron, as head of the War Department, caused some further delay, during wliich an order was once issued to send Gen. Butler's troops from Fortress Monroe to Port Rovrtl ; but it was, on his re- 1S61. See VoL I., pp. 599-600. * Jan. 13, 1S62. " Dec 17. " Formerly of New York. vol. n. — 6 82 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. monstrance, annulled before it had been acted on. SMp Island is one of quite a num ber of inconsiderable sand-bars which barely rise above the level of the Gulf between the mouths of the Mississippi and the Bay of Mobile. It is accounted 7 miles long by three-fourths of a mile in width, though its size, as well as its shape, is usually altered by each vio lent inland-driving storm. It has a good harbor at its western end, with groves of pine and stunted oak at the far east ; while fresh water is ob tained in plenty by sinking a barrel in the sand. Oysters and fish abound in the encircling waters ; while the climate in Winter is soft, sunny, and tropical. New Orleans bears 65 miles W. S. W. ; the mouth of Mobile Bay 50 miles E. N. E. ; the mouths of the , Mississippi from 90 to 110 S. S. W. ; while Biloxi, on the Mississippi coast, is but 10 miles due north. Here Gen. Phelps and his brigade, having landed early in December, spent the Winter in very necessary (frilling ; the General having signalized his advent by issuing a an elaborate proclamation to the loyal citizens of the South west, declaring Slavery incompati ble with free institutions and free labor, and its overthrow the end and aim of our Government — a declara tion most unlikely to increase the number of White loyal citizens at that time and in that quarter, while pretty certain to be carefully kept from the knowledge of most others. Its first result was a feeling of amaze ment and dissatisfaction among a part of Gen. Phelps's subordinates ; while a single copy, taken to the Missis sippi shore, and dispensed to the first comer, was there eagerly diffused and employed to arouse and embitter hos* tility to the Union. Mobile had been generally guessed the object of Gen. Butler's mysteri ous expedition, whose destination was not absolutely fixed even in the councils of its authors. An effort to reannex Texas had been considered, if not actually contemplated. It was finally decided, in a conference be tween Secretary Stanton and Gen. Butler, that a resolute attempt should be made on New Orleans; and though Gen. McClellan, when re quested to give his opinion of the feasibility of the enterprise, reported that it could not be prudently under taken with a less force than 50,000 men, while all that could be spared to Gen. Butler was 15,000, Presi dent Lincoln, after hearing all sides, gave judgment for the prosecution. A fortnight later, Gen. Butler went home to superintend the embarkation of the residue of his New England troops, 8,500 in number, 2,200 being already on ship-board, beside 2,000, under Phelps, at the Island. Three excellent Western regiments were finally spared him from Baltimore by Gen. McClellan, swelling his force on paper to 14,400 infantry, 580 ar tillery, 275 cavalry; total, 15,255 men, to which it was calculated that Key West might temporarily add two regiments, and Fort Pickens an other, raising the aggregate to nearly 18,000. It in fact amounted, when collected at Ship Island, to 13,700. Gen. Butler set out from Hauu> ton Roads,4 in the steamship Mis sissippi, with his staff, his wife, and 1,400 men. The next night, the ship barely escaped wreck on a shoal off Hatteras Inlet ; and the next day waa ' Dec. 4, 1861. 4 Feb. 25, 1862, 9 p.m. BUTLER'S VOYAGE TO SHIP ISLAND. 83 run hard upon the rocks five miles from land, off TJape Fear, while going at full speed. Her Captain, be wildered, gave the order to let go the bow anchor, when she instantly drove upon its fluke, piercing her forward compartments and letting in a deluge of water. An hour later, she was hard and fast upon Frying Pan Shoals, one compartment filled to the water-line, and her forward berths afloat, her Captain manifestly incom petent, and now nearly distracted. The coast in. sight was strongly held by the enemy, whose horse patrol could be descried from the ship ; and any Confederate cruiser, darting out from Cape Fear river, would have found the steamship and all on board an easy prey. An ordinary squall would very soon have broken up the vessel and strewed her wreck along the sands. Toward noon, a steamer hove in sight, wliich, cautiously approaching, proved to be the H. S. gunboat Mount Vernon, of the squadron blockading Wilmington. Her com mander, 0. S. Glisson, came on board, and placed his vessel at the service of Gen. Butler. A hawser from the Mount Vernon was attached to the Mississippi, and many fruitless attempts made to drag her off. Three hundred of the soldiers were trans ferred to the Mount Vernon ; shells were thrown overboard; and every device known to nautical experience tried to move the imperiled ship — all in vain. As the sun went down, the wind rose, and the waves swelled, till the huge ship began to roll and beat upon the rocks, the danger of wreck constantly increasing. At length, just after 7 p. m., and when the tide was within an hour of flood, she moved forward a few feet and was fairly afloat; slowly following the piloting Mount Vernon — the lead for a whole hour showing but six inches of water under her keel. At midnight, both came to anchor in the Cape Fear, and were next morn ing, which was calm, on their way to Port Royal, where the Mississippi was unladen and repaired ; but was run aground again while moving down to the mouth of the harbor. The Captain was now deposed, Act ing-Master Sturgis, of the Mount Vernon, appointed to his place ; the troops once more debarked, and the ship pulled into deep water by the help of all the tugs in port. She again put to sea March 13th, having been eleven days in the port; and seven more brought her safely in sight of Ship Island ; where so heavy a gale was blowing that landing troops was for two days impossible. It was the 25th of March when — 30 days from Hampton Roads — they were debarked on that desolate sand bank ; where Gen. Butler was soon deep in consultation with Captains Farragut and Bailey, of the Navy, as well as with his military associates. Of these, Lt. Godfrey Weitzel, who had for two years been stationed at Fort St. Philip, and who had trav ersed all the adjacent country, duck-shooting, was able to give the fullest and most valuable informa tion. Gen. Butler made him his chief engineer. It was decided that the first attack on the forts defending the passage of the Mississippi below New Orleans should be made by the fleet ; Capt. Porter, with his 21 bomb-schooners, anchoring below them and bombard ing them till they should be reduced, 84 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. or his ammunition nearly exhausted. Capt. Farragut, with his larger and stronger vessels, would remain just out of fire as a reserve, awaiting the issue of the bombardment. That faihng, he should attempt with his steamers to run by the forts. If he succeeded in this, he would try to clear the river of the enemy's fleet, isolate the forts, and push on so far as circumstances should dictate. Gen. Butler, so soon as Capt. Farragut had passed, was to land his troops from their transports in the rear of Fort St. Philip, and attempt to carry it by assault ; while the enemy, sup posing the swamps in that quarter impassable, should be entirely absorb ed in his contest with the fleet. The forts being thus reduced, the whole expedition would advance upon the city, in such manner as should then seem expedient. Gen. Butler en gaged to have 6,000 men embarked on transports and ready for service in seven days; Capt. Farragut sailing at once for the mouths of the river, to prepare his fleet for action. The troops were formed into three brigades, under Gens. Phelps and Williams, and Col. Shepley ; 100 car penters detailed to make scaling-lad ders ; 100 boatmen to manage the 30 boats which were to make their way through the reedy creeks and marshes to the rear of Fort St. Philip. On the sixth day, 7 regiments and 2 bat teries were embarked, awaiting the word to move from Capt. Farragut ; but high winds and low tides ob structed the movements of the fleet; several of the larger vessels being many days in getting over the bar; so that Gen. Butler was obliged to disenir bark his troops and wear out another fortnight as patiently as he might. Meantime, the Rebels alongshore, who had by this time become satis fied that New Orleans was aimed at, resorted to the expedients which had proved effective with most of our commanders up to that time, and which stood them in good stead with several for many months afterward. Having been compelled nearly to de plete the Gulf region of soldiers in order to make head against Grant and Buell on the Tennessee, they supplied their places with imaginary regiments and batteries * in generous 6 The New Orleans journals, frequently brought over from Biloxi, bristled with such awe-inspiring paragraphs as the following : "The Mississippi is fortified so as to be im passable for any hostile fleet or flotilla. Forts Jackson and St. Philip are armed with 170 heavy guns (63-pounders, rifled by Barkley Britton, and received from England). The navi gation of the river is stopped by a dam about a quarter of a mile from the above forts. No flo tilla on earth could force that dam in less than two hours ; during which it would be with in short and cross range of 170 guns of the heaviest caliber, many of which would be serv ed with red-hot shot ; numerous furnaces for which have been erected in every fort and bat tery. " In a day or two, we shall have ready two iron-cased floating batteries. The plates are 4-J inches thick, of the best hammered iron, receiv ed from England and France. Each iron-cased battery will mount twenty 68-pounders, placed so as to skim the water, and strike the enemy's hull between wind and water. We have an abundant supply of incendiary shells, cupola furnaces for molten iron, congreve rockets, and fire-ships. " Between New Orleans and the forts, there is a constant succession of earthworks. At the Plain of Chalmette, near Janin's property, there are redoubts, armed with rifled cannon which have been found to be effective at five miles' range. A ditch 30 feet wide and 20 deep ex tends from the Mississippi to La Ciprione. In Forts St. Philip and Jackson, there are 3,000 men ; of whom a goodly portion are experienced artillery-men and gunners who have served in the navy. " At New Orleans itself, we have 32,000 in fantry, and as many more quartered in the im mediate neighborhood. In discipline and drill, they are far superior to the Yankees. We have two very able and active Generals, who possess our entire confidence — Gen. Mansfield Lovell and Brig.-Gen. Ruggles. For Commodore, we have old Hollins — a Nelson in his way." — N. 0. Pica yune, April 5, 1862. THE DEFENSES OF NEW ORLEANS. 85 profusion; but these were not the forces required to paralyze such com- manders as Butler and Farragut. At length,' the joyful tidings reached the former from the latter that his fleet was all over the bar, reloaded, and ready for action; and that he hoped to move up the river next day. Two days later, Gen. Butler, with his 8,000 troops, was at the mouth of the river. New Orleans, situated on the left bank of the Mississippi, 100 miles above its mouths, with the large sheet of water known as Lake Pont- chartrain closely approaching it on the north, • and the smaller Lake Borgne some 20 miles distant on the east, was by far the largest and most important city of the Confederacy, with a population of 170,000, and the greatest export trade, just prior to the war, of any city in the world. Unable to perceive the wisdom of expatriating those magnificent feed ers of its commerce, the Missouri, the Ohio, and the. upper Mississippi, a majority of its people had opposed Secession, until the carefully nursed tempest of pro-Slavery folly, fury, fanaticism, and ruffianism, stifled all outspoken dissent, about the time the war was formally opened by the Con federate attack on Fort Sumter. Thenceforward, New Orleans became the virtual heart of the Confederacy ; and its immense wealth of coin and produce was lavished in all directions in support of the military operations directed from Richmond. Regiment after regiment of Louisianians and foreign residents were raised and equipped here; but most of them had, when the hour of peril came, been drafted off, from time to time, to meet pressing exigencies on the Potomac and higher Mississippi, or the Tennessee; so that but about 3,000 of these, neither well armed, well drilled, nor particularly well af fected to the cause, remained to dis pute the advance of the Yankee in vaders. Gen. David E. Twiggs had been rewarded for his stupendous treach ery to the Union in Texas, by the command of the Confederate defenses of New Orleans, until stern expe rience proved him as incapable, su perannuated, and inefficient, as even our own Scott. At length, on a plea of declining health, he was sent home to die ; and Gen. Mansfield Lovell, who had abandoned a lucrative office under the Democratic municipality of New York to take service with the Confederates, was appointed his successor. On assuming command,' Lovell found the defenses of the great slave- mart more pretentious than formi dable. The variety of water ap proaches by Lakes Pontchartrain and Borgne, and the Bayous Barataria and La Fourche, all needed defenses against an enemy of preponderant naval force ; while even the Missis sippi required fortifying and watch ing above as well as below, to render the city entirely safe. Artillery by parks was indispensable ; and a good many guns had been supplied from the plunder of the Norfolk Navy Yard, and elsewhere; but most of them were old, of moderate caliber, , unrifled, and every way unsuited to the requirements of modern warfare. He telegraphed to Richmond, to Mobile, and other points, for heavier and better cannon; but obtained very 9 April 15, 1862. 'Oct. 18, 1861. 86 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. HISSISSIPPIJ* GOlT'^m, , b f^opas9 jMl>ASsA'0UTB£ OB. ^TfiSl"'"' <& ¦-'¦¦¦¦ *&1W-,'ABS ST. PHILIP. ¦A, B, C, D, &c, are points on the left bank, andi, 2, 8, 4, &c, points on the right bank of tho river, selected for placing the gunboats and mortars in position. The position of the mortar-boats on the 18th was as follows: 6 mortarB on the left bank, between G and J, 8,900 to 4,500 yards from Fort Jackson ; 14 mor tars on the right bank, from 1 to 5, distant 2 880 to 8,190 yards from Tort Jackson. On the 19th, they were all on the right bank, 8,010 to 4,100 yards from Fort Jackson, and remained nearly in the1 same position through the 20th and 21st The large steamers and gunboats were placed from i to li miles below the mortaAoats. On the first day the small steam sloops and gunboats wentnpto abreast ofthe smoke-stack, -where they engaged the forts and the enemy's steamers. u4prill1. BOMBARDMENT OF FORTS JACKSON AND ST. PHILIP. 89 of Jackson, distant 2J to three miles ; all were under orders to concentrate their fire on Fort Jackson, that being the larger and more important work, whose fall necessarily involved that of Fort St. Philip. At 9 a. m., before our mortar vessels were ready, Fort Jackson opened fire ; but her balls struck the water 100 yards short of our gunboat Owasco, which held the advance, and which was first to reply. Capt. Porter, who commanded the mortar fleet, watched through his glass the effect of our very deliberate fire, constantly giving new directions, founded on his ob servations, as to the elevation of pieces, length of fuse, and weight of charge. By 10 a. m., both parties had closed their experiments, and were firing steadily and heartily, .'though as yet with httle visible effect, save that the fish in the river, stunned and killed by the tremendous concussions, had begun to float past our anchored vessels. ' Soon, three more rafts are seen sweeping down from the new barrier of chains and hulks, and, as they approach, are dealt with as their predecessor had been, without interrupting the fire of our guns. At 4 p. m., Gen. But ler's httle dispatch steamer Saxon arrived, with news that the army was below, ready and waiting for ser vice, and that the Monitor had dis abled the Merrimac in Hampton Roads. At 5, flames were seen , bursting from Fort Jackson, whose fire slackened ; and it was manifest that its wooden interior had been ignited, Hke that of Fort Sumter in the initial bombardment of the war. The Rebel forts ceased firing, as our boats did, an hour later, and the night passed silently; the flames in Fort Jackson not being extinguished till 2 next morning. But its batteries opened as lively as ever at sunrise, and at 11:30 one of their rifled bolts crashed through one of our schooners, sinking her in 20 minutes ; while the Oneida, in our advance, was twice hit in the afternoon, two of her gun- carriages smashed, and 9 of her men wounded. The fort had evidently suffered by the day's work ; but the fathomless mud of the Mississippi seemed exactly constituted to absorb our shells, with the least possible harm to all around. Gen. Butler and staff arrived during that after noon, and went up in a small boat to take a look at the chain ; which, it had begun by this time to be under stood, was badly in the way, and must be subjected to an operation. The bombardment having been continued through a third day with out encouraging result, Capt. Farra gut called a council of captains in the cabin of his flag-ship Hartford, and, having heard all opinions, de- • cided on an attempt to force a pas sage by the forts. To this end, it was essential that the cable should first be broken ; and to Capt. Bell, with the gunboats Pinola and Itasca, supported by the Iroquois, Kennebec, and Winona, was assigned the con duct of this critical undertaking ; which, the night being dark, it was determined to attempt forthwith ; and, at 10 p. m., the Pinola and Itasca had set out on their perilous errand ; Capt. Porter, so soon as they were out of range of his guns, open ing upon Fort Jackson a tremendous fire from all his mortar-schooners, under which the Pinola ran up toward the cable near the western shore, directly under the guns of the 90 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. fort ; and, nearing one of the hulks, Mr. Kroehl, the inventor of a new and powerful petard, threw it on board; but it failed to explode, be cause the Pinola, having stopped her engine a moment too soon, was whirled away on the rushing current, snapping the wire hitherto connected with the petard. The wind blowing fiercely from the north, it was half an hour before the Pinola was again minding her helm, with her bow to ward the chain. Meanwhile, the Itasca, Captain Caldwell, had steamed up to the chain-supporting hulk next in order eastward,- and, making fast to its side, her men, who had boarded the hulk, were studying in the dark ness the economy of the cable. A rocket thrown up from Fort Jackson favored them with a fitful, transient light, to which a cannonade, instantly opened on them from both forts, seemed to add very little ; but they steadily went on with their business ; and in half an hour the great chain, vigorously plied with sledge and chisel, had been cut ; the cables by which the hulk was anchored had been slipped; and now the hulk, still chained to the nearer shore, was swept resistlessly round by flood and wind until it grounded in the mud of the bank, pulling the lashed Itasca along with it, and driving her fast aground directly in the range of both forts. By this time, however, the Pinola was ready to come to her rescue ; and, after an hour of earnest tugging, and parting two 5-inch hawsers, she Anally grappled her with an 11-inch cable, and, by help of steam and cur rent, dragged her again into deep water and down into the kindly darkness ; each vessel entirely un harmed : and the opening thus made in the barrier was speedily and con stantly enlarged by the current, so that a boat's crew from the Itasca, pulling up in the thick darkness two nights later, found nothing to ob struct the upward passage of our fleet. A new and grander fire-raft was sent down two hours after the chains., were broken, only to be caught and served as her predecessors had been. The bombardment was continued two days farther; in part, because two of our gunboats had been so much injured as to require assistance for their rapid repair. The morning of the 24th was fixed on for the grand attempt, of which the Rebel officers somehow had an intimation ; so that, throughout the preceding day, the forts were silently preparing for the eventful hour at hand, while our bombardment was httle more than a formality. Meantime, Duncan re ported from Fort Jackson that he had suffered very little, though 25,000 13-inch shells had been fired at him, whereof 1,000 had fallen within the fort. (We had actually fired 5,000 only.) " God is certainly protecting us," was his assurance. Farragut's arrangements for pass ing the forts were completed at sun set.12 The mortar-boats, retaining their stations, were to cover the advance with 'their utmost possible fire. Six small steamers — the Har riet Lane, Westfield, Owasco, Clin- i ton, Miami, and Jackson, the last towing the Portsmouth — were to engage the water battery below Fort Jackson, but not attempt to pass. Capt. Farragut himself, with his n April 23. OUR FLEET ATTEMPTS TO PASS THE FORTS. 91 three largest ships — the Hartford, Richmond,, and Brooklyn— was to keep near the western bank, fighting Fort Jackson; while Capt. Bailey, with the Cayuga, Pensacola,i Missis sippi, Oneida, Varuna, Katahdin, Kiheo, and Wissahickon, was to hug. the eastern bank, exchanging com pliments with Fort St. Philip. Capt. Bell, with the third division — con sisting of the Scioto, Iroquois, Pinola, Winona, Itasca, and Kennebec — was to keep the middle of the river, and, disregarding the forts, to attack and vanquish the Rebel fleet in waiting above. Lieut. Weitzel had wisely suggested that, as the guns of the forts had been fired at a high elevation in order to reach their re mote assailants, and as the vessels would naturally be expected to keep the middle of the river, the Rebel gunners would be pretty sure to fire over them if they kept close to the respective shores. All being ready, Gen. Butler and his staff went on board the Saxon ; every naval officer was at his post ; and the silence was only broken by an occasional fire from the mortar-sloops. At 11 p. m., a signal from the Itasca announced that the opening in the cable was Btill unclosed. The night was dark and heavy; the moon — what there was of it— would rise at 3 a. m. At 1," all hands were called, steam got up, the last preparations made, and at 2 the signal to weigh anchor was given from the flag-ship. Half an hour later, Farragut's division was ready. Capt. Bailey, a httle slower, was farther away ; it was 3£ before the latter was fairly abreast of Far ragut, when each division moved si lently up stream. The current was so swift ^ the night so heavy, that the fleet advanced but four miles per hour. The silence was broken by our mor tars, whose gunners, prepared for the rapidest possible fire, at once filled the air with their shells, and roared out to the Rebels their warning that the hour had come. As our ships in their three fines closely followed each other, Capt. Bailey, in the Ca yuga, was first observed and opened upon by both forts as he was passing through the breach in the barrier. He did not choose to give better di rection to the enemy's fire by reply ing; and, though their balls were abundant, they mainly passed over and around him. Approaching Fort St. Philip, he ran close under her guns, giving her broadsides of grape and canister as he passed ; the Pen- sacola^ Mississippi, and Yaruna, press ing closely in his wake, followed his commendable example. All of his division passed the forts essentially uninjured. Capt. Bell's division was less for tunate. The Pinola, Scioto, and Iroquois, ran the gauntlet of the forts unharmed; but the Itasca, when di rectly opposite St. Philip, received a volley of balls, one of which pierced her boiler and compelled her to drift down the river. The Winona recoil ed from that fire, and failed to pass. The. Kennebec was caught in the cable; and, when liberated, lost her way in the dense smoke ; finally re turning to her former anchorage be- low the forts. Capt. Farragut, in the fore rigging of the Hartford, anxiously watching every visible movement through his night-glass, had advanced within a "April 24. THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. mile and a quarter of Fort Jackson, when he was opened upon from that Fort and repeatedly struck. Still steaming directly for the fort, and re plying only from his two forecastle guns, when within half a mile he sheered and gave them broadsides of grape and canister, which soon drove every man from their barbette guns ; but those in the casemates rendered full and quick returns for every vol ley received. The Richmond, closely following, hurled grape and canister in profusion. The Brooklyn, bring ing up the rear, ran over one of the hulks which had upheld the chain, during a hot fire from Fort St. Phil ip. Hardly had she been freed from the hulk and her head turned up stream, when the ram Manassas came butting into her starboard gangway, first opening her iron trap-door at ten feet distance and firing at the smoke-stack of the Brooklyn a heavy bolt, which was caught and stopped by the sand-bags protecting her steam-drum. A guard of chain armor, wliich had been woven over her sides, shielded her from destruc tion by the ram, which soon slid off and disappeared in the darkness. A few minutes later, while still under a raking fire from Fort Jackson, the Brooklyn' was attacked by a large Rebel steamer, to which she gave a broadside at 50 yards, setting it in stantly on fire and putting an end to its career. Still groping onward in the thick darkness, Capt. Craven soon found himself abreast of Fort St. Philip, and so near that his leads man reported 13 feet of water. Bring ing all his guns to bear for a few mo ments, he poured in grape and canis ter so that the fort was completely silenced, and her garrison were seen by our men in the tops of the Brook lyn, by the fitful flashes of their bursting shrapnel, running like sheep to their coverts. Thus passing the upper fort, Capt. Craven engaged several of the Rebel gunboats, at 60 to 100 yards. He was an hour and a half under fire, lost 8 killed and 26 wounded, while his ship was badly cut up by shot and shell ; but she bore her full part in the attack on the Rebel batteries below New Or leans next morning. The Cayuga, having saluted and passed Fort St. Philip at short range, still pushing on, encountered, when just out of fire of the fort, the entire Rebel flotilla, consisting of 18 gun boats, including the Manassas and Louisiana. For a moment, her doom seemed certain, as no supporting ship was to be seen. By skillful steering, however, Capt. Bailey avoided all their attempts to butt and board, and had already forced three of the less formidable to surrender, when the Yaruna and Oneida were seen coming to the rescue. At early dawn, perceiving a Rebel camp on the right bank of the river, Capt. Bailey anchored close beside it, and ordered the Rebels to pile their arms on the bank and. come on board as prisoners, which was obeyed. The captives proved to be the Chalmette regiment, Col. Sysmanski. Their flag, tents, and camp equipage, formed a part of the spoils. The Yaruna, having safely passed the forts, found herself " amid a nest of Rebel steamers," 14 into which she plunged, firing broadsides at each as she passed it, exploding the boiler of the first, which appeared to be " Commander Boggs's official report. THE REBEL FLOTILLA VANQUISHED. 93 crowded with troops ; when it drifted ashore, a wreck. Three other ves sels, one of them a gunboat, were likewise driven ashore and blown up. At 6 A. m., the Morgan, partially iron-clad, commanded by Beverly Kennon (late of our navy), attack ed the Yaruna, giving her a raking fire along the port gangway, which killed 4 and wounded 9 of her crew, then butted her on the quarter and again on the starboard side, but with out sinking or disabling her. Mean while, the Yaruna had planted three 8-inch shells in her assailant, abaft her armor, with several shot from one of our rifled guns; when she drifted out of the fight, partially dis abled. Ere this time, another Rebel iron-clad, with a beak under water, had struck the Yaruna in the port gangway, doing considerable damage, while our shot glanced harmlessly from the armor of the Rebel boat. The enemy then backed off for an other blow, and struck again in the same place, crushing im the Yaruna's side ; but she being under full head way, her enemy's beak for a moment stuck fast in her side, and the ram was drawn around nearly beside our steamer, which was thereby enabled to plow her with five 8-inch shells abaft her armor. This finished her performance, and she drifted ashore, a burning wreck ; while the Yaruna, now in a sinking condition, was run into the bank by her commander, her anchor let go, and her bow made fast to the trees ; her guns all the time at work crippling the Morgan, which was making feeble efforts to get up steam. When the water had risen over his gunTtrucks, Commander Boggs turned his attention to getting the wounded and crew out of his ves sel. The Oneida, seeing her sinking, had rushed to her assistance; but Boggs waved her on to the Morgan, which, already in" flames, surren dered; she had lost over 50 of her crew killed and wounded, and was set on fire by her commander, who left his wounded to the flames. Fif teen minutes after she struck, the Yaruna was on the bottom, with only her top-gallant forecastle out of water. Her crew gained the shore, losing every thing but the clothes they stood in. Our loss in this desperate fight, not including 6 or 7 previously disar bled on the mortar-boats, was re ported as only 30 killed and 119 wounded; the fleet surgeon adding that several vessels had not yet made their official return. The Brooklyn, Pensacola, and Iroquois, had suffered most severely. f Gen. Lovell, who had witnessed the combat of our fleet with his forts and flotilla, and its triumph, hastened up to the city on horseback, narrowly escaping capture on the way, and gave orders to Gen. Smith, in com mand of the land defenses, to make all possible resistance at the earth works below the town ; but the high stage of water, causing the guns of our vessels to command the earth works, rendered them untenable by infantry. An attempt was made to raise 1,000 desperate volunteers who would undertake to board and carry our vessels by assault ; but only 100 could be found. In short, New Or leans was lost when our fleet had passed the forts ; and all her intelli gent Rebels knew it. Gen. Lovell, after consultation with the mumcipal authorities, began 94 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. at once to send off his munitions and provisions by steamboat and rail road, while the greater part of his conscripted militia disbanded and dispersed. What was left worth tak ing was sent off to Camp Moore, 78 miles above, on the Jackson Rail road. The Rebel flotilla having been mainly destroyed, Capt. Farragut, with his nine vessels that had safely run the gauntlet of Rebel forts, fire- ships, rams, and gunboats, while steaming slowly and cautiously up the river, had not yet reached New Orleans when he was met by ample evidence that the city was virtually in his hands. Cotton-loaded and other valuable ships came floating down the river wrapped in flames, the mute bnt vivid witnesses of the enemy's despair. " I never witnessed such Yandalism in my life," he re ports, " as the destruction of prop erty: all the shipping, steamboats, &c, were set on fire and consumed." On reaching16 the English Turn, six or seven miles below the city, he descried the new earthworks on both banks, known as the Chalmette bat teries ; when, forming his fleet in two lines, and allotting to each its proper work, he moved on. The Cayuga, not having observed the signal for close order, was considerably in ad vance, and so for 20 minutes exposed alone to the fire of the Rebel bat teries. But the Hartford now came up, dispensing liberal broadsides of shell, shrapnel, and grape, the first of which drove the Rebels on the right bank from their guns ; while the fire of the Pensacola, the Brooklyn, and the residue of the fleet, which came up in quick succession, very soon silenced the remaining forts, and set their gunners in rapid motion toward places of greater safety. No further obstacles nor perils but those presented by burning steamers, cot ton-ships, rafts, &c, were encountered until, at 1 p. m., the squadron an chored, during a violent thunder storm, in front of New Orleans, whose levee for miles afforded a mag nificent but melancholy spectacle of burning cotton, sugar, and other staples of South-western commerce; while the river in front was so full of burning ships that great vigilance and skill were required to avoid them.18 There was no attempt at resistance, but on shore anarchy and impotent 15 At 10:30 A. M. on the 25th. 19 Pollard says: " No sooner had the Federal fleet turned the point, and come within sight of the city, than the work of destruction of property commenced. Vast columns of smoke ascended to the sky, darkening the face of heaven and obscuring the noon-day sun; for five miles along the levee, fierce flames darted through the lurid atmosphere, their baleful glare struggling in rivalry with the sunlight ; great ships and steamers, wrapped in fire, floated down the river, threatening the Federal vessels with destruction by their fiery contact. In front ofthe various presses, and at other points along the levee, the cotton had been piled up and submitted to the torch. It was burned by order of the Governor of Louisi ana and of the military commander of the Con federate States. Fifteen thousand' bales were consumed; the value of which would have been about a million and a half of dollars. The to bacco stored in the city, being all held by for eign residents on foreign account, was not de stroyed. The specie of the banks, to the amount of twelve or fifteen millions, was removed from the city and placed in a secure place ; so were nearly all the stores and movable property of the Confederate States. But other materials were embraced in the awful conflagration. About a dozen large river steamboats, twelve or fifteen ships, some of them laden with cotton, a great floating battery, several unfinished gun boats, the immense ram, the Mississippi, and the docks on the other side of the river, were all embraced in the fiery sacrifice. The Missis sippi was an iron-clad frigate, a superior vessel of her class, and accounted to be by far the most important naval structure the Confederate Gov ernment had yet undertaken." MAYOR MONROE ON EXHIBITION. 95 rage strove for the mastery. As our squadron neared the levee, our sailors gave a cheer, to which some few in the adjacent crowd responded, pro voking thereby pistol-shots from the irate Rebels surrounding them. After a brief delay, Capt. Bailey was sent ashore to demand the surrender of the city ; when the valorous mob received him with groans, hootings, and threats of violence, which did not prevent his proceeding, under the escort of more considerate citizens, to the Mayor's office ; the mob that fol lowed him contenting itself with assaults on such citizens as were sus pected of Unionism. On reaching the City Hall, he made his demand, requiring that the Federal flag be displayed from the public edifices ; to which the Mayor responded, dis claiming any authority to comply. A messenger was thereupon sent to Gen. Lovell, who informed Capt. Bailey that he had already evacuated the city, which he now formally turned over to the municipal autho rities, leaving them to act as they should see fit. Capt. Bailey now re turned to the fleet to await such action; and the Mayor, refusing to haul down the State flag from the City Hall, sent to the Common Council, which was in session, a mes sage recommending that an answer be returned to Capt. Farragut, stat ing that the city, being incapable of offering further resistance, yielded to physical force alone, without giving up its allegiance to the Confederate Government, while it had no au thority over the Custom-House, Post- Office, and Mint, and would do nothing with regard to them. This undignified and ridiculous betrayal of spite and chagrin was reiterated by the Mayor in a letter17 to Capt. Farragut, which was tersely and fitly 17 " Mayor's Office, City of New Oeleaits, "City Hali^ April 26, 1862. "Flag- Officer D. G. Fabbagut, United States flag-ship Hartford: "Sir — In pursuance of a resolution which we thought proper to take, out of regard for the lives of the women andchildreD who still crowd the metropolis, General Lovell has evacuated it with his troops, and restored back to me the ad ministration of its government and the custody of its honor. I have, in council with the City Fathers, considered the demand you made of me yesterday of an unconditional surrender of the city, coupled with a requisition to hoist the flag of the United States on the public edifices, and haul down the flag that still floats upon the breeze from the dome of this Hall. It becomes my duty to transmit to you an answer which is the universal sentiment of my constituents no less than the promptings of my own heart on this sad and solemn occasion. The city is with out the means of defense ; and is utterly destitute of the force and material that might enable it to resist an overpowering armament displayed in sight of it. "I am no military man, and possess no au thority beyond that of executing the municipal laws of the city of New Orleans. It would be presumptuous in me to attempt to lead an army in the field, if I had one at command; and I know still less how to surrender an undefended place, held, as this is, at the mercy of your gun ners and your mortars. To surrender such a place were an idle and unmeaning ceremony. The city is yours by the power of brutal force, not by my choice or the consent of its inhabitants. It is for you to determine what will be the fate that awaits us here. As to hoisting any flag not of our own adoption and allegiance, let me say to you that the man lives not in our midst whose hand and heart would not be paralyzed at the mere thought of such an act; nor could I find in my entire constituency so desperate and wretched a renegade as would dare to profane with his hand the sacred emblem of our aspirations. " Sir, you have manifested sentiments which would become one engaged in a better cause than that to wliich you have devoted your sword. I doubt not that they spring from a no ble though deluded nature ; and I know how to appreciate the emotions which inspired them. You have a gallant people to administrate during your occupancy of this city — a people sensitive to all that can in the least affect their dignity and self-respect. Pray, Sir, do not fail to regard their susceptibilities. The obligations whieh I shall assume in their name shall be religiously complied with. You may trust their honor, though you might not count on their submission to unmerited wrong. "In conclusion, I beg you to understand that the people of New Orleans, while unable to re- 96 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. answered." The malevolent folly of the municipal authorities served only to expose their city to destruction. A force landed from the Pensacola had hoisted, unopposed, a Federal flag over the Mint, and left it there un guarded. Ere it had thus remained many hours, a number of young Rebels mounted to the dome, tore it down, and dragged it through the streets. It would have been entirely justifiable and proper on the part of Farragut to have required of the au thorities its immediate and respectful replacement, on penalty of the de struction of their city; but he forbore ; and, even when he required them, two days afterward, to take down the flag of Louisiana, still floating over the City Hall, the Mayor positively refused. Capt. F. finally closed" the absurd altercation by sending a force from his ships to take down tho flag : a vast crowd looking sullenly on, or giving vent to their wrath only in idle curses. They failed to com prehend their position ; but they re spected the two brass howitzers, well manned and supported, which stood in front of the City Hall while the operation was quietly and thorough ly performed. Capt. Farragut had not waited to obtain formal possession of the city before moving up20 to the two forts at Carrollton, eight miles above, where he was surprised to find the gun-carriages on fire and the guns spiked. The works were formidable, but constructed to resist an advance from above ; so that, being taken in reverse, they had been adjudged indefensible. Gen. Butler, having witnessed from sist your force, do not allow themselves to be in sulted by the interference of such as have ren dered themselves odious and contemptible by their dastardly desertion of our cause in the mighty struggle in which we are engaged, or such as might remind them too forcibly that they are the conquered and you the conquerors. Peace and order may be preserved without re sort to measures which I could not at this mo ment prevent. Your occupying the city does not transfer allegiance from the government of their choice to one which they have deliberately repudiated ; and they yield the obedience which the conqueror is entitled to extort from the con quered. Respectfully, " John T. Monroe, Mayor." ¦ " " U. S. Flag-ship Hartfoed, at anchor off the City of New Orleans, "April 28, 1862. " To His Honor the Mayor and City Council of the Gity of New Orleans : " Your communication of the 26th inst. has been received, together with that of the City Council. "I deeply regret to see, both by their con tents and the continued display of the flag of Louisiana on the Court-House, a determination on the part of the city authorities not to haul it down. Moreover, when my officers and men were sent on shore to communicate with the au thorities, and to hoist the United State3 flag on the Custom-House, with the strictest order not to use their arms unless assailed, they were in sulted in the grossest manner, and the flag which had been hoisted by my orders on the Mint was pulled down and dragged through the streets. All' of which goes to show that the fire of this fleet may be drawn upon the city at any moment ; and in such an event the levee would, in all probability, be cut by the shells, and an amount of distress ensue to the innocent population which I have hitherto endeavored to assure you that I desire by all means to avoid. " The election, therefore, is with you. But it becomes my duty to notify you to remove the women and children from the city within 48 hours; if I rightly understand your determina tion. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, (Signed) " D. G. Farragut, "Flag-Officer Western Gulf Blockading Squadron." It seems incredible, yet it is a fact,, that Mon roe sent a rejoinder to this letter; in which, amid bombastic and turgid babble about flagrant violation of those courtesies which prevail be tween belligerents, and shells tearing up the graves of those who are so dear to them, he whimpered out: " Our women and children can not escape from your shells, if it be your pleasure to murder them on a question of mere eti quette." Even Pollard barely represses his dis gust at the silly repetitions and vanity of liter ary style protruded by this Bobadil of a Mayor. u May 1. » Afternoon of April 26. SURRENDER OF THE REBEL FORTS. 97 the Saxon the success of Farragut's attempt to, pass the Rebel forts and barrier and destroy their fleet for- jbidding approach to New Orleans, fmade haste to join his land forces below, and to conduct them, under Weitzel's piloting, through the shal low bays and bayous in the rear of Fort St. Philip, landing them from his row-boats on the first firm ground that he reached above the fort; thence occupying the levee and throwing a detachment across the river so as completely to isolate both forts and their garrisons. While he was effecting this, Commander Por ter, with his mortar-fleet below, resumed and continued the bombard ment, sending up" a flag of truce to demand a surrender, which was re fused ; but,* next day, 250 of the garrison of Fort Jackson, having heard, or inferred from the blackened fragments floating down the river, that New Orleans was captured, re fused to fight longer, and, spiking the guns on the upper side of the fort, sallied out and surrendered themselves to Gen. Butler's pickets. Lt.-Col. Higgins, who commanded the forts, seeing that all was lost, now made haste to accept the favor able terms of capitulation previously offered by Commander Porter, before the latter should be made aware of Butler's position above and the mutiny and surrender of half the garrison. While the terms of capitu lation were being reduced to writing, the Confederate naval officers just above the forts towed their ram Louisiana out into the current, set her on fire and abandoned her, with all her guns shotted, expecting her to drift down upon and explode in the midst of Porter's fleet ; but, just as she was abreast of Fort St. Philip, she blew up and sunk, injuring no one but a Rebel soldier in the fort, who was killed by a fragment. Of the three remaining Rebel steamers, one had been scuttled; the others surrendered without resistance : their officers, with those of the Louisiana, being sent North as close prisoners, because of their attempt to destroy our fleet while a capitulation was in progress. Commander Porter turned the forts and their contents imme diately over to Gen. Phelps," and they were very soon being repaired and fitted for effective service ; while Gen. Butler, leaving Gen. Williams in command there, and having easily reduced Forts Pike and Wood, at the entrance of Lake Pontchartrain, brought his steamers around into the Mississippi, and, taking on board 2,000 of his men, moved up to the city and took possession — Capt. Far ragut very gladly relinquishing to him the difficult and disagreeable duty of bandying words with its spiteful, shuffling authorities,and deal ing with its ferocious and ruffianly mob, who would have taken exquisite pleasure in making mince-meat of either of them. In the conferences which ensued between the commanding General S1 April 27. w The Rebel loss by the bombardment of Forts Jackson and St. Philip was reported by them at 11 killed and 39 wounded. The prisoners taken by us at the surrender were 393. This does not include about 300 captured with the last of vol. n. — 7 their gunboats, nor the Chalmette regiment en camped on the levee, which surrendered to Capt. Bailey. Our total loss of men in the bombard ment, running the batteries, destruction of tho Rebel fleet, and capture of the city, was but 40 killed and 11 7 wounded. THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. and the municipality, Mayor Monroe was counseled and prompted by Hon. Pierre Soule, a gentleman whose ability and tact shone forth in strik ing contrast with the pitiable exhibi tion previously made of himself by the Mayor. In fact, if Soule had had 10 or 15 good regiments and as many batteries at his back, he might have argued Butler out of New Orleans. A wide diversity as to premises rendered the progress and results of these discussions quite un satisfactory to the weaker party. In the contemplation of Gen. Butler, New Orleans was a city ofthe United States, wherein Rebellion had been temporarily dominant, but which had now been restored to its rightful and lawful allegiance, and wherein no authority must be asserted, no flag displayed, but those of the Union. Soule, Monroe, and the mob, could not see the matter in that light ; but insisted on regarding our forces as intruders, who ought in simple de cency to abscond; but who, since they refused to do this, should in all things consult the feelings and tastes of the patriotic and indomitable Southrons, who, from behind their barricades of women and children, delighted in hallooing, wherever Butler appeared or was expected, " Where 's old cock-eye ?" " Let me see the damned rascal !" " I see the damned old villain," &c, &c, interspersed with " Hurrah for Jeff. Davis !" " Hurrah for Beauregard !" " Go home, you damned Yankees !" • &c, &c. It was amid a tempest of such outcries from the throats of 50,000 venomous Rebels, that the General, after vainly endeavoring to comply with a popular demand for " Picayune Butler," which none of his bands were able to play, and after having waited upon Capt. Farragut; and heard his account of all that had occurred since our fleet first appeared before the city, ordered the imme diate debarkation of his troops, which began at 4 o'clock that afternoon :" the crowd requiring to be slowly pressed back with the bayonet to ob tain space on which our regiments were thus enabled successively to land and form ; Gen. Butler and his staff — no horses having yet been landed — marching on foot at the head of the 31st Massachusetts and 4th Wisconsin to the music of the " Star-Spangled Banner," variegated by nowise complimentary observa- \ \ tions from the mob, along the levee to Poydras street, thence through St. Charles street and Canal street, to the vast, unfinished Custom-House, where our artillery was duly posted and the men fitly quartered ; while the General and his staff returned to his steamboat, and the 12th Connec ticut, Col. Deming, bivouacked on the levee by its side. That evening, Gen. Butler finished his preclamation and sent it to the office of The True Delta to be printed, only to learn that the application was too late. Next morning, it was re newed, and plumply refused by the proprietor. Two hours later, a file of soldiers drew up before the build ing, when half a dozen of their num ber entered the printing office and proceeded inoffensively to print the obnoxious paper. The True Delta, of next day commenting rebelliously on this performance, Gen. Butler sup pressed it till further orders : which brought the concern to reason. The ra May 1. BUTLER AND THE SHE-REBELS. 99 next day, its publication was re sumed ; and on the 6th the proclama tion duly appeared in its columns. The great St. Charles Hotel hav ing been suddenly closed, Gen. But ler reopened and made it his head quarters, summoning the Mayor and Council to meet him there at 2 p. m. next day, wliich they did ; and, after considerable debate, were satisfied, first, that Gen. Butler was master of the situation; secondly, that he in tended to remain so ; thirdly, that any who should undertake to dispute or defy his authority would certainly get into trouble ; and fourthly, that the mob, though it might hoot and howl with impunity, must stop short of ac tual violence and mutiny, or their streets would be swept by grape and their gutters run red with blood. It took some time to impress these truths clearly on the average Rebel mind ; but the work was effectively done; and New Orleans ultimately confessed that she had not before in a generation been nearly so clean, so quiet, so orderly, so free from rob bery, violence, outrage, and murder, as she was under the rule of ' Beast Butler' in the year of grace 1862. Two conspicuous instances out of many must here serve as examples of his dealings with the spirit of treason. The women of New Orleans — that portion of them who arrogated to themselves the designation of ladies, with a large majority of their sisters throughout the Confederacy — had ere this become most impassioned Reb els. The aristocratic instinct being stronger in women than in men, Slavery, though it debauched the men and degraded the women of the South, had come to be regarded by the latter — that is, by those of the ruling caste — as their patent of no bility ; and they clung to it, and stood ready to sacrifice and dare for it, as aristocrats are always ready to ' stand by their order.' They talked loudly of shedding their blood, if need be, for the Confederacy; they acted so as to insure the shedding in that behalf of the blood of their male relatives and neighbors. To pro claim a rigid non-intercourse with all young men who did not promptly enhst in the Confederate armies, and to exhort, entreat, and finally insult, those who hesitated to do so, was a very common exhibition of Southern female patriotism. To treat our offi cers and soldiers at all times, and under all circumstances, with indica tions of hatred, contempt, disgust, and loathing, was their still more natural and general practice. The display of a miniature Secession flag on their persons was a harmless, in offensive exhibition of their feelings which was never objected to on our side. To vacate a church-pew, quit a street-car, or other public vehicle, upon the entrance of one of our offi cers, was admissible ; to strum " The Bonny Blue Flag" on the piano whenever a Union officer entered the house, or a Union platoon marched by, could be endured; but when ladies, by breeding or brevet, saw fit to take several reefs in their respec tive noses, to make an ostentatious display of drawing aside their dresses, to oblique into the middle of the street and then back again, in order to avoid the possibility of contact with a passing officer, or being over shadowed by the American flag ; still more, when, to contemptuous and in sulting gestures, they added > oppro- 100 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. brious and venomous language, they passed the limits of any indulgence which may properly be accorded to even feminine malignity. In New Orleans, the climax of these cowardly insults was only reached when some thing dressed like a lady saw fit to spit in the faces of two officers quietly passing along the street. It was this experiment on his forbearance which decided Gen. Butler to issue his famous Order No. 28. It reads as follows : " Headquarters, Department of the Gulf, New Orleans, May 15, 1862. '' General Order No. 28 : " As the officers and soldiers of the Uni ted States have been subjected to repeated insults from the women (calling themselves ladies) of New Orleans, in return for the most scrupulous non-interference and cour tesy on our part, it is ordered that hereaf ter, when any female shall, by word, ges ture, or movement, insult or show contempt for any officer or soldier of the United States, she shall be regarded and held liable to be treated as a woman of the town ply-- ing her avocation. " By command of Maj.-Gen. Butler. " Geo. 0. Strong, A. A. G., Chief of Staff." This order was subjected to the worst possible construction, first by Mayor Monroe and his secret prompt ers ; next by the Rebel Governor of Louisiana and the Secessionists gen erally ; and so on, until Lord Palmer- ston, in the British House of Com mons, took occasion to be astonished, to blush, and to proclaim his " deep est indignation " at the tenor of that order; Punch eagerly echoing his perversions. Gen. Butler was finally constrained, after too long enduring his palterings and equivocations, to send Mayor Monroe to prison, abol ish his municipality, banish Pierre Soule, and appoint Col. G. F. Shep- ley military commandant, to the sig nal improvement of the government of New Orleans and the peace and security of its inhabitants; and all that need be added in explanation or in defense of the hated order is this : that no soldier under Gen. Butler's command ever acted upon the vile construction of that order which his enemies set up; and no woman in New Orleans ever pretended that she was anywise abused or insulted be cause thereof; while its success in arresting the scandalous behavior at which it aimed was immediate and complete. The other case, wherein Gen. But ler especially displeased his enemies and those of his country, was that of Wm. B. Mumford, a New Orleans gambler, who had led the Rebel mob who tore down our National flag from the roof of the Mint, where it had been hoisted by our sailors de tailed for that duty by Capt. Morris, of the Pensacola, on the 27th, after Lovell had evacuated the city, and its Mayor and Common Council had offi cially declared themselves incapable of making any resistance, and that, yielding to physical force alone, they would make none, to the forces of the United States. The outrage thus committed by Mumford and his backers, furtive and riotous as it was, drew a shot from the howitzers in the main-top of the Pensacola, and might have provoked and justified the de struction of the city by our fleet; since the authorities did not disclaim, while the mob vociferously applaud ed and adopted it. So The Pica yune of next morning eulogized its gallantry and patriotism, and pro claimed it an act of the city, and a proof of her " unflinching determina tion to sustain to the uttermost the righteous cause for which she has done so much and made such sacri- FARRAGUT BEFORE VICESBURG. 101 fices." The city having been com pletely occupied, and the National authority reestablished, Gen. Butler caused Mumford to be arrested, tried, and, he being convicted and sen tenced to death by hanging, that sen tence was duly executed," in the face of all New Orleans anxiously looking on, and in defiance of the confident prediction of the Rebels that Butler would not dare to do it. They did not dare ; he did. And his hold on the city was firmer and safer from that moment. About the same time," he pardon ed and set at hberty six humbler Rebels, who, having been captured and paroled at the surrender of the forts, had been induced secretly to reenlist in the Rebel service, conspir ing to force or evade our pickets and hasten to join Beauregard's army in Mississippi. Their guilt was undoubt ed ; their crime one that military law sternly punishes with death. The occupation of New Orleans, its defenses and approaches, having been completed and assured, Com mander Porter, with a part of our fleet, returned to Ship Island ; a part was stationed near New Orleans to assist in its defense ; and the residue, under Capt. Craven, steamed up the river to extend our sway in that di rection. Baton Rouge, the State c'apital, was captured without resist ance." The Mayor refusing to sur render, Commander Palmer, of the Iroquois, landed and took possession of the U. S. Arsenal. Capt. Farra gut arrived soon afterward, and took measures to render our possession permanent. Natchez was in hke manner given up to. the Iroquois;" but, as the Confederates had not oc cupied it as a military post, it was left unmolested. The advance of our squadron, un der Commander S. P. Lee, encoun tered no opposition until it reached Vicksburg," whence a summons to surrender was answered with de fiance. Our force was inadequate to attack until the arrival, a few days later, of Capt. Farragut, accompa nied by 4,000 soldiers under Gen. Thomas Williams. Yicksburg is naturally so strong, and was so firmly held, that it was not until after still further reenforcements had come up, including Commander Porter's mor tar fleet, that a bombardment was opened." Not much impression was made on the elevated and formida ble Rebel batteijes by our fire ; but, at 3 a. m. of the 28th, Capt. Farra gut, in the Hartford, with six more of his vessels, passed Yicksburg tri umphantly, with a total loss of 15 killed and 30 wounded, and exchang ed cheers above with Capt. Davis's fleet of mortar ahd gun-boats, which had fought their way down from Cairo. Still, our forces were not strong enough for assault, and the bombard ment remained ineffective ; while Gen. Williams, who, on his way up from Baton Rouge, had been fired on from Grand Gulf, and ha'a burn ed that village in retaliation, was losing men daily by sickness, which ultimately reduced his effective force by more than half. He had under taken to cut a canal, or water-course, across the peninsula opposite Yicks burg, and had gathered some 1,200 negroes from the adjacent planta tions ,to assist in the work ; but it did not succeed. The soil to be ex- * June 1. "May 31. » May T. " May 12. 1 May 18. 1 Night of June 26. 102 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. cavated was an exceedingly tenacious clay, in good . part covered with large trees. The strong current ob stinately kept to the old channel, and could not be attracted to the right bank. An expedition, started sa to go up the Yazoo, having unex pectedly encountered, near the mouth of that river, and been worsted by, the Rebel ram Arkansas,31 Capt. Far ragut, having no prospect of further usefulness above, determined to re pass the frowning batteries, cutting out and destroying the Arkansas by the way. He succeeded in running by Yicksburg with httle loss ; but his designs upon the Arkansas were baffled by darkness. A few days later, Commander Porter, with the iron-clad Essex, and Lt.-Col. Ellet, with the ram Queqn. of the West, made33 another attempt to cut out the Arkansas, which was likewise defeated. The village of Donaldsonville, which had the bad habit of firing upon our weaker steamers, as they passed up or down the river, was bombarded therefor by Capt. Farra gut, and partially destroyed. As the river Was now falling fast, threaten ing to greatly impair the efficiency of our fleet, the siege of Yicksburg was abandoned, under instructions from Washington, and Capt. Farra gut dropped down the river, reaching New Orleans on the 28th, with the greater part of his fleet. Gen. Williams, with his soldiers, debarked on the way at Baton Rouge ; he resuming command of that post. Rumors of a meditated attack in force by the enemy were soon cur rent ; and hence the General had, on the afternoon35 prior to its occurrence. warned his subordinates to be ready and watchful, so as not to be sur prised next morning. The Rebels had been assured by their spies that our men were mostly sick in hospi tal, which was measurably true ; but regiments that numbered but 150 on parade, counted 500 on the battle field. The Rebel force had been organ ized for this effort at Tangipahoa, 60 miles north-eastward, and 78 N. N.W. of New Orleans. It consisted of 13 regiments, and must have considera bly outnumbered ours, which was composed of nine thinned regiments in all. Each side, in its account of the action, made its own force 2,500, and that of its adversary twice or thrice as great. The Rebels were commanded in chief by Maj.-Gen. John C. Breckinridge, with Brig.- Gen. Daniel Ruggles Si leading their left wing, and Brig.-Gen. Charles Clarke their right. The attack was made at daylight,35 simultaneously and vigorously, by the entire Rebel force, on the two roads which lead from the south-west into Baton Rouge ; and, as but three of our regiments — the 14th Maine, 21st In diana, and 6th Wisconsin — were im mediately engaged, these were soon compelled to fall back, barely saving their batteries, whereof two were for a few moments in the hands of the Rebels. A dense fog precluded a clear comprehension on our side of the position, and caused the 7th Yer mont to fire into the 21st Indiana, mistaking it for a Rebel regiment. Our lines were formed nearly two miles back from the river, where our w July 15. " See page 58. " July 22. * Aug. 4. "From Massachusetts; formerly Lt.-CoL of the 5th Regular Infantry. w Aug. 5. BRECKINRIDGE ATTACK3 BATON ROUGE. 10$ gunboats could give them Httle sup port ; but, as the famous Rebel ram Arkansas, hitherto so successful, was counted on as a part of the attacking force, supported by two improvised gunboats, and as our front was wood ed, with a cross-road and open fields just beyond it, Gen. Williams may fairly be supposed to have understood his business. The battle raged fierce ly for two hours, during which the Rebel right was advanced across the lateral road, driving back the 14th Maine, pillaging and burning its camp ; and, while four successive as saults were unsuccessfully made on our front, Gen. Clarke made a reso lute effort to flank our left and estab lish himself in its rear. Gen. Wil liams, anticipating this movement, Kad placed a battery, supported by two regiments, to resist it ; and the Rebels were repulsed with considera ble loss. Meanwhile, the 21st Indi ana, posted at the crossing of the roads — whose Colonel, suffering from wounds previously received, had twice essayed to join it, and each time fallen from his horse — had lost its Lt.-CoL, Keith, Maj. Hayes, and Adj. Tjtrtmm — the two former severely wounded, the latter killed — when Gen. Wil liams, seeing Latham feB, exclaimed, <; Indianians ! your field-officers are all killed : I will lead you !" and was that moment shot through the breast and fell dead ; the command devolv ing on CoL T. W. Cahfll, 9th Con necticut. But the battle was already won. The Rebel attack bad exhausted its vitality without achieving any deci ded success ; while the Arkansas,from which so much had been expected, had failed to come to time. Leaving Yicksbuig,Mshehad steamed leisurely down the river until within 15 miles of Baton Rouge, where her starboard engine broke down ; and it had been but partially repaired when the sound of his guns announced to her the opening of Breckinridge's attack. Coming down to within five miles of the city, she was cleared for ac tion ; when her engine again broke down, and she drifted ashore on the right bank of the river. Her tenders, the Music and the Webb, were of no account without her ; and now her strong armament of six 8-inch and four 50-pound guns, with ISO men, could not be brought into action; and our gunboats, the Kineo and Katah- din below, and Essex, Cayuga, and Sumter above Baton Rouge, were. enabled to devote their attention to the Rebels on land ; firing over the heads of our soldiers at the enemy, nearly two miles distant. It is not probable that their shells did any great harm to the Rebels, and they ; certainly annoyed and imperiled our own men ; but they served Breckin ridge as an excuse for ordering a re treat, which a part of his men had already begun. Byl0A.it, his forces were all on the back track, having lost Borne 300 to 400 men, including Gen. Clarke, mortally wounded and left a prisoner ; Cols. Allen, Boyd, and Jones, of Louisiana; Cols. A. P. Thompson and T. EL Hunt, of Ken tucky; CoL J. W.Robertson, of Ala bama, and other valuable officers. On our side, beside Gen. Williams, I and the entire staff of the 21st Indi ana, we lost CoL Roberts, of the 7th Yermont ; Maj. Bickmore and Adj. Metcalfe, of the Wth Maine ; Capt Eugene Kelty, 30th Massachusetts, ! Al S A. JL, Ane. 3. 104 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. and from 200 to 300 others. We took about 100 prisoners, half of them wounded. Neither party had more cannon at the close than at the beginning of the battle; but the Reb els boasted that they had destroyed Federal munitions and camp equi page of very considerable value. Next morning, Commander Por ter, with the Essex, 7 guns and 40 men, accompanied by the Cayuga and Sumter, moved up in quest of the Arkansas, whose two consorts had already fled up the river. The ram at first made for the Essex, in tending to run her down ; but her remaining engine soon gave out, and she was headed toward the river bank, the Essex pursuing and shelling her; the Arkansas replying feebly from her stern. When the Essex had approached within 400 yards, Lt. Stevens, of the ram, set her on fire and abandoned her, escaping with his crew to the shore. The Essex continued to shell her for an hour ; when her magazine was fired and she blew up, Commander Porter, having re mained at Baton Rouge until it was evacuated by our troops — who were concentrated to repel a threatened attack on New Orleans — returned up the river3' to reconnoiter Rebel bat teries that were said to be in progress at Port Hudson. Ascending thence to coal at Bayou Sara, his boat's crew was there fired upon by guerril las, whereupon some buildings were burned in retaliation ; and, the fir ing being repeated a few days after ward, the remaining structures were in like manner destroyed. A boat's crew from the Essex was sent ashore, some days later, at Natchez, to pro cure ice for our sick sailors, and was unexpectedly attacked by some 200 armed civilians, who killed or wounded 7 of her crew. Porter thereupon opened fire on the town, bombarding it for an hour, and set ting a number of its houses on fire, when the Mayor surrendered. On her way down the river, the Essex had a smart engagement with the rising batteries at Port Hudson.38 Gen.. Butler's preparations having rendered the retaking of New Or leans hopeless, the meditated attack on it was abandoned, and the forces collected for that purpose transferred to other service. An incursion into the rich district known as Lafourche, lying south-west of New Orleans, between that city and the Gulf, was thereupon projected, and General — late Lieut. — Weitzel, was sent with "a brigade of infantry and the requisite artillery and cavalry, to reestablish there the authority of the Union. This was a section of great wealth : its industry being devoted mainly to the production of sugar from cane, its population more than half slaves ; and its Whites, being entirely slave holders and their dependents, had ere this been brought to at least a sem blance • of unanimity in support of the Rebel cause ; but their military strength, always moderate, had in good part been drafted away for ser vice elsewhere ; so that Gen. Weitzel, with little difficulty and great expe dition, made himself master of the entire region,38 after two or three collisions, in which he sustained little loss. But the wealthy Whites gen erally fled from their homes at his approach ; while the negroes, joyful ly hailing him as their liberator, ' August 23. * Sept. 7. " Oct. 22-29. BUTLER SUPERSEDED BY BANES. 105 speedily filled his camps with crowds of men, women, and children, desti tute of food, and fearing to go outside of his lines lest they should be re duced again to Slavery. Gen. But ler, after anxious consideration, felt obliged to subject the whole district to sequestration, in order to secure the cutting and grinding of the cane, so as to save the remaining inhabit ants from death by famine. Maj. Bell, Lt.-Col. Kinsman, and Capt. Fuller, were appointed a commission, who were to take charge of all per sonal property, and either apply it to the use of the army or transport it to New Orleans and there sell it to the highest- bidders, dispensing to loyal citizens and neutral foreigners their just share of the proceeds, and ap plying the residue to the uses of the .Federal service in this military de- "partment. Thus were the negroes employed, paid, and subsisted, the crops saved, and a large sum turned over to the support of our armies, while the number of White loyalists in Lafourche was rapidly and largely increased. Two Congressional dis tricts having thus been recovered, Messrs. Benjamin F. Flanders and Michael Halm "were elected" there from to the Federal House of Repre sentatives : the former receiving 2,370 votes, to 173 for others, and the lat ter 2,581, which was 144 more than were cast against him. The voting was confined to electors under the laws of Louisiana who had taken the Federal oath of allegiance since the repossession of New Orleans; and the aggregate poll in that city dfctnumbered, it was stated, its total vote for Secession by about 1,000. When Gen. Butler first reached that city, there were not a hundred persons in Louisiana outside of our army and fleet who would have dared take the oath, however willing to do so. Toward the end of November, Gen. Butler's spies brought him informa tion from the nearest Rebel camps that he had been superseded in his command, and that Gen. N. P. Banks either was or soon would be on his way to relieve him. Some days be fore information of the purposed change reached our side, Secessionists in New Orleans were offering to bet a hundred to ten that Gen. Butler would be recalled before New Year's. ¦ The fact was known to Jefferson Davis before it was to Gen. Banks — long before it was communicated from Washington to Gen. Butler. It is probable that the French Min ister, whose Government had not been pleased with Gen. Butler's management in New Orleans, was the immediate source of Rebel assur ance on this point. Gen. Banks's assignment to the Department of the Gulf is dated November 9th, but was not made known to him till some weeks afterward. Gen. Banks reached New Orleans Dec. 14th, was received with every honor, and on the 16th formally as sumed the high trust to which he had been appointed. On the 23d, Gen. Butler took personal leave of his many friends, and next day issued his farewell address to the people of New Orleans ; leaving for New York, via Havana, by that day's boat. He was not then aware that he had been honored, the day previous, by a pro clamation from Jefferson Davis, de claring him a felon, outlaw, and common enemy of mankind, and ' Early in December. 106 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. directing any Confederate officer who should capture him to hang him without trial immediately ; and fur ther directing that all commissioned officers in his command be regarded as robbers and criminals, deserving death ; and each of them, whenever captured, reserved for execution." Mr. Richard Yeadon, of Charleston, S. C, backed this proclamation by an offer" of $10,000 reward, payable in Confederate currency, for the cap ture and delivery of the said Benja min F. Butler, dead or alive, to any proper Confederate authority. Gen. Butler had taken 13,700 sol diers from the North for the capture of New Orleans. He had received no reenforcements since ; and he now turned over to his successor 17,800 drilled and disciplined men, includ ing three regiments and two batteries of negroes. He sent home to the treasury the sum of $345,000 ; ex pended $525,000 in feeding the poor of New Orleans ; and turned over about $200,000 to the Commissary and Quartermaster of his successor. He had collected, by taxation, assess ments, fines, forfeitures, and confis cations, an aggregate of $1,088,000, 41 Mr. Davis's proclamation recites the hang ing of Mumford ; the neglect of our Government to explain or disavow that act; the imprison ment of non-combatants ; Butler's woman order aforesaid; his sequestration of estates in west ern Louisiana; and the inciting to insurrection and arming of slaves on our side, as his justifi cations for proclaiming — " First. That all commissioned officers in the command of said Benjamin F. Butler be declared not entitled to be considered as soldiers engaged in honorable warfare, but as robbers and crim inals, deserving death ; and that they and each of them be, whenever captured, reserved for ex ecution. " Second. That the private soldiers and non commissioned officers in the army of said Butler be considered as only the instruments used for the commission of crimes perpetrated by his or- which he had faithfully applied to the public service. He had, of course, made himself very unpopular with the wealthy Rebels, whom he had, in proportion to their several volunteer contributions of money in aid of the Rebel cause, assessed for the support of the New Orleans poor, deprived of employment by the war ; and he was especially detested by that large body of influential foreigners who, having freely devoted their efforts and their means to the support of the Rebellion, were neither regarded nor treated by him as though they had been honestly neutral in the contest. In his farewell address to the people of New Orleans, he forcibly says : " I saw that this Rebellion was a war of the aristocrats against the middling men — • of the rich against the poor ; a war of the land-owner against the laborer ; that it was a struggle for the retention of power in the hands of the few against the many ; and I' found no conclusion to it, save in the sub jugation of the few and the disenthrallment of the many. I, therefore, felt no hesita tion in taking the substance of the wealthy, who had caused the war, to feed the inno cent poor, who had suffered by the war. And I shall now leave you with the proud consciousness that I carry with me the bless ings of the humble and loyal, under the roof of the cottage and in the cabin of the slave ; and so am quite content to incur the sneers of the salon or the curses of the rich." ders, and not as free agents; that they, there fore, be treated, when captured as prisoners of war, with kindness and humanity, and be sent home on the usual parole that they will in no manner aid or serve the United States in any ca pacity during the continuance of this war, unless duly exchanged. "Third. That all negro slaves captured in arms be at once delivered over to the executive authorities of the respective States to which they belong, to be dealt with according to the laws of said States. " Fourth. That the like orders be executed in all cases with respect to all commissioned officers of the United States, when found serving in com pany with said slaves in insurrection against tto authorities of the different States of this Confed eracy. [Signed and sealed at Richmond, Dec. 23, 1862.] ., _ "Jeffebson Davis." " Jan. 1, 1863. MoCLELLAN IN WASHINGTON. 107 VI. YIRGINIA— MoCLELLAN'S ADYANCE. The rooted inaction of the Army of the Potomac,1 with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad obstructed and broken up. on its right, and the navi gation ofthe Potomac precluded3 by Rebel batteries on its left, was stub bornly maintained,, in spite of fit ful, delusive promises of movement, throughout the Winter of 1861-2. Gen. McClellan, who, from his com fortable house in Washington, issued orders to all the military forces of our country, retained likewise the immediate and especial command of this grand army of 200,000 men, ap parently fatigued by the necessity of framing excuse after excuse for its inaction,' though the most of it re mained under tents, exposed to the vicissitudes of a Winter which — though it had been remarkably dry and fine, with the roads in admirable condition, until Christmas — became stormy and inhospitable soon after ward ; so that the since famous Stone wall Jackson, who, for eminent ser- 1 See Vol. I., p. 627-9. 3 Capt Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, as early as July 1st, 1861, notified the War De partment that the Potomac would "soon be closed by the batteries of the Rebels ; " and Secretary Welles reiterated the warning on the 20th of August. "In October, 1861, the Navy Department again urged the matter upon the consideration of the War Department, * * ^ representing that the question was simply : Would the Army cooperate with the Navy in securing the unob structed navigation of the Potomac, or, by withholding that cooperation at that time, per mit so important a channel of communication to be closed ?" McClellan at last agreed to spare 4,00P men for the cooperative measure; but, whe/ Capt. Craven assembled his flotilla at the appointed time and place, the troops were not on hand. The General's excuse was that his engineers were of the opinion that so large a body of troops could not be landed at Matthias Point — the place agreed upon. Upon Capt. Fox's as surance that the Navy Department would at tend to the landing of the troops, he (McClellan) agreed that they should be sent on the follow ing night. Again the flotilla was in readiness ; again the troops were missing. No troops were then, nor ever, sent down for that purpose ; the only reason elicited from McClellan being that he feared it might bring on a general engage ment. Capt. Craven indignantly threw up his command on the Potomac, and applied to be sent to sea — not wishing to lose iis own reputa tion, on account of non-cooperation on the part of the army. (The foregoing note is condensed from the first Report of the Joint Committee of Congress on the Conduct of the War.) I sGen. John G. Barnard, Chief of Engineers to the Army of the Potomac, in a report to Gen. MoClellan at the close of the Peninsula cam paign, says: " One ofthe prominent among the causes of ultimate failure was the inaction tif eight months, from August, 1861, to April, 1862. More than any other wars, Rebellion demands rapid mea sures. In November, 1861, the Army of the Potomac, if not fully supplied with all the ' ma teriel,' was yet about as complete in numbers, discipline, and organization as it ever became. For four months, the great marine avenue to the capital of the nation was blockaded, and that capital kept in a partial state of siege, by a greatly inferior enemy, in face of a movable army of 150,000 men. "In the Winter of 1861 and 1862, Norfolk could and should have been taken. The navy demanded it, the country demanded it, and the means were ample. By its capture, the career of the Merrimac, which proved so disastrous to our subsequent operations, would have been prevented. The preparation of this vessel was known, and the Navy Department was not with out forebodings of the mischief it would do. " Though tlelay might mature more compre hensive plans and promise greater results, it is ¦ not the first case in which it has been shown that successful war involves something more than abstract military principles. The true poli cy was to seize the first practicable moment to satisfy the perhaps unreasonable but natural longing of an impatient nation for results to justi fy its lavish confidence, and to take advantage of an undivided command and untrammeled liberty of action while they were possessed." 108 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. vices in the battle of Bull Run, had, in September, been promoted to a Major-Generalship, and assigned to command at Winchester, and who had led4 a strong force westward, expecting to surprise and capture our detachments holding Bath and Rom- ney, though he succeeded in taking both those places, driving out their garrisons, capturing a few prisoners, and destroying at Romney very con siderable supphes, yet his unsheltered troops suffered so severely from storm and frost, while so many of his horses were disabled by falling on the icy roads, that his losses probably ex ceeded the damage inflicted on us; and his blow was fairly countered by Gen. F. W. Lander, who led 4,000 men southward from the Potomac,' and, bridging the Great Cacapon in the night, made a dash at Blooming Gap, which he surprised, killing 13 and capturing 75 Rebels, including 17 officers, with a loss of 2 men and 6 horses. Gen. Simon Cameron had been succeeded" by Hon. Edwin M. Stan ton — an eminent lawyer, without pretensions to military knowledge, and of limited experience in public affairs, but evincing a rough energy and zeal for decisive efforts, which the country hailed as of auspicious augury. Two weeks later,7 a War Order was issued by the President, commanding a general advance upon the enemy from every quarter on. the 22d of February proximo, and de claring that " the Secretaries of War and of the Navy, with all their sub ordinates, and the General-in-Chief, with all other commanders and sub ordinates of land and naval forces, will severally be held to their strict and full responsibilities for the prompt execution of this order." Four days later, a ' Special War Order No. 1' was likewise issued to Gen. McClel lan, commanding him, on or before the 22d prox. aforesaid, to impel " all the disposable force of the Army of the Potomac," "for the immediate object of seizing and occupying a point upon the railroad south-west ward of what is known as Manassas Junction." Though these orders are signed Abraham Lincoln, they doubt less received their initial impulse from the new Secretary of War, who had already urged Gen. McClellan to take immediate steps to "secure the re opening of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and free the banks of the lower Potomac from the Rebel bat teries which annoyed passing ves sels." ' Gen. M. had been previously urged by the President, to organize his army into four or five distinct corps, under Generals of his own choice ; which he had declined, and still declined, to do ; alleging that he wished first to test his officers in ac tive service as division commanders, so that he " might be able to decide from actual trial who were best fit ted to exercise those important com mands." At length,' the President issued 'General War Order No. 2,' directing the organization of the Army of the Potomac into four corps, to be commanded by Gens. McDowell, Sumner, Heintzelman, and Keyes respectively, beside the forces to be left for the defense of Washington under Brig.-Gen. James S. Wadsworth, who should also be Military Governor of the District of Columbia, and a fifth, composed of the forces on the upper Potomac, to 4 Jan. 1, 1862. * Feb. 13. ' Jan. 13. T Jan. 27. • Gen. McClellan's Report. • March 8. LINCOLN AND MoCLELLAN ON ROUTES. 109 be commanded by Gen. Nath'l P. Banks. Gen. MeOlollan, "in com pliance with the President's War Order No. 2," made this disposi tion." Gen. McClellan's original plan con templated an advance on Richmond by way of the lower Rappahannock, landing at Urbana, and making a secondary base of West Point, at the head of York river ; and this would seem, whether regarded abstractly or in the light of subsequent experience, to be far preferable to the route on which he ultimately decided, having its base at Fortress Monroe; but either of these, and indeed any ap proach to l\iehmoiui otherwise than from the north, was exposed to the serious if not fatal objection that it involved a division and dispersion of our forces, or left the National me tropolis, with its enormous depots of arms, munitions, and provisions, to say nothing of its edifices and ar chives, at the mercy of the Rebels, who could hardly fail to rush upon, sack, and burn it, if our grand army were transferred bodily to the base of the Yirginian Peninsula. The President, therefore, before giving his assent to Gen. McClellan's pro ject, addressed to him tho following letter : " Executive Mansion, "Washington, \ "February S, 180«-J. \ " Mt Drar Sin : You and I have distinct and different plans for a movement of the Army of the Potomac ; your* to bo done by the Chesapeake, np the Rappahannock t<* l'rbana, and across land to the terminus of the railroad on the York river; mine to move directly to a point on the railroad southwest of Manassas. '• It' von will give satisfactory answers to tho folio wins questions, I shall gladly yield my plan to yours : " 1st. Does not your plan involve a greatly larger expenditure of tima and moiit-i/ than mine ? '• "2d. Wherein is a victory more certain by your plan than mine ? " 8d. "Wherein is a victory nu>r« valuable hy your plan titan mine t '• 4th. In fact, -would it not bo 7«w valu able in this : that it would break no great line of the enemy's communications, while mine would f " 5th. In oaso of disaster, would not a retreat he more difficult by your plan than mine ? '¦ Yours, truly, '• Abraham Lincoln." These inquhies seem not to have been directly answered; but, in a long letter of even date, to the Secre tary of War, Gen. MoClellan urges the -strength ofthe Rebel position at and around Manassas Junction ; the reported fact that the fords of the Oeeoqnan were watched by the Eebels and defended by concealed batteries on the heights in their rear, which were being strengthened by additional intrenchments ; that, dur ing our advance from the Aeeotink to the Oecoquan, our right flank be comes exposed to an attack from Fairfax Station, Sangster's, and Union Mills ; that it would not do to divide our army by leaving a por tion in front of Centerville while the rest crosses the Oeeoqnan ; that the roads in this quarter were liable, for some time yet, to be obstructed by rains and snow, so that " it seems certain that many weeks may elapse before it is possible to commence the march :" and that — " Assuming the success of this operation, and the defeat of the enemy as certain, the question at 'once arises as to the importance of the results gained. I think those results would be confined to the possession of the_ field of battle, the evacuation of the line of the upper Potomac by the enemy, and the moral effect of the victory ; important re sults, it is true : but nor decisive ofthe war, nor securing the destruction of the enemy's * March 13, 110 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. main army; for he could fall back upon other positions, and fight us again and again, should the condition of his troops permit. If he is in no condition to fight us again out of the range of the intrenchments at Richmond, we would find it a very diffi cult and tedious matter to follow him up there ; for1 he would destroy his railroad bridges and otherwise impede our progress, through a region where the roads are as bad as they well can be ; and we would probably find ourselves forced at last to change the whole theater of war, or to seek a shorter land route to Richmond, with a smaller available force, and at an expendi ture of much more time than were we to adopt the short line at once. We would also have forced the enemy to concentrate his forces and perfect his defensive mea sures, at the very points where it is desir able. to strike him when least prepared." On the other hand, Gen. McClel lan urged in favor of an advance by the route he preferred, that — "It affords the shortest possible land- route to Richmond, and strikes directly at the heart of the enemy's power in the East. " The roads in that region are passable at all seasons of the year. "The country now alluded to is much more favorable for offensive operations than that in front of Washington (which is very unfavorable), much more level, more cleared land, the woods less dense, the soil more sandy, and the Spring some two or three weeks earlier. A movement in force on that line obliges the enemy to abandon his intrenched position at Manassas, in order to hasten to cover Richmond and Norfolk. He must do this ; for, should he permit us to occupy Richmond, his destruction can be averted only by entirely defeating us in a battle, in which he must be the assailant. This movement, if successful, gives us the capital, the communications, the supplies of the Rebels; Norfolk would fall; all the waters of the Chesapeake would be ours ; all Virginia would be in our power, and the enemy forced to abandon Tennessee and North Carolina. The alternative presented to the enemy would be, to beat us in a position selected by ourselves, disperse, or pass beneath the Oaudine Forks. " Should we be beaten in a battle, we have a perfectly secure retreat down the Peninsula upon Fortress Monroe, with our flanks perfectly covered by the fleet. "During the whole movement, our left flank is covered by the water. Our right is secure, for the reason that the enemy is too distant to reach us in time ; he can only oppose us in front; we bring our fleet into full play." He further urged, in favor of a landing at Urbana, that — " This point is easily reached by vessels of heavy draught ; it is neither occupied nor observed by the enemy ; it is but one march from "West Point, the key of that region, and thence but two marches to Richmond. A rapid movement from Urbana would pre bably cut off Magruder in the Peninsula, and enable us to occupy Riohmond before it could be strongly reenforced. Should we fail in that, we could, with the coopera tion of the navy, cross the James and show ourselves in rear of Richmond, thus forcing the enemy to come out and attack us ; for his position would be untenable with us on the southern bank of the river. Should circumstances render it not advisable to land at Urbana, we can use Mob Jack Bay ; or, the worst coming to the worst, we can take Fortress Monroe as a base, and operate with complete security — although with less celerity and brilliancy of results — up the Peninsula." The President deferred to these urgent representations, though they involved the necessity of a long delay and a heavy expense in procuring transportation by water for so great an army. The duty of obtaining the requisite vessels was devolved on John Tucker, Assistant-Secretary of War ; who, on the 5th of April, re ported that he had chartered 'there for 113 steamers, 188 schooners, and 88 barges, and that these had — with in 37 days from the time he first re ceived the order, and most of it within 30 days — transported from Perryville, Alexandria, and Wash ington, to Fortress Monroe, 121,500 men, 14,592 animals, 1,150 wagons, 4& batteries, and 74 ambulances, be side pontoon-bridges, telegraph ma terials, and the enormous quantity of equipage, &c, required for such an army ; with a total los3 of 9 barges and 8 mules : the former having been driven ashore in a gale when within a few miles of Fortress Monroe. He THE RIVAL ROUTES TO RICHMOND. Ill -t*_ &\ PORT ROYAL ^ 3 %\CUINNEV« [©BOWLING GREEN Kmilf.ord ».XcHESTERFlEl.B -=, I \ JUHC.1 ¦» APPAHANNOCK-J TACOCYBR. I JOAYBR. \ ASM.' HANOVER 1 CH, DUNKIRK E PAGES BR. CHESTER-/ , — AprKOicnKS to bicidioxp. Not*.— The above map does Dot pretend to trace tbo various wagon roads that traverse south-eastern Virginia, and thus may be deemed iin- perfact ; but any map that purported to giro such roads, would be more likely to deceive than to enlighten. There an different views aa to what constitutes ' a road— the Virginia estimate being remarkably liberal. Roads abound and radiate in every direction throughout this ngion : but nine-ten tha of them range, save in the dryer portions of Summer and Fall, than vwy bad to impassable. 112 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. adds that the change which had meantime been made from Urbana to Fortress Monroe, as the point of debarkation, had caused delay in the movement. The force of Gen. McClellan's ob jections to the advance desired and at first commanded by President Lincoln, depends entirely on the cor rectness of his estimate of the Rebel numbers in his front. He estimated throughout that these ranged from 80,000 to 120,000 men, with over 300 camion.11 On the other hand, those who were eager for a direct and decisive blow, insisted, from first to last, that the Rebel army at no time exceeded 60,000 in number, and was oftener below 50,000.1S Gen. Beauregard had relinquished13 the command of the Army of Vir ginia, to take direction in„the "West, and been succeeded by Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, who soon commenced a o^uiet and careful evacuation of his Winter camps, which he completed on the 8th of March ; retiring south ward behind the Rapidan, leaving nothing of the least value to our ser vice. So admirably was' this usually perilous movement conducted, or so worthless was McClellan's observa tion and secret service, that no hint of it appears to have reached our General until the day after its com pletion.14 He then ordered an ad vance of our grand army upon Cen terville and Manassas, as transports had not yet been provided for their passage down the Potomac and Ches apeake, and with a view of giving them, he says, " an opportunity to gain some experience on the march and bivouac, preparatory to the cam paign, and to get rid of the superflu ous baggage and other 'impedi menta,' which accumulate so easily around an army encamped for a long time in one locality." ' His cavalry advance, Col. Averill, reached the enemy's deserted lines at Centerville at noon next day. Of course, no enemy was found there, nor nearer than "Warrenton Junction; where Gen. Stoneman, with our cavalry, discovered them in force on the 14th, and returned without attacking them. The main body of our army had commenced its return to the Po tomac on the llth ; on which day the President issued ' "War Order No. 3,' relieving Gen. McClellan from the uHe states in his official Report that the chief of his secret service corps, Mr. E. J. Al len, reported, on the 8th of March, that the forces of the Rebel Army of the Potomac at that date were as follows : At Manassas, Centerville, Bull Kun, Upper Occoquan, and vicinity 80,000 men. At Brooks's Station, Dumfries, Lower Oeeo qnan, and vicinity 18,000 " At Leesburg and vicinity 4,500 " Intho Shenandoah Valley... S 13,000 " Total number 115,500 " E The writer visited, early in January, Gen. Wadsworth, in his camp near Ball's Cross- Roads; when, on this point, Gen. W. said: " I see and examine all deserters and contrabands who reach us from the Rebel camps in our front ; and their testimony convinces me that they have but fifty or sixty regiments in all — certainly not over 50,000 men." This, of course, did not in clude outlying detachments, whether at and toward Winchester or below the Occoquan. Most Rebel writers who touch this poiiit, and British officers who served with or visited the Rebel army during the ensuing campaign, were unanimous in making their total effective force during that Winter less than 50,000. "Jan. 30. "Pollard says: " For the space of three weeks before the army left its intrenchments at Manassas, preparations were being made for falling back to the line of the Rappahannock, by the quiet and gradual re moval of the vast accumulations of army stores; and, with such consummate address, was this managed, that our own troops had no idea of what was intended until the march was taken up. The first intimation the enemy had of the evacuation of Manassas was the smoke of the soldiers' huts that had been fired by our army." THE MONITOR AT WORK ON THE MERRIMAC (OR VIRGINIA). ADVANCE BT THE PENINSULA DECIDED ON. 113 command of all military departments but that of the Potomac ; extending Gen. Halleck's department in the "West so as to include all the Missis sippi Yalley northward of the Gulf States and west of a north and south line drawn through Knoxville, Tenn. ; and creating a new ' Mountain De partment,' consisting of the country between McClellan's and Halleck's, to be commanded by Gen. Fremont. Undoubtedly, this order indicated a diminution, if not absolute, failure, of the President's confidence in his senior General ; and, while it is very obvious that the commander -of a great army operating from the Pen insula against Richmond could not properly and safely direct the move ments of other armies, scattered all over the country, and with which his telegraphic communications would probably be often interrrupted, it is certain that all our movements . should have been directed by a com mon head, responsible for the proper distribution and concentration of our forces. A Secretary of War, how ever able and fit, is perplexed by duties and anxieties too multifarious and distracting to permit of his serv ing to advantage as Generalissimo. Two days later, at a council of corps commanders at Fairfax Court House, it was decided — for reasons not given and not apparent — to de bark our army at Old Point Comfort, between the York and James rivers, instead of Urbana or Mob Jack Bay — a most unfortunate decision, though materially qualified by the following provisos : " 1st. That the enemy's vessel Merrimac can be neutralized. " 2d. That the means of transportation, sufficient for an immediate transfer of the force to its new base, can be ready at Wash- vol. n. — 8 ington and Alexandria to move down the Potomac; and " 3d. That a naval auxiliary force can be had to silence, or aid in silencing, the enemy's batteries on York river. " 4th. That the forces to' he left to cover Washington shall be such as to give an en tire feeling of security for its safety from menace. (Unanimous.) " If the foregoing can not be, the army should then be moved against the en emy, behind the Rappahannock, at the earliest possible moment; and the means for reconstructing bridges, repairing rail roads and stocking them with material suf ficient for supplying the army, should at once be collected for both the Orange and Alexandria and Acquia and Richmond Rail roads. (Unanimous.) " N. B. That with the forts on the right bank of the Potomac fully garrisoned, and those on the left bank occupied, a covering force in front of the Virginia line of 25,000 men would suffice. (Keyes, Heintzelman and McDowell.) A total of 40,000 men for the defense of the city would suffice. (Sum ner.)" This decision, being communicated to the "War Department, was prompt ly responded to as follows : " War Department, March 13, 1862. " To Maj. -Gen. Geo. B. MoClellan : "The President, having considered the plan of operations agreed upon by yourself and the commanders of army corps, makes no objection to the same, hut gives the fol lowing directions as to its execution : " 1st. Leave such force at Manassas Junction as shall make it entirely certain that the enemy shall not repossess himself of that position and line of communication. " 2d. Leave "Washington entirely secure. "3d. Move the remainder of the force down the Potomac, choosing a new base at Portress Monroe, or anywhere between here and there; or, at all events, move such remainder of the army at once in pursuit of the enemy by some route. " Edwin M. Stanton, " Secretary of War."' Gen. McClellan hereupon ordered; Gen. Banks, with his corps, to move- both his divisions down from th© Shenandoah* Yalley to Manassas; there to intrench and rebuil&therail- roads and bridges, " occupy by grand' guards Warrenton Junction, or War- renton itself, and also some littles 114 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. more advanced point on the Orange and Alexandria Railway," leaving but two regiments of cavalry to " oc cupy 'Winchester and thoroughly scour the country south of the rail way and up the Shenandoah Yalley." Gen. Banks had already thrown across the Potomac, at Harper's Ferry,16 the 28th Pennsylvania, Col. Geary, following himself,18 taking possession of Bolivar and Loudon Heights, Leesburg, Charlestown,17 and Martinsburg,18 and pushing back the Rebels to Winchester, which Stonewall Jackson evacuated" with out a struggle. Gen. Shields, com manding Lander's division,20 pursued Jackson to Newmarket," where he found him strongly posted and ready for action. He thereupon fell back rapidly to "Winchester, pursued by Jackson's cavalry, under Turner Ashby. Gen. Banks, having dis patched one division toward Center ville,22 Jackson's spies assured him that Shields had but four regiments left, and might easily be captured or routed ; so Ashby drove in our pick ets and pressed hard upon Shields, who kept the larger part of his force concealed until Jackson was induced to advance in force and attack. In the slight skirmish which occurred,23 Gen. Shields was struck by a frag ment of shell which broke his arm, and so injured his shoulder and side that he fought next day's • battle in bed. Jackson had 10 regiments of infantry, all Yirginians, but reports their aggregate strength at only 3,087 men, with 27 guns and 290 cavalry.24 Gen. Shields had 6,000 infantry, 750 cavalry, and 24 guns, well posted some three miles south of Winchester, and half a mile north of the little village of Keknstown, covering the three principal roads which enter Winchester from the south-east, south, and south-west. Gen. Banks had remained with Shields until about 10 a. m. f when, a careful reconnoissance having dis covered no enemy in front but Ashby's cavalry, he concluded that Jackson was too weak or too cautious to risk an attack, and departed for Washington via Harper's Ferry. Be fore noon, however, Shields was ad vised by Col. Kimball, on his left, that a Rebel battery had opened on his position, and appeared to be sup ported by a considerable force of in fantry. Thereupon, Sullivan's bri gade was pushed forward to support Kimball, and our artillery opened simultaneously with one or two more Rebel batteries ; but at such distance as to do little harm. Soon, a still larger force of all arms was develop ed by Jackson on his right, and an effort made to turn our left, which was gallantly resisted and foiled by Sullivan's brigade, supporting Jenks's artillery. Jackson then reenforced heavily his left, sending two addition al batteries and his reserve to sup port the movement; when Shields ordered up Tyler's brigade of 4 regi ments to the support of Col. Kim ball, commanding that wing, where by the Rebels were outnumbered and hurled back upon their main body, 16 Feb. 24. "Feb. 26. " Feb. 28. "March 3. "March 11. 20 Gen. F. W. Lander,- one of the bravest and best of our early commanders, had died March 2d, of congestion of the brain, caused by hard ship, exposure, and anxiety. "March 19. *> March 22. 53 About sunset, March 22. ** Pollard says the Confederate forces amount ed to 6,000 men, with Capt. McLaughlin's bat tery and CoL Ashby's cavalry. "Sunday, March 23. FIGHT AT KERNSTOWN. — THE MERRIMAC. 115 strongly posted behind a high and solid stone wall, crossing a hill, where a desperate stand was made by Jackson's famous ' Stonewall Bri gade,' and others, whose fire was for a few minutes rapid and deadly ; but their position was soon flanked and carried by our eager, determined ad vance, and they retreated in disor der, leaving 2 guns, 4 caissons, and many small arms. Night now fell, and saved them, doubtless, from a heavier loss. Our men secured their prisoners, cared for their wounded — those of the Rebels having mostly been carried off by them prior to , their retreat — and sank down to rest on the battle-field. The Rebels re treated a few miles, rapidly but in good order, ere they, too, rested for the night. Jackson attributes his defeat in part to Gen. R. B. Garnett's error of judgment in repeatedly ordering his men'to retreat, when he should have held on and fought. It seems clear, however, that the capital mistake was his own in fighting at all, when his total force, according to his own estimate, was less than 5,000 men, and he estimates our infantry on the field at over 11,000. He makes his loss 80 killed, 342 wounded, and 269 missing, mainly prisoners; total, 691; while Shields claims 300 prisoners, and estimates the Rebel loss in killed and wounded at 1,000 to 1,500.2° Our own loss in this engagement was 103 killed, including Col. Murray, of the 84th Pennsylvania ; 441 wounded, and 24 misBing. Gen. Shields, well aware that 28 Shields's official report says : "The enemy's loss is more difficult to ascer tain than our own. Two hundred and seventy were found dead on the battle-field ; 40 were buried by the inhabitants of the adjacent vil- heavy reenforcements for Jackson1 were at hand, immediately sent an express after "Williams's division — by this time well on its way to Harper's' Ferry-Mlesiring its immediate return ; but Gen. Banks, hearing of the bat tle by telegraph from "Winchester, had already stopped at Harper's Fer ry and anticipated this order ; him self rejoining Shields early next day, and resuming command. He pur sued Jackson vigorously up the Yal- ley to "Woodstock, but was unable to bring him to bay. "We have seen that Gen. McClel lan's council of corps commanders decided, on the 13th of March, to abandon his original plan of debark ing at Urbana, on the Rappahan nock, and advancing thence on Rich mond by West Point, at the head of York river, making this a secondary base. This most unfortunate de cision is rendered unaccountable by a destructive if not disastrous naval collision which had just occurred in Hampton Roads, and of which the results were well known to the coun cil. Of our naval officers' most calami tous, cowardly, disgraceful desertion of and flight from the Norfolk Navy Yard and Arsenal at the beginning of the struggle, the revolting particu lars have already been given.2' Among the vessels there abandoned to the Rebels, after being fired, was the first-class 40-gun steam-frigate Merrimac, which, by Capt. McCau- ley's orders, had been scuttled and partly sunk, so that only her rig- lage ; and, by a calculation made by the num ber of graves found on both sides of the Valley road between here and Strasburg, their loss in killed must have been about 500, and in wounded 1,000." "See Vol.1, p. 413-1. 116 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. ging and upper works were burned ; her hull being saved by a speedy submersion. Having thus fallen an easy prey to the Rebels, she was adopted by them as the basis of an iron-clad, whereof Lieut. John M. Brooke furnished the original plan, which Chief Engineer Williamson and Naval Constructor Porter, to gether with Lt. Brooke, ultimately fashioned into the terrible engine of destruction known to us as the Mer rimac, but designated by her rebuild- ers the Yirginia. Messrs. Brooke, Williamson, and Porter, were all graduates from our navy, as was Commodore Franklin Buchanan, who became her commander. In prepar ing her for her new service, the hull of the Merrimac was cut down near ly to the water's edge, after she had been plugged, pumped out, and raised ; when a sloping roof of heavy timber, strongly and thoroughly plated with railroad iron, rose from two feet below the water-line to about ten feet above : the ends and sides being alike and thoroughly shielded. A light bulwark, or false bow, was added, designed to divide the water, and serve as a tank to reg ulate the vessel's draft ; and beyond this projected a strong iron beak. Being thus rendered thoroughly shot- proof, she was armed with 10 heavy and most effective guns ; and so, hav ing been largely refitted from the spoils of the deserted Navy Yard, became at once the cheapest and most formidable naval engine of de struction that the world had ever seen. Whether she had or had not the ability to live in an open, turbu lent sea, was left undecided by her brief but memorable career. A little before noon, on Saturday, March 8th, a strange craft was de scried from our vessels off Newport News, coming down the Elizabeth river from Norfolk, past Craney Island, attended by two unremarka ble steam gunboats, Two other Rebel gunboats, which had, evidently by preconcert, dropped down the James from Richmond, had been discovered at anchor off Smithfield Point, some 12 miles distant, about three hours before. The nondescript and her tenders gradually approached our war-ships awaiting, her, and, passing across the bow of the Congress frig ate, bore down on the Cumberland, in utter disdain of her rapid and well aimed but utterly ineffective shots, which glanced as harmless from the iron shield of the foe as though they had been peas. Not a gun was fired by the mysterious and terrible stranger until she struck the Cumberland with full force under her starboard fore-channels, at the same moment delivering a most destructive fire ; while her blow had opened such a chasm in the bow of the Cumber land that her forward magazine was drowned in 30 minutes. Still, her fire was kept up until, at 3:35 p. m., the water had risen to the main hatchway, and the ship canted to port ; when, giving . a parting fire, Lt. Morris ordered every man to jump overboard and save himself if possible. The dead, and sick, and severely wounded, were unavoidably left in her bay and on her decks, to the number of at least 100 ; and she sank to the bottom in 54-feet water, with her flag still flying from her topmast. Meanwhile, the Congress — which had exchanged broadsides with the Merrimac as she passed — was attacked THE ROANOKE GOES IN. 117 by the Rebel gunboats, and was bat tling them to the best of her ability, until, seeing the fate of the Cumber land, she set her jib and topsail, and, with the assistance of the gunboat Zouave, ran aground not far from our batteries at Newport News, where she was soon again assailed by the Merrimac, which, taking po sition about 150 yards from her stern, raked her fore and aft with shell, while one of the smaller steamers from Norfolk kept up a fire, on her starboard quarter ; while the Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson — Rebel steamers from up the James — like wise poured in their broadsides with precision and effect. The hapless Congress could only reply from her two stern guns, whereof one was soon dismounted and the other had its muzzle knocked off. Her command er, Lt. Joseph B. Smith, Acting- Master Thomas Moore, and Pilot William Rhodes, with nearly half her crew, having been killed or wounded, the ship on fire in seve ral places, without a gun that could be brought to bear on her destroyers, Lt. Pendergrast, on whom the com mand had devolved, at 4:30 p. m. hauled down our flag. She was soon boarded by an officer from the Mer rimac, who took her in charge, but left shortly afterward ; when a small Rebel tug came alongside and de manded that her crew should get out of the ship, as her captors intended to burn her immediately. But our soldiers on shore, who had not sur rendered, and who regarded the Con gress as now a Rebel vessel, opened so brisk a fire upon her that the tug and her crew suddenly departed; when the Merrimac again opened on the luckless craft, though she had a white flag flying to intimate her sur render. Having fired several shells into her, the Merrimac left her to en gage the Minnesota, giving opportu nity for her crew to escape to the shore in small boats, with their wounded. About dark, the Merri mac returned and poured hot shot into the deserted hulk, until she was set on fire and utterly destroyed, her guns going off as they became heated — a shell from one of them striking a sloop at anchor at Newport News, and blowing her up. At midnight, the fire had reached her magazines, containing five tuiK^)f powder, and she blew up with a tremendous ex plosion. Of her crew of 434 men, 218 answered to their names at roll-" call at Newport News next morning. Capt. John Marston, of the steam ship Roanoke, whereof the machinery was disabled, being off Fortress Mon roe, was in command of our fleet, when, at 1 p. m., one of his look-out vessels reported by signal that the enemy was coming. Signaling the steam-frigate Minnesota to get under way, and slipping his cable, he had the Roanoke taken in tow by two tugs, and started for the scene of action ; but, before he reached it, he had the mortification of seeing the Minnesota hard aground. Continu ing on his course, but unable to make tolerable headway, he came in sight of the Cumberland, only to find her virtually destroyed ; having soon after the further mortification of see ing the Congress haul down her flag. Continuing to stand on, he was soon himself aground astern, in 3^ fathoms, and was obliged to be haided off by one of his tugs ; when he decided to come to the relief of the stranded Minnesota, hoping with assistance to 118 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. pull her off; but found himself un able to do so. Meantime, at 5 p.m., -the frigate St. Lawrence, towed by the Cambridge, passed them, and Boon also grounded, but was hauled off by the Cambridge, when she re turned to the harbor of the fort. The Minnesota, Capt. Yan Brunt, having, in passing Sewell's Point, received and returned a fire from the Rebel battery, which crippled her mainmast, had approached within a mile and a half of Newport News, when she grounded, with an ebbing tide, and was still hard at work try ing to get oflf^when, at 4 p. m., the Merrimac, Jamestown, and Patrick Henry, having finished their work at the News, bore down upon her. The shallowness of the water forbade the Merrimac to come within a mile of her, from which distance she fired for the next two or three hours, but once hulling the Minnesota by a shot through her bow. The Jamestown and the Patrick Henry, taking posi tion on the port bow and stern of the Minnesota, where only her heavy pivot-gun could be brought to bear upon them, kept up a vigorous and effective fire on her, by which several of her crew were killed and wounded ; but they finally desisted and retired, one of them apparently crippled. At 7 p. m., the Merrimac hauled off also, and all three steamed toward Norfolk, leaving the Minnesota deep ly imbedded, by the fire of her broad side guns, in the mud-bank on which she rested ; so thaf it was impossible, even at high tide, by the help of steam-tugs and hawsers, with all hands at work through the night, to haul her off. The prospect for the coming day was dark enough, until, at 10 p. m., the new iron-clad Monitor, 2 guns, Lt. John L. Worden, reached Fort ress Monroe on her trial trip from New York, and was immediately dispatched to the aid of the Minne sota, reporting to Capt. Yan Brunt at 2 A. m." Though but a pigmy beside the Merrimac, and an entire novelty for either land or water — " a cheese-box on a raft" — the previous day's sore experience of the might and invulnerability of iron-clads in sured her a hearty welcome. Never had there been a moreisignal example of the value of a friend in need. At 6 a. m., the Rebel flotilla reap peared, and the drums of the Min nesota beat to quarters. But the enemy ran past, as if heading for Fortress Monroe, and came around in the channel by which the Minne sota had reached her uncomfortable position. Again all hands were called to quarters, and the Minnesota, open ing with her stern guns, signaled the Monitor to attack, when the un daunted little cheese-box steamed down upon the Rebel Apollyon and laid herself alongside, directly be tween the Minnesota and her as sailant. Gun after gun from the Monitor, responded to with whole broadsides from the Merrimac, seemed to produce no more impression than a hailstorm on a mountain-cliff; until, tired of thus wasting their ammuni tion, they commenced maneuvering for the better position. In this, the Monitor, being lighter and far more manageable than her foe, had decid edly the advantage ; and the Merri mac, disgusted, renewed her atten tions to the Minnesota, disregarding a broadside which would have sunk 88 Sunday, March 9. FIGHT OF THE MERRIMAC AND MONITOR. 119 any unplated ship on the globe, and put a shell from her rifled bow-gun through the Minnesota's side, which tore four of her rooms into one and set her on fire ; but the flames were promptly extinguished. The Merri- ' mac's next shot pierced the boiler of the tug-boat Dragon, which was made fast to the port side of the Min nesota, to be ready to assist in tow ing her off; killing or badly wound ing 7 of her crew and setting her on fire. By this time, the Minnesota was raining iron upon her assailant ; at least 50 solid shot from her great guns having struck the Rebel's side without apparent effect. Now the little Monitor again interposed be tween the larger combatants, com pelling the Merrimac to change her position ; in doing which she ground ed ; and again a broadside was poured upon her at close range from all the guns of the Minnesota that could be brought to bear. The Merrimac was soon afloat once more, and stood down the bay, chased by the Monitor ; when suddenly the former turned and ran full speed into her pursuer, giving her a tremendous shock, but inflicting no serious damage. The Rebel's prow grated over the deck of the Moni tor ; and was badly cut by it ; so that she was not inclined to repeat the experiment. The Monitor soon after ward stood down the Roads toward Fortress Monroe ; but the Merrimac and her tenders did not see fit to pursue her, nor even to renew the attack on the now exposed Minne sota ; on the contrary, they gave up the fight, which they were destined never to renew, and steamed back to Norfolk. The Minnesota, despite. persistent efforts, was not fairly afloat until 2 o'clock next morning. In this memorable fight, the turret of the Monitor was struck by Rebel bolts nine times, her side armor eight times, her deck thrice, and her pilot house twice — the last being her only vulnerable point. One of these bolts struck her pilot-house squarely in front of the peep-hole through which Lt. Worden was watching his enemy, knocking off some cement into his face with such force as ut terly to blind him for some days, and permanently to destroy his left eye. Three men standing in the turret when it was struck were knocked down, one of .them being Chief En gineer Alban C. Stimers, who man aged the revolving of the turret. The Merrimac had her prow twisted in her collision with the Monitor, her anchor and flag-staff shot away, her smoke stack and steam-pipe riddled, 2 of her crew killed and 8 wounded, includ ing her commander, Buchanan. The Patrick Henry was disabled by a shot through one of her boilers, by which 4 of her crew were killed and 3 wound ed. The other Rebel gunboats report ed an aggregate loss of only 6 men. The Merrimac was undoubtedly disabled " in this two-days' conflict, or she would not have closed it as she did, or would have renewed it di rectly afterward. Our total loss by this raid, beside the frigates Cumberland and Con gress, with all their armament, the tug Dragon, and the serious damage inflicted on the Minnesota, can hard ly have fallen short of 400men,includ- m A letter from Petersburg, March 10, to the Raleigh Standard, says: "The Merrimac lost her enormous iron beak in the plunge at the Erics son, and damaged her machinery, and is leaking a little." It was probably this leak which con strained her to abandon the fight as she did. 120 THE AMERICA ing 23 taken from the Congress and carried off by the gunboat Beaufort. Gen. McClellan left Washington on the 1st of April, arriving next day at Fortress Monroe. Of his army, 58,000 men and 100 guns were there before him, andnearly as many more on the way. Gen. Wool's force, hold ing the Fortress, is not included in these numbers. Gen. J. B. Magruder, at Yorktown, watched this ominous gathering in his front at the head of a Rebel force officially reported by him at 11,000 in all : 6,000 being required to gar rison Gloucester Point, Yorktown, and Mulberry Island; leaving but 5,000 available for the defense of a line of 13 miles. Gen. McClellan says his information placed Magru- der's command at 15,000 to 20,000 men, aside from Gen. Huger's force at Norfolk, estimated by him at 20,000. Feeling the importance of dealing decisively with Magruder before he could be reenforced by Johnston, McClellan ordered an ad- N CONFLICT. vance on the morning of the 4th; and, before evening of the next day, Gen. Heintzelman, in front of York- town, and Gen. Keyes, before Winn's Mill,3' on the Warwick, were brought to a halt by the fire of Rebel bat teries." Gen. McClellan had been misled with regard to the topography of the country as well as the number of his i foes. On his map, the War wick was traced as heading in or very near Skiff's creek, directly up the Peninsula from its mouth, some six or eight miles west of Yorktown ; whereas it actually heads within a mile of that post, running diag onally and crookedly nearly across the Peninsula, while it was in good part navigable by Rebel gun boats. His false information regard ing it was furnished, he states, by Gen. Wool's topographical engineers ; though there must have been a hun dred negroes about the Fortress, each of whom could and gladly would have corrected it. Our ships of war — what the Merrimac had left of them — were intently watching for 30 Called by Gen. McClellan, Lee's Mill. 31 Pollard says : " General Magruder, the hero of Bethel, and a commander who was capable of much greater achievements, was left to confront the growing forces on the Peninsula, which daily menaced him, with an army of 7,500 men, while the great bulk of the Confederate forces were still in motion in the neighborhood of the Rappahan nock and the Rapidan, and he had no assurance of reenforcements. The force ofthe enemy was ten times his own ; they had commenced a daily cannonading upon his lines ; and a council of general officers was convened, to consult whe ther the httle army of 7,500 men should main tain its position in the face of tenfold odds, or retire before the enemy. The opinion of the council was unanimous for the latter alternative, with the exception of one officer, who declared that every man should die in the intrenchments before the little army should fall back. ' By G — , it shall be sol' was the sudden exclamation of Gen. Magruder, in sympathy with the gallant suggestion. The resolution demonstrated a re markable heroism and spirit. Our little force was adroitly extended over a distance of several miles, reaching from Mulberry Island to Glou cester Point, a regiment being posted here and there, in every gap plainly open to observation, and on other portions of the line the men being posted at long intervals, to give the appearance of numbers to the enemy. Had the weakness of Gen. Magruder at this time been known to the enemy, he might have suffered the conse quences of his devoted and self-sacrificing cour age ; but, as it was, he held his lines on the Peninsula until they were reenforced by the most considerable portion of Gen. Johnston's forces, and made the situation of a contest upon which the attention of the public was unani mously fixed as the most decisive of the war." CoL Fremantle, of the British Coldstream Guards, in his "Three Months in the Southern States," says : " He [Magruder] told me the different dodges he resorted to to blind and deceive McClellan as to his strength ; and he spoke of the intense relief and amusement with which he at length saw that General with his magnificent army, begin to break ground before miserable earthworks defended only by 8,000 men." MoCLELLAN BEFORE YOEKIOVN. 121 h'clellan before yokktown. the reappearance down the Elizabeth of that marine monster and her three satellite gunboats ; and Com. Golds- borough did not feel justified in de taching a part of them to reduce the water batteries at Yorktown and Gloucester. The Commodore does not seem to have been asked to clear the Warwick river of Rebel gunboats — if, indeed, any were there. Ma gruder seems wholly unconscious of ever having had any naval assistance. McClellan felt of the Rebel lines at different points, but did not, though aware that time was precious, and that a few days might greatly in crease the number of his foes, venture to order a determined assault.22 On the contrary, he sat down before Magruder's lines, began to throw up earthworks, and sent orders to Wash ington for siege-guns. Pressing too close to Yorktown, the besiegers were repulsed by a sudden charge of two battalions under Col. Ward. On the 16th, a reconnoissance in force by the 2d division of the 4th corps, Gen. W. F. Smith, was made at Dam M Magruder says: " On every portion of my lines, he attacked us with a furious cannonading and musketry, which was responded to with effect by our bat teries and troops of the line. His skirmishers were also well thrown forward on this and the succeeding day, and energetically felt our whole liije; but were everywhere repulsed by the steadiness of our troops. Thus, with 5, 000 men, exclusive of the garrisons, we stopped and held iu check over 100,000 of the enemy. Every pre paration was made in anticipation of another attack by the enemy. The men slept in the trenches and under arms ; but, to my utter sur prise, he permitted day after day to elapse with out an assault." 122 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. No. 1, on the Warwick, which was to have been converted into a real attack if successful at the outset. Though gallantly made, it failed; our advance being driven back across the stream with the loss of 100 men. The Rebels lost about 75 men, in cluding Col. R. M. McKinney, 15th North Carolina, killed. Gen. McClellan had been thirty days in front of Yorktown, and was intending to open the siege in due form by the fire of breaching batteries on the morning of May 6th ; but he found, two days earlier, that Magru der had abandoned his works, includ ing Yorktown, during the preceding night, retreating up the Peninsula.83 The pursuit of the flying Rebels was prompt and energetic. It was led by Gen. George D. Stoneman, with 4 regiments and a squadron of cavalry, and 4 batteries of horse-artil lery, followed, on the Yorktown road to Williamsburg, by Hooker's and Kearny's divisions, and on the Winn's Mill road by those of W. F. Smith, Couch, and Casey. Gen. McClellan remained at Yorktown to supervise the embarkation of Gen. Franklin's and other troops for West Point. Fort Magruder, just in front of Williamsburg, at the junction of sev eral roads, commanded, with its 13 adjuncts, substantially all the roads leading farther up the Peninsula. Though not calculated to stand a siege, it was a large and strong earthwork, with a wet ditch nine feet wide. Here Stoneman was stopped by a sharp and accurate cannonad ing, which compelled him to recoil .and await the arrival of infantry. Gen. Sumner, with Smith's division, came up at 5:30 p. m. A heavy rain soon set in, and continued through the night, making the roads nearly impassable. The several commands, marching on different roads, had in terfered with and obstructed each other's progress at the junction of those roads as they concentered upon Williamsburg. Gen. Hooker, ad vancing34 on the direct road from Yorktown to Williamsburg, was stopped, five or six miles out, by finding Gen. Smith's division in his way, and compelled to wait some hours. Impatient at this delay, he sought and obtained of Gen. Heint- zelman permission to move over to the Hampton road on his left, on 33 Gen. John G. Barnard, Gen. McClellan's chief engineer through the Peninsula campaign, in a report to his commander at the close of that campaign, says: "At the time the Army of the Potomac landed on the Peninsula, the Rebel cause was at its lowest ebb. Its armies were demoralized by the defeats of Port Royal, Mill Spring, Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, Roanoke Island, and Pea Ridge ; and reduced by sickness, loss in battle, expira tions of period of service, etc. ; while the con scription law was not yet even passed. . It seemed as if it needed but one vigorous gripe to end forever this Rebellion, so nearly throttled. How, then, happened it, that the day of the ini tiation of the campaign of this magnificent Army of the Potomac was the day of the resuscitation of the Rebel cause, which seemed to grow^iari passu with the slow progress of its operations ? "However I may be committed to any ex pression of professional opinion to the contrary (I certainly did suggest it), my opinion now is that the lines of Yorktown should have been-assault- ed. There is reason to believe that they were not held in strong force when our army appeared before them ; and we know that they were far from complete. The prestige of power, the mo rale, were on our side. It was due to ourselves to confirm and sustain it. We should probably have succeeded. But, if we had failed, it may well be doubted whether the shock of an unsuc cessful assault would be more demoralizing than the labors of a siege. " Our troops toiled a month in the trenches, or lay in the swamps of Warwick. We lost few men by the siege ; but disease took a fearful hold of the army ; and toil and hardship, unre deemed by the excitement of combat, impaired their morale. We did not carry with us from Yorktown so good an army as we took there. Of'the bitter fruits of that month gained by the enemy, we have tasted to our heart's content" 84 May 4. THE FIGHTING AT WILLIAMSBURG. 123 which he advanced through the rain and deep mud and the dense dark ness till nearly midnight, when his troops were halted in the road, and rested as they might until dawn ; then they pressed on until, emerg ing from a forest, they came in Bight, about 5:30 a. m., of the Rebel works before Williamsburg ; Fort Magruder in the. center, at the junction of the Yorktown and Hampton roads, with its cordon of 13 redoubts, extending clear across the Peninsula.^ hence widening quite rapidly and perma nently just above the town. The ground had of course been chosen to give the greatest advantage to its defenders: the forest felled for a breadth of nearly half a mile, to ob struct the advance of our infantry ; while a belt of open, level land, 600 or 700 yards wide, dotted all over with rifle-pits, intervened between this tangled abatis and the fort and redoubts. Williamsburg lay in plain sight of Hooker's position, two miles distant. After a careful survey of the ground, knowing that there were 30,000 of our troops within two miles, and the main body of our army with in twelve, Plooker decided to attack, in order to hold the Rebel force en gaged until the rest of our army could come up. Accordingly, send ing the 1st Massachusetts into the felled timber on the left, and the 2d New Hampshire into that on the right, with directions to skirmish up to the further edge of the abatis, and ordering the llth Massachusetts and 26th Pennsylvania to form on the right of the 2d New Hampshire and advance as skirmishers until they reached the Yorktown road, he threw forward into the cleared field on the right of the road, barely 700 yards from Fort Magruder, Webber's bat tery, which at once drew the fire of the Rebel batteries, whereby 4 of his ca'nnoniers were shot down and the rest driven off before we had fired a gun ; but their places were soon sup' plied, and Bramhall's battery brought into action on the right of Webber's ; when, between them, Fort Magruder was silenced before 9 a. m.< Patter* son's brigade, composed of the 6th, 7th, and 8th New Jersey, was formed behind these batteries as their sup port, and was soon desperately en gaged with the Rebel infantry and sharp-shooters, who were found un comfortably numerous; so that the 1st Massachusetts, 72d and 70th New York were sent to their aid, and, though fighting gallantly, found themselves still overmatched. Mean while, our skirmishers on the right having reached the Yorktown road, the llth Massachusetts and 26th Pennsylvania were sent down that road to press the enemy and estab lish a connection with Heintzel- man's corps, supposed to be estab lished upon it ; Hooker, at 11:20 a. m., sending a pressing message to Heintzelman for assistance, and not finding him. By 1 p. m., Hooker had sent in the 73d and 74th New York, his last regiments ; and, though his force was fighting gallantly, with varying success, he was losing men fast, yet making no headway. Three times he had repulsed Rebel charges upon his center, each made with fresh troops in increasing numbers and with more resolute purpose. Soon, word came from the regiments thus engaged that their ammunition was giving out, while no supply-train had yet come up ; and it was found necessary to glean the cartridges 124 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. from the boxes of our fallen heroes, while our most advanced regiments were drawn back to a position whence they could guard our left, yet form a portion, of our front. Gen. Long'street's division of the Rebel main army — which army, under Gen. Joseph E. Johnston as commander-in-chief, had hastened ere this to the defense of Richmond from the side of the Peninsula/ — had passed through Williamsburg on the retreat, when it was recalled to aid in the defense.35 Having now arrived on the field, a fresh attempt was made to drive in our left, which, after a protracted struggle, was repulsed with mutual slaughter; but a simul taneous attack on our front, from the direction of Fort Magruder, was suc cessful to the extent of capturing 4 of our guns and making 200 or 300 prisoners. Thus, for nine hours, — from 7:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m., — Hooker's single division was pitted against substan tially the whole Rebel army, with every advantage of a chosen and skillfully fortified position on their side. No division ever fought better ; and, though its General estimates the Rebel killed as double his own, he is doubtless mistaken. Gen. Heintzelman and staff, but no troops, had arrived early in the afternoon. At 4:30 p. m., Gen. Kearny arrived, with his division, and pressed to the front; allowing Hooker's thinned regiments to with draw from the fight and be held as a reserve. Kearny, under Gen. Heint- zelman's orders, at once deployed 35 Gen. McClellan, in his report, says : " It is my opinion that the enemy opposed us here with only a portion of his army. When our cavalry first appeared, there was nothing but the enemy's rear-guard in Williamsburg; Berry's brigade to the left of the Williamsburg road, and Birney's to the right, leading forward two com panies of the 2d Michigan to beat back the enemy's skirmishers, now annoying our batteries ; while Maj. Wainwright, Hooker's chief of artil lery, collected his gunners and reopened a fire from his remaining pieces; whereupon the 5th New Jersey, though fearfully cut up, ral lied promptly to their support. Our musketry fire was renewed along the whole line, and our regiments began to gain ground. Finding that the heavy timber in his front defied all direct approach, Gen. Kearny ordered Col. Hobart Ward, with the 38th New York, to charge down the road and take the rifle-pits on the center of the abatis by their flank ; which was gallantly done, the regiment losing 9 of its 19 officers during the brief hour of its engagement. The success of its charge not being perfect, the left wing of Col. Riley's 40th New York (Mozart) charged up to the open space, and, taking the rifle-pits in re verse, drove out their occupants and held the ground. By this time, Gen. Jameson had «brought up the rear brigade of the division ; whereby, under a severe fire, a second line was established, and two columns of regi ments made disposable for further operations, when thick darkness closed in, and our soldiers rested, in rain and mire, on the field they had barely won. Gen. Heintzelman, who had at Yorktown been charged by Gen. although troops were brought back during the night and the next day, to hold the works as long as possible, in order to gain time for the trains, etc., already well on their way to Rich mond, to make their escape." HcCLKLLAN AT WILLIA JTSBrEG. 125 McClellan with the direction of the pursuit, had this day been superseded by an order which placed Gen. Sum ner in command at the front. To Sumner, accordingly, Hooker had sent, at different times throughout die afternoon, pressing applications for aid, but had received none : and Hooker says in his report : "History will not be believed when it is told that the noble officers and men of my division were permitted to carry on this unequal straggle from morning until night unaided, in the presence of more than 80.000 of their comrades trith arms in then- hands. Nevertheless, it is trueA Gen. Sumner explains that, before these applications reached him, he had dispatched Gen. Hancock, with his brigade, to the extreme right : so that he had but about 3,000 infantry left, whUe cavalry was useless in that wooded and unknown region : hence, he was unable to give the assistance required. Gen. Hancock duly accomplished the flanking movemoit assigned him, and, by a brilliant bayonet charge, carried the Rebel works on our right, with a loss of less than 50 men.3* Soon, Gen. McClellan — after whom the Prince De Joinville and Gov. Sprague, of Rhode Island, had ridden post haste to Yorktown, where he was superintending the dispatch ing of Franklin's division to "West Point — was induced, after some de lay, to ride to the front, reaching Hancock's position about 5 p. m. Before dark, several other divisions had arrived on the ground : that of Gen. Couch, or a part of it. in season to claim the honor of having been engaged in the battle. Gen. McClellan, at 10 p. x.. dis patched to Washington the following account of this bloody affair, which proves that he was still quite in the dark respecting it : " After arranging for movement np York river, I was urgently sent for here. I find Joe Johnston in front of me in strong force, probably greater, a good deal, than my »«-», and very strongly intrenched. Hancock has taken two redoubts, and repulsed Early's brirade by a real charge with the bayonet, taking one Colonel and 150 prisoners, kill ing at least two Colonels and as many Lt.- i Colonels, and many privates. His conduct was brilliant in the extreme. I do not know our exact loss, but fear Hooker has lost con siderably on our left. I learn from prison ers thai they intend disputing every step to Richmond. I siall run the risk o: at least holding them in check here, while I resume tbe original plan. J/y entire /orvv i*. un doubtedly considerably inferior to that of rV Jlebels, who still fight wen: bit I wfll do all I can with the force at my disposal-"' Had he supposed that the Rebels were at that moment evacuating "WUhamsbiirg in such haste as to leave all their severely wounded, 700 or S00 in number, to become prison- ¦ Gen. McClellan. in his Report, says tha: he crs» heard, at 1 P. it, that every thing was n:t progressing favorably when: "Completing the necesary arrangements. I retained to my camp without delay rode rapii-r to the front, a distance of some fourteen tcSrS. through roads much obstructed by troops ami wagons, and reached the Seld between 4 and 5 p M_ in time to take a Tapki surrey of the ground. I soon learned that there was no direct communication between our center and tie Mt under Gen. Heintaehnan- Ihe center was chiefly in tbe nearer edge of the weeds asu- ated between ns and the enemy. As heavy {•ring was heard in Sie direction of Gen. Han- coot's command. I immediately ordered Gen. Smith to proceed with his two remaining bri gades to support that part of ihe line. Gea- Xagke. with his brigade, received similar or ders. I thai directed oar center to advance j te the further edge of the woods mentioned ; above, which was dene, and attempted to open eommnniessian with Geo. Heintzelman. but was \ prevented by Sie marshy stare of the ground i in the direction in whwi the a~ ei^rt -sras made. f Before Gens. Smith and Xajise oc ¦— i reach the t field of Gen. Hancock's eyeravic-sis. although they • moved with great rapidity, he bad been con- fronted by a superior force. Fe-gnice to re- i treat slowly, he awaited their onset and then j turned upon than: aiter some teniae volleys cf ! musketry, he charged than with the bayonet, | rooting and disputfciug their whole force, killing; wounding, and capturing from 500 to 600 men; . he himself losing cnly 31 mas.9 126 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. ers, he must have written a very dif ferent dispatch ; and it is not proba ble that they would have carried off, over the drenched and miry roads, more cannon than they could boast on the morning before the battle." Gen. Hooker reports a loss in this engagement of 338 killed, 902 wounded, and 335 missing, who of course were prisoners. Gen. McClel lan makes our total loss during the day 456 killed, 1,400 wounded, and 372 missing; total, 2,228.38 Many of those prisoners, knowing that we had an overwhelming force just at hand, confidently looked for recapture dur ing the night, and were sorely cha grined to find themselves deliberately marching toward a Kebel prison next day. While the battle at Williamsburg was raging, Gen. Franklin's division, which had been kept on board the transports which brought it from Alexandria two or three weeks be fore, had been preparing to move from Yorktown up York river to West Point ; where its 1st brigade, under Gen. Newton, landed unop posed next day.30 It debarked on a spacious, open plain on the west side of the York and its south-western affluent, the Pamunkey; no enemy appearing till next day. Meantime, Gen. Dana had arrived with a part of Gen. Sedgwick's division, but not debarked. Our gunboats took quiet possession of the little village at the Point, and hoisted our flag over it ; no white man appearing to greet their arrival. During the night, one of our vedettes was shot through the heart, from the wood that fringed the plain whereon our troops were en- "' On waking, next morning, to find the Reb els vanished and his forces in quiet possession of Williamsburg, Gen. MoClellan forwarded the following more cheerful dispatches : "Headquarters Army op the Potomac,') " Williamsburg, Ya., May 6. j " Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War : "I have the pleasure to announce the occupa tion of this place as the result of the hard-fought action of yesterday. The effect of Hancock's brilliant engagement yesterday afternoon was to turn the left of their line of works. He was strongly reenforced, and the enemy abandoned the entire position during the night, leaving all his sick and wounded in our hands. His loss yesterday was very severe. We have some 300 uninjured prisoners, and more than a thousand wounded. Their loss in killed is heavy. The victory is complete. " I have sent cavalry in pursuit ; but the roads are in such Condition that I cannot move artil lery nor supphes. I shall therefore push the other movement most energetically. The con duct of our men has been excellent, with scarcely an exception. The enemy's works are very ex tensive and exceedingly strong, both in respect to their position and the works themselves. Our loss was heavy in Hooker's division, but very little on other parts of the field. Hancock's success was gained with a loss of not over 20 killed and wounded. Weather good to-day, but great difficulty in getting up food on account of the roads. "Very few wagons have yet come up. Am I authorized to follow the example of other Generals, and direct names of battles to be placed on the colors of regiments? We have other battles to fight before reaching Richmond. " G. B. MoClellan, " Maj.-Gen. Commanding." " Headquarters Army op the Potomao, ) " Williamsburo, May 6. j "Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War: " Every hour proves our victory more com plete. The enemy's loss is great, especially in officers. I have just heard of five more of their guns captured. Prisoners are constantly arriv ing. G. B. MoClellan, " Maj.-Gen. Commanding.'' ae No official account of the Rebel losses in this engagement is at hand; but the Richmond Dispatch of May 8th has a bulletin, professedly based on an official dispatch from Gen. John ston, which, claiming 11 cannon and 623 pris oners captured, admits a Rebel loss of but 220; yet names Gen. Anderson, of North Carolina, Col. Mott, of Mississippi, Col. Ward, 4th Flor ida, and Col. Wm. H. Palmer, 1st Virginia, ns among the killed; and Gen. Early, Gen. Rains, CoL Kemper, Tth Virginia, Col. Corse, llth Virginia, and CoL Garland, of Lynohburg, as wounded; adding: "The 1st Virginia was badly cut up. Out of 200 men in the fight, some 80 or 90 are reported killed or wounded. Col. Kemper's regiment suffered terribly, though we have no account of the extent of the casualties." These items indicate a total loss of certainly not less than 1,000. "May 6. NORFOLK EVACITATED BT THE REBELS. 127 camped, though no hostile force had appeared. Next morning, however, a regiment or two of the enemy was descried and shelled from our gun boats; whereupon Gen. Dana, by order of Gen. Slocum, hastened the landing of his men and horses ; while the 16th, 31st, and 32d New York, with the 95th and 96th Pennsylvania, were pushed forward into the woods in our front, with orders to drive out the few Rebel scouts who were sup posed to be skulking there. They soon found themselves engaged with a far larger force than they had expected, whereof Gen. Whiting's Texan division and Wade Hampton's South Carolina Legion formed a part ; and who, with every advantage of position and knowledge of the ground, drove our men out in haste and disorder. Twice the attempt was renewed, with similar results; but at length, our batteries having been landed and posted, they, with the aid of the gunboats, easily silenced the single Eebel battery of small howitzers, which, from an elevated clearing in the woods, had assisted to repel the advance of our infantry ; and now that infantry pushed once more into the woods, and found no enemy to contest their possession. We lost in this affair 194 men, mainly of the 31st and 32d New York, in cluding two Captains and two Lieu tenants ; while the Rebel loss was tri fling. Gen. Stoneman, with the advance of our main army, moved from Wil liamsburg on the 8th to open com munication with Gen. Franklin, fol lowed by Smith's division on the direct road to Richmond. Rain fell frequently ; the roads were horrible ; so that Gen. McClellan's head quarters only reached White House on the 16th, Tunstall's Station on the 19th, and Coal Harbor on the 22d. Our advanced light troops had reached the Chickahominy at Bot tom's Bridge two days before. The movement of our grand army up the Peninsula, in connection with Burnside's successes and captures in North Carolina,40 had rendered the possession of Norfolk by the Rebels no longer tenable. To hold it by any force less than an army would be simply exposing that force to capture or destruction at the pleasure of our strategists. Gen. Wool,, commanding at Fortress Monroe, having organized an expedition designed to reduce that important city, led it thither on the 10th ; finding the bridge over Tan ner's creek on fire, but no enemy to dispute possession of Norfolk, which was quietly surrendered by its Mayor. The Navy Yard and Portsmouth were in like manner repossessed ; the Rebels, ere they left, destroying every thing that would burn, partially blowing up the Dry Dock, and com pletely destroying their famous iron clad known to us as the Merrimac." They left about 200 cannon, in cluding 39 of large caliber at Craney Island, and those in the Sewell's Point batteries, which, though spik ed, were valuable; 29 pieces were found mounted on strong earthworks two miles from Norfolk, but deserted. In fact, it had been decided, at a council held at Norfolk some days before, that no attempt should be made to defend that city. The Mer rimac, though she never fully re covered from the effects of her strug- ,0 See pages 73-81. 'May 11, 5 A. II. 128 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. gle with the Monitor, had come down the river and shown fight when our vessels first undertook to shell out the Rebel batteries at Sewell's Point, three days before her self-destruc tion." Two unfinished iron-clads were among the vessels fired by the Rebels ere they left. The serious difference between the Administration and Gen. McClellan respecting the strength of his army, and the detachment therefrom of McDowell's and other forces for ser vice elsewhere, now demands our de liberate consideration. Gen. McClel lan, upon first assuming command" of the Army of the Potomac, had ad dressed to the President a memoran dum, wherein, in addition to the armies required to make " a strong movement on the Mississippi," to drive the Rebels " out of Missouri," to hold Kentucky, and sustain " a movement through that State into Eastern Tennessee," to guard secure ly the passes into Western Virginia, " to protect and reopen the Balti more and Ohio Railroad," to " gar rison Baltimore and Fortress Mon roe," and leave 20,000 "for the defense of Washington," he required for his "main army of operations" 225,000 infantry, 25,500 cavalry, Yj500 engineer troops, and 15,000 artillery men, with 600 field guns ; in all, 273,000 men. Even this mighty army was deemed by him in sufficient, unless aided by a strong naval force.44 Nearly three months later, in a letter to the Secretary of War, he so modified this demand as to evince a willingness to begin offensive opera tions with a total effective force on the Potomac and in Maryland — but not including the garrison of Fortress Monroe— of 208,000 men and 488 guns; but to secure this, he calcu lated, would require an aggregate of 240,000 men on his muster-rolls, in cluding tbe sick and absent, while he had but 168,318, with 228 field guns, present, and 6 more batteries on the way from New York. Thus his army^ which by December 1st had been swelled nearly to 200,000, and for the three months succeeding " Com. Tatnall, in his official report of the loss of the Merrimac, lays the blame entirely on his pEots, who on the 7th assured him that they could take her to within 40 miles of Richmond if her draft were lessened to 18 feet ; but, after five or six hours had been devoted to this work, and she had thus been disabled for action, they, for the first time, declared that, as the winds had for two days been westerly, the water in the James was. too low, so that she could not now be run above the Jamestown flats, up to which point each shore was occupied by our armies. He had now no alternative but to fire her, land his crew, and make the best of his way to Suf folk. A Court of Inquiry, presided over by Capt. French Forrest, after an investigation protracted from May 22d to June llth, decided that her destruction was unnecessary, and that she might, after being lightened to a draft of 20 feet 6 inches, have been taken up James river to Hog Island. Part of the blame, however, was laid on the hasty retreat from Norfolk of the military under Gen. Huger. 43 August 4, 1861. 44 He says : " Its general line of operations should be so directed that water transportation can be availed of, from point to point, by means of the ocean and the rivers emptying into it. An essential feature of the plan of operations will be the employment of a strong naval force, to protect the movements of a fleet of transports intended to convey a considerable body of troops from point to point of the enemy's sea-coast, thus either creating diversions, and rendering it neces sary to detach largely from their main body in order to protect such of their cities as may be threatened, or else landing and forming estab lishments on their coast, at any favorable places that opportunity might offer. This naval, force should also cooperate with the main army, in its efforts to seize the important sea-board towns of the Rebels." — McClellan's Official Memorandum. "WASHINGTON CITT TO BE COVERED. 129 averaged about 220,000 men,46 was at no time large enough, according to his computation, to justify a deter mined offensive, since he persisted in computing the Rebel army confront ing him at no less than "150,000 strong, well drilled and equipped, ably commanded and strongly in trenched." 4e Now, the movement first contem plated, by way of the Rappahannock and Urbana — still more, that ulti mately decided on by way of Fortress Monroe and the, Peninsula — involved a division of this army, and the reser vation of a considerable part of it for the protection of Washington, as also the securing of Maryland and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad from desolating raids down the Shenan doah Valley. President Lincoln had reluctantly given his assent to this circumhttoral advance, on these expressed conditions : "Executive Mansion, "Washington, ) "March 8, 1862. ] " Peesident's General "War Order, No. 3 : " Ordered, That no change of the base of operations of the Army of the Potomac shall be made without leaving in and about "Washington such a force as, in the opinion ofthe General-in-Chief and the commanders of army corps, shall leave said city entirely secure. " That no more than two army corps (about 50,000 troops) of said Army of the Potomac shall be moved en route for a new base of operations until the navigation of the Potomac, from "Washington to the Chesapeake Bay, shall be freed from the enemy's batteries, and other obstructions, or until the President shall hereafter give express permission. "That any movement as aforesaid, en route for a new base of operations, which may he ordered by the General-in-Chief, and which may he intended to move upon the Chesapeake Bay, shall begin to move upon the hay as early as the 18th of March instant ; and the General-in-Chief shall be responsible that it so moves as early as that day. " Ordered, That the armv and navy co operate in an immediate effort to capture the enemy's batteries upon the Potomac between "Washington and the Chesapeake Bay. Abraham Lincoln. "L. Thomas, Adjutant- General." Gen. McClellan's chief of spies had by this time reduced the force of the Rebels in Northern Virginia47 to 115,500 men, with 300 field and 26 to 30 siege-guns — quite a formidable army, if its leader should conclude, after Gen. McClellan's embarking the bulk of his forces for Fortress Monroe, to make a rush upon Wash ington from behind the Rappahan nock. Five days later, Secretary Stanton wrote, as we have already seen, to Gen. McClellan, that the President made no objection to his plan of operations, provided he would — " 1st. Leave such force at Manassas Junc tion as shall make it entirely certain that the enemy shall not repossess himself of that position and line of communication. " 2d. Leave Washington entirely secure. "3d. Move the remainder of the force down the Potomac — choosing a new base at Fortress Monroe, or, anywhere' between here and there ; or, at all events, move such remainder of the army at once in pursuit of the enemy by some route." Just before starting for the Penin sula, Gen. McClellan received, " with surprise," the following note, involv ing a subtraction, he estimates, of 10,000 troops from the force which he expected to have transferred to the Peninsula : " Executive Mansion, "Washington, ) "March 31, 1862. j "Major-General McClellan : " My Dear Sie : This morning I felt con strained to order Blenker's division to Fre mont ; and I write this to assure you that I did so with great pain, understanding that you would wish it otherwise. If you could know the full pressure of the case, I am confident that you would justify it, even "Dec. 1, 198,213; Jan. 1, 219,T07; Feb. 1, 222,196; March 1, 221,981. vol. n. — 9 46 Letter to the Secretary of War. " Report to McClellan, March 8. 130 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. beyond the mere acknowledgment that the Commander-in-Chief may order what he pleases. Yours, very truly, "A. Lincoln." Stonewall Jackson's advance to and fight at Winchester, indicating further pugnacity in that quarter, were soon found to interfere with Gen. McClellan's order48 to Gen. Banks to move his division down to Manassas, leaving only two regi ments of cavalry to " occupy Win chester, and thoroughly .scour the country south of the railway and up the Shenandoah Valley." Gen. McClellan, on embarking, calculated that he left behind, in cluding Blenker's division, ordered to Fremont, and not including McDowell's corps, which he intended should follow him, no less than 75,000 men. But, as Blenker's divi sion was known to be ordered to Fremont, in West Virginia, they are improperly included. Even exclud ing these, he computes the whole number available for the defense of Washington, including 35,467 under Banks in the Valley of the Shenan doah, at 67,428 men, with 85 pieces of light artillery. Yet he had barely departed when Gens. Hitchcock and L. Thomas, who had been instructed to investigate the matter, reported,48 " that the requirement of the Presi dent, that this city [Washington] shall be left entirely secure, has not been fully complied with." Gen. Wadsworth, Military Governor of Washington, and as brave a man as ever lived, submitted to the War De partment a statement that the entire force left under his command for the defense of Washington amounted to 20,477, of whom 19,022 were present .for duty ; nearly all of them new and imperfectly disciplined, several of the regiments in a very disorganized con dition ; 2 heavy artillery and 1 infan try regiment, which had been drilled for some months for artillery service,, had been withdrawn from the forts on the south side of the Potomac; while he was at this time under orders from McClellan to detail 3 regiments to join divisions on their way to the Peninsula, and another for service at Budd's Ferry ; while a further order directed him to send 4,000 men to Manassas and Warren- ton to relieve Gen. Sumner, so as to enable him to embark for Yorktown. Upon the report of Gens. Hitchcock and Thomas, the President gave orders60 that either McDowell's or Sumner's corps should remain in front of Washington until" otherwise directed. Gen. McClellan, from his camp in front of Yorktown, remonstrated ; " saying : "I am now of the opinion that I shall have to fight all the available force of the Bebels not far from here. Do not force me to do so with diminished numbers; but, whatever your decision may he, 1 will leave nothing undone to obtain success. If you cannot leave me the whole of the 1st corps, I urgently ask that I may not lose Franklin and his division." Two days later, he telegraphed to the War Department that : "It seems clear that I shall have the whole force of the enemy on my hands-* probably not less, than 100,000 men, and possibly more. In- consequence of the loss of Blenker's division and the 1st corps, my force is possibly less than that, of the enemy, while they have all the advantage of position." In a dispatch of even date to the President, he says : " Tour telegram of yesterday received. In reply, I have the honor to state that my "March 16. 49 April 2 •April 3. 61 April 5. THE PRESIDENT URGES MoCLELLAN TO ACT. 131 entire force for duty amounts to only about (85,000) eighty-five thousand men. Gen. Wool's command, as you will observe from the accompanying order, has been taken out of my control, although he hate most cheerfully cooperated with me. The only Use that can be made of his command is to protect my communications in rear of this point. At this time, only 53,000 men have joined me; but they are coming up as rap idly as my means of transportation will permit. Please refer to my dispatch to the Secretary of War to-night, for the details of our present situation." The President responded by this letter: " Washington, April 9, 1862. "Maj.-Gen. MoClellan: "My Deae Sie: Tour dispatches, com plaining that you are not properly.sustained, while they do not offend me, do pain me very much. Blenker's- division was with drawn from you before you left here ; and you know the pressure under which I did it, and, as I thought, acquiesced in it — cer tainly, not without reluctance. After you left, I ascertained that less than 20,000 un organized men, without a single field--bat- tery, were all you designed to be left for the defense of Washington and Manassas Junc tion ; and part of this, even, was to go to Gen. Hooker's old position. Gen. Banks's corps, once designed for Manassas Junction, was diverted, and tied up on the line of Winchester and Strasburg, and could, not leave it without again exposing the Upper Potomac and the Baltimore and Ohio Bail- road. This presented (or would present, when McDowell and Sumner should be gone)' a great temptation to the enemy to turn back from the Bappahannock and sack Washington. My explicit order that Wash ington should, by the judgment of all the commanders of army corps, be left entirely secure, had been neglected. It was precise ly this that drove me to detain. McDowell. "I do not forget that I was satisfied with your arrangement to leave Banks at Manas sas Junction ; but, when that arrangement was broken up, and nothing was substi tuted for it, of course I was constrained to substitute something for it myself; and al low me to ask : Do you really think I should permit the line fronl Richmond via Manas sas Junction to this city to be entirely open, except what resistance could be presented by _ less than 20,000 unorganized troops? This is a question which the country will not allow me to evade. "There is a curious mystery about the number of troops now with you. WhenI telegraphed you on the 6th, saying you had over a hundred thousand with you, I had just obtained from the Secretary of War a statement taken, as he said, from your own returns, making 108,000 then with you and en route to you. You how say you will have but 85,000 when all en route to you shall have reached you. How can the dis crepancy" of 23,000 be accounted for? " As to Gen. Wool's command, I under stand it is doing for you precisely what a like number of your own would have to do if that command waa away. "I suppose the whole force which hag gone forward for you, is .with you by this time ; and, if so, I think it is the precise time for you to strike a blow. By delay, the ene my will relatively gain upon you ; that is, he will gain faster by fortifications and re enforcements than you can by reenforce ments alone. And once more let me tell you, it is indispensable to you that you strike a blow, I am powerless to help this. You will do me the justice to remember I always insisted that going down the Bay in search of a field, instead of fighting at or near Manassas, was only shifting, and not surmounting, a difficulty; that we would find the same enemy, and the' same or equal intrenchments, at either place. The coun try will not fail to note — is now noting — . that the present hesitation to move upon an intrenched enemy is but the story of Manassas repeated. " I beg to assure you that I have never written you, or spoken to you, in greater kindness of feeling than now, nor with a fuller purpose to sustain you, so far as in my most anxious judgment I consistently can. But you must act. " Yours, very truly, A. Lincoln." The President's question as to the grave discrepancy between the 85,000 men, admitted to be with or on their way to him by Gen. M., and the 108,000 asserted by Secretary Stan ton, was never answered, and proba bly could not' be ; since an official re turn of the number of his army April 30th, while if was still before York- town, makes its aggregate 130,378, whereof 112,392 were present and fit for duty; Franklin's division of 12,448 men having in the mean time been sent to him. But, on another point, miHtary men are not likely to agree with the Presi dent. Gen. Wool's command may very probably have been doing just 132 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. what an equal number of McClel lan's troops must have done "if that command was away;" but it is by no means the same thing to a com mander in the field to have 10,000 men holding an important post in his rear, but wholly independent of his authority, and having them sub ject implicitly to his orders. Gen. McClellan was therefore manifestly right in not regarding Gen. Wool's 10,000 as equivalent to a reenforce- ment of his army by that number ; and the order which detached this division from his command has not been justified. True, he had more men than he needed, had he pos sessed the ability and the nerve to use them.62 But a General, in such a position as his then was, should either be fully trusted or superseded. Stonewall Jackson, after his de feat •63 by Shields at Kernstown, had retreated up the Valley, pursued by Gen. Banks, to the vicinity of Harri sonburg. Jackson, after holding some days a strong position near Mount Jackson, crossed " the South Fork of the Shenandoah and took position in Elk Run Valley; but he was soon startled by tidings that Gen. Milroy, with the advance of Gen. Schenck's division of Fremont's West Virginia force, was threatening Staunton from the direction of Monterey. As a junction of Fremont's and Banks's commands would have involved the fall of Staunton, and the complete possession ofthe Valley by our troops, Jackson resolved to prevent it by striking a swift and hard blow at Fremont's advance. Leaving EwelL whose division had recently joined him from Gordonsville, to observe and check Banks, Jackson moved rapidly to Staunton, being reenforced by the division of Gen. Edward Johnson, which he dispatched" in advance of his own, agamst Milroy ; who, being decidedly overmatched, retreated westwardly across Shenan doah Mountain, concentrating his command at McDowell, and sending a When he had fairly set down before York- town, he telegraphed to Washmgton as follows : " Headquarters Army of the Potomac, ) "April 10. j " Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War : " The reconnoissance to-day proves that it is necessary to invest and attack Gloucester Point. Give me Franklin's and McCall's divisions, un der command of Franklin, and I will at once undertake it. .If circumstances of whieh I am not aware make it impossible for you to send me two divisions to carry out this final plan of campaign, I will run the risk, and hold myself responsible for the result, if you will give me Franklin's division. If you still confide in my judgment, I entreat that you will grant this re quest. The fate of our cause depends upon it. Although willing, under the pressure of neces sity, to carry this through with Franklin alone, I wish it to be distinctly understood that I think two divisions necessary. Franklin and his di vision are indispensable to me. Gen. Barnard ooncurs in this view. I have determined on the point of attack, and am at this moment engaged in fixing the position of the batteries. "G. B. McClellan, Maj.-GeneraL" The prompt response was as follows: "Wak Department, April 11, 1862. "Maj.-Gen. G. B. MoClellan, Commanding Ar my of Potomac, Portress Monroe, Virginia: "By direction of the President, Franklin's di vision has been ordered to march back to Alex andria and immediately embark for Fort Monroe. "L. Thomas, Adjutant-General.''1 Which McClellan thus acknowledged: " Headquarters Army op the Potomac, ) "Near Yorktown, April 12 — 12 m. J " Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War: " Tour dispatch received. I thank, you most sincerely for the reenforcements sent to me. Franklin will attack on the other side. The moment I hear from him, I will state point of rendezvous. I am confident as to results now. "G. B. MoClellan, Jlaj.-General." All this promise ended in no performance. Gloucester was not attacked. Franklin's divi sion was not even debarked, but lay idle more than a fortnight in the transports which brought it to the Peninsula, until Magruder saw fit to evacuate Yorktown. "March 23. "April 19. " May ?. THE FIGHT AT MoDOWELL. 133 to Schenck for assistance. Schenck was at Franklin, 34 miles north, which distance he traversed, with his brigade, in 23 hours, joining Milroy at 10 a. m. of the 8th ; but he brought only three regiments, reduced by details to less than 2,000 men; while Milroy's force was but very Httle stronger. Jackson's column was considerably the larger, though it is stated that but six regiments were actually engaged in the fight. The Rebels advanced to and posted themselves on the top of a ridge in the Bull Pasture Mountain, where it is traversed by the Staunton turn pike, a mile or two west of McDow ell. Schenck saw that Milroy's posi tion was untenable, being command ed by hights in several directions; but he could not safely abandon it in broad daylight, and so decided to re main.^ Some desultory skirmishing and cannonading followed ; until, at 3 p. m., upon information that the Rebels were trying to plant a bat tery on the mountain, where it would command our whole encampment, Schenck directed Milroy, with the 3d Virginia, 25th, 32d, and 82d Ohio, numbering a httle over 2,000 men, to advance and feel of the ene my. Led by Col. K C. McLean, of the 75th Ohio, they charged up the mountain with great gallantry, defy ing the fire of a superior force, whose heads only were visible, and were engaged at close range for an hour and a half, during which an attempt was made to turn the Rebel right, but repulsed. The fight did not wholly cease till 8 p. m., when our men were withdrawn by order, bringing in their dead and wounded, taking 4 prisoners and reporting but 3 missing. Our total loss in this well contested action wag 256, including 145 slightly wounded. Gen. Jack son's report admits a loss on his part of 461—71 killed, including 3 Co lonels and 2 Majors, and 390 wound ed, among whom was Gen. Johnson. Our troops retreated to Franklin during the night, carrying off their wounded, but burning a part of their stores. Jackson pursued next day toward Franklin, but did not see fit to at tack. Returning to McDowell,68 he recrossed the Shenandoah Mountain to Lebanon White Sulphur Springs ; where he gave his troops a brief rest, and then resumed" his march to Harrisonburg, having ascertained that Banks had fallen back to Stras- burg. Being joined near Newmarket by Ewell's division, he moved via Luray upon Front Royal, keeping his advance carefully masked by Ashby's cavalry, so that he swooped down58 almost unannounced on our small force holding that position, under Col. John R. Kenly, who nevertheless made a spirited resist ance, but was soon driven out with loss by the enemy's overwhelming numbers. Kenly, after abandoning the town, attempted to make a stand on a ridge scarcely a mile in its rear ; but, his force being hardly a tenth of that assailing him, he was soon com pelled to retreat across the river, after destroying his camp and stores. He tried to burn the bridge over the North Fork of the Shenandoah, but the Rebels were upon him and extin guished the flames. A few miles farther on, he was overtaken by the Rebel cavalry under Ashby and Flournoy, and a fight ensued, in " May 14. ' May 17. ' May 23. 134 THE AMERICAN" CONFLICT. which Col. K. was severely wounded, his train captured, and his command nearly destroyed. Fully 700 prison ers, a section of rifled 10-pounders, and a large amount of stores, were among the trophies of this Rebel triumph. Our men fought nobly; but they were 900 against 8,000. Gen. Banks remained quiet and unsuspecting at Strasburg, with no enemy in his front, and no sign of danger, until the evening of the 23d, when he was astounded by tidings of Kenly's disaster, and assurances that the Rebels, 15,000 to 20,000 strong, were pressing forward to Winchester, directly in his rear. Shields's divi sion having been sent, by order from Washington, to the Rappahannock, he had hardly 5,000 men at hand, with perhaps 2,000 or 3,000 more scattered through the Valley in his rear. Jackson's force must have ex ceeded 20,000 men." Banks had, on the first tidings of trouble at Front Royal, dispatched a small force to the aid of Kenly ; but this was now recalled, and our trains sent forward on the road to Winchester, escorted by Gen. Hatch, with our cavalry, and 6 pieces of artillery. At 9 a. m.6° our column was in mo tion, and had hardly proceeded three miles when it was apprised that the train had been attacked, and that the Rebels held the road at Middle- town — a report soon confirmed by a disorderly rush of fugitives and wagons to the rear. The column was thereupon reorganized, with the train in the rear ; and, on reaching Middletown, Col. D. Donnelly, com manding the vanguard, encountered a small force of Rebels, who were easily repulsed and driven back on the road to Front Royal. Col. Brod head, 1st Michigan cavalry, now took the advance, and soon reported the road clear to Winchester. Before all our army had passed, the Rebels ad vanced on the Front Royal road in such force as to occupy Middletown, compelling our rear-guard to fall back to Strasburg, making a circuit thence to the north, whereby the 1st Ver mont, Col. Tompkins, was enabled to rejoin Banks at Winchester in season for the fight of next morning ; while the 5th New York, Col. De Forrest, made its way through the mountains to the Potomac, bringing in a train of 32 wagons and many stragglers. There was some fighting with om* rear-guard at Strasburg, and again at Newtown, eight miles from Winchester; but our men re treated with moderate loss, and our infantry and artillery were again concentrated at Winchester by mid night. Here they were allowed a rest of two or three hours, broken at brief intervals by the rattle of mus- M Lt.-Gen. Jackson, in his official report, says : ." My command at this time embraced Ashby's cavalry; the 1st brigade, under Gen. Winder; the 2d brigade, Col. Campbell commanding ; 3d brigade, CoL Fulkerson commanding ; the troops recently under command of Brig.-Gen. Edward Johnson ; and the division of Gen. Ewell, com prising the brigades of Gens. Elzey, Taylor, Trimble, and the Maryland Line, consisting of the 1st Maryland regiment and Brockenbrough's battery, under Brig.-Gren. Geo. H. Stewart, and the 2d and 6th Virginia cavalry, under CoL Flournoy." On our side, Brig.-Gen. Gordon, in his official report, says: " From the testimony of our signal officers, and from a fair estimate of the number in Rebel lines drawn up on the hights, from fugitives aud deserters, the number of regiments in the Rebel army opposite Winchester was 28, being EwelTs division, Jackson's and Johnson's forces ; . the whole being commanded by Gen. Jackson. These regiments were full, and could not have numbered less than 22,000 men, with a corre sponding proportion of artillery." "May 24. BANKS DRIVEN OUT OF THE VALLEY. 135 ketry, as the Rebels closed around them, their artillery opening at day light." Banks had now less than 7,000 men,6" opposed to more than 20,000, flushed with victory, and confident that the day would witness the cap ture or .destruction of our little army. Col. Geo. H. Gordon commanded our right ; Col. Dudley Donnelly our left. Gen. Hatch, who had been cut off at Middletown, had just rejoined with his cavalry. Facing the enemy boldly, our men held their ground for five hours, inflicting and suffering considerable loss; until, Jackson's entire army having by this time been brought up, it was manifest that further resistance was madness, and could only result in our destruction. Our trains being by this time well on the road, the order to retreat was given, and our line of battle, under a withering fire of musketry from left, right, and center, broke into column of march and moved rapidly through Winchester, amid the deafening yells of their exulting pursuers, which were echoed with delirious frenzy by the Winchester Rebels.83 The 2d Massa chusetts, Lt.-Col. Andrews, which, with the 3d Wisconsin, Col. Ruger, formed our rear-guard, halted, undis mayed by the hideous din, in a street of the town, to re-foym its line, and then resumed its rapid but steady march, sharply followed, but not seriously annoyed, by the eager foe. Our troops moved in three parallel columns, each protected by an efi> cient rear-guard, and reached Mar- tinsburg, 22 miles distant, in the course of the afternoon. Here a halt of two and a half hours was taken, to rest and refresh ; our rear-guard leav ing that town at 7 p, m., and reaching the Potomac, opposite Williamsport, 12 miles farther, in the course of the evening. Gen. Geo. H. Stewart, with the Rebel cavalry, pursued so far as Martinsburg ; but Jackson halted his infantry not far beyond Winchester ; though he sent a brigade, three days later,64 to Charlestown, driving out a small Union force which held that place, and pursuing it to Halltown, which was occu§ied next day by the main body of his army. Gen. Banks admits a loss, in his hurried retreat for 53 miles, of 38 killed, 155 wounded, and 711 miss ing ; total, 904 ; with 55 out of 500 wagons, and no guns. This of course does not include the losses by Col. Kenly's rout at Front Royal, nor the sick and wounded leff in hospitals at Strasburg and Winchester. We lost also a large amount of quartermaster and commissary stores, most of which were destroyed. Jackson admits a total loss, including that at Front Royal, of 68 killed and 329 wounded ; and claims to have captured 2 guns, 9,354 small arms, and about 3,050 prisoners, including 750 sick and wounded, whom he paroled and left in the hospitals when he retreated1, " May 25. ra Gen. Banks's official report says': " My own command consisted of 2 brigades of less than 4,000 men, all told, with 900 cavalry, 10 Parrott guns, and one battery of 6-pounders, smooth-bore cannon. To this should be added the 10th Maine regiment of infantry, a%l 5 com panies of Maryland cavalry, stationed at Win chester, which were engaged in the action." "3 Gen. Gordon, in his official report, says : " My retreating column suffered serious loss in the. streets of Winchester: males and females vied with each other in increasing the number of their victims by firing from the houses, throwing hand-grenades, hot water, and missiles of every description." Yet Winchester was not burned when we re took it. "May 28. 136 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. sending some 2,300 up the Valley. He attributes his failure to crush Banks entirely to the misconduct of Ashby's cavalry, who stopped to pil lage our abandoned wagons between Middletown and Newtown, and could not thereafter be brought to the front till too late.66 Jackson, after menacing Harper's Ferry,66 which was held by Gen. Rufus Saxton, called in his detach ments and commenced a rapid re treat.87 It was high time. Gen. Shields, whose division had been detached from Banks, and marched over a hundred miles to join Mc Dowell at Fredericksburg, to replace the division of Gen. Franklin — al ready sent to McClellan — and enable McDowell to move directly on Rich mond, was now ordered68 from Wash ington to postpone this movement, and push 20,000 men rapidly to the Shenandoah, along the line of the Manassas Gap Railroad. Gen. Fre mont, who had concentrated his httle army at Franklin, Pendleton county, 24 miles north of Monterey, was likewise ordered60 by telegraph from Washmgton to hasten across the main range of the Alleghanies to Harrisonburg, hardly 50 miles dis tant, and thus intercept the retreat of Jackson up the valley, and coop erate with McDowell and Shields to crush him. There is a direct road from Frank lin to Harrisonburg, not absolutely impassable by an army, though it crosses four distinct ranges of steep mountains ; but Gen. Fremont's trains were at Moorefield, 40 miles north by east, and to attempt cross ing without them was to doom his army to starvation, there being little for man or beast to eat in those wild mountains. He therefore decided to go by Moorefield, which compelled him to go 20 miles farther north east, to Wardensville, in order to find a practicable route across the mountains. Stripping his army as M Speaking of our retreat from Winchester, he says : " The Federal forces, upon falling back into the town, preserved their organization remarkably well. In passing through its streets, however, they were thrown into confusion ; and, shortly after debouching into the plain and turnpike to Martinsburg, and after being fired upon by our artillery, they presented the aspect of a mass of disordered fugitives. Never have I seen an op portunity when it was in the power of cavalry to reap a richer harvest of the fruits of victory." 08 May 29 " May 30. 88 Gen. McDowell, in his testimony before the Committee on the Conduct of the War, states that Shields's division, 11,000 strong, raising his entire force — not including Franklin's division, already sent to McClellan — to 41,000 men, joined bim at or near Fredericksburg either on the 22d or 23d of May, but in want of artillery ammuni tion: that which they had having just been con- d^nned at Catlett's Station, and the new supply Ordered from the Washington arsenal having got aground on the flats of the Potomac and thus been delayed. On Saturday, the 24th, the Presi dent and Secretary of ."fcr came down to confer with him, and found him not yet ready for the contemplated advance on Richmond, but that he would be that afternoon, and that Shields's di vision could go on Sunday. He [McDowell] added, that he had once before moved on Sunday — alluding to the battle of Bull Run — and had been very much condemned for it all over the country, but that he was ready to do so again. The President therefore suggested that he might get a "good ready," and start on Monday, which was agreed on. Me'ssrs. Lincoln and Stanton returned to Washmgton that night, and "had hardly left before a telegram came announcing this raid of Jackson up [down] the Shenandoah Valley." This was soon followed by an order to send a division up after Jackson. McDowell adds : "I did so, although I replied that it was a crushing blow to us alL" The President or dered another brigade to move up there, and then another brigade, and then another regi ment. Two divisions were thus sent before McDowell, whose heart was set on the Rich mond mA-ement, followed himself. " May 24 CAPTURE OF COL. KANE. — DEATH OF ASHBY. 137 naked as possible, he left Franklin next morning,70 the soldiers discard ing even their knapsacks, but taking five days' rations of hard bread ; and thus, through constant rain, and over mountain roads that could be made barely passable, he crossed 'the Al- leghanies and descended into the Valley, reaching and occupying Stras burg on the evening of June 1st, just in time to be too late to head Jack son, who had retreated through that place a few hours before. Next morning, Gen. Bayard," with the cavalry advance of Shields's division, reached that point. Shields, however, pushed up the South Fork of the Shenandoah, on the other side of Massanutten Moun tain, expecting to head Jackson at some point farther south ; while Fre mont followed him directly down the North Fork, by Woodstock and Mount Jackson, to Harrisonburg. The advance of each was greatly em barrassed by the many streams which make their way down from the moun tains into either branch of the She nandoah, and which were now swollen to raging torrents by the incessant rains ; Jackson of course burning or breaking down the bridges as he passed them, and sending cavalry across to destroy the more important of those in front of Shields. Passing through Harrisonburg,72 Jackson di verged from the great road leading southwardly to Staunton, moving south-easterly, with intent to cross the South Fork at Port Republic. His rear was bravely and ably pro tected by the 2d and 6th Virginia cavalry, - Gen. Turner Ashby, who that day repulsed a spirited charge of our cavalry in advance, capturing Col. Percy Wyndham and 63 men. Being still sharply pressed, Ashby called for an infantry support ; when the brigade of Gen. Geo. H. Stewart was promptly ordered up, and was soon hotly engaged with the Penn sylvania Bucktails, whose comman der, Lt.-Col. Kane, was wounded and taken prisoner. The Rebel loss in this affair was numerically less than ours, being but 20 killed and 50 wounded ; but among the killed was Ashby himself, whose loss was at least equal to that of a regiment. Always fighting at the head of his men, with the most reckless self-ex posure, his fate was merely a ques tion of time. For outpost and skir mishing service, he left no equal behind him in either army. Being now within a few miles of Port Republic, where his trains and artillery must be taken over a " May 25. " Gen. McDowell, in his testimony aforesaid, blames Gen. Ord, commanding one of his divi sions, for lack of energy in pushing it on from Front Royal to Strasburg, and adds, that he sent forward Gen. Shields from Front Royal with express orders "to go on the direct road to Strasburg, and not cross the North Fork of the Shenandoah until near that place." He adds : " After some time in getting Ord's, or rather Rioketts's, division together, I started out to the front. I met one of Gen. Shields's aids-de camp coming in from Front Royal, and asked him how far out ho had met Gen. Shields. He said he had not met him at all. I told him he had started to go out, and he said he must have lost his way. Without stopping to see what had become of him, I took Bayard's cavalry "brigade, the only one ready to move, and sent it forward by the direct road to Strasburg. I then went to see where Gen. Shields was, and found him over on the road toward Winchester. He had sent his troops on that road, instead of on the one I had ordered him to send them on. He said that he had received information from his aid-de-oamp that Jackson had fallen back, and he had sent his troops this way. When I got up there, they were coming in. Well, it was too late to get ahead of Jackson then." " J.une 6. 138 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. wooden bridge across the larger of the two streams into which the south branch again forks at this place, and over the other and smaller branch by a ford, Jackson was obliged to turn and fight in order to gain time. Accordingly, Maj.-Gen. Ewell, with the rear division of his army, halted " near Union Church, and took up a strong position alqng a ridge which here crosses the road, with his flanks well protected by timber. He had but 5,000 men directly in hand ; but the residue of Jackson's army was between him and Port Republic, 4 or 5 miles distant, ready to be sent up as required. Fremont pushed out of Harrison burg at 6 o'clock next morning,74 and before 9 his advance was engaged near a little hamlet known as Ceoss- Kets, some seven miles on. Ewell's three brigades, under Trimble, Elzey, and Stewart, ranged from right to left, with his artillery in the center. Gen. Dick Taylor, with a Louisiana, and Col. Patton, with a Virginia brigade, came to his aid when wanted. Gen. Fremont's order of battle, a mile and a half long, was formed with the 32d, 55th, 73d, 75th, and 82d Ohio, under Brig.-Gen. Schenck, on the right, and the 2d, 3d, and 5th Virginia, with the 25th Ohio, under Gen. Milroy, in the center, with the 8th, 41st, and 45th New York, and 27th Pennsylvania, and what were left of the Bucktails, under Gen. Stahl, on the left, supported by Gen. Bohlen's brigade ; while the remain der of Blenker's division was held in reserve. Col. Cluseret, with the 60th Ohio, 8th Virginia, and Garibaldi Guards, had held the advance "June 1. ~ through the morning, but had now fallen in between Schenck and Mil roy.- Thus formed, our army ad vanced steadily and successfully, un der a storm of shot and shell, losing heavily in men, but constantly gain ing ground, until after 3 o'clock; when Stahl's brigade, having passed through the wood in its front to a clover-field, which gradually ascend ed to another wood filled with Rebels beyond, encountered a murderous fire, by which its ranks were fear fully thinned and its progress arrest ed. Two of Bohlen's regiments were ordered up to its support ; but, before they could arrive, the brigade had re coiled; understanding, it was said, that they were to give place to Bohlen's men, instead of being sus tained by them. Up to this moment, Schenck, on our right, had been mak ing slow but steady progress ; but he now halted by order, and finally re ceded for a mile, finding that Milroy had moved toward the left, and that he must follow or be isolated. Two hours later, the Rebels cannonaded him in his new position, but were easily and quickly driven off by bis batteries. Our total- loss in this indecisive action was 664, two-thirds of it in Stahl's brigade ; and our troops slept on the battle-field, expecting to re new the fight next morning. Gen. Ewell's report admits a total loss on their side of 329 ; but among their severely wounded were Gens. Elzey and Stewart. During the night, Ewell silently moved off, carrying away all but bis mortally wounded, Jackson had turned aside from his direct line of retreat, because he found that, with an army nearly or ~ "June 8. " THE FIGHT AT PORT REPUBLIC. 139 quite equal to his own pressing close ly on his rear, he must sometimes turn and fight, and thus permit the other hostile army, advancing on his flank, to gain on him. He was at Port Republic during the conflict at Cross-Keys, preparing to cross, . and watching for Shields, whose column, though delayed by burnt bridges and swollen streams, had reached Con rad's Store, only 15 miles distant, and whose advance of eavalry and artillery, under Col. Carroll, appear ed that day.'5 Carroll had been told that Jack son's train was parked near Port Re public, with a drove of beef cattle ; the whole guarded by some 200 or 300 cavalry ; and he dashed into the village with his troopers and two guns, expecting to cross the bridge and make an easy capture of the aforesaid train and cattle. Had he comprehended the situation, he might have burned the bridge, and thereby exposed the enemy to serious loss, if not utter destruction. But Jackson was already there, with 2 infantry brigades and 3 batteries ; by the fire of which Carroll was driven out in 20 minutes, faihng back two miles and a half, upon Gen. Tyler's brig ade of infantry, 2,000 strong. Tyler, who, on hearing of trouble ahead, had been rapidly hurrying to the rescue, ought now to have re treated also ; instead of which, he sent his men to bivouac, and went forward with Carroll to reconnoiter. His vedettes, at 4 A. m.,70 reported that there had been no advance of the enemy across the bridge during the night, and that only their pickets were visible. Returning to his camp, Tyler received and replied to a dispatch from Shields ; but, before finishing his answer, he was apprised that the Rebels were in his front, endeavoring to outflank his left. The struggle that ensued was short : the Rebel attack being resisted with great gallantry by our men ; but they were 3,000 at most, while their as sailants were 8,000, with more be hind them. We were even success ful at first over Winder on our right ; but to no purpose, since the odds against us were constantly increas ing; and, at length, Dick Taylor's Louisiana brigade, which had flanked our left by an unobserved advance through the forest, made so sudden and overwhelming a dash at Col. Candy's battery on our left, that it was captured ; its horses having been killed or disabled. Exasperated ra ther than dismayed by this loss, Col. Candy, with the 5th and 7th Ohio, made a spirited counter-charge, and retook his battery ; ' but was unable, for lack of horses, to bring it off," though he drove back the Rebel in fantry and artillery, and actually captured one of their guns, which, with 67 prisoners, was brought off in our retreat, which was admirably covered by Col. Carroll. The Rebels pursued about 5 miles, capturing 450 prisoners and about 800 muskets. Disastrous as was its result, there is no battle whereof the soldiers of the Union have more reason to be proud than that of Port Republic. Fremont awoke that morning to find his enemy vanished, and to fol low on his track to Port Republic ; arriving just in time to find the last Rebel safely across the river and the "June 8. "June 9. " Jackson's official report says : " Three times was this battery lost and won, in the desperate and determined efforts to capture and recover it" 140 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. bridge in flames. Some of Jackson's officers had been obliged to abandon their horses in order to make good their escape. Gen. Jackson makes his total loss in these engagements, 133 killed, 929 wounded, and 34 missing — in all, 1,096 ; or, since he left Winches ter, 1,167, with 1 gun ; while he had captured, including wounded in hos pital, 975 men and 7 guns. Con sidering the perils he braved, and the odds which, ought to have been, but were not, brought to bear against him, his campaign was one of the most brilliant of the war, and stamps him a true military genius.78 Both Fremont and Shields, being recalled by orders from Washington, here relinquished the pursuit and slowly retired; while Jackson, master of the situation, recrossed the South Fork on the 12th, and encamped at Weyer's Cave; whence he. was sum moned on the 17th, with the bulk of his army, to Richmond. On the same day70 with Jackson's demolition of Kenly at Front Royal, Gen. Heth, with 3 regiments of Vir ginia Rebels, attacked at Lewisburg, in West Virginia, the 36th and 44th Ohio, Col. Geo. Crook, by whom he was quickly routed, though Heth seems to have had decidedly the ad vantage in numbers. Before our ar tillery could be brought into position, the Rebels were broken and flying, with a loss of 4 guns, 300 muskets, and 100 prisoners. Our loss was 11 killed and 52 wounded, including Col. Crook in the foot. The Rebel loss is stated at 50 killed and 75 wounded, part of whom were doubt less included in the prisoners. Heth burnt the bridge over the Green brier, three miles distant, and thus arrested the pursuit. VII. MoCLELLAN BEFORE RICHMOND. The capture of Norfolk and the destruction of the Merrimac, alias Virginia, having opened James river to our navy, Commander John Rodg- ers, in the steamer Galena, backed by the Monitor, Aroostook, Port Royal, and Naugatuck, moved up that river unimpeded, save by the shallows on which they repeatedly grounded, to within eight miles of Richmond, where he found1 the channel thor oughly obstructed by two separate barriers of piles and vessels, the banks lined with sharp-shooters in rifle-pits, and a battery of heavy guns mounted on Drewry's Bluff,-2 200 feet above the surface of the water. The river was here so narrow as to compel him to come to anchor; which he did very near the lower barrier, and within 78 Confidential letters, unpublished, from Lee and Jackson to Johnson and Ewell, show that the movement was suggested, and in fact direct ed, from Richmond: Jackson and Ewell being ordered to combine their forces and strike a blow at Banks or at McDowell, as circumstances should render advisable. The detachment of Shields from Banks, and sending the former to McDowell at Fredericksburg, in order to enable the latter to advance to the aid of McClellan be fore Richmond, determined the direction of the. blow. " May 23. > May 15—1 A. M. 3 Called ' Fort Darling' in some of our reports. FIGHT AT HANOTER- COURT HOUSE. 141 600 yards of the Rebel guns. He at once opened fire on the battery, and maintained a most unequal contest for 3| hours ; when, having exhaust ed his ammunition, he desisted and fell down the river. The Galena had 13 men killed and 11 wounded ; the Naugatuck 2, and the Port Royal 1 wounded. The bursting of a 100- pound Parrott on the Naugatuck threatened a more serious disaster. Capt. Farrand, commanding the Rebel battery, reports his loss at 7 killed- and 8 wounded. The first collision on the Chicka- hoininy between the advance of Gen. McClellan's army and the Rebels oc curred s near New Bridge ; where the 4th Michigan, Col.- Woodbury, waded the Stream and assailed and drove off a superior Rebel force, losing but 8 men in all, and taking 37 prisoners, of whom 15 were wounded. Directly afterward, Gen. Fitz- John Porter, commanding the 5th corps, on our right, was ordered by Gen. McClellan to advance from New Bridge, via Mechanicsville, to Hano ver Court House, in order to facili tate and render secure Gen. McDow ell's expected junction from Freder icksburg. Starting at 3 a. m.,4 in a pouring rain, our cavalry advance, under Gen. W. H. Emory, had reached at noon a point two miles southward of the Court House, where the road forks to Ashland, and where the enemy were found in position to bar our further progress. The 25th New York and Berdan's sharp-shoot ers speedily coming up, they were deployed by Gen. Emory, with a Section of Benson's battery, and thus advanced slowly toward the enemy 'May 24. until reenforced by Gen. D. C. But terfield, with four regiments of his brigade, when the enemy was charged and quickly routed ; one of his gunsj being captured by Col. Lansing's 17th New York. The cavalry, Ben son's battery, and Gen. Morell's in fantry and artillery, keenly pursued the fugitives ; while Martindale's bri gade, with a section of artillery, ad vanced on the Ashland road, push ing back the enemy in his front, until ordered to reform his brigade and move up the railroad to the Court House. One regiment having taken that course, Gen. Martindale was left with but two and a half regiments and one section of Mar tin's battery, when he was attacked by a superior force and compelled to maintain the unequal contest for an hour. Meantime, Gen. Porter, at the Court House, learning that his rear was thus attacked, faced his whole column about and moved rapidly to the rescue, sending the 13th and 14th New York, with Griffin's battery, di rectly to Martindale's assistance,push- ing the 9th Massachusetts and 62d Pennsylvania through the woods on the right (west) to take the enemy in flank ; while Butterfield, with the 83d Pennsylvania and 16th Michi gan, hastened through the woods still farther to the right, and completed the rout of the enemy. The 13th New York, of Col. G. K. Warren's brigade, which, having been delayed repairing bridges, had not hitherto been in action, now came up on our left ; and, the odds being too palpa ble, the Confederates made a rapid retreat. Their loss is stated by Gen. McClellan at some 200 killed, 730 _____ _ _____ 142 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. prisoners,, including wounded, one 12-pound howitzer, many small arms, two railroad trains, and their camp at Hanover Court House captured and destroyed. We lost 53 killed and 344 wounded. The Rebel force thus defeated consisted of Gen*. L. O'B. Branch's division of North Caro lina and Georgia troops, supposed by Gen. McClellan to be 9,000 strong. The Chickahominy, opposite Rich mond, 20 to 30 miles from its mouth, is a sluggish, oozy mill-stream, three to four rods wide, often fordable, but traversing a swampy, miry bottom, generally wooded, half a mile to a mile wide, bordered by low, irregular bluffs. All the bridges by which it was previously crossed were of course destroyed in their retreat by the Reb els ; but Brig.-Gen. H. M. Naglee, of Casey's division, Keyes's (4th) corps, leading our advance on the left, crossed it near Bottom's Bridge6 without difficulty, wholly unopposed ; followed by the rest of the corps three days later, the bridge having meantime been rebuilt. During the three following days,6 Naglee made a spirited reconnoissance toward Rich mond, and to within two miles of the James, on our left ; Couch's division took up,7 by order, a position some miles in advance, at a place known as the Seven Pines, on the direct road from Bottom's Bridge to Rich mond; which he proceeded hastily to fortify with abatis, rifle-pits, etc., and by building and arming a small redoubt. Meantime, the remaining division (Casey's) of Keyes's corps was advanced to and encamped about the station known as Fa_k Oaks, on the Richmond and York River Railroad, to the right and rather in advance of Couch's posi tion. Heintzelman's (3d) corps had crossed after Keyes's, and been sta tioned in his rear, but rather to the left, so as to observe the roads de bouching on that side from White Oak Swamp, whereby we might be unexpectedly assailed in flank. Sum ner's corps was still north of the Chickahominy, some miles higher up, ready to cross at command. Gen. McClellan was with Fitz-John Por ter's and Franklin's corps, at and near New Bridge, nearly 10 miles above Bottom's Bridge. Heintzel man, as senior Major-General, was in command on the left until Sumner appeared. The enemy being seen in force barely a mile from our front, Casey's pickets were posted some half a mile in advance of his line. It rained heavily throughout the night of May 30, swelling the Chickahominy to an extraordinary height, flooding its miry bottom, and setting afloat seve ral of our new-made bridges. Gen. Jo. Johnston, who commanded the Rebel army, saw his opportunity, and resolved to profit by it. The roads of all that region center on- Richmond, radiating thence hke the folds of a fan, and affording a con siderable advantage in manceuvering to the combatant who holds the city. Informed by his scouts of the num bers and isolated position of Keyes's corps, Johnston resolved to assail and crush it before it could be ade quately reenforced. To this end, he directed Maj.-Gen. Longstreet, with his own and Gen. D. H. Hill's divi sion, the latter in advance, to push out by the Williamsburg road and ' May 20. ! May 24, 25, 26. ' May 28. BATTLE OF SEVEN PINE3 OR FAIR OAKS. 143 attack our position in front, while Gen. Huger's, on his right, was to move down the Charles City road and come in on our left flank ; and Gen. Gustavus W. Smith was to move out on the New Bridge road to Old Tavern, taking thence the Nine- mile road to Fair Oaks Station, and so come in on our. right. The entire Rebel army defending Richmond — ¦ some 40,000 to 50,000 strong — was either engaged in or supporting this movement, with Jefferson Davis, Gen. Lee, and other magnates, ob serving, directing, animating, and giving counsel. SEVEN FINES. The attacking columns were to move at day-break ;" but the tremen dous rains of the preceding afternoon and night had so flooded the earth as to render the moving of artillery exceedingly difficult; the infantry often wading through mudand water two or three feet deep. Huger's flank movement had not yet culmi nated, when Hill, who had for some time waited impatiently in our im mediate front, gave, at 1 p. m., the signal to his division to advance and attack. Casey's division was surprised as well as largely outnumbered. Hav ing been scarcely two days in this position, their defensive works were ' May 31. 144 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. not of much account ; and even their commander did not consider the mat ter serious until a vedette reported the enemy advancing in force, about the same moment that two shells came hissing over their heads ; when, dropping the axes and spades where with they were felling trees for abatis and digging rifle-pits, our soldiers at the front hurriedly stood to their arms as our pickets came running in. Gen. Casey promptly sent forward Spratt's battery of 4 3-inch rifled guns to a position in front of his rifle-pits, and ordered up Gen. Naglee's infantry brigade, consisting of the 56th and 100th New York, llth Maine, and 104th Pennsylvania, to its support ; while he disposed his 7 remaining regiments and 3 bat teries on either side of a small re doubt, which he had hastily con structed, expecting to hold his ground until the arrival of reenforcements ; and ordered his artillery to open on the advancing enemy. But the odds were too great. The three brigades of Rhodes, Garland, and Anderson, were immediately in his front ; while that of Rains, by a flank movement, was coming in on his left. The 104th Pennsylvania, which he had sent forward to the support of his pickets, came rushing back in confusion, and went to the rear in disorder, having lost heavily by the Rebel fire ; and, though mus ketry and artillery were doing fear ful execution on either side, it was plain that we must soon be over whelmed. Seeing that the enemy were closing in on him on both wings, Gen. Casey ordered Gen. Naglee, with what re mained of his brigade, to charge bay onets and drive them back; which was done, but under a musketry fire that mowed down our men by hun dreds." Here fell Col. James M. Brown, ofthe 100th New York, and Col. Davis, of the 104th Pennsylva nia, whose Major also was mortally wounded; and, our flanks being again enveloped, Rains having gained the rear of our redoubt, and firing thence on the flank of our infantry, Casey's division was driven back in disorderly retreat upon Couch, with the loss of 6 guns. Col. G. D. Bailey, Major Van Valkenburg, and Adjt. Ramsey, of the 1st New York artil lery, were killed, while endeavoring to save the guns in the redoubt; which were the next moment seized by Rhodes, and turned upon our fly ing columns. To the credit of this shattered division be it recorded, that, under a fearful enfilading fire from Rains, in addition to that thundered on their rear from Rhodes, they brought off three-fourths of our gun& The storm of battle now fell upon the 93d Pennsylvania, Col. McCarter, 55th New York, Lt.-Col. Thourot^ 23d Pennsylvania, Col. Neill, and 61st, Col. Rippey, of Couch's divi sion, who were sent forward by Keyes to the relief of Casey, on the right, where they fought gallantly and lost heavily. The 7th Massa chusetts, Col. Russell, and 62d New York, Col. J. L. Riker, were after ward sent to reenforce them; but were pressed back upon Fair Oaks by the enemy's overpowering ad vance, and there, uniting with the 1st TJ. S. Chasseurs, Col. John Coch rane, and 31st Pennsylvania, Col. Williams, held their ground until the advance of Gen. Sumner's corpSj which had with great difficulty mad. SUMNER'S CORPS SAVES THE DAT. 145 its way across the swollen Chicka hominy, checked the Rebel advance in that direction. Brig.-Gen. Peck, who held the left of Couch's position, had been divested of most of his regiments aforesaid, which were successively ordered up to the front by Couch or Keyes, until, at 4£ p. m., he led the 102d Pennsylvania, Col. Rowley, and 93d, Col. McCarter, to the aid of our crumbling right, and was for half an hour sharply engaged with the tri umphant enemy near Seven Pines, losing some ground,' but encamping very near his field of conflict. Heintzelman was promptly sum moned to the aid of Couch; but there was an unaccounted-for delay in the reception of the message, and some of his regiments did not rush to the front quite so impetuously as a good portion of Couch's, especially the 55th New York (De Trobriand's Frenchmen), made tracks for the rear. It was a quarter past 3 o'clock before Heintzelman came fairly into the fight; Jamison's Maine and Berry's Michigan brigades eagerly pushing to the front. ¦ On the Rebel left, Gen. Smith's attack was delayed by Johnston, who was there in person, until 4 p. m., listening for the sound of Long- street's musketry, which, for some atmospheric reason, he failed to hear. It was now too late for complete suc cess, though his men fought desper ately. The Richmond and York River Railroad, near its crossing of the Nine-mile road, runs for a con siderable distance on an embank ment 4 or 5 feet high, forming an effective breastwork, behind which our men held stubbornly and fought gallantly. vol. n. — 10 Gen. Abercrombie, with five regi ments, was at Fair Oaks (the cross ing aforesaid), instructed to hold the position at all hazards. Here fell Gen. C. Devens, severely wounded ; while of the 61st Pennsylvania, Col. Rippey, Lt.-CoI. Spear, and Maj. Smith fell dead, and 27 of the line officers were either killed or wound ed; and near this point, at sunset, Gen. Jo. Johnston, the Rebel Com mander-in-chief, was struck in the side by a shell and badly wounded, breaking two ribs in falling from his horse, so that he was disabled for service for several months. Gen. G. W. Smith succeeded him in com mand ; but he was very soon disabled by a paralytic stroke, and removed from the field. One of the last Rebel charges on this part of the field was led by Jefferson Davis in person. Hearing vaguely of trouble on the left, McClellan, still at New Bridge, had ordered Sumner, who had Sedg wick's and Richardson's divisions, to cross to the relief of Couch; and Sedgwick, with the advance, reached the field on our right an hour and a half before sunset, just as the trium phant Rebels had turned Couch's left, interposing between him and Heintzelman (who, in coming up, had swayed to the right), with in tent to sever and defeat our two corps on the south of the Chickahominy. But Sedgwick, advancing rapidly, interposed at the critical moment, and, forming in line of battle in the edge of a wood, with a large open field in his front, commenced a fire of canister from his 24 guns on the head of the enemy's advancing column, which staggered it; and then, moving forward his whole divi sion in line of battle, he completely 146 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. swept the field, recovering much of the ground that had been lost. At nightfall, Richardson's division, hav ing also crossed over, came up on the left of Sedgwick, connecting with Birney's brigade of Heintzelman's corps on his left; thus making all secure in that quarter. At 6 p. m., Abercrombie, farther to our right, still desperately fight ing, had been compelled to give ground, and seemed about to be en veloped by an overwhelming force ; when the long-expected succor ar rived. Gorman's brigade, leading Sedgwick's division, deployed into line of battle along the crest of a hill in the rear of Fair Oaks, and ad vanced down a gentle slope to the field where Col. Cochrane's IT. S. Chasseurs and Neill's 23d Pennsyl vania were fighting against heavy odds. At this moment, a furions enfilading fire of musketry was re ceived on our right, indicating an effort to turn us on that flank, and repeat the sharp lesson of Casey's disaster. Gen. Sedgwick instantly directed Gen. Burns to deploy the 69th and 72d Pennsylvania to the right, himself holding the 71st and 106th in support of Gorman. The Rebels attacked with great fury, stampeding two or three battery teams, so that for a moment our lines seemed to waver ; but Burns's calm, full-voiced order, "Steady, men, steady !" evoked a thundering cheer, followed by volley after volley of musketry, under which the enemy advanced steadily, and were charg ing Kirby's battery, when he poured into their close ranks a murderous fire of canister, which sent them rapidly to the woods in their rear. Meanwhile, Dana's brigade had come into line on Gorman's left, and the Rebels renewed, as darkness fell, their attempt to outflank our right, extending their left farther and farther ; but in vain. Gens. Snmner, Sedgwick, Dana, whose horse was killed under him, Burns, and Gor man, each exerted himself to the utmost to animate and encourage their men. Dana's wing was grad ually advanced as the Rebels ex tended their left, and the battle swayed more and more to our right, until our line was nearly at right angles with that on which we had been fighting two hours before. And thus the fight raged on until after 8 o'clock; when the Rebels desisted and fell back, leaving us in undis puted possession of the ground whereon the final struggle was made.' Sumner's heavier artillery had been left stalled in the swamps of the Chickahominy, as his infantry hur- 9 Gen. McClellan, in his elaborate report on this campaign, after relating Gen. Sumner's arrival on the battle-field, with Sedgwick's divi sion, says: " The leading regiment (1st Minnesota, Col. Sully) was immediately deployed to the right of Couch to protect the flank, and the rest of the division formed in line of battle; Kirby's battery near the center, in au angle of the woods. One of Gen., Couch's regiments was sent to open communication with Gen. Heintzelman. No sooner were these dispositions made, than the enemy came on in strong force, and opened a heavy fire along the line. He made several charges, but was repulsed with great loss, by the steady fire of the infantry and the splendid practice of the battery. After sustaining the enemy's fire for a considerable time, Gen. Sum ner ordered five regiments (the 34th New York, CoL Smith, 82d New York, Lt.-Col. Hudson, 15th Massachusetts, Lt.-Col. Kimball, 20th Mas sachusetts, CoL Lee, 1th. Michigan, Maj. Rich ardson, the three former of Gen. Gorman's bri gade, the two latter of Gen. Dana's brigade) to advance and charge with bayonet. This charge was executed in the most brilliant manner. Our troops, springing over two fences which were between them and the enemy, rushed upon his lines, and drove him in confusion from that part of the field. Darkness now ended the battle for that day." :eCLELLAN FAILS' TO IMPROVE HIS OPPORTUNITY. I4.7 ried forward to the battle. It was extricated during the night, brought forward, and properly posted by morning ; when Gen. McClellan also had arrived ; but, alas ! without the corps of Fitz- John Porter and Frank lin, which, could they but have come up on the New Bridge road during the night, might have converted Casey's demolition into a Rebel over throw. It does not appear that even an attempt was made to bring them forward.10 In the morning,11 McClellan await ed an attack, which he says was made at 6 A. m., on the left of Sumner's corps, by Gen. Pickett, supported by Gen. Roger A. Pryor's brigade of Huger's division ; to which French's brigade, on our side, stood opposed. The fight between them was noisy, but not very bloody : due caution and 10 Gen. McClellan, in his report, states that the still rising Chickahominy floated the log-way approaches to Gen. Sumner's brigade, after that officer had crossed his corps, so as to render them impassable; hence he [McClellan] was obliged to send his horse around by Bottom's Bridge, six miles below, in returning to his headquarters. He adds : " The approaches to New and Mechanicsville bridges were also overflowed, and both of them were enfiladed by the enemy's batteries estab lished upon commanding bights on the oppo site side. These batteries were supported by strong forces of the enemy, having numerous rifle-pits in their front, which would have made it necessary, even had the approaches been in the best possible condition, to have fought a san guinary battle, with but little prospect of suc cess, before a passage could have been secured. '.' The only available means, therefore, of uniting our forces at F_air Oaks, for an advance on Richmond soon after the battle, was to march the troops from Mechanicsville, and other points on the left bank of the Chickahominy, down to Bottom's Bridge, and thence over the Williams burg road to the position near Fair Oaks, a dis tance of about twenty-three (23) miles. In the condition of the roads at that time, this march could not have been made with artillery in less than two days ; by which time the enemy would have been secure within his. intrenchments around Richmond." It is hard for non-military readers to appre ciate admiringly the Generalship which con fessedly exposes one wing of an army for two days to the entire force of its adversary, with out assistance in any form from the other. If there be any military reason why Gen. McClel lan should have thrown two corps across the Chickahominy on his left, within a few miles of Richmond, without simultaneously, or for five days thereafter, pushing over his right also, and Seizing the commanding hights which were en filaded by the enemy's batteries, no indications of them appear in his report; which, with re ference to following up our advantage of the 1st, naively says: " An advance involving the separation of the two wings by the impassable Chickahominy would have exposed each to defeat in detail." That Gen. McClellan greatly over-estimated the strength of the Rebel batteries and their sup ports opposite Fitz-John Porter and Franklin, and the difficulty of crossing there, is made plain by his dispateh, four days later, to the War De partment, as follows : " Headquarters Army of the Potomac, ) " New Bridge, June 5, 1862. ) " Rained most of the night ; has now ceased, but is not clear. The river still very high and troublesome. Enemy opened with several bat teries on our bridges near here this morning ; our batteries seem, to have pretty much si lenced them, though some firing still kept up. The rain forces us to remain in statu, quo. With great difficulty, a division of infantry has been crossed this morning to support the troops on the other side, should the enemy renew attack. I felt obliged to do this, although it leaves us rather weak here. G. B. McClellan, " Major- General Commanding. "Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War." Gen. J. G. Barnard, chief engineer, in his re port of the campaign, says : "The repulse of the Rebels at Fair Oaks should have been taken advantage of. It was one of those occasions which, if not seized, do not repeat themselves. We now know the state of disorganization and dismay in which the Rebel army retreated. We now know that it could have been followed into Richmond. Had it been so, there would have been no resistance to overcome to bring over our right wing. Al though we . did not then know all that we now do, it was obvious at that time that, when the Rebels struck the blow at our left wing, they did not leave any means in their hands unused to secure success. It was obvious enough that they struck with their whole force ; and yet we repulsed them in disorder with three-fifths of ours. We should have followed them up at the same time that we brought over the other two- fifths." " June 1. 148 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. distance being maintained on either side. Mahone's brigade was brought up to the aid of Pryor, and Howard's to that of French ; and finally Meagher's Irish regiments went to the front, and a desultory conflict was maintained for some two or three hours, during which Gen. Howard lost his arm and had two of his staff wounded. The Rebels at length desisted, and retreated unpursued. Their reports assert that they made no attack, but only repelled one. The Rebels remained through the day in quiet possession of Couch's and Casey's camps, sending off mus kets, tents, and camp equipage to Richmond ; following themselves after nightfall. Johnston says that Smith did not renew his attack on our right, because of his discovery of strong intrenchments in that quarter, which he had not seen the night be fore. It is certain that he was not disturbed by any demonstration on our part, and retired wholly unmo lested. Ten days later, we had not recovered the ground held by Casey's advance on the morning of May 31. Johnston reports the loss in Smith's division at 1,233, and in Longstreet's 12 at "about" 3,000; total, 4,233 ; saying nothing of any loss sustained by Huger. Among his killed were Gen. Robert Hatton, of Tenn. ; Cols. Lomax, 3d Ala., Jones, 12th Ala., Giles, 5th S. C, and Lightfoot, 22d N. C; while, be side himself, Gens. Rhodes and Gar land, with Cols. Goodwin, -9th Va., and Wade Hampton, S. C, were wounded. He also lost Gen. Petti- grew and Col. C. Davis, of S. O, and Col. Long, taken prisoners. He claims to have taken 10 guns, 6,000 muskets, and " several hundred " prisoners — an expression which the number of our wounded who fell into his hands must have fully justi fied. He probably took few others, and no officer of distinction. Gen. McClellan reports our total loss at 5,739,13 whereof 890 were killed, 3,627 wounded, and 1,222 missing : some of these probably dead, and others left on the field wounded, to fall into the hands of the enemy. Among our killed were Col. G. D. Bailey, Maj. Van Valken- burg, and Adjt. Ramsey, of the 1st N. Y. artillery ; Cols. J. L. Riker, 62d, and James M. Brown, 100th N. Y., Rippey, 61st, and Miller, 81st Pa. Among our wounded were Gens. Naglee, Pa., Devens, Mass.^ O. O. Howard, Maine, and WesBells ; Col. E. E. Cross, 5th N. H., and many other valuable officers. Considering that the bulk of the loss on either side fell on regiments which together brought less than 15,000 men into the field, the admit ted loss is quite heavy. Keyes's corps numbered about 12,000 men present ; of whom 4,000 were dead or wounded before 5 p. m. of the 31st. Perhaps as many had fled to the rear ; yet Gen. McClellan's dispatch to the War Department, written so late as noon of the second day, in saying that " Casey's division gave way unaccountably and discredit ably," is indiscriminate and unjust. A green division of less than 7,000 t ° Gen." McClellan says that Hill estimates' his loss at 2,500, and adds this number to the above total, making in all &,1%Z : but it is evident that Johnston includes Hill's loss in that of Long- Street, who was in command of both divisions. 13 But in a confidential dispatch of June 4th, to the War Department, he says : " The losses in the battles of the 31st and 1st will amount to ?,000." Though this may have been an esti mate merely, it was very near the truth. men could not fairly be expected to arrest and repel a determined ad vance of the entire Rebel army, whereof two choice divisions, num bering 15,000 men, were hurled directly upon them. That some of our men behaved badly is true ; but the responsibility of their failure rests on the Generals by whom they were badly handled. They were sent up by brigades to confront Rebel divi sions, and thus beaten in detail ; and, when at last the time came for fight ing with the advantage of numbers on our side, the directing, impelling will was absent. k Gen. Hooker, next morning," by Heintzelman's order, made a recon- noissance in force, advancing to with in four miles of Richmond, unresisted save by pickets. Gen. McClellan, on learning this movement, ordered Hooker to.be recalled to and take position at Fair Oaks. The General commanding wrote this day to the Secretary of War : " The enemy attacked in force and with great spirit yesterday morning ; hut are eve rywhere most signally repulsed with great loss. Our troops charged frequently on both days, and uniformly broke the enemy. The result is, that our left is within four miles of Richmond. I only wait for the river to fall to cross with the rest of the force and make a general attack. Should I find them holding firm in a very strong po sition, I may wait for what troops I can bring up from Fortress Monroe. But the morale of my troops is now such that I can venture much. I do not fear for odds against me. The victory is complete ; and all credit is due to the gallantry of our offl- (cers and men." The President, on hearing of this bloody battle, placed the disposable troops at Fortress Monroe at the ser vice of Gen. McClellan, sent five new regiments from Baltimore by water to his aid, and notified him that Mc- MORE DELAYS AND EXCUSES. 149 Call's division of McDowelrs corps should follow as speedily as might be. Gen. McClellan responded :" " June 2. a June 7. " I am glad to learn that you are pressing forward ^enforcements so vigorously. I shall be in perfect readiness to move for ward and take Bichmond the moment McCall reaches here, and the ground will admit the passage of artillery. I have ad vanced my pickets about a mile to-day; driving off the Bebel pickets, and securing a very advantageous position." He soon afterward" telegraphed : " I am completely checked by the weathr er. The roads and fields are literally im passable for artillery — almost so for infan try. The Chickahominy is in a dreadful state. We have another rain-storm on our hands. I shall attack as soon as the weather and ground will permit ; hut there will he a delay, the extent of whioh no one can foresee, for the season is alto gether abnormal. In view of these cir cumstances, I present for your considera tion the propriety of .detaching largely from Halleck's army, to strengthen this ; for it would seem that Halleck has now no large organized force in front of him, while we have. If this cannot be done, or even in connection with it, allow me to suggest the movement of a heavy column from Dalton upon Atlanta. If but the one can be done, it would better conform to military princi ples to strengthen this army. And, even although the reenforcements might not ar rive in season to take part in the attack upon Bichmond, the moral effect would be great, and they would furnish valuable as sistance in ulterior movements. I wish to be distinctly understood that, whenever the weather permits, I will attack with what ever force I may have, although a larger force would enable me to gain much more decided results. I would be glad to have McOall's infantry sent forward hy water at once, without waiting for his artillery and cavalry." Secretary Stanton promptly re sponded : " "Your dispatch of 3:30, yesterday, has been received. I am fully impressed with the difficulties mentioned, and which no art or skill can avoid, hut only endure, and am striving to the uttermost to render yon every aid in the power of the Government. Your suggestions will he immediately com municated to Gen. Halleck, with a request that he shall conform to them. At last ad- 16 June 10. 17 June 11. 150 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. vice, he contemplated sending a column to operate with Mitchel agamst Chattanooga, and thence upon East Tennessee. Buell re ports Kentucky and Tennessee to he in a critical condition, demanding immediate at tention. Halleck says the main body of Beauregard's forces is with him at Okolo- na. McOall's force was reported yesterday as having embarked, and on its way to join you. It is intended to send the residue of McDowell's force also to join you as speed ily as possible. "Fremont had a hard fight, day before yesterday, with Jackson's force at Union Church, eight miles from Harrisonburg. He claims the victory, but was badly handled. It is clear that a pretty strong force is op erating with Jackson, for the purpose of de taining the forces here from you. I am urging, as fast as possible, the new levies. "Be assured, General, that there never has been a moment when mj desire has been otherwise than to aid you with my whole heart, mind, and strength, since the hour we first met; and, whatever others may say for their own purposes, you have never had, and never can have, any one more truly your friend, or more anxious to support you, or more joyful than I shall be at the success which I have no doubt will soon be achieved by your arms." Gen. McCall's division arrived by water during the two following days ; ia on the last of which, Gen. J. E. B. Stuart, with 1,500 Rebel cavalry and 4 guns, attacked and dispersed two squadrons of the 5th U. S. caval ry, Capt. Royall, near Hanover Old Church ; thence proceeding to make a rapid circuit of our grand army, via Tunstall's Station, seizing and burn ing two schooners laden with forage, and 14 wagons ; capturing and taking off 165 prisoners, 260 mules and horses; halting three hours to rest at Talleysville, in the rear of our army ; resuming his march at mid night; crossing the Chickahominy near Long Bridge, by hastily impro vised bridges, next forenoon ; and reaching Richmond unassailed next morning. This was the first of the notable cavalry raids of the war, tempting to many imitations, some of them brilliant in design and exe cution ; some of them damaging to the adverse party ; others disastrous to their executors ; but, on the whole,- involving a squandering of horse flesh and an amount of useless devas tation which rendered them decidedly unprofitable, and hardly reconcilable with the legitimate ends of warfare. Gen. McClellan, at midnight on the 14th, telegraphed to the War Department as follows : " Headqtjaeters Akmy of the Potomao, ) " Camp Lincoln, June 14, 1862. ) " All quiet in every direction. The stam pede of last night has passed away. "Wea ther now very favorable. I hope two days more -will make the ground practicable. I shall advance as soon as the bridges are completed and the ground fit for artillery to move. At the same time, I would be glad to have whatever troops can be sent to me. I can use several new regiments to advantage. " It ought to be distinctly understood that McDowell and his troops are com pletely under my control. I received a telegram from him requesting that McCall's division might be placed so as to join him immediately on his arrival. " That request does not breathe the pro per spirit. Whatever troops come to me must be disposed of so as to do the most good. I do not feel that, in such circum stances as those in which I am now placed, Gen. McDowell should wish the general in terests to be sacrificed for the purpose of increasing his command. " If I cannot fully control all his troops, I want none of them, but would prefer to fight the battle with what I have, and let others be responsible for the results. " The department lines should not be al lowed to interfere with me ; but Gen. McD., and all other troops sent to me, should be placed completely at my disposal, to do with them as I think best. In no other way can they be of assistance to me. I therefore request that I may have entire and full control. The stake at issue is too great to allow personal considerations to be entertained; you know that I have none. "The indications are, from our balloon reconnoissances and from all other sources, that the enemy are intrenching, daily in- 1 June 12-13. STONEWALL JACICSON JOINS LEE. 151 Creasing in numbers, and determined to fight desperately." On the 20th, he telegraphed to the President : "By to-morrow night, the defensive works, covering our position on this side of the Chickahominy, should he completed. I am (forced to this by my inferiority .of numbers, so that I may bring the greatest possible numbers into action, and secure the army against the consequences of unfore seen disaster." At this time, his returns to the Adjutant-General's office give the following as the strength of his army on the Peninsula : Present for duty, 115,102 ; special duty, sick, and in arrest, 12,225 ; absent, 29,511 — total, 156,838. Stonewall Jackson, having done us all the mischief he could in the Valley, arrested McDowell's overland march to join McClellan, and sent 40,000 or 50,000 of our men on all manner of wild-goose chases, was now on his way in full force to Rich mond ; hence, misleading reports of his movements were artfully circu lated among our commanders. Gen. McClellan telegraphed18 to the War Department that he had information from deserters that troops had left Richmond to reenforce Jackson, and that they were probably not less than 10,000 men. To this the President responded, that he had similar infor mation from Gen. King at Fredericks- .burg ; and added : " If this is true, it is as good as a reenforcement to you." McClellan on that day telegraphed to the President : " A general engagement may take place at any hour. An advance by us involves a battle more or less decisive. The enemy exhibit at every point a readiness to meet us. They certainly have great numbers and extensive works. If ten or fifteen thousand men have left Bichmond to reen force Jackson, it illustrates their strength and confidence. After to-morrow, we shall fight the Rebel army as soon as Providence will permit. We shall await only a favor able condition of the earth and sky, and the completion of some necessary prelimina ries." To-morrow and to-morrow passed, and still our army did not advance ; until, on the 24th, a young man of suspicious character was brought in by Gen. McClellan's scouts from the direction* of Hanover Court House, who, after some prevarication, con fessed himself a deserter" from Jack son's command, which he had left near Gordonsville on the 21st, mov ing along the Virginia Central Rail road to Frederickshall, with intent to turn our right and attack our rear on the. 28th. To McClellan's des patch announcing this capture, and asking information of Jackson's posi tion and movements, Secretary Stan ton replied 20 as follows : "We have no definite information as to the numbers or position of Jackson's force. Gen. King yesterday reported a deserter's statement, that Jackson's force was, nine days ago, 40,000 men. Some reports place 10,000 Eebels under Jackson at Gordons ville ; others that his force is at Port Re public, Harrisonburg, and Luray. Fremont yesterday reported rumors that Western Virginia was threatened ; and Gen. Kelly, that Ewell was advancing to New Creek, where Fremont has his depdts. The last telegram from Fremont contradicts this rumor. The last telegram from Banks says the enemy's pickets are strong in advance at Luray. The people decline to give^ any information of his whereabouts. Within the last two days, the evidence is strong that, for some purpose, the enemy is circu lating rumors of Jackson's advance in various directions, with a view to conceal the real point of attack. Neither McDowell, who is at Manassas, nor Banks and Fre mont, who are at Middletown, appear to have any accurate knowledge on the subject. " A letter transmitted to the department yesterday, purporting to be dated Gordons ville, on the 14th inst., stated that the ac tual attack was designed for Washington 48 June 18. 20 June 25. 152 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. and Baltimore, as soon as you attacked Kichmond ; but that the report was to be circulated that Jackson had gone to Bich mond, in order to mislead. This letter looked very much like a blind, and induces me to suspect that Jackson's real movement now is toward Bichmond. It came from Alexandria, and is certainly designed, like the numerous rumors put afloat, to mislead. I think, therefore, that, while the warning of the deserter to you may also be a blind, that it could not safely be disregarded. I will transmit to you any further informa tion on this subject that may be received here." That day, having his bridges com pleted, Gen. McClellan ordered an advance of his picket-line on the left, preparatory to a general forward movement; and, during the day, Heintzelman's corps, with part of Keyes's and Sumner's, were pushed forward,21 he reports, through a swampy wood, though Bmartly re sisted, with a loss on om* side of 51 killed, 401 wounded, and 64 missing : total, 516. Returning from over looking this affair, Gen. McClellan telegraphed to the War Department as follows : " Several contrabands, just in, give infor mation confirming the supposition that Jackson's advance is at or near Hanover Court House, and that Beauregard arrived, with strong reenforcements, in Bichmond yesterday. I incline to think that Jackson ¦will attack my right and rear. The Bebel force is stated at 200,000, including Jackson and Beauregard. I shall have to contend against vastly superior odds, if these reports be true. But this army will do all in the power of men to hold their position and re pulse any attack. I regret my great inferi ority in numbers, but feel that I am in no way responsible for it, as I have not failed to represent repeatedly the necessity of re enforcements ; that this was the decisive point, and that all the available means of the Government should be concentrated here. I will do all that a General can do with the splendid army I have the honor to command ; and, if it is destroyed by over whelming numbers, can at least die with it and share its fate. But, if the result of the action, which will probably occur to-mor row, or within a short time, is a disaster, the responsibility cannot he thrown on my shoulders ; it must rest where it belongs. Since I commenced this, I have reoeived additional intelligence, confirming the sup position in regard to Jaokson's movements and Beauregard's arrival. I shall probably be attaoked to-morrow, and now go to the other side of the Chickahominy to arrange for the defense on that side. I feel that there is no use in again asking for reen forcements." The President responded as fol lows : — "Washington, June 26, 1862. " Your three dispatches of yesterday in relation to the affair, ending with the state ment that you completely succeeded in making your point, are very gratifying. The later one, suggesting the probability of your being overwhelmed by 200,000 men, and talking of to whom the responsibility will belong, pains me very much. I give you all I can, and act on the presumption that you will do the best you can with what you have ; while you continue — ungene rously I think — to assume that I could give you more if I would. I have omitted — I shall omit — no opportunity to send you re enforcements whenever I can." Gen. Robert E. Lee, having suc ceeded to the chief command of the Rebel army, had, in counsel with the master spirits of the Rebellion, at length resolved on striking a decisive blow. To this end, reenforcements had been quietly called in from all available quarters, swelling the Rebel Army of Virginia, including Jack- 31 But Brig.-Gen. A R. Wright, of Huger's di vision, who opposed this movement, reports that he had 3,000 men in all, resisting not less than 8,000 or 10,000 on our side ; and adds : " The object of the enemy was to drive us back from our picket-line, occupy it himself, and thereby enable him to advance his works several hundred yards nearer our lines. In this, he completely failed; and, although Gen. McClellan at night telegraphed, over his own signature, to the War office in Washington, that he had accomplished his object, had driven me back for more than a mile, had silenced my batteries, and occupied our camps, there is not one word of truth in the whole statement. When the fight ceased at dark, I occupied the very line my pickets had been driven from in the morning ; and which I continued to hold until the total rout ofthe Federal army on the 29th." FIGHT MAE MECHANICSVILLE. 153 son's corps, summoned from the Val ley, to not far from 70,000 men. In order to mask this concentration, Whiting's division, consisting f>£ Hood's Texas brigade and his own, had l>een sent off from Richmond to Jackson ; to whom also the brigade of Lawton had been ordered up from the South. When all things were ripe, Jackson moved, by order, rapid ly and secretly from the Valley to Ashland, facing our extreme right, whence he was directed to advance" so as to flank our right, holding Me chanicsville. Moving on at 3 next morning," he was directed to connect with Gen. Branch, immediately south of the Chickahominy, who was to cross that stream and advance on Mechanicsville; while Gen. A. P. Hill, lower down, was to cross near Meadow Bridge so soon as Branch's movement was discovered, and move directly upon Mechanicsville, where on the Rebel batteries on the south ern bluffs ofthe Chickahominy were to open ; Longstreet's division following in support of Hill, while D. H. Hill's in like manner supported Jackson ; thus only Huger's and Magruder 's divisions were left in front of our left and cen ter, immediately before Richmond. Jackson was unable to reach Ash land quite so soon as had been anti cipated ; so that A. P. Hill did not cross the stream to attack us till 3 p. m." His advance had been dis covered three hours before ; so that our pickets were called in before it, and the regiment and battery hold ing Mechanicsville fell back, fighting, on a strong position across Beaver Dam creek. Here Gen. McCall's Pennsylvania Reserves, which had recently been sent down to reenforce McClellan, and had never till now been in action^ were strongly posted on advantageous ground, supported by Morell's division and Sykes's regulars, the whole forming Fitz- John Porter's corps of about 27,000 men. 1 /^ . \ UNION =_ I \ EEBEU — — §* rr ^^fe__ w ( / 5 ^fti mi / / ^^s_?x /< f^ ^^4_I ,8 . ... 1, MILES 2^*^ HEOHAMICSVrLLE. Advancing rapidly and resolutely, in the face of a destructive fire, which they could not effectively return, the leading brigades of A. P. Hill's, and ultimately of D. H. Hill's and Long- street's divisions, attacked our posi tion and attempted to turn our left, but were repulsed with fearful car nage. Jackson being vainly expect ed to arrive and assail our right, it was not turned ; and night fell on a decided and animating success of our mainly green soldiers, though the fighting did not cease till after dark, and the Rebels remained in force not far from our front. Our total loss in aa June 25. 33 June 26. "June 26. 154 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. this affair had been less than 400; while that of the Rebels must have been many times larger ; and when, near the close of the battle, fresh troops came up to relieve the exult ing Reserves, they refused to give place, but, replenishing their ammu nition, lay down on their arms to await the encounter of the morrow. Before daylight," however, an or der from Gen. McClellan (who had learned, meantime, that Jackson was approaching) directed the evacuation of their strong position, and a retreat to Gaines's Mill — an order easy of execution had it arrived three or four hours earlier, but very difficult now, as the Rebel attack was renewed a few minutes afterward. The Rebels were repulsed, however, though our men were retiring' at the time ; Me'ade's, Griffin's, Reynolds's, and Morell's commands moving steadily off the field as if on parade ; our dead all buried, our wounded and arms brought away, with the loss of no caisson, hardly of a musket, by a lit tle after 7 a. m. ; leaving the Rebels unaware for the moment that there was no longer an enemy before them. Before noon, each regiment and bat tery had taken up the new position assigned it, at Gaines's Mill, and was ready to receive the now eagerly advancing Rebels. Meantime, our trains and siege-guns had, by order, been sent off across the Chickahomi ny during the night. Gen. McClellan had been38 with Fitz-John Porter, behind the Me chanicsville defenses, at 10 p. m. — an hour after the triumphant and san guinary repulse of their assailants. Four hours later, he sent orders for their prompt evacuation. This he must have done under the correct impression that they were about to be overwhelmingly assailed in front b;j_ the Hills and Longstreet, and in flank by the yet fresh division of Jackson. In other words, it was now plain that the Rebel chiefs had resolved to .precipitate the bulk of their force on our right wing, crush ing it back on our center by the sheer momentum of their columns. This.striking a great army on one end, and rolling it up on itself in inex tricable confusion, carnage, and rout, is no novelty in warfare. The Allied Emperors tried it. on Napoleon at Austerlitz ; our strategists attempted it on the Rebels at first Bull Run. It is a critical manoeuver ; but likely to succeed, provided your antagonist passively awaits its consummation. ("Hunting the tiger, gentlemen," explained the returned East Indian to his associates at the United Service Club, " is capital sport — capital — unless the tiger turns to hunt you ; when it becomes rather too exciting.") Gen. McClellan, as usual, believed the Rebels were assailing or threaten ing him with twice as many men as they had, supposing them to have 175,000 to 200,000 troops in his front,' when they never, from the beginning to the end of the war, had so many as 100,000 effectives concentrated in a single army, or within a day's march. Even had he been outnum bered, as he supposed, by a Rebel force on either flank nearly or quite equal to his whole army, he should have quietly and rapidly concen trated, and struck one of those assail ants before it could be supported by the other. Had he chosen thus to rush upon Richmond, on the morning 86 June 27. 88 June 26. BATTLE OF GAINES'S MILL. 155 of the 2Gth, directing Porter to make as imposing a demonstration and de tain the enemy as long as he could, then to withdraw across the Chicka hominy with the least possible loss, burn the bridges, and defend the pas sage till night-fall, he might have gone right over the 25,000 Rebels between him and Richmond, taken that city, and then turned in over whelming foreo on the 50,000 Rebels in his rear, pressing Porter. But, deceived and faint-hearted, he stood perplexed and hesitating between the real and overwhelming attaek on his right and the imposing but hollow succession of feints and alarms on his left, letting two-thirds of Lee's entire force crush one-third of his own, while 60,000 good rffen and true stood idle between the Chicka hominy and Richmond, watching and guarding against 25,000 Rebels. Only Slocum's division of Sumner's corps was seasonably sent to the aid of Porter, raising his total force to barely 35,000 men, who were to resist the desperate efforts of 50,000 Rebels, directed by Lee, and led on to assault om* position by Longstreet, the Hills, Stonewall Jackson, and Ewell. Though the Rebels had quickly discerned and sharply pursued our withdrawal from the Mocha niesville defenses, arriving in front of our new position soon after noon," it was 2 p. m. before A. P. Hill, who had been awaiting Jackson's arrival, advanced and opened the battle. The Rebels were received with heroic bravery by Sykes's regulars, who confronted them, by whose fire they were staggered and temporarily re pulsed. Meantime, Longstreet, who had been ordered to make a feint on our left, had perceived the necessity of converting that feint into a deter mined attack ; but, before his dispo sitions had been completed, Jackson arrived and formed his division on Longstreet's left; while D. II. Hill, on the extreme Rebel left, had forced his way through a swamp and some abatis, driving out our skirmishers ; and now Ewell came into action on Jackson's right, and two of Jackson's brigades were sent to the relief of A. P. Hill, who was being worsted. Lee's whole force being thus brought into action, a general advance from left to right. was ordered and made, under a terrific fire of cannon and musketry from both sides. Porter had a strong position, on ground rising gradually froni the ravine of an inconsiderable stream, screened in part by trees and under brush, with Morell's and Sykes's divisions in front, and McCall's forming a second line behind them ; and his cavalry, under P. St. George Gooke, iu the valley of the Chicka hominy, watching for a Rebel ad vance in that quarter. The siege- guns of Porter's corps, whieh had been withdrawn across the Chicka hominy during the night, were planted, in battery on the right bank of that stream, so as to cheek the ad vance of the Rebel right, and prevent their turning our left. Porter was unaccountably in want of axes, where with to cover his front and right with abatis ; his request for theni to Gen. Barnard not reaching McClellan till too late. When he next called, they were furnished, but without Aehvs ; and, while these were being supplied, the opportunity for using axes was "June 27. 156 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. lost. His first call on McClellan for reenforcements likewise miscarried. His next was made at 2 p. m. ; when Slocum's division, of the 6th corps, was ordered to his support, arriving on the field at 3:30, after our position had been assailed in force at every point, and after McCall's division had been ordered up to support our sorely pressed front. So urgent and instant was the pressure, that Slocum's divi sion had to be divided and sent by brigades, and even regiments, to the points where the need of aid seemed greatest ; Bartlett's brigade going to the help of Sykes on our right, while a portion ofi Newton's was sent in between Morell and Sykes. A/ ; K j V/ I \ /^--^-/CAINES'S M1U. COAL HARBOR *s4. yflf __-^A^ ' & / NEWl-OALHARSOttJ"' *0>^S^ S> ^>_ "J^ ?A^g|^T A \ ^^ssssa. f> / / ~~^* V"\ ? 1 \ f) ^^^•'' '? ^^~A _-/ T \ y DUANE'S BlStWO/y/CA^^, 7^'LsHmi. Y'BARKER'- HILL 0 1 MIIES _ , ^^. [ \J V 1 ' ^.AlEXANDErfa ^^_.Br. _««fcj SUMNERl^Sfc^^ UPPER BB. ^^^^ gautbs'b mill. Morell's Div, j A Butterfield's J B Martindale's ( C Griffin's I-G.8, "Warren's Sykes's Div. < E H. Chapman's ( F I. T. Buchanan's I K Meade's McCall's Div. •< L Seymour's ( M Reynolds's N Cavalry. . Brigade. Art -Reaprvo i ° Robertson's Battery. Art. Keserve. ^ p Tj^^pg Bartlett's brigade of Slocum's division. Franklin's corps in reserve ; Taylor's and Newton's brigades being distributed on weak points of the line. First line was held as shown, from noon to 8 p. M., when the Reserves were moved up to sustain it. Gen. Slocum's division arrived about S^ p. m. The whole line retired to the high ground in the rear about 7 P. M. Gen. Reynolds, with one brigade of McCall's Pennsylvania Reserves, having reached the front and repelled the enemy immediately before him, hearing the noise of a terrific contest on his left, moved immediately to the point where his assistance seemed ne cessary. And thus the battle raged for hours; repeated charges on our lines being repulsed ; but fresh brig ades advancing promptly to replace those which had been hurled back, until our wasted regiments, having exhausted their ammunition, were obliged to retire and replenish it. At 5 p. m., Porter, though he had PORTER DEFEATED AT GAINES'S MILL. 15T lost little ground, telegraphed again to McClellan that his position was critical, when French's and Meagher's brigades ofthe 2d corps were ordered to cross to his support. They moved promptly and rapidly; but, before they could reach the field, the Rebels, rallying all their forces, just at sunset, for a last desperate effort, had stormed our intrenchments both on the left and on the right,, and driven back their defenders with mutual carnage, capturing several of our guns. Porter, seeing his infantry beaten, now called into action all his reserved and remaining artillery, and thus bringing at once about 80 guns into action, was covering the retreat of his infantry and dealing fearful retri bution on their assailants, whose ad vance was suddenly checked ; when Gen. Cooke, without orders, under took to charge, with a battalion of cavalry, the right flank of the Rebels advancing on our left, and still covered in good part by woods. This charge being met by a withering fire of musketry, amidst the roar of a hundred belching cannon, resulted in instant rout : the frightened horses, whether with or without the consent of their riders, wheeling abruptly and crashing through our batteries ; leading our gunners to suppose, for the moment, that they were charged by regiments of Rebel horse. " To _his alone," says Fitz-John Porter, in his report, " is to be attributed our failure to hold the field, and to bring off all our guns and wounded." In another moment, the cheering shouts of French's and Meagher's men were heard, as they advanced rapidly to the front. Rallying behind these two fresh brigades, our wearied, decimated regiments advanced up the hill down which they had recently been driven, ready to meet a fresh attack, had one been at tempted. But the enemy, perceiving that they were confronted by fresh combatants, and not knowing our force, halted for the night on the field they had so hardly won. During that night, our forces were by order withdrawn, unmolested, across the Chickahominy, losing three guns, that were run off a bridge into the stream, in addition to 19 that they had left on the battle-field. Our loss in this action, though not specifically reported, probably ex ceeded 6,000 killed and wounded : among the former were Cols. Samuel W. Black, 62d Pa., McLean, of the 83d, Gove, of the 22d Mass., Maj. IST. B. Rossell, 3d regular infantry, and many other brave and valuable offi cers. The llth Pennsylvania Re serves, Col. Gallagher, and 4th N. J., Col. Simpson, while enveloped in the smoke of battle, having too long maintained their position in the far thest front, found themselves at last completely enveloped by overwhelm ing forces of the enemy, and com pelled to surrender ; and Gen. John F. Reynolds, of the 1st brigade of Reserves, with his Adjutant, Capt. Charles Kingsbury, were taken pris oners just at dark, riding into a Rebel regiment, which they supposed to be one of their own. Altogether, our losses in this desperate action were hardly less than 8,000 men; those of the Rebels being probably about two-thirds as many.28. ™ Gen. Jackson officially reports the losses of his corps in this battle at 589 killed, 2,671 •wounded, and 24 missing: total, 3,284. The other division and corps commanders make no 158 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. Gen. McClellan, during and after the close of the eventful 27th, tele graphed to the War Department as follows : " Headqttabtebs Aemt of the Potomac, ) , " June 27—10 a. m. j "The night passed quietly. During it, we brought all wagons, heavy guns, &c, to this side, and at daybreak drew in McCall's division about three miles. This change of position was beautifully executed, under a sharp fire, with but little loss. The troops on the other side are now well in hand, and the whole army so concentrated that it can take advantage of the first mistake made by the enemy. White House yet undisturbed. Success of yesterday complete." " Headquaetebs Akmt of the Potomao, ) "June 27—12 m. ( " My change of position on the other side just in time. Heavy attack now being made by Jackson and two divisions. Ex pect attack also on this side." " Headquaetebs Aemt of the Potomac, " Savage's Station, "June 28, 1862—12:20 a. m. " I now know the whole history of the day. On this side of the river — the right bank — we repulsed several strong attacks. On the left bank, our men did all that men could do, all that soldiers could accomplish ; but they were overwhelmed by vastly su perior numbers soon after I brought my last reserves into action. The loss on both sides is terrible. I believe it will prove to be the most desperate battle of the war. The sad remnants of my men behave as men ; those battalions which fought most bravely, and suffered most, are still in the best order. My regulars were superb, and I count upon what are left to turn another battle in com pany with their gallant comrades of the volunteers. Had I 20,000 or even 10,000 fresh troops to use to-morrow, I could take Eichmond; but I have not a man in re serve, and shall be glad to cover my retreat and save the material and personnel of the army. If we have lost the day, we have yet preserved our honor, and no one need blush for the Army of the Potomac. I have lost this battle because my force was too small. I again repeat, that I am not respon sible for this ; and I say it with the earnest ness of a General who feels in his heart the loss of every brave man who has been need lessly sacrificed to-day. I still hope to re trieve our fortunes ; but to do this the Gov ernment must view the matter in the same earnest light that I do. Tf ou must send me very large reenforcements, and send them at once. I shall draw back to this side of the Chickahominy, and think I can withdraw all our material. Please understand that in this' battle we have lost nothing but men, and those the best we have. In addition to what I have already said, I only wish to say to the President that I think he is wrong in regarding me as ungenerous when I said that my force was too weak. I merely reitera ted a truth which to-day has been too plainly proved. If, at this instant, I could dispose of 10,000 fresh men, I could gain the victory to-morrow. I know that a few thousand more men would have changed this battle from a defeat to a victory. As it is, the Government must not, and can not, hold me responsible for the result. I feel too earn estly t.o-night— I have seen too many dead and wounded comrades to feel otherwise than that the Government has not sustained this army. If you do not do so now, the game is lost. If I save this army now, I tell you plainly that I owe no thanks to you, or to any other persons in Washington. You have done ytrar best to sacrifice this army. " G. B. MoClellan, Maj.-Gen. " To Hon. B. M. Stanton, " Secretary of War." To these reproachful missives, the President thus responded : ""Washington, June 28, 1862. " Save your army at all events. Will send reenforcements as fast as we can. Of course, they can not reach you to-day, to-morrow, or next day. I have not said you were un generous for saying you needed reenforce ments ; I thought you were ungenerous in assuming that I did not send them as fast as I could. I feel any misfortune to you and your army quite as keenly as you feel it yourself. If you have had a drawn battle or a repulse, it is the price we pay for the ene my not being in Washington. We protected Washington, and the enemy concentrated on you. Had we stripped Washington, ha would have been upon us before the troops sent could have got to you. Less than a week ago, you notified us that reenforce ments were leaving Richmond to come in front of us. It is the nature of the case ; and neither you nor the Government that is to blame. separate report of their losses in this action. Gen. C. M. Wilcox, 4th brigade, Longstreet's di vision, states his losses at 584, out of a total of 1,850. Among the Rebel killed were Cols. J. J. Woodward, 10th Ala.; S. T. Hale, llth Ala.; John Marshall, 4th Texas ; among the severely wounded, Cols. Rainey, 1st Texas, and Robinson, 5th Texas. MoCLELLAN DECIDES TO RETREAT. 159 " Please tell at once the present condition or aspect of things." Gen. McClellan's army had now been concentrated by the enemy in a very strong position, between the Chickahominy on one side, and our General's elaborate and powerful' works facing Richmond on the oth er. It was still more than 100,000 strong; while, save in his imagina tion, there were not nearly so many armed Rebels within a circuit of 50 miles. Properly handled, it was abundantly able and willing to meet and beat Lee's entire forces in fair battle ; or it might have taken Rich mond and the Rebel works below it," on the James ; thus reopening its communications and receiving fresh supphes by that river, most efficiently patroled by our gunboats. One thing it could not do without invoking dis aster, and that was to remain cooped up in its intrenchments ; since Por ter's defeat and retreat across the Chickahominy had severed its com munication with its base of supphes at West Point ; Gen. J. E. B. Stuart, with the Rebel cavalry, supported by Ewell's infantry, striking and de stroying the York River Railroad and severing the telegraph line at Dispatch Station next morning,30 and pushing thence down the road toward White House, meeting no serious op position, but resting at Tunstall's Sta tion for the night, which our force holding White House devoted to the destruction of the vast aggregate of munitions and provisions there stored. Nine large loaded barges, 5 locomo tives, with great numbers of tents, wagons, cars, &c, were involved in this general destruction ; while our cavalry, under Stoneman and Emo ry, fled down the Peninsula, leaving large quantities of forage and provi sions to fall into the hands of the en emy. Stuart arrived next morning," and found nothing prepared to dispute possession with him but a gunboat, which very soon crowded on all steam and hurried off in quest of safety. McClellan decided not to fight, but to fly. Assembling his corps com manders on the evening after Porter's defeat, he told them that he had determined on a flank movement through White Oak Swamp to the James ; Gen. Keyes, with his corps, being directed to move at once across the Swamp in the advance, so as to seize and hold the debouches of the roads on the James river side of the Swamp, thus covering the passage of the other troops and trains. Our commander, during the night, re moved his headquarters to Savage's Station, thence to superintend the movement of the corps and trains. w Gen. Magruder, in his official report of his participation in the memorable Seven Days' Struggle, says " From the , time at which the enemy with drew his forces to this side of the Chickahominy and destroyed the bridges, to the moment of his evacuation — that is, from Friday night until Sun day morning — I considered the situation of our army as extremely critical and perilous. The larger portion of it was on the opposite side of the Chickahominy ; the bridges had been all de stroyed; but one was rebuilt, the New Bridge, which was commanded fully by the enemy's guns from Golding's; and there were but 25,000 men between his army of 100,000 and Rich mond. "Had McClellan massed his whole force in column, and advanced it against any point of our line of battle, as was done at Austerlitz, un der similar circumstances, by the greatest Cap tain of any age, though the head of his column would have suffered greatly, its momentum would have insured him success, and the oc cupation of our works about Richmond; and consequently the city might have been his re ward. His failure to do so is the best evidence that our wise commander fully understood the character of his opponent." " June 28. * June 29. 160 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. The immense amounts of provisions, munitions, and supplies of all kinds that could not be removed, were con signed to destruction; while 2,500 wounded, who were unable to walk, and for whom no ambulances could be afforded, were left in hospital, with surgeons and attendants, to fall into the hands of the enemy. Lee was evidently puzzled with regard to McClellan's intentions, not believing that he could abandon his position and the siege without a bat tle. He sent Ewell's infantry, as well as some cavalry, down the left bank of the Chickahominy, to watch the roads leading down the Peninsu la ; but, receiving no advices from Huger and Magruder, still between our army and Richmond, of any movement of our trains or forces to ward the James, did not divine that movement till late in the afternoon.82 No serious attack or forward move ment was made by the enemy during that day; though in the morning, perceiving that Gen. Franklin's corps were being withdrawn from their front at Golding's farm, opposite Woodbury's Bridge, the Rebels opened on them from Garrett's and Gaines's Hill, and soon advanced two Georgia regiments to assault our works ; but they were easily repulsed by the 23d New York and 49th Pennsylvania, with a section of Mott's battery. McCall's weakened division was ordered to follow Porter across the Swamp during the ensuing night,33 while Sumner's and Heintzelman's corps and Smith's division were di rected to take up a line of 'advance stretching eastward from Keyes's old intrenchments, and covering Savage's Station, which was held by Slocum's division. This position they were to hold until dark,51 so as to cover the withdrawal of the trains, and then fall back on the roads leading through the Swamp. Our line of movement — that is, of retreat — being now fully compre hended by the enemy, Lee ordered Longstreet and A. P. Hill to recross the Chickahominy at New Bridge and pursue and attack our rear; Jackson moving down on their left, but between them and the Chicka hominy; while Magruder and Hu ger, advancing from before Richmond on the Williamsburg and Charles City roads respectively, were to strike us in flank. Magruder, on the Williamsburg road, came in sight of our rear, near Savage's Station, about noon ; but, finding the business serious, halted and sent to Huger for reenforce ments. Meantime, an attack in light force had been made, at 9 a. m.,3B on Gen. Sumner's front ; but it was easily repulsed; and Gen. Slo cum, pursuant to order, had fallen back from Savage's Station, and was crossing White Oak Swamp. At 4 p. m.., Magruder attacked in full force; and, though Gen. Heintzel man, under a misapprehension oi orders, had posted his corps so far in the rear as to leave a gap of three- fourths of a mile between Sumner and Franklin, Magruder's attack was gallantly repelled by Gen. Burns's brigade, supported by those of Brooks and Hancock, reenforced by two lines of reserves, and finally by the 69th New York ; Hazzard's, Pettit's, Osborn's, and Bramhall's batteries playing a most effective 38 June 28. 83 Of June 28. 31 Of the 29th. s June 29. BATTLE OF WHITE OAK SWAMP. 161 part in this struggle. By 9 p. at, the enemy had recoiled, without having gained the least advantage ; and our soldiers fell back, by order, upon White Oak Swamp : Gen. French's brigade, forming our rear-guard, be ing in motion by midnight ; crossing and destroying White Oak/ Swamp Bridge at 5 a. m. next morning.3" Jackson, who had been delayed by the necessity of rebuilding the Grape vine Bridge over the Chickahominy, reached Savage's Station early this morning, and was ordered, with Longstreet and A. P. Hill, to follow immediately on the track of our army, while Huger, supported by Magruder, pushed down on our right. McClellan, with perhaps a third of our army, had already emerged from the Swamp, upon the high, open ground near M___vek_t Hill ; while Gen. Holmes, who had just brought part of a Rebel division across from the south side of James river to Rich mond, moved down upon the river road, reenforced by Gen. Wise, with part of his brigade. Coming in sight of our advance near Malvern, he was about to open with his artillery, when he found that we were far too strong for him, and recoiled, await ing the advance of Magruder to his aid. Jackson was to have deflected to ward the Chickahominy, so as to gain our right flank and rear ; but his ad vance was checked by the destruc tion of the bridge in his front ; and on reaching, at noon, White Oak Swamp Bridge, he was confronted by Gen. IVanklin, with Smith's divi sion of his own corps, and Richard son's, of Sumner's, and Naglee's brig ade, by which all his efforts to cross during the day and evening were repelled and baffled. A heavy fire of artillery, directed by Capt. Ayres,- was maintained throughout that day and evening; Capt. Hazzard's bat tery being badly cut up and its com mander mortally wounded ; but, though the enemy replied with equal spirit, and inflicted as well as suffered much loss, our position was too strong to be carried by assault ; and every attempt of the Rebels to cross the marsh and creek — the bridge having been destroyed — was worsted. During the night, our troops retired by order, leaving 350 sick and wounded, and some disabled guns, to fall an easy prey to the enemy, as he advanced unopposed next morning. But the main conflict of the day occurred at the crossing of the creek some two miles farther up, or to the right of Jackson, where Lee in person, with Jefferson Davis, accompanied Longstreet's advance, at the head of his own and A. P. Hill's divisions; encountering no resistance until noon, when their advance descried our rear-guard, strongly posted upon the road leading from New Market to Long Bridge, and having a small branch of the White Oak Swamp creek in their front. Seeing that we were in force, Longstreet waited till 3 p. m. for the coming up of Huger, who was some 3 or 4 miles distant, on his right, or Jackson, who was still nearer, on his left; but, as neither arrived, he at length ordered his batteries to open and his infantry to charge, under cover of a shower of shells. McCall, with his Pennsylvania Reserves, which hard fighting had vol. n. — 11 » June 30. 162 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. reduced from 10,000 to 6,000 strong, was immediately in their front, and his men for a time held their ground gallantly ; but days of fighting, suc ceeded by nights of marching — al ways, alas ! in the wrong direction — had told upon the spirits as well as the numbers of these green troops, so suddenly transformed into veterans ; while the flushed and confident ene my who assailed them were twice if not thrice their number. An attempt to crush their left by the Rebels was met by a charge of the 5th, 8th, 9th, and 10th regiments, led by Col. Sim mons, -of the 5th, which hurled the enemy back to the woods in their rear, leaving about 200 prisoners in our hands, who were triumphantly marched off the field. But here Simmons fell, mortally wounded ; while hundreds of his soldiers strewed the field ; and the charging column, broken as it entered the woods, was unable to reform under the murder ous fire of the enemy's infantry and artillery, and fell back in disorder to the woods behind its original posi tion, which they held until night put an end to the contest. A succession of desperate struggles ensued : the Rebels rushing forward in charge after charge to capture our guns, which poured volleys of grape and canister, at short range, into their close masses, sweeping them down by hundreds and forcing them to recoil in dismay ; when our sup porting regiments would pour a leaden hail of musketry upon the flanks of the baffled column, hurling it back in confusion to the sheltering forest. Thus, for two hours, the des perate conflict raged ; until Kerns's battery, having fired its last charge, was, by McCall's order, withdrawn from the field, and Col. Roberts's in fantry, having just repulsed a Rebel charge, was charged again on its left flank and driven from the field by a fresh force, which, rushing furi ously on Cooper's battery, drove off the gunners and captured the guns. A counter-charge was instantly made by the 9th, with parts of other regi ments; and, after a desperate but brief struggle, the battery was re covered, and the standard of the 10th Alabama taken. The Reserves still held the field, and not one of fheii guns had been lost, when, between sunset and dark, Meagher's Irish brig ade, of Hooker's division, came up on our left, and, charging desperately across the open field, drove the Rebels back again into the woods. McCall's right, under Gen. Meade, had been likewise engaged with over whelming numbers, by whom a final charge was made, just at dark, for the possession of Randall's battery ; which was carried at the point of the bayonet, though at a fearful cost. Gens. McCall and Meade instantly rallied their infantry for its recapture, and a hand-to-hand struggle of un surpassed ferocity ensued, wherein the Reserves were overpowered and driven back, though the Rebels had suffered37 too severely to pursue 37 Brig.-Gen. Roger A. Pryor, 5th brigade of Longstreet's corps, says : " About 4 o'clock, I received an order from Maj.-Gen. Longstreet to go into the fight. At once, I moved in line toward the field ; but the wood and other obstructions forced me to form column and send my regiments in successively. Arriving on the field, I discovered that the brig ade on my right had been repulsed, and that my command were exposed to a destructive fire on the flank as well as in front. Nevertheless. they stood their ground, and sustained the un equal combat until reenforced by the brigade of Gen. Gregg. We did not return to our original position until the enemy had abandoned the field and surrendered his artillery into our possession. CLOSE OF THE GLENDALE FIGHT. 163 them. Even the guns, so severely contested, were not held by them ; the cheers of a New Jersey brigade, advancing in the dusk to the relief of McCall, impelling them to fall back in haste to the woods. In this closing struggle, Gen. Meade was severely wounded in the arm and hip ; Gen. McCall, who had lost all his brigadiers, riding forward a short distance to reconnoiter the apparently deserted field, was suddenly con fronted by the leveled muskets of Rebel infantry, and compelled to yield himself a prisoner ; and when Gen. Seymour, who had succeeded to the command, withdrew by order, at 11 p. m., to share in or cover the general retreat, the batteries of the division, their horses long since killed, their men worn out with desperate fighting, were left on the hard-fought field, where nearly one- fourth ofthe division had been killed or wounded. The noise of this vehement strug gle had brought Hooker, from our left, and Burns's brigade, and Tay lor's 1st New Jersey brigade, from Slocum's division, to the aid of McCall; so that we were doubtless in force to have won the battle just after we had lost it, had any daylight remained. Gen. Sumner, speaking from hear-say, thus mistakenly re ports it : "The battle of Glendale was the most severe action since the battle of Fair Oaks. About three o'clock p. m., the action coin- In this engagement, my loss was uncommonly heavy in officers as well as men. The 14th Alabama, bearing the brunt of the struggle, was nearly annihilated. I crossed the Chicka hominy on the 26th, with 1,400 men. In the fights that followed, I suffered a loss of 849 killed and wounded, -and 11 missing." Col. J. B. Strange, commanding 3d brigade, 2d division of Longstreet's corps, in his report of this fight, says: menced ; and, after a furious contest, lasting till after dark, the enemy was routed at all points and driven from the field." Heintzelman, who was present after the battle, also very mistakenly reports that McCall was not attacked till 5 p. m., and that in less than an hour his division gave way ; adding : . " General Hooker, being on his left, by moving to his right, repulsed the Rebels in the handsomest manner, with great slaughter. Gen. Sumner, who was with Gen. Sedgwick in McCall's rear, also greatly aided with his artillery and infantry in driv ing back the enemy. They now renewed their attack with vigor on Gen. Kearny's left, and were again repulsed with heavy loss." Lee, more plausibly though not quite fairly, says : " The superiority of numbers and advan tage of position were on the side of the ene my. The battle raged furiously until 9 p. m. By that time, the enemy had been driven with great slaughter from every position but one, which he maintained until he was enabled to withdraw under cover of dark ness. At the close of the struggle, nearly the entire field remained in our possession, covered with the enemy's dead and wound ed. Many prisoners, including a General of division, were captured ; and several bat teries, with some thousands of small arms, taken. Could the other commands have cooperated in the action, the result would have proved most disastrous to the enemy. After the engagement, Magruder was re called to relieve the troops of Longstreet and Hill. His men, much fatigued by their long, hot march, arrived during the night." Fitz-John Porter, having been misled as well as delayed in his pas sage through the Swamp, had only reached Malvebit Hill at 9 a. m.,38 when he proceeded to post his troops, as they arrived, so as to command " The brigade carried into action 723 muskets ; and of this small number the loss was 228, in cluding 4 officers killed and 13 wounded." Gen. 0. M. Wilcox reports the loss of his Ala bama brigade in this battle at 471. Among the Rebel wounded were Brig.-Gens. Anderson and Featherston. It is probable that the respective losses here were about equal "June 30. 164 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. all the approaches, but especially those from Richmond and the Swamp. The last of our trains and our reserve artillery reached him about 4 p. m. of this day ; about the time that Holmes's force, moving down the James, appeared on our left flank (our army having here faced about), and opened a fire of artillery on Warren's brigade, on our extreme left. He was at once aston ished by a concentrated fire from 30 guns, and recoiled in haste, abandon ing two of his cannon. The rear of our wasted, wayworn army reached the position assigned it, upon and around Malvern Hill, during the next forenoon,39 closely pursued by the converging columns of the Rebels. The anxious days and sleepless nights of the preceding week; the constant and resolute efforts required to force their 40 miles of guns and trains over the narrow, wretched roads which traverse White Oak Swamp ; their ignorance of the locality and exposure to be ambushed and assailed at every turn, rendered this retreat an ordeal for our men long to be remembered." Gen. Mc Clellan had reached Malvern the pre ceding day. Early this morning, leaving Gen. Barnard with directions for posting the troops as they arrived, he had gone down the river on the gunboat Galena from Haxall's, to select a position whereon his retreat should definitively terminate. • Jackson's corps, consisting of his own, with Whiting's, D. H. Hill's, and Ewell's divisions, came in the Rebel advance down the . Quaker Road, whereon our army had mainly emerged from the Swamp; while Magruder, with most of Huger's division, advancing on the direct roads from Richmond, menaced and soon assailed our left. Longstreet's and A. P. Hill's divisions, having had the heaviest of the fighting thus far, and been badly cut up, were held in reserve by Lee in the rear of Jack son, and were not brought into action. It is none the less true, how- 39 July 1. 40 Mr. Samuel Wilkeson, who shared in this ex perience, wrote of it as follows to The New York Tribune : "Huddled among the wagons were 10,000 stragglers — for the credit of the nation be it said that' four-fifths of them were wounded, sick, or utterly exhausted, and could not have stirred but for dread of the tobacco warehouses of the South. The confusion of this herd of men and mules, wagons and wounded, men on horses, men on foot, meu by the road-side, men perched on wagons, men searching for water, men fam ishing for food, men lame and bleeding, men with ghostly eyes, looking out between bloody band ages, that hid the face — turn to some vivid ac count of the most pitiful part of Napoleon's re treat from Russia, and fill out the picture — the grim, gaunt, bloody picture of war in its most terrible features. "It was determined to move on during the night. The distance to Turkey Island Bridge, the point on James river which was to be reached, by the direct road was six miles. But those vast numbers could not move over one narrow road in days; hence every by-road, no matter how circuitous, had been searched out by questioning prisoners and by cavalry excursions. Everyone was filled by one of the advancing columns. The whole front was in motion by seven p. M., Gen. Keyes in command of the ad vance. " I rode with Gen. Howe's brigade of Couch's division, taking a wagon-track through dense woods and precipitous ravines winding sinuously far around to the left, and striking the river some distance below Turkey Island. Commenc ing at dusk, the march continued until daylight. The night was dark and fearful. Heavy thunder rolled in turn along each point ofthe heavens, and dark clouds overspread the entire canopy. We were forbidden to speak aloud ; and, lest the light of a cigar should present a target for an am bushed rifle, we were cautioned not to smoke. Ten miles of weary marching, with frequent halts, as some one of the hundred vehicles of the artillery train, in our center, by a slight de viation, crashed against a tree, wore away the hours to dawn, when we debouched into a mag nificent wheat-fiejd, and the smoke-stack of the Galena was in sight. Xenophon's remnant of the Ten Thousand, shouting, ' The seal the seal' were not more glad than we." IHl! .BATTLE OF MALTEK_ !___,_!. 165 ever, that the entire Army of Vir ginia was present, engaged in or sup porting the attack, and animated by a sanguine confidence that its re sults could differ only in being more decisive from those of 'the recent bloody conflicts. But much time was consumed in getting into position and bringing up the artillery neces sary to respond to our heavy and well-placed batteries, so as to cover the advance of assaulting colunms of infantry. Jackson, at 3 p. m., pushed forward D. H. Hill's division on his right, and Whiting's on his left, with part of Ewell's in the center, holding his own division in reserve; Huger simultaneously advancing on their right, with Magruder's three divi sions on his right, under general orders to break our lines by a con centric fire of artillery, and then " charge with a yell" on our entire front with columns of infantry, which, however torn and thinned by our fire, should rush right over our defense., as they did in the final as sault at Gaines's Mill, and drive our fugitive army into the James far more hurriedly than Porter's wing had been driven across the CMckahominy. The infantry attack, after a brief cannonade, was made accordingly, and for the most part with great intrepid ity ; and, though the carnage was fear ful, some ground was gained by Ma gruder on our left, where Kershaw's and Semmes's brigades, of McLaws's division, charged through a dense wood, nearly up to our guns ; as did those of Wright, Mahone, and An derson, still farther to their right, and Barksdale, nearer to the center ; while D. H. Hill, with Jackson's fore most division, charged on Couch's and Griffin's divisions, holding our advance on the right. Being unsup ported, however, by the general ad vance which had been ordered, Hill was hurled back with heavy loss, though Ewell's and Jackson's own divisions had meantime been sent forward to his aid ; as A. P. Hill's division was brought up by Long- street to the aid of Magruder. MALVERN HUL. JBkuplanaMons. A Warren's brigade B Buohanan's " 0 Chapman's " D Griffin's " E Martindale's " F Butterflold's " 6 Couoh's div H Casey's " I Kearny's div. J Hooker's " K Sedgwick's div. L Richardson's M Smith's N Sioouni's 0 MoCall's div. P Cavalry. Porter's corps. Keyes's corps. ¦ Heintzelman's corps. ¦ Sumner's corps. ^T' I Franklin's corps. Porter, with Sykes's and Morell's divisions, held our left, with Couch's 166 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. division next, then Kearny and Hook er, forming Heintzelman's corps ; next to theset Sedgwick and Richardson, under Sumner ; with Smith and Slo cum, under Franklin, on our right ; while McCall's shattered Pennsylva nia Reserves and our cavalry were posted in the rear, near the river. Batteries above batteries, along the brow of the hill, rendered the attack little less than madness, on any other presumption than that our men were cowards, who, if resolutely charged, would inevitably run. Apart from the great strength of our position, we had more men than the Rebels, and many more and heavier guns ; and then the battle opened too late in the day to justify a rational hope of success : the main assault being made, after a very considerable pause for preparation, so late as 6 p. m. ; yet it was made with such desperation — the sheltering woods enabling the Rebels to form their columns of assault with in a few hundred yards of our bat teries, emerging on a full run, and rushing upon our lines in utter reck lessness of their withering fire — that Sickles's brigade of Hooker's division, and Meagher's, of Richardson's divis ion, were ordered up to the support of Porter and Couch, who held our right front, wliich Jackson was charg ing ; but not one of our guns was even temporarily captured or seri ously imperifed throughout the fight, wherein the losses of the Rebels must have been at least treble our own.41 Darkness closed this one-sided car nage ; though our guns were not all silent till 9 o'clock, when the Rebels on our front had been fairly driven out of range; though on our left they sunk to rest in ravines and hollows somewhat in advance of the ground they had held when their artillery first opened. And still, as through out the struggle, our gunboats con tinued to throw their great missiles clear over the left of our position, into the fields and woods occu pied by the enemy, probably doing little positive execution, since that enemy was not in sight, but adding materially to the discomforts of his position. Gen. McClellan, who had been down to Harrison's Bar in the Galena, in the morning, landed to ward night, and was on the field during the last desperate charge of the enemy." 41 Jackson reports the loss of his corps (com prising his own, Ewell's, Whiting's, and D. H. Hill's divisions) in this fight: 377 killed, 1,746 wounded, 39 missing; total, 2,162. Magruder thinks his loss will not exceed 2,900 killed and wounded, out of 26,000 or 28,000 under his or ders. Brig.-Gen. Ransom reports the losses in his brigade at 499, out of 3,000. Brig.-Gen. Mahone, of Huger's division, reports a total loss of 321, out of 1,226. Gen. A. R. Wright reports the loss of his already weakened brigade, in this fight, at 362. D. R. Jones reports the losses in his division at 833. Among the wounded in this fight were Brig.-Gen. Jones, Ta. ; Col. Ransom, 35th N. C, severely; and CoL Ramseur, 49th N. C. Brig.-Gen. J. R. Trimble, of Ewell's divis ion, giving an account of the conduct of his bri gade in this battle, says : " The next morning, by dawn, I went off to ask for orders ; when I found the whole army in the utmost disorder ; thousands of straggling men asking every passer-by for their regiment; ambulances, wagons, and. artillery, obstructing every road ; and altogether, in a drenching rain, presenting a scene of the most woeful and dis heartening confusion." " There has been much unseemly controversy respecting McClellan's being or not being on a gunboat during this action ; the interest thereof being heightened by this passage in Gen. M.'s testimony before the Committee on the Conduct ofthe War: "Question: Were you down to the river, or on board the gunboats during any part of that day, between the time you left the field and your re turn to it ? "Answer: I do not remember; it is possible I may have been, as my camp was directly on the OUR RETREAT TO HARRISON'S BAR. 167 Our victorious army began at once to evacuate, by order,43 the strong position wherein they had just achieved so decided and bloody a success, leaving their dead unburied and many of their wounded to fall into the hands of the enemy ; mak ing a hurried and disorderly" night- march, over roads badly overcrowd ed, to the next position selected by their commander, at Harrison's Bar, seven miles down the James. The movement was covered by Keyes's corps, with the cavalry, which did not leave Malvern till after daylight of the 2d. The last of our wagons was not .in place at the new position till the evening of the 3d, when the rear-guard moved into camp, and the army was at rest. A small Rebel force had followed our rear guard, and this day threw a few shells; but was soon driven off by the response of our batteries and gunboats. Gen. McClellan reports the aggre gate losses of his army in the Seven Days' fighting and retreating, from The following extract from the Diary of Dr. R. E. Van Grieson, then Surgeon of the gunboat Galena, of which the accuracy is not disputed, seems to embody all the essential facts : "U. S. Steamer Galena, July 1, 1862. "9 A. M. McClellan has just come on board again. " 10 A. M. Under way down the river, taking McClellan with us ; who, being considerably fa tigued, has gone into the cabin for a little sleep. About noon, we came to Harrison's Bar. "12:30 p. M. Tug came alongside, and took McClellan and Franklin to the encampment. In about anhour, McClellan returned, when we start ed up the river. As we pass on up, we can hear heavy firing. After passing Carter's Landing, it increases to a perfect roar. McClellan, though quietly smoking a cigar on the quarter-deck, seems a little anxious, and looks now and then Inquiringly at the signal officer, who is receiving $ message from shore. ' After a while, the sig- hal officer reports 'Heavy firing near Porter's Division.' Next came a message demanding his presence on shore. A boat is manned, and Mc Clellan left. The firing still continues — nearer and louder than before. About 6 p. M., we ran a little farther up, and threw in a few shell with good effect. " 9 P. M. The firing has about ceased. News on shore — ' Slaughter immense ' — ' Enemy in full retreat.' " 10 P. M. McClellan has just returned with Gen. Marcy. Mac says ' They took one gun from us yesterday ; but to-day we have taken many of their guns and colors.' " ' Yes, ' said Marcy, ' we whipped them like the devil to-day.' "12 m. From what I can gather from the conversation of McClellan, we may expect to see the major part of the army at Harrison's Land ing to-morrow." Gen. McClellan, in his report, says : "I left Haxall's for Malvern soon after day- ' break. Accompanied by several general officers, I once more made the entir.e circuit of the posi tion, and then returned to naxall's, whence I went with Capt. Rodgers to select the final loca tion for the army and its depots. I returned to Malvern before the serious fighting commenced ; and, after riding along the lines, and seeing most cause to feel anxious about the right, remained in that vicinity." The Rebels made no attack on our right, and it was at no time in action. "Even Fitz-John Porter's devotion to his chief was temporarily shaken by this order, which elicited his most indignant protest. 44 Gen. Hooker, when examined before the Committee on the Conduct of the War, testified with regard to this affair as follows : " Ques. : Were you in the battle of Malvern ? "Answer: Yes, sir; and at that place we won a great victory. " Q. : Could you have gone into Richmond after that fight ? "A.: I have no doubt we could. The day before, I had had a fight at Glendale ; and, un der the orders, I had to leave my wounded be hind me, and I left two surgeons to take care of them. The enemy, in coming to Malvern, had to march right by my hospital. My surgeons afterward reported to me that, about 3 p. M. on the day of the battle of Malvern, the enemy commenced falling back, and kept it up all night ; that they were totally demoralized, many of the men going off into the woods and trying to conceal themselves from their officers; and that they were two days collecting their forces together. " Q. : Had the defeat of the enemy at Malvern been followed up by our whole force, what would have been the probable result ? " A. : Richmond would have been ours be yond a doubt. ^ " Q. : Instead of that, you fell back to Harri son's Landing ? " A. : Yes sir. We were ordered to retreat ; and it was like the retreat of a whipped army. We retreated like a parcel of sheep ; everybody on the road at the same time; and a few shots from the Rebels would have panic-stricken the whole command." 168 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. Mechanicsville to Harrison's Bar, at 1,582 killed, 7,709 wounded, and 5,958 missing ; total, 15,249.". This may or may not include those aban doned to the enemy in hospitals, most of whom are probably numbered among the wounded. Lee's report does not state the amount of his losses, but says it is contained in " the accompanying tables ;" which the Confederate authorities did not see fit to print with his report. He sums up his trophies as follows : " The siege of Bichmond was raised ; and the object of a campaign which had been prosecuted, after months of preparation, at an enormous expenditure of men and money, completely frustrated. More than 10,000 prisoners, including officers of rank, 62 pieces of artillery, and upwards of 35,000 stand of small arms, were captured. The stores and supplies of every description, which fell into our hands, were great in amount and value, but small in comparison with those destroyed by the enemy. His losses in- battle exceeded our own, as attest ed by the thousands of dead and wounded left on every field; while his subsequent inaction shows in what condition the sur vivors reached the protection to which they fled." The " inaction" thus vaunted was mutual. Lee did not see fit to re peat at Harrison's Bar his costly ex periment at Malvern ; but, after scrutinizing our hastily constructed defenses, and guessing at the num bers and spirit of the men behind them, withdrew " to Richmond, leav ing but a brigade of cavalry to watch and report any fresh evidences of ac tivity on our side. None being af forded, he sent Gen. French, with 43 guns, to approach Harrison's Bar stealthily on the south side of the 46 List of hilled, wounded and missing vn, the Army of the Potomac, from the 26„i of June to the 10 of July, 1862, inclusive. Killed. Wbwi'd. Miss'g. Total 1. McUall's division 258 1,240 1,581 8,074 2. Sumner's corps 187 1,076 848 2,111 8. Heratzelmsn's " 189 1,051 888 2,073 4 Keyes' ' ," 69 60T 201 777 river, during the night," and open a. fire on our camps and vessels, where by we had 10 killed and 15 wounded, with some little damage to tents, &c. French desisted after half an hour's, firing, or so soon as our guns were brought to bear upon him, and de camped before daylight. Gen. Mc Clellan thereupon occupied and for tified Coggin's Point, on that side of the river; and was no farther mo lested. 34 yi ft 0 MILES POSITION AT HARRISON'S LAUDING. Even if we raise our actual losses of men in the Seven Days' to 20,000, it is doubtful that they much, if at all, exceeded those of the Rebels, whose , _ Killed. WowiCd. Mlss'g. Total 6. Porter's corps 620 2,460 1,198 4.278 6. Franklin's " 245 1,818 1,179 2.787 Engineers. _ 2 .21 28 Cavalry. 19 60 97 176 Total 48 July 8. ¦U 7,709 5,958 16 249 "July 31. OUR ARMY AT HARRISON'S BAR. 169 reckless attacks on our strong posi tions at Mechanicsville, Gaines's Mill, Glendale, and Malvern, being stoutly resisted, must have cost them very dearly. The official reports of two corps commanders show an aggre gate of 9,336 killed, wounded, and missing ;" while other " subordinate reports indicate heavy losses in other divisions. On the whole, it is fair to estimate our total loss at 15,000 killed and wounded, and 5,000 un- wounded prisoners ; and the Rebel as at least equal to ours, minus the prisoners and the guns. Gen. McClellan had telegraphed the President from Haxall's, on the morning of this battle, that: "My men are completely exhausted, and I dread the result if we are attacked to-day by fresh troops." Next day (2d), he telegraphed from Harrison's Bar that, " As usual, we had a severe battle yesterday, and beat the enemy badly ; the men fighting even better than before." Next day (3d), he telegraphed again to the Secretary of War that he presumed he had not over "50,000 men left with their colors;" and that, "To accomplish the great task of capturing Rich mond and putting an end to this Re beUion, reenforcements should be sent to me rather much over than less than 100,000 men." The President had advised him, the day before, that *• Kitted. WowrCd. Misig. Total. Jackson's 966 4,417 63 5,446 A. P. Hill's 619 8,271 — 8,890 Total 1,585 7,688 68 9,886 " Brig.-Gen. R. S. Ripley, Rebel chief of ar tillery, reports that his brigade entered into these fights 2,366 strong, including pioneers and ambulance corps, of whom 889 fell,at Malvern, and 3 out of 4 Colonels were killed. Brig.-Gen. Garland reports his loss in all the battles at 192 killed, 637 wounded, 15 missing; total, 844. there were, in all, east of the Alle- ghanies, less than 75,000 men not already on the James, including those under Gen. Wool at Fortress Monroe; so that to send him even 50,000 was impossible. The President went down " to the Army at Harrison's Bar, and found 86,000. men there. As 160,000 had gone into that Army on the Penin sula, he wrote for an account of the residue. Gen. M. replied " that his force then " present for duty" num bered 88,665 ; absent by authority, 34,472; absent without authority, 3,778 ; sick, 16,619 ; present and ab sent,. 144,407. Of those absent by authority, he says that one-half were probably fit for duty ; but, having got away on sick leave or otherwise, had failed to return. The Adjutant- General's office reported (July 20th) Gen. McClellan's army as numbering — Present for duty, 101,691 ; on spe cial duty, sick, or in arrest, 17,828 ; absent, 38,795 ; total, 158,314. This does not include Gen. Wool's nor Gen. Burnside's force, then at or near Fortress Monroe. Upon a suggestion" from Gen. Halleck at Washington that deserters had reported the Rebels moving southward of the James, leaving but a small force in Richmond, Gen. McClellan ordered Gen. Hooker, with his own division and Pleasan- Howell Cobb reports that his brigade, of Ma- gruder's division, went into battle at Savage's Station 2,700 strong; whereof but 1,500 ap peared on the battle-field of Malvern, where nearly 500 of them were killed and wounded. Among the Rebel officers killed during the Seven Days were Gen. Griffith, Miss.; Cols. C. C. Pegues, 5th Ala., Allen, 2d Va., Fulkerson, commanding Texas brigade, and Lt.-Col. Faison, 3d N. C. " July 1. " July 15. M July 30. 170 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. ton's cavalry, to advance upon and seize Malvern Hill. Through the incompetency of his guides, Hooker's first attempt miscarried ; but it was renewed the next night/3 and, not withstanding the ample notice of it given to the enemy, proved an easy success; Hooker driving the Rebels from Malvern with a loss of barely 14, and taking 100 prisoners ; Col. Averill, with part of Pleasanton's cavalry, pushing north to White Oak Swamp Bridge, driving thence the 10th Yirginia cavalry and capturing 28 men and horses. This advance, promptly and vigorously followed up in force, would doubtless have placed McClellan in Richmond forthwith. But Gen. M. had already received an order " directing a withdrawal of his army by water to Acquia creek, to support a fresh demonstration on Richmond from the Rappahannock ; which order he began " most reluct antly to obey ; of course, recalling Gen. Hooker from Malvern. He was now eager to resume the offensive with far smaller reenforcements than he had recently pronounced indis pensable, and suggested that, in ad dition to Burnside's men, they might be spared him from Pope's army on the Rappahannock and from the West. Gen. Halleck — assuming the correctness of McClellan's own mis taken assumption as to the strength of the Rebel Army of Virginia — re plied M with crushing cogency as fol lows : " Allow me to allude to a few of the facta in the case. " You and your officers at our interview estimated the enemy's forces in and around Richmond at 200,000 men. Since then, you and others report that they have re ceived and are receiving large reenforce ments from the South. Gen._ Pope's army, now covering "Washington, is only about 40,000. Tour effective force is only about 90,000. You are about thirty miles from Richmond, and Gen. Pope eighty or ninety, with the enemy directly between you, ready to fall with his superior numbers upon one or the other, as he may elect ; neither can reenforce the other in case of such an attack. " If Gen. Pope's army be diminished to reenforce you, Washington, Maryland, and Pennsylvania would be left uncovered and exposed. If your force be reduced to strengthen Pope, you would be too Wsgak to even hold the position you now cJBcupy, should the enemy turn around and attack you in full force. In other worjls, the old Army of the Potomac is split into two parts, with the entire force of the enemy directly between them. They cannot be united by land without exposing both to destruction ; and yet they must be united. To send Pope's forces by water to the Peninsula, is, under present circumstances, a military im possibility. The only alternative is to send the forces on the Peninsula to some point hy water — say Fredericksburg — where the two armies can be united. * * * " But, you will reply, why not reenforce me here, so that I can strike Richmond from my present position ? To do this, you said at our ifiterview, that you required 30,000 additional troops. I told you that it was impossible to give you so many. You finally thought that you would have some chance of success with 20,000. But you afterward telegraphed me that you would require 35,000, as the enemy was being .largely reenforced. " If your estimate of the enemy's strength was correct, your requisition was perfectly reasonable ; but it was utterly impossible to fill it until new troops could be enlisted and organized ; which would require several weeks. " To keep your army in its present posi tion until it could be so reenforced, would almost destroy it in that climate. The months of August and September are al most fatal to whites who live on that part of James river ; and, even after you receive the reenforcements asked for, you admitted that you must reduce Fort Darling and the river batteries before you could advance on Richmond. " It is by no means certain that the re duction of these fortifications would not re quire considerable time — perhaps as much as those at Yorktown. " This delay might not only be fatal to the health of your army, but in the mean ' August 4-5. M On the 4th, dated 3d. 66 August 7. M August 6. RETREAT FROM THE PENINSULA. 171 time Gen. Pope's forces would be exposed to the heavy blows of the enemy, without the slightest hope of assistance from you. " In regard to the demoralizing effect of a withdrawal from the Peninsula to the Rappahannock, I must remark that a large number of your highest officers — indeed, a majority of those whose opinions have been reported to me — are decidedly in favor of the movement. Even several of those who originally advocated the line of the Penin sula, now advise its abandonment." Gen. McClellan forthwith com menced embarking his sick and five of his batteries, which had been assigned to Burnside; who, having been ordered on the 1st to Acquia creek, had immediately reembarked his men, reaching his destination on the 3d, and promptly sending back his vessels to McClellan, who had been invested with complete control over the immense fleet of transports then in the Potomac, Hampton Roads, and the James. The latter commenced as if expecting to embark his entire force, including even the cavalry, at Harrison's Bar; but re peated and urgent messages from Washington, announcing " that the Bebels were crossing the Rapidan in force, and pressing Pope, soon im pelled him to move the bulk of his troops by land to Fortress Monroe ; the two leading corps (Porter's and Heintzehnan's), preceded by Averill's cavalry, taking that road on the 14th, crossing the Chickahominy by a pon toon-bridge at Barrett's Ferry and at Jones's Bridge; and Gen. M., with the rear-guard, breaking camp and following the army on the 16th ; crossing and removing the pontoon- bridge on the morning of the 18th. The retreat was covered by Gen. Pleasanton with the remaining cavalry. Gen. Porter was under orders to halt the advance at Williamsburg until the crossing was complete ; but, intercepting there a letter which ap prised him that the enemy were con centrating rapidly on Pope, with intent to crush him before he could be reenforced, he took the responsi bility of pressing on to Newport News, which he reached on the 18th, having marched 60 miles in three days ; and on the 20th his corps had embarked and was on its way to Acquia creek. On that day, the last of the army had reached its prescrib ed points of embarkation* at York- town, Newport News, and Fortress Monroe." Heintzelman embarked at Yorktown on the 21st ; Franklin at Fortress Monroe on the 22d; Keyes had been left at Yorktown to cover the embarkation, should any •* August 10. 68 Gen. Victor Le Due, who entered the service as Captain and A. Q. M., and who acted as Di vision Quartermaster throughout the retreat from before Richmond, and thence to Fortress Monroe, being promoted for eminent efficiency to be a Corps Quartermaster thereafter, thus sums up, in his private diary, under date of Sept. lst-8th, 1862, the results of his experience and observation : " I am confident that there has been gross mismanagement in this whole affair. With all the resources that Government places in the hands of officers, the Army of the Potomac should have been transferred from the Peninsula to Acquia creek or Alexandria and landed, and in as good condition as when they embarked, all within two weeks. Each corps as a unit should have been embarked and landed by itself, and its transportation have accompanied it; and, with the two wharves at Newport News, incon venient as they are, three days and nights was ample time in which to put the transportation on shipboard ; three days more would have been occupied in discharging it off and setting it up, and one day in transitu — seven days. Three corps could have shipped at the same time — one at Fortress Monroe, one at Newport News, and one at Yorktown. It has taken, in fact, nearly one month ; and will be an entire month before all have arrived." This view assumes that sufficient transporta tion was always in readiness exactly where and when it was required; which is unproved. 172 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. Rebel force be sent down the Penin sula on the track of our army ; .but there was none, and our retreat was entirely unmolested — the attention and forces of the enemy being now absorbingly devoted to Pope. Gen. McClellan and staff embarked at Fortress Monroe on the 23d, and re ported at Acquia creek next day; coming up to Alexandria, by Gen. Halleck's request, on the 26th. Thus ended the unfortunate Pen insular campaign of the magnificent Army of the Potomac. Its unsuc- cess was due to the fact that the enemy nearly always chose the time and place of combat; and, though uniformly inferior in aggregate num bers, usually contrived to bring the, larger force into action — fighting two- thirds to three-fourths of his entire strength against one-fourth to one- half of ours. Our commander, in cessantly calling urgently for reen forcements, never brought into action nearly all he already had, save that at Malvern the enemy forced a con flict before our army could again be scattered, and thus incurred a sting ing repulse, though a large portion of our men were, even then, not enabled to fire a shot. Never before did an army so constantly, pressingly need to be reenforced — not by a corps, but by a leader ; not by men, but by a man. VIII. GEN. POPE'S VIRGINIA CAMPAIGN. Gen. John Pope, having been summoned .from the West for the purpose, was selected by the Presi dent, after consultation with Gen. Scott, for the command of a force to be designated the Army of Virginia, and to consist of all the troops then covering Washington or holding the lower end of the Shenandoah Valley. This army was to be composed of three corps, under Maj.-Gens. Fre mont, Banks, and McDowell respec tively; but Gen. Fremont was re lieved, at his own request, from serv ing under one whom he regarded as his junior, and the command of his corps assigned to Gen. Sigel. The entire strength of this newly organ ized army was nearly 50,000 men, scattered from Fredericksburg to Winchester, of whom 40,000 might be considered disposable. To Gen. Pope was assigned the duty of cover ing Washington and protecting Ma ryland, with its great railroad, while threatening Richmond from the north. He had at first intended and expected to advance to the neighborhood of Richmond, and there unite in the operations of McClellan against that city. But he was appointed on the very day1 when Lee's designs against McClellan's right wing were devel oped at Mechanicsville ; and, before he could concentrate his army, the re treat through White Oak Swamp to Harrison's Landing, by exposing his meditated advance, unaided, to a succession of blows from the entire Rebel Army of Virginia, rendered 1 July 26. POPE ADVANCES INTO YIRGINIA. 173 Such a movement simple madness. In order, however, to effect at least a diversion in favor of McClellan's worsted army, and to enable it to abandon the Peninsula without fur ther loss, he drew Sigel from Middle- town, via Front Royal, to Sperryville, on one of the sources of the Rappa hannock, near the Blue Ridge ; while Banks, following nearly the same route from the Valley, came in a few miles farther east; and Ricketts's division of Gen. McDowell's corps ad vanced south-westwardly from Ma nassas Junction to a point a little eastward of Banks. Pope wrote to Gen. McClellan, then on the Penin sula, a letter proposing hearty coop eration and soliciting suggestions, which elicited but a vague and by no means cordial response.' He had doubtless suggested to the President the appointment of a common mili tary superior ; whereupon Maj.-Gen, Halleck was relieved of his command in the West and called3 to Washing ton as General-in-Chief, assuming command July 23d. Before quitting Washington4 for the field, Pope had ordered Gen. King, at Fredericksburg, to push forward detachments of his cavalry to the Virginia Central Railroad and break it up at several points, so as to impede the enemy's communication between Richmond and the Valley ; which was effected. He had like wise directed Gen. Banks to advance an infantry brigade, with all his cavalry, to Culpepper Court House, thence pushing forward cavalry so as to threaten Gordonsville. The advance to Culpepper having been unresisted, Banks was next ordered * to send Hatch, with all his cavalry, to capture Gordonsville, destroy the railroad for 10 or 15 miles east of it, and thence push a detachment as far as Charlottesville, burning bridges and breaking up railroads as far as possible; but Hatch, taking along infantry, artillery, and heavy trains, was so impeded by bad roads that he had only reached Madison Court House on the 17th — a day after Ewell, with a division of Lee's army * McClellan and his lieutenants had of course read and resented Pope's address to his army on taking the field, which they, not unreasonably, interpreted as reflecting on their strategy, though Pope disclaims such an application. Its text is as follows : "Washington, July 14, 1862. " To the Officers and Soldiers of the Army of "By special assignment ofthe President of the United States, I have assumed command of this army. I have spent two weeks in learning your whereabouts, your condition, and your wants; in preparing you for active operations, and in placing you in positions from which you can act promptly and to the purpose. " I have come to you from tbe West, where we have always seen the backs of our enemies — from an army whose business it has been to seek the adversary, and to beat him when found — whose policy has been attack, and not defense. "In but one instance has the enemy been able to place our Western armies in a defensive attitude. I presume that I have been called here to pursue the same system, and to lead you against the enemy. It is my purpose to do so; and that speedily. "I am sure you long for an opportunity to win the distinction you are capable of achieving. That opportunity I shall endeavor to give you. " Meantime, I desire you to dismiss from your minds certain phrases which I am sorry to find much in vogue amongst you. " I hear constantly of taking strong positions and holding them — of lines of retreat and of bases of supplies. Let us discard such ideas. " The strongest position a soldier should de sire to occupy is one from which he can most easily advance against the enemy. " Let us study the probable lines of retreat of our opponents, and leave our own to take care of themselves. Let us look before, and not be hind. Success and glory are in the advance. Disaster and shame lurk in the rear. "Let us act on this understanding, and it is safe to predict that your banners shall be in scribed with many a glorious deed, and that your names will be dear to your countrymen forever. J°Hir p°pE> " Maj.-Gen. Commanding." 3 July 11. 4 July 29. • July 14 174 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. $yM4z_ UWWASBDRB_ HUNTERST. ;Ti" 7* OXFORD *_*g!SB_*!rV s>a«# s«v\ CpWrp ISHAI^PSBUR P KNOX.V. EMMETSBUi JDL^_152v' "'''___ wa___a - . ^jUDLETSBQ^tAlR HOROU^lft^ReVGAPj-^ii- _____ ^ n^&s^MKK _ r.>^5J^i^w*'M?v si*-i y/ " THOROUCI HEWl/LTIM' 4SP _88F / »*(»„ OwASHINGTBB'__s2- THORNTON. f^SSfes *5_AP\ / XFOAI^ V*# ff| ^-f GREENWICH. ^^ro^W£TA..jffl_-_HO/U; WARREHTONj/^UBURK '* - * Al^y*,\_^.?'OWr gRLOO SBtPHI ^"^K^/^gs^^^^f^^^; n v a u b u r k r -^Z-^k/^V-'"^-- '§arora ^^r^l^_^^ce^ ^!S__\ kSSTCATLEfre STJLSREfeMWOO DC4L INFERS I )?TX-^BC/E"^g^^_AW^l'Kl fAPEAteo-SE^K-^iSS^s^ I |sTOSEH0PSEM^**iD^Si^YS'^, \\ >VfHrrERlD U «sinMi_H^^js»^>&3^ S j *_n /#/ fflEliH_*0'__ioV_eSH![01!ARSV.*7l j UROOKSSST? W___»lS0»^_IfltcjLEuS^^ s*t>ba( U^$*A / WU qU,«.ff|| _.| ¦A'fcjlfXfr&k/ AW^^JV"_RI(l"ERSVILLE flRANGECH. ^5i^V'^^_^-l«^|!!.E^l^F1'' gRUHOnTH" ¦"«__¦ P1AIH ERICKSBURG n-HFlELD THB ABBA OP POPE'S YIEGINIA A3TO OP UCOLEL_A_'s MARYLAND CAMPAIGN. BANKS PUSHES ON TO CEDAR MOUNTAIN. 175 from Richmond, had reached Gor donsville, rendering its capture by cavalry impossible. Pope at once ordered Hatch, through Banks, to move westwardly across the Blue Ridge from Madison, with 1,500 to 2,000 picked men, and swoop down upon and destroy the railroad west ward of that barrier. Hatch com menced this movement ; but, soon becoming discouraged, gave it up, and returned, via Sperryville, to Madison. Pope thereupon relieved him from command, appointing Gen. Buford, chief of artillery to Banks's corps, in his stead. At length, Pope, having joined his army, ordered a Banks to move forward to Hazel- Run, while Gen. McDowell, with Ricketts's division, advanced from Waterloo Bridge to Culpepper, which Crawford's brigade of Banks's corps had already occu pied for several days. Buford, with his cavalry, held Madison C. H., picketing the upper fords of the Ra pidan, and as low down as Barnett's Ford; while Bayard was posted on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, near the Rapidan river, picketing the fords from Barnett's as low down as Raccoon Ford. The enemy cross ing a considerable force in the vicinity of the junction of Buford's and Bayard's pickets, both Generals reported their advance; but it was some days before it was determined whether they were intending to ad vance in force on Madison C. H., or toward Culpepper C. H. On the 8th, the Rebels pressed Bayard's pickets, and his force fell back toward Culpepper C. H., followed by the enemy. Pope, under instructions to pre serve his communications with Gen. King at Fredericksburg, ordered' a concentration of his infantry and artillery upon Culpepper, his head quarters, and pushed forward Craw ford's brigade toward Cedar (or rather Slaughter's) Mountain: an eminence commanding a wide pros pect to the south and east, and which should have been occupied and forti fied by our forces some days before. Banks, by order, advanced prompt ly from Hazel Run to Culpepper; but Sigel, still at Sperryville, instead of moving at once, sent to ascertain by which route he should come; thus losing several hours, and ar riving too late to be of use. Gen. Banks, by order, moved forward next morning8 toward Cedar Mountain, supporting, with the rest of his corps, the advance of Gen. Crawford, under verbal orders from Pope, which were reduced to writing by his Adjutant, in these words : " Culpepper, Aug. 9th — 9:45 a. m. "From Col. Lewis Marshall : Gen. Banks will move to the front immediately, assume command of all the forces in the front, de ploy his skirmishers if the enemy approach es, and attack him immediately as soon as he approaches, and be reenforced from here." Calling on Pope as he left Culpep per, Banks asked if there were fur ther orders, and was referred to Gen. Roberts, Pope's chief of staff, who was to accompany him and indicate the line he was to occupy ; which he took : Roberts saying to him repeat edly before he left, " There must be no backing out this day;" words needing no interpretation, and hardly such as should be addressed by a Brigadier to a Major-General com manding a corps. " August 1. ' August 8. 8 August 9. 176 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. Stonewall Jackson, with his own division, following Ewell's, had reached Gordonsville July 19th, and, sending thence for reenforce ments, had received A. P. Hill's di vision, increasing his force to. some 25,000 men; with which he ad vanced," driving back our cavalry and reaching Slaughter's or Cedar Mountain this day.10 From the splendid outlook afforded by this mountain, he. saw his opportunity, and resolved to profit by it. Push ing forward Ewell's division on the Culpepper road, and thence to the right along the western slope of the mountain, but keeping it thoroughly covered by woods which concealed its numbers, he advanced four guns to the front, and opened fire upon Crawford's batteries; his own divi sion, under Winder, being thrown out to the left as it arrived, still under cover of the woods. Ewell's batteries were successfully posted at the foot of the mountain, some 200 feet above the valley, whence their fire was far more effective- than ours. Meantime, Hill's division was arriving, and being sent in to the support of whatever portion of the Rebel line was Weakest, until not less than 20,000 veterans, with every advantage of position and shelter, formed the Rebel line of battle; against which Banks's 6,000 or 8,000 OEDAK MOTTHTAIN. Explanations A Position of Gen, Banks's corps both before and after his advance upon the enemy, on the afternoon of Aug. 9. B Farthest advance of Gen, Banks's corps, and place of severest fighting. b Position of Eebel troops corresponding with posi tion B. * August 7. a Farthest advance of Rebels in tlie afternoon, from which point they were driven evening of Aug. 9. 10 August a BANKS DEFEATED AT CEDAR MOUNTAIN. 177 advanced, at 5 p. m., across open fields and up gentle acclivities, thoroughly swept by the Rebel cannon and mus ketry. Had, victory been possible, they would have won it. Early's brigade of Ewell's division held the road, and was so desperately charged in front and on its right flank, that it held its ground only by the opportune arrival of Thomas's brigade of Hill's divi sion ; while the left of Jackson's di vision, under Taliaferro, was so as sailed in flank and rear that one brigade was routed and the whole flank gave way, as did also Early's. But the odds were too heavy ; and, though our men proved themselves heroes, they could not defeat three times their number, holding the foot of a mountain and covered by woods. The best blood of the Union was poured out like water, but in vain. Gen. Geary, who, with five Ohio re giments and the 28th Pennsylvania, made the most desperate charge of the day, was himself wounded, with most of his officers. Gen. Crawford's brigade came out of the fight a mere skeleton. The 109th Pennsylvania, 102d New York, and several other regiments, left half their number dead or wounded on that fatal field. Gens. Augur and Carroll were se verely wounded ; as were Cols. Don nelly, 46th Pa., Creighton, 7th Ohio, and Majors Savage, 2d Mass., Arm strong, 5th Ohio, and Pelouze, Banks's Adjutant. Gen. Prince waB taken prisoner after dark, by acci dent, while passing from one part of his command to another. Our loss in killed and wounded could hardly have been less than 2,000 men. We were not so much beaten as fair ly crowded off the field ; where Jack- vol. n. — 12 son claims to have taken 400 pris oners, 1 gun, and 5,302 small arms, with a loss on his part of 223 killed, including Gen. C. S. Winder, 2 Lt.- Colonels, and a Major; with 1,060 wounded : among them Cols. Wil liams and Sheffield, 3 Majors, and 31 missing ; total, 1,314. Gen. Pope had remained through out the day at Culpepper, neither desiring nor expecting a serious en gagement, and assured from time to time that only skirmishing was going on at the front ; until the continuous roar of cannon assured him, soon after 5 o'clock, that the matter was grave. Ordering forward Ricketts's division, he arrived with it on the field just before dark, and directed BankB to draw in his right wing upon his center, so as to give room for Ricketts to come into the fight ; but the Rebels, though victorious, ad vanced with great caution, and, find ing themselves confronted by fresh batteries, recoiled, after a sharp ar tillery duel, and took shelter in the woods. Ricketts's guns continued vocal until midnight ; but of course to little purpose. Meantime, Sigel's corps began to arrive* and was sent to the front abreast of Ricketts's; Banks's corps being withdrawn two miles to the rear to rest and reorgan ize. But there was no more fighting. Jackson clung to his mountain and his woods till the night of the llth ; when, aware that King's division had just come up from Fredericksburg, and that Pope was about to strike at his communications, and thus com pel him to fight on equal terms, he, leaving a part of his dead unburied, retreated rapidly across the Rapidan. Our cavalry pursued him to that 178 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. stream, picking up a number of stragglers. Gen. Reno, with 8,000 of Burn- side's corps, having joined" him, Gen. Pope advanced his infantry to Robertson's river and Raccoon Ford, with his center at and around Cedar Mountain, and began again to operate with his cavalry on the enemy's com munications, until satisfied that the whole Rebel Army of Yirginia was rapidly assembling to overwhelm him ; one of his cavalry expeditions having captured J. E. B. Stuart's Adjutant, bearing a letter from Gen. Lee,12 at Gordonsville, which clearly indicated that purpose. Holding his advanced position to the last, so as to afford time for the arrival of Mc Clellan's army, he commenced 1S a re treat across the Rappahannock, which was effected in two days without loss ; and, though the Rebels, of course, followed sharply with their cavalry, reaching the river on the morning of the 20th, they found the fords so guarded and fortified that they could not be forced without heavy loss; so, after three days of skirmishing and artillery-firing at Kelly's Ford and Rappahannock' Station, they com menced a movement up the stream, with intent to turn our right. Pope, still under orders to main tain his communications with Fre dericksburg, was unable to extend his right farther without too much weakening his center, and tele graphed again and again to Wash ington that he must be reenforced or retreat. He was assured, on the 21st, that, if he could hold on two days longer, he should be so amply strengthened, as to enable him to as sume the offensive ; yet, on the 25th, barely 7,000 men had reached him. He had resolved to recross the Rap pahannock on the night of the 22d, and fall upon the flank and rear of the long Rebel column constantly passing up the river ; but, during that night, a heavy rain set in, which, before morning, had drowned all the fords and carried away the bridges in his front, rendering his meditated blow impossible. During that night, Gen. J. E. B. Stuart, with 1,500 Rebel cavalry and 2 guns, having crossed the Rappa? hannock at Waterloo Bridge and Hart's Mill during the preceding day, pushed on unobserved to Warrenton, surprised Gen. Pope's headquarters*- train near Catlett's Station, during the intense rain and darkness ; capturing Pope's field Quartermaster and his dispatch-book, with a quantity of uni forms and personal baggage, burn ing the wagons, and trying to burn the railroad bridge over Cedar Run ; but the tremendous rain then fall ing defeated this design. Stuart claims to have reached the Rap pahannock at Warrenton Springs, on his return next day, with 300 pris oners and many horses, here crossing unharmed, after a night's bivouac and a little skirmishing. Pope's actual headquarters during this raid were near Rappahannock Station ; but our army trains were parked around Catlett's, and guarded by 1,500 infantry and five companies of cavalry ; so that Stuart's cheap suc cess inflicted on us more disgrace than injury — a disgrace which the intense darkness and pouring rain explain, but do not excuse. Still, the enemy confronting us in ample force at Rappahannock Sta- " August 14. "Dated August 15. "August 18. POPE PREPARING TO FIGHT. 179 tion, Sulphur Springs, a_td Waterloo Bridge, kept moving heavy columns up their side of the river, with evi dent intent to flank and fall upon our right; and Pope, facing along the turnpike from Warrenton to Gainesville, resolved there to give battle. Meantime, Heintzelman's long-expected corps from McClellan's army had reached Warrenton Junc tion," and Porter had reported from the neighborhood of Bealton Station ; while Sturgis, Cox, and Franklin, were telegraphed from Washington to be just at hand. Pope, therefore, believed, and had a right to believe, that he was to be supported, in the struggle now imminent, by 40,000 to 50,000 veterans from the Army of the Potomac, and had made disposi tions and given orders accordingly. He requested Gen. Halleck to push Franklin with all speed to Gaines ville ; and sent orders to Manassas Junction that the first division which reached that point from Alexandria should halt and take post in the works at that place, pushing forward its cavalry toward Thoroughfare Gap to watch the enemy's movements in that quarter; while Gen. Sturgis, commanding at Alexandria, had al ready been directed " by him to post strong guards along the railroad from Manassas Junction to Catlett's, per sonally superintending the execution of this order. Sigel, who had slowly moved up the Rappahannock, and encountered" a Rebel force at Great Run, two miles below the Sulphur Springs, had easily driven it, but not till" it had had time to destroy certain bridges ; and the great flood then prevailing compelled hfm to halt and rebuild them before advancing. Supported by Gens. Reno and Banks, he crossed Great Run next morning " and occu pied Sulphur Springs under a heavy fire of artillery from the Rebel bat teries over the Rappahannock, re building the Sulphur Springs bridge, and pushing forward in the direction of Waterloo Bridge, which was oc cupied by Gen. Buford's cavalry at noon of that day; Sigel's advance, under Milroy, arriving late in the afternoon : when our army may be said to have been concentrated, facing to the west, with Sigel's corps and Buford's cavalry near the Rap pahannock at Waterloo Bridge, with Banks's behind it; Reno's farther east, and very near Sulphur Springs ; McDowell, with Ricketts's and King's divisions, at Warrenton ; Heintzel man behind him at Warrenton Junc tion, where Sturgis and Cox were hourly looked for; while Franklin was expected to come in on his right, and Porter to push forward and join Reno. But unsuccessful fighting and constant marching had by this time reduced Sigel's corps to 9,000 effectives ; Banks's • to 5,000 ; Mc Dowell's, including Reynolds's divi sion, to 15,500 ; and Reno's to 7,000 ; to which add 4,000 thoroughly used- up cavalry, and Pope's army proper could bring into action hardly 40,000 men. Add to these the corps of Heintzelman and Porter, just ar rived from McClellan's army, and it might be said that his whole com mand numbered nearly 60,000 ; but Heintzelman had reached Warren ton Junction by railroad, without artillery or wagons, with only four rounds of ammunition to the man, and without horses even for his field "August 25. "August 22. M August 23. ' August 2 _ 180 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. officers ; while Porter, at Warrenton Junction, had a very small supply of provisions and barely 40 rounds of cartridges per man. Lee, who had by this time nearly his whole army on the Rappahan nock, had abandoned the idea of forcing a passage of that river, in favor of an effort, by a long flank movement, to turn our right. To this end, Jackson was directed to take the advance, cross above Water loo, and move around our army so as to strike the railroad in its rear ; while Longstreet, following, was to menace our front and fix Pope's at tention until Jackson's hazardous movement should be accomplished. Jackson moved rapidly across" the Rappahannock at Hinson's Mill, four miles above Waterloo, and en camped that night at Salem, behind the Bull Run Mountains, between Thoroughfare and Manassas Gaps. Starting early next morning, he passed through Thoroughfare Gap and moved south-easterly by Gaines ville, where he was joined by Stuart with two cavalry brigades ; striking before dark19 the Alexandria Railroad at Bristow Station, thus -placing him self directly between Pope's far su perior force and his base at Alexan dria or Washington ; having encoun tered no resistance. In fact, Pope seems to have been completely de ceived,20 with his cavalry still watch ing for a Rebel advance from the Rappahannock ; as two trains of cars, moving northward from Warrenton, arrived at Btistow soon after Jack son, to whom they fell an easy prey. So far, Jackson's success had been without flaw; but his position was critical, and there was obviously no time to be lost. Weary and foot sore as were his men, he at once dis patched Gen. Trimble, with the 21st North Carolina and 21st Georgia in fantry, under Stuart — who took part of his cavalry — with orders to strike Manassas Junction, seven miles far ther north, carry it at all hazards, and capture the large amount of stores there collected. Stuart moved slowly, because of the. darkness of the night, as well as the weariness of his command ; but, sending Col. Wickham, with the 4th Virginia cav alry, to the rear of the Junction, he charged and carried it with his in fantry before midnight, capturing 8 guns, 300 prisoners, 175 horses, 200 new tents, 10 locomotives, 7 trains loaded with provisions and muni tions, and immense quantities of quartermaster and commissary stores. Our forces, consisting of the llth New York battery and 4 or 5 com panies of infantry, seem to have been taken by surprise; which is the more unaccountable since a train, which had barely escaped capture at Bris tow, had, some hours before, run by the Junction at full speed, rushing into a down train loaded with sol diers, which was standing on the track at Bull Run bridge, four miles east of Manassas, completely demol ishing 5 freight cars, killing 3 sol- 18 Aug. 25. "Aug. 26. M Geu. Banks, from his position near the Rap pahannock, reported to Pope at 11:25 a. m. on the 25th, that his Aid, Col. Clark, in charge of the Signal Corps, had observed a general move ment of the Rebel army to the west and north. Banks adds : " It seems to be apparent that the en emy is threatening, or moving up the VaUey of the Shenandoah, via Front Royal, with designs upon the Potomac — possibly beyond." Pope, at War renton Junction, at 9:30 that night, sent to Mc Dowell at Warrenton, that, " I believe the whole force ofthe enemy has marched/or the Shenandoah VaUey, by way of Luray and Front Royal." DEFEATS OF SCAMMON AND G. W. TAYLOR. 181 diers, and severely wounding others ; the conductor and engineer of the fugitive trairt being themselves badly injured. A surprise at the Junction, whereby 4 of our guns were taken at the first dash of the Rebel cavalry, and an immense amount of property lost, which a well-officered regiment might have saved, could never have occurred in any service but ours. Col. Scammon, with the llth and 12th Ohio, of Gen. Cox's division, recently from West Virginia, was sta tioned at Union Mills, across Bull Run, whither a few of our routed handful at Manassas escaped, giving the alarm. He at once ordered an advance upon the Junction, which brought on, at daylight,21 a conflict ; wherein our men were worsted and driven back across Bull Run Bridge, which Scammon attempted to hold ; but by noon he was fairly beaten off, retreating up the railroad toward Alexandria ; while part of the Rebel cavalry, justly elated with their tri umph, pushed across and raided, burnt, and destroyed at will, at Fair fax, and on to Burke's Station. Meantime} Brig.-Gen. George W. Taylor, with the 1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th New Jersey infantry, of Franklin's division, had been sent forward by rail from Alexandria, and, debarking near Centerville, pushed eagerly for ward to regain the lost fight; but by this time Jackson, who was quite aware that moments were precious, had brought up from Bristow his own and A. P. Hill's divisions, com prising 10 brigades and 12 batteries : by which Taylor was quickly routed, himself losing a leg in the encoun ter; the Rebels remaining com pletely masters of the situation. Pope, considerably astonished, be gan by this time to have a realizing sense of his condition. He had this morning " ordered McDowell, with Sigel and Reynolds, to move rapidly on Gainesville, so as to reach it that night; while Reno, followed by Kearny's division of Heintzelman's corps, was directed to move on parallel roads to Greenwich, and thence communicate at once with McDowell, supporting him if re quired. Pope himself, with Hooker's division of Heintzelman's corps, moved directly up the railroad toward Manassas, ordering Porter to remain at Warrenton Junction until Banks should arrive from Fay etteville, when he should march forthwith on Gainesville, where a battle was anticipated. The trains were instructed to keep in the rear of Hooker, protected by the corps behind him from attack. Approaching Bristow Station that afternoon, Hooker encountered the division of Ewell, which had been left there by Jackson on his advance to Manassas; when a sharp fight occurred, in which Ewell was over powered and driven, with a loss of some 300 on each side ; Ewell losing a part of his baggage, but burning the bridge and thoroughly destroying the railroad. He of course fell back on Jackson at Manassas; while Hooker, from want of ammunition, was unable vigorously to pursue him. Jackson, justly afraid of being as sailed by Pope's entire army, was forced to evacuate Manassas, moving westward, in order to unite more readily with Longstreet, then known to be approaching; and compelled to burn some thousands of barrels of 1 Aug. 27. "August 27. 182 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. flour, beef, pork, and bacon, whereof the Rebel army stood in greater need than did ours. McDowell, Kearny, and Reno reached, during the night, ;the positions assigned them by Pope. Longstreet had only started the day before from the south side of the Rappahannock, opposite Warrenton Springs, and had not yet entered Thoroughfare Gap. Could McDow ell but block it effectually with a few regiments and batteries, while the rest of our army was hurled upon Jackson, our triumph must be cer tain and decisive. Hence Pope, about dark, sent back explicit orders to Porter, at Warrenton Junction, to move forward at 1 A. m.,23 and report to headquarters at Bristow, 10 miles distant, during the night or early next morning. This order Porter failed to obey ; not moving till after daylight, and not reaching Bristow till 10^ a. m. McDowell was likewise ordered, at 9 p. m.,24 to press forward, at the very earliest dawn, toward Manassas Junction, resting his right on the Manassas Gap Railroad, while Reno advanced simultaneously from Green wich upon Manassas, and Kearny upon Bristow. Kearny reached Bris tow at 8 A. m.,2S with Reno on his left,, and was immediately pushed forward, followed by Hooker, on the track of Ewell. McDowell gave orders for the required movement at 2 a. m. ; but Sigel, who held his ad vance, had not fairly cleared Gaines ville at 7£ a. m. Meantime, Jackson, who was not easily caught napping, had com menced his evacuation of Manassas at 3 a. m., moving via Centerville ; and thus escaping the destruction which probably awaited him had he per sisted in seeking a more immediate junction with Longstreet's advance. Pope reached Manassas, with Kear ny's division and Reno's corps, about noon; Jackson having left with his rear-guard an hour earlier. Pope immediately pushed forward all his forces in hand upon Centerville, ordered Porter to come up at once to Manassas, and McDowell to ad vance toward Centerville. Mean while, McDowell, unordered, had detached Ricketts's division and sent it toward Thoroughfare Gap ; so that it was no longer available for the directed movement on Centerville. Late in the afternoon, Kearny occupied Centerville ; Jackson's rear guard retreating by Sudley Springs ; while part of his force took the War-, renton turnpike toward Gainesville, impeding our advance on both roads by destroying the bridges over Bull Run and Cub Run. At 6 p. m., Jackson's advance, now moving toward Thoroughfare Gap, encoun tered King's division of McDowell's corps, and a sanguinary combat en sued, which was terminated by dark ness, the advantage being on the side of the Rebels. The loss on both sides was heavy ; and among the Rebel wounded were Maj.-Gen. Ewell and Brig.-Gen. Taliaferro; the former severely. Pope, still at Centerville, was ap prised of this collision at 10 p. m., and then felt that he had Jackson sure. Sending orders to McDowell and King to hold their ground at all hazards, and directing Kearny to push forward at 1 a. m.20 from Cen terville, along the Warrenton turn pike, and to hug Jackson close, so as to prevent his retreating northward 'August 28. 1 August 27. ' August 28. "August 29. LONGSTREET ON HAND — BATTLE OF GAINESVILLE. 183 toward Leesburg ; and to Porter, whom he supposed to Jjje now at Manassas Junction, to move upon Centerville at dawn, he confidently expected to have Jackson inclosed and early in the morning assailed by 25,000 on either side, who were to crush him before Longstreet could possibly arrive. But he was reckoning without his host — or rather, without the other one. Gen. Longstreet's advance had reached Thoroughfare Gap at 3 p. m.,2' and passed through it; but encountered on this side a superior force, strongly posted, by which it was easily repulsed. As there was no time to be lost, Gen. D. R. Jones, with two brigades, was sent in at once ; while Hood, with two others, following a mountain foot-path, at tempted to turn our right ; and Wil cox, with two more, making a circuit through Hopewell Gap, three miles north, was to come in on our rear. Ricketts's single division was of course unable to stand against Long- street's heavy corps, and was driven off with loss, commencing its retreat just at dark. Longstreet's whole force was pushed rapidly through the pass, and, early next day,28 its van was in Gainesville, pressing on to the rescue of Jackson, its steps quickened by the roar of cannon, and meeting no re sistance to the desired concentration ; McDowell and King having got out of the way during the night, retreat ing on Manassas Junction. When Longstreet, before noon, came rapidly into action on the right of Jackson, already hotly engaged, the Rebel army was once more reunited, and felt itself invincible. Pope, apprised, just before morn- August 28. ing, of King's abandonment of the Gainesville road, had sent orders to Sigel, at Groveton, to advance and attack vigorously at daylight, sup ported by Reynolds ; while Heintzel man, with Hooker's and Kearny's divisions, was to push forward from Centerville toward Gainesville ; Reno following, witljL orders to attack promptly and vigorously. Fitz-John Porter, with his own corps and King's division, was to move from Manassas upon the Gainesville road with all speed, with intent to turn Jackson's flank at the intersection of the War renton turnpike. Sigel, who was nearest the enemy, with the division of Schurz forming his right, that of Schenck his left, and the brigade of Milroy between them, advanced, by order, at 5 A. m., and was fully engaged before 7; gaining ground by hard fighting till half past 10, when Milroy and Schurz had advanced a mile, and Schenck two miles, though obstinately resisted by the enemy. But the Rebel strength in their front was constantly increasing, and now as sumed the offensive, hurling heavy masses of infantry against our right ; which held its ground firmly by the aid of its batteries, but not without heavy loss. Schenck, being now ordered by Sigel to strike the Rebel assailants in flank and rear, was soon briskly engaged; the enemy attempting to flank him in turn. At this moment, Gen. Kearny's division of Heintzel man's corps arrived on the field, by the Sudley Springs road, and went in on Sigel's right; while Reno, com ing up by the Gainesville turnpike, supported our center ; and Reynolds, » August 29. 184 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. V;^-'{ ?-¦ \ A' ..-•" W ..¦'' \ ?-^SUMNER \ ^f"::y"\. \J% !....¦-••'' \ \ /~—A «/AUG.31 ....a/rrMC <7 vtf jBALLSlFoy JSLAND Fd . / FAIRFAX STA.. F\ MlfCH£U.SVFn~ "•¦>-~^_A ' NEWMARKET T' pLA&KBUfiNSFD. C \ X. flANASSASJUNC, KUNIONMILLS A GREENWICH -»"_.- A. 1M BRISTOW SyAjS? "*ofia ,a2_J____ brentsville;* .Ai . BEBEL PLAN OF SECOND BATTLE OF BULL RU_T, INCLUDING THE MORE IMPOKTANT POSITIONS OCCUPIED FEOM AUGUST 27 TO SEPTEMBER 1. Explanations. A A — (arrow-heads) — indicate the route pursued by Jackson's forces, viz.: to Manassas Junction, Aug. 27; via Centerville to Groveton and Sudley Springs on the 28th, and on the 1st of September to near Germantown. The position of Hooker's and Ewell's forces in their engagement on the 27th, near Bristow, is shown ; while the position of the commands of McDowell and Sigel, at Gainesville, and Eeno and Kearny, at Greenwich, as held that night, are also shown, being indicated by the respec tive initials, viz. : M— McDowell. S— Sigel. E— Eeno. K— Kearny. The positions of Gens. McDowell and Sigel were some what farther advanced toward Centerville, at the time of their collision with Jackson's advance on the 28th. A, B, C, represent the lines formed by the commands of Heintzelman, Sigel, and Eeynolds, afterward reen forced by McDowell and Beno, and confronted by Jack son (a, o, c), who was afterward reenforced by Long- street, Aug. 29. The same position substantially, but extending farther to the left, was held on the 80th, by Heintzelman, Eeno, Porter, Sigel, and Eeynolds (named in order from right to left), supported by McDowell. No attempt is made to represent the changes of posi tion which occurred during the two days of severe fight ing. The position of the several commands at Centerville on the 31st August, and near Germantown on the 1st September, are indicated by initials, whore the full name does not occur, viz. : P— Porter. H— Heintzelman. F— Franklin. S— Sigel. E— Eeno. M— McDowell. BATTLE OF GAINESVILLE. OR SECOND BULL RUN. 185 with the Pennsylvania Reserves, came into position, at noon, on our extreme left. About 2 p. m., Gen. Hooker, with Heintzelman's remain ing division, came down the Sudley Springs road on our extreme right ; and his troops immediately went in to the aid of the wasted and hungry commands of Schurz and Milroy, who were thus enabled to refill their cartridge boxes and obtain some much needed food and rest. The fighting thence till 4 p. m. was desultory — a succession of heavy skirmishes from point to point along the front ; either General being intent on his approaching reenforcements, and trusting to time as his friend. At 4£, McDowell being announced as at hand, Pope sent a peremptory order to Porter to go into action on the enemy's right, turning it if pos sible ; and, an hour later, presuming this order obeyed, directed Heintzel man and Reno to attack the enemy in front ; which order was gallantly obeyed.29 And now, though Fitz-John Por ter was still missing, and King's di vision did not reach the field till near sunset, our army was for once supe rior in numbers ; Kearny's and Hook er's fresh regiments pressing forward and crowding back the enemy's left, which had been skillfully disposed for a good part of the day behind the embankment of an abandoned rail road, which served most effectively as a breast-work. At 5 p. m., Kear ny, bringing up nearly his entire division, and changing his front to the left, advanced by order, charged the enemy's left and swept back his first line, rolling it up on his center and right. King's division was sent into the fight about sunset, and ad vanced considerably beyond our gen eral line of battle ; but, soon finding itself confronted by a heavier force of the enemy, was brought to a stand. Meantime, Hood charged in turn, with a fresh division of Longstreet's corps, which had marched through the Gap that day and been sent by Lee to the relief of Jackson, now clearly outnumbered. Hood's famous Texas brigade and that of Law rushed forward with great intrepidity, re pulsing Kearny's most advanced re giments, taking 1 gun, 4 flags, and 100 prisoners. Darkness arrested the conflict, either army resting on the field of battle ; but Pope, with some reason, claiming the advantage, in that he held some ground which had been wrested from the enemy during the day. The losses on either side were probably not far from 7,000 men. But Pope was really beaten, though he did not yet know it. His aim had been to overwhelm Jackson before Lee, with Longstreet, could come to his assistance; and in this he had conspicuously failed. Had his entire army been in hand and in line of battle by 9 o'clock that morning, his success would have been certain and easy; but, dropping in by brigades and divisions throughout the day, and Porter not even getting into ac tion at all,30 he had barely held his 29 Pope, in his official report, says : " In this attack, Graver's brigade of Hooker's division was particularly distinguished by a deter mined bayonet-charge, breaking two of the ene my's lines, and penetrating to the third before it could be checked." 30 Pope, in his official report, says: " About 8 p. M., the greater portion of the field of battle was occupied by our army. Nothing was heard of Gen. Porter up to that time; and his forces took no part whatever in the action ; but were suffered by him to lie idle on their 186 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. own ; and now his opportunity had vanished. Longstreet's corps had been arriving throughout the day, and was now all present — much of it perfectly fresh, so far as fighting was concerned, and ready for most- effec tive service on the morrow. Pope, so often disappointed and baffled, found his fighting force re duced by casualties and by strag gling, on the morning of that event ful morrow, to about 40,000 men.31 These had had a surfeit of marching and fighting, with very little eating, for the two preceding days; while his artillery and cavalry horses had been ten days in harness, and two days without food. To his appeal of the 28th to Gen. Halleck for rations, for forage, and fresh horses, he had that morning at daylight32 received an answer from Gen. Franklin, writ ten by direction of Gen. McClellan, and dated 8 p. m. of the 29th, inform ing him that rations would be loaded in the available wagons and cars at Alexandria so soon as he would send oack a cavalry escort to oring out the trains. If cavalry had been ever so necessary to the guarding of railroad trains, he had probably not then a regiment that could have gone to Alexandria and back within 48 hours. He had received no reen forcements or supplies since the 26th, and had no assurance that any were on the way. To retreat was diffi cult ; to stand still and famish un ad visable; so he ordered Porter, sup ported bj King, to advance down the Warrenton turnpike and attack ; while Heintzelman and Reno, sup ported by Ricketts's division, were to assail and turn the enemy's left. Porter's attack was feeble ; and not unreasonably so, since he encoun tered the enemy in greatly superior numbers, and was speedily thrown and cheeked by the destruction of this large force as to have been no longer in condition to prosecute further operations of an aggressive character." 31 In his official report, he says : "At that time, my effective force, greatly re duced by losses in killed, wounded, missing, and broken-down men, during the severe operations of the two or three days and nights previous ; the sharp actions of Hooker, King, and Ricketts on the 2 Tth and 28th, and the furious battle on the 29th, were estimated by me and others as follows : McDowell's corps, including Reynolds's division, 12,000 men; Sigel's corps, 7,000 ; Reno's corps, 7,000; Heintzelman's corps, 7,000; Porter's corps, which had been in no engagement, and was, or ought to have been, perfectly fresh, I estimated at about 12,000 men, including the brigade of Piatt, which formed a part of Sturgis's division, and the only portion that ever joined me. But of this force the brigades of Piatt and Griffin, num bering, as I understood, about 5,000 men, had been suffered to march off at daylight on the 30th for Centerville, and were not available for operations on that day. This reduced Porter's effective force in the field to about 7,000 men; which gave me a total force of 40,000 men. Banks's corps, about 5,000 strong, was at Bris tow Station, in charge of the railroad trains, and of a portion of the wagon trains of the army, still at that place." sa Aug. 30 arms, within sight and sound of the battle during the whole day. So far as I know, he made no effort whatever to comply with my orders or to take any part in the action. I do not hesitate to say that, if he had discharged his duty as be came a soldier under the circumstances, and had made a vigorous attack on the enemy, as he was expected and directed to do, at any time up to 8 o'clock that night, we should have utterly crushed or captured the larger portion of Jack son's force before he could have been by any ppssibility sufficiently reenforced to have made an effective resistance. I did not myself feel for a moment that it was necessary for me, having given Gen. Porter an order to march toward the enemy, in a particular direction, to send him in addition specific orders to attack; it being his clear duty, and in accordance with every military prepept, to have brought his forces into action wherever he encountered the enemy, when a furious battle with that enemy was raging during the whole day in his immediate presence. I be lieve — in fact, I am positive — that at 5 o'clock on the afternoon of the 29th, Gen. Porter had in his front no considerable body of the enemy. I believed then, as I am very sure now, that it was easily practicable for him to have turned the right flank of Jackson, and to have fallen upon Ilia rear; that, if he had done so, we should have gained a decisive victory over the army under Jackson before he could have been joined by any of the forces of Longstreet; and that the army of Gen. Lee would have been so crippled POPE DEFEATED AT GAINESVILLE. 187 back in confusion ; the Confederates pursuing eagerly and joining battle along the entire front, but struggling especially to overwhelm and turn our left, where Schenck, Milroy, and Reynolds, soon reenforced by Rick etts, maintained the unequal contest throughout the afternoon ; while Por ter's weakened corps was rallied, re formed, and pushed up to their sup port; rendering good service, espe cially the brigade of regulars under Col. Buchanan. Gen. Tower led his brigade, of Ricketts's division, into action, in support of Reynolds, with eminent skill and gallantry ; its con duct being such as to elicit enthusi astic cheers from our entire left wing. Reno's corps, also, being withdrawn from our right center, was thrown into action on our left, and displayed conspicuous gallantry. But the fates were against us. The enemy was aware of his ad vantage, and resolved to press it to ¦the utmost. Our attack on his left, under Jackson, for a time promised success ; until our advancing troops were mowed down by the cross-fire of 4 batteries from Longstreet's left, which decimated and drove them back in confusion. Jackson, seeing them recoil, immediately ordered an advance ; which Longstreet.supported by pushing forward his whole com mand against our center and left.' 33 Lee, in his official report, says : "The obscurity of night and the uncertainty of the fords of Bull Run rendered it necessary to suspend operations until morning ; when the , cavalry, being pushed forward, discovered that the enemy had escaped to the strong position of Centerville, about four miles beyond Bull Run. The prevalence of a heavy rain, which began during the night, threatened to render Bull Run impassable, and impeded our movements. Longstreet remained on the battle-field to en gage the attention of the enemy, and Gover the burial of the dead and the removal of the wounded ; while Jackson proceeded by Sudley's Fdrd to the Little River turnpike, to turn the Hood's two brigades again led. the charge, followed by the divisions of Evans, R. H. Anderson, and Wilcox, sustained by those of Kemper and D. R. Jones ; the Rebel artillery doing fearful execution on our dis ordered and recoiling infantry. At dark, our left had been forced back considerably, but still stood firm and unbroken, and still covered the turn pike which was our only safe line of retreat. At 8 p. m., Pope sent writ ten instructions to his corps com manders _o withdraw deliberately toward Centerville, designating the route of each, and the position he was to take ; while Reno was ordered to cover the retreat ; which was made slowly, quietly, and in good order : no pursuit across Bull Run being attempted.33 Franklin's corps, from McClellan's army, reported 8,000 strong, was, unknown to . Pope, throughout this mournful day, a little east of Center ville.34 Pope reached that point be tween 9 and 10 p. m., and at once made his dispositions for resisting a Rebel attack. But none was at tempted. Sumner, as well as Frank lin, from McClellan's army, joined him here, raising his total force to fully 60,000 men ; which was proba bly more than the enemy could now bring against him. Pope evidently expected to be at- enemy's right and intercept his retreat to Wash ington. Jackson's progress was retarded^ by the inclemency of the weather and the fatigue of his troops ; who, in addition to their arduous marches, had fought three severe engagements in as many days. He reached Little River turn pike in the evening, and the next day, Septem ber 1st, advanced by that road toward Fairfax Court House." 34 Pope, in his official report, says : " About 6 p. M., I heard accidentally that Franklin's corps had arrived at a point about four miles east of Centerville, and 12 miles in our rear, and that it was only about 8,000 strong." 188 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. tacked next morning in this strong position ; but Lee, not unmindful of the still recent and sore experience of Malvern Heights, was too good a General to repeat his own blunders. Aware that a demoralized army un der an inapt commander may be most safely and surely assailed on its flank and rear — by blows that threat en to cut off its line of supply and retreat — he started Jackson north ward, with his own and Ewell's divi sions, at an early hour next morn ing,35 with instructions to turn and assail our right. Crossing Bull Run at Sudley Ford, Jackson took a coun try road thence to Little River turn pike, on which, turning sharply to the right, he moved down toward Fairfax C. H. ; and, toward evening of the next day,36 when nearing the little village of Germantown, a mile or two from Fairfax C. H., he found his advance resisted. Pope, not even threatened with a front attack, had ere this suspected the Rebels of a fresh attempt to flank his right, and had directed Gen. Sumner to push forward two brigades toward the turnpike, while Gen. Hooker was that afternoon dispatched to Fairfax C. H. to support the movement. Skirmishing commenced at 5 p. m. Gen. Reno, near Chantilly, with the remains of two divisions, poorly sup plied with ammunition, found him self confronted by Jackson's far su perior numbers, but composed wholly of infantry ; the rapidity of his march having left his artillery behind on the road. Gen. Isaac J. Stevens, commanding Reno's 2d or left divi sion, at once ordered a charge, and was shot dead while leading it, by a bullet through his head. His command thereupon fell back in dis order, uncovering the flank of Reno's other division, which thereupon fell back also. Gen. Phil. Kearny, with his divi sion of Heintzelman's corps, now ad vanced and renewed the action, in the midst of a thunder-storm so furious that ammunition could with great difficulty be kept serviceable ; while the roar of cannon was utterly unheard at Centerville, barely three miles distant. Riding forward too recklessly, Kearny, about sunset, was shot dead, when almost within the Rebel lines, and the command of his division devolved on Gen. Birney, who promptly ordered a bayonet- charge by his own brigade, consist ing of the 1st, 38th, and 40th New York. The order was executed by Col. Egan with great gallantry, and the enemy's advance driven back considerably; Gen. Birney holding the field of conflict through the night, burying our dead and removing our wounded. Our total loss here can not have exceeded 500 men ; but among them were Gens. Kearny and Stevens, and Maj. Tilden, 38th New York, who fell in the closing bayonet- charge. Jackson's flanking movement and attack, though wisely conceived and vigorously made, had failed to achieve any material results. His report claims no prisoners nor arms captured. ST Pope's retreat from Centerville 35 August 31. 36 Sept. 1. 37 He says : " Early next morning, Sept. 1st, we moved forward; and, late in the evening, after reaching Ox TTill, came in contact with the enemy, who were in position on our right and front, cover ing his line of retreat from Centerville to Fair fax Court House. Our line of battle was formed — Gen. Hill's division on the right; Ewell's division, (Jen. Lawton commanding, in THE LOSSES OF POPE'S CAMPAIGN. 189 had in effect commenced on the 1st, when he found himself flanked by Jackson; and was continued through out that and the following day, with out further annoyance from the enemy, until his whole army was drawn back within the intrench ments which, along the south bank of the Potomac, cover the approaches to Washington; when he resigned his command, and was succeeded by Gen. McClellan. Gen. Lee officially claims to have captured, during his campaign against Pope, more than 7,000 pris oners, beside 2,000 of our wounded left in his hands, with 30 pieces of artillery, and 20,000 small arms; while our losses of railroad cars, munitions, tents, and camp equipage, must have been immense. Lee's Medical Director makes the Rebel losses in the two days' fighting on Manassas Plains, 1,090 killed, 6,154 wounded : total, 7,244. Longstreet reports his losses from the 23d to the 30th of August, inclusive, at 4,725. A. P. Hill reports the losses in his division, from the 24th to the 31st, at 1,548. Probably the entire Rebel loss from Cedar Mountain to Chan tilly did not fall short of 15, 000 men ; while Pope's, if we include that by stragglers who never rejoined their regiments, must have been fully double that number. Among our killed, beside those already named, were Cols. Fletcher Webster, son of the great Daniel, Roberts, 1st Mich., O'Connor, 2d Wise, Koltes, 73d Pa., commanding a brigade, Cant- well, 82d Ohio, and Brown, 20th Ind. Among our wounded on the 30th, were Maj.-Gen. Robert C. Schenck and Col. Hardin, of the Pa. Reserves. Among the Rebels wounded in these fights, were Brig.- Gens. Field and Trimble, and Cols. Forno and Baylor, commanding brig ades. How far Pope's disasters are justly attributable to his own incapacity, and how far to the failure or with holding of support on which he had a right to calculate, it is time now to consider. In his report, he says : • " It seems proper for me, since so much misrepresentation has been put into circula tion as to the support I received from the Army of the Potomac, to state precisely what forces of that army came under my command, and. were at any time engaged in the active operations of the campaign. Reynolds's division of Pennsylvania Re serves, about 2,500, joined me on the 23d of August, at Rappahannock Station. The corps of Heintzelman and Porter, about 18,000 strong, joined me on the 26th and and 27th of August, at "Warrenton Junction. The Pennsylvania Reserves, under Rey nolds, and Heintzelman's corps, consisting of the divisions of Hooker and Kearny, rendered most gallant and efficient service in all the operations which occurred after they had reported to me. Porter's corps, from unnecessary and unusual delays, and frequent and flagrant disregard of my orders, took no part whatever except in the center, and Jackson's division, Gen. Starke commanding, on the left — all on the right of the turnpike road. Artillery was posted on an emi nence to the left of the road. The brigades of Branch and Field, CoL Brockenbrough com manding the latter, were sent forward to feel and engage the enemy. A cold and drenching thunder-shower swept over the field at this time, striking directly into the faces of our troops. These two brigades gallantly engaged the enemy ; but so severe was the fire in front and flank of Branch's brigade as to produce in ' ' it some disorder and' falling back. The brigades of Gregg, Thomas, and Pender were then thrown into the fight. Soon, a portion of Ewell's division became engaged. The conflict now raged with great fury ; the enemy obsti nately and desperately contesting the ground un til their Gens. Kearny and Stevens fell in front of Thomas's brigade; after which, they retired from the field. By the following morning, the Federal army had entirely disappeared from our view ; and it soon appeared, by a report from Gen. Stuart, that it had passed Fairfax Court House and had moved in the direction of Wash ington city." 190 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. the action of the 30th of August. This small fraction of 20,500 men was all of the 91,000 veteran troops from Harrison's Landing which ever drew trigger under my command, or in any way took part in that campaign. By the time the corps of Franklin and Sumner, 19,000 strong, joined me at Centerville, the original Army of Vir ginia, as well as the corps of Heintzelman, and the division of Reynolds, had been so much cut up in the severe actions in which they had been engaged, and were so much broken down and diminished in numbers by the constant and excessive duties they had performed, that they were in little condition for any effective service whatever, and re quired, and should have had, some days of rest to put them into anything like condition to perform their duties in the field." Gen. McClellan, we have seen, was ordered on the 3d of August to withdraw his army from the Penin sula. He hesitated, and remon strated; but the orders were reite rated more peremptorily ; and he left Harrison's Bar with his rear-guard on the 16th of August. Having embarked and dispatched his corps successively at and near Fortress Monroe, he left that post on the 23d, arriving at Acquia creek on the 24th, removing to Alexandria on the 27th ; on which day Halleck telegraphed him: " Porter reports a general battle immi nent. Franklin's corps should move out by forced marches, carrying three or four days' provisions, and to be supplied, as far as possible, by railroad. Perhaps you may prefer some other road than to Centerville." To this, he replied, at 10:20 a. m. : " I have sent orders to Franklin to pre pare to march with his corps at once, and to repair here in person to inform me as to his means of transportation." At 1:15 p. m., he again tele graphed Gen. Halleck as follows : " Franklin's artillery has no horses except for four guns without caissons. I can pick up no cavalry. In view of these facts, will it not be well to push Sumner's corps here by water as rapidly as possible, to make imme diate arrangements for placing the works in front of "Washington in an efficient condition of defense ? I have no means of knowing the enemy's force between Pope and our selves. Can Franklin, without his artillery or cavalry, effect any useful purpose in front? Should not Burnside at once take steps to evacuate Falmouth and Acquia, at the same time covering the retreat of any of Pope's troops who may fall back in that direction ? I do not see that we have force enough in hand to form a connexion with Pope, whose exact position we do not know. Are we safe in the direction of the Valley?" Half an hour later, he telegraphed : " I think our policy now is to make these works perfectly safe, and mobilize a couple of corps as soon as possible ; but not to ad vance them until they can -lave their artil lery and cavalry." An hour later, he telegraphed again : " I still think that we should first provide for the immediate defense of Washington on both sides ofthe Potomac. "lam not responsible for the past, and cannot be for the future, unless I receive authority to dispose of the available troops according to my judgment. Please inform me at once what my position is. I do not wish to act in the dark." At 6 p. m., he telegraphed again : "I have just received the copy of a dis patch from General Pope to you, dated 10 a. m., this morning, in which he says : 'All. forces now sent forward should be sent to my right at Gainesville.' " I now have at my disposal here about 10,000 men of Franklin's corps, about 2,800 of Gen. Tyler's brigade, and Col. Tyler's 1st Connecticut Artillery, which I recom mend should be held in hand for the defense of Washington. " If you wish me to order any part of this force to the front, it is in readiness to march at a moment's notice to any point you may indicate. " In view of the existing state of things in our front, I have deemed it best to order Gen. Casey to hold his men for [from] York- town in readiness to move, but not to send them off till further orders." At 4:40 p. m. next day, Aug. 28th, he telegraphed Gen. Halleck : • i " Gen. Franklin is with me here. I will know in a few minutes the condition of ar tillery and cavalry. "We are not yet in con dition to move; may be by to-morrow morning. Pope must cut through to-day, or adopt the plan I suggested. I have ordered troops to garrison the works at Upton's Hill. They' must be held at any MoCLELLAN 'MARKING' TIME. 191 cost. As soon as I can see the way to spare them, I will send a good corps of troops there. It is the key to "Washington, which connot be seriously menaced so long as it is held." At 4:45 p. m., he telegraphed again : " Your dispatch received. Neither Frank lin's nor Sumner's corps is now in condition to move and fight a battle. It would be a sacrifice to send them out now. I have sent aids to ascertain the condition of the commands of Cox and Tyler ; but I still think that a premature movement in small force will accomplish nothing but the de struction of the troops sent out. I repeat that I will lose no time in preparing the troops now here for the field; and that whatever orders you may give, after hear ing what I have to say, will be carried out." To these dispatches, Gen. Halleck, at 8:40 p. m., responded as follows : "There must be no further delay in moving Franklin's corps toward Manassas. They must go to-morrow morning, ready or not ready. If we delay too long to get ready, there will be no necessity to go at all ; for Pope will either be defeated or vic torious without our aid. If there is a want of wagons, the men must carry provisions with them till the wagons can come to their relief." At 10:30 of the following day38— the day of Pope's first indecisive battle at Gainesville or Groveton — McClellan telegraphed to Gen. Hal leck as follows : " Franklin's corps is in motion ; started about 6 a. m. I can give him but two squadrons of cavalry. I propose moving Gen. Cox to Upton's Hill, to hold that im portant point with its works, and to push cavalry scouts to Vienna, via Freedom Hill and Hunter's Lane. Cox has two squadrons of cavalry. Please answer at once whether this meets your approval. I have directed Woodbury, with the Engineer brigade, to hold Fort Lyon, however. Detailed last night two regiments to the vicinity of Forts Ethan Allen and Marcy. Meagher's brigade is still at Acquia. If he moves in support of Franklin, it leaves us without any reliable troops in and near "Washington. Yet Frank lin is too weak alone. "What shall be done ? No more cavalry arrived ; have but three squadrons. Franklin has but forty rounds of ammunition, and no wagons to move more. I do not think Franklin is in condi tion to accomplish much, if he meets with serious resistance. I should not have moved him but for your pressing order of last night. What have you from Vienna and Dranesville ?" At noon, he telegraphed again : " Your telegram received. Do you wish the movement of Franklin's corps to con tinue ? He is without reserve ammunition and without transportation. Would it meet you" views to post the rest of Sumner's corps between Arlington and Fort Corcoran, where they can either support Cox, Frank lin, or Chain Bridge, and even Tenally- town? "Franklin has only between 10,000 and 11, 000 -ready for duty. How far do you wish this force to advance ?" Gen. McClellan had already di rected Franklin to halt his command near Anandale ; and, at 1 p. m. this day, he telegraphed Gen. Halleck as follows : " I shall endeavor to hold a line in ad vance of Forts Allen and Marcy, at least with strong advanced guards. I wish to hold the line through Prospect Hill, Mack- all's, Minor's, and Hall's Hill. This will give us timely warning. Shall I do as seems best to me with all the troops in this vi cinity, including Franklin, who, I really think, ought not, under present circum stances, to advance beyond Anandale ?" Halleck, at 3 p. m., replied : " I want Franklin's corps to go far enough to find out something about the enemy. Perhaps he may get such informa tion at Anandale as to prevent his going farther. Otherwise, he will push on toward Fairfax. Try to get something from direc tion of Manassas, either by telegram or through Franklin's scouts. Our people must move more actively, and find out where the enemy is. I am tired of guesses." Fifteen minutes before, McClellan had telegraphed the President as fol lows: "I am clear that one of two courses should be adopted : 1st. To concentrate all our available forces to open communication with Pope ; 2d. To leave Pope to get out of his scrape, and at once use all our means to make the Capital perfectly safe. " No middle ground will now answer. Tell me what you wish me to do, and I will do all in my power to accomplish it. I wish "August 29. 192 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. to know what my orders and authority are. I ask for nothing, but will obey whatever orders you give. I only ask a prompt deci sion, that I may at once give the necessary orders. It will not do to delay longer." To which the President, at 4:10 p. m., responded as follows : " Yours of to-day just received. I think your first alternative — to wit : ' to concen trate all our available forces to open com munication with Pope' — is the right one. But I wish not to control. That I now leave to Gen. Halleck, aided by your counsels. "A. Lincoln." But McClellan had already not only arrested Franklin's mardh at Anandale, but sent Sumner's corps northward toward Arlington and Chain Bridge, instead of toward the enemy. At 7:50 p. m., Halleck tele graphed him thus : "You will immediately send construction train and guards to repair railroad to Ma nassas. Let there be no delay in this. I have just been told that Franklin's corps stopped at Anandale, and that he was this evening in Alexandria. This is all contrary to my orders. Investigate and report the fact of this disobedience. That corps must push forward, as I directed, to protect the railroad and open our communications with Manassas." McClellan, at 8 p. m., telegraphed to Halleck : " It was not safe for Franklin to move beyond Anandale, under the circumstances, until we knew what was at Vienna. Gen. Franklin remained here until about 1 p. m., endeavoring to arrange for supplies for his command. I am responsible for both these circumstances, and do not see that either was in disobedience to your orders. Please give distinct orders in reference to Frank lin's movements of to-morrow." At 10 p. m., Gen. McClellan tele graphed again : "Not hearing from you, I have sent orders to Gen. Franklin to place himself in communication with Gen. Pope by advanc ing, as soon as possible, and, at the same time, cover the transit of Pope's supplies. Orders have been given for railway and wagon trains to mo veto Pope with the least possible delay." Gen. Halleck, at 9:40 a. m. on the fatal 30th, telegraphed McClellan : " I am by no means satisfied with Gen. Franklin's march of yesterday, considering the circumstances of the case. He was very wrong in stopping at Anandale. Moreover, I learned last night that the quartermaster's department would have given him plenty of transportation if he had applied for it any time since his arrival at Alexandria. He knew the importance of opening communi cation with Gen. Pope's army, and should have acted more promptly." At 11 A. m., McClellan responded : "Have ordered Sumner to leave one brigade in the vicinity of Chain Bridge, and to move the rest, via Columbia pike, on Anandale and Fairfax Court House, if this is the route you wish them to take. He and Franklin are both instructed to join Pope as promptly as possible. Shall Couch move also when he arrives ?" To which Halleck, at 12:20 p. m., responded as follows : "I think Couch should land at Alexan dria and be immediately pushed out to Pope. Send the troops where the fighting is. Let me know when Couch arrives." Franklin's and Sumner's corps were now actually pushed forward, and found Pope without difficulty, defeated and driven back on Center ville. Had they been there two days earlier, and had Porter now and then condescended to obey an order, that defeat might have been transformed into a victory. It seems clear that neither McClellan, nor any of his devoted lieutenants, was anxious that victory, under such auspices, should be achieved. Pope's appointment to the command, and his address to his army on opening the campaign,3" had been understood by them as reflecting on the strategy of the Peninsular cam paign ; and this was their mode of resenting the indignity. 39 See page 173. LEE'S ADVANCE INTO MARYLAND. 193 IX. 'MY MARYLAND'— LEE'S INVASION. Gen. McClellart had already1 been verbally charged with the com mand ofthe defenses of Washington; and was, upon fuller advices of Pope's disasters, invested2 by the President and Gen. Halleck with the entire control, not only of those fortifica tions, but of " all the troops for the defense of the capital," in obedience to the imperious demand of a large majority of the surviving officers and soldiers. Pope's original army had in great part been demolished ; while that brought from the Peninsula by McClellan had been taught to attrib ute the general ill-fortune not to the tardiness and heartlessness wherewith Pope had been reenforced and sup ported by their leaders, but to his own incapacity, presumption, and folly. McClellan at once ordered a concentration of his forces within the defenses of Washington ; where they were soon prepared to resist the ene my, but whither Lee had no idea of following them. Having been joined 3 by D. H Hill's fresh division, from Richmond, he sent that division at once in the van of his army to Lees- burg; thence crossing the Potomac and moving on Frederick. Jackson followed with a heavy corps, consist ing of A. P. Hill's, Ewell's, and his own divisions, embracing 14 brigades, crossing 4 at White's Ford and mov ing on Frederick, which was occu pied on the 6th, without resistance. Gen. Lee, with the rest of his army, rapidly followed, concentrating at Frederick ; whence he issued the fol lowing seductive address : " Headquarters Aemt of Northern 1 " Virginia, near Frederick, > "Sept. 8,1862. ) " To fhe People of Maryland : "It is right that you should know the purpose that has brought the army under my command within the limits of your State, so far as that purpose concerns your- " The people of the Confederate States have long watched with the deepest sym pathy the wrongs and outrages that have been inflicted upon the citizens of a Com monwealth allied to the States of the South by the strongest social, political, and com mercial ties, and reduced, to the condition of a conquered province. "Under the pretense of supporting the Constitution, but in violation of its most valuable provisions, your citizens have been arrested and imprisoned, upon no charge, and contrary to all the forms of law. "A faithful and manly protest against this outrage, made by a venerable and illus trious Marylander,6 to whom in better days no citizen appealed for right in vain, was treated with scorn and contempt. " The government of your chief city has been usurped by armed strangers; your Legislature has been dissolved by the un lawful arrest of its members; freedom of the press and of speech has been sup pressed ; words have been declared offenses by an arbitrary decree of the Federal Exec utive ; and citizens ordered to be tried by military commissions for what they may dare to speak. " Believing that the people of Maryland possess a spirit too lofty to submit to such a Government, the people of the South have long wished to aid you in throwing off this foreign yoke, to enable you again to enjoy the inalienable rights of freemen, and restore the independence and sovereignty of your In obedience to this wish, our army has come among you, and is prepared to assist you with the power of its arms in regaining the rights of which you have been so un justly despoiled. " This, citizens of Maryland, is our mis sion, so far as you are concerned. No re straint upon your free will is intended-™ intimidation will be allowed within the lim its of this army at least. Marylanders shall once more enjoy their ancient freedom of thought and speech. We know no enemies 1 Sept. 1. a Sept. 2. • Sept. 2. * Sept. 5. vol. n. — 13 ' Roger B. Taney, to wit. 194 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. among you, and will protect all of you in every opinion. "It is for you to decide your destiny freely and without constraint. This army will respect your choice, whatever it may be; and, while the Southern people will rejoice to welcome you to your natural po sition among them, they will only welcome you when you come of your own free will. " R. E. Lee, General Commanding." The fond expectations whieh had prompted this address were never realized. The Marylanders had no gluttonous appetite for fighting on the side of the Union ; still less for risking their lives in support of the Confederacy. All who were inclined to fighting on that side had found their way into the Rebel lines long before; there being little difficulty in stealing across the Potomac, and none at all in crossing by night to Virginia from the intensely disloyal, slaveholding counties of south-west ern Maryland. In vain was Gen. Bradley T. Johnson — who had left Frederick at the outset of the war to serve in the Rebel army — made Pro vost-Marshal of that town, recruit ing offices opened, and all man ner of solicitations to enlistment set forth. The number of recruits won to the Rebel standard while it floated over Maryland probably just about equaled its loss by deserters — say from 200 to 300. The conduct of the Rebel soldiery was in the main exemplary. Hun gry, ragged, and shoeless, as they often were, they rarely entered a house except by order, and never abused women; but cattle, horses, and everything that might contribute to the subsistence or efficiency of an army, were seized by wholesale, not only for present use, but thousands of animals were driven across the Po- 5 Sept. 3. tomac to replenish their wasted and inadequate resources. Gen. McClellan was early ap prised ' of the disappearance of the Rebels from his front, and soon ad vised that they were crossing into Maryland. His several corps were accordingly brought across the Poto mac and posted on the north of Washington; which city he left7 in command of Gen. Banks, making his headquarters that night with the 6th corps, at Rockville. He moved slow ly, because uncertain, as were his superiors, that the Rebel movement across the Potomac was not a feint. But his advance, after a brisk skir mish, on the 12th entered Frederick, which the Rebels had evacuated, moving westward, during the two preceding days, and through which his main body passed next day. Here he was so lucky as to obtain a copy of Lee's general order, only four days old, developing his pro-' spective movements, as follows : " Headquarters Army of Northern ) " Virginia, September 9, 1862. j "The army will resume its march to morrow, taking the Hagerstown road. Gen. Jackson's command will form the advance; and, after passing Middletown, with such portion as he may select, take the route to ward Sharpsburg, cross the Potomac at the most convenient point, and, by Friday night, take possession of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, capture such of the enemy as may be at Martinsburg, and intercept such as may attempt to escape from Harper's Ferry. " Gen. Longstreet's command will pursue the same road as far as Boonsborough, where it will halt with the reserve, supply, and baggage trains of the army. "Gen. McLaws, with his own division and that of Gen. R. H. Anderson, will fol low Gen. Longstreet ; on reaching Middle- town, he will take the route to Harper's Ferry, and, by Friday morning, possess him self of the Maryland Heights, and endeavor to capture the enemy at Harper's Ferry and vicinity. " Gen. "Walker, with his division, after * Sept. 1. MoCLELLAN'S BLUNDER AT • FREDERICK. 195 accomplishing the object in which he is now engaged, will cross the Potomac at Cheek's Ford, ascend its right bank to Lovettsville, take possession of Loudon Heights, if prac ticable, by Friday morning ; Key's Ford on his left, and the road between the end of the mountain and the Potomac on his right. He will, as far as practicable, cooperate with Gen. McLaws and Gen. Jackson in in tercepting the retreat of the enemy. " Gen. D. H. Hill's division will form the rear guard of the army, pursuing the road taken by the main body. The reserve ar tillery, ordnance and supply trains, &c, will precede Gem Hill. " Gen. Stuart will detach a squadron of cavalry to accompany the commands of Gens. Longstreet, Jackson, and McLaws, and, with the main body of the cavalry, will cover the route of the army, and bring up all stragglers that may have been left behind. " The commands of Gens. Jackson, Mc Laws, and Walker, after accomplishing the objects for which they have been detached, will join the main body of the army at Boonsborough or Hagerstown. "Each regiment on the march will habit ually carry its axes in the regimental ord nance wagons, for use of the men at their encampments, to procure wood, &c. " By command of Gen. R. E. Lee. " R. H. Chilton, " Assistant Adjutant- General. "Maj.-Gen. D. H. Hill, Com'ding Div." McClellan had thus, by a rare stroke of good fortune, become pos sessed of his adversary's designs, when it was too late to change them, and when it could not be known to that adversary, at least until devel oped by counteracting movements, that he had this knowledge, and was acting upon it. Lee had ventured the hazardous maneuver of dividing his army in a hostile country, and placing a considerable and treacher ous, though fordable, river between its parts, while an enemy superior in numbers to the whole of it hung closely upon its rear. Such strategy must have been dictated by an in effable contempt either for the capa city of his antagonist or for the most obvious rules of war. The order above given rendered it clear not only that Harper's Ferry was Lee's object, and that Jackson's corps and Walker's division were ere this across the Potomac in eager quest of it, but that only McLaws's corps — 20,000 men at the utmost — was now between our whole army and the coveted prize. Our corps happened then to be mainly concen trated around Frederick ; but Frank lin's division — nearly 17,000 strong — was some miles southward, and thus nearer to Harper's Ferry, and in front of McLaws. Had McClellan instantly put his whole army in mo tion, marching by the left flank on parallel roads leading directly toward the Potomac and the Ferry, and sending orders to Franklin to ad vance and either force his way to the Ferry or engage whomsoever might attempt to resist him, assured that corps after corps would follow swift ly his advance and second his at tacks, McLaws must have been utterly crushed before sunset of the 14th, and Harper's Ferry relieved by midnight at farthest. That, instead of this, McClellan should have ad vanced his main body on the road tending rather north of west, through Turner's Gap to Boonsborough and Hagerstown, rather than on roads leading to Crampton's Gap and to the Potomac, is unexplained and in explicable. The 'South Mountain' range of hills, which stretch north-eastwardly from the Potomac across Maryland, are a modified continuation of Vir ginia's 'Blue Ridge,' as the less con siderable Catoctin range, near Fred erick, are an extension of the ' Bull Run' range. Between them is the valley of Catoctin creek, some ten miles wide at the Potomac, but nar- 196 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. rowing to a point at its head. Seve ral roads cross both ranges ; the best being the National Road from Balti more through Frederick and Middle- town (the chief village of the Catoc tin Valley), to Hagerstown and Cum berland. Lee, having divided his army in order to swoop down on Harper's Ferry, was compelled by McClellan's quickened and assured pursuit, based on the captured order aforesaid, to fight all our army with half of his own — reversing the strategy usual in this quarter ; for, if McClellan's ad vance were not impeded, Harper's Ferry would be relieved. So, Gen. Pleasanton, leading our cavalry ad vance on the road to Hagerstown, encountered some resistance8 at the crossing of Catoctin creek in Middle- town ; but, skirmishing occasionally with Stuart's cavalry, pressed on, backed by Cox's division of Burn- side's corps, to find ' the enemy in force before Tuenee's Gap of South Mountain, a few miles beyond. This gap is about 400 feet high ; the crests on either side rising some 600 feet higher ; the old Hagerstown and Sharpsburg roads, half a mile to a mile distant, on either side, rising higher than the National Road, and materially increasing the difficulty of holding the pass against a largely superior force. Lee, in his eagerness to grasp the prize whereon he was intent, and in his confident assurance that McClel lan would continue the cautious and hesitating movement of six or seven miles a day by which he had hither to advanced from Washington, had pushed Longstreet forward on Jack son's track to Hagerstown," whence 8 Sept. 13. six of his brigades, under Anderson, had been sent to cooperate with Mc Laws against Maryland Heights and Harper's Ferry. This left only D. H. Hill's division of five brigades to hold Turner's Gap and the adjacent passes, with such help as might be afforded by Stuart's cavalry ; Stuart having reported to Hill, on the 13th, that only two brigades were pursu ing them. He was undeceived, how ever, when, at 7 a. m. next morning, Cox's division of Burnside's corps advanced up the turnpike from Mid dletown, preceded by Pleasanton's cavalry and a battery, and opened on that defending the Gap ; while by far the larger portion of the Army of the Potomac could be seen, by the aid of a good field-glass, from a fa vorable position on the mountain, either advancing across the valley or winding down the opposite heights into it. Hill reports his division as but 5,000 strong ; and even this small force had been somewhat dispersed in pursuance of the orders of Lee and the erroneous information of Stuart. The brigade of Gen. Gar land, which was first pushed forward to meet our advance, was instantly and badly cut up, its commander be ing killed ; when it retired in disorder, and was replaced by that of Ander son, supported by those of Rhodes and Ripley, who held the pass firmly for hours against the most gallant ef forts of Cox's Ohio regiments. But, meanwhile, our superior numbers, backed by desperate fighting, enabled us steadily to gain ground on either side, until the crest of the heights on the left of the pass was fairly ours, though, one of our batteries had ' Sept. 11. BATTLE OF SOUTH MOUNTAIN. 197 meantime been all but lost ; its gun ners having been shot down or dri ven off, and its guns saved from cap ture only by a determined charge of the 23d Ohio, 100th Pennsylvania, and 45th New York. SOUTH MOtTNTAIS. The rattle of musketry ceased at noon, and for two hours only the roar of cannon was heard ; the com batants on either side awaiting the arrival of reenforcements. Hitherto, only Reno's division on our side, and Hill's on that of the Rebels, had been engaged. But, at 2 p. m., Hook er's corps came up on our side, and took the old Hagerstown road, lead ing away from the turnpike on our right, with intent to flank and crush the Rebel left. At 3 p. m., our line of battle was formed, with Ricketts's division on the right ; King's, com manded by Hatch, in the center, with its right resting on the turn pike, and Reno's on the left; and a general advance commenced, under a heavy fire of artillery. Meantime, Hill had sent pressing messages to Longstreet, at Hagers town, for help ; and two brigades had already arrived; as Longstreet himself, with seven more brigades, did very soon afterward ; raising the Rebel force in action thereafter to some 25,000 or 30,000 men. Long- street, ranking Hill, of course took command ; little to the satisfaction of Hill, who evidently thinks he could have done much better.10 The enemy's advantage in position was still very great, every movement on our part being plainly visible to them ; while we could know nothing of their positions nor their strength, except from their fire and its effect. Our men were constantly struggling up rocky steeps, mainly wooded, where every wall, or fence, or in equality of ground, favors the com batants who stand on the defensive. The disparity in numbers between those actually engaged was not very great — possibly three to two-^but then, our men were inspirited by the 10 Hill, in his official report, says : "Maj.-Gen. Longstreet came up about _ o'clock, with the commands of Brig.-Gens: Evans and D. R. Jones I had now become fa miliar with the ground, and knew all the vital points ; and, had these troops reported to me, tho result might have been different. As it was, they took wrong positions : and, in their exhausted condition after a long march, they were broken and scattered." 198 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. consciousness that a great army stood behind them. „ Still, the ground was stubbornly contested, foot by foot ; Gen. Hatch, commanding the 1st division, being disabled by a wound, and succeeded by Gen. A. Doubleday. Col. Wain wright, 76th New York, who now took command of Doubleday's brig ade, was likewise wounded. But Hooker steadily advanced ; and had fairly flanked and worsted the Rebel left, when darkness put an end to the fray. The struggle on pur left com menced later, and was signalized by similar gallantry on both sides ; but numbers prevailed over desperation, and the Rebels were steadily forced back until the crest of the mountain was won. Here fell, about sunset, Maj.-Gen. Jesse L. Reno, mortally wounded by a musket-ball, while, at the head of his division, he was watching through a glass the enemy's movements. Gen. Meade, with the Pennsyl vania Reserves, had followed Hooker from Catoctin creek up the old Hagerstown road, so far as Mount Tabor church. He went into action on the right of Hatch's division, and was soon heavily engaged ; his brig ades being admirably handled by Gen. Seymour and Cols. Magilton and Gallagher, the last of whom was wounded. It had not fully reached the summit in its front, when dark ness arrested the conflict. Gen. Duryea's brigade of Ricketts's divi sion, which had been ordered to its support, was just then coming into action. Our advance up the turnpike in the center, being contingent on suc cess at either side, was made last, by Gibbon's brigade of Hatch's, and Hartsuff s of Ricketts's division ; the artillery fighting its way up the road, with the infantry supporting on either side. The struggle here was obstinate, and protracted till 9 o'clock, when Gibbon's brigade had nearly reached the top of the pass, and had exhausted every cartridge ; suffering, of course, severely. At midnight, it was relieved by Gor man's brigade of Sumner's corps, which, with Williams's, had reached the foot of the mountain a little after dark. Richardson's division had also arrived, and taken position in the rear of Hooker ; while Sykes's divi sion of regulars and the artillery re serve had halted for the night at Mid dletown ; so that McClellan had most of his army in hand, ready to renew the action next morning. But Lee, who was also present, and whose end had been secured by the precious hours here gained for his Harper's Ferry operations, withdrew his forces during the night ; so that, when our skirmishers advanced next morning, they encountered only the dead and the desperately wounded." 11 Gen. McClellan sent four successive dis patches to Gen. Halleck concerning this affair ; whereof the following is the latest and most erroneous : "Headquarters Army of the Potomac, ) " Bolivar. Sept. 15 — 10 a. m. J •' To H W. Halleck, General-in-Chief: " Information this moment received completely confirms the rout and demoralization of the Rebel army. Gen. Lee is reported wounded and Garland killed. Gen. Hooker alone has over a thousand more prisoners; TOO having been sent to Frederick. It is stated that Lee gives his loss aa fifteen thousand. We are follow ing as rapidly as the men can move. " George B. McClellan, Major-Gen.'' McClellan seems here to suppose that he had fought and beaten the main body of the Rebel army; yet how could he think so with Lee's order ofthe 9th before him? FIGHT AT CRAMPTON'S GAP — HARPER'S FERRY. 199 McClellan states his losses in this affair at 312 killed, 1 ,234 wounded, and 22 missing : total, 1,568 ; claims about 1,500 prisoners — no guns — and says: "The loss to the enemy in killed was much greater than our own, and probably also in wounded." This is hardly credible; since the Rebels fought with every advantage of position and shelter, and were nowhere so driven as to lose heavily by a fire upon huddled, disorganized masses, when retreating in disorder.12 Maj.-Gen. Franklin, with the 6th corps, composed of his own, Couch's, and Sykes's divisions, forming the left wing of McClellan's army, had advanced cautiously up the north bank of the Potomac, through Tenal- lytown, Darnestown, and Poolesville — his right passing through Rock- ville — until McClellan's discovery that Lee had divided his army in order to clutch Harper's Ferry in duced a general quickening of move ment on our side. Still advancing, he approached, at noon on the 14th, the pass through Ceamptoit's Gap in the South Mountain, just beyond Burkettsville, several miles south- westward of that at which Burnside, leading our main advance, had, some hours earlier, found his march ob structed by Hill. Before him was Howell Cobb, with two or three brig ades of McLaws's division, whereof the larger portion was some miles farther on, operating against Mary land Heights and Harper's Ferry. The Gap afforded good positions for defense ; but the disparity of num bers was decisive ; and Cobb — who, of course, had orders to hold on at any cost — was finally driven out, after a smart contest of four or five hours, wherein his force was badly cut up. Our loss here was 115 killed and 418 wounded ; our trophies, 400 prison ers, one gun, and 700 small arms. Could Franklin but have realized how precious were the moments, he was still in time to have relieved Harper's Ferry; whence, following up his advantage with moderate vig or, he was but six miles distant when it surrendered at 8 next morning. "Hill says that Gen. Rhodes, commanding one of his brigades, estimates his loss at 422 out of 1,200 taken into action. Col- Gayle, 12th Stonewall Jackson, leaving Fred erick on the 10th, had pushed swiftly through Middletown and Boonsbor rough to Williamsport, where he re- crossed the- Potomac next day ; strik ing thence at Martinsburg, which was held by Gen. Julius White, with some 2,000 Unionists. But White, warned of Jackson's approach in overwhelming strength, fled during the night of the llth to Harper's Ferry; where he found Col. D. S. Miles, of Bull Run dishonor, in com mand of some 10,000 men, partly withdrawn from Winchester and other points up the Yalley, but in good part composed of green regi ments, hastily levied on tidings of the Chickahominy disasters, and offi cered by local politicians, who had never yet seen a shot fired at a line of armed men. White ranked Miles, and shoul d have taken command ; but he waived his right in deference to Miles's experience as an old army officer, and offered to serve under him ; which was accepted. Jackson, who had cheaply acquired Alabama, was among his killed; and CoL O'Neal, 24th, and Lt.-Col. Pickens, 12th Ala bama, were severely wounded. 200 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. a good supply of provisions and muni tions at Martinsburg, did not allow himself to be detained by them ; but, hurrying on, was before Harper's Fer ry at 11 A. m. of the 13th. Waiting only to ascertain that McLaws, who was to cooperate on the other side of the Potomac, and Walker, who was dispatched simultaneously from Frederick, with orders to cross the Potomac at Point of Rocks and come up on the south; so as to shut in and assail our garrison from that side of the Shenandoah, were already in position, he ordered A. P. Hill, with his division, to move down the north bank ofthe Shenandoah into Harper's Ferry ; while Lawton, with Ewell's, and J. R. Jones, with Jackson's own division, were to advance upon and threaten the beleaguered Unionists farther and farther to their right. Harper's Ferry is little more than a deep ravine or gorge, commanded on three sides by steep mountains, and of course defensible only from one or more of these. A commander who was neither a fool nor a traitor, seeing enemies swarming against him from every side, would either have evacuated in haste, and tried to make his way out of the trap, or concentra ted his force on one of the adjacent heights, and here held out, until time had been afforded for his relief. Miles did neither. He posted 1S the 32d Ohio, Col. T. H. Ford, on Mary land Heights ; where they were reen forced14 by the 39th and 126th New York, and next day by the 115th New York and part of a Maryland regiment. Ford's requisition for axes and spades was not filled; and the only 10 axes that could be obtained were used in constructing16 a slight breastwork of trees near the crest, with an abatis in its front; where Mc Laws's advance appeared and com menced skirmishing the same day. hakpeb's ferky. An attack in force was made, early next morning,16 and was repulsed; but was followed at 9 o'clock by an other and more determined, when — Col. E. Sherrill, 126th New York, being severely wounded — his regi ment broke and fled in utter rout, and the remaining regiments , soon followed the example, alleging an order to retreat, from Maj. Hewitt, who denied having given it. Our men were rallied after running a short distance, and reoccupied part of the ground they had so culpably abandoned, but did not regain their breastwork; and of course left the enemy in a commanding position. At 2 o'clock next morning, " Ford, without being further assailed, aban doned the Heights, so far as we still retained them, spiking his guns : 4 of which, at a later hour in the morn ing, were brought off by four com panies, under Maj. Wood, who went over on a reconnoissance and encoun tered no opposition. McLaws, with his own and Ander son's divisions, leaving Frederick on the 10th, had entered Pleasant Valley, 1 Sept. 5. " Sept. 12. 16 Sept. 12. ' Sept. 13. ' Sept. 14. MILES SURRENDERS HARPER'S FERRY. 201 via Burkettsville, on the llth ; and, perceiving at once that Maryland Heights was the key of the position, had sent18 Kershaw, with his own and Barksdale's brigades, up a rug ged mountain road, impracticable for artillery, to the crest of the Elk Mountains, two or three miles north ward of Maryland Heights, with or ders to follow along that crest, and so approach and carry our position ; while Wright's brigade, with 2 guns, was to take post on the southern face of South Mountain, and so command all the approaches along the Poto mac. Meanwhile, McLaws, with the rest of his force, save the brigades holding Crampton's Gap, moved down Pleasant Valley to the river. Kershaw advanced according to or der, through dense woods and over very rough ground, until he encoun tered and worsted Ford's command on the Heights, as we have seen ; while Wright and' Anderson took, unop posed, the positions assigned them, and McLaws advanced to Sandy Hook, barring all egress from Har per's Ferry down the Potomac. The morning of the 14th was spent by McLaws in cutting a road practi cable for artillery to the crest of Maryland Heights, whence fire was opened from 4 guns at 2 p. m. ; not only shelling our forces at the Ferry, but commanding our position on Bolivar Heights, beyond it. Before night, Walker's guns opened like wise from Loudon Heights, and Jackson's batteries were playing from several points, some of them enfilading our batteries on Bolivar Heights ; while shots from others reached our helpless and huddled men in their rear. During the night, Col. Crutchfield, Jackson's chief of artillery, ferried 10 of Ewell's guns across the Shenandoah, and estab^ lished them where they could take iii reverse our best intrenchments on Bolivar Heights ; soon compelling their evacuation and our retreat to an inferior position, considerably nearer the Ferry, and of course more ex posed to and commanded by Mc Laws's guns on Maryland Heights. At 9 p. m.," our cavalry, some 2,000 strong, under Col. Davis, 12th Ulinois, made their escape from the Ferry, across the pontoon-bridge, to the Maryland bank ; passing up the Potomac unassailed, through a re gion swarming with enemies, to the mouth of the Antietam, thence stri king northward across Maryland, reaching Greencastle, Pa., next morn ing ; having captured by the way the ammunition train of Gen. Longstreet, consisting of 50 to 60 wagons. Miles assented to this escape ; but refused permission to infantry officers who asked leave to cut their way out : say ing he was ordered to hold the Ferry to the last extremity. Next morning at daybreak,20 the Rebel batteries reopened from seven commanding points, directing their fire principally at our batteries on Bolivar Heights. At 7 a. m., Miles stated to Gen. White that a surrender was inevitable, his artillery ammu nition being all but exhausted ; when the brigade commanders were called together and assented. A white flag was thereupon raised ; but the Rebels, not perceiving it, continued their fire some 30 to 40 minutes, whereby Miles was mortally wounded. Jack son was just impelling a general in fantry attack, when informed that the 1 Sept. 12. 16 Sept. 14. a0 Sept. 15, 202 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. white flag had been raised on the de fenses. At 8 A. m., a capitulation was agreed to, under which 11,583 men were passed over to the enemy — about half of them New Yorkers ; the residue mainly from Ohio and Maryland. Nearly all were raw levies ; some of them militia, called out for three months. Among the spoils were 73 guns, ranging from excellent to worthless ; 13,000 small arms, 200 wagons, and a large quan tity of tents and camp-equipage. Of horses, provisions, and munitions, the captures were of small account. Jackson, whose appreciation of the value of time was unsurpassed, did not wait to receive the surrender; but, leaving that duty to Hill, hur ried off the mass of his followers to rejoin Gen. Lee ; and, by marching day and night, reached the Antietam next morning.21 It is impossible to resist the con clusion that Miles, in this affair, acted the part of a traitor. He had been ordered, one month before his surrender, to fortify Maryland Heights ; which he totally neglected to do. He refused or neglected to send the axes and spades required by Col. Ford, giving no reason therefor. He paroled, on the 13th, 16 Rebel prisoners, authorizing them to pass out of our lines into those of the enemy ; thus giving the Rebel com manders the fullest knowledge of all wherewith ours should have wished to keep them ignorant. Another Rebel, an officer named Rouse, who had been captured and had escaped, being retaken, was allowed a private interview by Miles, and thereupon paroled to go without our lines. He, still under parole, appeared in arms at the head of his men, among the first to enter our lines after the sur render. As to Gen. McClellan, his most glaring fault in the premises would seem to have been his designation" of Col. Miles, after his shameful be havior at Bull Run, to the command of a post so important as Harper's Ferry. It is easy now to reproach him with the slowness of his advance from Washington to Frederick ; but it must be borne in mind that his force consisted of the remains of two beaten armies — his own and Pope's — not so much strengthened as swelled by raw troops, hastily levied for an emergency ; while opposed to him was an army of veterans, inferior indeed in numbers, but boasting of a succession of victories from first Bull Run onward, and proudly regarding itself as invincible. Perplexed as to Lee's intentions, and hampered by the necessity of covering at once Washington and Baltimore, McClel lan moved slowly, indeed ; but only a great military genius, or a rash, headstrong fool, would have ventured to do otherwise. After he learned at Frederick that Lee had divided his army, in his eagerness to clutch the tempting prize, McClellan blun dered sadly in not hurling his army at once on McLaws, and thus cutting his way swiftly to the Ferry ; yet, with all his mistakes, he moved vig orously enough to have seasonably relieved Miles, had that officer evinced loyalty and decent fitness for his position, or ha,d Ford defend ed Maryland Heights with vigor and tenacity. Halleck's insisting that Harper's Ferry should be held, after he knew "Sept. 16. 'March 29. MoCLELLAN ADVANCES TO THE ANTIETAM. 203 that the Rebel army had crossed into Maryland, is one of those puzzles so frequently exhibited in the strategy of that Generalissimo, which must find their solution in some higher, subtler, and more leisurely existence. Gen. McClellan, at 3 a. m. of the 15th, was aware — for he telegraphed to Halleck— that he had been fight ing the forces of D. H. Hill and Longstreet ; that they had disap peared from his front; and that Franklin had likewise been com pletely successful at Crampton's Gap, on his left. He says in this dispatch : " The enemy disappeared during the night ; our troops are now advancing in pursuit." At 8 a. m., he tele graphed again — still from Bolivar, at the foot of Turner's Gap : " I have just learned from Gen. Hooker, in the advance — who states that the infor mation is perfectly reliable — that the enemy is making for the river in a perfect panic ; and Gen. Lee last night stated publicly that he must admit they had been shockingly whipped. I am hurrying every thing for ward to endeavor to press their retreat to the utmost." Had even the last sentence of this dispatch been literally true, Lee's destruction was imminent and cer tain. It was now too late to save Har per's Ferry — for it had this moment fallen — but not too late to superbly avenge it. With Lee's order in his hand, McClellan must have known that the forces from which he and Franklin had just wrested the passes of the South Mountain were all that Lee had to depend upon, save those which he had detached and sent — mainly by long -circuits — to reduce Harper's Ferry, and which must now be mainly on the other side of the Potomac. Precious hours had been lost by massing on his right instead of his left, and fighting for Turner's Gap, when he should only by a feint have kept as many Rebels there as possible, while he poured the great body of his army, in overwhelming strength and with the utmost celer ity, through Crampton's Gap, crush ing McLaws and relieving Harper's Ferry. But there was still time, if not to retrieve the error, at least to amend it. Our soldiers, flushed with unwonted victory, and full in the faith that they had just wrested two strong mountain-passes from the en tire Rebel army, were ready for any effort, any peril. To press forward with the utmost rapidity, and so re lieve Harper's Ferry, if that might still be, but at all events to crush that portion of the Rebel army still north of the Potomac, if it should stand at bay, and rout and shatter it should it attempt to ford the river ; at the very worst, to interpose be tween it and the other half, under Jackson and Walker, should it at tempt to escape westward by Hagers town and Williamsport, and thus be in position to assail and overwhelm either half before it could unite with the other, was the course which seems to have been as obvious to Mc Clellan as it must be to every one else. The advance was again led by Gen. Pleasanton's cavalry, who over took at Boonsborough the Rebel cav alry rear-guard, charged it with spirit, and routed it, capturing 250 prison ers and 2 guns. Richardson's divi sion, of Sumner's corps, followed; pressing eagerly on that afternoon ; " and, after a march of 10 or 12 miles, 1 Sept. 15. 204 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. descried the Rebels posted in force across Antietam Greek, in front of the little village of Shaepsbtteg. Richardson halted and deployed on the right of the road from Keedys ville to Sharpsburg ; Sykes, with his division of regulars, following closely after, came up and deployed on the left of that road. Gen. McClellan himself, with three corps in all, came up during the evening. Lee had of course chosen a strong position ; but delay could only serve to strengthen it, while giving oppor tunity for the arrival of Jackson, Walker, and McLaws, from Harper's Ferry ; which McClellan now knew had fallen that morning: Franklin having apprised him of the hour when the sound of guns from that quarter ceased. Had McClellan then resolved to attack at daylight next morning,24 he might before noon have hurled 60,000 gallant troops against not more than half their number of Rebels ; for, though Jackson arrived with his overmarched men that morn ing, he left A. P. Hill behind at the Ferry, while McLaws, still con fronting Franklin in Pleasant Val ley, was obliged to cross the Potomac at Harper's Ferry, and recross it at Shepherdstown, in order to come up at all ; and did not arrive until the morning of the 17th. Walker, clear ing Loudon Heights and crossing the Shenandoah on the 15th, had fol lowed Jackson during the night, and arrived at Shepherdstown early on the morning of the 16th ; crossing and reporting to Lee at Sharpsburg by noon." ' Lee, aware that every hour's delay was an inestimable advantage to him, made as great a display of force as possible throughout the 15th and 16th, though he thereby exposed his infantry — it seemed wantonly — to the fire of our artillery. But, on the morning of the 17th, when our col umns advanced to the attack, and the battle began in earnest, his whole army, save A. P. Hill's division, be ing on hand, the regiments and brig ades hitherto so ostentatiously para ded seemed to have sunk into the earth ; and nothing but grim and frowning batteries were seen cover ing each hill-crest and trained on every stretch of open ground where by our soldiers might attempt to scale those rugged steeps. The struggle was inaugurated on the afternoon of the 16th, by our old familiar maneuver: Hooker, on our right, being directed to flank and beat the enemy's left, backed by Sumner, Franklin, and Mansfield, who were to come into action suc cessively, somewhat nearer the ene my's center. It would have been a serious objection, ten hours before, to this strategy, that it tended, even if successful, to concentrate the ene my, by driving him back on his divi sions arriving or expected from Har- M Sept. 16. a5 McClellan, in his report, says : "It had been hoped to engage the enemy during the 15th;" but, "after a rapid examina tion of the position, I found that it was too late to attack that day, and at once directed the plac ing of the batteries in position in the center, and indicated the bivouacs for the different corps, massing them near and on both sides of the Sharpsburg turnpike. The corps were not all in their positions until the next morning after sunrise." George W. Smalley, correspondent of The Tribune, writes from the battle-field on the 17th as follows: "After the brilliant victory near Middletown, Gen. McClellan pushed forward his army rapidly, and reached Keedysville with three corps on Monday night. On the day following,' the two armies faced each other idly until night." HOOKER ADVANCES AT ANTIETAM. 205 ANTIETAM. per's Ferry, rather than to interpose between him and them. Hooker moved at 4 p. m. ; and, making a long detour, crossed the Antietam out of sight and range of the Rebel batteries. Turning at length sharply to the left, he came to an open field, with woods in front and on either side, whence our skir mishers were saluted by scattering shots, followed by volleys of musketry from the left and front. Here Hooker — reconnoitering in the advance, as usual — halted and formed his lines ; Ricketts's division on the left ; Meade, with the Pennsylvania Reserves, in the center; while Doubleday, on the right, planting his guns on a hill, opened at once on a Rebel battery that had begun to enfilade our een- 206 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. ter. By this time, it was dark, and the firing soon ceased ; the hostile infantry lying down for the night at points within half musket-shot of each other. At daylight next morning,28 the battle was commenced in earnest: the left of Meade's and the right of Ricketts's line becoming engaged at nearly the same moment, the former with artillery, the latter with infan try ; while a battery was pushed for ward beyond the woods directly in Hooker's front, across a plowed field, to the edge of a corn-field beyond it, destined before night to be soaked with blood. Hood's thin division, which had confronted us at evening, had been withdrawn during the night, and re placed byLawton's and Trimble's brig ades of Ewell's division, under Law- ton, with Jackson's own division, un der D. R. Jones, on its left, supported by the remaining brigades of Ewell. Jackson was in chief command on this wing, and here was substantially his old corps around him. Against these iron soldiers, Hooker's corps hurled itself, and, being superior in numbers, compelled them to give ground ; but not until Jones and Lawton had been wounded, with many more field officers, and Starke, who succeeded Jones in command, killed. Early, who succeeded Law- ton, was ordered by Jackson to re place Jackson's own division, which had suffered so severely and was so nearly out of ammunition that it had to be temporarily withdrawn from the combat. By this time, Ricketts and Meade had pushed the Rebel line back across the corn field and the road, into the woods beyond, and was following with eager, exulting cheers. But Hood's division, somewhat re freshed, had by this time returned to the front, backed by the brigades of Ripley, Colquitt, Garland (now under Col. McRae), and D. R. Jones, by whom the equilibrium of the fight was restored ; our men being hurled back by terrible volleys from the woods, followed by a charge across the corn-field in heavy force. Hook er called up his nearest brigade ; but it was not strong enough, and he sent at once to Doubleday : " Give me. your best brigade instantly !" That brigade came down the hill on our right at double-quick, and was led by Hartsuff into the corn-field, and steadily up the slope beyond it, form ing on the crest of the ridge, under a hurricane of shot and shell, and fir ing steadily and rapidly at the Rebel masses just before them. They held their position half an hour, unsup ported, though many fell; among them their leader, Hartsuff, wounded severely ; until for a second time the enemy was driven out of the corn field into the woods. Meantime, both sides were strength ening this wing. Ricketts's division, having attempted to advance and failed, had fallen back. Part of Mansfield's corps had gone in to their aid, and been driven back likewise, with their General mortally wound ed. Doubleday's guns were still busy on our extreme right, and had silenced a Rebel battery which for half an hour had enfiladed Hooker's center. Ricketts sent word that he could not advance, but could hold his ground. Hooker, with Craw ford's and Gordon's fresh brigades of 1 Sept. 17. THE FIGHT ON OUR RIGHT AND CENTER. 207 Mansfield's corps, came up to his support, determined again to advance and carry the woods to the right of and beyond the corn-field. Going forward to reconnoiter on foot, Hook er satisfied himself as to the nature of the ground, returned and re mounted amid a shower of Rebel bullets, which he had all the morning disregarded ; but the next moment a musket-ball went through his foot, in flicting a severe and intensely pain ful wound; which compelled, him, after giving his orders fully and de liberately, to leave the field at 9 a. m. Sumner, arriving at this moment, assumed command, sending forward Sedgwick's division of his own corps to support Crawford and Gordon; while Richardson and French, with his two remaining divisions, went for ward farther to the left; Sedgwick again advancing in line through the corn-field already won and lost. But by this time McLaws — who, by marching all night, had reached Shepherdstown from Harper's Ferry that morning, and instantly crossed — had been sent forward by Lee to the aid of Jackson ; while Walker's division had been hurried across from their as yet unassailed right. . Again Hood's brigade was withdrawn from the front, while the fresh forces un der Walker and McLaws advanced with desperate energy, seconded by Early on their left. Sedgwick was thrice badly wounded, and compelled to retire ; Gens. Dana and Crawford were likewise wounded. The 34th New York — which had broken at a critical moment, while attempting a maneuver under a terrible fire — was nearly cut to pieces; and the 15th Massachusetts, which went into action 600 strong, was speedily reduced to 134. Gen. Howard, who took com mand of Sedgwick's division, was unable* to restore its formation, and Sumner himself had no better success. Again the center of our right gave back, and the corn-field was retaken by the enemy. But the attempt of the Rebels to advance beyond it, under the fire of our batteries, was repelled with heavy loss on their part ; Col. Man ning, who led Walker's own brigade, being severely wounded, and his brigade driven back. Doubleday, on our farther right, held firmly ; and it seemed settled that, while either party could repel a charge on this part of the line, neither could afford to make one. But now Franklin had come up with his fresh corps, and formed on the left ; Slocum, commanding one of his divisions, was sent forward to ward the center ; while Smith, with the other, was ordered to retake the ground that had been so long and 60 hotly contested. It was no sooner said than done. Smith's regiments, cheering, went forward on a run, swept through the corn-field and the woods, cleared them in ten minutes, and held them. Their rush was so sudden and unex pected that their loss was compara tively small ; and the ground thus retaken was not again lost. Nearer the center, French's divi sion of Sumner's corps had attempted to carry the line of heights whereon the Rebels were posted, and had made some progress, repulsing a countercharge and capturing a num ber of prisoners, with some flags. Attempts successively to turn his right and then his left were foiled ; but, after a bloody combat of four 208 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT-. hours, French paused, considerably in advance of the position on which the fight had commenced, but with out having carried the heights. Richardson's division of Sumner's corps advanced on the left of French, crossing the Antietam at 9 J a. m., and going steadily forward under a heavy artillery fire, half way up from the creek to Sharpsburg, over very rugged ground, much of it covered with growing corn, and intersected by stone walls, which afforded every advantage to the defensive. The musketry fire on both sides was se vere ; but our men steadily gained ground; Caldwell's and Meagher's (Irish) brigade vieing with each other in steadiness and gallantry. Here Col. Francis C. Barlow, of Caldwell's brigade, signalized himself by seizing an opportunity to advance the 61st and 64th New York on the left, and take in flank a Rebel force, which, sheltered by a sunken road, was at tempting to enfilade our line, captur ing over 300 prisoners and 3 flags. The left of this division being now well advanced, the enemy, maneu vering behind a ridge, attempted to take it in flank and rear, but was signally defeated ; the 5th New Hampshire and the 81st Pennsylvania facing to the left and meeting their charge by a countercharge, which was entirely successful. Some pris oners and the colors of the 4th North Carolina remained in our hands. The enemy next assailed the right of this division ; but Col. Barlow, again advancing his two New York regi ments, aided by Kimball's brigade on the right, easily repulsed it. Next, a charge was made directly on Rich ardson's front, which was defeated as before, and our line still farther ad vanced as far as Dr. Piper's house, very near to Sharpsburg, -and about the center of the Rebel army at the beginning of the battle. Here artil lery was brought up — this division having thus far fought without it — and, while personally directing the fire of Capt. Graham's battery, 1st U. S. Artillery, Richardson fell mor tally wounded, and was succeeded by Hancock. Gen. Meagher had fallen some time before: the com mand of his brigade devolving on Col. Burke, of the 63d New York. One or two more attempts or menaces were made on this part of our line, but not in great force ; and, though its advance was drawn back a little to avoid an enfilading fire from Rebel batteries, to which it could not respond, it held its well advanced position when night closed the battle. Porter's corps, in our center, hold ing the roads from Sharpsburg to Middletown and Boonsborough, re mained unengaged, east of the An tietam, until late in the afternoon ; when two brigades of it were sent by McClellan to support our right; while six battalions of Sykes's reg ulars were thrown across the bridge on the main road to repel Rebel sharp-shooters, who were annoying Pleasanton's horse-batteries at that point. Warren's brigade was de tached and sent to the right and rear of Burnside, leaving but little over 3,000 men with Porter. Burnside's corps held our extreme left, opposite the lowest of the three bridges crossing the Antietam. He was ordered, at 8 a. m., to cross this one, which was held by Gen. R. Toombs, with the 2d and 20th Georgia, backed by some sharp-shooters and CLOSE OF THE BATTLE OF ANTIETAM. 209 the batteries of Gen. D. R. Jones, on Longstreet's right wing. . Several fee ble attempts to execute this order hav ing been successively repulsed, Burn side .was further ordered to carry not only the bridge but the heights be yond, and advance along their crest upon Sharpsburg ; but it was not till 1 p. m. that the bridge was actually taken, by a charge of the 51st New York and the 51st Pennsylvania ; the enemy making no serious resistance, and retreating to the heights as our troops came over in force. More hours passed idly ; and it was after 3 p. m. before Burnside, under peremp tory orders, charged up the heights, carrying them handsomely ; some of his troops reaching even the outskirts of Sharpsburg. It was an. easy but a short-lived triumph ; for, thus far, Lee had been able to spare but about 3,000 men, under D. R. Jones, to hold this flank of his position. Had this success been obtained hours earlier, it might have proved decisive. The Rebel forces throughout the greater part of the day had abundant occupation on our right, so that Lee was unable to spare sufficient troops to resist a de termined advance by our left ; but now, just as victory seemed to smile upon our arms, A. P. Hill's division — which had only been ordered from Harper's Ferry that morning, and started at 7J o'clock — came on the ground, and, covered by a heavy fire of artillery, charged our extreme left, when disordered by charging and fighting, and drove it back in still greater confusion. Gen. Rodman, who commanded it, was mortally wounded; and the enemy, rallying with spirit and redoubling the fire of his artillery, charged in front and flank, and drove our men in confu sion down the hill toward the Antie tam, pursuing until checked by the fire of our batteries across the river. Gen. L. O'B. Branch, of N. C, was killed in this charge. Our reserves on the left bank now advancing, while our batteries redoubled their fire, the Rebels wisely desisted, without at tempting to carry the bridge, and re tired to their lines on the heights, as darkness put an end to the fray. Jackson, during the afternoon, had been ordered by Lee to turn'our right, and attack it in flank and rear ; but^ on reconnoitering for this purpose^, he found our line extended nearly to> the Potomac, and so strongly defend ed with artillery that to carry it was, impossible ; so he declined to make, the attempt. So closed, indecisively, the bloodi est day that America ever saw.. Gen. McClellan states his strength — no doubt truly — in this battle at 87,164, including 4,320 cavalry ,,which. was of small account on such ground. and in such a struggle. General Couch's division, 5,000 strong,, had been sent away toward Harper's Fer ry — evidently through some misap prehension — and only arrived at a, late hour next morning;2' as did. Humphrey's division of raw recruits,, whichhadleftFrederick— 23miles dis tant— at 4£ p.m. of the sanguinary 17th. McClellan estimates-Lee's strength at 97,445, including 6,000 artillery (400 guns), 6,400 cavalry, and mak ing Jackson's corps* number 24,778- —all far too high. Lee says he had "under 40,000 men;" which proba bly includes neither cavalry nor A., P. Hill's division ; and perhaps, not vol. n. — 14 'Sept 18. 210 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. McLaws's. The Richmond Enquirer of the 23d (four days after the battle) says it has " authentic particulars" of the battle ; and that " the ball was . opened on Tuesday evening about 6 ! o'clock, by all of our available force, 60,000 strong, commanded by Gen. Robert E. Lee in person." And this seems to be the more probable aggre gate. Pollard, in his " Southern History ofthe War," says of this battle : " It was fought for half the day with 45,000 men on the Confederate side ; and for the remaining half with no more than an aggregate of 70,000 men." Gen. McClellan makes his entire loss in this battle 12,469: 2,010 killed, 9,416 wounded, and 1,043 miss ing ; and says his army counted and i buried " about 2,700" of the enemy, beside those buried by themselves: whence he estimates their total loss as "much greater" than ours. As the Rebels fought mainly on the de fensive, under shelter of woods, and on ground commanded by their ar tillery, this might seem improbable. But Lee (writing his report on the 6th of March following) is silent as to his losses, while the account of them given as complete in the official publication of " Reports of the Operations of the Army of Virginia, from June, 1862, to Dec. 13th, 1862," is palpably and purposely an under-statement. That account makes the total Rebel loss in the Maryland battles only ; 10,291 : viz., killed, 1,567 ; wounded, ' 8,724 ; and says nothing of missing ; while McClellan gives details of con siderable captures on several occa sions, and sums up as follows : " Thirteen guns, 39 colors, npward of 15,000 stand of small arms, and more than 6,000 prisoners, were the trophies which attest the success of our arms in the battles of South Mountain, Crampton's Gap, and Antietam. Not a single gun or color was lost by our army during these battles." And the reports of Lee's corps or division commanders give the follow ing aggregates: Killed. Longstreet's .... 964 Jackson's 851 D. H. Hill's 464 A. P. Hill's as.. 68 Total 1,842 Wounded. Missing, Total. 5,284 1,810 7,508 2,080 67 2,488 1,852 925 8,241 283 — 848 9,899 2,292 18,588 D. H. Hill reports 3,241 disabled, including 4 Colonels, out of less than 5,000; and Lawton's brigade lost 554 out of 1,150. Among the Rebel killed were Maj.-Gen. Starke, of Miss., Brig.- Gens. L. O'B. Branch, of N. C, and G.B.Anderson; Cols. Douglass (com manding Lawton's brigade), Liddell, llth Miss., Tew, 2d N. C, Barnes, 12th S. C, Mulligan, 15th Ga., Bar clay, 23d do., and Smith, 27th do. Among their wounded were Maj.- Gen. R. H. Anderson, Brig. -Gens. Lawton, Rhodes, Ripley, Armistead, Gregg, of S. C, R. Toombs and Wright, of Ga. Lee, of course, did not care to re new the battle on the morrow of such a day ; and McClellan, though reen forced that morning by about 14,000 men, stood still also. He says he purposed to renew the combat the next morning ;2B but, when his cav alry advance reached the river, they discovered that Lee had quietly moved off across the Potomac dur ing the night, leaving us only his dead and some 2,000 of his despe rately wounded. Lee having posted 8 batteries on the Virginia bluffs of the Potomac, supported by 600 infantry under Pen- 1 Jackson expressly states that A P. Hill's losses were not include- in his return. " Sept. 19. STUART RIDES AGAIN AROUND OUR ARMY. 211 dleton, to cover his crossing, Gen. Porter, at dark,30 sent across Gen. Griffin, with his own and Barnes's brigades, to carry them. This was gallantly done, under the fire of those batteries, and 4 guns taken; but a reeonnoissance in force, made by part of Porter's division next morning," was ambushed by A. P. Hill, a mile from the ford, and driven pell-mell into the river, with consid erable loss, after a brief struggle ; the Rebels taking 200 prisoners. They held that bank thenceforth unmo lested until next day, and then qui etly disappeared. Lee moved westward, with the bulk of his army, to the Opequan creek, near Martinsburg; his cav alry, under Stuart, recrossing the Potomac to Williamsport, whence he escaped on the approach of Gen. Couch's division. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad was now pretty thor oughly destroyed for some distance by the Rebels — neither for the first nor the last time. Gen. McClellan sent forward Gen. Williams on his left to retake Maryland Heights, which he did82 without opposition; as Gen. Sumner, two days later, oc cupied Harper's Ferry. Lee soon retired to the vicinity of Bunker Hill and Winchester; whence, seeing that he was not' pur sued nor imperiled by McClellan, he dispatched 3S Stuart, with 1,800 cav alry, on a bold raid into Pennsylva nia. Crossing the Potomac above Williamsport, Stuart pushed on rap idly to Chambersburg, where he de stroyed a large amount of supplies ; and, retiring as hurriedly as he came, he made a second circuit of McClellan's army, recrossing without loss into Virginia at White's Ford, below Harper's Ferry. McClellan, hearing he had gone on this raid, felt .entirely confident that he could not escape destruction, and made ex tensive preparations to insure it ; but his plans were foiled by lack of en ergy and zeal. Stuart paroled, at Chambersburg 275 sick and wound ed, whom he found there in hospital ; burned the railroad depot, machine- shops, and several trains of loaded cars, destroying 5,000 muskets and large amounts of army clothing. Perhaps these paid the Rebels for their inevitable waste of horse-flesh, and perhaps not. Here ensued a renewal of the old game of cross-purposes — McClellan calling loudly and frequently for re enforcements, horses, clothing, shoes, and supplies of all kinds, which were readily promised, but not always so promptly supplied ; Halleck sending orders to advance, which were not obeyed with alacrity, if at all. A dis temper among the horses threw 4,000 out of service, in addition to the heavy losses by Rebel bullets and by over-work. Halleck states that McClellan's army had 31,000 horses on the 14th of October; McClellan responds that 10,980 were required to move ten days' provisions for that army, now swelled to 110,000 men, beside 12,000 teamsters, &c. ; and that, after picketing the line of the Potomac, he had not 1,000 desirable cavalry. His entire cavalry force was 5,046 ; his artillery horses, 6,836 ; he needed 17,832 animals to draw his forage; so that he was still 10,000 short of the number actually required for an advance. At length, Gen. McClellan crossed 0 Sept. 19. 'Sept. 20. ! Sept. 20. 33 Oct. 10. 212 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. the Potomac, between the 26 th of October and the 2d of November ; and, moving unopposed down the east side of the Blue Ridge (Lee's army being still in the Valley, but moving parallel with ours), occupied Snicker's Gap and Manassas; and had advanced to Warrenton, when he was relieved from command," directed to turn it over to Gen. Burnside, and report by letter from Trenton, N. J. ; which he proceeded forthwith to do. Thus ended his active participation in the war. X. TENNESSEE— KENTUCKY— MISSISSIPPI. BUELL— BRAGG— EOSEOBANS— GEANT— VAN DORN. The comatose condition into which the war on the Tennessee had fallen, after the removal of Mitchel to the South, was fitfully broken by patter- ings of Rebel enterprise far in the rear of our main army. While. Bu- . ell, at or near Huntsville, Ala., was deliberately reorganizing and disci plining his forces, schooling them to an unwonted deference for Rebel rights of property — especially of prop erty in men — guerrilla raids and at tacks became increasingly and disa greeably frequent throughout Ken tucky and Tennessee — the Confed erate leaders, especially those of cav alry regiments, on finding that they were not needed in our front, trans ferring their assiduous and vehement attentions to our flanks and rear. The names of Forrest and John Morgan began to be decidedly noto rious. Horse-stealing — in fact, steal ing in general — in the name and be half of Liberty and Patriotism, is apt to increase in popularity so long as it is practiced with impunity; and the horses of Kentucky are eminently calculated to inflame the love of country glowing in the breast of every cavalier. Burning bridges, and clutching whatever property could be made useful. in war, had been for some time current; when at length a bolder blow was struck in the capture ' of Lebanon, Ky. [not Tenn.J, and almost simultaneously of Murfreesboro', Tenn., which For rest surprised ; making prisoners of Brig.-Gens. Duffield and Crittenden, of Ind., with the 9th Michigan, 3d Minnesota, 4 companies of the 4th Ky. cavalry, and 3 companies of the 7th Pa. cavalry, after a spirited but brief resistance. Henderson, Ky., on the Ohio, was likewise seized by a guerrilla band, who clutched a large amount of hospital stores ; and, being .piloted across by some Indiana trai tors; captured a hospital also at New- burg, Ind., and paroled its helpless in mates. Col. John Morgan likewise captured " Cynthiana, in north-eastern Kentucky; but was run off directly by a superior cavalry force under Gen. Green Clay Smith. Morgan claims in his report to have captured and paroled 1,200 Union soldiers during this raid, with a total loss of but 90 of his men. Large quan- ' Not. 1. 1 July 5, 1862. ' July 2. BRAGG AND KIRBT SMITH INVADE KENTUCKY. tities of plunder were thus obtained, while property of much greater value was destroyed ; and enough recruits were doubtless gathered to offset the waste of war. Still, military opera tions, without a base and without regular supplies, seldom produce sub stantial, enduring results; and the Confederate guerrillas either soon abandoned Kentucky or concealed themselves and lay quiet therein. The leaders, with most of their fol lowers, retired into Tennessee, where they captured Clarksville 3 and pos sessed themselves of ample military stores ; and a sharp cavalry fight at Gallatin resulted in a Union defeat, with a loss of 30 killed, 50 wounded, and 75 prisoners. Gen. Buell had left Corinth in June, moving eastward, as if intent on Chattanooga; but Gen. Bragg — who had succeeded to the chief com mand of the Rebels confronting him — had thereupon moved more rapid ly, on parallel roads, from Tupelo, Miss., through northern Alabama and Georgia, to Chattanooga, which he reached ahead of Buell's van guard. Bragg's army had been swelled by conscription to some 45,000 men, organized in three corps, under Hardee, Bishop Polk, and Kirby Smith respectively, where of the last was sent to Knoxville, while the two former sufficed to hold Chattanooga against any effort which Buell was likely to make. McClellan's Richmond campaign having proved abortive, while con scription had largely replenished the Rebel ranks, Bragg was impelled to try a bold stroke for the recovery of Tennessee and the 'liberation' of Kentucky. As with Lee's kindred 213 advance into Maryland, the increas ing scarcity of food was the more immediate, while fond expectations of a general rising in support of the Confederate cause, afforded the re moter incitement to this step. Louis- ville, with its immense resources, was the immediate object of this gigantic raid, though Cincinnati was thought to be also within its pur view. Crossing4 the Tennessee at Harrison, a few miles above Chatta nooga, with 36 regiments of infan try, 5 of cavalry, and 40 guns, Bragg traversed the rugged mountain ridges which hem in the Sequatchie Val ley, passing through Dunlap,6 Pike- Yiile," Crossville,T masking his move ment by a feint with cavalry on Mc- Minnville, but rapidly withdrawing this when its purpose was accom-^ plished, and pressing hurriedly north ward, to Kentucky; which he en tered on the 5th. Kirby Smith, with his division, from Knoxville, advanced by Jack- sonborough" across the Cumberland range, through Big Creek Gap, mov ing as rapidly as possible, with a very light train ; his men subsisting mainly on green corn — which is scarce enough in that poor, thinly-peopled region — his hungry, foot-sore, dusty followers buoyed up with the assurance pf plenty and comfort ahead. Hi'h cav alry advance, 900 strong, under Col. J. S. Scott, moving* from Kingston, Tenn., passed through Montgomery and Jamestown, Tenn., and Monti cello and Somerset, Ky., to London, where it surprised10 and routed a. battalion of Union cavalry, inflicting a loss of 30 killed and wounded and 111 prisoners; thence pushing on, making additional captures by the "Aug. 19. 4 Aug. 24. 'Aug. 27. « Aug. 30. * Sept. 1. 8 Aug. 22. • Aug. 13. "Aug. 17. 214 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. w'ay, to Richmond, Ky. ; thence fall ing back to rejoin Smith, who had not yet come up. The Cumberland Mountains are a broad range of table-land, some 2,000 feet in average height, de scending sharply to the upper waters of the Tennessee and Cumberland on either hand, and pierced by a single considerable pass — the Cum berland Gap — which had been for some time quietly held by a Union force under Gen. Geo. W. Morgan ; who, on learning that he had thus been flanked, blew up his works and commenced11 a precipitate race for the Ohio, which he in due time reached, having been constantly har assed, for most of the way, by John Morgan with 700 Rebel cavalry. * Moving rapidly northward, Smith J found himself confronted12 at Rich mond, Ky., by a green Union force, nearly equal in numbers to his own, under command of Brig.-Gen. M. D. Manson, who immediately pushed forward to engage him, taking posi tion on a range of hills, a mile or two south of the town, which was otherwise indefensible. Here he had a smart skirmish with the Rebel advance, and drove it back ; which prompted him to quit his strong po sition for one still farther advanced, at Rogersville, where his men slept on their arms that night. Next morning, he advanced half a mile farther, and here engaged Smith's : entire command, with no chance of I success. His force was quite equal in numbers and in guns to Smith's, but in nothing else. He attempted to flank the Rebel right, but was defeated with loss by Col. Preston Smith's brigade ; when his right was " ' "Aug. 17. successfully turned by the Rebel left, Gen. T. J. Churchill, and routed in a daring charge ; whereupon our whole line gave way and retreated. The Rebel Gen. Pat. Cleburne, after ward so distinguished, was here badly wounded in the face, and succeeded in his command by Col. Smith. Gen. Craft, with the 95th Ohio, had reached the field just before, and shared in this defeat ; but he had three more regiments coming up as our line gave way. Using two of these as a rear-guard, Manson at tempted to halt and reform just be yond Rogersville • but soon saw that this would not answer, and again re tired to the position wherefrom he had commenced the fight the evening be fore, and which he ought not to have left. Here, at 12| p. m., he received, just as the battle was recommencing, an order from Gen. Nelson, who was coming up, to retreat on Lancaster,- if menaced by the enemy in force — an order which came entirely too late : the exultant Rebels being close upon him, and opening fire along their whole line within five minutes after ward. The fight beyond Rogersville had been maintained through three hours ; here an hour sufficed to end it. Again our right was charged and routed, compelling a general retreat; and again — having been driven back to his camp — Manson was trying to re form and make head, when, Gen. Nelson having reached the ground, the command was turned over to him, and another stand made near the town and cemetery, which was converted into a total rout in less than half an hour ; Gen. Nelson be ing here wounded, as Cols. Link, — — — _ KIRBY SMITH ROUTS MANSON AT RICHMOND, KY. 215 12th Indiana, McMillan, 95th Ohio, and. ether valuable officers, had al ready been. Lt.-Col. Topping and Maj. Conkling, 71st Indiana, had been killed. The rout was now total and com plete ; and, to make the most of it, Smith had, hours before, sent Scott, with his cavalry, around to our rear, with instructions to prepare for and intercept the expected fugitives. Manson, who had resumed command when Nelson fell, had formed a new rear-guard, which was keeping the Rebel pursuit within bounds ; when, four miles from Richmond, the flee ing rabble were halted by a body of Rebel horse. Manson, hurrying up, attempted to form a vanguard ; but only 100 responded to his call, who were speedily cut up by a fire from a force of Rebels hidden in a corn field on the left of the road, whereby Lt.-Col. Wolfe and 41 others were killed or wounded. The road was here choked with wounded horses and other debris of a shattered army ; it was growing dusk (7 p. m.), and the remains of our thoroughly beaten force scattered through the fields; every one attempting to save himself as he could. Gen. Manson, with other officers, attempting escape by flight, was fired on by a squadron of Scott's cavalry ; his horse, mortally wounded, fell on him, injuring him severely, and he was taken prisoner ; as were many if not most of his compatriots in dis aster. Manson's report says that his en tire force this day " did not exceed 6,500," of whom not over 2,500 were engaged at once — a sad commentary on his generalship — and he adds: " The enemy say they had 12,000 in fantry, 4,000 cavalry, and 15 guns" — which they don't. He estimates' his loss at 200 killed, 700 wounded, and 2,000 prisoners. Kirby Smith, on the contrary, makes our force fully 10,000— his own but 5,000; and states his total loss at 400, and ours at 1,000 killed and wounded, 5,000 prisoners, 9 guns, 10,000 small arms, and large spoil of munitions and provisions. It is quite probable that his story, though exaggerated, is nearer the truth than Manson's. Smith set forward directly" for Lexington, which he entered in tri umph three days, afterward, amid the frantic acclamations of the numerous Rebel sympathizers of that intensely pro-Slavery region. He moved on through Paris to Cynthiana, within striking distance of either Cincinnati or Louisville, which seemed for a few days to lie at his mercy ; though con siderable numbers, mainly of militia and very green volunteers, had been hastily gathered for the defense of the former, and were busily em ployed in erecting defenses covering the Kentucky approaches to that city, at some distance back from the Ohio. Gen. Bragg had now completely flanked Buell's left, and passed be hind him, without a struggle and without loss, keeping well eastward of Nashville, and advancing by Car thage, Tenn., and Glasgow, Ky. ; first striking the Louisville and Nashville Railroad — which was our main line of supply and reenforcements- after he entered Kentucky.14 His advance, under Gen. J. R. Chalmers, first en countered1' a considerable force at Mdotokdsville, where the railroad crosses Green river, and where Col. 1 Sept. 1. 1 Sept. 5. " Sept. 13. 216 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. J. T. Wilder, with about 2,100 men, had assumed command five days be fore, by order of Gen. J. T. Boyle, commanding in Kentucky, and had hastily thrown up fortifications, with intent to dispute the passage of the river. Chalmers had already sent a mounted force to the north of Munfbrdsville, by which a first de mand for surrender was made at 8 p. M. The demand being repelled, an assault was made at daylight next morning, but speedily repulsed with Iosb. At 9 a. m., Wilder was reen forced by six companies of the 50th Indiana, Col. C. L. Dunham, who, being his senior, after hesitating, as sumed command; but was superse ded soon afterward by an order from Boyle, and Wilder restored. The Rebels, after their first re pulse, kept mainly out of sight, know ing that their ultimate success was inevitable, and allowed two more regiments and six guns to make their way into the town ; assured that all who were there would soon fall into their hands. At length, at 9£ a. m. on Tuesday,1' Bragg, having brought up his main body and surrounded the place with not less than 25,000 men, renewed the attack. Advancing cau tiously, keeping his men well cov ered, but crowding up on the weak and exposed points of our defenses in such numbers as absolutely to compel the gradual contraction of our lines, he, about sunset, sent in a flag of truce, demanding a surrender. As Buell was not at hand, nor likely to be, and as there was no hope of relief from any quarter, and no ade quate reason for sacrificing the lives of his men, Wilder, at 2 a. m. next day," after the fullest consultation » Sept. 16. with his officers, surrendered ; being allowed to march out with drums beating and colors flying, take four days' rations, and set forth immedi ately, under parole, for Louisville. He says in his report that his entire loss was 37 killed and wounded, " while the enemy admit a loss of 714 on Sunday alone." Bragg, on the contrary, says, "Our [Rebel] loss was about 50 killed and wounded ;" and claims 4,000 prisoners and as many muskets, beside guns and mu nitions. Bragg now issued the following address to the people of Kentucky, which, read backward, will indicate the objects and motives of his inva sion: "Glasgow, Ky., Sept. 18, 1862. " Kentuckians : I have entered your State with the Confederate Array of the West, and offer you au opportunity to free yourselves from the tyranny of a despotic ruler. We come, not as conquerors or de- spoilers, hut to restore to you the liberties of which you have been deprived by a cruel and relentless foe. We come to guarantee to all the sanctity of their homes and altars ; to punish with a rod of iron the despoilers of your peace, and to avenge the cowardly- insults to your women. With all non-com batants, the past shall be forgotten. Need ful supplies must he had for my army ; but they shall he paid for at fair and remunera ting prices. _" Believing that the heart of Kentucky is with us in our great struggle for Constitu tional Freedom, we have transferred from our own soil to yours, not a band of marau ders, but a powerful and well-disciplined army. Your gallant Buckner leads the van. Marshall is on the right; while Breckin ridge, dear to us as to you, is advancing with Kentucky's valiant sons, to receive the honor and applause due to their hero ism. The strong hands which in part have sent Shiloh down to history, and the nerved arms which have kept at bay from our own homes the boastful army of the enemy, are here to assist, to sustain, to liberate you. Will you remain indifferent to our call ? or will you not rather vindicate the fair fame of your once free and envied State ? We believe that you will ; and that the memory 17 Sept. 17. BUELL ADVANCES AGAINST BRAGG. 217 of your gallant dead -who fell at Shiloh, their faces turned homeward, will rouse you to a manly effort for yourselves and posterity. "Kentuckians! we have come with joy ous hopes. Let us not depart in sorrow, as we shall if we find you wedded in your choice to your present lot. If you prefer Federal rule, show it hy your frowns, and we shall return whence we came. If you choose rather to come within the folds of our brotherhood, then cheer us with the smiles of your women, and lend your will ing hands to secure you in your heritage of liberty. "Women of Kentucky! your persecu tions and heroic bearing have reached our ear. Banish henceforth, forever, from your minds the fear of loathsome prisons or in sulting visitations. Let your enthusiasm have free rein. Buckle on the armor of your kindred, your husbands, sons, and brothers, and scoff with shame him who would prove recreant in his duty to you, his country, and his God. "Bbaxton Bragg, " Gen. Commanding." It was not the fault of the General ..commanding that his army must ne cessarily have subsisted on the re gion of Kentucky it traversed ; but, when it is considered that he swept off in his retreat all the abundant horses and cattle that came within his reach, with whatever else he could carry, and that he did not and could not pay for any thing, it seems that the mockery of his promise of payment might wisely have been for borne. From Munfordsville, Bragg con tinued his unresisted march north ward, through Bardstown, to Prank- fort,18 the State capital, where Smith had preceded him, and where Rich ard Hawes,1' a weak old man, was inaugurated.20 "Provisional Governor of Kentucky." " This ceremony," says Pollard, "was scarcely more than a pretentious farce : hardly was it completed when the Yankees threatened Frankfort ; and the new ly installed Governor had to flee from their approach." * Gen. Buell, after leaving Nash ville21 strongly garrisoned, had marched directly for Louisville, 170 miles ; where his army arrived be tween the 25th and 29th. It had by this time been swelled by reenforce ments, mainly raw, to nearly 100,000 men ; but it was not, in his judgment, yet in condition to fight Bragg's far inferior numbers. Hence, time was taken to reorganize- and supply it; while the Rebel cavalry galloped at will over the plenteous central dis tricts of the State, collecting large quantities of cattle and hogs not only, but of serviceable fabrics and other manufactures as well. Buell's delays, synchronizing with McClel lan's last, were so distasteful at Wash ington, that an order relieving him from command was issued; but its execution was suspended on the em phatic remonstrance of his subordi nate commanders. The hint being a pretty strong one, Buell set his face toward the enemy ; 22 moving in five columns: his left on Frankfort, his right on Shepardsville, intending to concentrate on Bardstown, where Bragg, with his main body, was sup posed to be ; skirmishing by the way with small parties of Rebel . cavalry and artillery. Thus advancing stead ily, though not rapidly, he passed through Bardstown, and thence to Springfield,23 62 miles from Louis ville ; Bragg slowly retreating before him, harassing rather than resisting his advance, so as to gain time for the escape of his now immense trains, consisting mainly of captured Fed eral army wagons, heavily laden with the spoils of Kentucky. Here Buell "Octl. "Formerly a member of Congress. *° Oct. 4. "Sept 15. " Oct. 1. a Oct. 6. 218 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. learned that Kirby Smith had crossed the Kentucky, and that Bragg was moving to concentrate his forces either at Harrodsburg or Perey- ville. His own movement was therefore directed toward Perry- ville ; three miles in front of which, moving with his 3d or central corps, he encountered, on the afternoon of the 7th, a considerable Rebel force, drawn up in order of battle; but which his advance pressed back a mile or so without much fighting; when he, expecting a battle, sent orders to McCook and Crittenden, commanding his flank corps, to ad vance on his right and left at 3 next morning. McCook did not receive the order till 2£ a. m., and he marched at 5 ; but Crittenden, unable to find water for his corps at the place where Buell had expected it to encamp for the night, had moved off the road in quest of it, and was six miles farther away than he otherwise would have been; so that the order to advance was not duly received, and his arri val at Perry ville was delayed several hours. A great drouth then prevailing in Kentucky, causing severe privation and suffering to men and animals, the fight commenced early next morn ing, by an attempt of the enemy to repel the brigade of Col. D. McCook, which had been pushed forward by Buell on his immediate front to cover some hollows in the bed of Doctor's creek, whence a little bad water was obtained. This attempt was defeated by sending up the di visions of Gens. Mitchell and Sheri dan, to hold the ground until our two flank corps should arrive ; which the left, Gen. A. D. McCook, did between 10 and 11 a. m. ; and the batteries of his advance division were sharply engaged with the enemy not long afterward. Bragg was present in person ; but his forces were commanded more im mediately by Maj.-Gen. Bishop Polk, who had in hand five divisions — two under Hardee, and those of Patton Anderson, Cheatham, and Buckner — that of Withers having been sent by Bragg, the day before, to support Smith, who was retreating farther to the east, and was deemed in danger of being enveloped and cut off. Bragg gives no other reason for fighting before concentrating his en tire command than that the enemy were pressing heavily on his rear; but it is clear that he had deliber ately resolved to turn and fight at Perryville. Maj.-Gen. McCook, having reached the position assigned him with but two of his three divisions — that of Gen. Sill having been detached and, sent to Frankfort — had directed the posting of his troops and formation of his line of battle — Gen. Rousseau's division on the right, in line with the left of Gilbert's corps, and Gen. Jack son's on the left, near the little ham let of Maxwell, on the Harrodsburg road — rode off and reported in per son to Gen. Buell, 2£ miles distant, in the rear of his right ; and received verbal orders to make a reconnois- sance in front of his position to Chap lin creek. Returning to his com-r mand, and finding nothing in pro-' gress but mutual artillery practice, to little purpose, he ordered his bat teries to save their ammunition, while he made the directed reconnois- sance; at the same time advancing his skirmishers and extending his BATTLE OF PERR Y VILLE — GEN. JACKSON KILLED. 219 left, in order to obtain a more advan tageous position, and enable his men to procure from the creek the water for which they were suffering. So much being accomplished, and no enemy in sight save some cavalry on the bluffs across the creek, he pro ceeded, at 1% p. m., to the left of his line ; in no apprehension of an attack until he should see fit to make one. BATTLE OF PBE»TVII.1_. He was grievously mistaken. Hardly had he been half an hour away from his front, when his left, composed mainly of green soldiers, under a brave but inexperienced com mander, and not fully formed in order of battle, was suddenly and vehe mently assailed in front and flank by ' "Union Member of Congress from the Hd district of Kentucky; elected in 1861, rapidly charging masses of infantry and artillery, hitherto concealed in woods and hollows, but which seemed as if magically evoked from the earth. Cheatham's division, which had been silently moved from the Rebel left to their right, led this assault, responding with terrific yells and more hurried step to the fire of our batteries, until within short musket- range, when, at their very first vol ley, Maj.-Gen. James S. Jackson24 fell dead. His fall disorganized the raw and over-matched brigade of Gen. Terrill, which he was desper ately exerting himself to steady, and it gave way in utter panic; Gen. Terrill himself following his chiefs example and sharing his fate not long afterward ; as did, at a later hour, Col. George Webster, 98th Ohio, com manding a brigade. Terrill's brigade being thus instan taneously routed, with the loss of Parsons's battery, the whole force of the Rebel charge fell upon Rousseau, who was ready to receive it. An at tempt to flank and crush his left was promptly met by new dispositions : Starkweather's brigade, with Stone's and Bush's batteries, being faced to that flank, and receiving the enemy with volley after volley, which tore his ranks and arrested his momentum for two or three hours, until our am munition was exhausted, and Bush's battery had lost 35 horses ; when our guns were drawn back a short dis- tance, and our infantry retired to re- ; plenish their cartridge-boxes ; then ' resuming their position in line. Rousseau's center and right were held respectively by the brigades of by 9,281 votes, to 3,364 for Bunch, "State Rights," i. e., semi-Rebel. 220 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. Harris and Ly tie, who fought bravely, but lost ground, in consequence of the disaster, on our farther left. Fi nally, a desperate charge was made upon Lytle's front and right, favored by irregularities of ground, which covered and concealed ' it, and his brigade was hurled back ; Lytle him self falling at this moment, and, be lieving his wound mortal, refusing to be carried off the field. The charging Rebels now struck the left flank of Gilbert's corps, held by R. B. Mitchell and Sheridan, which had been for some little time engaged along its front. The key of its position was held — and of course well held — by Brig.-Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, who had been engaged in the morning, but had driven the enemy back out of sight, after a short but sharp contest, and had just repelled another assault on his front ; advancing his line as his assailants retired, and then turning his guns upon the force which had just driven Rousseau's right. And now Gen. Mitchell pushed forward the 31st brigade, Col. Carlin, on Sheridan's right, and charged at double-quick, breaking and driving the enemy into and through Perryville, to the pro tection of two batteries on the bluffs beyond, capturing 15 heavily laden ammunition wagons, 2 caissons with their horses, and a train-guard of 140 ; retiring amid the Rebel confusion to this side of the town, and thence opening fire with his battery as dark ness came on. Meantime, the 30th brigade, Col. Gooding, which had been sent by Gilbert to the aid of McCook, had formed on our extreme left, confront ing the division of the Rebel Gen. Wood, and here, fought desperately for two hours against superior num bers. A lull occurring in the fusil lade, Gooding rode forward, about dark, to ascertain the Rebel position ; when his horse was shot under him" and he made prisoner. His brigade then fell back, having lost 549 men out of 1,423 ; taking position in line with McCook. There was some ran dom artillery firing afterward; but darkness substantially closed the bat tle. Gen. Buell did not learn until 4 p. m. that any serious conflict was in progress. He now heard with as tonishment from McCook that he had been two hours hotly engaged ; that both the right and the left of his corps were turned, or being turned ; and that he was severely pressed on every hand. Reenforcements were immediately ordered to McCook from the center, and orders sent to Crit tenden — who was advancing with our right division — to push forward and attack the enemy's left; but Crittenden's advance only reached the field at nightfall, when a single brigade (Wagner's) went into action on the right of Mitchell's division, just before the battle was terminated by darkness. At 6 a. m. next day,25 Gilbert's corps advanced by order to assail the Rebel front, while Crittenden struck hard on his left flank ; but they found no enemy to dispute their progress. Bragg had decamped during the night, marching on Harrodsburg; where he was joined by Kirby Smith and Withers ; retreating thence south ward by Bryantsville to Camp Dick Robinson, near Danville. Bragg admits a total loss in this * Oct. 9. BRAGG DECAMPS FROM KENTUCKY. 221 battle of not less than 2,500 ; includ ing Brig.-Gens. Wood, Cleburne, and Brown, wounded ; and claims to have driven us two miles, captured 15 guns, 400 prisoners, and inflicted a total loss of 4,000. Buell's report admits a loss on our part of 4,348 — 916 killed, 2,943 wounded, and 489 missing ; but as to guns, he concedes a loss of but ten, whereof all but two were left on the ground, with more than 1,000 of their wounded, by the Eebels. Gen. Buell officially reports his effective force which advanced on Perryville at 58,000 ; whereof 22,000 were raw troops, who had received little or no instruction. He estimates the Rebel army in Kentucky at 55,000 to 65,000 men ; but of this aggregate not more than two-thirds were present. As the fighting of all but the raw troops in this battle, on our side, was remarkably good, that of the Rebels present must have been still better, since they inflicted the greater loss, gained the more ground, and captured some cannon ; yet it is plain that Bragg obtained here all the fighting he was anxious for ; since he abandoned some 1,200 of his sick and wounded at Harrods burg, and 25,000 barrels of pork, with other stores, at various points ; making no stand even at Camp Dick Robinson — a very strong position, behind the perpendicular bluffs of Dick's river — but retreated precipi tately by Crab Orchard, Mount Ver non, London, and Barboursville, to Cumberland Gap, and thus into East Tennessee ; burning even large quan tities of cloths and other precious goods, for which transportation over the rough mountain roads necessarily traversed was not to be had. The retreat was conducted by Bishop Polk, and covered by Wheel er's cavalry. And, though Kentucky was minus many thousands of ani mals, with other spoils of all kinds, by reason of this gigantic raid, it is not probable, in view of the inevi table suffering and loss of animals on their long, hurried, famished flight through the rugged, sterile, thinly peopled mountain region, that all the Rebels took back into East Tennessee was equal in value to the outfit with which they had set forth on this ad venture. Sill's division — which had followed Kirby Smith from Frankfort, and had had a little fight with his rear guard near Lawrenceburg — reached Perryville at nightfall on the llth ; up to which time Buell had made rio decided advance. Pushing forward a strong reconnoissance next day to Dick's river, he found no enemy this side ; and he learned at Danville, two days later, that Bragg was in full re treat. He sent forward in pursuit at midnight Wood's division, followed by the rest of Crittenden's and then by McCook's corps, while Gilbert's marched on the Lancaster road to the left. Wood struck the Rebel rear guard next morning at Stanford, but to little purpose ; the enemy retiring when assailed in force, felling trees across the road behind him, and con suming all the forage of the region he traversed, rendering extended pur- - suit impossible. McCook's and Gil bert's divisions were halted at Crab Orchard; while Crittenden kept on to London, whence he was recalled by Buell; farther pursuit being evi dently useless. The Government, deeply dissatisfied with this impotent conclusion of the campaign, now re- 222 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. lieved29 Buell from command, ap pointing Maj.-Gen. Rosecrans in his stead. If the disappointment on our side at the escape of Bragg with his plun der was great, the chagrin of the Rebels was even greater. They had so loudly and boastingly proclaimed that they entered Kentucky to stay, that they had incited their partisans throughout the State to compromise themselves by demonstrations which were now shown to have been rash and useless ; so that thousands of the more prominent were impelled to fly with Bragg, who embarrassed his march and devoured his scanty sup plies, yet were of no value to the cause when they had together en tered — not in triumph — their beloved Dixie. Bragg's invasion had demon strated afresh the antagonism of at least two-thirds of the Kentuckians to the Rebellion — a demonstration more conclusive than that uniformly afforded by her elections, because there could now be no pretense that the people were overawed or their verdict corrupted. For weeks, a gal lant, formidable, triumphant Rebel army had held undisputed possession of the heart of the State ; its cavalry had traversed two-thirds of it, afford ing opportunity and solicitation to all who were inclined to enter the Confederate service ; their cause had enjoyed the prestige of several bril liant and profitable successes, while the Union forces everywhere fled be- 28 Oct. 30. " Pollard says: " It is to be admitted that the South was bit terly disappointed in the manifestations of pub lic sentiment in Kentucky ; that the exhibitions of sympathy in this State were meager and senti mental, and amounted to but little practical aid of our cause. Indeed, no subject was at once more dispiriting and perplexing to the South than the cautious and unmanly reception given fore them, or made a stand only to be routed; yet the number of recruits to their standard was confessedly moderate. Excepting in a few of the rich slaveholding counties around Lexington, and in that south-western portion of the State which Bragg failed to reach, those in sympathy with the Rebellion were everywhere a decided and in many counties an inconsiderable minority.2' The transfer of Gen. Halleck to Washington had left Gen. Grant in command of the district of West Ten nessee, with his headquarters at Jack son or at Bolivar, while Gen. Rose crans was left in command in north ern Mississippi and Alabama, when Gen. Buell, taking28 two of his divi sions, moved northward in. pursuit of Bragg. Rosecrans was at Tuscum bia when advised,29 by telegram from Gen. Grant, that a considerable Rebel force was moving northward between them, and that its cavalry had al ready attacked Bolivar, and cut the line of railroad between that post and Jackson. Hereupon, leaving Iuka in charge of Col. R. C. Murphy, 8th Wisconsin, Rosecrans moved east ward with Stanley's division to his old encampment at Clear creek, sev en miles from Corinth. Murphy pre cipitately abandoned his post on the approach of the Rebel cavalry, allow ing a large amount of stores, with 680 barrels of flour, to fall into the hands of the enemy. A reconnoissance in to our armies both in Kentucky and Maryland. The references we have made to the sentiment of each of these States leaves but little room to doubt the general conclusion, that the dread of Yankee vengeance and love of property were too powerful to "make them take risks against these in favor of a cause for which their people had a mere preference, without any attachments to it higher than those of selfish calculation/' 38 Aug. 20. » About Sept. 1. ROSECRANS ATTACKS PRICE AT IUKA. 223 force, under Col. Mower, having sat isfied Rosecrans that the Rebel army under Gen. Price now occupied Iuka, he so advised Gen. Grant ; who there upon resolved on a combined attack, sending down Gen. Ord, with some 5,000 men, to Burnsville, seven miles west of Iuka, and following from Bolivar with such troops as could be spared to reenforce him. Ord was to move on Iuka from the north ; while Rosecrans, with Stanley's, was to rejoin his remaining division, un der Hamilton, at Jacinto, nine miles south of Burnsville, thence advancing on Price from the south. This con centration was duly effected ; s° and Gen. Grant, who had now reached Burnsville, was advised that Rose crans would attack Iuka, 19£ miles » Sept. 18. from Jacinto, between 2£ and 4£ p. m. next day. Rosecrans moved accordingly, at 3 A. m,81 in light marching order, duly advising Gen. Grant ; and was within 7£ miles of Iuka at noon, hav ing been driving in the enemy's skir mishers for the last two miles. Dis appointed in hearing no guns from Ord's column, he did not choose "to push his four brigades against the more numerous army in their front on separate roads, which precluded their reciprocal support, but advanced slowly— Hamilton's division in front —up to a point two miles from Iuka, where a cross-road connected that from Jacinto, on which he was mov ing, with the road leading south-east ward from Iuka to Fulton; where, " 31 Sept. 19. 224 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. at 4 p. m., the Rebels were found drawn up in force, holding a strong position along a deep ravine crossing the main road, and behind the crest of a hill. Here our skirmishers were driven back on the head of the col umn in advance, which was suddenly saluted with a heavy fire of musketry, grape, canister, and shell, under which the llth Ohio battery was with diffi culty brought into position, with the 5th Iowa, Col. Matthias, and 26th Missouri, Col. Boomer, supporting it; the 48th Indiana, Col. Eddy, posted a little in advance of the battery, on the left of the road, holding their ground under a terrible fire; while the 4th Minnesota, Capt. Le Gro, and 16th Iowa, Col. Chambers, were hurried up to their support. The nature of the ground forbidding any extension of our front, the battle was thus maintained by a single brigade, against at least three times their numbers, until Col. Eddy was killed; when the remnant of his regiment was hurled back in disorder and our advanced battery clutched by the Rebels ; but not till its every horse had been disabled and every officer killed or wounded. A charge was instantly made to recover it, and the guns were repeatedly taken and re taken ; but they were finally dragged off the field by the Rebels, only to be •abandoned in their flight from Iuka. Stanley's division had meantime come up, pushing forward the llth Missouri to the front ; where, uniting with the 5th Iowa and 26th Missouri, it first checked the Rebel advance and then drove it back to the shelter of the ravine; while Col. Perczel, with the 10th Iowa and a section of Immell's battery, repulsed a Rebel attempt to turn our left. Col. Boomer fell, severely wounded, and darkness at length closed the battle : our men lying down on their arms, expecting to renew the struggle next morning ; Gen. Stanley himself being at the front, along with Brig.-Gen. Sullivan and Col. J. B. Sanborn, who had bravely and skillfully directed the movements of Hamil ton's two brigades ; but not a regi ment of Stanley's division, save the llth Missouri, had been enabled to participate in the action ; ai_d not a shot had been fired from- the direc tion whence Ord's advance had been confidently expected— the excuse for this being that Ord had only ex pected to attack after hearing the sound of Rosecrans'sguns ; and these a high wind from the north-west pre vented his hearing at all. Ord had been watching a Rebel demonstration from the south and west upon Corinth — which proved a mere feint — but had returned to Burnsville at 4 p. M.,82 when he was directed by Grant to move his entire force — which had been swelled by the arrival of Ross's division — to within four miles of Iuka, and there await the. sound of Rosecrans's guns. Ross, in his advance, reported to him a dense smoke arising from the direc tion of Iuka; whence he inferred that Price was burning his stores and preparing to retreat. Next morning, hearing guns in his front, Ord moved rapidly into Iuka, but found no enemy there ; Price having retreated on the Fulton road during the night. Ord, leaving Crocker's brigade to garrison Iuka, returned directly, by order, to Corinth ; while Rosecrans — having first sent Stan- 2 Sept. 19. VAN DORN ATTACKS ROSECRANS AT CORINTH. 225 ley's division into Iuka and found it abandoned — turned on the trail of the Rebels, and followed until night ; but found they had too much start to be overtaken. Hamilton reports that, in this affair of Iuka, not more than 2,800 men on our side were actually engaged, against a Rebel force of 11,000, hold ing a chosen and very strong posi tion. Rosecrans reports our total loss in this battle at 782 — 144 killed, 598 wounded, and 40 missing ; and that we buried on the field 265 Rebels, while 120 more died in hos pital of wounds here received ; 342 more were left Wounded in hospital by the Rebels, and 361 were made prisoners. He estimates that they carried off 350 more of their less severely wounded; making their total loss 1,438. He states that he captured 1,629 stand of arms, 13,000 rounds of ammunition, beside large quantities of equipments and stores. Pollard says that the Rebel loss " was probably 800 in killed and wounded." Price retreated to Ripley, Miss., where he united with a still stronger Rebel force, under Van Dorn, who had been menacing Corinth during the conflict at Iuka, but'had retreated after its close, and who now assumed command, and, marching northward, struck the Memphis Railroad at Pocahontas, considerably westward of Corinth, thence pushing 3S rapidly down the road to Chewalla, with intent to surprise, or at least storm, Corinth next day. Rosecrans — who had received34 his promotion to a Major-Generalship directly after the affair at Iuka, — had been left in chief command at Corinth by Grant, who had returned to his own headquarters' at Jackson, withdrawing Ord's divi-^ sion to Bolivar. Rosecrans had in and about Corinth not far from 20,000 men — too few to man the extensive works constructed around it by Beau regard, when he held that position against Halleck's besieging army. Realizing this, Rosecrans had hastily constructed an inner line of fortifica tions, covering Corinth, especially toward the west, at distances of a mile or so from the center of the village. Promptly advised by his cavalry of the formidable Rebel movement northward, until it struck the line of his communications with Grant, he supposed its object to be Bolivar or Jackson, and that only a feint would be made on Corinth ; but he was prepared for any emergency, having his forces well in hand and thrown out westward, into and beyond Beauregard's fortifications already mentioned. Hamilton held the right, with Davies in the center, and McKean on the left ; while three regiments, under Col. Oliver, were thrown out in advance on the Che walla road, down which the Rebels were advancing. Van Dorn moved at an early hour, and, forming in order of battle at a distance from our outworks, his right, under Gen. Mansfield Lovell, encountered, at 7£ a. m.,'b our left advance, under Col. Oliver, holding a hill which afforded a strong posi tion, and a broad and extensive view of the country beyond it. He had orders to hold it pretty firmly, so as to compel the enemy to develop his strength. Rosecrans, still distrusting that this attack was more than a feint, de- M Oct. 2. vol. n. — 15 "Sept. 20. ' Oct. 3. 226 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. signed to cover a movement on Boli var and Jackson, at 9 o'clock sent Gen. McArthur to the front, who reported widespread but slack skir mishing, and said the hill was of great value to test the strength of our assailants. McArthur, finding him self hotly assailed, called up four more regiments from McKean's divi sion, and continued what by this time had become a serious engagement, until a determined Rebel charge, in terposing between his right and the left of Gen. Davies, forced him rapidly back from the hill, with the loss of 2 heavy guns ; thus compel ling a slight recoil of Davies also. By 1 p. m., it had become evident that the attack was no feint, but meant the capture of Corinth, with its immense stores ; and that success was to be struggled for right here. Accordingly, McKean's division, on our left, was drawn back to the ridge next beyond our inner intrenchments, and ordered to close with his right on Davies's left ; Hamilton's division was moved down until its left touched Davies's right ; while Stan ley, moving northward and eastward, was to stand in close echelon with McKean, but nearer Corinth. These dispositions hadr scarcely been com pleted, under a most determined pressure on our center by the Rebels, which compelled Davies to give ground and call upon Stanley for aid, when night compelled a pause in the engagement; Col. Mower, with one of Stanley's brigades, having just come into the fight ; while Hamilton, working his way through an imprac ticable thicket, was just swinging in on the enemy's left. Van Dorn, sup posing Corinth virtually his own, sent off to Richmond an electrifying PRICE'S CHARGE AT CORINTH. 227 dispatch, claiming a great victory, and rested for the night on his lau rels. At 3 a. m.,88 the fight was reopened by the fire of a Rebel battery which had been planted during the night in front and but 200 yards distant from Fort Robinett, in our center, cover ing the road W.N.W. from Corinth to Chewalla. Shell were thrown into Corinth, exploding in streets and houses, and causing a sudden stam pede of teamsters, sutlers, and non- combatants generally. No reply was made by our batteries till fair day light ; when Capt. Williams opened from Fort Williams with his 20-pound Parrotts, and in three minutes si lenced the unseasonable disturber; two of whose guns were dragged off, while the third, being deserted, was taken and brought within our lines. By this time, the skirmishers of both sides had wormed their way into the swampy thickets separating the hos tile forces; and their shots, at first scattering, came thicker and faster. Occasionally, there would be a lull in this fusillade, swiftly followed by considerable volleys.' Batteries on both sides now came into full play, and shells were falling and bursting everywhere ; but no Rebel masses, nor even lines of infantry, were visible ; until suddenly, about 9£ a. m., a vast column of gleaming bayonets flashed out from the woods east of the rail road, and moved sternly up the Boli var road. Says the witnessing cor respondent of the Cincinnati Com mercial : " A prodigious mass, with gleaming bayo nets, suddenly loomed out, dark and threat ening, on the east of the railroad, moving sternly up the Bolivar road in column by divisions. Directly, it opened out in the shape of a monstrous wedge, and drove for ward impetuously toward the heart of Cor inth. It was a splendid target for our bat teries, and it was soon perforated. Hideous gaps were rent in it, but those massive lines were closed almost as soon as they were torn open. At this period, the skillful manage ment of Gen. Rosecrans began to develop. It was discovered that the enemy had been enticed to attack precisely at the point where the artillery could sweep them with direct, cross, and enfilading fire. He had pre pared for such an occasion. Our shell swept through the mass with awful effect; but the brave Rebels pressed onward inflexibly. Di rectly, the wedge opened and spread out magnificently, right and left, like great wings, seeming to swoop over the whole field before them. But there was a fearful march in front. A broad, turfy glacis, slo ping upward at an angle of thirty degrees to a crest fringed with determined, disci plined soldiers, and clad with terrible bat teries, frowned, upon them. There were a few obstructions — fallen timber — -which dis ordered their lines ajittle. But every break was instantly welded. Our whole line open ed fire ; hut the enemy, seemingly insensible to fear, or infuriated by passion, bent their necks downward and marched steadily to deathj with their faces averted like men striv ing to protect themselves against a driving storm of hail. The Yates and Burgess sharp-shooters, lying snugly behind their rude breastworks, poured in a destructive fire ; but it seemed no more effectual than if they had been firing potato-balls, except ing that somebody was killed. The enemy still pressed onward undismayed. At last, they reached the crest of the hill in front and to the right of Fort Richardson, and Gen. Davies's division gave way. It began to fall back in disorder. Gen. Rosecrans, who had been watching the conflict with eagle eye, and who is described as having expressed his delight at the trap into which Gen. Price was blindly plunging, discovered the break, and dashed to the front, inflamed with indignation. He rallied the men by his splendid example in the thickest of the fight. Before the- line was demoralized, he succeeded in restoring it, and the men, brave when bravely led, fought again. But it had yielded much space ; and the loss of Fort Richardson was certain. Price's right moved swiftly to the headquarters^ of Gen. Rose crans, took possession of it, and posted themselves under cover of the portico of the house, and behind its corners, whence they opened fire upon our troops on the op posite side of the public square. Seven Reb els were killed within the little inclosure in " Saturday, Oct. _ 228 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. front of the General's cottage. The struc ture is a sort of sieve now — bullets have punctured it so well. But the desperadoes got no farther into town. " Battle was raging about Fort Richard-. son. Gallant Richardson, for whom it was named, fought his battery well. Had His sup ports fought as his artillerymen did, the rec ord would have been different. The Rebels gained the crest of the hill, swarmed around the little redoubt, and were swept away from it as a breath will dissipate smoke. Again they swarmed like infuriated tigers. At last, a desperate dash, with a yell. Rich ardson goes down to rise no more. His supports are not on hand. The foe shouts triumphantly and seizes the guns. The horses are fifty yards down the hill toward Corinth. A score of Rebels seize them. The 56th Illinois suddenly rises from cover in the ravine. One terrible volley, and there are sixteen dead artillery horses and a dozen dead Rebels. Illinois shouts, charges up the hill, across the plateau into the bat tery. The Rebels fly out through embra sures and around the wings. The 56th yells again and pursues. " The Rebels do not stop. Hamilton's vet erans, meantime, have been working quietly : — no lung-work, hut gun-work enough. A steady stream of fire tore the Rebel ranks to pieces. When Davies broke, it was ne cessary for all to fall back. Gen. Rosecrans thought it well enough to get Price in deeply. A Rebel soldier says Van Dorn sat on his horse grimly and saw it all. 'That's Rosecrans's trick,' said he; 'he's got Price where he must suffer.' Maybe this is one of the apocrypha of battle. A Rebel soldier says it 's truth. But Ham ilton's division receded under orders — at backward step ; slowly, grimly, face to the foe, and firing. But when the 56th Il linois charged, this was changed. Da vies's misfortune had been remedied. The whole line advanced. The Rebel host was broken. A destroying Nemesis pursued them. Arms were flung away wildly. They ran to the woods. They fled into the forests. Oh ! what a shout of triumph and what a gleaming line of steel followed them. It is strange, but true. Our men do not often shout before battle. Heavens ! what thunder there is in their throats after victory ! ' They ' report that such a shout was never before heard in Corinth. Price's once ' invincible ' now invisible legions were broken, demoralized, fugitive, and remorse lessly pursued down the hill, iuto the swamps, through the thickets, into the for ests. Newly disturbed earth shows where they fell, and how very often. "Gen. Van Dorn's attack was to have been simultaneous with that of Price. The Generals had arranged to carry Corinth by one grand assault. In their reconnoissance Friday evening, they had found no fort w h ere Fort Richardson was, and they overlooked Fort Robinett. Ugly obstacles. When they drove their wedge toward Corinth, one flange on the Bolivar road, the other on a branch of the Ohewalla, they intended both wings should extend together. Topographi cal and artificial obstructions interrupted Van Dorn. He was obliged to sweep over a rugged ravine, through dense thickets, up hill, over a heavy abatis, with his left; it was necessary for his center to dip down hill under the fire of Fort Williams, Capt. Gau's siege-guns in the rear of the town, and under heavy musketry, while his right had to girdle a ridge and move over almost insurmountable abatis under a point-blank fire of both Fort Williams and Fort Robin ett, supported by a splendid division of veteran troops. The latter fort had Im pounder Parrotts, three of them — the for mer 30-pounder Parrotts, which devour men. It was a task to be accomplished, or a terrible failure to be recorded. Price had comparatively plain sailing, and lost no time. Van Dorn was seven or eight minutes be hind time. During that precious seven min utes, Price was overwhelmed, and Van Dorn was left with a feat of desperation to be ac complished. He tried it audaciously. His men obeyed magnificently. Evidently, he relied chiefly on Texas and Mississippi ; for the troops of those States were in front. The wings were sorely distressed in the en tanglement on either side. Two girdles of bristling steel glistened on the waist of the ridge. Two brigades, one supporting the front at close distance, moved up solidly to ward the face of the fort. The Parrotts of both redoubts were pouring shot, and shell, and grape, and canister, into them from the moment of command — ' Forward — Charge I' shouted clearly from the brave Col. Rogers (acting Brigadier) of Texas. They tell me it was a noble exhibition of desperate dar ing. At every discharge, great gaps were cut through their ranks. No faltering, but the ranks were closed, and they moved stead ily to the front, bending their heads to the storm. Dozens were slaughtered while thrusting themselves through the rugged timber, but no man wavered. Onward, on ward, steady and unyielding as fate, their General in front. At last, they reach the ditch. It is an awful moment. They pause to take breath for a surge — a fatal pause. Texas Rogers, with the Rebel flag in his left, revolver in his right, advanced firing, leaped the ditch, scaled the parapet, waved his banner aloft, and tumbled headlong into the ditch. A patriot's bullet had killed him in the moment of triumph. Five Texans REBEL DEFEAT AT CORINTH.s 229 who followed pitched forward through the embrasures like logs, and fell into the fort. " But we anticipate. Remember that the two redoubts are on the same ridge : Fort Williams commanding Fort Robinett, which is in front. Had- the Rebels taken the latter, the guns of the former would have destroyed them. They were separated hy a space not exceeding one hundred and fifty yards. The Ohio brigade, commanded by Col. Fuller, was formed behind the ridge, on the right of the redoubts. The left of the 63d Ohio rested on Fort Robinett, its right joining the left of the 27th Ohio ; the 39th was behind the 27th, supporting it; the right of the 43d joined the left of the 63d, form ing a right angle with it, and extending to Fort Williams, behind the crest of the ridge. The llth Missouri, Col. Mower (U. S. A.), was formed behind the 63d Ohio, its left in the angle, and the regiment faced obliquely to the right of the 63d. The positions of these gallant regiments should be described, because their actions are memorable. " Col. Fuller, perfectly collected, required his brigade to lie flat on their faces when not engaged. While the enemy was steadily approaching, he warned them to wait till they could see the whites of their eyes, then fire coolly. It was at the moment the Tex an Rogers was flaunting his flag on our parapet, that the 63d was ordered to fire. Dead Capt. McFadden gave the first com mand of his life to fire on the field of battle, and he fell mortally wounded. There were only 250 of the 63d in the conflict; but their volley was fearful. It is said fifty Reb els fell at once. Six volleys were fired, and the Rebels were gone. The 63d again lay down. Directly, the supporting brigade of the Rebels advanced. The 63d was ordered to make a half left wheel to sweep the front of the redoubt, and the maneuver was hand somely executed. The llth Missouri moved on the left into line into the vacant space ; the 43d moved by the right of companies to the left, and the 27th half-faced to the left. Suddenly, the enemy appeared ; and a furious storm of lead and grape was launched at them. The 63d fired five or six volleys, and the Rebels rushed upon them. A ter rific hand-to-hand combat ensued. The rage of the combatants was furious and the uproar hideous. It lasted hardly a minute, but the carnage was dreadful. Bayonets were used, muskets clubbed, and men were felled With brawny fists. Our noble fellows were victors^ but at sickening cost. Of the 250 of the splendid 63d, 125 lay there on the field, wounded, dead, or dying. The last final struggle terminated with a howl of rage and dismay. The foe flung away their arms and fled like frightened stags to the abatis and forests. The batteries were still vomiting destruction. With the enemy- plunging in upon him, brave Robinett, with his faithful gunners of the 1st United States Artillery, had double-shotted his guns and belched death upon the infuriate enemy ; and now he sent the iron hail after the fugitives with relentless fury. The abatis was full of them, but they were subdued. Directly, they began to wave their handkerchiefs upon sticks in token of submission, shout ing to spare them ' for God's sake.' Over two hundred of them were taken within an area of a hundred yards, and more than two hundred of them fell in that frightful assault upon Fort Robinett. Fifty-six dead Reb els were heaped np together in front of that redoubt, most of whom were of the 2d Texas and 4th Mississippi. They were buried in one pit ; but their brave General sleeps alone: our own noble fellows tes tifying their respect by rounding his grave smoothly and marking his resting-place. " A great shout went up all over Corinth. The battle was a shock. It really began at half-past 9 o'clock, and pursuit was com menced at 11 o'clock. The pursuit of the beaten foe was terrible. ¦ Sheets of flame blazed through the forest. Huge trunks were shattered by crashing shells. You may track the flying conflict for miles by scarified trees, broken branches, twisted gun- barrels and shattered stocks, blood-stained garments and mats of human hair, which lie on the ground where men died; hillocks which mark ditches where dead Rebels were covered, and smoothly rounded graves where slaughtered patriots were tenderly buried." Gen. Rosecrans's official report "When Price's left bore down on our center in gallant style, their force .was so overpowering that our wearied and jaded' troops yielded and fell back, scattering among the houses. I had the personal mor tification of witnessing this untoward and untimely stampede. " Riddled and scattered, the ragged head of Price's right storming columns advanced to near the house, north side of the square, in front of Gen. Halleck's former headquar ters; when it Was greeted by a storm of grape from a section of Immell's battery, soon reenforced by the 10th Ohio, which sent them whirling back, pursued by the 5th Minnesota, which advanced on them from their position near the d6p6t. " Gen. Sullivan was ordered and promptly advanced to support Gen. Davies's center. His right rallied and retook battery Powell, into which a few of the storming eotam_ had penetrated; While Hamilton, having played upon the Rebels on his right, over 230 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. the open space effectively swept by his ar tillery, advanced on them, and they fled. The battle was over on the right. "During all this, the skirmishers of the left were moving in our front. A line of battle was formed on the ridge. About twenty minutes after the attack on the right, the enemy advanced in four columns on battery Robinett, and were treated to grape and canister until within fifty yards ; when the Ohio brigade arose and gave them a murderous fire of musketry, before which they reeled and fell back to the woods. They, however, gallantly reformed and ad vanced again to the charge, led by Col. Rogers, of the 2d Texas. This time, they reached the edge of the ditch ; but the dead ly musketry fire of the Ohio brigade again broke them; and, at the word charge, the llth Missouri and 27th Ohio sprang up and forward at them, chasing their broken frag ments back to the woods. Thus by noon ended the battle'of the 4th of October." In his testimony before the Com mittee on the Conduct of the War, he says : " Between 3£ and 4o'clock a. m., the enemy opened his batteries furiously from a point in front of battery Robinett; but in the course of an hour he was silenced and driv en from his position. Our troops, thus aroused from their brief rest, which could scarcely be called slumber, nerved them selves for the coming fight ; the brunt of which came on about 10 o'clock, when, the enemy charging our right center, Davies's division gave way, but speedily rallied, and, with the aid of Hamilton's division and a cross-fire from battery Robinett, poured in a fire so destructive that the enemy were thrown into confusion and finally driven from this part of the field ; at the same time, he also charged battery Robinett ; but was thoroughly repulsed, after two or three ef forts, and retired to the woods. With our inferior numbers of exhausted troops, we stood on the defensive, sending skirmishers to the front and expecting another charge from the enemy, till about 3 o'clock p. m. ; when, finding that their skirmishers yielded to ours, we began to push them, and by 4 o'clock became satisfied that they intended to retire from our immediate front ; but so superior was their strength that I could not believe they would altogether abandon the operation. By 6 p. m., our skirmishers had pushed theirs back five miles." Our soldiers, having now been marching and fighting some 48 hours, with very Httle rest, Gen. Rosecrans ordered all but those on the skirmish line to lie down, while five days' rations should be issued to them, and that they should start in" pursuit ofthe enemy early next morning ; but, just before sunset, Gen. McPherson ar rived, with five fresh regiments from Gen. Grant, and was given the ad vance on the trail of the flying enemy, whom he followed 15 miles next day ; " having a skirmish with his rear-guard that night. Meantime, another division, which Gen. Grant had pushed forward from Bolivar, at 3 a. m. of the eventful 4th, under Gen. Hurlbut, to the re lief of Corinth, had struck the head of the enemy's retreating forces and skirmished with it considerably dur ing the afternoon. Hurlbut was joined and ranked, next morning, by Ord. The Rebel advance, having crossed the Hatchie river at Davis's bridge, were encountered by Ord and driven back so precipitately that they were unable to burn the bridge, los ing 2 batteries and 300 prisoners. Ord, being in inferior numbers, did not pursue across the river, but gathered up 900 small arms which the Rebels had thrown away. He reports that his losses in killed and wounded during that day's pursuit were several hundreds — probably ex ceeding those of the enemy, who fought only under dense cover, with every advantage of ground, compel ling our men to advance across open fields and up hills against them. Gen. Veatch was among our wounded. Van Dorn crossed the Hatchie that night at Crumm's Mill, 12 miles farther south, burning the bridge be hind him. McPherson rebuilt the " Oct. 5. UNION AND REBEL LOSSES, AT CORINTH. 231 bridge and crossed next day ; 8e con tinuing the pursuit to Ripley, fol lowed by Rosecrans with most of his army, gathering up deserters and stragglers by the way. Rosecrans was anxiously eager to continue the pursuit, and telegraphed to Grant for permission to do so,88 believing the Rebel army utterly demoralized and incapable of resistance ; but he was directed to desist and. return to Corinth. Nine days after his return, he was relieved from his command at Corinth, and ordered to report at Cincinnati; where he found a dis- patch directing him to supersede Gen. Buell in command of the Army of the Ohio and Department of the Cumberland, including all of Tennes see east of the Tennessee river. Gen. Rosecrans reports his total loss at Corinth and in the pursuit at 2,359—315 killed, 1,812 wounded, and 232 missing ; and says that the Rebel loss in killed alone was 1,423, with 2,248 prisoners." He estimated their loss in wounded at 5,692. He says the prisoners represented 53 regi ments of infantry, 16 of cavalry, 13 batteries, and 7 battalions ; and that their numbers engaged were nearly double his own,41 which he makes less than 20,000 in all." Among his tro phies were 14 flags, 2 guns, 3,300 small arms, &c. ; while the Rebels, in their retreat, blew up many ammu nition and other wagons, and left the ground strewn with tents, accouter- ments, &c. Among our killed were Gen. Pleasant A. Hackleman," CoL Thomas Kilby Smith, 43d Ohio, and Cols. Thrush, Baker,* and Miles ; while Gen. Richard J. Oglesby," Adjt.-Gen. Clark, of Rosecrans's staff, and Col. Mower, llth Missouri, were among the severely wounded. On the Rebel side, Acting Brigadiers Rogers, Johnston, and Martin were killed, and Cols. Pritchard, Daily, and McClain were wounded. 38 Oct. 6. 38 He gives these reasons for his eagerness, in his testimony before the Committee on the Conduct ofthe War: " Mississippi was in our hands. The enemy had concentrated all his available force for an offensive movement, had been thoroughly beaten at Corinth, and had then retreated, blowing up his ammunition wagons and caissons ; their men throwing away their camp and garrison equi page in the flight. The weather was cool ; the roads were dry, and likely to be so for a month to come. Corn was ripe, and, as yet, untouched. We had 3,000,000 of rations in Corinth, and ammunition for six months. There was but one bridge injured on the Mobile and Ohio road; and it could be put in running order by a regiment in half a day. The enemy were so alarmed that, when Hamilton sent a reconnoissance to Black- land, they vacated Tupelo, burning even the bacon which they could not take away on the first train. I had eighty wagon-loads of as sorted rations which had reached me that night at Ripley, and had ordered the 30,000 from Chewalla to Hurlbut." . 40 Pollard — who rarely or never finds the Reb el losses the greater — says: " Our loss in all the three days' engagements was probably quite double that of the enemy. In killed and wounded, it exceeded 3,000 ; and it was estimated, beside, that we had left more than 1,500 prisoners in the hands of the ene my." 41 He says, in his official report : " We fought the combined Rebel force of Mississippi, commanded by Van Dorn, Price,- Lovell, Villipigue, and Rust in person ; number ing, according to their own authority, 38,000 men." *¦ He says, in his testimony before the Com mittee on the Conduct ofthe War: " Our own force in the fight was about 15,700 infantry and artillery, and about 2,500 effective cavalry." 43 Repeatedly a Whig candidate for Congress in the Franklin district, Indiana. 44 Since elected Governor of Illinois. 232 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. XI. SLAVERY IN THE WAR— EMANCIPATION. The Pederal Constitution was framed in General Convention, and carried in the several State Conven tions, by the aid of adroit and politic evasions and reserves on the part of its framers and champions. The existing necessity for a stronger cen tral authority, which had been devel oped during the painful experiences of our preceding years^of indepen dence, were most keenly felt by the mercantile and mechanical or manu facturing classes, who were conse quently zealous advocates of a " more perfect Union." The rural districts, on the other hand, were far less seriously affected by commercial em barrassment and currency dilapida tion, and were naturally jealous of a distant and unfamiliar power. Hence the reticence, if not ambiguity, of the text with regard to what has recently been termed " coercion," or the right of the Federal Government to subdue by arms the forcible resistance of a State, or of several States, to its legit imate authority — a reticence which was imitated by the most prominent advocates of ratification, whether in The Federalist or in the several State Conventions. So with regard to Slavery as well. It is plain that the General Convention would have utterly and instantly prohibited the Foreign Slave-Trade, but for the pro claimed fact that this would insure the rejection of their handiwork by the still slave-hungry States of South Carolina and Georgia, if not of North Carolina also ; though Virginia was among the most earnest advocates of the prohibition. Hence, when the State Conventions were assembled to ratify or reject it, with such eminent Revolutionary patriots as Patrick Henry, John Hancock, Samuel Adams, George Clinton, and Luther Martin, leading in the opposition, the clauses affecting Slavery were, vigilantly, and not unsuccessfully, scrutinized for grounds of attack — the provision concerning the African Slave-Trade being assailed in some States from the side of Slavery, in others from that of anti-Slavery, with vigor and effect. In the North, these assaults were parried by points ing to the power conferred on Con gress to abolish the traffic after twen ty years, as so much clear gain : to reject the Constitution would not arrest the traffic now, but would destroy tho power to prohibit it here after. On the other hand, the Fed eralists in the Southern Conventions met their adversaries by pointing to the privilege secured to the slave holders of hunting their fugitive chattels in other States than their own — a privilege hitherto non-exist ent — and asked1 them what was to be gained by rejecting that. In fact, the Constitution was essentially a matter of compromise and mutual concession — a proceeding wherein Thrift is apt to gain at the cost of Principle. Perhaps the majority in no State obtained exactly what they wanted, but were satisfied that, on the whole, they were better with the Constitution than without it. Patrick Henry alone, in opposing VIEWS OF PATRICE HENRT AND J. Q. ADAMSA £33 ratification, assailed the Constitution as a measure of thorough, undis guised, all-absorbing consolidation, and, though himself a professed con temner of Slavery, sought to arouse the fears of the Virginia slaveholders as follows : "Anions? ten thousand implied powers ¦which they may assume, they may, if we be engaged in war, liberate ovory 0110 of your slaves, if thoy please ; and tins must and will be done by men, a majority of whom have not a common interest with you. They will, therefore, have no fooling of your interests. It has boon ropoatodly said hero, that tho great object of a National Govern ment was national defense. That power, ¦which is said to bo intended for security and safety, may be rendered detestable and oppressive. If they give power to the General Government to provide for tho general defense, the means must be com mensurate to the end. All the means in the possession of the people must be given to the Government which is intrusted with tho public defense. In this State, there are 236,000 Blacks; and there are many in several other States : but there are few or none in the Northern States; and yet, if the Northern States shall be of opinion that our slaves are numberless, they may call forth every national resource. May Congress not Bay that ewy Mark man m'mt, fight ? Did wo not see a little of this last war ? We were not so hard pushed as to make eman cipation general ; but acts of Assembly passed, that every slave who would go to the army should be free. Another tiling will contribute to bring this event about: Slavery is detested ; we feel its fatal effects ; we deplore it with all th© pity of humanity. Let all these considerations, at some future period, press with Ml force on the minds of Congress — let that urbanity, which I trust will distinguish America, and the necessity of national defense — let all these things operate on their minds: thoy will search thatpaner, and see if they have the power of manumission. And have they not, Sir. Have they not power to provide for the general defense and welfare? May they not think that these will for the abolition of Slavery t May they not pronounce all slaves free? and will thev not be warranted 1 In closing the aigunient in fivvor of ratifying the Federal Constitution, Mr. Zachariah John- sou said: "They tell ns that they soe a progressive danger of bringing about emancipation. Tho principle has begun since the Revolution. Lot by that power? There is no ambiguous implication or logioal deduotion. The paper speaks to the point. Thoy have the power, in clear, unequivocal terms, and will clearly and certainly eseroise it. As much as I deplore Slavery, I see that prudence forbids, its abolition. I deny that the General Government ought to sot them five, because a decided majority of the States have not the ties of sympathy and fellow-feeling for those • whose interest would be affected by tlieir emancipation. The majority of Congress is to the North, and the slaves are to the South." Gov. Edmund Randolph — who be came "Washington's Attorney-Gene ral — answered Mr. Henry : denying most strenuously that there is any power of abolition given to Congress by the Constitution : but not alluding to what Henry had urged with re gard to the AYar power and the right of Congress to summon every slave to the military defense of the coun try. Nor does this view of the sub ject appear to have attracted much attention elsewhere — at least, it does not appear to have been anywhere controverted.1 In lS3t>,* Mr. John Quincy Adams, having been required to vote Yea or Nay, in the House, on a proposition reported by Mr. H. L. Pinckney, of South Carolina, in these words— '* Ke&>lr>ea\ That Congress possesses no constitutional power to interfere in " Nashville, March 6, 1862. ) " Dear Sir : I have had the honor to re ceive your communication ofthe 1st instant, on the subject of fugitive slaves in the camps of the army. " It has come to my knowledge that slaves sometimes make their way improp erly into our lines ; and in some instances they may be enticed there ; but I think the number has been magnified by report. Several applications have been made to me by persons whose servants have been found in our camps>; and, in every instance that I know of, the master has recovered his serf vant and taken him away. " I need hardly remind you that there will always be found some lawless and mis chievous persons in every army ; but I as sure you that the mass of this army is law- abiding, and that it is neither its disposition nor its policy to violate law or the rights of individuals in any particular. " With great respect, your obedient ser vant, D. 0. Buell, " Brig.-Gen. Commanding Department. " Hon. J. R. Underwood, Chairman Military Committee, Frankfort, Ky." Gen. Joseph Hooker, commanding on the Upper Potomac, issued sa the following order : " To Brigade and Regimental Commanders of this Division : " Messrs. Nally, Gray, Dunnington, Dent, Adams, Speake, Price, Posey, and Cobey, citizens of Maryland, have negroes supposed to be with some of the regiments of this division: the Brigadier-General command ing directs that they be permitted to visit all the camps of his command, in search of their property ; and, if found, that they be allowed to take possession of the same, without any interference whatever. Should any obstacle be thrown in their way by any officer or soldier in the division, he will be at once reported by the regimental com mander, to these headquarters." Hereupon, some fifteen mounted civilians rode up to the camp of Brig.-Gen. Sickles's Excelsior Brig ade, having just fired two pistol-shots, with evident intent to kill, at a negro running off; and thus created no lit tle excitement among the soldiers; who, though generally enlisted with "Feb. 18, 1862. M March 26, 1862. McCOOK — BUELL — DOUBLEDAY ON SLATE-HUNTING. 245 strong" anti-negro prejudices, quite commonly experienced a gradual change, under the discipline of ser vice at the front, where they found every Black their ready, active, zeal ous friend, and nearly every slave holder or overseer their quiet but deadly, implacable foe. Maj. Tolen, commanding the 2d regiment, find ing the order to direct the admission of but nine persons, ordered the resi due to remain without the lines ; and — the repugnance of the soldiers to slave-hunting threatening to break out into open violence — Gen. Sickles, who arrived soon afterward, ordered the nine out of camp likewise; so that the fugitives, if such were there, were not there captured. In the West, especially within the commands of Gens. Halleck and Buell, slave-hunters fared much bet ter; as one of their number about this time admiringly reported to a Nash ville journal, as follows : " He visited the camp of Gen. McCook, in Maury county, in quest of a fugitive ; and that (Officer, instead of throwing obstacles in the way, afforded him every facility for the successful prosecution of his search. That General treated him in the most courteous and gentlemanly manner ; as also did Gen. Johnson and Capt. Blake, the brigade Pro vost-Marshal. Their conduct toward him was in all respects that of high-toned gen tlemen, desirous of discharging their duties promptly and honorably. It is impossible for the army to prevent slaves from follow ing them ; tut, whenever the fugitives come into the lines of Gen. McCook, they are se cured, and a record made of their names and the names of their owners. All the owner has to do is to apply, either in person or through an agent, examine the record, or look at the slaves ; and, if he finds any that belong to him, take them away." In no case does it appear that any of our pro-Slavery commanders ever inquired into or cared for the loyalty of either slaveholders or slave-hunt ers, nor asked whether the persons claimed as fugitives had given im portant information, or rendered other service to the cause of the Union. In the same spirit, Gen. Buell's Provost-Marshal, Dent, at Louisville, Ky., issued an order to his (mounted) provost-guard to flog all Blacks, free or slave, whom they should find in the streets after dark ; and for weeks the spectacle was exhibited, to the admiration of the thousands of active and passive Rebels in that city, of this chivaMc provost-guard, wearing the national uniform, chasing scores of unquestionably loyal and harm less persons at nightfall through the streets, over the pavements, and down the lanes and alleys, of that city; cutting and slashing them with cow hide and cat, while their screams of fright and agony made merry music for traitors of every degree. Many were lashed unmercifully ; but with no obvious advantage to the national cause, nor even to the improvement of the dubious loyalty of those whom the exhibition most delighted and edified. Gen. Abner Doubleday, being placed in command of the defenses of Washington, answered," through his Adjutant, to an inquiry on the sub ject, as follows : " Sie :— I am directed by Gen. Doubleday to say, in answer to your letter of the 2d instant, that all negroes coming into the lines of any of the camps or forts under his command are to be treated as persons, and not as chattels. " Under no circumstances, has the com mander of a fort or camp the power of sur rendering persons claimed as fugitive slaves ; as it can not be done without determining their character. • " The additional article of war recently passed by Congress positively prohibits this. "The question has been asked, wh.ejher "April 6, 1862. 246 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. ' it would not be better to exclude negroes altogether from the lines. The General is of the opinion that they bring much valu able information, which can not be obtained from any other source. They are acquaint ed with all the roads, paths, fords, and other natural features, of the country ; and they make excellent guides. They also know, and frequently have exposed, the haunts. of Secession spies and traitors and the existence of Rebel organizations. They will not, therefore, be excluded " The following order was issued by a Brigadier in the Department of the Gulf: " In consequence ot the demoralizing and disorganizing tendencies to the troops of harboring runaway negroes, it is hereby ordered that the respective commanders of the camps and garrisons of the several re giments, 2d brigade, turn all such fugitives in their camps or garrisons out beyond the limits of their respective guards and senti nels. By order of " Brig.-Gen. T. Williams." Col. Halbert E. Paine," 4th Wis consin, declining to obey this order, as " a violation of law for the pur pose of returning fugitives to Rebels," was arrested and deprived of his com mand. Lt.-Col. D. R. Anthony, 7th Kan sas, was likewise arrested and de prived of his command in Tennessee, for issuing " an order, which said : " The impudence and impertinence of the open and armed Rebels, traitors, Secession ists, and Southern-rights men of this section ofthe State of Tennessee, in arrogantly de manding the right to search our camp for fugitive slaves, has become a nuisance, and will no longer be tolerated. Officers will see that this cl&ss of men, who visit our camp for this purpose, are excluded from our lines. " Should any such person be found within our lines, he will be arrested and sent to headquarters. " Any officer or soldier of this command, who shall arrest and deliver to his master a fugitive slave, shall be summarily and. se verely punished, according to the laws rela tive to such crimes." Maj.-Gen. David Hunter, having succeeded2" to command at Hilton Head, issued the following : " Headquarters Dep't op the South, ) Hilton Head, S. C, May 9, 1862. \ " General Order, No. 11. "The three States of Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina, comprising the Military Department of the South, having deliberate ly declared themselves no longer under the United States of America, and having taken up arms agamst the United States, it be comes a military necessity to declare them under martial law. " This was accordingly done on the 26th day of April, 1862. Slavery and martial law in a free country are altogether incompati ble. The persons in these States^Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina — heretofore held as slaves, are therefore declared for ever free." This order was rescinded or an nulled by President Lincoln, in a Proclamation " which recites it and proceeds : " And, whereas, the same is producing some excitement and misunderstanding, therefore I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, proclaim and declare that the Government of the United States had no knowledge or belief of an intention on the part of Gen. Hunter to issue such proclamation, nor has it yet any authentic information that the document is genuine: and, further, that neither Gen. Hunter nor any other commander or person has been authorized by the Government of the Unit ed States to make proclamation declaring the slaves of any State free ; and that the supposed proclamation now in question, whether genuine or false, is altogether void, so far as respects such declaration. I fur ther make known that, whether it be com petent for me, as Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy, to declare the slaves of any State or States free ; and whether at any time, or in any case, it shall have be come a necessity indispensable to the main tenance of the Government to exercise such supposed power, are questions which, under my responsibility, I reserve to my self, and which I can not feel justified in leaving to the decision of commanders in the field. "Those are totally different questions from those of police regulations in armiea or in camps. " On the sixth day of March last, by a * Elected to the XXXIXth Congress (House) as a Unionist, from the Milwaukee District. "June 18, 1862. M March 31. May 19. MoCLELLAN ON THE COLORED ELEMENT. 247 special Message, I recommended to Con gress the adoption of a joint resolution, to be substantially as follows : 14 ' Resolved, That tho United States ought to cooper ate with any State which may adopt gradual abolish ment of Slavery, giving to such, State pecuniary aid, to be used by such State in its discretion, to compensate for the' inconveniences, public and private, produced by such change of system.1 " The resolution, in the language above quoted, was adopted by large majorities in both branches of Congress, and now stands an authentic, definite, and solemn proposal of the Nation to the States and people^. most interested in the subject-matter. To the people of these States now, I mostly ap peal. I do not argue — I beseech you to make the arguments for yourselves. You can not, if you would, be blind to the signs of the times. " I beg of you a calm and enlarged con sideration of them, ranging, if it may be, far above partisan and personal politics. " This proposal makes common cause for a common object, casting no reproaches upon any. It acts not the Pharisee. The change it Contemplates would come gently as the dews of Heaven, not rending or wrecking any thing. Will you not embrace it? So much good has not been done by one effort in all past time, as, in the Provi dence of God, it is now your high privilege to do. May the vast future not have to lament that you have neglected it ! "In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused thjg seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed. . "Done at the city of Washington this 19th day of May, in the year of our Lord 1862, and ofthe independence of the United States the eighty-sixth. " (Signed) Abeaham Lincoln. " By the President : "W. H. Seward, Secretary of State." Contrary to a very general impres sion, Gen. McClellan was among the first not only to perceive, but to as sert, that the Rebellion was essential ly a slaveholders' enterprise, and that it might be effectively assailed through Slavery. Thus, in his Mem orandum privately addressed to the President, Aug. 4th, 1861, when he had but just taken command of the Army of the Potomac, he says : " In this contest, it has become necessary to crush a population sufficiently numerous, intelligent, and warlike, to constitute a na tion. We have not only to defeat their arm ed and organized forces in the field, but to display such an overwhelming strength as will convince all our antagonists, especially those of the governing aristocratic class, of the utter impossibility of resistance. Our late reverses make this course imperative. Had we been successful in the recent battle [first Bull Run], it is possible that we might have been spared the labor and ex pense of a great effort ; now, we have no alternative. Their success will enable the political* leaders of the Rebels to convince the mass of their people that we are in ferior to them in force and courage, and to command all their resources. The contest began with a class ; now it is with a people ; our military success can alone restore the former issue." After suggesting various military movements, including one down the Mississippi, as required to constitute a general advance upon the strongholds of the Rebellion, he proceeds : "There is another independent move ment which has often been suggested, and which has always recommended itself to my judgment. I refer to a movement from Kansas and Nebraska, through the Indian Territory, upon Red river and western Texas, for the purpose of protecting and developing the latent Union and Free-State sentiment, well known to predominate in western Texas ; and which, like a similar sentiment in Western Virginia, will, if pro tected, ultimately organize that section into a Free State." In view of these sensible and per tinent suggestions, it is impossible not to feel that Gen. McClellan's naturally fair though not brilliant mind was subjected, during his long sojourn thereafter in Washington, to sinister political influences and the whispered appeals and tempting sug gestions of a selfish and sordid ambi tion. " During that Fall and Winter, his house was thronged with partisans of the extreme " Peace " wing of the Democratic party, who must have held out to him the golden lure of the Presidency as the reward of a for bearing, temporizing, procrastinating policy, which would exhaust the re sources and chill the ardor of the 248 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. North, in enormous preparations and fruitless undertakings, until the con joint pressure of Conscription and Taxation, the impossibility of further borrowing, and the heart-sickness of hope deferred, should impel a major ity to acquiesce in any adjustment or compromise that would restore Peace to the country. Such seems the only plausible explanation of his timid and dawdling military policy, his habitual doubling or trebling of the Rebel force confronting him, and of the signal incoherence and incon sequence, especially with regard to Slavery and negroes, of the lecture which, directly after his retreat from the Chickahominy to the James had been consummated, he found time to indite — or at least to transcribe and dispatch — to his perplexed and sore ly tried superior. It is as follows : " Headquaetebs Aemt op the Potomac, Camp neae Habeison's Landing, Va., July 7, 1862. " Me. Peesident : You have been fully in formed that the Rebel army is in the front, with the purpose of overwhelming us by attacking our position or reducing us by blocking our river communications. I can not but regard our condition as critical ; and I earnestly desire, in view of possible con tingencies, to lay before your excellency, for your private consideration, my general views concerning the existing state of the Rebellion, although they do not strictly re late to the situation of this army, or strictly come within the scope of my official duties. These views amount to convictions, and are deeply impressed upon my mind and heart. Our cause must never be abandoned ; it is the cause of free institutions and self-gov ernment. The Constitution and the Union must be preserved, whatever may be the cost in time, treasure, and blood. If Seces sion is successful, other dissolutions are clearly to be seen in the future. Let neither military disaster, political faction, nor for eign war, shake your settled purpose to en force the equal operation of the laws of the United States upon the people of every State. " The time has come when the Govern ment must determine upon a civil and mili tary policy, covering the whole ground of our national trouble. " The responsibility of determining, de claring, and supporting such civil and mili tary policy, and of directing the whole course of national affairs in regard to the Rebellion, must now be assumed and exer cised by you, or our cause will be lost. The Constitution gives you power, even for the present terrible exigency. " This Rebellion has assumed the charac ter of a war ; as such it should be regarded ; and it should be conducted upon the highest principles known to Christian civilization. It should not be a war looking to the subju gation of the people of any State, in any event. It should not be at all a war upon populations but against armed forces and political organizations. Neither confisca tion of property, political executions of per sons, territorial organization of States, nor forcible abolition of Slavery, should be con templated for a moment. " In prosecuting the war, all private prop erty and unarmed persons should be strictly protected, subject only to the necessity Of military operations; all private property taken for military use should be paid or re ceipted for; pillage and waste should be treated as high crimes ; all unnecessary tres pass sternly prohibited, and offensive de meanor by the military toward citizens. promptly rebuked. Military arrests should not be tolerated, except in places where active hostilities exist; and oaths, not re quired by enactments, constitutionally made, should be neither demanded nor received. " Military government should be confined to the preservation of public order and the protection of political right. Military pow er should not be allowed to interfere with the relations of servitude, either by sup porting or impairing the authority of the master, except for repressing disorder, as in other cases. Slaves, contraband, under the act of Congress, seeking military pro tection, should receive it. The right of the Government to appropriate permanently to its own service claims to slave labor should be asserted, and the right of the owner to compensation therefor should be recognized. This principle might be extended, upon grounds of military necessity and security, to all the slaves of a particular State, thus working manumission in such State ; and in Missouri, perhaps in Western Virginia also, and possibly even in Maryland, the expe diency of such a measure is only a question of time. A system of policy thus constitu tional, and pervaded by the influences of Christianity and freedom, would receive the support of almost all truly loyal men, would deeply impress the Rebel masses and all foreign nations, and it might be humbly hoped that it would commend itself to the favor of the Almighty. MR. GREELEY TO THE PRESIDENT. 249 " Unless the principles governing the fu ture conduot of our struggle shall be made known and approved, the effort to obtain requisite forces will be almost hopeless. A declaration of radical views, especially upon Slavery, will rapidly disintegrate our pres ent armies. The polioy of the Government must be supported by concentration of mili tary power. The national forces should not be dispersed in expeditions, posts of occupa tion, and numerous armies, but should be mainly collected into masses, and brought to bear upon the armies of the Confederate States. Those armies thoroughly defeated, the political structure which they support would soon cease to exist. "In carrying out any system of policy wliich you may form, you will require a cominander-in-chief of the army, one who possesses your confidence, understands your views, and who is competent to execute your orders, by directing the military forces of the nation to the accomplishment of the objects by you proposed. I do not ask that place for myself. I am willing to serve you in such position as you may assign me, and I will do so as faithfully as ever subor dinate served superior. "I may be on the brink of eternity ; and, as I hope forgiveness from my Maker, I have written this letter with sincerity to ward you and from love for my country. " Very respectfully, " Your obedient servant, " Geoege B. MoClellan, "Maj.-Gen. Commanding. "His Excellency A. Lincoln, President." If Gen. M. had been asked to re concile the precepts of this letter re garding Slavery — how "the relations of servitude," for example, could be preserved in a district subject to " military power," without a distinct recognition and support of those "re lations" by the military authority there dominant ; or in what manner he would have " disorder " repressed, when it was caused by the slave's as serting his right to control his own actions and the master's resisting it — he might have answered ingen iously, but to what purpose ? Mani festly, the ruling authority, whether civil or military, must either support the slaveholder's claim of property in and power over his slaves, or it wiU be seriously impaired — nay, utterly defied and overthrown. In "re pressing" the "disorder" certain, to arise in the premises, the commander must inevitably decide which to sup port — the master's assertion of au thority, or the slave's claim to liberty. "Political rights" can receive "pro tection " only when it has been de termined where the right lies. The " manumission," which Gen. M. fore shadowed in Missouri, West Virginia, and Maryland, was not merely "a question of time." It was a ques tion of power as well ; since he plain ly contemplated its achievement, not by popular action, but by military force. Paying the " owner " might, indeed, modify his wrath ; but could not affect the fundamental question of authority and right. A letter addressed"1 to the Presi dent some weeks after this, entitled " The Prayer of Twenty Millions," and exhorting Mr. Lincoln — not to proclaim all the slaves in our country free, but to execute the laws of the land wliich operated to free large classes of the slaves of Rebels — con cludes as follows : " On the face of this wide earth, Mr. Presi dent, there is not one disinterested, deter mined, intelligent champion of the Union cause who does not feel that all attempts to put down the Rebellion, and at the same time uphold its inciting cause, are prepos terous and futile — that the Rebellion, if crushed out to-morrow, would be renewed within a year if Slavery were left in full vigor — that army officers, who remain to this day devoted to Slavery, can at best be but half-way loyal to the Union— and that every hour of deference to Slavery is an hour of added and deepened peril to the Union. I appeal to the testimony of your Embassadors in Europe. It is freely at your service, not mine. Ask them to tell you candidly whether the seeming subser- 1 Aug. 19, 1862. 250 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. viency of your policy to the slaveholding, Slavery-upholding interest, is not the per plexity, the despair, of statesmen of all par ties ; and be admonished by the general answer ! " I close as I began, with the statement that what an immense majority of the loyal millions of your countrymen require of you is a frank, declared, unqualified, ungrudg ing execution of the laws of the land, more especially of the Confiscation Act. That act gives freedom to the slaves of Rebels coming within our lines, or whom those lines may at any time inclose — we ask you to render it due obedience by publicly re quiring all your subordinates to recognize and obey it. The Rebels are everywhere using the late anti-negro riots in the North — as they have long used your officers' treatment of negroes in the South — to con vince the slaves that they have nothing to hope from a Union success — that we mean in that case to sell them into a bitter bond age to defray the cost of the war. Let them impress this as a truth on the great mass of their ignorant and credulous bond men, and the Union will never be restored — never. We can not conquer ten millions of people united in solid phalanx against us, powerfully aided by Northern sympa thizers and European allies. We must have scouts, guides, spies, cooks, teamsters, dig gers, and choppers, from the Blacks of the South — whether we allow them to fight for us or not — or we shall- be baffled and re pelled. As one of the millions who would gladly have avoided this struggle at any sacrifice but that of principle and honor, but who now feel that the triumph of the Union is indispensable not only to the ex istence of our country, but to the well-being of mankind, I entreat you to render a hearty and unequivocal obedience to the law of the land. Yours, Hoeaoe Geeelet." The President — very unexpected ly — replied to this appeal by tele graph : in order, doubtless, to place before the public matter deemed by him important, and which had prob ably been prepared for issue before the receipt of the letter to which he thus obliquely responded : " Executive Mansion, Washington, ) Aug. 22, 1862. ] "Hon. Hoeaoe Geeeley: " Dear Sie : I have just read yours of the 19th instant, addressed to myself through The New York Tribune. " If there be in it any statements or as sumptions of fact which I may know to be erroneous, I do not now and here contro vert them. " If there be any inferences which I may believe to be falsely drawn, I do not now and here argue against them. " If there be perceptible in it an impatient and dictatorial tone, I waive it in deferenoe to an old friend whose heart I have always supposed to be right. "As to the policy I 'seem to be pursu ing,' as you say, I have not meant to leave any one in doubt. I would save the Union. I would save it in the shortest way under the Constitution. " The sooner the national authority can be restored, the nearer the Union will be the Union as it was. "If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time save Slavery, I do not agree with them. " If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy Slavery, I do not agree with them. "My paramount object is to save the Union, and not either to save or destroy Slavery. " If I could save the Union without free ing any slave, I would do it — if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it — and if I could do it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that. " What I do about Slavery and the Colored Race, I do because I believe it helps to save this Union ; and what I for bear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. " I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause; and I shall do n>ore whenever I believe doing more will help the cause. " I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors ; and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true views. " I have here stated my purpose accord ing to my views of official duty ; and I in tend no modification of my oft-expressed personal wish that all men everywhere could be free. Yours, A. Lincoln." Many others called on or wrote to the President about this time, urging him to action in the spirit of Mr. Greeley's letter. He heard all with courtesy, suggesting objections that were not intended for conclusions, but rather to indicate and enforce the grave importance of the topic, the peril of making a mistake upon it, and the difficulty of reaching the MR. LINCOLN TO THE EMANCIPATIONISTS.- 251 Blacks with any proffer, of Freedom. The slaveholders — especially those in the loyal States — would all hear of it forthwith, and be influenced by it ; the slaves in the disloyal States would receive all tidings of it through hos tile channels — from those interested in deceiving and misleading them with regard to it. Even if correctly and promptly advised, what could they do ? Bayonets glittered on eve ry side ; arms were borne by nearly every able-bodied White ; while the Blacks could oppose to these but their empty (and shackled) hands. What good, then, could be secured by an Abolition policy? "It is a Pope's bull against the comet," suggested the ^President. " It will unite the South and divide the North," fiercely clam ored the entire Opposition. So the President — habitually cautious, dil atory, reticent — hesitated, and de murred, and resisted — possibly after he had silently resolved that the step must finally be taken. Mr. Lincoln was soon visited," among others, by a deputation from the various Protestant denominations of Chicago, Illinois, charged with the duty of urging on him the adoption of a more decided and vigorous policy of Emancipation. He listened to the reading of their memorial, and re sponded in substance as follows : " The subject is difficult, and good men do not agree. For instance : the other day, four gentlemen of standing and intelligence fr&m New York called as a delegation on business connected with the war; but be fore leaving two of them earnestly besought me to proclaim general Emancipation ; upon which the other two at once attacked them. You know also that the last session of Con gress had a decided majority of anti-Slavery men, yet they could not unite on this policy. And the same is true of the.religious people. Why, the Rebel soldiers are praying with a great deal more earnestness, I fear, than our own troops, and expecting God to favor their side : for one of our soldiers, who had been taken prisoner, told Senator Wilson a few days since that he met nothing so discourag ing as the evident sincerity of those he was among in their prayers. But we will tali over the merits of the case. " What good would a proclamation of Emancipation from me do, especially as we are now situated ? I do not-want to issue a document that the whole world will see must necessarily be inoperative, like the Pope's bull against the comet. Would my word free the slaves, when I can not even enforce the Constitution in the Rebel- States ? Is there a single court, or magistrate, or individual, that would be influenced by it there ? And what reason is there to think it would have any greater effect upon the slaves than the late law of Congress, which I approved, and which offers protection and freedom to. the slaves of Rebel masters who come within our lines ? Yet I can not learn that that law has caused a single slave to come over to us. And, suppose they could be induced by a proclamation of freedom from me to throw themselves upon us, what should we do with them 1 How can we feed and care for such a multitude ? Gen. Butler wrote me a few days since that he was issuing more rations to the slaves who have rushed to him than to all the White troops under his command. They eat, and that is all ; though it is true Gen. Butler is feeding the Whiles also by the thousand; for it nearly amounts to a famine there. If, now, the. pressure of the war should call off our forces from New Orleans to defend some other point, what is to prevent the masters from reducing the Blacks to Slavery again ; for I am told that whenever the Rebels take any Black prison ers, free or slave, they immediately auction them off 1 They did so with those they took from a boat that was aground in the Tennessee river a few days ago. And then I am very ungenerously attacked for it I For instance, when, after the late battles at and near Bull Run, an expedition went out from Washington,- under a flag of truce, to bury the dead and bring in the wounded, and the Rebels seized the Blacks who went along to help, and sent them into Slavery, Horace Greeley said in his paper that the Government would probably do nothing about it. What could I do ? " Now, then, tell me, if you please, what possible result of good would follow the issuing of such a proclamation as you desire? Understand : I raise no objections against it on legal or constitutional grounds; for, as Commander-in-chief of the army and navy 'Sept. 13. 252 THE AMERIOA.N CONFLICT. in time of war, I suppose I have a right to take any measure whioh may best subdue the enemy ; nor do I urge objections of a moral nature, in view of possible conse quences of insurrection and massacre at the South. I view this matter as a practical war measure, to be decided on according to the advantages or disadvantages it may offer to the suppression of the Rebellion." The deputation responded, urging that an Emancipation policy would greatly strengthen(us in Europe, and would justify us in appealing to the God of the oppressed and down-trod den for His blessing on our future efforts to crush the Rebellion. The President rejoined : " I admit that Slavery is at the root of the Rebellion, or at least its sine gud non. The ambition of politicians may have instigated them to act ; but they would have been im potent without Slavery as their instrument. I will also concede that Emancipation would help us in Europe, and convinoe them that we are incited by something more than am bition. I grant, further, that it would help somewhat at the North, though not so much, I fear, as you and those you represent im agine. Still, some additional strength would be added iiL that way to the war ; and then, unquestionably, it would weaken the Rebels by drawing off their laborers, which is of great importance ; but I am not so sure wo could do much with the Blacks. If we were to arm them, I fear that in a few weeks the arms would be in the hands of the Rebels ; and, indeed, thus far, we have not had arms enough to equip our White troops. I will mention another thing, though it meet only your scorn and contempt. There are 50,000 bayonets in the Union army from the Border Slave States. It would be a serious matter if, in Consequence of a proclamation such as you desire, they should go over to the Rebels. I do not think they all would — not so many, indeed, as a year ago, or as six months ago — not so many to-day as yester day. Every day increases their Union feel ing. They are also getting their pride en listed, and want to beat the Rebels. Let me say one thing more : I think you should admit that we already have an important principle to rally and unite the people, in the fact that constitutional government is at stake. This is a fundamental idea, going down about as deep as any thing;" The deputation again developed and enforced their views ; and the President closed the conference with these pregnant words : "Do not misunderstand me because I have mentioned these objections. They indicate the difficulties that have thus far prevented my aotion in some such way as you desire. I have not deoided against a proclamation of liberty to the slaves, but hold the matter under advisement. And I can assure you that the subject is on my mind, by day and by night, more than any other. Whatever shall appear to be God's will, I will do. • I trust that, in the freedom with whioh I have oanvassed your views, I have not in any respect injured your feel ings." The deputation had scarcely re turned to Chicago and reported to their constituents, when the great body of the President's supporters were electrified, while his opponents in general were only still farther alienated, by the unheralded appear ance of the following proclamation : " I, Abeaham Lincoln, President of the United States of America, and Commander- in-chief of the Army and Navy thereof, do hereby proclaim and deolare that hereafter, as heretofore, the war will be proseouted for the object of practioally restoring the constitutional relation between the United States and each of the States, and the people thereof, in which States that rela tion is or may be suspended or disturbed. "That it is my purpose, upon the next meeting of Congress, to again recommend the adoption of a practical measure tender ing pecuniary aid to the free acceptance or rejection of all Slave States; so called, the people whereof may not then be in rebel lion against the United States, and which States may then have voluntarily adopted, or thereafter may voluntarily adopt, imme diate or gradual abolishment of Slavery within tlieir respective limits ; and that the effort to colonize persons of African descent, with their consent, upon this continent or elsewhere, with the previously obtained consent of the governments existing there, will be continued. "Th^t, on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State, or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then' be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free; and the Executive Govern ment of the United States, including the LINCOLN'S FIRST PROCLAMATION OF FREEDOM. 253 military and naval authority thereof, will reoognize and. maintain the freedom of suoh persons, and will do no act. or acts to re press such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual free dom. ".That the Exeoutive will, on the 1st day of January aforesaid, by proclamation, designate the States and parts of States, if any, in which the people thereof respect ively shall then be in rebellion against the United States ; and the fact that any State, or the people thereof, shall on that day be In good faith represented in the Congress of the United States, by members chosen thereto at elections wherein a msyority of the qualified voters of such State shall have participated, shall, in the absence of strong countervailing testimony, be deemed con clusive evidence that such State, and the people thereof, are not then in rebellion against the United States. "That attention is hereby called to an aot of Congress entitled 'An Act to make an additional Artiole of War,' approved March 18th, 1862; and whioh act is in the words and figures following : " 'Se it "enacted by the Senate and Mouse of Repre sentatives ofthe United States of America in Congress assembled, That hereafter the following shall be promul gated as an additional article of war for the government of the Army of the United States, and shall be obeyed and observed as suoh: "'Skotiou 1. All officers or persons In the military or naval service ofthe United States are prohibited from employing any of the forces under their respective com mands for tho purpose of returning fugitives from service or labor who may have escaped from any persons to whom such service or labor is claimed to be tine ; and any officer who shall be found guilty by a oourt-martial of violating this artiole shall De dismissed from the service. '"Sko.2. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from and after Its passage.1 " Also, to the ninth and tenth sections of an act entitled ' An Act to Suppress Insur rection, to Punish Treason and Rebellion, to Seize and Confiscate Property of Rebels, and for other Purposes,' approved July 16, 1862 ; and which seotions are in the words and figures following: "'Sua 9. And be itfufther enacted. That all slaves of persons who shall hereafter be engaged In rebellion •gainst the Government of the United States, or who snail in any way give aid or comfort thereto, oscaping from such persons and taking refuge within the lines or the army; and all slaves captured from such persons, or deserted by them and coming under the control of the Government ofthe United States; and all slaves of suoh persons found on Tori being within any place occupied by Eebel forces ana afterward occupied by forces of the united States, shall be deemed captives of war, and shall be forever free of their servitude, and not again held aa slaves. " ' Sko. 10. And be it further enacted, That no slave woaplng into any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia, from any other State, shall be delivered up, or In any way impeded or hindered of his liberty, except lor crime, or some offense against the laws, unless the 8erson claiming said fugitive shall first make oath that le person to whom the labor or service of such fugitive le alleged to be due Is his lawful owner, and has not borne arms against tbe United States in the present Rebellion, nor In any way given aid and comfort thereto; " in the " er lidlty i person to the service or labor of any other person, or and no person engaged in die military or naval service of / pretense whatever, assume to decide on tbe validity' of the olalm of any surrender up any such person to the claimant, on pain of being dismissed from the service.' " And I do hereby enjoin upon and order all persons engaged "in the military and naval servioe of the United States to ob serve, obey, and enforce, within their re spective spheres of service, the aot and sections above recited. ' " And the Executive will in due time recommend that all oitizens of the United States, who shall have remained loyal there to throughout the Rebellion, shall (upon the restoration of the constitutional relation between the United States and their re spective States and people, if that relation shall have been suspended or disturbed) be compensated for all losses by acts of the United States, including the loss of slaves. "In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Unite- States to be affixed. "Done at the City of Washington, this twenty-second day of Septem ber, in the year of our Lord one [l. s.] ¦ thousand eight hundred and sixty- two, and of the independence of the United States the eighty- seventh. "Abeaham Lincoln. 11 By the President : " William H. S_w_kd, Secretary of State." It has been alleged that the ap pearance of this document was hast ened by confidential representations from our Embassadors at the Courts of "Western Europe, that a recogni tion of the Confederacy was immi nent, and could hardly be averted otherwise than by a policy of Eman cipation. The then Attorney-Gen eral so has been quoted as authority for this statement ; but it is still gen erally regarded as apocryphal. It has been likewise asserted that the Presi dent had fully decided on resorting to this policy some weeks before the Proclamation appeared, and that he only withheld it till the military situation should assume a brighter aspect. Remarks made long after ward in Congress render highly "Edward Bates, of Missouri. 254: THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. probable the assumption that its appearance was somewhat delayed, awaiting the issue of the struggle in Maryland, which terminated with the battle of Antietam." Whether the open adhesion of the President at last to the policy of Emancipation did or did not contri bute to the general defeat of his sup porters in the State Elections which soon followed, is still fairly disput able. By those elections, Horatio Seymour was made Governor of New York and Joel Parker of New Jersey : supplanting Governors Morgan and Olden; while Pennsylvania, Ohio, In diana, and Illinois, also gave Opposi tion majorities ; and Michigan, "Wis consin, and most other Western States, showed a decided falling off in Administration strength. The gene ral result of those elections is summed up in the following table : I860— Pkisident. 1862— Gov. ok Congbkss. States. Lincoln. AU others. Admin. Opp. New York.... 862,646 812,610 295,897 806,649 New Jersey... 58,324 62,801 46,710 61,807 Pennsylvania.. 268,080 208,412 215,616 219,140 Ohio 281,610 210,881 178,755 184,832 Indiana 139,033 183,110 118,517 128,160 Illinois 172,161 160,215 120,116 186,662 Michigan 88,480 66,267 68,716 62,102 Wisconsin.... 86,110 66,070 66,801 67,985 Iowa 70,409 57,922 m66,014 60,898 Minnesota 22,069 12,668 15,754 11,442 10 States 1,498,872 1,290,806 1,192,8961,228,677 1860— Lincoln's maj.— 208,066. 1862— Opp. maj.— 85,781. The Representatives in Congress chosen from these States were politi cally classified as follows : I860. 1362. Eepdb. Bern. Admin. Opp. New York , 28 10 14 17 NewJqrsey 2 8 14 Pennsylvania 18 T 12 12 Ohio 18 8 5 14 Indiana 7 4 4 7 Illinois 4 5 5 9 Michigan 4 0 5 1 Wisconsin 8 0 8 8 Iowa •.. 2 0 6 0 Minnesota 2 0 2 0 Total, 10 States T8 87 67 67 1860— Lincoln maj.— 41. 1662— Opposition maj., 10. Note. — A new apportionment nnder the Census of 1860 changed materially, between 1860 and 1862, the number of Representatives from several of the States. "Fought Sept. 17th— Proclamation of Free dom, dated 22d. ""Soldiers' vote: Admn., 14,874; Opp., 4,115. There were some counterbalancing changes in the States of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri, as also in that of California, where the larger share of the Douglas vote of 1860 was in '62 cast for the Union tickets ; but it was clear, at the close of the State Elections of that year, that the general ill success of the War for the Union, the wide-spread and increasing repugnance to Con scription, Taxation, a depreciated Currency, and high-priced Fabrics, were arraying Public Sentiment against the further prosecution of the contest. Of course, the Opposition inveighed against the management of the War and of the Finances, the treatment of Gen. McClellan, and the general inefficiency and incapacity of the Administration ; but the strength of that Opposition inhered in popu lar repugnance to the" sacrifices ex acted by and the perils involved in a prosecution of the struggle, though its most general and taking clamor deprecated only " The perversion of the "War for the Union into a War for the Negro." Ignoring the sol diers battling for the Union-^of whom at least three-fourths voted Republican at each election wherein they were allowed to vote at all ; but who had not yet begn enabled to vote in the field, while their absence cre ated a chasm in the Administration vote at home — it is quite probable that, had a popular election been held at any time during the year fol lowing the Fourth of July, 1862, on the question of continuing the War or arresting it on the best attainable terms, a majority would have voted for Peace ; while it is highly proba- Wisconsin Soldiers' Vote: Admn., 8,373; Opp., 2,046. No other States had yet authorized their soldiers in the field to vote. LINCOLN'S SECOND PROCLAMATION OF FREEDOM. 255 ble that a still larger majority would have voted against Emancipation. From an early hour of the struggle, the public mind slowly and steadily gravitated toward the conclusion that the Rebellion was vulnerable only or mainly through Slavery ; but that conclusion was scarcely reached by a majority before the occurrence of the New York Riots, in July, 1863. The President, though widely reproached with tardiness and reluctance in tak ing up the gage plainly thrown down by the Slave Power, was probably ahead of a majority of the people of the loyal States in definitively accept ing the issue of Emancipation or Dis union. Having taken a long step in the right direction, he never retracted nor seemed to regret it ; though he some times observed that the beneficial re sults ofthe Emancipation policy were neither so signal nor so promptly realized as its sanguine promoters had anticipated. Nevertheless, on the day appointed, he issued his absolute Proclamation of Freedom, as follows : " Whereas, on the 22d day of September, in the year of our Lord 1862, a proclamation was iesned by the President of the United States, containing, among other things, the following, to wit : " 'That on the 1st day of January, in the year of our Lord 1S63, all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free ; and the Executive Government of the United States, including the'military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no aot or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.' " ' That the Executive will, on the first day of January aforesaid, by proclamation, designate the States and parts of States, if any, in which the people thereof respectively shall then be in rebellion against the United States; and the fact that any State, or the people thereof, shall on that day be in good faith represented in the Congress of the United States, by members chosen thereto at elec tions wherein a majority of the qualified voters of such State shall have participated, shall, in the absence of Btrong countervailing testimony, be deemed conclnsive evidence that such State, and the people thereof, are not then in rebellion against the United States.' " Now, therefore, I, Abeaham Lincoln, President of the United States, by virtue of the power in me vested as Commander-in- chief of the Army and Navy of the United States in time of actual armed rebellion against the authority and Government of the United States, and as a fit and necessary war measure for suppressing said rebellion, do, on this first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty- three, and in accordance with my pur pose so to do, publicly proclaimed for the full period of one hundred days from the day first above mentioned, order and des ignate as the States and parts of States wherein the people thereof respectively are this day in rebellion against the United States, the following : to wit : " Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana (except the parishes of St. Bernard, Plaquemine, Jeffer son, St. John, St. Charles, St. James, Ascen sion, Assumption, Terre Bonne, Lafourche, St. Mary, St. Martin, and Orleans, including the city of New Orleans), Mississippi, Alaba ma, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, andVirginia (except the forty-eight counties designated as AVest Virginia, and also the counties of Berkeley, Accomac, Northampton, Elizabeth City, York, Prin cess Anne, and Norfolk, including the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth), and which ex cepted parts are, for the present, left precise ly as if this proclamation were not issued. " And, by virtue of the power and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said' designated States and parts of States are and henceforward shall be free; and that the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval au thorities thereof, will recognize and main tain the freedom of said persons. "And I hereby enjoin upon the people so declared to be free to abstain from all vio lence, unless in necessary self-defense; and I recommend to them that, in all cases when allowed, they labor faithfully for rea sonable wages. " And I further declare and make known that such persons, of suitable condition, will be received into the armed service of the United States to garrison forts, positions, stations, and other places, and to man ves sels of all sorts in said service. " And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Con stitution npon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind, and the gracious favor of Almighty God. " In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my name, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. "Done at the city of Washington, this 1st day of January, in the year of ouf [_. s.] Lord 1863, and of the -independence of the United States the 87th. " By the President : Abraham Lincoln. ""William H. Sewabd, Secretary of State." THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. On the abstract question of the right of the Government to proclaim and enforce Emancipation, Edward Everett, in a speech in Faneuil Hall, Boston, October, 1864, forcibly said : "It is very doubtful whether any act of the Government of the United States was necessary to liberate the slaves in a State which is in rebellion. There is much reason for the opinion that, by the simple. act of levying war against the Unite'd States, the relation of Slavery was terminated ; certain ly, so far as concerns the duty of the United States to recognize it, or to refrain from interfering with it. • Not being founded on the law of nature, and resting solely on posi tive local law — and that not of the United States — as soon as it becomes either the motive or pretext of an unjust war against the Union — an efficient instrument in the hands of the Kebels for carrying on the war — a source of military strength to the Rebel lion, and of danger to the Government at home and abroad, with the additional cer tainty that, in any event but its abandon ment, it will continue in all future time t« work these mischiefs, who can suppose it is the duty of the United States to continue to recognize it? To maintain this would be a contradiction in terms. It would be to re cognize a right in a Rebel master to employ his slave in acts of rebellion and treason, and the duty of the slave to aid and abet his master in the commission of the greatest crime known to the law. No such absurdity can be admitted ; and any citizen ofthe Uni ted States, from the President down, who should, by any overt act, recognise the duty of a slave to obey a Rebel master in a hos tile operation, would himself be giving aid and comfort to the enemy." XII. SLAVERY AND EMANCIPATION IN CONGRESS. The XXXVIIth Congress, as we have seen1— while endeavoring to evade or to avert its eyes from the fact that it was Slavery which was waging deadly war on the Union — did yet give fair notice, through the guarded but decisive language of some of the more conservative Re publicans, that, if the Rebellion were persisted in,. it must inevitably result in the overthrow of Slavery. And the action of that Congress, even at the extra session, evinced a steadi ly growing consciousness — steadily growing in the legislative as well as the popular a mind — that Slavery had closed with the Union in mortal strtfe — a struggle which both could not survive." Still, President Lincoln, hesitated and held back; anxious that the Union should retain its hold on the Border Slave States, especially on Kentucky; and apparently hoping 1 Vol. I., pp. 564-8. 'On the day after the Bull Run rout, the writer first heard this conviction openly de clared. The credit of the avowal belongs to Gen. John Cochrane. "Hon. Elisha R. Potter, of Rhode Island — who may be fairly styled the hereditary chief of the Democratic party of that State — made a Bgeech on the War to the Senate thereof on the 10th of August, 1861. After distributing the blame of inciting the War between the Northern and the Southern ' ultras,' dilating on the re sources of the South, and elucidating the no- fighting, anaconda' mode of warfare proposed by Gen. Seott, and apparently acceded to by the Cabinet, he proceeds: " I have said that the war may assume anoth er aspect, and be a short and bloody one. And to such a war — an anti-Slavery war — it seems to me we are inevitably drifting. It seems to me hardly in the power of human wisdom to prevent it. We may commence the war without meaning to interfere with Slavery; but let us have one or two battles, and get our blood exci ted, and we shall not only not restore any more slaves, but shall proclaim freedom wherever we go. And it seems to me almost judicial blind ness on the part of the South that they do not see that this must be the inevitable result, if the contest is prolonged." Ii res i$ AA / , i 1 I a ARMY SLAVE-CATCHING PROHIBITED. 257 that the alternative of conceded Dis union or constrained Emancipation might yet be avoided. His first An nual Message * cautiously avoided the subject; but proposed a systematic colonization — in some territory to be acquired outside of the present limits of our country — of those Blacks who had already, or might thereafter, be come free in consequence of the war. He coolly added : " It might be well to consider, too, whether the free colored people already in the United States could not,, so far as indi viduals may desire, be included in such colo nization." Congress acceded to this, so far a3 to appropriate $100,000 in aid of the colonization as aforesaid of the freed- men of the District of Columbia ; which sum, or most of it, was duly squandered — to the satisfaction of cer tain speculators, and the intense, pro tracted misery of a few deluded Blacks, who were taken to a wretch ed sand-spit, known as Cow Island, on the coast of Hayti, and kept there so long as they could be : and this was the practical finale of the Coloniza tion project. The XXXVIIth Congress having convened 6 for its second (or first reg ular) session, Gen. "Wilson, of Mass., gave " notice in Senate of a bill to punish .officers and privates of our armies for arresting, detaining, or de livering persons claimed as fugitive slaves; and Mr. O. Lovejoy, of DI., simultaneously introduced a bill of like tenor in the House. Mr. "Wilson submitted his bill on the 23d ; a re solve to the same effect having been submitted by Mr. Sumner six days before ; as one of like nature was this day laid before the House by Mr. James F. "Wilson, of Iowa. Mr. "Wilson, of Mass., soon reported7 his bill ; of which he pressed the consid eration ten days afterward; but it was resisted with great ingenuity and earnestness by all the Opposition and by a few of the more conservative Administration Senators. Other bills having obtained precedence in the Senate, Mr. F. P. Blair reported 8 to the House from its Military Commit tee, an additional Article of "War, as follows : " All officers are prohibited from employ ing any of the forces under their respective commands for the purpose of returning fu-y gitives from service or labor who may have escaped from any persons to whom such ser vice or labor is qlaimed to be, due. Any officer who shall be found guilty by court- martial of violating this article shall be dis missed from the service." This bill was strenuously opposed by Messrs. Mallory and "Wickliffe, of Kentucky, as also by Mr." Val- landigham, of Ohio, while ably advocated by Mr. Bingham, of Ohio and passed by a (substantially) party _, vote : Yeas 83 ; Nays __. • Having been received by the Senate and re ferred to its Military Committee, it was duly reported " therefrom by Mr. H. "Wilson ; vehemently opposed by Messrs. Garret Davis, of Ky., Carliler of Va., Saulsbury, of Del., and sup ported by Messrs. Wilson, of Mass., Howard, of Michigan, Sherman, of Ohio, McDougall, of Cal., and An thony, of R. I., and passed :'" Yeas 29 ; Nays 9 — a party vote, save that"' Mr. McDougall, of Cal., voted Yea. The bill thus enacted was approved by the President, March 13th, 1862. Gen. Wilson, upon evidence that the above act was inadequate to re strain the negro-catching propensities of some officers in the. service, pro« ?Dec. 3, 1861. 'Dec. 2, 1861. vol. n. — 17 ¦ Dec. 4. ' Jan. 6, 1862. e Feb. 25. ' March 4. " March 10. 258 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. posed" further action to the same end ; and the Senate considered " his resolution of inquiry. Mr. Grimes, of Iowa, in supporting it, made a statement as follows : "In the month of February last, an officer of the 3d regiment of Iowa infantry, stationed at a small town in Missouri, suc ceeded in capturing several Rebel bridge- burners, and some recruiting officers be longing to Price's army. The information that led to their capture was furnished by two or three remarkably shrewd and intelli gent slaves, claimed by a Lt.-Colonel in the Rebel army. Shortly afterward, the master dispatched an agent, with instructions to seize the slaves, and convey them within the Rebel lines: whereupon, the Iowa officer seized them, and reported the circumstances to headquarters. The slaves, soon under standing the full import of Gen. Halleck's celebrated Order No. 3, two of them attempt ed an escape. This was regarded as an unpar donable sin. The Iowa officer was imme diately placed under arrest ; and a detach ment of the Missouri State Militia — men in the pay of this Government, and under the command of Gen. Halleck — were sent in pur suit ofthe fugitives. The hunt was successful. The slaves were caught, and returned to their traitor master ; but not until one of them had been shot by order of the soldier in command of the pursuing party." Mr. Sumner followed in an able speech in advocacy ; but the subject was overlaid by others deemed more urgent ; and the bill was not conclu sively acted on. At an early period " of the session, Gen. Wilson had proposed a refer ence of all laws relating to persons of color in the District of Columbia, and to the arrest of fugitives from labor, to the Standing Committee on said District, with instructions that they consider the expediency of a compensated Abolition of Slavery therein ; and he soon afterward in troduced" a bill of like purport; which was read twice and referred " to the Committee aforesaid. Mr. Morrill, of Maine, duly reported" from said Committee Gen. Wilson's bill; which provided for the Aboli tion of Slavery in the District, and / the payment to the masters from the Treasury of an average compensation of $300 each for the slaves thus manumitted. The bill was so amended as to abolish also the Black Laws of said District. Mr. G. Davis, of Ky., bitterly opposed the bill ; proposing so to amend it as to send out of the country all persons freed thereby ; which was ardently supported by Mr. Saulsbury, of Del. Mr. Doolittle (Repub.), of Wise, favored coloniz ing the freedmen, but moved to add " with their own consent ;" which prevailed — Yeas 23 ; Nays 16 — and Mr. Davis's proposition, as thus amended, was lost by a tie vote— 19 to 19; and the emancipating bill — after having been ably supported by Messrs. Wilmot, of Pa., Hale, of N. H., Pomeroy, of Kansas (against paying the masters), King, of N. Y., Wilson, of Mass., Harlan, of Iowa, Wilkinson, of Minn., Sumner, of Mass., Fessenden, of Maine, Brown ing, of 111., and Morrill, of Maine, and further opposed by Messrs. Wright (Union), of Ind., Willey, of West Va. (who wished the question of Emancipation submitted to a pop ular vote of the District), Kennedy, of Md., McDougall, of Cal., and Bayard, of Del. — was passed :" Yeas ' 29 ; Nays 14 — as follows : "Yeas — Messrs. Anthony, Browning, Chandler, Clark, Collamer, Dixon, Doolit- t]e, Fessenden, Foot, Foster, Grimes, Hale, Harlan, Harris, Howard, Howe, King, Lane, of Ind., Lane, of Kansas, Morrill, Pomeroy, Sherman, Sumner, Ten Eyck, Trumbull, Wade, Wilkinson, Wilmot, and Wilson, of Mass.— 29. Nats — Messrs. Bayard, Carlile, Davis, Henderson, Kennedy, Latham, McDougall, Nesmith, Powell, Saulsbury, Stark, Willey, Wilson, of Mo., and Wriglit — 14. 'Aprils. "Aprill- " Dec 14. M Dec. 16. "Dec. 22. >8 Feb. 13. » April 3. LINCOLN PROPOSES AID TO EMANCIPATION. 259 This bill having reached the House, Mr. Stevens, of Pa., in Com mittee of the Whole, moved18 the laying aside successively of each bill preceding it on the calendar, and thus reached this one ; which was taken up and debated by Judge Thomas, of Mass., and Mr. Crittenden, of Ky., in opposition. Mr. Stevens tried to close the debate next day, but failed ; and the bill was advoca ted by Messrs. F. P. Blair, of Mo., Bingham, Blake, Riddle, Ashley, and Hutchins, of Ohio, Rollins, of N. H., and Van Horn, of N. Y. Mr. Ste vens at length induced the Commit tee to rise and report the bill ; when the measure was further opposed by Messrs. H. B. Wright, of Pa., Wads worth, Harding, Menzies, and Wick liffe, of Ky., and supported by Messrs. Hickman, of Pa., Train, of Mass., Lovejoy, of 111., Dunn, of Ind., Cox and Vallandigham, of Ohio ; and k passed under the Previous Question : VYeas 92 ; Nays 39. [Messrs. G. H. Browne, of R. I., English, of Conn., Haight and Odell, of N. Y., Sheffield, of R. I., and B. F. Thomas, of Mass., voted Yea with the Republicans ; while Messrs. J. B. Blair and Wm. G. Brown, of Va., James S. Rollins, of Mo., and Francis Thomas, of Md., voted Nay with the Democrats and Kentuckians.] The bill, thus passed on the llth, was signed by the Presi dent on the 16th of April, 1862." President Lincoln made his first overt, yet cautious, demonstration against Slavery as the main cause of our subsisting troubles in a Special Message," which proposed that the Houses of Congress should unite in adopting this joint resolution : "Pesolved, That the United States, in or der to cooperate with any State which may adopt gradual abolition of Slavery, give to such State pecuniary aid, to be used by such State, in its discretion, to compensate it for the inconvenience, public and private, pro duced by such change of system." This proposition he commended in these guarded and deferential terms : " If the proposition contained in the reso lution does not meet the approval of Con gress and the country, there is an end of it. But, if it does command such approval, I deem it of importance that the States and people immediately interested should be at once distinctly notified of the fact, so that they may begin to consider whether to accept or reject it. "The Federal Government would find its highest interest in such a measure, as one of the most important means of self- preservation. The leaders of the existing Rebellion entertain the hope that this Gov ernment will ultimately be forced to ac knowledge the independence of some part of the disaffected region, and that all the Slave States north of such part will then say, ' The Union for which we have strug gled being already gone, we now choose to go with the Southern section.' To deprive them of this hope substantially ends the Rebellion ; and the initiation of Emancipa tion deprives them of it, and of all the States initiating it. " The point is not that all the States tol erating Slavery would very soon, if at all, initiate Emancipation ; but, while the offer is equally made to all, the more Northern shall, by such initiation, make it certain to the more Southern that in no event will the former ever join the latter in their proposed Confederacy. * * * While it is true that the adoption of the proposed resolution would be merely initiatory, and not within itself a practical measure, it is recommended in the hope that it would soon lead to im portant practical results. In full view of my great responsibility to my God and to "April 10. 18 Some of the anomalies of the slaveholding system were brought to light in the execution of this measure. For instance: while it had long been usual for White men to sell their parti-colored children, there were no known precedents for a like thrifty procedure on the part of Blacks; but U. S. Treasurer Spinner was waited on by a District negro (free), who had bought and paid for his (slave) wife, and who required payment not only for her but for their half-dozen children — all his legal and sala ble chattels — and the claim could not be disat lowed. m March 6, 1862. 260 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. my country, I earnestly beg the attention of Congress and the people to the sub ject." Mr. Stevens, of Pa., having moved and carried a reference of this Mes sage by the House to a Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union, and Mr. R. Conkling, of N. Y., hav ing moved" the resolve above recom mended, a debate sprung up thereon ; which is notable only as developing , the repugnance ofthe Unionists of the Border Slave States, with that of the Democrats of all the States, to com pensated or any other Emancipation. Messrs. Wadsworth, Mallory, Wick liffe, and Crittenden, of Ky., and Cris- field, of Md., spoke for the former; Messrs. Richardson, of 111., Voorhees, of Ind., Biddle, of Pa., for the lat ter. All the Republicans who spoke supported the proposition; though Messrs. Stevens and Hickman, of Pa., characterized it as timid, temporizing, and of small account. It passed the -House" by 89 Yeas (Republicans, West Virginians, and a few others not strictly partisans) to 31 Nays (in cluding Crisfield, Leary, and Francis Thomas, of Md., with Crittenden, Dunlap, Harding, Wadsworth, and Wickliffe, of Ky. — the rest Demo crats). The resolve having reached the Senate and been duly referred, Mr. Trumbull, of 111., reported23 it favo rably from the Judiciary Committee ; when, on its coming up,24 it was fiercely assailed by Mr. Saulsbury, of Delaware, and more temperately opposed by Messrs. Willey, of Va., McDougall and Latham, of Cal., and •Powell, of Ky. Mr. Henderson, of Mo., supported it, and thenceforward acted as an emancipationist. Messrs. Sherman, of Ohio, Doolittle, of Wise, Browning, of 111., and Mor rill, of Maine, also advocated the measure ; and it passed " — Yeas 32/ (including Davis, of Ky., Henderson, ' of Mo., Thomson [Dem.], of N. J., and Willey, of Va.) ; Nays — Messrs. Bayard and Saulsbury, of Del., Ken nedy, of Md., Carlile, of Va., Powell, of Ky., Wilson, of Mo., Wright, of N. J., Latham, of Cal., Nesmith and Stark, of Oregon. It is noteworthy that a majority of these Nays were the votes of Senators from Border States, to Which it proffered compen sation for their- slaves, all whom have since been freed without compensa tion. The President of course ap proved 26 the measure ; but no single Slave State ever claimed its benefits ; and its only use inhered in its demon stration of the willingness of the Unionists to increase their already heavy burdens to pay for the slaves of the Border States — a willingness which the infatuation of the ruling class in those States rendered abor tive, save in its inevitable tendency to soften prejudice and reconcile the minds of loyal slaveholders to a social revolution fast becoming inevitable. Mr. Wilson, of Mass., having giv en notice " of a joint resolve granting aid to the States of Delaware and Maryland to emancipate their slaves, Mr. Saulsbury, of Del., objected to its consideration; and it lay over. When called up,28 he declared his in flexible hostility to it, and his pur pose to interpose every available obstacle to its passage. It was intro duced, however, and had its first read ing ; but was not again taken up. Soon, however, Mr. White, of Ind., 'Mar.10. "Mar.ll. "Mar.20. MMar.24 ^Apr^. "Apr.10. a' Mar. 1, 1862. "Mar.lO. SLAVERY EXCLUDED FROM THE TERRITORIES. 261 proposed3' a more comprehensive measure ; contemplating the gradual extinguishment, at the National cost, of Slavery in all the Border Slave States, and moved its reference to a Select Committee of nine. Mr. Mal lory, of Ky., moved that this propo sition do He on the table; which failed: Yeas 51; Nays 68; and it then prevailed : Yeas 67 ; Nays 52. The Committee having been ap pointed,30 Mr. White reported 31 there from a bill offering $300 per head from the Treasury for the legal eman cipation of the slaves of Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Ten nessee, and Missouri, or either of them. The bill was committed, but not acted on ; having been reported too near the close of the Session. Next winter, Mr. Henderson,82 in the Senate, and Mr. Noell,33 in the House, submitted bills of similar tenor, pro viding for compensated emancipation in Missouri alone. Each encountered a bitter opposition from the Demo cratic and most of the Border-State Members; but Mr. Noell's finally passed " the House — Yeas 73 ; Nays 46. The Senate acted on Mr. Hen derson's bill, which provided only for very Gradual Emancipation — he de claring that if Congress should offer his State $10,000,000 for an act of Immediate Abolition, he would op pose its acceptance. The Senate de bated hotly and tediously the rival advantages of Immediate and Grad ual Emancipation: the Democrats opposing both, but inclining the scale in favor of the latter; which pre vailed— 26 to 11— and in this shape the bill passed : " Yeas 23 ; Nays 18. On reaching the House, it was re- * April i. " Dea 19. "April 14. "Dea 15. "July 16. "Jan. 6,1863. ferred — Yeas 81; Nays 51 — to the Select Committee aforesaid; which was only enabled to perfect it on the last 3* day of the session ; when the House refused — Yeas 63 ; Nays 57 — to suspend the rules in favor of its immediate consideration, which re quired a vote of two-thirds. So per ished the last effort to compensate the loyal States for the Emancipation of their Slaves — the Democrats and all the Border-State members who were not friends of the Administration unanimously resisting it in every shape and to the extent of their pow er. We have seen " that the XXXVIth Congress, after it had become Re publican through the withdrawal of the representatives of the Gulf States, organized the new Territories of Colorado, Nevada, and Dakotah,^ by acts which maintained a profound silence with regard to Slavery. The hope of thus winning a portion of the slaveholding interest to active loyalty in the approaching struggle having been disappointed, Mr. Arnold, of 111., submitted 38 to the next House a bill abolishing and prohibiting Slav^ ery in every Territory of the Union ; which Mr. Lovejoy, of 111., duly re ported 3S and pressed to a vote ; ulti mately modifying the bill so as to read as follows : " An Aot to secure freedom to aU persons Trithin the Territories of the United States ; " To the end that freedom may be and' remain forever the fundamental law of the* land in all places whatsoever, so far as fy lies within the power or depends upon the action of the Government of the United States to make it so, therefore — "£e it enacted, &c, That Slavery or in voluntary servitude, in all cases whatsoever (other than in the punishment of crime, whereof the party shall have been duly con victed), shall henceforth cease, and be pro^ ss Feb. 12, 1863. " March 3. ¦' Vol. I., p. 388. '" March 24, 1862. " May 1. 262 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. hibited forever, in all the Territories of the United States now existing, or hereafter to be formed or acquired in any way." No measure ofthe session was more . vehemently opposed, not only by the Democrats without exception, but by the Border-State Unionists with equal zeal and unanimity ; even Mr. Fish er, of Del., denouncing it, though he did not vote on the final passage. Mr. Cox, of Ohio, stigmatized it in debate as " a bill for the benefit of Secession and Jeff. Davis." Mr. Crisfield, of Md., characterized it as " a palpable violation of the rights of the States, and an unwarrantable in terference with private property — a fraud upon the States which have made cessions of land to this Govern ment, a violation ofthe Constitution, and a breach of the pledges which brought the dominant [Republican] party into power " — " a usurpation " — " destructive of the good of the country," &c., &c. Judge Thomas, of Mass., held that Congress could not warrantably pass this act without providing compensation for slave holders in the Territories. Messrs. Bingham, of Ohio, Stevens and Kel ley, of Pa., R. Conkling and Diven, of N. Y., Arnold and Lovejoy, of 111., and others, defended the bill, and it passed," under the Previous Question: Yeas,85 (allRepublicansbut Sheffield, of R. I., and Judge Thomas, of Mass. — to meet whose objections the origi nal bill had been modified) : Nays, 50 : composed of all the Democrats and -Border-State Unionists who voted, including Messrs. Calvert, Crisfield, Leary, Francis Thomas, and Webster, of Md., J. B. Blair, Wm. G. Brown, and Segar, of Va., Casey, Crittenden, Dunlap, Grider, Harding, Mallory, Menzies, Wadsworth, andWickliffe, of Ky.,Clements and Maynard,of Tenn., Hall,Noell, and J. S. Phelps, of Mo.— 22 of the 50 from Border Slave States. The bill having reached the Senate, it was reported4' by Mr. Browning, of Illinois, substituting for the terms above cited the following : " That, from and after the passage of this act, there shall be neither Slavery nor in voluntary servitude in any of the Territories ofthe United States now existing, or which may at any time hereafter be formed or ac quired by the United States, otherwise than in punishment of crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted." In this shape it passed : " Yeas 28/ (all Republicans) ; Nays 10 (all Op position) ; and the House concurred ** in the Senate's amendment — Yeas 72 ; Nays 38 — and the bill, being ap proved " by the President,, became henceforth and evermore the law of the land. The policy of confiscating or eman cipating the slaves of those engaged in the Rebellion was very cautiously and timidly approached at the first *' or extra session of this Congress. Very early in the ensuing session, it was again suggested in the Senate by Mr. Trumbull," of Illinois, and in the House by Mr. Eliot," of Mass. At the former session, Congress had ventured only to direct the con fiscation of the right or property of masters in such slaves as those masters permitted or directed to la bor on fortifications or other works designed to aid the Rebellion; but now, a bolder and more sweeping measure was deemed requisite. Mr. Eliot's joint resolve — after disclaim ing all right to interfere with the in ternal affairs and institutions of loyal States in peace — affirmed that the ex- ' May 12. " May 15. " June 9. w June IT. " June 19. " See Vol. I., chap, xxxiv., particularly page 569-10. « Deo. 5, 1861. " Deo. 2, 186L ON FREEING THE SLAVES OF REBELS. 263 isting war must be prosecuted ac cording to the laws of war, and "That, therefore, we do hereby declare \that the President, as the Commander-in- chief of our army, and the officers in com mand under him, have the right to eman cipate all persons held as slaves in any military district in a state of insurrection against the National Government; and that we respectfully advise that such order of Emancipation be issued, whenever the same will avail to weaken the power of the Reb els in arms, or to strengthen the military power of the loyal forces." Mr. Trumbull proposed to enact that the slaves of all persons who shall take up arms against the Uni ted States, or in any manner aid or abet the existing Rebellion, shall thereupon be discharged from service or labor, and become thenceforth for ever free ; any existing law to the contrary notwithstanding. These propositions, with various modifications, were vehemently dis cussed in either House, not continu ously, but alternately with other measures, nearly to the end of that long and excited session. By friend and foe, they were debated as though their success or failure would decide the issue of Union or Disunion. By all the anti-Republicans, and by some of the more conservative Republicans, they were denounced as utterly, glar ingly, in antagonism to the Federal Constitution, and as calculated to ex tinguish the last vestige of Unionism in the Slave States, but especially in those that had seceded. Said Senator \ Cowan," of Pennsylvania : \ " Pass this bill, and the same messenger \ who carries it to the South will come back to us with the news of their complete con solidation as one man. We shall then have done that which treason could not do : we ourselves shall then have dissolved the Union ; we shall have rent its sacred char ter, and extinguished the last vestige of affec tion for it in the Slave States by our blind and passionate folly." ** Elected as a RepubUcan in 1861. In the same spirit, but more tem perately, the bill was opposed by Messrs. Browning, of 111., Willey, of Va., Henderson, of Mo., and Col- lamer, of Vt. (the first and last .Re publicans ; the others very decided Unionists), as well as more unspar ingly by Messrs. Garret Davis and Powell, of Ky., Saulsbury, of Del., Carlile, of Va., and others of the Opposition ; while it was supported by Messrs. Trumbull, of 111., Wilson and Sumner, of Mass., Howard, of Mich., Wade and Sherman, of Ohio, Morrill and Fessenden, of Maine, Clark and Hale, of N. H., and nearly all the more decided Republicans. So intense and formidable was the resistance that the Senate at length " referred the bill to a Select Commit tee of seven — Mr. Clark, of N. H., chairman — who duly reported there from " A bill to suppress Insurrec tion, and punish Treason and Rebel lion;" which merely authorized the President, at his discretion, to pro claim free all slaves of persons who shall be found in arms against the United States thirty days after the issue of such proclamation. On this bill being taken up," Mr. Davis, of Ky., tried to have it so amended that the said slaves, instead of being freed, should be sold and the pro ceeds put into the Treasury; but only seven Senators were found suffi ciently Democratic to sustain that proposition. He next proposed that no slave should be emancipated under this act, until he should be on < his way to be colonized at some point outside of the United States : which proposition received but six votes. Here the Senate bill was dropped, in deference to the action ' May 6, 1862. M May 16. 264 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. of the House; in which, after a long, arduous, doubtful struggle, during which Mr. Eliot's resolve was refer red to the Judiciary Committee and reported against " by Mr. Hickman, of Pa., its Chairman — " because the President has all power now" — it had been referred " to a Select Committee of seven,- whereof Mr. Sedgwick, of N. Y., was Chairman ; whence Mr. Eliot, of Mass., reported " two bills, one providing for confiscating the property, the other for emancipating the slaves, of persistent Rebels; whereupon debate was renewed and continued for days— every Democrat and nearly every Border-State mem ber resisting Emancipation as ruinous to the National cause. Said Mr. W. S. Holman, of Ind. (one of the most loyal and non-partisan of those elected as Democrats) : " I have supported, Sir, and will still sup port, every just measure of this Administra tion to restore the Union. No partisan in terest shall control me when the Republic is in' danger. I place the interest of my coun try far above every, other interest. I will make any sacrifice to uphold the Govern ment ; but I will not be deterred from con demning, at this time, this or any other series of measures — the offspring of mis guided zeal and passion, or of want of faith in our people — which tends to defeat the hope of a restoration of the Union. The citizen soldier, striken down in battle or yfora out by the weary march, falls a will ing sacrifice for the Constitution of his coun try, and his dying eyes light np with hope as they catch the gleam of its starry sym bol ; While we deliberate on measures which wonld Overthrow the one,, and blot out the stars from the other." Said Judge Thomas (Conservative), of Massachusetts : " That the bills before the House are in violation of the law of nations, and of the Constitution, I can hot — I say it with all deference to others — I can not entertain a doubt. My path of duty is plain. The duty of obedience to that Constitution was never more imperative than now. I am not dis posed to deny that I have for it a supersti tious reverence. I have ' worshiped it from my forefathers.' In the school of rigid dis cipline by which we were prepared for it, in the struggles out of which it was born, the seven years of bitter conflict, and the seven darker years in which that conflict seemed to be fruitless of good ; in the wisdom with which it was constructed and first adminis tered and set in motion ; in the beneficent Government it has secured for more than two generations; in the blessed influences it has exerted upon the cause of Freedom and Humanity the world over, I can not fail to recognize the hand of a guiding and lov ing* Providence. But not for the blessed memories of the past only do I cling to it. He must be blinded ' with excess of light,' or with the want of it, who does not see that to this nation, trembling on the verge of dissolution, it is- the only possible bond of unity." Mr. Samuel S. Cox, of Ohio, asked : " Must these Northern fanatics be sated with negroes, taxes, and blood, with division North and devastation South, and peril to constitutional liberty everywhere, before re lief shall come? They will not halt until their darling schemes' are consummated. History tells us that such zealots do not and can not go backward." Said Mr. John Law, of Indiana : "The man who dreams of closing the present unhappy contest by reconstructing this Union upon any other basis than that prescribed by our fathers, in the compact formed by them, is a madman — ay, worse, a traitor — and should be hung as high as Haman. Sir, pass these acts, confiscate un der these bills the property of these men, emancipate their negroes, place arms in the hands of these human gorillas, to murder their masters and violate their wives and daughters, and you will have a war such as was never witnessed in the worst days of the French Revolution, and horrors never exceeded in St. Domingo, for the balance of this century at least." Mr. Eliot closed the debate" in an able speech for the bills ; and the Confiscation bill was passed — Yeas 82; Nays 68. The Emancipation bill was next taken up ; when, after rejecting seve ral amendments, the vote was taken on its passage, and it was defeated : Yeas 74 (all Republicans) ; Nays 78^-/ fifteen members elected as Repub- 61 March 20, 1862. 1 April 23. "April 30. 1 May 26. HATTl AND LIBERIA RECOGNIZED. 265 BcanB voting Nay, with all the Demo crats and all the Border-State men. The Republicans voting Nay were Messrs. Dawes and Delano, of Mass., Diven, of N. Y., Dunn, of Ind., Fishr er, of Del., Horton, of Ohio, Wm. Kelloggj of 111., Killinger, of Pa., Mitchell, of Ind., Nixon, of N. J., Norton, of 111., Porter, of Ind., A. H. Rice, of Mass,, Stratton, of N. J., and Train, of Mass. Mr. Porter, of Ind., now moved " a reconsideration; which narrowly escaped defeat, on a motion by Mr. Holman that it do lie on the table : Yeas 69 ; Nays 73. Thereconsidera- tion prevailed: Yeas 84; Nays- 64: and the bill was recommitted, with instructions to report a substitute al ready proposed by Mr. P., which pre vailed—Yeas 84; Nays 66: and Mr. *kEliot again reported68 a bill eman- Hcipating the slaves of certain specified classes of prominent Rebels, and also of all persons who shall continue in armed rebellion sixty days after the President shall have issued his proc lamation requiring them to desist \therefrom. The bill thus modified passed the House : Yeas 82 ; Nays 54. The House Confiscation bill afore said was taken up in the Senate ;" and, after debate, so amended,88 on motion of Mr. Clark, of N. H., as to recombine Emancipation therewith ; v when it was passed : Yeas 28 ; Nays 13. The House non-concurred3" in this action : Yeas 8 ; Nays 124; where upon, the Senate insisted, and asked a committee of conference; which was granted ; and the Committee °° reported a bill which was in sub stance Mr. Clark's, providing for both Confiscation and Emancipa tion. Its purport is that all slaves of persons who shall give aid or com fort to the Rebellion, who shall take refuge within the lines of the army ; all slaves captured from such persons, or deserted by them, and coming un der the control of the Government ; and. all slaves of such persons found or being within any place occupied by Rebel forces, and afterward occu pied by the forces of the United States — shall be deemed captives of war, and shall be for ever free,, and not again held as slaves; that fugitive slaves shall not be surren dered to persons who have given aid and comfort to the Rebellion ; that no person engaged in the military or naval service shall surrender fugitive slaves, on pain of being dismissed from the service ; that the President may employ persons of African de scent for the suppression of the Re bellion, and organize and use them in such manner as he may judge best for the public welfare. This bill passed the House by the decisive majority of 82 Yeas to 42/ Nays ; also the Senate, by 27 Yeas to 12 Nays ; and, being approved by the President,"1 became the law of the land. President Lmcoln having recom mended, in his first Annual Mes sage," the establishment of Diplo matic intercourse with the republics of Hayti and Liberia, Mr. Sumner " reported °3 to the Senate, from its Com mittee on Foreign Relations, a bill for that purpose ; which in due time was taken up,34 supported by its author, opposed" by Mr. G. Davis, of Ky., who proclaimed his dis gust at the continued " introduction s May 27. 1 June 28. * June IT. " July 3. " June 23. "July 11. 1 July 11. MDec. 3, 1862. "Feb. 4, '63. "April 22. "April 24. 266 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. of the subject of slaves and Slavery into this chamber;" though no one but himself had mentioned either in connection with this measure. He drew a- ludicrous picture of " a big negro fellow," fantastically arrayed, being presented as Minister from Hayti. Mr. Sumner rejoined ; and Mr. Davis's substitute, providing for consular relations only with the re publics aforesaid, was voted down — Yeas 8 ; Nays 31 — and then the bill passed : Yeas 32 ; Nays 7. On reach ing the House, it was referred to its Committee on Foreign Affairs ; which Committee was discharged 6° from its further consideration, on motion of Mr. Gooch, of Mass., who ably and temperately advocated its passage. Mr. Cox, of Ohio, replied, a la Davis ; and, after further debate by Messrs. Fessenden, of Maine, Eliot, of Mass., McKnight and Kelley, of Pa., and Maynard, of Tenn., in favor, and Messrs. Biddle, of Pa., and Critten den, of Ky., in opposition, it was passed — Yeas 86 ; Nays 37 — and, being signed " by the President, be came the law of the land. Previous to the triumph of Eman cipation in the Federal District, there was no public provision for the edu cation of the Blacks, whether bond or free ; and very few, even of the latter, received any schooling what ever. The great obstacle to improve ment having been swept away, Mr. Grimes, of Iowa, submitted 6S to the" Senate a bill providing for the edu cation of colored children in the city of Washington ; prefacing it by a statement that, whereas the number of those children was in 1860 no less than 3,172, and while the Free Blacks of the District were taxed $36,000 per annum, whereof a tenth was ap propriated to the support of schools, not one of their children was per mitted to enter those schools or to receive any benefit whatever from'the money thus wrested from them by law for the education of the children of the Whites, many of whom paid no tax whatever. His bill proposed simply that the city revenue raised for schools by the taxation of Blacks should be devoted to the education of their own children, and not those of the Whites. This bill having been referred to and reported " from the District Com mittee, it was taken up,'0 on motion of Mr. Grimes ; and certain non essential amendments of the Com mittee agreed to. Mr. Wilson, of Mass., then moved to add a new sec tion, as follows : j " That all persons of color in the District of Columbia, or within the corporate limits of the cities of Washington and George town, shall be subject and amenable to the same laws and ordinances to which free White persons are or may be subject or amenable ; that they shall be tried for any offenses against the laws in the same man ner as free White persons are or may be tried for the same offenses ; and that, upon being legally convicted of any crime or offense against any law or ordinance, such persons of color shall be liable to such penalty or punishment, and only such, as would be imposed or inflicted upon free White persons for the same crime or offense : and all acts, or parts of acts, inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed." This important amendment pre vailed ; and the bill, thus improved, passed :" Yeas 29 ; Nays 7. Reach-* ing the House, it was there referred to its District Committee ; reported" therefrom without amendment, by Mr. Rollins, of N. H., and, on his motion, passed, under the Previous "June 2. •' June 5. " April 29. •April 30. 'May 8. "May 9. '-May 15. RENDITION OF FUGITIVE SLAVES. 267 Question, without a call of tht Yeas and Nays. It received the President's signature on the 21st. Bills making further and better provision for the education of colored children were matured and enacted in the course of that and the two following sessions. A treaty between the Great Pow ers of Western Europe, intended to provide for the more effectual sup pression of the African Slave-Trade, was matured and signed at Paris in 1841. It necessarily accorded a qual ified reciprocal right to search sus pected cruisers to the National ves sels of the subscribing parties. Gen. Cass, then our Envoy at Paris, and a prospective candidate for President, resisted and defeated the accession of our Government to this most right eous and necessary increase of power to the international police of the ocean, and earned thereby the quali fied approbation of the Slave Power ; as was evinced in the Presidential elec tion of 1848. A similar treaty was now negotiated between the United States and Great Britain ; and a bill designed to give effect to its provisions was reported73 to the Senate by Mr. \Sumner, considered, and passed:" Yeas 34 ; Nays 4. The House con curred;'6 and the bill became a law." The first proposition looking to a repeal of the Fugitive Slave act of 1850 by the XXXVIIth Congress was made" by Mr. Howe, of Wis consin, to the Senate; whereby it was read twice, referred to the Ju diciary Committee, and reported" against by Mr. Ten Eyck, of New Jersey. That report killed it. But Mr. Wilmot, of Pa., soon revived" the proposition, by a bill which re quired every person, who should ap^ ply for the legal process required for the arrest of a fugitive slave, to take a stringent oath of loyalty. The bill further provided that each al leged fugitive shall have compulsory process against witnesses deemed es sential to his defense, and that such witnesses should be sworn and heard, irrespective of their color. Mr. Wade promptly reported80 this bill ; but it shared the fate of its predecessor. Mr. Wilson, of Mass., proposed31 •to amend the bill of 1850 aforesaid, so as to secure to every one claimed as a fugitive slave a trial by jury ; which, though once taken up82 — " Yeas 25 ; Nays' 10 — failed to com mand the attention of the Senate. Soon after the meeting of the next Congress, Mr. Stevens, of Pa., sub mitted B3 to the House a bill contem plating an absolute repeal, not only of the act of 1850, but also of the Fugitive Slave act of 1793. Messrs. Ashley, of Ohio, and Julian, of Ind., introduced bills of like tenor. Mr. Julian further proposed that the Ju diciary Committee be instructed to report a bill to repeal the most ob noxious provisions of the acts in question; but this was, on motion of Mr. Holman, of Ind., laid on the table: Yeas 82; Nays 73. In the Senate, Mr. Sumner next introduced34 a bill sweeping away all slave-catching by statute ; which was referred to a Select Committee of seven, whereof he was Chairman, which had been raised to consider all propositions affecting Slavery. He "June 12, 1862. "June 16. "July 7. " July 11. " Dec. 26, 1861. " Feb. 11, 1862. "May 23. M May 27. » May 24. "June 10. B Dee. 14, 1863. "Feb. 8, 1864. 268 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. soon reported"6 his bill, with ample reasons for its passage — Mr. Bucka- lew, of Pa., making a minority report in opposition. Mr. Sumner persist ently and successfully pressed the consideration of his bill, offering not to debate it ; and, after some discus sion, the Senate adopted" an amend ment proposed by Mr. Sherman, of Ohio, excepting the act of 1793 from the contemplated repeal: Yeas 24; Nays 17. The debate was still fur ther continued; but no final action was had on the bill. Mr. Morris, of N. Y., reported87 from the Judiciary Committee a bill ^repealing all acts and parts of acts contemplating the rendition of fugi tive slaves ; which was debated with great spirit by a score of members — Messrs. Mallory, of Ky., Cox, of Ohio, and others, opposing it as equivalent to annulling the Constitution. Mr. Mallory observed that the majority had already crushed out the Union ism of the revolted States, and were now extending the process to that of the Border Slave States, and impres sively warned the House to forbear. Finally, after having once moved and withdrawn the Previous Question, Mr. Morris moved it again ;83 when it pre vailed, and the bill passed under it : "" Yeas 88 ; Nays 57. Mr. Sumner demanded 8° the consid eration of this bill in Senate ; and it was, after a fiery debate, ordered : Yeas 25 ; Nays 17. Mr. Johnson, of Md., endeavored to save the act of 1793 ; but the Senate refused : Yeas 17; Nays 22. The bill, after being laid over one day to enable Mr. Da vis, of Ky., to make a speech against ^it, was passed:30 Yeas 27; Nays 12 ' — Messrs. Cowan, of Pa., and Van Winkle and Willey, of West Va., voting with the Opposition. The President's signature, five days there after, made it a law of the land, abol ishing for ever the least creditable and most disagreeable function of theil marshals of our Federal Courts. The District of Columbia had been governed mainly by the laws of th© States which ceded it; and those laws were framed in the interest of slave-holding. They presumed eve ry colored person a slave who could not produce White evidence of his freedom ; and there had grown up in Washington a practice, highly lucra tive to her Federal Marshal, but most disgraceful to the city and Na tion, of seizing Blacks on the streets, immuring them in the jail, advertis ing them, and waiting for masters to appear, prove property, pay charges, an^ take the human chattels away. Mr. Lincoln's Marshal, Col. Ward H. Lamon, came with him from Illinois, but was a Virginian by birth, and did not revolt at the abundant and profi table custom brought to his shop by the practice just depicted. Gen. Wilson, of Mass., early91 called the attention of the Senate to this pain ful subject ; saying that he had " vis ited the jail; and such a scene of degradation and inhumanity he had never witnessed. There were per sons almost entirely naked ; some of them without a shirt. Some of those persons were free ; most of them had run away from disloyal masters, or had been sent there by disloyal persons, for safe keeping until the war is over." He thereupon propos ed a discharge by joint resolve of all persons confined in the District jail " Feb. 29. M Mar. 19. " June 6. "" June 13. 8" June 21. ™ June 23, 1864. " Dec 4, 1861. NO SLAVE-TRADE — LAW OF EVIDENCE. 269 as fugitive slaves. In the debate which ensued, Mr. Wilson stated that the French legation had recent ly taken to that jail gentlemen who had traversed the world inspecting prisons, with a view to their im provement ; and that, after examin ing this, they observed to the jailer that they had never before seen but one so bad ; and that was in Austria. Mr. Grimes, of Iowa, remarked that he believed there was never a jail so bad as this, save the French Bastile, and some of the dungeons of Venice. When he visited it, a few days be fore, he found among the prisoners a boy who claimed to be free-born, yet who had been confined there thirteen months and four days on suspicion of being a runaway slave. He further stated that Marshal Lamon had for bidden Members of Congress access to the prison without his written per mission. Messrs. PoWell, of Kentucky, Pearce, of Maryland, and Carlile, of Virginia, opposed the resolve ; but it was warmly supported and passed :92 Yeas 31 ; Nays 4. A similar resolve had already33 been submitted to the House. No action was taken, however, upon this, nor upon the Senate's kindred meas ure ; because the President, through Secretary Seward, addressed " an or der to Marshal Lamon, directing him not to receive into custody any per sons caught up as fugitives from Sla very, but to discharge, ten days there after, all such persons now in his jail. This put a stop to one of the most flagrant and glaring iniquities habit ually perpetrated in a Christian and civilized community. A bill reported36 by Mr. Sumner, from the Select Committee on Slave ry and Freedom, to prohibit the hold ing of slaves on National vessels, and also the coastwise Slave-Trade, was lost ""— Yeas 13; Nays 20— but he again moved a prohibition of the coastwise Slave-Trade, and of all laws sanctioning and regulating the same, as an amendment to the' Civil Appropriation bill ; and it was adopt ed : Yeas 23 ; Nays 14. Thus fast ened to a necessary measure, the proposition was duly enacted, and received the President's signature on the 2d of July, 1864. Mr. Sumner proposed37 another Amendment to this bill, providing that "in the Courts ofthe United States, there shall be no exclusion of any witness ou account of color." Mr. Buckalew moved to add, " or be cause he is a party to or interested in the issue tried."'' This was agreed to ; and Mr. Sumner's amendment, thus amen/led, was adopted: Yeas 22 ; Nays 16 ; and the1 bill passed, as already stated ; making it the law of the land that uo person shall hence forth be precluded from giving testi mony either because of his color or because he is interested in the pend ing issue. J Jan. 14, 1862. •» Dec. 9, 1861. " Jan. 25, 1862. 96 March 23, 1864. " June 24. " June 25. 270 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. XIII. ROSECRANS'S WINTER CAMPAIGN. Gen. RosECEAisrs, on assuming ' command of Buell's Army of the Ohio, found it seriously depleted and demoralized by the exhaustive marches and indecisive conflicts of the last six months. With a strength fully adequate to the rout and de struction of all the forces led into Kentucky by Bragg and Kirby Smith, it had seen that State ravaged throughout by that locust horde, which had in due time recrossed the Cumberland Mountains unassailed, returning to East Tennessee as if in triumph. Of the 100,000 men for merly borne on its muster-rolls, he found, on examination, no less than 26,482 " absent by authority"— most, but not nearly all of them, doubtless, in hospitals — sick or wounded; while 6,484 more were "absent wit/tout authority" — in other words, had de serted. His effective force was thus reduced to about 65,000 men ; while his cavalry was so inferior in num bers and efficiency that the troopers of Forrest and John Morgan rode around us at will, striking at posts and supply trains, and compelling enormous and constantly increasing, exhausting details to keep open our communications and preserve our army from starvation. The railroad from Louisville to Nashville had been reopened to and across Green river; so that, though there was no considerable force of the enemy in its front — Bragg's army being still on its tedious, toil some, circuitous retreat through East Tennessee — our army was clustered around Bowling Green, whence it could advance only so fast as the re pair of its sole line of supply should be perfected. Its designation had been changed to " Fourteenth Army Corps ;" the Department having been curtailed, and rechristened that of the Cumberland. It was now or ganized into three grand divisions : the Right, under Maj.-Gen. McCook, with Brig.-Gens. J. W. Sill, Phil. H. Sheridan, and Col. W. E. Woodruff at the head of its subordinate divi sions respectively ; the Center, under Maj.-Gen. Geo. H. Thomas, with its subordinate divisions led by Maj.- Gen. L. H. Rousseau, Brig.-Gens. Negley, Palmer, Dumont, and Fry ; whereof Dumont and Fry were soon relieved, and Palmer transferred to the Left Wing, of which Maj.-Gen. T. L. Crittenden had command, and which consisted of the sub-divisiona of Brig.-Gens. T. J. Wood, H. P. Van Cleve, and W. S. Smith. Rose crans assigned the chief command of his dilapidated cavalry to Maj.-Gen. D. S. Stanley ; while Lt.-Col. Julius P. Garesch£ — an officer of rare capa city and merit — was placed at the head of his staff, with Capt. J. St. Clair Morton as Chief Engineer, and Col. Wm. Truesdail as Chief of Army Police. The railroad having been rendered serviceable, Rosecrans left 2 Bowling Green by special train for Mitchells- ville ; where he took horse and pro ceeded to Nashville, whose garrison, 1 Oct. 30, 1862. 3 Nov. 10. MOORE'S DISGRACE AT HARTSVILLE. 271 commanded by Gen. Negley, he re viewed next day. His divisions, as they arrived, were thrown out in front of the city, covering the roads leading southward ; the command of the Right here devolviug on Gen. Jeff. C. Davis ; Gen. R. B. Mitchell relieved Negley as commandant at Nashville, enabling him to go to the front ; while Dumont's division was merged : a new one being created, and Brig.-Gen. J. J. Reynolds as signed to its command. Until the railroad was fully reopened3 hence to 'Louisville, our men only lived from hand to mouth, rendering a farther advance impossible ; so tbat Bragg's army had time to conclude its long march and reappear in our front at Mukfeeesbobough, before Rosecrans was prepared to assume the offensive. Meantime, Morgan had been ex hibiting his audacity and vigor as a leader of cavalry. Several daring dashes on our supply trains below Mitchellsville had resulted in the capture of a number of our wagons and at least 150 men ; Lt. Beals and 20 men of the 4th Michigan cavalry had been picked up4 near Stone river ; but Gen. Stanley, reporting for duty about this time, soon drove the Rebel raiders from our rear ; and, in several partisan affairs occurring directly afterward, the advantage was with us — a Texas regiment being chased 6 by Col. L. M. Kennett 6ome 15 miles down the Franklin turnpike; while Brig.-Gen. E. N. Kirk that day drove Wheeler out of Lavergne — Wheeler himself being wounded. Phil. Sheridan, on ano ther road, pressed the enemy back to Nolensville, without loss on our part ; and Col. Roberts, 42d Illinois, sur prised and captured Capt. Portch and a small squad of Morgan's men ; bringing -in their arms and horses. A Rebel force having, about this time, dashed across the Cumberland near HartBville, capturing a forage train and its escort, Major Hill, 2d Indiana, chased the captors 18 miles, recovering all we had lost, and killing some 18 or 20 Rebels— for which he was publicly complimented by Rosecrans; who, finding that some of his soldiers were base enough to surrender wantonly to the enemy, in order to be paroled and sent home, had fifty of the caitiffs dressed up in ridiculous night-caps,' and thus paraded, before their jeering com rades, through Nashville, to the music of the Rogue's March; after which, they were forwarded to the parole camp in Indiana. The lesson did not require repetition. Gen. Thomas having thrown for ward on our left a brigade — nearly 2,000 strong — to Hartsville, its com mand fell to Col. A. B. Moore, 104th Illinois, who allowed himself to be surprised 7 by Morgan, at the head of 1,500 cavalry and mounted infantry, and most disgracefully captured; though the residue of Gen. Dumont's division was at Castilian Springs, only nine miles distant. Moore had neglected to fortify or even intrench himself; his vedettes were surprised and picked up; Morgan advanced on him at 7 a. m., in broad daylight, having previously gained his rear without exciting an alarm ; when Moore, who had hastily taken post on a hill, and w*ho soon contrived to evince every species of incapacity, cowardice inclusive, surrendered, and was hurried off with about 1,500 "Nov. 26. ? Nov. 13. * Nov. 21. " Nov. 28. 7 Dec. 1. 272 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. of his men ; the residue escaping and giving the alarm at the Springs; whence Col. Harlan's brigade arrived just in time to throw a few shells after the escaping Rebels, scaring them from some of their plunder and taking a few prisoners. Moore's men were first hurried to Murfreesboro', stripped by the way of their blankets and over-coats, and thence marched ' directly up to our lines to be there exchanged — contrary to the cartel ¦ agreed on by the military chiefs of the belligerents. Gen. Rosecrans ex changed them ; but gave notice that he would do so no more. In the Hartsville disgrace, some 150 on either side were killed or wounded.8 Two days later, Wheeler, with a large force of mounted infantry and cavalry, attacked a brigade 6f our infantry, under Col. Stanley Mat thews, which was foraging between the two armies ; but was received with determined spirit, and driven off, with a loss of 100 to our 40. Matthews returned in triumph, bring ing in his train ; and was publicly thanked by Rosecrans. Gen. Stanley, having received and distributed among his best horsemen some 2,000 revolving rifles, resolved to test their efficiency. Pushing down the turnpike leading to Frank lin, he rode into " that town, driving the Rebel vedettes before him, taking a few prisoners, gaining important intelligence, and returning to his camp in triumph. At length — two months' provisions having been accumulated at Nash ville, and a good part of the Rebel cavalry having been dispatched to West Tennessee and to Kentucky, to operate on our lines of supply — Rosecrans determined to advance. His disposable force had been reduced by details and by casualties to 46,910 men : of whom 41,421 were infantry, 2,223 artillery, and 3,266 cavalry — much of -the cavalry very raw. The 1Right Wing, under Mc Cook, numbered 15,933 ; the Center, under Thomas, 13,395 ; the Left, under Crittenden, 13,288; beside Morton's brigade of Engineers, num bering 1,700. This army was essen tially weakened by its division — or rather dispersion — into no less than 110 infantry and 10 cavalry regi ments ; its artillerymen serving no less than 24 batteries, or 150 guns. Our army, now well concentrated in front of Nashville, commenced its advance at daylight, Dec. 26 ; Rose crans and staff riding out of Nash ville to join it, several hours after ward. The three grand divisions covered all the roads leading south and south-west from that city. Of course, it rained heavily, as usual when our Generals attempted an im-' portant movement in Winter; and McCook, on our right, was soon en veloped in a fog so dense as to bring him to a halt. Within two miles •after passing our picket-line, our ad vance was resisted by heavy bodies of cavalry, well backed by infantry and artillery; who skirmished sharply 8 Moore says he had but 1,200 men in the fight, and that he " was hemmed in on all sides by an overwhelming force of five or six to one." Bragg says Morgan had "not more than 1,200 in action," and that he took "1,800 prisoners," ¦with two guns and 2,000 small arms. The Rebel Banner (Murfreesboro', Dec. 11) says : " All told, our forces were about 1,300." Moore says the Rebel loss in killed and wounded was " about 400 :" Bragg says their loss in killed and wounded was 125, and ours 500. Moore lays. his defeat at the door of the 106th Ohio, CoL Taffle, whom he charges with intense cowardice. • Dec. 12. $ orxi* PREPARING FOR BATTLE AT STONE RIVER. 273 and constantly, taking advantage of the continually increasing roughness of the country, which is in good part heavily wooded with forests of oak and dense thickets of cedar, render ing the movement slow and by no means bloodless. McCook, with our right, rested that night at Nolens- ville, and the next at Triune; Crit tenden, with our left, advanced the first day to Lavergne, and the next to Stewart's creek, where Rosecrans seems to have expected that the Rebels might give him battle. The third day, being Sunday, our troops mainly rested. Next morning, Mc Cook pressed on to Wilkinson's Cross-Roads, six miles from Mur freesboro' ; while Crittenden, with Palmer's division in advance, moved on the main Murfreesboro' pike to Stone Rivee ; finding the Rebel army in position along the bluffs across that stream. Palmer, observing an ap parently retrogade movement on the part of the enemy, erroneously re ported to headquarters that they were retreating ; and Crittenden was thereupon ordered to push across a division and occupy Murfreesboro'. Harker's brigade was accordingly sent across — the stream being almost everywhere fordable — and drove a Rebel regiment back upon their main body in some confusion; but prisoners thus captured reporting that Breckinridge's entire corps was there present, Crittenden wisely took the responsibility of disobeying Rose- crans's order, and, favored by night fall, withdrew Harker across the river without serious loss. Next day,10 McCook fought his way down nearly to Stone river, some what west of Murfreesboro' ; and be fore night our army was nearly all in position along a line stretching ir regularly from north to south, a dis tance of some three or four miles : Crittenden on the left, Thomas in the center, and McCook on the right ; and, at 9 p. m., the three met, by in vitation, at Rosecrans's headquarters, and received their orders for the morrow. It being now certain that Bragg had deliberately chosen this as his ground whereon to stand and fight, and that he had concentrated here his forces, while his cavalry so stub bornly contested and impeded our advance, Rosecrans proposed at day light to throw forward his left and center, crushing Breckinridge, who held the Rebel right, and then, wheel ing rapidly, fall' with overwhelm ing force in front and flank on their center, sweeping through Murfrees boro' and gaining the rear of the enemy's center and left, pushing them off their natural line of retreat, and so cutting up and destroying their entire army. In pursuance of this plan, Van Cleve's division, on our extreme left, advanced soon after daylight ; Wood's being ready to sup port and follow him. Bragg, however, had already de cided to fight his own battle, and not Rosecrans's. To this end, he had concentrated heavily on his left, where Hardee was in command, with orders to attack McCook at daylight." Bishop Polk, in his center, strengthened by McCown's division, was directed to second and support Hardee's attack ; the two corps mov ing by a constant' right wheel, and crushing back our routed right upon our center, seizing first the Wilkin- 10 Dec. 30. vol. ii. — 18 11 Dec. 31. 274 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. son and then the Nashville turnpike ; interposing between our army and its supply-trains, whenever they should have flanked our right and gained our rear. According to Rosecrans's plan, McCook, however strongly assailed, was to hold his position for three hours, receding — if attacked in over whelming force — very slowly, and fighting desperately; which he had undertaken to do. But there was a serious mistake in the calcula tion. Before 7 a. m., Hardee's corps burst from the thickets in McCook's front and on his right; Cleburne's four brigades charging vehemently its extreme right, Cheatham's and McCown's divisions striking it more directly in front, hurling back our skirmishers at once on our lines, and crumbling these into a fleeing mob within a few minutes. Of the two brigade commanders in Johnson's division, holding our extreme right, Gen. Kirk was severely wounded at the first fire ; while Gen. Willich had his horse killed and was himself cap tured. So sudden and unexpected was the attack, that a portion of our battery horses had been unhitched from the guns and sent off to drink, a few minutes before. The guns, of course, were lost. McCook attempted to reform in the woods behind his first position; but his right was too thoroughly routed, and was chased rapidly back toward our center. A large part of this (Johnson's) division was gathered up as prisoners by the Rebel cavalry ; the rest was of little account during the remainder of the fight. McCook's remaining divisions, under Jeff. C. Davis and Sheri dan, had repulsed several resolute attacks on their front, when the dis appearance of Johnson's division en abled the Rebels to come in on their flank, compelling them also to give ground ; and, though repeated efforts were made by Davis and his subor dinates to bring their men again up to the work, their fighting did not amount to much thereafter. Sheridan's division fought longer and better ; but of his brigade com manders, Gen. J. W. Sill was killed early in the day, while leading a suc cessful charge, and Cols. Roberts and Shaeffer at later periods — each falling dead at the head of his brigade, while charging or being charged. This division fought well throughout ; but was pushed back nearly or quite to the Nashville turnpike, with the loss of Houghtaling's and a section of Bush's battery. By 11 a. m., the day was appa rently lost. McCook's corps — a full third of our army — was practically demolished, and the Rebel cavalry in our rear working its wicked will upon our supply trains and strag glers. Nearly half the ground held by our army at daylight had been won by the triumphant enemy, who had now several batteries in position, playing upon our center, where Neg- ley's division of Thomas's corps was desperately engaged, with its ammu nition nearly expended, its artillery horses disabled, and a heavy Rebel column pushing in between it and what was left of McCook's corps, with intent to surround and capture it. This compelled Negley to re coil ; when Gen. Rousseau, pushing up his reserve division to the front, sent Maj. Ring's battalion of regulars to Negley's assistance. The regulars made a most gallant and effective THE BATTLE-GROUND AT STONE RIVER STONE BIVBB, OE UTTBFKEESBORO'. 276 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. charge, losing heavily, but rendering admirable service. The weight of the Rebel attack had by this time fallen wholly on Thomas, commanding our center; Sheridan, entirely out of ammuni tion, falling still farther to the rear, and the triumphant Rebels pressing on until they had reached a position which gave them a concentric cross fire at short-range on Negley's and Rousseau's divisions. This compelled Thomas to withdraw them from the cedar woods to more open and favor able ground ; his artillery holding a ridge on the right (south) of the Nashville turnpike. In executing this movement, the regulars, Lt.-Col. Shepherd, were brought under a mur derous fire, by which they lost 530 men. But the ground now taken was held ; our batteries here concen trated, and the Rebels' progress finally arrested ; their repeated attempts to advance out of the cedar thicket on our right and front being defeated with great slaughter. Palmer's division, holding the right of our left wing, had advanced, at 8 a. m., to support Negley's movement, covering his left; but had not pro ceeded far when Palmer found his safety compromised by a Rebel ad vance on his rear. Halting Craft's brigade, and ordering Col. Grose to face to the rear, he opened fire on the Rebels, and quickly repulsed them; while CoL Hazen, faihng back a short distance, occupied the crest of a low, wooded hill, between the Nashville turnpike and railroad, and held it firmly until Grose, having driven the enemy from his rear, came up to his assistance ; as did two or three other regiments. Again and again was his position assailed ; but each attack was repulsed ; and the fight closed on this part of the field with our troops entirely successful. Bragg had brought all his army across the creek to overwhelm our right and center, save that Breckin ridge, with his division, remained op posite our left. At 10J a. m., he, too, received an order to advance and at tack ; but he had only moved half a mile, when a new order came to de tach one or two brigades to the sup port of Polk, in the center ; and he sent two brigades accordingly. He soon received a still further order to advance and attack, and then one to report to Polk with all but Hanson's brigade. Moving his remaining brig ades, under Preston and Palmer, by the left flank, he crossed the creek and reported to Polk and Bragg just in season to see the brigades of Jack son and Adams, which he had previ ously sent, recoil from an assault on our lines; Adams being among the wounded. Breckinridge was now or dered to charge with Preston's and Palmer's brigades, and did so ; gain ing some ground, but losing consid erably, and Anally desisting, as night fell, because the position in his front was too strong to be carried by his force. During the night, he was or dered back, with Palmer's brigade, to his old position on the Rebel right. Gen. Wood, who was in command of our division thus assailed, was wounded in the foot at 10 a. m. ; but remained in the saddle till evening, when he turned over his command to Gen. M. S. Hascall. Though he had been obliged, early in the fight, to spare Hascall's and Harker's brigades to the relief of the center and right, he held his ground nobly through the day; his batteries replying forcibly CLOSE OF THE FIRST DAY'S CONFLICT. 277 to those with which the enemy an noyed us from the heights south of the river, and his infantry repelling every charge made by tbe enemy. Before night, Estep's battery, which, with Cox's,had been splendidly served throughout, had lost so heavily that a detail of infantry was required to aid in working its guns. Bradley's 6th Ohio»battery at one time lost two of its guns; but they were subse quently recaptured by the 13th Michi gan. Night fell on our army successful against every attempt which had for some hours been made to drive it; but with little reason for exultation. It had lost, since daylight, including stragglers, at least one-fourth of its numbers, with an equal proportion of its guns. It had lost half the ground on wliich it was encamped in the morning ; and the Rebel cav alry were on its line of communica tions, making free with its baggage and supplies. Almost any General but Rosecrans would have supposed that there was but one point now to be considered : how to get back to Nash ville with the least additional loss. But Rosecrans took stock of his am munition, and found that there was enough left for another battle ; so he resolved to stay. His guns were now well posted, and had the range of the ground in their front; and it had been fairly proved that the enemy could not take them, even with the help of the _S we had lost So, giv ing orders for the issue of all the re maining ammunition, drawing in his left a few rods, so that it might rest advantageously on the creek, and welcoming and posting the brigades of Starkweather and Walker, which had come up as night fell, he lay down with his army to await such^a New Year's Day as it should please God to send them. Ammunition be ing rather scanty, and fresh supplies expected, he proposed to keep the holiday in quiet, unless Bragg should decide otherwise. On a calm review of this day's desperate and doubtful carnage, there can not be a doubt that the battle was saved after it had been lost ; and that the man who saved it was William S. Rosecrans. Thousands had done nobly — Thomas, Sheridan, Wood, Rousseau, Palmer, Van Cleve, and others, eminently so — but the day might have been saved without any of them ; while without Rose crans it must have been lost. It was he who, when apprised too late of the sudden and utter demolition of his right wing, instantly pushed up Rousseau from his center to its re lief, and hurried across Van Cleve's and other divisions from the left to stay the tide of Rebel success ; it was he who — Yan Cleve having just fallen — led the charge by a part of his' division, which finally arrested the Rebels and repelled their ad vance on our right — Rousseau forth with emulating his example, charging desperately the enemy in his front, and hurling them back into the cedars with fearful loss on both sides, but with prisoners taken by ours only." And when, later in the day, the storm of battle rolled around to "Rousseau, in his official report, says : " As the enemy emerged from the woods in great force, shouting and cheering, the batteries of Loomis and Guenther, double-shotted with canister, opened upon them. They moved straight ahead for a while; but were finally driven back with immense loss. In a little while, they rallied again, and, as it seemed, with fresh troops, again assailed our position; and were again, after a fierce struggle, driven hack. 278 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT, our center and left, falling heavily on Palmer's and Wood's divisions, Rose crans was there, directing, encourag ing, steadying ; though the head of his chief of staff, Garesche, was blown to pieces by a shell while riding by the General's side, and three or four others of his staff or escort were wounded — one of them mortally — and as many more lost their horses. To Garesche, he was deeply attached — they two being Roman Catholics, as were none other of his military family — but he was too intent on his work to seem to heed the fall of his beloved friend; and when another of the staff said to him, " Garesche is dead," "I am very sorry," was the quiet response, " but we can not help it." Soon word came (erroneously), " McCook is killed." " We can not help it," was the General's calm re ply; "this battle must be won." And it was won. Before sunset, the Rebels had tried him on every side, and been beaten back — with fearful carnage, indeed, but no greater on our side than on theirs — their ad vantage being confined to our loss of guns and prisoners in the morning, consequent on McCook's sudden, overwhelming disaster. In the fight ing since 11 o'clock, the carnage had been greater on the side of the Rebels ; and they had lost confidence, if not ground. At 9 a. m., they had supposed our army in their hands; at sunset, Bragg had enough to do to save his own. Says Rosecrans, in his official report : " The day closed, leaving us masters of the original ground on our left, and our line advantageously posted, with open ground in front, swept at all points hy our artillery. We had lost heavily in killed and wounded, and a considerable number in stragglers and prisoners ; also, 28 pieces of artillery : the horses having been slain, and our troops being unable to withdraw them, by hand, over the rough ground ; but the enemy had been roughly handled, and badly damaged at all points, having had no success where we had open ground, and our troops prop erly posted; none, which did not depend on the original crushing of our right and the superior masses which were, in conse quence, brought to bear upon the narrow front of Sheridan's and Negley's divisions, and a part of Palmer's, coupled with the scarcity of ammunition, caused hy the cir cuitous road which the train had taken, and the inconvenience of getting it from a remote distance through the cedars." Both armies maintained their re spective positions throughout the fol lowing day.13 There were artillery duels at intervals, and considerable picket-firing, whereby some casual ties were suffered, mainly on our center and left ; but nothing like a serious attack : the lines of the two armies confronting each other at close range, alert and vigilant ;' while brigades and regiments were silently moved from point to point, and rifle- pits and other hasty defenses were constructed on either side, in prepa ration for the impending struggle. Meantime, some ammunition trains — which the Rebel cavalry had driven from their proper positions in our rear, and compelled to make long Four deliberate and fiercely sustained assaults ¦were made upon our position, and repulsed. During the last assault, I was informed that our troops were advancing on our right, and saw troops, out of my division, led by Gen. Rose crans, moving in that direction. I informed Gen. Thomas of the fact, and asked leave to ad vance my lines. He directed me to do so. We made a charge upon the enemy, and drove him into the woods ; my staff and orderlies captur ing some 17 prisoners, including a Captain and Lieutenant, who were within 130 yards of the batteries. This ended the fighting of that day: the enemy in immense force hovering in the woods during the night, while we slept on our arms on the field of battle. We occupied this position during the three following days and nights of the fight. Under Gen. Thomas's direction, I had it intrenched by rifle-pits, and believe the enemy could not have taken it at all." "Friday, Jan. 1, 1863. BRECKINRIDGE'S CHARGE ON OUR LEFT. 279 circuits to rejoin their commands — were brought up and their contents distributed. At night, our men lay down on their arms again, and all was quiet. Hitherto, the weather had been bright and mild; so that there was no suffering save on the part of the wounded. The quiet remained unbroken till 8 next morning ; " when the Rebels suddenly opened fire from many bat teries which had meantime been stealthily planted in front of our cen ter and left. Hascall's division of Crittenden's corps was exposed to the heaviest of this fire, and suffered se verely — Estep's battery being quickly disabled, losing so many horses that its guns were necessarily drawn off by infantry. But Bradley's and other batteries now opened on our side ; and, after half an hour's firing, the Rebels ceased as suddenly as they had begun. Our infantry, though losing heavily, did not change its position. Van Cleve's division, after losing its chief, had been moved back toward our left, Col. Sam. Beatty commanding; and, at daybreak this morning, had in good part been sent across the stream, taking post on the bluff beyond, as if in pursuance of Rosecrans's original purpose to take Murfreesboro' by a determined ad vance of his left. Throughout the morning, the rest of Van Cleve's in fantry, and two or three batteries, followed. The Rebel army having been nearly all moved farther to our right, in executing or in following up the original demonstration on that wing, this movement encountered no opposition; though skirmishing along Beatty's front grew livelier and more determined toward midday ; showing that the enemy were gradually creeping up. At noon, a battery* opened on our front, while other bat teries were seen moving to our left, as if to flank us in that quarter. At 3 p. m., our skirmishers reported that the enemy were throwing down the fences before them, as if making ready to charge; and, before any dispositions could be made to receive them, Breckinridge's entire corps, strengthened by 10 Napoleon 12- pounders, forming three magnificent columns of assault, seemed to emerge from the earth, and, aided by a heavy enfilading fire of Bishop Polk's artil lery, toward the center, swept on to the charge. Their strength was overwhelming ; and the .fire of our first line, consist ing of the 51st Ohio, 8th Kentucky, 35th and 78th Indiana, barely suf ficed to check their determined and confident advance. In a few min utes, our men gave way in disorder, sweeping the second line with them, or constraining it to follow their ex ample. The reserve, consisting of the 19th Ohio, 9th and llth Ken tucky, was then sent up, and fought gallantly; but were far too weak, and, being threatened by a move ment on their right flank, fell back, fighting, to the river and across it, losing heavily. But now the solid Rebel masses, formed six deep, eagerly pursuing, came within the range of Crittenden's carefully planted batteries across the stream, and were plowed through and through ; while the divisions of Neg ley and Jeff. C. Davis, with St. Clair Morton's engineers, pressed forward to the rescue. The Rebels were in "Jan. 2. 280 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. turn overmatched and hurled back in disorder ; losing four of their guns, the flag of the 26th Tennessee, and a considerable body of prisoners. Had not darkness fallen directly, while a heavy rain had set in, Rosecrans would have pursued the fugitives right into Murfreesboro'." As it was, Crittenden's corps and Davis's division both passed over, reoccupied the commanding ground, and, before morning, were solidly intrenched there, ready for whatever emergency. Another night of anxious watchful ness gave place to a morning 16 of pouring rain, by which the ground was so sodden as to impede the move ment of artillery. We were short of ammunition till 10 A. M., when an anxiously expected train was wel comed. Batteries were now con structed on the ground so handsome ly gained on our left, by which even Murfreesboro' could be shelled ; and Gens. Thomas and Rousseau, who had for days been annoyed by Rebel sharp-shooters from the cedar thickets in their front, obtained permission from Rosecrans to dislodge them by a charge, following a sharp fire of artillery — four regiments entering and soon clearing the woods, captur ing 70 or 80 prisoners. No coun ter-movement being attempted, the fourth day closed peacefully, and was followed by a quiet night. Quiet on our side only. Bragg had concluded to leave, and com- ls He says, in his report : " The enemy retreated more rapidly than they had advanced. In twenty minutes, they had lost 2,000 men." 16 Saturday, Jan. 3. " Sunday, Jan. 4 18 Rosecrans, in his official report, says he re ceived news on Sunday morning that the enemy had fled from Murfreesboro1; when burial par ties were sent out to inter the dead, and the cavalry ordered to reconnoiter. He adds that menced the movement, as stealthily as possible, at 11 p. m. ; gathering up his men and guns so cautiously that even our pickets were not aware of his Hegira till broad daylight," when too late for effective pursuit ; whieh, in fact, our inferiority in cavalry must at any rate have rendered com paratively fruitless. We do not seem even to have advanced on his track till Monday." Wheeler's cavalry, after vigorously resisting our advance to Stone river, had been dispatched18 by Bragg to the rear of our army ; capturing La- vergne,20 taking 700 prisoners, and destroying heavy army trains, with a large amount of stores. Thence hastening to Rock Spring and No- lensville, they made still further cap tures at each; and, having passed around21 our army, reached the left flank of Bragg's, just as it commenced its great and successful charge on McCook; guarding that flank, and coming into action as it gained the Nashville turnpike, just north of Overall's creek. Wheeler of course claims the advantage in this fight ; but admits that he fell back at the close, numbering Col. Allen and Lt.- Col. Webb among his wounded.* Next morning, he went up the turnpike to Lavergne ; capturing another train and a gun ; regaining, by order, the front during the night; and, being again sent, at 9 p. m.. to our rear; Thomas, on Monday morning, drove the Rebel rear-guard (cavalry) six or seven miles south ward, and that — "We learned that the enemy's infantry had reached Shelbyville by 12 m. on Sunday; but, owing to the impracticability of bringing up supphes, and the loss of 557 artillery horses, farther pursuit was deemed inadvisable." 19 Night of Dec 29-30. "Deo. 30, "Dee. 31. INNES'S GALLANT DEFENSE OF LATERGNE. 281 where he, at 2 p. m. next day," had a fight with a heavily guarded ordnance train, which he stopped, and claims to have damaged, but was unable to capture or destroy ; returning during the night to Bragg's left flank, and covering his retreat on the 4th and 5th. On the whole, the enemy's opera tions in the rear of our army, during this memorable conflict, reflect no credit on the intelligence and energy with which they were resisted. The prisoners — 2,000 or more — taken by the Rebels were of course mainly stragglers and fugitives, barely worth paroling ; but they figure largely in Wheeler's and in Bragg's reports. And it is not doubtful that Rose crans's inability to improve his ulti mate success was largely owing to the destruction of his trains by these triumphant raiders. The silver lining to this cloud is a most gallant defense made on the 1st by Col. Innes's 1st Michigan Engi neers and Mechanics, only 39" 1 strong, who had taken post on high ground near Lavergne, and formed such a barricade of cedars, &c, as they hur riedly might. Here they were " at tacked, at 2 p. m., by Wharton's cav alry, whom they successfully resisted and beat off. Wharton's official re port is their best eulogium. He was in command of six or eight regiments, and here is his account of this affair : " A regiment of infantry, under Col. Dennis, also was stationed in a cedaf -brake, and fortifications, near this point. I caused the battery, under Lt. Pike, who acted with great gallantry, to open on it. The fire, at a range of not more than 400 yards, was kept up for more than an hour ; and must have resulted in great damage to the enemy. I caused the enemy to be charged on three sides at the same time, hy Ools. Oox and Smith and Lt.-Ool. Malone ; and the charge was repeated four times; but the enemy was so strongly posted that it was found impossible to dislodge him." "Jan. 3. ssJan. 1. " Among our killed, beside those already men tioned, were Cols. Jones, 24th Ohio, MoKee, 3d Ky., Williams, 25th 111., Harrington, 27th 111., Stem, 101st Ohio, and Millikin, 3d Ohio cavalry. Rosecrans makes his entire force who participated in this struggle 37,977 infantry, 3,200 cavalry, and 2,223 artillery: total, 43,400; and states his losses as follows: killed, 1,533 ;" wounded, 7,245 ; total, 8,778, or fully 20 per cent, of the number engaged. He adds that his provost- marshal says his loss of prisoners will fall below 2,800. He says nothing of prisoners taken by him, though we certainly did take at least 500, beside wounded. He judges that the Reb els had fifteen per cent, advantage in their choice of ground and knowledge of the country; and says that they had present 132 regiments of infantry and 20 of cavalry, beside 24 smaller organizations of cavalry, 12 battalions of sharp-shooters, and 23 batteries of artillery — all which, he estimates, must have presented an aggregate of fully 62,720 men. He thinks their killed and wounded must have amounted to 14,560 men. If he had only told us how many of them he buried, and how many wounded (or others) fell into his hands, he would have earned our gratitude. Bragg, per contra, says he had but 35,000 men on the field when the fight commenced, of whom but about 30,000 were infantry and artil lery ; and that he lost of these over 10,000, of whom 9,000 were killed Among our wounded, beside those already named, were Cols. Forman, 15th Ky., Hum phreys, 88th Ind., Alexander, 21st 111., Hines, 57th Ind., Blake, 40th Ind., and Lt.-CoL Tanner, 22d Ind. 282 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. and wounded." He claims to have taken 6,273 prisoners, many of them by the raids of his cavalry on the trains and fugitives between our army and Nashville ; and he estimates our losses at 24,000 killed and wounded, with over 30 guns to his 3. He claims to have captured, in addition, 6,000 small arms and much other valuable spoil, beside burning 800 wagons, &c, &c. It seems odd that, after such a fight, he should have retired so hastily as to leave 1,500 of his sick and wounded (Union ac counts says 2,600), with 200 medical and other attendants, in his deserted hospitals at Murfreesboro'.28 It is a fair presumption that our losses, both in men (prisoners includ ed) and material, were greater than those of the Rebels ; and that Rose crans's army was disabled by those losses for any effective pursuit ; but this does not and can not demolish the fact that the battle of Stone river, so gallantly, obstinately, desperately fought, was lost by Bragg and the Rebels, and won by the army of the Cumberland and its heroic com mander. — On the day 27 of the great struggle at Stone river, Gen. Forrest, who, with 3,500 cavalry, had been detach ed 2S by Bragg to operate on our com munications in West Tennessee, and who had for two weeks or more been raiding through that section, threat ening Jackson, capturing Trenton, aB Among his killed were Gens. James B. Rains (Missouri), and Roger W. Hanson (Ken tucky) ; and Cols. Moore, 8th Tenn., Burks, llth Texas, Fisk, 16th La., Cunningham, 28th Tenn, and Black, 5th Ga. Among his wounded were Gens. James R. Chalmers and D. W. Adams. 28 He says, in his report, that his men were " greatly exhausted" by the long contest and its privations — as if they were peculiar in that re spect — when they had Murfreesboro' just behind Humboldt, Union City, &c, burning bridges, tearing up rails, and parol ing captured Federals (over 1,000, according to his reports — 700 of them at Trenton alone), was struck on his return at Pabker's Ckoss-Roads, between Huntingdon and Lexington, and thoroughly routed. He first en countered Col. C. L. Dunham, with a small brigade of 1,600 ; who had, the day before, been pushed forward from Huntingdon by Geri. J. C. Sul livan, and who was getting the worst of the fight — having been nearly sur rounded, his train captured, and he summoned to surrender — when Sul livan came up at double-quick, with the two fresh brigades of Gen. Hay- nie and Col. Fuller, and rushed upon the astonished Rebels, who fled in utter rout, not attempting to make a stand, nor hardly to fire a shot. For rest himself narrowly escaped capture ; losing 4 guns, over 400 prisoners, including his Adjutant, Strange, two Colonels, many horses, arms, &c, &c. He fled eastward to Clif ton, where he recrossed the Tennes see, and thence made his way back to Bragg. He lost in the fight about 50 killed and 150 wounded — the lat ter being included among, the pris oners. Dunham reports his loss at 220 : 23 killed, 139 wounded, and 58 missing. Gen. John H. Morgan, who had been likewise dispatched by Bragg to operate on Rosecrans's communi- them, with their depots and hospitals; while our troops had scarcely a roof to their heads— and that — " The only question with me was, whether the movement should be made at once, or de layed 24 hours to save a few of our wounded. As it was probable that we should lose by ex haustion as many as we should remove of the wounded, my inclination to remain was yielded." 27 Dec. 31. M Crossing the Tennessee at Clifton, Dec. 13. RAIDS OE CARTER AND WHEELER. 283 cations, simnltaneously with Forrest's doings in West Tennessee, passing the left of Rosecrans's army, rode in to the heart of Kentucky ; and, after inconsiderable skirmishes at Glas gow, Upton, and Nolin,M pressed on to Ehzabethtown, which he took, af ter a brief, one-sided conflict, captur ing there and at the trestlework on the railroad, five or six miles above, several hundred prisoners, destroy ing '" the railroad for miles, with a quantity of army stores. He then raided up to Bardstown, where he turned" abruptly southward, being threatened by a far superior force ; retreating into Tennessee by Spring field and Campbellsville ; having in flicted considerable damage and in curred very little loss. But his raid was fully countered by one led ™ about the same time by Brig.-Gen. H. Carter (formerly Col. 2d Tennessee) from Winchester, Ky., across the Cumberland, Powell's, and Clinch mountains, through a corner of Lee county, Va., to Blountsville and Zollicoffer (formerly Union Sta tion), East Tennessee, where 150 of the 62d North Carolina, Maj. Mc Dowell, were surprised and captured without a shot, and the railroad bridge, 720 feet long, over the Hols- ton, destroyed, with 700 small arms and much other material of war. Pushing on ten miles, to Clinch's Sta tion, Carter had a little fight, captur ed 75 prisoners, and destroyed the railroad bridge, 400 feet long, over the Watauga, with a locomotive and several cars; returning thence by Jonesville, Lee county, Va., recross ing the Cumberland range at Hank's Gap ; and, after two or three smart skirmishes, returning in triumph to his old quarters; having lost but 20 men, mainly prisoners — and killed or captured over 500. Having been ridden all but incessantly 690 miles, with very little to eat, many of his horses gave out and were left to die on the return. Gen. Wheeler, in chief command of Bragg's cavalry, 4,500 strong, with Forrest and Wharton as Briga diers, passing Rosecrans's army by its right, concentrated his forces at Franklin, and pushed north-west ward rapidly to Dover, near the site of old Fort Donelson, which our Generals had seen no reason to re pair and occupy. But he found" Dover held by Col. A. C. Harding, 83d Illinois, with some 600 men fit for dutv ; his battery and one or two companies being absent ; but Hard ing proved the man for the exigency. He at once sent across to Fort Hen ry for assistance, and dispatched a steamboat down the Cumberland for gunboats; at the same time throw ing out and deploying his men so as to impede to the utmost the advance of the Rebels, and opening upon them so soon as they came within range, with a 32-pounder and 4 brass guns, which were all he had. Thus fighting with equal energy and judg ment, he repelled alternate charges and invitations to surrender until dark, though nearly surrounded and pressed from both sides by bis assail ants, who, with reason, confidently expected to capture him. In their last charge, the Rebels lost CoL Mc- Xairy, of Nashville, who fell while vainly endeavoring to rally his men. No relief arrived from Fort Hemy till next -morning ; but the gunboat "Dec 24. •Dea 23. S1 Dee. 30. ""Dec 20. sFeb. 3, 1863. 284 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. Fair Play, Lt. Fitch, leading four others, all of them convoying a fleet of transports up the river, had been hailed 24 miles below by Harding's messenger, and incited to make all speed to the rescue. Harding was still holding his ground firmly, though nearly out of ammunition — having lost one of his guns and 45 out of 60 artillery horses — when, at 8 p. m., the Fair Play arrived, and considerably astonished the Rebels by a raking fire along their line. The other gunboats were soon on hand, and doing likewise, but to Little purpose ; since the Rebels had taken to their heels at the first sound of guns from the water, leaving 150 dead and an equal number of prison ers behind them. Harding estimates their wounded at 400, and makes his own loss 16 killed, 60 wounded, and 50 prisoners. Wheeler, as if satis fied with this experience, returned quietly to Franklin. Gen. Jeff. C. Davis, with his divi sion of infantry and two brigades of cavalry, under Col. Minty, had been sent 34 westward by Rosecrans, as if to intercept Wheeler on his way south ward. He captured 141 of Wheel er's men, including two Colonels; but returned 3B to Murfreesboro' with out a fight and without loss. Gen. P. H. Sheridan next made s° a similar demonstration southward, nearly to Shelbyville, then turning north-westward to Franklin ; having two or three skirmishes with inferior forces, under Forrest and Van Dorn, who fled, losing in all about 100, mainly prisoners ; while our loss was 10. Sheridan returned to Murfrees boro' after an absence of ten days. Meantime, Van Dorn had dealt us a skillful blow at Spring Hill, 10 miles south of Franklin, and 30 from Nashville, whither Col. John Co- burn, 33d Indiana, had been dis patched from Franklin, with 2,000 infantry, 600 cavalry, and a light battery, simultaneously with Sheri dan's advance from Murfreesboro'. Before reaching Spring Hill, his advance was contested ; and, on the morning of the next day," he was assailed by a far superior force, by which he was in the course of the day all but surrounded; and, after fighting until his ammunition was exhausted, was compelled to sur render his remaining infantry, 1,306 in number. His cavalry and artillery, having run away in excellent season, escaped with little loss. Van Dorn's force consisted of six brigades of cavalry and mounted infantry. A fortnight later, Col. A. S. Hall, 105th Ohio, with four regiments, numbering 1,323 men, moved nearly east from Murfreesboro', intending to surprise a Rebel camp at Gainesville ; but he missed his aim, and was soon confronted by a regiment of hostile cavalry; before which, Hall slowly withdrew to the little village of Mil ton, 12 miles north-east of Murfrees boro', taking post on Vaught's Hill, a mile or so distant ; where he was assailed38 by a superior Rebel force, under Gen. Morgan. But his men were skillfully posted, supporting a section of Harris's 19th Indiana bat tery, which was admirably served, and doubtless contributed very essen tially to Morgan's defeat, with a loss of 63 killed and some 200 or 300 wounded, including himself. Hall's entire loss was but 55. Franklin, being occupied by a 1 Jan. 31. 86 Feb. 13. 36 March 4. ' March 5. 38 March 20. STRKIGHT'S RAID INTO GEORGIA. 2S5 Union force of 4,500 men, under Gen. Gordon Granger, Van Dorn, with a superior force, assailed,53 with intent to capture it ; but was easily beaten off. with a loss of 200 or 300, including SO prisoners ; our loss being 37 only. A few days later, Maj.-Gen. J. J. Reynolds pushed out,** with his divi sion and two brigades of cavalry, to McMhvrtviHe ; whence be drove out Morgan, taking 130 prisoners, de stroying a large amount of Rebel stores, and returning ''" without loss. CoL Watkins, 6th Kentucky, with 500 cavalry, surprised" a Rebel camp on the Carter's creek pike, S miles from Franklin ; capturing 140 men. 2o0 horses and mules, and destroying a large amount of camp equipage CoL A. D. Straight, 51st Indiana, at the head of 1,800 cavalry, was next dispatched" by Rosecrans to the rear of Bragg's army, with in structions to cut tie railroadsin north western Georgia, and destroy gen erally all depots of supplies and manufactories of arms, clothing, _rc Having been taken up the Tennessee on steamboats from Fort Henry to Eastport. Ala, where he was joined by an infantry force under Gen. Dodge, they attacked and captured Tuscumbia, inflicting considerable los on the Rebels; and, while Gen. Dodge made a sweeping raid through North Alabama, returning ultimate ly to his headquarters at Corinth, CoL Street struck for Northern Georgia, expecting to swoop down successively on Rome and Atlanta, destroying there large manufactories, machine-shops, and magazines. He was hardly weU on his road, however, before Forrest and Roddy, with a superior force of Rebel cavalry, were after bim ; following sharply, and easily gaining upon bim, through, a running fight of over 100 miles; when, his ammunition being ex hausted and his men nearly worn out, Streight surrendered, when 15 miles from Rome His men were treated as other eaptives and exchanged; while Streight and his officers were retained for a time in close prison, on a de mand of Gov. Brown, of Georgia, that they be treated as felons, under a law of that State, which makes the inciting of afaves to rebellion a high crime The specific charge was that negroes were found among their men in uniform and bearing arms ; which was strenuously denied: the few negroes with them being claimed as servants of officers ; and the only one who was armed insisting that he was carrying his employers sword, as an act of duty. After a long con finement, Streight. with 107 other of our officers, escaped" from libby Prison, Richmond : 60 of them, in cluding Streight, making their way to our lines. He estimates his loss in killed and wounded during this raid at 100, including CoL Hathaway, killed; and puts the Rebel loss at five times that number. He sur rendered, in all, 1.365 men. ' April 10. "April 20. "Aprils. "April... ' April 29. ** Feb. 9, 1S64. 286 THB AMERICAN CONFLICT. XIV. OPERATIONS AGAINST VICKSBURG. Vicksbubg, on the lower Missis sippi, about midway between Cairo and its mouth, was the natural cen ter and chief citadel of the Slave holders' Confederacy. Located on an almost unique ridge of high, rolling land adjoining the great river, sur rounded by the richest and best cul tivated Cotton region in America, whereof the slave population con siderably outnumbered the free, it had early devoted itself, heart and soul, to the Rebel cause. Its natural strength and importance, as com manding the navigation of the great artery of the South-west, were early appreciated; and it was so fortified and garrisoned as to repel — as we have seen1 — the efforts of our fleets and expeditions, which, after the fall of New Orleans and that of Mem phis, assailed it from below and from above respectively and conjointly. Being the chief outlet for the surplus products of the State of Mississippi, connected with Jackson, its capital, 44 miles east, by a railroad, and thus with all the railroads which traverse the State, as also with the Washita Valley, in northern Louisiana, by a railroad to Monroe, while the Yazoo brought to its doors the commerce of another rich and capacious valley, Vicksburg, with 4,591 inhabitants in 1860, was flourishing signally and growing rapidly until plunged head long into the vortex of Rebellion and Civil War. Both parties to the struggle hav ing early recognized its importance — Jefferson Davis, in a speech at Jack son, having in 1862 pronounced it indispensable to the Confederacy that the control of the Mississippi should not be surrendered to Federal power — fresh preparations to "repossess" it were early set on foot among the Union commanders above. Gen. Grant's department of West Tennes see having been so enlarged" as to include Mississippi, he at once com menced preparations for an advance ; transferring,3 soon after, his head quarters from Jackson to Lagrange ; whence he pushed out* Gen. Mc Pherson, with 10,000 infantry, and 1,500 cavalry, under Col. Lee, to Lamar, driving back the Rebel cav alry. At length, all things being ready, Grant impelled" a movement of his army down the great South ern Railroad from Grand Junction through Holly Springs to Oxford; our cavalry advance, 2,000 strong, being pushed forward to Coffeeville, where it was suddenly confronted and attacked by Van Dorn," with a supe rior infantry force, by whom it was beaten back three miles, with a loss of 100 m,en. Grant was, with his main body, still at Oxford, preparing to move on to Jackson and Vicksburg, when Van Dorn struck7 a damaging blow at his communications. The railroad « having by this time been repaired and operated to Holly Springs, that village had been made our temporary depot of arms, provisions, and muni tions, which had here been accumu- 1 See pages 57 and 101. » Oct. 16, 1862. 3 Nov. 4. ' Nov. 8. • Nov. 28. ¦ Deo. 5. ' Dec 20. VAN DORN CAPTURES HOLLY SPRINGS. 287 lated, while the railroad farther south was being repaired, to such an extent that they were estimated by the ene my as worth at least $4,000,000. The post was in charge of Col. R. C. Mur phy, 8th Wisconsin, who had over 1,000 men under his command ; while bales of cotton and barrels of flour by thousands proffered the readiest means of barricading its streets and keeping out ten times his force, until it could be reduced by heavy guns and regular approaches, or at least consumed by volleys of shells. Grant had warned Murphy of his danger the night before, and did not imagine his capture a possibility ; but no preparation had been made for resistance, no street barricaded ; not even our men posted to resist an as sault ; when, at daybreak, Van Dorn burst into the town with his wild cavalry, captured the imbecile or traitorous wretch who should have defended it, and burned all but the little plunder his men were able to carry off", including a large hospital full of our sick and wounded soldiers, which his Adjutant had promised to spare. Our cavalry (2d Illinois) re fused to surrender, and cut their way out by a resolute charge, in which they lost but 7 men, disabling 30 Rebels. Murphy filled up the meas ure of his infamy by accepting pa roles, with his men ; so as to prevent their recapture and relieve the ene my of the trouble of guarding them. The Rebels claim ' to have captured 8 Richmond Dispatch, Jan. 15, 1863. The enraptured writer elsewhere says: "The scene was wild, exciting, tumultuous. Yankees running; tents burning; torches flam ing; Confederates shouting; guns popping; sa bers clanking ; Abolitionists begging for mercy ; 'Rebels' shouting exultingly; women, en disha bille, clapping their hands, frantic with joy, cry ing, 'Kill them! kill them 1'— a heterogeneous and paroled 1,800 men and 150 offi cers ; but this must include the sick and wounded whom they found in the hospital. Two locomotives and 40 or 50 cars were among the prop erty destroyed; the Rebels coming prepared with cans of spirits of tur pentine to hasten the conflagration : the burning arsenal blowing up, at 3 p. M., with a concussion which shat tered several buildings, while 20 men were wounded by flying balls and shell. The Rebels left at 5, after a stay of ten hours, which they had improved to the utmost : thence pro ceeding to assail, in rapid succes sion, Coldwater, Davis's Mill, Mid- dleburg, and Bolivar, farther north ; but, though the defenders of each were fewer than Murphy might have rallied to his aid at Holly Springs, each was firmly held, and the raiders easily driven off. Murphy, it need hardly be added, was dismissed from the service in a stinging order" by Gen. Grant — said order " to take ef fect from Dec. 20th, the date of his cowardly and disgraceful conduct." Grant had seasonably dispatched 4,000 men by rail to the relief of Holly Springs — or rather, to guard against the possibility of its capture, so vital was its importance ; but they were stopped midway by some ob struction on the track, and only ar rived two hours after the enemy had departed. Thus, by the baseness of one mis creant, were not only 2,000 men and mass of excited, frantic, frightened human be ings — presented an indescribable picture, adapt ed to the pencil of Hogarth." And again : " The ladies rushed out from the houses, wild with joy, crying out: 'There's some at the Fair Grounds: chase them I kill them I for God's sake I'" • Dated Holly Springs, Jan. 8. 288 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. several millions' worth of property sacrificed, but the fair promise of an important expedition utterly blight ed. By the loss of his stores and trains, Grant was completely para lyzed, and compelled to fall back to Grand Junction : thence moving westward to Memphis, so as to de scend by the river to Vicksburg. Gens. A. P. Hovey and C. C. Wash burne, with some 3,000 men, had crossed I0 the Mississippi from Helena simultaneously with Grant's advance; taking post near the head of Yazoo Pass, capturing a Rebel camp, and moving down the Coldwater and Tallahatchie rivers, with intent to reenforce Grant; but this was now frustrated, and their force recalled to the Mississippi. The day after the Holly Springs disaster, Gen. W. T. Sherman had left Memphis with the Right Wing of the " Army of the Tennessee" — some 30,000 strong — on boats which passed down the Mississippi and 12 miles up the Yazoo to Johnston's Landing, where the troops were de barked," and a general assault was made next day on the well-manned fortifications and batteries which de fended Vicksburg on the north. The ground between the Yazoo and the precipitous bluffs whereon the Rebels were fortified, is agreeably (to al ligators) diversified by ' swamps,' ' sloughs,' ' lagoons,' and ' bayous ;' and is in the main a profound mire, resting on quicksand. 'Chickasaw Bayou,' connecting the two rivers, is its most salient feature; but much of it had been a cedar swamp, or boggy thicket, whereof so much as lay directly in front of the Rebel defenses had been transformed into abatis, covering rifle-pits. Unknown to Sherman, Grant's recoil from Ox ford had liberated the Rebel army previously confronting him; which had forthwith been apprised " of the cloud gathering on the Mississippi. Gen. Pemberton, who was in chief command at Grenada, had at once faced about; and, three days later, having definite advices that Sher man's gunboats had reached the mouth of the Yazoo, he began to send his men southward by rail ; fol lowing himself next day. Thus, ex peditious as were Sherman's move ments, most of the Rebel forces in all that region, except Van Dorn and his cavalry, were on hand to re sist him. Sherman's army was uniquely Western; and, with the West, the reopening of the Mississippi was an absorbing passion. It was brave, well officered, and ably commanded ; while Com. Porter's gunboats were ready to render it every assistance that gunboats could ; it encountered none of those unforeseen, fortuitous mischances, against which even Ge nius is impotent, and Valor fruitless ; it fought superbly, and piled the earth with its dead and wounded ; yet it failed, simply because such defenses as it was required to assail are, when fairly armed and manned, absolutely impregnable to simple as sault. They may be overcome by regular approaches ; they may be mastered by the surprise of some un guarded but vital point ; they must yield at last to famine, if closely and persistently invested; but to hurl column after column of infantry upon them is simple, useless slaughter. 10 Nov. 20. 11 Dec 26. u Dec. 21. SHERMAN APPROACHES THE YAZOO BLUFFS. 289 Yet this nowise impeaches the gen eralship of Sherman, who could not tell what they were, nor who were behind them, until he had given them a trial. Let us condense the painful de tails : Gen. Sherman was quite aware of the natural strength of the Rebel line of defense, and that the labor of thousands of slaves had for months been devoted to its increase, by the digging of trenches and rifle-pits, the planting of batteries, felling of trees for abatis, &c, &c. But, he rea soned, that line is at least 15 miles long, from Vicksburg to Haines's Bluff; there are but about 15,000 men behind it, which is but 1,000 to the mile ; and it must be that a se ries of vigorous attacks will develop some point whereon an instant and overwhelming superiority of num bers can be made to tell. And so it would, had not the bayous, lagoons, and swamps — but more especially Chickasaw bayou — so protected the entire Rebel front that there were but four points at wliich it could be reached from the Yazoo ; and these were so covered and enfi laded by hostile batteries, rifle-pits, &c, that approach was all but cer tain destruction. The knowledge of this impregnability was one of the costly lessons of the war. During the 26th and 27th, our men were debarked without resistance, on the south bank of the Yazoo; and, being formed in four columns, gradually pushed forward, driving back the enemy's pickets, toward the frowning bluffs southward. During the ensuing night, the ground and obstacles in our front were carefully reconnoitered, and found even more difficult than rumor had made them^ Chickasaw bayou was conclusively ascertained to be passable but at two points — one a narrow levee ; the other a sand-bar — each completely commanded by the enemy's sharp shooters, who were thoroughly covered by their rifle-pits and other defenses; while batteries, trenches, and rifle-pits rose, tier above tier, up the steep bluffs beyond, which were crowned by still heavier batteries. And Gen. Steele, whose division, ex cept Blair's brigade, had been de barked above the junction of the bayou with the Yazoo and the cypress swamp and slough beyond, on advancing next day,13 found his- progress barred by an impassable swamp, traversed only by a long corduroy causeway, so thoroughly swept and enfiladed by Rebel bat teries and rifle-pits that he could hardly hope to take across it half the men who made the attempt ; which he properly declined, and was justified by Sherman in so doing. Meantime, Gen. Geo. W. Morgan's division had advanced, under cover of a dense fog and the fire of its artillery, against the center of the Rebel defenses : reaching the bank of the bayou where it runs nearest to the bluffs, whereby its progress was completely arrested ; but it held its ground through the ensuing night. Gen. Morgan L. Smith's division simultaneously advanced over less favorable ground, considerably to the right; its leader being disabled be fore noon by a sharp-shooter's bullet through his hip, while reconnoiter- ing; when his command devolved on Gen. David Stuart. A narrow vol. nv -19 13 Dec. 28. 290 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. sand-spit crossed the bayou in front of this division ; but it was so swept and enfiladed by Rebel batteries and rifle-pits, while a difficult abatis for bade egress therefrom on the enemy's side, that to attempt its passage was certain destruction. Nevertheless, Stuart made his dispositions, and was ready to tempt the desperate hazard so soon as Morgan should do likewise. Still farther to the right was A. J. Smith's division, whereof Burbridge's brigade arrived about noon on the 27th ; having been dispatched 14 from Milliken's Bend by Sherman to break up the (uncompleted) Vicks burg and Shreveport Railroad at the Tensas river, burn several long bridges and trestles, and destroy the cotton, corn, &c, there held for the Confederacy — an order which it had thoroughly obeyed. It was now pushed forward to the bayou, with instructions to cannonade the Rebel defenses opposite, while- its infantry should hastily construct rafts and cross ; A. J. Smith's 2d (Landrum's) brigade holding a key position to the right and rear, having its pickets pushed forward into the abatis in front, with Vicksburg in plain view on its right. During the ensuing night, Steele's division was reembarked and brought around to the right of the junction of the bayou with the Yazoo, so as to connect closely with Morgan's left ; and, all being in readiness, Sherman — having heard nothing as yet of the Holly Springs disaster, though disap pointed at the lack of cooperation, or even of tidings, from Grant, being aware that the Rebels in his front were being constantly strengthened, and that time was on the side of his enemy — ordered a general advance and assault. Morgan, being well forward, was expected to cross the bayou first, and carry the batteries and heights di rectly before him; but it was noon before he was ready ; and, by this time, Frank Blair's and Thayer's brigades of Steele's division were fully abreast of him and neady to go in ; Steele's remaining (Hovey's) brigade being close behind them. Blair's brigade had been debarked between Morgan's and M. L. Smith's divisions ; but, in advancing, it had obliqued to the left, crossing the track of Morgan's division, detach ing, by order, two regiments to sup port his batteries ; working its way to the extreme front of Morgan's left, and crossing the Chickasaw bayou in Steele's van, where both banks were covered by tangled abatis, and where the bayou presents a quicksand bed 300 feet wide, containing water 15 feet wide by 3 deep. Through this, Blair led his brigade fairly across, leaving his horse floundering in the quicksand, while he carried two lines of rifle-pits beyond, under a deluge of shot and shell from front and flanks, which struck down a third of his command; among them Col. T. C. Fletcher,15 31st Missouri, who, being wounded, fell into the hands of the enemy; while his Lt.-Col., Simpson, was also wounded, and his Major, Jaensen, was killed. Lt.-Col. Dister, 58th Ohio, was also killed here. Col. J. B. Wyman, 13th Illinois, had fallen the day before. De Coufcy's brigade of Morgan's division charged on Blair's right; while Thayer, with the 4th Iowa (his other regiments having been "Dec. 21-22. 15 Since chosen Governor of Missouri SHERMAN FAILS TO TAKE VICKSBURG. 291 misdirected), also shared in the peril and glory of the assault. But what could valor — the valor of half-a-dozen regiments — avail against such im pediments? Pemberton had been reenforced, during the 27th, by three fresh brigades from Grenada; and more were constantly coming in. His rifle-pits were filled with sharp shooters, whose every bullet drew blood ; his gunners had the range of the ford, such as it was, and poured grape and canister into our dauntless but momently decimated heroes, who could not advance, and were stung by the consciousness that they were dying in vain. They fell back, by De Courcy's order, quite as rapidly, though not so proudly, as they had advanced : the 17th and 26th Loui siana, by a charge on their flank, capturing 4 flags, with 332 prisoners, and gathering up 500 small arms. Morgan, who had endeavored to throw a pontoon across, had ordered Col. Lindsey, with his own, Shel don's, and two regiments of Thayer's brigade, to advance simultaneously with Blair and De Courcy, and ford the bayou farther to the right ; but Lindsey failed to execute the order : reporting the narrow point at which the bayou was here fordable covered by a masked battery. On our right, the 6th Missouri, in A. J. Smith's advance, likewise went forward at noon, and crossed the bayou on a narrow sand-bar; but they found the bank so steep and so thoroughly swept by the enemy's ri fles, that they could not force an as cent, but crouched under the bank, occasionally fired down upon by some eager sharp-shooter, till after dark; when they were withdrawn ; having lost but 14 kille^ and 43 wounded. But Blair's brigade alone lost 636 men this day ; Thayer's, 111 ; Mor gan's division, 875 ; Stuart's brigade, 55 : total (including that of the 6th Missouri), 1,734 : so that this at tempt on Vicksburg can not have cost us less than 2,000 men ; while Pem berton reports his casualties at only 63 killed, 134 wounded, and 10 miss ing: total, 207. Sherman was baffled, but would not give it up. During the rainy night which followed, our men stood or lay without fire in the swamp bor dering the execrated- bayou, while their leader visited Admiral Porter on board his flag-boat and concerted new efforts. Next day,16 he scruti nized his own and his enemy's posi tion, and became satisfied that the Rebel lines could not #be broken. But might they not be turned ? He proposed to the Admiral a combined demonstration against the batteries on their extreme right, upon Drum- gould's Bluff, some miles farther up the Yazoo ; the Admiral to approach and bombard them, while 10,000 choice troops should attempt to car ry them by assault: the residue of our army distracting the enemy's at tention by menacing his front nearer Vicksburg with a fresh attack. Porter, as ever, lent a prompt and hearty cooperation; and the troops were accordingly ' embarked : 17 the gunboats being directed to move at midnight slowly and silently up the Yazoo to Drumgould's Bluff;, at 4 a. m., engage and silence the Rebel batteries there; then the troops to disembark, storm the bluff and hold it, while cannonades, attacks, and alarms along the bayou, were to pre- " Dec. 30. 17 Night of Dec. 31. 292 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. vent the sending oigRebel reenforce ments to the vital point. The bat teries carried, our whole army was to be hurried .thither and solidly estab lished on the bluff; thence taking all the remaining defenses in flank or in reverse, and fighting its way on equal terms along the heights into Vicksburg. Steele's division and one brigade of M. L. Smith's were accordingly embarked; and Sherman, who had left them at midnight, had, by 4 a. m., every man at his post, listening for the sound of Porter's guns; but no sound came. -At daybreak, a line from Steele apprised the General that the fog on the river had been so dense that the Admiral had been un able to move ; so that the enterprise must be postponed to the next night. But, when th.e next night came, it was bright moonlight, rendering the proposed attack quite too hazardous ; while each hour's delay must inevi tably increase the sad probability that the enemy would divine, or at least suspect, what was meditated, and prepare to render the purposed assault more costly than that of the 29th. The swamp wherein our men were encamped would be drowned by the next heavy rain ; there were already ominous rumors afloat, which every thing tended to confirm, that Grant had fallen back, leaving the Rebels free to concentrate 40,000 men at Vicksburg ; there was no use in staying : so Sherman resolved to go ; and, by sunrise next morning,18 he had every thing on board, and was on the point of starting for Milliken's Bend ; when he was apprised by Ad miral Porter that an officer, his senior in rank, had arrived ; to whom he accordingly turned over the com mand. John A. McClernand, of Illinois, —a "political General," according to the West Point classification — was the coming man. He had been for years a Democratic Representative in Congress of some note, but had hith erto won no distinction in the field. Having been dispatched from Mem phis by Gen. Grant to Vicksburg, he, on his arrival, acquiesced in Sherman's decision to return to Milliken's Bend, where he formally assumed" com mand, and at once addressed himself to the execution of a purpose which he had formed while on his way down the river.20 This was the reduction of Fort Hindman, otherwise known as The Post of Arkansas, 50 miles from the Mississippi ; where a settle ment had been made by the French in 1685, on the first high ground reached in ascending from the great river; eligibly situated in a fertile and productive, though swampy, re gion, and commanding the naviga tion of the important river whose name it bears. It had been fortified by the Confederates, having a para pet 18 feet across and a ditch 20 feet wide by 8 deep, with strong case mates, a banquette for infantry, and a cordon of rifle-pits. But its guns were too few and light, and their powder inferior ; so that Gen. T J. Churchill, who commanded, had nev er a chance to hold it, with his garri son of hardly 5,000,21 against the army that now advanced for its reduction — 54 regiments in all — which, though doubtless sadly wasted by the bloody campaigns of 1862, must— to say nothing ofthe fleet— have numbered more than 20,000 men— probably 18 Jan. 2, 1863. "Jan. 4. 1 Dec. 30. 1 But 3,000 effectives, he reports. ARKANSAS 'POST TAKEN BY MoCLERNAND. 293 25,000 to 30,000. Directly after as suming command, Gen. McClernand moved up White river 15 miles, to the cut-off; thence across (8 miles) into the Arkansas,83 and up to No- trib's fapn, three miles below the Fort; where his land forces were all debarked by noon of next day ; by which time, our gunboats had shelled the enemy's sharp-shooters out of their rifle-pits along the levee, and were soon furiously bombarding the Fort. And now our soldiers, under Gens. Sherman, Morgan, Steele, D. Stuart, A. J. Smith, and Oster haus, were pushed up to and nearly around the Fort, despite the obsta cles presented by bayous and miry swamps; our men lying on their arms that night, without fires or tents, and being in position for a general assault at 10_- next morn ing." At 1 p. m., the gunboats re opened ; and, half an hour later, the brigades of Hovey, Thayer, Giles A. and T. R. Smith, had crossed at double-quick the narrow space of open ground directly in tlieir front, gaining partial shelter in a belt of woods from the heavy Rebel fire which here brought them to a tem porary halt; when, supported by Blair's brigade, they charged up to within musket-range of the enemy's defenses, where they again found par tial shelter in some ravines, skirted by bushes and fallen timber. Mean time, Gen. Hovey had been wounded by a fragment of shell, and Gen. Thay er had had his horse shot under him ; but our gunboats and Gen/Morgan's batteries had covered the advance by a rapid fire, silencing a part of the enemy's artillery ; Lt. Webster's and Blount's Parrott guns, with Hoff- MJam9. man's, Wood's, and Barrett's batte ries, rendering efficient service ; while Gen. A. J. Smith deployed nine regi ments of Burbridge's and Landrum's brigades, supported by three more in reserve, and pressed back the Rebel right behind a cluster of cabins near his intrenchments, whence it was dislodged and driven in by a charge of the 23d Wisconsin, Col. Guppy. Following up his advantage, Smith pushed on his division until it was within 200 yards of the Fort, whence he sent McClernand word that he could almost shake hands with the enemy. By this time, Col. Sheldon, of Osterhaus's division, had sent up Cooley's battery on another face to within 200 yards ofthe enemy's lines, supported by the 118th and 120th Ohio, with the 69th Indiana in re serve ; soon clearing the rifle-pits before them; when the 120th Ohio attempted to scale and carry by as sault the east face of the Fort, but were stopped short of the fosse by an impassable ravine. At 3J p. m., the guns of the Fort having been silenced by the fire of our far superior artillery, and Sher man's right having been strengthen ed by three regiments from Smith's division, McClernand ordered a gen eral assault : when our men dashed forward, and — farther resistance be ing hopeless — a white flag was raised from the ramparts, just as the 120th Ohio, leading the 83d Ohio and 16th Indiana, under Gen. Burbridge, were swarming over the intrenchments on the east, barely in advance of Sher man's and Steele's leading regiments on the north and west. Churchill had received from Lt- Gen. T. H. Hobnes [Little Rock], M Jan. 11. 294 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. commanding in Arkansas, a tele graphic order to " hold on till help arrived, or till all are dead" — a piece of silly gasconade, which had no warrant in the proximity of a reliev ing force ; but which he says he would have obeyed to the letter, had not " several white flags" been raised, " to my great surprise," by the 24th Texas (dismounted) cavalry. He had no right to be surprised, nor even vexed, if it had really been his inten tion to subject his men to useless butchery. They had fought with signal gallantry and resolution, so long as hope remained; he admits that the " Fort had now been silenced about an hourj most of the field- pieces being disabled ;" and that his men had " nothing to rely upon now. save their muskets and bayonets," against an enemy whose ample artil lery was still efficient, who had mas tered their defenses, and whose num bers were several times their own. Yet he says he had still a " great hope" to keep our whole army " in check till night ; and then, if re enforcements did not reach me, to cut my way out ;" and trusts " that the traitor who raised the white flag" — (he had already stated that there' were " several " such) — " will yet be discovered, brought to justice, and suffer the full penalty of the law." Such swagger had for years diffused an impression that the South rons were less brave than they were proved by the stern ordeal of battle. Churchill reports his loss at not exceeding 60 killed, and 75 to 80 * The Missouri Republican has a letter from an eye-witness, dated Arkansas Post, January 12, who makes them 4,500 — all of them, but 1,000, from Texas — and adds : "Of the entire force garrisoning the Fort, wounded, and thinks ours was from 1,500 to 2,000. McClernand reports his spoils at "5,000" prisoners, 17 guns, 3,000 small arms, beside large quantities of munitions and commis sary stores." He makes his losses — killed, 129; wounded, 831; missing, 17 : total, 977. Having dismantled the Fort, destroyed whatever was combustible that he could not take away, and forwarded his prisoners to St. Louis, he reembarked," pursuant to orders from General Grant, and returned to Milliken's Bend; having meantime sent an expedition, under Gen. Gorman and Lt.-Com. Walker, up the White river, which captured Des Arc and- Duval's Bluff, without resistance. Gen. Grant having reorganized and refitted at Memphis his more imme diate command, personally dropped down the Mississippi on a swift steamer and met26 McClernand, Sher man, and Porter, near the mouth of White river, on their return from their triumphant incursion into Ar kansas, accompanying them to Napo leon, where consultations were held, and a plan of action agreed on. Mc- Clernand's force moved down the Mississippi next day ; somewhat im peded by a violent storm ; but reach ed, on the 21st, Young's Point, nine miles above Vicksburg, on the oppo site bank, facing the mouth of the Yazoo. Here was the head of the canal projected and partly opened, months before, by Gen. Williams," intended to secure a passage up and down the Mississippi for our vessels, 1,000 — mostly Texas cavalry — escaped, taking with them a great portion of the baggage. These effected an exit on the night our forces were surrounding the place, and before it could be fully accomplished. " M Jan. IT. » Jan. 18. " See page 101. GRANT'S ATTEMPTS TO FLANK THE MISSISSIPPI. 295 out of the range of the Vicksburg batteries, and perhaps change the main channel of the mighty river so as to leave Vicksburg on a bayou two or three miles back from that channel. Here our men were de barked,*8 and work on the canal re commenced ; while Grant's corps was brought down on transports to their aid, and Porter's fleet strengthened .by several additional iron-clads and gonboats. Gen. Grant arrived and assumed chief command Feb. 2d. Williams's engineers had located their embryo canal unwisely. At its head, a strong eddy set the cur rent away from the bank, rendering difficult tbe coaxing of a large body of water into it if it were completed ; while its lower terminus was com manded by the batteries of Vicks burg — a serious drawback upon its prospective usefulness. Still, it was judged expedient to complete this, rather than commence a new one; and the river was rising so fast, under the stimulus of incessant rains (which by no means increased the attractiveness to our soldiers of dig ging up the mire and tough clay), that it was confidently expected soon to obliterate all traces of our engin eering blunders. As there was daily increasing peril that it would drown out our camps, compelling our men to reembark, the excavated earth was all thrown up on the west side, form ing an embankment in front of our camps, between them and Vicks burg. Thus the work was proceed ing vigorously and hopefully, when*9 the swelling flood of the Mississippi — now eight feet above the bottom ofthe canal — broke over the precau tionary dam erected aero® its head, " Jan. 22. and at once poured in a flood which filled the embryo internal improve ment in a few minutes, burying myriads of implements, and con- straining the diggers to run for their lives. Several regiments, quartered in exposed positions, were obliged to move their tents and furniture with remarkable celerity; while some companies were isolated from our main body, and had to be ferried across the new lagoon to rejoin it. The embankment of the Vicksburg and Shreveport Railroad arrested the progress of the inundation north ward; and our soldiers stationed below were required to move their tents to the ground above that em bankment. And now, after some days' consideration and hesitating effort, it was decided that the canal was an abortion — the Father of Waters having paralyzed it by his veto ; while the batteries of Vicksburg frowned grimly, defiantly as ever. Ere this, Gen. Grant — having more hands than work — had had a channel cut from the Mississippi, some 40 to 50 miles above, into Lake Provi dence ; whence there was a continu ous water-way, through bayous Bax ter and Macon, into the Tensas, and thus into the Mississippi far below Vicksburg, as also into the Washita and Red rivers ; while another side- cut, leaving the great river near Milliken's Bend, communicated, through a net-work of bayous and connecting streams, with the eastern (shorter) branch of the Tensas, and thence, through- a similar net-work, regained the lower Mississippi near New Carthage. This one had ac tually been made so far available, by the help of dredge-boats, that a small B March 8. 296 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. steamer and several barges had pass ed through it ; when the rapid fall ao of the river closed it for the season. A third and more determined effort to flank the defenses of Vicks burg was made on the east side of the Mississippi, by way of the ' Yazoo Pass ;' which, leaving the great river a little below Helena, flows through Moon Lake into the Coldwater, and down this stream into the Tallahat- chie^ which, uniting with the Yallo- busha, forms the Yazoo. Brig.-Gen. L. F. Ross, with a divi sion of Gen. McClernand's corps from Helena, and the 12th and 17th Mis souri, of Sherman's corps, headed this expedition, some 5,000 strong, which included the large gunboats Chilicothe and De Kalb, five smaller ones, and eighteen transports, under the command of Lt. Watson Smith. The passage through the levee of the Mississippi having been considerably enlarged, our vessels in succession boldly entered on the narrow, tortu ous, but now headlong current, which bore them under a gigantic, over arching forest, into Moon Lake, and thus onward to the Coldwater. So constant and formidable were the obstacles encountered, in the shape of abrupt turns, fallen trees, inade quate depth, and sturdy limbs that swept away smoke-stacks and other standing fixtures, that three days were required for this transit, though the distance was barely twelve miles. Of course, the Rebels, who were fully and constantly posted, did not dimin ish these impediments, but were prone to aggravate them. 30 April 10 to 25. 31 March 2. ' 32 March 11. 3S Feb. 17. 34 Loring reports that this raft had not been completed when our fleet arrived. The New York Tribune correspondent with the expedition Proceeding" down the Coldwater, the obstacles to be overcome were 'changed rather than diminished. The channel was "a little wider, but hardly less crooked, while its cur rent was sluggish ; the - impulse gained from the Mississippi having been lost by a diffusion of the water over the swamps and bottoms on either side. Two mortar-boats' here overtook the flotilla ; and the mouth of the Coldwater was at length reached: our vessels having expe rienced some damage to rudders, wheels, and other works, but having encountered no serious resistance from the enemy ; and with no vessel sunk or disabled. Moving down the Tallahatchie, to a sharp easterly bend ten miles above its junction with the Yallobusha, the expedition was brought 32 to a stand, just above the little village of Green wood. Maj.-Gen. W. W. Loring had been dispatched 3S from Jackson to the Yazoo to bar any access by our forces to the valley of that river; and, having hastily studied its con figuration and that of its chief tributa ries, had chosen this as the point most favorable for resistance. The meeting streams approach within a mile, two or three miles above their junction ; receding directly after ward. Loring, with his engineer, Maj. Meriwether, had obstructed fhe Tallahatchie by a raft,34 with an old steamboat sunk behind it, and thrown a line of defenses, composed of cotton-bales and earth, across the neck ofthe peninsula ; its best guns, says Lt. Smith's invincible lack of resolution and energy, and manifest indifference, retarded, by several days, the arrival of our vessels at this point, and was the true cause of our utterly needless failure. ROSS FAILS TO REACH THE YAZOO. 297 of course, trained upon the approach down the Tallahatchie, which a bend just here rendered as difficult and perilous as could be. TAZOO BEOION. The Chilicothe, Lt. Foster, first attempted to pass ; when the Rebel battery opened, and a 32-pound shell struck her turret, ¦ slackening her speed ; and she soon backed around the bend until onlyther bow pro truded. ; when she renewed the can nonade with her heavy bow-guns, and received one or two more shots, which did her no essential harm. An hour of this satisfied her, and she backed completely out of the fight; when the De Kalb came forward and fired away for two hours : then she, too, gave it up; leaving the Rebel works essentially intact. The next day was devoted by Ross to erecting a land battery in front of the Rebel fines, undercover of woods ; Loring withholding his fire on it to economize his scanty ammunition. At 10 next morning,36 both gunboats renewed the bombardment, aided by our land battery. During the day, one of the Chilicothe's shells tore through the enemy's parapet, knock ing out a cotton-bale, and igniting a tub of cartridges beside the Whit- worth gun ; whereby Lt. Waul, serving it, was wounded, and 15 of his men burned — some of them badly. Other damage was done ; but the Rebels worked throughout the ensuing night, repairing and strengthening their works. Our fire was renewed for a short time next day ; and the day after was devoted on both sides to fortifying. Next morning,36 the attack was renewed with spirit on our side ; but the Chilicothe was soon hulled by an 18-pound shot from the enemy's rifled Whitworth gun, which entered one of her port-holes, striking and exploding a shell, whereby 14 men were killed or severely wounded. The Chilicothe then drew out of the fight; and, though it was kept up till sunset by the De Kalb and our land batteries, it was plainly of no use : so Ross, next morning, con cluded to give it up, and return by the way he came ; which he did un molested. Brig.-Gen. J. F. Quinby, of McPherson's corps, joined " him 1 March 13. ™ March 16. sr March 21. 298 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. and assumed command on his retreat. Quinby now returned to the ground just abandoned before the defenses ; but had scarcely done so when he received38 an order from Grant to withdraw the expedition ; which he forthwith obeyed, returning to the Mississippi unmolested. Admiral Porter, having reconnoi- tered the country directly eastward of the Mississippi from Steele's bayou, just above Milliken's Bend, and listened to the testimony of friendly negroes, informed39 Gen. Grant that a devious route, practica ble at that stage of water for lighter iron-clads, might be found or opened thence into the Sunflower, and so into the Yazoo below Yazoo City, but above Haines's Bluff; where upon, Grant decided to attempt it. Ascending 40 with Porter, in the ram Price, pioneered by several other iron-clads, through Steele's bayou to Black Fork or bayou, which makes across from Steele's into Deer creek, Grant, finding their way constantly impeded by overhanging trees, hur ried back to Young's Point for a pioneer corps ; but was soon advised by Porter that there was more seri ous work ahead ; when Sherman was sent with a division ; most of which was debarked at Eagle Bend, on the Mississippi, and thence marched across to the bayou (Steele's), here but a mile from the river — much of the distance being now under water, and requiring to be bridged or cordu royed before it could be passed. And such was the height of ^the water in the bayous and streams that our boats could with difficulty be forced through the branches of the trees which thickly overlaced those nar row water-courses ; so that they were severally scraped clean of everything above their decks when they had been wearily driven and warped up the bayou and across Little Black Fork into Deer creek, up that stream to Rolling Fork, and across into the Sunflower ; down which they floated almost to the Yazoo; where their progress was finally arrested, and vessels and men obliged to retrace their toilsome, devious way to the Mississippi. Col. C. R. Ellet, commanding the ram Queen of the West, having the gunboat De Soto and a coal-barge in company, ran" the Vicksburg bat teries without injury, and thence steamed down to the mouth of Red river, thence raiding" down the Atchafalaya to Simmsport; thence returning to the Red, and going up that river to a point 15 miles above the mouth of the Black, where he captured, the steamboat Era, with 4,500 bushels of corn; thence as cending the Black and Washita to Gordon's Landing, where his treach erous pilot, Garvey, ran the Queen ashore, just as she was opened on from the bank by a Rebel battery, which soon shot away her lever and escape-pipe, then cut in two her steam- pipe, filling her with scalding steam, and compelling Ellet and his crew to abandon her — she being wholly disabled and impotent — es caping on cotton-bales, and reaching the De Soto, which was just below. Going down the river, the De Soto was run into .the bank and lost her rudder; when she and her barge were scuttled and burnt ; Ellet and his crew taking refuge on the Era, throwing overboard her corn. Con- 38 March 23. 38 March 14. 40 March 15, 41 Feb. 10. 42 Feb. 12. THE INDIANOLA CAPTURED — THEN DESTROYED. 299 tinuing down the river, well aware that the Rebels would soon be after them, the traitor Garvey was installed as pilot, and soon contrived to run the- Era hard aground also, just after reaching the Mississippi — she draw ing two feet water, and the shallow est of these rivers being now good for at least thirty. Ellet, by the time she was with difficulty got off, ap pears to have suspected that Rebels were not the safest pilots for Na tional war vessels ; though he does not seem to have shot the scoundrel, or done any thing else but intimate that his style of piloting was not approved. Four armed boats were sent down af ter him, but turned back by their lead er, the Webb, unexpectedly meeting our heavy iron-clad Indianola, which they did not choose to encounter ; so the Era made her way up to the sta tion just below Vicksburg ; receiving, by the way, salutes that meant mis chief from Grand Gulf and Warren ton. The Indianola, Lt.-Com'g. Brown, was one of our finest iron-clads : 174 feet long by 50 broad, with five boil ers, seven engines, thoroughly shield ed, and armed with two 11-inch and two 9-inch guns. Leaving the mouth of the Yazoo, she had drifted43 nearly by Vicksburg undiscovered; and the batteries finally opened on her had done her no harm whatever. Keep ing on down, she was just in season, as We have seen, to shield Ellet and the Era from probable capture ; and she now swept proudly down the riv er, expecting to drive all before her. After blockading for some days the mouth of Red river, wliich she did not enter for want of pilots, she was returning up the Mississippi; and, when nearly opposite Grand Gulf, encountered44 the Rebel ram Webb, as also the captured Queen of the West (which had somehow been repaired so as to be serviceable), with two other less formidable gunboats, in all mounting ten heavy guns, and maimed by several hundred men. These attacked her with such energy and skill, mainly by butting her with their rams, while they danced about her, dodging her shots, that she was soon disabled ; having been rammed for the seventh time by the Webb, and now directly in her stern, which was completely stove in. Being in a sinking condition, she was surren dered and immediately run ashore. Farragut being away on the Gulf coast, the Rebels had now fhe mas tery of the river between Vicksburg and New Orleans — a mastery whicb they soon lost by a Yankee trick. A worthless coal flat-boat, fitted up, covered, and decorated by Porter, with furnaces of mud and smoke stacks of pork-barrels, to counterfeit a terrible ram, was let loose46 by him, unmanned, above Vicksburg; and floated down by the batteries, eliciting and surviving a tremendous cannonade. The Rebels in Vicks burg hastened to give warning of this fearful monster to the Queen, lying under their batteries at Warrenton, eight miles below; whereupon, the Queen fled down the river at her best speed. The Indianola was now undergoing repairs near the point where she was captured ; and word was sent from Vicksburg that she must be burned at once to save her from the monster's clutches. A few hours later, when it had been discov ered that they had been thrown into 'Night of Feb. 13. 1 Feb. 24, 9£ P- m. 45 About Feb. 24. 300 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT: hysterics by an old coal-boat, fresh word was sent that they had been sold ; but, ere this arrived, the Indian ola had been blown to splinters — not even her priceless guns having been saved. The Webb now escaped up the Red river; leaving our supremacy on the Mississippi once more undis puted and unbroken. Admiral Farragut, commanding below Vicksburg, having applied to Admiral Porter for iron-clads and rams to operate against certain small but formidable Rebel iron-clads and rams which held possession of Red river, the rams Switzerland, Col. Chas. R. Ellet, and Lancaster, Lt.- Col. John A. Ellet, were prepared for running the Vicksburg batteries ; which they attempted 4" to do ; but with ill success. Instead of being started in due season, it was daylight when they came under the Rebel fire; whereby the Lancaster was sunk and the Switzerland badly cut up. The latter succeeded in passing. Of several frailer vessels, which from time to time made the venture, two or three were sunk ; the residue mainly went by unscathed. Months, had now flitted since our earlier attempts on Vicksburg — months of fitful but costly effort to reduce that Rebel stronghold, which was only stronger and haughtier than ever. Gen. Grant — long since con vinced that it could not be success fully assailed from above, unless we had full control of the Yazoo, for which he had so persistently but vainly struggled — now decided on an entirely new fine of operations — turning Vicksburg on the south, and assailing her from the east, rather than the west". It was in pursuance of this plan that he had so abruptly ordered a discontinuance of and with drawal from the various expeditions looking to the control of the valley of the Yazoo, and the capture or de struction of the thirty Rebel steam boats employed on that river or laid up near Yazoo City. All being at length prepared, and the Winter over flow of the Mississippi so far abated that the so-called roads of that re gion were no longer generally under water, but only beds of the pro foundest and softest black mud, Gen. McClernand, with his (13th) corps, was impelled47 down the west bank of the great river to New Carthage ; McPherson following directly with his (17th) corps ; each moving no faster than it could be accompanied by its trains. The roads were so in conceivably bad that the advance was inevitably laborious and slow. The river-bank, being higher than the country back of it, the march was mainly along the levee; of course, under constant observation from the Rebel pickets and scouts across the river. When our van was barely two miles from New Carthage, it was stopped by a break- in the levee, through which the waters of the Mississippi were pouring out into the bayou Vidal, forbidding approach to the village, which was temporarily transformed into an island. After boats had been collected to effect a crossing of the upper break, it was found that the process would not only be tedious but would have to be repeated below. Grant now de cided to march around the bayou, avoiding New Carthage, and striking 40 Night of March 24-25. 47 March 29. PORTER RUNS BY VIOKSB URG — GR.IERSON'S RAID. 301 the Mississippi at Perkins's, 12 miles farther, or 35 from his base at Milli ken's Bend. And now the lack of transportation on the river below Vicksburg, dictated a still farther march down to Hard Times, opposite, but rather below, Grand Gulf; ex tending the distance traversed from Milliken's Bend to 70 miles. Meantime, Commodore Porter, at the suggestion of Gen. Grant, had made preparation for running the batteries of Vicksburg with his iron clads, followed by three transports ; and the experiment was made 4e with fair success. The gunboats Benton, Lafayette, Price, Louisville, Caron- delet, Pittsburg, Tuscumbia, and Mound City (all iron-clads but. the Price), floated silently down the cur rent; under cover of thick darkness, for nearly an hour ; and their crews were beginning to infer that the Rebels had, for some reason, con cluded not to assail them ; when — .just as they were fairly opposite the city — fire was opened on them from the up-stream batteries, and in a moment the whole bluff was ablaze with the flashes, and quaking to the roar, of heavy guns, rising tier above tier along the entire water-front of the city. The fleet promptly respond ed with grape and shrapnel, firing at the city rather than the batteries, and went by unharmed; opening upon the Warrenton batteries, as it neared them, so furious a cannonade that they scarcely attempted a reply. The passage of the gunboats was thus triumphantly effected ; but of the three transports — Forest Queen, Henry Clay, and Silver Wave — which attempted to follow, under cover of the smoke, the first-named was hulled by ; a shot, and received another through her steam-drum, disabling her ; yet she floated out of range, and, being taken in tow by a gun boat, went through without further damage ; while the Silver Wave ran the gauntlet entirely unscathed ; but the Clay was struck by a shell which set her protecting cotton-bales on fire, just as she had been stopped to pre vent a collision with the crippled Queen; when her panic-stricken crew launched her yawl and made for the shore, leaving their vessel to float down the river in flames till she burned to the water's edge and sunk — a total loss. We had one man killed and two wounded by a shell on board the Benton, but lost none beside, on either gunboats or transports. Gen. Grant now ordered six more transports to be sent down, towing and partially shielded by twelve barges laden with forage. Five of the transports made " the venture in safety ; but the Tigress received a shot below her water-line which disabled her, so that sh e drifted helplessly down and sank near the Louisiana bank, some distance below. Of the barges, three, with five of the transports, were soon made ready for further usefulness. The effective Rebel force in the States bordering on the Mississippi being now mainly engaged in the defense of Vicksburg and the Yazoo Valley, Grant had determined to re taliate one of the destructive cavalry raids of Morgan, Forrest, and Van Dorn. To this end, Col. B. H. Grier- son, with a cavalry brigade, 1,700 strong, composed of the 6th and 7th Illinois and 2d Iowa, starting 60 from Lagrange, Tennessee, swept rapidly 'Night of April 16. 'Night of April 22. 1 April 17. 302 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. southward, through Ripley, New Albany, Pontotoc, Clear Spring, Starkville, Louisville, Decatur, and Newton, Miss. — thus passing behind all the Rebel forces confronting and resisting Grant — until, having passed Jackson, he turned sharply to the right, and made his way W. S. W. through Raleigh, Westville, Hazle- hurst, and Gallatin, to Union C. H, back of Natchez ; thence zigzagging by Bogue Chito to Greensburg and Clinton, La., and so to Baton Rouge ;61 having traversed more than 600 miles of hostile territory in 16 days; cross ing several considerable rivers by ferriage, burning great numbers of railroad bridges, trestles, cars, and depots of supplies, having several smart engagements with Rebel forces hastily gathered to obstruct his prog ress, killing or wounding about 100 of them, beside capturing and paroling over 500 prisoners, and destroying 3,000 stand of arms, at a total cost of 27 men, including Lt.-Col. Blackburn, 7th Illinois. Col. Grierson sent back, after he was fairly on his way, the 2d Iowa, as also 175 of the least ef fective men of his remaining regi ments ; so that this brilliant raid was actually made with less than 1,000 men. It was a succession of forced marches, sometimes without rest for 48 hours; often through drenching rain, over long stretches of swamp, so. completely submerged that no road could be discerned; so that, in crossing one swamp, eight miles wide, on the Okanoxubee, near Louisville, no less than twenty fine horses were drowned. Grierson proved himself eminently fitted for his place, as did Col. Prince, of the 6th, and Lt.-Col. Loomis, 7th Illinois, and their sub ordinates. Detachments necessarily' made to the right and left to destroy Rebel supplies or mislead pursuers— of whom thousands were sent after him from Jackson, Vicksburg, and other points — were frequently com pelled to ride 60 miles per day of these horrible roads in order to regain the main body — which, during the 28 hours preceding its arrival at Baton Rouge, had marched 76 miles, enjoyed four fights, and forded the Comite river where it was necessary to swim many of the horses. Grier- son's conclusion that the Confederacy was a mere shell, which needed but to be fairly pierced to demonstrate its rottenness, was justified by his experience; but a leader less able, alert, wary, untiring, and courageous, would have found that shell far easier to enter than to emerge from. All being at length ready,63 Gen. Grant directed a naval attack on the batteries of Grand Gulf; which was gallantly made by Admiral Porter, with his gunboat fleet. But five hours of mutual cannonade, during which our larger boats were often within pistol-shot of the Rebel bat teries, brought no decisive advantage to our arms. The enemy's fortifica tions were strong ; many of their guns planted on the bluffs at too great an elevation to be effectively assailed from the water; the hill sides were lined with rifle-pits; beside which, they had field-guns which could be moved from point to point, and so concentrated wherever they could be most effective to pre vent a landing or defeat an assault. After watching the cannonade from a tugboat from 8 a. m. to 1 p. m., 61 May 2. 1 April 29. SHERMAN'S FEINT ON HAINES'S BLUFF. 303 Grant decided against, its further prosecution; having determined to debark bis troops now on shipboard, and march still farther down the Louisiana bank, to a point opposite Rodney; while the gunboats and transports should run the Grand Gulf batteries, as they had run those of Vicksburg and Warrenton, and be ready to cross his army at a point where little resistance was antici pated. Accordingly, at dark, our gun boats again engaged the batteries, while our transports ran by them; receiving but two or three shots, which did them no essential harm. Finally, having learned from a negro that there was a good road from the little hamlet of Bruinsburg, half way down to Rodney, running back to Port Gibson, in the rear of Grand Gulf, the General decided to cross at this point ; and, by daylight next morning,63 both gunboats and transports were ferrying over the 13th corps ; our soldiers, so fast as landed, taking three days' rations in their haversacks, and pushing out on the road to Port Gibson, followed by the 17th corps. Meantime, Gen. Sherman, with the 15th corps, had been left above Vicksburg, expecting to follow on the track of the 13th and 17th, until he received M a letter from Gen. Grant, near Carthage, depicting the badness of the roads, and directing him to remain where he was for the present. Two days later, Grant wrote him that he proposed to attack Grand Gulf next day, and suggesting a simultaneous feint on the Rebel batteries near Haines's Bluff. Sherman accordingly em barked Blair's division on ten steam boats, and proceeded 6" to the mouth of the Yazoo, where he found Capt. Breese, with the iron-clads Black Hawk, Choctaw, and De Kalb, and several wooden boats, all ready, with steam up ; and they at once ascend ed the Yazoo, stopping for the night at the mouth of the Chickasaw bayou, and moving up next morning to within range of the Haines's Bluff batteries, which were engaged for four hours by our iron-clads and the Tyler — the enemy replying with spirit; but, though the Tyler was hit once, and the Choctaw re peatedly, none of our men were seriously hurt. Toward evening, Blair's division was debarked in full view of the enemy, and seemingly prepared to assault; our gunboats thereupon renewing their fire and provoking the enemy,, to reply. Thus the menace of an assault was maintained t_l after dark ; when our troops were quietly reembarked. Next day, equally threatening de monstrations were made, accom panied by reeonnoissances on all sides; meanwhile, orders were re ceived from Grant to desist from the feint and hurry the whole corps forth with to Grand Gulf. Sending orders to the divisions of Steele and Tuttle to march south ward at once, Sherman kept up the feint till after nightfall ; then quietly dropped down the Yazoo to Young's Point; and next morning66 Blair's division moved up to Milliken's Bend, to remain there as a garrison till relieved by fresh troops from above; while Steele's and Tuttle's hurried down the west bank of the Mississippi to Hard Times, where they were ferried across,6' and were " April 30. M April 26. *» April 29-10 A. U. M May 2. ' May 6 and 1. 304 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. pushed forward 18 miles next day, to Hankinson's Ferry. Grant's advance, under McCler nand, first encountered the enemy 68 when eight miles out from Bruins- burg ; but the Rebels were not in force, and fell back unpursued till morning; when McClernand ad vanced, and, when approaching Poet Gibson, was resisted with spirit by a Rebel force from Vicksburg, under Maj.-Gen. Bowen ; the country being broken into narrow ridges, separated by deep ravines, which afforded great advantage to the defensive. Our superiority in numbers being decisive, however, they were steadily ¦driven ; Grant Anally sending up J. E. Smith's brigade of McPherson's corps to the support of our left, under Osterhaus ; when, late in the after noon, the enemy was defeated with heavy loss, and pursued toward Port Gibson. Our loss was 130 killed, 718 wounded. We captured 3 guns, 4 flags, and 580 prisoners. Night soon closed in, and our troops slept on their arms till "morning ; when it was found that the enemy had re treated across Bayou Pierre, burning the bridge behind them, abandoning Port Gibson, and evacuating Grand Gulf, as our army advanced "° in its rear to Hankinson's Ferry on the Big Black, skirmishing and taking some prisoners, mainly stragglers, but not seriously resisted. . Gen. Grant now rode across to Grand Gulf, with a small escort of cavalry, to make arrangements for changing his base of supplies from Bruinsburg to this point, while his army awaited the arrival of wagons, provisions, and Sherman's corps; meantime, scouts were busy and re- .connoissances employed in obtaining information ofthe enemy. Grant had expected to remain some time at Grand Gulf, accumula ting provisions and munitions, while he sent a corps down the river to co operate with Gen. Banks in the re duction of Port Hudson; but the information here obtained dictated a change in his plans — Banks not hav ing yet invested Port Hudson. Ac cordingly, his army was pushed for ward "° on two parallel roads up the left bank of. the Big Black: Mc Pherson on that nearest the river; McClernand on the higher, or ridge road; while Sherman's corps, divi ded, followed on each ; all the ferries on the Big Black being watched to guard against a surprise from the enemy, who had taken care to burn the few bridges. Thus advancing, our army encoun tered no serious resistance until its van, under McPherson, then moving on Clinton and Jackson, was encoun tered,61 near Raymond, by two Rebel brigades, under Gen. Gregg, who had taken a good position, with two bat teries, commanding the road in our front, having his infantry posted on a range of hills to the right of the road, and in. the timber and ravines just in front. The fight here was a short one. The Rebels opened it with great fury, attempting to charge and capture De Golyer's battery, which was in position on our front , but, being repulsed by a terrific fire of grape and canister, they broke and fled precipitately, so that McPherson had scarcely begun the fight when it was ended ; the Rebels fleeing at full speed through Raymond, which our troops occupied at 5 p. m. Only Lo- 1-2 A. M. 9 May 3. 1 May 7. 1 May 12. Mcpherson triumphs at Raymond. 305 .— , GEN. GRANT '-ADMIRAL. PORTER GEN. BLAIR VIOKSBUBG AND VICINITY. gan's division, now numbering less than 6,000, was seriously engaged on our side ; but Crocker's division came up just after the battle was won by the advance of Stevenson's brigade, and a splendid charge with fixed bayonets by the 8th Illinois, Lt.-Col. Sturgis. The enemy had previously been strongest in the numbers en gaged, and had fought .stubbornly ; charging to turn the left flank of vol. ii. — 20 Dennis's brigade, which was in ad vance, and of which the 20th Ohio, 23d Indiana, and 20th Illinois fought desperately and suffered severely. Our loss in this affair was 69 killed (including Col. Richards, 20th Illi nois, who fell at the head of his regi ment, and Maj. Kaga, 20th Ohio), 341 wounded, and 32 missing : total 442. The Rebels lost 103 killed, with 720 wounded and prisoners. 306 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. We took prisoners from ten different regiments ; and Johnston reports that Gregg's force numbered 6,000. Here McPherson and Logan were con stantly under fire ; the latter having his horse shot twice. McPherson's generalship and dash elicited the ad miration of our soldiers. McPherson pushed on next morn ing62 to Clinton, which he entered unopposed at 2 p, m., and commenced tearing up the railroad thence toward Jackson; Gen. Sherman advancing simultaneously on the direct road from Raymond to Jackson. McPher son's march was resumed at 5 a. m. next day;63 and, at 9 a. m., when five miles from Jackson, the enemy's pickets were driven in; and, pro ceeding 2£ miles farther, their main body was encountered in strong force, under Gen. W. H. T. Walker, whose command consisted partly of South Carolina and Georgia troops, which had only arrived the evening before. A tremendous shower occurred while McPherson was making his disposi tions, which delayed his attack for an hour and a half. At 11 a. m., the rain having nearly ceased, our sol diers advanced, preceded by a line of skirmishers, who were soon exposed to so heavy a fire that they were re called to their regiments, when an order to charge was responded to with hearty cheers. Our whole line swept forward in perfect array, driv ing the enemy out ofthe ravine which covered their front, and up the hill whereon their batteries were posted ; when, without having checked our momentum, they broke and fled pre cipitately, eagerly followed for a mile and a half, till our infantry was with in range of the guns forming the de fenses of Jackson ; when McMurray's and Dillon's batteries were brought up and poured a deadly fire into the routed masses of the foe. Here our troops were halted and our lines reformed, while skirmishers were thrown out and officers sent forward to reconnoiter : these soon reported the capital of Mississippi evacuated ; and, at 4 p. m., the flag of the 59th Indiana was waving over the dome of the State House ; Sherman's com mand about this time entering the city from the south-west. McPherson's loss in this collision was 37 killed, 228 wounded and missing ; while that he inflicted on the enemy amounted, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, to 845. Our captures in Jackson included 17 pieces of artillery; while railroads, manufactories, and army stores, were extensively destroyed. Grant was in Jackson directly after its capture ; and, after giving orders to Sherman for the thorough de struction of its railroads, military factories, and stores, directed Mc Pherson to retrace his steps next morning64 to Clinton, following him self in the afternoon ; impelling Mc- Clernand's corps westward next morn ing "6 upon Edwards's Station ; while Sherman, having finished his work at Jackson, was ordered to evacuate that city and rejoin him so soon as might be ; for Grant had learned in Jackson that Gen. Jo. Johnston, who had just arrived in our front and assumed66 immediate command of the Rebel forces in this quarter, had ordered Pemberton to march out from Vicks burg and assail our rear : the Rebels routed in Jackson having fled north- ward from that city, as if intending 1 May 13. 63 May 14. 64 May 15. ' May 16. 1 May 13. THE BATTLE OF CHAMPION HILLS. 307 to form a junction with Pemberton i at some point on the Big Black, above the railroad. It was, there fore, Grant's business and purpose to prevent this conjunction by meeting and beating Pemberton before it could be effected. At 5 a.m.,67 Grant learned that Pemberton's force consisted of 80 regiments, with 10 batteries of artillery, probably numbering in all about 25,000 men,68 now eagerly ad vancing with intent to fall unexpect edly on his rear ; and he resolved to anticipate the delivery of this blow. Pushing forward Blair's division to ward Edwards's Station, he directed McClernand to follow, with that of Osterhaus ; McPherson, with his en tire corps, following directly. Pemberton was in position near Edwards's Station, when he received "* a dispatch from Johnston suggesting — he says not ordering — a combined attack on McPherson, then at Clin ton, and called a council to consider the proposition. After hearing its advice, he decided to attack next morning; but was delayed by the swollen condition of a branch of Ba ker's creek till afternoon; when he advanced four or five miles, and took up a strong position on Champion Hills, southward of the railroad, and about midway between Jackson and Vicksburg. Here he received, next morning,'" a note from Johnston, di recting him to move northward, so as to form a junction with his own shattered forces, most of which had so recently been driven out of Jack son. Pemberton thereupon ordered his trains sent back toward the Black, and would have followed with his army, but it was too late ; Gen. Hovey's division, of McClernand's corps, being now close upon him, and the rest of McClernand's, followed by McPherson's corps, rapidly coming up. Gen. Grant now reached the front, and found Hovey's skirmishers close to the enemy's pickets, while his troops were rapidly coming into line, and might, had they been strong enough, have opened the battle at any moment. The enemy in their front held a very strong position on a narrow ridge, with his left resting on a height, where the road toward Vicksburg made a sharp turn to the left, with the crest of the ridge and his left flank covered by a dense forest. McPherson's corps, except Ransom's brigade, soon came up, and was thrown to the right, so as to threaten the enemy's rear. Still, our numbers on the field were inade quate, and Grant forbade an attack until he could hear from McCler nand, whs was advancing with two divisions, from Bolton Station on our right, but on parallel roads which converged two miles east of Ed wards's Station. But, while Grant was thus impatiently listening for the sound of McClernand's guns, and sending him orders to push forward rapidly, the firing between Hovey's and the Rebel skirmishers gradually grew, by 11 a. m., into a battle; and — since a single division could not long resist two or three times its numbers — one brigade and then another of Crocker's division was sent in to Ho vey's support ; while McPherson's oth er division, under Logan, was working effectively upon the enemy's left and rear, essentially weakening his efforts in front. -McClernand's remaining divisions failed to arrive at the front, May 16. A Rebel report saya 17,500. 'May 14. 1 May 16. 303 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. however, until after the enemy had been driven with heavy loss from the field ; Logan's division having pene trated so nearly to the road leading to Vicksburg as to cut off Loring's division from Pemberton, and com pel it to retreat deviously southward, evading our left, and narrowly escap ing capture, by the sacrifice of all its guns ; thus reaching Jackson on the 19th; The credit of this victory devolves mainly on Hovey and his heroic di vision, which was for hours closely en gaged with superior numbers strong ly posted and well covered by the dense forest, who fought gallantly, and repeatedly crowded back our line by the sheer weight of that op posing it. When his infantry had thus been crowded back from the ridge they had carried by desperate fighting, and compelled to abandon 11 Rebel guns they had taken, Hovey massed his artillery, strengthened by Dillon's Wisconsin battery, on eleva ted ground at his right, and opened on the advancing foe an enfilading fire that arrested and turned them back, under a tempest of cheers from our boys. The loss of this single di vision was 211 killed, 872 wounded, and 119 missing : total, 1,202 — about one-third of its force, and nearly half our entire loss in the battle. But McPherson's corps fought, so far as it had opportunity, with equal gal lantry, and was handled with equal skill ; Stevenson's brigade making a brilliant charge across ravines, up a hill, and through an open field, cap- " Grant evidently blames McClernand for lack of energy in this battle ; though he says : " The delay in the advance of the troops im mediately with McClernand was caused, no doubt, by the enemy presenting a front of artil lery and infantry where it was impossible, from turing seven guns and several hun dred prisoners, and thus gaining the road in the Rebel rear, which cut off Loring's retreat, and compelled him to escape as he could. Before the Rebel defeat was de cided, Hovey having repeated his call for reenforcements, Grant ordered McPherson to advance whatever of his corps was still disposable by the left to the enemy's front ; and, pro ceeding himself to observe this move ment, he discovered that the Rebels were in full retreat. On reaching the Raymond road, he saw Carr's and then Osterhaus's division of McCler nand's corps, well advanced on the left, and ordered them to pursue the enemy with all speed to the Black, and, if' possible, across that river. This pursuit continued till after dark; resulting in the capture of a train of cars loaded with provisions and mu nitions, but very little else ; " though the Rebels lost considerably in muni tions and stores, which they were obliged to abandon to the flames. Sherman's corps had no part in this engagement, being still on its way from Jackson when it closed ; and Ransom's brigade of McPher son's corps only arrived after the ene my had retreated. As but three divi sions of McClernand's corps were even constructively present, it is morally certain that this action was fought by fewer men on our side than on that of the Rebels. Grant reports our loss in this des perate struggle at 426 killed, 1,842 wounded, and 189 missing: total, the nature of the ground and the density of the forest, to discover his numbers. As it was, the battle of Champion Hills, or Baker's creek, was fought mainly by Hovey's division of McCler nand's corps and Logan's and Quinby's divisions (the latter commanded by Brig-Gen. M. M Crocker) of McPherson's corps." GRANT CROSSES THE BIG BLACK. 309 2,457. The Rebels lost quite as heavily in killed and wounded, some 2,000 ' prisoners, 15 or 20 guns, with thousands of small arms, &c. Among their killed was Gen. Lloyd Tilgh man, of Maryland. Next morning," the pursuit being renewed, the enemy were found strongly posted on the Black, with a bold, wooded bluff directly at the water's edge on the west side, while on the east, an open, cultivated bot tom, nearly a mile broad, has a bayou of stagnant water, ten to twenty feet wide and two to three feet deep, to the east of it. This had been made to serve as a wet ditch, with a line of rifle-pits behind it ; and here Carr's division was stopped two or three hours, until Lawler, com manding his right brigade, discover ed a way of approach whereby it could be successfully assaulted, and ordered a charge, which was gallantly made ; but the volley which was fired by the enemy at close range as his command rushed across the level, open ground, down to the bayou, taking' our column in flank, swept down 150 of our men. None faltered nor turned back, however, nor even stopped to fire till they were all across the bayou ; when, pouring in a deadly volley, without waiting to reload, they swept on with, fixed bayonets, leaving the Rebels, who had not yet found time to reload, no choice but surrender. Gen. Oster haus, who with his division had come up on our left, was here wounded by a fragment of shell. Beside the railroad bridge, Pember ton had constructed an army bridge over the Black, composed mainly of three steamboats ; across which, all "May 17. his men who could reach it fled, leaving 18 guns, 1,500 prisoners, sev eral thousand stand of arms, and large quantities of commissary stores, to fall into the hands of the victors, whose entire loss here was but 29 killed, and 242 wounded. But the bridges were of course burned by the fugitives ; and the deep river, with its forest-covered western bluff lined with sharp-shooters, baffled our ad vance for hours. Our only pontoon train was with Sherman, now on his way to Bridgeport, several miles far ther up ; and our attempts - to force a passage, under cover of a fire of artillery, were baffled until after dark ; when the Rebels, aware that they would be flanked if they at tempted to remain here, fell back to the friendly shelter of the fortifica tions of Vicksburg. Floating bridges having been con structed here and three miles above, during the night, the passage of both McClernand's and McPherson's corps commenced at 8 a. m. ;" Gen. Sher man crossing simultaneously on his pontoons at Bridgeport, and pressing on to within 3| miles of Vicksburg ; when, turning to the right, he took possession, unopposed, of Walnut Hills and the banks of the Yazoo adjacent. McPherson, striking into Sherman's road, followed it to the point where the latter had obliqued to the Walnut Hills, where he halted for the night; while McClernand, advancing on the direct highway from Jackson nearly to Vicksburg, swayed to the left, so as to cover the roads leading into that city from the south-east ; so that by next morning the investment of the doomed city was substantially complete ; while 73 May 18. 310 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. Porter, who had returned to the Yazoo on the 16th, now reopened communication hence with Grant and Sherman, sending them much needed provisions, and preparing to attack the batteries on Haines's Bluff, which the enemy had begun " to evacuate, and which, on the appearance of our gunboats, they ran away from, leav ing guns, forts, munitions, tents, and equipage of all kinds, to fall into our hands. It would hardly be credited on other testimony than his own,75 that our Admiral proceeded to de stroy this inestimable material of war, with full knowledge that Grant's triumphant army, more especially Sherman's corps, were at hand to defend and utilize it. The fall of Haines's Bluff com pletely uncovered Yazoo City, in fact, the whole Yazoo Valley ; and Porter at once dispatched Lt. Walker, with five gunboats, up the river. Walker reached Yazoo City at 1 p. m. ; 76 finding the Rebel Navy Yard and vessels in flames, and the city ready to surrender. Among the vessels on the stocks was the ram Republic, 310 feet long by 75 wide ; the Mobile, ready for plating, &c, &c. In the Navy Yard, were five saw and planing mills, an extensive machine-shop, beside carpenter and blacksmith shops, &c, &e. All of these that the Rebels had not already fired were burned by Walker, who found 1,500 Rebel sick and wounded in hospital and paroled them. He was ambushed " and fired on by 200 sharp-shooters at Liverpool Landing on his return, with a loss of 1 killed, 9 wounded ; but encountered no other resistance. An immediate assault on the land ward defenses of Vicksburg was de termined on by Grant, who appre hended an attack on his rear by Johnston, strongly reenforced from Bragg's army, and who counted much on the demoralization of Pember ton's forces by their succession of defeats and disasters. Accordingly, after some reciprocal cannonading and sharp-shooting, a general assault was ordered at 2 p. m. ;" which only resulted in an advance of the front of our several corps to a close prox imity to the Rebel defenses. Blair's division of Sherman's corps alone planted its colors on their works ; the 13th regulars, of Giles Smith's brig ade, doing so at a cost of 77 out of 250 men ; its leader, Capt. Washing ton, being among the mortally wounded. The 83d Indiana, Col. Spooner, and the 127th Illinois, Col. Eldridge, likewise carried the outer slope ©f the Rebel earthworks, and held their ground till night, firing at any head that appeared above the parapet, but were unable to enter; while the regiments on either side of these^ though they gained position^ close up to the works, were even les3 successful. Sherman, seeing that they were here exposed to hourly " On the llth. " He says, in his dispatch of May 20th to the Secretary ofthe Navy: "The works at Haines's Bluff were very for midable. There are 14 of the heaviest kind of mounted 8- and 10-inch and H-hich rifled guns, with ammunition enough to last a long siege. As the gun-carriages might again fall into the hands of the enemy, I had them owned, blew up the maga zine, and destroyed the works generally. I also burned up the encampments, which were per manently and remarkably well constructed, look ing as though the Rebels intended to stay some time. Their works and encampments covered many acres of ground ; and the fortifications and rifle-pita proper of Haines's Bluff extend about a mile and a quarter. Such a net- work of forts I never saw." ' May 20. May 23. 78 May 19. THE GRAND ASSAULT ON Y.ICKSBURG. 311 decimation to no purpose, ordered them, after dark, to fall back a short distance to a point where the irregu larities of the ground afforded them comparative shelter and safety. The two following days were de voted to bringing up and distribu ting provisions — the campaign in Mississippi having thus far been prosecuted on our part with scarcely a day's rations for three days' ser vice: the country traversed being drawn upon for whatever it could afford : while roads were made, can non planted, &c. ; the enemy like wise improving the time to the utmost. And now Gen. Grant ordered a second and more deter mined assault at all points, to be made simultaneously at 10 a. m.™ At the moment named, our sol diers darted from under cover and rushed upon the Rebel works before them — their men all shielded by their breastworks, while ours were neces sarily exposed to a close and deadly fire. Sherman's attack was made by Frank Blair's division, led by the brigade of Gen. Hugh S. Ewing, 30th Ohio, with Giles Smith's and T. Kilby Smith's closely following; sharp-shooters skirmishing in the advance, and a storming party car rying boards and poles wherewith to bridge the ditch — five batteries con centrating their fire on the enemy's bastion constructed to command the approach. In vain. The storming party had reached the salient of the bastion unassailed, and passed toward the sally-port, when there shot up be hind the parapet, a double rank of the enemy, who poured on the head of the column a fire that swept it down in an instant. No troops could or should persist in braving such utter, useless destruction. The rear of the column attempted to rush on ; but it was madness ; and soon all had sought cover from that deadly fire. Still, the assault was not aban doned; but, swerving to the left, Ewing's men, in the advance, crossed the ditch on the left face of the bas tion, and, climbing up its exterior slope, planted their colors near the top, and burrowed in the earth for shelter from the flanking fire of the enemy ; while Giles Smith's brig ade, turning down a ravine, found cover, formed line, and threatened the parapet still farther to the left ; Kil by Smith deploying his men on the off slope of a spur of hill, and keep ing up, with Ewing's, a fire on any head that appeared above the para pet. Our artillery and infantry be ing still at work, our stormers easily held their ground; and, at length, Giles Smith's and Ransom's brigades attempted to carry the parapet by assault ; but were repelled with loss. Meantime, Steele's division, which had advanced half a mile farther to the right, was fighting desperately to little profit ; yet, on the receipt of a dispatch from McClernand to Grant, announcing that his corps had car ried three Rebel forts, Sherman or dered Tuttle to renew the assault on his left; and Mower's brigade was sent up where Ewing's had been re pulsed. Mower did his best ; and the colors of his leading regiment (llth Missouri) were planted beside those of Blair's storming party, and there remained till withdrawn after night- 1 May 22. 312 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. fall ; but no substantial success was achieved to balance the heavy loss. Steele had like ill success in his attack ; his men advancing across ra vines and gullies to a point between the bastion and the Mississippi; whence they made their way, under a heavy fire, up to the parapet, which they failed to carry, but held posses sion of the hill-side beneath it till night ; when they were withdrawn, like the rest. The assault by McPherson's corps, in the center, was equally spirited and equally fruitless, save in carnage : our losses being probably tenfold those of the strongly fortified and thoroughly sheltered Rebels. Some ground was here gained in the as sault ; but it was mainly abandoned after dark. On our left, McClernand's attack seemed for a time more effective, or, at least, was believed by him to be so. Rushing forward to the assault precisely at 10 A. m., Lawler's and Landrum's brigades had, within 15 minutes, carried the ditch, slope, and bastion, of the fort they confronted, which was entered by Sergeant Grif fith and 11 privates of the 22d Iowa ; all of whom fell in it but the Ser geant, who brought away 13 Rebels as prisoners. The colors of the 48th Ohio and 77th Illinois were planted on the bastion ; and, within the next quarter of an hour, Benton's and Burbridge's brigades, fired by this example, had carried the ditch and slope o'f another strong earthwork, planting their colors on the slope; while Capt. White, of the Chicago Mercantile Battery, carried forward one of his guns by hand to the ditch, double-shotted it, and fired it into an embrasure, disabling a Rebel gun ready to be fired, and doubtless do ing execution among its gunners. McClernand supposed his assault successful, and reported to Grant that he had carried two ofthe Rebel forts ; and again: "We have gained the enemy's intrenchments at several points, but are brought to a stand ;" at the same time asking for reen forcements. Grant, when he received the first dispatch, immediately or dered the assault on Sherman's front (where he then was) to be renewed ; while he started back to his original position with McPherson in the cen ter ; which he had not reached when he received from McClernand the fur ther message above cited ; whereupon, though distrusting its accuracy, he ordered Quinby's division of McPher son's corps to report to McClernand ; whose dispatches he showed to Mc Pherson as an incitement to press the enemy in his front, so as to prevent a concentration against our left. Nothing came of all this but ag gravated losses — mainly on our side. McClernand's taking of the forts was after the well-known similitude of the captured Tartar : his men could get into them at the cost of not coming out again. Two hours later, he wrote again that : " I have lost no ground. My men are in two of the enemy's forts [which was partially true of his dead] ; but they are commanded by rifle-pits in the rear. Several prison ers have been taken, who intimate that the rear is strong. At this mo ment, I am hard pressed." And that was the sum total of our progress in this quarter: the assault of Oster- haus's and Hovey's divisions, farther to our left, having been promptly repulsed by a deadly enfilading, fire, which drove them to take shelter FAILURE OF THE GRAND ASSAULT. 313 behind a friendly ridge and remain there; while McArthur's division, which had been ordered by Grant to reenforce McClernand, proved to be some miles distant, so that it did not arrive till next morning ; and Quin- by's two brigades came up, fully observed by the enemy, who corre spondingly shifted their own forces. When these brigades came to hand, it was nearly dark ; and Col. Boom er, commanding one of them, was killed as he led his men into action. Finally, at 8 p. m., our men were re called from the more advanced and imperiled positions they had taken, leaving pickets to hold the ground solidly gained, wherever that was practicable; and our army sank to rest, having lost nearly 3,000 men in this wasteful assault — a third of them, Grant estimates, by reason of McCler nand's mistake in supposing and re porting that he had carried two forts by his initial effort.80 Grant, in his report, gives the fol lowing excellent reasons for ordering this assault : " I believed an assault from the position gained by this time could be made success fully. It was known that Johnston was at Canton with the force taken by him from Jackson, reenforced by other troops from the east, and that more were daily reaching him. With the force I had, a short time .must have enahled Mm to attack me in the rear, and possibly to succeed in raising the siege. Possession of Vicksburg at that time would have enahled me to have turned upon Johnston and driven him from the State, and possess myself of all the railroads and practical military highways : thus effec tually securing to ourselves all territory west of the Tombigbee ; and this before the season was too far advanced for campaign ing in this latitude. It would have saved Government sending large reenforcements, much needed elsewhere; and, finally, the troops themselves were impatient to possess Vicksburg, and would not have worked in the trenches with the same seal, believing it unnecessary, that they did after their fail ure to carry the enemy's works." He afterward adds : "The assault of this day proved the quality of the soldiers of this army. With out entire success, and with a heavy loss, there was no murmuring or complaining, no falling back, nor other evidence of de moralization. " After the failure of the 22d, I deter mined npon a regular siege. The troops now, being fully awake to the necessity of ( this, worked diligently and cheerfully. The work progressed rapidly and satisfactorily until the 3d of July, when all was about ready for a final assault." Vicksburg was now completely invested; for Porter's gunboats watched the river above and below to prevent any escape to or succor from the Louisiana side; with 13- inch mortars and 100-pounder rifled Parrotts mounted on rafts, anchored under the high bank, whence, en tirely out of harm's way, they could °° The diary of a citizen of Vicksburg, who was a resident during the siege, gives the fol lowing account of this day's experiences within the city among civilians, who had only to con sult their own safety : ' " The morning of this day opened in the same manner as the previous one had closed. There had been no lull in the shelling all night ; and, as daylight approached, it grew more rapid and furious. Early in the morning, too, the battle began to rage in the rear. A terrible onslaught was made on the center first, and then extended farther to the left, where a terrific struggle took place, resulting in the repulse of the attacking party. Four gunboats also came up to engage the batteries. At this time, the scene presented an awfully sublime and terrific spectacle^ — three points being attacked at once ; to wit, the rifle- pits by the enemy in the rear ; the city by the mortars opposite ; and the batteries by the gun boats. Such cannonading- and shelling has per haps scarcely ever been equaled ; and the city was entirely untenable, though women and chil dren were on the streets. It was not safe from behind or before ; and every part of the city was alike within range of the Federal guns. The gunboats withdrew, after a short engagement ; but the mortars kept up the shelling, and the armies continued fighting all day. Several des perate charges were made in force against the lines without accomplishing their object. It would require the pen of a poet to depict the awful sublimity of this day's work — the inces sant booming of cannon and the banging of small arms, intermingled with the howling of shells, and the whistling . of Minie-balls, made the day truly most hideous." 314 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. throw shell into the city — some of them having a range of 3£ miles. We still held military possession of the peninsula opposite, which we had vainly tried to coax the Missis sippi to cross ; and a 3-gun battery on the levee annoyed the Rebel gar rison, finally burning up their foun- dery, wherein they were casting shot and shell. The Cincinnati had been sunk 81 by the Rebel batteries ; but there were five large gunboats left — two above and three below the town. And so, keeping a sharp lookout for an attack by Jo. Johnston on his rear, Grant sat down to digging his way into Vicksburg from the east, with a force not very much superior in numbers to that which he had so badly beaten at Champion Hills and the Big Black, and whose capture was now but a question of time. For Pemberton was notoriously short of both provisions 8" and ammunition — 42,000 percussion caps having been smuggled in to him after the investment; yet he was ultimately reduced to ten per man. Of his 30,000 men, 6,000 were in hospital, sick or wounded, leaving probably not more than 15,000 thoroughly fit for duty. His hopes of relief were slender; for the Big Black in our rear, with the sharp, wooded ridges among which our besiegers were encamped, afforded strong defensive positions, which were carefully im proved. The sheltering woods ren dered our camps much cooler than the naked, dusty city ; while the 81 May 21. 65 The diary of John W. Sattenwhite, 6th Missouri (Rebel), who fought throughout the siege, notes, under date of May 26 : " We have been on half rations of coarse corn-bread and poor beef for ten days." June 1 : " We are now eating bean-bread, and half-rations at that." deep ravines gave birth to many welcome springs of cool, sparkling water. Thus our soldiers actually improved in health as they dug their way into Vicksburg; so that, while Grant could hardly have put 20,000 men into line of* battle the day after the unlucky assault, he had many more effectives a month later ; beside which, he had been reenforced by Lauman's division, and by two others from Memphis, under Gen. C. C. Washburne, one drawn from Mis souri, under Gen. F. J. Herron, and two divisions of the 9th corps, un der Maj.-Gen. J. G. Parke. Our first mine was sprung under a principal fort opposite our center, on the 25th, throwing down a part of its face : a bloody struggle following for its possession, in which we but partially succeeded. Three days later, another face of the same fort was blown off; and now the enemy were obliged to recede a little, con structing or strengthening other de fenses behind it ; and thus the siege went on — the rugged ground render ing tedious approaches unnecessary — and fort after fort being mined, while counter-mines were run by the enemy — the diggers of either army often hearing the sound of each other's picks, which gave token that only a thin screen of earth divided them. Had it been essential to dig down those serried heights, which consti tuted the Gibraltar of the Rebellion, the work would doubtless have been done ; but Famine mines more surely June 3 : "We are now eating half rations : bread, rice, and corn-meal mixed." June 10 : " Our beef gave out to-day. We are now draw ing one-quarter of a pound of bacon to the man." June 18: "Our rations changed: ± pound of flour, £ pound of bacon to the man: quite hght." NEGOTIATIONS FOR A SURRENDER. 315 and rapidly than any engineer. The harassed, shattered garrison could better fight on their ramparts than starve behind them. At length, after 45 days of isolation, Pemberton, hopeless of relief, and at the end of his resources, hung out a white flag 83 in front of Gen. A. J. Smith's divi sion ; and our men, sent forward to inquire as to its purport, were in formed that Gen. Bowen and Col. Montgomery, of Pemberton's staff, bore a communication from their chief to Gen. Grant. Duly blind folded, they were taken to Gen. Bur- bridge's tent, whence their message was communicated to our com mander, and proved to be an applica tion for an armistice, with a view to arranging terms of capitulation. Gen. Grant promptly responded, requiring an unconditional surren der ; to which Bowen demurred, ex pressing a wish to converse with Gen. Grant. This was declined ; but a willingness avowed to confer with Gen. Pemberton, if he wished, at such time as he should appoint. Pemberton accordingly named 3 p. m. of that day; at which time, the meeting took place : Pemberton being attended by Bowen and Mont gomery ; Grant by McPherson, Ord, Logan, and A. J. Smith, beside his staff. Pemberton required that his men should be paroled and marched beyond our lines with eight days' rations drawn from their own stores [they applied to our commis sary for rations next day ] ; the officers to retain their private pro perty and their body-servants. Grant heard all that they proposed, then broke up the conference, promising to send his answer before night; hostilities to remain suspended mean time. Accordingly, after conferring with his Major-Generals, Grant sent by Gen. Logan and Lt.-Col. "Wilson the following letter : " Headquaetebs, Dep't of Tennessee, ) "Near Vioksbueg, July 3, 1863. ( "Lt.-Gen. J. 0. Pemberton, commanding Confederate forces, Vicksburg, Miss. : " General : In conformity with the agree ment of this afternoon, I will submit the fol lowing propositions for the surrender of the city of Vicksburg, public stores, etc. On your accepting the terms proposed, I will march in one division as a guard, and take possession at 8 a. m. to-morrow. As soon as paroles can be made out and signed by the officers and men, you will be allowed to march out of our lines : the officers taking with them their regimental clothing, and staff, field, and cavalry officers one horse each. The rank and file will be allowed all their clothing, but no other property. If these conditions are accepted, any amount of rations you may deem necessary can be taken from the stores you now have, and ¦also the necessary cooking utensils for pre paring them, and thirty wagons also, count ing two two-horse or mule teams as one. You will be allowed to transport such arti cles as can not be carried along. The same conditions will he allowed to all sick and wounded officers and privates, as fast as they* become able to travel. The paroles of these latter must be signed, however, whilst offi cers are present authorized to sign the roll of prisoners. "I am, General, very respectfully, " Your obedient servant, "U. 8. Geant, Major-General." Pemberton responded as follows : "Headquaetebs, Vicksburg, ) "July 3, 1863. \ "Maj.-Gen. Geant, com'ding U. S. forces: " General : I have the honor to acknow ledge the receipt of your communication of this date, proposing terms for the surrender of this garrison and post. In the main, your terms are accepted; but, in justice both to the honor and spirit of my troops, manifest ed in the defense of Vicksburg, I have the honor to submit the following amendments ; which, if acceded to by you, will perfect the agreement between us. At 10. o'clock to morrow, I propose to evacuate the works in and around Vicksburg, and to surrender the city and garrison under my command, hy marching out with my colors and arms, and stacking them in front of my pres- 3 July 3, 8 a. li. 316 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. ent lines — after which, you will take pos session; officers to retain their side-arms and personal property, and the rights and property of citizens to be respected. " I am, General, yours, very respectfully, "J. 0. Pemberton, Lt.-General." Grant rejoined, declining to fetter himself by any stipulations respect ing citizens and their effects, and in sisting that officers should take but their private baggage and side-arms, with one horse each to mounted offi cers. Should these terms not be ac ceded to by 9 a. m., they would be regarded as rejected. Pemberton forthwith acceded; and, at 9 A. M., on the ' Glorious Fourth,' Gen. Mc Pherson rode in to receive the stipu lated surrender ; meeting Pemberton half a mile within the lines, where they were soon joined by Grant ; and all, after a few minutes' parley, rode together into town ; while Gen. Lo gan was ordered to establish a pro vost-guard. At 11£, the National ensign was hoisted over the Court House, and "Rally round the flag" sung beneath it by a crowd of enthu siastic soldiers, who evidently thought that the National Anniversary need ed an extra celebration in that city, whence it had for two years been ex cluded. By 3 p. m., our possession was complete ; our vast fleet of rams, gunboats, transports, &c, stretched along the levee ; and the Rebel sol diers, whose arms had been duly stacked in the morning, were look ing sharply for the provisions which their own commissariat was unable to supply. After being duly paroled and supplied with three days' ra tions, they were escorted across the Big Black ; thence taking their way to Jackson. Gen. Grant reports his aggregate losses in this memorable campaign, from the day he landed at Bruinsburg till that ofthe surrender, at 943 killed, 7,095 wounded, and 537 missing: total, 8,575 ; of whom 4,236 fell be fore Vicksburg — most of them in the assault of May 22d. He adds : " Of the wounded, many were but slight ly wounded, and continued on duty ; many more required but a few days or weeks for their recovery. Not more than one-half of the wounded were permanently disabled." Of the enemy's losses, he says : "The result of this campaign has been the defeat of the enemy in five battles out side of Vicksburg ; the occupation of Jack son, the capital of the State of Mississippi, and the capture of Vicksburg and its garrison and munitions of war ; a loss to the enemy of 37,000 prisoners, among whom were fif teen general officers; at least 10,000 killed and wounded, and among the killed Gene rals Tracy, Tilghman, and Green, and hun dreds, perhaps thousands, of stragglers, who can never be collected and reorganized. Arms and munitions of war for an army of 60,000 men have fallen into our hands ; be sides a large amount of other public proper ty, consisting of railroads, locomotives, cars, steamboats, cotton, etc. ; and much was de stroyed to prevent our capturing it." Of course, the 37,000 prisoners claimed were not all captured with Vicksburg ; but the number there pa roled, including the sick and wound- . ed, was reported at 27,000, of whom 15,000 only were fit for duty. This was the heaviest single blow ever given to the muscular resources of the Rebellion; and no other cam paign of the war equals in brilliancy of conception and general success in execution that which resulted in the capitulation of Vicksburg. Gen. Grant was fully aware, throughout the progress of the siege, that Jo. Johnston was behind him, using every exertion to raise an army strong enough to fall upon the be siegers with a rational hope of suc cess. Hardly had the investment been completed, when, upon infor mation that Johnston had crossed the SHERMAN DRIVES JOHNSTON OUT OF JACKSON. 317 : Big Black, near Canton, he directed ** Gen. Sherman, with five brigades, to oppose his farther advance. Sher man moved accordingly ; and, being afterward reenforced, constructed a line of defenses from the Vazoo at Haines's Bluff to the Big Black, which could not have been carried : even by a considerably larger force, save at a fearful cost. Johnston did not try it ; but was operating farther down the Black, with probable in tent86 to cut his way through our left aud form a junction with Pem berton south of the city, when the latter, apprehending an assault on the 4th, surrendered his famished forces. That surrender had barely been effected when Gen. Grant im pelled all that remained with him of Sherman's and McPherson's corps to reenforce Sherman on the Big Black ; ' not even allowing the soldiers to en ter the stronghold they had so hardly won. By 2 p. m. of the 4th, our col umns were in motion ; next evening, they had united with Sherman's for mer command, enabling him to cross the Big Black on the 6th with an army little less than 50,000 strong. His right, under Ord, crossed at the railroad ; his center, under Steele, at Messenger's Ford, above ; his left, un der Parke, still higher up the river ; the latter alone encountering no seri ous resistance. Thus advancing over a region already wasted by war, and now parched to sterility by a fierce drouth, which maddened men and animals with heat and thirst, cover ing all With blinding dust, our army pressed back Johnston into Jackson, forcing him to take refuge 80 within its intrenchments, wherein he was soon invested ; " Sherman opening upon the city and its defenders a con centric fire with 100 heavy guns on the 12th ; while our cavalry advance on either flank was pushed forward to Pearl river. Johnston says he had but 24,000 men — sufficient to resist an assault, but not enough to meet Sherman's force in pitched battle with any hope of success. Our guns, planted on the adjacent hills, commanded every part of the town. A gleam of good for tune transiently irradiated his som ber prospect ; Gen. Lauman, misap prehending an order, having ad vanced his division so close to the Rebel works that it was uselessly torn to pieces by a fire' which in. a few moments bereft us of 500 men, of whom 200 were captured, with the colors ofthe 28th, 41st, and 53d Illi nois. It being evident that to remain was simply to court destruction, Johnston — apprised that heavy trains of ammunition were coming up- from Vicksburg to Sherman, who had thus far been constrained to economize his cartridges — having sent away whatever he could — his railroad east ward being still open — evacuated M June 22. 85 Gen. Hugh S. Ewing reports that he caught, on the 3d, a spy attempting to force his way through his lines into Vicksburg, on the strength of a pass from one of our Generals ; who, when searched, was found to have passes also from Rebel Generals, and who was doubtless sent by Johnston to Pemberton with assurances that he would speedily advance to his rescue. Johnston, in his report, confirms Ewing's sus picions, as follows: "On the night of the 3d, a messenger was sent to Gen. Pemberton with information that an attempt to create a diversion would be made, to enable him to cut his way out, and that I hoped to attack thte enemy about the 7 th. " On the 5th, however, we learned the fall of Vicksburg; and therefore fell back to Jackson." 88 July 1. " July 9-10. 318 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. Jackson during the night,88 hurrying across Pearl river, and burning the bridges behind him; retreating through Brandon to Morton. Sher man did not pursue in force beyond Brandon; but, having thoroughly broken up the railroads for miles in every direction, and destroyed every thing in Jackson that could be use ful to the enemy, fell back by Clinton across the Big Black.8" Johnston reports his loss in Jackson at 71 killed, 504 wounded, and about 25 missing ; but adds : " Desertions during the siege and on the march [retreat] were, I regret to say, fre quent." Having perfected the occupation and insured the retention of Vicks burg, Gen. Grant embarked 90 an ex pedition, under Gen. F. J. Herron, to move down the river to the aid of Gen. Banks in the siege of Port Hudson ; but our men were scarcely on board when tidings of Gardner's surrender caused the order to be countermand ed, and Herron directed to proceed instead up the Tazoo. This involved a debarkation and reembarkation on vessels of fighter draft ; which being promptly effected, Herron set forth on his new errand;91 his transports preceded by the iron-clad De Kalb and two ' tin-clad' [lightly and par tially shielded] gunboats, under Cap tain Walker. The object of this expedition was the capture of a large fleet of steam boats, which had been run up this river for safety and use, and which had escaped Porter's expedition by running far up one of the branches 88 July 16-17. 80 July 10-11. " July 16-17. 1 July 21. 89 July 25. 91 July 12. 1 July 18-19. of the Tazoo — a feat now incapable of repetition, by reason of the gene ral drouth and consequent shallow ness of those streams. The 29th North Carolina, Col. Chrisman, with a battery, holding Tazoo City, de camped on the approach of our boats ; but the De Kalb was sunk by a tor pedo when nearly opposite the city ; while the coveted steamboats made off, and but one of them was cap tured. Herron's cavalry being sent after the fugitives, however, they were all — 22 in number — burnt or sunk, either at this time or when "Walker was sent back by Com. Por ter to bring away the guns, &.c, ofthe De Kalb; so that the Tazoo was thenceforth clear of Rebel vessels. Herron captured and brought away 300 prisoners, 6 heavy guns, 250 small arms, 800 horses, and 2,000 bales of Confederate cotton. He moved °2 across, by order, from Tazoo City to Benton and Canton, in sup port of Sherman's advance to Jack son; but countermarched immedi ately,93 on information of Johnston's flight from Jackson, and, reembark- ing, returned M to Vicksburg. While the siege of Vicksburg was in progress, Gen. Grant,' compelled to present a bold front at once to Pemberton and to Johnston, had necessarily drawn to himself nearly all the forces in his department, stripping his forts on the river above him so far as was consistent with their safety. Milliken's Bend had thus been left in charge of Brig.- Gen. E. S. Dennis, with barely 1,061-" effectives, whereof the 23d Iowa, 95 So Gen. Dennis reports. Mr. G. &. Ed wards, who was present, reports our numbers as foUows : 23d Iowa, 160 ; 9th La., 500 ; llth La. about 600; 1st Miss., 150: total, 1,410. ATTACKS ON MILLIKEN'S BEND AND HELENA. 319 Col. Glasgow, numbered 160; the residue were negroes, very recently enlisted, and organized as the 9th and llth Louisiana and 1st Missis sippi. Against this post, a Rebel force from the interior of Louisiana, said to consist of six regiments under Gen. Henry McCulloch, numbering 2,000 to 3,000, advanced 98 from Rich mond, La., driving in the 9th Louis iana and two companies of cavalry who had been out on a reconnois- sance, and pursuing them nearly up to our earthworks at the Bend, where they were stopped by nightfall, and lay on their arms, not doubting that they would go in with a rush next morning. But, just at dark, a steambpat passed, enabling Dennis to send to Admiral Porter for aid; when the gunboats Choctaw and Lexington were sent down from Helena; the former arriving just as the Rebels, at 3 a. m., advanced to the assault, with cries of " No quarter !" to negroes and officers of negro troops, rushing upon and over our intrench ments, before the green, awkward Blacks had been able to fire more than one or two rounds. A hand-to- hand fight of several minutes, with bayonets and clubbed muskets, ensued ; wherein combatants were mutually transfixed and fell dead: the struggle resulting favorably to the Rebels, who had flanked our works and poured in a deadly en filading fire, which compelled our men to give ground and retire, still fighting, behind the levee. And now the Choctaw opened on the exulting foe with such effect as to compel them also to shrink behind their side of the levee, keeping up 16 June 6. a fire, while attempting to outflank our right. Thus the fight was main tained with little loss till noon ; when the Rebels, having the worst of it, drew off, under a heavy fire from our troops and gunboats, but without being pursued. Some of the news paper correspondents state, what Dennis's report conceals, that our Blacks, impelled to charge the Rebels in their flight, were led directly under the fire of our gunboats, by which they were far worse cut up than by the Rebels. Hence, our heavy loss of 127 killed, 287 wound ed, beside some 300 missing at the close of the action; most of whom probably turned up afterward. As Dennis estimates the Rebel loss at about 150 killed and 300 wounded, it is probable that the fire of the gun boats, while it frightened only the Rebels, killed more of our men than of theirs. A Rebel demonstration against Toung's Point was made simultane ously with that against Milliken's Bend; but had no result, and was probably intended only to distract attention from the latter. A few shots from gunboats were sufficient to compel a retreat. Helena, Arkansas, had been quietly held by our forces since its unresisted occupation by Gen. "Wash burne,87 with the cavalry advance of Gen. Curtis's army, and had proved useful as a depot of recruits and sup plies destined for operations farther south ; while its garrison was a con stant menace and a source of uneasi ness and alarm to the Rebels still hold ing most of Arkansas; threatening, as it did, the more important points 87 July 11, 1862. See page 35. 320 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. therein. Tet it was left unassailed till near the close of the siege of Vicks burg, ere which, Lt.-Gen. Holmes, commanding in Arkansas, had solicit ed'8 of Lt.-Gen. Kirby Smith, chief of the trans-Mississippi department, per mission to attack it ; which was readi ly granted. Meantime, the Confeder ate Secretary of War had not merely sanctioned the enterprise, but sug gested and urged it. Thus author ized and stimulated, Holmes left99 Little Rock for Clarendon, which he had designated as the rendezvous for his forces. Fagan, with a part of his men, was promptly on hand ; but Sterling Price, owing to heavy rains and consequent high water, was unable to arrive till four days after ward.100 The attempt at surprise was thus baffled; Maj.-Gen. B. M. Prentiss, commanding at Helena, being seasonably aware of his peril, and fully on the alert to repel it. He had 3,800 effectives, behind strong earthworks mounted with serviceable guns, with the main ap proaches well covered by abatis. The gunboat Tyler, Lt.-Com'g J. M. Pritchett, was on hand, and played a very efficient part in the defense. And, though Helena lies on a flat adjoining the river, its outworks had been judiciously located on the bluffs a mile back, where deep ravines and steep ridges favor the defensive and impede the bringing up of artillery by their assailants. Brig.-Gen. F. Salomon,101 who had in good part planned and constructed them, was in immediate command of our ex terior defenses. Holmes — who had been grossly deceived both as to the strength of our works and the number of their defenders — had never a reasonable chance of success. His only ground of rational hope was that he might be confronted by a coward, a traitor, or an idiot ; and that did not happen to be the case. Two years of sanguinary conflict had begun to tell on the resources of the Confederates. Here were Price, and Parsons, and Marmaduke, with what the waste of war had left . of their Missourians ; Holmes had evi dently swept Arkansas to swell the brigades of Fagan, McRae, and Walker; yet he reports his total force at 7,646; or about twice the number he vainly struggled to over come. He needed twice that number to give his attack a fair chance of success. His dispositions appear to have been judicious ; his movements well timed ; and his soldiers, in the main, tenacious as well as brave. The Rebels were rarely deficient in a charge ; but they often failed where endurance was required. In this in stance, beside Sterling Price — emi nently loved and trusted by the Mis sourians — the Rebel Governor of Arkansas, Harris Flanagan, and his Adjutant-General, Col. Gordon Rear, were on the field, acting as volunteer aids to Holmes. Having arrived within five miles of Helena on the morning of the 3d, with his front well covered by cavalry, who permitted no one to pass them riverward, no matter on what pretext, he rested his men till midnight ; when they were moved forward to within a mile or so of the outworks, where they halted till day break, and then pushed on. Price, with the brigades of Par- ' June 14, 1863. '" June 26. M° June 30. m Brother of the then Governor of Wisconsin. HOLMES'S FAILURE AT HELENA. 321 sons and McRae, numbering 3,095, was directed to assault and carry Graveyard hill (Battery C) ; and he did it, under a tempest of grape, canister, and musketry, repelling its defenders and capturing some of their guns. But he found them shot- wedged or divested of friction- primers, so as to be useless; while his own, . necessarily left behind in the charge, were now brought up with difficulty; meantime, our bat teries on either hand were playing upon his exposed infantry, who were falling rapidly and uselessly. To escape this fire, hundreds of them pushed forward, without orders or organization — a mere mob — and, being wholly unsupported, were plowed through and through by shot and shell from front and flanks, until the survivors, unable even to flee, were obliged to surrender; few of them escaping. Of his 3,095 men, Price reports a total loss this day of 1,111, or more than a third : 105 killed, 504 wounded, 502 missing. Fagan had a smaller force — only four infantry regiments — yet was assigned what proved the harder task: to assault and carry the fort on Hindman's hill (Battery D). Leaving his artillery where he first encountered obstructions, he rushed his men up ravines and precipices, over abatis, driving our sharp-shoot ers out of their rifle-pits, under a heavy, constant, and deadly fire, till no obstacle remained between them and the fort they were ordered to take, just as they were relieved of a heavy enfilading fire by Price's cap ture of our works on Graveyard hill. This fort, Fagan now attempted to carry by assault; but the utmost efforts of his men, stimulated by the vol. n. — 21 frantic entreaties of their officers, only sufficed to pile the ground with their bleeding bodies. One Arkansas regiment, in attempting to force its way into the fort, lost its Colonel, Lt.-Colonel, and over 100 men, taken prisoners. The remainder were driven back to the last line of rifle- pits, whence Fagan sent for assist ance — in vain. Meantime, the guns of the fort kept busily at work; fatigue, thirst, and heat — for the day proved intensely warm — told upon the thinned ranks of the Rebels ; yet they held their ground until, at 11 A. m., orders came from Holmes for a general retreat, which were will ingly obeyed. Marmaduke — who had 1,750 men — was ordered to take the fort on Righton hill, on the north, in which he failed ; being exposed to a heavy flanking fire from artillery and mus ketry sheltered behind the levee. He lays the blame of his failure on Walker, who, with a cavalry brigade, was still farther to the north, and who (Marmaduke says) kept about half a mile back — an assertion coun tenanced by undisputed facts. Very likely, his knowledge that to advance was sheer foolhardiness kept him back. His loss was trifling ; that of Marmaduke but 67. Holmes, in his report, frankly ad mits his defeat, and makes his loss 173 killed, 687 wounded, 776 miss ing ; total, 1,636 — over 20 per cent. of his force. Prentiss makes our prisoners 1,100, and says he buried nearly 300 Rebels; while our loss was less than 250' in all. There was no pursuit by our still inferior force, and no capture of guns ; but Helena was thenceforth free from Rebel molestation. 322 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. THE XV. DEPARTMENT OF THE GULF- SO JST — T E X A S . -PORT HUD- Galveston has one of the very few tolerable harbors which indent the continental shore line of the Mexi can Gulf. The sand, everywhere im pelled landward by the prevailing winds and currents, and almost eve rywhere forming a bank or narrow strip of usually dry beach closely skirting the coast, is here broken through by the very considerable wa ters ofthe riversTrinity and San Jacin to, with those of Buffalo bayou, which unitedly form Galveston Bay; and the city of Galveston is built on the sand-spit here called Galveston Isl and, just south-west of the outlet of the Bay. It is the natural focus of the commerce of the larger, more fer tile, more populous half of Texas, and by far the most considerable place in the State; having had, in 1860, regular lines of steamers run ning to New Tork, to New Orleans, and to the smaller Texan ports down the coast, with a population of 5,000, a yearly export of nearly half a mil lion bales of cotton, and a very con siderable trade. Plunged, with the rest of the State, into the whirlpool of Secession, it had many Unionists among its people, who welcomed the reappearance ofthe oldflag when their city, after being once idly summon ed '_ to surrender, was at length occu pied,2 without resistance, by a naval force consisting of four steam gun boats under Commander Renshaw — the Rebel municipal as well as mili tary authorities retiring to the main land. 1 May 17, 1862. 1 Oct. 8. The possession thus easily acquired was as easily maintained to the close of that year : Gen. Banks, at the re quest of Renshaw, sending down from New Orleans the 42d Massachusetts, Col. Burrill ,* whereof three compa nies, numbering 260 men, were actu ally debarked,3 and encamped on the wharf, the residue being still on their way ; while our gunboats Westfield, Clifton, Harriet Lane, Owasco, Cory phaeus, and Salem (disabled), lay at anchor in the harbor — Renshaw in . chief command. Some of these boats had been down the coast during the summer, and exchanged compliments with the Rebel batteries at Corpus Christi* and Lavacca/ without in flicting or receiving much if any harm. Since then, they had lain quiet in the harbor ; their commander maintaining the most intimate and cordial relations with the leading Rebels adjacent, who were in and out of Galveston at their conveni ence; having a pretty full use of that port without the trouble of de fending it. Maj.-Gen. Magruder having, about this time, succeeded to the chief command in Texas, reports that he found matters along the coast in a very unsatisfactory state — the har bors virtually or actually in Federal possession, from the Sabine to Corpus Christi, and the valley of the Rio Grande almost abandoned. So, after stopping but a day or two in Hous ton, he went down to Virginia Point, opposite Galveston ; thence coolly s Dec. 28. 'Aug. 16-18. 6 Oct. 31. MAGRUDER'S GALVESTON FORAY. 323 passing over to the city by night, with 80 men, supported by some 300 more, coolly inspecting its de fenses and military capacities with out resistance or demur. Even the long wooden bridge connecting the city with the main land, with the railroad track leading over it to Vir ginia Point, were neither broken up nor guarded ; so that Magruder had the most liberal facilities afforded him for the enterprise he meditated. He decided that, though he could readily seize the old defenses, he could make nothing of them, and that he must operate by steamboats; as he had advices from New Orleans that more Federal troops were coming. So, col lecting guns, troops, and volunteers from the adjacent region, and steam boats from all the rivers flowing into the Bay, he prepared for a speedy attack. His arrangements appear to have been made with judgment as well as energy, and his command of men was virtually unlimited ; but his guns (6 siege and 14 field-pieces) were in adequate, and his vessels (three or four ordinary river steamboats, their decks shielded by cotton-bales) glar ingly so. It is difficult to resist the impression, on reading his report, not only that Renshaw was a traitor, but that Magruder acted with full knowl edge of that fact ; since otherwise his enterprise was sheer madness. That the Rebels were preparing to expel us from the city and harbor was perfect ly understood in Galveston through out at least the day" previous to the attack. Aside from the " intelligent contraband" usually present and vo cal on such occasions, the hush of ex pectation, broken only by furtive and ominous whispers, gave proof that every Rebel in Galveston anticipated a speedy change of flags. Tet no preparation was made for resistance ; no streets were patrolled ; no unusual vigilance evinced ; even the wooden bridge, two miles long, connecting the island city with the hostile main land, was neither burnt, taken up, barricaded, nor even observed on our part ; so Magruder, unresisted and unchallenged, advanced over it, about midnight, with his forces and guns (the latter on cars), into and through the city, as though he were trav ersing the streets of Houston, to within two squares of the wharf whereon the Massachusetts men were quartered, posted his guns in the most advantageous positions, un hitched their horses and sent them to a place of safety — the guns hav ing been brought to bear on our ves sels, but awaiting the arrival of the boats before opening fire. At 4 A. m., however-— the moon having set, ob scuring the movements on shore, but leaving our gunboats distinctly visi ble to the Rebel gunners in the clear star-light — Magruder, unable to wait longer for the fleet, lest he should be overtaken by daybreak, fired the sig nal-gun himself; while Col. Cook led a storming party of 500, supported by Griffin's battalion and by sharp shooters, to the assault on our Mas sachusetts men encamped on the wharf. The assault miscarried. The wharf- planks having been taken up between our men and the .land, and piled up to form a rude barricade in their front, it was necessary that the assail ants should wade through the water of the bay, carrying scaling-ladders •Dec. 31,1862. 324 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. as well as muskets ; while not only were our landsmen by this time wide awake and firing vigorously, but om' vessels were dispensing grape and canister with the proverbial generos ity of sailors. The water proved deeper than had been calculated ; the scaling-ladders were said to be too short ; and, after a brief struggle, the stormers recoiled and took shelter behind the nearest buildings ; while the guns of our vessels, hardly 300 yards distant, proved too many for the lighter pieces of the hastily con structed Rebel batteries, driving off their gunners and completely si lencing their fire. Daybreak was imminent ; and it seemed for a mo ment that victory was alighting on the banners of the Union. But now two Rebel steamboats appeared, and speedily put a differ ent face on the matter. Ably han dled by Commodore (or Major) Leon Smith, heavily barricaded with cot ton-bales, and amply manned by volunteers from Sibley's brigade, un der Cols. Green and Bagby, they dashed down the harbor — the Bayou City and Neptune rushing from either side on the Harriet Lane, Capt. Wainwright ; running into her with all their force, and sweeping her decks with a deadly fire of small arms.' They met no traitors nor cowards among her chief officers. The Nep tune was disabled by the Harriet Lane's return blow, sinking soon af terward, in eight feet water ; and the Bayou City narrowly escaped a simi lar fate, barely evading the direct force of the Lane's crashing assault, which swept off her larboard wheel- house. Meanwhile, Wainwright's heavy guns were crashing through his adversary, whose only cannon, a 68-pounder, had burst at the third dis charge, but whose heavy musketry fire was so annoying that it doubtless in terfered with the steering of our ves sel ; so that the Rebel boat, turning once more, drove her prow into the iron wheel of- the Lane, fixing it there; when Smith was enabled to board with his more numerous crew, and our overpowered men, after a brief resistance, surrendered ; but not till Wainwright had been killed, and Lt.-Com'g Lee mortally wounded. Lee's father was a Rebel Major, en gaged in the attack, and one of the first to recognize his dying son. The Owasco had been coaling be low the town, but had got under way soon after the fight commenced ; en gaging the Rebel batteries until she observed the cotton-boats in conflict with the Harriet Lane; when she steamed up to assist her; grounding repeatedly on the way, owing to the darkness and the narrowness of the channel. Approaching the Lane, she was received with a heavy fire of musketry, while her own 11-inch gun could rarely be brought to bear ; so she speedily backed out of the en counter, returning to her fruitless contest with the shore batteries. The Westfield, Renshaw's flag ship, had started to meet the Rebel steamers on the tidings of their ap proach ; but soon got hard and fast aground at high tide, and began sig naling for assistance. The Clifton, Lt.-Com'g Law, thereupon went up to her, and began to pull her off; when, upon seeing the flashes of guns from the Rebel batteries, Renshaw ordered her back to the city. It was now after 7 A. m., and broad day. The Rebels raised a white flag OUR LOSSES AT GALVEST0N. 325 ,,on the Harriet Lane, and sent a truce-boat to the Clifton, demanding the surrender ' of our fleet ! Law re pelled the suggestion, yet accompa nied the Rebel officer to Renshaw on the Westfield, who rejected the pro posal ; ordering our vessels afloat to get out of harm's way so soon as might be, while he, despairing of getting the Westfield off, would blow her up, and escape with his crew on the transports Saxon and Boardman, lying near him. . He did blow her up, accordingly; but the explosion must have been premature, since Renshaw himself, with Lt. Zimmer-« man, Engineer Green, and ten or fifteen of his crew, perished with her.8 An eye-witness states that all had left her but ReUshaw him self when she was fired (it was said by a drunkard) and blew up, kill ing eight or ten officers and men in the captain's gig beside her. Meantime, our soldiers, left to their fate, and wholly without artillery, had been summoned by Gen. W. R. Scurry " to surrender, and had done 7 There are all manner of conflicting state ments concerning this truce: each party charg ing the other with violating it by acting while it lasted as if it had no existence. One Union writer says that the Rebels only demanded that our vessels should quit the harbor with in three hours. This would render Renshaw's conduct with regard to his ship less mysterious. The Houston Telegraph of Jan. 5 had an account of the whole affair by an eye-witness, who makes the truce a Rebel trick from its inception. He says : " The propeller Owasco lay in the channel, about' three-fourths of a mile from tho Bayou City and Harriet Lane. As the Lane was board ed, the Owasco steamed up to within 200 or'300 yards of them, firing into both. The force of the collision drove the Bayou City's stem so far into and under the wheel and gunwale of the Lane that she could not be got out. The Lane was also so careened that her guns could not be worked, and were consequently useless. They both lay, therefore, at the mercy of the Owas- so. Two coal-barques — the Cavallo and the Elias Pike — were captured 10 by the Rebel steamboat Carr — one of two or three that came down the bay some time after the Neptune and Bayou City. And Law, considering the Owasco his only efficient vessel, and she not equal in a fight- to the Harriet Lane, precipitately aban doned the blockade, running off with the sad remains of our fleet to New Orleans ; though hourly expecting a transport down from that city, which would almost inevitably run into the enemy's clutches if not warned of the changed condition of affairs. Magruder reports his entire loss in this fight at 26 killed, 117 wound ed, and the steamer Neptune — her crew and guns being saved. "He says he captured (beside the Harriet Lane, with all her armament, the schooner and barques), " 350 prison ers, beside officers ;" while our losses include the Westfield also, with her splendid battery of eight heavy rifled guns. He came very near en trapping the steamship Cambria, co. Herculean efforts were made to extricate them. " The Owasco, evidently fearing the Lane's guns, withdrew to a position about a mile dis tant. It became plainly evident that, unless the Bayou City and Harriet Lane could be separated, the enemy could escape if they wished. To gain time, therefore, a flag of truce was taken to the Owasco and Clifton, now lying close together, and a demand for a surrender. Time was asked to communicate with Com. Renshaw, who was on the Westfield. . A truce of three hours was agreed upon. During ihe truce with the vessels, the unconditional surrender of these [Mass.] men was demanded and complied with." ¦ 8 Magruder, in his onicial report, unqualifiedly asserts that he had given Renshaw three hours' truce, and that the latter had agreed to surren der — which is so irreconcilable with established . facts that I can only credit it on the assumption that they had acted in concert throughout. 9 Formerly representative in Congress from Texas. 10 Magruder says a schooner also. 326 lfl_E AMERICAN CONFLICT. which arrived off the bar on the 3d, containing (he says) " E. J. Davis and many other apostate Texans, beside several hundred troops, and 2,500 saddles for the use of native sympa thizers/' Her captain, however, was seasonably warned to escape. One Galveston Unionist, named Thomas Smith, who was landed from her yawl, he caught, tried, and shot as a deserter from the Rebel service. And that was the sum of his " spoils" — Com. Farragut, soon after, sending vessels to reestablish the blockade, before the Harriet Lane could be got ready to run out and roam the seas as a Rebel corsair. But at Sabine Pass, a perform ance soon after occurred which was scarcely less disgraceful to our arms than this at Galveston. The broad estuary at the mouth of the Sabine was blockaded by the Union gunboat Morning Light, 10 guns, and the schooner Velocity, 3 guns; which were attacked " by two Rebel gun boats — Josiah Bell and Uncle Ben — fitted out in the Sabine for the pur pose, under command of Major O. M. Watkins, who chased our vessels out to sea and captured them after a very feeble resistance. Watkins reports his captures at " 13 guns, 129 prison ers, and $1,000,000 worth of stores." The blockade of Galveston having barely been reestablished under Com. Bell,' of the Brooklyn, a sail was de scried " in the south-east ; when the gunboat Hatteras, Lt.-Com'g R. G. Blake, was signaled by Bell to over haul her. The stranger affected to fly ; but Blake soon observed that he did not seem in any great hurry. Clear ing his decks for action, he stood on ; and, when four miles distant, he saw that the chase had ceased to steam and was waiting. Blake, whose guns were short as well as few, ran down to within 75 yards and hailed ; when the stranger answered his hail by proclaiming his craft Her Britannic Majesty's ship Vixen. Blake there upon offered to send a boat aboard ; and was proceeding to do so — each of them maneuvering for a better position — when the stranger shouted, "We are the Confederate steamer Alabama," and poured in a broad side ; which was promptly returned. The Alabama being every way the superior vessel, Blake had no hope, save in closing with and boarding her ; which he attempted to do ; but the Alabama had the advantage in speed as well as force, and easily baffled him. Both vessels were firing every gun that could be brought to bear, and as rapidly as possible, at a distance of but 30 yards — the Alaba ma having received considerable in jury—when two of her shells simul taneously entered the Hatteras at the water-line, exploding and setting her on fire ; and a third pierced her cylinder, filling her with scalding steam, crippling her walking-beam,' and disabling her engine; while water poured in profusely from the rift in her side, threatening her with speedy destruction. The Alabama now working ahead, beyond the range of the Hatteras's guns, Blake ordered his magazine to be flooded, and fired a lee gun ; when the enemy afforded assistance in saving our men — the Hatteras going down ten minutes afterward. Her crew — (118, including six wounded) — were trans ferred to the conqueror ; she having had two killed. The Alabama, 11 Jan. 21, 1863. 12 Jan. 11, 3i p. m. GEN. BANKS'S POSITION AND FORCE. 327 though considerably cut up, so as to be compelled to run into Kingston, Jamaica, for repairs, had but one man wounded. And no wonder; since the Hatteras's heaviest guns were 32s, while of the Alabama's (9 to our 8), one was an 150-pounder on a pivot, another a 68 ; and she threw 324 pounds of metal at a broadside to the Hatteras's 94. With such a disparity of force, the result was in evitable. Gen. N. P. Banks, having as sumed 1S command of the Depart ment of the Gulf, found himself at the head of a force about 30,000 strong, which had been offieially designated the 'Nineteenth Army Corps.' With this, he was expected, in cooperation with Grant's efforts up the river, to reopen the Missis sippi, expel the Rebels in arms from Louisiana, and take military posses sion of the Red River country, with a view to the speedy recovery of Texas, whose provisional Governor, Gen. Andrew J. Hamilton, surround ed by hundreds more of Union refu gees, was with him at New Orleans, and naturally anxious for an imme diate movement upon their State ; which they believed ripe for restora tion. Their hopes of such a demon stration, however, were soon blasted, as we have seen, by our needless and shameful disasters at Galveston and Sabine Pass. Meantime, Gen. Banks had dispatched " Gen. Cuvier Grover, with 10,000 men, to reoccupy Baton Rouge, which had been relinquished to the enemy, and which was now recovered without a struggle. From New Orleans, a single rail road reaches westward to Brashear City on the Atchafalaya, where that jumble of grand canal, river, sound, and lagoon, receives the waters of the Bayou Teche — each of them heading near, and at high water having navi gable connection with, Red river. South of the railroad and east of the Atchafalaya, the country had already been in good part overrun by our forces ; but our possession of it was imperfect and debated. Beyond and above, all was Rebel; while fortifi cations at Butte a la Rose, well up the Atchafalaya, and Fort Bisland, at Pattersonville, on the Teche, were intended to bar ingress by our gun boats from Red river or by our land forces from New Orleans. Fort Bis land was flanked by Grand Lake on the right, and by impassable swamps on the left ; a Rebel force, estimated [too high] by Gen. Banks at over 12,000 men, held these strong works and the adjacent country; while to hold New Orleans securely, with its many protecting forts and approach es, Key West, Pensacola, Ship Isl and, &c, with all Texas backing the zealous and active Rebel partisans in Louisiana, who were promptly ap prised by their spies of any weak spot in our defenses — to say nothing of the danger of hostile attacks from the side of Alabama and Mississippi — required the larger part of his corps ; so that Banks found his dis posable force reduced by inevitable details to less than 14,000 men; while the Rebel array in and around Port Hudson was reported by his spies at 18,000; rendering a siege without large reenforcements impos sible. He, therefore, turned his at tention first to the line of the Atch afalaya. An attempt to open the Bayou 1 Dec. 11, 1862. 14 Dec. 18, 1862. 328 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. Plaquemine, connecting with the Atchafalaya near Butte a la Rose, having failed — the bayou being found so choked by three years' accumula tion of snags and drift as to be im passable by boats — Gen. Weitzel's force on Berwick's Bay was increased to 4,500 men, with a view to an ad vance to and operations in the Teche region. Starting I6 from Thibodeaux, Gen. Weitzel embarked his infantry next day at Brashear, on the gunboats Calhoun, Diana, Kinsman, and Es- trella, Com. McKean Buchanan, who moved slowly up the bayou to Pat- tersonville ; the artillery and cavalry going by land. Encountering for midable obstructions at a place known as Carney's Bridge, a few miles above, Com. Buchanan, after reconnoitering, dropped down a short distance for the night ; returning next morning 1S to attack ; while the 8th Vermont was sent around to flank the defenses on the north. The obstructions were found vexa tious rather than formidable: con sisting of a steamboat filled with brick and sunk across the channel, with the great iron-clad gunboat Cotton behind it ; a battery on either flank, and some torpedoes in the bayou below. One of these was ex ploded under the Kinsman; lifting her stern into the air, but not crip pling her ; when she fell back to avoid. another just ahead, whereof a negro fugitive from the Cotton gave timely warning. Com. Buchanan, on the Calhoun, either not hearing or despising the caution, at once took the advance, standing on the bow of his vessel, spy-glass in hand, in the midst of a furious cannonade from the Cotton and Rebel batteries, and the more deadly fire of sharp-shooters from rifle-pits; when, at 10 a. m., a bullet through his head struck him dead on the instant. By this time, the 8th Vermont had 'gained the Rebel rear, and was ma king a rapid clearance of their rifle- pits; while the batteries of the 1st Maine, the 4th and 6th Massachusetts, supported by sharp-shooters from the 75th and 160th NewTork, had flanked the defenses on the other side, and were sweeping the decks of the Cot ton, whose crew beat a retreat, as did most of the Rebels on land, whereof but 40 were taken prisoners. The Cotton was fired during the ensuing night, and utterly destroyed. The force here beaten consisted of the 28th Louisiana, with Simms's and the Pelican battery, under Col. Gray — in all, but 1,100 men, beside the crew of the Cotton. Our loss was 7 killed and 27 wounded. Gen. Banks being still intent . on opening the Atchafalaya by the med itated advance through the Bayou Plaquemine to the capture of Butte a la Rose, the next month was wast ed on this enterprise ; and the suc cess at Carney's Bridge was not oth erwise improved. Meantime, some 200 Western boys defeated" a like number of the 3d Louisiana cavalry at Old River ; losing 12 men, killing 4, wounding 7, and taking 26 pris oners. Admiral Farragut, having heard of our loss of the Queen of the West and De Soto18 below Vicksburg, de cided that it was his duty to run the Rebel batteries at Port Hudson, in order to recover the command of the river above ; so he called on Gen. Banks for cooperation. Hereupon, "Jan. 11, 1863. 18 Jan. 14. 17 Feb. 10. 1 See page 298. FARRAGUT PASSES PORT HUDSON. 329 our forces were hastily recalled from the Atchafalaya and concentrated at Baton Rouge ; where they crossed and advanced,19 about 12,000 strong, driving in the. Rebel pickets, to the rear of the Port; Farragut having intended, under cover of a land at tack on that side, to run the batteries early next morning. He judged best, however, to anticipate Gen. Banks's attack, the night being intensely dark ; so, in his stout flag-ship Hart ford, lashed side to side with the Al batross, he led the perilous adven ture; arriving abreast of the Rebel batteries a little before midnight. If he had counted on passing un observed, or shrouded in darkness, he was much mistaken. Hardly was he within range of the nearest Rebel guns, when signal-lights were seen flashing from every direction, includ ing the opposite .shore ; and, directly, the flames of a vast bonfire in front of the heaviest batteries shot up into the sky, lighting the entire breadth of the river as though it were mid day. Rockets were soon streaming in the air ; now a gun from the west bank saluted the Hartford, which instantly returned the compliment ; and the next moment the earth, trem bled to the roar of all the Rebel bat teries; whereupon our mortar-boats below began firing 13-inch shell at the enemy; and the frigates ' Hart ford, Mississippi, Richmond, and Mo- nongahela, and gunboats Albatross, Genesee, Kineo, EsBex, and Sachem, as they severally came within range, ¦ fired broadside after broadside ; the brass howitzers in their tops and the heavy pivot guns at the bow and stern being industriously worked; while the atmosphere was soon so thick with sulphurous smoke that great care was needfully exercised by our commanders to avoid firing into each other ; our aim being now directed by the flashes of the ene my's guns; which, changing from shell to grape as our vessels came within musket and pistol-shot, swept our decks by murderous discharges ; some of their batteries being placed on bluffs so high that they could not be harmed by our shots ; while the crescent shape of the defenses,, fol lowing the curve of the channel, ena bled them to rake each vessel as it approached, and again as it receded. The greatest care was requisite to avoid grounding or colliding in the dense darkness which followed the burning out of the Rebel bonfire; and there were several narrow es capes from these ever imminent dis asters. It was 11J p. m. when the first gun spoke : and by 1 the fight was virtually over — the Hartford and the Albatross having passed ; while most of their consorts had failed, and dropped down to their anchorage be low — when a fresh blaze told of a heavy loss. The Mississippi had run aground directly abreast of the heavi est and most central battery ; where she was soon discovered and became a target for them all. Here Capt. Melancthon Smith fought her nearly half an hour, till she was completely riddled ; when he ordered her set on fire and abandoned ; and she was ; burning aground till she was so light ened that she floated ; when she drift ed down the river a blazing ruin, exploding, several miles below, when the fire had reached her magazine. Of her 233 officers and men, but 29 were missing at roll-call next day. 19 March 13-14. 330 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. The Richmond had been stopped on her course by a shot through her steam-drum, and lost 8 killed and 7 wounded. The Kineo was disabled by a shot through her rudder ; Capt. McKinstry, of the Monongahela, was badly wounded. Several of our ves sels carried ugly marks thereafter; but the loss of the Mississippi, with her splendid armament of 21 large guns and 2 howitzers, was our prin cipal disaster. Gen. Banks returned forthwith to Baton Rouge ; his immediate object being accomplished ; while he judged the force holding the Port entirely too strong 2° to be besieged by his lit tle army — a point whereon Gen. Hal leck deems him in error. Our col umns were again impelled westward to Brashear City and thence across Berwick's Bay;21 the main body moving thence on Franklin, while Gen. Grover's division was sent by transports up the Atchafalaya and Grand Lake to Irish Bend, above Fort Bisland, where he effected a landing with great difficulty — the water being shallow for over a mile from shore, precluding his expected cooperation in Gen. Banks's move ment. Here he was soon attacked with vigor, but held his ground and beat off the enemy. Still, the attack sufficed to keep open the road for Gen. Dick Taylor, who, evacuating Fort Bisland, and burning several steamboats, retreated on Opelousas; making a brief stand at Vermilion Bayou, and losing heavily, as he re ports, by desertion and straggling — much of his force being made up of 29 He says, in his official report, citing Brig.- Gen. W. W. R. Beall, of the garrison, as Ms au thority: " The strength of the enemy at Port Hudson was then believed to be from 18,000 to 20,000. unwilling conscripts, who improved every opportunity to escape and re turn to their homes. Taylor reports his men at but 4,000 in all, and blames his subordinate, Gen. Sibley, for per sistent disobedience of orders and other unsoldierly conduct. During his retreat, the famous Queen of the West was assailed by our gun boats in Grand Lake, whither she had worked her way down the Atch afalaya from Red river, and destroyed; her crew being made prisoners. Banks was delayed by Taylor's burning, as he fled, the bridges over the many bayous and sluggish water courses of this region ; but he entered Opelousas in triumpb on the same day 22 that our gunboats, under Lt.- Com'g A. P. Cooke, captured Butte a la Rose, opening the Atchafalaya to Red river; so that communication was reestablished,28 through the gun boat Arizona, with Admiral Farra gut, at the mouth of that stream. And now a new advance was rapidly made 24 by our army to Alexandria ; Taylor, evacuating Fort De Russy, again retreating on Shreveport with out a fight; while Admiral Porter came up the river with his fleet, and Louisiana, save its north-west corner, was virtually restored, or subjugated, as you will. Gen. Banks sent Weit zel, with a part of his army, on the track of the flying Rebels, nearly to Grand Ecore; when Taylor's force was so reduced that it did not seem worth farther pursuit ; and he was unable to retake the field for weeks. Banks reports his captures in this campaign at 2,000 prisoners and 22 It is now known, with absolute certainty, that the garrison, on the night of the 14th of March, 1863, was not less than 16,000 effective troops." 21 APril 9-10. » April 20. 23 Ma7 2. « May 5-9. BANKS INTESTS PORT HUDSON. 331 guns ; while he had seized 2 and de stroyed 8 Rebel steamers, beside three gunboats. An intercepted letter showed that Taylor had purposed to attack Brashear City the day prior to our advance to and attack on Fort Bisland. Gen. Banks had been notified by Admiral Farragut, while at Brashear City, that Gen. Grant — then at his wits' end before Vicksburg — would spare him 20,000 men for a move ment on Port Hudson — a proffer which was soon afterward, and most fortunately, retracted. Grant's plan was to join teams and help Banks reduce Port Hudson, when the latter should help him reduce Vicksburg : an arrangement to which Gen. B. very gladly assented. Grant's corps ¦ designed to cooperate against Port Hudson was to be at Bayou Sara May 25th ; but on the 12th Banks was advised by letter25 from Grant that he had crossed the Mississippi in force, and had entered on his cam paign which proved so successful. Of course, he had now no corps to- spare, but proposed instead that Banks should join him in his move ment against Vicksburg. This the latter was obliged to decline, lacking the required transportation, and not daring to leave New Orleans and all we held in Louisiana at the mercy of the strong Rebel garrison of Port Hudson, of whose batteries Farragut had recently had so sore an experi ence ; to say nothing of Dick Tay lor's return, strongly reenforced, from the side of Texas. So Banks, send ing Gen. Wm. Dwight to Grant to explain his position, wisely decided to move witb all his available force against Port Hudson, where he could be in position either to defend New Orleans below, or to reenforce, in an emergency, or be reenforced by, Grant above. And Grant, on hear ing all the facts as set forth by Gen. Dwight, heartily concurred in this decision ; offering to send Banks 5,000 men so soon as he could spare them. Gen. Banks, directly after Dwight's return to Alexandria, put 26 his army in motion ; sending all he had trans portation for by water ; the residue marching by land to Simmsport, where they were with difficulty ferried across the Atchafalaya, and moved down the right bank of the Mississippi till opposite Bayou Sara, where they crossed,27 and, marching 15 miles next day, proceeded forth with to invest Port Hudson from the north ; while Gen. C. C, Augur, with 3,500 men from Baton Rouge, in like manner invested it on the south. Gen. Gardner, commanding at Port Hudson, sent Col. Miles to resist their junction behind his fastness by striking Augur on his march ; but he was repulsed with a loss of 150 men ; while our right wing above, under Gens. Weitzel, Grover, and Dwight, drove the garrison, after a sharp fight, within their outer fine of in trenchments. The next day,28 they joined hands with Augur behind the Rebel works, and the investment of the Port, save on the side of the river, was complete. Reports being current that the enemy had withdrawn — that there was only a handful of them left be hind their works, &c. — Banks/after thorough reconnoissance and giving time for preparation, gave the order for a general assault. That assault "Dated the 10th. 5 May 14-15. "Night of May 23. 38 May 25. 332 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. A, B, C, D— Redoubts. E — South Bastion. POET flTTDSON. Explanations : I to Q — Batteries, F — East Bastion. G, H — Large forts. was gallantly made ; 29 but with the usual ill success of attempts to carry elaborate, extensive, skillfully plan ned works, enfilading and supporting each other, by merely hurling masses of men against them. Intended, of course, to be simultaneous in every quarter, it failed to be so. Our bat teries opened early in the morning ; and, after a vigorous bombardment, Gens. Weitzel, Grover, and Paine, on our right, assaulted with vigor at 10 a. m., while Gen. Augur, in our center, and Gen. T. W. Sherman, on our left, did not attack in earnest till 2 p. m. Meantime, the Hartford and Albatross above, and the Mo- nongahela, Richmond, Genesee, and Essex below the Rebel river batte ries, under the direction of Admiral Farragut, rained shot and shell upon the besieged, who had already been compelled by our fleet to abandon their southernmost battery ; spiking » May 27. BANKS'S ASSAULT ON PORT HUDSON. 333 its guns. In this day's fight, the fleet probably did the greater execution on the Rebels, whose attention was mainly absorbed by the land attack : its fire dismounting several of their heavy guns, and taking in reverse their landward defenses. Never was fighting more heroic than that of our army, assailing nearly equal numbers behind strong defenses, approached only through almost impassable abatis, swept by Rebel shell and grape. If valor could have triumphed over such odds, they would have carried the works ; but only abject cowardice or pitiable imbecility could have lost such a position to so small an army; and the Rebels also fought well. We gained ground on both flanks ; hold ing it thereafter on the north, where two negro regiments (1st and 3d Louisiana) vied with the bravest: making three desperate charges on Rebel batteries, losing. heavily, but maintaining their position in the hottest forefront to the close. The 1st Louisiana (colored) Engineers were also on trial that day, and justi fied the most sanguine expectations by their good conduct. Not that they fought better than our White veterans : they did not; and could not : but there had been so much in credulity avowed as to negro courage, so much wit lavished on the idea of negroes fighting to any purpose, that Gen. Banks was justified in accord ing especial commendation to these ; saying, " No troops could be more determined or more daring." The conflict closed about sunset. We lost in this desperate struggle 293 killed, including Cols. Clarke, 6th Michigan, D. S. Cowles, 128th New York (transfixed by a bayonet), Payne, 2d Louisiana, and Chapin, 30th Mass., with 1,549 wounded, among whom were Gen. T. W. Sher man, severely, and Gen. Neal Dow, slightly. The Rebel loss was of course much less — probably not 300 in all.80 There was a truce next day to en able us to bury our dead; after which, our soldiers addressed them selves in sober earnest to the arduous labor of digging and battering their way into the works which had proved impervious to their more impetuous endeavor. This was no holiday task, under the torrid sun of a Southern June, with Rebel sharp-shooters close at hand, ever on the keen watch for chances to obey the Donnybrook in junction, ' Wherever you see a head, hit it ;' but our boys worked with a will; and soon the pick and spade were pushing zig-zag trenches up to the Rebel works; while the heavy guns of our batteries, alternating their thunders with those of the fleet, gave fresh illustrations of the truth that ' there is no peace for the wicked.' S1 80 Gen. Banks reported that the 15th Arkan sas, out of a total of 292, lost during the siege 132 ; of whom 16 fell this day. j SI The following extracts from the diary of a Rebel soldier (John A. Kennedy, 1st Alabama), who was captured while endeavoring to make his way out through our lines with a letter in cipher from Gardner to Jo. Johnston, gives the most vivid inside view of the siege : "May 29.— The fight continued until long after night yesterday evening. The fight has opened — it opened at daybreak. The fight has been very warm to-day. I received a' shot in the foot, but it is slight. The Tanks attempted to charge the works, but was repulsed. It has clouded up and is raining. We have a muddy time — a very wet time for sleeping. " May 30. — The fight opened at daylight. Our company has three wounded in the hospital. The Yanks have been sharp-shooting all day. We have lost but one man belonging to com pany B. The -Banks are building rifle-pits — they fire very close. I have been sharp-shoot ing some to-day. The boys are very H. ely. 334 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. Gen. Banks's position was far from enviable. His small army — now scarcely numbering 12,000 effective men — was isolated in a thinly settled, partially devastated,exhausted, and in tensely hostile region. It was largely composed of nine-months men, whose terms of service had expired or would soon expire, whose hearts yearned toward loved ones far away, and who decidedly preferred a sure prospect of going home to their chance (if shot) of going to heaven. There were some 2,500 Rebel cavalry in close proximity to his rear, in ad dition to the garrison of 6,000 or over in his front ; his necessary con centration for this siege had left nearly all Louisiana open, to Dick Taylor, who would inevitably retrace his steps across the country out of which he had so lately been driven, capturing and conscripting by the way; and he might, very possibly, "May 31. — We hada very hot time last night. We have quit living like men and are living like hogs. The Yanks have built rifle-pits with port holes. Our battery was silenced this morning; 5 of company A was wounded. Our regiment has lost 26 killed and 40 or 50 wounded. We have been relieved from our position by Miles's Legion. We will return to our position, I guess, to-morrow. The Yanks are shelling from the lower fleet. Ten of us are going at a time to camps to get clean clothes. "June 1. — I was on guard last night. The Yanks shelled us last night, but did no damage. Sam Hagin and Bob Baiiey was killed by a rifle cannon-shot this morning. The Yanks are still sharp-shooting, also using their artillery. They have dismounted all our guns. They are the best artillerists I ever saw. The lower fleet has pitched us a few shots from Long Tom. " June 2. — The lower fleet shelled us last night. I am _ little unwell this morning. There has not been much fighting to-day. The artillery is booming occasionally, and the sharp-shooters are still popping away. The Yanks threw _ few balls at one of our batteries near us. to-day. It is reported that we have reenforcements be tween Clinton and Osica. " June 3. — The Yanks has been shooting all around us to-day. The Hessions seem to be ra ther afraid to attempt to storm our works again • but seem rather inclined to starve us out. I hope we will receive reenforcements in time to prevent it. Heaven help us 1 "June 4. — I am very unwell this morning. The lower fleet shelled us last night. The shells made the boys hunt a place of safety ; such as ditches, rat-holes, trees, etc. We are goirig to our old position. I am sick at camp. "June 5.— ;We are still besieged by the Yanks. Another day has passed and no reenforcements. Sim Herring was wounded in the head to-day. The Yanks are still sharp-shooting, also using their artillery with but little effect. We hear a great many different reports. "June 6. — The river is falling very fast. It is very, very hot weather. Several shots from 'Whistling Dick' came over our camp to-day. Sewell is shelling the Yanks. I expect to go to the breastworks in the morni_g. Several of the boys are. at camp, sick. " June 1. — Another day has dawned and no re enforcements. I shall go to the breastworks this morning. The Yanks are still popping away from their rifle-pits. One of company B was killed to-day while looking over the breast work. It is very, very hot, and we have lain in the ditch all day. "June 8. — The Yanks began to sharp-shoot at daybreak. We had two men killed yesterday. I am afraid some of our company will get shot next. Another day has dawned and no reen forcements, but I hope we will receive them soon. The Yanks have been shelling our breastworks, but no damage done. It is very disagreeable sitting in these dirty ditches — but this the Confederate soldier expects and bears cheerfully; but another long hot day has passed, and who knows what may be our situation at this time to-morrow evening ? " June 9. — The Yanks attempted a charge last evening but was repulsed. Whistling Dick is at work to-day; it has played a full hand, too. Whistling Dick is tearing our camps all to pieces. Charley Dixon and Berry Hagin was wounded by fragments of our cook shelter, which was shot down. Our sick has been removed to the ravine. It is difficult to get something to eat. The Yankee artillery is playing upon us all around. The Heshians burned our commissary with a shell to-day. " June 10. — Another day and night has passed, and this poor, worn-out garrison has received no assistance. We have lain in the ditches twenty days, andfstill there is no prospect of succor — but I truly hope we will soon receive reenforce ments. The men is getting sick very fast. The Yankee artillery is keeping a dreadful noise. I and Mormon have been detailed for some extra duty. The Hessions gave us a few rounds as we were crossing the field. I received dispatches from the General in person. " June 11.— The Yanks used their artillery at a tremendous rate last night. I went to or at tempted to visit Col. Steedman's headquarters. I had a gay time trying to find them ; falling in ravines, etc. I was in a hot place, shure. We captured a Yankee Captain and Lieutenant last night. The Yanks seemed disposed to make a general assault last night." At this point, the journal suddenly stops ; the author having been taken prisoner. SECOND ASSAULT ON PORT HUDSON. 335 bring from Texas a force sufficient to capture New Orleans itself. Jo. Johnston, with an overwhelming force, might swoop down from Jack son at any moment; Alabama and Georgia might supply a fresh force adequate to the raising of the siege and the rout of the besiegers ; add to which, Lee — so recently victorious at Chancellorsville — might dispatch a corps of veterans by rail for the re lief of Gardner and his important post. The Rebel line of defense was three or four miles long ; ours, encir cling theirs, of course considerably longer ; so that a stealthy concentra tion of the garrison on any point must render it immensely stronger there, for a time, than all who could be rallied to resist it. With Vicks burg proudly defying Grant's most strenuous efforts, and Lee impelling his triumphant legions across the Potomac, the chances were decided ly against the undisturbed prosecu tion of this siege to a successful issue. After a fortnight's steady digging and firing, a fresh attempt was made,33 under a heavy fire of artillery, to es tablish our lines within attacking dis tance ofthe enemy's works, so as to avoid the heavy losses incurred in moving over the ground in their front. Om- men advanced at 3 a. m., working their way through the diffi cult abatis ; but the movement was promptly detected by the enemy, and defeated, with the loss on our side of some scores as prisoners. Four days later, a second general assault was made:33 Gen. Dwight, on our left, attempting to push up unobserved through a ravine and rush over the enemy's works while his at tention should be absorbed by the ffl June 10. more palpable advance of Gens. Gro ver and Weitzel on our right. Nei ther attack fully succeeded ; but our lines were permanently advanced, at some cost, from an average distance of 300 yards, to one of 50 to 200 yards from the enemy's works ; and here om* men intrenched themselves and commenced the erection of new batteries. On our left, an eminence was carried and held which com manded a vital point of the defenses, known as ' the Citadel ' ; and which enabled Dwight, some days later, to seize and hold a point on the same ridge with ' the Citadel,' and only ten yards from the enemy's lines. Banks professes to think the day's gains worth their price; but, as he had few men to spare, he did not choose to pay at that rate for any more ground, restricting his efforts thence forth to digging and battering ; Far ragut still cooperating to make the slumbers of the besieged as uneasy as might be. That garrison was not beaten : it was worn out and starved out. A shell fired its mill, burning it, with over 2,000 bushels of corn. Its guns were successively disabled by the re markable accuracy of our fire, till but 15 remained effective on the land ward defenses. Its ammunition for small arms was gradually expended, until but twenty rounds per man re mained ; and but little more for the artillery. Its meat at length gave out ; when its mules were killed and their flesh served out ; the men eat ing it without grumbling.. Rats stood a poor chance in their peopled trenches : being caught, cooked, eaten, and pronounced equal as food to squirrels. And thus the tedious 58 June 14. i 336 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. hours rolled on, until the last hope of seasonable relief had all but faded into the deadly stupor of blank de spair. And still the besiegers worked on ; losing some men daily by cannon- balls and the more deadly Minie bullet of the sharp-shooter, but gain ing ground foot by foot, until our saps on the right had been pushed up to the very line of the defenses ; while on our left a mine had been prepared for a charge of thirty bar rels of powder, where its explosion must have caused the destruction of ' the Citadel' Even had the garrison been full fed and in healthy vigor, they could not have held the place a week longer, unless by successful sal lies that virtually raised the siege; whereas, they were utterly exhausted, debilitated, and worn out *y famine, overwork, and lack of sleep ; until the hosjaitals were crowded with them, and not half their number could have stood up to fight through a day's earnest battle. Suddenly, our batteries and gun boats shook " the heavens with one tremendous salute, while cheer upon cheer rose from behind our works, rolling from the gunboats above to those below the defenses, and back again, in billows of unmistakable exultation. It was not ' the glorious Fourth,' but two days after it ; and the sinking hearts of the besieged anticipated the tidings before our men shouted across to them, " Vicks- bubg has subeendeeed !" No one needed to be told that, if that was the truth, further resistance was folly — that reenforcements would soon be steaming down the river which would render holding out im possible. That evening, Gardner summoned a council of his six highest subordi nates, who unanimously decided that the place must be surrendered. Thereupon, he opened communica tion with Banks, asking if the news shouted across the lines was authen tic. Banks, in reply, inclosed him Gen. Grant's letter, announcing the surrender; whereupon, Gardner ap plied for a cessation of hostilities, with a view to negotiations as to terms. This was declined. The Rebel commander then averred his willingness to surrender on condi tions ; when conferees were appointed on either side, and terms of capitula tion finally agreed36 upon, whereby the garrison became prisoners of war ; our forces entering and taking formal possession next* morning ; when thousands of the victors and the vanquished met and fraternized rather as friends who had been tem porarily estranged, than as enemies so lately confronted in mortal strife. Gen. Banks does not report his aggregate loss in this siege ; but it can hardly have fallen short, in the entire 45 days, of 3,000 men ; in cluding, beside those already named, Cols. Bean, 4th Wise, Holcomb, 1st La., Smith, 160th N. Y. (Zouaves), Lt.-Cols. Lowell, 8th N. H, Rodman, 38th Mass., and other valued offi cers. Brig.-Gen. Paine was wounded in the assault of June 14th. Banks says the Rebels admitted a loss dur ing the siege of 610 only; but. he is confident that it could not have been less than 800 to 1,000 ; as he found 500 wounded in the hospitals— most of them severely in the head, by the 1 July 6. ' July 8. TAYLOR CAPTURES BRASHEAR CITY. 337 bullets of our sharp-shooters. His prisoners captured in the Port (the sick and wounded inclusive) were 6,408, of whom 455 were officers; while his own force that day was less than 10,000 men. His captures, during the campaign so gloriously terminated, he states at 10,584 men, 73 guns, 6,000 small arms, beside 3 gunboats, 8 other steamboats, and cotton, cattle, &c, &c, to an im mense value. Gen. Banks's sudden withdrawal from Alexandria and the Red river, and the employment of nearly all his disposable force in the siege of Port Hudson, necessarily proffered oppor tunities which Dick Taylor was on the alert to improve. Collecting in Upper Louisiana a force of some thousands, including several regi ments, mainly of cavalry, from Tex as, he, early in June, reoccupied Alexandria and Opelousas; moving thence rapidly down the Atchafalaya, as if making directly for New Or leans. His approach appeared to have been made known to our offi cers at the front only by vague rumors, often circulated on purpose to mis lead; but our advanced posts were drawn back across the Atchafalaya to Brashear ; Berwick, just across the bayou, having been needlessly, there fore culpably, bombarded and: ulti mately burned *° by a Mr. Ryder, in command of our only gunboat in the bayou. There was abundance of fuss and aimless activity, but no real preparation at Brashear, whither Lt.- Col. Stickney had been recently sent over by Gen. Emory, at New Orleans, to take command : there were no. in trenchments, though thousands of willing contrabands were there to dig them ; no mustering and drilling of the hundreds of idle convalescents in the hospital camps, awaiting or ders to rejoin their regiments ; and when at length word came that the Rebels had struck our line of com munication and supply at Lafourche, well toward New Orleans, Stickney hurried down, with most of his effec tives, to its defense. The enemy easily swept over Thibodeaux, Terre Bonne, and Bayou Boeuf, capturing our few men stationed at each post ; while a cooperating force, under Gens. Mouton and Green, suddenly appeared37 amid the ruins of Ber wick, threatening Brashear, which was held by a sick Colonel and a motley garrison, without organization or discipline ; who had hardly begun to fight when a charge was made on their rear by Major Hunter, with 325 Texans, who had crossed the bayou in row-boats during the pre ceding night, and, working their way through swamps which were on our side supposed impassable, were ready to rush in at the opportune moment, while Col. Majors, from the direction of Lafourche, barred all egress to or reenforcement from our rear. Fort Buchanan, mounting ten heavy guns,. was formidable in front or toward the bayou only : it could not fire a shot eastward ; and, in a few minutes, it was stormed and carried by the rag ged Texans, who had easily disposed of the infantry mob behind it. Ry der, with his gunboat, made all haste to run away ; affording a fresh proof that Vandals are almost always cow ards. It was still early morning when Taylor, Mouton, and Green, as well as Hunter, were in Brashear, M June 19. vol. n. — 22 *' June 22. 338 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. which we had shamefully lost, with nearly 1,000 prisoners, a 6trong fort, 10 heavy guns, many small arms, and tents, equipments, supplies, valued by the enemy at $6,000,000, and pos sibly worth to us $2,000,000. Thou sands of negroes, liberated by Banks's triumphant advance to Alexandria, were reduced by this and our kindred reverses to a harsher slavery than that from which they had so recently been delivered. The road to New Orleans38 — at least, to Algiers, its western suburb — was now open; for Lafourche had been evacuated by Stickney after a gallant defense by the 47th Massa chusetts, in which they had repulsed two assaults; but Taylor was too weak to make the great venture. If he had, as is asserted, but 4,000 men at Brashear and between it and La fourche, he could not have assailed New Orleans with more than double that number at most ; and, so long as Farragut held the mastery of the river, this was not enough even to compel Banks to raise the siege of Port Hudson.3' Moving north instead of east, Taylor's van, under Green, menaced Donaldsonville, while a small force •of Texans, raiding into Plaquemine, burned two steamboats lying there, and took 68 convalescents prisoners ; but were soon shelled out by the gunboat Winona. Green next attempted" to carry M T/ie Louisiana Democrat (Alexandria, July 1) has a magnifying Rebel letter from one en gaged in the capture of Brashear, who claims for that post an importance hardly second to Vicksburg, numbers 1,800 prisoners and 6,000 negroes among the spoils, and adds : " This brilliant campaign of Gen. Taylor has another great object in view, and one of vast importance, namely: A diversion to force the enemy to raise the siege of Port Hudson. He Donaldsonville by assault ; but Far ragut had been seasonably apprised of his intention, and had sent thither the Princess Royal, Kineo, and Wi nona; which, cooperating with the little garrison (225) ofthe 28th Maine, Maj. Bullen, tore the assaulting col umn with their shells, and soon put the Rebels to flight, with a loss of 200 killed and wounded, and 124 prison ers. Among their killed was Col. Phillips. Pollard reports another fight," six miles from Donaldsonville, between 1,200 Texans, under Green, and "the enemy, over 4,000 strong ;" wherein we were beaten, with a loss of 500 killed and wounded, 300 prisoners, 3 guns, many small arms, and the flag of a New York regiment. Banks's report is silent with regard to this fight; yet it seems that a collision actually took place ; the forces on our side being commanded by Gen. Dud ley, and our loss considerable — 450 killed and wounded, with two guns, says a newspaper report. The affair can not have been creditable to the Union side, or it would not have been so completely hushed up. Gen. Banks's force in the field having been rendered disposable by the fall of Port Hudson, Taylor and his subordinates made haste to aban don the country east of the Atchafa laya; evacuating" Brashear City just one month after its capture ; but not till they had carefully stripped it of now has his choice, to lose New Orleans or to abandon his operations against Port Hudson, and retire with his beaten and demoralized army into that city." 59 Banks says that barely 400 of our men at one time held New Orleans ; but the river and the fleet, with his army not far away, were its main defenses. " June 28, 1 a. m. « July 12. ' July 22r FRANKLIN'S FAILURE AT SABINE PASS. 339 every thing of value that was either movable or combustible. Gen. Banks now united with Gen. Grant in urging an immediate com bined movement upon Mobile ; but the suggestion was overruled at Washington, in deference to the ur gent representations of Texan refu gees; and Gen. B. directed" to op erate against Texas. He was advised that a movement by the Red river on Natchitoches or Shreveport was deemed most feasible, but was au thorized to act as his own judgment should dictate. Deeming the route suggested impracticable at that sea son, he decided to demonstrate by way of the Sabine, with Houston as his objective point. Accordingly, an expedition, including a land force of 4,000 men, was fitted out at New Orleans, and dispatched" to the Sa bine, under command of Maj.-Gen. Franklin; the naval force, detailed by Admiral Farragut, consisting of the gunboats Clifton, Sachem, Ari- zoria, and Granite City, under com mand of Lt. Fred. Crocker. Banks gave Franklin written instructions to debark his troops 10 or 12 miles below Sabine Pass; thence moving rapidly on the Rebel defenses, unless a naval reconnoissance should prove those works unoccupied, or so weak that they could be easily and prompt ly reduced by bombardment. Decently managed, this movement could not have miscarried. The troops were abundant and efficient ; the weather fine; the sea smooth; and the enemy unwarned of the point of attack. But Franklin and Crocker decided to take the works at once by a naval attack ; and, with out landing the troops, moved" di rectly upon them with the gunboats, after having been 24 hours in sight, so as to give the Rebels ample warn ing of their peril. The result proved this a foolhar dy procedure. The gunboats were old merchant steamers, of inferior strength ; their guns were of mode rate caliber, and made no impression on the Rebel works ; while several of them soon grounded in the shallow water of the Pass, where they were exposed to certain destruction by the fire of the batteries, and were soon torn to pieces ; when Crocker surren dered the Clifton, as Lt. Johnson did the Sachem ; each having been quick ly disabled by a shot through her boiler — Franklin thus achieving the distinction of being the first Ameri can General [for Renshaw was not a General] who managed to lose a fleet in a contest with land batteries alone. The Arizona grounded, and had her engine disabled ; but was kedged off with difficulty at mid night, having received no damage. She was, in fact, of too heavy draft to run fairly abreast of the batteries — at least, to maneuver there with safety. Crocker and Johnson fought their vessels bravely^and well; but they were light-draft boats, utterly unfit to assail such batteries, and should not have been impelled to their certain destruction. Our loss in this affair, beside the two boats and their 15 heavy rifled guns, was 50 killed and wounded, beside 200 prisoners — in all, just about equal to the whole number of Rebels en gaged ; of whom (says Pollard) " not a man was lost on our side, nor a gun injured." Franklin had still his 4,000 sol- ' Aug. 12; by dispatch received Aug. 27. « Sept. 5. 8, 3 P. M. 340 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. diers, with his transports and two re maining gunboats ; while there were not Rebel soldiers enough within a day's ride to have brought to a halt one of his regiments, properly led. Dick Taylor's force, such as it was, was far away; Houston, flanking Galveston, was but 40 miles distant ; Gen. Washburne was at Brashear, with a force equal to Franklin's, ready to cooperate in the purposed advance, in case the latter had taken these poor earthworks, defended by a captain 4" and 250 men, and sent back his transports for reenforcements. Instead of taking them, however, or even trying, Franklin — finding no place to land where he might not get his feet wet — slunk meekly back to New Orleans;4' leaving the Texans to exult, very fairly, over a fruitful victory gained against odds of at least twenty to one. Gen. Banks now concentrated his disposable forces on the Atchafalaya, with intent to advance directly upon Shreveport; but found this utterly impracticable. The country west and north-west of Brashear had been so exhausted by the armies that had successively occupied it that no food and little forage was to be gleaned .from it ; an intense drouth now pre vailed all over that flat region ; where, though bayous abound, living springs and brooks of drinkable water are scarce ; the roads were few and very bad, often winding for miles through dense forests ; and it was not possi ble to transport by wagons all the food and forage needed by an army strong enough to overcome all proba ble resistance. No course seemed open for a fulfillment of the desires and expectations of the Government concerning Texas but that of a ma rine expedition; which was accord ingly resolved on. Meantime, a considerable force had been sent, under Gen. F. J. Herron, to Morganzia, opposite but above Port Hudson, where the Rebels had a vicious habit of taking advantage of the narrowness and crookedness of the Mississippi to ' bushwhack ' our pa'ssing vessels. No resistance being here encountered, an outpost had been established several miles inland, consisting of the 19th Iowa and 26th Indiana, with two guns, under Lt.-Col. Leake, with 150 cav alry, under Major Montgomery — in all, some 600 to 800 strong. Though it was known that Green, with a far stronger Rebel force, was in their front across the Atchafalaya, no pro per vigilance was exercised; and, three weeks after this outpost had been established, it was surprised" by Green, who, with a far superior force, crossed the bayou during a dark night, surrounded our camp, and captured our guns and most of our infantry — not less than 400, inclu ding Leake and Lt.-Col. Rose. The cavalry escaped with a loss of five men. We had 14 killed and 40 wounded. Gen. N. J. T. Dana had just succeeded Herron in command at Morganzia. In order to mask his intended movement on Texas by sea, Gen. Banks now pushed out a considera ble force, under Gen. C. C. Wash burne, to Opelousas, which was reach ed without a conflict ; but, when Washburne commenced 4" his retreat to the Teche, pursuant to orders, the Rebels, under Taylor and Green, followed sharply on his track, and, 46 F. A.- Odlum. ' Arriving Sept. 11. ' Sept. 30. " Nov. 1. GENS. BANKS AND DANA IN WESTERN TEXAS. 341 stealing up,60 under cover of woods, to our right, under Gen. Burbridge, struck suddenly and heavily, about noon, while the 23d Wisconsin was engaged in voting for State officers — that being election day in their State. That regiment was speedily reduced from 226 to 98 men — many of the rest, of course, prisoners, in cluding its Colonel, Guppy, who was wounded ; while the brigade of which it formed a part went into the fight numbering 1,010, and came out 361. The loss was mainly in the 67th In diana, which ingloriously surrender ed without having lost a man. Our right, thus suddenly assailed in great force, and with intense fury, was broken, and was saved from utter destruction by the devoted bravery of the 23d Wisconsin and the efficient service of Nim's battery. We lost one gun, which was not recovered ; the Rebels, upon the bringing up of the 3d division, Gen. McGinnis, retreating rapidly to the shelter of the adjacent woods. Washburne re ports a loss of 26 killed, 124 wound ed, and 566 missing (prisoners) ; total : 716. The Rebels lost 60 killed, 65 prisoners, and 300 wounded. Gen. Banks's new expedition, 6,000 strong, led by Banks himself, but more immediately commanded by Gen. Dana, made " directly for the Rio Grande, debarking M at Brazos Santiago, driving off the small caval ry force there stationed, and follow ing it to Brownsville, 30 miles above, which was entered by our advance on the 16th ; as was Point Isabel two days later. The Rebel works commanding Aransas Pass were next taken by as sault, which gave us their guns and 100 prisoners. Moving thence on Pass Cavallo, commanding the west ern entrance to Matagorda Bay, our army invested Fort Esperanza, Which was thereupon abandoned ; most of its garrison escaping to the main land. Banks had expected to follow up this success — which gave us control of the coast from the Rio Grande to the Brazos— by a movement on In dianola or on Matagorda : but this involved a collision with whatever Rebel force could be collected in Texas; and he deemed himself too weak to challenge such an encounter. With a moderate reenforcement, he might have seized Galveston Island — sealing up the coast of Texas against blockade-runners : as it was, he felt obliged to desist and return to New Orleans. Gen. Dana, after Banks had left him in command at Brownsville, sent an expedition up the river 120 miles to Roma, which encountered much privation, but no enemy; then an other 70 miles eastward, toward Cor pus Christi, which found no Rebel force in this direction. The Rebels had shifted their Mexican trade to Eagle Pass, 350 miles up, whither Dana was unable to follow them. Being afterward ordered to Pass Ca^ vallo, he found 5S two of our brigades in quiet possession of Indianola, on the main land, with an equal force on the Matagorda peninsula opposite, and all Texas west of the Colorado virtually abandoned to our arms. He believed we had force enough then on that coast to have moved boldly inland and contested the mas tery of the State ; but he was over ruled, and soon relieved from com mand. 60 Nov. 3.. 1 Oct. 26. 62 Nov. 2. 03 Jan. 12, 1864. 342 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. XVI. THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC UNDER BURNSIDE AND HOOKER. Ges. Burnside reluctantly, and with unfeigned self-distrust, succeed ed ' to the command of the Army of the Potomac. The devotion to Mc Clellan of its principal officers, and of many of their subordinates, was so ardent that any other commander must have had a poor chance of hearty, unquestioning support; and Burnside would gladly have shrunk from the ordeal. Having no alterna tive, however, but disobedience of orders, he accepted the trust, and im mediately commenced preparations for a movement of his forces down the Rappahannock to Fbedeeicks- bueg, which he had selected as on the proper as well as the direct line of operations from Washington against Richmond : masking his purpose, for a few days, by menacing an advance on Gordonsville. Lee soon1 penetra ted his real design, and commenced a parallel movement down the south bank of the river; while J. E. B. Stuart, raiding3 across at Warrenton Springs, entered Warrenton just after our rear-guard had left it, obtaining ample confirmation of his chief's conclusions ; whereupon, the residue of Longstreet's corps was moved rapidly eastward. Meantime, Gen. Sumner's advance had reached4 Falmouth, and attempted to cross to Fredericksburg, but been easily repulsed ; the bridges being burned and our pontoons — ow ing to a misunderstanding between Gens. Halleck and Burnside, each of whom conceived that the other was to impel their dispatch from Wash ington — did not start so early as they should have done, and then ex perienced detention from bad roads and grounded vessels on the way : so that they did not reach Falmouth till after most of Lee's army had been concentrated on the heights across the river, ready to dispute its passage. Fredericksburg was summoned ' by Gen. Sumner : the authorities reply ing that, while it would not be used to assail us, its occupation by our troops would be resisted to the utmost. Most of the inhabitants thereupon abandoned the place, which was occupied by Barksdale's Mississippi brigade, sharp-shooting from behind houses ; while Lee's engineers pressed the fortification of the heights behind it, and Wade Hampton dashed6 across the river above, raiding up to Dum fries and the Occoquan, capturing 200 cavalry and a number of wag ons; and a like dash across was made below Port Royal, in boats, by part of Beale's regiment ; taking some prisoners. Our gunboats hav ing steamed up the river so far as Port Royal, D. H. Hill assailed' them with cannon, and compelled them to retire; when he proceeded to fortify the right bank, so as to prevent their return. The Rappahannock, above Port Royal, being generally narrow, with high bluffs often approaching it, now on one side, then on the other, Lee decided that he could not prevent its 1 Nov. 8, 1862. * Nov. 15. ' Nov. 18. * Nov. It. • Nov. 21. • Nov. 28. ' Dec. 5. BURNSIDE BEFORE FREDERICKSBURG. 343 V CEN.LEE'SHd.Qrsj „ ©\ ^gx< \ IWAMIITON'S'cROSSING lUOIJ ^ iV X FnEDEP.ICKSBirRG. passage at points where the river was fully commanded from its bluffs on the north, while a considerable inter vale adjoined it on the south; but the tenacity with which Fredericks burg was held by sharp-shooters com pelled Burnside to dislodge them by bombardment from the Falmouth bluffs, whereby considerable damage was done to the buildings, though less than might naturally have been expected. What with firing on it from either side, however, and the often wanton devastations of our sol diers, it was ultimately reduced to a state of general dilapidation. Our army being at length in posi tion along the north bank, Burnside 344 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. commenced" throwing over pontoons to Fredericksburg; also at a point nearly two miles below. The Engi neer corps had laid the upper pon toon two-thirds of the way, when day light exposed them to the fire of the enemy's sharp-shooters, which drove them off; and the work was comple ted by the 7th Michigan, who had 5 killed and 16 wounded, including Lt.-Col. Baxter. Supported and fol lowed by the 19th and 20th Massa chusetts, they speedily finished the job, having dashed across the river in boats ; ' taking 35 prisoners. We lost 300 in all in laying our pontoons and clearing the city of the enemy. Gen. Franklin, on our left, en countered less resistance — the make of the land being there favorable to us — and laid his pontoons without loss. Possession of both banks being thus secured, two other pontoons were laid at either point, and our ar my mainly pushed across during that and the following days.10 The next was that chosen for the assault on the Rebel position ; whose strength, though under-estimated by Burnside, was known to be very considerable. Lee's army, fully 80,000 strong, was stretched along and behind the southern bluffs of the Rappahan nock from a point a mile or so above Fredericksburg, to one four or five miles below. At its right, the bluffs recede two miles or so : the Massapo- nax here falling into the Rappahan nock; the ground being decidedly less favorable to the defensive. It was organized in two grand corps, whereof that of Stonewall Jackson held the right ; that of Longstreet the left. A. P. Hill commanded "Night of Dec. 10-11. ' Among the volunteers first to cross was the left advance of Jackson's corps ; which was confronted by Franklin's grand division, about 40,000 strong. On our right, or in and before Fred ericksburg, were the grand divisions of Hooker and Sumner, numbering at least 60,000. But, while 300 Rebel guns were advantageously posted on every eminence and raked every foot of ground by which they could be approached, our heavy guns were all posted on the north side of the river, where their fire could rarely reach the enemy; while they made some havoc among our own men until Burnside silenced them. The weather had been cold, and the ground was frozen; but an In dian Summer mildness had succeed ed, which filled the valley of the Rap pahannock with a dense fog, covering for a time the formation of our col umns of assault ; while a portion of our guns were firing wildly and use lessly; but at length a bright sun dispelled the mist, and, at 11 A. M., Couch's division, on our right, emerg ing from among the battered build ings, moved swiftly to the assault. Braver men never smiled at death than those who climbed Marye's Hill that fatal day; their ranks plowed through and torn to pieces by Rebel batteries even in the process of for mation ; and when at heavy cost they had reached the foot of the hill, they were confronted by a solid stone wall, four feet high, from behind which a Confederate brigade of in fantry mowed them down like grass, exposing but their heads .to our bul lets, and these only while themselves firing. Never did men fight better or die, alas! more fruitlessly than did Rev. Arthur B. Fuller, Chaplain 16th Mass., who was killed by a rifle-shot. 10 Dec. 11-12. HEROIC ASSAULTS ON MARTE'S HEIGHTS. 345 most of Hancock's corps, especially Meagher's Irish brigade, composed of the 63d, 69th, and 88th New York, the 28th Massachusetts, and the 116th Pennsylvania, which dashed itself re peatedly against those impregnable heights, until two-thirds11 of its num ber strewed the ground; when the remnant fell back to a position of comparative safety, and were suc ceeded as they had been supported, by other brigades and divisions ; each to be exposed in its turn to like pitiless, useless, hopeless slaughter. Thus Hancock's and French's corps were successively sent up against those slippery heights, girdled with batteries, rising, tier above tier, to its crest, all carefully trained upon the approaches from Fredericksburg ; while that fatal stone wall — so strong that even artillery could make no impression on it — completely shel tered Barksdale's brigade, which, so soon as our charging columns came within rifle-shot, poured into their faces the deadliest storm of musketry. Howard's division supported the two in advance; while one division of Wilcox's (9th, late Burnside's) corps was detached to maintain communi cation with Franklin on our left. Hooker's grand division was divi ded, and in good part sent to reen force Franklin; while Hooker him self, believing the attack hopeless, required repeated and imperative or ders from Burnside to induce him to order an advance; but Humphreys's division was at length thrown out from Fredericksburg, and bore its full part in the front attack, losing heavily. And thus the fight was maintained till after dark — assault after assault being delivered by divisions advanc ing against twice their numbers, on ground where treble the force was required for the attack that sufficed for the defense; while a hundred Rebel cannon, posted on heights which our few guns on that side of the river could scarcely reach, and could not effectually batter, swept our men down from the moment that they began to advance, and while they could do nothing but charge, and fall, and die. And when night at length mercifully arrested this fruitless massacre, though the ter races and slopes leading up to the Rebel works were piled with our dead and our disabled, there was no pretense that the Rebel front had been advanced one foot from the ground held by it in the morning. We had reason enough for sorrow, but none for shame. Franklin, on our left, beside his 11 Gen. Meagher, in his onicial report, says : "Of the 1,200 I led into aeticm, only 280 ap peared on parade next morning." Among his officers who fell, he mentions Col. Heenan, Lt.-Col. Mulholland, and Maj. Bard- well, 116th Pa.; Maj. Wm. Horgan and Adj. J. R. Toung, 88th N. T. ; Maj. James Cavanagh, 6Sth N. T. ; and Maj. Carraher, 28th Mass. The London Timers correspondent, watching the battle from the heights, and writing from Lee's headquarters, says : " To the Irish division, commanded by Gen. Meagher, was principally committed the despe rate task of bursting out of the town of Freder icksburg, and forming, under the withering Are of the Confederate batteries; to attack Marye's Heights, towering immediately in their front- Never at Fontenoy, Albuera, nor at Waterloo, was more undoubted courage displayed by the sons of Erin than during those six frantic dashes which they directed against the almost impreg nable position of their foe. " That any mortal men could have carried the position before which they were wantonly sacri ficed, defended as it was, it seems to me idle for a moment to believe. But the bodies which lie in dense masses within 40 yards of the muzzles of Col. Walton's guns are the best evidence what manner of men, they were who pressed on to death with the dauntlessness of a race which has gained glory on a thousand battle-fields, and never more richly deserved it than at the foot of Marye's Heights on the 13th day of Decem ber, 1862." 346 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. own 40,000 men, was reenforced, the night before, by two divisions (Kear ny's and Hooker's own) from Hook er, raising his command nearly to 55,000. At least half our entire force across the river was thus with Frank lin on the left, where the main attack manifestly should have been made, and where Burnside appears to have purposed that it should have been made. But it was after 7 a. m. of the fatal day when Franklin received his orders ; which, if they were intended to direct a determined attack in full force, were certainly very blindly and vaguely worded," whereas, a military order should be as precise and clear as language will allow, and as positive as the circumstances will warrant. It is Very certain that a Massena or a Blu- cher could have found warrant in that order for attacking at once with his entire corps, leaving Hooker's men to defend the bridges and act as a reserve ; but, if hot work is wanted of a Franklin, it should be required and prescribed in terms more peremp tory and less equivocal. He asserts that he expected and awaited further orders, which he never in terms re ceived ; at least, not till it was too late to obey them with any hope of success. Franklin's grand division consisted of the two corps of Reynolds (16,000) and W. F. Smith (21,000), with cav alry under Bayard, raising it nearly or quite to 40,000. At 9 A. m., Rey nolds advanced on the left ; Meade's division, in front, being immediately assailed by Rebel batteries (J. E. B. Stuart's) on his left flank, which com pelled him to halt and silence them. At 11 a. m., he pushed on, fighting; while one of Hooker's divisions in reserve was brought across, and Bir- ney's and Gibbon's divisions were moved up to his support. Reynolds's corps being thus all in line of battle, Meade again gallantly advanced into the woods in his front ; grappling, at 1, in fierce encounter, with A. P. Hill's corps, crushing back the brig ades of Archer and Lane, and, forcing his way in between them, took some 200 prisoners. Here, in attempting to rally Orr's rifles, which had been disorganized, fell Brig.-Gen. Maxcy Gregg,13 mortally wounded. But the enemy rallied all their forces ; Early's division, composed of Lawton's, Trimble's, and his own brigades, which, with D. H. Hill's corps, had arrived that morning from Port Royal, after a severe night- march, and been posted behind A. P. Hill, rushed to the front ; and Meade's division, lacking prompt support, a "Gen. Hardie will carry this dispatch to you and remain with you during the day. The General commanding directs that you keep your whole command in position for a rapid move ment down the old Richmond road, and you will send out at once a division, at least, to pass be low Smltlifield, to seize, if possible, the heights near Capt. Hamilton's, on this side of the Massa- ponax, taking care to keep it well supported and its line of retreat open. He has ordered another column, of a division or more, to be moved from Gen. Sumner's command up the plank road to its intersection of the telegraph road, where they will divide, with a view to seizing the heights on both of those roads. Holding these heights, with the heights near Capt. Hamilton's, will, I hope, compel the enemy to evacuate the whole ridge between these points. He makes these moves by columns, distant from each other, -frith a view of avoiding the possibility of a collision of our own forces, which might occur in a gene ral movement during the fog. Two of Geo. Hooker's divisions are in your rear at the bridges, and will remain there as supports. Copies of instructions to Gens. Sumner and Hooker will be forwarded to you by an Orderly very soon. Tou will keep your whole command in readiness to move at once as soon as the fog lifts. The watchword, which, if possible, should be given to every company, will be ' Scott.' " I have the honor to be, General, very re spectfully, your obedient servant, "John G. Parke, Chief of Staff! "Major-Gen. Franklin, Commanding Grand Division Army of Potomac." ™ Governor elect of South Carolina. OUR LOSSES AT FREDERICKSBURG. 347 was overwhelmed and driven back, with heavy loss, to the railroad, wliich they had crossed in their advance, where they made a brief stand, but were again hurled back by an im petuous, determined Rebel charge, losing many prisoners. Meade had already called for aid : and Gen. Gibbon had advanced on his right, and one of Birney's brig ades on his left, whereby the enemy were checked and repulsed ; Col. At kinson, commanding Lawton's brig ade, being here wounded and taken prisoner. Meade's division fell back, having lost 1,760 men this day out some 6,000 engaged ; having, of its three Brigadiers, Gen. C. F. Jackson killed, and Col. Wm. T. Sinclair se verely wounded. Maj.-Gen. Gibbon, on his right, was also wounded and taken off the field ; whereupon, his division fell back also. Sickles's division of Hooker's men, which had followed Birney's to the front, took the place of Gibbon's ; but Smith's corps — 21,000 strong — was not sent in, and remained nearer to Fredericksburg, not determinedly en gaged throughout the day. Yet, even Reynolds's and Stoneman's corps (the latter composed of Birney's and Sickles's divisions) showed so strong a front that Stonewall Jackson did not venture to assume the offensive till nightfall ; when a very brief ex perience convinced him that he might bettor let well alone.14 The advance of Reynolds's left was for some time retarded by Stuart's cavalry, holding the extreme Rebel right, whose battery opened a most annoying cross-fire on om- infantry as it advanced from the Rappahan nock. The 9 th New York was first sent to take this battery, but failed — taking to their heels instead ; when a brigade was brought up by Gen. Tyler, and charged with no better success. A third charge was stopped by the deadly fire of the Rebel bat tery; when more troops were brought up on our side, and the enemy at length flanked and gradually crowd ed back to the Massaponax ; but they still maintained a bold front, and kept up the contest till nightfall; having succeeded in diverting from Reynolds's main attack in front a force which he could ill afford to spare. Our losses on this bloody day were not less than 15,000 men; though the number returned as actually killed, wounded, and taken prisoners, foots up but 13,771 — as follows: Kitted, n'oun'd. Miss"g. Total. Hooker's grand division S8T 9,469 748 8,648 Franklin's grand division... S88 2,480 1,681 4,«9 Stunner's grand division.... 4S0 4,159 S55 6,494 Enginoors T 43 100 60 Total. .1,153 9,101 8,984 18,m Not one of these died more la mented than Maj.-Gen. George D. Bayard, commanding our cavalry on the left, who was struck by a shell and mortally wounded; dying that night. But 28 years old, and on the " Jackson, with exemplary candor, says in his offloial report : " Repulsed on the right, left, and center, the enemy, soon after, reformed his lines, aud gave some indications of a purpose to renew tho nt- taok. I waited some time to receive it ; but, he making no forward movement, I determined, if prudent, to do so myself. The artillery of the enemy was so judiciously posted as to make an advance of our troops across the plain very hazardous ; yet it was so promising of good re sults, if successfully executed, as to induce me to make preparations for the attempt In order to guard against disaster, the infantry was to be preceded by artillery, and the movement post poned until late in the evening; so that, if com pelled to retire, it would be under the cover of night Owing to unexpected delay, the move ment could not bo got ready till late in the eve ning. The first gun had hardly moved forward from the wood a hundred yards, when the ene my's artillery reopened, and so completely swept our front as to satisfy me that the proposed movement should he abandoned." 348 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. eve of marriage, his death fell like a pall on many loving hearts. Lee at first reported his losses at "about 1,800 killed and wounded" — one of those preposterous misrepre sentations to which commanders on either side were too prone. His ac tual loss, as embodied in the detailed reports of Longstreet and Jackson, was over 5,000," 'and may probably be fairly estimated at 6,000, including 500 unwounded prisoners. He claims to have taken 900 prisoners and 9,000 small arms, but no guns. Thus closed what the exulting cor respondent at Lee's headquarters of The Times (London) calls " a memo rable day to the historian of the De cline and Fall of the American Re public." Not so, O owl-eyed scribe ! but rather one of those days of bloody baptism from whose regen erating flood that Republic was di vinely appointed to rise to a purer life, a nobler spirit, a grander, more beftignant destiny.! It would be incredible on any tes timony less conclusive than his own M that Gen. Burnside, on the very heel of this prodigal, horrible carnage, re solved to attack again next day, and on the very point where the enemy's lines had been proved impregnable at a cost of 10,000 men. Another butch ery as fruitless and still more demor alizing would doubtless have been hv curred, but for the timely and forci ble remonstrance of stern old Sumner — who never kept out of a fight when there was a shadow of excuse for go ing in — and who protested, backed by nearly every General in the army, against such suicidal madness. Burn side finally gave way, and thus prob ably saved the 9th corps (of old, his own) from useless, inexcusable sacri fice. 15 Longstreet reports his losses thus : killed, 251; wounded, 1,516; missing, 127: total, 1,894. Jackson gives his as — killed, 344; wounded, 2,545; missing, 526: total, 3,415: grand total, 5,309. Among their killed, beside those already mentioned, was Brig.-Gen. T. R. R. Cobb, of Ga., brother of Howell Cobb. Among their wound ed, were Brig.-Gens. J. R. Cooke and W. ' D. Pender. 16 He says, in his testimony before the Com mittee on the Conduct of the War : "The two attacks were made, and we were repulsed ; still holding a portion of the ground we had fought upon, but not our extreme ad vance. " That night, I went all over the field on our right ; in fact, I was with the officers and men until nearly daylight. I found the feeling to be rather against an attack the next morning; in fact, it was decidedly against it. " I returned to my headquarters, and, after conversation with Gen. Sumner, told him that I wanted him to order the 9th army corps — which was the corps I originally commanded — to form the next morning a column of attack by regi ments. It consisted of some 18 old regiments, and some new ones ; and I desired the column to make a direct attack upon the enemy's works. I thought that these regiments, by coming quick ly up after each other, would be able to carry the stone wall and the batteries in front, forcing the enemy into their next line, and, by going in with them, they would not be able to fire upon us to any great extent. I left Gen. Sumner with that understanding, and directed him to give the order. The order was given, and the column of attack was formed. " The next morning, just before the column was to have started, Gen. Sumner came to ma and said : ' General, I hope you will desist from this attack ; I do not know of any general officer who approves of it ; and I think it will prove disastrous to the army.' Advice of that kind from Gen. Sumner, who has always been in favor of an advance whenever it was possible, caused ' me to hesitate. I kept the column of attack formed, and sent over for the division and corps commanders, and consulted with them. They unanimously voted against the attack. I then went over to see the other officers of the com mand on the other side, and found that the same impression prevailed among them. I then sent for Gen. Franklin, who was on the left, and he was of exactly the same opinion. This caused me to decide that I ought not to make the attack I had contemplated. And besides, inasmuch as the President of the United States had told me not to be in haste in making this attack; that he would give me all the support that he could, but he did not want the Army of the Potomac destroyed, I felt that I could not take the respon sibility of ordering the attack, notwithstanding my own belief at the time that the works of the enemy could be carried." LEE AND BURNSIDE ON FREDERICKSBURG. 349 The two armies stood facing each other throughout the 14th and 15th : Lee strengthening his defenses and awaiting a renewal of the attack; Burnside at length deciding to with draw all but Hooker's corps across the river, and continue to hold Fred ericksburg ; but this he finally gave up, on Hooker's representation that he should be unable to hold the town ; and decided to reeross his entire army during the night of the 15th ; which was quietly effected without serious loss. A few of our desperately wound ed, a few pickets, and considerable ammunition, were left by us in Fred ericksburg; but Franklin did not lose a man ; and not one gun was aban doned as a trophy of this ill-starred advance on Richmond. Our pon toons were all taken up and brought off; the Rebels next day reoccupy- ing Fredericksburg and their side of the river ; and thenceforth pickets and sharp-shooters fired across the stream, whenever any temptation to a shot was afforded, with as business like an air as though the Rappahan nock had always been the boundary of two hostile empires, over which no armed force had ever ventured. Lee has been blamed for not follow ing up his advantage ; and it is just possible that he might have made something by a tremendous bom bardment of the town while still crowded with our decimated, dis heartened troops — possibly by a sud den, determined assault upon it, or upon Franklin's wing, with the great " Lee's ' General Order No. 38,' dated Dec. 21, congratulating his army on their success in this encounter, says : " The immense army of the enemy completed its preparations for the attack without interrup tion, and gave battle in its own time, and on ground of its own selection. " It was encountered by less than twenty thou- body of his army. But how could he know at once how severely we had suffered ? And, even if he did know, would it have been wise to rush his men upon our batteries, as ours had been rushed upon his? Jackson had decided against this, when in the flush of his success ; and he decided wisely. To push forward their men till under the fire of our heavy guns, commandingly posted on our side of the Rappahannock, would have been to imitate Burnside's blun der; and they had not 15,000 men to spare." General Burnside's errors in this movement were errors of judgment only ; and these were nobly redeemed by his subsequent conduct and bear ing. Though he had accepted the chief command with unfeigned re luctance and self-distrust, and keenly felt that he had not been fairly treat ed in the matter of the pontoons, and that Franklin had not done his best in the hour of trial, he excused others and took all the blame on himself. In his report to Gen. Halleck,18 he says : " But for the fog, and the unexpected and unavoidable delay in building the bridges, which gave the enemy 24 hours to concen trate his forces in his strong position, we should almost certainly have succeeded ; in which case, the battle would have been, in my opinion, far more decisive than if we had crossed at the places first selected. As it was, we came very near success. Failing in accomplishing the main object, we re mained in order of battle two days — long enough to decide that the enemy would not come out of his stronghold to fight me with his infantry — after which, we recrossed to this side of the river unmolested, without the loss of men or property. sand of this brave army; and its columns, crushed and broken, hurled back at every point, with such fearful slaughter, that escape from en tire destruction became the boast of those who had advanced in full confidence of victory." This is so unfair as to be essentially false, and quite unworthy of a great soldier. 18 Dec. 19. 350 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. " As the day broke, our long lines of troops were seen marching to their different positions as if going on parade — not the least demoralization or disorganization ex isted. " To the brave officers and soldiers who accomplished the feat of thus recrossing in the face of the enemy, I owe every thing. For the failure in the attack, I am respon sible; as the extreme gallantry, courage, and endurance shown by them were never exceeded, and would have Carried the points had it been possible. " To the families and friends of the dead, I can only offer my heartfelt sympathies ; but for the wounded, I can offer my earnest prayer for their comfort and final recovery-. " The fact that I decided to move from Warrenton on to this line rather against the opinion of the President, Secretary of War, and yourself, and that you have left the whole movement in my hands, without giv ing me orders, makes me the more respon sible." But General Burnside's usefulness as commander of the Army of the Potomac was at an end. Officers and soldiers alike felt that he had sadly misjudged in ordering an as sault on the bristling heights south of Fredericksburg — still more,in seek ing to repeat that assault after the bloody, calamitous experience of the 13th — and the popularity of Mc Clellan was immensely strengthened and widened by that disastrous re pulse. Whatever his faults, 'Little Mac ' had ever been careful of the lives of his men ; and this fact was now remembered to his credit. Had the army been polled for the choice of a commander at any time during the month following our withdrawal from Fredericksburg, it is probable that McClellan would have had a de cisive majority, and morally certain that Burnside's supporters would have proved a still more indubitable minority. The latter, however, had no idea of sitting down under his defeat. J» Dec. 26. While the Rebel chiefs were con gratulating each other that the Army of the Potomac had been paralyzed, at least for the Winter, he was plan ning a fresh and determined advance on Richmond. Within a fortnight after his bloody repulse, he ordered w rations cooked, wagons packed, and every thing made ready for a general movement ; intending to make a feint above Fredericksburg, but to cross at the Sedden House, six or seven miles below ; while 2,500 cav alry, with 4 guns, crossing at Kelly's ford, were to raid across the Virginia Central, the Lynchburg and the Wel don Railroads, blowing up the locks on the James River Canal ; crossing the Nottoway, and reporting to Gen. Peck, in command at Suffolk ; while several other flying expeditions were to distract the enemy's attention and deceive him as to the significance of the general movement. He had just given20 the initial impulse to this combined movement, when a tele gram from the President arrested it ; and, repairing at once to Washing ton, Gen. B. learned that represen tations had been made at headquar ters by certain of his subordinates, prompted and sustained by others, that, if he were permitted to proceed, in the existing temper of the army, he would inevitably incur disasters so grave as to signally belittle, if not wholly efface, those of the recent fail ure. In deference to these represen tations, the President had telegraphed as he did ; and the Secretary of War and the General-in-chief, though now for the first time apprised of the clan destine communications of army offi cers to Mr. Lincoln, failed even to attempt a removal of the impression s° Dec. 30. BURNSIDE'S 'MUD MARCH' — HE IS RELIEVED. 351 Jhey had made on the President's mind. Returning to the army, Gen. Burn side soon ascertained that certain details of the proposed cavalry move ment had transpired —in fact, he was assured by Gen. Pleasanton that they were known among Secessionists in Washington two or three days after his first interview with the President —so he abandoned that movement ; intending to make one somewhat dif ferent, in the course of a few days. This new movement contemplated a crossing in force at Banks's and at the United States fords, above Fred ericksburg; the crossing below be- *ing also made, or at least menaced, as originally proposed: and again his preparations were perfected and his army now put" inmotion ; when, at 10 p. m., there burst over it one of the severest and most trying storms ever experienced in that region. Snow, driving sleet, pouring rain, a general breaking up of the roads, hitherto hard and dry, and a chaos of the elements which rendered loco motion impossible and life under the drenching sky scarcely endurable, arrested that advance at its outset, and fixed our army in the mire wherein it for hours wretchedly, sul lenly, hopelessly floundered. Day light exposed to the enemy across the stream movements which were in tended to be consummated under the cover of night : they were not foolish enough, had they been able, to squander their men and animals in attempts to assail our stalled and struggling forces ; but they guarded the fords so strongly that Burnside was glad to order his men back to their old camps — some of which they had burned on quitting, in the confi dent expectation that they should nevermore need them. Gen. Burnside, having discovered, as he believed, the officers who had paralyzed his efforts by fomenting discontent in his army, and by dis heartening communications to Wash ington, now prepared a general order (' No. 8'), dismissing " them from the service ; but, on the advice of a trusted friend, decided to submit it to the President before giving it pub licity or effect. He did so ; and the President, after consultation with his official advisers, decided, instead of approving the order, to relieve Gen. Burnside from command ; which was accordingly done : the order stating that Gen. B. was so relieved at hts own request — against which, Gen. B. remonstrated as most unjust, pressing his demand that his resignation should be accepted instead ; but he was finally persuaded to withdraw it, and agree to serve wherever his aid might. be required, allowing any order to be published that might be deemed essential to the public weal. Thus ended S3 his command of the Army of the Potomac. During this Winter and the ensu ing Spring, a number of raids were made by the Rebel cavalry : one M al Jan. 20, 1863. w Maj.-Gen. Hooker, with Brig.-Gens. W. T. H. Brooks and John Newton, were designated in this order for ignominious dismissal from the service; while Maj.-Gens. W. B..Franklin and W. F Smith, and Brig.-Gens. John Cochrane and Edward Ferrero, with Lt.-CoL J. H. Taylor, were relieved from duty with this army. M Jan. 28. Gen. Sumner, at his own request, and Gen. Franklin, with expressive silence, were relieved by the same order. Gen. Sumner died soon afterward, at Syracuse, N. T. " Dec 25, 1862. 352 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. by J. E. B. Stuart across the Rappa hannock to Dumfries, where 25 wagons and some 200 prisoners Were taken, and thence toward Alexandria and around Fairfax Court House, burning the railroad bridge across the Accotink, and returning in tri umph with their spoils; another," by a party of Imboden's troopers, farther west,, from the Valley to Romney, where the guards of a supply train were surprised and routed: 72 men, 106 horses, and 27 wagons taken and carried off; a third,20 by Fitz Hugh Lee, across the Rappahannock, near Falmouth, sur prising a camp, and taking 150 pris oners, with a loss of 14 men ; a fourth," by Gen. W. E. Jones, in the Yalley, routing two regiments of Milroy's cavalry, and taking 200 pris oners, with a loss of 4 men only; while a more daring raid was made by Maj. White, of Jones's command, across the Potomac at Poolesville, taking 77 prisoners. Lee further re ports that Capt. Randolph, of the Black Horse cavalry, by various raids into Fauquier county, captured over 200 prisoners and several hun dred stand of arms ; and that Lt. Moseby (whose name now makes its ¦ first appearance in a bulletin) '" has done much to harass the enemy ; attacking him boldly on several occasions, and capturing many pris oners." One or two minor cavalry exploits, recited by Lee in ' General Order No. 29,' read too much like romance to be embodied in sober his tory ; yet such was the depression on our side in Virginia, such the elation and confidence on the other, such the very great advantage enjoyed by Rebel raiders in the readiness of the White inhabitants to give them in formation, and even to scout in quest of it, throughout that dreary Winter, that nothing that might be asserted of Rebel audacity or Federal imbe cility is absolutely incredible. The somber cloud is lighted by a single flash, not of victory, but of humor. In a Rebel raid far within our lines, Gen. Stoughton, a young Ver mont Brigadier, was taken in his bed, near Fairfax Court JBLouse, and, with his guards and five horses, hurried off across the Rappahannock. Some one spoke of the loss to Mr. Lincoln next morning : " Yes," said the President ; "that of the horses is bad ; but I can make another General in 5 minutes." When General Hooker assumed" command of the Army of the Poto mac, its spirit and efficiency were at a very low ebb. Desertions were at the rate of 200 per day ; soldiers clandestinely receiving citizens' cloth ing by express from relatives and others to facilitate their efforts to escape from a service wherein they had lost all heart. The number shown by the rolls to be absent from their regiments was no less than 2,922 officers and 81,964 non-commission ed 29 officers and soldiers — many of them in hospitals, on leave, or detach ed on duty ; but a majority, probably, had deserted. The frequency, auda city, and success, ofthe Rebel cavalry raids that Winter forcibly indicate the elation and confidence felt on one side, the apathy, born of despon dency, on the other. Superior as its 26 Feb. 16. «• Feb. 25. " Feb. 26. !8 Jan. 26. w So Gen. Hooker testified before the Com mittee on the Conduct of the War. But this enormous total probably includes all who had deserted from the regiments composing that army since they were severally organized, aa well as the sick and wounded in hospitals. w J, If HOOKER'S ADYANCE — STONEMAN'S ORDERS. 353 numbers still were, it is questionable that this army was a full match, on equal ground, for its more homoge neous, better disciplined, more self- assured, more determined antagonist. Gen. Hooker very properly de voted the two ensuing months to im proving the discipline, perfecting the organization, and exalting the spirit of his men ; with such success that he had, before their close, an army equal in numbers and efficiency to any ever seen on this continent, ex cept that which Gen. McClellan com manded during the first three months of 1861. Its infantry was nearly, if not quite, 100,000 strong ; its artillery not less than 10,000, every way well appointed; while its cavalry, number ing 13,000, needed only a fair field and a leader to prove itself the most effective body of horsemen ever brig aded on American soil. Horses and forage having both become scarce in the South, tbere was not, and never had been, any cavalry force connected with any Rebel army that could stand against it. Being at length ready, Hooker dispatched so Stoneman, with most of his cavalry,31 up the north side of the river," with instructions to cross, at discretion, above the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, strike Fitz Hugh Lee's cavalry brigade (com puted at 2,000) near Culpepper Court House, capture Gordonsville, and then pounce on the Fredericksburg and Richmond Railroad near Sax- ton's Junction, cutting telegraphs, railroads, burning bridges, &c, thence toward Richmond, fighting at every opportunity, and harassing by every means the retreat of the Rebel army, which, it was calculated, would now be retiring on Richmond. The spirit of Hooker's instructions is em bodied in these sentences : " Let your watchword he fight, and let all your orders he fight, fight, fight ; bearing in mind that time is as valuable to the Gen eral as the Rebel carcasses. " It devolves upon you, General, to take the initiative in the forward movement of this grand army ; and on you and your nohle command must depend, in a great measure, the extent and brilliancy of our success. Bear in mind that celerity, audacity, and re* solution, are every thing in war; and espe cially is it the case with the command you have, and the enterprise on which you are about to embark." These instructions seem to have been at once terse and perspicuous,. plainly indicating what was expected, and why it was required ; yet leaving ample discretion to him who was to give them effect. Yet it is hard to repress a suspicion that irony lurks in such language, when addressed to an officer like George D. Stoneman. Our cavalry, carefully screening its movements from the enemy } marched two days westward, and had thrown across one division, when a rain raised the river so rapidly that this vanguard was recalled, swim ming its horses ; and a succession of April storms kept the streams so full and impetuous, while the roads were rendered so bad, that a fresh advance was postponed to the 27th; Gen. Hooker giving the order for the movement of his infantry and artil lery next day. The time was well chosen. Long- street, with three divisions, had been detached from Lee's army, and was operating against Gen. Peck below the James ; and it is not probable that Lee had much, if any, over 60,000 men on the Rappahannock. True, his position at Fredericksburg was ' April 13. SI He says 13,000, in his testimony before the Committee on the Conduct of the War. vol. n. — 23 354 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. very strong, as we had learned to our cost; but it might be turned, as Hooker proceeded to show. His army was still encamped at Falmouth, opposite Fredericksburg. The llth (Howard's) and 12th (Slo cum's) corps moved up the river, but carefully avoiding observation from the hostile bank, so far as Kelly's ford ; crossing there the Rappahan nock that night and next morning — the men wading up to their arm pits — and the Rapidan at Germania Mills, next day, moving thence rap idly on Chastoelloksville. The 5th (Meade's) corps followed; crossing tbe Rapidan at Ely's ford, lower down. Meantime, the 2d (Couch's) corps approached, so nearly as it might unobserved, to both the United States and Banks's fords, ready to cross when these should be flanked by the advance of the llth, 12th, and 5th behind these fords to Chan cellorsville. Resistance had been ex pected here ; but none was encoun tered, as none worth mentioning had been above ; and Couch crossed his corps" at the United States ford on pontoons, without the loss of a man. Gen. Hooker, at Morrisville, superin tended the movement; following him self to Chaneellorsville,wherehe estab lished his headquarters that night. This important movement had been skillfully masked by a feint of crossing below Fredericksburg; the 6th (Sedgwick's) corps laying pon toons and actually crossing at Frank- lin's^ two or three miles below ; the 1st (Reynolds's) at Pollock's Mill, still lower ; the 3d (Sickles's) supporting either or both. Sedgwick was in chief command on this wing. The bridges were ready by daylight of the 83 April 30. 29th ; and, before daylight, Brooks's division had crossed in boats and driven off the Rebel pickets ; while Gen. Wadsworth in like manner led the advance of Reynolds's division ; when three pontoon bridges were laid in front of Sedgwick, and every thing made ready for crossing in force. Now Sickles's (3d) corps was ordered to move33 silently, rapidly to the United States ford, and thence to Chancellorsville, while part of the pontoons were taken up and sent to Banks's ford; Reynolds, after mak ing as great a display as possible, and exchanging some long shots with the Rebels in his front, following, May 2d; raising Hooker's force at and near Chancellorsville to 70,000 men. Sedgwick, on the other side of the Rebel army, had his own corps, 22,000 strong ; while Gen. Gibbon's division of the 2d corps, 6,000 strong, which had been left in its camp at Falmouth to guard our stores and guns from a Rebel raid, was subject to his order ; raising his force to nearly 30,000. Thus far, Gen. Hooker's success had been signal and deserved. His movements had been so skillfully masked that Lee was completely de ceived ; and the passage of the Rap pahannock had been effected, both above and below him, and all its fords seized, without any loss what ever. Never did a General feel more sanguine of achieving not merely a great but a crushing victory. "I have Lee's army in one hand and Richmond in the other," was his ex ulting remark to those around him as he rode up to the single but capacious brick house — at once mansion and tavern — that then, with its appenda ges, constituted Chancellorsville. But "3 April 30. N LEE CONCENTRATES IN HOOKER'S FRONT. 355 the order he issued thereupon evinces an amazing misapprehension of his real position and its perils. It reads as follows : " Headquarters Aemt op the Potomac, ~1 " Camp neak Falmouth, Va., > "April 30, 1863.) " It is with heartfelt satisfaction that the Commanding General announces to the ar my that the operations of the last three days have determined that our enemy must either ingloriously fly or come out from behind his defenses and give us battle on our own ground, where certain destruction awaits him. The operations of the 5th, llth, and 12th corps have been a succession of splen did achievements. 11 By command of Maj.-Gen. Hooker. "S. Williams, Ass't Adjt.-Gen." A General who has but eight days' provisions at hand, and these in the haversacks of his men, with a capri cious river between him and his de pots, and who has been obliged to leave behind most of his heavier guns, as well as his wagons, and is enveloped in a labyrinth of woods and thickets, traversed by narrow roads, and every foot of it familiar to his enemy, while a terra incognita even to his guides, has no warrant for talking in that strain. Never were a few "intelligent contrabands," who had traversed those mazes by night as well as by day, more im peratively needed ; yet he does not seem to have even seasonably sought their services.; hence, his general or der just recited, taken in connection with his pending experience, was destined to lend a mournful empha sis to the trite but sound old moni tion,. " Never halloo till you are out of the woods." The fords of the Rappahannock next above Fredericksburg had been watched by Gen. Anderson with three brigades, some 8,000 strong ; but Hooker's dispositions were so skillfully made that he did not anti cipate a crossing in force until it was too late to call on Lee for reenforce ments ; and he had no choice but to fall back rapidly before our ad vancing columns to Chancellorsville, where»a fourth brigade joined him ; but, being still too weak to make head against an army, he obliqued^ thence five miles toward Fredericks burg, at the point where the two roads from Chancellorsville become one. Here Lee soon appeared from Fredericksburg, with the divisions of McLaws and the rest of Anderson^ own. Jackson, with those of A. P. Hill and Rhodes (late D. H. Hill's), had been watching our demonstra tion under Sedgwick, below Freder icksburg ; but, when Lee heard that Hooker had crossed in force above, he at once inferred that the move ment below was a feint, and called Jackson away toward Chancellors ville, adding the division of Trimble to his command and impelling him on a movement against Hooker's extreme right; leaving only Early's division and Barksdale's brigade in front of Sedgwick on our remote left, and to hold the heights overlooking Freder icksburg, which he judged no longer likely to be assailed. Lee had been outgeneraled in the passage of the Rappahannock on his left, while he was watching for Hook er on his right ; but he was not dis concerted. Leaving a very small force in his works on the Fredericks burg heights, he pushed his main body — at least 50,000 strong — down the Gordonsville plank and lateral roads to the point, half-way to Chan cellorsville, where the old turnpike intersects the plank road ; and was 356 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. CHANCELLORS VILI.K A. Positions held by Union troops previous to the movement. B. Positions held by Eebel troops previous to the movement C. Position taken and held by Union troops, April 29. D. Small force of Rebels routed, April 80. E. Farthest advance made by Union forces, May 1. F. Line which Union forces retired to and intrenched, May 1. G. Jackson's attack on the llth corps, May 2. H. Position which Union forces retired to and Intrenched, MayS. I. Heights at Fredericksburg carried by 6th corps, MayS. J. Advanced position attained by 6th corps. K. Interior line intrenched previous to retiring of Union forces across U. S. ford, night of May 5th. L. Eoute pursued by Jackson's forces. here concentrated in time to watch the development of Hooker's offen sive strategy. A reconnoissance down the old pike for three miles toward Freder icksburg having developed no hostile force, Gen. Hooker ordered34 an ad vance of Sykes's regulars (3d division, 5th corps) oh that road, followed by part of the 2d corps ; the 1st and 3d divisions of the 5th corps moving on a road farther north, in the direction of Banks's ford ; the llth, followed by the 12th, being thrown out west wardly from Chancellorsville, along the two roads, which are here, for a short distance, blended, but gradually separate. An advance of two or three miles toward Fredericksburg was meditated ; but Sykes had hardly traversed a mile when he met the enemy coming on, in greater force, and a sharp conflict ensued, with mutual loss; the Rebels extending their line so as to outflank ours, while Sykes vainly attempted to con nect with Slocum (12th corps) on his right. Gen. Warren, who was su perintending Sykes's movement, re turned and reported progress to Hooker, who ordered Sykes to fall back, which he did ; bringing off all but a few of his wounded, and very cautiously followed by the enemy. Thus the prestige of success, in the first collision of the struggle, was tamely conceded to the enemy ; and the day closed with the woods and thickets in our front filled with Rebel sharp-shooters, and the crests of the 34 May 1, 9 a. M. JACKSON ROUTS HOWARD'S CORPS. 357 ridges occupied by his batteries, whence he opened on our left, upon our wagons in the cleared space around the Chancellorsville house, next morning.3" The 3d (Sickles's) corps, having arrived by a hard march from below Fredericksburg, had been mainly posted in reserve near our center, while Hooker, about daybreak, rode along his right, which he apprehended was too far extended, or not strongly posted, and which he found no wise prepared by earthworks and batteries for a flank attack; but he was as sured by Slocum and Howard that they were equal to any emergency. Thus oiir army stood still, when, at 8 A. m., Birney, commanding Sickles's 1st division, which had been thrown well forward toward our right, be tween the 12th and the llth corps, reported a continuous movement of Rebel forces along his front toward our right; whereupon, Sickles, at his own suggestion, was ordered by Hook er to push forward Birney's division, followed by another, to look into the matter. Birney, at 10 a. m., directed Clark's rifled battery to open on the Confed erate wayfarers, which he did with great effect, throwing their column into disorder, and compelling it to abandon the road. The movement being evidently continued, however, on some road a little farther off, Sickles, at 1 p. m., directed Birney to charge the passing column ; and he did so ; bridging with rails a petty creek in his front, passing over his di vision and two batteries, and striking the rear of the Rebel column with such force that he captured and brought off 500 prisoners. Sunset found him thus far ad vanced, holding the road over wliich the Rebel's were originally marching; his division formed in square, with his artillery in the center; Barlow's brigade of the 5th corps, which had advanced to support his right,' being up with him; but Whipple's divi sion of the 3d and one of the 12th corps, which were to have covered his left, being invisibly distant. Soon, panic-stricken fugitives from the llth, now almost directly in Bir ney's rear, brought tidings of a great disaster. The Rebel movement to our right, along our front — which had been either culpably disregarded by Howard, or interpreted as a retreat of the Rebel army on Richmond — had culminated, a little before 6 p. m., in a grand burst of Stonewall Jack son, with 25,000 men, on the exposed flank of that corps. Emerging sud denly from the thick woods which enveloped that flank, and charging it from three sides, as it were, the Rebels caught some of our men pre paring their suppers, with arms stacked, and gave them no time to recover. In a moment, the 1st divis ion, Gen. Devens, was overwhelmed ; its commander being among the the wounded, and one-third of his force, including every General and Colonel, either disabled or captured. Driven back in wild rout down the Chancellorsville road upon the posi tion of Gen. Schurz, it was found that his division had already retreat ed — perhaps fled is the apter word — and an attempt made to rally and form here proved abortive ; the 17th Connecticut, which bore a resolute part in the effort, had its Lt.-Col. killed and its Colonel severely wound- ' Saturday, May 2. 358 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. ed. Back upon Steinwehr's division rolled the rabble rout, in spite of Howard's frantic exertions ; and, al though a semblance of organization and consistency was here maintained, the great majority of the corps poured down to Chancellorsville and beyond, spreading the infection of their panic, and threatening to stam pede the entire army. Sickles had been preparing to strike a still heavier blow than that of Birney, and had, to that end, obtained from Hooker Pleasanton's cavalry, perhaps 1,000 strong, with permission to call on Howard and Slocum for aid ; when he was thun derstruck by tidings that Howard's corps was demolished. As he had heard no firing of consequence, he refused at first to credit the story; but he was soon constrained to be Ueve it. Not only was the llth corps gone, but the triumphant Rebels were in his rear, between him and head quarters ; so that when, recalling Birney from his advanced position, he sent to Hooker for his 3d division, he was informed that it could not be sent — Hooker having been obliged to use it to arrest the progress of the enemy, and prevent their driving him from Chancellorsville. Sickles was in a critical position ; but he had now his two divisions in hand, with his artillery — which had not been used in Birney's advance — massed in a cleared field ; where Pleas- anton, coming in from the front with a part of his force, met the rushing flood of fugitives from the right, and was told that a charge of cavalry was required to stop the enemy's advance. (He had at most 500 men, wherewith to arrest a charge of 25,000, led by Stonewall Jackson.) Turning to Maj. Keenan, 8th Pennsylvania, he said, " Tou must charge into those woods with your regiment, and hold the Rebels until I can get some of these guns into position. You must do it, at whatever cost." " I will," was the calm, smiling response of the patriot, who well understood that the order was his death-warrant. Ten minutes later, he was dead, and a :good part of his regiment lay bleeding around him; but their charge had stayed the Rebel rush, and enabled Pleasanton to get his own battery of horse artillery into position, his guns double-shotted with canister, and trained on the ground, 200 yards distant, over which the enemy must come on. And now, clearing the field of fugitives, pick ing up what guns and ammunition he could from the wreck of the llth corps, and adding these to Sickles's, he had them all properly posted and double-shotted, and was ready for his expected visitors. He had not long to wait. The woods in his front were by this time full of them ; darkness was falling ; and some of the enemv resorted to *j the unworthy stratagem (quite too common on either side) of displaying a false flag, and pretending to be friends. One of our gunners ex claimed, " General, that is our flag !" whereupon he sent forward an aid to ascertain. " Come on, we are friends !" was called out ; and, in another moment, the woods blazed with mus ketry, and the Rebels charged out of them, rushing upon our guns ; which that instant opened, and swept whole ranks of them away. Three charges were thus made — one of them to within fifty yards of the guns— but each was repelled with great slaugh ter; though Pleasanton had no in- DEATH OF STONEWALL JACKSON. 359 fantry support worth naming for his batteries; and his few remaining troopers, being green recruits, were not adapted to such an emergency ; yet these for a time were all tie sup port he had. In front of these batteries, fell Stone wall Jackson, mortally wounded — by the fire of his own men, they say ; 38 but it was dark, in dense woods, and men were falling all around him from our canister and grape; so that it is not impossible that he was among them. Prisoners taken by Pleasanton soon afterward told him that Jackson was mortally wounded, and mentioned other high officers, as, like him, stricken down by our fire ; adding that their forces were " badly cut up," and, " as to the men, they were disorganized." Still, it seems probable that Jackson fell by a fire from his own infantry, deliv ered in accordance with his orders. His loss was the greatest yet sus tained by either .party in the fall of a single man ; though Sidney Johnston had probably military talents of a higher order. But Jackson's power over his men was unequaled; and it was justified by the soundness of his judgment as well as the intrepidity 'of his character. Contrary to the vulgar notion, his attacks were all well considered, and based on a care ful calculation of forces; and he showed as high qualities in refusing to squander his men towardthe close ofthe fray at Antietam, and again, at Fredericksburg, as he did in his most brilliant charges. Accident seemed to favor him at times, especially in his later Yalley campaign.; but then, accident is apt to favor a commander who is never asleep when there is anything to be gained or hoped from being awake, and who, if required, can march his men forty miles per ™ " The Life of Stonewall Jackson, by a Vir ginian," gives the following account of his fall: " Gen. Jackson ordered Gen. Hill to advance with his division, reserving his fire unless cavatry approached from the direction ofthe enemy; and then, with that burning and intense enthusiasm for conflict which lay under his calm exterior, hastened forward to the line of skirmishers who were hotly engaged in front. Such was his ardor, at this critical moment, and his anxiety to penetrate the movements of tbe enemy, doubly screened as they were by the dense forest and gathering darkness, that he rode ahead of his skirmishers, and exposed himself to a close and dangerous fire from the enemy's sharp-shooters, posted in the timber. " So great was the danger which he thus ran, that one of his staff said: ' General, don't you think this is the wrong place for you?' He re plied quickly : ' The danger is all over ; the ene my is routed. Go back, and tell A. P. Hill to press right on I' Soon after giving this order, Gen. Jackson turned, and, accompanied by his staff and escort, rode back at a trot, on his well- known ' Old Sorrel,' toward his own men. Un happily, in the darkness — it was now 9 or 10 o'clock at night — the little body of horsemen was mistaken for Federal cavalry charging, and the regiments on the right and left of the road fired a sudden volley into them with the most lament able results. Capt. Boswell, of Gen. Jackson's staff, was killed, and borne into our lines by his horse ; Col. Crutchfield, Chief of Artillery, was wounded ; and two couriers were killed. Gfin. Jackson received one ball in his left arm, two inches below the shoulder jduit, shattering the bone and severing the chief artery ; a second passed through the same arm, between the elbow and wrist, making its exit through* the palm oi the hand; a third ball entered the palm of his right hand, about the middle, and, passing through, broke two of the bones. " He fell from his horse, and was caught by Capt. Wormly, to whom he said, ' All my wounds are by my own men.' " The firing was responded to by the. enemy, who made .a sudden advance ; and, the Confeder ates falling back, their foes actually charged over Jackson's body. He was not discovered, how ever; and, the Federals being .driven back in turn, he was rescued. Ready hands placed him upon a litter, and he was borne to the rear, amid a heavy fire from the enemy. One of the litter- bearers was shot down, and the -General fell from the shoulders of the men, receiving a severe contusion, adding to the injury of the arm, and injuring the side severely. : The enemy's fire of artillery on the point was terrible. -Gen Jackson was left for five minutes. until .the fire slackened, then placed in an ambulance and' car ried to the field hospital at Wilderness Run." He died, eight days afterward, at Guineas' Station, five miles from the place of his fall, and his remains rest at Lexington, Va., his home. 360 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. day. It is doubtful if all the advan tages; including prestige, which the Rebels gained around Chancellors ville, were not dearly purchased by the loss of Thomas Jonathan Jackson. Pleasanton, no longer annoyed, proceeded with his work, getting batteries arranged, with caissons, &c, from the debris left behind by the stampeded corps, until he had forty guns in position, and three roads built across an adjacent marsh; so that, with the support of Sickles's infantry, he deemed his position tenable against the entire Rebel army. Sickles, who was again in communication with Hooker, ad vanced Birney's division at midnight, Hobart Ward's brigade in front, charging down the plank road, driv ing back the Rebels, and recovering a part of the ground lost by Howard ; bringing away several of our aban doned guns and caissons. And now, reporting in person to Hooker, he was ordered to fall back on Chancellors ville — the collapse of the llth corps having rendered our force inadequate, as was judged, for the defense of so extended a front. This order would seem to have been unfortunate. At daylight,37 Sickles commenced the movement — Birney in the rear — and was of course closely followed by the enemy, whose infantry filled the woods ; but our men retired slowly and steadily, by successive forma tions, and left nothing to the enemy but one dismounted gun, a shattered caisson, and our dead. Lee's army was nearly all now concentrated in Hooker's front, and on his left flank, elated with its easy rout of the llth corps and its gene ral success ; covered by woods, which not merely concealed its inferiority in numbers, but rendered it immate rial ; while Hooker had lost heart, by reason of Howard's sudden disaster; and Ms subordinates were paralyzed by their ignorance of this region of woods and dense thickets, in which they could rarely determine whether they were confronting a regiment or a division, and in which, with 60,000 men at hand, they were never able to put in half that number so as to render them of any service. At daylight, the Rebels pushed for ward heavy columns on their chosen points of attack, infesting our whole front with sharp-shooters, and keep ing each of our corps which they had determined not to attack in constant expectation of a charge in force. But their main effort was made from the west, by direct advance on Chan cellorsville down the plank road on the ground wherefrom Howard had been hurled. Never did men charge with more desperate determination, more utter recklessness of their own lives, than did that morning the Reb els, now led by J. E. B. Stuart (A. P. Hill having been disabled soon after Jackson was, in front of Pleasanton's batteries), dashing themselves upon Sickles's corps; whose forty guns, ably fought, tore through their close ranks with frightful carnage. Those guns were supported by Berry's and Birney's divisions of their own corps ; the remaining division (Whipple's) supporting Berry's, as Williams's (of Slocum's corps) supported Birney's. Charging up to the mouths of our cannon, the Rebels were mowed down by hundreds; but fresh regiments constantly succeeded those which had been shattered ; until Sickles, finding Sunday, May 3. HOOKER STUNNED — SICKLES DRIVEN. 361 his cartridges running low, sent word to Hooker that he could not hold his ground without assistance. Major Tremaine, who bore this message, found the General stunned and senseless. A cannon-ball had just now struck a pillar of the Chan cellorsville house, against which he was leaning, and hurled him to the floor. He was supposed by his staff to be dead or dying ; so Tremaine could get no response to Sickles's message; and, after sending once more to headquarters in vain, Sickles — his artillery being now out of am munition — was obliged to recede to his second line of defenses, expecting to be sharply followed, and to be compelled to hold his ground with the bayonet. But the enemy's for mation had been so completely pul verized by our guns, and their losses had been so fearful, that half an hour elapsed before they renewed their at tack. Had a corps been, promptly sent to his assistance, Sickles believes that victory was his own. The precious hour passed, while our army was without a head. Gen. Couch was next in rank, and might have assumed active command dur ing Hooker's insensibility, but hesi tated to do so. Nothing had been done to relieve Sickles's corps of the weight of all Jackson's force, save that French and Hancock, with two divisions of Couch's corps,had charged the left of the Rebel attacking force, then threatening Meade's front, and forced it back. But this scarcely abated the pressure on Sickles, who was freshly assailed in his new posi tion, and — being still nearly desti tute of ammunition — was again com pelled to recoil, after repelling, mainly with the bayonet, five fierce charges, and capturing eight flags. Under Couch's orders, our army was gener ally withdrawn a mile northward, or toward the Rappahannock,leavingthe wreck of the Chancellorsville house to the enemy, whose guns had by thiB time reduced it to a heap of ruins. Sickles testified, when before the Committee on the Conduct of the War, that only his and a part of the 12th (Slocum's) corps were engaged when he first sent to Hooker for help ; and that, with 10,000 of the 30,000 then unengaged, he could have won a decided victory. As it was, the fact that he lost no prison ers, while he took several hundred, and that nearly 4,000 of his 18,000 men were that day disabled, includ ing two of his three division com manders (Berry and Whipple) killed, and Gen. Mott, of the New Jersey brigade, wounded, without the loss of a gun 38 on his repeated retreats, 88 Sickles, in his testimony, says: " At the conclusion of the battle of Sunday, Capt. Seeley's battery, which was the last that fired a shot in the battle of Chancellorsville, had 45 horses killed, and in the neighborhood of 40 men killed and wounded ; but, being a soldier of great pride and ambition, and not wishing to leave any of his material in the hands of the enemy, he withdrew so entirely at his leisure that he carr ried off all the harness from his dead horses, loading his cannoniers with it ; he even took a part of a set of harness on his own arm, and so moved to the rear. I think this is as significant a fact as I can state to you, indicating the ina bility of the enemy to follow up." Gen. Hancock, commanding a division of the 2d corps, thus describes, in his testimony, the retirement of our army from Chancellorsville : " My position was on the other side of the Chancellor house ; and I had a fair view of this battle, although my troops were facing and fight ing the other way. The first lines referred to finally melted away, and the whole front ap peared to pass out. First the 3d corps went out; then the 12th corps, after fighting a long time; and there was nothing left on that part of the line but my own division — that is,, on that extreme point of the line on the side of the Chancellor house toward the enemy. I was di rected to hold that position until a change of 362 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. save that lost at daylight, sufficiently proves that the ground we conceded was lost by reason of misfortune or bad generalship, not by lack of valor or endurance in our soldiers. Gen. Hooker recovered his con sciousness and resumed command by noon ; but the fighting on this front was now nearly over : Lee's attention being forcibly drawn to Sedgwick, who was operating on his rear, where Hooker had expected him to strike heavily at an early hour this morning. Sedgwick, whose operations had hitherto been intended only to dis tract attention from the movement on our right, had been directed 3a by Hooker to cross at Fredericksburg, and advance forthwith on the road to Chancellorsville, demolishing any force that might attempt to bar his progress, until he should fall upon Lee's rear, simultaneously with an attack by Hooker on his front, and thus crush him between them. How hazardous such attempts at concerted attack on a great army from opposite and distant points are, was not now to be first learned. The order found Sedgwick already across the river, but at a point two or three miles below the city Gen. Warren, who was sent by Hooker, after the stampede of the llth corps, to urge Sedgwick to evince all possi ble alacrity, found him, at 3 A. m. of the eventful Sunday, just getting his corps in motion, and explained to him Hooker's. criticalposition and the ne cessity for prompt action in this quar ter. The night was clear; there was a full moon ; and it would not have been impossible to march a corps from Sedgwick's pontoons to Chancellors ville between midnight and 6 a. k,, had there been nothing in his way. But there was a serious obstacle — to wit, Lee's army; some portion of which was in Sedgwick's immediate front, and opened a straggling fire on the heads of his columns so soon as he commenced his march ; and at daylight he was just entering Fred ericksburg, instead of approaching Chancellorsville. By this time, Gib bon had laid a pontoon, and was crossing into the city, raising Sedg wick's force to nearly 30,000 men. Meanwhile, the Rebel troops in this quarter had been concentrating on Marye's hill, where they had several guns in position ; while a canal cov ering their left, with the bridges all taken up, increased the difficulty of carrying the hill by assault. One attempt to clear the enemy's rifle-pits at the foot of the hill was repulsed ; and it was nearly 11 A. M., line of battle could be made, and was to hold it until I was notified that all the other troops had gotten off. This necessitated my fighting for a time both ways. . I had two lines of battle ; one facing toward Fredericksburg, and the other line behind that. And I had to face about the troops in the rear line, so as to be ready for the enemy in that direction, who were coming on. I had a good deal of artillery; and, although the enemymassed their infantry in the woods very near me, aud attempted to advance, and always held a very threatening attitude, I judge they had exhaust ed their troops so much that they dared not attack me, although I remained there for some time alone in this position, very heavily engaged with artillery all the time, and some of my men of the rear line occasionally being shot by their infantry at a distance of several hundred yards. There was no forcible attack on me ; and, when the time came, I marched off to my new position, probably three-quarters of a mile from the old position, toward Untied States ford, where the new line of battle was laid out. "We immediately commenced to fortify that position by throwing up rifle-pits, and held it until we recrossed the river. In the mean time, we had given up all those great roads connect ing with Fredericksburg. The enemy took pos session of the belt of woods between us and those roads, and held us in the open space, and commenced using the roads we had abandoned, and marched down and attacked Sedgwick, as it proved afterward." 89 By order dated May 2, 9 p. m. ; received at 11. SEDGWICK ADVANCES ON LEE'S REAR. .363 before Sedgwick had completed such dispositions as he deemed requisite to storm- the heights ; when, advancing resolutely, those heights were quickly Garried; Gen. Howe's (2d) division forming three storming columns, un der Gen. Neill and Cols. Grant and Seaver, and carrying Cemetery hill under a heavy fire of artillery, push ing thence to Marye's hill, which was likewise carried with little loss ; our columns having scarcely been checked in their advance : the Rebel force (the 19th and 20th Mississippi, under Barksdale) being too light. Among the trophies of this success were 200 prisoners, some guns, camp equipage, &c. Having reformed his brigades, Sedgwick, leaving Gibbon at Fred ericksburg, moved out on the Chan cellorsville road' on the track of Barksdale, following him three or four miles to Salem church, where the Rebels halted and began to fight in earnest ; being joined by Wilcox, who had fallen back from Banks's ford. The position was strong, its flanks well covered by woods, and repeated attempts to carry it proved abortive. By this time (5 p. ,m.), Lee — the fight ing around Chancellorsville being over — had thrown McLaws this way, with orders and men to stop Sedg wick's* progress ; and they did it. The fight continued till dark; but the enemy were on high ground, and held it ; McLaws now taking com mand against us, with his force con tinually augmenting. Being the assailants, we of course lost the greater number; and our men lay down on their arms, with little hope of forcing their way through to Hooker on that line, especially since he gave' no signs of vitality, and afforded no promise of vigorous cooperation. Morning broke ;4° and Sedgwick's position was fast becoming critical. The enemy were not only in force on his front, but were feeling around his left, and even l^ck to the heights above Fredericksburg. He was not strong enough to fight the whole Rebel army ; yet, should Hooker re main torpid, that luxury was jnst ahead. He received several dis patches from his chief during the day, evincing a very unsettled frame of mind : one, written early in the morning, saying, "You must not try to force the position you attacked at 5 p. m. Look to the safety of your corps ;" another, dated 11 a. m., say ing, " If it is practicable for you to maintain a position on the south side of the Rappahannock, near Banks's ford, do so ;" and another, dated fifty minutes later : " If the necessary information can be ob tained to-day, and, if it shall be of the char acter the commanding General anticipates, it is his intention to advance upon the ene my to-morrow. In this event, the position of your corps on the south bank of the Rappahannock will be as favorable as the General could desire. It is for this reason that he desires that your corps should not cross the Rappahannock." While Hooker was thus hesitating and vacillating," the Rebels were acting. No linger dreading an offen- ° Monday, May 4 " At 1 A. m., May 5, Hooker telegraphed him : "Dispatch this moment received. With draw; cover the river, and prevent any force crossing. Acknowledge receipt." Sedgwick had accordingly brought across most of his force, under a heavy fire of shell ; when, at 3:20 A. M., he received this dispatch, dated 20 minutes later than the foregoing, but of course based on one intermediately received from him, (S.) saying that he could hold on south of the river if required : 36_ THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. sive from his side, they concentrated largely" upon his isolated lieuten ant ; reoccupying the Fredericksburg heights, and, striking him in flank, pushed him down toward the river, and, during the night, over it, at B&nks's ford, with heavy loss — hard ly less than 5,000 men." Sedgwick being now out of the way, Lee was at liberty to turn with all his force on Hooker, who still re mained within his hasty earthworks between Chancel-brsville' and the Rappahannock. But the Rebels had been marched and fought till they were exhausted, and had been fear fully slaughtered in their reckless rushes on our batteries on Sunday. They may have been willing to re peat that madness ; but Lee mani festly was not. The day passed with little skirmishing and no serious fighting; and, at evening, Hooker called a council of corps command ers, which decided nothing ; but he determined to recross that night, and did so, utterly unmolested. He states that he brought back one gun more than he took over, and judges that he inflicted greater injury than he received. That is probably an over estimate: since he admits a total loss, while across the Rappahannock, of no less than 17,197 men — as fol lows : Sedgwick's (6th) Corps, 4,601 Slocum's (12th) " 2,883 Couch's (2d) " 2,025 Reynolds's (1st) " 292 Sickles's (8d) corps, 4,089 Howard's (llth) " 2,608 Meade's (5th) " 699 Cavalry, &c. 150 i He adds that a Rebel surgeon at Richmond stated the loss of their ¦ side in, these struggles at 18,000;" and it is significant that no official statement of their losses was ever made, and that Pollard is silent on the subject. It is quite probable that, while the prestige of success was wholly with the Rebels, their losses were actually more exhausting than ours. And the violent storm and consequent flood which attended and covered Hooker's recrossing, set ting some of his pontoons adrift and threatening to separate him from his resources, is cited -on one side to ex plain his retreat, and on the other to excuse Lee's failure to molest it. Hooker, his army having returned to their familiar camping-ground on the north of the Rappahannock, is sued " a congratulatory order, where in he says : "The Major-General commanding ten ders to this army his congratulations on its achievements of the last seven days. If it has not accomplished all that was expected, " Tours received, saying you could hold posi tion. Order to withdraw countermanded. Ac knowledge both." When this came to hand, it is needless to add that its execution was impossible. " Pollard gives the following account of this movement from the Rebel side ; which must serve for want of a better : " The enemy, however, was not yet defeated. One more struggle remained; and, to make that, the enemy during the night massed _ heavy force against McLaws's left, in order to establish communication with Hooker along the river road. Anderson moved rapidly to the support of McLaws, and reached the church about 12 M., having marched 15 miles. Gen. Lee having arrived on the field, ordered Anderson to move round the church and establish his right on Early's left (Early having come up from Hamil ton's crossing, in rear of the enemy). The ene my having weakened his left, in order to force McLaws and gain the river road, Gen. Lee massed a heavy force upon this weakened part ofthe enemy, and, at a concerted signal, Ander son and Early rushed upon the enemy's left. " The signal for the general attack was not given until just before sunset, when our men rushed. upon the enemy like a hurricane. But little resistance was made : the beaten foe having fled in wild confusion in the direction of Banks's ford. At dark, a short pause ensued; but, as soon as the moon rose, the enemy was speedily driven to Banks's ford, and on that night of the 4th of May onded this remarkable series of battles on the lines of the Rappahan nock." "Among them, Gen. Paxton, killed; and Gen. Heth, wounded. " May 6th. LEE'S ORDER — STONEMAN'S RAID. 365 the reasons are well known to the army. It is sufficient to say they were of a charac ter not to be foreseen nor prevented by hu man sagacity or resources. " In Withdrawing from the south bank of the Rappahannock before delivering a gen eral battle to our adversaries, the army has given renewed evidence of its confidence in itself and its fidelity to the principles it rep resents. In fighting at a -disadvantage, we would have been recreant to our trust, to ourselves, our cause, and our country. Pro foundly loyal, and conscious of its strength, the Army of the Potomac will give or de cline battle whenever its interest or honor may demand. It will also be the guardian of its own history and its own honor. " By our celerity and secrecy of move ment, our advance and passage of the rivers was undisputed, and, on our withdrawal, not a Rebel ventured to follow. " The events of last week may swell with pride the heart of every officer and soldier of this army. We have added new luster to its former renown. We have made long marches, crossed rivers, surprised the ene my in his intrenchments, and, wherever we have fought, have inflicted heavier bl«ws than we have received. We have taken from the enemy 5,000 prisoners, 15 colors; , captured and brought *off 7 pieces of artil lery ; placed hors de combat 18,000 of his chosen troops; destroyed his d6p6ts filled with vast amounts of stores ; deranged his communications ; captured prisoners within the fortifications of his capital, and filled nis country with fear and consternation. We have no other regret than that caused by the loss of our hrave companions ; and in this we are consoled by the conviction that they have fallen in the holiest cause ever submitted to the arbitrament of battle." Lee issued a kindred order next day; in which, with at least equal justice and modesty, he says : " With heartfelt gratification, the Gene ral commanding expresses to the army his sense of the heroic conduct displayed by officers and men, during the arduous opera tions in which they have just been en- " Under trying vicissitudes of heat and storm, you attacked the enemy, strongly intrenched in the depths of a tangled wil derness, and again on the hills of Freder icksburg, fifteen miles distant, and by the valor that has triumphed on so many fields, forced him once more to seek safety beyond the Rappahannock. While this glorious vic tory entitles yon to the praise and gratitude of the nation, we are especially called npon " May 2. to return our grateful thanks to the only Giver of victory, for the signal deliverance He has wrought. " It is, therefore, earnestly recommended that the troops unite on Sunday next in ascribing to the Lord of Hosts the glory due His name. " Let us not forget, in our rejoicings, the brave soldiers who have fallen in defense of their country ; and, while we mourn their loss, let us resolve to emulate their noble example. The army and the country alike lament the absence for a time of one [Jack son] to whose bravery, energy, and skill they are so much indebted for success." The operations of our cavalry, un der Stoneman and Averill, had been ill-judged, feeble, and inefficient as well could be. Averill, who was on the right, went out to Culpepper Court House, and thence to the Rapi dan; where he remained, attempt ing nothing and achieving it, till an order from Hooker reached" him, directing his return to the north side of the Rappahannock; which was obeyed with alacrity. Stoneman himself pushed down by Louisa Court House and Yanceyville to Thompson's Cross-Roads, on the South Anna ; having meantime sent Col. Wyndham with a detachment to Columbia, on the James, where a little damage was done and more at tempted to the James and Kanawha Canal Gen. Gregg, with the 1st Maine and 10th New York, was im pelled eastward, to destroy the rail road bridge on the Fredericksburg road at Ashland ; but proved unequal to the task, and contented himself with burning two or three turnpike bridges; falling back upon Stone man. Col. Judson Kilpatrick was sent, with the Harris Light, to cut the railroads leading northward from Richmond still nearer that city, and struck" the Fredericksburg road at « May 4. 366 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. Hungary, cut it, pressing thence to the Yirginia Central road, near Mead ow Bridge, doing there a little mis chief, and thence pushing north-east ward across the Pamunkey near Han over, and the Mattaponyat Aylett's, to King and Queen Court House', and thence south-eastwardly to our lines" at Gloucester Point, on York river. Lt-Col B. F. Davis, 12th Illinois, had meantime passed48 down the South Anna to Ashland, where he tore up some rails and captured a train of sick, whom he paroled, and crossed thence to Hanover Station on the Central, wliich was fractured, and considerable Confederate property de stroyed. Davis then pushed down to within seven miles of Richmond, where he bivouacked that night, and set his face next morning toward Williamsburg on the Peninsula ; but was stopped and turned aside by a Rebel force at Tunstall's Station, near White House ; moving thence northward until he fell in with Kil patrick near King and Queen Court House, and escaped with him to Gen. King's outpost at Gloucester Point. Stoneman, with Gregg and Buford, turned back" from Yancey ville, re crossing the Rapidan at Raccoon ford, and the Rappahannock at Kelly's ford.60 Attempts were made to represent Stoneman's movement as successful, when it was in fact one of the most conspicuous failures ofthe war, though it might and should have been far otherwise. His force, if held well to gether, was sufficient to have severed for at least a week all connection by rail or telegraph between Lee and Richmond, riding right over any ar ray of cavalry that could have been sent against it, and cutting the Fred ericksburg road at or above its junc tion with the Central ; as, below that point, cutting one of those roads, even permanently, was of little use ; since communication between Rich mond and Fredericksburg might be maintained by either. By keeping his entire force in hand, and thus go ing where and as he would, Stone man might have destroyed the prin cipal bridges on both roads, render ing them impassable for weeks ; and brought away thousands of able-bod ied negroes, mounted on as many serviceable horses. As it was, by dissipating his forces, he rendered them too weak at most points to effect any thing, and kept them running from the enemy instead of running after them ; thus giving to his expe dition the appearance rather of a fur tive raid on smoke-houses and hen roosts than that of an important movement in a great war. The few little gaps made in the railroads by his detachments were easily and quickly closed ; while the 300 horses and mules he brought away would not half replace the horses broken down by his men — mainly in keep ing out of the enemy's way. While Hooker Was preparing for and executing his movement across the Rappahannock, Longstreet, with a large force, was aiming a similar blow at the extreme left of our posi tion in Yirginia ; where Gen. John J. Peck held the little village of Suffolk, with a force ultimately in creased to 14,000 men, aided by three gunboats on the Blackwater. Suf folk being an important railroad junction, covering the landward ap- *' May 7. 'May 3. 'May 5. °° May 8. PECK BAFFLES LONGSTREET AT SUFFOLK. 367 proaches to Norfolk,, and virtually commanding that portion of North Carolina which lies east of the Chow an, had been occupied and fortified for the Union not long after the re covery of Norfolk, and a fight had occurred" at Kelly's Store, eight miles south of it, between a Rebel force under Gen. Roger A. Pryor and a Union expedition under Gen. M. Corcoran, wherein both sides claimed the advantage. Our loss was 24 killed and 80 wounded. Pryor re ports that his loss " will not exceed 50;" among them Col. Poage, 5th Virginia, and Capt. Dobbins, killed. Suffolk was never seriously threat ened till the Spring of 1863, when Longstreet advanced" against it with a force which Peck estimates#at 40,000: 24,000 (three divisions) hav ing been drawn from Lee's army; while D. H. Hill had brought a full division from North Carolina. There was sharp fighting during the ensu ing week, but the advantages of shel ter and of naval cooperation on our side overbalanced that of superior numbers ; and every attempt to break through our rather extended lines was decidedly repulsed. A Rebel battery having been planted near the west branch of the Nansemond, it was stormed and carried by Gen. Getty, with the 8th Connecticut and 89th New York, aided by Lt. Lamson and our gunboats : 6 guns and 200 prison ers beingthe netprofit. Still, the siege was prosecuted, with no decided suc cess, until May 3d ; when Longstreet gave it up and drew off — doubtless under orders given by Lee when he seemed most in need of help on the Rappahannock. Peck estimates the Rebel loss during the siege at 2,000 men ; while ours was inconsiderable. XVII. LEE'S ARMY ON FREE S OIL— GETTYSBURG. While Gen. Hooker and his army, having returned to their old quarters about Falmouth, were still looking across the Rappahannock at the heights and woods so recently and so fruitlessly crimsoned with their blood, Gen. Lee was impelled to break the brief rest by a determined and daring offensive. He was, of course, aware that our army had been depleted, directly after its sanguinary experience of Chancellorsville, by the mustering out of some 20,000 nine months' and two years' men; while his own had been largely " Jan. 30. swelled by the hurried return of Longstreet and his corps from their sterile and wasteful demonstration on Suffolk, and by drafts on every quarter whence a regiment could be gleaned; so that it is probable that the superiority in numbers was tem porarily on his side ; but why not seek directly a collision, which " Fighting Joe" would so readily have accorded ? Why shun the con venient and inspiring neighborhood of Cedar Mountain and Bull Run for one more remote, and which invoked ominous recollections of South Moun- M April 10. 368 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. tain and the Antietam ? Grant was beginning to be triumphant in Mis sissippi, and would soon be thunder ing at the gates of Yicksburg ; Dick Taylor, chased almost out of Louis iana by Banks, could do little toward the rescue of threatened Port Hud son : why not spare Longstreet to needy, beseeching Jo. Johnston, enabling him to overwhelm Grant and then to crush out Banks, restor ing the Confederate ascendency on the Mississippi, while simply holding on along the Rappahannock, trusting to the great advantages afforded to the defensive by the rugged topogra phy of that region, and to the terrors inspired by the memories of Frede ricksburg and Chancellorsville? In fact, Lee's invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania at that juncture was justifiable on political grounds alone. The Confederate chiefs must have acted on the strength of trusted assurances that the Northern Peace Democracy, detesting the Emancipa tion policy now steadfastly ascendant at Washington, and weary of high taxes, dear fabrics, a disordered cur rency, and an enormous yet swelling National Debt, were ripe for revolt : so that a Rebel victory on Northern soil would enable the devotees of Slavery in the loyal States to seize upon the pending Conscription and wield it as an engine of revolution. Lee hints this obscurely where, in the opening of his report on this campaign, after trying to give mili tary reasons for his movement, and failing to satisfy himself of their plausibility, he says : " In addition to these results, it was hoped that other valuable results might be attained by military success." A month had barely elapsed since Hooker recrossed the Rappahannock, when Lee put his columns in motion up the southern bank of that river. McLaws's division of Longstreet's corps led ' the march from Freder icksburg, followed * by Ewell's corps ; while Hood moved up from the Rapidan ; all concentrating, with the cavalry under J. E. B. Stuart, on Culpepper Court House. These movements were of course carefully screened from observation on our side ; A. P. Hill's corps being left to make as much display as 'possible in and around Fredericksburg : but Hooker was soon aware that some thing unusual was in progress, and threw a over Gen. Howe's division of the £th corps a little below the city, to ascertain if the enemy were still in force there. Hill soon convinced him that they were ; creating an impres sion that there had been no material reduction of the Rebel strength in that quarter ; but, as it was not his policy to fight, and Howe did not care to attack the entire Rebel army, there was no serious conflict. Howe, after some careful skirmishing, de sisted, and ultimately withdrew with out loss. It being at length clear that the enemy were operating on our right, Hooker massed his cavalry near Cat lett's Station, giving its command to Pleasanton, who speedily prepared to look across the Rappahannock and see what was going on there. He was backed by two small but choice brigades of infantry under Gen. Ames, ofthe llth, and Gen. Russell, of the 6th corps, each taking a bat tery ; and the whole moved quietly down to Kelly's and to Beverly 1 June 3. ' June 4r-5. 3 June 5 PLEASANTON'S CATALRT FIGHT WITH STUART. 369 fords, six miles apart, where they were to cross in two divisions, and advance on Culpepper 0. H. {alias Fairfax), where J. E. B. Stuart was understood to be. But scarcely had Gen. Buford's cavalry, supported by Ames's infantry, crossed1 Beverly ford, when they were sharply en gaged; the Rebel ferry guard, whom they had hoped to surprise, falling back on Jones's cavalry brigade, en camped just behind, and checking our advance until these could mount and charge ; when the 8th New York was routed with loss, and Col. B. F. Davis,5 its commander, killed. The 8th Illinois cavalry, now charg ing, drove the enemy back in disor der : meantime, Gen. Russell brought over, his infantry, and Pleasanton directed him to engage them in front, while Buford, with the cavalry, should strike them in flank. The charge was made with spirit by the 6th Pennsylvania, supported by the 5th and 6th regulars ; but, just as the 6th had reached the enemy's guns, it was charged in turn by two regi ments of Rebel cavalry which burst from the woods on its flank, and routed with heavy loss. Pleasanton now found himself in a hornets' nest. Every moment in creased the force in his front, which had an infantry corps, at hand to draw upon ; while Gregg, who had crossed at Kelly's ford, and had sent word at 8 a. m. that- he would soon be up, did not make his appearance till after noons. The fight was therefore al lowed to drag, in this quarter ; each side covering itself with woods and shelling or sharp-shooting, as oppor tunity offered, until about 1 p. m., when Gregg came up. He had been fighting pretty steadily all the morn ing, charging and being charged in turn, and had crowded his antago nists back to Brandy Station, where, Col. Wyndham reported, they were bringing up infantry in railroad cars. Gregg's cavalry had fought well, and taken 150 prisoners, but had lost heavily. The two divisions were now connected, and the Rebels in their immediate front pushed back ; two regiments narrowly escaping cap ture. And now Pleasanton saw that he must begin to fall back or prepare to fight half of Lee's army ; so he re treated to the fords and recrossed about dark; having lost about 500 men, and brought off over 100 prisoners. J.* E. B. Stuart (who of course claims the result as his victory) ad mits a loss of over 600 of his cavalry in this affair, including Col. Saul Wil liams, 2d N. C, and Lt.-Col. Frank Hampton, 2d S. C, killed; Gen. W. H. F. Lee and Cols. Butler and Har- man being among his wounded. He claims 3 guns and a good many small arms captured ; and ' an unofficial Rebel account says they took 336 prisoners, including wounded. Considered as a reconnoissance in force, Pleasanton's expedition was a decided success. There was no long er any doubt — if there had been till now — that the Rebel army was in this quarter, and tending westward. There had been a grand review of all the cavalry of the army at Cul pepper Court House, a few days be fore; Gen. Lee and his staff being present. Pleasanton sent over next 4 June 9, at daylight. ' Who led .the cavalry safely out of Harpe'r's Ferry just before Miles surrendered it ; captur- vol. n. — 24 ing Longstreet's ammunition train on his way to Pennsylvania. Among our wounded here was Col. Percy Wyndham. 370 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. day to ascertain the" fate of some of his missing officers, and received for answer that every thing had been done for our wounded that humanity dictates, but that they could hold no further communication with him save by truce-boat on the James. Nevertheless, it was already ascer tained by our reconnoissance that a Rebel column of infantry and ar tillery, moving westward, had been three hours and a half in passing through Sperryville, near the Blue Ridge ; so that the Rebel army must be making its way into the Shenan doah Valley once more. Two days later, 250 Rebel cavalry dashed across the Potomac at Ed wards's ferry, driving back part of the 6th Michigan cavalry, picketing the river, and burning their camp— re crossing, of course, but making no haste to quit that neighborhood. It was clear that active hostilities in that direction were meditated. Still, Howe's division remained across the lower Rappahannock, well intrenched, as were the Rebels in its front; and Gen. Hooker, though he had begun " to send his sick and wounded to Washington, lingered on the Rappahannock, as if doubtful of Lee's real purpose, and expecting to find him advancing by Warrenton to Bull Run ; when a blow was struck that dissipated all reasonable doubt. Gen. R. H. Milroy was in com mand in the Valley, holding Win chester, under Gen. Schenck as de partment commander at Baltimore, to whom Halleck had suggested that Milroy's position seemed perilous ; he having too many men to lose, yet not enough to insure his safety. His entire force numbered some 10,000 0 June 12. men, whereof 7,000 may have been considered effective. Of these, one brigade, Col. A. T. McReynolds, was thrown out on his right, holding Ber- ryville, observing the adjacent passes of the Blue Ridge and fords of the Shenandoah ; while his cavalry scouts patroled the Valley so far as Front Royal and Strasburg. So early as June 1st, he felt that the enemy holding the Valley above him were inclined to. crowd ; and, on the 12th, he sent out a strong reconnoissance on either road to ascertain what this meant. That on the Strasburg road went nearly to Middletown, where its troopers decoyed a Rebel cavalry. patrol into an ambush, and routed it with a loss of 50 killed and wounded and 37 prisoners. Col. Shawl re turned to Winchester, and reported no force on that road which had not been there for months. On the Front Royal road, the 12th Pennsylvania cavalry, Lt.-Col. Moss, 400 strong, went only to Cedarville, 12 miles, and returned, reporting that they had been stopped by a large Rebel force ; but Milroy refused to credit the story ; insisting that they had been too easily frightened, and that, if any such force could be there, he should have heard of its approach from Hooker or Halleck ; neverthe less, he advised McReynolds to look sharp. Next morning,7 however, his patrols on the Front Royal road re ported the enemy advancing in force ; whereupon, Milroy signaled McRey nolds to join him, while he sent out a considerable force on either road to learn what was brewing. They had not far to go. Col. Ely, on the Front Royal road, was stop ped barely a mile from Winchester, ¦A June 13. EWELL TAKES WINCHESTER FROM MILROT. 371 by a Rebel battery, and fell Vack, after a slight skirmish, unpurt&ed; while General Elliott, on the Stras burg road, advanced a very littjM far ther, and was halted by observing the enemy in force on his left — that is, on the Front Royal road. Here some cannon-balls were exchanged ; when our men fell back to Applepie ridge, that next thfe city ; where more, skirmishing beguiled the time till dark, when a prisoner was taken who rather astonished Milroy by the information that he belonged to Ewell's (formerly Stonewall Jack son's) corps, and that Longstreet's also was just at hand — the two number ing about 50,000 men. Col. McReynolds, with his brigade, arrived from Berryville at 9 p. m., and was 'assigned a position ; but what use in that ? Lee's army was at hand ; Hooker's was many weary marches away, had not been heard from, and knew nothing of the immi nent peril. A thoroughly brave and competent commander must have realized, it would seem, that there is a time to fly as well as a time to fight, and that now was the time to run, after destroying every thing that could be of use to the enemy. But Milroy held on, waiting for some thing to turn up, and let the night pass unimproved. The next day 8 was one of ominous quiet for the most part; but the enemy was constantly crowding up, and was of course working around to cut off the retreat of the garrison. There was skirmishing at intervals ; and the numbers of the foe visibly and steadily increased. At 4 p. m. , they made a charge up the Front Royal •road to the edge of the town, but were repulsed ; when Milroy ordered a charge in turn, which amounted to little — the enemy being found in great force just out of range of our works ; and, a little later, they open ed fire from two 8-gun batteries on the north-west, hardly a mile from town ; and forthwith Ewell's infantry swept up to and over our breast works, disregarding the fire of our guns, driving out the 110th Ohio with heavy loss, and planting their colors on the defenses. Meantime, the city had been substantially in vested on every side, and was now virtually lost ; though an attempt to storm the main fort from the position first gained was repulsed; and the assailants desisted for a time. At 1 A. M.,a Milroy held a council, which decided to evacuate and run. It was too late. Though he spiked his guns, and drowned his powder, he was unable to steal off, and obliged to fight — the enemy attacking so soon as he had disarmed himself. The 110th Ohio, Col. Keifer, and the 122d ditto, on one road, the 87th Pennsyl- ' Sunday, June 14. " Monday, June 15. 372 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. vania, Col. Shawl, and the 15th Con necticut, Col. Ely, on another, did most of the fighting that was done on our side ; the former acting as a rear-guard ; but the business in hand was not a fight, but a race — and very properly so. Four miles from Win chester, a Rebel division barred the way ; and here the fugitives were of course routed, and many of them captured. Most of those who escap ed crossed the Potomac at Hancock, and did not stop running till they brought up in Bedford county, Penn sylvania ; the residue headed for Harper's Ferry, and soon distanced their pursuers. Milroy says 10 5,000 of his men reported at the Ferry or at Bloody Run, Pa., and he hoped that 1,000 more would do so ; which hope was of course a delusion. Lee says General Rhodes captured 700 pris oners and 5 guns at Martinsburg, and proceeds to enumerate "more than 4,000 prisoners, 29 guns, 277 wagons, and 400 horses," as the fruits of " these operations " — probably in cluding in those totals his Martins burg spoils. . Milroy's great mistake was holding on just one day too long — his communications with Schenck and Halleck having already been severed. Halleck had suggested to Schenck the propriety of withdraw ing him so early as the llth. Early is credited by Lee with the capture of Winchester. Ere this, the Government had ta ken the alarm, as it well might. An order" from the War Department had constituted of Pennsylvania two new Military Departments — that of the Susquehanna (eastern),under Gen. Couch; that of the Monongahela, Gen. W. T. H. Brooks ; and Gov. Curtin had called12 out the entire Hwlitia of that State — the call, though loud and shrill, awaking but few and fain/; responses. Now the President called13 specifically on the nearest Stales for militia, as follows : Maryland 10,000 I New York 20,000 Pennsylvania. 50,000 | Ohio 30,000 "• West Virginia 10,000. JP_.e Governors reechoed the call ; but the response was still weak. The uniformed and disciplined regiments of *^Tew York City generally and promptly went on; and Gov. Sey- moiW was publicly thanked therefor by ^Secretary Stanton ; but the num- bei\of Pennsylvanians, Marylanders, andt_ West' Virginians, who set their facejfe resolutely toward the enemy in thiswerisis bore but a slim proportion to tjhit of their brethren who seemed just^ow to have urgent business east of the Susquehanna or west of the Ohio. In other words, the country was profoundly disheartened; while the Army had already absorbed what was bravest and most patriotic of its militia. The number who actually responded to these urgent, repeated, and most reasonable calls from the several States was (liberally estima ted) as follows : New York.. . .15,000 I Pennsylvania. 25,000 New Jersey. . 3,000 | Delaware 2,000 Maryland 5,000. Gen. Hooker had now begun 14 to move his army northward — recross ing Howe's division and evacuating the valley of the Rappahannock. Lee had just about a fair week's start of him. Moving rapidly north-west ward, with his cavalry thrown well out on his left flank, watching the passes of the Blue Ridge, Hooker's infantry passed through Dumfries,16 to Centerville, covering Washington, ™ June 30. 11 June 9. 13 June 12. 3 June 15. 4 June 13 15 June 14-15. LEE ENTERS PENNSTLT ANI A. 373 and watching for fresh developments of the enemy's plans. Meantime, our cavalry, under Pleas anton, was constantly confronted by that of Lee, under Stuart ; and nearly every day witnessed a fight or a skir mish, as our troopers crowded up to the passes of the Blue Ridge; and at tempted to scan what was going on beyond them, or the enemy dashed down into the valleys this side, in cited by a like laudable thirst for knowledge. At length, a pretty gen eral cavalry fight occurred,18 nearly westward of Washington, on the line of the great highway from Alexan dria to Winchester, down which Stu art had pushed so far as Upperville ; whence he was repelled by a charge of Kilpatrick's brigade, and forced back into Ashby's Gap, after a spir ited brush, with determined charges on either side, Kilpatrick was once taken prisoner, but rescued by a countercharge directly. Buford and Gregg were active this day ; as was W. H. F. Lee on the side of the Rebels, who lost 2 guns, and perhaps 150 men in all, including Col. M. Lewis, 9th Virginia, killed. Our loss did not exceed 100. Meantime, Gen. Jenkins and his brigade of Rebel cavalry, had raided across the Potomac and Maryland up to Chambersburg, Pa., which they entered, unopposed, at 11 p. u." They took horses, cattle, &c, destroyed the railroad, and swept off into Slavery some 50 negroes — all they could catch — but did no wanton injury. ¦Jenkins paid liberally for drugs — in Confederate scrip — and, some of his horses having vanished, threatened to burn the town if they were not returned or their value made up. The borough authorities paid the amount demanded (only $900) in Confederate scrip, which had suddenly become abundant there ; and it was pocketed without remark, but without obvious relish. Gen. Ewell, with his corps, had crossed into Maryland at Williams port,18 on the heels of Milroy's fugi tives, pushing on unmolested to Cham bersburg — our force at Harper'sFerry retiring across the river to Maryland Heights, where it was not molested. Early's division of Ewell's corps was impelled eastward from Chambers burg to York ; while Johnson's moved northward to Carlisle ; Imboden, with his brigade, moving westward up the Potomac, destroying railroad bridges, &c, so far as Cumberland. Lee seems to have meditated a dash on Washington ; but, Hooker's army re maining in its front, instead of rushing over into Maryland, no opportunity was presented; so the whole Rebel army forded" the Potomac; A. P. Hill's corps at Shepherdstown, and Lee, with Longstreet's, at Williams port ; both, uniting at Hagerstown, advanced, unopposed, on the track of Ewell, to Chambersburg.20 Ewell had taken quiet possession of Carlisle, pushing forward his advance to Kingston, within 13 miles of Harris- burg. Meanwhile, such militia as had been mustered in or sent from Eastern- States to the aid of Penn sylvania were collected, under Gen. Couch, at Harrisburg; while Gen. Brooks, powerfully aided by the vol unteer efforts of the citizens, hastily threw up a fine of defenses intended to cover Pittsburg. All doubt as to the enemy's pur poses being now dispelled, Gen. "June 21. " June 15. ' June 16. "June 24-25. 20 June 27. 374 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. Hooker crossed21 the Potomac near Edwards's Ferry, and advanced to Frederick; himself visiting by the way Harper's Ferry. He found there — or rather, on Maryland Heights — Gen. French, with 11,000 men, whom he, very naturally, desired to add to his army in the momentous battle now impending. For his army, after being strengthened by 15,000 men spared him from the defenses of Wash ington, and 2,100 by Gen. Schenck froin the Middle Department, was barely 100,000 strong; while Lee's, carefully counted by two Union men independently, as it marched through Hagerstown, numbered 91,000 infan try, with 280 guns, and 6,000 caval ry ; while not less than 5,000 of its cavalry, under Stuart, crossed the Potomac below Edwards's Ferry, and so advanced into Pennsylvania with out passing through Hagerstown. Considering that the Rebels had mustered the best as well as the lar gest army they ever sent into the contest, and that its triumph on a Northern field would almost cer tainly incite a Northern uprising in their favor, it was imperative that they should now be met by the heroic but luckless Army of the Potomac in such force as to place the issue beyond contingency. It was a high crime to withhold even a brigade, when a brigade more or less might decide the fate of a continent. Hooker had already drawn from the garrison at Washington all that Halleck would spare — leaving but 11,000 effectives under Heintzelman ; which was none too much. But, having crossed the Potomac, he had very properly inquired by telegraph of Halleck, " Is there any reason why Maryland Heights should not be abandoned, after the public stores and property are removed?" and been answered : 22 " Maryland Heights have always been re garded as an important point to be held by ns, and much expense and labor incurred in fortifying them. I can not approve of their abandonment, except in case of absolute ne cessity." Surely, the translator of Jomini can find no parallel for such strategy in the whole military career of the great Napoleon. Hooker at once rejoined : " I have received your telegram in regard to Harper's Ferry. I find 10,000 men here, in condition to take the field. Here, they are of no earthly account. They can not defend a ford of the river; and, so far as Harper's Ferry is concerned, there is' noth ing of it. As for the fortifications, _ the work of the troops, they remain when'the troops are withdrawn. No enemy will ever take possession of them for them. This is my opinion. All the public property could have been secured to-night, and the troops marched to where they could have been of some service. Now, they are but a bait for the Rebels, should they return. I beg that this may be presented to the Secretary of War, and his Excellency, the President. "Joseph Hookee, Major-General." In regard to this grave matter of difference, Hooker was clearly in the right : not clearly so- in sending this dispatch immediately afterward : "Sandy Hook, June 27, 1853. "Maj.-Gen. H. W. Halleck, General-in- Chief: "My original instructions require me to cover Harper's Ferry and Washington. I have now imposed upon me, in addition, an enemy in my front of more than my num bers. I beg to be understood, respectfully but firmly, that I am unable to comply with this condition, with the means at my dispo sal, and earnestly request that I may at once be relieved from the position I occupy. " Joseph Hooker, Major-General." Halleck had never regarded Hook er as the proper commander of this army ; had prevented his selection as McClellan's immediate successor ; "June 26. 22 June 27, 10AA.M. HOOKER RELIETED — MEADE IN COMMAND. 375 had reluctantly assented to his* desig nation after Burnside's collapse ; had been strengthened in his conviction of Hooker's unfitness by the Chan cellorsville failure ; and now, very naturally, improved his opportunity.. The next day brought Col. Hardie to Hooker's headquarters at Fred erick, with instructions relieving Hooker and devolving the command on Gen. Meade ; who was therewith advised that he might do as he pleased with the Harper's Ferry men; while Couch and his militia, estimated at 20,000 men, were placed under his orders. Gen. Hooker a,t once took leave ' of the army, with whose fortunes he had been so long and so honorably identified, in the following charac teristic order : "Headquaetebs Aemt op the Potomac, ) "Feedeeiok, Md., June 28, 1863. j "In conformity with the orders of the "War Department, dated June 27th, 1863, I relinquish the command of the Army of the Potomac. It is transferred to Maj.-Gen. 'George G.Meade, a brave and accomplished officer, who has nobly earned the confidence and esteem -of the army on many a well- fought field. Impressed with the belief that my usefulness as the commander of the Army of the Potomac is impaired, I part from it, yet not without the deepest emo tions. The sorrow of parting with the comrades of so many battles is relieved by the .conviction that the courage and devo tion of this army will never cease nor fail ; that it will. yield to my successor, as it has to me, a willing and hearty support. With the earnest prayer that the triumph of this army may bring successes worthy of it and the nation, I bid it farewell. "Joseph Hookee, Major-General." Bidding a cordial but hurried fare well to his general and staff officers, Gen. Hooker left at once for Balti more; being instructed to await there further orders from the Adjutant- General's office. Three days bring ing none, he went over to Washing ton ; where he was forthwith arrest ed by Halleck for visiting the capital without leave, and in violation of the rule which forbade officers to do so. Thus ended his service with the Army of the Potomac. Gen. Meade, astounded by his pro motion, announced to the army his. acceptance of the command in these sincere, fit, modest words : " Headquaetebs Aemt op the Potomac, ) "June 28, 1863. j "By direction of the President of the United States, I hereby assume command of the Army of the Potomac. As a soldier, in obeying this order — an order totally un expected and unsolicited — I have no prom ises or pledges to make. The country looks to this army to relieve it from the devastation and disgrace of a hostile invasion. Whatever fatigues and sacri fices we may be called- upon to undergo, let us have in view constantly the mag nitude of the interests involved, and let each man determine to do his duty, leaving to an all-controlling Providence the deci sion of the contest. It is with j ust diffidence that I relieve in the command of this army an eminent and accomplished soldier, whose name must ever appear conspicuous in the history of its achievements ; hut I rely upon the hearty support of my companions in arms to assist me in the discharge of the duties of the important trust which has been confided to me. " George G. Meade, " Maj or- General' Commanding." Such a change of commanders, for no more urgent reasons, on the very brink of a great battle, has few paral lels in history. Whatever his faults, Hooker was loved and trusted by his soldiers, who knew less of Meade, and had less faith in him. Had that army been polled, it would have voted to fight the impending battle under Hooker without the aid of French's 11,000 men, rather than under Meade with that reenforce- ment. But it was inured ere this to being astonished oftener than delight ed, and to moving firmly onward in the path of duty, even when that 376 THE AMERICAN CONELICT. path was not irradiated by the sun shine of Hope. And now its heart was swelling with joyful trust that the enemy it had so long confronted was soon to be met in mortal strife where every circumstance of position and local knowledge would not tell in that adversary's favor. Lee's army had for a few days traversed south-eastern Pennsylvania at will, burning railroad and turn pike bridges, breaking up tracks, severing telegraph wires, &c, &c, as was to be expected, and levying contributions on the country, though rendering a very general obedience to Lee's order,23 exhorting and en joining his men to abstain from all wanton destruction or of damage to private property. Col. White, with his cavalry advance, had reached the Susquehanna at Wrightsville ; " where a bridge over the river was needlessly burned to prevent a cross ing. Gen. Ewell that day occupied York, whose Burgess (David Small) went out several miles to meet him and surrender the borough, which was promised special immunity in consideration thereof; but was, im mediately upon its occupation, re quired36 to furnish, in addition to liberal supplies of food and clothing, $100,000 in cash, whereof $28,000 was actually raised and paid over, with a good portion of the creature comforts likewise required. If this levy of money on a defenseless place, which had in all things evinced a meek and quiet spirit, is justifiable by the laws of war, it is difficult to see how the unsupported charges oi rapacity and extortion leveled against Gen. Butler's rule in truculent and venomous New Orleans can be plau sibly condemned or complained of. J. E. B. Stuart, with a consid erable proportion of the Rebel cavalry, was watching on our left flank when Hooker crossed the Po tomac, and crossed himself 2° at Seneca soon afterward ; moving up on our right so far as Westminster; burning. 17 canal boats, also a train of 178 army wagons, laden with army stores, and picking up quite a number of our officers who were hastening to join their regiments at the front. From Westminster, he made his way across our front to Carlisle, which he found evacuated ; and, hastening thence on the track of Longstreet's infantry, was in- season for the fray at Gettysburg; whereon Lee, on hearing that Hooker was across the Potomac in force, had hastened to concentrate his whole army. Hooker was preparing, when su perseded, to strike heavily at Lee's line of communications, which would of course compel him to concentrate and fight ; Meade changed the direc tion of certain corps, moving more to 33 Dated Chambersburg, June 2 .. " June 28. ! * " Required for the use of Early's division : " One hundred and sixty-five barrels of flour, or 23,000 pounds baked bread; 3,500 pounds sugar; 1,650 pounds coffee; 300 gallons mo lasses; 1,200 pounds salt; 32,000 pounds fresh beef, or 21,000 pounds bacon or pork. "The above articles to be delivered at the market-house on Main street, at 4 o'clock, p. M. " Wm, W. Thornton, Captain and A. C. S." "Required for the use of Early's command: " Two thousand pairs shoes or boots ; 1,000 pairs socks; 1,000 felt hats; $100,000 in money. C. B. Snodsbass, " Major and Chief Q. M. Early's division. " June 28, 1863." " Approved ; and the authorities of the town of Tork will furnish the above articles and the money required ; for which certificates will be given. J. A. Early, Maj.-Gen. Commanding." 20 June 28. OPENING AT GETTTSBHRG — RETNOLDS KILLED. 377 the right, as if his intended point of concentration were Gettysburg also. But, in fact, foreseeing that Lee must give battle, he had issued a timely address to his officers," and was mov ing circumspectly east of north, look ing for advantageous ground whereon to fight, and had about fixed on the fine of Pipe creek, some 15 miles south-east of Gettysburg, when an un expected encounter precipitated the grand collision. Gettysburg, the capital of Adams county, is a rural village of 3,000 in habitants, the focus of a well-culti vated upland region. Though long ,, settled and blessed with excellent country roads, all centering on the borough, much of it is too rugged for cultivation ; hence, it is covered with wood. The village is in a valley, or rather on the nortfiern slope of a hill ; with a college and other edifices, on the opposite hill, which rises directly from the little run at its foot. Part of our cavalry advance, un der Gen. Kilpatrick, pushed out from Frederick,29 moving north-west through Liberty and Taneytown to Hanover, Pa., where they were con siderably astonished23 by an attack from Stuart's cavalry — not imagin ing that there was any enemy within a march of them. A sharp fight en sued, wherein Gen. G. F. Farnsworth's brigade was at first roughly handled, losing 100 men; but Gen. Custer's, which had passed, returned to its aid, and the enemy was beaten off. A similar dash was simultaneously made on the train of another column of our cavalry at Littlestown, but easily repulsed. Meantime, Gen. Buford, with another division, had moved directly upon Gettysburg; where he encountered20 the van of the Rebel army, under Gen. Heth, of Hill's corps, and drove it back on the division, by whom our troopers were repelled in their turn. And now the advance division of Gerf. Rey nolds's (1st) corps, under command of Gen. J. S. Wadsworth, approach ing from Emmitsburg, quickened its pace at the familiar sound of volleys, and, rushing through the village, drove back the Rebel van, seizing and occupying the ridge that over looks the place from the north-west. Gen. John F. Reynolds, formerly of the Pennsylvania Reserves, was in command of the two corps (1st and llth) now rapidly coming up, together numbering about 22,000 men. As Gen. Wadsworth was form ing his advance division, 4,000 strong, in order of battle, Gen. Reynolds went forward to reconnoiter, and, see ing that the enemy were in force in a grove just ahead, he dismounted and was observing them through a fence, when he was struck in the neck by a sharp-shooter's bullet, and, fall ing on his face, was dead in a few minutes. Born in Lancaster, in 1820 ; entering the army in 18_6 ; he had " " Headquarters Abut op the Potomac, ) " June 30, 1863. J " The commanding general requests that, pre vious to the engagement soon expected with the enemy, corps and all other commanding officers will address their troops, explaining to them briefly the immense issues involved in the strug gle. The enemy are on our soil; the whole country now looks anxiously to this army to de liver it from the presence of the foe ; our failure to do so will leave us no such welcome as the swelling of millions of hearts with pride and joy at our success would give to every soldier of this army. Homes, firesides, and domestic altars, are involved. The army has fought well heretofore ; it is believed that it will fight more desperately and bravely than ever, if it is addressed in fitting terms. Corps and other commanders are author ized to order the instant death of any soldier who fails in his duty this hour. " By command of Maj.-Gen. Meade: " S. Williams, Assistant Adj.-Gen." 58 June 28. " June 30. M July 1. 378 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. GETTYSBURG — BATTLE OF JULY 1. served his country in Mexico, in Cali fornia, and in nearly every important action yet fought in Yirginia; re turning to fall in defense of the soil of his native State, and almost in sight, of his home. Gen. Abner Doubleday came up half an hour afterward, and assumed command; but the residue of the corps, with the whole of the llth, did not arrive till nearly two hours later; meantime, the Rebels, under Hill, were too strong, and pushed back Wadsworth's division, eagerly pursuing it. As Wadsworth fell back with his left, and Archer pressed for ward on his heels, the right of our division swung around on the rear of the pursuers, enveloping the Rebel advance, and making prisoners of Archer and 800 of his men. Doubleday fell back to Seminary ridge, just west of the village where he was joined by the residue of his corps ; the llth coming up almost simultaneously and taking post on his right ; Howard ranking Double- day and assuming command, assign ing the llth corps to Schurz. Here the struggle was renewed with spirit ; our men having the better position, and the best of the fight; until, about 1 p. m., Ewell's corps, march ing from York under orders to con centrate on Gettysburg, came rapidly into the battle — Rhodes's division assailing the llth corps in front, while Early's struck hard on its right flank. Of course, being greatly outnumbered, the llth was soon rout ed, falling back in disorder on Get tysburg, and compelling the 1st, which had hitherto fully held its own, to do likewise — the two divi sions, under a heavy Rebel fire, com mingling and obstructing each other HANCOCK AND SICKLES REACH GETTTSBHRG. 379 in the streets of the village, and thus losing heavily in prisoners. Their ' wounded, who had thus far been taken to Gettysburg, were of course aban doned to the enemy, as the debris of the two corps, scarcely half the num ber that had marched so proudly through those streets a few hours be fore, fell hastily back and were ral lied on Cemetery hill, just south of the village : Buford, with his troopers, covering the retreat, and trying to show a bold front to the Rebels ; who — though there were still several hours of good daylight — did not see fit to press their advantage : presum ing that our whole army was moving hitherward, and fearing that they might miscalculate and suffer as Rey nolds had just done. And they were right. For Gen. Sickles, with his (3d)*corps, which had advanced, the day before, from Taneytown to Emmitsburg, and had there received from Meade a circular to his corps commanders, directing a concentration on the line of Pipe creek — the left of the army at Mid- dleburg, the right at Manchester — had been preparing to move, as di rected, to Middleburg, when, at 2 p. m.,31 he received a dispatch from Howard at Gettysburg, stating that the 1st and llth corps were there en gaged with a superior force, and that Reynolds had.been killed; thereupon, calling urgently for assistance. Sickles was perplexed. Meade was at Taneytown, ten miles away ; and to wait to hear from him was to leave Howard to his fate. Sickles had been moving on Gettysburg till halt ed by Meade's new circular ; and he decided that he ought to persist now ; so, leaving two brigades and two bat teries to hold Emmitsburg, he put the rest of his corps in rapid motion for Gettysburg; arriving just after Howard had taken post on Cemetery hill, and coming into position on his left. As he came up the Emmits burg road, he might have been as sailed by Hill's forces, holding the ridges on his left; but the enemy were satisfied with their day's work, and did not molest him. Gen. Meade was at Taneytown, when, at 1p.m., news came that there was fighting at Gettysburg, and that Gen. Reynolds had been killed. He at once ordered Hancock to turn over his (2d) corps to Gibbon, hasten himself to Gettysburg, and take com mand there ; which was done : Han cock reaching Cemetery hill at 3£ p. m., when the rear of our broken 1st and llth corps was retreating in disorder through the village, hotly pursued by the triumphant foe. Howard having already formed a di vision on Cemetery hill, Hancock or dered Wadsworth to post his, or what was left of it (1,600 out ofthe 4,000 he had led to battle in the morning) on Culp's hill, at our right ; while Gen. Geary, with the advance division of Slocum's p.2th) corps, then coming up, was directed to take position on high ground toward Round Top, on our left. Meade had hurriedly re quested Hancock to judge whether Gettysburg afforded us better ground for a battle than that he had selected on Pipe creek; and Hancock now (_ p. m.) sent word that he would hold on here until Meade could ar rive and judge for himself. But Meade had already impelled the 2d corps, under Gibbon, toward Gettys burg. Hancock wrote him that the" J1 July 1. 380 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. position here was good, but liable to be turned by way of Emmitsburg. Slocum having arrived at 7, and rank ing Hancock, the latter turned over the command, as he had been in structed to do, and rode back to Meade, whom he reached at 9 p.m.; when he was told by Meade that he had decided to fight at Gettysburg, and had given orders accordingly.32 Both started for Gettysburg immedi ately, arriving at 11 p. m. During that night, our army was all concentrated before Gettysburg, save Gen. Sedgwick's (6th) corps, which was at Manchester, 30 miles distant, when, at 7 p. m., it received orders to move at once on Taney town ; which were so changed, after it had marched 7 or 8 miles, as to require its immediate presence at Gettysburg, where it arrived, weary enough, at 2 p. m. next day.23 Meantime, Lee also had been bring ing up his several corps and divis ions, posting them along the ridges north and west of Gettysburg and its rivuiet, facing ours at distances of one to two miles. Longstreet's corps held his right, which was stretched considerably across the Emmitsburg road; the divisions of Hood, Mc Laws, and Pickett posted from right to left. Hill's corps, including the divisions of Anderson, Pender, and Heth, held the center ; while Ewell's, composed of Rhodes's, Early's, and Johnson's divisions, formed the Rebel left, which bent well around the east side of our position, making the ene my's front considerably longer than 32 Gen. Butterfield, chief of staff, testifies that Meade directed him to make out, next 'morning, a General Order of retreat from Gettysburg, pre scribing the route of each corps. Meade vehe mently denies that he ever intended to retreat. These statements seem nowise incompatible. A ours. Of the entire Rebel army that had crossed the Potomac, scarcely a regiment was wanting when Pickett's division, forming the rear-guard, came up on the morning of the 2d. On our side, Sickles's (3d) corps held the left, opposite Longstreet, supported by the 5th (Sykes's) ; with Hancock's (2d) in our center, touch ing its right ; while* what was left of Howard's (llth), reenforced by 2,000 Yermonters, under Stannard, and Reynolds's (1st, now Doubleday's) corps held the face of Cemetery hill, looking toward Gettysburg and Ear ly's division, v but menaced also by Johnson's division on its right, and by Hill's corps, facing its left. The 12th corps (Slocum's) held our ex treme right, facing Johnson's divi sion of Ewell's corps, and had re cently been strengthened by Lock- wood's Marylanders, 2,500 strong ; raising it to a little over 10,000 men. Buford's cavalry, pretty roughly han dled on the 1st, was first sent to the rear to recruit, but confronted Stu art on our extreme right before the close of the 2d ; Kilpatrick's division being posted on our left. Meade had resolved to fight a de fensive battle ; beside, as Sedgwick's strong corps (15,400) had not yet come up, while the whole Rebel army might fairly be presumed pres ent, it was not his interest to force the fighting. Yet he had given or ders to Slocum, commanding on our right, for an attack on that wing with the 12th, 5th, and 6th corps so soon as the 6th should arrive ; but prudent general might very well forecast and mark out his line of retreat, even while resolved to hold on to the utmost. It does not appear that Meade told either of his corps command ers that he had any notion of retreating. 33 July 2. SICKLES WORSTED BT LONGSTREET. 381 Slocum, after reconnoitering, report ed that the ground in his front was unfavorable ; whereupon, the attack was countermanded. The enemy hot being yet ready, the morning wore out and the day wore on with the usual skirmishing and picket-firing at in tervals along the front, with occa sional shots from batteries on one side or the other; but nothing ap proaching a great battle. At 3 p. m. — Sedgwick's weary corps having just arrived — Sykes was or dered to move the 5th corps over from our right to our left, while Meade rode out to see it properly posted on the left of the 3d ; the 6th resting in reserve behind them. He now found that Sickles (who was very eager to fight, and seems to have suspected that Meade was not) had thrown forward his corps from half to three-fourths of a mile ; so that, instead of resting his right on Han cock and his left on Round Top, as he had been directed to do, his ad vance was in fact across the Emmits burg road and in the woods beyond, in the immediate presence of half the Rebel army. Meade remon> strated against this hazardous expo sure, which Sickles considered with in the scope of the discretion allowed him, but said he would withdraw, if desired, from the ridge he then occu pied to that behind it, which Meade indicated as the proper one. Meade replied that he apprehended that no such withdrawal would be permitted by the enemy ; and, as he spoke, the Rebel batteries opened, and their charging columns came on. Lee had ordered Longstreet to at-. tack Sickles with all his might, while Ewell should assail Slocum on our right, and Hill, fronting the apex of our position, should only menace, but stand ready to charge if our troops facing him should be with drawn or seriously weakened to re enforce either our left or our right. Sickles's new position was com manded by the Rebel batteries post ed on Seminary ridge .in his front, scarcely half a mile distant; while magnificent lines of battle, a mile and a half long, swept up to his front and flanks, crushing him back 3* with 34 " Agate " [Whitelaw Reid], of The Cincinnati Gazette, gives the following incident of this san guinary fray : " Let me give one phase of the fight — fit type of many more. Some Massachusetts batteries — Capt. Bigelow's, Capt. Phillips's,, two or three more under Capt. McGilvry, of Maine — were planted on the extreme left, advanced now well down to the Emmitsburg road, with infantry in their front — the first division, I think, of Sickles's corps. A little after 5, a fierce Rebel charge drove back the infantry and menaced the batte ries. Orders are sent to Bigelow on the extreme loft, to hold his position at every hazard short of sheer annihilation, till a couple more batteries cap be brought to his support. Reserving his fire a little, then with depressed guns opening with double charges of grape and canister, he smites and shatters, but cannot break the ad vancing line. His grape and canister are ex hausted, and still, closing grandly up over their slain, ou they come. He falls back on spherical case, and pours this in at the shortest range. On, still onward, comes the artillery-defying line, and still he holds, his position. They are within six paces of the guns — he fires again. Once more, and he blows devoted soldiers from his very muzzles. And, still mindful of that solemn order, he holds his place, they spring upon his carriages, and shoot down his horses I And then, his Tankee artillerists still about him, he seizes the guns by hand, and from the very front of that line drags two of them oflf. The caissons are farther back — five out of the six are saved. " That single company, in that half-hour's fight, lost 33 of its men, including every sergeant it had. The captain himself was wounded. Tet it was the first time it was ever under fire 1 I give it simply as a type. So they fought along that fiery line ! "The Rebels now poured on Phillips's battery, and it, too, was forced to drag off the pieces by hand when the horses were shot down. From a new position, it opened again ; and at last the two re'enforcing batteries came up on the gallop. An enfilading fire swept the Rebel line ; Sickles's gallant infantry charged, the Ret el line swept back on a refluent tide — we regained the lost ground, and every gun just lost in this splendid fight." 382 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. heavy loss, and struggling despe rately to seize Round Top at his left. Meade regarded this hill as vital to the maintenance of our position, and had already ordered Sykes to advance the 5th corps with all possi ble haste to save and hold it. A fierce and bloody struggle ensued; for the enemy had nearly carried the hill before Sykes reached it ; while Humphreys, who, with one of Sykes's divisions, had been posted in the morning on Sickles's right, was in turn assailed in front and flank, and driven back, with a loss of 2,000 out of 5,000 men. Ultimately, as Sickles's corps fell back in disorder to the ground from which he should not have advanced, Hancock closed in from the right, while parts of the 1st, ofthe 6th, and a division ofthe 12th corps, were thrown in on the ene my's front, and they in turn were re pelled with loss ; falling back to the ridge to which Sickles had advanced, and leaving our line where Meade had intended to place it.25 35 The Richmond Enquirer has the following account of this fight by an eye-witness on the Rebel . side, writing from Hagerstown on the 8th: " About the middle of the afternoon, orders were issued to the different commanders to pre pare for a general attack upon the enemy's cen ter and left. Longstreet was to commence the movement, which was to be followed up on his left in quick succession by the respective divis ions of Hm's corps. As Anderson's division, or at least a portion of it, took a conspicuous part in this movement, I have ascertained, and now give you, the order of its different brigades: On the extreme right of Anderson's division, connecting with McLaws's left, was Wilcox's. brigade, then Perry's, Wright's, Posey's, and Mahone's. At half-past 5 o'clock, Longstreet commenced the attack, and Wilcox followed it up by promptly moving forward ; Perry's brigade quickly followed, and Wright moved simultane ously with him. The two divisions of Long- street's corps soon encountered the enemy post ed a little in rear of the Emmitsburg turnpike, which winds along the slope of the range upon which the enemy's main force was concentrated. After a short but spirited engagement, the ene my was driven back upon the main line upon the crest ofthe hill. McLaws's and Hood's di visions made a desperate assault upon their main line , but, owing to the precipitate and very rugged character of the slope, were unable to reach the summit. The enemy's loss on this part of the line was very heavy. I have heard several officers say that they have never seen the enemy's dead cover the ground so thickly, not even at the first Fredericksburg fight, as they did on that portion of the field over which McLaws's troops fought. While the fight was raging on our right, Wilcox and Wright, of An derson's division, were pressing the enemy's center. Wilcox pushed forward for nearly a mile, driving the enemy before him and up to his very guns, over and beyond his batteries, several guns of which he captured, and nearly up to the summit of the hill. Wright had swept over the valley, under a terrific fire from the enemy's batteries, posted upon McPherson's heights, had •encountered the enemy's advance line, and had driven him across the Emmits burg pike to a, position behind a stone wall or fence, which runs parallel with the pike, and about 60 or 80 yards in front of the batteries on the heights, and immediately under them. Here, this gallant brigade had a most desperate en gagement for fifteen or twenty minutes ; but charging rapidly up the almost perpendicular side of the mountain, they rushed upon the ene my's infantry, behind the stone wall, and drove them from it at the point ofthe bayonet. Now concentrating their fire upon the heavy batteries (20 guns) of the enemy on the crest of the heights, they soon silenced them, and, rushing forward with a shout, soon gained the summit of the heights, capturing all the enemy's guns, and driving their infantry in great disorder and confusion into the woods beyond. " We now had the key to the enemy's strong hold, and, apparently, the victory was won. McLaws and Hood had pushed their line well up the slope on the right ; Wilcox had kept well up on his portion of the line; Wright had pierced the enemy's main line on the summit of McPherson's heights, capturing his heavy bat teries, thus breaking the connection between their right and left wings. I said that, appa rently, we had won the victory. It remains to be stated why our successes were not crowned with the important results which should have followed such heroic daring and indomitable bravery. Although the order was peremptory that all of Anderson's division should move into action simultaneously, Brig.-Gen'. Posey, com manding _ Mississippi brigade, and Brig.-Gen. Mahone, commanding a Tirginia brigade, failed to advance. This failure of these two brigades to advance is assigned, as I learn upon inquiry, as the reason why Pender's division, of Hill's corps, did not advance — the order being, that the advance was to commence from the right, and be taken up along our whole line. Pender's failure to advance caused the division on his left — Heth's — to remain inactive. Here we have two whole divisions, -and two brigades of another, standing idle spectators of one of the LEE PREPARING FOR THE DECISITE CHARGE. 383 Meanwhile, the withdrawal of a division from Slocum had enabled Ewell to assail our right wing in su perior force, crowding part of it back .considerably, and seizing some of its rifle-pits. Hence, just at dark, the enemy assailed the right of Howard's shattered llth corps, holding the right face of Cemetery hill ; but gained no essential advantage. Night closed the 2d day of July and of the battle, with the Rebels decidedly encouraged and confident. Of the seven corps composing our army, three had been severely han dled, and at least half their effective strength demolished. Reynolds, com manding the 1st, and Brig.-Gen. Zook, of Sickles's corps, had been killed; Sickles, of the 3d, had had his leg shattered by a cannon-ball, and was out of the fight ; our total losses up to this hour were scarcely fewer than 20,000 men ; and none weise arriving to replace them. The ground whereon Reynolds had fought and fallen so gallantly was about the cen ter of their army; they held that also on which Howard had been cut up, and that from which Sickles had been hurled in disorder. True, they also had lost heavily ; but they had reason for their hope that the mor row's triumph would richly repay all their losses.30 The battle opened next day37 on our right ; where Slocum — his divi sion having returned from the left — pushed forward to retake his lost rifle-pits, and did it, after a sharp conflict, reestablishing his line, and resting upon it. Meantime, Lee had reenforced Longstreet with three fresh brigades, under Pickett, which arrived from Chambersburg an hour or two before Sedgwick came up on our side, a division from Ewell, and two detached from Hill; and the Rebel left was firmly established and its batteries planted on the ridge whence Sickles had been driven. There was a pause of anxious ex pectation, fitfully broken by spits of firing here and there, while the Reb els were making their dispositions and posting their batteries for the supreme effort which was to decide this momentous contest. At length, at 1 p. m., the signal was given, and 115 heavy guns from Hill's and Long- street's front crossed their fire on Cemetery hill, the center and key of our position. Here, a little behind the crest, was. Meade's headquarters ; though the hill had been plowed by Rebel balls during the fierce fighting most desperate and important assaults that has ever been made on this continent — 15,000 or 20,000 armed men resting on their arms, in plain view of a terrible battle, witnessing the mighty efforts of two little brigades (Wright's and Wilcox's ; for Perry had fallen back over powered), contending with the heavy masses of Tankee infantry, and subjected to a most deadly fire from the enemy's heavy artillery, without a single effort to aid them in the assault, or to as sist them when the heights were carried. Per ry's brigade, which was between Wilcox and Wright, soon after its first advance, was pressed so heavily as to be forced to retire. This left an interval in the line between Wright and WilCox, and which the enemy perceiving, he threw a heavy column into the gap then made, deploying a portion of it on Wilcox's left flank, while a large force was thrown in rear of Wright's right flank. The failure of Posey and Mahone to advance upon Wright's left enabled the enemy to throw forward a strong force on that flank, and to push it well to his rear along the Emmitsburg pike. It was now apparent that the day was lost — lost after it had been won — lost, not because our army fought badly, but because a large portion of it did hot fight at all." 38 Lee, in his official report, says : " After a severe struggle, Longstreet succeed ed in getting possession of and holding the de sired ground. Ewell also carried some of the strong positions which he assailed.; and the re sult was such as to lead to the belief that he would ultimately be able to dislodge the enemy. The battle ceased at dark. These partial suc cesses determined me to continue the assault next day." " Friday, July 3. 384 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. GETTYSBURG — POSITIONS HELD EEFOKE THE FINAL ASBATTLT, JULY 8. of the eve before — some of them com ing over from our left and annoying our soldiers on the right. For nearly two hours, this hill was gashed and seamed by round-shot and torn by bursting shells, while perhaps 100 guns from our side made fit reply. But the enemy had concentrated their batteries for this trial, while we had not ; and here was no broad river valley, like that of the Rappa hannock at Fredericksburg, to ren der the fire of guns from bluff to bluff an idle squandering of ammu nition. The range was excellent; the Rebel batteries as well posted as ours, while superior in number and in average caliber; so that, gradu ally, the fire on our side slackened, and at length nearly ceased. Meade or Howard, finding that our guns had become heated, gave the order to cease firing and cool them ; though the Rebel balls were still decima ting our gunners, while our infantry, crouching behind every projection and nestling in each hollow, awaited patiently the expected charge. And now from behind the enemy's batte ries emerged their infantry in line of THE REBEL GRAND CHARGE OF JHLT THIRD. 385 battle, three or four miles long, pre ceded by a cloud of skirmishers and supported by a fine of reserves, mov ing swiftly to the charge upon Ceme tery hill, and Hancock's corps more especially, but upon the entire front westward to Round Top. Let the Rebel correspondent of The Bich mond Enquirer describe this grand assault, as follows : " Now the storming party was moved up : Pickett's division in advance, supported on the right hy Wilcox's brigade and on the left by Heth's division, commanded by Pet- tigrew. The left of Pickett's division occu pied the same ground over which Wright had passed the day before. I stood upon an eminence and watched this advance with great interest ; I had seen brave men pass over that fated valley the day before ; I had witnessed their death-struggle with the foe on the opposite heights ; I had observed their return with shattered ranks, a bleed ing mass, but with unstained banners. Now I saw their valiant comrades prepare for the same bloody trial, and already felt that their efforts would be vain unless their sup ports should be as true as steel and brave as lions. Now they move forward ; with steady, measured tread, they advance upon the foe. Their banners float defiantly in the breeze, as onward in beautiful order they press across the plain. I have never seen since the war began (and I have been in all the great fights of this army) troops enter a fight in such splendid order as did this splendid division of Pickett's. Now Pettigrew's command emerge from the woods upon Pickett's left, and sweep down the slope of the hill to the valley beneath, and some two or three hundred yards in rear of Pickett. I saw by the wavering of this line as they entered the conflict that they wanted the firmness of nerve and steadiness of tread which so characterized Pickett's men, and I felt that these men would not, could not stand the tremendous ordeal to which they would soon be sub jected. These were mostly raw troops, who had been recently brought from the South, and who had, perhaps, never been under fire — who certainly had never been in any very severe fight — and I trembled for their conduct. Just as Pickett was getting well under the enemy's Are, our batteries ceased firing. This was a fearful moment for Pickett and his hrave command. Why do not our guns reopen their fire ? is the in quiry that rises upon every lip. Still, our hatteries are silent as death 1 But on press Pickett's hrave Virginians; and now the enemy open upon them, from more than fifty guns, a terrible fire of grape, shell, and canister. On, on they move in unbroken line, delivering a deadly fire as they ad vance. Now they have reached the Em mitsburg road ; and here they meet a severe fire from the heavy masses of the enemy's infantry, posted behind the stone fence; while their artillery, now free from the annoyance of our artillery, turn their whole fire upon this devoted band. Still, they re main firm. Now again they advance ; they storm the stone fence; the Tankees fly. The enemy's batteries are, one by one, silenced in quick succession as Piokett's men deliver their fire at the gunners and drive them from their pieces. I see Kemper and Armistead plant their banner in the enemy's works. I hear their glad shout of victory! " Let us look after Pettigrew's division. "Where are they now ? While the victorious shout of the gallant Virginians is still ring ing in my ears, I turn my eyes to the left, and there, all over the plain, in utmost con fusion, is scattered this strong division. Their line is broken ; they are flying, ap parently pan#-stricken, to the rear. The gallant Pettigrew is wounded ; but he still retains command, and is vainly striving to rally his men. Still, the moving mass rush pell-mell to the rear ; ss and Pickett is left alone to contend with the hordes of the enemy now pouring in upon him on every side. Garnett falls, killed by a Minid ball ; and Kemper, the brave and chivalrous, reels under a mortal wound, and is taken to the rear. Now the enemy move around strong flanking bodies of infantry, and are rapidly gaining Pickett's rear. The order is given to fall back, and our men commence the movement, doggedly contending for every inch of ground. The enemy press heavily our retreating line, and many noble spirits who had passed safely through the fiery ordeal of the advance and charge now fall on the right and on the left. Armistead is wounded and left in the enemy's hands. At this critical moment, the shattered remnant of Wright's Georgia hrigade is moved for ward to cover their retreat, and the fight closes here. Our loss in this charge was very severe ; and the Tankee prisoners taken acknowledge that theirs was immense." " It is simple justice to brave foes to note that this imputation on Pettigrew's brigade has been proved unjust. They fought as well and held as tenaciously as any of their comrades, having all vol. n. — 25 but one of their field officers killed or wounded ; falling back under command of a Major. They mustered 2, 800 strong on the morning ofthe 1st of July : at roll-call on the 4th, they numbered 835, 386 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. Now let us hear ' Agate,' from our side, describe that last, determined effort of the Rebellion to maintain a foothold on the free soil of the North : " The great, desperate, final charge came at 4. The Rebels seemed, to have gathered up all their strength and desperation for one fierce, convulsive effort, that should sweep over and wash out our obstinate resistance. They swept up as before : the flower of their army to the front, victory staked upon the issue. In some places, they literally lifted up and pushed back our lines; but, that terrible ' position' of ours ! — wherever they entered it, enfilading fires from half a score of crests swept away their columns like merest chaff. Broken and hurled back, they easily fell into our hands ; and, on the center and left, the last half-hour brought more prisoners than all the rest. " So it was along the whole line; but it was on the 2d corps that the flower of the Rebel army was concentrated ; it was there that the heaviest shock beat upon,and shook, and even sometimes crumbled, our line. " We had some shallow rifle-pits, with barricades of rails from the fences. The Rebel line, stretching away miles "to the left, in magnificent array, but strongest here — Pickett's splendid division of Long- street's corps in front, the#>est of A. P. Hill's veterans in support — came steadily, and as it seemed resistlessly, sweeping up. Our skirmishers retired slowly from the Emmitsburg road, holding their ground tenaciously to the last. The Rebels reserved their fire till they reached this same Em mitsburg road, then opened with a terrific crash. From ahundred iron throats, mean time, their artillery had been thundering on our barricades. " Hancock was wounded ; Gibbon suc ceeded to the command — approved soldier, and ready for the crisis. As the tempest of flre approached its height, he walked along the line, and renewed his orders to the men to reserve their fire. The Rebels — three lines deep — came steadily up. They were in point-blank range. lf At last, the order came ! From thrice six thousand guns, there came a sheet of .smoky flame, a crash, a rush of leaden death. The line literally melted away ; but there came the second, resistless still. It had been our supreme effort — on the instant, we were not equal to another. "Up to the rifle-pits, across them, over the barricades — the momentum of their charge, the mere machine strength of their combined action — swept them on. Our thin line could fight, hut it had not weight enough to oppose to this momentum. It was pushed behind the guns. Right on came the Rebels. They were upon the guns — were bayoneting the gunners — were wav ing their flags above our pieces. "But they had penetrated to the fatal point. A storm of grape and canister tore its way from man to man, and marked its track with corpses straight down their line I They had exposed themselves to the enfi lading fire of the guns on the western slope of Cemetery hill ; that exposure sealed their fate. " The line reeled back — disjointed already — in an instant in fragments. Our men were just behind the guns. They leaped forward upon the disordered mass ; but there was little need for fighting now. A regiment threw down its arms, and, with colors at its head, rushed over and surren dered. All along the field, smaller detach ments did the same. Webb's brigade brought in 800 : taken in as little time as it requires to write the simple sentence that tells it. Gibbon's old division took 15 stand of colors. " Over the fields, the escaped fragments of the charging line fell back — the battle there was over. A single brigade, Har row's (of which the 7th Michigan is part), came out with 54 less officers, 793 less men, than it took in ! So the whole corps fought — so too they fought farther down the line, " It was fruitless sacrifice. They gathered up their broken fragments, formed their lines, and slowly marched away. It was not a rout, it was a bitter, crushing defeat. For once, the Army of the Potomac had won a clean, honest, acknowledged victory." Gen. Doubleday, testifying before the Committee on the Conduct of the "War, says : " About 2 p. m., a tremendous cannonade was opened on us from at least 125 guns. They had our exact range, and the destruc tion was fearful. Horses were killed in every direction ; I lost two horses myself, while almost every officer lost one or more, and quite a large number of caissons were blown up. I knew this was the prelude to a grand infantry charge, as artillery is gen erally massed in this way, to disorganize the opposing command, for the infantry to charge in the interval. I told my men to shelter themselves in every way behind the rocks, or little elevations of ground, while the artillery-firing took place, and to spring to their feet and hold their ground as soon as the charge came. " "When the enemy finally charged, they came on in three lines, with additional lines called, in military language, wings: the object of the wings being to prevent the CRAWFORD'S AD VANCE — ME ADE'S CAUTION. 387 main force from being flanked. This charge was first directed toward ay lines; but, seeing that they were quite strong, five lines deep, and well strengthened with rails and stones, behind which the men lay, the ene my changed his mind, and concluded to make the attack on the division of the 2d corps, on my right, where there were but two lines. He marched by his right flank, and then marched to his front. In doing this, the wing apparently did not understand the movement, hut kept straight on. The con sequence was, that there was a wide gap between the wing and the main charging force, which enabled my men on the right, the brigade of Gen. Stannard, to form im mediately "on the flank of the charging column, while the enemy were subjected to an awful fire of artillery in front. It is said some few of them laid their hands on our guns. The prisoners state that what ruined them was Stannard's brigade on their flank, as they found it impossible to contend •with it in that position ; and they drew off, all in a huddle, to get away from it. I sent two regiments to charge them in front at the same time. While this was going on, the enemy were subjected to a terrific artil lery-fire at short range ; and the result was that they retreated with frightful loss. " Some five minutes after the charge was broken np and they began to retreat, a large number of batteries and regiments of infan try reported to me, as I sat on horseback, for orders to repulse the attack. I posted them, with the approval of the corps com mander, though they were a little too late to be of essential service. " I would state that the wing of the ene my which got astray was also met by part of Stannard's brigade, which also formed on its flank, and it also retreated. Thus the day was won, and the country saved." The battle was over; and it was won ; but that was all. Our guns were nearly out of cartridges ; the reserve ammunition had been drawn upon ; a single brigade, standing at ease in the rear, composed the entire reserve of the Army of the Potomac. All beside had been brought forward and put in, on one point or another, to brace up the front for that stern ordeal. There was very little fighting after this decisive repulse, save that Gen. Crawford, of Sykes's division, hold ing Round Top on our left, at 5 p. m. advanced McCandless's brigade^ by Meade's order, driving back a battery which confronted him with out support, and, pushing forward a mile, took 260 prisoners (Georgians), of Anderson's division, and recover ing a 12-pounder, three caissons, 7,000 small arms, and all our wound ed who had fallen in Sickles's repulse, after they had lain 24 hours uncared for within the enemy's lines. It was manifest that the Rebel force had mainly been withdrawn from this wing to strengthen the grand assault nearer the center, and did not re turn; as Crawford held the ground thus gained without objection. He could see no reason why a decided advance on this wing of the 5th and the still comparatively fresh 6th corps might not then have been made with out meeting serious opposition. Gen. Meade has been reproached as timid and over-cautious; but it is plain that his strategy, though not daring, was able and wise. Had he allowed his hot-heads to dash their commands at the outset against the Rebel batteries on Seminary ridge> as they would gladly have done, he would have fought a magnificent battle and probably been magnifi cently beaten. Between two great armies, equally brave, equally reso lute, and equal in numbers and in ef fectiveness of weapons, the choice of position naturally decides the fortune of the day. It is not with these as with armed mobs, where the assail ant often triumphs by the mere audacity of his assault — the assailed concluding that those who are charg ing them will not fly, so they must. Had Lee assailed Burnside on the 388 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. heights of Falmouth, he would have been beaten most disastrously. And, though Meade's position at Gettys burg does not compare in strength with Lee's on the Fredericksburg heights, it was probably worth a reenforcement of 10,000 men. Nor is Meade justly blamable for not pushing forward at once, on the heels of his beaten foes. Around him lay nearly or quite one-fourth of his army, killed or wounded ; he knew that his own ammunition was run ning low; he did not know that Lee's was even more completely ex hausted. If he had ordered a gen eral advance, and been repelled from Seminary ridge by such a fire as had met and crushed the Rebel assailants of Cemetery hill, he would have been reproached as rash and fool-hardy by many who have deemed him defi cient in courage or in heartiness be cause he did not make the Union a Fourth-of-July present of the rem nant of Lee's army. His real and grave error dated several days back of this. He had, on assuming command, been author ized to do as he judged best with French's force on Maryland Heights, and Couch's in central Pennsylvania. Had he, on deciding to fight Lee so soon as circumstances favored, or dered both these to join him at the earliest moment, he would now have been consciously master of the situa tion, and might have blocked Lee's return to Virginia. But he gave no such order to Couch ; and having, at Butterfield's urgent suggestion, with drawn French's 11,000 men from Maryland Heights, he left 7,000 of them standing idle at Frederick, send ing the residue as train-guards to "Washington, and actually apologized to Halleck, on meeting him, for hav ing moved them at all ! Had Get tysburg been lost for want of these 11,000 men, his would have been a fearful responsibility. Couch's militia were pronounced worthless by worthless officers, who forget what "Washington, Gates, and Jackson, severally did with militia; but, though they had been only held in reserve, or set to guarding trains, their presence would have had a wholesome moral effect. And now, if they had been at hand to set on the track of the beaten, flying RebelB, they might have done more, and could not have done less, than Sedgwick did when sent on that same errand. Meade states our losses in this se ries of battles around Gettysburg at 2,834 killed, 13,709 wounded, and 6,643 missing (mainly taken prison ers on the 1st) : total, 23,186.3' He only claims 3 guns as captured this side of the Potomac, with 41 flags and 13,621 prisoners — many of them wounded, of course. He adds that 24,978 small arms were collected on the field ; but part of them may have been previously our own. Lee gives no return of his losses ; but they were probably not materi ally greater nor less than ours"— our men fighting on the defensive, some what protected by breastworks, and S9 Among our killed, not already mentioned, were Brig.-Gens. S. H. Weed, N. T., and E. J. Farnsworth, Mich. ; Cols. Vincent and Willard (commanding brigades), Cross, 5th N. H., O'Rorke, 140th N. T., Revere, 20th Mass., and Taylor, Pa. 'Bucktails.' Among our wounded were Brig.-Gens. Gibbon, Barlow,' Stannard, Webb, and Paul. 40 Pollard rather candidly says : " On our side, Pickett's division had been en gaged in the hottest work of the day, and tbe havoc in its ranks was appalling. Its losses on PLEASANTON FOR PURSUIT — ME ADE HESITATES. having the advantage of position. Doubtless, our loss was much the greater on the first day, a little more than the enemy's on the second, and far the less on the third. Proba bly, 18,000 killed and wounded, with 10,000 unwounded prisoners, would pretty fairly measure the Confederate losses during their Pennsylvania cam paign. During the 2d and 3d, the cavalry of either army, hovering around its flanks, ready to make a dash at the trains or camps of its adversary if opportunity should serve, had had several slight collisions, but no seri ous contest. On the 3d, an attempt of Hood, by a movement on the Em mitsburg road, to turn our left — which Gen. Meade regarded as our weak point — was defeated by Merritt's cavalry brigade, then coming up from Emmitsburg with intent to strike the rear and flank of the Rebel right, and by Farnsworth's brigade, which was guarding our own flank in that quar ter. Gregg's division watched our right flank, confronted by Stuart. J_To important advantage was gained on either side ; but a considerable in fantry force under Hood seems to have been neutralized, during the grand assault, by the sturdy efforts of Merritt and Farnsworth, which were held to indicate that a strong this day are famous, and should be commemora ted in detail. Every Brigadier in the division was killed or wounded. Out of 24 regimental officers, only two escaped unhurt. The Colonels of five Virginia regiments were killed. The 9th Virginia went in 250 strong, and came out with only 38 men ; while the equally gallant 19th rivaled the terrible glory of such devoted courage.' ' Among the Rebel killed were Brig.-Gens. Barksdale, Miss., and Garnett, Va. Among their wounded, Maj.-Gens. Hood, Trimble, Heth, and Pender, the latter mortally; Brig.-Gens. Petti- grew, Kemper, Scales, G. T. Anderson, Hamp ton, J. M Jones, Jenkins, Armistead, and Semmes: the two latter mortally. infantry force was behind them, ready to strike heavily and attempt to turn the Rebel right. The battle being over, Pleasanton, who was in chief command of the cavalry, urged Meade to order a general advance ; being satisfied by appearances that not only was the Rebel army demoralized and begin ning to retreat, but nearly out of ammunition. But, as it was not certain that the enemy was going, Meade chose to be assured on that point, by a cavalry reconnoissance to the Rebel rear. Pleasanton accord ingly dispatched some cavalry on this errand, who rode all night; Gregg, who, moving by our right, had been out 22 miles on the Chambersburg road, returning first, at 8 A. m.,41 and reporting that road strewn with wounded and stragglers, ambulances and caissons, showing that not only was the enemy in full retreat, but that he was completely demoralized. Gregg had easily taken quite a num ber of prisoners. Other commanders of cavalry, returning later from sim ilar reconnoissances on other roads, found them likewise covered, and captured many stragglers and wagons. Still, as Meade did not advance in force on their direct line of retreat," and as the movement of the artillery and trains of a . great army requires 41 Saturday, July 4. "Gen. D. B. Birney, who succeeded Gen. Sickles in the command ofthe 3d corps, says: " I was ordered to send out a reconnoissance at daylight [on the 4th] to ascertain the position of the enemy. I did so early Sunday morning, and reported that the enemy were in full retreat. I also sent back for permission to open upon the enemy with my rifled batteries as they were crossing a point very near me, upon the turn pike going toward Hagerstown; and the staff officer brought me permission to do so. I had commenced the movement to attack, when ano ther staff officer arrived from Gen. Meade with a written order from him to make no attack; 390 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. time, the Rebel pickets along their front were not withdrawn till 2 a. m. of next day." Meantime, an advance division of Couch's militia, about 5,000 strong, under Gen. W. F. [' Baldy'] Smith, had come up in our rear; reporting to Gen. Meade on the 4th. Next morning, there could no longer be even an affectation of doubt that the enemy were in full retreat; and Sedgwick's (6th) corps was ordered ** to follow on the track of the fugitives. The spirit in which this pursuit waB prosecuted is thus portrayed by Gen. A. P. Howe, com- mandixig a division of that corps, who thus narrates " its progress and results : " On the 4th of July, it seemed evident enough that the enemy were retreating. How far they were gone, we could not see from the front. We could see but a com paratively small force from the position where I was. On Sunday, the 5th and 6th corps moved in pursuit. As we moved, a small rear-guard of the enemy retreated. We followed them, with this small rear guard of the enemy before us, up to Fair field, in a gorge of the mountains. There we again waited for them to go on. There seemed to be no disposition to push this rear-guard when we got up to Fairfield. A lieutenant from the enemy came into our lines and gave himself up. He was a Northern Union man", in service in one of the Georgia regiments ; and, without being asked, he unhesitatingly told me, when I met him as he was being brought in, that he belonged to the artillery of the rear guard of the enemy, and that they had but two rounds of ammunition with the rear guard. But we waited there without re ceiving any orders to attack. It was a place where, as I informed Gen. Sedgwick, we oould easily attack the enemy with advan tage. But no movement was made by us until the enemy went away. Then, one brigade of my division, with some cavalry, was sent to follow on after them, while the remainder of the 6th corps moved to the left. We moved on through Boonsboro', and passed up on the pike road leading to Hagerstown. After passing Boonsboro', it became my turn to lead the 6th corps. That day, just before we started, Gen. Sedgwick ordered me to move on and take up the best position I could over a little stream on the Frederick side of Funkstown. As I moved on, it was suggested to me by him to move carefully. 'Do n't oome into contact with the enemy ; we do n't want to bring on a general engagement.' It seemed to be the current impression that it was not desired to bring on a general engagement. I moved on until we came near Funkstown. Gen. Buford was along that way with his cavalry. I had passed over the stream referred to, and found' a strong position, whioh I con cluded to take and wait for the 6th corps to come up. In the mean time, Gen. Buford, who was in front, came back to me and said, 'I am pretty hardly engaged here; I have used a great deal of my ammunition ; it is a strong place in front ; it is an excel lent position.' It was a little farther out than I was — nearer Funkstown. He said, ' I have used a great deal of my ammuni tion, and I ought to go to the right ; sup pose you move up there, or send up a brig ade, or even a part of one, and. hold that position.' Said I, ' I will do so at once, if I can just communicate with Gen. Sedgwick ; I am ordered to take up a position over here and hold it, and the intimation conveyed to me was that they did not want to get into a general engagement ; I will send for Gen. Sedgwick, and ask permission to hold that position and relieve you.' I accordingly sent a staff officer to Gen. Sedgwick, with a request that I might go up at once and assist Gen. Buford ; stating that he had a strong position, but his ammunition was giving out. Gen. Buford remained with me until I should get an answer. The answer was, 1 No, we do not want to bring on a general engagement.' ' Well,' said I, ' Buford, what can I do ?' He said, ' They expect me to go farther to the right ; my ammunition is pretty much out. That position is a strong one, and we ought not to let it .go.' I sent down again to Gen. Sedgwick, stating the condition of Gen. Buford, and that he would have to leave unless he could get some assistance ; that his position was not far in front, and that it seemed to me that we should hold it, and I should like to send some force up to picket it at least. After a time, I got a reply that, if Gen. Buford left, I might occupy the position. Gen. Buford which was done. My skirmishers advanced and took possession of their hospitals, with a large number of their wounded. I had sent some twenty orderlies with a staff officer, who led the reoonnoissance ; and I reported these facts con stantly to Gen. Meade; but this peremptory order from him not to open fire at all prevented any pursuit of the enemy." ° July 5. « July 5, 11 A. M. 46 Before Committee on the Conduct ofthe War. LEE'S RETREAT TO THE POTOMAC. 391 was still with me, and I said to him, ' If you go away from there, I will have to hold it.' ' That 's all right,' said he ; ' I will go away.' He did so, and I moved right up. It was a pretty good position, where you (jould cover your troops. Soon after relieving Buford, we saw some Rebel infantry advancing. I do not know whether they brought them from Hagerstown, or from some other place. They made three dashes, not in heavy force, upon our line to drive us back. The troops that happened to be there on our line were what we considered in the Army of the Potomac unusually good ones. They quietly repulsed the Rebels twice; and, the third time they came up, they sent them flying into Funkstown. "Yet there was no permission to move on and follow up the enemy. We remained there some time, until we had orders to m'ove on and take a position a mile or more" nearer Hagerstown. As we moved up, we saw that the Rebels had some light field- , works — hurriedly thrown up, apparently — to cover themselves while they recrossed the river. I think we remained there three days ; and the third night, I think, after we got up into that position, it was said the Rebels recrossed the river." The 4th and 5th were devoted by Gen. Meade to caring for the wound ed and burying the dead; part of our cavalry pursuing on the Cash- town, road, as Sedgwick did on that by Fairfield. On the 5th, Meade was satisfied that Lee had retreated ; but he believed that he was falling back into the Cumberland Yalley — not making for the shelter of the Potomac. He decided to move the great body of his- forces by the left flank through Boonsboro' Pass, and so place himself between the enemy and his resources. But Sedgwick soon reported " that the main body of the enemy was in position in and around Fairfield Pass, and that it might be necessary to fight another battle in those mountains. Here upon, the 5th corps and some other troops were sent to reenforce Sedg wick, and the 1st and 3d, which had been started by Butterfield, chief of staff, on the Boonsboro' road, were halted ; while others, farther in ad vance, moved on. Soon, word came from Sedgwick that it was unwise to push the enemy farther on the route he was following ; whereupon, the whole army was impelled down the Middletown road; Sedgwick being ordered to move the most of his com mand from ' Fairfield Pass by Em mitsburg to join the main body. Arrived at Middletown, the army was halted a day to rest and refit, and then moved through South Mountain by Boonsboro' to Hagers town and the Potomac ; where Lee had of course arrived before it, taken a strong position, and was prepared to maintain it. Lee says, in his offi cial report : " The army remained at Gettysburg dur ing the 4th, and at night began to retire by the road to Fairfield, carrying with it about 4,000 prisoners. Nearly 2,000 had previ ously been paroled ; but the enemy's numer ous wounded, that had fallen into our hands after the first and second day's engagements, were left behind. "Little progress was made that night, owing to a severe storm, "which greatly .em barrassed our movements. The rear of the column did not leave its position near Get tysburg until after daylight on the 5th. " The march was continued during that day without interruption by the enemy, ex cept an unimportant demonstration upon our rear in the afternoon, when near Fairfield, which was easily checked. Part of our train moved by the road through Fairfield, and the rest by the way of Oashtown, guarded by Gen. Imhoden. In passing through the mountains, in advance of the column, the great length of the trains exposed them to attack by the enemy's cavalry, which cap tured a number of wagons and ambulances; but they succeeded in reaching Williams port without serious loss. " They were attacked at that place on the 6th by the enemy's cavalry, which was gal lantly repulsed by Gen. Imboden. The at tacking force was subsequently encountered and driven off by Gen. Stuart, and pursued for several miles in the direction of Boons- 48 July 6. 392 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. boro'. The army, after an arduous march, rendered more difficult by the rains, reached Hagerstown on the afternoon of the 6th and morning ofthe 7th July." He had had a marvelous escape. "When his shattered columns com menced their retreat from Gettys burg, few of his officers can have im agined that they would ever reach Yirginia with their artillery and most of their trains. There was not a probability that they could recross the Potomac with more than the wreck of an army. But heavy rains fell, as usual after great battles ; and these are apt to impede pursuers more than pursued, though they need not. Then, every sort of miscalcula tion combined with lack of energy to impede the progress of our army ; so that Lee had had four days wherein to strengthen his position at Wil liamsport before Meade was there" to assail him. But neither Lee's army nor his troubles were yet over. The heavy rains following the battle had swelled the Potomac to an unfordable state ; while Gen. French, who, with 7,000 veterans, had been left idle at Fred erick during the great events in Penn sylvania, had, without orders, sent a cavalry force to Falling Waters and Williamsport, which captured the weak guard left by Lee to hold his bridge, which they forthwith de stroyed. Lee's hold on the Mary land bank was therefore compulsory, while he collected material and re paired or renewed his bridge. Ere this was accomplished," Meade's ar my was before him, strengthened by French's division, and by part of Couch's militia, which had reported at Gettysburg and joined the army at Boonsboro'. 47 July 12. The 12th having been spent in get ting our troops into position, Gen. Meade called a council of his corps commanders, to consider the expedi ency of attacking next morning. The council sat long and debated earnest ly. Gens. Howard, Pleasanton, and Wadsworth (in place of Reynolds, killed) urged and voted to attack; but Gens. Sedgwick, Slocum, Sykes, French, and Hays (in place of Han cock, wounded at Gettysburg) op posed it. Gen. Meade, having heard all, stated that his judgment favored an attack — that he came there to fight, and could see no good reason for not fighting. Still, he could not take the responsibility of ordering an assault against the advice' of a major ity of his corps commanders — four of them ranking officers of the army next to himself. His decision would seem to have been a mistake ; but he had been in command little more than a fortnight, and the responsibil ity of overruling a majority and the seniors among bis counselors was a- grave one. At all events, he did not take it : so our army stood idle throughout the following day; and in the night Lee withdrew across the Potomac, leaving (he says) but two stalled guns, a few disabled wagons, and some weary stragglers, to fall into the hands of his pursuers. This, however, is not exactly true. Kilpatrick, commanding our cavalry on the left, learning at 3 A. m. that the enemy's pickets in his front were retiring, started after them, and, at 7i a. m., came up, about two miles from their bridge at Falling Waters, with their rear-guard, under Gen. Pettigrew,who had taken up a strong position and contested thereon his ad- 48 July 13. MEADE IN VIRGINIA— FIGHT IN MANASSAS GAP. 393 vance. A gallant saber-charge by the 6th Michigan, Maj. Webber, into and over their earthworks, was re pulsed with loss — Maj. Webber being among the killed ; but, after a fight of over two hours, the enemy was driven to the river, with a loss of 125 killed and 1,500 prisoners, which in cludes 50 of their wounded. Gen. Pettigrew was here mortally wound ed. Our total loss was 105. Our cavalry advance^ Col. J. I. Gregg, crossed, the Potomac at Har per's Ferry that day," and moved out, next morning, from Bolivar Heights on the Winchester turnpike to Hall's Mills, thence taking the road to Shepherdstown ; where it was soon involved in a spirited fight with Fitz Hugh Lee's cavalry, and driven back a short distance to a strong position, where it held its ground, repulsing several determined charges, until the Rebels were willing to give it up. The day'B loss was about 100 on either side ; Cols. Drake (1st Yir ginia) and Gregg were among the Rebel killed ; Capt. Fisher, 16th Pa., being the highest officer lost on our side. The ground was so rough and wooded that nearly all the fighting was done on foot. Gen. Meade crossed the Potomac at Berlin on the 18th; moving by Lovettsville,60 Union," Upperville," and Salem,63 to Warrenton;6' thus retaking the line of the Rappahan nock which our army had left hardly two months before. This movement being in advance of Lee, who halted for some days near Bunker Hill, and made a feint of recrossing the Poto mac, Meade was enabled to seize all the passes through the Blue Ridge north of the Rappahannock, barring the enemy's egress from the Shenan doah Yalley save by a tedious flank march. Meade, misled by his scouts, had expected to fight a battle in Manas sas Gap — or rather, on the west side of it — where our cavalry, under Bu ford, found the Rebels in force ; when the 3d (French's) corps was sent in haste from Ashby's Gap to Buford's support, and its 1st division, Gen. Hobart Ward, pushed through " the Gap, and the Excelsior (New York) brigade, Gen. F. B. Spinola, made three heroic charges up so many steep and difficult ridges, dis lodging and driving the enemy witfi mutual loss — General Spinola being twice wounded. Col. Farnum and Major McLean, 1st Excelsior, were also wounded, and Cap?. Ben. Price " killed. Next morning, our soldiers pushed forward to Front Royal, but encoun tered no enemy. Unknown to us, the Excelsiors had been fighting a brigade of Ewell's men, who were holding the Gap while Rhodes's di vision, forming the rear-guard of Lee's army, marched past up the valley, and had, of course, followed on its footsteps during the night. No enemy remained to fight; but two days were lost by Meade getting into "July 14. M July 19. "July 20. M July 22. "July 24. 64 July 25. » July 24. M Capt. Price had been for years honorably distinguished as an ardent, indefatigable, effi cient advocate for the limitation of the area of individual ownership of real estate, and more especially of the National Homestead bill. He volunteered at the Very outset of the war, and gave his best efforts and his life for Freedom and Equal Rights to all mankind. Though distinguished by gallantry, capacity, intelli gence, and zeal, he entered the service a captain, and died a captain. 394 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. and out of the Gap ; during which, Lee moved rapidly southward, pass ing around our right flank and ap pearing in our front when our army again looked across the Rappahan nock. So soon as it was known that Lee had started for the North with all the force that he could muster, Gen. Dix, commanding at Fortress Mon roe, was directed to make a demon stration on Richmond. Gen. Keyes was appointed to lead it. Starting 67 from White House, about 5,000 men of all arms, under the more immedi ate command of Gen. Getty, with at least as many more behind at call, Keyes moved up to Baltimore Cross roads, whence some 1,500 cavalry were sent forward to burn the Central Railroad bridge over the South Anna, which they effected. There was some skirmishing at various points, with the advantage oftener on the side of the enemy ; the upshot of all being that Keyes retreated without a seri ous fight, and without having accom plished any thing worth the cost of the movement. As Richmond was defended by a single brigade under Wise, with such help as might be hastily summoned from points farther south or obtained from her office holders and other exempts organized as militia, it seems obvious that a more determined leader, who would not have fallen back without know ing why, was badly needed. A spir ited, resolute dash might have given us Richmond on the same day that Grant took possession of surrendered Yicksburg and Lee recoiled from Meade's unshaken front at Gettys burg. Gen. Buford, with his cavalry di vision, pushed68 across the river, at Rappahannock Station, and crowded back, first a brigade, then a division, of Stuart's cavalry nearly to Culpep per Court House, when their infantry compelled him to retreat, fighting, till he was supported by the 1st corps ; when the. foe in turn desisted. Our loss this day was 110, including 16 killed. Gen. Kilpatrick next crossed60 at Port Conway below Fredericksburg, driving before him a Rebel force sta tioned on this side, and burning two gunboats recently captured by the Rebels on the Potomac, and run into the Rappahannock for future use. Gen. Pleasanton next crossed "° the Rappahannock at Kelly's and other fords with most of our cavalry, in three divisions, under Buford, Kil patrick, and Gregg, pressing back Stuart's cavalry to Brandy Station and Culpepper Court House, and thence across the Rapidan, capturing two guns and quite a body of prison ers. Otherwise, the losses on either side were light. Gen. Warren, with the 2d corps, supported our cavalry, but was at no time engaged. This reconnoissance having proved that Lee had depleted his army to reenforce Bragg in Tennessee, Gen. Meade crossed61 the Rappahannock in force, posting himself at Culpep per Court House, throwing forward two corps to the Rapidan ; which he was preparing to cross when he was ordered from Washington to detach " the llth and 12th corps, under Hook er, to the aid of our army at Chatta nooga. Being reenforced soon after ward, he sent63 Gen. Buford, with his cavalry division, across the Rapidan ' July 1. "'Aug.l. 69Sept.l. "Sept. 13. "Sept. 16. ' Sept. 24. "3 Oct. 10. LEE CHASES MEADE UP TO CENTERVILLE. 395 to uncover the upper fords, prepara tory to an advance of the 1st and 6th corps ; but Lee at the same time cross ing Robertson's river and advancing in force from Madison Court House on our right, Meade fell back " across the Rappahannock; our cavalry, under Pleasanton, covering the retreat, and being engaged from Culpepper Court House to Brandy Station, where Bu ford rejoined him,and the enemy were held in check till evening, when Pleas anton withdrew across the river. Meade now, presuming the enemy in force at Culpepper Court House, pushed over66 the 6th, 5th, and 2d corps to Brandy Station, while Bu ford's cavalry moved in the van to Culpepper Court House; when, on hearing from Gen. Gregg, command ing the cavalry division on our right, that the enemy had driven him back from Hazel run across the Rappa hannock, and were crossing at Sul phur Springs and Waterloo in heavy force, Meade hastily drew back his army across the river and retreated66 to Catlett's Station and thence67 to Centerville ; Gregg, with the 4th and 13th Pa. and 1st N. Y. cavalry and 10th N. Y. infantry, being surround ed and attacked69 near Jefferson, and routed, with a loss of 5001, mainly prisoners. Our army was sharply and impu dently pursued, especially by Stuart's cavalry, who gathered up quite a number of prisoners, mainly strag glers, of little value unless to ex change. Stuart, with 2,000 of his cavalry, pressed our rear so eagerly that, when near Catlett's Station,68 he had inadvertently got ahead, by a flank movement, of our 2d corps, Gen. Warren, acting as rear-guard ; and was hemmed in where his whole command must have been destroyed or captured had he not succeeded in hiding it in a thicket of old-field pines, close by the road whereon our men marched by : the rear ofthe corps encamping close beside the enemy, utterly unsuspicious of their neigh borhood, though every Word uttered in our lines as they passed was dis tinctly heard by the lurking foe. Stu art at first resolved to abandon his guns and attempt to escape with moderate loss, but finally picked three of his men, gave them muskets, made them up so as to look as much as possible like our soldiers, and thus drop silently into our ranks as they passed, march a while, then slip out on the other side of the column, and make all haste to Gen. Lee at War renton, in quest of help. During the night, two of our officers, who stepped into the thicket, were quietly captured. At daylight, the crack of skirmish ers' muskets in the distance gave to ken that Lee had received and re sponded to the prayer for help ; when Stuart promptly opened with grape and canister on the rear of our as tounded column, which had bivou acked just in his front, throwing it into such confusion that he easily dashed by and rejoined his chief; having inflicted some loss and suf fered little or none. But such ventures can not always prove lucky. That same day,™ A. P. Hill's corps, which had left War renton at 5 A. m., moving up the Alexandria turnpike to Broad Run church, thence obliquing by Green wich to strike our rear at Bristow Station, had obeyed the order, and fallen in just behind our 3d. corps, 64 Oct. 11. e6 Oct. 12. " Oct. 13. " Oct. 14. 6a Oct. 12. m Night of Oct. 13-14. ,0 Oct. 14. THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. and was eagerly following it, picking up stragglers, and preparing to charge, when, about noon, our 2d corps, Gen. Warren, which was still behind, ap peared on the scene, and considera bly deranged Hill's (or Lee's) calcu lations. Hill turned, of course, to fight the advancing rather than the retreating foe, having his batteries ready for action ; while Warren, who was for the moment surprised at find ing an enemy in his front rather than his rear, required ten minutes to pre pare for a suitable reply. Soon, how ever, Brown's and Arnold's batteries opened on our side, with such effect, aided by the fire of Webb's and Hays's divisions of infantry, that the enemy fell back, abandoning six guns, whereof five — all that were servicea ble — were at once seized and put to use on our side. An attempt to charge our right flank by Petti grew's old brigade, now Heth's, was signally repulsed, with a loss of 450 prisoners. After this, the fighting was more cautious and desultory; the enemy recoiling to the woods, and thence keeping up a long-range cannonade, which amounted to noth ing. Our loss in killed and wounded was about 200, including Col. James E. Mallon, 42d N.Y., killed, and Gen. Tile, of Pa., wounded; that of the enemy was probably 400, including Gens. Posey (mortally), Kirkland, and Cooke," wounded, and Cols. Ruffin, 1st N. C, and Thompson, 5th N. C. cavalry, killed. Our soldiers held the field till dark, then followed the rest of our army, whose retreat they had so effectually covered. Meade, on reflection, was evidently ashamed — as well he might be — of this flight— which, the Rebels assert, continued up to Fairfax Court House — and would have attempted to re trace his steps directly ; but a heavy rain™ had rendered Bull Run un- fordable, and obliged him to send for pontoons ; meantime, the enemy, af ter skirmishing along his front and making feints of attack, retreated as rapidly as they had advanced, com pletely destroying the Orange and Alexandria Railroad from Bristow to the Rappahannock — Stuart, aided by a flank attack from Fitz Hugh Lee, worsting Kilpatrick, by force of num bers, in a not very sanguinary encoun ter" near Buckland's Mills, whence our cavalry fell back nimbly to Gainesville. In this affair, Custer's brigade did most of the fighting on our side ; but the enemy was so vastly the stronger, backed by infantry, that Kilpatrick did well to escape with little loss. Stuart claims to have taken 200 prisoners. Lee recrossed the Rappahannock next day ; - leaving Meade, by reason of his ruined railroad, unable, if will ing, to follow him farther for some time. During these operations, General J. D. Imboden, who, with a Rebel cavalry division, had been guarding the gaps of the Blue Ridge, swooped down 74 upon Charlestown, near Har per's Ferry, which he took ; capturing 424 men, with a large amount of stores. Two hours afterward, a su perior Union force appeared from Harper's Ferry, before which Imbo den deliberately fell back, fighting, to Berryville, saving nearly all his spoils; thence making good his es cape by a night-march. Besides Imboden's, Lee claims to have taken 2,000 prisoners during 1 Son of Gen. Philip St. George Cooke, Union army. "Oct. 16. "Oct. 19. '4 Oct. 18. RUSSELL'S ASSAULT AT RAPPAHANNOCK STATION. 397 his dash across the Rappahannock ; while our captures were hardly half so many. In killed and wounded, the losses were nearly equal — not far from 500 on either side. But the prestige of skill and daring, of au dacity and success, inured entirely to the Rebel commander, who, with an inferior force, had chased our army almost up to Washington, utterly destroyed its main artery of supply, captured the larger number of prisoners, destroyed or caused us to destroy valuable stores, and then returned to his own side of the Rap pahannock essentially unharmed ; having decidedly the advantage in the only collision which marked his retreat. Nettled by the trick which had been played upon him, Meade now sought permission to make an at tempt, by a rapid movement to the left, to seize the heights of Freder icksburg ; but Halleck negatived the project ; so Sedgwick, with the 6th and 5th corps, was sent forward at daybreak76 from Warrenton to Rap pahannock Station, where the Rebels had strongly fortified the north bank of the river, covering a pontoon bridge. The works on this side were held by Hayes's Louisiana brigade ; while Hoke's brigade, composed of the 6th, 54th, and 57th N. C, was sent over to support it by Lee, who, with Early's division, was just across the river. Our approach was of course well known, and Hoke pushed over on purpose to make all secure. Arriving at noon opposite the Sta tion, our troops were halted behind a hill a good mile away, rested and carefully formed, and our skirmish lines gradually advanced to the river both above and below the enemy's works ; then our lines were quietly advanced over rugged ground till within half a mile of the works; whence a flat, open vale, traversed by a wide ditch, with high, steep banks and three feet of mud and water in its bed, then by a moa;t 12 feet wide by 5 deep, now dry ; be yond which, rose a hill or ridge, directly on the river's bank, on which were the enemy's works. Gen. Wright had command of the 6th corps; while Brig.-Gen. David A. Russell '" commanded the 1st divis ion, whereof the 3d brigade, com prising the 5th Wisconsin, 6th Maine, 49th and 119th Pa., now commanded by Col. P. C. Ellmaker, ofthe latter, was his own, and had been carefully drilled by him into the highest efiv ' ciency. This brigade was advanced directly opposite the enemy's works ; and Russell, after a careful observa tion, reported to Wright, just before sunset, that those works could be carried by storm, and was authorized to try it. The next moment, his brigade moved forward in two lines : five companies of the 6th Maine deploy ing as skirmishers, while the 5th Wis consin, dashing in solid column on the largest and strongest redoubt, fol lowed close behind them ; the 20th Maine, of another brigade, closing on their left, and advancing in line with the 6th ; Russell himself at the front, and giving the order to- ' charge ;' whereupon, with fixed bay onets and without firing a shot, the line swept forward through a deluge of case-shot and Minie bullets. Ten minutes later, the rest of the brigade came up at double-quick to "Nov. 7. 1 Of Salem, N. Y.— son of the late Hon. David Russell 398 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. their aid ; but, during those ten min utes, the 6th Maine had lost 16 out of 23 officers, and 123 out of 350 en listed men; three of their veteran captains lying dead, with Lt.-Col. Harris, of this regiment, and Maj. Wheeler, of the 5th Wise, severely wounded. Adj. Clark, of the former, and Lt. Russell, a relative and aid of the General, were likewise wounded. But now the Pennsylvania regiments rushed in at their highest speed, and the struggle at this point was over ; while the 121st New York and ¦ 5th Maine, of the 2d brigade, firing but a single volley, swept, just at dusk, through the Rebel rifle-pits on Rus sell's right, and down to the pon toons in the Rebel rear, cutting off the retreat of the routed garrison, and compelling 1,600 of them to sur render. Four guns, 7 flags, 2,000 small arms, and the pontoon bridge, were among the captures ; Gen. Hayes surrendered, but afterward escaped. Two of his Colonels swam the river. Several who attempted to do so were drowned. The whole was the work of two brigades, num bering less than 3,000 men ; and most of it of Russell's, barely 1,549 strong. And, while no praise is too high for his men, it is not too much to say that the credit of this rarely paralleled exploit is mainly due to David A. Russell— as capable, mod est, and brave a soldier as the army of the Potomac ever knew. Simultaneously with this move ment, the 2d and 3d corps, Gen. French, advanced to Kelly's ford; where pontoons were quickly laid, under the fire of their guns, and the 3d brigade of Ward's division, Gen. De Trobriand, at once dashed across, Berdan's sharp-shooters in front, and charged into the enemy's rifle-pits, capturing Col. Gleason, 12th Vir ginia, and over 400 men, with a loss of some 40. Our command of the ford was complete; and Lee, thor oughly worsted, fell back to Culpep per that night, and across the Rapi dan the next. Our railroad was then rebuilt down to and across the Rap pahannock, and reopened77 to Bran dy ^Station; which thus became our d£pot of supplies. It was a prevalent conviction among its more energetic and enter prising officers that our army might have advanced directly on the heel of its brilliant success at Rappahan nock Station and its seizure of the fords, and caught that of the enemy dispersed in Winter cantonments or compelled it to fight at disadvantage before it could be concentrated and intrenched in a strong position. Meade, however, with his habitual caution, waited till the bridge at Rappahannock Station was rebuilt, and every thing provided for moving safely; when, finding that he was not assailed nor likely to be, he again gave76 the order to advance. A storm forthwith burst, which dic tated a delay of three days ; after which, the start was actually made : Gen. French, with the 3d corps, fol lowed by Sedgwick, with the 6th, crossing the Rapidan at Jacob's mill ; Gen. Warren, with the 2d, at Ger mania ford — both moving on Rob ertson's tavern ; while Sykes, with the 5th, followed by Newton, with two divisions of the 1st, crossed at Culpepper ford, and Gregg, with a division of cavalry, crossed at Ely's " Nov. 19. ,a Nov. 23. MEADE'S ADVANCE TO MINE RUN. 399 RICHARDS V.'1' Ij '- WILDtp'NE:SS) if i,^--'-s''''''°''w\l4r»v ' ^av \1'aa a r * i r u lA'y^^^^y^ o. c .A V , AMf» <£$ f M%? :{a^ A^ c _#7 N A<>;HV> ' ;>>r. ., > fp^t. )/";:»; r>' r. - o • fe- ; e- re>/ A# >S T-Ao _--./->> V« j&y ,/ 0 A^ /Will , i ? a'/ ;prtl l f ^ «cT°V^a 3 PARKER'S ST0Rg_" CRM>S_1 ICEJ ROM_, MILES MIME KFN AND VICISIIT. ford, and advanced on the Catharpen road, covering the left or most ex posed flank of our infantry: the other two divisions, under Custer and Merritt, watching respectively the upper fords of the Rapidan and the trains parked, at Richardsville in our rear. Fully 70,000 men were engaged in this movement; while Lee (Longstreet being still absent) could oppose to it only the two heavy corps or grand divisions of A. P. Hill and Ewell, estimated by Meade at 50,000 strong. Our troops moved at 6 a.m.; ™ but energy and punctuality, save in re treat, seem to have long ere now de serted this army; and the 3d corps " Nov. 26. 400 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. — through the mistake, it is said, of Gen. Prince, commanding one of its divisions, who took a wrong road — did not even reach Jacob's mill till afternoon ; and then the banks of the river were steep, &c, &c. — the upshot of all being that the prompt corps had to wait for the laggard; so that, instead of concentrating on Robertson's tavern that evening, as Meade had prescribed, our army spent the day in getting across, and the heads of its columns bivouacked a mile or two from the fords ; thus precluding all possibility of surpris ing the enemy or taking him at dis advantage. Our troops moved on at daylight next morning ;8° the 2d corps repel ling the enemy's skirmishers and reaching, at 10 A. m., Robertson's tavern ; where Early's, Rhodes's, and E. Johnson's divisions of Ewell's corps confronted it. Warren was thereupon ordered to halt, and await the arrival of French, then momently expected. At 11, word came from him that he was near the plank road, and was there waiting for Warren. He was ordered afresh to push on at once to Robertson's tavern, where he would find Warren engaged and requiring his support. Several officers having been sent by Meade to reiterate and emphasize this order, an answer was received from French, at 1 p. m., that the enemy were throwing a force to his right flank at Raccoon ford. Once more, he was ordered to advance forthwith, and, if resisted, to attack with all his might, throwing forward his left to connect with Gen. War ren. French received this order at 2^ p. m., but protested against it as hazardous, and desired the staff cap tain who brought it to assume the responsibility of suspending its exe cution ! Thus, with all manner of hesitations and cross-purposes — Prince once halting two hours at a fork for orders as to which road he should take — the day was squan dered; Meade, sorely disappointed by French's non-arrival, being at length obliged to order the 1st corps over from the plank road to the support of Warren, who was hard pressed,81 near Robertson's tavern, which he regarded as the key of the position. The 5th corps came up next morn ing ;M and now Gregg went forward with his cavalry on the plank road, and had a smart collision with Stuart's troopers, whom he pushed back upon their infantry supports; when he recoiled and allowed Sykes to go forward, connecting with War ren, to the vicinity of Hope Church. 80 Nov.. 21. 81 The Richmond Dispatch has a letter from _ correspondent with the Rebel army, dated Nov. 28, which gives their loss during this day's fighting as "fully 500 killed and wounded;" adding : " Of the loss ofthe enemy, I am not advised ; but I am now disposed to doubt if it was as heavy as our own. They fought, I am told, quite well, and fired more accurately than usual." Among their casualties he instances Gens. Stuart (J. E. B.) and J. M.. Jones slightly wound ed; Col. Nelligan, 1st La., severely; and Lt- Col. Walton, 23d Va., killed. Our losses on this day were 309, but this in cludes none from French's corps, who were skirmishing a good part of the day ; while we lost a few more on the 29th and 30th. The Dispatch correspondent reports that Rosser's cavalry, raiding in our rear, struck a train near Wilderness tavern, and captured TO wagons (whereof they destroyed 50), and brought off 150 prisoners and as many mules or horses. It is probable that, including deserters, either army was depleted by fully 1,000 men during this Mine Run movement. 8'J Nov. 28. THE MINE RUN FIASCO. 401 Our army being now disposed for a determined attack, it was found that the enemy had retreated ; whereupon the 2d corps moved out two miles farther, and found the enemy in posi tion along the west bank of Mine Run, facing eastward ; where the 2d, 6th, 1st, and part of the 3d corps, under a pelting November rain, were brought into line confronting them a little after dark. The enemy's deliberately chosen position was of course a good one. The ' run' was of little consequence, so far as water was concerned, being rarely over two feet deep ; but its immediate banks were in places swampy and scarcely passable ; while a bare, smooth slope ascended gently for half a mile or so to a crest or- ridge, perhaps a hundred feet above the surface of the stream, already bristling with abatis, infantry para pets, and epaulements for batteries. After careful reconnoissance, an at tack directly in front was negatived : so Warren, with the 2d and a divi sion of the 6th corps, was impelled farther to our left (south), with in structions to feel for the enemy's flank and turn it if possible, while each corps commander should more closely examine the ground in his front, and report on the practicability of an assault. The next day "* was spent in this reconnoissance — the Rebel defenses being of course strengthened every hour — Gen. Wright, commanding a division of the 6th corps, reporting, at 6 p. m., that he had discovered a point on our extreme right where an assault might be made with a good prospect of cheap and decisive suc cess. Warren soon reported from our left that he had outflanked the ene my's line of defenses, and could easily assault and turn them. Meade there upon decided to attack at all points next morning. At 8 p. m., Warren reported to Meade in person, expressing such confidence in his ability to carry every thing before him, while French had reported against the assault just ordered on the enemy's center, that Meade decided to forego, or at least, to postpone, that assault, and send two divisions of the 3d corps to reen force Warren, so as to give him six divisions (nearly half the army), and thus render the success of his con templated attack a moral certainty. So our men lay down once more on their arms, with orders to the corps commanders that the batteries of the right and center should open at 8 A. m. ;" at which hour, Warren was to make the grand assault : Sedgwick striking in on our right an hour later ; while the three divisions of the 1st and 3d corps, left to hold our center, which were only to demonstrate and menace in the morning, were to ad vance and assault whenever the flank attacks should have proved suc cessful. Meantime, our cavalry skir mished at various points with the enemy's, who attempted to molest our communications at the fords and elsewhere; but who were repulsed and driven off. Our batteries opened at the desig nated hour ; our skirmishers in the center dashed across Mine Run, push ing back those of the enemy ; while Sedgwick, who had massed his col umn during the night, as near the enemy's lines as possible, awaited the moment for attack. But nothing Vol H— 26 "Nov. 29. 84 Nov. 30. 402 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. was heard from Warren, till ten minutes before 9, when his dispatch reached Meade, stating that he had found the enemy's defenses so strong that he did not feel able to carry them, and had suspended his attack in consequence. Sedgwick was there upon directed to hold off till further orders, while Meade galloped to Warren, four miles off, and conferred with him as to the situation. He found Warren fixed in the conviction that an attack on this flank was hopeless ; and now it was too late to concentrate for a determined attack on the center ; while, if the attempt to flank the enemy's left was to be further prosecuted, the whole army must be moved toward our left, aban doning the turnpike, which was our main line of communication and of retreat. Meade concluded to desist for the day : the 5th and 6th corps, with two divisions of the 3d, returning to their former positions. Meanwhile, the opening of our batteries in the morning had exposed to the enemy the point on his left where we had purposed to attack, and he had made haste to strengthen it by earthworks, abatis, and guns. Our supply trains had been left north of the Rapidan. If the move ment should be persisted in, they must .be brought over, in order that our soldiers' haversacks mie-ht be re- 86 Dec. 1-2. 85 Gen. A. P. Howe, testifying before the Com mittee on the Conduct of the War, thus sums up the judgment of those officers of his army who were dissatisfied with Meade's leadership ; " I do not think they have full confidence in the ability or state of mind of Gen. Meade. What I mean by that is the animus that directs the movements of the army. They do not think there is that heart, and energy, and earnestness of purpose in the war, to make every use of the means at his command to injure the enemy and carry on the war successfully. I do not think plenished. Then the turnpike and plank roads must be abandoned, and our army cut loose from its resources, at a season when a few hours' rain would convert the river in its rear into a raging, foaming flood. All the important roads in this region run from Gordonsville and Orange Court House eastward to Fredericksburg ; and our army, moving southward to flank the enemy, must cut and bridge roads for its guns and trains. That army, if not discouraged by the bun gles and failures of the last week, must by this time have been soured and intensely disgusted. To rush it now on the Rebel defenses — which had grown and were growing strong er each hour — would be to expose it to defeat in a position where defeat was sure to be disastrous, and might prove ruinous. Meade decided, there fore, to back out — and this was the least wretched part of the entire wretched business. He says he should have marched to the heights of Fred ericksburg, if Halleck had left him at liberty to do so ; but he probably evinced more sense, if less spirit, in plumply retreating, so bringing his army back across the Rapidan during the night," and taking up his pon toons next morning, without having been pursued, or anywise molested during his retreat.80 And this ter minated, with the Army of the Poto mac, the campaign of 1863. they have, I will not say confidence, but faith in him. They do not expect from him what the crisis seems to call for. They believe that, if he is attacked, he will do all he can to defend his position. But that he will act with zeal and en ergy, or that his whole heart and soul are in the bringing all the means successfully to bear to break down the enemy, so far as I can judge, they do not look for that ; they do not expect it. So far as I can judge, a great many officers think he can do very well in a defensive fight. If he was called upon to guard the Potomac or Wash ington, he will make good marches to stop the enemy; but that he will be active, zealous, en- FIGHTS AT WYTHEVILLE AND LEWISBURG. 403 The more important military op erations in (and from) West Yie- cunia, during 1863, were as follows : A raiding expedition, 1,000 strong, consisting of the 2d Yirginia (Union) cavalry, Col. John Toland, and 34th Ohio infantry (mounted), which struck out87 from Browntown, West Yir ginia, crossing Lens mountain to Coal river, and thence moving south easterly by Raleigh and Wyoming Court House, zigzagged over the Guyan, Tug, and several other ranges of mountains, swooped down"8 on Wytheville, a village of 1,800 inhab itants,, and a place of considerable importance. Hitherto, they had pass ed over a rugged, wild, and sterile region, having very few inhabitants and no elements of resistance ; but, charging into Wytheville, they were fired on from the houses, whereby Col. Toland was soon killed and Col. Powell, 34th Ohio, mortally wound ed, as were several of their leading subordinates. After firing some of the buildings whence they were thus assailed, our men, abandoning their dead and wounded, fell back two miles and encamped ; starting for home, under Lt.-Col. Franklin, 34th Ohio, early next morning. Hungry, worn out, and dispirited, they lost nearly half their horses on their de vious way homeward : wending from early dawn till midnight over the roughest mountains, and being four days without food, till they struck Tug fork the second night, where they found and killed some cattle. Misled by a treacherous guide, they wasted next day wandering through the mountains, finding89 rations and feed at Fayetteville; having ridden over 400 miles, lost 83 men, with at least 300 horses, and endured as much misery as could well be crowded into a profitless raid of eight days. Gen. W. W. Averill, setting forth from Huttonsville, Randolph county, moved down the line dividing West from old Yirginia, pushing back the small Rebel forces in that quarter under Col. W. S. ['Mudwall'] Jack son, and menacing an advance on Staunton. At length, when near Lew isburg and White Sulphur Springs, he was met80 by a force about equal to his own, under Maj.-Gen Sam. Jones, but more immediately com manded by Col. Geo. S. Patton, who had chosen a strong position in a gorge between steep mountains that precluded flanking, where a spirited fight was maintained throughout the day, and till noon of the next ; when Averill drew off, short of ammuni tion, leaving one disabled gun. He had calculated on help from Gen. Scammon, commanding on the Ka nawha, which did not reach him. Our ergetic, in using his means to strike successful offensive blows against the enemy, not at all; he is not the man for that — at least that is my im pression. " Question : The same observation you apply to Gen. Meade will apply to the corps command ers you refer to, will it not ? " Answer : I think so. I do not know as it would be proper for me to state here the terms we use in the army. However, we say there is too much Copperheadism in it. This is so for different reasons : with some, there is a desire to raise up Gen. McClellan ; with others, there is a dislike to some of the measures of the Gov ernment ; they do not like the way tho Negro question is handled. And, again, the impres sion is made upon my mind that there are some who have no faith in this war, who have no heart in it ; they will not do any thing to com mit themselves ; but there is a wide difference between doing your duty so as not to commit yourself, and doing all that might reasonably be expected of you at these times. I do not know as I can express myself better than saying that there is Copperheadism at the root of the mat ter." " July 13. "8 July 18. " July 23. " Aug. 26. 404 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. total loss here was 207; Patton re ports his at 156, and says he took 117 prisoners. He attempted to pursue with cavalry, but to little purpose. Averill returned to Huttonsville. Late in the Fall, Averill, starting from Beverly with some 5,000 men, and, chasing Col. 'Mudwall' Jack son, struck81 a somewhat smaller Rebel force under Gen. Echols, strongly posted on the top of Droop mountain, in Greenbrier county, routed him, and drove him back into Monroe county, with heavy loss. Ours was 120 in all; the Rebels twice or thrice so many, including 100 prisoners,, with 3 guns and 700 small arms. West Yirginia was thus nearly cleared of armed Rebels at the close of the campaign ; and they never after entered it but as raiders. XVIII. THE CHATTANOOGA CAMPAIGN. MIDDLE AND EAST TENNESSEE. While Gen. Rosecrans, at Mur freesboro', was accumulating wagons, munitions, and supplies, for a deter mined advance against Bragg's army confronting him at Shelbyville or Tullahoma, the noted and generally successful raider Morgan was prepar ing, on our right, for a more exten sive and daring cavalry expedition than he had yet undertaken. Mean time, a party of predatory horsemen, about 80 in number, claiming to be long to the 2d Kentucky Confederate cavalry, crossed the Ohio from west ern Kentucky near Leavenworth,Ind., about the middle of June, raiding through Orange, Orleans, and Wash ington counties ; and were trying to make their way back into Kentucky, when they were cornered1 by the Leavenworth home guards, Maj. Clen- denin, and the steamboat Izetta, and were soon glad to surrender. Barely one of them escaped to the Kentucky shore, and he was immediately cap tured. At length, setting out " from Spar ta, Morgan crossed3 the Cumberland, then in flood, near Burkesville — building boats for his trains and swimming his horses — with a well- mounted force of 2,028 effectives and 4 guns ; pushing back Col. Wolford's cavalry, who sought to impede his march, passing through4 Columbia, which was partially sacked by his subordinates, contrary to orders, and striking ° Green river at Tebb's bend ; where 200 of the 25th Michigan, Col. O. H. Moore, had, wholly within the last 24 hours, intrenched themselves, formed abatis, &c, and prepared to stay. Morgan summoned them in due form, and was courteously in formed by Moore that, on account of this being ' the glorious Fourth,' he could n't entertain the proposition. Morgan, having two regiments at hand, forthwith assaulted ; and a des perate fight of some hours ensued, wherein Col. Chenault, Maj. Brent, and several more of his best officers " Nov. 6; 1 June 19, 1863. "June 27. s July 1-2. 4 July 3. 8 July 4. MORGAN'S RAID INTO INDIANA AND OHIO. 405 were killed, and he was finally com pelled to draw off, badly worsted. Moore had but 6 killed, 23 wound ed. Morgan lost 25 killed and 20 wounded.' Moving thence on Lebanon, which was held by Col. Hanson,7 20th Ky., with 400 of his men, Morgan sum moned it at sunrise,8 and was refused. After spending seven hours in fruit less efforts to reduce it, he at length charged into the town, and set fire to the buildings whence Hanson was firing — burning a good part of the place, and compelling Hanson to sur render. Here Morgan's young brother was killed, leading a charge. And he had lost so much time at Tebb's bend and here, that our cavalry were closing in upon him; so the Rebel raider decamped at dark, during a furious rain, compelling his prisoners (whom he had not yet bad time to pa role) to race ten miles in ninety min utes to Springfield — one, who could not or would not keep the pace, being shot dead by the way. Moving rapidly by Shepherdsville and Bardstown,' Morgan struck the Ohio at Brandenburg,10 40 miles be low Louisville; seizing there the steamboats McCombs and Alice Dean, on which he crossed his com mand — increased, during his prog ress, by Kentucky sympathizers, till it was said now to number 4,000 men, with 10 guns. The Alice Dean was burned; the McCombs — which probably belonged to a friend, who had placed it where it would be wanted — was left unharmed. Gen. Hobson, who, with a bad start, had been fol lowing from the Cumberland, under " They say. Moore says 50 killed, 250 wounded. * Brother of Roger W., the Rebel General. the direction of Gen. H. M. Judah, reached Brandenburg just after Mor gan's last boat-load had left it. Morgan sped inland, by Corydon, Greenville, and Palmyra, to Salem, Ind., where he surrounded11 and cap tured 350 ' Home Guards,' who had fallen back thus far from Corydon before him. He here broke up the railroad, burnt the depot, and or dered a general conflagration of mills and factories, but allowed each to be ransomed by the payment of $1,000 in cash. Thence moving by zigzags, but in an easterly course, through Yienna, dividing up his command so as to cut railroads and telegraphs on every side, the raider at once threatened 12 Madison and demanded the surrender of Old Yernon, where a body of militia had hastily assem bled to oppose him ; but he decamped on finding the militia in earnest. Passing thence through Yersailles," and making capital bargains in horse- trades all along, his followers concen trated at Harrison, just across the Ohio fine ; sweeping around Cincin nati" at distances of 7 to 20 miles, and pushing thence by Miamisville, Williamsburg, Sardinia, Piketon, and Jackson, they struck the Ohio at Buffington island, not far below Parkersburg, whence they counted on an easy escape through the poor, thinly settled adjacent region of West Yirginia and north-eastern Kentucky to the more congenial shades of south western Yirginia. Of course, they levied on the stores and granaries, as well as the stables and kitchens, along their route ; but the pursuit was so hot that they 8 July 5, "July 6. ,0 July 1. "July! 18 July 11. " July 12. " July 13-14. 406 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. found time to do comparatively little mischief. Crossing the Little Miami railroad, they obstructed the track at a spot suited to their purpose, and watched it till the train, at 7 a. m., came down from Morrow ; throwing off the locomotive, killing the fire man, and wounding the engineer; when they rushed out of the adjacent woods, and, while the cars were being fired and burnt, they captured and paroled 200 unarmed recruits, who they had probably been apprised were coming. There was some skirmishing from day to day ; but the raiders were too strong for any force that could be as sembled on' the instant, while their route could not be foreseen, and they moved too swiftly — burning bridges and obstructing roads behind them — to permit the gathering cloud in their rear to overtake them : these having but a second and very inferior choice in swapping horses. Still, a considerable force had col lected in their front at Chilicothe; but Morgan had pressing business in another direction. Hobson, on reaching the Ohio, had foreseen that the chase would be obliged to take water again, and had 6ent at once to Louisville to have the river well patrolled by gunboats. And, so soon as it became evident that Mor gan was making for Pomeroy or Gal- lipolis with intent to cross, the inhab itants along the roads leading thither began to fall trees across them in his front, materially interfering with the freedom and celerity of his move ments. At length,16 the weary, har assed raiders struck the Ohio just at daylight, at a ford a little above Pomeroy, and sent across two com panies, who were received with a vol ley, which plainly said, 'No thor oughfare;' and the next moment brought tidings of a gunboat, which had drawn off when fired at, but would of course spread the alarm far and wide. One of Morgan's Colonels now re ported that he had charged and rout ed a hostile force posted in rifle-pits not far distant, capturing 150 prison ers ; and the chief was hurrying his preparations for crossing his men forthwith, when the roar of guns down the river argued gunboats at hand, just as three heavy columns of infantry appeared, crowning the bluffs in his rear and on his right, opening fire on the close columns of the fugitives. Forthwith, the word was given to flee up the river, and it was obeyed with alacrity; leaving guns, wagons, &c, with dismounted men, sick, wounded, &c, to the num ber of 600, to become prisoners. Morgan and his remaining troop ers sped up the river some 14 miles to Belleville ; where they had fairly begun, at 3 p. m., to swim their horses across — 330 having got away — when Gens. Hobson and Shackleford, in command of a division of their pur suers, were again upon them ; while several gunboats confronted them on the river, manned by Gen. Scammon, commanding on the Kanawha ; he having brought down two or three regiments to share in the hunt. As there was no hope in fighting, the raiders took post on a high, scarcely accessible bluff, where they were sum moned by Shackleford to surrender. They asked an hour for considera tion: he gave them forty minutes; and, when these expired, all that re- 18 July 19. CAPTURE AND ESCAPE OF MORGAN. 407 mained (over 1,000) gave up; but Morgan, with a small body of adhe rents, had put off, and was not in cluded in the capitulation. Though the surrender was made to the mili tary, it is clear that the gunboats con strained it ; the river being then so low that horsemen forded it, aided by a little swimming, with slight dif ficulty. But the Moose, Lt.-Com'g L. Fitch, was always in the way when a crossing was attempted, dispensing shell and canister to all comers, and driving back the haggard, wayworn raiders to the shore they were so anxious to leave. Other gunboats were likewise on the alert; though * the low stage of the water forbade the use of any but the lighter and less effective. Morgan, with- the remnant of his force, now stripped of its guns and wagons, with all the miscellaneous plunder it had hitherto accumulated, fled inland to McArthur ; thence making another forlorn attempt to . . strike the river and cross just above Marietta; then pushing inland again to Eastport, and thence irregularly north-east till near New Lisbon, where they were at length so sur rounded and hemmed in by militia, home guards, &c, in addition to the pursuers«ever hot on their track, that they were driven to take refuge on a bluff, whence there was no escape ; and here they surrendered 18 at dis cretion. Thus, of all who started on this hare-brained raid, less than 400, under Col. Adam R. Johnson, who got across at Belleville, and fled thence into south-western Yirginia, escaped death or captivity. Of the residue, some 500 were killed or wounded. And, while earnest at tempts were made to demonstrate that the loss inflicted on the Fede rals, in the diversion of forces, cut ting of railroads, &c, outweighed its unquestioned cost, it is note-worthy that the Confederates never seemed to have any more brigades of cavalry which they wished to dispose of on similar terms. Morgan and several of his officers were taken to Columbus and con fined in the penitentiary ; their heads being shaved, like those of ordinary felons. No good reason has been assigned for this treatment, nor does it appear by whom it was ordered — certainly not by the Government. No labor was required of them ; but they were confined in cells ; whence seven of them, Morgan included, dug out and" escaped ; " changing their clothes in the sentry-box on the outer wall, and separating so soon as they were free. Morgan and a Capt. Hines proceeded at once to the Cin cinnati depot, got upon the train, which they knew would start at 1 A. m., and were carried by it very near to Cincinnati, when they put on the brakes at the rear of the train, checked its speed, jumped off, and ran to the Ohio, across which they were ferried to Kentucky, and went at once to a house where shelter and refreshment awaited them. Thence, Morgan made his way through Ken tucky and Tennessee to northern Georgia ; losing his companion by the way, but finding himself at last among those who did not fear to avow their sympathy with his cause, and their admiration for his charac ter. Thence, he proceeded to Rich mond, where he was greeted with an ovation, and made a speech, re- 18 July 26. ,T Nov. 26. 408 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. counting his adventures, and protest ing that the telegraphic blazon which appeared at the nick of time of his having just arrived at Toronto, was " purely fortuitous," and that " his escape was made entirely without assistance from any one outside" the prison — an assertion not needed to incite and justify a strong presump tion that the fact was otherwise. Thence, he returned to service in East Tennessee ; where he was killed the next year. Gen. Rosecrans's remaining inac tive at Murfreesboro' till late in the Summer of 1863 was dictated by imperative necessity. His supplies were mainly drawn from Louisville, far distant, over a single railroad, traversing a semi-hostile country, and requiring heavy guards at every de pot, bridge, and trestle, to save it from destruction by Rebel raiders or incendiaries. Though his army was stronger than that which confronted him under Bragg, its cavalry was weaker ; 18 as had been proved at Stone river, and in other collisions. Though his best efforts were. given to strengthening it, he could hardly ob tain horses so fast as they were worn out or lost through the superior ac tivity, vigor, or audacity, of the Rebel partisans, Forrest, Wheeler, and Mor gan. But, at length — Morgan hav ing departed on his great raid into the Free States, and Rosecrans hav ing obtained, since Winter, about 6,000 beasts of burden, partly by im pressment — -he felt justified in giving the order to advance. Of Bragg's infantry, 18,000, under ' K Halleck, in his report, says he. sent Rose crans no more horses, because he could not ob tain forage for those he already had. Rosecrans responds that there was forage enough in the Bishop Polk, held a very strong po sition, formidably intrenched, at Shel- byville, where over five miles of earth works had been constructed, mainly by the labor of 3,000 slaves, drawn from Alabama and Georgia. Behind this, 18 miles distant, and behind a difficult mountain region, traversed by bad roads, carried for miles through gorges so narrow that two wagons could scarcely pass, was an other intrenched camp at Tullahoma: Hardee's corps, 12,000 strong, at War trace, on the right of Shelby ville, covering the railroad and holding the mountain gaps in its front. Be side these, Bragg had a division un der Buckner, at or near Knoxville and Chattanooga. Perhaps 40,000 was the extent of the force he would be able to concentrate for a battle ; while Rosecrans had not less than 60,000 ; but then, if the former fell back, destroying the railroads and bridges, he would naturally be strengthened ; while Rosecrans, pro tecting his communications, would . be steadily becoming weaker. Rosecrans advanced19 with intent to flank the enemy's right, concentra ting on Manchester, and thence men acing his communications below Tul lahoma in such manner as to compel him to come out of his strongholds and fight a battle on ground which gave him no advantage. To do this, it was necessary to deceive Bragg by a feint of assaulting him in his works at Shelbyville ; thus compelling him to concentrate and uncover the diffi cult mountain passes on his right, through which our main advance must be made. And, on the day country ; yet his horses suffered for it, because his cavalry was not strong enough to go out and get it. It is not necessary to add that his is tha better reason. » June 24. ROSECRANS ADVANCES TO SHELBTVILLE. 409 our movement commenced, it began to storm, and continued to rain for seventeen successive days, swelling the mountain rills to torrents, and gullying the roads so badly that one division was three days in marching 21 miles, though unopposed and mak ing the utmost exertions. Our army moved on three main roads : the 14th corps, Gen. Thomas, in the center, toward Manchester ; the 21st, Gen. Crittenden, on our left, toward McMinnville ; the 20th, Gen. A. D. McCook, directly on Shelbyville ; Gen. Gordon Granger's reserve division supporting both the llth and 20th. Crittenden's move ment was to be made last, with one brigade of cavalry under Turchin; all the rest, under Stanley, was thrown out on our right. Every movement directed, though impeded and somewhat delayed by the nearly impassable state of the roads, was successfully made. Lib erty gap, in McCook's front, was car ried by a vigorous advance of John son's division; while Hoover's gap, in Thomas's front, was surprised by Wilder's mounted brigade of Rey nolds's division, and held against heavy odds till Reynolds could bring up his entire division and secure it. On the 27th, Rosecrans had his head quarters in Manchester, with Thom as's corps around him; Sheridan, with the right division of McCook's corps, arriving next morning, and the rest of that corps during the 29th. The enemy, deceived and overpow ered, had been forced back, with lit tle more than smart, persistent skir mishing, to Fairfield. Manchester itself had been surprised by Wilder on the morning of that day. Granger had started" from Triune, on our extreme right, moving by Ro ver and Middleton, pushing back the enemy, by lively skirmishes at either place, to Christiana, on the road from Murfreesboro' to Shelbyville, where he was joined by Stanley; advan cing"- thence on Guy's gap, covering Shelbyville, which was at first firmly held by the enemy; but, after two hours' skirmishing, they suddenly fell back, as though tbey had been cover ing a retreat. Granger at once di rected Stanley to advance his cavalry and clear the gap, which was quickly done; the Rebels making all speed for seven miles to .their rifle-pits, barely three miles north of Shelby ville, where two well-posted guns checked the pursuit. But Granger, now satisfied that the enemy must be evacuating, ordered a fresh cav alry charge, before which the foe again gave way, and were chased to within a short mile of the town, where three guns were planted so as to sweep all the approaches, formida bly backed by infantry. It was now 6 p. m., and, Granger having his in fantry well up, Stanley again charged, and in half an hour Shelbyville was ours, with three excellent brass guns, more than 500 prisoners, 3,000 sacks of corn, &c, &c. Wheeler escaped by swimming Duck river; but the 1st Confederate cavalry, which had formed to stop our charge to enable him to do so, were mainly killed or taken. Our army now rested a little, while reconnoissances were made to ascer tain the position of the enemy, and Wilder was sent to strike the railroad in Bragg's rear near Decherd, burn Elk river bridge, and do whatever ' June 23, 2 s. M. "June 21. 410 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. other execution he might. He failed in this — the bridge being too strongly held — but damaged the railroad a little, and thoroughly alarmed the enemy; so that, on a renewal of Rosecrans's maneuvers to flank Tul- lahoma as he had flanked Shelby ville, Bragg decamped,22 and three divisions of our infantry entered it at noon next day. Gens. Sheridan, Thomas, and Tur- chin, severally struck the Rebel rear guard on Elk river the day after; but found that stream so swollen by the incessant rains as to be scarcely fordable. When they did cross,23 the enemy had wholly disappeared, and were beyond the reach of present pursuit. Thus, in nine days, Rosecrans had, without a serious engagement, cleared Middle Tennessee of the Rebel army, at a cost of barely 560 men; disa bling at least as many, and taking 1,634 prisoners, 3 guns, and mucb other spoil. And only the celerity of Bragg's flight, with the lack of suspicion on our side that he would abandon the State and his strong po sitions without a struggle, saved him from still greater disasters. Bragg, having obtained a fair start, by running while Rosecrans was in tent on fighting, and having the use of a railroad whereon to transport his heavy guns and supplies, destroying it behind him, easily made good his flight over the Cumberland mount ains and the Tennessee ; crossing the latter at and near Bridgeport, where he destroyed the railroad bridge be hind him. Rosecrans was expected at Washington to follow him up sharply : but how could he ? His army must live ; and it could by no means subsist on what was left it by Bragg's devouring host in that rug ged, sterile region ; while the wagon ing of food, much more of forage, over the steep, often waterless mount ains that abound there, was utterly impracticable. While, therefore, his light troops followed the flying enemy to the river, and his advanced posts stretched from Stevenson on the right to Pelham on the left, the General kept his main body behind the Cum berland mountains, on a line from Winchester to McMinnville, while his engineers repaired the railroad down to Stevenson; when the East Tennessee road was in like manner repaired thence to Bridgeport,24 and Sheridan's division of McCook's corps thrown forward to hold it. Even by the help of such a railroad line, Rose crans felt that forage could not be had in that rugged, wooded, scantily grassed region, until the Indian corn was far enough matured to afford it. At length, having already accumula ted considerable supplies at Steven son, our army moved on :" Thomas's corps following the general direc tion of the railroad to Stevenson and thence to Bridgeport ; McCook's corps moving on its right, with Stan ley's cavalry thrown far out on that flank; while Crittenden's corps, on our left, advanced in three columns, under Wood, Yan Cleve, and Palm er, from Manchester and McMinn ville, across the Sequatchie valley at different points, moved directly on Chattanooga, the remaining Rebel stronghold in Tennessee, the key of East Tennessee and of all practicable northern approaches to Georgia. These movements were so thor oughly prepared and judiciously "Night of June 30. ' July 3. 1 July 25. ' Aug. 16. BRAGG ABANDONS CHATTANOOGA. 411 timed that but four or five days were employed in their execution, despite the ruggedness of the country — the Sequatchie valley cleaving the heart of the Cumberland mountains for 50 miles, and of course doubling the labor of crossing them — and Chattanooga was wakened26 by shells thrown across the river from the eminences north of it by Wilder's mounted brigade, simultaneously with Yan Cleve's division emerging from the mountains at Poe's crossing, con siderably to our left ; while Thomas's corps and part of McCook's prepared to pass the Tennessee at several points below. The Tennessee is here a very consid erable river, with its sources 200 miles distant, while the mountains that closely imprison it increase the diffi culties of approach and passage. But some pontoons were at hand ; while other material was quietly collected at points concealed from hostile ob servation; and a few days sufficed for the construction of bridges by Sheridan at Bridgeport, Reynolds at Shell Mound, some 10 or 15 miles above, and by McCook at Caperton's ferry, opposite Stevenson, below ; while Gen. Brannan prepared to cross on rafts at Battle creek, between Bridgeport and Shell Mound. The passage was commenced27 by Mc Cook, and completed 28 at all points within ten days: the several corps pushing forward, across high, steep mountains, to concentrate at Tren ton, Georgia, in the valley of Look out creek, which runs north-easterly into the Tennessee just below Chat tanooga. But it was not the plan to approach that stronghold in force down this narrow valley, but only with a. brigade of Crittenden's corps, which should climb thence, by a path known as the Nickajack trace, the lofty ridge known as Lookout mountain, looking down, from a fashionable re sort known as Summertown, into the streets of Chattanooga; while Tho mas, with his corps, supported by McCook, should push boldly forward, through Frick's or Stevens's gap, across Mission ridge, into the far broader valley known as McLamore's cove, which is traversed by the Chickamauga creek to the Tennes see just above Chattanooga. Bragg was in a quandary. Chat tanooga was strong, and he could hold it against an assault by Rose crans's larger army ; but what use in this, and how long could he defy starvation, if that army, having crossed the river below him, should cut his communications and establish- itself across the railroad in his rear ? To abandon Chattanooga was to provoke clamor; but to divide his forces, or allow them to be cooped up here, was to court destruction. He did what Johnston tried, when too late, to have done with regard to Yicksburg — he relinquished Chatta nooga and saved his army ; retiring M southward into Georgia, and posting his divisions along the highway from Gordon's mill to Lafayette, facing Pigeon mountain, through whose passes our army was expected to emerge from McLamore's cove. Rosecrans was evidently misled — though he does not fairly admit it — into believing the enemy absorbingly intent on escaping to Rome. Crit tenden, having taken s° peaceful pos session of Chattanooga, was directed 8 Aug. 21. Aug. 29. 38 Sept. 8. 1 Sept. T-S. Sept. 9. 412 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. to leave one brigade as a garrison, and, bringing all his corps across the Tennessee, pursue the enemy up the East Chickamauga creek and railroad to Ringgold and Dalton ; while Tho mas, backed by McCook, emerging from McLamore's cove through Dug gap of Pigeon mountain, should swoop down on Lafayette, driving or smashing all before him. Rosecrans was too fast entirely. Bragg was not fleeing to Rome, and had no idea of going thither at pres ent. On the contrary, he was silently concentrating around Lafayette the most numerous and effective army which had ever yet upheld the Rebel standard westward of the Allegha- nies. To render it such, Buckner had been summoned from Knoxville, abandoning East Tennessee to Burn side without a struggle ; Johnson had been drawn upon for a strong division under Walker on one hand — matters being now quiescent in and about Mississippi — while Lee, having satis fied himself that Richmond was in no danger from Meade, had dispatched Longstreet's heavy corps of veterans from the Rapidan ; and every thing in the shape of militia, &c, that could be gleaned from Georgia, had been set to guarding bridges, depots, &c.,so as to send every good soldier to the front. Rosecrans estimates Bragg's entire force, when he had thus been strengthened, at 92,000 — an enormous excess over ours — and there is no reasonable doubt that he had at length more men under his command than composed the army which was blindly, eagerly rushing upon him, as if intent on a deer-hunt rather than a life-and-death struggle with a wary and formidable foe. Crittenden advanced31 to Ring gold, throwing forward Wilder's mounted men to Tunnel hill, where they had a heavy skirmish, while Hazen, with Crittenden's rear divis ion, closed up on the advance ; but, by this time, Negley's division, of Thomas's corps, advancing to Dug gap,32 had found it decidedly held by the enemy, who could not be persua ded to leave. Baird's division came up next morning ; but both together were far too light, and wisely fell back, after a smart skirmish, retreat ing down the cove. And now Crit tenden, justly alarmed for his com munications, made38 a rapid flank march to Gordon's mill — Wilder, cov ering his rear, having to fight smartly at Sill's tan-yard by the way ; while McCook, having completely flanked Bragg's position by a southward ad vance nearly to Alpine, far on Bragg's left, became satisfied that the Rebel army was not retreating, and that he was in very deep water : so he com menced,34 by order, a very rapid movement to connect with Thomas, away on his left. In doing this, he was carried down into Lookout valley, thence up the mountain and down again ; so that he only closed up to Thomas on the 17th. Bragg had sprung his trap too soon.36 Had he permitted Thomas 31 Sept. 11. ^ Sept. 10. aaSept.l2. "Sept. 13. 55 Pollard sees the matter in a different light ; and his view seems worth considering. He says : " During the 9th, it was ascertained that a column of the enemy had crossed Lookout mount ain into the cove, by the way of Stevens's and Cooper's gaps. Thrown off his guard by our rapid movement, apparently in retreat, when in reality we had concentrated opposite his center, and deceived by information from deserters and others sent into his lines, the enemy pressed on his columns to intercept us, and thus exposed himself in detail. "A splendid opportunity was now presented to Bragg. The detached force in McLamore's cove was Thomas's corps. Being immediately opposite Lafayette, at and nearwhich Gen. Bragg BRAGG ADVANCES — ROSECRANS CONCENTRATES. 413 to force his way through Dug gap, with barely a decent show of resist ance, he might have crushed this first and our other corps in rapid succes sion ; or he might, disregarding Tho mas, have hurled his whole army upon Crittenden at Ringgold, crush ed him, and then interposed between Thomas and Chattanooga. But when Negley and Baird were forced back from Dug gap, the game was too plain. Instead of a keen chase after a flying enemy, it was at once com prehended by our Generals that they must concentrate and fight for their lives. Lafayette lies some 25 miles south by east of Chattanooga, on the main highway leading thence into Georgia, behind Pigeon mountain, in a valley whence Pea Yine creek flows north ward into the Chickamauga. Eight or ten miles north of Lafayette, the highway aforesaid passes through a gap in Pigeon mountain into Mc Lamore's cove, crossing the West Chickamauga at Gordon's mill. As Bragg was well aware that Thomas was in the upper part of that cove or valley, he moved down this road by his right, with intent to flank the left of our army — or so much of it as he might find in the cove — meaning thus to interpose between it and Chattanooga, and, if possible, be tween Thomas's corps and Critten den's. But Crittenden, as we have seen, had seasonably taken the alarm, and moved hastily across from Ring gold to the Chickamauga ; while Mc Cook, zigzagging down and up Mis sion ridge, had likewise made his way into the cove, and was in position, with most of our army, along the Lafayette and Chattanooga road, from above Gordon's mill on our right a full third of the distance to Rossville, a small hamlet situated in a gap of had all his forces concentrated, it was completely at the mercy of the latter. It was only neces sary that Gen. Bragg should fall upon it with suoh a mass as would have crushed it; then turned down Chattanooga valley, thrown him self in between the town and Crittenden, and crushed him ; then passed back between Look out mountain and the Tennessee river into Wills's valley, and cut off McCook's retreat to Bridgeport; thence moved along the Cumber land range into the rear of Burnside, and disposed of Aim. " No time was to be lost in taking advantage of a blunder of the enemy, into which he had fallen in his stupid conceit that the Confederates were retreating. Instant orders were given to Maj.-Gen. Hindman to prepare his division to move against Thomas ; and he was informed that another division from Lt.-Gen. D. H. Hill's com mand, at Lafayette, would move up to him and cooperate in the attack. " Gen. Hill received his orders on the night of the 9th. He replied that he could not undertake the movement; that the orders were impractica ble ; that Cleburne, who commanded one of his divisions, was sick ; and that both the gaps, Dug and Catlett's, through which they were required to move, were impassable, having been blocked by felled timber. " Early the next morning, Hindman , was promptly in position to execute his part of the critical movement. Disappointed at Hill's refu sal to move, Gen. Bragg, with desperate haste, dispatched an order to Maj.-Gen. Buckner to move from his present position at Anderson, and execute, without delay, the orders issued to Hill. -" It was not until the afternoon of the 10th, that Buckner joined Hindman; the two com mands being united near Davis's cross-roads in the cove. The enemy was stil lin flagrant error : moving his three columns with an apparent dis position to form a junction at or near Lafayette. To strike in detail these isolated commands, and to fall upon Thomas, who had got the enemy's center into McLamore's cove, such rapidity was necessary as to surprise the enemy before he discovered his mistake. "Lt.-Gen. Polk was ordered to Anderson's, to cover Hindman's rear; who, at midnight of the 10th, again received orders at all hazards to crush the enemy's center, and cut his way through to Lafayette. The indomitable Cleburne, despite the obstructions in the road, had moved up to Dug gap ; was in position at daylight, and only waited the sound of Hindman's guns to move on the enemy's flank and rear. " Courier after courier sped from Dug gap to urge Hindman on. But it was too late. The ene my had discovered the mistake that had well- nigh proved his ruin. He had, taking advantage of our delay, retreated to the mountain passes; and so the movement upon Thomas, which prom ised such brilliant results, was lost by an anach ronism by which the best-laid military schemes are so frequently defeated." 414 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. Mission ridge, four miles south of Chattanooga and six or eight north of Gordon's mill. But Negley's di vision watched Owen's ford, a mile or so to our right, where another and inferior road over Pigeon mountain crossed the creek near Crawfish spring ; while Sherman's and Jeff. C. Davis's divisions of McCook's corps were posted intermediately on the right of, but far nearer, our main fine, holding the road whieh, striking off from the main Lafayette road a little north of Gordon's mill, keeps straight up the cove on the west side of the Chickamauga. Gordon Gran ger, with his reserved corps, was posted two or three miles in the rear of our left, covering all the roads leading from the east and south-east into Rossville, and thus to Chatta nooga. Rosecrans had been deceived, and was taken at disadvantage, as many a good General had been before him. Instead of being warned, as he should have been, by Meade and Halleck, had their spies been worth a rush, that a heavy corps had been detached from Lee's army and probably sent against him, he had very recently re ceived advices of an opposite tenor. s° Minty, commanding our cavalry on the left, had been scouting nearly to Dalton, and had had several smart skirmishes " with the enemy's horse near that place, Ringgold, Lett's, and Rockspring church. As he still held the left, after our concentration, being thrown across the Lafayette road, he was here attacked38 in force, and compelled to give ground; showing that Bragg was massing heavily on his right, and crossing the Chicka mauga below (north of) Gordon's mill. Rosecrans was by this time aware that the matter threatened to be se rious. The stubborn attack on Minty evinced a disposition to turn his left and cut him off from Rossville, Chat tanooga, and any practicable line of retreat. The bulk of his army was too far up the valley for effective resistance to such a demonstration. The next day,39 therefore, was devo ted by him to concentrating his force more compactly, and farther to the left ; Bragg (whose reenforcements from Yirginia were just coming up from Dalton, where they had de barked from the cars), contenting himself with a fresh attack by Wajk, er's division on Minty's and onWildi er's horsemen at Alexander's bridge, which was carried, but burned ; our left being now fairly driven in to the Rossville and Lafayette road : though heavy clouds of dust were raised in front of our right also. All the fords for miles below Gordon's mill were now in the hands of the enemy, who were firmly established across the creek. By night, Bragg was ready for the onset — a division of Long- street's men, under Hood, being in position on his extreme right ; though 30 He had been favored, just before, with the following dispatch ; which clearly proves that his rash pursuit of Bragg was dictated from, or at least expected at, Washington: "Washington, Sept. 11, 1863. "Burnside telegraphs from Cumberland gap that he holds all East Tennessee ¦above Loudon, and also the gap of the North Carolina moun tains. A cavalry force is moving toward Athens to connect with you. After holding the moun tain passes on the west, and Dalton, or some other point on the railroad, to prevent the re turn of Bragg's army, it will be decided whether your army shall move farther south into Georgia and Alabama. It is reported here by deserters that a part of Bragg's army is reenforcing Lee. It is important that the truth of this should be ascertained as early as possible,. "H. W. Halleck, Commander-in-Chief." 37 Sept. 15. " Sept. IY. 3D Friday, Sept. 18. OPENING OF THE BATTLE OF CHICKAMAUGA. 415 Longstreet himself did not come up till next morning." Our army, now concentrated, was about 55,000 strong — seven divisions, under Wood, Yan Cleve, Palmer, J. J. Reynolds, Johnson (R. W.), Baird, and Brannan, forming our main line — perhaps 30,000 strong,rangingfrom right to left from Gordon's mill north ward ; the residue posted on the right and in reserve, as has already been stated. Bragg's general plan of bat tle was the same, as at Stone river, save that he now attempted to turn and crush our left as he then did our right. The Yirginians, under B. John son, were on his extreme right, already across the creek, and were to flank and turn our left ; while Walker was to cross at Alexander's (burned) bridge, just above, supported by Buckner (recently arrived with eight brigades from East Tennessee) ; the whole advancing upon and crushing our left by a left-wheel movement, while Polk was to press our front at Gordon's mill, fighting his way straight across, if possible; if not, then to veer to the right and cross at Tedford's or Dalton's ford, lower down ; while Hill (D. H.) should cover his left flank, and assail in flank any force that should attempt to move down from the isolated di visions on our right to the support of our front and left. Wheeler's cav alry was assigned the easy task of holding the gaps in Pigeon mount ain, covering the Rebel left and rear, and gathering up all stragglers from the front. From favorable points on Pigeon mountain, Bragg's scouts — in fact, whole brigades of his men — had looked down on our army as it moved generally northward in the act of concentration, noting its posi tions and the strength of each corps and division — theirs being all the time concealed from us. The advan tage thus secured was a very great one, and explains, otherwise than by superior generalship, the fact that their troops were so disposed for and handled in action as to be more effec tive in proportion to their numbers than ours were. And thus, when night fell,41 two-thirds of Bragg's army was across the creek, holding firmly all the fords they cared for, save those directly at Gordon's mill, and had inflicted quite as much damage as they had suffered. True, the stream was often, if not gen erally, fordable ; but its banks were in good part steep and rocky; so that, had they been skilfullly de fended and firmly held, they could not have been carried without heavy loss. Polk was in chief command on the Rebel right, as was Hood on the left ; and the former was proceeding42 to execute Bragg's order aforesaid for a general flanking movement; but Thomas, who held our left, confront ing him, chose to strike first. He had only reached at daylight that morning the new position assigned him by Rosecrans, facing Reid's and Alexander's bridges or fords, when Col. Dan. McCook, commanding a brigade of the reserve corps, reported that he had been holding the front here during the night, and had discov ered a Rebel brigade this side of the Chickamauga, apparently isolated, and which he thought might be cut off, as he (McCook) had destroyed Reid's bridge directly behind it. Hereupon, Thomas ordered Brannan " Sept. 19. ' Friday, Sept. 18. ' Sept. 19. 416 THE AMERICAN CONFLICT. / v^%. i » r \a?t \ wt y \ %lMi I A^tVnerssta. \%% E ^ N WW EQ-#S\ V-S — \t \%JS MISSIONARY /Ml US^'1 _ gi'i'fc }/" H' ^S^^V?^! j-^'^aJio's br\a_E__|_|mji:'_ ** v) Vyi«f <_i.. ...^y\ %. ~f%z if fVWAU HATCH IEj BIOW^NG" ipsR\ ^uiROSSVIU-' SEPT20T! a %1*.*%= fee* i3/_4 . f AfA \- \ ro°* ^yGORDONS'MllJ. / S#,U »fo \ * _ AA* / Y* ¦ ' _. >fe "- / \ \ /»¦# / \ tt-f ¦ •^"ISJpRTHINGGAP !, J?;'6aTLETTXGAP ^ ,-i -'Al sf A. \ U4 i #_!' •n ) = %V \ # 'H-IGH P„ T_-o TR E N T 0 N \ ( ^, . | \ \%, /g'"